We will also develop and launch an integrated mapping and reporting system for tigers, jaguars, and lions, enabling us to analyze changes in habitat and populations in near-real time to guide global recovery efforts.
For example, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issues requests for ship “slow downs” when the two WCS-WHOI monitoring buoys relay data on the presence of North Atlantic right whales, in order to safeguard the approximated remain.
Safeguarding Whales in the New York Seascape Diverse marine life—including humpback whales, harbor porpoises, bottlenose and common dolphins, fin whales, minke whales, and even the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale—can be seen in the New York Bight.
Right Whale WCS’s acoustic work with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in the New York seascape detects four species in near-real time, and some of this WCS’s leading marine mammal research has won comprehensive protections and lasting results.
Sub-Surface Float ABOVE When buoys detect critically endangered right whales in the New York Bight, just outside the harbor area, NOAA issues a “slow down” request for ships.
Building on decades of scientific leadership on this issue, WCS is partnering with governments to secure crucial, permanent changes that will protect human health and well-being, economies, and security on a global scale, while also preventing the devastation of the world’s wildlife and wild places.
WCS is using strong science, policy, and action on the ground to protect trafficked species while safeguarding human health.
Advancing Reform at the National Level Drawing on our scientific, policy, and fieldbased expertise, WCS is working with governments around the world to decrease the risk of spillover events by supporting wildlife trade policy reform and strengthening counter-wildlife trafficking efforts.
RIGHT/BELOW To prevent future outbreaks, WCS is working to stop the commercial trade in wildlife for human consumption, particularly of birds and mammals.
It also finalized a new biosecurity law with key provisions on zoonotic-origin disease prevention and control aligned with WCS’s prior recommendations.
This reporting tool equips rangers with technology and information and has effectively suppressed all illegal activities that are harmful to wildlife and their habitats.
This has improved the management of the protected area, which now supports a range of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
it is one of the best wildlife sanctuaries in Thailand and has become globally recognized amongst wildlife conservation communities as a standard for protected areas.
Another accomplishment I feel proud of is pushing for science-based management, strong law enforcement, and collaboration with people who rely on the sanctuary.
■ Strengthen and expand surveillance at key points along wildlife supply chains: We will strengthen pathogen surveillance within and beyond key countries by improving field-based capabilities, and through timely analysis and reporting.
pandemic, and global leaders looking to WCS for guidance, we issue a new policy, backed by science, on the actions that governments and societies around the globe must take in order to reduce the risks of future pandemics.
International Development and the Centers for Disease Control, WCS leads a cuttingedge network for monitoring diseases in wild birds in 20+ countries, helping to stem the spread of a deadly H5N1 flu outbreak.
WCS sets the standard worldwide for best-in-class animal care, innovative exhibits, and zoo-based conservation through our powerful combination of five urban parks— the Bronx Zoo, New York Aquarium, Central Park Zoo, Queens Zoo, and Prospect Park Zoo—and conservation work in 60 countries across the globe.
Bringing Nature to You: WCS Virtual Zoo The live cams at our parks brought an array of wildlife right into people’s homes, offices, and schools.
At the New York Aquarium, WCS connects visitors with the diverse ocean ecosystem in their own backyard, highlighting the types of field research our scientists are doing right offshore in the waters of New York.
Strongholds are our planet’s remaining intact forests, coral reefs, savannas, mangroves, peatlands, and other wilderness areas with the greatest ecological integrity, size and diversity of species populations, and resilience to climate change.
Since then, we have collaborated with the Congolese government to conserve this land, and in public-private partnership that delegated WCS full management authority.
We aim to further strengthen Ndoki’s management and infrastructure, to keep wildlife populations stable and recovering over time.
Advancing Science-led Conservation Using conservation criminology, WCS and partners released a study in the journal Conservation Science and Practice about the wild meat trade, finding that restaurants in urban areas in Central Africa play a key role in whether protected wildlife winds up on the menu.
Through our science-based approach, we have built a strong partnership with the national park management authority, collectively designing and rolling out effective interventions on the ground.
To take just one example, within just the last five years, we worked with the Gunung Leuser National Park authority to stabilize the Sumatran tiger population in eastern Leuser by supporting national park-led anti-poaching ranger teams.
A key part of the answer lies in improving gender equality and inclusion within fisheries management.
Yet their substantial contributions are not included in most official statistics, and therefore are unrecognized in fisheries management and policy development.
small-scale fisheries management, these fisheries are more likely to be sustainable, and the benefits more fairly distributed.
