356 values
356 values
146 values
196. Age requirements for the contribution system.
Old-age pensions may be requested by men that have reached 65 years of age and by women that have reached 60 years of age, and that have paid at least 5 years of contributions, or those who:  from 01 January 2008 through 31 December 2009, paid 35 years of contributions and have reached 60 years of age (61 if they are autonomous workers);  from 01 January 2010 through 31 December 2013, have paid 35 years of contributions and have reached 61 years of age (62 if they are autonomous workers);  from 01 January 2014, have paid 35 years of contributions and have reached 62 years of age (63 if they are autonomous workers);  have, regardless of the age requirement, paid 40 years of contributions.
197. Age requirements for the wage system. Old-age pensions may be requested by men that have reached 65 years of age and by women that have reached 60 years of age, and that have a contribution seniority of at least 20 years.
Still anchored to the old requirement of 15 years of contribution seniority are those who:  as at 31 December 1992, had already reached 15 years of contributions;  as at 31 December 1992, had already reached retirement age;  had been authorized for the voluntary payments prior to 31 December 1992;  with at least 25 years of insurance, have been employed for at least 10 not necessarily consecutive years, for periods of less than 52 weeks in the solar year. The system is destined to lose its effects.
The system is destined to lose its effects. 42 198. Mixed or pro-rated system. The mixed system remains anchored to the rules of the wage system, except for the procedures for calculating the pension, which are prorated. That means with the wage system for contributions paid by 31 December 1995, and with the contribution system for the rest of the contributions. 199.
199. In public businesses, following a ruling by the court of justice, the criteria for granting the pension were made uniform, by making the requirements established for men equal to those for women. 200. As regards the differences in the amounts of pension related to the differences in pay, and the non-typical nature of the contribution career of women, the following table is transmitted: 201.
INPS pensioners numbered 13,905,996 – 54% women and 46% men who, given the higher wages paid to them, earn 56% of the pension income. In particular, according to ISTAT 2008 data, the yearly gross total amount of pension income by sex comes to € 17,137 for men and € 11,906 for women. A woman‟s average monthly pension equals a gross of € 915,846, for a net of about € 500. A man‟s average monthly pension equals a gross of € 1,318,230, for a net of about € 900. 202. Family allowances.
202. Family allowances. As far as family allowances are concerned, employed persons and pensioners, those receiving social security benefits deriving from paid employment are entitled to receive family allowances. Since 1 January 1998, these allowances are also paid to “parasubordinati”, i.e. those registered with the separate administration (Law 335/1995). The amount of these allowances depends on the size of the family and the income of the household.
At least 70% of this income must come from paid employment. 203. A “household” is considered to include the applicant and his/her spouse, who must not be either legally or effectively separated, and the children or equivalent, under the age of 18 or without age limit if they are disabled, and nieces and nephews under the age of 18 if they are dependent on a direct ascendant (grandfather or grandmother), are in need and are maintained by a grandparent. 204.
204. Family income is calculated taking into account the all types of income received by the various members of the household, including deductible expenses and tax deductions - those taxed separately and those that are tax-exempt, if over approximately 1000 euros. Certain types of income are however exempt. 205. Similar family allowance rules are applicable to farmers, sharecroppers and smallholders and certain categories of self-employed persons.9 206.
Furthermore, municipalities are also entitled to grant family allowances (ANF-Assegno Nucleo Familiare), for families with at least three underage children and low incomes10. 9 Updated data available on http://www.inps.it/doc/Informazione/RapportiCoesioneSociale/NotaspesasocialeinItalia.pdf 10 For 2009 , the total expenses for all family allowances is 5.329 millions euro http://www.inps.it/Doc/informazione/rapporto_annuale/INPS_RappAnnuale09.pdf, p. 248. 43 207.
It is also worth to mention that beside long-run strategies, Italy has provided for specific and targeted income support measures to counteract the severity of the 2009 and 2010 crisis in order to give immediate response to women and family needs, with:  a lump-sum bonus for low-income families varying from 200 to 1000 Euro depending on family size and income conditions;  Tax relief of 19% of kindergarten expenses ;  Increased family allowances:  A monthly income support (“social card” - Carta Acquisti) for the purchase of primary goods for households with children or elderly;  a Trust Fund for newborns aiming at facilitating access to credit for families with newborns; Fare facilities to families for natural gas and electricity supply 208.
To provide a clear picture, it is useful to recall that as of 31 December 2008, the number of social security and welfare pensions paid out amounted to 23.8 million at a total annual expenditure of €241,109,000 equivalent to 15.38% of GDP11 (+0.31 percentage points compared to 2007). The average pension amount was €10,129 with a total increase in expenditures of 3.5% over 2007. Figure 1 – Pension indicators (a). Years 2007 and 2008 (percentage values) (a) Refer to glossary for definitions of indicators.
