Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Weather improves but clock ticks for Argentine submarine search;MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina (Reuters) - The search for a missing Argentine submarine and its 44-member crew was helped by calmer seas on Tuesday, but there were no new clues about its location and worries multiplied because the vessel may be running low on oxygen, a navy spokesman said. The ARA San Juan was en route from Ushuaia, the world s southernmost city, to its base in Mar del Plata and was about 300 miles (480 km) off the coast when it gave its last location on Wednesday, soon after reporting an electrical malfunction. If the German-built submarine had sunk or was otherwise unable to rise to the surface since it sent its last signal, it would be winding down its seven-day oxygen supply. Oxygen is a permanent worry. Every day that passes is more critical, naval commander Gabriel Galeazzi said at an evening news conference in Mar del Plata. More than a dozen boats and planes from Argentina, the United States, Britain, Chile and Brazil have joined the search. Authorities had been mainly scanning from the sky as storms halted the maritime hunt last weekend. The weather improved on Tuesday, helping search efforts by sea. Wind speed slowed and waves that rose as high as 8 meters (26 feet) at the weekend diminished. The search by patrol ships has become more effective thanks more than anything to less pounding by the waves, which have fallen to three or four meters, navy spokesman Enrique Balbi told reporters in Buenos Aires. We have to make the most of today and tomorrow because on Thursday the weather is expected to get more complicated, he said. Also on Tuesday, authorities investigated white flares spotted in the South Atlantic overnight. Searchers found an empty floating raft, and noticed the flares from a distance. But the raft s brand suggested it did not belong to the ARA San Juan, which was equipped with only red flares for emergencies and green flares for other situations, the navy said. Searchers have suffered other disappointments. Analysis of satellite signals and sounds detected by underwater probes, initially thought to be messages from the crew, has found they did not come from the vessel. The sounds could be biological. We have discarded the possibility that it was a clanging of morse code against the hull of the submarine, Balbi said. Relatives of crew members have been gathered at a naval base in Mar del Plata, where the search is being coordinated. The ARA San Juan was launched in 1983, the newest of three submarines in the navy s fleet, and underwent maintenance in 2008 in Argentina. Its four diesel engines and its electric propeller engines were replaced, according to specialist publication Jane s Sentinel.;November 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: HILLARY CLINTON’S Comments On The ‘Rights’ Of The ‘Unborn” Will Send A Chill Up Your Spine [Video];The unborn person is how Clinton describes the baby in the womb. So if the unborn is a person then wouldn t it have rights? This interview with Clinton shows what a cold-hearted woman she is. She s all for late-term abortion like Obama is but we skewer Trump for being pro-life? The unfavorable ratings with women should be sky high for Clinton. In an interview with Chuck Todd on NBC s Meet the Press airing on Sunday, Clinton said that while it doesn t mean that you don t do everything possible to try to fulfill your obligations [to help the unborn person], it does not include sacrificing the woman s right to make decisions. SHE S JUST COLD Read more: Daily Caller;Apr 3, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: 'I didn't think it was a big deal,' Clinton says of pneumonia bout;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton said on Monday she could resume presidential campaigning in a couple of days after a bout of pneumonia that she initially had not believed was “that big a deal.” Clinton’s health scare after she almost collapsed at an event on Sunday, causing her to cancel some campaign trips, revived concerns about a tendency toward secrecy that has dogged her campaign, and underscored perennial worries about the medical fitness of candidates for one of the world’s most demanding jobs. “Well, it will be in the next couple of days. ... I just want to get this over and done with and get back on the trail as soon as possible,” she said in an interview on CNN on Monday night, adding she had ignored doctor’s orders to rest. “I just didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal.” Her campaign acknowledged on Monday it may have been too slow disclosing her pneumonia diagnosis after she nearly fainted at a New York memorial ceremony for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. She was diagnosed with the lung infection on Friday. “I think that in retrospect, we could have handled it better in terms of providing more information more quickly,” Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon told MSNBC earlier in the day. The health problem was the latest blow for the Democratic presidential nominee at a time when Republican rival Donald Trump has erased most of her lead in national opinion polls and is competitive again in many battleground states where the Nov. 8 election is likely to be decided. Clinton, 68, said she had dealt with similar episodes of dizziness before. “You know, it is something that has occurred a few times over the course of my life. I’m aware of it and usually can avoid it,” she told CNN. Asked if she passed out during the incident on Sunday, she said: “No, I didn’t. I felt dizzy and I did lose my balance for a minute. Once I got in. Once I could sit down. Once I could cool off. Once I had some water, I immediately started feeling better.” Her campaign said her husband, former President Bill Clinton, would campaign on her behalf while she rests. Both Clinton and Trump, 70, said they intended to release more of their medical details in the coming days, as their campaigns gear up for the November election. Questions about the incident reinforced the perception of Clinton as secretive, a view fueled by the controversy surrounding her use of a private email server while serving as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. A federal investigation of that issue said she was “extremely careless” in her handling of classified emails, but did not recommend criminal charges. Trump said on Monday that health was a campaign issue but he did not attack Clinton over her physical condition. “I just hope she gets well and gets back on the trail,” he said in an interview with Fox News. He focused his criticism on comments by Clinton last week in which she dismissed half of his supporters as a “basket of deplorables” of racist, homophobic people. Clinton said she regretted the remark. Trump has compared the comment with a much-criticized remark by 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney that 47 percent of the electorate was dependent on the government. “I was deeply shocked and alarmed to hear my opponent attack, slander, smear, demean these wonderful, amazing people who are supporting our campaign by the millions,” Trump told a conference of National Guard members in Baltimore. Trump has himself aroused controversy with comments in which he called some Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, questioned whether a U.S.-born judge could be fair because of his Mexican heritage and criticized the Muslim parents of an American soldier who died in combat in Iraq. ‘SHORT-TERM TURBULENCE’ Clinton’s pneumonia disclosure was made public hours after her campaign said she had become “overheated” to explain why, her knees buckling and unsteady, she was rushed from the Sept. 11 ceremony. “The short-term turbulence will be more about the handling of this than the substance,” David Axelrod, a former political adviser to Obama, told Reuters. “Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia,” Axelrod tweeted later. “What’s the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems?” Trump had suggested for weeks that Clinton lacked the energy needed to be president. He has raised questions about her stamina, reprising a tactic from the Republican primary campaign when he derided rival Jeb Bush as a “low-energy” candidate. Democrats said her attendance at events despite her pneumonia diagnosis proved her toughness. Trump’s campaign has issued a short letter from his doctor saying he was in excellent health with “extraordinary” strength and stamina. But the letter did not mention what medicine Trump might be taking or other details typically included in such disclosures. In July 2015, Clinton released a two-page letter outlining her medical condition that sought to reassure Americans about her health after she fell and suffered a concussion at home in 2012 near the end of her tenure as secretary of state.;September 12, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump’s Ghostwriter Issues DIRE Warning About His Dangerous Current Mental State (VIDEO);Tony Schwartz is a man who knows Donald Trump well. He spent nearly two years glued to Trump s side as they wrote Trump s famous book, The Art of the Deal. During this time, Schwartz learned some very disturbing things about Trump s broken personality, and for this reason, felt deep remorse for helping to make Trump as famous as he is.During the 2016 presidential campaign, Schwartz tirelessly warned America that this man was dangerous, that he had no conscience, that he had no soul, that he would be gravely dangerous as president. Now that a Trump presidency has come to pass, and the Trump White House is mired in deep scandal, Schwartz is speaking out again, to warn the nation and world about Trump s dangerous mental state.Schwartz has written a piece in the Washington Post explaining Trump s recent behavior, who the man is, his current state of mind, and the impulsive and dangerous actions that are sure to come.On Wednesday evening, Schwartz appeared on CNN s Anderson Cooper 360. He told host Anderson Cooper of Trump s likely mental state regarding the series of blows and events relating to the incompetence of his administration, and especially the Trump/Russia collusion investigation: I think he s reacting from a survival place. He s in pure defensive mode. I think that he s being run by the part of his brain that s reactive and impulsive, not capable of reflection. The sense of siege that he feels because his sense of self-worth is so, so vulnerable that the series of things that have happened are overwhelming to him. In other words, right now, Trump is like a caged animal who is feeling attacked, and he is not thinking clearly at all. It s pure impulse and reaction. Trump is dangerously impulsive on a good day. There s no telling what he is capable of when he is feeling this attacked and aggrieved.These are dangerous times, America. The man who is supposedly leading us is desperate and unhinged. Hopefully, someone in a position to do something about him steps up, for the good of the nation and the world.Watch Tony Schwartz s remarks below:Co-author of The Art of Deal on Trump: I think he s in a pretty significant meltdown https://t.co/YZ32bCBsdM https://t.co/rpTGglpp5H Anderson Cooper 360 (@AC360) May 18, 2017Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images;May 18, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Sessions refuses to discuss conversations with Trump on Russia;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions refused on Wednesday to answer lawmakers’ questions about his discussions with President Donald Trump on Russia and denied lying to Congress about his own contacts with Russians during the 2016 election campaign. In often testy exchanges with Senate Democrats, Sessions denied having misled them when he said during his Senate confirmation hearing earlier this year that he had not met with Russian officials during the presidential campaign. “I conducted no improper discussions with Russians at any time regarding the campaign,” Sessions told a Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing. Sessions was forced to recuse himself from investigations into Russian interference in the election and possible collusion by Trump campaign aides after it was revealed in March that he met with Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak at least twice in 2016. The Washington Post reported in July that U.S. intelligence agencies picked up intercepts in which Kislyak told the Kremlin he had held substantive discussions with Sessions about Trump’s positions on U.S.-Russia relations. Sessions said on Wednesday he could not recall the specific details of the conversation. “I don’t think there was any discussions about the details of the campaign,” he said. “It could have been that in that meeting in my office or at the convention ... some comments were made about what Trump’s positions were. I think that’s possible.” Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy told Sessions that many members of the committee believe Sessions gave “false testimony” when he had previously denied meeting with Russians. Sessions said he believed the context of that question related only to matters specific to the 2016 campaign interference, and told Leahy he had answered it truthfully. “I believe my answer was correct,” Sessions said. He also repeatedly said he was barred from discussing the content of confidential conversations with Trump. Those refusals appeared likely to fuel congressional Democrats’ frustration with the Trump administration over what they say is its inadequate cooperation with investigations into the Trump campaign’s dealings with Russia. Russia has denied interfering in the U.S. election and Trump has said there was no collusion. Sessions also said on Wednesday that he has not been interviewed or received any interview requests by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the election.;October 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Jimmy Kimmel Joins The Ladies Of ‘The View’ To Rip Trump To Shreds Over His ‘Publicist’ (VIDEO);Ever since we ve heard the news of Donald Trump and his publicist John Miller, a character he seemingly created to brag about himself, pretty much anyone and everyone has been making fun of him for it, because it s pretty damn hilarious.Making an appearance on The View, comedian and television host Jimmy Kimmel was no exception. He, alongside the ladies of The View took Trump to task sarcastically and brilliantly bringing the real estate mogul down a few pegs.After Whoopi Goldberg asks Kimmel about the allegations surrounding Trump posing as his own publicist, Kimmel said: If Trump says that wasn t him, we have no choice but to believe him. He s never lied to us before. You could see and feel the sarcasm oozing out of the television.Kimmel adds: It s clearly him. He then suggests that Trump should just admit it was him and say it was a prank call.When asked why Trump would do such a thing and then deny it, Kimmel explained he s probably incredibly embarrassed. Why would he lie about it? Listen, if you were calling People magazine and telling them all the women that wanted to have sex with you, I think you would be embarrassed about it too, right? Kimmel also states that Madonna was allegedly one of the women, and that as vice president this is one of the big questions he will tackle.The worst part about all of this, is that this is clearly is a distraction away from the fact that Trump has no actual policy plans and isn t at all qualified for the job of Commander-in-Chief. A fact that needs to be discussed far more often.Watch the interview here:What does @JimmyKimmel have to say about Trump denying he s his own publicist? He s never lied to us before! https://t.co/sC9ioe1l4t The View (@TheView) May 16, 2016Featured image via video screen capture;May 16, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: House Republicans accelerate efforts on tax reform bill;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are accelerating efforts to craft a sweeping tax reform bill for 2017 and looking at ways to smooth the transition to a new tax system for some businesses, the House Republican tax chief said on Wednesday. Republicans on the House tax committee met in a special recess session to work on a reform bill based on an election campaign blueprint that would cut the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent and end taxation of foreign profits for U.S. multinational corporations. Representative Kevin Brady, Republican chairman of the House Ways and Means panel that is expected to unveil legislation early next year, said his committee is consulting with President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team and Republicans in the Senate. “We’re meeting here to take the broad outlines of our blueprint, begin filling in the specific provisions (and) identifying a path forward,” Brady told reporters after Wednesday’s session. The panel, which oversees tax policy in the House, will hold a second session on Thursday to discuss provisions of the U.S. healthcare law popularly known as Obamacare, which Republicans have promised to repeal. The meetings were initially scheduled for January but were moved forward to be ready for Trump’s arrival in the White House. Trump takes office on Jan. 20. Brady and House Speaker Paul Ryan see tax reform as a way to promote economic growth and create jobs. One of the most dramatic changes under consideration is a border adjustability provision that would exempt U.S. exports from corporate income tax but would tax imports. Advocates say the reform parallels Trump’s call for import tariffs and could help the president-elect foster manufacturing jobs for blue-collar Americans, who are among his most ardent supporters. Border adjustability has strong support among exporters. But it has also raised concerns within industries that rely heavily on imports, including retailing and oil refining. Brady said on Wednesday that his committee is sensitive to the way tax reform could affect different businesses. “We’re looking at a number of transition rules that in effect accelerate the growth aspects of all of our tax reform proposals but also acknowledge (that) these are major changes,” the Texas Republican said. “We’re proposing bold changes. We know that. All of them affect different businesses differently. So we’re listening very closely to how we can make sure we smooth that out.”;December 14, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Biographer Says Trump Might Not Actually Be A Billionaire: ‘He Just Makes It Up’ (VIDEO);Donald Trump s lies are catching up to him one by one, and the latest person to call him out is Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and biographer David Cay Johnston.Some of you may not know who Johnston is, but he is the author behind The Making of Donald Trump so he knows quite a bit about who the erratic business mogul is and isn t. In a newly released video, Johnston claims that there is absolutely no proof that Trump is the billionaire he says he is adding another layer of deceit and fraud to Trump s already horrendous track record.The clip was published by Business Insider, where Johnston goes through Trump s bragging claims and compares them to the actual data on the business mogul s court records and bank filings. For example, Johnston says that last year, Trump said his net worth was $8.7 billion, $10 billion, $11 billion and higher, even though there was nothing going on in the economy that would suggest that kind of gyrations of net worth. The truth is, Trump is lying though his teeth. Johnston said: The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump just makes it up. Johnston also brought up a court testimony where Trump said he uses his gut feelings and emotional state to determine his net worth. Johnston joked about how nuts it was, and imitated Trump s strategy: By the way, I m having a great day today. I think my net worth must be at least a billion dollars. Johnston has been trying to get America to believe that Trump s billionaire status was fake since 1990. During that time, a net worth statement by Trump s bankers said that the GOP nominee s net worth was actually negative $295 million.Johnston is still standing by the claim that Trump isn t as successful as he seems, and continues to insist that although Trump is well off, there is no evidence that he is a billionaire. You can watch Johnston call out Trump s lies below:Featured image via Spencer Platt / Getty Images;September 26, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: EP #8: Patrick Henningsen LIVE with guest Shawn Helton – ‘2017 Predictions & Trends’;Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views and analysis on all top stories domestically and abroad THIS WEEK: Episode 8 Trends & Predictions for 2017 Looking ahead to the new year, there are a number of big issues on the horizon both in the US and internationally too and some of those may have profound implications on the world as we know it.Host Patrick Henningsen in joined once again by special guest Shawn Helton, investigative journalist and Associate Editor at 21stCenturyWire.com. Listen START 1385 Download Link Download this podcast END 1385 Download Link This program broadcasts LIVE every Wednesday night from 8pm to 9pm MST, right after the Savage Nation, on Independent Talk 1100 KFNX over the terrestrial AM band across the greater Phoenix and central Arizona region, and live over global satellite and online via www.1100kfnx.com.LISTEN TO MORE INTERVIEWS AT PATRICK HENNINGSEN LIVE SHOW ARCHIVESSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV;January 5, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Peru opposition-ruled Congress approves Kuczynski's new cabinet;LIMA (Reuters) - Peru s opposition-controlled Congress approved President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski s new cabinet with a 83-17 vote of confidence on Friday, the latest resetting of relations between the executive and legislative branches in his year-old government. Congress, dominated by the right-wing Popular Force party, ousted Kuczynski s previous cabinet in September in a dispute over a teachers strike and school curriculum that emphasizes gender equality. In response, Kuczynski formed a more socially conservative cabinet led by Prime Minister Mercedes Araoz, one of his vice presidents and a lawmaker in his party. Several opposition lawmakers wished Araoz cabinet luck during more than 14 hours of debate before the vote of confidence. Kuczynski, a 79-year-old former Wall Street banker, took office in July 2016 promising to modernize Peru and strengthen its economy. But his first year in office has been marked by clashes with Congress and slowing economic growth. Araoz told local broadcaster RPP on Friday that the government is planning to revise tax policies to look for ways to close loopholes that have dragged on public revenue. Araoz said on Thursday that she is going to ask Congress to grant her cabinet special powers to legislate economic policies.;October 13, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BOILER ROOM – EP #46 – Murder, Witchery, Politricks & A Manatee;Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST every Wednesday. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East, Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot, Jay Dyer of Jays Analysis & ACR/21Wire contributor Randy J. In this broadcast listeners will be hearing us go around the BOILER ROOM on a veritable feast of topics including commentary on the latest in the lame stream media reality TV show that is the US Presidential race, the mysterious death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia, an in depth discussion with Jay Dyer on the pitfalls of anarchy/libertarian ideologies, predictive programming aimed at children through Barbie cartoons, unfortunate experiences in air travel, a cautionary tale about manatees and a discourse between Randy J and Hesher on aftermath of the Oregon stand off. If you want to participate, bring something interesting to throw into the boiler Join us in the ALTERNATE CURRENT RADIO chat room.BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE RECORDING IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY!;March 3, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH OBAMA’S BROTHER Rip Barack And Endorse A Surprise Candidate In Rare Interview [Video];"Apparently, the U.S. leader has attitude issues. President Barack Obama has been slated by his own brother and revealed he will back Republican Donald Trump in the Presidential race. Speaking live from Kenya on British TV, Malik Obama also spoke about his relationship with Barack and claimed he has to make appointments to see him. And he told Good Morning Britain hosts Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid that the US leader has issues with attitude. He said: [Barack] has this attitude like I m the president, I ve made it, I m the star here . I do understand that but I m just expressing my opinion and how I feel. In a swipe at his sibling s incredible political career, Malik added: Looking back, he made so many promises when he was running for president. He was riding on the promise of hope. There was so much excitement and we thought he would do so many things. But look at the Middle East right now. It s a mess. People are being killed all over the place; Berlin, Florida, France, Brussels. And look at the situation in Iraq right now. Malik also sounded pretty miffed when he revealed he has to request an appointment when he wants to see his brother. I have to go through this woman and make a request, saying I would like to see him, Malik added. Then I just have to wait. The last time I requested to see him was June 15th and I ve only just got a response. And that s how it usually works. It all depends on whether there s an opening in his diary. The most shocking point Malik made during the interview was that he plans to vote for Barack s rival Donald Trump in the upcoming U.S. elections.Although the president is backing his friend Hilary Clinton for the job and has made no secret of his feelings towards Donald, Malik was more than happy to explain why he isn t supporting his brother. Something is going on with Hilary that I don t like, he explained. Donald on the other hand, he speaks his mind and is straight forward. And remember, the Republican party is the party of Abraham Lincoln who freed slaves and freed the black man.";Jul 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WaPo: Trump Tried To Get Sessions To Let Racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio Off The Hook Months Ago;Donald Trump just threw a match on this tinder box of a nation when he decided to pardon former Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. This guy is a racist who was convicted in court of contempt for refusing to follow an order to stop racially profiling and detaining people. Arpaio terrorized that county for years with impunity and without consequence, and now it seems that he will be able to carry on being awful.Now, there is even more nefarious news out there regarding this. It seems that Trump tried to get Jeff Sessions Department of Justice to let Arpaio off the hook by dropping the case against him altogether. It seems that Sessions told Trump that such an action would not be the appropriate thing to do. Having no other choice, Trump waited until Arpaio was convicted, and THEN decided to wait for the perfect time to issue a pardon. One White House official says of Trump s thinking on the Arpaio matter: We knew the president wanted to do this for some time now and had worked to prepare for whenever the moment may come. Of course, we mustn t forget that Arpaio and Trump have been political partners in crime ever since they started the birtherism nonsense, in which they promoted the racist lie that President Obama was not born in the United States. They both doggedly tried to prove that the nation s first Black President was not a legitimate Commander-in-Chief all because he s Black.In short, they are two racist peas in a pod, so of course Trump wasn t going to let his man go to jail, even though if there was ever someone who deserves to rot in jail, it s this racist, abusive former Sheriff.One good thing came out of this, though: It showed that when Trump is willing to do something truly egregious, the Department of Justice has maintained at least a little independence and is willing to push back. However, in this instance, said pushback had no real effect.Come on, Congress, Mueller, whomever please get rid of this lawless president while we still have a nation left.Featured image via Ralph Freso/Getty Images;August 26, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Indian journalist shot dead at her residence;NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A senior Indian journalist was shot dead on Tuesday in the southern city of Bengaluru by unidentified assailants, police said. The body of Gauri Lankesh, the editor of an Indian weekly newspaper, was found lying in a pool of blood outside her home. People in front of her house heard gunshots, the city s Police commissioner, T. Suneel Kumar, told reporters. We found four empty cartridges from the scene. Lankesh was known as a fearless and outspoken journalist. She was a staunch critic of right-wing political ideology. Last year, she was convicted of criminal defamation for one of her articles. While the motivation for the killing was not immediately clear, political leaders, journalists and activists took to Twitter to express their outrage and denounce intolerance and any threat to free speech. Karnataka state s chief minister Siddaramaiah called it an assassination on democracy . ;September 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Rosie O’Donnell Retitles The News To More Honestly Depict Donald Trump (TWEET);As much as he and his supporters want to say the media is against Donald Trump, it s clearly not. Trump has gotten a ridiculous amount of media attention, and it would be easy to say much more than any other candidate of either party.With this media attention comes an abundance of newspaper articles, blog posts and ledes to stories. All with their own way to describe something Trump has said or done or is being scrutinized for. Many of which are pretty straight-forward and bland, not really depicting Trump in a way that really embodies his true essence.Well, fixing this dilemma is none other than the extraordinary Rosie O Donnell who took to Twitter to retitle the news to more accurately depict Donald Trump.For example, Huffington Post titled an article, Judge Criticized By Trump Unseals Documents In Trump University Case, but Rosie kept it real and wrote: ORANGE PEOPLE STEAL MONEY FROM UNSUSPECTING INNOCENTS ORANGE PEOPLE STEAL MONEY FROM UNSUSPECTING INNOCENTS https://t.co/1988CJAPB4 via @HuffPostPol #DEPORTORANGEMAN Rosie (@Rosie) May 30, 2016Which is exactly what he did. Let s not try to sugarcoat what a scam artist Donald Trump actually is. He opened a make-believe university, took people s money, and laughed all the way to the bank. He scammed people then like he is scamming people now when he says he ll make a good president. When in reality he d be the worst president we ve ever seen. Yes, even worse than George W. Bush. Trump has absolutely no policy experience whatsoever, foreign or domestic, and he would be an embarrassment to the entire nation if he were to represent us in the world forum.It s getting to the point where you re waiting for the big reveal, as though someone is about to come out and say, Hey America, you re on Candid Camera, and we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief. However, until then, kudos to Rosie O Donnell for keeping in real.Featured Photo by Andrew Toth/Getty Images for Fund for Women s Equality/ ERA Coalition;May 30, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Syria opposition meeting in Riyadh sees no role for Assad in transition;RIYADH/AMMAN (Reuters) - Syria s main opposition stuck by its demand on Thursday that President Bashar al-Assad play no role in an interim period under any U.N.