1 value
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[102.0, 0.0], [215.0, 4.0], [214.0, 18.0], [102.0, 14.0]], ('GSTNo200910135R', 0.9905803203582764)], [[[78.0, 14.0], [237.0, 20.0], [237.0, 36.0], [77.0, 29.0]], ('Changi Business Park Ave 1', 0.9197250008583069)], [[[46.0, 28.0], [271.0, 35.0], [271.0, 52.0], [45.0, 44.0]], ('Leve1 1.Unit#01-24 Bussiness Park', 0.9040436744689941)], [[[96.0, 46.0], [226.0, 50.0], [225.0, 64.0], [96.0, 61.0]], ('UE BizHub EAST 468017', 0.9271618723869324)], [[[121.0, 64.0], [195.0, 64.0], [195.0, 78.0], [121.0, 78.0]], ('PH65427057', 0.9935121536254883)], [[[35.0, 74.0], [104.0, 77.0], [103.0, 91.0], [34.0, 88.0]], ('10COUNTER1', 0.9624443054199219)], [[[33.0, 89.0], [112.0, 92.0], [111.0, 109.0], [32.0, 106.0]], ('Print Cnt:1', 0.9164379239082336)], [[[205.0, 81.0], [278.0, 81.0], [278.0, 95.0], [205.0, 95.0]], ('1021 CASHIER', 0.9685671925544739)], [[[204.0, 93.0], [278.0, 95.0], [277.0, 112.0], [203.0, 110.0]], ('1021 CASHIER', 0.9491891264915466)], [[[35.0, 120.0], [107.0, 123.0], [106.0, 138.0], [34.0, 135.0]], ('Check:12693', 0.9540254473686218)], [[[102.0, 135.0], [211.0, 139.0], [210.0, 153.0], [102.0, 150.0]], ('05Dec 12 12:04:06', 0.8849055767059326)], [[[233.0, 126.0], [278.0, 126.0], [278.0, 140.0], [233.0, 140.0]], ('Cover:0', 0.8914359211921692)], [[[37.0, 150.0], [156.0, 152.0], [156.0, 167.0], [36.0, 165.0]], ('TAG:15/1', 0.9049603343009949)], [[[52.0, 180.0], [163.0, 183.0], [163.0, 197.0], [51.0, 194.0]], ('Curry Chicken Rice', 0.9529235363006592)], [[[224.0, 184.0], [253.0, 184.0], [253.0, 199.0], [224.0, 199.0]], ('5.90', 0.9969180226325989)], [[[54.0, 194.0], [136.0, 196.0], [135.0, 211.0], [53.0, 208.0]], ('Ice Lemon Tea', 0.9278650879859924)], [[[54.0, 207.0], [146.0, 211.0], [145.0, 226.0], [53.0, 222.0]], ('Signature Laksa', 0.9719648361206055)], [[[224.0, 199.0], [253.0, 199.0], [253.0, 214.0], [224.0, 214.0]], ('1.90', 0.9898401498794556)], [[[53.0, 223.0], [134.0, 226.0], [133.0, 239.0], [52.0, 237.0]], ('Mineral Water', 0.9471120834350586)], [[[223.0, 227.0], [252.0, 227.0], [252.0, 243.0], [223.0, 243.0]], ('1.90', 0.9955860376358032)], [[[54.0, 253.0], [116.0, 253.0], [116.0, 267.0], [54.0, 267.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9079577326774597)], [[[219.0, 256.0], [253.0, 258.0], [252.0, 273.0], [218.0, 271.0]], ('15.60', 0.9943195581436157)], [[[53.0, 267.0], [94.0, 269.0], [93.0, 284.0], [52.0, 282.0]], ('Total:', 0.9510580897331238)], [[[219.0, 271.0], [253.0, 273.0], [252.0, 289.0], [218.0, 286.0]], ('15.60', 0.9939298629760742)], [[[52.0, 281.0], [81.0, 284.0], [79.0, 300.0], [50.0, 297.0]], ('Pay:', 0.9456299543380737)], [[[217.0, 285.0], [252.0, 288.0], [251.0, 303.0], [216.0, 300.0]], ('20.00', 0.9938936233520508)], [[[51.0, 296.0], [81.0, 299.0], [79.0, 315.0], [50.0, 312.0]], ('CASH', 0.9767194986343384)], [[[51.0, 312.0], [119.0, 312.0], [119.0, 329.0], [51.0, 329.0]], ('Change Due:', 0.9287687540054321)], [[[218.0, 303.0], [252.0, 303.0], [252.0, 317.0], [218.0, 317.0]], ('20.00', 0.9966102838516235)], [[[50.0, 326.0], [101.0, 328.0], [100.0, 345.0], [49.0, 343.0]], ('GST Inc', 0.9363638162612915)], [[[223.0, 318.0], [252.0, 318.0], [252.0, 333.0], [223.0, 333.0]], ('4.40', 0.9944596290588379)], [[[223.0, 333.0], [252.0, 333.0], [252.0, 347.0], [223.0, 347.0]], ('1.02', 0.9941176772117615)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "ChangiBusinessParkAve1 Level1.Unit:#01-24BussinessPark1 UEBizHubEAST468017", "telephone": "65427057", "date": "05Dec12", "time": "12:04:06", "subtotal": "15.60", "tax": "1.02", "total": "15.60", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CurryChickenRice", "item_value": "5.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "IceLemonTea", "item_value": "1.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SignatureLaksa", "item_value": "5.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MineralWater", "item_value": "1.90", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[215.0, 91.0], [629.0, 94.0], [629.0, 150.0], [214.0, 146.0]], ('SAFEWAY', 0.9973735213279724)], [[[197.0, 165.0], [507.0, 172.0], [506.0, 201.0], [197.0, 194.0]], ('STORE MGR TIM HILTY', 0.9453258514404297)], [[[616.0, 170.0], [803.0, 170.0], [803.0, 193.0], [616.0, 193.0]], ('408-733-8251', 0.992215096950531)], [[[245.0, 194.0], [746.0, 189.0], [747.0, 216.0], [245.0, 221.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING WITH US!', 0.9197407364845276)], [[[423.0, 280.0], [560.0, 272.0], [562.0, 299.0], [425.0, 308.0]], ('GROCERY', 0.9971433281898499)], [[[155.0, 337.0], [348.0, 337.0], [348.0, 360.0], [155.0, 360.0]], ('12/4.00', 0.9543486833572388)], [[[132.0, 360.0], [406.0, 358.0], [406.0, 387.0], [132.0, 388.0]], ('ROTINI WHL WHT', 0.9312563538551331)], [[[759.0, 352.0], [877.0, 352.0], [877.0, 380.0], [759.0, 380.0]], ('2.00F', 0.9888752102851868)], [[[386.0, 407.0], [606.0, 389.0], [609.0, 421.0], [389.0, 438.0]], ('BAKED GOODS', 0.9716892242431641)], [[[124.0, 465.0], [465.0, 453.0], [466.0, 485.0], [125.0, 497.0]], ('SFWY BRD 1OO%WHT', 0.9045743942260742)], [[[771.0, 456.0], [887.0, 464.0], [885.0, 494.0], [769.0, 486.0]], ('1.50F', 0.9886806607246399)], [[[485.0, 474.0], [716.0, 471.0], [716.0, 504.0], [486.0, 508.0]], ('CardSav.69', 0.9687727689743042)], [[[121.0, 494.0], [388.0, 487.0], [389.0, 516.0], [121.0, 522.0]], ('RegPrice 2.19', 0.9298452734947205)], [[[425.0, 537.0], [572.0, 523.0], [575.0, 556.0], [428.0, 571.0]], ('PRODUCE', 0.9969366192817688)], [[[116.0, 607.0], [490.0, 593.0], [491.0, 621.0], [117.0, 634.0]], ('GREEN BELL PEPPERS', 0.9555405378341675)], [[[488.0, 608.0], [726.0, 616.0], [724.0, 659.0], [486.0, 650.0]], ('CardSav .79', 0.9256454110145569)], [[[809.0, 600.0], [907.0, 604.0], [905.0, 637.0], [807.0, 633.0]], ('.50F', 0.9296252727508545)], [[[112.0, 640.0], [384.0, 628.0], [386.0, 658.0], [114.0, 671.0]], ('RegPrice1.29', 0.9808807969093323)], [[[112.0, 674.0], [280.0, 665.0], [281.0, 692.0], [114.0, 701.0]], ('1@2/1.00', 0.9677557349205017)], [[[108.0, 701.0], [448.0, 687.0], [449.0, 714.0], [109.0, 728.0]], ('RED BELLPEPPERS', 0.9690072536468506)], [[[495.0, 701.0], [750.0, 717.0], [748.0, 750.0], [493.0, 735.0]], ('CardSav1.00', 0.9850351214408875)], [[[823.0, 694.0], [915.0, 698.0], [913.0, 731.0], [822.0, 727.0]], ('50F', 0.989689826965332)], [[[106.0, 729.0], [385.0, 719.0], [386.0, 746.0], [107.0, 756.0]], ('RegPrice1.50', 0.9447049498558044)], [[[104.0, 756.0], [362.0, 748.0], [363.0, 777.0], [105.0, 785.0]], ('YELLOW ONION', 0.974269688129425)], [[[795.0, 748.0], [925.0, 753.0], [923.0, 791.0], [793.0, 786.0]], ('2.99F', 0.9893091917037964)], [[[361.0, 809.0], [649.0, 804.0], [650.0, 835.0], [362.0, 841.0]], ('MISCELLANEOUS', 0.9963343143463135)], [[[90.0, 883.0], [139.0, 883.0], [139.0, 917.0], [90.0, 917.0]], ('MC', 0.9961627721786499)], [[[269.0, 879.0], [588.0, 872.0], [589.0, 904.0], [270.0, 911.0]], ('SCANNED COUPON', 0.9734088778495789)], [[[809.0, 880.0], [920.0, 886.0], [918.0, 921.0], [807.0, 915.0]], ('5.00-', 0.991100013256073)], [[[155.0, 914.0], [338.0, 910.0], [339.0, 944.0], [155.0, 947.0]], ('****TAX', 0.8199611306190491)], [[[498.0, 909.0], [597.0, 909.0], [597.0, 942.0], [498.0, 942.0]], ('.00', 0.9599621891975403)], [[[610.0, 909.0], [676.0, 909.0], [676.0, 939.0], [610.0, 939.0]], ('BAL.', 0.8790702223777771)], [[[811.0, 913.0], [905.0, 919.0], [903.0, 954.0], [809.0, 948.0]], ('2.49', 0.9931396245956421)], [[[264.0, 947.0], [362.0, 943.0], [363.0, 978.0], [265.0, 982.0]], ('CASH', 0.9979690313339233)], [[[814.0, 948.0], [909.0, 954.0], [906.0, 989.0], [812.0, 983.0]], ('3.00', 0.9976696372032166)], [[[262.0, 1021.0], [402.0, 1015.0], [404.0, 1049.0], [264.0, 1054.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9984856247901917)], [[[850.0, 1022.0], [911.0, 1022.0], [911.0, 1060.0], [850.0, 1060.0]], ('.51', 0.9780075550079346)], [[[266.0, 1059.0], [567.0, 1050.0], [568.0, 1082.0], [267.0, 1091.0]], ('TOTAL SAVINGS', 0.9707862138748169)], [[[686.0, 1052.0], [781.0, 1056.0], [779.0, 1089.0], [685.0, 1085.0]], ('7.48', 0.9775444865226746)], [[[100.0, 1090.0], [825.0, 1087.0], [826.0, 1130.0], [100.0, 1133.0]], ('7/29/1019:27031307 08478031', 0.9714286923408508)], [[[261.0, 1216.0], [551.0, 1209.0], [552.0, 1248.0], [262.0, 1255.0]], ('DAVID BUTLER', 0.9621486663818359)], [[[740.0, 1207.0], [839.0, 1214.0], [837.0, 1255.0], [738.0, 1249.0]], ('9104', 0.9980142712593079)], [[[166.0, 1299.0], [572.0, 1299.0], [572.0, 1331.0], [166.0, 1331.0]], ('Club Card Savings', 0.9506768584251404)], [[[771.0, 1296.0], [800.0, 1296.0], [800.0, 1327.0], [771.0, 1327.0]], ('$', 0.8894712924957275)], [[[837.0, 1294.0], [937.0, 1298.0], [936.0, 1339.0], [835.0, 1335.0]], ('2.48', 0.9762434959411621)], [[[161.0, 1337.0], [503.0, 1340.0], [503.0, 1374.0], [161.0, 1370.0]], ('Coupon Savings', 0.9705093502998352)], [[[772.0, 1335.0], [800.0, 1335.0], [800.0, 1370.0], [772.0, 1370.0]], ('$', 0.9551790952682495)], [[[840.0, 1333.0], [941.0, 1339.0], [938.0, 1381.0], [838.0, 1374.0]], ('5.00', 0.9985506534576416)], [[[160.0, 1374.0], [629.0, 1375.0], [629.0, 1413.0], [160.0, 1412.0]], ('Total Savings Value', 0.960976779460907)], [[[677.0, 1370.0], [805.0, 1376.0], [803.0, 1416.0], [675.0, 1410.0]], ('75%$', 0.9459827542304993)], [[[844.0, 1378.0], [944.0, 1382.0], [942.0, 1417.0], [843.0, 1413.0]], ('7.48', 0.9952971935272217)], [[[203.0, 1455.0], [900.0, 1460.0], [900.0, 1498.0], [203.0, 1493.0]], ('YOUR CASHIER TODAY WAS JORGE', 0.9420300722122192)]]
{"store_name": "SAFEWAY", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "408-733-8251", "date": "7/29/10", "time": "19:27", "subtotal": "", "tax": ".00", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "YELLOWONION", "item_value": ".50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "REDBELLPEPPERS", "item_value": ".50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GREENBELLPEPPERS", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SFWYBRD100%WHT", "item_value": "1.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ROTINIWHLWHT", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[43.0, 83.0], [141.0, 81.0], [141.0, 96.0], [43.0, 99.0]], ('CHECK2147327', 0.9818058013916016)], [[[201.0, 80.0], [284.0, 80.0], [284.0, 94.0], [201.0, 94.0]], ('DATE2/715', 0.9299437403678894)], [[[44.0, 99.0], [110.0, 96.0], [111.0, 111.0], [44.0, 114.0]], ('TABLE36', 0.9884971976280212)], [[[201.0, 93.0], [287.0, 93.0], [287.0, 110.0], [201.0, 110.0]], ('TIVE5:47P', 0.887014627456665)], [[[58.0, 143.0], [217.0, 140.0], [217.0, 157.0], [59.0, 160.0]], ('DINING ROOMKeVin D', 0.8779993057250977)], [[[68.0, 173.0], [153.0, 171.0], [154.0, 188.0], [68.0, 190.0]], ('ITEMS ORDERED', 0.9587041139602661)], [[[251.0, 168.0], [295.0, 165.0], [296.0, 184.0], [252.0, 186.0]], ('AMOUNT', 0.9208159446716309)], [[[66.0, 204.0], [147.0, 201.0], [148.0, 218.0], [67.0, 221.0]], ('1ADD CAESAR', 0.9243459105491638)], [[[266.0, 199.0], [298.0, 199.0], [298.0, 214.0], [266.0, 214.0]], ('3.89', 0.9924701452255249)], [[[66.0, 220.0], [160.0, 218.0], [160.0, 232.0], [66.0, 234.0]], ('1PLAIN.BURGER', 0.9777520298957825)], [[[262.0, 213.0], [300.0, 213.0], [300.0, 231.0], [262.0, 231.0]], ('11.97', 0.9122228622436523)], [[[65.0, 234.0], [172.0, 233.0], [172.0, 248.0], [65.0, 249.0]], ('1ROAST.BEEF.DIP', 0.9807020425796509)], [[[265.0, 231.0], [300.0, 231.0], [300.0, 246.0], [265.0, 246.0]], ('15.43', 0.9962550401687622)], [[[65.0, 251.0], [158.0, 251.0], [158.0, 265.0], [65.0, 265.0]], ('1 S/0.Bf.Gravy', 0.9160200953483582)], [[[269.0, 245.0], [302.0, 245.0], [302.0, 263.0], [269.0, 263.0]], ('1.49', 0.9941304326057434)], [[[63.0, 266.0], [160.0, 264.0], [160.0, 280.0], [64.0, 282.0]], ('1POPSPRITE', 0.9737623333930969)], [[[270.0, 262.0], [303.0, 262.0], [303.0, 280.0], [270.0, 280.0]], ('3.29', 0.9929671287536621)], [[[61.0, 283.0], [158.0, 281.0], [159.0, 297.0], [62.0, 299.0]], ('2BUD LZGHT.XL', 0.8754700422286987)], [[[266.0, 276.0], [305.0, 279.0], [304.0, 298.0], [265.0, 295.0]], ('15.98', 0.9951591491699219)], [[[28.0, 317.0], [304.0, 313.0], [304.0, 327.0], [28.0, 332.0]], ('*******************************x', 0.6594901084899902)], [[[59.0, 351.0], [237.0, 348.0], [237.0, 366.0], [60.0, 368.0]], ('EN ER TO WIN A TRIP FOR 2', 0.8898528218269348)], [[[101.0, 370.0], [216.0, 370.0], [216.0, 387.0], [101.0, 387.0]], ('TOTHE CARIBBEAN', 0.9596052765846252)], [[[36.0, 407.0], [286.0, 407.0], [286.0, 424.0], [36.0, 424.0]], ('Please share your feedback with us', 0.9484918117523193)], [[[68.0, 426.0], [240.0, 427.0], [240.0, 444.0], [68.0, 443.0]], ('Complete a brief survey', 0.9550545811653137)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "2/17/15", "time": "5:47PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ADDCAESAR", "item_value": "15.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PLAINBURGER", "item_value": "3.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ROAST.BEEF.DIP", "item_value": "1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "S/O.Bf.Gravy", "item_value": "15.43", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "POP.,SPRITE", "item_value": "11.97", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BUDLIGHT,XL", "item_value": "3.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ITEMSORDERED", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[296.0, 306.0], [576.0, 309.0], [576.0, 340.0], [296.0, 338.0]], ('SHIEKH SHOES LLC', 0.9438301920890808)], [[[259.0, 344.0], [626.0, 348.0], [626.0, 380.0], [259.0, 375.0]], ('2039 Westninster mall', 0.9162139892578125)], [[[257.0, 381.0], [646.0, 385.0], [646.0, 420.0], [256.0, 416.0]], ('WestminsterCA 92683', 0.9657286405563354)], [[[345.0, 416.0], [558.0, 420.0], [557.0, 457.0], [344.0, 452.0]], ('714-899-4822', 0.9875615239143372)], [[[135.0, 496.0], [433.0, 496.0], [433.0, 527.0], [135.0, 527.0]], ('Receipt# A18385', 0.9414511322975159)], [[[536.0, 494.0], [785.0, 497.0], [785.0, 534.0], [535.0, 531.0]], ('Date:6-19-02', 0.959384024143219)], [[[167.0, 532.0], [364.0, 532.0], [364.0, 567.0], [167.0, 567.0]], ('Cashier:28', 0.9671605825424194)], [[[537.0, 532.0], [733.0, 535.0], [732.0, 573.0], [536.0, 570.0]], ('Time:11:07', 0.940543532371521)], [[[100.0, 570.0], [501.0, 573.0], [501.0, 604.0], [100.0, 601.0]], ('SalesPerson: 10 ENRIQUE', 0.9189015030860901)], [[[115.0, 605.0], [451.0, 608.0], [451.0, 643.0], [114.0, 640.0]], ('Trans Type: 01 Sale', 0.916363537311554)], [[[149.0, 641.0], [450.0, 646.0], [449.0, 682.0], [148.0, 678.0]], ('How Paid:01 Cash', 0.9227925539016724)], [[[95.0, 717.0], [160.0, 717.0], [160.0, 755.0], [95.0, 755.0]], ('SKU', 0.9919218420982361)], [[[217.0, 720.0], [399.0, 720.0], [399.0, 755.0], [217.0, 755.0]], ('Descrip', 0.9774476289749146)], [[[392.0, 720.0], [647.0, 720.0], [647.0, 756.0], [392.0, 756.0]], ('SP Siz Wth Qty', 0.9232588410377502)], [[[675.0, 721.0], [786.0, 721.0], [786.0, 758.0], [675.0, 758.0]], ('Amount', 0.995245635509491)], [[[100.0, 760.0], [397.0, 760.0], [397.0, 792.0], [100.0, 792.0]], ('33-869A FRC1 MID', 0.9154729843139648)], [[[447.0, 758.0], [504.0, 758.0], [504.0, 794.0], [447.0, 794.0]], ('11', 0.9879800081253052)], [[[623.0, 763.0], [644.0, 763.0], [644.0, 792.0], [623.0, 792.0]], ('1', 0.9941757917404175)], [[[690.0, 759.0], [786.0, 759.0], [786.0, 797.0], [690.0, 797.0]], ('79.97', 0.9944071769714355)], [[[549.0, 792.0], [611.0, 796.0], [608.0, 837.0], [546.0, 833.0]], ('Tax', 0.6582984924316406)], [[[710.0, 798.0], [785.0, 798.0], [785.0, 833.0], [710.0, 833.0]], ('6.20', 0.9968596696853638)], [[[517.0, 835.0], [610.0, 835.0], [610.0, 872.0], [517.0, 872.0]], ('Total', 0.9974325895309448)], [[[656.0, 836.0], [785.0, 836.0], [785.0, 872.0], [656.0, 872.0]], ('$86.17', 0.9248185157775879)], [[[411.0, 908.0], [606.0, 910.0], [606.0, 947.0], [410.0, 944.0]], ('Amount Paid', 0.9705660343170166)], [[[676.0, 910.0], [785.0, 910.0], [785.0, 948.0], [676.0, 948.0]], ('100.00', 0.9966842532157898)], [[[497.0, 948.0], [609.0, 953.0], [608.0, 990.0], [495.0, 985.0]], ('Change', 0.9987268447875977)], [[[656.0, 953.0], [783.0, 953.0], [783.0, 986.0], [656.0, 986.0]], ('$13.83', 0.9706929326057434)], [[[94.0, 1021.0], [779.0, 1026.0], [778.0, 1067.0], [93.0, 1061.0]], ('no exchange/refund on worn items/30 day', 0.9493643641471863)], [[[146.0, 1099.0], [746.0, 1102.0], [746.0, 1139.0], [146.0, 1136.0]], ('No exchange/refund without receipt', 0.9666532874107361)]]
{"store_name": "SHIEKHSHOESLLC", "store_addr": "2039Westminstermall Westminster,CA92683", "telephone": "714-899-4822", "date": "6-19-02", "time": "11:07", "subtotal": "", "tax": "6.20", "total": "$86.17", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AFRC1MID", "item_value": "79.97", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Descrip", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[273.0, 21.0], [619.0, 26.0], [618.0, 97.0], [272.0, 93.0]], ('Toys+', 0.6317933797836304)], [[[628.0, 23.0], [767.0, 23.0], [767.0, 88.0], [628.0, 88.0]], ('US', 0.8565613031387329)], [[[363.0, 186.0], [654.0, 182.0], [655.0, 216.0], [363.0, 220.0]], ('Cherry Hi11.NJ08034', 0.8761096596717834)], [[[254.0, 224.0], [766.0, 210.0], [768.0, 251.0], [255.0, 265.0]], ('A RECEIPT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL RETURNS', 0.9297061562538147)], [[[426.0, 297.0], [625.0, 291.0], [626.0, 324.0], [427.0, 330.0]], ('09211201:27PM', 0.9439922571182251)], [[[839.0, 292.0], [902.0, 292.0], [902.0, 328.0], [839.0, 328.0]], ('SALE', 0.9112013578414917)], [[[696.0, 369.0], [815.0, 369.0], [815.0, 408.0], [696.0, 408.0]], ('13.6911', 0.9316045045852661)], [[[129.0, 392.0], [440.0, 375.0], [442.0, 411.0], [131.0, 428.0]], ('HOBBIT 3.75IN2 PACK FIGS', 0.9510807991027832)], [[[155.0, 432.0], [314.0, 425.0], [315.0, 459.0], [157.0, 466.0]], ('885561160147', 0.9977263808250427)], [[[554.0, 455.0], [696.0, 455.0], [696.0, 489.0], [554.0, 489.0]], ('14.99-1.30', 0.968133807182312)], [[[155.0, 472.0], [379.0, 463.0], [380.0, 495.0], [156.0, 504.0]], ('954596$50FF$25', 0.961129367351532)], [[[693.0, 497.0], [813.0, 497.0], [813.0, 535.0], [693.0, 535.0]], ('13.6911', 0.9067080616950989)], [[[129.0, 511.0], [443.0, 501.0], [444.0, 533.0], [130.0, 543.0]], ('HOBBIT 3.75IN2 PACK FIGS', 0.9388052821159363)], [[[154.0, 547.0], [316.0, 544.0], [316.0, 576.0], [154.0, 579.0]], ('885561160116', 0.9722127914428711)], [[[552.0, 576.0], [697.0, 579.0], [697.0, 617.0], [551.0, 614.0]], ('14.99-1.30', 0.9880679845809937)], [[[152.0, 587.0], [380.0, 583.0], [381.0, 615.0], [153.0, 620.0]], ('954596$50FF$25', 0.9637119174003601)], [[[125.0, 626.0], [473.0, 624.0], [473.0, 655.0], [125.0, 658.0]], ('THE HOBBIT3.75IN FIGURE', 0.958325982093811)], [[[705.0, 621.0], [815.0, 621.0], [815.0, 659.0], [705.0, 659.0]], ('9.1311', 0.9567716717720032)], [[[150.0, 667.0], [314.0, 667.0], [314.0, 695.0], [150.0, 695.0]], ('885561160031', 0.9982759356498718)], [[[148.0, 706.0], [378.0, 706.0], [378.0, 734.0], [148.0, 734.0]], ('954596$50FF$25', 0.978359580039978)], [[[565.0, 706.0], [698.0, 706.0], [698.0, 740.0], [565.0, 740.0]], ('9.99-0.86', 0.9837756752967834)], [[[117.0, 742.0], [448.0, 745.0], [448.0, 776.0], [117.0, 773.0]], ('HOBBIT 3.75IN2 PACK FIGS', 0.9428625106811523)], [[[698.0, 748.0], [818.0, 748.0], [818.0, 782.0], [698.0, 782.0]], ('13.7011', 0.9627116918563843)], [[[145.0, 781.0], [314.0, 785.0], [313.0, 817.0], [144.0, 814.0]], ('885561160123', 0.9983325600624084)], [[[146.0, 822.0], [380.0, 825.0], [379.0, 857.0], [146.0, 854.0]], ('954596$50FF$25', 0.9690257906913757)], [[[553.0, 823.0], [700.0, 826.0], [699.0, 864.0], [552.0, 861.0]], ('14.99-1.29', 0.9911457896232605)], [[[119.0, 861.0], [248.0, 864.0], [247.0, 898.0], [118.0, 895.0]], ('PULL BACK', 0.9676713943481445)], [[[291.0, 864.0], [418.0, 868.0], [417.0, 901.0], [290.0, 896.0]], ('TRAIN SET', 0.9738160371780396)], [[[708.0, 865.0], [819.0, 868.0], [817.0, 906.0], [706.0, 903.0]], ('2.74 T1', 0.9143930673599243)], [[[146.0, 903.0], [312.0, 906.0], [312.0, 938.0], [146.0, 935.0]], ('085761126992', 0.9982295632362366)], [[[146.0, 942.0], [376.0, 949.0], [375.0, 982.0], [145.0, 974.0]], ('954596$50FF$25', 0.9828557968139648)], [[[568.0, 948.0], [698.0, 948.0], [698.0, 981.0], [568.0, 981.0]], ('2.99-0.25', 0.9893080592155457)], [[[119.0, 981.0], [326.0, 989.0], [325.0, 1021.0], [118.0, 1013.0]], ('SUBTOTAL IC 5', 0.9373217225074768)], [[[692.0, 984.0], [775.0, 987.0], [773.0, 1028.0], [690.0, 1024.0]], ('52.95', 0.9949425458908081)], [[[119.0, 1020.0], [259.0, 1025.0], [258.0, 1059.0], [118.0, 1054.0]], ('T16.000%', 0.9832131862640381)], [[[302.0, 1029.0], [353.0, 1029.0], [353.0, 1066.0], [302.0, 1066.0]], ('TAX', 0.996349036693573)], [[[707.0, 1025.0], [773.0, 1029.0], [771.0, 1066.0], [705.0, 1062.0]], ('3.48', 0.9860706329345703)], [[[120.0, 1059.0], [256.0, 1066.0], [254.0, 1103.0], [118.0, 1097.