Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: The Worst Environmental Disaster Since The BP Oil Spill Is Happening And The Media Is IGNORING It;One of the largest environmental disasters in American history is happening right now, and there is a great chance that you never heard of it thanks to corporate-owned media.There is a colossal leak of methane gas currently pouring out of the ground in Aliso Canyon, California, at an astonishing rate of 110,000 pounds per hour. The fallout is intense. 1700 homes in the area have been evacuated so far, prompting many lawsuits to be filed against the corporation that owns the faciliy.Southern California Gas Company is the entity that s responsible for the disaster, which began in October of 2015. A statement by SCGC in December said that stopping the leak would take at least 2 more months.Below you can see video footage of just how bad the leak is:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exfJ8VPQDTY&w=420&h=315]The severity of this can t understated. This single leak is accounting for 25 percent of the entire state s methane emissions, and has been classified as the worst environmental disaster since the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Methane is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas as well, marking this as a signicant ecological threat.Anne Silva, spokesperson for SCGC, made the following statement: Our efforts to stop the flow of gas by pumping fluids directly down the well have not yet been successful, so we have shifted our focus to stopping the leak through a relief well.The relief well process is on schedule to be completed by late February or late March. Source: MotherboardThe part that is making it so difficult to deal with, is the fact that the well is 8,000 feet deep. This is preventing the normal disaster recovery method of plugging the leak with fluids from working, due to too much pressure coming up from underground. The hope is that the relief well will drain off some pressure from the main well, allowing the fluid plug to work as intended.If you thought this was the only methane leak in California, you were wrong. The reality is far worse.In Pasadena, 35 miles from the Aliso Canyon leak, investigators found a cluster of leaks at 4 miles or less from each other. Below is a map of them, courtesy of Earth Defense Fund:Image credit: EDFWhere the hell is the accountability for this? The map above should be a criminal offense.The story of Southern California Gas Company is a pretty damning one. EDF has found that more than 38 percent of the methane pipes that SCGC manages are more than 50 years old, and 16 percent are made from sub standard materials prone to leaks and corrosion. Over 150 million pounds of methane have been released by the leak so far, and that isn t counting the huge cluster of leaks shown above.Lets put this into perspective. If 1700 families had to evacuate a California town because of volcano suddenly springing up, it would be everywhere in the media. There would be a nightly obsession over it on cable news. Politicians on every level would be pledging to help, and doing everything they can to hasten relief efforts.If we had a terrorist act that caused 1700 people to have to evacuate an American town, we would already be invading multiple middle eastern countries that had nothing to do with it.Instead, we have 1700 people displaced by an ecological disaster caused by a corporation, and the media response is What disaster? Featured image via Flickr;January 4, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says 'nothing funny' about 'Saturday Night Live,' but audience soars;NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday doubled down on his scorn for satirical TV show “Saturday Night Live,” whose popularity has soared since Alec Baldwin began impersonating him in the final weeks leading up to the election. Trump, a guest host on “Saturday Night Live” in November 2015 when he was running for the Republican presidential nomination, has vented his anger on Twitter in recent weeks, calling the NBC show “totally unwatchable” and a “hit-job.” In an interview on NBC’s “Today” show on Wednesday, Trump was asked whether he had considered no longer watching it, given his complaints. “I hosted ‘SNL’ when it was a good show, but it’s not a good show anymore,” Trump responded. “First of all, nothing to do with me, there’s nothing funny about it. The skits are terrible.” The show’s audience has jumped 33 percent since Baldwin began impersonating Trump in October, according to NBC. The network said some 11.4 million people on average are watching the program this season, starting Oct. 1, making it the most-watched season since 1992. Trump on Wednesday attempted to cast doubt on the future of “Saturday Night Live,” which has lampooned presidents and politicians from both parties since it first aired 41 years ago. “Frankly, the way the show is going now, if you look at the kind of work they’re doing, who knows how long that show’s going to be on. It’s a terrible show,” Trump said. The Republican businessman and former star of NBC’s reality TV show “The Apprentice” also said Baldwin’s depiction of him was “really mean-spirited and not very good.” “I do like him and I like him as an actor, but I don’t think his imitation of me gets me at all,” Trump added. Baldwin, who has portrayed Trump as unprepared for office or tweeting during security briefings, tweeted back to Trump last week, “Release your tax returns and I’ll stop. Ha.” Trump broke with decades of tradition followed by both Republican and Democratic presidential candidates by refusing to release his tax returns. Baldwin, 58, the former star of NBC’s comedy “30 Rock,” told celebrity magazine Hola! in an interview, that he was glad other people found his impressions funny after a divisive election. “There are bad feelings on both sides, so to have the opportunity to give people a chance to talk and laugh about it is a good thing,” Baldwin told the U.S. edition of the magazine in an interview released on Tuesday.;December 7, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Jake Tapper Burns Trump With Bill Maher: He Is ‘Empirically Indecent’ (VIDEO);A lot about America has changed since the rise of Donald Trump. People thought that his coarse language, his clear racism and misogyny, and just generally appalling behavior would render him unacceptable to the American public. Yet, here we are. Donald Trump is president, and his young administration has fundamentally changed how the world views America, its citizens, and its government. One thing that hasn t changed though is the way some strident and brave media personalities continue to speak truth to power and insist on making sure that Trump s disgusting ways, his incompetence, and his lies don t fundamentally change who we are as a people. Perhaps the breakout star in that regard is CNN s Jake Tapper.Tapper hosts The Lead during the week, and State of the Union on Sunday mornings. On Friday night, the fiery host stopped by HBO s Real Time to have a chat with host Bill Maher. Of course, Maher had to ask about the changes Tapper has had to make now that there s the biggest liar on earth occupying the Oval Office. Tapper responded: You ve been covering politicians for a long time. Politicians lie. It wasn t invented on Jan. 20. I ve never seen this level of falsehood, quantitatively. Tapper went on to distinguish between what happens with say, falsehoods that happened with the Obama Administration such as, If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. He says of the lies coming out of the Trump White House: It s conspiracy theories based on nothing that have members of his own party distancing themselves from him. Then the conversation turns to Trump s vulgarity and other fundamental affronts to basic human decency in public discourse. Tapper says of the way Trump behaved on the campaign trail and how he continues to behave: The truth of the matter is that there is no bias when it comes to facts and there s no bias when it comes to decency. It s empirically indecent to make fun of the disabled. That s just indecent. My children know better than that. The two hosts then went on to reference what we all know which is that most of the fundamental things that make Trump so awful, we all learn not to do in grade school. Maher says:I always think about that book Everything I Needed to Know I learned in Kindergarten. He violates every rule. Don t lie, don t accuse people of things they re not guilty of. Don t boast. Pay your taxes. Serve your country. Don t be a racist, don t insult like you say the handicapped people or other people who are not as lucky to be as great looking as you are, Donald. And yet, in spite of all of these things, people still voted for this fundamentally indecent, sorry excuse for a human being. That says things about this nation that we really need to examine, should we survive this nightmare of a presidency. Watch the video below:Featured image via Scott Eisen/Getty Images;March 18, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Saviors or profiteers? Bangladesh fishermen rescue Rohingya, for a price;SHAMLAPUR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - For tens of thousands of Rohingya Muslims, an informal fleet of small wooden fishing boats has meant deliverance from what they say is an indiscriminate assault on their villages by the Myanmar army. Deliverance, however, comes at a price. Some refugees told Reuters they paid as much as 10,000 taka ($122) per adult to boatmen to make the five-hour crossing from Myanmar s coast to ports in southern Bangladesh. While the fishermen say they have a moral obligation to help desperate fellow Muslims escaping persecution, Bangladeshi officials accuse them of profiteering. Ordered to stamp out what they call human trafficking, they have made arrests and even set fire to fishing boats. Of course we want to keep going back to rescue more people. Our Muslim brothers and sisters are in a bad situation, so I have to go and bring them, said Mohammed Alom, 25, a fisherman in the Bangladeshi village of Shamlapur. Around 400,000 Rohingya have arrived in Bangladesh in less than three weeks and people are still coming, by land as well as by sea, after attacks by Rohingya militants sparked a fierce counteroffensive by Myanmar s army. Senior United Nations officials have described the violence as ethnic cleansing . The influx is placing huge strain on authorities in southern Bangladesh, one of the poorest parts of a poor country. Don t say rescuers. The rescuers should be going and they should rescue people, not in terms of money, said Lieutenant Colonel Ariful Islam, Border Guards Bangladesh commander in Teknaf on the country s southern tip, referring to the fishermen bringing refugees ashore. These people are very poor, it s just extorting from them whatever they have. We are helping those who arrived, but we re trying to insist that no human trafficking should take place. Reuters interviewed three Rohingya fishermen and two Bangladeshi boat owner-operators, all of whom had made at least two visits to Myanmar in recent weeks. The men didn t believe the profits they made detracted from what they saw as a rescue mission. Shaif Ullah, 34, a Bangladeshi, who co-owns a fishing boat, said he made 100,000 taka ($1,220) rescuing the family of a Rohingya in Malaysia who paid him via BKash, a popular mobile money service, after he returned to Bangladeshi shores. People from Malaysia and Saudi Arabia call me and tell me to go there to get their family, he said. They are crying for my help. I take money from them, yes, but it s also a humanitarian act. Two refugees have told Reuters their family members were detained by fishermen or brokers in Bangladesh when they could not pay for the journey. Several also complained they had to hand over gold and other jewelry to boat operators. We had no chance to negotiate with the boatmen, said Ali Johar, 75, an elder from his village in southern Maungdaw, just across the Naf river that forms the border between Myanmar and Bangladesh, now staying in Shamlapur. He handed over his wife s gold necklace and a gold ring, in addition to 7,000 taka for the rescue of him and about 30 members of his extended family, including young children, he said. But we are grateful to the fishermen for bringing us here, he said. There were so many people trying to get here. If they didn t bring us, we would be stuck. Pronay Chakma says it was a stroke of fate that thrust him into a key role in Bangladesh s response to the crisis. The 31-year-old administrator arrived in Teknaf to start a new job as sub-district assistant commissioner for land on Aug. 23, two days before northwestern Myanmar exploded into violence. The thing is that, yes, the fishermen can go there, no problem, but if they demand money from the pain of stricken people, is it humanitarian? No, he said. Chakma - a Buddhist member of the Chakma tribe who live scattered throughout South Asia - is an executive magistrate, which means he can hand down jail terms in simple criminal cases. He interrupted an interview with Reuters to sentence a man to three months for possession of five methamphetamine tablets. Chakma and another local official have sentenced at least 100 people to terms of up to six months for continuing to charge Rohingya refugees for ferrying them to safety. Each and every time we are warning them, he said. Yes, you can do that, but not in exchange of money. He pointed to the deaths of women and children who, unable to swim, have died after their boats capsized near Bangladeshi shores. Fishermen and local residents told Reuters that authorities have also broadcast messages in their villages by loudspeaker ordering them not to pick up Rohingyas. At least five boats caught bringing refugees in exchange for money have been set on fire on the beach by officials. The boatmen Reuters spoke to said they were cautious about operating in bad weather and rejected allegations of coercion or detaining refugees. Tens of thousands of people may still be waiting to cross the mouth of the Naf river, according to estimates by refugees, fishermen and rights groups. I would like to go back to bring these people, because Muslims are suffering, said Bangladeshi boat owner Moni Ullah, 38. For me, it s hard to sit here and not go there, because I have seen so many people crying on the beach. ($1 = 81.9300 taka);September 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA’S ARMY: BLACK LIVES MATTER TERRORIST SHOUTS, “Burn Everything Down” IN LARGE ACTIVIST MEETING, AS CO-FOUNDER CHEERS [VIDEO];"And why is this person not up on domestic terrorism charges? Can you imagine a white person being caught on camera making such claims in a crowded room of white racists? Lorretta Lynch s DOJ would have already descended on them if the color of their skin was anything but black. We are witnessing something very ugly taking place in America, orchestrated by a man the majority of Americans voted for as their two-term president, because they actually believed he would make our country even better In rarely seen angle on the Black Lives Matter mob takeover of a NetRoots Nation Presidential Town Hall last weekend in Phoenix, Arizona, activists from the group scream explicit calls for violence and chaos, using an Occupy Wall Street style call-and-response technique to advocate burn everything down, shut this shit down, and rise the f*ck up. By the way, it s worth mentioning that spineless, pandering Democrat presidential candidate Martin O Malley was on the stage witnessing this whole scene unfold. Does anyone remember O Malley apologizing to the crowd following this event for having the audacity to say: All lives matter ?The shouted manifesto lays bare the theory behind the burning, looting, and rioting that have transpired in recent months in Baltimore and Ferguson, and it also lays out the group s agenda on current news events like immigration reform, transgender activism, and the fables about the death of convicted criminal Sandra Bland that the group is spreading through the media.The nascent Black Lives Matter movement cannot claim that these statements were made by a few fringe members: the entire rant was orchestrated by Black Lives Matter Founder Patrisee Cullors, who can be seen in the video enthusiastically pumping her fist and shouting along with every incendiary statement.Nor is Black Lives Matter a fringe group; they have been embraced and given fealty by the highest levels of the Democratic power structure. Cullors told a British interviewer, We re going into halls of power now. Many of us are meeting with mayors or meeting with local government. Some of us have met with President Obama himself to talk about the demands. Ms. Cullors name appears on White House visitor records.Last week, Breitbart News exposed that convicted cop killer Assata Shakur is one of the heroes of the Black Lives Matter founders. Black Lives Matter pays homage to Cuban exile Shakur and quotes the Communist Manifesto at every single Black Lives Matter event.In one of the only cases of any coverage of the Black Lives Matter shrieks of angry poety at Netroots, CNN glossed over some of the crowd s chants in their reporting, but just as they did with Occupy movement, most of mainstream media has completely ignored the radical and revolutionary agenda revealed in Black Liver Matter s scripted call-and-response at NetRoots Nation. Even though the horde of screamers is surrounded by cameras, there has been no public criticism of Cullors and her folloers shouting burn everything down, nor any calls for her to apologize for her group s offensive statements.That media fail is unfortunate, because every American should hear who Black Lives Matter is, what they stand for and what they want, in the group s own words.Guided Transcript of What Black Lives Matter Said The group starts by pointing out that both leftist journalists like CNN s openly gay Don Lemon and mainstream racer baiting Democrats like the Reverend Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson are actually too moderate for them:If I die in police custody do not let my parents talk to Don Lemon, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or any of the motherfuckers that would destroy my name. Let them know that my sisters got this.Then another activist links the group with the LGBTQ political left. Black Lives Matter was founded by Cullors and two other women who self-identify as queer.The speaker makes reference to being called by the name I choose, not the name I was given ; a familiar demand for anyone who has followed the recent Bruce Caitlyn Jenner controversy.If I die in police custody say my name, say my name the name that I chose, not the one I was given. If I die in police custody make sure that I m remembered. Make sure my sisters are remembered. Say their names. Say their names. Marsha P. Johnson. [Unintelligible] Say their names! Say that Black Lives Matter! Black Lives Matter!https://youtu.be/raK8kI7oKW0Marsha P. Johnson is name used by Malcolm Michaels, Jr., a New York drag queen who died in 1992 in a death ruled a suicide. Johnson / Michaels was not in police custody.The group then turns to its pro-illegal immigration position. Two of Black Lives Matter s founders head up pro-Illegal alien groups.If I die in ICE custody say I am not a criminal. Stop funding prisons and detention centers! Shut ICE down and (unintelligible) jails and our prisons! Not one more deportation!The line about ending all deportations got huge applause and cheers from the Netroots.The group then begins to turn their screeched narrative into an emotional and paranoid attack on white people. In strident language, they shout their fear that white supremacy wants to kill black Americans en masse.If I die in police custody, know your silence helped kill me. White sumprecacy helped kill me. And my child is parentless now.If I die in police custody know that I want to live! We want to live! We fight to live! Black lives matter! All black lives matter!Then the mob makes a thinly veiled reference to Sandra Bland, a woman whose death the group has been exploiting and spreading false information and conspiracy theories about for several weeks.Bland s death in jail after she was arrested for assaulting a police officer was ruled a suicide, and an autopsy confirmed that suicide finding with physical evidence. The autopsy also revealed that Bland had a large amount of marijuana in her system.Additionally, Bland had made a previous suicide attempt, had spoken about depression in a video she d posted on social and during intake at the jail had written herself that she was very depressed that day. Further, Bland had had at least ten prior run-ins with law enforcement that had resulted in numerous conviction and over $7,500 in outstanding fines.Despite the mountain of evidence about Sandra Bland s sad history, the Black Lives Matter movement has continued to push the idea that Bland was an activist who was the victim of murder by the police. They push this narrative at Netroots with a series of calls to violent action:If I die in police custody don t believe the hype, I was murdered! Protect my family! Indict the system! Shut that shit down!If I die in police custody. Avenge my death! By any means necessary!If I die in police custody burn everything down! Because no building is worth more than my life! And that s the only way motherfuckers like you listen!If I die in police custody make sure I m the last person to die in police custody by any means necessary!If I die in police custody do not hold a moment of silence for me! Rise the fuck up! Because your silence is killing us!At this point, the group is interrupted by Netroots Nation official.As National Journal reported in a story that mentions none of these calls to violent action Netroots Nation itself announced plans to work with Black Lives Matter.For its part, Netroots declined to criticize the protest. Although we wish the candidates had more time to respond to the issues, what happened today is reflective of an urgent moment that America is facing today, the group said in a statement. In 2016, we re heading to St. Louis. We plan to work with activists there just as we did in Phoenix with local leaders, including the #BlackLivesMatter movement, to amplify issues like racial profiling and police brutality in a major way. As the old song goes, see you in St. Louis. Bring a fire extinguisher.Via: Breitbart News";Jul 28, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BOMBSHELL DISCOVERY: RADICAL Muslim Father of Hillary’s Top Aide Huma Abedin Advocated For Forced SHARIA LAW;The same woman who has been privy to our nations top secret classified information through our reckless former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has a father who openly advocated for state sponsored Sharia Law and a mother who Abedin s mother founded an aid organization in the 1990s that was tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the same Secretary of State whose largest contributors to the Clinton Foundation Hillary s campaign slush fund are from majority Muslim nations who police Sharia Law. Abed in is also currently serving as Vice Chair to Hillary Clinton s campaign. Is this a coincidence?In August 2016, we reported that Huma Abedin made a surprise visit to Dearborn, MI. with absolutely no press coverage by the mainstream media. As a side note, Dearborn, MI has the largest population of Muslims in America.According to the Arab American News: Huma Abedin, vice chair for the Hillary for America campaign, met with Arab and Muslim American leaders on Aug. 11, to discuss issues that matter to the community.During her speech, Abedin praised the patriotism and heroism of Muslims across the country, including the Khan family, a Muslim Gold Star family whose son, Captain Human Khan, was killed in Iraq while protecting his fellow service members.STUNNING DEVELOPMENTSyed Abedin, the father of top Hillary Clinton aide Huma, outlined his view of Sharia law and how the Western world has turned Muslims hostile during a wide-ranging video interview that shines newfound light on the reclusive thinker s world views, according to footage exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.Abedin, a Muslim scholar who was tied to the Saudi Arabian government until his death in 1993, has remained somewhat of a mystery as the media turns its eye to his daughter Huma, a top Clinton campaign aide who recently announced her separation from husband Anthony Weiner following his multiple sex scandals.Syed Abedin explained his views on the Muslim world and spread of Islam during a 1971 interview titled The World of Islam, which was first broadcast on Western Michigan University television.Abedin said that Arab states must police the upholding of Sharia, or Islamic law, and explained why the majority of Muslims view Israel and the Western world in primarily hostile terms.The video provides a window into the Abedin family s ideology, which has been marred by accusations it is connected to the Muslim Brotherhood.Abedin, who was then a professor in the university s college of general studies, said that Western intervention in the Arab world has sparked a backlash among many faithful Muslims. The response to the West has been of two kinds, Abedin said. By and large the response has taken more of a hostile form. The first impulse of the average Muslim in the Islamic world is that this kind of borrowing [culturally] would be somehow an alien factor into our social fabric and thereby destroying the integrity of our ethos the integrity of our culture, he added.In a separate discussion on the state s role in a person s life, Abedin said it is necessary to police the application of Sharia law. The state has to take over as Muslim countries evolve, he argued. The state is stepping in in many countries where the state is now overseeing that human relationships are carried on on the basis of Islam. The state also under Islam has a right to interfere in some of these rights given to the individual by the Sharia. For entire story: WFBHuman Abedin s mother who was the Muslim World League s delegate to the UN conference wrote in a 1996 article that Clinton anentire d other speakers were advancing a very aggressive and radically feminist agenda that was un-Islamic and wrong because it focused on empowering women She seemed to rationalize domestic abuse as a result of the stress and frustrations that men encounter in their daily lives. While denouncing such violence, she didn t think it did much good to punish men for it.;Sep 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. consumer financial watchdog accuses congressional critics of 'misstatements';WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau accused congressional critics of relying on “misstatements” to criticize his agency, which was set up under former President Barack Obama to pursue bad behavior by financial institutions. Richard Cordray, the bureau’s director, wrote to “correct the record” in a letter sent to a congressional panel on Wednesday regarding a recent report critical of the CFPB’s work in a high-profile scandal. The five-page letter took issue with multiple conclusions reached in a report released earlier this month by Republican staff on the House Financial Services Committee. Some members of the committee have pushed for Republican President Donald Trump to fire Cordray, who has headed the agency since he was appointed by Obama, a Democrat, in 2012. The report said the CFPB had been an ineffective watchdog against Wells Fargo & Co, missing extensive improper sales practices and taking action only after work on the bank’s unauthorized accounts scandal had been done by others. The committee’s report also depicted the CFPB as reluctant to cooperate with the panel’s Well Fargo probe. Cordray insisted that his agency had done critical work in policing Wells Fargo, and said the report “devolves into various misstatements and allegations” about the CFPB’s work. The CFPB, along with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the city and county of Los Angeles, struck a $185 million settlement against the bank in September. Cordray argued that improper sales practices were underway at Wells Fargo as far back as 2001, while his agency was only fully staffed in 2014. He maintained the CFPB had acted properly in monitoring the bank, and the CFPB’s presence allowed the federal government to provide relief to wronged consumers across the country as part of the settlement. He went on to accuse Republican staff of refusing to receive a September briefing from his staff on Wells Fargo, instead demanding he personally brief them with one day’s notice, which he was unable to do. He said he also offered to publicly testify at a committee hearing devoted to Wells Fargo, but did not receive an invitation. A committee spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Cordray is one of a handful of remaining regulatory heads that were appointed by Obama. Republicans have criticized the CFPB since it created as part of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law. Efforts to fundamentally reshape the agency have ramped up since the November 2016 election.;June 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: China says Taiwan not a country, Taiwan says China needs reality check;BEIJING/TAIPEI (Reuters) - China warned self-ruled Taiwan on Wednesday that it would reap the consequences of promoting formal independence, a red line for Beijing which claims the island as its own. Taiwan s government hit back, saying it was a reality that the Republic of China, the island s formal name, was a sovereign country and that no matter what China said it could not change this fact. Taiwan is one of China s most sensitive issues. Beijing has never renounced the use of force to bring what it considers a wayward province under its rule. Defeated Nationalist forces fled to Taiwan in 1949 at the end of the Chinese civil war. Taiwan was a Japanese colony from 1895 until 1945. Speaking in parliament on Tuesday, newly appointed Taiwan Premier William Lai said he was a political worker who advocates Taiwan independence , but that it already was an independent country called the Republic of China and so had no need to declare independence. Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for China s Taiwan Affairs Office, said in reaction that relations across the Taiwan Strait that separates them are not country to country relations, and there is no one China and one Taiwan . Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory, has never been a country and can never become a country, Ma said. The mainland side resolutely opposes any form of Taiwan independence words or action, and will never allow the historical tragedy of national separation to repeat itself. The consequences will be reaped for engaging in Taiwan independence separatism, he added, without elaborating. Taiwan s Mainland Affairs Council said it did not matter what Beijing said, it was an objective reality that the Republic of China was a sovereign state. Taiwan s future and the development of relations across the Strait will be jointly decided by Taiwan s 23 million people, it said. Taiwanese officials have said previously that there is no need to declare independence, as the Republic of China is already an independent country, though its territory only covers Taiwan, a few offshore islands close to China and some in the South China Sea. Relations between Taipei and Beijing have nosedived since Tsai Ing-wen of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party won election last year. China suspects her of wanting independence, but she says she wants to maintain peace with China. Beijing has suspended a regular dialogue mechanism with Taipei established under the previous, China-friendly government in Taiwan, and there has been a dramatic reduction in the number of Chinese tourists visiting Taiwan.;September 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SARAH HUCKABEE-SANDERS Destroys Room Full Of Fake News Reporters…Encourages Every American To Watch Video Exposing #VeryFakeNews CNN [VIDEO];White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders was the perfect choice to take on the media today following the release of a bombshell video by Project Veritas showing an undercover reporter capturing CNN s Supervising Producer admitting that most of the news they put out about the Trump-Russia collusion is bullish*t! Early this morning, James O Keefe released the Project Veritas video where reporters went undercover at CNN to investigate the #VeryFakeNews network. O Keefe said their intent in making the video was to determine the motivation behind CNN s Trump-Russia collusion obsession. Since the inauguration, CNN has mentioned Russian story nearly 16,000 times.During her press conference today, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders encouraged the room full of reporters to watch the Project Veritas video that exposes CNN as fake news for ratings. She even took it a step further and noted that while she couldn t confirm the accuracy of the tape, that every American should watch the video. Sanders appeared to be disgusted as she remarked that if the tape is accurate, then it is a disgrace to all of media to all of journalism. And furthermore, If the media can t be trusted to report the news, then that is a danger to all of America. BOOOM Sarah Huckabee Sanders advises ALL to watch Veritas Video where CNN producer admits they realize Trump/Russia is a hoax but dont care! pic.twitter.com/tng5DUmKq3 STOCK MONSTER (@StockMonsterUSA) June 27, 2017Although panicked fake network hosts like MSNBC s Joy Reid were praising reporter Brian Karem for attempting to stand up to Huckabee-Sanders, in reality, he was no match for the sharp-witted Huckabee-Sanders who claimed that media has gone into a dark place. One of the Democrat Party s top cheerleaders Joy Reid is no exception. Here s her tweet:Now following @BrianKarem who was every political reporter today. https://t.co/yJC2IXDKi4 Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) June 27, 2017The video below shows Karem s attempt to defend his fellow journalist s use of unnamed sources and fake news for ratings. Karem argued that Huckabee-Sanders was inflaming the CNN undercover video story, saying: Everybody in this room is only trying to do their job. Sarah Huckabee-Sanders blasted Karem as she shot back: I disagree completely. First of all, I think if anything has been inflamed, it s the dishonesty that often takes place by the news media. And I think it s outrageous for you to accuse me of inflaming a story when I was simply trying to respond to his question. :Here s the exchange between Brian Karem and Sarah Huckabee-Sanders:MUST WATCH: White House reporter @BrianKarem pushing back against Sarah Huckabee Sanders and saying what many people have been thinking. pic.twitter.com/hW49e0tdWY Yashar Ali (@yashar) June 27, 2017;Jun 27, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Taiwan's Tsai: no major policy shifts, despite Trump call - reports;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen said she does not anticipate any major policy shifts affecting the region despite her unprecedented call with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump that deeply rankled China, according to media reports on Tuesday. In a meeting with a small group of American reporters, Tsai played down the significance of the exchange last Friday with Trump. The telephone call was the first with a U.S. president-elect or president since President Jimmy Carter switched diplomatic recognition to China from Taiwan in 1979. The call prompted a diplomatic protest from Beijing on Saturday and, on Monday, reassurance from the Obama administration that Washington is committed to the “One China” policy. China regards Taiwan as a renegade province. “I have to stress that one phone call does not mean a policy shift,” Tsai told reporters from U.S. outlets that included USA Today, National Public Radio and the Washington Post. “I do not foresee major policy shifts in the near future because we all see the value of stability in the region,” she added, according to the reports. Tsai added: “The phone call was a way for us to express our respect for the U.S. election as well as congratulate President-elect Trump on his win.” Republican Trump, a real estate developer who has never previously held public office, takes office on Jan. 20 after winning the Nov. 8 election. In a statement on the meeting with journalists, Tsai’s office made no mention of her remarks regarding the call with Trump. Instead, it said Tsai told journalists that Taiwan and the United States shared many common values and that Taiwan was a major market for U.S. exports.;December 6, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: VANISHED: FBI FILES Related To Mysterious “Suicide” Death Of Hillary’s Trusted WH Counsel, Vince Foster DISAPPEAR From National Archives;Corruption is nothing new for Hillary and Bill. What is truly stunning is the mountain of evidence that clearly shows their criminal behavior has been going on for decades How did documents describing Hillary Clinton s role in the death of White House counsel Vince Foster vanish?Foster is believed to have shot himself with a .38 caliber revolver at Fort Marcy Park along the Potomac River on July 20, 1993From NewsMax April 4, 2001. Vince Foster s Gun Serial Number Searched Before DeathWhen Vince Foster was found dead from an apparent gunshot wound to the head in 1993, the government was quick to write off the death as a suicide.That sat well with Bill Clinton and Vince s closest confidante, Hillary Rodham Clinton.For years, detail after detail emerged questioning the official ruling.Significant questions were raised about the unusual gun a .38 Colt revolver made from the parts of three guns with two serial numbers found conveniently in Vince s hand.The Park Police said one of the serial numbers indicated the gun was vintage 1913 and had no pedigree.Foster family members insisted neither Foster nor his father ever owned the old revolver.Recently, a NewsMax.com reader named Craig Brinkley contacted us.Curious about the gun, Brinkley had filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the FBI, asking details of requests on the gun s serial numbers with the NCIC the National Crime Information Center.The NCIC keeps records of all law enforcment inquiries of serial numbers.On March 23, 2001, the FBI responded to Brinkley s request.Serial number 356555, one of the numbers on the gun, was never searched, not by the FBI, the Park Police or by that investigation by Ken Starr.Serial number 355055 was found on the frame of the gun. Brinkley believes that was the gun s real nnumber.That number was indeed searched by the Park Police, on the evening of Foster s death, more exactly at 22:45 EDT on July 20, 1993.Interestingly, searches were conducted on the same serial number no fewer than three times earlier that year, before Foster s death, on March 3, March 7 and April 29.Was someone checking to see that this gun had a clean predigree and was untraceable?We called Marilyn Walton at the FBI s Access Integrity Unit. She told us that the government does not disclose which law enforcement agencies requested a trace on the serial number. She said it could have been made by local or federal agencies who have access to the NCIC computer.She noted that serial numbers are often duplicated, and usually when a request is made, it includes additional information, such as the gun s make and model.In all four cases no such information was entered, just the number. Walton added that many guns share similar serial numbers.Is it a coincidence that in the year of Foster s death, four searches were conducted on the serial number found on the old gun none ever before or after? Two former FBI agents involved in the investigation tell Daily Mail Online they issued reports linking Hillary s tirade to Foster s suicideIn interviewing Clinton White House aides and Foster s friends and family, the FBI found that a week before Foster s death, Hillary held a meeting at the White House with Foster and other top aides to discuss her proposed health care legislation.Hillary angrily disagreed with a legal objection Foster raised at the meeting and ridiculed him in front of his peers, former FBI agent Coy Copeland and former FBI supervisory agent Jim Clemente told me. Copeland was Starr s senior investigator and read the reports of other agents working for Starr.During the White House meeting, Hillary continued to humiliate Foster mercilessly, according to both former FBI agents, who spoke about the investigation for the first time. Hillary put him down really, really bad in a pretty good-size meeting, Copeland says. She told him he didn t get the picture, and he would always be a little hick town lawyer who was obviously not ready for the big time. Indeed, Hillary went so far as to blame Foster for all the Clintons problems and to accuse him of failing them, according to Clemente, who was also assigned by the FBI to the Starr investigation and who probed the circumstances surrounding Foster s suicide. Foster was profoundly depressed, but Hillary lambasting him was the final straw because she publicly embarrassed him in front of others, says Clemente. Hillary blamed him for failed nominations, claimed he had not vetted them properly, and said in front of his White House colleagues, You re not protecting us and You have failed us, Clemente says. That was the final blow. After the White House meeting, Foster s behavior changed dramatically, the FBI agents found. Those who knew him said his voice sounded strained, he became withdrawn and preoccupied, and his sense of humor vanished. At times, Foster teared up. He talked of feeling trapped.On Tuesday, July 13, 1993, while having dinner with his wife Lisa, Foster broke down and began to cry. He said he was considering resigning.Archived material related to the case, housed at National Archives in College Park, Md. were examined by the author to no availAfter filing a Freedom of Information request, it was determined that the agents reported have gone missing FBI agents reports of interviews documenting that Hillary Clinton s stinging humiliation of her friend and mentor Vince Foster in front of White House aides triggered his suicide a week later are missing from where they should be filed at the National Archives, Daily Mail Online has learned exclusively.On two separate occasions, this author visited the National Archives and Records Service in College Park, Md., to review the reports generated by FBI agents assigned to investigate the 1993 death of Bill Clinton s deputy White House counsel.On the first visit, archivist David Paynter provided the box of records that he said contained the FBI reports of interviews conducted by FBI agents on Foster s death.On a second visit, archivist James Mathis provided what he said were those same documents.While the box contained dozens of FBI reports concerning Foster s death including interviews with the medical examiner, U.S. Park Police officers, and White House aides about the contents of Foster s office the reports on Hillary Clinton s role in his death were absent.After filing a Freedom of Information request with the National Archives, Martha Murphy, the archives public liaison, reported that she directed a senior archivist to conduct a more thorough review of the relevant FBI files, including those that had not been previously made public in response to FOIA requests. He examined all eight boxes but found no interviews by any investigator that detail either a meeting between Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster or the effects of a meeting between Hillary Clinton and Vince Foster on Vince Foster s state of mind, Murphy reported in an email. We did not limit ourselves to interviews by the two individuals [FBI agents] you mention. While Murphy said the archives searched for the records that would be responsive to your request and concluded that they could not be found, when asked for comment, John Valceanu, the archives director of communications and marketing, said, We do not agree with your conclusion that the records you requested are missing from the National Archives simply because we were unable to locate any responsive records in response to your request. While confirming that the records could not be located, Valceanu held out the possibility that the FBI interviews were not filed where they should have been and were somewhere else in the more than 3,000 boxes of records amounting to 7.5 million pages generated by the Starr investigation.This is not the first time documents related to the Clintons have apparently vanished from the National Archive.In March 2009, the archives found that an external hard drive from the Bill Clinton White House containing confidential documents was missing.When it could not be located, the inspector general s office announced that it had opened a criminal investigation.Offering a reward of up to $50,000 for information leading to recovery of the hard drive, the archives asked that tips be reported to the Secret Service. At the time, the archives said it had a backup drive.Via: Daily Mail;Aug 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SCARAMUCCI’S WIFE FILES FOR DIVORCE…Why She’s Blaming Trump;When was the last time being loyal to your boss was a negative, especially when your boss is the POTUS!The White House s new communications director Anthony Scaramucci is being divorced by his wife Deirdre Ball after three years of marriage because of his ruthless mission to get close to President Donald Trump, whom she despises. A source says that while she liked the nice Wall Street life and their home on Long Island she did not care for the insane world of D.C. and she is tired of his naked ambition. Another source said the former couple had fought over his loyalty to Trump. The source noted, Deidre is not a fan of Trump, and she hasn t exactly been on board and supportive of Anthony and his push to get back into the White House. According to reports, Ball donated $5,400 to the congressional campaign of anti-Trump Democrat Kathleen Rice in 2015. But she also donated $10,800 to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker s presidential campaign and $2,700 to Jeb Bush s campaign the same year.Deidre worked as a vice president in investor relations for SkyBridge Capital, the firm Scaramucci founded in 2005 and sold to ascend to the White House. The source said that Scaramucci had been hell-bent on claiming his position at the White House after he was originally pegged for a senior role. This ambition was halted by Reince Priebus, Trump s chief of staff. But, after an aggressive campaign, Scaramucci was made communications director by Trump which prompted Sean Spicer to quit.Scaramucci recently gave an incredibly strange interview with the New Yorker, telling reporter Ryan Lizza that he thought Priebus was a f king paranoid schizophrenic, a paranoiac. He then added, I m not Steve Bannon, I am not trying to suck my own c k. He was also noted saying, I m not trying to build my own brand off the f king strength of the president. I am here to serve the country. Ball went by the Twitter handle @MrsAScaramucci but, according to reports, she deleted her account after her husband was appointed as White House communications director. A friend close to Scaramucci stated that Anthony is focusing on his children, his work for the president and the American people. There is nothing more important to him. I don t know who Deidre thought she was marrying but anyone who knows Anthony knows he s an ambitious man. Read more: Page Six;Jul 28, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: (VIDEO) YOU’LL BE SHOCKED AT HOW LITTLE PEOPLE UNDERSTAND ABOUT THE IRAN DEAL;Nukes or No Nukes? This is crazy and people have no clue about any of it. Wakey, wakey America! ;Sep 4, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trumps Uses KIDS As Human Shields In Latest Campaign Lie;Donald Trump has shown throughout the presidential campaign a repeated habit of lying again and again about every issue under the sun. Trump seems to be so enamored of lying that he often does so without any logical reason behind it even for a politician.The Associated Press did some digging into yet another Trump claim and it turns out that he s lying, this time about children.Attacking government-funded universal pre-K programs, Trump said that he favored programs administered by private businesses, instead of the government. As an example he cited programs supposedly utilized by his own businesses.He said, They call em Trump Kids. Another one calls it Trumpeteers, if you can believe it. I have em. I actually have em, because I have a lot of different businesses. But it turns out those programs aren t for Trump s employees.But the two programs Trump cited Trump Kids and Trumpeteers are programs catering to patrons of Trump s hotels and golf club. They are not for Trump s employees, according to staff at Trump s hotels and clubs across the country. Trump Kids is described on the Trump Hotel Collection website as a special travel program designed to help make your next family vacation a big hit. Its offerings include kid-friendly amenities like kiddie cocktails, coloring books and no-tear bath amenities. The Trumpeteer Program is described on the website of Trump National Golf Club in Charlotte, North Carolina, as a program created specifically for our youngest members, ages three to twelve, which offers daily and evening child care, monthly newsletters and weekly events! AP also interviewed Trump employees and asked if they provide child care. They said no. The AP also checked out employee handbooks from Trump s business, and none of them mention child care services. When they asked the campaign about the candidate s lie, they responded with a stock statement and avoided answering the question directly.It s just one more example of how Trump and his campaign is trying to lie its way into the White House. Luckily, it doesn t seem to be working.Featured image via Flickr;August 11, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: White House accuses media of playing down inauguration crowds;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Saturday accused the media of framing photographs to understate the crowd that attended Donald Trump’s inauguration, a new jab in a long-running fight between the new president and the news organizations who cover him. In an unusual and fiery statement on Saturday night, White House spokesman Sean Spicer lashed out about tweeted photographs that showed large, empty spaces on the National Mall during the ceremony on Friday. “This was the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period. Both in person and around the globe,” Spicer said in a brief statement. “These attempts to lessen the enthusiasm about the inauguration are shameful and wrong.” Washington’s city government estimated 1.8 million people attended President Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration, making it the largest gathering ever on the Mall. Aerial photographs showed that the crowds for Trump’s inauguration were smaller than in 2009. Spicer’s rebuke followed a larger-than-expected turnout for women’s marches protesting Trump across the United States on Saturday, including at the flagship event in Washington, where a crowd of hundreds of thousands clogged the streets and appeared to be larger than those who came for Trump’s inauguration. Spicer, who did not take questions from reporters, said spaces for 720,000 people were full when Trump took his oath. He also said the National Park Service does not put out official crowd counts. “No one had numbers.” Washington’s Metro subway system said 193,000 users had entered the system by 11 a.m. on Friday, compared with 513,000 at that time during Obama’s 2009 inauguration. On Saturday, Metro reported ridership of 275,000 at 11 a.m. as it struggled to handle the crowd converging on downtown Washington for the protest march. Trump has long used the media as a foil during his unconventional climb to the White House. On Saturday, he blamed the media for making up his feud with the CIA over its investigation into Russian hacking. Spicer also criticized a reporter who made an error in a pool report during a brief ceremony in the Oval Office on Friday. Earlier, Trump called out the reporter by name at the CIA headquarters. “There’s been a lot of talk in the media about the responsibility to hold Donald Trump accountable, and I’m here to tell you it goes two ways. We’re going to hold the press accountable as well,” Spicer said.;January 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ohio congressman Ryan challenges Pelosi for House Democratic leader;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio said on Thursday he was challenging House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, who has led the party in the chamber for 14 years, as Democrats question their strategy and leadership after a stinging general election defeat. Ryan, 43, who has been in Congress since 2003, said in a statement that Democrats had only been in the House of Representatives majority for four of the past 18 years, “and last week’s election results set us back even further.” “Vote for me and I will dedicate all of my energy to lead us back into the majority,” said Ryan, who is from an old working-class, steel area of northeastern Ohio, the type of region the Democrats want to wrest back from Republicans. “At this time of fear and disillusionment, we owe it to our constituencies to listen and bring a new voice into leadership.” Democrats had expected to do much better in the Nov. 8 election, when Republican Donald Trump, a New York businessman with no experience in public office, won the White House on the back of working-class voters. Republicans kept their majorities in both Senate and House after some Democrats had predicted double-digit wins in the House and a chance to win the Senate. Ryan announced his long-shot challenge after several days of publicly weighing it. Pelosi, 76, of California, claims she has support of two-thirds of Democrats before they vote Nov. 30. “I’m respectful what people are saying. There’s a lot of unease,” Pelosi said when asked about the potential challenge. “And as members in there said, we cannot be taking in the full responsibility for what happened in the election ... a lot of it was beyond our control,” she added. A senior House Democratic aide called Ryan’s bid a “publicity stunt.” He said Ryan had shortchanged party coffers, paying only half of his dues owed since 2014 to the party’s campaign committee. Ryan’s office declined comment. At a closed-door meeting of House Democrats Thursday, about half the roughly two dozen lawmakers who spoke “said we need new leadership,” Representative John Yarmuth of Louisville, Kentucky, said in an interview. He declined to say who he would support. Representative Emanuel Cleaver II of Kansas City, Missouri, was also noncommittal but said the caucus should “take his (Ryan’s) candidacy seriously and contemplate where the caucus is, and where it could go under his leadership.”;November 17, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Girding Malaysian ruling party for election, Najib rallies Muslims over Jerusalem;KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak called on Muslims worldwide to strongly oppose any recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capital, as he rallied his party ahead of a tough election due next year. Muslim majority Malaysia, a significant U.S. ally in Southeast Asia, warned of grave repercussions as it joined other countries condemning President Donald Trump s decision on Wednesday to reverse decades of U.S. policy and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. How can we accept that? Najib said in his speech at an annual gathering of the ruling United Malay National Organisation (UMNO) party in Kuala Lumpur. I call on all Muslims across the world to let your voices be heard, make it clear that we strongly oppose any recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capital for all time. The opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) said it would hold a protest outside the U.S. Embassy on Friday to condemn the decision. Dogged by a long-running multi-billion dollar scandal at state fund that he founded, Najib is expected to court Muslim sensibilities as he seeks a third term in next year s election, though the strategy could lose votes for his coalition partners from Malaysia s sizable Chinese and Indian minorities. At this father of all elections, we will fight to the end, Najib said, leading three cheers of God is Great from the thousands of UMNO delegates in the conference hall. Najib s greatest challenge is expected to come from an opposition alliance that has re-grouped under 93-year-old Mahathir Mohamad - who led Malaysia for 22 years - and charismatic leader Anwar Ibrahim, rather than from the Islamists. Observers still expect Najib to steer UMNO and the multi-racial Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition to victory despite the controversy over state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Najib has denied any wrongdoing in a scandal that is being investigated in at least six countries including Switzerland, Singapore and the United States. On Monday, U.S. attorney-general Jeff Sessions described the Malaysian graft case as the worst form of kleptocracy, and said the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) was working to provide justice to the victims. Holding onto power, Najib has purged dissent among the 3.4 million members of UMNO, clamped down on media and civil society, and blocked a damaging internal probe on him related to graft at 1MDB.;December 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Factbox: What do the new U.S. sanctions on Russia target?;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump reluctantly signed into law a sweeping sanctions bill against Russia, Iran and North Korea this week. As U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov meet this weekend at a regional forum in Manila, here is a look at new Russia sanctions : * The law establishes a review process that allows Congress to block any effort by Trump to ease or lift sanctions on Russia. Lawmakers passed the bill to punish Russia over its alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, its annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region and its involvement in Syria’s civil war. * Trump, or any U.S. president, must submit a report to the appropriate congressional committee describing the rationale behind any easing of sanctions on Russia and how it would affect U.S. national security interests. Congress would have at least 30 days to hold hearings and then vote on any proposed change. If lawmakers back a “joint resolution of disapproval,” the president would be barred from changing the sanctions. * New sanctions are introduced on entities doing business with Russian military or intelligence agencies, companies involved in Russian off-shore oil projects, and those participating in Russian oil or gas pipeline construction within Russia. The bill targets a wide range of Russian industries, which might further hurt Russia’s economy, already weakened by 2014 sanctions imposed after the annexation of Crimea. * The law also ramps up sanctions against any entity involved in any cyber attacks on behalf of the Russian government, or that is owned by or acting on behalf of any such entity. The president is allowed to waive these sanctions if he determines it is in the national security interest to do so, subject to congressional review. * Six executive orders signed by President Barack Obama are codified, which would prevent Trump from using an executive order to revoke them. The measures, from 2014-2016, targeted Russia’s financial services, energy, defense and other industries in retaliation for its annexation of Crimea and incursion into Ukraine, as well as cyber-attacks and election interference in the United States. * The law also requires an interagency report on senior foreign political figures and oligarchs in Russia, their estimated net worth and sources of income, any indications of corruption, and their connection to Russian President Vladimir Putin.;August 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. high court pick Gorsuch seen as genial, firmly conservative;(Reuters) - When gay former law clerk Joshua Goodbaum married his partner in 2014, he got effusive and emotional reassurance from his former boss, President Donald Trump’s conservative U.S. Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Goodbaum, now an attorney in Connecticut, recalled fondly their conversation on the week of the wedding: “He said, ‘This is a wonderful thing. You’ll see how your relationship grows.’” Goodbaum, who in 2009 served as a clerk for the Colorado federal appeals court judge, added: “I have never felt the least whiff from him of homophobia or intolerance toward gay people.” As the U.S. Senate weighs whether to confirm the Republican president’s nomination of Gorsuch for a lifetime seat on the nation’s highest court, his views on social issues, such as gay rights, are under scrutiny by Democrats and Republicans alike. The Supreme Court periodically makes landmark civil rights decisions such as the 2015 ruling legalizing gay marriage nationwide. In their current term, for instance, the justices will tackle a major transgender rights case. For a year, the court has had eight justices, not the requisite nine, because Republicans refused to consider Democratic former President Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland. Democrats remain furious with the Republicans for that, and are scouring Gorsuch’s record to build their case against his Senate confirmation. When he was named as a nominee by Trump on Tuesday, Gorsuch, 49, immediately came under attack from liberal groups that pounced on his social issues record, which is thin but offers clues on how he might behave as a justice, if confirmed. Like Goodbaum, friends and acquaintances of Gorsuch, many of them Democrats, said he is genial, tolerant and respectful. In some ways, he differs in style from the justice he was named to replace, the late Antonin Scalia, who was known for being combative and blunt on the bench. Gorsuch would not put politics before the law, these people said. But his conservative legal philosophy indicates he would likely vote with like-minded conservative justices on the closely divided court. He rejects the idea that liberals can press their social agenda in the courts. That could signaled he may be less likely to side with Justice Anthony Kennedy, a conservative who often casts the deciding vote in close cases. Kennedy has joined with liberal justices in backing gay marriage, abortion rights and, most recently, a limited form of racial preferences in college admissions. It remains an open question whether Gorsuch would vote for conservative agenda items such as expanding religious liberties in a way some critics say allows for discrimination against gays and others, restricting voting rights and lifting campaign finance restrictions. In a 2005 article for conservative magazine National Review, Gorsuch said liberals “have become addicted to the courtroom, relying on judges and lawyers rather than elected leaders and the ballot box, as the primary means of effecting their social agenda on everything from gay marriage to assisted suicide to the use of vouchers for private-school education.” Some liberal politicians and advocacy groups have labeled Gorsuch a conservative hardliner in part over his role in deciding a 2013 case involving the Christian owners of the arts-and-crafts retailer Hobby Lobby. The ruling allowed owners of private companies to object on religious grounds to a federal requirement that they provide insurance to employees that pays for women’s birth control. It was affirmed by the Supreme Court.  “We absolutely must not confirm a Supreme Court nominee who has ruled that the religious beliefs of employers can trump the law,” said Rachel Tiven, chief executive of Lambda Legal, an advocacy group for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.  On another issue, Gorsuch last October said his colleagues on the Denver-based 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals should have reconsidered a ruling that prevented Utah Governor Gary Herbert from suspending funding to women’s healthcare and abortion provider Planned Parenthood over videos purported to show its officials negotiating the sale of fetal tissue. In 2006, Gorsuch wrote a book arguing against legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia. After Trump nominated him, many social conservatives and religious groups, perhaps looking back at his book, said they hoped Gorsuch would vote on the court to roll back abortion rights. In the book, Gorsuch cited the “inviolability of human life,” calling it a “basic good.” The Knights of Columbus, a Roman Catholic fraternal organization, said Gorsuch would uphold religious freedoms “and the right to life of every person.” Former clerks said they do not know how Gorsuch, a member of the Episcopal church, would vote on gay marriage or abortion. But they said he never brought his religion into his work. “He’s not the kind of person to use his post to push an agenda,” said Jason Murray, a Gorsuch clerk in 2011 who is a Democrat.  “You could certainly say Judge Gorsuch is a conservative. But I don’t see how his personality or record bears out that he is an extremist,” Murray said.  