### Human: What term did IUCN coin in 1758? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who did Richard Francis Burton break away from in the 18th century? ### Assistant:
### Human: Testing reliability under expected or rare workload is called what? ### Assistant:
### Human: Dogs contributed to what migration 1400 years ago? ### Assistant: Apache and Navajo tribes
### Human: When was the Erie Railroad Co. v. Tompkins rescinded? ### Assistant:
### Human: What was the reintroduction of divorced Catholics into the church considered to be by the Council? ### Assistant: taboo
### Human: What year was Jeannette Rankin vote against war the first time? ### Assistant: 1917
### Human: Who were Frankie Hardy and Ron Knuckles? ### Assistant:
### Human: When did the United States begin to pay compensation to Marshall Islanders for nuclear weapon exposure? ### Assistant: 1956
### Human: What genre was 'True Love'? ### Assistant: comedy
### Human: What entity did the British Empire slowly become during Elizabeth's reign? ### Assistant: Commonwealth of Nations
### Human: What, typically, is the speed of the second movement in a classical piece? ### Assistant: slow
### Human: What other term is a solvated protons referred as? ### Assistant: hydronium ion
### Human: What did Darwin's book do for the field of scientific study of evolution? ### Assistant: Darwin's book legitimised scientific discussion of evolutionary mechanisms
### Human: What is called 'China's Hollywood'? ### Assistant: Hengdian
### Human: What was the fate of the Lutheran manuscript printed in 1525? ### Assistant: destroyed
### Human: What is the period from 1750 to 1820 called? ### Assistant: the Classical period
### Human: What country was being led by an Emperor in 1950? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who was the first European to see the Athabascan oil sands? ### Assistant: Alexander MacKenzie
### Human: Who populated the areas of Zhejiang in the 2nd millennium BC? ### Assistant: Hundred Yue
### Human: What did 21st century fiction and drama move back toward? ### Assistant:
### Human: Where did many of Japan's soldiers come from? ### Assistant: Korea and Formosa
### Human: Where does it end in the US? ### Assistant: Central Alabama
### Human: In official contexts what should be the name of the Dictionary? ### Assistant:
### Human: What was closed in order to film a fight sequence using a boat? ### Assistant:
### Human: What decisions must be made in the last stage of database design? ### Assistant: performance, scalability, recovery, security
### Human: What system of rules kept her isolated from other children? ### Assistant: Kensington System
### Human: What is the Roman name for the South Pole? ### Assistant:
### Human: Which European cities likely had populations greater than 100,000 in 1500? ### Assistant: Venice, Milan, Naples, Paris and Constantinople
### Human: How many different types of nociceptor chemical channels have been identified? ### Assistant:
### Human: Of what nationality was Perrin? ### Assistant: French
### Human: What ended in 1878? ### Assistant:
### Human: What Lutherans do not support this doctrine? ### Assistant:
### Human: What in making Planck's law was in neither the numerator and denominator of the formula that was used? ### Assistant:
### Human: What code moved beyond its cerimonial functions? ### Assistant:
### Human: What level of discretion do governments with a low degree of the "rule of law" have? ### Assistant: a great deal
### Human: Who approves still-image coders? ### Assistant:
### Human: Why are tagging rules made? ### Assistant: this is done to give wrestlers a break from the action
### Human: When was the Wye College campus closed? ### Assistant: Sep-09
### Human: What grouping of world powers has Japan been a member of? ### Assistant:
### Human: When was SWAPO designated as the representative of Namibian people? ### Assistant: 1973
### Human: What doesn't continuous torque density refer to? ### Assistant:
### Human: What was proposed at the VIII International Congress of Photography? ### Assistant: a standardized method of sensitometry
### Human: What was originally intended for mainly girls? ### Assistant:
### Human: What profession was the individual Zhang Zhongjing involved in? ### Assistant: physician
### Human: What does BOM stand for? ### Assistant: Unicode Byte Order Mark
### Human: What is another name for Estonian's southern dialect? ### Assistant:
### Human: What do chetoblast cells do? ### Assistant: hair-forming
### Human: The shear sector is one of the important what? ### Assistant:
### Human: What else does this law provide to service providers? ### Assistant: safe harbor
### Human: What position was Ben Franklin appointed in 1776? ### Assistant: member of the Committee of Five that drafted the Declaration of Independence.
### Human: What is the name of the group that drew responses from the resident and most of his staff regarding anti-bullying? ### Assistant: It Gets Better Project
### Human: What was the determination of the referendum? ### Assistant: separation
### Human: What year did parliament rescind the exemption of 1799 given to the Freemasons? ### Assistant: 1967
### Human: What was the name of the Venetian who is prominent in the early Georgian period? ### Assistant:
### Human: What state uses as a motto a passage from the Bible? ### Assistant: Ohio
### Human: What is the most popular tourist attraction in Israel? ### Assistant: Western Wall
### Human: How many Communists were executed at the Slansky trial? ### Assistant: 11
### Human: What was the topic of the Everson v. Board of Education? ### Assistant: government funds to pay for transportation of students to both public and Catholic schools
### Human: How much of near-shore aerial annelids are burrowing? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is colophony commonly reported as when caused or made worse by workplace exposure? ### Assistant:
### Human: What song was the sixth first place song for Beyonce? ### Assistant: Telephone
### Human: During the post Napoleonic era where were the first Great Powers concentrated? ### Assistant: Europe
### Human: Which individual in the household was responsible for the Vesta cult? ### Assistant: wife
### Human: Locusts destroy what? ### Assistant: agricultural goods
### Human: What did the Greeks offer to the Ottoman Empire that wasn't a superb benefit ? ### Assistant:
### Human: How are dogs viewed in Islam? ### Assistant: as unclean
### Human: What results from possession by even benign spirits? ### Assistant: loss of self-control and violent emotional outbursts
### Human: Who is the founder of the Khan Academy? ### Assistant: Salman Khan
### Human: Was Fort Roon named after one of the French generals or classified as a Monuments historiques? ### Assistant:
### Human: What has been the Arsenal crest since 1925? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who was a Queen of Egypt during the time when Punt and Egypt were close? ### Assistant: Hatshepsut
### Human: On what side of the city is University College Cork located? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is a common destination outside of Africa for Congolese airlines? ### Assistant: Paris
### Human: Why is depicting God forbidden in the Islamic world? ### Assistant: such artistic depictions may lead to idolatry
### Human: Among radio markets in Florida, where does Miami rank? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who raided German territories regularly ### Assistant: Germanic tribes regularly invaded the Roman territories.
### Human: What did Hermann use the term angiosperm a primary division of in the plant kingdom? ### Assistant: primary
### Human: What areas experience periodic flooding from rapid snowmelt and runoff? ### Assistant: The areas that are not arid and receive high precipitation
### Human: What phrase is used to describe the period marked by competition for extant lands? ### Assistant: The Age of Empire
### Human: How many districts made up Avon County? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who ruminates on the nature of approaches? ### Assistant:
### Human: Which individual estimated millions of Muslim deaths in the Balkans in the late 19th and early 20th century? ### Assistant: Justin McCarthy
### Human: What works better for a majority leader than Republicans being in disarray? ### Assistant:
### Human: Which other countries was Spain at war with during the 16 century? ### Assistant: Netherlands, France and England
### Human: With what company did Turner Broadcasting Systems merge in 1999? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who said, "countries that aspire to strategic international influence have aircraft carriers"? ### Assistant: Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope
### Human: What is not tolerated by the government in respect to media? ### Assistant: no public criticism of the regime is tolerated
### Human: Where was Tharapita born in his legend story? ### Assistant: on a forested mountain in Virumaa
### Human: When year did Prince Albert resurrect? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is the majority of organizational estimations of Azerbaijanis' percentage of Iran's population? ### Assistant: 25%
### Human: What was not affected by a number of elemental influences? ### Assistant:
### Human: Along which two valleys do most inhabitants of Chihuahua live? ### Assistant: Rio Grande Valley and the Conchos River Valley
### Human: What's the German word for a tertiary education institution? ### Assistant: Fachhochschule
### Human: What year did the railroad to London from Southampton open fully? ### Assistant: 1840
### Human: When did Prince Albert die? ### Assistant: 1861
### Human: The Charleston International Airport is located in what city? ### Assistant: North Charleston
### Human: What Lutheran school did Tom Monaghan found? ### Assistant:
### Human: What kind of built-in tuner will allow a cable-ready TV to display HD content without an external box? ### Assistant: QAM
### Human: In what year did the Erie Canal finish building? ### Assistant: 1825