356 values
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In this respect, however, it should be noted that, in recent years, there have been some steps forward, thanks to efforts by ONIFA and women's associations created within sector organizations (such as, for example, Women in the Field for the Italian Farmers‟ Confederation, Women in Business for Coldiretti). - Also worth mentioning, in 2000-2007, unlike in the past, there was a drop in women agricultural entrepreneurs: from 796,000 in 2000 to 632,000 in 2007.
The reduction was mainly in areas where subsistence farming is practiced (inland areas, marginal areas). From a geographical point of view, women agricultural entrepreneurs continue to be more prevalent in the South (33% of the total number of heads of farms as opposed to 27% recorded in the North), although in 2000-2007 the difference between the two values dropped by two percentage points (from 7% in 2000 to 5% in 2007).
In the South, the majority of women entrepreneurs are concentrated in Puglia, Sicily and Campania. - The share of women heads of farms with diplomas or degrees is 5.4%, slightly more than recorded in 2000 (5.2%). The figure varies little between North and South, though it is interesting to note that most of them operate mainly in areas where more profitable agriculture is practiced (areas bordering urban centres, on plains and in hills).
- The growing commercial value attributed to the characteristics of health and quality of food products, as well as their use for physiotherapy treatment, has made women's contribution to agriculture more visible by offering them a leading role in the management of these farms.
This, in turn, has also found support in the active role women are increasingly carving out for themselves in activities that are complementary to agriculture, but increasingly necessary to ensure the profitability of farming (in farm stays, educational and leisure activities, personal services, etc.)
- Some field surveys show, moreover, that women who choose to engage in agriculture are better prepared to introduce innovations on their farms, starting a slow process of restructuring, retraining and specialization that leads them to improve their positions, in absolute value and in relation to the male collective. - With regard to salaried female workers in agriculture, most are between ages 18 and 39 55 (9,000 units as opposed to 5,000 in 2000). Some are female workers from non-EU countries. 238.
238. Migrants - The deep structural and social transformations that have affected Italian rural areas over the past decades have also led to a loosening of the support networks of family and neighbourhood, a phenomenon that has encouraged the formation of an employment niche (domestic workers, including paid companions for the elderly and disabled) mostly involving women from foreign countries.
Not only that, many of them are engaged in agriculture, especially in harvesting and initial processing of products, often without contractual guarantees. - It should be noted that their arrival, with their families, in fragile rural areas (mountain areas, for instance) is resulting in the need to reopen services (schools, day care centres) which had been closed because they were no longer needed by a population mostly made up of older people.
- The development of the ways they enter the workforce in Italian rural areas presents a very complex dynamic that begins with their personal history and reflects the socio-economic characteristics of the area where they work. Above all, it is strongly affected by Italy‟s laws regarding immigration and labour.
- To date, the problem of integration of migrant women (and men as well) in rural areas is not dealt with in unitary policies, but often left to the initiatives - which are laudable - of non- profit organizations, volunteers and the sensitivity of communities where they live. In places where they are taken advantage of, they are unable to make their particular contribution to the revitalization of the area; where they are truly integrated into the community, the benefits are considerable.
- By cross-referencing the available statistical sources (ISTAT, Ministry of the Interior, Social Security), it is now possible to estimate that about one-fifth of immigrants in Italy live in rural areas. Of these, the primary sector absorbs 36%, while 27% are employed in domestic and care-giving services. Of course, estimates do not take undeclared and under- the-table work into account.
- In the agricultural sector, there were about 430,000 female migrant workers in 2008, according to the latest available data, about 41% of the foreign workforce employed in the primary sector. Immigrant women work mainly in agriculture in the South (70%), with peaks of 20% in Calabria and Puglia and 14% in Campania. In these areas there is strong demand for seasonal employment of unskilled workers (mainly harvest crews).
Among the regions of the North, those with the highest figures are Veneto (with 4.4%) and Emilia Romagna (with 8.5%), where immigrant women have better contractual conditions.
Immigrants in agriculture in Italy by country of origin and gender (INEA processing of INPS figures) Women 2006 2007 2008 EU 396.909 418.391 408.285 Non-EU 26.377 21.171 21.766 Total 423.286 439.562 430.051 Men EU 467.572 528.971 538.113 56 - -Most female immigrants employed in agriculture are young (47% are under 40), come mainly from Eastern Europe and North Africa, and intend to leave the primary sector as soon as they find the right opportunity.
