### Human: Who succeeded Nasser? ### Assistant: Anwar Sadat
### Human: When did the Ming court send a second request to Tsongkhapa? ### Assistant: 1413
### Human: What causes fermentation during the brewing process when making a beer? ### Assistant: yeast
### Human: What type of risk assessment results in approving the drug to go on the market? ### Assistant: positive benefit-risk
### Human: How many of the extant fungi in Antarctica are lichen-forming? ### Assistant: 400
### Human: Who cast the Sanctus bell? ### Assistant: Richard Phelps and Thomas Lester
### Human: What process splits the chromosome between gametes? ### Assistant: meiosis
### Human: What was Greece's largest port as measured by good transported in 2010? ### Assistant: Aghioi Theodoroi
### Human: Who did Burke think Britain could beat at war? ### Assistant:
### Human: What large country pressured CAR to hold elections? ### Assistant: the United States
### Human: How much alcohol is in Schorschbock 57? ### Assistant: 57,5%
### Human: The modern Theravada school stablished itself in what country? ### Assistant: Sri Lanka
### Human: Municipalities have how many major policy responsibilities? ### Assistant: local governments can justify
### Human: Where are Italian Summer feasts held? ### Assistant: the North End
### Human: Where was the Southern Fleets nuclear-powered aircraft carrier supposed to be stationed? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who managed the Cubs in 1969? ### Assistant: Leo Durocher
### Human: Who redid the Tuileries Garden in 1664? ### Assistant: André Le Nôtre
### Human: How is the Greek word parousia translated when referring to Christ? ### Assistant: "coming"
### Human: What delicate component is less likely to be damaged if laser depanelization is used? ### Assistant: circuits
### Human: What social institution is associated with the emotion of love? ### Assistant: marriage
### Human: What isn't Belgian Federalism? ### Assistant:
### Human: What were the islands used as during World War I? ### Assistant:
### Human: Where did Dominic and his followers live in during early 1320? ### Assistant:
### Human: The scientific works of which scientists are still studied regularly? ### Assistant:
### Human: Which method of gaining knowledge is not included in the Vedanta school? ### Assistant:
### Human: What castles did Henry II transfer into John's name? ### Assistant: Chinon, Loudun and Mirebeau
### Human: Where was the last part of the San Francisco torch relay carried through before getting on a bus? ### Assistant: Marina district
### Human: Aphrodite was paired with which local god? ### Assistant: Hagne
### Human: What is another name for Unicode? ### Assistant:
### Human: Why did Popper support organized religion? ### Assistant:
### Human: What does revision 1.2 remove? ### Assistant: USB ports type detection via resistive detection mechanisms
### Human: How many battleships did the UK Navy lose at Pearl Harbor? ### Assistant:
### Human: When Muhammad dies, what had been compiled as a book? ### Assistant:
### Human: Do all plants have male and female parts? ### Assistant: separate individuals
### Human: By 1931, Ashkenazi Jews were what percentage of the world Jewry? ### Assistant: 92%
### Human: After what age could women become members of the Dominican Order? ### Assistant: thirteen
### Human: On what date did the Soviet Union dissolve? ### Assistant: December 26, 1991
### Human: How many schools does Washington University have? ### Assistant: seven
### Human: How many people weren't part of the study? ### Assistant:
### Human: Where do Southwestern's basketball, wrestling, and volleyball teams play? ### Assistant:
### Human: What government position was held by the man who donated the Grey Cup to Canadian football? ### Assistant: The Governor General of Canada
### Human: Why was philosophy taught in Ottoman madaris? ### Assistant: confirm the doctrines of Islam
### Human: What location did many of the Greek people decide to live in other than Greece after the 19th century ? ### Assistant: Asia Minor (now Turkey)
### Human: Carolingian minuscule script quickly spread across which continent? ### Assistant: Europe
### Human: What mandolin was designed to boost interest in the mandolin? ### Assistant: Lloyd Loar Master Model from Gibson
### Human: What political structure did Vietnam have? ### Assistant: communist
### Human: Which philosopher is quoted by the Catechism? ### Assistant: Aquinas
### Human: What are three examples of fast food dishes in Portugal? ### Assistant: Francesinha (Frenchie) from Porto, and bifanas (grilled pork) or prego (grilled beef) sandwiches
### Human: Who ruled the southern parts of Estonia? ### Assistant: Livonian Brothers of the Sword
### Human: How many countries are represented by the investors and developers of the CETDZ? ### Assistant: 20
### Human: What is the only country with a Japanese quail farming industry? ### Assistant:
### Human: What can an atom not be understood by according to Greek philosophers? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who was the failed architect of the Houses of Parliament? ### Assistant:
### Human: What ingredients give glass-ceramics its useful heat tolerance? ### Assistant: lithium and aluminosilicates
### Human: What forced the need to supplement food supply with nutrition? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is made by placing a plate of blade of copper, brass, or bronze into vat of fermenting wine for several weeks, then scraping off and drying the green powder? ### Assistant: Verdigris
### Human: Where are the biggest population of Puerto Ricans on the mainland? ### Assistant: many Puerto Ricans have migrated to New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia, and other areas of the Eastern United States
### Human: What was "Baseball's Sad Lexicon" also known as? ### Assistant: "Tinker to Evers to Chance"
### Human: Who records an average of 1,227.9 cm of precipitation a year? ### Assistant:
### Human: What tool is often used in measuring the width of paper? ### Assistant:
### Human: Is there a single standard for SDTV color support? ### Assistant:
### Human: In what year did the university divide into three departments? ### Assistant:
### Human: When was the cellar in the basement of Main Building built? ### Assistant: 1514–1516
### Human: Name 2 rail companies that use the city as a hub? ### Assistant: Pennsylvania Railroad and the Reading Railroad
### Human: Who did not want to participate in the relay as 'caged woman'? ### Assistant: Kiran Bedi
### Human: What season ends on June 1st? ### Assistant:
### Human: When did John Goldsmith share his work? ### Assistant: 1976
### Human: What other discipline was combined with expansion by the generativists? ### Assistant:
### Human: Which natural disaster features in Sura 22? ### Assistant: earthquake
### Human: Who undertook the most complete study of Hispanic language adoption? ### Assistant:
### Human: In what year was the article describing the type of arsenic found in Napoleon's hair published? ### Assistant: 2007
### Human: What people group was descended from Muslim converts to Christianity? ### Assistant: Moriscos
### Human: What country never formulated laws? ### Assistant:
### Human: How many forced labourers were in the largest camp? ### Assistant: 48,000
### Human: What is the total area of the Cambodian asphalt deposits? ### Assistant:
### Human: What did protesters scream during Tito's visit to the United Nations in the late 1970's? ### Assistant: Tito murderer
### Human: What type of fiber forms the backbone of the internet? ### Assistant: very high bandwidth
### Human: In 2006 what was crime mostly comprised of? ### Assistant: property
### Human: Who reaches their minimum temperature in the middle of their waking hours? ### Assistant:
### Human: What was the increase in population from 1957 to 2011? ### Assistant:
### Human: The Mediterranean was created by the collision of Europe and what? ### Assistant: Africa
### Human: The "To Secure These Rights" findings did not want desegregation of which institution? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who blew up the HMS Jasper? ### Assistant: The Cossacks
### Human: When was Queen Victorias coronation held? ### Assistant: 28 June 1838
### Human: Commercial projects in the late period tended to be "architectural" in what way? ### Assistant: "architectural in intention"
### Human: What was the new name given to ARCUK in the '80s? ### Assistant:
### Human: What extreme measure did the Californios take to try to draw the Natives out of the pueblo? ### Assistant:
### Human: What happened when Jan Zamoyski died? ### Assistant: movement lost its political force.
### Human: Who rejected Northwestern University? ### Assistant:
### Human: During what period was MS-DOS created? ### Assistant:
### Human: The person, aspects of self, and personal characteristics displayed to others are components of what? ### Assistant: self/identity
### Human: What type of operations were mainly done by Canadian forces? ### Assistant: peacekeeping
### Human: What is the purpose of secondary education? ### Assistant: to prepare for higher education, or to train directly in a profession.
### Human: Near what town was Oran Shaaban killed? ### Assistant: Bani Walid
### Human: What has reaching the internet enabled? ### Assistant:
### Human: When did Manuel Oribe pass a decree establishing the Greater University of the Republic? ### Assistant: 27 May 1838
### Human: When was the Corruption Perceptions Index implemented? ### Assistant:
### Human: British English and Croatian American are the major variants of which language? ### Assistant:
### Human: Why did the Manchurian Campaign fight the Russians. ### Assistant: over Manchuria and Korea.
### Human: What must one have no knowledge of in order to create a successful data model? ### Assistant: