### Human: What is another cause of dielectric losses in a capacitor? ### Assistant: current flow across the slightly resistive supply lines or the electrolyte
### Human: What were Wafd members accused of? ### Assistant: corruption
### Human: Why did the French want a Swiss bank president? ### Assistant:
### Human: Web pages that contained content critical of what religous movement were taken off of the Internet Archive in 2002? ### Assistant: Scientology
### Human: From what did the Renaissance Movement mark the change? ### Assistant: medieval' to the 'modern
### Human: In 1264 AD, what caused the Kyburg dynasty to fall? ### Assistant: extinction of its male line in 1263
### Human: How many people died? ### Assistant: 69,197
### Human: Schwarzenegger shows up as the President of the United States in what 2007 animated movie? ### Assistant: The Simpsons Movie
### Human: What causes edges of CDs to be incorrectly sealed? ### Assistant:
### Human: How can the total energy of a system be calculated? ### Assistant: by adding up all forms of energy in the system
### Human: What was one of the local councils that opposed the planned stadium? ### Assistant:
### Human: What does Jehovah Witnesses define the "world" to mean? ### Assistant: "the mass of mankind apart from Jehovah's approved servants"
### Human: From where is the temperature of a glacier measured? ### Assistant: base alone
### Human: How many people were killed in the incendry attack on Tokyo on March 9-10, 1945? ### Assistant: 1,00,000
### Human: What measures might the user "ISO" setting correspond to? ### Assistant: the noise-based speed, saturation-based speed, or the specified output sensitivity, or even some made-up number for marketing purposes
### Human: How much revenue did Spectre produce from the British, Scottish, and Irish market by 2/21/2016? ### Assistant: $138.1 million
### Human: who was britains closest enemy since the Crimean war? ### Assistant:
### Human: What two states did George Bush campaign the hardest in? ### Assistant:
### Human: What kind of molecular hydrogen is the H+3 knows as? ### Assistant: protonated
### Human: What variety is the most common the the United States and the U.K. ### Assistant: Pekin duck
### Human: How many households are there in Tucson as of 2010? ### Assistant: 2,29,762
### Human: Currently, royal dissent has been delegated to whom? ### Assistant:
### Human: Does having unprotected sex, multiple sexual partners, and poor communication increase or decrease individual and social risk? ### Assistant: increase
### Human: What does the smallness of the Planck constant ignore? ### Assistant:
### Human: What percentage of the population continues to hold indigenous beliefs? ### Assistant: 40%
### Human: How many crew members out of every five on the RMS Titanic were Sotonians? ### Assistant: Four
### Human: What body of water affects Detroit's climate? ### Assistant: Great Lakes
### Human: Who put together a report about the Armenian Genocide? ### Assistant: Arnold J. Toynbee
### Human: What percentage of people had a positive response to the new crest, as opposed to those who were negative or indifferent? ### Assistant:
### Human: When did Ed Miliband resign? ### Assistant:
### Human: When did N Force leave Norfolk Island during the time of World War II? ### Assistant: Feb-44
### Human: Which two Muslim scientists did Salam celebrate as inventors of unempirical methods? ### Assistant:
### Human: What's the Dutch word for the items like shirts and pants that you wear that only exists in a plural form? ### Assistant: kleertjes
### Human: US territories of Puerto Rico Virgin Islands and Cuba are located where? ### Assistant:
### Human: When did blacks lose the right to vote? ### Assistant: 1908
### Human: With what song did Motley Crue reach their commercial peak? ### Assistant:
### Human: The Fashion Institute of Technology is on the corner of 27th Street and what Avenue? ### Assistant: Eighth
### Human: Lieberson left Columbia in what year? ### Assistant:
### Human: What students developed the first red-violet LED? ### Assistant:
### Human: What was Speedway Blvd called in the 1990s? ### Assistant: "Street of the Year"
### Human: What was the response to Kerry's accusation of funding traffickers? ### Assistant: little reaction in the media and official Washington
### Human: What is the filament not made of? ### Assistant:
### Human: What type of geology is the Niger Delta Nembe Creek Oil field? ### Assistant: middle Miocene deltaic sandstone-shale in an anticline structural trap
### Human: What architects have buildings in the Yale New Campus? ### Assistant:
### Human: In what year was George crowned? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who stopped attending Cabinet with the passage of the Ministry of Defence Act of 1946? ### Assistant: the Secretary of State for War, the First Lord of the Admiralty, and the Secretary of State for Air
### Human: What is one of the fastest growing demographics in Spain? ### Assistant:
### Human: What entity governed Portugal until 1976? ### Assistant: Junta de Salva莽茫o Nacional
### Human: When did Zipoetes I assume the role of king? ### Assistant: 297 BCE
### Human: What type of exercise can provide small improvements? ### Assistant: Yoga
### Human: Where are there still populations of indigenous peoples? ### Assistant: Many parts of the Americas
### Human: What city ranked higher in population in the gay community? ### Assistant: San Francisco
### Human: Which supercontinent came apart in the Jurassic period? ### Assistant: Pangaea
### Human: Many lexical meaning words have stayed the same in Hokkien but not in what language? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who wanted CNN to apologize for its insult to Chinese people? ### Assistant: the Chinese government
### Human: What percent of data submitted to the CIA is in this format? ### Assistant:
### Human: Which aspect of organisms changes most radically in the process of evolution Popper envisions? ### Assistant: behaviour
### Human: What language did Chopin's father teach? ### Assistant: French
### Human: What facet of the capital city was emulated by other urban centers in the Roman Republic? ### Assistant: The architectural style
### Human: Where is San Diego's border crossing? ### Assistant: the San Ysidro neighborhood at the San Ysidro Port of Entry
### Human: How many hydraulic elevators are there at Radio City Music Hall? ### Assistant: four
### Human: What type of wavelength does purple have? ### Assistant:
### Human: What percentage of European digital satellite TV homes were watching SD broadcasts in 2010? ### Assistant:
### Human: How have researchers been doing this? ### Assistant: infecting pathogenic bacteria
### Human: What does Liquidmetal Technologies use for their alloys? ### Assistant: zirconium
### Human: Since when have Portuguese universities existed? ### Assistant: 1290
### Human: In addition to the 2 GB model, what larger model did Sony offer? ### Assistant:
### Human: List two alternatives to rotary stepper motors in printer applications. ### Assistant: linear stepper motors or servomotors
### Human: When were the Marshal Islands first settled? ### Assistant: 2nd millennium BC
### Human: How much precipitation does Juno receive each year? ### Assistant: over 50 in
### Human: How many people participate in El Tour de Tucson? ### Assistant: as many as 10,000
### Human: What do the ideas of general political character give proof of in early Islamic history? ### Assistant:
### Human: How long is a typical uncoiled tungsten filament for a 60-watt bulb? ### Assistant: 22.8 inches
### Human: What is the average snowfall in Oklahoma near the Colorado border? ### Assistant: over 20 inches
### Human: What has become increasingly important as the technology deveops? ### Assistant: autosomal DNA
### Human: Where did Elizabeth first meet Zechariah? ### Assistant:
### Human: By 2015 what was Seattle's population? ### Assistant: 6,62,400
### Human: Who led Hellenization practices by founding new Greek cities and colonies? ### Assistant: Alexander
### Human: Magna Graecia is Latin for what term? ### Assistant: Greater Greece
### Human: What did the r become? ### Assistant:
### Human: What do stakeholders use to implement a marketing strategy? ### Assistant:
### Human: Moving the writer toward the reader would be an example of what type of translation method? ### Assistant: transparency
### Human: For tasks lasting a few minutes, an unfit human can generate how many watts? ### Assistant:
### Human: Whose art influence Madonna? ### Assistant: Frida Kahlo
### Human: What gives gives a measure of the product KJ2RR in SI units? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who never broadcasted the FA Cup? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who holds a majority of the shares in the Everton FC? ### Assistant: the board of directors
### Human: When did Burke leave the Whig party? ### Assistant: 5 June 1791
### Human: What type of event did the Klan intend to have at Notre Dame in March of 1924? ### Assistant: a week-long Klavern
### Human: Which European government contributed the least to the UNFPA in 2008? ### Assistant: Luxembourg
### Human: What company was previously headquartered in the Downtown Macy's? ### Assistant: Burdine's
### Human: What determination of the study of law was never scrutinized? ### Assistant:
### Human: How long are all the public beaches together in miles? ### Assistant: 14
### Human: What LEDs are considered safer than any other? ### Assistant: low-intensity yellow LEDs
### Human: Who has stirred controversy for development and design of Chelsea Barracks? ### Assistant: Prince Charles
### Human: What are the scriptures on vinaya called? ### Assistant: vinayapitaka
### Human: What year did the Vienna Philharmonic first accept women? ### Assistant: 1997
### Human: Where did department stores begin to advertise after the large influx of new shoppers? ### Assistant: newspapers
### Human: What building material were tomb chambers constructed with? ### Assistant: brick
### Human: Which force are the Rangers part of? ### Assistant: reserve force