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27. On a more specific note, by the above Decree, the Minister for Equal Opportunities has been mandated to promote and coordinate the Government‟s actions relating to women‟s human rights and equal opportunities in the following fields: health, research, education, environment, family, employment, public offices and women representation. 28. The Minister is also responsible for the prevention and elimination of any forms of discrimination in accordance with the Founding Treaty of the European Community.
2 On a more specific note, by Presidential Decree of the Council of Minister, it is decreed on June 13, 2008, as follows: “1. With effect from 8 May 2008, Minister without portfolio for equal opportunity, Hon.
Maria Rosaria Carfagna is delegated to exercise the functions of planning, guidance and coordination of all initiatives, including normative ones, and anu other tasks assigned by the current laws to the President of the Council of Ministers on matters relating to the promotion of the rights of the individual, equal opportunities and equal treatment and the prevention and removal of all forms and causes of discrimination.
In particular, save the responsibilities entrusted by Law to other Ministers, the above Minister is delegated to: a) to promote and coordinate Government‟s actions aimed at ensuring the implementation of policies on the matter of rights and equal opportunities between women and men with regard to issues relating to health, research, education and training, environment, family, work, elected offices and gender representation; b) to promote the culture of rights and equal opportunities in the information and media communications sectors, with specific regard to the right to health of women, preventive health, motherhood and medically assisted procreation c) to promote and coordinate Government‟s actions aimed at ensuring the full implementation of the policies on equal opportunities between men and women on business and labor, with specific regard to the matters of parental leave and career advancement, in consultation with the Minister of Labour, Health and Social Policy; d) to exercise the State‟s functions under Law of 25 February 1992, No.
215, and Articles 21, 22, 52, 53, 54 and 55 of Legislative Decree 11 April 2006, No 198; e) to indicate the view in tandem with the State‟s responsibility entrusted to the Labour, Health and Social Policy Ministry under Articles 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48 of Legislative Decree 11 April 2006, No 198; f) to promote and coordinate Government‟s actions in the field of women‟s human rights and rigths of the individuals, and those to prevent and remove cases of direct or indirect discrimination on the ground of sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, personal conviction, disability, age and sexual orientation, including by chairing the Committee of Ministers to address and provide strategic guidance in the field of the protection of human rights, within the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, in line with Presidential Decree of the Council of Ministers, dated April 13, 2007, in which Ministers or delegated Authorities and equal opportunities bodies participate, including in the event of immigrations-related issues being relevant to their respective mandates; g) to promote, in consultation with the Under-Secretary delegated to family policies, government policies to support the reconciliation between work and family; h) to take the necessary steps for planning, address, coordination and monitoring of the EU structural funds on equal opportunities, including by co- participating in the High-Level Group on gender-mainstreaming at the EU ad hoc structural funds and by participating in the activities for gender integration in the relevant EU policies.
i) to promote the review of the gender impact in all Government‟s initiatives, as well as the highlight of the gender perspective in the general government budget data, including those being non-governmental and those relating to research and statistical surveys; l) to coordinate, including at the international level, the government policies on the protection of human rights of women, with particular reference to the objectives outlined in the Platform for Action adopted at the Fourth UN World Conference on Women, held in Beijing, in September 1995, in agreement with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in relation to poverty affecting women and women‟s empowerment vi-à-vis economy, education, training, women‟s health, fight against violence against women, including with regard to armed conflicts, women‟s access to information, and the protection of the girl child under all forms; m) to promote and coordinate Government‟s actions in the field of exploitation and trafficking in human beings, violence against women, and the violations of the fundamental rights to personal integrity and the right to health of both women and girl children; n) to submit to the President of the Council of Ministers the proposal to exercise the powers provided for in Article 5, paragraph 2, letter c) of Act 23 August 1988, No 400, in all matters to be delegated, in case of persistent violation of the principle of non-discrimination; o) to exercise all the powers of the President of the Council of Ministers proposed with regard to the Commission for equal opportunities between men and women in the Decree of the President of the Republic of May 14, 2007, No.115 [..]”.
