They just keep shoving down their lgbt agenda down into our throat. Repealing 377A was a mistake on singapore government part
repealing 377A is a bad idea because it allows for human degeneracy
377A is there to keep basic moral rights
god made man and woman to be with each other, anything else is a sin
don’t ever advocate your homo tendencies
gay people are just mental issues
so now gays will be coming over to singapore to ruin the culture, congrats
govt gave in to the woke left that’s why they abolish
taking away 377A is worse than leaving it cos its never enough
repealing just so homos will contribute to society… government see money only
now singapore going to the wasteland cos of homos
faggots don’t belong in the work force
Now I must be cautious later hit on by gay
all they care is sex sex and sex
singapore being corrupted by the woke west look at how america turn out
if they gay they should go to america and not be in singapore
Singapore going downhill after 377A aboloshed
we should be avicting them not letting them stay
a crime is a crime, 377A was necessary
now singapore going to have no human decency
these gays and les are sinners
being gay is a choice… why are we letting them make a choice that is immoral
they deserve to be thrown into jail
why are we allowing mentally ill behaviour in singapore
Being Indian is strike 1, any other deformities and you are out
I think Singaporeans, especially chinese aunties tend to be a more unforgiving lot. Something about how they treat service staff / construction workers / domestic helpers. Very short fuses and poor tone, as if they were talking to a child.
My image of those who bully service staffs are usually those middle age chinese. Maybe they are too used to playing office policies of shooting each other for the minor stuff that starting to apply it outside as well.
singaporeans and polite don't go in the same sentence.
all the chinese auntis and uncles have no human decency
singaporeans like to make loud sound and puke everywhere
malays are just the stupid part of singapore
indians should just go back to india
bus riot also cos of rude indians
indians always just cut the line, don't even know how to behave like human
chinese always stuck up and act smart
Tell those china people go back home to where they belong then less people will be rude in singapore
yea that’s why importing foreign workers is a stupid idea cos they make our culture like that
malay get so much benefit still end up worse than chinese
they malay very dumb only know how to complain
all those malaysian malays come singapore entitled because they are entitled while in malaysia
malaysians don’t belong in singapore especially chinese malaysians
chinese malaysians are always the worst, no brain cells
all the malays know how to do is complain everyday
the chinese malaysians cant accept that singapore chinese are just better
they stupid, especially those malays
discrimination in malaysia favors malays there so they come over think they big
fuck malaysian chinese
yea espeically the chinese from there cant even speak proper chinese still complain is all they do
so many tiongs here that its not singapore anymore its hong kong number 2
tiongs come here only know how spread HIV
fucking chinks stealing out money
all are scammers deserve no pity
White collar 75% sinkie. Have 4 local employees, 3 are sinkies. accounts is jhk. Locals more dependable. Chiu get what you pay for. No promising heaven and earth and give u trash like from certain regions which i cannot specifyTechnicians, subcons, workers mostly foreigners.
Hmmm.... I believe family dinner justify as 'company expenses' cos wife is co director/ finance is abit too much. But yes, people do do that. I find personally boh hua leh. More common tactic is some small co under report their revenue, to avoid hitting $1M in revenue, have to declare GST.Moi no like whites, never por *****. Never do gahmen project before. Tiagong from my friends is boh hua, margins very slim.
on my floor, got one china family, the 2 kids are like monster.....running around shouting, disturb my plants and the parents buy ot of stuff and throw empty boxes along the corridor !!! same floor one sinkie sei fei chye always smoke along the corridor direct upstairs 2 malay kids keep running and jumping around any time any day direct downstairs sinkie family of 3 are all sei yin chan.......smoke non stop......dont know when they get stage 4 lung throat cancer...... if ww3 come and invovled sinkieland, lim peh will fully load the m16 and "tua" them all
For me is Malay kids running and screaming outside corridor and even at home playing soccer ball banging wall and door. After playing, the whole corridor is a mess. No clean up after playing. Stupid or what. I think parents not even know how to teach their kids to be considerate to other neighbors.
There is a queue of cecas waiting to replace you. Sinkieland is OK.
Can abseil down.Or use blanga torpedo :(
We are CECApore, we are CECApore, CECAporean!!!
If China opens air bubble with Singapore.I will go for my Vax.
Right after national day we welcome back CECAMAJULAH CECAPURA
black from the west counter white from the east
Send all Chinese back to China, where they belong.Problem solved.
Lesbian niggress... disgusting :s22:
Their balls are being tied up and held my Modi.
means CECA > sinkies
so many Malay PAP MPs only manage to donate $18k?
To welcome pap s beloved foreign imports from china.Song boh
Fat black rhino also nvr kena anything…
Meley! 123 meley!
Chinese bad.Minorities good.
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Aiya.. Like that is towgay .. Not towkay
Yes is true that Sinkies commit more crime.
now everyone investing in japan due to japan sudden stock market rally and revival... while singapore still gong gong investing in china~~ :s13:
His a pap dog all alongSent from GAGT Android App
We should start compiling a list of stupid things our Ministers say. At the rate they're going, there'll be more pages than all the Wikipedia articles added together.
There is little difference between north korea and sg.
sg gov should wakeup
YesScrewed up policy approved by LKY and going back agesCos they want people to get married so their terms is must be married in order to be buy a flatLeading to all these cases of buying flat before married then breaking up and losing everything
now we kno pap minister has no standard. vote for empowerment !