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I am 25 yrs old and have been diagnosed with sinusitis and gross DNS. My PNS X-Ray shows nasal septum deviated to right. I have been suffering with blocked nose and allergy for 8 yrs and was on prescription medicaction(tablets and sprays). Doctor advised me to undergo DNS surgery this week. I want know, whether DNS surgery cure this problem permanently, or still I will face problems(block nose and allergy) in future. I have been spending sleepless nights due to blocked nose. please reply in details. Thanks so much for your help.
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Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history. From your history, my opinion is as follows:1. Allergies are due to some abnormal functioning of immune system and DNS (deviated nasal septum) is a physical/structural abnormality. Both are entirely different.2. Nasal symptoms such as nasal obstruction can be caused by both DNS and long-standing allergic rhinitis. Sinusitis can be caused by both DNS and long-standing allergic rhinitis.3. Mild DNS usually does not cause severe nose symptoms. Gross DNS (as in your case) can cause severe nose symptoms.4. So surgical correction of gross DNS can improve your nose and sinus symptoms greatly, especially nasal obstructive symptoms. But it cannot cure allergies. To summarize in brief, as both are contributing to your symptoms, correction of one can improve your symptoms, but I can not say DNS surgery can permanently cure allergies. Allergies are entirely different. For nose allergies, I would suggest you to consult an Allergist-Immunologist who will advise you allergy testing. This will help you to know what substances you are allergic to and how to avoid them. An Allergist may also suggest you Allergen Specific Immunotherapy which works on your immune system to improve allergic symptoms on long term basis. An ENT surgeon is the best person to say how much improvement you can expect (it depends upon your severity of DNS as well as nasal examination) with DNS surgery. Hope above answer will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.
My wife is 50 year old and take ramipril 5mg to reduce the pressure on her kidneys she is diabetic and anemic with arthritic joints. When she take ramipril she suffers from all the uncommon reactions that are supposed to be rare approx 1 in 1000 people to 1in 100. Is there an alternative ACE inhibitor which she could take without any side effects?
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Hi Welcome To Chat Doctor I have gone through your query regarding un common side effects of April. Along with their useful effects, most medicines can cause unwanted side effects although not everyone experiences them. These usually improve as your body adjusts to the new medicine, If you experience is any of the following side effects or any other symptoms continue or become troublesome, stop taking April and contact your doctor for advice straightaway:Any difficulty breathing, or swelling of your face, mouth, tongue or throat. These are signs of an allergic reaction. Any yellowing of your skin or whites of your eyes. These may be signs of jaundice which is a rare side effect. A severe skin rash. Meanwhile, I may suggest you to Adopt regularity in your lifestyle, without which , Gulping on medicines or pumping in shots will not help much help. Many have been helped with this regimen -Simple, healthy nutritious food including more of fibers, proteins, vitamins & minerals than starches like rice, potatoes. Also avoid tea, coffee alcohol fried and fast foods PROPER regular EXERCISE, WALK, YOGA, Panama -deep breathing proper rest HELP YOU TO STRENGTHEN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM and help you lead disease free life. Constipation should not be allowed to continue. Turmeric powder with a cup of hot milk before bedtime help many types of bacteria and sugar level under control. A Spoon of fenugreek seed powder with water in the morning to control sugar level. Antioxidants like raw garlic, ginger, onion in every meal. Use of lemon in water before meals and in lunch help the body keep going. All the above is full of antioxidants having no side effects giving you immunity to live life without such disease and go with any therapy. Condition is to be regular with this regime. Hope this helps you in solving your query All the best. Take Care.Don't hesitate to get back if you have any further query
Dear Doctor , I am a 46 year old married woman with 2 grown up kids, I have been working since I was 16, and have always been a go getter, and my family was the centre of my life, however lately I feel that I am losing interest in everything, I am not bothered about my looks, I am not bothered about how my home looks, I have had some issues with my husband s insensitivity related to our sex life for many years, which lead to me drinking and venting alone, I feel I can not rely on my husband for supporting me neither emotionally nor financially, I have been self reliant all my life but now I cannot go on any more. My husband does try to be supportive but for short periods of time only, though he means well he is not the doting husband types. I have worked in MNC companies (as a trainer) all my life but now I am working in a Pvt Ltd hospital and do not like my job, have not been successful in getting another job because of my age and have not done my MBA, just plain graduate. I am suffering from hypo thyroidism, (and taking .50 mg thyroxcin) I am obese and my weight is increasing, I suffer from hunger pangs on some days and on others I don t feel like eating and now I am suffering from depression and high blood pressure , my treating physician has given my Nexito 20 for 1 month, I am still not feeling energetic, instead I am feeling more low, and in fact now I am so deflated that I don t feel like having a bath or groom myself, I just feel like killing myself, but of course I am worried about my kids future, please advise
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The first advise I could give is to remain in company and never sit alone. Talk about your feelings and give them a direction. Don't make you imaginary feelings of isolation. Enjoy the world. Believe in God and join some religious group. Don't expect any help from anyone as unfulfilled expectation causes more depression. Move out in company and see how nature reveals itself to you. In Ayurveda, we offer Shirt Dhaka with medicated oils enjoy it and have Cap. Bravado with ashwagandha churn 500 mg. TDS. Chat Doctor. Com
In Aug 09 I started having what I thought was gyn issues. My periods were off and middleshmertz was so sever that I couldn t do anything but be in a fetal position. THat pain that usually lasted a day now lasted several days each time I had ovulation. I kept having this feeling where my bladder was, just right of it. Every time I touched it it would hurt. I had a lower back pain the entire time as well. Occasionaly I saw odd colored urine but could always say it was from something else. Finally I wound up in so much pain one day that I went to dr. and they said if you had a stone you would be in ther ER. Well long story short a month later I again had this horrible pain and it was stone. Had it removed and I felt better. Even the pain that was just to the right of my bladder disapeared for a few months. Well then in December 10 I started with the weird periods again and that pain that was near my bladder just to the right in the exact same place came back. Dr s said we can t find anything, GYN said all is clear, had ct scan and there is no stone, Urologist said he doesn t know what it could be. Gastro said you seem fine and you look good so you must be ok. I hate hearing that answer! Anyway, so I still have this pain, it is located 2 1/2 inches below my bellybutton and 2 inches to my right. Press down right there and it hurts every time, i can keep pressing it where it stops being so harsh but it still hurts. I am not fat, 4 kids and although I could tone up my stomach I have a fairly flat belly. I m 5 8 145-150 lbs. Please help me
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For severe lower back pain you can take some painkiller like ultracet-plus or zerodol-sp only when the pain is worse enough or disturbing your daily routine along with some calcium supplements like shackled or toscal-gem once daily. Take some multivitamin like metilda-af or neurobian-plus once daily. Do some physiotherapy exercises after an expert opinion of physiotherapist. I will also advise you to sleep on a plain surface.
Hi i am 53 year old mail 7 years ago had a bi level spinal fusion the operation consisted of incisions in my stomach ,back and left hip my pain since the surgery has been so bad there are days i cant walk . I was at a pain clinic where for the 6 years i was being treated with 100 mitagram Fentynal patch and 7-15miligram oxycodone a day it got to the point that i was on so much medication i felt sick but it got to the point the meds were not helping . I decided to wean off of the meds to find alternative medications found a pain doctor that suggested trying 20-30mg of methadone twice a day amazingly it helped greatly and for the last year i have felt better physically and mentally. Now the problem my doctor died suddenly at the end of November 2013 the other doctor in the office filled in for a couple of weeks on December 20th he gave me a prescription for 30 days a week and a half later a got a call saying he did not want to deal with prescribing methadone that i needed to find a new doctor . I found a new doctor who my first visit was Jan 13th new doctor wont prescribe pain meds wants me to go to pain clinic cant get appointment for a consult until the 24th of Jan and have no pain meds . Not sure what to do have been on pain medications for 12 years and I honestly cant find anyone to help or with any advise. Called original doctor today at the advise of new promary care to ask for a two week prescription until pain management what are the doctors obligation to treat me in the interim. Any help would be appreciated .
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Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your symptoms, and it is unfortunate that you are unable to get pain medications from your current doctor and your appointment with pain specialist is a few days later. In the meanwhile, you can request your current doctor to give you a few days of prescription of pain medications. You can also take OTC pain medications. Tramadol and flirting are other medications that could help reduce your pain. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/
Hi. I m a 20 y/o black guy and I have a concern about my body. Is it ok to do? I like to masturbate... Now of course I wouldn t tell anyone else that. But sometimes I kind of feel funny or uncomfortable about it (with the Christian community saying it s a sin. I personally don t know for sure). But what I want to know first of all, is it ok to do it, and with you being a doctor, would you encourage it? I ve seen many different yes and no answers online and I just want one sure answer from a doctor. Are there health benefits? Should I feel good about masturbation? Because I don t think I really want to stop doing it... Also, how much masturbation is enough or too much? Lately, I ve been doing it about once a day, but before Sunday of this week I didn t do it for about five days. So it s not excessive. I don t masturbate more than once a day (for probably no more than 7 days straight). And like I said before, sometimes more than others, I skip days, be it a day or more. Is this an ok amount? Now, I do have one last question/concern. I wasn t going ask this one, but I thought that I might as well since I have your attention. Forgive me, this may sound a little weird to you. I have a foot fetish. I love the feet of other guys . Guys feet are pretty much the only thing that gets me excited .... So, do you think that s weird for me to be like that. Is there something wrong with me? Please give me your thoughts. I ve shared with you some things that I would never share with anyone else. I really appreciate your professional and personal opinion and I m looking forward to your response. Thanks,
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Thanks for asking in Chat Doctor forum Masturbation is not harmful until you do it when excited and under limits. Limit depends upon the ability of the organ. If you are feeling pain/difficulty in getting erection, probably it is in excess. So, coming to your fetish, until it is not harmful/problematic to others, you can continue having fetish to feet. All the best. You can consult psychiatrist for further help.
what good does an arhtiris panel do when you already know you have it wouldn t it be better to see what is causing the arthritis ie, mycoplasma test and vitamins that are known to be depleted the test may be useful for the doctor but itdoesn t tell where the inflammation is and most likely when i am in remission i cannot go and get a test so it always looks like i am doing badly in my medical records and no one seems interested in what is causing it
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Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of your case. As you mentioned you have arthritis - this means there is a degenerative change in the human body which leads to arthritis. Since you haven't mentioned whether it is osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis I will explain the both in detail which are the most common ones. Osteoarthritis - the terminology itself indicates that the bone is involved Chat Doctor. Now coming to explain to you what causes arthritis - Arthritis is the degenerative changes happening in the human body. This degenerative changes are called the wear and tear of the cells. Example is - when you buy a new shoe and use it for 2-3 years and later your shoe will have the wear and tear. You cannot expect the shoe to be the same after 2-3 years of constant use. As I said, degenerative change is a natural phenomenon which cannot be revered and also there is no particular test we need to confirm the arthritis. Also, to help you better during arthritis there are medical treatment directed towards the symptoms and its relief. As medicine acts as a supportive system for the symptoms to lower, as this will allow the body to heal of its own. Also, to mention that the body is the medicine of its own and this is also a normal physiological phenomenon. Next coming to what helps in arthritis is - along with medicine there is need to strengthen the muscles around the joint involved so that the normal joint alignment can be achieved. Any changes in the normal anatomy of the joint occurs there is a pain. Now pain is a protective mechanism of the physiological phenomena of the body. Also along with medicine and physical therapy most of the patients recover. If you have more queries I can answer, so you can ask me directly. With the grace of God I Wish you a speedy recovery regards
I have had spots on my liver for many years now I have lots of pain and swelling under my rib cage on the right side. Lots of lower back pain. Knots you can see and feel all over my body. Feel tired all the time have Stomach pains and now pain in left arm can t pick up anything heavy. Lots of pain! Getting worried.
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Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding lower back pain and pain under the rib cage and a lot of pain everywhere. I can understand your concern. Dear, Do you know, when you feel pain this is the natures way to warn you that all is not well in your system and causing the injury or damage. Pain is your bodies of telling you that something is wrong, much like a fever. And just like with a fever, most people simply mask the pain instead of dealing with the underlying cause of the problem. . Immune system comes for help with fresh blood, antibodies and vital cells in order to begin healing and repairing the damage As you are suffering from this and that troubles since many years , I would like to suggest you consult your doctor for thorough check up of liver and other related problem. In fact, Your faulty food habits and derailed lifestyle is responsible for weak immune system & all your health problems .it is very important for you to maintain a balanced diet for good health and to be worryless. Fiber makes stool easier to pass and help detox your system . Too little of the roughage can make it hard to have a bowel movement. Whole-grain bread and cereals Fruits, Vegetables, antioxidants -Aloe vera, AMLA, nuts, turmeric powder in a cup of hot milk fiber vitamins minerals in natural form are good source as ginger, garlic, lemon juice in water with salt and a pinch of black pepper. And a lot of water intake and regular exercise, Yoga, Panama, Deep Breathing, meditation help eradicate toxins from your body and mind and help lead you towards a healthy life. Homeopathic Belgium 30 /twice a day /3 days may give relief. Nux Com 30 / 1 dose / in evening / 15 days Hope this helps solves your query. Take care, All the best. Wish Get well soon.Don't hesitate to get back TF have any further query.
my grand son is born by cissarian sectionin 36 weeks of is secoun developed jaundice after birth and regressed.after completion of third month the boy developed pneumonia and was treated at dolphin hospital hyderabad as inpatient .the child had constipation,and child could not support head and legs,so in a routeen way thyroid profile wasconducted for both mother and child,mothers thyroid profile was normal,but the boy showed TSH:107,and ft4:0.59, Tc99 pertechnetate thyroid scintigraphy showed :congenital dyshormonogenesis organification defect.,uptake at 20 minutes=9%.and ultrasound scanning of thyroid showed NO SONOGRAPHICAL ABNORMALITY DETECTED.The boy is born on29thsept 2011 and now the boy is four months oldweighing 5kgs.there is mild head lag not bearing weight,umbelical hernia the child was advised tabTHYRONORM50mg was started on25thJanuary and now better and child could turn side ways and improving.I want to know whether the child has to be taken to neonatal endocrinologist if so can you suggest neonatal endocrinologist at HYDERABAD. i want to know the prognosis and mental developmental status and chances of cretinisam(Short stature)and the risk factors in future.Kindly answer me. Thanking you Yours faithfully, c.srinivasulu
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Hi, There is no doubt about the diagnosis as your grandson does have hypothyroidism, but luckily the gland is present normally, and the defect is such that it can be corrected with home thyroid tablets. He has to be seen by a pediatric endocrinologist as soon as possible who will monitor the baby clinically and also by hormonal blood tests for at least 3 years at start.#rd month to start treatment is a little late ----but if taken good care and monitored regularly and treatment of hormone given meticulously his growth and development should be made near normal. The best place to find help will be standard private hospitals like Apollo hospital initially. I have seen many of the hypothyroid child Chat Doctor. Please remember to do screening for the next baby.
M y mother 78 years and family went on a trip to a hill station (ooty,india) where it was extremely cold. My mother there itself started feeling very cold and had to be covered by two blankets. On our return back home (bombay) she was still shivering inspite of being in a hot climate.The next day she was vomiting and also had on and off fever. We took her to our family doctor and on doctor advised got her urine examined. The doctor said she has got a urine infection and treated her with antibiotics and ask us further to do a urine culture test. In the meantime before getting our report on the urine culture she developed pain on one leg especially from the thigh to the calves and there is more pain below the knee. She get walk at all on her own. She has to take support while walking. Whenever she has to get up from a sitting position from a sofa, she gets severe pain on both the legs.The after a day she started getting pain the both the legs. Both the knees are swollen more on left leg. We took her a to an orthopedics he confirmed that she has got arthritis and started on DELTA GM and some vitamins. It has been two days since she taking these medicines, but she has no relief. On receiving the Urine culture test my family doctor has started on course of medicines and ask to do her blood test for malaria. The report is yet to come. Could you guide me what are complications is my mother suffering from. She is 78 years old TM
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Hello there, I am Chat Doctor. Hope I have given appropriate guidance to you. Fever with chills is caused by malaria & urinary tract infection both. So I suggest you to go for urine culture and peripheral smear examination and malaria card test. Mother have more probable malarial infection because in green area like sooty mosquito are more so might they have bitten you are mother. And malaria has to be treated. This leg symptoms are probably by malarial arthritis. Follow the sensitivity pattern of urine culture and malarial treatment if it is found positive by test under guidance of your physician. If you have any query you can consult me anytime. Give me star rating, helpful vote & thank you according to your satisfaction level. Thanking you.
yes I have been dionese with with hip-c 5-6 years ago .I was a heavy dreanker. my esoffic came loose from my stomic and I thought everthing was ok . but now I have lost 40 lb and I fell real bad . my body acks all the energy .fell like staying in bed .no mucles .need help before its to late.i have grandchildren that I need to see grow up;
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Hi, I am sorry you feel like this. After reading what you have said I feel your symptoms could be from several causes. These could include1. Hepatitis C: This disease is currently curable in most patients if treated. If untreated it can cause scarring of the liver with time (called cirrhosis) and ultimately lead to complete loss of liver function (called "end stage liver disease"). Liver disease can cause the symptoms you have right now. An important complication of Hepatitis C is liver cancer. Your loss of weight makes me extremely concerned, and I recommend you see a Hepatologist (liver specialist) to rule out an underlying cancer. 2. Anemia: Hepatitis C, age and other factors can cause anemia. If untreated and severe it can cause loss of energy and loss of appetite. The diagnosis is made using blood tests-these need to be ordered by a physician-so I would recommend seeing your primary care doctor at the earliest. Anemia is treatable, but the underlying cause needs to be figured out first3. Depression: Can cause many of the symptoms you are experiencing. Other symptoms include a lack of interest in things that you like and sleep disturbances. Symptoms can be treated with antidepressants and counseling. I would recommend seeing your primary care doctor first to determine if depression is the cause of your symptoms, and then he can either prescribe you medicines or refer you to a specialistSummarizing everything, I recommend you see either a primary care doctor (preferably) or a Hepatologist to get a thorough check-up and necessary tests to determine what is causing your symptoms. Meanwhile, healthy lifestyle changes like stopping alcohol, smoking, Chat Doctor. Please let me know if that was helpful. If it was, please take a moment to provide a rating. Thanks!
Hi,I was diagnosed with hepatitis A five weeks ago, at that time my SGPT 2063 u/l, SGOT 455 u/l, total bilirubin 7.2mg/dl. I have been checking my blood every 5 days and there has been improvement. currently SGPT 105u/l, SGOT 56, bilirubin 9 mg/dl. my concern is why my bilirubin going up? I would expect the number to go down while I am recovering. Also my SGPT and SGOT have been fluctuate in the past three weeks. Last week my SGPT 65 and SGOT 40, is this something alarming? I have checked with three specialist (Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist) and they all didnt seem too worry about my condition, they said I will fully recover. My family are so scared because I am so yellow (jaundice) and they dont let me near my child, afraid of contagious. It has been very challenging these past few weeks for me and my family. My family have been watching my food diet, I can only eat soup, porridge, and steam fish and vegetables. In the meantime I lost 15lb and still feel nausea with no appetite. My recovery seems to go pretty slow, am I doing anything wrong? Please help...
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Hello, There is no effective Chat Doctor. So as with any other viral diseases, the affected individuals should avoid contacts with others, take plenty of fluids, and take rest. Since the stool remains very contagious for several weeks into the illness, they should be extra careful with bathroom hygiene. If possible, a separate bathroom should be set aside until recovery. Separating eating utensils may be of benefit. Most of the peoples suffering from hepatitis A recover completely in 5 to 6 weeks time however around 10% people may have prolonged waxing and waning illness that may last as long as 6 months. There is no chance of this problem becoming chronic and once a person recovers from it, he never gets it again in his life. Your temporary increase in bilirubin levels is Normal and should not be worried. Relax, soon you shall be all right. You are not doing anything wrong. Nausea and loss of appetite shall be alright soon. Avoid alcohol. Thanks
My question is: Twice now in the last 6 months, out of no were and for no reason my heart rate went from approx. 50 beats per minute to 150-200 beats per minute. When this happens I dont feel myself and it is scary. Do you know what can be causing this? My age is 41, my height is 5 2 my weight is 150 pounds.