Some who know Gorsuch personally said his respect for legal precedent could prevent radical attempts to change the law. “He’s very sensitive to the importance of societal stability. So if he were to change Roe v. Wade significantly I would be surprised,” added Tracy Ashmore, a Democratic lawyer from Denver, referring to the landmark 1973 Supreme Court ruling legalizing abortion.;February 2, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: House backs massive increase in defense spending;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed its version of a massive annual defense bill on Friday, leaving out controversial amendments on transgender troops and climate policy but backing President Donald Trump’s desire for a bigger, stronger military. The vote was 344-81 to pass the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which sets military policy and authorizes up to $696 billion in spending for the Department of Defense. Underscoring bipartisan support for higher defense spending in Congress, 117 Democrats joined 227 Republicans in backing the measure. Only eight Republicans and 73 Democrats voted no. But the measure faces more hurdles before it can become law, notably because it would increase military spending beyond last year’s $619 billion bill, defying “sequestration” caps on government spending set in the 2011 Budget Control Act. Trump wants to pay for a military spending increase by slashing nondefense spending. His fellow Republicans control majorities in both the House and Senate, but they will need support from Senate Democrats, who want to increase military spending, for Trump’s plans to go into effect. The House NDAA also increases spending on missile defense by 25 percent, adds thousands more active-duty troops to the Army, provides five new ships for the Navy and provides a 2.4 percent salary increase for U.S. troops, their largest pay raise in eight years. And it creates a new Space Corps military service, pushed by lawmakers worried about China and Russia’s activities in space, but opposed by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis. The Senate will vote on its version of the NDAA later this year, and the two versions must be reconciled before the measure can be sent to the White House for Trump to sign into law or veto. Trump has not threatened to veto the bill, but his administration listed several problems with it, including opposition to the proposed Space Corps and its failure to authorize new base realignments and closures. During debate on amendments to the NDAA this week, the House rejected a Republican-sponsored amendment that would have ended the Pentagon’s policy of providing gender-reassignment surgery and other therapy for active-duty transgender service members. Lawmakers also defeated a proposed Republican amendment that would have prevented the Pentagon from implementing climate-change and green energy policies.;July 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Lavrov: U.S. pressure on Russian diplomats and media is unacceptable;MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told his U.S. counterpart Rex Tillerson that U.S. pressure on Russian diplomats and media was unacceptable, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Thursday. This includes recruitment attempts by the U.S. intelligence services, the ministry cited Lavrov as saying at a meeting with Tillerson on the sidelines of a conference in Vienna. ;December 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: South African police summon author of book critical of Zuma;JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The South African author of a book critical of President Jacob Zuma said on Thursday he had been summoned by police, but no reason had been given for the meeting. The President s Keepers - Those keeping Zuma in power and out of prison by journalist Jacques Pauw alleges millions of dollars in taxpayers money flowed into the bank accounts of spies and members of Zuma s government. The president s office has denied the accusations in the book. Pauw confirmed in an interview with eNCA television that his attorney had received a request for him to meet with police on Monday or Tuesday. We don t know what the meeting is about. Anyway, we are going to cooperate, Pauw said. South Africa s State Security Agency said last month it had made a criminal complaint against Pauw relating to the contravention of several sections of the Intelligence Services Act. ;December 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican vows 'all hands on deck' in Georgia congressional runoff;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A political newcomer who thrilled Democrats with a strong finish in a Georgia congressional race - despite attacks by President Donald Trump - will face an experienced Republican candidate in a June runoff election for a district long dominated by the party. Democrat Jon Ossoff drew 48.1 percent of the vote in Tuesday’s special election, just shy of the 50 percent needed to win the most closely watched U.S. congressional race since Trump took office in January. Some saw the election, held to replace new Health Secretary Tom Price, as a test of the Republican president’s political strength. Ossoff, 30, was the top vote getter in a field of 18 candidates, 11 of them Republicans, in a suburban Atlanta district that has sent Republicans to Congress since the 1970s. Republican Karen Handel, 55, a former Georgia secretary of state, won 19.8 percent, and will face Ossoff in the June 20 runoff. The runoff presents a stiffer challenge. If Ossoff gets the support of the other Democratic candidates, he would have 49 percent, said Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez. However, Perez said the party would target up to 35,000 Democrats who voted in November’s presidential election but not on Tuesday. “We have an army of volunteers,” he told CNN. Handel, who said Trump called to congratulate her on Wednesday morning, dismissed Ossoff as a well-funded novice who would flounder as Republicans consolidated support behind a single candidate. “We know that this is an important race, and it’s going to stay in the hands of a Republican,” Handel told CNN. “It is all Republicans, all hands on deck.” Demographic changes have made Georgia’s affluent 6th Congressional District more competitive for Democrats. Trump won the district by only 1.5 percentage points in November against Democrat Hillary Clinton, who drew support from its many college graduates. Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said the race showed how the South was changing. “This should be a wake-up call for the Republican Party in the South,” he told NBC’s “Today” show. Ossoff, a former congressional staffer and documentary filmmaker, ran on a pledge to “Make Trump Furious.” Trump jumped into the race in its final days with attacks on Twitter poking fun at Ossoff for not living in his own district and for attracting support from Hollywood celebrities. The president weighed in again on Wednesday with a tweet saying, “It is now Hollywood vs. Georgia on June 20th.” In response, Ossoff portrayed Trump, a New York businessman who had never held public office, as the Washington insider. “Folks in Washington tend to overstate their influence in local races like this,” he told MSNBC. “This comes down to grassroots intensity.” White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump would campaign in Georgia for Handel “if needed” but dismissed the race as overhyped. “The Democrats went all-in on this race,” Spicer told reporters. “They lost.”;April 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA’S DREAM IS AMERICA’S NIGHTMARE: 121 Illegal Aliens Commit Murder After Avoiding Deportation Orders;A different set of laws apply to illegals in fact, it appears there are no laws that apply to illegals More than 100 convicted criminals who remained in the U.S. despite receiving deportation orders between 2010 and 2014 now face murder charges, according to the agency charged with carrying out such deportations of illegal immigrants.U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement reports that 121 convicted criminals who were never removed from the country face murder charges today.In response, Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., of the Judiciary Committee submitted a letter on June 12 requesting a multi-departmental response from Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Secretary of State John Kerry and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.In their letter, Grassley and Sessions cite Immigration and Customs Enforcement statistics that show 1,000 of the 36,007 criminally-convicted illegal immigrants released from custody in fiscal year 2013 have been reconvicted of additional crimes.The senators wrote that the murders committed by the 121 convicted criminals could have been avoided had they not been released.As a result, Grassley and Sessions are requesting an explanation from the Obama administration officials concerning the government s decision to release the convicted criminals before deportation.The senators also ask for information concerning the future of U.S. initiatives to deport convicted criminals and whether immigration officials are fully leveraging existing tools and resources to prevent these dangerous outcomes. However, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Sarah Saldana wrote in a recent letter that convicted criminals may be released, even if the convicted individuals face deportation charges.h/t Weasel ZippersVia: The Daily Signal;Jun 16, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Starbucks And Barnes & Noble Joining Target In Saying FU To Haters;While there has never been a confirmed instance of transgender people as child predators, this year s Republican pearl clutching is directed toward transgender people and their rights to use bathrooms. States are even passing laws trying to ensure that somehow, people s bathroom habits match up to their birth certificates.Yes, it s absurd, and some retailers are telling their customers exactly that by opening their bathrooms to any shopper, regardless of genitalia. Target was the first major retailer to do that and now, Starbucks and Barnes & Noble are joining them.Starbucks, Hudson s Bay Co. parent company to Lord & Taylor and Saks Fifth Avenue and Barnes & Noble have all come out in support of trans people s rights to use the bathrooms that best align with their gender identities. HBC respects and affirms each person s right to self-identify and access facilities that reflect their gender identity, said spokeswoman Tiffany Bourr .Starbucks spokeswoman Jaime Riley stated that the company is looking into additional opportunities to have more gender-neutral signage in our restrooms where jurisdictions allow it. As a company, Barnes & Noble treats all employees and customers with dignity and respect, spokeswoman Mary Ellen Keating said. For our transgender employees and customers, that means that they are allowed to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with. Source: NewNowNextOf course, whiny conservatives are, well, whining.Thanks to Starbucks s idiotic gender neutral bathrooms, I won t be going there anymore. Maggie Holmes (@magselizabeth15) May 1, 2016 Hey #BoycottTarget peeps, #barnesandnoble and @Starbucks have the SAME policy on bathrooms. That needs more attention. DJ (@formadeo) April 30, 2016@InGodIDoTrust / Target bathrooms are fast rivaling starbucks as a libtard safe haven CLAYVIS (@HAMnEGG_WILLIE) April 26, 2016For most Starbucks shops, this is little more than thumbing their noses at right-wing nut jobs. Most Starbucks bathrooms are single stall, so privacy is kind of a given.If you recall, it was just a few months ago when Starbucks was being boycotted by presumably some of the same people people who objected to the fact that their Christmas cup didn t have Jesusy images like snowmen and Christmas trees. It was just blank.Here s the video:And still, Republicans don t get it. They don t get the point of our government. Young Conservatives, for example, said this, which sums up much of the argument against gender neutral bathrooms.It is very strange how many large companies are willing to completely ignore the safety of their customers just to pander to less than 1% of the population.Ironically, this is the argument used every time liberals suggest equality for everyone. It s true that transgender people are a tiny minority, but that s why they need legal protections. We have never been a true democracy. We don t bow to the tyranny of the majority. When African-Americans were legally integrated into society, the majority of citizens were white and the mouth breathers objected to their little girls being in a stall next to a little African-American girl. Obviously, integrated bathrooms didn t cause problems then and they cause no problems now. They are just the latest desperate grab at an ugly past when the only people who counted were white, male, cigenders and Protestant.Featured image via Getty Images.;May 7, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump vows 'phenomenal' tax announcement, offers no details;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump plans to announce the most ambitious tax reform plan since the Reagan era in the next few weeks, the White House said on Thursday, sending stock prices and the dollar higher on hopes for a cut in corporate tax rates. In a White House meeting with airline executives, Trump promised a “phenomenal” tax plan, but offered no specifics other than citing the need to a lower tax burden on businesses. “That’s coming along very well. We’re way ahead of schedule,” the president said. “We’re going to be announcing something I would say over the next two or three weeks that will be phenomenal in terms of tax and developing our aviation infrastructure.” White House spokesman Sean Spicer later told reporters that Trump would unveil a comprehensive tax plan including tax cuts for individuals as well as businesses. Despite the likelihood of disagreements in Congress before tax reform can be enacted, the U.S. dollar rose along with bond yields and stocks in response to the news. Under U.S. law, only Congress can substantively change the tax code, which has not been overhauled thoroughly since 1986. Tax legislation must begin in the House of Representatives. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, a Texas Republican who has been talking to the White House about a tax reform bill, said he was “pretty positive” about Trump’s remarks. “We’re going in the same direction in a good way,” Brady told Fox News. Both U.S. political parties generally agree on the need for tax reform, but action has been stymied by the complexity of the code which is riddled with loopholes. Spicer said to expect “a comprehensive plan, something we haven’t seen since 1986 ... It’s going to recognize the need to give so many working Americans the relief that they need.” “What he wants to do is create a tax climate that not only keeps jobs here but incentivizes companies to want to come here, to grow here, to create jobs here, to bring their profits back here.” During last year’s election campaign, the president pledged to cut the U.S. business tax rate from to 15 percent from 35 percent. Investors have been waiting for details on Trump’s election campaign pledge to stimulate U.S. economic growth through spending on infrastructure projects and tax cuts. “That was really the crux of the dollar rally shortly after his election, and I think investors are getting really excited about that again,” BK Asset Management managing director Kathy Lien said as Trump’s comments sent the U.S. dollar to its best one-day gain against the yen in three weeks. Before Trump’s comments on Thursday, tax reform appeared to be losing momentum in Congress. The White House and House Republicans have been in discussions about a House tax reform plan that includes a controversial border adjustment proposal. The measure has come under fire from retailers, oil refiners and automakers who fear its 20 percent import tax could raise consumer prices. In a sign of the bumpy road ahead, Republican Senator David Perdue of Georgia called border adjustment “a bad idea” and urged his colleagues in a letter not to support it. Lawmakers have also been considering ways to upgrade U.S. infrastructure such as roads, bridges, airports and rail systems. At Thursday’s meeting, Trump discussed what he called an obsolete U.S. air traffic control system, as well as out-of-date airport infrastructure, train systems and roads. He told the executives he was determined to “change all of that” and said they would be very happy with his proposals. “You people are regulated probably as much as almost anybody, although I can think of a couple of industries that are even worse,” Trump said.;February 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: In western Moscow, Putin allies lose an election but cling to power;MOSCOW (Reuters) - More than 10 weeks after losing a local council election in western Moscow, Vladimir Putin s party is clinging to power there - by fair means or foul. The standoff over control of Filyovsky Park Council came to a head when opposition councilor Vadim Korovin tried to sit in the chairman s seat at a meeting on Tuesday. A councilor from the Russian president s United Russia cut his microphone cable and then body-checked him as he tried to reach the seat. This is a violent occupation and seizure of power! Korovin protested to the United Russia representative, Dmitry Prokhorov, who pushed him from his way as a policeman stepped in to prevent a fight. All four United Russia members on the council then walked out. Soon afterwards the electricity in the building, and all the lights, went off. Using flashlights of mobile phones to see, the six opposition members of the 10-seat council continued the meeting. They elected Korovin as deputy chairman and, in effect, caretaker leader, but the United Russia members later refused to recognize the vote. The battle to control the council, witnessed by a Reuters correspondent who attended Tuesday s meeting, shows how difficult some of Putin s allies find it to surrender power when confronted with the unfamiliar experience of an election defeat. Moscow is not typical of Russia, as support for Putin and his allies across the country is high. Opinion polls suggest he will easily win next year s presidential election if, as is widely expected, he runs. But Putin, 65, is barred under the constitution from ruling for more than two consecutive terms so the question of who will succeed him, and how his allies will act when he leaves the political stage, will loom large in coming years. United Russia representatives have refused to cede power in 10 districts of Moscow where they suffered defeats in local elections on Sept. 10, according to the organizers of the opposition campaign in the Russian capital. Dmitry Gudkov, a former lawmaker who runs what is known as the United Democrats project, said the Moscow administration, which controls the building where Tuesday s meeting was held, was in a position to play spoiling tactics. If they want to disrupt our work they will do it, he said. Alexander Semennikov, a United Russia deputy in the Moscow city parliament who heads a commission that deals with relations with local councils, said any decisions made by the six Kremlin opponents on the council would have close to zero legitimacy. He described Tuesday s events as part of a stormy stage in the evolution of municipal institutions in Moscow, and urged the two sides to reach an agreement to resolve the situation. A spokesman at the Moscow mayor s office referred questions to the city administration s Western region, which includes Filyovsky Park. A spokesman for the Western region declined to comment. United Russia defeated the opposition in a majority of the 125 Moscow districts where voting took place on Sept. 10 but Kremlin opponents increased their share of the vote. Since the election, opposition councillors in some districts have been stymied by contradictory provisions in the legislation that governs how the councils are organized. The law states that a council s chair stays in the post until replaced after an election and must be elected by a two-thirds majority. It does not explain what happens if control of the council changes hands but, as in Filyovsky Park district, no party has a two-thirds majority. In Filyovsky Park, a district with 90,000 inhabitants, Tigran Mkrtchyan, a United Russia member who was appointed interim chairman in August, was among officials who lost their seat on Sept. 10. But because no side has the two-thirds majority required to elect a new chair, Mkrtchyan, who runs a shopping mall, has continued carrying out his duties. Official documents issued by the council since the election bear his signature, and the Moscow prosecutor s office supported Mkrtchyan s stance in October. A document seen by Reuters said former heads of municipal districts can keep running a council until a replacement is elected, even if they have lost their own place on the council. It cited a 2003 law in support of its argument. Tuesday s meeting, the council s second since the election, had been intended by the opposition council member to break the impasse. But after leaving the meeting, Mkrtchyan told Reuters he would keep the position of temporary head of the council until a new leader is elected. He and his associates still appeared to be in charge on Friday. When Reuters placed a call to the council, a member of Mkrtchyan s team picked up the phone.;November 24, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Got Put Through A Sanity Test And It DID NOT End Well (VIDEO);Most of us are fully aware that Republican nominee Donald Trump is not only a racist, a misogynist and a bigot, but a complete psychopath and compulsive liar. But what happens when Trump is actually put through a clinical sanity test? Political commentator Keith Olbermann decided to find out.In a courageous attempt to understand the way Trump s disturbed mind works, Olbermann examined Trump using clinical psychology practices, which lead to his conclusion that Trump would not pass any of the sanity tests commonly used to identify criminal and antisocial tendencies.Olbermann released his findings on Thursday in Vanity Fair, and the results were not good for the future of America. The particular test Olbermann chose to evaluate Trump was The Hare Psychopathy Checklist , developed by Canadian criminal psychologist Robert D. Hare, which serves as a kind of triage device to separate the injured from the tripping from the psychopathic. This particular test goes through 20 different personality traits, awarding points for each. Such traits include a grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, lack of empathy, parasitic lifestyle, promiscuous sexual behavior, and a failure to accept responsibility for one s own actions. Just by that small sample of traits alone, you can probably already guess how Trump might have scored.The maximum amount of points you can get is 40, and clinical psychopathy is considered any score 30 or above. Trump scored a whopping 32 making him a certainty for a diagnosis of clinical psychopathy. Olbermann remarked on Trump s mental health: The implications are clear. Our Trumperor s New Clothes media rightly sees the latest Trump event whatever it is this time as one of the most unbelievable developments in American political history. But the simple mechanics of following, reporting, and writing the proverbial new high in low every single day means that they could be missing one overriding truth about the health of the most remarkable presidential candidate since at least 1864. In short, our amateurs exercise with the very professional Hare Psychopathy Checklist suggests that if you were betting on it, you d probably want to bet that Donald Trump couldn t pass a sanity test open book. If that isn t terrifying, I don t know what is. Trump is the GOP nominee, and although Clinton will probably wipe the floor with him in the election, the fact that someone as hateful and mentally unstable as Trump has gotten this close to the White House should worry us all.Here s a video from Olbermann, which goes through the test and Trump s results:Featured image via screenshot;July 21, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: NFL’s NEWEST ATTENTION SEEKER Takes Place of Unemployed Kaepernick…Calls Anyone Who Disagrees With Him “RACIST”;Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch sat during the national anthem over the weekend, ahead of a Saturday preseason game against the Arizona Cardinals, the AP reports.The NFL player was photographed on top of an orange cooler with a banana in Glendale, Ariz.Last year, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick sat and kneeled during the national anthem and protested police brutality.Lynch previously backed Kaepernick, telling comedian Conan O Brien in September 2016, I d rather see him take a knee than stand up, put his hands up and get murdered. If you re really not racist then you won t see what he done, what he s doing, as a threat to America, but just addressing a problem that we have, Lynch said at the time.Raiders coach Jack Del Rio says he didn t know about Lynch s plans ahead of the game, according to NFL.com. On Marshawn, talked to Marshawn trying to make sure we re on the same page, the coach said. He said, This is something I ve done for 11 years. It s not a form of anything other than me being myself. I said, So you understand how I feel, I very strongly believe in standing for the national anthem. But I m going to respect you as a man, you do your thing. We ll do ours. It s a non-issue for me. Via: Fox News;Aug 13, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: THIS ONE PICTURE Tells You Just How Delusional Hillary Has Become About The Trouble She’s In;As much as Hillary Clinton wants to spin the definition of the trouble she s in, it won t matter. The FBI Director James Comey isn t playing around and won t put up with the spin from Hillary. ;May 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: The Internet Obliterates Trump After He Whines About A Photo Of Him CNN Used (TWEETS);The president-elect on Monday took issue with a photo of himself used by CNN for the cover of its book about the 2016 election. Donald Trump took to Twitter to write, @CNN just released a book called Unprecedented which explores the 2016 race & victory. Hope it does well but used worst cover photo of me! @CNN just released a book called Unprecedented which explores the 2016 race & victory. Hope it does well but used worst cover photo of me! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 2, 2017This is the book cover:Get the 2017 inaugural edition of CNN s book Unprecedented in stores or online https://t.co/3ix857A9E5 pic.twitter.com/m23kFq7Y49 CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) January 2, 2017This isn t the first time Trump put his massive ego on display. He never learns. In late November, he yelled at reporters for using a picture of him which showed his multiple chins. Ever since, people have been tweeting out the image he dislikes so much. Well, it s happening again.The Internet responded to the tragically insecure president-elect s tweet with impunity. Twitter users are looking for the picture in question. (Psst: It s in the above linked tweet).This is apparently the photo the Mirror-Gazer in Chief hates. Make sure not to retweet it! @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/qR8NtQSSDM Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) January 2, 2017@realDonaldTrump @CNN did they use this one? pic.twitter.com/1ezRJuxPqv Erick Fernandez (@ErickFernandez) January 2, 2017Social media users started tweeting Trump terrible photos that have been taken of him.@realDonaldTrump @CNN how about this one? pic.twitter.com/HzWBHN6YlV Erick Fernandez (@ErickFernandez) January 2, 2017@realDonaldTrump @CNN this one is pretty nice too! pic.twitter.com/2pEAdg6jFv Erick Fernandez (@ErickFernandez) January 2, 2017@realDonaldTrump @CNN You re so vain. Jeffrey Guterman (@JeffreyGuterman) January 2, 2017@JeffreyGuterman @realDonaldTrump @CNN he probably thought that book was about him. Subverting Trump (@rationalsquad) January 2, 2017@realDonaldTrump @CNN Now the president elect is whining about a photo they used. Jesus. What a clown. Mike Elgan (@MikeElgan) January 2, 2017@realDonaldTrump Have your charitable foundation commission a better one. pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) January 2, 2017@pourmecoffee @realDonaldTrump We here at MDT kinda like this one. pic.twitter.com/4bzmx1gDRn Not Maureen Dowd (@MaureenDowdTwit) January 2, 2017@realDonaldTrump @CNN Your cabinet looks great though pic.twitter.com/4w72z2AWmn Eric Lampaert (@EricLampaert) January 2, 2017@jrjaxster @realDonaldTrump @CNN only when he is googling nazi memes pic.twitter.com/uuLp2mFIbT Boycott tRump (@vicsepulveda) January 2, 2017.@realDonaldTrump @CNN I hope it s this one!! pic.twitter.com/KpOUkPcNIQ Matthew D Ambrosio (@drmattdambrosio) January 2, 2017The reason for his meltdown, as Brian Stelter explains, was likely because he was on CNN talking about the Unprecedented book and Trump s doubts he would win. Then he tweets about both. Coincidences? 12:55pm: I was on @CNN talking about the Unprecedented book and Trump s doubts he would win. Then he tweets about both. Coincidences? pic.twitter.com/hvhokeTuuZ Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) January 2, 2017This man will be sworn in in just 18 days and he s worried about an unflattering photo. Wait until he has to endure what President Obama was put through for 8 years. It s called karma and he s going to get a massive dose of it.Photo by Isaac Brekken/Getty.;January 2, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA’S CROOKED DOJ HIDES Massive Hillary Scandal: “The U.S. government spent millions of dollars, went all over the world to bankrupt him, and destroyed his life — all to protect Hillary Clinton’s crimes”;The most crooked person to ever run for President The Obama administration is moving to dismiss charges against an arms dealer it had accused of selling weapons that were destined for Libyan rebels.Lawyers for the Justice Department on Monday filed a motion in federal court in Phoenix to drop the case against the arms dealer, an American named Marc Turi, whose lawyers also signed the motion.The deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi.Government lawyers were facing a Wednesday deadline to produce documents to Turi s legal team, and the trial was officially set to begin on Election Day, although it likely would have been delayed by protracted disputes about classified information in the case.A Turi associate asserted that the government dropped the case because the proceedings could have embarrassed Clinton and President Barack Obama by calling attention to the reported role of their administration in supplying weapons that fell into the hands of Islamic extremist militants. They don t want this stuff to come out because it will look really bad for Obama and Clinton just before the election, said the associate.In the dismissal motion, prosecutors say discovery rulings from U.S. District Court Judge David Campbell contributed to the decision to drop the case. The joint motion asks the judge to accept a confidential agreement to resolve the case through a civil settlement between the State Department and the arms broker. Our position from the outset has been that this case never should have been brought and we re glad it s over, said Jean-Jacques Cabou, a Perkins Coie partner serving as court-appointed defense counsel in the case. Mr Turi didn t break the law .We re very glad the charges are being dismissed. Under the deal, Turi admits no guilt in the transactions he participated in, but he agreed to refrain from U.S.-regulated arms dealing for four years. A $200,000 civil penalty will be waived if Turi abides by the agreement.A State Department official confirmed the outlines of the agreement. Mr. Turi cooperated with the Department s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls in its review and proposed administrative settlement of the alleged violations, said the official, who asked not be named. Based on a compliance review, DDTC alleged that Mr. Turi engaged in brokering activities for the proposed transfer of defense articles to Libya, a proscribed destination under [arms trade regulations,] despite the Department s denial of requests for the required prior approval of such activities. Turi adviser Robert Stryk of the government relations and consulting firm SPG accused the government of trying to scapegoat Turi to cover up Clinton s mishandling of Libya. The U.S. government spent millions of dollars, went all over the world to bankrupt him, and destroyed his life all to protect Hillary Clinton s crimes, he said, alluding to the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.Read more: Politico;Oct 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: India calls Rohingya refugees 'threat to national security';NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The Indian government on Thursday told the Supreme Court that Rohingya refugees were a threat to national security , pushing back against condemnation of its plans to deport them. India s top court is hearing a challenge to Prime Minister Narendra Modi s government s decision to deport Rohingya Muslims, filed by two Rohingyas living in Delhi who fled their village in Myanmar s western Rakhine State about six years ago. The decision to deport Rohingyas comes as Myanmar s military crackdown in Rakhine has forced hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas to seek shelter in Bangladesh, in a process the U.N. has described as ethnic cleansing. Myanmar says its forces are carrying out their legitimate duty to restore order after guerrilla attacks on Aug. 25 on security posts and an army camp in which about a dozen people were killed. Close to 40,000 Rohingya Muslims live in India after fleeing Myanmar over the past decade. Nearly 15,000 have received refugee documentation, according to the United Nations, but India wants to deport them all. Rohingyas are denied citizenship in Buddhist-majority Myanmar and regarded as illegal immigrants, despite claiming roots that date back centuries. Some groups allied to Modi s Bharatiya Janata Party have stepped up calls for Rohingyas to leave, and Modi said last week that India shared Myanmar s concerns about extremist violence in Rakhine state. On Thursday, a senior lawyer representing India s government told the supreme court that the state considers that Rohingyas are a threat to national security. Intelligence agencies suspect that Rohingya Muslim leaders in India are in touch with Pakistan-based militant groups, the lawyer said. The lawyer declined to be named because an affidavit the home ministry is preparing to file with the court has not yet been finalised. Bangladesh is also growing hostile to the Rohingya, more than 400,000 of whom live there after fleeing Myanmar since the early 1990s. From Bangladesh, some Rohingyas have crossed into India. Aid groups and human rights activists have criticized the plans to expel Rohingyas, and some lawyers say deportation would violate India s constitution. India s supreme court is expected to start hearing the case on Monday. India this week sent 53 tonnes of relief materials to Bangladesh for Rohingyas fleeing Myanmar.;September 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Shelling, air strikes as Philippine troops hunt militants in marshland;MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine troops shelled positions held by a small group of pro-Islamic State militants in southern marshland on Friday, as the military pushed on with a new offensive after the country s biggest urban battle in decades. The army estimated 2,000 villagers had been displaced by several days of operations in a region straddling two provinces on the island of Mindanao, as the army went after the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF), a small and splintered rebel group inspired by Islamic State. The latest operation follows the end last month of what was the Philippines biggest battle since World War Two, in which troops took five months to crush an alliance of Islamic State loyalists including BIFF fighters in Marawi City. The occupation of the city by the militants and their dogged resistance spread alarm in the region about the rise of extremism and radical aspirations to create an Islamic State caliphate. Captain Nap Alcarioto, spokesman for the 6th Infantry Division, said troops were shelling BIFF gunmen in support of ground attacks in an area of marshland between the provinces of Maguindanao and Cotobato, about 170 km (106 miles) from Marawi. We are still awaiting results of operations, he said. The army said it was fighting a BIFF faction led by Abu Toraypie, a man allied with the Maute group, the biggest militant group in an alliance that led the Marawi conflict. Toraypie and some of his men had escaped from Marawi and the army was trying to prevent them from regrouping, the army said. Military aircraft dropped bombs on another BIFF wing in a town close by. The BIFF broke away from the separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) a decade ago after becoming disillusioned with a protracted process with the government to grant autonomy to what is the mainly Catholic country s only predominantly Muslim region. Separately, army spokesman Major-General Restituto Padilla said Marawi was clear of militants who had been hiding in the ruins of the pummeled city, but unexploded munitions and booby traps had yet to be cleared. The last firefight we had was on November 5 when we killed nine terrorists, he told a news conference, adding all top militant leaders had been killed, although that was subject to DNA confirmation.;November 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: TRUMP TELLS State Department To Make CUT More Than 50% Of Funding To U.N.;President Trump s administration has told the State Department to cut more than 50 percent of U.S. funding to United Nations programs, Foreign Policy reported.The push for the drastic reductions comes as the White House is scheduled to release its 2018 topline budget proposal Thursday, which is expected to include a 37 percent cut to the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development budgets.It s not clear if Trump s budget plan, from the Office of Management and Budget, would reflect the full extent of Trump s proposed cuts to the U.N.Richard Gowan, a U.N. expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said the alterations would spark chaos if true. [It would] leave a gaping hole that other big donors would struggle to fill, he told FP, pointing to how the U.S. provided $1.5 billion of the U.N. refugee agency s $4 billion budget last year.Via: The Hill;Mar 13, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: 15 SURPRISING FACTS About The White House Easter Egg Roll;The big question this year for the White House Easter Egg roll is whether White House Press Scretary will show up as the Easter Bunny. A little known fact and tradition has been that Spicer is the Easter Bunny! What a guy! Who knew that the guy who dressed in the bunny costume would one day be the 45th President s Press Secretary 15 SURPRISING FACTS ABOUT THE WHITE HOUSE EASTER EGG ROLL:While the long-established custom of rolling eggs on the historic grounds has practically become a rite of passage for those who observe Easter, this time-honored tradition has come a long way since it was officially established by President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1878. In fact, the fun in Washington on Capitol Hill almost didn t become the grandstanding institution as we now know it today.Here, we look back at the White House Easter Egg Roll s 138-year history to highlight 15 of the most surprising and memorable moments associated with the most sought-after ticket in D.C.1. According to the White House Historical Association, some historians note that it was first lady Dolley Madison who originally proposed the idea of a public egg roll around 1810. Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson s young children held their own informal egg roll for their own amusement in the 1860s.2. Taking advantage of a day off from school, more than 10,000 children were said to have gathered near the cast-iron dome of the U.S. capitol in 1876. Baskets in tow, filled with dyed Easter eggs, they set about to carry on the holiday tradition of rolling eggs down the hills to see how far they d go without breaking.3. Uh oh, here comes the fun police. The unusual sport of rolling and racing after hard-cooked eggs apparently did a lot of damage to the grounds of the Capitol. So in 1876, members of Congress approved the Turf Protection Act, signed by President Ulysses S. Grant, which prevented the Capitol s grounds from being used as a playground. The law was supposed to take effect in 1877, but inclement weather prevented any Easter activities from occurring that year anyway. However, the egg rollers who showed up in 1878 were turned away and forced to play elsewhere.4. President Hayes and his wife, Lucy, brought the holiday tradition back later in 1878 for the first official White House Easter Egg Roll. Every year thereafter, with a few notable exceptions, presidents have hosted the celebration on the South Lawn.5. By the late 1800s, games such as egg picking, egg ball, toss and catch, and egg croquet were added to the Easter festivities.6. The treasured tradition was cancelled due to World War I and suspended during the Second World War in 1942. When the White House underwent renovations in that same year, it was hosted by Congress and held at other locations.7. After a 12-year hiatus, President Dwight D. Eisenhower brought the egg-stravaganza back in 1953.8. In 1969, the White House Easter Bunny went hoppin down the government trail for the first time. The bunny was actually a staffer for first lady Pat Nixon. While we know that the Easter bunny is always part of the current administration s staff, the rules forbid the bunny from revealing his or her identity, until now that is.9. Ursula Meese, wife of President Reagan s Attorney General Edwin Meese III, was quite the Peter Rabbit of her time, as she performed as the White House Bunny for six seasons. It earned her the nickname The Meester Bunny. And thanks to this unofficial Twitter account, we know just who was under the fleece costume during the George W. Bush Administration as well. Today, he s traded in the long bunny ears for a suit and a podium, but there s no word yet if current Press Secretary Sean Spicer will be making a furry-tailed appearance again for this year s celebration.10. Enter the sacred spoon in 1974. Organizers were tasked with finding silverware for the first egg-rolling races, where children used spoons to push their eggs through the grass, down marked-off lanes.11. Step right up: The circus came to town in 1977. President Jimmy Carter introduced a three-ring circus and menagerie, including a 1,200-pound steer named Big Red. 12. President Ronald Reagan, a superstar in his own right, brought a little Hollywood to the White House event in 1981. Not only did he and wife, Nancy, present Broadway show performances and the Egg Hunt Pits, but they also had balloons from the Macy s Thanksgiving Day Parade floating in mid-air.13. The Reagans were also the first to use wooden eggs at the Easter egg hunt, which were signed by Hollywood s elite, widely-recognized athletes, and notable politicians. Ever since, wooden eggs imprinted with the president and first lady s signatures are handed out as a small memento to children under 13 years old.14. By 2009, the Easter Egg Roll had become the hottest ticket in D.C. So much so, an online lottery for tickets was established to give children from all around the country the opportunity to attend. The lottery is held in March each year for three days only.15. Sean Spicer is the Easter Bunny!WHAT A GUY!Via: Southern Living;Apr 15, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ugandan parliament passes law allowing Museveni to seek re-election;KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan legislators voted late on Wednesday to amend the country s constitution to allow 73-year-old leader Yoweri Museveni to extend his rule, potentially guaranteeing him a life-time presidency. A provision in the current constitution limits the age of a presidential candidate at 75 years, which would have made Museveni ineligible to stand at the next polls in 2021. At the end of Wednesday s day-long House debate, which capped a protracted and violence-marred process to remove that age limit, MPs voted 315-62 in favor of the amendment. The bill passes, said speaker Rebecca Kadaga after announcing tally results, prompting raucous celebrations from the mostly ruling party MPs who favored the bill. Earlier in the day, two lawmakers were dragged away and detained when they tried to enter parliament, as the divisive debate proceeded in the chamber. Police had blocked some legislators from entering the building, and live television footage showed two of them being driven away in security vehicles. Both opposed the bill. The legislators blocked by police were attempting to enter parliament to serve court documents on House speaker Rebecca Kadaga, who was presiding over the debate. The document called on her to appear in court at 2:00 PM in respect of the irregular suspension of our members of parliament, independent lawmaker Wilfred Niwagaba told a local television station minutes before he was detained. Six MPs - all opposed to removal of the age cap - were suspended from parliamentary proceedings on Monday for alleged disorderly conduct and refusing to heed the speaker s instructions. The bill to amend the constitution was introduced in parliament on October 4 by a Museveni loyalist, after two consecutive days of brawling in the debating chamber between those opposed and those in favor, supported by security personnel. On the second day, security personnel who some MPs said were soldiers from an elite military unit entered the chamber and violently ejected at least 25 MPs that the speaker had suspended from proceedings for alleged misconduct. Wednesday s vote was the second time Ugandan parliament has changed the constitution to allow Museveni extend his rule. In 2005, they voted to remove a limit of two five-year terms, which blocked him from standing again. The bill also extended the length of a term for MPs to seven years from the current five. The limit of two terms was also re-imposed for the president, although that only means Museveni would be limited to two more terms, starting with the 2021 election. Are you not seeing what happened in Zimbabwe, do we want his excellency to end like Gaddafi of Libya, opposition legislator, Gilbert Olanya, who opposed to the amendment, said in Wednesday s debate as he attempted to persuade colleagues to reject it. Several African leaders have amended laws designed to limit their tenure. Such moves have fueled violence in countries including Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan. Initially hailed for restoring political order and fostering economic growth, Museveni has lately come under mounting pressure fueled by runaway corruption, and accusations he uses security forces to maintain his grip on power. A combination of both military and police personnel were heavily deployed around parliament this week, which opposition MPs say was meant to intimidate members.;December 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: 19 SECONDS OF DRAMA: After McCain’s Vote of Betrayal, Makes Anti-Trump Comment to Schumer then Gathers with Democrats [Video];Senator John McCain was overheard saying a sick anti-Trump comment to Senator Schumer right after his shocking vote: Multiple Hill staffers confirm last night McCain was heard laughing w Dems and remarked, Lets see Donald make America great again now Multiple Hill staffers confirm last night McCain was heard laughing w Dems and remarked, Lets see Donald make america great again now Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) July 28, 2017A photo of McCain surrounded by Democrats after the vote:;Jul 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Nigeria's cabinet meeting canceled for second time since Buhari's return;ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigeria has canceled its weekly cabinet meeting for the second time since President Muhammadu Buhari returned from three months of medical leave in Britain. Information Minister Lai Mohammed said in a statement Wednesday s meeting would not take place due to inadequate time to prepare the documents . Buhari canceled the first cabinet meeting following his return on Aug. 19, raising concerns that the president, criticized for inertia by his opponents, was returning to his former ways, when he worked from home and missed ministerial meetings. But the 74-year-old president, who has been working from home since his return, last week presided over his first cabinet meeting since taking leave for an unspecified ailment. The refusal to disclose details of his illness has caused speculation about whether he is well enough to run Africa s most populous country and biggest economy. Mohammed s statement said a two-day public holiday on Friday and Monday to mark the Islamic Eid-el-Kabir celebrations had left little time to prepare for the weekly meeting.;September 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. not ruling out possible oil embargo on Venezuela: Haley;NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Thursday a range of options remained on the table, including a possible oil embargo, if Venezuela did not move to restore its democratic processes. There s a lot of support in Latin America to see Venezuela start to respect its people and go back to the democracy it s supposed to be, she told reporters. If things don t improve, all those options are always there, Haley added, saying specifically that the possibility of an oil embargo remained. It s not off the table, I can tell you that, she said. ;September 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. top court to set guidelines for Trump treatment of non-citizens;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court will decide three cases in coming months that could help or hinder President Donald Trump’s efforts to ramp up border security and accelerate deportations of those in the country illegally. The three cases, which reached the court before Democratic President Barack Obama left office, all deal broadly with the degree to which non-citizens can assert rights under the U.S. Constitution. They come at a time when the court is one justice short and divided along ideological lines, with four conservatives and four liberals. The justices will issue rulings before the end of June against the backdrop of high-profile litigation challenging the lawfulness of Trump’s controversial travel ban on people traveling from seven predominantly Muslim countries. The most pertinent of the three cases in terms of Republican Trump administration priorities involves whether immigrants in custody for deportation proceedings have the right to a hearing to request their release when their cases are not promptly adjudicated. The long-running class action litigation, brought by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on behalf of thousands of immigrants detained for more than six months, includes both immigrants apprehended at the border when seeking illegal entry into the United States and legal permanent residents in deportation proceedings because they were convicted of crimes. The case also could affect long-term U.S. residents who entered the country illegally and have subsequently been detained. The Trump administration has said it wants to end the release of immigrants facing deportation and speed up the process for ejecting them from the country. A decision in the case requiring additional court hearings could have very direct implications for the administration’s plans, said ACLU lawyer Ahilan Arulanantham, especially since immigration courts currently have a backlog of more than 500,000cases. The ACLU estimates that up to 8,000 immigrants nationwide at any given time have been held for at least six months. A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official was unable to immediately confirm data on length of detention but said that in fiscal year 2016, the average daily count of detainees was just under 35,000. “If Trump wants to put more people in deportation but does not increase the number of immigration judges, then people are going to have to wait longer and longer to get a hearing,” said Stephen Yale-Loehr, an immigration law professor at Cornell Law School. The Trump administration has pledged to sharply curtail illegal immigration, with initiatives such as building a wall along the U.S-Mexican border and hiring thousands of federal agents to police the border and arrest and deport immigrants who live in the United States but entered the country illegally. Trump has also threatened to withhold federal funding from so-called “sanctuary cities” that offer protections to immigrants who could face deportation. CROSS-BORDER SHOOTING The other cases to be decided concern whether U.S. government officials can be sued over mistreatment of non-citizens in two separate contexts. One will decide whether the family of 15-year-old Mexican teenager Sergio Hernandez, who was killed while on Mexican soil by a U.S. agent firing from across the border in Texas, can sue under the U.S. Constitution. It is a scenario that the lawyers for Hernandez’s family say could become more frequent if the Trump administration acts on its proposal to increase the number of border guards by 5,000, raising the prospect of similar confrontations. The court hears arguments in that case on Feb. 21. The second is a civil lawsuit brought by immigrants, mainly Muslims, who were detained in New York after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and claim they were mistreated. The group of Muslim, Arab and South Asian non-U.S. citizens say they were held as terrorism suspects based on race, religion, ethnicity and immigration status and abused in detention before being deported. The long-running case focuses on whether senior officials in the administration of Republican President George W. Bush can be sued for their role in directing the action. The Obama administration argued that the court should be wary of extending liability to the actions of senior officials, especially when it implicates national security and immigration. Based on the skepticism of the justices during the Jan. 18 oral argument, the court seems likely to rule against the detainees. Chief Justice John Roberts expressed concern that permitting such lawsuits against senior U.S. officials would become “a way of challenging national policy” through litigation seeking monetary damages against the individuals who implemented the policy. The three cases are separate from litigation over the legality of Trump’s travel ban, which could also ultimately be decided by the high court. The key case on that front is now pending before an appeals court in San Francisco after a three-judge panel upheld a lower court decision to put the ban on hold. Language in the upcoming rulings that address the rights of non-citizens and analyzes how courts should review govenrment action on immigration and national security could have relevance in that case, legal experts say. Anil Kalhan, an immigration law professor at Drexel University’s Kline School of Law, said the furor over the treatment of non-U.S. citizens affected by the travel ban could bleed over into how the court approaches the cases. “It might be the atmospherics of what’s going on now might lead to a closer look from the justices,” he said. (This story has been refiled to correct spelling of Ahilan Arulanantham in paragraph six.);February 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump will send envoys to Middle East to discuss peace: official;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is sending his son-in-law Jared Kushner and negotiator Jason Greenblatt to the Middle East soon to meet regional leaders and discuss a “path to substantive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks,” a White House official said on Friday. Deputy national security adviser Dina Powell will also be on the trip, which will include meetings with leaders from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt, Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the official said. “While the regional talks will play an important role, the president reaffirms that peace between Israelis and Palestinians can only be negotiated directly between the two parties and that the United States will continue working closely with the parties to make progress towards that goal,” the official said. Kushner, who serves as a senior adviser to his father-in-law, was charged with helping to broker a deal between Israelis and Palestinians after Trump took office. The president went to Saudi Arabia and Israel during his first post-inauguration trip abroad and has expressed a personal commitment to reaching a deal that has eluded his Republican and Democratic predecessors. The timing of the trip was pegged to the recent “restoration of calm and the stabilized situation in Jerusalem” after a spate of violence last month sparked by Israel’s installation of metal detectors at entry points to the Noble Sanctuary or Temple Mount compound there. Trump directed that the talks focus on a pathway to peace talks, fighting “extremism,” easing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and identifying economic steps that can be taken to ensure security and stability, the official said. “To enhance the chances for peace, all parties need to engage in creating an environment conducive to peace-making while affording the negotiators and facilitators the time and space they need to reach a deal,” the official said. ;August 11, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: With eye on Obamacare, Price takes helm as U.S. health secretary;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tom Price was sworn in as U.S. secretary of health on Friday, putting in place a determined opponent of Obamacare to help President Donald Trump fulfill his pledge to dismantle his predecessor’s law and reshape the country’s healthcare system. As head of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Price has the authority to rewrite rules implementing the 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. He could move quickly to rework the regulations while waiting for Republicans in Congress to keep their pledge to scrap the law entirely. The Republican president signed an order on Jan. 20, his first day in office, to freeze regulations and take other steps to weaken the law enacted by former Democratic President Barack Obama, a directive that will fall largely on Price. But Trump said in a recent Fox News interview that a replacement for the law may not come until next year. Trump said on Friday the effort was a “difficult process” but could now get going with Price in place. “Now we get down to the final strokes,” he told reporters at a separate news conference at the White House alongside visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He did not offer more details but said the country would end up with “tremendous healthcare at a lower price.” Republicans, who have long viewed Obamacare as federal overreach and who have the majority in Congress, are trying to craft a replacement but have not agreed on one. Twenty million Americans gained health insurance under the law. “Having Dr. Tom Price at the helm of HHS gives us a committed ally in our work to repeal and replace Obamacare,” said U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, who has vowed to pass a new plan this year. Price, a member of the House since 2005 who chaired the budget committee, offered legislation in 2015 to repeal Obamacare and replace it with age-adjusted tax credits for the purchase of health insurance. While Price’s fellow Republicans have controlled the House since 2011, they did not advance his bill and it was not considered by the full chamber. The Senate voted 52-47 earlier on Friday to approve Price, a former orthopedic surgeon, to oversee the HHS, which has an annual budget of more than $1 trillion. Price’s nomination was dogged by questions about his trading in hundreds of thousands of dollars in health company stocks while working on healthcare legislation. Democrats accused him of making misleading statements. Price defended his actions. Democrats also criticized Price for his opposition to Obamacare, his ideas about restructuring the Medicare program for the elderly and disabled, and his opposition to Planned Parenthood, an organization that provides abortions and other affordable healthcare and education services. With Price confirmed, the Senate is expected to vote on Monday on Trump’s U.S. Treasury secretary designate, Steven Mnuchin.;February 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: War-ravaged South Sudan may scrap expensive oil subsidies;"JUBA (Reuters) - War-ravaged South Sudan is considering scrapping state subsidies on oil because it hasn t been able to pay civil servants for four months and diplomatic staff abroad are being evicted over unpaid rent, the deputy finance minister said. Ending the subsidies would free up desperately needed cash, Mou Ambrose Thiik told Reuters in an interview. Nearly four years of civil war have destroyed South Sudan s economy. Inflation was at 165 percent in August, the 21st consecutive month of triple-digit growth. The government depends on oil revenues, but attacks have slashed production to less than a third of pre-war levels. The government expects to receive $820 million from oil this year. Out of that, $453 million will go to neighboring Sudan as payment for using its infrastructure for export; $183 million on the oil subsidy; and $166 million is allocated to the budget, which has a gaping deficit. We were thinking that we would lift subsidies on the oil and will be able to cover this (deficit) and pay our salaries more easily, said Thiik. But we have some resistance from the parliament. Lawmaker Nailo Mayo, the chair of the finance committee, said parliamentarians just wanted more information on who might be affected by ending the subsidies. The committee ... is concerned about the social cost, I mean the suffering that could accrue to the poorer section of the community, and also we are afraid of the political cost, that is stability, arising from lack of transport, he said. State-subsidized oil sells at 22 South Sudanese pounds (SSP) per liter, but severe shortages mean many people buy it on the black market for 300 SSP per liter. The SSP trades at about 17.5 to the dollar on the black market and 17.68 at the central bank. The process for allocating subsidized fuel, which is purchased with government-issued coupons, is unclear. South Sudan s conflict began in 2013 after President Salva Kiir, an ethnic Dinka, fired his deputy, Riek Machar, a Nuer. The conflict degenerated into ethnic fighting marked by widespread sexual violence. Out of an original population of 12 million, 4 million have fled their homes. More than half of those who remain in South Sudan need food aid and nearly three-quarters of children are out of school. Thiik acknowledged social services were dire and said the finance ministry was trying to save money. It wants to reduce the number of embassies by a third, he said, because it is unable to fund them. They (embassy staff) didn t get their salary for seven months and also they have arrears in their premises, he said. Asked about civil servants who had not been paid for four months, he said: it is true that we have not secured money to pay salaries.";September 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Donors to White House hopeful Jeb Bush urged not to switch to Rubio;"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donors say Republican Jeb Bush’s U.S. presidential campaign has not given them a green light to switch to rival establishment candidate Marco Rubio, whose strong third-place finish in this week’s Iowa caucuses outshone the sixth-place Bush. A former Florida governor, Bush, 62, is hoping for a better result in New Hampshire, the state which on Tuesday will hold the country’s second nominating contest for the Nov. 8 election to succeed President Barack Obama. U.S. Senator Rubio, 44, also of Florida, emerged as the leading moderate, establishment Republican candidate in Iowa, behind U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, 45, and billionaire businessman Donald Trump, 69. Senior campaign officials for Bush have been seeking to reassure donors that the one-time front-runner has a path forward after his dismal Iowa showing, three Bush donors told Reuters. They said senior aides to Bush held conference calls for donors on Tuesday to reassure them, offering an upbeat message about Bush’s finances and ground game in New Hampshire and a determination to press on.    Rubio began the year with more than $10 million in cash on hand, his campaign reported on Sunday. Bush reported cash on hand as of Sunday of $7.6 million. Bush, campaigning later this week in New Hampshire with his mother, former first lady Barbara Bush, has benefited from the intense loyalty donors have shown his father and brother, former presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. The donors said there was no indication Bush would shy away from contrasting himself with either Rubio or Cruz.    “People who are for Jeb are for Jeb,” one donor said. On the campaign trail this week Bush has questioned the abilities of freshman U.S. senators - both Rubio and Cruz are first-term senators - by saying they lacked his proven record. (Reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by Howard Goller) SAP is the sponsor of this content. It was independently created by Reuters’ editorial staff and funded in part by SAP, which otherwise has no role in this coverage.";February 4, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Under China anthem cloud, rare interest in Hong Kong vs Bahrain soccer friendly;HONG KONG (Reuters) - Some activists in Hong Kong say they plan to defy a Chinese law against disrespecting the national anthem, by jeering it at international soccer fixtures against Bahrain and Lebanon in the next few days. The controversy is another instance of recent tensions in the former British colony between pro-democracy advocates and China s Communist Party leaders, who have been criticized for tightening their grip on Hong Kong s affairs. Hong Kong returned from British to Chinese rule in 1997 under a one country, two systems arrangement that guarantees a high degree of autonomy, including an independent judiciary and the freedom of expression. In recent years, some Hong Kong fans have booed the national anthem at soccer matches, with some parallels to protests in the United States where American football players have knelt during the national anthem, a protest denounced by U.S. President Donald Trump. China s parliament on Saturday passed an amendment to its criminal law that extends punishments for publicly desecrating the national flag and emblem to disrespecting the national anthem. Offenders can be jailed for up to three years, Xinhua reported. Hong Kong, as part of China, is now obliged to put its own set of laws related to the national anthem to the local legislature, but details including jail terms and the scope of enforcement have yet to be set. For now, though, some fans say they won t change their behavior when Hong Kong play Bahrain in a friendly match on Thursday and Lebanon in an Asian Cup qualifier next Tuesday. It s something we ve always done, said one fan who has attended games for the past few years, including two World Cup qualifiers between Hong Kong and China in 2015 that drew jeers from the crowd. It s a kind of resentment toward China that comes through ... There are several hundred of us and it s become a tradition now. We ll keep doing it. The Hong Kong Football Association (HKFA) was warned by the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) recently over the conduct of fans who booed the Chinese anthem, and said a repeat violation may result in more severe punishment . Asked for comment, the AFC didn t specifically address a question on whether they d been pressed by China to punish Hong Kong, but said a review of video evidence found fans guilty of improper conduct under the AFC s disciplinary and ethics code. Hong Kong s leader, Carrie Lam, has suggested the law would be enacted in the current legislative year, and not be applied retrospectively - which would mean fans who jeer before it becomes law locally shouldn t face prosecution. People should not excessively worry about unwittingly committing an offense. These worries are unnecessary, Lam told reporters. I don t see this as having any connection to ... freedom of expression. But this has highlighted a recent trend in Hong Kong that whenever there is anything related to Hong Kong and Chinese affairs ... some people cause panic and unnecessary fear.;November 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Proof The Mainstream Media Is Manipulating The Election By Taking Bill Clinton Out Of Context;I woke up this morning to find a variation of this headline splashed all over my news feed:Here s Google:Naturally, my reaction was oh, s**t, what did Bill Clinton do to damage his wife s campaign now? Of course, the headline sounds really, really awful. It plays right into the idea that the Clinton Foundation is all about pay to play, just like Donald Trump has been saying all along. Unfortunately, it takes reading beyond the headlines, which is something most people don t do, to find out the real story and the real story is that there is no pay to play. It was natural for people who ve been our political allies and personal friends to call and ask for things. And I trusted the State Department wouldn t do anything they shouldn t do, Clinton told NPR in an interview that aired Monday morning. Source: CNNIn other words, people can ask for favors, but that certainly doesn t mean they ll get them. Leaked emails have shown that some Clinton Foundation donors have gotten meetings with Clinton and that others were turned down. There is zero evidence of pay to play. In other words, people might have asked for favors, but there s no evidence they got them.Now, let s talk about the foundation the media doesn t like to mention, the Trump Foundation. Trump hasn t given to his own foundation since 2008. He does collect money from others, though, and gives it in his name. He also takes from the charity and allegedly buys things like oil paintings and football helmets, all for himself, but out of charity money.New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said in a September 13 CNN interview that his office is investigating Trump s charitable foundation over concerns that it engaged in some impropriety as related to New York charity laws. The investigation launched amid reports from The Washington Post that Trump spent money from his charity on items meant to benefit himself, such as a $20,000 oil painting of himself and a $12,000 autographed football helmet, and also recycled others contributions to make them appear to have come from him although he hasn t given to the foundation since 2008. Source: Media MattersMedia Matters goes on to talk about the double standard and about how clearly the mainstream media is trying