209. The figures above emerge from the annual surveys on pensions and their beneficiaries conducted by the National Statistical Institute (ISTAT) in collaboration with the National Social Security Institute (INPS) based on the latter‟s administrative data archive, the Pensioner Central Records Office12, which collects information on pensions paid out by all Italian public and private social security institutions. 210.
210. Pensions and beneficiaries are divided into seven categories: old-age, disability, survivor, injury, civil disability, non-contributory and war (refer to glossary for definitions). This classification makes it possible to univocally identify the number of beneficiaries within each category. Each beneficiary may receive pensions of different types hence be included in one or more of the above categories.
For example, a holder of an old-age pension who also receives a 11 For data on GDP, see: Conti Economici Nazionali Anni 2007-2009 (National Economic Accounts: Years 2007-2009), 01 March 2010, Istat. 12 Instituted through Presidential Decree no. 1338, 31 December 1971, subsequently amended by Legislative Decree no. 352, 06 July 1978, and Law no. 85, 22 March 1995.
352, 06 July 1978, and Law no. 85, 22 March 1995. 13.18 29.85 13.50 29.82 1.88 9.94 18.95 1.87 19.07 15.07 39.79 37.87 15.38 39.64 4 38.79 45.29 44.17 9.83 Pension costs/GDP Pension ratio Index of relative benefit Pension expenditures/GDP Pension ratio Index of relative benefit Social Security Welfare Total 2007 2008 44 survivor‟s pension will be included among cumulative beneficiaries of different types of pensions and fall within both the old-age and survivor‟s pension categories.
Therefore the total is calculated as the sum of the individual types of pension. 211. As regards types of pension (Table 1), it can be observed that disability, old-age and survivor‟s pensions (Ivs) amount to 18.6 million at an overall expenditure of € 217,216,000 (90.1% of total) with an average annual amount of € 11,662. 212. Welfare pensions represent the second largest category in terms of expenditures.
In 2008 such expenditures amounted to € 19,469,000 (8.1% of total) and related to 4.2 million pensions at an average annual amount of € 4,607. Injury pensions at an average annual amount of € 4,651 accounted for 1.8 % of total expenditures of € 4,424,000. Table 1 – Pensions and related annual, overall and average amount by type of pension. Years 2007-2008 TYPE OF PENSION 2007 2008 Number % Overall amount Average amount Number % Overall amount Average amount Milli ons of euros % euros I.N.
(a) Milli ons of euros % euro s I.N. (a) disability, old- age and survivor‟s pensions 18,641, 610 78.6 210,25 9 90.2 11,27 9 114. 8 18,626, 737 78.3 217,21 6 90.1 11,66 2 115. 1 Injury 976,679 4.1 4,256 1.8 4,357 44.4 951,264 4.0 4,424 1.8 4,651 45.9 Welfare 4,102,4 89 17.3 18,461 7.9 4,500 45.8 4,225,8 53 17.8 19,469 8.1 4,607 45.5 Total 23,720, 778 100 232,97 6 100 9,822 100 23,803, 854 100.0 241,10 9 100.0 10,12 9 100. 0 (a) Total index number =100 213.
0 (a) Total index number =100 213. With reference to regards pensioners (Table 2), it can be observed that in 2008 the number of pension holders, was almost 16.8 million, a figure only slightly higher than in 2007 (+0.04%). The number of pensions per capita was 1.4. Although the proportion of women pension holders was 53%, men received 56% of pension income due to the higher average amounts of their pensions (€17,137 compared to an average of €11,906 for women).
Table 2 – Pensioners and gross annual overall amounts of pension income by sex. Years 2007-2008 Sex 2007 2008 Number Amount Number Amount A.V. % Overall (Millions of euros) % Average (euros) I.N. A.V.
% Overall (Millions of euros) % Average (euros) Men 7,875,936 47.0 130,403 56.0 16,557 119.2 7,904,229 47.1 135,456 56.2 17,137 Women 8,895,668 53.0 102,573 44.0 11,531 83.0 8,874,142 52.9 105,653 43.8 11,906 Total 16,771,604 100.0 232,976 100.0 13,891 100.0 16,778,371 100.0 241,109 100.0 14,370 (a) Total index number =10013 13 Glossary - Overall annual amount: The annual amount of each pension is calculated as the product of the monthly amount of the pension as of 31 December times the number of monthly payments.
The amounts are gross before tax and contributions. Family allowance is not taken into consideration as it is not pension-related. Injury pension: pension paid as a result of an accident at work, during service and/or occupational illness. Index of relative benefit: percentage ratio between the average amount of a pension and GDP per inhabitant.
