Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: GOP’s ANTI-COP CANDIDATE? Video Shows JOHN KASICH Calling Police Officer “An IDIOT” For Enforcing The Law;The one-state wonder sides with the Left on a number of issues from his views on gay marriage, his flip-flopping on gun control to his support for Communist Common Core. Sheriff Clarke has now unearthed a video showing us the anti-cop side of Governor John Katich.Most of us have been pulled over by law enforcement and many of us have been frustrated after receiving a ticket we didn t think we deserved. We re not all governor s however, and we don t stand up in front of a crowd where we likely have some influence, and call law enforcement officers idiots. Too bad this video wasn t exposed before he narrowly won his home state of Ohio. Have you ever been stopped by a police officer that s an idiot? He s an idiot! You just can t act that way. And what people resent is people who are in the government who don t treat the client (client?) with respect. Who knew that the person being pulled over by the police for potentially breaking the law is considered a client? Here is the original Tweet from the awesome Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke:https://t.co/LXDIrZtj3r @JohnKasich is anti gun and anti cop and people,say Trump is not conservative? Seriously? https://t.co/IHR5wLWIev David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) March 17, 2016;Mar 17, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. will work with Britain, EU for a smooth transition post-Brexit: Blinken;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will work closely and carefully with Britain and the European Union to ensure a smooth transition after Britain voted to leave the European Union, the State Department’s No. 2 official said on Friday. “We will work very closely, carefully with both the UK and with the EU to do what we can to make sure the process ... goes smoothly as possible,” Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a conference in Washington. “It will not affect the special relationship with Britain.”;June 24, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Colbert PERFECTLY Explains The Horror Of A World Where You Can’t Block Trump (VIDEO);Donald Trump has always shown himself to be impulsive when it comes to his use of technology. He often tweets in the middle of the night, goes on long rants that make no sense, and generally makes an absolute ass of himself in front of the whole world via his Twitter account. However, we can block Trump from our Twitters. Once he becomes president, though, we will NOT be able to block him from our phones.You see, this president, and every president thereafter, will be using the same service that sends us severe weather alerts to text everyone in the nation with a cell phone. There s one person who has a platform and is not at all happy about this development, considering what we know about Trump Late Show host Stephen Colbert.During his Thursday night monologue, Colbert addressed this grim new reality. He began: Here s the deal you legally don t have to have to follow his tweets. You can un-follow Trump, delete Twitter, go into the world, live your life. But the bad news is, starting January 20th, Donald Trump can send unblockable mass text messages to the entire nation. The only person I would trust less with that technology is [former Rep.] Anthony Weiner [D-N.Y.]. Yes, feel free to block alerts about floods and missing persons, but if Trump wants you to know how he feels about the cast of Hamilton, you will listen. Now, it s important to remember that this can only be done via Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs), and they must be approved first. However, given Trump s authoritarian tendencies, I m pretty sure whatever safeguards are in place to keep him from blowing up 300 million phones whenever he feels like it will be decimated in short order. In short, Colbert is right this is bad news.Watch the video below:[ad3media campaign= 1372 ]Featured image via video screen capture;December 2, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter says would travel to North Korea: NYT;NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said he would be willing to travel to North Korea on behalf of the Trump administration to help diffuse rising tensions, The New York Times reported on its website on Sunday. I would go, yes, Carter, 93, told the Times when he was asked in an interview at his ranch house in Plains, Georgia whether it was time for another diplomatic mission and whether he would do so for President Trump. Carter, a Democrat who was president from 1977 to 1981, said he had spoken to Trump s National Security Adviser Lt.-Gen. H. R. McMaster, who is a friend, but so far has gotten a negative response. I told him that I was available if they ever need me, the Times quoted Carter as saying. Told that some in Washington were made nervous by Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un s war of words, Carter said I m afraid, too, of a situation. They want to save their regime. And we greatly overestimate China s influence on North Korea. Particularly to Kim, who, Carter added, has never, so far as I know, been to China. And they have no relationship. Kim Jong-il did go to China and was very close to them. Describing the North Korean leader as unpredictable, Carter worried that if Kim thinks Trump will act against him, he could do something pre-emptive, the Times reported. I think he s now got advanced nuclear weaponry that can destroy the Korean Peninsula and Japan, and some of our outlying territories in the Pacific, maybe even our mainland, Carter said. In the mid 1990s, Carter traveled to Pyongyang over the objections of President Bill Clinton, the Times report said, and struck a deal with Kim Il Sung, grandfather of the current leader.;October 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Live from New York, it's a Trump-Clinton rematch - of sorts;NEW YORK (Reuters) - Veteran actor and frequent host Alec Baldwin returned to “Saturday Night Live” on Saturday, debuting his new gig playing a scowling, blustering Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for U.S. president. The late night NBC comedy show, kicking off its 42nd season, opened with an extended sketch featuring Baldwin as Trump facing off with a calculating, cunning and smug Hillary Clinton, with Kate McKinnon reprising her turn as the Democratic nominee. Much of the routine was lifted from the opponents’ Monday debate, including references to talk show host and Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell, and vocal Trump backer, Fox News’ Sean Hannity. Baldwin began his Trump routine promising “I’m going to be so good tonight,” before issuing a perfunctory response on jobs and economics. “End of story, I won the debate, I stayed calm just like I promised, and it, is, over. Goodnight,” he proclaimed before walking away. Told by the moderator there were still 88 minutes left, “Trump” responded, “My microphone is broken,” adding “She broke it. With Obama.” Asked what she thought of Trump’s rambling discourse, a smirking McKinnon-as-Clinton replied “I think I’m going to be president.” The audience for the live show applauded wildly. After a few more minutes of Baldwin-as-Trump’s increasingly bizarre remarks, a swaggering Clinton asks “Can America vote right now?” Later, fighting tears, she explained, “This is going so well. It’s going exactly how I always dreamed.” The show’s writers made sure to take shots at the Democrat as well, including her referencing beauty queen Alicia Machado as “a political prop that I almost forgot to mention”. In her closing statement, Clinton said “Listen America, I get it, you hate me.” She then threatened that “If you don’t elect me, I will continue to run for president until the day I die.” Baldwin, who has hosted Saturday Night Live more than anyone in its storied history, will be back as Trump until the November election, likely providing a ratings spike for the show that has mined U.S. elections and politics for comic fodder since 1975. Trump himself appeared on the show as host in November 2015, when he was campaigning to win the Republican nomination.;October 2, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CLASS ACT! WATCH THE TODAY SHOW’S MATT LAUER Get Shot Down By Trump’s Friend New England Patriots Owner Bob Craft [Video]; ;Feb 15, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican Senator Paul threatens 'no' vote on budget plan;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Rand Paul on Tuesday threatened to vote ‘no’ on a budget resolution Republican leaders aim to bring up for a vote this week unless they decide to stick with spending caps, potentially putting the party’s tax cut plans at risk. “I have told the White House and (Republican) leaders that if they simply stick to their own caps, the rest of the budget is fine and I’ll vote yes,” Paul wrote on Twitter. “It is a simple, but important, change they could easily make. The ball is in their court.” Republican leaders can afford to lose only two Republican votes on the budget plan, which would pave the way for large-scale tax cuts, if Democrats remain united in opposition. With Senator Thad Cochran out of town for health reasons, a defection by Paul would leave the vote on a razor’s edge. ;October 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OOPS: Hypocrite Trump Accuses Amazon Of Not Paying Taxes, Except They Do;Donald Trump just posted a provable lie on Twitter that makes him look like a complete hypocrite.In retaliation against the Washington Post for correctly reporting that Trump is displaying fake Time magazine covers of himself at his golf resorts, Trump attacked the Post as fake news and took aim at Amazon, which owns the Post, seemingly threatening the Internet giant and accusing it of not paying their taxes.The #AmazonWashingtonPost, sometimes referred to as the guardian of Amazon not paying internet taxes (which they should) is FAKE NEWS! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2017Not only is there no such thing as internet taxes, Newsweek pointed out that if Trump is somehow referencing Amazon s legal battle to not pay state sales taxes he is spreading fake news because Amazon lost in court and has been paying sales taxes in the 45 states that have a sales tax ever since.The president may be referring to Amazon s years-long fight against paying state sales taxes. But Amazon lost that battle, and recently has been adding states where it does pay sales tax.Amazon now pays sales tax in all 45 states that have a sales tax. On April 1, Amazon began collecting sales taxes in Hawaii, Idaho, Maine and New Mexico, the last four holdouts. Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon do not have a state sales tax.If Trump was, in fact, referring to sales tax in his tweet, the tweet is fake news.Trump s tweet also smacks of hypocrisy since he actually does not pay his taxes. Trump has refused to release his tax returns and the only tax return we have seen shows that Trump may not have had to pay federal income taxes for two decades after he wrote off a $900 million business loss.Furthermore, Trump is currently suing the town of Briarcliff Manor, New York in an effort to force the town to cut the property taxes on his $38 million Westchester golf course and resort. Trump currently pays just $500,000, but he is trying to pay only half that amount by devaluing the worth of his own property despite bragging that it was worth $50 million on his 2016 financial disclosure forms.Trump has been disputing the taxes in court for years even though the town already gave him a generous tax break in 2008. Childishly, Trump sends a check every year marked Paid Under Protest. Donald Trump is a hypocrite who lies through his teeth. And by attacking Amazon and the Washington Post, he is attacking Jeff Bezos, who just so happens to be a member of Trump s own American Technology Council. That will probably change soon.Featured Image: Alex Wong/Getty Images;June 28, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Malay set to be Singapore's first woman president: Straits Times;SINGAPORE (Reuters) - A former speaker of Singapore s parliament, Halimah Yacob, was set to become the city-state s first woman president after other candidates did not qualify for the contest, the Straits Times newspaper reported on Monday. The largely ceremonial post had been reserved this year for candidates from the ethnic Malay minority. Only Halimah was given the certificate of eligibility to contest the election by the Presidential Elections Committee, the Straits Times reported on its website. ;September 11, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Family of Australian woman fatally shot wants Minnesota cop charged;(Reuters) - The family of an Australian woman who was fatally shot wants the Minneapolis policeman involved charged, their attorney said on Tuesday, the same day investigators sent the evidence collected to the local prosecutor. State investigators did not release their findings in the July 15 shooting of Sydney native Justine Damond, 40, who died from a single gunshot fired by Officer Mohamed Noor. The policeman was in a patrol car with Officer Matthew Harrity. Damond had called police about a possible sexual assault near her house and had approached the police after their arrival, authorities previously said. Damond was living in Minneapolis and engaged to be married. The shooting sparked outrage in Minnesota as well as in Australia, where Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called the incident shocking and inexplicable. Minneapolis police chief resigned after city officials said procedures had been violated during the incident and Damond didn t have to die. The attorney for Damond s family, Bob Bennett, said her family believes the officer should be held accountable. They certainly believe charges are merited, he said in a telephone interview. The most likely charges may be second-degree manslaughter, which carries a sentence of up to 10 years, Bennett said. Attorneys for the officers could not be reached. Noor previously expressed condolences to the Damond family in a statement, but declined to discuss the shooting. Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman will review the case file to determine what, if any, charges might be brought after the findings were submitted Tuesday, according to a statement. A decision is expected by the end of the year, his office said. Harrity told investigators he was startled by a loud sound near the patrol car shortly before Noor fired through the open driver s-side window, striking Damond. Court documents said a woman slapped the back of the car before the shooting. Noor was put on paid leave after the shooting. Neither officer had their body cameras activated, police have said. Damond s family has not yet filed a civil lawsuit, Bennett said. He is the same lawyer who reached a nearly $3 million settlement for the family of black motorist Philando Castile who was shot and killed by Minnesota police in July 2016 during a traffic stop. Because of past criticism over a lack of transparency when grand juries consider possible charges in police shootings, Freeman plans to decide on charges himself, his spokesman said. Freeman s office said in a statement it might ask for additional investigation into the matter.;September 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Barbra Streisand BURNS Donald Trump On Stage During Concert;Donald Trump just got owned by a legend.During a concert in Los Angeles, singing icon and longtime Clinton supporter Barbra Streisand took the opportunity to deliver a few sharp barbs at the Republican nominee.First, she brought mentalist Lior Suchard onto the stage and slammed Trump s intellectual capacity. The only person whose mind he can t read is Donald Trump s, because he doesn t have one, she quipped.Indeed, Trump does not know anything about anything, which is why he uses generalities to make it seem like he knows stuff. Only the most fervent Trump supporters are actually gullible enough to fall for this scam. And the Republican leadership, of course.But Streisand saved her best shot for last.She told the story of a fundraiser in which a study was mentioned that said, no matter what the color of your skin or where you were born Cuba, China, Malaysia, Madagascar our genetic make up is 99.9% identical to every person on the face of the earth. Streisand then waited a beat before delivering a damning and hilarious punchline: The other 0.1% is Donald Trump. Here s the video via YouTube.Donald Trump is an embarrassment to the human race and Republicans should be ashamed that they made him the leader of their party.It s too late to do the right thing and replace him now. The best thing Republicans can do at this point is just admit they made a huge mistake and try to save the country by making sure Trump loses big in November.What started out as a joke is now a serious threat to our democracy and the survival of this nation. Donald Trump is literally obsessed with using nuclear bombs and there is no way to stop him from doing so if he becomes president. He would light the world on fire. This is the culmination of all the hate and fear Republicans have been preaching since President Obama took office in 2009. It s time for them to take responsibility and take a huge loss this year so they can begin the long task of rebuilding a more inclusive party that actually has ideas and can gain respect.That will not happen if they continue to support Donald Trump and everything he represents.Featured image via Wikimedia;August 4, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Lebanon's Hariri to arrive in France on Saturday, meet Macron: Elysee source;PARIS (Reuters) - Lebanon s prime minister Saad al-Hariri will arrive in France on Saturday and meet French President Emmanuel Macron, a source inside the French presidency said. Macron invited the Lebanese premier and his family to France on Wednesday, hoping to soothe a crisis triggered when Hariri announced his resignation 12 days ago.;November 16, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Danish Queen's husband Prince Henrik diagnosed with dementia;COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Denmark s Prince Henrik, the husband of Queen Margrethe, has been diagnosed with dementia, a condition that has affected his behavior and judgment, the palace said on Wednesday. The announcement came weeks after the 83-year-old announced he did not want to be buried next to his wife, saying he was unhappy he had never been acknowledged as her equal. Following a longer diagnostic process and lately a series of examinations during late summer, a specialist team ... has now concluded that his Royal Highness Prince Henrik suffers from dementia, the Royal House said in a statement. The extent of the cognitive failure is ... greater than expected considering the age of The Prince, it added. Henrik, who married Margrethe in 1967, retired last year and renounced his title of Prince Consort, saying he was disappointed not to be named King Consort. Since then he has participated in very few official duties and spent much of his time at his private vineyard in France. In Denmark, a princess traditionally becomes queen when her husband takes the throne, but a man does not become king when the roles are reversed. Born Henri Marie Jean Andr de Laborde de Monpezat in France in 1934, Henrik has two sons with the queen, Crown Prince Frederik and Prince Joachim.;September 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump to nominate Kansas Governor Brownback as religious freedom ambassador;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump intends to nominate Republican Kansas Governor Sam Brownback as ambassador at large for international religious freedom, the White House said on Wednesday. Brownback, who previously served in both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, would assume the position created in the State Department by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, of which he was one of the key sponsors. In 2015, Brownback issued an executive order protecting the religious freedom of clergy and organizations that opposed same-sex marriage as Kansas began to comply with the landmark ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court legalizing gay marriage. “We ... recognize that religious liberty is at the heart of who we are as Kansans and Americans, and should be protected,” Brownback, governor since 2011, said at the time of the order. He was re-elected in 2014 and is not eligible to serve a third consecutive term.;July 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: KELLYANNE CONWAY Responds To DEATH THREATS Against Her After Hillary’s Communications Director Pens Hate-Filled, Inflammatory Washington Post Op-Ed [VIDEO];Donald Trump s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and Hillary Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri got in a very heated argument at a forum hosted by Harvard University s Kennedy School of Government on December 1st where they talked about the aftermath of the election. There were many fiery exchanges.The conversation quickly devolved into Palmieri accusing the Trump campaign of running on a platform of white supremacy and catering to the alt-right. Conway called the Clinton campaign bitter and that their candidate just couldn t connect with people is the reason why they lost.Here is the exchange:.@KellyannePolls talks to @HardballChris about receiving death threats and the need to end incendiary rhetoric https://t.co/wF6jv1b8nl Hardball (@hardball) December 9, 2016Here is the Op-ed written by sore loser and closet Catholic-basher Jen Palmieri who clearly can t get over the fact that a woman helped Trump win the presidency. It s also the op-ed that according to Conway caused her to receive death threats:Jennifer Palmieri was communications director for Hillary Clinton s presidential campaign.I know how to be a gracious loser.I could have let it go last week when Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump s campaign manager, challenged me to look her in the eye and say she ran a campaign that gave white supremacists a platform. I considered for a split second. I knew you were supposed to be gracious when you come for the post-election forum at Harvard s Kennedy School of Government. But I decided this was a year where normal rules don t apply. Speaking the truth was more important. It did. Kellyanne, it did, I told her. It s just a fact. Trump winning the election doesn t change that. To my mind, his win makes it all the more important that the truth be acknowledged.My colleagues and I from the Hillary Clinton campaign knew what we were likely to face from the Trump side at the Harvard University event and thought hard about our obligations as representatives of the losing side in this most unconventional of years particularly when our candidate actually won the popular vote by a large margin. As I like to note, Clinton received more votes for president than any white man in U.S. history.Our candidate gave us a good model to follow. She had the grace to call Trump on election night to congratulate him and concede. But in her concession speech she also challenged all of us to defend our rights and principles under the Constitution rights and principles that she and many of the people who voted for her feared could be under threat in a Trump presidency. The campaign has ended, and we accept that Trump won. But we are not laying down our principles or abandoning our supporters. That s the frame of mind I brought to Harvard.A good bit of the post-election analysis has centered on what our campaign should have done differently. That s appropriate. We should think long and hard about why we lost. Trust me, we have.But it s also important for the winners of this campaign to think long and hard about the voters who rejected them. I haven t seen much evidence of such introspection from the Trump side. That s concerning.I don t know whether the Trump campaign needed to give a platform to white supremacists to win. But the campaign clearly did, and it had the effect of empowering the white-nationalist movement.Trump provided a platform by retweeting white nationalists giving their views an audience of millions. Views previously relegated to the darkest corners of the Internet also had a platform on Breitbart, the website of Trump campaign chief executive Stephen K. Bannon. Before Trump, our identity ideas, national ideas, they had no place to go, said Richard Spencer, president of a white-nationalist think tank that held a post-election conference in Washington. Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said this fall, The fact that Donald Trump s doing so well, it proves that I m winning. So one person who is tied to a white nationalist think tank says he supports Trump on Twitter and that somehow confirms that Trump s campaign was built around a white nationalist movement?If you want to waste more time reading this sore loser s false and unfounded accusations, the entire op-ed can be found here: Washington Post;Dec 11, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Kuwait's Emir in hospital for medical checks after cold: agency;KUWAIT (Reuters) - Kuwait s elderly ruler, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber al-Sabah, was admitted to hospital on Wednesday for medical checks after suffering from a cold, the state news agency KUNA reported. It cited the Emiri Court Affairs Minister Sheikh Nasser Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah as saying that the 88-year-old Sheikh Sabah would undergo a normal medical checkup after going through a cold. The agency gave no further details. A veteran diplomat, Sheikh Sabah has been recently led mediation efforts to heal a bitter rift between some Arab countries, including regional powerhouse Saudi Arabia, and Qatar over allegations that Doha supported terrorism, a charge Qatar denies. Born in Kuwait on June 16, 1929, Sheikh Sabah is known as the dean of Arab diplomacy for his work as foreign minister to restore relations with Arab states which backed Baghdad during the 1990-1991 Gulf War, when Kuwait was occupied by Iraqi forces. He was nominated ruler of the key U.S. regional ally and OPEC oil exporter in 2006, after Emir Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmad al-Sabah died and his successor, Sheikh Saad al-Abdullah al-Sabah, was appointed only to be unanimously voted out of office by parliament due to illness.;November 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Russian military working on deal to use Egyptian air bases: document;MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s government published a draft agreement between Russia and Egypt on Thursday allowing both countries to use each other s air space and air bases for their military planes. The draft deal was set out in a decree, signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Nov. 28, which ordered the Russian Defence Ministry to hold negotiations with Egyptian officials and to sign the document once both sides reached an agreement. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu visited Cairo for talks with Egypt s political and military leadership on Wednesday and the decree said the draft had been preliminary worked through with the Egyptian side and approved by Medvedev. Russia launched a military operation to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in September 2015 and there are signs it is keen to further expand its military presence in the region. U.S. officials said in March that Russia had deployed special forces in Egypt near the border with Libya, an allegation Moscow denied. Russia has cultivated close ties with powerful Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar, who held talks with Shoigu, the Russian defence minister, via video link from a Russian aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean this year and visited Moscow. Russian and Egyptian war planes would be able to use each other s air space and airfields by giving five days advance notice, according to the draft agreement, which is expected to be valid for five years and could be extended.;November 30, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: VANISHED: ‘Hero Security Guard’ and Star Witness of Las Vegas Shooting is Missing;TWO PROTAGONISTS: Jesus Campos, and alleged shooter Stephen Paddock.Last week, 21WIRE reported how the Las Vegas police and FBI had suddenly changed their story of the timeline of events associated with Mandalay Bay security guard hero and police star witness, Jesus Campos and the alleged shooter Stephen Paddock. *Note* The Las Vegas mass shooting, currently modern America s deadliest, has already been cycled out of most trending media reports in less than two weeks, as most mainstream outlets have now focused the public s attention on a ready-to-go show trial involving disgraced Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. In addition, reportage by former Project Veritas operative Laura Loomer, suggests that the Campos family may have had a gag order placed on them not to talk about the mass-shooting case.Now we can report that Jesus Campos is missing.This has all the hallmarks of a cover-up. Not surprisingly, the mainstream media appear to be disinterested in this story now.FOX News confirmed this morning:The Mandalay Bay security guard who disappeared last week moments before he was scheduled to break his silence in television interviews has not been seen since he went to a walk-in health clinic, his union president said.David Hickey of the Security, Police, and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) told reporters Friday that he got a text the night before saying Jesus Campos was taken to a UMC Quick Care facility, though he did not specify where or whom the text came from.A spokesperson at the UMC Quick Care, which has eight locations throughout the Las Vegas area, told Fox News on Monday that they had heard nothing about Campos visiting them.Multiple requests from Fox News for SPFPA to comment on the matter were not returned Monday.Hickey said he was meeting with MGM officials Thursday afternoon in the hours before Campos scheduled television appearances, including one with Fox News.LAS VEGAS SECURITY GUARD JESUS CAMPOS DISAPPEARS MOMENTS BEFORE TV INTERVIEWS For the past four days he s been preparing we had a meeting with MGM officials, and after that meeting was over, we talked about the interviews, we went to a private area, and when we came out, Mr. Campos was gone, Hickey told reporters, according to Fox 5 Las Vegas.Hickey said Campos had requested to go public and wanted to tell his story and move on from the Oct. 1 shooting investigation. Police say he was shot just before the crazed gunman killed 58 at music festival on the Las Vegas Strip though the sequence of events is still in dispute.Campos was last photographed in public on Oct. 10, accepting an SPFPA Hero Award for bravery in the line of duty, while dining with Hickey and others at a high-end Vegas steakhouse. But soon afterward, investigators said that the security guard was shot before the massacre, raising questions about whether the hotel did enough to prevent the bloodshed.Hickey has said that before he vanished, Campus was looking forward to telling his side of the story. Right now I m just concerned where my member is, and what his condition is. It s highly unusual, Hickey said Friday. I m hoping everything is OK with him and I m sure MGM or the union will let (media) know when we hear something, he said.(Fox News Greg Norman contributed to this report)SEE ALSO: The Las Vegas Mass Shooting More to the Story Than We ve Been ToldREAD MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV;October 17, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ONLY DAYS AGO…BATON ROUGE THUG, #BlackLives Matter Supporter MAKES VIDEO…Says He’s Going To Start KILLING COPS…FBI, Local Police Make Visit…NO ARREST…NO CHARGES! [VIDEO];"This thug doesn t just threaten to KILL COPS he encourages OTHERS who are watching the Youtube video to JOIN HIM! Why wasn t this thug charged with encouraging the murder of police officers?***WARNING****LANGUAGE AND VIOLENCE****Yesterday, 3 teenage thugs were arrested in Baton Rouge for a plot to KILL Police Officers. Our Community Agitator in Chief has put these police officers lives at risk. America needs to start calling out Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and any other prominent figure who is standing behind Black Lives Matter, a terror group created to inspire the Black community to show up at the polls for Democrats (specifically for Hillary) in November:Police arrested three suspects and were seeking a possible fourth suspect accused of stealing several handguns as part of what authorities Tuesday described as substantial, credible threat to harm police officers in the Baton Rouge area.The arrests come at a time of heightened tensions after the deadly police shootings of black men in Baton Rouge and Minnesota and the killing of five police officers in Dallas last week.Authorities in Baton Rouge discovered the alleged plot while responding to a burglary at a pawn shop early Saturday morning, Baton Rouge police Chief Carl Dabadie said in a press conference. The chief said the first suspect arrested told police that the reason the burglary was being done was to harm police officers. He said the suspect didn t give any details about when or where a possible plot would be carried out. We have been questioned repeatedly over the last several days about our show of force and why we have the tactics that we have. Well, this is the reason, because we had credible threats against the lives of law enforcement in this city, he said.The police department has come under criticism for the tactics it s employed to deal with protesters, using riot police and military-style vehicles on the streets of the capital city. Over a three day period, police arrested about 200 protesters.In a statement, police said surveillance video showed the suspects using a ladder to climb the roof of the building to get in. Eight handguns and one airsoft BB gun were missing from the store.Authorities said they arrested one suspect Antonio Thomas, 17 at the scene with a handgun and a BB gun. Another suspect, Malik Bridgewater, was apprehended Sunday and a third suspect a 13-old boy was apprehended on a street. They called on the fourth suspect to turn himself in. Another man was arrested for allegedly purchasing two of the stolen guns, but he hasn t been linked to the alleged plot, a police spokesman said.All of the suspects are from Baton Rouge and all are black. The suspects face charges including burglary, simple burglary, and theft of a firearm; they have not been arrested on any charges related to plotting to kill police.State Police Col. Mike Edmonson called it a substantial, credible threat to police.Six of the eight stolen firearms have been recovered and two are still at large, authorities said.A week after 37-year-old Alton Sterling was shot and killed by two white police officers in Baton Rouge outside a convenience store, tension are high in the city. While protesters demand justice for Sterling, the shootings in Dallas last week and other attacks on police around the country have put the police on edge.Earlier Tuesday, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards defended the police response to protesters rallying against the shooting death of a black man by white officers, saying Tuesday that the riot gear and weaponry was appropriate. We ve had a police officer with teeth knocked out of his face because of a rock. If you don t have on riot gear, you have no defence against that sort of thing, said the Democratic governor, who comes from a family of sheriffs. In light of what happened in Dallas, understanding that just one gunman can change the situation entirely, how do you in good conscience put police officers on the street without the ability to defend themselves? he said.After nearly a week of protests over the killing of Alton Sterling, Baton Rouge officers, state police and other law enforcement agencies have received criticism for their methods of dealing with demonstrators.Protests have spread across the country as people express outrage over the recent death in Baton Rouge and of a second black man, Philando Castile, at the hands of police in Minnesota last week. The Justice Department has opened a federal civil rights investigation into Sterling s shooting.In the first few days after Sterling s death, police took a reserved approach to enforcement, keeping a low profile as hundreds gathered outside the convenience store where Sterling died.But tensions escalated at weekend protests that moved away from the store and into other areas of the city, with nearly 200 people arrested and a show of force from law enforcement that included police wielding batons, armed with long guns and wearing shields.The American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana has criticized police as using violent, militarized tactics on groups of people who have gathered peacefully. Amnesty International has questioned the high number of arrests. Via: The Globe and MailCall local Baton Rouge Police Department to ask why this thug wasn t charged: (225) 389-2000";Jul 13, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: No U.S.