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Brief Answer:There are different causes of high heart rate. You should do further examinations. Detailed Answer:Hello, Thank you for using Chat Doctor. High heart rate episodes, usually aren't serious or harmful, though, and often go away on their own. Most of the time, they're related to stress and anxiety or to consumption of stimulants such as caffeine etc. Even though, heart palpitations may occur in specific medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism, or anemia, low blood pressure, deny Chat Doctor. In rare cases, palpitations can be a sign of a more serious heart condition. A laboratory assessment of the thyroid hormones levels (TSH, fT3, fT4) should be done to exclude a hyperthyroidism. If it will be proven by the results of the above-mentioned levels of the thyroid hormones, you should see an endocrinologist for further treatment strategy and follow-up. Electrolyte levels assessment (Na, K, Cl, Ca) is essential, too and their correction (if deviations are noted) is necessary. Anemia can be ruled out by making a full blood count exam. If anemia is proven, you should treat it and your palpitations will go away. To be very careful, you should make an ECG ate the moment of the high rate episodes, or you should take a Holder ECG which registers your heart rate during the period you keep it. The results should be discussed with the cardiologist. If all the above-mentioned exams are normal, then stress and anxiety remain the most probable causing factor of your symptoms.Meanwhile, you should take plenty of water (2 - 3 liters per day). You should take an equilibrated diet. Try to avoid getting stressed or anxious. Hope this is helpful. Let me know if you need more clarifications. Otherwise, please close and rate the answer. Kind
Hello Doctor, following is regarding my mother Patient History: Besides being diabetic, she was attacked with Breast Cancer in 2002. Mastectomy followed by chemo and radiation.Due to radiation effect, she developed respiratory problems and we were in consultation with Pulmonologist .While she had no cardiac problem, but we were consulting cardiologist from past 5 years and things that side are in order. Current Problem: As indicated above, she is suffering from respiratory problem due to radiation. This being winter, she is often having chest congestion and we are consulting pulmonologist. What we observed is that often she is having gastric problem which is causing an upward pressure on her lungs thereby making breathing difficult (pls excuse my layman understanding if wrong). She was taking Sompraz D 40 mg in the morning empty stomach as advised by Doctor earlier (now pulmonologist changed it to Ganaton Total-from past few days). But there is no much improvement. Please advise if she needs to take any other medicine in the evening as it is becoming very difficult during nights. Following is the list of medicines she is taking. May be her gastric problem is due to huge medicine intake. Pls advise Diabetes- InsulinGlytop SR 10 mg Heart RelatedDeplatt 75 mg (Clopidogrel)TG TOR (Atorvastatin)Nitrocontin (nitroglycerin) Calcium/Multi VitaminFoscal-ICobadex RespiratoryFexovis-M (Fexofenadine Montelukast)Lukotas-3D (Montelukast, Acebrophyline, Levocetrizine Hydrochloride)Omnacortil (this is a steroid and is given for a limited period of 3-5 days)Deryphillne OD
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Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. According to my opinion your respiratory problems may not be due to radiation treatment. You should continue medication for your gastric problems. Go for x-ray chest. You may have some chronic respiratory disease. Then take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
Hello, I hav a very good friend who is about to get her daughter back and just about two weeks ago her daughter ran away from the group home she was staying at. My friend very stressed and getting no sleep called her psych doc and was advised to double up on her Geodon in the morning, this ment she was told to take 4 300mg capsules of Geodon. She took the four one day and went out and ran some errands . She was fine for hours and then after she got into her car after loading groceries in her car, she pulled out of the parking lot and she was at a stop light and her blood pressure went down to 40/20 and her left lung colapsed . The hospital is saying that she Over Dosed on Benzodiazopines. and it was a Suicide attempt. I know for a fact she was not trying to commit suicide as she is getting her daughter back soon and would not do that to her. She also takes Lamictal , Topamax, Gabapentin, Sanada or Sonada for sleep, Remron, IB profen , prozac and Tramadol. and clonidine . ...might be missing a couple but not sure. These are the ones I know of. Would and of these show up as a false positive in a drug test at the hospital ER? please let me know, this could mean she wont get her daughter back, and this little girl is very troubled and needs her Mother. Thank you so much for you time.
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Hi, thanks for the query. Your friend is prescribed a lot of medications (I am not sure for what plethora of conditions) & I need to understand the exact reasons that she is taking so many medications. Secondly, maximum permissible dose of Geodon (ziprasidone) is 120 mg per day. In overdose, Gordon uses a condition called as QT prolongation which can manifest as lowering blood pressure & collapse (which your friend suffered). She is also taking clonidine which also decreases blood pressure & collapse due to syncope. Her other medications like topiramate are rarely associated with activation of suicidal ideas. Hence, we need to reassess her to decide whether she really needs all these medications. You can get back to me if you need further help. Good luck
I have had severe abdominal pain accompanied by a blocked feeling and nausea since a holiday to egypt in october. I never had proper diarrohea or any vommitting but was diagnosed with gastroenteritis although another doctor said it wasnt.I have had all tests including scans, stool samples, colonoscopy, endoscopy, blood tests which have all shown no problems.I have seen my GP, private doctor and gastro specialist and have been told to give it time.No medicines seem to help including proton pump inhibitors, ulcer treatments, ant acid injections, digestive aids, acid reflux treatments etc etc.My diet is good, i eat small amounts often and I am generally fit and healthy other than this. My diet doesnt seem to effect when the pain occurs/worsens.the pain fluctuates but it is always there. It is sharp constant pains/bloating feeling beneath the stomach and around the sides which feels worse when bent over.I can only liken it to massive trapped wind but treatment for this such as windeze makes no difference or even increases the pain.The current specialist has said I had a viral infection which has affected my insides and they have not recovered and so are still cramping causing pain. There has been an odd good day but generally no improvement and I need something to help me cope with the pain/blocked feeling.Please help.
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Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. All your history is classical if IBS, meaning Irritable Bowel Syn Chat Doctor. All your tests are normal, an added specificity of IBS, I would recommend you the following :: Take an altogether second opinion of another Gastroenterologist, discuss with Him / Her about IBS and get started an appropriate treatment and with time you will be fine. Till then, you can start on Probiotic, Yoga, Meditation for the stress which is the cause and an effect of IBS. Treatment:STRESS = stress is the most important cause of IBS. Please remember, and you must have observed that when you do not have stress your problem with IBS is reducedChange of lifestyle. Vit A and It D in therapeutic doses, Multiviatamins, probiotics, anxiolytic help a lot.
Hi Doctor. My name is Pablo and I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was bitten by an street dog, the puppy lives in a poor house and it can be qualified as a street dog. He bit me in my left heel, close to the bone and I bleeded a little. This was on July 14th, 2014. The following day I went to a public hospital and they gave me a shot of Rabipur (first shot: July 15th, 2014), I received a second shot of Rabipur on July 18th, 2014, and then I received the 3rd shot on July 22nd. Tomorow I need to receive the 4th shot but I am away from Argentina, in a small town in Switzerland (Gstaad). I told the people in Buenos Aires before I left that I would not be able to receive the 4th shot because I needed to leave the country due to work, and they told me to try to get the Rabipur and get it, they told me that would be the best, otherwise if I don t do it, I would need to re schedule again. I am here and I could not yet get the rabipur, so..., what do you think I should do.????I am going back to Buenos Aires on August 13th in the morning, and I would need to give the 5th shot of Rabipur on August 12th......After I was bitten by that dog I saw the dog many times during the next week, so I am sure that the dog did not die.what do you think it would be the best thing to do???Thank you very much!!!
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Hello, welcome to Chat Doctor, Rabies is a 100% fatal disease but 100% preventable by proper and adequate treatment. Dog is a known reservoir of rabies virus and can transmit rabies by biting. In your case as you have taken three shots of antirabies vaccine and unable to take fourth shot of anti rabies vaccine. As the dog is available for observation for more than 10 days, it suggests me that the dog is not having rabies, and you are safe from getting rabies. So the fourth shot of anti rabies vaccine in your case is not required and nothing to worry about missing this shot. Thank you.
I have been on methotrexate for 14 years, plus other drugs for my RA and fibromylagia. I was in the hospital one month a go with bad stomach pain in the lower left part of my stomach for one week, they said that I had a very bad infection in my intestines, did a cat scan saying it was diverticulitis. They took me off methotrexate and plaquenil immediately saying it could be the cause of it, I ended up with very bad uncontrollable diarrhea then after a week of being so sick in the hospital it stopped and I have been fine every since, no pain in stomach and go to the bathroom daily without diarrhea. My RA doctor left it up to me to go back on the methotrexrate but hold off the plaquenil, but if I got diarrhea to stop it again. I was originally told to never go off the methotrexrate that the RA would become very active again and possibly worse, which scares me, I dont want to go backwards. I was told 14 years ago that I would be in a wheel chair and I told the Dr. I would not, I walk three to four times a week two miles, and actually do pretty well. My question is in stopping the methotrexrate is this going to cause more problems, cant seem to get an answer from my doctors. Thanking you in advance, Gloria Porter
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Hi welcome to health care magic forum. Thanks for asking a question to Chat Doctor. Forum. You are on methotrexate, for 14 years, you are suffering from R.A., and fibromyalgia. You had pain abdomen and diverticulitis, and thought to be due to methotrexate, and changed to Plaquenil, then you had diarrhea. The suggested going back to methotrexate. As you was using methotrexate, since 14 years, the diverticulitis may not be due to the Chat Doctor. I advise you to consult a Castro entomologist for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to get the colonoscopy besides other routine tests for confirmation. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards.
I am having severe sharp lower abdominal pain I have also thrown up for the last 2 hrs. My chest hurts and I am short of breath. I am also very dizzy and weak. It hurts when I cough and feels like my lungs are itchy. The pain has been constant for the last 7 hrs and continues to feel worse. What could it be and do I need to go to the hospital?
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Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read your query and reviewed it in context to your query facts. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-Gastric Upset with Extensive Spastic Cough from ? Bronchitis with Gastric Upset with Dizziness and weakness. Severe sharp lower abdominal pain with Vomiting could be from the Gastric upset, from Extensive Cough with Bronchitis or could be from Gastric Upset.It's very important to find out by clinical detailed examination, which of the 2 complaints is the main cause. Your history is not giving many indications as to the exact cause of the 2 ailments which you suffer from. As your lungs are itchy, and you are short of breath, it could be due to the primary Acute Bronchitis with Gastroenteritis form others accompanied Gastric Upset. Treatment-Consult physician to resolve the ambiguity, whether the acute bronchitis and Gastroenteritis are simultaneously present or they are 2 different ailments from 2 different causes or not. So treat the Sever lower abdominal pain with antispasmodics and with Ciplox-Metrogyl x 5 days time. Check the Eosinophilic- to rule out the spasmodic cough in your case. Bronchodialators to relive Breathless feel- if its is proved to be from bronchospasm. Veloz-D- 1x 2 times a day x 5 days, Maintain proper fluid intake to control vomiting imbalance. This would resolve your illness. Hope this would help you to solve your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS
1. Hepatomegaly with abnormal echotexture compatible with fibrous and/or fatty change. 2. Prior cholecystectomy 3. Borderline large spleen 4. Incomplete imaging of pancreas, aorta and IVC due to bowel gas 5. 2.5 cm likely partially septated cyst in the right lobe of the liver. These are results of an ultrasound. What is the difference in a simple cyst and septated cyst, and is a septated cyst dangerous?
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HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor A septated cyst has walls or septa within the cyst itself whereas a simple cyst has a smooth outer wall and no inner structures. In most persons the cysts are not associated with significant problems. Some possible symptoms are fullness or pain. Your doctor may want to remove or take a portion of the wall of the cyst to send it for analysis, it may be of no significance, but they may want to ensure this by lab review. The ultrasound also shows fatty change in the liver which is also of concern because fatty liver is one of the most common causes of liver disease at present. If it is at an early stage a change in diet, increase activity and the use of medications such as statins that are normally used for high cholesterol, may be helpful hope this helps
history:i had an extremely large abscess form due to a bartholin cyst. it began growing in jan but i didnt recognize it as a problem until mar. it has reinfected and created more chambers, tunnels each time. this has happened 6 times. i had multiple i and ds, a failed attempt at a word catheter, then a finally marsupialisation may 19. however, another infection occurred after i finished the moxatag x 10 days. copious amounts of milky white thin fluid had to be expressed that looks yellowish tan on tissue and has an oily feel. it smelled like dirty feet. the dr called in bactrim ds x 10d on, jun 8th but after 5 d i went in (yesterday) to be checked because i feel ill all over and weak. she gave me a rocephin inj and im to keep on the bactrim. today i again had at least a cc or more of the fluid come out from the marsupialised area but it didnt smell as foul.question: what does normal bartholin gland fluid look like, and what is a normal amount, and can this infection cause bacteremia, and should my antibiotic be changed because of the amount of drainage?
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HiT hanks for posting on ChatDoctorThe Catholics glands are located on each side of the vaginal opening. These glands secrete fluid that helps lubricate the vagina. Sometimes the openings of these glands become obstructed, causing fluid to back up into the gland. The result is relatively painless swelling called a Catholics cyst. If the fluid within the cyst becomes infected, you may develop a collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue (abscess). This is exact what happened to you. When obstructed(cyst) or infected(abscess) the best treatment is marsupialisation. After this act, antibiotic may help prevent further evolution of infection. However, the germ in cause may be resistant to the antibiotic given. This may explain the poor response you had on treatment. I will suggest you see the Doctor for a pus culture and antibiotic sensitivity test. From the results, a more objective antibiotherapy may be prescribed. You will also have to see the Hospital for regular Chat Doctor.
About a year ago i start eating extra food because I thought i was hungry. I start eating proteinbars and could not stop eating them. I lost my husband about 3 years ago. I moved to florida andwent to the doctors and he put me on hormone meds. It did not help me. I am 54 years old. Now i amhaving back pain which seem to make it worst
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Hello, Thanks for your query. I suggest you to follow the below-mentioned measures to reduce your back pain-- Usually 1-2 days of bed rest will calm severe back pain. Do not stay off your feet for longer, though.- Avoid lifting weights as it imparts more strain on your back-Change your daily activities so that you avoid movements that can cause further pain, especially bending forward and lifting as it will worsen the intervertebral disc problems. If you want to bend forwards, do it with your hips and knees flexed.- Use a lumbosacral back support to stabilize your spinal muscles and to provide support for your spinal column.- After the initial pain has subsided, remedial exercises to strengthen the spine are very important to restore normal spinal movements and muscle strength. The main aim of exercise is to encourage mobility, reduce muscle spasm, prevent further deterioration in the muscles and speed recovery.- You should maintain an optimum body weight to decrease the strain on your vertebral column causing more degeneration and arthritic changes.- At times, spinal steroid injections and Facet blocks will help in alleviating the lower back pain.- Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is another procedure which is used to reduce pain. RFA can be used to help patients with chronic (long-lasting) low-back and neck pain and pain related to the degeneration of joints from arthritis. The degree of pain relief varies, depending on the cause and location of the pain. Pain relief from RFA can last from six to 12 months and in some cases, relief can last for years. More than 70% of patients treated with RFA experience pain relief. I personally feel that your symptoms will improve with the above measures, and you can go well with all your regular activities of daily living. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
i first noted my wife was having memory issues at the age of 56 and Alzheimer s. He did give her a CAT scan and said it was normal, and then put her on some medication that is all he did he has had diabetes added been on insulin ]quite a while and was taking to her neurologist now she is starting to have tremors and she is right-handed and now is unable to hold things in her right hand, but she can enter last. I have had to put her in a nursing home, but I do not think this is doing her any good at all. We have tried to get her in local neurologists in the area. We have changed doctors that since this first neurologist had seen her. He has now left the country, and none of the neurologist around here. We will see in a of his patient. What can I do, I am lost. We really did not get a true diagnosis because hardly any test, and the CAT scan and the CT scan, other than blood
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I read your question carefully, and I am sorry about the situation you are in. It is difficult to make recommendations on treatment though because I am not sure if she has Alzheimer's. Dementia can have many causes, Alzheimer's is the most common, but there are other possibilities to be excluded such as vascular dementia (repeated strokes), vitamin B12 deficiency, low thyroid function, Parkinson's disease just to name some common ones. The fact she manifested symptoms at only 56 is a red flag to consider a diagnosis other than Alzheimer's as it typically occurs later. The tremor you describe is also not typical for Parkinson, makes stroke, Parkinsonism syn Chat Doctor. So the way to go is to check what blood tests has she exactly done, have thyroid function and vitamin B12 level been included. Also while a CT might serve to exclude some issues, generally an MRI is a recommended exam as it gives more info on the atrophied sites or old lesions which could orient the diagnosis. A neurological exam also is needed, although I understand the difficulties you are encountering in finding a neurologist, she should be evaluated for Parkinsonism or other neurological signs as well as have some neuropsychological tests to determine what areas of cognition have been more affected. I hope things work out for the best.
Hi I have severe allergies in the mornings when I wake up. I spend the next hour or two with a box of kleenex sneezing and blowing my nose. Then it subsides. A little later after that I get a lump in my throat feeling and like i keep swallowing mucus. But no coughing or anything. I was told years ago that I had acid reflux so i thought maybe...? or maybe its from all the sinus mucus draining?
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Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. If you have early morning sneezing, I would first think of allergic rhinitis, usually due to indoor allergens like house dust mites, indoor molds, insect proteins, animal proteins, etc.2. Of course, long-standing allergic rhinitis can affect sinuses, more so if you have long-standing nose obstruction.3. Were I treating you, I would suggest you allergy testing for above-mentioned allergens. This will help you identify the substances causing symptoms to you as well as to know the measures to avoid them.4. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system gradually to improve your allergy symptoms.5. For control of your current symptoms, I usually suggest my such patients' montelukast & levocetirizine for 30 days.6. As you have lump in throat feeling, I would also suggest you regular warm saline gargles for at least 2-4 weeks.7. If you have regurgitation of fluid/food after taking meal, especially heavy/spicy meal, repeated nausea, vomiting, burning pain in chest, etc. then I would think of acid reflux. In that case, I would suggest you an antacid like omeprazole or pantoprazole for 4-6 weeks 30 minutes before meal.8. In general, please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes & air pollution as much as possible. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
Back in July I had a few cases of rectal bleeding after a bowel movement. Two were days apart and the other occurred a couple of weeks after the first. I did not experience any pain or anything, just a toilet full of bright red blood with large clots that I only discovered after I started wiping. I have regular constipation so I assumed it was hemorrhoids or something. It was a lot of blood each time, enough to fill the toilet. I went to see a colorectal surgeon in August and she looked up inside but didn t find anything. It s been almost two months since my last experience, but today I discovered another toilet full of blood after an easy bowel movement. I wasn t constipated or anything and it came out relatively easy with not too much hard pushing, even though I hadn t had a bowel movement in a while. But there was still enough blood in the toilet that it colored the water red, and it was VERY brightly colored, almost pink, with clots. Afterward, now I am feeling some lower pain in my back. However, there was no pain when I passed the bloody stool. Again, there was a LOT of blood in the toilet. I am starting to really worry about rectal cancer. Can anyone tell me what it might be? I am going to call that surgeon again and schedule a colonoscopy, but in the meantime I am so worried that I feel like crying. What am I going to do if they can t get me in right away? I don t have colon cancer in my family, but I am still really really worried. Can anyone help?
