10 values
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
I was 6 months late with XXXX Wells Fargo credit cards. I was contacted once from Wells Fargo in regards to payment due. I was taking care of my XXXX father and neglected those cards.He passed and now I 'm being threatened to be sued by a law firm. I have made 2 payments, 2 months in a row on both of my credit accounts online. These accounts are still open, but I 'm being sued? Law firm says they will put a lean on my home too, but that I can pay them directly and they pay Wells Fargo? I 'm trying to catch up on my accounts to avoid suit. Can they sue me while Wells Fargo still accepts my payments online with what seems to be an open account?
Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error
Ditech collects escrow monthly ( {$240.00} ) as part of my mortgage. On XXXX XXXX, 2016 I received a letter from my county stating I was deliquent in paying my taxes. I immediately called Ditech and their process for verifying that they in fact collect money for an escrow account was obsurd. They said to verify this it would take 14 business days and they would need to submit and review this by " research ''. Fast forward a week, and quite a few phone calls on my part, there was a resolution. The would in fact lay my {$2400.00} tax bill from my escrow account and they would charge me {$66.00} in interest because I was not an escrow consumer and, as per my request on XXXX XXXX, became XXXX. This is untrue. They have collected escrow since I bought my home in XXXX. These people are liars, sneaks, and impossible to deal with. They sent the issue back to " research ''.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
I received a letter from I.C. Systems on XXXX/XXXX/16. My bankruptcy was filed on XX/XX/2016 and discharged on XX/XX/2016. I called spoke with Rep at I.C. made them aware of the bankruptcy provide attorney name and number. Fast forward to XXXX/XXXX/16 I was preapproved for an XXXX from XXXX XXXX XXXX was due to pickup on XX/XX/XXXX. On that morning I received a credit update from XXXX XXXX making me aware my score had dropped by over XXXX points. It was I.C. Systems and XXXX XXXX XXXX. I called the company to see why this happened and although my account notes notated that I called to report the bankruptcy. They proceeded to attempt to collect the debt anyway. I lost the vehicle due to the damage done to my credit report.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Hi, my name is XXXX XXXX and I reside at XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX, New Jersey XXXX. I have a mortgage with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and I am trying to receive a loan modification on my mortgage. Wells Fargo is violating the law by not modifying my mortgage and I submitted twice for modification and they have refused like they continue doing with majority of people. They have my property schedule on XXXX XXXX, 2016 for Sheriff Foreclosure Sale. I need your help in this matter and thank you for your cooperation.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
On XXXX XXXX, XXXX I was evicted from my apartment at XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, IL XXXX under Management of XXXX. I was given until XXXX/XXXX/XXXX to move out, and a judgement-XXXX was entered against me for {$1000.00}, which included attorney fees, and court cost. A sheriff notice was placed on my door on XXXX to move within 48 hrs before any sheriff came out I had moved out. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, after finding another place I sent the landlord a notice regarding my deposit and when it will be refunded because it 's been over 45 days since the judgment. Instead XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX sent me ANOTHER bill-account XXXX which is separate from the judgment and is for rent for XXXX and XXXX, and some other charges that took my deposit. It totaled {$1600.00}. I disputed the bill on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX with XXXX XXXX XXXX, sending a certified letter to XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, and their attorney and neither parties responded. Instead they sent the amount to the collection agency XXXX on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. The collection notice did n't even give me a 30 day notice to dispute. Instead in a notice dated XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. They told me that they were reporting it to the credit bureau. I do not owe {$1600.00} this amount includes rent XXXX, XXXX and XXXX, XXXX that I was not made responsible to pay per court order, because I was evicted, and questionable charges that took my deposit of {$350.00} and the collection agency is not honoring the disputed letter sent to their client, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, nor did they send me a letter stating that I had 30 days to dispute the collection. I believe they have sent this to my credit report, I have n't received a copy of the credit reports yet. Please see documents.