The traditional duties refer to the promotion and coordination of government actions aimed at guaranteeing the full implementation of gender equality policies relating to entrepreneurship and labour market; examining the gender impact of every Government‟s initiative; highlighting the gender perspective in the public administration budget and in the collection of gender- disaggregated data; promoting the gender equality culture; and equality of opportunities between women and men in the fields of information and media communication.
The Minister for Equal Opportunities has been also tasked with adopting specific initiatives necessary for programming, guiding, coordinating and monitoring the European Structural Funds, taking into consideration the integration of equal opportunity and the gender perspective in community policies. 30. The Minister also promotes and coordinates Government‟s actions to fight the exploitation and trafficking of human beings and the violence against women and girl children. 31.
31. Last the Minister for Equal Opportunities coordinates the Public Administration‟s activities for prevention, social assistance and legal assistance, protection of minors from exploitation and sexual abuse, pursuant to Act No. 298/98, as well as those relating to the fight against paedophilia and child-pornography, as provided for by Act No. 38/2006.
38/2006. She also coordinates and promotes, in cooperation with the Undersecretary of State on family policies, Government‟s policies on the conciliation between work and family. 32. The DEO, as set up by Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers No. 405/1997, is the Institution within the Presidency of the Council of Ministers being responsible for the coordination of the policies on equal opportunities and the government‟s actions to prevent and remove any forms of discrimination. 33.
33. The DEO, being chaired by the Chief of the Department, is structured in three main Offices, each of them directed by a Director General:  Ufficio per gli affari internazionali e gli interventi in campo sociale;  Ufficio per la parità e le pari opportunità, gli interventi strategici e la comunicazione;  Ufficio per la promozione della parità di trattamento e la rimozione delle discriminazioni fondate sulla razza e sull'origine etnica (UNAR).
The Government has allocated 21.942960,00 Euros to the Department for Equal Opportunities for the current year. 34. As mentioned in the national Report (§ 25), the Minister of Equal Opportunities and the Department for Equal Opportunities, is committed to promoting and coordinating Government‟s actions. Together with the Department for Equal Opportunities, other Ministries and institutions, also at the local level, are responsible for implementing equal opportunities policies and related actions.
[Question No.6.] Several other mechanisms and networks within the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and various government departments vested with the task of eliminating discrimination against women were created or reformed during the reporting period. However, the Committee, in its previous concluding observations, called for a structure to be put in place which would deal exclusively with the advancement of women and gender mainstreaming across all fields.
Please provide information on the steps taken in this respect and results achieved, or measures planned to strengthen the Government‟s institutional capacities for elimination of discrimination against women on the grounds of sex and gender.
This information should also include updated information on: (a) Any mechanism mandated to coordinate and ensure uniformity of norms and results in the implementation of the Convention throughout the territory of the State party, as recommended in paragraph 24 of the previous concluding observations; (b) The institution of an 10 Office within the Department for Equal Opportunities, mandated to promote, analyse, monitor and support the equal treatment of women and men in access to and supply of goods and services, as referred to in paragraph 45 of the report; (c) Progress made towards the establishment of a national independent human rights institution in accordance with the Paris Principles, as announced by the State party under the universal periodic review in February 2010.
35. In 2007, the Office for the implementation of the principle of equal treatment between men and women in access to and supply of goods and services was instituted within the Department for Equal Opportunities, in accordance with EU Directive 2004/113 on “Implementing the principle of equal treatment between men and women in the access to and supply of goods and services”, by Act No. 196/2007. 36.
The Office within a General Directorate of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, has the main tasks of promoting, analysing, monitoring and supporting the equal treatment between women and men in the access to and supply of goods and services, in particular, by: o Providing independent assistance to the victims of discrimination; o Promoting, respecting the prerogative of the national judicial authority, independent inquiry in order to verify the existence of cases of discrimination; o Promoting the adoption of specific measures, projects and positive actions by public and private authorities, including recognised associations; o Promotion of communication and awareness campaigns on the existing instruments on the issue of equal treatment between men and women; o Elaboration of recommendations and opinions about the current legislation on this matter; o Drafting of an annual Report to the Parliament on the effective implementation of the principle of equal treatment between men and women in access to and supply of goods and services and an annual Report to the President of the Council of Ministers on the activities implementation; o Promoting studies, research, training courses, exchange of experiences, in collaboration with associations, NGOs, Statistical Institutes and experts in this field in order to elaborate guidelines on the fight against discrimination.
