battle of the swords
this is near to impossible for no politial party will endorse it in spore
Even the tribe don't do such a thing
Thank gooodness the government WILL NOT legalise gay marriage
Being a first world country does not necessarily mean there is a need to legalise gay marriage
since when wanna be a First world country needs to legalize same sex marriage? Lol..
ya…first world…not aqua world
On 1 hand I say I don't even care. On the other hand I'm really sadden at the fact that we want to defy what God has designed and goo f#*^ ourselves.
To be very honest, What you feel is a uncontrollable lust for feces. That's what homosexuality's all about. The love of
Sorry I'm not the expert. But a perfect match is still between a lion and a liness.
Never! It's a slippery slope. They will come after your kids soon. Just look at the western world. Kids are being turned gay.
LGBT…. Same sex marriage not ordinaed by God ….................1 Man …1woman …....................sick mind…..
war comes die. All these gay boys play backside instead of fighting the war
I pray that these people find the right path to walk. Follow jesus
Ruining the song knn
The end of the world is coming.
lol stop spreading this kind of stuff in singapore
Everyday kaopei Govt policies too elitist, yet still choose an elite to rule over us
Between an elite and a clown to represent singapore, the choice is clear. It's common sense not blind hatred. Are you seriously recommending people to choose the worse candidate?
simi elite is DOG
When your side lose then you say don't deserve democracy. If that is not hypocrisy, what is that? We did have an election and got a winner and a losers. So only if 'opposition' win then got democracy? 'PAP' win not democracy? Hahahaha. You may want to delete your message to avoid embarrassing yourself.
Democracy is a facade
One is 75 ( too old), another is Lao Tik Kor (TKL); does Singaporeans really have choice?Notes: NKS is also Former PM Lee’s meditation teacher and GIC former chief, TKL was NTUC chief previously. Both are closely related to Govt.In a nutshell, if choose any of 3 is the same, Pineapple looks more okay among all. Vote wise and not because of non-PAP or PAP. What we know are very surface stuff.
independencecompetencepublic imageYou can only pick 2
Kan. Another PAP lackey pretending to be opposition supporter. How lowdown you this ahole PAP lackey d09 can go?
There are clowns and clowns pro max. Opposition is the latter
And your LJ PAP don keys are the original clowns since they're the government
Because all PAP voters are idiots. What other reason can there possibly be?
PAP IB and Bank PR teams working hard it seems.
OK la let's vote morons into parliament la
I have full confidence in the PAP that nothing will happen, such the the strength and unity of our administration; more good years ahead!
WP's response "Why no press conference in May? How we ensure ministers are not cheating? Provide more information"My 5-year old can answer these questions.RP & PV "We need COI"Forced government to convene COI.We see who the real check and balance of the government is. Without RP raising this issue and PSP raising other issues like government salary review, the government will be blissfully going about their business with no accountability.WP have them or don't have them, doesn't make a difference. Their job is to make the government look good.If you want someone to make noise in parliament, WP is perfect. They will even lie if they have nothing to say.But if you want someone to force the government to do things for the benefit of SGporeans, even at the government's own expense, then we need better opposition in parliament.
Workers Party is very objective in the way it tackles the issue, get to the bottom of the issue.RP & PVP stir and speculate nonsense.
Wah, MRT delay again? They need to up their game lah, not just talk only always hire these pap ministers
Election coming all say vote opposition but all talk only no action one.
Got new policy for healthcare, but will it really help the older folk pay so much taxes for the govt lol
lol these govt take so long but still see pmd around causing accidents
always up up up gst also up how to live in singapore
at this point might as well don’t work anymore all salary go to govt
They say want to make city green, but all I see is more shopping malls lol
They say will support local artists, but where the support? Talk is cheap lah all I see is the govt bringing in foreign arist
every year rise? How survive lol stupid govt
water bill up gst up electricity up and u still want singaporean to have kids?
Got so many campaigns about saving water, but the bill still going up, why ah?
They talk about innovation, but when last time you see something truly new?
innovation also end up hire foreign talent lol
govt innovation give more job to foreigners rather than own citizens
Got so many feedback about public transport, but seems like no use.
like the simplygo? Lol only people complain then they revert
lta joke lol, never plan things properly look at how the simplygo played out
just complain enough people complain the govt no choice need revert lol
like josephine said just need small space only
lol now like hdb same price as condo, young people like use don’t need live alr everything in sg so expensvive
They promise to lower COE but check the price, still sky high. How to buy car like that?