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I paid a XXXX card in full but there was accumulated interest that was not on my statement. I was not made aware of that until after I had a 30 day late put on my credit report. I paid the balance in full soon as I found out about it. I contacted XXXX but they would not correct the situation.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I was seeking a modification on my mortgage about four ( 4 ) years ago with this mortgage service company. However they set me up on a payment plan that I am not able to maintain. They said that they would do a modification about 2 years ago, but have been stringing me along ever since. I am eighty ( XXXX ) years of age with my only income from S/S of $ XXXX monthly. My house note is {$1100.00}. I had been maintaining the payments with the help of my daughter until she recently became unable to assist me. I want to keep my home.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Professional Account Management, XXXX, WI, allegedly acting on behalf of the XXXX VA, is trying to collect an " unpaid parking ticket '' in the amount of {$30.00}. The supposed date of the violation was XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. I have called XXXX and P.A.M and explained that on the date cited, I was at the Virginia XXXX XXXX, working XXXX. I have not been in XXXX since XXXX. Further, the citation states that the vehicle was a XXXX. I do not own a XXXX and have never owned a XXXX. Finally the P.A.M. notice states that {$40.00} dollars has been paid and the outstanding amount due is {$30.00}. I never paid anyone {$40.00} and I am not paying anyone {$30.00}. I explained all this to XXXX and P.A.M. in great detail in XXXX and advised them to check their records and find out who paid the original {$40.00}. I assumed it had been resolved, but I got another notice today. If this is a scam, I want them shut down. If this is shoddy record keeping on the part of XXXX and/or P.A.M, I want it stopped. P.A.M. threatens to destroy my credit. If that happens, I want my credit restored.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Closed our account with XXXX beginning of XXXX 2015. They continued to automatically charge my credit card on file for an additional months bill in XXXX. I called/online chat with them numerous times and was told the money would be credited back when a final bill was issued. I have yet to receive this final bill. I filed a dispute with my CC to protect myself. XXXX tried to claim I owe them this money, after their agents have told me thru repeated conversations ( see attached ) that they would clear up issue and that I did not in fact owe any money ( since it was monies they had over charged me ). Despite continued correspondence with XXXX several times a month since last XXXX, they continued to refer me to their 3rd party collection company. I talked with Sunrise several time to clear up the matter. I forwarded all the XXXX chats to the collection company ( Sunrise Credit Services Inc ). I just received a new collection bill from XXXX XXXX for the same issue. I called Sunrise and they only told me that the account had been removed from their system. I have not been negligent, I have contacted XXXX and Sunrise at every step of the way and continue to be told that the issue has been resolved and no debt is due by XXXX and continue to be lead on a goose chase by Sunrise, only to find out later by written mail that the have escalated the claim. At this point I feel XXXX is harassing me and has costed me hours of my time and much distress in trying to clear up the issue. I do n't know what to do to get them to keep their promises and clear up the Account. I can not continue to waste time corresponding with them, when they tell me one thing and do the opposite. Can you help me to get XXXX to keep their word and stop harassing me for debt ( {$120.00} at this point ) that they already promised me was resolved? Thank you
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
I have an account with WellsFargo. I have been client for many, many years. One day, out of the blue, when trying to place a transfer online, my money is frozen. I call the contact center and they told me that my account has been blocked, that they needed some additional personal information to unlock it. I answered their questions and they say they would process accordingly. A week later, still no access to my money. Called again, they say the needed more time. I can not believe that WellsFargo can just take me out of accessing my money, just because of and " intern process '' ... .still not indication on when could transfer money out of my account ...