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.998030960559845)], [[[611.0, 1062.0], [757.0, 1070.0], [755.0, 1106.0], [608.0, 1098.0]], ('56.43', 0.9982343912124634)], [[[116.0, 1098.0], [180.0, 1104.0], [177.0, 1140.0], [113.0, 1134.0]], ('CASH', 0.9973543882369995)], [[[692.0, 1106.0], [774.0, 1112.0], [771.0, 1152.0], [689.0, 1147.0]], ('60.00', 0.9932060241699219)], [[[121.0, 1133.0], [316.0, 1144.0], [313.0, 1181.0], [119.0, 1170.0]], ('REWARDS NUMBER', 0.9680118560791016)], [[[127.0, 1170.0], [261.0, 1181.0], [258.0, 1215.0], [124.0, 1203.0]], ('CHANGE DUE', 0.9634145498275757)], [[[705.0, 1183.0], [772.0, 1187.0], [770.0, 1222.0], [703.0, 1218.0]], ('3.57', 0.9826931953430176)], [[[221.0, 1242.0], [614.0, 1234.0], [615.0, 1275.0], [222.0, 1284.0]], ('YOU SAVED$5.00', 0.9565014839172363)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "CherryHill,NJ08034", "telephone": "", "date": "092112", "time": "01:27PM", "subtotal": "52.95", "tax": "3.48", "total": "56.43", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PULLBACKTRAINSET", "item_value": "13.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HOBBIT3.75IN2PACKFIGS", "item_value": "13.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "THEHOBBIT3.75INFIGURE", "item_value": "9.13", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HOBBIT3.75IN2PACKFIGS", "item_value": "13.70", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HOBBIT3.75IN2PACKFIGS", "item_value": "2.74", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[159.0, 1.0], [201.0, 1.0], [201.0, 11.0], [159.0, 11.0]], ('STOP', 0.8550167679786682)], [[[224.0, 19.0], [293.0, 21.0], [292.0, 36.0], [223.0, 33.0]], ('29205', 0.9975569844245911)], [[[134.0, 31.0], [211.0, 37.0], [210.0, 55.0], [133.0, 49.0]], ('57543775803', 0.9954931139945984)], [[[94.0, 43.0], [131.0, 46.0], [130.0, 61.0], [93.0, 58.0]], ('SHELL', 0.9973317980766296)], [[[92.0, 57.0], [191.0, 66.0], [190.0, 82.0], [90.0, 74.0]], ('4452 DEVINE ST', 0.9266313314437866)], [[[92.0, 74.0], [151.0, 77.0], [150.0, 92.0], [91.0, 89.0]], ('COLUMBIA', 0.9954236149787903)], [[[183.0, 80.0], [251.0, 78.0], [251.0, 95.0], [183.0, 97.0]], ('SC29205', 0.9933401942253113)], [[[98.0, 107.0], [246.0, 112.0], [246.0, 129.0], [98.0, 123.0]], ('***PREPAID RECEIPT***', 0.9558346271514893)], [[[42.0, 139.0], [125.0, 143.0], [124.0, 160.0], [41.0, 157.0]], ('Description', 0.9953466057777405)], [[[197.0, 145.0], [221.0, 145.0], [221.0, 162.0], [197.0, 162.0]], ('Qty', 0.9970584511756897)], [[[256.0, 146.0], [298.0, 150.0], [296.0, 168.0], [255.0, 164.0]], ('Amount', 0.9943280220031738)], [[[41.0, 174.0], [136.0, 177.0], [135.0, 194.0], [40.0, 191.0]], ('PREPAY CA #04', 0.9266732931137085)], [[[263.0, 180.0], [301.0, 180.0], [301.0, 198.0], [263.0, 198.0]], ('20.00', 0.9952688217163086)], [[[152.0, 211.0], [212.0, 214.0], [211.0, 231.0], [151.0, 228.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.994623601436615)], [[[264.0, 216.0], [300.0, 216.0], [300.0, 230.0], [264.0, 230.0]], ('20.00', 0.9940366744995117)], [[[187.0, 230.0], [214.0, 233.0], [212.0, 249.0], [185.0, 246.0]], ('Tax', 0.9799327254295349)], [[[268.0, 232.0], [300.0, 232.0], [300.0, 247.0], [268.0, 247.0]], ('0.00', 0.9968268871307373)], [[[93.0, 245.0], [165.0, 247.0], [165.0, 265.0], [93.0, 263.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985305070877075)], [[[233.0, 248.0], [303.0, 248.0], [303.0, 265.0], [233.0, 265.0]], ('20.00', 0.9952429533004761)], [[[179.0, 265.0], [232.0, 265.0], [232.0, 283.0], [179.0, 283.0]], ('CASH$', 0.987716794013977)], [[[260.0, 266.0], [299.0, 266.0], [299.0, 281.0], [260.0, 281.0]], ('20.00', 0.9866790771484375)], [[[103.0, 301.0], [229.0, 305.0], [228.0, 321.0], [103.0, 318.0]], ('Please come again', 0.9602923393249512)], [[[218.0, 336.0], [280.0, 336.0], [280.0, 347.0], [218.0, 347.0]], ('AGAIN', 0.8686817288398743)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "4452DEVINEST. COLUMBIA.SC29205", "telephone": "57543775803", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "20.00", "tax": "0.00", "total": "20-00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PREPAYCA#04", "item_value": "20.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[213.0, 87.0], [632.0, 93.0], [632.0, 151.0], [213.0, 146.0]], ('SAFEWAY', 0.9969720840454102)], [[[197.0, 165.0], [507.0, 172.0], [506.0, 201.0], [197.0, 194.0]], ('STORE MGR TIM HILTY', 0.9474270343780518)], [[[616.0, 170.0], [803.0, 170.0], [803.0, 193.0], [616.0, 193.0]], ('408-733-8251', 0.9922075867652893)], [[[245.0, 194.0], [746.0, 189.0], [747.0, 216.0], [245.0, 221.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING WITH US', 0.9339691400527954)], [[[423.0, 280.0], [560.0, 272.0], [562.0, 299.0], [425.0, 308.0]], ('GROCERY', 0.9971528053283691)], [[[155.0, 337.0], [348.0, 337.0], [348.0, 360.0], [155.0, 360.0]], ('12/4.00', 0.9571009874343872)], [[[132.0, 360.0], [406.0, 358.0], [406.0, 387.0], [132.0, 388.0]], ('ROTINI WHL WHT', 0.9312936067581177)], [[[759.0, 352.0], [877.0, 352.0], [877.0, 380.0], [759.0, 380.0]], ('2.00F', 0.989159882068634)], [[[386.0, 407.0], [606.0, 389.0], [609.0, 421.0], [389.0, 438.0]], ('BAKED GOODS', 0.9714449048042297)], [[[124.0, 465.0], [465.0, 453.0], [466.0, 485.0], [125.0, 497.0]], ('SFWY BRD 1OO%WHT', 0.9102655649185181)], [[[771.0, 456.0], [887.0, 464.0], [885.0, 494.0], [769.0, 486.0]], ('1.50F', 0.9882731437683105)], [[[485.0, 474.0], [716.0, 471.0], [716.0, 504.0], [486.0, 508.0]], ('CardSav.69', 0.968741238117218)], [[[121.0, 494.0], [388.0, 487.0], [389.0, 516.0], [121.0, 522.0]], ('RegPrice 2.19', 0.9309035539627075)], [[[425.0, 537.0], [572.0, 523.0], [575.0, 556.0], [428.0, 571.0]], ('PRODUCE', 0.9969578385353088)], [[[116.0, 607.0], [488.0, 593.0], [489.0, 622.0], [117.0, 635.0]], ('GREEN BELL PEPPERS', 0.9603044986724854)], [[[488.0, 608.0], [726.0, 616.0], [724.0, 659.0], [486.0, 650.0]], ('CardSav .79', 0.9244077205657959)], [[[809.0, 600.0], [907.0, 604.0], [905.0, 637.0], [807.0, 633.0]], ('.50F', 0.9286023378372192)], [[[112.0, 640.0], [384.0, 628.0], [386.0, 658.0], [114.0, 671.0]], ('RegPrice1.29', 0.9810511469841003)], [[[112.0, 672.0], [280.0, 665.0], [281.0, 694.0], [114.0, 701.0]], ('1@2/1.00', 0.9856997728347778)], [[[108.0, 701.0], [448.0, 687.0], [449.0, 714.0], [109.0, 728.0]], ('RED BELLPEPPERS', 0.9662238359451294)], [[[495.0, 701.0], [750.0, 717.0], [748.0, 750.0], [493.0, 735.0]], ('CardSav1.00', 0.985116183757782)], [[[823.0, 694.0], [915.0, 698.0], [913.0, 731.0], [822.0, 727.0]], ('50F', 0.9893082976341248)], [[[104.0, 726.0], [386.0, 718.0], [387.0, 749.0], [105.0, 758.0]], ('RegPrice 1.50', 0.9331057071685791)], [[[104.0, 756.0], [362.0, 748.0], [363.0, 777.0], [105.0, 785.0]], ('YELLOW ONION', 0.9747430682182312)], [[[795.0, 748.0], [925.0, 753.0], [923.0, 791.0], [793.0, 786.0]], ('2.99F', 0.9889386296272278)], [[[361.0, 809.0], [649.0, 804.0], [650.0, 835.0], [362.0, 841.0]], ('MISCELLANEOUS', 0.9963280558586121)], [[[90.0, 883.0], [139.0, 883.0], [139.0, 917.0], [90.0, 917.0]], ('MC', 0.9961214065551758)], [[[269.0, 879.0], [588.0, 872.0], [589.0, 904.0], [270.0, 911.0]], ('SCANNED COUPON', 0.9732764959335327)], [[[809.0, 880.0], [920.0, 886.0], [918.0, 921.0], [807.0, 915.0]], ('5.00-', 0.9913555979728699)], [[[155.0, 914.0], [338.0, 910.0], [339.0, 944.0], [155.0, 947.0]], ('****TAX', 0.8189917802810669)], [[[610.0, 909.0], [676.0, 909.0], [676.0, 939.0], [610.0, 939.0]], ('BAL.', 0.8819408416748047)], [[[811.0, 913.0], [905.0, 919.0], [903.0, 954.0], [809.0, 948.0]], ('2.49', 0.9935166835784912)], [[[264.0, 947.0], [362.0, 943.0], [363.0, 978.0], [265.0, 982.0]], ('CASH', 0.9979777932167053)], [[[814.0, 948.0], [909.0, 954.0], [906.0, 989.0], [812.0, 983.0]], ('3.00', 0.997707188129425)], [[[262.0, 1021.0], [402.0, 1015.0], [404.0, 1049.0], [264.0, 1054.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9984803795814514)], [[[850.0, 1022.0], [911.0, 1022.0], [911.0, 1060.0], [850.0, 1060.0]], ('.51', 0.9783968925476074)], [[[266.0, 1059.0], [567.0, 1050.0], [568.0, 1082.0], [267.0, 1091.0]], ('TOTAL SAVINGS', 0.9709544777870178)], [[[687.0, 1050.0], [781.0, 1056.0], [779.0, 1089.0], [685.0, 1083.0]], ('7.48', 0.9846746325492859)], [[[100.0, 1090.0], [825.0, 1087.0], [826.0, 1130.0], [100.0, 1133.0]], ('7/29/1019:27031307 08478031', 0.9712777733802795)], [[[261.0, 1216.0], [551.0, 1209.0], [552.0, 1248.0], [262.0, 1255.0]], ('DAVID BUTLER', 0.9650276303291321)], [[[740.0, 1207.0], [839.0, 1214.0], [837.0, 1255.0], [738.0, 1249.0]], ('9104', 0.9980078935623169)], [[[166.0, 1299.0], [572.0, 1299.0], [572.0, 1331.0], [166.0, 1331.0]], ('Club Card Savings', 0.955830991268158)], [[[771.0, 1296.0], [800.0, 1296.0], [800.0, 1327.0], [771.0, 1327.0]], ('$', 0.8827583193778992)], [[[837.0, 1294.0], [937.0, 1298.0], [936.0, 1339.0], [835.0, 1335.0]], ('2.48', 0.9772018194198608)], [[[161.0, 1337.0], [503.0, 1340.0], [503.0, 1374.0], [161.0, 1370.0]], ('Coupon Savings', 0.9702125191688538)], [[[772.0, 1335.0], [800.0, 1335.0], [800.0, 1370.0], [772.0, 1370.0]], ('$', 0.9556608200073242)], [[[840.0, 1333.0], [941.0, 1339.0], [938.0, 1381.0], [838.0, 1374.0]], ('5.00', 0.998538613319397)], [[[160.0, 1374.0], [629.0, 1375.0], [629.0, 1413.0], [160.0, 1412.0]], ('Total Savings Value', 0.9633758664131165)], [[[677.0, 1370.0], [805.0, 1376.0], [803.0, 1416.0], [675.0, 1410.0]], ('75%$', 0.9442679286003113)], [[[844.0, 1378.0], [944.0, 1382.0], [942.0, 1417.0], [843.0, 1413.0]], ('7.48', 0.9953087568283081)], [[[203.0, 1455.0], [900.0, 1460.0], [900.0, 1498.0], [203.0, 1493.0]], ('YOUR CASHIER TODAY WAS JORGE', 0.943843424320221)]]
{"store_name": "SAFEWAY", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "408-733-8251", "date": "7/29/10", "time": "19:27", "subtotal": "", "tax": ".00", "total": "2.49", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ROTINIWHLWHT", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SFWYBRD100%WHT", "item_value": "1.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GREENBELLPEPPERS", "item_value": "CardSav1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "REDBELLPEPPERS", "item_value": ".50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "YELLOWONION", "item_value": ".50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[98.0, 18.0], [150.0, 18.0], [150.0, 29.0], [98.0, 29.0]], ('RAJAJI INC', 0.8772956728935242)], [[[65.0, 28.0], [177.0, 27.0], [177.0, 41.0], [65.0, 42.0]], ('2603 CONNECTICUT AUEN', 0.9074228405952454)], [[[69.0, 41.0], [172.0, 40.0], [172.0, 51.0], [69.0, 52.0]], ('HASHINGTON.0C20008', 0.8844839334487915)], [[[84.0, 53.0], [159.0, 53.0], [159.0, 64.0], [84.0, 64.0]], ('ph 202-265-7344', 0.9486169815063477)], [[[93.0, 87.0], [150.0, 87.0], [150.0, 98.0], [93.0, 98.0]], ('Guest Check', 0.901426374912262)], [[[22.0, 97.0], [221.0, 95.0], [221.0, 109.0], [22.0, 112.0]], ('Prodly Serviing The Counity Since 1969', 0.9030091166496277)], [[[25.0, 110.0], [221.0, 108.0], [221.0, 123.0], [25.0, 124.0]], ('Hope To see and serve you soon again ', 0.9521856307983398)], [[[74.0, 134.0], [168.0, 134.0], [168.0, 147.0], [74.0, 147.0]], ('TABLE:11-1 Guest', 0.8528355360031128)], [[[70.0, 146.0], [177.0, 146.0], [177.0, 159.0], [70.0, 159.0]], ('Your Server was Sharif', 0.9362647533416748)], [[[74.0, 159.0], [172.0, 159.0], [172.0, 169.0], [74.0, 169.0]], ('6/26/20177:02:14PM', 0.9408179521560669)], [[[73.0, 169.0], [169.0, 169.0], [169.0, 182.0], [73.0, 182.0]], ('Sequence0000048', 0.9860082864761353)], [[[88.0, 182.0], [154.0, 182.0], [154.0, 193.0], [88.0, 193.0]], ('I00110712', 0.881027102470398)], [[[21.0, 193.0], [44.0, 193.0], [44.0, 205.0], [21.0, 205.0]], ('ITEM', 0.8659197688102722)], [[[174.0, 190.0], [229.0, 192.0], [229.0, 206.0], [174.0, 204.0]], ('QTY PRICE', 0.8786649703979492)], [[[179.0, 215.0], [229.0, 217.0], [229.0, 231.0], [179.0, 229.0]], ('$17.95', 0.9734827876091003)], [[[91.0, 240.0], [134.0, 242.0], [133.0, 256.0], [90.0, 254.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.958694577217102)], [[[195.0, 242.0], [231.0, 242.0], [231.0, 256.0], [195.0, 256.0]], ('$17.95', 0.9805009961128235)], [[[91.0, 253.0], [150.0, 255.0], [150.0, 269.0], [91.0, 267.0]], ('Total Taxes', 0.9264560341835022)], [[[200.0, 254.0], [232.0, 254.0], [232.0, 268.0], [200.0, 268.0]], ('$1.79', 0.9037415385246277)], [[[91.0, 279.0], [148.0, 279.0], [148.0, 293.0], [91.0, 293.0]], ('Grand Total', 0.9315977692604065)], [[[196.0, 280.0], [232.0, 280.0], [232.0, 294.0], [196.0, 294.0]], ('$19.74', 0.9934251308441162)], [[[90.0, 293.0], [149.0, 293.0], [149.0, 315.0], [90.0, 315.0]], ('Amcunt Due:', 0.8134029507637024)], [[[195.0, 293.0], [234.0, 293.0], [234.0, 317.0], [195.0, 317.0]], ('$19.74', 0.9957876205444336)], [[[75.0, 324.0], [164.0, 328.0], [164.0, 342.0], [75.0, 338.0]], ('Please Come Back!', 0.9182624220848083)], [[[45.0, 337.0], [196.0, 341.0], [196.0, 355.0], [45.0, 351.0]], ('Bring this Receipt to Get 15', 0.9463221430778503)], [[[99.0, 351.0], [145.0, 354.0], [145.0, 368.0], [99.0, 365.0]], ('Discount', 0.9570915699005127)], [[[39.0, 364.0], [201.0, 367.0], [201.0, 381.0], [39.0, 378.0]], ('on Your nest Visit.Not Valid on', 0.8751537203788757)], [[[99.0, 375.0], [139.0, 379.0], [138.0, 394.0], [98.0, 390.0]], ('Butfet.', 0.9212098717689514)], [[[89.0, 391.0], [149.0, 393.0], [149.0, 407.0], [89.0, 405.0]], ('Guest Check', 0.9371753334999084)]]
{"store_name": "RAJAJIINC", "store_addr": "2603CONNECTICUTAVENW WASHINGTON,DC20008", "telephone": "202-265-7344", "date": "6/26/2017", "time": "7:02:14PM", "subtotal": "$17.95", "tax": "$1.79", "total": "$19.74 $19.74", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GoshtBiryani", "item_value": "$17.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ITEM", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[105.0, 8.0], [155.0, 12.0], [154.0, 26.0], [104.0, 22.0]], ('Parda Egress', 0.8776403069496155)], [[[110.0, 1.0], [150.0, 1.0], [150.0, 12.0], [110.0, 12.0]], ('Store01291', 0.792803943157196)], [[[106.0, 28.0], [154.0, 31.0], [153.0, 42.0], [105.0, 39.0]], ('(25)710-0278', 0.7668647170066833)], [[[49.0, 32.0], [86.0, 35.0], [85.0, 47.0], [48.0, 44.0]], ('3/15/2013', 0.9062634706497192)], [[[48.0, 42.0], [100.0, 45.0], [99.0, 58.0], [48.0, 54.0]], ('17747', 0.8552939295768738)], [[[134.0, 48.0], [193.0, 50.0], [192.0, 61.0], [134.0, 58.0]], ('Sras', 0.513401210308075)], [[[149.0, 41.0], [190.0, 41.0], [190.0, 51.0], [149.0, 51.0]], ('3424', 0.7263877391815186)], [[[59.0, 52.0], [119.0, 56.0], [119.0, 67.0], [58.0, 62.0]], ('1PPK22', 0.6868557929992676)], [[[77.0, 62.0], [115.0, 65.0], [115.0, 75.0], [76.0, 73.0]], ('OHMN', 0.5867279171943665)], [[[76.0, 71.0], [116.0, 73.0], [116.0, 84.0], [75.0, 82.0]], ('FRIEO RIC', 0.5878199338912964)], [[[76.0, 79.0], [122.0, 81.0], [122.0, 94.0], [75.0, 92.0]], ('FREDC MEN', 0.682383120059967)], [[[76.0, 89.0], [117.0, 92.0], [116.0, 103.0], [75.0, 99.0]], ('CRANE ON', 0.7497147917747498)], [[[74.0, 99.0], [142.0, 101.0], [141.0, 111.0], [74.0, 109.0]], ('LL TERVAI ON', 0.6039567589759827)], [[[74.0, 107.0], [139.0, 109.0], [138.0, 120.0], [74.0, 118.0]], ('PEPPERCORN SH', 0.8391426801681519)], [[[168.0, 111.0], [191.0, 111.0], [191.0, 123.0], [168.0, 123.0]], ('12.00', 0.9496538043022156)], [[[104.0, 128.0], [133.0, 128.0], [133.0, 139.0], [104.0, 139.0]], ('Sutfotal', 0.7436094284057617)], [[[104.0, 136.0], [120.0, 136.0], [120.0, 147.0], [104.0, 147.0]], ('TAK', 0.8324830532073975)], [[[167.0, 129.0], [191.0, 129.0], [191.0, 141.0], [167.0, 141.0]], ('51.00', 0.948248565196991)], [[[102.0, 146.0], [123.0, 146.0], [123.0, 162.0], [102.0, 162.0]], ('Total', 0.9975829124450684)], [[[101.0, 169.0], [120.0, 169.0], [120.0, 185.0], [101.0, 185.0]], ('Cash', 0.9700862169265747)], [[[165.0, 170.0], [191.0, 170.0], [191.0, 188.0], [165.0, 188.0]], ('200.00', 0.9652283787727356)], [[[101.0, 180.0], [127.0, 184.0], [124.0, 200.0], [99.0, 196.0]], ('Crarge', 0.900881290435791)], [[[167.0, 184.0], [190.0, 184.0], [190.0, 199.0], [167.0, 199.0]], ('35.11', 0.938511073589325)], [[[91.0, 225.0], [155.0, 225.0], [155.0, 238.0], [91.0, 238.0]], ('FREE ENTREE TTEMI', 0.815890371799469)], [[[80.0, 238.0], [163.0, 239.0], [163.0, 249.0], [80.0, 249.0]], ('EYAIEWR.OPINTOA!', 0.6332460641860962)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "13.89", "total": "164.89", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[161.0, 27.0], [253.0, 27.0], [253.0, 37.0], [161.0, 37.0]], ('DAVIO YURMAN', 0.9339950084686279)], [[[152.0, 44.0], [262.0, 44.0], [262.0, 54.0], [152.0, 54.0]], ('2001 INTERNATIONAL DRIVE', 0.9128727912902832)], [[[170.0, 54.0], [247.0, 54.0], [247.0, 65.0], [170.0, 65.0]], ('MCLEANVA 22102', 0.93876713514328)], [[[168.0, 64.0], [251.0, 62.0], [251.0, 76.0], [168.0, 78.0]], ('Phone:7032453515', 0.9674818515777588)], [[[141.0, 96.0], [276.0, 96.0], [276.0, 109.0], [141.0, 109.0]], ('Customer Na:KINES LENART', 0.8328855037689209)], [[[143.0, 107.0], [277.0, 105.0], [277.0, 118.0], [143.0, 121.0]], ('stomer Nber1015002373', 0.8853296637535095)], [[[140.0, 128.0], [278.0, 127.0], [278.0, 141.0], [140.0, 142.0]], ('<SlsprsnDAv No.15013>', 0.8530993461608887)], [[[106.0, 142.0], [237.0, 140.0], [238.0, 152.0], [106.0, 154.0]], ('1216146397LRG0VAL LINKC', 0.9074886441230774)], [[[267.0, 139.0], [312.0, 139.0], [312.0, 151.0], [267.0, 151.0]], ('1500.0011', 0.8849508762359619)], [[[257.0, 162.0], [307.0, 159.0], [308.0, 173.0], [258.0, 177.0]], ('$1,500.00', 0.9107937216758728)], [[[103.0, 179.0], [152.0, 179.0], [152.0, 190.0], [103.0, 190.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.9534263610839844)], [[[275.0, 174.0], [307.0, 174.0], [307.0, 186.0], [275.0, 186.0]], ('$90.00', 0.9778606295585632)], [[[103.0, 191.0], [132.0, 191.0], [132.0, 205.0], [103.0, 205.0]], ('Total', 0.9912325143814087)], [[[260.0, 186.0], [309.0, 186.0], [309.0, 200.0], [260.0, 200.0]], ('$1,590.00', 0.9394340515136719)], [[[185.0, 213.0], [241.0, 213.0], [241.0, 227.0], [185.0, 227.0]], ('Items)1', 0.8288744688034058)], [[[99.0, 242.0], [124.0, 242.0], [124.0, 257.0], [99.0, 257.0]], ('VISA', 0.9978345632553101)], [[[263.0, 238.0], [315.0, 235.0], [316.0, 250.0], [264.0, 253.0]], ('$1,590.00', 0.9230236411094666)], [[[97.0, 257.0], [257.0, 251.0], [257.0, 266.0], [97.0, 271.0]], ('Cardo.Xxxxxxxxx0344<S', 0.7357214689254761)], [[[97.0, 272.0], [189.0, 268.0], [190.0, 282.0], [97.0, 287.0]], ('Auth.No.144869', 0.9734521508216858)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "MCLEAN.VA22102", "telephone": "7032453515", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$1,500.00", "tax": "$90.00", "total": "$1,590.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "121614397LRGDVALLINKC", "item_value": "1500.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[112.0, 19.0], [231.0, 23.0], [230.0, 36.0], [112.0, 31.0]], ('Juni Express Car Vash', 0.8940167427062988)], [[[117.0, 31.0], [224.0, 35.0], [223.0, 46.0], [117.0, 41.0]], ('7isy S western Ave', 0.6620483994483948)], [[[122.0, 42.0], [220.0, 46.0], [219.0, 58.0], [121.0, 55.0]], ('lorrance CA 95', 0.8172388672828674)], [[[133.0, 53.0], [210.0, 57.0], [209.0, 70.0], [132.0, 67.0]], ('310/82-330', 0.8933398127555847)], [[[89.0, 90.0], [168.0, 92.0], [168.0, 103.0], [89.0, 101.0]], ('04/72/2018 Sun', 0.8295878767967224)], [[[87.0, 101.0], [163.0, 103.0], [163.0, 116.0], [87.0, 114.0]], ('CHEFIER:Auto', 0.8128835558891296)], [[[217.0, 94.0], [264.0, 94.0], [264.0, 105.0], [217.0, 105.0]], ('01:41PH', 0.9043110609054565)], [[[87.0, 114.0], [145.0, 116.0], [145.0, 127.0], [87.0, 124.0]], ('PUC43412', 0.9430709481239319)], [[[86.0, 124.0], [163.0, 128.0], [163.0, 141.0], [86.0, 137.0]], ('Auto Sentry1', 0.9332610964775085)], [[[88.0, 151.0], [156.0, 151.0], [156.0, 162.0], [88.0, 162.0]], ('Suprene Wash', 0.9092584252357483)], [[[226.0, 153.0], [259.0, 153.0], [259.0, 164.0], [226.0, 164.0]], ('12.00', 0.9134169816970825)], [[[86.0, 174.0], [138.0, 175.0], [137.0, 186.0], [86.0, 185.0]], ('SUB 1OTAL', 0.7002625465393066)], [[[86.0, 184.0], [139.0, 185.0], [138.0, 196.0], [86.0, 195.0]], ('SAESTAX', 0.8537068367004395)], [[[225.0, 176.0], [259.0, 176.0], [259.0, 190.0], [225.0, 190.0]], ('12.0', 0.8561016321182251)], [[[82.0, 198.0], [111.0, 201.0], [110.0, 212.0], [81.0, 209.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.8542903065681458)], [[[230.0, 189.0], [259.0, 189.0], [259.0, 200.0], [230.0, 200.0]], ('0.00', 0.9038039445877075)], [[[74.0, 216.0], [170.0, 221.0], [170.0, 234.0], [73.0, 229.0]], ('AHUNI IENDERED', 0.8585983514785767)], [[[227.0, 207.0], [262.0, 207.0], [262.0, 218.0], [227.0, 218.0]], ('12.00', 0.9617940783500671)], [[[72.0, 227.0], [112.0, 230.0], [111.0, 240.0], [71.0, 238.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.953253448009491)], [[[230.0, 223.0], [264.0, 227.0], [263.0, 239.0], [229.0, 235.0]], ('12.8', 0.8531956076622009)], [[[235.0, 236.0], [265.0, 239.0], [264.0, 249.0], [234.0, 247.0]], ('8.00', 0.7652088403701782)], [[[65.0, 248.0], [221.0, 257.0], [220.0, 271.0], [64.0, 262.0]], ('PAYHENI HETHODUisa/', 0.8036486506462097)], [[[59.0, 276.0], [111.0, 279.0], [110.0, 293.0], [58.0, 289.0]], ('Accaunt', 0.991389274597168)], [[[135.0, 280.0], [250.0, 286.0], [250.0, 299.0], [134.0, 292.0]], ('09-XxXx-XXx', 0.5496389865875244)], [[[55.0, 290.0], [115.0, 294.0], [114.0, 308.0], [54.0, 304.0]], ('Appraval', 0.9491825699806213)], [[[134.0, 293.0], [193.0, 297.0], [192.0, 311.0], [133.0, 307.0]], ('325586', 0.8852800726890564)]]