In Fiji, WCS is supporting the creation of a network of tabu (no-take) areas within Locally Managed Marine Areas; we are also ensuring that women fishers from local communities are able to take leading roles in the management of these areas.
Following these recent studies, WCS is collecting more data to help ensure women’s catches are counted and included in all statistics, analyzing the outcomes of local management through a gender lens, and we are advocating for greater participation of women in fisheries management decisions and policies.
Building respect for our Indigenous territory, culture, and voice is critical to preserving Madidi and our communities.
The climate crisis is the consequence of our broken relationship with nature—but nature could also be a powerful ally in the fight against climate change, if we choose to tap its immense potential.
WCS has used this Forest Integrity Index to ascertain which forests are essential to conserve—such as those within the ultradiverse Amazon and Congo basins.
We are protecting intact forests and other high-integrity ecosystems to cost effectively and swiftly address the climate crisis.
Over the project’s lifetime, WCS has supported the sale of over $community development, including helping local people to secure title to their lands and practice sustainable agriculture.
Strengthening Global Policy WCS is working to ensure that nature-based climate solutions are at the forefront of global decision-making.
These meetings will set the agenda for curbing climate change as well as restoring nature—and with input of WCS’s cutting-edge science, countries have now agreed to prioritize ecosystem integrity in setting goals and targets.
That is why WCS and partners created the first-ever global metric of forest integrity.
■ Catalyze global action by securing new policy commitments, funding, and financial mechanisms that incentivize and reward intact forest conservation, working with forest champion countries.
These forests have an astounding ability to store carbon—nearly twice as much as all of the world’s tropical forests combined—and are also essential to the culture and livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples who have lived in them for millennia.
We are urging the Canadian government to invest in Indigenous Guardians to help monitor and protect the Lowlands; and to ensure that peatlands are no longer overlooked in climate policy decisions.
WCS is advancing on-the-ground adaptation projects globally in close partnership with Indigenous Peoples and governments—from ensuring that species have the space and ecosystem integrity they need to thrive, to making forests more resistant to wildfires by helping communities adapt how they earn their livelihoods.
Over the next five years, we seek to further improve forest management in the Congo Nile Divide and deliver additional nature-based benefits to nearly 1.4 million people.
By building capacity among local communities to improve forest management and restoration within the Congo Nile Divide, WCS aims to create forest corridors that will strengthen climate resilience for Rwanda’s wildlife, people, and national economy.
by climate change, traditional methods of wild honey collection have sometimes caused catastrophic forest fires, further degrading the integrity of remaining forests.
But the climate crisis is hitting these strongholds harder and faster than anywhere else.
Across North America, we seek to leverage our cutting-edge science, longstanding commitments to the places we work, and enduring partnerships with governments as well as First Nations and Indigenous communities to strengthen local stewardship and policy, and ensure these extraordinary ecosystems adapt and survive.
Global Programs Management and General $153,354,765 Zoos and Aquarium (incl.
You can also name WCS as a beneficiary of your individual retirement account, life insurance policy, donoradvised fund, or brokerage account.
WCS Corporate Partners provide vital operating support of our conservation efforts through philanthropic giving, corporate membership, sponsorship, and cause marketing.
Crisis Care Everything we do to help a homeless child begins with Crisis Care.
Rights of Passage Our Rights of Passage long-term residential program is based on the simple belief that all children have the right to pass into adulthood without being abused and homeless.
“Right after I was born they took me from my mom and put me in an incubator and I was in the hospital for four months,” she says.
And, he says, “Always look up.” It was tough at first, he admits—learning to live with structure, rules, and discipline.
The metal workshop, like the other courses in the Escuela Taller, aims to help the teens at CAN develop skills that will allow them to earn a living and, ultimately, to be able to lead satisfying and independent lives.
environmental impact of its wildlife damage management programs.
AWI is also working to protect beavers by funding and promoting innovations to prevent flooding from beaver dams, assisting Wildlife Services in obtaining nonlethal beaver management training for staff, and proposing a federal grant program to help local governments install water flow control devices—rather than rely on cruel traps—to protect roads from beaver-caused flooding.
This grant program, named for AWI’s founder, funds innovative strategies for humane, nonlethal wildlife-human conflict management and study.
Management announced it would reverse course on a decision (finalized the October before) to conduct risky sterilization surgeries on wild horses in Utah.
AWI also submitted extensive regulatory comments outlining the legal problems with the BLM’s sweeping proposal to permanently remove checkerboard region—roughly 40 percent of the state’s population.
We drafted federal legislation that would phase out mink farms to prevent transmission of COVID- and humans and impose stricter reporting and inspection requirements on all fur farms.