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Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have blood in stool. It is red or pink. So it suggests bleeding from lower gastrointestinal tract. You may have piles or fissure, or you may have some mass in rectum or colon due to cancer or benign adenoid. You should go for colonoscopy and ultrasound abdomen as well as per rectal examination. This will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
I fell front first onto a vinyl floor and hurt my knees and arm. A few days later I worked a 15 hour shift where I was on my feet the whole time and when I left I had to lift my left leg to get into the car. I was in a lot of pain in my left lower back and from there down my leg to my feet. I could not lay on my left side and the pain in my left lower back was constant. My Dr sent me for xray that showed nothing and then he sent me for a ultrasound steroid into the area between hip and femur. I still experienced the symptoms and the right lower back was still paining. That was about 6 weeks ago and since then it has improved. 4 days ago I reached down to do something and hurt my right side upper back and had pain so severe it felt like I had a broken rib. When I breathed the pain was severe felt like pain of pleurisy I had many years ago. Every time I moved, my back spasmed and I was in severe pain. I could not lay down. The dr at emergency sent me for xray and nothing to explain was the result. I still have the pain and whne I cough it grabs me. Right side below shoulder blade.
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Hello Thanks for writing to us, I have studied your case with diligence. As per your history of trauma there is possibility of rib contusion. Rib contusion is not always visible on X-ray. You may need to do MRI or HRCT to see details of injury and to see for any lung puncture. If there is lung injury then there will be increasing pain with every breath. I will advise consulting to orthopedic surgeon. Medication like muscle relaxant and analgesic will reduce pain along with it use rib support belt. You may consult physiotherapist for pain management. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case. You may need to take rest for early healing. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you find this answer helpful do not forget to give rating at end of discussion. Wishing you good health. Take disregards Chat Doctor.
i am having symptoms such as shortness of breath when i raise my hands over my head; heart palpitations; and if i dont slow down or stop whatever i am doing that is causing the problem (ex: climbing the stairs quickly) then it only gets worse. Then i am have to lay down (sometimes for hours) to feel better. My doctor says its anxiety but i can feel a definite problem in my chest. What is going on?
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Brief Answer:There are different causes of heart palpitations and shortness of breath. You should do further examinations. Detailed Answer:Hello, Thank you for using Chat Doctor. Heart palpitations usually aren't serious or harmful, though, and often go away on their own. Most of the time, they're related to stress and anxiety or to consumption of stimulants such as caffeine etc. Even though, heart palpitations may occur in specific medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism, or anemia, low blood pressure, deny Chat Doctor. In rare cases, palpitations can be a sign of a more serious heart condition. A laboratory assessment of the thyroid hormones levels (TSH, fT3, fT4) should be done to exclude a hyperthyroidism. If it will be proven by the results of the above-mentioned levels of the thyroid hormones, you should see an endocrinologist for further treatment strategy and follow-up. Electrolyte levels assessment (Na, K, Cl, Ca) is essential, too and their correction (if deviations are noted) is necessary. Anemia can be ruled out by making a full blood count exam. If anemia is proven, you should treat it and your palpitations will go away. To be very careful, having experienced chest discomfort, and shortness of breath, you should make an ECG and see a cardiologist. If all the above-mentioned exams are normal, then stress and anxiety remain the most probable causing factor of your symptoms.Meanwhile, you should take plenty of water (2 - 3 liters per day). You should take an equilibrated diet. Try to avoid getting stressed or anxious. Hope this is helpful. Let me know if you need more clarifications. Otherwise, please close and rate the answer. Kind
Hello, I have been on Aviane birth control for 3 months and my pharmacy said they no longer carried that generic brand so they switched it automatically to Lessina another generic form for Alesse . I didn t think anything would change in my body because Aviane and Lessina had all the same levels of everything and everyone said I should have no problems with it changing. But I have had bleeding for the past 6 days. I started the new pack of pills(Lessina) after I finished my Aviane pack and had my period during my Placebo pills and then started Lessina. I was fine for the first 5 days but then I had breakthrough bleeding which is brown and clotty. It has been going on for 6 days and ive been on this pack for 11 days. I have no started looking really pale and feel light headed and woozy. Why am I feeling this way? Is it from switching BC eventhough they have the same levels of everything?
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Hello, and I hope I can help you today. Generic medications have the same active ingredients as the brand name Chat Doctor. I have seen many patients who have new side effects when changing from a brand name to a generic, or substituting one generic for another. The breakthrough bleeding with Messina may improve over time, but if you are feeling lightheaded and dizzy you should call your healthcare provider and have an examination to check for anemia or any other reasons you feel lightheaded. Unless you are bleeding very heavily (changing a soaked pad every hour) it is unlikely you have lost enough blood to become symptomatic from 6 days of breakthrough bleeding, so a medical evaluation really needs to be done for your light-headedness. In the meantime, I would also contact the doctor who prescribed you the Messina and see if you could be changed to a pill with a slightly higher dose of estrogen. The amount of estrogen is what helps to control your menstrual cycle on the pill, and you may benefit temporarily for a change in brand. Also, if your local pharmacy doesn't stock Avian, another pharmacy in your area may have it and changing pharmacies may help you to get more of the brand that works best for you. I hope I was able to answer your questions today and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes,
My name is Scholarstica from Nigeria. I m a female & I m 30 yrs old. I am 11 weeks 3 days pregnant. Recently, I started having this terrible headaches & dry throat. I take water as much as I can & I don t get to urinate as often. I spit a lot too & that be very embarrassing sometimes. I ve visited my doctor twice but he just gave me folic acids & gave me another appointment on the 17th of march. This is my 2nd pregnancy, my 1st daughter was born prematurely at 32 weeks & it was a normal delivery. Though my bag of water broke 3 days before the baby arrived & the doctor that I was seeing then kept telling me it was nothing, that maybe the baby was on my bladder. Until the day I almost fainted on the road & was rushed to the hospital by a good Nigerian. After some hrs the baby came & weighed 1.6kg, she stayed in the incubator for almost 4 weeks. She s now 2yrs 4 months but have not started standing nor walking. But she s a very brilliant & smart kid. Pls I ll want you to assist me by telling me I should do cause I wouldn t want to have any other problem with this pregnancy. Thank You very much.
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Hi there,What you underwent in last pregnancy is premature rupture of membranes which led to a preterm delivery, which can have long term effects on the baby. If you have had a preterm baby in a previous pregnancy, you are also more likely to have another preterm in this pregnancy. You will need to take precautions for the same, if at any time you have a urine infection or vaginal infection in this pregnancy get immediate treatment for the same. Infection is one of the most common and avoidable causes of rupture of membranes and preterm birth.Also, you need to check for the length of the cervix (neck of the womb) from the 3rd month on wards if at any point it starts opening or measures less than 2.5 CMS you should consider a procedure called cervical circle where they tie a suture at the neck of the womb to prevent further opening.Also, if you start having pains take the steroid dose for the optimal lung development of the baby. Hope this helps. Regards.
hi im a 56 year old im 51 weigh 169 now was 172 but few months ago went to dr and my numbers were high for liver ast 146 today did unlsound and sent me to spelisist which he told me to lose some weight see if numbers go down did a emune blood work what can i do to lose weight ive been walking every day for 4 5 miles ive cut back onn breads and sweets just drink water once in a while 1 hi im a 56 year old lady i take blood pressue meds 25 mg. but a few months aago went to dr. for check up yearly had high numbers for liver , so had a sogram done show fatty liver was sent to specilist he looked at numbers and sogram said he though try to lose weight and go on diet watch calorie intake which i been doing ive been walking every day 4-5 miles eating better but still not losing but a few lbs. i was 172first visit to dr. in end of feb this morning was 169 had liver blood work again last week and my numbers are ast 146 , what can i do to get this weight off and get my numbers down . the speclist said may do a biposey when i go back in sept if my numbers dont go down , but the results from my reg. dr, blood work last week still show high 146 ,what are normal numbers , i will be carry these results to my speclist in sept , put dont know what to do no ins. for biposey and husband not working , but cant get ins, say we have to many bills plus have three cars but just owe on one , but what can i do to help with my high numbers
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Welcome to Chat Doctor. Increase in Liver enzymes can be due to alcohol or viral or fatty changes of liver in some is associated. I advise you to stop taking alcohol if you have a habit. Pleasde mention your Viral screening status. You can reduce weight efficiently by following regularly timed meals, low fat diet, diet rich in vitamins. You should take 5-6 liters of water a day. Practice exercises like Jogging or running. If you have any symptoms like yellow urine, abdominal pain you should see your doctor as early as possible. Take care.
Hi , i am 33 year old male and have been diagnosed with OSMF , although I didnt abstain from chewing pan masala immediately after the diagnose , and kept eating until 3 months back .I have now completely quit chewing the Panmasala.My mouth opening is about two fingers I.e 25 mm with very moderate tounge coming out of the mouth10 mm the serious issues revolves around my third molar which is coming out and the doctor is unable to get to the impact area of extraction due to mouth opening issues , I have been going through this for the past 2 years , and the pain is there occasionally , but now I have finally decided to get it extracted , but the doctors are unable to do so , the pain when happens is unbearable and I am unable to eat during the peak pain period , it happens usually once in a couple of months ( the pain wasnt that bad when I used to eat pan masala).I have consulted a lot of oral maxilofacial surgeons , and they arent sure of how to go about it , some suggest general anesthesia , until I saw a laser treatment for the same , where in they will do the laser treatment for OSMF and once th mouth opening is achieved the third moral can be extracted easily ( they say 10 days total and post treatment pysiotherapy)My doctor in the interim has not given any injection but a medicine SM FIBRO 2 tab daily ( multi vitamin).Is this the correct course , and will it help achieve the desired mouth opening to get the third molar extracted any time soon .Please advice .ThanksAtul
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Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The OSF can be treated with Erbium Chromium Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet (Err:YEGG) laser which shows promising results. Consult a good oral maxillofacial surgeon and get it treated. The SM FI BRO is an Antonio, the dose you are taking is fine. You can take this for 15 days to a month. Once the mouth opening is achieved you can get the wisdom tooth removed. Even under general anesthesia, your mouth opening will be this much only so you can't get it removed till you improve the mouth opening. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
my daughter, 15 months old (9.1 kg), is suffering from high temp. fever ranging from 102 deg F to 106 deg F since last 5 days. Her doctor prescribed Syp. Meftal-P & Syp. Maxtra-P each 5 ml/3 times a day. After 3 days with these two medicines, fever exists same. Usually, the fever comes 7 hours after medicine. Now, yesterday, I went to another child specialist and as per him, its typhoid. This doc suggested for some blood & urine tests and along with that also prescribed Syp. Ziprax-100 (3 ml, twice a day for 10 days), Ibugesic Plus (4.5ml, 4 times a day, SOS/fever). When they tried to take blood sample from by baby in the lab, they failed as my daughter is very naughty and also crying too much. what so ever, after this crying/trying event, doc also suggested to try with Ziprax-100 as per prescription and revisit to doc after 3 days. So far, the Ziprax-100 is given to my baby 3 times i.e. yesterday at 11am, 10pm and today 10am. Please note that my baby had a fever around 100 deg F at 8pm (yesterday) and 7am (today). After medicine (Ibugesic Plus) the goes down. But, now (@11:30am) my baby is feeling very uncomfortable & crying suddenly. What to do ? Please suggest ...... (Should the blod test need to be done immediately ?)
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Hi Welcome to the ChatDoctorIts very important to confirm typhoid with blood test such as Tidal and blood culture and sensitivity. Tidal test usually comes positive after 5-7 days of fever. Once confirmed, typhoid fever requires prompt treatment with antibiotics. If diagnosed in its early stages, the condition is likely to be mild and can usually be treated at home with a 7 to 14-day course of antibiotic tablets. If fever doesn't respond to the given Chat Doctor. More serious cases of typhoid fever usually require admission to hospital, so antibiotic injections can be given. With prompt antibiotic treatment, she will start to feel better within a few days. For further questions, do contact us.
I am a 78-year-old female who broke my toe next to big toe when I was age 8 or so. It healed in a bent position like a hammertoe. Now I am having a difficult time with swollen ankles and inflammed fat pad on both of my feet. I weigh 138 lbs. and am 5 1 . I have this foot pain flare up several times a year. I usually ice and take ibuprofen and in three or four days it settles down, but now for the past few months my feet have been very sore and the other day were so painful, I could not step. I have been icing for the past few days and feel someone better but fat pad still red and looks swollen. Could you please give me an idea of what I am dealing with. Thank you so much.
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Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough neuromuscular assessment is needed. As mentioned by you the brief history there are 3 possibilities coming in my mind for which a thorough neuromuscular assessment is needed. The first is a vascular insufficiency, the second is the increased uric acid levels and the third is the neuropathic rule out the factors here - performing a urine test will help us determine is the pain and swelling is because of the increased uric acid levels and by medication and physical therapy the pain and recurrence can be avoided. For ruling out the vascular insufficiency the Doppler test for both the Lowe limbs will be performed post which is the test is positive - rest, Medication and physical therapy will be advised for better results. You need to use even stockings of lower limbs to ensure the venous return. For the neuropathic pain, your blood glucose levels and MRI of lumbar spine will be guided. Post which based on the possible positive test the treatment will be planned. As due to aging factor - there is even a possibility of lower cardiac output and slower venous return can lead to swelling of ankles. Understanding that the body needs mobility more at this age to allow the venous return to occur and improve the metabolism as well. After a thorough assessment the root cause can be found and post which the treatment will be planned to avoid the future recurrence. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
Woman age 41. Since thanksgiving 2014. Has pain and numbness in both legs and numbness in left arm. Had MRI of brain looking for MS but was negative. Has had MRI of upper back and found some fluid on the spine. Next week is having MRI of entire spine to look for more fluid with results of MRI to be read by a neurosurgeon anticipating putting a shunt in her spine. I might add that she can no longer drive or work a full day at her desk job. Can no longer shop...walking from her bed to bathroom and back is is drained. Any other ideas? Thank you so much for any help. Marcia wilson
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Hi, welcome to our site. I am Chat Doctor. Read your query. That is a very significant question and I appreciate your problem. I will try my best to answer your queryWhat happens is that the nervous system is usually an enclosed organ system, for its protection, and it is quite snugly fit. So there is not much space in the region around the nervous system. Now when there is something extra in this space, like fluid or mass, the space remains limited and the substance in the limited space increases. I hope you are with me in this so far. Now when the contents increase and the space remains limited the pressure will increase. Imagine a box full of water bottles. If you try to stuff in one more bottle, the possibility is that the added bottle will pressurize and possibly damage the existing bottles in the box. This is what is happening. The idea is to put a shunt. A shunt is a tube between the brain, and usually the stomach cavity. Now with this shunt in place, the fluid keeps Chat Doctor. I would like to know the exact report of the MRI hope this helps you. Inform the reports mentioned above so I can be of help further. Best of luck. I have given you the answer to the maximum considering the information provided. The results of the tests could further enhance my answer to you. Please do understand that some details could be extracted from a detailed history and examination. Looking forward to your return query with the details asked so that I can help you further.(If the answer has helped you, please indicate this)
Hello,My daughter is 36. She is planning a wedding foe May 3, 2014. She is feeling a variety of emotions that usually bring her to tears. She lives in Harlem New York City. She hate the crouds, the subway the dangerous situations and so on. She rides a cab back and forth to work, which is costly. She is very up and down with her emotions and often sad or depressed. She is very unhappy with her emotional stste at this. She wants to have a baby as soon as married. She also want to keep her body healthy by not taking any medication that will hurt the baby. She feels her timefrme for having a healthy baby are limited. She was on mood stabilaters but stopped because or fear it may harm her chances of having a healty baby. She has also tried going to therpy which works for a short time, My question is. what can she do to feel better, make her life happier and feel better about life in general. This should be happier at this time, after all she is planning a wedding and should feel a lot happier at this. She does realize all the situations causing these feeling, but wht can she do to feel better and help others to feel better around her. She is very impatient with me, her mother and oftem impatient with others and their comment, Please, Please, help asap.
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! I have read the question and can understand your concerns. You want some non-medicinal measures for treating your daughters depression and fears. Well, as she had shown some response to counselling sessions, one can look forward to them in a more planned and regular way. She can go with these therapy sessions with her previous councillor. The sessions should now continue for some time even after her marriage till she adjusts with her new role.- Apart from therapy, she should or someone should take care of her diet: give more fruits, salads, two servings of sprouts a day, and nuts-she should follow a good routine daily which should include regular waking and sleeping time, jogging/ exercise for 30-45 min.- should try to be with friends and avoid being alone, go out more often - if she can, she should learn relaxation techniques and practice them daily Hope the reply is usefulness free to ask more questions
i have had a chest xray that showed opaque calcific opacites, but ji had a chest xray in march 2011, prior to emmigratingthat was fine. if i have contracted it in the past few months how will i know if it flares up again i am worried that my lungs will continue to have these deposits and kill me
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Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your health issues submitted. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. You seem to have old Pulmonary lesion-which was non-opaque in March 2011. But got calcified in few myths time. Possibility of such lesion flaring up in your case, is very high, as that lesion is still active in non-opaque area. Most commonly Pulmonary TB get reactivated in such a lesion. Such lesion could be in making in acidosis / lupus lesions / or Cancerous lesions.IRA blood test and T-spot tests give activated old calcified lesions, which could be confirmed if Sputum AFB testing is accompanied by IRA blood test. Review of the other causes is needed for proper treatment in your case. Remedy-IN the given scenario, I would suggest you to investigate with AFB/ESR/Chest X-ray / and IRA Blood tests-in correlation with malaise and body ache and fever with weight loss-could fix the flare up of calcified lung lesions in your case. Proper TB- DOT regimen under observation with proper follow up check would prevent recurrence in your case. Second opinion from other Chest Specialist/ Physician would be needed. Get Second opinion with Chest Specialist/ Physician to rule out other causes as discussed above. Just don't worry and be patient and co-operate with your doctors, till you verify with your attending doctors. Hope this would help you to treat your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard to following link-http://doctor.Chat Doctor .com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229Wishing Good Healthy Life!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS
Hello Doctor, I am really scared being sick ! My family practice said my hepatitis B virus come back, after 5 year being cured, already treated well, my blood result , Hepatitis B Core Antibody (IGM) is Non-Reactive, Hepatitis B Core AB Total is Reactive, Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (REFL) is reactive. I Have been treated well with Baraclude entecavier for 15 months, the Doctor said I already have, antibody again hepatitis B, I am 51 years, female with 117 lbs and 5 feet 1, My Hepatitis B virus DNA currently result units 9909 IU/ml My Hepatitis B virus DNA currently result 3.99 LogIU/ml Doctor can you please explain, why my hepatitis B come back, after 5 years, I am really give up, Thanks and Besat Regard, Theresa Teng
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Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. Let me analyze your reports-1.Bag - reactive (Bag is a marker of both acute and chronic Herb infection)2. IgM antic - nonreactive, Egg antic - reactive (IGM antic is a marker of acute infection, Egg is a marker of chronic infection)3. HBO DNA copies are nearly 10^4. This actually points towards recurrence of chronic hepatitis B. Serum Bag level at the end of treatment and rate of HBV DNA suppression can provide supplementary information to guide the timing of stopping anti-viral Chat Doctor. To prevent relapse in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection, age and serum bilirubin level of patients as well as a prolonged duration of additional therapy should be considered. There are plenty of medications available as you know like Endeavor, Regulated Interferon and others. They can be started based on the HBV DNA level and GOT, SGPT level. Do not worry. It would have been great had I examined him on my own. I would suggest you to take him to a gastroenterologist. He/she can examine him and correlate clinically. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing your good health.
Hi doctor. I have this persistent cough that will come with certain timing in the day, particularly early morning before sunrise and in the evening before sunset. When I cough too hard, I will have this pins and needles sensation in my hands and feet. At the same time my asthma will come either before or after the episode. I will usually resort to my inhaler and herbal cough syrup at home. After awhile it will go away. Please explain.