37. Article 1, paragraph 1, of Lgs. Decree No. 5 of January 25, 2010 enhanced the mandate of the national Committee with the aim of fully implementing the principles of equal treatment and equal opportunities between male and female workers.
This has to develop initiatives to foster dialogue between social partners, in order to promote equal treatment, by relying on the results from the monitoring of the implementation of measures relating to relevant practises at the workplace, the access to the labour market and professional training, as well as on collective bargaining agreements, codes of behaviour, research works or exchanges of experiences and good practises (Art.10, paragraph 1, letter F-bis of Lgs. D. No.198 of 11 April 2006).
D. No.198 of 11 April 2006). On a more specific note, mention has to be made of: - developing initiatives to foster dialogue with Non-governmental Organizations that have a legitimate interest in contributing to the fight against gender-based discrimination in the labour sector (Art 10, paragraph 1, lett. G-bis of Lgs.D. No.
G-bis of Lgs.D. No. 198 of 11 April 2006); - exchanging available information with corresponding European bodies in charge with gender equality- related issues in particular in the labour sector (Art.10, paragraph 1, lett. i-bis of D.Lgs. no.
i-bis of D.Lgs. no. 198 of 11 April 2006); - also through the promotion of positive actions, removing obstacles to gender equality in professional and career advancement, besides developing measures to help women re-enter the 11 sector after becoming mothers, and more widely spreading part-time work and other instruments of flexibility at a corporate level while envisaging the reconciliation between work and family (Art.10, paragraph 1, lett. i-ter of Lgs. D. No. 198 of 11 April 2006). 38.
i-ter of Lgs. D. No. 198 of 11 April 2006). 38. Art.1, paragraph 1, letter l, number 2, of Lgs. D. No. 5 of January 25, 2010 enhanced the mandate of the Equality Councillor, who may perform independent investigations in the matter of discrimination at the workplace, and publish independent reports and recommendations on the matter of discrimination at the workplace (Art. 15, paragraph 1bis, of Lgs. D. No.198 of 11 April 2006). 39.
D. No.198 of 11 April 2006). 39. With specific regard to the establishment of a National Human Rights Institutions, on March 3, 2011, the Council of Ministers adopted, by consensus, a relevant Bill which will be submitted to the Parliament in the coming weeks for approval. Visibility of the Convention and its Optional Protocol [Question No.7.]
The report is silent about measures taken to disseminate information on the Convention among both private and public actors, as recommended by the Committee in paragraph 26 of the previous concluding observations.
Please provide information on how the State party is supporting the awareness and knowledge of the rights of women under the Convention and how it disseminates information on the Committee‟s general recommendations, as well as the communications and inquiry procedures provided by its Optional Protocol, in order to ensure that the Convention is used as the legal basis for measures aimed at the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and achievement of gender equality in the State party. 40.
40. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the periodic follow-up Report CEDAW and the final observations made by the Committee CEDAW are available and disseminated through the institutional website of the Department for Equal Opportunities: 41.
The DEO has also promoted a training project entitled “Women, politics and institutions - educational processes for a gender and equal opportunities culture”, as launched within the Universities in 2005 and later extended. 42.
42. The objective of the project is to provide practical and theoretical information on women‟s rights, in order to disseminate a gender sensitive culture, increase awareness and allow women, of every age, workers or not, to approach politics and to promote their development and participation in the national political and social life. 43. The project was addressed to all women with a secondary-school diploma and to male and female university students.
The main themes analysed during the courses were the following: - the functioning of the main relevant Italian institutional bodies, the political parties and their relationships with international organizations dealing with women‟s rights and gender equality; - political and social participation; - the organization and functioning of the European Parliament and the international system; - national, community and international jurisprudence regarding gender policy techniques and tools.
Temporary special measures [Question No. 8.] The report refers to constitutional principles, namely articles 3 and 51 of the Constitution, various laws, as well as ad hoc judicial measures for the victims of discrimination 12 and concludes that “in this view, the so-called affirmative action has been thus legitimized” (para.35).