-sponsored peace deal, despite speculation it could soften its stance because of Assad s battlefield strength. A gathering in Saudi Arabia of more than 140 participants from a broad spectrum of Syria s mainstream opposition also blasted Iran s military presence in Syria and called on Shi ite militias backed by Tehran to leave the country. The participants stressed that this (the transition) cannot happen without the departure of Bashar al Assad and his clique at the start of the interim period, opposition groups said in a communique at the end of the meeting. Iran-backed militias sowed terrorism and sectarian strife between Sunni and Shi ite Muslims, the communique said. The opposition groups met to seek a unified position ahead of U.N.-backed peace talks after two years of Russian military intervention that has helped Assad s government recapture all of Syria s main cities. The Syrian opposition has sent a message that it is ready to enter serious direct talks over a political transition in Syria and has a unified position and a vision for the future of Syria, Ahmad Ramadan, opposition spokesman, told Reuters. The participants elected 50 members to a High Negotiations Committee and will finalize on Friday the delegation for the next round of U.N.-sponsored talks. We agreed with the group of components present here in Riyadh and the Cairo and Moscow platforms on the formation of one delegation to participate in direct negotiations in Geneva in a few days, spokeswoman Basma Qadmani said. U.N. peace talks mediator Staffan de Mistura, preparing for a new round of Geneva talks, will visit Moscow on Friday, where he is expected to discuss the situation in Syria. There had been speculation that the opposition, at the meeting, could soften its demands that Kremlin ally Assad leave power before any transition. Riyad Hijab, an opposition hardliner who led the High Negotiations Committee that represented the opposition at previous rounds of negotiations, abruptly quit this week. For many years, Western and Arab countries backed the opposition demand that Assad leave office. However, since Russia joined the war on behalf of Assad s government it has become increasingly clear that Assad s opponents have no path to victory on the battlefield. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for a congress of the Syrian government and opposition to draw up a framework for the future structure of the Syrian state, adopt a new constitution and hold elections under UN supervision. But he has also said that any political settlement in Syria would be finalised within the Geneva peace talks process overseen by the United Nations. The opposition has long been suspicious of the parallel diplomatic track pushed by Russia, which before the proposed Sochi congress included talks in Kazakhstan, and has insisted that political dialogue should only take place in Geneva. The opposition communique said the participants supported a U.N. based process that would allow Syria to undergo a radical political transition from an authoritarian system to a democracy where free elections would be upheld. Negotiations should be direct and without preconditions based on past U.N. Security Council resolutions, it said. The opposition backed the restructuring of the army and security organs and preservation of state institutions, but called for the trial of those responsible for war crimes. The meeting, which included independents and Free Syrian Army military factions, also blamed the Syrian government for the lack of progress in Geneva-based talks held in the past. The political process has not achieved its goal because of the regime s violations, the communique said, citing the bombing of civilian areas, the siege of rebel held areas and the detention of tens of thousands of dissidents. Syria s civil war, now in its seventh year, has killed hundreds of thousands of people and created the world s worst refugee crisis, driving more than 11 million people from their homes.;November 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MSNBC PINHEAD HOST Threatens FOX’S Bill O’Reilly: “Come and sue me…I dare you” [Video];But O Donnell told Joy Reid on MSNBC s AM Joy on Sunday that if they sue Walsh, they should sue him as well: I believe that Bill O Reilly sexually harassed Wendy Walsh. I believe Bill O Reilly is a sexual harasser. Now, according to O Reilly s thug lawyer, I m sue-able right now. Go ahead. Go ahead. Come and sue me, Bill O Reilly, I dare you. He predicted that O Reilly won t sue because he s actually guilty of these things and also because he wouldn t want to be under oath answering questions about the case.O Donnell also blasted Fox News as a cesspool of sexual harassment and abuse of women. Attention-starved O Donnell wants to jump in on the action It s all about ratings ;Apr 10, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Turkey says U.S. isolated on Jerusalem, issuing threats;ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey said on Wednesday the United States has isolated itself by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel s capital and accused it of threatening countries that might vote against it on the matter at an emergency U.N. General Assembly session. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, whose country has led Muslim opposition to Washington s stance on Jerusalem, was speaking before leaving Istanbul with the Palestinian foreign minister to attend Thursday s gathering in New York. With his Dec. 6 decision, President Donald Trump reversed decades of U.S. policy, and upset an international consensus enshrined in U.N. resolutions, that treated Jerusalem s status as unresolved. Israel captured East Jerusalem in a 1967 war and Palestinians want it as the capital of a future state they seek. Trump s move stirred outrage among Palestinians and in the Arab world, and concern among Washington s Western allies. On Monday, the United States vetoed a U.N. Security Council draft resolution calling on it to withdraw its declaration. Thel 14 other council members, including close U.S. allies such as Japan and four European Union countries, backed the draft. On Thursday there ll be a vote criticizing our choice, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Twitter. The U.S. will be taking names. Cavusoglu said that was a threat, and called on Washington - a NATO ally of Turkey - to change course. We expect strong support at the UN vote, but we see that the United States, which was left alone, is now resorting to threats. No honorable, dignified country would bow down to this pressure, Cavusoglu told a news conference held together with his Palestinian counterpart Riyad al-Maliki. We want America to turn back from this wrong and unacceptable decision, Cavusoglu said earlier in the Azeri capital Baku, where he met Iranian and Azeri ministers. God willing, we will push through the General Assembly a resolution in favor of Palestine and Jerusalem, he said. The rare emergency session of the 193-member U.N. General Assembly was called at the request of Arab and Muslim states. Palestinian U.N. envoy Riyad Mansour has said the General Assembly would vote on a draft resolution calling for the U.S. declaration to be withdrawn. Such a vote is non-binding, but carries political weight. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has lambasted Trump s move, and hosted a summit of Muslim leaders last week which called for East Jerusalem to be recognized as the capital of Palestine. Israel calls Jerusalem its indivisible and eternal capital. From now on we will be more active in defending the rights of Palestinians. We will work harder for the international recognition of an independent Palestinian state, Cavusoglu told reporters in Baku.;December 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Former presidential rival Jeb Bush says he will not vote for Trump;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said on Friday he would not vote for either the party’s presumptive nominee Donald Trump or the Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in the November election. “In November, I will not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, but I will support principled conservatives at the state and federal levels, just as I have done my entire life,” Bush, a former Florida governor, said in a Facebook post. ;May 6, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: College Ad Welcomes New Students And Apologizes For Their Impending Rape;It doesn t matter how loudly Fox News protests, the fact is that there s an epidemic of sexual assault on college campuses all over America. Compounding and enabling the problem is the phenomenal resistance college administrations have to actually dealing with it. The preferred method is to intimidate the victim into silence and sweep the whole thing under the rug.But the Don t Accept Rape campaign has a much different idea:A print ad appearing in Harvard University s student newspaper on Saturday has a controversial message for students: The trauma of trying to get school administrators to take sexual assault seriously is becoming a routine part of the collegiate experience.The ad buy is timed to coincide with the school s accepted students weekend, when many high school seniors who are considering attending Harvard in the fall visit the campus. Styled like an acceptance letter that lets a prospective student know they ve been admitted, the ad makes the case that sexual assault may be one of the college memories in store for them.I imagine that Harvard s administration is none to happy about it but tough shit. If they d put more effort into treating rape victims like actual victims instead of potential embarrassments, this genius ad wouldn t be necessary:The Don t Accept Rape website also has several clever, if highly depressing, videos showing both male and female students reading their college acceptance letters explaining how they ll be sexually assaulted and then ignored or witness a rape and be pressured to keep quiet about it. I ve always been mystified by the impulse of colleges to cover up rapes on their campuses. I would think that making a huge stink about it and having law enforcement prosecute to the fullest extent of the law would be a selling point, not a potential public relations negative.But what do I know? I m just some guy on a computer and I m not being paid millions a year to protect the reputation of a school over the safety of my students.Featured image courtesy of dontacceptrape.com ;April 16, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Who’s Better: “Dangerous Donald” or “Crooked Hillary”?;"21st Century Wire says Now that the Democratic Party establishment has finally put all its cards on the table and declared Hillary Clinton their presumptive nominee for President, the public at large is finally coming to grips with the prospect of a Trump vs Clinton election race come November. Rather than asking who is best fit to hold the highest office in the land, most pundits are instead asking the other question now: who is worse?To be absolutely fair, both of these personalities have their annoying and often infuriating attributes.There is one marked difference between these two political animals. While Trump is an unknown quantity in terms of politics and public service, Madame Secretary has a track record already, but not a great one.As the old adage goes no matter who you vote for, the government always gets in Thus far, we can say this much about Donald: he is consistent in that he will consistently make brash, off-the-cuff, shallow, offensive and often completely insane remarks on the campaign trail remarks that should kill his opinion polls and finish his presidential run once and for all. Somehow though, he survives, and even thrives in the controversy. Most experts are still speechless for comment.As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fronted at least one major war of aggression with the decapitation of the nation state of Libya in 2011. Since the US-led take-down of that country, things have gone from very bad to beyond the pale. Few will remember though, that Hillary Clinton was also fronting the US-UK-led Friends of Syria (2011-2012) Middle East & European regime change road show where western leaders colluded with Gulf Kings and oil magnates to discuss the take-down and destruction of Syria.Regarding Israel, Clinton s record is completely pro-Israel with no caveats. She does not call for end to occupation of Palestine by Israel, nor will she publicly recognize the native Palestinians collective right of self-determination, or their refugees right of return. She is also anti-Iran and will happily give succour to any and every Israeli desire on that issue.On the other hand, Donald Trump has made numerous public declarations including one on national TV about his intention to broker a peace deal between the Israelis and the native Palestinians.Does this mean Hillary will be worse than Donald? Not necessarily, because Washington has a way of grinding every political operator down to the same reprehensible level it seems.What it does mean is that with Hillary you know what you are getting, while with Donald, you don t.For those leaning towards Clinton in this Hobsons Choice simulation, this means the next default position is: better the devil you know.Once again, Americans seem forced into that tired old electoral clich , forced to choose between the lesser of two evils (leave your thoughts and comments below)Marc Joffe Fiscal TimesIn 1991, Louisiana voters faced a difficult choice. In the runoff gubernatorial election that fall, the candidates were Democrat Edwin Edwards and Republican David Duke. The notoriously corrupt Edwards had already served three terms as governor and faced bribery charges. (When it turned out, after Edwards was acquitted in that case, that some of the sequestered jurors had stolen towels from their hotel, Edwards reportedly quipped that he had been judged by a jury of my peers. ) Edwards would later be convicted on 17 counts of racketeering, extortion, money laundering and fraud.Duke s story was even worse; he was a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and was still active in white supremacist circles. Mainstream Republicans lined up behind Edwards. In the heat of the campaign, which Edwards went on to win, it became common to see bumper stickers that read, Vote for the Crook. It s Important. Maybe somebody should print up another batch of those stickers for the presidential race this year. With Hillary Clinton assured of surpassing the 2383 delegate nomination threshold today, Democrats have chosen an apparently corrupt candidate to be their presumptive nominee. She s still the better choice for president.Related: How Conservatives Stopped Listening and Lost Control of the GOPCircumstantial evidence of Clinton s corruption is abundant and easily found by anyone not in denial. Although she is not responsible for her husband s infidelity nor for Vince Foster s suicide, other scandals are not so easily dismissed. As the recent State Department Investigator General s report suggests, Clinton set up a home-brew email server in contravention of department policies to prevent disclosure of her correspondence. The IG report also confirms that, even today, Clinton has not turned over all the messages that passed through her personal server.Some of the missing messages may have documented the inappropriate links between her job as secretary of state and her involvement with the Clinton Foundation. As documented by Peter Schweizer in Clinton Cash, State Department project approvals sometimes coincided with large contributions to the foundation by beneficiaries of these actions. After leaving office, Clinton continued to sell her influence to the highest bidder, as evidenced by the $225,000 speaking fees she received from Goldman Sachs.Clinton s pay-for-play activity has a long history going back at least to the late 1970s. As I previously wrote, Clinton effectively received a $98,000 bribe from interests related to Tyson Foods via a sham futures trading account. Her husband s Arkansas gubernatorial administration then eased oversight of Tyson, allowing it to contaminate one town s water supply with chicken manure.Related: Most Americans Don t Believe Hillary Clinton and Donald TrumpIn 1992, the cozy relationship between Bill Clinton s Arkansas state house, Hillary s Rose Law Firm and regulated entities was detailed by The Washington Post and raised by former California Gov. Jerry Brown during a presidential debate. Under Bill Clinton s administration, Arkansas issued multiple no-bid contracts to the Rose Law Firm, assigned it up $175,000 in bond counsel work and authorized Madison Guaranty Bank a failing Savings and Loan Association represented by Hillary to issue preferred stock.When political leaders fail to play by the rules applied to normal people, a natural reaction is to try and stop them. But, in this case, stopping Hillary Clinton means supporting someone else for president. And for those who think voting for a third party candidate is a waste, that leaves only one alternative: Donald Trump.So rather than immediately dismissing Hillary for her ethical flaws, the correct approach is to determine whether she is better than the alternative. I tend to think the answer is yes.A useful way to look at the decision this November is to ask whether continuity or change is the better option for the U.S. at this point in time. Clinton is likely to continue most Obama-era policies, whereas Trump can be expected to attempt some radical departures.Related: Can Trump s Nationalist Trade Policy Really Make America Great Again?Complaints about the status quo notwithstanding, life in 2016 America isn t horrible for most of us, and so radical change comes with a lot of downside risk. Although some of the doom and gloom predictions about a Trump administration are overstated (for example, I would not expect white supremacists to play a major role in his administration), there are legitimate causes for concern.A major threat posed by Trump is the potential for a breakdown in global cooperation. Trump seems to view foreign countries like competing companies or candidates, failing to appreciate the interdependence that characterizes our global order. Trumpian brinkmanship could trigger a global trade war, repeating the error of the 1930 Smoot-Hawley Tariff. When Herbert Hoover signed that piece of protectionist legislation, the result was a cascade of beggar thy neighbor reactions from U.S. trading partners, greatly exacerbating the Great Depression.Trump s policies toward illegal immigrants would also be destabilizing. Millions of undocumented aliens take service and agricultural jobs that American citizens avoid. If these individuals are rounded up or self deport in large numbers, industries that rely on them could be crippled. Alternatively, as last week s violence in San Jose portends, a Trump presidency is likely to produce more civil disorder Continue this story at Fiscal TimesREAD ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files";June 10, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Voter SHOCKED That He’s Gutting Meals On Wheels, The Rest Of Us Aren’t (VIDEO);If you haven t heard, the Trump administration is making conservative wet dreams come true by gutting every social program imaginable including Meals on Wheels, which provides elderly and disabled people with food and occasional company. This development is not shocking to most of us, but 56-year-old Georgia resident Linda Preast somehow had no idea this sort of thing would happen when she voted for a gigantic orange billionaire with a long history of telling the poor to f*ck off.Preast has been wheelchair-bound since she had a stroke two years ago and relies on Meals on Wheels for food. But now that it s not just about building a wall and getting all those damn Muslims out of the country, now that sh*t is getting real, Preast is realizing she may have made a mistake.Are you surprised? CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller asked Preast about the cuts to the Meals on Wheels program. Yeah, Preast said. Because he was told I was under the influence that he was going to help us. To be clear, there was never any reason to think Donald Trump would help anyone outside his tax bracket. We can t spend money on programs just because they sound good. And Meals on Wheels sounds great, says White House Budget director Mick Mulvaney, who calls the cuts to Meals on Wheels and other programs designed to help the less fortunate compassionate. Asked what she would tell Donald Trump to convince him not to cut funding to a program that helps her, Preast replied What if it was your momma? But it s not Donald Trump s momma and he doesn t care about the majority of Americans even his supporters.While the government has decided that a program that feeds 2.4 million people a year doesn t work, Americans disagree. Ever since the budget was announced, donations have been pouring in from people who desperately want to save a program that helps so many. The program has seen a 500 percent increase in volunteers and a 50 percent increase in online donations, but it s still not enough. The scary thing about that is that funding is already not keeping up with pace, Jenny Bertolette, vice president of communications for Meals on Wheels America says. There are already demands that we can t meet. There is already a waitlist crisis If this budget was enacted, it would obviously just make matters so much worse. Watch a report on the crisis below:Featured image via screengrab;March 18, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BUSTED: Donald Trump Protected Known Cocaine Trafficker (VIDEO);Republicans like Maine Governor Paul LePage like to scare people with stories of black drug dealers corrupting our communities, but their own presidential nominee once went to great lengths to make sure a convicted cocaine trafficker received a light prison sentence.In 1985, Joseph Weichselbaum was indicted for drug trafficking. But while the drug dealers under him were sentenced to serve 20 years in prison, Weichselbaum only had to serve 18 months because Donald Trump stepped in as a friend and apparently pulled some strings, according to Trump biographer David Cay Johnston.During an appearance on CNN on Saturday, Johnston told host Mike Smerconish all about how Trump met this cocaine trafficking creep, housed him, and protected him from getting the punishment he deserved. Donald got his personal helicopter and the one for his casinos from a convicted felon who turned out to be a major drug trafficker, and instead of cutting ties with this guy, he kept him on, he rented him an apartment under very unusual circumstances as I described in the book, Johnston said. He wrote a letter pleading for mercy for him, saying he was a stand-up guy. The guy got 18 months while the people who actually delivered the drugs for him got 20 years. And, by the way, the case came before at one point Judge Maryanne Trump Barry Donald s older sister. This is the explosive story that could derail Trump s already imploding campaign. And let s not forget that Trump has said that he would consider his sister for the Supreme Court.It s so explosive, in fact, that Trump supporter Betsy McCaughey didn t even bother to refute it. Instead, she ignored it altogether and changed the subject by accusing Hillary Clinton of being a racist and claimed that Trump would make sure American workers get a higher take home pay even though Trump is supported by white supremacists and he fights constantly to make sure his workers can t unionize to fight for higher pay.Here s the video via YouTube.And it s not like Johnston isn t a credible source either. He has covered Donald Trump for 28 years and is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. But you know that Trump supporters are going to call him a Hillary Clinton pawn.Speaking of Hillary Clinton, conservatives have been attacking her for defending an accused rapist in Arkansas in 1975. But conservatives apparently need to be reminded that every person in this country has the right to a competent defense in court no matter what they did or are accused of doing. It s kinda like how Founding Father John Adams defended the British soldiers who fired upon a crowd in Boston in 1770. And while Hillary did not feel good about representing the alleged rapist, she was still obligated to do her job to the best of her ability after being assigned to the case by the judge. It s the prosecuting attorney s job to put defendants in jail and the prosecutor failed to do so. Hillary cannot be faulted for being a better lawyer.Trump, however, was not obligated to associate himself with a drug trafficker. He did that voluntarily and continued to associate with Weichselbaum even after he was convicted, going so far as to make an effort to get him a light sentence for his crimes.Apparently, Trump s brand of law and order is that some defendants should be handicapped in court but if you re a friend of Trump even a drug trafficker can escape justice after being duly convicted in a court of law. Just imagine how many convicts could escape justice under a President Trump who has the power to grant pardons.Featured image via Getty Images;August 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Italy says U.N., Russia must be central to negotiated solution in Syria;ROME (Reuters) - The Syrian conflict needs to be resolved through negotiations involving government and opposition forces, Russia and the United Nations, Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said. Italy’s foreign minister earlier gave his backing to a U.S. air strike against a Syrian airfield on Friday, saying it was a suitable response to Syrian aggression and a deterrent against the use of chemical weapons by its leader Bashar al-Assad. Gentiloni, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the Group of Seven industrialized nations, told reporters the “limited” strike should not be seen as a stage in a process of military escalation. The conflict in Syria must be resolved by “negotiation that includes the forces of the regime and the opposition, overseen by the U.N., with a decisive and constructive role for Russia,” Gentiloni said. He added that he had recently spoken to the leaders of France and Germany and this position was shared by both of them. ;April 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: EU calls on Israel to stop plans for new West Bank settlements;BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Israel must halt new building plans for settler homes in the West Bank, the European Union s foreign service said in a statement on Wednesday, warning that such settlements threatened any future peace deal with the Palestinians. The European Union has requested clarifications from Israeli authorities and conveyed the expectation that they reconsider these decisions, which are detrimental to on-going efforts towards meaningful peace talks, the statement said. All settlement activity is illegal under international law, and it undermines the viability of the two-state solution and the prospect for a lasting peace. The EU maintains that the lands Israel has occupied since the 1967 Middle East war - including the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights - are not part of the internationally recognized borders of Israel.;October 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CBO says won't specify insurance impact of Republican healthcare bill next week;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congressional Budget Office said on Monday it will not be able to provide specific estimates of the impact on insurance coverage or premiums in a preliminary assessment of a Republican healthcare bill it plans to release by early next week. “CBO will provide as much qualitative information as possible about the effects of the legislation, however CBO will not be able to provide point estimates of the effects on the deficit, health insurance coverage, or premiums for at least several weeks,” the non-partisan agency said in a statement about the Graham-Cassidy healthcare proposal. ;September 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Exclusive: Presidential hopefuls Sanders, Clinton in dead heat - Reuters/Ipsos poll;NEW YORK (Reuters) - Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has erased Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s wide lead for the Democratic presidential nomination since the start of year, putting the two in a dead heat nationally, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll. Clinton leads Sanders 48 percent to 45 percent among Democratic voters, according to the poll of 512 Americans, conducted Feb. 2-5 following the Iowa caucus. The poll has a credibility interval of 5 percentage points. Democrats had been supporting Clinton by more than a 2-to-1 margin at the beginning of the year. Sanders has narrowed that lead considerably over the past several weeks. Clinton beat Sanders narrowly in the Iowa caucuses, the nation’s first nomination contest ahead of the November election, but is expected to lose to him in New Hampshire. The two rivals clashed on Thursday night in their first one-on-one debate, reflecting the tightness of the race. There is still a wide gap between the two in name recognition nationally. Nearly a quarter of Democrats and two-fifths of Independents say they are still not that familiar with Sanders. In comparison, Clinton has almost total name recognition among voters. On the Republican side, Donald Trump continued to lead the field with 40 percent support. His level of support among Republicans was relatively unchanged following his second-place finish in the Iowa caucus. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas followed with 16 percent and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida came in third with 13 percent. * Democrat poll results: bit.ly/1Ppdeh2 * Republican poll results: bit.ly/1URswih For more on the 2016 presidential race, see the Reuters blog, “Tales from the Trail” (here). (Editing by Richard Valdmanis and Lisa Shumaker) SAP is the sponsor of this content. It was independently created by Reuters’ editorial staff and funded in part by SAP, which otherwise has no role in this coverage.;February 5, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican tax code revamp hits House budget obstacle;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican efforts to overhaul the U.S. tax code have hit a snag in the House of Representatives, where infighting over spending cuts is delaying adoption of a legislative tool they need to move a tax bill forward. The House Budget Committee canceled plans to send a budget resolution for fiscal 2018 to the floor this week, lawmakers said on Tuesday, as conservative Republicans pushed to add hundreds of billions of dollars in mandatory spending cuts to the blueprint. House and Senate passage of a budget resolution is vital to President Donald Trump’s pledge to deliver on tax reform this year because the document would free Republicans to circumvent Democratic opposition in the Senate. But the push to cut programs including Medicaid and food stamps, which benefit the poor, could lead to a stalemate. Trump administration officials and Republican leaders in Congress are working separately to agree on a tax bill that can be unveiled in September. “No budget, no tax reform,” said Representative Mark Walker, who chairs the Republican Study Committee, a group of more than 150 conservative lawmakers. “That’s why there should be a sense of urgency to get this done pretty quick.” Their aim is to cut mandatory programs that are required by law and viewed as principle drivers of deficit spending. The result could be legislation containing lower taxes for the wealthy and corporations alongside reduced benefits for the poor. Lawmakers say there is Republican agreement on topline discretionary spending levels of $621.5 billion for defense and $511 billion for non-defense programs. Representative Jim Jordan, a leading member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, is pushing to cut as much as $400 billion over a decade from a range of programs that benefit the poor. Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows said he wanted another $295 billion in cuts on top of that. “It has to be linked to tax reform, because we believe tax reform is going to happen,” Jordan said in an interview. The budget committee canceled its plans this week after the chairmen of several other panels pushed back against efforts to include $250 billion in spending cuts. “The end game is to get a budget out of the committee,” House Budget Committee Chairwoman Diane Black told reporters. “I do see a viable path. And I am going to continue to push.”;June 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Just Met With Airline Execs, RUINS Meeting With INSANELY Unpresidential Rant (VIDEO);Donald Trump has turned yet another meeting in which he should have been focusing on being America s president and getting sh*t done into an absolute circus and embarrassment.During a meeting with airline executives, Trump decided that he was bored and could no longer focus, so he went on a completely incoherent rant about things his personal pilot had told him. As you can imagine, everyone in the room was shocked as Trump continued to hijack the meeting and went on babbling, making it impossible to actually get anything accomplished until he was finished.According to the White House pool report, Trump commended airlines for succeeding despite the bad equipment that the airport gives you, in many cases. Then he started complaining about the equipment, stating that he had a pilot who s a real expert who once told him that airlines are often given the wrong stuff. Trump continued: Let s order the right equipment. Probably the wrong equipment cost more. Here are some more gems from his rant: We want the traveling public to have the greatest customer service and with an absolute minimum of delays. We spent six trillion dollars in the Middle East, we got nothing. And we have an obsolete plane system, we have obsolete airports. As you can imagine, most of this rant made zero sense. This has become a pattern for Trump he continues to meet with industry CEOs, but he doesn t actually accomplish anything. He doesn t tackle policy, and he spends most of his time talking about himself or complaining. This shouldn t be too surprising, considering that we elected a former reality television star who knows NOTHING about policy, so he s obviously doing whatever he can to pass the time in these meetings.You can watch Trump go completely off track in the meeting below:Read more:Featured image via Win McNamee / Getty Images;February 9, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: AFTER 5 YEARS Of Being Bullied By Barack Obama, President Trump Signs Religious Liberty Exec Order To Protect “Little Sisters Of The Poor”;Freedom is not a gift from government. It is a gift from God. President Donald J. Trump, May 4, 2017The Little Sisters correctly insist that sterilizations, abortifacient chemical birth control and artificial contraception are all immoral. They are not only against the teaching of the scripture and Christian tradition but, as Catholics, the Sisters also maintain that they violate the Natural Moral Law.The Obama administration has asked the Court to compel these Little Sisters of the Poor to do indirectly what they refuse to do directly. They asked the Court to force Catholic nuns to sin, to act against conscience, to pursue an immoral course of action. The nuns were placed in a situation reminiscent of other times in the history of the Church when unjust rulers sought to compel the Church to bend the knee to Caesar.Here are what the Little Sisters Of The Poor are all about. One look at these lovely women who have devoted their lives to God and to helping others in need, and you will see why President Trump made helping them live their faith without fear of persecution a priority:President Donald Trump signed a religious liberty executive order today that would protect Christian organizations like the Little Sisters of the Poor from being forced to pay for abortions.Today is the National Day of Prayer and the White House is celebrating the occasion with Christian leaders by scheduling the order signing today. The order is a promise to respect religious rights and could pave the way for the Trump administration dropping the lawsuit the Obama administration was fighting against the Little Sisters and dozens of Christian entities not wanting to pay for abortions or abortion-causing drugs.The order indicates the Trump administration will provide regulatory relief for religious objectors to Obamacare s burdensome preventive services mandate, a position supported by the Supreme Court decision in Hobby Lobby. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins was at the White House for the signing ceremony of an executive order protecting religious liberty. He told LifeNews.com that the new order ensures the freedom of all Americans to believe and act in accordance with their beliefs. The executive order makes clear that the administration will pursue policies that protect and vigorously promote religious liberty. The President s executive order is a clear reflection of his campaign promise to protect the religious freedoms of Americans. President Trump is taking a significant first step to defending religious liberty. In working with the Trump administration, it is clear that they both recognize and understand the dangers of the anti-faith policies of the previous administration and are therefore committed to undoing those policies and restoring true religious freedom, he said. The freedom to live out faith in all areas of society without government punishment or intimidation is what has made America great. Life NewsWatch here:;May 5, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Michael Moore GOES OFF On Trump’s Speech, Blasts Him For This One SICK Moment (VIDEO);While some have Donald Trump critics have claimed that the unworthy POTUS address to Congress may have actually saved his epically failing presidency and have commented that Trump actually looked presidential for once, liberal documentary filmmaker Michael Moore had an entirely different opinion.In an appearance on MSNBC, Moore tore into Trump and pointed out why no one should be impressed with the disgusting trick Trump pulled on America. Commenting on the moment in which Trump gave a salute to fallen Navy Seal William Ryan Owens, Moore mocked Trump and said: My ratings. Record applause. I m going to get an Emmy for this. Most applause for a dead soldier on my watch. The sickness of this man That moment received a standing ovation, but Moore was less than impressed. Moore accused Trump of inviting Owens wife, widow Carryn Owens, to be present at the address so he could use her as a prop to distract from the fact that the mission that got Owens killed was 100% Trump s fault and was a massive failure. Moore said: That s why she s there, as sort of an f-you to the people who are criticizing him for this. And this poor woman, this widow who has lost her husband, she is in desperate grief right now.To use that to put another notch on his belt and what is he thinking about? The filmmaker also trashed Trump for his complete lack of empathy: To a malignant narcissist you re not ever thinking that you re insulting anybody because it s all about you. That would require empathy. You can watch Moore put Trump on blast below:While a CNN/ORC poll stated that 78 percent of participants thought that Trump s speech was positive, no one can argue that Moore has a point here. Trump will do anything and exploit anyone to detract from his f*ck ups, and he doesn t care how distasteful it is.Featured image via Theo Wargo and Joe Raedle/ Getty Images;March 1, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Watch ‘Donald Trump’ Hilariously Push Cruz To Booze On The Tonight Show (VIDEO);With all the candidates from both parties in New York preparing for the primary next Tuesday, it s no surprise that they are making the late night talk show rounds. Appearing on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Ted Cruz got a call from Donald Trump offering him advice for the show appearance, and questioning him about some of his policy positions.As crazy as Cruz is, the sketch actually turned out pretty funny with digs being taken at both the GOP candidates. One of the funniest moments was when Cruz mentioned that the party is starting to unify behind him, yet Trump cut in to remind Cruz that the party is also unifying behind himself unifying against him. Which is becoming more and more obvious as the weeks and months go by leading up the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.When Trump questioned Cruz on his New York values remark, Cruz responded by saying that what he meant to say was that he values New York, but he was just speaking like Yoda from Star Wars.At one point in the sketch Trump was offering Cruz some advice on how to get around New York. When Trump asked the Texas senator if he was writing it down, Cruz responded in the affirmative, but then pulled out a bottle of booze, poured himself a glass, and then took a sip. Something that likely needs to be done while speaking with the actual Donald Trump, or for that matter, Cruz as well.All in all, no matter how much you may loathe Cruz, and if you re like me you loathe Cruz, it was still a pretty damn funny sketch with Fallon s Trump getting better and better. However, hopefully after November we won t need to see him play the Republican frontrunner anymore, because a Democrat is going to win.Watch the silly sketch here:Featured image via video screen capture;April 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MMA FIGHTER JAKE SHIELDS Embarrasses Cowards In Masks For Violent 20-on-1 Beating of Trump Supporter [VIDEO]: “I was in Berkeley and watched a man getting beat by a mob with no police help…I was the only person to jump in and help”;Opposing views and beliefs has much of this country in a heated feud. With Donald Trump being recently inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States of America, citizens have been going to war with one another with their polar points of view.On Wednesday, Milo Yiannopoulos, a strong right-wing social figure, was scheduled to speak at UC Berkeley. However, protests that grew into violence between members of opposing sides broke out causing Yiannopoulos speech to be canceled.In the midst of the violence being carried out in the area, Jake Shields was present and apparently helped a man from being severely beaten. BjPennWatch MMA fighter Jason Shields embarrass the cowards with their faces covered who were part of the mob of 20 men from a domestic terror group, that identifies with an anti-fascist movement, severely beating an innocent man attending Milo Yiannopoulos speech.Following Shield s brave act that could have saved the life of an innocent man being attacked by 20 cowards, one of the anti-fascists involved in beating walks up to Shields to ask if he s okay?Shields tells the cowards in the masks: There s no f*cking reason (to have beaten this man). Dude, you guys have your faces covered, you re attacking people, you re being f**king fascists. Look at you guys. You re f*cking embarrassing. You don t let 20 people jump a man. It s not okay! The coward in the mask answers: There s a f*cking Nazi thing at the University, that why everybody s here. Shields responds: What Nazi thing? Who s a Nazi? The Jew guy that was speaking? The gay Jew? Coward in mask responds: He s not a Jew, he s Greek! what exactly did he say? Every kept saying he's a nazi but know knew why. They call everyone with a different opinion a nazi Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) February 2, 2017The idiocy of these violent people just looking for a fight can pretty much be summed up with that one completely uneducated sentence. These freaks are apparently there protesting a Nazi, yet have no idea what a Nazi is or that when you say someone is Jewish, you are speaking about their religion and not their nationality.Watch:The aftermath of me helping a guy after being jumped by thugs. The police and 100's of civilians stood and watched. pic.twitter.com/7hN2iJ4kkf Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) February 2, 2017I was in Berkeley and watched a man getting beat by a mob with no police help. I was the only person to jump in and help Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) February 2, 2017Shields tweeted, it was sad to watch 20 people beat a man with no one helping. it was sad to watching 20 people beat a man with no one helping Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) February 2, 2017;Feb 4, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CHARLOTTE #BlackLivesMatter Update: SUB-HUMAN BLACK MOB Brutally Beats Young White Man Begging For Mercy In Parking Garage [VIDEO];Because if you re a young White guy walking through a parking lot by yourself at night in Charlotte, you deserve to be attacked by a pack of sub-human cowards right? Nothing says let s fix racism like a pack of black guys beating and stomping on a White guy who s all by himself, just for the fun of it ***WARNING***GRAPHIC Images***#CharlotteProtest Beating man begging for mercy in parking garage. @AC360 @seanhannity @BretBaier Credit:Lenard Bennett (facebook) @ncnaacp pic.twitter.com/YWHEU2UV1n Queenie (@LibertarianQn) September 22, 2016;Sep 22, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Even Donald Trump’s Inauguration Poster Has A GLARING Misspelling (IMAGE);I can only imagine that the stack of resumes on Donald Trump s desk is full of spelling errors, which to the most anti-intellectual administration in recent American history, is certainly not a disqualifier, at least if we judge by the communications coming from the White House over the last three weeks.The horrendous spelling came early. During the campaign, Trump regularly misspelled words on his tweets. That hasn t changed. Shortly before Trump s inauguration, he tweeted about China, and managed to misspell the word unprecedented. He eventually fixed it, but it took nearly an hour and a half.More recently, though, Trump s education secretary, Betsy DeVos tweeted about W.E.B. Du Bois, but instead of spelling it the way the Civil Rights Leader and founder of the NAACP did, her tweet, which happened to fall during Black History Month, spelled his name DeBois.The department fairly quickly apologized, but not without misspelling apologies. Yes, that came from the department in charge of educating our children.In another embarrassing misspelling, this one a bit more tactile than a tweet, Trump s inaugural poster also has a misspelling:President Trump s official inauguration portrait offered by the Library of Congress had a glaring typo on it, social media users pointed out Sunday evening.The print of Trump, which was sold on the Library of Congress s website, includes a quote from the president but misspells too as to. No dream is too big, no challenge is to great. Nothing we want for the future is beyond our reach, the quote reads on the poster.Source: The HillThe poster has been taken off the website, but not before some screenshots were taken.Is this a big deal in the overall scheme of things? Not really, but it does show a frightening trend within the Trump administration: no dedication to detail in a job where every single word matters. For example, it s been widely reported that Trump doesn t even read the executive orders he s pushing out on nearly a daily basis. He even signed away much of his power to the neo-nazi Steve Bannon.For the moment, Mr. Bannon remains the president s dominant adviser, despite Mr. Trump s anger that he was not fully briefed on details of the executive order he signed giving his chief strategist a seat on the National Security Council, a greater source of frustration to the president than the fallout from the travel ban.Source: GQIf that sort of sloppiness, from the office of arguably the most powerful man in the world, doesn t terrify you, then nothing will.Featured image via Mario Tama/Getty Images;February 12, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S., Mexico nearing deal on sugar: Mexico's Guajardo;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and Mexico are close to announcing that they have struck a deal on sugar trade, Mexican Minister of Economy Ildefonso Guajardo said in an interview on CNBC on Tuesday. Guajardo told CNBC the agreement would likely be announced at a planned news conference later on Tuesday with U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross after negotiators worked on minor technicalities overnight. ;June 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump, Japan's Abe toast 'bromance' as two-day summit wraps up;TOKYO (Reuters) - Every American president has a favorite foreign leader. For Donald Trump, it seems to be Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The two leaders toasted their “bromance” on Monday as they wrapped up two days of golf, burgers and serious talks on trade and North Korea. The two men have met face-to-face six times since Trump was elected U.S. president a year ago and had 16 telephone conversations. They’ve played golf twice, once at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and again on Sunday outside Tokyo. Abe recalled how his grandfather, then-premier Nobusuke Kishi, and President Dwight D. Eisenhower began the tradition of U.S.-Japan golf diplomacy 60 years ago. “When you play golf not just once but two times, the person must be your favorite guy,” Abe said ahead of a formal banquet with Trump on Monday. He added that never had two Japanese and American leaders forged such a close bond in just one year. Abe was the first foreign leader to meet Trump after his election last November, a win that caught Tokyo off guard after many had expected Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton to win and worried about Trump’s “America First” rhetoric. Trump told the dinner guests that for protocol reasons, he shouldn’t have met a foreign leader before his inauguration - but when he tried to call Abe to wave him off, the Japanese premier was already on a plane to New York. “We have to spend more time together because I enjoyed every minute of it even though he (Abe) is a very tough negotiator,” Trump said. “We will be back soon.” Trump and Abe are hardly the only U.S. and Japanese leaders to bond. Ronald Reagan and Yasuhiro Nakasone set the gold-standard for friendly ties between leaders of the two allies back in the 1980s, when they famously called each other by the nicknames “Ron” and “Yasu”. George W. Bush and Junichiro Koizumi also bonded during Koizumi’s 2001-2006 term as Japanese premier, playing ball, eating BBQ at Bush’s Texas ranch, and visiting Elvis Presley’s Graceland mansion, where Koizumi crooned Elvis tunes. Diplomatic experts said the personal chemistry between Abe and Trump appeared real, but also noted that forging warm ties were in a way a diplomatic necessity for Japan, which ultimately relies on the U.S. nuclear umbrella for its security.;November 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. consumers could suffer from Dodd-Frank, CFPB changes: property site;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Massive changes to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - or the financial reform law that established it - could hurt U.S. mortgage borrowers who use the agency to fight erroneous charges and foreclosures, according to Trulia, an online real estate marketplace. President Donald Trump recently ordered a review of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law that created the CFPB after the 2007-09 financial crisis to protect individuals from fraud and bad lending, with an eye to cutting it down. Meanwhile, Congress is considering legislation to radically reorganize the CFPB in a way that many bureau supporters say would defang it. “That could be a blow for thousands of mortgage borrowers who have used the CFPB’s dispute resolution to act as an intermediary in their cases,” the managing editor of Trulia’s economics research team, David Weidner, wrote in an analysis released on Wednesday. Using complaint data from the CFPB spanning Dec. 1, 2011 through April 10, 2017, Trulia found that borrowers in housing markets hardest hit by the mortgage crisis and those in expensive areas rely heavily on the CFPB for help in dealing with their loans. The complaint rate was highest in Miami, Florida - with 1.6 percent of mortgage holders turning to the bureau compared to 0.46 percent nationally. Even though members of the armed services only represent 1.2 percent of the working age population, they made up 5 percent of all mortgage complaints. In the same vein, people 62 or older represented 10 percent of complaints. That was a high proportion given that roughly 80 percent of Americans own their own homes by the time they turn 65, Trulia said. The researchers also found that since 2012 complaints for Veterans Affairs, Federal Housing Administration and reverse mortgages have spiked. The first two are part of federal programs intended to make housing more affordable for veterans and low-income workers. Reverse mortgages are payments financial services firms make to people who own their homes, with the principal, interest and fees deducted from the future sale of the house. They are increasingly popular among retirees who may own real estate but are short on cash. For all three types of loans, complaints more than doubled in just four years, according to Trulia, which said the high rate was caused by the lack of expertise lenders and servicers may have in the specialized products.;April 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. presidential election drives record ratings for cable news;(Reuters) - The 2016 election cycle had been a ratings boon for U.S. cable news networks, and Tuesday’s stunning U.S. presidential election victory by Republican Donald Trump was no different. Time Warner Inc’s CNN led all U.S. TV networks in primetime coverage with 13.3 million viewers, the most-watched Election Night coverage in U.S. cable news history, according to Nielsen data. 21st Century Fox’s Fox News came in second with 12.1 million viewers, and Comcast Corp’s MSNBC was far behind with just under 6 million. Among adults aged 25 to 54, the demographic most important to advertisers who buy time on news programs, CNN was first as well with 6.7 million viewers. Fox News was second with 4.6 million and MSNBC drew 2.4 million in the demographic. All three posted gains from four years ago. With many states too close to call, the race was not called for Trump until around 3 a.m. (0800 GMT) on the East Coast. Fox News led cable news with 9.8 million viewers watching between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. (0700 and 0800 GMT), with CNN bringing in 6.5 million and 2.9 million watching on MSNBC. Fox News also led all cable networks with their full coverage from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. (0000 to 0800), with 12.2 million, a network high for an election night. CNN pulled in 11.2 million for the whole night, but topped Fox News in the news demographic with 5.6 million to Fox News’ 4.8 million. MSNBC brought up the rear with 5.2 million and 2.1 million in the demographic. NBC led all the broadcast networks with 11.2 million viewers, with ABC finishing with 9.2 million and CBS pulling in 8.1 million. Fox averaged around 4 million for its two-hour coverage from 8-10 p.m. Across 13 U.S. TV networks, election night coverage was watched by 71.42 million viewers, just behind the U.S. record of 71.47 million that watched in 2008.;November 9, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Sen. McConnell says expects Puerto Rico funding request by mid-October;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday he expects a funding request from the Trump administration for disaster relief for Puerto Rico by mid-October. McConnell told reporters he met with the island territory s representatives on Tuesday and discussed Puerto Rico s needs after Hurricane Maria. ;October 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BERNIE’S WORLD: SOCIALISM Forces Venezuelans to Eat Dogs, Cats And Birds, “We are hungry”;"Take a good hard look America this is Bernie s utopia. The economic climate is so bad in Venezuela today that people are eating cats, dogs and pigeons.The Panama Post reported, via Townhall:Ram n Muchacho, Mayor of Chacao in Caracas, said the streets of the capital of Venezuela are filled with people killing animals for food.Through Twitter, Muchacho reported that in Venezuela, it is a painful reality that people hunt cats, dogs and pigeons to ease their hunger.People are also reportedly gathering vegetables from the ground and trash to eat as well.The crisis in Venezuela is worsening everyday due in part to shortages reaching 70 percent. This to go along with the world s highest level of inflation.The population s desperation has begun to show, with looting and robberies for food increasing all the time. This Sunday, May 1, six Venezuelan military officials were arrested for stealing goats to ease their hunger, as there was no food at the Fort Manaure military base.I'd like just one, principled ""journalist"" to ask Bernie Sanders ""What went wrong in Venezuela https://t.co/WSbj4g9Uuo @realDonaldTrump In God I Trust (@InGodIDoTrust) May 10, 2016The week before, various regions of the country saw widespread looting of shopping malls, pharmacies, supermarkets and food trucks, all while people chanted we are hungry. Via: Gateway Pundit";May 10, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Small protests against Trump in Japan, Philippines;TOKYO (Reuters) - Several hundred people, most of them expatriate Americans, held a protest on Friday in the Japanese capital, Tokyo, against U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, hours before his inauguration in Washington. Some people held up electric candles and others carried placards reading “Love Trumps Hate” and “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights”, as they marched along a downtown street. “Trump presidency gets my blood boiling ... Everything we value could be gone. It’s time to speak your mind and concerns and to do our best to salvage the values we cherish in America,” said Bill Scholer, an art teacher. “I grew up in the 1960s, and it feels like we are going backwards, and am very worried that we will lose all of the advances we have made over these years,” said Holly Thompson, a writer. Women’s rights activists plan protests in various Asian cities on Saturday. In the Philippines earlier on Friday, about 200 demonstrators from a Philippine nationalist group rallied for about an hour against Trump outside the U.S. embassy in Manila. Some held up signs demanding U.S. troops leave the Philippines while others set fire to a paper U.S. flag bearing a picture of Trump’s face. Trump’s presidency is being viewed with caution in some parts of Asia. He alarmed China by breaking with decades of precedent last month by taking a congratulatory telephone call from Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen. China regards Taiwan as a renegade province and objects to countries interacting with it as a violation of Beijing’s “one-China” principle. Trump has even raised questions about the U.S. position on the principle. Trump has also criticized China’s trade practices and threatened to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese imports. He has also said he would kill an ambitious Asia-Pacific trade pact, raising questions about the prospects for globalization and free trade.;January 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Mattis hints at military options on North Korea but offers no details;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis hinted on Monday about the existence of military options on North Korea that might spare Seoul from a brutal counterattack but declined to say what kind of options he was talking about or whether they involved the use of lethal force. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Sunday the U.N. Security Council had run out of options on containing North Korea s nuclear program and that the United States might have to turn the matter over to the Pentagon. Any conflict on the Korean peninsula could easily result in a degree of bloodshed unseen since the 1950-53 Korean War, which claimed the lives of more than 50,000 Americans and millions of Koreans and ended in an armed truce, not a peace treaty. Seoul is within artillery range of North Korea, which beyond nuclear and conventional weapons is also believed to have a sizable chemical and biological arsenal. Asked whether there were any military options the United States could take with North Korea that would not put Seoul at grave risk, Mattis said: Yes there are. But I will not go into details. Pressed on whether that might include so-called kinetic options that use lethal force, Mattis said: I don t want to go into that. Military options available to Trump range from non-lethal actions like a naval blockade aimed at enforcing sanctions to waging cyber attacks and positioning new U.S. weaponry in South Korea, where the United States has 28,500 troops. South Korea has raised the possibility of reintroducing nuclear weapons to the peninsula. Mattis acknowledged discussing that with his South Korean counterpart but declined to say whether that option was under consideration. We have open dialogue with our allies on any issue that they want to bring up, he said. U.S. President Donald Trump has hinted that any use of lethal force against North Korea would be overwhelming, using phrases like fire and fury that evoke images of nuclear war. The U.S. military said on Monday it had staged bombing drills with South Korea, flying a pair of B-1B bombers and F-35 fighter jets over the Korean peninsula, in a show of force against North Korea. Still, despite heated rhetoric and posturing in the United States and North Korea, there has been no positioning of U.S. military assets to suggest a military conflict is imminent. Trump has vowed that North Korea will never be allowed to threaten the United States with a nuclear-tipped missile, but he has also asked China to do more to rein in its neighbor. China in turn favors an international response to the problem. Mattis told reporters that he believed diplomacy and sanctions were so far succeeding in putting more pressure on Pyongyang. So, yes, it s working, he said. Even as tensions rise, the United States and its allies have stuck to a hands-off policy when North Korea test-fires its missiles. Mattis confirmed that policy on Monday, saying it would not shoot down a North Korean missile unless it poses a direct threat to the United States or its allies. He said Pyongyang s calculus appeared to be designed to race forward with its missile program, without going over some kind of a line in their minds that would make them vulnerable.;September 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: PRESIDENT TRUMP Hilariously Exposes Hypocrisy Of Democrats, Media Allies On Comey Firing In One PERFECT Video;Before Trump, Democrats and their allies in the leftist media rarely had to worry about being called out for their hypocrisy. First of all, there wasn t an opposing voice in the media and politicians in the Republican Party, most especially the President of the United States, certainly weren t going to call them out. Before Donald J. Trump, Republicans were under the false impression that they needed the press in their corner. That was before Donald J. Trump shattered the old rules that protected the media class from scrutiny and allowed them to fully control the narrative.Fortunately for every American, there s a new sheriff in town, who is hell-bent on holding Democrats and the leftist media s feet to the fire when it comes to their hypocrisy. President Trump posted this hilarious video to Twitter yesterday that has already received over 77K likes .President Trump tweeted this message yesterday:Dems have been complaining for months & months about Dir. Comey. Now that he has been fired they PRETEND to be aggrieved. Phony hypocrites! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 10, 2017President Trump followed it up with this hilarious video only 5 hours later in this tweet: The Democrats should be ashamed. This is a disgrace! #DrainTheSwampThe Democrats should be ashamed. This is a disgrace!#DrainTheSwamp pic.twitter.com/UfbKEECm2V Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 11, 2017;May 11, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: "Palestinian stabs Israeli in Jerusalem; anti-Trump protest flares in Beirut";JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A Palestinian stabbed an Israeli security guard at Jerusalem s main bus station on Sunday, police said, and violence flared near the U.S. Embassy in Beirut over U.S. President Donald Trump s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capital. Four days of street protests in the Palestinian territories over Trump s announcement on Wednesday have largely died down, but his overturning of long-standing U.S. policy on Jerusalem a city holy to Jews, Muslims and Christians drew more Arab warnings of potential damage to prospects for Middle East peace. Our hope is that everything is calming down and that we are returning to a path of normal life without riots and without violence, Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Army Radio. But in Jerusalem, a security guard was in critical condition after a 24-year-old Palestinian man from the occupied West Bank stabbed him after approaching a metal detector at an entrance to the city s central bus station, police said. The alleged assailant was taken into custody after a passer-by tackled him. In public remarks on Sunday, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, a frequent critic of Israel, called it an invader state and a terror state . Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who spoke at a news conference in Paris alongside French President Emmanuel Macron after the two leaders met, fired back: I m not used to receiving lectures about morality from a leader who bombs Kurdish villages in his native Turkey, who jails journalists, helps Iran go around international sanctions and who helps terrorists, including in Gaza, kill innocent people, Netanyahu said. Macron told Netanyahu that he needed to make gestures to the Palestinians to break the impasse between the two sides. I asked Prime Minister Netanyahu to make some courageous gestures towards the Palestinians to get out of the current impasse, Macron said, suggesting that a freeze of construction in settlements could be a first step. Most countries consider East Jerusalem, which Israel annexed after capturing it in a 1967 war, to be occupied territory and say the status of the city should be decided at future Israeli-Palestinian talks. Israel says that all of Jerusalem is its capital, while Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of a future independent state. The Trump administration has said it is still committed to reviving Palestinian-Israeli talks that collapsed in 2014, but jettisoning old policies is necessary to break the deadlock. Washington says it has not taken a position on Jerusalem s final status or borders, but it is sensible to recognize that any future peace deal will have Israel s capital in the city. The United States was as committed to the peace process as we ve ever been , U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Sunday. Trump didn t talk about boundaries, he didn t talk about borders... Because the final status of Jerusalem is between the Palestinians and the Israelis. It s not for the Americans to decide. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will not meet U.S. Vice President Mike Pence during his visit to the region, Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Maliki said on Saturday. The White House said on Sunday that decision was unfortunate and Pence looked forward to seeing Netanyahu and Egypt s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. It s unfortunate that the Palestinian Authority is walking away again from an opportunity to discuss the future of the region, said Jarrod Agen, a spokesman for Pence. Netanyahu reacted to critics in a statement before talks with Macron, to be followed by a meeting with European foreign ministers in Brussels on Monday. I hear (from Europe) voices of condemnation over President Trump s historic announcement, but I have not heard any condemnation for the rocket firing against Israel that has come (after the announcement) and the awful incitement against us, Netanyahu said. In Beirut, Lebanese security forces fired tear gas and water cannons at protesters, some of them waving Palestinian flags, near the U.S. Embassy. Demonstrators set fires in the street, torched U.S. and Israeli flags and threw projectiles towards security forces that had barricaded the main road to the complex. In the Moroccan capital, Rabat, tens of thousands of protesters marched down the city s main thoroughfare chanting slogans including, The people want to liberate Palestine and Death to Israel, enemy of the people and provoker of wars. Waving Palestinian flags and holding up pictures of Jerusalem, they expressed anger at the betrayal by Arab governments perceived to have backed Trump s move. In the Indonesian capital Jakarta, thousands protested outside the U.S. embassy, many waving banners saying Palestine is in our hearts . Maliki has said the Palestinians will be looking for a new peace talks broker instead of the United States and would seek a United Nations Security Council resolution over Trump s decision. Arab foreign ministers who met in Cairo on Saturday urged the United States to abandon its decision on Jerusalem and said the move would spur violence throughout the region. Echoing that view, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahayan, the de facto leader of the United Arab Emirates, said the U.S. move could throw a lifebuoy to terrorist and armed groups, which have begun to lose ground in the Middle East. Along Israel s tense frontier with the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military on Sunday destroyed what it described as a significant cross-border attack tunnel dug by the enclave s dominant Islamist group, Hamas. There was no immediate comment from Hamas on the demolition, which came as Palestinian factions tried to meet Sunday s deadline for an Egyptian-mediated handover of Gaza by Hamas to Western-backed President Abbas after a decade s schism. Pre-dawn Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip on Saturday killed two Palestinian gunmen after militants fired rockets from the area into Israel on Friday.;December 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Bernie Sanders Explains The Exact Reason Trump Won’t Debate Him (VIDEO);"A pre-general election debate between Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump would have been a political event that would be talked about for years. However, such a debate will never happen because Trump is a giant chicken. Sanders blasted Trump on Real Time with Bill Maher Friday night.After Trump jokingly said that he would debate Sanders ahead of the California primary, Trump quickly backed out. Sanders expressed his disappointment with the presumptive Republican presidential nominee s decision. Sanders put out a challenge to Trump, saying: I would have loved [to debate Trump]! First, he said he would do it, then he said he wouldn t do it. Then he said he would do it, then he said he wouldn t do it. So I would hope if he changed his mind four times in two days, change it a fifth time. Trump claims to be a real tough guy, pushes people around. Hey Donald, come on up, let s have a debate about the future of America. That s when Sanders unleashed a savage takedown of Trump: This guy is a pathological liar. And I don t mean to be malicious, but that is just the damn truth. He would be not only an embarrassment; he would be a real danger to this entire world if he were to become president. Maher and Sanders discussed many things during the interview. Sanders, as he usually does, talked about the tough issues that the American people are facing, including the disappearance of the middle class, the enormous amount of poverty there is in this country, and the need for issues-based politics.Sanders also pointed out how Trump s constant lying and flip-flopping makes him hard to create an effective strategy against. How exactly does one challenge their opponent when said opponent s supporters don t hold that accountable to their stance on the issues or their character? While Sanders himself may have seemed unsure (or at least wasn t willing to lay one out in the open during the interview), Sanders has clobbered Trump on the campaign trail while staying classy. Love trumps hate, being a simple effective message that gets to the hearts of both Sanders and Trump s campaigns.Sanders knows that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, and he has an amazing platform that actually speaks to the needs of the average person an agenda that will be championed by many long after this current race is over.You can watch the interview in full, below.Featured image via video screenshot";May 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: FCC chairman rejects Trump suggestion on broadcast licenses;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s chairman said Tuesday the agency does not have authority to revoke broadcast licenses, despite suggestions from President Donald Trump. Ajit Pai, a Republican who was named chairman of the telecommunications regulator in January, broke days of silence by rejecting Trump’s tweet that the FCC could challenge the license of NBC after stories Trump declared were not true. “Under the law, the FCC does not have the authority to revoke a license of a broadcast station based on the content,” Pai said at a forum. “The FCC under my leadership will stand for the First Amendment.” The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Democrats had been pushing Pai to denounce Trump’s suggestion that broadcast licenses could be threatened following reports by NBC News that his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, had called him a “moron” after a discussion of the U.S. nuclear arsenal. “With all of the Fake News coming out of NBC and the Networks, at what point is it appropriate to challenge their License? Bad for country!” Trump tweeted on Wednesday. Trump and his supporters have repeatedly used the term “fake news” to cast doubt on media reports critical of his administration, often without providing any evidence to support their case that the reports were untrue. Any move to challenge media companies’ licenses, however, would likely face significant hurdles. The FCC, an independent federal agency, does not license broadcast networks, but issues them to individual broadcast stations that are renewed on a staggered basis for eight-year periods. Comcast Corp, which owns NBC Universal, also owns 11 broadcast stations, including outlets in New York, Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas and Chicago. When reviewing licenses the FCC must determine if a renewal is in the public interest. Courts have held that a station exercising its First Amendment rights is not adequate grounds to challenge a license. The agency does not issue similar licenses for cable networks such as CNN and MSNBC, or regulate internet news or other websites. In the early 1970s, then-President Richard Nixon and his top aides discussed using the FCC’s license renewal process as a way of punishing The Washington Post for its coverage of the Watergate burglary that ultimately brought down his presidency.;October 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: LOL! ARROGANT OBAMA BEGS Congress To Save Embarrassing Legacy…Do NOT Repeal Obamacare [VIDEO];Barack Obama implored members of Congress to have the courage not to repeal the Affordable Care Act Sunday night.The former president made his first public remarks about the proposed health care legislation just days after House Republicans voted to pass the measure 217 to 213. If it passes the Senate, it would repeal and replace major parts of Obamacare.During his speech, Obama also lauded the Democratic members of Congress who voted in favor of the Affordable Cart Act in 2010 and then lost their seats because of it. These men and women did the right thing, the hard thing, and theirs was a profile in courage, and because of that vote, 20 million people got health insurance that didn t have it before. Daily Caller;May 8, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: “REFUGEE DRESS” Sold Online Forced to Change Name After Social Media Goes Ballistic;We d love to know your thoughts on this! We think it s sort of unreal that this company was forced via social media to drop the name and change it from Refugee Dress to Oxford Dress Does anyone see the irony in this name change?We also want to weigh in on just how unattractive this dress is and how it just looks like a sheet. Your thoughts?A controversial Refugee Dress was still being sold Tuesday on the website of clothing retailer UZINYC, six days after the company said it had changed the name of the much criticized dress.WHAT S INTERESTING IS THAT THE NAME OF THIS DRESS HAS BEEN AROUND SINCE 2007: We named the dress in 2007 when we could not see ourselves escaping the reality of a global economy spinning out of control The brand was forced to change the name of the $119 dress from Refugee Dress to Oxford Dress, after a storm of criticism on social media. But while the company had re-named the title of the page, it seemed to have forgotten about the picture captions, which still label the dress as a black refugee dress. That label can still be seen by scrolling down the homepage of the website and clicking a photo preview of the garment.TWITTER IS ABUZZ OVER THE DRESS:So this brand thought it was appropriate to sell a refugee dress? Disgusting. #uzinyc https://t.co/mxlMDQWG4p pic.twitter.com/2WSKojHFE5 Rianna Croxford (@The_Crox) July 31, 2017UZINYC recently told Mic that it originally created the dress to draw attention to the refugee crisis. We feel that it is important to keep these issues within public discourse, co-founder Mari Gustafson told the website. The American economy has recovered, and through perseverance and luck our company has recovered as well. We are now able to provide jobs for others and give them a sense of hope and stability. We are sorry if we have disturbed anyone, Gustafson told Today.com.Last week, critics of the dress took to Twitter to complain about the use of the phrase refugee to market a dress. Refugees are neither nomads nor sales gimmick, one Twitter user wrote. Apologize, rename dress, donate to UNHCR. Via: Fortune;Aug 9, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump travel ban shows U.S. misunderstanding of anti-terror duties: Chinese state media;BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s order temporarily banning visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries shows that his administration does not understand its counterterrorism duties, Chinese state media said on Wednesday. Trump’s Jan. 27 order, which he says is necessary for national security, sought to bar entry by travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days, and by all refugees for 120 days, except for refugees from Syria, who face an indefinite ban. The move, which sparked protests and chaos at U.S. and overseas airports, has been suspended by a federal judge in Seattle and is now under intense scrutiny from a U.S. federal appeals court questioning whether it unfairly targeted people over their religion. China’s government has offered mild criticism of the ban, saying immigration policy was a sovereign right but “reasonable concerns” must be considered. But the official Xinhua news agency said Trump’s order “shows that his administration has no correct recognition of the responsibility it needs to shoulder in a global fight against terrorism”. “Radical elements around the world could use the ban to further justify their ruthless causes, and to gain more recruits,” Xinhua said in a commentary. “That is a grave threat not only to the safety and security of the United States, but that of others worldwide. “Banned countries on the list, such as Iraq, Libya and Syria, have been victimized by terrorism because previous U.S. governments and other Western powers deliberately intervened for self-interests,” it added. Such commentaries from Xinhua do not equate to government policy, but often reflect official thinking. The world’s most populous nation generally accepts few refugees. China offered permanent residence to 1,576 foreigners in 2016, the public security ministry has said, but such openings are largely reserved for experts and professionals. China, which says it faces a serious threat from terrorism, has often rebuked the United States and other Western countries for what it considers their double standards on terrorism. Nervous about being implicated in possible human rights abuses, Western nations have been reluctant to cooperate in China’s campaign in its far western region of Xinjiang, where officials say Islamist militants aim to set up a separate state. Rights advocates say ethnic violence in the region in recent years is a response to repressive government policies affecting the largely Muslim Uighur people who call Xinjiang home, though China denies rights abuses there.;February 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Greek police arrest suspect behind high-profile parcel bomb attacks;ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police said on Saturday they arrested a man they believe was involved in mailing parcel and letter bombs to targets including ex-Greek prime minister Lucas Papademos and former German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble. In March, police intercepted eight suspect packages at an Athens sorting office after the dispatch of booby-trapped parcels to the International Monetary Fund in Paris and the German Finance Ministry in Berlin. One parcel, mailed to Schaeuble, was intercepted by the ministry s mail department. A letter addressed to the IMF exploded, slightly hurting an administrative assistant. The anti-terrorism service arrested a 29-year-old male following a warrant ... related to parcel bomb dispatches, police said in a statement. Police searched the suspect s apartment in Athens and found two pistols, bullets, a timing device and explosive materials in travel bags, a police official said. Police had spotted him in videos bringing parcels to the post office on five different occasions, the official said, declining to be named. Papademos was injured in May when a booby-trapped package exploded in his car in central Athens, in the worst act of violence against Greek politicians country for several years. The suspect denies involvement in the attacks and in the militant group Conspiracy of Fire Cells, which claimed responsibility for the parcel sent to the German Finance Ministry, the police official told Reuters. Conspiracy of Fire Cells, one in a long line of violent anti-establishment groups in Greece, initially specialized in arson attacks but turned to bombings in May 2009.;October 28, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Cher Reacts To Dr. Oz Reading Trump’s Health Report, And It’s The Best Thing Ever (TWEET);This year s election is really shaping up to be one of the most ridiculous ever in the history of the republic. And adding to this bizarre circus is the fact that Dr. Mehmet Oz, noted TV host and alleged scam artist, will be the one reading Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump s health report. However, not the whole thing.Oz told Fox News Brian Kilmeade about how Trump has instructed the release, and when Kilmeade asked, Oh, it s still going to be his decision? Oz replied: It s his decision. You know, I the metaphor for me is it s the doctor s office, the studio. So I m not going to ask him questions he doesn t want to have answered. So basically, we re only going to hear what Trump wants us to hear like a scripted reality show (which, btw, all reality shows are).Upon hearing the news of Dr. Oz releasing Trump s medical report, legendary entertainer extraordinaire Cher took to Twitter to let us all know how she feels about it.And because Cher tweets in fluent emoji, her tweet is translated here: Why is Dr. Oz letting Trump pimp him out!? Oz is bound by ethics!! Is he so hungry for ratings he ll let Trump use him like guys at a frat party. WHY IS DR OZ LETTING TRUMP PIMP HIM OUT OZ IS BOUND BY ETHICS? IS HE SO HUNGRY 4RATINGS,HE'LL LET TRUMP USE HIM,LIKE GUYS AT A FRAT PARTY? Cher (@cher) September 13, 2016Whoa. But she s not wrong. The fact that this is being accepted as legitimate by the American people should be clear evidence that the movie Idiocracy has now become reality, and it s f*cking terrifying.Featured Photo by Ethan Miller/ACMA2010/Getty Images for ACMA/Twitter;September 13, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: In 'China's Jerusalem', Christians say faith trumps official Sunday School ban;WENZHOU, China (Reuters) - When authorities in China s southeastern city of Wenzhou outlawed Sunday School earlier this year, Christian parents determined their children must still learn about Jesus and the Bible. Churches in Wenzhou started teaching children in private homes or at other venues. Some billed Sunday School classes as daycare, not education, or moved them to Saturdays, more than a dozen local Christians told Reuters. Wenzhou, sometimes known as China s Jerusalem due to its sizable Christian community, is at the forefront of a growing standoff between China s leadership and the country s devout over religious education for children. The ruling and officially atheist Communist Party has increased efforts to curb the influence of Christianity, tightening restrictions on faith classes and warning against the religion s Western ideas. But Christians say the resolve of the community in Wenzhou suggests the party will struggle to exert control over the next generation of the country s 60 million Christians. In her house, faith comes first, grades come second, said one parent surnamed Chen, asking not to use her full name due to the sensitivity of the matter. Immaculately turned out in a cream fur coat and wearing a giant turquoise ring, Chen is one of Wenzhou s numerous wealthy Christians who say their children must attend Bible classes because state education fails to provide sufficient moral and spiritual guidance. Drugs, porn, gambling and violence are serious problems among today s youth and video games are extremely seductive, she told Reuters. We cannot be by his side all the time so only through faith can we make him understand (the right thing to do). In some districts of Wenzhou, in Zhejiang province, an official edict has prohibited Sunday Schools since August, according to three sources with direct knowledge of the matter. The provinces of Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangsu, Henan and the autonomous region of Inner Mongolia have barred children from faith activities including summer camp, Christian news site World Watch Monitor reported in September. Sources spoken to by Reuters were unaware if the policy was a local government initiative or centrally mandated. They also did not know of any similar bans in other regions of China. Also in September, new rules were released expanding state oversight of religious education nationwide in what officials say is an attempt to create a new generation of religious leaders loyal to the party. China s State Administration for Religious Affairs and the foreign affairs office of the Wenzhou city government did not reply to faxed requests for comment. In the last four decades of economic prosperity, China s faithful have multiplied rapidly. Official numbers say there are now around 30 million Christians, while independent estimates suggest the number is about 60 million, most of whom are Protestants. In Wenzhou, a small Christian community started by 19th century missionaries has bloomed to over one million Christians. Until recent years, they had enjoyed a relatively relaxed relationship with local officials, residents said. Then, in 2014, a government campaign to demolish illegal churches and tear down the crosses that adorned them sparked an outcry from the Christian community and sowed mistrust of authorities among believers. The campaign came shortly after President Xi Jinping, who had been communist party chief of Zhejiang from 2002 to 2007, was appointed General Secretary of the party. But attempts to stem the rapid growth of believers has struggled in Wenzhou where churches, often funded by devout local business owners, are ubiquitous. Wenzhou government does not let churches register, because there are way too many, so there are lots of house churches and it is tough for the government to manage them, Zhao Gang, the minister at Wenzhou s Church of the Rose-tinted Clouds, told Reuters. Sunday School textbooks have been especially sensitive in the clampdown in Wenzhou, teachers said. The government restricts religious publications, and churches often use translated texts from overseas. One teacher said classes resumed when they stopped using unsanctioned textbooks and avoided the words Sunday School . Chinese law officially grants religious freedom for all, including children, but regulations on education and protection of minors also say religion cannot be used to hinder state education or to coerce children to believe. Local governments in troubled areas of China, such as the far western region of Xinjiang, ban children attending religious events, but Christian communities elsewhere rarely face blanket restrictions. This year, the party has been unusually strict in warning university students, state-owned enterprise employees and officials themselves against celebrating Christmas, with admonitions such as to resist the corrosion of Western religious culture , according to state media reports. While parents in Wenzhou want to control their children s education, the government is working to create a new crop of religious leaders loyal to the party. New rules governing religious schools from China s cabinet, due to take effect in February, are necessary to meet China s pressing need for patriotic religious leaders, Wang Zuoan, the head of China s official State Administration of Religious Affairs, told Reuters in written comments in October. We hope that the talent graduating from religious schools will be up to standard in both their political and religious character and will do a good job of combining love for the country with love for religion, he said. But for many Christians allowing the party to control religious education is unacceptable, as it requires putting the party before God, according to Sarah Cook, a New York-based analyst at Freedom House, an advocacy group. As such, the party can only do so much to control faith education. There are always going to be kids at home whose bedtimes stories are from the Bible, Cook said. For Chen in Wenzhou, faith should be at the forefront of education until believers outnumber atheists in China s young. There will definitely be more Christian believers in the next generation, she said. The ability for the Christian faith to be inherited and passed on is ever growing.;December 24, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: US Media Silence as Pentagon Deploys Rangers Armoured Regiment on the Ground in Syria;US Army M1126 Stryker armoured vehicles rolled into Syria this week (Source: Twitter)21st Century Wire says Yesterday reports emerged of a US heavy armoured convoy heeding through northern Syria, heading towards a forward position near the flashpoint city of Manbij, near the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa. Not surprisingly, this news which would normally be strewn across all headlines and TV news leader boards has been completely blacked-out by the US media, aside from some website mentions.Naturally, Americans have to go to RT to get news about what the US military is doing in far-flung destinations. Here is a video report by RT s Ruptly News Agency which shows the US servicemen leading a convoy of Stryker armoured vehicles in the Syrian countryside: According to military blog SOFREP, call signs indicate that this US battalion is based out of Fort Benning, Georgia. By looking at the call sign tag on the back of the Stryker, it is evident that this is 3rd Ranger Battalion out of Fort Benning, Georgia, which has been confirmed via other sources. This clearly indicates that the Trump Administration is in the process of actively building up its military presence in Syria. To what degree is unclear, although early indications suggest a similar commitment to what the US has laid-on in Mosul in their joint operation to retake that Iraqi city away from ISIS control.Currently, the US is at odds with NATO ally Turkey over the Pentagon s support of the Kurdish YPG whom Turkey has designated as a terrorist organization. This could be a point of contention going forward, as the US, Russia and Turkey conduct trilateral negotiations this week in Antalya, Turkey this week.STAY TUNED TO 21WIRE FOR MORE UPDATESREAD MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV;March 8, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump leans toward replacing Fed chief if he wins White House;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump would be inclined to replace Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen if he wins the White House despite supporting the U.S. central bank’s efforts to keep interest rates low, he told Fortune magazine. “I think she’s done a serviceable job,” Trump said in an interview published late on Tuesday, as the billionaire real estate mogul moved a step closer to becoming his party’s nominee with a resounding win in New York state’s Republican