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Following sad incident happened with my 3 year old son in India:1) Rabies infected dog bites on his right ear on 13Jun2017 at ~8:30pm.2) The wound was washed with soap water then dettol and victim receives Tetanus vaccine approximately after ~30 minutes after the bite incident.3) The rabies infected dog died on 14Jun2017.4) Victim receives first dose of RabiPur anti-rabies vaccine on 14Jun2017 at ~3pm.5) Victim receives Human Rabies Immune Globulin (HRIG) vaccine with help of body anesthesia on 14Jun2017 at ~10pm.6) Victim receives second dose of anti-rabies vaccine on 17Jun2017 (3rd day).7) Remaining doses of anti-rabies vaccine will be given on following days: 21Jun2017 (7th day). 28Jun2017 (14th day). 12Jul2017 (28th day). 15Sep2017 (62nd day).All vaccinations mentioned above are done by medical professionals.I understand that we have to cure this during initial period as there is no treatment after infection spreads into his nervous system, we are doing whatever has been advised by doctors to prevent him from getting infected. Please advise me if there is anything else we can do to save our kid. Thanks!Are there any tests possible to detect following:a) Rabies virus is not active in his body.b) HRIG given to him is effective and it is really working.The HRIG was administered to victim after ~25 hours of the dog bite; are there any chances that he will be infected due to this 25 hours delay?
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Hello, there is a very small risk initially due to the delay since bite is of major bite category. But incubation period is variable in rabies. Sometimes it is more than 4-5 months also. So given at any time within incubation period is ok. since 4 days has passed after giving immunoglobulin it is unlikely to get the disease. But remember sooner the immunoglobulin better, without any delay. What has been done already regarding this problem is optimal? You have been given immunoglobulins and ARV also. Continue with the ARV schedule. Hope this helps. Thank you
I have problems maintaining my erection during intercourse. I ve checked several possible causes. Over-masturbation could be a cause since I ve been masturbating regularly since I was 14-15. I am 27 now. I don t think it s physical because I still get morning erections and while masturbating. Another possibility would be low testosteron because of the regular ejaculation . I ve read something about cGMP. I know many people have problems maintaining erection. I m just trying to find the cause for me and eliminating the other options. I am currently traveling for a long period of time, so I have no immediate option to get a full physical. I ve been trying taking extra vitamins like zinc (to raise testosteron levels) and ginkgo. Trying to eat as much fruit and food that help erectile dysfuntion, such as papaya and watermelon and nuts and even chocolate. If it s a psychological thing, what can I do besides keep telling myself not to worry and relax? I was thinking about temporarely taking tadalafil until I get back home and manage to get a full body check. Is it advisable?
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HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have been indulged in masturbation since many and now facing problems related to sexual activities.First there is myth in a mind of common man that excessive masturbation is the reason of all sexual problems But I would like to state that it has been discussed in scientific forums all over the world and proved scientifically that masturbation does not have any negative effect on any organ or system in the body. All the problems that you are facing now are mind related and due to anxiety. Following measure will help you to boost up your confidence and getting good erection. And delay ejaculation.1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning.2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and vitamin A, C,D, E.and Zinc3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 every day.4) Avoid alcohol and smoking. If you are planning to be out for a couple of days please do not take Amalfi or Viagra, These Chat Doctor. If you do not get satisfactory results with these
I am a lady aged 24, height 5 8 and weight 72 kg. I have trouble with a molar tooth on the right upper side of my mouth. Its got a small black hole and possibly decayed inside. Though a cavity doesnt seem to appear when taken a look outside. Its very sensitive to hot and sweet food items. I flinch out of piercing pain every time a sweet or hot food particle., or even when plain cool water comes in contact with that tooth. What is the best possible treatment I should go for? What is the cost incurred for the treatment in bangalore?Please help me find a good dentist in bangalore with name and contact details.Thanks in advance.
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Hello, I am glad to answer your dental question. The dark area indicates a change in the enamel and with a hole would be decay. Decay needs to be removed or continues to increase and reaches the nerve inside the tooth. Your sensitivity is expected when the protective enamel coating has been damaged. You may be able to fill the tooth if the decay has not affected the nerve chamber. Some sensitivity to sweets and cold often can be treated with a filling. Filling material is usually of a tooth colored composite. Other material choices include amalgam and if a larger section of the tooth needs replacement, then porcelain or a gold alloy should be considered. Once hot sensitivity and sharp pain become more prominent, you most likely have bacteria causing an abscess and will require a root canal or extraction. Sometimes only a very small hole is visible to the eye, but much destruction of the underneath layer has occurred. The sooner this tooth is evaluated, the better chance for a restoration such as a filling. Your dentist will need a X-ray to evaluate the tooth and suggest your treatment options. Symptoms such as throbbing, swelling, a bubble on the gum or fracture suggest a greater chance of an infection. Avoid chewing on the tooth and keep the area as clean as possible. Schedule your dental visit as soon as possible. I cannot provide a name of a dentist in your area. You may ask your general physician for a recommendation. You can contact your local government agency for a list of licensed dentists or locate a dental school which has a clinic or request a referral. Thank you for your inquiry. I hope you will be able to schedule an appointment soon.
This whatever I have--they have been calling it vasovagal syncope for 3 years now I have heart attack symptoms with the passing out but I have no warning signs for passing out. I ve had the million dollar work up on the heart everything is fineMy cardiologist is in Rome,GA/ Ive been to emory in Atlanta and UAB Kirklin Clinic In Birmingham,al I ve just have gotten back from Vanderbilt Yesterday which the dr told me right off that I didn t have vasovagal syncope-she said she thought I was having seizures and wants me to go to my cardiologist and have him set me up with a Neurologist to set up me doing a 5 day EEG in the hospital. After passing out and have heart palpitations I feel like I have no energy for at least 3 or 4 days after I doin t have all the symptoms all the time and the chest pain goes through my shoulder blades and up my neck, I have tingling or numbness to face hand fingers, some times the chest pain in for hours and real intense. Any suggestions on what I need to do? Any help would be greatly helpful! I had been in the medical field for almost 22 years (xray tech) in a level 2 trauma center. It start all of the sudden. So I have researched alot on the computer and I had to quit my job--they were not any help wanting to help me find out what was going on and my cardiologist has all but given up on me. Please help if you can, thanks for any info at all.
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Hi dear you have not written the name of the tests done by your cardiologist the first thing that comes to my mind after reading your symptoms is syncope ;despite the fact that you say you're all tests are fine to rule out possibility of syncope following tests are done carotid artery Doppler- if blood supply to brain is hindered it will be depicted. Hutt test - head up tilt test -a must to rule out vasovagal syncope 2d echo to see the ejection fraction of hearts you have palpitations a 24 hour holder monitor is advice because your symptoms can be because of arrhythmias also, holder will help us find what kind of abnormal beats are there during palpitations
My 16 year old daughter has taken a few medications for depression since November . Before taking these medications, she excelled in school and in sports, being selected as a top basketball players inher province. In November, she came to me ( her mother) saying she was having suicidal thoughts, but no plan to hurt herself. Since this time she stated on Celexa 10 mg - no effect on her sadness, but she noticed it was harder to concentrate at school. After one month, she was switched to 20 mg - still no positive effect on sadness. Her marks at school were starting to drop and she had increased nausea and difficulty sleeping. The dr. Then added Welbutrin, this was not good for her, within days she was having severe nausea, vomiting, stomach pain ad very irritable. The Welbutrin was discontinued. She was then switched to citaloprex in early April- this med was not helping her sadness either. Two days ago, she experienced an episode ode increased depression and asked me to take her to the hospital as she didnt trust herself. We saw the dr. In the emergency dept and he switched her mess once again. She has been taking fluoxetine 20mg and methylphenidate 5mg. Today, she is experiencing flu-like symptoms such as cough, stuffy nose, severe aches starting at lower back and extending to legs and a burning sensation in throat and heart area. I am not sure if she has the flu or if these are side effects from the new medication. She had the cough and stuffy nose two days before she started taking the new mess. Not sure if we try to ride out the symptoms or if these symptoms merit the attention of a medical doctor.
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Hello Depression is pervasive sadness of mood with low energy and lack of interest in day to day routine along with a lot of other somatic symptoms. Antidepressant such as Escitalopram or citalopram usually takes about 4-6 weeks to show full effect. They don't work if taken as SOS basis. She has been recently started on Fluoxetine and Methylphenidate and both are good Chat Doctor. Fluoxetine is good antidepressant and it also don't cause sedation, so it will help in improving concentration. Methylphenidate is a stimulant
can you help me?Hello I am a 23year old female. I am 52 and obese. I think I weigh 240 but it does not hinder me. I have asthma and depression. I recently was sick.first I had a very bad cold which I attributed to the change of weather. I was better for a day and then my asthma started up. I couldnt breathe and was wheezing. I was coughing so bad and so much I had stomach pains. Then last week my anal area started to hurt. I noticed it when I used the bathroom but I ignored it,figuring it would go away. It didnt. The pain got so severe that I at guest seemed to couldnt sit,walk,lay down e.t.c... it just hurt. I noticed that my left buttock was swollen. I cant use the bathroom because I cant sit. this is embarrassing for me,but I cant control my bladder because I cant clench my buttocks together. There is no blood in my stool. Ive been sitting in hot baths which at first seemed to soothe me but now its making it worse. three days ago I started taking Aleve to help with the pain. It helped at first. the pain had lessened and the swelling went down. But I noticed on my left buttock ,starting near my anal entrance there is a large swelling. Im not sure what to call it, but it is huge and I fear that it its some type of huge blister. It Burns. I cant get to a hospital. I cant move. Please its there anything you can tell me about this? I went through a 24 pill bottle of Aleve within three days, I cant sleep, eat e.t.c..I am scared.
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Hi, thanks for using Chat Doctor It is possible that the swelling that you notice in the anal region may be a hemorrhoid. This is treated by warm (not hot) site, treating constipation, use of steroid creams to reduce inflammation and avoiding prolonged sitting or standing. If it is on the buttocks itself, then is possibly an abscess which is a localized collection of pus. An abscess requires incision and Chat Doctor. Antibiotics are also needed. It would be best to visit your doctor to determine the exact diagnosis. I hope this helps
I have a 15 year old daughter who is having some issues for the last 2 and a half months now. it started with 1 lump on the side of her neck, which they gave her 2 rounds of amoxicilian, then went back to gp and he sent us for chest x ray and ct scan. Ct scan showed reactive lymph nodes, went to the ent, ent ordered steroids because the swollen lymph noid is pressing against her shoulder nerve. Went back to ent 1 week later for pain and 2 more lumps next to that one. He said it must be viral sent us backc to GP. Gp ordered more steroids and antiviral medication along with long list of blood work to be done. Blood work came back all good except alt/sgpt levels at 51 (normal below 35 they said). Now she has a lump on her spine right below her neck and severe pain with moving neck and arm. They have no idea what this is, any suggestions????
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Hi, Good Evening. Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I studied it in depth and I understood your health concerns.-Causes -for lumps and pain in neck and arm-1- Mostly it appears to be -Lymphadenitis with pharyngitis of viral origin?of infectious mono?or TB hyperplasia? Lymphoma?2-For to fix the causes I would advise you to show to Physician who would rule out the causes. I would advise Grant detect latent or pre-existing TB .3-FNAC Biopsy by a Surgeon would fix lymphoma ? Or other causes.4-Thus a Team of Physician and Surgeon would fix the causes of the lumps with pain in arm and neck, which mostly could be infective? H-lymphoma.Don't get scared and uneasy, but be cautious and act fast. Hope this would help you a lot to relieve you. Wish you fast recovery-and healthy life. Wellcome to Chat Doctor with more queries till you are satisfied. Have a Good Day...!! Chat Doctor. N.M.S.GENL-CVTS, Super specialist and Senior Consultant-and Expert in Non-Curable-Disease therapy for Cancer, Asthma,etc., Rejuvenation therapy and Tissue failure -reversal therapies.
Mysterious swelling that flares up a few times a year, with lumps or denser areas which has not been satisfactorily diagnosed. Areas affected would be feet, legs, groin area, hands, arms, back of neck. It looks like an infection since it is red, swollen, sore but no opening in the skin. I think it may be an auto- immune problem. I ve had this now since I was 30 yr. old and am now 58 yr. old. I thought perhaps it could be Sarcoidosis, however chest x-rays do not show abnormal lesions which is usually found with this disease. Sarcoidosis is however difficult to diagnose. Doctors do not seem overly concerned, but if it is Sarcoidosis, that is something that I understand from some sources can be treated with steroidal type medicine. Or it could be something like Sarcoidosis. I would like to get rid of it permanently even though it manifests itself occasionally. First time I got it, it came on suddenly and affected from the knees down. Red slash marks about 1.5 to 2 inches long by about .5 inch wide turned bluish like a bruise and was raised, warm to the touch and painful but denser in the centre. It went away on its own but took a few months. My feet were both very swollen. I get it periodically, seemingly when I m physically and mentally stressed. SDteroidal type cream helps the back of the neck heal.
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Hi. I would like to know that whether in addition to these symptoms of multiple flared up swelling/tender points, are you also having any of the symptoms like fatigue, sleep disturbance, joint stiffness, numbness and tingling? If yes, then you could be suffering from a condition known as Fibromyalgia which is partly Psychiatric & partly Neurological condition. Its exact cause is unknown but any kind of stress, bad eating-sleeping habits etc. are commonly implicated causes. You should visit a Neurologist/Psychiatrist/Rheumatologist for a formal diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Treatment of this condition is usually done with Chat Doctor. & additionally Psychotherapy/counseling/relaxation exercises/lifestyle modification are also used in combination with medications. Hope this is of help. Good luck
My baby is 14 months old and has blisters on his tongue and around his mouth which the doctor said was a sign that he had some type of viral infection, but at first they thought it was a bacterial infection and gave him some antibiotics to take. His fever is gone but he still has blisters and when I brushed his teeth his gums started bleeding he also has a back tootChatDoctoring in and his appetite which is usually huge has gone down to him only wanting to eat baby cearel mixed with apple sauce and milk and he still will eat his animal crackers. What do you may be the matter?
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Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns... As per your complaint it seems that your son is suffering from HEPATIC GINGIVOSTOMATITIS which is a viral infection and can lead to fever, swollen gums and outbreaks of blisters in and around the mouth known as cold sores. All the symptoms that you explained are completely pointing towards herpes virus infection. It is a contagious infection and the child may get it from kissing, eating or coming in contact with people who have active infection. The initial treatment is directed towards reducing fever and decreasing the discomfort caused due to inflammation in mouth. You should feed your son with a soft, cold and bland diet, a low spice vegetable soup, flavored gelatin, bread socked in milk etc. can be given. Avoid citrus juices like orange juice and can give him fresh apple juice. For fever, you can give him Tylenol or Acetaminophen . Application of a numbing gel like Lidocaine over the gums and other sore areas of mouth can provide relief, but care should be taken not to involve large areas of mouth as when being numb the child can accidentally bite the tongue and also damage other areas of mouth unknowingly. Doing cool compresses can help. Maintain a good oral hygiene and use an ultra soft toothbrush for brushing can help by preventing trauma and pain to gums. In case if there is an outbreak of sores or blisters antiviral medicines like Acyclovir can be advised by a Pediatrician to reduce the duration of the disease and prevent further outbreaks. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. .
I got my wishom tooth pulled on the left side bottom number 17 i think on june 6 friday i was put to sleep while doing it. now its friday and its not 100 percent better mouth still feels sore and jaw is swollen i cant hardly open my mouth or brush my teeth or either my tongue right im feeling miserable and its getting on my nerves. I DO THE SALT AND WARM water thing and i take the antibiotic but its like im missing the time to take it but im taking it. Please help me when will this pain be over im getting aggravated please help me.
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Hello, You can try some anti-inflammatory medications in addition to your antibiotic. Cold works well initially to reduce inflammation such as swelling, but then you want good blood flow to promote healing. Try some moist heat to relax the muscles and improve blood flow to assist healing. Try to maintain a soft diet. Realize this is bone surgery and will take a long time to heal. Soreness is to be expected, but will gradually lessen. Continue to do your best to continue good dental care and rinsing. Your first week will be the most difficult. Your second week should show improvement, but some if you had significant surgery and swelling, this inflammation needs time to resolve. Your TMJ could have been stressed. Your age and overall health can be a factor in how well you respond and the speed of healing. Your antibiotic needs to be at a certain level for a certain period of time to be effective. Follow your prescription as directed. If you miss a dose, do not double up, but try to get back on schedule as soon as possible. If you feel your antibiotic is not working and your discomfort is getting worse, contact your dentist. You may require a different antibiotic. Your dentist can prescribe additional stronger medications to assist healing, reduce inflammation and pain if necessary. You should have a followup visit. Do you have sutures that need to be removed? You may feel tightening as healing progresses. Should you continue to have difficulties with your jaw function, there could be a complication with your TMJ, fracture or delayed healing which would require further evaluation? I hope you can be patient, and you mouth feels better with time. Thank you for your inquiry. I would be glad to answer any additional questions concerning your progress.
I was involved in an accident 2005 that affected my spine.this is my MRI REPORT,I want a possible line of treatmentAge:31Sex: femaleRegistration Date/TimeMRI OF THORACIC SPINEDIAGNOSISTECHNIQUE :T1-T2 sag, axial and coronal and MR myelogram were done.FINDINGS :Alignment of vertebrae is normal.Vertebral bodies and appendages show normal signal intensities.Discs are normal.Wedge compression fracture is seen at T4 with angulation at fracture site andmild prosterior displacement.Prolapsed disc is seen at T4/5 witChatDoctorpression on the cord at same level.Posterior spinal colletion is noted posterior to the neural spine.There is expansion of the spinal canal.Intramedullary T2W high signal fluid collection is noted from C6 to the terminal cord.Pre and para spinal soft tissues are normal.IMPRESSIONCASE OF TRAUMATIC SPINE DISEASE.WEDGE COMPRESSION FRACTURE OF T4 WITH ANGULATION AT FRACTURESITE AND TRAUMATIC PROLAPSE OF THE DISCRESULTANT CORD COMPRESSION AND NARROWING SEEN AT SAME LEVEL.EVIDENCE OF CORD EXPANSION WITH INTRAMEDULLARY FLUIDCOLLECTION INDICATIVE OF A SYRINGOMYELIA ALSO NOTED FROM C6 TOTHE TERMINAL CORD.CORRELATE CLINICALLY AND FOLLOW UP.DR M A IYUNMBBS,FWACSCONSULTANT RADIOLOGIST0000 17/11/11 -Dr. YUSUF AFIZ FemalePatient Name
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This calls for evaluating your symptoms' history, period, duration etc. as fracture may be old or may be in recent years because of disease of the cord syryngomyelia, disc and cord implications, compression can be either event, late or old which have to be correlated to symptoms history. Determining the cause of collapse of vertebra, old or recent and extent of cord compression treatment may be from surgical decompression to more conservative lines and will vary to accommodate and evaluate relief possible
hi. i had an abortion in oct 2011. now want to concieve again and going thorugh with some test currently im undergoing with serial scanning . tomorow may be the last visit but when we checked for my husband in his case his sperm count is less and his sugar is little high. and we r running short off time as my age is 35yrs and his 38yrs. now we have consulted in CMC BANGALORE , can we take others opinion along like any fertility centre or shall i go through wih same . and what can be done in this situation
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Hi, Your age being 35 yrs is a concern, but you can take another 2-3 yrs as grace period. Don't worry. Husband age is not a big problem. But his sugar is to be corrected immediately. Maybe that abortion was also because of this. When his sugar level is high, no matter how high, his body may lodge certain infections. High sugars & infections can damage the head of sperm(that's where the genetic material of father is transferred to the baby) so the count may be normal but sperms not healthy, hence the pregnancy out of this unhealthy & can cause abortions. Now over years even the count also is reducing. This can be effectively corrected by oral pills or better with Insulin injections. Insulin for immediate control, later can be switched to oral pills, under planetologist supervision. You can spend 2-3 myths in this treatment & get control. Once done you can have tubal patency tested, SG (X-ray with dye) or SSG (scan with dye) or Laparoscopy. You may also need antibiotic / antifungal treatment for vagina (transmitted from husband)Once confirmed & semen parameters improved, especially the morphology of sperms(health of sperms) go ahead with GUI (Intrauterine insemination) which increases pregnancy chances by 4 times. You can try it 3 times, if not successful go ahead with IVF, because of your age factor. If you are not happy with the management there, you should take a second opinion, as your time is ticking away. As you had a pregnancy, even though it ended in an abortion, your chances for another pregnancy is very high. All the best Chat Doctor.