-Russia cyber unit without Trump notifying Congress, bill says;(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump would be required to notify U.S. lawmakers before creating a joint U.S.-Russia cyber security unit - an idea that has drawn criticism across the political spectrum - under legislation advancing in Congress. The proposal, if it became law, would be the latest in a series of maneuvers by Congress that either limit the president’s authority on Russia matters or rebuke his desire to warm relations with Moscow. A provision contained within the annual Intelligence Authorization Act and passed by the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee 14-1 would require the Trump administration to provide Congress with a report describing what intelligence would be shared with Russia, any counterintelligence concerns and how those concerns would be addressed. The bill, which grants congressional approval for clandestine operations carried out by the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies, passed the Senate Intelligence Committee in July, but its text was only recently made public because it involves sensitive intelligence operations. Trump last month said on Twitter that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin had discussed establishing “an impenetrable Cyber Security unit” to address issues like the risk of cyber meddling in elections. Trump quickly backpedaled on the idea, which was criticized by Democrats, senior Republicans and the National Security Agency director. The White House and Senator Richard Burr, the Republican chairman of the intelligence panel, were not immediately available for comment on the bill. Trump wants to improve relations with Russia, a desire that has been hamstrung by the conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to help Republican Trump against Democrat Hillary Clinton. U.S. congressional panels and a special counsel are investigating the interference and possible collusion between Russia and members of Trump’s campaign. Moscow has denied any meddling and Trump has denied any collusion. Previously, Congress tied the president’s hands on Russia by passing a bill that Trump cannot ease the sanctions against Russia unless he seeks congressional approval. In August, the Senate blocked Trump from being able to make recess appointments while lawmakers were on break, fearing the president would fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions over his handling of the Russian probe. Lawmakers have also introduced legislation to stop Trump from having the ability to fire Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to determine whether there was collusion between Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Moscow. The annual Intelligence Authorization Act requires approval by the full Senate and House and the president’s signature before it can become law. No vote has been scheduled and the last act was passed by Congress in March. The legislation’s provision requiring notification of any U.S.-Russia cybersecurity unit was pushed by Democratic Senator Ron Wyden, his office said on Tuesday. Wyden also helped secure provisions in the bill that call for an intelligence report assessing the threat posed to the United States by Russian money laundering and another report examining whether cyber vulnerabilities in U.S. cell networks, including a known bug in the global mobile network Signaling System No. 7, or SS7, are being exploited by foreign governments to conduct surveillance on Americans. Wyden was the lone committee vote against the bill, however. He said in a statement on Tuesday that he objected to language that identified the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks as a “non-state hostile intelligence service” because doing so could have implications for journalists. (This version of the story was refiled to correct “conclusion” to “collusion” in paragraph 9);August 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: New school offers education 'salvation' for Syrian girls in Lebanon;BAR ELIAS, Lebanon (Reuters) - A new girls school for Syrian refugees in Lebanon s poor Bekaa region is aiming to give girls from conservative backgrounds the chance at a formal education. Gaining access to education in general is difficult for Syrian refugees in Lebanon, but for girls from socially conservative families who disapprove of mixed schools, it is even harder. Zahra al-Ayed, 14, and her sister Batoul, 17, were from a village in Syria s northern Idlib province where women were expected to marry young. But the experience of fleeing war and living in harsh poverty woke her parents to the life-changing importance of education, the girls mother Mirdiyeh al-Ayed said. My eldest daughter tells me that she will not marry until after she finishes her education. She even wants to travel abroad and learn, she said. Human Rights Watch organisation said in its latest report in April that more than half a million refugee children are out of school in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. In Lebanon, international donors paid for 200,000 public school spaces for Syrian children in 2015-2016, according to the HRW report, but only 149,000 children actually enrolled. Lebanese and international non-governmental organizations have been striving to fill the gap, and to eliminate the legal, financial and language barriers preventing refugee children from getting their education. For the al-Ayed family, used to Syria s system of gender segregation after the age of 12, one big barrier to enrolling the girls was the lack of single-sex schools in Lebanon that accept refugees. The new school that Zahra will attend is in Bar Elias in the Bekaa valley and was opened on Thursday by the Kayany Foundation, a Lebanese charity. It educates 160 Syrian girls aged from 14-18 who have missed school for several years. Those who manage to pass the Lebanese system s eighth grade exams - usually taken at the age of 14 or 15 - can join the local Lebanese public school in Bar Elias, which Batoul al-Ayed has done. The Kayany Foundation school teaches the official Lebanese curriculum, which includes science, mathematics, Arabic and English, in addition to vocational skills. The school, built from colorful pre-fabricated classrooms, is its seventh in the Bekaa valley, where the majority of the Syrian refugee communities are located in Lebanon. It was meant to address the Syrian parents concerns about sending their teenage daughters to schools for both girls and boys. All its teachers are women and it provides transportation for students between home and school. Education is salvation for the refugee girls, said Nora Jumblatt, head of the Kayany Foundation, at the opening ceremony. Funding for the school was secured for this year from international charity Save the Children and the United Nations Women For Peace Association, according to Kayany officials. I have a dream to become a pharmacist, Rama, 19, who is preparing to apply for the eight grade exams at Kayany school said. In normal times, Rama would already have been applying for university at that age. I still want to go back to Syria and fulfill my dream there, in Damascus University, she added.;October 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Half of Filipinos don't believe police accounts of drugs war deaths: poll;MANILA (Reuters) - Around half of Filipinos believe many people killed in the country s war on drugs were neither drug dealers nor violently resisted arrest as police maintain, according to an opinion poll released on Wednesday. The survey of 1,200 Filipinos by Social Weather Stations (SWS) conducted in late June also showed that 50 percent of respondents felt many victims were falsely identified by their enemies as drug users and pushers, and were then killed by police or shadowy vigilantes. Thousands of mostly urban poor Filipinos have been killed during President Rodrigo Duterte s 15-month-old war on drugs, either during police operations or by mysterious gunmen. The crackdown has come under unprecedented scrutiny in recent weeks, due largely to the high-profile Aug. 16 killing of a 17-year-old student, among the 90 people killed in less than a week of intensified police raids. [nL4N1LA686] The latest SWS poll predates those events. Forty-nine percent of respondents believed many of those killed by police were not drug dealers, and 54 percent felt many victims had not resisted arrest. The survey suggests doubts among Filipinos about the official stance of the Philippine National Police, which states those killed in anti-drugs operations were dealers, and had refused to go quietly. Police say that has been the case in more than 3,800 incidents in which deaths occurred. The poll also indicates some scepticism about the methods and effectiveness of intelligence-gathering and community campaigns to identify drug users in need of rehabilitation, some of whom, activists say, have been killed after their names appeared on watch lists . [nL3N1CD133] Duterte s crackdown has caused international alarm, though domestic polls have shown Filipinos are largely supportive and believe it has made the streets safer. Duterte s office frequently cites polls, including SWS, as a sign of his public support. But presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella cast doubts about the accuracy of the latest survey, saying it contained leading and pointed questions that may have unduly influenced the answers . We expect pollsters to exercise prudence and objectivity to arrive at a closer approximation of public sentiment, he said in a statement. Activists accuse the PNP of executing drug suspects under the guise of sting operations, or of colluding with hit men to kill drug users, allegations the PNP vehemently denies. Duterte s political opponents say he has made bellicose statements that incite police to commit murder, which he rejects, arguing that his instruction to security forces has always been to kill only when their lives were in danger. Only a fifth of those polled by SWS disagreed with the statement that police had killed many people who had posed no threat to them. A quarter were undecided. Twenty-three percent of respondents believed those killed were drug pushers, as police report, and 27 percent were undecided. Half of those surveyed believed false accusations of drug involvement were behind many killings by police, while 21 percent disagreed with that and 28 percent were undecided. The survey showed higher percentages of those polled in Manila, which has borne the brunt of the drugs killings, felt many victims had neither sold drugs nor fought police, and were being falsely linked to the trade. Phelim Kine, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch, said the survey results were not surprising given the critical mass of compelling evidence gathered by his group and investigative journalists, which had clearly demonstrated there was an unlawful killing campaign under the cynical veneer of anti-drugs operations .;September 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: The President Is Doing Something Amazing For Working Class Americans Who Lose Their Jobs (VIDEO);"The president s Saturday morning address is chock-full of good news for working class Americans. Unemployment is at the lowest it s been since before Bush tanked the economy. With 70 straight months of job growth, confidence that the American jobs market will reach full employment is high. As President Obama points out, however, it s never enough to stand on your laurels.One of the major problems with the recovery has been that when companies started hiring again, they hired at lower wages. It may have been out of fear that thew worst may still be ahead or it could be out of a need to recoup the losses they experienced from 8 years of Bush policies. Regardless, the working class American is the one who pays the price. Most of corporate America operates on bottom line numbers, not whether or not their employees can afford to eat. Passing on the losses to those who work their butts off to rebuild their companies has become standard operating procedure.The President has vowed to change that in his final year in office, starting with those who need it most. He s initiating a plan of not just improved unemployment insurance and job training for those who still can t find a job, but wage insurance for those people making under $50K per year who are re-hired for a job at a lower wage. The plan would cover up to $10K in wage replacement over two years to struggling families making less now for the same job they were doing before they were let go.The president says in his address: If a hardworking American loses her job, regardless of what state she lives in, we should make sure she can get unemployment insurance and some help to retrain for her next job. It s a way to give families some stability and encourage folks to rejoin the workforce because we shouldn t just be talking about unemployment; we should be talking about reemployment, Moving the country forward has been the goal of this administration from day one. It used to be that we could be sure that Republicans would block whatever the president tried to do, causing him to move on to the next thing, but lately he s been taking matters into his own hands, not giving a sh*t what the Republicans think or want.That s the way we like it, Mr. President. Keep up the good work.Watch President Obama s full address below:Featured image via screen capture";January 16, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Spain plans new elections in Catalonia to end independence bid: opposition;MADRID (Reuters) - The Spanish government has secured opposition support for dissolving Catalonia s parliament and holding new elections there in January in its bid to check the regional government s push for independence. The Socialists, the main opposition, said on Friday they would back special measures to impose central rule on the region to thwart the secessionist-minded Catalan government and end a crisis that has unsettled the euro and hurt confidence in the euro zone s fourth-largest economy. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, who wants opposition support to be able to present a united front in the crisis, has called an emergency cabinet meeting on Saturday to pave the way for Madrid establishing central control in the region. The government would not confirm whether January elections formed a part of the package, with Rajoy saying only that the measures would be announced on Saturday. However a government spokesman saw regional elections as likely. The logical end to this process would be new elections established within the law, said government spokesman Inigo Mendez de Vigo at a weekly government press conference. It will be the first time in Spain s four decades of democracy that Madrid has invoked the constitution to effectively sack a regional government and call new elections. Head of state King Felipe used a prizegiving ceremony in the northwestern region of Asturias to indicate support for the government and affirm the unity of Spain, of which he said Catalonia is and will remain an essential part. Spain needs to face up to an unacceptable secession attempt on its national territory, which it will resolve through its legitimate democratic institutions, said the monarch, a ceremonial figure who sharply criticized Catalan leaders earlier this month. Rajoy wants as broad a consensus as possible before taking the step, which has raised the prospect of more large-scale protests in Catalonia, where pro-independence groups have been able to bring more than one million people out onto the streets. Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, a former journalist who is spearheading the secession campaign, has refused to renounce independence, citing an overwhelming vote in favor of secession at a referendum on Oct.1. Regional authorities said around 90 percent voted for independence though only 43 percent of voters participated. Opponents of secession mostly stayed home. Spanish courts have ruled the referendum unconstitutional, but Puigdemont says the result is binding and must be obeyed. The prolonged standoff has caused hundreds of companies to move their headquarters outside Catalonia and prompted the Spanish government to cut its economic growth forecast. The region accounts for a fifth of Spain s economy. In a test of investor appetite for Spanish stocks, housebuilder Aedas (AEDAS.MC) dropped over 6 percent in its debut on the Madrid stock exchange on Friday, although it later regained losses to trade close to its listing price. The uncertainty surrounding the future of the region has rattled the euro. On Thursday, European Union leaders including Germany s Angela Merkel and France s Emmanuel Macron offered their support for Rajoy at an EU leaders summit in Brussels. After Rajoy announces the direct control measures on Saturday, Spain s upper house will have to approve them in a session which could take place on Oct. 27, a Senate spokeswoman said. Actions could range from dismissing the Catalan parliament and government, to a softer approach of removing specific heads of department. Direct rule from Madrid would be temporary while regional elections are held to form a new government.;October 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Barely a quarter of Catalans want to pursue split from Spain: poll;MADRID (Reuters) - Barely a quarter of Catalans want to continue with a plan to claim independence from Spain in the wake of Dec. 21 regional elections, according to a poll published in El Pais newspaper on Monday. An illegal Catalan independence referendum on Oct. 1 plunged Spain into its worst political crisis in decades. It eased after the sacking of the secessionist Catalan authorities by the Madrid government elicited little resistance. But uncertainty could return if the pro-independence camp wins in the Dec. 21 vote. Just 24 percent of those polled by Metroscopia said they would like to continue with the independence process after the elections, whereas 71 percent said they would prefer politicians to find an agreement based on Catalonia staying part of Spain. Pro-independence parties may fail to retain an absolute majority of seats in the Catalan parliament in next month s election, the first part of the poll published on Sunday showed. However, the survey s margin of error at 2.4 percent and the fact support was evenly split between the two sides makes reading conclusions from polls difficult. The telephone poll surveyed 1,800 Catalans between Nov. 20 and Nov. 22. Failure to capture a majority in the regional parliament would be a heavy blow for Catalan separatists who have billed the election as a plebiscite on Madrid s decision to impose direct rule on the region last month. The Oct. referendum produced a large majority in favor of independence, but turnout was only 43 percent because many who opposed the breakaway did not vote. Catalan separatist parties are forecast to win 46 percent of the vote, down slightly from 47.7 percent in a previous election in 2015. Unionist parties combined would account for another 46 percent of votes, up from less than 40 percent last time, according to the Metroscopia poll. Turnout for the election, which former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont said on Saturday would be the most important in the region s history, is predicted to reach a record 80 percent.;November 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: LEAKED TAPE Exposes George Soros, Obama GROUP Planning To Infiltrate, DISRUPT Republican Town Hall Meetings, DEMAND Media Attention;James Proctor has been identified as the ringleader in the radical group Indivisible, who can be heard directing the fake protesters on how to disrupt GOP town halls. In the audio, he can be heard giving the (likely paid) actors a few last minute tips before heading out: Dress conservatively, behave conservatively, right? Look and dress like students, dress like housewife wear a suit and tie Any signifier that you re a liberal leave it. The recordings have been authenticated by KPEL News. James Proctor, who can be heard speaking in the recording, says he does live in the Acadiana area. Proctor says some of his comments were taken out of context as the published recording is only a portion of the hour and a half long meeting. He works with the group Indivisible Guide. The groups name can be heard on the recording of the meeting. Indivisible, the George Soros spinoff outfit which is, along with Barack Obama s Organizing For America, collaborating to salt the town halls of Republican members of Congress with activists and agitators seeking to disrupt those town halls and make those members look bad on TV. This outfit scored a win of sorts on Bill Cassidy at his gathering in Metairie yesterday, packing the room with people who berated the senator with boos, uncivil questions and unhinged hectoring.Here s what Hillary had to say about Americans who were sickened by the organized protesters showing up at town hall meetings: If you can't stand the heat, get out of the Congress.https://t.co/TEAXDPEPrt Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 22, 2017Watch the shameful local news media giving these organized freaks media coverage, as though they were legitimate citizens who were just randomly attending Bill Cassidy s town hall meeting. During the town hall meeting, organized protesters screamed at the pastor who was opening the meeting with a prayer to, pray on your own time! They also interrupted the pledge of allegiance. This reporter not only ignored both of those disgusting acts, she also goes to great lengths to discredit any idea that these people were organized. She even went as far as to attempt to make the viewers believe that some of these like minded people could have found out about this town hall meeting on a Facebook page:We, and other conservative media organizations in the state, received audio from someone let s call him a concerned citizen who sat in on an Indivisible meeting in Lafayette earlier this week wherein plans were being made to do the same thing to Cassidy tomorrow morning in Breaux Bridge. Moon Griffon spliced a number of the audio cuts together into one clip of highlights from that meeting, and it s worth a listen The HayrideWe promise, this is NOT your grandma s Tea Party. Here s the leaked audio:What s not included in the Moon Griffon audio is this fun clip of the Indivisible people proposing to coordinate with Gov. John Bel Edwards office, which begs the question whether that proposal was made and/or responded to. Edwards, one might imagine, has enough trouble with Cassidy without being responsible for sending agitators into Cassidy s town halls:Here s the reaction of the Pastor and Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy after organized protesters trashed his town hall meeting: https://youtu.be/8q1WK3HENgE;Feb 28, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Amnesty International urges halt to Afghan refugee returns;KABUL (Reuters) - The human rights group Amnesty International urged European nations on Thursday to stop sending Afghans who do not qualify for asylum back to their deeply unsafe home country, saying the policy risked causing serious harm to those affected. The call comes after a steady rise in violence over recent years as the Taliban has gained ground across the country and cities including the capital Kabul have been hit by a wave of suicide attacks. Amnesty International is calling on all European countries to implement a moratorium on returns to Afghanistan until they can take place in safety and dignity, the group said in a report issued on Thursday. It said the Afghan government should not cooperate with sending people back, despite its dependence on foreign aid. The report follows a sharp increase in the number of Afghans returned from Europe, either as a result of forced deportation or assisted voluntary return . It said the total almost tripled from 3,290 to 9,460 between 2015 and 2016. In their determination to increase the number of deportations, European governments are implementing a policy that is reckless and unlawful, said Anna Shea, Amnesty International s Researcher on Refugee and Migrant Rights. She said governments were being wilfully blind to evidence that violence was at a record high. Afghans have been among the main groups of asylum seekers in Europe, with 108,455 first time asylum seekers registered in the European Union in the 12 months to the end of June, second only to Syrians, according to EU statistics agency Eurostat. However numbers have fallen over the past year, dropping 24 percent between the first and second quarters and 83 percent between the second quarter of 2017 and the same period in 2016. European governments, faced by voters angry at hundreds of thousands of arrivals from the Middle East, Africa and South and Central Asia over recent years, have cracked down, pledging to send rejected asylum seekers back to their home countries. The policy has proved particularly controversial in Afghanistan, where many European governments say that despite widespread violence, safety is sufficient to allow returns to some parts of the country. According to United Nations figures, at least 1,662 civilians were killed and 3,581 wounded in the first half of the year, with nearly 20 percent of civilian casualties coming in the capital Kabul itself. Afghanistan is deeply unsafe, and has become more so in recent years. Yet European countries are returning people to Afghanistan in increasingly large numbers, even as the violence in the country escalates, the report said.;October 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Pakistan's ex-PM Sharif appears before anti-corruption court, set to be indicted;ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Ousted Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif appeared before an anti-corruption court on Tuesday, kicking off trial proceedings that he says are biased and which threaten to dent his party s chances at the next general election due in mid-2018. Sharif briefly appeared before a National Accountability Bureau (NAB) court in Islamabad on three corruption charges. He did not enter a plea. Local TV channels reported that Sharif is scheduled to be formally indicted on Oct. 2, about two months after his disqualification by the Supreme Court for not declaring a small source of income that he denied receiving. A Supreme Court panel has also alleged Sharif family s wealth far exceeds their legal income. He has appeared before the court and by appearing he has proved to be a lion, said Marvi Memom, a lawmaker for Sharif s ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N)party. Sharif, who returned from London on Monday after about a month in Britain, told the court his wife was being treated for cancer in London and needs his care. He did not speak to the media after his court appearance but is due to hold a televised press conference at 3pm (6.00 a.m. ET). Sharif has portrayed the corruption claims against him as politically motivated, while his allies, including daughter and heir-apparent Maryam, have hinted Pakistan s powerful military had a hand in his toppling. The military denies any such action. It s a good thing that finally NAB and such institutions are holding rich and powerful to the count, said Shafqat Mahmood, a senior members of the opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party. PTI, led by cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan who doggedly pushed the Supreme Court into launching a corruption probe into Sharif, has called for an early election but it is unlikely the government will agree to that. Sharif s returned to Pakistan quashed growing speculation that his long absence was the start of another period in exile for the veteran leader whose three stints as prime minister were all cut short, including one by a military coup in 1999. What kind of justice is this, what kind of accountability is this? Sharif told reporters outside his upscale London apartment in London before departing for Islamabad on Sunday. Two of Sharif s sons are also due to appear before a NAB court, as well as Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, a long-time ally who is married into the Sharif family. Analysts say Sharif s return to Pakistan was in large part due to fears of defections within the PML-N, a common occurrence in a nation where politicians switch allegiances ahead of polls depending on which way the political winds are blowing. Sharif kept control of PML-N after his ouster and installed loyalist Shahid Khaqan Abbasi as prime minister. The Supreme Court has told the NAB courts that the trials into the Sharifs must be over within six months, with opponents betting that a flow of negative news from the trials will hurt PML-N s popularity ahead at the next election.;September 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump LITERALLY Picks A Friend Of Vladimir Putin To Be Secretary Of State;Donald Trump just did Russia a big favor to thank them for rigging the election in his favor.As the fallout continues from a CIA assessment that Russia hacked into our election system and helped Trump beat Hillary Clinton, Trump continued to make it clear that he will nothing more than Vladimir Putin s puppet in the White House by selecting a longtime friend of the Russian leader for America s top diplomatic officer.Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson has apparently been offered the job of Secretary of State after weeks of speculation and concern.But unlike some of the other choices for the position, Trump literally picked a guy who has a huge conflict of interest when it comes to Russia. Not only does Tillerson and Big Oil stand to profit mightily from closer ties with Russia, Tillerson is a close friend of Putin and will likely treat Russia in a way that goes entirely against American interests and security.According to the New York Times,Mr. Tillerson has worked to strengthen Exxon Mobil s ties with Russia. The company has various joint ventures with the oil giant Rosneft around Russia, and has contributed to social programs in education and health.So Tillerson is deeply connected in Russia just like Donald Trump. And like Trump, Tillerson also wants to remove sanctions against Russia that were put in place after Putin attack Ukraine and seized the Crimea.In fact, the intelligence community and national security experts are already concerned about Trump s pick.Intelligence expert Malcolm Nance appeared on MSNBC on Saturday to warn about the danger the choice of Tillerson represents to the nation. Do we want a Secretary of State who is going to be working hand in hand first and foremost for the U.S. and Russian petrochemical industries? Nance asked. Most importantly, he has a very deep relationship with Vladimir Putin that extends back to when Putin was the director of the FSB, which is the modified version of the KGB. Does this person who speaks very highly of Putin, who has got the Order of Friendship from Russia, will he accurately represent the interests of the United States first or will he still be part of that cabal from the Kremlin that Donald Trump appears to have assembled in his cabinet? Here s the video via VidMe.Donald Trump s connections to Russia make him a threat to national security and our NATO alliances and he just proved that by choosing Tillerson as his Secretary of State, a friend of Putin s who will be reluctant to stand against Russia if Putin makes aggressive moves toward our European allies.It won t be Trump making the decisions for our country. It will be Putin.Featured Image: Screenshot;December 10, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HILLARY LIES THROUGH HER TEETH: Defends Paying for Fake Trump Dossier During Campaign [video];Hillary Clinton told Trevor Noah on the Daily Show that of course there is a difference between paying for that information and colluding with Russia to influence the 2016 election WHAT A LOAD OF BS! She s trying to say that it s a forgone conclusion that Trump colluded with Russia. Clinton said the dossier was simply opposition research and pointed to the fact that it was not public knowledge during the election MORE BS! THE DOSSIER WAS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE DURING THE ELECTION: The NYT even states that, The document, a dossier prepared by a former British intelligence officer hired by Mr. Trump s political opponents, had been circulating among high-ranking politicians and some journalists since last fall. Mother Jones, a left-leaning publication, published an article in late October about the existence of the information. Newsweek also published some of the allegations.It s what she doesn t say that s more important Tonight at 11/10c, Trevor and Hillary Clinton discuss the Steele dossier and Trump's ties to Russia. pic.twitter.com/dxJoAPTj8D The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) November 1, 2017What she didn t talk about is the fact that this dossier is totally fabricated and was never confirmed to be true but they shopped it around to the media anyway! She funneled millions into the payment for this dossier instead of using it for legal services . She faces an investigation from the Federal elections commission for misusing funds.Clinton said: It was research that started by a Republican donor during the primary, and then when Trump got the nomination for the Republican Party, the people doing it came to my campaign lawyer and said, would you like us to continue it? He said yes. He s an experienced lawyer, he knows what the law is, he knows what opposition research is.DIRTY DOSSIER:The dossier circulated in Washington last year and was turned over to the FBI for its review. It contends that Russia was engaged in a long-standing effort to aid Trump and had amassed compromising information about the Republican.Among its wild claims was that Russian officials have videos of the president cavorting with prostitutes, filmed during Trump s 2013 visit to a luxury Moscow hotel for the Miss Universe contest It also contains a highly unusual and unsubstantiated report that the call girls performed a golden shower routine that involved them urinating on a hotel bed as a sign of disgust for then-president Barack Obama.It is claimed that Barack Obama s campaign organization, Obama For America, paid Perkins Coie almost $1million to fund the research. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the disgraced former DNC chair, has also denied any knowledge of how the dossier was put together.Read more: Daily Mail;Nov 2, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Chemical weapons watchdog found sarin used in March Syria attack: sources;AMSTERDAM/UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - An inquiry by the global chemical weapons watchdog found sarin was used in a March attack in Syria on an opposition-held town, just days before the banned nerve agent killed dozens in a separate attack nearby, sources told Reuters on Wednesday. The March 30 air strike in the northern Syrian town of Latamneh injured around 70 people who suffered nausea, foaming at the mouth and muscle spasms. Samples analysis results show clear presence of sarin, a source told Reuters of the findings by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). The report by the OPCW Syria Fact Finding Mission is due to be finalised within weeks. The Fact Finding Mission reported in June that sarin was used in an April 4 attack on the town of Khan Sheikhoun that killed dozens of people and prompted the United States to launch missiles on a Syrian air base. Syria agreed to destroy its chemical weapons in 2013 under a deal brokered by Russia and the United States. The Syrian government has repeatedly denied using chemical weapons during the country s more than six-year civil war. The OPCW Fact Finding Mission is only responsible for determining if chemical weapons were used in attacks in Syria. A joint United Nations and OPCW investigation, established by the U.N. Security Council in 2015, determines who is to blame. This team - known as the Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM) - has already found Syrian government forces were responsible for three chlorine gas attacks in 2014 and 2015 and that Islamic State militants used mustard gas. It is due to report to the Security Council this month on who is to blame for the April 4 Khan Sheikhoun attack. The 15-member Security Council is due to renew the mandate for the JIM by mid-November. However, Russia has publicly questioned the work of the inquiry and some diplomats said it was uncertain if Moscow would support extending the mandate. The Russians don t like what the JIM has come up with so far, so they are muttering about not allowing a rollover, said a council diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity. Russian U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia declined to comment on the future of the inquiry on Wednesday. Renewing the U.N. Joint Investigative Mechanism now should be the Security Council s top priority, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said in a statement on Wednesday. We owe it to the innocent people - including children - who have suffered and died at the hands of the Syrian regime to continue to push for full accountability for these horrific crimes, she said. U.N. war crimes investigators said in a report last month that Syrian forces had used chemical weapons more than two dozen times, including in a sarin attack on the town of Khan Sheikhoun in April that killed more than 80 people.;October 4, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Julian Assange – “Everything that he has said, he’s standing by.”;"21st Century Wire says Judging by Julian Assange s Twitter page activity, it appears as though he may follow through with his promise to agree to US extradition if Obama grants Manning clemency.Assange s Lawyer, Melinda Taylor, was quoted in a Wikileaks Tweet (below) that Everything that he has said, he s standing by. Assange lawyer @themtchair on Assange-Manning extradition 'deal': ""Everything that he has said he's standing by."" WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) January 18, 2017Anyone following the WikiLeaks Twitter account will surely remember this proposal of a deal by Assange back on January 12th where he noted that even though there is a clear unconstitutionality in the DoJ case against him that he would agree to US extradition if Obama granted Manning clemency.If Obama grants Manning clemency Assange will agree to US extradition despite clear unconstitutionality of DoJ case https://t.co/MZU30SlfGK WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) January 12, 2017READ MORE US NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire US NewsSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER@ 21WIRE.TV";January 17, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump’s White House Team Is So Dumb They Fell For Fake Emails (IMAGE);"The people working in Donald Trump s White House are not the sharpest tools in the shed. After all, anyone with any sense whatsoever will stay far, far away from working for this Administration at all, because of Trump s penchant for ruining the lives and careers of everyone around him via public humiliation. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that an email prankster from the United Kingdom managed to trick several White House officials into believing he was Jared Kushner.According to CNN, Homeland Security Adviser Tom Bossert feel for the hoax. The email read: Tom, we are arranging a bit of a soir e towards the end of August. It would be great if you could make it, I promise food of at least comparible (sic) quality to that which we ate in Iraq. Should be a great evening. Bossert returned the email to the Kushner imposter, and even gave the person his own email address: Thanks, Jared. With a promise like that, I can t refuse. Also, if you ever need it, my personal email is (redacted).Here is an image of the exchange, via CNN:Now, this guy is in charge of advising the loons in the White House on how to keep us safe. Yet, he was too dumb to realize that this was a hoax, likely for kicks, as the rest of the world is laughing at the clown car that is the Trump Administration. Think about that, and be absolutely terrified.They also got freshly fired White House Communications Director Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci. From CNN: I had promised myself I would leave my hands mud free, wrote the fake Priebus, but after reading your tweet today which stated how; soon we will learn who in the media who has class, and who hasn t , has pushed me to this. That tweet was breathtakingly hypocritical, even for you. At no stage have you acted in a way that s even remotely classy, yet you believe that s the standard by which everyone should behave towards you? General Kelly will do a fine job. I ll even admit he will do a better job than me. But the way in which that transition has come about has been diabolical. And hurtful. I don t expect a reply. None of these people should be anywhere near our government, and yet they are running the whole damn thing. Trump supporters, if you think this is what things are supposed to be like, you really are as stupid as we always thought you were.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images";July 31, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. Supreme Court leaves key campaign finance restriction in place;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday turned away a Republican challenge to a federal campaign finance restriction that prevents political parties from raising unlimited amounts of cash to spend on supporting candidates. The Republican Party of Louisiana had argued that a provision of the 2002 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act violates free speech rights under the U.S. Constitution. But the justices let stand a lower court’s ruling that rejected the Republican challenge. The brief order noted that conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch favored hearing the case. The conservative-leaning court in recent years has rolled back campaign finance restrictions. In 2010, the court paved the way to unlimited outside spending on elections in a case called FEC v. Citizens United that concerned corporate spending. In 2014, the court struck down limits on the total amount individuals can donate during the federal two-year election cycle. Both those decisions eroded sections of the 2002 law. The measure is commonly known as the McCain-Feingold law after the two senators who sponsored it, Republican John McCain and Democrat Russ Feingold. It barred state and local parties from taking unlimited donations for any activities concerning federal elections. Such donations are often called “soft money” because they are unregulated. They were a key target of the 2002 law. The Supreme Court has previously turned down similar cases challenging party campaign finance restrictions, including one in 2010 just after the Citizens United decision that focused on the national parties and was brought by the Republican National Committee.;May 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA LECTURES COPS On Bigotry, Slavery, Oppression At Memorial Service For Dallas Cops Murdered By Black Racist [VIDEO];Obama had the audacity to tell this crowd of mourners that he wonders if the divides of race in America can ever be bridged? He must have forgotten who created and cultivated the racial divide with his good friends Eric Holder and Al Sharpton None of us is entirely innocent And that includes our police departments It started out well, with Obama calling the shooting racial hatred , but then descended quickly into a lecture to the police about their bigotry and need to recognize the pain Black Lives Matter folks feel. He even brought up slavery, Jim Crow and history of oppression . It was about salving his own issues, as always, not recognizing the event he was at, a memorial for the five officers. He did mention them, but spent most of the time imploring people to recognize their racism. Weasel ZippersPresident Obama defended the Black Lives Matter movement Tuesday at a memorial service for five slain Dallas police officers, saying bigotry remains in police departments across the U.S. While paying tribute to the fallen officers for sacrificing their lives to protect others from a sniper, Mr. Obama also called on law enforcement agencies to root out bigotry. We have all seen this bigotry in our lives at some point, Mr. Obama told an audience of several hundred at a concert hall in Dallas. None of us is entirely innocent. No institution is entirely immune. And that includes our police departments. We know this. The officers Michael Smith, Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Brent Thompson and Patrick Zamarripa were killed by a black sniper who told police he targeted white officers during a Black Lives Matter protest Thursday night.At the service, photographs of the slain officers were displayed on the stage. Five empty seats in the arena were adorned with folded U.S. flags and duty-officer hats to signify their loss.The president, who has been criticized by law-enforcement officials for supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, said Americans cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid. We can t simply dismiss it as a symptom of political correctness or reverse racism, he said.HERE is part of Obama s embarrassing speech. The speech in its entirety can be found below:Former President George W. Bush, a resident of the Dallas area, said the nation is proud of the slain officers. Our police chief and police department have been mighty inspirations for the rest of the nation, Mr. Bush said. These slain officers were the best among us. Referring to racial divisions roiling the country, Mr. Bush said Americans must work at finding our better selves. We recognize that we are brothers and sisters, sharing the same brief moment on earth, Mr. Bush said. We do not want the unity of grief, nor do we want the unity of fear. We want the unity of hope, affection and high purpose. Mr. Obama said the gunman, Army veteran Micah X. Johnson, committed an act not just of demented violence, but of racial hatred. It s as if the deepest fault lines of our democracy have been exposed, perhaps even widened, the president said. We wonder if the divides of race in America can ever be bridged. Narcissistic jack hole Via: Washington TimesHere is Obama s speech in its entirety: ;Jul 12, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: After turbulent week, Trump revisits talk of 'rigged election';PORTSMOUTH, N.H. (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, fighting to overcome setbacks and polls showing a tough path to the White House, on Saturday doubled down on his claim that the U.S. election is rigged against him. Trump challenged accusations from several women that he made unwanted sexual advances toward them. Trump spokesman Jason Miller denied a new allegation that surfaced on Saturday, saying there was “no way” Trump had kissed a woman without permission 20 years ago at his Florida resort. Trump told an outdoor rally in New Hampshire on Saturday that the media was sharing the accusations against him to boost Democrat Hillary Clinton and damage his own White House hopes. Trump has presented no evidence for claims he has made for months that the election could be fixed to prevent him from reaching the Oval Office. Leaders on both sides of the political spectrum worry that this rhetoric, which supporters sometimes repeat in interviews, undermines the democratic process. “It looks to me like a rigged election,” Trump said in New Hampshire. “The election is being rigged by corrupt media pushing completely false allegations and outright lies in an effort to elect her president.” He started the day tweeting several times that the election was being swayed by a media conspiracy. “This election is being rigged by the media pushing false and unsubstantiated charges, and outright lies, in order to elect Crooked Hillary!” he said in one Twitter post. He reiterated similar claims at a later rally in Bangor, Maine. Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state, led Trump by seven percentage points in the most recent Reuters/Ipsos national opinion poll of voters. A new analysis found she was heavily favored to reach the 270 Electoral College votes needed to secure the presidency. Trump’s campaign said on Saturday it had raised a total of $100 million in September, mostly from small donors but also including a $2 million monthly contribution from Trump. At the same time, the campaign squabbled with the Republican party in Ohio, a key swing state in the Nov. 8 election, whose Republican leaders have not been shy about concerns with Trump. On Saturday, Trump’s Ohio state director released a letter saying that Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges “no longer has any affiliation” with the campaign. Borges responded that the state party had been actively helping Trump there. Trump’s speech in New Hampshire was intended to focus on a plan to end deaths caused by opioid overdoses, something he often mentions on the campaign trail. But he deviated from policy proposals to air his allegations of election-rigging and his response to new groping accusations, 24 days before the election. Trump has been fending off the accusations since the release of a 2005 video in which he was recorded bragging about making unwanted sexual advances toward women. Trump has said the boasts were merely words and he has denied each of the allegations. The latest woman to come forward, Cathy Heller, 63, of New York, told the Guardian newspaper that in or around 1997, Trump kissed her on the lips upon first meeting her during a Mother’s Day brunch at his Florida estate. She told the newspaper she leaned away, then turned her head, and he kissed the side of her mouth. Reuters could not confirm the allegations by Heller, who has contributed to Clinton’s campaign. The Guardian said it spoke to a relative who saw part of the interaction. “There is no way that something like this would have happened in a public place on Mother’s Day at Mr. Trump’s resort,” Miller, the Trump spokesman, said in a statement. “It would have been the talk of Palm Beach for the past two decades.” On Saturday, Trump deemed “crazy” another woman, Jessica Leeds, now 74, who said he groped her on an airplane in or around 1980. He also denied allegations of unwanted contact by Summer Zervos, a former contestant on Trump’s show “The Apprentice,” who said he kissed her during a meeting about a possible job. Trump said Zervos’ first cousin called her a “huge fan of Donald Trump,” referring to a letter the campaign released to media. Trump also told the New Hampshire crowd that he and Clinton were “like athletes” gearing up for the final presidential debate on Wednesday in Las Vegas, and he implied Clinton might have been on drugs during their last match-up. “I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate,” Trump said. “In the beginning of her last debate she was all pumped up at the beginning and at the end she was like uh, take me down.”;October 15, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Just Shamed Our Country Yet AGAIN With His Latest Diplomacy Disaster (DETAILS);Donald Trump has made a fine art of p*ssing off other world leaders. Thanks to our fearless orange tweeter-in-chief, Colombia s government is now furious with us too.According to Colombia Reports, Donald Trump met with Former President Andres Pastrana (1998-2002) and former President Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010), an opposition leader, at Mar-a-Lago. Current Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, who has not yet gotten to meet with Trump himself, is not impressed.Santos has spoken to Trump to express his concern that Uribe s lobbying in the U.S. is a major inconvenience for the government of Colombia. But the only response he has gotten from the White House is that Trump will take care of it personally. Vice-President Oscar Naranjo said Uribe and Pastrana have overstepped by pushing their own political interests rather than those defined by the official government. Presidents and their foreign ministers are those who really establish and maintain these relations with foreign governments, Naranjo explained.Uribe and Pastrana have both made it abundantly clear that they are opposed to the peace process and they are kissing up to Trump because the U.S. is the only country that has not yet promised to offer financial aid.Colombia Reports writes:Only last week, senators of Uribe s hard-right Democratic Center party wrote a letter in which they asked the US to not financially support the peace process.On Sunday Uribe published a letter to US Congress on Twitter, warning that the efforts to end 52 years of political violence could lead to Colombia becoming an authoritarian communist state similar to Venezuela.Additionally, the former head of state claimed that the transitional justice court that could try him for a number of war crimes is being set up by communist sympathizers.Juan Carlos Pinzon, Colombia s ambassador in Washington, said that Uribe and Pastrana made their meeting with Trump sound much more important than it actually was. There was an encounter, not a meeting or a formal date, Pinzon said.So, it seems we can now add Colombia to the list of countries that Trump has offended by being a moron without the slightest understanding of foreign policy. Lovely.Featured image via Joe Raedle/Getty Images;April 18, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Nigeria's Buhari sacks top civil servant after corruption probe;ABUJA (Reuters) - President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday sacked Nigeria s most senior civil servant after an investigation into graft allegations, the highest profile casualty of the anti-corruption pledge that helped bring him to power. He ordered an investigation into Babachir Lawal, an ally and one of his first appointments, after lawmakers in a separate probe alleged that he inflated the value of contracts for humanitarian aid projects in parts of the northeast ravaged by Boko Haram as part of a suspected kickback scheme. The president accepted the recommendation of the panel to terminate the appointment of Mr Lawal, presidential spokesman Femi Adesina said in a statement. Secretary to the government of the federation Lawal, who has denied wrongdoing, did not immediately respond to phone calls and a text message requesting a comment. Buhari s two presidential spokesmen declined to comment on whether there were plans to prosecute Lawal. The director general of the National Intelligence Agency (CIA), Ambassador Ayo Oke, was also sacked on Monday in connection with the discovery of large amounts of cash in foreign and local currencies by the financial crimes agency in a residential apartment in Lagos this year, Adesina said. The discovery of more than $43 million in cash was investigated by the same panel, led by the vice president, as had looked into Lawal, but any connection between the two cases has not been made clear. Both men were suspended in April. The NIA had insisted it was the owner of the money. The agency, Nigeria s equivalent of the CIA, could not be immediately reached for comment on Monday. Buhari took office in May 2015 after winning an election largely on his promise to end the endemic corruption that has stunted development in Africa s biggest economy, but there have been no major convictions. A number of former government officials have faced criminal charges related to alleged corruption since Buhari came to power. The opposition People s Democratic Party, in power for 16 years prior to Buhari taking office, has accused the president of focusing on its members.;October 30, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Bill Maher Did NOT Disappoint In His Reaction To Sarah Palin’s Endorsement Of Trump (VIDEO);There s really no better person to roast Sarah Palin than Bill Maher, and he most definitely didn t disappoint on Friday s edition of his HBO show. After the failed vice presidential candidate and half-term governor of Alaska endorsed Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump this past week, it s been pretty much nonstop coverage of her idiocy. After all, the woman showed up, dressed in wind chimes, and was clearly either drunk or overly caffeinated. Any way you put it, no one put it better than Maher when he stated: Trump and Gump. Fatman and Little Brain it was really something. Did you happen to see any of her speech? Oh my God. It was like a crazy drunk bridesmaid grabbed the mic at a wedding reception. This woman has a thousand stupid clich s in her head, and when she opens her mouth, it s like they re all escaping a nightclub fire. He then showed a clip of all her craziness during the endorsement, and said: You cannot put into words how much she cannot put something into words. Maher also brought up Palin blaming her son s domestic violence on Obama somehow not respecting the troops, saying: and that s what makes the Republican party the party of personal responsibility If Obama would just secure the borders, maybe Bristol would stop getting knocked up all the time. And that s really the truth of all of it. Sarah Palin wants to pretend that she s some high and mighty person, somehow morally superior to others, but the truth of the matter is, her son beats up women, and her daughter needs to learn where the condom aisle is. Palin is a walking and talking joke, and the sooner she realizes this the better.Kudos to Bill Maher for utterly annihilating Palin and her craziness. Watch @BillMaher react to Sarah Palin s incoherent endorsement of @realDonaldTrump in his #RealTime monologue: https://t.co/KCzJxVmGAU Real Time (@RealTimers) January 23, 2016 Video/Featured image: Twitter;January 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Puerto Rico rescue falters under attack by conservatives, investors;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An aggressive advertising and lobbying campaign by conservative activists and financial interests this week stalled a plan in the U.S. Congress to rescue Puerto Rico from crippling debt, while lawmakers adjourned on Friday with no clear path forward. As its economy reels and basic services are threatened, the U.S. island territory is pleading for help from Washington, but lawmakers have been unable to formulate a response, or even estimate when they might be able to advance a legislative fix. Puerto Rico is staring down a May 1 deadline for paying about $422 million to Government Development Bank bondholders. With that as a backdrop, the Republicans who control the U.S. House of Representatives huddled privately for 90 minutes on Friday to hear ideas, then decided to go home. “There may be different ways to fix a problem that may include doing nothing and allow it to work through the court system,” conservative Republican Representative Mick Mulvaney, of South Carolina, told reporters following the meeting. In the face of an election-year wave of radio, television and print advertisements warning of a federal “bailout” for Puerto Rico, House Republicans had already put off planned committee votes on a rescue package earlier this week. The Center for Individual Freedom, a conservative activist group, has spent $200,000 on television advertisements around Washington, D.C., this month, according to the Sunlight Foundation, a lobbying watchdog. The center’s ads call for a halt to “the Washington bailout of Puerto Rico.” Another group that opposes a Puerto Rico rescue, Main Street Bondholders, has run newspaper ads. Radio spots have reached Utah voters warning of a “radical plan” to usher Puerto Rico into bankruptcy and urging local Representative Rob Bishop to protect investors. Bishop chairs the House committee overseeing Puerto Rico legislation. With a 45 percent poverty rate and $72 billion in debt, Puerto Rico needs an orderly way to shed some of its debt, leading Republicans agree, though compromise on details remains elusive. House Speaker Paul Ryan, the Obama administration and congressional Democrats support a rescue effort to help Puerto Rico. A proposal backed by Ryan and Bishop would lead investors towards a voluntary reduction of loans and a compulsory write-down if no compromise were possible. Democrats have pressed for changes to a draft bill, knowing their votes likely will be needed to win passage in the House. Ryan has insisted that there is no “bailout” under development, while scurrying to figure out how he can please conservative Republicans without alienating too many Democrats. Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama, a conservative stalwart, told reporters: “The liberal, financially irresponsible members of the Republican conference will cozy up to the Democrats and they will work out an agreement.” Anti-rescue ads are also running in Louisiana, whose Representative Garret Graves said on Friday: “The campaign has been effective in distorting reality.”;April 15, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. House Freedom Caucus wants tax reform plan before budget deal;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The conservative House Freedom Caucus threatened on Wednesday to block a fiscal 2018 budget resolution vital to tax reform, unless Republican leaders release a plan that slashes U.S. corporate taxes and doubles the standard deduction for individuals. The demand from the hardline group could escalate infighting that has prevented Republicans in the House of Representatives from agreeing on a spending blueprint for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1. With about three dozen members, the Freedom Caucus can stymie any legislation in the Republican-controlled House. Passing a budget resolution is vital to the success of a Republican tax overhaul effort because it would allow a bill to pass the 100-seat Senate with only a simple majority. Otherwise, the legislation would require 60 votes in a chamber where Republicans have only 52 seats. The Freedom Caucus also repeated a call for the House to remain in session during August, saying lawmakers should also address healthcare and an increase in the federal debt ceiling rather than head home to their districts. Budget negotiations have bogged down over the group’s efforts to include more than $200 billion of cuts to mandatory spending programs over a decade in any budget resolution, a move opposed by Republican moderates. President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress have promised to deliver a tax reform package this year. But the House budget squabble and hurdles facing healthcare legislation in the Senate have begun to worry business lobbyists about the prospects for success. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce sent a letter on Wednesday to Senate Republicans calling for tax cuts and other policy changes it said would make businesses more competitive at home and abroad. “If a budget is put forth today, at $200 billion in mandatory spending and without decisions on tax reform, there would not be enough votes to pass it in the House,” the Freedom Caucus chairman, Representative Mark Meadows, told a news conference. In comments that paralleled a White House plan released in April, Meadows said tax reform should set a 16 percent corporate tax rate and double the standard deduction for individuals who do not itemize. Trump has called for a 15 percent corporate tax rate, versus the current 35 percent rate. Freedom Caucus members also want House Republican leaders to abandon an unpopular border adjustment proposal that would tax imports. Top Trump administration officials and Republican leaders in Congress are trying to agree on a framework for tax reform, and the White House has said a plan could be set by the end of July. But there have been no tangible signs of progress in the closed-door discussions, while lobbyists and some congressional aides say the end-of-July deadline could be too ambitious.;July 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Suspicious substance at Cruz's Houston headquarters is non-toxic;"HOUSTON (Reuters) - A suspicious substance found at the Houston campaign headquarters of U.S. Republican presidential contender Senator Ted Cruz was non-toxic, a local media report said, citing a Cruz campaign official. The Houston Fire Department said it sent a hazardous materials team to investigate the substance. The Houston Chronicle cited sources on the scene as saying the office received a powder-filled envelope. “The FBI, their HazMat team and City of Houston Fire Department came to the scene and tested the substance. It was found to be non-toxic, and has been taken away by the FBI for further testing,” Catherine Frazier of the Cruz campaign was quoted as saying by the Houston Chronicle. Houston Fire officials were not immediately available for comment. (Reporting by Jon Herskovitz in Austin and Houston Bureau; Editing by Peter Cooney and Sandra Maler) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.";March 10, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Bilderberg to Meet Next Week in Chantilly, Virginia;Mark Anderson AFPWith a little help from the Virginia police in the Fairfax County Sully District, as well as the obscure Bilderberg media-relations outlet and its May 19 late-coming online announcement, it s been confirmed that Bilderberg 2017 will take place in Virginia, June 1-4, at the Westfields Marriot in Chantilly.The Bilderbergers are naturally attracted to that snooty, secluded hotel, since they ve met there before in 2002, 2008, and in 2012, the year that Jim Tucker, the late AFP Bilderberg hound, made his last appearance covering the shadowy group after chasing these sons of smokestack billionaires since the mid-1970s.The annual Bilderberg gatherings are perhaps the most exclusive and obscure among all the meetings of economic ministers (G7, G20 etc.), the World Economic Forum, and other, more familiar global groupings.