10 values
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Experian is reporting my OPEN and CURRENT Mortgage loan with XXXX as XXXX in BK. XXXX is reporting the monthly payments but Experian is supressing the information and refuses to accurately report the payments and show the account is Open. This debt was Officially reinstated in a Chapter XXXX BK. This is NOT a Chapter XXXX BK and Experian has no legal right to not rport the current status of this mortgage
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i opened XXXX Bank of America credit cards 15-20 years ago and the interest on the account is very low, some time 7 years ago or so i got a notice that my interest was changing and going up to prime plus 2 % i was going up back then, and several banks did this, or you had a option to close the account, and stay with the old terms and cond and lock in the interest rate till it was paid the new terms and cond i was not accepting.i closed all XXXX accounts and have made payments since then on time never history will show this.i each month for the past 5 years plus i schedule all my payments online on the XXXX of ea month and get a conformation number that the payment has been scheduled.on XXXX i did this to XXXX-accounts as i have done for 5-years, got a conformation number on all transactions.XXXX payment was due XXXX get a call at my home XXXX from a very rude man with a XXXX # on caller ID and says he is calling from XXXX card services, and my payment was late, i have a late charge, i have not meant my terms and cond and i was being charged off and IRS was getting sent a statement.i XXXX thought it was a scam. then he tells me that XXXX is owned by Bank of America he still was nasty, threaten me over now 7-days past due.i got nasty with him, explained i scheduled my payments, and i have a conformation # and he did not care.after 1hr plus with him haurasing me, i hung up and called Bank of America customer service, where after 6.5hrs later on the phone with people i get told from the internet dept that they saw i scheduled all my payments, they said Bank of America was wrong here,100 % but he did not know how to fix problem.apparently some time the XXXX week in XXXX they put in a new billing system, and when they did a system update, they took all XXXX accounts and put them in a un active position, so my payments scheduled were there but they could not not find my accounts any more to apply payment..i made them on XXXX XXXX, yet on XXXX the new system could not apply my payment.i had no way of knowing this, i find out that all XXXX accounts are this way now, when i ask them to fix this issue, they have no idea how to fix the problem, the people who installed the new updated system had to input me XXXX then my accounts could be seen.i was suppose to get a call from someone at corp level the next day to address this problem, that never happened, so XXXX i spend another 5 hours on the phone, and by the way i had XXXX-phones going, my XXXX call was on my home phone, where i was put on hold to speak to supervisor,2hrs later never happened, i called on cell phone, and got a supervisor who did nothing for me for 3 hours.i asked for 1-thing never got, i asked for a {$25.00} credit for late fee she refused this, she kept reading notes, puts me on hold comes back with nothing i tried to explain what needed to be done but she would not listen, after 3 hours with her and 12 hours of getting no where, i am filling a complaint, and i also am concern, have not.have not spoken to any attorney yet, but i believe my rights have been violated, when i get a call from XXXX and threaten, and spoke to as i was, and to be told from XXXX XXXX in XXXX AZ internet dept that Bank of America was at fault, and they needed to fix, now i am told XXXX-payments are late i have fees and they refuse any service, or refuse to wave fees, and it is their fault.i have all conformation # and all payments have always been made on time, never late, yet i am getting called at home, threaten, over a Bank of America wrong doing, and i am paying for it now.this is wrong, and i really feel i have been violated in this way.i also found out supervisors i spoke to never recorded that they ever spoke with me, that being XXXX XXXX call center S.Carolina.and she was to call me and never did, and never put in notes she spoke to me this is what i get, and it is not right at all.thank you for your time.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Lawyers at this law firm ( XXXX ) sent me a letter stating they were hired by this bank ( XXXX ) to prosecute legal proceedings to enforce the security interest, collect a debt on my mortgage. and filed affidavits in court declaring they were hired to collect a debt for this bank and filed an foreclosure in the banks name. This bank never had a loan on my property because it was paid out before the banks merged. About two years after contacting the bank the filed a affidavit stating the bank did not hire nor pay this firm to file the foreclosure. Once I contacted the bank the firm tried to get it dismissed and erased from record.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
In XX/XX/XXXX I filed a police report regarding my wallet being stolen which had money, credit cards, driver 's license, SS card, and checks. I immediately went to my bank and closed the account and reopened a new one and received new checks with a different account number. The person who stole my wallet had used my debit card ... but since it was still pending ... the bank was able to block the withdrawal. I placed a fraud alert on my credit reports and I got a new driver 's license and then ended up getting a XXXX one with my new name since I had married. Last week I received a letter from Meade & Associates attempting to collect on a debt from XXXX checks written on my old account with my old drivers license name starting in XX/XX/XXXX. I called and spoke with XXXX XXXX and he agreed that everything was done correctly, I just needed to send him the information from my bank and the police report along with my current drivers license. I requested that he send me copies of the checks that were written, which he did. I went to my bank and they did not have anything specific since nothing actually went through my account at the time. However, they new I had closed that account and reopened the new one and that I had presented them with a police report. They wrote me a letter to give to XXXX XXXX and I was able to retrieve the police report online. Monday, XXXX XXXX, I faxed both of these documents along with my current drivers license, my actual signature, as well as the new police report number for the case filed with the forgery/fraud department. I followed up with a call to XXXX XXXX on Tuesday and was informed he was not available, but they would have him return my call. I called Wednesday afternoon and was then told that he had left early that day without returning my call. I asked if anyone else could help. I was transferred to XXXX. She obtained the documents that I had faxed and I explained to her I wanted to finalize clearing this ordeal. She became hateful and kept saying she needed documents that I she already had. She stated I still needed an affidavit from my bank stating I did not write the checks ... she refused to listen to anything I had to say and acted is if it did not matter what I sent ... it was n't going to make a difference. At that point I definitely became angry and she told me to never call that office again. I called my bank and told them what was going on and they stated that XXXX did not know what she was talking about because the bank never had me sign an affidavit because nothing had actually gone through my account since I had immediately blocked all transactions due to closing the account. The check transactions even clearly say that when they were processed there was no account found. I am currently waiting for my case to be assigned to a detective ... but I am filing reports and claims to help prevent any more aggravation from this company and hope they will learn that you ca n't treat people like criminals when they are the victims in some circumstances ... especially when they present facts and proof.
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I received services from a healthcare provider XXXX years ago. Recently I got a call from a Collection Agency who said the debt has not been paid. The healthcare provider and I were in agreement that they 'd take care of billing but somehow my name was thrown into the mix. The healthcare agency does not respond to my inquiries about the debt or to the collection agency 's inquiries about the debt. This has a possibility of ruining my credit.
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I have been disputing incorrect information on my Experian XXXX XXXX XXXX credit report but they are unwilling to allow me to dispute their " investigation results ''. The creditors are XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX. The report reflects late payments and the information is inaccurate. XXXX creditors have agreed to have the items corrected on all XXXX credit bureaus but only XXXX made the correction.
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Experian # XXXXXXXXSince I received the letter from XXXX XXXX regarding the complaint listed above I have discovered that this problem has escalated and I believe that I should taking serious action as my rights are being violated. I am outraged at the method of deception which was put into to play last year and is still going. The first thing is the way that they state in the letter that the fraud case issue was denied by their Security Operations dept. Well it was the dept who advised me about the double charge for the refrigerators and they made no mention about the case regarding the fraud was denied, because XXXX was the XXXX doing the fraud to me. In this letter there is no mention about the refrigerator XXXX charge and it also states that they only received XXXX payment of XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX? ( THAT DATE IS FUTURE ) That payment was made in XX/XX/XXXX along with other payments made to pay the account off in full. They stated that I did not cooperate and provide a declaration for unauthorized use, that is not true as I called to find out why there had been charges made in the months I did not use the card. The XXXX XXXX was a rude bias man and he made up the whole story because he was already covering up the fact that there were the bogus charges for the second refrigerator that had APR charges and late fees they could not reverse. He chose not to disclose that information and he was the one who made those negative remarks said to be by me, and now I believe that XXXX have together started providing Experian the real incorrect information, slandering my name. Experian sent me XXXX credit files, XXXX saying that there was a error by XXXX and then a XXXX that has trashed my entire credit file and fico score. I called Experian and told them to remove the fraud alert. They asked for the removal request to be provided in writing and in fact they did the opposite and issued an Extensive Fraud Alert. The strange thing I that the credit file is dated XX/XX/XXXX and the personal info is dated XX/XX/XXXX and there is a note stating File Blocked for Promotional Purposes. For the revolving accounts they have noted that they are paid as agreed buy it states in bold type " ADDITIONAL INFORMATION-Credit Card. There are also accounts that they have reported that have been closed per my request and they are not accounts I have had, not to mention a public record I do not know about. They have done this to raise additional flags for my credit history and create problems for any future loans or credit card app. I may request. Well during this dispute the credit dept for XXXX XXXX loaded up my credit file with a great deal of negative information and my FICO score went from XXXX to a XXXX. I ordered my credit report and reported all of this to the XXXX agencies. So I decided to use this XXXX XXXX credit card on XX/XX/XXXX and it was only for the deposit of a tool rental and at the register the clerk told me it was declined. I called the number on the card and after stating my card number the automated stated I had a zero balance and I was eligible for deferred charging. I asked to speak w/ a rep and he stated that my account was closed per customer request. That was not true I had not requested the account to be closed and the credit report does not make that indication. I believe that this was done in retaliation as I am still receiving emails stating that my account has a zero balance and is active, as well as more marketing emails encouraging me to use my account. Experian has not agreed to make any changes
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I have reached out to the company. However, they never responded. Unfortunately, I was the victim of identity theft. I have done everything required of me by law to dispute the fraudulent items on my credit report. I sent a letter to " Sun Trust '' on XX/XX/2014 via XXXX certified mail. The company refuses to honor my rights under the FDCPA & the FCRA as a victim of identity theft to remove the fraudulent inquiry that was submitted without my knowledge, consent and/or authorization. Please find attached the notice that was sent out along with the attached certified receipt. Information can be tracked online using referenced information. Thank you for you time and attention regarding the matter.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Reached out to them however, never got a response. Unfortunately, I was the victim of identity theft. I have done everything required of me by law to dispute the fraudulent items on my credit report. I sent a letter to " Flagship Credit '' on XXXX via XXXX certified mail. The company refuses to honor my rights under the FDCPA & the FCRA as a victim of identity theft to remove the fraudulent inquiry that was submitted without my knowledge, consent and/or authorization. Please find attached the notice that was sent out along with the attached certified receipt. Information can be tracked online using referenced information. Thank you for you time and attention regarding the matter.
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I am unable to obtain my experian credit report on line. I am also unable to access my free anual credit report online via the website. I was told the size of the report is causing this and may be related to the number of soft inquiries generated by reviewing my own report. As I had previously been a victim of Identity Theft, I checked my report almost daily for new/unauthorized inquiries or accounts appearing. That is why online access is so important to me. Now, apparently the file size will not allow online access and I must mail in a form to get a copy of my report. For someone who is monitoring their credit for identity theft in the event someone attempts to open an account in my name, I need to be able to access my credit information without waiting two weeks for XXXX in the mail.
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there is a XXXX BP account on my credit report that does not belong to me. I have attem have attempted to dispute several times to no avail.
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I Want to file a complaint about Bank of America For Foreclosing wrongly on me and my familys only home we had and loved! Bank of America ruined our life 's and we have been XXXX ever since they wrongly foreclosed on me during a loan modification I was almost done with and approved for! Its been almost 3 years since Bank of America took our home and all I received from the lawsuit was XXXX. Thats not even a mortgage payment! How is this fair or rite at all!? Bank of America should have to give us back our homes or help us get new ones since they were wrong and took everything from us we worked so hard to get!
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In late XX/XX/XXXX or early XX/XX/XXXX I received several voice messages and emails from Bank of America regarding my XXXX credit card. I immediately contacted the bank and was informed that fraudulent charges were detected on my XXXX credit card and the bank closed the account to protect me from further fraudulent activity. I was alarmed because I have had this account for 5 years and I have not utilized the card in more than 4 years and it had a XXXX balance with a {$10000.00} limit. The bank assured me that all charges would be reversed and any fees associated with this issue would be reversed as well. I was also told that the charges arose from a cafe in XXXX where someone was purchasing coffee and snacks. I advised the bank that I have never been to XXXX to assure them that I had no part in this fraudulent activity. The bank representative at Bank of America said that I would receive a new card in the mail in 7-10 days. When that card did not arrive I re-contacted Bank of America and was told the card should have been received so they would issue a XXXX replacement card via priority mail ( signature required ). I did receive the XXXX replacement card. My problem with this entire process is now that I have the new card the associated fees for the replacement and the fraudulent charges have not been reversed completely as Bank of America promised. Now there is a 30 day late payment on my credit report for the fraudulent charges and fees totaling {$31.00}. This late payment has affected my qualification and approval for a mortgage that I was in the process of obtaining. On XX/XX/XXXX I contacted Bank of America again to discuss this matter and they apologized for the inconvenience and assured me that the fees are being reversed and the 30 day late on my credit report would be reversed in 30-60 days. This is not acceptable. I do not want to have this negative notation impede my mortgage loan processing or impact my mortgage interest rate negatively.
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After retaining counsel in XXXX of XXXX due to contact by Javitch & Co. a collection agency in XXXX OH for judgement on a credit card debt I could no longer pay on due to having lost my job in XXXX of XXXX ... said collection agency sent me on consecutive months from XXXX till XXXX, requests fro payments ... Attorney XXXX XXXX XXXX OH contacted said collection firm and asked to set up a payment schedule - debited directly from my bank account. Attorney XXXX NEVER had a call returned from XXXX XXXX the contact person on record for this action with Javitch & Co. in XXXX OH. I am on Social Security, as my only source of income. Being a seasonal employee at XXXX XXXX in XXXX - I was contacted by XXXX XXXX that my wages would be garnished at 25 % of net pay, when I worked for XXXX XXXX - working for XXXX XXXX from XXXX XXXX to XXXX XXXX, XXXX - I had {$2800.00} garnished from my paychecks - a MAJOR setback for my finances as my Social Security barely covers my monthly overhead. Efforts by Attorney XXXX to reach XXXX XXXX at Javitch & Co. to arrive at an equitable monthly payment - directly debited from my account. Went unanswered by phone and writing. A complete written history since judgement was rendered by the court toward my effort to establish payment schedule, through counsel is 100 % factual. This Collection agency - Javitch & Co. has totally ignored all requests by counsel & has circumvented equitable protocol to establish a payment schedule for re-payment of this debt.
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I have credit cards with CitiCard and XXXX XXXX XXXX. I mail in payments a week before the due date but they are posted the day after the due date and late fees are charged. When the companies are contacted, I 'm told " we do n't have control over the Postal Service ''.
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I got behind in payments and worked with B of A 's loan modification dept. in XXXX. In order to keep my home, I made an arrangement for a XXXX month payoff in which I made higher payments each month until the balance was caught up. I was able at that time to make the payments high enough that I actually got caught up in 4 months. I was sent a letter on XXXX stating " You are approved for a {$27000.00} principal forgiveness on your home loan ''. The letter stated that if I wanted to accept their offer that I did not need to do anything, if you have questions to call XXXX. I did call them because I had questions. I specifically asked that if I waited until XXXX to sell my home even if it was in the middle of escrow on XXXX, would I receive the credit on the principal balance on my loan, would there be any waiting period such as 30 days or more. I was told that I would receive the credit even if I was in escrow as long as it was after XXXX. I put my house on the market and it sold. We specifically waited until after XXXX to close and had a closing date of XXXX. It was discovered through the escrow office as I read the documents that the credit amount was still in the debit column rather than the credit. I immediately called B of A. I made multiple attempts to correct it as quickly as possible with B of A. My case manager XXXX XXXX was always responsive and helpful. It was n't until I discovered the error that B of A became unresponsive, uncooperative, provided different information on the phone each time I called, routed me over and over to different departments because " that person was unable to assist me in that department ''. It all came to a head on XXXX when I desperately tried reaching XXXX XXXX to find out why the credit was not showing up. Reps. at B of A kept telling me that my case manager was not in and still I would get a different response each time I called. XXXX rep. stated that the credit would not be available until 30 days, another 60 days, another 90 days. I was so frustrated ; I called my attorney and was advised to file a complaint with you. On XXXX I received a call from XXXX XXXX. Since we had such a good working relationship when I performed my obligations to repay my modification early, she called me asking why I had contacted B of A the day before. I explained the issue with the escrow and the credit not showing up in my loan escrow docs and that the buyer is forcing the close of the house and I was going to be out the credit because it was not reflected on the statement. XXXX XXXX was actually very upset that none of her co-workers reached out to her on any of my calls the day before because she WAS in the office XXXX XXXX assured me that everything is now correct but it wo n't be reflected until I receive my XXXX statement which is typically generated between the XXXX and XXXX of each month. If I had known that I had to wait until after the XXXX statement was generated to reflect the credit, I would have waited to sell my home until that date. The buyer is now forcing the sale of the sale and I am going to be out the credit amount if B of A does not update their records immediately, it might still be too late. I did everything that B of A asked of me and fulfilled my loan mod. in 4 months rather than XXXX. I am XXXX and selling my home because I can no longer live in this particular home. I feel that I was mislead, and not provided the correct information and the EXACT date the credit would be reflected. The letter is poorly written and the customer service reps. seem to not want to help or provide incorrect information. They just want to send you from XXXX department to another to completely frustrate you so that you give up and B of A makes more money ; it seems like a scam. They did not fulfill their end of the financial obligation.
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I accepted a credit card off for the Barclays XXXX XXXX. The initial disclosure provided to me indicated a promotional rate of 0.00 APR on purchases ( 6 months ) and balance transfers ( for 15 months ). Upon receiving my card the disclosure provided did not reference the promotional rate on the balance transfers, therefore I called the company to discuss and was told the promotional was only on purchases. Therefore, I submitted a complaint through the bank 's website on XXXX/XXXX/15. After several back and forth responses and a letter received, it was still being indicated the promotional rate is only on purchases. As already expressed this is not what was initially disclosed to me and therefore this is deceptive to me as a consumer as I made a credit decision based on the initially information provided to me that appear to be false. I have provided the link below that provided the terms and conditions of the card that included the promotional rate of balance transfers. My other concern is what other deceptive practices might the bank be conducting. https : // XXXX & XXXX : // XXXX
Company believes complaint relates to a discontinued policy or procedure
We opened an account with Freedom Funiture in XXXX paid as agreed and refinanced in XXXX. We paid as agreed until we became unable to pay the full amount in XXXX. We made an agreement to pay a lesser amount per month and kept paying via allotment. Freedom got a judgement against us while I was training. I was not served with the judgement prior to court or after ... I was informed of it when my wages began to be garnished. They got the judgement in XXXX VA. XXXX # XXXX Filed XXXX. I did not sign a contract in VA I signed my contract in GA. They garnished my wages causing finacial distress. I was able to get that stopped through XXXX. However the judgement remains and has severely damaged our credit preventing us from buying a home and upgrading our vehicles. We have asked repeatedly to have this issue fixed based on the fact that the judgement was not served on me ever and the fact that they have caused so much financial distress and ruin. We were told we 'd have to go to VA to fix it. We have in total paid this company nearly {$25000.00} over the last 11 years. for a couch and loveseat, computer hutch, table and chairs. the furniture has not lasted however the payments and ruin continue the judgement says we still owe XXXX. We need assistance as we have tried every other step possible to fix this without aid.
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Incorrect information is being reported by the credit bureau 's. My identity was stolen.
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This bank of america, gave all my money without letting me know to a some type of collection agency because they said that they receive a letter from a lawyer to take all my money and hold all my assests. Which they cant even tell me whom i owed with? First of all i dont owed anything that is more that {$2000.00} and second how thry can just garnish my money and gave it to the agency without letting me know and last how did they get my bank acct information?
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I have a private loan with Sallie Mae. I called them to try to get them to lower my payment or interest rate due to my income. I have XXXX children and only made a small on my taxes last year I need help with my payment or it will ruin my credit. They REFUSED to help me at all. I am VERY unhappy.
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Hello, please help. To be brief, in XX/XX/XXXX I filed bankruptcy with my now ex husband and surrendered a home. BKY discharged in XX/XX/XXXX. To this date, the home has NOT yet foreclosed! After more than 7 years! This mortgage was part of that Countrywide/BOA buyout issue and the foreclosure has started and stopped many times. Currently, the case is closed, without foreclosing. The judge just this year ordered the note to go back to the mtg company, and closed the case. I have since then remarried, and have worked very hard rebuilding my credit. Even though I am not responsible for this debt anylonger due to the bankruptcy, I still can not qualify for a loan until 7 years past a foreclosed date!!! My score is over XXXX now, but due to the home not foreclosing, it has stopped me from moving on with my life, and purchsing a home with my husband. I have written nurmerous letters to the bank as well as one to the XXXX of Florida, and have been directed to you for assistance. I have seen homes foreclose within a year or so, and mine has been over 7!!! Can you please help?? The way this is going, with the case not being assigned to anyone, after being buried for years, this can continue indefinately for years and years. Please help. THIS HOME NEEDS TO FORECLOSE. Former name XXXX XXXX. I will supply documentation of surrendered home in bky pwk when contacted. Original bank was Countrywide, and BOA purchased the loan.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I had a mortgage for XXXX years with XXXX XXXX XXXX My original payment started out at about {$1600.00}. The next year when the analysis was done they lowered it to {$1400.00}. They recently sold my mortgage to seneca mortgage and I have received a letter from them on XXXX XXXX 2015 stating that my mortgage will be going up to {$1900.00}. I called to inquire and was told that my escrow had a shortage and I could also pay the shortage in a one lump sum. I do n't have that kind of money. I then called XXXX who sold my mortgage to seneca and was told that who ever did my analysis made an mistake and did n't include my pmi insurance but not to worry because they paid it for me. I find that hard to believe. I want to know how the new company can charge me this money when the previous company made an error in the analysis.XXXX said they were aware of the mistake but no one took the time to call us so that we could have rectified this before it got to this stage. I had spoken to the new company and they are not willing to work out anything other than payment in full of back escrow or up my payment $ XXXX.How is it our mistake when the bank created the problem.I 'm sure if we made a mistake they would be the XXXX ones on the phone to get their money.This is like selling a car to someone and then realizing you could have gotten more and then go back to that person for the difference.
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My Complaint is in regards to my credit card with Bank of America there was a payment made in XXXX made through and Insurance company that I purchased through Bank of America in the event I had any life changes. The problem is I was just made aware that Bank of America no longer conducts business with them. As result I 'm out of the money that I paid to the insurance company. Well XXXX there was a refund sent to Bank of America on my behalf. Instead of Bank of America sending me the check they applied as a a credit which brought the balance down. No problem right. None for me as well however not only did they bring the balance down they said that is not a payment. Its a credit, I said this is something that I paid monthly and its not like I went to the store and purchased something and than returned it in that case that would be a credit. This service was to be provided for customers in the event they were unable to pay there bill. The issue is Bank of America accepted the payment and than charged me late fees .Closed the account and reported me late to the credit bureaus. I 've made a numerous of attempts to reach out to them and have yet to have this matter resolved recently my wife reached out to your office and a complaint was submitted and we received correspondence from a woman by the name of XXXX XXXX who works with XXXX department of customer care for complaints. Let me start off by saying she was absolutely rude and combative and I hope I never need to deal with her again. She sends us an email stating she wants to resolve this issue please give her a call and than we call her and she is very combative. My wife resubmits a complaint addressing the level of dissatisfaction we received only for the complaint to go back to the same person whom was the one that was being combative. The problem is Bank of America is receiving my money that I work hard for applying to the account and saying there is n't a payment that was n't made because this came from the insurance company. The insurance was again in the event I was unable to pay my bill they would pay it. Although Bank of America no longer does business with this company. The insurance company refunded the consumers some of the money and it was either sent as a check. Bank of America takes my money and than says there is not payment it is a credit. Which cant be a credit because that was a payment made for a service that was never rendered. What Bank of America is doing is stealing. They are charge me a late fee for something that was n't late. Its no different if I have a friend pay my monthly bill. You cant say your applying that payment as credit because someone else paid and that charge me late payments. That is completely unethical.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I applied for a credit card and was accepted from usaa. they sent me a welcomepack and I recived a bill shortly after. I do all my banking online so I tried to pay the bill right away. they told me I could not hat they needed more information so I sent them morewas told that was good and I should get a reply within 2 to 3 business days never did get a reply so I contacted them again. they told me they needed more info so I sent them more and they told me that they would get back to me in 2 to 3 business days they never did. I got another bill in the mail plus emails on my computer called them up and they told me the last info I sent them was n't right so I explained what I sent them and was told that it would work and they would get back a hold of me in 2 to 3 business days and that I would be able to pay the bill at that time i waited to here back from them never did and contacted them again. they told me the info was not good enough and I had to send more information. I at this point told them to forget it and take me out of there system.they toldme okay and I would recive conformation in two to 3 buissness day in I never did after numorous calls and complaints I am still in there system they turned this into the credit agency during this whole process and it shows as a unpaid bill it has lowerd my credit score enough that ino longer qualify for the home loan i was getting I had a XXXX before all this its now down to a XXXX I needed a XXXX and every thing was fine. so I am stuck staying at a friends house because of a card that I never seen had or used and being forced into getting checks to pay them for something I do n't have they said the only way I can pay for this bill for a card I do n't have and never had is to get checks and mail it to them I am totally frustaited with this hole thing
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I have paid all copays and just rec 'd a bill from a collection agency. I have never rec 'd anything in the mail before on this. I called the Dr offfice and they say it was because visits that are being billed didnt have a referral but I always had a referral and if they told me that I would have gotten XXXX. I have attached proof that my primary care physician did send referrals. I feel as though this is some sort of way for them to bill people almost 5 years later knowing they will pay or it will kill their credit. I am in the XXXX and will be forced to pay something that is not accurate almost 5 years after the services.
