1 value
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[17.0, 29.0], [36.0, 29.0], [36.0, 42.0], [17.0, 42.0]], ('BIF', 0.6344892978668213)], [[[26.0, 23.0], [44.0, 16.0], [49.0, 28.0], [31.0, 34.0]], ('NTI', 0.9797110557556152)], [[[128.0, 24.0], [199.0, 19.0], [200.0, 33.0], [130.0, 38.0]], ('KFC SK TINGGI', 0.6516951322555542)], [[[148.0, 34.0], [181.0, 34.0], [181.0, 45.0], [148.0, 45.0]], ('Telt', 0.6576980352401733)], [[[136.0, 44.0], [196.0, 40.0], [197.0, 54.0], [137.0, 58.0]], ('Store ID320', 0.9102635979652405)], [[[0.0, 63.0], [14.0, 63.0], [14.0, 75.0], [0.0, 75.0]], ('O.', 0.6902014017105103)], [[[7.0, 56.0], [51.0, 25.0], [62.0, 40.0], [18.0, 71.0]], ('750817-', 0.9807544350624084)], [[[135.0, 56.0], [194.0, 53.0], [195.0, 64.0], [135.0, 67.0]], ('', 0.8505173325538635)], [[[141.0, 74.0], [189.0, 72.0], [189.0, 86.0], [142.0, 88.0]], ('QSR STORES', 0.9101229906082153)], [[[119.0, 85.0], [210.0, 82.0], [211.0, 96.0], [120.0, 99.0]], ('San.Bhd.109805-0', 0.7805168628692627)], [[[105.0, 104.0], [218.0, 104.0], [218.0, 117.0], [105.0, 117.0]], ('16th FrHissa KFC.50350KL', 0.8344316482543945)], [[[121.0, 95.0], [208.0, 95.0], [208.0, 108.0], [121.0, 108.0]], ('17.Jin Sutan Issai', 0.829102635383606)], [[[118.0, 114.0], [204.0, 115.0], [203.0, 126.0], [118.0, 125.0]], ('GSTID000332955648', 0.9279739856719971)], [[[80.0, 124.0], [124.0, 124.0], [124.0, 135.0], [80.0, 135.0]], ('2 COUNTER2', 0.9115626215934753)], [[[208.0, 125.0], [243.0, 125.0], [243.0, 136.0], [208.0, 136.0]], ('1HANFI', 0.7946628928184509)], [[[30.0, 146.0], [56.0, 127.0], [64.0, 139.0], [38.0, 158.0]], ('KHA', 0.9911820292472839)], [[[79.0, 142.0], [142.0, 142.0], [142.0, 153.0], [79.0, 153.0]], ('Seria/320-36', 0.842923104763031)], [[[73.0, 166.0], [188.0, 167.0], [188.0, 178.0], [73.0, 177.0]], ('3LTD SET E HS T T 10.95', 0.8392696976661682)], [[[208.0, 167.0], [241.0, 167.0], [241.0, 178.0], [208.0, 178.0]], ('32.85S', 0.9003193378448486)], [[[89.0, 177.0], [172.0, 177.0], [172.0, 187.0], [89.0, 187.0]], ('UPGRRDE DRK CRO T T', 0.8548949360847473)], [[[210.0, 176.0], [233.0, 176.0], [233.0, 187.0], [210.0, 187.0]], ('1.30', 0.991402268409729)], [[[85.0, 194.0], [171.0, 194.0], [171.0, 207.0], [85.0, 207.0]], ('UPGRRDE DRK CRT T', 0.8204508423805237)], [[[92.0, 186.0], [171.0, 186.0], [171.0, 196.0], [92.0, 196.0]], ('LPG SJORA R T T', 0.7818116545677185)], [[[211.0, 194.0], [233.0, 194.0], [233.0, 206.0], [211.0, 206.0]], ('1.30', 0.9880176782608032)], [[[89.0, 204.0], [171.0, 204.0], [171.0, 217.0], [89.0, 217.0]], ('UPS SJORA R T T', 0.841301679611206)], [[[85.0, 216.0], [169.0, 213.0], [170.0, 227.0], [85.0, 230.0]], ('UPGRRDE DRK CRTT', 0.8209133148193359)], [[[210.0, 215.0], [234.0, 215.0], [234.0, 227.0], [210.0, 227.0]], ('1.30', 0.9935734272003174)], [[[86.0, 227.0], [170.0, 224.0], [171.0, 238.0], [86.0, 241.0]], ('UPG SJORR R TT', 0.8171333074569702)], [[[80.0, 238.0], [103.0, 238.0], [103.0, 249.0], [80.0, 249.0]], ('CRSH', 0.8661370277404785)], [[[208.0, 237.0], [234.0, 237.0], [234.0, 249.0], [208.0, 249.0]], ('50.00', 0.9971973299980164)], [[[80.0, 260.0], [152.0, 260.0], [152.0, 271.0], [80.0, 271.0]], ('Total item sold', 0.8994690775871277)], [[[207.0, 270.0], [236.0, 270.0], [236.0, 285.0], [207.0, 285.0]], ('36.75', 0.9883054494857788)], [[[225.0, 261.0], [235.0, 261.0], [235.0, 272.0], [225.0, 272.0]], ('3', 0.9971377849578857)], [[[79.0, 272.0], [124.0, 272.0], [124.0, 283.0], [79.0, 283.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9220621585845947)], [[[79.0, 284.0], [110.0, 284.0], [110.0, 295.0], [79.0, 295.0]], ('Total:', 0.9215149879455566)], [[[207.0, 282.0], [237.0, 282.0], [237.0, 297.0], [207.0, 297.0]], ('36.75', 0.9909284710884094)], [[[79.0, 296.0], [114.0, 296.0], [114.0, 307.0], [79.0, 307.0]], ('Payment', 0.9852123856544495)], [[[208.0, 295.0], [236.0, 295.0], [236.0, 308.0], [208.0, 308.0]], ('50.00', 0.9961870908737183)], [[[291.0, 290.0], [304.0, 290.0], [304.0, 299.0], [291.0, 299.0]], ('ra', 0.513592541217804)], [[[76.0, 315.0], [138.0, 317.0], [138.0, 331.0], [75.0, 329.0]], ('6ST 86x Paid', 0.8470972180366516)], [[[78.0, 307.0], [127.0, 307.0], [127.0, 318.0], [78.0, 318.0]], ('Change Due', 0.9304845929145813)], [[[208.0, 306.0], [236.0, 306.0], [236.0, 321.0], [208.0, 321.0]], ('13.25', 0.9927131533622742)], [[[211.0, 319.0], [235.0, 319.0], [235.0, 331.0], [211.0, 331.0]], ('2.07', 0.9973743557929993)], [[[301.0, 327.0], [310.0, 327.0], [310.0, 338.0], [301.0, 338.0]], ('K', 0.7112357020378113)], [[[305.0, 318.0], [341.0, 299.0], [351.0, 317.0], [315.0, 336.0]], ('Tinggl,', 0.905324399471283)], [[[89.0, 328.0], [222.0, 330.0], [222.0, 343.0], [89.0, 341.0]], ('1CLOSED 01 Rpr 15 1228:38-', 0.8468040823936462)], [[[137.0, 343.0], [182.0, 343.0], [182.0, 354.0], [137.0, 354.0]], ('Thank You', 0.9403687715530396)], [[[333.0, 341.0], [357.0, 331.0], [359.0, 346.0], [339.0, 356.0]], ('940', 0.9824488162994385)], [[[117.0, 353.0], [203.0, 354.0], [202.0, 368.0], [117.0, 367.0]], ('Please Coze fgain', 0.8848327994346619)], [[[302.0, 365.0], [336.0, 344.0], [346.0, 360.0], [312.0, 381.0]], ('-8706', 0.9763178825378418)], [[[83.0, 377.0], [231.0, 379.0], [231.0, 392.0], [83.0, 390.0]], ('6ST Replace Govt Tax on 1/4/15', 0.8924911022186279)], [[[290.0, 375.0], [312.0, 369.0], [316.0, 383.0], [295.0, 389.0]], ('03-', 0.8941748142242432)], [[[77.0, 390.0], [231.0, 393.0], [231.0, 406.0], [77.0, 403.0]], ('Please ignore fol lowing summary', 0.9158747792243958)], [[[309.0, 383.0], [339.0, 365.0], [348.0, 380.0], [318.0, 398.0]], ('9390', 0.9970671534538269)], [[[71.0, 428.0], [182.0, 430.0], [182.0, 444.0], [70.0, 442.0]], ('GSTSummary Rmount (RM)', 0.801566481590271)], [[[175.0, 430.0], [226.0, 432.0], [226.0, 446.0], [175.0, 444.0]], ('06STRM)', 0.8364168405532837)], [[[288.0, 424.0], [351.0, 375.0], [359.0, 392.0], [301.0, 441.0]], ('HAIRUL NAIM)', 0.9038518071174622)], [[[71.0, 441.0], [126.0, 441.0], [126.0, 455.0], [71.0, 455.0]], ('S=6ST', 0.8351645469665527)], [[[71.0, 452.0], [154.0, 455.0], [153.0, 468.0], [70.0, 465.0]], ('Z-GST00.00', 0.8561581373214722)], [[[127.0, 443.0], [159.0, 443.0], [159.0, 457.0], [127.0, 457.0]], ('34.68', 0.9902695417404175)], [[[187.0, 444.0], [214.0, 444.0], [214.0, 459.0], [187.0, 459.0]], ('2.07', 0.9966496229171753)], [[[187.0, 458.0], [214.0, 458.0], [214.0, 470.0], [187.0, 470.0]], ('0.00', 0.9884099960327148)]]
{"store_name": "KFCSALAKTINGGI", "store_addr": "Sdn.Bhd.(1098054-H)", "telephone": "", "date": "01Apr15 01Apr15", "time": "12:28:38", "subtotal": "36.75", "tax": "2.07 2.07", "total": "36.75", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LTDSETEMSTT", "item_value": "1.30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "UPGRADEDRK(R)TT", "item_value": "1.30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "UPGSJORA(R)TT", "item_value": "1.30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "UPGRADEDRK(R)TT", "item_value": "32.85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "UPGSJORA(R)TT", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "UPGRADEDRK(R)TT", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "UPGSJORA(R)TT", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[17.0, 28.0], [223.0, 22.0], [224.0, 36.0], [18.0, 42.0]], ('RESTAURANT CROSTO', 0.9658887386322021)], [[[71.0, 41.0], [150.0, 38.0], [150.0, 52.0], [72.0, 55.0]], ('CRF DEL CAER', 0.8095675110816956)], [[[74.0, 55.0], [150.0, 53.0], [150.0, 67.0], [75.0, 69.0]], ('ANDORRA LAVELLA', 0.8045992255210876)], [[[78.0, 69.0], [136.0, 67.0], [137.0, 81.0], [79.0, 84.0]], ('F662931', 0.7967038750648499)], [[[81.0, 83.0], [144.0, 83.0], [144.0, 94.0], [81.0, 94.0]], ('U-0E6910-1-187', 0.7459306716918945)], [[[23.0, 114.0], [98.0, 114.0], [98.0, 125.0], [23.0, 125.0]], ('N.TICKETN COMP', 0.7597451210021973)], [[[127.0, 113.0], [201.0, 110.0], [201.0, 124.0], [128.0, 127.0]], ('FECMA20/09/2017', 0.8886090517044067)], [[[134.0, 141.0], [157.0, 141.0], [157.0, 153.0], [134.0, 153.0]], ('PREU', 0.9135145545005798)], [[[169.0, 142.0], [198.0, 142.0], [198.0, 153.0], [169.0, 153.0]], ('IMPORT', 0.9132922291755676)], [[[40.0, 170.0], [86.0, 170.0], [86.0, 181.0], [40.0, 181.0]], ('3 ESELLA', 0.7652060389518738)], [[[143.0, 169.0], [164.0, 169.0], [164.0, 183.0], [143.0, 183.0]], ('1.80', 0.7847003936767578)], [[[181.0, 169.0], [202.0, 169.0], [202.0, 181.0], [181.0, 181.0]], ('540', 0.6180852651596069)], [[[39.0, 185.0], [115.0, 185.0], [115.0, 195.0], [39.0, 195.0]], ('ISLESHOS CRIAN?', 0.745050311088562)], [[[139.0, 183.0], [164.0, 183.0], [164.0, 195.0], [139.0, 195.0]], ('17.80', 0.9350482821464539)], [[[177.0, 184.0], [202.0, 184.0], [202.0, 196.0], [177.0, 196.0]], ('17.80', 0.972933292388916)], [[[39.0, 199.0], [114.0, 199.0], [114.0, 210.0], [39.0, 210.0]], ('REENB80L', 0.6336506009101868)], [[[142.0, 198.0], [165.0, 198.0], [165.0, 210.0], [142.0, 210.0]], ('8.80', 0.7986762523651123)], [[[178.0, 197.0], [202.0, 197.0], [202.0, 209.0], [178.0, 209.0]], ('17.00', 0.8705164194107056)], [[[39.0, 212.0], [117.0, 212.0], [117.0, 224.0], [39.0, 224.0]], ('1FEGESDHECA', 0.7404012084007263)], [[[136.0, 211.0], [164.0, 209.0], [166.0, 224.0], [138.0, 226.0]], ('22.20', 0.959671139717102)], [[[177.0, 211.0], [202.0, 211.0], [202.0, 223.0], [177.0, 223.0]], ('22.20', 0.9004025459289551)], [[[40.0, 226.0], [78.0, 226.0], [78.0, 237.0], [40.0, 237.0]], ('TONGLET', 0.8034191131591797)], [[[140.0, 225.0], [164.0, 225.0], [164.0, 237.0], [140.0, 237.0]], ('10.80', 0.9005054235458374)], [[[178.0, 225.0], [202.0, 225.0], [202.0, 237.0], [178.0, 237.0]], ('10.80', 0.9081226587295532)], [[[38.0, 239.0], [100.0, 237.0], [100.0, 251.0], [38.0, 253.0]], ('1AGREI ANEC', 0.6360570788383484)], [[[139.0, 239.0], [165.0, 239.0], [165.0, 251.0], [139.0, 251.0]], ('18.20', 0.9455105066299438)], [[[177.0, 239.0], [202.0, 239.0], [202.0, 251.0], [177.0, 251.0]], ('18.20', 0.9667410850524902)], [[[38.0, 253.0], [118.0, 251.0], [119.0, 264.0], [38.0, 266.0]], ('1CUH BOU I', 0.6567379832267761)], [[[140.0, 253.0], [164.0, 253.0], [164.0, 264.0], [140.0, 264.0]], ('16.20', 0.8243614435195923)], [[[178.0, 253.0], [202.0, 253.0], [202.0, 265.0], [178.0, 265.0]], ('18.20', 0.9360038042068481)], [[[39.0, 266.0], [83.0, 266.0], [83.0, 280.0], [39.0, 280.0]], ('3 POSTRES', 0.8744156956672668)], [[[142.0, 267.0], [164.0, 267.0], [164.0, 279.0], [142.0, 279.0]], ('6.00', 0.8230440020561218)], [[[177.0, 267.0], [202.0, 267.0], [202.0, 279.0], [177.0, 279.0]], ('18.00', 0.892824649810791)], [[[38.0, 280.0], [79.0, 280.0], [79.0, 294.0], [38.0, 294.0]], ('3XUP10S', 0.9064544439315796)], [[[142.0, 279.0], [165.0, 279.0], [165.0, 294.0], [142.0, 294.0]], ('2.00', 0.9347022771835327)], [[[181.0, 280.0], [203.0, 283.0], [201.0, 296.0], [179.0, 293.0]], ('6.00', 0.8945097923278809)], [[[28.0, 309.0], [49.0, 309.0], [49.0, 321.0], [28.0, 321.0]], ('BASE', 0.9858365058898926)], [[[173.0, 308.0], [204.0, 311.0], [202.0, 325.0], [172.0, 322.0]], ('134.20', 0.9329943060874939)], [[[30.0, 323.0], [65.0, 323.0], [65.0, 334.0], [30.0, 334.0]], ('1814.5', 0.7515869736671448)], [[[180.0, 323.0], [203.0, 323.0], [203.0, 339.0], [180.0, 339.0]], ('6,04', 0.8492175340652466)], [[[28.0, 335.0], [79.0, 335.0], [79.0, 350.0], [28.0, 350.0]], ('TOTAL EUROS', 0.9313639998435974)], [[[174.0, 339.0], [204.0, 339.0], [204.0, 353.0], [174.0, 353.0]], ('140.24', 0.9581419825553894)], [[[23.0, 364.0], [106.0, 364.0], [106.0, 377.0], [23.0, 377.0]], ('Pendiante de Cabro', 0.9265997409820557)], [[[51.0, 395.0], [171.0, 395.0], [171.0, 408.0], [51.0, 408.0]], ('GRACIES PER LA SEVA UISIIA', 0.8777043223381042)]]
{"store_name": "RESTAURANTCROSTO", "store_addr": "ANDORRALAVELLA CAPDELCAPRER7", "telephone": "", "date": "20/09/2017", "time": "", "subtotal": "134.20", "tax": "6.04", "total": "140.24", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "XUPIOS", "item_value": "5.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "POSTRES", "item_value": "17.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CUABOUOLVIU", "item_value": "17.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HASRETAHEE", "item_value": "22.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ESIREILB", "item_value": "10.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "18.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "18.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "18.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "DESCRIPCIC", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[273.0, 205.0], [855.0, 200.0], [856.0, 250.0], [274.0, 255.0]], ('Golden Archies Restaurants Sdn Bhd', 0.9474421143531799)], [[[280.0, 259.0], [435.0, 251.0], [437.0, 286.0], [281.0, 294.0]], ('65351-M', 0.9676602482795715)], [[[276.0, 295.0], [802.0, 285.0], [803.0, 325.0], [277.0, 335.0]], ("McDona1d's Aman Puri DT #194)", 0.9123966097831726)], [[[281.0, 340.0], [665.0, 331.0], [666.0, 370.0], [282.0, 379.0]], ('Tel No.03-6275-9170', 0.9276862144470215)], [[[526.0, 422.0], [721.0, 416.0], [722.0, 456.0], [527.0, 462.0]], ('TAX INVOICE', 0.9723836779594421)], [[[528.0, 510.0], [706.0, 510.0], [706.0, 545.0], [528.0, 545.0]], ('MFY side 1', 0.9216998219490051)], [[[283.0, 597.0], [913.0, 592.0], [913.0, 625.0], [284.0, 630.0]], ('#ORD19-REG14-19/06/201114:20:21', 0.9391194581985474)], [[[282.0, 640.0], [431.0, 640.0], [431.0, 675.0], [282.0, 675.0]], ('QTY ITEM', 0.9055538177490234)], [[[864.0, 633.0], [954.0, 633.0], [954.0, 670.0], [864.0, 670.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9982293844223022)], [[[319.0, 683.0], [446.0, 683.0], [446.0, 718.0], [319.0, 718.0]], ('1 MCoke', 0.8878193497657776)], [[[879.0, 675.0], [959.0, 675.0], [959.0, 713.0], [879.0, 713.0]], ('2.55', 0.9947860240936279)], [[[317.0, 725.0], [533.0, 725.0], [533.0, 760.0], [317.0, 760.0]], ('1VLMNuggets', 0.980114221572876)], [[[883.0, 718.0], [961.0, 718.0], [961.0, 757.0], [883.0, 757.0]], ('3.40', 0.9958378076553345)], [[[884.0, 758.0], [964.0, 758.0], [964.0, 802.0], [884.0, 802.0]], ('2.00', 0.9878613948822021)], [[[319.0, 768.0], [518.0, 768.0], [518.0, 803.0], [319.0, 803.0]], ('2Sma11Cone', 0.8754135966300964)], [[[320.0, 806.0], [486.0, 810.0], [485.0, 850.0], [319.0, 846.0]], ('1 ChocTop', 0.9421513676643372)], [[[886.0, 798.0], [970.0, 802.0], [967.0, 846.0], [884.0, 841.0]], ('0.60', 0.9785318374633789)], [[[886.0, 845.0], [969.0, 845.0], [969.0, 888.0], [886.0, 888.0]], ('0.00', 0.9894247055053711)], [[[321.0, 857.0], [555.0, 857.0], [555.0, 892.0], [321.0, 892.0]], ('2Chili Sauce', 0.8645882606506348)], [[[888.0, 890.0], [971.0, 890.0], [971.0, 933.0], [888.0, 933.0]], ('0.00', 0.9733260273933411)], [[[322.0, 900.0], [611.0, 896.0], [611.0, 935.0], [323.0, 939.0]], ('1 Barbecue Sauce', 0.9354784488677979)], [[[889.0, 977.0], [973.0, 977.0], [973.0, 1020.0], [889.0, 1020.0]], ('9.06', 0.9951569437980652)], [[[288.0, 989.0], [731.0, 980.0], [732.0, 1018.0], [289.0, 1027.0]], ('Take-Out Tota1 (inc Tax', 0.8710829019546509)], [[[878.0, 1022.0], [971.0, 1022.0], [971.0, 1065.0], [878.0, 1065.0]], ('-0.01', 0.9718461036682129)], [[[283.0, 1035.0], [558.0, 1028.0], [559.0, 1068.0], [284.0, 1075.0]], ('Rounding Adjust', 0.9730995297431946)], [[[893.0, 1065.0], [976.0, 1065.0], [976.0, 1108.0], [893.0, 1108.0]], ('9.05', 0.9902764558792114)], [[[283.0, 1080.0], [437.0, 1076.0], [438.0, 1116.0], [284.0, 1120.0]], ('Rounding', 0.9974173307418823)], [[[883.0, 1112.0], [976.0, 1112.0], [976.0, 1153.0], [883.0, 1153.0]], ('10.05', 0.985926628112793)], [[[283.0, 1125.0], [527.0, 1116.0], [528.0, 1156.0], [285.0, 1165.0]], ('Cash Tendered', 0.9650645852088928)], [[[898.0, 1157.0], [981.0, 1157.0], [981.0, 1200.0], [898.0, 1200.0]], ('1.00', 0.9944572448730469)], [[[281.0, 1172.0], [403.0, 1168.0], [404.0, 1211.0], [283.0, 1215.0]], ('Change', 0.9980601668357849)], [[[901.0, 1247.0], [981.0, 1247.0], [981.0, 1290.0], [901.0, 1290.0]], ('0.51', 0.9831441640853882)], [[[288.0, 1260.0], [814.0, 1245.0], [815.0, 1290.0], [290.0, 1305.0]], ('TOTAL INCLUDES 6% Govt Tax OF', 0.9084165692329407)], [[[288.0, 1307.0], [865.0, 1293.0], [866.0, 1338.0], [289.0, 1352.0]], ('Thank You and Please Come Again', 0.9562020301818848)], [[[286.0, 1399.0], [987.0, 1373.0], [989.0, 1424.0], [288.0, 1451.0]], ('Assemble By Name -Mohd Zairul ID', 0.9052996635437012)], [[[287.0, 1447.0], [375.0, 1447.0], [375.0, 1492.0], [287.0, 1492.0]], ('-26', 0.959399402141571)]]
{"store_name": "GoldenArchesRestaurantsSdnBhd", "store_addr": "McDlonald'sAmanPuriDT(#194) (65351-M)", "telephone": "03-6275-9170", "date": "19/06/2011", "time": "14:20:21", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "9.06", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MCoke", "item_value": "2.55", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VLMNuggets", "item_value": "3.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SmalICone", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChocTop", "item_value": "0.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChiliSauce", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BarbecueSauce", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ITEM", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[216.0, 78.0], [569.0, 75.0], [569.0, 109.0], [216.0, 113.0]], ('Starbucks Coffee', 0.9780215620994568)], [[[85.0, 119.0], [709.0, 108.0], [709.0, 149.0], [85.0, 159.0]], ('Raleigh Marriott City Center', 0.9624869227409363)], [[[253.0, 155.0], [503.0, 153.0], [503.0, 186.0], [253.0, 189.0]], ('Raleigh, NC', 0.9134340882301331)], [[[33.0, 238.0], [246.0, 232.0], [247.0, 269.0], [34.0, 276.0]], ('4021 CHINA', 0.9544459581375122)], [[[22.0, 321.0], [501.0, 315.0], [501.0, 348.0], [22.0, 354.0]], ('CHK464331DEC11', 0.9873515367507935)], [[[553.0, 315.0], [697.0, 317.0], [697.0, 351.0], [553.0, 349.0]], ('6:56PM', 0.9303736686706543)], [[[62.0, 447.0], [404.0, 447.0], [404.0, 483.0], [62.0, 483.0]], ('1 G Decaf /Week', 0.9311569929122925)], [[[608.0, 446.0], [708.0, 446.0], [708.0, 486.0], [608.0, 486.0]], ('1.95', 0.9964756965637207)], [[[98.0, 532.0], [283.0, 534.0], [283.0, 572.0], [98.0, 570.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.995514988899231)], [[[608.0, 539.0], [709.0, 539.0], [709.0, 578.0], [608.0, 578.0]], ('1.95', 0.9981390833854675)], [[[96.0, 580.0], [167.0, 580.0], [167.0, 618.0], [96.0, 618.0]], ('Tax', 0.9936774373054504)], [[[607.0, 584.0], [709.0, 586.0], [708.0, 626.0], [606.0, 623.0]], ('0.15', 0.996907114982605)], [[[96.0, 623.0], [330.0, 626.0], [330.0, 662.0], [96.0, 660.0]], ('Total Paid', 0.9693600535392761)], [[[606.0, 630.0], [708.0, 633.0], [707.0, 672.0], [605.0, 670.0]], ('2.10', 0.9981929063796997)], [[[94.0, 667.0], [191.0, 669.0], [190.0, 708.0], [93.0, 705.0]], ('Cash', 0.9975623488426208)], [[[583.0, 676.0], [708.0, 679.0], [707.0, 718.0], [582.0, 714.0]], ('20.00', 0.9990819096565247)], [[[93.0, 711.0], [331.0, 718.0], [330.0, 759.0], [92.0, 752.0]], ('Change Due', 0.9566751718521118)], [[[585.0, 722.0], [708.0, 724.0], [707.0, 764.0], [584.0, 761.0]], ('17.90', 0.9918326139450073)]]
{"store_name": "StarbucksCoffee", "store_addr": "RaleighMarriottCityCenter Raleigh,NC", "telephone": "", "date": "31DEC'11", "time": "6:56PM", "subtotal": "1.95", "tax": "0.15", "total": "2.10", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GDecaf/Week", "item_value": "1.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[90.0, 22.0], [230.0, 26.0], [229.0, 39.0], [89.0, 35.0]], ('PORTUGAL WINE BAR & GRILL', 0.9262074828147888)], [[[79.0, 35.0], [243.0, 39.0], [243.0, 53.0], [79.0, 49.0]], ('15 Palm Harbor Village Way #A', 0.875278115272522)], [[[100.0, 49.0], [214.0, 52.0], [214.0, 66.0], [100.0, 63.0]], ('Palm CoastFL 32137', 0.9344097971916199)], [[[119.0, 75.0], [198.0, 79.0], [197.0, 94.0], [119.0, 90.0]], ('386447-3872', 0.9909434914588928)], [[[40.0, 102.0], [94.0, 105.0], [94.0, 119.0], [39.0, 116.0]], ('Table:9', 0.9120935797691345)], [[[39.0, 117.0], [149.0, 119.0], [149.0, 133.0], [39.0, 132.0]], ('ServerJASON GOMES', 0.9701100587844849)], [[[40.0, 132.0], [219.0, 134.0], [219.0, 148.0], [40.0, 146.0]], ('Table opened 11/27/2016 15:06:57', 0.9395056366920471)], [[[40.0, 158.0], [153.0, 160.0], [153.0, 174.0], [39.0, 172.0]], ('GRILL CHICKEN BREAST', 0.9691683053970337)], [[[173.0, 160.0], [182.0, 164.0], [178.0, 174.0], [169.0, 170.0]], ('1', 0.9332830905914307)], [[[203.0, 161.0], [247.0, 161.0], [247.0, 175.0], [203.0, 175.0]], ('14.95', 0.9938967823982239)], [[[39.0, 172.0], [182.0, 174.0], [181.0, 188.0], [39.0, 186.0]], ('CALAMARI (ARROZ)RICE STE 1', 0.9179106950759888)], [[[203.0, 172.0], [246.0, 174.0], [245.0, 189.0], [202.0, 187.0]], ('15.95', 0.9947171211242676)], [[[40.0, 186.0], [159.0, 188.0], [159.0, 201.0], [40.0, 199.0]], ('COD FISH (BRAS STYLE', 0.9194992184638977)], [[[41.0, 197.0], [94.0, 200.0], [93.0, 215.0], [40.0, 212.0]], ('SERRADURA', 0.9947918653488159)], [[[172.0, 190.0], [181.0, 190.0], [181.0, 199.0], [172.0, 199.0]], ('1', 0.955561637878418)], [[[204.0, 188.0], [246.0, 188.0], [246.0, 202.0], [204.0, 202.0]], ('14.95', 0.9089972376823425)], [[[172.0, 202.0], [181.0, 202.0], [181.0, 213.0], [172.0, 213.0]], ('1', 0.9907616972923279)], [[[203.0, 201.0], [246.0, 201.0], [246.0, 215.0], [203.0, 215.0]], ('4.95', 0.9958938956260681)], [[[41.0, 214.0], [68.0, 214.0], [68.0, 227.0], [41.0, 227.0]], ('FLAN', 0.995206356048584)], [[[170.0, 214.0], [182.0, 214.0], [182.0, 227.0], [170.0, 227.0]], ('1', 0.9632024168968201)], [[[203.0, 214.0], [246.0, 214.0], [246.0, 228.0], [203.0, 228.0]], ('5.00', 0.9942314624786377)], [[[41.0, 227.0], [88.0, 227.0], [88.0, 241.0], [41.0, 241.0]], ('EXPRESSO', 0.9938031435012817)], [[[170.0, 226.0], [181.0, 226.0], [181.0, 240.0], [170.0, 240.0]], ('1', 0.9699468016624451)], [[[216.0, 227.0], [246.0, 227.0], [246.0, 241.0], [216.0, 241.0]], ('1.50', 0.9070706963539124)], [[[129.0, 253.0], [184.0, 253.0], [184.0, 267.0], [129.0, 267.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9384820461273193)], [[[214.0, 251.0], [247.0, 253.0], [246.0, 269.0], [213.0, 266.0]], ('57.30', 0.9937607049942017)], [[[218.0, 267.0], [247.0, 267.0], [247.0, 281.0], [218.0, 281.0]], ('4.03', 0.9940277338027954)], [[[151.0, 291.0], [185.0, 294.0], [184.0, 309.0], [149.0, 306.0]], ('TOTAL:', 0.9654712677001953)], [[[214.0, 293.0], [246.0, 293.0], [246.0, 308.0], [214.0, 308.0]], ('61.33', 0.9948574304580688)], [[[41.0, 319.0], [88.0, 319.0], [88.0, 333.0], [41.0, 333.0]], ('PRINT:1', 0.9346597790718079)], [[[47.0, 334.0], [88.0, 334.0], [88.0, 346.0], [47.0, 346.0]], ('TIPS', 0.9937885403633118)], [[[105.0, 332.0], [140.0, 332.0], [140.0, 347.0], [105.0, 347.0]], ('NOT', 0.9938514232635498)], [[[149.0, 333.0], [234.0, 333.0], [234.0, 347.0], [149.0, 347.0]], ('INCLUDED', 0.9961814880371094)], [[[42.0, 361.0], [165.0, 361.0], [165.0, 374.0], [42.0, 374.0]], ('Suggested tips amounts', 0.9719905853271484)], [[[178.0, 361.0], [244.0, 361.0], [244.0, 372.0], [178.0, 372.0]], ('15%$8.59', 0.982190728187561)], [[[40.0, 373.0], [158.0, 374.0], [157.0, 388.0], [40.0, 387.0]], ('are provided for your', 0.9608445763587952)], [[[178.0, 373.0], [244.0, 373.0], [244.0, 387.0], [178.0, 387.0]], ('18%-$10.31', 0.9549789428710938)], [[[42.0, 388.0], [107.0, 388.0], [107.0, 399.0], [42.0, 399.0]], ('convenlence.', 0.9434841275215149)], [[[176.0, 385.0], [245.0, 385.0], [245.0, 399.0], [176.0, 399.0]], ('20%$11.46', 0.9897170662879944)], [[[43.0, 422.0], [216.0, 422.0], [216.0, 435.0], [43.0, 435.0]], ('Wks MYP0S02 11/27/2016 16:02:36', 0.8996812701225281)]]
{"store_name": "PORTUGALWINEBAR&GRILL", "store_addr": "PalmCoast,FL32137 15PalmHarborVillageWay#A", "telephone": "(386)447-3872", "date": "11/27/2016 11/27/2016", "time": "16:02:36", "subtotal": "57.30", "tax": "4.03", "total": "61.33", "ignore": "", "tips": "$8.59 $10.31 $11.46", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "EXPRESSO", "item_value": "@1.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FLAN", "item_value": "@5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SERRADURA", "item_value": "@4.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CODFISH(BRAS)STYLE", "item_value": "@14.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CALAMARI(ARROZ)RICESTE", "item_value": "@15.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GRILLCHICKENBREAST", "item_value": "@14.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[208.0, 153.0], [214.0, 153.0], [214.0, 162.0], [208.0, 162.0]], ('-', 0.620211660861969)], [[[209.0, 222.0], [427.0, 223.0], [427.0, 240.0], [209.0, 239.0]], ('Brookwood House Hotel', 0.963582456111908)], [[[255.0, 239.0], [380.0, 241.0], [380.0, 255.0], [255.0, 253.0]], ('Brookwood Manor', 0.9811927676200867)], [[[287.0, 253.0], [349.0, 255.0], [349.0, 273.0], [287.0, 270.0]], ('Bromley', 0.993823230266571)], [[[300.0, 270.0], [336.0, 273.0], [335.0, 288.0], [299.0, 285.0]], ('Kent', 0.9974401593208313)], [[[286.0, 284.0], [349.0, 288.0], [348.0, 305.0], [285.0, 302.0]], ('BR18PQ', 0.9860469698905945)], [[[222.0, 309.0], [419.0, 309.0], [419.0, 323.0], [222.0, 323.0]], ('VATReg No:GB 209 887738', 0.9224478006362915)], [[[249.0, 326.0], [389.0, 327.0], [389.0, 343.0], [249.0, 342.0]], ('Tel:0208464 5000', 0.933779239654541)], [[[251.0, 345.0], [387.0, 346.0], [387.0, 361.0], [251.0, 360.0]], ('Fax:02084645001', 0.9626020193099976)], [[[193.0, 368.0], [479.0, 373.0], [478.0, 389.0], [192.0, 384.0]], (': [email protected]', 0.9631956815719604)], [[[189.0, 387.0], [471.0, 392.0], [470.0, 408.0], [188.0, 403.0]], ('b', 0.9772560596466064)], [[[238.0, 412.0], [400.0, 415.0], [400.0, 432.0], [238.0, 429.0]], ('Invoice No.100109', 0.974743127822876)], [[[215.0, 429.0], [425.0, 438.0], [424.0, 455.0], [214.0, 445.0]], ('Date:27.02.07Time:09:56:37', 0.9274809956550598)], [[[149.0, 492.0], [277.0, 499.0], [276.0, 516.0], [148.0, 508.0]], ('Australian Surfers', 0.9842203855514526)], [[[148.0, 508.0], [294.0, 518.0], [293.0, 533.0], [147.0, 523.0]], ('Paradise White Wine', 0.9633058309555054)], [[[335.0, 502.0], [475.0, 511.0], [474.0, 528.0], [334.0, 519.0]], ('1x14.6914.69 A', 0.9305804967880249)], [[[146.0, 524.0], [241.0, 531.0], [240.0, 546.0], [145.0, 540.0]], ('1 Litre Bottle', 0.9214602708816528)], [[[144.0, 543.0], [256.0, 550.0], [255.0, 567.0], [143.0, 559.0]], ('Chicken Risotto', 0.9711507558822632)], [[[143.0, 563.0], [228.0, 568.0], [227.0, 585.0], [142.0, 580.0]], ('Roast Lamb', 0.9782112836837769)], [[[331.0, 554.0], [393.0, 557.0], [392.0, 575.0], [330.0, 571.0]], ('1x8.81', 0.9416195750236511)], [[[419.0, 558.0], [474.0, 563.0], [472.0, 581.0], [418.0, 576.0]], ('8.81A', 0.9940007925033569)], [[[330.0, 574.0], [392.0, 578.0], [392.0, 595.0], [329.0, 591.0]], ('1x8.81', 0.940781831741333)], [[[418.0, 578.0], [473.0, 582.0], [472.0, 599.0], [417.0, 596.0]], ('8.81 A', 0.9204774498939514)], [[[142.0, 600.0], [273.0, 608.0], [272.0, 622.0], [141.0, 614.0]], ('Total No.Items:3', 0.9419766664505005)], [[[289.0, 609.0], [391.0, 615.0], [391.0, 629.0], [289.0, 622.0]], ('Total Amount', 0.9652547240257263)], [[[398.0, 615.0], [449.0, 617.0], [448.0, 634.0], [397.0, 631.0]], ('32.31', 0.9946773648262024)], [[[139.0, 654.0], [231.0, 661.0], [230.0, 677.0], [138.0, 671.0]], ('VAT Analysis', 0.976119339466095)], [[[137.0, 673.0], [249.0, 679.0], [248.0, 696.0], [136.0, 689.0]], ('[email protected]', 0.9376140832901001)], [[[296.0, 665.0], [324.0, 665.0], [324.0, 681.0], [296.0, 681.0]], ('Net', 0.9900870323181152)], [[[357.0, 667.0], [389.0, 669.0], [387.0, 685.0], [356.0, 682.0]], ('VAT', 0.996066153049469)], [[[277.0, 679.0], [321.0, 683.0], [320.0, 701.0], [275.0, 697.0]], ('27.50', 0.9953538775444031)], [[[418.0, 670.0], [460.0, 674.0], [458.0, 690.0], [416.0, 685.0]], ('Gross', 0.9981310963630676)], [[[137.0, 692.0], [243.0, 701.0], [242.0, 718.0], [136.0, 709.0]], ('B=VAT5%', 0.9144546389579773)], [[[353.0, 684.0], [386.0, 688.0], [384.0, 704.0], [351.0, 700.0]], ('4.81', 0.9929373860359192)], [[[415.0, 687.0], [458.0, 691.0], [456.0, 709.0], [414.0, 705.0]], ('32.31', 0.9962016344070435)], [[[284.0, 703.0], [318.0, 706.0], [317.0, 721.0], [282.0, 719.0]], ('0.00', 0.9899454712867737)], [[[351.0, 707.0], [385.0, 710.0], [383.0, 724.0], [350.0, 722.0]], ('0.00', 0.9947377443313599)], [[[136.0, 717.0], [241.0, 722.0], [240.0, 739.0], [135.0, 734.0]], ('C=VAT0%', 0.8847312927246094)], [[[421.0, 711.0], [456.0, 714.0], [455.0, 728.0], [420.0, 726.0]], ('0.00', 0.9950075149536133)], [[[283.0, 725.0], [316.0, 727.0], [315.0, 743.0], [281.0, 740.0]], ('0.00', 0.9898637533187866)], [[[349.0, 731.0], [382.0, 731.0], [382.0, 746.0], [349.0, 746.0]], ('0.00', 0.9910709261894226)], [[[420.0, 734.0], [454.0, 736.0], [453.0, 751.0], [419.0, 748.0]], ('0.00', 0.9923923015594482)], [[[272.0, 749.0], [315.0, 752.0], [314.0, 767.0], [272.0, 764.0]], ('27.50', 0.9941409230232239)], [[[348.0, 753.0], [381.0, 756.0], [379.0, 771.0], [347.0, 768.0]], ('4.81', 0.9553637504577637)], [[[409.0, 756.0], [451.0, 760.0], [449.0, 775.0], [408.0, 771.0]], ('32.31', 0.9970196485519409)], [[[203.0, 774.0], [390.0, 784.0], [390.0, 800.0], [202.0, 790.0]], ('Please call again soon!', 0.9434755444526672)]]
{"store_name": "BrookwoodHouseHotel", "store_addr": "Bromley Kent BR18PQ", "telephone": "02084645000", "date": "27.02.07", "time": "09:56:37", "subtotal": "27.50 27.50", "tax": "4.81 4.81", "total": "\u00a332.31 32.31 32.31", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AustralianSurfers", "item_value": "14.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ParadiseWhiteWine", "item_value": "8.81", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "1LitreBottle", "item_value": "8.81", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenRisotto", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RoastLamb", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[124.0, 79.0], [411.0, 68.0], [412.0, 94.0], [125.0, 105.0]], ('Sephora Cosmeticos EspanaS.L.', 0.9785934686660767)], [[[196.0, 99.0], [337.0, 92.0], [338.0, 113.0], [198.0, 120.0]], ('CIFB84227461', 0.971308708190918)], [[[192.0, 121.0], [344.0, 115.0], [345.0, 135.0], [193.0, 141.0]], ('SEPHORA TRIANGLE', 0.9750617742538452)], [[[188.0, 143.0], [348.0, 137.0], [349.0, 158.0], [189.0, 164.0]], ('C.C.Del Triangle', 0.9366650581359863)], [[[193.0, 168.0], [344.0, 159.0], [345.0, 180.0], [195.0, 189.0]], ('c/Pelayo13-37', 0.97032231092453)], [[[198.0, 190.0], [341.0, 182.0], [342.0, 202.0], [199.0, 210.0]], ('08001 BARCELONA', 0.97260582447052)], [[[186.0, 213.0], [356.0, 205.0], [357.0, 226.0], [187.0, 234.0]], ('TEL933063900', 0.9943227767944336)], [[[80.0, 333.0], [309.0, 323.0], [310.0, 344.0], [81.0, 354.0]], ('TARJETA FIDELIDAD SEPHORA', 0.9587535858154297)], [[[80.0, 356.0], [207.0, 351.0], [208.0, 371.0], [81.0, 376.0]], ('44659-MUGLER', 0.9883281588554382)], [[[252.0, 351.0], [473.0, 340.0], [474.0, 360.0], [253.0, 371.0]], ('ANGEL.RESSOU.EDPV 25M', 0.924048125743866)], [[[422.0, 366.0], [475.0, 363.0], [476.0, 385.0], [423.0, 388.0]], ('34.90', 0.9946271181106567)], [[[114.0, 378.0], [199.0, 373.0], [200.0, 395.0], [115.0, 400.0]], ('34.90*1', 0.9922491908073425)], [[[80.0, 423.0], [247.0, 417.0], [248.0, 440.0], [81.0, 446.0]], ('TOTAL EUR', 0.9375690817832947)], [[[377.0, 414.0], [475.0, 409.0], [476.0, 431.0], [378.0, 436.0]], ('34.90', 0.9943636655807495)], [[[80.0, 469.0], [182.0, 466.0], [183.0, 487.0], [80.0, 490.0]], ('TOP PRENIUM', 0.9486073851585388)], [[[388.0, 461.0], [479.0, 457.0], [480.0, 478.0], [389.0, 482.0]], ('30.00 EUR', 0.9342733025550842)], [[[78.0, 493.0], [120.0, 493.0], [120.0, 515.0], [78.0, 515.0]], ('VISA', 0.9987069964408875)], [[[398.0, 484.0], [481.0, 480.0], [482.0, 502.0], [399.0, 506.0]], ('4.90EUR', 0.9839311242103577)], [[[77.0, 563.0], [199.0, 561.0], [200.0, 584.0], [77.0, 586.0]], ('IVA421.00%', 0.9814836382865906)], [[[401.0, 557.0], [487.0, 557.0], [487.0, 581.0], [401.0, 581.0]], ('6.06 EUR', 0.9342926740646362)], [[[77.0, 612.0], [197.0, 612.0], [197.0, 633.0], [77.0, 633.0]], ('TOTAL SIN IVA', 0.9482902884483337)], [[[394.0, 610.0], [489.0, 610.0], [489.0, 631.0], [394.0, 631.0]], ('28.84EUR', 0.9848382472991943)], [[[411.0, 699.0], [461.0, 699.0], [461.0, 717.0], [411.0, 717.0]], ('23920', 0.8883441686630249)]]
{"store_name": "SephoraCosmeticosEspana,S.L.", "store_addr": "C.C.DelTriangle c/Pelayo,13-37 08001BARCELONA", "telephone": "933063900", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "28.84EUR", "tax": "6.06EUR", "total": "34.90", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "TARJETAFIDELIDADSEPHORA", "item_value": "34.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "44659-MUGLER", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ANGELRESSOU,EDPV25M", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[70.0, 19.0], [175.0, 20.0], [175.0, 35.0], [70.0, 34.0]], ('Bill NO7I9123', 0.7731844186782837)], [[[202.0, 21.0], [308.0, 21.0], [308.0, 35.0], [202.0, 35.0]], ('Date05/10/2074', 0.9755039811134338)], [[[69.0, 36.0], [133.0, 36.0], [133.0, 53.0], [69.0, 53.0]], ('Name', 0.8365800976753235)], [[[70.0, 52.0], [133.0, 52.0], [133.0, 69.0], [70.0, 69.0]], ('IPIN', 0.8454581499099731)], [[[71.0, 68.0], [132.0, 70.0], [131.0, 85.0], [70.0, 82.0]], ('Address:', 0.9485659599304199)], [[[70.0, 86.0], [193.0, 86.0], [193.0, 100.0], [70.0, 100.0]], ('Payment Mode Cash', 0.9123981595039368)], [[[71.0, 102.0], [161.0, 102.0], [161.0, 117.0], [71.0, 117.0]], ('Table No :in9', 0.8647169470787048)], [[[69.0, 133.0], [193.0, 133.0], [193.0, 150.0], [69.0, 150.0]], ('Sn Particulars Qty', 0.9394216537475586)], [[[221.0, 135.0], [250.0, 135.0], [250.0, 150.0], [221.0, 150.0]], ('Rate', 0.9971771240234375)], [[[271.0, 134.0], [312.0, 134.0], [312.0, 149.0], [271.0, 149.0]], ('Anount', 0.9114327430725098)], [[[84.0, 168.0], [112.0, 168.0], [112.0, 183.0], [84.0, 183.0]], ('TEA', 0.9969169497489929)], [[[184.0, 169.0], [193.0, 169.0], [193.0, 182.0], [184.0, 182.0]], ('1', 0.8909315466880798)], [[[215.0, 166.0], [251.0, 166.0], [251.0, 184.0], [215.0, 184.0]], ('75.00', 0.9855107069015503)], [[[278.0, 167.0], [313.0, 167.0], [313.0, 182.0], [278.0, 182.0]], ('75.00', 0.9909923672676086)], [[[87.0, 185.0], [162.0, 185.0], [162.0, 199.0], [87.0, 199.0]], ('GARLIC NAAN', 0.909271240234375)], [[[182.0, 185.0], [194.0, 185.0], [194.0, 199.0], [182.0, 199.0]], ('1', 0.9554571509361267)], [[[215.0, 184.0], [250.0, 184.0], [250.0, 199.0], [215.0, 199.0]], ('95.00', 0.9941855669021606)], [[[276.0, 180.0], [315.0, 183.0], [314.0, 201.0], [275.0, 198.0]], ('95.00', 0.9932800531387329)], [[[69.0, 204.0], [80.0, 204.0], [80.0, 214.0], [69.0, 214.0]], ('3', 0.9305508732795715)], [[[86.0, 202.0], [161.0, 202.0], [161.0, 216.0], [86.0, 216.0]], ('SIZZLING MO', 0.9327566623687744)], [[[184.0, 203.0], [194.0, 203.0], [194.0, 214.0], [184.0, 214.0]], ('1', 0.889279842376709)], [[[209.0, 201.0], [252.0, 201.0], [252.0, 215.0], [209.0, 215.0]], ('335.00', 0.9848339557647705)], [[[272.0, 200.0], [314.0, 200.0], [314.0, 215.0], [272.0, 215.0]], ('33300', 0.6399925351142883)], [[[87.0, 219.0], [157.0, 219.0], [157.0, 233.0], [87.0, 233.0]], ('MO CHICKEN', 0.940962016582489)], [[[146.0, 253.0], [239.0, 253.0], [239.0, 267.0], [146.0, 267.0]], ('Gross Amount:', 0.9312976002693176)], [[[275.0, 251.0], [316.0, 251.0], [316.0, 266.0], [275.0, 266.0]], ('505.00', 0.993328869342804)], [[[145.0, 269.0], [239.0, 269.0], [239.0, 286.0], [145.0, 286.0]], ('S-Charge 10%', 0.9116258025169373)], [[[279.0, 267.0], [318.0, 267.0], [318.0, 285.0], [279.0, 285.0]], ('50.50', 0.9915748834609985)], [[[146.0, 287.0], [195.0, 287.0], [195.0, 302.0], [146.0, 302.0]], ('Taxable', 0.913122832775116)], [[[231.0, 289.0], [239.0, 289.0], [239.0, 300.0], [231.0, 300.0]], (':', 0.835873544216156)], [[[275.0, 285.0], [318.0, 285.0], [318.0, 300.0], [275.0, 300.0]], ('555.50', 0.9964935183525085)], [[[145.0, 305.0], [214.0, 305.0], [214.0, 319.0], [145.0, 319.0]], ('NonTaxable', 0.989147961139679)], [[[287.0, 303.0], [319.0, 303.0], [319.0, 318.0], [287.0, 318.0]], ('0.00', 0.99419105052948)], [[[143.0, 321.0], [196.0, 321.0], [196.0, 339.0], [143.0, 339.0]], ('VAT13%', 0.9400832653045654)], [[[227.0, 324.0], [239.0, 321.0], [243.0, 335.0], [231.0, 338.0]], (':', 0.8378287553787231)], [[[282.0, 320.0], [320.0, 320.0], [320.0, 335.0], [282.0, 335.0]], ('72.22', 0.9793340563774109)], [[[144.0, 341.0], [214.0, 341.0], [214.0, 355.0], [144.0, 355.0]], ('Net Amount', 0.9664006233215332)], [[[277.0, 338.0], [321.0, 338.0], [321.0, 356.0], [277.0, 356.0]], ('627.72', 0.9781873822212219)], [[[59.0, 378.0], [316.0, 376.0], [316.0, 393.0], [59.0, 395.0]], ('Rs. Six hundred twenty-seven & Paisa', 0.9345204830169678)], [[[60.0, 398.0], [173.0, 398.0], [173.0, 415.0], [60.0, 415.0]], ('Seventy-two Only', 0.9461039304733276)], [[[60.0, 435.0], [235.0, 436.0], [235.0, 449.0], [60.0, 449.0]], ('Thank ynu fnr yisiting us', 0.8446729779243469)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "05/10/2074", "time": "", "subtotal": "505.00 555.50", "tax": "72.22", "total": "627.72", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "TEA", "item_value": "75.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GARLICNAAN", "item_value": "95.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SIZZLINGMO", "item_value": "335.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "SnParticulars", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[655.0, 317.0], [750.0, 317.0], [750.0, 336.0], [655.0, 336.0]], ('RECEIPT', 0.9967972040176392)], [[[554.0, 377.0], [638.0, 377.0], [638.0, 399.0], [554.0, 399.0]], ('Item#1', 0.9869699478149414)], [[[780.0, 375.0], [858.0, 375.0], [858.0, 399.0], [780.0, 399.0]], ('$123.5', 0.9932469725608826)], [[[555.0, 411.0], [642.0, 411.0], [642.0, 430.0], [555.0, 430.0]], ('item#2', 0.9920284152030945)], [[[787.0, 409.0], [857.0, 409.0], [857.0, 432.0], [787.0, 432.0]], ('$28.9', 0.9884033203125)], [[[552.0, 442.0], [642.0, 442.0], [642.0, 464.0], [552.0, 464.0]], ('Item#3', 0.9824978709220886)], [[[776.0, 441.0], [857.0, 441.0], [857.0, 464.0], [776.0, 464.0]], ('$534.7', 0.9884921908378601)], [[[551.0, 476.0], [644.0, 473.0], [645.0, 496.0], [552.0, 498.0]], ('Item#4', 0.9861311316490173)], [[[804.0, 474.0], [858.0, 474.0], [858.0, 498.0], [804.0, 498.0]], ('$7.9', 0.9925944209098816)], [[[555.0, 529.0], [655.0, 529.0], [655.0, 551.0], [555.0, 551.0]], ('Discount', 0.9982264041900635)], [[[789.0, 528.0], [858.0, 528.0], [858.0, 551.0], [789.0, 551.0]], ('$69.5', 0.984993577003479)], [[[554.0, 559.0], [612.0, 559.0], [612.0, 581.0], [554.0, 581.0]], ('Total', 0.9980013966560364)], [[[775.0, 559.0], [857.0, 559.0], [857.0, 581.0], [775.0, 581.0]], ('$625.5', 0.9919511675834656)], [[[552.0, 624.0], [611.0, 626.0], [610.0, 650.0], [551.0, 647.0]], ('Date', 0.9982501864433289)], [[[761.0, 625.0], [857.0, 625.0], [857.0, 647.0], [761.0, 647.0]], ('05/13/17', 0.9842270612716675)], [[[633.0, 677.0], [774.0, 677.0], [774.0, 695.0], [633.0, 695.0]], ('THANKYOU!', 0.9828221797943115)], [[[28.0, 981.0], [206.0, 981.0], [206.0, 1007.0], [28.0, 1007.0]], ('depositphotos', 0.9860509037971497)], [[[665.0, 988.0], [784.0, 985.0], [785.0, 999.0], [665.0, 1002.0]], ('Image ID:139873634', 0.9451111555099487)], [[[807.0, 988.0], [938.0, 988.0], [938.0, 1002.0], [807.0, 1002.0]], ('', 0.998302161693573)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "05/13/17", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$625.5", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Item#1", "item_value": "$123.5", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "item#2", "item_value": "$28.9", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Item#3", "item_value": "$534.7", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Item#4", "item_value": "$7.9", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[152.0, 85.0], [545.0, 62.0], [546.0, 83.0], [153.0, 106.0]], ('OLIVEGARDEN1184', 0.9893321394920349)], [[[241.0, 100.0], [466.0, 87.0], [467.0, 108.0], [243.0, 121.0]], ('940 B1ossom Hi11 Rd', 0.8696014881134033)], [[[217.0, 124.0], [488.0, 108.0], [489.0, 129.0], [218.0, 145.0]], ('San JoseCA 95123-1202', 0.9423269629478455)], [[[431.0, 155.0], [602.0, 143.0], [603.0, 165.0], [433.0, 176.0]], ('Check#64164', 0.9900575280189514)], [[[123.0, 192.0], [312.0, 182.0], [314.0, 206.0], [124.0, 216.0]], ('Table43', 0.9850215315818787)], [[[122.0, 216.0], [195.0, 212.0], [196.0, 234.0], [123.0, 238.0]], ('ANNE B', 0.9442684054374695)], [[[541.0, 215.0], [609.0, 210.0], [611.0, 236.0], [543.0, 241.0]], ('Gst 3', 0.8909627199172974)], [[[121.0, 240.0], [348.0, 227.0], [349.0, 248.0], [122.0, 261.0]], ('11:16:45 05/24/2013', 0.9447265267372131)], [[[300.0, 298.0], [422.0, 292.0], [423.0, 315.0], [301.0, 321.0]], ('Guest No.1', 0.951069176197052)], [[[558.0, 308.0], [615.0, 304.0], [617.0, 331.0], [560.0, 335.0]], ('3.05', 0.9947501420974731)], [[[142.0, 329.0], [376.0, 321.0], [376.0, 341.0], [143.0, 350.0]], ('1 Bellini Peach Tea', 0.9208203554153442)], [[[549.0, 333.0], [618.0, 330.0], [619.0, 356.0], [550.0, 359.0]], ('12.25', 0.9961100816726685)], [[[142.0, 352.0], [326.0, 346.0], [327.0, 367.0], [143.0, 374.0]], ('1 CY0 Sampler 3', 0.8283830881118774)], [[[188.0, 375.0], [398.0, 369.0], [399.0, 389.0], [189.0, 396.0]], ('Stuffed Mushrooms', 0.9672481417655945)], [[[188.0, 399.0], [286.0, 396.0], [287.0, 417.0], [189.0, 421.0]], ('Calamari', 0.9919365644454956)], [[[187.0, 423.0], [376.0, 419.0], [376.0, 440.0], [188.0, 445.0]], ('Chicken Fingers', 0.9623028635978699)], [[[555.0, 432.0], [626.0, 429.0], [627.0, 456.0], [556.0, 459.0]], ('18.75', 0.9985877871513367)], [[[137.0, 449.0], [299.0, 445.0], [300.0, 466.0], [138.0, 471.0]], ('1 Mixed Gril1', 0.852763295173645)], [[[183.0, 471.0], [265.0, 468.0], [266.0, 494.0], [184.0, 496.0]], ('MEDIUM', 0.9959378242492676)], [[[132.0, 497.0], [251.0, 495.0], [252.0, 520.0], [132.0, 522.0]], ('1*Salad', 0.957365870475769)], [[[299.0, 546.0], [432.0, 541.0], [433.0, 566.0], [300.0, 571.0]], ('Guest No.2', 0.9492536783218384)], [[[577.0, 562.0], [637.0, 562.0], [637.0, 590.0], [577.0, 590.0]], ('3.05', 0.9957461357116699)], [[[131.0, 578.0], [392.0, 572.0], [392.0, 594.0], [131.0, 600.0]], ('1 Raspberry Lemonade', 0.9657953381538391)], [[[568.0, 591.0], [639.0, 591.0], [639.0, 618.0], [568.0, 618.0]], ('10.50', 0.9969571828842163)], [[[129.0, 604.0], [418.0, 598.0], [419.0, 619.0], [129.0, 625.0]], ('1L Fettuccine Alfredo', 0.9432643055915833)], [[[126.0, 630.0], [355.0, 627.0], [355.0, 651.0], [126.0, 654.0]], ('1* Zuppa Toscana', 0.940484344959259)], [[[298.0, 683.0], [436.0, 678.0], [437.0, 703.0], [299.0, 708.0]], ('Guest No.3', 0.9544280171394348)], [[[589.0, 703.0], [650.0, 703.0], [650.0, 731.0], [589.0, 731.0]], ('4.55', 0.99588942527771)], [[[120.0, 714.0], [424.0, 708.0], [424.0, 733.0], [121.0, 739.0]], ('1 Peach-Mango Smoothie', 0.9677999019622803)], [[[580.0, 734.0], [652.0, 734.0], [652.0, 761.0], [580.0, 761.0]], ('13.95', 0.9981268644332886)], [[[118.0, 744.0], [381.0, 738.0], [382.0, 763.0], [119.0, 769.0]], ('1L Seafood Alfredo', 0.9501082301139832)], [[[117.0, 774.0], [353.0, 770.0], [354.0, 796.0], [118.0, 800.0]], ('1 * Zuppa Toscana', 0.9203248023986816)], [[[83.0, 864.0], [661.0, 856.0], [662.0, 885.0], [83.0, 893.0]], ('ID#9032065342975', 0.9919267892837524)], [[[120.0, 962.0], [551.0, 958.0], [551.0, 985.0], [121.0, 989.0]], ('We value your opinion.Please', 0.9626657366752625)]]
{"store_name": "OLIVEGARDEN1184", "store_addr": "940BlossomHillRd SanJose,CA95123-1202", "telephone": "", "date": "05/24/2013", "time": "11:16:45", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BelliniPeachTea", "item_value": "3.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CYOSampler3", "item_value": "12.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "StuffedMushrooms", "item_value": "18.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Calamari", "item_value": "3.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenFingers", "item_value": "10.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MixedGrill", "item_value": "4.55", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*Salad", "item_value": "13.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RaspberryLemonade", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LFettuccineAlfredo", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*ZuppaToscana", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Peach-MangoSmoothie", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LSeafoodAlfredo", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*ZuppaToscana", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[101.0, 75.0], [226.0, 88.0], [222.0, 129.0], [97.0, 116.0]], ('PIUNIH.L', 0.7361886501312256)], [[[268.0, 196.0], [440.0, 210.0], [437.0, 239.0], [266.0, 225.0]], ('ThinAir Texas', 0.9572222232818604)], [[[181.0, 227.0], [508.0, 240.0], [506.0, 272.0], [180.0, 259.0]], ('4902 Fredericksburg Road', 0.9688723683357239)], [[[206.0, 261.0], [493.0, 273.0], [491.0, 301.0], [205.0, 289.0]], ('San AntonioTX 78229', 0.938362717628479)], [[[249.0, 295.0], [438.0, 304.0], [437.0, 332.0], [248.0, 324.0]], ('210802-0715', 0.9922231435775757)], [[[217.0, 359.0], [468.0, 365.0], [467.0, 391.0], [216.0, 385.0]], ('***>>>SALE<<***', 0.8540164828300476)], [[[53.0, 423.0], [481.0, 426.0], [480.0, 454.0], [53.0, 451.0]], ('Rece1pt:001-151111-002-027437', 0.969943642616272)], [[[53.0, 456.0], [241.0, 460.0], [240.0, 489.0], [52.0, 485.0]], ('Station: P0S2', 0.9001172780990601)], [[[94.0, 493.0], [441.0, 494.0], [441.0, 522.0], [94.0, 521.0]], ('Date:11/11/20152:39PM', 0.9746386408805847)], [[[49.0, 527.0], [341.0, 529.0], [341.0, 557.0], [49.0, 555.0]], ('Cashier: Stephanie Q', 0.9362087249755859)], [[[81.0, 668.0], [336.0, 668.0], [336.0, 693.0], [81.0, 693.0]], ('16&Under1Hour', 0.971542477607727)], [[[529.0, 663.0], [616.0, 660.0], [617.0, 690.0], [530.0, 693.0]], ('$10.00', 0.9946581721305847)], [[[106.0, 699.0], [309.0, 695.0], [309.0, 723.0], [107.0, 727.0]], ('Flight Tickets', 0.9471594095230103)], [[[107.0, 735.0], [485.0, 717.0], [486.0, 745.0], [109.0, 763.0]], ('2:30pm-3:30pm on 11/11/2015', 0.9391067028045654)], [[[521.0, 746.0], [609.0, 743.0], [610.0, 777.0], [522.0, 779.0]], ('$13.00', 0.9219496250152588)], [[[79.0, 771.0], [362.0, 757.0], [364.0, 785.0], [81.0, 799.0]], ('11 Hour F1ight Pass', 0.9482001066207886)], [[[105.0, 806.0], [310.0, 793.0], [312.0, 825.0], [107.0, 838.0]], ('F1ight Tickets', 0.94537752866745)], [[[104.0, 844.0], [490.0, 819.0], [492.0, 850.0], [106.0, 876.0]], ('2:30pm-3:30pm on 11/11/2015', 0.9258519411087036)], [[[356.0, 901.0], [620.0, 884.0], [622.0, 915.0], [358.0, 932.0]], ('Order Tota1:$23.00', 0.9310385584831238)], [[[299.0, 943.0], [625.0, 920.0], [627.0, 951.0], [301.0, 975.0]], ('Amount Tendered:$23.00', 0.9698550701141357)]]
{"store_name": "ThinAirTexas THINAIR", "store_addr": "SanAntonio,TX78229 4902FredericksburgRoad", "telephone": "(210)802-0715", "date": "11/11/2015", "time": "2:39PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$23.00 $23.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "1HourFlightPass", "item_value": "$13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "6&Under1Hour", "item_value": "$10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[199.0, 0.0], [369.0, 1.0], [365.0, 42.0], [195.0, 24.0]], ('cuBen', 0.6382153630256653)], [[[209.0, 15.0], [306.0, 30.0], [303.0, 48.0], [206.0, 33.0]], ('CALLUS AT', 0.951691210269928)], [[[183.0, 28.0], [331.0, 51.0], [327.0, 75.0], [179.0, 51.0]], ('1-500-505', 0.9918347597122192)], [[[145.0, 49.0], [321.0, 76.0], [319.0, 90.0], [143.0, 63.0]], (' Hoka Bento', 0.8713650107383728)], [[[178.0, 71.0], [332.0, 93.0], [330.0, 107.0], [176.0, 85.0]], ('JAPANESE RESTAURANT', 0.9801216125488281)], [[[327.0, 79.0], [388.0, 85.0], [387.0, 98.0], [325.0, 92.0]], ('@okBen', 0.6828758120536804)], [[[197.0, 122.0], [301.0, 136.0], [299.0, 153.0], [195.0, 139.0]], ('PLAZA SEMANGGI', 0.9768214225769043)], [[[144.0, 135.0], [342.0, 159.0], [340.0, 176.0], [142.0, 152.0]], ('Telp2553 64482553 6449', 0.9580028653144836)], [[[94.0, 151.0], [294.0, 172.0], [292.0, 188.0], [93.0, 168.0]], ('BILL.NO51601.3345.134', 0.9776874780654907)], [[[92.0, 171.0], [357.0, 197.0], [356.0, 214.0], [91.0, 187.0]], ('KOMARIAH18-01-18 17:21GUEST1', 0.9511523842811584)], [[[88.0, 211.0], [151.0, 216.0], [149.0, 237.0], [87.0, 232.0]], ('DINE IN', 0.9752768278121948)], [[[111.0, 236.0], [249.0, 246.0], [248.0, 264.0], [110.0, 253.0]], ('1 HOKA HEMAT RB 1', 0.9249441027641296)], [[[110.0, 257.0], [271.0, 269.0], [270.0, 287.0], [109.0, 275.0]], ('1 CHICKEN TOFU 1 PCS', 0.9210737347602844)], [[[358.0, 253.0], [405.0, 256.0], [404.0, 275.0], [356.0, 272.0]], ('20,910', 0.9475113749504089)], [[[107.0, 278.0], [202.0, 285.0], [200.0, 305.0], [106.0, 299.0]], ('1 COLD OCHA', 0.9240667819976807)], [[[358.0, 274.0], [407.0, 277.0], [406.0, 295.0], [357.0, 293.0]], ('10,000', 0.928878128528595)], [[[365.0, 294.0], [409.0, 296.0], [408.0, 318.0], [363.0, 315.0]], ('5,910', 0.9618849754333496)], [[[77.0, 323.0], [136.0, 327.0], [134.0, 349.0], [76.0, 345.0]], ('3item', 0.9476569890975952)], [[[171.0, 327.0], [247.0, 332.0], [246.0, 352.0], [170.0, 348.0]], ('SUB TOTAL', 0.9488394260406494)], [[[362.0, 336.0], [413.0, 339.0], [412.0, 359.0], [360.0, 357.0]], ('36,820', 0.932857096195221)], [[[169.0, 351.0], [280.0, 356.0], [279.0, 376.0], [168.0, 370.0]], ('PJK RESTO10%', 0.9540653824806213)], [[[370.0, 360.0], [414.0, 360.0], [414.0, 382.0], [370.0, 382.0]], ('3,682', 0.9677704572677612)], [[[169.0, 374.0], [256.0, 379.0], [255.0, 400.0], [168.0, 395.0]], ('PEMBULATAN', 0.9954166412353516)], [[[395.0, 385.0], [415.0, 385.0], [415.0, 403.0], [395.0, 403.0]], ('-2', 0.9882761240005493)], [[[168.0, 398.0], [214.0, 401.0], [213.0, 422.0], [167.0, 420.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9979283213615417)], [[[366.0, 404.0], [417.0, 407.0], [416.0, 428.0], [364.0, 426.0]], ('40,500', 0.9731958508491516)], [[[166.0, 424.0], [213.0, 424.0], [213.0, 446.0], [166.0, 446.0]], ('TUNAI', 0.992938220500946)], [[[365.0, 428.0], [418.0, 430.0], [417.0, 452.0], [363.0, 449.0]], ('50,000', 0.9440173506736755)], [[[165.0, 449.0], [229.0, 449.0], [229.0, 471.0], [165.0, 471.0]], ('KEMBALI', 0.9953392744064331)], [[[373.0, 451.0], [419.0, 454.0], [418.0, 476.0], [371.0, 474.0]], ('9,500', 0.9785221219062805)], [[[127.0, 501.0], [342.0, 503.0], [342.0, 522.0], [127.0, 520.0]], ('NIKMATI HOKBEN TOKYO BOWL', 0.9436123371124268)], [[[152.0, 527.0], [330.0, 528.0], [330.0, 548.0], [152.0, 547.0]], ('MENU LEZAT & PRAKTIS', 0.9371809959411621)], [[[126.0, 556.0], [345.0, 556.0], [345.0, 572.0], [126.0, 572.0]], ('HARGA MULAI RP.24 RIBUAN', 0.9240891337394714)]]
{"store_name": "JAPANESERESTAURANT", "store_addr": "PLAZASEMANGGI", "telephone": "1-500-505 25536448,25536449", "date": "18-01-18", "time": "17:21", "subtotal": "36,820", "tax": "3,682", "total": "40,500", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "HOKAHEMATRB1", "item_value": "20,910", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHICKENTOFU1PCS", "item_value": "10,000", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COLDOCHA", "item_value": "5,910", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[169.0, 48.0], [210.0, 48.0], [210.0, 66.0], [169.0, 66.0]], ('THYME', 0.997429370880127)], [[[124.0, 66.0], [263.0, 67.0], [263.0, 84.0], [124.0, 83.0]], ('3605 Crompond Road', 0.953511655330658)], [[[94.0, 85.0], [293.0, 86.0], [293.0, 103.0], [94.0, 102.0]], ('Yorktown Heights.Ny 10598', 0.9314632415771484)], [[[120.0, 105.0], [196.0, 105.0], [196.0, 122.0], [120.0, 122.0]], ('Table', 0.9847477078437805)], [[[224.0, 106.0], [269.0, 106.0], [269.0, 121.0], [224.0, 121.0]], ('12', 0.9821215867996216)], [[[41.0, 122.0], [105.0, 122.0], [105.0, 139.0], [41.0, 139.0]], ('Trans #', 0.9270291328430176)], [[[141.0, 124.0], [181.0, 124.0], [181.0, 139.0], [141.0, 139.0]], ('83392', 0.9993457794189453)], [[[260.0, 123.0], [338.0, 123.0], [338.0, 140.0], [260.0, 140.0]], ('Serv:Sean', 0.9129780530929565)], [[[44.0, 143.0], [174.0, 143.0], [174.0, 157.0], [44.0, 157.0]], ('7/22/2017 2:39PM', 0.9484236240386963)], [[[268.0, 142.0], [332.0, 142.0], [332.0, 159.0], [268.0, 159.0]], ('#Cust2', 0.9822111129760742)], [[[57.0, 178.0], [166.0, 178.0], [166.0, 195.0], [57.0, 195.0]], ('Quan Descript', 0.9696465730667114)], [[[300.0, 178.0], [332.0, 178.0], [332.0, 194.0], [300.0, 194.0]], ('Gost', 0.8008776307106018)], [[[65.0, 214.0], [129.0, 214.0], [129.0, 231.0], [65.0, 231.0]], ('1 COFFEE', 0.9180693030357361)], [[[306.0, 213.0], [349.0, 213.0], [349.0, 231.0], [306.0, 231.0]], ('$3.00', 0.9954155683517456)], [[[64.0, 233.0], [167.0, 233.0], [167.0, 250.0], [64.0, 250.0]], ('1 THYME SALAD', 0.9299662113189697)], [[[300.0, 231.0], [349.0, 231.0], [349.0, 249.0], [300.0, 249.0]], ('$12.00', 0.9961435198783875)], [[[65.0, 251.0], [152.0, 251.0], [152.0, 268.0], [65.0, 268.0]], ('1 ADO STEAK', 0.8994899392127991)], [[[307.0, 249.0], [350.0, 249.0], [350.0, 267.0], [307.0, 267.0]], ('$8.00', 0.9967201948165894)], [[[64.0, 269.0], [219.0, 268.0], [219.0, 285.0], [64.0, 286.0]], ('1 CHICKEN PARMIGIANA', 0.9049713015556335)], [[[301.0, 267.0], [350.0, 267.0], [350.0, 285.0], [301.0, 285.0]], ('$16.00', 0.9965941905975342)], [[[64.0, 288.0], [182.0, 288.0], [182.0, 305.0], [64.0, 305.0]], ('1BREAD PUDDING', 0.9127998948097229)], [[[307.0, 285.0], [351.0, 285.0], [351.0, 303.0], [307.0, 303.0]], ('$8.00', 0.9955404996871948)], [[[64.0, 307.0], [144.0, 307.0], [144.0, 324.0], [64.0, 324.0]], ('1 ALA MODE', 0.9155288934707642)], [[[310.0, 304.0], [351.0, 304.0], [351.0, 322.0], [310.0, 322.0]], ('$7.00', 0.9757364392280579)], [[[64.0, 326.0], [167.0, 326.0], [167.0, 343.0], [64.0, 343.0]], ('I Choc Mousse', 0.90992271900177)], [[[311.0, 322.0], [353.0, 322.0], [353.0, 341.0], [311.0, 341.0]], ('$8.00', 0.9948193430900574)], [[[203.0, 361.0], [283.0, 359.0], [283.0, 377.0], [203.0, 379.0]], ('Net Total', 0.9603642225265503)], [[[304.0, 360.0], [354.0, 360.0], [354.0, 377.0], [304.0, 377.0]], ('$56.00', 0.9282679557800293)], [[[242.0, 379.0], [271.0, 379.0], [271.0, 398.0], [242.0, 398.0]], ('TAX', 0.9961492419242859)], [[[311.0, 378.0], [355.0, 378.0], [355.0, 397.0], [311.0, 397.0]], ('$4.13', 0.9893997311592102)], [[[152.0, 419.0], [263.0, 419.0], [263.0, 436.0], [152.0, 436.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9939168095588684)], [[[257.0, 417.0], [353.0, 417.0], [353.0, 434.0], [257.0, 434.0]], ('$60.13', 0.9814748167991638)], [[[69.0, 442.0], [263.0, 437.0], [263.0, 454.0], [69.0, 459.0]], ('Amount.Due:', 0.9037492275238037)], [[[258.0, 436.0], [354.0, 435.0], [354.0, 453.0], [258.0, 454.0]], ('$60.13', 0.9743430018424988)], [[[36.0, 462.0], [135.0, 459.0], [136.0, 476.0], [37.0, 479.0]], ('Food:$53.00', 0.9507167339324951)], [[[34.0, 482.0], [158.0, 479.0], [159.0, 497.0], [35.0, 500.0]], ('Beverage:$3.00', 0.9589523673057556)], [[[93.0, 501.0], [297.0, 495.0], [297.0, 512.0], [93.0, 518.0]], ('<-REPRINTED->', 0.9455875754356384)], [[[124.0, 541.0], [263.0, 537.0], [263.0, 554.0], [125.0, 558.0]], ('Tel:914-788-8700', 0.9317013025283813)], [[[123.0, 561.0], [262.0, 557.0], [263.0, 575.0], [124.0, 579.0]], ('Fax914-788-8702', 0.991826057434082)], [[[146.0, 581.0], [240.0, 578.0], [241.0, 596.0], [147.0, 599.0]], ('We Can Plan', 0.9178737998008728)], [[[99.0, 603.0], [287.0, 597.0], [287.0, 615.0], [99.0, 621.0]], ('Your Next Private Party', 0.9630222320556641)], [[[83.0, 625.0], [312.0, 618.0], [313.0, 635.0], [83.0, 642.0]], ('[email protected]', 0.9867811799049377)], [[[81.0, 646.0], [313.0, 639.0], [314.0, 656.0], [81.0, 663.0]], ('', 0.9773761630058289)], [[[74.0, 667.0], [328.0, 660.0], [329.0, 678.0], [74.0, 685.0]], ('You Can Now Find Us On Facebook', 0.9311864376068115)]]
