TIRELESS LEGAL BATTLE TO PROTECT THE TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST in Alaska ended with success when the Biden administration announced full restoration of protections for this remarkable landscape, reinstating the National Roadless Conservation Area rule and shutting down the largest old-growth forest logging project proposed in decades.
Defenders played a lead role in the reintroduction of the Migratory Bird Protection Act that would codify protections for migratory birds under the MBTA against incidental take, thereby ensuring lasting protections for birds regardless of the administration.
DEFENDERS CELEBRATED A COURT VICTORY TO PROTECT IMPERILED POLAR BEARS from drilling when a judge ruled that federal permit authorizations for ConocoPhilips’ Willow drilling project in Alaska violated the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act.
, Defenders’ legal action resulted in a judge ruling that FWS must address poaching in the recovery plan for this critically endangered species.
We celebrated President Biden’s decision to reverse harmful rules enacted by the previous administration that weakened the ESA.
With an escalating extinction crisis at hand, we desperately need to strengthen and fully fund the ESA.
DEFENDERS CONTINUES TO LEAD THE WAY in conserving and recovering the endangered black-footed ferret.
LAWSUIT ON BEHALF OF THE CRITICALLY ENDANGERED RED WOLF, FWS reversed its decision to limit the recovery area and committed to a robust release strategy.
DEFENDERS CONTINUED TO LEAD EFFORTS TO PROTECT THE FLORIDA MANATEE, a beloved species that suffered the deadliest year on record in and lack of warm water habitat.
Defenders’ legal team continued to fight for manatees in the courts, holding government agencies accountable for protecting critical habitat and addressing the devastating water pollution that is killing the seagrass and causing manatees to starve. donor-advised-funds ➤ Check with your personnel office or that of your spouse/ partner about your company’s Corporate Matching Gifts program or visit us at
➤ Include Defenders as a beneficiary in your will, living trust, retirement plan, life insurance policy or other estate plan, and leave a lasting mark on wildlife and the world by helping us continue our conservation work.
We can also help you structure life income gifts such as charitable gift annuities or charitable trusts that support wildlife while providing income and tax advantages for you and your loved ones.
As more people understand that the damage from climate change is here, we must lead adoption of bolder solutions.
attorneys and policy experts work around the globe, alongside hundreds of partners, to fight climate change and protect people and the planet.
EDF has highlighted the urgency of this issue and is helping lead the way to effective solutions.
By investors who evaluate corporate responsibility and climate risk.
European Commission I have to give EDF credit for having brought methane to the attention of decision-makers around the world.
EDF IMPACT REPORT We have worked with EDF to develop a shared vision of an all-electric future and an aspiration to eliminate tailpipe emissions from new light-duty vehicles by 2035.
Our many meetings with General Motors helped lead to the company’s transformative announcement that it is taking action to sell only zero- emission vehicles by 2035.
Fighting for clean air, right here Diesel trucks and buses produce more asthma-inducing nitrogen oxides and particulate pollution than any other highway vehicle.
“There is no way to stabilize the climate without protecting tropical forests,” says Steve Schwartzman, EDF’s senior director of tropical forest policy.
But the current patchwork of informal markets lacks consistent standards and oversight.
What’s next: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers decision means final permits to begin work could be issued as soon as 2022.
JULIE DERMANSKY PHOTOGRAPHY “With the disappearing of land in Louisiana goes our culture, our history, our people.
EDF IMPACT REPORT We hold the world’s biggest companies accountable for their role in climate change.
We supported Engine No. shareholders that for Exxon — and all the world’s biggest emitters — the global climate crisis is a business risk.
Soon after the board vote, EDF announced a partnership with Legal & General Investment Management America, the American arm of the world’s investment management firm.
If aviation were a nation, it would rank as the world’s sixth-largest carbon emitter, right between Japan and Germany.
To put the industry on a more sustainable flight path, EDF has teamed up with RMI, a clean energy think tank, and corporate partners to launch the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance.
We commissioned artist Todd Gilens to install an interactive artwork called Reading Forest at Taylor Creek Visitor Center, engaging the public with ideas about forest management and climate resilience.
In maintained trails, improved wildlife habitat, planted trees, and talked with thousands of visitors about responsible recreation and a new camping management system.
They left the program with a hands-on natural resources management skillset.
$Alliance Corrugated Box, Inc. Allied Maker Anonymous Arizona Snowbowl Aspen Community Foundation Brentwood Home Brookstone Homes, LLC Churchill Asset Management LLC Columbia Bank ConocoPhillips Alaska Day One Perspective e.l.f.
Org Hobo Wine Company HTG Investment Advisors, Inc. Lexant Title Mack Trucks, Inc. Mile MTKC Oakwood Veneer OROA USA LLC Osprey Packs Inc. Richie Graham Photography Sandia Laboratory Federal Credit Union SoloStove Studio Ma Sunlight Mountain Resort The Charles Delmar Foundation The Standard Tru Fit Athletic Clubs Wall Street Greetings, LLC Winter Park Resort Xometry, Inc.
Maloha LLC Monarch Mountain New Leaf Detox and Treatment Inc. Northrop Grumman Outbound Financial PAPER PROJECT PBWS Architects Rapid Axis Rare Collectibles TV, LLC Rebellion Energy Services Operating, LLC Red House Architecture Roundup Riders of the Rockies Heritage and Trails Foundation Sandler O’Neill + Partners SequoiaCX Snowshoe Mountain StarQuest Group StayOver Management Strong Tower Consulting Tarbell Family Foundation Team Lawler Customs The Desert Leaf The von Gontard Family Foundation Timberline Lodge TypeHaus, Inc. Ultra Creative, Inc. WaiverSign Walking in Nature Walmart Wild Tribute Wine Nook Woodlake Outdoor, Inc.
© Adeline Sides © Richard Stevens © Adeline Sides The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is the national voice for every person’s right to age well.
We believe that how we age should not be determined by gender, color, sexuality, income, or ZIP code.
Chronic Disease NCOA’s National Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) Resource Center works to increase access to, and use of, CDSME and other evidence-based programs to help older adults and adults with disabilities live longer, healthier lives.
A | F Y PUBLIC POLICY NCOA is a national voice for older adults and the organizations that serve them.
• Celebrated Accreditation process, a self-guided and peer reviewed process that ensures a senior center meets the highest standards of practice, and established an online portal for engagement, simplifying the process and creating data and best practice collection capacity.
Mastery comes from turning these lifestyle changes into habits that lead to improved health, stronger economic security, enhanced well-being, and increased societal participation.
As per accounting rules, NCOA is required to make annual, non-operating adjustments related to the recognition of the NCOA Pension Plan liabilities.
In FY21, federal grants accounted for 85% of total revenues.
CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL CONTENTS At Conservation International, we are proud to have some of the leading minds in natural and social science, policy, finance and business working together to improve people’s lives through the care and protection of nature.
way, with the right partners, guided by compassion, respect, and a commitment to listening and learning.
In this spirit, we are investing heavily in our organizational culture, to ensure that cohesion and compassion are an immutable part of our day-to-day work — and moral anchors that ground us through periods of change.
In practice, this has meant training our entire staff in compassion-based ethics, deepening our partnerships with Indigenous peoples and local communities, and strengthening our practices so that we continue to be an equitable place to work.
With help from our partners at IDEO, we have embraced the tenets of design thinking, a human-centric approach to management.
At the UN climate talks in Glasgow, delegates put nature front and center to confront the climate crisis.
For perhaps the first time, nature took center stage at the climate talks, thanks to years of strenuous effort — by Conservation International and others — to raise the profile and importance of nature as an essential solution to the global climate crisis.
And we worked with corporate partners to funnel millions of dollars toward protecting and restoring forests, perhaps humanity’s greatest ally in the climate fight.
CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL “As the climate crisis unfolds, those least responsible — the Global South, Indigenous peoples and other marginalized communities — are the ones suffering the most.
The protection, management and restoration of forests represents the largest cost-effective natural climate solution — but receives a tiny fraction of all global climate funding.
Improving the management of “working forests”  — that is, forests that supply wood for lumber, energy, paper and other products — opens a significant opportunity for countries to reach their climate and biodiversity targets.
STUDY FINDS Out of sight, a growing climate justice issue threatens to upend the industry around the world’s most consumed fish.
This research reviews how justice, equity, diversity and inclusion can be better integrated in marine conservation policy and practice, a significant resource for the field.
protected areas within a broader system of sustainable ocean management.
they can get us a third of the way to avoiding a climate crisis.
of conserved areas, or reduce budgets for management of those areas during the pandemic.
For my people, it’s a connection to the past that gives shape to our traditions and beliefs — that’s why having a deep connection to Conservation International’s beginnings helps us build an even stronger culture of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Our roots have informed all that we’ve done for more than three decades, including being one of the first environmental organizations to develop a policy for partnering with Indigenous peoples — an initiative that evolved into our rights-based approach to conservation; supporting women to participate fully in community discussions and management decisions; and rolling out new systems to better address project impacts on people and the environment.
We are also working to promote inclusion and equity among our vast network of peer groups and partners across the conservation world; for example, we partnered with MIT and local leaders to establish the Afro-InterAmerican Forum on Climate Change to illuminate the unique climate and environmental challenges Afro-descendant communities face in the Americas and to promote their expertise in climate change decision-making.
By building on our roots, I’m confident that we will continue to bring these values to life, and I am proud to lead this work.
By creation of more than 10,000 square kilometers (3,800 square miles) of newly conserved areas, improve management of more than 81,000 square kilometers (31,000 square miles) and bolster the livelihoods of more than 60,000 people.