See the youth unemployment rate? Need more than just internships to fix this govt keep hiring foreigners
sg love foreign talent more than citizen
So many JiuhuLang come here complain food suck and other stuffs but still come here.
What do you expect from the people there LOL. Look at the people running the country.There's one idiot that is shytposting about SG here too. That's why their people are utter failures. r/DamansaraTXK
Chao JiuHu Sai. No need to dress well, because whenever you all open your mouth, the jiuhu sai accent come out I cannot stand. Even worse than CECA. At least CECA women when they talk slowly is hot and sexy.Chao kampong kia, go home lah!
Why not just deport back to India, why have to waste taxpayer money to jail? Government waste money on this kind of nonsense then still dare to raise gst, really pcb.
You mean foreigners are free to commit crimes here and the only punishment is sending them home?
So local rapist gets 10yrs jail. Foreogner rapist gets to go home.  Makes total sense.  You some kind of dense idiot? Oh noes, the dense idiot blocked me!
The prata was not bad. But mostly because I like fish curry and they have favepay for Cashback. I'm quite happy with my life actually. And I got quite a bit of free time in my life and they sit beside me so definitely can hear them talking. Not sure why you wanna be sarcastic though. It's not often that you see lowly educated china man being able to speak anything else other than mandarin and their dialect.
I also saw before ah neh speak mandarin with tiong
Then the ah neh should be work here quite long already. Quite rare to see construction ah neh can speak mandarin
Ah Tiong don’t work as construction labourer already. The pay not enough to bring them over. Most probably are supervisors
I haven't seen any Tiong construction worker. Mostly Banglas
Racism is all over the world unfortunately, I've travelled the world nearly, and by far it's America to me that's the most raciest country in this world. When I visited Singapore for 3 months earlier this year, a Chinese man blatantly came over and invaded my personal space in Sengkang sculpture park. At first I didn't know what his problem was. Of course I knew that there weren't many white people living in this area. I knew this as I stayed at my girlfriend and daughters HDB.He called me an Ang mo. My daughter explained that this means a white person, and in reply I said to her a white person is a white person, a black person is a black person, and Asian is an Asian and so on. No need to put a name badge on anyone, as we all have the same blood, it's red.So for once in my life, I was racially abused in Singapore by a Chinese person
Racist because chinese forget their past or because they werent the first inhabitants of the island, or both? Because that's such a dumb take
chinese because they are first in everything
Gold chain? He cannot wear lah. He muslim
you're just one stubborn ignorant. Not believe me? Go find him. Not believe? Go little india one day and ask one of their Bangladesh belief.
Halal ke
Holy f, ya'll muslimms and your narratives : r u guys even allowed to breather or eat or to take a shit smh
FAS lousy
how u tahan the smell?
now become fans also must outsource migrant workers because most local reufse to support our own NT
Bangladesh compare to china, Bangladesh they speak better English then China men I work before
bangla smelly
lol better than ah tiong
Deport deport deport
woke zoomers will say these banglas help build our infra, sweep our roads, then in dorm got no bed, no aircon, so need sleep on mrt seat.
No offense, but Indian again?
Singapore racist problems. Looks like every race who thinks they are in power will use this as an "advantage". Plenty wher ethat came from
why only one particular race is not able to tolerate other races except White? Is it because they are white worshippers and feel inferior
chinese r d special bred in sg
why chai-knees always act as if they are the origins of SG? They themselves came from cheina
sry uncle I forgot about my Indian booster seat
Because He Chinese Privilege
Uncle is a Chinese supremacist. So terrifying
minority NEVER WRONG, if WRONG then must be majority faults
Do u think every muslim women should wear burqa? How about your family?
You're a dirty paki. Muzzy's should bloody die, I don’t care how nice you are, or how smart people think you are. The world is better without you, you damn monkey.
Fuck off. You're just making fun of me and running everyone like a fool. You just want to kill people you fucking camel jockey. Dumb sand nigger!
So why an idiot like you move to Canada? Get the hell out of there. Islam is a plague.
You are just another Muslim who is scared of arguments and questions. And name all of them as "bigotry"
Do some white people have good reasons to be racist?
Funny how whites always fail to defeat us in athletics. They got nothing.
White can't do half the sh*t we blacks can