{"store_name": "JuniExpressCarWash", "store_addr": "TorranceCA9051M", "telephone": "(310)782-0330", "date": "04/22/2018", "time": "01:41PM", "subtotal": "12.00", "tax": "0.00", "total": "12.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SupermeWash", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[147.0, 159.0], [219.0, 162.0], [218.0, 183.0], [146.0, 180.0]], ('Invoice', 0.9951084852218628)], [[[72.0, 198.0], [151.0, 202.0], [150.0, 219.0], [71.0, 215.0]], ('Table No17', 0.958595871925354)], [[[197.0, 205.0], [269.0, 204.0], [269.0, 222.0], [197.0, 223.0]], ('Customer:3', 0.9447265863418579)], [[[41.0, 263.0], [76.0, 263.0], [76.0, 279.0], [41.0, 279.0]], ('Detail', 0.9914283752441406)], [[[208.0, 266.0], [229.0, 266.0], [229.0, 284.0], [208.0, 284.0]], ('Qty', 0.9809417724609375)], [[[283.0, 262.0], [317.0, 265.0], [316.0, 283.0], [282.0, 280.0]], ('Price', 0.9952750205993652)], [[[39.0, 281.0], [163.0, 285.0], [162.0, 302.0], [38.0, 299.0]], ('Small shrimps in beer', 0.930860698223114)], [[[214.0, 286.0], [226.0, 286.0], [226.0, 301.0], [214.0, 301.0]], ('1', 0.9275883436203003)], [[[280.0, 285.0], [321.0, 285.0], [321.0, 300.0], [280.0, 300.0]], ('280.00', 0.9958741664886475)], [[[38.0, 304.0], [127.0, 304.0], [127.0, 321.0], [38.0, 321.0]], ('Fish deep fried', 0.9169803857803345)], [[[216.0, 306.0], [225.0, 306.0], [225.0, 319.0], [216.0, 319.0]], ('1', 0.9861356019973755)], [[[281.0, 304.0], [322.0, 304.0], [322.0, 319.0], [281.0, 319.0]], ('350.00', 0.9954125285148621)], [[[37.0, 325.0], [129.0, 325.0], [129.0, 342.0], [37.0, 342.0]], ('Pineapple juice', 0.9542898535728455)], [[[214.0, 325.0], [226.0, 325.0], [226.0, 340.0], [214.0, 340.0]], ('1', 0.9702985882759094)], [[[289.0, 324.0], [323.0, 324.0], [323.0, 339.0], [289.0, 339.0]], ('60.00', 0.9610417485237122)], [[[37.0, 346.0], [99.0, 346.0], [99.0, 363.0], [37.0, 363.0]], ('Milk glass', 0.9712168574333191)], [[[214.0, 344.0], [227.0, 344.0], [227.0, 359.0], [214.0, 359.0]], ('1', 0.9634931683540344)], [[[289.0, 345.0], [324.0, 345.0], [324.0, 360.0], [289.0, 360.0]], ('60.00', 0.9929929971694946)], [[[37.0, 366.0], [122.0, 366.0], [122.0, 383.0], [37.0, 383.0]], ('Russian salad', 0.9684768319129944)], [[[215.0, 364.0], [227.0, 364.0], [227.0, 380.0], [215.0, 380.0]], ('1', 0.9079887270927429)], [[[284.0, 365.0], [325.0, 365.0], [325.0, 380.0], [284.0, 380.0]], ('150.00', 0.9950807094573975)], [[[36.0, 389.0], [159.0, 386.0], [160.0, 404.0], [36.0, 406.0]], ('Eggplants and potato', 0.9812876582145691)], [[[216.0, 386.0], [228.0, 386.0], [228.0, 401.0], [216.0, 401.0]], ('1', 0.9472418427467346)], [[[284.0, 386.0], [327.0, 386.0], [327.0, 404.0], [284.0, 404.0]], ('180.00', 0.9951241612434387)], [[[38.0, 404.0], [116.0, 406.0], [116.0, 421.0], [37.0, 419.0]], ('Chinese style', 0.9845179319381714)], [[[38.0, 420.0], [87.0, 423.0], [86.0, 438.0], [37.0, 435.0]], ('Vareniki', 0.9856802225112915)], [[[216.0, 420.0], [228.0, 420.0], [228.0, 436.0], [216.0, 436.0]], ('1', 0.9806812405586243)], [[[287.0, 421.0], [327.0, 421.0], [327.0, 436.0], [287.0, 436.0]], ('100.00', 0.9928724765777588)], [[[39.0, 438.0], [144.0, 442.0], [143.0, 459.0], [38.0, 455.0]], ('Stout beer 0.580L', 0.9293686747550964)], [[[218.0, 442.0], [227.0, 442.0], [227.0, 455.0], [218.0, 455.0]], ('1', 0.9836000204086304)], [[[287.0, 441.0], [327.0, 441.0], [327.0, 456.0], [287.0, 456.0]], ('190.00', 0.9958875179290771)], [[[45.0, 471.0], [113.0, 475.0], [112.0, 489.0], [44.0, 485.0]], ('Net Total', 0.9367968440055847)], [[[253.0, 477.0], [320.0, 474.0], [320.0, 491.0], [254.0, 494.0]], ('1,370.00', 0.9355863928794861)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "06/10/2017", "time": "", "subtotal": "1,280,37", "tax": "89.63", "total": "1,370.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Smallshrimpsinbeer", "item_value": "280.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Fishdeepfried", "item_value": "350.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Pineapplejuice", "item_value": "60.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Milkglass", "item_value": "60.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Russiansalad", "item_value": "150.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Eggplantsandpotato", "item_value": "180.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Chinesestyle", "item_value": "100.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Vareniki", "item_value": "190.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Stoutbeer0.580L", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "Detail", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[172.0, 21.0], [345.0, 28.0], [345.0, 45.0], [172.0, 38.0]], ('Inv#00156767Trs#156900', 0.9691219329833984)], [[[172.0, 42.0], [304.0, 50.0], [303.0, 64.0], [171.0, 56.0]], ('1.26 1b 0 $0.39/1b', 0.8779998421669006)], [[[169.0, 54.0], [269.0, 60.0], [268.0, 73.0], [168.0, 67.0]], ('ONIONS SPANISH', 0.9792067408561707)], [[[166.0, 64.0], [302.0, 71.0], [301.0, 88.0], [165.0, 81.0]], ('0.15 1b$2.98/1b', 0.8976935744285583)], [[[375.0, 59.0], [439.0, 59.0], [439.0, 73.0], [375.0, 73.0]], ('$0.49T1F', 0.9398419857025146)], [[[165.0, 75.0], [218.0, 81.0], [216.0, 94.0], [163.0, 88.0]], ('GARLIC', 0.9926019310951233)], [[[162.0, 86.0], [301.0, 94.0], [300.0, 111.0], [161.0, 103.0]], ('2.95 1b@$0.29/1b', 0.9330557584762573)], [[[374.0, 81.0], [439.0, 81.0], [439.0, 95.0], [374.0, 95.0]], ('$0.45T1F', 0.9291009902954102)], [[[162.0, 98.0], [220.0, 103.0], [219.0, 117.0], [161.0, 112.0]], ('BANANAS', 0.990053117275238)], [[[160.0, 111.0], [278.0, 118.0], [277.0, 132.0], [159.0, 125.0]], ('1LB CELLO CARROT', 0.9276764392852783)], [[[374.0, 105.0], [441.0, 107.0], [441.0, 122.0], [374.0, 120.0]], ('$0.86T1F', 0.9379047155380249)], [[[374.0, 117.0], [441.0, 119.0], [441.0, 134.0], [374.0, 132.0]], ('$0.59T1F', 0.9405221939086914)], [[[374.0, 129.0], [442.0, 131.0], [442.0, 146.0], [374.0, 144.0]], ('$1.85T1F', 0.9533350467681885)], [[[154.0, 147.0], [303.0, 156.0], [302.0, 172.0], [153.0, 163.0]], ('ITALIAN FRENCH BREAD', 0.9650230407714844)], [[[375.0, 144.0], [442.0, 144.0], [442.0, 158.0], [375.0, 158.0]], ('$3.50T1F', 0.9227301478385925)], [[[374.0, 155.0], [443.0, 157.0], [443.0, 172.0], [374.0, 170.0]], ('$0.99T1F', 0.9641988277435303)], [[[148.0, 173.0], [250.0, 180.0], [249.0, 194.0], [147.0, 187.0]], ('PARSLEY CURLY', 0.9598939418792725)], [[[146.0, 187.0], [181.0, 189.0], [180.0, 203.0], [145.0, 201.0]], ('KALE', 0.9975859522819519)], [[[375.0, 182.0], [444.0, 182.0], [444.0, 196.0], [375.0, 196.0]], ('$0.69T1F', 0.9722176790237427)], [[[143.0, 201.0], [315.0, 208.0], [315.0, 222.0], [143.0, 215.0]], ('BABY SPINACH BAG 2.51b', 0.9438953399658203)], [[[374.0, 193.0], [445.0, 195.0], [445.0, 210.0], [374.0, 208.0]], ('$0.89T1F', 0.9674640893936157)], [[[142.0, 214.0], [293.0, 221.0], [292.0, 237.0], [141.0, 230.0]], ('1.321b $0.49/1b', 0.9302564859390259)], [[[374.0, 209.0], [446.0, 209.0], [446.0, 223.0], [374.0, 223.0]], ('$2.99T1F', 0.9900170564651489)], [[[138.0, 228.0], [338.0, 236.0], [338.0, 253.0], [138.0, 245.0]], ('APPLES MACINTOSH MICHIGAN', 0.9583393335342407)], [[[138.0, 243.0], [219.0, 248.0], [218.0, 262.0], [137.0, 257.0]], ('AVOCADO', 0.9900150299072266)], [[[374.0, 237.0], [446.0, 237.0], [446.0, 251.0], [374.0, 251.0]], ('$0.65T1F', 0.9573937654495239)], [[[132.0, 257.0], [344.0, 264.0], [344.0, 281.0], [132.0, 274.0]], ('ZIMA YELLOW GRAPE TOMATOES', 0.9444242715835571)], [[[375.0, 251.0], [448.0, 251.0], [448.0, 265.0], [375.0, 265.0]], ('$0.79T1F', 0.9570200443267822)], [[[373.0, 262.0], [450.0, 264.0], [450.0, 281.0], [373.0, 279.0]], ('$1.29T1F', 0.9839149117469788)], [[[131.0, 272.0], [296.0, 278.0], [296.0, 295.0], [131.0, 289.0]], ('RUSSET POTATOES 10LB', 0.8992122411727905)], [[[375.0, 279.0], [449.0, 279.0], [449.0, 293.0], [375.0, 293.0]], ('$0.99T1F', 0.9810642004013062)], [[[136.0, 289.0], [276.0, 292.0], [276.0, 309.0], [136.0, 306.0]], ('Markdown:$0.80', 0.9583728909492493)], [[[123.0, 319.0], [202.0, 321.0], [202.0, 339.0], [123.0, 337.0]], ('Net.Sales', 0.9362351894378662)], [[[365.0, 318.0], [421.0, 320.0], [420.0, 338.0], [364.0, 336.0]], ('$17.02', 0.9959678649902344)], [[[114.0, 336.0], [239.0, 335.0], [239.0, 352.0], [114.0, 353.0]], ('Jax1$17.021', 0.9246876239776611)], [[[373.0, 336.0], [421.0, 336.0], [421.0, 351.0], [373.0, 351.0]], ('860$', 0.7224576473236084)], [[[110.0, 350.0], [212.0, 352.0], [212.0, 369.0], [110.0, 367.0]], ('TOTAL SALES', 0.9667558073997498)], [[[364.0, 348.0], [423.0, 350.0], [422.0, 371.0], [363.0, 369.0]], ('$17.40', 0.99525386095047)], [[[112.0, 384.0], [190.0, 386.0], [190.0, 404.0], [112.0, 402.0]], ('SUB TOTAL', 0.958673357963562)], [[[365.0, 385.0], [424.0, 385.0], [424.0, 406.0], [365.0, 406.0]], ('$17.40', 0.9417842030525208)], [[[110.0, 403.0], [237.0, 405.0], [237.0, 423.0], [110.0, 421.0]], ('Gift card used', 0.9734975099563599)], [[[366.0, 405.0], [423.0, 405.0], [423.0, 423.0], [366.0, 423.0]], ('$17.40', 0.9967983365058899)], [[[116.0, 421.0], [279.0, 422.0], [279.0, 440.0], [116.0, 439.0]], ('#****xx4510', 0.7320945858955383)], [[[104.0, 458.0], [197.0, 461.0], [197.0, 479.0], [104.0, 476.0]], ('Item count', 0.9525801539421082)], [[[403.0, 461.0], [427.0, 461.0], [427.0, 479.0], [403.0, 479.0]], ('14', 0.9979662895202637)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "10/16/2013", "time": "10:56:26", "subtotal": "$17.02", "tax": "$0.38", "total": "$17.40 $17.40 $17.40", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "RUSSETPOTATOES10LB", "item_value": "$0.