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Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. I would like to know more about you like your age, since when you have asthma, any nose/sinus symptoms, any allergies, previous investigations, which inhalers are you using, your habits, environment, etc. Above details would help me to know more about you and hence to make more specific suggestions.2. At present, from your provided history, I would suggest you that your cough bouts may be a sign of insufficient control of asthma. I usually suggest my such patients to increase their controlled medications like inhaled corticosteroids or addition of montelukast.3. I would suggest you spirometry with post-bronchodilator reversibility testing which measures lung capacity as well as helps your doctor to choose appropriate medications.4. Furthermore, I would also suggest you allergy testing for common air-borne allergens such as house dust mites, molds, pollen, insect proteins, animal dander, etc. This will help you to know the substances causing allergies to you as well as to know the measures to avoid them.5. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system to gradually improve allergy symptoms.6. In general, please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible.7. Regular physical exercises including breathing exercises as well as a healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals will also help you by improving your lung capacity as well as immunity respectively on a long run. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
i m 37 weeks pregnant. i have low fluids. i have two doctors appointments a week to monitor the fluid. this past week i was in the hospital due to problems at both appointments. tuesday i think was cause her heart rate was staying around the 130s.. thursday i think was cause her heart rate was in the 170s, wouldn t come down, and jumped to 195 for a second and came back to the 170s. they were going to do a c section thursday but then sent me home. my doctor still hasn t told me what has been going on, but it has me concerned. i ve been having contractions since wednesday night.. so for about three days now.. last night they were getting bad and i was having 3-4 in ten minutes, every ten minutes, for an hour. i decided to call the hospital and ask the RN if i should come in. she told me to take tylenol and wait an hour and see if they go away... well they didn t, but it was 3 in the morning, and i fell asleep. i m still having contractions today, but they re still kind of irregular. i m extremely extremely swollen.. legs ankles feet hands wrists and my face a little. i went to the bathroom about ten minutes ago, and after i was done before i could do anything it was like i went again, only i didn t... and it was clear fluid or whatever it was.. then it dripped for a minute or so and i got up and i ve been sitting on my bed and it hasn t really done a whole lot except make my underwear a somewhat damp.. what do you suggest i do?
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Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the swelling of feet, ankles and body in pregnancy needs to rule out high BP, preeclampsia,anemia etc. The normal fetal heart rate ranges between 110-150 beats per minute. As there is low liquor, along with high heart rate of fetus the signs of fetal distress should be checked and delivery can be planned basing on that. As you are term there is no problem of preterm delivery.Don't worry. Kindly discuss with your doctor regarding high BP and anemia. Also get examination done to see for any leaking liquor. Best regards....
want to ask few more questions , as due to my masturbation habit , my penis gets very smaller , shrinker , and looser in normal stage , and while masturbating my ejaculationcomes out very quickly , and it also didn t give me much pleasure while doing in hand , so i want to get harder and longer and pleasurable erections b y hand now or while marriage life or BY HAND JOB, OF ANY WOMEN , it doen t feel me much pleasure , though iam massaging 1 ounce sesame oil with 2-3 drops of mustard oil by mixing and massaging , in my penis now , as iam thinkingt it might create any damage OF TISSUE/NERVES FOR EARLIER MASTURBATION , SO HOW CAN I COME BACK WITH IT, WHAT RE THE DRUGS OR HOMETREATMENT I SHOULD TAKE TO GAIN MY POWER AND LONGER AND HARDER PENIS FOR CONTINUING LONGER PERIOD OF TIME(AS I COULDN T DISCUS IT WITH MY FAMILY) , ,,,,,,,PLEASE REPLY ACCORDINGLY.(IAM FROM INDIA , PLEASE ADVICE ME DRUGS IF REQUIRED OF GENERALLY LOW COST SO THAT ANYONE CAN BEAR THE EXPENSES).
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Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much because your problem is not that peculiar. So many young people do suffer from this type of thinking and apprehension and anxiety. Masturbation is not a sin, and it cannot reduce the length of penis and masturbation cannot make you tired. In fact, size of penis cannot determine sex life satisfaction. Even a two-inch penis can satisfy any lady. Your current trouble of premature ejaculation is mainly due to psychological disorder, here negative thinking. Tiredness and other weakness are all in your thoughts. Divert your energy and thoughts to more productive or creative things such as education and career or sports. You might need psychotherapy and other cognitive behavioral therapies. I can help you through telephone. Please do contact me through customer care of www.ChatDoctor .com for a telephonic consultation session. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
I have chronic back pain and left hip / flank pain that often radiates down my left leg. I also have joint pain often. I have had trouble getting a family doctor to prescribe medications that will help. I m actually an old ER nurse myself and I do not have a tendency to abuse RX meds, so I think I would benefit from some muscle relaxers and maybe some sort of narcotic that I could take when this pain occurs. Neurontin has also helped me in the past. Where do I need to go to get a doctor to take me seriously? I have FEDERAL blue cross BLUE shield insurance. I just need a doctor who will prescribe me what will WORK.
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I had Mitral Valve prolapse since 20 yrs ago....I ve noticed that I need to think about taking long husband told me lately that he feels I have a breathing problem because he says that he noticed I keep holding my breathe and finally letting it go with a big sigh. I get out of breathe easily.....I also have acid reflux and had it for a long time....I get mucous in my throat and I always feel that I need to cough it up....if I raise my voice, the mucous in my esophagus starts to build up and I then starts coughing to bring it up. Would the valve prolapse be associated with my breathing problem? Is it cause for alarm and should I go see my family doctor?
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Hi Dear !! Thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. Read and reviewed your query and health concerns. You seem to suffer from -HERD. The rise in the voice-increases intrathorasic pressure, which causes increased acid reflux due to similar innervation as that of pharyngo-laryngeal region by Va gal nerves. This leads to breath holding to avoid aspiration in air track. So breath holding is from HERD and not due to MVP in your case. Treat with-PPI -Prilosec(OTC) with domeperidone and treatment of causes of HERD would resolve this difficulty in the breathing. Consult with Physician and if need be ENT surgeon to treat this laryngopharyngeal breath holding caused from HERD with which to prevent mucus collection spillage in to air track, breath holding is reflex done by you. Hope this would help you to plan further care of this complex illness of yours. If need be, update any health issue 24 x 7 by a direct question to ME, at following Chat Doctor link-Dear, if satisfied, Dont forget to close this query with YOUR pleasing feedback comments to rate this reply and service, to boost the morale of incoming Emergency patients like YOU, at Chat Doctor services. If you want to update more details and ask more update queries, You are most Welcome herewith !! Good Day!! Wishing Good Healthy Life in time to come!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS
dear sir my son is 8 year old but his IQ level is very less, in IQ test he got lest then 30 point, he is hyperactive and very much aggressive, he can not grapes the sentence properly, after consulting with doctor we came to know he is mentally retarded child, from last 4 year we are continually in the contact of child psychiatrist but no effect, with this i want to inform you that his birth was normal, at the time of birth he cried, at the age of 7 month he started seating, at the age of 12 month he started walking and speaking 2-3 words like mama papa but after that this happened and in my family no such type of child so it is not hereditary now i want to know what shell we do. Is there any treatment of such type of child and he will work like a normal child or not
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DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. I can understand. IQ below 60 is considered mentally retarded (Intellectual disability). As your child psychiatrist diagnosed him as MR (Intellectual disability), that could be surely it. Mental retardation (MR) is a condition diagnosed before age 18, usually in infancy or prior to birth, that includes below-average general intellectual function, and a lack of the skills necessary for daily living. The causes could be Genetic conditions, problems during pregnancy, Exposure to certain types of disease or toxins, problems at birth like not enough oxygen, Iodine deficiency, malnutrition etc. Intellectual disability is more accurately considered a disability rather than a disease. No treatments are available specifically for cognitive deficiency. Although the pharmacologic enhancement of cognition is possible. I request you not to get alarmed. There are many treatment options a DN management options. You should work with the child psychiatrist. You may have to take the help of counselor, psychotherapist, speech therapist and occupational therapist. Most of all, your motivated positive approach is going to be the key. Your child needs your love and care. Love him and care him. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Take care.
I ve had two lumps at the base of my spine for several years. They hurt when touched, but otherwise havent been a problem. Until 4 days ago when I had a bout of stomach cramping (which I attributed to a large consumption of broccoli) accompanied by extreme tailbone pain when sitting. Everything seemed as the expected with the intestinal distress.... however there was no nausea, and the cramping came in waves for around 6 hours. The scariest part though, was that after the initial feces, the rest of the time I only passed bloody gelatinous globs (often orange/red). Please note that I hadn t eaten anything red/orange. I stayed on a bland diet for 2 days and things have cleared perfectly, except for the pain in my tailbone.... and now I ve noticed that the 2 lumps are gone. I am very concerned. do I need to see a doctor?
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Hi, DEar, thanks for your query to Chat Doctor. I studied your query in depth.1-In My opinion the painful lump in the tailbone-are the chronic lumps which are without any problem except being sore when touched -indicates -chronic boils/perianal post abscesses with post-fistula in ANO -on either side of the tail bone/ or the colonial cysts with infection.2-The broccoli induced colitis with nausea and stool with mucous, is the normal occurrence with many due to the hard digesting fiber veggies.3-The increase in the tailbone pain-is the result of the gaseous distension of the rectal area, pressing the colonial cyst or the chronic boils, and is the result of the broccoli induced colitis and dysentery with red-mucous-indicating fresh ulcers.4-The reduction of the 2 lumps in last 2 days -indicates -perianal post. Abscess with fistulous inner connection-through which these 2 lumps got reduced -post dysentery effect.4-a-I would advise you to consult a Surgeon , who would treat to its best as need be.5-Hope this would solve your query.6-Wellcome for any more questions on new or this subject also... Have A Good Day.!!
I am 37 yrs female unmarried and diagnose Echo as Mild ms 1.8 cm in august 2013 and advised inj.Penidura 3 wks,and tab. embeta TR 50 x od, tab.Lasilactone x od kindly let me know the side effects of injection and necessity of the same I have problem of low hemoglobin is that due to the same inj and what step more is required
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Hello, I have gone through your query and understand your concern. From your query I understood that You are suffering from Mild Mitral Stenosis and on injection Benzedrine Penicillin G and Tablets Metoprolol and Furosemide with Spironolactone. You are given Injection Benzedrine Penicillin G prophylactically to prevent infection in heart called Bacterial Endocarditis. And also you also prescribed Tablets Metoprolol and Furosemide with Spironolactone to control blood pressure. Any of the above Chat Doctor. So the cause could be something else, and it needs further work up. Some common causes are Poor Nutritious diet, Blood loss, Malabsorption and Chronic diseases. To identify the exact cause, You need to give detailed history as well as thorough physical examination and further investigations like Stool test for occult blood, Complete blood count and other blood parameters, X-ray chest to rule out any Tuberculosis, Vitamin B12 and folate level, etc. If the hemoglobin deficient is mild to moderate, then dietary changes are sufficient. You should take iron rich foods like dark-green leafy vegetables, such as watercress and curly kale, iron-fortified cereals, whole grains, such as brown rice, beans, nuts, meat, apricots etc. Take vitamin C rich foods. Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron. Good sources of vitamin C are vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits. Citrus fruits include oranges, grapefruits, tangerines etc. Avoid Coffee, tea, milk (Contains Calcium) as these may reduce the absorption of iron. If hemoglobin level is very low, then you need Injectable either Intramuscular or Intravenous form of Iron to correct the hemoglobin level as soon as possible.
I am a 23 yo graduate student studying for my DPT with a decent amount of knowledge of basic medicine. I am having an acute episode of bacterial vaginosis. I am using OTC remedies that have helped in the past because I am broke and out of town right now and only have coverage at my student health facility back home. Id prefer not to go on antibiotics unless necessary anyways. I will go to a doctor if the condition persists or worsens. I have pain in my lower abdomen, yellow-green thick discharge, foul odor, and severe itching and burning. I have had this on and off in the past. I am on NuvaRing, which I have been told can contribute to why I have this problem, but I do not wish to switch back to oral contraceptives and would rather use other methods to prevent this from happening. I am about to use medicated wipes and a rephresh vaginal cream to help balance my pH. Should I remove my NuvaRing during this episode even though it has a week left? What can I do to prevent having bacterial vaginosis problems in the future? Eat more yogurt? Take folic acid? Take vitamins or even prenatal vitamins? And what about acidophilus pills? I know all about how sex can affect this and how condom usage is important but I havent had a sex in a while so thats not what brought this on. I shower twice daily and use hypoallergic non-scented Cetaphil soap for that area, so my hygiene is good too. Please help me ASAP! Thank you!
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HiT hank you for asking ChatDoctorI have gone through your query. If you are getting recurrent vaginal infection then it is wise to avoid Nearing. For bacterial vaginosis I treat my patients witChatDoctorbination of antibiotics like clindamycin or metronidazole with clotrimazole in the form of suppository or oral tabs. I also recommend them to use intimate wash regularly to normalize vaginal bacterial flora and PH and thereby prevent further infections. You can continue all other measures like using hypoallergenic non-irritating soaps taking Yogurt folic acid and vitamins also. Hope this may help you. Let me know if you have any further query.
My son who is dystonic recently suffered cramps in the right affected area of d body ....his doctor gave him doses of pacitane ..baclofen tablets and clonezapam ...the cramps subsided but left behind acute pain in the neck, shoulder, ribs, spine , foot fingers, chest , temples. What should we do now . Now d pain is on both sides . Mri reports say infarct in the left basal ganglia . And the child has been given botox in 2003..2004 ..2005 and now 15days back to reduce spasm . But no pain relief .pl. help
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Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of your son. Since you mentioned he had and infarct in the brain which is the basal ganglia, these are some of the symptoms he is facing. Dystonia - meaning to understand in laden words as dysfunction in the tone of muscles. Also you mentioned baclofen and Steroids. Last but not least is the Botox. Well to mention that medicine are symptomatic and all did work on the symptom basic platform. You need to even try out a physical therapy. As your neurologist have done all the best of his ability to help your child. Now when medicine is given it is to support the normal physiological system and the healing of tissues takes place. Certain time bodies metabolism and immune system are little slower where the medicine boost stays for time being. Also to mention that physical therapy will help learn the movements and help reduce the tone as well. For which please see if you can meet up a physical therapist who can assess your son and start the treatment initially for pain relief. The use of therapeutic ultrasound and TENS will help reduce pain. Post that a little of general exercises will be planned.exercise will help to many things and few I am mentioning. Like it'll improve the muscle tone, improve the strength in muscles, reduce the fatigue time, improve the balance and coordination, improve the metabolism, improve the immune system as well, etc. Usually in most of the Neurological cases physical therapy plays a role too. And most of the patient gets helped as well. I will recommend you to look for a physical therapist and take some help. With the grace of God I wish your son a good health
My symptoms started about a year ago, i was woken up suddenly in the middle of the night, it all happened so quick i jumped straight up and fell to the ground as my left leg and arm were numb and in pain, then feeling slowly came back. After this mild neck pain and stiffness started and which over the last year has progressed to severe and seems to be traveling down into the top of my back. I have constant headaches and eyeball pain as well as muscular pain in arms and legs and general fatigue . Recently my numbness sensations have started to happen more frequently again awakening suddenly during the night with one side numb and in pain and causing me to fall, sometimes i just awaken with just my arms numb. I had MRI of BRAIN AND CERVICAL SPINE in March 2012 both were clear. At time of scans i had very MILD neck pain/stiffness and only 1 episode of numbness. Since then they are becoming more and more frequent and my doctor has now diagnosed me with anxiety. Can you still have ms with an all clear mri scan? I do believe i have some anxiety but can this not also be a symptom of MS? Everything i have read, forum after forum its quite clear that doctors miss-diagnose ms all the time and that it is a very hard disease to diagnose. I am also getting physical therapy for the neck with no real affect, and when my pyhsio performed a reflex reactions exam there was no reaction to my left arm, when i told the doctor he completely ignored it. I am 25 year old male non smoker who has went from attending the gym twice a week, playing for an amateur football team and golfing regularly to basically sitting in front of the TV and not wanting to do anything.
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Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. Fortunately you are not suffering from multiple sclerosis. It affects functions very severely. There nothing like a numbness in only one arm or leg. So please forget about MS. Also, for diagnosis there should be combined features of clinical and radiological features. I think your doctor is correct. You are having anxiety related disorder. Just take a second opinion of cervical spine imaging. Otherwise, you need to consult for anxiety. Hope I have answered your query. Regards.
I tried to put my legs behind my head(just being silly), but failed. So later I got naked, put my boxers around my ankles, and then used them wrapped behind my neck, to hold my legs behind my head . I even tried to autofellate, but failed(and didnt continue trying.). So I masturbated briefly in that position(in a computer chair). when I came, I got an odd sensation in my lower body. I felt fine for about 10-15minutes, and then I started feeling shaky. My abdomen/under my ribcage felt a little sore. But no back/neck pain. Now after 3 days of rest, my neck is bothering me, but its not painful. And I am paranoid that I have done spinal/brain stem/internal injuries. Im still a little shakey, which is frightening. I havent eaten much(in 36 hours Ive had some nuts, and a banana), or feel like eating. But I am in no real pain. just a little worn out, and I have a short temper. I just started using a heating pad on my neck, and havent noticed any change.I have what feels like a full range of motion in my back, neck, and shoulders. My abdomen is still not feeling right. And my nerves are frayed to say the least. and I generally feel awful.
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Hi. Thanks for your query, an elucidated history, atypical presentation of what you did and what you got. Read the history carefully and understood your problem:The probable reasons for your complaints are the following:First the nature you have you say - short temper and now guilt has taken over. In the position you did masturbation the muscles got a strain, and now they may present one by one area. The treatment would be:Come out of the feeling of awe fullness and guilt, do not be short-tempered. Take complete bed rest. Take an anti-inflammatory medicine and a sleeping pill or anxiolytic under the prescription of your Family Physician.-Remember, the injury to the spine or a brain-stem would not have allowed you to right your query, so these are out of question. You will be alright within a few days. Do not try such awkward positions again.
I had a robotic hysterectomy last May for precancerous cells in the lining of the uterus. When they did the surgery, they found a boarderline tumor on my left ovary. They removed everything including 7 lymph nodes on my left side and pelvic tissue. Everything came back clean. I just had a 5 month check-up, and my gyn./oncologist said that I had granular tissue on the vaginal cuff. She scraped some off to biopsy, and then used the silver nitrate to treat it. I am concerned about the biopsy. I just had it done yesterday, so I havent had time to get the results yet. I guess what I want to know is what she is really looking for the biopsy to tell her? Is she concerned about cancer spreading there? She acted like it could be scar tissue. If it is scar tissue, does the silver nitrate usually take care of it with one treatment, or does it sometimes take multiple treatments? It all took me so off guard that I didnt think to ask her any of these questions when I was there yesterday. I was having some dull cramping once in awhile, and I had spotting one time since surgery, plus a yellowish discharge sometimes which, now that Ive read about granular tissue on the vaginal cuff, I realize that these were all symptoms of that. Anything you can tell me about granular tissue would be helpful. Thank you.
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HelloThanks for your query. See, basically, you have a scar on the vaginal cuff, where you had been cut open and then stitched back. It is common for granulation tissue to grow on the scar, that is new tissue growing there. It is not at all cancer. Silver nitrate generally takes care of it in a single sitting. A biopsy is required, because, rarely, there could be pre malignant or malignant changes therein, which need to be excluded while you are at it. You should not worry about it, and wait for the biopsy. If your doctor had suspected cancer, she would have told you so, I think, and you would have had symptoms too. As you have a history of malignancy, hence the biopsy was in order. All the best. Take care.
hello doctor , i am now 21 years old.i had done dental treatment done almost five years ago.i had a complicated birth my lower jaw was inside.When i went to treatment it was brought forward using twin blocks.Then braces was used to bring it back.It ended as okay.After one year settled teetChatDoctore forward.Then it was fixed using retainers.But the problem is there is still projection of teeth.It is not much visible from outside.I am not able to smile well or talk with confidence .I visited a dentist .He told me the only possibility is to take off four teeths .two from above and two from below and then put on braces.Is it possible. If teeth is taken out then can dental implants be used there.also i don t have four molars.Actually the teeth is still inside.i have asked about it to a doctor.he said it is better if it remains there since i dont have any pain or disturbance with it.will this make problem.Can you recommend any treatments.I am considering doing braces again.I am thinking of doing treatment after 2 years since I am doing my p.g.will that age be correct for treatment.