Hi, I m a recently retired, (63 years old) female . I haven t driven in ten years. I felt that once I retired, the stress from work and job would help me to overcome the panic attacks of driving. Now that I am retired I m a prisoner in my home because I m unable to drive to get out and move around. I want to be able to go to the health club, drs appt mts. and simply shopping. I was told by several doctors (internal medicine) that I was experiencing panic attacks. I was prescribed paxil 20mg. At one time I wasn t able to be alone in my home for fear I may have a herat attack. Since I ve taken paxil I m now able to be alone in my home with no problems. My main concern is I have major panic attacks when I m driving alone. Hence, I have completly stop driving for ten years. I so desperately want my indepedence back. I want to drive again without fear of any of panic attacks. Please help me . What can I do to overcome this major problem in my life that has stripped me of my mobility to get around? Public tranportation is imited where I leave and the cab service expense is overwhelming. I want to do this for me. I ve burned my husband, family and friends out with requesting rides. I would like to see a psychiatrist in the south chicago suburban area who specializes in this disorder. My e-mail is provided. I appreciate any advice and suggestions you can provide. Thanking you in adevance. I
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Hi there ~ Having panic attacks can be stressful. I understand that you have been started on pail. However, you do not give me more details regarding dosage and how long you have been on it. You need to be on an adequate trial of pail for it to be efficacious. In other words you may have to wait (or let your doctor know during your next appointment). However, there are other strategies that may help with panic attacks. Psychotherapy or counseling sessions and short term trial of benzodiazepines that are quick and efficacious may be helpful. You need to consult a qualified psychiatrist for referral. Take care and I hope this was helpful.
Hi my name is sal, for about 2 years now i have had swollen lymph nodes in my under arms, i have not went to the doctors to make sure they are acutal lymph node. Anyway i now have about 5 -7 nodes in both arms combined i dont feel any type of illness except for pain in my lower back. What can this be i cannot afford the doctors and I am extremly worried,
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Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I studied your query in all the details put forth by you. I understood your health concerns. Cause of the health problems you queried-There are many causes of the lumps in both of your underarms. In reference to accompanied lower back pain, these lumps could be either of -Lymphoma-(HL-Hodgkins and NHL -Non-Hodgkins type), TB lymphadenitis, Hi Chat Doctor. Plan of Treatment-Consultation by physician to rule out the above and other causes of under arm lumps. Xray Chest, Routine Blood tests and IRA(interferon Gamma Release Assay test) Blood test for old and subclinical /hidden TB infection, FNAC Biopsy By ER Surgeon if need be. After confirmation of the diagnosis of the cause of these lumps rule out other causes, I would advise you to consult ER Physician and ER Surgeon, who would examine it and treat it accordingly. Treatment-In the meanwhile you are waiting for the doctors consultation and needle biopsy and other tests-Anti-biotics and anti-inflammatory -to rule out any infective causes in lymph nodes and tissues around, could be started if need be after ER Physicians ER Surgeons opinion. In the absence of more information, I would advise Second opinion in your case, who would examine it and investigate it to treat it as per the cause of the lump. Do take his Second Opinion, on the above suggestion, as he would advise you with fist hand clinical information. Hope this would resolve your query with full satisfaction. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME by direct question at Chat Doctor. Write excellent review and hit thanks, to narrate your experience, which would improve my rating for many other visitors to Chat Doctor. Wishing you fast recovery. Have a good day.
I had my left knee ACL replaced yesterday morning and the doctor gave my leg a nerve block . It s still numb after 16 hours, and the instructions said it could last up to 36 hours, so I m only slightly worried about getting my control back. I ve also been prescribed oxycodone (10.325 mg every 4 hours), and I ve been taking it since being released. The nurse talked to me about making sure not to get behind the pain, but I m concerned that I m taking it while the nerve block is still active - unnecessarily and putting more medicine in my liver. It s 2:30 am here and I m reluctant to call the doctor. 1) Is there risk in taking the oxycodone if I don t need it to manage the pain? 2) If I discontinue taking it and wait until I start feeling pain in my leg, will I have enough time for it to be effective, and will I risk being behind and catching up? 3) Am I keeping the oxycodone in my system for the initial wearing off of the nerve block? 4) Will the nerve block wear off all at once or gradually? Thank you, Susan
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Hi, How bad is Chat Doctor. 5 gallons could be fatal. 1 325 of Tylenol is safe. It takes ten times that at one time to be bad for the liver. So, it is safer than water. In each case, having taken a gallon or a Tylenol yesterday isn't going to make taking it again today unsafe. So, the Tylenol issue won't accumulate. On the other hand, there are a lot of reasons not to overtake narcotics. You can get used to them in a few days and then they don't work as well because you've gotten used to them. It is equally true that if you don't have any pain, you don't know when to take them. The other feature the nurse is correct about is that they start working only about 40 min after you take them. Their peak effect is like at 90 min. So, if you wait on the pain, you will have a lag before relief. But there are also reasons to wait. The nerve block wears off pretty suddenly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
2 years ago I started to become more sensitive to cats dander and would start asthmatic bronchitis which would not go away so I had to take ketotifen for 2 months. I decided to start immunotherapy with cat and dog dander. Everytime after shot I had a reaction. On the 7th month of the theraphy I developed shortness of breath, tightness in chest, I started to react to everything (cooking fumes, people s odor and etc.). So I started to take Montelucast along with Ketotifen 2mg twice a day and stopped vaccination. 5 months later symptoms got even worse (still taking medication). Now I feel like very second I have to take a deep breath, feeling like there is no room to breath in. I had blood test done ( Vitamin D came out very low and IgA very high), also I had a chest X-ray done (Hyperinflation of the lungs). Now waiting for PFT to be done and referral to a pulmonologist ( which I cant see sooner than in 2 months, they are all booked. I wonder, what is going on with me? Is it empyzema, COPD or just asthma? Allergist prescribed Pulmicort (should I start taking it?) Allergist is not aware of x-ray results. thank you.
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. Yes, possibility of COPD (chronic obstructive Pulmonary disease) is high in your case. Long-standing asthmatic bronchitis can cause COPD. And you're all symptoms with chest x-ray are suggestive of COPD more. So you need to consult pulmonologist and get done PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). PFT is needed for the diagnosis of COPD. It will also tell you about severity of the disease. And treatment of COPD is based on severity only. You may need inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). Pulmicort is inhaled corticosteroid. But better to first consult pulmonologist and diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
I have red itchy patchy rashes on my for arms, forehead , ear lobes and face. I also suffer with swollen eye lids and under eyes where the skin is red, dry and wrinkled. I look like I ve been hit. My eyes are also hard to open when I wake up in a morning like my eyes and skin need stretching out. I am a 19 year old male and I have recently lost my virginity and didn t use a condom as I am in a relationship and he told me he had been checked for everything, I have also had many mould problems in my university accommodation, I don t know if this would have anything to do with it? I have changed my washing powder 3 times! Stopped using gel, hairspray, aftershave and only use the same shower gel I have used many times in the past. I am admittedly not eating healthy at the moment due to not being able to afford it as student living isn t cheap! I have sleepless nights currently waking up itchy or worrying my eyes are swelling . These symptoms get worse overnight and they get slightly better during the day and has been like this now for over two months. I have been To my doctors twice already and been given a 0.5 percent steroid cream, moisturiser allergy tablets and eye drops. The eye drops help to make my eyes feel clearer, less itchy and able me to open my eyes properly but the other medicines don t seem to be working.
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Hello, You are suffering from uncontrolled urticaria eruptions, but it is also possible you have concomitant house dust mite allergy (worse symptoms at night). You will also need to ensure that allergy tests are done against mites, cockroach, tree/grass pollen, molds, fungi to know your sensitivities. Asthma can occur in the long run if you have multiple aeroallergen sensitivities. Please ensure in the future you take protection before any sexual encounters (for several reasons). If you have had several of these unprotected, do get checked by a GUM specialist. Long acting antihistamine talents and nasal sprays will be required to control your current symptoms, and use less steroid creams. Calamine lotion is better, and you can apply even on the face if required. Best Wishes.
Hello, im a male 32 years of the age . Im facing some problem since 2009 after the death of my father . The problem is related to my sleep . Whenever i M falling asleep some weird things happens in my body .. Like choking and waking up , feeling of heat attack or vibrations starts in my body and then when i wake up and sit down it vanishes.. These things really doesn t allow me to go off to sleep but once i go off to sleep nothing bothers.. These episodes doesn t happen every time it happens mostly when im tensed or worried the entire day .. In 2012 i had some severe vibrations starting from my back and then every where including my head whenevr i try to fall asleep .. It lasted for 4 days..thn I visited a neurologist he gave me. Etizolam and revotril .. Asked me to take those med for 3 months but made me very slow and Sleepy that after a week i left them and fortunately i didnt experience any kind of trouble for a year .. On and off the episode happened after a year but not that often.. But now for past few months im constantly worrying about something and these things hs started again from last 8-10 days Whenever im falling asleep vibrations and twitching in my body starts and doesn t allow me to sleep .. I started etizolam .25 mg again for 3-4 days i didnt experience any thing but last nite i had the med around 1 and slept aroun 3 but couldn t sleep as i had some thoughts n my mind and then the vibrations started .. Please let me know the cure and is this any kind of disease im suffering from? Thank u
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Holloway you are describing seem to be panic attacks that feel like bouts of anxiety, palpitation, breathlessness and a fear that something bad is going to happen. The anticipation of these attacks causes further anxiety. If these attacks are very distressing I would advise you to start a SSRI preferably Paroxetine (Part CR 12.5 mg) at bedtime and continue it for at least 6 months. It can be increased further with a psychiatrist advice. You should not take Mizoram unsupervised for so long. Also get one ECG and TSH done to rule out any other physical cause of anxiety. Hope your query is satisfied.
hello doctor My son shakti aged 10yrs studying in 4th std, he was affected by facial paralysis 2 yrs a ago and we under went a treatment and he is been cured by 98% but still we see some minor changes in his faces and chewing styles . but now his breathing style is little difficult he often grunts from his throat as if he is having a cold (like a vicks ad kich kich and grunts) i was directed to a Dr. peditric M.D. and he told me to get a mri of PARANASAL SINUSES. Now i am sending you the report.VOLUME SCAN OF SINUSES IN AXIAL PLANE WAS DONE WITH CORONAL RECONSTRUCTIONI. Deviated bony nasal septum to left with spur formation abutting left inferior turbinate.II. polypoid mucosal thickening in right sphenoid sinus.III. Right inferior turbinate is hypertrophied.IV. Adenoid enlargement seen with mild air way narrowing.V. Frontal, maxillary and ethmoid sinuses are normal.VI. The anatomical varations of the ethmoid air cells are within normal limits.VII> the anterior osteomeatal complex appears normal. nasofrontal recess appears normal.IMPRESSIONI. deviated nasal septum to left with spur formationII. Polypoid mucosal thickening in sphenoid sinusthis the scan report given to me if i could get your email id i can forward the scan images to you Is my son having a problem with sinus can he be cured by homeopathy treatment, if so how long does he have to undergo this treatment
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Hi, as there is structural change in the septum and the nose, he needs to undergo minor surgeries, like correction of deviated nasal septum, and adenoidectomy. Don't worry, these are common minor surgeries, and can have the best result. Of course, after the surgery, you can use either the allopathic or homeopatChatDoctoredicine for correction of the balance infections, and to prevent allergies which are causing these problems. Thank you.
Can Cervical DDD of C6-7 cause breathing issues? After a sinus infection in Feb and again in May, had difficulty breathing. Both times dr thought pneumonia, but xrays were clear. The first time, I was off work two weeks and eventually the shortness of breath went away. This time, it persists. I have psoriatic arthritis boarding on lupus so Doc though might be related to that and scheduled apt with pulmonary medicine, but they can t get me in till July 21st. Ended up in er yesterday, thought was having heart attack, as heart was beating hard, couldn t breathe, tingling down the arms, but heart is fine. Today I had CTScan of lungs to check for possible PE, but can was good. My o2 sats have remained good throughout at 98-99. I get the numbness down the arms, pain in shoulders (right is worse and got shot in it), can t lay on by back cause arms go numb, sometimes feel like fire ants are biting me. Oh, and I sound like I have laryngitis...have since this started. Based on an xray back in Oct 2013, I have DDD with narrowing of C6-C7. It s my understanding that the nerves from that area go to the lung area and throat. Since pulmonary keeps coming up negative, is it possible it s actually related to the spine instead, and I should have that checked out further?
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No, I don't think your breathing difficulty is cervical spine related. Diaphragm is the strongest respiratory muscle. It helps majorly in breathing. It is supplied by Phoenix nerve (C3-C4 nerve roots). So any pathology at C6-C7 level won't cause any abnormality in Phoenix nerve functions. Since all your reports including CT thorax are normal, and you are maintaining oxygen saturation (98-99%), no need to worry much for your breathing difficulty. Possibility of stress and anxiety related breathing difficulty is more likely. So avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
I have 2 children and am 6 months pregnant. I have quite a happy relationship but all of a sudden i feel really insecure and i dont know why. Nothing in particular has happend but the last few days i have just felt quite down and emotional if i think about how insecure im feeling. I have sufferd from post natal depression before but this feels different and i dont know whats causing it. Also i feel quite sick with it which is odd and im sure its not to do with my pregnancy as ive only started feeling sick since feeling like this. Ive also had quite a long term problem where (i know this sounds so silly) but if my partner was to mention an ex or if i think i about him with anyone else, it makes me feel incredibly insecure and sick. I cant handle talking about his past life with any other women, and get very paranoid and feel like crying if i think hes looking at another woman. Hes never done anything to make me feel that way but i have always been like it and i dont know if all this is tied together. Its such a strange feeling and i wish it would go away. Please help me as its really getting me down. Thank you
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Hallow Dear, The incidence in past is bothering your mind. You have very rightly said the need to talk to someone. Please seek for an assistance of a counselor. Of course, you should not right off other organic causes which may lead to such conditions, particularly with the history of postpartum depression. This condition is very commonly observed in anemic patients. Anemia increases the psychological instability. So please get your blood checked for anemia. Iron with proteins will help you in this condition. The other condition you should rule out is Thyroid dysfunction. Any type of Thyroid dysfunction is known to cause mood changes. Hypothyroid condition is more common during pregnancy. It may also affect the health of the baby and outcome of the delivery. Miscarriages due to hypothyroid state are quite common. So please get your Thyroid function test - T3, T4 and TSH - performed on your blood. Depending upon the results, you may need medication. Please do not ignore the problem; report to your Obstetrician, preferably with the blood reports I have advised you. I hope this helps you today.
I am 73 yrs. old 250 lbs.. I have a small lump about the size of a ball (about half the size of a table tennis ball) on the outside of the left knee area, [Total Knee 2004]. It has grown in about 2 months It is hard and somewhat painful when touched, difficult to walk 200 yards or so. Orthopedic Surgeon opened the area, 4" incision and said, " I have not seen anything like this in all my years!" It was like a jell substance 3 colors orange,tan,red, all the way to the bone and no idea where it originated from! Altar Sound showed a solid Cyst. He removed what he could and stitched me up. This had all been sent to the lab, all negative for Cancer, Disease, and Infection! I still have a bulge on side of knee. It is still painful to walk any distance. He has me in therapy 2 weeks now, not much help also wearing a Knee brace. Therapist tested for strength which was very good.I was in DaNang, Vietnam, Agent Orange in 1963. I had Prostate Cancer, Gleason Score 8 Radical removed April 2010 3 Month later PSA 1.8 high risk fast growing, had 36 Radical Treatments Radiation. Could some of my problems be related to Agent Orange or another type of Virus? Help!!
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Hi, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor.-I studied your query in depth and understood your concerns.-Cause and Treatment-of the painful lump on side of knee--In your case the cause mostly is -due to Al-amyloidosis with cystic lump in the knee.?possibility of the Mets from the prostate cancer needs to be ruled out. Treatment would be according to the cause--Detox treatment for the Agent Orange -FDG Pet scan to find out the bone Mets -I would suggest Onco-Surgeon to deal with your case-Hope this would resolve this tricky problem. This would help you to plan treatment with your doctor.Don't worry and things will settle Hope this would resolve your query. Welcome further for any query in this regard. Wishing you a fast recovery.Don't forget to Write a good and strong review ASAP for the benefit of other patients. Have a Good Day.
Hi I had a month on Lo Loestrin Fe birthcontrol and then switch after a month to Tri-Sprintec. I did not skip any pills just went straight to takin Tri-Sprintec after finishing my pack of Lo Loestrin. My boyfriend ejaculated inside me during my first week of Tri-Sprintec, Im scare since i switch and was on tri-sprintec for only a week that I could get pregnant.However my boyfriend insisted that ill be fine since I was already on Lo Loestrin for a month. Now my breast are sore after a week of being on sprintec and my nipples have grown however the soreness is not as bad as a previous time when i was pregnant. Im scare that i might be pregnant since my breast are sore, or if its just a common side effect of tri-sprintec but i dont understand why my nipples have grown a bit pls help?
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Hallow Dear, Both the pills you have mentioned are birth control pills. Lo Lobstering Fe is a low estrogen pill hence it may cause low bleeding. Tri-Sprintec is an average Oestrogen-Progesterone pill. If you were on one brand pill regularly and just change the brand without having any gap, the chances of protection are very high. Moreover, the intercourse happened in the first week of menses. This is little away from the fertile period. Egg release in women happens 14 days prior to next menses. Considering 24 hours life of egg and 72 hours activity of sperms, a week around this day is considered as fertile period. Already on birth control pills and intercourse away from the fertile period, the chances of pregnancy are very low. You have not mentioned whether you have missed period or not. Missing a period is the first and cardinal symptom of pregnancy. All other symptoms appear later. Your breast and nipples symptoms could be due to rough handling also. Still if you are in doubt, please wait for the periods to miss. If at all it misses, then 8-10 days after that perform urine pregnancy test and/or ultrasonography for detection of pregnancy; done earlier, they may prove to be inconclusive. Beta Chat Doctor tests are conclusive even 2-3 days after missed period. I hope you are satisfied with the explanation.
Hi!recently I applied for uk student visa,they required to go through a tb test before arrival. So I went to medical center first they took a chest X-ray but there was a shadow in center of my chest but not on lungs so they asked me to go through a sputum culturing test,but im worrying about that although I have no any symptom no cough no sputum no fever nothing, I never smoke,and never did any thing that can cause tb,but I heard that culturing can find even a very miner bacteria,so is there any chance of positive report?and is there any other test where I can examine myself with detail about tb bcoz I dont wanna waste my 42 days,
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Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. I reviewed facts of your query in context to your health issues and feel concerned about them. My Opinion-In My opinion, in the given situation you seem to suffer from-? Undetected Shadow in lung, which could be due to fungal infection / or could be from old TB /or could be From tumor mass. Other causes need to be ruled out, after getting more details from you. If you want to go immediately for TB tests-IGRA would give you fast confirmation of any old / past TB infection. Besides these Consults with Chest Physician would resolve your issues fast. Next appointment-Asap to review and plan the treatment for existing problem. If you update more information/ details upon these suggestions, I would give further suggestions on medicines to correct your health issues. If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following Chat Doctor link-http://doctor.Chat Doctor .com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229 Dear, if you don't have any further query in this regard, Do close this query with YOUR pleasing and feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at Chat Doctor services. If you want to update more details and ask more update queries, You are most Welcome herewith !! Good Day!! Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist M.S. Genl-CVTS
I a disabled, single father, and I have no vehicle. Part of my disability is due to back surgeries, and the other part Is for my mental state. I ve been diagnosed with bipolar mixed with anxiety and depression. I currently take meloxicam, baclofen, and hydrocodone, for arthritis, muscle spasms, and back pain. I haven t seen a psychiatrist since my surgeries because I was already taking xanax depakote and celexa, and I didn t know how that would act with the amount of pain meds I had to take. Its been a couple years since I have taken anything for my stress, and I m afraid I ve let the stress and anxiety build up too high. I ve been moody, paranoid, having loss of memory majorly, and find myself nervous and confused. I would like some advice because I absolutely need the medications I am on right now, but o also need the others as well, especially for anxiety. I am raising two children on my own. I need the pain meds and muscle meds just to get up and clean and cook and other things, and I need to be back on mental meds so I don t stress so much over bills and things and the kids, and so I can be calm with them and others around me, and so I m not so nervous in public. I am sending this message from my phonr because I have no computer, and I have no transportation. Could you tell me what you would do if you were in my situation please? Thanks for taking time to read this. Alan Ripley
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Dear Alan Ripley. First let me express my condolences for the situation you are in. To answer your question I Suggest you see a psychiatrist and get back on those pills immediately as the all the symptoms you are describing are due to the condition you have been diagnosed with. May I also suggest u join a support group or talk to someone every day who can get your mind off your worries medications you are taking for the. Back pain are absolutely essential, and I would not recommend you discontinue any. However, I do suggest that you discuss the possibility of cross-reactions with your psychiatristFinally Mr. Alan you have two child Chat Doctor. Be strong every day for them. I wish you well
i m 32 years old.i had a lump in my armpit.went to see a doctor who had me get a breast ultrasound.which showd no mass in my breast.but dignosed lymphadynopathy she asked ne if i had a tb family history.the answer was neg.but i do get these coughs very i have to get a blood cp n esr...can please tell me whats going on n is this lyphadenopathy something to worry about....i m married n have 2 kids is 11 n the other is 4.5 years old..
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Hi, Dear Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I studied your query with available details given in your query. I understood your health concerns. Cause of the armpit lump with Cough-AS your breast on USG study showed normal, the bilateral lymphadenopathy in maxilla/armpit, could be due to -Pulmonary TB with general debility or With Hodgkin's Lymphoma/or NHL. Update more information-of accompanied malaise, fever,joint pains, and any weight loss lately with this cough and armpit lumps.Hence, I would advise you to Consult ER Surgeon /Onco-Physician, who would investigate it by-CBC(Complete Blood Test) with ESR, IGRA (Interferon Gamma Release Test -to find out any evidence of old or current TB infection in the body. X-ray Chest, FNAC Biopsy with HPR study of the armpit lump, would confirm the nature of the lumps and cause of the accompanied Cough with it. So Don't worry till you get the FNAC Biopsy of the armpit lumps, to rule out other causes of such a lump. So consult an ER Surgeon.Don't Self-treat or medicate in your case as the case may go in to further complications. Hope this reply would resolve your query and would help you to plan treatment with your doctor. Hope this would relieve of your health concerns. Welcome for any further query in this regard before final suggestions are given in your query. Wishing you fast recovery. Have a good day. Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist.
Hi, I understand these services cost money, which i don t have and U have no idea how sorry I am because if U could help me, there is no limit to what I would pay you. I had my 5th MRI , since 2007 I was diagnosed with severe spondylotic changes, significant levoscoliosis to the left & is now a worry they say about my heart & lungs. Also lg. left lateral disc bulges @L4-5 & L5-S1 w/hard & soft disc material create severe neural foraminal narrowing at these levels. Also Central Canal Stenosis . I went to see a Orthopedic Specialist, he met w/a team of surgeons & they said NO WAY for surgery, I am 47 and my scolosis has increased 12 degrees in the past 18 months & the Dr s said, we have never seen that & it is like a once in a blue moon . My pain is unbearable. My DR. had me on oxycodone (3) 15 mgs every 4 hrs., for 15+ years, she has recently cut me back to 30 mgs every 4 hours & said in 7 days she will cut more. Reason, she said to much negativity w/oxycodone + she lost her license to write scrips & this DR office is cutting across the board on all chronic pain patients. All I want is to have a life, or at least some quallity of one. I have been diagnosed 7 yrs ago for major chronic depression and GAD . I hurt so bad I do not know what to do or who to go to for help now. I know you are paid for your service, I wish I could..... Thank you (there is more) but I guess that is enough typing because U probably never will get this anyways, so have a good day....
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Hi, thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. As you have been on pain medications since many years, there is a high possibility for you to suffer their adverse systemic reactions. I suggest you to try RADIO FREQUENCY ABLATION which is said to give significant relief from pain in patients with Chronic back pain. Its effect may last anyway between 6 months to 2 years without the need for taking daily pain pills. Hope this information is helpful. Good day
Ok so I did an artificial insemenation on april 26th my last period was april 8th and my cycles are 33 days like clockwork. On the 9th I went to hospital for back pain n got treat for uti while I was there they gave me a pregnancy test which was positive and told my levels where 129. My period was due on may 11th. On may 13th I went to the doctors and he tested my levels again and they were 849 the very next day on the 14th I had some spotting around 6pm and went to the ER where they tested my levels and they were 1560 and they did a pelvic ultrasound and said they saw the sac n everything looked ok. They also treated me for a bactrial infection. I never had any cramps or pain whats so ever. I am no longer spotting. Yesterday I went bcak to doctor which would be may 20th and they did a pelvic ultrasound and said they saw the sac and nothing else which he said he wasnt worried aboit but he said next Friday may 27th we should see something and know if the baby is ok or not. He calculated me at 6wks yesterday but thats based of a 28 day cycle I think Im only 5wks 4 days. Is what I seen on my ultrasound yesterday ok? And how far along am I based off my cycle n the only day I was insmenated? And what should I see on my ultrasound next week? The doctor I been seeing is new to me n doesnt take time to listen to me
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Hi, thanks for using Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. There is something called implantation bleed which occurs around the next expected periods. This occurs when the fertilized egg gets implanted on to the endometrium. So nothing to worry about the bleeding. Your Chat Doctor title is increasing so it's a growing pregnancy. Your gestational age is calculated from the last period date irrespective of the length of the cycle. By 5-6 weeks a gestational sac appears. By 6-7 weeks fetal pole and cardiac activity should be seen. That's what your doc is expecting in the next scan. By next scan your exact period of gestation will be known. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Hope I have answered your queries. Good day.
I am 22 female 168cm 58kg and went in for a colonoscopy and endoscoposy yesterday. Polyps have been removed. I has the usual bloating from excess air in my stomach but that pasted relatively quick. Approximately 10 hours after the procedure I have experienced lower back pain, which has only gotten worse as I ve rested. What do you think this is?
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Hi, welcome to our site. I am Chat Doctor, MD. Read your query. That is a very significant question and I appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your query think you need to understand that the nerves of many parts of the body are related. When doing colonoscopy or endoscopy, air is infused in the system so that we can visualize this system. When this air is left back, and some part of it is almost there till it gets reabsorbed, there may be pain in the stomach and often in back. The pain you may have had initially is due to local action. The nerves of stomach/intestine are affected. Then the other related nerves are affected and this may lead to backache. It is caller referred pain. Referred pain is like when two parts of the body are supplied by the same nerve, the brain may mistakenly read that the pain is in one part of the body while it is actually in another part of the body. You may therefore just wait for the pain to pass. If it does not pass meet the doctor to rule out the possibility of injury hope this helps you. Inform the reports mentioned above/if any other, so I can be of help further. I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you. Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination. Please feel free to ask another query. I would be glad to help you. Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further. (If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)Best of luck. Chat Doctor. MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), CC (Diabetes Mellitus), DNB (Neurology)Consultant Physician and DiabetologistJS Hospital Apollo Hospital, Delhi Baileys Hospital, Noida
My 2 1/2 year old boy has been sneezing, coughing (wet cough) and has a runny nose. When he is breathing there is a bubbling noise in his lungs. Yeterday he coughed all night to the point he was unable to get any sleep and he vomited once. He has in the past suffred from mild ashma and was prescribed with Salbutamol Sulphate reliever. We are currently in Ethiopia which is a very hot country and the pollen count is low. I never had to use his inhaler previously in this country. My question is I m not entirely sure if his current condition is caused by an allargy, pollen etc. His cousin who has been staying with us was recovering from a bad cold with simlar sympoms mentioned above. She recovered fully in just a few days. The runny nosie she had was clear in the begning but trurned yellowsih after a few days which indicates that her conditon was caused by cold? I think he might have caught cold from her? Today he had a mild fever 37.4 and I give calpol for this. The coughing, runny nose and sneezing persisted throughout the day. I m not too sure how to treat my son shall I give him the Salbutamol reliver? Is this an infection or common cold, allergy or a combination of all three? please advise. Many thanks
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Hello dear. As per your symptoms, its chest infection that he caught through his cousin.Also, he is prone to allergies AA he caught asthma last year. I would like to ask if there is any exposure to dust, mites,carpets or stuff toys on which there is fur??? If yes then please avoid such stuff. I would recommend antipyretic like paracetamol 120 mg/5ml (5 ml 4-6 hourly for fever) and Mobil syrup 125 mg/5ml 5 ml three times a day for 1 week along with some bronchodilator syrup like terbutaline 0.3 mg/ml (5 ml thrice a day for 1 week) and anti histamines like Ben Chat Doctor. You should also try some home remedies like 1 teaspoon of honey in Luke warm water daily along with avoidance of cold
Hi im on micrognynon 30 and have been for over 3 years now. i have never missed a period while i have been on it so im really worried as my period hasnt come yet. i always come on on the sunday as i finish my pack on a thursday, yet last time i was a day late and this time, its now monday, i have nothing only small cramps but nothing else. after my last period i started my pill again on the friday my normal day and that day i fooled around with my boyfriend, we didnt have sex but we did rub against each other but i made sure he didnt enter me at all.. im really worried that i might be pregnant as i have never missed a period before on the pill, also i have been really down and stressed during this course but that was 2 weeks ago now
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Hello, and I hope I can help you today.First, I want to reassure you that if you have been taking your birth control pills as directed and you didn't miss any that the chances of your being pregnant are tiny. The failure rate of birth control pills in general is about 1 in 200 per year, meaning one out of 200 women has a chance of getting pregnant on the pill over the course of a year. Many women can miss periods for reasons not due to pregnancy. Your period can be affected by diet, traveling or changes in your schedule, and especially stress. Even worrying about pregnancy can cause enough stress to delay your cycle. Also, some women stop menstruating completely when they have been on the pill for a long time, especially low-dose pills like the Microgynon you are taking. I suggest you purchase a urine pregnancy test (the over-the-counter ones are just as accurate as a doctor's office) and follow the package directions. If you are not pregnant, you can just wait and see what happens with your cycle and even if you never bleed just start your new pack on time, and you will be protected against pregnancy. If your irregular periods continue to bother you, you may want to see your GUN provider who may be able to prescribe a different pill for you that may help you have predictable cycles. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes,
My husband suffers from depression . He was injured at work and we had to deal with Worker s Comp. for 22 months. He had to have total knee replacement and the surgeon has told him he won t be able to return to work. He has applied for dissability but because he s only 47, he was turned down. We have a lawyer and feel he s doing a good job. My husband feels like he should be taking care of his family and of course, staying inside all day certainly doesn t help. Our doctor has tried him on Celexa (29 mg) and Effexor (150 mg). He had 1 refill left on the Effexor so he started taking it again. With all the medicines out there, we don t know which might be best for him. He has an appointment next week with anothe doctor to get a second opinion. He has been on Metformin and Lesinopril but has stopped those since his weight loss from close to 270 down to 217. He s such a wonderful person and am not giving up on getting him help. He just gets very frustrated trying different meds. Any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance. I m sorry I can t pay this since I am the only one working. But thank you anyway.
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Hi there ~ I understand that not being able to work can be handicapping in a lot of ways for a lot of people. In your husbands case, I am sorry that his disability petition was turned down. If effector had helped him before, it would be prudent to go back on that medication until he sees a doctor. However, please watch for any side effects, most commonly gastrointestinal (nausea and vomiting) and increase in blood pressure. Elena is also an effective adjuvant medication for depression. I am glad that he is working on making his day better. I hope he is eating at regular times and sleeping well, not too much not too little. Activity makes depression better, so the more he does with his hands the better he would be with his depression. I would not bother too much about the weight loss. Please wait for the doctor's appointment to see what the doctor says. I hope this helps. Take care and have a nice day !
I am a 32 year old woman. Although it is not very apparent, I have excessive hair loss every time I oil, shampoo or comb my hair. I have hypothyroidism and take 100mcg of eltroxin every day. I check my thyroid levels every year and they have been normal with this dosage of eltroxin for the last 4 years. What can I do control my hairloss. I have tried ayurveda but it did not help.
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Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, You seem to be suffering from excessive hair fall commonly seen with hypothyroidism. Though your levels are normal, the overall hair growth and rate of growth may be affected more in your case, even on treatment. In your case, the hair fall, maybe prolonged due to other factors as well, such as poor nutrition, stress, lack of rest, low iron and hemoglobin levels, hormonal changes, also any history of thyroid disorders etc. Dan Chat Doctor. For your hair to grow well, it needs sufficient nutrition. Fever, typhoid, recent illness, water change, work stress, pollution etc. is a factor. Low hemoglobin/iron levels need to be checked as well. These causes need to be considered and treated as they affect hair growth. You can consult a dermatologist regarding any tests that may be required to diagnose the causes. They can assess your hair in person and advise accordingly. They may advise hemoglobin, iron, hormone levels if needed. For now, you may start a Recite solution or Tress go serum to scalp at night, along with hair supplements daily like Seraglio or Bootee capsule. This needs to be continued at least for 2-3 months to see results. Use mild shampoo and conditioner like Anaphase or Renoir for hair growth start with the treatment as advised and see a doctor. If your hair is very thin and scanty on the scalp, and medical methods do not work well for you, after a few months of observation, certain new surgical procedures can be considered such as PRP, as will be advised by your consulting doctor after observation, if they feel that it will be a good option for you. This is a later option. Also get a good nutritious diet, avoid stress, pollution, get good rest. Hope this guides you
Hi, My doctor have asked me to get done the follicular study. I have started that and the endometrium size is 0.67 cms on 26.12.2011. Now the doctor has asked me to get the next scanning done on 29.12.2011 and said that if the follicular size is >= 0.67 cms then take Injection Ovumax 5000 units SC.Please advise what does this indicate.
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Hallow Dear, The egg is inside the follicle. Immediately after menstruation, the follicle and the egg inside are very small. Day by day, they go on increasing in size. About 14 days prior to the next menses the egg is released from the follicle. Just before the egg release (ovulation), the follicle attains the size between 18 mm and 21 mm. Endometrium is lining of the uterus. During menstruation its outer layers get shed off when it becomes very thin. Day by day, it also starts becoming thicker. A healthy endometrium is between 9 mm and 14 mm thickness at the time of ovulation. You have mentioned the size of follicle and thickness of endometrium, which are too low; however it is not clear these sizes are on which day of the cycle. If these measurements are at or around the ovulation, they are too low. You will need some medicine to increase the size of the follicle. As the follicle grows in size, endometrium also will become thicker. However, Ovum ax is an Injection which contains Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Chat Doctor) hormone. This injection is given to induce ovulation from a well grown follicle. It would not help the growth of the follicle. For growth of the follicle, In. HMG has to be given. Camphene citrate also may be of use; however, it may hide the growth of the endometrium. I would not advise you to go for these or such injections before you get some of your investigations done which will try to point out the deficiency. Get your blood examined for FSH, LH and AMH. Based on their levels, further management should be planned. Please report to an Infertility Consultant for expert and scientific management. I hope you got the required guidance.
I am a 26 year old male from India and I was being badly scratched on both my lower arms by a 8 month old not imunised street cat which I kept for 4 months. Yesterday I got a another small scratch from her on my neck . I got her treated for foam vomiting and direa then she was fine. But I never got her vaccinated until yesterday. Then I let her go. Are there any chances of me getting rabies. Last week I got a mild swelling in my tongue my left eye had also swollen up even my right eye was starting to swell up. I went and took a tettinis injection and showed my eyes to a eye doctor. Now the swelling in tongue is gone. The swelling in my eyes are also much better. Today I took one vaccination against rabies. The particulars of the bill say that I took one VAXIRAB amount-338.00 and INJ.GIVING CHARGE amount-5.00. I plan to complete the remaining three doses that they have sheduled for me they are on 11, 14 and 21 of may. Please I just want to know wheter I am safe. Are these vaccinations safe and sufficient for me.
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Hello. I can understand your concern. The incubation period of Rabies in humans i.e. the time taken from the virus to enter the body and produce symptoms can vary from anywhere between 1 week to 3-4 weeks. The same incubation period in cats is lesser i.e. from 1 day to a couple of weeks. Once the virus enters the body, the disease progression is very fast and death may occur within 10 days to 2 weeks. Since you have been scratched by your immunized pet over a period of 4 months, it rules out rabies infection in your cat as she did not show any symptoms during this period like aggressiveness or decreased activity. Another very common symptom of rabies is HY Chat Doctor. e. fear of water which from the information you provided, was absent. Hence, the chances of your cat transmitting the infection to you is also ruled out. Rabies virus mainly affects the nervous system and initial symptoms include pain at the bite site, generalized muscle aches, etc. which may rapidly progress to serious symptoms like change in behavior, aggressiveness, mental changes, HY
sever lower lumbar painIve had epidorals done radiofrecwenies to burn the nevers off severl times I take oxicodone 7.5 gabapeten diclofenac and tizanidine all for my back. I get something pinched in it alot but today i was going to stand upright from leaning over and did something to the point im in extrem pain. I called 911 and before transport was given two doses of "phentatolin" a pain med to reduce the pain befor transport it did nothing. I was taken to the er where an x-ray was done and it showed nothin that way. while there i was given three doses of some pain med that starts with a "D" the Dr. said was the strongest pain med they had and it did absolutely nothing and they sent me out the door. Im still in the same condition I was in when i called 911. I need to know what could be wrong with my back,what might i have done?
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Hellowelcome to ChatDoctoryour symptoms are most probably due to development of PIED i.e. PROLAPSE INTER VERTEBRAL DISC in which a protective cushion called as intervertebral disc, bulges out from between the two vertebral bones which leads to compression of the spinal nerves and can also cause spasm of the surrounding muscles of the back region which in turn causes pain and stiffness in that region of diagnose how many discs are involved you need to get an investigation called as MRI....if I were your treating doctor I would suggest the following - whenever the pain is very severe you can INJECTION THIOCOLCHICOSIDE INTRAMUSCULARLY two times a day for 3 days the most important modality to have long term relief from pain is STRENGTHENING YOUR BACK MUSCLES BY PHYSIOTHERAPY....any good physiotherapist can teach you the specific back/spinal exercises which you can then do at home regularly and include those exercises in your daily routine...remember, in the beginning you might feel lazy to do exercises but remember medicines can only provide short term relief and permanent relief can only be obtained by strengthening your back by exercising regularly take care Chat Doctor.
I am a 63 yo female on statins and BP meds. I am 5 1 135 lbs and eat very healthy. I exercise 2 times a week with cardio and weight lifting. I got my test results back to check liver enzymes and my ALT is high. The range should be 6-29 and mine is 35. I looked back on my previous tests when I was under another doctor s care BEFORE I was taking cholesterol medication and it was 28. The range they showed though was from 0-40 as acceptable, not 6-29. This most recent test was done because I was diagnosed with a benign hemangioma on my liver which was found incidentally looking for something else, a benign fatty mass on my kidney. I am also wondering if my high ALT is the reason my glucose is so high. It is 119. Before when I was tested under my other doctor when my ALT was low my glucose was low too. It was 92 so I feel there could be a connection between the 2 readings. So while my cholesterol is low, 174, due to the statins, my ALT and glucose are high as well. My current cholesterol reading after going through a life style change WITHOUT statins is 264. Do you think it s the statins that are causing my high ALT readings? Or is it the benign hemangioma on my liver? I am also concerned my medications are affecting my glucose negatively. I ate less healthy when my glucose was low. Now that I take care of myself, it s higher. The only difference I can see is statins.
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Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your ALT level is normal. No need to worry about your ALT level. There is minor lab to lab variation and instrument and kit wise variation in result. So no need to worry about ALT. Statin is not responsible for that. Liver hematoma is accidental finding, and it is also not responsible. Statin does not increase the blood glucose level. Take low fat diet with high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Continue your statins according to advise. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
im a 16 year old girl and ive been in hospital 3 times with a mystery pain and the surgical team and the guine team have no idea as to what is causing the pain. i get the pain regularly and it gets really bad around every 7 months and that is when ive been in hospital . the pain is situated on my right side pretty low down and the surgical team were concerned about my appendix but it has not been confirmed that that is the problem. ive had a scan on my overys and an ovarian sist has been ruled out so there pretty sure its nothing guinelogical (excuse spelling mistakes). my blood test were always normal except the last time my white blood cell count was 15 which is a sign of infection hinting towards inpendicites again the surgical team had decided not to take my appendix out. my bloods were taking twice the last time i was in and when i was starting to feel better my white blood cell count was back to normal although another blood component was up and i cant think of the name of it but it wasnt a major concern . i was put on a contraceptive pill after the second time i was in hospital to stop me ovulating to see if that was causing the pain but it obviously wasnt if it happened again so i have now been taking pff the pill cause there is no need for me to be on it. do you have any suggestions as to what is causing my pain or any suggestions would help I have posted this again because I said the pain was on my left side when it is actually my right side my apologies
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Hi thanks for using Chat Doctor. I appreciate your explanation. Your history suggests some infection giving rise to pain. It may be appendicitis or some pelvic diseases. As advised from your Gone, take contraceptive pills for a couple of months and look for any changes. The OCP regularize your cycle, prevents Pelvic inflammatory disease, and also cures some diseases with vague symptoms of the unknown cause. After stopping this your regular cycle will occur and no other problems if you adhere to your doctors' advice. Get one colonoscopy done to rule out any intestinal disease and take plenty of fluids with regular exercises. Hope I answered your question and clarified your query. Wish you good health. Take care. Regards Chat Doctor.
Hi I m female 27 non-smoker, used to be very fit and active but the last year I haven t been to the gym. 3 months ago I had an epsiode of a racing heart and chest pain at work. I think I panicked with it and ended up in A&E and had ECG and full bloods. Everything came back normal. Then 4 weeks after that ago I woke up in the middle of the night with Chest pain, racing heart. I went to A&E again and I had an ECG, and full blood tests and everything came out normal again. I went to my GP and he said it could have been an SVT. Since then I ve had brethlessness mainly on the left side of my body and I ve had a fast heart rate even when I m not exerting myself very much (walking up stairs etc). I have had bouts of stabbing pain in my upper abdomen and a burning sensation in the middle of my back whicChatDoctores and goes. I ve been booked in to have a 24 hour tape to monitor my heart but the doc says this is just a precaution and he doesn t think its anything serious. I don t want to keep bugging my doctor but I m concerned that something is going to happen and the symptoms just won t got away. Can you help? Thanks Nicole I ve been on atenolol beta blockers for 1 month now which seems to have helped my heart slow down, but I ve been extremely tired with it and still breathless. The last few days my heart rate has sped up again. In the past I have taken some illegal drugs and am concerned that I have heart disease, although I m not sure how you would test for this? I don t believe the symptoms are related to stress/anxiety as my fast heart rate seems to be all the time.
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Hi, I passed carefully through your question and would explain that your symptoms could be related to anxiety. Anyway, I agree with you on performing the ECG Holder monitoring as it will certainly help exclude cardiac arrhythmia. I would also recommend checking complete blood count for anemia, vitamin D plasma levels for possible deficiency and thyroid hormone levels. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hello... my name is Anne. Can I ask you if the type of bacteria present in BV (bacterical vaginosis) can spread to the skin? I have had recurrent BV for years. As if that is not bad enough for the last few years my feet and legs have been producing a really stong offensive odor? My feet only smell when my shoes are on. As soon as I take them off there is no smell. Anyone have any suggestions? The doctors I am seeing now cant seem to cure me of this. It is makng me very depressed. Please help.
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Hi Anne, Thanks for posting in Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. Symptoms what you are experiencing could be due to recurrence of yeast infection along with associated bacterial infection. This may be due to poor hygiene or due to transmission by asymptomatic partner during intercourse. If the infection recurs again and again, the following things need to be done: 1. Maintenance therapy like a regimen of oral fluconazole tablets once a week for six months or clotrimazole as a vaginal suppository used once a week for six months can be used. 2. Treating partner too if the partner has symptoms of a genital yeast infection (Atlantis). Along with this, you need to take a course of metronidazole to counter bacterial infection. Other measures which needs to be taken care are the following: 1. Wash the area with warm water and mild antiseptic twice daily until the symptoms subsides. 2. Abstain from sexual activity till your symptoms subside completely. 3. After using the toilet, wipe from front to back to avoid spreading yeast or bacteria from anus to the vagina or urinary tract. 4. Wear loose fitting cotton undergarments that helps keep your genital area Chat Doctor. 5. Change pads or tampons often during periods. 6. Use vaginal antifungal medicines which are available for 1-day, 3-day, and longer courses, depending on the strength of the medicine. 7. Along with it, you can use vaginal boric acid capsules, which are available over-the-counter. Do not use this medication if you are pregnant. Hope the information provided would be helpful. All the best.
I have been suffering from mouth ulcers from last two months. These ulcers start automatically any time day / night and become big (inside mouth any part, not on single place). I am not sure the reason about this, i taken some medicine suggested by my doctor, i visited to 5 doctor, ENT Specialist too, but nothing works, neither mouth paint, cleanothrush, Tees, etc.I am worried why these coming, even nowadays there is no problem of stool etc, i left smoking two months back and also not taking any other things (Alcohol, Tobacco etc). Please suggest what i need to do or to whom i need to consult, is it Oral CA, but i also found on internet Oral CA Ulcer come on side not every where.
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Hello, Mouth sores that reoccur are often viral. Stress can bring on an episode and repeat. Have your mouth sores been tested? Simple swab, biopsy, etc.? See a specialist such as an oral surgeon. Visit a dental school or a dentist with a greater interest in oral pathology. You seem to still need more diagnosis. Systemic conditions are known to be associated with mouth sores such as HIV/Aids. Testing is critical to determine normal ranges and overall health. Your genetic history and family illness history may offer clues. Are you compromised? There are autoimmune disorders. Students stressed can have Mono. Travel lately? Unusual exposure or diet change? Keep asking many questions. A history of Measles can later appear as Shingles. Mouth sores can be included in Shingles. Virus exposure history helps diagnosis. Having an association with another carrier of a virus such as Herpes can cause repeat reactions. Changing routines, limiting exposure and getting rid of items that might carry a virus are all good actions. You seem to have tried many actions. One other consideration is an allergic reaction to your dental care products and make sure you have ruled this out. Try changing toothpaste or rinses. Flavorings and other ingredients are known to cause reactions. Symptomatic treatment with pain medication, rinsing warm salt water, avoid irritants and time passing is the best advice for now. I try to provide questions to help you think and you have the option to visit other doctors for continuing clinical evaluation.
I am an 82 yr old female, basically in good health, other than CLL, beginning osteoperosis. Two years ago, I had a bladder tumor removed and to date, no additional problems show up in check-ups. Right now, I flank pain on my right side; bad enough to keep me awake at night, but not what I d call severe. About 12 years ago, I had a bad reaction to iodine contrast agent which showed up as rash on my abdomen and severe pain in my right kidney. I received benydryl which reduced the pain and within a day or so, all had cleared up. 6 weeks ago, I had a sharp pain in my lower back when I was urinating, but it went away quickly, and md said I may have passed a stone. When I began having a steady ache on right side of my lower back, my urologist scheduled a CAT scan; results showed no problem with kidney or UT etc. That was 2 weeks ago, and I still have the flank pain. My PCP doesn t seem to know which specialist to send me to. Any ideas?
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Hello, I have studied your case with diligence. As per your age and history there can be spine degeneration with disc bulge leading to back pain. Yes you need MRI spine to confirm diagnosis and proper management. At old age there can be degenerative wear of bones, muscles, ligament and facet joint arthritis, due to deficiency of calcium, vitamin D, IT supplements of these nutrients can relieve pain. Check your bone strength with DEXA SCAN and you can start medication according to level of osteoporosis, And also check your it B12 and it D3 level. I will advise you to do regular physiotherapy and exercises as my patients find much relief by these therapies. You may consult physiotherapist for guidance. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case you need to take diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you find this answer helpful do not hesitate to rate this answer at end of discussion. Wishing you good health. Take care.
I dont think my doctor is correct so I would like to get more additional advice. I had a traumatic car accident in 2006 and suffered from a completely crushed pelvis and left foot. I was diagnosed with MVP as well from taking over the counter diet pills and recently diagnosed with Interstitial cystitis. Ive been on numerous medications throughout the years. I am not prescribed to Cymbalta, which Ive been taking for 2 years now and I honestly do not think it helps, I am tired all the time and every time I tell the doctor, he just upper the dosages, I am on 60mg that I take once at night. I used to be on wellbrution as well but he took me off. A year ago, I had some tests ran and found out I had traumatic brain injury from my car accident. I used to be prescribed 30mg Adderall but as time went on, it wouldnt effect me as much as it use too and I would become completey tired before night began. I was recently on 40mg Vyvanse but the effectiveness decrease over time so my doctor upper the dosage to 70mg just recently, which I take once a day. From a lont time now, I suffer from constant headache/migraine symptoms and shortness of breath. Recently, Ive been experiencing pain in my chest, I have a burning pain and tightness and it bothers me to talk and I have to take deep breathes. I would love to here some advice so maybe for once, I can feel good and have energy. Thanks!
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. I have gone through the detailed history you have given. Possibility of stress, anxiety and panic disorder is more likely for all your symptoms. Chest tightness, pain, shortness of breath, migraine like headache etc. are characteristic symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You will need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Husband was sick last year, we were left with no diagnosis. 35k wbc, low red count, one dr said pnuemonia and it was left at that...........a year and two weeks later he is exhausted, i saw a knot on his neck and thought it was a sting of sorts and after feeling it i found a hard lymph node on his right collar bone. Also has another one popped up but that one down some. Has been to dr, xray, ultrasounds shows enlarged spleen they said he has iron deficient anemia, had ct scan two days ago. go for results and get nothing and said his blood smear results were not back although another girl in office said results were there in his chart but could not tell me anything. He is on ferrous sulfats 325mg 3x a day and now finishing up an antibiotic he was prescribed at his first visit. He has fullness, soreness in his sternum and some towards right side. Mostly this time they have only said his red cells are low and smaller. ???
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Hi, Dear,Good Morning. Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. I studied your query in details and understood your concerns.@My impression of your swollen lymph nodes-is as follows--Its a Chronic lymphadenitis-with ?TB amenities with anemia. / or it could be Lymphoma. I would advise -a-ESR/IRA blood test to detect old TB infection/b-Consult ER Surgeon and get FNAC Biopsy. This would resolve your lump issue in your husbands' case with chronic disease for 2 yrs now. I would suggest consulting ER surgeon and test blood forces / PPS -levels. This would help you to plan treatment with your doctor.@Hope this would resolve your worrisome query. Welcome for any further query in this regard, and would love to help you to resolve this problem till it is solved to your satisfaction.@ One Small Request to you to Write strong recommendations promoting my services for the benefit of my new and old patients at Chat Doctor clinic. Wishing you fast recovery.!! Have a Good Day. With Regards, Chat Doctor. N. Super-specialist in NCCD-Non-Curable Chronic Disorders and Rejuvenation therapies in tissue and organ failures.
i was born with 1 kidney ...enlarged on the left side.last week im experiencing urine incontinent..before i reached the bathroom..i already passed some urine..and i need to go to the bathroom at least 3 times in an hour to passed urine ...then finally i then i had a flank pain on the left that i decided to have a renal ultrasound.the technician told me that i had a mild pelvietasia...official result will come out after 3 days..I had U & E...and my crea shows last urea taken last month was only 65.I only had one kidney...thats why im so concern for further distruction..How i would treat this mild pelvietesia and how do i take care of my kidney? thank you so much. Im 45 years old . Im 51 in height and weight 62kg.Im hypertensive taking daily hyazaar 50mg..and for my flank pain...i take 1 gram tablet of paracetamol..because i exeperience some chills and severing..even though i dont have fever.I came from a family who all died from dad died from heart attack and a diebetic.
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Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist, I can fully understand your concern. Many people are born with a single kidney, which doesn't cause any health problems, if it's normally functioning. It's usually slightly larger, compared to a normal kidney. You should get examined by a Urologist, urgently, as you've symptoms of left flank pain with chills, frequency, and have a family history of Diabetes, and are hypertensive. As your scan shows mild pelviectasia, You should get certain tests done, like 1. Blood routine,2.urine culture,3.FBS and HbA1C,4.ACTIVE. After showing the reports to Urologist, proper treatment will be started. Till reports come, you may start, Tablet Ciprofloxacin, twice daily, with the Paracetamol650mg,twice daily and 10-12 glasses water daily. You may send reports to me, as a direct question, for an expert opinion. Chat Doctor. Manga.
These are the results on our son who is 6 yrs old. Could you help me understand. He has also had anzym test and it is normal. EXAM# TYPE/EXAM RESULT 0000 US/US Abdomen-Complete COMPLETE ABDOMINAL ULTRASOUND INDICATION: Hepatomegaly. COMPARISON: Abdominal ultrasound 06/04/2008. FINDINGS: Pancreas: Not well seen, but grossly negative. Liver: Heterogeneous echotexture. No focal mass. At the midclavicular line, sagittal liver length is enlarged, measuring 14.2 cm. Gallbladder: Negative. Gallbladder Wall = 1 mm, normal. SonograpChatDoctorurphy Sign: Negative Biliary System: No calculi seen nor abnormal dilatation. At the midclavicular line, the common hepatic duct diameter is 0.6 mm, normal. Right Kidney: Negative; no hydronephrosis or calculus is seen. Length = 7.8 cm, cortical thickness: 11 mm. Left Kidney: Negative; no hydronephrosis or calculus is seen. Length = 7.3 cm, cortical thickness: 11 mm. Spleen: Negative. Size 7.7 mm, normal Aorta: Unremarkable. Size 1.2 cm, normal Inferior Vena Cava: Visualized and unremarkable. No ascites. IMPRESSION: 1. Hepatomegaly. Nonspecific coarsened liver echotexture; however, no focal liver mass is seen. 2. Remainder of the exam is unremarkable.
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HelloCoarse echo texture of liver may indicate liver parenchymal disease. Normally liver is homogeneous in echo texture. Liver is also enlarged in size. It may be due to many causes like hepatitis, fatty liver, metabolic disorder etc. You may need clinical correlation and few investigations. Investigations include routine hologram, liver function test, random blood sugar, lipid profile, urine RE/ME. Further investigations like viral markers, liver biopsy can be done if needed. You may need to take few medicines after evaluation. Other findings are normal. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
Does we have antidose for Steroid.actually ,my wife taken some ayurvedic/traditional drugs for cure of Asthma,after two months she found her total body getting swelling,so discontinued the medicine.upon enquiry the person whod given those medicine admitted to used some steroids.though for Asthma she take the help of inhaler and under control but,her body is in swelling condition for last one month and feels severe pen while walking.plz advise the remedy.
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Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your wives history and would like to make suggestions for her as follows:1. Side effects of steroids are more common if they are taken orally or injections. I would first think that she has had side effects due to oral steroids which were mixed in medicine. Common side effects of oral steroids are weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, gastritis, and many others...2. Many of the inhalers for asthma also contain steroids, but they are in inhaled form, and they are minimally absorbed in blood. Hence, they usually do not cause such side effects. Hence, they are much safer for long term use as compared to oral steroids.3. As she has already had side effects, unfortunately there is no antidote. Side effects of oral steroids can decrease with time (a few months) after discontinuation. Though she will be able to use inhalers as per her doctors' advice.4. For better asthma management, I would suggest her to consult a pulmonologist or allergy-asthma specialist who will assess her symptoms in detail and will prescribe necessary treatment.5. I would also suggest her regular yoga & Panama, regular exercise like walking which increases immunity and lung capacity over long time.6. I would also suggest her a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals which will gradually improve her immunity over long time.7. Regarding pain while walking, it could be due to overweight, but it is important to know exactly which part of leg is aching to guide further. An orthopedic consultation may be helpful if pain is severe/of long duration. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to her. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish her the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
Hi Dr., My daughter was diagnosed a primary complex when she was 7mnth old,she was treated for 6 mnths kidz3 kit med,then she is now 2&11mnths old now. Last july 7 we went from her pedia because of cough and running nose ,then she was given antibiotic,then we advised to do chest xray,we did July 7 even she doesnt take her antibiotic yet,the result was NON SPECIFIC PNEUMONITIS.PRIMARY KOCH S INFECTION IS NOT RULED OUT. Then her pedia referred us in Pulmonologist,then this pulmonologist gave her mountelukast 4g sachet for 1mnth.We travel for vacation in province Aug.then she was accidentally her head was bump because she was playing with her cousin then we do CT scan, because she do vomit and she have fever that time,it was a tonsilitis only,She was given antibiotic so the result of CT Scan was no acute intracranial hemorrhage or carvarial fracture.Poy sinususitis.Then we cameback in city after a week she has cough and running nose again,I wonder why it is not really cured by antibiotics?is possible that her primary koch s atill active even she was treated already before?The pulmo dr. wanted to do repeat chest xray(must not have cough&running nose)but i am afraid of radation lag that is why till now i did not do it. is it ok to do xray after a mnth she was did xray and CT SCAN?or do I need to wait a year after?Does she need repeat treatment from the top(koch s infection if her infection possible active again?Thank you.
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Hi...1. This is not related to her primary complex.2. No need to repeat X-rays or CT as this seems to be an allergy and not an infection or pneumonia. Allergy cannot be diagnosed on X-rays and CT. Unnecessary radiation with these tests.3. I don't think the primary treatment need sot be repeated. If I have the kids' pediatrician I rather work up for her allergy and start her on treatment for prevention of allergic manifestations. Regards -
Hi Hi My father is suffering from NPH- Normal Pressure hydrocephalus . His actions and responses have become very slow since last 2.5 years doctors have diagnosed NPH. He is unable to hold urine. He has tendency to fall forward, getting up form bed is very difficult for him. He suffers from Diabetese since 1983(~ 29 years). He is advised to take GlicidM tablets twice a day for the same. He is also having enlarged Prostate . He feels constipated most of the times also his urine smells very bad. Please let me know if any medical reports of his are required. I have his MRI, ultrasound and other clinical reports. Please let me know if I should scan and send them to you. He feels slightly better after taking Vitamin b12 injection. Regards, Abhinav YYYY@YYYY If you can tell us any treatment without using shunt of CSF drain analysis please let me know. I think I have checked with lot many Allopathy doctors and their suggestion is to go for shunting. specifically if you can help me with alternate therapy I will be greatfull. Other Information: Person s Gender: Male Person s Age: 71 Already Tried: 1).CSF drain through lumbar puncher-year 2010- helped him feel better for a month 2).Lechesis1M one dose followed by Avina sativaQ for a month or so - gave positive result for short duration 3).Some homeopathic doctors gave him medicines which made his condition worse 4).Sabal Serulata for prostate enlargement 5). Acetazolamide medicine for few months- not much difference 6) He is not interested in going for a shunt in the Brain
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Hi, Normal Pressure HY Chat Doctor. If the diagnosis of NPH is confirmed, then CSF diversion using either a VP shunt (tube from the brain fluid to the abdomen) or TP shunt (from the spinal fluid to the abdomen) will be the choice. I would encourage you to consider the surgical option since it can produce good results in patients with NPH. Age of 71, well controlled diabetes is not a contraindication for the operation. If not operated, the dementia is likely to progressively get worse. A lumbar puncture and
Hi, My husband was diagnosed last week with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. 3 days after the diagnosis he was told he has six months to live. (FYI he is only 49 years old....) It has been a roller-coaster of emotions for both of us, which social workers discussing "quality vs quantity" of life, arranging for a hospital bed to be delivered to our house, etc. Two days after being released from the hospital (where they had moved him to the palliative care unit - not a good sign.....) he was given a schedule for chemo and radiation treatments. We attended a chemo class yesterday and found out his schedule calls for doctor visits 2 and 3 times a week, as well as a five-week period where he will go everyday (M-F) for radiation treatments. Now we are both confused. When we heard the six month diagnosis we were planning on how this time would be spent (trips to the beach, fishing, etc) but now with the treatments scheduled, we are thinking that perhaps the six month diagnosis has changed - is there still hope for survival??? is what we keep playing out in our heads, thinking surely the doctors would not prescribe these intensive treatments if he was surely going to die by January??? Family members, friends, and, of course, my dear sweet husband and I are holding on to any glimmer of hope there may be....but we want to be realistic. Why would a doctor tell him he has six months to live.....and then prescribe tons of chemo and radiation???
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Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Because, chemo and radio is necessary to achieve even those 6 months. I understand your concerns, but pancreatic cancer is one of the most dangerous and has very poor prognosis. Radioth and chemo is the last option for palliative treatment, and it can only slightly prolong lifetime. So many patients even decide not to treat it if they consider that 3 or 4 more months are not worth of fighting. This is up to you. In both cases' prognosis is poor, and he is not able to live for 1 year. But as I said if he wants these 6 months he needs therapy. If not, he can hope for 2-3 month of life. Hope I have answered your query.
hello doctor, my son got jaundice in that time his billrubin level was raised up to 7 and reduces giving arurvedic treatment.HIS HEIGHT 5 FEET 8 INCHES.He became very thin .his weight is 60 kg. hiis date of birth 1-11-1991.The colour of his eyes is yellow now .Before jaundice his the colour of his eyes is white.His recent blood test shows (taken on jan 26th - 2011).HAEMOGLOBIN (COLONMETRIC)-13.3gm/dl.TOTAL WBC COUNT -6100/CU.MM.NEUTROPHILS -53%.LYMPHOCYTES-40%.ESONIOPHILS -05%.MONOCYTES-02%.BASOPHILS-00%.TOTAL RBC COUNT -4.86 MILLIONS/CUMM.TOTAL PATELET COUNT-2.11LAKHS/CUMM.ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE(WESTERGRENS METHOD) (ESR)-03MM/HR.S.BILLRUBIN -TOTAL 4.60 MG/DL.. S. BILLRUBIN -CONJUGATED-1.19MG/DL.
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Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... Your sun having jaundice ... Bilirubin level high.... Other investigation normal. You have not mentioned your liver enzymes study report.... The cause has to be decided. Mostly viral hepatitis will be there. Investigate with ,....-Anti HAD -Bag -Anti HCV If viral marker negative USG done for gall stone or other bile duct problem... Second if still cause not clear then peripheral smear examination done with relic count to detect hemolytic anemia. For that if needed specific investigation needed according to PS study. For jaundice take low fat diet. Fruit juice more like apple juice, sugar can juice etc. Vegetable soup and green leafy veg more. Avoid alcohol.... Fried food less. You can consult this with gastroenterologist consult him for further work up. Take care.
I have been suffering with lower abdominal pain/ pelvis area pain for about 5 months now. It is usually just on my left lower abdomen on the side under my ribs by my hip area, but it does occasionally also affect me on the right side too and across my whole stomach. I also have been getting lower back pain and sometimes the pain travels down into my pelvis, hips and upper leg area. It does hurt when pressure is applied to certain areas of my abdomen. Over the last few days I have had a lot of pain when sneezing , coughing and laughing and almost just when im breathing . I also get twinges of pain as if someones stabbing me. I have also felt like I have a lot of trapped wind but am unable to pass it, as well as indigestion , whether this is a separate issue or related to my ongoing abdominal pain i am unsure. I have also noticed that my stools sometimes have a white almost fluffy mucus surrounding them. I am very worried. I have agoraphobia and havent left my home at all in years so as you can imagine my situation is not great as i probably need tests but cant get to a dr or hospital. I have called the drs a few times who prescribed laxatives for constipation which didnt help my stomach pains. Both my parents have suffered with cancer and one has aggressive colitis so i m very worried and would just like to know if you have any idea why i have had persistent pain for so long. Any help would be great.
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Hi, Thanks for writing in. Your symptoms do sound suggestive of an inflammatory bowel disease and I would want you to get evaluated by a physician immediately. We would need a few investigations like a colonoscopy to make a diagnosis. Till then, I would suggest you take light, home cooked food and totally avoid eating anything heavy. Also, minimize the stress you are experiencing. Given that you have agoraphobia, I would suggest that you do some deep breathing and yoga to control your anxiety as this problem can flare up and would need you to be treated quickly. If you are receiving any treatment for the same, I would suggest that you speak with your psychiatrist to adjust doses so that better control can be achieved, and you can see a physician. Hope this helps.
Hi Doctor, I m a mother of 5 year old kid. Now I m 35 years old. Trying to hve second child. I m feeling that my husband s penis is not going deep inside now. Also after sex, semen is immediately flowing out. What should be my problem. After my first delivery, I had much pain due to the stitch they had put after birth(normal delivery). Any problem related to this?
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Hello.thanks for trusting the Chat Doctor doctors for your health related queries. I guess your concern is can u get answer is.u can get pregnant by natural methods as u had got pregnancy in past (your first baby). So DON'T WORRY.RELAX.u have high chances. Because u have the following plus points-1. U r come under reproductive age group(age from 15-45 years are come under this group). In this age group chances of getting pregnant is high.2. U r already gave birth a healthy baby,5 yrs back. So there is no problem in u n your husband. Along with above points if u have regular menses then chances are highest in getting pregnancy. Secondly u told that you are feeling that your husband penis is not going deep inside, and semen immediately flowing out. These are not much affect your chances of getting pregnant. Because for getting pregnant a very small amount of semen is required. Lastly u told that there is pain at a stick site. For u can take painkillers. It also does not much affect your chances of getting pregnancy. With the above discussion u can try out my suggestions-1. Try to do sex during the fertile period(it is from 10th to 16th day of menses), during this period chances of getting pregnancy is high.2. As u told that semen is immediately flowing out after ejaculation.right. For that u should elevate your leg after ejaculation for 15 minutes, so that seamen will remain inside your vagina.3. If u r in hurry then visit nearby infertility specialist. He/she can help u. I hope the above information is useful, informative and helpful for u.regards- Chat Doctor. .u can get pregnant soon. I pray the God that u will be blessed with a cute n healthy baby again)
Well..I am 30 year old man ,who is currently single and have never got married.I used to ejaculate so often though! That started around 8 years ago.At the beginning ,I did that like once a week ,but within the past 3 years ,I used to do it nearly everyday.I tried to give up ,but every time I decided that ,I only gave up for a week or maximum 9 days then back to the same dirty habits.My question is: I heard that people who ejaculate so often will become barren and can not give birth to a baby. If I totally give up although I have done that for nearly 8 years ,is it still possible to give birth to a baby if I marry soon like within 6 months or after a year? I have never checked my semen ,so I do not know whether ejaculation has driven me to be barren or not ,but I recently heard that it is terrible and decided to give it up.And would be there any negative effects if I give it up forever? Somebody said one time of ejaculation equals to making love with a lady for 12 times ,is that true?I am worried about myself.Please reply me asap.You should take into account that I have no girl friend and I do not have sex with ladies,because my tradition prohibits me to do that with a lady who is not my wife.
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Hello dear,First, remove all myth and misconception from your mind regarding masturbation. There is no any harmful effects of masturbation as such. However, if it is done regularly then it will result in thinning of semen with low sperm count. Since you are feeling that you are addicted to masturbation, and it is interfering with your normal functioning, you can try out the following measures:1. Improve your social life by spending more time with friends and relatives.2. Keep your mind active and busy at all times either through curricular or extracurricular activities.3. Have a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts & honey.4. Avoid fast foods & lipid containing diet.5. Avoid smoking & alcohol.6. Stay away from pornograpChatDoctoraterials.7. Keep away stress, think positive.8. Exercise regularly & practice meditation. Wishing you a healthy lifetime care.
Hi my name is Jim. I ve suffered for over 3 years with lower back pain that is not disc related, at least according to two different neuros who looked at my MRI. Both say it s a combination of osteoarthritis and bone spurs, but that there s not a surgery that would significantly help. The last neuro suggested a spinal cord stimulator, but when I talked to my pain mgmt doc about it he didn t think it would help much. I ve had 4 rounds of differing injections including a nerve burn and an epidural last Monday. It hasn t done much in alleviating the pain, so I m stuck with pain meds that are increasingly ineffective. The pain doc said that s due to a combination of my body tolerating the pain meds and the condition worsening slightly. I know this is complicated, but I m really getting depressed with this; no surgery to help, scs won t do much says the pain doc... and now the pain meds aren t doing much. I ve gone through PT, spinal decompression to try to reduce my need for pain meds. I m trying EVERYTHING to stop taking so much pain med, but it s the only way, for now, I can work and carry on with my life, even though the quality of it has become greatly diminished. I joined here looking for anything; help, direction, advice.
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Hello, Thanks for your query. After going through your query I came to know that you are suffering from chronic backache. It may be lumbar spondylosis. It can be confirmed by MRI of showing bone spurs. Back exercises, Diapering, glucosamine sulfate, neurotrophic such as methycobalamin and analgesics (DICLOFENAC 100 MG SLOW RELEASE TABLETS) give relief. Sometimes strong analgesic such as tramadol is needed. Sometimes vitamin D deficiency can aggravate this so serum vitamin D test is advised if it is lower than vitamin D supplementation will be required. Avoid long continuous standing. Sit in a straight posture. Eat milk, fruits and green leafy vegetables daily. You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care.
my daughter is 4 & 1/2 mnth old she has seizures problem from last 2 months she has taken medication :-gardinal biotin levipil ebitoin . but still seizures coming after 45 minutes for 2-3 minutes every day & also 30-40 jerks every day due to this problem her physical growth is stop like headholding
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Hi, welcome to our site. I am Chat Doctor, MD. Read your query. That is a very significant question and I appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your query At that high rate, I would, as a doctor admit her and treat her again till her seizures are well controlled there is no response to the medications, it can mean one of the following things1. The antiepileptic medicines have to be adjusted till the appropriate dose is reached for the patient. Till then the seizures can continue.2. The type seizure may have been wrongly identified. Till the right type of seizure is identified, the wrong medicine will be given, and hence seizure will continue.3. There may be some triggering event causing the seizure. Till that is removed, seizure may continue.4. The diagnosis may be wrong entirely, patient may have pseudoseizure (unlikely in your child)You really need to contact your neurologist and get her admitted and scanned. EEG and MRI need to be done. A correct diagnosis of the type of seizure need to be made and the appropriate medicine and its dose need to be achieved. I hope this helps you. Inform the reports mentioned above/if any other, so I can be of help further. I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you. Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination. Please feel free to ask another query. I would be glad to help you. Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further. (If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)Best of luck. Chat Doctor. MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), CC (Diabetes Mellitus), DNB (Neurology)Consultant Physician and DiabetologistJS Hospital Apollo Hospital, Delhi Baileys Hospital, Noida
Sir, I have acute pain in right iliac fossa for about 4 days. At the starting of pain the whole abdomen was full of bowel gas. The acute pain is shifting to the backbone clockwise from RIF. No symptom of favor, vomiting or rebound pain near RIF. After taking dulcolex, stool is clear. I was admitted in HOSPITAL for 3 days. Blood test, USG, X-ray was performed. No abnormalities detected. Doctors their suspects that may be due to certain infection and suggested Ofloxacin 200 mg for 6 days. Today is the 6th day of meditation. Severe pain is not there. But the pain is presently shifted towards backbone along RIF of lower abdomen. Generally there is no pain. But while sneezing or coughing there is severe pain just near the backbone touching RIF. Stool is not in normal way. I have to take laxative, for latrine. I am also taking natural laxative.SIR, PLEASE INFORM ME WHAT MAY BE THE CAUSE OF IT? WHAT TYPE OF TEST MADE ME CONFIRM? MAIN HOSPITAL SUGGESTS ME THAT I HAVE NO STONE OR NO SYMPTOMS OF APPENDICITIS. WHAT SHOULD I DO? PLS INFORM ME? TO WHOM I CONTACT? PLS REPLY? I AM FILLING ACUTE UNDIAGNOSED PAIN IN RIGHT LOWER ABDOMEN. PLS HELP ME. PLS GIVE ME SUGGESTION.
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Hi! Good afternoon. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. As all the investigations have come out to be normal, and you still have persisting pain, if I were your doctor, I would have advised you for a diagnostic laparoscopy to rule out any intro abdominal pathology including an undetected appendicitis by ultrasound. The diagnostic laparoscopy could be converted to a therapeutic one depending on the pathology at the time. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
Dear Sir,I am 31 male from India ,my BMI was 30.2 ,two months back due to offshore site requirement i have to go througChatDoctorplete tests,In that tests everything was OK but my fasting glocuse level shown 217 mg/dl after 9 hours of fasting (before 9 hour I had few chocolates and cigrate as i was not aware what fasting test meant for).So i was advised to do test of HB1AC and PP which i did after 1 month, the result was HB1AC 9.1% and PP 149 mg/dl with reduced bmi 29.As I was pretty sure I am fit and also i dont have family history.So I visited to physician after 6 days of this test in that he found my random BG is 107 mg/dl but HbA1C still 9 %.So he asked me to perform OGTT and Fasting test after 3 days,report was fasting 124 mg/dl .OGTT after one hour 213mg/dl after 2 hour 100 mg/dl and after 3 hour 79 mg/dl.He confirmed with OGTT that he cannot say i am diabetic ,for fasting he has given me metformin 500 before 12 days but i didnt start medication because i have reduced my bmi to 28.4 by exercising and dieting.My query Since 1 week i am monitoring my FBG its always in the range of 83 to 102 mg/dl immediately after getting out from bed after 8 to 12 hrs of fasting but most of the time I noticed after getting of the bed my FBG is low but if I brush my teeeth and take hot shower my FBG increases to 15 to 20 mg/dl - is it normal or abnormal,Should i start metformin as advised by my physician before 2 weeks ,Please reply
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Hello, You may in a dilemma whether you have Diabetes or not. But you should acknowledge a point that there is something called as Pre Diabetes where there is an impairment in fasting glucose. This is the early stage of Diabetes. In your case this may be due to overweight which as caused insulin resistance in your body. This explains your impaired blood glucose inspire of your negative family history for Diabetes. Physical activity and metformin will help you in the long run to postpone full-blown Diabetes
Good evening Doctor,Please is there any medicine like T. Flexion. My father had a fracture of the hip and would have been operated upon but after series of tests Doctors said his heart is weak. He is 91 years old. They could not do the surgery. So this prescription was given T. Flexion but we could not find it in Africa. Is there anything that can be done about his heart?
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Hi Welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query, can understand your concern about your dads sufferings. T Flexion is ideal for fixed or controlled range of motion in the treatment of ligamentous injuries and stable fractures, is kind of support to improve the quality of life of sufferer. The heart is the motor that keeps the blood in motion throughout all the blood vessels in the body. In order, for the heart muscle to pump properly, it needs to be nourished by coronary blood vessels. Any disease or blockage of the coronary arteries can deprive the heart muscle with the necessary oxygen and blood it needs for proper function. ONLY MAINTAINING GOOD HEALTH CAN HEALTHY HEART. The major risks factors for a heart weakness are diabetes, lack of exercise, high blood pressure, sedentary lifestyle, old age, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, smoking, a high-sodium diet, and genetic predisposition. For health of our heart we take care to Eat a well-balanced, high-fiber diet based on whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Include antioxidants - ginger, garlic, fish, almonds, lemon juice with water, turmeric with a cup of hot milk and a teaspoon of almond oil at bedtime, Avoid milk, butter, margarine, vegetable shortening, cheese, red meat, and chicken skin. They cause blood clogging. Avoid foods high in trans fatty acids and saturated fats. Refined foods. Fast foods, Smoking, Alcohol , stress and constipation deep breathing -- Inhale -Hold - Exhale - Hold gently 20 times / relax/ repeat every hour. Any mental exercise he can do let him do. Give him homeopathic Cottages Q 5-10 Chat Doctor. Hope this helps solve your query Take care. All the best Don't hesitate to get back for further query.
I have a paralysis of long thoracic nerve (right arm) 25 years, winged scapula etc. Take 3600mg Neurontin daily. Had pneumonia in February, still not breathing well, sats of 92. Pleural thickening raised diaphragm, painful, tired, short of breath, partially collapsed lung. Have been told, all will sort itself, or my body will just adjust & get used as it has my thoracic nerve dying. Doc mentioned something beginning with Ac----- something, lungs are tight, I want to breathe in, but a nerve, maybe connected to the thoracic nerve is preventing me from filling my lungs. So much to take in, I am 45, I spent 6 years welding in shipyards, breathing lead fumes, zinc fumes, iron filings & have worked with asbestos. No blockage inside lung, been told, there is something stopping me breathing in. Any ideas what could be up with me?
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Hello, As there might be a paresis of the thoracic nerve and not paralysis. Because if its paralysis then you need to be put on ventilator support. Since there is breathing difficulties I feel there is a respiratory system pathology due to the work-related factors. Since the inspiration and expiration abilities are lowered in will advise you to look for CPAP machine with oxygen saturation machine. In fact BiPAP will be far better. This will help your pulmonary system to function close to normal and also will help the lungs fill the air. As due to the pathology there is less ability of the alveoli and needs a correction. Medicine is symptomatic and along with that a BiPAP machine with oxygen saturation would do good. Also try pulmonary rehabilitation under guided physiotherapist. As this will help you improve the lung capacities and help you ease of dyspnea. It's a matter of good pulmonary rehabilitation training. In my clinical experience of 12 years most patients with respiratory complications have responded well to pulmonary rehabilitation. Using of the CPAP BiPAP and oxygen saturation is totally dependent upon the clinical findings and this machines can be used at home for large number of hours to improve the overall function of the respiratory system. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
two years ago brutally stretched me about doing the exercises penis jelqing I had low self-esteem had a normal penis but I wanted a bigger one, I should have accepted as it was and went idiot to do so, from that day my life has become very difficult as my penis change feels different and looks different are noticed more nerves and lost believe sensitivity and also my penis in the cold or when I run shrinks and is very annoying, I was always shy and could never have a girlfriend and now I feel less opportunities have fallen in love or liking a girl and I ll have a little fascist but I have a penis that insurance is defective and not know if I can satisfy enough a woman and every time I have more the need to be with a beautiful girl that I love and sex that is what I need, and gone to the urologist 2 times and say that everything is fine this all in my head I very much do not believe them, and searched the internet solutions or cures many say that I have done rest my penis for a long time and may not masturbate and do not have sex, I have thought to do that though difficult, often I think of a black to me that my penis will not return to normal future and that old age will worse and I can never satisfy me or a woman and to know the love of my life, and thought about suicide several times but I do for my family what should I do? Do you think there is hope? I have 21 years I m from Argentina and I m desperate
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Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Penis should shrink when you exercise, in some physical discomfort etc. Even a two-inch erect penis can satisfy a woman because the pleasure nerve endings of women are available up to two inches of their vagina. You don't have to worry more about it. Penis length cannot be medically or surgically increased. Please understand. There are many quacks out there who will cheat you with their products. Don't fall prey to them and loose money. Take care. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
Hi, every time I went to do outdoor activity such as trekking/hiking, snorkeling / swimming , I ended up getting this red itchy bumps usually with small yellow dot in the middle after a few days... It usually started with an light itchy feeling...then the spot where I felt itchy starting to have small dots around 1 days...then It gets really itchy (even when I m not scratching ) and the dots gets bigger into a red bumps ...around 2-3 days usually there s some yellow dot / eyes in the middle of the red bump...then on the 4th/5th day, usually some of the yellow dot popped... I lived in a tropical country, and I went to the doctor several times (general till dermatologist ), usually they ll give me some oral medicine along with some ointments...but I don t think they actually worked...most of the time the oral medicine is effective that is until the medicine is finished and the itch starts to show up again... nowadays, whenever I got these itches, I ll let them be for around 2-3 weeks and they ll get better, but I have to endure 2-3 weeks of itch and when they re gone, sometimes it still felt itchy but without the red bump all over (esp @ night) More information, I started to have this problem when I was in university after a camping event (before that I was fine when doing outdoor activity). I m asking because I just got back from a trip and I got these itches again which is really disturbing and the doctors here in Indonesia doesn t seems to be able to cure this condition I have. Is there anything I could do to prevent or to make these itchy red bumps disappear? Thanks
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Hi.dear ahh..., Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor., I have gone through Your history., According to this you have...IRRITANT DERMATITIS.,You're not completing the course., Follow up the case is very important.ok., So follow...1) Tab... Allegra (Fexofenadine) daily nighttimes for 28 days.,2) Apply Calamine lotion on the body......daily morning times.,3) Tab. Ranitidine 150 mg daily before Break fast., ok.good luck.,
i am 42 year male and having blood pressure of 150/95 today morning at 10.30ama)should i start any medicine or cardio/brisk walks would be good?b)can bp medicine once started be stopped in future?c)is it true that morning bps r higher than evening ones?
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Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion related to your questions. You should know that we talk about hypertension if we have mean values above 140/90 mmHg. We can not judge if we have hypertension with one only value. A person might have high blood pressures after a physical or emotional stress, so it is mandatory to judge on mean values, during all day. Hypertension is divided in two groups: The fist one is Essential hypertension, without an identifiable cause, usually in older ages. It is a chronic disease that does not have a cure, but it should be treated all live. Once it is diagnosed, it should be treated always with medicine. The other group is secondary hypertension meaning that it is a second disease causing it, that might be renal, endocrinological or cardiovascular anomaly. Resolving the causing pathology might resolve the hypertension. So, the first thing to do in your case is to know if we really are dealing with hypertension or not. The second one is to know what kind of hypertension is it and then we can judge how to treat it. If I was your treating doctor I will recommend a blood pressure holder monitoring to have a full view of your values, during day and night. During mornings people have bigger activity and for this might have higher blood pressure values. I will recommend a cardiac echo to evaluate heart anatomy. After this a fool blood check up, your urinary catecholamine and an abdominal echo to see the renal situation. Only after this we can know how to treat your hypertension. If you have high values they should be treated with medications. Physical activity is not good if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure values, because during activity the values rises even more. It is necessary to start treating it and then start physical activity. If it is essential hypertension you will treat it all live. Hope I was helpful. Wish you good health. Best regards.
My name is Michael Morin, and I m 54 years old. At the age of 24, I was diagnosed with a heart condition. I was told I had heart disease that was similar to an 80 year old. I also had diabetes. I had just left the Marine Corps Reserve a year earlier. I joined the Marines at age of 17. I received a number of vaccinations in boot camp, one of which was the smallpox vaccine. When I left boot camp for R and R, I went home where joined in a game of pick up football. I began to have tightness in my chest and I was short of breath. I used to believe my problem developed from some sort of virus I got from the air-jet vaccination gun the service used, but now after speaking to one doctor by chance. Now I believe my problems were from the smallpox vaccination. I have been fighting an up hill battle with the Veterans Administration on compensation and treatment for the past 30 plus years, because of the lack of help from the medical field. I need to fine evidence and were to fined it. Who know more about what adverse effects smallpox vaccines cause and who can help me with my case. Thank you, Michael Morin
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Hi, Yes, research studies do show that few people do get heart problems after taking small pox vaccination. Few deaths have also been reported. Presently if you have tightness in the chest associated with breathlessness it could be angina. As such angina is not a disease but is caused by low oxygen in the blood reaching the heart. However, angina can be indicative of some serious developing coronary artery disease. You can take sublingual Nitroglycerin when you feel tightness in the chest after consultation with your treating doctor. Do not neglect yourself, visit a cardiologist, get physically examined & get all screening tests done to rule out any CAD. The tests will include CBC, Urinalysis, lipid function tests, X-ray, ECG, Echocardiography, Stress tests & CT or MRI if required. Get treated. In the meantime, stop addictions if any, avoid taking red meat, oily-spicy food. Take low carboy Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
I am looking for a Dr. of Neurology as my question pertains to a surgery that my husband had back in April by a Neurologist in Kelowna, BC. He had a spinal stenosis surgery done in mid April 2013. This all had to do with his feet as he has had sore feet for the last 3 years. He started by going to our Family Physician who suspected stenosis from the get-go, however, he went to various specialists over the course of 2 years who suspected he might have Tarsal Tunnel but no one could say for sure. He then ended up at the Neurologist who said that all the pain in both of his feet was due to stenosis. He was experiencing excruciating pain and at the same time numbness . It was at the point wherein he could barely walk. After his surgery, he was told that because his nerves were severely damaged, it might take up to 1.5 years for him to feel a difference. It has now been 4 months and he feels worse rather than better. We are both wondering if this is normal since he shows absolutely no sign of recovery. Is it possible that there was enough nerve damage that he will never get better?
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Hi My name is Iranian Keypad, and I am a spine surgeon. Spinal stenosis is diagnosed in its strictest sense when MRI picture of narrowing of the spinal canal correlates with the symptoms. The classic symptom of spinal stenosis is neurogenic claudication which is described as pain/fatigue/feeling of heaviness or numbness in buttocks, back of the thigh or calves. Pain increases on standing and walking and is relieved by bending forward. Regarding your husbands' case presentation of pain only in feet is not impossible but not that common with stenosis. Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Velocity or EMG/NCV test can typically distinguish pain from spinal stenosis and from peripheral causes like tarsal tunnel though the picture is not always black and white. The numbness may sometimes take 6-12 months to improve after surgery. If he is feeling worse, it would be definitely advisable to look for or rule out other causes like tarsal tunnel syn Chat Doctor. Please let me know if I can be of further help.
Dear Doctor, my daughter is suffering from epilepsy for last eight years. Though the frequency of seizures are very less sometimes it did not occur for two years however, when she is in stress or have sleeping disorder, it occurs. She is taking lametac DT 50 once in the morning and two in the evening. For some time I felt some behavioural changes like missing and unresponsive. Is this the side effects of medicine or otherwise. Pl. advise. Thanks Arvind 0000
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Hi, welcome to our site. I am Chat Doctor, MD. Read your query. That is a very significant question and I appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your everywhere are two things you need to understand.1. The medicines are weight based. That is the dose is weight adjusted. As the child grows older and gains weight, the dose has to be adjusted. Sometimes, the medicine has to be changed.2. The patient should avoid stressful conditions. Stress and lack of sleep are known triggers in seizure patients and should be actively avoided. As for the behavioral changes, they need to be assessed by an EEG. A video EEG is a better option. They may be a manifestation of -a. The seizures b. post seizure status. Sometimes medicines have the effects too. I hope this helps you. Inform the reports mentioned above/if any other, so I can be of help further. I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you. You can upload them on the site. You can upload them with the query, or if you have a problem, send them to attachments@ChatDoctor .com with Sub: ATTN Your Name. Once we receive the photos or diagnostic reports, my team will send reports / pictures to me. Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination. Please click on Thanks/Helpful if found useful. Please feel free to ask another query. I would be glad to help you. Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further. (If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)Best of luck. Chat Doctor. MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), CC (Diabetes Mellitus), DNB (Neurology)
I had a MRI done to look at a cyst that was found on my pancreas on a previous MRI. I am a 42 year old woman. I understand that it has gotten a little smaller but I do not understand the rest of the results. Could you help me and advise me as to what my next actions should be if any? Results= FINDINGS: Correlation is made with the previous MRI examination dated05/03/2012.There is motion artifact on these examinations limiting evaluation.The extrahepatic common duct and visualized intrahepatic bile ducts areunremarkable without filling defect, stricture or abnormal dilatation. Thevisualized pancreatic duct is unremarkable. These findings are similar tothe previous study. A lobulated cystic mass is again identified within theregion of the uncinate process of the pancreas which demonstrates cysticcharacteristics on all pulse sequences without enhancement. The overallsize appeared slightly decreased compared to the previous study currentlymeasuring a maximal transverse dimension of 1.2 cm compared to 1.6 cm onthe previous exam. There is suggestion of a cystic duct remnant which isnot optimally visualized due to motion artifact. Also, there is asuggestion of an accessory bile duct supplying the right hepatic lobearising from the extrahepatic common duct.The visualized portions of the liver, spleen , adrenal glands and kidneysare unremarkable.IMPRESSION:PERSISTENT CYST IN THE UNCINATE PROCESS OF THE PANCREAS SLIGHTLY DECREASEDIN SIZE COMPARED TO THE PREVIOUS EXAM.SMALL CYSTIC DUCT REMNANT.Findings suggestive of an accessory bile duct supplying the right hepaticlobe arising from the extrahepatic common duct.
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Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor, thank you for your this point it doesn't require any treatment since there is no growth or obstruction of main pancreatic duct. Also, there is no risk of malignancy. So if you don't have symptoms you don't have to be worried since this is just benign pancreatic cyst which is common accidental finding. All you need is frequent follow up. Wish you good health. Regards.
Hello sir... I am suffering from allergy and I don t know allergants which are causing it..may be it is turning to a type of asthma .. Symptoms are: 1. Running nose 2. Suffocation 3. Serious chest congestion 4. Cure of cold is possible only with medicines 5. Sometimes when I get up in the morning nose start running ..if I don t take medicine chest congestion starts 6. Sneezing Please suggest me what should I do.. I don t want to take medicines daily..I want to join defence services
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Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make following suggestions to you:1. Were I treating you, I would suggest you allergy testing which will help you to identify the substances you are allergic to and also to know how to avoid them. Avoidance is the best strategy for allergies.2. If you are allergic to the substances which cannot be completely avoided (house dust mites, pollen, molds, etc.), I would suggest you to consult an Allergist-Immunologist who may advise you specific allergen immunotherapy, which will improve your immunity to reduce allergy symptoms.3. Were I treating you, I would prescribe you regular montelukast and levocetirizine/cetirizine. This will help in your symptoms. I would also prescribe you a albuterol/levosalbutamol inhaler to be used when you have wheezing/breathing difficulty in spite of above medications.4. I appreciate that you don't want to take medicines daily, but until you can manage avoidance measures and lifestyle changes (which at least take 6 months to become effective), I would suggest you to take regular, minimum possible medications.5. Personally I would suggest you regular breathing exercises to improve your lung capacity.6. A healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals (adequate amounts of green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, etc.) and avoidance of exposure to dusts, smokes & air pollution as much as possible will help you in longer run. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health and a bright future. Thank you & Regards.
Hi I recently went to Urgent Care and was treated for a UTI. I have 2 days left on my antibiotic and I still have symptoms and they seem to have gotten worse. I now have this pain in my lower abdomen when I sit down or stand up. This just started maybe a day ago or so. The pain is very uncomfortable and Im not sure what is going on. I get chronic UTIs so the fact that the antibiotic isnt working and I have this lower abdominal pain concerns me. I do not have insurance and I know that the ER will just tell me to go to a OBGYN which is what they told me before. Any insight?
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Hi, thanks for asking in Chat Doctor. Most often, UTI is caused by gram negative organisms. Acute infections usually involve a single organism and are self limiting. Recurrent or chronic infections may be mixed infections. It could be due to many reasons like bacterial infections, Diabetes Mellitus renal calculi (stones) etc. Since you seem to be getting repeated infections, cause of UTI needs to be investigated instead of taking antibiotics every time. Bacteriological investigations are important in deciding the choice of the antibiotic. Although we don't usually wait till the arrival of report for starting the antibiotic, urine sample must be collected before starting the therapy for better results. Most antibiotics attain high concentrations in urine and so may be effective in lower UTI. But in upper UTI (like pyelonephritis), the antibiotics needs to be concentrated in kidney tissue. Antibiotics are given for 3 to 5 days. In recurrent UTI, the choice of antibiotics are Clotrimazole, Cephalexin or Norfloxacin. The pain you are experiencing may be due to cystitis (bladder infection), pyelonephritis (kidney infection) or renal calculi (stones causing obstruction and subsequent infection). Ruling out these possibilities is necessary to decide further course of therapy. Inadequate therapy or indiscriminate use of antibiotics is often harmful as it can result in development of resistance. The organism or bacteria will not be sensitive to the antibiotic if it becomes resistant to it. Hence, you should complete a full course of antibiotic. I hope it is useful to you.
Our second son was born March 18, 2009 & seems like a very healthy 2 year old boy. At birth most of our son s back, and the back of his lower neck and a small part of his upper arm was mostly a dark chocolate brown color with extra hair growth . It was a caesarean birth without complications (I am USA Caucasian male age 55, normal healthy, 5 11 , 195 lb. & mom is a healthy Indonesian 5 4 , avg. weight, age 32 - both non-smokers) . He also has some other very small hairy brown birth marks mostly on his legs and one other quarter size brown hairy mark on his head . The hair growth on all of the brown area has been minor since birth, but hair growth is thicker and more concentrated on those areas compared to normal hair growth on the head. I don t think it is Ambras syndrome because the hair growth is relatively minor and not on his face at all. The hair is not growing at an unusually abnormal rate. We have seen no other abnormalities - he s healthy and active. Our 1st son was completely normal and is a healthy 5-year old. What might this be? What dangers if any could be in the future?
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Hi... Tom Wren sen., Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor., HAIRY NEVUS..... Usually brown to dark brown in pigmentation Large surface area may involve scalp, face, trunk, or extremity May develop nodules which warrant biopsy Risk of melanoma transformation is 10-15%, and can occur in childhood Treatment ranges from conservative observation with biopsy of suspicious areas to staged excision, often involving the use of skin balloon expanders or skin grafts...or LASER therapy So don't worry... Transformation to dance is very less chance..., But always observe the following..... A--B--C--D--E--- 1) A-- Asymmetry...uneven.,2)B-- Border of nevi ...irregular with poorly defined border.,3)C-- Color...different shades from Brown to Black.,4’D-- Diameter...for than 6 mm in size.(Rubber eraser size).,5)E-- Evolving....changes with growing..., So keep in mind and avoid problematic HAIRY NEVI....ok good luck
Hi I was just wanting a 2nd opinion..I recently went for GB surgery, they tried laporscopic but couldn t do it that way had to open me up, only to discover they couldn t take it that way either as it was to inflamed and was wedged between my stomach and liver and could possibly be fused to either :-( so they just closed me back up.. I haven t really got any answers as to what the next step is to having it out.. he said sending me to a liver specialist and possibly waiting another 4-6 mon. Should I be worried about it rupturing, will it go down enough to take out.. just kinda left in the dark here.. any info would be greatly appreciated and if you have every heard of this before.. Thanks in advance
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Welcome to Chat Doctor ! Gall bladder surgeries are one of the most commonly performed surgeries these days, even on youngsters. It is usually done after ultrasound and blood tests which can tell in advance in most of the cases if there is an active infection going on. However, in my experience I have seen cases in which it is only during surgery case becomes clear enough. The condition which you have mentioned is one of acutely inflamed gall bladder, which is first tried with laparoscopy but because found difficult to access was later tried with open surgery. When the gall bladder is found acutely inflamed during surgery and especially if it is stuck to either liver or any other organ, it is usually not operated on. So, I think that your doctor has done the right thing. Such cases are preferably given time for few weeks to months for acute infection to settle down, under antibiotics and vigilance. They are later operated on after repeat investigations. Please maintain dietary restrictions and take the prescribed medicines, and it will help you. Because your gall bladder is already stuck between liver and stomach, it is possibly have shrunk and has less possibility of getting ruptured. Regular supervision in between will keep you informed about the status of your gall bladder. Keep in touch with your doctor. I can understand that it is difficult to undergo repeat surgery or wait for it, but in my experience I have seen such cases, and they had successful outcome. I hope this will help you, and feel free to ask further if you have any other question in mind regarding this.
I am 20yrs old and over the last couple of weeks I have started wheezing when I lye down and coughing up small amounts of flem. I got a new cat around 2 weeks ago, at first it was in my bedroom but I began sneezing, had an itchy throat and eyes. After a few days I moved the cat to a different room, this helped the sneezing but not the wheezing. I go to the gym 3 times a week and can breathe fine but when I try and sleep its impossible. Any idea whats up?
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Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. Yes, cat can cause allergic symptoms like sneezing (allergic rhinitis) and wheezing (asthma). There are many proteins in cat saliva, urine, skin epithelial, dander etc. which causes allergies. The best option in my opinion would be to remove cat from the house. However, if it is not possible, I would suggest you to keep the cat out of bedroom (as you are already doing), bath the cat at least every week and minimize carpets & upholstered furniture in house.2. Personally I would suggest you to go for allergy testing for cat allergens to confirm allergy to cat proteins.3. After removal of cat from room/house, it takes around 6 months to decrease the cat proteins in the room/house. So, in my opinion, it will take some time to reduce your wheezing, if it is due to cat proteins.4. Were I treating you, I would prescribe you daily montelukast and levocetirizine for at least 2 weeks and to use albuterol or levosalbutamol inhaler if you wheeze.5. If allergy testing supports allergy to cat proteins, I would suggest you specific allergen immunotherapy to cat proteins, which will improve immunity towards cat proteins. In that case, you may not need removal of cat from your room/house. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.
hi. i have recently been diagnosed with psoriasis . This was done with a visit to my local GP a couple of weeks ago. At the time i had a couple of small areas on my right hand and wrist which were causing irritation. I also had a couple of areas on my left forearm which were causing me concern. Two of my fingers on my right hand were also affected. Unbeknown to me, my knees also had psoriasis. Since using the medication , it seems that this has only encouraged the psoriasis to flare up even more in the areas i have mentioned (apart from the knees). I now have two large red areas on my right hand and wrist, although it does not look as raw as it did previously. Although it still looks as though it is spreading slowly, the skin is peeling away around the edge of the affected areas. On my left forearm, the areas look as though they are slowly scabbing over. The two fingers on my right hand are also red in colour, but peeling at the edge. As this has only developed in the last month or so, does this sound like the psoriasis is clearing? Also, i do suffer from quite a bit of stiffness in both of my knees. I wasn t aware that you could suffer from psoriasis arthritis!
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Hi there, I am 34 year and me and mu husband are trying for a child since long, 1.5 years back we started treatment. I am a PCOD patient. At first dr suggested and got all tests done. All tests are normal for both of us. for the 1st 3 months dr gave me ovulation tablets and ask for normal try. (Nov - feb) Later in March Dr suggested to do Laproscopy (done in April) after which she asked us to take a break for 2 months. In July, Aug and Sep we did IUI (Siphene + Folligraf injection + Siphasi 10000 iu) but no positive response, for October and November it was a break time again as the endo lining was not shedding properly. Today, dr. has started Adova 1 mg and has asked to take Gonal F injection on day 3 and 5 and if needed on day 7. Another trail for and IUI. Are we on the right track and why there is no outcome till now. what is the possibility with the change of medicine. what are the chances of getting positive result. else the doctors have told to move on to IVF. Please suggest a remedy or solution.
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Hello, thanks for the query. I understand your disappointment regarding unsuccessful treatment so far. Let me guide you through treatment and success rates. It helps if you understand the chances of pregnancy around the time of ovulation by natural method is only 8 to 10% per cycle. This pregnancy rate is increased to 12 to 15% per cycle when medication is used to get more than one egg in a cycle (super ovulation) which is again combined with GUI. At least 50% of the people will be able to conceive by the end of 4 cycles of GUI failing which the chances of conception in further cycles of GUI is not any higher than before. And hence it's not advisable to continue GUI cycles for more than 6 cycles. IVF can come up as next best available option as it allows harvesting multiple eggs and freeze excess embryos. It also allows your doctor to evaluate the quality of eggs and embryo and transfer it to the uterus. The chances of conception in an IVF cycle can be 45 to 50%. You have seemingly followed right steps. Good luck with your treatment.
hi doctor i got sperm leakage for last two years and now i feel no strength in my body i m 22 years old and i hve this desease due to over masturbation and i m totally dissapointed to my desease and now sometime i feel to suicite because symptoms are create very anxiety for me symptoms are a very hard headache, backpain, often sperm leakege after two or three days, feel weakness in whole body, and something wrong happen to my body DOCTOR plz help i take many medicines but no more cure now im totlly disappointed myself and somtime i want to sucite DOCTOR PLZ HELP ....PLZ HELP...... PLZ HELP i shall be very thankful if you tell me the right treatment my no. is 0000 plz consult me plzzzzzz
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Dear Patient, Thank you very much for your question. First I want to tell you that masturbation is an innocent, absolutely normal human sexual response. According latest research men who have often practiced masturbation are less prone to prostate cancer in later ages. Therefore, Do not worry about masturbation. It does not have side effects. It is absolutely normal and harmless. However, the fear or guilt you have towards masturbation has resulted to create your anxiety. I believe those non-specific above-mentioned symptoms are also related to anxiety. When you have anxiety and do not know a way to solve your problems it coverts into depression. Your suicidal thoughts are part of your depression. Dear reader, you have to understand for what you are worrying is meaningless. Almost all men have practiced masturbation in their lives. Your problem is you just overlook at your problem. Also, all your above-mentioned symptoms are due to your anxiety, therefore,treating your symptoms mean in other words treating your build up anxiety. Also, men when they are sexually aroused fluids from prostate and Cowper glands start leaking through the urethra. This is what you have seen as semen and during sexual excitement leaking of these fluids is again normal. You do not have to suicide. You are a healthy young man. My advice is you have to see a psychiatrist immediately. He is the right person to help you. Believe me you life will be good and happy. Stop worrying and consult a psychiatrist soon. Good luck!