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TOO BIG TO FAIL AND CARE We are in our XXXX, after our last child went off to college in XX/XX/XXXX, we decided to downside and move into a smaller place. In XX/XX/XXXX, we paid down on our dream home. This is an XXXX and half bedroom condo in the heart of XXXX -- - ( no car needed ) XX/XX/XXXX, we were informed that BOA had sold their XXXX units to XXXX XXXX, an out of state acquisition company. A meeting was held on XX/XX/XXXX, by the new purchasers. At this meeting, we the few owners were informed that because they ( new owners ) were the majority stakeholders, they could do away with the condo Bylaws. Thus the Bylaws were amended and the new board appointed. We were told the following : Sell our units to the new owners at the same price which was given to them by BOA Continue to live in our unit -- -knowing that the building will no longer abide by the condo Bylaws, but instead will be operated and managed as an apartment complex. We were also informed that we will never be able to sell our unit on the open market because of the rental average of the building. Our condo was purchased in good faith. We 'd everything that was right under the law. The present situation we are in is no fault of ours. The housing market tanked, and BOA did what was best for them -- -sold their units to the highest bidder -- - NOT CARING ABOUT HOW THEIR DECISION WOULD AFFECT THEIR HONEST CUSTOMERS THAT PURCHASED AND HAVE MORTGAGES WITH THEM. -- -- TOO BIG TO CARE. The investors on the other hand needed to realize a profit quickly changed the Bylaws to protect their investment. Who cares about ordinary Americans like us no one? We are the casualty of the housing bubble. We could have walked away them this situation like many other American, but we did n't because we are honest FOOLS.
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I have made many mistakes when I was younger and XXXX of them was with Bank of America .Last year I deposit XXXX checks in around XXXX and XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX, I Did a mobile deposit through my phone and it gave me an error due to bugs on the mobile application that Bank of America provides for clients, also my phone was n't the best one which I discovered after XXXX attempts at using the convenient mobile application that Bank of America provided for me to use as a convenient way to deposit and check my accounts. According to Bank of America I then tried to deposit the check in my savings or checking account through the ATM it also gave me XXXX balances which led me to overdraft the account once the checks cleared. The amount of XXXX was the amount overdrawn. This was all done on accident which I had explained to The Risk department and The Recovery Department at Bank of America. I Also asked for statements and transactions to be mailed to me showing these movements. The Representatives that assisted me had no knowledge of what was happening, all I have been trying to do is pay all my debt to all the banks and financial institutions, I am really trying to get my life straight I am a XXXX, I am XXXX and looking for a job. I 'm trying to get ahead in life and better my chances to having a bright future. Bank of America is Reporting that I am A High Risk Fraud, according to XXXX XXXX Bank, This was displayed to me By A XXXX XXXX Bank Branch Manager, he showed me the screen after running my social security number. I did not commit fraud, and they refuse to show me or explain to me what evidence they have to be reporting that I am a high risk for Fraud, I recently got a consumer report from XXXX and they have reported Abuse on the account, but not Fraud, so I do n't understand why this bank is reporting me as Fraud to all the Banks, I called call check systems on XXXX to verify what I had seen on the XXXX XXXX Screen when I applied for an account with them, and they said that there is nothing reporting under Fraud only under Paid In full and the reason I was on XXXX is under the category of Account Abuse for the overdraft that was not paid. This is highly affecting my personal Life and my financial situation. Please help me in resolving this. I do n't have money for an attorney at this time and I feel like no one is helping me resolve this I am honestly trying to do the right thing by paying my debt and I do n't believe this is not fair for Bank of America to Call me Fraudulent and report it to other banks, and yet not be able to send me proof of this or to notify me that my status with them is Fraud, I feel really disrespected and I felt like I was treated wrong they are holding information form me but reporting it to the banks this does not make senses to me. Why would they say I 'm a High Risk for Fraud and not have it on file it 's only being communicated through banks not XXXX. I do n't think it 's ok to get a report with a status on this account as Abuse, but then go to a Bank and find out that its more than just Account Abuse, but Fraud. I Honestly hope you can help me with this or refer me to someone that can, I will continue researching and reaching out to any Government agency that can help me with this Injustice. Thank you.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I received a court XXXX for a XXXX bill from XXXX years ago from a debt collection agency. I called immediately to ask what it 's from and they would n't give any information and said I can pay XXXX of it to settle it but that the legal process would n't stop. I asked how much half would be and they said XXXX, but the amount of suit on the summons is listed as XXXX. I hung up and called again and was given different information. I was told I could make a payment of {$400.00} and monthly installments and it would halt the legal process. I do n't know what this debt is for or how much I actually owe and I 'm getting different information from different people. When I said I was unemployed they just sat on the phone in silence.
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I have a bank account with Ally my wife takes care of all our bank accounts we deposit a Ally and the freeze my account stating that I was depositing too many checks from her. Which I dont see why would that be a problem she is my wife we are trying to save when our pay check come in she write all the check to our billers and XXXX to our saving account. When I deposit the check again Ally freeze my account and they reason being is being I had too many checks coming from her. Then my account got sent to the fraud department and they lady name XXXX that they place over my account has been very rude and disrespectful towards myself and my wife it has been almost a month dealing with this case and every time we call into follow up she always act as through she has an attitude and do n't want to be bother with us. They still have my account lock and claim to ca n't find my deposit.
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ALLY bank doesnt accept other form of identification but a social security number
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I requested my credit score and paid a special reduced fee for providing the score from Experian. Later, when I found out they had charged me {$21.00} in addition to the {$1.00}, I called them to cancel the charge and the account they said I had opened. Their representatives made me wait a long time on the phone before I could even talk to someone, and even then I found no legitimate reason for the charge. They said it was for a monthly membership but I told them I was not interested in this service. But they said I could not cancel it even though it was the XXXX day of the month-long " service. '' I have no idea what service they are providing and would like my money back.
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This complaint is because we have attempted to have our mortgage payment modified numerous times since I suffered an injury at work which in turn greatly reduced our income. Since that happened we have tried to have Bank of America work with us to keep our home and payments manageable and they have done nothing to assist us in applying for a modification. However, over the past 3 years our requests have been ignored, paperwork reportedly never received, our phone calls were not returned and our phone numbers were changed in their computer system to an unknown number. Below will outline the issues as they have occurred. It is crucial that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau intervene as they play to auction our home on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. In XXXX I took a loan from my XXXX to catch up with payments. Later that year I closed my XXXX fund to attempt to prevent foreclosure. At this time we informed them we would not be able to maintain the regular payments and requested a modification. XXXX XXXX, was assigned actually provided us with a list of necessary documents and they were faxed to him in the beginning of XXXX XXXX from a Bank of America branch location in XXXX, XXXX on XXXX XXXX, by a customer service representative named XXXX XXXX The original copies of the documents sent are available if needed. On XXXX XXXX, we were informed, that we were automatically removed from the modification program. Clarification was not provided. However, Bank of America knew that we planned to returned our account to good standing XXXX my XXXX 's XXXX XXXX was settled at on XXXX. In XXXX we paid {$17000.00} to Bank of America in attempt to keep our home. From that point communication stalled with Bank of America although we informed them we could not pay the current mortgage payment at over {$1800.00} per month. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, a payment was made in the amount of {$5600.00} to Bank of America from a check withdrawn from XXXX XXXX XXXX bank, check XXXX. Knowing that this would be the XXXX time we would be receiving any bulk money and at this time we would start receiving regular income as I had been approved for Social Security XXXX, we again requested to apply for a modification while on the phone making the payment. We were told we would be contacted by a new assigned account manager. No one contacted us. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I contacted Bank of America again to start a modification process, I spoke with XXXX. I expressed my concern with Bank XXXX XXXX inability to willingly assist us in seeking a modification. She assured me this time would be different and to call her with issues. On XXXX XXXX, we received in the mail the paperwork from XXXX, and it states that it is due back XXXX XXXX. On XXXX XXXX, I received a call from Bank of America representative and I immediately requested that they call me back in 15 minutes because I was trying to get my children out and I did not want to discuss this matter in front of them. I recall emphasizing please call me back, I did not even ask for the persons information. I did not receive a call back. About 3 hours later I called back the number on my caller ID, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, and there was a message that there was a high call volume due to weather. Realizing I did not even know who I was calling I hung up and waited for them to contact me again. On XXXX XXXX, I still had no contact from BOA and attempted to call XXXX back, I was redirected to the account manager, XXXX. I asked about the call on XXXX XXXX and she stated that she thought I was calling her back. I stated, you did not provide me with a name or number, how was I suppose to locate you? She informed me that my house is scheduled to be auctioned on XXXX XXXX. In the past year we have been assigned XXXX account managers, none have ever called our home, except XXXX a week ago.
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On XXXX XXXX, XXXX I submitted documentation to ECMC, in accordance with their internal policy and the XXXX protocol, requesting student loan discharge due to false certification and id theft. I included a letter of material fact - examining the nature of my dispute and the history of my forced compliance with ECMC, multiple certifications of my signature ( including my government issued identification and social security card ) along with my police report citing the XXXX fraudulent accounts ECMC currently holds under my name and social security number. Still, ECMC has continued to insist I have not fulfilled the requirements of discharge because I have not submitted a " court judgment '' indicating I am the victim of fraud. Herein lies the problem. No person has been arrested or prosecuted for the illicit activities arising from my personal information having been compromised. I have fortunately not been wrongly charged for a crime due to the illegal usage of my personal information. XXXX of these conditions must be applicable in order for me to petition for a " court verdict '' or submit a request for certificate of identity theft judicial finding of factual innocence. Until XXXX of those conditions is satisfied, I can not provide a copy of any court judgment. This, however, does not nullify my claim or disqualify me from submitting other means of proof ( which I have ) to have the fraudulent loans discharged. According to Federal Regulation 34 CFR 682.402 ( e ) ( 14 ) ( ii ) ( A ) and ( B ) I am entitled to submit " authentic signature specimens and other means of identification corresponding to the means of identification falsely used to obtain the loan '' to qualify for loan discharge due to identity theft in lieu of a court judgment. Not only have I filed a report with the Federal Trade Commission, my local police department the ECMC Ombudsman, the XXXX Ombudsman and contacted the XXXX credit bureaus, I have ( barring the impossibility of a court verdict ) followed ECMC 's instructions precisely. It is an act of willful non-compliance that ECMC has not abided by the XXXX regulations and discharged these fraudulently obtained loans. I formally request that ECMC close these XXXX accounts, remove them from my credit reports and provide restitution of the {$9400.00} taken from me. Remuneration can not restore the years of damage done to my credit, nor retrieve the expenditure of time lost in arguing my case with the loan guarantor and originator, nor mitigate the stress, but the monies rightfully belong to me and should be returned. The following is an excerpt from XXXX of the letters I submitted to ECMC : In XXXX, after being notified by my employer that my wages were to be garnished for student loans I never applied for, from colleges I never attended, I called the guarantor of the loans and spoke with a representative that offered no alternative but a repayment plan or a prolongation of wage garnishment ( though I vehemently informed the representative I was not the responsible party, had no knowledge of said loans and was not even living in California at the time the student loans were opened ). I initially refused to pay for the loans, and in turn, monies were taken from my salary and tax refunds. I was young and uninformed. It seemed I had no recourse in the matter. I finally and begrudgingly acquiesced, in XXXX XXXX, to entering a rehabilitation program for the fraudulently filed loans when yet again, after filing my taxes, another {$430.00} was taken from me as an IRS offset. Not until this year, after having upwards of nine thousand dollars taken from me, did I learn I could file for discharge due to id theft. And even now, after submitting all I can, ECMC continues to keep this matter unresolved. I am downright exasperated.
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I have been disputing with Experian for over 1.5 years for inaccurate reports and fraudulent reports and XXXX loans that was deleted then put back on and I have fraud alert with security freeze with my number some one changed my fraud alert phone number and put there number in there mines was removed and I have sent out numerous stuff too Experian will not follow the fcra are the fdcpa they want proof I sent proof XXXX times they still allow it too happen I need help please I have good credit know its been destroyed Equifax would n't send me credit report for 14 months and transunion want remove the fraudulent inquires that 's why hade fraud alert think XXXX on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX XXXX called me yes called said my fraud alert phone number hade been tampered with did n't match from XXXX XXXX XXXX fraud alert number supposed too be XXXX been like that since XXXX XXXX know XXXX XXXX XXXX its got number showing up as XXXX its not me I have sent proof too Experian XXXX times XXXX times even copy of my dl and my cell bill with my correct number XXXX I have XXXX inquiries on XXXX for what and why XXXX do n't remove inquiries you allowed them and you need too remove them that was the purpose of the fraud alert and security freeze and Experian has been notified as well theres also like XXXX as of today XXXX/XXXX/XXXX XXXX has XXXX I have been locked out from them it seems the credit bearus remove positive and want remove negative as result when its not yours they know that I have asked Experian and XXXX and XXXX almost 1.5 years item verify too consumer they want if they cant get the offending report on the partial account too show proof then is automatic delete its 21 days they been doing this know one year from XXXX XXXX too XXXX XXXX XXXX so upset I have numerous auto loans that are not mine XXXX yes other XXXX no then XXXX I paid off my mortgage in XXXX XXXX sum of {$85000.00} in form of check Experian allowed too stay on but XXXX removed it and XXXX removed why I did n't dispute that nor would I ever try that that 's positive account good faith then I paid of XXXX trucks XXXX in XXXX XXXX sum of {$28000.00} and XXXX XXXX XXXX sum of {$37000.00} in full XXXX deleted it and XXXX as well why I did n't request that nor was it disputed and XXXX XXXX I paid of another loan with tcc {$32000.00} deleted buy Experian XXXX XXXX why XXXX XXXX XXXX deleted ally loan deleted why I called asked them why they said it was fraud loan I told them was not fraud loan them loans were mine in good faith I have the contracts but theres XXXX fraud loans opened wright know on Experian and XXXX on XXXX that 's not mine as I explained too them they laughed at me hung up XXXX me I called with case number they said they closed it it was joke on me hows that joke on me its my life here were talking about I have maintained great credit some one has stolen my identity I put on security freeze some one removes it I have tons of inquiries the credit bearus want help me they told me pretty much stop disputing it it says it on report with Experian item updated your dispute will not be processed are you kidding me I got letters from the ftc fraud they let you print out for fraud report heres XXXX was deleted put back on XXXX XXXX XXXX partial account number XXXX these are supposed too have XXXX numbers auto loan {$29000.00} not me that 's why it was deleted back on XXXX limit {$300.00} deleted act XXXX back its not me please help me im being frauded with fraud alert thanks XXXX
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Primary loan with XXXX requested an unpaid principal balance that should not exceed 8 % of the balance owed. On XXXX/XXXX/2015 at XXXX Called Bank of America ( BOA ) spoke to XXXX XXXX ID # : XXXX Said the account has been charged off, the loan has been forgiven and is no longer. XXXX transferred me to Charge off dpt. where I spoke to XXXX and said yes the account has been charged off. I asked BOA what is the reason for a short sale when the account has been charged off and is no longer, written off, no balance, loan has been forgiven?. Once BOA realized there was a potential for getting some income from the primary loan then the story changed. BOA is telling us that the account has been charged off however is still eligible for collection. How can you collect on something that is no longer? I asked ... Then the verbiage changed from the account is charged off to account not being written off and that written off means loan amt has been forgiven however charged off the loan can still be collected on.
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This individual has called me almost every single day in regards to credit card debt that I have been unable to pay due to unemployment. He leaves numerous messages. He has called my parents, my brother, and most likely other individuals that share my last name. I called him today and he threatened me by saying that if I did not pay a certain amount that legal action would be taken. He hassled me to ask family members for money. I told him NOT to call my parents as I have not lived with them for XXXX years and they would not be paying this debt on my behalf.
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In XX/XX/XXXX, while discussing an unrelated business mater with a current lender, I was made aware that an account, I did not authorize or initiate, had me listed as a cosigner. I immediately notified the lender that I was a victim of identity fraud and requested to see the information they had on file. In turn, I checked my credit reports, confirmed the presence of the fraudulent account, and contacted each of the XXXX ( XXXX ) credit reporting companies and disputed the information. At varying dates in XX/XX/XXXX, each of the credit reporting companies ( CRCs ) reported that the account was confirmed by the lender. To date, the fraudulent information remains on my credit file and [ neither ] CRC has ever notated my credit profile about the account being disputed. After [ several ] additional telephonic requests to the lender between XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX, the lender mailed me a copy of the loan origination documents along with its internal ID theft package. I immediately filed a law enforcement report ( LER ) with my local Sheriff XXXX Office and returned the original package and supporting documentation to the lender in XX/XX/XXXX. The supporting documentation included a copy of the lender 's loan origination document, my LER, drivers license, social security card, and hand writing samples. In XX/XX/XXXX, I was notified by a potential employer that I was deemed unsuitable due the presence of delinquent financial information on my credit report. In that same notification, I was provided a copy of my combined credit report which still contained the fraudulent account on each of the CRC 's reports. I began researching laws and learned about the FCRA and the FTC. After learning that the combination of an LER and FTC Identity Theft Affidavit ( ITA ) produce an Identity Theft Report ( IDR ), I filed an ITA on the FTC 's website. In turn, I sent [ via certified mail ] FTC 's CRC-template letters and supporting documentation to each of the XXXX credit reporting companies requesting that the fraudulent account be blocked, removed, and that a extended fraud alert be placed on my credit file as per the FCRA. The supporting documentation for each submission of FTC 's CRC-template letter included a copy of the lender 's loan origination document ; my credit report, drivers license, social security card, and hand writing samples ; as well as FCRA Section 611. According to XXXX tracking, the CRCs received their certified letters on XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX [ XXXX ], respectively. To date, each CRC has placed an extended fraud alert but has [ not ] blocked the fraudulent account information from my respective credit profile [ or ] contacted me declining my request to block the fraudulent information. In fact, XXXX CRC will not allow me to order a credit report directly and advised ( via telephone ) that my IDR was not sufficient but would not provide its justification method in making that determination. Subsequently, and, respectively, I have ordered additional credit reports which indicate each CRC 's non-compliance the FCRA 's imposed time limits. To their credit, XXXX CRCs have listed the fraudulent account as disputed/under investigation. Additionally, I sent [ for the XXXX time, via certified mail ] FTC 's lender-template letter and supporting documentation to the lender requesting that the lender block, absolve me of responsibility, and stop inaccurately furnishing the fraudulent account information to the CRCs. The supporting documentation to my submission of FTC 's lender-template letter included a copy of the lender 's loan origination document and ID Theft Affidavit ; my IDR, credit report, drivers license, social security card, and hand writing samples ; as well as FTC 's Notice to Furnishers ) According to XXXX tracking, the lender received its certified letter on XX/XX/XXXX. To date, the lender has not made any contact with me. XXXX : FTC XXXX # XXXX
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This credit account is inaccurate because the late payments reported are incorrect. The late payments correspond to errors committed by XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX unilaterally and incorrectly directed the monthly payments to payment of insurance, this error was subsequently corrected ( prove of the inaccuracy ) ; nevertheless the late payments continue to appear on my report. I am requesting that the account is removed due to this inaccuracy.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Hello, I am a XXXX XXXX XXXX from the University XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX XXXX, Ohio. I am writing to inquire about what the terms or grounds for harassment are regarding a student loan lending company? I am struggling to find a stable and secure position within my degree field and I have every intention of paying back what I owe in debt. However I am in a position that I do not possess the financial means to pay the lump sum they are demanding. I have pleaded for a deferment so that I can find a job and not have the added stress that they are burdening me with. They call my house dozens of times a day, at all hours of the day from very early morning till XXXX or later. They have also called my grandparents yesterday, and today have contacted a close friend from XXXX. I am a XXXX and have no knowledge of law when it comes to something that pertains to this predicament, I am just at wits end and plan to pay most of what I have in savings just to get them to subside for the time being so that I can devote more of my time to finding a stable job. Thank You.
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After retaining counsel in XXXX of XXXX due to contact by XXXX XXXX XXXX a collection agency in XXXX OH for judgement on a credit card debt I could no longer pay on due to having lost my job in XXXX of XXXX ... said collection agency sent me on consecutive months from XXXX till XXXX, requests fro payments ... Attorney XXXX XXXX XXXX OH contacted said collection firm and asked to set up a payment schedule - debited directly from my bank account. Attorney XXXX NEVER had a call returned from XXXX XXXX the contact person on record for this action with XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX OH. I am on XXXX, as my only source of income. Being a seasonal employee at XXXX XXXX in XXXX - I was contacted by XXXX XXXX that my wages would be garnished at 25 % of net pay, when I worked for XXXX XXXX - working for XXXX XXXX from XXXX XXXX to XXXX XXXX, XXXX - I had {$2800.00} garnished from my paychecks - a MAJOR setback for my finances as my XXXX barely covers my monthly overhead. Efforts by Attorney XXXX to reach XXXX XXXX at XXXX XXXX XXXX to arrive at an equitable monthly payment - directly debited from my account. Went unanswered by phone and writing. A complete written history since judgement was rendered by the court toward my effort to establish payment schedule, through counsel is 100 % factual. This Collection agency - XXXX XXXX XXXX has totally ignored all requests by counsel & has circumvented equitable protocol to establish a payment schedule for re-payment of this debt.
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company
Repeated calls being informed that they are trying to serve me some legal documents. Misrepresenting themselves and leaving threatening voicemails. Constant and frequent calls with none on the other end and ghost calls to relatives. Cease and desist emailed and faxed. I have XXXX XXXX and they are stressing myself and my XXXX year old mother.
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Bank of America has endorsed and erected an " intangible '' system and culture that takes advantage of the FHA program and its borrowers. My experience with Bank of America proved that this was the case and that they were not concerned with what was in my best interest. I did all that I could within my knowledge, diligence, persistence, and power for a favorable outcome on my behalf. The crux of my grievance originates from both my XXXX hard work and expertise in finding Buyers for my property seemingly all for naught. In the beginning of my short sale request, my XXXX Realtor/Broker was able to find a buyer with cash ( proof of financials and legitimate documentation ) which was given to Bank of America during the application process. My XXXX Realtor/Broker informed me that all documents were administered in the " XXXX System '', but was having difficulty finding them. Neither my Realtor/Broker nor I was informed by Bank of America ( in XXXX through XXXX XX/XX/XXXX ) that changes being made in the XXXX System would hinder the process until after the fact. Because of this, the documentation failed to be processed and I received a decline. Unfortunately, due to my Realtor/Broker 's Mother untimely passing, I elected to switch Brokers. My XXXX Broker found a Buyer right away ( as did my XXXX Broker ) who offered cash ( with all the appropriate proof of financials, authorizations, and documentation ) that offered approximately {$20000.00} more than the first offer. My second XXXX experienced the same Bank of America improprieties and challenges as my first XXXX ( i.e. not being updated by bank officials concerning the status of my short sale request ). My XXXX Broker received XXXX Declinations Letters while working on my behalf. Miscommunication or the lack of communication on the part of Bank of America since the onset of my short sale request, ; lack of continuity and/or inconsistency with bank negotiators managing my file ( where I and my Brokers were rarely able to speak with the same negotiator who was familiar with my case ), ; failure to provide informed updates to my Brokers and me as to the status of my case, ; mishandling of documentation through the " XXXX '' system and in general by Bank of America, ; and lack of knowledge about the " XXXX '' system ( which is supposedly the quickest and most effective apparatus in expediting documents of Bank of America short sale professionals ) was customary. I requested the short sale be initiated or reopened at least XXXX times by Bank of America 's Escalation Team, a XXXX XXXX HUD XXXX, and by Bank of America 's Office of The President. I had to go through the cancellation of my modification which took a considerable amount of time because Bank of America short sale professionals did not understand the " full '' protocols and codes of the modification to short sale process. The preceding Declination Letters stated ... " I failed to provide the documentation '' without any clear explanation as to what documentation was missing or needed. I had to fax documents to Bank of America 's short sale negotiator via Bank of America Branch in XXXX, Virginia. The Branch professionals notarized and spoke with the negotiator as to what was needed to expedite the process. However, at the application deadline, the negotiator stated that she never received the documents. My XXXX request for short sale was on XXXX XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX. The foreclosure of my home took effect in XXXX XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX.