to promote Trump at the cost of Clinton s candidacy:Journalists have been criticized for the double standard in the ways they cover Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Earlier this month, cable news programs devoted 13 times more coverage to Clinton s pneumonia diagnosis as The Washington Post s reporting about the Trump Foundation. This week, both the Trump Foundation and Trump Organization stories were given short shrift by the broadcast news programs in favor of coverage of Donald Trump s Dr. Oz stunt.All of this biased coverage is hurting Clinton and helping Trump. Trump has seen major gains over the last few weeks, largely because the media covers every minor Clinton scandal (if you call getting sick a scandal ) while ignoring every scandal in Trump s closet, and trust me, there are a lot.Featured image via Ethan Miller/Getty Images.;September 19, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: TRUMP SAYS “YES” To Federal Funding For Planned Parenthood…Under One Condition…And You’re Gonna Love It!;Sounds like a great deal, right? After all, Planned Parenthood insists that only 3% of its business involves abortions, and they get $500 million from the federal government. That way, they could focus that much more on all their work in pre-natal care! And yet The White House, concerned about the possible political repercussions of the Republican effort to defund Planned Parenthood, has proposed preserving federal payments to the group if it discontinues providing abortions.The proposal, which was never made formally, has been rejected as an impossibility by officials at Planned Parenthood, which receives about $500 million annually in federal funding. That money helps pay for women s health services the organization provides, not for abortion services. Let s be clear: Federal funds already do not pay for abortions, Dawn Laguens, the executive vice president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said on Monday. Offering money to Planned Parenthood to abandon our patients and our values is not a deal that we will ever accept. Providing critical health care services for millions of American women is nonnegotiable. This deal seems pretty straightforward, even if the White House never quite made it official. Planned Parenthood wants to keep receiving Title IX funds intended for low-income women who need actual health care that could be provided by other clinics, especially those which offer actual pre-natal health care. If that was the case, they could get rid of the supposed three percent of their business that deals with abortions and use those resources to expand other offerings, including services they already claim to do but don t actually provide at all. Their refusal to even consider the idea speaks volumes about their values, as do their abortion sales quotas.Their annual report shows overall revenue at $1.146 billion, which includes $553.7 million from government funds, and only $309.2 million from non-government health services revenue fees. If abortions only amount to 3% of their revenue, that would be $34.38 million for 332,000 abortions, or $103 per abortion (gross, not net after costs) if no other revenue was being used to cover it. These numbers don t add up with the 3% claim.Trump s deal makes this much clear, at least: Planned Parenthood values its abortion mill much more than it values $500 million in government funding each year. That really tells us all we need to know about their 3% claim, their values, and the use of taxpayer dollars to subsidize the operations of the world s leading abortion mill. TownhallBy now, Femi-Nazi s are probably starting to get the idea that they re not dealing with your average spineless politician. Time to pull out the pussy hats and take to the streets ladies. As a conservative woman, I can assure you that the recent women s march (anti-Trump, pro-abortion publicity stunt) was an epic fail. Pro-life female supporters of President Trump are pretty much in agreement that it was the best imaginable way to convince more people to join our team. The vile and disgusting way these women conducted themselves in their fight to keep federal funding alive for the legalized murder of babies, was enough to make undecided women run as far away from them as possible;Mar 7, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: New Zealand Green Party leader says wants to form coalition with Labour and New Zealand First;WELLINGTON (Reuters) - New Zealand Green Party leader James Shaw said on Saturday he would be willing to work with Labour Party to form a government with the populist New Zealand First Party as counting showed the ruling National Party on track to secure the most votes but fall short of an outright majority. Shaw said his message for New Zealand First Party leader Winston Peters was that now was the time to put differences aside and work with Labour to overthrow the incumbent Nationals. His comments came after 93.7 percent of the results counted showed Labour on 35.7 percent of the vote and center-right National on 46.2 percent. Those results suggested either major party would need New Zealand First to form the next government. The Greens have a working agreement with Labour. The final tally of all votes would not be released until Oct. 7.;September 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: " ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MACY’S CELEBRATES AMERICA’S INDEPENDENCE BY PUTTING ILLEGAL ALIENS FIRST;"Americans need to put American citizens first and dump Macy s. Macy s has a Customer Service Department phone number that should be ringing off the hook with Americans who love their country and are sick and tired of the left bullying us into submission. Tell them it s time to put American citizens first and you appreciate Donald Trump standing up for LEGAL immigration: 1 (800) 289-6229 I ll be canceling my Macy s credit card today. Macy s just lost its Magic #MakeAmericaGreatAgain .Dump Macy s!Real-estate mogul and GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump called for a boycott of Macy s on Wednesday after the retail company said it would drop Trump s products. Earlier in the day, Macy s said it was snubbing Trump because of the disparaging characterizations he made about Mexican immigrants during his campaign launch. Among other things, Trump accused Mexico of sending its rapists and drug dealers to the US.In addition to blasting Macy s in an official statement, Trump attacked Macy s in a series of tweets for being weak on border security : Those who believe in tight border security, stopping illegal immigration & SMART trade deals w/other countries should boycott @Macys. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 1, 2015For all of those who want to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain, boycott @Macys. They are weak on border security & stopping illegal immigration. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 1, 2015Macy s is only the latest in a string of businesses that have cut ties with Trump in the past week. NBC, Univision, and the Mexican media company Televisa all recently announced they would not show Trump s Miss Universe Organization beauty pageants because of his comments about immigrants. When Mexico sends its people, they re not sending their best; they re not sending you, Trump said in his June announcement speech, according to a transcript. They re sending people that have lots of problems, and they re bringing those problems with us. They re bringing drugs. They re bringing crime. They re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. Trump, who said he was criticizing the Mexican government and not its people, has aggressively responded to the companies that are ending their relationships with him. He said he was suing Univision for $500 million. He denounced NBC as weak. And he insisted that he was the one cutting ties with Macy s not the other way around.He also argued that the Macy s snub proved how difficult it was for billionaires like him to seek political office. I have always said that if you are successful, it is very hard to run for office, especially the office of president, he said in his Wednesday statement. I have also continually stated that I am not beholden to anyone, and this includes NBC and Macy s. Clearly, NBC and Macy s support illegal immigration. Trump products at Macy s include $70 dress shirts, $65 ties, and a fragrance called Success. Via: Business Insider";Jul 1, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Official photo released to mark 70th wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth;LONDON (Reuters) - Buckingham Palace issued a new photographic portrait of Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip on Saturday to mark their upcoming 70th wedding anniversary. The couple married at London s Westminster Abbey on Nov. 20, 1947, just two years after the end of World War Two, in a lavish ceremony attended by statesmen and royalty from around the world. The portrait, taken earlier this month, showed the queen wearing the same dress which she chose for a service of thanksgiving to mark their diamond wedding anniversary held at the Abbey where they were married. She is also wearing a Scarab brooch in yellow gold, carved ruby and diamond which Philip gave her in 1966. Elizabeth has been married for far longer than any other royal, and the newly-released picture showed the couple framed by Thomas Gainsborough s 1781 portraits of George III and Queen Charlotte, who were married for 57 years - the second longest royal marriage.;November 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump tells Abbas intends to move embassy to Jerusalem: Abbas spokesman;JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump informed Palestinian President Mahmolud Abbas on Tuesday that he intends to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, Abbas s spokesman said. The statement did not say whether Trump elaborated on the timing of such a move. President Mahmoud Abbas received a telephone call from U.S. President Donald Trump in which he notified the President (Abbas) of his intention to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, spokesman Nabil Abu Rdainah said in a statement. The statement did not say whether Trump elaborated on the timing of such a move. President Abbas warned of the dangerous consequences such a decision would have to the peace process and to the peace, security and stability of the region and of the world, Abu Rdainah said. ;December 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: LOL! WHOOPI GOLDBERG Caught Telling HUGE LIE During Interview With Newt Gingrich, As The View Hacks Tried To Prove President Trump’s a “Liar” [VIDEO];Newt Gingrich was promoting his new book Understanding Trump on The View today. The leftist hacks of the The View took advantage of his appearance to play gotcha, as they attempted to find ways to coerce a confession out of Newt that President Trump is a liar. Newt wasn t falling for it however. While many of us would have preferred to see Gingrich take off the gloves with the hosts of The View, he chose instead to sit back and sling a few arrows on an as needed basis.The not-funny comedian Joy Behar attempted to paint Trump as a serial liar and was surprised when Gingrich shot back with, You mean like you can keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance ? You want to talk about lies by a president? Behar responded by attempting to convince Gingrich that Barack Obama didn t lie when he told one of his most famous lies to the American people, and that it was simply a misjudgment on his part.Near the end of the interview, Whoopi Goldberg went through a list of questions she used to vet Gingrich and prove how credible he was based on his answers. When the subject of the popularity of President Trump came up in the discussion, Gingrich confessed that he was shocked at how well Trump was doing considering a recent Harvard study that showed 93% of the post-election coverage of President Trump was negative coverage. Whoopi appeared to be close to needing medical attention after Gingrich rightfully pointed out the disgusting lopsided negative coverage that President Trump s received since he was elected. Since Goldberg had no honest rebuttal to offer, she made up a whopper of a lie, telling Gingrich and her viewers that prior to the election, 98% of candidate Trump s media coverage was positive and went on to suggest that was the reason he won.Sorry Whoopi but here are the actual facts about the percentage of negative coverage Trump received from the mainstream media prior to the election:From the liberal Politico: A whopping 91 percent of news coverage about Donald Trump on the three broadcast nightly newscasts over the past 12 weeks has been hostile , a new study finds.The study, conducted by the conservative Media Research Center, found that not only has Trump received significantly more broadcast network news coverage than his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, but nearly all of that coverage (91%) has been hostile, according to the study.Watch the interview here:In addition, the networks spent far more airtime focusing on the personal controversies involving Trump, such as his treatment of women, than controversies surrounding Clinton, such as her email practices or the Clinton Foundation.For the study, MRC analyzed all 588 evening news stories that either discussed or mentioned the presidential campaign on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts from July 29 through October 20 (including weekends). Of the total newscasts, the networks devoted 29 percent of their time to the campaign. The study did not include comments from the campaigns or candidates themselves, instead focusing on what the correspondents, anchors, expert commentators, and voters on the street said in order to try and hone in on any sort of slant from the networks.Though neither candidate was necessarily celebrated, Clinton largely just stayed out of the line of fire. Even when they were critical of Hillary Clinton for concealing her pneumonia, for example, or mischaracterizing the FBI investigation of her e-mail server network reporters always maintained a respectful tone in their coverage, the study found. This was not the case with Trump, who was slammed as embodying the politics of fear, or a dangerous and vulgar misogynistic bully who had insulted vast swaths of the American electorate. 98% Of Pre-Election Trump Coverage Was Positive Actual Percentage Of Positive Trump Coverage Is SHOCKING!;Jun 13, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Saudi minister says has 'confirmed information' on plot to kill Hariri;BEIRUT (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s Gulf Affairs Minister Thamer al-Sabhan said the personal security detail of Lebanese prime minister Saad al-Hariri, who resigned on Saturday, had confirmed information of a plot to kill him. Speaking in an interview on Future, an Arabic television channel owned by Hariri, he said Hariri was in Riyadh, adding there were security threats to the prime minister and the kingdom is keen on his safety . ;November 4, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH TUCKER CARLSON’S Heated Debate With Delusional Illegal Activist: “I am here illegally . . . But I, as a person, am not illegal.” [Video];Tucker Carlson interviews Jose Antonio Vargas, CEO of Define America He gave Vargas a reality check!Vargas takes offense to the way Carlson is framing this? It s difficult for this illegal to face reality.He says, I was an undocumented immigrant in this country yet he doesn t think he s illegal.Vargas: My protest yesterday was as an undocumented immigrant, one of 11 million who are viewed as criminals, let s pause here for a moment . . . that is one illegal immigrant too many and you ARE criminals . . . now we ll continue, my own way of protesting was just actually very quietly and respectfully thinking about what it means to be an immigrant in the Trump era, right? So that, that, that was my way, he stutters on smugly.Tucker replied, Okay, well thank you for not breaking anything . . . I m not accusing you of setting fires, I m merely saying: where are people who agree with these folks standing up and saying you re not allowed to do this, you can t block traffic, you can t break things, you can t set fires , it pretty simple. Vargas replies, This issue is not just quote-un-quote political, it s personal we re talking about millions of people who are related to undocumented people that you call criminal illegals everyday, right? Tucker aptly jumps in and asks of Vargas, What should I call people who are here illegally? Should I pretend they re not here illegally? Vargas, in a flustered state, tries to belittle Tucker, You ask me to come on your show, pretty much once a week, and I come here as an undocumented person . . . Tucker interrupts Vargas: You may be overstating it a little bit, I think this is the third time but here s the point, Tucker begins before Vargas cuts him off, Here s the point, I am here illegally . . . But I, as a person, am not illegal. Tucker jumps in with a perfect line, But I robbed a liquor store yesterday, which is illegal, but I m not illegal . . . I don t even know what the point you re making is, I m not saying you re a bad person, I m saying your status is in violation of the law. The way your framing it Carlson then says, actually I was just playing video from yesterday TRUTH! Spare me the nonsense! Tucker CarlsonVia: Gateway Pundit;May 3, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: UK wants to set rules 'right for our situation' after leaving EU: May's spokesman;LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May told her cabinet on Tuesday Britain s objective in leaving the EU should be a deal that enables it to set rules suited to its situation, her spokesman said after a cabinet meeting to establish long-term goals for exit talks. Having secured a deal to move European Union departure negotiations to the next stage last week, Tuesday s discussion marked the start of May s next battle over Brexit: what kind of long-term relationship will Britain have with the bloc? In making that decision, May must manage deep divisions at home, including among senior ministers, over whether to align Britain s economic future with the EU, or diverge from the bloc and seek a more global role. She will then have to go out and strike a deal in Brussels, where the EU is adamant that Britain cannot enjoy the full benefits of membership after leaving, wary of the need to deter others members from following suit. The PM said it was clear what the cabinet s objective is: a deal which secures the best possible trading terms with the EU, enables the UK to set rules that are right for our situation and facilitates ambitious third-country trade deals, the spokesman said. The meeting lasted almost two hours and saw 25 ministers speak on a subject at the heart of the country s fraught debate over leaving the EU. It was the first time cabinet has tackled the so-called end state of the negotiations since the referendum vote to leave in June last year. Further cabinet talks are expected early next year to firm up the best means of achieving May s goals - the stage of the discussion most likely to push ideological differences between hard and soft Brexiteers out into the open. Asked whether there was agreement on May s key aims, the spokesman said: Yes, it s clear what we want to achieve. It was set out in a good, clear, detailed discussion in which there were contributions from a large majority of the cabinet. On the eve of the meeting, EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier offered a reminder of the difficult talks that also lie ahead in Brussels, repeating the bloc s position that London s huge financial sector would not be given special treatment. May s spokesman said she had ruled out a final economic partnership with the EU modeled on the European Economic Area - whose members allow free movement in exchange for full access to the EU s single market - and her aim was to get a more ambitious deal than the one signed between Canada and the EU last year. The Brexit Secretary (David Davis) and the prime minister were clear that Britain would be seeking a bespoke deal. Before talks resume in Brussels, May must maintain a delicate balancing act to keep hardline Brexit ministers like foreign minister Boris Johnson behind her, without alienating those like finance minister Philip Hammond who believe Britain should be more wary of diverging from EU norms and standards. May needs the full backing of her cabinet after a misjudged snap election in June stripped her Conservative Party of its majority in parliament, weakening her authority both at home and in Brussels. Should she stumble, opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn says he is ready to take her place, predicting another national election in 2018 in an interview with Grazia magazine. The veteran socialist led Labour to unexpected gains in the June 8 vote, and has promised to deliver a Brexit more focused on protecting jobs and workers rights. That has been interpreted as meaning preserving ties with the EU in many areas. But, May has outlasted many of the dire prognoses offered after her June election flop. That is partly due to fears that fresh elections would put Corbyn in charge, and partly because few Conservative rivals want the task of delivering a decision which remains unpopular with large swathes of the electorate. A poll on Saturday showed 51 percent of Britons would now keep EU membership while 41 percent want to leave the bloc. The shift was mostly among those who did not vote in last year s referendum, while around nine in 10 leave and remain voters were unchanged in their views.;December 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump’s Most Disgusting Betrayal Of America (So Far) Is About To Be Exposed;Donald Trump s mortgage company was part of the carnival of greed that preyed on the American people by providing subprime mortgages to unqualified borrowers, a practice which led to the financial collapse in 2008 and the Great Recession that followed.Hillary Clinton s presidential campaign is planning a major push to bring up Trump and his role in the business that led to billions in bailout costs for the American taxpayer.About a dozen surrogates and local elected officials in Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Florida, New Hampshire, Iowa, Colorado, Nevada and elsewhere will host calls, events and release statements focused on Trump s response to the housing crisis that precipitated the economic recession.Trump wasn t just on the outside of the scheme. His company was right in the middle of it.Clinton s allies plan to highlight that Trump Mortgage approved subprime mortgages to unqualified borrowers. The mortgages were one of the key financial instruments linked to the crash.Trump even handed out advice on how to profit from a crash like the one that would eventually occur and consume millions of jobs in America and around the world. In his book, How to Build a Fortune, Trump said, If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you can make a lot of money. Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio), who will be part of the Clinton push, released a statement highlighting Trump and his role in the collapse: You don t make America great by rooting for its economy to fail. While Hillary Clinton was proposing measures to ease the effects of the housing bubble on American homeowners before the crisis, Donald Trump was cheering on the market s collapse and reportedly peddling sub-prime loans so he could try to get even richer. Once again showing that Trump s so-called business sense is more big talk and bravado than anything resembling actual insight, Trump launched a mortgage business in 2005, even as warning signs began to emerge that the mortgage industry was about to soon face trouble.Featured image via screen capture;May 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CAUGHT ON TAPE: RNC Committeeman Urges Republicans To Rally Against Trump [Video];Is the Republican establishment is in panic mode over Trump s staying power in nationwide GOP polls? Instead of sitting around gnashing their teeth, perhaps they should let the voters decide you know,try something new and actually listen to the American people Your thoughts?A Republican National committeeman delivered a call-to-arms against Donald Trump during a closed-door GOP meeting on Thursday, urging his colleagues to take a forceful stand against those who he said are destroying the party s brand.At a breakfast at the RNC winter meeting, Holland Redfield, an RNC committeeman who represents the minority-rich Virgin Islands, rose to address party Chairman Reince Priebus. In the five-minute impromptu speech, a video recording of which Redfield provided to POLITICO, Redfield did not explicitly mention Trump s name. But he made clear that angry voices in the party pose a grave threat to the GOP s future, and expressed alarm at what he described as crushing pressure to play nice. You can argue with me, but we re almost terrorized as members of our party. Shut up. Toe the line, embrace each other, and let s go forward. I understand that. But there is a limit to loyalty. I am loyal to this party by speaking out on these very issues, he said at the private breakfast meeting.At one point, Redfield essentially argued that those in the room have been held hostage by Trump s threat to run as a third-party candidate if the party hierarchy treats him unfairly. Read more: Politico;Jan 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Police detain dozens in Moscow amid fear of anti-government attacks;MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian security services said on Sunday they had detained 263 people in the center of Moscow for breach of public order . It was the latest announcement of a sweep of potential anti-government protesters around this weekend s marking of Unity Day, essentially the successor to Soviet celebrations of the October 1917 coup that brought the Bolsheviks to power. Reuters reporters said they had seen police detain a few dozens on a Moscow street, although none of those detained had any posters, nor were they chants slogans. The FSB, the successor to the Soviet-era KGB, said on its web site on Friday that it had arrested all the members of Artpodgotovka, an anti-government movement in the Moscow region, and seized 15 bottles of Molotov cocktail. It said the group had planned extremists actions in the form of arson of administrative buildings with the use of incendiary fuel and attacks on the members of police to provoke mass unrest on Nov. 4-5, Unity Day weekend.;November 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: AL SHARPTON USES PRINCE’S DEATH To Fill Seats At Race Baiting Rally For Another Thug Killed By Cops;Never let an opportunity go to waste. Its the Democrat mantra Whenever a black person dies, no matter what the circumstances, the first and most important question is: How can Al Sharpton turn this into dollars? With the death of funk/pop icon Prince yesterday, you re probably thinking there is no way the race-hustling Reverend can turn the tragedy into social justice (AKA cold hard cash) but you re underestimating his awesome powers of exploitation.The Amsterdam News reports that Al Sharpton will be holding a rally on Saturday at the National Action Network s House of Justice in New York. I m not kidding, he really has a place he calls the House of Justice. The original purpose of this rally was to protest the police shooting a black guy who pointed a gun at officers, but with Prince s untimely death, Sharpton has decided to combine faux outrage with a faux tribute.Here s the black guy who was wronged by a racist system:Tillman was fatally shot by NYPD officers on Sunday in Ozone Park, Queens. Reports indicate that he was allegedly holding an open alcohol container when officers approached him. Tillman had a gun on his waistband and allegedly ran as they approached him. Police say he reached for the weapon before officers opened fire shooting Tillman in the chest. He was pronounced dead at Jamaica Medical Center.Let s see if I have this correctly: A black guy was carrying an illegal firearm in NYC and violating the city s drinking in public law. When police tried to question him, he resisted arrest and took off. He then took out the illegal firearm and pointed it at officers and they responded by shooting him. In other words, police used appropriate force to deal with a violent life-threatening situation. How exactly is this a case of racial injustice? Oh, because the guy was black. I get it now.I guess it s getting harder and harder for Sharpton to find any real racism to rage against, so he has to work with what he s got.Just in case people have a hard time freaking out over a justified police shooting, Big Al is throwing in a tribute to Prince to get asses in the seats:As the aftermath of the death of singer Prince continues, Sharpton will conduct a special memorial in honor of the legendary entertainer and humanitarian.I wasn t aware there was aftermath from Prince s death, but it sure does seem like a shitty tribute to combine this with some bogus racial outrage over a guy who got shot for trying to kill some cops.Really the only question left is: how will Sharpton blame Prince s death on white supremacy? Was there a white conspiracy to kill the singer? Did he die because white EMTs responded slower than they would have if Prince were white? Did a white man give him the flu and force him to take opioids?Via: DownTrend ;Apr 24, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Hawaii renews bid to narrow Trump travel ban;(Reuters) - The state of Hawaii renewed its bid to narrow President Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban, following court rulings which said the state had taken the wrong procedural approach in attempts to challenge the administration’s policy earlier this week. In a court filing late on Friday, Hawaii’s attorney general asked a Honolulu judge to issue an injunction allowing grandparents and other family members to travel to the United States. The U.S. Supreme Court last month let the ban on travel from six Muslim-majority countries go forward with a limited scope, saying it could not apply to anyone with a credible “bona fide relationship” with a U.S. person or entity. The Trump administration then decided that spouses, parents, children, fiancés and siblings would be exempt from the ban, while grandparents and other family members traveling from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen would be barred. Trump said the measure was necessary to prevent attacks. However, opponents including states and refugee advocacy groups sued to stop it, disputing its security rationale and saying it discriminated against Muslims. Earlier this week Hawaii had asked a Honolulu judge for a court order clarifying the Supreme Court’s ruling to allow grandparents into the United States. The judge, along with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, ruled that the lower courts did not have the power to simply clarify the Supreme Court’s opinion. However, the 9th Circuit on Friday said the courts could issue an injunction against Trump’s policy in the future, if the government misapplied the Supreme Court’s ruling to a particular person or entity harmed by the travel ban. Hours after that ruling, Hawaii made such an injunction request in a Honolulu federal court. Hawaii said the state itself, along with resettlement agencies, are harmed by Trump’s guidelines because they are prevented from helping refugees move there. A Justice Department spokeswoman could not immediately be reached for comment. The roll-out of the narrowed version of the ban was more subdued last week than in January when Trump first signed a more expansive version of the order. That sparked protests and chaos at airports around the country and the world.;July 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. presidential campaign not discussed at Fed policy meetings: official;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. presidential campaign is not a subject of discussion at the Federal Reserve’s policy meetings, Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart said on Tuesday. “It does not come up at the meetings,” Lockhart told an audience at an event on economic policy in Washington. ;May 17, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Europe could soon be within range of North Korean missiles: France;TOULON, France (Reuters) - France s defense minister warned on Tuesday that North Korea could develop ballistic missiles that reach Europe sooner than expected. The scenario of an escalation towards a major conflict can not be discarded, Florence Parly said in a speech to the French military. Europe risks being within range of (North Korean President) Kim Jong Un s missiles sooner than expected, she said. ;September 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: VACATIONING LAME-DUCK OBAMA Ready To Announce Sanctions Against Russia;The Obama administration plans to announce on Thursday a series of retaliatory measures against Russia for hacking into U.S. political institutions and individuals and leaking information in an effort to help President-elect Donald Trump and other Republican candidates, two U.S. officials said on Wednesday.Both officials declined to specify what actions President Barack Obama has approved, but said targeted economic sanctions, indictments, leaking information to embarrass Russian officials or oligarchs, and restrictions on Russian diplomats in the United States are among steps that have been discussed.One decision that has been made, they said, speaking on the condition of anonymity, is to avoid any moves that exceed the Russian election hacking and risk an escalating cyber conflict that could spiral out of control. One example of an excessive step might be interfering with Russian internet messaging.Russia has repeatedly denied hacking accusations. Trump has dismissed the assessments of the U.S. intelligence community.Obama, in an interview earlier this month with NPR, said, We need to take action and we will against Russia for interfering in the U.S. election.Trump seemed to suggest the United States should not impose sanctions on Russia. I think