My son is 14 he has a severe petus. 3.5 which was a year ago. In the last year he has developed heart puputation he has a very rapid heart beat to the point he feels in his ears and very noticeable in his chest when it happends sometimes during sleeping which wakes him up at night. He is having a lot of chest pain which takes him to his knees but only last for few seconds to couple mins he said it feels like a very bad leg crap or stitches. Is petus was not notice a birth he was born at just under 34 weeks old he had bad yellow jaundice and was keeped in chamer for 2 weeks getting a tan..... He started puberty at 11 and half years old and we notice the hole in chest about 2 mouths into puberty. He was very active kids played hockey loved sports.. Now he is pulled out of all sports and even gym class, he is always out of breath talking meds being treated for very bad asthma. Any flu virus that he comes in contact with, he needs steroids to open his winds pipes. His X-rays shows his heart is on his left the doctor is very worried that his heart is being smashed from his petus we are waiting for his new X-rays to confirmed. I have been told he will need nuss surgery but they have to wait for 16 years of age. I m very worried and feel very strongly that he needs this surgery before 16 years of age?
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Hello, Palpitations are common among teens. Most commonly due to anxiety. However, if he is also having pain, then he ought to be seen by his pediatrician who may order an EKG to make sure your grandson does not have a heart rhythm disturbance which can also cause palpitations. While you are at the doctor's office inform the doctor about your grandchildren difficulty breathing and ask the physician if your grandsons' asthma could be better controlled. The doctors who will know the best time to perform your grandsons' chest surgery for rectus excavated are a pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon and pediatric general surgeon. You might consider contacting one of these pediatric surgeons for a second opinion. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
Last night I was at a party with no available restroom. I had been drinking, so I had to go really bad, but I held it until I got home. I ran straight to bathroom, sat down and started to go, I went a lot at first, then suddenly without warning it completely stopped midstream. I still had the urge to urinate, and my bladder still felt very full, and I was experiencing some burning. I tried pushing but could not get a single drop out. When I wiped with the tissue I felt something hard, I was mortified to feel a kidney stone lodged in my urethra! Part of it was sticking out, I could grab it with my fingernails, but I couldn t pull it out. I spent nearly 2 hours wiggling it, pulling it, pushing it, trying to turn it but it was stuck. Finally it came out, and I was able to void my bladder, and I m feeling fine. I had no warning, I m familiar with kidney stones, I ve passed many before, the biggest bring 8mm. Those always caused me excruciating pain, but this one did not. All day I was wearing a tight corset as part of my Halloween costume, maybe I was compressed so tight I didn t feel it? I don t know. I measured my stone and it it 18mm. I always was told a stone that large would be unable to pass, so I m wondering if stones that large are common, and if people pass them without medical intervention, or am I unique??
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HelloThanks for query. You are known to pass urinary stones through urethra frequently But you had retention of urine due to impacted stone of a size of 18 mm in urethra which finally passed out giving you excruciating pain. The reasons for not feeling the pain due to such a large stone are 1)With history of passing stones repeatedly your ureters are dilated and capacious enough to accommodate this stone without pain .2) The shape of the stone may be oval like a peanut without spikes helping it to pass down through dilated ureter without any obstruction and pain . We do get patients with passing large sized stone without pain. This is very common in patients who have history of repeated and recurrence of stone disease. Chat Doctor.
Hello doctor,I am Deepak from pune, India. Its regarding my father as we get his endoscopy done. And impresion on report says that he got an infiltrating and ulcerated growth in the entire body and the antrum of the stomach. And biopsy report says --- Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Sections shows gastric mucosa, with three of the biopsies showing tumor cells in nests and a typical grandular structures infiltrating the submucosa, with surrounding desmoplasia. Fragments of necrotic slough colonised by bacteria and fungal pseudohyphae with exudate are also included. Want to know the best doctors in Pune. And what treatment we should go for? And whether its curable at this stage?
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Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and concerned about his condition. But dear don't get disheartened . Where there is a will there is a way. Strengthen his will power by giving him hope of recovery , It is a great thing that helps a person to recover. Meanwhile, you can administer him course of antioxidants as below -Mixture of extract of Lemon, Ginger, Garlic, Manager of coconut water, Bark of Maringá (Saharan) tree, Honey all in equal quantity in a dose of 25 ml, twice a day, before meals for 31 or 41 days as per requirement. Is good healer and also preventive. Give a level t spoon of turmeric powder twice a day, in a cup of hot milk after meals, Meals should be simple nourishing and easily digestible. Take care he doesn't have constipation. Let him do Panama - Deep breathing exercises & Walk for resistance against diseases and to strengthen the vital part of the body. And many heart and cancer patients have been benefited from this mixture above regimen is to be carried on even side by side of his treatment I suggest you to Find out a good renowned hospital and show his reports ASAP, which will refer the case to specialist, who after studying the case will start treatment. I suggest you should not delay now . Hope this gives reply to your query Take care. All the best & good healthiest hesitate to get back if you have any further query
I am writing on behalf of my husband. He was recently diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver by his family Dr. He was referred to a gastroenterologist for a paracentesis, which was done this past Friday. We removed the bandage from his abdomen approximately 27 hours later (on Saturday afternoon), and the site began draining, uncontrollably. We went to an emergency room where the attending Dr. put dermabond on the wound. The draining stopped, but my husband s abdomen began swelling on Sunday and into Monday. I called the Dr. who performed the paracentesis and was able to get an appointment for my husband with this Dr. yesterday, Tuesday. The Dr. had an ultrasound and CT scan done yesterday and found no reason for the swelling and prescribed Ciprofloxacin to treat the swelling as an infection, possibly from the dermabond. Late yesterday evening and throughout today, my husband s penis and testicles have become so swollen and sore that he can barely move. My husband is also on a high blood pressure medicine and three (3) different water pills. Is there something that we can do at home to reduce the swelling in his abdomen and genital area? Thank you,
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Hello, Appreciate your concern for your husband. The swelling of the abdomen and the genital area are due to fluid accumulation. The fluid accumulation is due to excess salt and fluid in the body, low serum albumin due to cirrhosis and block in the flow of blood through the liver due to cirrhosis. Your query touches a very important point - What can be done at home to help him in addition to what the healthcare team are doing. The most important help from home would be1. Restrict salt and fluids as much as possible.2. Increase first class protein intake in consultation with the treating doctor-should avoid encephalopathy.3. Eat a wholesome food with plenty of fiber to avoid constipation.4. An osmotic laxative like lactulose will be helpful 5. Avoid painkillers like NSAIDs and other medicines that can lead to fluid accumulation.6. Increase the diuretics in consultation with the treating doctor. Care should be taken to avoid electrolyte abnormalities. Hope your husband feels better with these measures. Take Care Chat Doctor.
23 years male, 177cm, 66kg. for the last 3 months i have been having chest discomfort, dizzy, palpitations and fast heart rates (90-110 at rest), high blood pressure (24h monitor revealed 133/75mmHg, pulse pressure 58mm Hg, heart rate 86bpm - during sleep 126/63mmHg and heart rate 64bpm, it fluctuates between 50-84bpm), sometimes i have bluish/purpule lips and nails, sometimes i feel like my throat is closing or narrow. ekg was normal, echocardiogram did not reveal anything, and bike-stress test was ok (time 0= 145/85mmHg and 132bpm, reached 171bpm @ 175w in 8:17minutes - after 1st minute it went down to 150bpm, the second minute it went back up to 157, the 3rd minute 143, 4th 134, 5th 133bpm; my bp went up to 175/95mmHg, 3rd minute of rest it went back down to initial 150/85mmHg). i did not fell any pain or problems breathing, just a little lightheaded. i still get palpitations (at rest), my lips turn bluish at the corners, i feel slightlly faint or dizzy. i can run for 15 minutes(5 walk, 5 run, 5 really really fast run) and not have any discomfort (maybe a little dizzy or lightheaded). what can it be ? if i experience chest pain or discomfort, wouldn t exercising while i feel it make it worse ? i tried it twice and the discomfort went away. (still get that blue color on the side of my lips and purpule-ish nails). my dad had a heart attack when he was 45.
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Yes certainly heart problems are hereditary so you at a risk but presently all your work up is negative. Do you smoke?, any acidity problems like burping, sour water in your throat. Your problems can be related to gastritis so try some antacid. Avoid spicy, oily food. Avoid alcohol if you are having it. Presently no need to worry however be vigilant. Preventive measures like healthy lifestyle and regular exercises should be continued.
Hello Dr. Sahu,At my 8.5 week ultrasound I found out that my embryo had stopped developing just after my 6.5 week ultrasound. My first question: Do you know of any connection between early ultrasounds and miscarriages?Next, 5 days ago, I was given two Misoprostol (Cytotec) pills to prepare me for a D+C procedure to remove the fetus, but the first pill sent me into full miscarriage the night before, with contractions, etc. The doctor told me not to take the second pill when I called her to tell her about the pain and bleeding. I postponed the surgery and two days later had more contractions and got rid of more fetal material. I went to have an ultrasound and the doctor said that the sac was completely gone but that my uterus lining was still thick at 12mm. I am happy that I have avoided surgery. I am going to doctor to check uterus lining in 2 weeks. I am not bleeding much at all now though so I wonder how the uterus will return to normal--with my next period? Also, how long should I wait before trying to get pregnant again...?Thank you!Christina in Athens, Greece
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Hello Christina, Thank you for your query. I hope you won't mind me answering your query. Your body has naturally expelled the fetal tissues. Bleeding can last for up to 2 weeks. As long as you don't have abdominal pain, fever, foul smelling discharge, and prolonged /increased bleeding, you should be fine. Ovulation usually occurs within 2-4 weeks after miscarriage and period will occur within 2 weeks after that. It may be a little heavier and longer than your usual period. It should regularize after that. The body takes a while to get back to normal:- to make up for lost blood-for hormone levels to normalize-uterus to regain its normal size. I recommend :-waiting for 3 months before trying to conceive again-continue folic acid supplement. -take an iron supplement every day for 3 months (depending on your hemoglobin and iron levels in the blood) More than 80% of women go on to have a normal pregnancy after a miscarriage. Hope you conceive soon. Take care Hope Ive answered your query. Wish you good health.
Hello, My name is Greg. I am 29 years of age. Ive been having chest pains since Friday on and off, and my left arm has been feeling weird, like a tingling feeling at times. My mental health doctor was concerned because the last time I was there he said my blood pressure reading was 138/100. Im curious because my dad has heart problems, and my dads dad passed from a massive heart attack. Thank-You Greg
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Hello Gregory for your father. As you described your chest pain that is radiating to left arm. Generally chest pain of constricting or squeezing type with radiation is likely to be pain from heart. But the sensitivity and specificity of symptoms are very low to confirm the diagnosis. As you have family history and your diastolic BP and you did not mention regarding other high risks like smoking, dyslipidemia, BMI. So in my opinion, kindly contact Physician and get an ECG done to rule out any heart pathology. Thank you.
I am a 36 years old male from India I went for SA( Semen analysis ) and as per the result the sperm count is 0 ie I have azoospermia . Detials of SA report are as follows 1) Volume - 2.5 ml 2) Colour - Whitish 3) Reaction - Alkaline (pH - 8.4) 4) Viscocity - Normal 5) Liquification Time - Normal 6) PUS Cell - 20-22/HPF 7) Epithelial Cells - 0-2/HPF 8) RBC 1-2 /HPF 9) Sperm Count - 0 I went for Scrotum USG (Doppler) and Hormone Test and results are as follow A Scrotum USG No Varicocele or Hydrocele . A small Cyst in Right Epydidymal Head. Spermatic cords are normal Testicular Size - Right - 3.29X1.53X2.32 cm Left - 2.9 X 1.55 X 2.47 cm B Results of Blood Test for Hormones are as 1) FSH - 8.29 mIu/mL 2) LH - 2.96 mIU/mL 3) Testoterone- 2.98ng/ml Based on these information could you please let me know 1) Whether my problem is due to testicular Failure 2) Whether my problem is related to some kind of infection. Additional Info - 1) I am not a drinker but a smoker 2) I never had Chicken pox or Malaria but sufferred from mumps when I was 9 years old 3) Sufferd from high fever and allergy. 4) I have type 2 Diabetes.However it is currently in control fasting sugar 87 and HBA1C - 6.2 Thanks in advance
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Hello, I am not certain why you have posted your question in the Allergy forum, but it is obvious that you have low testosterone levels that can be secondary to diabetes. Overweight, stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, It A/D def, uncontrolled diabetes are some causes of low testosterone (among many others). Did the previous mumps episode affect your genitalia? Please get in touch with an Endocrinologist for further management. Thanks.
widal test result is that positive or nagitive Somatic Antigen Flagellar Antigen "O" "H"Salmonella Typhi 1:80 1:160Salmonella Paratyphi A 1:40 1:40Salmonella Paratyphi B 1:40 1:40
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Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. We can consider this report as a negative. Widal report of more than 1:160 is considered to be as a positive. If the report is equal to the 160 as in your case, you can confirm it with the more sensitive and specific test typhoon. This test can give note accurate diagnosis than that of tidal test. Usually community title for the tidal test is consider to be cut of value. If the person has higher value than community title than it can be considered as positive sample. Right now there is no need for any treatment you can get treatment with antibiotics once you have the positive report. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
I am a 56 year old female, recently diagnosed with a low functioning gallbladder. I had an attack in the middle of the night about four weeks ago which resulted in an emergency room visit. They ran all the necessary tests to rule out heart involvement and suspected a gallbladder issue. Since then, I have had an ultra sound and a HIda scan. The ultra sound showed sludge in the gallbladder and the HIda scan confirmed low function at 20 percent. My symptoms include an intermittent dull ache in the upper abdomen, but mostly gastrointestinal issues. I am not overweight, adhere to a healthy, low fat diet, due to a heart disease history in my family. I dont smoke or drink alcohol, and make an effort to exercise regularly. My question is related to symptoms that may appear to be unrelated. I have had a chronic cough for several years now. Already have had a work up done to try to diagnose the problem. The results of a pulmonary function test showed that I have mild restrictive obstruction disease. Those symptoms seem to have worsened with my gallbladder problems. Now, finally my question. Could there be a link between my chronic coughing and the low functioning gallbladder Ive been diagnosed with? Is surgery indicated?
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Hello! Thank you for the query. There is no direct connection between gallbladder problem and lungs problem. But there is a great connection between gastric problems and asthma disease. You need to know that acid reflux disease is very often associated with an asthma. So it is possible that your abdominal pain which is thought to be from your gallbladder, can be caused by stomach disease. Stomach diseases usually give upper middle abdominal pain. It usually appears 1-2 hours after a meal. Nausea and vomiting can be also present. Acid reflux disease can lead to peptic ulcers. That is why, before any surgery, I suggest you to have gastrostomy performed and stomach condition checked. During this test, Helicobacter Pylori infection will be also checked and if present, antibiotics are necessary. If the gastrostomy will be negative, then you can decide to have gallbladder removal. In a meanwhile please avoid fatty foods, spicy foods, fried foods, alcohol, coffee. Hope this will help. Regards.
I had my right lower leg amputated August 15th 2011. For the past couple of months I have been developing a lump on the top of my leg down by the stump. It is sore when putting on my artificial leg, but doesn t really hurt. Is this something to be concerned about. Thanks, Colleen
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Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor virtual Clinic. I studied your query in all the details put forth by you. I understood your health concerns. Cause of the health problems you queried-There are many causes of the sore lump on the top of the leg, after leg amputation like, Amputation neuroma, Amputation dermatomes(skin infections/infestations, Amputation wound Granuloma, Cracked stump skin, phantom limb pain/ soreness/ or a compromised skin circulation with skin wound and infection. As the soreness is while putting your artificial leg and is caused around the lump developed,-Cause in your case seems to be either from Amputation stump skin tag with sore skin eczema, or skin infection with soreness/ Or could be due to the Amputation neuroma-due to excessive lumpy mass of the amputated nerve end in the amputated leg stump. As I don't have any first-hand information or a photograph of the part, I suggest you to consult ER Ortho-surgeon, who would rule out other causes and would treat it according to the cause of this stump lump on the top of the amputated leg. Remedy-So till the time you consult ER Or tho Surgeon and get his definitive opinion after above investigations, DONT WORRY AT ALL but you need to be worried as it would complicate into some other serious problem with your amputee leg. And act fast on the above suggestions, which helps you to plan treatment with your ER OrthoSurgeon. Hope this would resolve your query with full satisfaction. Welcome for any further query in this regard to ME by direct question at Chat Doctor. Write excellent review and hit thanks, to narrate your experience, which would improve my rating for many other visitors to Chat Doctor. Wishing you fast recovery. Have a good day. Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Consultant. M.S. Genl-CVTS
Greetings to Dr. Rohit. I am Elizabeth Lee, from Malaysia.I have been suffering from psoriasis since I was 23 years old.Now, I am 34 years old.My psoriasis have been ups and down. But then its still manageable.But things turn differently, after my delivery of my baby since January 2010.My psoriasis have flared up so much that it covers 85% of my body, especially both my legs.I have seen many doctors, and even skins specialists.But then my psoriasis has not settled or remained the same severe.I had used 707 Oil, from India, by an Aryuvedic practitioner.And taken some oral Aryuvedic pills , Dermaflex, from India.But then my psoriasis has not improved.Now, after 4 months after my delivery, my skin has noit gotten any better, even though I have applied medication given by skin specialist.Any alternative medication??Please help.
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Thank you for writing to Chat Doctor. Psoriasis is really kashtsadhya to Ayodhya classification disease. You are advised to undergo Panchkarma at some good Ayurveda hospital near you. Till that time please take following for some relief. Karachi - The juice of the leaves of the Karachi can be applied locally on the affected regions.Garlic-Take 2-3 cloves every day with Khadirarishta10 ml+ Manjishthadi kvath10 ml+ 20 ml water.Jasmine-The flowers of the jasmine have good effects in the treatment of psoriasis. The flowers are crushed, made into a paste and are mixed with with need oil and applied on affected part. Kaishore GGUL- 2 pills thrice a day with lukewarm water water(1 glass at least)Need- Need cap 1, Hard Chat Doctor. Taruni kusumakar powder 1 tsp at nightnightNote: Karachi and jasmine may be used separately for sustained effect. However, it can be used simultaneously too, but I would prefer separate though its time-consuming.It's a vat key disease hence treatment is along those lines involving charm and rat. Food: Simple and light. If you feel satisfied may ask any query
I was diagnosed with vertigo in early june..although I am much better than I was I still have a spinning room when I lay down and sit up in the am.if I look up too or reach up too long I can feel the dizziness coming on. Same with leaning over.i seem to loose my balance easily. Can this be something else and should I see someone?
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Hi, welcome to our site. I am Chat Doctor, MD. Read your query. That is a very significant question and I appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your queryThis sounds very much like Benign Positional Vertigo. In this, if you change the head position suddenly and quickly, you will develop the vertigo. You need to be careful to change the position of the head slowly so that you do not have the sudden vertigo. The medicines are always there and are quite effective especially betahistidine. However, taking medicines for a long time is not always a good way. I suggest you attempt to learn the Brant Zaroff exercises, which are very effective in healing and improving the vertigo. An MRI brain would be good to make sure there is no intracranial or brain problem. I hope this helps you. Inform the reports mentioned above/if any other, so I can be of help further. I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you. You can upload them on the site. You can upload them with the query, or if you have a problem, send them to attachments@ChatDoctor .com with Sub: ATTN Your Name. Once we receive the photos or diagnostic reports, my team will send reports / pictures to me. Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination. Please click on Thanks/Helpful if found useful. Please feel free to ask another query. I would be glad to help you. Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further. (If the answer has helped you, please indicate this by clicking on HELPFUL)Best of luck. Chat Doctor. MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine), CC (Diabetes Mellitus), DNB (Neurology)
My boyfriend and i were messing around, and he wasnt wearing a condom. He went inside of me for maybe 5-10 seconds, twice. butit old him no, since i am not on birth conrol and he wasnt wearing anything. when he was about to cum, we stopped and i finished him off in a different way so he wasnt near my vagina. my last period was on the 12 and ended on the 18th. is there a possiblitly that i could get pregnant? he didnt cum inside of me, but other than being in me briefly, he was just moving in and out between my legs. HElp, is thee a small chance?
