356 values
356 values
146 values
During its elaboration it was shared with the competent ministries (Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education) and representatives from relevant private social bodies and NGOs, as convened in April and November 2009, by the Minister for Equal Opportunities in order to collect their practical, operational and factual contributions. 80.
80. The three-year Plan will cover the following five areas: a) Prevention: education, awareness and information campaigns and initiatives to protect the image of women and its use by the media and advertising. b) Rape-Crisis Centres and Shelters: measures aimed at crisis centres to ensure and improve and increase support services offered to victims.
c) Training: the promotion and realization of multi-disciplinary training for the all the different kinds of operators involved in the care of victims of violence (police staff, medical operators, etc.) d) Data-mining: collection and analysis of data on the phenomenon, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior; e) Measures of assistance: actions aimed to provide assistance for and empower victims of violence. 81.
81. The actions of the Plan will be funded with ad hoc resources from the National Fund Against Gender-based Violence and Sexual Violence. To monitor its implementation, the Minister for Equal Opportunities will establish a specific committee composed of representatives of Governmental departments, Regions and Local Authorities concerned. 82.
82. Beside from the National Plan, it is still continuing the implementation of the actions provided within the framework of three MoUs, signed in 2009, by the Minister for Equal Opportunities and 20 the Ministers of Interior, Defence and Education.
The Protocols, to be considered preliminary to the implementation of the above National Plan, include: - Improving the integration between law enforcement agencies and other instruments and actions promoted by the Minister for Equal Opportunities (for example in relation to the implementation of the national toll-free number 1522, dedicated to the victims of violence); - Carrying out studies and research, with the aim of improving the understanding of stalking and violence against women; - Training for law enforcement agencies to improve both the prevention field and the support for the victims (to avoid in particular that they can be further victimized); - Awareness-raising campaigns for children and adolescents, their families and teachers, with the aim of improving the prevention of this phenomenon and spreading a gender-sensitive culture.
[Question No. 15.] The report provides very limited data on different forms of gender-based violence. Please explain whether the State party has established or envisages establishing a systematic and regular collection and analysis of data and information on all forms of violence against women.
Please also provide information on the number of shelters for women victims of violence and their capacity in terms of provision of housing and assistance to women victims, as well as statistical data on forced expulsion of the violent spouse through civil and the criminal proceedings; the number of complaints lodged by women; and prosecutions against perpetrators and the sentences imposed on them in matters of violence against women.
Please also provide data, if available, on women murdered by their husbands, partners or ex-partners. 83. As discussed, the "National Plan to combat violence against women and stalking" involves a specific action dedicated to the development of a data collection system and the analysis and implementation of ad hoc research findings by which to improve the understanding of the phenomenon of violence against women and the crime of stalking. 84.
84. At present the most comprehensive research on this phenomenon was developed, in 2006, by ISTAT, on behalf of the DEO. The survey, published in 2007, has examined different types of violence against women within the household (from a partner or an ex-partner) and outside the family (from unknown people, friend, colleague, family friend, relative, etc...). 85.
85. In 2006, the National Statistics Institute (acronym, ISTAT) presented the results of a new survey, for the first time fully dedicated to physical and sexual violence against women. The survey was conducted on a sample which included 25,000 women, aged between 16 and 70, living in the whole national territory, who were interviewed by telephone in the period from January to October 2006.
The survey was the result of a partnership among ISTAT, the Minister and the Department for Equal Opportunities that provided financial support with funds from the National Operative Program “Safety” and „system actions‟ of the European Social Fund. 86.
86. The survey on women‟s safety indicates three different types of violence against women: physical, sexual and psychological, inside the family (from partner or ex-partner) and outside the family (from an unknown person, acquaintances, a friend, a colleague, a family friend, a relative etc.).
Physical violence is ranked from the less to the most serious cases: the threat of being physically hit, pushed, grabbed or yanked, knocked with an object, slapped, kicked, punched or bitten, victim of an attempted strangulation, of a choking, burning and threats with weapons. 87.
87. As for sexual violence, it is intended for all situations in which women are forced to do or suffer sexual acts of different natures, against their own will, such as rape, attempted rape, sexual physical harassment, sexual intercourse with a third party, undesired sexual intercourse, endured for fear of consequences, degrading and humiliating sexual activities. 21 88. Verbal harassment, shadowing, acts of exhibitionism and indecent telephone calls are not surveyed.
Psychological violence includes denigration, behaviour control, segregation strategies, intimidation, heavy financial constraints. 89. The main data of the Survey are the following: Six million 743 thousand women, between 16 and 70 years of age, are estimated as victims of physical or sexual violence during their lifetime (31.9% of women in the considered age group). 5 million women were victims of sexual violence (23.7%), 3 million 961 thousand women were victims of physically violent acts (18,8%).
About 1 million women were victims of rape or attempted rape (4.8%). 14,3% of women in a current relationship or in a previous one, were victims of at least one episode of physical or sexual violence by their partner; considering only women with an ex-partner, the percentage rises to 17.3%. 24.7% of women were victims of violent acts by another man.
While physical violence is more frequently perpetrated by partners (12% against 9.8%), the opposite happens for sexual violence (6.1% against 20.4%), and this is mainly due to sexual harassment. The difference, indeed, is almost negligible as far as rape and attempted rape is concerned. 90. Over the last 12 months, 1 million 150 thousand women (5.4%) were victims of violence. The highest rates are observed among young women between 16 and 24 (16.3%) and between 25 and 34 (7.9%).
3.5% of women were victims of sexual violence and 2.7% of physical violence. 0.3%, 74 thousand women, were victims of rape or attempted rape. Domestic violence affected 2.4% of women, while violence outside the domestic context reached 3.4%. In almost all cases, violence is not reported to the police. The hidden part of violence is very high and it reaches 96% of violent acts by non-partners and 93% by partners. Even in the case of rape almost all of them (91.6%) are not reported to the police.
The share of women not talking with anyone about the violence endured is substantial (33.9% among violence at the hands of a partner and 24% by a non-partner). 91. Women are victims of different forms of violence. A third of the victims suffer from both physical and sexual violence. The majority of the victims suffer from several violence episodes. Repeated violence occurs more frequently when the abuser is a partner than when they are a non- partner (67.1% against 52.9%).
Among all the physical forms of investigated violence, the most frequent are being pushed, yanked and grabbed, having an arm twisted or hair pulled (56.7%), the threat of being hit (52.0%), slapped, kicked or bitten (36.1%). It follows the use or the threat to use a pistol or knives (8.1%) or the attempted strangulation or choking and burning (5.3%).
Among all the forms of sexual violence, the most widespread are physical harassment, being sexually touched against one‟s own will (79.5%), undesired sexual intercourse felt as violence (19.0%), attempted rape (14.0%), rape (9.6%) and degrading and humiliating sexual intercourse (6.1%). 92. Partners are responsible for the largest part of rapes: 21% of victims suffered violence both in and outside their family, 22.6% only by the partner, 56.4% only by men other than their partner.
Partners are responsible for the highest share among all forms of physical violence investigated. Partners are responsible, in a larger extent, also for some kind of sexual violence such as rape and undesired sexual intercourse, endured for fear of consequences. 69.7% of rapes, indeed, are perpetrated by partners, 17.4% by an acquaintance. Only in 6.2% of the cases the abuser is an unknown person.
The closer the relationship between perpetrator and victim, the higher the risk of rape, instead of attempted rape. Unknown persons are, above all, authors of physical sexual harassment, followed by acquaintances, colleagues and friends. Unknown persons are perpetrators of rape, only in 0.9% of the cases and perpetrators of attempted rape in 3.6% of the cases, against respectively 11.4% and 9.1% among the partners. 93.
93. Women with a partner, who is violent also outside the family, are generally more affected by domestic violence.
A higher percentage of women report that they have been victim of violence 22 among those with a current partner who is physically violent outside the family (35.6% against 6.5%) or verbally violent outside the family (25.7% against 5.3%); who berates them or does not consider them in daily life (violence rate of 35.9% against 5.7%); who drinks until he is drunk (18.7% against 6.4%) in particular if he gets drunk every day (38.6%) or one or more times per week (38.3%); used to his father beating his wife (30% against 6%) or who in his turn suffered abuse from his own parents.
The share of men who use violence against their partners is 30% among those who watched violence acts perpetrated in their family of origin, 34.8% among those who were victims of violence by their father, 42.4% among men who suffered violence by their mothers and 6% among those who were not victims or were not witnesses to acts of violence in their family of origin. 94. Domestic violence acts are for the most part serious.
34.5% of women reported that they were victims of a very serious violent incident and 29.7% of them declared it was sufficiently serious. 21.3% of women felt her own life was in danger when the violence was perpetrated; but only 18.2% of them consider the domestic violence as a crime. 44% consider it as something wrong and 36% only something that happened. Even in the case of rape or attempted rape, only 26.5% of women considered it a crime.
27.2% of women suffered from injuries as a consequence of the violence. These injuries in 24.1% of cases were so serious that it was necessary to seek medical treatment. 95.
95. Women who were victims of several episodes of violence perpetrated by their partners, in almost half of the cases, suffered from, as consequences of the violence, a lack of self-esteem and self-confidence, a sensation of impotence (44.9%), sleep disorders (41.5%), anxiety (37.4%), depression (35.1%), difficulty in concentration (24.3%), recurrent pains in different parts of their body (18.5%), difficulty in managing children (14.3%), suicide fantasies and self-punishment (12.3%).
Violence perpetrated by a non-partner is perceived as less serious in comparison with that perpetrated by the partner. 96. Two million 77 thousand women were stalked by partners at the moment of separation or after they split up and were particularly frightened by this (18.8%).
Among women who suffered stalking, in particular, 68.5% of partners tried to talk to the woman in a nagging way, against her will, 61.8% repeatedly asked for an appointment to meet her, 57% was waiting for her outside home or at school or at a work place, 55.4% sent messages, phone calls, e-mail, mail or undesired presents, 40.8% followed her or spied on her and 11% adopted other kinds of strategies.
Almost 50% of women who were victims of physical or sexual violence from a previous partner, have endured stalking by the same partner, in other words, 937 thousand women. One million 139 thousand women, on the contrary, were only victims of stalking with neither physical nor sexual violence. 97.
97. Seven million 134 thousand women were or are victims of psychological violence : the most widespread forms are: isolation and attempted isolation (46.7%), control (40.7%), financial violence (30.7%) and berating (23.8%), followed by intimidation (7.8%). 43.2% of women were victims of psychological violence by their current partner; among them, 3 million 477 thousand have always or often suffered this kind of violence (21.1%).
6 million 92 thousand women were only victims of psychological violence by their current partner (36.9% of women living in a couple). 1 million 42 thousand women were also victims of physical or sexual violence, 90.5% among the victims of physical or sexual violence. 98. 1 million 400 thousand women were victims of sexual violence before they were 16, 6.6% of women aged 16-70. Perpetrators of violence are different and most of them known by the victim.
Only in 24.8% of cases, was violence perpetrated by an unknown person. A fourth of women reported that the perpetrator was an acquaintance (24.7%), another fourth a relative (23.8%), 9.7% 23 a family friend, 5.3% a friend of the woman herself. Among relatives, perpetrators are more frequently uncles. Silence has been the most frequent response. 53% of women declared that they kept silence about the event.
690 thousand women were victims of repeated violence by partners and they had children at the moment of the violence. 62.4% declared that their own children were present during one or more episodes of violence. In 19.6% of the cases women reported that the children were present rarely, in 20.2% of the cases sometimes, and in 22.6% of the cases often present4. Trafficking and exploitation of prostitution [Question No. 16.]
16.] The report highlights the approval of bill (A.S. 1079) at the end of 2008, containing measures against prostitution, which aim to eradicate street prostitution and combat exploitation by protecting the dignity and values of the human being (para. 180). Please provide updated information on the status of this bill and explain how other types of prostitution are dealt with.
Please also provide statistical data on women involved in prostitution and indicate whether a risk assessment of the bill was conducted prior to its approval, including from the perspective of the more difficult disclosure of indoor prostitution and the potentially increased vulnerability to exploitation of women involved in prostitution. Please also indicate whether exit programmes are available to women wishing to leave prostitution. 99.
99. The DEO does not collect nor elaborate data on prostitution as such. Data and statistics can be provided by the DEO only with regard to the victims or presumed victims of trafficking who are beneficiaries of the projects of first assistance and social protection promoted and co-funded by the DEO itself. These persons can be subjected both to forced labour and forced prostitution, or to other forms of exploitation (forced begging, illegal activities, etc.). 100.
100. Women and men who want to escape from their exploiters can participate in the protection programs co-funded by the DEO. The Italian system provides for two types of programs for trafficked persons, on the basis of two national laws: - A short-term program (“Article 13 Programme”) is provided by Art.
13 of the anti-trafficking law (law 228/2003) establishing a Special Fund for the implementation of temporary assistance programs for Italian, communitarian and foreign victims of “reduction to or maintaining in slavery or servitude conditions” and “trafficking” (offences envisaged by Articles 600 and 601 of the penal Code); - A long-term programme (“Article 18 Programme”) is provided by Art. 18 of the Immigration Law (Legislative Decree 286/98) “Residence permits for social protection grounds”.
It provides social protection measures to victims of exploitation (foreigner and EU nationals) with the aim of allowing them to escape from the violence and conditionings of exploiters. [Question No. 17.]
[Question No. 17.] As regards trafficking in human beings, please provide information on measures taken to discourage a demand for the services of trafficked women and give an update on the current status of the procedure to translate the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings into domestic legislation. 101.
101. Italy ratified the Council of Europe Convention on Action against trafficking in human beings (Warsaw, 2005) by Bill 3402, as approved by the Parliament on June 3, 2010, by Act No. 108/2010. In November 2010, the Minister for Equal Opportunities deposited the ratification by Italy on the 4 In 2010, the Ministry of Justice indicates that 115 were killed, as reported in a Survey by the House of Women in Bologna3. The womencide cases were: 101, in 2006; 107, in 2007; 112, in 2008; 119, in 2009.
Usually the perpetrator was the husband in 36% of the relevant cases, the cohabitant or the partner, in 18% of the cases, the ex partner in 9% of the cases and the relatives in 13% of the cases. Victims and killers were mainly Italians: 70,8% of the victims and 76% of the killers, respectively. According to this survey, between 2006 and 2009, the number of women killed amounted to 439. The domestic violence is the most alarming phenomenon. The jealousy is one of the main causes of the death.
This kind of killings is more widespread in the North (49%) than in the South (24%). In 64% of these case the assault takes place in the house of the victim. 24 occasion of the High-Level launch of the CoE Campaign to stop sexual violence against children. By the above Act, it has been introduced article 602 ter in the penal code which provides for aggravating circumstances in the event of children trafficked reduced into slavery.
The above Act has supplemented the previous relevant legislation, being internationally considered among the most advanced in terms of assistance for the victims and prosecution of the traffickers (See Act 286/98 and Act 228/2003, respectively). [Question No.18.] The report refers to bodies established to combat trafficking in human beings which are, inter alia, tasked with actions such as data collection (paras. 188 and 191).
188 and 191). In light of the collection of quantitative and qualitative data and other elements of the expertise referred to in paragraph 192 of the report, please provide data on trafficking disaggregated by sex, as well as the percentage of women and girls that are participating in initial assistance services and social integration programmes (see table after para. 197 of the report). 102.
197 of the report). 102. In 2008, the DEO started working on a project for the establishment of a national observatory and database on trafficking in human beings. The data collection system so far used was changed to switch to a new one where data regarding each person assisted in the framework of the “article 18” an “article 13” programs, as entered into a national database. The start-up of this new system (SIRIT) has been recently concluded, therefore the data for 2009 and 2010 are not yet available.
103. According to the most recent data presently available (2008) in the framework of art.18 projects 1170 trafficked/exploited persons were assisted. Out of them 1025 women, 145 men, 48 minors. 908 women were exploited for the purpose of prostitution. In the framework of art. 13 projects 452 trafficked/exploited persons were assisted. Out of them 329 women, 123 men, 40 minors. 259 women were exploited in prostitution. [Question No. 19.]
[Question No. 19.] While the report mentions that stay permits are granted to those victims denouncing traffickers and exploiters, it does not go into detail. In this respect, the Committee in its previous concluding observations called for the State party to revisit Law 189/2002 (the so- called Bossi-Fini Law) with a view to ensuring that all victims of trafficking benefit from stay permits on grounds of social protection. Please provide information on measures taken, or planned, in this regard.
In addition, please explain the procedure of granting stay permits and provide information on the number of these permits issued to women victims of trafficking after 2005. 104. Article 18 of the Unified Text on Immigration (Legislative Decree No.286 of 1998) envisages a special residence permit for victims of trafficking and exploitation for reasons of social protection.
The granting of this residence permit is independent from reporting the traffickers/exploiters to the law enforcement authorities by the victim. The only necessary condition to obtain the permit is to meet the requirements provided for by the law and to participate in the so-called “article 18” assistance program. The residence permit can be issued on the basis of two procedures: • The “judicial path”, when the case is reported to the police or when a criminal proceeding has been started.
It implies that the victim will co-operate with the police and public prosecutor. She/he will be instrumental in bringing charges against the perpetrator; • The “social path”, when NGOs or public social service assisting the trafficked persons consider that they are in current danger. The trafficked persons are not obliged to report the traffickers to the police, but they are expected to provide extensive information (“statement”) to the law enforcement agencies through the above stakeholders. 105.
105. They get a 6-month permit which may be renewed for an additional year; it does not oblige the person to go back home once the programme is over. The granting of short-residence permits 25 to trafficked persons is thus based on the principle of the protection of the human rights of the individual. 106.
106. Furthermore, the residence permit for humanitarian reasons can be converted into a residence permit for education or for work, allowing the foreigner to remain in Italy in accordance with the regulations governing the presence of foreigners on the national territory. In 2008, within the framework of the “article 18” projects co-funded by the Department of Equal Opportunities, 433 residence permits for social protection were granted. The Bossi-Fini Law (Act No.
The Bossi-Fini Law (Act No. 189/2002) has not amended Article 18 of the Unified Text on Immigration. 107. The criminal design behind the exploitation and trafficking in human beings warrants the realisation of ad hoc strategies to combat these phenomena by synergies among police, judicial authorities and NGOs. It is indeed in this context that the so-called Art. 18 approach was developed (For data, please see the Annex on the Ministry of Interior, in particular “All.2”).
Political participation and decision-making [Question No. 20.] According to the report, women continue to be underrepresented in politics and science and in the workplace. In its previous concluding observations, the Committee encouraged the State party to take sustained measures to increase the representation of women in elected and appointed bodies, in the judiciary and at the international level. Please inform the Committee if such measures have been introduced.
Furthermore, please explain whether legislation has been passed under article 51 of the Constitution to increase the number of women in political and public positions, including through the use of temporary special measures, such as gender quotas, and to ensure adequate representation in such positions of Roma and migrant women, and women from the south of the country. 108.
108. The commitment of the Italian Government to women‟s participation in politics is basically reflected, at the legislative level, in the amendment to Article 51 of the Constitution (2003), by which it has been introduced the principle of gender equality in the access to public and elective offices. 109. By ad hoc legislative provisions, the percentage of women in relevant positions has increased over the last years.
The current percentages of women in the Senate and in the Chamber of Deputies amount to 18% and 21%, respectively. 110. The percentage of women in apical political posts is as follows: 21,7% as Government‟s Ministers; 22% as State Under-Secretaries; and 21.7% as Deputy Secretaries of State. 111. As for the measures to increase the presence of women in politics, Act No.90/2004 is in force.
By setting that women have to be one third of the candidates for election to the European Parliament, it has triggered a substantial increase in women elected, in June 2004: 19.23% while in 1999 it amounted to 11.5%. 112. The DEO aims at extending the training project launched in 2005, entitled “Women, politics and institutions - educational processes for a gender and equal opportunities culture”.
The objective of the project was to process practical and theoretical information in order to disseminate a gender sensitive culture and to allow women, workers or not, to approach politics and to promote their advancement and participation in the national political and social life. The project has been designed for all women with a secondary-school diploma and for male and female university students. 113.
113. The main themes analysed during the courses were the following: 26 - the functioning of the main Italian institutional bodies and the political parties; - political and social participation; - the organization and functioning of the European Parliament; - national and community jurisprudence regarding gender policy techniques and tools. 114. The above project was formally concluded in 2007.
The above project was formally concluded in 2007. However considering its effectiveness, after the signing of an ad hoc Memorandum of Understanding between the DEO and the Ministry for Education, University and Research, it has been decided to launch it again in 2012. 115.
115. As for the measures undertaken to improve the situation of women in the labour market, the Department for Equal Opportunities has signed the above-mentioned Memorandum of Understanding with the Minister for Education, University and Research on gender equality in science. 116. The Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by both Ministers, in September 2010, with the aim of promoting equal opportunities policies at all levels of science, technology and scientific research.
The Memorandum envisages the establishment of a Scientific Committee consisting of relevant experts from public administrations, Universities and the civil society, tasked with elaborating concrete measures to achieve gender equality in science; to fight the under representation of women in the scientific fields; to facilitate the advancement of the career; improve the presence of women in the scientific labour market and, in particular, in decision- making posts. 117.
117. The DEO has also coordinated two projects aimed at improving the situation of women in the scientific sector, both financed by the 7PQ namely:  The project "Practising Gender Equality in Science" - PRA.G.E.S. was an action of coordination, lasting 21 months, aimed at comparing the various strategies implemented for promoting the presence of women in decision-making positions relating to scientific research in public institutions.
It pursues the objective of collecting, classifying and evaluating good practices and positive actions (involving those where a positive contribution from men is recorded) that can be found in OECD countries, both at the national level and at the level of the individual institutions, and to make them available, in a usable form, to a number of selected targets, including both decision-makers and other relevant stakeholders.
The projects ended in 2009 with the publication of the Guidelines for Gender Equality Programmes in Science .  The project “Women Careers Hitting the Target”-WHIST , as the previous PRAGES project, is coordinated by the DEO and consists of a coordinated set of activities of networking, awareness-raising, experimentation and knowledge transfer between scientific organisations of different countries and of different kinds as well as between scientific organisations and decision- makers.
The duration of the project will be 27 months. The project's aim is to "improve the situation of gender diversity in science, by inter alia improving transparency in recruitment, promotion, and nomination" and increase the capacity of scientific and technological (S&T) institutions in monitoring, managing and feeding gender diversity in their own organisation, at all levels. The project will ends on July 2011. [Question No. 21.]
[Question No. 21.] The report indicates that the 2007 “Directive on measures to implement the principle of equality and equal opportunities between men and women in public administration” has among its objectives to increase the number of women in top positions (paras. 150 and 223). Please provide information on the impact of this directive on the number of women in top positions in public administration. 27 118.
27 118. As for the measures undertaken in order to promote the equal opportunities in the labour market, the “Directive on measures to achieve equality and equal opportunity between men and women in Public Administration” is still in force. 119. This Directive was signed in 2007 by the Minister for Equal Opportunities jointly with the Minister for Reforms and Innovation in the Public Administration. Its main aim is to guarantee the fair access of women to public offices5. 120.
120. This Directive mainly applies to the central authorities and non economic bodies, but also to Regions and local bodies. The Directive provides for indications in several areas: personnel recruitment and personnel management policies; elimination and prevention of discrimination, etc.. 121. To monitor the Directive, every year the DEO prepares an annual summary report by which it analyzes the data provided for by the relevant administrations.
In particular, the second chapter of the 3° summary report, entitled “The personnel and the Gender”, analyses gender disaggregated data referring to a number of 396.566 public officials. 122. The apical positions in the public administration are the directors representing 1,6% of the total personnel. The 2009 statistical Survey based on a sample of 3999 directors belonging to central public administrations shows that 48,8% were women (In 2008, from a sample of 5524 directors, 37,4%, were women). 123.
123. With regard to the measures undertaken to implement the principle of gender equality and, in particular, the objectives set out in the aforementioned 2007 Directive, the yearly monitoring on the state of implementation being conducted by the Department of Reform and Innovation for the Public administration and the Department of Equal Opportunities. 124.
124. The survey considers, inter alia, the „professional staff distribution‟ in relation to their position and the relating assignment to managerial posts. It includes first and second-tier managers, officers in charge of organization positions and the remaining staff, according to their position in the professional organization chart.
The acquisition of these updated data concerning the overall Public administration staff allows to learn about the distribution of top positions within the public administration between men or women.
With regard to 2009 data concerning 169 public Authorities that responded to the questionnaire, it emerged that from the total public administration staff amounting to 396,566, 41.6% are women (further information are available at: http://www.innovazionepa.gov.it/media/604547/rapporto%202010_diretti_destinatari.pdf).
5 The Minister for the Public Administration and the Minister for Equal Opportunities signed in March 2011, the Directive addressed to all administrations regarding the “Guidelines on the functioning of the system of the committees solely aimed at guaranteeing equal opportunities (Comitati unici di garanzia per le pari opportunità), the enhancement of the welfare of those who work and against any forms of discrimination" (to be established according to Article 21 of Act No.
183/2010, which replaced Art.57 of Act No. 165/2001). The committees to guarantee equal opportunities (acronym, CUG) will take over the functions which by the above law and the collective bargaining have been attributed to the Equal Opportunities Committees and the Joint Committees on the phenomenon of mobbing.
In particular it is established that: - In each administration, a CUG, which will include representatives of both management personnel and non-managerial staff, will be created; - The CUG will be unique even for the administrations where there is coexistence of staff employed under the public Law and contracted personnel; - The Members of the CUG shall serve for four years; - Each CUG will have its own internal rules of organization.
Among the tasks assigned by the Directive to the CUG, there is the verification of the implementation by the administration of the commitments contained in the assessment of risks derived from work stress. In addition, the administration will previously consult the CUG, whenever it intends to adopt any measures for flexibility, working hours, part-time, leave, training, career development, etc.
28 Percentuale complessiva per genere e posizione (%) 18% 32% 63% 78% 3% 3% 1% 2% uomini donne Dirigenti Posizioni organizzative II area (ex posizioni C o assimilati) Altri dipendenti Managers account for 1.6% out of the total staff. 39% out of 6,188 managers are women and 61% are men. As the following diagram shows, women are present in the second-tier management whereas men account for two-thirds of first-tier management.
Dirigenti per genere e fascia 41% 33% 23% 59% 67% 77% Dirigenti II fascia Dirigenti II fascia con incarico di prima Dirigenti di I fascia donne uomini Employment, reconciliation of work and family life, and poverty [Question No. 22.] The report refers to the measures envisaged by the State party to increase the participation of women in the labour market (paras. 274 and 276).
274 and 276). Please provide information on concrete actions taken, especially as regards the huge discrepancy in the rate of women‟s employment between the southern and northern-centre regions. 125. A recent pivotal programme of actions to promote the inclusion of women in the labour market is the “Plan - Italy 2020”, which has been adopted by the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, in December 2009. 29 126.
29 126. The “Plan – Italy 2020” encourages the presence of women also in training, in the so-called green jobs sector and areas relating to environmental-friendly techniques, being sectors where women are traditionally less represented.
The Plan main aim is the inclusion of women in the labour market through the implementation of new concrete measures such as: the creation of child- care services; the enhancement of care services; the creation of registers for care services providers and baby-sitters who have attended a specific training; economic support for tele–working workers; and the exemption from taxes for the female work in the South. 127.