( ) Coming out of last year s meeting in Dresden, Germany, the Bilderbergers are facing an altered world, what with the U.S. president being Donald Trump whose early actions as president included pulling the U.S. out of the Bilderberg-favored Trans-Pacific Partnership. Britain also voted just after last year s Bilderberg meeting to exit the European Union. Early Bilderbergers, beginning with their first meeting in Holland in 1954, helped build the EU through all its intermediate stages to the present Continue this story at AFPREAD MORE BILDERBERG NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Bilderberg Files;May 25, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BUDWEISER Unveils SUPER BOWL Ad That Distorts Truth About Trump’s Temporary Refugee Ban [VIDEO];So much for the cute little puppies and clydesdales Budweiser has created a Superbowl Ad that is creating a lot of controversy. The 1-minute ad tries to explain to origins of the company s co-founder, Adolphus Busch, by focusing on the fact that he was an immigrant.The ad starts out with an actor who is playing Busch being told, You re not wanted here! Go back home! The vice-president and ranking executive for Budweiser brand in the U.S., Ricardo Marques, claims that this is not related to what is currently going on in the country in regards to illegal immigration.Yeah right..Budweiser took a big hit in stock prices yesterday after Americans discovered the news about their Super Bowl ad: Gateway Pundit;Feb 1, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Senate votes to proceed with confirmation vote on SEC nominee;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate took a procedural vote on Monday to clear the way for confirming Jay Clayton as the next head of the Securities and Exchange Commission. In a 60-36 vote, the Republican-led Senate voted to end debate on Clayton, with some Democrats joining Republicans in support. A final confirmation vote is expected later this week, and the Senate may take up to 30 hours to debate his confirmation prior to the vote.;May 1, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Rhodes Is Wrong And Trump Could Have The Last Laugh;"21st Century Wire says Yesterday, President Donald J. Trump accused his predecessor, Barack Obama, of ordering a wire tap at Trump Tower prior to the Presidential Election. Yes, a wire tap . Sounds pretty unsophisticated in this day and age as a means of SIGINT in the post Snowden revelation era where there are numerous more covert methods available to agencies. Democrats and other mainstream pundits wasted no time in defending Obama and criticizing Trump s lack of evidence in the matter. One of these voices was Ben Rhodes, Obama s former Senior Advisor. He also said only a liar could make the case, as Trump suggested, that Obama wire tapped Trump Tower ahead of the election. Shortly after Rhodes took to Twitter in defense of Obama, this article from 2013 became viral that seemed to hold together Trump s allegation of wire-tapping . To add to the Obama accusations, Wikileaks weighed in with the following;Obama has a history of tapping & hacking his friends and rivals https://t.co/XbwyNSwTXg #NSA #PRISM #Merkel #Sarkozy #BanKiMoon #WTO #Trump pic.twitter.com/5CebcnkFgn WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) March 5, 2017More on this report from Zerohedge Tyler Durden ZerohedgeFollowing Trump s stunning allegation that Obama wiretapped the Trump Tower in October of 2016, prior to the presidential election, which may or may not have been sourced from a Breitbart story, numerous Democrats and media pundits have come out with scathing accusations that Trump is either mentally disturbed, or simply has no idea what he is talking about.The best example of this came from Ben Rhodes, a former senior adviser to President Obama in his role as deputy National Security Advisor, who slammed Trump s accusation, insisting that No President can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you. He also said only a liar could make the case, as Trump suggested, that Obama wire tapped Trump Tower ahead of the election.No President can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you. https://t.co/lEVscjkzSw Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) March 4, 2017It would appear, however, that Rhodes is wrong, especially as pertains to matters of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance, and its associated FISA court, under which the alleged wiretap of Donald Trump would have been granted, as it pertained specifically to Trump s alleged illicit interactions with Russian entities.In Chapter 36 of Title 50 of the US Code *War and National Defense , Subchapter 1, Section 1802, we read the following:(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this sub-chapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath that (A) the electronic surveillance is solely directed at (i) the acquisition of the contents of communications transmitted by means of communications used exclusively between or among foreign powers, as defined in section 1801(a)(1), (2), or (3) of this title; or (ii) the acquisition of technical intelligence, other than the spoken communications of individuals, from property or premises under the open and exclusive control of a foreign power, as defined in section 1801(a)(1), (2), or (3) of this title;(B) there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party; and(C) the proposed minimization procedures with respect to such surveillance meet the definition of minimization procedures under section 1801(h) of this title; and if the Attorney General reports such minimization procedures and any changes thereto to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence at least thirty days prior to their effective date, unless the Attorney General determines immediate action is required and notifies the committees immediately of such minimization procedures and the reason for their becoming effective immediately.While (B) seems to contradict the underlying permissive nature of Section 1802 as it involves a United States person, what the Snowden affair has demonstrated all too clearly, is how frequently the NSA and FISA court would make US citizens collateral damage. To be sure, many pointed out the fact that Fox News correspondent James Rosen was notoriously wiretapped in 2013 when the DOJ was investigating government leaks. The Associated Press was also infamously wiretapped in relation to the same investigation.Furthermore, while most Democrats not to mention former president Obama himself have been harshly critical of Trump s comments, some such as former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau was quite clear in his warning to reporters that Obama did not say there was no wiretapping, effectively confirming it:I'd be careful about reporting that Obama said there was no wiretapping. Statement just said that neither he nor the WH ordered it. Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) March 4, 2017Continue this report at ZerohedgeREAD MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire TRUMP FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV";March 5, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Syrian Kurds hold local elections, press on with autonomy plans;QAMISHLI, Syria (Reuters) - Kurdish-led authorities held local elections on Friday in areas they control in northern Syria, pushing ahead with autonomy plans opposed by both the government of President Bashar al-Assad and by Turkey. Kurdish forces and their political allies now hold the largest part of Syria outside the grip of Assad s government. They have captured vast territory from Islamic State with the support of U.S. arms, jets and ground advisers, although Washington opposes their autonomy drive. Kurdish leaders say their goal is to establish self-rule within Syria, not secession. But their influence has infuriated Ankara, which considers the Kurdish YPG militia to be an offshoot of the banned Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) that has run a decades-long insurgency in Turkey. Assad has vowed to recover every inch of the country, as his territorial grip expanded rapidly over the past two years with help from Russia and Iran. Damascus has more forcefully asserted its claim to territory held by Kurdish-led forces in recent months. The head of Syria s delegation to U.N.-backed peace talks in Geneva, Bashar al-Ja afari, rejected the election, repudiating any unilateral act that happens without coordination with Damascus. Since Syria s conflict began more than six years ago, the dominant Kurdish parties have been left out of international diplomacy in line with Turkish wishes. They were excluded again from U.N.-led peace talks which reconvened in Geneva this week. Hadiya Yousef, a senior Kurdish politician, said the Kurdish-led administration would not be bound by decisions taken in its absence. We are not present in these meetings, and therefore we are developing the solution on the ground, Yousef told Reuters. Peace talks would not arrive at solutions so long as they do not involve those running 30 percent of the country, she added. Voters are picking from close to 6,000 candidates for town and city councils on Friday, the second part of a three-stage process that will culminate in electing a parliament early next year. They chose representatives for smaller-scale district councils in September. Everyone should take part (in the election) because this is the fate of the entire region, said Sheikhmous Qamishlo, a 65-year-old Syrian Kurd at a polling station in Qamishli. This is a new experience, we wish it success, he said, and described casting his vote as a national duty . The election was being monitored by a small group of politicians from other countries in the Middle East, Yousef said, including a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party which runs the autonomous Kurdish region in neighboring Iraq. Yousef said the Iraqi Kurdish official s presence was a kind of recognition of the Syrian Kurdish political project. The Iraqi Kurdish authorities, whose own plans for independence were met with a swift backlash from states in the region in the past two months, have previously been hostile to the Syrian Kurdish parties.;December 1, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Too late, Theresa: Brexit offer to EU citizens leaves many cold;LONDON (Reuters) - Back from Brussels with a hard-fought Brexit deal, Prime Minister Theresa May wrote an open letter to the three million citizens of other European Union states living in Britain. I know our country would be poorer if you left and I want you to stay, she wrote after striking the initial agreement, which promises to secure their British residency rights after Brexit and allows the negotiations to move onto trade relations. But for some EU nationals - who have endured uncertainty over their rights since the Brexit vote in June 2016, not to mention an unpleasant feeling that many Britons do not want them around - May s Dec. 8 deal is too little, too late. It s too late to keep German nurse Daniela Jones in the chronically short-staffed National Health Service (NHS), where she worked for 35 years. It s too late for French psychotherapist Baya Salmon-Hawk, who after 40 years in Britain has moved to Ireland to remain in the EU. It s too late for French accountant Nathalie Duran, who is planning early retirement in France because after 31 years as a taxpayer in Britain she objects to being told she has to pay a fee and fill in forms to be granted a new settled status . I will have to regretfully decline your generous offer for settled status and oblige your lovely countrymen s wishes and go home, she wrote on Facebook in a response to May laden with irony. Duran told Reuters that the prime minister s late outpouring of love for EU citizens, after years of tough talk on the need to cut immigration, could not mask negative attitudes towards immigrants unleashed by the Brexit vote. I think it s turning ugly, said 56-year-old Duran. It s now OK to say go home foreigners . EU citizens, particularly those from the poorer eastern member states such as Poland and Romania, have complained of increasing hostility from some Britons. They find themselves accused of stealing jobs from Britons and driving down wages, even though unemployment is at a four-decade low, or of overburdening health services as patients, even though many help to provide them by working for the NHS. Official figures show hate crimes in Britain surged by the highest amount on record last year, with the Brexit vote a significant factor. The impact of Brexit on EU citizens in Britain is a serious concern for sectors of the economy that rely heavily on European workers, such as hospitality, construction, agriculture, care for the elderly and the cherished NHS. Britain won t leave the bloc until March 2019, but many EU nationals are already voting with their feet. In the 12 months following the referendum, 123,000 of them left Britain, a 29 percent year-on-year increase. They were still outnumbered by the 230,000 EU citizens who arrived to live in Britain in the same period, although that figure was down 19 percent on the previous year. Not everyone is making plans to go: 28,500 EU citizens applied for British citizenship in the 12 months after the referendum, an 80 percent year-on-year jump. With personal and professional roots often running deep, many more have applied for permanent residence documents. UK citizenship would be an option for nurse Jones, 61, who moved to England from Munich just before her 18th birthday. That was in 1974, the year after Britain joined what is now the EU. Today she has a grown-up British son and a British husband. But as a point of principle she cannot see why she should apply for something she never needed in the past. Despite my enormous love for Britain, I do not feel that I am British, was how she put it in a letter to Ruth Deech, a pro-Brexit member of parliament s House of Lords, sent in February to lobby her on the EU citizens rights issue. In a one-line response to the long, impassioned letter, which made clear Jones had worked for 35 years in the state NHS, Deech said she should have applied for UK citizenship. Jones replied it had never been necessary and explained that she was already a dual German and U.S. national through her German mother and her American father, a serviceman in the U.S. army who was posted to Germany in the 1950s. Deech sent another one-liner: You sought U.S. citizenship - presumably you could have shown the same commitment to this country. Jones was dismayed by that response, which in her eyes lacked understanding and respect. She began to think she needed to look after her own interests better. A few months later, she quit her NHS job at a doctors office in Yateley, a small town southwest of London. She is now re-training as a foot and ear care specialist and plans to work privately. I still like looking after people but I want to do it on my own terms, she told Reuters. It s time to get out. Work for myself, start a little business. Jones wrote to Deech again, saying: I have now freed up a British job for a British worker. This time she got no response. Deech declined an interview request from Reuters, but said in an emailed response to questions that obtaining a British passport might be a good idea for any EU citizen who is (probably needlessly) concerned . French national Baya Salmon-Hawk, 61, initially reacted to the Brexit vote by trying to make sure her residency rights were not under threat. Having lived in England for 40 years, had her son there, owned a home, worked in a variety of jobs and paid taxes, she thought that should be straightforward. But when she made inquiries about a permanent residence permit she had obtained in 1977, she was told this was no longer valid and she would have to re-apply by filling an 85-page form and providing lots of documents, including details of every time she had left the country and returned, stretching back years. Besides, Salmon-Hawk was struggling to adjust to the new reality. Having believed previously that she was integrated into British society, she felt unwelcome for the first time. I just don t understand what s happened to the UK, she said. I became quite easily upset by all this and I didn t want to live like that anymore. She and her 74-year-old wife Audrey Evelyn, who is British, decided to leave. They sold their house in a village north of London, and in July this year they moved to County Kilkenny in Ireland, where Evelyn has family ties. At times, Salmon-Hawk has wondered if they made the right decision. I may have made a foolish mistake. I have woken up in the middle of the night in a state of panic, she said. But she is starting a new venture as a professional story-teller at Hook Lighthouse on the southeast coast of Ireland, telling visitors tales from Irish history. I thought I was done, I was settled, and I m not. I m having a new adventure.;December 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: 10 REASONS A VOTE RECOUNT Is A Really Bad Idea For America;Watch Jill Stein explain why she s working to force a recount in 3 states that used to be Democrat strongholds:https://youtu.be/AjXjJ7R8uyUAs Ms. Stein starts in her answers during the CNN interview in the video above, Why would anyone not want to count the votes, and to be sure that they were counted accurately? What we know is that there were lots of hacks taking place around this election. Much of the equipment used is not only open to hacks, it basically invites hacks and malfeasance, tampering, human error, etc. Here are 10 reasons this is a horrible idea:1) The votes were counted with integrity. The real experts do not believe a recount is needed. As described by the Detroit Free Press, The report says the scientists believe they have identified a questionable trend of Clinton performing worse in Wisconsin counties that relied on electronic voting machines, compared to paper ballots and optical scanners. It wasn t clear from the reports why Michigan and Pennsylvania were reportedly cited by the scientists.Chris Thomas, the longtime director of Michigan s Bureau of Elections, said Michigan doesn t use the electronic voting machines identified in the report as being the sources of potential hacking. We are an entire paper and optical scan state, Thomas told the Free PressWednesday. Nothing is connected to the Internet. 2) There s zero proof of any actual hacking, malware or illegal tampering with any votes in any of these states. The examples given in the report are hypothetical possibilities that were discussed well before the election, with known equipment limitations before this election took place. In Stein s own words: Let me be very clear: We do not have evidence of fraud, Stein says. We do not have smoking guns. What we do have is an election that was surrounded by hacking. 3) Are politics the real motivation? If this recount were truly about the election s integrity and improving public confidence in the process, why not include recounts in New Hampshire and Nevada which were states that Clinton won with very narrow margins? In New Hampshire, Clinton won by 2,700 votes which is the smallest margin of victory in any state. In Nevada, the Hillary Clinton margin of victory was 26,000 votes far less than the Trump margin of victory in Pennsylvania.4) The threshold for a recount will likely not be reached in Pennsylvania. There would need to be evidence of widespread voter fraud for a court-ordered recount in PA. For example, A candidate can t actually file for a vote recount under Pennsylvania law. Instead, they would have to challenge a county board regarding its vote computations, and a state appeals judge would have to rule that a statewide recount is necessary. That means the Clinton campaign (or in this case Ms. Stein s team) would either have to request a recount by petition in every voting district or present a prima facie case showing voter fraud. (Prima facie is a lower threshold than beyond a reasonable doubt. A judge would just have to rule that fraud probably occurred in order to call for a recount.) However, Jill Stein said she does not have evidence of fraud.Further, as the article explains, What should be most troubling for Clinton supporters who want her to ask for a Pennsylvania recount is that in the past, these recounts have yielded a shift of just a couple hundred votes, certainly not enough to overturn anything in Pennsylvania. Clinton s team would have to rely on proving massive voter fraud enough for a Pennsylvania court to rule the entire state invalid an unprecedented and nearly impossible feat.5) People are giving millions of dollars to a cause that is a waste of their money, based upon many flawed assumptions, and some hopes and dreams that are unrealistic. No doubt these people want Hillary Clinton to win, and they see this as a longshot possibility. However, they are being deceived and misled based on generalities about election hacking risks that were known for many months prior to the election.Just because emails were hacked from Hillary Clinton s server or other emails accounts were hacked that related to the election does not in any way prove that voting machines were hacked or counts were tampered with in any state. To give false hope to these people is similar to collecting money to promise a white Christmas to the children in Miami. Some are even calling this a scam, although I would not go that far. This website points out:Then there is the fine print that will allow Stein s campaign to keep all of the money even if no recounts are done:We cannot guarantee a recount will happen in any of these states we are targeting. We can only pledge we will demand recounts in those states. If we raise more than what s needed, the surplus will also go toward election integrity efforts and to promote voting system reform.6) These recounts set up a dangerous precedent for future elections and potentially for many other areas of life where anyone can question any numbers based upon the view maybe there was a hack somewhere, somehow. Almost any data can be questioned using this type of superficial analysis. The thinking goes along the lines, if we turn over enough rocks, we re bound to find something, right? Yes one fear is that this actually gives all cybersecurity pros a bad name if/when experts make these type of claims with huge caveats which create numerous opportunities to deny responsibility. Is our new threshold a potential for hacking? If we use that litmus test in other areas of life, what can be excluded?Or, in J. Alex Halderman s own words, Were this year s deviations from pre-election polls the results of a cyberattack? Probably not. I believe the most likely explanation is that the polls were systematically wrong, rather than that the election was hacked. My reaction: Really? In that case, why did you go public? If I were to use that logic in any of my many cybersecurity roles regarding security incidents in government, I would be fired or at least sent back to reexamine the specific details before going public. Might this just be a PR stunt for these people to get more attention?7) The states involved have extensive certification processes and procedures which were followed. As I said back on Nov. 5, before we knew the election outcomes and when Hillary Clinton was leading in most of the polls, we should trust the vote for many reasons. I still believe this unless specific facts show otherwise. Anyone who clams fraud or other election problems needs to come forward with real evidence. Polls being wrong is not evidence of election fraud.8) A recount will NOT improve integrity or confidence in this election, as Jill Stein is claiming. Imagine if this process does move forward and a recount is begun in one more or states. Numerous global reporters will rush to the state(s) involved to watch the process unfold on live TV. While (hopefully) the coverage will not be quite as intense and exhausting as the Florida recount of 2000, the focus will dominate the news for weeks. We will hear assorted experts offer theories, opinions and select facts regarding what is going on and what they expect to happen next and if Hillary Clinton could actually become our next president and not Donald Trump. Rabbit trails will be followed.I suspect that this extensive scrutiny may actually lower, not raise, the level of confidence in these elections with no change in the overall outcome of the winner.9) Government resources will be diverted. Time energy, money, will be taken away from other government projects. Assuming the actual cost of the effort is paid by the money raised by Stein, government staff will still be required to be pulled off of other meaningful projects and priorities to complete the recount process. Just the coordination and project management will be immense, and there will an untold number of related impacts.As this article explains, the cost for paper ballot recounts in each precinct in Michigan will be $125 for Stein. Do you really think this total process can be completely done for $125 per precinct, with all government costs included? I think that extra money and time spent will come from somewhere else in government.10) The country will not move on to the important process of uniting, moving forward and focusing on governing with our next president of the United States. This effort is a major distraction and brings on more uncertainty at a time that we don t need it as a nation. Many on the right claim this recount effort is just coming from sore losers who can t admit defeat. I m not so sure, but whether you agree with that analysis or not, there is no doubt that these recounts will extend the election uncertainty for longer and fuel more anger.Final ThoughtsThe U.S. Department of Homeland Security under the Obama administration was helping state election teams in at least 46 states, and they have not come out and even implied any hacking of voter machines occurred. Don t you think that they would have raised red flags by now if they expected wrongdoing?Meanwhile, Jill Stein has every legal right to request these recounts, but that does not make it a smart (or the right) thing to do. These recounts will not have the results she is claiming.Worse than that, naming the Russians or pointing to (unknown) hackers as the reason for the recounts will open up governments to a plethora of current and future problems. We are witnessing a sad close to the 2016 presidential election, which is being driven by hypothetical hacking scenarios based on the lie that if pollsters didn t get the results they expected, someone must have been hacked.Finally, there is no doubt that all states need improvements to the voting machines used and the processes followed to count the votes. These improvements should begin immediately for upcoming elections in 2017 and beyond. Audits as described by Wired magazine make sense moving forward.Nevertheless, cybersecurity pros must be extra careful how often they cry hacked, and never throw in a maybe or perhaps to cover their tracks and deny accountability later.For entire story: Government Technology;Nov 27, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Insider: This GOP Plan To Steal The Election Had Them So ‘Giddy’ They Were ‘Frothing At The Mouth’ (VIDEO);Republicans plan to use laws about voter ID to win this fall s elections, since they know that in many states if all the voters who show up to vote are allowed to do so, their party will lose yet another presidential election its third in a row.They are very excited at the effect those laws could have if left unchecked, according to an insider who is now speaking up.Last week, during the federal trial on Wisconsin s voter-ID law, a former Republican staffer testified that GOP senators were giddy about the idea that the state s 2011 voter-ID law might keep Democrats, particularly minorities in Milwaukee, from voting and help them win at the polls. They were politically frothing at the mouth, said the aide, Todd Allbaugh.Studies show that voter ID laws suppress minority votes, key to Democratic victory.A recent voter-ID study by political scientists at the University of California at San Diego analyzed turnout in elections between 2008 and 2012 and found substantial drops in turnout for minorities under strict voter ID laws. These results suggest that by instituting strict photo ID laws, states could minimize the influence of voters on the left and could dramatically alter the political leaning of the electorate, the study concluded.Watch this video of people getting assistance, trying to register to vote under the GOP s new harsh voter ID rules:Despite Republican claims otherwise, getting these IDs often requires documents like birth certificates that poorer minorities have trouble accessing.In one instance documented by the Washington Post, a man whose mother changed his name in 1964 has to present the original 52-year-old document changing his name before the state of Texas will issue him a voter ID card, which he needs to be able to vote.Seventeen states will have new voting restrictions in place for this fall s election for the first time. Many of the laws were passed by Republican-held state legislatures in 2009, right after Obama s historic victory in 2008.They apparently were afraid that if the voters were allowed to have their say, Republicans might not ever be contenders, so they rigged the system.Featured image via screen capture;May 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says to spend extra day in Philippines during Asia trip;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he would spend an extra day in the Philippines during his trip to Asia, which the White House confirmed would be to attend the East Asia Summit taking place there. We re actually staying an extra day in the Philippines. We have a big conference, the second conference, and I think we re going to have great success, Trump told reporters at the White House before leaving for his trip. ;November 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ‘Well-Regulated’ Militia Member Shoots 12-Year-Old Girl In Stomach During Target Practice;You know that well-regulated militia that is mentioned in the Second Amendment? Well, one of their members just shot the 12-year-old daughter of the group s leader. Yes, the same group of responsible gun owners our friends on the Right deem necessary to fend off a tyrannical government can t handle their toys well enough to avoid shooting children they inexplicably bring to target practice.The III% Idaho group was meeting at a local gun range after the group, which was involved in the armed occupation of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge last month, decided to enjoy some target practice to blow off the sort of steam one needs to blow off after a total defeat at the hands of a tyrannical government. According to the president of the group, Brandon Curtiss, the accident occurred when a member failed to take proper safety precautions while clearing a gun.Curtiss says the weapon discharged, and the bullet ricocheted off a metal table beside a shelter and struck the girl in the stomach. The projectile pierced through the girl s abdomen and exited out the other side a true testament to freedom. Sandra Sullivan shared a post from the Pacific Patriots Network containing details. While clearing a weapon there was an accidental discharge, the bullet hit the metal table under the canopy area and then ricocheted where it then struck the 12 year old daughter of Sean Odie O Donahue in the stomach then exiting through her side, Sullivan s message reads. I spoke to Sean and it sounds as if she is going to be ok, she was able to tell him she loved him as they were loading her into the helicopter. The post then begs for donations to help the girl rather than for justice the sort that should end with the shooter behind bars for his negligence reminding members that now is not the time to ask for details. The III% Idaho group showed up to aid Ammon Bundy in the occupation of Malheur by securing the perimeter, but his group s offer was ultimately rejected by the armed insurgency leader. The group also took part in Cliven Bundy s armed standoff with federal officials in 2014 something the FBI may want to remember if they consider any additional charges against militants.Sure, these people believe that they are somehow defending freedom by playing cowboy, but in the end they are just a group of people who should never touch a gun a group that, unfortunately, spends most of its time playing Cowboys and Tyranny.The girl is reportedly recovering from her injuries.Featured image via Facebook;February 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: INFAMOUS ROMANIAN HACKER Tells FOX News Host How “EASY” It Was To Hack Hillary’s Server [VIDEO];Of course, America s favorite criminal candidate says America shouldn t believe the infamous hacker who claims he accessed her unsecured server because he s a criminal. LOL if anyone can spot a criminal, it s Crooked Hillary The infamous Romanian hacker known as Guccifer, speaking exclusively with Fox News, claimed he easily and repeatedly breached former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton s personal email server in early 2013. For me, it was easy easy for me, for everybody, Marcel Lehel Lazar, who goes by the moniker Guccifer, told Fox News from a Virginia jail where he is being held.Guccifer s potential role in the Clinton email investigation was first reported by Fox News last month. The hacker subsequently claimed he was able to access the server and provided extensive details about how he did it and what he found over the course of a half-hour jailhouse interview and a series of recorded phone calls with Fox News.Fox News could not independently confirm Lazar s claims.In response to Lazar s claims, the Clinton campaign issued a statement Wednesday night saying, There is absolutely no basis to believe the claims made by this criminal from his prison cell. In addition to the fact he offers no proof to support his claims, his descriptions of Secretary Clinton s server are inaccurate. It is unfathomable that he would have gained access to her emails and not leaked them the way he did to his other victims. The former secretary of state s server held nearly 2,200 emails containing information now deemed classified, and another 22 at the Top Secret level. Via: FOX News;May 4, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Not in a hallway, not in a text: committee warns U.S. House on campaigning;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A single, short electronic message can land a U.S. lawmaker in heaps of trouble, even when it does not include lewd photos or inappropriate language. The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ethics on Tuesday reminded the chamber’s members they are not allowed to draft, edit, comment on or send campaign communications from a House building, regardless of a message’s length or form. It added they should not engage in campaign-related activity even in a hallway, office or cafeteria, and ethics rules also apply to messages sent from personal devices. “In this age of always-on mobile communications, members may find it impractical or unreasonable to have to exit a House building before sending a three-word campaign email,” the committee wrote. “However, that is what the relevant law, rules, and regulations require.” The 14-page report wrapped up an investigation into Representative Ben Ray Lujan, who joined fellow Democrats more than a year ago in a sit-in supporting a measure that would have blocked suspected terrorists from buying guns. Lujan chairs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which currently recruiting candidates for the 2018 elections, and his office cast the case as “politically motivated.” “Congressman Luján is committed to abiding by House rules and will continue to do so in the future,” said his communications director, Joe Shoemaker. Social media lit up during the sit-in and television endeavored to cover it around the clock, even when House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Republican, turned off cameras and microphones. At one point Lujan forwarded a campaign volunteer a copy of an email asking people to sign a petition with the message: “Get something out.” Because he may have sent those three ambiguous words while in the chamber, he risked running afoul of strict limitations meant to ensure representatives, who must run for re-election every other year, do not use their offices for political advantage. Also, his campaign consultants emailed out a donation solicitation purportedly written by the New Mexico representative as he sat on the floor that included a photograph of a video of him during the sit-in. Using closed-circuit footage for partisan purposes is prohibited. The committee closed the case without further action. It could not determine if Lujan was in a House building while sending his email, but did say he was ultimately responsible for his consultants’ violations. His campaign has taken steps “to prevent any recurrence of this issue in the future,” the report said.;August 1, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Hyatt Hotels discovers card data breach at 41 properties;(Reuters) - Hyatt Hotels Corp (H.N) said on Thursday it had discovered unauthorized access to payment card information at certain Hyatt-managed locations worldwide between March 18, 2017 and July 2, 2017. Hyatt said the incident affected payment card information, such as, cardholder name, card number, expiration date and internal verification code, from cards manually entered or swiped at the front desk of certain Hyatt-managed locations. (bit.ly/2yHBSfr) The owner of Andaz, Park Hyatt and Grand Hyatt chain of hotels said a total of 41 properties were affected in 11 countries, with China accounting for 18 properties, the most among impacted countries. Seven Hyatt properties were affected at U.S. locations, including three in Hawaii, three in Puerto Rico and one in Guam. The Chicago, Illinois-based company said its cyber security team discovered signs of the unauthorized access in July and launched an internal investigation, completed on Thursday, that resolved the issue and took steps to prevent this from happening in the future. This is not the first time Hyatt is facing data breach problem at its hotels. In late 2015 Hyatt said its payment processing system was infected with credit-card-stealing malware, that had affected 250 hotels in about 50 countries.;October 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Israel strikes Gaza militant posts after rockets fired at Israel: army;JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The Israeli military said on Thursday that an aircraft and a tank had targeted two posts belonging to militants in the Gaza Strip after three rockets were launched at Israel. Sirens sounded in Israel at various locations on a day of heightened tension following demonstrations in the coastal enclave and the occupied West Bank as Palestinians protested at U.S. President Donald Trump s announcement on Wednesday that he was recognizing Jerusalem as Israel s capital. Two rockets launched at Israel from the Gaza Strip fell short inside the Palestinian enclave earlier in the evening and a third, fired later, landed in an open area in Israel causing no casualties or damage, an army spokeswoman said. Gaza residents said there were no casualties from the Israeli attack and that two unmanned lookout posts were hit. A Jihadist Salafi group in Gaza called the Al-Tawheed Brigades - which does not heed the call from the enclave s dominant force, Hamas, to desist from firing rockets - claimed responsibility for the launches. In response to ... projectiles fired at Israel throughout the day ... an IDF tank and an IAF aircraft targeted two military posts in the Gaza Strip. The IDF holds Hamas responsible for the hostile activity perpetrated against Israel from the Gaza Strip, an army statement said. During the Gaza war in 2014, Israel s Iron Dome rocket interceptor system largely protected the country s heartland from thousands of rocket barrages fired by militants.;December 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Daily Show Finds Disturbing Comment Donald Trump Made About His Daughter In 1994;On Tuesday, April 5th, the Daily Show with Trevor Noah surfaced a 1994 video clip from the show, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. The host of the show asked Donald Trump and his wife at the time, Marla Maples, about their hopes for their 1-year-old baby daughter. Donald Trump s response was totally creepy. Well, I think that she s got a lot of Marla, she s a really beautiful baby, and she s, uh, she s got Marla s legs. We don t know whether or not she s got this part yet, Trump said regarding his wife s chest, but time will tell. His wife at the time nervously laughed at Donald Trump s inappropriate comment.The Daily Show aired this clip in a line with several other overtly sexist comments Donald Trump has made about women. In addition to his abrasive relationship with Fox News Host Megyn Kelly, the current Republican front runner for the presidential nomination has criticized former Republican candidate Carly Fiorina for her looks, condescendingly belittled other reporters, made sexist remarks towards Hillary Clinton, Arianna Huffington Heidi Klum, his ex-wives, women on his TV show, Celebrity Apprentice, and countless others.In 2013, he tweeted that women should expect sexual assault in the military, and wrote in a book published in 2006 women are basically objects meant to look good. Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see, he wrote.Donald Trump s record of overt sexism is endless and spans his entire life in the public eye. He can t seem to get through an interview without making some sort of sexist remark or conclusion, and the scariest part is millions of his supporters agree and applaud every single word he says. The fight for gender equality still has many obstacles to overcome and the condoning of Donald Trump s behavior by his supporters and those in the media who don t bother to acknowledge and criticize it bring those obstacles out into the open for the public to see. As feminists, which every Democrat should consider themselves to be, we need to ensure sexism isn t dismissed or neglected as acceptable or commonplace, rather these sexists, especially ones with such a platform as Donald Trump, need to be engaged and held accountable for their remarks.Featured image courtesy of Flickr;April 6, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Judge gives Florida voters more time to register after hurricane;(Reuters) - Florida residents were given six extra days to register to vote in the Nov. 8 election by a U.S. judge on Wednesday following the disruption triggered by powerful Hurricane Matthew in the state last week. U.S. District Judge Mark Walker in Tallahassee extended the registration deadline to Oct. 18 after the Florida Democratic Party sued to seek more time. The original deadline to register had been Tuesday, before Walker ordered a one-day reprieve to allow for a hearing on Wednesday. Florida Democrats had argued that voters were forced to decide between their safety and their right to vote when Republican Governor Rick Scott ordered evacuations along a stretch of the state’s Atlantic coast as Matthew approached. “No right is more precious than having a voice in our democracy,” Walker wrote in a three-page court ruling on the lawsuit. Florida is a battleground state in the Nov. 8 presidential election pitting Democrat Hillary Clinton against Republican Donald Trump, with opinion polls showing a close race there. It is the largest of the hotly contested states whose populations can swing either to Republicans or Democrats and thus play a decisive role. The powerful hurricane, which killed around 1,000 people in Haiti as it churned through the Caribbean, is blamed for at least 30 deaths in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. North Carolina now faces flooding from swollen rivers. In its complaint, the Florida Democratic Party alleged that the state’s refusal to extend the voter registration deadline would have a “decidedly partisan effect,” noting that populations that lean Democratic, including minorities and younger voters, register in greater numbers just before the deadline. It also noted that areas affected by Matthew have substantial populations of black and Latino voters who would be disproportionately likely to register to vote at the last minute. In past presidential years, up to 20 percent of all new registrations in Florida were filed during the week before the deadline, according to the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, which helped bring the lawsuit. “While we wish it had not taken a lawsuit to get the Scott administration to do the right thing, today’s ruling is a major victory for all Floridians and for the democratic process in the Sunshine State,” the state Democratic Party said in a statement. The judge earlier ruled that Florida law did not give Scott authority to extend voter registration and that he was not a proper party to the case. Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner, a Scott appointee also named in the lawsuit, was empowered to do so, Walker noted. “The State will follow the court’s decision and discuss with the Legislature possible amendments to current law,” Scott’s office said in a statement earlier in the week. South Carolina extended its registration deadline due to Matthew from Oct. 7 to Oct. 11, while Georgia declined to do so. North Carolina will not extend the regular deadline to register to vote, which ends on Friday, although allowances will be made for delayed mail delivery of registration forms, state officials said on Wednesday. However, those who miss the deadline can still register and vote on the same day during the statewide early voting period from Oct. 20 through Nov. 5.;October 12, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ABSOLUTE SUBMISSION: Trump Bows to Neocon Orthodoxy;Consortium News Exclusive: In his Mideast trip to Saudi Arabia and Israel, President Trump sought some political safe harbor by tacking toward neocon orthodoxy and jettisoning his campaign promises of a more rational strategy, writes Daniel Lazare.Daniel Lazare Consortium NewsWith astounding precision, Donald Trump zeroed in on the worst possible Middle East policy option in his recent trip to Saudi Arabia and made it his own. He rebuffed the efforts of Iran s newly elected moderate government to open up communications with the West and instead deepened America s alliances with decrepit autocratic regimes across the Persian Gulf.Turning up his nose at Iran a rising young power he embraced Saudi Arabia, which is plainly on its last legs. It was a remarkable display rather like visiting a butcher shop and passing up a fresh steak for one that s rancid and smelly and buzzing with flies.Saudi Arabia is not just any tired dictatorship with an abysmal human-rights record but one of the most spectacularly dysfunctional societies in history. It takes in half a billion dollars a day in oil revenue, yet is so profligate that it could run out of money in half a decade. It sits atop 18 percent of the world s proven oil reserves, yet is so wasteful that, at current rates, it will become a net importer by the year 2030.Its king travels with a thousand-person retinue wherever he goes while his son, Deputy Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, plunked down $550 million not long ago when a 440-foot yacht caught his eye in the south of France. Yet this pair of royal kleptocrats dares preach austerity at a time when as much as 25 percent of the population lives on less than $17 a day in trash-strewn Third World slums.Similarly, Saudi Arabia s appetite for high-tech weaponry is such that in 2015 it became the largest arms importer in the world. Yet its military is so inept that it is unable to subdue ragtag Houthi rebels in neighboring Yemen or even stop them from raiding deep inside Saudi territory and launching regular missile attacks.The kingdom accuses Iran of sectarianism yet bans all religions other than Islam, arrests Christians for the crime of praying and possessing Bibles, equates atheism with terrorism, and has imposed a state of siege on Shi ite Muslims in its own Eastern Province. Although a bit restrained of late, its religious police are notorious for roaming the shopping malls and striking out with canes at anyone violating shari a law.As the English novelist Hilary Mantel (of Wolf Hall fame) recalled of the four years she spent in the kingdom with her geologist husband, it was impossible to know what might arouse their ire: it might be the flashing denim legs of a Filipina girl revealed for a second beneath an abaya gone adrift, or it might be the plate-glass shop front of a business that, as the evening prayer call spiraled through the damp air-conditioned halls, had failed to slam down its metal shutters fast enough. What were the rules? No one knew. Saudi Arabia also denounces terrorism at every turn even though its funding groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS (also known as ISIL and Islamic State) is an open secret. In 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton complained in a diplomatic memo made public by Wikileaks that donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide. In September 2014, she observed that Qatar and Saudi Arabia are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region. A few days later, Vice President Joe Biden told a Harvard audience that the Saudis, the emirates, etc. were so determined to take down [Syrian President Bashar al-] Assad and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war [that] they poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of tons of military weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad, except the people who were being supplied were Al Nusra and Al Qaeda and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world. (Quote starts at 53:30.)Arming the SaudisRather than fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda, the Saudis give them money so that they can wage jihad on religious minorities. Yet this is the country that Trump now calls upon to drive out the terrorists and extremists, which is as ludicrous as relying on the KKK to drive out racism. It s also the country that he hopes will serve as the cornerstone of an Arab NATO so that he can sell it more jet fighters and Blackhawk helicopters.But the Saudi military is already top-heavy with such gear while at the same time so short of infantry that it relies on ill-trained Sudanese mercenaries, scores of whom were reportedly killed in a recent battle in the Red Sea province of Midi in Yemen s north. This is not surprising since no Saudi in his right mind wants to serve as a foot soldier so that the deputy crown prince can buy another yacht. But more such purchases will only add to the military imbalance while adding more fuel to the broader Middle East conflagration.So how did this god-awful marriage come about? Is it all Trump s fault? Or have others contributed to the mess? The answer, of course, is the latter.Every president since Franklin Roosevelt has contributed to the catastrophe. Roosevelt declared Saudi Arabia a U.S. protectorate while Dwight Eisenhower got it into his head that a corrupt desert monarchy would somehow be useful in the fight against Communism. Worried that it might come under Soviet influence, Jimmy Carter commenced a military buildup in the Persian Gulf that, according to a 2009 Princeton University study, has now surpassed the $10-trillion mark.Ronald Reagan relied on the Saudis to finance arms to the Nicaraguan Contras and to Jonas Savimbi s pro-apartheid guerrillas in Angola. George H.W. Bush launched a major war to save the Saudis from the evil Saddam Hussein. George W. Bush and Barack Obama covered up the Saudi role in 9/11, while Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton encouraged them and other Gulf monarchies to fund anti-government rebels in Libya and Syria during the Arab Spring. Both Libya and Syria fell to ruin as a consequence as hundreds of millions of dollars flowed to pro-Al Qaeda forces and the flames of Wahhabist terrorism spread ever wider.Indeed, Donald Trump for a while seemed to augur something different. Rather than praising the kingdom, he denounced it in 2011 as the world s biggest funder of terrorism and asserted, not inaccurately, that it was using our petro dollars our very own money to fund the terrorists that seek to destroy our people while the Saudis rely on us to protect them. Once on the campaign trail, he upped the ante by declaring that the Saudis blew up the World Trade Center and threatened to block their oil if they didn t do more to fight ISIS Continue this story at Consortium NewsREAD MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire TRUMP FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV;June 1, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Professors Claim Sexual Harassment Ban Is Violating The First Amendment;A group of college professors have released a report that claims the federal government s attempts to combat sexual harassment are stifling educators free speech on university campuses.The American Association of University (AAUP) found that the current interpretation of the government s Title IX laws which cover sexual harassment have made it hard for professors, especially female professors, to teach their students. Right now, if a student finds something offensive and complains about it, universities immediately open up an investigation into that teacher s actions, no matter how questionable that complaint is.According to the report, the failure of the federal government to make meaningful distinctions between conduct and speech or otherwise distinguish between hostile environment sexual harassment is putting academic freedom and free speech in jeopardy. The general counsel of the association and the chairwoman of the subcommittee who wrote the report, Risa L. Lieberwitz spoke to the NY Times, saying: We need to protect academic speech and the freedom that goes with academic speech, as well as due process. Universities are acting in a way that is overly precipitous as well as applying overly broad definitions of sexual harassment because they are afraid of scrutiny. The report even gives examples to support their claims. One of those was regarding Sociology Professor Patty Adler s class, Deviance in US Society, at the University of Colorado-Boulder. Adler had taught the class for more than twenty years and each semester around five hundred students enrolled in it, but in 2013 some of the students complained that her class constituted sexual harassment :At the conclusion of the term, undergraduate teaching assistants participated in and witnessed role-playing exercises featuring subjects relevant to course material involving the global sex trade: these performances animated character types, such as an Eastern European slave whore, a pimp, a bar whore, and a high-end escort. Adler s Dean offered her a buyout for early retirement and indicated if she did not accept the offer, she could incur penalties up to and including forfeiture of her retirement benefits.Her other option was to return to the classroom but never teach the course again. When students, faculty and advocacy groups found out what was happening they protested the school s ultimatum and eventually the university relented and welcomed her back without any conditions. However, the incident took such a toll on her that she only stayed for one semester and then retired.Professor Adler is not alone, similar incidents have happened all across the country and that is the violation of free speech and academic freedom the AAUP found so troubling. The group is not advocating sexual harassment, they are just asking that the government draw clearer lines between what is and what isn t harassment so that students can be properly educated.Right now, the lines are so blurry that colleges and universities are doing a disservice to the students who pay thousands of dollars for a well-rounded curriculum. Of course, these schools should act if a professor is violating the law, but there is a huge difference between harassment and well, this is an uncomfortable, intellectual topic. Nobody benefits when schools don t use common sense when investigating claims.Featured image via Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images;March 24, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Obama moves to lock in vehicle greenhouse gas rules;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday said it will push to lock in fuel efficiency standards central to outgoing President Barack Obama’s climate policy before the Trump administration takes over in January. Automakers had appealed to President-elect Donald Trump, who has been critical of Obama’s climate policies, to review the rules requiring them to nearly double fleet-wide fuel efficiency by 2025, saying they impose significant costs and are out of step with consumer preferences. The EPA under law had to decide by April 2018 whether to modify the 2022-2025 model year vehicle emission rules requiring average fleet-wide efficiency of more than 50 miles per gallon. Instead, the agency said it will end the public comment period by Dec. 30, and could move to lock in the rules after then and before the Obama administration leaves office on Jan. 20. The EPA in a statement said it concluded after a lengthy review that automakers can meet the 2025 standards. Janet McCabe, EPA acting assistant administrator, told reporters the technical record could “arguably support strengthening the 2022 through 2025 standards,” but the EPA believes it “is not the time to introduce uncertainty by changing the standard.” She denied the impending administration change prompted the decision, but the EPA website previously showed a timeline that suggested a decision on mid-term review was not expected until mid-2017. The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, a trade group representing General Motors Co, Ford Motor Co, Toyota Motor Corp, Volkswagen AG (VOWG_p.DE) and others, blasted the decision, saying “this extraordinary and premature rush to judgment circumvents the serious analysis necessary to make sure the (vehicle) standards appropriately balance fuel efficiency, carbon reduction, affordability and employment.” The group said it looked forward to working with the Trump administration on revisions and that “the evidence is abundantly clear that with low gas prices, consumers are not choosing the cars necessary to comply with increasingly unrealistic standards.” It had previously asked Trump to review the automotive greenhouse gas rules, and other Obama administration actions that enable California and certain other states to mandate sales of electric vehicles. Environmental groups applauded the administration move and said they expect the EPA to finalize the rules by Jan. 20. “What’s not to like about a plan, agreed to by the automakers, that cuts oil use, saves money at the pump and reduces pollution?” said Daniel Becker, director of the Safe Climate Campaign, a Washington-based group that supports strong climate action. The Republican U.S. Congress or the Trump administration could seek to reverse or modify the rules. However, if the current EPA rules are locked in, it could make doing so more difficult and time consuming. Auto lobbyists said the next administration will have a variety of ways of reversing the EPA action, including reopening the technical assessment report. They also said the Obama administration’s move could backfire by bringing more attention to the issue early in the Trump administration. Trump’s transition team did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In 2011, Obama announced agreement with major automakers to raise fuel efficiency standards to 54.5 mpg, which the administration said would save motorists $1.7 trillion in fuel costs over the life of the vehicles but cost the auto industry about $200 billion over 13 years. In July, EPA said because Americans are buying fewer cars and more SUVs and trucks that they now estimate the fleet will average 50.8 mpg to 52.6 mpg in 2025. The agreement included a mid-term review to decide whether the 2022-2025 model year requirements were feasible. The California Air Resources Board Chair Mary Nichols said the EPA decision “provides solid support for continuation of the single national program to produce a new generation of clean vehicles.”;November 30, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. tax negotiators raising refundable portion of child tax credit: congresswoman;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Representative Kristi Noem said on Friday that the refundable portion of an expanded child tax credit in the tax bill under negotiation on Capitol has risen to $1,400 from $1,000, an apparent bid to win support from Republican Senator Marco Rubio. “I believe we’re in a good spot and should be able to earn his support,” said Noem, a member of the conference committee that is working on a final tax bill.;December 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.N. experts urge Aung San Suu Kyi to meet persecuted Rohingya;GENEVA (Reuters) - Myanmar s leader Aung San Suu Kyi should personally meet members of the Muslim Rohingya minority which is being subjected to ongoing persecution by the military, a group of U.N. human rights experts said on Tuesday. Myanmar has rejected U.N. accusations that its forces are engaged in ethnic cleansing against Rohingya Muslims in response to coordinated attacks by Rohingya insurgents on the security forces on Aug. 25. The military campaign has sent nearly 430,000 refugees fleeing to Bangladesh, the group of seven U.N. officials said. They include the special rapporteurs on human rights in Myanmar, on minority issues and on racism. We call on Aung San Suu Kyi to meet the Rohingya personally, the officials said in a statement. They said the implementation of promises by Suu Kyi to address the crisis, including that perpetrators would be held accountable, would amount to an empty gesture since so many Rohingya had fled. Suu Kyi is Nobel Peace prize winner whose government came to power last year in a transition from nearly 50 years of harsh military rule. She has denounced any rights violations but international pressure on her is mounting and there are calls for her Nobel prize to be withdrawn. Suu Kyi has little if any control over the security forces under a military-drafted constitution that also bars her from the presidency and gives the military veto power over political reform. The 1.1 million Rohingya in Buddhist majority Myanmar are denied citizenship and classified as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, despite claiming roots in the region that go back centuries, with communities marginalized and occasionally subjected to communal violence.;September 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Legal action to see whether UK could unilaterally stop Brexit gets go-ahead;EDINBURGH (Reuters) - A group of anti-Brexit Scottish members of parliament has been given the go-ahead to pursue legal action to establish whether the United Kingdom can unilaterally stop the process of leaving the EU, a Scottish court said on Friday. The Scottish Court of Session has accepted a petition from the cross-party group of seven MPs, excluding British Prime Minister Theresa May s ruling Conservatives, to determine whether Brexit can be stopped if Britain, acting alone, decides to reverse the process. The British government has three weeks to respond to the challenge, before the Edinburgh court - Scotland s supreme civil judicial body - sets a date to hear the case, a spokesman said. The seven MPs from the Labour Party, Scottish National Party, the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish Greens, want the Court of Sessions to refer the matter to the European Court of Justice, the EU s highest court, to conclusively rule on the issue. We know it is possible to stay in the European Union if the other member states allow. But experts believe our parliament can withdraw the (leaving) notification without their permission, the Scottish MPs said in a statement earlier this week. But there is only one way to be sure: a court has to decide what Article 50 means. May formally notified the EU of Britain s intention to leave the EU by triggering Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty on March 29, starting a two-year exit process, and has said she will not tolerate any attempt in parliament to block it. Brexit supporters argue that after last year s referendum vote to leave, any attempt to halt the process would be anti-democratic. But opponents say the country should have a right to pass final judgement on any exit deal negotiated, and the Scottish challenge is the latest legal attempt to try to ensure this happens. Article 50 does not specify whether the exit process can be unilaterally reversed although former British diplomat Lord Kerr who drafted it has said Britain can change its mind at any stage before the final exit date in 2019. The referendum saw 52 percent of voters backing Brexit. The poll shook Britain s structure, as voters in Northern Ireland and Scotland backed remaining in the EU but those in Wales and England opted to leave. However, a recent BMG opinion poll found that 51 percent of Britons would now keep EU membership versus 41 percent who still wanted to leave.;December 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump predicts 'staggering' July fundraising for White House bid;TURNBERRY, Scotland (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, stung by a meager fundraising haul compared with that of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, predicted on Friday his campaign would draw “staggering” numbers this summer. Supporters have voiced concern he will not have enough money to finance his campaign for the Nov. 8 presidential election. Trump had $1.3 million in cash to start the month, compared with rival Democrat Hillary Clinton’s $42 million war chest. “The numbers are going to be, I think, quite staggering, especially in July,” Trump, a New York real estate developer, said at a news conference in Turnberry, Scotland, where he reopened a golf resort. He said he had only begun fundraising in earnest a few weeks ago and that the numbers, especially for small donations, had been “amazing.” Steve Mnuchin, Trump’s top fundraiser, told CNBC on Thursday that in the past week the campaign had raised about $10 million together with the Republican Party at fundraising events. He said Trump also raised $6 million through online donations. [L1N19F0VD] Trump said on Friday the July report “will show you some pretty massive numbers.” Trump also has suggested he could use more of his personal wealth to help win the White House.;June 24, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump tells Sisi U.S., Egypt will fight Islamist militants together;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump moved to reset U.S. relations with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Monday after the prior Obama administration’s strained ties, giving him firm backing and vowing to work together to fight Islamist militants. A joint statement said the two leaders agreed on the importance of advancing peace throughout the Middle East, including in Libya, Syria, and Yemen, and expressed interest in supporting Israel and the Palestinians in moving toward peace. “I just want to let everybody know in case there was any doubt that we are very much behind President Sisi. He’s done a fantastic job in a very difficult situation. We are very much behind Egypt and the people of Egypt,” Trump said in an Oval Office meeting with the Egyptian leader. The trip was Sisi’s first official U.S. visit since being elected president in 2014. Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, never extended an invitation. Obama froze aid to Egypt for two years after Sisi, then a general, overthrew President Mohamed Mursi in mid-2013 after mass protests against Mursi’s rule. Mursi, a Muslim Brotherhood member, had been elected the previous year. The one-on-one meeting between Trump and Sisi, followed by a separate gathering with top aides, showed how intent the new U.S. president is on rebooting the bilateral relationship and building on the strong connection the two presidents established when they first met in New York last September. “I just want to say to you, Mr President, that you have a great friend and ally in the United States, and in me,” Trump said. Sisi said he appreciated that Trump has been “standing very strong ... to counter this evil ideology.” The joint statement said Trump and Sisi agreed that Islamist militants could not be defeated solely by military force. It said the leaders “agreed on the necessity of recognizing the peaceful nature of Islam and Muslims around the world.” While Trump noted the United States and Egypt “have a few things” they do not agree on, he made no public airing of U.S. concerns about human rights in Egypt. Rights groups have called for the release of Aya Hijazi, an Egyptian-American who works with street children and was arrested in May 2014 on human trafficking charges. Hijazi has been held in custody for 33 months in violation of Egyptian law, which states that the maximum period for pre-trial detention is 24 months. A senior administration official said the subject of Hijazi did not come up in the meeting with Trump, Sisi and their advisers, but said the detention was an issue of concern and a case that was being watched closely by the Trump administration. At the United Nations in New York, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, said the Trump administration was not backing away from human rights “because they fully support me speaking about human rights in the Security Council.” Human rights groups have estimated that Sisi’s government has detained at least 40,000 political prisoners. Egypt has long been one of Washington’s closest allies in the Middle East, receiving $1.3 billion in U.S. military aid annually. It is fighting an Islamist insurgency in Sinai in which hundreds of Egyptian soldiers and police have been killed.;April 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Missing from Trump's grand Navy plan: skilled workers to build the fleet;"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump says he wants to build dozens of new warships in one of the biggest peace-time expansions of the U.S. Navy. But interviews with ship-builders, unions and a review of public and internal documents show major obstacles to that plan. The initiative could cost nearly $700 billion in government funding, take 30 years to complete and require hiring tens of thousands of skilled shipyard workers - many of whom don’t exist yet because they still need to be hired and trained, according to the interviews and the documents reviewed. Trump has vowed a huge build-up of the U.S. military to project American power in the face of an emboldened China and Russia. That includes expanding the Navy to 350 warships from 275 today. He has provided no specifics, including how soon he wants the larger fleet. (For graphics on projected strength of U.S. Navy, shipyard employment see: tmsnrt.rs/2n3vOr0) The Navy has given Defense Secretary Jim Mattis a report that explores how the country’s industrial base could support higher ship production, Admiral Bill Moran, the vice chief of Naval Operations with oversight of the Navy’s shipbuilding outlook, told Reuters. He declined to give further details. But those interviewed for this story say there are clearly two big issues - there are not enough skilled workers in the market, from electricians to welders, and after years of historically low production, shipyards and their suppliers, including nuclear fuel producers, will struggle to ramp up for years. To be sure, the first, and biggest, hurdle for Trump to overcome is to persuade a cost-conscious Congress to fund the military buildup. The White House declined to comment. A Navy spokeswoman said increases being considered beyond the current shipbuilding plan would require “sufficient time” to allow companies to ramp up capacity. The two largest U.S. shipbuilders, General Dynamics Corp (GD.N) and Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc (HII.N), told Reuters they are planning to hire a total of 6,000 workers in 2017 just to meet current orders, such as the Columbia class ballistic missile submarine. General Dynamics hopes to hire 2,000 workers at Electric Boat this year. Currently projected order levels would already require the shipyard to grow from less than 15,000 workers, to nearly 20,000 by the early 2030s, company documents reviewed by Reuters show. Huntington Ingalls, the largest U.S. military shipbuilder, plans to hire 3,000 at its Newport News shipyard in Norfolk, Virginia, and another 1,000 at the Ingalls shipyard in Mississippi this year to fulfill current orders, spokeswoman Beci Brenton said. Companies say they are eager to work with Trump to build his bigger Navy. But expanding hiring, for now, is difficult to do until they receive new orders, officials say. “It’s hard to look beyond” current orders, Brenton said. Smaller shipbuilders and suppliers are also cautious. “You can’t hire people to do nothing,” said Jill Mackie, spokeswoman for Portland, Oregon-based Vigor Industrial LLC, which makes combat craft for the Navy’s Special Warfare units. “Until funding is there ... you can’t bring on more workers.” Because companies won’t hire excess workers in advance, they will have a huge challenge in expanding their workforces rapidly if a shipbuilding boom materializes, said Bryan Clark, who led strategic planning for the Navy as special assistant to the chief of Naval Operations until 2013. Union and shipyard officials say finding skilled labor just for the work they already have is challenging. Demand for pipeline welders is so strong that some can make as much as $300,000 per year, including overtime and benefits, said Danny Hendrix, the business manager at Pipeliners Local 798, a union representing 6,500 metal workers in 42 states. Much of the work at the submarine yards also requires a security clearance that many can’t get, said Jimmy Hart, president of the Metal Trades Department at the AFL-CIO union, which represents 100,000 boilermakers, machinists, and pipefitters, among others. To help grow a larger labor force from the ground up, General Dynamics’ Electric Boat has partnered with seven high schools and trade schools in Connecticut and Rhode Island to develop a curriculum to train a next generation of welders and engineers. “It has historically taken five years to get someone proficient in shipbuilding,” said Maura Dunn, vice president of human resources at Electric Boat. It can take as many as seven years to train a welder skilled enough to make the most complex type of welds, radiographic structural welds needed on a nuclear-powered submarine, said Will Lennon, vice president of the shipyard’s Columbia Class submarine program. The Navy envisioned by Trump could create more than 50,000 jobs, the Shipbuilders Council of America, a trade group representing U.S. shipbuilders, repairers and suppliers, told Reuters. The U.S. shipbuilding and repairing industry employed nearly 100,000 in 2016, Labor Department statistics show. The industry had as many as 176,000 workers at the height of the Cold War in the early 1980s as the United States built up a fleet of nearly 600 warships by the end of that decade. Apart from the labor shortage, there are also serious capacity and supply chain issues that would be severely strained by any plan to expand the Navy, especially its submarine fleet. Expanding the Navy to 350 ships is not as simple as just adding 75 ships. Many ships in the current 275-vessel fleet need to be replaced, which means the Navy would have to buy 321 ships between now and 2046 to reach Trump’s goal, the Congressional Budget Office said in a report in February. The shipyards that make nuclear submarines - General Dynamics’ Electric Boat in Groton, Connecticut, and Huntington’s Newport News - produced as many as seven submarines per year between them in the early 1980s. But for more than a decade now, the yards have not built more than two per year. The nuclear-powered Virginia class and Columbia class submarines are among the largest and most complex vessels to build. The first Columbia submarine, which is set to begin construction in 2021, will take seven years to build, and two to three additional years to test. Retooling the long-dormant shipyard space will take several years and significant capital investments, but a bigger problem is expanding the supply chain, said Clark, the former strategist for the Navy and now a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. Makers of submarine components such as reactor cores, big castings, and forgers of propellers and shafts would need five years to double production, said a congressional official with knowledge of the Navy’s long-term planning. “We have been sizing the industrial base for two submarines a year. You can’t then just throw one or two more on top of that and say, ‘Oh here, dial the switch and produce four reactor cores a year instead of two.’ You just can’t,” the official said. In his first budget proposal to Congress on Thursday, Trump proposed boosting defense spending by $54 billion for the fiscal 2018 year – a 10 percent increase from last year. He is also seeking $30 billion for the Defense Department in a supplemental budget for fiscal 2017, of which at least $433 million is earmarked for military shipbuilding. A 350-ship Navy would cost $690 billion over the 30-year period, or $23 billion per year - 60 percent more than the average funding the Navy has received for shipbuilding in the past three decades, the Congressional Budget Office said. Senator John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who will have a major say in approving the defense budget, said in a statement to Reuters that he supported Trump’s vision to increase the size of the Navy to deter adversaries. ""However, this is not a blank check,"" he said. (Click here for a graphic on 'Fleet expansion' here)";March 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump takes center stage in fractious Senate race in Alabama;HUNTSVILLE, Alabama (Reuters) - President Donald Trump injected himself into a bitter U.S. Senate primary fight in Alabama on Friday, putting to the test his ability to enlist his anti-establishment voters to come to the aid of an endangered Republican incumbent. Trump spoke at a rally in Huntsville, Alabama, on behalf of Senator Luther Strange, who was appointed after the seat was left vacant when Jeff Sessions was named Trump’s attorney general. Strange is trying to ward off a challenge from Roy Moore, an arch-conservative former state Supreme Court justice, in a runoff election next week. Polls show the race to be close. Trump appeared on stage as the latest Republican effort to repeal Obamacare looked to be faltering after Republican Senator John McCain announced his opposition to a measure to repeal and replace the healthcare law. McCain’s opposition could spell doom for the bill, which the Senate may vote on it next week, because Republicans can afford to lose few votes among their own. When Trump mentioned McCain’s name in front of the arena crowd of more than 7,000, attendees booed lustily. Trump expressed optimism that the bill could still pass. “We’re going to do it eventually,” he said. He also continued to engage in a rhetorical sparring match with North Korea leader Kim Jong Un, again referring to him as “Rocket Man” to the crowd’s cheers. “We can’t have madmen out there shooting rockets all over the place,” Trump said. The evening was reminiscent of the raucous campaign rallies that helped define Trump’s insurgent presidential candidacy, and the president’s popularity in this region appeared undiminished. As he has frequently done in such settings, he spent a significant portion of his remarks discussing his surprise victory last November. He also again rejected any suggestion that his triumph was aided by Russian interference in the election. “Russia did not help me. That I can tell you,” Trump said. “Are there any Russians in the audience?” Trump, however, was in Huntsville not to back the maverick candidate Moore, but instead the establishment favorite, Strange. A win by Moore in Alabama could embolden other insurgent candidates to challenge Republican incumbents in next year’s congressional elections, and perhaps give an edge to Democrats in some of those races. Trump’s involvement in the Alabama race could help bolster his strained relationship with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, whose help the president needs to advance his agenda on taxes, healthcare and immigration. McConnell has strongly supported Strange, viewing him as a reliable vote to further the Republican Party’s legislative agenda. Hours before Trump was due to arrive in Alabama, his housing secretary, Ben Carson, issued a statement in support of Moore as “truly someone who reflects the Judeo-Christian values that were so important to the establishment of our country.” “I wish him well and hope everyone will make sure they vote on Tuesday,” Carson said, stopping short of asking people in Alabama to vote for Moore. Republican leaders fear that candidates who are too far to the right could lose to Democrats, who are seeking to wrest control of the House and the Senate in the 2018 midterm elections. Strange, 64, and dubbed “Big Luther” in reference to his 6-foot-9 stature, has been backed by nearly $9 million of advertising from a McConnell-allied political action committee. Trump implored the crowd to back Strange so that “we can defend your interests, fight for your values, and always put America first.” Moore, 70, is a religious conservative who twice lost his position as the state’s top judge. He was ousted in 2003 after refusing to comply with a federal court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the state Supreme Court building. He is also known for his opposition to gay rights. He is popular with many of the same conservative voters who backed Trump last November. “A lot of people love Trump and love Roy Moore,” said Ford O’Connell, a Republican strategist who has worked for Strange in Alabama. Trump’s embrace of Strange has put him at odds with his former adviser Steve Bannon and the nationalistic wing of the party. Breitbart, the conservative news site that Bannon oversees, has repeatedly attacked Strange as a Washington insider while praising Moore as an outsider in the mold of Trump when he was a presidential candidate.;September 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SYRIAN IMMIGRANT Who Said “9-11 Changed The World For Good”…Calls Syria Her “Homeland” Is Homeland Security Advisor;Feeling safer? One of the sitting members on the Homeland Security Advisory Council s (HSAC) Subcommittee on Countering Violent Extremism is a 25-year-old immigrant of Syrian heritage who said that the 9/11 attacks changed the world for good and has consistently disparaged America, free speech and white people on social media.Laila Alawa was one of just 15 people tapped to serve on the newly-formed HSAC Subcommittee on Countering Violent Extremism in 2015 the same year she became an American citizen. Just last week, the subcommittee submitted a report to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, recommending that the DHS avoid using Muslim terminology like the words sharia and jihad when discussing terrorism.Alawa says she immigrated into the U.S. when she was ten years old. Her family had already left Syria by the time she was born. But I will always be Syrian. I will always be from Syria. I will always be of Syria, she wrote in November 2015, calling the country her homeland. In 2014, Alawa commemorated the September 11 attacks by tweeting that 9/11 changed the world for good, and there s no other way to say it. Exactly a year later, she claimed that, after September 11, Being American meant you were white. In April 2013, she responded to a tweet from activist Pamela Geller who called the Boston Marathon bombings jihad by tweeting: go fuck yourself. On September 21 the day after Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the U.S. would accept 85,000 Syrian refugees in 2016 and 100,000 more in 2017 Alawa mocked the Salty white tears all over my newsfeed. In the Countering Violent Extremism report published last week, Alawa and her fellow subcommittee members recommended that the Department of Homeland Security adapt to the changing nature of violent extremism itself by devoting more attention to anarchists, sovereign citizens, white-supremacists, and others. The report also recommended that, in order to combat violent extremism, the DHS Focus on gender diversity of youth through careful attention to the range of push and pull factors that attract individuals of differing gender. As originally reported by The Daily Caller, the subcommittee Alawa serves on instructed the DHS to begin using American English instead of religious, legal and cultural terms like jihad, sharia, takfir or umma when discussing terrorism in order to avoid offending Muslims.Two months before Secretary Johnson created the Subcommittee on Combatting Violent Extremism, Alawa tweeted: THE US HAS NEVER BEEN A UTOPIA UNLESS YOU WERE A STRAIGHT WHITE MALE THAT OWNED LAND. straight up period go home shut up. Via: Daily Caller;Jun 14, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: MORE HACKED E-MAILS From DNC Released By A Vengeful Guccifer;It s not the first time that the name of Vladimir Putin has been brought up in the US presidential campaign, but this time the US president used this argument while openly campaigning for Clinton against Trump. The situation has become really ludicrous and it borders on the ridiculous, believes Gregory R. Copley, editor of Defense & Foreign Affairs. In my 50 odd years covering the US government, I have never seen this level of partisanship within the administration where a sitting president actually regards the opposition party as the enemy of the state, Copley told RT.The analyst said that the democrats are blaming the messenger to revert the attention from the message. The message which Donald Trump delivered on RT was unambiguous in his campaign. Just like the fact that WikiLeaks revelation of the hacked emails was very explicit in showing up what the Democratic party itself was doing, Copley added.The US establishment is sacrificing key bilateral relationships in order to win [a] domestic election, believes Copley. He added that neither Obama nor Clinton are interested in unifying the country, but they are rather interested in winning and engaging in what modern democracy seems to have become the tyranny of the marginal majority over the marginal minority. When you think about the number of times that the Clinton campaign has brought up President Putin and the alleged Russian hacking of Hillary Clinton s service, it makes you wonder just how desperate they are, Copley noted. President Obama has lost literally all prestige in an international community with the loss of prestige he has become desperate. Read more: RTAnother round of hacked Democratic National Committee documents have been released. Provided by an anonymous representative of a hacker, Guccifer, the 500 megabytes detail the DNC s information technology infrastructure and internal reports on donors.Forbes reports that on Tuesday in London at the Future of Cyber Security Europe conference, Guccifer addressed cybersecurity experts through an unknown and remote transcriber.The notorious hacker then shared a trove of documents ostensibly obtained via a breach of the DNC s cybersecurity. According to Forbes, a password and login was given to them, and the documents they accessed appeared to show details of DNC donors and finances as well as the information technology setup to protect the sensitive data.In July, just as the Democratic National Convention was getting underway, WikiLeaks released the results of the first DNC hack carried out by Guccifer. That hack revealed signs of bias in favor of Hillary Clinton over her primary opponent Bernie Sanders, and consequently led to the resignation of the DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, as well as several other top officers.The DNC responded to the latest hack claim Tuesday through its Interim Chair Donna Brazile, who stated that the DNC is the victim of a crime, which she blamed on Russian state-sponsored agents, while also cautioning that the hacked documents were still being authenticated by the DNC legal team, as it is common for Russian hackers to forge documents.;Sep 13, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump's remarks on gun rights, Clinton unleash torrent of criticism;WILMINGTON, N.C. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested on Tuesday that gun rights activists could act to stop Democratic rival Hillary Clinton from nominating liberal U.S. Supreme Court justices, igniting yet another fire storm of criticism just as he sought to steer clear of controversy. “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks,” Trump said at a rally. “Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know,” he continued. The U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear firearms. Before the remark, Trump had been emphasizing his case against Clinton, who is leading in national opinion polls in the race for the Nov. 8 election. Some in the audience in North Carolina who were seated behind Trump could be seen wincing when he made the comment. Clinton’s campaign called the remark “dangerous.” “A person seeking to be the president of the United States should not suggest violence in any way,” it said.   When asked to clarify what Trump meant, his campaign said he was referring to getting supporters of the Second Amendment to rally votes for Trump in the election. “It’s called the power of unification – 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power,” the Trump campaign said in its statement. Immediately after Trump made his comment, many on social media accused him of effectively calling for Clinton’s assassination. In just three hours, 2nd amendment became the top trending topic on Twitter, with more than 60,000 posts mentioning the term. Introducing Trump later at another rally in North Carolina, in Fayetteville, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani accused the news media of taking the remark out of context to help Clinton get elected. “What he meant by that was you have the power to vote against her,” Giuliani said to cheers. “You have the power to speak against her. You know why? Because you’re Americans.” “It proves that most of the press is in the tank for Hillary Clinton,” he added. “They are doing everything they can to destroy Donald Trump.” The U.S. Secret Service, which provides security details for both Trump and Clinton and rarely comments on political matters, when asked for a response on Trump, said: “The Secret Service is aware of the comment.” Trump later told Fox News Channel’s “Hannity” program that “nobody in that room” thought he meant anything other than to rally support against Clinton. “This is a strong powerful movement, the Second Amendment,” Trump said. “Hillary wants to take your guns away. She wants to leave you unprotected in your home. This is a tremendous political movement.” By day’s end, Trump was drawing criticism on several fronts, another chapter in a campaign marked by bitterness and partisanship. Michael Hayden, a former CIA director who on Monday was among 50 Republican national security experts to denounce Trump in a letter, said on CNN, “You’re not just responsible for what you say. You are responsible for what people hear.” U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, a liberal firebrand who loves tweaking Trump, tweeted that the Republican nominee “makes death threats because he’s a pathetic coward who can’t handle the fact that he’s losing to a girl.” Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway fought back in a tweet of her own, calling Warren a “disgrace.” Gun rights, which have long stirred strong emotions in America, have been a particularly potent issue in the 2016 presidential campaign as violence has convulsed some U.S. cities. Trump has planted himself firmly on the side of gun owners with a “law and order” campaign. Before his remark about Clinton on Tuesday, he had said Islamic State militants who killed 130 people in France last year could have been stopped if some of the victims had been armed. The Clinton campaign has challenged Trump when in the past he has accused her of planning to abolish the Second Amendment if elected president. Clinton, in her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, said, “I’m not here to repeal the Second Amendment,” saying she wanted “common-sense reforms” to gun laws. Tuesday’s speech came on the heels of a discordant week on the campaign trail for Trump, a businessman seeking his first public office. He came under fire from within his party for belatedly endorsing fellow Republicans in re-election races and a prolonged clash with the parents of fallen Muslim American Army captain Humayun Khan. On Monday, Trump seemed to be heeding Republican advice to stick to a message of criticizing Clinton and other Democrats while putting forward economic policy proposals in a speech in Detroit. Trump’s vice presidential running mate, Mike Pence, asked if he believed Trump was inciting violence toward Clinton, told NBC’s Philadelphia affiliate: “Of course not. No.” But Democrats called Trump’s remarks another sign of a candidate unfit for the White House. “Don’t treat this as a political misstep. It’s an assassination threat, seriously upping the possibility of a national tragedy & crisis,” U.S. Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat, said in a tweet. Overall sentiment on social media posts on Trump’s remarks was more negative than positive, at a ratio of 2.5 to 1, according to the social media analytics firm Zoomph. #ProtectHillary was also one of the top trending hashtags on Twitter. The 50 prominent national security officials said in their letter on Monday that Trump would be “the most reckless president in American history.” “He appears to lack basic knowledge about and belief in the U.S. Constitution, U.S. laws and U.S. institutions, including religious tolerance, freedom of the press, and an independent judiciary,” their statement said.;August 9, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Delusional Trump Hilariously Thinks Angela Merkel Likes Him (DETAILS);We all remember the absolutely disastrous visit Donald Trump had with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He infamously made her look at him like he had lost his mind when joked about her allegedly being wiretapped by the Obama Administration while he was busy trying to defend his own false claims that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower, refused to shake Merkel s hand during a photo op, and even tried to give her a bill for NATO worth billions of dollars.Trump, however, seems to have a very different memory of his visit with the German leader. While speaking of the visit with the Associated Press, Trump said: Yeah, it s funny: One of the best chemistries I had was with Merkel. As if that weren t ridiculous enough, considering that the whole world saw how that visit actually went, Trump continued, this time trying to excuse his rudeness with the handshake debacle: And I guess somebody shouted out, Shake her hand, shake her hand, you know. But I never heard it. But I had already shaken her hand four times. You know, because we were together for a long time. He went on to boast: Because, um, I m at odds on, you know, the NATO payments and I m at odds on immigration. Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images;April 23, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: REPORT: The White House is a ‘Real Dump’…Hundreds of Problems Left by Previous Administration;Gross! As it turns out, the White House is a wreck with infestations of mice, roaches and ants. It s being reported that hundreds of work orders have been made to fix numerous problems. If anyone can fix the White House up to be the best it can be, it s President Trump. He s a builder and a perfectionist so it s no surprise that he reportedly said the White House is a dump . He s use to 5-star places so we re betting he ll have the White House in 5-star shape AND under budget in no time .MAGA!Apparently, the White House really is a dump with work orders showing reports of mice and cockroach infestations in the West Wing, broken toilet seats in the Oval Office and numerous other problems.The documents, obtained by NBC4 Washington, were made public this week just months after President Trump reportedly criticized the shape that it was left in by the previous administration. That White House is a real dump, he said, according to Golf magazine.While the president later denied the comment, it turns out, there really are loads of issues plaguing the historic structure.White House officials made hundreds of requests for repairs, equipment and pest control in 2017 with the US General Services Administration many of which were similar to those made in 2016 during Barack Obama s final year in office, NBC4 reports.The work orders were similar in number and included reports of mice, cockroaches and even ants!Some orders listed simple projects such as broken doors and chairs, while others detailed requests for TV systems and new decor. It s an enormous job. GSA is assigned to manage that job, explained former GSA Inspector General Brian Miller.Some of the work that needs to be done inside the White House listed a mid-April deadline, though it s unclear if this was actually met. It s also not known if any of the aforementioned issues were ever fixed or dealt with. They are old buildings, Miller said of the grounds at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Any of us who have old houses know old houses need a lot of work. Via: NYP;Nov 30, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HOW OBAMA Could Temporarily Fill The Vacancy Left By Justice Scalia With A RADICAL LEFTIST Judge;There is no other President in the history of the United States who has mastered the art of going around Congress to achieve his radical goals, better than Barack Hussein Obama. In normal times, this scenario would not be of concern to every day Americans. We are not however, living in normal times. We are living in time where our President has actually stated that his goal is to fundamentally transform the United States of America Pray for our nation.The Senate is currently in recess until February 22. The recess began on Friday. Whether this opens an opportunity for a recess appointment depends upon how Senate leaders interpret an adjournment resolution approved last Friday. That will determine whether it will meet for brief activity during the recess, which could close that opportunity.Here s the scenario in which President Obama may be able to appoint a temporary Supreme Court Justice: The Constitution not only assigns to the president the task of making nominations to the Supreme Court, setting off Senate review that may or may not result in approval, but it also gives the Chief Executive the opportunity to fill a vacancy on the Court temporarily, bypassing the Senate initially, if a nominee languishes in the Senate without final action.Within a few hours after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, it became abundantly clear that, first, President Obama will choose a possible successor and try to get the Senate to go along, and, second, the GOP leadership of the Senate say they will try to block any such nominee from final approval.If that does result in an impasse, President Obama may ponder the possibility of putting on the Court a new Justice of his choosing, to serve temporarily. The problem, though, is that less than two years ago, the Supreme Court severely narrowed the flexibility of such temporary appointment power, and strengthened the Senate s capacity to frustrate such a presidential maneuver.It is true that one of the Justices regarded as a giant on the Court s history, William J. Brennan, Jr., actually began his lengthy career with just such a short-term appointment. The chances of that happening again today seem to have diminished markedly.The presidential authority at issue in this possible scenario exists, according to Article II, when the Senate has gone into recess and the vacancy a president seeks to fill remains. Such an appointment requires no action at all by the Senate, but the appointee can only serve until the end of the following Senate session. The president (if still in office) can then try again during a new Senate session, by making a new nomination, and that must be reviewed by the Senate.The Supreme Court had never clarified that power until its decision in June 2014 in National Labor Relations Board v. Noel Canning.The decision was something of a compromise. The Court expanded the concept of when the Senate would be in recess so that the president could make a temporary appointment, but it also gave the Senate more control over when it does recess and how long the recesses last. The gesture toward the Senate s choices was probably the more important result.Here, specifically, is what the Court decided:First, on the president s side, the Court ruled that the recess appointment power applies when the Senate leaves town for a break in the middle of an annual sitting, or a break at the end of each annual session.Second, also on the president s side, the decision declared that the president during a recess can fill a vacancy even if the opening occurred well before the recess began.Third, on the Senate s side, the ruling made clear that it has to last more than three days, without saying how much more time must pass without the Senate out of town and doing nothing.Fourth, strongly on the Senate s side, the decision left it largely up to the Senate to decide when it does take a recess, allowing it to avoid the formality of a recess by taking some legislative action, however minor or inconsequential and however few senators actually take part in some action.Suppose President Obama goes ahead with a nomination to the open seat on the Court, and suppose that the Republican-controlled Senate chooses not to allow that nominee. The GOP has enough seats in the Senate to control that scenario.Suppose, then, that the Senate goes into recess to allow its members who are running for reelection to spend some more time campaigning back home.Could President Obama make a nominee during that recess? Only if the Senate is taking a recess lasting longer than three days, and does not come in from time to time during that recess to take some minimal legislative action. Both of those circumstances would be entirely within the Senate s authority.In that circumstance, a recess appointment to the Court would not be within the terms of the Constitution, as spelled out in Article II.Read more: scotusblog;Feb 14, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA’S FEDERALIZATION OF POLICE FORCE? BALTIMORE MAYOR CALLS FOR “BOLD POLICING REFORMS” AND DOJ INVESTIGATION;I just happened to go to the Baltimore mayor s Facebook page and saw this telling statement: Had a very productive meeting today with Attorney General Loretta Lynch. I reiterated my commitment to working with the Department of Justice for bold policing reforms in Baltimore. BOLD POLICING REFORMS??? You could make the police force perfect and there would still remain the REAL problem in Baltimore. We don t want to talk about what s REALLY wrong with Baltimore Baltimore s mayor announced Wednesday that she had asked the Department of Justice to investigate whether the city s police department has acted unconstitutionally. Throughout my administration, we have taken a number of steps to change the culture and practices of the Baltimore Police Department, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D) said. Despite this progress, we all know that Baltimore continues to have a fractured relationship between the police and the community. The announcement comes one day after new Attorney General Loretta Lynch visited the city and met with Rawlings-Blake.Via: The Hill;May 6, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WOW! CHICAGO REPORTEDLY FINDS At Least 14,000 More Votes Than Voters In 2016 Election;The head of the Chicago Republican Party is claiming the city reported thousands of more votes cast than voters in the 2016 election sparking a battle with Chicago officials who call the allegations overblown.First reported by the Chicago City Wire, the Chicago GOP filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Chicago Board of Elections in January for a list of voters who had cast ballots in November. According to the party, the board responded with a list of 1,101,178 individuals, though its website reflects 1,115,664 votes cast. There should never be more votes than voters every ballot cast should be recorded against a registered voter, Chairman of the Chicago GOP Chris Cleveland told Fox News, explaining that after receiving the data, the party immediately contacted the board for clarification. This is either massive fraud or massive incompetence, but we have no way of telling the difference because they won t give us the data. The discrepancy totals more than 14,000, though Cleveland claims it could be as high as 16,000.Cleveland told Fox News he filed a number of FOIA requests the original in January, and several follow ups for updated numbers. They ignored them, Cleveland said. They have been stonewalling us for six months. Watch Bret Bair s Fox News report on the progress and roadblocks that are being put in place for President Trump s election integrity commission, that seeks to clean up voter fraud across the nation:Fox News;Sep 5, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: White House says will work with Rubio on child tax credit;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said on Thursday it would continue to work with Republican Senator Marco Rubio as he seeks a further expansion of a child tax credit in a tax overhaul bill, but that it was proud lawmakers were already considering doubling it. “We’re really proud of the work that we’ve done already, up until this point with Senator Rubio, already doubling the child tax credit,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters. “We’re going to continue working with the senator, but we think we’ve made great strides.” ;December 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump economic adviser Cohn says coal can be competitive again: CNBC;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s top economic adviser on Friday said the nation’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord will help keep energy markets competitive, allowing for a potential comeback in coal prices and the U.S. coal industry. Speaking in an interview on CNBC, National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn said that despite competition from cheap natural gas, “at some point in the cycle, coal will be competitive again,” adding: “We need to keep our options available to have the cheapest available energy” on a global market. ;June 2, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Amid Accusations Of Hillary Selling Access For Cash, Trump Is Selling Access For Cash;"Donald Trump has a new fundraising scheme. He s raffling off lunch with his son Eric and a tour of the Trump campaign headquarters. While this is pretty standard political fundraising fare, it does show how ridiculous and disingenuous Trump s latest attacks against Hillary Clinton actually are.The latest revelation about Clinton is that as Secretary of State, she sometimes held meetings with donors to the Clinton Foundation. She also often ignored the requests for meetings, which is completely overlooked by the right-wing press.Trump has taken the report and run with it, calling it pay to play, and noting that it s illegal. A couple of very bad ones came out, and it s called pay for play, he said. And some of these were really, really bad and illegal. If it s true, it s illegal. You re paying and you re getting things. Source: Politico Paying and getting things, isn t illegal. That s called capitalism. Paying government officials to get things that only government officials can give that s called pay to play and yes, that is illegal. There s no evidence that Hillary Clinton did that, unless you count an occasional meeting as getting things. Ask absolutely anyone in Hollywood what a meeting means; hell, ask Donald Trump what a meeting means, and you d find that with successful people, a meeting is as much a way of shutting people up as it is an exchange of ideas, let alone favors. Meetings never have and never will imply obligation.Now, let s talk about actual pay to play, the highly illegal type. Donald Trump has actually bragged about bribing politicians and judges. That s unethical at best and illegal at worst. I was a businessman, Trump smarmed at a debate earlier this year. He was being pressed about the piles of dough he has deposited in Democratic coffers through the years for his pals the Clintons (including the Clinton Ca-ching Foundation), Schumer, Reid, Pelosi, Cuomo, Rahm, and the rest of the gang. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. You know what? When I need something from them, two years later, three years later, I call them, and they are there for me. . . . And that s a broken system. Source: National ReviewYes, that is a broken system one Trump is happy to keep broken.Oh, but it gets worse. Trump also allegedly bribes people, as he allegedly bribed people involved in the Trump University case.The trouble started in June, when the Associated Press reported that Bondi personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump in 2013 right around the time she was deciding whether or not to investigate alleged fraud at Trump University. Trump University, of course, is the controversial for-profit school owned by presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.It was only four days after Bondi announced she might join an investigation into Trump University when a Trump family foundation gave $25,000 to a political group supporting Bondi s re-election. After that money came in, Bondi said she would not pursue a lawsuit against Trump University. Two years later one day before Florida s crucial primary election Bondi endorsed Trump for president.Source: Think ProgressThat, if it happens as alleged, is pay to play. Holding meetings with donors is not, whether the meeting is with Secretary Clinton or Eric Trump.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images.";August 31, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: 5 People Shot At Anti-Trump Protest…All Are In Critical Condition [VIDEO];This is 1 of 7 anti-Trump rallies raging across America. Wouldn t it make sense for Obama and Soros to prey on the anger so many Americans are feeling right now over Trump s win?According to social media posts by KOMO-TV and other sources, multiple people were shot Wednesday in Seattle during protests over election results.At least five people have reportedly been shot and all are said to have critical injuries.Seattle Asst. Chief says that a lone suspect was in a crowd near or watching the anti-Trump protests, when an argument of some sort developed. One of the people in the argument stepped away, fired back into the crowd at the person or people with whom he was arguing.At least some of the wounded are believed to be innocent bystanders waiting for a bus. Only one man is seriously injured. The four other injuries are believed to be to the lower extremities.VICTIM UPDATE: All five people shot were taken to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. Hospital spokeswoman Susan Gregg told The Associated Press that two men and one woman were in critical condition and that two men were in serious condition Wednesday night. Later Wednesday, Gregg said the condition of the woman had been upgraded to serious.Authorities were on the scene within 60 seconds, as police and EMS were staged just down the street due to the protests.The suspect is still at large. Bearing ArmsSEATTLE, WA NOW REPORTED 5 SHOOTING VICTIMS ALL REPORTED W/CRITICAL INJURIES MCI DECLARED #BREAKING https://t.co/7c1rakpPAg https://t.co/DFFUsmar4M Alertpage Inc. (@alertpage) November 10, 2016LIVE on #Periscope: Anti-Trump protest takes to the streets in downtown Seattle #komonews https://t.co/QclXVo02ol KOMO News (@komonews) November 10, 2016Here is a Craig s List ad that was sent to us looking for Hillary supporters to join protesters to join them in NYC:;Nov 9, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Afghan president 'grateful' for Trump's commitment to fighting Taliban;KABUL (Reuters) - Afghan leader Ashraf Ghani on Tuesday welcomed U.S. President Donald Trump’s new strategy for the war in Afghanistan, which would remove timelines for withdrawal of remaining foreign troops. “I am grateful to President Trump and the American people for this affirmation of support ... for our joint struggle to rid the region from the threat of terrorism,” Ghani said in a statement. Ghani said the new strategy would increase the capacity of the training mission for Afghan national security forces, including enhancing its fledgling air force and doubling the size of the Afghan special forces. ;August 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump's Houston trip will serve as empathy test;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - For a man who prefers to project a glowering brusqueness, Donald Trump’s trip to Houston on Saturday provides him with the opportunity to show a warmer, more empathetic side — and perhaps connect with some Americans critical of his presidency. Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, became known as the “comforter-in-chief” for his role in consoling victims of mass shootings and terror attacks. But the flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey marks the first large-scale national tragedy under Trump’s watch. The White House said Trump will first travel to Houston to meet with flood survivors and volunteers who assisted in relief efforts and then will move on to Lake Charles, Louisiana, another area hammered by the storm. Trump first visited the region on Tuesday, but stayed clear of the disaster zone, saying he did not want to hamper rescue efforts. Instead, he met with cabinet members, state and local leaders, and first responders. He was criticized, however, for not meeting with victims of the worst storm to hit Texas in 50 years, and for largely focusing on the logistics of the government response rather than the suffering of residents. “That was reasonable criticism,” said Matt Mackowiak, chairman of the Republican Party in Travis County, Texas, who has praised the Trump administration’s handling of the disaster. More than 1 million people have been displaced by Harvey and up to 50 are feared dead in flooding that paralyzed Houston and swelled river levels to record highs. Saturday’s trip gives Trump a second chance, one Mackowiak said he should take full advantage of. “It’s useful for the president of the United States to have an emotional connection with the country,” he said, adding that it could be “valuable for the half of the country that opposes him right now.” According to the Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll, almost 59 percent of the public disapproves of Trump’s performance as president. While Obama famously shed tears after the 2012 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut that left 20 children dead, Trump has rarely displayed emotion other than anger at his critics and the news media. One exception was the chemical attack in April by Syria’s government that killed more than 70 people, many of them children. “When you kill innocent children, innocent babies, babies, little babies, with a chemical gas that is so lethal,” Trump said at a press conference after the attack. “That crosses many, many lines.” As a presidential candidate, Trump was lauded by the families of people killed by undocumented immigrants, who said he personally expressed his sympathy for their loss. But he was widely rebuked for his response to last month’s violence in Charlottesville, Virginia when he appeared to be more interested in apportioning blame and feuding with his detractors than soothing the nerves of a rattled nation. Trump of course first made his name as a real-estate mogul in Manhattan, branding himself as an expert in steel-eyed negotiation, and then cemented that image with his popular reality TV show, in which he coldly fired contestants unable to measure up. As a presidential candidate, he frequently exhorted the value of “toughness” and praised business executives who were “killers.” “My sense, based on his life and career, is that he’s not a publicly sympathetic or empathetic individual,” Mackowiak said. Tony Perkins, a pastor and president of the Family Research Council, a conservative advocacy group, said there is a warmer side to Trump. Perkins accompanied Trump when, as a candidate, he visited with flood victims in rural Louisiana last year. Trump, along with now-Vice President Mike Pence, toured the devastation, handing out bottles of water and diapers. Perkins said Trump would repeatedly order his caravan to stop so he could talk to survivors. “I saw a very compassionate side to him ... He was visibly impacted by what he saw.” Gerard Landry, the mayor of Denham Springs, Louisiana, a city of 10,000 which saw almost 80 percent of its buildings damaged by the flood, met with Trump at the town high school. “He shook my hand, grabbed me by the shoulder,” Landry said. “He said, ‘Mr. Mayor, your city is going to come back, and I know you’ll be fine. I know you can do this thing.’” Landry had been expecting the boisterous Trump of his campaign rallies, but found him to be “totally different, down to earth.” Saturday’s trip, Perkins said, affords Trump a moment to show the nation that side of him. “It’s genuine,” Perkins said. “It’s real.”;September 1, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA AND VALERIE JARRETT Finalize Executive Action Gun Control Proposal;It s almost as though we don t even have a Constitution Never let a crisis go to waste President Barack Obama s advisers are finalizing a proposal that would expand background checks on gun sales without congressional approval.White House adviser Valerie Jarrett says the president has asked his team to complete a proposal and submit it for his review in short order. She says the recommendations will include measures to expand background checks.Jarrett spoke Wednesday night at a vigil for the victims of the Newtown shooting, according to a summary provided by the White House.After the mass shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, Obama said his team was looking for ways to tighten gun laws without a vote in Congress. White House officials have said they re exploring closing the so-called gun show loophole that anti-gun advocates claim allows people to buy weapons at gun shows and online without a background check.The move comes following the deadly terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, that left 14 people dead. All of the guns used in the massacre were purchased legally. Opponents of new gun control regulations have argued that the proposals being pushed by Obama would not have prevented the tragedy or recent mass shootings. Via: The Blaze;Dec 11, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: The Real Reason Trump is Angry With McConnell and Ryan;Undercutting President Trump s agenda is what McConnell and ryan do best. It was most obvious during the Obamacare effort to repeal and replace. It s maddening to us but can you imagine how President Trump feels?He tweeted out his frustration last week and we can t blame him:The latest effort to block the MAGA agenda is happening because of Ryan and Mcconnell AGAIN!The Daily Caller reports below:President Donald Trump is angry with Republican leaders because of a proposal floating around Capitol Hill that undercuts his legislative agenda and provides major concessions to Democrats, two conservative strategists with more than 40 years of Hill experience told The Daily Caller News Foundation.Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan are planning to pass legislation that would raise the debt ceiling and fully fund Obamacare subsidies through the 2018 election cycle, a source within the administration told TheDCNF. Leadership is also preparing to pass a short-term spending bill a continuing resolution that would fund the government through mid-December, include no appropriations for Trump s border wall, and continue funding to Planned Parenthood, the conservative strategists told TheDCNF.Trump called both Republican leaders out on Twitter Thursday, claiming he asked the pair to attach a measure to raise the debt ceiling to the recently-passed Veterans Affairs bill. He then went on to blame McConnell and Ryan for failing to follow through with his request, and said raising the debt ceiling could have been easy. Now the situation is a mess, he said.Read more: DC;Aug 26, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: EU exec proposes deeper euro zone integration to unite EU;BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission proposed on Wednesday ideas for deeper euro zone integration in an effort to help unite the broader European Union, as eurosceptic sentiment grows across the EU and Britain prepares to leave the EU in 2019. The Commission, the EU s executive arm, presented a package of proposals aimed at giving the 19 countries sharing the euro better protection against future financial crises. But plans to tighten cooperation among the 19 euro countries have sparked concern among the eight non-euro countries that they will become second-class members of the EU, with less say - and less funds - in the future. To alleviate those fears, the Commission stressed that all their proposals were open to all EU members, even though that clashes with the thinking of some euro zone leaders, such as French President Emmanuel Macron. Macron has called for creating a euro zone budget of several hundred billion euros, a euro zone finance minister and a euro zone parliament. The Commission proposed creating cash incentives for countries for structural reforms and special funds for non-euro economies, all of which - except Denmark - are obligated to adopt the euro at some point, to prepare for euro adoption. But heavyweight Germany was quick to pour cold water on one key part of the plans putting in doubt just how far they would get. The Commission backed the idea of setting up what it calls a euro zone stabilisation function , because the monetary policy of the European Central Bank cannot deal with economic crises that hit only one or a few countries in the euro zone. That would be a pool of money to protect investment with loans and a relatively limited grant component , the Commission said. To be effective and credible, it should be big enough to pay out at least 1 percent of GDP and be allowed to borrow. Access to the stabilisation function , managed by the Commission, would be for those who stick to EU rules. The money would come from loans from the EU budget, voluntary contributions from governments and loans from the euro zone bailout fund with guarantees from the EU budget. The Commission said that for this to work, a limited borrowing capacity could be constructed in the next EU budget. Germany expressed reservations though. I don t think it makes sense to prejudge anything, but the outgoing government was not convinced that new buffers at the European level are necessary, Germany s acting finance minister Peter Altmaier said. Instead of a euro zone finance minister, the Commission called for naming a pan-European Minister of Economy and Finance, who would also be a senior member of the European Commission and chair meetings of euro zone finance ministers. The minister would also oversee the work of the euro zone bailout fund as the chairman of its board, much like the head of euro zone finance ministers, the Eurogroup, does now. The job might be created when the next European Commission starts work in November 2019, the Commission said, and whoever gets it would be accountable to the European Parliament. Under the current arrangement, the chair of the euro zone finance ministers, the closest thing the bloc now has to a single finance minister, often testifies before the parliament s economic committee, but it has no power over him or her. Euro zone finance ministers have little enthusiasm for allowing the Commission, which is only an observer at their monthly meetings, to chair their talks. Other euro zone integration ideas, floated by Germany, include transforming the euro zone s government-owned and run bailout fund into a European Monetary Fund. The Commission backed that idea, but said the EMF should become an EU institution, which would be overseen by the European Parliament an idea officials have said would not fly with governments. The EMF, which the Commission hopes to get agreement on by mid-2019 from governments and the European Parliament, would also provide a 60 billion-euro backstop for the bank-funded Single Resolution Fund. The Commission did not address the proposal of Germany and backed by Slovakia and the Netherlands to create a sovereign insolvency mechanism that would put pressure on governments to conduct prudent fiscal policy. Economists were not impressed with the Commission proposals. A first browsing of the documents allows us to conclude that hardly anything will change, ING economist Carsten Brzeski wrote in a note to clients. Today s proposals go in the right direction but are not new and clearly not a game changer.;December 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Obama to hold final press conference on Wednesday: White House;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will hold his final press conference as president on Wednesday, the White House said. The press conference will be held at 2:15 ET (19:15 GMT). Obama is set to leave office on Friday when he will be succeeded by Republican President-elect Donald Trump.;January 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: California or bust? Clinton hopes to strike gold in pivotal vote;"WASHINGTON/LONG BEACH, California (Reuters) - If Hillary Clinton ends up losing California to Bernie Sanders, it will be because of voters like Nallely Perez. Perez personifies what a Clinton supporter was supposed to look like: a 24-year-old Latina who grew up idolizing the former first lady as a groundbreaking woman in politics. But when she votes in California’s Democratic presidential nominating contest on Tuesday, Perez will be supporting Sanders. “Everything that I would stand for, he has said it,” said Perez, a student at California State University, Long Beach, who said she likes Sanders’ promises of tuition-free college and universal healthcare. “We found our voice in him.” California is the final big contest in the long, bitter fight for the Democratic nomination. Opinion polls show the Democratic race there tightening in recent weeks. Where Clinton, a former secretary of state, once held a big lead over Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont, the two now are nearly tied. A University of Southern California/Los Angeles Times poll released on Friday showed Sanders with a one-percentage-point lead over Clinton in the state, 44 to 43 percent, a swing from March when Clinton held a nine-point edge. On the Republican side, Donald Trump has earned the nomination for the Nov. 8 election, and Clinton is close to capturing the number of delegates she needs to head the Democratic ticket. Her campaign expects that a win in New Jersey earlier on Tuesday will secure the nomination. But a loss in a populous Democratic stronghold like California could lend credence to Trump’s claim that she is a weakened candidate. “Clinton would like to go to the nominating convention with the wind at her back and tamp down the perception that she doesn’t excite Democrats,” said Rodell Mollineau, a Democratic strategist in Washington. A Sanders victory will not clear the way to his nomination unless it triggers a defection by scores of superdelegates - party office-holders and officials - from Clinton’s camp, an unlikely outcome. Sanders has vowed to use California as a springboard to the party convention in Philadelphia in July. A win, especially a big one, would validate the self-described democratic socialist’s decision to stay in the race to the end and give him leverage to influence Clinton’s policies and cabinet picks. “The game he is playing is to be able to draw as many concessions as he can out of the party and the Clinton campaign,” Mollineau said. The area around Long Beach, part of the 47th congressional district in California, has emerged as a key battleground. Sanders campaigned there a week ago; Clinton was in the area on Friday and may return again before Tuesday’s vote. The district’s congressman, Representative Alan Lowenthal, remains one of the few uncommitted Democratic members of the House of Representatives to either Clinton or Sanders. His district once leaned Republican, but is becoming increasingly liberal thanks to an influx of Latino and Asian-American voters who comprise the majority of residents. The large minority population might be expected to translate into an advantage for Clinton, who has consistently shown strength with such groups. But a Reuters reporter who toured the area observed an abundance of Sanders supporters. In the Belmont Shore neighborhood of Long Beach, Sanders volunteers Gordon Winiemko and Jon Fellman manned a table on the sidewalk outside a coffeehouse. They had a long discussion with Shawn Coleman, a 24-year-old film student, who told them he preferred Sanders to Clinton because “I think I’m a little bit more for what Bernie has in mind for the future, I think he’s right, and Hillary doesn’t really seem on it.”  Lia Roldan, a 42-year-old set decorator in the film industry who lives in Long Beach, said she was voting for Sanders because “he has a lot of experience in standing up for causes that benefit the working class.” Roldan said she would reluctantly support Clinton in a contest against Trump. “I’ll vote for her only because I don’t want a Republican to win, but I don’t really feel in my heart that I would vote for her otherwise,” she said. Stopping Trump was on the minds of those who said they would vote for Clinton on Tuesday. “I love Bernie,” said Sami Reed, 42, the CEO of a corporate wellness business, interviewed in a thrift shop, “but I’ll probably vote for Hillary just because I don’t want Trump to win.” A second-term congressman, Lowenthal told Reuters he has come under a “tremendous amount of grief and pressure from Sanders people” to support him, but he would not say for whom he would vote. At California events, Clinton has been careful to focus her criticism on Trump, not Sanders, while talking up her national security experience. She will almost certainly need the support of passionate Sanders’ backers to defeat the outspoken Trump in November.";June 5, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: China probes former vice-chief of securities regulator for graft;SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A former vice-chairman of China s securities regulator, Yao Gang, is being investigated for taking bribes, the official China Daily said, citing the prosecutors office. Yao was one of the most senior figures arrested in a crackdown on suspected stock manipulation in late 2015, after the mid-year collapse of the Chinese stock market following a long bull run. Yao was subject to coercive measures, which can range from summons and surveillance to detention and arrest, among other actions, the Supreme People s Procuratorate said, without specifying which he faced, the newspaper said on Thursday. In July, China s graft watchdog said Yao would be prosecuted for offences that included taking bribes and destroying the order of capital markets . Yao, 55, was the general manager of Guotai Junan Securities in 1999 before taking a position with the China Securities Regulatory Commission in 2002, the paper said. At the CSRC, he was known as the King of IPOs , overseeing initial public offerings on the Chinese mainland for 13 years, it added.;September 1, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: New Poll Shows HUGE Lead For Hillary As Trump’s Downward Spiral Continues;With 28 days left to go until election day, a new poll from NBC/Wall Street Journal, a gold-standard in polling, shows Hillary Clinton posting an unprecedented double-digit lead over Donald Trump.The first major poll since the revelations exposed in a recent audio leak in which he boasted about sexually assaulting women by grabbing their genitals without consent shows that not only has Clinton posted a 14 point lead in a head-to-head contest, she has opened up an 11-point lead in the four-way race with the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and the Green Party s nominee, Jill Stein.Because of Trump s admission to sexually assaulting women doesn t bode well for voters, the House is now in play something that no one, just one week ago, thought would be possible. Forty-nine percent of voters want to see a Democratic Congress while 42 percent want to see a GOP Congress. That s a three point uptick for Democrats.Forty-one percent of voters called the tapes completely unacceptable and 52 percent said it should be an issue in the campaign.While Republicans try desperately to write it off as simple locker room talk, the electorate isn t buying it and they are actually, reasonably so, disgusted by it.The poll also shows that Clinton has opened up a 21 point lead with women. That is a nine point difference than it was in mid-September when it was a smaller (yet still significant) 12 point lead.Remember: John McCain lost the female vote by 13 points, and Mitt Romney lost by 11. Both times women made up 53 percent of the total electorate. You can t lose female voters this bigly and win a national election.If Trump continues to lose by a whopping 21 points, he s absolutely done.With future tapes on the horizon, the Trump campaign has pretty much run out of time. Republicans are abandoning him, the electorate is abandoning him, and his campaign is crashing and burning.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images;October 10, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: China urges France to protect Chinese tourists after group of 40 robbed;BEIJING (Reuters) - China urged France on Monday to take more effective measures to ensure the safety of its nationals visiting the country, after a group of 40 Chinese tourists was tear-gassed and robbed in Paris. Attacks on Chinese, Japanese and Korean tourists are relatively frequent in the French capital, as robbers believe they carry large sums in cash and their luggage is stuffed with expensive products. Four men targeted the Chinese travelers in the parking lot of their hotel in the Val-de-Marne suburb southeast of Paris on Thursday, on their return from a city tour, the state-run Xinhua news agency said, citing French media. The assailants stole nine bags thought to be filled with luxury goods, it said on Sunday. China s embassy in France had contacted police and told them to crack the case , Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a news briefing, adding that Chinese visitors should be alert to the security situation. We will urge French police to crack this case as soon as they can and bring the criminals to justice, and take even more effective measures to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens in France, Hua said. She said the tour group had already returned to China, and the case was still being investigated. In August 2016, 27 Chinese tourists were assaulted by six men who boarded a bus that was to take them to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. Paris is on track this year to welcome more tourists than ever before, the city s tourist board said in August, a recovery from a lull following Islamist attacks in November 2015 that killed 130 people. Chinese travelers spent $261 billion overseas last year, making them a key demographic for retailers and hotel chains around the world. But growth in Chinese outbound tourism is slowing, with attacks in Europe, instability on the Korean peninsula and political uncertainty in the United States prompting some Chinese to opt instead for domestic trips.;November 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Cuts hurt Mexico quake response, outlook ahead of 2018 vote;MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Spending cuts and a failure by Mexico s president to upgrade an earthquake alert system hurt life-saving prevention programs and amplified recovery costs after two major temblors this month, current and former government officials said. Although President Enrique Pena Nieto is eager to show a prompt and competent response to the earthquakes, which killed more than 430 people, the budget of recovery agencies is threadbare due to cost-cutting by his administration. Pena Nieto, an unpopular centrist struggling to get a successor from his party or an ally elected president next July, on Wednesday acknowledged the problem, urging lawmakers to boost funding in the 2018 budget. The reconstruction needs more resources, he said. The government has slashed disaster budgets by as much as 50 percent in recent years, part of a broader cost-cutting effort to make up for shortfalls caused by a drop in oil revenues, which finance about 20 percent of Mexico s federal budget. The 2017 budget alone reduced funding for Mexico s various disaster and civil protection efforts by 25 percent, from about 8.6 billion pesos ($475 million) in 2016 to 6.4 billion pesos. In a statement, Pena Nieto s office defended its performance and said cutbacks could not be attributed solely to the presidency. While the executive branch proposes the budget, the spending plan is ultimately approved by Congress. Despite the budget restrictions, the civil protection system has strengthened in recent years, the president s office said in a statement. The cuts last year prompted lawmakers to warn in a report that the state is relinquishing its responsibilities to its population, given inevitable and unknowable disaster risks. Now, after the two big quakes, and damage from hurricanes before that, Mexico is hard-pressed to find ways to rebuild. The reconstruction fund has zero pesos, Luis Felipe Puente, the government s emergency services chief, said in an interview. The president s office said funding had not hindered the start of reconstruction, saying insurance and a disaster bond augmented federal coffers. For those who work in readiness efforts, however, the current problem is a clear example of what happens when governments skimp on prevention measures, from risk assessments to early warning systems for quakes, volcanic activity and other disasters. According to the United Nations, every dollar spent on preparedness saves about seven dollars in response. In 2014, Mexico s federal auditor chastised the government for spending more on reconstruction than on preparing for disasters. We should be investing more in prevention, said Enrique Guevara, a former head of Mexico s National Center for Disaster Prevention, or CENAPRED. Firstly because you save lives, and secondly you save money. At CENAPRED, founded in the wake of a massive 1985 quake that killed thousands, expenditure fell by 20 percent between 2012 and 2016, hurting the upkeep of a national risk atlas and lowering morale at the institution, according to a senior official there who requested anonymity to speak frankly. The government also slashed 2017 budgets for two government funds that finance disaster efforts, official data shows. This year s budget for FOPREDEN, a fund for the prevention of natural disasters, was cut by 50 percent. FONDEN, a larger fund for disaster relief, lost a quarter of its budget, according to the government spending plan. In addition to reducing funds for the federal government s own efforts, the president has turned down or ignored financing requests at another program officials said could help lower disaster tolls. Unlike the previous administration of former President Felipe Calderon, Pena Nieto has not invested in a widely praised earthquake alert system credited with saving lives since it was implemented in Mexico City in 1989. The system, the Center for Seismic Instrumentation and Registry, detects many quakes across the country, sounding a warning that gives the 20 million residents of greater Mexico City crucial time to evacuate buildings before some tremors arrive. Funded mostly by the city government, and currently operating on less than 30 million pesos per year, the system needs more monitors to detect even more temblors, like the 7.1 quake on Sept. 19. Better detection, the system s director said, could have given Mexico City residents up to 5 seconds more warning that day. As it happened, many locals said they heard the alarm only once the ground began shaking. But repeated requests to Pena Nieto and various federal agencies for additional funding in recent years were met with Olympic silence, said Juan Manuel Espinosa, the director. In its statement, the president s office said the federal government had no obligation to fund the alarm system. It noted a shortfall in past financing for the system by the state of Oaxaca, which is a contractual partner with the Mexico City government in its financing. For Pena Nieto and his Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, the cutbacks could create problems at the ballot box, especially among a Mexican electorate that is increasingly ready for change after years of corruption and drug violence. Although Pena Nieto cannot stand for reelection, the PRI ranks third in current projections for the July vote. Meanwhile, rivals like leftist frontrunner and former Mexico City Mayor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador are poised to take advantage of any missteps. Whoever gets this wrong will feel the effects in the election, said Gustavo Mohar, a former Mexican intelligence official who now runs a strategic risk consultancy. For the recovery to succeed, the government must find additional sources of financing. Estimates of the cost range from about $2 billion, according to the government, to as much as $4 billion, a calculation by investment bank Nomura. Puente, the emergency services chief, said the finance ministry may receive funding from catastrophe bonds, issued by the World Bank in August, that could provide Mexico with up to $360 million in protection from certain quakes and storms. But aside from housing the homeless and rebuilding, the government must also ensure it spends disaster funds wisely and transparently - a notoriously tricky task, particularly for an administration that many Mexicans consider corrupt. In the hard-hit capital, where at least 206 people died, volunteers helping with recovery work this week said they distrust the government s ability to provide effective relief. There is no money for anything, said Beatriz Navarrete, a 21-year-old medical student manning a donations tent. If the government was really spending money, we wouldn t be here, begging for medicine.;September 28, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Russian businessman Kerimov detained by French police in Nice: prosecutor's office;PARIS (Reuters) - Senior Russian lawmaker and businessman Suleiman Kerimov was arrested by French police at Nice airport on Monday night in connection with a tax evasion case, an official at a French prosecutor s office said on Tuesday. He is being held for questioning in a case related to laundering of tax fraud proceeds, an official at the prosecutor s office said. Kerimov is ranked by Forbes magazine as Russia s 21st wealthiest businessman, with a net worth of $6.3 billion.;November 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: TEXAS CHURCH SHOOTER: Years Before ‘Soft Target’ Attack, Gunman Tried to Carry Out Death Threats on CIA Linked Air Force Base;Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire The gunman named in a mass shooting that was said to have killed 26 people at a small church outside of San Antonio was convicted by the military several years before the tragic attack in 2012. This past week new information concerning the apparent First Baptist Church gunman 26-year-old Devin Patrick Kelley, revealed that the previously convicted Air Force airman was already well-known to authorities via his bad conduct discharge from the military in 2012. The recent acknowledgement in Kelley s case history, coupled with his unusually relaxed plea bargain deal, has only prompted more questions from those concerned about the most recent high-profile mass shooting in America.According to officials, the Sutherland Springs shooting at the First Baptist Church may have been caused by a domestic dispute involving Kelley and his ex-mother-in-law Michelle Shields. However, it turns out that Shields was not present at church services on the morning of the mass shooting, although her mother was named as one of the victims.A more precise motive in the deadly Sutherland Springs massacre has yet to be uncovered by authorities TEXAS CHURCH SHOOTING 8 years after the Fort Hood mass shooting, the First Baptist Church attack raises big questions. Its also worth noting, the recent church shooting echoes a scene in the 2015 Hollywood film Kingsman: The Secret Service. (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)The Texas Church ShooterWhile many in media have focused on the military s inability to log Devin Patrick Kelley s domestic violence court-martial case into a federal database, a police report from 2012 revealed that the gunman named in the First Baptist Church shooting had been previously caught attempting to sneak firearms onto a CIA linked military base in New Mexico where he was stationed. The El Paso police report concluded that after Kelley escaped the mental health facility believed to be Peak Behavioral Health Services Center in Santa Teresa, he sought to carry out death threats against his superiors at New Mexico s Holloman Air Force base.A CBS Affiliate from Dallas further explained the church shooter s lengthy criminal background: The information was contained in a police incident report after Devin Patrick Kelley briefly escaped in June, 2012 from a mental health facility in New Mexico where he had been committed. KPRC television in Houston first reported about the escape. Police in El Paso, Texas, where Kelley was caught after the escape, said in the report that an official of the mental health facility told them that Kelley was a danger to himself and others. The report says that Kelley had already been caught sneaking firearms onto Holloman Air Force base. It also says that he was attempting to carry out death threats that (Kelley) had made on his military chain of command. Moreover, a FOX News report just days ago revealed additional information concerning Kelley s violent threats at Holloman Air Force base: Former Air Force Staff Sgt. Jessika Edwards told The New York Times that Kelley would shake with rage and vow to kill his superiors when he was assigned menial tasks as punishment for poor performance. At one point, Edwards told the Times, she warned others in the squadron to go easy on Kelley, believing he was likely to come back and shoot up the place. Rather strangely, former Air Force Staff Sgt. Edwards still kept in close contact with the criminally convicted and discharged logistical readiness airman, stating that he asked her to be a job reference in 2015. Shortly there after, Kelley allegedly became obsessed with the polarizing case involving Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof. CHURCH SHOOTER What is the real motive in the First Baptist Church shooting? (Image Source: nbcwashington)The shocking claims of death threats prior to the Sutherland Springs church shooting taking place raises questions not only about the criminally convicted shooter Kelley, who was accused of a slew of abusive behavior but also the military s handling of the gunman s well-known history of violence from a prosecutorial standpoint.QUESTION: How did Kelley manage to get such a relaxed sentence considering he had several other major charges dropped including an additional incident where he allegedly pointed a loaded firearm at his wife?Furthermore, as the public and media are still bewildered over Kelley s ability to legally purchase guns following his 2012 military conviction due to his prior violent abuse, information concerning his alleged plot to kill military superiors has been completely underreported and by the looks of it, may have even gone unpunished.According to official reports, Kelley was sentenced to a year s confinement, reducing rank from an airman first-class (A1C) to airman basic. Additionally, after being convicted of crimes by a military court in 2012, he received a bad conduct discharge following an apparent plea deal.The NY Times added the following details regarding the military court case: Prosecutors withdrew several other charges as part of their plea agreement with Mr. Kelley, including allegations that he repeatedly pointed a loaded gun at his wife.He was ultimately sentenced in November that year to 12 months confinement and reduction to the lowest possible rank. His final duty title was prisoner. QUESTION: Did Kelley s plea agreement also include the exclusion of charges concerning his alleged death threat plot against military superiors at the CIA linked Holloman Air Force base?Moreover, if that wasn t a part of the plea, how was Kelley not dishonorably discharged due to the severity of charges he faced from military superiors?Although we ve been told this latest soft target shooting spree on American soil was carried out by yet another lone gunman, there have also been questions raised concerning a shooter allegedly firing from the roof top down on to church parishioners below.Watch and listen to shooting survivor Rosanne Solis, as she recounts what she witnessed during the First Baptist Church shooting . QUESTION: Is it also possible that Solis saw multiple shooters at the First Baptist Church? If not, how did Kelley swiftly move from the roof top location to ground level in a matter of a few minutes, assuming the account told by Solis is true?The Sutherland Springs mass shooting, along with other high-profile active shooter incidents this year and year s past have once again predictably sparked socio-political hot button issues concerning gun reform, background checks, mental illness and SSRI prescription drugs. This is something that has prompted critics to consider that there might be even more to the story.Below is a CNN video report discussing the lengthy criminal background of the First Baptist Church gunman. Note the strong emphasis in this report regarding Kelley s access to weaponry rather than a deeper analysis over how he received such a relaxed military conviction Drills, Dupes & Informants?A day after the suspicious San Bernardino shooting in 2015, San Antonio s nonprofit Alamo Community Group began practicing active shooter scenarios with employees. San Antonio is only 35 miles from where the Sutherland Springs mass shooting took place and a city that has been rigorously training for mass casualty scenarios for the last five years, holding active shooter drills with approximately one hundred officers a week over at least the last couple of years. Here s a passage from an ABC affiliate in San Antonio on the matter: Though it [the training] is simulated for active shooting scenarios, the training could easily be applied to many other mass casualty situations as well. In past two years, about 4,000 people have been involved in San Antonio s new rescue task force training program. As 21 WIRE has documented over the years, many so-called shooting/terror/attacks involve individuals being monitored by security services prior to an alleged act taking place. A place where a lone wolf graduates into the ranks of a known wolf. Although the military wasn t officially keeping Kelley under watch, his case profile does exhibit potential signs of a possible informant status due to the litany of charges he managed to avoid through a cushy plea deal with the military. Historically, government operators have often made use of low-life criminals, and mentally disturbed individuals to fulfill various roles in entrapment stings or sometimes as bona fide solo actors in an actual attacks. Links between security agencies, military facilities and alleged attackers with a criminal history should arouse suspicion if they become connected to any future crimes.In January of 2015, a strategic security service think-tank known as The Soufan Group, reported that a larger national security threat resides with those who ve had a lengthy criminal background with known ties to security agencies: The Soufan Group, a New York think tank, said a better term for lone wolves would be known wolves , given how many are already known to Western intelligence agencies before they strike. These individuals, acting alone or in small groups have been on the radar of various agencies and organisations, highlighting the difficulty of effectively monitoring and managing people at the nexus of criminality and terrorism, it said in a report this week Domestically in America, it has been well documented that the FBI created a counter-intelligence program known as COINTELPRO (similar in scope to the CIA s Operation CHAOS), not only as a way to influence, but also a way to disrupt and coerce both left and right-wing political factions from the inside out. The FBI program infiltrated countless groups and movements across the political spectrum.Over the past several years, the FBI has been routinely caught foiling their very own terror plots. Following one of America s most deadly mass shootings at the Orlando Pulse nightclub, reports revealed that the FBI had a close relationship with the suspected attacker through the use of a well-known confidential informant. Similarly, recent reports state that FBI, court filings have revealed how the agency allowed an alleged home grown ISIS attack to take place in Garland, Texas. 21WIRE had previously uncovered the suspicious nature of the cartoon/shooting event in Garland when it occurred.In 2015, another strange informant case/FBI sting attempted to persuade a group into attacking the Humphrey Scottish Rite Masonic Center in Milwaukee.QUESTION: Is it possible the FBI or any or intelligence agency played some part in the Sutherland Springs church shooting whether inadvertently or otherwise?FBI informants have reportedly played a central role in over 50% of all domestic terror cases in the United States since 2009. According to reports, informants might earn up to $100,000 per case, as they are meant to build relationships with persons of interest. While the Sutherland Springs shooting is not considered a terror case, it does fit the profile of possible soft target scenarios outlined by the FBI.Here at 21WIRE, we ve kept a running report on many known wolf actors and other suspicious intelligence informant cases:Tamerlan Tsarnaev (see his story here) Buford Rogers (see his story here) Jerad Miller (see his story here) Naji Mansour (see his story here) Quazi Mohammad Nafis (see his story here) Mohamed Osman Mohamud (see his story here) Timothy McVeigh (see his story here) Salim Benghalem (see his story here) Michael Adebolajo (see his story here) Daba Deng (see his story here) Elton Simpson (see his story here) Man Haron Monis (see his story here) Abu Hamza (see his story here) Haroon Rashid Aswat (see his story here) Mark Vicars (see his story here) Glen Rodgers (see his story here) Omar Mateen (see his story here) Samy Mohamed Hamzeh (see his story here) Tashfeen Malik (see her story here) Djamel Beghal (see his story here) Anjem Choudary (see his story here) Cherif Kouachi (see his story here) Said Kouachi (see his story here) Amedy Coulibaly (see his story here) Hayat Boumeddiene (see her story here) Salah Abdeslam (see his story here) Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (see his story here) Nidal Malik Hassan (see his story here) Abdelhakim Dekhar (see his story here) Abdelhamid Abaaoud (see his story here) Samy Amimour (see his story here) Isma l Omar Mostefa (see his story here) Mohamed Lahouij Bouhlel (see his story here) Anis Amri (see his story here) Esteban Santiago-Ruiz (see his story here) Abdulkadir Masharipov (see his story here) Khalid Masood (see his story here) Khuram Butt (see his story here) Youssef Zaghba (see his story here) Sayfullo Saipov (see his story here)According to pastor Frank Pomeroy, who was out-of-town at the time of the shooting with his wife Sherri, the hundred member First Baptist Church, is slated to be demolished sometime soon. However, prior to the demolition, the site will become a temporary memorial and the building will be scrubbed down and whitewashed, as white chairs will be placed inside to remember those who died.There are still a number of questions following the Sutherland Springs mass shooting tragedy *** 21WIRE associate editor Shawn Helton is a researcher and writer, specializing in forensic analysis of high-profile crime scene and counter terrorism investigations, and the deconstruction and analysis of the mass-media coverage surrounding those cases. He has compiled an extensive body of work covering a number of high-profile events since 2012.READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter FilesSupport our work by Subscribing and become a Member @21WIRE.TV;November 13, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Russian-American lobbyist met with Trump Jr., Russian lawyer: NBC News;(Reuters) - A lobbyist who was once a Soviet counter-intelligence officer participated last year in a meeting with senior aides to U.S. President Donald Trump, including his eldest son, and a Russian lawyer, NBC News reported on Friday, adding to allegations of possible connections between Moscow and the November election. NBC News, which did not identify the Russian-American lobbyist, said some U.S. officials suspected him of still having ties to Russian intelligence, something he denied to the network. The Associated Press said the lobbyist, whom it identified as Rinat Akhmetshin, confirmed that he had attended the June 2016 meeting in New York’s Trump Tower. A source familiar with the participants of the meeting confirmed to Reuters that Akhmetshin was in the room. The meeting appears to be the most tangible evidence of a connection between Trump’s election campaign and Russia, a subject that has prompted investigations by congressional committees and a federal special counsel. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and former campaign adviser Paul Manafort were also at the meeting, which the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., agreed to attend because he believed he could get damaging information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Trump Jr. did not mention Akhmetshin’s presence when he released a series of emails about the meeting earlier this week. Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, said the report about Akhmetshin “if accurate, adds another deeply disturbing fact about this secret meeting.” Akhmetshin was not available for comment on Friday. There was no answer at the door of his house in Washington. The White House had no immediate comment about the NBC News report of a Russian-American lobbyist at the meeting. Kushner’s spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment, and Manafort’s spokesman Jason Maloni said Manafort had no comment on the meeting. A former Trump campaign adviser, Michael Caputo, told reporters after he testified to the House Intelligence Committee in closed session on Friday that he had no contact with Russians and never heard of anyone in the campaign “talking with Russians.”   Accusations by U.S. intelligence agencies that Moscow meddled in the election and colluded with the Trump campaign have dominated the Republican president’s first months in office. Russia denies the allegations, and Trump says there was no collusion. The agencies said earlier this year that Russia sought to help Trump win the election by hacking private emails from Democratic Party officials and disseminating false information online. To help the White House deal with Russia-related investigations, Trump is hiring veteran Washington lawyer Ty Cobb, a source familiar with the matter said on Friday. Cobb’s role is separate from Trump’s outside legal team, led by New York lawyer Marc Kasowitz. Akhmetshin has been accused in federal and state courts in the United States of engaging in hacking conspiracies, although the allegations were later withdrawn, according to court records. In 2015, lawyers for the Russian mining company International Mineral Resources claimed in the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia that Akhmetshin helped organize the hack, theft and dissemination of private documents. That case was dropped. The same company filed a lawsuit against Akhmetshin in the New York Supreme Court but withdrew it last year. U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley described Akhmetshin in a letter to the Justice Department in March as “a former member of the Russian military intelligence services (GRU)” who was working to overturn the 2012 “Magnitsky Act” of Congress, which blacklists Russians for human rights abuses. The Kremlin has often complained about the act. Congressional records show that Akhmetshin lobbied Congress last year for the Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative Foundation, a Washington-based advocacy group that says it is working to lift laws that prevent U.S. residents from adopting Russian children. Those laws were put in place by Moscow in response to the Magnitsky Act. Trump told Reuters on Wednesday that he did not know about his son’s meeting last year until recently. But in a conversation with reporters later that day, Trump said: “In fact, maybe (the meeting) was mentioned at some point,” adding that he was not told it was about Clinton. Trump Jr.’s lawyer, Alan Futerfas, said he had talked with a person who came to the meeting between Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya and Trump aides. “He told me specifically he was not working for the Russian government, and in fact laughed when I asked him that question,” Futerfas told NBC News. It was not immediately clear if the person he referred to was Akhmetshin. The lawyer said Trump Jr. knew nothing about the man’s background at the time of the meeting. The Russian lawyer in the meeting, Veselnitskaya, has said she was not working for Russian authorities, but she told The Wall Street Journal in an interview on Friday that she was meeting with Russian authorities regularly. She said she shared information about a U.S.-born fund manager who lobbied for passage of the Magnitsky Act with the Russian prosecutor general’s office, including with Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, a top official appointed by the Kremlin, the Journal said.;July 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Joe Scarborough ADMITS That Trickle Down Economics Is A Total Republican Lie (VIDEO);In a shocking moment of confession, Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough admitted on the air that trickle down economics is a lie that only helped the rich get richer.In an effort to explain why so many conservatives are flocking to support Republican front-runner Donald Trump, Scarborough said on Tuesday that it s because Republicans have lied to their constituents for the last thirty years that wealth will trickle down to them if we help the wealthy by cutting taxes.This can be seen most clearly in the wealth gap, which has only widened over the last three decades, resulting in the top 1 percent owning more the nation s wealth than the bottom 50 percent of the population combined. The rich have gotten richer and the poor have only gotten poorer as the once mighty and prosperous American middle class is disappearing. The problem with the Republican Party over the past 30 years is they haven t and I ll say, we haven t developed a message that appeals to the working class Americans economically in a way that Donald Trump s does, Scarborough said. We talk about cutting capital gains taxes that the 10,000 people that in the crowd cheering for Donald Trump, they are never going to get a capital gains cut because it doesn t apply. We talk about getting rid of the death tax. The death tax is not going to impact the 10,000 people in the crowd for Donald Trump. We talk about how great free trade deals are. Those free trade deals never trickle down to those 10,000 people in Donald Trump s rallies. And then the former Republican lawmaker actually flat-out admitted that trickle down hasn t worked. But herein lies the problem with the Republican Party. It never trickles down! Those people in Trump s crowds, those are all the ones that lost the jobs when they get moved to Mexico and elsewhere. The Republican donor class are the ones that got rich off of it because their capital moved overseas and they made higher profits What we re finding this year is, they ll even support a guy who says Planned Parenthood is good if he comes with an economic approach that they feel could actually help them more in the future. Here s the video via YouTube:And Scarborough is absolutely right. For decades, Republicans have told the American people that their economic concerns will be all taken care of as long as we eliminate taxes on the wealthy. But all that trickle down economics has caused is Americans losing their jobs overseas and they never see a dime of the wealth the GOP promised would trickle down upon them. It s like saying apples will fall from a tree if you just wait long enough but by the time one does fall it s rotten to the core and worthless. And that s if the tree doesn t just keep all the apples for itself like the wealthy are currently keeping all the money to themselves.The fact is that trickle down economics is a failed economic policy that needs to be ditched in favor of one that actually helps the American people. It s time for the rich to start paying their fair share and it s time for the middle class to rise again and take back the wealth that has been stolen by Republicans and their wealthy puppet masters.Featured image via screenshot;March 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republicans block Democrats' bid to see Treasury files on Trump;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Republicans on Tuesday shot down a legislative effort by Democrats to obtain Treasury Department documents that could show any ties between the finances of President Donald Trump, his inner circle and the Russian government. The bill was rejected amid intense sparring with Democrats openly wondering whether or not Trump, a Republican, is compromised by a foreign power and Republicans dismissing it as a political stunt. Representative Jeb Hensarling, the Republican chair of the House Financial Services Committee that rejected the proposal, said the panel would not be spending any time exploring Trump’s financial network. Hensarling cited open investigations by congressional committees and a special counsel into conclusions by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 election campaign to help New York businessman Trump win. Moscow has denied any meddling and Trump has denied and collusion between his campaign and Russian officials. The bill, known as a “resolution of inquiry,” is a rarely used legislative tool that allows Congress to formally request certain documents from the executive branch. But following Tuesday’s voice vote in the committee, the bill is not expected to receive consideration by the full House of Representatives. Specifically, the bill sought documents that may have been unearthed by the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network that could show any ties between Trump’s finances and Russia. Democrats on the committee have been trying for months to obtain financial records tied to Trump. In particular, they have pressed for information involving his business dealings with foreign banks, and any potential connection to Moscow. “Clearly we have something afoot in this country that leads right to the top,” said Representative Earl Perlmutter, a Democrat. “We need to make sure that this nation isn’t under the thumb of another nation because of financial leverage or whatever it might be.” The resolution asked for any records of loans or credit from a number of banks to Trump, and 22 of his closest associates, including family members and top White House and campaign advisers. The banks include Deutsche Bank AG and Russian lenders Sberbank and Gazprombank. Hensarling chided Representative Maxine Waters, the top Democrat on the panel who has called for the president’s impeachment, for pushing the bill. He said it was “frankly and regrettably, a procedural tool that is blatantly political of nature and one that I do not necessarily consider to be worthy of debate.”;July 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Refugees reaching Zambia accuse DRC troops of killing civilians: U.N.;LUSAKA (Reuters) - Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) government forces have been killing civilians in an insurgency-hit region, prompting the latest influx of refugees into northern Zambia, a senior U.N. official said, citing accounts of asylum seekers. Zambia fears a looming humanitarian crisis after more than 6,000 refugees fleeing turmoil in the DRC entered its territory in one month. [L5N1M32S5] Pierrine Aylara, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) chief representative in Zambia, told Reuters that the latest asylum seekers had said they were fleeing Congolese government forces. It is the government of the DRC that is said to be persecuting its own people by killing, maiming and torching houses, as well as committing rape and looting food stored in granaries, Aylara said. Thousands of people have been killed and more than one million forced to flee their homes in the DRC s eastern Kasai region since the start of an insurrection nearly a year ago by the Kamuina Nsapu militia. Kamuina Nsapu is demanding the withdrawal of military forces from Kasai. But U.N. monitors noted in a report that the conflict has shifted away from an insurrection of a specific community towards a wider upheaval far beyond its initial confines. A rebel group known as Elema was fighting the government mainly with machetes, bows and arrows in Congo s Haut Katanga and Tanganyika provinces, Aylara said. The group is not targeting civilians and aims to protect them, but is rather targeting government soldiers, the police as well as government establishments, she said. The insurgency poses the worst threat yet to the rule of DRC President Joseph Kabila. His refusal to step down at the end of his constitutional mandate last December prompted a wave of killings and lawlessness across the vast central African nation. In turn, government soldiers have become increasingly brutal to the civilian population as they are unable to tell who does and does not belong to this (rebel) group, Aylara said. DRC government forces were fighting alongside a tribe known as the Abatembo and targeting the Luba and Tabwa tribes who were believed to be sympathetic to the Elema rebels, she said. Southern African leaders plan to appoint a retired African president to oversee a process aimed at bringing about free and all-inclusive elections in the DRC to help heal the tensions that have caused internal strife and the refugee crisis.;September 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WHOA: Russians Hacked Voting Systems In 39 States;The Russian attacks on our election were far more widespread than previously thought. Recently, a woman by the name of Reality Winner was arrested for leaking classified information related to Kremlin hacking of multiple states election systems. But the information Winner released is mild in comparison to new information.A new report reveals that Putin s cyberthugs breached voting systems in 39 states and contrary to the Republican narrative, they did attempt to change or delete voter data in attacks that so concerned the Obama administration that they complained directly to Russia about it.According to Bloomberg, the Obama administration was concerned that the Russian hackers were preparing to delete voter registration information or otherwise disrupt the vote. In fact, they did attempt to alter and delete voter data in Illinois. That idea would obsess the Obama White House throughout the summer and fall of 2016, outweighing worries over the DNC hack and private Democratic campaign emails given to Wikileaks and other outlets, according to one of the people familiar with those conversations, Bloomberg reports. The Homeland Security Department dispatched special teams to help states strengthen their cyber defenses, and some states hired private security companies to augment those efforts. Bloomberg notes that in many cases, it is difficult to tell how far Russia infiltrated, as some states have offered limited cooperation with investigations.How much did Donald Trump s team know about the Russian hacking of our election? It s difficult to tell at this point but the fervor with which The Donald s friends are defending the Kremlin and denying that the attacks happened sends a clear message that they knew a lot.Featured image via Getty Images/Chip Somodevilla;June 13, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Two more Saudi firms say board members reported detained;KHOBAR, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - Two more Saudi Arabian companies said on Monday they were operating normally after local media reported that members of their boards had been detained in a sweeping anti-corruption probe. In a brief statement, Saudi Aseer Trading, Tourism and Manufacturing 4080.SE said two board members had been reported held, though it did not name them or confirm they were being detained by authorities. Saudi media reported earlier that the company s chairman Abdullah Saleh Kamel had been detained. Saudi officials told Reuters that another Aseer board member, former Saudi Arabian Airlines director-general Khalid al-Mulheim, was being held. Meanwhile Red Sea International 4230.SE, a builder of housing, said its business was continuing despite media reports that its chairman Amr al-Dabbagh had been detained. Saudi officials told Reuters that Dabbagh, a former governor of the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority, was being held. [nL5N1NB02A] Saudi royals, ministers and businessmen are among those held in the biggest anti-corruption purge of the kingdom s affluent elite in its modern history. [nL5N1NC1OF] The arrests are the latest in a series of dramatic steps by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to assert Saudi influence internationally and centralize his own power within a hereditary ruling system at home. Among other detained businessmen are Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, chairman of investment firm Kingdom Holding 4280.SE. Al Tayyar Travel 1810.SE said on Monday that it was continuing to operate after local media reported its founder Nasser bin Aqeel al-Tayyar was being held.;November 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Rick Scott Just Got HUMILIATED So Badly In A Starbucks That He Had To Run Away (VIDEO);When Florida Governor Rick Scott walked into a downtown Gainesville Starbucks, he probably expected to just get some coffee but after what happened to him, he ended up running away like someone was about to destroy his final Horcrux. On Tuesday, the adult version of Bat Boy didn t even get to purchase his latte when a customer lit him on fire (not literally, though it is rumored that fire is his weakness) for his mishandling of, well, everything since he took office: You cut Medicaid so I couldn t get Obamacare. You re an asshole. You don t care about working people. You should be ashamed to show your face around here. Scott replied that he has created one million jobs since he took office a number that is shockingly true but the woman, like anyone who looks upon the rest of Scott s record, was thoroughly unimpressed by the alleged human whose solution to poverty is wasting taxpayer dollars drug testing the poor. A million jobs? she asked as she looked around the room. Great, who here has a great job? I was looking forward to finishing school. You really feel you have a job coming up? She added that Scott stripped women of access to public healthcare. Shame on you, Rick Scott, she yelled as he hastily retreated out the door. We depend on those services. Rich people like you don t know what to do. When poor people like us need health services you cut them. Shame on you Rick Scott, she said one final time. You re an embarrassment to our state. Sweet, said the man who caught the incident on camera.I think we can all agree with him.Watch this glorious moment unfold below:Featured image via screengrab;April 6, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End