Disability pension: pension paid to those suffering from physical or mental infirmity that permanently reduces their ability to work by at least one third in occupations suited to the aptitude of the worker (disability allowance), or that permanently causes total incapacity to perform any work (disability pension). 45 Health [Question No. 26.]
45 Health [Question No. 26.] In its previous concluding observations, the Committee requested the State party to provide information on the health-care policies in place for women in the south and policies to prevent HIV transmission between adults, including the impact of these measures. Please provide additional information on these issues in order to fully address the Committee‟s recommendation. 214.
214. Within the broader scope of our focus on women‟s health problems, the Superior Institute on Health (Italian acronym, ISS) has been coordinating the Strategic Programme funded by the Ministry of Health, since 2009. It is named “Gender medicine, a strategic objective for public health: appropriate care for the safeguard of women’s health.” 215.
The main objective is to conduct research activities in pre-clinical, clinical, sociological and economic contexts in order to: a) supply a basis for a public health planning and development that takes into account gender differences and that protects women‟s health specifically so as to achieve appropriate care b) examine gender-dedicated prevention protocols c) draw up guidelines specifically for the female gender d) examine the influence the environment and the female role have on health so as to suggest practical measures (for additional information, please see also replies to questions 29 et ff.
below). 216. In particular for problems related to HIV/AIDS, in 1987, the dedicated institution of the National AIDS Committee allowed research, assistance, information, training and communication activities on HIV/AIDS to be harmonized and monitored throughout the national territory. 217.
217. Since 2006, along with the Voluntary Councils that exist within the Ministry of Health, the focus has been put on setting up of a National Register of new HIV infections and drawing up guidelines for therapy and diagnosis, as well as developing action projects aimed at vulnerable populations, including women.
In 2009, a special project was launched; it is funded by the Ministry of Health, and headed by the National Institute for the promotion of the health of migrant populations and to combat poverty-related diseases (INMP). It is a project for a SOCIAL-HEALTH Civil disability pension: pensions paid to citizens with insufficient income and a reduced capacity (above 73%) to work or perform normal daily functions.
This category also includes pensions paid by INPS to citizens with insufficient income aged 18 to 65 suffering from reduced hearing capacity (above 75 decibels) and to citizens regardless of age with residual vision no higher than 1/20 in both eyes. Pensioner: recipient of one or more pensions.
Pensioner: recipient of one or more pensions. Pension: periodic and continuative money payment to an individual by Public Administration Institutions and public and private Bodies as a result of: reaching a certain age; reaching a given number of contribution payment years; lack or reduction of the capacity t o work due to congenital or arisen disability; death of the insured person; particular service to the nation.
The number of pensions does not equate to the number of pensioners in that each individual may receive more than one pension. In the case of indirect pensions paid to seve ral co-holders, the number of pensions is considered equivalent to the number of recipients. Dependency ratio: ratio between the number of pension recipients and the employed population.
This indicator differs from the elderly persons dependency ratio which refers to the ratio between the elderly population (aged 65 and over) and the population of active working age (15 to 65 years).
Welfare pensions: these include non-contributory pensions, social allowance, pensions and/or benefits for the civil blind, civil deaf and civil invalids, in addition to war pensions including Gold Medal holder benefit, life annuity benefit for former military personnel awarded the Order of Vittorio Veneto, Military Medal and Cross for Valour benefit. Injury pensions: pensions for injury at work and occupational illnesses.
These pensions provide compensation to a person according to the degree of a disability caused by an event during performance of work. In the case of death, the pension is paid to the person ‟s survivors. A harmful event (case) can lead to the provision of multiple pensions according to the number of eligible survivors.
Disability, old-age, seniority and survivor‟s pensions (IVS): pensions paid through basic and supplementary social security provisions as a result of the insured person‟s working activity on reaching a given age limit, contribution period or in the case of reduced work ing capacity (direct disability, old-age and seniority pensions). In the case of death of the person during performance of working age, or if the person has already retired, these pensions may be paid to survivors (indirect pensions).
Survivor‟s pension: pension paid to the survivors of a pensioner or insured person having the necessary insurance and contribution requirements. Old-age pension: pension paid through basic and supplementary social security provisions as a result of the insured person‟s working activity on reaching a given age limit and contribution period. Pension ratio: percentage ratio between the number of pensions and the resident population as of 31 December of each year.
46 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY TO FOSTER PREVENTION, DIAGNOSIS AND CONTINUITY IN THE CARE OF HIV/AIDS INFECTIONS AND CO-INFECTIONS IN SOCIALLY AND ECONOMICALLY LESS FAVOURED GROUPS. Up till 2008, there was no working national monitoring system for new HIV infections, and this reduced the possibility to have an accurate analysis of the epidemiological situation of HIV/AIDS infection, both among autochthonous subjects at high risk of social exclusion and among immigrants.
According to the data supplied by the ISS in April 2009, the percentage of patients with an HIV positive diagnosis near (less than six months) or concurrent with an AIDS diagnosis proved to be greater than 50% and higher among foreigners than the Italian population. 218.
218. The study therefore turned to people living in social discomfort, the homeless, immigrants (especially if illegal) and other groups at risk of poverty such as women who are victims of trafficking, prostitutes, transsexuals and drug addicts.
Certain characteristics that are peculiar to these populations partly prevented a real analysis of the phenomenon from being completed and specific HIV/AIDS infection prevention, diagnosis and care programmes from being drawn up, and also hampered continuity in the therapy treatment.
In the light of these considerations, two important priorities have been identified for future public health action in the context of HIV/AIDS infection: - to achieve an overall reduction in the number of HIV infected persons who are not aware of their state in the shortest period of time possible; - to implement specific treatment that guarantees continuity in therapy for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of opportunistic infections and co-infections to facilitate access to health services for persons at the highest risk of social exclusion in general and for women in particular.
[Question No. 27.] Paragraph 413 of the report indicates that breast cancer is the most common cancer and cause of death among women and that the National Plan of Prevention and the organization of screening programmes have achieved significant results. However, it also mentions that in southern Italy over 60 per cent of women in the targeted population do not have access to mammograms even within organized programmes. Please provide information on the steps taken in this regard. 219.
219. This organized screening programme is considered a basic level of health care (LEA) for resident women aged 50-69: 220. The fight against breast cancer is considered one of the priorities of public health in the 2010- 12 National Prevention Plan, approved by an Agreement between State/Regions and Public Administrations dated 29/4/2010 and in the “Technical Guideline Document to reduce the cancer burden” for the years 2011-2013, which is on the table of the State/Regions Conference.
 2010-12 National Prevention Plan. Its health objective is to reduce the cause-specific mortality rate for women and it envisages strengthening and improving screening programmes for women aged 50-69; it also gives innovative objectives for the definition of differentiated prevention according to the individual risk of each woman.
 Technical Guideline Document to reduce the cancer burden for the years 2011-2013: planned action includes: extending organized screening programmes, for mammary cancer, by halving the percentage difference between the increase in calls observed and that expected (total coverage of the target population); increasing and improving the quality of screening programmes organized by the regions as defined by the set of indicators agreed by the National Screening Observatory and the regions‟ coordination, by using the National Prevention Plan instruments and the limited regional Health Fund quotas; making the population programmes for mammary cancer 47 screening sustainable by redesigning opportunistic screening; defining a national programme, in agreement with the regions, to experiment innovation in organizational models for screening programmes.
221. The data concerning the organized screening programmes are collected by the National Screening Observatory (Centre for screening monitoring), at the request of the Ministry of Health. The data relating to the 2009 activities are listed below. They confirm that the Regions in the South do not respect the LEAs.
Region Resident population (ISTAT) 2009 target population* (minus those excluded) Women aged 50-69 who were contacted Women who responded % of women called in the targeted population % of women in the targeted population who responded Abruzzi 163211 80438 36196 18358 45,0 22,8 Basilicata 69322 34661 41507 19295 119,8 55,7 Calabria 232164 112893 70717 18123 62,6 16,1 Campania 652290 317506 111689 31891 35,2 10,0 Molise 38871 19387 19172 10510 98,9 54,2 Apulia 493642 246821 127719 55112 51,7 22,3 Sardinia 217200 108436 11364 5187 10,5 4,8 Sicily 599372 297319 32621 11809 11,0 4,0 Total 2466072 1217460 450985 170285 37,0 14,0 The target population is called for a bilateral mammogram every two years; for monitoring purposes, it is assumed that every year the target population will be half the resident population that is entitled to be included in the screening programmes.
Some women are excluded from the call system for pre-defined individual reasons. 222. As for measures taken to eliminate the differences detected in the implementation of the screening programmes, basically, the non-compliant Regions are given special help.
To this end, various measures have been taken: - The institutional structure deriving from the 2004-6 and the 2007-9 National Screening Plans have already made it possible to offer routine help to Regions, it is supplied by the national screening Observatory in the form of: - producing assessment data and supplying reports - organizing training and audit events to improve technical, professional and organizational quality.
- The 2007-09 National Screening Plan defined the extraordinary needs of the southern regions, historically the most backward ones in offering screening programmes, and promoted specific projects to improve the shortcomings detected and the funding linked to achieving the objectives (these projects are assessed by the CCM Scientific Committee). - The CCC has also funded a specific programme to support regional infrastructures, which is ongoing and is aimed at the same Regions in the South and the Islands.
- Finally, extending the screening programmes has been included as an indicator of LEA compliance and therefore it contributes to the assessment of Regions‟ access to the 3% reward quota of funds for health services. - To the above we must also add a project that was funded recently (2010) by the CCM to implement a national site-visits programme, entrusted to the National Screening Observatory.
48 However, there is still a problem in too many Regions regarding regional planning and business management, which is often linked to the more generalized problem of fund allocation that the Pact for Health in any case reserves for prevention. [Question No. 28. ]Please provide information on legislative changes envisaged to regulate medically assisted procreation techniques as a response to the ruling of the Constitutional Court No. 151 of 2009, in which the Court considered certain rules of Act No.
40 concerning medical infertility treatment as illegitimate, since they provide excessive protection of the embryo, to the detriment of the right to health as embodied in articles 3 and 32 of the Italian Constitution, respectively. 223. In judgement No. 151/2009, the Constitutional Court declared that – the wording of the text of the judgement follows – “art.
14, paragraph 2 of law n. 40 dated 19 February 2004 is constitutionally unlawful, the unlawfulness being limited to the words «to a single and simultaneous implant, in any case not exceeding three»” and “ art.
14, paragraph 3 of Law n. 40 dated 2004 is constitutionally unlawful, the unlawfulness being limited to the part that does not provide for the transfer of embryos, to be carried out as soon as possible as laid down in this provision, and which must be carried out without prejudice to the woman‟s health”. 224. Judgement No. 151/2009 of the Constitutional Court does not introduce any further legislative modifications to law 40/2004.
Indeed, in Italy, Constitutional Court judgements that accept constitutional challenges explain their effect erga omnes, thus normally entailing the revocation of the provisions declared to be unconstitutional, and therefore their (retroactive) expunction from the legal system, as of their very entry into force.
In exceptional cases, instead of expunging the provisions from the system, the Court‟s judgement that accepts the constitutional challenge may introduce new ones, when these are the only constitutionally admissible provisions (so-called additive judgements). 225.
225. The effects of judgement 151/2009, as usually happens for Court judgements that accept constitutional challenges, are self-explanatory and the Italian legislative bodies are not called to implement what is stated in the judgement in any way, as the effects are produced automatically. 226. It follows that, as per decision n. 151/2009 of the Constitutional Court, art. 14 of law n. 40/2004 lays down: in paragraph 1 that “1.
Cryopreservation and suppression of embryos is prohibited, without prejudice to Law n. 194 dated 22 May 1978”; in paragraph 2 that “2. Embryo production techniques, in consideration of technical and scientific evolution and of Art. 7, Para. 3, shall not create more embryos than strictly necessary...”; finally ,in paragraph 3, that “3.
If the transfer into the uterus is not possible for serious and documented reasons of force majeure related to the state of health of the woman not foreseeable at the time of fertilization, cryopreservation of these same embryos until the transfer date, which must be carried out as soon as possible, is allowed” “without prejudice to the woman‟s health”. 227.
227. Therefore, as underlined also by the Constitutional Court itself in judgement n. 151/2009 (§.6 of the Legal Arguments), the “general principle of prohibiting cryopreservation” confirmed by paragraph 1 of art. 14 of law n. 40/2004 is still in force in the Italian legal system, (see also Constitutional Court order n. 97/2010).
The decision of the Constitutional Court has in fact extended the possibility of derogations from this prohibition, while retaining however “the principle whereby production techniques shall not create any more embryos than is strictly necessary, as assessed and defined by the physician in each single case”, but excluding “the compulsory single and simultaneous implant and the maximum number of embryos to be transferred” (as the Constitutional Court itself stated in judgement n. 151/2009, §.
6 of the Legal Arguments). Moreover, the Constitutional Court decision laid down that “the transfer of embryos must be carried 49 out as soon as possible”, as laid down in paragraph 3 of art. 14, “and must be carried out without prejudice to the woman‟s health” (as stated by the very Constitutional Court in judgement n. 151/2009, §. 6 of the Legal Arguments). Therefore, there is no change to art.
Therefore, there is no change to art. 13 that prohibits all experimenting (paragraph 1), clinical and experimental research not for therapeutic ends (paragraph 2), and all forms of selection for eugenic aims (paragraph 3-b) on all human embryos. Disadvantaged groups of women Rural women [Question No. 29.] Unlike previous periodic reports, the current report provides information in relation to article 14 of the Convention on rural women that is, however, very limited in scope.
Therefore, please provide additional information on the particular impediments faced by rural women in the full and equal enjoyment and exercise of their rights under the Convention, including how these are addressed. 228. Over the past fifty years, rural Italy has been affected by profound changes that have led to a reorganization of social and economic processes.