nominating contest. “I don’t want to comment on reappointment, but I would be more inclined to put other people in.” Yellen was nominated for the top Fed job by Democratic President Barack Obama, and began her four-year term in February 2014. Nominees need Senate approval, after which they are protected from political interference until their terms expire. In his interview, Trump said he “absolutely” backed efforts to diminish the Fed’s power and allow Congress to launch so-called “audits,” or outside reviews, of its policy decisions. He also backed away from his pledge to erase the more than $19 trillion in U.S. debt in eight years. Representatives for the Fed declined to comment on the report. Were Yellen to step down in 2018 after only one term, it would be the shortest Fed chairmanship since 1979. Since then, Fed chairs from Paul Volcker to Alan Greenspan to Ben Bernanke, Yellen’s predecessor, were reappointed by at least one incoming U.S. president. Trump said he favored the low interest rate environment and that raising rates would be a blow to the U.S. economy. Trump had accused the Fed in November of keeping rates low to help Obama, an assertion the White House rejected. “The best thing we have going for us is that interest rates are so low,” the New York billionaire businessman told Fortune. “If rates are 3 percent or 4 percent or whatever, you start adding that kind of number to an already reasonably crippled economy in terms of what we produce, that number is a very scary number,” Trump added. The Fed cut its key overnight lending rate to near zero in late 2008 and kept it there for the next seven years to help the economy recover from the financial crisis. It raised rates by a quarter of a percentage point last December, its first hike in nearly a decade. Trump told Fortune he would take advantage of lower rates to refinance the country’s debt and boost government spending on infrastructure and the military. The magazine will publish a full transcript of the interview later this week. He moved away from comments he made to the Washington Post earlier this month pledging to eliminate the national debt “over a period of eight years.” Instead, Trump told Fortune he could tackle a portion of it. “You could pay off a percentage of it, depending on how aggressive you want to be,” he said. “I’d rather not be all that aggressive. I’d rather not have debt, but we’re stuck with it.” Trump’s main Republican rival, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, has said he would audit the Fed and move it to a rules-based monetary policy. Other U.S. presidential candidates, including Democrat Bernie Sanders, have also pledged to change the Fed.;April 20, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Kenya watchdog says investigating police over actions at university;(This September 29 has been corrected to fix date of election in paragraph 3) NAIROBI (Reuters) - A Kenyan government watchdog said on Friday it was investigating whether police had assaulted students during protests this week at the University of Nairobi over the detention of an opposition lawmaker. Police fired tear gas on Thursday at the protesting students. Video footage posted on social media later in the day showed uniformed officers outside dormitories and inside classrooms using batons to hit people who did not appear to be involved in the campus protests. It was the latest crackdown by police on protests since an Aug. 8 presidential election that was later annulled by the Supreme Court. A re-run of the vote has been set for Oct. 26. The Independent Police Oversight Authority (IPOA) this morning noted from social media reports of an incident in which members of the National Police Service allegedly stormed the University of Nairobi and assaulted students at the institution, the authority said on its Twitter feed. It requested that any member of the public come forward to provide information to aid the investigation. The students had been protesting against the re-arrest of a lawmaker, Paul Ongili Owino, on Wednesday, shortly after he was released on bail on charges of subversion for calling President Uhuru Kenyatta a son of a dog at a campaign rally. Kenya is a key Western ally in a region often roiled by violence. Preparations for the re-run of the election are being closely monitored for signs of instability, after at least 28 people were killed in unrest following the Aug. 8 vote. The IPOA watchdog was created in 2011, after police came under severe criticism for the number of protesters killed during demonstrations against disputed elections in 2007. The violence then killed around 1,2000 people. But local and international rights groups say the institution is struggling to fulfill its mandate to investigate allegations of police brutality in a country rife with reports from civilians of extrajudicial killings by security forces. The IPOA has secured two convictions of police officers in the four years it has been operational. The watchdog pledged last month to fast-track investigations into high-profile deaths such as that of a baby allegedly killed by police in the violence after the election. [L4N1L34FC] But people familiar with the status of these investigations say the police are not cooperating with them, and that senior officials in the police force and the interior ministry insist officers killed only thieves and thugs.;September 29, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Here’s The Embarrassing Reason Why Trump Refused To Do On-Camera Appearances This Morning (TWEETS);On Tuesday morning, Republican front runner Donald Trump was supposed to go on several television appearances, but wimped out at the last minute and decided to do audio interviews instead. The reason for this sudden change of heart? He just didn t feel pretty enough.CNN Money reported that Trump was scheduled appear on NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox News, and MSNBC, but told all the networks that he was experiencing technical difficulties on his end and begged them to let him do the interview over the phone instead. Most of the programs agreed to Trump s demands, but this response from CBS This Morning s executive producer Chris Licht proved that not everyone was buying it.TwitterSo far, three network sources (who wish to remain anonymous) said they felt Trump s so-called technical issues were an excuse and when you consider this following statement, it certainly looks like it. According to someone who heard Trump refuse an on-camera interview, Trump needs to be a little more careful when he spews flat-out lies: He didn t like the shot. But he didn t realize that his microphone was on for everyone to hear. The source reported that Trump said, I don t like the way I look. Just tell them there s technical issues. Several hours later, CNN s Ashleigh Banfield called Trump out on air, making it perfectly and hilariously clear just why Trump was giving audio-only interviews earlier that day. She explained to her guests: I want to run his sound byte. It is on the phone because he cancelled all of his on-camera appearances. He was heard by a technician saying, I don t like the way I look so tell them there is a technical issue, and he carried on his interviews by phone. That s why we are hearing it by phone. Can we seriously trust a presidential candidate whose self-esteem is just as back-and-forth as his positions on policies? The fact that he has to modify his interviews just because he doesn t like the way he looks is a clear sign that he can t be a confident leader and focus on more important matters. Featured image via Gage Skidmore;March 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: KELLYANNE CONWAY Delivers KNOCK OUT Punch To Smug Jake Tapper At CNN Town Hall Forum [VIDEO];When an audience member asks Kellyanne Conway if Trump will continue to use Twitter as a means to communicate with Americans, he ended his comment with a swipe at Trump not being entirely truthful with his tweets. Kellyanne Conway responded that it would be up to him and the Secret Service, and that he looks at it as a very good platform for him to convey his messages.Jake Tapper suggested that Trump s tweet about 3 million illegal aliens voting in the election was false. Of course Tapper has no evidence to back up his assertion. The state of California alone has over 2.6 million illegal aliens who could ve technically voted in the election. In fact, the two top counties where Hillary received the most votes, are coincidentally the same two counties who have the highest percentage of illegal aliens. In October, 2015, a California state bill was signed in to law by Gov. Jerry Brown, that registers and allows illegal aliens to vote in US Elections. So just in the state of California alone, over 2.6 million illegal aliens could have voted in the election. We haven t even talked about the illegal aliens who weren t caught voting in this election because of loopholes in states that allowed illegal aliens to register to vote when they obtained legal drivers licenses.But Tapper pressed on asking:Tapper: Is that really Presidential behavior? Conway: Well he s the President-Elect, so that s Presidential behavior, yes. Tapper: So the things that Bill Clinton did in the Oval Office, that you criticized, those weren t Presidential? Conway: Should we review for those who weren t born yet what President Clinton did in the Oval Office? Boom!https://youtu.be/t7tc3Gr0d5M;Dec 10, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. Treasury's Mnuchin to bring up defense on Ottawa trip: U.S. official;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will raise the issue of defense spending during his trip to Ottawa on Friday, a senior U.S. Treasury official said. Earlier this week, Canada unveiled plans to bulk up its military amid doubts that it could continue to rely on the United States as the world’s foremost global leader. [nL1N1J418R] “I expect we’d cover issues related to defense spending and we saw of course Canada’s recent announcements just in the last couple of days about that,” the senior Treasury official said in a conference call with reporters on Thursday. President Donald Trump has scolded NATO allies, which includes Canada, for not spending enough on defense and has so far declined to personally affirm the alliance’s mutual defense doctrine. While in Ottawa, Mnuchin is scheduled to hold a bilateral meeting with Canadian Finance Minister Bill Morneau. Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Powell will accompany Mnuchin on the trip, Treasury said. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, also said that Mnuchin would raise trade issues with his Canadian counterpart. Tensions between the traditionally close allies have been rising over the Trump administration’s accusations of unfair trade practices by its northern neighbor. The United States and Canada will soon begin talks on renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA). Mexico is also a member of the pact. During Friday’s talks, the United States wants to get a sense of Canada’s thoughts on timing and issues on trade before starting negotiations, the senior Treasury official said. Canada is already at odds with the United States over dairy subsidies, as well as exports of lumber and airliners. Mnuchin is expected to raise tax reform, financial regulation and countering terrorist financing as part of the discussions, the senior Treasury official added.;June 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Tim Kaine: Trump ‘Unfit’ For Presidency Due To Blatant Disrespect Of Military (VIDEO);Even though the election war is far from over, Tim Kaine won today s battle with Donald Trump when he blasted him for his blatant disrespect for the military and declared him unfit to serve as President of the United States as a result.Speaking near Fort Bragg, one of the country s largest Army bases, Kaine brought the crowd to their feet when he proclaimed the Republican nominee unfit to be Commander-in-Chief. Kaine said: Anybody who says the American military is a disaster is unfit to be commander in chief. I don t think, in the history of the United States, there has been a major party nominee who has talked with such disrespect about the military, The vice presidential candidate then shredded Trump for his callous remarks about Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) having been a prisoner of war while fighting for the United States in Vietnam. Kaine ripped into the billionaire bully for saying he didn t consider people who had been captured to be heroes. How about making fun of John McCain for being a POW? he asked. Could you be more thick-headed, insensible and ignorant than that? Kaine also tore into Trump for attacking the Khan family, whose son was an Army captain that sacrificed his life in Iraq to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. Going after a Gold Star family? I ve gotta believe in North Carolina that s viewed the same way it s viewed in Virginia, Kaine said.Kaine then compared Trump s reaction to Khizr Khan s criticisms at the Democratic National Convention to that of Hillary Clinton in response to remarks made by family members grieving for those who were killed in Benghazi at the Republican National Convention. Unlike Trump, Kaine explained, his running mate would never consider attacking a grieving military family. That s not what a president does, said Kaine emphatically. That s not what a president does. And Donald Trump is not ready to be president. Watch Tim Kaine declare Trump unfit to serve as president because of his disrespect for the military, here:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEmklpv4SsM]Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images;August 16, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BUSTED! LIBERAL BRAINIACS Steal Trump Sign…In Company Truck! [Video];This is just idiotic! A couple of liberal brainiacs decided to steal a Trump sign. The only problem is that they did it in a company truck! Duh!#SaturdayMorning Idiots steal Trump sign IN COMPANY TRUCK!BUSTED: WoW Pool & Lawn Services -Naples, FLVOTE @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/etQ6VzgkrK John Miller (@cyvault) September 24, 2016;Sep 24, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: LIBERAL LUNATIC Who Threatened to “Kill” Republican Senator Gets a Dose of Karma;The FBI finally delivered a dose of karma to a loony liberal from Iowa who threatened to kill Republican Senator Joni Ernst. Is the FBI cracking down on threats to U.S. officials? You have to wonder why the people who have threatened President Trump haven t been given the same treatment. We know that the Secret Service interviewed Kathy Griffin after her beheading Trump video came out. Will Antifa members who have threatened President Trump be looked at by the FBI?LIBERAL LUNATIC ARRESTED FOR THREATS:An Omaha man was arrested by the FBI on Friday after he made threats to kill U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), according to a report from the DesMoines Register:Simet is accused of telling employees of a motorcycle shop where Ernst was scheduled to speak, he could kill Ernst at an event, and told another employee that everyone in the government needs to be killed off. Robert William Simet, 64, was charged and arrested for threatening a U.S. official on Friday in Omaha, according to a press release from the U.S. Attorney s Office in the Southern District of Iowa. The FBI is currently investigating the case.Simet is currently in custody in Council Bluffs, and is waiting to appear before a magistrate in the Southern District of Iowa on Tuesday.Via: FOX;Jul 8, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: South Korea parliament chief tells North Korea to resume missile talks: Ifax;MOSCOW (Reuters) - Chung Sye-kyun, the speaker of South Korea s parliament, on Sunday called on North Korea to resume talks over its nuclear and missile program, saying its nuclear tests were a threat to the Korean Peninsula, the Interfax news agency reported. Interfax said he was speaking at a congress of parliamentarians in St Petersburg, Russia, which a North Korean delegation is also attending. ;October 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SOCIALIST BERNIE SANDERS Can’t Explain Single Payer or Why Blue States Rejected It [Video];Bernie Sanders should know his socialized medicine but in an exchange on Sunday he failed when he was pressed to explain why a single-payer health care system was rejected in Vermont and California, two staunchly Democratic states:CNN host Jake Tapper said that California and Vermont are cobalt blue states and asked how single-payer could be affordable at the national level if they rejected the system at the state level because of the expense:Single-payer failed to pass in both California and Vermont after lawmakers were unable to figure out how to fund the system. Voters in Colorado also rejected single-payer last year.Sanders pushed back against Tapper, citing studies that he has seen, and said that single-payer would save the average family significant sums of money. If you look at Canada s single-payer health care system per capita, their costs are far far less than the United States, Sanders said. If you look at the UK, if you look at countries around the world, all of which have different approaches to a national health care system, in every instance, they are spending substantially less per capita than we pay in the United States. Read more: WFB;Jul 30, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CLINTON SLIPS WHILE STEPPING Behind Biden After Awkward Lingering Hug From “Uncle Joe” Earlier In The Day [Video];Hillary Clinton slips when stepping behind Biden during a rally today. The Dems have rolled out Biden in a desperate move to help Clinton. Joe biden then pulls the old trick out of his bag: We can t trust Trump with the nuclear codes Now that s pretty funny since Hillary has pretty much sold out the country to the highest bidder. Remember she sold our uranium to the Russians! She left 4 Americans to die in Benghazi! I could go on but this is ridiculous! Awkward and lingering hug between two slick politicians Joe just won t let go! LOL!;Aug 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA’S CHIEF OF STAFF WARNS AMERICA…He’s Not Going Away Quietly: Promises “Audacious Executive Actions” Including Gun Control;The big question is who, in Congress has the will to stop him? Keep your notepads handy America, and start keeping track of who you will and won t re-elect in 2016.White House chief of staff Denis McDonough pushed back against the notion his president is played out in the wake of his last State of the Union address, promising audacious executive action in Barack Obama s final year in office.During a breakfast with reporters in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, McDonough responded to the observation that the president s final speech before Congress lacked the usual pledge to go it alone if lawmakers failed to act.Coupled with the feeble executive actions on gun control announced earlier this month, had President Obama rethought the utility of acting unilaterally on issues important to the White House? We ll do audacious executive action over the course of the rest of the year, I m confident of that, said McDonough, explaining that President Obama s decision not to outline specific executive actions was more about a commitment to process than a lack of willpower. Process is your friend, but process also dictates what you can do, McDonough said. And we do want to make sure that the executive actions we undertake are not left hanging out there, subject to Congress undoing them. In addition to gun control, the White House has expressed interest in further unilateral actions on immigration reform, and in working around Congress to close the prison in Guantanamo Bay. But McDonough said the White House is considering executive action on any and all issues, and that the main question President Obama plans to ask himself is Why not? And so that s the spirit through which we ll approach this last year, McDonough said.Via: National Review;Feb 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Takes House Intel Chair To The Woodshed For Being A Trump ‘Stooge’;GOP Rep. Devin Nunes is feeling the burn after Nancy Pelosi ripped him a new one on Thursday.On Wednesday, Nunes went to the White House to personally give information to Donald Trump about the House Intelligence Committee s investigation into his Russia scandal.Nunes claimed that some Trump team members were incidentally caught on surveillance conducted by foreign intelligence and then suggested to the media that Trump s accusation against President Obama was right all along. I guess it all depends on one s definition of spying, Nunes said during the rushed press conference, which was put together in a desperate effort to defend Trump.Nunes press conference and his visit to the White House were done without the knowledge of the rest of the committee. Clearly, Nunes went rogue and disgraced himself in the process since he is the chairman of the committee.Furthermore, Nunes actions make it clear that he s not interested in conducting a fair investigation. He s only interested in helping Trump.And that s why Nancy Pelosi nailed him to the wall. Chairman Nunes is deeply compromised, and he cannot possibly lead an honest investigation, Pelosi told reporters. He committed a stunt at the White House yesterday raising questions about Chairman Nunes impartiality. Pelosi reminded the press that Nunes worked on Trump s transition team so it definitely looks like Nunes is doing Trump s bidding.She then blasted Republicans for desperately saying anything to help Trump. The Republicans are grasping at straws, Pelosi said. FBI Director Comey confirmed that President Obama did not wiretap President Trump, affirmed an investigation into links and coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign. Indeed, Comey dropped these bombshells last week during under oath testimony to Congress. The revelations nuked whatever shred of credibility Trump had left and now charges of treason are hanging over Trump and his administration.But Pelosi wasn t done with Nunes yet. She had even stronger words for him. By being a stooge of the president of the United States, he has demonstrated very clearly that there is no way there can be an impartial investigation under his leadership on that committee, Pelosi declared. She then went on to call for the creation of an independent commission to continue the investigation.Here s the video via Twitter..@NancyPelosi calls House Intelligence Cmte Chair Devin Nunes a stooge for the president of the United States pic.twitter.com/RlqfPA5fNE CSPAN (@cspan) March 23, 2017It s clear that House Republicans are colluding with Donald Trump to help him discredit the investigation against him. There needs to be an independent commission and a special prosecutor involved. Republicans have zero credibility to do their jobs. Nunes went behind his colleague s backs to deliver information to Trump and then held a hasty press conference. He s a shill for Trump, and this video of Nunes refusing to say whether he got his information from Trump proves it.Republicans are rigging the House Intelligence Committee investigation and something needs to be done about it.Featured image via screenshot;March 23, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Saudi-led air strikes support Yemen's Saleh as he shifts against Houthis;ADEN (Reuters) - A Saudi-led coalition launched air strikes on Yemen s capital, Sanaa, local media said, lending support to former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh after he signaled he was abandoning his support of the Iran-aligned Houthis - a shift that could pave the way to end three years of war. In a speech on Saturday, Saleh appeared to indicate the end of his loyalists alliance with Houthi fighters. He said he was ready to turn a new page in ties with the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthis, if it stopped attacks on Yemeni citizens and lifted a siege. Residents on Sunday, however, said a coalition air strike overnight killed 12 Yemeni civilians in one family in the northern province of Saada, the home territory of the Houthis. The attack could not be verified. Saudi-owned al-Arabiya television said on Sunday coalition aircraft pounded Houthi outposts in southern Sanaa overnight, but gave no details on casualties. Separately, the Houthis, who together with Saleh s loyalists, control most of northern Yemen, said they had fired a cruise missile toward a nuclear power plant under construction in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a report quickly denied by the UAE. Saleh s announcement on Saturday was welcomed by the Saudi-led coalition, which has been backed by the United States and other Western powers. The coalition, which includes the United Arab Emirates, is trying to help Yemen s internationally recognized President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi back to power, but it has struggled to advance against Houthi-Saleh forces. A split between Saleh s armed allies and the Houthis could tip the balance of power. Army units loyal to Saleh have been clashing with Houthi fighters in the past five days, adding a new layer to an already complex situation in Yemen. Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash appeared to back Saleh s side in remarks on his official Twitter page. The events in Sanaa are murky, but its national uprising needs support ... to protect the Arabian Peninsula from Iranian expansion, he said. Residents in Sanaa reported on Sunday that the Houthis appeared to be clawing back some territory lost to Saleh over the previous four days, and Houthi tanks were deployed amid heavy gun battles in the city s central Political District. The area is a stronghold of Saleh s loyalists under the command of his nephew Tareq, an influential army general. The fighting has cut off the airport road, prompting the United Nations to try to evacuate at least 140 aid workers from Sanaa, according to U.N. and other aid officials. The U.N. was awaiting approval from the Saudi-led coalition, they said. Residents earlier said Houthi fighters seized the television studios of Yemen Today, a news channel owned by Saleh, after clashes that damaged the building. Residents said 20 employees were trapped inside. The Red Cross said dozens of people have been killed in clashes over the past five days and called for civilian lives to be spared. In Tehran, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi called for calm and restraint. All internal disputes should be resolved through dialogue to block the grounds for any abuse by the enemies of the Yemeni nation, he said, according to a statement on the ministry s website. Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Middle East, and the proxy war between the Iran-aligned Houthis and the Saudi-backed Hadi has created widespread hunger and disease, in one of the worst humanitarian crises of recent times. More than 10,000 people have died since 2015, more than two million have been displaced and nearly a million have been infected by a cholera outbreak. Famine threatens much of the country. Yemen descended into violence in late 2014 when the Houthis, a group that follows the Zaidi branch of Shi ite Islam, marched on Sanaa and seized control of the government. Backed by government troops loyal to Saleh, the Houthis fanned out across the country, forcing Hadi to flee to Riyadh. His ouster led the alliance headed by the Saudis to join the fighting. The Houthis said the missile fired on Sunday was directed toward the al-Barakah nuclear power plant in Abu Dhabi, but provided no evidence of any attack. There were no reports of any missiles reaching Abu Dhabi. The country s crisis management authority said the al-Barakah was well protected and urged the public not to listen to rumors. The National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority denies claims by the coup trumpets in Yemen that they fired a missile toward the airspace of the United Arab Emirates, the department said in a statement carried by state news agency WAM. It said the nuclear power project was fortified and sturdy against all possibilities. And enjoys all measures of nuclear safety and security that such grand projects require . The Houthis had said Abu Dhabi, a member of the Saudi-led coalition fighting against them since 2015, was a target for their missiles. The Barakah project, which is being built by Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) (015760.KS), is expected to be completed and become operational in 2018, the UAE energy minister has said. It is the second time this year the Houthis have said they have fired missiles toward the UAE. A few months ago, they said they had successfully test-fired a missile toward Abu Dhabi, but there were no reports of any rockets being intercepted by or falling in the UAE.;December 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Whoopi Goldberg And Joy Behar WRECK Republicans For Attempt To Kill Ethics Panel;House Republicans tried to pave the way for rampant crime and corruption by voting to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics in a secret meeting, and the ladies of The View were absolutely disgusted.On Monday night, Republican lawmakers voted to strip power from the independent non-partisan panel, forcing them to refer investigations to the House Ethics Committee, which the GOP controls. Republicans gave themselves the ability to kill investigations and even barred the panel from reporting crimes to law enforcement.The move has generate national outrage, including from Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar, who ripped Republicans a new one on Tuesday.Pointing out that House Republicans are apparently insisting that they can police themselves, Goldberg remarked that Trump s promise to drain the swamp is now stuck. Joy Behar then chimed in with a salvo of her own. First of all, Congressional ethics is an oxymoron, Behar began. Particularly in this Congress. But it s sort of like on the slippery slope towards a dictatorship, you know. First, we re going to be very secretive about what we do. We re going to police ourselves. You re not going to know what bad things we re doing. We re going to keep it very quiet. It s very scary. Sunny Hostin read Donald Trump s pathetic response to the news, in which he only had a problem with Republicans making it their first priority.Behar noted that it s just about priorities, it s not that he cares about ethics of it. And Hostin piled on by explaining what it means to allow Republicans to police themselves. [T]his Office of Congressional Ethics was created after all these things happened. You had a string of really serious ethical issues and now the Republicans are saying, We re going to get rid of that. We re just going to use the House Ethics Committee and we re just going to police ourselves. Which means we re going to get an A every time. It s like, if you made me grade myself, I get an A every time. Jedediah Bila chimed in by pointing out the hypocrisy of Republicans because they initiated countless investigations against Hillary Clinton but don t want to be investigated themselves for their own wrongdoings, to which Behar replied, You know, Jedediah, when you re shameless there s nothing you can do about it. They are shameless. And when Bila slammed Republicans for not standing up against this move, Behar had the perfect response. It s very hard to stand up when you re spending time on your knees, she said.Here s the video via