Safe Medication Disposal Increasing access to safe medication disposal in local communities helps clear homes of unused medications that could be diverted, abused, contaminate the water supply or end up in landfills, if disposed of improperly.
Inspiring Growth As a health care innovation company, the way we do business has far-reaching impacts on the health of millions of Americans and the economic mobility of thousands of communities across the country.
Read more about our partnership with the VA on page this report and learn how our colleagues are supporting veterans through our Valor Colleague Resource Group on our website.
Championing Diversity To build a better world, we are building a workforce that is representative of the communities we serve.
Our senior leadership team champions a strategic diversity management model that is connected to every aspect of our business and includes workplace representation, colleague engagement, and forward-looking policies and programs.
Helping share and execute this model is our Diversity Management Leadership Council (DMLC), a group of cross-functional senior leaders with oversight from our Board of Directors.
The DMLC provides guidance on the tools and resources we use to equip colleagues to promote diversity across the company.
Diversity Networks for Professional and Personal Growth Our (CRGs) promote diversity across the company, facilitate communication with senior leaders, and help us solve business challenges.
Celebrating Religious Diversity Embracing an interfaith/multi-faith approach, our FAITH CRG focuses on making all colleagues feel welcome by raising awareness of religious diversity.
To ensure we provide the best possible experience for the LGBTQ community, in Human Rights Campaign’s Resource Guide for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Staff to our colleagues.
Walking With Pride Our PRIDE CRG serves as a resource for LGBTQrelated issues for our company and communities.
This annual, non-partisan study is used as a resource for shareholders, journalists, academics, business leaders and others seeking to understand which public companies lead in transparency and accountability.
Our Supply Chain As one of the nation’s largest companies, our supply chain has the power to generate positive economic and social impacts around the globe.
In the U.S., we are committed to investing in diverse suppliers in our local communities and have built a leading supplier diversity program to support that effort.
In early introduced our Responsible Sourcing Standard, developed in collaboration with Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), which establishes expectations for all CVS Health suppliers in the areas of ethics and governance, environmental and social impacts and management and transparency.
Our Supplier Diversity team partners with our business leaders to integrate supplier diversity into procurement activities, and with national organizations to identify and develop diverse businesses.
We are proud to have one of the leading supplier diversity programs in the country.
In March Supplier Diversity 2020 Ideation Session to identify new ways to achieve our 2020 spending targets.
The event brought together leaders from Dollar Roundtable companies, academics, government officials and diverse suppliers to share best practices, opportunities and strategies to continue to grow supplier diversity programs.
Vice President of Workforce Strategies and Chief Diversity Officer David Casey led a fireside chat to discuss how strategic diversity management helps companies drive business growth, deepen relationships with customers and build an inclusive workplace.
Supporting Human Rights Respecting and supporting internationally recognized human rights policies and preventing adverse impacts in our direct operations is a responsibility we take seriously.
This program offers on-demand training for some of the most critical risks in supply chain manufacturing including (but not limited to): health and safety, chemical management, environmental sustainability, recognizing forced labor and corrective action planning.
We also listen closely to these stakeholders to understand their expectations and ensure they’re informed of our work to tackle big environmental challenges such as addressing climate change impacts, removing chemicals of concern from our products and ensuring a responsible supply chain.
Our GreenTeam Colleague Resource Group (CRG) promotes awareness, provides education and works to make environmental sustainability a relevant part of every colleague’s role and responsibility.
, the GreenTeam celebrated Earth Month by engaging its membership in a variety of environmental sustainability events.
They hosted webinars with leading industry partners like Ocean Conservancy and the Sustainable Packaging Coalition to educate colleagues on approaches to sustainable living, shared environmental stories and tips across our internal communications channels and hosted volunteer cleanup events in communities across the country.
Through our partnership and colleague participation in the International Coastal Cleanup, we have helped remove more than trash from coastlines in 2018.
or switching to online bill pay, reduce personal environmental impacts.
224,000 metric tons of carbon emissions, saved 225,000 kilowatts of energy and avoided 45,000 pounds of waste.
• Were recognized as a CDP Supplier Engagement Leader for managing our climate emissions and engaging our suppliers to help address climate change impacts.
Sustainable Operations We continue to implement new technologies and operational practices to minimize our environmental footprint and contribute to healthier, more sustainable communities.
fleet of across all aspects of our business – reducing our carbon footprint, energy usage, water consumption and waste.
The Operations Center provided coordination and situational awareness to support our colleagues and customers facing earthquakes in Hawaii and Alaska; hurricanes and tropical cyclones in the Mid-Atlantic, Southeast and Pacific; wildfires and mudslides in California; a volcano eruption in Hawaii; and winter storms across multiple regions, among other events.
We also continued to reduce our GHG emissions in a 34 percent reduction in carbon intensity against a 2010 baseline, a 4 percent improvement over 2017 despite a 1 percent increase in our retail square footage.
Additionally, we saw an absolute emissions reduction of emissions based on a 2010 baseline which means we are on track for our SBT goal of a 36 percent absolute emissions reduction by 2030.
We have implemented ongoing tracking and measurement practices to capture against our new targets, which will be reported in 2020.
With the addition of Aetna and our newly established science-based target, we are reviewing expanded opportunities for renewable and alternative energy strategies for the short-term and long-term.
In hours (MWh) of electricity, a 4 percent reduction from 2017, a result of our continued LED lighting conversion strategy and efforts to reduce energy use in retail locations.
energy use is the installation of LED lighting across our retail stores and other facilities.
LED exterior lighting across our retail locations and completed upgrades, reducing consumption by 6,000 MWh for an estimated annual energy savings of $600,000.
In more non-retail locations, including administrative and production areas, for a true, enterprise-wide approach to lighting energy-use reductions.
energy efficiency by controlling lighting, heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) from a central hub.
This change, which supports operational needs and implements best practices for energy efficiency, reduced consumption by estimated annual energy savings of $300,000.
and end-of-life units replaced in existing buildings meet the latest energy efficiency ratio (EER) and seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) as recommended by the U.S. Department of Energy.
less land, materials and resources than our standard stores, and use an average of 25 percent less energy.
Incorporated design and construction elements from our Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)-certified buildings as we build new stores and facilities.
These elements include water and energy efficiency features and sustainable materials.
Transportation We continually seek innovative ways for our fleet to use less fuel and reduce air pollution.
Our total fuel consumption in was 11.4 million gallons, including deliveries, corporate vehicle travel, personal car travel, and rental cars.
Reducing drivers’ idle-time to under fuel and more than $100,000 annually.
Smartly positioned, the facility reduced driving distance for deliveries, resulting in significantly reduced carbon emissions and improved highway safety.
to be an EPA SmartWay Carrier Partner, receiving the highest carrier rating of Level 1 for emissions control.
our operational water use is not intensive, we use an enterprise-wide water management strategy to provide each site with tailored guidance to reduce consumption.
Through water efficiency measures, total water use per square foot has decreased from the 2010 baseline.
For new construction in retail operations, we set a target to reduce water use by 20 percent by 2020.
We achieved this goal in our standard prototype stores by the efficient use of irrigation systems and the management of drought resistant plantings.
Minimizing Waste and Increasing Recycling We are committed to minimizing our waste and increasing opportunities for recycling to lessen environmental impacts, reduce costs, and support regulatory standards.
In diverted 55 percent of our waste to recycling, with 86 percent of the solid waste generated at our distribution centers diverted for recycling.
In September of a first-of-its-kind program to address a new California law that prohibits retailers from sending organic waste to landfill.
With support from a third-party partner, we developed an innovative solution for managing excess food products in our stores to prevent them from becoming waste.
Inventory scanning technology in our stores identifies excess, seasonal or nearly expired food and directs CVS Pharmacy colleagues to place the items in a designated tote which is transported back to our distribution centers and then to third-party facilities.
There, inedible organic waste is processed to create renewable energy and organic fertilizer, while quality organics are donated to local charities and food banks – a win for the planet and community health.
Efficiency Efforts Efficient systems can have significant environmental benefits and drive down distribution center operational costs.