In paragraph 147 of the report it is further explained that “the lines of action of the Italian Government are oriented to favour the development and implementation of definitive measures, because these are deemed to be the most effective and lasting over time”. Please explain whether “the so-called affirmative action”, “definitive measures” and positive actions (referred to in para.
149 of the report), correspond to temporary special measures under article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention and the interpretation of their meaning and scope in the Committee‟s general recommendation No. 25 (2008) on women migrant workers. 44. The Italian Government is oriented to favour the development and the implementation of definitive and structural measures rather than special temporary ones, since the former are deemed to be the most effective in the longer run.
With specific regard to General Recommendation No.25/2000, Italian Authorities acknowledge that “the scope and meaning of article 4, paragraph 1, must be determined in the context of the overall object and purpose of the Convention, which is to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women with a view to achieving women‟s de jure and de facto equality with men in the enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
States parties to the Convention are under a legal obligation to respect, protect, promote and fulfil this right to non-discrimination for women and to ensure the development and advancement of women in order to improve their position to one of de jure as well as de facto equality with men [see para.4 of GR 25]”. 45.
45. Considering the footnote 4 to GR 25 (“The term “affirmative action” is used in the United States of America and in a number of United Nations documents, whereas the term “positive action” is currently widely used in Europe as well as in many United Nations documents. However, the term “positive action” is used in yet another sense in international human rights law to describe “positive State action” (the obligation of a State to initiate action versus a State‟s obligation to abstain from action).
Hence, the term “positive action” is ambiguous inasmuch as its meaning is not confined to temporary special measures as understood in article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention”), unless otherwise specified, Italian Authorities refer to special temporary measures as to those measures aimed at accelerating de facto gender equality, while “positive action”, alternatively called “affirmative action” refers to a facere (from Latin) that Italian Authorities aim at implementing.
Therefore there is no difference between positive and affirmative measures. [Question No.9.] Please provide information, supported by data where applicable, on results achieved through the implementation of various affirmative action plans/positive action projects aimed at promoting the inclusion of women in the labour market (para.71 of the report) and removing barriers to equal opportunity of women and men in the judiciary (para.72 of the report).
Please also provide information on measures taken or envisaged to promote the substantive equality of women and men in political life, diplomacy and decision-making in all areas and at all levels. Please also provide information on measures taken or planned to promote the participation and representation of women belonging to disadvantaged groups, such as immigrant women, older women, women with disabilities and women in rural areas. 46.
46. The Minister for the Public Administration and the Minister for Equal Opportunities signed in March 2011 a ministerial Directive concerning “Guidelines on the functioning of the system of the committees solely aimed at guaranteeing equal opportunities (Comitati unici di garanzia per le pari opportunità), the enhancement of the welfare of those who work and against any forms of discrimination" (to be established according to Article 21 of Act No. 183/2010, which replaced Art.57 of Act No. 165/2001).
165/2001). The committees to guarantee equal opportunities (acronym, CUG) will take over the functions which by the above law and the collective bargaining have been attributed to the Equal Opportunities Committees and the Joint Committees on the phenomenon of mobbing.
In particular by the above Directive it has been established that: In each administration, a CUG, which will include representatives of both management personnel and non-managerial staff, will be created; The CUG will be unique even for the administrations where there is 13 coexistence of staff employed under the public Law and contracted personnel; The Members of the CUG shall serve for four years; Each CUG will have its own internal rules of organization.
Among the tasks assigned by the Directive to the CUG, there is the verification of the implementation by the administration of the commitments contained in the assessment of risks derived from work stress. In addition, the administration will previously consult the CUG, whenever it intends to adopt any measures for flexibility, working hours, part-time, leave, training, career development, etc3. 47.
47. Italy continues to be affected by the scourge of “informal labour” especially in the field of home care services. The DEO has thus financed a research study on regional and local best practices, aimed at the emergence of informal labour and thus the regularisation of relevant workers, which has allowed the collection of information, to promote cooperation among all stakeholders involved in the fight against informal labour and to transfer such best practices in all the Italian Regions.
This research, called “Donne Sommerse” (“Hidden women”), has produced an important legislative and political result. In 2008 it was issued a public notice for funding pilot projects aimed at regularising those workers informally employed, in particular, in the field of home care services. 48. The DEO has allocated 5.000000,00 Euros to finance six projects which have been implemented at the regional and local levels. These projects are about to be concluded by March 2011.
By the end of the year, after the assessment by the DEO, it will be possible to disseminate the first results of this action. 49. The DEO signed an MoU with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development in order to implement activities aimed at promoting the principle of equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming in the four Italian Regions belonging to the Objective “Convergence”.
The activities will be implemented within the framework of the project “AGIRE POR 2007-2013” financed by the European Regional Development Fund through regional/local twinning projects and the beneficiary administrations will belong to the four Italian Regions Objective “Convergence” 50.
The projects, to be soon implemented, will be focused on the following thematic areas: - service for adequate living standards, including reconciliation-related issues; - female entrepreneurship; - gender-oriented evaluation systems; - gender-oriented organizational and management models; - prevention and contrast of the phenomena of trafficking in women for sexual and labour exploitation and the practice of female genital mutilation; - prevention and contrast of different form of discrimination; - social and work inclusion of immigrant women.
51. Italian Authorities will then select some EU regional/local best practices. 52. In September 2010 it was signed an MoU between MIUR and DEO, to ensure the implementation of the policies concerning the right and the equal opportunities at all levels in the field of science, technology and scientific research, to implement the EU Directives and Recommendations to this end.
In particular they are both committed to raising awareness of the so- called gender culture at all levels of the schools and universities. 3 An update of the most recent activities by the equal opportunities network for the judicial system will be orally provided on the occasion of the oral debate before the CEDAW Committee in July 2011. 14 53.
To remove all forms of discrimination directly or indirectly hindering the achievement of equal opportunities at work-place, it was introduced Act No.125 of 10 April 1991, as later incorporated into Legislative Decree No.198 of April 11, 2006, entitled “Code of equal opportunities between men and women, in accordance with Art.6 of Act No.246 of 28 November 2005”, with the aim of implementing positive actions, namely measures aimed at eliminating the disparities that strike women searching and accessing the labour market, training, professional and career advancement.
54. The positive action projects admitted for financing in the 2009-2010 period were 37, for a total amount of € 4,224,007.49.
By the intervention of the National Equality Committee in charge with examining positive action projects, the projects were better defined and aimed at addressing labour conditions and organizational related issues: - placement systems and labour assessment criteria; - re-organization of schedules, facilities for working mothers; - identification of new professional figures; - access to developing and mainly males dominated sectors; - organizational innovation.
Stereotypes and harmful practices [Question No. 10.] In its previous concluding observations, the Committee called upon the State party to adopt a large-scale, comprehensive and coordinated programme to combat the widespread acceptance of stereotypical roles of men and women, including awareness-raising and educational campaigns aimed at women and men. While the current report mentions that gender stereotypes are still deeply rooted (para.
152) and provides information on measures taken (project EQUAL, events taking place as part of the 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All, etc. ), the State party does not seem to have a long-term strategy to combat gender stereotypes, nor does there seem to be any follow-up to the activities already implemented.
Please provide information on the efforts taken towards adopting a large-scale, comprehensive and coordinated programme to combat the widespread acceptance of stereotypical roles of men and women. 55. The Minister for Equal Opportunities and the DEO are jointly working to ensure the effective equality, combating gender stereotypes while respecting gender differences and specificities as basic elements of women‟s role in society. 56.
56. A successful initiative is the Memorandum of Understanding, signed by the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Minister of Education, by which it has established the yearly "Week Against Violence", which takes place every October since then. It was held from 12 to 18 October 2009 and from 10 to 16 October 2010, in all the schools across the country. 57.
57. The goal is to favour exchange of views and reflections on the themes of respect, diversity and legality, fight of gender stereotypes, by involving students, parents and teachers, police forces, that, in the longer term, might provide a network to exchange good practices, as already existing in some schools. 58.
58. During this week, schools organize awareness-raising, information and training on the prevention of physical and psychological violence, including when it is grounded on intolerance, racism, religion and gender, and on services provided for by Ministries, as the national toll-free number for 'listening and counselling in cases of violence at school - 800 669696 - and the national free number against violence against women - 1522. 15 59.