Depopulation, the progressive ageing of the population and poor maintenance of the territory have made these areas more vulnerable and over the years have accentuated the processes of depletion of human and natural resources. Consider that in the same period, the Italian rural population has decreased by about 10%. Farming, which has always been the main source of employment, has undergone sharp decline, losing more than 12 million workers. 229.
229. On the other hand, in recent decades, because of the effects of economic globalization, and with encouragement from European policies for rural development, Italian rural areas have experienced elements of recovery - though patchy - that have led to a revaluation of rural life, as well as a more positive perception of life in rural areas.
Thus, new paths of development have taken hold, based on integrated and participatory approaches, oriented to promoting the multi- functionality of agriculture and diversification of production activities. These processes require specific characteristics, such as greater flexibility, self-programming and creation of networks, features more congenial to women.
One example is the implementation of the Community Leader Initiative, which has presented the opportunity for many rural women in Italy to play a leading role in the implementation of local development processes. 230. The problem also exists on a Europe level, and not just in Italy. Today there is still a lack of reliable data on the economic and social situation of women and their entrepreneurial involvement in Italian rural areas.
The lack of information in this area limits the possibilities to plan interventions to meet the actual needs of rural women: in fact, though it is addressed in various intervention programs, the gender issue in rural areas still remains largely a matter of principle, more formal than substantive. 231. Demographic framework. From a demographic standpoint, Italians living in rural areas14 make up about 20% of the national population (Table 1), distributed over an area of approximately 70% of the country.
According to ISTAT figures, in 2009 rural women numbered about 5.8 million, which represented 18.7% of Italian women. Resident population by gender and area (INEA processing of ISTAT figures) Rural areas Other Areas Total Italy Rural areas Other Areas Total Italy Men % 14 The OECD definition of rural areas is used, which considers communities as rural if they have fewer than 150 inhabitants per square kilometre.
50 2005 5.540.127 22.986.761 28.526.888 19,4 80,6 100,0 2006 5.542.600 23.175.841 28.718.441 19,3 80,7 100,0 2007 5.577.298 23.372.449 28.949.747 19,3 80,7 100,0 2008 5.600.499 23.551.924 29.152.423 19,2 80,8 100,0 2009 5.605.446 23.681.957 29.287.403 19,1 80,9 100,0 Women 2005 5.738.168 24.486.655 30.224.823 19,0 81,0 100,0 2006 5.738.272 24.674.574 30.412.846 18,9 81,1 100,0 2007 5.775.472 24.894.071 30.669.543 18,8 81,2 100,0 2008 5.799.958 25.092.687 30.892.645 18,8 81,2 100,0 2009 5.807.299 25.245.626 31.052.925 18,7 81,3 100,0 Total 2005 11.278.295 47.473.416 58.751.711 19,2 80,8 100,0 2006 11.280.872 47.850.415 59.131.287 19,1 80,9 100,0 2007 11.352.770 48.266.520 59.619.290 19,0 81,0 100,0 2008 11.400.457 48.644.611 60.045.068 19,0 81,0 100,0 2009 11.412.745 48.927.583 60.340.328 18,9 81,1 100,0 232.
With regard to only the rural population, just over half (50.88%) were women in 2009 (Table 2). This value does not differ from 2005 (when women accounted for 50.87%), whereas it is more than one percentage point higher than that recorded in the census of 2001, when women accounted for 49.1%. In any event, in the last five years, compared with an increase of the rural population of 1.1%, there are no significant changes in its distribution by gender.
Population living in rural areas (INEA processing of ISTAT figures) Rural Centre-North South Italy Centre-North South Italy Men 2005 3.416.435 2.123.692 5.540.127 61,7 38,3 100 2006 3.426.661 2.115.939 5.542.600 61,8 38,2 100 2007 3.459.853 2.117.445 5.577.298 62,0 38,0 100 2008 3.484.547 2.115.952 5.600.499 62,2 37,8 100 2009 3.491.712 2.113.734 5.605.446 62,3 37,7 100 - Women 2005 3.105.131 2.633.037 5.738.168 54,1 45,9 100 2006 3.115.086 2.623.186 5.738.272 54,3 45,7 100 2007 3.148.803 2.626.669 5.775.472 54,5 45,5 100 2008 3.174.633 2.625.325 5.799.958 54,7 45,3 100 2009 3.186.646 2.620.653 5.807.299 54,9 45,1 100 - Italy 2005 6.521.566 4.756.729 11.278.295 57,8 42,2 100 2006 6.541.747 4.739.125 11.280.872 58,0 42,0 100 2007 6.608.656 4.744.114 11.352.770 58,2 41,8 100 2008 6.659.180 4.741.277 11.400.457 58,4 41,6 100 2009 6.678.358 4.734.387 11.412.745 58,5 41,5 100 233.