VidMe.Clearly, the only reason Republicans wanted to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics is because they intend on pulling some incredibly unethical shit in Congress, which could very well include bribes from lobbyists considering the GOP intends to consider infrastructure spending, tax cuts for the wealthy, and massive defense spending. And the fact that they can t be reported to law enforcement for committing crimes is a complete travesty.Gutting the ethics panel should really be seen as treason because Republicans just gave themselves permission to steal from and cheat the American people with impunity.And after much outrage, Republicans backed away from their unethical agenda. However, they just want to wait until the story dies down so they can try again. That s why we need to remain vigilant.Featured image screenshot;January 3, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.N. rights rapporteur condemns harassment of journalists in Iran;UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - A U.N. special rapporteur said on Thursday there had been little change in the human rights situation in Iran over the past year, voicing outrage over the harassment of journalists and adding that progress on women s rights was extremely slow. A day after submitting her report to the world body, Asma Jahangir, the U.N. special rapporteur on the Iran rights situation, told reporters that torture was widespread in Iran and that some people were imprisoned for seeking justice. Jahangir said she had not attempted to assess the impact of sanctions on human rights in Iran in her report because she had not been allowed to visit the country, which does not recognize her mandate. Iran rejected Jahangir s report as biased. The report is politically-motivated, illegitimate, rancorous and disreputable, Iranian state TV channel IRINN quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi as saying on Thursday. Iran says Western countries use the issue of human rights as a political tool to apply pressure on it. ;October 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump administration wants Obamacare subsidy case put on hold, again;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration asked on Monday that a major federal court case weighing the fate of the Obamacare cost-sharing subsidies be put on hold again, leaving billions of dollars in payments to insurers up in the air for 2017 and 2018. In a joint filing with the U.S. House of Representatives submitted to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the administration and Republican lawmakers asked for a second 90-day extension. The subsidies are available to low-income Americans who buy individual health insurance on the exchanges created under the 2010 Affordable Care Act, former President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law, popularly known as Obamacare. President Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers want to repeal and replace the law and are working on legislation to overhaul it that would also secure the subsidy funding during a transition period. But it is not clear if or when they will pass it. The two sides said they wanted more time because they were discussing measures that would no longer require a judicial decision, including the new healthcare legislation. Insurers that are trying to set premium rates for insurance plans to be sold in 2018 are running up against deadlines and have repeatedly asked Congress to fund the subsidies during the transition. One Republican senator said on Monday that he believed the money for the subsidies should be appropriated by Congress. “I think we have to,” Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana told reporters outside the Senate. “We need to stabilize premiums, or we’re not going to have a market.” He said he was speaking for himself and not Republican leaders. The legal case was filed by the Republican-led House against the Obama administration to cut off the subsidy payments. A lower court had ruled in favor of the lawmakers, saying that Congress must appropriate the money for the subsidies and that the government could not simply pay for them in the way it does now. Insurers and medical groups reiterated their view on Monday after the court filing about continuing the payments, which amount to about $7 billion this year and help low-income consumers pay for out-of-pocket medical costs. “Uncertainty is destabilizing the market and leading health plans to raise their rates for 2018 to account for the political risk brought on by Congress and the administration through a protracted debate over the fate of these reimbursements,” Margaret Murray, chief executive officer of the Association for Community Affiliated Plans, said in a statement. While the proposed legislation from the House would keep the payments through 2019, Trump has said he could stop paying the subsidies at any time. That has insurers concerned that the monthly government payments could end and leave them exposed financially. Several insurers, including Aetna Inc and Humana Inc, have already exited the Obamacare marketplace for 2018. Credit Suisse analyst Scott Fidel said insurers such as Centene Corp and Molina Healthcare Inc that focus on the low-income families that qualify for the subsidies have the most at risk. Centene shares closed down 1.4 percent at $74.02 and Molina fell 0.8 percent to $66.84.;May 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ABOUT TIME! House Republicans Move To Charge Hillary With PERJURY For LYING UNDER OATH Before Congress [VIDEO];Didn t America have to suffer through a high profile perjury case for another Clinton not so many years ago? Oh yeah that was Bill Clinton who was actually IMPEACHED for LYING to a grand jury. Is there a more corrupt, self-serving power-driven couple in America? WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (VA-06) sent a letter to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia requesting an investigation into whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton committed perjury and made false statements when testifying under oath before Congress.The letter states: The evidence collected by the FBI during its investigation of Secretary Clinton s use of a personal email system appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony. In light of those contradictions, the Department should investigate and determine whether to prosecute Secretary Clinton for violating statutes that prohibit perjury and false statements to Congress, or any other relevant statutes. Background:During a July 5, 2016 hearing before the House Oversight Committee, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey stated the truthfulness of Secretary Clinton s testimony before Congress was not within the scope of the FBI s investigation. According to Director Comey the Department of Justice requires a criminal referral from Congress to initiate an investigation into Secretary Clinton s congressional testimony.Additionally, Chairman Chaffetz sent a letter to Director Comey requesting the FBI s full investigative file from its review of former Secretary Clinton s use of an authorized private email server.Chairman Goodlatte sent a letter to Director Comey pressing for more information about the FBI s investigation and also led a letter signed by over 200 members of Congress demanding answers from FBI Director Comey regarding the many questions surrounding his announcement that he does not recommend federal prosecution against former Secretary Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information through private email servers.Full text of letter:The Honorable Channing D. Phillips U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia 555 Fourth Street NW Washington, D.C. 20530Dear Mr. Phillips:We write to request an investigation to determine whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton committed perjury and made false statements during her testimony under oath before congressional committees.While testifying before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on July 7, 2016, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey stated the truthfulness of Secretary Clinton s testimony before Congress was not within the scope of the FBI s investigation. Nor had the FBI even considered any of Secretary Clinton s testimony. Director Comey further testified the Department of Justice requires a criminal referral from Congress to initiate an investigation of Secretary Clinton s congressional testimony. We are writing for that purpose.The evidence collected by the FBI during its investigation of Secretary Clinton s use of a personal email system appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony. In light of those contradictions, the Department should investigate and determine whether to prosecute Secretary Clinton for violating statutes that prohibit perjury and false statements to Congress, or any other relevant statutes.Thank you for your attention to this important matter. oversight.house.govWatch Hillary caught in lies during testimony in video here:Watch the impeachment of Hillary s serial sexual abuser husband, Bill for lying before a grand jury about his affair with young intern Monica Lewinsky:;Aug 16, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Iran says resignation of Lebanese PM will create tension in region;BEIRUT (Reuters) - Iran said on Saturday that the resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri would create tension in Lebanon and the region. Hariri accused Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah of sowing strife in the Arab world in his resignation statement earlier on Saturday. The resigning Lebanese prime minister s repetition of the unrealistic and unfounded accusations of the Zionists, Saudis and Americans against Iran is an indication that this resignation is a new scenario for creating tension in Lebanon and the region, Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said in a statement published on the ministry website. But we believe that the resistant people of Lebanon will pass this stage easily. Hariri s resignation comes only a day after he met Ali Akbar Velayati, an advisor to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in Beirut. The sudden resignation of Mr. Hariri and his statement in another country is not only surprising and regrettable but is also an indication of his playing a game designed by those who want ill for the region, and the winner of this game is not Arabic or Muslim countries but the Zionists, Qassemi said. ;November 4, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. embassy in Zimbabwe tells staff to stay home due to 'political uncertainty';(Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador in Zimbabwe has instructed all employees to remain home on Wednesday due to ongoing political uncertainty, the embassy said in a statement on its website amid speculation about a coup. U.S. citizens in Zimbabwe are encouraged to shelter in place until further notice, the statement said, adding the embassy would be closed to the public on Wednesday. Soldiers deployed across the Zimbabwe capital Harare and seized the state broadcaster on Wednesday after 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe s ruling ZANU-PF party accused the head of the military of treason.;November 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Chuck Todd Confronts Trump Over UNHINGED ‘Enemy’ Tweet, Promptly Puts Him In His Place (VIDEO);As if Donald Trump s disastrous press conference on Thursday wasn t enough to mark the closing of his first historically unpopular month in the White House, the moronic man-baby just had to continue his crusade to dismantle the U.S. Constitution into Friday.On Friday afternoon, Trump kicked off the weekend by attacking the FAKE NEWS media (naming a few networks in particular) and stating that America s free press (protected under the Constitution) is the enemy of the American people. Trump had already gone too far in his insanity-filled press conference, and this tweet definitely solidified any suspicions that he s deranged, batsh*t crazy and not even connected to reality anymore.Trump s tweet deserves all the backlash in the world, and fortunately America is responding. Trump s disgusting, anti-American Twitter tantrum has been bashed by everyday citizens and journalists alike, with several prominent media members adding their voices to the opposition and resistance to this erratic dictator.On Friday s MTP Daily, host Chuck Todd reacted to Trump s tweet and brilliantly nailed him for it. He opened the segment by stating: I don t believe any American is the enemy of any other American. For several minutes, Todd eviscerated Trump for treating his presidency like a circus and for trying to create distrust of the media. In his rant, Todd stated that many of the uncomfortable issues facing this president are being lost in the distractions he creates. Todd then listed these issues one by one, passionately stating that the president s problems aren t a media fabrication .Taking a big swipe at Trump s belligerent behavior and his incompetent team (which has recently had some VERY serious issues of its own), Todd opened the discussion to his panel and quipped, Press Secretary Donald Trump did his job, didn t he? You can watch Todd destroy Trump in the clip below:Featured image via screen capture ;February 17, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Outrageous! Apparently $68 Billion Isn’t Enough For A Cali Train Project;Does anyone else see the lunacy in this? You have a broke state that s trying to build a massive bullet train system and is over budget only in America s big government system where the goofballs think money grows on trees Is anyone else 100% FED Up! with this bullish*t? I know I am! The monumental task of building California s bullet train will require punching 36 miles of tunnels through the geologically complex mountains north of Los Angeles.Crews will have to cross the tectonic boundary that separates the North American and Pacific plates, boring through a jumble of fractured rock formations and a maze of earthquake faults, some of which are not mapped.It will be the most ambitious tunneling project in the nation s history.State officials say the tunnels will be finished by 2022 along with 300 miles of track, dozens of bridges or viaducts, high-voltage electrical systems, a maintenance plant and as many as six stations. Doing so will meet a commitment to begin carrying passengers between Burbank and Merced in the first phase of the $68-billion high-speed rail link between Los Angeles and San Francisco.However, a Times analysis of project documents, as well as interviews with scientists, engineers and construction experts, indicates that the deadline and budget targets will almost certainly be missed and that the state has underestimated the challenges ahead, particularly completing the tunneling on time. It doesn t strike me as realistic, said James Monsees, one of the world s top tunneling experts and an author of the federal manual on highway tunneling. Faults are notorious for causing trouble. The California High-Speed Rail Authority hasn t yet chosen an exact route through the mountains. It also is behind schedule on land acquisition, financing and permit approvals, among other crucial tasks, and is facing multiple lawsuits. The first construction began in Fresno in July, 21/2 years behind the target the rail authority had set in early 2012.A confidential 2013 report by the state s main project management contractor, New York-based Parsons Brinckerhoff, estimated that the cost of building the first phase from Burbank to Merced had risen 31% to $40 billion. And it projected that the cost of the entire project would rise at least 5%.Parsons Brinckerhoff briefed state officials on the estimate in October 2013, according to the document obtained by The Times. But the state used a lower cost estimate when it issued its 2014 business plan four months later.Jeff Morales, the rail authority chief executive, said he was not aware of the Parsons Brinckerhoff projection. A spokeswoman for the authority declined to discuss the differences in the estimates.Public opinion polls taken over the years have shown that support for the project has ebbed as costs have risen and at $68 billion, the budget is already more than double the $33-billion estimate made by the rail authority before California voters approved bonds for the project seven years ago.Via: LA Times;Oct 26, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Samantha Bee Slams ‘Moderate’ John Kasich’s DISGUSTING Anti-Choice Record (VIDEO);Full Frontal host Samantha Bee is not known for mincing words, and this time she has turned her attentions to supposedly moderate GOP presidential candidate John Kasich (R-OH). Before the election season heated up, Kasich was not known nationwide, so understandably his relatively non-crazy public persona made him seem like a safe pick next to the clown show that is Donald Trump, and the dangerous extremism of Ted Cruz. However, Samantha Bee wants to warn us to not be fooled by Kasich s not being as openly batty as his fellow GOP presidential candidates.Bee spoke of Kasich s record on her show, in which she reminded everyone that he is very anti-gay and even more anti-choice: In the nauseating bus terminal restroom that is the Republican primary, John Kasich initially seems like the least disgusting stall, but is Kasich really the huggable moderate he s made out to be? The short answer to that question is a resounding NO!! From Salon:Bee noted the candidate s scarcely mentioned record on gay marriage ( Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court case that legalized same-sex marriage, was originally called Obergefell v. Kasich ) and reproductive rights (citing Michael Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life, who said, There is no candidate running for president who has done more for the pro-life movement than John Kasich ).That doesn t sound like a moderate at all to me. In fact, it sounds like Ted Cruz part deux, only even more dangerous, because nobody knows what he s really like. Kasich s campaign is built upon trying to make him seem like one of the sane GOP candidates, when, in actuality, he s just as crazy as the rest. Bee continued: If you live outside Ohio, you don t hear much about Kasich s anti-choice record because he hides his abortion restrictions in larger budget bills, where they won t be noticed. Kind of like a desperate, pregnant teenager buying ever-larger sweatshirts. In a lot of ways, this makes Kasich even worse than the others. At least we see their crazy and know what we re getting. Kasich is very adept at hiding his. What does it say about the current incarnation of the GOP that the only sane candidate is this guy?Thanks, Ms. Bee, for telling it like it is, as always.Watch the segment below:Featured image via video screen capture;February 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: EP #7: Patrick Henningsen LIVE with guest Shawn Helton – ‘Top Conspiracies of 2016’;Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views and analysis on all top stories domestically and abroad THIS WEEK: Episode 7 Top Conspiracies of 2016 Another year and another slew of incredible stories globally. The Orlando Nightclub Mass Shooting, the Dallas Cop Shooting, the Turkish Coup, the White Helmets, the Podesta Emails and the fake news crisis, and so many more. Which ones will be remembered as the biggest conspiracies of 2016?All this and more, as host Patrick Henningsen in joined by special guest Shawn Helton, investigative journalist and Associate Editor at 21stCenturyWire.com. Listen END 1158 Download Link Download this podcast END 1364 Download Link This program broadcasts LIVE every Wednesday night from 8pm to 9pm MST, right after the Savage Nation, on Independent Talk 1100 KFNX over the terrestrial AM band across the greater Phoenix and central Arizona region, and live over global satellite and online via www.1100kfnx.com.LISTEN TO MORE INTERVIEWS AT PATRICK HENNINGSEN LIVE SHOW ARCHIVESREAD MORE CONSPIRACY NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Conspiracy FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV;December 29, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Watergate Reporter Says Trump Lies And Denies Facts More Than Richard Nixon Ever Did;Donald Trump hasn t even been sworn in yet and he s already beating Richard Nixon when it comes to being a liar.Forty-four years have passed since the Watergate scandal dominated the news. Carl Bernstein was one of the Washington Post reporters who broke the scandal wide open.Throughout his presidency, Richard Nixon repeatedly lied and misled people. And when Watergate happened, he tried to cover it up by any means necessary. In the end, Nixon was forced to resign because he was going to be impeached. He remains the only president who has ever resigned the office and the Watergate scandal became the scandal by which other political scandals are judged.Well, Donald Trump has spent the last few days defending Russia and desperately trying to cover up the fact that Russia hacked into our election to help Trump win. He doesn t believe the CIA assessment concluding that Russia interfered and claimed on Fox News Sunday that Democrats are pushing a lie to taint his great victory. In short, Trump threw American intelligence agencies under the bus to defend Putin and accused Democrats of making up a scandal. This is something that Richard Nixon would do. But unlike Trump, Nixon didn t deny facts at every turn, nor did he lie every time he spoke.Trump does exactly that on Twitter every day, launching attacks and smear campaigns against anyone who criticizes him or runs a story he doesn t like. Trump also exaggerates his supposed accomplishments like the Carrier deal, which is nothing more than a windfall for Carrier at taxpayer expense while jobs are slashed anyway.Carl Bernstein knows this first-hand, which is why he declared Trump a bigger liar than Nixon during an appearance on CNN. Trump lives and thrives in a fact-free environment, Bernstein said. No president, including Richard Nixon, has been so ignorant of fact and disdains fact in the way that this president-elect does. And it has something to do with the growing sense of authoritarianism that he and his presidency are projecting and the danger of it is obvious and he s trying to make the conduct of the press the issue, not his own conduct. Bernstein used Trump s Carrier deal as an example of his lies and Trump s attack against a steelworkers union leader as an example of Trump denying facts and lashing out at anyone who dares to call him out. He doesn t go to a fact-based argument, he goes to an emotion-base argument, Bernstein pointed out. What we have seen throughout the campaign is pathological disdain for the truth. Jeffrey Lord, of course, whined about Bernstein s analysis, but Berstein stood by what he said and doubled down. We now have a president-elect who, in terms of truthfulness Richard Nixon was nothing, in terms of lying, compared to what we have seen from Donald Trump. Here s the video via YouTube.Donald Trump is more unfit to be president than Richard Nixon. We could very well be looking at the most scandal-ridden administration in American history and it hasn t even taken over yet. At this rate, Trump might as well resign now before he becomes the first president to lose an impeachment trial.Featured Image: Screenshot;December 11, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ted Cruz Awkwardly Explains Why Texas Should Have Federal Relief Money But Not Victims Of Hurricane Sandy;U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz was against federal aid for natural disasters until he was for it. The Texas Senator voted against Federal funding for victims of Hurricane Sandy, the deadliest and most destructive hurricane in the Atlantic in 2012, but now he wants funds after Hurricane Harvey barreled down on his state. At least 14 people have died after Harvey hit Texas. More than 3,000 people have been rescued as responders work around the clock in devastating conditions.During a press conference on Monday, Cruz said that Trump has pledged whatever the state needs for water-soaked Texas. But, just after that presser, Cruz was in the awkward position of having to defend his position to MSNBC s Katy Tur on the 2012 Hurricane Sandy relief package, calling it filled with unrelated pork. There is time for political sniping later, Cruz said without one bit of irony or acknowledgement of his hypocrisy. It s not really political sniping, senator, Tur shot back. These are people who needed money and who needed funding right after that storm, I covered those people. Many of them, just like those in Houston, lost absolutely everything they owned. Cruz told Tur that hurricane relief is a vital, central role of the federal government and should continue to be for a long time. The problem with that particular bill is it became a $50 billion bill that was filled with unrelated pork, Cruz said. Two-thirds of that bill had nothing to do with Sandy, he continued. And what I said then and still believe now is that it s not right for politicians to exploit a disaster and people who are hurting to pay for their own political wish list. Disaster relief needs to be focused on the victims of disaster relief, and I supported that for Sandy, disaster relief there, and I would support that anywhere there s a major disaster without getting distracted by political, unnecessary pork spending, he added.The Washington Post begs to differ with Cruz:The Congressional Research Service issued a comprehensive report on the provisions, and it s clear that virtually all of it was related to the damage caused by Sandy. There may have been some pork in an earlier Senate version, but many of those items were removed before final passage. There were also some items that appear to have been misunderstood.Regardless, Ted Cruz voted against it but now he wants all that delicious disaster relief money for his state. And, Texas should get that money asap. The victims of Sandy should have, too.Image via screen capture.;August 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CHARLIE DANIELS SENDS A MESSAGE To Bruce Springsteen And Other Spineless Rockers Who’re Canceling Shows;Charlie daniels is such a great man and a great Patriot! He s not going to let down his fans so he s promising not to cancel any concerts because of the bathroom laws.Boycotting states like North Carolina and Mississippi is all the rage for many celebrities these days but for one singer it s just the opposite.While Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr, Bryan Adams and even filmmaker Michael Moore have declined to do business in North Carolina and Mississippi, because the states passed laws preventing men from using women s bathrooms, Charlie Daniels has stepped up.Read more: BPR;Apr 17, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Supreme Court Smacks Down Religious Nuts, Makes Them Put Same-Sex Parents’ Names On Birth Certificates;Ever since same-sex marriage became the law of the land, Bible Belt states have been pushing back on it. Of course, we all remember the Kim Davis fiasco, where the Rowan County, Kentucky County Clerk went to jail rather than issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Now, we have something similar happening in Arkansas, where the state was refusing to put the names of same-sex parents on their children s birth certificates. However, the Supreme Court handed down a decision forcing the state of Arkansas to treat same-sex couples just like they treat opposite-sex couples.The decision that was handed down was 6-3, with Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch dissenting. This comes as no surprise, since those are the three most conservative justices on the court. Further, it gives us just a taste of what we are in for with Trump s new justice, and it isn t good. The case reached the highest court in the land as the result of two women who filed a suit against the state when they insisted that it was not a right to have both parents listed on their infant s certificate of birth. First, the Arkansas Supreme Court ruled in favor of the state, so the case went to the Supreme Court, where it was struck down.Luckily, this is a 6-3 ruling, so it s not on a razor s edge, like some rulings in favor of equality have been including Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that legalized marriage equality nationwide. With talk of the potential retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy, who is usually the swing vote on the Court, there could be a lot of anti-equality rulings if Trump puts another right-wing asshole up for consideration. The last great hope is that the Democrats are able to take the Senate back in 2018, and Justice Kennedy will wait until then to retire. For now, we can be happy that the Court did the right thing in this case.