{"store_name": "THYME", "store_addr": "3605CrompondRoad YorktownHeights.NY10598", "telephone": "914-788-8700", "date": "7/22/2017", "time": "2:39PM", "subtotal": "$56.00", "tax": "$4.13", "total": "$60.13 $60.13", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "COFFEE", "item_value": "$3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "THYMESALAD", "item_value": "$12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDSTEAK", "item_value": "$8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHICKENPARMIGIANA", "item_value": "$16.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BREADPUDDING", "item_value": "$8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALAMODE", "item_value": "$1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChocMousse", "item_value": "$8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Descript", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[64.0, 74.0], [184.0, 68.0], [185.0, 82.0], [65.0, 88.0]], ('Thiste HethruResterant', 0.6425018310546875)], [[[66.0, 84.0], [186.0, 78.0], [187.0, 91.0], [67.0, 97.0]], ('Bath Fad.UrlseUs7 CE0', 0.602070689201355)], [[[88.0, 91.0], [163.0, 88.0], [163.0, 102.0], [88.0, 105.0]], ('aT243 264176', 0.805310070514679)], [[[73.0, 101.0], [149.0, 99.0], [149.0, 113.0], [73.0, 115.0]], ('1007E51GlesC', 0.8251423239707947)], [[[61.0, 121.0], [98.0, 121.0], [98.0, 135.0], [61.0, 135.0]], ('7BL15/1', 0.7489938139915466)], [[[168.0, 118.0], [193.0, 115.0], [194.0, 127.0], [169.0, 130.0]], ('5S1.2', 0.7411495447158813)], [[[108.0, 128.0], [146.0, 128.0], [146.0, 142.0], [108.0, 142.0]], ('CHK1017', 0.922849714756012)], [[[109.0, 140.0], [146.0, 140.0], [146.0, 151.0], [109.0, 151.0]], ('15/716/Y', 0.9066005945205688)], [[[95.0, 150.0], [159.0, 146.0], [159.0, 160.0], [95.0, 164.0]], ('21NA71618:45', 0.8241265416145325)], [[[112.0, 168.0], [151.0, 168.0], [151.0, 182.0], [112.0, 182.0]], ('25.50', 0.9031890034675598)], [[[78.0, 180.0], [145.0, 178.0], [145.0, 193.0], [78.0, 195.0]], ('Pran Cocktai', 0.7726163268089294)], [[[165.0, 178.0], [190.0, 178.0], [190.0, 190.0], [165.0, 190.0]], ('11.00', 0.9354082942008972)], [[[165.0, 188.0], [190.0, 188.0], [190.0, 200.0], [165.0, 200.0]], ('10.95', 0.9820773005485535)], [[[71.0, 200.0], [147.0, 197.0], [147.0, 211.0], [72.0, 214.0]], ('1 Poached Salon', 0.819449245929718)], [[[166.0, 198.0], [191.0, 198.0], [191.0, 210.0], [166.0, 210.0]], ('12.50', 0.977135181427002)], [[[111.0, 208.0], [151.0, 208.0], [151.0, 222.0], [111.0, 222.0]], ('242.55', 0.7751471400260925)], [[[168.0, 217.0], [192.0, 217.0], [192.0, 232.0], [168.0, 232.0]], ('5.50', 0.9360247254371643)], [[[110.0, 229.0], [152.0, 229.0], [152.0, 243.0], [110.0, 243.0]], ('22.50', 0.9223158955574036)], [[[75.0, 241.0], [147.0, 239.0], [147.0, 253.0], [75.0, 255.0]], ('1et Coke 330n1', 0.7777575850486755)], [[[170.0, 239.0], [194.0, 239.0], [194.0, 251.0], [170.0, 251.0]], ('5.00', 0.9660106301307678)], [[[66.0, 251.0], [138.0, 249.0], [139.0, 263.0], [66.0, 265.0]], ('7.56VAT20.0%', 0.7769052982330322)], [[[170.0, 249.0], [198.0, 249.0], [198.0, 264.0], [170.0, 264.0]], ('45.35', 0.9591280221939087)], [[[94.0, 262.0], [129.0, 262.0], [129.0, 276.0], [94.0, 276.0]], ('NET TTL', 0.929735541343689)], [[[170.0, 260.0], [199.0, 260.0], [199.0, 275.0], [170.0, 275.0]], ('37,79', 0.878413200378418)], [[[75.0, 273.0], [99.0, 276.0], [98.0, 288.0], [74.0, 285.0]], ('Faod', 0.8238607048988342)], [[[168.0, 270.0], [196.0, 273.0], [195.0, 287.0], [167.0, 284.0]], ('40.35', 0.9897330403327942)], [[[75.0, 286.0], [116.0, 286.0], [116.0, 297.0], [75.0, 297.0]], ('Beverage', 0.9893789887428284)], [[[170.0, 283.0], [197.0, 283.0], [197.0, 298.0], [170.0, 298.0]], ('5.00', 0.9919726252555847)], [[[74.0, 295.0], [120.0, 295.0], [120.0, 309.0], [74.0, 309.0]], ('TOTAL CUE', 0.8991230726242065)], [[[169.0, 294.0], [197.0, 294.0], [197.0, 309.0], [169.0, 309.0]], ('45.35', 0.9769159555435181)], [[[50.0, 306.0], [97.0, 309.0], [96.0, 323.0], [49.0, 320.0]], ('Gratuity:', 0.9393937587738037)], [[[47.0, 330.0], [90.0, 334.0], [89.0, 349.0], [46.0, 345.0]], ('R o', 0.6096665859222412)], [[[45.0, 359.0], [75.0, 359.0], [75.0, 373.0], [45.0, 373.0]], ('Nane:', 0.8023859262466431)], [[[43.0, 386.0], [98.0, 386.0], [98.0, 400.0], [43.0, 400.0]], ('Signature:', 0.9513930082321167)], [[[45.0, 413.0], [203.0, 414.0], [203.0, 429.0], [44.0, 428.0]], ('Please Leave Your Feedback On', 0.9445703625679016)], [[[65.0, 429.0], [183.0, 430.0], [183.0, 444.0], [65.0, 443.0]], ('', 0.9415454864501953)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "21MAY'16", "time": "18:45", "subtotal": "37.79", "tax": "", "total": "45.35 45.35", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[103.0, 48.0], [209.0, 53.0], [207.0, 75.0], [102.0, 69.0]], ('Served by:', 0.9259105920791626)], [[[176.0, 73.0], [441.0, 73.0], [441.0, 101.0], [176.0, 101.0]], ('Term ID-Trans#1/A-221125', 0.9535654187202454)], [[[251.0, 121.0], [368.0, 121.0], [368.0, 142.0], [251.0, 142.0]], ('TAX INVOICE', 0.9644820690155029)], [[[225.0, 146.0], [395.0, 146.0], [395.0, 164.0], [225.0, 164.0]], ('ABN47831255770', 0.9920787215232849)], [[[77.0, 180.0], [225.0, 189.0], [223.0, 215.0], [76.0, 206.0]], ('Qty Size Item', 0.9482223987579346)], [[[456.0, 185.0], [515.0, 185.0], [515.0, 208.0], [456.0, 208.0]], ('Price', 0.9928951263427734)], [[[96.0, 235.0], [114.0, 235.0], [114.0, 256.0], [96.0, 256.0]], ('1', 0.906265377998352)], [[[139.0, 235.0], [418.0, 233.0], [419.0, 261.0], [139.0, 264.0]], ('6Egg & Cheese Bkfst Sub', 0.9399477243423462)], [[[459.0, 230.0], [518.0, 230.0], [518.0, 256.0], [459.0, 256.0]], ('$4.55', 0.9892252683639526)], [[[96.0, 260.0], [114.0, 260.0], [114.0, 283.0], [96.0, 283.0]], ('1', 0.9553360342979431)], [[[176.0, 261.0], [320.0, 266.0], [319.0, 290.0], [175.0, 285.0]], ('Bott led Juice', 0.9341737031936646)], [[[448.0, 257.0], [519.0, 253.0], [520.0, 279.0], [450.0, 283.0]], ('$3.50*', 0.9383347034454346)], [[[74.0, 308.0], [178.0, 312.0], [177.0, 337.0], [73.0, 333.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9286223649978638)], [[[449.0, 307.0], [511.0, 303.0], [512.0, 330.0], [451.0, 334.0]], ('$7.64', 0.975130558013916)], [[[75.0, 335.0], [234.0, 340.0], [233.0, 364.0], [74.0, 359.0]], ('Taxable Amount', 0.9597181081771851)], [[[449.0, 335.0], [511.0, 331.0], [512.0, 358.0], [451.0, 362.0]], ('$4.14', 0.9888817667961121)], [[[74.0, 360.0], [181.0, 366.0], [180.0, 388.0], [73.0, 382.0]], ('GST 10%', 0.9117925763130188)], [[[452.0, 362.0], [509.0, 359.0], [510.0, 383.0], [453.0, 386.0]], ('$0.41', 0.9878120422363281)], [[[73.0, 385.0], [233.0, 392.0], [232.0, 414.0], [72.0, 407.0]], ('Total Eat In', 0.9385223388671875)], [[[453.0, 387.0], [512.0, 384.0], [513.0, 408.0], [454.0, 411.0]], ('$8.05', 0.9958896636962891)], [[[70.0, 410.0], [123.0, 413.0], [122.0, 437.0], [69.0, 434.0]], ('Cash', 0.9976473450660706)], [[[444.0, 411.0], [514.0, 408.0], [515.0, 433.0], [444.0, 436.0]], ('$20.00', 0.9316938519477844)], [[[69.0, 435.0], [146.0, 439.0], [144.0, 465.0], [68.0, 461.0]], ('Change', 0.9980574250221252)], [[[447.0, 435.0], [518.0, 435.0], [518.0, 458.0], [447.0, 458.0]], ('$11.95', 0.9936070442199707)], [[[67.0, 465.0], [300.0, 461.0], [301.0, 487.0], [67.0, 491.0]], ('*Items non taxed.', 0.9445910453796387)], [[[70.0, 518.0], [418.0, 513.0], [419.0, 538.0], [70.0, 543.0]], ('We believe in EQUALITy for ALL', 0.8882900476455688)], [[[69.0, 547.0], [204.0, 544.0], [204.0, 569.0], [69.0, 572.0]], ('Australians', 0.9752016663551331)], [[[66.0, 603.0], [248.0, 599.0], [249.0, 624.0], [66.0, 628.0]], ('What about you?', 0.9470956921577454)], [[[62.0, 660.0], [446.0, 652.0], [446.0, 680.0], [62.0, 688.0]], ('Vote "YEs"in the Postal Survey.', 0.8780386447906494)], [[[57.0, 719.0], [555.0, 708.0], [556.0, 739.0], [57.0, 750.0]], ("Do it because it's the right thing to do.", 0.9488369226455688)], [[[52.0, 818.0], [453.0, 800.0], [454.0, 828.0], [54.0, 846.0]], ('Host 0rder ID:SPM20170904095648', 0.9443527460098267)], [[[48.0, 881.0], [555.0, 860.0], [556.0, 891.0], [50.0, 912.0]], ('Get a FREE cookie when you take our Te11', 0.892585277557373)], [[[48.0, 916.0], [508.0, 895.0], [509.0, 927.0], [50.0, 947.0]], ('Subway survey within the next 7 days', 0.9256204962730408)], [[[44.0, 950.0], [430.0, 933.0], [431.0, 965.0], [46.0, 983.0]], ('', 0.9630262851715088)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "CRANBOURNE.VIC,3977 CranbourneParkShoopingCentreHighStr", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$7.64", "tax": "$0.41", "total": "$8.05", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "6\"EggCheeseBkfstSub", "item_value": "$3.50*", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BottledJuice", "item_value": "$4.55", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Item", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[932.0, 177.0], [1148.0, 177.0], [1148.0, 235.0], [932.0, 235.0]], ("Rustom's", 0.9823973178863525)], [[[780.0, 289.0], [1294.0, 300.0], [1293.0, 361.0], [778.0, 350.0]], ('94A &94BAdhchini,', 0.9448164701461792)], [[[829.0, 353.0], [1228.0, 364.0], [1226.0, 422.0], [827.0, 411.0]], ('Aurobindo Marg,', 0.9668310284614563)], [[[807.0, 422.0], [1273.0, 422.0], [1273.0, 479.0], [807.0, 479.0]], ('New Delhi - 110017', 0.9064164757728577)], [[[807.0, 479.0], [1252.0, 483.0], [1252.0, 541.0], [807.0, 537.0]], ('TIN07796943605', 0.9972946047782898)], [[[723.0, 544.0], [1353.0, 544.0], [1353.0, 602.0], [723.0, 602.0]], ('S.TAX-AAKFD4293JSD001', 0.9795960187911987)], [[[598.0, 602.0], [1457.0, 602.0], [1457.0, 670.0], [598.0, 670.0]], ('Ph. : 01126522086/ +91-9910060502', 0.9549941420555115)], [[[887.0, 673.0], [1179.0, 673.0], [1179.0, 731.0], [887.0, 731.0]], ('Tax Invoice', 0.9811750650405884)], [[[810.0, 734.0], [1276.0, 734.0], [1276.0, 792.0], [810.0, 792.0]], ('Receipt No.0002307', 0.9704561233520508)], [[[981.0, 857.0], [1081.0, 857.0], [1081.0, 925.0], [981.0, 925.0]], ('R02', 0.9592326283454895)], [[[414.0, 983.0], [629.0, 983.0], [629.0, 1044.0], [414.0, 1044.0]], ('Rustoms1', 0.9958475828170776)], [[[1453.0, 976.0], [1671.0, 968.0], [1673.0, 1030.0], [1455.0, 1038.0]], ('RUSTOMS1', 0.9948862791061401)], [[[407.0, 1047.0], [536.0, 1047.0], [536.0, 1108.0], [407.0, 1108.0]], ('Prem', 0.9943975210189819)], [[[1272.0, 1044.0], [1672.0, 1037.0], [1673.0, 1098.0], [1273.0, 1105.0]], ('Patron Count :2', 0.9554216265678406)], [[[418.0, 1108.0], [922.0, 1115.0], [921.0, 1173.0], [417.0, 1166.0]], ('16-05-2015', 0.9187535643577576)], [[[1586.0, 1292.0], [1680.0, 1292.0], [1680.0, 1360.0], [1586.0, 1360.0]], ('Rs.', 0.9422318935394287)], [[[939.0, 1367.0], [1130.0, 1367.0], [1130.0, 1428.0], [939.0, 1428.0]], ('Guest 1', 0.9500484466552734)], [[[1513.0, 1421.0], [1683.0, 1421.0], [1683.0, 1482.0], [1513.0, 1482.0]], ('225.00', 0.9938483238220215)], [[[424.0, 1438.0], [894.0, 1438.0], [894.0, 1486.0], [424.0, 1486.0]], ('1x CARAMEL CUSTARD', 0.9328715801239014)], [[[1516.0, 1486.0], [1683.0, 1486.0], [1683.0, 1547.0], [1516.0, 1547.0]], ('495.00', 0.9953232407569885)], [[[417.0, 1500.0], [918.0, 1496.0], [918.0, 1554.0], [418.0, 1557.0]], ('1x Mutton DHAN SAK', 0.9315817356109619)], [[[1516.0, 1550.0], [1683.0, 1550.0], [1683.0, 1612.0], [1516.0, 1612.0]], ('295.00', 0.9957353472709656)], [[[417.0, 1567.0], [866.0, 1564.0], [866.0, 1615.0], [418.0, 1619.0]], ('1x KOLMI NA KEBAB', 0.9354239702224731)], [[[417.0, 1629.0], [963.0, 1622.0], [963.0, 1679.0], [418.0, 1687.0]], ('1x PARSI ROTLI 2PCS', 0.9112757444381714)], [[[1540.0, 1622.0], [1683.0, 1622.0], [1683.0, 1673.0], [1540.0, 1673.0]], ('70.00', 0.9951122403144836)], [[[1523.0, 1683.0], [1686.0, 1683.0], [1686.0, 1744.0], [1523.0, 1744.0]], ('120.00', 0.9961669445037842)], [[[417.0, 1693.0], [973.0, 1690.0], [974.0, 1747.0], [418.0, 1751.0]], ('1x RASPBERRY ICED TEA', 0.9288092255592346)], [[[1520.0, 1748.0], [1686.0, 1748.0], [1686.0, 1809.0], [1520.0, 1809.0]], ('395.00', 0.99516361951828)], [[[417.0, 1758.0], [765.0, 1758.0], [765.0, 1816.0], [417.0, 1816.0]], ('1x SALLI BOTI', 0.9127377271652222)], [[[1520.0, 1812.0], [1690.0, 1812.0], [1690.0, 1873.0], [1520.0, 1873.0]], ('225.00', 0.9958303570747375)], [[[413.0, 1826.0], [893.0, 1819.0], [894.0, 1877.0], [414.0, 1884.0]], ('1x VENGNA NA KEBAB', 0.9304413199424744)], [[[1474.0, 1945.0], [1690.0, 1945.0], [1690.0, 2006.0], [1474.0, 2006.0]], ('1,825.00', 0.9492073059082031)], [[[410.0, 1955.0], [657.0, 1955.0], [657.0, 2016.0], [410.0, 2016.0]], ('Sub Tota1', 0.9343408942222595)], [[[1474.0, 2142.0], [1697.0, 2142.0], [1697.0, 2203.0], [1474.0, 2203.0]], ('2,500.00', 0.9644163846969604)], [[[403.0, 2152.0], [529.0, 2152.0], [529.0, 2217.0], [403.0, 2217.0]], ('Cash', 0.9967150688171387)], [[[402.0, 2209.0], [634.0, 2218.0], [631.0, 2289.0], [399.0, 2281.0]], ('Rounding', 0.9987983703613281)], [[[1558.0, 2210.0], [1704.0, 2210.0], [1704.0, 2275.0], [1558.0, 2275.0]], ('-0.44', 0.9489477276802063)], [[[404.0, 2349.0], [734.0, 2357.0], [733.0, 2418.0], [403.0, 2410.0]], ('Total Change', 0.9652988910675049)], [[[1537.0, 2346.0], [1704.0, 2346.0], [1704.0, 2411.0], [1537.0, 2411.0]], ('133.00', 0.9951258301734924)], [[[1540.0, 2417.0], [1707.0, 2417.0], [1707.0, 2479.0], [1540.0, 2479.0]], ('182.50', 0.9931368231773376)], [[[400.0, 2428.0], [786.0, 2428.0], [786.0, 2485.0], [400.0, 2485.0]], ('Service Charge', 0.970035970211029)], [[[396.0, 2496.0], [890.0, 2489.0], [890.0, 2546.0], [397.0, 2554.0]], ('Service Tax 4.944%', 0.9641544818878174)], [[[1561.0, 2489.0], [1711.0, 2489.0], [1711.0, 2550.0], [1561.0, 2550.0]], ('99.10', 0.9969760775566101)], [[[400.0, 2564.0], [675.0, 2564.0], [675.0, 2621.0], [400.0, 2621.0]], ('VAT AB 20%', 0.9383673667907715)], [[[1565.0, 2557.0], [1711.0, 2557.0], [1711.0, 2621.0], [1565.0, 2621.0]], ('26.40', 0.9855456352233887)], [[[396.0, 2632.0], [650.0, 2632.0], [650.0, 2693.0], [396.0, 2693.0]], ('Vat 12.5%', 0.9315863847732544)], [[[1540.0, 2628.0], [1714.0, 2628.0], [1714.0, 2689.0], [1540.0, 2689.0]], ('234.44', 0.9940727353096008)], [[[386.0, 2768.0], [536.0, 2768.0], [536.0, 2842.0], [386.0, 2842.0]], ('Total', 0.9970089793205261)], [[[1401.0, 2771.0], [1714.0, 2771.0], [1714.0, 2832.0], [1401.0, 2832.0]], ('Rs.2367.43', 0.9785529971122742)], [[[643.0, 2917.0], [1460.0, 2917.0], [1460.0, 2975.0], [643.0, 2975.0]], ('-Thank You For Your Order --', 0.9160695672035217)], [[[685.0, 2982.0], [1384.0, 2985.0], [1384.0, 3053.0], [685.0, 3050.0]], ('', 0.9947251677513123)]]
{"store_name": "Rustom's", "store_addr": "94A&94B,Adhchini, AurobindoMarg, NewDelhi-110017", "telephone": "01126522086/ +91-9910060502", "date": "16-05-2015", "time": "02:02pm", "subtotal": "1,825.00", "tax": "99.10 26.40 234.44", "total": "Rs.2,367.43", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CARAMELCUSTARD", "item_value": "225.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MuttonDHANSAK", "item_value": "495.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KOLMINAKEBAB", "item_value": "295.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PARSIROTLI(2PCS)", "item_value": "70.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RASPBERRYICEDTEA", "item_value": "120.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SALLIBOTI", "item_value": "395.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VENGNANAKEBAB", "item_value": "225.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[17.0, 38.0], [134.0, 30.0], [135.0, 47.0], [18.0, 55.0]], ('Server:Marciarn', 0.9791737198829651)], [[[17.0, 54.0], [148.0, 46.0], [149.0, 63.0], [18.0, 72.0]], ('26/02/18 09:35pm', 0.9506005048751831)], [[[168.0, 63.0], [251.0, 57.0], [253.0, 75.0], [170.0, 81.0]], ('Covers3', 0.9937527775764465)], [[[17.0, 73.0], [102.0, 66.0], [103.0, 83.0], [18.0, 90.0]], ('Table No:44', 0.9057185649871826)], [[[303.0, 95.0], [348.0, 92.0], [349.0, 111.0], [304.0, 114.0]], ('6.00', 0.9888522028923035)], [[[28.0, 106.0], [140.0, 102.0], [141.0, 119.0], [28.0, 123.0]], ('3 Cover Charge', 0.9384435415267944)], [[[27.0, 124.0], [117.0, 120.0], [118.0, 138.0], [28.0, 142.0]], ('2 Btl Evian', 0.8616907000541687)], [[[305.0, 115.0], [350.0, 115.0], [350.0, 133.0], [305.0, 133.0]], ('9.90', 0.9951834678649902)], [[[28.0, 143.0], [205.0, 137.0], [205.0, 155.0], [28.0, 160.0]], ('1 Cocktail and Passion', 0.9470493197441101)], [[[298.0, 134.0], [351.0, 134.0], [351.0, 152.0], [298.0, 152.0]], ('14.00', 0.9952797889709473)], [[[28.0, 162.0], [141.0, 160.0], [142.0, 177.0], [28.0, 179.0]], ('1 PinUp Colada', 0.928257167339325)], [[[297.0, 154.0], [350.0, 151.0], [351.0, 170.0], [298.0, 172.0]], ('13.00', 0.9946898221969604)], [[[31.0, 181.0], [128.0, 181.0], [128.0, 198.0], [31.0, 198.0]], ('1Pimped Cup', 0.9585174322128296)], [[[298.0, 173.0], [352.0, 173.0], [352.0, 191.0], [298.0, 191.0]], ('12.00', 0.9944483041763306)], [[[31.0, 200.0], [190.0, 196.0], [190.0, 213.0], [31.0, 217.0]], ('15 Sashimi Platter', 0.9606336951255798)], [[[298.0, 193.0], [351.0, 191.0], [352.0, 210.0], [299.0, 212.0]], ('35.00', 0.9952781796455383)], [[[33.0, 218.0], [177.0, 216.0], [177.0, 233.0], [33.0, 235.0]], ('1 8 sushi platter', 0.9225385189056396)], [[[298.0, 211.0], [351.0, 209.0], [352.0, 227.0], [299.0, 229.0]], ('28.00', 0.9910470247268677)], [[[33.0, 237.0], [185.0, 233.0], [185.0, 251.0], [33.0, 255.0]], ('1 King Crab Scal lop', 0.8945475816726685)], [[[301.0, 229.0], [354.0, 229.0], [354.0, 247.0], [301.0, 247.0]], ('23.20', 0.9957407712936401)], [[[33.0, 257.0], [206.0, 252.0], [206.0, 269.0], [33.0, 274.0]], ('1 SF Champagne Cocktai', 0.9553849697113037)], [[[302.0, 248.0], [357.0, 248.0], [357.0, 266.0], [302.0, 266.0]], ('23.00', 0.9922782778739929)], [[[33.0, 276.0], [106.0, 276.0], [106.0, 293.0], [33.0, 293.0]], ('3Scalop', 0.9031624794006348)], [[[303.0, 268.0], [357.0, 266.0], [358.0, 285.0], [304.0, 288.0]], ('17.40', 0.9936057925224304)], [[[55.0, 295.0], [112.0, 295.0], [112.0, 312.0], [55.0, 312.0]], ('Sashimi', 0.996238112449646)], [[[34.0, 314.0], [168.0, 314.0], [168.0, 331.0], [34.0, 331.0]], ('1 Sexy Fish Lager', 0.9108579158782959)], [[[312.0, 310.0], [359.0, 307.0], [360.0, 326.0], [313.0, 329.0]], ('6.75', 0.9927451610565186)], [[[33.0, 334.0], [207.0, 331.0], [207.0, 350.0], [33.0, 352.0]], ('1 Maki Spicy Tuna Roll', 0.9137140512466431)], [[[306.0, 329.0], [361.0, 329.0], [361.0, 348.0], [306.0, 348.0]], ('11.80', 0.9883992075920105)], [[[34.0, 354.0], [146.0, 354.0], [146.0, 371.0], [34.0, 371.0]], ('1 Rainbow Tree', 0.9408746361732483)], [[[307.0, 351.0], [362.0, 351.0], [362.0, 369.0], [307.0, 369.0]], ('16.00', 0.9920330047607422)], [[[35.0, 374.0], [162.0, 374.0], [162.0, 391.0], [35.0, 391.0]], ('1 Rice Rice Baby', 0.9382814168930054)], [[[307.0, 371.0], [362.0, 370.0], [363.0, 389.0], [308.0, 390.0]], ('15.00', 0.9950740933418274)], [[[37.0, 394.0], [172.0, 394.0], [172.0, 411.0], [37.0, 411.0]], ('1 Rhubarb Crumble', 0.9295639991760254)], [[[317.0, 392.0], [364.0, 392.0], [364.0, 410.0], [317.0, 410.0]], ('9.00', 0.9924333095550537)], [[[115.0, 431.0], [174.0, 431.0], [174.0, 449.0], [115.0, 449.0]], ('Svc Ch', 0.902507483959198)], [[[301.0, 430.0], [356.0, 430.0], [356.0, 448.0], [301.0, 448.0]], ('29.26', 0.9918782114982605)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "26/02/18", "time": "09:35pm", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CoverCharge", "item_value": "\u00a36.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BtlEvian", "item_value": "\u00a39.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CocktailandPassion", "item_value": "\u00a314.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PinUpColada", "item_value": "\u00a313.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PimpedCup", "item_value": "\u00a312.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "5SashimiPlatter", "item_value": "\u00a335.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "8sushiplatter", "item_value": "\u00a328.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KingCrabScallop", "item_value": "\u00a323.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SFChampagneCocktai", "item_value": "\u00a323.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Scallop", "item_value": "\u00a317.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SexyFishLager", "item_value": "\u00a36.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MakiSpicyTunaRoll", "item_value": "\u00a311.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RainbowTree", "item_value": "\u00a316.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RiceRiceBaby", "item_value": "\u00a315.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RhubarbCrumble", "item_value": "\u00a39.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[157.0, 30.0], [347.0, 32.0], [347.0, 52.0], [157.0, 50.0]], ('ANJAPPAR', 0.9886119961738586)], [[[71.0, 55.0], [444.0, 60.0], [443.0, 81.0], [71.0, 76.0]], ('AUTHENTIC CHETTINAAD RESTAURANT', 0.9633630514144897)], [[[83.0, 82.0], [431.0, 87.0], [430.0, 110.0], [83.0, 105.0]], ('Unit of Maestrosoft Pte Ltd', 0.949836254119873)], [[[43.0, 110.0], [470.0, 117.0], [470.0, 140.0], [42.0, 133.0]], ("#76.78 Race Course RdS'Pore 218575", 0.9155338406562805)], [[[55.0, 139.0], [471.0, 146.0], [471.0, 169.0], [54.0, 162.0]], ('Te1+65 62965545 Fax+65 62965575', 0.9432750344276428)], [[[127.0, 169.0], [411.0, 175.0], [411.0, 199.0], [126.0, 193.0]], ('GST Reg.No.200103698Z', 0.9390537738800049)], [[[63.0, 198.0], [398.0, 204.0], [398.0, 227.0], [63.0, 221.0]], ('FREEHOME DELIVERY67776777', 0.9492911696434021)], [[[23.0, 227.0], [298.0, 232.0], [298.0, 257.0], [23.0, 252.0]], ('23/05/2013 18:51ACA1', 0.9610670208930969)], [[[386.0, 234.0], [496.0, 234.0], [496.0, 259.0], [386.0, 259.0]], ('201305231', 0.9983620047569275)], [[[22.0, 257.0], [189.0, 260.0], [188.0, 284.0], [22.0, 281.0]], ('Bil1A296102', 0.8880762457847595)], [[[407.0, 262.0], [488.0, 264.0], [487.0, 293.0], [406.0, 291.0]], ('Pax:1', 0.871020495891571)], [[[23.0, 287.0], [249.0, 291.0], [249.0, 319.0], [23.0, 315.0]], ('Tab1e:14', 0.940413236618042)], [[[46.0, 351.0], [221.0, 354.0], [221.0, 379.0], [45.0, 376.0]], ('1Prawn Masala', 0.9592286348342896)], [[[435.0, 355.0], [500.0, 355.0], [500.0, 384.0], [435.0, 384.0]], ('10.00', 0.9852951169013977)], [[[46.0, 383.0], [271.0, 387.0], [270.0, 411.0], [45.0, 407.0]], ('1A1oo Gopi Masala', 0.8518715500831604)], [[[446.0, 388.0], [500.0, 388.0], [500.0, 415.0], [446.0, 415.0]], ('6.50', 0.9942411184310913)], [[[43.0, 414.0], [333.0, 419.0], [333.0, 443.0], [42.0, 438.0]], ('1Butter Chicken Masala', 0.9516851902008057)], [[[445.0, 416.0], [502.0, 418.0], [501.0, 448.0], [443.0, 446.0]], ('9.00', 0.9905233979225159)], [[[41.0, 447.0], [208.0, 447.0], [208.0, 474.0], [41.0, 474.0]], ('1Mushroom 65', 0.937687873840332)], [[[447.0, 450.0], [501.0, 450.0], [501.0, 477.0], [447.0, 477.0]], ('7.00', 0.9910403490066528)], [[[40.0, 479.0], [218.0, 481.0], [218.0, 505.0], [39.0, 503.0]], ('1Onion Pakoda', 0.9344040751457214)], [[[445.0, 479.0], [502.0, 479.0], [502.0, 510.0], [445.0, 510.0]], ('5.50', 0.97682124376297)], [[[38.0, 511.0], [332.0, 514.0], [332.0, 538.0], [37.0, 535.0]], ('1 Steamed Basmathi Rice', 0.9436253309249878)], [[[446.0, 509.0], [503.0, 514.0], [501.0, 544.0], [444.0, 539.0]], ('3.50', 0.9878381490707397)], [[[37.0, 542.0], [207.0, 545.0], [206.0, 572.0], [36.0, 569.0]], ('1 Garlic Naan', 0.895663857460022)], [[[446.0, 543.0], [503.0, 543.0], [503.0, 574.0], [446.0, 574.0]], ('3.80', 0.989887535572052)], [[[36.0, 579.0], [199.0, 579.0], [199.0, 603.0], [36.0, 603.0]], ('1Fresh Lime', 0.9446485042572021)], [[[185.0, 578.0], [283.0, 576.0], [284.0, 604.0], [185.0, 606.0]], ('Sweet', 0.9079612493515015)], [[[446.0, 576.0], [503.0, 576.0], [503.0, 606.0], [446.0, 606.0]], ('3.00', 0.9493128657341003)], [[[56.0, 608.0], [138.0, 608.0], [138.0, 637.0], [56.0, 637.0]], ('SUBTTL', 0.9955684542655945)], [[[435.0, 609.0], [502.0, 609.0], [502.0, 638.0], [435.0, 638.0]], ('48.30', 0.9932657480239868)], [[[57.0, 644.0], [203.0, 641.0], [204.0, 669.0], [58.0, 672.0]], ('10%SVCCHG', 0.9930343627929688)], [[[447.0, 642.0], [503.0, 642.0], [503.0, 672.0], [447.0, 672.0]], ('4.83', 0.9942829608917236)], [[[55.0, 677.0], [137.0, 677.0], [137.0, 706.0], [55.0, 706.0]], ('7%GST', 0.9926618337631226)], [[[447.0, 674.0], [504.0, 674.0], [504.0, 705.0], [447.0, 705.0]], ('3.72', 0.9934446215629578)], [[[56.0, 744.0], [185.0, 746.0], [184.0, 777.0], [55.0, 775.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9978896379470825)], [[[372.0, 744.0], [501.0, 744.0], [501.0, 772.0], [372.0, 772.0]], ('56.85', 0.9931651949882507)]]
{"store_name": "ANJAPPAR AUTHENTICCHETTINAADRESTAURANT", "store_addr": "#76,78RaceCourseRd,S'Pore218575", "telephone": "+6562965545", "date": "23/05/2013", "time": "18:51", "subtotal": "48.30", "tax": "3.72", "total": "56.85", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PrawnMasala", "item_value": "10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AlooGopiMasala", "item_value": "6.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ButterChickenMasala", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Mushroom65", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OnionPakoda", "item_value": "5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SteamedBasmathiRice", "item_value": "3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GarlicNaan", "item_value": "3.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FreshLimesweet", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[240.0, 57.0], [346.0, 57.0], [346.0, 71.0], [240.0, 71.0]], ('Minneapolis-Saint Pad', 0.9174341559410095)], [[[237.0, 69.0], [353.0, 78.0], [349.0, 126.0], [233.0, 117.0]], ('msp', 0.9970020651817322)], [[[167.0, 134.0], [430.0, 136.0], [430.0, 160.0], [167.0, 158.0]], ('ePark Sales Receipt', 0.9622313976287842)], [[[235.0, 162.0], [358.0, 162.0], [358.0, 179.0], [235.0, 179.0]], ('612-725-4680', 0.9964106678962708)], [[[159.0, 204.0], [422.0, 204.0], [422.0, 228.0], [159.0, 228.0]], ('MINNEAPOLIS SAINT', 0.9784592986106873)], [[[187.0, 237.0], [375.0, 237.0], [375.0, 264.0], [187.0, 264.0]], ('PAUL AIRPORT', 0.9786834716796875)], [[[143.0, 271.0], [252.0, 271.0], [252.0, 296.0], [143.0, 296.0]], ('RECEIPT', 0.9932084679603577)], [[[310.0, 272.0], [375.0, 272.0], [375.0, 301.0], [310.0, 301.0]], ('A141', 0.9911837577819824)], [[[142.0, 304.0], [308.0, 306.0], [308.0, 334.0], [142.0, 332.0]], ('ENTRY TIME:', 0.9628704190254211)], [[[141.0, 340.0], [261.0, 340.0], [261.0, 368.0], [141.0, 368.0]], ('06/03/13', 0.9955257177352905)], [[[342.0, 339.0], [423.0, 339.0], [423.0, 372.0], [342.0, 372.0]], ('12:57', 0.9742316007614136)], [[[141.0, 372.0], [291.0, 375.0], [291.0, 403.0], [141.0, 400.0]], ('EXIT TIME:', 0.9446848630905151)], [[[140.0, 406.0], [261.0, 409.0], [260.0, 437.0], [139.0, 434.0]], ('06/04/13', 0.9914894104003906)], [[[341.0, 407.0], [422.0, 409.0], [421.0, 442.0], [340.0, 440.0]], ('09:32', 0.9719620943069458)], [[[139.0, 441.0], [420.0, 446.0], [420.0, 473.0], [139.0, 468.0]], ('PARK-DUR.HRS:MIN', 0.951343297958374)], [[[308.0, 477.0], [419.0, 479.0], [419.0, 511.0], [308.0, 509.0]], ('0:20:35', 0.9637383818626404)], [[[137.0, 507.0], [245.0, 509.0], [245.0, 540.0], [137.0, 538.0]], ('AMOUNT:', 0.9803351163864136)], [[[308.0, 544.0], [421.0, 550.0], [419.0, 581.0], [306.0, 575.0]], ('$14.00', 0.9899522662162781)], [[[140.0, 574.0], [385.0, 583.0], [384.0, 614.0], [139.0, 605.0]], ('KIND OF PAYMENT:', 0.9380240440368652)], [[[136.0, 608.0], [203.0, 608.0], [203.0, 639.0], [136.0, 639.0]], ('VISA', 0.9967198371887207)]]
{"store_name": "MinneapolisSaintPaul msp", "store_addr": "MINNEAPOLISSAINT PAULAIRPORT", "telephone": "612-725-4680", "date": "26/03/13 26/24/13", "time": "09:32", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$14.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[127.0, 27.0], [170.0, 23.0], [171.0, 37.0], [128.0, 41.0]], ('=DINING=', 0.9822263717651367)], [[[84.0, 42.0], [209.0, 34.0], [210.0, 51.0], [85.0, 59.0]], ('28128 Pacific Coast Hy', 0.9619168639183044)], [[[103.0, 55.0], [193.0, 48.0], [194.0, 64.0], [105.0, 71.0]], ('Mal1buCA 90265', 0.9336537718772888)], [[[116.0, 68.0], [182.0, 62.0], [183.0, 77.0], [118.0, 82.0]], ('310.457.2503', 0.9880258440971375)], [[[52.0, 95.0], [118.0, 93.0], [119.0, 108.0], [53.0, 110.0]], ('140Mier C', 0.8830208778381348)], [[[50.0, 122.0], [99.0, 122.0], [99.0, 135.0], [50.0, 135.0]], ('Tb740/1', 0.9637101888656616)], [[[128.0, 118.0], [173.0, 114.0], [174.0, 129.0], [129.0, 133.0]], ('Chik2941', 0.8873701095581055)], [[[223.0, 114.0], [262.0, 114.0], [262.0, 129.0], [223.0, 129.0]], ('Gst2', 0.974348247051239)], [[[109.0, 133.0], [193.0, 128.0], [194.0, 142.0], [110.0, 147.0]], ('Dec061504:34PM', 0.9456462264060974)], [[[74.0, 157.0], [136.0, 159.0], [135.0, 173.0], [74.0, 171.0]], ('Dining', 0.9921650886535645)], [[[67.0, 170.0], [133.0, 172.0], [132.0, 186.0], [66.0, 184.0]], ('1 Hot Sanpler', 0.900714635848999)], [[[214.0, 168.0], [245.0, 168.0], [245.0, 183.0], [214.0, 183.0]], ('29.95', 0.9957321286201477)], [[[67.0, 184.0], [138.0, 184.0], [138.0, 195.0], [67.0, 195.0]], ('1 Apple Crumble', 0.7898661494255066)], [[[218.0, 182.0], [246.0, 182.0], [246.0, 197.0], [218.0, 197.0]], ('8.95', 0.9953317642211914)], [[[68.0, 195.0], [132.0, 197.0], [131.0, 211.0], [67.0, 208.0]], ('1Chowder Cup', 0.9230925440788269)], [[[219.0, 196.0], [246.0, 196.0], [246.0, 211.0], [219.0, 211.0]], ('6.95', 0.9846498966217041)], [[[68.0, 206.0], [149.0, 210.0], [149.0, 224.0], [67.0, 220.0]], ('1 Boba Waterme lon', 0.8512770533561707)], [[[68.0, 219.0], [145.0, 224.0], [144.0, 238.0], [67.0, 233.0]], ('2 Water Datquiri', 0.8311710953712463)], [[[217.0, 210.0], [246.0, 210.0], [246.0, 223.0], [217.0, 223.0]], ('13.95', 0.9959386587142944)], [[[216.0, 222.0], [246.0, 222.0], [246.0, 237.0], [216.0, 237.0]], ('27.90', 0.9948495030403137)], [[[77.0, 243.0], [118.0, 247.0], [117.0, 261.0], [76.0, 258.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9234104752540588)], [[[75.0, 257.0], [95.0, 260.0], [94.0, 271.0], [74.0, 268.0]], ('Tax', 0.9913846850395203)], [[[216.0, 248.0], [247.0, 248.0], [247.0, 263.0], [216.0, 263.0]], ('87.70', 0.9916217923164368)], [[[54.0, 266.0], [144.0, 273.0], [142.0, 290.0], [53.0, 282.0]], ('05:33PM Tota1 Due', 0.8197773098945618)], [[[219.0, 262.0], [247.0, 262.0], [247.0, 277.0], [219.0, 277.0]], ('7.90', 0.9929577708244324)], [[[189.0, 274.0], [246.0, 276.0], [246.0, 290.0], [189.0, 288.0]], ('95.60', 0.997331440448761)], [[[81.0, 310.0], [222.0, 314.0], [221.0, 331.0], [81.0, 328.0]], ('joining us in', 0.9460451602935791)], [[[113.0, 326.0], [206.0, 326.0], [206.0, 340.0], [113.0, 340.0]], ('Paradise.', 0.9959242343902588)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "28128PacificCoastHwy Malibu.CA90265", "telephone": "310.457.2503", "date": "Dec06'15", "time": "05:33PM", "subtotal": "87.70", "tax": "7.90", "total": "95.60", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "HotSampler", "item_value": "29.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AppleCrumble", "item_value": "8.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChowderCup", "item_value": "6.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BobaWatermelon", "item_value": "13.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WaterDaiquiri", "item_value": "27.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Dining", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[105.0, 6.0], [204.0, 0.0], [206.0, 20.0], [107.0, 29.0]], ('STAPLES', 0.9965198636054993)], [[[89.0, 42.0], [216.0, 42.0], [216.0, 54.0], [89.0, 54.0]], ('10045 A1meda Genoa Road', 0.9099591970443726)], [[[104.0, 55.0], [199.0, 55.0], [199.0, 69.0], [104.0, 69.0]], ('HOUSTON,TX 77075', 0.9204928874969482)], [[[116.0, 69.0], [195.0, 69.0], [195.0, 82.0], [116.0, 82.0]], ('713)941-0049', 0.9532801508903503)], [[[36.0, 80.0], [63.0, 80.0], [63.0, 95.0], [36.0, 95.0]], ('SALE', 0.9986069798469543)], [[[164.0, 82.0], [272.0, 80.0], [272.0, 94.0], [164.0, 96.0]], ('1784800 1 001 65145', 0.9317716360092163)], [[[165.0, 95.0], [272.0, 94.0], [272.0, 108.0], [165.0, 109.0]], ('183203/07/16 06:38', 0.9558688402175903)], [[[38.0, 109.0], [118.0, 109.0], [118.0, 123.0], [38.0, 123.0]], ('QTY SKU', 0.9418424963951111)], [[[214.0, 109.0], [270.0, 109.0], [270.0, 123.0], [214.0, 123.0]], ('PRICE', 0.9980713129043579)], [[[39.0, 138.0], [49.0, 138.0], [49.0, 147.0], [39.0, 147.0]], ('1', 0.9331539273262024)], [[[58.0, 136.0], [156.0, 136.0], [156.0, 149.0], [58.0, 149.0]], ('1.00 BOX SEAL SKU', 0.8972910642623901)], [[[58.0, 149.0], [104.0, 149.0], [104.0, 163.0], [58.0, 163.0]], ('1962786', 0.9816765785217285)], [[[240.0, 148.0], [267.0, 148.0], [267.0, 163.0], [240.0, 163.0]], ('1.00', 0.9922261834144592)], [[[40.0, 164.0], [86.0, 164.0], [86.0, 175.0], [40.0, 175.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.994899332523346)], [[[241.0, 163.0], [266.0, 163.0], [266.0, 175.0], [241.0, 175.0]], ('1.00', 0.9968733191490173)], [[[60.0, 176.0], [161.0, 176.0], [161.0, 189.0], [60.0, 189.0]], ('Standard Tax 8.25%', 0.9457423090934753)], [[[240.0, 177.0], [266.0, 177.0], [266.0, 189.0], [240.0, 189.0]], ('0.08', 0.9903472661972046)], [[[39.0, 189.0], [70.0, 189.0], [70.0, 203.0], [39.0, 203.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9982391595840454)], [[[234.0, 190.0], [267.0, 190.0], [267.0, 204.0], [234.0, 204.0]], ('$1.08', 0.9917874336242676)], [[[38.0, 216.0], [65.0, 216.0], [65.0, 231.0], [38.0, 231.0]], ('Cash', 0.995476245880127)], [[[230.0, 214.0], [267.0, 217.0], [266.0, 233.0], [229.0, 230.0]], ('100.00', 0.9957496523857117)], [[[39.0, 242.0], [104.0, 242.0], [104.0, 256.0], [39.0, 256.0]], ('Cash Change', 0.9596054553985596)], [[[72.0, 252.0], [194.0, 253.0], [194.0, 270.0], [72.0, 269.0]], ('TOTAL ITEMS', 0.9518174529075623)], [[[234.0, 243.0], [267.0, 246.0], [266.0, 260.0], [233.0, 258.0]], ('682', 0.7189015746116638)], [[[89.0, 304.0], [213.0, 309.0], [212.0, 323.0], [89.0, 319.0]], ('Staples brand products', 0.9750417470932007)], [[[62.0, 317.0], [242.0, 323.0], [242.0, 340.0], [61.0, 334.0]], ('Below Budget.Above Expectat ions.', 0.9343084692955017)]]
{"store_name": "STAPLES", "store_addr": "10045AlmedaGenoaRoad HOUSTON,TX77075", "telephone": "(713)941-0049", "date": "03/07/16", "time": "06:38", "subtotal": "1.00", "tax": "0.08", "total": "$1.08", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "1.00BOXSEALSKU", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "SKU", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[85.0, 1.0], [266.0, 7.0], [265.0, 28.0], [84.0, 22.0]], ('CREDIT RECEIPT', 0.9717197418212891)], [[[31.0, 43.0], [113.0, 43.0], [113.0, 66.0], [31.0, 66.0]], ('HACK#', 0.9628092050552368)], [[[175.0, 51.0], [188.0, 51.0], [188.0, 67.0], [175.0, 67.0]], (':', 0.8830769062042236)], [[[226.0, 51.0], [334.0, 48.0], [334.0, 69.0], [227.0, 71.0]], ('00460953', 0.9977490901947021)], [[[31.0, 64.0], [155.0, 69.0], [154.0, 89.0], [30.0, 84.0]], ('MEDALLION.', 0.9445784687995911)], [[[278.0, 70.0], [334.0, 70.0], [334.0, 92.0], [278.0, 92.0]], ('5M43', 0.9936304092407227)], [[[28.0, 85.0], [293.0, 93.0], [292.0, 119.0], [27.0, 110.0]], ('01/24/16 16:24-16:45', 0.9343240857124329)], [[[30.0, 105.0], [112.0, 112.0], [110.0, 134.0], [28.0, 127.0]], ('TRIP#', 0.9513160586357117)], [[[275.0, 116.0], [331.0, 113.0], [331.0, 135.0], [276.0, 138.0]], ('6303', 0.9981388449668884)], [[[27.0, 128.0], [111.0, 134.0], [110.0, 156.0], [25.0, 150.0]], ('RATE#', 0.950282871723175)], [[[172.0, 138.0], [185.0, 138.0], [185.0, 155.0], [172.0, 155.0]], (':', 0.8549396395683289)], [[[286.0, 135.0], [331.0, 138.0], [329.0, 162.0], [284.0, 159.0]], ('14', 0.9989011883735657)], [[[25.0, 152.0], [199.0, 157.0], [198.0, 180.0], [24.0, 175.0]], ('NASSAU-WEST', 0.9765570163726807)], [[[25.0, 175.0], [134.0, 179.0], [133.0, 200.0], [24.0, 195.0]], ('Miles R1', 0.9480307698249817)], [[[170.0, 182.0], [184.0, 182.0], [184.0, 199.0], [170.0, 199.0]], (':', 0.8702462911605835)], [[[272.0, 179.0], [328.0, 181.0], [327.0, 203.0], [271.0, 200.0]], ('9.04', 0.9967869520187378)], [[[25.0, 198.0], [135.0, 200.0], [134.0, 221.0], [25.0, 218.0]], ('Miles R4', 0.9414607286453247)], [[[170.0, 202.0], [183.0, 202.0], [183.0, 218.0], [170.0, 218.0]], (':', 0.9028685688972473)], [[[271.0, 199.0], [326.0, 202.0], [325.0, 224.0], [270.0, 221.0]], ('9.08', 0.9963145852088928)], [[[26.0, 220.0], [120.0, 220.0], [120.0, 241.0], [26.0, 241.0]], ('FARE R1', 0.9428873658180237)], [[[169.0, 223.0], [182.0, 223.0], [182.0, 239.0], [169.0, 239.0]], (':', 0.8729680180549622)], [[[245.0, 220.0], [325.0, 224.0], [324.0, 245.0], [244.0, 242.0]], ('$25.50', 0.9967301487922668)], [[[25.0, 243.0], [121.0, 241.0], [122.0, 262.0], [25.0, 264.0]], ('FARE R4', 0.9456104636192322)], [[[245.0, 243.0], [324.0, 245.0], [324.0, 266.0], [244.0, 264.0]], ('$45.00', 0.9987616539001465)], [[[25.0, 265.0], [181.0, 261.0], [181.0, 282.0], [25.0, 286.0]], ('STATE SRCHG:', 0.9343896508216858)], [[[257.0, 264.0], [324.0, 266.0], [323.0, 287.0], [256.0, 285.0]], ('$0.50', 0.9986591339111328)], [[[24.0, 288.0], [179.0, 283.0], [180.0, 303.0], [25.0, 309.0]], ('IMP.SRCHG.', 0.9600690603256226)], [[[257.0, 284.0], [324.0, 288.0], [322.0, 310.0], [256.0, 306.0]], ('$0.30', 0.9960152506828308)], [[[23.0, 309.0], [81.0, 305.0], [83.0, 329.0], [25.0, 333.0]], ('TIPS', 0.9981611967086792)], [[[242.0, 305.0], [324.0, 309.0], [323.0, 332.0], [241.0, 329.0]], ('$14.26', 0.9931452870368958)], [[[23.0, 329.0], [179.0, 323.0], [180.0, 344.0], [24.0, 347.0]], ('GRAND TOTAL:', 0.9151099324226379)], [[[243.0, 328.0], [322.0, 328.0], [322.0, 347.0], [243.0, 347.0]], ('$85.56', 0.9851263165473938)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "01/24/16", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "$0.50 $0.30", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "$14.26", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FARER1:", "item_value": "$25.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FARER4:", "item_value": "$45.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[161.0, 55.0], [214.0, 58.0], [213.0, 81.0], [160.0, 78.0]], ('TIONG', 0.9937105178833008)], [[[161.0, 75.0], [216.0, 79.0], [214.0, 106.0], [159.0, 102.0]], ('BAHRU', 0.9943896532058716)], [[[162.0, 97.0], [215.0, 101.0], [214.0, 116.0], [162.0, 112.0]], ('BACERY', 0.8791093826293945)], [[[124.0, 128.0], [256.0, 135.0], [255.0, 152.0], [123.0, 145.0]], ('NohBrgeRed#81-11/12', 0.7943382859230042)], [[[182.0, 119.0], [200.0, 122.0], [198.0, 135.0], [180.0, 132.0]], ('252', 0.9808351397514343)], [[[127.0, 143.0], [253.0, 150.0], [252.0, 164.0], [126.0, 157.0]], ('Raffies City Shoping Cente', 0.8773114681243896)], [[[150.0, 159.0], [232.0, 162.0], [231.0, 176.0], [149.0, 173.0]], ('Singapore179103', 0.89680415391922)], [[[151.0, 172.0], [233.0, 174.0], [232.0, 188.0], [150.0, 186.0]], ('Tel6563334160', 0.974101722240448)], [[[109.0, 213.0], [214.0, 216.0], [213.0, 230.0], [109.0, 227.0]], ('MONJANUARY11.2016', 0.9273673295974731)], [[[83.0, 225.0], [240.0, 227.0], [240.0, 242.0], [83.0, 240.0]], ('CHECK #954881-1', 0.9425240755081177)], [[[77.0, 251.0], [147.0, 253.0], [146.0, 267.0], [76.0, 265.0]], ('1.Flat whrte', 0.8167151808738708)], [[[220.0, 252.0], [251.0, 252.0], [251.0, 267.0], [220.0, 267.0]], ('$5.50', 0.9933208227157593)], [[[77.0, 267.0], [172.0, 267.0], [172.0, 280.0], [77.0, 280.0]], ('1 Brioche-Apple', 0.9256387948989868)], [[[221.0, 265.0], [252.0, 265.0], [252.0, 280.0], [221.0, 280.0]], ('$4.20', 0.9861857295036316)], [[[87.0, 280.0], [140.0, 280.0], [140.0, 294.0], [87.0, 294.0]], ('SUB-TOTAL', 0.9936263561248779)], [[[223.0, 278.0], [254.0, 278.0], [254.0, 293.0], [223.0, 293.0]], ('$9.06', 0.955973744392395)], [[[85.0, 293.0], [108.0, 293.0], [108.0, 308.0], [85.0, 308.0]], ('GST', 0.9953253865242004)], [[[223.0, 292.0], [254.0, 289.0], [255.0, 304.0], [224.0, 307.0]], ('$0.64', 0.9881547093391418)], [[[70.0, 308.0], [126.0, 305.0], [127.0, 322.0], [70.0, 325.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9983662366867065)], [[[192.0, 306.0], [249.0, 303.0], [250.0, 318.0], [193.0, 321.0]], ('$9.70', 0.9890297651290894)], [[[90.0, 336.0], [234.0, 331.0], [235.0, 347.0], [90.0, 352.0]], ('Price inclusive of 7x GST', 0.861843466758728)], [[[101.0, 351.0], [232.0, 346.0], [233.0, 363.0], [102.0, 368.0]], ('GST Reg No.201133471H', 0.9592636823654175)], [[[112.0, 381.0], [222.0, 376.0], [222.0, 394.0], [112.0, 398.0]], ('Breakfast', 0.9951270222663879)], [[[88.0, 398.0], [159.0, 396.0], [159.0, 413.0], [88.0, 415.0]], ('Time:09:24', 0.9333651661872864)], [[[185.0, 395.0], [249.0, 393.0], [249.0, 410.0], [185.0, 412.0]], ('1CUSTOMER', 0.9743359088897705)], [[[148.0, 429.0], [177.0, 429.0], [177.0, 448.0], [148.0, 448.0]], ('24', 0.9971272945404053)]]
{"store_name": "TIONG BAHRU", "store_addr": "252 NorthBridgeRoad,#B1-11/12 RaffiesCityShoppingCentre Singapore179103", "telephone": "(65)63334160", "date": "MONJANUARY11.2016", "time": "09:24", "subtotal": "$9.06", "tax": "$0.64", "total": "$9.70", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Flatwhite", "item_value": "$5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Brioche-Apple", "item_value": "$4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[350.0, 250.0], [563.0, 244.0], [564.0, 286.0], [351.0, 292.0]], ('TESCO', 0.9970267415046692)], [[[302.0, 309.0], [630.0, 294.0], [631.0, 319.0], [303.0, 333.0]], ('M/K WOLVERTON 0845 0770008', 0.8962246775627136)], [[[629.0, 394.0], [687.0, 391.0], [688.0, 417.0], [630.0, 420.0]], ('0.62', 0.9952357411384583)], [[[228.0, 412.0], [363.0, 404.0], [364.0, 429.0], [229.0, 437.0]], ('VALUE JUICE', 0.9560980200767517)], [[[630.0, 420.0], [688.0, 416.0], [690.0, 442.0], [632.0, 446.0]], ('1.29', 0.9951488971710205)], [[[227.0, 438.0], [316.0, 432.0], [318.0, 457.0], [229.0, 463.0]], ('CEREALS', 0.9975131750106812)], [[[631.0, 445.0], [688.0, 442.0], [689.0, 468.0], [632.0, 471.0]], ('0.48', 0.9969220161437988)], [[[228.0, 464.0], [328.0, 458.0], [329.0, 482.0], [229.0, 488.0]], ('HOT CHOC', 0.9615455865859985)], [[[632.0, 471.0], [689.0, 468.0], [690.0, 495.0], [633.0, 497.0]], ('0.26', 0.9967666864395142)], [[[228.0, 490.0], [365.0, 482.0], [366.0, 507.0], [229.0, 514.0]], ('BAKED BEANS', 0.9667680263519287)], [[[632.0, 497.0], [690.0, 493.0], [692.0, 520.0], [634.0, 524.0]], ('1.00', 0.9982085824012756)], [[[229.0, 515.0], [366.0, 509.0], [367.0, 533.0], [230.0, 540.0]], ('TESCO LAGER', 0.9560463428497314)], [[[417.0, 514.0], [427.0, 514.0], [427.0, 525.0], [417.0, 525.0]], ('X', 0.5845871567726135)], [[[635.0, 522.0], [692.0, 522.0], [692.0, 548.0], [635.0, 548.0]], ('0.26', 0.9965094327926636)], [[[229.0, 542.0], [366.0, 535.0], [367.0, 559.0], [230.0, 566.0]], ('BAKED BEANS', 0.9664610028266907)], [[[635.0, 549.0], [692.0, 546.0], [693.0, 573.0], [636.0, 576.0]], ('0.62', 0.9959156513214111)], [[[229.0, 567.0], [366.0, 561.0], [367.0, 585.0], [230.0, 591.0]], ('VALUE JUICE', 0.9624719023704529)], [[[418.0, 566.0], [428.0, 566.0], [428.0, 577.0], [418.0, 577.0]], ('*', 0.6237208843231201)], [[[635.0, 576.0], [693.0, 573.0], [694.0, 600.0], [636.0, 603.0]], ('0.26', 0.9958709478378296)], [[[229.0, 593.0], [367.0, 587.0], [368.0, 611.0], [230.0, 617.0]], ('BAKED BEANS', 0.9507719278335571)], [[[637.0, 603.0], [694.0, 600.0], [695.0, 627.0], [638.0, 630.0]], ('0.26', 0.995916485786438)], [[[228.0, 619.0], [368.0, 613.0], [369.0, 638.0], [229.0, 643.0]], ('BAKED BEANS', 0.9538236260414124)], [[[638.0, 631.0], [695.0, 631.0], [695.0, 657.0], [638.0, 657.0]], ('0.47', 0.9979261159896851)], [[[229.0, 644.0], [393.0, 640.0], [393.0, 664.0], [229.0, 668.0]], ('VALUE THK BRD', 0.9287706017494202)], [[[639.0, 683.0], [699.0, 683.0], [699.0, 712.0], [639.0, 712.0]], ('5.52', 0.9972089529037476)], [[[228.0, 695.0], [292.0, 695.0], [292.0, 721.0], [228.0, 721.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9981226921081543)], [[[640.0, 711.0], [701.0, 711.0], [701.0, 740.0], [640.0, 740.0]], ('5.60', 0.9957537651062012)], [[[227.0, 723.0], [283.0, 720.0], [284.0, 746.0], [228.0, 749.0]], ('CASH', 0.9974498748779297)], [[[228.0, 751.0], [356.0, 747.0], [356.0, 771.0], [228.0, 775.0]], ('CHANGE DUE', 0.9612693786621094)], [[[641.0, 742.0], [699.0, 739.0], [700.0, 766.0], [642.0, 769.0]], ('0.08', 0.9962315559387207)], [[[238.0, 805.0], [446.0, 800.0], [446.0, 823.0], [238.0, 828.0]], ('CLUBCARD', 0.996654748916626)], [[[466.0, 800.0], [703.0, 798.0], [703.0, 821.0], [466.0, 823.0]], ('STATEMENT', 0.9969332218170166)]]
{"store_name": "TESCO", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "5.52", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "VALUEJUICE", "item_value": "0.62", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CEREALS", "item_value": "1.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HOTCHOC", "item_value": "0.48", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BAKEDBEANS", "item_value": "0.26", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TESCOLAGER", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BAKEDBEANS", "item_value": "0.26", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VALUEJUICE", "item_value": "0.62", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BAKEDBEANS", "item_value": "0.26", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BAKEDBEANS", "item_value": "0.26", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VALUETHKBRD", "item_value": "0.47", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[43.0, 21.0], [140.0, 21.0], [140.0, 35.0], [43.0, 35.0]], ('Northgate Valero7067', 0.9212133288383484)], [[[42.0, 31.0], [136.0, 32.0], [136.0, 46.0], [42.0, 45.0]], ('930De1 Pres1d1o Blvd', 0.8515288233757019)], [[[41.0, 42.0], [135.0, 43.0], [135.0, 57.0], [41.0, 56.0]], ('San Rafeol.CA 94903', 0.8433439135551453)], [[[81.0, 74.0], [186.0, 76.0], [185.0, 90.0], [81.0, 88.0]], ('6/05/201410:21:40AM', 0.8889380097389221)], [[[58.0, 84.0], [208.0, 88.0], [208.0, 102.0], [57.0, 98.0]], ('Regtster1Trans9369 0p ID6', 0.9143134951591492)], [[[87.0, 95.0], [176.0, 99.0], [175.0, 113.0], [87.0, 108.0]], ('Your cashfer: Migue', 0.8719431161880493)], [[[78.0, 115.0], [179.0, 120.0], [178.0, 133.0], [77.0, 128.0]], ('PREPAID RECEIPT', 0.9397209286689758)], [[[39.0, 133.0], [127.0, 139.0], [126.0, 153.0], [38.0, 146.0]], ('UNLEADED CA PUMP#Z', 0.8399896025657654)], [[[172.0, 142.0], [214.0, 138.0], [215.0, 152.0], [174.0, 156.0]], ('30.0099', 0.8726537823677063)], [[[117.0, 158.0], [199.0, 160.0], [199.0, 177.0], [116.0, 175.0]], ('Subtotal=00.00', 0.7343235611915588)], [[[159.0, 153.0], [177.0, 156.0], [176.0, 163.0], [158.0, 161.0]], ('....', 0.6707230806350708)], [[[136.0, 173.0], [196.0, 169.0], [197.0, 182.0], [137.0, 187.0]], ('Tax0.00', 0.8253490328788757)], [[[127.0, 193.0], [192.0, 186.0], [194.0, 200.0], [129.0, 206.0]], ('Tota0.', 0.6321013569831848)], [[[104.0, 213.0], [189.0, 204.0], [191.0, 217.0], [106.0, 227.0]], ('Chang 0.00', 0.7028558850288391)], [[[28.0, 227.0], [52.0, 230.0], [51.0, 242.0], [27.0, 239.0]], ('Cash', 0.9828615784645081)], [[[162.0, 223.0], [188.0, 223.0], [188.0, 234.0], [162.0, 234.0]], ('30.00', 0.9360073804855347)]]
{"store_name": "NorthgateYalaro,7067", "store_addr": "930DelPresidioBlvd SenRafool,CA94903", "telephone": "", "date": "06/05/2014", "time": "10:21:40AK", "subtotal": "$30.00", "tax": "$0.00", "total": "$30.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "UNLEADEOCA", "item_value": "$30.0099", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[60.0, 78.0], [101.0, 78.0], [101.0, 89.0], [60.0, 89.0]], ('Receipt:', 0.9658445119857788)], [[[60.0, 101.0], [164.0, 101.0], [164.0, 115.0], [60.0, 115.0]], ('umFOSale16436', 0.8853874802589417)], [[[60.0, 116.0], [85.0, 116.0], [85.0, 127.0], [60.0, 127.0]], ('Date', 0.981172502040863)], [[[60.0, 127.0], [127.0, 127.0], [127.0, 138.0], [60.0, 138.0]], ('The Beer Harbour', 0.9043893218040466)], [[[60.0, 139.0], [106.0, 139.0], [106.0, 150.0], [60.0, 150.0]], ('14737523Q', 0.9731059670448303)], [[[60.0, 150.0], [144.0, 150.0], [144.0, 163.0], [60.0, 163.0]], ('ale Doresie y Moina', 0.7469062805175781)], [[[60.0, 161.0], [181.0, 161.0], [181.0, 174.0], [60.0, 174.0]], ('35130 Puero Rico (Las Palmas)', 0.8528236746788025)], [[[60.0, 175.0], [105.0, 175.0], [105.0, 185.0], [60.0, 185.0]], ('594428742', 0.9845559000968933)], [[[60.0, 195.0], [105.0, 195.0], [105.0, 209.0], [60.0, 209.0]], ('Product:', 0.9328185319900513)], [[[181.0, 195.0], [204.0, 195.0], [204.0, 207.0], [181.0, 207.0]], ('Qty:', 0.9230208992958069)], [[[216.0, 194.0], [246.0, 194.0], [246.0, 205.0], [216.0, 205.0]], ('Total:', 0.9663297533988953)], [[[60.0, 217.0], [110.0, 217.0], [110.0, 228.0], [60.0, 228.0]], ('Beer Harbou', 0.9360029101371765)], [[[228.0, 213.0], [258.0, 213.0], [258.0, 227.0], [228.0, 227.0]], ('12.05', 0.8884385228157043)], [[[59.0, 230.0], [108.0, 230.0], [108.0, 244.0], [59.0, 244.0]], ('BecBurger', 0.825667142868042)], [[[180.0, 230.0], [189.0, 230.0], [189.0, 241.0], [180.0, 241.0]], ('1', 0.856580376625061)], [[[228.0, 227.0], [259.0, 227.0], [259.0, 241.0], [228.0, 241.0]], ('12.85', 0.8174034357070923)], [[[60.0, 246.0], [82.0, 246.0], [82.0, 258.0], [60.0, 258.0]], ('Agua', 0.9300099611282349)], [[[181.0, 243.0], [190.0, 243.0], [190.0, 254.0], [181.0, 254.0]], ('2', 0.993544340133667)], [[[233.0, 242.0], [259.0, 242.0], [259.0, 253.0], [233.0, 253.0]], ('3.90', 0.951569139957428)], [[[59.0, 262.0], [111.0, 260.0], [112.0, 274.0], [60.0, 276.0]], ('SubTotal:', 0.9804161787033081)], [[[130.0, 262.0], [161.0, 262.0], [161.0, 273.0], [130.0, 273.0]], ('Taxes', 0.9894720911979675)], [[[199.0, 259.0], [229.0, 259.0], [229.0, 273.0], [199.0, 273.0]], ('Total:', 0.9551646709442139)], [[[97.0, 282.0], [128.0, 282.0], [128.0, 296.0], [97.0, 296.0]], ('27.85', 0.9638738632202148)], [[[225.0, 280.0], [256.0, 280.0], [256.0, 294.0], [225.0, 294.0]], ('28.80', 0.8570026159286499)], [[[60.0, 320.0], [96.0, 324.0], [94.0, 339.0], [58.0, 335.0]], ('To pay', 0.9617980122566223)], [[[179.0, 324.0], [260.0, 324.0], [260.0, 350.0], [179.0, 350.0]], ('29,80', 0.9664637446403503)], [[[60.0, 360.0], [125.0, 360.0], [125.0, 374.0], [60.0, 374.0]], ('Taxes detail:', 0.8923196792602539)], [[[60.0, 376.0], [98.0, 376.0], [98.0, 387.0], [60.0, 387.0]], ('E27,85+', 0.8059408068656921)], [[[118.0, 376.0], [141.0, 376.0], [141.0, 387.0], [118.0, 387.0]], ('IGIC', 0.9863265752792358)], [[[157.0, 376.0], [180.0, 376.0], [180.0, 388.0], [157.0, 388.0]], ('(7%)', 0.9544990658760071)], [[[194.0, 375.0], [221.0, 375.0], [221.0, 388.0], [194.0, 388.0]], ('1.95', 0.9546909928321838)], [[[241.0, 375.0], [270.0, 375.0], [270.0, 386.0], [241.0, 386.0]], ('29,80', 0.7922561764717102)], [[[60.0, 391.0], [150.0, 391.0], [150.0, 404.0], [60.0, 404.0]], ('mployee Daniel', 0.9127271771430969)], [[[59.0, 408.0], [169.0, 406.0], [169.0, 419.0], [60.0, 421.0]], ('hank you tor your visit', 0.9034590721130371)]]
{"store_name": "TheBeerHarbour", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "594428742", "date": "08sep2018", "time": "23:18:49", "subtotal": "\u20ac27.85 E27,85+", "tax": "\u20ac1.95 \u20ac1.95", "total": "\u20ac29.80 \u20ac29.80", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BeerHarbour", "item_value": "\u20ac3.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "\u20ac12.85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "\u20ac12.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Product:", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[108.0, 67.0], [223.0, 68.0], [223.0, 85.0], [107.0, 84.0]], ('CLINTON ST BAKING CO', 0.941792368888855)], [[[103.0, 77.0], [228.0, 79.0], [227.0, 97.0], [103.0, 94.0]], ('GST Reg No2013200990', 0.9422815442085266)], [[[119.0, 89.0], [208.0, 92.0], [208.0, 106.0], [119.0, 103.0]], ('31 Purvis Street', 0.9463340640068054)], [[[51.0, 108.0], [84.0, 113.0], [82.0, 127.0], [49.0, 122.0]], ('Pax:2', 0.8917236328125)], [[[120.0, 99.0], [209.0, 99.0], [209.0, 117.0], [120.0, 117.0]], ('Singapore 188608', 0.9609533548355103)], [[[51.0, 117.0], [150.0, 131.0], [147.0, 148.0], [48.0, 134.0]], ('POS TitleCashier', 0.9654420614242554)], [[[123.0, 110.0], [207.0, 112.0], [207.0, 123.0], [123.0, 122.0]], ('TABLE:B4', 0.922531247138977)], [[[123.0, 119.0], [177.0, 122.0], [176.0, 136.0], [123.0, 133.0]], ('OP:MASTER', 0.9395501613616943)], [[[238.0, 117.0], [276.0, 110.0], [278.0, 124.0], [241.0, 131.0]], ('MASTER', 0.9968339800834656)], [[[49.0, 129.0], [153.0, 141.0], [151.0, 158.0], [47.0, 146.0]], ('Rcpts:A17000007381', 0.9516160488128662)], [[[216.0, 129.0], [275.0, 121.0], [277.0, 136.0], [218.0, 144.0]], ('POS:POS001', 0.9140869379043579)], [[[183.0, 141.0], [278.0, 133.0], [279.0, 150.0], [184.0, 158.0]], ('08/04/201708:52', 0.9611340165138245)], [[[240.0, 159.0], [263.0, 156.0], [265.0, 171.0], [241.0, 174.0]], ('$19.', 0.9893290996551514)], [[[263.0, 157.0], [278.0, 157.0], [278.0, 171.0], [263.0, 171.0]], ('00', 0.983680248260498)], [[[58.0, 175.0], [145.0, 185.0], [143.0, 200.0], [56.0, 190.0]], ('1 Cheese Grits', 0.9369152784347534)], [[[242.0, 169.0], [264.0, 169.0], [264.0, 185.0], [242.0, 185.0]], ("'8.$", 0.5940229296684265)], [[[262.0, 168.0], [278.0, 168.0], [278.0, 182.0], [262.0, 182.0]], ('00', 0.9849128723144531)], [[[60.0, 187.0], [71.0, 190.0], [69.0, 199.0], [58.0, 196.0]], ('1.', 0.8025119304656982)], [[[65.0, 188.0], [183.0, 195.0], [182.0, 212.0], [64.0, 205.0]], ('SalmonPotatoPancake', 0.9617841839790344)], [[[244.0, 180.0], [265.0, 180.0], [265.0, 196.0], [244.0, 196.0]], ('$5.', 0.975016176700592)], [[[262.0, 179.0], [278.0, 179.0], [278.0, 193.0], [262.0, 193.0]], ('00', 0.9845219850540161)], [[[241.0, 193.0], [265.0, 190.0], [266.0, 205.0], [242.0, 208.0]], ('$20.', 0.9917968511581421)], [[[262.0, 191.0], [279.0, 191.0], [279.0, 204.0], [262.0, 204.0]], ('00', 0.989984393119812)], [[[56.0, 210.0], [142.0, 218.0], [140.0, 233.0], [54.0, 225.0]], ('2 Orange Juice', 0.9053944945335388)], [[[59.0, 201.0], [70.0, 201.0], [70.0, 210.0], [59.0, 210.0]], ('1', 0.6886835694313049)], [[[66.0, 201.0], [171.0, 208.0], [170.0, 222.0], [65.0, 215.0]], ('Suger Cured Bacon', 0.9667828679084778)], [[[245.0, 203.0], [267.0, 203.0], [267.0, 218.0], [245.0, 218.0]], ('$7.', 0.9941957592964172)], [[[262.0, 202.0], [279.0, 202.0], [279.0, 215.0], [262.0, 215.0]], ('00', 0.9899240732192993)], [[[241.0, 214.0], [281.0, 212.0], [282.0, 227.0], [242.0, 229.0]], ('$13.00', 0.9923718571662903)], [[[67.0, 234.0], [116.0, 237.0], [115.0, 251.0], [66.0, 248.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.995945394039154)], [[[66.0, 245.0], [141.0, 249.0], [140.0, 266.0], [65.0, 262.0]], ('10%Svr Chrg', 0.9589377045631409)], [[[240.0, 237.0], [282.0, 235.0], [283.0, 253.0], [241.0, 255.0]], ('$82.00', 0.9120879173278809)], [[[245.0, 248.0], [281.0, 246.0], [283.0, 265.0], [247.0, 268.0]], ('$8.20', 0.9762047529220581)], [[[66.0, 258.0], [105.0, 260.0], [104.0, 275.0], [65.0, 273.0]], ('7%GST', 0.9803338050842285)], [[[248.0, 260.0], [282.0, 260.0], [282.0, 278.0], [248.0, 278.0]], ('$6.31', 0.9801236987113953)], [[[64.0, 281.0], [122.0, 283.0], [122.0, 301.0], [63.0, 298.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9979217648506165)], [[[207.0, 284.0], [280.0, 286.0], [279.0, 303.0], [206.0, 301.0]], ('$96.51', 0.9961915016174316)], [[[134.0, 345.0], [193.0, 350.0], [192.0, 365.0], [133.0, 360.0]], ('Thank you', 0.979625940322876)], [[[114.0, 359.0], [203.0, 362.0], [202.0, 376.0], [114.0, 374.0]], ('See you again', 0.9526687264442444)], [[[119.0, 373.0], [215.0, 374.0], [215.0, 387.0], [119.0, 386.0]], ('*', 0.5338647961616516)], [[[99.0, 411.0], [215.0, 412.0], [215.0, 429.0], [99.0, 428.0]], ('PreSett lement Bi11', 0.8825158476829529)], [[[105.0, 425.0], [209.0, 426.0], [209.0, 443.0], [105.0, 442.0]], ('08/04/201709:21', 0.980467677116394)]]
