acting on our behalf do not violate anti-corruption laws.
Marketing and Sales Our Code of Conduct provides our Marketing and Sales teams with clear guidance on their responsibilities to customers and business partners, from product safety to fair dealing, bribery and competition law.
Environmental Management Start Clean, Run Clean, Leave Clean.
Ansell’s environmental management framework provides structure and standards for overseeing daily activities.
in place to measure, track and manage relevant data in our facilities on environmental management and performance, including environmental compliance and operational performance metrics, specifically in the areas of water management, energy efficiency and waste management.
This data is displayed to site employees to drive engagement and improvement and is reviewed by plant and executive management against performance indicators, enabling Ansell to identify successes, risks and opportunities for improvements across its operations.
Potential non-compliance issues are reported to senior operations management who are responsible for mitigating and remediating these issues.
CDP Reporting For the second year, Ansell participated in the CDP review processes on Climate Change and Water Security.
By doing so, Ansell is raising its ambitions and taking meaningful steps to ensure long-term sustainability and profitability, as well as equipping Ansell to respond to global regulatory and policy changes.
Ansell’s membership in the CDP Reporter Services program highlights our ambition to further develop our disclosures and reporting transparency.
in place actions to address those improvement opportunities Previous feedback for CDP notes robust governance at the board and management level; consistent and verified Scope emissions data; and significant emission reduction achieved through reduction activities.
in the management of climate change and water security issues and consider the CDP process as an important input to help us identify areas of priority focus.
to identify corporate level exposures in order to put in place mitigation strategies.
The carbon benefit calculations were done based on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change (UNFCCC – IPCC) Guidelines and estimates the carbon benefits separately for individual tree species.
People – in Ansell we believe both knowledge and awareness are important to create an energy conservation culture.
We will encourage teams to seek out opportunities to divert the remaining waste from landfills by applying the principles of the solid waste management hierarchy with compliance to the regulatory frameworks applicable at each location.
Our commitment to customer value creation includes a strong focus on product innovation, customer support (including safety advice and consultancy services), and being a strong industry advocate for the highest standards of compliance, quality and performance.
Ansell GUARDIAN® is our proprietary consultative service, responding to customer needs to implement the right personal protective equipment solution, lower risk, contain costs, and improve performance and productivity.
Increasing demands for compliance, consolidation and simplification are driving companies to find new ways to reduce PPE costs without sacrificing worker safety.
is our proprietary service to help companies select the right personal protective solution to improve their safety, productivity and cost performance.
is based on scientific evidence and best practice healthcare standards.
Ansell’s Continuing Education and Professional Development Programs offer a full complement of resources to assist customers in successful long-term application to practice.
Clinical Evidence and Resources by Topic Ansell understands that scientific evidence is vital to advancing clinical practice and so we offer a library of clinical evidence summaries and support resources organised by topic for easy access.
Features the latest clinical practice trends with links to published literature and recommended guidelines for immediate application to practice.
Quarterly Newsletters Each issue addresses key healthcare concerns, impacts of regulatory and national standards and new practice innovation trends.
right solutions to balance employee risk whilst maintaining compliance to cGMP, cGDP standards, and USP <recommendations.
to conform to the guidelines recommended by agencies that control the authorisation and licensing of the manufacture and sale of specific products.
on this complexity as a competitive business advantage.
When it comes to Regulatory, Ansell is not only ensuring compliance of our products, but also sharing our expertise and regulatory knowledge with our distributors through training.
In this sphere, we create opportunity, like employment and community building, as well as the potential for negative impacts, like pollution or sub-standard labour practices.
rubber gloves industry revealed a number of sub-standard labour practices among several companies.
Supplier Code of Conduct Ansell has existing policies prohibiting conduct including forced labour within our own Company as well as in its supply chain.
to the provisions of the Supplier Code of Conduct, and to monitor ongoing compliance with this policy.
In light of the scrutiny of labour standards in the Malaysian rubber gloves industry, we committed to a comprehensive global review of labour standards in the Ansell supply chain, especially focusing on adherence to legal working hours and rest days, safe living conditions, freedom of association and movement, and zero recruitment fees for migrant workers.
Ansell began an even more stringent social audit policy of our suppliers to ensure that they are following Ansell’s standard of creating a safe working environment and respecting the rights and well-being of all employees.
Once audit compliance has been confirmed, Ansell will conduct repeat audits of its suppliers at least every two years.
Reporting and Disclosure Ansell understands that investor expectations around reporting and disclosure of material issues continue to evolve.
To that end, in FYfor reporting against the GRI Standards, which we plan to complete for our FY20 results.
As we publish this report in April continues to face the COVID-19 pandemic — a public health crisis unlike any experienced in our lifetimes.
Our science-driven culture and commitment to ‘Doing Well by Doing Good’ has inspired our company for over years — and continues to inspire our fight against COVID19.
We also continued to make significant investments to attract and retain top talent and sustain our culture of integrity.
In addition to our ongoing $Science Talent Search, the nation’s oldest and most prestigious high school science competition, we opened a new experiential program for middle- and high-school students, the Regeneron DNA Learning Center, a program of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
We also became the new title sponsors of the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the world’s largest pre-college science and engineering competition.
We have been led for three decades by our founders, Len Schleifer and George Yancopoulos, who have established a consistent vision and culture that sets us apart.
The Regeneron Way puts into words our special culture that has fueled our innovation from the start.
The Regeneron Way Our mission is to repeatedly bring important new medicines to patients with serious diseases. LEAD WITH SCIENCE Science drives our business, and passion drives our science.
The Board of Director’s Corporate Governance and Compliance Committee has formal oversight of corporate responsibility and meets annually to review progress against our responsibility strategy.
which builds on our legacy of environmental sustainability reporting.
GLOBAL TRANSPARENCY AND REPORTING We report on data and activities related to our responsibility strategy for our fiscal January 1 to December 31, 2019 (except where indicated otherwise) and spanning across our global operations.
In addition to this report, we disclose select environmental, social and governance (ESG) information to relevant third parties that produce ESG ratings and rankings, including CDP, a global environmental disclosure non-profit organization.
For the first time, our disclosures with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) framework.
The three focus areas inform the structure of this report and guide our strategy.
Cultivate a leading workplace experience that is rooted in our unique science-driven culture.
• Be vigilant in ensuring integrity remains at the core of how we operate.
Partnerships for the GoalsPartnerships for the Goals Regeneron’s commitment to enhance and share our responsible waste management efforts helps advance sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources (Target prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse (Target 12.5) and encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle (Target 12.6).
We continue to expand access to treatments through drug donations, patient support programs and our compassionate use policy, which provides access to investigational medicines.
FOP is a devastating orphan disease in which patients’ muscles, ligaments and other soft tissues are progressively replaced by bone, which forms a second skeleton and can often lead to premature death.
In order to fully tap this new resource, we believe collaboration, transparency and knowledge sharing will be absolutely necessary and, more importantly, are the right things to do.
At Regeneron, we know that we can’t do it all alone, and we believe this unprecedented new resource will help the broader scientific community enhance their research efforts and lead to more breakthroughs that could improve patients lives.
Insurance companies restricted patient access to Praluent by attaching complex, multi-step “utilization management” criteria around its use.
We support organizations that create educational materials and disease management tools for patients and their caregivers.
Our Compassionate Use Policy gives certain patients who have serious or life-threatening conditions access to a potentially beneficial medicine.
One way we demonstrate our commitment to doing the right thing and to applying our technologies effectively is through our efforts to respond to public health challenges like infectious disease outbreaks.
In August stopped early when our Ebola treatment was deemed superior to the previous antibody treatment standard of care.
To meet patients’ unmet medical needs, we are compelled to act with integrity, seeking excellence in all we do.
INTEGRITY & EXCELLENCE Ethical conduct builds trust in our company and is essential to our business.
Regeneron sets high standards for our employees, officers and directors, which are underpinned by sound corporate governance and overseen by the Board of Directors and its Corporate Governance and Compliance Committee.
Our culture of integrity informs how we approach all areas of our business, from R&D and product quality and safety, through to sales and marketing and supply chain management.
Corporate Compliance Leadership and Oversight The Chief Compliance Officer and management’s Compliance Committee lead our compliance program.
The Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for developing and providing oversight on policies and procedures to ensure that employees, suppliers and contractors comply with applicable laws and regulations.
The Chief Compliance Officer chairs the Compliance Committee, which is made up of cross- functional senior leaders.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics sets out Regeneron’s key policies and expectations for employees, third-party contractors and suppliers to ensure that we are always acting in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
All employees are trained on the Code when they are hired and then annually thereafter.
Employees are required to acknowledge that they have read, understood and will abide by the Code when they complete the training.
Any breach or failure to report a violation of the Code may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
ETHICS AND COMPLIANCE Regeneron’s commitment to high ethical standards goes beyond the required elements of a good corporate compliance program.
Members of the compliance team are integrated with the business units they support to ensure that compliance resources are available at the point of decision.
Our Chief Compliance Officer speaks frequently at employee gatherings to reinforce our culture of integrity.
And senior leaders throughout the business reinforce the company’s expectations of compliance and integrity to their own organization.
Compliance is a team activity at Regeneron and we all have a role to play.
We are committed to full compliance with all relevant transparency laws and policies requiring pharmaceutical manufacturers to track and report payments and other transfers of value to healthcare professionals.
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Regeneron’s anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy provides guidance to ensure compliance with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws, including the U.S. Anti-Kickback Law, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the United Kingdom Bribery Act.
All employees, third-party contractors and suppliers are required to complete training on global anti-bribery and anti-corruption.
Regeneron does not tolerate any type of corruption, including bribery, facilitation or “grease” payments, or the offering of any improper payments or benefits, regardless of local customs or rationales for the payments or benefits.
Non-Retaliation and Open-Door Policy Noncompliance with laws or our policies can pose serious risks for patients, shareholders, employees and our business.
Our opendoor policy encourages people to raise any concerns or questions with their supervisor or manager, by contacting the Head of Human Resources or Chief Compliance Officer or by making anonymous reports through our EthicsPoint hotline (877-RGN-ETHX) or website.
Privacy is a legal landscape that is rapidly expanding, and we are continually analyzing new and changing laws to ensure our compliance.
We updated our online Privacy Policy and put controls in place to align with new regulations, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which has been in place since the California Consumer Privacy Act, which came into effect on January 1, 2020.
As a general matter, this support is made to office holders and candidates who hold views that are consistent with, or will further, the legislative, regulatory and public policy goals of our company, patients and community.
Our government affairs and public policy teams help Regeneron navigate and interact with legislative and regulatory bodies in a responsible, and civic-minded way.
• Our Standard Operating Procedures outline the processes that are in place to ensure that enrolled participants (or their legal representatives) give their free and informed consent before any study procedure is undertaken or data is collected.
When we outsource studies to contract research organizations (CROs), our Good Clinical Practices (GCP) audit program reviews clinical trials and associated internal systems, vendors and clinical investigators to confirm they meet our quality and safety standards and are compliant, and to identify meaningful corrective and preventive actions.
Our audit program, which includes site visits by our Quality Assurance & Auditing team, is designed to cover clinical trials conducted in various countries and regions around the world.
We are also subject to external audits by health authority inspectors that verify that we are complying with ethical standards and applicable laws and regulations.
In line with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) recommended disclosures, we disclose the amount of monetary losses incurred as a result of legal proceedings associated with clinical trials in developing countries.
We will continue to develop this framework during measures to track our progress.
recognition of its culture of continuous improvement and manufacturing excellence.
We take seriously our legal and ethical obligations to collect product technical compliance and adverse events related to our medications so that we can monitor their safe use throughout the product lifecycle.