we ought to get on with our lives, Trump told reporters in Florida on Wednesday when asked about remarks by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who said Russia and President Vladimir Putin should expect tough sanctions for the cyber attacks.Russia s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, promised retaliation on Wednesday against Washington in the event of new economic sanctions.Jim Lewis, a cyber security expert with the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank, said further sanctions may be an effective U.S. tool in part because they would be difficult for Trump to roll back and because Russia hates dealing with them. For the rest of the world, it s like having scumball stamped on your forehead, Lewis said.How to respond to the growing problem of cyber attacks carried out or sponsored by foreign powers has bedeviled Obama, whose eight years in office witnessed a torrent of major hacks against the U.S. government and private organizations that were attributed to China, North Korea, Iran and Russia.In past cases, administration officials have decided to publicly blame North Korea and indict members of China s military for hacking because they decided the net benefit of public shaming and increased awareness brought to cyber security outweighed potential risks.But determining an appropriate response to Russia s actions has proven more complicated in part because Russia s cyber capabilities are more advanced and due to fears about disrupting other geopolitical issues, such as the civil war in Syria.Obama may choose to invoke an April 2015 executive order that empowered him to levy sanctions in response to cyber attacks perpetrated by foreign groups targeting infrastructure, such as transportation, or done for economic purposes.Another option would be further economic sanctions against Russia. Washington has already sanctioned Russia over the past two years to punish Moscow for its role in annexing Crimea. But former U.S. officials say the existing measures leave Washington plenty of room to slap new, tougher sanction on Russia in response to cyber intrusions. ReutersIn recent months, WikiLeaks and I personally have come under enormous pressure to stop publishing what the Clinton campaign says about itself to itself. That pressure has come from the campaign s allies, including the Obama administration, and from liberals who are anxious about who will be elected US President.On the eve of the election, it is important to restate why we have published what we have.The right to receive and impart true information is the guiding principle of WikiLeaks an organization that has a staff and organizational mission far beyond myself. Our organization defends the public s right to be informed.This is why, irrespective of the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential election, the real victor is the US public which is better informed as a result of our work.The US public has thoroughly engaged with WikiLeaks election related publications which number more than one hundred thousand documents. Millions of Americans have pored over the leaks and passed on their citations to each other and to us. It is an open model of journalism that gatekeepers are uncomfortable with, but which is perfectly harmonious with the First Amendment.We publish material given to us if it is of political, diplomatic, historical or ethical importance and which has not been published elsewhere. When we have material that fulfills this criteria, we publish. We had information that fit our editorial criteria which related to the Sanders and Clinton campaign (DNC Leaks) and the Clinton political campaign and Foundation (Podesta Emails). No-one disputes the public importance of these publications. It would be unconscionable for WikiLeaks to withhold such an archive from the public during an election.At the same time, we cannot publish what we do not have. To date, we have not received information on Donald Trump s campaign, or Jill Stein s campaign, or Gary Johnson s campaign or any of the other candidates that fufills our stated editorial criteria. As a result of publishing Clinton s cables and indexing her emails we are seen as domain experts on Clinton archives. So it is natural that Clinton sources come to us.We publish as fast as our resources will allow and as fast as the public can absorb it.That is our commitment to ourselves, to our sources, and to the public.This is not due to a personal desire to influence the outcome of the election. The Democratic and Republican candidates have both expressed hostility towards whistleblowers. I spoke at the launch of the campaign for Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate, because her platform addresses the need to protect them. This is an issue that is close to my heart because of the Obama administration s inhuman and degrading treatment of one of our alleged sources, Chelsea Manning. But WikiLeaks publications are not an attempt to get Jill Stein elected or to take revenge over Ms Manning s treatment either.Publishing is what we do. To withhold the publication of such information until after the election would have been to favour one of the candidates above the public s right to know.This is after all what happened when the New York Times withheld evidence of illegal mass surveillance of the US population for a year until after the 2004 election, denying the public a critical understanding of the incumbent president George W Bush, which probably secured his reelection. The current editor of the New York Times has distanced himself from that decision and rightly so.The US public defends free speech more passionately, but the First Amendment only truly lives through its repeated exercise. The First Amendment explicitly prevents the executive from attempting to restrict anyone s ability to speak and publish freely. The First Amendment does not privilege old media, with its corporate advertisers and dependencies on incumbent power factions, over WikiLeaks model of scientific journalism or an individual s decision to inform their friends on social media. The First Amendment unapologetically nurtures the democratization of knowledge. With the Internet, it has reached its full potential.Yet, some weeks ago, in a tactic reminiscent of Senator McCarthy and the red scare, Wikileaks, Green Party candidate Stein, Glenn Greenwald and Clinton s main opponent were painted with a broad, red brush. The Clinton campaign, when they were not spreading obvious untruths, pointed to unnamed sources or to speculative and vague statements from the intelligence community to suggest a nefarious allegiance with Russia. The campaign was unable to invoke evidence about our publications because none exists.In the end, those who have attempted to malign our groundbreaking work over the past four months seek to inhibit public understanding perhaps because it is embarrassing to them a reason for censorship the First Amendment cannot tolerate. Only unsuccessfully do they try to claim that our publications are inaccurate.WikiLeaks decade-long pristine record for authentication remains. Our key publications this round have even been proven through the cryptographic signatures of the companies they passed through, such as Google. It is not every day you can mathematically prove that your publications are perfect but this day is one of them.We have endured intense criticism, primarily from Clinton supporters, for our publications. Many long-term supporters have been frustrated because we have not addressed this criticism in a systematic way or responded to a number of false narratives about Wikileaks motivation or sources. Ultimately, however, if WL reacted to every false claim, we would have to divert resources from our primary work.WikiLeaks, like all publishers, is ultimately accountable to its funders. Those funders are you. Our resources are entirely made up of contributions from the public and our book sales. This allows us to be principled, independent and free in a way no other influential media organization is. But it also means that we do not have the resources of CNN, MSNBC or the Clinton campaign to constantly rebuff criticism.Yet if the press obeys considerations above informing the public, we are no longer talking about a free press, and we are no longer talking about an informed public.Wikileaks remains committed to publishing information that informs the public, even if many, especially those in power, would prefer not to see it. WikiLeaks must publish. It must publish and be damned.;Dec 29, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Brainwashed Marine Cries ‘Benghazi!’ At Bill Clinton, Gets Shut Down (VIDEO);On Friday, former President Bill Clinton encountered a rude protester during a campaign event in Bluffton, South Carolina and proved that he was not to be messed with.The protester, who claimed to be a Marine veteran, confronted Bill about his wife s involvement in the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya and was met with deafening boos from the 500-person crowd. Still, Bill heard the army vet out, but unfortunately did not get the same respect when he tried to give him an answer. Bill said: You listen to me, as I ve heard you. I m not your commander-in-chief anymore, but if I were, I d tell you to be more polite. Bill tried to be cordial, but as the unconfirmed vet repeatedly demanded to know if Hillary had lied about the four American lives that were lost during the attack, Clinton lost his patience and said: If you shut up and listen to my answer, I ll answer it. His mind has been poisoned by lies, and he won t listen. Even as the marine was being escorted out of the audience by security, he continued to shout at Bill Clinton, which encouraged another audience member to harass Bill in his place. The second protester shouted over the crowd s boos , She lied to those families. So all of those families are liars? Then the crowd came to Bill s defense, telling the protester You re watching too many movies as she was also escorted out of the event. Throughout the entire incident, the former president maintained his composure and remained calm while these two idiots tried to call his wife out and pathetically fail.After the protesters were gone, Bill defended Hillary and revealed that she lost many personal friends in the attack. He said, You can imagine how she feels when people make these charges. It s amazing that right-wingers just can t let Benghazi go. There was nothing to be lied about or covered up, but so many conservatives will do anything to keep smearing Hillary s name because she s such a big threat to them.You can watch the event footage below: Featured image via screenshots;February 29, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MAJOR COSMETIC Company Announces Plans To Release ANTI-TRUMP Hair Product…#BOYCOTT;Cosmetics brand Lush, popular among young girls and hipsters for their bath bombs, is launching a new anti-President Trump hair care product.According to Cosmopolitan, Lush announced plans to release a hair treatment called Yuge, a play on the way Trump pronounces the word huge, alongside an orange faced, tiny-handed man at their 2017 Lush Summit.The Yuge product is reportedly a hot oil treatment that will add volume and softness to your hair. Cosmopolitan notes the product is not currently available as it is being tested on humans in the U.K. (Lush opposes animal testing).Here is an excerpt from the article that appears on Lush s homepage:The United States is in the midst of a trying political and social time that is being felt throughout North America and the world. Intolerance, hostility, racism and fear have been pushed to the forefront and emotions are running high. Because of this divisiveness, it s now more important than ever to stand up for inclusivity, compassion and respect for all people.Lush has always been, and will always be, a safe space for everyone regardless of immigration status, gender, race, age, sexual orientation, religion or political affiliation. We love and encourage individuality, and our employees and customers are as diverse as the products we create. That s what makes the Lush community so special.Lush s Welcome Refugees statement encourages people to share the hashtags #refugeeswelcome and #nobannowall and to visit the website for the International Rescue Committee to take action. Lush s political stances haven t always been explicit through statements on their website. This Valentine s Day, Lush featured photos of same-sex couples in baths throughout their website.-MRCTV;Feb 26, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump edges ahead of Clinton in U.S. presidential race: Reuters/Ipsos poll;NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump posted a two-point lead over his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday, the first time he has been ahead since early May. Trump’s gains came as he accepted his party’s nomination to the Nov. 8 ballot at the four-day Republican National Convention in Cleveland last week, and as Clinton’s nomination in Philadelphia this week was marred by party divisions and the resignation of a top party official. MORE FROM REUTERS: Musk sees 'modest' capital raise for Tesla's next strategic turn Clinton makes history with Democratic nomination for president Breakingviews: Hillary Clinton’s one percent dilemma gets more awkward The July 22-26 poll found that 39 percent of likely voters supported Trump, 37 percent supported Clinton and 24 percent would vote for neither. The poll had a credibility interval of 4 percentage points, meaning that the two candidates should be considered about even in support. Clinton held a three-point lead on Friday, which was also within the credibility interval. Clinton has solidly led Trump in the poll throughout most of the 2016 presidential race. The only times that Trump has matched her level of support were when the Republican Party appeared to be roughly aligned with his campaign. In early May, Trump briefly pulled even with Clinton after his remaining rivals for the party nomination dropped out of the running. He held a 0.3 percentage point lead over Clinton on May 9, the last time he was nominally ahead. Trump fell back in the poll as he feuded with party bosses over comments he made about Hispanics, Muslims and immigrants, but he rebounded this month as his candidacy took the national spotlight at the Cleveland convention. The Democratic party is hoping for a similar boost during its convention this week in Philadelphia, but the confab had a rough start: the Wikileaks website released emails on Friday that enraged many voters who had supported Clinton’s rival for the nomination, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, showing that party officials had looked for ways to undermine his candidacy. The chair of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, announced her resignation afterward. On Monday, some speakers at the Democratic convention were booed by Sanders supporters, and hundreds of protesters took to the streets to protest Clinton’s candidacy. Presidential candidates usually get a boost in popularity following their party conventions. In 2012, Republican nominee Mitt Romney jumped by 5 percentage points to pull about even with President Barack Obama after the Republican convention. After the Democrats held their convention, Obama then rose by a few percentage points and again pulled ahead. The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English with about 962 likely voters.;July 26, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Pakistani army says it has acted against militants including Haqqani network;ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan has taken action against all Islamist militants including the Haqqani network, the army spokesman said on Monday hours ahead of a U.S. announcement on Afghan policy that could herald a tougher stance towards Islamabad. “There are no terrorist hideouts in Pakistan. We have operated against all terrorists, including (the) Haqqani network,” spokesman Major General Asif Ghafoor told a media briefing in Islamabad. He said evidence to that effect was shared with General Joseph Votel, chief of the U.S. Central Command, who visited Pakistan over the weekend. U.S. officials say Afghan’s Islamist Taliban insurgents and the allied Haqqani network, deemed the most lethal Afghan militant group, are supported by elements of Pakistan’s military and top intelligence agency, a charge Islamabad denies. U.S. President Donald Trump was expected in an address to the nation due at 0100 GMT to address the future of relations with Islamabad, part of a review of policy on the protracted war in neighboring Afghanistan. With Taliban insurgent forces no nearer to defeat after more than 15 years of conflict, Trump was likely to announce a modest increase in U.S. troop numbers in Afghanistan, a senior administration official said. “As regard to U.S. policy, and even if it comes with certain coercive, you know, announcements, Pakistan shall do whatever is best in the national interest,” Ghafoor said. Votel met Pakistan’s army chief, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, and on Saturday toured the Waziristan area that was long the base of local and foreign militants along the Afghan border, where Pakistan’s military waged a campaign to drive them out. Washington and Islamabad have at times had a rocky relationship, including over the secret U.S. raid inside Pakistan in 2011 that killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Relations have been under scrutiny in Trump’s lengthy review of a new strategy and troop levels in the fight against the Taliban and other Islamist militants in Afghanistan.;August 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump's choice for national security adviser had early exposure to Iran;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As a teenager in the early 1970s retired U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Robert S. Harward played football and basketball, was popular with classmates and, like many American high school students, was known for partying. But Harward, to whom President Donald Trump has offered the post of U.S. national security adviser, to succeed Michael Flynn, spent his teenage years not in his native Rhode Island, but in pre-revolutionary Iran, where his father, a Navy captain, advised the Iranian military. During his teenage years, Harward lived in an Iranian neighborhood, attended school with Iranian-American students and played sports against Iranian teams. Those experiences gave him an unusual familiarity with Iran’s culture and people in the years before the 1979 Islamic revolution that ousted the pro-American Shah. “During very formative years of his life, he was exposed to everything that was Iran,” said Joseph Condrill, who knew Harward, known by his classmates as Bobby, when they were students at the Tehran American School. “Iran was one of our homes, and we got to know the Iranian people very well, in a very intimate way.” The Trump administration has offered Harward the job of national security adviser, two U.S. officials familiar with the matter said on Wednesday. It was not immediately clear if Harward had accepted, the sources said. A White House spokesperson had no immediate comment. Harward would carry his experience into the Trump White House, charged with coordinating national security policy and responding to threats including Iran’s ballistic missile program and support for militant groups in the Middle East. While Flynn put Iran “on notice,” and Trump has tweeted that Iran is “playing with fire,” Harward’s experience with Iran is more personal. The revolution that brought Iran’s theocratic government to power forced the closure of the Tehran American School and cut short the tours of American families living in Iran. Rather than being isolated on a military base, Harward and other Americans at that time lived among Iranians, rode local buses, and were exposed to Iran’s attractions through field trips, his classmates said. “It was not a completely isolated culture for us,” said John Martin, 61, of Reston, Virginia, who was in Harward’s high school class and attended the U.S. Naval Academy with him. Harward even picked up fluent Persian while he was in Iran, Martin said. “For those of us that had once lived in Iran, there’s an after-effect, the effect of the Islamic Revolution,” Condrill said. “There is definitely a sense of suspicion, if you will ... based upon that experience of the Iran that we once knew.” It is not clear, however, how Harward’s memories might influence U.S. policy, because the national security adviser’s job is to coordinate, not make, policy. In addition, administration officials said, Trump advisers Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller have closer ties to the president than Harward would have and would present a rival power center. In 2012, as deputy head of the U.S. Central Command, he told a conference that “Iran’s well-established past pattern of deceit and reckless behavior have progressively increased the potential for miscalculation that could spark a regional, if not a global conflict.” At the same event, he recalled with some wistfulness his own experience living in the region. “I think back to the days when I graduated from the Tehran American School in 1974, where as a Westerner I could freely travel through Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and other countries in the region and be greeted, and welcomed, because of the policies and strategy the West employed in the region,” he said. “Yet I look today, we are in a much different world.” Harward did not respond to a request for comment and officials at Lockheed Martin, where he is a top executive, declined to comment. After graduating from high school in 1974, Harward returned to the United States, joined the Navy, became an elite SEAL and rose through the ranks, eventually serving as deputy commander of U.S. Central Command, which oversees American forces in the Middle East. He served there under General Jim Mattis, now the U.S. defense secretary. Earlier in his career, Harward worked on counterterrorism as a military officer on the National Security Council, an assignment seen as a marker of a rising star. Several former U.S. officials who worked with Harward described him as experienced and smart, but not known for his personal experience with Iran. He is well-liked and respected and seen as unpretentious despite his distinguished military service, according to people who have worked with him. “He was a very good and effective bureaucratic player,” said Derek Chollet, an assistant secretary of defense under the Obama administration. “He understands the role the military plays within the broader tool set of American policy.” When Harward was a commanding officer in Afghanistan, he was known for making his rounds without full body armor to send a message that Afghanistan was safe, said a U.S. official who worked under Harward there. “He had no ego,” the official said, on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak.;February 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Caught On Camera: Devastating Moment 2100 People Find Out Job Outsourced (VIDEO);"Some companies definitely prefer increased profit over principle and, clearly, patriotism. Yet another U.S. company, this time Carrier, decided that they would be relocating their Indianapolis, IN, plant to Monterrey, Mexico. This relocation will, in turn, put 2,100 people out of work come 2017.The company, of course, in a state-run by a supposed business friendly Republican, Gov. Mike Pence, is blaming regulations and the high cost to run business here at home. In a statement put out by HVAC Systems and Services North America president Chris Nelson: This move is intended to address the challenges we continue to face in a rapidly changing HVAC industry, with the continued migration of the HVAC industry to Mexico, including our suppliers and competitors, and ongoing cost and pricing pressures driven, in part, by new regulatory requirements, Relocating our operations to a region where we have existing infrastructure and a strong supplier base will allow us to operate more cost effectively so that we can continue to produce high-quality HVAC products that are competitively positioned while continuing to meet customer needs. Nelson, trying to have a heart, but failing miserably, also said: This decision is difficult and we recognize the impact on employees, their families and the community. We are committed to ensuring that our employees are treated respectfully and to working closely with their representatives throughout this transition. Actually having a heart, Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett (D) issued his own statement regarding the devastating blow to the local economy: A job lost in any part of our community affects us all, and I believe these are the times we must come together as one city to lift up our neighbors. That is why this afternoon I will issue and Executive Order to create a task force that will convene local, state, and federal resources and direct every tool at our disposal toward supporting these workers in the days ahead. You can actually witness and listen to Carrier tell their employees that they will soon be out of work in this video below. The gasps are audible and the anger is palpable, justifiably so. You can hear the company try to explain themselves to their employees. And unfortunately, due to the rotten discourse created by the likes of people like Donald Trump, you can hear one employee blame Mexicans. To add insult to injury, Carrier simply states: This is simply a business decision. Watch here:// < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ <span class=""mceItemHidden"" data-mce-bogus=""1""><span></span>&lt;span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;(function(d, s, id) { var js, <span class=""mceItemHidden"" data-mce-bogus=""1""><span class=""hiddenSpellError"" pre="""" data-mce-bogus=""1"">fjs</span></span> = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = ""//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&amp;version=v2.3""; <span class=""hiddenSpellError"" pre="""" data-mce-bogus=""1"">fjs</span>.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', '<span class=""hiddenSpellError"" pre="""" data-mce-bogus=""1"">facebook-jssdk</span>')); // ]]&gt;Carrier indianapolis plant is closing 2017Posted by LaKeisha Austin on Wednesday, February 10, 2016Video/Featured image from Facebook";February 12, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ";Massachusetts Rep. Jim McGovern brought the House down with a scathing rebuke of the pathetic Republican healthcare bill on Tuesday.He began by pointing out that the bill destroys all of the good things that the Affordable Care Act provides, such as covering preexisting conditions and allowing kids to stay on their parents insurance until the age of 26.McGovern conceded that the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is not perfect. It has some issues that can be fixed, and Democrats have repeatedly offered to work with Republicans to fix the problems and cover more people while also bringing down costs.But as McGovern noted, Republicans are only obsessed with repealing the law. They have no interest in fixing the minor problems, many of which they created themselves by chipping away at the law over the years.So far, the Republican bill touted by Trump has failed several times in the House because even many Republicans are concerned about the fact that repealing the Affordable Care Act would strip healthcare away from millions of Americans, including their own constituents.For months, Republicans have been torn a new one by their constituents at town halls over their effort to repeal what has become a very popular law. It is even more popular than Donald Trump now.In their continued effort to sell the bill to the American people, Trump and House Republicans have been insisting that it covers pre-existing conditions. But that is a complete lie.Nowhere in the Trumpcare bill will you find a passage making it clear that people with pre-existing conditions won t lose their insurance. It s just not there.McGovern called out Republicans for this lie on the House floor. To claim or to imply that the Republican plan covers people with preexisting conditions, it is a lie, McGovern declared. It is a lie. And let s be honest about it. This does not cover people with preexisting conditions. And to come on the floor and say it does, to try to fool people, well, you may get away with it in the short term, you may get a headline but I tell you people will figure out soon enough when they are denied health care coverage. Furthermore, Republicans refuse to get a CBO score for the bill before holding a vote because they know it will get a failing grade.For one thing, the bill would be a massive tax cut for the wealthy at the expense of the millions of Americans who finally got healthcare coverage through the Medicaid expansion.McGovern shamed Republicans for this. You should be ashamed, McGovern said. To have a health care bill that cuts Medicaid by $880 billion so you can give a tax cut to the wealthiest people in this country, you should be ashamed. He then called upon Republicans to vote against the bill or pull it entirely and received a standing ovation.Here s the video via YouTube.If Trump and Republicans have their way, millions of Americans will suffer so that wealthy assholes can get even richer. That s outrageous.But even more outrageous is the fact that while the American people will lose the benefits of the Affordable Care Act, Republicans have exempted themselves from losing the same benefits the law provides.That s right. Republicans are literally making sure that they get to keep their Obamacare. That makes them heartless and selfish as well as hypocrites. They should not only be ashamed, they should be booted out of office.Featured image screenshot;May 4, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Schumer: Comey should still testify to congressional committees;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said on Thursday that former FBI Director James Comey should still appear before congressional committees that have invited him to testify in their investigations of Russia and the 2016 U.S. election, despite the appointment of a special counsel. “While we heartily applaud the appointment of Mr. (former FBI Director Robert) Mueller as a special counsel, we in congress must continue to do our jobs as well,” Schumer said.;May 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Maria likely to become tropical storm Tuesday night or Wednesday: NHC;(Reuters) - Hurricane Maria is forecast to become a tropical storm Tuesday night or Wednesday, with large swells affecting much of the U.S. east coast from Florida through southern New England, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) said on Monday. Maria, a category 1 hurricane, is about 280 miles (450 km) south-southeast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, with maximum sustained winds of 80 miles per hour (130 kph), the Miami-based weather forecaster said. The center of Maria will pass east of the coast of North Carolina during the next couple of days, NHC said.;September 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: British police say suspect package in London's Holborn was false alarm;LONDON (Reuters) - British police said reports of a suspicious package near Holborn, central London, had turned out to be a false alarm. Pictures on Twitter had shown several police cars and officers in the cordoned-off street, but a spokeswoman later said the operation had been stood down. Britain s threat level is currently set to severe, meaning an attack is highly likely, and 30 people were injured last Friday when a bomb on a train apparently failed to fully detonate.;September 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: JUSTICE? Yahoo Settles E-mail Privacy Class-action: $4M for Lawyers, $0 for Users;21st Century Wire says It s a familiar theme. Whenever there is a dispute or a change of law, and two tribes go to war, there is normally only one real winner after the tribulation the lawyers. Ars TechnicaIn late 2013, Yahoo was hit with six lawsuits over its practice of using automated scans of e-mail to produce targeted ads. The cases, which were consolidated in federal court, all argued that the privacy rights of non-Yahoo users, who did not consent to Yahoo s interception and scanning of their emails, were being violated by a multi-billion dollar company.Now, lawyers representing the plaintiffs are singing a different tune. Last week, they asked US District Judge Lucy Koh to accept a proposed settlement (PDF). Under the proposal, the massive class of non-Yahoo users won t get any payment, but the class lawyers at Girard Gibbs and Kaplan Fox intend to ask for up to $4 million in fees. (The ultimate amount of fees will be up to the judge, but Yahoo has agreed not to oppose any fee request up to $4 million.)While users won t get any payment, Yahoo will change how it handles user e-mails but it isn t the change that the plaintiffs attorneys were originally asking for. Yahoo won t stop scanning e-mails. Instead, the company has agreed to make a technical change to when it scans e-mails. In the settlement (PDF), Yahoo has agreed that e-mail content will be only sent to servers for analysis for advertising purposes after a Yahoo Mail user can access the email in his or her inbox. The settlement deal looks pretty similar to what Yahoo had argued it did in the first place Continue this story at Ars TechnicaREAD MORE NSA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire NSA Files;January 16, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Sore Winner: Trump Attacks Clinton With Putin’s Help;If Donald Trump wanted people to think he isn t joined at the hip to Russian president Vladimir Putin, this is a strange way to do it. Apparently not satisfied with his own attacks on Hillary Clinton, Trump has now resorted to citing Putin to somehow add extra venom to his catty remarks about the former Democratic presidential nominee.President-elect Donald Trump agreed with Vladimir Putin s assessment of the Hillary Clinton s loss in the 2016 presidential election in a Friday night tweet.The Russian president said Democrats were losing