{"store_name": "CLINTONSTBAKINGCO", "store_addr": "31PurvisStreet Singapore188608", "telephone": "", "date": "08/04/2017 08/04/2017", "time": "09:21", "subtotal": "$82.00", "tax": "$6.31", "total": "$96.51", "ignore": "", "tips": "$8.20", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BlueberriesPancakes", "item_value": "$19.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BriocheFrenchToast", "item_value": "$18.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CheeseGrits", "item_value": "$5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SalmonPotatoPancake", "item_value": "$20.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SugerCuredBacon", "item_value": "$7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OrangeJuice", "item_value": "$13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[135.0, 26.0], [592.0, 24.0], [592.0, 62.0], [135.0, 64.0]], ('Old Fort Antique Mall Inc.', 0.9320839643478394)], [[[222.0, 73.0], [510.0, 67.0], [510.0, 95.0], [222.0, 101.0]], ('2028 East Lee Hwy', 0.9013527035713196)], [[[300.0, 111.0], [424.0, 106.0], [425.0, 134.0], [301.0, 139.0]], ('Suite A', 0.9341074824333191)], [[[183.0, 157.0], [548.0, 139.0], [549.0, 169.0], [184.0, 187.0]], ('Wythevi1leVA24382', 0.8863821029663086)], [[[164.0, 199.0], [546.0, 186.0], [547.0, 217.0], [165.0, 230.0]], ('Phone(276228-4438', 0.9422972202301025)], [[[228.0, 285.0], [458.0, 283.0], [458.0, 317.0], [228.0, 319.0]], ('Receipt', 0.9883717894554138)], [[[70.0, 373.0], [585.0, 373.0], [585.0, 406.0], [70.0, 406.0]], ('Date 02/28/13 Time 12:30 JUDY', 0.9065513014793396)], [[[42.0, 460.0], [82.0, 460.0], [82.0, 497.0], [42.0, 497.0]], ('YJ', 0.9942823648452759)], [[[353.0, 466.0], [640.0, 465.0], [640.0, 497.0], [353.0, 498.0]], ('Recei0t#129590', 0.924551784992218)], [[[24.0, 511.0], [388.0, 513.0], [388.0, 543.0], [24.0, 541.0]], ('MILITARY PURPLE HEAR', 0.9521304368972778)], [[[150.0, 558.0], [209.0, 558.0], [209.0, 593.0], [150.0, 593.0]], ('1.0', 0.9901413321495056)], [[[406.0, 557.0], [517.0, 557.0], [517.0, 592.0], [406.0, 592.0]], ('4.9900', 0.9679532647132874)], [[[646.0, 558.0], [724.0, 556.0], [725.0, 593.0], [647.0, 595.0]], ('4.99', 0.9615187644958496)], [[[221.0, 655.0], [385.0, 657.0], [385.0, 689.0], [221.0, 687.0]], ('Sub-Total', 0.9608235955238342)], [[[654.0, 657.0], [737.0, 657.0], [737.0, 694.0], [654.0, 694.0]], ('4.99', 0.9860481023788452)], [[[219.0, 702.0], [282.0, 702.0], [282.0, 741.0], [219.0, 741.0]], ('Tax', 0.9978485107421875)], [[[655.0, 704.0], [739.0, 704.0], [739.0, 743.0], [655.0, 743.0]], ('0.25', 0.9561997652053833)], [[[217.0, 752.0], [350.0, 754.0], [350.0, 792.0], [217.0, 790.0]], ('Net Due', 0.9385725855827332)], [[[653.0, 752.0], [738.0, 752.0], [738.0, 793.0], [653.0, 793.0]], ('5.24', 0.9876643419265747)]]
{"store_name": "OldFortAntiqueMall, Inc.", "store_addr": "2028EastLeeHwy SuiteA Wytheville,VA24382", "telephone": "(276)228-4438", "date": "02/28/13", "time": "12: 30JUDY", "subtotal": "4.99", "tax": "0.25", "total": "5.24", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MILITARY PURPLE HEAR", "item_value": "4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[167.0, 109.0], [473.0, 109.0], [473.0, 132.0], [167.0, 132.0]], ('CUSTOMER RECEIPT PAGE 01/01', 0.9458287358283997)], [[[69.0, 176.0], [192.0, 176.0], [192.0, 200.0], [69.0, 200.0]], ('MAY 172012', 0.950903594493866)], [[[365.0, 173.0], [455.0, 173.0], [455.0, 197.0], [365.0, 197.0]], ('ID JHPNC', 0.9449182748794556)], [[[84.0, 223.0], [234.0, 223.0], [234.0, 243.0], [84.0, 243.0]], ('QUEEN & MCCAUL', 0.9430661201477051)], [[[87.0, 246.0], [227.0, 246.0], [227.0, 266.0], [87.0, 266.0]], ('TORONTO,ONT.', 0.9312880635261536)], [[[366.0, 238.0], [445.0, 238.0], [445.0, 263.0], [366.0, 263.0]], ('TR40022', 0.984336256980896)], [[[374.0, 283.0], [456.0, 280.0], [457.0, 306.0], [375.0, 308.0]], ('PIN *Y*', 0.8986498713493347)], [[[80.0, 310.0], [239.0, 310.0], [239.0, 330.0], [80.0, 330.0]], ('OFFICER ID489', 0.9461805820465088)], [[[81.0, 350.0], [292.0, 348.0], [292.0, 372.0], [81.0, 374.0]], ('Student Loan Payment', 0.9735660552978516)], [[[356.0, 390.0], [477.0, 390.0], [477.0, 414.0], [356.0, 414.0]], ('$114,460.00', 0.9570270776748657)], [[[84.0, 434.0], [191.0, 434.0], [191.0, 458.0], [84.0, 458.0]], ('Cash Given', 0.9732173085212708)], [[[360.0, 457.0], [479.0, 457.0], [479.0, 477.0], [360.0, 477.0]], ('$114,460.30', 0.9406726956367493)], [[[82.0, 499.0], [294.0, 499.0], [294.0, 520.0], [82.0, 520.0]], ('Student Loan Payment', 0.962862491607666)], [[[423.0, 543.0], [483.0, 540.0], [484.0, 565.0], [424.0, 568.0]], ('$0.30', 0.9955846667289734)], [[[63.0, 588.0], [481.0, 589.0], [481.0, 606.0], [63.0, 605.0]], ('**************************************', 0.9834574460983276)], [[[229.0, 631.0], [331.0, 631.0], [331.0, 656.0], [229.0, 656.0]], ('Thank You', 0.9610732197761536)], [[[194.0, 657.0], [363.0, 657.0], [363.0, 680.0], [194.0, 680.0]], ('Have a good Day', 0.933426022529602)], [[[55.0, 704.0], [487.0, 704.0], [487.0, 724.0], [55.0, 724.0]], ('**************************************', 0.9702607989311218)], [[[2.0, 737.0], [59.0, 737.0], [59.0, 751.0], [2.0, 751.0]], ('Reddit', 0.9918580055236816)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "QUEEN&MCCAUL TORONTO,ONT.", "telephone": "", "date": "172012 MAY", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$114,460.00 $114,460.30", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[152.0, 85.0], [545.0, 62.0], [546.0, 83.0], [153.0, 106.0]], ('OLIVEGARDEN1184', 0.9889398217201233)], [[[241.0, 100.0], [466.0, 87.0], [467.0, 108.0], [243.0, 121.0]], ('940 B1ossom Hi11 Rd', 0.8696415424346924)], [[[217.0, 124.0], [488.0, 108.0], [489.0, 129.0], [218.0, 145.0]], ('San JoseCA 95123-1202', 0.9427042603492737)], [[[431.0, 155.0], [602.0, 143.0], [603.0, 165.0], [433.0, 176.0]], ('Check#64164', 0.9898595213890076)], [[[123.0, 192.0], [312.0, 182.0], [314.0, 206.0], [124.0, 216.0]], ('Table43', 0.9849209189414978)], [[[122.0, 216.0], [195.0, 212.0], [196.0, 234.0], [123.0, 238.0]], ('ANNE B', 0.9442110061645508)], [[[541.0, 215.0], [609.0, 210.0], [611.0, 236.0], [543.0, 241.0]], ('Gst 3', 0.8912917971611023)], [[[121.0, 240.0], [348.0, 227.0], [349.0, 248.0], [122.0, 261.0]], ('11:16:45 05/24/2013', 0.9447231292724609)], [[[300.0, 298.0], [422.0, 292.0], [423.0, 315.0], [301.0, 321.0]], ('Guest No.1', 0.9506012201309204)], [[[558.0, 308.0], [615.0, 304.0], [617.0, 331.0], [560.0, 335.0]], ('3.05', 0.994785487651825)], [[[142.0, 329.0], [376.0, 321.0], [376.0, 341.0], [143.0, 350.0]], ('1 Bellini Peach Tea', 0.9209920167922974)], [[[549.0, 333.0], [618.0, 330.0], [619.0, 356.0], [550.0, 359.0]], ('12.25', 0.9960591197013855)], [[[142.0, 352.0], [326.0, 346.0], [327.0, 367.0], [143.0, 374.0]], ('1 CY0 Sampler 3', 0.8238822221755981)], [[[188.0, 375.0], [398.0, 369.0], [399.0, 389.0], [189.0, 396.0]], ('Stuffed Mushrooms', 0.9667603969573975)], [[[188.0, 399.0], [286.0, 396.0], [287.0, 417.0], [189.0, 421.0]], ('Calamari', 0.9919933080673218)], [[[187.0, 423.0], [376.0, 419.0], [376.0, 440.0], [188.0, 445.0]], ('Chicken Fingers', 0.9623783826828003)], [[[555.0, 432.0], [626.0, 429.0], [627.0, 456.0], [556.0, 459.0]], ('18.75', 0.9985877871513367)], [[[137.0, 449.0], [299.0, 445.0], [300.0, 466.0], [138.0, 471.0]], ('1 Mixed Gril1', 0.8534616827964783)], [[[183.0, 471.0], [265.0, 468.0], [266.0, 494.0], [184.0, 496.0]], ('MEDIUM', 0.9959529042243958)], [[[132.0, 497.0], [251.0, 495.0], [252.0, 520.0], [132.0, 522.0]], ('1*Salad', 0.9580177664756775)], [[[299.0, 546.0], [432.0, 541.0], [433.0, 566.0], [300.0, 571.0]], ('Guest No.2', 0.9497620463371277)], [[[577.0, 562.0], [637.0, 562.0], [637.0, 590.0], [577.0, 590.0]], ('3.05', 0.9957461357116699)], [[[131.0, 577.0], [392.0, 571.0], [392.0, 595.0], [131.0, 601.0]], ('1 Raspberry Lemonade', 0.9566464424133301)], [[[568.0, 591.0], [639.0, 591.0], [639.0, 618.0], [568.0, 618.0]], ('10.50', 0.9969571828842163)], [[[129.0, 604.0], [418.0, 598.0], [419.0, 619.0], [129.0, 625.0]], ('1L Fettuccine Alfredo', 0.9436233043670654)], [[[126.0, 630.0], [355.0, 627.0], [355.0, 651.0], [126.0, 654.0]], ('1* Zuppa Toscana', 0.9372406005859375)], [[[298.0, 681.0], [436.0, 678.0], [437.0, 703.0], [299.0, 706.0]], ('Guest No.3', 0.9582387208938599)], [[[589.0, 703.0], [650.0, 703.0], [650.0, 731.0], [589.0, 731.0]], ('4.55', 0.9958983063697815)], [[[120.0, 714.0], [424.0, 708.0], [424.0, 733.0], [121.0, 739.0]], ('1 Peach-Mango Smoothie', 0.9677562713623047)], [[[580.0, 734.0], [652.0, 734.0], [652.0, 761.0], [580.0, 761.0]], ('13.95', 0.9981386065483093)], [[[118.0, 744.0], [381.0, 738.0], [382.0, 763.0], [119.0, 769.0]], ('1L Seafood Alfredo', 0.9503459930419922)], [[[117.0, 774.0], [353.0, 770.0], [354.0, 796.0], [118.0, 800.0]], ('1 * Zuppa Toscana', 0.921011209487915)], [[[83.0, 865.0], [661.0, 857.0], [662.0, 885.0], [83.0, 893.0]], ('ID#9032065342975', 0.9936218857765198)], [[[120.0, 962.0], [551.0, 958.0], [551.0, 985.0], [121.0, 989.0]], ('We value your opinion.Please', 0.9625386595726013)]]
{"store_name": "OLIVEGARDEN1184", "store_addr": "940BlossomHillRd SanJose,CA95123-1202", "telephone": "", "date": "05/24/2013", "time": "11:16:45", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BelliniPeachTea", "item_value": "3.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CY0Sampler3", "item_value": "12.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "StuffedMushrooms", "item_value": "18.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Calamari", "item_value": "3.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenFingers", "item_value": "10.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MixedGrill", "item_value": "4.55", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*Salad", "item_value": "13.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RaspberryLemonade", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LFettuccineAlfredo", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*ZuppaToscana", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Peach-MangoSmoothie", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LSeafoodAlfredo", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*ZuppaToscana", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[526.0, 107.0], [867.0, 122.0], [865.0, 169.0], [524.0, 154.0]], ('cornerstone Cafe', 0.9543148279190063)], [[[585.0, 160.0], [822.0, 171.0], [820.0, 219.0], [582.0, 208.0]], ('17 Avenue B', 0.9154926538467407)], [[[506.0, 212.0], [893.0, 225.0], [891.0, 272.0], [504.0, 260.0]], ('New York,NY 10009', 0.9087549448013306)], [[[570.0, 266.0], [834.0, 274.0], [832.0, 322.0], [569.0, 313.0]], ('212.228.1260', 0.9903307557106018)], [[[234.0, 363.0], [525.0, 372.0], [523.0, 421.0], [232.0, 413.0]], ('Check#6178', 0.995492160320282)], [[[980.0, 388.0], [1133.0, 381.0], [1135.0, 430.0], [982.0, 437.0]], ('8/16/17', 0.995942234992981)], [[[232.0, 420.0], [507.0, 429.0], [506.0, 477.0], [230.0, 468.0]], ('Server:Rubi', 0.9083046317100525)], [[[964.0, 437.0], [1140.0, 432.0], [1141.0, 480.0], [965.0, 485.0]], ('11:04AM', 0.948267936706543)], [[[238.0, 474.0], [634.0, 489.0], [633.0, 531.0], [236.0, 516.0]], ('TO GO:Ching Chong', 0.9106616973876953)], [[[234.0, 524.0], [807.0, 540.0], [805.0, 590.0], [232.0, 573.0]], ('Customer Name: Ching Chong', 0.9448502063751221)], [[[518.0, 697.0], [830.0, 697.0], [830.0, 739.0], [518.0, 739.0]], ('==2nd Course', 0.9454081654548645)], [[[238.0, 794.0], [550.0, 805.0], [549.0, 854.0], [236.0, 843.0]], ('1 Steak & Eggs', 0.9125989079475403)], [[[1049.0, 786.0], [1158.0, 786.0], [1158.0, 838.0], [1049.0, 838.0]], ('16.00', 0.9971235990524292)], [[[1053.0, 889.0], [1162.0, 889.0], [1162.0, 941.0], [1053.0, 941.0]], ('16.00', 0.9943361282348633)], [[[232.0, 906.0], [439.0, 901.0], [441.0, 951.0], [234.0, 955.0]], ('Sub-total', 0.9539340138435364)], [[[1070.0, 943.0], [1164.0, 943.0], [1164.0, 997.0], [1070.0, 997.0]], ('1.42', 0.9941167831420898)], [[[234.0, 961.0], [445.0, 955.0], [447.0, 1004.0], [236.0, 1011.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.9611039757728577)], [[[1055.0, 999.0], [1166.0, 999.0], [1166.0, 1050.0], [1055.0, 1050.0]], ('17.42', 0.9859938621520996)], [[[232.0, 1015.0], [355.0, 1010.0], [357.0, 1062.0], [234.0, 1067.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9983418583869934)], [[[232.0, 1122.0], [419.0, 1115.0], [421.0, 1165.0], [234.0, 1172.0]], ('PAYMENTS', 0.9946980476379395)], [[[1054.0, 1160.0], [1172.0, 1155.0], [1175.0, 1208.0], [1056.0, 1214.0]], ('20.00', 0.9946037530899048)], [[[229.0, 1180.0], [506.0, 1173.0], [507.0, 1223.0], [230.0, 1229.0]], ('Cash Payment', 0.9714245200157166)], [[[1076.0, 1213.0], [1176.0, 1213.0], [1176.0, 1267.0], [1076.0, 1267.0]], ('2.58', 0.9961335062980652)], [[[227.0, 1233.0], [378.0, 1233.0], [378.0, 1289.0], [227.0, 1289.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9979248046875)], [[[1068.0, 1318.0], [1186.0, 1318.0], [1186.0, 1376.0], [1068.0, 1376.0]], ('17.42', 0.9939446449279785)], [[[232.0, 1351.0], [555.0, 1340.0], [556.0, 1387.0], [234.0, 1398.0]], ('TOTAL PAYMENTS', 0.9733417630195618)], [[[1092.0, 1380.0], [1188.0, 1380.0], [1188.0, 1426.0], [1092.0, 1426.0]], ('0.00', 0.9977403879165649)], [[[232.0, 1406.0], [468.0, 1397.0], [470.0, 1447.0], [234.0, 1456.0]], ('TOTAL TIPS', 0.9587199091911316)], [[[1093.0, 1488.0], [1201.0, 1482.0], [1204.0, 1542.0], [1096.0, 1547.0]], ('0.00', 0.9964539408683777)], [[[227.0, 1521.0], [490.0, 1514.0], [492.0, 1568.0], [228.0, 1575.0]], ('Balance Due', 0.9463672637939453)], [[[557.0, 1684.0], [898.0, 1669.0], [901.0, 1725.0], [559.0, 1740.0]], ('Suggested Tips:', 0.9720479249954224)], [[[617.0, 1740.0], [847.0, 1729.0], [850.0, 1782.0], [620.0, 1794.0]], ('18%=2.88', 0.9787160158157349)], [[[619.0, 1802.0], [848.0, 1786.0], [852.0, 1841.0], [623.0, 1857.0]], ('20%=3.20', 0.9918637275695801)], [[[620.0, 1855.0], [854.0, 1848.0], [855.0, 1902.0], [621.0, 1905.0]], ('22%=3.52', 0.9711942672729492)]]
{"store_name": "cornerstoneCafe", "store_addr": "NewYork,NY10009 17AvenueB", "telephone": "212.228.1260", "date": "8/16/17", "time": "11:04AM", "subtotal": "16.00", "tax": "1.42", "total": "17.42 17.42", "ignore": " ", "tips": "20%=3.20 18%=2.88", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Steak&Eggs", "item_value": "16.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[70.0, 25.0], [134.0, 34.0], [132.0, 45.0], [68.0, 36.0]], ('QUR STORE', 0.9122969508171082)], [[[69.0, 41.0], [91.0, 44.0], [90.0, 56.0], [67.0, 53.0]], ('SIELL', 0.9292734265327454)], [[[68.0, 51.0], [137.0, 60.0], [135.0, 71.0], [66.0, 62.0]], ('S00SLO', 0.5755417943000793)], [[[160.0, 49.0], [212.0, 45.0], [213.0, 59.0], [161.0, 63.0]], ('57545528101', 0.7811464667320251)], [[[68.0, 59.0], [120.0, 67.0], [118.0, 79.0], [66.0, 70.0]], ('SAIS8URY', 0.6830141544342041)], [[[184.0, 57.0], [210.0, 57.0], [210.0, 67.0], [184.0, 67.0]], ('S1F0S20', 0.8264164328575134)], [[[68.0, 77.0], [147.0, 84.0], [146.0, 97.0], [67.0, 90.0]], ('DPLICAERECEE', 0.6530900597572327)], [[[115.0, 68.0], [152.0, 68.0], [152.0, 78.0], [115.0, 78.0]], ('21804', 0.7737836241722107)], [[[66.0, 94.0], [143.0, 100.0], [142.0, 114.0], [65.0, 108.0]], ('DATE01/17/1333', 0.7472597360610962)], [[[66.0, 112.0], [126.0, 117.0], [125.0, 132.0], [65.0, 127.0]], ('017358', 0.780072033405304)], [[[67.0, 105.0], [126.0, 110.0], [125.0, 121.0], [66.0, 116.0]], ('1CE22872', 0.7691147327423096)], [[[66.0, 139.0], [140.0, 143.0], [139.0, 158.0], [65.0, 154.0]], ('X01641', 0.697670042514801)], [[[70.0, 132.0], [127.0, 136.0], [127.0, 147.0], [70.0, 144.0]], ('ACCOUNTNMOER', 0.8678204417228699)], [[[66.0, 150.0], [119.0, 153.0], [118.0, 165.0], [65.0, 161.0]], ('LECNE/DAVEDC', 0.8546969294548035)], [[[66.0, 168.0], [138.0, 169.0], [137.0, 180.0], [66.0, 179.0]], ('PUMPPRCCUCI/5', 0.833122968673706)], [[[68.0, 178.0], [140.0, 178.0], [140.0, 190.0], [68.0, 190.0]], ('66210', 0.7655633687973022)], [[[66.0, 196.0], [97.0, 196.0], [97.0, 207.0], [66.0, 207.0]], ('SALLONS', 0.9283938407897949)], [[[68.0, 205.0], [96.0, 205.0], [96.0, 217.0], [68.0, 217.0]], ('20.619', 0.9110807776451111)], [[[100.0, 196.0], [142.0, 196.0], [142.0, 207.0], [100.0, 207.0]], ('FUEL TOTAL', 0.8658025860786438)], [[[114.0, 205.0], [144.0, 205.0], [144.0, 216.0], [114.0, 216.0]], ('$69.02', 0.816748857498169)], [[[70.0, 252.0], [137.0, 251.0], [138.0, 262.0], [70.0, 264.0]], ('instantly at She', 0.9042388200759888)], [[[72.0, 243.0], [134.0, 242.0], [134.0, 253.0], [72.0, 254.0]], ('Save l0cents/gal', 0.8581053018569946)], [[[66.0, 262.0], [137.0, 259.0], [138.0, 273.0], [67.0, 275.0]], ('when you carn 100', 0.794998288154602)], [[[71.0, 272.0], [133.0, 272.0], [133.0, 283.0], [71.0, 283.0]], ('points at Biant', 0.8751346468925476)], [[[85.0, 282.0], [111.0, 282.0], [111.0, 294.0], [85.0, 294.0]], ('Food.', 0.9213936924934387)], [[[64.0, 302.0], [143.0, 302.0], [143.0, 312.0], [64.0, 312.0]], ('Fuel Rewards Notwork', 0.8549935221672058)], [[[69.0, 312.0], [142.0, 312.0], [142.0, 324.0], [69.0, 324.0]], ('find out all the', 0.8808600306510925)], [[[70.0, 323.0], [133.0, 323.0], [133.0, 334.0], [70.0, 334.0]], ('ways to save at', 0.8756055235862732)], [[[70.0, 332.0], [133.0, 334.0], [133.0, 345.0], [70.0, 343.0]], ('', 0.8192844390869141)], [[[63.0, 351.0], [201.0, 353.0], [201.0, 368.0], [62.0, 366.0]], ('THANKS.COME AGAIN', 0.9608808159828186)]]
{"store_name": "OURSTORE", "store_addr": "SALISBRYMD21B04", "telephone": "", "date": "01/17/13", "time": "9:33AM", "subtotal": "$68.02", "tax": "", "total": "$68.02", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "UNLD", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "PRODUCT", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[116.0, 9.0], [213.0, 5.0], [214.0, 21.0], [117.0, 25.0]], ('DUPLICATE', 0.9960654377937317)], [[[116.0, 24.0], [217.0, 21.0], [218.0, 43.0], [117.0, 46.0]], ('FRANCO MANCA', 0.9636096358299255)], [[[115.0, 49.0], [169.0, 45.0], [170.0, 67.0], [117.0, 71.0]], ('LONDON', 0.9980063438415527)], [[[114.0, 67.0], [216.0, 63.0], [217.0, 81.0], [115.0, 86.0]], ('M30925', 0.9727330803871155)], [[[115.0, 80.0], [217.0, 75.0], [218.0, 92.0], [116.0, 97.0]], ('TID*2312', 0.9196010828018188)], [[[284.0, 73.0], [320.0, 73.0], [320.0, 88.0], [284.0, 88.0]], ('S409', 0.89479660987854)], [[[115.0, 95.0], [192.0, 90.0], [193.0, 104.0], [116.0, 109.0]], ('HANDSET:1', 0.966995894908905)], [[[115.0, 117.0], [252.0, 109.0], [253.0, 126.0], [116.0, 134.0]], ('AMERICAN EXPRESS', 0.9766722321510315)], [[[116.0, 132.0], [295.0, 123.0], [296.0, 137.0], [117.0, 146.0]], ('AID:A000000025010801', 0.9731985926628113)], [[[115.0, 145.0], [253.0, 138.0], [255.0, 162.0], [116.0, 169.0]], ('AMERICAN EXPRESS', 0.9867736101150513)], [[[116.0, 192.0], [239.0, 189.0], [239.0, 206.0], [117.0, 209.0]], ('PAN SEQ NO.00', 0.8744999766349792)], [[[116.0, 208.0], [212.0, 204.0], [212.0, 218.0], [117.0, 222.0]], ('CONTACTLESS', 0.9958114624023438)], [[[120.0, 230.0], [157.0, 230.0], [157.0, 245.0], [120.0, 245.0]], ('SALE', 0.9980179071426392)], [[[118.0, 244.0], [170.0, 241.0], [171.0, 255.0], [119.0, 258.0]], ('AMOUNT', 0.9964661598205566)], [[[270.0, 235.0], [324.0, 233.0], [325.0, 250.0], [271.0, 252.0]], ('13.80', 0.9924894571304321)], [[[116.0, 257.0], [161.0, 254.0], [162.0, 277.0], [118.0, 280.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9988042712211609)], [[[271.0, 249.0], [326.0, 247.0], [327.0, 270.0], [272.0, 273.0]], ('13.80', 0.9896680116653442)], [[[114.0, 291.0], [230.0, 284.0], [231.0, 301.0], [115.0, 308.0]], ('NO CARDHOLDER', 0.9487882852554321)], [[[114.0, 306.0], [223.0, 300.0], [223.0, 314.0], [115.0, 320.0]], ('VERIFICATION', 0.9960861802101135)], [[[113.0, 319.0], [195.0, 314.0], [196.0, 328.0], [114.0, 333.0]], ('Thank You', 0.9452723264694214)], [[[112.0, 344.0], [243.0, 337.0], [243.0, 354.0], [113.0, 361.0]], ('11/03/1622:23', 0.9753533601760864)], [[[110.0, 358.0], [221.0, 352.0], [222.0, 369.0], [111.0, 375.0]], ('AUTH CODE:47', 0.9333789348602295)], [[[110.0, 374.0], [185.0, 369.0], [186.0, 384.0], [111.0, 389.0]], ('TXN 0734', 0.9343745112419128)], [[[155.0, 400.0], [282.0, 395.0], [283.0, 412.0], [156.0, 417.0]], ('CUSTOMER COPY', 0.9590905904769897)], [[[118.0, 418.0], [323.0, 411.0], [324.0, 427.0], [119.0, 434.0]], ('PLEASE RETAIN RECEIPT', 0.9728931188583374)]]
{"store_name": "DUPLICATE", "store_addr": "LONDON FRANCOMANCA", "telephone": "", "date": "11/03/16", "time": "22:23", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "\u00a313.80 \u00a313.80", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[176.0, 79.0], [264.0, 79.0], [264.0, 96.0], [176.0, 96.0]], ('Berghote1', 0.8760882019996643)], [[[145.0, 93.0], [304.0, 97.0], [303.0, 117.0], [144.0, 112.0]], ('Grosse Scheidegg', 0.9725999236106873)], [[[167.0, 114.0], [272.0, 114.0], [272.0, 128.0], [167.0, 128.0]], ('3818 Grinde lwa ld', 0.9055935740470886)], [[[167.0, 132.0], [271.0, 132.0], [271.0, 146.0], [167.0, 146.0]], ('Fami lie R.Muller', 0.8535594940185547)], [[[67.0, 167.0], [156.0, 167.0], [156.0, 184.0], [67.0, 184.0]], ('Rech.Nr.4572', 0.9825568795204163)], [[[223.0, 167.0], [350.0, 168.0], [349.0, 185.0], [223.0, 184.0]], ('30.07.2007/13:29:17', 0.9567710757255554)], [[[66.0, 182.0], [93.0, 185.0], [91.0, 204.0], [64.0, 202.0]], ('Bar', 0.9949946403503418)], [[[268.0, 183.0], [308.0, 186.0], [307.0, 204.0], [267.0, 201.0]], ('Tisch', 0.9906408190727234)], [[[319.0, 186.0], [350.0, 186.0], [350.0, 201.0], [319.0, 201.0]], ('7/01', 0.9962469339370728)], [[[75.0, 224.0], [189.0, 224.0], [189.0, 238.0], [75.0, 238.0]], ('2xLatte Macchiato', 0.9724077582359314)], [[[204.0, 225.0], [214.0, 225.0], [214.0, 236.0], [204.0, 236.0]], ('a', 0.908471941947937)], [[[230.0, 223.0], [263.0, 223.0], [263.0, 238.0], [230.0, 238.0]], ('4.50', 0.995445966720581)], [[[265.0, 223.0], [291.0, 223.0], [291.0, 239.0], [265.0, 239.0]], ('CHF', 0.9898557662963867)], [[[315.0, 223.0], [345.0, 223.0], [345.0, 239.0], [315.0, 239.0]], ('9.00', 0.9967416524887085)], [[[76.0, 241.0], [123.0, 241.0], [123.0, 256.0], [76.0, 256.0]], ('1xGloki', 0.7748379707336426)], [[[204.0, 241.0], [216.0, 241.0], [216.0, 255.0], [204.0, 255.0]], ('a', 0.9842479825019836)], [[[229.0, 239.0], [264.0, 239.0], [264.0, 257.0], [229.0, 257.0]], ('5.00', 0.997292697429657)], [[[268.0, 241.0], [292.0, 241.0], [292.0, 257.0], [268.0, 257.0]], ('CHF', 0.9680852890014648)], [[[314.0, 240.0], [345.0, 240.0], [345.0, 256.0], [314.0, 256.0]], ('5.00', 0.9956845641136169)], [[[76.0, 259.0], [194.0, 259.0], [194.0, 272.0], [76.0, 272.0]], ('1xSchweinschnitzel', 0.9601956605911255)], [[[223.0, 257.0], [263.0, 257.0], [263.0, 274.0], [223.0, 274.0]], ('22.00', 0.9950681924819946)], [[[269.0, 259.0], [292.0, 259.0], [292.0, 273.0], [269.0, 273.0]], ('CHF', 0.9908997416496277)], [[[308.0, 259.0], [345.0, 259.0], [345.0, 273.0], [308.0, 273.0]], ('22.00', 0.9958993792533875)], [[[74.0, 275.0], [163.0, 275.0], [163.0, 292.0], [74.0, 292.0]], ('1xChasspatzli', 0.9497089385986328)], [[[206.0, 278.0], [215.0, 278.0], [215.0, 289.0], [206.0, 289.0]], ('a', 0.8634609580039978)], [[[224.0, 276.0], [263.0, 276.0], [263.0, 291.0], [224.0, 291.0]], ('18.50', 0.9922409057617188)], [[[265.0, 275.0], [292.0, 275.0], [292.0, 291.0], [265.0, 291.0]], ('CHF', 0.988325297832489)], [[[311.0, 276.0], [345.0, 276.0], [345.0, 291.0], [311.0, 291.0]], ('18.50', 0.9972664713859558)], [[[155.0, 315.0], [203.0, 315.0], [203.0, 330.0], [155.0, 330.0]], ('Total:', 0.9142606854438782)], [[[225.0, 313.0], [248.0, 313.0], [248.0, 330.0], [225.0, 330.0]], ('CHF', 0.9882702231407166)], [[[282.0, 309.0], [335.0, 309.0], [335.0, 331.0], [282.0, 331.0]], ('54.50', 0.9736631512641907)], [[[68.0, 350.0], [171.0, 350.0], [171.0, 364.0], [68.0, 364.0]], ('Incl.7.6%MwSt', 0.9021323919296265)], [[[186.0, 350.0], [252.0, 350.0], [252.0, 364.0], [186.0, 364.0]], ('54.50CHF', 0.9907541275024414)], [[[278.0, 349.0], [307.0, 349.0], [307.0, 365.0], [278.0, 365.0]], ('3.85', 0.9963770508766174)], [[[66.0, 387.0], [275.0, 386.0], [275.0, 403.0], [66.0, 404.0]], ('Entspricht in Euro 36.33 EUR', 0.9422451853752136)], [[[67.0, 408.0], [222.0, 408.0], [222.0, 421.0], [67.0, 421.0]], ('Es bediente Sie: Ursula', 0.9300231337547302)], [[[167.0, 444.0], [280.0, 444.0], [280.0, 458.0], [167.0, 458.0]], ('MwStNr.430234', 0.9744306206703186)], [[[155.0, 463.0], [281.0, 463.0], [281.0, 477.0], [155.0, 477.0]], ('Tel.0338536716', 0.9756211042404175)], [[[152.0, 480.0], [282.0, 480.0], [282.0, 496.0], [152.0, 496.0]], ('Fax.:033 853 6719', 0.9143628478050232)], [[[86.0, 498.0], [315.0, 497.0], [315.0, 514.0], [86.0, 515.0]], ('E-mail: grossescheidegg@b', 0.9244020581245422)]]
{"store_name": "Berqhotel GrosseScheidegg", "store_addr": "3818Grindelwald FamilieR.M\u00fcller", "telephone": "0338536716", "date": "30.07.2007/", "time": "13:29:17", "subtotal": "", "tax": "3.85", "total": "54.50 54.50", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LatteMacchiato", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Gloki", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Schweinschnitzel", "item_value": "22.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Ch\u00e4ssp\u00e4tzli", "item_value": "18.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[44.0, 42.0], [259.0, 42.0], [259.0, 82.0], [44.0, 82.0]], ('26.11.2015', 0.9923833012580872)], [[[346.0, 229.0], [700.0, 216.0], [701.0, 256.0], [347.0, 269.0]], ('PRINT BILL', 0.9527881741523743)], [[[245.0, 280.0], [792.0, 260.0], [793.0, 300.0], [247.0, 320.0]], ('TCRS RESTAURANTS S/B407308-U', 0.9602794051170349)], [[[352.0, 324.0], [725.0, 310.0], [727.0, 348.0], [354.0, 362.0]], ('THE CHICKEN RICE SHOP', 0.9453905820846558)], [[[286.0, 374.0], [778.0, 356.0], [779.0, 391.0], [287.0, 409.0]], ('Lot LG70Lower Ground Floor', 0.9301589727401733)], [[[236.0, 417.0], [834.0, 398.0], [836.0, 438.0], [238.0, 457.0]], ('Alamanda Putrajaya Shopping Centre', 0.9775580167770386)], [[[308.0, 459.0], [761.0, 446.0], [762.0, 485.0], [309.0, 497.0]], ('Jalan Alamanda,Precinct 1', 0.9335820078849792)], [[[397.0, 502.0], [657.0, 496.0], [658.0, 531.0], [398.0, 537.0]], ('62000 Putrajaya', 0.9587103724479675)], [[[368.0, 547.0], [710.0, 536.0], [711.0, 571.0], [369.0, 582.0]], ('TEL603-88880919', 0.9762007594108582)], [[[336.0, 592.0], [443.0, 592.0], [443.0, 620.0], [336.0, 620.0]], ('***', 0.824880063533783)], [[[433.0, 589.0], [717.0, 580.0], [718.0, 615.0], [434.0, 624.0]], ('THIS IS NOT A', 0.9055602550506592)], [[[707.0, 583.0], [762.0, 583.0], [762.0, 608.0], [707.0, 608.0]], ('***', 0.9651755690574646)], [[[487.0, 629.0], [611.0, 623.0], [613.0, 659.0], [489.0, 666.0]], ('RECEIPT', 0.9971814155578613)], [[[709.0, 623.0], [765.0, 623.0], [765.0, 655.0], [709.0, 655.0]], ('***', 0.9702621102333069)], [[[339.0, 635.0], [395.0, 635.0], [395.0, 663.0], [339.0, 663.0]], ('***', 0.9574488997459412)], [[[375.0, 672.0], [695.0, 663.0], [696.0, 698.0], [376.0, 707.0]], ('GST ID:000655495168', 0.9516007304191589)], [[[209.0, 717.0], [378.0, 711.0], [379.0, 746.0], [211.0, 752.0]], ('1 COUNTER1', 0.9333581924438477)], [[[644.0, 709.0], [884.0, 703.0], [885.0, 736.0], [645.0, 742.0]], ('2001 CASHIER1', 0.9664465188980103)], [[[646.0, 748.0], [884.0, 745.0], [885.0, 780.0], [646.0, 784.0]], ('2001 CASHIER 1', 0.9484128355979919)], [[[211.0, 759.0], [414.0, 755.0], [414.0, 788.0], [212.0, 792.0]], ('Print Cnt:1', 0.938005805015564)], [[[219.0, 835.0], [353.0, 830.0], [355.0, 866.0], [221.0, 872.0]], ('Chk 5807', 0.9450031518936157)], [[[779.0, 827.0], [886.0, 827.0], [886.0, 863.0], [779.0, 863.0]], ('Cover2', 0.9980865120887756)], [[[402.0, 874.0], [698.0, 868.0], [699.0, 901.0], [403.0, 907.0]], ('26 Nov 15 12:32:17', 0.8680819869041443)], [[[230.0, 914.0], [516.0, 910.0], [517.0, 973.0], [231.0, 977.0]], ('TBL9A/1', 0.9802948832511902)], [[[731.0, 1003.0], [856.0, 1007.0], [855.0, 1049.0], [729.0, 1045.0]], ('17.96 S', 0.9131240844726562)], [[[276.0, 1015.0], [588.0, 1012.0], [588.0, 1043.0], [276.0, 1047.0]], ('Sg1 Steam Com @8.98', 0.9315288066864014)], [[[237.0, 1055.0], [256.0, 1055.0], [256.0, 1083.0], [237.0, 1083.0]], ('2', 0.9107604026794434)], [[[297.0, 1055.0], [493.0, 1055.0], [493.0, 1083.0], [297.0, 1083.0]], ('Chicken Rice', 0.9722527861595154)], [[[285.0, 1092.0], [588.0, 1090.0], [588.0, 1120.0], [285.0, 1122.0]], ('Ice Lemon Tea @5.48', 0.9256037473678589)], [[[736.0, 1088.0], [856.0, 1088.0], [856.0, 1123.0], [736.0, 1123.0]], ('10.96S', 0.9847679734230042)], [[[295.0, 1162.0], [431.0, 1162.0], [431.0, 1192.0], [295.0, 1192.0]], ('Sub-Total', 0.9687851667404175)], [[[733.0, 1163.0], [822.0, 1163.0], [822.0, 1198.0], [733.0, 1198.0]], ('28.92', 0.9965046644210815)], [[[294.0, 1195.0], [517.0, 1199.0], [516.0, 1232.0], [293.0, 1228.0]], ('Serv Charge 5%', 0.9304819107055664)], [[[752.0, 1202.0], [820.0, 1202.0], [820.0, 1233.0], [752.0, 1233.0]], ('1.45', 0.9940575361251831)], [[[302.0, 1233.0], [411.0, 1233.0], [411.0, 1263.0], [302.0, 1263.0]], ('Gov Tax', 0.8742507100105286)], [[[752.0, 1238.0], [822.0, 1238.0], [822.0, 1270.0], [752.0, 1270.0]], ('1.83', 0.9966455698013306)], [[[302.0, 1265.0], [520.0, 1269.0], [519.0, 1320.0], [301.0, 1316.0]], ('Amt Due', 0.9762029647827148)], [[[642.0, 1268.0], [805.0, 1274.0], [803.0, 1327.0], [640.0, 1321.0]], ('32.20', 0.9954624176025391)], [[[509.0, 1345.0], [650.0, 1352.0], [648.0, 1382.0], [507.0, 1375.0]], ('Thank You', 0.9405107498168945)], [[[389.0, 1371.0], [773.0, 1387.0], [771.0, 1414.0], [388.0, 1398.0]], ('For feedback and customer', 0.9628459215164185)], [[[338.0, 1396.0], [834.0, 1417.0], [833.0, 1444.0], [337.0, 1423.0]], ('service enquiries,kindly call or', 0.9316468238830566)], [[[333.0, 1418.0], [832.0, 1440.0], [831.0, 1467.0], [332.0, 1445.0]], ('sms 012-29572300r 012 -3298229', 0.9157007932662964)], [[[407.0, 1443.0], [771.0, 1464.0], [770.0, 1487.0], [405.0, 1466.0]], ('GST @6% included in total', 0.9009966850280762)], [[[350.0, 1478.0], [493.0, 1487.0], [492.0, 1509.0], [349.0, 1500.0]], ('GSTSummary', 0.9928229451179504)], [[[515.0, 1484.0], [662.0, 1497.0], [660.0, 1521.0], [512.0, 1508.0]], ('Amount(RM)', 0.9470224380493164)], [[[358.0, 1500.0], [467.0, 1504.0], [467.0, 1522.0], [358.0, 1518.0]], ('1S9=', 0.6576195359230042)], [[[520.0, 1503.0], [589.0, 1511.0], [587.0, 1529.0], [517.0, 1521.0]], ('30.37', 0.9974702596664429)], [[[680.0, 1499.0], [786.0, 1507.0], [785.0, 1531.0], [678.0, 1523.0]], ('GST(RM', 0.9243381023406982)], [[[359.0, 1511.0], [500.0, 1519.0], [499.0, 1542.0], [358.0, 1535.0]], ('Z=GST @O%', 0.8995789289474487)], [[[520.0, 1518.0], [584.0, 1524.0], [581.0, 1547.0], [517.0, 1541.0]], ('0.00', 0.992333710193634)], [[[686.0, 1521.0], [744.0, 1525.0], [742.0, 1545.0], [685.0, 1541.0]], ('1.83', 0.9960590600967407)], [[[685.0, 1534.0], [745.0, 1539.0], [744.0, 1564.0], [683.0, 1559.0]], ('0.00', 0.9954983592033386)]]
{"store_name": "TCRSRESTAURANTSS/B(407308-U)", "store_addr": "LotLG70,LowerGroundFloor AlamandaPutrajayaShoppingCentre JalanAlamanda,Precinct1 62000Putrajaya", "telephone": "603-88880919", "date": "26Nov15", "time": "12:32:17", "subtotal": "28.92", "tax": "1.83 1.83", "total": "32.20", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SgISteamCom", "item_value": "17.96", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenRice", "item_value": "10.96", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "IceLemonTea", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[123.0, 53.0], [141.0, 56.0], [140.0, 64.0], [122.0, 61.0]], ('Cash', 0.7985291481018066)], [[[145.0, 63.0], [159.0, 63.0], [159.0, 73.0], [145.0, 73.0]], ('3/A', 0.742831289768219)], [[[133.0, 81.0], [174.0, 85.0], [173.0, 100.0], [132.0, 96.0]], ('La Isla', 0.8947343230247498)], [[[104.0, 92.0], [196.0, 99.0], [195.0, 113.0], [103.0, 106.0]], ('GNMMIONIGHT LTD', 0.8976918458938599)], [[[115.0, 117.0], [145.0, 117.0], [145.0, 128.0], [115.0, 128.0]], ('enon,', 0.8685088157653809)], [[[175.0, 115.0], [223.0, 119.0], [222.0, 130.0], [175.0, 126.0]], ('Limasso', 0.9220322370529175)], [[[83.0, 125.0], [217.0, 133.0], [217.0, 147.0], [82.0, 139.0]], ('TIC NoVATNo10328926W', 0.9269259572029114)], [[[29.0, 143.0], [142.0, 146.0], [142.0, 160.0], [29.0, 157.0]], ('Date04/03/2017', 0.9933797717094421)], [[[28.0, 154.0], [119.0, 155.0], [119.0, 169.0], [28.0, 168.0]], ('Cashier:VICKYP', 0.9185523390769958)], [[[183.0, 152.0], [217.0, 152.0], [217.0, 163.0], [183.0, 163.0]], ('Time:', 0.9571593403816223)], [[[183.0, 161.0], [217.0, 161.0], [217.0, 171.0], [183.0, 171.0]], ('InvNo:', 0.9589738845825195)], [[[219.0, 159.0], [268.0, 156.0], [269.0, 171.0], [219.0, 173.0]], ('00177215', 0.9866156578063965)], [[[223.0, 152.0], [266.0, 152.0], [266.0, 163.0], [223.0, 163.0]], ('14:12:46', 0.911440372467041)], [[[27.0, 165.0], [90.0, 165.0], [90.0, 179.0], [27.0, 179.0]], ('Party :2', 0.8914183378219604)], [[[24.0, 183.0], [94.0, 186.0], [94.0, 200.0], [24.0, 197.0]], ('Description', 0.9947192668914795)], [[[143.0, 185.0], [167.0, 188.0], [165.0, 203.0], [142.0, 199.0]], ('Qty', 0.9716704487800598)], [[[178.0, 187.0], [210.0, 187.0], [210.0, 201.0], [178.0, 201.0]], ('Price', 0.9954134821891785)], [[[230.0, 186.0], [274.0, 186.0], [274.0, 200.0], [230.0, 200.0]], ('Total V', 0.9114287495613098)], [[[20.0, 205.0], [135.0, 207.0], [134.0, 220.0], [20.0, 218.0]], ('BLACK ANGUS RIB EY', 0.948268473148346)], [[[152.0, 209.0], [171.0, 209.0], [171.0, 221.0], [152.0, 221.0]], ('10', 0.901375412940979)], [[[179.0, 207.0], [212.0, 207.0], [212.0, 221.0], [179.0, 221.0]], ('34.00', 0.9956333041191101)], [[[232.0, 204.0], [266.0, 206.0], [265.0, 221.0], [231.0, 219.0]], ('34.00', 0.9953395128250122)], [[[19.0, 216.0], [134.0, 218.0], [133.0, 232.0], [19.0, 230.0]], ('CAPTAIN FISH+CHI', 0.9659035801887512)], [[[152.0, 217.0], [172.0, 219.0], [171.0, 231.0], [150.0, 229.0]], ('10', 0.81397545337677)], [[[238.0, 216.0], [266.0, 216.0], [266.0, 231.0], [238.0, 231.0]], ('6.50', 0.9907050728797913)], [[[18.0, 227.0], [92.0, 229.0], [92.0, 243.0], [17.0, 241.0]], ('APPLE JUICE', 0.9540727138519287)], [[[240.0, 224.0], [268.0, 226.0], [267.0, 242.0], [239.0, 240.0]], ('33.0', 0.5740556716918945)], [[[16.0, 240.0], [108.0, 240.0], [108.0, 254.0], [16.0, 254.0]], ('COCA COLA ZERO', 0.9317363500595093)], [[[241.0, 237.0], [270.0, 237.0], [270.0, 252.0], [241.0, 252.0]], ('2.95', 0.9956058859825134)], [[[107.0, 250.0], [196.0, 250.0], [196.0, 264.0], [107.0, 264.0]], ('TotalQty4', 0.9174056649208069)], [[[10.0, 275.0], [113.0, 275.0], [113.0, 300.0], [10.0, 300.0]], ('Grand Total EUR', 0.9635670781135559)], [[[240.0, 270.0], [278.0, 273.0], [276.0, 301.0], [238.0, 298.0]], ('46.85', 0.9911511540412903)], [[[84.0, 324.0], [212.0, 323.0], [212.0, 341.0], [85.0, 343.0]], ('[V.A.T Anaysis]', 0.9603226780891418)], [[[0.0, 341.0], [60.0, 341.0], [60.0, 359.0], [0.0, 359.0]], ('Q9.00%', 0.9875840544700623)], [[[107.0, 341.0], [144.0, 341.0], [144.0, 356.0], [107.0, 356.0]], ('42.98', 0.9970057606697083)], [[[180.0, 338.0], [212.0, 335.0], [214.0, 353.0], [181.0, 356.0]], ('3.87', 0.9945520162582397)], [[[246.0, 335.0], [284.0, 335.0], [284.0, 354.0], [246.0, 354.0]], ('46.85', 0.9887847900390625)], [[[105.0, 368.0], [145.0, 368.0], [145.0, 386.0], [105.0, 386.0]], ('42.98', 0.9952123761177063)], [[[183.0, 367.0], [217.0, 367.0], [217.0, 385.0], [183.0, 385.0]], ('3.87', 0.9977566003799438)], [[[249.0, 365.0], [288.0, 365.0], [288.0, 383.0], [249.0, 383.0]], ('46.85', 0.9935232996940613)], [[[21.0, 402.0], [283.0, 396.0], [283.0, 413.0], [21.0, 419.0]], ('>>', 0.9395819902420044)], [[[96.0, 416.0], [196.0, 413.0], [197.0, 431.0], [96.0, 434.0]], ('IN THE OFFICE', 0.951546311378479)], [[[96.0, 432.0], [211.0, 429.0], [211.0, 446.0], [96.0, 449.0]], ('TO BE READY AT', 0.8969758152961731)]]
{"store_name": "GNMMIDNIGHTLTD LaIsla", "store_addr": "AgiosTychon,4532,Limassol LeoforosAmathountos17", "telephone": "25310310", "date": "04/03/2017", "time": "14:12:48", "subtotal": "42.98 42.98", "tax": "3.87 3.87", "total": "46.85 46.85 46.85", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "COCACOLAZERO", "item_value": "2.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "APPLEJUICE", "item_value": "3.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CAPTAINFISH+CHI", "item_value": "6.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BLACKANGUSRIBEY", "item_value": "34.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[66.0, 28.0], [156.0, 36.0], [154.0, 51.0], [65.0, 43.0]], ('Centurg', 0.9386749267578125)], [[[152.0, 19.0], [217.0, 21.0], [216.0, 35.0], [151.0, 32.0]], ('CIT90', 0.6426460146903992)], [[[164.0, 33.0], [188.0, 33.0], [188.0, 44.0], [164.0, 44.0]], ('21', 0.9806208610534668)], [[[190.0, 31.0], [237.0, 35.0], [236.0, 49.0], [188.0, 45.0]], ('Car', 0.9820044636726379)], [[[251.0, 33.0], [304.0, 37.0], [303.0, 50.0], [250.0, 46.0]], ('Wash', 0.9834591746330261)], [[[126.0, 55.0], [253.0, 58.0], [253.0, 72.0], [125.0, 69.0]], ('QUEENS BL FILL NWA', 0.9129781723022461)], [[[130.0, 68.0], [245.0, 72.0], [245.0, 86.0], [129.0, 82.0]], ('36-20 QUEENS BLVD', 0.941060483455658)], [[[122.0, 79.0], [252.0, 84.0], [252.0, 101.0], [121.0, 96.0]], ('LONG ISLAND CITYNY', 0.9453995823860168)], [[[61.0, 90.0], [171.0, 95.0], [171.0, 108.0], [60.0, 103.0]], ('DEALER20800068', 0.9904616475105286)], [[[61.0, 104.0], [116.0, 104.0], [116.0, 118.0], [61.0, 118.0]], ('02/27/14', 0.9927113652229309)], [[[241.0, 97.0], [311.0, 97.0], [311.0, 111.0], [241.0, 111.0]], ('Tern I004', 0.8656625747680664)], [[[241.0, 108.0], [292.0, 110.0], [291.0, 124.0], [240.0, 121.0]], ('11:02:05', 0.914851725101471)], [[[59.0, 126.0], [135.0, 132.0], [134.0, 146.0], [58.0, 140.0]], ('Description', 0.9761491417884827)], [[[59.0, 138.0], [139.0, 144.0], [138.0, 157.0], [58.0, 152.0]], ('FULL SERVICE', 0.9588758945465088)], [[[165.0, 131.0], [191.0, 131.0], [191.0, 146.0], [165.0, 146.0]], ('Qty', 0.8642415404319763)], [[[208.0, 132.0], [242.0, 135.0], [240.0, 149.0], [207.0, 146.0]], ('Price', 0.9930394887924194)], [[[266.0, 132.0], [306.0, 135.0], [305.0, 149.0], [265.0, 146.0]], ('Anount', 0.9735562801361084)], [[[58.0, 151.0], [114.0, 154.0], [113.0, 168.0], [57.0, 165.0]], ('PLATINUM', 0.9879558086395264)], [[[266.0, 143.0], [301.0, 146.0], [300.0, 159.0], [265.0, 157.0]], ('10.99', 0.9748337864875793)], [[[56.0, 163.0], [113.0, 166.0], [112.0, 180.0], [55.0, 177.0]], ('LAVA WAX', 0.8875345587730408)], [[[177.0, 158.0], [187.0, 158.0], [187.0, 167.0], [177.0, 167.0]], ('1', 0.9375383853912354)], [[[264.0, 156.0], [298.0, 156.0], [298.0, 170.0], [264.0, 170.0]], ('17.00', 0.993659496307373)], [[[177.0, 170.0], [186.0, 170.0], [186.0, 179.0], [177.0, 179.0]], ('1', 0.9280222058296204)], [[[269.0, 168.0], [297.0, 168.0], [297.0, 181.0], [269.0, 181.0]], ('3.99', 0.9735856056213379)], [[[127.0, 190.0], [184.0, 192.0], [184.0, 206.0], [126.0, 203.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9082194566726685)], [[[263.0, 190.0], [295.0, 190.0], [295.0, 204.0], [263.0, 204.0]], ('31.98', 0.9891732335090637)], [[[152.0, 209.0], [183.0, 212.0], [182.0, 224.0], [151.0, 221.0]], ('Totol', 0.9394075274467468)], [[[161.0, 205.0], [183.0, 205.0], [183.0, 216.0], [161.0, 216.0]], ('Tax', 0.9497787952423096)], [[[262.0, 211.0], [294.0, 214.0], [293.0, 228.0], [261.0, 225.0]], ('31.98', 0.9623235464096069)], [[[264.0, 202.0], [295.0, 202.0], [295.0, 216.0], [264.0, 216.0]], ('0.00', 0.9937261343002319)], [[[58.0, 233.0], [124.0, 233.0], [124.0, 244.0], [58.0, 244.0]], ('Cash(USDS)', 0.8934605717658997)], [[[261.0, 232.0], [297.0, 235.0], [296.0, 249.0], [260.0, 247.0]], ('40.00', 0.9944257736206055)], [[[56.0, 255.0], [135.0, 258.0], [134.0, 272.0], [55.0, 269.0]], ('Change', 0.9859513640403748)], [[[251.0, 257.0], [303.0, 257.0], [303.0, 271.0], [251.0, 271.0]], ('8.02', 0.9978618025779724)], [[[54.0, 281.0], [109.0, 281.0], [109.0, 295.0], [54.0, 295.0]], ('SALE', 0.9982506036758423)]]
{"store_name": "CIT90 Century21CarWash", "store_addr": "QUEENSBLFILLN'WA 36-20QUEENSBLVD. LONGISLAND.CITY,NY", "telephone": "", "date": "02/27/14", "time": "11:02:05", "subtotal": "31.98", "tax": "0.00", "total": "31.98", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FULLSERVICE", "item_value": "10.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PLATINUM", "item_value": "17.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LAVAWAX", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[123.0, 0.0], [208.0, 15.0], [205.0, 32.0], [119.0, 15.0]], ('6315 S.Dixie Hy', 0.7435375452041626)], [[[136.0, 15.0], [196.0, 25.0], [193.0, 39.0], [134.0, 29.0]], ('561-585-3128', 0.9807301163673401)], [[[73.0, 36.0], [116.0, 43.0], [114.0, 56.0], [70.0, 49.0]], ('est Check', 0.9009568691253662)], [[[64.0, 56.0], [131.0, 69.0], [129.0, 82.0], [61.0, 68.0]], ('Server :Diane', 0.8748255372047424)], [[[63.0, 67.0], [101.0, 74.0], [99.0, 86.0], [61.0, 79.0]], ('06:31PM', 0.861383855342865)], [[[181.0, 68.0], [212.0, 76.0], [209.0, 88.0], [178.0, 80.0]], ('Ticket', 0.9715907573699951)], [[[193.0, 59.0], [240.0, 69.0], [238.0, 83.0], [190.0, 73.0]], ('Party of 2', 0.9162393808364868)], [[[207.0, 75.0], [238.0, 80.0], [236.0, 92.0], [205.0, 87.0]], ('1002', 0.9868006706237793)], [[[75.0, 90.0], [138.0, 103.0], [136.0, 116.0], [72.0, 103.0]], ('ACQUA MIERALE', 0.9076517820358276)], [[[175.0, 88.0], [233.0, 100.0], [231.0, 114.0], [172.0, 102.0]], ('Date 09/27/17', 0.9680590033531189)], [[[209.0, 85.0], [235.0, 90.0], [233.0, 102.0], [207.0, 97.0]], ('TERMT', 0.9217365980148315)], [[[74.0, 101.0], [104.0, 107.0], [101.0, 118.0], [71.0, 112.0]], ('BRUSCH', 0.9910697340965271)], [[[71.0, 111.0], [109.0, 118.0], [106.0, 130.0], [68.0, 123.0]], ('BRRANIIO', 0.502993106842041)], [[[69.0, 121.0], [149.0, 136.0], [147.0, 149.0], [66.0, 134.0]], ('CHICKEN TRE COLORE', 0.9093573689460754)], [[[200.0, 126.0], [227.0, 130.0], [225.0, 144.0], [198.0, 140.0]], ('10.00', 0.9909555315971375)], [[[206.0, 117.0], [228.0, 121.0], [226.0, 133.0], [204.0, 129.0]], ('8.00', 0.9895616173744202)], [[[47.0, 140.0], [55.0, 140.0], [55.0, 150.0], [47.0, 150.0]], ('2', 0.9914470911026001)], [[[65.0, 141.0], [144.0, 156.0], [142.0, 170.0], [62.0, 154.0]], ('CAPPUCea6.00', 0.9411494731903076)], [[[67.0, 132.0], [97.0, 137.0], [95.0, 149.0], [65.0, 144.0]], ('POTATO', 0.9956228137016296)], [[[198.0, 136.0], [225.0, 140.0], [223.0, 155.0], [196.0, 151.0]], ('39.00', 0.9845119714736938)], [[[47.0, 151.0], [52.0, 151.0], [52.0, 158.0], [47.0, 158.0]], ('7', 0.5013691186904907)], [[[64.0, 152.0], [103.0, 159.0], [100.0, 171.0], [62.0, 164.0]], ('TIRAMISU', 0.9833828210830688)], [[[62.0, 163.0], [96.0, 169.0], [94.0, 181.0], [60.0, 175.0]], ('TARTUFO', 0.9929996728897095)], [[[192.0, 165.0], [219.0, 169.0], [217.0, 184.0], [190.0, 180.0]], ('12.00', 0.9866337776184082)], [[[197.0, 158.0], [220.0, 161.0], [219.0, 172.0], [195.0, 170.0]], ('8.00', 0.9899470806121826)], [[[193.0, 178.0], [216.0, 180.0], [215.0, 192.0], [191.0, 189.0]], ('15.00', 0.99424809217453)], [[[120.0, 194.0], [162.0, 200.0], [160.0, 214.0], [118.0, 208.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.849825918674469)], [[[194.0, 186.0], [215.0, 192.0], [212.0, 204.0], [190.0, 198.0]], ('8.00', 0.9772982597351074)], [[[118.0, 205.0], [161.0, 212.0], [159.0, 225.0], [116.0, 218.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.875657320022583)], [[[167.0, 203.0], [211.0, 209.0], [209.0, 224.0], [165.0, 218.0]], ('125.00', 0.9799343943595886)], [[[115.0, 215.0], [208.0, 231.0], [205.0, 251.0], [112.0, 235.0]], ('Check Total$133.75', 0.8967740535736084)], [[[182.0, 218.0], [207.0, 221.0], [206.0, 233.0], [181.0, 230.0]], ('8.75', 0.9873995184898376)], [[[74.0, 236.0], [171.0, 252.0], [168.0, 266.0], [71.0, 249.0]], ('', 0.7932517528533936)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "6315S.DixieHwy.", "telephone": "561-585-3128", "date": "09/27/17", "time": "06:31PM", "subtotal": "125.00", "tax": "8.75", "total": "$133.75", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GRUSCH", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BRANZIND", "item_value": "10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHICKENTRECOLORE", "item_value": "39.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "POTATO", "item_value": "25.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TIRAMISU", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TARTUFO", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[75.0, 46.0], [165.0, 46.0], [165.0, 64.0], [75.0, 64.0]], ('Restaurant', 0.9953945875167847)], [[[41.0, 75.0], [197.0, 70.0], [197.0, 94.0], [42.0, 99.0]], ('PORTONOVO', 0.99632728099823)], [[[17.0, 96.0], [217.0, 96.0], [217.0, 110.0], [17.0, 110.0]], ('PASSEIGJOAN BORCC14TEL.932211938', 0.9085090160369873)], [[[78.0, 111.0], [155.0, 111.0], [155.0, 123.0], [78.0, 123.0]], ('08003 BARCELONA', 0.8912714719772339)], [[[82.0, 125.0], [155.0, 125.0], [155.0, 136.0], [82.0, 136.0]], ('NIF.863592596', 0.9325823187828064)], [[[16.0, 147.0], [74.0, 147.0], [74.0, 161.0], [16.0, 161.0]], ('TAULA:13', 0.8690446615219116)], [[[148.0, 148.0], [199.0, 148.0], [199.0, 159.0], [148.0, 159.0]], ('14-01-2018', 0.9832931756973267)], [[[11.0, 160.0], [65.0, 160.0], [65.0, 174.0], [11.0, 174.0]], ('Can.Cod.', 0.9612651467323303)], [[[86.0, 158.0], [140.0, 161.0], [140.0, 175.0], [85.0, 173.0]], ('Descripcia', 0.8572630882263184)], [[[181.0, 161.0], [205.0, 161.0], [205.0, 173.0], [181.0, 173.0]], ('Suna', 0.9845095872879028)], [[[20.0, 185.0], [83.0, 185.0], [83.0, 196.0], [20.0, 196.0]], ('3x1C1 NU', 0.8005125522613525)], [[[184.0, 184.0], [216.0, 184.0], [216.0, 199.0], [184.0, 199.0]], ('47.85', 0.9881700277328491)], [[[20.0, 196.0], [143.0, 197.0], [143.0, 210.0], [20.0, 209.0]], ('1x43 LOHO CERD.HUEVOS', 0.8778975605964661)], [[[188.0, 198.0], [215.0, 198.0], [215.0, 210.0], [188.0, 210.0]], ('13.95', 0.9844509363174438)], [[[20.0, 208.0], [157.0, 209.0], [157.0, 222.0], [20.0, 221.0]], ('1x41 BISTEC A LAPLANCHA', 0.8734772801399231)], [[[188.0, 210.0], [214.0, 210.0], [214.0, 222.0], [188.0, 222.0]], ('13.50', 0.9920093417167664)], [[[19.0, 220.0], [135.0, 221.0], [135.0, 235.0], [19.0, 234.0]], ('1x68 PATATAS RS', 0.8065503835678101)], [[[190.0, 223.0], [214.0, 223.0], [214.0, 235.0], [190.0, 235.0]], ('4.50', 0.9875780344009399)], [[[19.0, 233.0], [114.0, 234.0], [114.0, 245.0], [19.0, 244.0]], ('5x114REFRESCC', 0.9294831156730652)], [[[186.0, 235.0], [214.0, 235.0], [214.0, 247.0], [186.0, 247.0]], ('15.00', 0.9799095988273621)], [[[20.0, 245.0], [142.0, 245.0], [142.0, 258.0], [20.0, 258.0]], ('x76 PPI7OSPLANCHA', 0.7968520522117615)], [[[189.0, 245.0], [215.0, 245.0], [215.0, 260.0], [189.0, 260.0]], ('7.75', 0.9805197715759277)], [[[20.0, 258.0], [97.0, 258.0], [97.0, 269.0], [20.0, 269.0]], ('1x122CORTACC', 0.7844796180725098)], [[[191.0, 257.0], [214.0, 260.0], [213.0, 272.0], [189.0, 269.0]], ('1.95', 0.9840472936630249)], [[[19.0, 269.0], [113.0, 269.0], [113.0, 282.0], [19.0, 282.0]], ('1x127NFUSIDNES', 0.819262683391571)], [[[189.0, 270.0], [215.0, 270.0], [215.0, 285.0], [189.0, 285.0]], ('2.45', 0.9801928997039795)], [[[18.0, 280.0], [132.0, 281.0], [132.0, 295.0], [18.0, 294.0]], ('1x9 CAFE AMERICAN', 0.8776021599769592)], [[[188.0, 282.0], [215.0, 282.0], [215.0, 297.0], [188.0, 297.0]], ('2.25', 0.988312304019928)], [[[106.0, 304.0], [162.0, 307.0], [162.0, 321.0], [105.0, 318.0]], ('SUB=', 0.94854736328125)], [[[179.0, 307.0], [214.0, 307.0], [214.0, 321.0], [179.0, 321.0]], ('109.20', 0.9695532917976379)], [[[96.0, 317.0], [163.0, 320.0], [163.0, 334.0], [96.0, 331.0]], ('IVAU.0X=', 0.7676123380661011)], [[[67.0, 329.0], [120.0, 332.0], [120.0, 346.0], [66.0, 343.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9978092908859253)], [[[182.0, 320.0], [214.0, 320.0], [214.0, 334.0], [182.0, 334.0]], ('10.92', 0.9360380172729492)], [[[151.0, 332.0], [212.0, 332.0], [212.0, 347.0], [151.0, 347.0]], ('120.12', 0.9733321666717529)], [[[17.0, 364.0], [115.0, 369.0], [114.0, 383.0], [17.0, 378.0]], ('FACTURAC00CC462', 0.8047687411308289)], [[[31.0, 392.0], [170.0, 396.0], [169.0, 410.0], [30.0, 406.0]], ('GRACIES PER LA SEVA VISITA', 0.8811569809913635)]]
{"store_name": "Restaurant PORTONOVO", "store_addr": "08003BARCELONA", "telephone": "PASSEIGJOANBOREO,14 932211938", "date": "14-07-2018", "time": "", "subtotal": "109.20", "tax": "10.92", "total": "120.12", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "1C1NENU", "item_value": "47.85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "43LOHOCERD.HUEVOS", "item_value": "13.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "41BISTECALAPLANCHA", "item_value": "13.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "68PATATABBRMMS", "item_value": "4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "114REFRESCG", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "75FULPITOSPLANDHA", "item_value": "7.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "122OORTACC", "item_value": "1.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "127INFUSTDNES", "item_value": "2.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "119CAFEAMERICANO", "item_value": "2.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Descripcic", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[151.0, 6.0], [271.0, 1.0], [271.0, 18.0], [152.0, 23.0]], ('570 Lexington Avenue', 0.9429150819778442)], [[[156.0, 18.0], [266.0, 11.0], [268.0, 28.0], [158.0, 36.0]], ('New York.NY 10022', 0.9129565954208374)], [[[173.0, 30.0], [248.0, 26.0], [248.0, 40.0], [174.0, 44.0]], ('212-826-8100', 0.984804630279541)], [[[92.0, 54.0], [162.0, 54.0], [162.0, 65.0], [92.0, 65.0]], ('Cntr 464', 0.8802342414855957)], [[[156.0, 54.0], [243.0, 52.0], [243.0, 66.0], [156.0, 68.0]], ('12/03/18-A', 0.9851231575012207)], [[[253.0, 47.0], [332.0, 44.0], [333.0, 58.0], [254.0, 61.0]], ('639pm', 0.9937485456466675)], [[[88.0, 65.0], [200.0, 66.0], [200.0, 80.0], [88.0, 79.0]], ('Guests 1 LECHELLE', 0.9335766434669495)], [[[237.0, 61.0], [332.0, 57.0], [333.0, 71.0], [237.0, 76.0]], ('Table STANDEE', 0.9465723037719727)], [[[191.0, 79.0], [225.0, 76.0], [226.0, 91.0], [193.0, 94.0]], ('111', 0.9962286353111267)], [[[84.0, 102.0], [192.0, 107.0], [191.0, 121.0], [83.0, 116.0]], ('1..POLAND SPRINGS', 0.96091628074646)], [[[305.0, 99.0], [336.0, 99.0], [336.0, 116.0], [305.0, 116.0]], ('2.50', 0.9954845905303955)], [[[82.0, 115.0], [204.0, 121.0], [203.0, 135.0], [81.0, 129.0]], ('3..SIMPLE GRILL DOG', 0.9535266757011414)], [[[301.0, 116.0], [336.0, 113.0], [337.0, 128.0], [302.0, 131.0]], ('15.57', 0.9983523488044739)], [[[80.0, 128.0], [197.0, 135.0], [196.0, 148.0], [79.0, 141.0]], ('1..GREEN CHILE DOG', 0.9302430748939514)], [[[306.0, 130.0], [338.0, 130.0], [338.0, 145.0], [306.0, 145.0]], ('8.19', 0.9974467158317566)], [[[78.0, 141.0], [209.0, 149.0], [208.0, 163.0], [77.0, 155.0]], ('2..SHAKE-CHOCOLATE', 0.9512863159179688)], [[[302.0, 145.0], [338.0, 141.0], [340.0, 159.0], [304.0, 163.0]], ('13.38', 0.9962459802627563)], [[[76.0, 155.0], [196.0, 162.0], [195.0, 176.0], [75.0, 170.0]], ('2..2$ Beer Special', 0.8782128095626831)], [[[307.0, 160.0], [339.0, 160.0], [339.0, 175.0], [307.0, 175.0]], ('4.00', 0.9969072937965393)], [[[75.0, 171.0], [143.0, 173.0], [142.0, 187.0], [74.0, 185.0]], ('1..TO STAY', 0.9364591836929321)], [[[197.0, 202.0], [233.0, 204.0], [232.0, 220.0], [196.0, 218.0]], ('Items', 0.9845264554023743)], [[[304.0, 206.0], [342.0, 206.0], [342.0, 220.0], [304.0, 220.0]], ('43.64', 0.9952045679092407)], [[[209.0, 219.0], [233.0, 219.0], [233.0, 235.0], [209.0, 235.0]], ('Tax', 0.9956182837486267)], [[[310.0, 221.0], [343.0, 221.0], [343.0, 236.0], [310.0, 236.0]], ('3.87', 0.9972243309020996)], [[[164.0, 235.0], [231.0, 235.0], [231.0, 252.0], [164.0, 252.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9989594221115112)], [[[272.0, 234.0], [342.0, 234.0], [342.0, 251.0], [272.0, 251.0]], ('47.51', 0.992082953453064)], [[[173.0, 266.0], [232.0, 266.0], [232.0, 284.0], [173.0, 284.0]], ('Cash', 0.9967147707939148)], [[[271.0, 266.0], [346.0, 266.0], [346.0, 283.0], [271.0, 283.0]], ('50.00', 0.9935733675956726)], [[[64.0, 281.0], [229.0, 283.0], [229.0, 301.0], [64.0, 299.0]], ('Change due', 0.9577390551567078)], [[[284.0, 282.0], [346.0, 282.0], [346.0, 300.0], [284.0, 300.0]], ('2.49', 0.9936971068382263)], [[[94.0, 317.0], [320.0, 320.0], [319.0, 338.0], [93.0, 334.0]], ('Check 464 PAID 639pm CASH3#1-D', 0.9405104517936707)], [[[149.0, 354.0], [260.0, 358.0], [260.0, 375.0], [148.0, 371.0]], ('ORDER DELIVERY:', 0.9550868272781372)], [[[105.0, 370.0], [308.0, 377.0], [307.0, 397.0], [104.0, 391.0]], ('online', 0.9374393224716187)], [[[106.0, 390.0], [303.0, 395.0], [302.0, 412.0], [105.0, 407.0]], ('HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOUR MEAL.', 0.9502303600311279)], [[[146.0, 409.0], [275.0, 412.0], [275.0, 430.0], [145.0, 427.0]], ('WE DO CATERING!!!', 0.903640627861023)], [[[84.0, 425.0], [316.0, 430.0], [315.0, 448.0], [83.0, 443.0]], ('HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN REAL SOON', 0.9305248260498047)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "570LexingtonAvenue NewYorkNY10022", "telephone": "212-826-8100", "date": "12/03/18-A", "time": "6:39pm 6:39pm", "subtotal": "43.64", "tax": "3.87", "total": "47.51", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "POLANDSPRINGS", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SIMPLEGRILLDOG", "item_value": "15.57", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GREENCHILEDOG", "item_value": "8.19", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SHAKE-CHOCOLATE", "item_value": "13.38", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "2$Beerspecial", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TOSTAY", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[119.0, 1.0], [244.0, 1.0], [244.0, 14.0], [119.0, 14.0]], ('5730 Lakewood Blvd', 0.9246107935905457)], [[[137.0, 16.0], [224.0, 16.0], [224.0, 30.0], [137.0, 30.0]], ('562-634-9020', 0.9865119457244873)], [[[121.0, 42.0], [236.0, 47.0], [235.0, 63.0], [120.0, 59.0]], ('Car284', 0.9887597560882568)], [[[152.0, 91.0], [194.0, 93.0], [193.0, 112.0], [151.0, 109.0]], ('David', 0.9956159591674805)], [[[27.0, 123.0], [93.0, 123.0], [93.0, 139.0], [27.0, 139.0]], ('Cashier2,', 0.9924079179763794)], [[[189.0, 127.0], [328.0, 129.0], [328.0, 145.0], [189.0, 144.0]], ('09/12/1802:28PM', 0.9698652625083923)], [[[25.0, 138.0], [160.0, 144.0], [160.0, 160.0], [24.0, 155.0]], ('Shift 1Emp 153', 0.9382795095443726)], [[[188.0, 144.0], [329.0, 146.0], [329.0, 163.0], [188.0, 161.0]], ('Sale #61652650622', 0.9627614617347717)], [[[66.0, 175.0], [175.0, 180.0], [174.0, 197.0], [65.0, 192.0]], ('1 Best Express', 0.9567530751228333)], [[[280.0, 182.0], [324.0, 182.0], [324.0, 200.0], [280.0, 200.0]], ('10.00', 0.9949911832809448)], [[[65.0, 194.0], [220.0, 200.0], [219.0, 217.0], [64.0, 210.0]], ('1 $1 Exp Senior Disc', 0.9247462153434753)], [[[279.0, 201.0], [326.0, 201.0], [326.0, 218.0], [279.0, 218.0]], ('-1.00', 0.9797872304916382)], [[[193.0, 233.0], [238.0, 236.0], [236.0, 257.0], [191.0, 255.0]], ('Total', 0.976560115814209)], [[[286.0, 236.0], [330.0, 239.0], [328.0, 260.0], [284.0, 258.0]], ('9.00', 0.995378851890564)], [[[73.0, 271.0], [109.0, 271.0], [109.0, 291.0], [73.0, 291.0]], ('Cash', 0.9964116215705872)], [[[284.0, 277.0], [331.0, 280.0], [329.0, 301.0], [282.0, 298.0]], ('10.00', 0.9964516758918762)], [[[71.0, 289.0], [124.0, 295.0], [122.0, 316.0], [68.0, 310.0]], ('Change', 0.9957449436187744)], [[[283.0, 301.0], [330.0, 301.0], [330.0, 322.0], [283.0, 322.0]], ('-1.00', 0.9779599905014038)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "5730LakewoodBlvd", "telephone": "562-634-9020", "date": "09/12/18,", "time": "02:28PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "9.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BestExpress", "item_value": "10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[91.0, 6.0], [214.0, 6.0], [214.0, 19.0], [91.0, 19.0]], ('San Car los -Duckys Car Wash', 0.9005435109138489)], [[[113.0, 17.0], [197.0, 17.0], [197.0, 27.0], [113.0, 27.0]], ('1301 0ld County Road', 0.8876694440841675)], [[[127.0, 27.0], [182.0, 27.0], [182.0, 37.0], [127.0, 37.0]], ('650-637-1301', 0.9810965061187744)], [[[120.0, 45.0], [187.0, 45.0], [187.0, 55.0], [120.0, 55.0]], ('Car#194', 0.9854580163955688)], [[[106.0, 74.0], [198.0, 74.0], [198.0, 84.0], [106.0, 84.0]], ('LP#8VAJ032', 0.9676884412765503)], [[[69.0, 94.0], [124.0, 94.0], [124.0, 105.0], [69.0, 105.0]], ('WashiCashier2,', 0.8923279047012329)], [[[158.0, 93.0], [238.0, 93.0], [238.0, 106.0], [158.0, 106.0]], ('02/04/1812:16PH', 0.941794753074646)], [[[70.0, 105.0], [149.0, 105.0], [149.0, 115.0], [70.0, 115.0]], ('Shift 1.Emp1 6543,', 0.8702843189239502)], [[[157.0, 104.0], [238.0, 104.0], [238.0, 117.0], [157.0, 117.0]], ('Sale 32498113149', 0.926274836063385)], [[[94.0, 124.0], [174.0, 125.0], [174.0, 135.0], [94.0, 134.0]], ('1Exp Extra OpenP', 0.8713595271110535)], [[[206.0, 122.0], [234.0, 125.0], [233.0, 137.0], [205.0, 134.0]], ('90.00', 0.9760805368423462)], [[[150.0, 144.0], [187.0, 144.0], [187.0, 155.0], [150.0, 155.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9534237384796143)], [[[207.0, 142.0], [234.0, 145.0], [232.0, 157.0], [206.0, 154.0]], ('90.00', 0.975385844707489)], [[[146.0, 152.0], [188.0, 154.0], [187.0, 168.0], [145.0, 166.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.829613208770752)], [[[210.0, 154.0], [232.0, 154.0], [232.0, 166.0], [210.0, 166.0]], ('0.00', 0.9880480170249939)], [[[162.0, 165.0], [187.0, 165.0], [187.0, 176.0], [162.0, 176.0]], ('Total', 0.978975772857666)], [[[208.0, 165.0], [232.0, 165.0], [232.0, 176.0], [208.0, 176.0]], ('90.00', 0.9942682981491089)], [[[104.0, 184.0], [167.0, 184.0], [167.0, 195.0], [104.0, 195.0]], ('ATM/Credit Card', 0.9732657074928284)], [[[208.0, 184.0], [233.0, 184.0], [233.0, 196.0], [208.0, 196.0]], ('90.00', 0.9884096384048462)], [[[67.0, 202.0], [232.0, 204.0], [232.0, 218.0], [67.0, 215.0]], ('Your wash service advisor as Orellane', 0.8739019632339478)], [[[88.0, 222.0], [207.0, 223.0], [207.0, 237.0], [88.0, 236.0]], ('Your Sa lesperson was Cashier', 0.8975861072540283)], [[[124.0, 213.0], [175.0, 216.0], [175.0, 227.0], [123.0, 224.0]], ('No2556.', 0.8265061378479004)], [[[107.0, 232.0], [175.0, 234.0], [175.0, 248.0], [107.0, 246.0]], ('MercadoMyrian', 0.949766993522644)], [[[70.0, 253.0], [224.0, 255.0], [224.0, 268.0], [70.0, 266.0]], ('Please hold your receipt to validate', 0.9421651363372803)], [[[66.0, 273.0], [234.0, 276.0], [234.0, 289.0], [66.0, 286.0]], ('Show it to sales advisor and tum it in', 0.9312497973442078)], [[[67.0, 264.0], [227.0, 267.0], [227.0, 278.0], [67.0, 275.0]], ('your 72 hour clean car/rain guarantee.', 0.9303796887397766)], [[[128.0, 284.0], [174.0, 286.0], [174.0, 297.0], [127.0, 294.0]], ('to cashier', 0.8898228406906128)], [[[67.0, 309.0], [236.0, 316.0], [235.0, 332.0], [66.0, 326.0]], ('days fro date above and get a ne T', 0.8208107352256775)], [[[70.0, 301.0], [231.0, 307.0], [230.0, 320.0], [70.0, 315.0]], ('Brtng this receipt within the next 14', 0.8974667191505432)], [[[72.0, 330.0], [225.0, 335.0], [224.0, 347.0], [72.0, 344.0]], ('deta1l service Offer applies to LPs', 0.8181978464126587)]]
{"store_name": "SanCarlos-Duoky\u2019sCarHash", "store_addr": "1301OldCountyRoad", "telephone": "650-637-1301", "date": "02/04/18.", "time": "12:16PM", "subtotal": "Sublotal 90.00", "tax": "0.00", "total": "90.00 90.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "#ExpExtraOpenP", "item_value": "90.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[788.0, 0.0], [1440.0, 14.0], [1437.0, 127.0], [785.0, 108.0]], ('09/07/2017', 0.9979532957077026)], [[[1678.0, 14.0], [2196.0, 0.0], [2201.0, 100.0], [1682.0, 119.0]], ('12:40PM', 0.972699761390686)], [[[22.0, 557.0], [636.0, 656.0], [619.0, 761.0], [5.0, 662.0]], ('207341750', 0.9969589710235596)], [[[2349.0, 659.0], [2780.0, 614.0], [2792.0, 727.0], [2362.0, 772.0]], ('$33.99', 0.9944229125976562)], [[[1104.0, 689.0], [1632.0, 689.0], [1632.0, 794.0], [1104.0, 794.0]], ('PS4GAME', 0.9838690757751465)], [[[1038.0, 803.0], [2378.0, 768.0], [2381.0, 881.0], [1042.0, 917.0]], ('Regular Price $59.99', 0.9445046186447144)], [[[1025.0, 917.0], [2660.0, 864.0], [2665.0, 994.0], [1030.0, 1047.0]], ('Cartwhee1 15% off $39.99', 0.8833790421485901)], [[[1030.0, 1034.0], [2249.0, 1012.0], [2252.0, 1125.0], [1032.0, 1147.0]], ('RETURN BY 10/07/17', 0.9346169233322144)], [[[9.0, 1175.0], [477.0, 1236.0], [459.0, 1370.0], [0.0, 1310.0]], ('ROCERY', 0.99593186378479)], [[[8.0, 1315.0], [614.0, 1368.0], [602.0, 1499.0], [0.0, 1446.0]], ('71200306', 0.9975079298019409)], [[[2462.0, 1351.0], [2845.0, 1324.0], [2855.0, 1459.0], [2472.0, 1486.0]], ('$1.95', 0.9947289228439331)], [[[1095.0, 1395.0], [2206.0, 1373.0], [2209.0, 1486.0], [1097.0, 1509.0]], ('MOUNTAIN DEWFC', 0.9671962857246399)], [[[1034.0, 1521.0], [2485.0, 1490.0], [2488.0, 1608.0], [1037.0, 1639.0]], ('Saved $0.99 off $3.99', 0.9393709897994995)], [[[1021.0, 1647.0], [2639.0, 1603.0], [2643.0, 1729.0], [1025.0, 1774.0]], ('Cartwhee135% off $3.00', 0.9121484756469727)], [[[2421.0, 1862.0], [2887.0, 1842.0], [2893.0, 1972.0], [2427.0, 1992.0]], ('$35.94', 0.9962583184242249)], [[[1653.0, 1878.0], [2219.0, 1868.0], [2221.0, 1990.0], [1655.0, 2000.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9966578483581543)], [[[2498.0, 1988.0], [2900.0, 1972.0], [2905.0, 2107.0], [2504.0, 2123.0]], ('$2.38', 0.9909744262695312)], [[[70.0, 2003.0], [847.0, 2017.0], [845.0, 2130.0], [68.0, 2116.0]], ('T=GATAX', 0.9289237260818481)], [[[787.0, 2007.0], [1676.0, 2016.0], [1674.0, 2130.0], [786.0, 2121.0]], ('7.0000%on', 0.9370355606079102)], [[[1786.0, 2008.0], [2236.0, 1998.0], [2239.0, 2116.0], [1789.0, 2126.0]], ('$33.99', 0.9926984310150146)], [[[1854.0, 2126.0], [2240.0, 2116.0], [2243.0, 2250.0], [1858.0, 2261.0]], ('$1.95', 0.9954248666763306)], [[[2507.0, 2118.0], [2905.0, 2107.0], [2909.0, 2246.0], [2511.0, 2256.0]], ('$0.06', 0.9975611567497253)], [[[60.0, 2142.0], [1675.0, 2146.0], [1675.0, 2264.0], [60.0, 2260.0]], ('C=GA TAX3.0000% on', 0.9281993508338928)], [[[1873.0, 2260.0], [2255.0, 2260.0], [2255.0, 2394.0], [1873.0, 2394.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9982222318649292)], [[[2447.0, 2261.0], [2908.0, 2241.0], [2914.0, 2371.0], [2453.0, 2392.0]], ('$38.38', 0.9917511940002441)], [[[2470.0, 2528.0], [2921.0, 2528.0], [2921.0, 2646.0], [2470.0, 2646.0]], ('$38.38', 0.995460569858551)], [[[1031.0, 2541.0], [2246.0, 2532.0], [2247.0, 2646.0], [1031.0, 2655.0]], ('*1003 AMEX CHARGE', 0.9287585616111755)], [[[1460.0, 2676.0], [2920.0, 2662.0], [2921.0, 2776.0], [1461.0, 2789.0]], ('AID:A000000025010801', 0.9814029932022095)], [[[1451.0, 2814.0], [2624.0, 2801.0], [2625.0, 2914.0], [1453.0, 2928.0]], ('AMERICAN EXPRESS', 0.9737676382064819)], [[[657.0, 3087.0], [2624.0, 3070.0], [2625.0, 3196.0], [658.0, 3213.0]], ('Thanks for using Cartwheel!', 0.9537934064865112)], [[[790.0, 3230.0], [2198.0, 3212.0], [2200.0, 3339.0], [791.0, 3356.0]], ('INDICATES SAVINGS', 0.9794167876243591)], [[[1088.0, 3901.0], [2384.0, 3915.0], [2383.0, 4031.0], [1086.0, 4019.0]], ('SAVINGS THTS TRTP', 0.8528245091438293)], [[[649.0, 3940.0], [1005.0, 3940.0], [1005.0, 4028.0], [649.0, 4028.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9892627000808716)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "09/07/2017", "time": "12:40PM", "subtotal": "$35.94", "tax": "$2.38 $0.06", "total": "$38.38", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PS4GAME", "item_value": "$33.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MOUNTAINDEWFC", "item_value": "$1.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[60.0, 146.0], [579.0, 132.0], [581.0, 172.0], [62.0, 187.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR', 0.9198401570320129)], [[[62.0, 197.0], [380.0, 188.0], [381.0, 225.0], [63.0, 234.0]], ('SHOPPING', 0.9970936179161072)], [[[62.0, 245.0], [618.0, 228.0], [619.0, 271.0], [63.0, 287.0]], ('DAILYS#6607', 0.9254526495933533)], [[[604.0, 380.0], [866.0, 374.0], [867.0, 415.0], [605.0, 421.0]], ('91002738498', 0.9522508382797241)], [[[64.0, 392.0], [170.0, 392.0], [170.0, 438.0], [64.0, 438.0]], ('SHELL', 0.9966275095939636)], [[[722.0, 428.0], [868.0, 424.0], [869.0, 466.0], [723.0, 470.0]], ('$1M0446', 0.8653787970542908)], [[[71.0, 445.0], [508.0, 434.0], [509.0, 471.0], [72.0, 482.0]], ('101 GALLATIN RD. NORTH', 0.9466053247451782)], [[[65.0, 493.0], [212.0, 487.0], [214.0, 531.0], [67.0, 537.0]], ('MADISON', 0.9933273196220398)], [[[344.0, 486.0], [531.0, 480.0], [532.0, 522.0], [345.0, 528.0]], ('TN 37115', 0.9492098093032837)], [[[507.0, 581.0], [575.0, 581.0], [575.0, 630.0], [507.0, 630.0]], ('qty', 0.9975821375846863)], [[[744.0, 574.0], [872.0, 568.0], [875.0, 617.0], [747.0, 624.0]], ('amount', 0.9967119097709656)], [[[129.0, 591.0], [250.0, 591.0], [250.0, 635.0], [129.0, 635.0]], ('Descr.', 0.98936527967453)], [[[154.0, 692.0], [449.0, 682.0], [450.0, 719.0], [155.0, 729.0]], ('<CUSTOMER COPY', 0.9647350311279297)], [[[771.0, 722.0], [876.0, 717.0], [878.0, 763.0], [773.0, 768.0]], ('10.00', 0.996965765953064)], [[[133.0, 741.0], [571.0, 730.0], [572.0, 767.0], [134.0, 778.0]], ('FUEL AUTH FOR PUMP #09', 0.9044638276100159)], [[[432.0, 827.0], [614.0, 823.0], [615.0, 865.0], [433.0, 869.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9383928775787354)], [[[775.0, 818.0], [881.0, 818.0], [881.0, 862.0], [775.0, 862.0]], ('10.00', 0.9964562654495239)], [[[551.0, 871.0], [625.0, 871.0], [625.0, 918.0], [551.0, 918.0]], ('Tax', 0.9956469535827637)], [[[792.0, 869.0], [879.0, 869.0], [879.0, 910.0], [792.0, 910.0]], ('0.00', 0.9646026492118835)], [[[316.0, 929.0], [512.0, 923.0], [513.0, 966.0], [317.0, 972.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9977251887321472)], [[[682.0, 920.0], [877.0, 916.0], [878.0, 959.0], [683.0, 963.0]], ('10.00', 0.9910479784011841)], [[[476.0, 975.0], [626.0, 971.0], [627.0, 1015.0], [477.0, 1019.0]], ('PREAUTH', 0.9964939951896667)], [[[658.0, 975.0], [679.0, 975.0], [679.0, 1008.0], [658.0, 1008.0]], ('S', 0.5595042705535889)], [[[776.0, 968.0], [881.0, 964.0], [883.0, 1009.0], [778.0, 1014.0]], ('10.00', 0.9964498281478882)], [[[676.0, 1070.0], [785.0, 1070.0], [785.0, 1114.0], [676.0, 1114.0]], ('Debit:', 0.9108729362487793)], [[[120.0, 1086.0], [439.0, 1078.0], [440.0, 1115.0], [120.0, 1123.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXXX1790', 0.8522748351097107)], [[[559.0, 1125.0], [842.0, 1117.0], [843.0, 1157.0], [560.0, 1165.0]], ('AUTH#439811', 0.9847127795219421)], [[[83.0, 1137.0], [380.0, 1129.0], [381.0, 1166.0], [84.0, 1174.0]], ('INV0ICE823285', 0.9126156568527222)], [[[655.0, 1478.0], [885.0, 1472.0], [886.0, 1509.0], [656.0, 1515.0]], ('TRAN# 20339', 0.9190607666969299)], [[[127.0, 1490.0], [630.0, 1479.0], [631.0, 1515.0], [127.0, 1526.0]], ('REG# CO02 CSH# O05 DR#01', 0.8185229301452637)], [[[703.0, 1524.0], [888.0, 1518.0], [890.0, 1562.0], [705.0, 1568.0]], ('ST#6607', 0.9404808282852173)], [[[126.0, 1538.0], [489.0, 1529.0], [490.0, 1569.0], [127.0, 1579.0]], ('01/02/1422:23:26', 0.9743949174880981)]]
{"store_name": "SHELL", "store_addr": "TN37115 MADISON 101GALLATINRD.NORTH", "telephone": "", "date": "01/02/14", "time": "22:23:26", "subtotal": "10.00", "tax": "0.00", "total": "10.00 10.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FUELAUTHFORPUMP#09", "item_value": "10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "<CUSTOMERCOPY>", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "Descr", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[15.0, 10.0], [168.0, 10.0], [168.0, 22.0], [15.0, 22.0]], ('900I WEST LAWRENCE AVE', 0.8230851888656616)], [[[14.0, 25.0], [106.0, 25.0], [106.0, 38.0], [14.0, 38.0]], ('LAS VEGAS', 0.9028488993644714)], [[[15.0, 61.0], [85.0, 61.0], [85.0, 75.0], [15.0, 75.0]], ('11-14-2016', 0.9867503046989441)], [[[123.0, 59.0], [169.0, 61.0], [168.0, 76.0], [122.0, 74.0]], ('836P', 0.9453528523445129)], [[[15.0, 89.0], [108.0, 89.0], [108.0, 102.0], [15.0, 102.0]], ('2903F3', 0.9720905423164368)], [[[16.0, 103.0], [118.0, 103.0], [118.0, 113.0], [16.0, 113.0]], ('AUTH435700C4', 0.8710238337516785)], [[[15.0, 121.0], [188.0, 121.0], [188.0, 134.0], [15.0, 134.0]], ('PAYHENT TYPEC3421', 0.8756487369537354)], [[[34.0, 153.0], [104.0, 153.0], [104.0, 167.0], [34.0, 167.0]], ('SUB-TOTAL', 0.9706923961639404)], [[[185.0, 153.0], [222.0, 153.0], [222.0, 168.0], [185.0, 168.0]], ('76.81', 0.9919659495353699)], [[[33.0, 168.0], [66.0, 170.0], [65.0, 185.0], [32.0, 182.0]], ('TAX:', 0.8068147897720337)], [[[177.0, 169.0], [210.0, 169.0], [210.0, 184.0], [177.0, 184.0]], ('6.22', 0.9348376989364624)], [[[34.0, 185.0], [78.0, 185.0], [78.0, 199.0], [34.0, 199.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.8608166575431824)], [[[185.0, 185.0], [222.0, 185.0], [222.0, 200.0], [185.0, 200.0]], ('83.03', 0.9902976751327515)], [[[43.0, 256.0], [161.0, 256.0], [161.0, 269.0], [43.0, 269.0]], ('PLEASE COHE AGAI', 0.8443384170532227)], [[[43.0, 284.0], [107.0, 284.0], [107.0, 297.0], [43.0, 297.0]], ('THANK YOU', 0.9475224614143372)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "LASVEGAS,NV 9001WESTLAWRENCEAVE", "telephone": "", "date": "11-14-2016", "time": "8:36PM", "subtotal": "76.81", "tax": "6.22", "total": "83.03", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[324.0, 0.0], [713.0, 33.0], [709.0, 68.0], [321.0, 30.0]], ("EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY", 0.9794148206710815)], [[[2.0, 10.0], [70.0, 18.0], [68.0, 41.0], [0.0, 33.0]], ('etall', 0.6712638735771179)], [[[4.0, 33.0], [66.0, 39.0], [63.0, 68.0], [1.0, 62.0]], ('ofthe', 0.6886129379272461)], [[[1289.0, 103.0], [1430.0, 125.0], [1420.0, 186.0], [1279.0, 164.0]], ('The', 0.9961962103843689)], [[[975.0, 145.0], [2015.0, 337.0], [2006.0, 388.0], [966.0, 195.0]], ('which contradicts the palpablest facts, is clearly no', 0.9504708051681519)], [[[1611.0, 168.0], [1899.0, 215.0], [1890.0, 272.0], [1602.0, 224.0]], ('Question', 0.9867085814476013)], [[[973.0, 195.0], [2019.0, 395.0], [2010.0, 443.0], [964.0, 243.0]], ('ut a cutting of the knot asunder; and every hour w', 0.9553992748260498)], [[[981.0, 244.0], [2020.0, 445.0], [2014.0, 495.0], [972.0, 294.0]], ('this is leading us towards dissolution instead of sol', 0.9810235500335693)], [[[415.0, 289.0], [619.0, 219.0], [634.0, 263.0], [430.0, 333.0]], ('25 Mar 20181713', 0.8771855235099792)], [[[976.0, 292.0], [2009.0, 500.0], [1999.0, 550.0], [966.0, 342.0]], ('Vhat, then, is practically to be done by us poor', 0.930576503276825)], [[[486.0, 324.0], [633.0, 274.0], [649.0, 318.0], [501.0, 368.0]], ('Acc No:3171', 0.8715309500694275)], [[[167.0, 348.0], [291.0, 312.0], [303.0, 351.0], [178.0, 387.0]], ('T113Floor', 0.7642562985420227)], [[[600.0, 347.0], [662.0, 337.0], [668.0, 379.0], [607.0, 389.0]], ('7.95', 0.8389310836791992)], [[[988.0, 345.0], [2009.0, 550.0], [1999.0, 601.0], [978.0, 395.0]], ('our Demerara and other blacks? Well, in such', 0.9503324031829834)], [[[181.0, 375.0], [229.0, 375.0], [229.0, 410.0], [181.0, 410.0]], ('Kaci', 0.7875139117240906)], [[[615.0, 375.0], [676.0, 375.0], [676.0, 415.0], [615.0, 415.0]], ('7.95', 0.9665338397026062)], [[[987.0, 392.0], [2020.0, 605.0], [2009.0, 662.0], [975.0, 449.0]], ('have made there, it is not easy saying what is firs', 0.9587645530700684)], [[[613.0, 417.0], [684.0, 402.0], [693.0, 442.0], [621.0, 457.0]], ('12.75', 0.990389347076416)], [[[192.0, 435.0], [364.0, 378.0], [377.0, 418.0], [205.0, 475.0]], ('Table:10c2', 0.9140768051147461)], [[[622.0, 450.0], [692.0, 429.0], [704.0, 470.0], [635.0, 491.0]], ('11.50', 0.9867929220199585)], [[[1017.0, 447.0], [2020.0, 662.0], [2013.0, 719.0], [1004.0, 504.0]], ('But all this of perfect equality, of cutting quite', 0.9639259576797485)], [[[302.0, 461.0], [488.0, 395.0], [504.0, 440.0], [318.0, 505.0]], ('Passion Bast1 Cr', 0.895117998123169)], [[[644.0, 479.0], [700.0, 460.0], [712.0, 496.0], [656.0, 515.0]], ('3.50', 0.9920234680175781)], [[[969.0, 489.0], [2020.0, 713.0], [2018.0, 776.0], [955.0, 552.0]], ('ne another; all this, withimmigration loan,""h', 0.9219754934310913)], [[[652.0, 508.0], [717.0, 492.0], [727.0, 532.0], [662.0, 548.0]], ('5.50', 0.981695830821991)], [[[670.0, 540.0], [729.0, 529.0], [736.0, 565.0], [677.0, 576.0]], ('5.50', 0.9864643812179565)], [[[997.0, 548.0], [2001.0, 769.0], [1990.0, 820.0], [986.0, 599.0]], ('black peasantry," and the other melancholy', 0.9393088817596436)], [[[675.0, 573.0], [740.0, 558.0], [750.0, 597.0], [685.0, 613.0]], ('0.00', 0.9955867528915405)], [[[344.0, 586.0], [532.0, 522.0], [545.0, 561.0], [357.0, 625.0]], ('Tendersten Broce', 0.9287711381912231)], [[[989.0, 599.0], [2020.0, 828.0], [2009.0, 879.0], [977.0, 649.0]], ('followed from it, will first of all require to be und', 0.947670578956604)], [[[354.0, 609.0], [486.0, 573.0], [498.0, 618.0], [366.0, 654.0]], ('Mochachoka', 0.9618673324584961)], [[[296.0, 650.0], [315.0, 645.0], [321.0, 668.0], [301.0, 673.0]], ('1', 0.9603644609451294)], [[[987.0, 646.0], [2020.0, 882.0], [2008.0, 945.0], [972.0, 710.0]], ('ground cleared of it, by way of preliminary', 0.9439136385917664)], [[[644.0, 692.0], [719.0, 675.0], [729.0, 718.0], [654.0, 735.0]], ('38.75', 0.9861917495727539)], [[[318.0, 705.0], [343.0, 705.0], [343.0, 737.0], [318.0, 737.0]], ('2', 0.956058144569397)], [[[1033.0, 716.0], [2020.0, 944.0], [2013.0, 995.0], [1021.0, 767.0]], ('After that there may several things be possil', 0.9496018886566162)], [[[656.0, 727.0], [728.0, 709.0], [738.0, 749.0], [666.0, 766.0]], ('15.90', 0.9139646291732788)], [[[985.0, 758.0], [2020.0, 999.0], [2013.0, 1050.0], [973.0, 809.0]], ('one hears of Black Adscripti glebewhich seer', 0.9502447247505188)], [[[162.0, 783.0], [221.0, 783.0], [221.0, 810.0], [162.0, 810.0]], ('rb the', 0.6927037239074707)], [[[301.0, 775.0], [540.0, 697.0], [554.0, 739.0], [314.0, 817.0]], ('Product Group Sumrary', 0.9338535070419312)], [[[649.0, 786.0], [802.0, 741.0], [815.0, 784.0], [661.0, 829.0]], ('54.65', 0.9905766248703003)], [[[130.0, 800.0], [244.0, 820.0], [239.0, 852.0], [124.0, 832.0]], ('and the', 0.9331584572792053)], [[[315.0, 808.0], [372.0, 793.0], [381.0, 827.0], [324.0, 842.0]], ('Food', 0.9956034421920776)], [[[972.0, 808.0], [2020.0, 1054.0], [2007.0, 1111.0], [959.0, 866.0]], ('g arrangement, one of the first to suggest itself', 0.9307616353034973)], [[[38.0, 833.0], [101.0, 833.0], [101.0, 867.0], [38.0, 867.0]], ('ENG', 0.8713827729225159)], [[[119.0, 826.0], [248.0, 847.0], [243.0, 879.0], [114.0, 857.0]], ('ed,like the', 0.7980805039405823)], [[[118.0, 850.0], [257.0, 875.0], [251.0, 911.0], [111.0, 886.0]], (' a', 0.7511360049247742)], [[[326.0, 842.0], [402.0, 821.0], [411.0, 852.0], [335.0, 874.0]], ('Drinks', 0.9882504343986511)], [[[976.0, 861.0], [2020.0, 1113.0], [2010.0, 1170.0], [962.0, 918.0]], ('licacy. It appears the Dutch Blacks,in Java,ar', 0.9361074566841125)], [[[111.0, 880.0], [256.0, 904.0], [251.0, 934.0], [106.0, 910.0]], ('solike a', 0.7166082859039307)], [[[336.0, 891.0], [452.0, 860.0], [462.0, 898.0], [346.0, 929.0]], ('Total', 0.9963464736938477)], [[[119.0, 912.0], [256.0, 934.0], [252.0, 963.0], [114.0, 942.0]], ('scexa thin', 0.8730505704879761)], [[[976.0, 922.0], [2019.0, 1174.0], [2007.0, 1222.0], [964.0, 971.0]], ('d of Adscripts,after the manner of the old Euro', 0.954271674156189)], [[[973.0, 970.0], [2020.0, 1234.0], [2012.0, 1290.0], [959.0, 1027.0]], ('ound, by royal authority to give so many days', 0.9433507323265076)], [[[392.0, 1001.0], [793.0, 878.0], [806.0, 920.0], [405.0, 1044.0]], ('Thanks for visit ing The Botanist', 0.9619405269622803)], [[[492.0, 1008.0], [687.0, 948.0], [701.0, 992.0], [505.0, 1052.0]], ('West Bridgford.', 0.9661536812782288)], [[[1025.0, 1040.0], [2019.0, 1290.0], [2005.0, 1346.0], [1011.0, 1097.0]], ('Is not this something like a real approxima-', 0.9511587619781494)], [[[484.0, 1094.0], [862.0, 981.0], [875.0, 1025.0], [498.0, 1139.0]], ('01 ', 0.5228198766708374)], [[[972.0, 1095.0], [1722.0, 1270.0], [1710.0, 1321.0], [960.0, 1146.0]], ('tep towards all manner of such?', 0.9534496068954468)], [[[555.0, 1157.0], [725.0, 1117.0], [734.0, 1156.0], [564.0, 1196.0]], ('of 6 or more.', 0.936778724193573)], [[[974.0, 1156.0], [1540.0, 1283.0], [1529.0, 1334.0], [963.0, 1207.0]], ('ory, there exists a Black', 0.9226256012916565)], [[[396.0, 1168.0], [432.0, 1155.0], [442.0, 1185.0], [406.0, 1198.0]], ('ai', 0.5147545337677002)], [[[970.0, 1214.0], [1331.0, 1289.0], [1321.0, 1339.0], [959.0, 1264.0]], ('extent is not to b', 0.924559473991394)], [[[464.0, 1260.0], [885.0, 1145.0], [897.0, 1188.0], [475.0, 1303.0]], ('Leave us a review on Tripadvisor', 0.9260579347610474)], [[[966.0, 1269.0], [1153.0, 1297.0], [1145.0, 1346.0], [959.0, 1321.0]], (',should', 0.9366952776908875)], [[[1759.0, 1285.0], [1843.0, 1308.0], [1833.0, 1345.0], [1749.0, 1323.0]], ('Wh', 0.9974091053009033)], [[[572.0, 1300.0], [807.0, 1241.0], [818.0, 1283.0], [582.0, 1341.0]], ('tor 2 this month', 0.9069461822509766)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "40BridgfordStreet,westBridgford Nottingham.NGZ6AP", "telephone": "", "date": "25Mar2018", "time": "17:13", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "\u00a354.65", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PassionBasilCr", "item_value": "=7.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BlackRsmryFizz", "item_value": "=7.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "lambKebab", "item_value": "=12.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SquashPie", "item_value": "=11.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TenderstemBroco", "item_value": "=3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Mochachaoka", "item_value": "=5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "StickyToffeePu", "item_value": "=5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GlassWater", "item_value": "=0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[133.0, 0.0], [188.0, 1.0], [187.0, 15.0], [132.0, 13.0]], ('Franinghas', 0.9169524312019348)], [[[268.0, 0.0], [282.0, 0.0], [288.0, 123.0], [274.0, 124.0]], (',000 GIVEAWAY ON BACKI', 0.8243558406829834)], [[[111.0, 10.0], [192.0, 13.0], [191.0, 28.0], [111.0, 25.0]], ('508)875-1011', 0.9310758113861084)], [[[102.0, 35.0], [222.0, 36.0], [221.0, 49.0], [102.0, 48.0]], ('Ticket #2708', 0.9493947625160217)], [[[61.0, 45.0], [124.0, 49.0], [123.0, 63.0], [60.0, 59.0]], ('2014-06-14', 0.9725305438041687)], [[[223.0, 47.0], [262.0, 47.0], [262.0, 61.0], [223.0, 61.0]], ('5:34PM', 0.8919904232025146)], [[[116.0, 58.0], [208.0, 60.0], [207.0, 74.0], [116.0, 72.0]], ('68502422072708', 0.9697812795639038)], [[[62.0, 83.0], [132.0, 83.0], [132.0, 94.0], [62.0, 94.0]], ('Cashier:Diana', 0.8571299314498901)], [[[75.0, 107.0], [148.0, 105.0], [148.0, 119.0], [75.0, 121.0]], ('MEX PIZZA BEEF', 0.8894449472427368)], [[[240.0, 104.0], [264.0, 101.0], [266.0, 118.0], [242.0, 121.0]], ('3.19', 0.9912591576576233)], [[[80.0, 117.0], [123.0, 121.0], [122.0, 135.0], [79.0, 131.0]], ('-beans', 0.9382829070091248)], [[[66.0, 132.0], [142.0, 132.0], [142.0, 144.0], [66.0, 144.0]], ('2BAJA CHAL BF', 0.9081979393959045)], [[[242.0, 129.0], [266.0, 129.0], [266.0, 143.0], [242.0, 143.0]], ('4.78', 0.9946560263633728)], [[[275.0, 127.0], [288.0, 127.0], [288.0, 226.0], [275.0, 226.0]], ('S1,000 GIVEAWAY', 0.8406755328178406)], [[[78.0, 144.0], [131.0, 144.0], [131.0, 155.0], [78.0, 155.0]], ('CHZ GRD 8F', 0.8484090566635132)], [[[78.0, 156.0], [140.0, 156.0], [140.0, 167.0], [78.0, 167.0]], ('CRSP OLTSUP', 0.9131175875663757)], [[[242.0, 152.0], [266.0, 152.0], [266.0, 168.0], [242.0, 168.0]], ('66', 0.9410222172737122)], [[[78.0, 169.0], [141.0, 169.0], [141.0, 180.0], [78.0, 180.0]], ('SKPOT WEDGE', 0.9195728302001953)], [[[242.0, 164.0], [266.0, 164.0], [266.0, 180.0], [242.0, 180.0]], ('1.89', 0.9791990518569946)], [[[77.0, 180.0], [122.0, 180.0], [122.0, 194.0], [77.0, 194.0]], ('ISd3d 04', 0.6076916456222534)], [[[243.0, 175.0], [266.0, 178.0], [265.0, 192.0], [241.0, 189.0]], ('1.89', 0.9918104410171509)], [[[63.0, 207.0], [83.0, 207.0], [83.0, 218.0], [63.0, 218.0]], ('Tax', 0.9896671175956726)], [[[241.0, 201.0], [267.0, 201.0], [267.0, 216.0], [241.0, 216.0]], ('1.15', 0.9685266017913818)], [[[64.0, 215.0], [114.0, 218.0], [113.0, 233.0], [63.0, 230.0]], ('CARRY CUT', 0.9013251066207886)], [[[233.0, 214.0], [267.0, 214.0], [267.0, 227.0], [233.0, 227.0]], ('$17.58', 0.9613397121429443)], [[[277.0, 222.0], [288.0, 222.0], [288.0, 242.0], [277.0, 242.0]], ('ON', 0.9941631555557251)], [[[62.0, 242.0], [132.0, 240.0], [133.0, 254.0], [63.0, 256.0]], ('ETenderCredit', 0.9908583164215088)], [[[234.0, 239.0], [268.0, 236.0], [269.0, 251.0], [235.0, 253.0]], ('$17.58', 0.9073663353919983)], [[[278.0, 238.0], [289.0, 238.0], [289.0, 274.0], [278.0, 274.0]], ('BACKI', 0.8374110460281372)], [[[63.0, 256.0], [98.0, 256.0], [98.0, 270.0], [63.0, 270.0]], ('Change', 0.9970644116401672)], [[[239.0, 250.0], [270.0, 250.0], [270.0, 265.0], [239.0, 265.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9955853223800659)], [[[274.0, 269.0], [289.0, 267.0], [300.0, 347.0], [286.0, 347.0]], ('S1,000GV', 0.8249641060829163)], [[[115.0, 291.0], [211.0, 287.0], [212.0, 304.0], [116.0, 308.0]], ('Thank You', 0.9529238939285278)], [[[109.0, 318.0], [229.0, 315.0], [230.0, 331.0], [109.0, 334.0]], ('Please Come Again Soon', 0.931256890296936)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "(508)875-1011", "date": "2014-06-14", "time": "5:34PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "1.15", "total": "$17.58", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MEXPILZZABEEF", "item_value": "3.19", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "-beans", "item_value": "4.78", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BAJACHALBF", "item_value": "2.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHZGRDBF", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CRSPDLTSUP", "item_value": "1.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SMPOTWEDGE", "item_value": "1.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MDPEPSI", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[57.0, 13.0], [176.0, 30.0], [170.0, 70.0], [51.0, 53.0]], ("Smith's", 0.9366444945335388)], [[[88.0, 92.0], [146.0, 97.0], [145.0, 110.0], [87.0, 104.0]], ('702-451-2246', 0.9096594452857971)], [[[65.0, 120.0], [156.0, 127.0], [155.0, 141.0], [64.0, 134.0]], ('0.841b85.99/1b', 0.8837828636169434)], [[[62.0, 133.0], [74.0, 133.0], [74.0, 142.0], [62.0, 142.0]], ('UT', 0.826919674873352)], [[[96.0, 134.0], [159.0, 137.0], [159.0, 150.0], [96.0, 148.0]], ('GOUR SLD BAR', 0.9335944056510925)], [[[207.0, 129.0], [238.0, 126.0], [240.0, 141.0], [209.0, 144.0]], ('S03F', 0.8142076730728149)], [[[210.0, 141.0], [232.0, 141.0], [232.0, 153.0], [210.0, 153.0]], ('0.00', 0.964084267616272)], [[[74.0, 157.0], [134.0, 157.0], [134.0, 168.0], [74.0, 168.0]], ('***BALANCE', 0.8257810473442078)], [[[57.0, 167.0], [145.0, 167.0], [145.0, 180.0], [57.0, 180.0]], ('US.DEBIT Purchase', 0.8714218735694885)], [[[58.0, 180.0], [147.0, 180.0], [147.0, 190.0], [58.0, 190.0]], ('************9837', 0.9834747910499573)], [[[156.0, 180.0], [165.0, 180.0], [165.0, 188.0], [156.0, 188.0]], ('C', 0.8238345384597778)], [[[54.0, 190.0], [142.0, 188.0], [142.0, 201.0], [55.0, 203.0]], ('REF000000', 0.9703083038330078)], [[[158.0, 190.0], [221.0, 186.0], [222.0, 199.0], [159.0, 204.0]], ('TOTAL25.03', 0.9158685803413391)], [[[55.0, 201.0], [145.0, 201.0], [145.0, 214.0], [55.0, 214.0]], ('PURCHASE5.03', 0.9773557782173157)], [[[144.0, 200.0], [222.0, 199.0], [223.0, 212.0], [144.0, 214.0]], ('CASHBACK20.00', 0.9814368486404419)], [[[54.0, 213.0], [156.0, 213.0], [156.0, 225.0], [54.0, 225.0]], ('AID:A0000000980840', 0.9397483468055725)], [[[53.0, 224.0], [160.0, 223.0], [160.0, 237.0], [53.0, 238.0]], ('TC5AE1C8667CDCD1CD', 0.9226775765419006)], [[[53.0, 236.0], [134.0, 236.0], [134.0, 250.0], [53.0, 250.0]], ('VERIFIED BY PIN', 0.9355156421661377)], [[[94.0, 249.0], [128.0, 249.0], [128.0, 263.0], [94.0, 263.0]], ('DEBIT', 0.9901911616325378)], [[[211.0, 246.0], [241.0, 246.0], [241.0, 261.0], [211.0, 261.0]], ('25.03', 0.9865524172782898)], [[[94.0, 261.0], [131.0, 263.0], [130.0, 278.0], [93.0, 276.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9967673420906067)], [[[209.0, 259.0], [241.0, 257.0], [243.0, 272.0], [210.0, 274.0]], ('20.00', 0.9405269622802734)], [[[50.0, 276.0], [201.0, 273.0], [202.0, 287.0], [51.0, 290.0]], ('TOTAL NUMBER OF ITEMS SOLD=', 0.9033721089363098)], [[[50.0, 290.0], [211.0, 287.0], [212.0, 300.0], [51.0, 304.0]], ('10/06/16 10:17am 354 88 49 229', 0.9075191617012024)]]
{"store_name": "Smith's.", "store_addr": "3850E.FLAMINGORD.", "telephone": "702-451-2245", "date": "10/06/16", "time": "10:17am", "subtotal": "", "tax": "0.00", "total": "25.03 25.03", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GOURSLDBAR", "item_value": "5.03F", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "5.03", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "5.03", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[43.0, 0.0], [125.0, 1.0], [124.0, 15.0], [42.0, 14.0]], ('WELCOME', 0.9961442947387695)], [[[124.0, 3.0], [153.0, 3.0], [153.0, 14.0], [124.0, 14.0]], ('TO', 0.9916595220565796)], [[[43.0, 13.0], [195.0, 13.0], [195.0, 30.0], [43.0, 30.0]], ('VINELAND SHELL', 0.9730148911476135)], [[[44.0, 27.0], [74.0, 27.0], [74.0, 41.0], [44.0, 41.0]], ('SHELL', 0.9070876836776733)], [[[187.0, 25.0], [260.0, 23.0], [260.0, 38.0], [187.0, 40.0]], ('57542 995501', 0.9498701691627502)], [[[44.0, 38.0], [135.0, 41.0], [134.0, 57.0], [43.0, 55.0]], ('8783VINELANO RD', 0.9274771213531494)], [[[219.0, 39.0], [261.0, 39.0], [261.0, 52.0], [219.0, 52.0]], ('S1E0733', 0.950442910194397)], [[[44.0, 52.0], [88.0, 55.0], [87.0, 69.0], [43.0, 67.0]], ('ORLANDO', 0.9925147294998169)], [[[118.0, 56.0], [171.0, 52.0], [172.0, 66.0], [119.0, 69.0]], ('FL32821', 0.9856600165367126)], [[[62.0, 80.0], [98.0, 82.0], [97.0, 96.0], [61.0, 94.0]], ('Descr.', 0.9941021800041199)], [[[163.0, 81.0], [184.0, 81.0], [184.0, 95.0], [163.0, 95.0]], ('qty', 0.9744874835014343)], [[[227.0, 78.0], [261.0, 78.0], [261.0, 92.0], [227.0, 92.0]], ('amount', 0.9743441939353943)], [[[69.0, 108.0], [151.0, 108.0], [151.0, 121.0], [69.0, 121.0]], ('<CUSTOMER COPY>', 0.9332011938095093)], [[[63.0, 121.0], [126.0, 118.0], [127.0, 132.0], [64.0, 135.0]], ('UNLD CR #07', 0.8563728928565979)], [[[164.0, 119.0], [200.0, 119.0], [200.0, 132.0], [164.0, 132.0]], ('4.2516', 0.9238770008087158)], [[[232.0, 117.0], [262.0, 117.0], [262.0, 131.0], [232.0, 131.0]], ('25.50', 0.9963613748550415)], [[[117.0, 133.0], [200.0, 130.0], [201.0, 144.0], [117.0, 146.0]], ('SELF5.999/6', 0.9356710314750671)], [[[145.0, 159.0], [194.0, 159.0], [194.0, 170.0], [145.0, 170.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9151676893234253)], [[[233.0, 155.0], [263.0, 155.0], [263.0, 170.0], [233.0, 170.0]], ('25.50', 0.9953721761703491)], [[[176.0, 171.0], [197.0, 171.0], [197.0, 185.0], [176.0, 185.0]], ('Tax', 0.9938938021659851)], [[[237.0, 168.0], [263.0, 168.0], [263.0, 183.0], [237.0, 183.0]], ('0.00', 0.993057131767273)], [[[116.0, 185.0], [165.0, 185.0], [165.0, 196.0], [116.0, 196.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.998278021812439)], [[[208.0, 182.0], [263.0, 182.0], [263.0, 196.0], [208.0, 196.0]], ('25.50', 0.9774394035339355)], [[[161.0, 196.0], [215.0, 196.0], [215.0, 210.0], [161.0, 210.0]], ('CREDIT$', 0.9499491453170776)], [[[233.0, 195.0], [263.0, 192.0], [264.0, 207.0], [234.0, 210.0]], ('25.50', 0.9925433397293091)], [[[57.0, 225.0], [163.0, 221.0], [163.0, 235.0], [58.0, 238.0]], ('XXXXXXxXXX7231', 0.7183886170387268)], [[[205.0, 222.0], [254.0, 219.0], [254.0, 234.0], [206.0, 237.0]], ('DISCOVER', 0.9946807026863098)], [[[48.0, 239.0], [133.0, 235.0], [134.0, 249.0], [49.0, 253.0]], ('INVOICE:444547', 0.9460009932518005)], [[[177.0, 234.0], [254.0, 233.0], [254.0, 247.0], [177.0, 248.0]], ('AUTH#021698', 0.9144969582557678)], [[[49.0, 266.0], [232.0, 259.0], [233.0, 273.0], [50.0, 280.0]], ('THANKS,COME AGAIN', 0.9539121985435486)], [[[57.0, 277.0], [266.0, 269.0], [266.0, 286.0], [58.0, 294.0]], ('REG#0002 CSH#012 DR#01TRAN#26966', 0.914548397064209)], [[[58.0, 294.0], [160.0, 287.0], [160.0, 300.0], [59.0, 307.0]], ('03/21/1619:43:54', 0.966489315032959)], [[[213.0, 287.0], [265.0, 285.0], [265.0, 298.0], [214.0, 301.0]], ('ST#VINE1', 0.9461956024169922)]]
{"store_name": "VINELANDSHELL SHELL", "store_addr": "8783VINELANORD ORLANDOFL32821", "telephone": "", "date": "03/21/16", "time": "19:43:54", "subtotal": "25.50", "tax": "0.00", "total": "25.50 25.50", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "UNLDCR#07", "item_value": "25.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Descr.", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[230.0, 137.0], [414.0, 123.0], [416.0, 150.0], [232.0, 164.0]], ('WESTMINSTER KITCHEN', 0.9787505269050598)], [[[238.0, 165.0], [407.0, 153.0], [408.0, 171.0], [240.0, 183.0]], ('3A Belvedere Road', 0.9225975275039673)], [[[278.0, 183.0], [360.0, 177.0], [362.0, 196.0], [279.0, 202.0]], ('Waterloo', 0.9470071792602539)], [[[248.0, 205.0], [391.0, 195.0], [392.0, 216.0], [250.0, 227.0]], ('London SE1 7GQ', 0.8923534154891968)], [[[241.0, 228.0], [411.0, 218.0], [412.0, 238.0], [242.0, 248.0]], ('TEL:02079281986', 0.9569860696792603)], [[[129.0, 258.0], [183.0, 256.0], [184.0, 276.0], [131.0, 279.0]], ('Laziz', 0.9523261785507202)], [[[129.0, 281.0], [232.0, 273.0], [234.0, 294.0], [131.0, 302.0]], ('Table No1', 0.8546217083930969)], [[[463.0, 280.0], [519.0, 276.0], [521.0, 299.0], [465.0, 303.0]], ('No:62', 0.8512402772903442)], [[[332.0, 290.0], [436.0, 282.0], [438.0, 305.0], [334.0, 312.0]], ('Time16:22', 0.9369483590126038)], [[[128.0, 303.0], [283.0, 293.0], [284.0, 314.0], [130.0, 325.0]], ('Date:12/01/2019', 0.9742337465286255)], [[[486.0, 326.0], [534.0, 322.0], [536.0, 346.0], [488.0, 350.0]], ('6.50', 0.9897412061691284)], [[[129.0, 350.0], [252.0, 341.0], [254.0, 363.0], [131.0, 373.0]], ('1 Apple Tart', 0.8868618011474609)], [[[481.0, 351.0], [537.0, 347.0], [538.0, 371.0], [482.0, 375.0]], ('11.45', 0.9945942163467407)], [[[128.0, 374.0], [295.0, 363.0], [296.0, 385.0], [130.0, 395.0]], ('1 Chicken Fillet', 0.9505103826522827)], [[[489.0, 376.0], [537.0, 372.0], [540.0, 395.0], [491.0, 400.0]], ('3.95', 0.9973135590553284)], [[[127.0, 397.0], [378.0, 384.0], [379.0, 405.0], [128.0, 419.0]], ('1 Creamy Mashed Potatoes', 0.941300094127655)], [[[493.0, 399.0], [541.0, 396.0], [543.0, 420.0], [494.0, 423.0]], ('7.45', 0.9950432777404785)], [[[126.0, 423.0], [307.0, 412.0], [308.0, 434.0], [127.0, 444.0]], ('1 Deep Fried Brie', 0.9426287412643433)], [[[494.0, 424.0], [542.0, 421.0], [544.0, 444.0], [495.0, 447.0]], ('8.25', 0.9969329833984375)], [[[124.0, 446.0], [245.0, 440.0], [246.0, 462.0], [125.0, 468.0]], ('3Diet Coke', 0.9588667750358582)], [[[489.0, 450.0], [545.0, 445.0], [547.0, 469.0], [491.0, 473.0]], ('19.90', 0.9980225563049316)], [[[123.0, 472.0], [308.0, 461.0], [309.0, 484.0], [124.0, 494.0]], ('2 Margarita Pizza', 0.9637977480888367)], [[[497.0, 473.0], [548.0, 470.0], [549.0, 495.0], [499.0, 497.0]], ('0.00', 0.9968555569648743)], [[[124.0, 496.0], [309.0, 487.0], [310.0, 508.0], [125.0, 518.0]], ('1 Tap Water Glass', 0.9337422251701355)], [[[500.0, 499.0], [551.0, 496.0], [552.0, 520.0], [502.0, 523.0]], ('6.75', 0.9950677752494812)], [[[123.0, 522.0], [245.0, 516.0], [246.0, 538.0], [124.0, 544.0]], ('1 Tricolore', 0.9423650503158569)], [[[486.0, 552.0], [556.0, 548.0], [558.0, 573.0], [488.0, 577.0]], ('64.25', 0.9927743077278137)], [[[119.0, 574.0], [233.0, 566.0], [235.0, 590.0], [121.0, 599.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9279789328575134)], [[[497.0, 579.0], [561.0, 574.0], [562.0, 601.0], [499.0, 605.0]], ('8.03', 0.9942042827606201)], [[[120.0, 601.0], [287.0, 592.0], [288.0, 617.0], [121.0, 627.0]], ('Service Charge', 0.9813360571861267)], [[[488.0, 607.0], [567.0, 603.0], [570.0, 650.0], [491.0, 655.0]], ('72.28', 0.9918421506881714)], [[[117.0, 630.0], [192.0, 625.0], [195.0, 671.0], [120.0, 676.0]], ('Total:', 0.9913647770881653)], [[[229.0, 696.0], [454.0, 683.0], [457.0, 728.0], [232.0, 741.0]], ('THANKYOU', 0.9958001375198364)], [[[222.0, 745.0], [444.0, 734.0], [446.0, 776.0], [224.0, 787.0]], ('VAT NO150 358919', 0.9629108905792236)], [[[127.0, 796.0], [553.0, 776.0], [555.0, 801.0], [128.0, 821.0]], ('DISCRETIONARY 12.5% SERVICE INCLUDED', 0.9526996612548828)], [[[260.0, 821.0], [432.0, 811.0], [434.0, 837.0], [262.0, 846.0]], ("BREXIT IS BAD'", 0.915509819984436)], [[[167.0, 858.0], [519.0, 842.0], [520.0, 865.0], [168.0, 880.0]], ('IMMIGRANTS MAKE BRITAIN GREAT!', 0.9296435117721558)], [[[187.0, 887.0], [513.0, 873.0], [514.0, 898.0], [188.0, 911.0]], ('THEY ALSO COOKED AND SERVED', 0.9309200048446655)], [[[246.0, 916.0], [439.0, 907.0], [440.0, 933.0], [247.0, 941.0]], ('YOUR FOOD TODAY.', 0.9341779351234436)]]
{"store_name": "WESTMINSTERKITCHEN", "store_addr": "3ABelvedereRoad Waterloo LondonSE17GQ", "telephone": "02079281986", "date": "12/01/2019", "time": "16:22", "subtotal": "\u00a364.25", "tax": "", "total": "\u00a372.28", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AppleTart", "item_value": "6.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenFillet", "item_value": "11.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CreamyMashedPotatoes", "item_value": "3.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DeepFriedBrie", "item_value": "7.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DietCoke", "item_value": "8.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MargaritaPizza", "item_value": "19.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TapWaterGlass", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Tricolore", "item_value": "6.75", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[126.0, 19.0], [193.0, 21.0], [192.0, 39.0], [126.0, 36.0]], ('STA.MESA', 0.9691863059997559)], [[[72.0, 50.0], [217.0, 50.0], [217.0, 64.0], [72.0, 64.0]], ('MERCANTILE STORES GROUP.INC', 0.945927083492279)], [[[55.0, 60.0], [227.0, 60.0], [227.0, 74.0], [55.0, 74.0]], ('SH CENTERPOINT BLDG..AURORA BLVD.', 0.9083592891693115)], [[[70.0, 68.0], [223.0, 69.0], [223.0, 83.0], [70.0, 82.0]], ('DONA IMELDA.QUEZON CITY 1113', 0.8723381161689758)], [[[66.0, 88.0], [224.0, 88.0], [224.0, 101.0], [66.0, 101.0]], ('ACCREDTN#116-001668824-000038', 0.9818806648254395)], [[[73.0, 79.0], [217.0, 77.0], [217.0, 91.0], [73.0, 93.0]], ('VAT-REG TIN 000-404-308-000', 0.9610547423362732)], [[[34.0, 120.0], [87.0, 117.0], [88.0, 132.0], [35.0, 135.0]], ('14349.75', 0.8976119756698608)], [[[34.0, 129.0], [143.0, 127.0], [143.0, 142.0], [35.0, 144.0]], ('TE2038102401652', 0.954907238483429)], [[[155.0, 133.0], [196.0, 133.0], [196.0, 152.0], [155.0, 152.0]], ('JATE;', 0.7350562810897827)], [[[199.0, 128.0], [259.0, 132.0], [257.0, 158.0], [197.0, 154.0]], ('Pesosvm', 0.5085965394973755)], [[[35.0, 149.0], [143.0, 148.0], [143.0, 162.0], [36.0, 164.0]], ('ITE2042100692660', 0.9362515211105347)], [[[36.0, 141.0], [60.0, 141.0], [60.0, 152.0], [36.0, 152.0]], ('RUSY', 0.8962373733520508)], [[[57.0, 140.0], [141.0, 140.0], [141.0, 153.0], [57.0, 153.0]], ('RED WASHINGTON', 0.9645100235939026)], [[[35.0, 159.0], [154.0, 157.0], [154.0, 172.0], [36.0, 174.0]], ('KANEBO FW C BRIGHTNG U', 0.8767141699790955)], [[[210.0, 158.0], [257.0, 158.0], [257.0, 170.0], [210.0, 170.0]], ('702.00V', 0.9682890176773071)], [[[36.0, 170.0], [144.0, 168.0], [144.0, 181.0], [37.0, 183.0]], ('ITEM2042100592684', 0.949264407157898)], [[[36.0, 179.0], [154.0, 177.0], [154.0, 192.0], [37.0, 194.0]], ('KANEBO FW C BRIGHTNG U', 0.8597244024276733)], [[[208.0, 177.0], [257.0, 177.0], [257.0, 189.0], [208.0, 189.0]], ('702.00VW', 0.9425714015960693)], [[[39.0, 192.0], [80.0, 192.0], [80.0, 203.0], [39.0, 203.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9892802238464355)], [[[171.0, 188.0], [259.0, 186.0], [259.0, 198.0], [171.0, 199.0]], ('P2,100.50', 0.9278407692909241)], [[[35.0, 218.0], [64.0, 218.0], [64.0, 246.0], [35.0, 246.0]], ('101-', 0.7680765390396118)], [[[103.0, 218.0], [151.0, 215.0], [151.0, 230.0], [104.0, 233.0]], ('1.404.00', 0.9603200554847717)], [[[166.0, 216.0], [200.0, 216.0], [200.0, 230.0], [166.0, 230.0]], ('140.40', 0.9756829142570496)], [[[113.0, 230.0], [148.0, 228.0], [149.0, 239.0], [114.0, 242.0]], ('695.50', 0.9342592358589172)], [[[166.0, 228.0], [198.0, 226.0], [199.0, 237.0], [167.0, 240.0]], ('132.34', 0.989300012588501)], [[[38.0, 248.0], [143.0, 247.0], [143.0, 261.0], [39.0, 263.0]], ('OFF FROM PROMOTIONS:', 0.9027138948440552)], [[[204.0, 245.0], [248.0, 245.0], [248.0, 256.0], [204.0, 256.0]], ('P272.74-', 0.9037197232246399)], [[[43.0, 262.0], [69.0, 262.0], [69.0, 272.0], [43.0, 272.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9884397387504578)], [[[171.0, 255.0], [261.0, 251.0], [262.0, 265.0], [171.0, 270.0]], ('P1.827.76', 0.93365478515625)], [[[40.0, 279.0], [190.0, 275.0], [191.0, 288.0], [41.0, 293.0]], ('CARDNUMBER8880512002242207', 0.9226717352867126)], [[[43.0, 298.0], [120.0, 298.0], [120.0, 309.0], [43.0, 309.0]], ('CHG/ATM ON-LINE', 0.93573397397995)], [[[194.0, 295.0], [242.0, 291.0], [243.0, 303.0], [195.0, 307.0]], ('P1.827.76', 0.9087634682655334)], [[[43.0, 306.0], [181.0, 303.0], [181.0, 318.0], [43.0, 321.0]], ('Account 5447588000566978', 0.9156460762023926)], [[[41.0, 318.0], [133.0, 313.0], [134.0, 328.0], [42.0, 333.0]], ('Batch59000666', 0.9731242656707764)], [[[44.0, 328.0], [117.0, 325.0], [118.0, 338.0], [44.0, 342.0]], ('Invojce 66', 0.777908205986023)], [[[42.0, 338.0], [147.0, 332.0], [148.0, 347.0], [43.0, 352.0]], ('RRN9.226113e+013', 0.8919506072998047)], [[[43.0, 348.0], [138.0, 342.0], [139.0, 356.0], [44.0, 362.0]], ('690086', 0.5013453364372253)], [[[65.0, 366.0], [144.0, 361.0], [145.0, 373.0], [66.0, 377.0]], ('ITEMS PURCHASED', 0.9368497133255005)], [[[143.0, 361.0], [164.0, 361.0], [164.0, 373.0], [143.0, 373.0]], ('16', 0.9912256002426147)], [[[68.0, 375.0], [234.0, 363.0], [235.0, 377.0], [69.0, 389.0]], ('THIS SERVES AS YOUR SALES INVOICE', 0.9297380447387695)], [[[104.0, 382.0], [196.0, 376.0], [197.0, 389.0], [105.0, 395.0]], ('TRANSACNON #03048', 0.8990462422370911)]]
{"store_name": "STA.MESA", "store_addr": "SMCENTERPOINTBLDG..AURORABLVD., DONAIMELDA,OUEZONCITY1113", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "P2,100.50", "tax": "", "total": "P1.827.76", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "RUSYREDWASHINGTON", "item_value": "702.00VW", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KANEBOFWCBRIGHTNG", "item_value": "702.00VW", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KANEBOFWCBRIGHTNG", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[178.0, 24.0], [232.0, 24.0], [232.0, 34.0], [178.0, 34.0]], ('epitalry cid.', 0.5807051062583923)], [[[105.0, 36.0], [135.0, 39.0], [134.0, 49.0], [104.0, 46.0]], ('Sectors', 0.7493284940719604)], [[[140.0, 59.0], [201.0, 59.0], [201.0, 69.0], [140.0, 69.0]], ('90620/9611', 0.535300612449646)], [[[159.0, 71.0], [188.0, 75.0], [187.0, 87.0], [157.0, 83.0]], ('INVOICE', 0.8891786932945251)], [[[88.0, 91.0], [151.0, 96.0], [150.0, 106.0], [87.0, 101.0]], ('StafCASHER', 0.8202910423278809)], [[[113.0, 84.0], [197.0, 89.0], [196.0, 102.0], [112.0, 97.0]], ('00000P0051000114324', 0.786744236946106)], [[[87.0, 106.0], [128.0, 110.0], [127.0, 122.0], [86.0, 118.0]], ('Table:16', 0.8841270208358765)], [[[88.0, 99.0], [112.0, 99.0], [112.0, 110.0], [88.0, 110.0]], ('Date:', 0.6792070269584656)], [[[115.0, 100.0], [176.0, 104.0], [175.0, 115.0], [115.0, 111.0]], ('29-09161448', 0.9073475003242493)], [[[83.0, 122.0], [146.0, 127.0], [146.0, 138.0], [82.0, 133.0]], ('KSL48120ANE', 0.8465554714202881)], [[[82.0, 137.0], [133.0, 143.0], [131.0, 157.0], [80.0, 151.0]], ('Description', 0.9848897457122803)], [[[157.0, 142.0], [206.0, 146.0], [205.0, 160.0], [156.0, 156.0]], ('QTY Rate', 0.8552628755569458)], [[[79.0, 156.0], [141.0, 162.0], [140.0, 173.0], [78.0, 167.0]], ('LUNCHNON VEG', 0.8452079892158508)], [[[221.0, 148.0], [254.0, 148.0], [254.0, 158.0], [221.0, 158.0]], ('Aaount', 0.8582649230957031)], [[[77.0, 166.0], [152.0, 172.0], [151.0, 183.0], [76.0, 178.0]], ('Fresh Lime Weter', 0.7482800483703613)], [[[163.0, 166.0], [170.0, 166.0], [170.0, 173.0], [163.0, 173.0]], ('3', 0.9763438701629639)], [[[183.0, 165.0], [216.0, 165.0], [216.0, 176.0], [183.0, 176.0]], ('585.00', 0.9073102474212646)], [[[185.0, 173.0], [214.0, 176.0], [213.0, 187.0], [184.0, 185.0]], ('90.00', 0.9439935684204102)], [[[215.0, 164.0], [258.0, 164.0], [258.0, 178.0], [215.0, 178.0]], ('1.755.00', 0.8642147779464722)], [[[75.0, 176.0], [152.0, 180.0], [151.0, 193.0], [74.0, 189.0]], ('Thus Up 250', 0.7792503833770752)], [[[160.0, 174.0], [170.0, 174.0], [170.0, 182.0], [160.0, 182.0]], ('2', 0.7483810782432556)], [[[186.0, 182.0], [213.0, 185.0], [212.0, 195.0], [185.0, 192.0]], ('90.00', 0.9616416692733765)], [[[231.0, 176.0], [258.0, 176.0], [258.0, 187.0], [231.0, 187.0]], ('0.00', 0.976533055305481)], [[[235.0, 183.0], [258.0, 186.0], [257.0, 198.0], [233.0, 195.0]], ('0.00', 0.982822597026825)], [[[70.0, 206.0], [181.0, 211.0], [180.0, 225.0], [70.0, 220.0]], ('Service Charge Ant.4%', 0.9123705625534058)], [[[73.0, 197.0], [122.0, 199.0], [122.0, 210.0], [73.0, 208.0]], ('Net Amount', 0.8470013737678528)], [[[220.0, 203.0], [260.0, 205.0], [259.0, 218.0], [219.0, 216.0]], ('1.755.00', 0.8707469701766968)], [[[231.0, 214.0], [261.0, 216.0], [260.0, 228.0], [230.0, 226.0]], ('70.20', 0.9901639819145203)], [[[67.0, 226.0], [157.0, 230.0], [156.0, 243.0], [67.0, 239.0]], ('Service Tax.5.6%', 0.8532466888427734)], [[[231.0, 235.0], [263.0, 235.0], [263.0, 249.0], [231.0, 249.0]], ('102.21', 0.9420705437660217)], [[[64.0, 247.0], [185.0, 254.0], [184.0, 268.0], [63.0, 261.0]], ('Swachh Bharat Cess0.2%', 0.9413630962371826)], [[[239.0, 255.0], [266.0, 258.0], [264.0, 273.0], [237.0, 270.0]], ('3.65', 0.9776167869567871)], [[[59.0, 271.0], [185.0, 277.0], [184.0, 291.0], [58.0, 284.0]], ('Krish Kayan Cess0.2x', 0.8897358775138855)], [[[242.0, 279.0], [269.0, 282.0], [267.0, 296.0], [241.0, 293.0]], ('3.65', 0.9847161173820496)], [[[56.0, 298.0], [76.0, 298.0], [76.0, 310.0], [56.0, 310.0]], ('VAT', 0.7950428128242493)], [[[54.0, 309.0], [106.0, 313.0], [105.0, 327.0], [53.0, 323.0]], ('Total Rs.', 0.9171383380889893)], [[[232.0, 304.0], [270.0, 307.0], [269.0, 321.0], [231.0, 318.0]], ('264.65', 0.9645532965660095)], [[[96.0, 324.0], [228.0, 332.0], [227.0, 346.0], [95.0, 338.0]], ('Thank You visit again-', 0.9504101276397705)], [[[223.0, 317.0], [272.0, 320.0], [271.0, 334.0], [222.0, 331.0]], ('2.199.00', 0.914085865020752)], [[[49.0, 337.0], [268.0, 347.0], [268.0, 361.0], [49.0, 351.0]], ('Reg Off-Barbeque Nation Hospitality Ltd', 0.9405030608177185)], [[[74.0, 352.0], [247.0, 361.0], [246.0, 375.0], [73.0, 366.0]], ('SY N0 62 Site No-13 6th Cross', 0.8991550803184509)], [[[50.0, 365.0], [271.0, 375.0], [270.0, 392.0], [49.0, 382.0]], ('N.S PalyaBTM Layout Bangalore-560076', 0.9114111661911011)], [[[102.0, 383.0], [220.0, 389.0], [220.0, 403.0], [101.0, 398.0]], ('Tel+91-80-49072800', 0.9697978496551514)], [[[87.0, 400.0], [225.0, 405.0], [224.0, 419.0], [86.0, 414.0]], ('ST No-AAKCS3053NS0002', 0.9210551977157593)], [[[82.0, 416.0], [236.0, 421.0], [236.0, 435.0], [81.0, 430.0]], ('CINU55101KA2006PLC073031', 0.9834869503974915)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "29-09-16", "time": "14:48", "subtotal": "1,755.00", "tax": "264.65 3.65 3.65 102.21", "total": "2,199.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ThumdsUp250ML", "item_value": "1,755.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FreshLimeWater", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LUNCHNONVEG", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[123.0, 121.0], [196.0, 118.0], [196.0, 133.0], [123.0, 135.0]], ('LION CITY', 0.9396543502807617)], [[[116.0, 137.0], [204.0, 134.0], [205.0, 149.0], [116.0, 151.0]], ('RESTAURANT', 0.9969955682754517)], [[[136.0, 175.0], [184.0, 175.0], [184.0, 186.0], [136.0, 186.0]], ('LION CITY', 0.9592695236206055)], [[[132.0, 188.0], [184.0, 188.0], [184.0, 199.0], [132.0, 199.0]], ('RESTAURANT', 0.9928057789802551)], [[[66.0, 199.0], [256.0, 198.0], [256.0, 212.0], [66.0, 213.0]], ('1177 CENTRAL PARKWAY WEST UNIT #70', 0.9371247291564941)], [[[103.0, 213.0], [224.0, 213.0], [224.0, 226.0], [103.0, 226.0]], ('MISSISSAUGA ON L5C 4P3', 0.9398317933082581)], [[[108.0, 226.0], [204.0, 226.0], [204.0, 239.0], [108.0, 239.0]], ('TEL905-281-0860', 0.9800646305084229)], [[[135.0, 239.0], [193.0, 239.0], [193.0, 253.0], [135.0, 253.0]], ('APR24/2015', 0.9967067837715149)], [[[60.0, 253.0], [92.0, 253.0], [92.0, 267.0], [60.0, 267.0]], ('SATAY', 0.997636616230011)], [[[233.0, 253.0], [260.0, 253.0], [260.0, 268.0], [233.0, 268.0]], ('8.00', 0.9903758764266968)], [[[60.0, 268.0], [136.0, 268.0], [136.0, 281.0], [60.0, 281.0]], ('OPEN FOOD/BEV', 0.9336379766464233)], [[[235.0, 267.0], [260.0, 267.0], [260.0, 282.0], [235.0, 282.0]], ('7.00', 0.9941850900650024)], [[[60.0, 283.0], [137.0, 283.0], [137.0, 296.0], [60.0, 296.0]], ('FRIED NOODLES', 0.9527120590209961)], [[[234.0, 282.0], [261.0, 282.0], [261.0, 297.0], [234.0, 297.0]], ('8.50', 0.9824484586715698)], [[[59.0, 298.0], [136.0, 298.0], [136.0, 312.0], [59.0, 312.0]], ('SHRIMP WONTON', 0.9644898176193237)], [[[236.0, 297.0], [263.0, 297.0], [263.0, 313.0], [236.0, 313.0]], ('7.50', 0.9881049990653992)], [[[59.0, 314.0], [135.0, 314.0], [135.0, 327.0], [59.0, 327.0]], ('OPEN FODD/BEV', 0.9096577167510986)], [[[236.0, 312.0], [263.0, 312.0], [263.0, 328.0], [236.0, 328.0]], ('7.50', 0.9582117795944214)], [[[58.0, 329.0], [135.0, 329.0], [135.0, 344.0], [58.0, 344.0]], ('OPEN F000/BEV', 0.8952353000640869)], [[[236.0, 325.0], [264.0, 328.0], [262.0, 344.0], [235.0, 341.0]], ('4.50', 0.9800840616226196)], [[[58.0, 346.0], [135.0, 346.0], [135.0, 359.0], [58.0, 359.0]], ('OPEN FOOD/BEV', 0.9217808842658997)], [[[235.0, 343.0], [263.0, 343.0], [263.0, 358.0], [235.0, 358.0]], ('5.00', 0.9949995279312134)], [[[58.0, 360.0], [111.0, 360.0], [111.0, 374.0], [58.0, 374.0]], ('HST TOTAL', 0.9581211805343628)], [[[234.0, 358.0], [263.0, 358.0], [263.0, 373.0], [234.0, 373.0]], ('6.24', 0.9906615018844604)], [[[58.0, 372.0], [109.0, 375.0], [108.0, 389.0], [57.0, 387.0]], ('CASH', 0.997583270072937)], [[[195.0, 371.0], [256.0, 371.0], [256.0, 388.0], [195.0, 388.0]], ('54.24', 0.9956424832344055)], [[[60.0, 389.0], [125.0, 389.0], [125.0, 400.0], [60.0, 400.0]], ('#001-000011', 0.9878246784210205)], [[[231.0, 387.0], [264.0, 387.0], [264.0, 398.0], [231.0, 398.0]], ('15:34R', 0.962688148021698)], [[[116.0, 401.0], [164.0, 401.0], [164.0, 412.0], [116.0, 412.0]], ('CLERKO01', 0.9280675649642944)]]
{"store_name": "LIONCITY RESTAURANT LIONCITY RESTAURANT", "store_addr": "1177CENTRALPARKWAYWESTUNIT#70 MISSISSAUGAONL5C4P3", "telephone": "905-281-0860", "date": "APR24/2015", "time": "15:34R", "subtotal": "", "tax": "6.24", "total": "54.24", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SATAY", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OPENFOOD/BEV", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRIEDNOODLES", "item_value": "8.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SHRIMPWONTON", "item_value": "7.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OPENFOOD/BEV", "item_value": "7.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OPENFOOD/BEV", "item_value": "4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OPENFOOD/BEV", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[814.0, 10.0], [1060.0, 10.0], [1060.0, 52.0], [814.0, 52.0]], ('E1:26', 0.8246647119522095)], [[[151.0, 104.0], [345.0, 104.0], [345.0, 146.0], [151.0, 146.0]], ('Q Search', 0.938046932220459)], [[[388.0, 429.0], [644.0, 443.0], [642.0, 479.0], [387.0, 465.0]], ('Cornerstone Cafe', 0.9645687937736511)], [[[430.0, 467.0], [614.0, 477.0], [612.0, 517.0], [428.0, 507.0]], ('17 Avenue B', 0.9372043609619141)], [[[372.0, 506.0], [662.0, 516.0], [660.0, 556.0], [371.0, 546.0]], ('New York,NY 10009', 0.9213279485702515)], [[[422.0, 548.0], [618.0, 554.0], [617.0, 590.0], [420.0, 584.0]], ('212.228.1260', 0.9913269877433777)], [[[172.0, 618.0], [392.0, 624.0], [390.0, 666.0], [170.0, 660.0]], ('Check#6178', 0.9931467771530151)], [[[724.0, 638.0], [840.0, 632.0], [842.0, 670.0], [726.0, 677.0]], ('8/16/17', 0.9973101019859314)], [[[170.0, 660.0], [382.0, 666.0], [380.0, 708.0], [168.0, 702.0]], ('Server:Rubi', 0.9498347640037537)], [[[717.0, 672.0], [842.0, 672.0], [842.0, 708.0], [717.0, 708.0]], ('11:04 AM', 0.9077553749084473)], [[[174.0, 700.0], [471.0, 710.0], [470.0, 746.0], [172.0, 736.0]], ('TO GO:Ching Chong', 0.9214814901351929)], [[[174.0, 740.0], [602.0, 754.0], [601.0, 790.0], [172.0, 776.0]], ('Customer Name: Ching Chong', 0.9465878009796143)], [[[381.0, 868.0], [669.0, 868.0], [669.0, 902.0], [381.0, 902.0]], ('===2nd Course===', 0.896766185760498)], [[[171.0, 940.0], [413.0, 946.0], [412.0, 986.0], [170.0, 980.0]], ('1 Steak & Eggs', 0.888063907623291)], [[[772.0, 934.0], [858.0, 929.0], [860.0, 970.0], [774.0, 975.0]], ('16.00', 0.9956222772598267)], [[[780.0, 1012.0], [862.0, 1012.0], [862.0, 1048.0], [780.0, 1048.0]], ('16.00', 0.9928420186042786)], [[[175.0, 1022.0], [330.0, 1022.0], [330.0, 1058.0], [175.0, 1058.0]], ('Sub-total', 0.981243371963501)], [[[788.0, 1045.0], [867.0, 1051.0], [863.0, 1095.0], [785.0, 1089.0]], ('1.42', 0.9865742325782776)], [[[170.0, 1062.0], [333.0, 1058.0], [334.0, 1100.0], [172.0, 1104.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.9652569890022278)], [[[782.0, 1092.0], [864.0, 1092.0], [864.0, 1130.0], [782.0, 1130.0]], ('17.42', 0.9912728071212769)], [[[173.0, 1104.0], [264.0, 1104.0], [264.0, 1142.0], [173.0, 1142.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9983585476875305)], [[[168.0, 1180.0], [313.0, 1176.0], [314.0, 1218.0], [170.0, 1222.0]], ('PAYMENTS', 0.9951702952384949)], [[[782.0, 1210.0], [868.0, 1205.0], [870.0, 1246.0], [784.0, 1251.0]], ('20.00', 0.994696319103241)], [[[166.0, 1224.0], [381.0, 1220.0], [381.0, 1260.0], [167.0, 1264.0]], ('Cash Payment', 0.9737601280212402)], [[[794.0, 1248.0], [874.0, 1248.0], [874.0, 1292.0], [794.0, 1292.0]], ('2.58', 0.9960543513298035)], [[[164.0, 1265.0], [279.0, 1259.0], [281.0, 1303.0], [166.0, 1309.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9979626536369324)], [[[794.0, 1332.0], [878.0, 1332.0], [878.0, 1370.0], [794.0, 1370.0]], ('17.42', 0.9912470579147339)], [[[170.0, 1350.0], [414.0, 1342.0], [415.0, 1382.0], [172.0, 1390.0]], ('TOTAL PAYMENTS', 0.9639286994934082)], [[[806.0, 1372.0], [881.0, 1372.0], [881.0, 1410.0], [806.0, 1410.0]], ('0.00', 0.9960317611694336)], [[[170.0, 1395.0], [348.0, 1383.0], [350.0, 1425.0], [173.0, 1437.0]], ('TOTAL TIPS', 0.9453471899032593)], [[[812.0, 1454.0], [891.0, 1454.0], [891.0, 1498.0], [812.0, 1498.0]], ('0.00', 0.9958834648132324)], [[[166.0, 1478.0], [362.0, 1472.0], [364.0, 1514.0], [168.0, 1520.0]], ('Balance Due', 0.94907146692276)], [[[412.0, 1601.0], [663.0, 1587.0], [666.0, 1631.0], [415.0, 1645.0]], ('Suggested Tips:', 0.9449136257171631)], [[[456.0, 1639.0], [630.0, 1631.0], [632.0, 1673.0], [458.0, 1681.0]], ('18%=2.88', 0.9865301847457886)], [[[458.0, 1685.0], [630.0, 1675.0], [632.0, 1717.0], [460.0, 1727.0]], ('20%=3.20', 0.9889668226242065)], [[[460.0, 1731.0], [631.0, 1719.0], [634.0, 1763.0], [463.0, 1775.0]], ('22%=3.52', 0.9901207685470581)]]
{"store_name": "CornerstoneCafe", "store_addr": "17AvenueB NewYork,NY10009", "telephone": "212.228.1260", "date": "8/16/17", "time": "11:04AM", "subtotal": "16.00", "tax": "1.42", "total": "17.42 17.42", "ignore": " ", "tips": "0.00 18%=2.88 20%=3.20 22%=3.52", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Steak&Eggs", "item_value": "16.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[80.0, 131.0], [188.0, 122.0], [189.0, 136.0], [81.0, 145.0]], ('Wolcose Ecea Goup Ltd.', 0.6981633901596069)], [[[85.0, 146.0], [180.0, 138.0], [181.0, 152.0], [86.0, 160.0]], ('01926652080', 0.9615345001220703)], [[[103.0, 155.0], [161.0, 151.0], [161.0, 163.0], [103.0, 166.0]], ('G8685417211', 0.9119472503662109)], [[[91.0, 171.0], [188.0, 165.0], [189.0, 178.0], [91.0, 184.0]], ('CUSTOMER GOODS RCEIPT', 0.834564745426178)], [[[156.0, 185.0], [182.0, 185.0], [182.0, 196.0], [156.0, 196.0]], ('Price', 0.982535719871521)], [[[196.0, 181.0], [221.0, 181.0], [221.0, 192.0], [196.0, 192.0]], ('Total', 0.9830237627029419)], [[[160.0, 193.0], [183.0, 193.0], [183.0, 204.0], [160.0, 204.0]], ('7.99', 0.9891361594200134)], [[[198.0, 223.0], [225.0, 221.0], [226.0, 233.0], [199.0, 235.0]], ('24.80', 0.9605337381362915)], [[[210.0, 215.0], [224.0, 215.0], [224.0, 225.0], [210.0, 225.0]], ('+++', 0.7825043201446533)], [[[164.0, 226.0], [185.0, 226.0], [185.0, 238.0], [164.0, 238.0]], ('2.40', 0.9327296018600464)], [[[41.0, 240.0], [99.0, 242.0], [99.0, 253.0], [40.0, 251.0]], ('Total To Pay', 0.8740701675415039)], [[[202.0, 240.0], [229.0, 240.0], [229.0, 253.0], [202.0, 253.0]], ('20.78', 0.9909107089042664)], [[[38.0, 258.0], [75.0, 260.0], [75.0, 271.0], [37.0, 269.0]], ('VAT20%', 0.9481663107872009)], [[[104.0, 250.0], [165.0, 251.0], [165.0, 262.0], [104.0, 261.0]], ('VAT ANALYSIS', 0.9226776957511902)], [[[206.0, 257.0], [231.0, 257.0], [231.0, 272.0], [206.0, 272.0]], ('3.46', 0.9844330549240112)], [[[38.0, 268.0], [55.0, 268.0], [55.0, 280.0], [38.0, 280.0]], ('Net', 0.9839732050895691)], [[[205.0, 268.0], [230.0, 268.0], [230.0, 279.0], [205.0, 279.0]], ('17.32', 0.9776660203933716)], [[[36.0, 286.0], [62.0, 289.0], [61.0, 300.0], [35.0, 297.0]], ('Cash', 0.9359006881713867)], [[[93.0, 278.0], [169.0, 278.0], [169.0, 288.0], [93.0, 288.0]], ('PAYMENT SUMMARY', 0.9434145092964172)], [[[176.0, 289.0], [185.0, 289.0], [185.0, 298.0], [176.0, 298.0]], ('2', 0.5863286256790161)], [[[204.0, 286.0], [234.0, 286.0], [234.0, 300.0], [204.0, 300.0]], ('20.80', 0.9747986793518066)], [[[34.0, 297.0], [93.0, 295.0], [93.0, 309.0], [35.0, 312.0]], ('Change Cash', 0.9556858539581299)], [[[207.0, 297.0], [233.0, 297.0], [233.0, 308.0], [207.0, 308.0]], ('-0.02', 0.9711130857467651)], [[[36.0, 316.0], [107.0, 316.0], [107.0, 327.0], [36.0, 327.0]], ('Invoice 109115', 0.9033268690109253)], [[[152.0, 325.0], [238.0, 325.0], [238.0, 339.0], [152.0, 339.0]], ('08/01/201812:39', 0.9584723711013794)], [[[193.0, 316.0], [237.0, 316.0], [237.0, 327.0], [193.0, 327.0]], ('#ORIGINAI', 0.893029510974884)], [[[34.0, 336.0], [207.0, 336.0], [207.0, 350.0], [34.0, 350.0]], ('You Have Been Served By: Sebastian', 0.9181601405143738)], [[[35.0, 327.0], [107.0, 327.0], [107.0, 339.0], [35.0, 339.0]], ('Pos19 By161', 0.9409694075584412)], [[[42.0, 358.0], [228.0, 358.0], [228.0, 371.0], [42.0, 371.0]], ('On Twltter & Instagraa @welcomeBreak', 0.8562548160552979)], [[[45.0, 368.0], [219.0, 369.0], [219.0, 382.0], [44.0, 381.0]], ('On Facebook welcomeBreakServices', 0.9046149253845215)], [[[45.0, 378.0], [219.0, 379.0], [219.0, 393.0], [44.0, 392.0]], ('On the web', 0.8936870098114014)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "01926652080", "date": "08/01/2018", "time": "12:39", "subtotal": "17.32", "tax": "3.46", "total": "20.78", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[869.0, 211.0], [1770.0, 139.0], [1795.0, 442.0], [894.0, 514.0]], ('rue21', 0.9982897043228149)], [[[792.0, 616.0], [1887.0, 594.0], [1889.0, 676.0], [794.0, 698.0]], ('Screw you for shopping at rue 21', 0.9582225680351257)], [[[591.0, 745.0], [810.0, 745.0], [810.0, 816.0], [591.0, 816.0]], ('STORE:', 0.9764266014099121)], [[[1231.0, 748.0], [1679.0, 741.0], [1680.0, 809.0], [1232.0, 816.0]], ('REGISTER:001', 0.9609391093254089)], [[[590.0, 808.0], [881.0, 824.0], [877.0, 895.0], [586.0, 879.0]], ('CASHIER:', 0.9869117140769958)], [[[588.0, 945.0], [1308.0, 949.0], [1307.0, 1017.0], [588.0, 1013.0]], ('DIRTY BLUE 5 PCKT BSC', 0.9129296541213989)], [[[1707.0, 942.0], [1966.0, 934.0], [1969.0, 1009.0], [1709.0, 1017.0]], ('14.99N', 0.9883963465690613)], [[[662.0, 1016.0], [1005.0, 1024.0], [1004.0, 1085.0], [660.0, 1077.0]], ('0009219734', 0.9985359907150269)], [[[1130.0, 1095.0], [1439.0, 1088.0], [1440.0, 1149.0], [1131.0, 1156.0]], ('[email protected]', 0.9682397842407227)], [[[584.0, 1152.0], [1308.0, 1156.0], [1307.0, 1224.0], [584.0, 1220.0]], ('FLAT PLAID LARGE BLUE', 0.9473780393600464)], [[[1711.0, 1153.0], [1965.0, 1153.0], [1965.0, 1224.0], [1711.0, 1224.0]], ('19.99N', 0.9897651672363281)], [[[661.0, 1231.0], [1001.0, 1231.0], [1001.0, 1289.0], [661.0, 1289.0]], ('0010315265', 0.9975719451904297)], [[[1130.0, 1299.0], [1440.0, 1299.0], [1440.0, 1357.0], [1130.0, 1357.0]], ('[email protected]', 0.9491795301437378)], [[[588.0, 1360.0], [1134.0, 1364.0], [1133.0, 1425.0], [588.0, 1421.0]], ('PINK EDITOR PANT', 0.9498031139373779)], [[[1707.0, 1360.0], [1961.0, 1360.0], [1961.0, 1431.0], [1707.0, 1431.0]], ('12.99N', 0.9823500514030457)], [[[661.0, 1435.0], [1001.0, 1435.0], [1001.0, 1493.0], [661.0, 1493.0]], ('0009231689', 0.9962741136550903)], [[[1130.0, 1503.0], [1440.0, 1503.0], [1440.0, 1561.0], [1130.0, 1561.0]], ('112.99', 0.9969322085380554)], [[[588.0, 1564.0], [1405.0, 1567.0], [1405.0, 1629.0], [588.0, 1625.0]], ('SCREEN TANK PINK HROSCOP', 0.9493653178215027)], [[[1742.0, 1564.0], [1965.0, 1564.0], [1965.0, 1639.0], [1742.0, 1639.0]], ('7.99N', 0.987514317035675)], [[[657.0, 1635.0], [994.0, 1635.0], [994.0, 1697.0], [657.0, 1697.0]], ('0009333063', 0.9986828565597534)], [[[1127.0, 1700.0], [1408.0, 1700.0], [1408.0, 1771.0], [1127.0, 1771.0]], ('17.99', 0.99530029296875)], [[[581.0, 1843.0], [845.0, 1843.0], [845.0, 1904.0], [581.0, 1904.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9971065521240234)], [[[1849.0, 1835.0], [2039.0, 1844.0], [2035.0, 1919.0], [1845.0, 1910.0]], ('55.96', 0.9963082075119019)], [[[577.0, 1904.0], [758.0, 1904.0], [758.0, 1975.0], [577.0, 1975.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9984726905822754)], [[[1850.0, 1907.0], [2038.0, 1907.0], [2038.0, 1979.0], [1850.0, 1979.0]], ('55.96', 0.9949527978897095)], [[[591.0, 2047.0], [1099.0, 2047.0], [1099.0, 2105.0], [591.0, 2105.0]], ('AMOUNT TENDERED', 0.9767823815345764)], [[[588.0, 2115.0], [935.0, 2115.0], [935.0, 2173.0], [588.0, 2173.0]], ('MasterCard', 0.9978252649307251)], [[[1843.0, 2108.0], [2031.0, 2108.0], [2031.0, 2179.0], [1843.0, 2179.0]], ('55.96', 0.9968100786209106)], [[[661.0, 2179.0], [1401.0, 2179.0], [1401.0, 2237.0], [661.0, 2237.0]], ('ACCT**2205', 0.9283572435379028)], [[[661.0, 2244.0], [1036.0, 2244.0], [1036.0, 2302.0], [661.0, 2302.0]], ('****dX3', 0.5431643724441528)], [[[664.0, 2312.0], [1134.0, 2312.0], [1134.0, 2370.0], [664.0, 2370.0]], ('APPROVAL:2222', 0.9397419691085815)], [[[598.0, 2438.0], [1033.0, 2438.0], [1033.0, 2506.0], [598.0, 2506.0]], ('TOTAL PAYMENT', 0.9726683497428894)], [[[1839.0, 2441.0], [2024.0, 2441.0], [2024.0, 2516.0], [1839.0, 2516.0]], ('55.96', 0.9919465184211731)], [[[599.0, 2563.0], [1103.0, 2571.0], [1102.0, 2642.0], [598.0, 2635.0]], ('Transaction:20', 0.9713667035102844)], [[[1360.0, 2573.0], [1986.0, 2584.0], [1985.0, 2652.0], [1359.0, 2641.0]], ('5/14/201211:16AM', 0.9741935133934021)], [[[999.0, 2706.0], [1677.0, 2724.0], [1675.0, 2785.0], [997.0, 2767.0]], ('We will gladly issue', 0.9378677606582642)], [[[770.0, 2771.0], [1913.0, 2799.0], [1911.0, 2860.0], [768.0, 2832.0]], ('a refund/exchange of your purchase', 0.9546938538551331)], [[[989.0, 2835.0], [1719.0, 2860.0], [1716.0, 2928.0], [987.0, 2903.0]], ('within 30 1ightsabers', 0.9609664678573608)], [[[871.0, 2910.0], [1812.0, 2938.0], [1810.0, 2996.0], [869.0, 2968.0]], ('when merchandise is returned', 0.9393724799156189)], [[[1003.0, 2981.0], [1715.0, 3003.0], [1713.0, 3061.0], [1001.0, 3039.0]], ('in original condition', 0.9764918088912964)], [[[864.0, 3039.0], [1767.0, 3071.0], [1765.0, 3139.0], [862.0, 3107.0]], ('accompanied by the receipt.', 0.9629750847816467)], [[[798.0, 3107.0], [1924.0, 3146.0], [1921.0, 3214.0], [795.0, 3175.0]], ('Visit us @ our web-site', 0.9490411281585693)]]
{"store_name": "rue21", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "5/14/2012", "time": "11:16AM", "subtotal": "55.96", "tax": "", "total": "55.96 55.96 55.96", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SCREENTANKPINKHROSCOP", "item_value": "7,99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PINKEDITORPANT", "item_value": "12.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FLATPLAIDLARGEBLUE", "item_value": "19.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DIRTYBLUE5PCKTBSC", "item_value": "14.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[34.0, 129.0], [138.0, 129.0], [138.0, 143.0], [34.0, 143.0]], ('HEP.16/04/2012', 0.9177794456481934)], [[[166.0, 127.0], [217.0, 125.0], [217.0, 141.0], [166.0, 142.0]], ('21:41:11', 0.9147418737411499)], [[[34.0, 145.0], [102.0, 145.0], [102.0, 159.0], [34.0, 159.0]], ('IPANEZI74', 0.8853304982185364)], [[[112.0, 157.0], [195.0, 155.0], [195.0, 172.0], [112.0, 174.0]], ('ANAAYH EION', 0.781832754611969)], [[[32.0, 188.0], [68.0, 188.0], [68.0, 203.0], [32.0, 203.0]], ('EIAOE', 0.8021420240402222)], [[[148.0, 188.0], [183.0, 188.0], [183.0, 203.0], [148.0, 203.0]], ('NOSOT', 0.6375595331192017)], [[[204.0, 187.0], [232.0, 187.0], [232.0, 202.0], [204.0, 202.0]], ('TIMH', 0.972616970539093)], [[[254.0, 187.0], [283.0, 187.0], [283.0, 202.0], [254.0, 202.0]], ('ACIA', 0.8320986032485962)], [[[32.0, 219.0], [132.0, 219.0], [132.0, 233.0], [32.0, 233.0]], ('MENU 15 PRIX FIH', 0.8751870393753052)], [[[148.0, 219.0], [183.0, 219.0], [183.0, 233.0], [148.0, 233.0]], ('1,000', 0.9200097918510437)], [[[198.0, 218.0], [232.0, 218.0], [232.0, 233.0], [198.0, 233.0]], ('16,50', 0.9035664796829224)], [[[248.0, 218.0], [282.0, 218.0], [282.0, 233.0], [248.0, 233.0]], ('16.50', 0.8960356712341309)], [[[33.0, 235.0], [134.0, 235.0], [134.0, 249.0], [33.0, 249.0]], ('MENU 21 PRIX FIX', 0.8910146355628967)], [[[148.0, 234.0], [183.0, 234.0], [183.0, 248.0], [148.0, 248.0]], ('1,000', 0.9216586351394653)], [[[198.0, 234.0], [233.0, 234.0], [233.0, 248.0], [198.0, 248.0]], ('23,10', 0.9389931559562683)], [[[247.0, 234.0], [282.0, 234.0], [282.0, 248.0], [247.0, 248.0]], ('23,10', 0.9502658843994141)], [[[33.0, 250.0], [79.0, 250.0], [79.0, 264.0], [33.0, 264.0]], ('NEAATHE', 0.8528275489807129)], [[[149.0, 249.0], [183.0, 249.0], [183.0, 264.0], [149.0, 264.0]], ('2,000', 0.9588173627853394)], [[[203.0, 249.0], [232.0, 249.0], [232.0, 264.0], [203.0, 264.0]], ('0.00', 0.8736608028411865)], [[[253.0, 249.0], [282.0, 249.0], [282.0, 264.0], [253.0, 264.0]], ('0,00', 0.9327217936515808)], [[[32.0, 264.0], [127.0, 263.0], [127.0, 278.0], [32.0, 279.0]], ('NEPO METAA AURA', 0.880180299282074)], [[[149.0, 264.0], [183.0, 264.0], [183.0, 278.0], [149.0, 278.0]], ('1.000', 0.9284647107124329)], [[[204.0, 263.0], [232.0, 263.0], [232.0, 278.0], [204.0, 278.0]], ('3.90', 0.9131947159767151)], [[[254.0, 264.0], [282.0, 264.0], [282.0, 279.0], [254.0, 279.0]], ('3,90', 0.9212557673454285)], [[[31.0, 280.0], [135.0, 278.0], [135.0, 292.0], [32.0, 294.0]], ('NOT KOKKINO KPA', 0.8514442443847656)], [[[149.0, 279.0], [183.0, 279.0], [183.0, 293.0], [149.0, 293.0]], ('1.000', 0.8930531740188599)], [[[204.0, 278.0], [233.0, 278.0], [233.0, 293.0], [204.0, 293.0]], ('8,80', 0.8842319846153259)], [[[254.0, 279.0], [283.0, 279.0], [283.0, 294.0], [254.0, 294.0]], ('8.80', 0.8603705167770386)], [[[33.0, 295.0], [135.0, 294.0], [135.0, 308.0], [33.0, 309.0]], ('COCA COLA MIIOYKA', 0.9302518963813782)], [[[150.0, 293.0], [183.0, 293.0], [183.0, 308.0], [150.0, 308.0]], ('1,000', 0.930181622505188)], [[[205.0, 293.0], [233.0, 293.0], [233.0, 308.0], [205.0, 308.0]], ('4,40', 0.9004944562911987)], [[[255.0, 294.0], [283.0, 294.0], [283.0, 309.0], [255.0, 309.0]], ('4.40', 0.9162000417709351)], [[[33.0, 310.0], [135.0, 309.0], [135.0, 323.0], [34.0, 324.0]], ('YOMI-YNOOEYTIKA', 0.9313512444496155)], [[[149.0, 308.0], [184.0, 308.0], [184.0, 323.0], [149.0, 323.0]], ('2.000', 0.9466041326522827)], [[[205.0, 308.0], [233.0, 308.0], [233.0, 323.0], [205.0, 323.0]], ('3,30', 0.9190160632133484)], [[[254.0, 309.0], [282.0, 309.0], [282.0, 324.0], [254.0, 324.0]], ('6,60', 0.8591711521148682)], [[[34.0, 340.0], [79.0, 340.0], [79.0, 355.0], [34.0, 355.0]], ('EKITOSH', 0.9618868231773376)], [[[253.0, 340.0], [283.0, 340.0], [283.0, 355.0], [253.0, 355.0]], ('0,00', 0.9451588988304138)], [[[34.0, 351.0], [77.0, 354.0], [75.0, 381.0], [32.0, 378.0]], ('EYNOAO', 0.820733368396759)], [[[246.0, 354.0], [285.0, 354.0], [285.0, 382.0], [246.0, 382.0]], ('63,30', 0.9589179158210754)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "16/04/2012", "time": "21:41:11", "subtotal": "", "tax": "0,00", "total": "63,30", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MENU15PRIXFIX", "item_value": "6,60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MENU21PRIXFIX", "item_value": "4,40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NE\u039bATH\u03a3", "item_value": "8,80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NEPOMETA\u039bAVRA", "item_value": "3,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NOTKOKKINOKPA\u03a3", "item_value": "0,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COCACOLAM\u03a0DYKA", "item_value": "23,10", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "16,50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[60.0, 0.0], [98.0, 0.0], [98.0, 13.0], [60.0, 13.0]], ('..WHEAT', 0.9213308691978455)], [[[57.0, 13.0], [118.0, 13.0], [118.0, 27.0], [57.0, 27.0]], ('ADD cheese', 0.9646732211112976)], [[[234.0, 6.0], [264.0, 6.0], [264.0, 21.0], [234.0, 21.0]], ('0.79', 0.9902371168136597)], [[[45.0, 27.0], [128.0, 25.0], [129.0, 39.0], [46.0, 42.0]], ('#12 Beach Club', 0.9425179362297058)], [[[236.0, 20.0], [264.0, 20.0], [264.0, 35.0], [236.0, 35.0]], ('6.59', 0.8935738801956177)], [[[58.0, 42.0], [113.0, 42.0], [113.0, 55.0], [58.0, 55.0]], ('ADD bacon', 0.9455716013908386)], [[[236.0, 35.0], [265.0, 35.0], [265.0, 49.0], [236.0, 49.0]], ('2.00', 0.9953176975250244)], [[[46.0, 69.0], [142.0, 66.0], [143.0, 82.0], [47.0, 85.0]], ('Choc Chip Cookie', 0.9636250734329224)], [[[149.0, 66.0], [171.0, 59.0], [175.0, 71.0], [153.0, 78.0]], ('TH', 0.9475334882736206)], [[[238.0, 63.0], [265.0, 63.0], [265.0, 79.0], [238.0, 79.0]], ('1.59', 0.9951071739196777)], [[[46.0, 83.0], [130.0, 83.0], [130.0, 100.0], [46.0, 100.0]], ('Dr Pepper 1g', 0.8731374144554138)], [[[238.0, 78.0], [266.0, 78.0], [266.0, 94.0], [238.0, 94.0]], ('1.89', 0.9943158030509949)], [[[143.0, 88.0], [166.0, 88.0], [166.0, 104.0], [143.0, 104.0]], ('JL', 0.5417525768280029)], [[[47.0, 113.0], [126.0, 111.0], [127.0, 125.0], [48.0, 128.0]], ('Regular Chips', 0.9700142741203308)], [[[239.0, 107.0], [266.0, 107.0], [266.0, 123.0], [239.0, 123.0]], ('1.29', 0.9926241636276245)], [[[47.0, 127.0], [126.0, 125.0], [127.0, 140.0], [48.0, 141.0]], ('Regular Chips', 0.9724707007408142)], [[[136.0, 127.0], [157.0, 127.0], [157.0, 142.0], [136.0, 142.0]], ('T', 0.827699601650238)], [[[239.0, 119.0], [267.0, 122.0], [266.0, 138.0], [238.0, 135.0]], ('1.29', 0.9903118014335632)], [[[163.0, 166.0], [213.0, 164.0], [214.0, 179.0], [164.0, 181.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9932321310043335)], [[[234.0, 165.0], [268.0, 165.0], [268.0, 180.0], [234.0, 180.0]], ('34.90', 0.9903658032417297)], [[[169.0, 181.0], [215.0, 181.0], [215.0, 195.0], [169.0, 195.0]], ('Del Fee', 0.8301394581794739)], [[[239.0, 179.0], [268.0, 179.0], [268.0, 194.0], [239.0, 194.0]], ('7.00', 0.9968037605285645)], [[[20.0, 199.0], [88.0, 182.0], [96.0, 215.0], [29.0, 233.0]], ('$3Tif', 0.6313823461532593)], [[[118.0, 197.0], [213.0, 195.0], [214.0, 209.0], [118.0, 211.0]], ('Sales Tax 7.4%', 0.9310793876647949)], [[[240.0, 194.0], [268.0, 194.0], [268.0, 209.0], [240.0, 209.0]], ('3.10', 0.9931965470314026)], [[[183.0, 225.0], [269.0, 222.0], [270.0, 247.0], [183.0, 249.0]], ('Total $45.00', 0.9420273303985596)], [[[76.0, 265.0], [218.0, 265.0], [218.0, 286.0], [76.0, 286.0]], ('***PAID***', 0.9285485148429871)], [[[23.0, 301.0], [146.0, 298.0], [146.0, 313.0], [23.0, 315.0]], ('Credit Tendered 45.00', 0.9726223945617676)], [[[24.0, 330.0], [68.0, 330.0], [68.0, 344.0], [24.0, 344.0]], ('Jazmine', 0.9924737811088562)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "34.90", "tax": "3.10", "total": "$45.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "7.00", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": ".WHEAT", "item_value": "1.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDcheese", "item_value": "1.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "#12BeachClub", "item_value": "1.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDbacon", "item_value": "1.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChocChipCookie", "item_value": "0.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OrPepper(Ig)", "item_value": "6.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularChips", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularChips", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[104.0, 8.0], [257.0, 7.0], [258.0, 24.0], [104.0, 25.0]], ('Khansama Tandoori', 0.9749861359596252)], [[[131.0, 24.0], [224.0, 21.0], [224.0, 35.0], [131.0, 38.0]], ('Restaurant', 0.9977108836174011)], [[[77.0, 54.0], [230.0, 52.0], [230.0, 66.0], [77.0, 68.0]], ('Junction of Norris Road', 0.9522003531455994)], [[[75.0, 73.0], [224.0, 71.0], [224.0, 88.0], [75.0, 90.0]], ('GSTReg No529429590', 0.9163259863853455)], [[[76.0, 64.0], [185.0, 63.0], [185.0, 77.0], [76.0, 78.0]], ('Singapore 218050', 0.9598921537399292)], [[[75.0, 95.0], [245.0, 93.0], [245.0, 107.0], [75.0, 110.0]], ('website:', 0.942831814289093)], [[[78.0, 86.0], [174.0, 86.0], [174.0, 96.0], [78.0, 96.0]], ('Te162990300', 0.9454879760742188)], [[[76.0, 107.0], [277.0, 103.0], [277.0, 116.0], [76.0, 120.0]], ('Email: [email protected]', 0.9378425478935242)], [[[74.0, 127.0], [221.0, 126.0], [221.0, 143.0], [74.0, 144.0]], ('Receipt No.:00037136', 0.9571233987808228)], [[[76.0, 151.0], [225.0, 151.0], [225.0, 165.0], [76.0, 165.0]], ('TableA13 Guest:3', 0.9281086325645447)], [[[74.0, 162.0], [248.0, 158.0], [248.0, 172.0], [74.0, 176.0]], ('Date &time30-05-16 22:00', 0.9184077382087708)], [[[74.0, 171.0], [179.0, 171.0], [179.0, 184.0], [74.0, 184.0]], ('Cashier:ordering', 0.9701338410377502)], [[[76.0, 194.0], [83.0, 194.0], [83.0, 205.0], [76.0, 205.0]], ('3', 0.6286859512329102)], [[[94.0, 191.0], [186.0, 190.0], [186.0, 204.0], [94.0, 205.0]], ('Tandoori Roti', 0.9657280445098877)], [[[272.0, 189.0], [303.0, 189.0], [303.0, 203.0], [272.0, 203.0]], ('6.00', 0.9926756024360657)], [[[76.0, 203.0], [84.0, 203.0], [84.0, 215.0], [76.0, 215.0]], ('2', 0.9367242455482483)], [[[95.0, 203.0], [173.0, 203.0], [173.0, 216.0], [95.0, 216.0]], ('Garlic Naan', 0.9674329161643982)], [[[272.0, 199.0], [303.0, 199.0], [303.0, 213.0], [272.0, 213.0]], ('7.00', 0.9919658303260803)], [[[76.0, 213.0], [84.0, 213.0], [84.0, 226.0], [76.0, 226.0]], ('1', 0.5704988837242126)], [[[95.0, 214.0], [188.0, 214.0], [188.0, 227.0], [95.0, 227.0]], ('Ch.Tikka4 pc', 0.9255599975585938)], [[[266.0, 210.0], [304.0, 210.0], [304.0, 225.0], [266.0, 225.0]], ('12.50', 0.9954137802124023)], [[[94.0, 225.0], [222.0, 223.0], [222.0, 237.0], [94.0, 239.0]], ('Haryali Tikka 4pcs', 0.9357420802116394)], [[[287.0, 222.0], [303.0, 222.0], [303.0, 235.0], [287.0, 235.0]], ('50', 0.9913152456283569)], [[[95.0, 235.0], [182.0, 236.0], [182.0, 250.0], [95.0, 249.0]], ('Mutton Shuna', 0.9457430243492126)], [[[269.0, 234.0], [286.0, 234.0], [286.0, 247.0], [269.0, 247.0]], ('12', 0.9986448884010315)], [[[96.0, 248.0], [189.0, 248.0], [189.0, 261.0], [96.0, 261.0]], ('Chicken Korma', 0.9614527821540833)], [[[270.0, 241.0], [291.0, 246.0], [288.0, 261.0], [267.0, 256.0]], ('10.', 0.9823620915412903)], [[[95.0, 259.0], [173.0, 257.0], [173.0, 271.0], [95.0, 273.0]], ('Daal Makhni', 0.9109172224998474)], [[[275.0, 255.0], [307.0, 255.0], [307.0, 270.0], [275.0, 270.0]], ('7.50', 0.9512466192245483)], [[[94.0, 270.0], [173.0, 269.0], [173.0, 283.0], [94.0, 284.0]], ('Sweet Lassi', 0.9703633785247803)], [[[277.0, 266.0], [308.0, 266.0], [308.0, 281.0], [277.0, 281.0]], ('4.00', 0.9969017505645752)], [[[96.0, 284.0], [161.0, 284.0], [161.0, 295.0], [96.0, 295.0]], ('Lime Soda', 0.977341890335083)], [[[278.0, 278.0], [309.0, 278.0], [309.0, 293.0], [278.0, 293.0]], ('5.00', 0.9978586435317993)], [[[94.0, 293.0], [224.0, 291.0], [224.0, 307.0], [94.0, 309.0]], ('Chivas 12yrs Large', 0.9436652660369873)], [[[271.0, 290.0], [310.0, 290.0], [310.0, 304.0], [271.0, 304.0]], ('14.00', 0.9961472749710083)], [[[94.0, 307.0], [191.0, 305.0], [192.0, 318.0], [94.0, 321.0]], ('Kadahi Prawns', 0.971342921257019)], [[[272.0, 302.0], [310.0, 302.0], [310.0, 316.0], [272.0, 316.0]], ('12.50', 0.9955695867538452)], [[[168.0, 328.0], [233.0, 328.0], [233.0, 343.0], [168.0, 343.0]], ('Sub-Total', 0.9550926685333252)], [[[267.0, 326.0], [311.0, 326.0], [311.0, 341.0], [267.0, 341.0]], ('104.00', 0.9933461546897888)], [[[188.0, 341.0], [234.0, 341.0], [234.0, 355.0], [188.0, 355.0]], ('7%GST', 0.9859248995780945)], [[[280.0, 338.0], [312.0, 335.0], [313.0, 351.0], [281.0, 354.0]], ('7.28', 0.9819104671478271)], [[[144.0, 355.0], [235.0, 352.0], [236.0, 367.0], [145.0, 369.0]], ('Round Adjust', 0.9892921447753906)], [[[282.0, 351.0], [314.0, 351.0], [314.0, 366.0], [282.0, 366.0]], ('0.02', 0.9961277842521667)], [[[67.0, 381.0], [121.0, 381.0], [121.0, 402.0], [67.0, 402.0]], ('22:55', 0.9569870233535767)], [[[176.0, 381.0], [223.0, 381.0], [223.0, 396.0], [176.0, 396.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9987699389457703)], [[[260.0, 376.0], [317.0, 376.0], [317.0, 394.0], [260.0, 394.0]], ('111.30', 0.9965910911560059)], [[[183.0, 395.0], [226.0, 392.0], [227.0, 412.0], [184.0, 414.0]], ('VISA', 0.9986977577209473)], [[[261.0, 392.0], [320.0, 392.0], [320.0, 409.0], [261.0, 409.0]], ('111.30', 0.9974949955940247)]]
{"store_name": "KhansamaTandoori Restaurant", "store_addr": "166SerangoonRoad JunctionofNorrisRoad Singapore218050", "telephone": "62990300", "date": "30-05-16", "time": "22:55", "subtotal": "104.00", "tax": "7.28", "total": "111.30", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "TandooriRoti", "item_value": "6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GarlicNaan", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Ch.Tikka4pc", "item_value": "12.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HaryaliTikka4pcs", "item_value": "12.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MuttonBhuna", "item_value": "12.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenKorma", "item_value": "10.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DaalMakhni", "item_value": "7.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SweetLassi", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LimeSoda", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Chivas12YrsLarge", "item_value": "14.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KadahiPrawns", "item_value": "12.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[164.0, 245.0], [400.0, 237.0], [401.0, 265.0], [165.0, 273.0]], ('NIKE Factory Store', 0.9634287357330322)], [[[231.0, 278.0], [337.0, 278.0], [337.0, 303.0], [231.0, 303.0]], ('San Jose', 0.9546560049057007)], [[[117.0, 314.0], [472.0, 308.0], [472.0, 334.0], [117.0, 340.0]], ('1600 Saratoga Ave Suite #213', 0.9550777673721313)], [[[178.0, 346.0], [405.0, 344.0], [405.0, 369.0], [178.0, 371.0]], ('San JoseCA 95129', 0.9363596439361572)], [[[151.0, 378.0], [444.0, 379.0], [444.0, 401.0], [151.0, 400.0]], ('Telephone408374-4147', 0.9706866145133972)], [[[59.0, 500.0], [327.0, 502.0], [327.0, 524.0], [59.0, 522.0]], ('WMNS NIKE FREE TR FIT 3', 0.9132056832313538)], [[[487.0, 509.0], [567.0, 509.0], [567.0, 532.0], [487.0, 532.0]], ('51.97T', 0.9654915928840637)], [[[72.0, 529.0], [211.0, 529.0], [211.0, 550.0], [72.0, 550.0]], ('887223004394', 0.9977436065673828)], [[[65.0, 589.0], [158.0, 586.0], [159.0, 608.0], [65.0, 611.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9803016185760498)], [[[488.0, 600.0], [566.0, 600.0], [566.0, 623.0], [488.0, 623.0]], ('$51.97', 0.9926289916038513)], [[[67.0, 616.0], [163.0, 616.0], [163.0, 641.0], [67.0, 641.0]], ('Item Tax', 0.9387732744216919)], [[[512.0, 630.0], [565.0, 630.0], [565.0, 650.0], [512.0, 650.0]], ('4.55', 0.9967578649520874)], [[[68.0, 645.0], [128.0, 645.0], [128.0, 668.0], [68.0, 668.0]], ('Total', 0.9970513582229614)], [[[488.0, 657.0], [565.0, 657.0], [565.0, 679.0], [488.0, 679.0]], ('$56.52', 0.9969204068183899)], [[[82.0, 783.0], [129.0, 787.0], [128.0, 808.0], [80.0, 804.0]], ('Visa', 0.996544361114502)], [[[489.0, 783.0], [561.0, 783.0], [561.0, 805.0], [489.0, 805.0]], ('$56.52', 0.9826931357383728)], [[[104.0, 811.0], [265.0, 804.0], [266.0, 828.0], [105.0, 835.0]], ('Card No.XxXx', 0.7726869583129883)], [[[400.0, 810.0], [434.0, 810.0], [434.0, 830.0], [400.0, 830.0]], ('(S>', 0.8463441729545593)], [[[107.0, 838.0], [196.0, 833.0], [197.0, 855.0], [108.0, 860.0]], ('Auth.N', 0.86504727602005)], [[[302.0, 914.0], [404.0, 917.0], [403.0, 939.0], [301.0, 936.0]], ('4/30/2014', 0.9905974268913269)], [[[435.0, 916.0], [560.0, 916.0], [560.0, 938.0], [435.0, 938.0]], ('Time:19:09', 0.9207515716552734)], [[[280.0, 940.0], [371.0, 944.0], [370.0, 967.0], [279.0, 963.0]], ('Reg:003', 0.8997005820274353)], [[[436.0, 945.0], [561.0, 945.0], [561.0, 966.0], [436.0, 966.0]], ('Tran:22219', 0.9601948857307434)]]
{"store_name": "NIKEFactoryStore", "store_addr": "SanJose,CA95129 1600SaratogaAveSuite#213 SanJose", "telephone": "(408)374-4147", "date": "4/30/2014", "time": "19:09", "subtotal": "$51.97", "tax": "4.55", "total": "$56.52 $56.52", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "WMNSNIKEFREETRFIT3", "item_value": "51.97", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[96.0, 0.0], [241.0, 0.0], [241.0, 13.0], [96.0, 14.0]], ('Changi City Point Dall', 0.8873376846313477)], [[[128.0, 12.0], [218.0, 12.0], [218.0, 26.0], [128.0, 26.0]], ('#013940', 0.9735383987426758)], [[[113.0, 40.0], [223.0, 37.0], [224.0, 54.0], [113.0, 56.0]], ('Singapore 486039', 0.9515773057937622)], [[[115.0, 53.0], [227.0, 52.0], [227.0, 69.0], [115.0, 70.0]], ('Te1/Fax:66361566', 0.9167581796646118)], [[[34.0, 90.0], [157.0, 96.0], [156.0, 114.0], [33.0, 107.0]], ('10 CASHIER STATION', 0.9221755266189575)], [[[102.0, 82.0], [242.0, 82.0], [242.0, 96.0], [102.0, 96.0]], ('GST Reg:20-0502699-H', 0.8860540390014648)], [[[191.0, 95.0], [300.0, 94.0], [301.0, 112.0], [191.0, 113.0]], ('1101 ccp cashier', 0.9385219812393188)], [[[33.0, 117.0], [84.0, 121.0], [83.0, 140.0], [31.0, 136.0]], ('CHK1012', 0.9963635206222534)], [[[271.0, 124.0], [302.0, 124.0], [302.0, 139.0], [271.0, 139.0]], ('PAX2', 0.9969703555107117)], [[[100.0, 135.0], [240.0, 137.0], [240.0, 154.0], [100.0, 152.0]], ('01 Apr13 12:31:55PM', 0.8746044635772705)], [[[34.0, 147.0], [156.0, 152.0], [154.0, 182.0], [33.0, 178.0]], ('TBL401', 0.9881508350372314)], [[[116.0, 196.0], [180.0, 196.0], [180.0, 210.0], [116.0, 210.0]], ('Eat In', 0.9498085975646973)], [[[38.0, 209.0], [122.0, 209.0], [122.0, 222.0], [38.0, 222.0]], ('Lime Junce', 0.8182891011238098)], [[[241.0, 206.0], [275.0, 209.0], [274.0, 228.0], [240.0, 225.0]], ('4.20', 0.9906060099601746)], [[[49.0, 220.0], [200.0, 223.0], [200.0, 239.0], [48.0, 237.0]], ('$5.95.Country Mushroo', 0.9168550372123718)], [[[242.0, 222.0], [273.0, 226.0], [271.0, 242.0], [240.0, 238.0]], ('5.95', 0.9392011165618896)], [[[47.0, 233.0], [135.0, 235.0], [134.0, 252.0], [46.0, 250.0]], ('Fish& Chips', 0.9484596848487854)], [[[236.0, 236.0], [274.0, 239.0], [273.0, 256.0], [235.0, 254.0]], ('11.95', 0.9929065704345703)], [[[47.0, 249.0], [199.0, 252.0], [198.0, 269.0], [46.0, 266.0]], ('Cherry Snapper & Chips', 0.9178597927093506)], [[[235.0, 251.0], [274.0, 253.0], [273.0, 272.0], [234.0, 270.0]], ('14.95', 0.992173969745636)], [[[50.0, 277.0], [105.0, 277.0], [105.0, 294.0], [50.0, 294.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9789344072341919)], [[[51.0, 288.0], [126.0, 292.0], [125.0, 311.0], [50.0, 307.0]], ('1A SrChg', 0.7326259016990662)], [[[234.0, 279.0], [274.0, 282.0], [273.0, 300.0], [233.0, 297.0]], ('37.05', 0.9742620587348938)], [[[239.0, 297.0], [274.0, 297.0], [274.0, 315.0], [239.0, 315.0]], ('3.71', 0.9882700443267822)], [[[52.0, 308.0], [93.0, 304.0], [94.0, 319.0], [53.0, 323.0]], ('AGST', 0.7841171026229858)], [[[241.0, 310.0], [275.0, 313.0], [274.0, 332.0], [240.0, 329.0]], ('2.85', 0.989084780216217)], [[[51.0, 320.0], [112.0, 320.0], [112.0, 346.0], [51.0, 346.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9980945587158203)], [[[195.0, 326.0], [242.0, 326.0], [242.0, 347.0], [195.0, 347.0]], ('43', 0.9977167248725891)], [[[233.0, 328.0], [263.0, 328.0], [263.0, 347.0], [233.0, 347.0]], ('61', 0.9869004487991333)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "#01-39/40 No:5ChangiBusinessParkCentral Singapore486038", "telephone": "Tel/Fax:66361566", "date": "01Apr13", "time": "12:31:55PM", "subtotal": "37.05", "tax": "2.85", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "3.71", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LimeJuice", "item_value": "4.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "$5.95CountryMushroom", "item_value": "5.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Fish&Chips", "item_value": "11.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CherrySnapper&Chips", "item_value": "14.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[303.0, 19.0], [347.0, 15.0], [347.0, 35.0], [305.0, 39.0]], ('SHIP', 0.9969831109046936)], [[[99.0, 56.0], [225.0, 54.0], [226.0, 71.0], [99.0, 73.0]], ('The UPS Store-#4271', 0.9334734678268433)], [[[319.0, 53.0], [347.0, 50.0], [347.0, 64.0], [320.0, 67.0]], ('DATE', 0.9955894947052002)], [[[99.0, 71.0], [220.0, 69.0], [221.0, 83.0], [99.0, 85.0]], ('12527 Centra1 Ave NE', 0.9233516454696655)], [[[323.0, 75.0], [346.0, 72.0], [347.0, 84.0], [324.0, 86.0]], ('PHO', 0.9968367218971252)], [[[107.0, 85.0], [208.0, 81.0], [209.0, 95.0], [107.0, 99.0]], ('BlaineMN 55434', 0.9470747709274292)], [[[112.0, 97.0], [202.0, 94.0], [203.0, 109.0], [113.0, 112.0]], ('763757-0205', 0.9941862225532532)], [[[326.0, 95.0], [347.0, 95.0], [347.0, 106.0], [326.0, 106.0]], ('EM', 0.9946398138999939)], [[[101.0, 125.0], [217.0, 119.0], [218.0, 136.0], [101.0, 142.0]], ('12/28/15 03:10PM', 0.9445115923881531)], [[[39.0, 207.0], [141.0, 205.0], [142.0, 221.0], [40.0, 224.0]], ('001001045 001', 0.969919741153717)], [[[226.0, 204.0], [304.0, 203.0], [305.0, 220.0], [227.0, 222.0]], ('TO$59.22', 0.974574089050293)], [[[324.0, 213.0], [346.0, 213.0], [346.0, 224.0], [324.0, 224.0]], ('PHO', 0.9858613014221191)], [[[65.0, 223.0], [177.0, 221.0], [177.0, 235.0], [65.0, 237.0]], ('Ground Residential', 0.9332630634307861)], [[[42.0, 239.0], [141.0, 239.0], [141.0, 253.0], [42.0, 253.0]], ('002000012 009)', 0.9348562955856323)], [[[228.0, 236.0], [305.0, 236.0], [305.0, 253.0], [228.0, 253.0]], ('T1$35.00', 0.988920271396637)], [[[63.0, 253.0], [191.0, 254.0], [191.0, 269.0], [63.0, 268.0]], ("mat'1s standard pack", 0.9415270090103149)], [[[42.0, 270.0], [141.0, 270.0], [141.0, 284.0], [42.0, 284.0]], ('003000015016)', 0.9758796095848083)], [[[230.0, 270.0], [307.0, 270.0], [307.0, 287.0], [230.0, 287.0]], ('TO$18.00', 0.9604463577270508)], [[[65.0, 284.0], [188.0, 285.0], [188.0, 302.0], [65.0, 301.0]], ('standard pack serve', 0.974658191204071)], [[[185.0, 316.0], [242.0, 316.0], [242.0, 333.0], [185.0, 333.0]], ('SubTotal', 0.9810707569122314)], [[[250.0, 318.0], [307.0, 318.0], [307.0, 332.0], [250.0, 332.0]], ('$112.22', 0.9772812724113464)], [[[147.0, 329.0], [241.0, 332.0], [241.0, 347.0], [146.0, 346.0]], ('Sales_Tax T1', 0.9204242825508118)], [[[247.0, 331.0], [308.0, 331.0], [308.0, 347.0], [247.0, 347.0]], ('$2.49', 0.9484735727310181)], [[[330.0, 332.0], [347.0, 332.0], [347.0, 344.0], [330.0, 344.0]], ('PH', 0.9850836992263794)]]
{"store_name": "TheUPSStore-#4271", "store_addr": "12527CentralAveNE Blaine,MN55434", "telephone": "(763)7570205", "date": "12/28/15", "time": "03:10PM", "subtotal": "$112.22", "tax": "$2.49", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GroundResidential", "item_value": "$59.22", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "mat'lsstandardpack", "item_value": "$35.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "standardpackserve", "item_value": "$18.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[93.0, 26.0], [240.0, 22.0], [241.0, 39.0], [93.0, 44.0]], ('KENT KWIK 308', 0.9200015664100647)], [[[93.0, 46.0], [254.0, 42.0], [254.0, 59.0], [93.0, 64.0]], ('MIDLAND TEXAS', 0.9715168476104736)], [[[71.0, 66.0], [267.0, 63.0], [267.0, 81.0], [71.0, 83.0]], ('MIDLANDTX 79701', 0.9570326209068298)], [[[106.0, 89.0], [201.0, 86.0], [201.0, 104.0], [107.0, 106.0]], ('00303640', 0.9685070514678955)], [[[59.0, 112.0], [165.0, 109.0], [166.0, 128.0], [60.0, 130.0]], ('KENT KWIK', 0.9553770422935486)], [[[60.0, 157.0], [144.0, 156.0], [144.0, 175.0], [61.0, 176.0]], ('MIDLAND', 0.9934542775154114)], [[[257.0, 152.0], [285.0, 152.0], [285.0, 173.0], [257.0, 173.0]], ('TX', 0.9527343511581421)], [[[62.0, 205.0], [214.0, 201.0], [215.0, 219.0], [63.0, 223.0]], ('DATE01/10/15', 0.9919052124023438)], [[[235.0, 200.0], [297.0, 200.0], [297.0, 218.0], [235.0, 218.0]], ('16:00', 0.9135161638259888)], [[[62.0, 227.0], [169.0, 225.0], [169.0, 243.0], [63.0, 245.0]], ('PUMP#04', 0.950638473033905)], [[[64.0, 250.0], [214.0, 246.0], [215.0, 263.0], [65.0, 268.0]], ('PRODUCTUNL1', 0.9880071878433228)], [[[67.0, 272.0], [158.0, 272.0], [158.0, 290.0], [67.0, 290.0]], ('GALLONS:', 0.992158055305481)], [[[224.0, 268.0], [296.0, 267.0], [296.0, 285.0], [224.0, 287.0]], ('26.334', 0.9838442802429199)], [[[66.0, 295.0], [158.0, 291.0], [159.0, 309.0], [67.0, 313.0]], ('PRICE/G:', 0.9632208347320557)], [[[232.0, 291.0], [295.0, 288.0], [296.0, 306.0], [233.0, 309.0]], ('2.069', 0.9822942018508911)], [[[66.0, 316.0], [183.0, 312.0], [184.0, 331.0], [67.0, 335.0]], ('FUELSALE', 0.9927612543106079)], [[[212.0, 313.0], [295.0, 309.0], [296.0, 328.0], [213.0, 331.0]], ('54.49', 0.9908818006515503)], [[[69.0, 339.0], [283.0, 332.0], [284.0, 349.0], [69.0, 355.0]], ('668XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 0.6908783316612244)], [[[69.0, 360.0], [217.0, 354.0], [218.0, 372.0], [69.0, 377.0]], ('Stn# 00303640', 0.9576950669288635)], [[[69.0, 378.0], [170.0, 375.0], [171.0, 394.0], [69.0, 397.0]], ('WEX FLEET', 0.946629524230957)]]
{"store_name": "KENTKWIK308 KENTKWIK", "store_addr": "MIDLANDTEXAS MIDLANDTX79701 MIDLAND TX", "telephone": "", "date": "01/10/15", "time": "16:00", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$54.49", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PRODUCT:UNL1", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[31.0, 78.0], [285.0, 88.0], [284.0, 111.0], [30.0, 101.0]], ('n63sbioro.8r-edJaum', 0.6289453506469727)], [[[369.0, 92.0], [534.0, 104.0], [533.0, 122.0], [368.0, 110.0]], ('anreasriaxug.oy', 0.5950330495834351)], [[[31.0, 136.0], [187.0, 145.0], [185.0, 169.0], [29.0, 160.0]], ('to win $1000', 0.9308615326881409)], [[[28.0, 181.0], [100.0, 186.0], [99.0, 210.0], [26.0, 205.0]], ('ID#', 0.9827730059623718)], [[[133.0, 191.0], [269.0, 191.0], [269.0, 212.0], [133.0, 212.0]], ('7JZLZK9NOXK', 0.9695956707000732)], [[[408.0, 277.0], [534.0, 282.0], [533.0, 300.0], [407.0, 295.0]], ('eaneiank', 0.5295950174331665)], [[[80.0, 322.0], [381.0, 329.0], [380.0, 391.0], [78.0, 384.0]], ('Walmart', 0.9951645731925964)], [[[83.0, 389.0], [382.0, 398.0], [381.0, 422.0], [83.0, 413.0]], ('Save money.Live better.', 0.962755024433136)], [[[152.0, 441.0], [373.0, 447.0], [373.0, 471.0], [152.0, 465.0]], ('407281-8941', 0.9597508907318115)], [[[451.0, 458.0], [522.0, 456.0], [523.0, 481.0], [452.0, 483.0]], ('VWOH', 0.6794497966766357)], [[[165.0, 507.0], [362.0, 510.0], [362.0, 538.0], [165.0, 535.0]], ('ORLANDOFL_32817', 0.9511823058128357)], [[[420.0, 505.0], [521.0, 510.0], [520.0, 531.0], [419.0, 526.0]], ('dnau lle', 0.6952779293060303)], [[[13.0, 567.0], [103.0, 562.0], [104.0, 586.0], [15.0, 591.0]], ('MI BOX', 0.9022000432014465)], [[[250.0, 571.0], [345.0, 575.0], [344.0, 600.0], [248.0, 596.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9966956377029419)], [[[407.0, 563.0], [499.0, 574.0], [497.0, 595.0], [405.0, 584.0]], ('69.00X', 0.9328174591064453)], [[[238.0, 594.0], [322.0, 591.0], [323.0, 617.0], [239.0, 620.0]], ('6.500%', 0.9725639224052429)], [[[405.0, 585.0], [470.0, 593.0], [467.0, 615.0], [403.0, 607.0]], ('69.00', 0.9919644594192505)], [[[139.0, 606.0], [205.0, 601.0], [207.0, 627.0], [140.0, 632.0]], ('TAX1', 0.989899754524231)], [[[284.0, 612.0], [342.0, 619.0], [340.0, 642.0], [281.0, 635.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9984489679336548)], [[[414.0, 608.0], [467.0, 614.0], [465.0, 636.0], [412.0, 630.0]], ('4.49', 0.9908400774002075)], [[[289.0, 637.0], [343.0, 640.0], [341.0, 662.0], [288.0, 659.0]], ('TEND', 0.996310293674469)], [[[402.0, 628.0], [466.0, 636.0], [463.0, 658.0], [400.0, 650.0]], ('73.49', 0.9645572900772095)], [[[223.0, 640.0], [273.0, 633.0], [276.0, 659.0], [227.0, 666.0]], ('VISA', 0.9988093972206116)], [[[400.0, 647.0], [466.0, 655.0], [463.0, 680.0], [398.0, 672.0]], ('73.49', 0.9960651397705078)], [[[16.0, 715.0], [235.0, 700.0], [236.0, 720.0], [18.0, 735.0]], ('APPR0VAL#06008G', 0.9509910941123962)], [[[18.0, 731.0], [185.0, 719.0], [186.0, 736.0], [20.0, 748.0]], ('REF#1042000', 0.9580747485160828)], [[[303.0, 736.0], [339.0, 751.0], [332.0, 770.0], [295.0, 755.0]], ('783', 0.6598791480064392)], [[[20.0, 746.0], [137.0, 735.0], [139.0, 751.0], [22.0, 762.0]], ('TRANS ID', 0.9564628601074219)], [[[20.0, 758.0], [146.0, 749.0], [147.0, 766.0], [22.0, 775.0]], ('VALIDATION', 0.9970200657844543)], [[[20.0, 769.0], [145.0, 764.0], [146.0, 784.0], [21.0, 789.0]], ('PAYMENT SE', 0.9514053463935852)]]
{"store_name": "Walmart", "store_addr": "11250ECOLONIALDR ORLANDOFL32817", "telephone": "(407)281-8941", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "69.00", "tax": "4.49", "total": "73.49 73.49", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MIBOX01909970000K", "item_value": "69.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[747.0, 16.0], [1816.0, 36.0], [1815.0, 101.0], [746.0, 81.0]], ('', 0.9612216353416443)], [[[750.0, 81.0], [2043.0, 107.0], [2042.0, 169.0], [749.0, 144.0]], ('Sweepstakes perlod ends on the date', 0.9506176710128784)], [[[747.0, 147.0], [1896.0, 169.0], [1895.0, 232.0], [746.0, 210.0]], ('outlined in the official rules.', 0.9356735348701477)], [[[745.0, 212.0], [2083.0, 240.0], [2082.0, 303.0], [744.0, 275.0]], ('Survey must be taken within ONE week', 0.9389873147010803)], [[[742.0, 278.0], [1931.0, 303.0], [1930.0, 369.0], [741.0, 343.0]], ('of today.Void where prohibited.', 0.9378849267959595)], [[[745.0, 343.0], [1118.0, 352.0], [1116.0, 418.0], [743.0, 409.0]], ('THANK YOU!', 0.939228355884552)], [[[897.0, 616.0], [1806.0, 625.0], [1804.0, 805.0], [895.0, 796.0]], ('Walmart', 0.9851690530776978)], [[[907.0, 824.0], [1805.0, 829.0], [1805.0, 895.0], [907.0, 889.0]], ('Save money.Live better', 0.9631434082984924)], [[[1099.0, 922.0], [1797.0, 925.0], [1797.0, 990.0], [1099.0, 987.0]], ('636625-2101', 0.974869966506958)], [[[1037.0, 995.0], [1877.0, 998.0], [1877.0, 1056.0], [1037.0, 1053.0]], ('MANAGER CHARLES WILLIS', 0.9625473022460938)], [[[1035.0, 1064.0], [1845.0, 1069.0], [1845.0, 1124.0], [1035.0, 1118.0]], ('6100 RONALD REAGAN DR', 0.9271502494812012)], [[[952.0, 1132.0], [1920.0, 1137.0], [1920.0, 1195.0], [952.0, 1189.0]], ('LAKE SAINT L0UIS M0 63367', 0.8951797485351562)], [[[718.0, 1194.0], [2157.0, 1206.0], [2157.0, 1268.0], [717.0, 1257.0]], ('ST#05313 0P# 003237TE#73 TR# 03987', 0.9025396108627319)], [[[715.0, 1262.0], [1688.0, 1274.0], [1688.0, 1337.0], [714.0, 1325.0]], ('R0TELLA10W30 002140056121', 0.9648935198783875)], [[[1929.0, 1268.0], [2208.0, 1274.0], [2207.0, 1342.0], [1928.0, 1336.0]], ('14.84X', 0.9232261776924133)], [[[712.0, 1336.0], [1693.0, 1342.0], [1693.0, 1405.0], [712.0, 1399.0]], ('RIVER PEBBLE 074808954250', 0.9377550482749939)], [[[1963.0, 1342.0], [2208.0, 1342.0], [2208.0, 1410.0], [1963.0, 1410.0]], ('2.50X', 0.9318827390670776)], [[[715.0, 1410.0], [1107.0, 1416.0], [1106.0, 1473.0], [714.0, 1467.0]], ('SOLAR SALT', 0.9636484980583191)], [[[1227.0, 1413.0], [1691.0, 1413.0], [1691.0, 1470.0], [1227.0, 1470.0]], ('002460003983', 0.9985994696617126)], [[[1963.0, 1410.0], [2205.0, 1410.0], [2205.0, 1478.0], [1963.0, 1478.0]], ('4.64X', 0.9038747549057007)], [[[715.0, 1481.0], [1027.0, 1481.0], [1027.0, 1546.0], [715.0, 1546.0]], ('TOP SOIL', 0.9643734693527222)], [[[1229.0, 1484.0], [1691.0, 1484.0], [1691.0, 1541.0], [1229.0, 1541.0]], ('003224711307', 0.9956707954406738)], [[[1963.0, 1481.0], [2200.0, 1481.0], [2200.0, 1546.0], [1963.0, 1546.0]], ('1.92X', 0.9250209927558899)], [[[1419.0, 1552.0], [1725.0, 1552.0], [1725.0, 1617.0], [1419.0, 1617.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9951704740524292)], [[[1925.0, 1549.0], [2120.0, 1549.0], [2120.0, 1617.0], [1925.0, 1617.0]], ('23.90', 0.9928760528564453)], [[[1064.0, 1620.0], [1264.0, 1620.0], [1264.0, 1694.0], [1064.0, 1694.0]], ('TAX 1', 0.9366552233695984)], [[[1376.0, 1623.0], [1659.0, 1623.0], [1659.0, 1688.0], [1376.0, 1688.0]], ('8.700%', 0.9942156672477722)], [[[1915.0, 1620.0], [2120.0, 1620.0], [2120.0, 1688.0], [1915.0, 1688.0]], ('2.08', 0.993647038936615)], [[[1536.0, 1691.0], [1725.0, 1691.0], [1725.0, 1759.0], [1536.0, 1759.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9979790449142456)], [[[1923.0, 1694.0], [2112.0, 1694.0], [2112.0, 1754.0], [1923.0, 1754.0]], ('25.98', 0.9943890571594238)], [[[1339.0, 1762.0], [1509.0, 1762.0], [1509.0, 1833.0], [1339.0, 1833.0]], ('AMEX', 0.9969822764396667)], [[[1568.0, 1762.0], [1731.0, 1762.0], [1731.0, 1833.0], [1568.0, 1833.0]], ('TEND', 0.9983614683151245)], [[[1920.0, 1759.0], [2115.0, 1759.0], [2115.0, 1827.0], [1920.0, 1827.0]], ('25.98', 0.9949641227722168)]]
{"store_name": "Walmart", "store_addr": "6100RONALDREAGANDR LAKESAINTLOUISMO63367", "telephone": "(636)625-2101", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "23.90", "tax": "2.08", "total": "25.98 25.98", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ROTELLA10W30", "item_value": "14.84", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RIVERPEBBLE", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SOLARSALT", "item_value": "4.64", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TOPSOIL", "item_value": "1.92", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[98.0, 3.0], [190.0, 0.0], [191.0, 10.0], [100.0, 17.0]], ('INTERNATIONAL', 0.9747370481491089)], [[[111.0, 16.0], [227.0, 7.0], [229.0, 23.0], [113.0, 33.0]], ('901 E EUCLID AVE', 0.9173146486282349)], [[[97.0, 34.0], [237.0, 24.0], [238.0, 40.0], [99.0, 50.0]], ('DES MOINES IA 50316', 0.9358140826225281)], [[[125.0, 49.0], [215.0, 43.0], [216.0, 60.0], [126.0, 66.0]], ('515-288-8889', 0.9939027428627014)], [[[257.0, 55.0], [293.0, 55.0], [293.0, 73.0], [257.0, 73.0]], ('5774', 0.9980447292327881)], [[[55.0, 67.0], [207.0, 61.0], [208.0, 78.0], [56.0, 84.0]], ('Terminal ID:01587736', 0.9268515706062317)], [[[57.0, 83.0], [117.0, 83.0], [117.0, 97.0], [57.0, 97.0]], ('12/28/16', 0.9910831451416016)], [[[234.0, 74.0], [293.0, 71.0], [294.0, 88.0], [235.0, 91.0]], ('5:15PM', 0.9238698482513428)], [[[55.0, 98.0], [192.0, 93.0], [193.0, 108.0], [56.0, 113.0]], ('CHASE VISA -INSERT', 0.9371400475502014)], [[[54.0, 114.0], [193.0, 110.0], [194.0, 123.0], [55.0, 128.0]], ('AID: A0000000031010', 0.9467339515686035)], [[[54.0, 129.0], [149.0, 126.0], [149.0, 140.0], [55.0, 142.0]], ('ACCT#*', 0.8955846428871155)], [[[53.0, 145.0], [135.0, 141.0], [136.0, 158.0], [54.0, 161.0]], ('CREDIT SALE', 0.9752466678619385)], [[[53.0, 162.0], [180.0, 158.0], [180.0, 175.0], [54.0, 179.0]], ('UID636314476252', 0.9934110045433044)], [[[205.0, 158.0], [295.0, 156.0], [296.0, 172.0], [206.0, 174.0]], ('REF#8208', 0.9940470457077026)], [[[52.0, 179.0], [141.0, 178.0], [141.0, 193.0], [53.0, 194.0]], ('BATCH#394', 0.9609107971191406)], [[[184.0, 176.0], [296.0, 173.0], [297.0, 190.0], [184.0, 193.0]], ('AUTH05909C', 0.9760788679122925)], [[[53.0, 197.0], [99.0, 197.0], [99.0, 212.0], [53.0, 212.0]], ('AMOUNT', 0.9964715838432312)], [[[247.0, 193.0], [298.0, 193.0], [298.0, 211.0], [247.0, 211.0]], ('$11.00', 0.9967856407165527)], [[[51.0, 229.0], [76.0, 229.0], [76.0, 246.0], [51.0, 246.0]], ('TIP', 0.9983775615692139)], [[[50.0, 263.0], [90.0, 263.0], [90.0, 281.0], [50.0, 281.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9979897737503052)], [[[173.0, 266.0], [187.0, 260.0], [195.0, 279.0], [182.0, 285.0]], ('S', 0.7656992077827454)], [[[111.0, 284.0], [235.0, 284.0], [235.0, 301.0], [111.0, 301.0]], ('APPROVED', 0.9970122575759888)], [[[86.0, 316.0], [252.0, 318.0], [252.0, 335.0], [86.0, 333.0]], ('TC-DB15E3A3D32A50A1', 0.9761152863502502)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "901EEUCLIDAVE DESMOINESIA50316", "telephone": "515-288-8889", "date": "12/28/16", "time": "5:15PM", "subtotal": "$11.00", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[275.0, 28.0], [617.0, 32.0], [616.0, 66.0], [275.0, 63.0]], ('12/30/20127:03PM', 0.9838548898696899)], [[[729.0, 36.0], [1124.0, 45.0], [1123.0, 83.0], [728.0, 74.0]], ('Sales Receipt #108772', 0.9667031168937683)], [[[274.0, 74.0], [470.0, 78.0], [470.0, 113.0], [273.0, 109.0]], ('Store:REN', 0.9356198906898499)], [[[512.0, 126.0], [900.0, 131.0], [900.0, 169.0], [511.0, 164.0]], ('DBSHOES-RENO', 0.9865210652351379)], [[[532.0, 177.0], [877.0, 183.0], [876.0, 216.0], [531.0, 210.0]], ('4827KIETZKE LANE', 0.9615042209625244)], [[[565.0, 224.0], [847.0, 227.0], [846.0, 260.0], [565.0, 257.0]], ('RENO,NV89509', 0.9573085308074951)], [[[525.0, 270.0], [880.0, 270.0], [880.0, 303.0], [525.0, 303.0]], ('Phone:(775)996-1900', 0.926943838596344)], [[[277.0, 313.0], [489.0, 317.0], [488.0, 352.0], [276.0, 348.0]], ('CashierIcw', 0.9640776515007019)], [[[277.0, 390.0], [393.0, 390.0], [393.0, 424.0], [277.0, 424.0]], ('Item #', 0.8813762664794922)], [[[682.0, 383.0], [742.0, 383.0], [742.0, 423.0], [682.0, 423.0]], ('Qty', 0.9966599941253662)], [[[802.0, 383.0], [890.0, 383.0], [890.0, 418.0], [802.0, 418.0]], ('Price', 0.9983224868774414)], [[[919.0, 381.0], [1067.0, 385.0], [1066.0, 420.0], [918.0, 416.0]], ('Ext Price', 0.9589954018592834)], [[[282.0, 431.0], [392.0, 431.0], [392.0, 466.0], [282.0, 466.0]], ('10166', 0.9962121248245239)], [[[718.0, 428.0], [740.0, 428.0], [740.0, 454.0], [718.0, 454.0]], ('1', 0.8942409753799438)], [[[777.0, 426.0], [887.0, 426.0], [887.0, 456.0], [777.0, 456.0]], ('$20.00', 0.9966835379600525)], [[[958.0, 428.0], [1098.0, 428.0], [1098.0, 458.0], [958.0, 458.0]], ('$20.00T', 0.9774125218391418)], [[[295.0, 478.0], [619.0, 469.0], [620.0, 502.0], [296.0, 511.0]], ('LTO KPPURE 2KS', 0.9162395596504211)], [[[720.0, 509.0], [742.0, 509.0], [742.0, 537.0], [720.0, 537.0]], ('1', 0.9811465740203857)], [[[775.0, 506.0], [887.0, 506.0], [887.0, 541.0], [775.0, 541.0]], ('$20.00', 0.995990514755249)], [[[957.0, 509.0], [1093.0, 509.0], [1093.0, 539.0], [957.0, 539.0]], ('$20.00T', 0.9804006218910217)], [[[283.0, 519.0], [392.0, 515.0], [394.0, 550.0], [284.0, 554.0]], ('10166', 0.9964280128479004)], [[[296.0, 563.0], [620.0, 547.0], [622.0, 581.0], [298.0, 597.0]], ('LTO KPPURE2KS', 0.9432427287101746)], [[[775.0, 590.0], [882.0, 590.0], [882.0, 620.0], [775.0, 620.0]], ('$19.99', 0.9960337281227112)], [[[950.0, 589.0], [1091.0, 585.0], [1092.0, 620.0], [951.0, 624.0]], ('$19.99 T', 0.9341034889221191)], [[[285.0, 607.0], [392.0, 603.0], [394.0, 636.0], [286.0, 640.0]], ('11899', 0.9974374771118164)], [[[303.0, 651.0], [549.0, 636.0], [551.0, 671.0], [305.0, 685.0]], ('DPNWDB176', 0.9924681186676025)], [[[785.0, 675.0], [915.0, 675.0], [915.0, 705.0], [785.0, 705.0]], ('Subtotal:', 0.9670644402503967)], [[[988.0, 672.0], [1094.0, 666.0], [1096.0, 701.0], [990.0, 707.0]], ('$59.99', 0.9978008270263672)], [[[720.0, 718.0], [912.0, 718.0], [912.0, 746.0], [720.0, 746.0]], ('7.725% Tax', 0.9122482538223267)], [[[979.0, 715.0], [1093.0, 707.0], [1096.0, 742.0], [982.0, 750.0]], ('+$4.63', 0.9895671010017395)], [[[561.0, 725.0], [639.0, 721.0], [641.0, 749.0], [563.0, 753.0]], ('reno', 0.9980500936508179)], [[[638.0, 759.0], [915.0, 759.0], [915.0, 793.0], [638.0, 793.0]], ('RECEIPT TOTAL:', 0.9513871073722839)], [[[986.0, 757.0], [1092.0, 751.0], [1094.0, 785.0], [988.0, 792.0]], ('$64.62', 0.9950442314147949)], [[[378.0, 845.0], [667.0, 823.0], [669.0, 856.0], [380.0, 878.0]], ('Debit Card:$64.62', 0.9439435601234436)]]
{"store_name": "DBSHOES-RENO", "store_addr": "RENO,NV89509 4827KIETZKELANE", "telephone": "(755)996-1900", "date": "12/30/2012", "time": "7:03PM", "subtotal": "$59.99", "tax": "+$4.63", "total": "$64.62 $64.62", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "DPNWDB176", "item_value": "$19.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LTOKPPURE2KS", "item_value": "$20.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LTOKPPURE2KS", "item_value": "$20.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ltem#", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[418.0, 13.0], [643.0, 10.0], [643.0, 33.0], [418.0, 37.0]], ('EXPECT MORE.PAY LESS', 0.935682475566864)], [[[342.0, 70.0], [635.0, 70.0], [635.0, 98.0], [342.0, 98.0]], ('BOISE-208-375-3275', 0.9775558114051819)], [[[227.0, 97.0], [766.0, 93.0], [766.0, 122.0], [227.0, 125.0]], ('09/02/2013 12:43PMEXPIRES 12/01/13', 0.945449948310852)], [[[167.0, 232.0], [230.0, 232.0], [230.0, 262.0], [167.0, 262.0]], ('BABY', 0.9936584234237671)], [[[166.0, 260.0], [301.0, 256.0], [302.0, 285.0], [166.0, 289.0]], ('007040224', 0.9974762797355652)], [[[385.0, 255.0], [492.0, 255.0], [492.0, 283.0], [385.0, 283.0]], ('HUGGIES', 0.9974169135093689)], [[[618.0, 255.0], [638.0, 255.0], [638.0, 280.0], [618.0, 280.0]], ('T', 0.9397118091583252)], [[[689.0, 252.0], [770.0, 248.0], [772.0, 278.0], [691.0, 282.0]], ('$8.54', 0.9932182431221008)], [[[164.0, 283.0], [360.0, 282.0], [360.0, 310.0], [164.0, 312.0]], ('8110100360002', 0.9979898929595947)], [[[381.0, 282.0], [535.0, 278.0], [536.0, 306.0], [382.0, 310.0]], ('MFR COUPON', 0.9461062550544739)], [[[693.0, 280.0], [778.0, 280.0], [778.0, 307.0], [693.0, 307.0]], ('$1.00-', 0.9786844253540039)], [[[383.0, 307.0], [714.0, 300.0], [715.0, 333.0], [383.0, 340.0]], ('Cartwhee1 5% off $8.99', 0.916393518447876)], [[[164.0, 335.0], [300.0, 335.0], [300.0, 363.0], [164.0, 363.0]], ('007070040', 0.9974749088287354)], [[[384.0, 334.0], [490.0, 330.0], [491.0, 358.0], [385.0, 362.0]], ('HUGGIES', 0.997302234172821)], [[[622.0, 337.0], [635.0, 337.0], [635.0, 353.0], [622.0, 353.0]], ('T', 0.6155452728271484)], [[[691.0, 330.0], [773.0, 330.0], [773.0, 360.0], [691.0, 360.0]], ('$1.87', 0.9957867860794067)], [[[386.0, 363.0], [521.0, 363.0], [521.0, 387.0], [386.0, 387.0]], ('Cartwheel', 0.9923339486122131)], [[[507.0, 360.0], [716.0, 355.0], [717.0, 383.0], [508.0, 389.0]], ('15%off$1.97', 0.9348441958427429)], [[[164.0, 387.0], [300.0, 387.0], [300.0, 415.0], [164.0, 415.0]], ('030050203', 0.9981196522712708)], [[[385.0, 388.0], [431.0, 388.0], [431.0, 413.0], [385.0, 413.0]], ('CUP', 0.9949397444725037)], [[[691.0, 382.0], [775.0, 378.0], [776.0, 408.0], [692.0, 412.0]], ('$5.10', 0.9949735403060913)], [[[383.0, 413.0], [698.0, 408.0], [698.0, 437.0], [383.0, 442.0]], ('Saved $1.49 off $7.49', 0.9400513172149658)], [[[383.0, 440.0], [729.0, 435.0], [730.0, 463.0], [383.0, 468.0]], ('Cartwhee115% off $6.00', 0.9327539205551147)], [[[162.0, 467.0], [300.0, 467.0], [300.0, 495.0], [162.0, 495.0]], ('030050494', 0.9983269572257996)], [[[383.0, 467.0], [476.0, 467.0], [476.0, 495.0], [383.0, 495.0]], ('NIPPLE', 0.9981024861335754)], [[[620.0, 467.0], [640.0, 467.0], [640.0, 490.0], [620.0, 490.0]], ('T', 0.5180366039276123)], [[[691.0, 462.0], [775.0, 458.0], [776.0, 488.0], [692.0, 492.0]], ('$3.99', 0.9953657388687134)], [[[164.0, 522.0], [504.0, 522.0], [504.0, 545.0], [164.0, 545.0]], ('HEALTH-BEAUTY-COSMETICS', 0.9915714859962463)], [[[161.0, 545.0], [300.0, 549.0], [300.0, 574.0], [161.0, 570.0]], ('049000770', 0.9986028671264648)], [[[383.0, 545.0], [563.0, 541.0], [564.0, 570.0], [383.0, 574.0]], ('SOFTSOAP LHS', 0.9570032954216003)], [[[622.0, 543.0], [642.0, 543.0], [642.0, 570.0], [622.0, 570.0]], ('T', 0.9861245155334473)], [[[696.0, 542.0], [779.0, 542.0], [779.0, 572.0], [696.0, 572.0]], ('$1.99', 0.9956439137458801)], [[[162.0, 575.0], [298.0, 575.0], [298.0, 598.0], [162.0, 598.0]], ('049090734', 0.9986087083816528)], [[[383.0, 572.0], [565.0, 570.0], [566.0, 598.0], [383.0, 600.0]], ('COLGAT MANUA', 0.9739539623260498)], [[[622.0, 568.0], [640.0, 568.0], [640.0, 597.0], [622.0, 597.0]], ('T', 0.6126747727394104)], [[[694.0, 569.0], [778.0, 565.0], [780.0, 596.0], [696.0, 600.0]], ('$2.99', 0.996067225933075)], [[[162.0, 600.0], [356.0, 600.0], [356.0, 623.0], [162.0, 623.0]], ('8110100350000', 0.9980183839797974)], [[[385.0, 602.0], [536.0, 602.0], [536.0, 625.0], [385.0, 625.0]], ('MFR COUPON', 0.9224199056625366)], [[[694.0, 595.0], [780.0, 591.0], [781.0, 623.0], [696.0, 627.0]], ('$0.75', 0.9853916168212891)], [[[159.0, 627.0], [300.0, 627.0], [300.0, 655.0], [159.0, 655.0]], ('049091483', 0.9980195164680481)], [[[383.0, 627.0], [492.0, 627.0], [492.0, 655.0], [383.0, 655.0]], ('COLGATE', 0.9979116320610046)], [[[620.0, 623.0], [640.0, 623.0], [640.0, 653.0], [620.0, 653.0]], ('T', 0.7753046154975891)], [[[698.0, 622.0], [779.0, 622.0], [779.0, 653.0], [698.0, 653.0]], ('$2.99', 0.994312584400177)], [[[158.0, 678.0], [224.0, 678.0], [224.0, 708.0], [158.0, 708.0]], ('HOME', 0.9989151954650879)], [[[159.0, 708.0], [297.0, 708.0], [297.0, 732.0], [159.0, 732.0]], ('253030120', 0.9987776279449463)], [[[383.0, 707.0], [492.0, 707.0], [492.0, 735.0], [383.0, 735.0]], ('KLEENEX', 0.9963993430137634)], [[[622.0, 703.0], [642.0, 703.0], [642.0, 735.0], [622.0, 735.0]], ('T', 0.6019995212554932)], [[[698.0, 705.0], [779.0, 705.0], [779.0, 735.0], [698.0, 735.0]], ('$2.84', 0.9098119735717773)], [[[156.0, 732.0], [357.0, 733.0], [356.0, 762.0], [156.0, 760.0]], ('8110100360000', 0.9987770318984985)], [[[383.0, 735.0], [534.0, 733.0], [534.0, 758.0], [383.0, 760.0]], ('MFR COUPON', 0.9291225671768188)], [[[695.0, 730.0], [786.0, 730.0], [786.0, 765.0], [695.0, 765.0]], ('$1.00-', 0.9438984394073486)], [[[383.0, 757.0], [721.0, 757.0], [721.0, 790.0], [383.0, 790.0]], ('Cartwheel5% off $2.99', 0.9353339076042175)], [[[156.0, 787.0], [295.0, 787.0], [295.0, 815.0], [156.0, 815.0]], ('253030124', 0.9982503056526184)], [[[385.0, 788.0], [446.0, 788.0], [446.0, 813.0], [385.0, 813.0]], ('VIVA', 0.9979757070541382)], [[[625.0, 790.0], [638.0, 790.0], [638.0, 812.0], [625.0, 812.0]], ('I', 0.6375995874404907)], [[[681.0, 783.0], [784.0, 783.0], [784.0, 818.0], [681.0, 818.0]], ('$11.86', 0.9921963810920715)], [[[381.0, 812.0], [738.0, 812.0], [738.0, 845.0], [381.0, 845.0]], ('Cartwhee1 5% off $12.49', 0.9187775254249573)], [[[158.0, 843.0], [293.0, 843.0], [293.0, 867.0], [158.0, 867.0]], ('253060094', 0.9981832504272461)], [[[385.0, 843.0], [536.0, 843.0], [536.0, 867.0], [385.0, 867.0]], ('COTTONELLE', 0.997442901134491)], [[[620.0, 843.0], [643.0, 843.0], [643.0, 870.0], [620.0, 870.0]], ('T', 0.9806495904922485)], [[[698.0, 840.0], [783.0, 836.0], [785.0, 868.0], [699.0, 872.0]], ('$2.49', 0.9928489923477173)], [[[156.0, 870.0], [353.0, 870.0], [353.0, 893.0], [156.0, 893.0]], ('8110100360002', 0.9974092245101929)], [[[383.0, 872.0], [536.0, 872.0], [536.0, 895.0], [383.0, 895.0]], ('MERCOUPON', 0.9420737028121948)], [[[700.0, 867.0], [796.0, 867.0], [796.0, 902.0], [700.0, 902.0]], ('$1.50-', 0.9833986163139343)], [[[154.0, 898.0], [293.0, 898.0], [293.0, 927.0], [154.0, 927.0]], ('253060163', 0.9979929327964783)], [[[381.0, 897.0], [535.0, 895.0], [536.0, 925.0], [382.0, 927.0]], ('COTTONELLE', 0.9973574876785278)], [[[623.0, 898.0], [645.0, 898.0], [645.0, 925.0], [623.0, 925.0]], ('T', 0.9706193804740906)], [[[700.0, 895.0], [788.0, 895.0], [788.0, 930.0], [700.0, 930.0]], ('$6.16', 0.9904144406318665)], [[[151.0, 927.0], [355.0, 927.0], [355.0, 955.0], [151.0, 955.0]], ('8110100360002', 0.9963570237159729)], [[[381.0, 925.0], [537.0, 925.0], [537.0, 953.0], [381.0, 953.0]], ('MFR COUPON', 0.9508883357048035)], [[[701.0, 920.0], [798.0, 920.0], [798.0, 955.0], [701.0, 955.0]], ('$2.50-', 0.9529278874397278)], [[[380.0, 953.0], [726.0, 950.0], [726.0, 983.0], [380.0, 987.0]], ('Cartwheel 5%off $6.49', 0.934018611907959)], [[[151.0, 983.0], [293.0, 983.0], [293.0, 1012.0], [151.0, 1012.0]], ('253060164', 0.9978373050689697)], [[[383.0, 983.0], [539.0, 983.0], [539.0, 1012.0], [383.0, 1012.0]], ('SCOTT BATH', 0.9119282960891724)], [[[630.0, 988.0], [645.0, 988.0], [645.0, 1008.0], [630.0, 1008.0]], ('I', 0.5854958295822144)], [[[690.0, 983.0], [788.0, 983.0], [788.0, 1013.0], [690.0, 1013.0]], ('$10.44', 0.9706607460975647)], [[[146.0, 1013.0], [351.0, 1010.0], [352.0, 1038.0], [146.0, 1042.0]], ('8110100540000', 0.9989777207374573)], [[[383.0, 1012.0], [537.0, 1012.0], [537.0, 1035.0], [383.0, 1035.0]], ('MER COUPON', 0.923987090587616)], [[[706.0, 1012.0], [798.0, 1012.0], [798.0, 1042.0], [706.0, 1042.0]], ('$1.00-', 0.9279612898826599)], [[[383.0, 1042.0], [741.0, 1042.0], [741.0, 1070.0], [383.0, 1070.0]], ('Cartwhee15% off $10.99', 0.9082334637641907)], [[[148.0, 1070.0], [290.0, 1070.0], [290.0, 1098.0], [148.0, 1098.0]], ('253070048', 0.9982134699821472)], [[[381.0, 1068.0], [492.0, 1068.0], [492.0, 1097.0], [381.0, 1097.0]], ('KLEENEX', 0.9956731796264648)], [[[705.0, 1067.0], [793.0, 1067.0], [793.0, 1102.0], [705.0, 1102.0]], ('$5.40', 0.9932152628898621)], [[[146.0, 1098.0], [351.0, 1097.0], [352.0, 1127.0], [146.0, 1128.0]], ('8110100360002', 0.9988275766372681)], [[[380.0, 1097.0], [539.0, 1095.0], [539.0, 1125.0], [380.0, 1127.0]], ('MFR COUPON', 0.9579739570617676)], [[[706.0, 1097.0], [803.0, 1097.0], [803.0, 1132.0], [706.0, 1132.0]], ('$0.50-', 0.9479623436927795)], [[[381.0, 1130.0], [733.0, 1130.0], [733.0, 1158.0], [381.0, 1158.0]], ('Cartwhee1 5% off $5.69', 0.9051692485809326)], [[[144.0, 1158.0], [289.0, 1158.0], [289.0, 1188.0], [144.0, 1188.0]], ('253070114', 0.9985659122467041)], [[[380.0, 1153.0], [493.0, 1157.0], [492.0, 1187.0], [379.0, 1183.0]], ('KLEENEX', 0.9962725043296814)], [[[709.0, 1156.0], [796.0, 1160.0], [795.0, 1192.0], [708.0, 1188.0]], ('$1.60', 0.9944679141044617)], [[[380.0, 1187.0], [733.0, 1188.0], [733.0, 1218.0], [380.0, 1217.0]], ('Cartwheel 5% off $1.69', 0.9028168320655823)], [[[143.0, 1218.0], [353.0, 1218.0], [353.0, 1247.0], [143.0, 1247.0]], ('8110100360000', 0.9986857771873474)], [[[375.0, 1218.0], [542.0, 1218.0], [542.0, 1247.0], [375.0, 1247.0]], ('MFR COUPON', 0.9526032209396362)], [[[711.0, 1218.0], [811.0, 1218.0], [811.0, 1253.0], [711.0, 1253.0]], ('$0.50-', 0.9735357165336609)], [[[523.0, 1273.0], [650.0, 1277.0], [649.0, 1312.0], [522.0, 1308.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9967027306556702)], [[[698.0, 1277.0], [798.0, 1277.0], [798.0, 1312.0], [698.0, 1312.0]], ('$59.51', 0.9918519854545593)], [[[171.0, 1305.0], [531.0, 1308.0], [530.0, 1342.0], [171.0, 1338.0]], ('T=ID TAX6.0000% on', 0.9087305068969727)], [[[552.0, 1310.0], [653.0, 1310.0], [653.0, 1340.0], [552.0, 1340.0]], ('$68.26', 0.9919300079345703)], [[[711.0, 1308.0], [801.0, 1308.0], [801.0, 1343.0], [711.0, 1343.0]], ('$4.10', 0.9927663803100586)], [[[572.0, 1340.0], [655.0, 1340.0], [655.0, 1370.0], [572.0, 1370.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9981099367141724)], [[[700.0, 1342.0], [801.0, 1342.0], [801.0, 1372.0], [700.0, 1372.0]], ('$63.61', 0.9960894584655762)], [[[378.0, 1402.0], [655.0, 1403.0], [655.0, 1433.0], [378.0, 1432.0]], ('*6472 VISA CHARGE', 0.9197269082069397)], [[[701.0, 1402.0], [804.0, 1402.0], [804.0, 1437.0], [701.0, 1437.0]], ('$63.61', 0.9277549386024475)], [[[329.0, 1461.0], [642.0, 1467.0], [641.0, 1502.0], [328.0, 1496.0]], ('INDICATES SAVINGS', 0.9829217195510864)], [[[148.0, 1553.0], [857.0, 1560.0], [857.0, 1593.0], [147.0, 1587.0]], ('REC#2-3245-0617-0080-1350-9 VCD#757-251-243', 0.9735137820243835)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "BOISE-208-375-3275", "date": "09/02/2013", "time": "12:43PM", "subtotal": "$59.51", "tax": "$4.10", "total": "$63.61", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "NIPPLE", "item_value": "$8.54", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HUGGIES", "item_value": "$3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HUGGIES", "item_value": "$1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CUP", "item_value": "$2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SOFTSOAPLHS", "item_value": "$2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COLGATMANUA", "item_value": "$2.84", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COLGATE", "item_value": "$11.86", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KLEENEX", "item_value": "$1.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KLEENEX", "item_value": "$2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VIVA", "item_value": "$5.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KLEENEX", "item_value": "$10.44", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COTTONELLE", "item_value": "$5.10", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COTTONELLE", "item_value": "$6.16", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SCOTTBATH", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[25.0, 3.0], [178.0, 3.0], [178.0, 31.0], [25.0, 31.0]], ('Order:973', 0.9306148886680603)], [[[25.0, 50.0], [103.0, 50.0], [103.0, 67.0], [25.0, 67.0]], ('Register:2', 0.9686022996902466)], [[[170.0, 49.0], [311.0, 47.0], [312.0, 64.0], [170.0, 66.0]], ('Tran Seq No: 3663973', 0.9138709306716919)], [[[25.0, 68.0], [120.0, 68.0], [120.0, 85.0], [25.0, 85.0]], ('Cashier:MD H.', 0.9178383350372314)], [[[121.0, 84.0], [223.0, 82.0], [224.0, 99.0], [122.0, 101.0]], ('******ALS*****', 0.8215149641036987)], [[[23.0, 120.0], [131.0, 119.0], [132.0, 136.0], [23.0, 137.0]], ('2Coffee Rol', 0.9531468749046326)], [[[285.0, 113.0], [318.0, 113.0], [318.0, 131.0], [285.0, 131.0]], ('3.58', 0.9941415786743164)], [[[26.0, 141.0], [51.0, 141.0], [51.0, 153.0], [26.0, 153.0]], ('1', 0.9294596910476685)], [[[46.0, 140.0], [140.0, 137.0], [141.0, 154.0], [47.0, 156.0]], ('50 Munchkins', 0.9622487425804138)], [[[288.0, 132.0], [320.0, 132.0], [320.0, 149.0], [288.0, 149.0]], ('9.99', 0.9943957328796387)], [[[47.0, 175.0], [132.0, 172.0], [133.0, 189.0], [48.0, 192.0]], ('Sub.Total', 0.9742100238800049)], [[[275.0, 167.0], [322.0, 165.0], [323.0, 183.0], [275.0, 185.0]], ('$13.57', 0.9941803812980652)], [[[283.0, 184.0], [324.0, 184.0], [324.0, 202.0], [283.0, 202.0]], ('$0.32', 0.9958683848381042)], [[[50.0, 194.0], [83.0, 194.0], [83.0, 211.0], [50.0, 211.0]], ('Tax:', 0.9627707600593567)], [[[48.0, 211.0], [97.0, 207.0], [98.0, 226.0], [49.0, 230.0]], ('Total:', 0.9717950820922852)], [[[278.0, 203.0], [325.0, 200.0], [326.0, 218.0], [278.0, 221.0]], ('$13.89', 0.9942532181739807)], [[[285.0, 221.0], [325.0, 218.0], [327.0, 237.0], [287.0, 240.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9899744987487793)], [[[48.0, 231.0], [163.0, 225.0], [163.0, 242.0], [49.0, 248.0]], ('Discount Total:', 0.9564999341964722)], [[[290.0, 256.0], [330.0, 256.0], [330.0, 275.0], [290.0, 275.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9961430430412292)], [[[47.0, 267.0], [100.0, 267.0], [100.0, 288.0], [47.0, 288.0]], ('Change', 0.9983386397361755)], [[[282.0, 277.0], [331.0, 275.0], [331.0, 292.0], [283.0, 295.0]], ('$13.89', 0.9948709011077881)], [[[48.0, 288.0], [91.0, 288.0], [91.0, 306.0], [48.0, 306.0]], ('Visa:', 0.9773788452148438)], [[[25.0, 328.0], [61.0, 331.0], [59.0, 347.0], [23.0, 347.0]], ('Visa', 0.9948127269744873)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$13.57", "tax": "$0.32", "total": "$13.89", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "50Munchkins", "item_value": "$9.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CoffeeRoll", "item_value": "$3.58", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[55.0, 0.0], [170.0, 9.0], [169.0, 26.0], [53.0, 16.0]], ('163 South Main Street', 0.9146986603736877)], [[[57.0, 14.0], [170.0, 23.0], [169.0, 36.0], [56.0, 28.0]], ('Torr ington.CI 06790', 0.9012422561645508)], [[[78.0, 28.0], [151.0, 34.0], [150.0, 46.0], [77.0, 41.0]], ('860-482-9214', 0.9336417317390442)], [[[65.0, 52.0], [158.0, 59.0], [157.0, 73.0], [64.0, 66.0]], ('Car#420', 0.9180495142936707)], [[[1.0, 87.0], [67.0, 92.0], [66.0, 106.0], [0.0, 100.0]], ('shiCashierl,', 0.9010764956474304)], [[[0.0, 99.0], [103.0, 106.0], [102.0, 122.0], [0.0, 116.0]], ('ft1.Emp2381,', 0.8798709511756897)], [[[120.0, 94.0], [226.0, 102.0], [225.0, 116.0], [119.0, 108.0]], ('02/24/18.12:41P', 0.8812975287437439)], [[[119.0, 108.0], [228.0, 116.0], [227.0, 129.0], [118.0, 122.0]], ('Sale#61936707709', 0.9587956666946411)], [[[17.0, 131.0], [134.0, 137.0], [133.0, 154.0], [16.0, 147.0]], ('1 Int. Super Clean', 0.8691632747650146)], [[[191.0, 139.0], [226.0, 142.0], [225.0, 158.0], [190.0, 155.0]], ('47.01', 0.985026478767395)], [[[103.0, 166.0], [157.0, 169.0], [156.0, 184.0], [102.0, 180.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9515297412872314)], [[[189.0, 170.0], [223.0, 172.0], [222.0, 187.0], [188.0, 184.0]], ('47.01', 0.9924883842468262)], [[[97.0, 181.0], [156.0, 185.0], [155.0, 199.0], [96.0, 196.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.9311150312423706)], [[[192.0, 183.0], [222.0, 186.0], [221.0, 202.0], [191.0, 199.0]], ('2.99', 0.9928293228149414)], [[[187.0, 199.0], [224.0, 201.0], [223.0, 216.0], [186.0, 214.0]], ('50.00', 0.9118016362190247)], [[[18.0, 227.0], [51.0, 230.0], [50.0, 248.0], [16.0, 246.0]], ('Cash', 0.9953110814094543)], [[[190.0, 230.0], [231.0, 233.0], [230.0, 249.0], [189.0, 248.0]], ('50.00', 0.9961716532707214)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "163SouthMainStreet Torrington.CT06790", "telephone": "860-482-9274", "date": "02/24/18.", "time": "12:41PM", "subtotal": "47.01", "tax": "2.99", "total": "50.00 50.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Int.SuperClean", "item_value": "47.01", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[169.0, 0.0], [247.0, 3.0], [247.0, 16.0], [169.0, 13.0]], ('Table 36', 0.8876171708106995)], [[[290.0, 0.0], [356.0, 1.0], [356.0, 12.0], [289.0, 9.0]], ('Dock1607', 0.6054596304893494)], [[[168.0, 14.0], [262.0, 19.0], [261.0, 33.0], [167.0, 28.0]], ('14:094703/23/2013', 0.8930165767669678)], [[[170.0, 11.0], [208.0, 11.0], [208.0, 21.0], [170.0, 21.0]], ('SsanF', 0.8519073724746704)], [[[330.0, 24.0], [357.0, 26.0], [356.0, 38.0], [329.0, 36.0]], ('Cat4', 0.6774347424507141)], [[[178.0, 50.0], [233.0, 57.0], [231.0, 68.0], [177.0, 61.0]], ('1.Rasoberry', 0.8484449982643127)], [[[234.0, 55.0], [275.0, 59.0], [274.0, 70.0], [233.0, 66.0]], ('Lesonade', 0.8735412359237671)], [[[238.0, 46.0], [288.0, 48.0], [287.0, 59.0], [237.0, 57.0]], ('Guest.No.1', 0.8021769523620605)], [[[176.0, 59.0], [257.0, 64.0], [257.0, 78.0], [176.0, 73.0]], ('DI COMPITEM', 0.7989784479141235)], [[[177.0, 67.0], [259.0, 74.0], [258.0, 88.0], [176.0, 81.0]], ('1Seafood Al fredo', 0.8922035098075867)], [[[176.0, 94.0], [266.0, 102.0], [265.0, 116.0], [175.0, 108.0]], ('1Su Caesc Salad', 0.7827231884002686)], [[[194.0, 87.0], [297.0, 94.0], [296.0, 108.0], [193.0, 101.0]], ('Suo Shrip /Scailops', 0.7089287042617798)], [[[193.0, 105.0], [265.0, 110.0], [264.0, 124.0], [192.0, 119.0]], ('DISCTEM', 0.716699481010437)], [[[334.0, 101.0], [361.0, 104.0], [357.0, 132.0], [330.0, 129.0]], ('3.', 0.6326671838760376)], [[[176.0, 132.0], [238.0, 137.0], [237.0, 151.0], [175.0, 146.0]], ('1Soft Drink', 0.8154106140136719)], [[[238.0, 126.0], [289.0, 131.0], [288.0, 145.0], [237.0, 140.0]], ('Guest o.2', 0.6907632350921631)], [[[30.0, 143.0], [142.0, 139.0], [143.0, 166.0], [31.0, 170.0]], ('narde', 0.7760106325149536)], [[[175.0, 142.0], [256.0, 147.0], [256.0, 161.0], [175.0, 156.0]], ('1D1sC COMP ITEM', 0.7890259027481079)], [[[333.0, 141.0], [359.0, 141.0], [359.0, 170.0], [333.0, 170.0]], ('3.8', 0.6421647071838379)], [[[175.0, 161.0], [256.0, 167.0], [255.0, 180.0], [174.0, 174.0]], ('1LCaesar Salad', 0.8736488223075867)], [[[182.0, 152.0], [270.0, 158.0], [269.0, 172.0], [182.0, 166.0]], ('Malbec loz SanpTe', 0.8346526026725769)], [[[43.0, 175.0], [153.0, 175.0], [153.0, 188.0], [43.0, 188.0]], ('ITALIAN SESTAURANT', 0.9085678458213806)], [[[175.0, 181.0], [229.0, 184.0], [228.0, 198.0], [174.0, 195.0]], ('1 Add Soup', 0.8933497667312622)], [[[192.0, 191.0], [265.0, 194.0], [264.0, 208.0], [192.0, 205.0]], ('303', 0.5304804444313049)], [[[174.0, 200.0], [278.0, 206.0], [277.0, 220.0], [173.0, 214.0]], ('1Chicken &.Gnocch1', 0.8616244792938232)], [[[174.0, 229.0], [212.0, 232.0], [211.0, 244.0], [173.0, 241.0]], ('1 Water', 0.9032920002937317)], [[[236.0, 222.0], [288.0, 224.0], [287.0, 238.0], [235.0, 236.0]], ('Gst No.3', 0.7864817976951599)], [[[171.0, 239.0], [247.0, 240.0], [247.0, 254.0], [171.0, 253.0]], ('1Soup &Salad', 0.8452649712562561)], [[[332.0, 245.0], [360.0, 245.0], [360.0, 273.0], [332.0, 273.0]], ('5.0', 0.5484498739242554)], [[[172.0, 259.0], [235.0, 262.0], [235.0, 273.0], [172.0, 270.0]], ('1.Minestrone', 0.9230137467384338)], [[[171.0, 287.0], [286.0, 291.0], [285.0, 306.0], [171.0, 301.0]], ('1 Kids Chicken Fingers', 0.8608174920082092)], [[[236.0, 280.0], [288.0, 282.0], [287.0, 295.0], [235.0, 293.0]], ('Guest No.4', 0.8381746411323547)], [[[170.0, 298.0], [255.0, 300.0], [255.0, 314.0], [170.0, 311.0]], ('1DC COMP1TEM', 0.8326051235198975)], [[[332.0, 292.0], [360.0, 292.0], [360.0, 321.0], [332.0, 321.0]], ('8.78', 0.5296980142593384)], [[[192.0, 309.0], [225.0, 312.0], [224.0, 323.0], [191.0, 320.0]], ('Grapes', 0.9801732897758484)], [[[170.0, 315.0], [223.0, 320.0], [222.0, 334.0], [169.0, 329.0]], ('1Salad', 0.8475367426872253)], [[[162.0, 350.0], [192.0, 350.0], [192.0, 361.0], [162.0, 361.0]], ('ID', 0.9867408871650696)], [[[188.0, 347.0], [356.0, 353.0], [356.0, 367.0], [188.0, 361.0]], ('#224438848 3831', 0.9520909190177917)], [[[172.0, 379.0], [321.0, 382.0], [321.0, 396.0], [172.0, 393.0]], ('Wo value your opinionPlease', 0.8348494172096252)], [[[174.0, 389.0], [306.0, 392.0], [305.0, 406.0], [174.0, 403.0]], ('tel us about your dining', 0.8935973048210144)], [[[174.0, 399.0], [311.0, 402.0], [311.0, 416.0], [174.0, 413.0]], ('experlence by completing an', 0.8977280855178833)], [[[173.0, 419.0], [313.0, 422.0], [313.0, 436.0], [173.0, 433.0]], ('your visit You could win a', 0.8853429555892944)], [[[174.0, 410.0], [326.0, 412.0], [326.0, 425.0], [174.0, 423.0]], ('online survey within 7 days of', 0.9095136523246765)], [[[174.0, 431.0], [324.0, 433.0], [324.0, 445.0], [174.0, 443.0]], ('$1.000 Grand Prize or 1 o1100', 0.8381721377372742)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "14:09:47", "time": "03/23/2013", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Salad", "item_value": "-5.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DiscCOMPITEM", "item_value": "5.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KidsChickenFingers", "item_value": "-5.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Minestrone", "item_value": "6.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Soup&Saled", "item_value": "-3.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Water", "item_value": "3.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Chicken&Gnocchi", "item_value": "-7.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DiscCOMPITEM", "item_value": "7.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AddSoup", "item_value": "-2.55", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DisoCOMPITEM", "item_value": "2.55", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Malbec1ozSanple", "item_value": "-2.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DiscCOMPITEM", "item_value": "2.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SoftDrink", "item_value": "-16.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DiscCOMPITEM", "item_value": "16.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SubCaesarSalad", "item_value": "-2.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SubShrimpw/Scallops", "item_value": "2.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DiscCOMPITEM", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[307.0, 31.0], [488.0, 36.0], [488.0, 53.0], [307.0, 49.0]], ('Sales Recelpt #137252', 0.948543906211853)], [[[115.0, 54.0], [178.0, 59.0], [177.0, 76.0], [114.0, 71.0]], ('Stare:1', 0.9255841970443726)], [[[236.0, 48.0], [358.0, 52.0], [357.0, 71.0], [235.0, 66.0]], ('Customer Copy', 0.9541887640953064)], [[[221.0, 65.0], [375.0, 72.0], [374.0, 94.0], [220.0, 87.0]], ('Tails in the City', 0.9293614029884338)], [[[214.0, 87.0], [377.0, 94.0], [377.0, 112.0], [213.0, 105.0]], ('One East Delaware PI', 0.9336993098258972)], [[[227.0, 107.0], [369.0, 112.0], [368.0, 133.0], [227.0, 128.0]], ('Chicago.IL 60611', 0.901586651802063)], [[[242.0, 129.0], [351.0, 131.0], [350.0, 149.0], [242.0, 147.0]], ('312-649-0347', 0.9923787713050842)], [[[214.0, 149.0], [380.0, 151.0], [380.0, 169.0], [214.0, 167.0]], ('', 0.9719415307044983)], [[[127.0, 172.0], [188.0, 175.0], [187.0, 194.0], [125.0, 190.0]], ('Bill To:', 0.9111480116844177)], [[[188.0, 194.0], [283.0, 200.0], [282.0, 218.0], [187.0, 212.0]], ('Helene flynn', 0.9434840679168701)], [[[93.0, 209.0], [245.0, 219.0], [244.0, 238.0], [91.0, 228.0]], ('Cashier: Sysadmin', 0.9350395202636719)], [[[90.0, 240.0], [148.0, 244.0], [147.0, 264.0], [89.0, 260.0]], ('Item#', 0.9810571670532227)], [[[245.0, 246.0], [278.0, 251.0], [275.0, 272.0], [242.0, 267.0]], ('Qty', 0.9750545024871826)], [[[339.0, 248.0], [382.0, 250.0], [380.0, 270.0], [337.0, 267.0]], ('Price', 0.9882601499557495)], [[[421.0, 250.0], [495.0, 252.0], [494.0, 271.0], [421.0, 269.0]], ('Ext Price', 0.9515860080718994)], [[[90.0, 260.0], [145.0, 263.0], [144.0, 282.0], [89.0, 279.0]], ('14465', 0.9981355667114258)], [[[266.0, 273.0], [276.0, 273.0], [276.0, 286.0], [266.0, 286.0]], ('1', 0.9709163904190063)], [[[328.0, 272.0], [380.0, 272.0], [380.0, 288.0], [328.0, 288.0]], ('$45.00', 0.9974058270454407)], [[[441.0, 273.0], [495.0, 273.0], [495.0, 290.0], [441.0, 290.0]], ('$45.00', 0.9960479736328125)], [[[132.0, 284.0], [331.0, 292.0], [330.0, 311.0], [131.0, 303.0]], ('Bling Bones Collar-2016', 0.9562366604804993)], [[[348.0, 294.0], [380.0, 294.0], [380.0, 310.0], [348.0, 310.0]], ('Lg', 0.989943265914917)], [[[94.0, 307.0], [144.0, 307.0], [144.0, 323.0], [94.0, 323.0]], ('14974', 0.9972874522209167)], [[[259.0, 312.0], [279.0, 309.0], [283.0, 328.0], [263.0, 332.0]], ('1', 0.9164031744003296)], [[[337.0, 312.0], [381.0, 312.0], [381.0, 331.0], [337.0, 331.0]], ('$0.07', 0.9975336194038391)], [[[450.0, 310.0], [496.0, 310.0], [496.0, 330.0], [450.0, 330.0]], ('$0.07', 0.9959741830825806)], [[[131.0, 327.0], [319.0, 334.0], [318.0, 351.0], [131.0, 345.0]], ('City of Chicago Bag Tax', 0.9352908134460449)], [[[338.0, 355.0], [405.0, 355.0], [405.0, 373.0], [338.0, 373.0]], ('Subtotal:', 0.9765074849128723)], [[[441.0, 354.0], [497.0, 352.0], [498.0, 371.0], [442.0, 373.0]], ('$45.07', 0.9961740970611572)], [[[142.0, 371.0], [267.0, 374.0], [266.0, 392.0], [142.0, 388.0]], ('Local Sales Tax', 0.9468667507171631)], [[[309.0, 374.0], [406.0, 377.0], [405.0, 396.0], [309.0, 393.0]], ('10.25% Tax', 0.9328725934028625)], [[[438.0, 375.0], [498.0, 375.0], [498.0, 393.0], [438.0, 393.0]], ('+$4.61', 0.9901837706565857)], [[[267.0, 396.0], [407.0, 398.0], [407.0, 416.0], [266.0, 413.0]], ('RECEIPT TOTAL:', 0.9600061178207397)], [[[442.0, 397.0], [499.0, 397.0], [499.0, 416.0], [442.0, 416.0]], ('$49.68', 0.9982823729515076)], [[[125.0, 429.0], [381.0, 432.0], [381.0, 450.0], [125.0, 447.0]], ('CreditCard$49.68 XXXX6368', 0.9192377328872681)], [[[114.0, 451.0], [150.0, 453.0], [148.0, 470.0], [113.0, 467.0]], ('Visa', 0.9947205781936646)], [[[115.0, 476.0], [316.0, 476.0], [316.0, 491.0], [115.0, 491.0]], ('Reference # 6000034032', 0.9584104418754578)], [[[345.0, 475.0], [450.0, 473.0], [451.0, 491.0], [345.0, 493.0]], ('Auth=01777D', 0.9878547191619873)], [[[113.0, 496.0], [225.0, 494.0], [225.0, 512.0], [113.0, 515.0]], ('Entry.Swiped', 0.9803168773651123)], [[[282.0, 495.0], [444.0, 494.0], [444.0, 511.0], [282.0, 513.0]], ('Merchant#***10972', 0.9547495245933533)], [[[113.0, 593.0], [196.0, 593.0], [196.0, 610.0], [113.0, 610.0]], ('Signature', 0.9959693551063538)], [[[134.0, 612.0], [503.0, 603.0], [503.0, 622.0], [135.0, 630.0]], ('I agree to pay above amount according to card', 0.924951434135437)], [[[135.0, 632.0], [451.0, 624.0], [452.0, 643.0], [136.0, 651.0]], ('issuer agreement (merchant agreement', 0.9836334586143494)], [[[136.0, 652.0], [274.0, 650.0], [274.0, 668.0], [137.0, 670.0]], ('if credit voucher).', 0.9432514309883118)], [[[91.0, 714.0], [506.0, 703.0], [506.0, 724.0], [92.0, 735.0]], ('Thank you for visiting Tails in the City. We want you', 0.9305455088615417)], [[[172.0, 734.0], [417.0, 728.0], [418.0, 746.0], [173.0, 752.0]], ('to be 100% satisfied with your', 0.9322525262832642)], [[[257.0, 754.0], [338.0, 750.0], [339.0, 769.0], [259.0, 773.0]], ('purchase.', 0.9797650575637817)], [[[106.0, 778.0], [485.0, 765.0], [486.0, 787.0], [107.0, 800.0]], ('If for any reason you are not satisfied with your', 0.9615229964256287)], [[[149.0, 801.0], [442.0, 789.0], [442.0, 808.0], [150.0, 820.0]], ('purchase you mayreturn it for a full', 0.9298136830329895)], [[[207.0, 819.0], [388.0, 812.0], [389.0, 833.0], [208.0, 840.0]], ('refund within 30 days', 0.9336232542991638)], [[[99.0, 848.0], [495.0, 830.0], [496.0, 851.0], [100.0, 869.0]], ('A store credit for the current selling price will be', 0.9543670415878296)], [[[123.0, 871.0], [466.0, 854.0], [467.0, 873.0], [124.0, 890.0]], ('issued for merchandise returns without a', 0.9639827609062195)], [[[99.0, 897.0], [496.0, 874.0], [497.0, 894.0], [100.0, 918.0]], ('receipt. All sale and clearance merchandise is', 0.9574111700057983)], [[[201.0, 916.0], [395.0, 903.0], [397.0, 923.0], [202.0, 937.0]], ('considered a final sale', 0.9595657587051392)], [[[202.0, 964.0], [386.0, 952.0], [387.0, 973.0], [203.0, 986.0]], ('Visit us on Facebook', 0.961604118347168)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "Chicago,IL60611 OneEastDelawarePl.", "telephone": "312-649-0347", "date": "4/12/2017", "time": "11:17AM", "subtotal": "$45.07", "tax": "+$4.61", "total": "$49.68", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CityofChicagoBagTax", "item_value": "$0.07", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BlingBonesCollar-2016", "item_value": "$45.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ltem#", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[121.0, 76.0], [216.0, 66.0], [218.0, 83.0], [123.0, 93.0]], ("Ted's Hantana Grill", 0.8491107821464539)], [[[141.0, 109.0], [200.0, 103.0], [201.0, 117.0], [142.0, 123.0]], ('678-829-0272', 0.9752894043922424)], [[[71.0, 131.0], [142.0, 131.0], [142.0, 142.0], [71.0, 142.0]], ('Server: Crystal', 0.8873202800750732)], [[[221.0, 123.0], [278.0, 117.0], [279.0, 131.0], [223.0, 137.0]], ('07/05/2016', 0.9934767484664917)], [[[70.0, 139.0], [116.0, 142.0], [116.0, 156.0], [69.0, 153.0]], ('Table 6/1', 0.9267959594726562)], [[[237.0, 134.0], [279.0, 130.0], [280.0, 144.0], [238.0, 148.0]], ('6:21PM', 0.9048709273338318)], [[[250.0, 144.0], [280.0, 144.0], [280.0, 158.0], [250.0, 158.0]], ('10014', 0.998862624168396)], [[[69.0, 154.0], [116.0, 154.0], [116.0, 165.0], [69.0, 165.0]], ('Guests:2', 0.9596279859542847)], [[[67.0, 165.0], [128.0, 165.0], [128.0, 176.0], [67.0, 176.0]], ('Reprint 41', 0.9015684127807617)], [[[60.0, 205.0], [123.0, 205.0], [123.0, 216.0], [60.0, 216.0]], ('Corona Ligt', 0.9133613109588623)], [[[257.0, 203.0], [286.0, 203.0], [286.0, 217.0], [257.0, 217.0]], ('5.50', 0.9480946660041809)], [[[56.0, 214.0], [190.0, 214.0], [190.0, 227.0], [56.0, 227.0]], ('Chicken Catac Sandwtch', 0.903449296951294)], [[[54.0, 224.0], [112.0, 226.0], [111.0, 240.0], [54.0, 238.0]], ('Side Frles', 0.8894268274307251)], [[[254.0, 215.0], [286.0, 215.0], [286.0, 229.0], [254.0, 229.0]], ('13.00', 0.9929068684577942)], [[[258.0, 227.0], [287.0, 227.0], [287.0, 241.0], [258.0, 241.0]], ('4.00', 0.9896735548973083)], [[[51.0, 237.0], [131.0, 238.0], [130.0, 252.0], [51.0, 251.0]], ('Teds Margarita', 0.9715738296508789)], [[[261.0, 238.0], [288.0, 240.0], [287.0, 252.0], [260.0, 250.0]], ('9.00', 0.9756219983100891)], [[[49.0, 250.0], [189.0, 250.0], [189.0, 264.0], [49.0, 264.0]], ('Biscn Swiss & Mush Burger', 0.8843900561332703)], [[[257.0, 251.0], [291.0, 251.0], [291.0, 265.0], [257.0, 265.0]], ('16.00', 0.9921829104423523)], [[[48.0, 264.0], [111.0, 264.0], [111.0, 275.0], [48.0, 275.0]], ('House Salad', 0.9088020920753479)], [[[262.0, 263.0], [293.0, 263.0], [293.0, 277.0], [262.0, 277.0]], ('5.00', 0.991542637348175)], [[[44.0, 317.0], [220.0, 319.0], [220.0, 334.0], [44.0, 331.0]], ('Tell us how you enjoyed your', 0.9156352877616882)], [[[50.0, 332.0], [267.0, 335.0], [267.0, 350.0], [50.0, 348.0]], ("recent visit to Ted's and you could", 0.9468976855278015)], [[[50.0, 346.0], [268.0, 351.0], [268.0, 368.0], [50.0, 364.0]], ('win a $1,000 Teds Gift Card. Go to', 0.916226327419281)], [[[50.0, 360.0], [205.0, 367.0], [204.0, 384.0], [50.0, 377.0]], ('', 0.944309413433075)], [[[50.0, 377.0], [221.0, 385.0], [220.0, 401.0], [50.0, 394.0]], ('within 7 days of your visit.', 0.9398998022079468)], [[[74.0, 396.0], [217.0, 403.0], [217.0, 417.0], [74.0, 410.0]], ('*Now Mobi le Friendly *', 0.8952224850654602)], [[[42.0, 409.0], [227.0, 420.0], [226.0, 437.0], [41.0, 426.0]], ('I Thank you for your patronage', 0.9241583347320557)]]
{"store_name": "Ted'sMantaneGrill", "store_addr": "PeachtreeCity,GA30269 341CityCircle,Suite13", "telephone": "678-829-0272", "date": "07/05/2016", "time": "6:21PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "HouseSalad", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BisonSwiss&MushBurger", "item_value": "16.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TedsMargarita", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SideFries", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "chickenCadillacSandwich", "item_value": "13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CorcnaLight", "item_value": "5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[222.0, 8.0], [530.0, 5.0], [530.0, 37.0], [223.0, 41.0]], ('8515 124TH AVENE', 0.9280727505683899)], [[[296.0, 49.0], [444.0, 47.0], [444.0, 82.0], [296.0, 85.0]], ('KIRKLAND', 0.9952685832977295)], [[[351.0, 92.0], [393.0, 92.0], [393.0, 127.0], [351.0, 127.0]], ('WA', 0.9971775412559509)], [[[281.0, 137.0], [464.0, 134.0], [464.0, 170.0], [281.0, 172.0]], ('98033-5857', 0.9930415153503418)], [[[193.0, 184.0], [574.0, 177.0], [575.0, 212.0], [193.0, 219.0]], ('THANK YOU', 0.9341549277305603)], [[[82.0, 229.0], [670.0, 216.0], [671.0, 256.0], [83.0, 269.0]], ('TEL#425822 3366 Store10993', 0.9172071814537048)], [[[26.0, 363.0], [144.0, 359.0], [146.0, 402.0], [28.0, 406.0]], ('KS#13', 0.9413078427314758)], [[[362.0, 359.0], [746.0, 349.0], [748.0, 388.0], [363.0, 398.0]], ("Dec.21'13 (Sat)19:39", 0.8792579770088196)], [[[34.0, 454.0], [476.0, 445.0], [477.0, 483.0], [35.0, 493.0]], ('MFY SIDE 1 KVS Order 09', 0.8939633369445801)], [[[662.0, 525.0], [757.0, 525.0], [757.0, 568.0], [662.0, 568.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985318183898926)], [[[35.0, 543.0], [187.0, 539.0], [188.0, 576.0], [36.0, 579.0]], ('QTY ITEM', 0.9375921487808228)], [[[677.0, 570.0], [759.0, 566.0], [762.0, 609.0], [679.0, 613.0]], ('4.59', 0.9641802310943604)], [[[75.0, 586.0], [444.0, 580.0], [444.0, 616.0], [76.0, 621.0]], ('1 Qtr Pounder Cheese', 0.9260343313217163)], [[[679.0, 614.0], [761.0, 614.0], [761.0, 653.0], [679.0, 653.0]], ('8.78', 0.8778991103172302)], [[[74.0, 631.0], [338.0, 626.0], [338.0, 661.0], [75.0, 667.0]], ('2Filet-0-Fish', 0.9541247487068176)], [[[683.0, 659.0], [764.0, 659.0], [764.0, 699.0], [683.0, 699.0]], ('2.39', 0.9339874386787415)], [[[78.0, 676.0], [374.0, 671.0], [374.0, 706.0], [79.0, 712.0]], ('1 L French Fries', 0.9246093034744263)], [[[686.0, 702.0], [767.0, 702.0], [767.0, 745.0], [686.0, 745.0]], ('1.79', 0.981036365032196)], [[[81.0, 722.0], [375.0, 715.0], [375.0, 751.0], [82.0, 758.0]], ('1M French Fries', 0.935628354549408)], [[[673.0, 793.0], [771.0, 793.0], [771.0, 835.0], [673.0, 835.0]], ('17.55', 0.9590984582901001)], [[[41.0, 812.0], [192.0, 807.0], [193.0, 846.0], [42.0, 851.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9918045997619629)], [[[691.0, 839.0], [773.0, 839.0], [773.0, 882.0], [691.0, 882.0]], ('1.67', 0.9675893783569336)], [[[79.0, 855.0], [144.0, 855.0], [144.0, 897.0], [79.0, 897.0]], ('Tax', 0.9971325993537903)], [[[679.0, 929.0], [779.0, 929.0], [779.0, 975.0], [679.0, 975.0]], ('19.22', 0.9417913556098938)], [[[48.0, 949.0], [305.0, 939.0], [307.0, 979.0], [50.0, 989.0]], ('Take-Out Total', 0.9389179348945618)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "8515124THAVENE KIRKLAND WA 98033-5857", "telephone": "TEL#4258223366Store#10993", "date": "Dec.21'13(Sat)", "time": "19:39", "subtotal": "17.55", "tax": "1.67", "total": "19.22", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "QtrPounderCheese", "item_value": "4.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Filet-O-Fish", "item_value": "8.78", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LFrenchFries", "item_value": "2.39", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MFrenchFries", "item_value": "1.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ITEM", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[210.0, 1.0], [353.0, 1.0], [353.0, 18.0], [210.0, 18.0]], ('KFC GOSIER DRIVE', 0.9474525451660156)], [[[209.0, 21.0], [320.0, 21.0], [320.0, 40.0], [209.0, 40.0]], ('STORE ID #04', 0.9195472598075867)], [[[191.0, 43.0], [415.0, 42.0], [415.0, 62.0], [192.0, 63.0]], ('SIRET410205 90000021', 0.971814751625061)], [[[120.0, 91.0], [444.0, 89.0], [444.0, 110.0], [120.0, 112.0]], ('SITE KFC:SONDAGE SATISFACTION CLIENT', 0.9490995407104492)], [[[123.0, 116.0], [292.0, 116.0], [292.0, 133.0], [123.0, 133.0]], ('ECRIRE EN MINUSCULE', 0.9527857899665833)], [[[121.0, 139.0], [364.0, 137.0], [364.0, 157.0], [121.0, 159.0]], ('WWW.KFCGUADELOUPESURVEY.COM', 0.9850618839263916)], [[[112.0, 183.0], [172.0, 183.0], [172.0, 207.0], [112.0, 207.0]], ('CAI 2', 0.9234709739685059)], [[[263.0, 184.0], [313.0, 184.0], [313.0, 205.0], [263.0, 205.0]], ('CMNDE', 0.9965161085128784)], [[[334.0, 185.0], [444.0, 182.0], [444.0, 203.0], [335.0, 205.0]], ('REST.CARUEL', 0.9752214550971985)], [[[263.0, 207.0], [320.0, 207.0], [320.0, 228.0], [263.0, 228.0]], ('253', 0.997643768787384)], [[[112.0, 233.0], [180.0, 233.0], [180.0, 251.0], [112.0, 251.0]], ('DATE', 0.9945490956306458)], [[[174.0, 233.0], [248.0, 233.0], [248.0, 251.0], [174.0, 251.0]], ('25/11/15', 0.9985771179199219)], [[[337.0, 230.0], [385.0, 230.0], [385.0, 252.0], [337.0, 252.0]], ('TIME:', 0.9878031611442566)], [[[409.0, 231.0], [457.0, 231.0], [457.0, 250.0], [409.0, 250.0]], ('14:32', 0.9201196432113647)], [[[111.0, 301.0], [184.0, 301.0], [184.0, 319.0], [111.0, 319.0]], ('CASHIER:', 0.9820132255554199)], [[[272.0, 299.0], [296.0, 299.0], [296.0, 320.0], [272.0, 320.0]], ('84', 0.9973372220993042)], [[[320.0, 299.0], [459.0, 299.0], [459.0, 319.0], [320.0, 319.0]], ('CHARLES M/LAURE', 0.976187527179718)], [[[327.0, 319.0], [370.0, 322.0], [369.0, 345.0], [325.0, 342.0]], ('PRIX', 0.9972357153892517)], [[[125.0, 346.0], [202.0, 343.0], [203.0, 365.0], [126.0, 367.0]], ('QTE PRDT', 0.9457639455795288)], [[[328.0, 345.0], [376.0, 345.0], [376.0, 367.0], [328.0, 367.0]], ('UNIT.', 0.9869192242622375)], [[[422.0, 345.0], [471.0, 345.0], [471.0, 367.0], [422.0, 367.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.998564600944519)], [[[142.0, 370.0], [256.0, 370.0], [256.0, 391.0], [142.0, 391.0]], ('2MINI TW-SP', 0.9462945461273193)], [[[355.0, 369.0], [398.0, 369.0], [398.0, 392.0], [355.0, 392.0]], ('2.25', 0.9896447658538818)], [[[431.0, 369.0], [474.0, 369.0], [474.0, 392.0], [431.0, 392.0]], ('4.50', 0.9884709119796753)], [[[142.0, 395.0], [237.0, 395.0], [237.0, 415.0], [142.0, 415.0]], ('3 SCE SUPP', 0.9078623652458191)], [[[368.0, 393.0], [399.0, 393.0], [399.0, 417.0], [368.0, 417.0]], ('.10', 0.9763069152832031)], [[[445.0, 394.0], [477.0, 394.0], [477.0, 417.0], [445.0, 417.0]], ('.30', 0.9840971827507019)], [[[141.0, 418.0], [192.0, 418.0], [192.0, 441.0], [141.0, 441.0]], ('1JUS', 0.9903659224510193)], [[[356.0, 418.0], [400.0, 418.0], [400.0, 441.0], [356.0, 441.0]], ('2.20', 0.8944095373153687)], [[[432.0, 419.0], [477.0, 419.0], [477.0, 442.0], [432.0, 442.0]], ('2.20', 0.9967815279960632)], [[[141.0, 470.0], [376.0, 471.0], [376.0, 491.0], [141.0, 490.0]], ('TOTAL A EMPORTER TVA INCL', 0.9447090029716492)], [[[434.0, 472.0], [479.0, 472.0], [479.0, 494.0], [434.0, 494.0]], ('7.00', 0.9957457780838013)], [[[139.0, 497.0], [292.0, 497.0], [292.0, 517.0], [139.0, 517.0]], ('MONTANT PRESENTE', 0.9634637236595154)], [[[435.0, 496.0], [481.0, 496.0], [481.0, 522.0], [435.0, 522.0]], ('7.00', 0.99493408203125)], [[[138.0, 523.0], [273.0, 523.0], [273.0, 544.0], [138.0, 544.0]], ('MONNAIE RENDUE', 0.976499080657959)], [[[450.0, 524.0], [482.0, 524.0], [482.0, 548.0], [450.0, 548.0]], ('.00', 0.9882217049598694)], [[[147.0, 575.0], [304.0, 575.0], [304.0, 596.0], [147.0, 596.0]], ('GROSS VAT FOOTER', 0.9458367824554443)]]
{"store_name": "KFCGOSIERDRIVE", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "25/11/15", "time": "14:32", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "7.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MINITW-SP", "item_value": "4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SCESUPP", "item_value": ".30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "JUS", "item_value": "2.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "PRDT", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[72.0, 12.0], [161.0, 7.0], [162.0, 21.0], [73.0, 26.0]], ('Piola-Brickell', 0.8646747469902039)], [[[55.0, 25.0], [181.0, 20.0], [182.0, 33.0], [56.0, 38.0]], ('1250 South Miasi Avenue', 0.9150059819221497)], [[[73.0, 37.0], [158.0, 33.0], [159.0, 47.0], [74.0, 51.0]], ('Miai.FL33131', 0.9036333560943604)], [[[77.0, 49.0], [156.0, 46.0], [157.0, 60.0], [78.0, 63.0]], ('3053740031', 0.9502755999565125)], [[[83.0, 62.0], [149.0, 59.0], [150.0, 73.0], [84.0, 77.0]], ('', 0.8466174602508545)], [[[53.0, 74.0], [181.0, 70.0], [182.0, 84.0], [54.0, 89.0]], ('Dec 28201311:50:34 PM', 0.8920153379440308)], [[[5.0, 101.0], [76.0, 101.0], [76.0, 112.0], [5.0, 112.0]], ('Server-laura', 0.9154667258262634)], [[[4.0, 112.0], [109.0, 112.0], [109.0, 126.0], [4.0, 126.0]], ('Order NaseTable 2', 0.8839860558509827)], [[[4.0, 126.0], [89.0, 126.0], [89.0, 139.0], [4.0, 139.0]], ('0rder34264278', 0.9443712830543518)], [[[82.0, 126.0], [233.0, 120.0], [233.0, 133.0], [83.0, 139.0]], ('Dec282013 102602PM', 0.8995246887207031)], [[[4.0, 138.0], [110.0, 138.0], [110.0, 151.0], [4.0, 151.0]], ('Order Type Dine In', 0.8299120664596558)], [[[183.0, 137.0], [232.0, 134.0], [233.0, 148.0], [183.0, 151.0]], ('Seats2', 0.914593517780304)], [[[5.0, 159.0], [77.0, 162.0], [76.0, 176.0], [4.0, 173.0]], ('901 Panna', 0.9259195327758789)], [[[205.0, 161.0], [233.0, 161.0], [233.0, 174.0], [205.0, 174.0]], ('0h', 0.7906592488288879)], [[[3.0, 172.0], [101.0, 174.0], [101.0, 187.0], [3.0, 185.0]], ('119 Quattro For', 0.8950013518333435)], [[[200.0, 172.0], [233.0, 172.0], [233.0, 186.0], [200.0, 186.0]], ('052', 0.8942875862121582)], [[[3.0, 187.0], [78.0, 187.0], [78.0, 198.0], [3.0, 198.0]], ('1-118 Piola', 0.8129615783691406)], [[[201.0, 185.0], [233.0, 185.0], [233.0, 199.0], [201.0, 199.0]], ('16-00', 0.8508535623550415)], [[[24.0, 198.0], [119.0, 198.0], [119.0, 211.0], [24.0, 211.0]], ('ADD 01ives 150)', 0.8080151081085205)], [[[2.0, 208.0], [130.0, 210.0], [129.0, 224.0], [2.0, 222.0]], ('720 Crese di Papaya', 0.8929061889648438)], [[[205.0, 211.0], [233.0, 211.0], [233.0, 224.0], [205.0, 224.0]], ('6.50', 0.9728494882583618)], [[[3.0, 221.0], [109.0, 222.0], [109.0, 236.0], [3.0, 235.0]], ('1725 Coppa Pioa', 0.8882642984390259)], [[[205.0, 221.0], [232.0, 223.0], [231.0, 237.0], [203.0, 235.0]], ('6.50', 0.948466420173645)], [[[4.0, 245.0], [111.0, 246.0], [111.0, 260.0], [4.0, 259.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9324212670326233)], [[[172.0, 246.0], [232.0, 248.0], [232.0, 262.0], [171.0, 260.0]], ('46.00', 0.9835746884346008)], [[[4.0, 257.0], [111.0, 259.0], [111.0, 273.0], [4.0, 271.0]], ('Sales Tax:', 0.8907918930053711)], [[[184.0, 259.0], [232.0, 261.0], [231.0, 275.0], [184.0, 273.0]], ('89', 0.8998196125030518)], [[[8.0, 283.0], [68.0, 283.0], [68.0, 294.0], [8.0, 294.0]], ('Total:', 0.9387919306755066)], [[[172.0, 283.0], [232.0, 287.0], [231.0, 301.0], [171.0, 297.0]], ('49.68', 0.976413905620575)], [[[6.0, 308.0], [56.0, 308.0], [56.0, 319.0], [6.0, 319.0]], ('Amt', 0.9865210652351379)], [[[55.0, 306.0], [101.0, 309.0], [100.0, 322.0], [54.0, 319.0]], ('Due:', 0.9357855319976807)], [[[172.0, 309.0], [232.0, 313.0], [231.0, 327.0], [171.0, 323.0]], ('49.68', 0.9934967160224915)], [[[91.0, 330.0], [142.0, 334.0], [141.0, 348.0], [89.0, 344.0]], ('IIP GUIDE', 0.8154587149620056)], [[[4.0, 356.0], [55.0, 356.0], [55.0, 370.0], [4.0, 370.0]], ('15%6.90', 0.9235705137252808)], [[[1.0, 366.0], [56.0, 369.0], [55.0, 383.0], [1.0, 380.0]], ('20x9.20', 0.9313237071037292)], [[[60.0, 406.0], [175.0, 413.0], [174.0, 427.0], [59.0, 420.0]], ('Thank you for coming', 0.9496502876281738)], [[[81.0, 418.0], [153.0, 423.0], [152.0, 437.0], [80.0, 432.0]], ('.PIOLA.IT', 0.7426578998565674)]]
{"store_name": "Piola-Brickell", "store_addr": "1250SouthMiamiAvenue Miami,FL33131", "telephone": "(305)3740031", "date": "Dec282013 Dec282013", "time": "11:50:34PM", "subtotal": "46.00", "tax": "3.68", "total": "49.68", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "901Panna", "item_value": "4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "725CoppaPiola", "item_value": "12.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "720CremediPapaya", "item_value": "16.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDOlives(1.50)", "item_value": "6.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "118Piola", "item_value": "6.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "19QuattroFor", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[404.0, 86.0], [566.0, 87.0], [566.0, 106.0], [404.0, 105.0]], ('Welcome to Dunkin Donuts', 0.9266870617866516)], [[[443.0, 106.0], [529.0, 106.0], [529.0, 120.0], [443.0, 120.0]], ('Store #338063', 0.9592024683952332)], [[[412.0, 120.0], [565.0, 122.0], [565.0, 138.0], [412.0, 135.0]], ('200 Seaport Blvd. Boston', 0.9306486248970032)], [[[431.0, 136.0], [566.0, 137.0], [566.0, 153.0], [431.0, 152.0]], ('8/15/2012 12:38:19PM', 0.9384014010429382)], [[[451.0, 155.0], [529.0, 155.0], [529.0, 179.0], [451.0, 179.0]], ('Eat In', 0.9691970348358154)], [[[364.0, 182.0], [528.0, 184.0], [528.0, 207.0], [364.0, 205.0]], ('Order Number:', 0.9484614729881287)], [[[551.0, 181.0], [590.0, 184.0], [588.0, 209.0], [549.0, 206.0]], ('328', 0.9992430806159973)], [[[365.0, 226.0], [428.0, 226.0], [428.0, 238.0], [365.0, 238.0]], ('Register:1', 0.9435045123100281)], [[[490.0, 226.0], [564.0, 226.0], [564.0, 241.0], [490.0, 241.0]], ('Tran Seq No', 0.9207838177680969)], [[[572.0, 223.0], [614.0, 226.0], [613.0, 242.0], [571.0, 240.0]], ('569328', 0.9964383244514465)], [[[363.0, 239.0], [474.0, 240.0], [474.0, 255.0], [363.0, 254.0]], ('CashierGi lbert K.', 0.9473815560340881)], [[[363.0, 268.0], [419.0, 268.0], [419.0, 287.0], [363.0, 287.0]], ('1 Donut', 0.9242032170295715)], [[[583.0, 272.0], [613.0, 272.0], [613.0, 288.0], [583.0, 288.0]], ('0.95', 0.9954449534416199)], [[[383.0, 299.0], [450.0, 299.0], [450.0, 314.0], [383.0, 314.0]], ('Sub. Total', 0.9007025957107544)], [[[578.0, 301.0], [611.0, 301.0], [611.0, 316.0], [578.0, 316.0]], ('$0.95', 0.985345184803009)], [[[386.0, 316.0], [411.0, 316.0], [411.0, 329.0], [386.0, 329.0]], ('Tax:', 0.9742753505706787)], [[[577.0, 314.0], [611.0, 317.0], [609.0, 333.0], [576.0, 330.0]], ('$0.07', 0.9911003112792969)], [[[385.0, 329.0], [422.0, 329.0], [422.0, 345.0], [385.0, 345.0]], ('Total:', 0.9653639793395996)], [[[576.0, 331.0], [610.0, 331.0], [610.0, 346.0], [576.0, 346.0]], ('$1.02', 0.9951226115226746)], [[[384.0, 345.0], [476.0, 345.0], [476.0, 360.0], [384.0, 360.0]], ('Discount Total:', 0.924566924571991)], [[[576.0, 345.0], [609.0, 345.0], [609.0, 360.0], [576.0, 360.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9939005970954895)], [[[385.0, 372.0], [425.0, 375.0], [424.0, 391.0], [384.0, 388.0]], ('Change', 0.9975214004516602)], [[[576.0, 373.0], [608.0, 373.0], [608.0, 388.0], [576.0, 388.0]], ('$4.00', 0.9909750819206238)], [[[385.0, 388.0], [415.0, 388.0], [415.0, 405.0], [385.0, 405.0]], ('Cash', 0.9946292042732239)], [[[575.0, 388.0], [608.0, 388.0], [608.0, 404.0], [575.0, 404.0]], ('$5.02', 0.9946216344833374)], [[[451.0, 446.0], [525.0, 446.0], [525.0, 470.0], [451.0, 470.0]], ('HEY AMERICA!', 0.9534984230995178)], [[[374.0, 471.0], [594.0, 470.0], [594.0, 485.0], [374.0, 487.0]], ('WANT A FREE DONUT WHEN YOU PURCHASE A', 0.9314392805099487)], [[[411.0, 487.0], [566.0, 487.0], [566.0, 501.0], [411.0, 501.0]], ('MEDIUM OR LARGER BEVERAGE?', 0.9674664735794067)], [[[394.0, 502.0], [582.0, 502.0], [582.0, 516.0], [394.0, 516.0]], ('Go to ww. tel on your', 0.9075244665145874)], [[[375.0, 516.0], [593.0, 514.0], [593.0, 528.0], [376.0, 530.0]], ('computer or obi le device in the next', 0.9384307861328125)], [[[380.0, 529.0], [591.0, 528.0], [591.0, 543.0], [380.0, 544.0]], ('3 days and tell us about your visit.', 0.9338226318359375)], [[[404.0, 557.0], [573.0, 556.0], [573.0, 572.0], [404.0, 573.0]], ('Te invitamos a participar en', 0.9571402668952942)], [[[433.0, 573.0], [533.0, 572.0], [533.0, 587.0], [433.0, 588.0]], ('nuestra encuesta.', 0.9598674774169922)], [[[374.0, 602.0], [594.0, 598.0], [594.0, 613.0], [375.0, 618.0]], ('Survey Code32801-38063-1208-1524', 0.9697438478469849)], [[[368.0, 633.0], [502.0, 629.0], [503.0, 644.0], [368.0, 647.0]], ('Enter Validat ion Code:', 0.935080885887146)], [[[367.0, 648.0], [600.0, 640.0], [601.0, 656.0], [367.0, 663.0]], ('Br ing receipt with code to redeem offer', 0.9162713289260864)], [[[411.0, 661.0], [564.0, 657.0], [564.0, 672.0], [411.0, 677.0]], ('Visit DunkinDonuts.cos for', 0.9400449395179749)], [[[416.0, 678.0], [555.0, 673.0], [556.0, 687.0], [416.0, 692.0]], ('redemption restrictions', 0.967073917388916)], [[[390.0, 693.0], [583.0, 684.0], [584.0, 702.0], [391.0, 712.0]], ('FranchiseePlease use PLU #201', 0.9567735195159912)], [[[411.0, 725.0], [562.0, 716.0], [562.0, 732.0], [412.0, 740.0]], ('Thank You Come Back Again', 0.9532229900360107)]]
{"store_name": "WelconetoDunkin'Donuts Store#338063", "store_addr": "200SeaportBlvd.Boston", "telephone": "", "date": "8/15/2012", "time": "12:38:19PM", "subtotal": "$0.95", "tax": "$0.07", "total": "$1.02", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Donut", "item_value": "0.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[124.0, 35.0], [229.0, 33.0], [229.0, 47.0], [124.0, 49.0]], ("BARNEY'S BURGERS", 0.8814295530319214)], [[[124.0, 48.0], [225.0, 48.0], [225.0, 62.0], [124.0, 62.0]], ('3344 steiner St', 0.8657675981521606)], [[[96.0, 63.0], [258.0, 59.0], [258.0, 73.0], [96.0, 77.0]], ('San Francisco CA 94123', 0.9033119678497314)], [[[129.0, 74.0], [225.0, 73.0], [225.0, 86.0], [129.0, 88.0]], ('415563-0307', 0.9890501499176025)], [[[34.0, 104.0], [116.0, 104.0], [116.0, 118.0], [34.0, 118.0]], ('Server: Amgr', 0.9223215579986572)], [[[250.0, 97.0], [323.0, 92.0], [324.0, 110.0], [251.0, 114.0]], ('08/03/2011', 0.9877837896347046)], [[[31.0, 119.0], [57.0, 119.0], [57.0, 134.0], [31.0, 134.0]], ('4/1.', 0.8541736602783203)], [[[272.0, 110.0], [325.0, 107.0], [326.0, 124.0], [274.0, 127.0]], ('4:30PM', 0.9090909957885742)], [[[28.0, 133.0], [96.0, 128.0], [97.0, 145.0], [29.0, 150.0]], ('Guests:2', 0.9556812047958374)], [[[211.0, 142.0], [327.0, 135.0], [328.0, 152.0], [212.0, 159.0]], ('#1010032', 0.9927760362625122)], [[[24.0, 175.0], [172.0, 174.0], [172.0, 191.0], [24.0, 192.0]], ('Full Skiny Cut Fries', 0.888533890247345)], [[[300.0, 167.0], [334.0, 167.0], [334.0, 184.0], [300.0, 184.0]], ('4.75', 0.989536702632904)], [[[33.0, 193.0], [135.0, 191.0], [136.0, 207.0], [34.0, 210.0]], ('$with garlic', 0.9349004626274109)], [[[302.0, 184.0], [336.0, 184.0], [336.0, 201.0], [302.0, 201.0]], ('1.00', 0.984370231628418)], [[[302.0, 199.0], [339.0, 199.0], [339.0, 217.0], [302.0, 217.0]], ('9.25', 0.9951985478401184)], [[[20.0, 210.0], [111.0, 210.0], [111.0, 224.0], [20.0, 224.0]], ('Pesto Burger', 0.9560551047325134)], [[[303.0, 216.0], [340.0, 216.0], [340.0, 234.0], [303.0, 234.0]], ('9.25', 0.9915242791175842)], [[[17.0, 226.0], [117.0, 224.0], [118.0, 241.0], [17.0, 243.0]], ('Alpine Burger', 0.9567538499832153)], [[[305.0, 232.0], [343.0, 232.0], [343.0, 251.0], [305.0, 251.0]], ('1.00', 0.993579089641571)], [[[30.0, 243.0], [149.0, 240.0], [149.0, 257.0], [31.0, 260.0]], ('Add Pesto Sauce', 0.9565427899360657)], [[[10.0, 275.0], [76.0, 275.0], [76.0, 293.0], [10.0, 293.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9740784168243408)], [[[303.0, 268.0], [346.0, 268.0], [346.0, 286.0], [303.0, 286.0]], ('25.25', 0.995214581489563)], [[[310.0, 286.0], [349.0, 286.0], [349.0, 305.0], [310.0, 305.0]], ('2.22', 0.9938976764678955)], [[[10.0, 297.0], [39.0, 297.0], [39.0, 315.0], [10.0, 315.0]], ('Tax', 0.9914525151252747)], [[[4.0, 334.0], [185.0, 327.0], [186.0, 347.0], [5.0, 353.0]], ('Surcharge Hlth Service', 0.9685396552085876)], [[[316.0, 325.0], [354.0, 325.0], [354.0, 344.0], [316.0, 344.0]], ('0.70', 0.9920978546142578)], [[[0.0, 372.0], [46.0, 372.0], [46.0, 393.0], [0.0, 393.0]], ('Total', 0.9896103143692017)], [[[310.0, 365.0], [358.0, 363.0], [360.0, 385.0], [311.0, 388.0]], ('28.17', 0.9888030886650085)], [[[0.0, 415.0], [184.0, 412.0], [185.0, 433.0], [0.0, 436.0]], ('BaTance Due', 0.9116085171699524)], [[[271.0, 409.0], [361.0, 407.0], [362.0, 428.0], [271.0, 430.0]], ('28.17', 0.9495431780815125)], [[[129.0, 456.0], [222.0, 456.0], [222.0, 480.0], [129.0, 480.0]], ('THANK YOU!', 0.9470512270927429)]]
{"store_name": "BARNEY\u2019SBURGERS", "store_addr": "3344SteinerSt SanFrancisco,CA94123", "telephone": "(415)563-0307", "date": "08/03/2011", "time": "4:30PM", "subtotal": "25.25", "tax": "2.22", "total": "28.17 28.17", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FullSKinyCutFries", "item_value": "4.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "$withgarlic", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PestoBurger", "item_value": "9.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AlpineBurger", "item_value": "9.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AddPestoSauce", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[262.0, 0.0], [400.0, 0.0], [400.0, 15.0], [262.0, 15.0]], ('2955 West Ray Rd.', 0.9018977880477905)], [[[301.0, 11.0], [371.0, 11.0], [371.0, 26.0], [301.0, 26.0]], ('Chandler', 0.975776195526123)], [[[276.0, 26.0], [396.0, 22.0], [397.0, 39.0], [276.0, 44.0]], ('Arizona,85224', 0.9582538604736328)], [[[284.0, 39.0], [386.0, 35.0], [387.0, 53.0], [285.0, 56.0]], ('480.821.9447', 0.9945230484008789)], [[[157.0, 90.0], [270.0, 85.0], [271.0, 104.0], [158.0, 109.0]], ('Food/Beverage', 0.9945501685142517)], [[[156.0, 107.0], [286.0, 101.0], [287.0, 119.0], [157.0, 125.0]], ('HRZ HALF N HALF', 0.9220631122589111)], [[[438.0, 99.0], [508.0, 99.0], [508.0, 117.0], [438.0, 117.0]], ('$3.19FT', 0.9814789891242981)], [[[438.0, 115.0], [509.0, 115.0], [509.0, 133.0], [438.0, 133.0]], ('$3.99FT', 0.992217481136322)], [[[156.0, 142.0], [236.0, 136.0], [237.0, 152.0], [157.0, 158.0]], ('SALAD BAR', 0.9560753703117371)], [[[170.0, 155.0], [320.0, 151.0], [321.0, 169.0], [171.0, 173.0]], ('0.79$8.99/1b', 0.9452850222587585)], [[[440.0, 147.0], [511.0, 147.0], [511.0, 166.0], [440.0, 166.0]], ('$7.10FT', 0.9790583252906799)], [[[169.0, 172.0], [424.0, 164.0], [424.0, 185.0], [170.0, 193.0]], ('Package weight reduced 0.121b', 0.9601343274116516)], [[[152.0, 191.0], [251.0, 187.0], [252.0, 205.0], [153.0, 209.0]], ('MEDIUM SOUP', 0.9706564545631409)], [[[438.0, 182.0], [505.0, 179.0], [506.0, 201.0], [438.0, 203.0]], ('$5.99 T', 0.9212824106216431)], [[[151.0, 208.0], [216.0, 206.0], [217.0, 225.0], [152.0, 227.0]], ('HOT BAR', 0.9294794797897339)], [[[168.0, 226.0], [320.0, 222.0], [321.0, 239.0], [169.0, 244.0]], ('2.09@$8.99/1b', 0.9266331195831299)], [[[431.0, 218.0], [506.0, 217.0], [506.0, 236.0], [432.0, 238.0]], ('$18.79T', 0.9867000579833984)], [[[167.0, 243.0], [427.0, 234.0], [427.0, 256.0], [168.0, 265.0]], ('Package weight reduced 0.121b', 0.944487988948822)], [[[236.0, 277.0], [319.0, 274.0], [320.0, 293.0], [237.0, 296.0]], ('Subtotal:', 0.9894221425056458)], [[[434.0, 272.0], [491.0, 272.0], [491.0, 291.0], [434.0, 291.0]], ('$39.06', 0.9962692260742188)], [[[238.0, 294.0], [363.0, 293.0], [363.0, 311.0], [238.0, 313.0]], ('Total Savings:', 0.941628634929657)], [[[443.0, 290.0], [492.0, 290.0], [492.0, 308.0], [443.0, 308.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9964251518249512)], [[[236.0, 313.0], [328.0, 311.0], [328.0, 330.0], [237.0, 331.0]], ('Net Sa les:', 0.8730745315551758)], [[[435.0, 307.0], [492.0, 306.0], [492.0, 325.0], [435.0, 326.0]], ('$39.06', 0.995167076587677)], [[[236.0, 329.0], [302.0, 327.0], [303.0, 349.0], [237.0, 351.0]], ('Tax/Fee', 0.9927377700805664)], [[[443.0, 325.0], [493.0, 323.0], [494.0, 343.0], [444.0, 345.0]], ('$2.69', 0.9957165718078613)], [[[235.0, 349.0], [292.0, 347.0], [293.0, 367.0], [236.0, 369.0]], ('Total:', 0.9847020506858826)], [[[435.0, 342.0], [495.0, 342.0], [495.0, 364.0], [435.0, 364.0]], ('$41.75', 0.9944464564323425)], [[[234.0, 385.0], [336.0, 385.0], [336.0, 404.0], [234.0, 404.0]], ('Sold Items:', 0.9486123919487)], [[[483.0, 381.0], [496.0, 381.0], [496.0, 401.0], [483.0, 401.0]], ('5', 0.9536471962928772)], [[[230.0, 423.0], [281.0, 420.0], [283.0, 443.0], [231.0, 446.0]], ('Paid:', 0.959820568561554)], [[[232.0, 446.0], [309.0, 446.0], [309.0, 465.0], [232.0, 465.0]], ('Discover', 0.9645506143569946)], [[[438.0, 440.0], [499.0, 437.0], [500.0, 460.0], [439.0, 463.0]], ('$41.75', 0.9934200644493103)], [[[262.0, 483.0], [408.0, 483.0], [408.0, 504.0], [262.0, 504.0]], ('Tax/Fee Summary', 0.9660607576370239)], [[[134.0, 505.0], [178.0, 505.0], [178.0, 528.0], [134.0, 528.0]], ('Name', 0.9977898001670837)], [[[249.0, 505.0], [291.0, 505.0], [291.0, 524.0], [249.0, 524.0]], ('Rate', 0.9982287883758545)], [[[316.0, 505.0], [418.0, 503.0], [419.0, 521.0], [317.0, 523.0]], ('Taxed Amt.', 0.9440289735794067)], [[[420.0, 502.0], [499.0, 502.0], [499.0, 521.0], [420.0, 521.0]], ('Tax Amt.', 0.9313609600067139)], [[[134.0, 528.0], [290.0, 525.0], [290.0, 543.0], [134.0, 546.0]], ('ARIZONAST5.60', 0.9888120293617249)], [[[364.0, 523.0], [414.0, 523.0], [414.0, 543.0], [364.0, 543.0]], ('31.88', 0.9970375895500183)], [[[460.0, 520.0], [504.0, 520.0], [504.0, 543.0], [460.0, 543.0]], ('1.79', 0.9949995279312134)], [[[133.0, 547.0], [290.0, 545.0], [290.0, 566.0], [133.0, 568.0]], ('CHANDLERC 1.80', 0.9560197591781616)], [[[364.0, 544.0], [415.0, 544.0], [415.0, 564.0], [364.0, 564.0]], ('31.88', 0.9963350296020508)], [[[461.0, 543.0], [503.0, 543.0], [503.0, 562.0], [461.0, 562.0]], ('0.57', 0.9910973310470581)], [[[130.0, 569.0], [289.0, 565.0], [290.0, 586.0], [130.0, 590.0]], ('CHANDLER,C1.50', 0.9557076692581177)], [[[373.0, 565.0], [417.0, 565.0], [417.0, 584.0], [373.0, 584.0]], ('7.18', 0.9835860133171082)], [[[461.0, 564.0], [504.0, 564.0], [504.0, 583.0], [461.0, 583.0]], ('0.11', 0.9938431978225708)], [[[128.0, 590.0], [289.0, 586.0], [290.0, 608.0], [128.0, 612.0]], ('MARICOPAC O.70', 0.9375872015953064)], [[[365.0, 586.0], [417.0, 586.0], [417.0, 606.0], [365.0, 606.0]], ('31.88', 0.9953997731208801)], [[[461.0, 582.0], [508.0, 585.0], [506.0, 608.0], [460.0, 605.0]], ('0.22', 0.993049681186676)], [[[226.0, 611.0], [366.0, 607.0], [367.0, 628.0], [226.0, 631.0]], ('Tax/Fee Total:', 0.9314457178115845)], [[[432.0, 607.0], [488.0, 604.0], [489.0, 627.0], [433.0, 629.0]], ('$2.69', 0.9825353622436523)], [[[131.0, 676.0], [260.0, 674.0], [260.0, 699.0], [131.0, 701.0]], ('Purchase$', 0.9804437160491943)], [[[293.0, 673.0], [347.0, 673.0], [347.0, 696.0], [293.0, 696.0]], ('41.75', 0.9952777624130249)], [[[127.0, 724.0], [408.0, 719.0], [408.0, 739.0], [127.0, 745.0]], ('Disc0ver #Sxxxxxxxxxxxx6517', 0.7596204280853271)], [[[126.0, 748.0], [264.0, 745.0], [264.0, 765.0], [126.0, 769.0]], ('Auth #01371R', 0.9480002522468567)], [[[291.0, 745.0], [441.0, 740.0], [441.0, 762.0], [291.0, 767.0]], ('Exp Date **/**', 0.9283403158187866)], [[[121.0, 771.0], [230.0, 769.0], [230.0, 790.0], [122.0, 793.0]], ('Lane #208', 0.9626729488372803)], [[[291.0, 769.0], [391.0, 766.0], [391.0, 789.0], [291.0, 792.0]], ('Cashier #', 0.9594297409057617)], [[[119.0, 796.0], [272.0, 794.0], [273.0, 816.0], [120.0, 818.0]], ('06/13/16 13:11', 0.9423273801803589)], [[[288.0, 794.0], [464.0, 792.0], [465.0, 813.0], [288.0, 816.0]], ('Ref/Seq # 208293', 0.9377195835113525)], [[[116.0, 822.0], [248.0, 822.0], [248.0, 844.0], [116.0, 844.0]], ('EPS Sequence', 0.9625710844993591)], [[[286.0, 818.0], [379.0, 818.0], [379.0, 843.0], [286.0, 843.0]], ('#208293', 0.9955995678901672)], [[[246.0, 926.0], [418.0, 926.0], [418.0, 951.0], [246.0, 951.0]], ('(117225610272', 0.9653971791267395)], [[[174.0, 954.0], [489.0, 953.0], [489.0, 978.0], [174.0, 979.0]], ('20876606/13/2016 01:11PM', 0.9558212161064148)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "Chandler Arizona,85224", "telephone": "480.821.9447", "date": "06/13/16 06/13/2016", "time": "13:11 01:11PM", "subtotal": "$39.06 $39.06", "tax": "$2.69 1.79 0.57 0.11 0.22 $2.69", "total": "$41.75 $41.75 $41.75", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "HRZHALFNHALF", "item_value": "$3.19", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "YSMMLMNLVRSHUMMUS", "item_value": "$3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SALADBAR", "item_value": "$7.10", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MEDIUMSOUP", "item_value": "$5.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HOTBAR", "item_value": "$18.79", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[327.0, 410.0], [921.0, 413.0], [921.0, 459.0], [327.0, 456.0]], ('21Febl2012 20:12 PL1', 0.8121631741523743)], [[[324.0, 454.0], [600.0, 454.0], [600.0, 489.0], [324.0, 489.0]], ('TABLE3S', 0.8495315909385681)], [[[300.0, 486.0], [883.0, 483.0], [883.0, 529.0], [300.0, 532.0]], ('COVERS6 SERVER', 0.9250233769416809)], [[[288.0, 540.0], [711.0, 532.0], [713.0, 586.0], [290.0, 594.0]], ('E038 Eatin', 0.9432522058486938)], [[[1072.0, 709.0], [1228.0, 716.0], [1224.0, 787.0], [1069.0, 779.0]], ('Price', 0.9948884844779968)], [[[256.0, 726.0], [484.0, 726.0], [484.0, 783.0], [256.0, 783.0]], ('Qty Item', 0.9207413196563721)], [[[356.0, 823.0], [562.0, 830.0], [560.0, 894.0], [354.0, 888.0]], ('kitchen', 0.9847399592399597)], [[[1094.0, 888.0], [1254.0, 888.0], [1254.0, 956.0], [1094.0, 956.0]], ('59.90', 0.9967079162597656)], [[[355.0, 899.0], [558.0, 899.0], [558.0, 956.0], [355.0, 956.0]], ('bavette', 0.9918699860572815)], [[[356.0, 961.0], [743.0, 970.0], [742.0, 1026.0], [354.0, 1018.0]], ('8oz pork chop', 0.9323018789291382)], [[[1097.0, 956.0], [1254.0, 956.0], [1254.0, 1023.0], [1097.0, 1023.0]], ('11.95', 0.9190655946731567)], [[[355.0, 1031.0], [831.0, 1037.0], [830.0, 1094.0], [355.0, 1088.0]], ('milllon dollar fries', 0.8499897122383118)], [[[1100.0, 1026.0], [1254.0, 1026.0], [1254.0, 1094.0], [1100.0, 1094.0]], ('19.50', 0.9894211888313293)], [[[349.0, 1102.0], [478.0, 1102.0], [478.0, 1161.0], [349.0, 1161.0]], ('fries', 0.9868972897529602)], [[[1122.0, 1096.0], [1248.0, 1096.0], [1248.0, 1158.0], [1122.0, 1158.0]], ('3.95', 0.9886211156845093)], [[[1122.0, 1164.0], [1248.0, 1164.0], [1248.0, 1226.0], [1122.0, 1226.0]], ('4.50', 0.9910008907318115)], [[[355.0, 1177.0], [971.0, 1177.0], [971.0, 1223.0], [355.0, 1223.0]], ('candied swede with sa', 0.9070332050323486)], [[[1125.0, 1231.0], [1251.0, 1231.0], [1251.0, 1293.0], [1125.0, 1293.0]], ('4.50', 0.9853426814079285)], [[[360.0, 1245.0], [814.0, 1245.0], [814.0, 1291.0], [360.0, 1291.0]], ('horseradish siaw', 0.9121842384338379)], [[[1122.0, 1295.0], [1252.0, 1302.0], [1249.0, 1364.0], [1118.0, 1357.0]], ('2.00', 0.9930828809738159)], [[[360.0, 1307.0], [836.0, 1307.0], [836.0, 1361.0], [360.0, 1361.0]], ('ChimichuriSauce', 0.9827808737754822)], [[[356.0, 1366.0], [710.0, 1378.0], [708.0, 1434.0], [354.0, 1422.0]], ('House Gravy', 0.9637529253959656)], [[[1119.0, 1364.0], [1251.0, 1364.0], [1251.0, 1434.0], [1119.0, 1434.0]], ('2.00', 0.9675938487052917)], [[[253.0, 1377.0], [286.0, 1377.0], [286.0, 1420.0], [253.0, 1420.0]], ('1', 0.5039212107658386)], [[[358.0, 1436.0], [817.0, 1442.0], [816.0, 1496.0], [357.0, 1490.0]], ('Habanero Sauce', 0.9669709205627441)], [[[1122.0, 1436.0], [1251.0, 1436.0], [1251.0, 1498.0], [1122.0, 1498.0]], ('2.00', 0.9695314168930054)], [[[360.0, 1507.0], [456.0, 1507.0], [456.0, 1558.0], [360.0, 1558.0]], ('bar', 0.9916303753852844)], [[[350.0, 1558.0], [1007.0, 1566.0], [1006.0, 1623.0], [349.0, 1614.0]], ('Dom Boyar SAuv Blanc', 0.9106224775314331)], [[[1122.0, 1563.0], [1254.0, 1563.0], [1254.0, 1623.0], [1122.0, 1623.0]], ('6.50', 0.9885531663894653)], [[[339.0, 1625.0], [1001.0, 1636.0], [1000.0, 1691.0], [338.0, 1679.0]], ('Dom BoyarSauv Blanc', 0.9089808464050293)], [[[1103.0, 1631.0], [1260.0, 1631.0], [1260.0, 1690.0], [1103.0, 1690.0]], ('18.00', 0.9943720102310181)], [[[328.0, 1693.0], [911.0, 1704.0], [909.0, 1761.0], [327.0, 1749.0]], ('Lime Ginger Spritzer', 0.9498793482780457)], [[[1122.0, 1693.0], [1260.0, 1693.0], [1260.0, 1763.0], [1122.0, 1763.0]], ('2.95', 0.9955886006355286)], [[[317.0, 1760.0], [957.0, 1774.0], [956.0, 1839.0], [316.0, 1825.0]], ('Vinos Tergeo250mlgl', 0.9523956775665283)], [[[1125.0, 1768.0], [1265.0, 1768.0], [1265.0, 1839.0], [1125.0, 1839.0]], ('6.50', 0.9722508192062378)], [[[161.0, 2035.0], [487.0, 2045.0], [485.0, 2120.0], [159.0, 2111.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9968031048774719)], [[[1284.0, 2060.0], [1543.0, 2060.0], [1543.0, 2128.0], [1284.0, 2128.0]], ('144.25', 0.9969971776008606)], [[[155.0, 2134.0], [365.0, 2148.0], [359.0, 2229.0], [150.0, 2215.0]], ('Total', 0.9969078302383423)], [[[1282.0, 2163.0], [1548.0, 2163.0], [1548.0, 2241.0], [1282.0, 2241.0]], ('144.25', 0.9894196391105652)], [[[677.0, 2248.0], [1074.0, 2264.0], [1070.0, 2366.0], [672.0, 2350.0]], ('16 Items', 0.9139581918716431)]]
{"store_name": "E038Eatin", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "21\\Feb\\2012", "time": "20:12", "subtotal": "144.25", "tax": "", "total": "144.25", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "bavette", "item_value": "59.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "8ozporkchop", "item_value": "11.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "milliondollarfries", "item_value": "19.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "fries", "item_value": "3.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "candiedswedewithsa.", "item_value": "4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "horseradishslaw", "item_value": "4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CnimichuriSauce", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HouseGravy", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HabaneroSauce", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DomBoyarSAuv.Blanc", "item_value": "6.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DomBoyarSauvBlanc", "item_value": "18.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LimeGingerSpritzer", "item_value": "2.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VinosTergeo250mlgl..", "item_value": "6.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Item", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[180.0, 131.0], [417.0, 149.0], [412.0, 222.0], [175.0, 205.0]], ('Sobeys', 0.9588516354560852)], [[[187.0, 254.0], [354.0, 254.0], [354.0, 268.0], [187.0, 268.0]], ('SOBEYS 320 TORBAY ROAD', 0.9109018445014954)], [[[163.0, 267.0], [377.0, 269.0], [377.0, 285.0], [163.0, 283.0]], ('THANK YOU FROM STORE MANAGER', 0.9322718977928162)], [[[163.0, 282.0], [384.0, 283.0], [384.0, 300.0], [163.0, 299.0]], ('VICKI NUGENT&STAFF753-7626', 0.9494263529777527)], [[[208.0, 299.0], [333.0, 299.0], [333.0, 312.0], [208.0, 312.0]], ('GST#R104902135', 0.9879749417304993)], [[[123.0, 325.0], [271.0, 324.0], [271.0, 341.0], [123.0, 342.0]], ('Served by:Ashley M', 0.9142743349075317)], [[[131.0, 354.0], [256.0, 354.0], [256.0, 370.0], [131.0, 370.0]], ('Corn F1akes 525G', 0.8899558186531067)], [[[383.0, 353.0], [441.0, 353.0], [441.0, 369.0], [383.0, 369.0]], ('$4.29D', 0.9314894676208496)], [[[130.0, 368.0], [235.0, 370.0], [235.0, 387.0], [130.0, 385.0]], ('Vendor Coupon', 0.9336329102516174)], [[[337.0, 367.0], [357.0, 367.0], [357.0, 384.0], [337.0, 384.0]], ('MC', 0.993145227432251)], [[[378.0, 366.0], [425.0, 366.0], [425.0, 384.0], [378.0, 384.0]], ('$4.29', 0.987096905708313)], [[[222.0, 383.0], [285.0, 383.0], [285.0, 400.0], [222.0, 400.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9956030249595642)], [[[383.0, 382.0], [425.0, 382.0], [425.0, 400.0], [383.0, 400.0]], ('$0.00', 0.997020423412323)], [[[221.0, 397.0], [293.0, 399.0], [293.0, 416.0], [221.0, 413.0]], ('TOTAL TAX', 0.9444069266319275)], [[[151.0, 408.0], [228.0, 412.0], [227.0, 428.0], [151.0, 425.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9971679449081421)], [[[383.0, 399.0], [425.0, 399.0], [425.0, 413.0], [383.0, 413.0]], ('000$', 0.9500520825386047)], [[[353.0, 412.0], [431.0, 412.0], [431.0, 429.0], [353.0, 429.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9845465421676636)], [[[137.0, 422.0], [169.0, 424.0], [168.0, 435.0], [136.0, 433.0]], ('Cash', 0.9883816242218018)], [[[135.0, 432.0], [170.0, 434.0], [169.0, 449.0], [134.0, 446.0]], ('Cash', 0.9806889295578003)], [[[267.0, 425.0], [317.0, 427.0], [316.0, 445.0], [266.0, 442.0]], ('TENDER', 0.9964341521263123)], [[[384.0, 428.0], [425.0, 428.0], [425.0, 443.0], [384.0, 443.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9961407780647278)], [[[266.0, 438.0], [316.0, 442.0], [315.0, 460.0], [265.0, 456.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9964736104011536)], [[[383.0, 442.0], [426.0, 442.0], [426.0, 459.0], [383.0, 459.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9957724809646606)], [[[220.0, 463.0], [340.0, 470.0], [339.0, 487.0], [219.0, 480.0]], ('NUMBER OFITEMS', 0.9523072242736816)], [[[413.0, 472.0], [426.0, 472.0], [426.0, 488.0], [413.0, 488.0]], ('1', 0.9504203796386719)], [[[115.0, 505.0], [151.0, 505.0], [151.0, 523.0], [115.0, 523.0]], ('Term', 0.993155300617218)], [[[171.0, 506.0], [209.0, 509.0], [207.0, 526.0], [169.0, 523.0]], ('Iran', 0.9352939128875732)], [[[226.0, 508.0], [271.0, 513.0], [269.0, 530.0], [224.0, 525.0]], ('Store', 0.9746180772781372)], [[[115.0, 524.0], [125.0, 524.0], [125.0, 535.0], [115.0, 535.0]], ('3', 0.9932361245155334)], [[[170.0, 523.0], [207.0, 523.0], [207.0, 540.0], [170.0, 540.0]], ('2130', 0.9975359439849854)], [[[290.0, 515.0], [321.0, 515.0], [321.0, 531.0], [290.0, 531.0]], ('Oper', 0.9860460162162781)], [[[225.0, 525.0], [255.0, 525.0], [255.0, 543.0], [225.0, 543.0]], ('320', 0.9973402619361877)], [[[375.0, 516.0], [440.0, 516.0], [440.0, 533.0], [375.0, 533.0]], ('05/11/11', 0.997188925743103)], [[[290.0, 530.0], [317.0, 530.0], [317.0, 545.0], [290.0, 545.0]], ('130', 0.9966637492179871)], [[[377.0, 533.0], [440.0, 533.0], [440.0, 546.0], [377.0, 546.0]], ('15:36:06', 0.947342038154602)], [[[139.0, 569.0], [400.0, 577.0], [399.0, 593.0], [138.0, 585.0]], ('QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? SUGGESTIONS?', 0.9341979622840881)], [[[171.0, 586.0], [195.0, 589.0], [194.0, 596.0], [170.0, 594.0]], ('TOLS', 0.5025926828384399)], [[[206.0, 587.0], [242.0, 590.0], [241.0, 600.0], [205.0, 598.0]], ('EDEE', 0.7800003290176392)], [[[258.0, 589.0], [359.0, 591.0], [359.0, 604.0], [257.0, 602.0]], ('-RRR-OAA-O', 0.5984117984771729)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "SOBEYS320TORBAYROAD", "telephone": "", "date": "05/11/11", "time": "15:36:06", "subtotal": "$0.00", "tax": "$0.00", "total": "$0.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CornFlakes525G", "item_value": "$4.29", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[1320.0, 386.0], [2006.0, 398.0], [2003.0, 576.0], [1317.0, 564.0]], ('ShopRite', 0.99332594871521)], [[[1465.0, 793.0], [1858.0, 822.0], [1854.0, 869.0], [1461.0, 840.0]], ('Welcome to Shop Rite', 0.9174791574478149)], [[[1474.0, 837.0], [1703.0, 852.0], [1700.0, 896.0], [1471.0, 880.0]], ('of HAMILTON', 0.9266361594200134)], [[[1279.0, 971.0], [1918.0, 1013.0], [1915.0, 1060.0], [1276.0, 1018.0]], ('08/19/12 03:18pm S521 R72 T70 C72', 0.9186345338821411)], [[[1278.0, 1055.0], [2006.0, 1097.0], [2004.0, 1134.0], [1276.0, 1093.0]], ('***********************************', 0.6320623755455017)], [[[1495.0, 1102.0], [1760.0, 1121.0], [1757.0, 1168.0], [1492.0, 1149.0]], ('Regular Items', 0.9799631834030151)], [[[1420.0, 1173.0], [1757.0, 1195.0], [1754.0, 1239.0], [1418.0, 1217.0]], ('SR PLAS CUTLERY A', 0.9378277659416199)], [[[1876.0, 1200.0], [2003.0, 1209.0], [1999.0, 1256.0], [1872.0, 1247.0]], ('1.39 T', 0.9310945868492126)], [[[1414.0, 1213.0], [1810.0, 1235.0], [1808.0, 1282.0], [1411.0, 1261.0]], ('HEFTY FOAM PLATE/PC', 0.9511755108833313)], [[[1262.0, 1240.0], [1608.0, 1266.0], [1605.0, 1310.0], [1259.0, 1284.0]], ('On Sale You Saved', 0.9451763033866882)], [[[1873.0, 1245.0], [2002.0, 1245.0], [2002.0, 1292.0], [1873.0, 1292.0]], ('2.79 T', 0.8633792996406555)], [[[1711.0, 1267.0], [1807.0, 1276.0], [1804.0, 1316.0], [1707.0, 1307.0]], ('0.40', 0.9945393204689026)], [[[1260.0, 1282.0], [1311.0, 1282.0], [1311.0, 1325.0], [1260.0, 1325.0]], ('SC', 0.9110211730003357)], [[[1410.0, 1287.0], [1767.0, 1309.0], [1764.0, 1356.0], [1407.0, 1334.0]], ('PC Hefty Fcam Plat', 0.9302910566329956)], [[[1873.0, 1314.0], [1996.0, 1323.0], [1992.0, 1373.0], [1869.0, 1365.0]], ('1.12-T', 0.9725217819213867)], [[[1411.0, 1324.0], [1804.0, 1350.0], [1801.0, 1397.0], [1407.0, 1371.0]], ('HEFTY FOAM PLATE/ PC', 0.907808780670166)], [[[1256.0, 1348.0], [1609.0, 1377.0], [1605.0, 1424.0], [1252.0, 1395.0]], ('On Sale You Saved', 0.9238190054893494)], [[[1870.0, 1347.0], [1996.0, 1360.0], [1991.0, 1411.0], [1865.0, 1398.0]], ('2.79 T', 0.9243154525756836)], [[[1702.0, 1381.0], [1801.0, 1394.0], [1796.0, 1434.0], [1697.0, 1421.0]], ('0.40', 0.9942541718482971)], [[[1253.0, 1396.0], [1301.0, 1396.0], [1301.0, 1436.0], [1253.0, 1436.0]], ('SC', 0.9057182669639587)], [[[1408.0, 1395.0], [1764.0, 1424.0], [1760.0, 1471.0], [1404.0, 1442.0]], ('PC Hefty Foam Plat', 0.9239368438720703)], [[[1867.0, 1421.0], [1990.0, 1434.0], [1984.0, 1485.0], [1862.0, 1472.0]], ('1.12-T', 0.9887931942939758)], [[[1404.0, 1439.0], [1797.0, 1464.0], [1794.0, 1511.0], [1401.0, 1486.0]], ('HEFTY FOAM PLATE/PC', 0.9545427560806274)], [[[1246.0, 1462.0], [1595.0, 1495.0], [1591.0, 1542.0], [1242.0, 1509.0]], ('On Sale You Saved', 0.9568262696266174)], [[[1865.0, 1469.0], [1982.0, 1477.0], [1979.0, 1518.0], [1862.0, 1509.0]], ('2.79 T', 0.9038660526275635)], [[[1697.0, 1499.0], [1794.0, 1508.0], [1790.0, 1545.0], [1694.0, 1536.0]], ('0.40', 0.995058000087738)], [[[1247.0, 1510.0], [1294.0, 1510.0], [1294.0, 1554.0], [1247.0, 1554.0]], ('SC', 0.9070021510124207)], [[[1397.0, 1516.0], [1750.0, 1538.0], [1747.0, 1585.0], [1394.0, 1563.0]], ('PC Hefty Foam Plat', 0.9472325444221497)], [[[1856.0, 1539.0], [1986.0, 1552.0], [1982.0, 1599.0], [1852.0, 1586.0]], ('1.12-T', 0.9864902496337891)], [[[1397.0, 1553.0], [1736.0, 1575.0], [1734.0, 1619.0], [1394.0, 1597.0]], ('CD ENGLISH TOFFEE', 0.9547033905982971)], [[[1855.0, 1572.0], [1984.0, 1593.0], [1976.0, 1644.0], [1847.0, 1622.0]], ('5.99F', 0.9731489419937134)], [[[1390.0, 1590.0], [1787.0, 1612.0], [1784.0, 1659.0], [1387.0, 1637.0]], ('HFTY10.25HM FMPPC', 0.9601272344589233)], [[[1236.0, 1617.0], [1588.0, 1646.0], [1585.0, 1690.0], [1232.0, 1660.0]], ('On Sale You Saved', 0.9275742173194885)], [[[1853.0, 1616.0], [1983.0, 1629.0], [1978.0, 1676.0], [1848.0, 1663.0]], ('2.79 T', 0.9464592337608337)], [[[1239.0, 1656.0], [1290.0, 1667.0], [1281.0, 1708.0], [1230.0, 1696.0]], ('SC', 0.9419381618499756)], [[[1391.0, 1664.0], [1747.0, 1690.0], [1743.0, 1737.0], [1387.0, 1711.0]], ('PC Hefty Foam Plat', 0.9391177296638489)], [[[1661.0, 1655.0], [1779.0, 1655.0], [1779.0, 1692.0], [1661.0, 1692.0]], ('0.40', 0.9903581738471985)], [[[1849.0, 1694.0], [1972.0, 1703.0], [1969.0, 1750.0], [1845.0, 1741.0]], ('1.12-T', 0.9850172400474548)], [[[1387.0, 1704.0], [1780.0, 1730.0], [1777.0, 1777.0], [1384.0, 1751.0]], ('BARILLA ANGEL HAIRPC', 0.9494239687919617)], [[[1229.0, 1731.0], [1575.0, 1753.0], [1572.0, 1800.0], [1226.0, 1778.0]], ('On Sale You Saved', 0.9582967162132263)], [[[1845.0, 1731.0], [1972.0, 1740.0], [1969.0, 1787.0], [1842.0, 1778.0]], ('1.40F', 0.9864096641540527)], [[[1233.0, 1767.0], [1281.0, 1779.0], [1271.0, 1819.0], [1223.0, 1807.0]], ('SC', 0.9301910996437073)], [[[1696.0, 1760.0], [1778.0, 1774.0], [1771.0, 1814.0], [1690.0, 1801.0]], ('0.09', 0.9976066946983337)], [[[1380.0, 1778.0], [1703.0, 1800.0], [1700.0, 1844.0], [1377.0, 1822.0]], ('PC BARILLA PASTA', 0.9552887082099915)], [[[1840.0, 1802.0], [1969.0, 1814.0], [1964.0, 1865.0], [1835.0, 1852.0]], ('0.52-F', 0.9803147315979004)], [[[1380.0, 1815.0], [1773.0, 1841.0], [1770.0, 1888.0], [1377.0, 1862.0]], ('BARILLA THIN SPAG PC', 0.9453773498535156)], [[[1222.0, 1845.0], [1565.0, 1871.0], [1561.0, 1915.0], [1219.0, 1889.0]], ('On Sale You Saved', 0.9321773648262024)], [[[1839.0, 1842.0], [1966.0, 1851.0], [1962.0, 1898.0], [1835.0, 1889.0]], ('1.40F', 0.9831935167312622)], [[[1684.0, 1876.0], [1770.0, 1885.0], [1766.0, 1925.0], [1680.0, 1916.0]], ('0.09', 0.9935010671615601)], [[[1223.0, 1890.0], [1274.0, 1890.0], [1274.0, 1931.0], [1223.0, 1931.0]], ('SC', 0.9208764433860779)], [[[1374.0, 1893.0], [1693.0, 1915.0], [1689.0, 1962.0], [1370.0, 1940.0]], ('PC BARILLA PASTA', 0.9557818174362183)], [[[1832.0, 1920.0], [1962.0, 1928.0], [1959.0, 1979.0], [1829.0, 1970.0]], ('0.52-F', 0.9832612872123718)], [[[1373.0, 1937.0], [1497.0, 1945.0], [1494.0, 1982.0], [1371.0, 1974.0]], ('SPRITE', 0.9982842803001404)], [[[1833.0, 1956.0], [1963.0, 1969.0], [1958.0, 2016.0], [1828.0, 2003.0]], ('0.99B', 0.9831686019897461)], [[[1371.0, 1966.0], [1558.0, 1982.0], [1554.0, 2029.0], [1367.0, 2014.0]], ('DR PEPPER', 0.9389005303382874)], [[[1830.0, 1993.0], [1959.0, 2006.0], [1954.0, 2056.0], [1825.0, 2044.0]], ('0.99B', 0.984775722026825)], [[[1367.0, 2007.0], [1723.0, 2029.0], [1720.0, 2076.0], [1364.0, 2054.0]], ('BERTOLLI VIDALIA P', 0.9487941265106201)], [[[1825.0, 2031.0], [1955.0, 2039.0], [1952.0, 2090.0], [1822.0, 2081.0]], ('2.59F', 0.9813928604125977)], [[[1213.0, 2042.0], [1264.0, 2042.0], [1264.0, 2082.0], [1213.0, 2082.0]], ('MC', 0.9973609447479248)], [[[1367.0, 2044.0], [1703.0, 2066.0], [1700.0, 2113.0], [1364.0, 2091.0]], ('IS BERTOLLI PASTA', 0.9397792816162109)], [[[1225.0, 2074.0], [1592.0, 2100.0], [1588.0, 2147.0], [1222.0, 2121.0]], ('3.01 1b 1.99/1b', 0.9273231029510498)], [[[1825.0, 2071.0], [1952.0, 2080.0], [1949.0, 2127.0], [1822.0, 2118.0]], ('1.10-F', 0.9847220778465271)], [[[1213.0, 2122.0], [1253.0, 2122.0], [1253.0, 2153.0], [1213.0, 2153.0]], ('WT', 0.9402909278869629)], [[[1350.0, 2121.0], [1619.0, 2140.0], [1615.0, 2187.0], [1347.0, 2168.0]], ('MEAT DEPT KEY', 0.940354585647583)], [[[1211.0, 2155.0], [1389.0, 2167.0], [1387.0, 2204.0], [1209.0, 2192.0]], ('208.82', 0.9491980075836182)], [[[1819.0, 2148.0], [1949.0, 2157.0], [1945.0, 2207.0], [1815.0, 2199.0]], ('5.99F', 0.9877446293830872)], [[[1373.0, 2195.0], [1683.0, 2218.0], [1679.0, 2261.0], [1370.0, 2239.0]], ('SN EP BNLS BRST', 0.8809346556663513)], [[[1219.0, 2222.0], [1578.0, 2251.0], [1574.0, 2298.0], [1215.0, 2269.0]], ('3.16 1b0 1.49/1b', 0.9306749105453491)], [[[1800.0, 2219.0], [1943.0, 2235.0], [1937.0, 2282.0], [1794.0, 2266.0]], ('17.64F', 0.9238532185554504)], [[[1206.0, 2274.0], [1243.0, 2274.0], [1243.0, 2304.0], [1206.0, 2304.0]], ('WT', 0.9778132438659668)], [[[1337.0, 2266.0], [1706.0, 2292.0], [1702.0, 2349.0], [1333.0, 2323.0]], ('PEACH JERSEY 21/2', 0.9478445649147034)], [[[1212.0, 2303.0], [1585.0, 2329.0], [1582.0, 2376.0], [1209.0, 2350.0]], ('2.06 1b 02.99/1b', 0.9040204286575317)], [[[1812.0, 2300.0], [1939.0, 2308.0], [1935.0, 2359.0], [1808.0, 2350.0]], ('4.71F', 0.9869009852409363)], [[[1200.0, 2351.0], [1240.0, 2351.0], [1240.0, 2381.0], [1200.0, 2381.0]], ('WT', 0.9692491292953491)], [[[1346.0, 2350.0], [1703.0, 2372.0], [1700.0, 2419.0], [1343.0, 2397.0]], ('CHRY NRTHWST BG 18', 0.926453709602356)], [[[1805.0, 2377.0], [1939.0, 2386.0], [1935.0, 2433.0], [1802.0, 2424.0]], ('6.16F', 0.9825887680053711)], [[[1346.0, 2387.0], [1656.0, 2409.0], [1652.0, 2453.0], [1343.0, 2431.0]], ('SRD/D PIE CRUST', 0.9419907331466675)], [[[1801.0, 2414.0], [1932.0, 2423.0], [1929.0, 2470.0], [1798.0, 2461.0]], ('2.99F', 0.985089123249054)], [[[1340.0, 2424.0], [1622.0, 2443.0], [1619.0, 2487.0], [1337.0, 2468.0]], ('RLL-8PK HOTDOG', 0.9443336129188538)], [[[1185.0, 2451.0], [1531.0, 2477.0], [1527.0, 2524.0], [1182.0, 2498.0]], ('On Sale You Saved', 0.9574770331382751)], [[[1798.0, 2451.0], [1928.0, 2460.0], [1925.0, 2507.0], [1795.0, 2498.0]], ('1.99F', 0.9804447889328003)], [[[1646.0, 2473.0], [1738.0, 2488.0], [1730.0, 2538.0], [1638.0, 2524.0]], ('0.60', 0.9876528978347778)], [[[1337.0, 2498.0], [1696.0, 2527.0], [1692.0, 2574.0], [1333.0, 2545.0]], ('SR PARTNER CARE BA', 0.9358150959014893)], [[[1337.0, 2535.0], [1538.0, 2554.0], [1533.0, 2601.0], [1333.0, 2582.0]], ('TY BEANIES', 0.9404886960983276)], [[[1796.0, 2528.0], [1926.0, 2541.0], [1921.0, 2588.0], [1791.0, 2575.0]], ('0.99 T', 0.989184558391571)], [[[1793.0, 2565.0], [1922.0, 2578.0], [1917.0, 2628.0], [1788.0, 2615.0]], ('5.99 T', 0.8826015591621399)], [[[1333.0, 2579.0], [1595.0, 2598.0], [1592.0, 2641.0], [1330.0, 2623.0]], ('ENRGZR MAX AA', 0.9531497359275818)], [[[1175.0, 2606.0], [1524.0, 2631.0], [1521.0, 2675.0], [1171.0, 2649.0]], ('On Sale You Saved', 0.9424864649772644)], [[[1675.0, 2600.0], [1725.0, 2600.0], [1725.0, 2644.0], [1675.0, 2644.0]], ('PC', 0.988246500492096)], [[[1791.0, 2606.0], [1922.0, 2614.0], [1919.0, 2662.0], [1788.0, 2653.0]], ('9.99 T', 0.9091483950614929)], [[[1634.0, 2636.0], [1726.0, 2645.0], [1723.0, 2685.0], [1630.0, 2676.0]], ('1.00', 0.9986287355422974)], [[[1176.0, 2647.0], [1227.0, 2647.0], [1227.0, 2691.0], [1176.0, 2691.0]], ('SC', 0.9270337820053101)], [[[1326.0, 2653.0], [1686.0, 2678.0], [1683.0, 2726.0], [1323.0, 2700.0]], ('PC Energizer Max B', 0.9380686283111572)], [[[1785.0, 2680.0], [1915.0, 2688.0], [1912.0, 2736.0], [1781.0, 2727.0]], ('4.00-T', 0.9834609031677246)], [[[1324.0, 2690.0], [1588.0, 2712.0], [1584.0, 2759.0], [1320.0, 2737.0]], ('ENRGZR MAX AA', 0.9452797770500183)], [[[1165.0, 2717.0], [1514.0, 2746.0], [1510.0, 2793.0], [1161.0, 2764.0]], ('On Sale You Saved', 0.9472290277481079)], [[[1671.0, 2718.0], [1718.0, 2718.0], [1718.0, 2758.0], [1671.0, 2758.0]], ('PC', 0.9889628887176514)], [[[1783.0, 2716.0], [1915.0, 2729.0], [1911.0, 2780.0], [1778.0, 2767.0]], ('9.99 T', 0.9458170533180237)], [[[1172.0, 2756.0], [1223.0, 2767.0], [1214.0, 2811.0], [1162.0, 2800.0]], ('SC', 0.9492630958557129)], [[[1627.0, 2750.0], [1716.0, 2759.0], [1713.0, 2796.0], [1623.0, 2787.0]], ('1.00', 0.9968805313110352)], [[[1320.0, 2767.0], [1679.0, 2793.0], [1676.0, 2840.0], [1316.0, 2814.0]], ('PC Energizer Max B', 0.9541311264038086)], [[[1779.0, 2790.0], [1905.0, 2803.0], [1900.0, 2854.0], [1774.0, 2841.0]], ('4.00-T', 0.9808158874511719)], [[[1316.0, 2804.0], [1585.0, 2823.0], [1581.0, 2870.0], [1313.0, 2851.0]], ('ENRGZR MAX AA', 0.925275444984436)], [[[1162.0, 2831.0], [1508.0, 2860.0], [1504.0, 2907.0], [1158.0, 2878.0]], ('On Saie You Saved', 0.9342635869979858)], [[[1781.0, 2827.0], [1906.0, 2844.0], [1899.0, 2895.0], [1774.0, 2878.0]], ('9.99 T', 0.9575780034065247)], [[[1661.0, 2839.0], [1712.0, 2839.0], [1712.0, 2872.0], [1661.0, 2872.0]], ('PC', 0.9909417033195496)], [[[1165.0, 2870.0], [1216.0, 2881.0], [1206.0, 2923.0], [1156.0, 2911.0]], ('SC', 0.9465759992599487)], [[[1624.0, 2865.0], [1710.0, 2874.0], [1705.0, 2914.0], [1619.0, 2905.0]], ('1.00', 0.9928480386734009)], [[[1313.0, 2882.0], [1676.0, 2907.0], [1672.0, 2954.0], [1310.0, 2929.0]], ('PC Energizer Max B', 0.93738853931427)], [[[1773.0, 2905.0], [1902.0, 2918.0], [1897.0, 2968.0], [1767.0, 2955.0]], ('4.00-T', 0.9783927798271179)], [[[1310.0, 2919.0], [1585.0, 2937.0], [1582.0, 2984.0], [1306.0, 2966.0]], ('ENRGZR MAX AA', 0.9265282154083252)], [[[1155.0, 2945.0], [1497.0, 2971.0], [1494.0, 3018.0], [1151.0, 2992.0]], ('On Sale You Saved', 0.9624114036560059)], [[[1654.0, 2946.0], [1705.0, 2946.0], [1705.0, 2987.0], [1654.0, 2987.0]], ('PC', 0.9915345907211304)], [[[1768.0, 2949.0], [1898.0, 2958.0], [1895.0, 3005.0], [1765.0, 2996.0]], ('9.99 T', 0.9205289483070374)], [[[1165.0, 2985.0], [1205.0, 3000.0], [1193.0, 3033.0], [1153.0, 3018.0]], ('SC', 0.8908104300498962)], [[[1614.0, 2983.0], [1702.0, 2983.0], [1702.0, 3024.0], [1614.0, 3024.0]], ('1.00', 0.9973964691162109)], [[[1303.0, 2996.0], [1666.0, 3021.0], [1662.0, 3069.0], [1300.0, 3043.0]], ('PC Energizer Max B', 0.9171265363693237)], [[[1209.0, 3026.0], [1511.0, 3048.0], [1507.0, 3096.0], [1205.0, 3073.0]], ('Valued Customer', 0.9756060242652893)], [[[1762.0, 3019.0], [1892.0, 3032.0], [1887.0, 3079.0], [1757.0, 3066.0]], ('4.00-T', 0.976695716381073)], [[[1670.0, 3053.0], [1891.0, 3069.0], [1888.0, 3116.0], [1667.0, 3100.0]], ('47104037484', 0.9985029101371765)], [[[1305.0, 3070.0], [1373.0, 3079.0], [1367.0, 3119.0], [1299.0, 3110.0]], ('TAX', 0.9975549578666687)], [[[1205.0, 3104.0], [1443.0, 3119.0], [1440.0, 3163.0], [1202.0, 3147.0]], ('**** BALANCE', 0.8922217488288879)], [[[1755.0, 3096.0], [1851.0, 3106.0], [1847.0, 3153.0], [1751.0, 3143.0]], ('2.87', 0.9926544427871704)], [[[1148.0, 3137.0], [1881.0, 3186.0], [1878.0, 3228.0], [1145.0, 3181.0]], ('*********** Transaction Record *******', 0.8788416981697083)], [[[1738.0, 3134.0], [1851.0, 3143.0], [1847.0, 3193.0], [1734.0, 3184.0]], ('92.58', 0.9963973164558411)], [[[1144.0, 3178.0], [1312.0, 3189.0], [1309.0, 3226.0], [1141.0, 3215.0]], ('ShopRite', 0.9839797019958496)]]
{"store_name": "ShopRite WelcometoShopRite", "store_addr": "ofHAMILTON", "telephone": "", "date": "08/19/12", "time": "03:18pm", "subtotal": "", "tax": "2.87", "total": "92.58", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SRPLASCUTLERYA", "item_value": "1.39", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HEFTYFOAMPLATE/PC", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PCHeftyFoamPlat", "item_value": "9.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HEFTYFOAMPLATE/PC", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PCHeftyFoamPlat", "item_value": "9.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HEFTYFOAMPLATE/PC", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PCHefyFoamPlat", "item_value": "9.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CDENGLISHTOFFEE", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HFTY10.25\"HMFMPPC", "item_value": "9.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PCHefleftyFoamPlat", "item_value": "5.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BARILLAANGELHAIRPC", "item_value": "0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PCBARILLAPASTA", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BARILLATHINSPAGPC", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PCBARILLAPASTA", "item_value": "6.16", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SPRITE", "item_value": "4.71", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DRPEPPER", "item_value": "17.64", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BERTOLLIVIDALIAP", "item_value": "5.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ISBERTOLLIPASTA", "item_value": "1.10", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MEATDEPTKEY", "item_value": "2.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TYSNFPBNLS-BRST", "item_value": "0.52", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PEACHJERSEY21/2", "item_value": "0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHRYNRTHWSTBG18", "item_value": "0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SRD/DPIECRUST", "item_value": "1.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RLL-8PKHOTDOG", "item_value": "0.52", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SRPARTNERCAREBA", "item_value": "1.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TYBEANIES", "item_value": "1.12", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ENRGZRMAXAA", "item_value": "2.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PCEnergizerMaxB", "item_value": "5.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ENRGZRMAXAA", "item_value": "1.12", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PCEnergizerMaxB", "item_value": "2.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ENRGZRMAXAA", "item_value": "1.12", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PCEnergizerMaxB", "item_value": "2.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ENRGZRMAXAA", "item_value": "1.12", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PCEnergizerMaxB", "item_value": "2.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "RegularItems", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[102.0, 6.0], [223.0, 5.0], [223.0, 22.0], [102.0, 23.0]], ('Phone 408928-2800', 0.9644641876220703)], [[[41.0, 37.0], [157.0, 36.0], [157.0, 50.0], [42.0, 51.0]], ('Date:Dec 022016', 0.9366055727005005)], [[[43.0, 52.0], [129.0, 52.0], [129.0, 66.0], [43.0, 66.0]], ('Server:Admin', 0.9510524272918701)], [[[43.0, 66.0], [112.0, 66.0], [112.0, 80.0], [43.0, 80.0]], ('Bill0010', 0.855867326259613)], [[[192.0, 62.0], [264.0, 62.0], [264.0, 79.0], [192.0, 79.0]], ('Table33', 0.9767894744873047)], [[[48.0, 97.0], [60.0, 97.0], [60.0, 111.0], [48.0, 111.0]], ('1', 0.9755808711051941)], [[[74.0, 95.0], [249.0, 91.0], [249.0, 107.0], [74.0, 111.0]], ('NO1 House Specia1 Chow Mein', 0.9233635067939758)], [[[261.0, 91.0], [295.0, 89.0], [296.0, 103.0], [262.0, 106.0]], ('10.99', 0.9273502230644226)], [[[75.0, 111.0], [155.0, 111.0], [155.0, 125.0], [75.0, 125.0]], ('NO1 ', 0.839654803276062)], [[[74.0, 126.0], [231.0, 120.0], [232.0, 137.0], [75.0, 143.0]], ('FR01 House Specia1 Fried', 0.9068334102630615)], [[[263.0, 119.0], [299.0, 119.0], [299.0, 136.0], [263.0, 136.0]], ('11.99', 0.9911724328994751)], [[[50.0, 129.0], [59.0, 129.0], [59.0, 139.0], [50.0, 139.0]], ('1', 0.7962325811386108)], [[[76.0, 141.0], [107.0, 141.0], [107.0, 156.0], [76.0, 156.0]], ('Rice', 0.9962590336799622)], [[[76.0, 156.0], [166.0, 152.0], [166.0, 169.0], [77.0, 173.0]], ('FRO1', 0.9150137901306152)], [[[76.0, 171.0], [232.0, 167.0], [232.0, 183.0], [76.0, 187.0]], ('HLO1 Chinese Fried Donut', 0.945915699005127)], [[[286.0, 164.0], [315.0, 164.0], [315.0, 180.0], [286.0, 180.0]], ('2.00', 0.9949604272842407)], [[[49.0, 174.0], [61.0, 174.0], [61.0, 189.0], [49.0, 189.0]], ('1', 0.8667076230049133)], [[[76.0, 187.0], [155.0, 184.0], [155.0, 200.0], [77.0, 204.0]], ('HLO1', 0.9334169626235962)], [[[287.0, 193.0], [319.0, 193.0], [319.0, 212.0], [287.0, 212.0]], ('2.50', 0.9898291826248169)], [[[51.0, 207.0], [60.0, 207.0], [60.0, 219.0], [51.0, 219.0]], ('1', 0.942313551902771)], [[[76.0, 203.0], [237.0, 197.0], [237.0, 213.0], [77.0, 220.0]], ('HL02 Chinese Fried Bread', 0.9496942162513733)], [[[77.0, 220.0], [169.0, 216.0], [169.0, 233.0], [78.0, 236.0]], ('HL02', 0.934113621711731)], [[[279.0, 225.0], [310.0, 225.0], [310.0, 244.0], [279.0, 244.0]], ('9.99', 0.9869872331619263)], [[[51.0, 240.0], [60.0, 240.0], [60.0, 252.0], [51.0, 252.0]], ('1', 0.9623867869377136)], [[[77.0, 236.0], [164.0, 233.0], [164.0, 250.0], [78.0, 253.0]], ('F11', 0.9088830351829529)], [[[105.0, 268.0], [163.0, 265.0], [164.0, 283.0], [107.0, 286.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9883621335029602)], [[[275.0, 259.0], [314.0, 257.0], [315.0, 274.0], [277.0, 277.0]], ('37.47', 0.9199011921882629)], [[[282.0, 275.0], [314.0, 272.0], [316.0, 291.0], [284.0, 294.0]], ('3.37', 0.9931410551071167)], [[[109.0, 287.0], [133.0, 287.0], [133.0, 304.0], [109.0, 304.0]], ('Tax', 0.9930893778800964)], [[[252.0, 311.0], [318.0, 307.0], [319.0, 325.0], [253.0, 329.0]], ('40.84', 0.9965845942497253)], [[[43.0, 326.0], [117.0, 319.0], [119.0, 340.0], [45.0, 347.0]], ('Total', 0.9954091906547546)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "(408)928-2800", "date": "Dec02,2016", "time": "", "subtotal": "Subtotal 37.47", "tax": "3.37", "total": "40.84", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Rice", "item_value": "10.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "chineseFriedBread", "item_value": "11.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "chineseFriedDonut", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HouseSpecialFried", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HouseSpecialchowMein", "item_value": "9.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[90.0, 56.0], [263.0, 62.0], [263.0, 79.0], [89.0, 72.0]], ('Bombay Blues Restaurant', 0.9842211604118347)], [[[136.0, 71.0], [217.0, 76.0], [216.0, 91.0], [135.0, 86.0]], ('Zenway Blvd', 0.9320893883705139)], [[[134.0, 84.0], [217.0, 90.0], [216.0, 104.0], [133.0, 98.0]], ('Frigate Bay,,', 0.867942750453949)], [[[103.0, 96.0], [247.0, 104.0], [246.0, 118.0], [103.0, 110.0]], ('Saint Kitts and Nevis,0', 0.9350376725196838)], [[[118.0, 110.0], [232.0, 117.0], [231.0, 131.0], [117.0, 124.0]], ('Tel869-466-0166', 0.9814088940620422)], [[[58.0, 120.0], [286.0, 131.0], [286.0, 148.0], [57.0, 137.0]], ('Printed November 8.2015 at 8:33 PM', 0.9175882935523987)], [[[26.0, 150.0], [213.0, 155.0], [213.0, 171.0], [26.0, 166.0]], ('November 8,2015 at 8:33 PM', 0.9176499247550964)], [[[27.0, 166.0], [143.0, 170.0], [143.0, 184.0], [27.0, 180.0]], ('Table5,.2 guests', 0.8899748921394348)], [[[221.0, 158.0], [307.0, 161.0], [307.0, 174.0], [221.0, 171.0]], ('Order#15301', 0.9799057245254517)], [[[25.0, 182.0], [123.0, 183.0], [123.0, 197.0], [25.0, 196.0]], ('Party Name:26', 0.9197654128074646)], [[[26.0, 198.0], [114.0, 198.0], [114.0, 212.0], [26.0, 212.0]], ('Tax#:617477', 0.9573099613189697)], [[[23.0, 226.0], [77.0, 228.0], [76.0, 242.0], [23.0, 240.0]], ('Samosa', 0.9977517127990723)], [[[252.0, 229.0], [312.0, 229.0], [312.0, 243.0], [252.0, 243.0]], ('EC$16.00', 0.9831465482711792)], [[[23.0, 241.0], [112.0, 243.0], [112.0, 257.0], [23.0, 255.0]], ('Chicken Tikka', 0.980627179145813)], [[[252.0, 243.0], [312.0, 243.0], [312.0, 257.0], [252.0, 257.0]], ('EC$28.00', 0.9944870471954346)], [[[22.0, 256.0], [125.0, 257.0], [125.0, 271.0], [22.0, 270.0]], ('Shrimp Coconut', 0.9689640998840332)], [[[252.0, 257.0], [312.0, 257.0], [312.0, 271.0], [252.0, 271.0]], ('EC$50.00', 0.9960668087005615)], [[[22.0, 270.0], [166.0, 271.0], [166.0, 285.0], [22.0, 284.0]], ('Vegetable Makhanwala', 0.9790946841239929)], [[[251.0, 271.0], [312.0, 271.0], [312.0, 285.0], [251.0, 285.0]], ('EC$28.00', 0.9932559132575989)], [[[22.0, 283.0], [99.0, 285.0], [99.0, 302.0], [22.0, 300.0]], ('Garlic Naan', 0.9743988513946533)], [[[250.0, 283.0], [312.0, 285.0], [312.0, 301.0], [249.0, 298.0]], ('EC$10.00', 0.9953186511993408)], [[[144.0, 315.0], [207.0, 315.0], [207.0, 329.0], [144.0, 329.0]], ('Food Total', 0.969145655632019)], [[[243.0, 313.0], [311.0, 316.0], [311.0, 331.0], [243.0, 328.0]], ('EC$132.00', 0.9959558844566345)], [[[148.0, 343.0], [207.0, 346.0], [206.0, 361.0], [148.0, 358.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9636016488075256)], [[[243.0, 346.0], [310.0, 346.0], [310.0, 360.0], [243.0, 360.0]], ('EC$132.00', 0.9957039952278137)], [[[152.0, 360.0], [206.0, 360.0], [206.0, 374.0], [152.0, 374.0]], ('10%VAT', 0.963153600692749)], [[[250.0, 360.0], [310.0, 360.0], [310.0, 374.0], [250.0, 374.0]], ('EC$13.20', 0.9909253120422363)], [[[160.0, 374.0], [206.0, 374.0], [206.0, 389.0], [160.0, 389.0]], ('2%ET', 0.9871776103973389)], [[[257.0, 375.0], [308.0, 375.0], [308.0, 386.0], [257.0, 386.0]], ('EC$2.64', 0.9947523474693298)], [[[117.0, 389.0], [207.0, 389.0], [207.0, 406.0], [117.0, 406.0]], ('Gratuity (10%)', 0.9125962853431702)], [[[250.0, 387.0], [311.0, 387.0], [311.0, 404.0], [250.0, 404.0]], ('EC$13.20', 0.9964310526847839)], [[[174.0, 422.0], [209.0, 422.0], [209.0, 437.0], [174.0, 437.0]], ('Total', 0.9982646703720093)], [[[246.0, 419.0], [315.0, 419.0], [315.0, 436.0], [246.0, 436.0]], ('EC$161.04', 0.9965963363647461)]]
{"store_name": "BombayBluesRestaurant", "store_addr": "SaintKittsandNevis,0 FrigateBay,, ZenwayBlvd", "telephone": "869-466-0166", "date": "November8,2015at November8,2015at", "time": "8:33PM 8:33PM", "subtotal": "EC$132.00 EC$132.00", "tax": "EC$2.64 EC$13.20", "total": "ECS161.04", "ignore": "", "tips": "EC$13.20", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GarlicNaan", "item_value": "EC$10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VegetableMakhanwala", "item_value": "EC$28.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ShrimpCoconut", "item_value": "EC$50.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenTikka", "item_value": "EC$28.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Samosa", "item_value": "EC$16.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[147.0, 104.0], [367.0, 110.0], [366.0, 134.0], [147.0, 128.0]], ("COOL HARRY'SATM", 0.9239416122436523)], [[[160.0, 134.0], [364.0, 140.0], [363.0, 161.0], [160.0, 155.0]], ('599SW10THAVE', 0.9513410925865173)], [[[132.0, 160.0], [377.0, 167.0], [376.0, 191.0], [131.0, 184.0]], ('PORTLANDOR 97205', 0.9518765211105347)], [[[90.0, 214.0], [228.0, 218.0], [227.0, 242.0], [89.0, 237.0]], ('TERMINAL#', 0.976334810256958)], [[[269.0, 217.0], [377.0, 222.0], [376.0, 247.0], [268.0, 242.0]], ('P143354', 0.9884573221206665)], [[[88.0, 242.0], [228.0, 245.0], [227.0, 268.0], [88.0, 265.0]], ('SEQUENCE#', 0.992716908454895)], [[[267.0, 244.0], [338.0, 247.0], [337.0, 273.0], [266.0, 270.0]], ('5264', 0.9925593733787537)], [[[87.0, 269.0], [187.0, 271.0], [187.0, 296.0], [87.0, 293.0]], ('AUTH.#', 0.9799883961677551)], [[[87.0, 294.0], [144.0, 297.0], [143.0, 323.0], [86.0, 320.0]], ('DATE', 0.9983122944831848)], [[[307.0, 304.0], [323.0, 304.0], [323.0, 326.0], [307.0, 326.0]], ('/', 0.750272810459137)], [[[86.0, 324.0], [143.0, 324.0], [143.0, 351.0], [86.0, 351.0]], ('TIME', 0.9967520833015442)], [[[309.0, 335.0], [317.0, 335.0], [317.0, 351.0], [309.0, 351.0]], ('..', 0.7175304293632507)], [[[86.0, 352.0], [275.0, 357.0], [275.0, 380.0], [86.0, 375.0]], ('BUSINESS DATE:', 0.9374040961265564)], [[[84.0, 406.0], [235.0, 411.0], [234.0, 435.0], [84.0, 430.0]], ('CARD NUMBER', 0.9476013779640198)], [[[122.0, 431.0], [303.0, 441.0], [302.0, 464.0], [121.0, 454.0]], ('*******6437', 0.769757866859436)], [[[82.0, 461.0], [383.0, 470.0], [382.0, 493.0], [82.0, 484.0]], ('AMOUNT DISPENSED:$O.00', 0.9291685223579407)], [[[79.0, 487.0], [409.0, 498.0], [408.0, 522.0], [79.0, 511.0]], ('AMOUNT REQUESTED:$100.00', 0.9285034537315369)], [[[81.0, 515.0], [259.0, 522.0], [259.0, 546.0], [80.0, 539.0]], ('from CHECKING', 0.9459598064422607)], [[[79.0, 570.0], [324.0, 578.0], [323.0, 601.0], [79.0, 593.0]], ('COMMERROR=D1706', 0.9537228941917419)]]
{"store_name": "COOLHARRY\u2019SATM", "store_addr": "599SW10THAVE PORTLAND.OR97205", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$100.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[145.0, 8.0], [345.0, 22.0], [344.0, 43.0], [144.0, 29.0]], ('Bikerowave Cooperative lnc', 0.9522355198860168)], [[[169.0, 45.0], [321.0, 55.0], [320.0, 75.0], [168.0, 65.0]], ('Los Angeles.90066', 0.9389232397079468)], [[[189.0, 66.0], [297.0, 72.0], [296.0, 90.0], [188.0, 84.0]], ('310.230.5236', 0.972913920879364)], [[[190.0, 106.0], [294.0, 112.0], [293.0, 132.0], [189.0, 126.0]], ('Sales Receipt', 0.9556785821914673)], [[[170.0, 125.0], [315.0, 131.0], [314.0, 151.0], [169.0, 145.0]], ('3/21/20139.58PM', 0.9742917418479919)], [[[75.0, 159.0], [241.0, 169.0], [240.0, 186.0], [74.0, 176.0]], ('Ticket:220000024517', 0.9730461239814758)], [[[71.0, 179.0], [232.0, 187.0], [231.0, 207.0], [70.0, 199.0]], ('Register.Register 1', 0.9523870348930359)], [[[70.0, 199.0], [255.0, 209.0], [254.0, 229.0], [69.0, 219.0]], ('Employee:Bikerowaver', 0.9776839017868042)], [[[71.0, 247.0], [115.0, 250.0], [114.0, 268.0], [70.0, 265.0]], ('Itein', 0.9868167638778687)], [[[359.0, 256.0], [405.0, 259.0], [404.0, 277.0], [358.0, 274.0]], ('Price', 0.9983723759651184)], [[[72.0, 272.0], [155.0, 275.0], [154.0, 296.0], [71.0, 293.0]], ('Used Part', 0.9235627055168152)], [[[345.0, 284.0], [406.0, 284.0], [406.0, 302.0], [345.0, 302.0]], ('$3.00 T', 0.921181321144104)], [[[72.0, 296.0], [149.0, 298.0], [149.0, 316.0], [72.0, 314.0]], ('Derailleur', 0.9912410974502563)], [[[71.0, 323.0], [114.0, 327.0], [112.0, 345.0], [69.0, 341.0]], ('Hour', 0.9958839416503906)], [[[359.0, 330.0], [406.0, 332.0], [405.0, 351.0], [358.0, 349.0]], ('$7.00', 0.9984766244888306)], [[[166.0, 356.0], [232.0, 358.0], [232.0, 376.0], [166.0, 374.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.994236946105957)], [[[348.0, 360.0], [407.0, 360.0], [407.0, 381.0], [348.0, 381.0]], ('$10.00', 0.9963068962097168)], [[[169.0, 385.0], [327.0, 388.0], [327.0, 404.0], [169.0, 401.0]], ('Tax $3.00 @9.000%', 0.9347754716873169)], [[[358.0, 388.0], [405.0, 390.0], [404.0, 409.0], [357.0, 407.0]], ('$0.27', 0.9938351511955261)], [[[168.0, 412.0], [206.0, 412.0], [206.0, 431.0], [168.0, 431.0]], ('Total', 0.9976003766059875)], [[[347.0, 412.0], [404.0, 414.0], [403.0, 435.0], [346.0, 433.0]], ('$10.27', 0.9972406029701233)], [[[292.0, 442.0], [379.0, 445.0], [379.0, 463.0], [292.0, 460.0]], ('Payments', 0.9972289204597473)], [[[267.0, 473.0], [310.0, 473.0], [310.0, 492.0], [267.0, 492.0]], ('Cash', 0.9979547262191772)], [[[346.0, 474.0], [402.0, 476.0], [401.0, 495.0], [345.0, 493.0]], ('$11.00', 0.9957590699195862)], [[[266.0, 497.0], [328.0, 503.0], [326.0, 522.0], [264.0, 516.0]], ('Change', 0.9980409741401672)], [[[355.0, 500.0], [402.0, 502.0], [401.0, 521.0], [354.0, 519.0]], ('$0.73', 0.9970033764839172)], [[[190.0, 527.0], [277.0, 524.0], [277.0, 542.0], [190.0, 545.0]], ('Thank You!', 0.9243562817573547)], [[[142.0, 582.0], [205.0, 581.0], [205.0, 600.0], [142.0, 601.0]], ('200000', 0.9431940913200378)], [[[262.0, 576.0], [329.0, 578.0], [328.0, 600.0], [261.0, 598.0]], ('245175', 0.9973000884056091)]]
{"store_name": "BikorowaveCooperativeInc", "store_addr": "12255VeniceBlvd LosAngeles.90066", "telephone": "310.230.5236", "date": "3/21/2013", "time": "9:58PM", "subtotal": "$10.00", "tax": "$0.27", "total": "$10.27", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "UsedPart", "item_value": "$3.00T", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Derailleur", "item_value": "$7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Hour", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "Item", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[399.0, 54.0], [736.0, 50.0], [737.0, 101.0], [399.0, 105.0]], ('THEGSMDSTORE', 0.8717043399810791)], [[[328.0, 113.0], [793.0, 110.0], [793.0, 138.0], [328.0, 142.0]], ('MANILA SOUTHERN ASSOCIATES INCE', 0.90626460313797)], [[[424.0, 155.0], [696.0, 155.0], [696.0, 177.0], [424.0, 177.0]], ('LAS PINASGITY 17G0', 0.8236000537872314)], [[[348.0, 198.0], [771.0, 195.0], [771.0, 218.0], [348.0, 222.0]], ('TELEPHONE02)0000427TO36', 0.7823897004127502)], [[[283.0, 223.0], [845.0, 220.0], [845.0, 253.0], [284.0, 257.0]], ('MACHINE SERIAL NUMBER41DH364', 0.9304984211921692)], [[[827.0, 292.0], [886.0, 292.0], [886.0, 325.0], [827.0, 325.0]], ('PHP', 0.9951645731925964)], [[[103.0, 330.0], [353.0, 325.0], [353.0, 358.0], [104.0, 364.0]], ('2060388767283', 0.9987326264381409)], [[[713.0, 330.0], [872.0, 330.0], [872.0, 365.0], [713.0, 365.0]], ('9,950.00', 0.9600061774253845)], [[[957.0, 328.0], [1008.0, 328.0], [1008.0, 370.0], [957.0, 370.0]], ('VA', 0.9765145778656006)], [[[100.0, 367.0], [427.0, 361.0], [428.0, 396.0], [101.0, 402.0]], ('LACOSTE STAINLESS', 0.9743747711181641)], [[[482.0, 368.0], [657.0, 368.0], [657.0, 403.0], [482.0, 403.0]], ('1UU-900', 0.7700009942054749)], [[[192.0, 405.0], [542.0, 407.0], [541.0, 442.0], [192.0, 440.0]], ('10% CLASS DISCOUNT', 0.9459330439567566)], [[[696.0, 406.0], [874.0, 410.0], [874.0, 445.0], [696.0, 441.0]], ('995.00-VA', 0.9705199003219604)], [[[110.0, 443.0], [209.0, 443.0], [209.0, 485.0], [110.0, 485.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9989908933639526)], [[[712.0, 445.0], [878.0, 449.0], [877.0, 489.0], [711.0, 485.0]], ('8,955.00', 0.922900915145874)], [[[100.0, 525.0], [187.0, 525.0], [187.0, 563.0], [100.0, 563.0]], ('CASH', 0.9987493753433228)], [[[715.0, 530.0], [878.0, 530.0], [878.0, 570.0], [715.0, 570.0]], ('9,000.00', 0.9392951130867004)], [[[102.0, 570.0], [226.0, 570.0], [226.0, 612.0], [102.0, 612.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9983687996864319)], [[[736.0, 568.0], [844.0, 572.0], [842.0, 615.0], [734.0, 611.0]], ('45.00', 0.9804938435554504)], [[[101.0, 658.0], [166.0, 662.0], [162.0, 702.0], [98.0, 698.0]], ('Grp', 0.9534940123558044)], [[[396.0, 660.0], [462.0, 660.0], [462.0, 700.0], [396.0, 700.0]], ('Net', 0.9974443912506104)], [[[614.0, 660.0], [681.0, 660.0], [681.0, 700.0], [614.0, 700.0]], ('VAT', 0.998386561870575)], [[[833.0, 658.0], [941.0, 662.0], [939.0, 704.0], [831.0, 700.0]], ('Gross', 0.9960252642631531)], [[[81.0, 705.0], [219.0, 705.0], [219.0, 740.0], [81.0, 740.0]], ('VATABLE', 0.9964715242385864)], [[[296.0, 701.0], [462.0, 705.0], [461.0, 744.0], [295.0, 740.0]], ('7995.54', 0.988482654094696)], [[[553.0, 701.0], [679.0, 705.0], [678.0, 747.0], [551.0, 743.0]], ('959.46', 0.9907401204109192)], [[[770.0, 707.0], [940.0, 703.0], [941.0, 745.0], [771.0, 749.0]], ('8,955.00', 0.94170081615448)], [[[76.0, 750.0], [275.0, 750.0], [275.0, 785.0], [76.0, 785.0]], ('VAT EXEMPT', 0.9468414187431335)], [[[373.0, 750.0], [460.0, 750.0], [460.0, 788.0], [373.0, 788.0]], ('0.00', 0.996873140335083)], [[[584.0, 750.0], [681.0, 750.0], [681.0, 792.0], [584.0, 792.0]], ('0.00', 0.9943907856941223)], [[[854.0, 752.0], [940.0, 752.0], [940.0, 790.0], [854.0, 790.0]], ('0.00', 0.976463258266449)], [[[70.0, 790.0], [275.0, 794.0], [275.0, 830.0], [69.0, 826.0]], ('ZERO RATED', 0.9620572924613953)], [[[372.0, 795.0], [460.0, 795.0], [460.0, 833.0], [372.0, 833.0]], ('0.00', 0.9007455110549927)], [[[592.0, 795.0], [679.0, 795.0], [679.0, 833.0], [592.0, 833.0]], ('.00', 0.9642664790153503)], [[[850.0, 793.0], [937.0, 793.0], [937.0, 830.0], [850.0, 830.0]], ('0.00', 0.9955752491950989)], [[[71.0, 880.0], [319.0, 880.0], [319.0, 913.0], [71.0, 913.0]], ('LOYALTY CARD', 0.9582841396331787)], [[[499.0, 880.0], [808.0, 880.0], [808.0, 908.0], [499.0, 908.0]], ('8880877085458595', 0.9903737306594849)], [[[95.0, 923.0], [354.0, 920.0], [355.0, 955.0], [95.0, 958.0]], ('CUSTOMER NAME', 0.9773014783859253)], [[[492.0, 917.0], [952.0, 915.0], [952.0, 955.0], [492.0, 957.0]], ('SMACEXPRES7085458595', 0.9332271814346313)], [[[91.0, 965.0], [390.0, 960.0], [391.0, 1000.0], [92.0, 1005.0]], ('CASHIERCSJ8421', 0.948833167552948)], [[[591.0, 960.0], [893.0, 960.0], [893.0, 993.0], [591.0, 993.0]], ('CHFCKERERM2697', 0.9184574484825134)], [[[92.0, 1012.0], [446.0, 1008.0], [447.0, 1043.0], [92.0, 1047.0]], ('ITEM(SPURCHASED:', 0.945834755897522)], [[[598.0, 1003.0], [935.0, 1003.0], [935.0, 1037.0], [598.0, 1037.0]], ('R NO000115801', 0.9458589553833008)], [[[87.0, 1053.0], [233.0, 1053.0], [233.0, 1095.0], [87.0, 1095.0]], ('TID:55', 0.9209097027778625)], [[[589.0, 1048.0], [962.0, 1048.0], [962.0, 1083.0], [589.0, 1083.0]], ('STORENO.0940073', 0.9405837655067444)], [[[338.0, 1090.0], [862.0, 1087.0], [862.0, 1138.0], [338.0, 1142.0]], ('December 10,2013 Tuesday', 0.9382250308990479)], [[[205.0, 1103.0], [355.0, 1103.0], [355.0, 1138.0], [205.0, 1138.0]], ('1714', 0.9286173582077026)], [[[139.0, 1147.0], [772.0, 1135.0], [773.0, 1178.0], [140.0, 1190.0]], ('SALES INVCICE NUMBER:000090511', 0.8968031406402588)], [[[195.0, 1192.0], [882.0, 1178.0], [883.0, 1223.0], [196.0, 1237.0]], ('THIS SERVES AS YOUR SALES INVOICE', 0.9356527328491211)], [[[222.0, 1257.0], [874.0, 1245.0], [874.0, 1280.0], [223.0, 1292.0]], ('SIZE IS ALLOWED SUBJECT TO STANDARD', 0.9391133189201355)], [[[224.0, 1285.0], [874.0, 1273.0], [874.0, 1306.0], [224.0, 1319.0]], ('PROVISIONS ON CONSUMER PROTECTION', 0.9595029354095459)], [[[295.0, 1332.0], [806.0, 1325.0], [806.0, 1358.0], [296.0, 1365.0]], ('PLEASE PRESENT YOUR RECEIPT', 0.941383421421051)]]
{"store_name": "THESMDSTORE", "store_addr": "LASPINASCITY1760 SMSOUTHMALLBLDGREALST.ALMANZAUNO", "telephone": "TELEPHONE#(02)800-0427TO36", "date": "December10,2013", "time": "17:14", "subtotal": "7,995.54", "tax": "959.46", "total": "8,955.00 8,955.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LACOSTESTAINLESS006-LUCI", "item_value": "9,950.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[32.0, 57.0], [175.0, 57.0], [175.0, 71.0], [32.0, 71.0]], ('Crysta1 Paradise Ground Floor', 0.9363276958465576)], [[[55.0, 48.0], [128.0, 48.0], [128.0, 59.0], [55.0, 59.0]], ('BOMBAY BARBEQUE', 0.9486367702484131)], [[[55.0, 70.0], [149.0, 70.0], [149.0, 80.0], [55.0, 80.0]], ('Off Veera Desa1 Rd.', 0.8790875673294067)], [[[30.0, 80.0], [174.0, 79.0], [174.0, 93.0], [31.0, 94.0]], ('Andheri W.Muba1-400 058.', 0.8414105772972107)], [[[85.0, 92.0], [120.0, 92.0], [120.0, 103.0], [85.0, 103.0]], ('INVOICE', 0.9900282025337219)], [[[9.0, 106.0], [88.0, 102.0], [89.0, 115.0], [9.0, 119.0]], ('NOB8QA-F-5460', 0.8867175579071045)], [[[99.0, 101.0], [208.0, 105.0], [207.0, 119.0], [98.0, 115.0]], ('Dt22-Sep-201615:00', 0.9697824120521545)], [[[10.0, 117.0], [51.0, 117.0], [51.0, 131.0], [10.0, 131.0]], ('Tb26-', 0.9079073071479797)], [[[79.0, 115.0], [113.0, 115.0], [113.0, 129.0], [79.0, 129.0]], ('Px3', 0.7771260142326355)], [[[9.0, 130.0], [56.0, 127.0], [56.0, 140.0], [9.0, 143.0]], ('WALAM', 0.9848679304122925)], [[[77.0, 128.0], [125.0, 124.0], [126.0, 137.0], [78.0, 141.0]], ('OpKHAN', 0.7994359135627747)], [[[10.0, 153.0], [101.0, 148.0], [102.0, 163.0], [10.0, 167.0]], ('KUTs20167.20170', 0.890881359577179)], [[[10.0, 175.0], [64.0, 173.0], [64.0, 187.0], [10.0, 189.0]], ('Description', 0.9498792290687561)], [[[132.0, 173.0], [150.0, 173.0], [150.0, 185.0], [132.0, 185.0]], ('Qty', 0.9944130778312683)], [[[163.0, 175.0], [194.0, 175.0], [194.0, 186.0], [163.0, 186.0]], ('Anount', 0.9596804976463318)], [[[9.0, 197.0], [78.0, 195.0], [79.0, 208.0], [9.0, 210.0]], ('LUN BUF VEG AD', 0.8747630715370178)], [[[145.0, 196.0], [200.0, 196.0], [200.0, 210.0], [145.0, 210.0]], ('21,256.00', 0.9338118433952332)], [[[9.0, 208.0], [81.0, 206.0], [82.0, 220.0], [9.0, 222.0]], ('LUN BUF VEG KID', 0.8652585744857788)], [[[146.0, 209.0], [154.0, 209.0], [154.0, 218.0], [146.0, 218.0]], ('1', 0.7750213146209717)], [[[169.0, 209.0], [200.0, 209.0], [200.0, 220.0], [169.0, 220.0]], ('360.00', 0.9688048362731934)], [[[7.0, 219.0], [131.0, 218.0], [131.0, 232.0], [7.0, 233.0]], ('COp.CHARDSA SAUVIGNON', 0.8801639080047607)], [[[146.0, 223.0], [151.0, 220.0], [155.0, 227.0], [149.0, 230.0]], ('1', 0.5013120174407959)], [[[175.0, 220.0], [201.0, 220.0], [201.0, 232.0], [175.0, 232.0]], ('0.00', 0.9929547309875488)], [[[7.0, 231.0], [130.0, 230.0], [130.0, 244.0], [7.0, 245.0]], ('Cop.-ICE TEA a11 flav', 0.804416835308075)], [[[178.0, 231.0], [201.0, 231.0], [201.0, 243.0], [178.0, 243.0]], ('0.00', 0.9925246238708496)], [[[7.0, 243.0], [121.0, 243.0], [121.0, 256.0], [7.0, 256.0]], ('Camp-CARLSBERG PINT', 0.8621582984924316)], [[[146.0, 244.0], [154.0, 244.0], [154.0, 253.0], [146.0, 253.0]], ('1', 0.9709458351135254)], [[[178.0, 243.0], [201.0, 243.0], [201.0, 255.0], [178.0, 255.0]], ('0.00', 0.9968631863594055)], [[[113.0, 267.0], [150.0, 267.0], [150.0, 278.0], [113.0, 278.0]], ('Total', 0.9718012809753418)], [[[161.0, 266.0], [201.0, 266.0], [201.0, 277.0], [161.0, 277.0]], ('1.616.00', 0.9005080461502075)], [[[53.0, 278.0], [149.0, 277.0], [149.0, 291.0], [53.0, 292.0]], ('Service Charge 5x', 0.9187422394752502)], [[[174.0, 278.0], [202.0, 278.0], [202.0, 291.0], [174.0, 291.0]], ('81.00', 0.9940452575683594)], [[[59.0, 290.0], [150.0, 290.0], [150.0, 303.0], [59.0, 303.0]], ('Service Tax 5.6x', 0.895539402961731)], [[[174.0, 289.0], [202.0, 289.0], [202.0, 302.0], [174.0, 302.0]], ('95.20', 0.9906532168388367)], [[[77.0, 302.0], [149.0, 300.0], [150.0, 314.0], [77.0, 317.0]], ('Sb Cass 0.2x', 0.7996275424957275)], [[[179.0, 301.0], [201.0, 301.0], [201.0, 313.0], [179.0, 313.0]], ('3.40', 0.993963897228241)], [[[79.0, 313.0], [148.0, 313.0], [148.0, 324.0], [79.0, 324.0]], ('KK.Cess 0.2%', 0.7861390113830566)], [[[178.0, 312.0], [201.0, 312.0], [201.0, 324.0], [178.0, 324.0]], ('3.40', 0.995654821395874)], [[[90.0, 326.0], [153.0, 326.0], [153.0, 338.0], [90.0, 338.0]], ('Bill Total', 0.9101663827896118)], [[[159.0, 325.0], [201.0, 325.0], [201.0, 336.0], [159.0, 336.0]], ('1799.00', 0.9880064725875854)], [[[83.0, 361.0], [202.0, 359.0], [202.0, 372.0], [83.0, 374.0]], ('Grand Tota11799.00', 0.931223452091217)], [[[7.0, 384.0], [178.0, 383.0], [178.0, 397.0], [7.0, 398.0]], ('VAT TIN 27080974172VW.E.F 14/03/14', 0.9362381100654602)], [[[7.0, 396.0], [198.0, 395.0], [198.0, 409.0], [7.0, 410.0]], ('SERVICE TAX NO.AABF02933RST001 E &0.E', 0.9169541597366333)], [[[7.0, 409.0], [120.0, 410.0], [120.0, 421.0], [7.0, 420.0]], ('On Shivan Construct ion', 0.9171283841133118)], [[[45.0, 420.0], [155.0, 420.0], [155.0, 433.0], [45.0, 433.0]], ('THANK YOU VISIT AGAIN', 0.9501175880432129)]]
{"store_name": "BOHBAYBARBEQUE", "store_addr": "CrystalParadise,GroundFloor offVeeraDesaiRd. Andheri(W),Mumbai-400058.", "telephone": "", "date": "22-Sep-2016", "time": "15:00", "subtotal": "1,616.00", "tax": "95.20", "total": "1,799.00 1,799.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LUNBUFVEGAD", "item_value": "1,256.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LUNBUFVEGKID", "item_value": "360.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Coop.-DHARDSASAUVIGNON", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Cotp.-ICETEA(allflav", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Doop.-CARLSBERGPINT", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[103.0, 38.0], [253.0, 41.0], [253.0, 55.0], [102.0, 52.0]], ('160W54TH STREET', 0.920812726020813)], [[[117.0, 29.0], [237.0, 30.0], [237.0, 44.0], [117.0, 43.0]], ('OLDCASTLE PUB', 0.9157500863075256)], [[[82.0, 59.0], [218.0, 63.0], [218.0, 76.0], [81.0, 72.0]], ('0125 iSLE5Party1', 0.7713849544525146)], [[[82.0, 70.0], [224.0, 74.0], [224.0, 88.0], [81.0, 83.0]], ('MARIBELMSVrCk1310/24/14', 0.893582284450531)], [[[82.0, 81.0], [184.0, 83.0], [184.0, 97.0], [81.0, 94.0]], ('DINING ROOM', 0.9609376788139343)], [[[81.0, 102.0], [159.0, 102.0], [159.0, 116.0], [81.0, 116.0]], ('2 Doestic Draft', 0.869871973991394)], [[[81.0, 111.0], [180.0, 113.0], [180.0, 127.0], [80.0, 126.0]], ('1PEPPERONI PIZZA.9', 0.8289302587509155)], [[[239.0, 105.0], [265.0, 105.0], [265.0, 117.0], [239.0, 117.0]], ('12.00', 0.9886264801025391)], [[[240.0, 116.0], [265.0, 116.0], [265.0, 128.0], [240.0, 128.0]], ('12.00', 0.983038604259491)], [[[181.0, 131.0], [238.0, 134.0], [237.0, 148.0], [181.0, 145.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.8947038650512695)], [[[239.0, 136.0], [267.0, 136.0], [267.0, 147.0], [239.0, 147.0]], ('24.00', 0.9748086929321289)], [[[181.0, 153.0], [270.0, 154.0], [270.0, 168.0], [181.0, 167.0]], ('Sub Total 28.13', 0.8566255569458008)], [[[205.0, 146.0], [239.0, 146.0], [239.0, 157.0], [205.0, 157.0]], ('Jaxs', 0.5869963765144348)], [[[241.0, 146.0], [268.0, 146.0], [268.0, 157.0], [241.0, 157.0]], ('2.13', 0.9874140620231628)], [[[81.0, 165.0], [108.0, 165.0], [108.0, 176.0], [81.0, 176.0]], ('10/24', 0.9929525256156921)], [[[138.0, 162.0], [196.0, 164.0], [196.0, 178.0], [138.0, 176.0]], ('TOTAL:', 0.9825007319450378)], [[[220.0, 167.0], [268.0, 167.0], [268.0, 178.0], [220.0, 178.0]], ('26.13', 0.9879769086837769)], [[[80.0, 186.0], [170.0, 186.0], [170.0, 199.0], [80.0, 199.0]], ('Suggested Gratuity', 0.9486859440803528)], [[[160.0, 197.0], [183.0, 197.0], [183.0, 209.0], [160.0, 209.0]], ('3.60', 0.9409922957420349)], [[[191.0, 188.0], [249.0, 192.0], [248.0, 214.0], [190.0, 211.0]], ('Thank', 0.7445518970489502)], [[[95.0, 198.0], [136.0, 198.0], [136.0, 209.0], [95.0, 209.0]], ('15GRAT', 0.9851345419883728)], [[[94.0, 209.0], [136.0, 209.0], [136.0, 220.0], [94.0, 220.0]], ('18%GRAT', 0.8837157487869263)], [[[159.0, 206.0], [185.0, 208.0], [184.0, 223.0], [158.0, 221.0]], ('4.32', 0.9878096580505371)], [[[93.0, 220.0], [136.0, 220.0], [136.0, 231.0], [93.0, 231.0]], ('20%GRAT', 0.9701295495033264)], [[[161.0, 220.0], [184.0, 220.0], [184.0, 232.0], [161.0, 232.0]], ('4.80', 0.985496997833252)], [[[77.0, 242.0], [180.0, 241.0], [180.0, 255.0], [78.0, 256.0]], ('.OLOCASTLEPUB.COM', 0.9703642725944519)], [[[79.0, 267.0], [126.0, 267.0], [126.0, 278.0], [79.0, 278.0]], ('THANK YOU', 0.9315521717071533)], [[[78.0, 278.0], [129.0, 278.0], [129.0, 289.0], [78.0, 289.0]], ('COME AGAIN', 0.9065901637077332)], [[[170.0, 272.0], [179.0, 272.0], [179.0, 280.0], [170.0, 280.0]], ('.', 0.8048490285873413)], [[[76.0, 290.0], [223.0, 290.0], [223.0, 304.0], [76.0, 304.0]], ('PLAN YOUR NEXT PARTY WITHS', 0.9020344614982605)], [[[76.0, 303.0], [215.0, 303.0], [215.0, 316.0], [76.0, 316.0]], ('GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAICABLE', 0.9466109871864319)], [[[75.0, 316.0], [241.0, 316.0], [241.0, 329.0], [75.0, 329.0]], ('SERVING BREAKFASLUNCH OINNER', 0.947318434715271)], [[[123.0, 343.0], [228.0, 343.0], [228.0, 356.0], [123.0, 356.0]], ('JOIN US FOR BRUNCH', 0.9409220218658447)], [[[104.0, 370.0], [251.0, 368.0], [251.0, 382.0], [104.0, 384.0]], ('ASKYOUR SERVER FOR DETAILS', 0.9570650458335876)], [[[162.0, 397.0], [195.0, 397.0], [195.0, 411.0], [162.0, 411.0]], ('LIVE!', 0.9844518899917603)], [[[121.0, 412.0], [243.0, 410.0], [243.0, 424.0], [121.0, 426.0]], ('INTERNATIONAL SOCCER &', 0.9590915441513062)], [[[141.0, 427.0], [217.0, 425.0], [217.0, 438.0], [141.0, 440.0]], ('RUBGY MATCHES', 0.9501098990440369)]]
{"store_name": "OLDCASTLEPUB", "store_addr": "160W54THSTREET", "telephone": "", "date": "10/24/14 10/24", "time": "", "subtotal": "24.00", "tax": "2.13", "total": "26.13 ", "ignore": " ", "tips": "3.60 4.32 4.80", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PEPPERONIPIZZA.9", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[218.0, 27.0], [314.0, 34.0], [312.0, 51.0], [217.0, 43.0]], ('Hovenpick JLT', 0.8695248961448669)], [[[150.0, 49.0], [212.0, 54.0], [210.0, 69.0], [148.0, 63.0]], ('18James', 0.8832586407661438)], [[[246.0, 44.0], [285.0, 47.0], [284.0, 61.0], [245.0, 59.0]], ('10[0]', 0.6502856016159058)], [[[147.0, 76.0], [220.0, 82.0], [218.0, 98.0], [145.0, 92.0]], ('TBL120/1', 0.94319748878479)], [[[215.0, 93.0], [320.0, 100.0], [319.0, 116.0], [214.0, 110.0]], ('290CT1518:42', 0.8950569033622742)], [[[260.0, 85.0], [317.0, 87.0], [316.0, 102.0], [260.0, 99.0]], ('7134', 0.9989933371543884)], [[[343.0, 88.0], [383.0, 90.0], [382.0, 106.0], [342.0, 103.0]], ('GST2', 0.9463663101196289)], [[[161.0, 120.0], [275.0, 127.0], [274.0, 140.0], [160.0, 134.0]], ('1 Chicken wings', 0.8277398347854614)], [[[160.0, 135.0], [289.0, 141.0], [289.0, 155.0], [159.0, 148.0]], ('2 Strongbow Draft', 0.9190897345542908)], [[[324.0, 128.0], [361.0, 128.0], [361.0, 143.0], [324.0, 143.0]], ('55.00', 0.9908836483955383)], [[[175.0, 148.0], [260.0, 154.0], [259.0, 167.0], [174.0, 162.0]], ('SB Redberry', 0.9175918698310852)], [[[323.0, 141.0], [361.0, 143.0], [360.0, 158.0], [322.0, 155.0]], ('76.00', 0.9498044848442078)], [[[322.0, 153.0], [361.0, 156.0], [360.0, 170.0], [321.0, 168.0]], ('35.00', 0.9916714429855347)], [[[163.0, 167.0], [177.0, 167.0], [177.0, 174.0], [163.0, 174.0]], ('1', 0.5837165713310242)], [[[172.0, 164.0], [296.0, 167.0], [296.0, 181.0], [172.0, 178.0]], ('Angus Flank Stea', 0.9503128528594971)], [[[317.0, 167.0], [361.0, 169.0], [360.0, 184.0], [316.0, 181.0]], ('120.00', 0.9896719455718994)], [[[159.0, 178.0], [275.0, 180.0], [275.0, 193.0], [159.0, 191.0]], ('1 Angus Sirloin', 0.8247813582420349)], [[[317.0, 180.0], [361.0, 183.0], [360.0, 197.0], [316.0, 195.0]], ('150.00', 0.9938645362854004)], [[[173.0, 193.0], [237.0, 193.0], [237.0, 207.0], [173.0, 207.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9934651851654053)], [[[317.0, 194.0], [361.0, 196.0], [360.0, 211.0], [316.0, 208.0]], ('436.00', 0.9920555949211121)], [[[174.0, 208.0], [253.0, 208.0], [253.0, 221.0], [174.0, 221.0]], ('TotalPald', 0.8927475810050964)], [[[271.0, 205.0], [360.0, 209.0], [359.0, 225.0], [271.0, 222.0]], ('436.00', 0.9962747693061829)], [[[172.0, 222.0], [295.0, 222.0], [295.0, 236.0], [172.0, 236.0]], ('9501/Micr0s Cash', 0.9151864051818848)], [[[172.0, 238.0], [207.0, 238.0], [207.0, 251.0], [172.0, 251.0]], ('Cash', 0.9929278492927551)], [[[317.0, 237.0], [362.0, 237.0], [362.0, 251.0], [317.0, 251.0]], ('500.00', 0.9927630424499512)], [[[170.0, 251.0], [253.0, 251.0], [253.0, 267.0], [170.0, 267.0]], ('Changa Due', 0.9327726364135742)], [[[323.0, 252.0], [363.0, 252.0], [363.0, 266.0], [323.0, 266.0]], ('64.00', 0.9943350553512573)], [[[160.0, 267.0], [372.0, 264.0], [372.0, 279.0], [160.0, 282.0]], ('-23 CL0SED 290CT 19:49-', 0.869224488735199)], [[[267.0, 297.0], [307.0, 297.0], [307.0, 308.0], [267.0, 308.0]], ('Lotal', 0.7648153901100159)]]
{"store_name": "MovenpickJLT", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "29OCT'15", "time": "19:49", "subtotal": "436.00", "tax": "", "total": "436.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SBRedberry", "item_value": "55.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AngusFlankStea", "item_value": "76.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AngusSirloin", "item_value": "35.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "120.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "150.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[243.0, 373.0], [822.0, 356.0], [826.0, 482.0], [247.0, 499.0]], ('Walmart', 0.9946897625923157)], [[[259.0, 509.0], [816.0, 496.0], [817.0, 540.0], [260.0, 552.0]], ('Save money.Live better', 0.9723878502845764)], [[[389.0, 604.0], [813.0, 596.0], [813.0, 636.0], [390.0, 644.0]], ('MANAGER GREG BROWN', 0.945811927318573)], [[[388.0, 647.0], [813.0, 640.0], [813.0, 680.0], [388.0, 687.0]], ('936788-5400', 0.9688503742218018)], [[[344.0, 690.0], [838.0, 681.0], [839.0, 721.0], [344.0, 730.0]], ('WAL-MART STORE #400', 0.9447678923606873)], [[[484.0, 732.0], [725.0, 728.0], [725.0, 768.0], [485.0, 772.0]], ('CONROE,TX', 0.9498424530029297)], [[[157.0, 824.0], [1050.0, 808.0], [1051.0, 846.0], [158.0, 862.0]], ('ST# 0400 0P#00007298TE#91TR# 07395', 0.9345411658287048)], [[[298.0, 865.0], [886.0, 855.0], [886.0, 893.0], [299.0, 904.0]], ('MERCHANT#439900590000400', 0.9967646598815918)], [[[556.0, 898.0], [661.0, 898.0], [661.0, 948.0], [556.0, 948.0]], ('VISA', 0.9987791180610657)], [[[345.0, 994.0], [843.0, 986.0], [844.0, 1026.0], [346.0, 1034.0]], (' CREDIT ISSUED ***', 0.8736099004745483)], [[[931.0, 1024.0], [1059.0, 1020.0], [1061.0, 1068.0], [933.0, 1072.0]], ('5.00-', 0.9867652654647827)], [[[162.0, 1040.0], [584.0, 1033.0], [585.0, 1075.0], [163.0, 1082.0]], ('GENERAL MDSE TOTAL', 0.9575166702270508)], [[[909.0, 1069.0], [1060.0, 1065.0], [1061.0, 1111.0], [911.0, 1115.0]], ('REFUND', 0.9959118962287903)], [[[162.0, 1087.0], [401.0, 1081.0], [402.0, 1121.0], [163.0, 1127.0]], ('APPROVAL#', 0.9941697716712952)], [[[162.0, 1130.0], [672.0, 1120.0], [673.0, 1160.0], [163.0, 1170.0]], ('TERMINAL#WMTO0OOOO01', 0.876034140586853)], [[[235.0, 1262.0], [969.0, 1248.0], [969.0, 1288.0], [236.0, 1302.0]], ('Layaway is back forElectronics', 0.9663025736808777)], [[[188.0, 1305.0], [1033.0, 1286.0], [1034.0, 1331.0], [189.0, 1350.0]], ('Toys,and Jewelry.10/17/11-12/16/11', 0.9538560509681702)], [[[349.0, 1345.0], [543.0, 1341.0], [544.0, 1383.0], [350.0, 1387.0]], ('10/13/11', 0.9983669519424438)], [[[655.0, 1339.0], [851.0, 1333.0], [853.0, 1378.0], [657.0, 1384.0]], ('14:03:10', 0.95670485496521)], [[[379.0, 1430.0], [828.0, 1421.0], [829.0, 1466.0], [380.0, 1475.0]], ('***CUSTOMER COPY***', 0.8882114291191101)]]
{"store_name": "Walmart WAL-MARTSTORE#400", "store_addr": "CONROE,TX", "telephone": "(936)788-5400", "date": "10/13/11", "time": "14:03:10", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[32.0, 48.0], [192.0, 48.0], [192.0, 61.0], [32.0, 61.0]], ('42SLNCRTH PEADITREE ROAD', 0.7529708743095398)], [[[33.0, 39.0], [232.0, 39.0], [232.0, 51.0], [33.0, 51.0]], ('PEACHITREE VALERO', 0.91521817445755)], [[[30.0, 59.0], [150.0, 59.0], [150.0, 72.0], [30.0, 72.0]], ('CHAMBLEEEA30341', 0.9037787914276123)], [[[30.0, 72.0], [110.0, 72.0], [110.0, 82.0], [30.0, 82.0]], ('770-456-5728', 0.9816710948944092)], [[[25.0, 95.0], [245.0, 88.0], [245.0, 105.0], [25.0, 112.0]], ('TP13932815-001PEACHTREE VALERO', 0.9401490688323975)], [[[24.0, 108.0], [159.0, 106.0], [159.0, 120.0], [24.0, 122.0]], ('4291N PEACHTREE RD', 0.8915374279022217)], [[[23.0, 123.0], [83.0, 120.0], [83.0, 134.0], [23.0, 137.0]], ('CHAMBLEE', 0.9961488246917725)], [[[113.0, 121.0], [173.0, 118.0], [173.0, 132.0], [113.0, 135.0]], ('GA30341', 0.9225648641586304)], [[[181.0, 159.0], [207.0, 159.0], [207.0, 174.0], [181.0, 174.0]], ('qty', 0.9789486527442932)], [[[270.0, 152.0], [315.0, 152.0], [315.0, 166.0], [270.0, 166.0]], ('amount', 0.9154312014579773)], [[[40.0, 162.0], [88.0, 164.0], [87.0, 179.0], [39.0, 177.0]], ('Descr.', 0.9858114719390869)], [[[46.0, 192.0], [163.0, 189.0], [163.0, 205.0], [47.0, 208.0]], ('<CUSTOMER COPY>', 0.931594729423523)], [[[202.0, 203.0], [214.0, 203.0], [214.0, 218.0], [202.0, 218.0]], ('1', 0.8657194972038269)], [[[292.0, 195.0], [328.0, 195.0], [328.0, 213.0], [292.0, 213.0]], ('8.95', 0.9955220222473145)], [[[37.0, 209.0], [80.0, 209.0], [80.0, 223.0], [37.0, 223.0]], ('PARTS', 0.9963690042495728)], [[[204.0, 218.0], [216.0, 218.0], [216.0, 233.0], [204.0, 233.0]], ('1', 0.9816100597381592)], [[[290.0, 209.0], [334.0, 212.0], [332.0, 230.0], [289.0, 227.0]], ('12.50', 0.9935739636421204)], [[[33.0, 226.0], [95.0, 223.0], [96.0, 241.0], [34.0, 243.0]], ('LABOR 3', 0.8830999135971069)], [[[158.0, 256.0], [234.0, 253.0], [235.0, 270.0], [159.0, 273.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9253102540969849)], [[[299.0, 247.0], [341.0, 247.0], [341.0, 262.0], [299.0, 262.0]], ('21.45', 0.9922300577163696)], [[[211.0, 273.0], [238.0, 273.0], [238.0, 289.0], [211.0, 289.0]], ('Tax', 0.9964801669120789)], [[[309.0, 264.0], [347.0, 264.0], [347.0, 282.0], [309.0, 282.0]], ('0.00', 0.9959664344787598)], [[[262.0, 287.0], [347.0, 279.0], [347.0, 299.0], [264.0, 307.0]], ('21.45', 0.9803034067153931)], [[[111.0, 297.0], [196.0, 293.0], [197.0, 311.0], [111.0, 315.0]], ('TOTAL.', 0.9657816886901855)], [[[257.0, 310.0], [270.0, 310.0], [270.0, 326.0], [257.0, 326.0]], ('$', 0.865580677986145)], [[[309.0, 304.0], [347.0, 300.0], [347.0, 320.0], [311.0, 324.0]], ('21.4', 0.9929232001304626)], [[[187.0, 314.0], [263.0, 308.0], [264.0, 329.0], [189.0, 335.0]], ('CREDIT', 0.9914316534996033)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "CHAMBLEECA30341", "telephone": "770-456-5728", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "21.45", "tax": "0.00", "total": "21.45", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LABOR3", "item_value": "8.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PARTS", "item_value": "12.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Descr.", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[100.0, 1.0], [257.0, 1.0], [257.0, 15.0], [100.0, 15.0]], ('SANTA CLARACA_95050', 0.9346588253974915)], [[[126.0, 10.0], [228.0, 12.0], [227.0, 29.0], [125.0, 27.0]], ('408244-5825', 0.9935130476951599)], [[[118.0, 31.0], [334.0, 39.0], [334.0, 57.0], [117.0, 49.0]], ('Date 06/21/2015 Time 4:22 pm', 0.9240984320640564)], [[[26.0, 46.0], [146.0, 49.0], [146.0, 64.0], [26.0, 62.0]], ('Reg Session#', 0.9674643874168396)], [[[139.0, 49.0], [198.0, 53.0], [197.0, 67.0], [138.0, 64.0]], ('Cashier', 0.9966351389884949)], [[[80.0, 62.0], [121.0, 65.0], [120.0, 79.0], [79.0, 77.0]], ('10646', 0.9959954023361206)], [[[224.0, 53.0], [274.0, 53.0], [274.0, 67.0], [224.0, 67.0]], ('Trans#', 0.9961220622062683)], [[[291.0, 53.0], [333.0, 56.0], [333.0, 70.0], [290.0, 68.0]], ('Store', 0.9980632662773132)], [[[114.0, 65.0], [199.0, 65.0], [199.0, 82.0], [114.0, 82.0]], ('46671214', 0.9939447641372681)], [[[23.0, 75.0], [90.0, 78.0], [89.0, 95.0], [22.0, 92.0]], ('SOLD TO', 0.9431847929954529)], [[[223.0, 68.0], [274.0, 68.0], [274.0, 84.0], [223.0, 84.0]], ('374129', 0.9990200996398926)], [[[296.0, 68.0], [334.0, 68.0], [334.0, 86.0], [296.0, 86.0]], ('2303', 0.9983457326889038)], [[[171.0, 79.0], [249.0, 82.0], [249.0, 100.0], [170.0, 97.0]], ('Associate:', 0.9568917155265808)], [[[171.0, 96.0], [228.0, 99.0], [227.0, 117.0], [170.0, 113.0]], ('Monique', 0.9949191212654114)], [[[270.0, 99.0], [334.0, 99.0], [334.0, 117.0], [270.0, 117.0]], ('46672464', 0.9972665309906006)], [[[22.0, 113.0], [58.0, 117.0], [56.0, 136.0], [20.0, 132.0]], ('Item', 0.9949904680252075)], [[[191.0, 118.0], [331.0, 123.0], [331.0, 143.0], [191.0, 138.0]], ('QTY Price Amount', 0.9427049160003662)], [[[14.0, 137.0], [134.0, 142.0], [133.0, 159.0], [14.0, 155.0]], ('34-18-03-MADILL', 0.9903385043144226)], [[[14.0, 153.0], [81.0, 155.0], [81.0, 173.0], [14.0, 171.0]], ('30882710', 0.9986562132835388)], [[[163.0, 145.0], [179.0, 145.0], [179.0, 159.0], [163.0, 159.0]], ('28', 0.994295597076416)], [[[193.0, 150.0], [334.0, 160.0], [332.0, 183.0], [191.0, 173.0]], ('i60.0060.00', 0.9506733417510986)], [[[14.0, 171.0], [179.0, 173.0], [179.0, 190.0], [14.0, 188.0]], ('Ass0ciate#46671214', 0.9613009691238403)], [[[16.0, 196.0], [170.0, 196.0], [170.0, 210.0], [16.0, 210.0]], ('*RETURNED ITEM FROM:', 0.9286073446273804)], [[[30.0, 209.0], [129.0, 206.0], [130.0, 223.0], [30.0, 226.0]], ('Orig St:2964', 0.8899946808815002)], [[[123.0, 209.0], [214.0, 209.0], [214.0, 222.0], [123.0, 222.0]], ('T#156258', 0.9624333381652832)], [[[230.0, 208.0], [321.0, 208.0], [321.0, 221.0], [230.0, 221.0]], ('Dt06/20/2015', 0.9894258975982666)], [[[32.0, 223.0], [314.0, 217.0], [315.0, 234.0], [32.0, 240.0]], ('Tax Loc50011820_2964 Ass0c:46672464', 0.9090337753295898)], [[[41.0, 241.0], [103.0, 241.0], [103.0, 258.0], [41.0, 258.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9970625638961792)], [[[44.0, 268.0], [81.0, 268.0], [81.0, 282.0], [44.0, 282.0]], ('Total', 0.9967814683914185)], [[[256.0, 277.0], [301.0, 277.0], [301.0, 291.0], [256.0, 291.0]], ('(65.70)', 0.8832489252090454)], [[[47.0, 295.0], [89.0, 295.0], [89.0, 304.0], [47.0, 304.0]], ('Master', 0.9885761141777039)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "SANTACLARA,CA95050", "telephone": "(408)244-5825", "date": "06/21/2015", "time": "4:22pm", "subtotal": "(60.00)", "tax": "(5.70)", "total": "(65.70)", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "34-18-03-MADILL28", "item_value": "i(60.00)(60.00)", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Item", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[124.0, 62.0], [218.0, 57.0], [219.0, 74.0], [124.0, 79.0]], ("CHRISTOPHER'S", 0.9802418351173401)], [[[142.0, 70.0], [199.0, 69.0], [199.0, 80.0], [142.0, 81.0]], ('CAKE SHOP', 0.9297696352005005)], [[[100.0, 86.0], [235.0, 80.0], [235.0, 97.0], [100.0, 103.0]], ('WEDOCTOBER 11.2017', 0.9052219390869141)], [[[52.0, 102.0], [236.0, 98.0], [236.0, 115.0], [52.0, 119.0]], ('CHECK77489', 0.8574174642562866)], [[[108.0, 119.0], [229.0, 119.0], [229.0, 133.0], [108.0, 133.0]], ('DUPLICAIE', 0.9029710292816162)], [[[60.0, 154.0], [144.0, 154.0], [144.0, 168.0], [60.0, 168.0]], ('1 Cappuceino', 0.9094820618629456)], [[[253.0, 149.0], [288.0, 146.0], [289.0, 164.0], [254.0, 167.0]], ('3.50', 0.9921035766601562)], [[[68.0, 169.0], [165.0, 167.0], [165.0, 184.0], [68.0, 186.0]], ('Hot Chocolate', 0.9230861663818359)], [[[254.0, 166.0], [289.0, 166.0], [289.0, 184.0], [254.0, 184.0]], ('3.30', 0.9751504063606262)], [[[70.0, 188.0], [137.0, 188.0], [137.0, 202.0], [70.0, 202.0]], ('Surcharge', 0.9945045113563538)], [[[256.0, 185.0], [288.0, 185.0], [288.0, 200.0], [256.0, 200.0]], ('1.00', 0.9936910271644592)], [[[70.0, 203.0], [136.0, 203.0], [136.0, 220.0], [70.0, 220.0]], ('SUB-TOTAL', 0.9927679896354675)], [[[255.0, 201.0], [289.0, 201.0], [289.0, 219.0], [255.0, 219.0]], ('7.09', 0.9892740845680237)], [[[71.0, 221.0], [97.0, 221.0], [97.0, 237.0], [71.0, 237.0]], ('GST', 0.9948453307151794)], [[[254.0, 219.0], [288.0, 219.0], [288.0, 237.0], [254.0, 237.0]], ('0.71', 0.9875583052635193)], [[[54.0, 238.0], [117.0, 238.0], [117.0, 255.0], [54.0, 255.0]], ('IOTAL', 0.8083969354629517)], [[[226.0, 237.0], [283.0, 237.0], [283.0, 254.0], [226.0, 254.0]], ('7.80', 0.7859989404678345)], [[[122.0, 273.0], [224.0, 273.0], [224.0, 290.0], [122.0, 290.0]], ('Miranda', 0.9916934370994568)], [[[134.0, 290.0], [212.0, 292.0], [212.0, 310.0], [133.0, 307.0]], ('Lunch', 0.9794772267341614)], [[[79.0, 308.0], [162.0, 308.0], [162.0, 325.0], [79.0, 325.0]], ('Time:13:43', 0.9086003303527832)], [[[190.0, 309.0], [269.0, 309.0], [269.0, 326.0], [190.0, 326.0]], ('1CUSTOMER', 0.9511089324951172)], [[[78.0, 344.0], [261.0, 346.0], [261.0, 363.0], [78.0, 362.0]], ('Total is inclusive of GSI', 0.8972596526145935)], [[[98.0, 363.0], [240.0, 364.0], [240.0, 381.0], [98.0, 380.0]], ('ABN79513410024', 0.9842538833618164)], [[[101.0, 403.0], [246.0, 403.0], [246.0, 417.0], [101.0, 417.0]], ('YOU HAVE BEEN SLRVEL', 0.8914291262626648)], [[[126.0, 420.0], [220.0, 420.0], [220.0, 437.0], [126.0, 437.0]], ('BY Siobhan', 0.9129940271377563)]]
{"store_name": "CHRISTOPHER'S CAKESHOP", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "WEDOCTOBER11,2017", "time": "13:43", "subtotal": "7.09", "tax": "0.71", "total": "7.80", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Cappuccino", "item_value": "3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HotChocolate", "item_value": "3.30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Surcharge", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[308.0, 17.0], [320.0, 17.0], [320.0, 33.0], [308.0, 33.0]], ('%', 0.8894972801208496)], [[[105.0, 33.0], [204.0, 31.0], [205.0, 44.0], [105.0, 46.0]], ('Chafyos Land Co.Ltd', 0.9144878387451172)], [[[305.0, 33.0], [317.0, 33.0], [317.0, 49.0], [305.0, 49.0]], ('5', 0.9980798959732056)], [[[125.0, 46.0], [185.0, 46.0], [185.0, 57.0], [125.0, 57.0]], ('Above Eleven', 0.9563084244728088)], [[[77.0, 57.0], [233.0, 54.0], [233.0, 68.0], [77.0, 71.0]], ('38/8 So1:Sukhnit 11 Chayos', 0.8501218557357788)], [[[26.0, 67.0], [40.0, 67.0], [40.0, 77.0], [26.0, 77.0]], ('tob', 0.9409260153770447)], [[[67.0, 69.0], [244.0, 66.0], [244.0, 80.0], [67.0, 83.0]], ('District:Klongtoeynua Border:Wattana', 0.9363617300987244)], [[[95.0, 80.0], [208.0, 79.0], [208.0, 93.0], [95.0, 94.0]], ('Pravince10110 Bangkok', 0.91358882188797)], [[[61.0, 106.0], [130.0, 106.0], [130.0, 118.0], [61.0, 118.0]], ('1002027 Pravin', 0.9565778374671936)], [[[23.0, 116.0], [45.0, 120.0], [43.0, 132.0], [21.0, 128.0]], ('sdoo', 0.6869016289710999)], [[[61.0, 130.0], [92.0, 130.0], [92.0, 141.0], [61.0, 141.0]], ('CHK', 0.9955862164497375)], [[[96.0, 128.0], [202.0, 125.0], [203.0, 140.0], [96.0, 142.0]], ('113477TBL', 0.9027101993560791)], [[[199.0, 124.0], [249.0, 121.0], [250.0, 135.0], [199.0, 138.0]], ('349/1', 0.9916431307792664)], [[[200.0, 137.0], [235.0, 134.0], [236.0, 148.0], [201.0, 151.0]], ('GST', 0.9925632476806641)], [[[241.0, 137.0], [251.0, 137.0], [251.0, 146.0], [241.0, 146.0]], ('2', 0.5486533045768738)], [[[113.0, 151.0], [200.0, 149.0], [201.0, 162.0], [113.0, 164.0]], ('10JAN172124 PH', 0.9363872408866882)], [[[14.0, 166.0], [36.0, 166.0], [36.0, 178.0], [14.0, 178.0]], ('shift', 0.9774444699287415)], [[[118.0, 173.0], [186.0, 173.0], [186.0, 187.0], [118.0, 187.0]], ('Dine In', 0.9671516418457031)], [[[140.0, 184.0], [172.0, 186.0], [171.0, 199.0], [139.0, 197.0]], ('Dirner', 0.9259067177772522)], [[[11.0, 223.0], [20.0, 223.0], [20.0, 232.0], [11.0, 232.0]], ('fn', 0.7313108444213867)], [[[67.0, 221.0], [131.0, 221.0], [131.0, 232.0], [67.0, 232.0]], ('1Msc le', 0.7222018241882324)], [[[192.0, 215.0], [239.0, 217.0], [239.0, 231.0], [191.0, 229.0]], ('280.001', 0.9225402474403381)], [[[65.0, 231.0], [163.0, 230.0], [163.0, 244.0], [65.0, 245.0]], ('1 Above leven Water', 0.8964277505874634)], [[[195.0, 230.0], [238.0, 230.0], [238.0, 241.0], [195.0, 241.0]], ('100.00T1', 0.9603299498558044)], [[[66.0, 243.0], [159.0, 243.0], [159.0, 256.0], [66.0, 256.0]], ('1 Spinach Erpanadas', 0.9218810200691223)], [[[194.0, 242.0], [239.0, 242.0], [239.0, 253.0], [194.0, 253.0]], ('200.00T1', 0.9829213619232178)], [[[66.0, 254.0], [240.0, 251.0], [240.0, 264.0], [66.0, 267.0]], ('1Vegetarian Texpura Yasai 250.00 11', 0.898880660533905)], [[[71.0, 266.0], [133.0, 266.0], [133.0, 277.0], [71.0, 277.0]], ('1Tuma Tartar', 0.8662185072898865)], [[[195.0, 264.0], [238.0, 264.0], [238.0, 275.0], [195.0, 275.0]], ('430.00T1', 0.9730474948883057)], [[[73.0, 277.0], [142.0, 275.0], [142.0, 285.0], [73.0, 287.0]], ('wextca Avocato', 0.6992479562759399)], [[[196.0, 274.0], [238.0, 274.0], [238.0, 285.0], [196.0, 285.0]], ('100.0011', 0.8942403793334961)], [[[81.0, 285.0], [109.0, 285.0], [109.0, 292.0], [81.0, 292.0]], ('Sinans', 0.5468580722808838)], [[[198.0, 285.0], [234.0, 285.0], [234.0, 292.0], [198.0, 292.0]], ('80.00.', 0.7711527943611145)], [[[79.0, 305.0], [101.0, 305.0], [101.0, 316.0], [79.0, 316.0]], ('Food', 0.9867845177650452)], [[[193.0, 303.0], [240.0, 306.0], [240.0, 319.0], [193.0, 316.0]], ('THB980.00', 0.9525771737098694)], [[[77.0, 314.0], [118.0, 318.0], [117.0, 332.0], [75.0, 328.0]], ('Beverage', 0.9921864867210388)], [[[193.0, 315.0], [240.0, 318.0], [240.0, 332.0], [193.0, 329.0]], ('TH8560.00', 0.9133588075637817)], [[[75.0, 326.0], [164.0, 329.0], [164.0, 343.0], [75.0, 340.0]], ('10x Service Charge', 0.8957927227020264)], [[[193.0, 327.0], [241.0, 330.0], [241.0, 344.0], [193.0, 341.0]], ('TH8154.00', 0.9210943579673767)], [[[75.0, 341.0], [92.0, 341.0], [92.0, 352.0], [75.0, 352.0]], ('Tax', 0.9837325215339661)], [[[194.0, 339.0], [241.0, 343.0], [240.0, 357.0], [193.0, 353.0]], ('TH8118.58', 0.879126787185669)], [[[61.0, 350.0], [148.0, 353.0], [148.0, 367.0], [60.0, 365.0]], ('Total Due', 0.945378303527832)], [[[146.0, 365.0], [255.0, 366.0], [254.0, 380.0], [146.0, 379.0]], ('THB1,812.58', 0.941266655921936)], [[[86.0, 401.0], [137.0, 401.0], [137.0, 415.0], [86.0, 415.0]], ('SIGNATURE:', 0.980383574962616)]]
{"store_name": "ChaiyosLandCo.,Ltd", "store_addr": "District:KlongtoeynuaBorder:Wattana Province:10110Bangkok", "telephone": "", "date": "10JAN'17", "time": "21:24PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "THB118.58", "total": "THB1,812.58", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AboveElevenHater", "item_value": "280.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TunaTartar", "item_value": "100.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "200.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "250.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "430.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "100.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "180.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[313.0, 51.0], [436.0, 49.0], [437.0, 76.0], [313.0, 78.0]], ('SAVINGS', 0.9948359131813049)], [[[315.0, 75.0], [428.0, 71.0], [429.0, 98.0], [316.0, 102.0]], ('every day', 0.951380729675293)], [[[175.0, 103.0], [436.0, 103.0], [436.0, 126.0], [175.0, 126.0]], ('Queen Victoria PH:03 9908-6524', 0.9475568532943726)], [[[229.0, 126.0], [391.0, 128.0], [390.0, 151.0], [229.0, 148.0]], ('Store Manager: NIKKI', 0.9287632703781128)], [[[562.0, 163.0], [575.0, 163.0], [575.0, 183.0], [562.0, 183.0]], ('S', 0.7108667492866516)], [[[553.0, 186.0], [590.0, 186.0], [590.0, 206.0], [553.0, 206.0]], ('3.48', 0.9192671775817871)], [[[161.0, 196.0], [429.0, 196.0], [429.0, 219.0], [161.0, 219.0]], ('BERRY STRAWBERRY WITH LID 250G P/P', 0.9427430629730225)], [[[552.0, 207.0], [589.0, 205.0], [591.0, 228.0], [553.0, 231.0]], ('2.44', 0.9958451986312866)], [[[164.0, 217.0], [369.0, 222.0], [368.0, 243.0], [163.0, 239.0]], ('JARLSBERG CHEESE SHAVED kg', 0.9587262868881226)], [[[157.0, 243.0], [247.0, 243.0], [247.0, 262.0], [157.0, 262.0]], ('MUFFINS EA', 0.9774981737136841)], [[[162.0, 263.0], [272.0, 266.0], [271.0, 288.0], [161.0, 286.0]], ('Qty4', 0.9735198616981506)], [[[553.0, 256.0], [589.0, 256.0], [589.0, 277.0], [553.0, 277.0]], ('9.60', 0.9963175058364868)], [[[321.0, 268.0], [385.0, 268.0], [385.0, 287.0], [321.0, 287.0]], ('$2.40 ea', 0.9376523494720459)], [[[552.0, 278.0], [590.0, 278.0], [590.0, 303.0], [552.0, 303.0]], ('2.98', 0.997051477432251)], [[[157.0, 288.0], [423.0, 288.0], [423.0, 309.0], [157.0, 309.0]], ('*MACRO ORG NATURAL CORN CHIPS 200G', 0.9232204556465149)], [[[165.0, 310.0], [348.0, 313.0], [348.0, 332.0], [165.0, 330.0]], ('MISSION MILD SALSA 453G', 0.9486075639724731)], [[[549.0, 303.0], [596.0, 300.0], [597.0, 324.0], [551.0, 327.0]], ('3.00^', 0.9850746393203735)], [[[157.0, 332.0], [431.0, 331.0], [431.0, 353.0], [157.0, 354.0]], ('*TRIPLE CHOC CHIP COOKIE SINGLE 76G', 0.9432471990585327)], [[[168.0, 357.0], [195.0, 357.0], [195.0, 375.0], [168.0, 375.0]], ('Qty', 0.9961004257202148)], [[[314.0, 357.0], [379.0, 357.0], [379.0, 377.0], [314.0, 377.0]], ('$1.00 ea', 0.9765082597732544)], [[[552.0, 348.0], [597.0, 348.0], [597.0, 371.0], [552.0, 371.0]], ('4.00^', 0.9803084135055542)], [[[266.0, 359.0], [280.0, 359.0], [280.0, 374.0], [266.0, 374.0]], ('@', 0.9755027890205383)], [[[169.0, 380.0], [189.0, 380.0], [189.0, 399.0], [169.0, 399.0]], ('12', 0.9993101954460144)], [[[207.0, 380.0], [272.0, 380.0], [272.0, 399.0], [207.0, 399.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9962661266326904)], [[[537.0, 373.0], [588.0, 373.0], [588.0, 394.0], [537.0, 394.0]], ('$25.50', 0.9980531334877014)], [[[207.0, 443.0], [267.0, 443.0], [267.0, 465.0], [207.0, 465.0]], ('SAFEWAY', 0.9952568411827087)], [[[329.0, 441.0], [368.0, 441.0], [368.0, 465.0], [329.0, 465.0]], ('3304', 0.8911893963813782)], [[[209.0, 467.0], [314.0, 467.0], [314.0, 485.0], [209.0, 485.0]], ('QUEEN VIC VLG', 0.935279130935669)], [[[313.0, 466.0], [365.0, 466.0], [365.0, 485.0], [313.0, 485.0]], ('VIC', 0.9894530773162842)], [[[193.0, 489.0], [380.0, 487.0], [380.0, 507.0], [193.0, 508.0]], ('MERCH ID:611000603003304', 0.9605323672294617)], [[[193.0, 510.0], [259.0, 510.0], [259.0, 532.0], [193.0, 532.0]], ('TERM ID', 0.9434256553649902)], [[[316.0, 510.0], [381.0, 510.0], [381.0, 529.0], [316.0, 529.0]], ('W3304091', 0.9965740442276001)], [[[193.0, 533.0], [239.0, 533.0], [239.0, 553.0], [193.0, 553.0]], ('CARD:', 0.9214948415756226)], [[[329.0, 531.0], [383.0, 531.0], [383.0, 550.0], [329.0, 550.0]], ('9062D', 0.9882704019546509)], [[[193.0, 556.0], [282.0, 553.0], [283.0, 573.0], [193.0, 575.0]], ('Visa Credit', 0.9574998617172241)], [[[333.0, 554.0], [382.0, 554.0], [382.0, 573.0], [333.0, 573.0]], ('CREDIT', 0.9981444478034973)], [[[193.0, 577.0], [224.0, 577.0], [224.0, 599.0], [193.0, 599.0]], ('AID', 0.9973163604736328)], [[[272.0, 575.0], [382.0, 575.0], [382.0, 596.0], [272.0, 596.0]], ('A0000000031010', 0.9911335110664368)], [[[193.0, 601.0], [228.0, 598.0], [230.0, 619.0], [194.0, 622.0]], ('ARQC', 0.9979733228683472)], [[[257.0, 598.0], [380.0, 596.0], [381.0, 614.0], [258.0, 617.0]], ('F56B1A1BC94B27A5', 0.9581307768821716)], [[[195.0, 621.0], [216.0, 624.0], [212.0, 646.0], [191.0, 642.0]], ('TC', 0.9938538670539856)], [[[257.0, 620.0], [382.0, 619.0], [382.0, 638.0], [258.0, 639.0]], ('FA39CD26DB48A235', 0.9804953932762146)], [[[192.0, 646.0], [260.0, 642.0], [261.0, 665.0], [193.0, 669.0]], ('PURCHASE', 0.9972096085548401)], [[[334.0, 640.0], [384.0, 640.0], [384.0, 663.0], [334.0, 663.0]], ('$25.50', 0.9947212338447571)], [[[191.0, 693.0], [236.0, 688.0], [239.0, 712.0], [194.0, 716.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.998388409614563)], [[[334.0, 685.0], [385.0, 685.0], [385.0, 708.0], [334.0, 708.0]], ('$25.50', 0.9958564639091492)], [[[191.0, 717.0], [260.0, 711.0], [263.0, 732.0], [193.0, 739.0]], ('APPROVED', 0.9966057538986206)], [[[364.0, 708.0], [384.0, 708.0], [384.0, 729.0], [364.0, 729.0]], ('00', 0.9723906517028809)], [[[190.0, 738.0], [384.0, 726.0], [386.0, 752.0], [192.0, 763.0]], ('NO PIN OR SIGNATURE REQD', 0.9507150650024414)], [[[333.0, 754.0], [383.0, 752.0], [384.0, 773.0], [335.0, 776.0]], ('009449', 0.9980924725532532)], [[[191.0, 764.0], [307.0, 753.0], [309.0, 775.0], [193.0, 786.0]], ('08/11/13 10:18', 0.9372926950454712)], [[[190.0, 809.0], [235.0, 805.0], [237.0, 828.0], [193.0, 833.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9988378286361694)], [[[546.0, 801.0], [601.0, 804.0], [600.0, 827.0], [545.0, 824.0]], ('$25.50', 0.9439210891723633)], [[[192.0, 833.0], [223.0, 833.0], [223.0, 855.0], [192.0, 855.0]], ('EFT', 0.9968156814575195)], [[[547.0, 824.0], [602.0, 828.0], [600.0, 851.0], [545.0, 846.0]], ('$25.50', 0.943216860294342)], [[[190.0, 856.0], [244.0, 850.0], [246.0, 874.0], [193.0, 880.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9386749267578125)], [[[554.0, 849.0], [601.0, 849.0], [601.0, 873.0], [554.0, 873.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9955763816833496)], [[[159.0, 906.0], [283.0, 893.0], [285.0, 916.0], [161.0, 929.0]], ('Taxable Iteus', 0.9089245200157166)], [[[556.0, 916.0], [604.0, 919.0], [602.0, 943.0], [555.0, 940.0]], ('$1.51', 0.9228720664978027)], [[[160.0, 931.0], [306.0, 916.0], [308.0, 938.0], [162.0, 953.0]], ('TOTAL includes GST', 0.9344211220741272)], [[[256.0, 965.0], [515.0, 960.0], [515.0, 981.0], [257.0, 987.0]], ('TOTAL PROMOTIONAL SAVINGS', 0.9716793894767761)], [[[344.0, 985.0], [425.0, 981.0], [426.0, 1003.0], [345.0, 1007.0]], ('$3.29', 0.9188426733016968)]]
{"store_name": "SAVINGS more", "store_addr": "QueenVictoria", "telephone": "(03)9908-6524", "date": "08/11/13", "time": "10:18", "subtotal": "$25.50 $25.50", "tax": "$1.51", "total": "$25.50 $25.50 $25.50", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "*TRIPLECHOCCHIPCOOKIESINGLE76G", "item_value": "4.00^", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MISSIONMILDSALSA453G", "item_value": "3.00^", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*MACROORGNATURALCORNCHIPS200G", "item_value": "2.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*MUFFINSEA", "item_value": "9.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "JARLSBERGCHEESESHAVEDkg", "item_value": "2.44", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BERRYSTRAWBERRYWITHLID250GP/P", "item_value": "3.48", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[132.0, 9.0], [181.0, 9.0], [181.0, 23.0], [132.0, 23.0]], ('Peli Pel1', 0.8292362689971924)], [[[104.0, 21.0], [213.0, 22.0], [212.0, 39.0], [103.0, 38.0]], ('110Vintage Park Bivd', 0.9351189732551575)], [[[114.0, 38.0], [207.0, 38.0], [207.0, 52.0], [114.0, 52.0]], ('Building J Suite P', 0.9164186120033264)], [[[114.0, 51.0], [201.0, 51.0], [201.0, 64.0], [114.0, 64.0]], ('HoustanTX 77070', 0.9130100011825562)], [[[84.0, 62.0], [231.0, 63.0], [231.0, 80.0], [84.0, 79.0]], ('Thark you for dining with us', 0.9641183018684387)], [[[111.0, 90.0], [212.0, 92.0], [211.0, 107.0], [111.0, 104.0]], ('TABLE:70-2 Guests', 0.9105075001716614)], [[[105.0, 104.0], [217.0, 107.0], [217.0, 121.0], [105.0, 118.0]], ('Your Server was HANNH', 0.8988713026046753)], [[[67.0, 120.0], [251.0, 117.0], [251.0, 132.0], [67.0, 134.0]], ('10/24/201275454PHID0223727', 0.9585643410682678)], [[[58.0, 147.0], [81.0, 147.0], [81.0, 162.0], [58.0, 162.0]], ('ITEM', 0.9510253667831421)], [[[209.0, 146.0], [231.0, 146.0], [231.0, 161.0], [209.0, 161.0]], ('QTY', 0.9376147389411926)], [[[236.0, 145.0], [266.0, 145.0], [266.0, 160.0], [236.0, 160.0]], ('PRICE', 0.9985116720199585)], [[[59.0, 174.0], [138.0, 174.0], [138.0, 187.0], [59.0, 187.0]], ('Chi lean Sea Bass', 0.8787105083465576)], [[[211.0, 172.0], [268.0, 170.0], [268.0, 187.0], [212.0, 189.0]], ('1$32.00', 0.8851293921470642)], [[[83.0, 187.0], [150.0, 187.0], [150.0, 201.0], [83.0, 201.0]], ('Carrat Bredie', 0.9545367360115051)], [[[60.0, 214.0], [145.0, 214.0], [145.0, 227.0], [60.0, 227.0]], ('House REO GLS (R', 0.8505189418792725)], [[[177.0, 212.0], [223.0, 212.0], [223.0, 226.0], [177.0, 226.0]], ('28$5.00', 0.8883290886878967)], [[[234.0, 212.0], [267.0, 212.0], [267.0, 226.0], [234.0, 226.0]], ('$10.00', 0.9951335787773132)], [[[84.0, 228.0], [149.0, 228.0], [149.0, 239.0], [84.0, 239.0]], ('House Nine HH', 0.8866835236549377)], [[[231.0, 226.0], [268.0, 226.0], [268.0, 241.0], [231.0, 241.0]], ('$4.00', 0.978613555431366)], [[[60.0, 240.0], [148.0, 240.0], [148.0, 254.0], [60.0, 254.0]], ('Peli Peach Bellini', 0.9162648320198059)], [[[177.0, 239.0], [223.0, 239.0], [223.0, 253.0], [177.0, 253.0]], ('20$9.00', 0.9060921669006348)], [[[234.0, 240.0], [268.0, 240.0], [268.0, 254.0], [234.0, 254.0]], ('$18.00', 0.9893134236335754)], [[[85.0, 254.0], [194.0, 254.0], [194.0, 268.0], [85.0, 268.0]], ('Opening Special Drinks', 0.9182090163230896)], [[[251.0, 253.0], [270.0, 253.0], [270.0, 269.0], [251.0, 269.0]], ('($8', 0.8355560302734375)], [[[65.0, 268.0], [82.0, 268.0], [82.0, 279.0], [65.0, 279.0]], ('.00)', 0.7706567049026489)], [[[61.0, 280.0], [145.0, 280.0], [145.0, 294.0], [61.0, 294.0]], ('STUFFED MUSHRDONS', 0.8843995928764343)], [[[236.0, 281.0], [270.0, 281.0], [270.0, 295.0], [236.0, 295.0]], ('$10.00', 0.9909214973449707)], [[[61.0, 294.0], [173.0, 294.0], [173.0, 307.0], [61.0, 307.0]], ('Sweet & Spicy Peli Peli', 0.8702388405799866)], [[[235.0, 294.0], [270.0, 294.0], [270.0, 309.0], [235.0, 309.0]], ('$14.00', 0.9858781695365906)], [[[61.0, 307.0], [113.0, 307.0], [113.0, 321.0], [61.0, 321.0]], ('Well Vodka', 0.8054906129837036)], [[[241.0, 308.0], [271.0, 308.0], [271.0, 323.0], [241.0, 323.0]], ('$5.00', 0.9869884252548218)], [[[132.0, 320.0], [175.0, 320.0], [175.0, 335.0], [132.0, 335.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9814296960830688)], [[[237.0, 322.0], [271.0, 322.0], [271.0, 338.0], [237.0, 338.0]], ('$77.00', 0.9925277233123779)], [[[129.0, 333.0], [199.0, 336.0], [199.0, 351.0], [128.0, 348.0]], ('Tkt.Discounts', 0.9395213723182678)], [[[229.0, 338.0], [272.0, 338.0], [272.0, 352.0], [229.0, 352.0]], ('$12.00', 0.9891793727874756)], [[[132.0, 348.0], [191.0, 351.0], [190.0, 365.0], [132.0, 362.0]], ('Total Taxes', 0.9469333291053772)], [[[243.0, 352.0], [272.0, 352.0], [272.0, 368.0], [243.0, 368.0]], ('$4.62', 0.9867594838142395)], [[[133.0, 375.0], [189.0, 378.0], [188.0, 395.0], [132.0, 393.0]], ('Grand Total', 0.9427215456962585)], [[[133.0, 390.0], [190.0, 395.0], [189.0, 410.0], [132.0, 405.0]], ('Anount Due:', 0.9073193073272705)], [[[239.0, 382.0], [273.0, 382.0], [273.0, 397.0], [239.0, 397.0]], ('$81.62', 0.9854404330253601)], [[[239.0, 397.0], [274.0, 397.0], [274.0, 412.0], [239.0, 412.0]], ('$41.62', 0.988042414188385)], [[[127.0, 415.0], [202.0, 422.0], [201.0, 439.0], [126.0, 432.0]], ('Prev.Paynents', 0.9463019967079163)], [[[240.0, 423.0], [274.0, 425.0], [273.0, 440.0], [239.0, 438.0]], ('Anount', 0.978043794631958)]]
{"store_name": "PeliPeli", "store_addr": "110VintageParkBlvd BuildingJSuiteP Houston,TX77070", "telephone": "", "date": "10/24/2012", "time": "7:54:54PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "$4.62", "total": "$81.62", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChileanSeaBass", "item_value": "$32.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "-CarratBredie", "item_value": "$10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "-MangoColesay", "item_value": "($4.00)", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HouseREDGLS(R)", "item_value": "$18.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "-HouseMineHH", "item_value": "($8", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PeliPeachBellini", "item_value": ".00)", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "-OpeningSpecialDrinks", "item_value": "$10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "STUFFEDMUSHROOMS", "item_value": "$14.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Sweet&SpicyPeliPeli", "item_value": "$5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WellVodka", "item_value": "$77.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ITEM", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[150.0, 131.0], [242.0, 134.0], [242.0, 156.0], [149.0, 154.0]], ('MEXISAN', 0.9279965758323669)], [[[168.0, 159.0], [227.0, 159.0], [227.0, 184.0], [168.0, 184.0]], ('FOOD', 0.9877649545669556)], [[[76.0, 175.0], [141.0, 174.0], [142.0, 192.0], [77.0, 193.0]], ('PUE20', 0.7131955027580261)], [[[105.0, 202.0], [208.0, 202.0], [208.0, 215.0], [105.0, 215.0]], ('820 BIRMINGHAM DR', 0.9378576278686523)], [[[94.0, 216.0], [223.0, 216.0], [223.0, 229.0], [94.0, 229.0]], ('CARDIFF BY THE SEACA', 0.9414068460464478)], [[[90.0, 230.0], [226.0, 230.0], [226.0, 244.0], [90.0, 244.0]], ('760-230-1771', 0.9916937947273254)], [[[62.0, 244.0], [253.0, 241.0], [253.0, 258.0], [62.0, 261.0]], ('DATE 01/24/2014 FRITIME 16:48', 0.9310047030448914)], [[[63.0, 275.0], [137.0, 273.0], [137.0, 288.0], [63.0, 290.0]], ('FISH TACO T1', 0.9305689334869385)], [[[222.0, 272.0], [256.0, 272.0], [256.0, 287.0], [222.0, 287.0]], ('660$', 0.9583818912506104)], [[[117.0, 289.0], [195.0, 289.0], [195.0, 302.0], [117.0, 302.0]], (' EATIN =', 0.8564143776893616)], [[[63.0, 304.0], [91.0, 304.0], [91.0, 319.0], [63.0, 319.0]], ('TAX1', 0.9915904998779297)], [[[223.0, 300.0], [258.0, 300.0], [258.0, 318.0], [223.0, 318.0]], ('$0.08', 0.9738680720329285)], [[[63.0, 319.0], [95.0, 319.0], [95.0, 334.0], [63.0, 334.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9983911514282227)], [[[223.0, 315.0], [258.0, 315.0], [258.0, 333.0], [223.0, 333.0]], ('$1.07', 0.9951906204223633)], [[[62.0, 335.0], [92.0, 335.0], [92.0, 351.0], [62.0, 351.0]], ('CASH', 0.9970148205757141)], [[[224.0, 331.0], [258.0, 331.0], [258.0, 350.0], [224.0, 350.0]], ('$1.25', 0.9803469777107239)], [[[62.0, 352.0], [101.0, 352.0], [101.0, 367.0], [62.0, 367.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9974114894866943)], [[[225.0, 349.0], [258.0, 349.0], [258.0, 364.0], [225.0, 364.0]], ('$0.18', 0.9448679685592651)], [[[110.0, 365.0], [217.0, 362.0], [217.0, 379.0], [110.0, 381.0]], ('**ORDER0115**', 0.837871253490448)], [[[63.0, 382.0], [108.0, 382.0], [108.0, 397.0], [63.0, 397.0]], ('CLERK1', 0.9923501014709473)], [[[172.0, 380.0], [213.0, 380.0], [213.0, 395.0], [172.0, 395.0]], ('000135', 0.9957544207572937)], [[[225.0, 378.0], [258.0, 378.0], [258.0, 393.0], [225.0, 393.0]], ('00000', 0.988722026348114)]]
{"store_name": "PUERLO", "store_addr": "820BIRMINGHAMDR. CARDIFFBYTHESEA,CA", "telephone": "760-230-1771", "date": "01/24/2014FRI", "time": "16:48", "subtotal": "", "tax": "$0.08", "total": "$1.07", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FISHTACOT1", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[110.0, 0.0], [208.0, 0.0], [208.0, 14.0], [110.0, 14.0]], ('JimmyJohns #2947', 0.9245656728744507)], [[[102.0, 11.0], [218.0, 10.0], [219.0, 27.0], [102.0, 28.0]], ('421w.Broadway #641', 0.8955498933792114)], [[[124.0, 28.0], [195.0, 26.0], [196.0, 39.0], [125.0, 42.0]], ('562-901-4444', 0.9912707805633545)], [[[36.0, 50.0], [223.0, 51.0], [223.0, 68.0], [36.0, 67.0]], ('05-18-2015 Chk 196 0pen 5:02 PM', 0.9050850868225098)], [[[37.0, 64.0], [203.0, 65.0], [203.0, 82.0], [37.0, 81.0]], ('Tkr2Reg#5 5:02 PM>D7', 0.9219170808792114)], [[[67.0, 93.0], [112.0, 95.0], [111.0, 110.0], [66.0, 108.0]], ('#1Pepe', 0.9565123915672302)], [[[253.0, 93.0], [280.0, 93.0], [280.0, 108.0], [253.0, 108.0]], ('6.92', 0.9946309924125671)], [[[79.0, 107.0], [134.0, 109.0], [133.0, 124.0], [78.0, 121.0]], ('ADD onion', 0.9523904323577881)], [[[80.0, 124.0], [167.0, 124.0], [167.0, 136.0], [80.0, 136.0]], ('Add Hot Peppers', 0.9615883231163025)], [[[80.0, 137.0], [134.0, 137.0], [134.0, 151.0], [80.0, 151.0]], ('ADD sauce', 0.9668449759483337)], [[[80.0, 151.0], [145.0, 151.0], [145.0, 165.0], [80.0, 165.0]], ('ADD oregano', 0.963705837726593)], [[[67.0, 165.0], [145.0, 165.0], [145.0, 179.0], [67.0, 179.0]], ('#4 Turkey Tom', 0.9335404634475708)], [[[255.0, 161.0], [284.0, 161.0], [284.0, 176.0], [255.0, 176.0]], ('6.92', 0.9835436344146729)], [[[81.0, 181.0], [133.0, 181.0], [133.0, 192.0], [81.0, 192.0]], ('ADD onion', 0.872147798538208)], [[[80.0, 194.0], [124.0, 194.0], [124.0, 208.0], [80.0, 208.0]], ('NO mayo', 0.9245432615280151)], [[[81.0, 209.0], [157.0, 209.0], [157.0, 220.0], [81.0, 220.0]], ('ADD cucumbers', 0.9666476845741272)], [[[80.0, 221.0], [168.0, 221.0], [168.0, 235.0], [80.0, 235.0]], ('Add Hot Peppers', 0.9555302858352661)], [[[79.0, 236.0], [133.0, 236.0], [133.0, 250.0], [79.0, 250.0]], ('ADD sauce', 0.9083479642868042)], [[[79.0, 251.0], [145.0, 251.0], [145.0, 265.0], [79.0, 265.0]], ('ADD oregano', 0.9599578976631165)], [[[79.0, 266.0], [145.0, 266.0], [145.0, 280.0], [79.0, 280.0]], ('E-Z sprouts', 0.9450536966323853)], [[[66.0, 296.0], [150.0, 296.0], [150.0, 309.0], [66.0, 309.0]], ('Pickle 1/4 d', 0.9053359031677246)], [[[262.0, 294.0], [290.0, 294.0], [290.0, 308.0], [262.0, 308.0]], ('1.48', 0.995823085308075)]]
{"store_name": "JimmyJohns#2947", "store_addr": "421W.Broadway#641", "telephone": "562-901-4444", "date": "05-18-2015", "time": "5:02PM 5:02PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Pepe", "item_value": "6.92", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDonion", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AddHotPeppers", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDsauce", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDoregano", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TurkeyTom", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDonion", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NOmayo", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDcucumbers", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AddHotPeppers", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDsauce", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDoregano", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "E-Zsprouts", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[264.0, 71.0], [315.0, 69.0], [316.0, 83.0], [264.0, 85.0]], ('6006', 0.9934096932411194)], [[[247.0, 100.0], [339.0, 96.0], [339.0, 110.0], [247.0, 114.0]], ('KFC OLOBURY', 0.9041662812232971)], [[[206.0, 111.0], [372.0, 108.0], [372.0, 126.0], [207.0, 129.0]], ('Orion Gate, Gui ldford Road', 0.9190587401390076)], [[[235.0, 127.0], [341.0, 123.0], [342.0, 140.0], [236.0, 144.0]], ('WokingGU22 7NJ', 0.9257118105888367)], [[[242.0, 141.0], [330.0, 137.0], [331.0, 153.0], [243.0, 158.0]], ('01215441819', 0.993503749370575)], [[[268.0, 155.0], [304.0, 155.0], [304.0, 170.0], [268.0, 170.0]], ('05656', 0.9874552488327026)], [[[165.0, 167.0], [231.0, 167.0], [231.0, 183.0], [165.0, 183.0]], ('2015-06-18', 0.9859533309936523)], [[[362.0, 169.0], [418.0, 166.0], [419.0, 184.0], [363.0, 187.0]], ('11:36AM', 0.9405640959739685)], [[[242.0, 181.0], [336.0, 183.0], [336.0, 200.0], [242.0, 198.0]], ('5656642 6006', 0.9580371379852295)], [[[165.0, 210.0], [306.0, 213.0], [305.0, 231.0], [165.0, 228.0]], ('Cashier730018 Sophie', 0.9585297703742981)], [[[168.0, 228.0], [249.0, 228.0], [249.0, 244.0], [168.0, 244.0]], ('TRANS#6006', 0.9806985855102539)], [[[180.0, 255.0], [253.0, 257.0], [253.0, 274.0], [180.0, 272.0]], ('3PC ALCO/R', 0.9287022352218628)], [[[388.0, 256.0], [418.0, 256.0], [418.0, 272.0], [388.0, 272.0]], ('3.79', 0.9950137138366699)], [[[164.0, 287.0], [186.0, 287.0], [186.0, 303.0], [164.0, 303.0]], ('VAT', 0.8879360556602478)], [[[387.0, 287.0], [418.0, 287.0], [418.0, 303.0], [387.0, 303.0]], ('0.63', 0.9958758354187012)], [[[161.0, 303.0], [227.0, 303.0], [227.0, 319.0], [161.0, 319.0]], ('DRIVE THRU', 0.9160510897636414)], [[[382.0, 303.0], [419.0, 303.0], [419.0, 320.0], [382.0, 320.0]], ('3.79', 0.9889146685600281)], [[[160.0, 333.0], [228.0, 333.0], [228.0, 350.0], [160.0, 350.0]], ('CASH5 GBP', 0.9294098615646362)], [[[383.0, 332.0], [420.0, 332.0], [420.0, 350.0], [383.0, 350.0]], ('5.00', 0.9935215711593628)], [[[161.0, 349.0], [202.0, 352.0], [200.0, 367.0], [159.0, 363.0]], ('Change', 0.9978602528572083)], [[[383.0, 348.0], [420.0, 348.0], [420.0, 366.0], [383.0, 366.0]], ('1.21', 0.9806885123252869)], [[[217.0, 381.0], [354.0, 381.0], [354.0, 395.0], [217.0, 395.0]], ('VATNUMBER:414021513', 0.9624331593513489)], [[[158.0, 394.0], [419.0, 395.0], [419.0, 412.0], [158.0, 411.0]], ('KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKENGREAT BRITAIN LTD', 0.9439315795898438)], [[[161.0, 429.0], [417.0, 429.0], [417.0, 442.0], [161.0, 442.0]], ('*+***********+*****', 0.6902644634246826)], [[[166.0, 444.0], [407.0, 444.0], [407.0, 458.0], [166.0, 458.0]], ('Complete our brief survey and receive', 0.9420879483222961)], [[[189.0, 458.0], [377.0, 460.0], [377.0, 476.0], [189.0, 474.0]], ('20%off your next purchase', 0.9341098070144653)], [[[172.0, 474.0], [402.0, 476.0], [401.0, 493.0], [172.0, 491.0]], ('5.00 min spend required to redeem', 0.94230717420578)], [[[247.0, 493.0], [334.0, 493.0], [334.0, 507.0], [247.0, 507.0]], ('offer', 0.9495397806167603)], [[[158.0, 507.0], [418.0, 508.0], [418.0, 521.0], [158.0, 520.0]], ('*******************', 0.705437183380127)], [[[175.0, 523.0], [401.0, 525.0], [400.0, 539.0], [175.0, 537.0]], ('1.Visit anytime', 0.9180052280426025)], [[[213.0, 540.0], [362.0, 542.0], [362.0, 556.0], [212.0, 554.0]], ('within the next 3 days', 0.9081718325614929)], [[[173.0, 555.0], [402.0, 557.0], [401.0, 574.0], [173.0, 572.0]], ('2.Complete the survey and receive', 0.9579823017120361)], [[[213.0, 573.0], [358.0, 573.0], [358.0, 586.0], [213.0, 586.0]], ('your validation.code.', 0.9098777770996094)], [[[173.0, 588.0], [401.0, 592.0], [400.0, 606.0], [173.0, 602.0]], ('3.Write your validation code here', 0.951321005821228)], [[[151.0, 652.0], [418.0, 658.0], [417.0, 677.0], [151.0, 672.0]], ('Hand in this receipt & redeem in store', 0.963923990726471)], [[[150.0, 668.0], [422.0, 675.0], [421.0, 696.0], [150.0, 689.0]], ('Offer not valid with any other KFC offer', 0.9593462944030762)], [[[154.0, 685.0], [410.0, 693.0], [409.0, 714.0], [154.0, 705.0]], ('Offer must be redeemed within 14 days', 0.9729979038238525)], [[[203.0, 705.0], [369.0, 710.0], [369.0, 728.0], [202.0, 722.0]], ('of the original receipt.', 0.9672527313232422)], [[[215.0, 742.0], [347.0, 744.0], [347.0, 764.0], [214.0, 762.0]], ('once every 30 days.', 0.9333879351615906)]]
{"store_name": "KFCOLDBURY", "store_addr": "orionGate,GuildfordRoad Woking,GU227NJ", "telephone": "01215441819", "date": "2015-06-18", "time": "11:36AM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "0.63", "total": "\uffe13.79", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "3PCALC0/R", "item_value": "3.79", "item_quantity": "1"}]}