Our cross-functional waste minimization committee introduced new approaches to reduce targeted waste streams in our retail stores in 2018.
In implementation of a container optimization program for our regulated waste program in our retail stores.
In of the paper our company used was sustainably sourced, and 56 percent of our paper stock was Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified.
This shift to FSC-certified paper enabled us to use paper– a difference of 22,000 trees.
This includes offering products and packaging that consider environmental impacts and are free from unwanted ingredients.
And in expand our Earth Essentials® line of products, which include sustainability attributes such as hypoallergenic and the use of plant-based ingredients, to include dryer sheets and multipurpose disinfectant spray.
Hawaii was the first U.S. state to pass a bill banning the distribution of sunscreens that contain the chemicals due to concern for their impact on marine environments and residing ecosystems.
Key West, FL voted in early sunscreen containing the same chemicals, concerned about impacts to the Florida Keys’ barrier reef ecosystem.
In addition to removing chemicals of concern, we are dedicated to ensuring palm oil is sourced responsibly to help alleviate the impacts palm oil production can have on tropical forests, which offer invaluable social and environmental benefits.
By the end of suppliers of existing store brand products to have proven they have moved to sustainable sources or reformulated their products.
Promoting Sustainable Packaging As a nationwide retailer and member of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition and Ocean Conservancy, we are committed to making responsible packaging decisions to protect our planet and meet the needs of our customers.
Protecting Our Planet About This Report CVS Health’s 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report provides an overview of our company’s environmental, social and governance commitments, as well as progress against our CSR-related goals and targets.
being energy efficient and responsible with our procurement.
By leveraging PPI, we have embedded continuous improvement within our culture, from reducing usage of fuels to increased recycling.
Providing health and wellness resources, resulting in more hours worked without a lost-time injury Performance Improvements In from our largest sites by 4.15 percent, and also sought new opportunities to use renewable energy sources.
In addition to streamlining our energy use, we’re also seeking to reduce our output of landfill waste.
During reduced the volume of waste to landfill.
landfill waste by Zero Waste Certification in 2015.
New Helium Saver modules dramatically reduce the amount of this gas, which is in short supply, needed in analytical instruments.
• Green chemistry programs and reagent-free ion chromatography systems replace solvents with more environmentally sound alternatives.
Singapore employees helping with environmental cleanup at a park near our facility.
Reducing Our Footprint Environmental sustainability is an ongoing process that requires a commitment from many stakeholders.
These teams focus on energy conservation, alternative energy usage, water conservation, waste minimization, recycling, green chemistry, packaging reduction and green building and engage and inspire employees to practice environmental efficiency at work and at home.
Lithuania for its exceptional work with the local community, employment practices and environmental management.
Millions of visitors can learn about the power of genomics and how it impacts their lives.
This CSR report summary highlights our economic, social and environmental progress during 2013.
category according to gender, age group, minority group membership and other indicators of diversity.
Sustainability to reduce the environmental footprint of our facilities, our supply chain, and our products.
Our work on climate action continued with energy-reduction initiatives and increased renewables.
We launched the Illumina Genomics Discoveries STEM education initiative and invested $nonprofit that will target increasing diversity in STEM in San Diego.
Illumina is committed to taking further actions to drive diversity, inclusion, and respect for all—principles which have always been part of Illumina’s DNA.
In addition, we created a new role and hired a Vice President dedicated to Diversity and Inclusion.
We will continue to strive to be the best employer, the best environmental steward, and the best corporate citizen we can possibly be.
From diagnosing rare disease to understanding biodiversity in our ecosystems, we are helping to unlock the power of the genome.
We heard from our investor community that we could go into greater detail about the potential financial impacts of sustainability on our business and how we assessed opportunities and risk associated with climate change.
CSR provides a lens through which to evaluate business opportunities and to ensure decisions benefit all our stakeholders—not just investors, but also employees, customers, suppliers, the environment, and the communities in which we operate.
The complete Board of Directors provides guidance and direction on environmental, social, and governance issues and opportunities that have potential impact on reputation and long-term economic viability, including climate action.