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ZIMAYELLOWGRAPETOMATOES", "item_value": "$0.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AVOCADO", "item_value": "$0.86", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "APPLESMACINTOSHMICHIGAN", "item_value": "$0.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BABYSPINACHBAG2.5lb", "item_value": "$1.85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KALE", "item_value": "$3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PARSLEYCURLY", "item_value": "$0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ITALIANFRENCHBREAD", "item_value": "$0.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BOARSHEADHARDSALAMI", "item_value": "$0.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "JCSHONEYGLAZEDHAM", "item_value": "$2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "1LBCELLOCARROT", "item_value": "$0.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BANANAS", "item_value": "$0.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GARLIC", "item_value": "$1.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ONIONSSPANISH", "item_value": "$0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[182.0, 68.0], [530.0, 91.0], [525.0, 159.0], [178.0, 136.0]], ('GRISTEDES', 0.996719241142273)], [[[217.0, 313.0], [408.0, 322.0], [407.0, 344.0], [216.0, 335.0]], ('New York,NY 10014', 0.9055551886558533)], [[[215.0, 332.0], [430.0, 337.0], [429.0, 365.0], [214.0, 360.0]], ('Phone212229-3893', 0.9689232110977173)], [[[226.0, 357.0], [408.0, 363.0], [408.0, 384.0], [226.0, 378.0]], ('', 0.9517970085144043)], [[[281.0, 380.0], [376.0, 382.0], [376.0, 401.0], [280.0, 399.0]], ('Store:543', 0.9381606578826904)], [[[117.0, 408.0], [367.0, 420.0], [366.0, 445.0], [116.0, 433.0]], ('CashierCRISTINA 43192', 0.938736617565155)], [[[471.0, 442.0], [566.0, 430.0], [569.0, 455.0], [474.0, 467.0]], ('22:31:01', 0.93846595287323)], [[[116.0, 452.0], [206.0, 458.0], [204.0, 481.0], [115.0, 475.0]], ('12/08/13', 0.9974883198738098)], [[[125.0, 498.0], [333.0, 503.0], [332.0, 525.0], [124.0, 520.0]], ('Member card number:', 0.9456345438957214)], [[[361.0, 500.0], [478.0, 486.0], [480.0, 508.0], [364.0, 522.0]], ('KXXXXXX0869', 0.8905245065689087)], [[[487.0, 507.0], [563.0, 500.0], [565.0, 523.0], [489.0, 530.0]], ('5.99F', 0.9880440831184387)], [[[125.0, 520.0], [341.0, 522.0], [341.0, 543.0], [125.0, 541.0]], ('BAG NAVEL ORANGES 4L', 0.9222410321235657)], [[[491.0, 530.0], [573.0, 522.0], [575.0, 545.0], [493.0, 553.0]], ('1.99TF', 0.992499053478241)], [[[126.0, 543.0], [336.0, 543.0], [336.0, 564.0], [126.0, 564.0]], ('EVIAN WATER 1.5LTR', 0.927727997303009)], [[[425.0, 555.0], [475.0, 555.0], [475.0, 579.0], [425.0, 579.0]], ('1.20', 0.9960896968841553)], [[[137.0, 565.0], [344.0, 561.0], [344.0, 582.0], [138.0, 586.0]], ('IN-STORE SAVINGS OF', 0.9621389508247375)], [[[511.0, 572.0], [570.0, 566.0], [573.0, 590.0], [514.0, 597.0]], ('.05F', 0.9718418121337891)], [[[122.0, 588.0], [279.0, 582.0], [279.0, 604.0], [123.0, 610.0]], ('BOTTLE DEPOSIT', 0.9672876596450806)], [[[364.0, 584.0], [390.0, 584.0], [390.0, 608.0], [364.0, 608.0]], ('DP', 0.9969468116760254)], [[[496.0, 595.0], [581.0, 590.0], [582.0, 615.0], [498.0, 620.0]], ('1.99TF', 0.9909518361091614)], [[[121.0, 610.0], [334.0, 603.0], [335.0, 625.0], [122.0, 631.0]], ('EVIAN WATER 1.5LTR', 0.9340248107910156)], [[[429.0, 621.0], [481.0, 618.0], [483.0, 645.0], [430.0, 648.0]], ('1.20', 0.9960061311721802)], [[[133.0, 631.0], [344.0, 625.0], [344.0, 647.0], [134.0, 653.0]], ('IN-STORE SAVINGS OF', 0.9502818584442139)], [[[518.0, 639.0], [576.0, 635.0], [578.0, 661.0], [520.0, 665.0]], ('.05F', 0.9698160290718079)], [[[120.0, 655.0], [278.0, 649.0], [279.0, 671.0], [121.0, 677.0]], ('BOTTLE DEPOSIT', 0.9615596532821655)], [[[366.0, 649.0], [392.0, 649.0], [392.0, 673.0], [366.0, 673.0]], ('DP', 0.9950953722000122)], [[[503.0, 664.0], [577.0, 659.0], [579.0, 684.0], [505.0, 689.0]], ('4.59F', 0.9406579732894897)], [[[120.0, 678.0], [314.0, 671.0], [315.0, 692.0], [121.0, 700.0]], ('SHOP RITE EGG NOG', 0.9397488236427307)], [[[368.0, 691.0], [417.0, 694.0], [416.0, 718.0], [366.0, 715.0]], ('2.99', 0.9960750341415405)], [[[118.0, 702.0], [325.0, 695.0], [326.0, 716.0], [119.0, 724.0]], ('1.45 lb@1lb/', 0.8639395236968994)], [[[507.0, 710.0], [584.0, 705.0], [585.0, 731.0], [508.0, 736.0]], ('4.34F', 0.9912644624710083)], [[[115.0, 724.0], [336.0, 717.0], [337.0, 741.0], [116.0, 748.0]], ('APPLES,FUJI LARGE', 0.9310787320137024)], [[[114.0, 750.0], [326.0, 742.0], [327.0, 764.0], [115.0, 772.0]], ('0.38 1b11b', 0.8679607510566711)], [[[387.0, 742.0], [419.0, 742.0], [419.0, 764.0], [387.0, 764.0]], ('.99', 0.9835436940193176)], [[[529.0, 758.0], [591.0, 753.0], [593.0, 780.0], [531.0, 785.0]], ('.38F', 0.9618049263954163)], [[[113.0, 774.0], [348.0, 766.0], [349.0, 788.0], [113.0, 796.0]], ('ONIONS YELLOW/BROWN', 0.9324170351028442)], [[[530.0, 781.0], [595.0, 776.0], [597.0, 807.0], [532.0, 811.0]], ('.69F', 0.8957924842834473)], [[[111.0, 799.0], [347.0, 793.0], [348.0, 813.0], [111.0, 820.0]], ('TABLE TALK APPLE PIE', 0.9352384805679321)], [[[533.0, 808.0], [598.0, 805.0], [599.0, 832.0], [535.0, 835.0]], ('.69F', 0.9314844608306885)], [[[106.0, 824.0], [347.0, 819.0], [347.0, 840.0], [107.0, 846.0]], ('TABLE TALK APPLE PIE', 0.9296482801437378)], [[[519.0, 837.0], [600.0, 832.0], [601.0, 858.0], [521.0, 863.0]], ('1.99F', 0.9880810976028442)], [[[102.0, 849.0], [350.0, 844.0], [351.0, 868.0], [103.0, 873.0]], ('PETER RAB MINI CARRO', 0.9438046216964722)], [[[248.0, 871.0], [350.0, 869.0], [351.0, 894.0], [249.0, 896.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9953633546829224)], [[[510.0, 865.0], [578.0, 860.0], [580.0, 886.0], [512.0, 891.0]], ('22.85', 0.9959880709648132)], [[[544.0, 888.0], [584.0, 888.0], [584.0, 917.0], [544.0, 917.0]], ('.35', 0.9644336104393005)], [[[248.0, 899.0], [413.0, 896.0], [414.0, 921.0], [249.0, 924.0]], ('NYC Sales Tax', 0.9249085187911987)], [[[248.0, 925.0], [313.0, 925.0], [313.0, 952.0], [248.0, 952.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.959476113319397)], [[[515.0, 918.0], [585.0, 914.0], [586.0, 942.0], [517.0, 946.0]], ('23.20', 0.9951885342597961)]]
{"store_name": "GRISTEDES", "store_addr": "3SheridanSquare&west4thSt NewYork,NY10014", "telephone": "(212)229-3893", "date": "12/08/13", "time": "22:31:01", "subtotal": "22.85", "tax": ".35", "total": "23.20", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BAGNAVELORANGES4L", "item_value": "5.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "EVIANWATER1.5LTR", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BOTTLEDEPOSIT", "item_value": ".05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "EVIANWATER1.5LTR", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BOTTLEDEPOSIT", "item_value": ".05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SHOPRITEEGNOG", "item_value": "4.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "APPLES,FUJI,LARGE", "item_value": "4.34", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ONIONS,YELLOW/BROWN", "item_value": ".38", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TABLETALKAPPLEPIE", "item_value": ".69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TABLETALKAPPLEPIE", "item_value": ".69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PETERRABMINICARRO", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[61.0, 67.0], [234.0, 66.0], [234.0, 87.0], [61.0, 88.0]], ('Sala 4 Mare-Tavolo 75', 0.9302235841751099)], [[[59.0, 97.0], [117.0, 97.0], [117.0, 115.0], [59.0, 115.0]], ('24/03/2016', 0.9919919967651367)], [[[58.0, 131.0], [129.0, 131.0], [129.0, 145.0], [58.0, 145.0]], ('2X5.00', 0.9247939586639404)], [[[74.0, 147.0], [121.0, 147.0], [121.0, 158.0], [74.0, 158.0]], ('COPERTO', 0.9979793429374695)], [[[249.0, 144.0], [282.0, 144.0], [282.0, 158.0], [249.0, 158.0]], ('10,00', 0.9151854515075684)], [[[56.0, 158.0], [135.0, 160.0], [135.0, 177.0], [55.0, 175.0]], ('2X20.00', 0.9364899396896362)], [[[71.0, 175.0], [151.0, 176.0], [151.0, 190.0], [71.0, 189.0]], ('SAUTE DI COZZE', 0.9247254729270935)], [[[249.0, 175.0], [283.0, 175.0], [283.0, 190.0], [249.0, 190.0]], ('40.00', 0.9586424827575684)], [[[93.0, 210.0], [137.0, 210.0], [137.0, 224.0], [93.0, 224.0]], ('.FOOD', 0.8857560157775879)], [[[245.0, 210.0], [284.0, 210.0], [284.0, 225.0], [245.0, 225.0]], ('50.00', 0.9135013818740845)], [[[73.0, 236.0], [98.0, 236.0], [98.0, 248.0], [73.0, 248.0]], ('X', 0.8078155517578125)], [[[95.0, 235.0], [128.0, 235.0], [128.0, 249.0], [95.0, 249.0]], ('4.00', 0.9164004325866699)], [[[69.0, 251.0], [155.0, 251.0], [155.0, 264.0], [69.0, 264.0]], ('ACQUA GASSATA', 0.9753201603889465)], [[[254.0, 250.0], [282.0, 250.0], [282.0, 265.0], [254.0, 265.0]], ('4.00', 0.899048388004303)], [[[89.0, 287.0], [153.0, 287.0], [153.0, 301.0], [89.0, 301.0]], ('....CANTINA', 0.8634570837020874)], [[[249.0, 284.0], [283.0, 284.0], [283.0, 302.0], [249.0, 302.0]], ('4,00 ', 0.8568172454833984)], [[[49.0, 322.0], [107.0, 322.0], [107.0, 341.0], [49.0, 341.0]], ('TOTALE', 0.9985384345054626)], [[[234.0, 321.0], [285.0, 321.0], [285.0, 340.0], [234.0, 340.0]], ('54,00', 0.9086395502090454)], [[[121.0, 365.0], [232.0, 364.0], [232.0, 381.0], [121.0, 382.0]], ('Conto non Fiscale.', 0.961817741394043)], [[[57.0, 388.0], [274.0, 384.0], [274.0, 400.0], [58.0, 404.0]], ('Ritirare Scontrino/Fattura alla cassa.', 0.9563671946525574)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "24/03/2016", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "54,00\u20ac", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CANTINA", "item_value": "4,00\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ACQUAGASSATA", "item_value": "4.00\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SAUTEDICOZZE", "item_value": "40.00\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COPERTO", "item_value": "10.00\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[572.0, 66.0], [1370.0, 78.0], [1368.0, 147.0], [571.0, 135.0]], ('11200 BOUL.CAVENDISH', 0.9548942446708679)], [[[487.0, 155.0], [1479.0, 176.0], [1477.0, 242.0], [485.0, 221.0]], ('Ville St-Laurent-H4R 2J7', 0.8958998322486877)], [[[328.0, 247.0], [1632.0, 265.0], [1631.0, 343.0], [326.0, 325.0]], ('Magasin 337-4862 Service 337-0906', 0.9571962356567383)], [[[218.0, 348.0], [1213.0, 354.0], [1213.0, 423.0], [218.0, 417.0]], ('Gestions Daniel Picard Inc', 0.9262816309928894)], [[[221.0, 437.0], [1744.0, 455.0], [1743.0, 533.0], [220.0, 515.0]], ('IPS:878172311RT0003 TVQ:1212380080TQ0004', 0.9649844169616699)], [[[218.0, 535.0], [1514.0, 550.0], [1513.0, 619.0], [218.0, 604.0]], ('CANADIANTIRE235', 0.9947368502616882)], [[[575.0, 639.0], [1364.0, 645.0], [1363.0, 714.0], [574.0, 708.0]], ('11200 BOUL.CAVENDISH', 0.9567245244979858)], [[[492.0, 734.0], [1470.0, 743.0], [1469.0, 812.0], [492.0, 803.0]], ('Ville St-Laurent-H4R 2J7', 0.9001786112785339)], [[[342.0, 832.0], [1614.0, 838.0], [1613.0, 907.0], [341.0, 901.0]], ('Magasin 337-4862 Service 337-0906', 0.957217276096344)], [[[239.0, 927.0], [1207.0, 927.0], [1207.0, 993.0], [239.0, 993.0]], ('Gestions Daniel Picard Inc', 0.9575685262680054)], [[[242.0, 1019.0], [1726.0, 1025.0], [1725.0, 1086.0], [241.0, 1080.0]], ('IPS:8/8172311R10003 TVQ:1212380080TQ0004', 0.9385973215103149)], [[[230.0, 1108.0], [1690.0, 1114.0], [1690.0, 1181.0], [230.0, 1175.0]], ('CAISSE:81 06/22/2014 09:14:27#TRANS:1', 0.9033149480819702)], [[[227.0, 1203.0], [1316.0, 1203.0], [1316.0, 1273.0], [227.0, 1273.0]], ('#0PERATFUR:81 Encaisse:001', 0.9067622423171997)], [[[227.0, 1388.0], [615.0, 1388.0], [615.0, 1457.0], [227.0, 1457.0]], ('028-9438-2', 0.9716953039169312)], [[[1543.0, 1379.0], [1743.0, 1379.0], [1743.0, 1463.0], [1543.0, 1463.0]], ('33.79', 0.9951454997062683)], [[[757.0, 1391.0], [1399.0, 1391.0], [1399.0, 1451.0], [757.0, 1451.0]], ('MOBIL1SYN OW20$', 0.9247129559516907)], [[[236.0, 1477.0], [869.0, 1477.0], [869.0, 1555.0], [236.0, 1555.0]], ('RABAIS$18.20', 0.9851128458976746)], [[[236.0, 1572.0], [612.0, 1572.0], [612.0, 1641.0], [236.0, 1641.0]], ('198-3252-2', 0.9846431016921997)], [[[1575.0, 1563.0], [1740.0, 1563.0], [1740.0, 1650.0], [1575.0, 1650.0]], ('0.00', 0.9956153631210327)], [[[757.0, 1578.0], [1399.0, 1578.0], [1399.0, 1638.0], [757.0, 1638.0]], ('RAB.10$MOBIL1$', 0.9538835287094116)], [[[757.0, 1753.0], [1084.0, 1753.0], [1084.0, 1823.0], [757.0, 1823.0]], ('SOUSTOTAL', 0.9976540803909302)], [[[1539.0, 1751.0], [1729.0, 1744.0], [1732.0, 1822.0], [1542.0, 1829.0]], ('33.79', 0.9962172508239746)], [[[757.0, 1840.0], [1092.0, 1840.0], [1092.0, 1909.0], [757.0, 1909.0]], ('T.P.S.5%', 0.954806923866272)], [[[1572.0, 1837.0], [1731.0, 1837.0], [1731.0, 1915.0], [1572.0, 1915.0]], ('1.69', 0.9965816736221313)], [[[763.0, 1935.0], [1243.0, 1935.0], [1243.0, 2004.0], [763.0, 2004.0]], ('T.V.Q.9.975%', 0.9775745868682861)], [[[1572.0, 1926.0], [1728.0, 1926.0], [1728.0, 2004.0], [1572.0, 2004.0]], ('3.37', 0.9974824786186218)], [[[168.0, 1955.0], [239.0, 1955.0], [239.0, 2588.0], [168.0, 2588.0]], ('AM 9:33 JUN/22/2014', 0.9515301585197449)], [[[1352.0, 2021.0], [1399.0, 2021.0], [1399.0, 2096.0], [1352.0, 2096.0]], ('S', 0.5558429956436157)], [[[1534.0, 2015.0], [1726.0, 2015.0], [1726.0, 2090.0], [1534.0, 2090.0]], ('38.85', 0.9966900944709778)], [[[760.0, 2027.0], [1092.0, 2027.0], [1092.0, 2096.0], [760.0, 2096.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9963753819465637)], [[[757.0, 2116.0], [1401.0, 2110.0], [1402.0, 2179.0], [757.0, 2186.0]], ('COUPON FOURNISS $', 0.9487017393112183)], [[[1540.0, 2108.0], [1726.0, 2108.0], [1726.0, 2182.0], [1540.0, 2182.0]], ('10.00', 0.9962999224662781)], [[[1537.0, 2197.0], [1726.0, 2197.0], [1726.0, 2272.0], [1537.0, 2272.0]], ('20.00', 0.996634840965271)], [[[756.0, 2212.0], [1274.0, 2202.0], [1275.0, 2271.0], [758.0, 2281.0]], ('COMPTANT RECU.', 0.9645314812660217)], [[[1349.0, 2208.0], [1396.0, 2208.0], [1396.0, 2269.0], [1349.0, 2269.0]], ('$', 0.9138118028640747)], [[[1530.0, 2287.0], [1726.0, 2279.0], [1730.0, 2363.0], [1534.0, 2370.0]], ('20.00', 0.9948323965072632)], [[[756.0, 2304.0], [1271.0, 2294.0], [1273.0, 2363.0], [758.0, 2373.0]], ('COMPTANT RECU.', 0.9617272615432739)], [[[1349.0, 2298.0], [1399.0, 2298.0], [1399.0, 2361.0], [1349.0, 2361.0]], ('$', 0.9784209132194519)], [[[1533.0, 2379.0], [1726.0, 2371.0], [1730.0, 2455.0], [1537.0, 2463.0]], ('11.15', 0.9972440600395203)], [[[750.0, 2393.0], [1023.0, 2386.0], [1025.0, 2467.0], [752.0, 2474.0]], ('MONNAIE', 0.9667073488235474)], [[[1569.0, 2473.0], [1728.0, 2473.0], [1728.0, 2551.0], [1569.0, 2551.0]], ('0.10', 0.9971590042114258)], [[[756.0, 2494.0], [1398.0, 2481.0], [1399.0, 2553.0], [758.0, 2566.0]], ('ARG.CT DE BASE $', 0.9265685081481934)], [[[532.0, 2693.0], [1471.0, 2668.0], [1473.0, 2746.0], [534.0, 2763.0]], ("AUJOURD'HUI VOUS EPARGNEZ", 0.9203788638114929)]]
{"store_name": "CANADIANTIRE235", "store_addr": "200BOUL.CAVENDISH VilleSt-Laurent-H4R2J7", "telephone": "", "date": "06/22/2014", "time": "09:14:27", "subtotal": "$33.79", "tax": "$1.69 $3.37", "total": "$38.85", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MOBIL1SYN0W20", "item_value": "$33.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RAB.10$MOBIL", "item_value": "$0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[50.0, 66.0], [266.0, 61.0], [266.0, 82.0], [51.0, 87.0]], ('GUS&PAULS', 0.9548879265785217)], [[[96.0, 113.0], [247.0, 112.0], [247.0, 128.0], [96.0, 130.0]], ('A TRADITION SINCE 1958', 0.9240148067474365)], [[[64.0, 130.0], [267.0, 126.0], [267.0, 144.0], [64.0, 147.0]], ('1209 SUMNER AVE413782-5710', 0.9619829654693604)], [[[69.0, 146.0], [262.0, 142.0], [262.0, 159.0], [69.0, 163.0]], ('TOWERSQUARE413781-2253', 0.927704393863678)], [[[50.0, 177.0], [265.0, 173.0], [265.0, 190.0], [51.0, 194.0]], ('09-28-2013 SAT#4', 0.9426521062850952)], [[[64.0, 211.0], [155.0, 211.0], [155.0, 224.0], [64.0, 224.0]], ('1.Open Bakery', 0.9299126863479614)], [[[255.0, 204.0], [287.0, 204.0], [287.0, 222.0], [255.0, 222.0]], ('3.99', 0.9930600523948669)], [[[60.0, 227.0], [157.0, 224.0], [157.0, 240.0], [61.0, 242.0]], ('2 Open Bakery', 0.9194713234901428)], [[[257.0, 221.0], [287.0, 221.0], [287.0, 237.0], [257.0, 237.0]], ('4.98', 0.981332540512085)], [[[64.0, 243.0], [155.0, 243.0], [155.0, 257.0], [64.0, 257.0]], ('1Dpen Bakery', 0.9203969836235046)], [[[258.0, 237.0], [288.0, 237.0], [288.0, 253.0], [258.0, 253.0]], ('3.50', 0.9935823678970337)], [[[63.0, 258.0], [156.0, 258.0], [156.0, 275.0], [63.0, 275.0]], ('1 Open Bakery', 0.929390013217926)], [[[258.0, 254.0], [288.0, 254.0], [288.0, 270.0], [258.0, 270.0]], ('2.99', 0.9953251481056213)], [[[62.0, 276.0], [156.0, 274.0], [156.0, 291.0], [63.0, 293.0]], ('1 Open Bakery', 0.9271584749221802)], [[[259.0, 270.0], [289.0, 270.0], [289.0, 286.0], [259.0, 286.0]], ('2.49', 0.994511604309082)], [[[37.0, 294.0], [72.0, 294.0], [72.0, 308.0], [37.0, 308.0]], ('SUBTL', 0.9958057403564453)], [[[254.0, 286.0], [290.0, 286.0], [290.0, 304.0], [254.0, 304.0]], ('17.95', 0.9939366579055786)], [[[34.0, 309.0], [93.0, 307.0], [93.0, 325.0], [35.0, 326.0]], ('CASH', 0.9975194334983826)], [[[236.0, 303.0], [300.0, 300.0], [301.0, 318.0], [237.0, 321.0]], ('17.95', 0.998805046081543)]]
{"store_name": "GUS&PAUL'S", "store_addr": " 1209SUMNERAVE,(413)782-5710", "telephone": "&TOWERSOUARE,(413)781-2253", "date": "09-28-2013", "time": "", "subtotal": "17.95", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "OpenBakery", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OpenBakery", "item_value": "4.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OpenBakery", "item_value": "3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OpenBakery", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OpenBakery", "item_value": "2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[43.0, 7.0], [553.0, 9.0], [553.0, 34.0], [43.0, 33.0]], ('*** REPRINT ***REPRINT***REPRINT ***', 0.9540072679519653)], [[[33.0, 74.0], [436.0, 74.0], [436.0, 99.0], [33.0, 99.0]], ('REGULAR Grade 01 CAPUMP#5', 0.9223063588142395)], [[[35.0, 107.0], [330.0, 107.0], [330.0, 131.0], [35.0, 131.0]], ('18.564GAL@$0.019/GAL', 0.9761863946914673)], [[[460.0, 103.0], [580.0, 103.0], [580.0, 133.0], [460.0, 133.0]], ('$0.3599', 0.9968937635421753)], [[[34.0, 170.0], [457.0, 171.0], [457.0, 193.0], [34.0, 192.0]], ('DISCOUNTS APPLIED BEFORE FUELING', 0.9574896693229675)], [[[35.0, 204.0], [278.0, 204.0], [278.0, 226.0], [35.0, 226.0]], ('Rewards $-2.180/GAL', 0.9654956459999084)], [[[280.0, 263.0], [412.0, 263.0], [412.0, 290.0], [280.0, 290.0]], ('Subtotal=', 0.9657109379768372)], [[[458.0, 263.0], [527.0, 263.0], [527.0, 291.0], [458.0, 291.0]], ('$0.35', 0.9953778982162476)], [[[327.0, 293.0], [415.0, 293.0], [415.0, 324.0], [327.0, 324.0]], ('Tax =', 0.8936209678649902)], [[[458.0, 295.0], [528.0, 295.0], [528.0, 323.0], [458.0, 323.