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I have sent an inquiry to DiTech Financial LLC regarding a pending payment from escrow for hazard insurance. I am doing so because servicing was transferred from XXXX XXXX XXXX to DiTech effective XXXX XXXX, 2016, and I want to make sure that recent on-boarding will not impede timely payment. In the past, I have had problems with servicing transfers and timely escrow payments. Letter to DiTech is attached.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
The company is On XXXX/XXXX/2016, posted a banner ad on the XXXX ( news ) website. It quoted various mortgage loan rates. It quoted a 15 year fixed rate, 2.75 % stated rate, 2.75 % APR. I submitted my personal information ( perfect credit, low loan to value, conventional SFR. I was subsequently contacted by about XXXX different mortgage lending companies. NONE of the companies quoted rates anywhere near the advertised rate of 2.75 %. In fact, virtually every XXXX of them stated that one can not find that rate in the market whatsoever. is, along with their marketing partners, engaged in false advertising, specifically a bait and switch. LendingTree. com and its marketing partners are now fraudulently in possession of my personal information as well. Please do what you can to force or convince to stop their fraudulent advertising. Some consumer is going to fall for the bait and switch.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
I have XXXX accounts that are reporting incorrectly on my report 1 XXXX XXXX this is reporting incorrectly on my report 2 XXXX XXXX this is reporting incorrect on my report
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Our records that we found indicate that we purchased our home in XXXX for {$320000.00} and our servicer was XXXX. Then records indicate that we refinanced our home on XXXX XXXX XXXX for {$460000.00} with XXXX. Records indicate that in XXXX, XXXX went chapter XXXX bankruptcy in XXXX Delaware. The trustee for XXXX sent us an email stating that they sold our note and Deed of Trust to XXXX XXXX in XXXX. Documentation reflects that we contacted XXXX XXXX XXXX multiple times which was at that time a servicing company that was owned by Goldman Sachs. We requested in writing ( certified mail ) from XXXX XXXX XXXX, to provide us assignments of all the investors that owned our note and Deed of Trust since XXXX. XXXX XXXX XXXX failed to provide the documentation that we requested. Then we contacted XXXX, our trustee by email. We requested to know who was the current investor of our note since the trustee collects the payments from the servicer and maintains investors/security holder records. XXXX stated in the email that the investor was XXXX funding. I found out that XXXX funding and it 's affiliates also went chapter XXXX in XXXX Delaware in XXXX. Goldman Sachs then sold XXXX XXXX XXXX to XXXX XXXX XXXX. We requested in writing ( certified mail ) assignments of all investors since XXXX. XXXX stated that XXXX loan trust XXXX owns our note and deed of trust. This is incorrect because this note and deed of trust is ONLY placed within this trust and are NOT the investors. This reflects on the original note and deed of trust that the servicer must go by! NOW ; even though we had a modification, the modification does NOT in anyway reflect who the current investor is and if the investor obtained this note legally! The current investor must prove legal ownership of this note and deed of trust by providing a copy of all assignments going all the way back to XXXX! Then we sent Goldman Sachs a letter by certified mail requesting to know who is our investor and provide assignments going all the way back to XXXX. As of today, we have not received the assignments ( proof of ownership ) that we requested from Goldman Sachs. The assignments that we are requesting would reflect who our current investor is, who owned this note prior, dates when purchase, dates when sold, going all the way back to XXXX. I believe that XXXX, Goldman Sachs, XXXX XXXX servicing and XXXX XXXX XXXX do not have these assignment records of who owns or owned this note! We believe fraud has occurred! We are still requesting all assignments going all the way back to XXXX. Now ; as I stated before, the trustee for XXXX sold this note and deed of trust to Goldman Sachs in XXXX. If Goldman Sachs did sell this note during the financial crises, then Goldman Sachs may have misled the new mortgage bond investor during the financial crises. Goldman Sachs must be required to provide the documentation ( assignments ) that we are seeking going all the way back to XXXX.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
On XXXX XXXX XXXX, we refinanced our mortgage through XXXX. XXXX created a Note and Deed of Trust, later placing our note into a pool of trust known as XXXX loan trust XXXX. Now ; documentation shows that XXXX XXXX mortgage does not own this note or deed of trust. XXXX XXXX mortgage went chapter XXXX in XXXX Delaware in XXXX. Then, documentation shows that Goldman Sachs purchased this Note/Deed of trust in XXXX from the XXXX XXXX mortgage trustee. In XXXX, XXXX Bank which is the trustee for this note and trust ( XXXX loan trust XXXX ) stated in an email that XXXX funding is the issuer of the asset backed security. This company is technically the owners of this note as of XXXX, per XXXX Bank the trustee! Now, XXXX funding and all of it 's affiliates went chapter XXXX in XXXX Delaware in XXXX and was ordered to sell all their assets. On multiple occasions, I had sent certified letters to our servicers, XXXX Bank, Goldman Sachs and requested to know who owns or who is the investor of our note, I also requested assignments going all the way back to New XXXX Mortgage so I can know who were the previous investors and who the current investor of our note is. As of today, no one has provided the information that I had requested. Now ; everyone has been talking about the XXXX movie. This movie was based on actual events, regarding the build up of the housing and credit bubble during the XXXX. In XXXX, eccentric hedge fund manager XXXX XXXX discovered that the XXXX housing market is extremely unstable, being based on subprime loans that are high risk and providing fewer and fewer returns. Predicting that the market will collapse sometime in the second quarter of XXXX, he realizes that he can profit from this situation by creating a credit default swap market, allowing him to bet against the housing market. Later, trader XXXX XXXX hears of XXXX actions and soon realizes that XXXX predictions are likely true. He decides to put is own stake in the credit default swap market. Then a phone call was placed to hedge fund manager XXXX XXXX to alert him. The XXXX discovered that the impending market collapse is being further perpetuated by the sale of collateralized debit obligations ( CDOs ), groups poor loans that are packaged together and given fraudulent XXXX ratings due to the conflict of interest and dishonesty of the rating agencies. The market as you well know collapsed just as XXXX XXXX predicted and he produced 489 % profits from the plan! Now ; I believe that these large companies, Banks or investors failed to keep track of there mortgage assignments which are required to prove ownership of the asset backed security like our note/deed of trust! Our note/deed of trust was placed into XXXX loan trust XXXX. XXXX are the letters for Goldman Sachs reality which is a company that is owned by Goldman Sachs. I also believe that Goldman Sachs like other Banks and investors took part of these fraudulent activities. XXXX loan trust does NOT own our note/deed of trust. I believe that Goldman Sachs and XXXX Bank is not providing who the current investor is, possibly due to fraud and no assignments are available which would prove ownership of our Note/Deed of Trust!
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Background : We have had this card since XX/XX/XXXX and have used it on and off during that period. Normally for " additional '' expenses. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX we went to use the card, while we were traveling, and it was declined. We figured it was because we were traveling. We called the XXXX number on the back of the phone, thinking we just needed to let them know we were traveling and get the card enabled. Much to our surprise, we were told they had closed the account due to non usage in XXXX XXXX. When asked why they had not notified us they said that " we e-mailed you ''. When we asked them to " re-open '' the account they indicated that they could n't and we 'd need to reapply. My complaint is, an e-mail is not a notification when it comes to something financial. Especially since we had just received new chip enabled cards the in previous couple months with an expiration date of XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. In this case CITI bank left us in an extremely bad situation, as this was the credit card we had planned on using while we were traveling. Now I am hoping that this has n't messed with our credit. Especially since they did n't notify us about the closing.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
We operate multiple businesses and receive several fund options for cash advance, account receivable, term loans, etc because of our strong credit file. The offers demonstrate preapproved deals and some even come with a card and check. I call them and I ask them specific question to avoid any middle broker taking my critical financial information to multiple other companies that may or may not be direct lenders " ARE YOU A DIRECT LENDER AND IS THIS YOUR OWN FUND? ''. I specifically asked them to confirm that they are a direct lender. I will not seek credit from a broker as we have been burnt in the past by fraud. Also, these brokers share my application. I found out that there is a website called XXXX leads and the brokers have found out about my application and shared it among others. There were XXXX inquiries submitted against my Experian credit file by several banks repeatedly in a few days that I have not applied for credit with them and I am not even familiar with them. These brokers lied that they are direct lender and never obtained my approval to run my personal credit. My credit file is now abused by XXXX hard inquiries that I do not even know who initiated them. I want these fraudulent inquiries removed from my personal Credit file urgently as it is impacting my clean and strong credit history. Unfortunately it seems that they easily lied and produced my financial information to multiple other companies accessing my personal credit report with a Hard Inquiry. I was scammed with almost XXXX hard pulls almost destroying my credit file. I have also more specifically asked them prior to running my credit I must see their type of offer to make sure the type of the loan product is acceptable to our company. I have frozen my credit file as I can not tolerate these liar brokers that are all over the country introducing themselves as direct lender or having exclusive relationship. I am seeking your help to remove the disputed fraudulent inquiries below.
