### Human: What do wildlife enforcers regulate? ### Assistant: hunting and fishing regulations
### Human: Liberia's account deficit peaked at what percentage in 2008? ### Assistant: 60%
### Human: What was Masjid Bilal previously known as? ### Assistant: Masjid Muhammad #24
### Human: Which political party does Alaska generally support? ### Assistant: Republicans
### Human: What is the Abyssinian crisis? ### Assistant: Italy invaded Abyssinia
### Human: The Musicam format was proposed by Philips, based in which country? ### Assistant: Netherlands
### Human: Where did the Detroit Drive play their home games? ### Assistant: Joe Louis Arena
### Human: What do participants of the Carnival experience a heightened sense of? ### Assistant: social unity
### Human: What feature makes the Marshalls susceptible to harm due to rising sea levels? ### Assistant: its very low elevation
### Human: What Islamic schools developed from universities in the 10th century? ### Assistant:
### Human: What religion did the black community found? ### Assistant: African Methodist Episcopal Church
### Human: What is cooled in a furnace and blown by aligned air nozzles though holes in the conveyor belt? ### Assistant:
### Human: Which newspaper has a significantly higher circulation, The Sunday Times or The Times? ### Assistant: The Sunday Times
### Human: What factor determines the numbers people reach for estimates when studying DST? ### Assistant: methodology
### Human: What style of architecture came along with the Gothic style? ### Assistant:
### Human: How many regions in Singapore have widely accepted madaris? ### Assistant: 16
### Human: Who did Ashcroft say was brave? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who used only parts of Avicenna's works to support their own great spiritual insights? ### Assistant: al-Ghazali
### Human: Regions of DNA that serve no obvious function are often found in what type of organism? ### Assistant: eukaryotes
### Human: What all-in-one product was created in 1989 through Apple's consolidations? ### Assistant:
### Human: What language is only spoken in Southeast Asia and Taiwan? ### Assistant:
### Human: How much of the Latino population did Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans and Cuban Americans make up in 1911? ### Assistant:
### Human: What challenges affect U.S. mainland schools? ### Assistant:
### Human: How large is Pelham Bay Park in hectares? ### Assistant: 1,093
### Human: On which label did Elvis release his early singles? ### Assistant: Sun Records
### Human: What provides a bridge between the different items? ### Assistant:
### Human: What country has always had a dominant party in power since it was formed? ### Assistant:
### Human: After 1641 who was given the privilege of ennoblement? ### Assistant: sejm
### Human: What is Houston's land use policies credited with producing? ### Assistant: affordable housing
### Human: What is it called when a visible mound forms on the surface of a plate? ### Assistant: a colony
### Human: What is the highest peak in Antarctica at 4,892 ft? ### Assistant:
### Human: What professions made up the buld on middle class under Nasser? ### Assistant: Doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers, journalists
### Human: What kind of windows are in the chapter house? ### Assistant: 4-light quatre-foiled windows
### Human: What Continental Oil leader was Eisenhower tied to? ### Assistant: Leonard McCollum
### Human: When was neo-Gothic forgotten by influential figures? ### Assistant:
### Human: What identifier did the Nazis make the Freemason prisoners conceal? ### Assistant:
### Human: What did Nintendo release in Japan only? ### Assistant: 3D graphic capable headset
### Human: In what year did the king demand ale-sellers post signage on pain of forfeiture? ### Assistant: 1393
### Human: How many years after Mockingbird was Watchman set? ### Assistant: 20
### Human: What does the Schengen area allow in the European Union? ### Assistant: passport-free travel between EU members states
### Human: On what exchange was the Shell Group's new parent company primarily listed? ### Assistant: the London Stock Exchange
### Human: What is the requirement of the act? ### Assistant: annual stamp purchase by all hunters over the age of sixteen
### Human: What is Standard based on? ### Assistant: Eastern Catalan
### Human: What is another name for ancestor worship? ### Assistant: worship of Ajima
### Human: What did Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau agree was necessary for a man to live in civil society? ### Assistant: social contract
### Human: Name one second-generation technology that is market ready. ### Assistant: wind power
### Human: What philosophy was named for Gamal Abdel Nasser? ### Assistant: Nasserism
### Human: With what word should you see a candle flicker or feel a puff of air? ### Assistant: pin
### Human: In August 2014, Sony entered a joint venture with whom? ### Assistant:
### Human: In what year was Howard Kendall appointed manager of the Everton FC