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Hello friend. As per your symptoms you are having orthodontic relapse. After finishing the orthodontic treatment the teeth tend to move back to its original position, so a retainer is given to patient (removable or fixed) to hold the teeth in the new position. According to American standards it has to be given till the age of 22. At this age the growth of the body stops completely. Now that relapse has occurred in your case, you need to go again for orthodontic therapy that is fixed or removable depending on the severity. If minor correction has to be done better go for removable. If enough space is not there to align the teeth then to gain the space extraction of premolars (to gain more space) or proximal stripping (to gain less space) has to do. And yes, orthodontic treatment can definitely be done at this age. It's called Adult orthodontics. If you have photographs of your teeth please send me to [email protected] to receive more advice.
Hlw, I m 19(unmarried). Normally,I have this problem of likoria(no itch in the area) but for last three days ,I m observing thick white yellowish likoria.I have anemia ,taking medicine.l also have vitiligo slightly in my face ,I m taking medicines for that.I have a habit of drinking less I have any infection / do I need to go to doctor for this problem(likoria)
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Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding anemia and vitiligo. Dear, all your problems are outcome of increase in the levels of toxins in the body and poor eating habits. In other words , your low immunity is the root cause of all your problems. Anemia occurs because your body doesn't make enough red blood cells due to poor eating habits and faulty lifestyle. Bleeding causes you to lose red blood cells more quickly than they can be replacedYour body destroys red blood cells causing you anemia and anemia causing vitiligo, leuchorrhoea and others. Vitiligo is a disease in which the pigment cells of the skin, melanocytes, are destroyed in certain areas. Is also a lifestyle disease. Leuchorrhoea also known as vaginal discharge, is a very common condition that has been experienced by most women of all ages, at some time or the other. It is thick white yellowish color most of the time. Is mainly experienced during puberty, when sexual organs are developing in a woman. It can be very irritating and damaging if left untreated This is because the female genitals are highly prone to infections because they are moist and covered at most times. Moreover, women do tend to sweat a lot in that area, which increases the chances of infections and inflammation. Some of the most common causes are Anemia and Hormonal disturbances and increase in the levels of toxins in the body and poor eating habits. Modification in your lifestyle and food habits -including regular exercise, yoga, Panama and meditation for proper blood circulation and balanced diet having essential nutrients - fiber, Vitamins, minerals antioxidants in natural form - lemon juice, turmeric powder, honey, aloe vera juice, AMLA regular intake will help gain health in 6 months. All the best
Hey, Well, since the start of the year, I have been really down. Things have happened at school, and I lost a friend, have no friends, am a loner etc. I ve had many fights at school and at home. like, nearly every day. I haven t had the best childhood and I ve got repressed memories. When my mum reminds me about events that happened during my childhood it suddenly hits me very clearly, and then, I can t stop crying. I ve been bullied by my family, cousins and peers for like, my whole life. I have screwed up to friendships-the most important ones to me. I ve caused another person to have depression, and I suffer from a lot of guilt. I didn t know I was hurting them-and worst of all they were my best friend. In the end they left the school. :( But, right now, I have insomnia and I am always very down. I feel anxious, stressed, upset, and angry because of the things that have happened. I can t stop crying and sometimes I suddenly have trouble breathing and I just have to take deep breaths to calm myself down. And inside, I have a sinking feeling. I can t remember the last time I ve been happy for at least a day. Just yesterday, my only friend, ended the friendship with me. I keep having this attacks when I m really really upset. I keep on crying and I m never cheerful. I hardly even smile anymore. What s wrong with me?
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Hifeeling low is normal and happens to everyone.depression is a state of mind which can hamper our daily are a few things you should remember1. don't linger on to your we are destined to move forward and not you are a unique soul and no one can control your life except for yourself3.believe in the almighty .be optimistic and pray on a daily self-dependent.don't depend on your is possible that people don't want to be finds with you looking at your negative attitude5. Practice yoga on a daily is a beautiful gift to the mankind.don't waste it in pity for yourself regards
My wife experienced profuse sweating, tingling in arms, hands and feet along with the fingers contracting to themselves. Massaging gave some relief but when I elevated her arms above her head for several minutes, she had major relief. Can you help us understand what is happening?
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Brief Answer:Most likely cervical Radiculopathy causing compression of nerves of neck spine and require MRI scan. Detailed Answer:Warm Welcome. I appreciate your trust in Chat Doctor and assure you are on best portal on the globe for expert online medical services. I have thoroughly reviewed health query you raised, and well realize all of those concerns. Being your physician, I will take care all of them today and will extend my expertise to solve the problems. There are some deficiencies in your information regarding your age and occupation, but I shall be able to throw some light on the condition your wife might be experiencing. She is most likely experiencing a condition known as cervical radiculopathy. This affect the nerves of neck spine (also called cervical spine)Based on age of your wife, she might have herniated disc in cervical spine (young) or degenerative osteoarthritis where spur is compressing the nerve. Patient usually does heavy labor and lifting. Due to compression of nerves, your wife is experiencing tingling and numbness in arms which typically improve by raising the arm. This worsens at night and usually hand is placed on head to relief. If I were your treating physician, I would first order an MRI can to look for the cause. MRI can show in detail look of spine and help in managing the patient. We regularly prescribe medications that improve the symptoms. Diclofenac K 50 mg two times per day and pregabalin 75 mg two times per day can be helpful in tingling and pain. These should be used for 10 days. Your wife also requires physiotherapy which will aid in improving condition. Hope I ad Chat Doctor. Let me know if you have further questions. I will be more than happy to clear any doubts. For any disease you have, a timely follow-up is necessary regarding the treatment efficacy and to see if there is a need to change treatment options. So keep a follow-up to see how you're doing. Regards!
mam/sir, im 29 yrs old. before one year i hav miscarrage .automatically some sac like thing came out after 60 days.send that sample for lab.repots says that gestational sac4x3x3 with no fetal parts. pregnacy confirmation is also difficult on that time. urine test is negative for 2 times and third time it was weekly negative and serum beta ChatDoctor IS 130M/MUL .i hav pco s and pcr test is positive for myco tb.getting treatment simultaniously for both(krimson35,akurit for past six months) .last month (LMP) is april 7th 2012 i go for follicular study on 13th day rt ovary follicle size is 8.7mm,7.4mm and left ovary 6.3mm endometium thickness 8.4 on 15th day rt ovary15.1mm 14.3mm left ovary 10.1 endometium 9.7mm 0n 19th day rt ovaryt largest follicule is not visualized c/o rupture left ovary 10.1mm endometium 10.4 and also i have taken these medicines akurit ,cervifert,amycordail syrup from day 5. dhupaston tablets for 15 days from day 19. i didn t get periods till date on day 35 i go for urine test its is -ve.and also on day 44 it is also negative. so my Dr again gave duphaston and folG1 for 10 days. im little bit confusing whether im pregnent or not.shall i take duphaston again with out pregnancy.plz Dr im expecting for your answers
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Hi, according to your description, ovulation has occurred. Normally when ovulation occurs either menstruation should start within 12 to 16 days or pregnancy has to be there. But there are exceptions to this also. Now if we consider the normal things there is a chance of pregnancy. But as even on 45th day your urine pregnancy test is negative, you better to go for transvaginal ultrasound which will rule out presence or absence of pregnancy. Depending on the result you can take further treatment. Take care.
My aunty has devolped sudden loos of speech, and weakness of one arm...she was ICU..there was no history of accident also..the doctor said she had develpoed stroke...i want to know what is stroke ? will it come ? Is there any cure ?
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Hi, thanks for writing to Chat Doctor, stroke by definition is loss of some localized part of brain due to ischemia (lack of blood into brain cells)or hemorrhage (leakage of blood from the brain arteries or vessels thus blood could not reach up to brain cells).common factors that can develop into stroke are commonly - high BP, high lipids (cholesterol levels), smoking, tobacco chewing etc. Features that can be seen in the patient are hemiparesis (sudden weakness or loss of function of half side of the body) or sometimes only one arm or leg. Loss of sensation on that part (unable to feel touch and hot or cold)there may be involvement of speech, vision, memory, and face paralysis also. If the symptoms appear and fortunately return to almost normal within 24 hours then it is called a transient ischemic attack ...TIA (this literally means temporary loss of blood to brain cells).but if the symptoms stay for more than 24 hours and doesn't improve it is a STROKE. In both cases of TIA & Stroke prompt treatment is required to lessen the impact on brain cells. In the treatment of STROKE a multidisciplinary approach is required....this means that the patient must be treated by a no. of specialist like neurologist, neurosurgeon, physical therapist, speech therapist, ophthalmologist, occupational therapist, nursing care etc. The recovery of patient will definitely depend on the extent of brain involvement and other associated features age of patient, any other medical problem.a multifaceted treatment can bring the patient back to normal life. The family and the caregiver should be extremely patient, supportive, and caring towards the patient and should trust the doctors treating the patient.I would also like to mention here after reading the comments below that heat stroke is entirely different from this stroke. And aging is not a cause of stroke, it just makes few individuals more prone to get stroke.I hope this helps
I am a 40 year old female with Sjogrens, Lupus, Raynauds with pancreatic involvement. I am on multiple medications. For several years, I have had lumps in the abdomen that appear. Then if I rub or slightly push on them, they cannot be seen any longer. Last night one came up and I pushed lightly and I could feel it burst. That is the first time that has happened. It is still somewhat sore. I have asked several doctors about the lumps before, but am always met with puzzled looks and no answers. Now that this one has burst, I am wondering if I should be concerned.
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Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Based on the facts of your query, though you suffer from multiple ailments Like Progress, Raynauds, Pancreatic involvement with multiple medications, for which I feel sorry for you, YOur lump in abdomen which you felt burst inside -is due to the Epigastric Hernia with partial obstruction of the hernial mesentery or preperitoneal fat. So when you pressed last night, the first time obstructed hernial lump contents got reduced inside the abdominal cavity, and the area is still soared, may be due to the partial reduction of the adhered preperitoneal contents in it. Your experience quoted in your query, that after rubbing or pushing the lump used to vanish. So don't worry about the burst lump, but it is reduced Epigastric Hernia with partial reduction of its contents. Remedy-Consult ER Surgeon. Get the USG of the lump done. After reviewing the other body status, your Surgeon would plan urgent or a planned Epigastric Hernial Repair soon. This would resolve the current issues with this lump in abdomen. So don't worry it. Consult your Surgeon who would treat this lump with all the care it needs. This reply would resolve your current issues and would reduce your anxiety with it. Hope this reply would help you to plan treatment with your doctor. Will appreciate your Hitting thanks and writing excellent review comments to help needy patients like you. Welcome with any other further query in this regard. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. S. Genl-CVTS
Hello I went in to the doctor to check out my neck, because im having some pain and discomfort in the back part, also i have a bit of swolleness on my left side of my thyroid. what do you think could be the cause. the doctor i saw said it was fat around my neck and that i may have a muscle spasm.
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Hi there Thanks for your question at ChatDoctorThe cervical related neck and shoulder pain usually reduces over 2 to 3 months(with maximum relief over first month). Neck pain can usually cause due to varied etiologies involving the structures in neck mainly the nerves, muscles, disc, joints and abnormal posture. Pain restricted to neck only and which is not shooting down the arms is suggestive of pain arising from the muscles, joints, bones or disc. Pain arising from the nerves usually shoots down the arm into fingers and associated with numbness. Physiotherapy usually takes 2 to 4 weeks, to show any kind of meaningful relief. Analgesics medications in tablet form or local applications can increase the amount of relief. Posture modification is one of the things which can add to the benefits of physio and medications. If you are working on a computer, there are several posture related adjustments, which can help you to fasten your recovery and help you maintain your cervical spine strength over time. Ergonomics is the field of science which deals with such adjustments. I would suggest you to go through websites which deal with ergonomics for working on a computer and adopt those postures. Apart from this, you should avoid sitting or standing in the same posture for more than 20 to 30 minus at a stretch, avoid looking into or playing on your phone for more than 2 to 3 minutes. These minor modifications can help you maintain good cervical spine postures If the pain persists for an over 6 weeks, I would suggest her to visit an Orthopedic, so that at least a baseline X-ray and thorough examination can be done. Based on these and her response to medicines and physiotherapy, she might require an MRI. But neck pain usually resolves with medicines, rest and physiotherapy in the majority of patients suffering from the same. Also need to see your physician for swollen sensation on left side of your thyroid. Hope this helps All the best Chat Doctor.
Hi Doctor, My Name is Manikandan, I have completed 2 years of my marriage life. My wife got a miscarriage within 6months of our marriage life. We started trying for a baby after 3 months from the date of miscarriage and ended without any luck after tying for about 9+ months. Later she was tested and treated for her PCOS problem and she took glycomate and Letrozole to stimulate egg rapture for about 4 month. She had normal periods around this 2 years and she is noramal now without any PCOS issue. Later we thought to check me and consulted a urology. Doctor asked to do a Seman analysis and scrotum scan of my varicocele.The results of Seman Analysis:Volume: 2mlCount: 14million/mlMotility:1/2hr---> Active:70% Sluggishly:20% Non-motile:10%1 hr----> Active:65% Sluggishly:20% Non-motile:15%2hr-----> Active:60% Sluggishly:20% Non-motile:20%Morphology : 10% Normal and 90% AbnormalYet to do the scan...Please advise on when can I recover from the problem. I am more worried about the morphology %. I had smoke and drinks habit for about 12 year and have quit more than 3 months back. Will we able to get a baby with natural intercourse.
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Hello ManikandanThanks for writing to us with your health concern. Your semen analysis report is showing definite problems. The semen count is quite low (normal is at least 20 million / ml)Also, the percentage of abnormal forms is quite high. This could be due to - stress, anxiety, recent surgery or illness, alcohol, tobacco, heat exposure. Genetic abnormalities, hormonal deficiency, structural changes, blockage of ducts, infections - all these are potential factors. Your Urologist should conduct detailed tests - hormones, ultrasound of scrotum and testes etc., to know the real cause. You should repeat the semen analysis 3 months after stopping tobacco and alcohol. If natural intercourse fails, you can go for GUI (intrauterine insemination) which will yield good results. Take care.
Please can you give me some advice for my father. He is a 63-year old male with several health issues. He has COPD, Diabeties Type 2, Fibromyalgia in his legs due to diabetic neuropathy, Herniated disks in his back, Stomach aneurym which has been monitored, Has had several mini heart attacks with heart failure ( at this points was hospitalized due to lack of oxygen), Heart blood flow is only working 25% and that lead to a cardiac pacemaker defib put in at Hershey Medical Center about 2 weeks ago and now is experiening heaviness in chest, Shortness of breath while moving around or even sweeping a small amount of the floor, I m very concernd most of all about what he just told me tonight and that was that he stopped taking his Lyrica due to feeling uncomfortable when the medication would start to wear off. He stopped this 2 weeks ago and did not tell his doctor because he is very stubborn. He will not go to the emergency room, I know this. Im very concerned due to his creatine levels being 4.5 to 5.0 for the last 4 to 5 years. He will not get a kidney transplant for several years to be at the top of the list. I need help on what I should do? Just not feeling himself at this point and I see this in him and he has explained some of his symptoms to me. Is he going into kidney failure due to not taking his Lyrica? And should have slowly decreased this medication? He does not want to be on it anymore. Please help, he is everything to me.
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Hello first thanks for writing to us, your dad is a COPD patient as mentioned by u.therefore you have to understand that lifestyle of such patients are very difficult. And in winter and spring season it worsens. There is no remedy as such except symptomatic treatment. If your father is not willing to visit hospital no problem built a small hospital in your own house what I mean is get the oxygen cylinders and saline bottles and all such required medicines. These days you get well-trained nurse for home care. As per creatine level though it's higher than normal level still it can be controllable with proper diet and restrictions. Hope I have answered your queries properly
Sir, My Face often had pimples/ acne . My Doctor told me to do several test.. In which it was found that my S.G.P.T & S.G.O.T was beyond normal range. So he prescribed me Udiliv-300. And To apply Gorgeous Gel as Facewash, Ultraguard-40 as Sunscreen lotion, Peroduo gel for Acne/Pimples & Curoglow for fairness. But one day I found dark patches along my nose , a layer of black tan was formed. My Doctor told that it was due to Peroduo Gel, So he told me to apply Momate Cream, for 2 days. But for better results I used it for several weeks. Now He prescribed me Benzac Ac 2.5% to apply & also to intake Q-A21-500 tablet. I told my Doctor I don t expose in sun so much,so help me out as I can t attend the school. So I requested him for immediate remedy. Sir I applied for one weak but no improvement with black layers. The pimples minimized and thus blackheads and spots are all in my face. He also told that it became black as the skin along my nose burned.. Due to Peroduo gel.. Please Prescribed me a Immediate Remedy. Please, I Begg You Sir. Thank You.
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Hi Souravdas, Thanks for writing in. Acne is caused by hormonal imbalance. Blockage of sebaceous glands causes pa pules and pustules. White substance is secretion of sebaceous glands. Acne is treatable now. With correct treatment all your pimples, scars and dark spots can be treated. To start with you have to apply Aider cream twice daily on dark spots. Also, you can use anti acne face wash like acted face wash. Avoid any hair oil to hairs. Avoid any other moisturizers or cosmetics or home remedies. Use good quality sunscreen like SYNCOPE gel daily while going out. Salicylic acid and glycol peeling can help you to get rid of acne and pigmentation. Please visit qualified dermatologist for giving you specific advise. Regards. Chat Doctor. MD dermatology.
My daughter, 38 years old, has a history of chronic pot use for roughly 25 years. Is also a periodic Alcoholic and has and my still be on ocasion taking an excess of Vicadine (semi-controled by her husband). Im her 67 year old father, sober for 34 years via AA), I have tried to console my daughter on several ocasons concerning her drug issues to no avail. She presently is and has been down to 95 lbs, skin and bones, loosing her hair, has had and continues to have anger and depression outbursts. Has been pulled over and searched by local cops because of the way she looks and her additude, even according to her. Currently she is haveing problems with anal boils, which according to a friend (former meth addict) is a common sign of prolonged/chronic meth use. Ive approched her mother who she is close to, (we have been divorced for 25 years, but are friendly). However, her mother, as she was while I was drinking is in total denial as to the extent of my daughters drug use, as are other members of her family and friends. I do not want to alianate my daughter and family by confronting her, but am haveing a hard time just watchiing, and doing nothing, Any suggestions? Thanks....Jerry
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Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You should know that these problems are not mental diseases, but are mental disorders. Many researches and researchers confirm that medicines alone cannot cure mental disorders. Exercise, Lifestyle changes, change in thinking pattern, relaxation etc. are as essential as medicines. Psychotherapy can help you to change your lifestyle and thinking patterns. Yoga and meditation help you to streamline your metabolism and neurological balance. Please consult a psychologist for further information. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
I am 37 yrs old male. I have undergone discectomy at L4-L5 and L5-S1 four weeks ago. I had recovered well after 2 weeks and doctor advised me slowly start normal activities.But after the 3rd week I am experiencing severe pain in my lower back. I have a twist towards my right above the hip area. Doctor has prescibed Medrol 4 mg 3 times a day for 5 days. But the pain is still persisting . Please advise. Sunil.
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Hi Welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding your persistent back painTroubles coming again & again is caused due to imbalanced metabolism and weakened immune system, and it depends on regular life style proper regular exercise yoga Panama healthy diet. Gulping on medicines will not help total cure if regular regimen is not followed. Proper nutrition is an integral part of a healthy immune system if we take simple, fat free nutritious diet including all essential nutrients as fiber vitamins minerals, veges, fruit antioxidants as lemon water with water, garlic, ginger onion -whole grain almonds, walnut AMLA, coconut water all help strengthening our immune system .and pave way for our disease free, healthy life. Avoid fried, fast foods, tea, coffee alcohol meats colas, sodas as it can cause accumulation of toxins in the body. Take good night relaxed sleep & Meditation, helps further. Keep your bowels clean. Do exercise properly / regularly, / but don't do any exercise which involve front bending, It will do more harm than good. Back bending slowly, without jerks, will give you instant relief. Stand straight keep your hands on your waist feet 2 ft apart. Bend body back gently as much as you can. Sit on the chair straight both NDS clutch at the back on the hips. Pull hands, neck, shoulders, head as much as toucan gently help recovers your back, spondylitis cervical back problems instantly. A cup of hot milk fee with a level teaspoon of turmeric or Hilarity - a herb will give relief from pain & strengthen bones. Hope this give you reply of your query. All the best. Take care. If any doubt pls mail at Chat Doctor. common hesitate to get back if you have any further query
I had an ultrasound scan on my abdomen on 22/02/2013 in the Flora Clinic in Johannesburg. In the report issued after that scan I read in the statement by Dr. Stoltenkamp that and I quote There is a large simple cortical cyst in the upper pole of the right kidney . It measures 5.7 x 5.6 x 4.4 cm. Further benign simple cysts are seen in the upper and mid to lower poles of the left kidney cortex measuring 1.6 x 1.6 cm and 1.6 x 1.3 cm respectively . I have read through a number of articles on the internet in that respect, but my basic question is how serious is this ans what shall I do now.I am 86 of years of age and have a hear condition as well. Please advise if at all possible.