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US Bank had XXXX accounts under my name and I thought you could write a check for XXXX account to deposit it into the other account, because XXXX account I thought had overdraft protection. XXXX disagreed with me and said that I was XXXX XXXX '' checks. I 'm XXXX and I feel she reported me to Chex Systems for a poor reason, granted that I was confused and had no idea this was n't allowed. She took advantage of my XXXX.
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Bank of America continues to charge me late fees within the 30 day window. I pay my mortgage within the 30 day window, i.e. my payment is due XXXX XXXX and I pay before XXXX XXXX and they charge me a {$90.00} late fee
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I am hoping you can help me resolve what I feel is unfair reporting and unclear communication with a prior lender about an old account in default. This is in regards to my auto loan previously with XXXX finance which is now Ally Financial. I did voluntarily repo the car however they are currently not showing accurate pay history on my credit report and have not communicated when this will be removed due to the 7 year rule. From my understanding of the fair credit reporting act a creditor is supposed to remove and no longer report a negative item 7 years from the XXXX late payment or negative information is shown. The account number for this account is XXXXMy name is XXXX XXXXMy Social is XXXX. I have disputed with both the credit buros and sent a letter to XXXX. I received a form letter response but they did not answer my question regarding my pay history and when they would cease reporting this negative information on my credit report. I would like this removed as soon as possible and if they feel this is not yet supposed to be removed legally I am at least owed a very clear explanation of when it is scheduled to be removed. Ally 's address isAlly FinancialXXXX XXXX XXXX, MN XXXX have not found a working phone number to discuss this with their credit reporting department. Thanks you, XXXX XXXX ( cel )
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I have tried to request my annual credit reports from all three credit reporting agencies. ( XXXX, Experian, & XXXX ). After asking for my general information, and my social security number, date of birth, etc., I was asked XXXX or XXXX questions about my checking account, if a home i currently live in or did live in is in a specific town, if i worked at a certain company, etc. I went through this XXXX ( because it timed out both times ) but the XXXX time I had a problem because I had to look for the deed to my home, to see the exact year it was built, the question was ridiculous. It asked the year it was built, not the approx. year it was built, but the year it was built. I bought the home in XX/XX/XXXX. It was built ( i have since found out ) in XX/XX/XXXX. I knew it was around then, but not exactly that year. The answers to the questions were : XX/XX/XXXX-XX/XX/XXXX or XX/XX/XXXX-XX/XX/XXXX. I mean, if i was guessing, which is what i would have been doing, it could have gone either way XXXX XXXX??? it ends up i can not get my reports on line now. I am very upset about this. The people generating these questions should think a bit before putting them out there. I recently had to answer a question for my bank and it was about a cousin of mine and if he owned land in some state, I havent even seen him in years. It is ridiculous. regards
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I applied for modification in XXXX of XXXX, where my income has plummeted due to collapsed economy, and where President Obama administration issued new laws and regulations, to help distressed homeowners to stay in their homes. I applied for modification with Bank of America in hope my mortgage will be modified. My hardship was in low income, loss of co-signer, who no longer lived with me and is married and lives elsewhere, loss of child support.That is when my American dream became American nightmare. My case managers have been changed constantly, and all documentation sent in was not enough, new documents requested, and with every new manager to the case same documents requested over and over again, claiming did not upload or did not have it. At XXXX instance as I was faxing documents thru BofA branch on XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX pages, few days later I was called that documents did not arrive in requested time and modification is no longer considered. My most sensitive documentation such as tax returns and such, was " misdialed '' and sent to unknown recipient. I asked for letter of explanation, but never heard anything from Bofa. In XXXX I pursued modification in XXXX thru NACA, in XXXX. After three days of providing documents, I was only verbally informed by BofA representative, that my payment would be {$560.00}, and that I can not afford. I questioned about this process, there was no record of such event. Also in XXXX, Bofa was sent a check from my City into an escrow acct, which was a mistake, when questioned, I was told there is no overpayment. I made my payments in full, escrow was paid XXXX that year.In XXXX XXXX I was offered modification trial payment period for four months, XXXX thru XXXX. NO conditions of such modification were disclosed. I was ordered by Bofa to make lower payments {$840.00}. In hopes and despair I agreed to unknown. I was told to send check via mail, not thru my electronic banking. I did that. After this period I was presented modification package Extending my mortgage for additional 40 years. BofA sent a person to my home to collect these signed documents immediatelly. This startled me as thsi is not any standard procedure I ever heard of bank conducting. I questioned and was told by XXXX XXXX, that I will never receive modification I wanted, or I expected. I questioned about TARP moneys Bank received to help homeowners to reduce principal. I was told BofA, or investor, Fannie Mae, do not participate in reduction of principal, and that this was only for participants of a law suit which I was not part of. I hesitated to sign such documents, yet later I did and sent into XXXX locations of Bofa,. North Carolina, Colorado, Texas. BofA never acknowledged to receive it. I started receiving over again same applications and was asked to submit same documents I did previously many times. I spoke to my again new case manager on the phone on XXXX XXXX, I was told they have all documents they needed from me. She was to give me follow up call on XXXX XXXX. She did not. I 'm not able to get any answers from BofA. Last I received in XXXX day on XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX packages XXXX. XXXX stating we are no longer actively reviewing your application for loan assistance because we did not receive requested documents. XXXX stating We have received your initial borrowers package. XXXX stated We need more information to continue evaluating your home loan for assistance, containing whole application package over again, I should provide by XXXX XXXX. I received a letter stating my loan is transferred to an other XXXX, XXXX, XXXX on XXXX XXXX XXXX. It is absolute mess and I have been tortured for 6 years, this is inhumane practices by the bank, carefully calculated to discourage and disgust consumers to pursue. At XXXX day of trial payments Bofa put " late payments '' on my credit.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
In my report is which I never used and it was reported as account abuse, reported on XXXX/XXXX/XX/XX/2011 the amount of XXXX I never put any type of money in that account or had any checks for it either, so I would like to dispute this file the routing # XXXX and the account # ends in XXXX
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I have been in chapter XXXX since XX/XX/2011. The case was turned to chapter XXXX and discharged last year. I have been waiting to receive repayment instruction from the bank on this loan. Nothing yet. Yesterday I get a harassing call from a collection agency, XXXX XXXX XXXX. I am willing to go on payment plan and repay but ca n't afford lump sum and do not want to deal with collection agency.
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint
I have inquiry alerts through my bank. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, i received a inquiry alert fromt Banner Finance, DBA Commerce Finance XXXX XXXX. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, Texas had done a hard inquiry. I had a Signiture loan back in XXXX, that was paid. I contact Corporate XXXX Banner Finance and spoke to Secretary XXXX. I ask why was a inquiry done on my behalf, if i had not applied for a line of credit now. She responded that they have the right to collect old debt. So again second inquiry done on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. I believe this Company is unlawfully using my SS # for wrong business. They have never contacted me by phone or by mail. I believe its fraudulent on what is being done. I am requesting for those inquiries to be removed from my credit reporting. Your immediate attention is needed., Thanks Concern Consumer
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I filed my income taxes to turbo tax .I was supposed to have my refund direct deposited onto a prepaid debit card from net spend. I never received it and I called NetSpend they cancel my acardand I have not been able to receive my refund .they said they sent my refund back the IRS but I have information that it 's in an account At XXXX bank. I have a letter of reserch stating wher my funds was deposited. i just dont know how to attach the documment in this complaint.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
CitCards has been charging me a penalty/default APR for over 2 years, yet the pricing information for account says the rate only applies for 6 months. I have brought this to their attention, but they have not resolved the situation, and have refused to do so. A copy of my email exchanges with them, as well as their Pricing Information is attached. See the section titled " Penalty APR and When it Applies '' and the subtopic titled " How Long Will the Penalty APR Apply? ''
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Applied for a loan modification back in XX/XX/XXXX, loan representive at the time was XXXX XXXX. I was told by XXXX XXXX back in XX/XX/XXXX that the loan modification was approved and that I would be receiving a package by fed ex to go over the terms. At that time I ask XXXX XXXX about the late payments he stated as long as I am under review for a modification the late payments is not a issue. Here it is XX/XX/XXXX never received the fed ex package with the so call terms. I 've been calling since XX/XX/XXXX trying to get an answer and I have n't as of yet ( XX/XX/XXXX ). This really bothers me been that foreclosure is very high in Florida. I need to know the status of this loan if I qualify for the modification or not. My plans are to keep this home but I definitely do n't want to get so far behind where I see there is no way to catch up. This loan was bought from XXXX back in XX/XX/XXXX, I actually was under a loan modification review with XXXX when this loan was transferred. BSI Financial Service has been giving me the run arounds since day XXXX, now I 'm told by XXXX XXXX that the representive I had XXXX XXXX is no longer with the company and that she ( XXXX XXXX ) will be my representive, not to my surprise XXXX XXXX states she can not find the loan modification package that was sent to my previous representive XXXX XXXX. To me another stall tactic to get my payments further behind so that BSI can put me in foreclosure. I need answer from BSI Financial Services ASAP ... ...