Company can't verify or dispute the facts in the complaint
I recently reviewed my credit report which had a new Debt Collection from Focus Receivables Management. It was listed as a XXXX past due balance. Prior to seeing this entry, I have received no communication from Focus Receivables Management. Had I received a letter I could have requested a validation of debt since it was already paid to the original creditor.
Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error
On XXXX XXXX XXXX i lost my job. I was with out a job until XXXX XXXX XXXX. I fell behind on my mortgage and was unable to catch it up. Luckily i learned of a program in my state called the hardest hit fund. They paid my mortgage up through XXXX/XXXX/XXXX at this point i would start making my regular payments. so on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX i called to make my payment and The Gentleman that was the representative for DITECH Servicing told me there were still {$1700.00} just sitting and waiting to be applied to my payments he said once this happened i would need to make a payment of {$74.00}. once this was done this would pay me current until XXXX XXXX XXXX. I said are you sure because i thought the hardest hit fund was only going to pay me up until XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. He said yes Sir I am completely positive im sitting right here looking at it. I said well ok so he ran my card for {$74.00}. I got home told my wife what had happened she then called them and spoke to a lady representative and asked how much we owed for this month, the representitive said Mamm you are paid up until XXXX XXXX XXXX she ok are you sure we do not owe any thing she said i am 100 % certain. So my wife hung up. We assumed the system had messed up when they were applying the funds from the hardest hit fund. We recieved our statement in the mail it said paid up until XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. So we thought everything is ok. Well on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX i received a call from the representitive with DITECH Servicing and she told me that i needed to pay my account and that it was almost 60 days behind. I said how is this possible they said the only payment they had received was a payment of {$74.00} i still owed {$1700.00}. They then told me that the {$1700.00} in funds was in a check that a gentleman from California wrote and just so happened to be for the amount of what my house payment was for and he had written my account number on the check. They realized it was a mistake and so they reversed that payment leaving me now owing the {$1700.00} and they want it paid immediately. So i asked for my Designated account rep to give me a call so i could speak to one person about all of this. She did so on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX she said it was very confusing and would need to do some research on it. so she called me back XXXX/XXXX/XXXX and tells me there is nothing they can do for me that i must pay these funds i said there is no way i can t=do this i do not have the money. i said shouldnt be responsible for a mistake on your companies side. So she transfers me to her supervisor the supervisor was so rude it wasnt funny she said Sir what would you like to happen out of this? Just make this amount disappear make it vanish? I said well yes i think you guys should eat it this is not my fault and you have said that but now im left oweing for 2 months worth of payments. and you guys do not care. She said the best we could do is split these payments up into 4 months and you will {$430.00} on top of your current payment each month. I said how in the world am i supposed to afford the extra {$430.00} a month? Then she said if you do not except foreclosure proceedings will continue and will stand have a nice day sir goodbye. Now i do not know what to do or how i will afford it?? Please help!! After all of this i have started looking online and Ditech Used to be called Greentree Servicing and now their are law suits against both companies right now pending and tons of complaints for the same problems i am going through right now. This is unreal! Can not believe i am going through this and could loose my home over it!!??!!