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Hello welcome to Chat Doctor Renal cysts is a fluid collection in the kidney. The Majority of renal cysts are benign and can be monitored without any treatment. However, some are malignant and have to be removed by surgery. Simple renal cysts are found frequently in the elderly. The renal cysts have been classified into five categories by Bosniak Category I: benign simple cyst without septa, calcification or solid component. Category II:Benign cyst with few thin septa and contain fine clarifications Category IIF: Well marginated with a number of thin septa with thick nodular calcification and >3cms in size. Category III: Indeterminate cystic masses with thick septa with enhancement. Category IV: Malignant cystic masses with thick septa with enhancement and irregular margins. As per your ultrasound report it looks benign Get Your Kidney function tests (Blood urea and serum creatinine)done. If that is normal you need not worry. You can get 6 monthly kidney function test and repeat ultrasonography after 6 months to see if there is enlargement of the cyst or any change in its characteristics or increase in number of cysts. Large cysts compress the parenchymal and surrounding structures and cause pain. Pain can also be due to Hemorrhage and infection. Laproscopic roofing is the treatment if the cyst is causing symptoms and affecting the renal function.
sir, my sister aged 27 y is suffering from pusscells full field and pain in left kidney from last 50 days, we done pcnl operation in aug 13 for kidney stone , mid june14 we met dr who operate pcnl and he Rx sepmax bid for 15 days that time pus cells fullfield and culture report saysno patogenic organism grown on culure. we take 15 days medicine and done urine test that shows 40-50 HPF( 17.6.14) pus cells dr again Rx sepmax for 10 days bid but after 2-3 days pain occure , now we change the Dr and he done another urine report (21.6.14) that shows pus cells full field again and he Rx amoxiclave 625( augmentin 625) for 15 days ,after 15 days we done anoter urine test and this time pus cells was 20-30 HPF Dr again continue the augmentin 625 for another 7 days ,after 7 days urine report shows 15-20/HPF but now this time Dr change the antibiotic and Rx Niftran(ranbaxy) for one month OD,and lasix one on alternate days for one month . now i am confused what i can do what is your opinion on this ,. can i continue augmentin625 can i stop augmentin and start niftran as suggest by Dr can we give both niftran and augmentin together is ther any side effect by giving together. Kindly provide your views and help me. thanks
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HelloThanks for query. Your sister who has undergone surgery of PCNL for fragmenting stone in kidney has persistent UTI since surgery. As per your statement urine culture was done only once with no growth reported.However, there is persistent presence of pus cells detected in routine urinalysis which signifies infection. In view of unresponsive results to various antibiotics taken for adequate time it is likely that organisms causing infection may not be sensitive to antibiotics that have been given to her. I would suggest you to get her Urine culture done to trace out the organisms causing infection so that she can be given appropriate antibiotic as per culture report to combat the infection. Till then, you can continue both Augmenting and Nightcap. There are no serious side effects of both the Chat Doctor. .
I stopped taking Letrozole 2 weeks ago. I had been taking it since Feb 2014. In April, my Alkaline phosphatase was 71 U/L. Today, it was 125 U/L, my AST/SGOT is 1450 U/L and ALT/SGPT is 682. I have had multiple symptoms-muscle aches in legs, arm, shoulders to the point my gait was altered and I started limping, cold flashes sometimes with hot flashes and last night pain between my breasts, a back ache and nausea. I had a complete workup with CT on my lungs, Chest x-ray, Ultrasound of my liver, right kidney and large bile duck and EKG monitoring overnight. Everything was negative and the medical team at our local hospital diagnosed the adverse drug reaction. How long before the Letrozole is out of my system and is there anyway to predict how long b/4 my liver tests are more normal? I am 67 with a history of breast CA, both breasts removed. Drs. plan to monitor my liver tests and I am calling the oncologist tomorrow am. Many thanks
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Welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for posting your question. I can understand your concern. I can understand that you are very anxious about your health. Jaundice can be due to many causes like Hepatitis, gall stone disease(acute cholecystitis), pancreatitis - to name a few. Mere dietary adjustments often cannot cure it. It would have been great had I examine you on my own. You need to undergo a few tests to find out the exact cause. I would suggest you to - Avoid oily, fatty food- Chat Doctor. Stop alcohol-Have a BLAND DIET.- Repeat the abdominal ultrasound, Complete blood count, Liver function test, platelets, urea, creatinine, electrolytes done - This will help in the diagnosisVisit a gastroenterologist. He or she can examine you and correlate clinically. Consult with your oncologist. Do not worry. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health.
i am a pedirtrician.i was put on eltroxin 10 years back.since then i have taken eltroxin 100 mg od. My tsh has remained i feel i must slowly withdraw eltroxin.i started taking eltroxin 75 mg .after 3 months my TSH is now 20. I have absoulutely no symptoms of hypothyroidism my sleeping heart rate is 72/minute.,has good apetite no wt gain,no weakness, no muscle pain.i want to coax my thyroid to produce more thyroid hormones by reducing daily intake of Eltroxin.Can i contine doing this or am i on a wrong path? i am now 62
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Hello, It depends on the cause of they hypothyroidism. Mostly, it is due to sluggish thyroid. Making sure there is enough iodine in the diet is essential and often changes thyroid activity to a small but significant degree. Don't use silly high amounts but make certain there is at least 100% of the RDA. Also, the RDA is quite an oversimplification in this particular case because the amount of thyroid hormone varies with stress. Serious illness causes a temporary decrease in thyroid hormone and results in over prescribing of hypothyroid treatment very commonly. And, changes in thyroid hormone on a moment to moment basis is one way the body regulates temperature ! That's the sum of all the literature on cold and thyroid. Goes swimming in a standard 75 degree pool affect thyroid? Does a hypothyroid person get hypothermia more easily (yes, but does a chilly pool cause it in hypothyroid? Who knows, but a standard thermometer would find that out). Basically, these are unknown. Does exercise affect thyroid, yes. Does fasting/starvation ? Well, yes, but the extent and what to do about it isn't known. Ok, at 60, increasing the bodies resilience to stress will, by tautology make the thyroid normalize. This involves standard exercise, good sleep, and I would include exposure to a wide variety of outdoor environments. Oops, nobody knows this yet, I better get writing. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
My wife patient of depression since 2003 at starting sleeping prob and she was liking to have the foods. Afterwards went to doctors psychairitist but problem remains same even medicines are so heavy doses that she usd to sleep for continuously 2 days.then I was afraid and stopped the medicines for side effects.She is having two cycles being observed.Now presently only sleeping problem is there and huge energy she have.when she goes to bed for sleep ,sleep is far far away and starts crying And after some time some sort of body irritation is there finally when she get down from bed she is fine.after havig meals or breakfast again she feels bad and can not have the meals but she is hungry and wanted to eat.Another cycle she does not wanted to down from the bed and continuously sleeping , energyless,doesnot want to talk and not etching t.v.Even she does not like to talk to anyone.went so many doctorsPlease help
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Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. From what you have stated it is quite clear that she is having a depressive episode. Depression can occur with regular stress, and it can also occur biologically without any stress as well. She needs proper treatment for the same. There are various effective therapies for depression like fluoxetine, venlafaxine, bupropion, mirtazapine or Escitalopram, and they are all very effective and mostly safe. You may also require some benzodiazepines like clonazepam or lorazepam for a short period like 2-3 weeks to reduce the anxiety and help with your sleep. If she is averse to the Chat Doctor. This therapy is taken by either a psychologist or a psychiatrist in which the therapist identifies impaired cognitions (Thoughts) and try to correct them. They are 15-20 min weekly session and there should be around 8-10 sessions to help you with your illness. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned
My GP here in Navarre, FL. after 5 yrs of seeing him every three months left town without much warning, IE 10 days. In order to treat my severe lower back damage and pain among several other dynamic chronic injuries making me legally totally disabled, he saved me money by writing 32 mg subutex, (4 x 8mg/Day), instead of higher price pain meds. Now I m on Medicare and a supplement, a Destin, FL. Doctor Terry R Reeves, I seen sometimes 4 times a month since March 2014, charged my debit card $300. by his secretary promising a month s refill. 5 minutes go by, no examination at all, then Reeves handed me a one week script cut in half. Forget about the insurance filing he promised I would be refunded a normal rate which is was a con, I m suffering with no subutex and ripped off thousands of dollars he never filed with Humana and Medicare. Do I go to the ER? My hands, wrists, feet, ankles are blown up swollen very badly and I can barley walk assisted. What is the quickest mitigation? Since this quak stole my last $300. I m stuck. How can I explain to a new MD my story. I served the State of Florida 25 yrs only to be forgotten about and allow quaks to steal from me and the public at their moments of greatest need. NW Florida has a Click of cash hungry subutex/suboxone crooks. Once a victim of these bad doctors, how can I get proper help. I m very ill from being chopped off subutex, and that of a high dose. Trade places, what would you pray for?
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Thank you for the is apparent that you seek help at ER. Alternately, take bed rest on firm mattress in a posture that gives maximum relax to back. If you can get some pain relievers from ER it will be good otherwise try rubbing some muscle relaxant cream or pain balm or cream available over the counter store. Also do hot fomentation and avoid bending forwards or lifting objects. Acetaminophen 500 mg tabs may be available which you can take thrice a day. Thereis an ayurvedic oil called Kate Bast which may also be tried.
I am a 33 year old female. at 1030am i developed jaw pain, shooting pain from left ear to middle of chin and feeling syncope. i took bp with a result of 122/77 and then decided to check my cbg because i am hypoglycemic. it was 109 after a grande vanilla latte and a peach turnover 2 hours i continued with my day. at 1230pm my feeling of like i was going to faint was still there, and the sharp jaw pain but then my left side of my chest developed a bad aching pain that radiated to my left shoulder and down my arm to right below my elbow. full deep breaths caused my left shoulder to hurt worse. So i took a 81mg aspirin and went to the ER. EKG showed normal and chest x ray was clear. this was on tuesday and it is now thursday ngiht and my chest still hurts. i f/u with my pcp on wednesday and he mentioned i needed to monitor this as i showed more discomfort when he pressed by my sternum then anywhere else. mentioned something of i could have a virus. his only suggestion for me was ibuprofen and time. what could be going on? should i just wait and see? should i request to speak with a cardiologist? I am 5 7 145lbs and live healthy lifestyle as i dont smoke and only social drink occasionally. any suggestions will be great. Thank you for your time in advance.
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Hiyou may also require checkup by a dentist for tooth issues and jaw pain, hope there is no external visible swelling in jaw. If EKG is normal, less chance for heart pain, but many a time early changes do not show on EKG, central sternal pain may have relation to heart, you may observe if physical climbing stairs or jogging or strenuous physical activity bring on any chest pain, if it does, then a Tread mill test for heart and an echocardiogram are needed and serum Troponin -T and I test, for which a cardiologists' consultation for all tests is necessaryInmeantime take ibuprofen as your doctor tells you, and arrange appointment with a cardiologist if chest pain is persisting best wishes
Hi my dad had tuberculosis infection 2years ago, he had treatment and also had an operation, removed the infected left lung part, now he is having severe breathing problem Severe asthma (when he walks his breath seem to get low and he breaths very fast and loudly), he had been taking bronchitis sprays, medications for the infection, anti bacterial etc medicine for months, he recently had a test which says in summary "minimal bronbhiectasis also noted in the medial segment of the left lower lobe. Focal linear scarring is noted in the apicoposterior segment of the right upper lobe. There is evidence of thickening and associated marked luminal narrowing of the left main bronchus, the wall thickness at the size measures 0.5cm. Findings could be secondary to previous tuberculosis infection n stricture formation, there is presence of sub centimeter lumph node in the lateral aortic region measuring 0.5cm. My dad is diabetic and he is 80+ years old, doctors has told him that he cannot have the surgery to have a replacement/transplant of the thickened bronchus because of his age, diabetic and also this surgery is not possible in the country he is living..Can you please guide me where to take my dad for surgery (i mean which country has the best medical facilities and treatment), what country? how much it will cost etc
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Presence of a lymph node in aortic region, did the doctor ruled out the presence of tuberculosis, sometimes not completely cured or resistant case, If I have to treat such a Patient I will advise breathing exercises, steam inhalations, inhalers, sputum culture and sensitivity for gram negative and gram positive, he, TLC, DLC, ESR, biopsy of lymph node, Chat Doctor. I will advise tab center 300 twice a day tab montage plus HS, tab plasma twice a day, tab theophylline 400 twice a day antibiotics according to sensitivity, complete diabetic control, Your second question s answer is you can have treatment of your father in sir gang ram hospital New Delhi, India. It is a semi govt hospital where all facilities for asthma are available. Bronchial thermoplastic is a good option for your dad for his age and diabetes.
Hello, I am a sixteen year old girl and I am a total nervous wreck about everything. So basically I have this tingling and this muscle twitching which is basically everywhere. It s completely painless and it pretty much only occurs when I m at rest like laying in bed or on the couch. If im working or with friends i dont notice it. I m not an avid exerciser so it s not because of that. I pretty much go to cheerleading twice a week and that s all. I have a pretty good diet, I think, I eat some junk but not really. I don t eat a lot of sugar. However, I don t drink a lot of water so I was wondering if that could be a reason. Someone once told me that a lack of potassium can cause that... Do you think that could be it? I also heard it could be low magnesium. The tingling started when I was on solodyn an acne med, and I read it s a side effect and I was wondering if it could carry on after I stopped taking it because now I m on monodox. It doesn t have tingling or twitching as a symptom. I watch a lot of TV and I don t have good posture, I spend so much time with my phone in my hand and I was told that could be a reason! I am also a stressful person I OVERTHINK everything and I heard that can cause that. Also would it help I I started taking vitamins? What do you think is causing this because it makes me so nervous :(
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Hi, Thanks for your query. It seems that you have muscle twitches or articulations. These are small, local, involuntary muscle contraction and relaxation visible under the skin arising from the spontaneous discharge of a bundle of skeletal muscle fibers. You might consult your doctor who can order 1. A few blood tests including thyroid function tests, 2. Serum electrolytes including Serum calcium and potassium levels. 3. Serum B12 levels In case the above tests are normal further testing can be done including - nerve conduction studies, Electromyography, etc. These tests might help to diagnose any underlying neurological issues. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
I am 29 and have just learned I am 5/6 weeks pregnant. Had a miscarriage once befocre. I started using mkat mephedrone ha year ago I became an addict. During the above said 5 weeks I did on average 1graml per day. I smoke but hardly touch alcohol. I also never took vitamins during this time. Since I ve learned of the pregnancy I started taking essential vits and consultant my gp. Told him about my drug abuse and he prescribed meds to help me cope with withdrawals as giving this drug is he most difficult addiction to quit. But for my unborn baby and me I will and want to. I ve read all there is about the substance which due to its new abuse there is not a lot known. I had to explain the use name etc to my Dr. I m waiting for an outcome to establish if the Pediatrician and Gynie recommend abortion. I can t. I was selfish but didn t know. And doing my all to be responsible for my baby now. Has babies been born with similar events and if any was there any abnormalities or effects besides early labour and miscarriage. The fetus survived this long and must be strong so he she is Gods will else I would have lost this baby aswell. I would never forgive myself if I have to abort due to my stupid selfish ways. I need help please. Before I do the wrong thing. And here in my country SA seems the Dr are ill educated in this drug so suggesting abortion I assume to them will just be practical. I knhow at this early stage I can t have scans etc to determine any damage done. I am so so scared, ashamed and desperate. Please help. Thank you
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Hello, I have gone through your query and understood the concern. As the Chat Doctor. So, you have to keep fingers crossed until you can be reasonably confident about the fetal well-being. The earliest test that can be done to assess genetic malformations is to assess the fetal DNA. This can be done early enough in the first trimester. Later on, there are the chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, fetal anomalies scan (TIFF), etc. Please take a second opinion from your doctors and pray for the best meanwhile. Take care.
Hi Doctor, I went for a check today with a doctor and also done a Gall Bladder Scan as adviced by the doctor. The scan test result says "Minimal Gall Blader Sludge with tiny calculi aprox 1.8 mm". Doctor suggested me to go for Gall Blader removal surgery. Please advice I should go for the surgery or not? Or there is any alternative treatment for this. I am having minor pain somtimes on my right upper abdominal after meal.
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Hi.thank you for posting query at Chat Doctor.I thoroughly read your query and understood your concerns. Gallstones are small stones that form inside the gallbladder. Gallstones pain (Biliary colic) usually is experienced when the gallbladder contracts in response to a fatty meal. This compresses the stones, blocking the opening. As the gallbladder relaxes several hours after the meal, the pain subsides.1. Biliary colic -"The pain without cholecystitis- gallbladder infection/inflammation" - usually subsides within few hours to a day. Acute cholecystitis secondary to gallstones may be continuous and accompanied by fever.2. Medical therapy is an option for gallstones, though a vast number of surgeons around the globe prefer removal of gall bladder-surgical intervention. Medical therapy includes intake of ursodeoxyholic acid (UCA) for a period of 12 to 24 months. UCA has been shown to inhibit biliary secretion of cholesterol, reduce intestinal absorption of cholesterol, increase hepatic bile secretion, and improve gallbladder emptying. Medical therapy is useful if mild symptoms, stones are smaller (weight reduction and low-fat diet is also a part of medical therapy.3. Surgery lasts for less than one hour (usually half an hour). Laparoscopic surgery has greatly reduced surgery time duration and surgical complications. You may travel 7 to 10 days after surgery, though the surgeon may indicate precise time. I would also like to mention that gall bladder is removed completely in surgical intervention which may impair fat digestion. You maybe asked to cut fat completely from your diet (or keep to minimum) after gall bladder surgery. Hope to answer your concern. Wish you good and sound health. Regards Chat Doctor.
Ive had a mild pain in my left lower jaw for about a month, towards the back. Its mild and it comes and goes but never gets any worse. At first, it was accompanied with soreness and mild swelling under my chin and on the left side of my jaw up to the ear. That went away after a few days but the mild on and off pain in the lower jaw, towards the back left tooth, remains. I have no pain chewing or no direct tooth pain. Please also note that I have had a chronic phelgm problem all winter. No runny nose, sore throat, or cough, just nagging phelgm in the sinuses.
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Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint pain on left jaw along with swelling under the chin is indicative of some or the other forms of infection which can be due to:1. In case if you have wisdom tooth erupting the swelling can be due to inflammation of the gum flap over the wisdom tooth and the condition is known as PERITONITIS, and it can lead to pain in jaw radiating to ear along will swell in the lymph nodes, although submandibular lymph nodes are commonly swollen which are present below the jawline but can in few cases submental [below chin] can also be involved.2. Another reason can be infection in the tooth/teeth which must have got non-vital due to necrosis of nerves as a result of infection, but the area below the root tips may get infection due to progression from tooth and can lead to pain which can radiate to jaw, ear as well as swollen lymph nodes.3. One more reason can be infection in the submandibular salivary gland leading to pain in jaw, but it will also be evident just under the jawline. You need to consult an ORAL PHYSICIAN and get evaluated to get ruled out for the exact cause of the pain and the treatment can be planned only after knowing the final diagnosis. Hope this information helps. If you find the answer helpful please give me a Five-Star Review and click on found the answer helpful as a token of appreciation. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. .