on all fronts and looking elsewhere for things to blame and said that the loss degrades their own dignity, according to the Washington Post. Outstanding figures in American history from the ranks of the Democratic Party would likely be turning in their graves. Roosevelt certainly would be, Putin told a group of journalists in Moscow, according to the paper.Putin is celebrating the results of the election going his way, as he has had something of a vendetta against Clinton for years after she opposed him while serving as secretary of state.The double-edged attack comes on the heels of revelations that Putin allegedly directed hackers to go after Clinton, stealing emails from Democratic officials including her campaign chairman John Podesta, later delivering those emails to WikiLeaks who published them for the world to see.Trump has denied that Russia stole the emails, instead arguing that it is unknown who did the hacking. But Trump has actually received intelligence briefings indicating Russian guilt, which he has chosen to ignore in his public statements.The attacks on Clinton also highlight that Trump is still sore about the fact that while he won the election via the Electoral College, he was still the recipient of less raw votes than Clinton. For all time the historical record will show that nearly 3 million more people voted for Clinton over him.Featured image via Flickr;December 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Dominican Newspaper Trolls Trump By Using A Photo Of Alec Baldwin (SCREENSHOTS);Dominican newspaper El Nacional had a bit of fun with our comically inept President* when they accidentally used a photo of Trump s arch-nemesis Alec Baldwin instead of our orange-skinned wannabe dictator in a recent story.The story was regarding Trump s upcoming meeting with war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu following the United States decision to block a Palestinian official from a U.N. appointment for fear it would hurt Bibi s precious little feelings. The United States was disappointed to see a letter indicating the intention to appoint the former Palestinian Authority prime minister to lead the UN Mission in Libya, unqualified mess of a human being and U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley said. For too long the U.N. has been unfairly biased in favor of the Palestinian Authority to the detriment of our allies in Israel. This, of course, is sure to make Netanyahu happy prior to the meeting, where he and Trump are expected to discuss moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.The paper posted what appears to be a tongue-in-cheek photo correction, claiming that they were sent the photo by the Associated Press.It is unclear if this was an honest mistake or an alt-mistake, but one thing is for certain Trump is not going to be happy when he sees this.Featured image via screengrab;February 11, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Australia should accept New Zealand offer to resettle refugees: UNHCR;SYDNEY (Reuters) - The U.N. refugee agency on Tuesday urged Australia to accept New Zealand s offer to resettle 150 refugees from an abandoned Australian-run detention center in Papua New Guinea, as about 450 men remain barricaded inside without food or water. The asylum seekers have been holed up inside the center for the past two weeks defying attempts by Australia and Papua New Guinea to close the facility, saying they fear for their safety if moved to transit centers. With many detainees complaining of illness bought about by the unsanitary conditions in the camp, the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) urged Australia to allow 150 of them to resettle in New Zealand. We urge Australia to reconsider this and take up the offer, Nai Jit Lam, deputy regional representative at the UNHCR told Reuters. Most of the asylum seekers are from Afghanistan, Iran, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Syria. Australia s sovereign borders immigration policy, under which it refuses to allow asylum seekers arriving by boat to reach its shores, has been heavily criticized by the United Nations and human rights groups but has bipartisan political support in Australia. Australia says allowing asylum seekers arriving by boat to reach its shores would only encourage people smugglers in Asia and see more people risk their lives trying to sail to Australia. Two motions introduced in Australia s parliament by the Labor and Green parties, and passed in the upper house on Tuesday, call on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to approve the New Zealand proposal. This is a foul and bloody stain on Australia s national conscience, Greens senator Nick McKim told reporters. Turnbull this month rejected the refugee resettlement offer from his New Zealand counterpart, Jacinda Ardern, preferring instead to work through an existing refugee swap deal he negotiated with former U.S. President Barack Obama last year. Under the U.S. deal, up to 1,250 asylum seekers detained by Australia in Papua New Guinea and Nauru in the South Pacific could be resettled in the United States in return for Australia accepting refugees from Central America. So far, the United States has accepted only 54. Despite Turnbull rejecting the offer, Ardern this week said it remained on the table and she would seek a second meeting with Turnbull to discuss the unacceptable situation inside the Manus island detention center. Water and electricity to the center were disconnected two weeks ago after Australian security withdrew and the camp closed on Oct. 31. The camp gad been declared illegal by a Papua New Guinea Court. Papua New Guinea has threatened to forcibly move the men if they remain inside the center. It has set three deadlines but all have passed largely without incident.;November 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Goldman's Cohn eyed for top Trump budget post: transition official;NEW YORK (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is considering Goldman Sachs Group Inc President and Chief Operating Officer Gary Cohn to head the White House budget office or to fill other positions, a Trump transition official said on Wednesday. Cohn, 56, a former Goldman commodities trader who joined the firm in 1990, has been widely considered to be the heir apparent to Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein. Dow Jones reported earlier on Wednesday that Cohn, who met with Trump on Tuesday, has had discussions about leaving the firm. If Cohn is picked to become Trump’s budget director and is subsequently confirmed by the U.S. Senate early next year, he would play a lead role in formulating spending priorities for domestic and international programs funded by Washington. The budgets produced annually by the White House’s Office of Management and Budget are a reflection of every administration’s legislative priorities and a blueprint for detailed spending and tax bills the president wants Congress to consider. Cohn has donated both to Democrats and Republicans over the years. He has given more recently to Republicans, including $33,400 to the National Republican Congressional Committee in 2015, according to campaign contribution records. They also showed that in 2007 and 2008, Cohn donated to Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns. Cohn is a former Goldman commodities trader from Ohio who joined the firm in 1990. He served in a variety of leadership roles in bond trading, becoming co-head of Goldman’s broader securities and eventually, co-president in 2006. He makes frequent appearances at industry conferences and on television, where he speaks about the state of the financial markets. Cohn struggled with dyslexia as a child and bounced from school to school, according to a Malcolm Gladwell profile from his book “David and Goliath.” Cohn is typically known throughout Goldman for his direct and abrasive manner in dealing with colleagues, although he has become more polished in recent years, current and former executives said. Leaving Goldman to go to Washington would not be the first time that Cohn had taken a big risk. He was given his first job on Wall Street after visiting the trading pit and sharing a cab with one of the traders to LaGuardia airport. Although Cohn knew nothing about trading options, he convinced the trader to give him an interview opportunity and he eventually landed a job on the floor of the commodities exchange. “Everything I’ve done in my career ... is to take risks,” Cohn said in a 2009 speech at American University’s Kogod School of Business to new graduates. Alongside Blankfein, Cohn is one of the few senior executives left on Wall Street who navigated through the financial crisis. Cohn’s co-president, Jon Winkelried, left the firm in 2009. But with Blankfein showing no sign that he will step down soon, some inside the firm have wondered if Cohn has other aspirations outside the Wall Street bank. Pacific Investment Management Co in 2013 had considered Cohn to replace Mohamed El-Erian. But discussions never progressed beyond an initial stage, according to reports at the time. While Cohn does not have political experience, he is no stranger to Capitol Hill. Cohn was a regular visitor to Washington following the financial crisis, speaking to lawmakers and regulators about the markets, financial regulation and the commodities sector. He has known Sen. Sherrod Brown, the Democratic senator from Ohio, for years and has contributed to his campaign. Cohn met with lawmakers, including Brown, in 2014 as Goldman tried to defend its presence in the commodities market. Cohn is also friendly with Rob Portman, the Ohio Republican senator who renounced his support for Trump in October. The two co-hosted an event in 2013 in Cleveland for small business owners who graduated from Goldman’s 10,000 Small Business program. Cohn is just one of a cadre of other former Goldman Sachs executives who are slated to join the Trump administration, including nominee for Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House adviser Steve Bannon. With the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives both under Republican control, Trump’s budget proposals are likely to receive more serious consideration than budgets submitted over the past few years by President Obama, who was regularly at odds with Republican lawmakers.;November 30, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Turkish PM calls Rohingya killings in Myanmar 'genocide';COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Turkey s prime minister on Wednesday dubbed the killing of minority Muslim Rohingyas in Myanmar by its security forces genocide and urged the international community to ensure their safety back home. Binali Yildirim met several Rohingyas in two refugee camps in Cox s Bazar in neighboring Bangladesh. Almost 870,000 Rohingya fled there, about 660,000 of whom arrived after Aug. 25, when Rohingya militants attacked security posts and the Myanmar army launched a counter-offensive. The Myanmar military has been trying to uproot Rohingya Muslim community from their homeland and for that they persecuted them, set fire to their homes, villages, raped and abused women and killed them, Yildirim told reporters from Cox s Bazar, before flying back to Turkey. It s one kind of a genocide, he said. The international community should also work together to ensure their safe and dignified return to their homeland, Yildirim, who was accompanied by Bangladesh s Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, said. Surveys of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh by aid agency Medecins Sans Frontieres have shown at least 6,700 Rohingya were killed in Rakhine state in the month after violence flared up on Aug. 25, MSF said last week. The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra ad al-Hussein has called the violence a textbook example of ethnic cleansing and said he would not be surprised if a court eventually ruled that genocide had taken place. Yildirim inaugurated a medical camp at Balukhali, sponsored by Turkey, and handed over two ambulances to Cox s Bazar district administration. He also distributed food to Rohingya refugees at Kutupalong makeshift camp. He urged the international community to enhance support for Rohingyas in Bangladesh and help find a political solution to this humanitarian crisis. U.N. investigators have heard Rohingya testimony of a consistent, methodical pattern of killings, torture, rape and arson . The United Nations defines genocide as acts meant to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group in whole or in part. Such a designation is rare under international law, but has been used in contexts including Bosnia, Sudan and an Islamic State campaign against the Yazidi communities in Iraq and Syria. Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi s less than two-year old civilian government has faced heavy international criticism for its response to the crisis, though it has no control over the generals it has to share power with under Myanmar s transition after decades of military rule. Yildirim s trip follows Turkish first lady Emine Erdogan s visit in September to the Rohingya camp, when she said the crack down in Myanmar s Rakhine state was tantamount to genocide and a solution to the Rohingya crisis lies in Myanmar alone.;December 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican Grassley to ask Trump Jr to testify to Senate panel: CNN;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, a Republican, planned to send a letter on Thursday to Donald Trump Jr to ask him to testify before his committee in a public session, CNN reported. Trump Jr, son of Republican President Donald Trump, disclosed this week that he had a meeting with a Russia lawyer who sought to provide damaging information on Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign.;July 13, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Looks Like The Founding Fathers May Have Actually Disqualified Ted Cruz From Running;Now, some may say because Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was born to an American citizen, even while in Canada, he is to be considered a natural born citizen. However, when looking at the Constitution in the context of the time frame that is was written, and in regards to how certain laws were to be read, that natural born status actually may not apply to the senator.Why? Because, unlike today, in 2016, when woman are considered equals among men (for the most part), when the Constitution was written by our Founders it was quite a sexist time.Legal scholar Thomas Lee from Fordham University believes that Cruz should be disqualified. And as the Washington Post describes: On this straightforward, intuitive, and deeply conservative reasoning, several prominent legal scholars have argued Cruz is arguably not a natural-born citizen. As the Founding Fathers and their contemporaries probably would have understood that phrase, the argument goes, Cruz is ineligible for the presidency not because he was born in Canada, but because he was born in Canada to a Cuban father. Furthermore: Under King Edward III, who reigned from 1327 to 1377, England expanded this definition to include the children of ambassadors and soldiers who were serving the monarch overseas. In the centuries to come, Parliament modified the definition further to include the children of private English subjects who happened to be abroad.In the late 18th century, though, that definition did not include English mothers who were traveling. If they conceived children with foreign men, it was assumed those children would not be loyal English subjects and were not considered natural born. Yikes! Looks like Cruz isn t a natural born citizen after all. Well, at least if we go by the United States Constitution as it was originally written and intended. Which, strict constitutional conservatives like a certain Sen. Ted Cruz claim so adamantly to be. He might as well excuse himself from the presidential race right now. Unless, of course, he s not a strict constitutionalist and doesn t want to abide by the Founding Fathers original intent.HOW. DARE. HE?!Truth be told, we really don t know the Founding Fathers true intention, and can only go by how natural born was defined in the era that the phrase was first prescribed. Everything else is hearsay and interpreted to fit specific agendas (such as, wanting to allow a Canadian born to a Cuban dissident to be President of the United States). Sure, his mother was an American citizen, but if we are to abide by the law as originally intended, this surely may disqualify Cruz. All because the Founding Fathers were harshly sexist.How much do you want to bet Ted Cruz wishes he was a women s rights activist now? Oops.Featured image: Gage Skidmore (Flickr);January 14, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WAY TO GO! Sarah Sanders Shuts Down Black Reporter Trying to Make Anthem Protest About Race [Video];SARAH SANDERS does a fantastic job shutting down April Reid on the topic of the anthem protest. Reid tries to change the narrative to make the protest about race. Sarah wasn t having it Great job Sarah!Ryan said the protesting players had said it was not about the flag but about protesting for such things as women s rights and civil rights. What does the president say when you look at history and see how people love this country but wanted to challenge the system to make it better? Ryan asked. I think if we re going to look at history, we should look at the thousands of Americans who have given their life to protect that flag, to protect that anthem. We should be celebrating those people, Sanders said, adding she wanted to finish her statement as Ryan interrupted.Sanders said the White House would always be for celebration of the American flag and that would not change. Just to clarify on that Ryan said. I don t think there s much to clarify, Sanders said. It s pretty black and white. Ryan said that it was a major issue and a racial issue to some, but Sanders continued to defend the Trump administrations belief that respect should be shown for the flag first.Read more: WFB;Sep 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Seth MacFarlane Responds To Orlando Shooting, Smacks Down Gun Nuts (TWEETS);The creator of Family Guy responded on Sunday to the Orlando mass shooting and humiliated a couple of gun nuts along the way.On Saturday, a gunman killed 50 people at a gay nightclub in Florida. It is now the worst mass shooting in American history and has reignited the calls for gun safety regulations.And comedian Seth MacFarlane added his voice to those making such calls by calling for a ban on automatic weapons in a post on Twitter. These shootings are a regular occurrence, MacFarlane wrote. You don t get to be shocked anymore unless you take action to stop them. Ban automatic weapons. These shootings are a regular occurrence. You don t get to be shocked anymore unless you take action to stop them. Ban automatic weapons. Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016Of course, a couple gun nuts took issue with MacFarlane s call to action.One Twitter user claimed that MacFarlane s call to ban automatic weapons would be like banning planes after the 9/11 attacks. The voice of Peter Griffin responded that unlike guns, planes aren t designed to kill people. RT @JIMDETHOMAS: @SethMacFarlane should ve banned planes after 9/11. // A plane s primary function is not to kill. Get the difference? Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016A second gun nut posted the dubious conservative claim that if a single person had been carrying a gun that night less people would have been killed. MacFarlane responded with the fact that there hasn t been a single example of a good guy with a gun preventing a mass shooting in progress.RT @xNathan30x: one person carrying a concealed handgun in that club could have ended that horror. // Often stated, never once happened. Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016In the end, MacFarlane lamented that all the responses, presumably the negative ones, are enough to cause even him to be depressed. Man. Twitter responses to all this on my feed are enough to send the even cheeriest soul into a deep depression. Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) June 12, 2016Banning automatic weapons is not the only way to reduce gun violence. We need a better background check system and we need to ban people on the terrorist watch list from being able to buy guns. Plus, we desperately need better mental healthcare in this country. But Republicans in Congress refuse to do anything that will upset their NRA masters, and that s why we can expect more mass shootings unless we send people to Congress who will take action to prevent gun violence instead of simply offering useless thoughts and prayers.Featured image via Wikimedia;June 13, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: THE PROBLEM WITH ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION…Explained As If You Were 5-Years-Old;Among the findings:A Complex Fiscal Picture Welfare use. Our findings show that many of the preconceived notions about the fiscal impact of illegal households turn out to be inaccurate. In terms of welfare use, receipt of cash assistance programs tends to be very low, while Medicaid use, though significant, is still less than for other households. Only use of food assistance programs is significantly higher than that of the rest of the population. Also, contrary to the perceptions that illegal aliens don t pay payroll taxes, we estimate that more than half of illegals work on the books. On average, illegal households pay more than $4,200 a year in all forms of federal taxes. Unfortunately, they impose costs of $6,950 per household.The Impact of Amnesty. Finally, our estimates show that amnesty would significantly increase tax revenue. Because both their income and tax compliance would rise, we estimate that under the most likely scenario the average illegal alien household would pay 77 percent ($3,200) more a year in federal taxes once legalized. While not enough to offset the 118 percent ($8,200) per household increase in costs that would come with legalization, amnesty would significantly increase both the average income and tax payments of illegal aliens.What s Different About Today s Immigration. Many native-born Americans observe that their ancestors came to America and did not place great demands on government services. Perhaps this is true, but the size and scope of government were dramatically smaller during the last great wave of immigration. Not just means-tested programs, but expenditures on everything from public schools to roads were only a fraction of what they are today. Thus, the arrival of unskilled immigrants in the past did not have the negative fiscal implications that it does today. Moreover, the American economy has changed profoundly since the last great wave of immigration, with education now the key determinant of economic success. The costs that unskilled immigrants impose simply reflect the nature of the modern American economy and welfare state. It is doubtful that the fiscal costs can be avoided if our immigration policies remain unchanged. Center For Immigration Study;May 22, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: North Korea sentences South Korean reporters to death over review of book about country;SEOUL (Reuters) - A North Korean court sentenced two South Korean journalists and their publishers to death for seriously insulting the dignity of the country by reviewing and interviewing the British authors of a book about life in the North, its state media said on Thursday. North Korea has previously issued harshly worded accusations against South Korean entities and individuals for allegedly violating its dignity, by slandering its leadership and its political system. The book in English titled North Korea Confidential was authored by James Pearson, a Seoul-based correspondent for Reuters, and Daniel Tudor, former correspondent in South Korea for the Economist magazine. The book, based on interviews with North Korean defectors, diplomats and traders, depicts a growing market economy where ordinary North Koreans enjoy access to South Korea music and TV dramas, fashion and smuggled Chinese and American films. Pearson wrote the book, published in 2015, before joining Reuters. The Korean-language edition, published earlier this month with the title translated as Capitalist Republic of Korea , was reviewed by South Korea s Dong-A Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo newspapers. A spokesman for the North s Central Court said in a statement carried by the country s official KCNA news agency that the book viciously slandered the reality of the DPRK , the initials for North Korea s official name of the Democratic People s Republic of Korea. The book painted life in the country as increasingly capitalistic where money can buy power and influence, the spokesman said. The South Korean journalists who reviewed the book committed a hideous crime of seriously insulting the dignity of the DPRK with the use of dishonest contents carried by North Korea Confidential , the court spokesman said. The Central Court has ordered the execution of the journalists, Son Hyo-rim of the Dong-A Ilbo and Yang Ji-ho of the Chosun Ilbo, and the publishers of the newspapers. It also demanded the South Korean government investigate their crimes and punish them, the state media said. The court statement did not make any mention of punishment for the book s authors. A Dong-A Ilbo representative said the newspaper declined to comment and its reporter Son did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Chosun Ilbo reporter Yang declined to comment while a newspaper representative could not be immediately reached for comment. Tudor, the co-author of the book, declined to comment. A Reuters spokeswoman declined to comment. Dong-A Ilbo, Chosun Ilbo and other conservative media in South Korea have so far committed smear campaign against the DPRK nonstop, KCNA quoted the court as saying. The criminals hold no right to appeal and the execution will be carried out any moment and at any place without going through any additional procedures.;August 31, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Twitter Wishes Lincoln Happy Birthday With Hilarious #ThingsLincolnDidntSay Hashtag (TWEETS);February 12, is the 207th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln s birth, and Twitter decided to celebrate it like only the social media giant can: with a hilarious hashtag.If you are an avid social networking user, then you have probably come across a quote attributed to President Lincoln or some other famous historical figure and thought, He definitely didn t say that. It happens so often that it s an internet joke, just slap a quote next to someone notable s face and you have a viral internet meme shared by thousands (sometimes millions) of really stupid people. President Lincoln is often the person in many of those memes, so Twitter users decided to celebrate his birthday with #ThingsLincolnDidntSay:I m excited for the future of my party. #ThingsLincolnDidntSay pic.twitter.com/8rUBVSKSvx Simar Ahluwalia (@sahluwal) February 12, 2016 In 150 years, the Republican Party will be greater than ever ! #ThingsLincolnDidntSay pic.twitter.com/uCLP0mQUNl TrivWorks (@TrivWorks) February 12, 2016#ThingsLincolnDidntSay Brian Williams, what are you doing here at Gettysburg? pic.twitter.com/3StneMusxB Vlad Bayon (@misterdish69) February 12, 2016 If this gets retweeted 1 million times I ll end slavery. #ThingsLincolnDidntSay pic.twitter.com/JEueYSYewb MJ (@MJGWrites) February 12, 2016Jeez, Mary, I need to see a play like I need a hole in the head. #ThingsLincolnDidntSay John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) February 12, 2016 Four score and seven beers ago #ThingsLincolnDidntSay Elizabeth So Totally (@elizablitzed) February 12, 2016Hey, I wonder how my face would look on our LEAST VALUABLE ITEM OF CURRENCY#ThingsLincolnDidntSay Dreamweasel (@Dreamweasel) February 12, 2016 #ThingsLincolnDidntSay I m a vampire hunter R IN (@_A_W_W_R_) February 12, 2016There are so many more of them, you should definitely check out the entire thread.President Lincoln is arguably one of the greatest presidents we have ever had and Republicans often like to pretend that he was their president. It is true, he was a Republican, but if he were alive today there is absolutely no doubt that he d be considered a filthy liberal.The GOP is always trying to divide our country, especially the far-right anti-government Tea Party crazies. President Lincoln, on the other hand, went to war to keep the country from splitting apart that s how much he loved the Union. So it s pretty safe to say that he would not support the Confederate flag waving, Bundy militia supporting, Obama-hating Republican Party of 2016. I will leave you with an actual quote from the sixteenth president, one that the right needs to remember: A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved I do not expect the house to fall but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Happy birthday, President Lincoln! Featured image from Twitter;February 12, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: REPORT: Trump Is Costing America BILLIONS In Tourism Revenues Because People Are Afraid To Travel Here;Donald Trump won t tell you this on his Twitter feed.The last time the tourism industry in this country saw such a drop was in the decade after 9/11.And now, Trump is the reason why people don t want to come to America.Under President Obama, the tourism industry enjoyed a resurgence as the number of international visitors rose to 78 million in 2015, a 27 million increase from 2006.But that s imploding now as Trump s policies continue to scare the hell out of people around the globe.Trump s travel ban, his proposed border wall, his attacks on our allies, and his anti-immigrant nationalist policies have struck fear into international travelers who wish to come to the United States to tour the land of the free.According to Alternet,Frommer s, a prominent travel guide, notes that the prestigious Travel Weekly magazine (as close to an official travel publication as they come) has set the decline in foreign tourism at 6.8 percent for this year. ForwardKeys, which crunches travel numbers, points to a 6.5 percent downturn in international travel to the U.S. in the week after Trump attempted to issue the Muslim travel ban in January. During the same period, the company found reservations for U.S.-bound flights from Western Europe fell 14 percent and plunged 38 percent from across the Middle East. And a survey released this month by the Global Business Travel Association concluded 45 percent of European business travel professionals say they are less likely to schedule meetings or events in the U.S., according to the Los Angeles Times.Even white foreigners from Canada and Europe are choosing to stay away from the United States because of Donald Trump.And the impact will do a lot of damage to our economy, including a loss of jobs and a decrease in our gross domestic product.The loss of all those visitors could mean future problems for a sector on which more than 15 million people rely for employment. Oxford Economics suggests the toll may ultimately ripple beyond the travel industry, even reducing the U.S. gross domestic product by a few percentage points, per Market Watch.This will particularly affect cities and states on the coasts where popular destinations such as Los Angeles, Miami, and New York City are located. As stated above, the ripple effects could reach beyond the travel industry as the lack of tourism dollars will hurt the hotel industry, restaurants, airlines, retail stores, and any other industry that profits from tourism.So this is a big deal that will hurt our country as long as Trump remains in office.America s thriving $250 billion tourism industry is about to take a serious $7.4 billion hit because of Trump s policies. It s a huge setback on our economy and it s only going to get worse as Trump continues to attack Mexico and China.So just remember that while Trump continues to tout plans by automakers and other companies that were made way before he took office, the tourism bubble is about pop on his watch and his policies are directly to blame.Featured Image: Joe Raedle/Getty Images;April 1, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Civil Rights Legend Switches Endorsement And Primary Vote From Sanders To Clinton;On Tuesday, Tom Hayden, one of leading dirty hippies that drove Republicans (and Democrats) completely insane in the 1960s wrote a lengthy editorial in The Nation to announce that he was dropping his support of Bernie Sanders and voting for Hillary Clinton in the California primary. While not sparing a critical eye towards Clinton, he explains that despite not being an angel, she has successfully worked within the system for almost 50 years to affect change. According to Hayden, she has the best chance to beat the Republicans and advance her agenda through both a hostile Congress and an unsure electorate.Hayden actually agrees with most (all?) of Bernie s end goals, as do many of Hillary s supporters. We all want universal healthcare, more taxes on the rich, less guns on the street, equal pay for women and an end to income inequality, but where the problem comes is HOW to get there:The populist clarity of Bernie s proposals can be problematic, even for some of his supporters. For example, to simply reject Obamacare in the belief that political revolution will lead to a single-payer solution is simplistic.Hayden is worried Bernie has done nothing to ensure he will have the political muscle to make his plans work. A one election revolution won t cut it without a Plan B, which requires at least two presidential terms and three more congressional elections. Take fracking for example. Hillary has been condemned for not calling for a total ban. But Hayden, a much more plugged in activist, is more impressed by Clinton s long term goals and less so by Sanders absolutist stand:But Hillary s position goes beyond what virtually any state has done. The New York Times writes that she has pledged to end subsidies to the fossil fuel industry to pay for her ambitious climate plan and intends to install 500 million solar collectors in four years.Meanwhile, Bernie s total fracking ban leaves the question of how to do so unaddressed. His energy platform is comprehensive, but he offers no strategy to implement the Paris Summit in the short term.And it s not just Bernie s policies that Hayden is concerned with. There s also the question of his vulnerability as a candidate. Hayden, quite correctly, points out that Republicans have almost completely ignored Bernie:My second worry about Bernie s candidacy is that he has not really faced an all-out Republican-financed media assault in this entire campaign. If he s the nominee, that will be merciless.I ve had this discussion a number of times with Bernie supporters who think that Republican attacks will roll right off. But Republicans managed to convince a significant portion of the country that the center-left Obama is actually a far-left Socialist bordering on Communist and that Obamacare was a government takeover. The right-wing media machine is a propaganda tool that would make the totalitarian government in George Orwell s 1984 weep in pure jealously. By the end of the first month, Bernie would be labeled a Marxist. By the end of the second month, he would be the reincarnation of Stalin. And that would be among the nicer things they would say about him.Just to be crystal clear, a certain number of Bernie supporters insist that Obama is a center-right Republican. Yet it is undeniable that he s been successfully labeled a far-left radical by the right. How would Bernie be immune to this? There s no clear answer.Even worse, the automatic response from Bernie supporters is They ll do the same thing to Hillary! as if that would change the character assassination to come. But even that answer is unhelpful because they ve BEEN doing this to Hillary for longer than many of Bernie s supporters have been alive. The Clintons are the most scrutinized politicians to ever live, bar none. There are literally no new scandals to dig (or make) up. The Corporate Media has been trying to claim her scalp since the 90s and the right has spent millions upon millions on opposition research with only rumor and innuendo to show for it.What are they going to do? Hold some more Benghazi hearings? Good luck with that.But the main reason Hayden says he s supporting Hillary is that the black community is overwhelmingly supporting her:I intend to vote for Hillary Clinton in the California primary for one fundamental reason. It has to do with race. My life since 1960 has been committed to the causes of African Americans, the Chicano movement, the labor movement, and freedom struggles in Vietnam, Cuba and Latin America. What would cause me to turn my back on all those people who have shaped who I am? That would be a transgression on my personal code. I have been on too many freedom rides, too many marches, too many jail cells, and far too many gravesites to breach that trust.Some of Bernie s (overwhelmingly white) supporters have taken the not-so-subtly racist attitude that the black community doesn t know any better. But Hayden correctly points out that Bernie himself made the choice not to appeal to them:Bernie s campaign has had all the money in the world to invest in inner city organizing, starting 18 months ago. He chose to invest resources instead in white-majority regions at the expense of the Deep South and urban North.Blaming black people for not supporting Bernie when Bernie deliberately chose to focus his energy elsewhere is a deeply problematic attitude and a shirking of responsibility.There s (a lot) more and Hayden does not pull punches with either candidate, but his overall message is clear: Vote for whatever candidate you want in the primary, but at the end of the day, stopping the Republicans is more important than hero worship. If you want real change, you have to do more than vote in presidential elections, sit back and wait for it to come.Featured image via Getty;April 13, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HILARIOUS! FOX News’ Greg Gutfeld Introduces New Sponsor Of His Show…”Victima” [VIDEO];At the start of the Fox News Greg Gutfeld Show, Gutfeld showed a hilarious clip mocking the hysteria of the Democrat Party. Gutfeld began his show by telling his viewers, I m really excited to introduce a new sponsor to our show. It s a new drug. It s called Victima' Gutfeld went on to explain that the drug was created to help Democrats who are feeling defeated after the brutal election of Donald Trump cope: When identity politics no longer work, try Victima .America s been witnessing the embarrassing meltdown of liberals ever since President Trump shocked the world with his stinging defeat of Crooked Hillary, so Gutfeld decided to have a little fun by mocking the embarrassing behavior of the left.The voice in the commercial mimics the typical TV drug commercials with sappy music playing in the background: It s not what it used to be. It used to be fine.The Democratic Party it s not performong.It s slow, sluggish, confused, prone to fits of despair. It may be time for Victima . Victims, when your old identity politics no longer work, Victima gives you that added boost to get you to where you want to be. When I take Victima, I see everyone as a racist . It really works. Watch:Ironically, FOX News fired Bob Beckel, the only liberal on the Gutfeld Show the day after this show aired, after he allegedly made a racist remark that offended a black employee working at FOX. Hmmm ;May 20, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Saudi Man Threatens Backlash Over New Law Allowing Women Drivers: ‘I will burn her and her car’;Women in Saudi Arabia were just given the right to drive. Many conservative men are against this because they believe in separation of the sexes and they believe women aren t smart enough to drive Guess they ve never heard of Danica Patrick.Comments from Saudi clerics and a Sheikh are laughable:Saudi clerics ultimately believe female drivers undermine social values and lack the intellect to navigate the nation s roadways. Would you give a man with half an intellect a driving licence? Sheikh Saad al-Hajari, head of the Saudi government s religious edict authority in the southern province of Assir, alleged at a lecture earlier this month.SAUDI MAN THREATENS WOMEN DRIVERS:A Saudi man was arrested for allegedly threatening to attack women drivers, the Interior Ministry said Friday, following a royal decree that ends a ban on women driving in the kingdom.Many Saudis welcomed Tuesday s announcement by King Salman lifting the ban by next year, but some expressed confusion or outrage after the reversal of a policy that has been backed for decades by prominent clerics.The ministry said on Twitter that police in the kingdom s Eastern Province had arrested the suspect, who was not identified, and referred him to the public prosecutor. I swear to God, any woman whose car breaks down I will burn her and her car, said a man wearing a traditional white robe who appeared in a short video distributed online earlier in the week.Reuters could not independently verify the authenticity of the video.Saudi media, including the Arabic-language Okaz newspaper, quoted the Eastern Province s police spokesman as saying the man in custody was in his 20s and that the arrest had been ordered by its governor.Separately, Okaz reported late Thursday that authorities directed the interior minister to prepare an anti-harassment law within 60 days.READ MORE: NYP;Sep 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Argentina labor unions protest job losses, Macri policies;BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina s main labor unions took to the streets of the capital on Tuesday demanding more jobs and protesting center-right President Mauricio Macri s economic policies. Tens of thousands of workers gathered in the historic Plaza de Mayo criticizing Macri, who is trying to lower labor costs to attract investment and jump-start an economy that emerged from recession in the second half of last year. If some retrograde (in the government) thinks that lowering wages, precarious living conditions and destroying trade unions is going to line up investments... we say that is very wrong, said Juan Carlos Schmid, a leader of Argentina s largest umbrella union, the CGT. Standing on a podium at the protest, he said the CGT would meet in late September to discuss a potential strike. Macri told Reuters in an interview this month his government was negotiating labor agreements sector by sector rather than trying to pass a comprehensive labor reform like the one approved in neighboring Brazil. Unions fear more drastic changes could be coming after mid-term legislative elections in October, however, especially after a primary vote on Aug. 13 pointed to strong support for Macri s coalition. Macri is trying to open Argentina s long protected economy and focus on competitive industries like oil and agriculture, but has seen some manufacturing jobs lost in the meantime. The most recent employment data showed the jobless rate rose to 9.2 percent in the first quarter of the year from 7.6 percent in the fourth quarter of last year.;August 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ‘Pro-Life’ Scott Walker Just Signed Two Bills That Will INCREASE The Need For Abortions;Republicans always talk a big game about being pro-life. One of the ways they lead their clueless voters into thinking that they really care about abortions is by attacking healthcare organizations that provide the services. That s exactly what happened in Wisconsin on Thursday when Governor Scott Walker signed two bills that will block millions of dollars in federal funding from reaching Planned Parenthood.According to Yahoo News:One of the new Wisconsin rules requires the state to apply for federal Title X family planning grant money and to give those monies to less controversial public entities such as state, county and local health departments and clinics, a statement from Walker s office said.Planned Parenthood is currently the only entity in Wisconsin receiving this federal money and the funds will not be sent to the organization, the statement said. Less controversial ? The only reason Planned Parenthood is controversial is because the GOP has made it so. They attack the group because it is an easy target as the country s largest abortion provider. But they actively ignore the fact that only roughly three percent of the organization s services are abortion related and that federal funding does NOT pay for that three percent it is illegal and has been since 1976.The other bill that Walker signed into law will restrict the amount of money Planned Parenthood gets back for birth control (and other prescriptions) reimbursements.The bill singles out Planned Parenthood by referring to a covered entity that is an abortion provider. Of the 22 Planned Parenthood clinics in the state, only three perform abortions. Planned Parenthood affiliates in Wisconsin serve more than 60,000 patients annually.This is really important because in order to truly be pro-life one must actively reduce the need for pregnancy terminations. One of the easiest ways of doing that is by providing women and girls with free birth control. Now, twenty-two clinics are going to have a very hard time doing this because of Walker. If these women do not have access to birth control, then this could result in a boom of pregnancies Walker should have taken a look at Texas.Together the two laws could block more than $7 million of federal funding from reaching the clinics. All of this proves that GOP cares less about preventing abortions and much more about punishing women and Planned Parenthood. Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr;February 19, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Street Performer Will Let You Punch ‘Donald Trump’ For $5 (VIDEOS);A street performer based in New York City is giving everyone frustrated with Donald Trump and his racist, sexist, anti-immigrant presidential campaign an outlet for their anger.For a small fee, artist Kalan Sherrard will let you punch Donald Trump. For a few dollars more you can even urinate on a facsimile of the real estate tycoon. From the NY Daily News:Street performer dressed as @realDonaldTrump lets you punch him for $5, pee on him for $300 https://t.co/XQK3rsYdmI pic.twitter.com/hz4hpOUzRe New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) March 18, 2016Activist artist Kalan Sherrard, 28, took to Union Square Thursday dressed in a suit and Trump mask and offered up a full menu of assaults.A chance to punch the Trump-esque artist s gut will cost you $5. You can trample the GOP frontrunner s doppelganger for $10 and throttle him for $7, although the performer s cardboard sign did not elaborate on how far aggressors could take those two terms.For a whopping $300, a Trump-hater can pee on the tycoon.If you merely want a photo with the Donald it will only set you back $2.Sherrard has also posted some videos of his Beat Up Trump performance: THIS.???? #payup #beatuptrump #classic #welcometonyc #lmfao #dead #donaldtrump ??? (@mateomma)A video posted by spoiled NYC (@spoiled_nyc) on Mar 15, 2016 at 5:16pm PDT This morning HBO had a stint at The Union Square Park and Trump made use of the crowd to get beaten up. #newyorkstreets #unionsquarepark #beatuptrumpA video posted by Shravya Kag (@saxophonestories) on Mar 15, 2016 at 8:54pm PDT #NY #manhattan #donaldtrump #loqueando en #unionsquare #citylife #president #usa #420 #crazy #insane #fuck #trump #BeatUpTrumpA video posted by eclecticrunner (@koldobandini) on Mar 17, 2016 at 5:19pm PDT Hahahah I can't #beatuptrump #yesgawdA video posted by Jorge Flores (@gigi_cutina93) on Mar 17, 2016 at 2:48pm PDTThe newspaper reported that it is not yet known how many people have taken him up on his offer. Sherrard has performed other art-based stunts in the area before. In 2014, he was charged with disorderly conduct, after he set up a nihilist-anarchist puppet show in Times Square. He also was involved in an art display where he set up a series of mutilated marionettes on a train platform.In keeping with the theme of his anti-Trump show, he was previously arrested for protesting at an art event in Miami, while carrying a sex toy in his pocket. He reportedly said he was making a demonstration against the super wealthy.Trump has become notorious in a very short time for encouraging political violence by his supporters. He has made public statements expressing the idea that protesters should be beat up, and said he would be looking into providing legal aid to a Trump supporter who punched a Black Lives Matter in the face.Featured image via Instagram;March 20, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Donald Trump: President Obama Is ‘Founder Of ISIS,’ Honored By Terrorists (VIDEO);If the Republican Party leaders thought that Donald Trump would become more presidential once he clinched the nomination, boy have they been wrong. One of the first things he did after he was officially crowned the party s standard-bearer after the Republican National Convention was to get into a despicable spat with the family of a fallen Muslim American soldier after the father s speech at the Democratic National Convention. Then, after a series of his signature crazy incidents, Trump decided to suggest that Second Amendment People should shoot Hillary Clinton. Now, he is claiming that the Islamic State (ISIS) honors President Obama, who Trump calls a Founder of ISIS. Trump said at a rally in Sunrise, Florida: In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama. He is the found of ISIS. He s the founded of ISIS. He s the founder. He founded ISIS. Of course, no Obama smear on this or any other subject would be complete in Trumpland without a shot at Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Trump continued: I would say the co-founder would be Crooked Hillary Clinton. Crooked Hillary Clinton. Trump went on to continue his indictment of Obama to his ignorant and bigoted followers by invoking the president s middle name, Hussein, which to Trumpkins means he s some kind of secret Muslim terrorist. Trump did this during his uninformed remarks regarding Crimea, to chants of Lock her up! from his nutty followers, saying that everything he s saying happened during the administration of Barack Hussein Obama. Of course, all of this recalls the insanity of Trump s something is going on comments regarding the Orlando shooting and President Obama s handling of it. In essence, he accused a sitting president of treason.Of course, these are all lies, but that matters not to Trump supporters. So long as they lap up every smear, every word that comes out of his narcissistic mouth, Trump s dangerous rhetoric will continue. If this doesn t tell people that Trump is in this for the money, power, and attention and nothing else, I don t know what will.Watch the video of Trump s latest remarks below, via The New York Times:Featured image via Joshua Lott/Getty Images;August 11, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HOW THE FBI Cracked A Terror Plot On Black Friday That May Have Been Worse Than 9-11;The U.S. is the great enemy of mankind! raved Ernesto Che Guevara in 1961. Against those hyenas there is no option but extermination. We will bring the war to the imperialist enemies very home, to his places of work and recreation. The imperialist enemy must feel like a hunted animal wherever he moves. Thus we ll destroy him! We must keep our hatred against them (the U.S.) alive and fan it to paroxysms! -Che Guevara, head of Cuba s Foreign Liberation Department, Nov. 17, 1962We have a president who won t tie Islamic terrorists to Islam, has cut a one-sided deal with Iran, as they continue to chant death to America, and has made an open alliance with a communist country who has a long history of hating America. The same country Obama is fighting to normalize relations with, would have committed an unspeakable act of terrorism against us, had our FBI not thwarted their plans. Why the rush to embrace so many nations and leaders who have a long history of wanting to harm us Barry? On the morning of November 17th, 1962, FBI headquarters in Washington D.C. took on all the trappings of a military command post, according to historian William Breuer. The previous night an intelligence puzzle had finally come together. The resulting picture staggered the FBI men. And these had served at their posts during WWII and the height of the Cold War. They d seen plenty. Now they had mere days to foil a crime against their nation to rival Hideki Tojo s.The agents and officers were haggard and red-eyed but seriously wired. Like hawks on a perch they d been watching the plot unfold, sweating bullets the whole time. It was nearing time to swoop down on Fidel Castro and Che Guevara s agents, busy with a terror plot that would have made ISIS drool decades later.Alan Belmont was second to J Edgar Hoover at the time. Raymond Wannall headed the Bureau s Intelligence Division. That nerve-jangling morning both were in Belmont s office just down the hall from Hoover s. Both were burning up the telephone lines to their agents in New York. On one phone they had Special Agent John Malone who ran the New York field office. On other lines they talked with several carloads of FBI agents slinking around Manhattan. These were keeping a touch-and-go, but more or less constant, surveillance on the ringleaders of the Cuban terror plot.Castro s agents had targeted Macy s, Gimbels, Bloomingdales, and Manhattan s Grand Central Station with a dozen incendiary devices and 500 kilos of TNT. The holocaust was set for detonation the following week, on the day after Thanksgiving.A little perspective: For their March 2004 Madrid subway blasts, all 10 of them, that killed and maimed almost 2,000 people, al-Qaeda used a grand total of 100 kilos of TNT. Castro and Che s agents planned to set off five times that explosive power in the three biggest department stores on earth, all packed to suffocation and pulsing with holiday cheer on the year s biggest shopping day. Macy s get s 50,000 shoppers that one day. Thousands of New Yorkers, including women and children actually, given the date and targets, probably mostly women and children were to be incinerated and entombed. ( We greeted each other as old friends, gushed Jimmy Carter when visiting Fidel Castro in 2002.)At the time, the FBI relied heavily on HUMINT (Human Intelligence.) So they d expertly penetrated the plot. One by one the ringleaders were ambushed. The first was named Roberto Santiesteban and he was nabbed while walking down Riverside Drive. As the agents closed in, Santiesteban saw them and took off! And as he ran, Santiesteban was jamming paper in his mouth and chewing furiously.But six FBI agents were after him, all fleet of foot themselves. Finally they closed the ring and triangulated the suspect. Santiesteban fell, raging and cursing, flailing his arms and jabbing his elbows like a maniac. They grabbed his arm and bent it behind his back just as he was reaching for his pistol.While this group got their man, another FBI squad arrested a couple named Elsa Montero and Jose Gomez-Abad as they left their apartment on West 71st Street. The FBI speculated that as many as 30 others might have been in on the plot, but these were the head honchos. Had those detonators gone off, 9/11 might be remembered as the SECOND deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil.Some of these plotters belonged to the New York Chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, an outfit that became MUCH better known a year later on that very week. Incidentally, at the time of the Manhattan terror plot, the Fair Play For Cuba Committee also included among its members, CBS correspondent Robert Taber (an early version of Dan Rather, who conducted Castro s first network television soft-soaping on Aug. 30, 1957), along with The Nation magazine co-owner Alan Sagner. In 1996 President Clinton appointed Alan Sagner head of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.Terror-plotters Roberto Santiesteban, Elsa Montero and Jose Gomez-Abad belonged to the Castro-Cuban Mission to the U.N. and escaped prosecution by indignantly claiming diplomatic immunity. Via: TownhallIt s hard to imagine any American would ever consider Che Guevara to be a hero And then again, maybe it s not so hard to imagine:Maria Isabel is the campaign volunteer who hung this Che Guevara poster in the Obama campaign office in Houston, TX. She s no low-level volunteer either. She is a campaign precinct captain and the co-chair of the Houston Obama Leadership Team.;Nov 28, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Watch Desperate Americans Literally BEG Justin Trudeau To Run For POTUS (VIDEO);As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau continues to prove that he s an all-around amazing person, he s become admired far beyond Canada s borders.Earlier this week, Trudeau was confronted by some very passionate Americans while stopping at a deli in New York City, which Trudeau was visiting to announce that Canada would seek a UN Security Council seat in 2021. Having spotted the Prime Minister and desperate to escape the horrifying U.S. presidential election, these Americans spoke for many of us when they approached Trudeau and asked, Could you run for president here? And why wouldn t they want him to help rescue us from the possibility of Republican front runner Donald Trump?! He s the exact opposite: he s already increased taxes on the wealthy, welcomed Syrian refugees into his country, become an outspoken feminist and is just as interested in climate change as President Barack Obama. The prospect of President Trump is such a threat, that another candidate in addition Democrat candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders would be a tremendous relief.Trudeau gently explained to those two Americans why a presidential run wasn t a possibility for him: It s very simple, I m not American-born. But these Americans weren t ready to take no for an answer. One of them quickly countered, Ted Cruz can do it. Trudeau reminded them that Cruz was born as an American because although Cruz was born in Canada, his mother was an American citizen.Then Trudeau s admirers began to get desperate. One of the men said, All our guys are so bad, you ve gotta believe us. We ve met em all they re so terrible. Please. His companion added, They re boring, weird. We have to settle for them. Please. Trudeau stood firm and said, You know what, I have tremendous confidence in the American people. Then, both men literally dropped down to their knees and pleaded with Trudeau: We ll do anything. We re begging you. We re literally begging you. Trudeau simply responded, I don t know if you noticed, but I actually have a job, and it s a pretty good one. He then patted one of the kneeling men on the back and continued on his way.This just happened to @JustinTrudeau in a NYC cafe: @cnn @ABC @HuffingtonPost @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/BuceWMnGge Stephen Ward (@_stephenward) March 17, 2016Here s another view:Justin Trudeau dans un resto de Manhattan. Ces 2 Am ricains le supplient de se lancer dans la course pr sidentielle! pic.twitter.com/QgrrEdVaIj Marie-Jo lle Parent (@mariejoelle) March 17, 2016CBC News believe it s possible that the two men in the clips are actually pranksters that have shown up at other U.S. presidential campaign events (putting the statement We ve met em all into context). The duo resembles the two men who wore Nazi-like armbands to a Trump event (with a pro-Trump logo instead), a man who interrupted a Marco Rubio rally to accuse the Florida senator of stealing his girlfriend, and a man who sat behind Hillary Clinton with a Settle for Hillary. Whether or not this was a stunt, it very much reflects where America is at right now. Most of us are looking to anyone who could save this country from Donald Trump and judging from the amount of supporters Trump has gathered, we wish we had as much faith in our fellow Americans as Trudeau does. Featured image via video screen capture;March 18, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WOW! POPE FRANCES Tells Journalists That People Who Don’t Believe In Man-Made Climate Change Are “Stupid” and “Stubborn”;Here is a portion of the interview that was conducted by a group of journalists and Pope Frances today:Vatican Insider I leaned out to greet the children and didn t see the glass, and pum! The Pope with a smile and an obvious dark bruise framing his left cheek, answers the question on how he feels after the small accident that happened to him in Cartagena. Immediately after the Avianca flight took off from Cartagena, Francis spoke for 38 minutes with journalists on immigration, climate change, Trump s latest measures and the situation in Venezuela. He confirmed that he had a private meeting with the Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, but denied that there was talk of immigration. He expressed his support to Italy for what the country is doing by trying to manage the emergency landings and regulate immigration flows. Here is a list of US Senators who are also Catholics. Their pro-life ratings are listed in front of their names.: Senate100% Mike Johanns, R-Neb.100% Jim Risch, R-Idaho100% David Vitter, R-La.94% Pat Toomey, R-Pa.**68% Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska50% Robert Casey Jr., D-Pa.31% Mary Landrieu, D-La.23% Susan Collins, R-Maine11% Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.4% John Kerry, D-Mass.2% Richard Durbin, D-Ill.2% Tom Harkin, D-Iowa2% Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.2% Patty Murray, D-Wash.2% Jack Reed, D-R.I.1% Robert Menendez, D-N.J.0% Mark Begich, D-Alaska0% Maria Cantwell, D-Wash.0% Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.0% Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.Does anyone see a pattern here? Yet, no open condemnation for these lawmakers who actually have the power to stop the barbaric practice of abortion by the Pope. Italy is starting to feel the climate change. There have been many deaths in recent days and so much damage Why is it that governments are delaying this realization, whereas on other issues they keep soliciting, like on the Korean arms race, for example?How ironic that the Pope would suggest climate-change deniers who ve been screaming that phony climate change data and peddlers are part of a scheme to extort money from citizens that will somehow fix the NOT resolved science behind man-made climate change. I have heard of the abolition of this law, but I have not been able to read the articles on how and why this decision was taken. I do not know the situation well. However, detaching young people from their family won t bear any good fruit for young people or the family. This law comes from the executive and not from Parliament: if that is the case, I hope that they will think it over again a little bit. I have heard the President of the United States speak, who presents himself as a pro-life. If he is a good pro-life, he understands the importance of family and life: the unity of the family must be defended. When young people feel exploited, they ultimately feel hopeless. And who steals it? Drugs, other kinds of addictions, suicide achievable when your roots are cut off. Anything that goes against the roots steals hope.;Sep 11, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: EU executive moves to punish Poland over court reforms;BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The EU executive launched an unprecedented process on Wednesday to suspend Poland s voting rights in the European Union after two years of dispute over judicial reforms that Brussels says undermine Polish courts independence. The European Commission, the guardian of EU law, will now ask the other EU governments to declare that Poland s changes to the judiciary constitute a clear risk of a serious breach of EU values especially the rule of law. However, it gave Warsaw, where a new prime minister took office only this month, three months to remedy the situation and said it could rescind its decision if it did so. Often referred to as the EU s nuclear option , the move carries the ultimate threat of sanctions but is in fact unlikely to result in that. The Commission has today concluded that there is a clear risk of a serious breach of the rule of law in Poland, the Commission said in a statement. Judicial reforms in Poland mean that the country s judiciary is now under the political control of the ruling majority. In the absence of judicial independence, serious questions are raised about the effective application of EU law. The Commission s deputy head, First Vice President Frans Timmermans, who has conducted talks with the Polish government dominated by Law and Justice Party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski for the past two years, said he was acting with a heavy heart but was obliged to take action to protect the Union as a whole. We are open for dialogue 24/7, Timmermans said, saying that if Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who took office just this month, were to change tack, he would be ready to respond. But Timmermans insisted: As guardians of the treaty, the Commission is under a strict responsibility to act ... If the application of the rule of law is left completely to the individual member states, then the whole of the EU will suffer. This decision has no merit. It is in our opinion a purely political decision, Beata Mazurek, a spokeswoman for Poland s ruling party, was quoted as saying by state news agency PAP. Stung by Britain s vote last year to leave the Union, the EU institutions are battling a rise in euroskeptic nationalism across the continent and particularly in the former Communist east, where Poland s ally Hungary has also prompted previously the Commission to threaten sanctions over the rule of law. Seeking to counter Warsaw s accusations of an anti-Polish bias in Brussels and in his own behavior, Timmermans, who once worked in the Soviet bloc as a Dutch diplomat, praised Poland s historic contribution to overcoming the Cold War divide of Europe but said Warsaw now bore a special responsibility to prevent new rifts opening up over democratic principles. I want to stand by the Polish people in this time which is very difficult for them, and for us, he said, adding that the defending a separation of powers was of existential importance not just for the Polish nation but for the EU as a whole . The next step in the process is that EU governments, meeting in the Council of the European Union, will hear Poland out and ask it to address their concerns. But if 22 out of the EU s 28 countries and the European Parliament are not satisfied in the end, the process will move on to the next stages, which may mean sanctions. The sanctions can involve the suspension of the rights deriving from the application of the Treaties to the Member State in question, including the voting rights . This formulation leaves open the possibility also of suspending EU financial transfers to Poland, now the biggest beneficiary of European funds aimed at boosting living standards in the former communist country. Sanctions can be imposed with the backing of a majority of countries representing a majority of the EU s citizens. But to get to that stage, EU governments have first to unanimously agree that what was initially just a risk of a serious breach of the rule of law has now become a reality. This is unlikely to happen, because Hungary has already declared that it would not support such a motion against Poland. But the mere threat of it underlines the sharp deterioration in ties between Warsaw and Brussels since the nationalist Law and Justice (PiS) party won power in late 2015. The Commission and Council of Europe legal experts, known as the Venice Commission, say Poland s judicial reforms undermine judges independence because they give the ruling party control over the sacking and the appointments of judges, as well as the option to end the terms of some Supreme Court judges early. The Council of Europe, Europe s human rights watchdog, has compared such measures to those of the Soviet system. The PiS government rejects these accusations, saying the changes are needed because courts are slow, inefficient and steeped in a communist era-mentality. Polish President Andrzej Duda has until Jan. 5 to sign them into law.;December 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End