The reading of the data for macro-areas shows around 55% of rural women living in the Centre-North of Italy, compared with 46% in the South, an area that still has - especially in inland areas - severe developmental problems (low employment opportunities, poor infrastructure, etc.
), exacerbated by persistent significant cultural factors that perpetuate very rigid division of gender roles (with women more involved in domestic work and care-giving, and the men in the marketplace for already scarce job opportunities). 51 234.
51 234. With regard to education levels, data from the last population census (2001) show that rural Italian women are increasingly highly educated and invest heavily in their education: for example, the number of female university graduates has more than tripled (from about 93,000 in 1991 to about 282,000 in 2001), and the number of secondary school graduates has also increased. In addition, a comparison with men shows there are more female than male university graduates.
Rural areas in the South show a higher proportion of women with higher educational qualifications (47% of total female university graduates). For many of them, investment in study is their opportunity to attain economic independence and personal autonomy. Unfortunately, for most of them, and especially for women in the South, the search for a more skilled profession requires them to leave their area.
Improving their social position, and being able to rely on services to balance work and family, push rural women to move to urban areas (often in the North), where job opportunities are greater and social pressures are not so strong. 235. With regard to gender-based violence in Italian rural areas, there is insufficient information to understand clearly the intensity of the phenomenon.
What should be noted, however, is that the isolation of many rural areas, the lack of social services, and the social control exercised over rural women (including immigrants living in these areas of the country), make these phenomena even less visible, and make women even more vulnerable. 236. Professional conditions. The growth in female employment is a major change in the labour market in rural areas.
In recent decades, rural women have in fact assumed a different position, both in terms of amount of activity and employment trends. Nonetheless, though there has been a significant increase in female employment, it should be pointed out that women still encounter many difficulties in their work and professional paths. Often rural women have little knowledge of their rights as citizens and workers, and this makes them even more vulnerable to discrimination.
- As shown in Table 3, which gives data on "Italian rural regions”,15 a comparison with men shows that there is still a large gap between female and male employment: in 2009, there were 3.7 million women employed compared with about 5.7 million men (based on a balanced distribution of population between the two sexes). - In percentage terms, women accounted for 39% of rural employment in 2009, a value that differs little from 2005 (38%).
The figures are not much different from those found in the "non-rural Italian regions" where the female employment rate was 41% in 2009 and 40% in 2005. In both cases, values appear to be quite a long way from goals set in Lisbon in 2010 (60%) and even further from the new 2020 target set at the Community level, for an employment rate of 75% for both men and women. - Of the approximately 3.7 million rural women in the workforce (2009), only 35.3% live in rural areas of southern Italy.
As already mentioned, this is a territory where there is still a strong culture of resistance to working women, tending to maintain the division of roles within couples, but also where companies are more reluctant to hire women (because of maternity, family responsibilities, etc.).
In other words, traditional family structure in the South, the strong links between productive organization and family networks, and the social controls that still influence the behaviour of rural women limit their options for real independence and economic emancipation, resulting in perverse scenarios in backward areas that perpetuate gender inequality. 15 The ISTAT survey on business conditions, beginning with the 2001 census, is updated only at the provincial level.
The definition of “rural area” is the sum of values in so-called “predominantly rural regions” (the OECD defines them as those where more than 50% of the population lives in communities with fewer than 150 inhabitants per square km) and “intermediate regions” (the OECD defines them as those where between 15% and 50% of the population lives in communities with fewer than 150 inhabitants per sq km.
52 - I n 2 0 0 9 , t h e u n e mployment rate for women in "rural regions" was 14.3%, compared to 10.26% for men. A comparison with 2005 shows a decrease of about 4 percentage points, as well as a decline in the number of women seeking work (from 448,000 in 2005 to 392,000 in 2009).
While this significant reduction may be attributed, in part, to the rise in employment - which often translates into greater instability in the labour market - on the other hand it can be linked to discouraging employment opportunities, particularly in South, where women have to deal with a static labour market, and to an insufficient supply of "reconciliation" services that would ease the burdens of family care.