At the core of the model is Conservation International’s “conservation agreements” mechanism, which provides economic and other incentives or ben efits to communities to improve management of their natural resources.
Our field programs and Center for Oceans represented our largest programmatic investments, accounting for $our total expenses.
Our Grantmaking Divisions accounted for $23 percent of total expenses.
In which a portion of a developing country’s foreign debt is forgiven in exchange for commitments to environmental protection and policy measures.
Matching Gift Program Baobab Studios Battelle’s Always Giving Benefit Management Group, Inc. (Workplace) Bergner Home BHP Group Limited BlackRock, Inc.
and Cooperation Center Kamehameha Schools Ministère de I’Europe et des Affaires étrangères Ministère de la Transition écologique Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de la Relance Ministry of Education, Sports & Culture of Samoa MoreTrees Inc.
“This is by far one of the most intense and traumatic disasters we have ever been involved with,” said American Humane President and CEO Robin Ganzert, PhD. “With increasingly frequent and increasingly destructive natural disasters, so many animals are in crisis.
American Humane, Code and firefighters with the Webbers Falls Fire Department launched boats on a rescue mission into the swirling soup of contaminated floodwaters.
We are so honored to have been able to pair so many veterans before the crisis, helping them in these difficult times.
To ensure compliance with these standards and absolute integrity of reporting, these standards are enforced by independent, expert third-party auditors or Certified Safety Animal Representatives with ultimate oversight of all programs provided by the country’s trusted first national humane organization.
In fact, we were founded on this vital issue in promoting the welfare and humane treatment of animals in agriculture.
Today, we help ensure better lives for nearly Humane Certified™ program, the first, largest and most trusted independent farm welfare and audit effort in the country.
• Encouraging Congress and the American people to support humanely raised foods was the goal of our Capitol Hill briefing, outlining advances in agricultural practices and calling on everyone to rally behind humane farming practices that feed the world and treat animals right.
By playing the “best friend” to a protagonist, these theatrical thespians achieved several goals, which include, but are not limited to enriching the lead actors’ vulnerabilities, extracting the characters’ authentic selves, bringing some comic relief and ultimately highlighting the importance of the human-animal bond.
“Right now shelters are overwhelmed,” explains Robin Ganzert, president and CEO of American Humane.
“When humans fail to take action to protect animals from unethical treatments, fail to have biosecurity procedures, fail to have independent oversight from animal welfare and fail to change societal norms for the betterment of all animal kind, this is exactly the disaster we invite.
Charity Navigator’s ratings show donors how efficiently they believe a charity will use their support, how well it has sustained its programs and services over time and their level of commitment to good governance, best practices and openness.
This included drastic declines; 40,000 square miles of ocean habitat for the 500 North Atlantic right whales remaining in the world; and almost 40,000 acres for the Kentucky arrow darter, a beautiful fish found in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains that is threatened by coal mining.
As new fracking loomed in the precious Santa Barbara Channel, threatening a host of marine mammals and fish, we kept up unflagging efforts to prevent the harmful practice.
Our Population and Sustainability team put out a groundbreaking report, Throwing Shade: Blocking Distributed Solar Development, to try to encourage states that have high potential for solar, but bad policy on it, to realize their potential.
So we filed a legal petition asking the agency to require information on dangerous pesticide synergy in pesticide-approval applications.
And through legal work, we helped maintain a moratorium on leasing public land in California to oil companies.
Services Center for Biological Diversity's management practices ensure that operating funds raised in the current year are effectively put to use to support programs to further the mission.
Threatened by poaching to satisfy consumer demand for ivory, elephant populations face additional pressures as competition for space and resources and resulting human-wildlife conflict continues to increase across Africa.
To target the continued issue of ivory souvenirs, we produced an awareness campaign that highlighted the illegality of bringing ivory products into China.
With practical calls to action, we show that green actions are easy to adopt and everyone can practice low-carbon lifestyles supported by the government.
In community rangers at both sites and established joint patrols between government enforcement agencies and community rangers at Scorpion Reef National Park to ensure effective management and strong enforcement of spiny lobster and octopus fisheries, marking a significant step in its long-term protection.
For the ninth consecutive year, WildAid received Charity Navigator’s highest four-star rating, which is reserved for the most accountable, transparent, and financially healthy of the nonprofits it rates.
the team, the decision to join the board was an easy one.
Through their work ethic, resourcefulness, and passion, they developed ingenious digital strategies to keep kids and families engaged with public lands from the safety of their homes.
These special places are guardians of our history, culture, and represent some of the world’s most glorious landscapes.
In when they decided to establish their family foundation, Janet and Andrew (pictured right with their son) brainstormed with their three children about the issues and causes they wanted to support.
It was also the first year of our journey toward achieving the Company’s Corporate Sustainability Goals and our holistic focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).
Our business goals and Corporate Sustainability Goals are inextricably connected.
We’re proud that Signet has been an influential corporate citizen and sustainability leader in the jewelry industry for the past two decades.