15 59. In 2008, the DEO promoted a public notice to fund the planning and implementation of temporary courses on gender differences in secondary public schools.
The objectives of the project were the following:  to raise awareness on gender, in order to develop critical analysis skills and to recognize as discriminatory or stereotyped every perspective that can identify historically consolidated roles;  to promote a gender sensitive educational system and combat gender stereotypes in order to understand that the gender differences have to be considered as personal resources and not as collective categories;  to promote the rooting of a difference-sensitive culture, in order to achieve a fair and conscious development of gender identities.
60. In 2010, the DEO signed the above-mentioned MoU with the Minister for Education, University and Research on gender equality in science (see para.20). One of the main goal of this Memorandum is to raise awareness on gender equality and spread a gender-sensitive culture in the school system in order to fight, inter alia, gender stereotypes.
This is a phenomenon persisting especially in the scientific field, through concrete measures, such as:  Awareness-raising campaigns aimed at fighting gender stereotypes in science;  Evidencing the role played so far by women in science.  Promote a gender sensitive training for teachers, besides sensitizing parents on the importance of fighting gender stereotypes. [Question No. 11. ]The report refers to the activities taken in schools to combat stereotypes (paras. 162-169).
162-169). Unfortunately, these measures are not a part of a comprehensive plan such as was called for by the Committee in its previous concluding observations.
To this end, please explain the State party‟s agenda in this respect, including the time frame for the adoption of a comprehensive plan to combat gender stereotypes at all levels of the educational system, which addresses the inclusion of gender equality in the framework of human rights in the initial training of teachers in retraining and in-service training programmes; and in regular monitoring of educational curricula, subject content, education standards, teaching and learning resources, and classroom and school organization.
61. The equation female paths = weak paths is no longer so widespread. If one looks at the latest statistics, it can be observed that the girls are not only in all the fields of the education and training but are more than the boys in terms of frequency, regularity of the studies, up to the diploma and degree. 62.
62. Various Regions are passing ad hoc legislation on the Integration of equal opportunities in the Policies, by which it is strongly emphasized the role to be played by schools in the implementation of the principle of gender equality. There is a specific focus on the High Schools Systems, which have been requested to realise schools models on gender differences. As discussed the last years of the Italian History have shown the rise of the education advancement among women.
In the age group, 25-44 years-old, there is a higher percentage of women than men. In the school periods 1970/71 and 2005/06 the rate of diplomas earned by women is tripled. 63. Nowadays, 80% of 19-tear old girls earn diploma. 28,1% of 25-year old women are graduated while men do not overcome 19%. However within the EU framework, it still persists the gap between Italy and the other UE countries. At the regional level, there are slight differences.
The Northern and the Centre regions show higher levels of girls who earn diplomas (+18%) in 2005/2006. As of 2005, the Centre Regions show higher level of young women and men who take 16 the graduation (+13,4%). In the academic year 2004/05, the smallest Centre and Southern Regions, such as Molise, Umbria and Basilicata, show the highest proportion of women graduated in the age group 25-44 with rates ranging from 35% and 40%. 64.
64. Within this framework, it is worthy of mention the Project entitled “Citizenship and Constitution – Academic Year 2010/11”, by which to ensure at all levels of the school system the teaching, inter alia, of human rights, including women‟s human rights. [Question No. 12.] The report does not mention the media which plays an important role in forming social attitudes and values and offers immense potential as an instrument of social change.
Please provide details on how the State party encourages the media to safeguard human dignity and to project positive, balanced and diverse portrayals of women‟s and men‟s images and roles in all spheres of life, as recommended by the Committee in paragraph 26 of its previous concluding observations.
Further to this, please explain whether self-regulatory measures, such as codes of conduct, that exclude the use of violent or degrading presentation of women and men and are based on the principle of gender equality, have been adopted and implemented in advertising and media organizations. 65. Since the outset, the Minister for Equal Opportunities has been paying specific attention to communication by launching relevant awareness-raising campaigns.
As a way of example, ti might be recalled as follows: ● “Respect women, Respect the world” This campaign was promoted by the Minister for Equal Opportunities at the International Conference on violence against women, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the initiatives of the Italian Presidency of the G8 (2009). A white rose, being a symbol of the innocence of the female world, gradually becomes black, poisoned by the evil dark representing the phenomenon of the violence against women.