Company chooses not to provide a public response
I 've submitted a complaint before concerning Bank of America 's " Extended Overdraft '' fee. I was wondering if any regulations are in the works and exist to eliminate this outrageous fee. Bank of America has decreased the time for having an " Extended Overdraft '' from 2 weeks to 5 days. Bank of America had a XXXX profit last year, plus having been bailed out by taxpayers, when will the government crack down on this bank? I 'm currently overdrawn by {$9.00}, which is my mistake and I 'm not arguing about the {$35.00} overdraft fee. However, for Bank of America to charge a total of {$70.00} for a {$9.00} overdraft. When is the government going to crack down on this greedy bank? Thank you for taking the time to read my complaint.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Last year, the city of XXXX billed me just for penalties and interest pertaining to city wage taxes My accountant responded with reasons as to why they should waive the amount. Before the expiration of the first notice from the XXXX, the matter electronically went over to XXXX for collections. I spoke to XXXX last XXXX and sent them all the back up including the accountants letter. They told me they would follow up. I never heard back from them and assumed it was resolved. On Monday, XXXX XXXX I received a computer message from XXXX and I called back. I spoke to XXXX XXXX in their office who explained to me that the XXXX did not waive the interest and penalties ( a little over {$900.00} ). I told him that I would pay the amount and just asked him for something in writing requesting the debt and giving me payment instructions. He told me that I should receive it by today, XXXX XXXX ( which I havent yet ). On the following day at XXXX XXXX I got another of their harassing computer messages and assumed it was a mistake. Yesterday, I received another call, and tried to call them back asking them to stop the harassment. I was on hold for 25 minutes and had to hang up. Today I received a call from my adult son ( who has a family of his own ), who told me that he received two calls from XXXX in the last two days and when he finally got to speak to someone XXXX the was told that they were looking for me. So now they were at a point where they were now harassing my family. This morning after speaking to my son, I called XXXX back again, and while I was on hold waiting for someone I received yet another of their harassing calls. I finally got to speak to a manager named XXXX XXXX who basically said ..oops..human error. I have no idea why they cant control their automated system and why they would start to harass my children after I agreed to a resolution.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
On XXXX XXXX, I had a balance of {$110.00}. I had XXXX transactions for {$120.00}, {$17.00}, and {$5.00}. Instead of clearing the smaller items, Bank of America charged me for XXXX overdrafts, at {$35.00}. I know Bank of America uses an algorithm which sends the highest amount through XXXX, and then, instead of paying the smaller items, they charge {$35.00} each. On XXXX XXXX, I had XXXX deposits totaling {$1200.00}. I wonder when this small window of opportunity allowed the Bank to charge me {$100.00} for overdrafts, when I have a positive balance.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Bank of America 's " Extended Overdraft '' fee of {$35.00} has ended up penalizing me {$70.00} for a {$9.00} overdraft. I 'm accept the original {$35.00} fee since the error was my fault, however, is n't Bank of America guilty of charging " excessive fees ''? I 've been with this bank for years and the bank can see when my payroll occurs ( bi-weekly ) and my deposit of my Social Security check on the XXXX of each month. The overdraft occurred on XX/XX/XXXX, since my XXXX check wo n't deposit until XX/XX/XXXX, there is no way for me to avoid the extended fee. My current balance is - {$79.00}.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
XXXX XXXX fails to update my credit report as per court settlement agreement. Have made numerous attempts to rectify this matter and no one will correct this matter. I won the Law Suit, have a settlement agreement and yet NOTHING. XXXX did not follow the Laws of the XXXX or XXXX Commercial Code and has forfeited their rights to a deficiency balance among deceptive practices in the repossession in which they did not follow the Law as well.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
This debt collection is for a XXXX XXXX. My wife XXXX XXXX XXXX was married to a XXXX XXXX - who died 17 years ago - they had NO children together! XXXX XXXX is a child of XXXX from a previous marriage that was divorced. XXXX former wife had custody of XXXX My wife and I have been married for 15 years. I have never met XXXX and my wife has never had a relationship with XXXX - even when she was married to XXXX! We get harassing phone calls from debt collectors for XXXX XXXX and her husband - Daily! on both of our phone lines! We have requested they remove our contact info - but this stops for a period and then restarts. the caller harass us and threaten us - the only info I have for the collection company is - Capital Accounts, XXXX XXXX, PA - phone XXXX
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company
I have not applied for credit at multiple institutions that are stated on my credit report as a hard credit inquiry.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
XXXX XXXX is reporting incorrectly, payments have been on time, the vehicle was turned in on time to the dealership.