Hi. for a long time now I ve suffered from headaches and feels like my head is too heavy. I ve been having nasty pains in my lower back and hips. now the last few weeks I ve been feeling sick when I eat AND when I don t eat! So I m never sure what to do. I get a lot of noise in my tummy after eating and quite often have to rush to the toilet. its very soft and greasy. going to the toilet is usually pain free but I can get severe pain in my tummy afterwards which last up to an hour. any ideas? Thanks
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Here your main question is on lower back pain but while giving the symptom explanation you have told a lot about your gastric problem rather than lower back pain. As per my suggestion this both may or may not be related. Let's take a look on your gastric issue:You have symptoms like after food frequent motion, and after that pain in stomach, as well you Don't feel to eat anything. This all symptoms are indicating towards inflammatory bowel syn Chat Doctor. To get conformation you need to visit gastroenterologist and need to have check properly. You may need to go for endoscopy too. And the report will let you know your problem. As per that discuss with your doctor for possible treatment and early relief. Now let's take a look on back pain: this can be due to back muscle weakness or loss of spinal curve as well spinal disc related issue. I suggest treating your major problem first that is gastric problem and then if back pain is still not gone then visit an orthopedic take an x-ray or MRI and based on report take proper suggestion. Here with minor problem doctor will suggest conservative management like physiotherapy and medication. And for any major issue doctor may suggest for surgical correction. In both the cases my suggestion is followed spinal exercises to improve strength and stamina of your spin. You can also use hot pack in your painful area to have some more relaxing and pain relieving effect on soft tissue. I also want to suggest one more thing correct your lifestyle, food habit, posture of work, Don't take much of tea and coffee as well never take it as only tea or coffee always have something along with that to improve your gastric health further. Take care.
do you think i could be bipolar, BPD or hormonal, im a 15 year old girl. this is the stuff ive been experiencing.. -weird thought or dreams.- i talk really fast at times and at times slow.- ive been more interested in sex. i know thats the whole point of hormones bubt its like ALOT like i used to think it was yucky nad gross even when i started my period, which was 2 years ago. -MOOD SWINGS!. like one day ill be laughing and the next ill be crying. my self esteam suffers from this and my moods range from anexity, extreme anger, extreme sadness and doubtfulness, happiness wherer i cant stop laughing for no reason and cant stop smiling and i think im better then anyone even though i know thats wrong. its litterally like gears in my head that i cant feel turning but cant do anything to stop them- constant abandonment or feeling empty and alone. i always feel alone, no matter how many people are with me and i feel like everyone could leave me at any minute.- ive gone through alot in my life and its been REALLY HARD. please my mom doesnt believe me and im underage so i cant go by myself. Im scared of whats happening to me and i just want some sort of answer to go by. ive tried online quizzes and tests but i know that doesnt count as a real diagnosis.
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Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. From the symptoms you present, I don't see the reason to classify this as bipolar disorder. You could be having stress disorder. Usually due to disappointment in life after a series of stressful events. Prolonged stress and disappointment combines to create lethargy and mood swings temporarily. I assure you, these are temporary. Concentrate on your career studies and be active. Ignore these symptoms. Do consult a psychologist if symptoms did not vanish within 15 days. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
My mother is 92 years old and last Friday bruising started showing on her forehead. She had fallen a month ago and hit the back of her head. There was a bruise and lump. The bruise has remained and the lump seems to be the same. The extra bruising on her forehead and now the crown of her nose is recent and today is more black and worse. any suggestions as to what is going on? She is on Warfarin. my e-mail address is YYYY@YYYY
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Hi, thank-you for the brief history of your mother. I am sorry to hear that at this age she had to undergo so much pain and aches. Without wasting time, as you told she had a fall, and post that only this blackness on her forehead though it is a month-old injury. I think she had a fall and internal bleeding, that is the reason of the black spot and swelling. Usually any swelling should come by a maximum of week or so. Human body is a self medicine for itself, so body removes the excess waste from the excretory system. Also, I am unsure if you have met a physician that day. If not I will recommend you to meet one and get checked. Also, I am not sure, where at this age she is mobile or no because continuous lying down can also lead to pressure sore at this age. As we age the human body loses its capacity to quick healing. Just on a safer note I recommend visiting a physician and get checked once. If all turns out fine then you can help her by just requesting a physical therapy services at the door step. They will work out behind the breathing exercises, simple passive or active movements which will help the functioning of the lungs and the hemodynamic to the optimum again. Also, kindly take her out in the sun for sun baths and provide good nutrition. Sunbaths will help her to Chat Doctor. I have been seeing old cases between 60-100 and I deal with them by providing regular breathing exercises, active or passive exercises, sunbaths, proper diet and care, this has led my old patient to help them functionally motivated and also have helped them to be energetic and avoid falls as well. I wish your mother the grace of God and a good health soon. Regards
I believe I have had H1N1 - though did not consider this until this week. First came on suddenly Dec 19 with sniffles. Since then have had all respiratory system involvement in stages - throat painful - used salt water gargle, stuffed and runny nose, seriously plugged left sinus under eye - used saline spray, went into lungs - lots of coughing and at other times it stays quiescent although feels irritated lower center, occasionally chest hurts. Have coughed up and lots of phlegm - dark yellow, green, and after a particularly heavy coughing spell may have light blood streaks and this has been when hard to catch my breath. I have not seen a doctor as was treating as just a viral cold,as my normal body temp 97 and highest was 99 and then immediately dropped to 95. Most recent 96/97 again. This is now 2 weeks. Nose still a little runny, not coughing much today, but am feeling "slightly clogged" in lower lung. Other meds for cold have been Benylin and Advil cold & sinus. I have also had a touch of diarhea, lack of appetite. My MS is currently asymptomatic and while lethargic have not had the onset of MS fatigue. I do not like to go to the mediclinic unnecessarily, but should I be considering going now after 2 weeks even though my primary problem now is lesser degree of phlegm in my lungs?.
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. You are mostly having either bronchitis or lung infection because all your symptoms are seen in both of these conditions. And multiple sclerosis (MS) can be the risk factor for both of these. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. Chest x-ray to rule out lung infection 3. PUT (Pulmonary Function Test) to rule out bronchitis. If both are normal then possibility of viral Upper respiratory tract infection (URI) is more. So better to first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Last year, I went through much testing with a GI doctor. Finally, in June of 2013 I was rushed to the hospital with fluid around my heart and lungs. I was hospitalized for 7 days. During this period of time, I had my gallbladder removed as well since it showed it had gone bad. I have been well for 7 months. This past Sunday, my stomach started having contractions, spasms, whatever you want to call it. I was in horrible pain. But I went to sleep and woke up fine. On this past Monday, woke up fine, and about 3:00 pm it hit again. I was in so much pain, I started vomiting. I barely made it through the evening. I woke up Tuesday morning and was fine again. I made it thru Tuesday to today. I was fine all day until around 4:00 pm, The spasms started and I had to run to the bathroom for a bowel movement. I feel some relief but I am still having minor contractions and waves of pain. My GI doctor gave me an RX of Levsin/SL 125 MG, last year, but I have never taken the medication. I am wondering if I can take it now. I took Prilosec this morning and Zantac this afternoon around 4:00 pm. It is now 6:08 pm. I also take the drug Spironolactone and Kflex (an antiobiotic). I will call my GI doctor in the morning, but I am trying to get thru the evening without this intense pain that comes and goes. I am not pregnant either. Should I take the Levsin? Thank you, Anji
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Hi. Surely you can take Lesson as you are in a pain. From your history I can decipher that you may probably be suffering from an intestinal infection or some sort of sub-acute obstruction. This gives the spasms. A good test is a take an X-ray of the abdomen in a standing position. This is a good investigation that can diagnose the obstruction part. Also go for stool test to rule out infection. It is a good idea to rule out any medical condition like diabetes / thyroid problem, as they too can give such symptoms. Would like to know about the tests and the progress.
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I have had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, Ultrasound, chest xray, and I still have no real diagnosis of why I continue to have extreme abdominal distention, bloating, upper abdominal discomfort, and extreme fullness when I eat anything, even small portions. Now I have discovered 2 bruised areas on my abdomen, near my naval and to the right of it. I look like I am about 4 months pregnant. I am 60 years old, female. I have high cholesterol, HTN. I have been told I have some diverticulosis, a hiatal hernia, take prilosec which does nothing. I do not experience reflux. I feel like they think I am making these symptoms up, but it is pretty obvious if you look at me.The upper abdominal pain i have is center and to the right slightly, and is always there like a constant discomfort.
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Hi Madam. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. Read and understood your problem at the age of 60 years looking like 4 months pregnant. All the investigations you did like colonoscopy, Endoscopy ultrasonography, X-ray of the chest may not show everything. Your Symptoms of pain in abdomen, bloating discomfort can be mainly died to the Anxiety and or stress, allowing you to have lots of aerophobia meaning swallowing air, you may have dentures or the change of taste for foods and soda and colas etc. Another reason can be you are taking foods with nuts or so, that give the similar symptoms. I would advise you the following:Get a course of an antibiotic and metronidazole along with probiotics, activated charcoal tablets and an Anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Stop all the foods and beverages which you must have noticed to cause such symptoms and I hope you will be fine. Control of the stress and / or anxiety is the key. If there is not much of a response, please undergo few more tests like Enterocolitis and CT scan of the abdomen. If all the tests are normal, get an opinion of a Gastroenterologist and start getting treated for IBS, the Irritable Bowel Syn
I am a 28 year old female, who has experienced several symptoms of an autoimmune disorder for about 7-10 years with no treatment. I am going to see a Rheumatologist , but am curious if anyone knows about a Positive Sjogren s SS-B with a negative Sjogrens SS-A? I am curious what this means. My RA factor is -7 on a scale of 0-13.9. My TSH is between 1-2, which I read is good. I am ANA and ANA w/ reflex positive. Finally, in addition to negative SS-A and positive SS-B, my ENA panel shows below average slightly for ANTI-DNA, RNP Abs, and Smith ABs. With not seeing a Rheumatologist, my primary care physicians says I have a 10% chance of having SLE and a 30% chance of Sjogren s Syndrome. I have multiple symptoms of both conditions, however, no dry mouth . My symptoms include a long list, but it appears I have the following symptoms: Sinus Issues Reynauds Some joint discomfort in ankles, fingers, and knees My tonsils are slightly disfigured with particles that show up in them A history of weak and cavity ridden teeth Memory loss and confusion Dizziness Infrequent migraines w/ aura Frequent urination Fitigue Anxiety and Depression (Random) Rough/course and dry hair Acne Blurred Vision Trouble sleeping due to back pain Green mucus etc. No rashes or dry mouth Any help would be greatly appreciated in calming my anxiety over the blood test results. Thank you, Jade
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Hii am an ayurvedic doctor according to our system autoimmune systems can be treated by immune modulator Chat Doctor. In Ayurveda immunity can be related to vydhikshamatwam or ball of patients. Which means the capacity of body to prevent body from different diseases or the strength of the body to resist the disease against it to become worsen. Based on this idea we can give relief to you. If Ayurveda doctors available at your area you can visit him or else you can use some medicines if you give correct feed back about you through mail, [email protected]
I m 21 and I have been suffering SI joint pain for a little over 3 months now. I was in the gym stretching and doing upper body workouts (overhead press, tricep extensions, bicep curls, etc) and my back really started hurting so I ended up going home because of the pain. I haven t had any issues with my back since I started college. A few years ago in high school I was in a car accident and did physical therapy for my SI joints and was fine after a month, I also did competitive cheerleading for 10 years, and occasionally had back problems.Both reasons which probably explain the arthritis that MRI showed in both SI joints that I got when my back had been hurting for a month. I ve tried Naproxen, Meloxicam, physical therapy, and exercises of any kind - simple stretches, bike, etc make it hurt significantly worse. I can go from zero pain then after (not during the exercise) I will have a lot of pain, not soreness, pain. I did an SI joint injection (only in the left to see if it would help) and 2 days after my pain was worse than before the injection and continued for a few days. Finally, the pain was so bad I went to the ER, they ended up doing a lumbar MRI as well, because I had not had one yet and I have a mild bulging disc between L5 and S1, no leg numbess or anything. After a follow up with the orthopedic he thinks the pain is from the SI joints, not the disc. My pain is still worse than it initially was after this injection (which was 2 weeks ago now). What other options are available after trying medicines and injections? Thanks!
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Most of all is to get pain relief you should go for hot fomentation/ice packs for at least of 15 mins and laser therapy sessions available at physiotherapy clinic and ultrasonic therapy. Once the pain is reduced start doing buttock squeeze exercise-lie on your back squeeze buttock muscles hold for 10 counts and repeat for 10 times. Do straight leg raise till 30 degree alternate and make sure to bend one knee while raising other leg straight don't hold the leg bridging will also helps knee to chest exercise slower trunk rotation.
This was on my CT..I am very worried about cancer. I had this ct scan back on 4/9/14 in the Er and no one mentioned the pancreas. I found it while gong through my records last weeek. i have an appt on tues with my GI Doc. is this normal? I also have GERD .. I do have pain directly on my ribs..but this has been on and off for years .feels like squishy fatty lumps LIMITED ABDOMEN: Small to moderate hiatal hernia. There is an unusual contour to the body of the pancreas with the posterior aspect bulging but approximately 16 x 20 mm in size. A pancreatic MRI would be useful to confirm that this is truly just a normal anatomic variation of the pancreas and to exclude a pancreatic lesion or peripancreatic lymph node. BONES: Normal. CONCLUSION: 1. No evidence of pulmonary embolus. 2. Small to moderate hiatal hernia. 3. Unusual contour to the posterior body of the pancreas which is likely a normal variation of pancreatic anatomy. In order to exclude a peripancreatic lymph node or exophytic pancreatic mass, further evaluation would be recommended with either CT or MRI of the abdomen, non-emergently.
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Hi, Thanks for writing in. The first CT might have been done for the chest, and you probably had discomfort and breathing problems. There is no pulmonary embolus shows no blood clot in the lungs. Hiatal hernia is a condition where there is upwards movement of the stomach and this is mild and therefore not a serious problem, and you might be aware about it. This can cause acid reflux symptoms. The pancreas is a soft organ and is tadpole in shape. Some people can have a bulky head region of pancreas, and probably it is there in your scan. If you are doing well without any problems in digestion and if there is no abdominal pain then your pancreas is a sort of normal variation. This is common and found in many patients. The pancreas is slightly prominent for this reason, and it is not a problem. Please do not worry.
Hello doctor, mu mum is a patient of chronic asthma and Hypertension . she takes losartan potassium 50mg 1times daily and amlodipine 5g 2 times daily.if she takes the drugs her BP remains 130/70. to control asthma she takes Seretide Accuhaler 50/250 puff 1times daily and sulbutamol inhaler 3 to 4 times daily and montelukast 10mg 1 times. my mum is 66 yrs old. my question is that. is it safe to take montelukast 10mg for long term use? as i see if she takes that medicine her asthma is controlled better . please give me some suggestion
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Hello, Thank you for asking t Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for your mother as follows:1. Regarding your main query, montelukast 10 mg is usually considered very safe for long term use. Common side effects are nausea or stomach upset. If she is not experiencing such side effects, I would suggest her to continue it as it helps to control her asthma.2. However, albuterol inhaler is a "rescue" type of inhaler, which should be used only for asthma symptoms like wheezing or shortness of breath. If she needs to use it 3-4 time daily, it means her asthma is not well controlled, and she needs to upgrade her controller medications.3. Her controller medications are - montelukast and Sere tide 50/250. So I would suggest her to upgrade dose of Fluticasone component of Sere tide after consulting her doctor as daily use of albuterol inhaler is not desirable. 4. I would also suggest you to make sure that the technique of using Accurate by your mother is perfect. If it is not perfect, there are chances that adequate amounts of Chat Doctor. So please get her technique reviewed by her doctor.5. I would also suggest your mother regular breathing exercise and a healthy diet which will improve her lung capacity and immunity respectively. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you and solves your query. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish your mother the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
Im under going treatment for what my doctor believes is an MSRA infection. I have been a relatively healthy, albeit overweight 31 year old. (53 -270). The infection began as an abscess in my armpit that rapidly grew and had to be opened and drained. While they took a culture at that time the results have not come back yet and that was Sunday. Since then redness spread from my armpit down to just past my breast on my left side. After days of daily packing of the wound, receforin shots and 2 oral antibiotics the redness has begun to dissipate leaving behind healing blisters and hard lumps under my skin. The packing has been removed and the doctor feels we are over the biggest hurtles and on the mend. I have however noticed in the past 25 hours that me calf muscles are really sore, my jaw and front teeth ache like Ive been clenching my teeth and I often get nauseas an hour or so before its time to take another dose of pain medicine. I also seem to have indigestion along with the nausea and have not had a bowel movement in 4 days. Im just not sure if these new symptoms are apart of the spreading infection or a result of the medication Im on. Advice would be appreciated. Im taking reprexain 10-200mg tablets every 6 hours for pain along with clindamycin hcl 300mg (2 twice daily) and sulfamethoxazole-tmp ds (bactrim generic 1 tablet twice daily). Thank you for your time and consideration. -jessica
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Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Understanding your concern. As per your query you are wondering if represent cause sore calf and pain in jaw. Jr pain occur due to many reasons like bruise, dental infection, nerve pain or TMJ problem. Calf muscle pain can occur due to May reason like sciatica, DVT or muscle cramps. But in your case the symptoms are probably due to side effects of represent, so consult doctor who prescribed it. Doctor may alter the dose or prescribe substitute. If condition doesn't get well then consult orthopedic surgeon for calf pain and oral surgeon for jaw pain. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
A 54-year-old Type-A male business executive had been experiencing migrainelike headaches. One afternoon he also experienced light-headedness, slurred speech and mildly impaired motor function on his right side. One of his colleagues rushed him to the emergency room of a nearby hospital where blood pressure, blood gases, electrolytes, and an ECG were run. His blood pressure was 195/100 mm Hg, which he said was typical of what he had experienced during the past two years. Blood gases and electrolytes were normal. The ECG showed no arrhythmias but did demonstrate a left axis deviation. The gentleman was admitted to the hospital and a cerebral angiogram was performed which showed left cerebral hemorrhaging. 1. What is the diagnosis of this individual s disorder?2. What are the major contributing factors to this disorder?3. What could have been done to prevent this problem?4. What are the early warning symptoms prior to the complication?5. Why did the ECG show a left axis deviation?6. Why was there impaired motor function on the right side from cerebral hemorrhaging on the left side?
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Hello, The patient has had a left cerebral hemorrhage. The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body. Therefore, the hemorrhage on the left side of the brain affects the right side of the body. A high blood pressure is probably the cause of the hemorrhage in this case. A normal BP is 120/80. So, of course, the BP was high for him. And this may have resulted in the hemorrhage. The recovery depends on the size of hemorrhage, the age of the patient, the deficit in the first place, the location of the hemorrhage and control of BP among several other factors. A control of BP previously by regular check-up may have prevented the condition. A headache may have been a common symptom that he may develop. However, very frequently there is no preceding symptom. The ECG findings suggest that hypertension was starting to affect the heart chambers as well. The heart was probably starting to remodel itself in view of the blood pressure changes. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor, Planetologist
I am 31, slightly overweight at 150 in a 5 2 body. I ve been pretty healthy my whole life with only minor issues. I also grew up with herpes on the my mouth, contracted as a child. I have no diseases or major allergies that I know of otherwise. I have had one sexual partner for several years. Our house is averagely clean, we eat organic food, I live in Portland, OR. Recently, at night I felt like bugs were biting me here and there. I thought maybe my skin was just dry and itchy. Then on my arm, the next day, a tiny mark that looked and felt like a mosquito bite appeared and I scratched it, the sore filled up with clear fluid and took at least a week longer to heal than it should have. Another one appeared next to it. Then later some on my jowl appeared. They became very crusty and seepy, not like a scar from scratching a bug bite. It reminded me greatly of the herpes I used to get on my mouth, but there were Not lots of little bumps like with herpes. Then they left a scar and faded away. I got some on the lip of my nose and they still have not healed because they keep getting reinfected by a cold weather nose drip. I got two on my left hand. One was on a finger joint and one was not, the joint one is incredibly painful and looks infected even though I keep putting antibiotic ointment on it. I have been putting antibiotic on all the sores and little is happening. I m very concerned. What is happening!!?? I barely ever go anywhere to contract diseases. I do the same thing every day and nothing carrying disease has been introduced into our house. Please tell me what this is and what to do! Thank you!