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Bank of America closed my accounts without my knowledge and has not sent out my money as promised. It has been since XXXX 2014. I had a business account : XXXX XXXX XXXX and a personal account. They owe me {$500.00} of my money which was never returned. I keep getting the run around from this bank. They claimed they sent out cashiers checks on XXXX occasions. It does n't take 6 months to receive a cashiers check. Please help me get my {$500.00} back! It was closed because of XXXX XXXX XXXX.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I applied for a loan with Quicken Loans. I was pre-qualified not long after submitting my application and was requested to pay the non-refundable {$500.00} towards an appraisal. Once the appraisal fee was paid, my application went to the underwriter for review. On XXXX XXXX, 2015 my real-estate agent and builder received a letter indicating my loan application had been approved and fully underwritten. The letter indicated that my income, employment, and credit scores have been verified, but my loan had been approved contingent upon receiving the appraisal, title commitment and homeowners insurance. All of which were completed within weeks of this notice and a closing date of XXXX XXXX, 2015 had been scheduled. At this point, I completed the final earnest deposit installment with the builder for a total of {$12000.00} which authorized the builder to began making a few requested customizations to the home and set an closing date as well. A few days into this process I received a call from a Rep asking me to provide proof of timely payments for a previous mortgager lender because my report show untimely payments. Again, I provided this information immediately ; however, I received a formal denial letter on XXXX XXXX that my loan was denied due to past credit history. After providing proof of timely payments, completion of a credit supplement/rescore, credit verification phone interview and providing an explanation letter Quicken reversed the original denial and approved my loan for the XXXX time. In my opinion, reviewing past credit history is mortgage underwriting XXXX. Why did Quicken approve my loan initially, advise my realtor and builder, then ask for supporting documentation only to deny the loan? The builder, XXXX XXXX has now instructed me that because they have set XXXX closing dates and because I did n't close, I am now considered in default of my contract and they will be retaining my {$12000.00} earnest money deposit. I am in no financial position to write off {$12000.00} due to the incompetence of a mortgage lender. If my loan application did not meet Quicken 's criteria I should have never been lead not XXXX, but XXXX and placing my life savings in jeopardy. I am requesting that Quicken reimburse me for the earnest deposit in the amount of {$12000.00}. I will also be reporting this issue with my employer who endorsed Quicken loans as well as offered incentives to open loans with this organization.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I sent the below letter to Bank of America for a resolution, which they denied. I believe their actions are unjust. I am writing you with a very heavy heart. I am extremely dishearten and dissatisfied with the level of insensitivity and lack of understanding and communications received from Bank of America 's representatives regarding my closed account, now " charged off ''. I am requesting the charge off be reversed due to miscommunications and technicality. In XX/XX/XXXX, I spoke with a representative, who I notified that I was having hardship ( became unemployed ). She notified me that my account would be charged off on XX/XX/XXXX. Being XX/XX/XXXX was on a Saturday ( weekend ). I paid the bill on Monday, XX/XX/XXXX, which was paid the next business day, XX/XX/XXXX. I had no idea my account would be charged off on a weekend and neither was I explained this information in detailed. Additional information : I also was told that I had a cease and desist order on my account, which too was puzzling. I never requested a cease and desist and was never told such an order would be put on my account when requesting not to contacted via telephone. Today, XX/XX/XXXX, the represented mentioned that the cease and desist stopped all phone calls and correspondence, which I would have never agreed to. Requesting not to receive phone calls is totally different then not receiving mail. I never knew there was an issue until now, because I was still receiving my monthly statements. Therefore, I did n't get any reminder notice for the upcoming charge off or notice of the actual charge off or any notice pertaining to this cease and desist order that I did not consent to. I have had several hardships during the course of this account from being unemployment several times, XXXX, newborn ( a bundle of joy, nevertheless a financial adversity ), accepting a XXXX " only '' XXXX position, which was insufficient, thus having to move in with my mother, then recently in XX/XX/XXXX, becoming unemployed again. Through it all, I did the best I could. Now, that I have almost completed my payment in full, it is quite unfair and disappointing to receive a charge-off on my account for a difference of XXXX days, of which XXXX were weekend days. Furthermore, I never receive any notification pertaining to this charge-off, due to the above mentioned unauthorized communications disconnect. I thought Bank of America was in the business of helping people and that Bank of America would much rather see me pay my bill and build up my credit vs. damage my credit with a derogatory " charge-off ''. I am asking that you have compassion, thereby reversing the charge-off on the aforementioned account, in so doing allowing me to pay my outstanding balance in the amount of {$1200.00} without such a steep penalty. I really like Bank of America and hope to be a customer again, when my financial situation changes for the better. Thank you kindly for your consideration, time and immediate attention to this matter. Providing you require additional information, please feel free to contact me.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Have XXXX on my account from this company never have had any info on what is for on my trans union report the number is XXXX and the second is XXXX do n't know what they are for we have had XXXX XXXX for years and the other says insurance and we have had XXXX for years so no clue and never been contacted about these or had any info
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I refinanced my home and chose to preserve my Home Equity Line of Credit with Bank of America. They advised we would need to process a subrogation agreement which would take XXXX business days. That fell within the close date of XXXX XXXX, 2015, so we proceeded to pay the fees and process the subrugation. Bank of America missed the deadline by several days resulting in my being charged over {$3500.00} in interest from the original mortgagee because we went well into XXXX before the refinance was completed.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Stonegate Mortgage Servicing has been rude and abusive to my inquiry on escrow/tax refunds due to me. Said they would call me back but I have had to keep calling to inquire through this process. I was told only XXXX manager was in today and could not speak to me. This is a separate issue but they only have XXXX manager for the entire servicing office that can handle escalated matters? Sounds like they are understaffed to handle sensitive issues and escalated matters properly. So, they received a check of my returned funds back from XXXX, their vendor partner, on a double payment and deposited those funds on XXXX XXXX. I called back a week later and was told they were not processing my funds until sometime in XXXX? They can process funds in 1 day from their own vendor partner but it takes 18 days to return funds to a consumer? Why so long? This is unfair to me and other consumers.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I contacted Select Portfolio, my mortgage servicing company, in order the obtain a letter entailing the amount I need for reinstatement to avoid eminent foreclosure. They sent a letter of reinstatement, but it did not state that this amount was the amount needed to avoid eminent foreclosure. When I contacted them to inform them of this, they related that they do n't write letters of this nature. They also stated that they are not in the processing of foreclosure upon my property, but 'in litigation '. I was confused. " Foreclosure is the legal process in which a bank or other secured creditor sells or repossesses a parcel of real property after the owner has failed to comply with an agreement between the lender and borrower called a 'mortgate ' or 'deed of trust ' ". Since they are in the process of trying to force a sale of my house through the courts, and represent XXXX bank, how can they say that I am not in danger of eminent foreclosure? They further directed me to make a payment immediately. I am unsure where that payment would go nor am I sure it would be used to avoid eminent foreclosure. I am in the process of getting help to work with the bank, but they do n't seem interested in working with me. They said all of our conversations are recorded, so there should be no discrepancy as to each conversation that transpired.
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company
In XXXX 2011, I started a small XXXX Company and wanted a slide/portable credit card machine. So I contacted XXXX XXXX XXXX. The Bank immediately helped me over the phone and sent me the credit card machine. However, they asked my bank account number to make the deposits after 5 % deduction of their service charge, and the credit card machine was free. I said, ok and in good faith gave my bank account number. Since I was just starting the business, I had no clients and hardly used the credit card machine. Soon, I noticed that the XXXX XXXX started to siphon out money from my bank account ranging in the amount from {$25.00} to {$50.00} a month. When I inquired, and stated that we had agreed before I started the service that they would charge me only when I use the machine 5 % of the amount of transaction. They tried to justify that they told me before hand, which was never mentioned at the beginning of the when the service started. I felt misled, so I called them up and told them that I felt deceived, therefore, they abide by the initial promise they charge me only when I use the machine. I requested them not to take out any money from my bank account, because I never authorized them to do so. The only reason, I gave the Bank account # was for them to deposit the transaction amount after deducting their 5 % charge. No term was disclosed to me at the beginning either. But they continued to take my money on incremental basis. Therefore, I called them up to cancel my services with them and they told me to return the credit card machine, which I did. Even though I asked for the acknowledgement of the receipt over the phone after tracking the machine which reached to them, they did not respond for two and half years, nor did they try to contact me. Surprisingly, the collection Agency started to call me too often and tell my social security number. I am very much worried that they are trying to extract more money from me and destroy my credit. As a hard working citizen, I have responsibility to support my family and then thinking of a dream home. But things like this has threatened my integrity and and the credit score. Therefore I request you to contact the bank and consider this case null and void and close it forever without affecting my credit. Thank you
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Ordered a XXXX credit report and scores from XXXX ( Experian ) .They only gave me XXXX score and XXXX report from Experian. They said there was an error in getting the other XXXX scores & reports. I paid them {$49.00}, & they will not refund my money. It was paid with a Visa card
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I filed a complaint against the bank before and the problem still has not been rectified. By the time I spend money in legal fees it will certainly not be worth it for me to try and get answers. However, I do plan to file complaints with other agencies until I am vindicated of this awful trail of unjust events. Starting with the account was a joint account and there were charged that were unauthorized. I should not have to suffer because someone else has done something wrong. Reporting me to XXXX is unfair and especially since the bank has already gotten over in fees. A collection agency kept calling me on their behalf until I just gave in and paid. However, during the process my bank account for my XXXX year old daughter has been closed because BB & T decided to report me and not my husband to XXXX. I have NEVER EVER been in XXXX and this just is n't right. I now think it is a smart investment to hire someone on my behalf to fix this since they want to just play dirty with the whole thing. BB & T is the worse bank to ever have in life and I never thought I would have such a problem with them even reporting ect. However, let the record reflect that I have tried to contact several sources inside of BB & T to help but they are just not qualified to get the job done. There is no XXXX number you have to go in and do everything and unfortunately, I do not have that type of time or means. I am a mother and recently had a XXXX that does n't allow me to even drive. Either way this is a ongoing problem even after their unreasonable request for fees have been paid. I 've been lied to and now cheated out of money.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I was told by my bank that they did n't accept money orders via mobile upload. I did however upload them. I did n't see the deposits on my account so I went to a branch and had the deposited. Suntrust cashed XXXX sets of money orders and then they closed my account. After I withdrew {$1000.00} I had a balance of {$40.00} well they charged me all types of fees and told me the money orders were no good. I contacted the money order issuing company and confirmed the money orders were good. I have yet to see my {$40.00}
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I have been trying to resolve problems with Citibank andtheir XXXX credit cards. The matter has been going onsometime. I need to resolve these problems but thebank has not been helpful, other than sending formattedlong letters. I hope they come up with a solution.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I am being called by USAA credit card services XXXX times a day regarding a credit card debt. They call on weekends, Holidays, and sometimes at XXXX at night.
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company
I attended XXXX XXXX XX/XX/XXXX -XX/XX/XXXX ( a XXXX XXXX ). All of my loans were forgiven by XXXX Acct. # XXXX in XX/XX/XXXX. Genesis should have been included in this. They need to stop sending me notices as I am XXXX and will not be paying back any loan unless I receive help from the government myself. Please check this out and inform me of your findings.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Macy 's has charge me 8 month interest on a closed account that i request to be closed on XXXX XXXX 2011 because high interest rate it does n't state after you closed an account that Macy 's is still able to charger you interest it only state that Macy 's can collect the remain balance which i owe. The agreement that i sign was terminated upon my request if it is closed you are only to collect the the remain balance Macy 's agreement was terminated so were the late fee Macy 's has not sent me any type of information that state after account is closed Macy 's is able to charger you late fee. so i decide to file a complaint against Macy 's so please investigate this case Thank you Sincerely XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint
In XX/XX/2014 I purchased an Solar Air Cond. system. I have found out that the system installed is NOT an Solar Air Cond. system and that the outside condensing unit and inside air handler should have NEVER been connected to an Solar panel per the manufacture. I have placed criminal charges against the company's owner. The company XXXX that sold me the system arranged for financing thru Aqua Finance Inc. I have explained several times over the past several months that XXXX DID NOT install a Solar system they installed a plane old A/C and air handler system that is connected to a Solar panel that should have never been done. Now Aqua is coming after me for non payment and has placed past due notices on my credit record. I'm NOT going to pay for something that is a FRAUD. Please help me with getting ride of this debit that Ive tried my very best to let EVERYONE know that I didn't get what I paid for.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
To whom it may concern : I submitted and complainant on the XXXX/XXXX/2014 : on the letter that yawl send me stated that some complaint. if so something should be done about the same complaint over and should let you know over so that so that should let you know that there is some truth to this matter and I gave the only info that I had. The info that Lawyer gave was Ford and forgery and I do not have A Business on XXXX or any or any ware else. what they are say is I have Company business in my home when I do n't have one so now they base my payment on something that the lawyer say but he is lying about the no business here there was never an business here. was documents that give the Bank America from this Lawyer.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Bank of America representative XXXX called my home 364 days straight in XXXX and also called an hung up when I did not answer XXXX times each of those 364 days but did not leave his name. The calls came in between XXXX est and XXXX est. Sometimes every half hour for several hours. The three years or so before these harassing calls I tried to speak with Bank of America representatives and was cursed at, threatened, degraded, hung up on by them only to be called back every XXXX minutes until I picked up again. I went in person the the local Bank of America Branch to report this and the Branch assistant mgr said she know this is a common complaint and nothing can be done. I was shaking so bad I could barely speak and tell her what they are doing and how much it disrupts daily life to the point I cringe each time the phone rings. To add insult to injury my credit score is damaged and the Bank of America actually states the kind of loan I have - interest only home equity loan - can not possibly be the type I received as it is not allowed by law! I do have XXXX! The interest only home equity loan was given to me XXXX and here it is XXXX and the Bank of America is a nightmare that will not end. I am on the do not call list, have been for years. I am on XXXX since XXXX and all I am seeking is an immediate and final correction and repair of my credit and no longer be afraid to answer my phone.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Experian is reporting a foreclosure starting in XX/XX/XXXX on my credit report, source XXXX bankI was denied an FHA mortgage through XXXX XXXX bank as a direct cause of this erroneous information. This account was completely closed back in XX/XX/XXXX and I can prove it with a copy of the dee transfer which was recorded in XX/XX/XXXX. FHA mortgage guidelines disqualify any applicant with a " recent foreclosure '' in the last 24 months. This account is XXXX years old ... as it was CLOSED totally and finalized with a transfer of deed, registered at the XXXX County Court in New Hampshire. I supplied this proof to XXXX XXXX, who re-submitted it through Experian Credit Bureau, who still refused to remove it. I origianlly disuted this directly through experian in XX/XX/XXXX when this inof no avail. This has caused my extreme financial damage, and emotional distress, causing me to forfeit funds ... possibly move etc. etc.