A pain that remains private, silent, for fear or shame. The protection and promotion of human rights of women are the lens through which to view both the causes of widespread violence and the complex social dynamics of discrimination that are at the root. It provides for toll-free numbers and infra-structures aimed at the protection of the victims.
●“Stalking - When attention becomes persecution" The campaign "Stalking - When attention becomes persecution" sends a clear message: persecution of any kind and nature is a crime. It also speaks of harassment via the Web, especially via email. It informs the public opinion that the detention penalties go though 4 years, up to life imprisonment if the victim dies.
●"1522 - It 's time to act” The campaign of "1522 - It 's time to act" aims at raising awareness about the toll-free number supporting women, victims of violence. Operating 24h/24, 365 days a year, 1522 facilitates the emergence of the phenomenon of violence against women and responds to requests for aid from women, victims of violence, especially domestic violence. ●“No difference” For the first time, it has been realized, in Italy, a campaign against homophobia and sexual orientation-based violence.
Posters, leaflets and a spot for the TV and the web that claim in a simple, accurate throws, "Reject homophobia, be yourself." ●“Different abilities, the same desire for life” The main objective of the initiative is to sensitize the community on the principle of equal rights, to facilitate the integration of persons with disabilities in various aspects of social life, work and 17 family.
The basic idea refers to a reality which we sometimes forget: A disability may prevent a person to do something, not all. ●“1 out of 5” The Council of Europe Campaign against sexual violence on children titled “1out of 5”, realized in cooperation with the Minister for Equal Opportunities, was launched on November 29th, 2010, in Rome.
Its main objective is to promote legal initiatives, educational and public awareness campaigns addressing children, parents, teachers and other child care providers, in order to learn about the phenomenon and provide guidance, accordingly. ● “If you love someone, give him/her weight - Campaign against anorexia and bulimia” Without shocking images, the campaign was designed to enable parents, teachers and friends of those suffering from eating disorders, to reflect and call for help.
● “I say no to the violence!” The campaign was connected to a series of initiatives, aimed at ensuring exchange of views on the themes such as the respect for the difference and the legality, among students, parents and teachers. ●"It isn't a matter of luck to avoid prostate cancer but the prevention" The campaign aims at stressing the importance of periodic medical exams for men over the age of 50. [Question No. 13.] In light of the adoption of Act No.
13.] In light of the adoption of Act No. 7/2006 on provisions concerning the prevention and prohibition of the practice of female genital mutilation, the establishment of the Commission dealing with prevention information and awareness initiatives, and various initiatives carried out to this end (paras.
449-456 of the report), please provide updated information on the impact of measures taken on preventing female genital mutilation, protecting potential victims, provision of support, assistance and rehabilitation of girls already subjected to such practices, and investigation and prosecution of offenders.
Please also indicate how women and men belonging to immigrant communities from countries where female genital mutilation is practised are involved in the development and implementation of initiatives based on Act No. 7/2006. 66.
7/2006. 66. As long as the phenomenon of the Female Genital Mutilation is concerned, the Italian Government has provided the necessary measures to prevent, contrast and punish this practice, being a terrible violation of the fundamental rights to physical integrity and to women‟s and girls‟ health. 67.
In order to perform the many tasks assigned by the above-mentioned Act, by Ministerial Decree of 16 November 2006, the Minister for Equal Opportunities established the Commission for the Prevention and contrast of the practice of Female Genital Mutilation, which is chaired by the Minister herself and composed of the Head of DEO (acting as vice-president), Department for Equal Opportunities‟ members, experts, representatives of the interested institutions, as well as relevant non-profit organizations, centres and communities.
So the Commission is not established by law, but it results in an action-oriented body aimed at developing operational strategies, in cooperation with all the other relevant stakeholders. 68. After the Public Notice published in August 2007 for the financing of projects to prevent and combat the practice of female genital mutilation, the Minister for Equal Opportunities decided to confirm the role of the Commission by Ministerial Decree of June 9, 2009.