Company chooses not to provide a public response
Reflecting incorrect payment status. Have been on time.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
I recently became aware that Amerisave Mortgage Corporation participated in some illegal practices that harm customers. I did not know at the time ( until recently ) that I had any legal recourse for an issue I had, and I would like to seek restitution at this time. I applied for a 30 year fixed rate mortgage loan with Amerisave on XXXX/XXXX/06 ( loan application # XXXX ). As part of the process I paid for an appraisal. I also paid for " discount points '' to lower the interest rate on the mortgage. These payments were made through my credit card on XXXX/XXXX/06, and I have those records. Shortly after I cancelled the loan, as the terms had not been satisfactory. It was my understanding that the {$390.00} appraisal fee was non-refundable, but the {$3000.00} that was paid in discount points should have been reimbursed. I inquired many times to Amerisave to get this {$3000.00} reimbursement and they said they could not refund the money. Not only was this bad customer service, but caused customer harm to me in a deceptive and possibly illegal action of not returning the {$3000.00} in funds. Although it has been nearly 10 years, I would like to have this money refunded to me. I did not know at the time that I had any rights to get this money back, and was told to the contrary. Please advise. Thank you.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Bank of America has demonstrated an on-going level of incompetence, callous disregard for the wellbeing of its customer and negligence in their responsibility to adequately guide a client through a loan process. Because of their unprofessional behavior we have suffered extraordinary emotional hardship and they have inflicted a financial burden on us not initially intended when we applied for the loan. One of many issues is as follows. After going through an extraordinarily difficult mortgage finalization process I wrote to the president of Bank of America. Within a very short time I received calls from a corporate representative in XXXX, another representative in XXXX and a regional District Sales Manager. My issue, at this point, is the way they have opted to getting around paying what they said they would pay me. In response to my complaint they agreed to cover the cost of the house appraisal and to honor their " guaranteed close '' agreement. In a discussion with the District Sales Manager he stated that a reimbursement of travel costs due to their inadequate notification that our initial close date could not be met. We discussed the rates to be utilized to arrive at a figure and he said that actual receipts would not be needed. He asked if this approach would be acceptable. I told him to email all that we have talked about and I will review it with my wife. Here is what the representative from the corporate office wrote me soon after : " XXXX XXXX, I spoke with XXXX and he asked me to pass along this information to you regarding your request for reimbursement. If you have any questions or need anything additional, please feel free to reach out to XXXX at XXXX. I have cc 'd him on this email as well. Regarding Reimbursement : There were XXXX trips back and forth between XXXX and XXXX. The trip is approximately XXXX miles. This brings the total mileage to XXXX miles. At $ XXXX/mile that would bring the total mileage reimbursement to {$620.00}. The hotel room was {$87.00} a night for XXXX nights totaling a hotel reimbursement in the amount of {$170.00}. Per diem for food is $ XXXX/day/person. For XXXX people over a 4 day period that brings the total food reimbursement to {$600.00}. This brings the total reimbursement to just under {$1400.00}. We have already agreed to refund your appraisal fee in the amount of {$460.00}, which is currently in process. You are also going to be receiving your Close On Time Commitment Payout in the amount of {$500.00}. This brings the total reimbursement that is already in process to {$960.00}. In order to bring us to the {$1400.00} total, we will be issuing you a check in the amount of {$440.00} to cover the difference. {$620.00} ( mileage ) + {$170.00} ( lodging ) + {$600.00} ( food cost ) = {$1300.00} ( Rounded up to {$1400.00} ) {$1400.00} ( agreed reimbursement ) - {$460.00} ( appraisal refund in process ) - {$500.00} ( COTC in process ) = {$440.00} We will issue this check to the new address. Can you please confirm this is where you would like to have this mailed? Thank you very much and have a nice weekend! Sincerely, Consumer Lending Client Experience '' As you can see they created a final reimbursement figure by taking one issue, the travel reimbursement and then subtracting the " in-process '' reimbursements. My strong contention is that there are three separate and distinct issues to be reimbursed. The three issues would total {$2300.00}. By doing a subtraction of two previous reimbursements for different issues they have substantially reduced their total payout. I find such an action to be cheap, insulting and a truly unprofessional way to address the needs of an aggrieved party to a horrific mortgage loan process as reviewed in my letter to the president ( attached ). A financial institution with the reach and impact that Bank of America has must be held to a higher standard and account for its actions.