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images;June 26, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MEDIA PROMOTES Fake News That Shooter Connected to White Nationalist Group;The mainstream media is guilty of fake news when it serves their desired narrative. In this case, the desire by the media to make the Florida shooter out to be a white nationalist is huge. They often go with the lie because by the time the lie is corrected, no one is listening. This is how the media hijacks the narrative in order to shape minds to think a certain way. Pretty evil, huh The media ran with the story but it s not true FAKE NEWS from the Associated Press to serve the purpose of the lefty media. This is nothing new but with the invention of social media and citizen journalists, we re able to correct the lies and hopefully get the truth out there. Nick Short and others called out the AP and other main stream media outlets for their lack of integrity in making claims that are a lie:According to law enforcement, there are no ties linking Cruz to the white nationalist group but it appears AP & the rest of the media didn t even bother to corroborate with authorities about this and instead gave a racist white nationalist free publicity. https://t.co/RFiDQc3d8b https://t.co/TScmiApfAe Nick Short (@PoliticalShort) February 15, 2018Tallahassee.com set the record straight:Local law enforcement sources have not found a connection between accused Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz and a Tallahassee-based paramilitary group.Leon County law enforcement sources told the Tallahassee Democrat that they could not find information linking Cruz, 19, to the Republic of Florida Militia, as claimed by the group s self-proclaimed leader Jordan Jereb.His comments to the Anti-Defamation League and The Associated Press set off a media firestorm Thursday at about midday that Cruz was connected to the alt-right, white nationalist group.HERE S WHAT HAPPENED IN A NUTSHELL:The ADL used 4Chan as a source, CBS used the ADL as a source.welcome to the future. pic.twitter.com/rBj61SUZC8 Tim Pool (@Timcast) February 16, 2018;15-Feb-18 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: The Big Squeeze: This election year, it’s all about the money;MIDDLETOWN, CONN. - Two years ago, Judy Konopka and Craig Diangelo lost their jobs in the IT department of what was then known as Northeast Utilities, a regional electricity provider, when the company decided to replace about 220 employees with guest workers from India. In order to receive a more lucrative separation package, they had to train their foreign replacements both here and overseas. Both had trouble finding new work. Konopka, 56, is still looking. Diangelo, 64, is working as a contractor for a company that provides no benefits, making substantially less than he did before. He views himself as a victim of globalization, a casualty of offshoring—and he credits Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee who has cast himself as the champion of displaced and disaffected U.S. workers, for bringing the issue to light. “I’ll vote for him,” says Diangelo, over dinner at a Thai restaurant on this town’s Main Street. Two others at the table murmur in assent. He continues, his voice rising: “I wasn’t planning on retiring early. I wasn’t planning on making $35,000 less. I’ve had to cut back a lot. I basically live paycheck to paycheck.” “I could never vote for Hillary Clinton,” Diangelo says, citing Clinton’s support of the North American Free Trade Agreement, passed while her husband, Bill, was president, as well as her advocacy of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade pact that’s still being negotiated by the Obama administration. (Challenged by Bernie Sanders, Clinton has since retracted her support of TPP.) Even Konopka, who favors Clinton (she calls Trump “the biggest idiot”), has to admit Clinton’s support of trade deals such as NAFTA gives her pause. When Northeast Utilities fired her after 21 years, “I felt betrayed.” Konopka took advantage of a federal trade assistance program to improve her skills in web design, then discovered she couldn’t compete with designers outside the country who were willing to work for much less. Now, to get by, she sells vintage books on the web. “It’s starting to get really scary,” she says. This presidential election is, purportedly, the Year of the Angry Voter, with images of scuffles at Trump rallies occupying cable-news screens. But as befitting someone who lives in a place called Middletown, Konopka is more typical of voters: consumed by a stomach-churning uncertainty, a vague sense of something lost, and an inescapable belief that an array of powerful forces—corporations, politicians, government—aren’t looking out for them. Economists and pundits have been struggling to explain why, with unemployment below 5 percent and a bounty of positive economic indicators, voters seem so dismayed, so distrustful. It might be something as simple as bargaining power. In his best-known book, The Art of the Deal, Trump advises every negotiator to “use your leverage.” But increasingly, U.S. workers, white-and blue-collar alike, feel they have none. They’ve seen their power erode as they are tossed into a global labor pool, as companies consolidate and shed jobs to please Wall Street, as unions wither, state budgets tighten, technology advances and iconic brands such as Nabisco pack up and move to Mexico. The squeeze is on. “There’s a feeling among workers that not only are they replaceable, but that they will be replaced,” says Gary Chaison, a professor of industrial relations at Clark University in nearby Worcester, Massachusetts. “That there is no security anymore, that someone is making a profit by letting them go.” “Trump,” he adds, “has tapped into that very well.” According to Reuters/Ipsos polling, 71 percent of Trump supporters either have had to take a lower-paying job in the last few years, have a family member who has had to do so, or have a family member whose home has been threatened by foreclosure. In a sign of how widespread the phenomenon has become, 63 percent of Clinton supporters reported the same dismal tally. “People feel more insecure about trade than terrorism,” Chaison tells me. “Everyone knows someone who has lost their job.” What bothers Diangelo most is that he was let go by a company that still valued his skill—just not him. “The sad part is that my job is still there,” he says. “It didn’t go away. I went away.” None of this should feel particularly new. The United States has been bleeding middle-class workers—especially in the industrial and manufacturing sectors—as long as Bruce Springsteen has been around to sing about it. Candidates adorned with hard hats vowing to bring back factory jobs have become a set-piece of modern politics. The United States has lost more than 5 million manufacturing jobs in the past 15 years as the trade deficit has mushroomed, according to the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank in Washington. Wage growth in almost all sectors has flatlined over that time, including for the bottom 70 percent of fouryear college graduates—and growth overall has been anemic, at under 2 percent. And while the 9 million jobs vaporized in the flash of the Great Recession have been recovered, the majority of them are of lesser quality than the ones they replaced. Perhaps most fundamentally, the relationship between employee and employer has shifted. Workers’ share of the pie has decreased substantially since the 1970s, when the country’s corporate and industrial base began to erode. Last year, workers’ share dropped to 75.5 percent of corporate income, even as technology has made workforces more productive and efficient. U.S. corporate profits, meantime, returned to pre-recession levels in 2012. Workers “sense that the recovery is only partial. It helps employers more than it helps workers,” Chaison says. If workers’ sense of slippage seems familiar, the way their discontent is rippling through our politics feels newly transformative. Voters threw out the Republicans running Congress in 2006, then two years later elected the first African-American president, an outsider who vowed reform. Souring on him, they replaced Democrats then controlling Congress with another set of Republicans in 2010 and 2014, making governance as unstable as the business sector. In a period of war, terrorism and economic chaos, all that churn might best be viewed as a deeply frustrated electorate trying to use what little leverage they have to change a system they consider to be otherwise unaccountable. Trump has been the main beneficiary of that frustration. He makes those in the crowd feel like they matter, that they finally have a bully of their own who can push back at what they view as an alliance of unprincipled corporate culture and an enabling government. “You’re looking at a situation where the jobs are being ripped out of our states, out of our country, like candy from a baby,” Trump said at a rally this spring. It has been Trump, along with Democrat Sanders, who has pushed the issue of job losses to countries such as China, Mexico and India to the forefront. Trump has threatened to slap a tax on imports and tear up trade deals. In Indiana earlier this year, he ripped air conditioner manufacturer Carrier for announcing it would lay off 2,100 workers and move its operations to Mexico. He gave Nabisco the same treatment, pledging he would no longer eat Oreos. He has slammed companies such as Apple and Boeing for their overseas operations, as well. Few presidential candidates have such temerity to challenge well-known American brands, but clearly it is resonating. “They might not like everything he says, but they believe he says what he thinks,” Lewis Gossett, president of the South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance, told me last summer. “I think we’re repeating a time in history when the very rich are removed from the very poor.” Michael Smith is one of the Americans Trump rallies for. Smith was among 600 Nabisco employees laid off at the bakery on Chicago’s South Side earlier this year, after the company announced it was transferring some work to Mexico. He got the news at 3 a.m. “It was,” Smith tells me, “a dark night when all your livelihood passes in front of you, and you feel like you’ve been given the royal shaft.” Smith operated the machines that wrapped Oreo cookies and Ritz crackers. With overtime, he could clear $85,000 a year. He’s 59 and wasn’t thinking he would have to re-enter the job market. The day before, Smith had shown up at a shareholders meeting in Chicago to confront Irene Rosenfeld, the chief executive of Mondelez International, the holding company that oversees the Nabisco brand, about the move to Mexico. While sympathetic, Rosenfeld said it was her duty to maximize the corporation’s value to its shareholders worldwide by cutting costs. “There are two types of CEO mindsets,” Smith responded, “those who care about shareholders and those who care about the shareholders and the people.” In our conversation, Smith didn’t begrudge the company’s legal right to relocate the jobs, but he questions a CEO who earned more than $40 million in compensation over the last two years exhorting the virtues of cost-cutting to a room full of laid-off blue-collar workers. “That’s not good citizenship,” he says. “Wealth comes from the workers. That profitability comes from us.” Clinton met with a small group of the Nabisco workers in March, the day before the Illinois primary. But the visit didn’t leave Smith with much hope that as president she could do much either for the workers’ situation or to reverse the demands of a globalized economy. In part, that’s due to Clinton’s support of NAFTA, which Smith terms an “infection,” but also because of the lobbying might of Mondelez, a $30 billion company, and other big corporations. Smith is the unusual American voter who says he hasn’t decided between Clinton and Trump. He’ll focus on the election later. First, he has to keep his household afloat and his daughter in school at Columbia College in Chicago. He has six months’ salary to cushion him. He’s trying to stay optimistic about finding work, saying his wife and daughter are counting on him. But, he concedes, “I think I have been a little bit in denial. Even people of faith have bouts of depression.” Angela Valero gives a one-word reply when I ask her about a potential Clinton-Trump matchup: “Ugh.” I might as well be asking about who’s going to win the next regatta on Mars, so far is the election from her daily concerns. Valero’s dream job was to be a corrections officer. She was finally hired on by the state of Connecticut last fall. The single mother of an 8-year-old girl thought that, at last, she had a reliable, stable position with benefits. But after completing an academy training course and being posted as a guard at the state maximum-security facility in nearby Uncasville, she found out this spring that she was being laid off, a consequence of a decision made by Connecticut’s Democratic governor, Dannel Malloy, and the state legislature to not raise taxes on the wealthy to cover a budget shortfall. Lawmakers worried that the state’s richest residents would relocate to Florida, which has no state income tax, or other states with lower taxes. During the downturn, Connecticut lost a bevy of high-paying jobs in the financial services sector in the corporate hub of Stamford and elsewhere. The jobs created during the recovery were less lucrative, resulting in lower tax revenue. In addition, the state was spooked when General Electric, responding to an effort by the legislature to raise business taxes, announced it was relocating its headquarters from Fairfield to Boston. Aetna, the health insurer based in Hartford, also threatened to leave the state. That shelved any notion of new taxes. The state looked to trim its public workforce instead. “Easy targets,” says Lori Pelletier, president of the state AFL-CIO. Rape counselors, child-service workers, prison guards began receiving pink slips. Ultimately, 2,500 or more state workers could be let go. Pelletier contrasted that with the 200 jobs GE is moving to Boston—something that drew substantial media attention. The state of Massachusetts and the city of Boston helped recruit GE with a generous benefit package, including $25 million in property tax relief for a corporation that critics have long held pays little in U.S. taxes. “Angela last year paid more taxes than GE,” Pelletier says. “And she’s the one losing her job.” Valero tells me she has little faith that anyone in Washington can help her. She doesn’t sleep more than four hours a night, kept up by worrying about paying the electric bill and keeping her house. She has no idea whether she’ll ever be recalled to work. Throughout the interview, she stays stoic, determined, like the corrections office she was trained to be. Only at the end of our conversation does she slip a bit. “I held back the tears,” she says with relief. Ron Ozer greets me at the door with the sheepishness of someone who isn’t used to being at home during the workday. Ozer, 53, was laid off from DuPont Co. in January after a 23-year career. A Ph.D in chemical engineering, he has more than 20 patents to his name. He worked on long-term projects at the DuPont Experimental Station in Wilmington, Delaware, one of the more storied research facilities in the country, where products such as nylon, Lycra and Kevlar were created. “Some of the great developments in American industry came out of that site,” Ozer says. “It was a time when America was growing so dramatically.” But a lack of growth and pressure from investors forced DuPont to announce a merger with another giant, Dow Chemical. In advance of the merger, it has begun to shed jobs. In Delaware alone, DuPont plans to dump 1,700 workers—many in the area of long-term research, which can be expensive without yielding immediate rewards to shareholders. Ozer’s group was eviscerated. The $130 billion merger of DuPont and Dow blends two U.S. companies that date back to the 19th century. Barry Lynn, an economist at the New America think tank, says that industry consolidation chills the labor market, sapping demand for skilled workers such as Ozer. Dominant companies can use their market power to charge customers more or make suppliers pay less—all without having to grow and create jobs to survive. Indeed, the push from Wall Street is to cull and cut, not grow. And when companies do expand today it’s largely through acquisition, not investment. “That’s a huge amount of the energy that’s behind Trump,” Lynn says, “the sense of power being consolidated and being out of control and harming me and my family and my community.” Ozer will try to take advantage of his contacts at DuPont to become a consultant, but admits that’s a gamble. Asked if he thinks he can replicate the six-figure salary he enjoyed at DuPont, he laughs. “I’m not confident of that.” His chief concern is his two daughters, both of whom are out of college. In order to give his youngest a leg up in the market, he sent her to private Haverford College in Pennsylvania (tuition: $46,000)—going deep into debt to do so. “I have a lot of possibilities, but I need things to start turning into dollars soon,” he says. For Sara Blackwell, representing U.S. workers displaced by the federal H1-B visa program began as a gig. Now, it’s a full-blown cause. The Tampa lawyer has been giving away clients who would distract her from her work. She jokes she’s stopped sleeping and exercising. Recently, she launched a website called ProtectUSworkers.com. “I speak to an average of 10 people a day who are victims of this,” she tells me. “The more I learn about this, the more I have to fight.” She began by representing IT workers at Walt Disney World in Florida who were replaced by guest workers from India brought in on temporary visas by outsourcing firms that contracted with Disney. She has filed a long-shot conspiracy lawsuit in federal court. Blackwell contends that the practice of outsourcing low-end, back-office IT jobs to cut costs has become endemic. Globalization, she says, is systematically lowering the standard of living of American workers. “It’s a race to the bottom,” she says. The Disney case garnered the attention of some in the U.S. Senate, including Jeff Sessions, a Republican from Alabama who now is at the forefront of a fight against the American tech industry, which wants to expand the guest-worker program citing a lack of domestic qualified engineers and programmers. But those tech companies are at the back of the line. According to Ron Hira, a professor at Howard University who tracks applications, outsourcing firms have been crowding out tech companies in the race to acquire the highly coveted H1-B visas, which are capped at 85,000 a year. Sessions, who is also a fierce opponent of immigration reform, was one of the first U.S. politicians to embrace Trump—and Blackwell has spoken out against the program at several Trump rallies. She also has consulted with the outsourced employees who worked at Northeast Utilities in Connecticut, including Craig Diangelo. Part of Diangelo’s frustration—and part of what is driving him toward Trump—is that Washington has done so little to curb what he views as abuses of the H1-B program. There is a greater push now on Capitol Hill to broaden the program rather than rein it in. “There’s nobody to help us,” he tells me. “There’s nobody to say you can’t do this.” Richard Blumenthal, a U.S. senator from Connecticut, has been part of efforts to expand the program, but also to reform it. “It’s a desperately serious problem,” he says. He told me that even though there is some bipartisan consensus on reform, efforts still aren’t moving forward, consumed by the same paralysis that’s stalling everything else. “There are powerful forces against us,” Blumenthal says, “including the companies that exploit these programs.” To Diangelo, that’s the dilemma of the modern, middle-class voter. He worked hard for years, lost his job when his only transgression was being too old and making too much money, was humiliated when he had to train his replacement, and then watched how state and federal politicians have been able to do nothing to help him. Why shouldn’t he support Donald Trump? What’s worth preserving? He’s a tech worker, sipping Pinot Grigio over pad thai. He’s no militant or conspiracist. Yet... “There is going to be an uprising,” he says. “People are starting to say: `I’ve had enough of this. I’ve really had enough.’”  This report first appeared in “The American Voter,” Reuters’ special election issue, available on iTunes or Google Play.;August 2, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Qatar goes ahead with $6.7 billion Typhoon combat jets deal with UK's BAE Systems;LONDON (Reuters) - BAE Systems and Qatar have entered into a contract valued at around 5 billion pounds ($6.7 billion) for the country to buy 24 Typhoon combat aircraft, the British defense group said on Sunday. The company said delivery was expected in late 2022 and that the contract was subject to financing conditions and receipt by the company of first payment, which are expected to be fulfilled no later than mid-2018 . At a ceremony in Doha British Defence Minister Gavin Williamson and Qatari Minister of State for Defence Affairs Khalid bin Mohammed al Attiyah, oversaw the signing of a deal which the British minister called a massive vote of confidence, supporting thousands of British jobs and injecting billions into our economy . We are delighted to begin a new chapter in the development of a long-term relationship with the State of Qatar and the Qatar Armed Forces, and we look forward to working alongside our customer as they continue to develop their military capability, Charles Woodburn, BAE s chief executive, said in a statement. In September Qatar s defense minister was reported to have signed a letter of intent to buy the 24 Typhoon jets from BAE in a move that could anger other Gulf countries boycotting Doha. ($1 = 0.7472 pounds);December 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: DIRTY COP WHO LEAKED Charges Against Former Trump Campaign Manager To CNN From SEALED Grand Jury Information Is Revealed;"On June 15, 2016, President Trump warned Americans that we were witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history-led by some very bad and conflicted people! You are witnessing the single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history led by some very bad and conflicted people! #MAGA Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2017Boy, was Trump ever correct!GP Robert Mueller continued with his now widely reported corrupt and criminal activities last night by leaking information sealed by the courts to CNN. This is just another corrupt and criminal act in Mueller s corrupt and criminal career.Last night we found out from information leaked to CNN that the Mueller investigation has filed charges in the ongoing superfluous investigation into President Trump and the far out possibility that he colluded with Russia in the 2016 election. CNN reported that:A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter. The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge.In typical bad cop form, former FBI Head and current Special Counsel Mueller proved again that he is as dirty as it gets.Trump came out today after the crooked deep-state with these series of tweets:Never seen such Republican ANGER & UNITY as I have concerning the lack of investigation on Clinton made Fake Dossier (now $12,000,000?), . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017 the Uranium to Russia deal, the 33,000 plus deleted Emails, the Comey fix and so much more. Instead they look at phony Trump/Russia, . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017 ""collusion,"" which doesn't exist. The Dems are using this terrible (and bad for our country) Witch Hunt for evil politics, but the R's Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017 are now fighting back like never before. There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton, and now the facts are pouring out. DO SOMETHING! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017Finally, President Trump insinuates that this phony Russian collusion talk is coming out as a distraction, when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts and Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT! All of this ""Russia"" talk right when the Republicans are making their big push for historic Tax Cuts & Reform. Is this coincidental? NOT! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2017Mueller s career is littered with numerous investigations of major scandals and likely crimes that he did not meaningfully investigate as FBI Director resulting in no arrests and no consequences. All of these resulted in the Clintons and/or Obama Administration getting away with criminal activities:IRS Targeting (2010-2013): the IRS intentionally selected and then delayed or denied tax-exempt 501(c)(3) applications from conservative groups to prevent them from participating in the 2012 election, followed by IRS agent Lois Lerner invoking her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. (No charges have been filed of any wrong doing by any government officials in this case.)Fast and Furious (2010): this ATF program, which seems to have served no rational purpose, allowed over 2,000 guns to be purchased illegally inside the United States and then walked into Mexico for use by criminals, one of which was later used in the 2010 murder of Border Agent Brian Terry by the member of a Mexican cartelAssociated Press Spying (2012): the Department of Justice illegally seized the communications of AP reporters made during April and May 2012, allowing the DOJ to unmask journalists confidential sourcesClinton Foundation Pay-for-Play (2009-2013): during the period in which Hillary Clinton held the office of Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton received millions of dollars in paid speaking fees and a million dollar gift from countries involved in matters with the State Department, many of which had ties to terrorism and human rights abuses; some of these funds were apparently diverted from charitable causes to personal expenses, such as Chelsea Clinton s 2010 wedding.Russian Uranium Deal (2009-2013): Hillary Clinton s State Department approved a deal allowing a Russian company to control 20% of the uranium mining production capacity inside the United States, which was followed by millions of dollars in donations to the Clinton Foundation from people associated with the transaction. This past week information was reported that prior to the Obama administration approving the very controversial deal in 2010 giving Russia 20% of America s Uranium through the approved sale of Uranium One, the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in order to benefit Vladimir Putin, says a report by The Hill. Mueller was the head of the FBI at this time! He was even hand picked by Hillary Clinton to hand over uranium to Russia on an airport tarmac at this time.Clinton Private Email Server (2009-2013): during her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton dodged Freedom of Information Act requirements by using a private email server to conduct official government business, as well as sent and received classified information that was Top Secret over an unsecured system an extremely reckless (and obviously illegal) act. Mueller s acceptance of the lead role in the investigation into Russia is another obvious example of his corrupt and criminal tendencies. Based on numerous accounts he has obvious conflicts of interest and even liberal publications like the USA Today have called for Mueller to step down as special prosecutor because of his conflicts of interest with the investigation he is carrying on. Now we know he took over the investigation in spite of his criminal activities in covering up the FBI investigation into Uranium One. A person of integrity would easily have seen his conflicts of interest and would recuse himself.Independent UK Donald Trump s former campaign Paul Manafort has said he has not been informed of any possible criminal charges against him, after it was reported the first indictments had been filed by the team investigating Russia s alleged meddling in the 2016 election.Reports said a grand jury working with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, had approved the first charges to result from the ongoing probe that is looking at possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. The reports, which have not specified what the charges are or who they were filed against, said a suspect could be taken into custody as soon as Monday.CNN, which broke the news, said the charges were filed on Friday and placed under a seal by a federal judge. Yet, that has not stopped a flurry of speculation as to who may be the focus of Mr Mueller s charges and the nature of them.";Oct 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ";At this point, every Republican who refuses to have a spine and stand up to Donald Trump s ignorance and tyranny is just as guilty of endangering the country as America s unworthy POTUS and one GOPer is letting them know it.Recently, former U.S. Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC) trashed his fellow GOPers for being so weak and whimpering when faced with Trump s numerous scandals, particularly Russia s possible interference in the 2016 election. Directly calling out how weak the Republican Party has been at upholding their own values and loyalty to the U.S. Constitution, Inglis stated that conservatives need to get their act together and actually start taking the Russian meddling seriously. This is particularly noteworthy because former Director of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson says it s a fact that Russia interfered in the election. Inglis said: The president needs to understand that this is an investigation of an attack by a hostile power at the very heart of our republic. If he were wise, he would open up the doors and say, Let s look into it, come and see what all I ve got because we ve got to know what happened here. While Trump has never been one to take advice from anyone (no matter how much smarter they are), Inglis suggested that the best way Trump could get on America s good side is to simply stop getting in the way of the investigation and actually cooperate for once.Pointing out a double standard in the Republican Party, Inglis stated that if it had been Hillary Clinton as POTUS and she had fired FBI Director James Comey for reopening an investigation on her email server, the GOP would be up in arms. He said: Republicans would be howling about that, we would be talking about impeachment. We d be talking about obstruction of justice, but as it is, we re sort of whimpering. We re not after this thing. We need to really be after it. You can watch Inglis shred the GOP for its hypocrisy below:Featured image via Pool /Getty Images;June 22, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BOILER ROOM – Presidential Debate Simulcast Special;Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Stewart Howe and Randy J for a simulcast and commentary on the Presidential debate with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Don t watch in despair, come join the BOILER ROOM gang while we eat pop corn to to the exercises in theater and futility known as the Presidential debate. Join us in the chat! The first embedded player is the debate itself. If you can t stomach the sound of the candidates or if once was enough with the debate audio, we understand and we ve broken out the Boiler Room analysis of the debate into a separate spreaker embed to reduce politically induced symptoms of nausea and vomiting.