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Hi, seems like reactivation of herpes. Herpes virus tend to hide in our nerves and reactivates when our immunity lowers. E.g. Cough any cold. Old age. Cold weather. According to your history most likely herpes. If you get frequent recurrences you should go for prophylactic therapy.otherwise taking only treatment from your GP is enough. When people undergo stress. Immune suppressive treatment, cold weather it causes frequent recurrences.
Hi, I m 14. On the 14th of last month i had sex with my boyfriend, we used a condom and he did cum inside me. At first i thought i was fine because we used protection, but after he pulled out realised that there was cum running down my leg and everywhere else, then i noticed the condom had a massive tear init. I was going to get the morning after pill the next day when early on the morning i had my period, it was a normal period, started at around 9am the usual time and i was heavy! This lasted four days, that is how long it usualy lasts for. So i presumed everything was fine. But lately i have been experiencing heartburn , moodswings, breakouts, sore breasts, cramp in my lower stomach and constant back ache. Some of those symptoms i usually get about a week or so before my next period but not all of them. Today i noticed i was bleeding quite heavily, this only lasted an hour or so and since that bleeding i have no longer been feeling anything, no symptoms at all and my stomach used to be bloated but now its gone back to what is near enough its regular size. but since then it had made me consider my options on the possibility s of why this could be happening. I m terrified and in seek of help as soon as possible, i really need peace at mind so if you know why this is happening to me please explain, thank you. Ps, I ve noticed it s asking me to pay but i have no money at all considering i am only 14, so i you get this please just reply to my email, i cant pay you but it would mean alot if you did. Thank you very much
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Hi, Since you attained your natural period soon after the intercourse, you are safe from pregnancy. Ovulation occurs two weeks prior to the onset of the next period and this is the fertile period when conception can occur. You may have had an early period owing to stress in the next cycle. Your symptoms could be the usual premenstrual ones. If you continue to bleed irregularly, you need medical help and should see a specialist for a proper appraisal of the situation. Please try to avoid further intercourse until you heal well and go for regular contraception. Take care.
Hi my my name is francis 28 years old.. I have taken blodtest in a Alpha medical clinic november 19 2013 i have conducted hepa a, b,c screenting test and the results were negative. My sgpt was 89. After a week i go to a company hospital to check again my sgpt level in it becomes 157, the doctor told me to do exercise and eat a lot of fiber and also take sylimarine after 10 days i went back to the company hospital to conduct hep a and b screening and also to check my sgpt level the result for my sgpt is 101. Then hepa b negative for hepa a 1gg positive igm negative the doctor told me that i am infected by hep a but im on recovery stage. After 5 days i went to beta medical clinic to check my sgpt and the result is 130. I was worried i came back to the company hospital and conducted ultrasound for my abdomen the result were suspected fatty liver.. i stop drinking alchohol for seven weeks since november 19 2013. I took sylimarine 3 times a day and avoid eating meat. I also eat oatmeal tuna with veg oil try green leafy vegetable but continue smoking and eat spicy foods. On january 7 2014 i came back to alpha medical clinic to test again my sgpt the result is 114. Please give me advice or activity that i must do in order to lower my sgpt and how long it will took to lower it.. thank so much..
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HelloYour findings suggests raised SGPT level. Increased SGPT may indicate liver injury. It may be due to many reasons like hepatitis, alcohol intake, fatty liver,autoimmune causes etc. Increased SGPT may be due to fatty liver in your case. You may need few more investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, lipid profile. I suggest tablet ursodeoxycholic acid 300 mg twice daily to my patient for three months. It helps in regeneration of liver cells. It is good that you have stopped alcohol intake. You should go for brisk walk and do exercise. Fatty liver is a reversible condition. It will reverse with diet and lifestyle changes. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
Hello Doctor. My son is 2 ad 1/4 yrs old . He s getting into motion problems since December 25 ,2013. He took ofcomac (for a week), Ofcomac Forte &bifilac (for a week) , Metrogyl(5 days ) and z&d (2 weeks) .After the above treatment he became normal . 3 weeks later one night he got vomiting. He vomited 13 times n 3 hrs followed by which he was given Vomiset injection and got vomiting controlled . But had vomiting sensation and motion problems started again. He again took the medicines Propanz,zoxakind-o,Progurt, ascezin (10 days ) . After the above treatment he was normal for a week only. Now again he s stuck up with loose motion problems . i have give motion culture ,complete and a test for reducing substance. The report says 1.positive(trace) for reducing substance 2. Acidic and occasional pus cells 3. So far no pathogens found in culture ( still a day more for the culture result to come ) I am very confused and worried concerned about my son s health . why does he get this problems often? We are pure veg and his diet is a normal one for the past yrs ( milk ,idly ,dosa ,chapati,biscuits , fruit juice and chocolates ) . i dont give him outside food . I didn t try any new food except i had given a try for the horlicks and bournvita for adults occasionally . Kindly provide your valuable guidance . Will he have any internal problems ? like intestine problems ? Thanks in advance for providing ur valuable guidance .
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He might be having lactose intolerance. Avoid milk and milk products. Put him on a very bland diet like rice kanji, vegetable soups, sooji or oats oatmeal and plenty of oral fluids like fruit juice etc. give him Darla sacchets-one packet mixed with pre boiled and cooled water twice a day for one week, if vomit persists give him meet syrup 5ml twice a day before food for 5 days,since u had already given antibiotic let us not repeat. Avoid chocolates and cream biscuits for a fortnight, he will be fine
hi my husband of 32 had a non penetrating chest trauma on his left side after cycling into a post 2 years ago,we went to a&e to check it out but they didnt seem to worry about it,even though no tests/xrays were done.shortly after he suffered repeated heartburn and could pinpoint to a tender area on left side of chest where it felt to be burning inside.he took omeprazole and domperidone for 2 years but symptoms persisted,he had a camera into his stomach but everything looked normal,his lymph nodes are ok too.however for the past 6 weeks its got so bad that he has severe heartburn constantly even without eating food,his left side of neck (jugular vein?) is very tender to touch from head down to collar bone,heavy feeling in lower jaw and tender area still in was so bad that i took him to hospital 3 times thinking he was having a heart attack,ecg were ok and blood pressure and oxygen levels good.the doctors dont seem to know what it coud be,its taken over his life,he has lost 1 stone in 6 weeks as hes been off his food afraid things will make it worse still.he had an allergy test and it came back clear.please can you give us any suggestions what it could be and if you think there could have been some injury 2 years ago off his bicycle that nobody picked up he is a muscular fit guy the doctors just shrugged their shoulders when i suggested he have an xray or scan for damage to the heart tissue or vessels etc??? please reply as soon as possibleregardsnicola (uk)
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Hi Nicolai have gone through the details provided by you of your husband. Its quite unfortunate that no diagnosis has been made and still he is suffering. As he had an injury to the chest I would like to recommend CT scan of chest for him as we might be missing something which could show up in the test. That the only hope if something could be picked up in that. Sometimes even for very experienced doctors also it becomes very difficult to understand the abnormality and to treat when they are not getting any clue as medical science is an ever-changing field. I advise you not to lose hope. I wish him good luck and health
hi doctor this is mrs. saha here .... i m suffering from cold since my childhood , i cant work much with water . i m allergic to perfumes, talcum powder, sometime incense sticks , kitchen smoke etc. when a cold starts , firstly i have irritation in the nose, then,suddenly sneezing starts almost for an hour sometimes and then the whole day , then my nose gets blocked , firstly one then the other too. then i m unable to breathe properly , doctor has prescribed me fluticone, i had hell lot of antibiotics and homeopathy , did a scan too earlier but cant understand what to do...... this time i m suffering since 7 months...!
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Hello Mrs Saga, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. I would like to know more about your complaints like nose symptoms, sinus symptoms, eye symptoms, breathing difficulty, wheezing, etc., their seasonal variations, etc. At present, I would make suggestions for you from your given history only.2. I would suggest you allergy testing for common airborne allergens such as house dust mites, molds, pollen, insect proteins, animal dander, etc. This will help you identify the substances causing allergies to you as well as to know the measures to avoid them.3. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on immune system to gradually improve your allergy symptoms.4. For symptom relief, I would suggest you intranasal spray such as Fluticasone propionate or Mometasone furnace.5. Regular steam inhalation will help you in a long run.6. In general, please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes, air pollution and cold air as much as possible.7. Regular breathing exercises and a healthy nutrition rich in vitamins and minerals will also help you in a long run by improving your lung capacity and immunity. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. More specific suggestions can be made after your detailed history. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
Right under my knee it started to swell and it hurts. I put a menthol patch on it and I am trying not to walk on it. I feel some tingling from under my knee to my foot. I covered my leg because it started to feel cold and when I usually do this it helps. I never notice my leg to be like this. I am trying to do anything that I can to relieve my knee. My sisters said I should exercise, but I really don t think this is the key answer to my knee. At one time that I could remember is I walking down the steps and I trip and I stumbled on my knee really hard. After this I started to have this problem with my knee. What can I do to relieve the pain that I am in. How can I help the swelling go down at home or do I need to a Dr.
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Hi, thank-you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough neuromuscular assessment is advised. As you have pain and tingling from the knee to the foot, it could be related to a nerve pinch in the spine. As the tingling sensation is a comment feature of the nerve impingement. Also, for swelling of your knee, you need to apply icing to reduce the swelling. Understanding that the knee joint has a bunch of ligaments and any pathology of it may lead to swollen knees. Undergoing a thorough musculoskeletal assessment and an MRI scan will assist in understanding the soft tissues. If the clinical assessment comes closer to the neuropathic pain more, than an MRI of the lumbar spine will be advised to see the nerve impingement. Usually by clinical assessment it can be confirmed and an MRI of lumbar spine may not be advised. Undergoing physical therapy like - Therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy the pain and swelling will be reduced. Post which exercises will be taught to strengthen the muscles and in about 2-3 weeks of time you will be fine. Also, to understand that you can perform this exercises at home taught to you by a physical therapist as it will maintain the long term care of the symptoms. In my clinical practice I advise patients to undergo physical therapy and 99% recovery is achieved. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
Am having allegic asthama since my childhood,I am serious about my health taking precautions regarding dos n donts. Still 1ce or twice m having breathing pblm am using rotahaler . Some doctors prefer its good for asthama but some asks not to use it please suggest me what to do??? I am confused
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Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. Were I treating you, first I would like to know more about your symptoms in detail. Depending upon frequency of your symptoms and severity of your symptoms only, I would be able to say whether you need inhalers and what type of inhalers. (There are two types of inhalers - rescue type to be used for symptoms relief and controller type for regular use)2. I would at least suggest you regular montelukast which would help in allergic asthma and may reduce your requirement of inhalers. 3. In general, inhalers are safer than oral tablets as they act directly into lungs and hence dose required is small. Ensuring right type of inhaler with correct technique also is important to minimize the dose of inhalers.4. I would also suggest you allergy testing which will help you identify the substances causing allergies to you as well as to know how to avoid their exposure. Based on allergy testing report, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe you allergen specific immunotherapy which works on your immune system to improve your allergy symptoms for long term.5. In addition to above, I would also suggest you to have a regular exercise schedule and a healthy diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with improves your immunity gradually.6. Regular breathing exercises, Panama and Yoga also will gradually improve your lung capacity. To summarize regarding your main query for inhalers, I would like to say that inhalers are better than orally taken Chat Doctor. Please follow your doctors' advice regarding inhaler use. Please learn proper technique of using inhaler and avoid the substances which are worsening your allergies/asthma. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
Hi. I am a 45 year old female. I exercise regularly and eat healthily and although I do smoke I consider myself to be physically fit. Over the last couple of months myself and others have noticed that my head shakes and I have no control when it happens. It happens pretty much every day now. I went to my doctors and today I had blood tests for all sorts of things....diabetes, thyroid, bones...because I have a lot of pain in my joints, cholesterol. I suppose my question is would the head shaking be related to any of the things I have been tested for? It does worry me as I work with elderly people and I see it a lot in our clients who have Parkinsons. I am due to go back to my doctors on the 29th of this month for the results of the blood tests but am afraid of what he is going to tell me. Steph
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Head shaking or tremors of the head are much more commonly associated with a condition known as BENIGN ESSENTIAL TREMOR (BET) rather than PARKINSON DISEASE (PD) although some Parkinson's patients certainly do have elements of essential tremor present when the disease is advanced such as head and jaw tremoring....but in benign essential tremor head bobbing or shaking is a common finding. Blood tests are usually negative for any abnormality if the diagnosis is truly one of either BET or PD. Good would be very pleasing to me to know that you will quit smoking in this New Year since I can almost guarantee that as physically fit as you are at this time.... I will nearly guarantee feeling ad being able to perform physically nearly 10x better if you would give up the cigarettes....not to mention how money you could donate extra if you'd like to your favorite charity! ;)I very much doubt you are developing any symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of PD. Anyways, if this answer to your question helped in some small measure would you do me the favor of giving me some written feedback and a STAR RATING. If you'd like to also ask me additional questions about your question of head shaking we can go through a few more things if you'd visit me Chat Doctor. I will promptly respond to you with answers
I am from Ernakulam. Now I am at Yemen. In 2009 March . I was pregnant. My date was Nov. 22. That time I am also here. But from 6th month I had a little B.P. ( 140) and the 6th month last I went to Kerala. .Then I check my B.P. that time it increased 180 level. The doctor gave the medicine. And after one week again check the B.P. but its not decreased. (Those times I am not feel the baby s movement.) Then she had done scan. She said the baby was dangerous condition. In side the fluid is very less and the baby has low weight . Then suddenly refer another hospital (EMC) and done the operation. The baby s weight 800g. only. And baby has many deceases. (Heart problem, Less plasma) after one week baby passed away. About this incident Can you clear some doubts. 1) why like this happened ? 2) If I again pregnant, have I get again B.P. ? 3) In 3rd month I had very itching in my urinal area. Is that is the problem of low weight baby ? 4) When I try again a baby ? ( Operation done last September )
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HI, Thanks for the query. I am sorry to read what you had to go through & understand your concern. - High blood pressure in pregnancy is known to cause low birth weight / premature delivery & sometimes fetal loss also. So your early delivery can be due to high blood pressure. - The vaginal itching you had in early months of pregnancy might have turned in urinary infection which in turn had caused blood pressure & low birth weight of baby. - but the heart problem at birth, is not observed to be due to blood pressure. - There is possibility of getting blood pressure in next pregnancy too. But stay cool, it can be very well managed by early diagnosis & regular medication treatment/ regular pregnancy checkups/much lifestyle changes & mind concentration exercises along with positive thoughts. -- if not genetic (either of parents having heart problem in family) Congenital heart problem can be prevented by - Rubella vaccination (6 months prior to conception)/ having iodized salt, folic acid in pregnancy. Thanks.
Hello Doctor,My name is Srikanth. I am a 23 year old boy who is a native of India currently living in UKI have been having pain in the inside of the right side cheek for the past five days. There is no pain either in the teeth or gums. It seems like inflammation. But If I touch in that area with my area, I cannot feel any inflammed part or I cannot see any inflammation if I look through the mirror. One doctor here checked whether it is mouth ulser and she said it was not. however she was not able to suggest a cure.This thing is painful all through the day and especially painful when I eat and extremely painful when I yawn. I used to get this condition sometimes when I was a child. My mom used to tell me that it is because of the body getting heated up and used to give me some food that she said would cool the body. But I dont remember what she used to give. I am from India (hot climate) and so used to get this condition often. but it has never stayed more than two days. Now I am in UKI dont have any other medical condition presently and I am not taking any medicine regularly. Hope I gave enough information to help you diagnose what the cause may be. I am extremely thankful for this service. I just found this website accidentally and I like it very muchRegards,Srikanth
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Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concern... As per your complaint if there is no apparent inflammation or ulceration on the inner cheek where you have pain and the pain aggravates on eating and yawning it seems most probably a NEUROPATHIC PAIN due to nerve inflammation and irritation. You need not worry and apply a numbing gel over the painful area containing Lidocaine. You can take Ibuprofen for reducing inflammation and pain. Gradually as the irritation will reduce pain will subside. In case if there is no improvement consult a Neurophysician who can do a thorough clinical evaluation and if required he can advise you to take anticonvulsant painkillers like Gabapentin as it helps in relieving nerve induced pain. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. .
Hi Doc,Well I am aged 31, and 56 tall and weigh 70kg and till now I am of very good health until recently contracting typhoid due to having food out, due to situation demanding problems. I was suffering from fever since the Aug 28 and the temperature was going up and down with my throat burning. I was treated initially with paracetemol and ciprofloxacin for about 3 days first and then when again I was having the temperature and the same symptoms, the medication continued for another 4 days. It subsided but again after two days my throat started burning...cold and cough followed and temperature also rose. When I changed a doc ...he prescribed me to undergo a blood test with all details, which analyzed revealed I was having Typhoid...even this doc gave me tabs only for 3 days and he told me that since I used antibiotics...these would suffice...what he prescribed me were ORFIX- CV, OFLOXIN -100 & LOR -10, which were asked to be taken once in the morning and at night and one more tab for fever which has paracetamol, which was asked to be taken only when there is temperature on the high side. well now that the medication is completed two days ago...I feel that the cough and cold hasnt subsided and I still get flum in white color most of times and in yellow color sometimes after getting up from bed in the mornings. My friends advise me to take two pegs of whisky or brandy at night before bed time. Is it safe to drink now......I am only a social blue moon drinker. What precautions are to be taken? Could you please explain.
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Welcome to ChatDoctorI am Chat Doctor. Your question is - if you can take whiskey or Brandy ? I will say " NO" Why ? -----Typhoid state is over / no temperature / now only cough and phlegm is there.white most of the time yellowish in morning ? After typhoid or any fever, as a matter of fact leaves you shattered and weak from inside and it is possibility that disease relapses. This is the time to recoup For throat and cough, I will suggest you gargles with salted Luke warm water for 5 minutes .
I am a student at Bow Valley College doing a Health Care Aide program. I am doing practical and I have to Reseach a clients medication. I need to find out what these medications are for and the side affects for this client.ASA CHEW 80 mg daily ATORVASTATIN 10 MG - CALCIUM ELEMENTAL [CARB] CHEW- CHOLECALCIFEROL [VITAMIN D] - LANSOPRAZOLE RD [ PREVACID FasTab] 30 MG - LISINOPRIL [ZESTRILPRINIVIL,APO-METOPROLOL] 5 MG -MELATONIN 3 MG - METOPROLOL [LOPRESOR,BETALOC,APO-METOPROLOL 25 MG -MIRTAZAPINE [REMERON,GEN-MIRTAZAPINE] 15 MG -POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL POWDER 17 GM -RISPERIDONE 1 MG -ZOPICLONE 3.75 MG -GLYCERIN 1 SUPP -LOPERAMIDE 2 MGThis client has Alzheimers, Dementia, Coronary artery disease and Peripheral vascular disease, I know this is a long list but I will be grateful to know about this. Thank-you!b
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Hello Your Clint has Alzheimer's disease, coronary artery disease, peripheral disease. From available medicines I can tell you that he is taking following medicines-- Atorvastatin is a lipid lowering agent. It is given for cases of atherosclerosis. - Calcium elemental, cholecalciferol are given to supplement calcium and vitamin D in blood-Lisinopril and metoprolol are given is cases of high blood pressure. - Lansoprazole is an antacid medicine. It is a proton pump inhibitor. In your patient it is being prescribed to decrease gastric irritation due to so many Chat Doctor. - Mirtazapine is an antidepressant medicine, it also improves sleep.- Risperidone is an antipsychotic