Company can't verify or dispute the facts in the complaint
Company chooses not to provide a public response
On or about XXXX XXXX I have been sending Letters to XXXX and XXXX with respects to reporting my Bloomingdale 's account 60 days late, when in fact it was not. Each response I received was that it was " previously verified ''. I also made contact with Bloomingdale 's in XXXX XXXX, and spoke with a customer service representative requesting that they investigate this information and to date this matter has not been resolved. Bloomingdales and XXXX are reporting my account 60 days late when in fact it was not. Each letter sent is being responded as " verified '' I made numerous calls and attempting to clarify this and they have not made any resolution. I have explained to the customer service representative how can I be " current '' in XXXX and " XXXX '' days late in XXXX XXXX. In addition, on or about XXXX XXXX, XXXX I spoke to a representative by the name of XXXX which informed me that they will issue me a credit for {$1100.00} for billing me for a credit protection program I never signed up for. I was further instructed that I do not need to make my monthly minimum payment of {$110.00} since I was being issued a credit for the above amount. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I received an alert from my stating that I was late 30 days with Bloomingdale. I immediately contacted Bloomingdales and explained to them what I was instructed and have I know I would have been marked " 30 days '' late I would have made my payment. XXXX XXXX XXXX advised me that I need to pay {$110.00} and then they will issue me a credit for {$18.00} when I got charged {$35.00} late fees. I was also instructed that I would need to pay the full balance due of {$170.00} in order for Bloomingdale 's to remove the item from my file. I explained to the representative that what they are doing was forcing me to pay for a balance that is not due. My XXXX bill is due XXXX XXXX, XXXX. Bloomingdale 'sXXXX and XXXX is defaming my character and adding incorrect information on my credit file when in fact it is not accurate. I have been a customer since XXXX XXXX and have always made my payments timely. This adverse information on my credit file is not showing any potential lender my ability to make payments timely. Bloomingdale 's is merely abusing their authority by placing invalidated information on my file. Bloomingdale 'sXXXX and XXXX, act by reporting inaccurate information to my file constitutes fraud under both Federal and State Laws. Due to this fact, Bloomingdale 's, XXXX and XXXX has violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act ; Violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and have Defamed my character. Simply matching numbers in a database is not sufficient in validating a person 's account. In addition each inquiry to validate a complaint should be treated as a new complaint not only to indicate to a consumer that the matter was " previously verified ''. I am requesting that these negative items be removed from my file.
Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error
I resided at XXXX from XXXX ( see attached ), and I had a move out balance of {$110.00}. The apartment collection agency ( XXXX ) posted this on my credit report TWICE. The balance has been paid to XXXX since XXXX XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX ( see attached ), however it is still showing up on all credit bureau as a DEBT and as a DUPLICATE. The collection agency is giving me the run around and it has affected me tremendously, and I need this debt to be removed IMMEDIATELY!
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I filed for Chapter XXXX Bankruptcy in XXXX. My mortgage was not included in the bankruptcy. I have continued to make payments to Bank of America XXXX a month, every month, and have never missed a payment or ever been late. Bank of America ( BAC ) debits my account themselves twice a month. On checking my credit reports this year, I found that BAC has given me a negative rating starting XXXX. It started with a N/R rating, then on XXXX it went to an X for unknown. They also stated that this account was closed XXXX/XXXX/XXXX as well as discharged in the bankruptcy of XXXX. Again, IT WAS NOT INCLUDED! I have all my statements from BAC, my bank, and even an escrow account review that begins XXXX and ends XXXX, showing that I have paid every month. The previous credit report that I received in XXXX stated from BAC, that I paid as agreed, was current and never late. And nothing has changed on my end. I have tried to rectify this with BAC and the credit bureaus, but to no avail. However, since I disputed their rating, BAC has retaliated against me by transferring my account to XXXX Mortgage, XXXX, which I have since found out to be a collection agency. And I have read nothing but horror stories about this agency. There was no reason for the adverse credit reports in the first place and certainly no reason to transfer my account to collection agency, since I am current and always on time with my payments. This is a malicious and unconscionable act on the part of BAC. Nor will BAC even speak to me concerning this or the credit reports. I had no idea that there was even a problem with BAC until I saw my credit reports and I do n't understand why they just changed everything, out the blue, when nothing had changed with my payments. I suspect, since their XXXX statements started mentioning the bankruptcy in bold print and that they could foreclose if I default in my agreement ; that by making fraudulent claims, they are trying to set me up for foreclosure. Why they ca n't just do the right and just thing for consumers, is beyond me. It is as if they have a department that does nothing more than figure out ways to steal, disrupt the lives of and just plain defraud their customers. All they had to do was just report the correct information on my credit reports. I ca n't even refinance my home because of the adverse credit reports by BAC.
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding
I received a call from XXXX with a person claiming to be from Allied Interstate LLC. They asked for me by name and disclosed my SSN. They would not acknowledge why they were calling or what they were calling about. A quick search shows this may be trying to illegally collect a debt.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I received an unsolicited XXXX debit card in the mail from " netSpend. ", associated with " XXXX '' - shown in the documents sent with this unsolicited card. I have never heard of this company or bank, have never done business with them, and certainly do not accept any unsolicited credit/debit issues. Offers of this type can cause serious financial damage if intercepted by a crook.
Company can't verify or dispute the facts in the complaint
This company continues to report on my credit report after I sent them a letter telling them that this account was not mine and I have no idea what it is or who it belongs to! I asked for proof of a signed contract, I asked for a license to collect in my state, I asked for copies of all information referenced for this debt and still to date, I have not received anything but harassment from this company! THIS IS NOT MY DEBT! I WANT THIS ACCOUNT REMOVED FROM MY CREDIT REPORT AND THIS COMPANY TO STOP CALLING ME IMMEDIATELY!
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Hello, mortgage : XXXX XXXX in dispute : XXXX XXXX report # XXXX XX/XX/XXXX, I contacted Experian to dispute a delinquent payment on my credit report. I was advised the mortgage company had to correct the late pay and resubmit to the credit bureau. I sent my mortgage company a copy of my XXXX postal tracking # It was mailed as a 2 day priority. As of today, this is STILL showing delinquent on the credit reports. Per Experian, they closed my dispute in XXXX hours, referred me to my mortgage company and to date, have not corrected or removed my late payment as an error or acknowledged as such. EACH late pay cost me XXXX points on my credit report. For them to force a lower score on me is questionable and unethical. It appears that they use " late pays '' as a means to force people to purchase their credit products. Today, XX/XX/XXXX I contacted my mortgage company yet Again and was advised the XX/XX/XXXX is showing current in their system. Please advise. Thank you for your time. *******************IF you choose to publish this, PLEASE REMOVE MY CREDIT REPORT NUMBER! THANK YOU! **************************************************************
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Account holder : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX & Bank of America XXXX XXXX XXXX branch My name is XXXX XXXX, my husband XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX and I are Bank of America customers at XXXX XXXX XXXX branch and XXXX XXXX. The account in my name only, because at the time my husband and I discussed, agreed of opening " join account '' at Bank of America XXXX XXXX XXXX branch and XXXX XXXX with my name first while my husband XXXX XXXX XXXX serving in XXXX as XXXX XXXX XXXX he was unable to come to the bank together with me for open the XXXX accounts, saving and checking. During the time I was opening the XXXX accounts, I told the bank clerk, it is join account with my husband, family account, but my husband is XXXX, I will add his name to the account after he come home. Electronic transfer verification by XXXX XXXX : After we opened an account with XXXX XXXX, an account in my name but because family account hold both of us money, I handed online access to my husband XXXX XXXX, and I understood of electronic verification was after we input our Bank of America account information into XXXX Bank our account record, XXXX made XXXX small deposit amounts in our Bank of America, and XXXX XXXX provided screen after customers login, check box of account, click " verify '' the next screen provided XXXX boxes for filled in XXXX small amounts XXXX XXXX deposited in our Bank of America account! Evidences from written online line conversation, XXXX XXXX, 2015, my husband XXXX XXXX XXXX wrote included in the file attachment : - The company already call back the transfer, so ( you ) need of you going to BOA morning. - I got email that the call back the funds and will refund soon as I return to US soil. - I have no way to get hold of the airfare/ Honey you accuse me wrongly because I not the XXXX stopped transfer, the company manage funds did and I will personally sue them. - Honey the company managing my funds caused this financial fraud, but let me come to XXXX XXXX and deal with them myself. Evidences showed the debit hold on my saving account for {$XXXX} is serious felony crimes of fraud committed by XXXX XXXX and my husband XXXX XXXX XXXX managing his funds company! XXXX, the XXXX time by telephone, XXXX XXXX XXXX on XXXX XXXX, 2015 I went in the branch met with branch manager XXXX, presented evidences of the " Fraud Debit Hold '' originated from XXXX XXXX was felony crimes of FRAUD committed by the company manage my husband funds and XXXX XXXX, both time Bank of America told me, Bank of America ca n't release the hold, because the hold placed by XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Bank must call Bank of America the same number they call for release and Bank of America release the hold. I just spoke to XXXX, after I explained to him the facts, he told me to contact Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, who oversee banks operation. He also said to me, " Bank of America can release the hold, they do n't have to realize on other bank for release! " I request Bank of America immediately remove the " Fraud Debit Hold '' Fraudulently placed on my account by XXXX XXXX and my husband company who managing his funds while he in XXXX, for us have access to our money for my husband XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX pay for airfare to leave XXXX tomorrow, XXXX XXXX, 2015 back to XXXX XXXX, California, USA, and also for us to pay our bills for our business in XXXX. I appreciated for your immediately actions. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, CA XXXX ( XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX. ( XXXX ) XXXX
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I opened an account with Bank of America in XXXX. I had been a faithful customer with them for 10 years and never owed them any money. I had a credit card like I said opened in or around XXXX but they offered me a 0 % APR FOR A YEAR I kept asking the terms about this but they just kept telling that I could get any loan without an APR if I did this within one year as that was as long as this offer was good for. They said nothing about additional APR % charges either. It was my XXXX time so I fell for it. Turns out that AFTER ONE YEAR the loan had to be paid off or I was charged an outrageous amount of 29 %. I could not pay them all the money back because I lost my job but kept trying to. They would in no way work with me on this and financially the loan was closed in about XXXX. That was after they took advantage of me by charging late charges etc. Now the worst part is this they are lying about when this was charged off ( XXXX ) so it will not fall off my credit report after 7 years. When I approached them they just sent it to a collection agency XXXX XXXX. Whats even worse they just put that the loan was opened or charged off in XXXX and even put that as the charge off day every year from then on!! So in other words this charged off loan keeps on my record being updated every year and probably will never fall of my record at all since it is past the 7 year deadline. I gave my information and the Bank or XXXX XXXX can remove it from the XXXX credit bureaus so myself and my children will not suffer from no loans.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
XXXX apartments is trying to collect an amount of money for maintenance and cleaning of the apartment and they sent me to collection with XXXX.without informing me on a timely manner. I understand they changed management, I was waiting to get my deposit returned because when I left the place I was informed that I would have to wait a while. I kept in touch with XXXX to check the status of my deposit. When I left the apartments I informed her of my new address and she documented it. Later, checking in with her I found out I was sent to collections. XXXX suggested to call the collection agency. I asked her why? She tried to help me but she said she did n't know. The collection agency was then the XXXX who informed me about the charges over the phone. I asked them to send it in writing. The apartment complex did n't provide with an accounting of the moneys deducted from the security deposit within 21 days per California civil code 1950.5. Regardless, my deposit well covers all the charges they are stipulating and I still have not get any money back. The manager told I should not be charged for the carpet cleaning since it was not clean when I moved in. I consider that the charges are grossly exaggerated.