The “new” Commission set its new operational strategic framework on the occasion of its first meeting on February 9, 2010. 18 69. Over the years, Italy has launched national campaigns on Stop Female Genital Mutilation. The Minister for Equal Opportunities supported the Campaign “END – FGM”, which originates from an Amnesty International initiative dating back to 2009.
The END FGM network (including AIDOS, among others) realized a strategy for EU Institutions and the Italian Government in order to scale up efforts to eradicate this phenomenon among migrants across Europe. 70.
The Commission for the Prevention and contrast of the practice of female genital mutilation has been requested to put forward new proposals for action, on January 27, 2011, by involving representatives of Regions and Administrations concerned, in order to determine future actions for preventing and fighting this phenomenon, including training courses for relevant care providers and the implementation of the ad hoc toll free number, tasked, nation-wide, with receiving information from whoever on cases of female genital mutilation.
71. It is worthy of mention that few months ago the Tribunal in Verona released the first condemnation verdict for a case of FGM occurred in Italy. 72. In March 2010, the Minister for Equal Opportunities organised and chaired a “side-event”, with the participation of Egypt and Senegal, on the policies to combat female genital mutilation at CSW54.
In February 2011, during CSW55, the Minister for Equal Opportunities chaired another side-event to follow up and focus on the same issue, with the participation of Burkina Faso, Senegal and Egypt. Violence against women [Question No.14.]
Violence against women [Question No.14.] Please provide updated information on the two bills to combat violence against women, namely bill AC 1440 on measures against persecutors and bill AC 1424 on measures against sexual violence, which were before the Chamber of Deputies and assigned to the Second Committee of Justice at the time of preparation of the report (see para. 95 of the report).
95 of the report). Please also provide an update on the elaboration of a national action plan to combat all forms of violence against women, indicated in paragraph 106 of the report, and explain whether this plan can be regarded as a set of comprehensive measures to address violence against women and girls in accordance with the Committee‟s general recommendation No.
19 (1992) on violence against women, and provide information on how the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of its implementation is envisaged. 73. In 2009, Italian Authorities particularly focused on violence against women and on stalking. In particular, by Act No.11/2009, they introduced the crime of “stalking” (AC 1440) in the domestic legal system. 74.
The above-mentioned Act: - Provides for the mandatory detention for perpetrators of acts of sexual violence (except for minor cases) and group sexual violence (Article 380 of the penal code); - Contains provisions aimed at making it more difficult for perpetrators of sexual violence to have access to certain penal benefits such as criminal alternatives measures to detention (Article 4-bis of Law 354/1975 on the prison system); - Allows for free legal aid for all the victims of sexual violence regardless of their personal income, as provided for by Presidential Decree 115/2002; - Identifies the following aggravating circumstances (Article 576 penal code): murder committed in relation to sexual violence; sexual acts with a minor; group sexual violence; repeated sexual violence against the same victim.
75. It should be also noted that is currently under examination by the Senate (AS 1675) a specific draft law on sexual violence, which complements the above-mentioned provisions.
This Text 19 provides, inter alia, for harsher penalties, by introducing: new aggravating circumstances; the crime of sexual harassment; the possibility of intervention by Local Authorities, rape-crisis centre, NGOs and eventually the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (in the case of crimes perpetrated against children or within the household) in relevant criminal proceedings; media information measures and the assistance to the victims of violence; and ad hoc prevention programmes within the schools.
76. As reported in the national Report, the above-mentioned Act has introduced the crime of stalking into the Italian criminal code. 77. By recalling the indications contained in the national report, it is worthy of mention that the criminal code provides for detention penalties ranging from six months to four years. 78.
78. Other relevant draft legislative measures are under current discussion: - The Parliamentary Committee on Justice began examining a Bill aimed at extending the free legal aid in the event of sexual violence cases committed against Italian citizens, abroad (AC 2779); - The Bill for the ratification of the Lanzarote Convention; - Several Bills (including AS 1079), as part of a more general package of measures to contrast prostitution and sexual exploitation. 79.
79. On October 28, 2010, it was approved the first "National Plan to combat violence against women and stalking”. This Plan expressly refers, in its preamble, to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). In drafting it there was a specific reference to General Recommendation No.19 on violence against women.