In line with this focus, we have switched the electricity purchase in our Portugal plant to fully generated by renewable sources.
The electricity purchase in our Thailand plant has been improved to co-generation, which has a lower emissions factor compared to the national grid.
Ansell will prioritise purchasing energy generated from renewable sources when and if it is available in the countries and regions where we operate.
The results are measurable as Ansell’s multi-year rain forest reforestation project in Sri Lanka progresses.
Other expected results brought about by the establishment of this bio-link are increased biodiversity migration and improved biodiversity resilience through strengthened ecosystems.
An Ansell First: Green Power Purchase Agreement in Portugal Ansell took a major step forward in FYPower Purchase Agreement (PPA) with EDP, a Portuguese electric utilities company based in Lisbon.
This guarantees that all electrical energy purchased for the facility will be from renewable sources such as hydro-electricity.
Ansell will continue to explore opportunities to sign Green PPAs in other manufacturing locations.
Ansell Operations team members are joined by representatives from the Conservation Carbon Company and the Sustainable Future Group.
This is approximately a footprint of the facility.
Photovoltaics are best known as a method for generating electric power by using solar cells to convert energy from the sun into a flow of electrons by the photovoltaic effect.
Solar cells produce direct current electricity from sunlight, which can be used to power equipment or to recharge a battery.
are actively being explored and will be implemented once technical, environmental and financial feasibility assessments are completed.
Our Newest Bio-Mass Hot Water Generator Glove production requires applications that involve heat, which is traditionally created with fossil-fueled generators, contributing to GHG emissions.
Using one of today’s most advanced combustion technology systems, this new bio-mass hot water generator in Bangkok will fuel a significant portion of the plant expansion.
The focus on energy is driven by our goal to reduce GHG emissions and establish an energy efficient operation which will contribute to lowering our operating costs as well as lessening our carbon footprint.
Our energy reduction program is driven by these strategies: 1.
Technologies and CapEx – we continue to invest in new technologies which have higher energy efficiency.
Hence, focus in recent years has been to provide real time measurement of energy use in our manufacturing operations.
At the end of FYcompleted online energy monitoring systems in our facilities in Sri Lanka, Vietnam and one facility in Malaysia.
People – in Ansell we believe both knowledge and awareness are important to create an energy conservation culture.
and Yield (FPY) will continue to deliver greater energy efficiencies in our manufacturing processes.
Energy reduction is becoming more and more critical going forward as we shift our products from natural rubber to synthetics and to higher value products, which typically require a higher energy footprint to produce.
Thus, Ansell will continue its focus on greater energy reduction programs.
A new solar energy project completed at Ansell’s manufacturing plant in Sri Lanka.
Waste Waste Reduction Initiatives Over the course of FYwith lower tolerances and higher accuracy in our cutting operations at Ansell Textiles Lanka.
In our facility in Thailand, we diverted from landfill, the ash from our biomass hot water generator.
This material is now being used to manufacture soil conditioner and fertiliser.
Our Perspective Each manufacturing location will be tasked with conducting detailed waste mapping and material balances.
This will assist them in identifying the sources of generation, which will then encourage the teams to innovate by Refusing and Reducing or seek opportunities to Reuse in the process.
We will encourage teams to seek out opportunities to divert the remaining waste from landfills by applying the principles of the solid waste management hierarchy with compliance to the regulatory frameworks applicable at each location.
As our teams internally confirm that they have achieved this ambitious target, we will partner with an external verification body to certify that they are a Zero Waste to Landfill facility.
Quarterly Newsletters Each issue addresses key healthcare concerns, impacts of regulatory and national standards and new practice innovation trends.
Our single-use garments provide solutions to these companies while supporting their efforts to reduce waste, emissions and water consumption over reusable garments.
In this sphere, we create opportunity, like employment and community building, as well as the potential for negative impacts, like pollution or sub-standard labour practices.
Ansell began an even more stringent social audit policy of our suppliers to ensure that they are following Ansell’s standard of creating a safe working environment and respecting the rights and well-being of all employees.