127. In order to support the Plan-Italy 2020, the Italian Government adopted, on April 29, 2010, the National Plan for interventions to promote reconciliation between work and family, by which to allocate 40 million Euros to be distributed among Italian Regions by public notices.
On a more specific note, it is worth-mentioning as follows:  10 million Euros will be devoted to finance the child-care services throughout the developing of new profiles such as the tagesmutters, or the condominium based babysitter.  4 million Euros for the creation of registers of qualified baby-sitters and care services providers and for the training of these workers.  12 millions Euros for vouchers and job-offers in order to improve the female employment.
 6 million Euros for the financing of NGOs and associations working for promoting the reconciliation between work and family.  4 million Euros for the tele-working.  4 million Euros for training courses for the re-entering of women in the labour market after a period of maternity leave or job-abandon for assisting elder relatives or persons with disabilities. Fifteen agreements with Regions have been financed, so far. 128.
128. In the 2007-2009 period, the resources that have been globally dedicated to the development of the social educational sector of services for early infancy amount to more than 747 million: 446.4 million in state resources to finance the special triennial plan, 281 million of local administrations‟ resources to co-finance the plan and a further 20 million in state resources allotted to finance early infancy day-care services. 129.
Within the framework of the European Social Fund, the DEO is responsible for the systemic actions aimed at supporting those Regions falling within the so-called “Convergence Objective” (Sicily, Puglia, Calabria, Campania) on the issues of the reconciliation and women‟s employment through the use of European Resources, such as for example the reconciliation between work and family by promoting tele-working, part-time, job-sharing, the organization of city schedules and by supporting the entrepreneurial best practices on gender-related issues.
With reference to measures undertaken to increase women‟s participation in the labour market, it is worth-mentioning the following strategies, within the framework of the action Plan for the inclusion of women in the labor market: “Italy 2020 – Action Programme for the inclusion of women into the labour market”, as jointly promoted by the Ministries of Labour and Equal Opportunities, identifies the strategic framework to facilitate the balance between work and family and to promote Equal Opportunities in the access to the labour market.
This programme envisages the following five areas to which 40 million euros have been allocated: to foster family-run day nurseries through the so-called "Tagesmutter" (day- mother) experience, namely women who take care of babies at their home against payment (this kind of experience has already been successfully carried out in a few Northern regions); setting up „registers‟ for national and foreign duly educated baby minders and caregivers; issue of vouchers addressed to the purchase of care services in facilities such as toy and play centres and summer 30 holiday centres; support to social cooperatives operating for work life balance in disadvantaged contexts; incentives to women‟s tele-working; refresher courses devoted to working women wishing to re-enter the labour market, after a period of leave.
131. On July 30, 2010, the Council of Ministers approved the three-year Labour Plan, entitled “Liberare il lavoro per liberare i lavori (“free labour to free the works”), developed by the Minister of Labour, to promote economic growth and employment through the development of demanded skills, with specific regard to youth and women. Actions in favour of women‟s employment focus on implementing a reconciliation policy by re-designing the working hours plan.
In this regard it was requested the opinion by social partners. It was also envisaged a specific focus on the promotion of child-care services, particularly the day-care service. 132. Regarding the State‟s measures aimed at increasing women‟s participation in the labour market and updated information on the progress made in achieving the 33% territorial coverage of socio- educational services for early childhood as fixed by the European Council of Lisbon in 2000, it is worthy of mention as follows: 133.
The Extraordinary plan for the development of socio-educational services for early childhood, emanating from the unified Conference Agreement between the Government, Regions, and Local Self-Government (dated 26 September 2007) aims at allowing all the Regions to launch regional plans for extending and qualifying educational services covering the age 0-3.
134.The main objectives are: to increase relevant child-friendly services; to implement the relevant measures to ensure the Essential Levels; to revitalize a strategy of collaboration between institutions for the concrete implementation of children‟s rights; and to overcome the strong imbalance between Northern and Southern Italy in order to get closer to the European standards.