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding
Clear back last XXXX I got several awful voicemails from someone mumbling about a " personal business matter '' that their lawyers wanted to speak with me about. Eventually ( XXXX ) they called and I answered. They specified they were from " West & Associates '' collecting on a Debt from XXXX. A few days later I got a letter in the mail from them saying they were going to sue me in court and press judgement against me. Immediately I sent them XXXX letters ( attached ), XXXX asking them to VALIDATE debt, and another telling them to cease all contact except via written letter to me ( sent on XXXX XXXX XXXX ). They ceased all communication until XXXX XXXX XXXX at XXXX XXXX and again on XXXX XXXX XXXX at XXXX XXXX I received a phone call from them ( I still have the voicemail. ) I sent them XXXX more letters ( attached ) which were signed via Return Receipt last MONDAY. Again, telling them to cease contact with me, and to validate the debt. Yesterday ( XXXX XXXX XXXX ) They CALLED ME AGAIN. I notified them via phone that they are not to call me. They always yell at me and do n't listen to what I have to say and hang up. I KNOW they know they are not to call me anymore but they still do so. I will, from here on out, submit a complaint into your system anytime they call me. I have attached the following ; All letters I 've sent them, the return receipt signatures, and a recording of the phone call on XXXX XXXX XXXX. ( I did let them know they were being recorded. ) I 'll also try and include screenshots of my phone calls from them since I sent them the cease contact letter. This company has not only failed to validate my debt, but they 've also ignored every chance I 've contacted them to cease all phone communications. Now they 're harassing people that are n't even related to me, as well as my family. I will, gladly provide more information if needed.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I have tax escrow account through US Bank for my mortgage. I was issued the escrow check in XX/XX/XXXX and paid the county once it was XX/XX/XXXX for tax purposes. I forgot about the check and ended up sending it in 8 days late, which was my fault. The bank stopped payment on the check, I believe on XXXX XXXX, without talking to me to see if it was paid. I was assessed {$150.00} in interest and penalties which I am fully responsible for. My problem is that once the payment on the check was stopped, the bank then assumed responsibility to pay the taxes since they still held my escrow. I called the bank immediately upon receiving notice that the check was stopped and they assured me that they paid it. The county did n't receive the payment, so I called the bank again the following week. I was again assured that they sent a check, it still was not received by the county. I called a third time and was told that the check was sent to the county on XX/XX/XXXX and I would incur no more interest or penalties from the county because it was postmarked before the second month that it would be late. They did n't actually send a check to the county until XX/XX/XXXX, resulting in a second month of interest and penalties of {$150.00} which I should not be responsible for. There was absolutely nothing that I could have done to prevent the second month of interest and penalties other than call them repeatedly, which I did, because they held the money to my escrow. Instead of taking responsibility for the second {$150.00} charge, they took the entire 2 months of interest and fees from my escrow account. I called the bank a final time today, XX/XX/XXXX, to resolve the issue and I was escalated to the manager who refused to accept any responsibility for the late payment and hung up on me mid sentence. Every time I call, US Bank verifies my phone number, so the hang up could not have been an accident because they did n't call me back. I see no other recourse other than to file this complaint.
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding
On XX/XX/XXXX I purchased my home through Castle and Cook Mortgage company that deals with Loancare online. I started a hazard insurance policy and flood insurance policy on XX/XX/XXXX. After the XXXX year was up FEMA sent me a statement saying my current policy was not going to be honored. I started making arrangments to create a new policy. As I was making arrangements the check from escrow went out to XXXX XXXX for renewal of XXXX dollars that got changed and then only gave me 11,000 dollars of coverage. I created a new policy with XXXX insurance that could not be finalized till funds were recieved. When i contacted the mortgage company loancare to get a check sent from my escrow account they said they could not send funds because XXXX checks were already sent out. The XXXX check at XXXX and the XXXX of XXXX straight to FEMA, neither that i authorized because I was in process to get a new policy. I was then told i could not cancel the XXXX policy until a dec page was recieved for the policy i created with XXXX. Farmers was unable to get me a dec page until payment was funded, which was not available from my escrow due to XXXX checks being sent out without my authorization. I was able to cancel the homowners policy with XXXX XXXX right away so in this time period I had recieved a refund from them for the homeowners policy which i took and paid the policy through XXXX. At that time I finally got a copy of the dec page and sent this to XXXX XXXX to cancel the XXXX renewal policy which they told me I was unable to cancel because it was past the deadline. So at this point refunded to my escrow account should have been the funds for the homeowners policy and flood policy through XXXX XXXX which never went back due to fault of the loan company. The policy with XXXX XXXX had to stay in place for a year before cancelation since I was passed the cancelation period. So for the next year XX/XX/XXXX I had XXXX policies in place for my flood insurance. I believe this is the main reason why my escrow account is shorted and was at no fault to me. When the policy had to stay in place the XXXX dollars was not refunded to my escrow. So in the end there was the XXXX dollars for the flood policy and the XXXX for the homeowners policy that i paid to XXXX for the new policy, neither were credited to my escrow. I am claiming that the loan company has poor communication and did not notify me of the XXXX check sent and the escrow account being shorted as of XX/XX/XXXX. I was never told that the escrow was shorted and they have been advancing my escfrow account XXXX every month since XXXX to cover their mistake and pin this on me. The XXXX check for XXXX was finally refunded and applied to my escrow on XX/XX/XXXX which brought down the advancement to my escrow to XXXX for the last two months.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I sent a letter and have yet to receive a response. Unfortunately, I was the victim of identity theft. I have done everything required of me by law to dispute the fraudulent items on my credit report. I sent a letter to " ALLY FINANCIAL '' on XX/XX/2014 via USPS certified mail. The company refuses to honor my rights under the FDCPA & the FCRA as a victim of identity theft to remove the fraudulent inquiry that was submitted without my knowledge, consent and/or authorization. Please find attached the notice that was sent out along with the attached certified receipt. Information can be tracked online using referenced information. Thank you for you time and attention regarding the matter.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Initiated contact via written notification of billing errors on XXXX XXXX 2015. Citibank failed to acknowledge and to respond to our Fair Credit Billing act dispute letter. Certified letter was recieved by Citibank of XXXX XXXX, confirmed via recorded telephone line. Contacted citibank multiple times and failed to return call after asking to investigate verbally as well. Last correspondence was via phone on XX/XX/2015 and citibank account manager refused to investigate, escalate, or resolve issue.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I sent a letter and have yet to receive a response. Unfortunately, I was the victim of identity theft. I have done everything required of me by law to dispute the fraudulent items on my credit report. I sent a letter to " CBNA '' on XX/XX/2014 via XXXX certified mail. The company refuses to honor my rights under the FDCPA & the FCRA as a victim of identity theft to remove the fraudulent inquiry that was submitted without my knowledge, consent and/or authorization. Please find attached the notice that was sent out along with the attached certified receipt. Information can be tracked online using referenced information. Thank you for you time and attention regarding the matter.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
The loan was originally with ECMC. I consolidated the loan to my fedloan account back in XXXX of last year. XXXX confirms that the consolidation was completed and that a check for XXXX was sent to ECMC on XXXX. ECMC turned the loan over to XXXX after they had receieved tha payoff from XXXX ( Acount NUmber XXXX ). I have worked with XXXX, ECMC and XXXX to in an attempt to resolve the issue. XXXX indicated that it is up to me to get ECMC to turnover the funds from XXXX to them, XXXX is indicating that they have reached out to ECMC to get them to return the funds but have not been successful to date. I can not afford to pay both XXXX and XXXX for the loan. ECMC needs to return the funds to XXXX so they can pay XXXX.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I used a XXXX gift card to make a purchase at XXXX on XXXX XXXX, 2014. I maximized the value of the card, so I discarded it. On XXXX XXXX, I returned the merchandise to the vendor and a credit was issued to the gift card in the amount of {$39.00}. I contacted XXXX to find out how to get the credit and have been given the run around. XXXX, I was told to submit the first XXXX digits of the gift card number and the tracking number to the issuing bank. I got the numbers from the vendor and submitted tehinformation to US Bank National Association. I contacted XXXX again and was told to fax a copy of my return item receipt, my XXXX and XXXX name, telephone number, mailing address and email address to teh XXXX and XXXX Unit at XXXX. I faxed this information on XXXX XXXX, 2014. As of date, i have not received any credit or response from XXXX.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I sent a letter and have yet to receive a response. Unfortunately, I was the victim of identity theft. I have done everything required of me by law to dispute the fraudulent items on my credit report. I sent a letter to " Carvant Financial LLC '' on XX/XX/2014 via USPS certified mail. The company refuses to honor my rights under the FDCPA & the FCRA as a victim of identity theft to remove the fraudulent inquiry that was submitted without my knowledge, consent and/or authorization. Please find attached the notice that was sent out along with the attached certified receipt. Information can be tracked online using referenced information. Thank you for you time and attention regarding the matter.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I have a hard credit inquiry in my XXXX report from XXXX XXXX, 2015. I never authorized to reopen the case for a previos credit card application. I was never told that the will do a hard hit again on my credit. I only requeted to review the reason on the denial. I have contacted the bank, the don ; t believe me. I contacted XXXX, they said the bank has to do it. I want this to be removed from my credit report. I was misinformed and my credit inquiry was used without my authorization. I want to put a complaint againt Bank of America.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I sent a letter and have yet to receive a response. Unfortunately, I was the victim of identity theft. I have done everything required of me by law to dispute the fraudulent items on my credit report. I sent a letter to " American Credit Acceptance '' on XX/XX/2014 via USPS certified mail. The company refuses to honor my rights under the FDCPA & the FCRA as a victim of identity theft to remove the fraudulent inquiry that was submitted without my knowledge, consent and/or authorization. Please find attached the notice that was sent out along with the attached certified receipt. Information can be tracked online using referenced information. Thank you for you time and attention regarding the matter.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
the company promised to combine my debts for into XXXX monthly payment. they were to get in touch with each creditor and make arrangements for smaller payments. after three months of payments to the company, they never made any contact with my creditors, or rendered any service of any kind to me. now they are giving me the runaround as to returning my money. i believe that this company is a fraud and should be reported and penalized.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Covington Credit in XXXX, Tx. has called me on a constant basis everyday to collect on a loan payment. Given my struggle to repay this debt, the manager told me that she can not take " partial payments '' because she has to report this to her corporate office. This company has even made personal visits to my house attempting to collect and leaving letters with my children to give to me.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I had a charge that was charged my card as an authorization by XXXX and when i stayed at hotel as told it would drop off and decided to pay in increments for hotel stay ( {$330.00}, {$160.00}, {$890.00} ) as i did n't know how long we would be staying for whole reservation as home was n't ready to move in so we changed our reservation. After checking out i noticed my XXXX XXXX credit card had a charge for the full amount of {$1300.00} and authorization never dropped off. When this happened i contacted bank of america and dispute these and filed a claim for these duplicate charges. XXXX out of the XXXX charges were credit back as permanent credit ( {$330.00} & {$160.00} ). The XXXX was still not credited back after going back and forth with bank trying to get this resolved. The bank made errors when resubmitting and caused delays and issues with claim which was their error. In XXXX i received claim response from merchant and then was allowed to submit rebuttal for claim which i did and faxed back to bank for all XXXX amounts. How can they process XXXX but not the XXXX correctly when there all a part of same amount. They stated it was past time frame. when clearly i responded immediately when they requested along with others they gave me credit back for so it was not past time frame. I then called back in XXXX to resubmit the {$890.00} for the XXXX time. I even specified there was a XXXX XXXX statement on file showing the charge was made on another card and was never refunded. I never received any notiice of result of claim or response since XXXX. I did however receive a response for the {$160.00} amount which they stated was a permanent credit. I called the bank on XXXX to check status again. and once again they submitted claim incorrectly, did n't notify me whatsoever of any result or update or phone call for that matter. My account got closed for the - {$500.00} amount that resulted from that charge when they reversed the temp credit prior to getting my rebuttal and proof of duplicate charge. They were notified, provided every document from me and makes no sense how XXXX transactions for the same thing same stay at hotel and same charge on my XXXX XXXX can be refunded for XXXX but not the XXXX when there all the same issue.
Company can't verify or dispute the facts in the complaint
This company continues to report on my credit report after I sent them a letter telling them that this account was not mine and I have no idea what it is or who it belongs to! I asked for proof of a signed contract, I asked for a license to collect in my state, I asked for copies of all information referenced for this debt and still to date, I have not received anything but harassment from this company! exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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