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY! Part I The U.S. Presidential Debate SimulcastPart II Boiler Room Wrap Up Show;September 27, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican Kasich, Democrat Hickenlooper mull joint White House run: media;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ohio’s Republican governor, John Kasich, and Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, have discussed the idea of a joint run for the White House in 2020, Axios and CNN reported on Friday. Citing an unidentified source, CNN said the discussions were not at an organizational level for a bid, which would challenge Republican President Donald Trump’s expected re-election campaign and complicate Democratic efforts to regain the White House. “What they are trying to show the country is that honorable people can disagree, but you can still problem solve together,” it quoted the source as saying. Kasich, who was among more than a dozen Republican candidates to be defeated by Trump in last year’s presidential primary campaign, would top the ticket, according to CNN and Axios online news outlet. Kasich adviser John Weaver told Reuters the two governors “have an outstanding working relationship” and had “done a great job” showing how two people from different parties can work together. “That model can work on other issues,” said Weaver, who did not say the reports were inaccurate. Trump, a real estate developer and former reality television star who has an approval rating below 40 percent after seven months in office, has held a series of re-election campaign events. Earlier this month Vice President Mike Pence denied a New York Times report that he is preparing for a 2020 presidential run, saying the suggestion was “disgraceful and offensive.” A spokeswoman for Hickenlooper did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Hickenlooper and Kasich are working on a proposal to stabilize the health insurance markets, and Axios said they plan to extend their joint platform to include immigration and job creation. Kasich, whose state opted to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, has criticized some of the so-far unsuccessful Republican efforts to repeal the 2010 Affordable Care Act, passed under Democratic President Barack Obama. He said in an interview with National Public Radio aired this week that the possibility of national single-payer health coverage is not part of his discussions with Hickenlooper. Their jobs plan “will focus on the coming displacement from automation, with prescriptions that include trade, workforce training — and an optimistic and hopeful message, balanced with an honest admission that some jobs just aren’t coming back,” Axios said.;August 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OUTRAGEOUS: ILLINOIS SCHOOL USES FINGERPRINT Scanner To “Track” Kids…America Yawns;We re living in a world where we have willingly surrendered our privacy for the sake of making identification of ourselves, and our children more convenient for our government and for private businesses and entertainment venues like Disney World. Students and faculty at Harrison Street Elementary School just love the new thumbprint scanner in the school s lunch line, but civil rights experts are warning parents about serious privacy concerns with the technology.The Geneva Unit District 304 replaced a different biometric scanner system for school lunch lines this year with devices from a local company, PushCoin Inc., that read students thumb prints to track their accounts, the Daily Herald reports. It s good, because you don t have to carry your own money or anything like that, fifth-grader Quinlan Bobeczko told the news site. It s just there. Your thumb is easy, because you just have to put your thumb on (the device). Officials in several area school districts are watching District 304 in hopes of installing similar devices in their schools.East Maine Elementary District 63 spokeswoman Janet Bishop said the district hired PushCoin Inc. this spring to begin offering the thumb scan option this month, and Lake Zurich Unit District 95 board president Doug Goldberg said schools there will implement the biometric scanners in the 2016-17 school year, the Daily Herald reports. I will tell you that many of the kids aren t very good about keeping track of their ID cards, Goldberg said. And so moving to biometrics was felt to be sort of the next generation of that individual, unique ID. We ll record their thumbprints, there will be thumbprint readers at all the cash registers, and they ll simply come by and bang hit their thumbprint. It makes it faster and, also, there s a lot less opportunity for any kind of misuse or fraud when they re using biometrics. PushCoin Inc. allows parents to closely monitor their children s lunch accounts through email updates, and the company s CEO, Anna Lisznianski contends the scanners can help school officials use lunch time more efficiently.;May 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says Cuba 'did some bad things' aimed at U.S. diplomats;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump expressed outrage on Friday at the injuries of diplomats at the U.S. embassy in Cuba. He spoke to reporters on the White House South Lawn after the State Department announced a sharp drawdown of U.S. personnel at the embassy. They did some bad things in Cuba, Trump said. ;September 29, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SHIFTING PARADIGM: You’ll Only Understand Trump and Brexit If You Understand the Failure of Globalization;21st Century Wire says It s hard to not to draw a comparison between the Brexit referendum and the stunning surprise victory of Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election in America. Many now argue that both were a repudiation on globalization.Indeed, anxiety over the global economy as a whole contributed to 2016 s historic rejection of the status quo: big trade, big banks and Wall Street.Yesterday in his overseas speech, even President Obama acknowleged that the globalized policies of the world have absolutely contributed to a political upheaval that has given rise to Brexit vote and a Trump presidency: The current path of globalization demands a course correction, adding Any legislation that is proven flawed can be corrected through the process of democracy. Earlier this year, conservative leaning Washington Times discusssed the nature of falied policy that has led to such sluggish growth in the US over the past 7-8 years: The previously bullish Fed finally and openly acknowledged that sluggish growth is the long term new normal for America. Secular stagnation is here to stay. The growth rate has limped out of the 2008-09 recession at a 2 percent pace now for seven years. The Joint Economic Committee of Congress tells us a normal recovery gives us about 3.5 percent growth and the Reagan and JFK booms were closer to 4 percent. So the GDP today thanks to President Obama is about $2 to $3 trillion smaller than it should be. This is roughly the equivalent of losing the entire annual output of every business and worker in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana combined.Instead of speeding up to recover all this lost ground, we re decelerating. Growth was 1.4 percent in the 4th quarter of 2015. It was 0.8 percent in the first quarter of this year. The Fed now has downgraded growth now to less than 2 percent for the rest of 2016 down from an original forecast of 2.4 percent. One day after the US election, The Intercept s Glenn Greenwald (of Snowden fame) captured the frustartion that led to the Brexit vote and Trump s win. Here s a short passage from his piece: The institutions and elite factions that have spent years mocking, maligning, and pillaging large portions of the population all while compiling their own long record of failure and corruption and destruction are now shocked that their dictates and decrees go unheeded. But human beings are not going to follow and obey the exact people they most blame for their suffering. They re going to do exactly the opposite: purposely defy them and try to impose punishment in retaliation. Only time will tell what the future holds for Brexit or Trump but for the moment, the voice of the everyday man has been heard loud and clear.More from Washington s Blog below (Image Source: Onmanorama). Washington s BlogTrumpTrump made rejection of globalization a centerpiece of his campaign. In his July 21st acceptance speech as the Republican nominee, he said:Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo.The Boston Globe bannered this headline on Thursday: Trump won. Globalization lost. Now what? On election night, CNN s Jake Tapper explained that many Americans voted for Trump because they are sick of the income inequality, globalization, and politics-as-usual that the status quo have given us. He pointed out that only a handful of people have gotten rich off of globalization, and a lot of people have been left behind.Counterpunch wrote Friday:The real meaning of this upset is that Wall Street s globalization project has been rejected by the citizens of its homeland.***Trump voters had several reasons to vote for Trump other than racism . Most of all, they want their jobs back, jobs that have vanished thanks to the neoliberal policy of transferring manufacturing jobs to places with low wages.BrexitSimilarly, Brexit was largely a vote against globalization.For example, the Guardian ran an article in June explaining, Brexit is a rejection of globalisation :Britain s rejection of the EU. This was more than a protest against the career opportunities that never knock and the affordable homes that never get built. It was a protest against the economic model that has been in place for the past three decades.***Europe has failed to fulfil the historic role allocated to it. Jobs, living standards and welfare states were all better protected in the heyday of nation states in the 1950s and 1960s than they have been in the age of globalisation. Unemployment across the eurozone is more than 10%. Italy s economy is barely any bigger now than it was when the euro was created. Greece s economy has shrunk by almost a third.***Inevitably, there has been a backlash, manifested in the rise of populist parties on the left and right. An increasing number of voters believe there is not much on offer from the current system. They think globalisation has benefited a small privileged elite, but not them. They think it is unfair that they should pay the price for bankers failings. They hanker after a return to the security that the nation state provided, even if that means curbs on the core freedoms that underpin globalisation, including the free movement of people.***Torsten Bell, the director of the Resolution Foundation thinktank, analysed the voting patterns in the referendum and found that those parts of Britain with the strongest support for Brexit were those that had been poor for a long time. The result was affected by deeply entrenched national geographical inequality , he said.There has been much lazy thinking in the past quarter of a century about globalisation. As Bell notes, it is time to rethink the assumption that a flexible globalised economy can generate prosperity that is widely shared. But What Do the Experts Say?Mainstream economists, organizations and politicians including the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (and see this), McKinsey & Company and Obama now admit that globalization creates inequality. People worldwide are furious at runaway inequality and it s affecting elections globally.The Bank of International Settlements the Central Banks Central Bank says that financial globalization itself makes booms and busts far more frequent and destabilizing than they otherwise would be.The Economist pointed out in July:Most economists have been blindsided by the backlash [against globalization]. A few saw it coming. It is worth studying their reasoning .David Autor, David Dorn and Gordon Hanson have documented how the costs of America s growing trade with China has fallen disproportionately on certain cities. And so on.Branko Milanovic of the City University of New York believes such costs perpetuate a cycle of globalisation. He argues that periods of global integration and technological progress generate rising inequality .Supporters of economic integration underestimated the risks both that big slices of society would feel left behind .The New York Times reported in March:Were the experts wrong about the benefits of trade for the American economy?***Voters anger and frustration, driven in part by relentless globalization and technological change [has made Trump and Sanders popular, and] is already having a big impact on America s future, shaking a once-solid consensus that freer trade is, necessarily, a good thing. The economic populism of the presidential campaign has forced the recognition that expanded trade is a double-edged sword, wrote Jared Bernstein, former economic adviser to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.What seems most striking is that the angry working class dismissed so often as myopic, unable to understand the economic trade-offs presented by trade appears to have understood what the experts are only belatedly finding to be true: The benefits from trade to the American economy may not always justify its costs.In a recent study, three economists David Autor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, David Dorn at the University of Zurich and Gordon Hanson at the University of California, San Diego raised a profound challenge to all of us brought up to believe that economies quickly recover from trade shocks. In theory, a developed industrial country like the United States adjusts to import competition by moving workers into more advanced industries that can successfully compete in global markets.They examined the experience of American workers after China erupted onto world markets some two decades ago. The presumed adjustment, they concluded, never happened. Or at least hasn t happened yet. Wages remain low and unemployment high in the most affected local job markets. Nationally, there is no sign of offsetting job gains elsewhere in the economy. What s more, they found that sagging wages in local labor markets exposed to Chinese competition reduced earnings by $213 per adult per year.In another study they wrote with Daron Acemoglu and Brendan Price from M.I.T., they estimated that rising Chinese imports from 1999 to 2011 cost up to 2.4 million American jobs. These results should cause us to rethink the short- and medium-run gains from trade, they argued. Having failed to anticipate how significant the dislocations from trade might be, it is incumbent on the literature to more convincingly estimate the gains from trade, such that the case for free trade is not based on the sway of theory alone, but on a foundation of evidence that illuminates who gains, who loses, by how much, and under what conditions. Continue reading Washington s Blog here READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE NOW & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV;November 17, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Cher Does NOT Hold Back On Twitter As She Calls For Death Of Michigan Governor (TWEETS);"When it comes to the safety of our drinking water that comes out of our taps, we are left to trust those who are elected to keep us safe and work in our best interests. However, what s been happening in Flint, Michigan over the past few years is criminal. Flint s city manager was held accountable to Gov. Rick Snyder (R) alone. They, alongside other officials denied that there was lead contamination in the Flint s water.As Rachel Maddow reported: For more than 18 months, state and local government officials ignored irrefutable evidence that the water pumped from the Flint River exposed [residents] to extreme toxicity, the complaint reads. The deliberately false denials about the safety of the Flint River water was as deadly as it was arrogant. Calling officials conduct so egregious and so outrageous that it shocks the conscience, the complaint cites the specific experiences of a few plaintiffs and their families, all of whom allege they have been challenged by similar health ailments since high levels of lead and copper entered their bloodstreams.These conditions include skin lesions, hair loss, chemical-induced hypertension, vision loss and depression. Of the four families described in the complaint, two had ceased to drink Flint water after a certain point and used it only for washing and cooking but still said they were exposed to many of the same ill effects. Finally admitting to the toxicity in Flint, Snyder declared a state of emergency and apologized, but for many it is too late. The U.S. Justice Department has now opened an investigation into how things could have gone so devastatingly wrong for so long. This is following an EPA investigation that began last November.Needless to say, people are utterly outraged, and justifiably so.Taking to Twitter, legendary artist Cher called Snyder out by name and asked that he be jailed. Then going a step further, called for the death penalty. She said: Gov. of Michigan is a murderer. HE made the decision to give people poison water, and now must sign disaster bill. Children will never recover. #jailforRick WTF is going on with power. Mad, greed driven, killer. Incompetent politicians? They are criminals! Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan. #firingsquadworksforme GOV.Of MICHIGAN IS A MURDERER?HE Made Decision 2GAVE ppl POISON WATER,&NOW MUST SIGN DISASTER BILL.CHILDREN WILL""NEVER""RECOVER? #JAILFORRICK Cher (@cher) January 6, 2016WTF IS GOING ON W/POWER MAD,GREED DRIVEN,KILLER, INCOMPETENT,POLITICIANS?THEY R CRIMNALS GOV.RICK SNYDER OF MICH. #FIRINGSQUADWORKSFORME Cher (@cher) January 6, 2016And while asking for a firing squad could seem a bit over the line, the passion behind her tweets is palpable. People are upset, and have every right to be outraged. Citizens were poisoned. CHILDREN were poisoned, and people need to be held accountable. It will be interesting to see if Snyder himself will resign and face trial. This criminal behavior needs to be accounted for.Featured image: YouTube/Flickr/Twitter";January 7, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says U.S. 'very protective' of Baltic region;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Monday the United States is “very protective” of the Baltics in the face of a Russian naval exercise with China in the Baltic Sea and said the United States and its allies would be able to handle any threat. “We are very protective of that region,” Trump said at a joint news conference with visiting Finland President Sauli Niinisto. “That’s all I can say. We are very, very protective. We have great friends there.” A Russian naval exercise with China in the Baltic Sea has rattled tensions in the region and Trump has sought to reassure NATO allies there, sending Vice President Mike Pence on a recent trip. Niinisto said he recently played host to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Finland and that Putin offered assurances that the Russia-China naval exercise should not be seen as a threat. Niinisto said the United States, Finland and Sweden have also conducted training exercises in the Baltic region. “We have to be very careful that this huge training, huge military trafficking ... does not cause any accidents or problems because we know from accidents might grow whatever,” he said. “That is why I think it’s important that we continue to work with NATO to enhance ... dialogue between Russia and NATO.” On a visit to Brussels in May, Trump’s allegiance to NATO was thrown into doubt when he opted not to mention the U.S. commitment to the NATO treaty’s Article 5, which says an attack on one member is an attack on all. He later cleared up the confusion, saying he was committed to NATO’s common defense. Trump entered office hoping for better U.S. relations with Russia but his effort has failed thus far to bear fruit amid continuing questions surrounding Russian meddling in last year’s U.S. presidential election, something both Moscow and Trump deny. He signed legislation early this month imposing a new round of U.S. sanctions against Moscow.Trump called the Baltics “a very important part of the world.” “These are all threats we will be able to handle if we have to. Hopefully we won’t have to handle them but if we do we’ll be able to handle them,” he said.;August 28, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: COLLEGE PROFESSOR CAUGHT ON TAPE: You Can’t Have Peace If ‘Whiteness’ Exists…Poor Whites Also Have ‘Privilege”;Close your eyes and imagine a white professor telling his students there will be no peace as long as blackness exists. Now picture that teacher in the unemployment line with about 100 cameras and reporters around him demanding he apologize for his blatant racism. Imagine how many hard working parents are scrimping and saving to send their children to college to be part of a captive audience in this racist s classroom. Parents better start speaking up and demanding these colleges and universities hold these radical, racist professors accountable for the things they are teaching our children. No one else is going to do it for us James Harrison, history professor at Portland Community College, said in a lecture Monday for the college s April Whiteness History Month that peace in the U.S. is impossible so long as whiteness still exists.In a talk entitled Imagine A World Without Whiteness, Harrison declared confidently conflict can only cease once the power structure of whiteness is totally eliminated. Imagine everyone living life in peace, Harrison said, building off John Lennon s famous song Imagine. And how do we get to that good world is the question a world without conflict. And to me, my interpretation of these words, is it would be a world, or U.S., without whiteness, in terms of the power structure, Harrison said, offering his own interpretation of Lennon s song. Can there be a world without whiteness, a world in which white privilege doesn t exist? Harrison asked his audience. My answer is yes, we can, because it s happened before, and it all revolves around individuals taking small steps to dismantle and demolish the whole concept. The effort is working. Harrison said whiteness is on the retreat, noting estimates indicate whites will no longer be a majority in the United States by 2040 or 2050.But do poor whites have white privilege? Harrison answered in the affirmative. Most whites, even poor whites, he said, don t recognize they have white privilege because it s invisible. It s like a club you belong to without asking to be part of it, Harrison said.Via: Daily Caller;Apr 9, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: More Californians dreaming of a country without Trump: poll;SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Reuters) - The election of Republican businessman Donald Trump as president of the United States has some Californians dreaming - of their own country. One in every three California residents supports the most populous U.S. state’s peaceful withdrawal from the union, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll, many of them Democrats strongly opposed to Trump’s ascension to the country’s highest office. The 32 percent support rate is sharply higher than the last time the poll asked Californians about secession, in 2014, when one-in-five or 20 percent favored it around the time Scotland held its independence referendum and voted to remain in the United Kingdom. California also far surpasses the national average favoring secession, which stood at 22 percent, down from 24 percent in 2014. The poll surveyed 500 Californians among more than 14,000 adults nationwide from Dec. 6 to Jan. 19 and has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of one percentage point nationally and five percentage points in California. The idea of secession is largely a settled matter in the United States, though the impulse to break away carries on in some corners of the country, most notably in Texas. While interest has remained about the same nationwide, it has found more favor in California and the concept has even earned a catchy name - “Calexit.” “I don’t think it’s likely to happen, but if things get really bad it could be an option,” said Stephen Miller, 70, a retired transportation planner who lives in Sacramento and told pollsters he “tended to support” secession. During the campaign, Trump alienated many in the Democratic-leaning state with his promises to crack down on illegal immigration, threats of creating a Muslim registry, remarks women found offensive and vows to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. “There’s such hostility towards Trump that many citizens believe it would be smarter to leave than fight,” said Democratic political consultant Steve Maviglio, who last year ran the campaign against a proposed ballot initiative to break California into six states. ANTI-TRUMP PROTESTS With 39 million residents and the sixth-largest economy in the world, California is already a nation-state, Maviglio said. In November’s election, the state broke nearly two-to-one in favor of Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. In practice, secession is highly unlikely, facing political, legal and possibly even military obstacles, considering that the United States fought the Civil War over the secession of the South, Maviglio and others said. Trump’s election gave a huge boost to the quixotic campaign to remove California from the United States called Yes California, run by a former conservative turned progressive who now lives in Russia. Dubbed “Calexit” by pundits comparing the effort to “Brexit” - Britain’s vote to withdraw from the European Union - Yes California’s email list jumped from fewer than 2,500 before the election to 115,069 currently, the group’s president, Louis Marinelli, said in a telephone interview. Marinelli, who moved to Yekaterinburg, about 1,000 miles (1,600 km) east of Moscow, in September and has lived in Russia on and off for several years, said he became disenchanted with the United States after difficulties arose with the immigration process for his Russian-born wife. On Friday, activists from the group waved signs saying “California out of the United States” and “U.S. out of California” at anti-Trump protests in Los Angeles and San Francisco, Marinelli said. They have requested approval from the state to begin collecting signatures for a pro-secession ballot initiative. In Lodi, California, Democratic party activist Bruce Rubly, who told Reuters/Ipsos pollsters that he “strongly supported” California secession, said he thinks it could happen if Trump and the Republicans who dominate the U.S. Congress impose conservative policies on such issues as the environment, immigration and marijuana legalization. “There’s a whole series of things that are going to get Californians riled up,” said Rubly, 68. “And if he pushes those buttons in the wrong way, there’s going to be hell to pay.”;January 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Venezuela's former ambassador to U.N. leaves the United States: source;HOUSTON (Reuters) - Venezuela s former ambassador to the United Nations, Rafael Ramirez, has left the United States after being forced to resign by President Nicolas Maduro s government, according to a source with knowledge of his travel plan. Ramirez, who for more than a decade ran OPEC member Venezuela s massive oil industry, said earlier on Tuesday he was removed because of his opinions. ;December 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Campaign Chaos: Mike Pence Just Slammed Trump For His Remarks On Groping Women;"Only a few days ago, it seemed as if Donald Trump could not make a gaffe big enough to end his campaign. Then on Friday, audio of Trump from 2005 was released in which Trump makes violently misogynistic remarks regarding groping women. It s set his campaign into a tailspin and even his running mate, Mike Pence, is now calling out Trump.Pence made his remarks in a statement Saturday where he wrote: As a husband and father, I was offended by the words and actions described by Donald Trump in the eleven-year-old video released yesterday. I do not condone his remarks and cannot defend them. I am grateful that he has expressed remorse and apologized to the American people. We pray for his family and look forward to the opportunity he has to show what is in his heart when he goes before the nation tomorrow night. The beginning of Pence s statement is reminiscent of a viral video post made by Republican Senator Mike Lee made after hearing the audio. Except for the fact that Lee went a step further and pleaded with Trump to drop out of the race. Two other Republican Senators have called for Trump to drop out after hearing the audio. While the statement from Pence is written in a manner that positions Trump along the lines as a sinner who might still be capable of redemption, the word from insiders is that Pence is absolutely furious with Trump. WaPo national political correspondent, Philip Rucker, recently tweeted that a source close to Trump said that Pence is absolutely apoplectic about Trump s groping comments. A source close to Trump camp told me Pence and his team are absolutely apoplectic, ""melting down and ""inconsolable. Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) October 8, 2016This statement from Pence provides more evidence that Trump s campaign is in crisis. Pence s position as Trump s wing-man is clear. Pence is supposed to and has been making the case for Trump to socially conservative Christian Republicans, an unfortunate position to be in at the present moment. There is no way to make a man who caused the entire nation to hear the word pussy on repeat in the news cycle be palatable to the moderate Christian right-wing. Featured image from Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images";October 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Colombia protests Venezuelan military crossing border;BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia sent a letter to the Venezuelan foreign ministry on Tuesday protesting the incursion of a military helicopter and troops from that nation over the border, the latest in a series of similar incidents that have drawn criticism from Colombia. The incident occurred on Nov. 15 and 16 near the town of Tibu in Norte de Santander province, Colombia s foreign ministry said in a statement. The events have already been protested by the foreign ministry and there has been a meeting arranged between the foreign ministers to analyze what happened and request that measures be taken to prevent a recurrence, it said. Forays by Venezuelan troops into Colombia have increased in recent years, heightening diplomatic tension between the government of Colombia s President Juan Manuel Santos and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Santos has accused Maduro of destroying democracy in Venezuela, while Maduro has said Colombia is part of an international conspiracy seeking to overthrow his government. Colombia and Venezuela share a border of 2,219 km (1,379 miles), over which contraband and illegal drugs frequently pass, according to security sources.;November 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: 5 KEY THINGS To Know About Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee…One Is A BIG Deal Breaker!;The Senate had better stick to their guns on this! They say they will not bring up Merrick Garland for a vote as a Supreme Court Nominee but will wait for the new administration. McConnell is done if he goes back on his word. He spoke on the Senate floor today to say that the Senate will not take up this vote. SIX REPUBLICAN SENATORS HAVE ALREADY SAID THEY LL MEET WITH GARLAND:Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)One of the five things below is a BIG deal breaker Judge Garland is anti-Second Amendment 1. Garland is considered anti-Second Amendment. As the National Review noted last week: Back in 2007, Judge Garland voted to undo a D.C. Circuit court decision striking down one of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation and voted to uphold an illegal Clinton-era regulation that created an improvised gun registration requirement. Obama will use his pick to pursue a gun control agenda.2. Garland has favored environmental regulations. As SCOTUSblog noted in 2010: On environmental law, Judge Garland has in a number of cases favored contested EPA regulations and actions when challenged by industry, and in other cases he has accepted challenges brought by environmental groups. That could be very important, with Obama s Clean Power Plan in the balance.3. Garland s positions on abortion and social issues are murky. Some liberals are worried that Garland may not be unambiguously pro-choice. Richard Wolf of USA Today writes: During 19 years at the D.C. Circuit, Garland has managed to keep a low profile. The court s largely administrative docket has left him without known positions on issues such as abortion or the death penalty. 4. Garland would maintain the Court s demographic profile. He is the second Chicagoan Obama has nominated. He is no wise Latina, and is the first man Obama has chosen. But Garland, like Scalia, is a graduate of Harvard Law, keeping the number of Crimson justices at five. If confirmed, he would also be the fourth Jew on the Court, preserving the odd exclusion of evangelical Protestants.5. Republicans have supported Garland in the past. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) in particular has been outspoken in his support for Garland as the best Republicans could expect from the Clinton administration. More recently, he suggested he would welcome Garland s nomination but predicted that Obama would make a more ideological pick. That makes Garland harder for the GOP to oppose.Via: Breitbart;Mar 16, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End