for the third time? ### Assistant: 1997
### Human: Where is uranium unnaturally formed? ### Assistant:
### Human: When did Japan finish building the Hakata Bay barrier? ### Assistant: 1277
### Human: In what year did the Ottoman empire lose Greece? ### Assistant: 1821
### Human: When did the seizure of Manchuria occur? ### Assistant: Sep-31
### Human: What annelid group includes leeches and earthworms? ### Assistant: clitellates
### Human: Where was pepsi first produced? ### Assistant: New Bern
### Human: What is another term that can be used to describe "potentially damaging" compounds? ### Assistant: mutation causing
### Human: What is the second largest library in France? ### Assistant: Biblioth猫que nationale et universitaire
### Human: What is the heartland of retailing in Uruguay? ### Assistant: Montevideo
### Human: Fields such as business, industry, sports, science, and performing arts incorporate some notion of what into their measuring systems? ### Assistant: time
### Human: What type of life is more environmentally diverse than extinction? ### Assistant:
### Human: In what state's supreme court was State v. Santiago decided? ### Assistant: Connecticut
### Human: What is another name for Latin script? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is frequency also known as in science? ### Assistant: f
### Human: Where is the setting for To Kill a Mockingbird? ### Assistant: Maycomb, Alabama
### Human: What year did season ten of American Idol first air? ### Assistant: 2011
### Human: What nationality is stated as the one Fr茅d茅ric felt most identified by? ### Assistant: Polish
### Human: What caused Dublin to become urbanized? ### Assistant:
### Human: What did Imperial aquire in the 19th century ### Assistant:
### Human: How much was spent on health per capita after 2004? ### Assistant:
### Human: Where was the relay event held in North Korea? ### Assistant: Pyongyang.
### Human: What did the 19th century non-theist Stephen Jay say specifically about God? ### Assistant:
### Human: Chlorothiazide helped reduce the mortality rate among those with what disease? ### Assistant: hypertension
### Human: What country is bordered by Cameroon to the north? ### Assistant:
### Human: Where does the Arctic tern migrate each year? ### Assistant: between Arctic breeding grounds and the Antarctic
### Human: How were comics published when serialization became more common? ### Assistant:
### Human: The algorithm defining artificial viscosity is a fundamental contribution to what area? ### Assistant: numerical hydrodynamics
### Human: What is Houston's major newspaper? ### Assistant: Houston Chronicle
### Human: After what event in France did asphalt begin to be used for pavements and assorted other uses? ### Assistant: revolution of 1830
### Human: Who was responsible for bringing Asian culture to the Greek? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is worse than the hemlock woolly adelgid? ### Assistant:
### Human: When would the assembly of tribes cease voting? ### Assistant: Once a measure received support from a majority of the tribes
### Human: North of what river in Northumbria was the kingdom not overrun by the Vikings? ### Assistant: Tyne
### Human: What music did not benefit from the rise of MTV? ### Assistant:
### Human: One of the dimensions is the extent to which power is exercised for personal gain, which is called what? ### Assistant: Control of Corruption
### Human: Which aspect of the oil and gas industry is Shell not active in? ### Assistant:
### Human: What Pope in 1477 included the word immaculate in the name of the feast ### Assistant:
### Human: What was being built that caused unpremeditated fighting on each side? ### Assistant: forward rifle pits and defensive positions
### Human: What property does copper have that links it to Aphrodite and Venus? ### Assistant: lustrous beauty
### Human: What did the Economic Community Monitorig Group cause the rebels to do? ### Assistant:
### Human: What prompted a help program produced by investments in the 1960s? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who settled near the fort ### Assistant: Near the fort settlements would grow housing artisans, traders and soldiers' wives and children
### Human: What year was an atomic bomb detonated near the island? ### Assistant: 1958
### Human: Who is responsible for the Census Bureau discarding the mulatto category? ### Assistant: Southern-dominated Congress
### Human: Which of Northwestern's alumni is notable for becoming the Texas Governor and convicted felon? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is New Schools colloquially known as? ### Assistant:
### Human: About how many people live in a square kilometer in Gonggabu VDC? ### Assistant: 20,000
### Human: dada nada was the moniker for what artist's solo act? ### Assistant: Ozn
### Human: Thomas Edison patented a print-and-etch method in what year? ### Assistant:
### Human: What was one of the primary reasons that the issue of non-affirmative action lost its momentum? ### Assistant: