We build resiliency into our operations by participating in demand-response programs with several New York State energy companies.
This helps provide uninterrupted, reliable energy and mitigate the risk of power disruption associated with adverse weather events and other unexpected incidents.
This system of meters and software allows us to monitor real-time energy consumption, identify energy optimization opportunities (for example, replacing air compressors and adding economizers to boilers) and achieve cost savings.
Updates to the EMS must be provided to Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency.
We continue to implement energy efficiency improvements across our operations.
These programmable, energy-efficient windows reduce glare and require less energy to cool a building.
The installations improve occupant comfort and are projected to reap energy savings of between standard windows.
These include electric vehicle charging stations, commuter benefits, bike storage and shower facilities, shuttle buses, preferred parking for carpool and green vehicles and an online transportation portal.
Membership in the Rideshare portal increased by more than one-million vehicle miles and 427 tons of carbon emissions avoided.
Regeneron’s Sleepy Hollow, New York satellite office was built in the when there was little concern for environmental sustainability.
For example, the new rooftop, one-megawatt solar array provides demand and powers the entire building while the sun is shining.
We are researching ways to add more solar power, with the ambition to someday provide all of the building’s electrical needs through solar.
In addition to the environmental benefits, there are significant cost savings as we offset our electric bills with solar energy.
The solar array will have paid for itself by installation.
Our new target, to achieve zero-waste-to-landfill status (excluding construction and demolition waste) at all Regeneron sites by commitment.
Our Rensselaer manufacturing site achieved zero-waste-to-landfill status in which has been zero-waste-to-landfill since opening in 2015.
We continually work with our waste vendors to discuss innovative opportunities to reduce waste and implement more sustainable treatment and transportation methods and destinations.
Our efforts to achieve and maintain our zero-waste goal will also be aided by our ambition to expand composting programs to all Regeneron sites with more than employees.
Our composting efforts align with a composting regulation requiring organizations that are large food-waste producers to publicly report on food waste generation and disposal by 2022.
In addition to composting, we also recycle non- hazardous waste.
We recycle glass, aluminum and plastic containers, as well as wood pallets, cardboard, scrap metal, stainless steel, electronic waste, K-Cups and Styrofoam coolers.
For example, in will enable us to divert certain plastic wastes from our hazardous waste stream to the dry mixed recycling waste stream.
We are also evaluating vendors that can take the plastic waste that comes from IOPS labs and manufacturing and divert it from waste-to-energy to recycling operations.
Regeneron tracks waste generation, reduction, recycling and disposal across our sites and uses the data to measure and drive progress against our environmental sustainability goals.
We were proud to surpass our five-year waste diversion goal with from landfill by the end of 2018, and we have now challenged ourselves with new goals.
For example, our Rensselaer, New York facility reduced its hazardous waste in in their manufacturing areas and using it in the wastewater pre-treatment system.
In sent to landfill, representing 0.0004% of total waste.
We’re focused on implementing a global water mapping strategy to understand opportunities for improvement and a water stewardship program designed to capitalize on them.
We are working to sub-meter incoming sources of process water to map water usage and pursue water reduction initiatives in key areas.
We continue with our efforts to reduce water use, installing low-flush toilets and low-flow fixtures in restrooms, kitchens and pantries to reduce indoor consumption.
We plant native landscaping wherever possible and employ rainwater-harvesting systems at our primary sites to reduce water consumed for irrigation.
Green roofs at some of our buildings help reduce water run-off as well as absorb solar radiation to help reduce the cooling load.
At our manufacturing facilities, we monitor and treat our industrial wastewater and storm water onsite to ensure it meets quality standards before discharging to municipal sewer districts.
WATER MANAGEMENT According to the World Resource Institute’s Aqueduct tool, Regeneron’s sites are located in areas with medium-to-high water stress, where levels of competition over water resources are greater.
However, water depletion, regulatory and reputational risks are low for all of our sites.
Regeneron employees plant pollinator-friendly flowers and shrubs and have installed five bee hotels across the campus.
At our Rensselaer campus, we have restored a “forever wild” nature preserve and developed community gardens.
In Limerick, we made progress in Castle Woodlands area for employee recreational use, developing a conservation plan that includes woodland walkways, native flora plantings and protected habitats.
We believe green spaces are good for our health and wellness and for a healthy environment.
Our building and site plans maintain wetlands to conserve natural ecosystems and maintain habitats for local species.
They include greenhouses, nature trails, native landscaping and green roofs wherever possible.
planets outside our solar system — that may have been missed by NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope.
Their efforts had an impact across a wide variety of areas — providing a warm meal and conversation for military veterans, packing meals for those in need, creating a comfortable environment for shelter animals, sparking young students’ love for science and helping to beautify and preserve local parks.
Renewable Energy Usage (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A = Not available 1.
Water³ Total Water Usage (megaliters)⁵ N/A = Not available 1.