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Hallow Dear, You should be informed that some secretions are ejected from the male penis before ejaculation. This is called as pre-ejaculatory secretions or Pre-cum. Pre-cum is expelled out unknowingly and the male is completely unaware of ejaculation of pre-cum. Since he with Chat Doctor. Pre-cum does contain some sperms. These sperms are capable of fertilizing an egg and cause pregnancy. You have mentioned the dates of your menses; however have not mentioned the date of your sexual exposure. It would have helped me to assess the risk of pregnancy. Now, I will give you the information by which you can assess the possibility of pregnancy yourself. Egg is released 14 days prior to the next menses. Egg is having 24 hours life while the sperms are active for 72 hours. Hence, a period of 8 days around the day of egg release is fertile window. If you had this venture during this period, you stand the risk for pregnancy. If you have not crossed 72 hours after the intercourse, it is best to take emergency contraceptive pill. If you miss your period, you may get pregnancy test done on the urine 8-10 days after missed period. Done earlier, these tests may give false negative results. Another very reliable option for you, though costly, is to get Beta Chat Doctor test performed. This test is very specific and hence highly sensitive and may give reliable results even few days prior to the missed period. If you are pregnant, you have option of Medical Termination of Pregnancy available. I am sure, this helps you.
i am having some kine of mantle disorder .i am working in my work place for 9 months but still couldnt understand my duties well .actually even though i learn things dally from my job . i cannot apply them to my work,all the time i make mistakes and i have lost my common sense also .my supervisor used to blame me all the time now .some days i could work like a genus but some days i start my work as a beginner. i was having this thing since 12 years those days i could not even deal with my friends and public and also my body was very lazy and sleepy.and i have to mention that i had very bad habits since i was 12 years .it is masturbating.Now i m 30 years old but still doing it all the time more than my fiends do.i had another bad was thinking of things never happen .i always liked to live in movies and imagine about miracles. A lot of things like this all the time .2 years ago i took some medicine from a psychiatrist doctor (Alprazolam USP 0.25mg and Escitalopram Oxalate Tablets 5mg ) after taking this medicine i was recovered well and could deal with friend and people.but there is still some thin wrong in my mined which effect to my job function as i mentioned at the start of this massage .please doctor i wont to be a normal can i be a normal me i am helpless now.
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Hello I have read your question and can understand your problem. You have symptoms like poor work performance, poor learning, poor concentration sometimes. You have also complaints like imagining things or living in miracles. Furthermore, you are also concerned about masturbation habit since last 12 years. See first I would like to tell you that masturbation is completely a healthy practice, and it is not associated with any mental abnormality. There is nothing wrong with masturbation. The symptoms you have mentioned are most likely due to some depressive illness with some co-morbid obsessive ideation. I would advise you to consult a Psychiatrist for expert evaluation. Medicines like SSRI (Escitalopram you have taken already) are very useful in such condition. Thanks
Hello! Im very concerned about my father who is getting ready to 62 years of age. I moved him down from Chicago last June to stay with me & my husband & two small children. Reason being is because he had called me & said that there were cameras put in his apartment, So the other tenants can spy on him & he had said he recently just got out of the emergency room. He said that one of the tenants broke into his place & poisoned his potato salad he had in his fridge. well he moved in with me & did nothing but sleep all day & stay up all night. So I found him a one room apartment hoping he would help his self accomplish in getting a job & etc. Instead he complained that there were cameras in his room & even called the police & told them another tenant was poisoning him with gas from the stove. So I moved him back in & he continued to do nothing at all. So I sent him to stay with my brother & he said there were cameras there & someone was trying to poison him with carbon monoxide through the vents. Now he is staying in a shelter which is helping him find residency & a job, which is very good. But is there some illiness to what he is imagining? Ive wore myself out trying to find out why he is thinking these things & actually believing them. He is a veteran & goes to the V.A. But can you help me solve what his condition is, so I can understand?
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As per reported by you your dad seems to be suspecting tenants trying to harm him leading to distress. He also seems to have alteration in sleep wake cycle and definitely not a normal routine. However, does he also have any other psychotic symptoms like hallucinations or any other behavioral problems? How is his interaction with others? Have you noticed any recent onset memory deficits in him, especially recent memory loss, or other cognitive tasks like handling money, buying things, going outside at public places alone? Has there any previous such episodes in past? Is he having any other medical illness or on any long term medication? Getting information on these questions is vital before reaching any conclusion. However, if he is willing to consult any psychiatrist or neurophysician its worth doing it and get evaluated at earliest as there is strong element of possible dementia vs late onset psychosis.
Hello Doctor. My granny has been diagnosed with Moderately Differentiated Squamous Cell Carcinoma Grade 2 , Site: Esopghagus located in middle 1/3rd. She is 85 years old. The doctor has prescribed Radiology treatment. But my worry is the age of the patient. I don t know whether she can go through the Radiology treatment. I wanted to know more about the treatment for this type of cancer . Please do correspond at the earliest.
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Hello Hiram.ks10, Thank you for posting your query through Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern for your granny. Radiation is the method of treatment of choice for this type of cancers by the conventional medicine. You can ask for the outcome what the doctors expect out of the treatment and the percentage of chances for her to get cured and survive. I am a Homeopath, and so I will be advising you differently, and it is for you to take the judicious decision about it. In my opinion your granny must have undergone a shocking psychological conflict at this age almost prior to the development of the stricture of the esophagus. On examination of the throat for difficulty in swallowing it was found out that esophagus is having this deformity. It is said that she had an experience of something that she could not swallow. Now you may go back to her life situations and find out whether she had anything that she could not swallow. Get to know what she felt- whether rejection, indignation, grief, rage, depression etc.- towards this incident. This will tell her genetics. The cause of any cancer is in the mind and is mediated through the brain. Which tissue is to be affected and what should be the type of affection-all these are determined by the mind-brain - organ axis. Give her Homeopathic constitutional treatment for giving maximum possible longevity of relatively healthful days ahead. Abstain from radiation or any other unnatural surgical procedures. If you so desire, I can help her by taking her case in detail and prescribe for her, her genetic constitutional curative remedy. Give counselling to her in the fashion I explained her disease above and request her to have positive attitudes to the incident and to her present disease condition. With Best Wishes, Chat Doctor. J. Varese, Homeopath,
HelloRecently I have been having issues with my wisdom tooth. I noticed it because I am having tooth ache in the tooth right in front of the wisdom tooth. The wisdom tooth hasnt broken the surface, but I can feel it with my tongue and finger. Since realizing the tooth ache, I have gotten a sore throat, painful lump in the neck under where the wisdom tooth is, and my tonsils seem to be a little inflamed. Is it possible its all due to an infected wisdom tooth?
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Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor. As per your complaint it seems that you have inflammation of the gum flap surrounding the wisdom tooth and the condition is known as Peritonitis. Pericoronitis occurs if food gets lodged between wisdom tooth and the gum flap covering the wisdom tooth... And by food it does not mean that you see big food particles stuffed in there, but it also means uncleaned area and bacterial growth below gum flap... It leads to inflammation of the flap leading to pain swelling and as the area lies close to the throat there can be sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. But pain in the tooth in front of the wisdom tooth can be infection or decay in second molar tooth. The line of treatment is Antibiotics, Painkillers, Mouthwash but only this is not enough to you, you should go to dentist again and ask him to irrigate the area between gum flap and wisdom tooth with saline, Betadine solution and HY Chat Doctor. . Other thing is done warm saline gargles, it will help you to reduce inflammation... Carry on with the course of your antibiotics and painkillers, your pain and swelling must go in two three days. Once you get relieved of your discomfort visit the dentist again and get an IOP AR (X-ray) done to find out whether wisdom tooth will erupt to proper occlusion or is impacted (means having an obstruction and won't erupt to occlusion). If it is not impacted just get your gum flap removed known as OPERCULECTOMY and if impacted get your tooth extracted... This will be your ultimate treatment and finish your problem forever. If the second molar tooth is also decayed leading to pain you can get Root Canal treatment done to save the tooth and resolve infection. Hope you recover soon. Thanks and regards.
Hello Doc, my spouse is in 28 weeks of pregnancy with some associated problems. Swelling in both legs, reduce after elevation of foot and rest. last 2 weeks back SGOT is 25 and SGPT is 18 But we checked again on 2nd JUNE, its highly elevated. SGOT - 2360 and 1580, SGPT - 1560 and 1404 from 2 different labs, Alkaline phosphate is also elevated (527) and bilirubin is in normal range, the remaining all parameters in normal value. She is in medication of T.Duphastan, T.Shelcal, T. Iron supplement and T. Thyroxin. She have a Hypothyroidism since last 1 year. I am a Registered Nurse in india. i want to what is happening to her and what is the possibilities? today i took the sample fr Hepatitis A, B, C, E and Urine routine?
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Hello, and I hope I can help you today. Elevated liver enzymes and swelling unfortunately can be symptoms of two potentially very dangerous pregnancy complications. The first and most common is severe preeclampsia or HELP syn Chat Doctor. It normally develops at term but if it does prematurely it can cause seizures in the mother and abruption of the placenta. Typically, patients also have low platelets and can be at risk for stroke. The second possibility is acute fatty liver f pregnancy which can also lead to fetal death and potential permanent liver damage. I seriously recommend you consult with a physician or take her to the hospital immediately for evaluation... She needs her blood pressure checked, an urinalysis, a CBC with platelets, electrolyte including BUN/creatinine and a consultation with a high risk obstetrician. Sometimes the baby needs to be delivered prematurely to treat the mother. I again am very concerned about your partners status, and please consult immediately with a local physician and do not continue to try to diagnose her yourself. If she develops a severe headache or sees spots in front of her eyes she is at high risk of seizure and should go to the hospital immediately. I am sorry to give you this answer to the question, but I am glad you consulted with Chat Doctor .com and I hope your partner gets the appropriate evaluation. With best regards,
hi doctor i am facing tooth pain problem fro last more than 1 month and that is not a hard pain it is light pain every time. i have filled my factured teeth which is front teeth upper site by a dentist , which was cracked around 15 years back, after filling it was good and no pain till next 10 to 15 days, but after 15 days that i am having pain problem in all the teeth some times upper site and some time lower site in hole mouth , i have confirmed from doctor and he has reduce the filling size but same problem persist, i went to another doctor, she checked avery thing and recommend some medicines, cetin 500mg and mouth wash rexidine, and one gum also which is stolin for teeth massage, approx 10 days i had all the things, but no relief , so i request you to please give me solution, why the pain is not ending. when i am sleeping on that time there is no pain and when i wake up then problem starts every day, i have never face this type teeth pain problem in my hole life, i am brushing two times lightly with colgate toothpaste, earlier i was using closeup gel, please help me for this, i will very thankfull to you.
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Hi pain starting after getting filling done in a fractured tooth points toward pupal tenderness due to filling of the teeth without taking care of the underlying pulp. It means your broken tooth injury was either involving pulp (nerves) or very near to it which have become tender now due to filling on it. But as you are saying that pain is in whole mouth, then it can be either due to gingival inflammation due to gingivitis or periodontitis for which you have to get scaling done. But again as it started after your filling, then it can be possible that causal level of your filling was not right due to which normal closure of mouth is not achieved due to high point. So it is causing tenderness on whole mouth. So you have to get yourself a proper filling. But I will suggest you to get a X-ray done of the concerned tooth and post it here for better consultation and advice. For the time being-do warm saline rinse stake painkiller - doomed (SOS) wishing you speedy recoveryWith best regards Chat Doctor.
Dear Sir / Madam, I am suffering from Allergic Rhinitis since 16 years back. My symptoms of the allergy includes : Severe Itching in the nose, Turbinates gets fully swelled inside the nose, Watery Eyes alongwith severe Itching in eyes & nose, Sneezing , Saline Mucous, when allergy exaggerates, i feel perspiration & after sometime, body temp. goes down. I feel total loss of concentration, as i can t be able to open my eyes, feels heaviness in Head , Nose & eyes each. I feel emptiedness in the whole body. I have undergone Septoplasty (PNS) in the year 2004,but of no use. I undergo allergy test & found to be allergic to 14 things including ; Spores, Moulds, Fungi ,Algae, Air Pollens , Dust Mites , Wheat spores & few others. Enclosing the test report herewith. My Allergy starts in the Morning time & mostly in the summers & goes out of control unless taken Levocetirizine . In winters, sumtimes i feel better ,but during allergy my nose gets fully blocked, it gets opened in between, but again gets blocked. I often take medicine SOS including Flomist Nasal Spray & Levocetirizine. I feel hangover after taking Levocetirizine including sedation,lethargic & poor concentration & even small jerks during sleep. Nowadays I also took Nasivion Drops for last three days twice a day. But now stopped taking in order to avoid being habitual & long term side effects. Plz. advice the permanent cure for it, if any. THANKS A LOT. XYZ
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If the allergies are continuous, and they are not controlled like this it means your foods are interfering with allergies even if they are from dust and pllensstop milk and diary products completely no use of mustard coconut walnut groundnut almonds soda oils olive for cooking and application50% of symptoms will be reduced with this plan for pollen and dust go for sublingual immunotherapy you will get good responsefoor the time take fexofenadine 120 mg apply newsprint h eye ointment in nose put seawater 2 Chat Doctor.
I first went to the doctor because earlier that day i had waken up with pain on the side of my right side stomach. later on throughout the day i started vomiting. i didnt know what it was so i tried eating but within minutes i would throw it up. about 12 hours later i finally got to the point where i couldnt take it anymore. i had chills, constant vomiting and could barely pee. i was in the ER for about 6 hours and got a CT scan as well as some blood work and they tested my pee. they ended up telling me i had kindey stones and was released in the morning. i was given pain medication and sulfate to help my kidneys with the stones. i waited one week till i had to go to our local clinic because i was still have irritation in my stomach and was feeling nauseous at times throughout the day. They said i mightve also had a UTI and i had stopped taking my pain meds wich was hydro and sulfate two-three days after my first stop at the ER because they had made me feel very nauseous and just simply not good. the doctor told me to stop taking the hydro and start taking the sulfate again until its gone. i started feeling better or than my lower abdomen keep giving me problems. i was also peeing out what looked like tissue and sometimes tissue with blood on it. but i never peed out blood that was noticable to me. its been almost a month now and i am still having these problems . any tips? go back to doc?
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helloThanks for query Based on the sequence of events that you had you have stones in the kidney with infection causing pain, fever with chills and vomiting. The pain and vomiting is due to stagnation of urine in ureter and kidney (HY Chat Doctor. Fever is due to secondary infection. The tissue of pieces and blood that you are passing in urine is debris which develops due to infection. In view of these symptoms you need to consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.1) Urine routine and culture.2) Ultrasound scanning of abdomen and pelvis. Take antibiotics Definite and Nitrofurantoin twice daily along with Tamsulosin once daily. Ensure to
I think I am pregnant, I am not sure though.. could you help?My breasts constantly ache, I get back aches, I get a lack of breath sometimes, dizziness, fatigue (often) My breasts feel as if they have got heavier, my nipples have enlarged. I am on the contraceptive pill, however I have not been taking it correctly and therefore I am unsure whether my pregnancy chances could be high. Please get back to me asap. Many thanks.
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Hallow Dear, Had you been taking birth control pills regularly, I would have written off the possibility of any pregnancy. However, since you are irregular in contraceptive pills, I cannot say that you would not be pregnant. The first cardinal symptom to appear is missing a period. Somehow, I do not find any mention your last/missing period in your history. All other symptoms appear about 8-10 days after missed period. The other cardinal symptoms of early pregnancy are:1. Nausea & vomiting with pica2. Frequent urination3. Breast symptoms and signs like engorgement & tenderness, dark discoloration of nipples & areola with areolar widening, Montgomery's tubercles under areola and secretions through the nipples. However, if you have not missed period, these symptoms cannot be weighed much as they may appear due to some other causes also. Heaviness and tenderness of the breasts can be due to the oral contraceptive pills you are taking. Nipples enlargement also can be due to the pills or due to rough overhanging. Breathlessness, backache, fatigue & dizziness are not symptoms of early pregnancy. Irrespective of your pregnancy status, you should get investigated for these symptoms. Please get your hemoglobin tested and report to the Physician. If you have missed period, pregnancy test on overnight first morning urine sample 8-10 days after missed period will clarify your doubts. Done earlier, these tests may give false negative results. Alternatively you may opt for Beta Chat Doctor test which can give you reliable results even few days before missing period also. If you have not missed your period, please wait for your menses. If they appear, forget about pregnancy. If they do not appear, you may opt for pregnancy test(s) as suggested above. I hope this helps you.
Hello, i used nordette as ecp sometime sept 20-24, not sure. i had my period sept 9 to 13. I normally have a 33 to 34 day cycle. i had to use it again as ecp last sept 29. Both times i drank 4 tablets, then 4 tablets again. The first time, i took the second dose exactly 12hrs later, the second time, i took the second dose 14 hours later (since i lost track of time). i had withdrawal bleeding for both times. i m supposed to have my period Oct 11, but still no sign of it, no symptoms whatsoever, no breast tenderness, etc. which i usually have. so now im almost a week late. I know it may be because of the ecp, so im trying not to stress about it. am i correct or do you think im pregnant? :( problem two is- now, i need to take nordette again, (this will be the third this month), is it okay? or is it unnecessary? did i ovulate this month? Did nordette stop it or delay it? as much as possible i dont want to take ecp again, so if the pills i took before prevented the whole ovulation phase, then i would not need to take nordette now *fingers crossed* should i take it? i know it may be unsafe. but i just want to know if there is a chance this last time can make me pregnant. i also know its better if i just take regular and more reliable modes of contraception and that is what i am planning to do. i just need to get this problem off my mind before i start taking regular pills on my next cycle :) nordette is the only form of ecp here. thank you so much!
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Hello, Frequent or irregular taking of Corvette pill may cause delayed or irregular period. I suggest you to undergo one home pregnancy test 2 weeks after last sexual intercourse. It helps to clear doubt about pregnancy. After that, you must consult with doctor for other relevant investigations like ultrasound scan, hormone test etc. Combined hormonal pill or regular pill is the best choice of contraception to prevent pregnancy (99.9%) and regularize period. Kindly, consult with doctor for complete prescription. Good luck.
Dear doctor i am in 28 year old lady my name as swetha . 4 months before one day i am feel my heart beated with speedly and i am suffering in other worries with my leg is very tired . So i am consult a doctor in near and said to me my bp is higher. I am consult a special doctor next day and take ECG but there is no problem in ECG. in some days later my bp is not get low. So the doctor said i am in tensioned women . so doctor give me tension tablet. take this tablet i am get very well . soon iam stop the tablet. One day i am suffered with worries that have nothing to say that. So doctor give me injection for balance ear problems. the next day morning i have no idea of my mind and i am walking with my mind. It is a experience of a lot of wories. i cannot sit and lay in bed totaly un balance mind . So i am consult a psychartist and give me its pills. In this time i am not get mences. So i am consult a doctor and get Norethisterone tablet. urenery infection is tortued me in many month. so the doctor suggest please check your kidney. doctor i am take the bp pills daily and tension pills also please tell me what is my problem
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Hello Seth, I agree with the title of your question - the problem does seem to be due to your anxiety, or tension as another doctor put it. It is clear that you have been worrying a lot, and the rapid beating of the heart and increased BP could be related to anxiety itself. There are three points that are important here - 1. You felt better after the doctor gave you medicines for tension. What was the name of the medicine? Why did you stop taking it? 2. What exactly were the balance ear problems for which the doctor gave you an injection? 3. Is it correct that your menses stopped after you began treatment from the psychiatrist? I find this a bit surprising because medicines used to treat anxiety do not affect menses, but some other medicines do. What medicines were you prescribed? In my opinion, you do not seem to have any serious problem. Please provide more details, so I can try to help further. Saiph