Unemployment of population age 15 and over, by gender and macro-area („000; annual average) (INEA processing of ISTAT figures) 2005 Men Women Centre-North 3,7 6,4 South 12,6 21,7 Total Non-rural regions 5,8 9,2 Centre-North 3,4 6,8 South 10,5 18,2 Total Rural regions 6,6 11,3 Centre-North 3,6 6,6 South 11,4 19,6 Total 6,2 10,1 2009 Centre-North 5,0 7,5 Population age 15 and over, by gender and professional standing („000; annual average) (INEA processing of ISTAT figures) 2005 2009 Employed Persons looking for work Unemployed Total Employed Persons looking for work Unemployed Total Rural regions Women 3.526 448 7.075 11.048 3.716 392 7.222 11.330 Men 5.707 404 4.194 10.306 5.715 436 4.410 10.561 Total 9.233 852 11.269 21.354 9.431 828 11.632 21.891 Other regions Women 5.299 539 8.978 14.815 5.520 553 9.202 15.274 Men 8.030 498 5.164 13.693 8.075 564 5.511 14.149 Total 13.330 1.037 14.141 28.508 13.594 1.117 14.712 29.424 Total Italy Women 8.825 986 16.052 25.864 9.236 945 16.424 26.604 Men 13.738 902 9.358 23.999 13.789 1.000 9.921 24.710 Total 22.563 1.889 25.411 49.862 23.025 1.945 26.345 51.314,64 53 South 11,9 16,9 Total Non-rural regions 6,5 9,1 Centre-North 4,7 6,7 South 10,2 14,3 Total Rural regions 7,1 9,5 Centre-North 4,9 7,2 South 10,9 15,3 Total 6,8 9,3 - Growth in employment of women is shown for all economic sectors in rural areas.
This is also owing to European regulatory relief and financial incentives in these areas. The available statistics (Istat, 2001) show that women are predominantly employed in the education sector (35% vs. 16% for men) and health care (30% vs. 16% for men). This provides further proof of the presence of forms of horizontal segregation in the rural labour market as well. Interestingly, in this context also, only 17% of women work in public administration, as compared to about 50% for men.
The latter, therefore, are more successful in the field that offers the greatest guarantee of income. In industry, women account for 30% of work units, most of which are employed in the field of manufacturing (98%). Women are also increasingly present in the artisan sector, actively participating in the revitalization of traditional and local skills. - With regard to activities related to forms of tourist hospitality and catering (hotels, campgrounds, restaurants, bars, etc.
), they are shown to be a source of new employment opportunities for women. Despite this, however, it must be noted that this area, because of its configuration, mainly offers women part-time or temporary work, taking advantage of women‟s flexible work availability, though because of this they have little opportunity to perform meaningful tasks. Therefore, greater effort should be made to ensure better qualification of the role of women in this area.
In this regard, it should be noted that, thanks to some Community programs (Equal, Leader), many different learning experiences have been organized, with value added represented by being designed to accommodate women‟s time and work/family commitments. 237. Professional conditions in the agricultural sector. The agricultural sector accounts for only 3.8% of the active Italian workforce. Of that, 28.3% are women (2009 data), equally distributed between the Centre-North (28.7%) and South (27.9%).
Note that the presence of women in agriculture has been undergoing a steady downturn since 2004, when women accounted for approximately 31% of those employed in agriculture. This is part of the physiological decline affecting the Italian agricultural sector in recent decades. It is extremely interesting that there is an inverse process for men, who went from 68.9% of employed in 2005 to 71.7% in 2009.
In a society where employment opportunities are steadily shrinking, women are also being shut out of employment opportunities in sectors which, in past years, have been characterized by a strong exodus of the male workforce.
Employed in agriculture (%) (INEA processing of ISTAT figures) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Centre-North 3,2 3,0 3,0 2,8 2,7 2,8 South 7,5 7,2 7,4 7,0 6,7 6,5 Total 4,4 4,2 4,3 4,0 3,8 3,8 54 Women employed in agriculture to total employment in agriculture (%) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Centre-North 28,9 28,7 28,6 29,9 29,9 28,7 South 33,3 32,4 33,0 31,0 30,2 27,9 Total 31,1 30,5 30,8 30,4 30,1 28,3 Men employed in agriculture to total employment in agriculture (%) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Centre-North 71,1 71,3 71,4 70,1 70,1 71,3 South 66,7 67,6 67,0 69,0 69,8 72,1 Total 68,9 69,5 69,2 69,6 69,9 71,7 - Behind the statistical data on women's employment in agriculture there remains a complex and diversified working reality: labour involved in harvesting and primary processing of products, often with working conditions that border on illegal (still widespread especially in the South); women who merely act as proxies for family members who are actually employed in other employment sectors; women who work full time in the family yet receive no formal recognition of their role; full-fledged female agricultural entrepreneurs, who often focus on multi-functionality, and thus have managed to build sustainable, competitive farms.
- A look at ISTAT figures (2007) gives the following picture: about a third of Italian farms are run by women (32.2%). This figure is much lower than for men (67.8%) and this means that, as a consequence, women are not adequately represented in trade associations and public institutions.