When NMFS did issue the permit at the end of August included all three conditions.
concerns over entanglements involving North Atlantic right whales.
Canada to present on concerns related to right whale entanglement and MSC snow crab certifications.
changes to the NFPA code for animal housing that will provide better protections for farm animals.
The changes will be reflected in the edition of the code.
that would have allowed poultry plants to increase line speeds by and then elected in May not to contest a court decision halting line speed increases (which were approved in 2019) for pig slaughter plants.
The bill provides significant funding for + programs to provide shelter to survivors of domestic violence and their companion animals, + conservation efforts on behalf of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales, + efforts to combat wildlife trafficking and dangerous wildlife practices that threaten global public health, and + Horse Protection Act enforcement.
Conversely, the bill includes funding bans that, during the fiscal year, prevent + licensing of Class B dealers (who acquire animals from random sources and seek to sell them to laboratories for experimentation), + operation of horse slaughter facilities within the United States, and + sale to foreign slaughterhouses of wild horses and burros managed by the Bureau of Land Management and the US Forest Service.
In addition, the omnibus spending bill incorporates the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act in its entirety.
Montana that sought to make trapping a constitutional right (and thereby harder to limit).
initiated and helped push through that expands the cross-reporting among law enforcement, veterinarians, and social service professionals of abuse of both animals and people to better protect both.
The listings, searchable by zip code and updated regularly, feature organizations that either provide sheltering services for the animals of domestic violence survivors, have a relationship with an entity that does, or provide referrals to such facilities.
Reporting Act, which would require that data collected by the federal government from state child protection agencies include information about animal abuse as a risk factor for child abuse.
veterinarians reporting animal abuse, and vets in the state may now make good-faith reports of suspected animal abuse to law enforcement in most cases.
use of sodium cyanide and sodium fluoroacetate (used in livestock protection collars) in predator management devices nationwide.
This is only the third species (after humans and chimpanzees) in which a link between self-control and intelligence has been shown—yet more evidence that cuttlefish, along with other cephalopods, are cognitively complex.
The ability to exercise control over one’s environment is recognized as an important component of good welfare.
Animals in research, however, rarely have such control, even over features designed to enrich.
They have been subject to lethal control for decades, but immunocontraception is showing promise as a humane, nonlethal way to control gray squirrels in the country.
Mice—even those raised in standard, mostly barren “shoebox” cages—responded well when provided early life access to play areas.
Right now, our nation has a window of opportunity in which we can deepen and expand protections of civil liberties and civil rights.
The implementation of a policy that requires police to issue citations and prohibit custodial arrests for any traffic infractions, nonfelony offense, or nonfelony warrant We’re also using litigation and advocacy to remove law enforcement from public schools, including calling on Biden to issue an executive order eliminating federal funding of police in schools.
This is both a racial justice and a gender justice issue: Black women face eviction at twice the rate of white renters.
In Arizona, Idaho, and Missouri, we continued to take legal action to protect tenants’ rights.
And we’re campaigning to secure the right to counsel for tenants facing eviction.
In July, alongside the Native American Rights Fund, we filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of five Indian nations and plaintiffs challenging the state of Montana’s failure to fulfill its constitutional mandate to teach public school students the history and culture of Native Americans in Montana in consultation with local tribes.
this is a huge victory for millions of students who attend our nation’s public schools,” said David Cole, the ACLU’s legal director who argued the case in April.
Among them is Florida’s H.B. NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.
In June, the Supreme Court ruled in our favor, declaring that school authorities must respect students’ rights to express themselves outside of school, including their right to express dissenting or unpopular views.
The ACLU filed a federal lawsuit against the police department on his behalf and awaits a decision.
In Baltimore, the ACLU won a significant legal victory against the police department’s use of aerial surveillance technology.
The ACLU filed a federal suit on behalf of the students, arguing the school had infringed on their right to free expression.
In right to vote faced new threats, and the ACLU once again rose to the challenge.
The voter suppression tactics employed in the force, and the ACLU is involved in pivotal work throughout the country, particularly in the South, to protect the right to vote.
The ACLU is doubling down on our redistricting work to stop gerrymandering, a dangerous political practice that harms communities across the country.
Now, ensuring fair maps is the bulk of our voting rights work in the lead up to the midterm elections.
In response, the ACLU is working with our allies to craft a coordinated legal opposition, using our media strategy to educate the public about what’s at stake and organizing people around the country to stand up for Roe.
As the right to abortion hangs in the balance, so too does access to abortion care—nowhere more pronounced than in Texas.