This is essentially because of the harsh living conditions seasonal workers are subjected to (housing with poor sanitary conditions, unreasonably long work hours, low wages, high levels of mobility). - It is particularly interesting to note the independent entrepreneurship of female migrant workers in agriculture. About 38% of farms started by foreign nationals are headed by women. This confirms the strong potential of immigration for the primary sector in Italy.
- The other predominant employment of female immigrants in rural areas is care services (for the elderly, disabled and children). This phenomenon is related to the demands of local female workers for freedom from time and space constraints, and can also be attributed to the large numbers of old people left alone: it is the long term effect of the continuing migration that has always affected rural areas, especially the most marginalized.
These women represent an implicit welfare resource: their work makes up for deficiencies in the public system, which is constrained by increasingly significant funding cuts. These are foreign women who arrive in Italy to work, with no other desire than to send money home. They are often mature women, with families to maintain in their country of origin, whom they hope to rejoin as soon as possible.
The temporary nature of their condition makes them willing to accept the most extreme and difficult working conditions, with few demands in terms of needs and little involvement for processes of integration - Another large segment of female immigrants is women who immigrate to Italian rural areas to rejoin their families. Unlike those who work, they are strongly conservative of their own culture and traditions, partly because they tend to devote themselves to the care of family and home.
They have limited opportunities to interact with local communities, which working could provide. These women have the greatest problems in integrating but at the same time have the greatest needs, which they often fail to translate into an effective demand for services. 239. Quality of life, services and infrastructure.
Quality of life, services and infrastructure. As we have stated, the quality of life for rural Non-EU 69.639 63.775 68.952 Total 537.211 592.746 607.065 Women and men EU 864.481 947.362 946.398 Non-EU 96.016 84.946 90.718 Total 960.497 1.032.308 1.037.116 57 women is strongly influenced by the opportunities offered by the local labour market, by the presence of infrastructures and services to the population, by the geographical location of the area (degree of isolation) and by the division of gender roles.
- Italian rural areas, especially the most marginalized, still suffer from serious shortcomings in terms of providing infrastructure and services to the population, a deficit increasingly exacerbated by cuts caused by the economic crisis. There is a lack not only of on-site facilities and services, but also in terms of accessibility to those in the nearest urban centres.
The morphology of rural areas, the lack of infrastructure and transport services (both road and rail) makes the distances between urban centres and rural areas more burdensome. This handicap is worse in the inland areas of the South, where people must deal with very limited public transport and a poorly maintained system of roads.
- If we consider that the search for employment often results in the need for rural women to move short and long distances daily, it follows that the poor infrastructure in rural areas results in a deterioration of their living conditions, making it difficult to maintain a family and a job, especially when there is no possibility of delegating part of the family organization to others.
Not to be underestimated, also, is the fact that travelling to work is not always a choice dictated by career ambition or the promise of better pay, and often affects segments of the female workforce with low-profile tasks and low wages.
- Note that, thanks to Community structural and rural development policies, which allocate a portion of funding for projects to improve the quality of life in rural areas, measures have been enacted over the past decade in Italian rural areas to strengthen small basic infrastructure and services (home care services, child care - agri-day care - on-call shuttle transport, etc.).
Many interventions have been made thanks to the EU Leader Initiative, which is aimed specifically at encouraging rural development measures which are more affordable for the populations concerned. - In order to reduce the isolation of Italian rural areas, the national government has promoted a policy over the last decade to expand the use of new communication technologies, particularly broadband access.
Efforts made at the regional level as well have significantly reduced the gap among the various areas of Italy: in 2008, coverage was extended to 81% of rural areas (compared to 89% of urban centres). There is still a large gap between rural and urban areas in terms of DSL, which provides fast Internet connection (in 2008 only 17% of rural areas were covered, as opposed to 89% of urban areas).
The extension of new technologies can only strengthen the role of rural women, allowing them to upgrade their networks and thus their wealth of knowledge. 240. The gender approach in rural development policies. Today, in Italy, there is no specific national policy for rural development.
The interventions are regional versions of programs provided for in Community structural, agricultural and rural development policies (Common Agricultural Policy - CAP Regional Operational Programmes - ROPs, Regional Rural Development Plans - RDPs). A look at the major intervention programs currently in force - Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) - shows that the gender approach is not specifically addressed in individual regional programmes.
More often than not it translates into priorities and rewards criteria in the preliminary stage, and in some cases, information measures specifically aimed at female entrepreneurs, a target of beneficiaries that often cannot be reached through the traditional channels of communication used by public administrations.
- As mentioned previously, Italian rural areas have been affected over the past decade by processes of territorial policy renewal, which have led to the emergence of development processes that are endogenous, integrated and have broad participation. One example is the experience of the Integrated Territorial Projects (ITPs) and Local Development Plans 58 (LDPs), the latter carried out by local action groups (LAGs) within the Community Leader Initiative.
Because of their organizational skills, creative agility and adaptability women have assumed a prominent role, especially at the technical level, in managing these new approaches to development. These are professionals (project managers, organisers, administrative staff, etc.)
who have gained experience in the field and have technical, communication and social skills that allow circular flows of information to be set up and maintained among institutions, enterprises and beneficiaries; these characteristics are increasingly demanded by today‟s global economy.
- As further evidence of this, analysis of the composition of the 132 LAGs operating in rural areas throughout the country (in the 2000-2007 programming period) shows that 57% of professionals who play an active role in the territory (organization, information, technical support to operators) are women. At the same time, women account for 55% of staff performing administrative and secretarial duties.
Certainly, there is still much progress to be made, especially with regard to decision-making structures (in the areas of management and politics). Again there is a gap between the sexes, strongly weighted toward men (there are only five women presidents among the 132 LAGs, and around 9% of administrative board members are women). 241. Health Policies aimed at women in rural areas.
Health Policies aimed at women in rural areas. In the context of health policies aimed at the female population in the South, the Ministry of Health has launched the “Systemic action and technical assistance for service objectives – ADI project”, linked to the National Strategic Context (QSN), as per Article 27 of EC Regulation 1083/2006, which is the planning document on the basis of which Italy pursues the objectives laid down in the 2007-2013 Community cohesion policy. 242.
242. This project was launched by the Ministry of Health with the cooperation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and with the Prime Minister‟s Department for Family Policies; it is the result of an integrated effort to combine all systemic and technical assistance activities that are consistent with priority number 4 of the QSN, “Social inclusion and services for quality of life and territorial appeal”.
One of the strategic objectives of this priority is to increase women‟s participation in the labour market, by increasing personal care services; indeed, this would lead to a lighter burden for women within the family and would make it easier for them to reconcile family life with working life. 243.
243. Success in achieving this objective is measured thanks to a series of indicators (the number of day nurseries; children accessing child care services, aged persons receiving integrated home care (ADI), the percentage incidence of expenditure for integrated home care) on the basis of which the percentage changes compared to the base value and the expected value are periodically measured.
In line with the above quoted objectives, the Health Ministry with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and the Prime Minister‟s Department for Family Policies has defined a series of activities and projects aimed at assisting Regional Administrations in the South in implementing activities aimed at achieving service Objective S.06 – Increasing the percentage of aged persons benefitting from Integrated Home Care ADI from 1.6% to 3.5%. 244.
244. The general objective of the Project is to offer support to the South (Abruzzi, Molise, Basilicata, Campania, Apulia, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia) for the programming, planning, rendering and monitoring home care services to people over 65, according to criteria of suitability.
The fulcrum of the project is to integrate the health services offered by the ASL districts with the social-care services offered by the local bodies, also thanks to the adoption of joint instruments for planning, managing the services and assessing needs.
The project is funded with FAS resources amounting to € one million and presently the first phase has been completed at a cost of € 500,000 take from the fund; to conduct this project, a convention was 59 signed with FORMEZ, to which this Ministry and the other two Administrations entrusted Technical Assistance.
At the moment, the project is about to enter into its second biennium (with equal funding) and will be launching joint transversal actions in the 8 regions and specific actions dedicated to each region, on the basis of the objectives reached in the first phase and the regional needs identified for the subsequent activities. Roma women and migrant women [Question No. 30.]
Roma women and migrant women [Question No. 30.] While the report provides some information on Roma and migrant women, there is no comprehensive picture of the steps taken by the State party to eliminate discrimination against them in the areas of education, employment, health and participation in political and public life, as called for by the Committee in its previous concluding observations.
Please provide information on the conclusions of the research entitled “Gender identity and life prospects of women belonging to the Roma community”, referred to in paragraph 128 of the report, and on concrete policy and legislative measures, including temporary special measures in accordance with article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention, to eliminate intersecting forms of discrimination against Roma and migrant women in the areas mentioned above.
Please also provide information on the results achieved through implementation of such measures. 245. In the 2002-2010 period, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies financed a series of initiatives aimed at generally fostering the socio-economic integration of foreigners, and of immigrant women in particular.
In particular it has requested ISTAT16, jointly with the Ministry for Equal Opportunities, the preparation of a pilot survey on the degree of integration of women and men foreigners, to be launched in the coming months. In June 2010 the Italian Government approved the “Plan for integration with security: Identity and Mutual Engagement”, promoted by the Minster of Labor and Social Policies and the Minister of Home Affairs.
The Plan summarizes the strategy which, working jointly, the Italian Government intends to follow in matters concerning the integration of immigrants and in a manner that combines security with appropriate reception policies. The Plan sets out the main actions and instruments to be adopted in order to promote effective integration pathways. By this Plan, the Italian Government underlines the role of women as driving force for the integration.
The social inclusion of female immigrants is considered the “litmus test” of the degree of integration a society has achieved. The five strands of integration developed in the Plan are the following : i – education and learning: from language to values; ii - work ; iii – housing and local governance; iv – access to essential services; v – children and second generation. 246.
With the Fund for the social inclusion of immigrants (€ 50 million), established with the 2007 financial law, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies financed a series of projects presented by Regions, local bodies, and bodies and associations, that regarded the following areas of intervention: 1) housing support 2) reception of foreign students 3) Protection of unaccompanied minor foreigners 4) Capitalizing on second generations 5) Protecting immigrant women at risk of social alienation 6) Spreading the Italian language 7) Spreading knowledge of Italian laws and the possible paths for social inclusion.
In particular, in the area dedicated to women, specific interventions were carried out to protect immigrant women at risk of social emargination, aimed at: carrying out reception interventions at facilities designed to house women (also with minor children) in conditions of family, work, economic, and/or social distress; creating paths of economic and social promotion of migrant women in distress conditions, also through training, guidance, and job integration, and protection 16 ISTAT has been mandated to carry out two more relevant pilot-surveys, in which to apply a gender perspective, as follows: the former on discrimination on the ground of sex, gender and sexual orientation; and the latter on the integration of foreigners and Roma people.
This has been requested by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry for Equal Opportunities being interested in health, naturalisation and gender-based integration, respectively. 60 against all forms of gender and ethnic/racial discrimination; developing programmes that foster access to public services (social/health services, educational services, job support services, etc.)
also through the assistance of cultural mediators; carrying out information campaigns, on various instruments and mechanisms, for the safeguarding of women, aimed at preventing and combating practises and forms of psychological and physical coercion, as well as all manifestations of gender violence, abuse, and blackmail in the home and working environment. In this area of intervention, 11 projects were funded overall, for a total amount of € 3,317,107.46. 248.
248. Just as significant is the intervention performed in the school sector, where the paths for receiving and integrating foreign students are joined by interventions involving the parents and migrant families in the school‟s activities and in the scholastic orientation of foreign students, with a priority on those immigrating recently; these interventions are capable of fostering intercultural dialogue between Italian and foreign students, and their respective families.
For this area of intervention, 25 projects were funded overall, for a total amount of € 1,614,013.83 249. In 2009, Fondo nazionale per le politiche migratorie (national fund for migration policies) was assigned € 27,360,000.00 for carrying out interventions for the social integration of immigrants.
Planned interventions chiefly regarded the following thematic areas: 1) interventions in favour of immigrant women; 2) spreading information on access to public services; 3) Italian language 4) protecting unaccompanied foreign minors.
As concerns immigrant women, through a public notice contributions were granted in favour of the subjects entered in the first section of the register of bodies and associations that carry out activities in favour of immigrants, implementing good practises addressing immigrant women. The top-ten bodies were granted funding aimed at repeating the project, for a total of € 400,000.00. 250.