We must also deliver investor engagement by being a company that our shareholders can be proud to own; one with excellent environmental sustainability, labour relations, employee engagement, workplace safety and business ethics.
The goals are accompanied by ambitious environmental targets.
We are challenging ourselves to establish sciencebased targets for Scope by 2023 and to be 50 percent renewable by 2025 and 100 percent renewable by 2035.
Running the business responsibly has always been at the heart of how we operate, and it impacts every part of our business, from diseases we choose to research to how we price our medicines.
which builds on our legacy of environmental sustainability reporting.
In addition to this report, we disclose select environmental, social and governance (ESG) information to relevant third parties that produce ESG ratings and rankings, including CDP, a global environmental disclosure non-profit organization.
* See next page for specific environmental targets.
By landfill status at all Regeneron sites.¹ By 2021, compost food waste at all sites with more than 2,000 employees.
By suppliers, representing more than 50% of spend, to gather and report relevant Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data.
By increase our plastic recycling and reduce hazardous waste generation.
By 100% of our electricity consumption with electricity from certified renewable energy sources.
Partnerships for the GoalsPartnerships for the Goals Regeneron’s commitment to enhance and share our responsible waste management efforts helps advance sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources (Target prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse (Target 12.5) and encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle (Target 12.6).
To expedite scientific discovery, we engage in non-clinical research collaborations to provide academic and non-profit research institutions access to our proprietary animal models, cell lines and other technologies.
This unique resource has the potential to dramatically speed up the drug development process and improve patient care.
In order to fully tap this new resource, we believe collaboration, transparency and knowledge sharing will be absolutely necessary and, more importantly, are the right things to do.
Responsibility Report In March Biobank released the first tranche of new human sequencing data to health researchers around the world, offering an unprecedented ‘Big Data’ resource to enhance understanding of human biology and aid in therapeutic discovery.
This data is accessible to the global research community via the UK Biobank open access resource, now one of the largest open access resources of exome sequence data linked to robust health records in the world.
Genetics is playing an increasingly important role in research, and the actionable information in this resource means there are infinite discoveries to be made that could potentially benefit human health.
At Regeneron, we know that we can’t do it all alone, and we believe this unprecedented new resource will help the broader scientific community enhance their research efforts and lead to more breakthroughs that could improve patients lives.
We know that patients are seeking information from the most trusted sources and we want to ensure that there is up-to-date and relevant information wherever they look.
Diversity in Clinical Trials Increasing diversity in clinical trials is important as different patient populations may be impacted differently by their disease and have varying responses to the same treatment.
As part of this effort, in of processes and controls to increase awareness and incorporate diversity considerations into the design and placement of our clinical studies.
Qualified researchers may request access to individual patient or aggregate-level data from a Regeneron-sponsored study by submitting a research proposal to Animal Welfare Regeneron is committed to and abides by all ethical requirements related to animal welfare in research, teaching and testing.
Research involving the use of live animals must be approved by the Regeneron Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), a requirement of U.S. federal and state laws.
In addition, we comply with the “Three Rs” (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement), widely accepted ethical principles that are now embedded in the conduct of animal-based science in many countries around the world.
Given the nature of our business, many supplier assessments concentrate on meeting or exceeding applicable good practices along with complying with other federal, state and local regulatory requirements.
Maturing our supplier relationships will be increasingly important to achieve our global greenhouse gas emissions targets.
The Code sets out expectations for ethical practices on issues such as business integrity and fair competition, animal welfare, clinical trials, privacy, transparency and reporting.
Supplier Diversity Regeneron recognizes the value and importance of having a diverse supplier base reflective of our patients, customers and communities.
Suppliers and the Environment Sustainable materials selection is important to our business.
Our efforts to promote diversity and inclusion are formalized in our new representation of qualified diverse individuals in leadership and foster inclusion across our organization.
Increasing diversity — by understanding the specific needs of diverse groups and providing resources and tools that facilitate access and advancement for those best qualified.
We also understand that attracting and retaining people with disabilities is an important dimension of diversity and inclusion.
In our workplace, we foster an inclusive and healthy environment for our veterans, supporting and encouraging their participation in our veterans EIG, with its offer of camaraderie and open discourse, as well as supporting local veteran organizations.
We are also taking a critical look at our talent management processes, including recruitment and performance management, to assess to what degree they may be impacted by unconscious bias.
A newly established Diversity & Inclusion steering committee of senior leader champions will provide guidance as we implement additional programs to identify, measure and monitor behaviors that promote inclusion and mitigate unconscious bias.
WISER hosted a number of activities in on International Women’s Day from Sally Paull, our Senior Vice President of Human Resources, who spoke about the value of developing strong collegial relationships and building an inclusive work environment to attain collective success.
We are also piloting a Manager Communications Resource Center, a web portal containing resources and tools for managers and regular content for employees, including monthly business updates.
COMPENSATION, BENEFITS AND RECOGNITION Regeneron’s compensation, benefits and recognition philosophy focuses on supporting our employees by providing programs that are consistent with our unique culture and support the diversity of our employees at all stages of family life.
We meet or exceed all environmental, health, safety (EHS) and security regulations and have a range of programs, plans and procedures to ensure the safety of all people who come to work at Regeneron.
In recent years, we’ve observed how a warming climate can expand the reach of mosquito-borne illnesses, such as Zika virus and dengue fever, and how industrial pollution, unchecked, contributes to serious diseases such as asthma.
At Regeneron, we are intent on safeguarding a healthy future through thoughtful and effective environmental practices.
This includes the practices codified in our updated Environmental, Health and Safety Policy, which we published in 2019.
It also means engaging our employees in environmental initiatives.
Our employee-led green teams help embed and promote sustainability practices, and we use incentives and host corporate-wide events such as Earth Week to encourage our workforce to actively contribute to our efforts in the workplace and in our communities.
We’ve released environmental reports since and have responded to CDP Climate and CDP Water Security since 2015 and 2016, respectively.
We developed our first set of five-year environmental goals in 2013.
With these goals coming to an end in review of our environmental footprint and created ambitious new environmental targets to drive continued progress in the areas where we have the greatest impact: greenhouse gas emissions, energy, water and waste.
Achieving our environmental targets to help protect and restore the planet.
Our owned, renewable energy resources support regulatory compliance and reduce the carbon footprint of our operations As greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to increase and global temperatures rise, we understand the far-reaching impacts of climate change, including water scarcity, ecosystem disturbance and short- and long-term risks to human health, access to medicine and supply chain reliability.
Each item reflects the metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO²e) units per square meter.
We were proud to achieve our GHG emissions intensity (calculated per full-time employee) by 30 percent over a five-year period.
Our new and 2 intensity emissions a further 30 percent against a peak 2016 baseline.
With this new target, our intensitybased measurements will be calculated on per square meter of space, which more accurately reflects the main drivers of our emissions.
We are also challenging ourselves to set global, sciencebased targets for Scope and to expand reporting on Scope 3 emissions through deeper engagement with our suppliers.
We have expanded our Scope purchased goods and services, fuel-and-energy-related activities, employee commuting and waste generated in operations.
We use international standards from the World Resources Institute (WRI), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard to calculate our emissions and report our results publicly each year.
Energy Management Renewable energy and operational energy efficiency are the cornerstones of our energy management strategy.
Together they help us minimize carbon emissions, reduce energy-related operational expenses, generate revenue and provide clean and reliable power to our campuses.
Our new targets aim to drive continued improvement, including transitioning our electricity consumption to certified renewable energy sources.
We are also committing to invest further in renewable energy production to meet our long-term energy needs.
In Rensselaer, New York site, adding solar photovoltaic panels to the existing parking garage canopy to increase the system’s annual energy production.
A solid oxide fuel cell, a cleaner source of energy compared to the typical grid, supplies peak power required by a newly renovated building at our R&D headquarters, reducing our carbon emissions by approximately 3,500 tons in 2019.
The conversion device produces electricity by oxidizing fuel.