As of December 2. 2019 waste figures exclude construction and demolition waste 3. 2016 and 2017 data covers Regeneron-owned sites.
We engaged dozens of perspectives in that process, including those from patient organizations, employees, investors, former regulators, community groups, environmental NGOs, recruitment firms and research organizations.
their journeys, which fuels all of our efforts, beginning with our own medicine discovery efforts, as well as collaboration with external partners.
Anemia (WAIHA) – WAIHA is a rare autoimmune disorder caused by pathogenic Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies that react with and cause the premature destruction of red blood cells at normal body temperature.
At Alexion, we take a comprehensive view of CSR, which encompasses environmental, social and governance topics that impact our business and our stakeholders.
For most areas, as the baseline year against which we will measure progress, with the exception of two environmental metrics for which the baseline year will be 2020.
Patient organizations, investors, former regulators, community groups, environmental NGOs, recruitment f irms and research organizations were engaged to prioritize the topics.
AT ALEXION, among the ways we’re working toward a brighter future is by supporting strong communities and a healthy environment.
• Advancing the cause of diversity and inclusion in society and critical institutions.
Alexion’s Corporate Giving mission is to positively impact our local communities — with a particular focus on people who are disadvantaged or disenfranchised — through initiatives that advance emotional well-being, provide educational opportunities and promote diversity and inclusion in society and critical institutions.
We’re committed to excellence in managing and reducing our environmental footprint.
our commitment to environmental stewardship and the health and safety of our colleagues and communities.
This section of the report focuses on the environmental aspects of our operations.
We aim to minimize process waste wherever feasible and practical by eliminating or reducing, reusing and recycling material where possible, and recovering, treating and disposing of material if other options are not technically feasible.
Alexion has two Leadership in Energy and Environmental DesignTM (LEED®) buildings, located in New Haven, Connecticut, and Boston, Massachusetts.
LEED provides a framework for creating healthy, highly efficient and cost-saving green buildings.
Alexion’s manufacturing facility in Athlone, Ireland, implemented a reverse osmosis water recovery process to purify and reuse water that may otherwise not be clean enough for Alexion’s production standards.
energy usage for process cooling systems, Alexion was able to improve the energy efficiency of its manufacturing operations.
This shift, commenced in will change our direct environmental footprint.
All greenhouse gas emissions are measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (metric tons CO₂e) and follow the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Fourth Assessment.
+ Fuel Oil Generators (mmBtu Fuel Oil x Emissions Factor [for kilograms to metric tons).
For Scope the following formula: Electricity (MWh) x Emissions Factor (558.2 lb.
For Scope following formula: Electricity (MWh) x Emissions Factor (1089.4 lb.
Our people are empowered to make a difference and their diversity of backgrounds and ideas is encouraged and embraced.
Equipping and empowering our leaders to take accountability for shaping our environment.
Based on our Culture Survey results, we focused on enhancing our speak-up culture, creating an environment where employees are encouraged to share their ideas and concerns.
diversity extends to all ranks within our organization.
new perspectives and insights that fuel innovation, create value and support an unparalleled employee experience.
White & Case to host a Diversity Fellow at our Boston headquarters.
& Case’s with experience working with clients, specifically those seeking to create an environment where the diversity of thought and background are not only encouraged, but preferred.
Finding and fixing hazards in the workplace is an ongoing process that helps better identify and control sources of potential injuries or illnesses.
our COMPANY We work together as a team, respecting and empowering team members, and unlocking value for our stakeholders through the inclusion and diversity of people and ideas, collaboration and continuous learning.
in the development and recommendation of policies and management systems for environmental, health, safety and social responsibility matters to the Board.
Plus, our College Park facility received “Best Workplace” from the Fingal Business Excellence and CSR Awards are doing to give back to the community, develop employees, sustain the environment and support patients.
Topics include anti-bribery/anti-corruption, privacy, animal welfare, fair labor and hiring practices, and environmental, health and safety.
(Sustaining Our Planet) We have two Leadership in Energy and Environmental DesignTM (LEED®) buildings, one in New Haven, Connecticut, and one in Boston, Massachusetts.
However, we practice design for the environment and aim for lean, efficient and sustainable operations in all new capital projects and operations.
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE laws and regulations During the reporting period, Alexion identified no noncompliance with environmental laws and/or regulations that rose to the level of materiality that would have required disclosure in our periodic reports filed with the SEC.
CUSTOMER HEALTH AND SAFETY Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories Patient safety is critical to Alexion.
We continually collect and analyze safety information on our medicines from many sources in a timely manner, and we work to ensure that patients, health care professionals and regulators have an optimal understanding of the benefits and risks of our medicines.
Incidents of noncompliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services During the reporting period, Alexion identified no new incidents of noncompliance with regulations concerning the health and safety impacts of Alexion products and services that rose to the level of materiality that would have required disclosure in our periodic reports filed with the SEC.