250. In particular, the courses aimed at learning the Italian language, developed with national funds starting in 2002 (for a total of € 12,889.326) and still being carried out by bodies in the third-sector bodies and the Regions, had women as their privileged targets, considering the greater difficulty they have in accessing education. Upon conclusion of the courses, the students can take examinations to acquire the issuance of certification of knowledge of Italian as a foreign language. 251.
251. As part of the 2007-2013 European Fund for the integration of third-country nationals, Annual Programme 2007, this Ministry developed a project proposal for carrying out an investigation of the experiences of the subjects entered in the Register in the sector of the social integration of foreign women.
The objective was to survey and learn which are the subjects that operate in the investigation‟s specific sector of interest and to highlight the features of the performed interventions, also in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, while identifying experiences and good practises.
The results of the investigation, in addition to providing elements of deeper examination for developing active integration policies especially oriented towards this category of beneficiaries, provide grounds for analysis and impetus for further operative developments for the subjects involved. 252.
252. In order to give effective implementation to foreigners‟ complete equality in accessing public health services, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies promoted information paths in the matter of healthcare, aimed not only at meeting the simple need for medical care, but also at preventing disease, providing assistance in pregnancy and childbirth, the growth of minors, and all those pathologies that derive from conditions of social distress.
Towards this end, a convention was signed with the national institute for promoting the health of migrant populations and combating the diseases of poverty (Istituto nazionale per la promozione della salute delle popolazioni migranti ed il contrasto delle malattie delle povertà), for an amount of € 2,000,000.00, having as its purpose the development of a programme of interventions supporting the immigrant population in 61 accessing healthcare services, with particular regard to pregnant women and to minors, through the use of cultural mediators to be inserted in Italy‟s local health concerns.
253. Mention should also be made of the pilot project entitled “case alloggio,” (residential homes) developed during the 2003 -2007 period, as part of the national operative programme “Sicurezza per lo sviluppo del Mezzogiorno 2000-2006” (security for the development of Southern Italy, 2000-2006).
Focusing on the performance of professional training actions and aimed at subsequent integration in the labour market, the project addressed refugee women, women entitled to temporary protection measures, women legitimately present on national territory that were in conditions of distress and in a state of pregnancy, and women applying for political asylum.
The project made it possible to provide pilot services for the initial reception phase performed in residential facilities, where a complex of services was delivered, aimed at fostering the beneficiaries‟ integration at work and in society. These services regarded language and professional training, the active search for housing, support in integrating children at school, and a structured job search.
(Twelve casa alloggio residential homes were activated; 23 training courses were held; 469 immigrant women were received, 354 of whom completed the training courses and 142 integrated into the working world). 254.
254. In order to prevent any form of discrimination and promote the development of paths of social inclusion in the Roma communities, this Administration has adopted a series of initiatives aimed at fostering their integration at work and in society, the integration of children in school, and access to housing.
With funding from Fondo Nazionale Politiche Sociali 2008 (2008 national social policies fund), a trial programme of interventions was activated, aimed at fostering the integration at work and in society of members of the Rom community in the regional territories where their presence is particularly significant.
Towards this end, specific programme agreements were signed with 4 regional administrations (Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany, Apulia, for a financial commitment of € 1,920,000), providing for the use of the institutions of apprenticeship and training internship, the activation of information services, orientation and accompaniment at work, and the training of Rom cultural mediators. These interventions regarded Rom women in particular. 255.
255. As for health-related issues, within its Prevention policies aimed at the population at risk of exclusion, the Ministry has funded and conducted a project that involved all the Italian Regions: “Migration: reception systems for immigrants, which include medical services and respecting the health rights of these people”; it ended in July 2010 and its results will be published soon.
The objectives of this project included drawing up a compendium of all the regional legislation relating to health for immigrants and assessing the impact of local health policies relating to access to services and care. 256. Another project that involves many regions, is “the health of the immigrant population: Monitoring Regional Health Systems”, it has been financed recently and work is under way.
Here, the specific objectives of the project include creating a national monitoring system to assess the response capabilities of the SSRs (Regional Health Systems), the efficacy and the efficiency of services and the impact of welfare policies on the immigrant population. There will be a special focus on assessing access to health services for subjects most at risk among immigrants: women and children. 257.
257. The dialogue with the Regions is ensured thanks to the “Immigrants and Health Services” interregional technical group within the health Committee, whose main purpose is to make access to treatment and health care for immigrants uniform throughout the Country. Our Ministry is represented in that group. 62 258.
62 258. There are a further two specific projects in the mother and child field aimed at immigrants and they are funded by the CCM: the first one is “the health and safety of the newborn, a guide for immigrant families"; it has been completed and it included the drafting, publishing and distribution in maternity wards of a brochure in 10 different languages (the most spoken among the immigrant population in Italy), entitled "girls and boys of the world”.
This brochure is a guide on caring for a newborn in his/her first year of life and it offers useful information on the available services dedicated to child health. 259. The second one is “Prevention of termination of pregnancy cases in foreign women” and its declared objective is to reduce the number of repeated abortions in immigrant women thanks to action aimed at promoting women‟s health and responsible procreation, with the help of the women‟s associations that already work in these communities.
In the completed project for the Roma and Sinti populations on “accessibility of health services and education on the health of ROMA women and girls: an experimental intervention model”, the idea was to test an intervention method that could be replicated all through Italy, which would bring the public health institutions closer to the Roma and Sinti populations, by making social and health operators responsible for giving guidance on the proper use of territorial health services and actively offering health education.
To this end, brochures and specific material have been drafted; they are bilingual (in Italian and Romanian, or in Italian and Romani). 261. It is worth-mentioning the EU FEI17 project entitled “Women of Foreign Origin”. In this regard, UNAR intends to promote it through the launch of information campaigns on multiple forms of discrimination against foreign women, to raise awareness of their situation in Italy. 262.
262. The launch of this campaign is envisaged between February and March, following the conclusion of the public Notice procedure, which will includes a press conference and an ad hoc initiative on the occasion of Women‟s Day (March 8, 2011). 263. The information project will be developed by an ad hoc NWG (standing for National Working Group), coordinated by UNAR in which relevant organizations will participate. 264.
264. This group will aim at assisting women of foreign origin to realize their rights, provided that they are victims of multiple forms of discrimination. The linkage between gender, race or ethnic origin will be placed at the core of each communication action. The aim of the relevant project will be to show the specific difficulties to promote gender equality in the event of additional factors causing further vulnerability, such as race, religion or ethnic origin. 265.
265. The communication campaign will involve various media, from the traditional communication channels to the new ones, to be launched by UNAR in collaboration with the above NWG to tackle and eliminate prejudices and stereotypes.
This campaign to be conducted in partenrship with the above NWG will aim at specifically detecting: - Methods to involve women of foreign origin, by considering their testimonies; - The most appropriate strategies and means (contents, messages and tools) to combat and prevent discrimination against women of foreign origin to protect their human rights. 266.
266. There will be a widespread communication campaign to be realized by: o Newspapers; o Local and National radios; 17 FEI Funds are allocated by the EU to the Ministry of Interior to promote the integration of foreigners. 63 o Publicity Banners at the railway stations; o Publicity Banners on the buses and in the subway. 267. Between February and March, there will be several publicities to be broadcast by radios and radio news which reaches a 4 million people, per day.
There will be also banner sto be displayed on the main sites for relevant associations of women of foreign origin. 268. Between March and April, the above activities will be developed in particular in Milan and Rome, especially on the occasion of Women‟s International Day. 269. Positive actions aimed at promoting the development of small-sized enterprises and enterprises promoted by women immigrants. To implement Art.7 of Lgs. D. No.
To implement Art.7 of Lgs. D. No. 215/03, a new public notice was issued in October 2009 to launch relevant positive actions relatig to the race or the ethnic origin.18 270. The resources amounted to 900.000,00 Euros. This Notice addressed civil society organizations. The novelty refers to the possibility of partnership with local administrations. 271.
271. Given the data from the UNAR Contact Center, three areas were to be considered: the above- mentioned enterprises; the prevention and fight against racial discrimination with regard to the youngsters, the support for and the development of associations within the foreigners communities. 272. Over 300 applications were submitted but 25 projects were financed by UNAR. 273. As for the first area, UNAR financed 8 projects, amounting to 315.943 Euros.
In particolar one of these projects targeted Roma women living in Scampia, one of the most disadvantaged blocks in Naples. This project envisages specific initiatives in the following areas: a vocational training aimed at setting up a cooperative working in the food sector; and inter-cultural activities. 274. In this regard, it is also worth mentioning the programme carried out by the Department on Juvenile Justice. Provided that it fully applies the principle of gender equality in line with D.P.R.
448/ 1988 aims at rehabilitating the youngsters conflicting with the law. 275. In line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the EU relevant legislation, Act No.354/75, the Regulation 230/2000, there are specific provisions and initiatives for girls and young women. Young girls within the penal system express their discomfort according to modalities other than boys‟.
In particular from the data, though very little, it has be analysed that crimes refer to alcohol abuse, drugs and violent approach to the community, the latter being a phenomenon among young Roma girls. The relevant system has adopted ad hoc measures accordingly. 276. In terms of good practices, to help girls build their identity, the young girls under penal measures, including young mothers, are the recipients of ad hoc health-care programs with the support by the local Health-care Departments.
Since 1999, it was deemed by Legislative Decree 230/99, that the mother-child health-care sector has to be a priority. In this regard it is worthy of mention, as follows: - The monitoring of obstetric care needs by those girls within the penal circuit; - Prevention and protection against sexually transmittable diseases and gender-based cancers; 18 Il primo e unico avviso pubblico per azioni positive era stato pubblicato nel 2005.
64 - Awareness raising campaing on health for both inmates and penitentiary personnel; - Enhancement of the pre-natal courses at family counselling centers; - Giving birth in hospital rather than in a detention facility; - Support for the mental and physical development of the new born. Such objectives were confirmed by DPCM of April 30, 2008 governing the transfer of the penitentiary health care system from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of Health. 277.
277. With regard to the relation between mother inmate and the child, Act No.354/1975 allowed women inmates to bring with them in the detention facility the baby up to the age of three. The following law measures (Act No. 663/1986, and Act No.165/1998), as included in Act No. 40/2001, have widely developed either the postponement of the execution of the detention penalty or alternatively the use of the house arrest measure. 278.
Considering the various factors contributing to make these persons more vulnerable, the Juvenile Justice Department contributed to the adoption of ad hoc “Guidelines on the social inclusion of persons under judicial authority measure”, including a section of juveniles conflicting with law, especially girls: - prevention, early diagnosis and metal disorders therapy, by involving the juvenile services system and the health care system, in particular those engaged in the mother-child sector; - mother-child counselling, kindergartens and vocations training for women.
279. Some examples of good practices. Pontremoli Penal Institute. It has been recently launched the first Juvenile Penal Facility exclusively aimed at taking care of girls, with the aim of elaborating a treatment model to ensure the effective rehabilitation of girls. 280.
280. In terms of actions to support women and girls victims of sexual violence, the Social Service Office in Bari has developed with EU funds ad hoc training course and mental care actions to be carried out on an individual basis, in addition to ad hoc actions in the field (in particular for high schools students) by setting up labs on the violence against women and on the respect for law. 281.
281. It has been thus created a network among relevant stakeholders; and ad hoc guidelines have been also elaborated. 282. Within this frame work, given the low number of women inmates, the presence of women foreigners is worrisome. As a consequence, it has been launched a specific project in collaboration with AICRE to facilitate the social inclusion of young immigrants on danger.
It has been thus created an ad hoc communication system, multi-linguistic guidelines, a website, ad hoc meetings, including with the entrepreneurial sector. 283.
To provide a picture of this situation, it is worth-reporting the following data: 65 First Reception Centres Year Women entry % of females 2005 780 21,3 2006 639 18,2 2007 680 20,1 2008 425 20,2 2009 275 19,1 Juvenile Penal Institutes Year Women’s entry % of females 2005 272 18,2 2006 186 13,6 2007 192 14,3 2008 166 14,1 2009 142 12,2 Social Care Offices for Juveniles Year Females taken into care % of females 2005 1510 12 2006 1380 11 2007 191539 13,2 2008 1855 11,1 2009 1881 10,2 Communities Year Women sent to communities % of females 2005 199 15,2 2006 170 16,3 2007 176 18,2 2008 197 15,4 2009 133 12,5 283.
To reply to your request concerning the findings of the research on “gender identity”, it was intended to collect information on the living standards, the gender identity and the gender-based relations within the roma communities living in Rome and Florence 284. This research shows that Roma women are the most disadvantaged within their respective communities. The overall living conditions of the Roma communities are evolving.