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9962571263313293)], [[[317.0, 356.0], [413.0, 356.0], [413.0, 386.0], [317.0, 386.0]], ('Total =', 0.9259995222091675)], [[[457.0, 356.0], [528.0, 356.0], [528.0, 387.0], [457.0, 387.0]], ('$0.35', 0.9389311671257019)], [[[49.0, 423.0], [550.0, 423.0], [550.0, 445.0], [49.0, 445.0]], ('*** REPRINT ***REPRINT *** REPRINT ***', 0.9252349734306335)], [[[240.0, 482.0], [455.0, 484.0], [455.0, 513.0], [240.0, 511.0]], ('Change Due =$', 0.9220407009124756)], [[[441.0, 484.0], [526.0, 484.0], [526.0, 511.0], [441.0, 511.0]], ('$-0.03', 0.95707106590271)], [[[33.0, 546.0], [89.0, 546.0], [89.0, 575.0], [33.0, 575.0]], ('Cash', 0.9982413649559021)], [[[447.0, 546.0], [528.0, 546.0], [528.0, 575.0], [447.0, 575.0]], ('$50.00', 0.9959051012992859)], [[[34.0, 580.0], [177.0, 580.0], [177.0, 606.0], [34.0, 606.0]], ('Refund Cash', 0.9715318083763123)], [[[433.0, 580.0], [526.0, 580.0], [526.0, 607.0], [433.0, 607.0]], ('$-49.62', 0.985855758190155)], [[[37.0, 705.0], [457.0, 705.0], [457.0, 730.0], [37.0, 730.0]], ('Today you saved a T0TAL of $40.47', 0.8994690775871277)], [[[35.0, 767.0], [293.0, 770.0], [293.0, 795.0], [35.0, 791.0]], ('Fue1 Rewards program', 0.9441511034965515)], [[[37.0, 801.0], [277.0, 801.0], [277.0, 823.0], [37.0, 823.0]], ('You Saved $2.18/ga', 0.937211275100708)], [[[35.0, 829.0], [241.0, 831.0], [241.0, 857.0], [35.0, 854.0]], ('Up To 20 Ga11ons', 0.8946055173873901)], [[[35.0, 861.0], [329.0, 862.0], [329.0, 887.0], [35.0, 886.0]], ('Tota1 Ba1ance $0.74/Ga1', 0.9174838662147522)], [[[37.0, 894.0], [203.0, 894.0], [203.0, 916.0], [37.0, 916.0]], ('On 02/28/2017', 0.919866144657135)], [[[36.0, 922.0], [267.0, 924.0], [267.0, 949.0], [36.0, 947.0]], ('$0.00/Ga1 Expires', 0.9584791660308838)], [[[37.0, 957.0], [291.0, 956.0], [291.0, 978.0], [37.0, 979.0]], ('Amount Saved$40.47', 0.9517648220062256)], [[[37.0, 987.0], [367.0, 987.0], [367.0, 1012.0], [37.0, 1012.0]], ('Lifetime Savings: $266.21', 0.9433274865150452)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "02/28/2017", "time": "", "subtotal": "$0.35", "tax": "$0.00", "total": "$0.35", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "REGULAR(Grade01)CA", "item_value": "$0.35", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[167.0, 60.0], [442.0, 53.0], [442.0, 73.0], [167.0, 80.0]], ('HARD ROCK CAFE COPENHAGEN', 0.9171444177627563)], [[[160.0, 82.0], [452.0, 75.0], [452.0, 95.0], [160.0, 102.0]], ('NESIERROGRADL3DK1630', 0.797800600528717)], [[[191.0, 101.0], [417.0, 99.0], [417.0, 119.0], [191.0, 121.0]], ('COPENHAGEN VDENMARK', 0.9376411437988281)], [[[147.0, 141.0], [297.0, 141.0], [297.0, 158.0], [147.0, 158.0]], ('125047121.JAC0B', 0.8180151581764221)], [[[142.0, 178.0], [405.0, 182.0], [405.0, 199.0], [142.0, 195.0]], ('8190JUL170711:32AM', 0.8900296092033386)], [[[159.0, 234.0], [337.0, 238.0], [337.0, 258.0], [159.0, 254.0]], ('I LIVE LVE ROCK M', 0.883172333240509)], [[[379.0, 238.0], [449.0, 240.0], [449.0, 261.0], [379.0, 259.0]], ('180.00', 0.9741172790527344)], [[[176.0, 273.0], [260.0, 276.0], [259.0, 297.0], [175.0, 294.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9855763912200928)], [[[379.0, 278.0], [449.0, 281.0], [448.0, 302.0], [378.0, 299.0]], ('180.00', 0.9649195671081543)], [[[174.0, 294.0], [249.0, 297.0], [248.0, 318.0], [173.0, 315.0]], ('Payaent', 0.9400349259376526)], [[[316.0, 297.0], [445.0, 302.0], [444.0, 323.0], [315.0, 318.0]], ('180.00', 0.9593763947486877)], [[[173.0, 314.0], [302.0, 318.0], [302.0, 339.0], [173.0, 335.0]], ('Euro Dollars', 0.8925271034240723)], [[[379.0, 320.0], [448.0, 323.0], [447.0, 344.0], [378.0, 341.0]], ('350.00', 0.9617541432380676)], [[[172.0, 335.0], [279.0, 339.0], [278.0, 360.0], [171.0, 356.0]], ('Change Due', 0.9626569747924805)], [[[378.0, 341.0], [448.0, 345.0], [447.0, 367.0], [377.0, 363.0]], ('170.00', 0.8826679587364197)], [[[159.0, 395.0], [441.0, 409.0], [440.0, 429.0], [158.0, 415.0]], ('nerchandiso accompanied by', 0.8373212218284607)], [[[181.0, 418.0], [420.0, 429.0], [419.0, 447.0], [180.0, 436.0]], ('original aales teceint', 0.8058292269706726)], [[[190.0, 459.0], [291.0, 462.0], [291.0, 478.0], [190.0, 475.0]], ('30 dayn a', 0.761680543422699)]]
{"store_name": "HARDROCKCAFECOPENHAGEN", "store_addr": "VESTERBROGRADE.3DK-1630 COPENHAGENV.DENMARK", "telephone": "", "date": "JUL17'07", "time": "11:32AM", "subtotal": "180.00", "tax": "", "total": "180.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LIVERLVEOCK", "item_value": "180.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[357.0, 120.0], [614.0, 120.0], [614.0, 180.0], [357.0, 180.0]], ('TARGET', 0.995596706867218)], [[[365.0, 179.0], [614.0, 179.0], [614.0, 211.0], [365.0, 211.0]], ('EXPECT MOREPAY LESS:', 0.944297194480896)], [[[85.0, 424.0], [400.0, 431.0], [399.0, 458.0], [84.0, 450.0]], ('HARDWARE-AUTOMOTIVE', 0.9909189343452454)], [[[85.0, 454.0], [242.0, 457.0], [241.0, 486.0], [84.0, 483.0]], ('085020984', 0.9984232783317566)], [[[349.0, 460.0], [525.0, 457.0], [525.0, 485.0], [349.0, 488.0]], ('LIGHT BULBS', 0.9654035568237305)], [[[585.0, 460.0], [605.0, 460.0], [605.0, 479.0], [585.0, 479.0]], ('T', 0.6729812026023865)], [[[646.0, 454.0], [746.0, 449.0], [748.0, 478.0], [647.0, 483.0]], ('$99.98', 0.9944739937782288)], [[[335.0, 490.0], [669.0, 481.0], [670.0, 513.0], [336.0, 522.0]], ('Regular Price $139.98', 0.942480742931366)], [[[480.0, 545.0], [604.0, 545.0], [604.0, 573.0], [480.0, 573.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9962388873100281)], [[[647.0, 540.0], [751.0, 537.0], [752.0, 569.0], [648.0, 572.0]], ('$99.98', 0.9965688586235046)], [[[124.0, 576.0], [515.0, 576.0], [515.0, 607.0], [124.0, 607.0]], ('T=FLTAX7.0000% on', 0.8755532503128052)], [[[504.0, 575.0], [606.0, 572.0], [607.0, 601.0], [505.0, 604.0]], ('$99.98', 0.9962289333343506)], [[[664.0, 571.0], [749.0, 566.0], [751.0, 597.0], [665.0, 602.0]], ('$7.00', 0.9969580769538879)], [[[525.0, 601.0], [641.0, 601.0], [641.0, 633.0], [525.0, 633.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9934664964675903)], [[[631.0, 602.0], [751.0, 597.0], [752.0, 626.0], [632.0, 631.0]], ('$106.98', 0.9941166639328003)], [[[435.0, 661.0], [750.0, 657.0], [750.0, 684.0], [435.0, 688.0]], ('VISA CHARGE$106.98', 0.9655860066413879)], [[[436.0, 691.0], [751.0, 685.0], [752.0, 713.0], [437.0, 719.0]], ('AID:A0000000031010', 0.974078893661499)], [[[433.0, 719.0], [608.0, 714.0], [608.0, 746.0], [434.0, 751.0]], ('VISA CREDIT', 0.9651615023612976)], [[[341.0, 1083.0], [577.0, 1077.0], [579.0, 1124.0], [342.0, 1130.0]], ('We make', 0.9612439870834351)], [[[339.0, 1137.0], [616.0, 1125.0], [618.0, 1179.0], [341.0, 1191.0]], ('the grade?', 0.9884514808654785)]]
{"store_name": "TARGET", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "NORTHMIAMI-305-944-5341", "date": "09/25/2017", "time": "01:54PM", "subtotal": "$99.98 $99.98", "tax": "$7.00", "total": "$106.98 $106.98", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LIGHTBULBS", "item_value": "$99.98", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[128.0, 243.0], [803.0, 243.0], [803.0, 365.0], [128.0, 365.0]], ('SAFEWAY', 0.9973230957984924)], [[[1023.0, 353.0], [1064.0, 353.0], [1064.0, 382.0], [1023.0, 382.0]], ('TM', 0.9900665283203125)], [[[104.0, 428.0], [593.0, 428.0], [593.0, 467.0], [104.0, 467.0]], ('STORE MGR JIM BROWN', 0.9410155415534973)], [[[775.0, 427.0], [1081.0, 416.0], [1083.0, 455.0], [777.0, 465.0]], ('480-755-1844', 0.9825592637062073)], [[[181.0, 478.0], [978.0, 470.0], [979.0, 515.0], [181.0, 523.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING WITH US!', 0.9336609840393066)], [[[387.0, 680.0], [767.0, 677.0], [767.0, 722.0], [387.0, 725.0]], ('MISCELLANEOUS', 0.9979862570762634)], [[[978.0, 773.0], [1101.0, 773.0], [1101.0, 822.0], [978.0, 822.0]], ('5.95', 0.9960858225822449)], [[[14.0, 788.0], [84.0, 788.0], [84.0, 835.0], [14.0, 835.0]], ('MR', 0.9965506792068481)], [[[267.0, 787.0], [678.0, 783.0], [679.0, 823.0], [268.0, 827.0]], ('PROCESSING FEE', 0.9605498909950256)], [[[267.0, 838.0], [770.0, 833.0], [771.0, 873.0], [268.0, 878.0]], ('MASTERCARD100.00', 0.9245408773422241)], [[[924.0, 829.0], [1099.0, 825.0], [1100.0, 866.0], [925.0, 870.0]], ('100.00', 0.992457926273346)], [[[14.0, 840.0], [82.0, 840.0], [82.0, 887.0], [14.0, 887.0]], ('MR', 0.9965299963951111)], [[[710.0, 886.0], [798.0, 881.0], [800.0, 924.0], [712.0, 929.0]], ('BAL', 0.9982314109802246)], [[[923.0, 877.0], [1102.0, 871.0], [1103.0, 918.0], [925.0, 924.0]], ('105.95', 0.9975069165229797)], [[[266.0, 888.0], [360.0, 888.0], [360.0, 933.0], [266.0, 933.0]], ('TAX', 0.9980265498161316)], [[[562.0, 887.0], [661.0, 887.0], [661.0, 930.0], [562.0, 930.0]], ('.00', 0.9520639777183533)], [[[116.0, 897.0], [234.0, 897.0], [234.0, 932.0], [116.0, 932.0]], ('**', 0.6731789112091064)], [[[923.0, 930.0], [1103.0, 925.0], [1105.0, 971.0], [925.0, 977.0]], ('105.95', 0.9956846237182617)], [[[17.0, 943.0], [82.0, 943.0], [82.0, 992.0], [17.0, 992.0]], ('VF', 0.981203556060791)], [[[266.0, 942.0], [566.0, 938.0], [566.0, 983.0], [266.0, 987.0]], ('DEBIT CARD', 0.9535118937492371)], [[[1024.0, 1033.0], [1110.0, 1033.0], [1110.0, 1082.0], [1024.0, 1082.0]], ('.00', 0.9938213229179382)], [[[269.0, 1048.0], [445.0, 1048.0], [445.0, 1088.0], [269.0, 1088.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9985249042510986)], [[[58.0, 1105.0], [983.0, 1088.0], [984.0, 1128.0], [58.0, 1145.0]], ('7/21/1107:4515350700607469', 0.9902398586273193)], [[[179.0, 1309.0], [1048.0, 1293.0], [1049.0, 1338.0], [180.0, 1354.0]], ('YOUR CASHIER TODAY WAS BONNIE', 0.9690679311752319)], [[[878.0, 1448.0], [1004.0, 1448.0], [1004.0, 1503.0], [878.0, 1503.0]], ('3926', 0.9987062215805054)], [[[262.0, 1462.0], [365.0, 1462.0], [365.0, 1518.0], [262.0, 1518.0]], ('DAN', 0.998134434223175)]]
{"store_name": "SAFEWAY", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "480-755-1844", "date": "7/21/11", "time": "07:45", "subtotal": "105.95", "tax": ".00", "total": "105.95", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PROCESSINGFEE", "item_value": "5.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[60.0, 44.0], [250.0, 48.0], [250.0, 66.0], [60.0, 61.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR DINING WITH US', 0.9369761347770691)], [[[27.0, 59.0], [226.0, 65.0], [226.0, 82.0], [27.0, 77.0]], ('O180 TABLE 133 #Party 4', 0.8830776214599609)], [[[27.0, 77.0], [80.0, 79.0], [80.0, 94.0], [27.0, 92.0]], ('CHRIS S', 0.9422339200973511)], [[[104.0, 78.0], [214.0, 81.0], [214.0, 97.0], [104.0, 94.0]], ('SvrCk41244p', 0.9707319736480713)], [[[27.0, 109.0], [159.0, 112.0], [159.0, 127.0], [27.0, 125.0]], ('1 BAVARIAN BLACK PNT', 0.9440335035324097)], [[[261.0, 110.0], [294.0, 113.0], [293.0, 133.0], [260.0, 130.0]], ('7.50', 0.9922370910644531)], [[[25.0, 126.0], [146.0, 128.0], [146.0, 143.0], [25.0, 141.0]], ('2 QUAD BOCK 11 PNT', 0.9008848667144775)], [[[257.0, 131.0], [292.0, 131.0], [292.0, 146.0], [257.0, 146.0]], ('15.00', 0.9969110488891602)], [[[25.0, 141.0], [185.0, 144.0], [185.0, 161.0], [25.0, 158.0]], ('1 FARMER JON OATMEAL PNT', 0.9390780925750732)], [[[261.0, 147.0], [292.0, 147.0], [292.0, 164.0], [261.0, 164.0]], ('6.95', 0.9723564386367798)], [[[25.0, 159.0], [96.0, 159.0], [96.0, 176.0], [25.0, 176.0]], ('1 CALAMARI', 0.9395954012870789)], [[[255.0, 160.0], [292.0, 163.0], [291.0, 182.0], [254.0, 179.0]], ('10.95', 0.9936115145683289)], [[[23.0, 173.0], [121.0, 176.0], [121.0, 194.0], [23.0, 190.0]], ('1ONIION RINGS', 0.9663476943969727)], [[[259.0, 176.0], [292.0, 179.0], [291.0, 198.0], [258.0, 195.0]], ('7.95', 0.993165135383606)], [[[24.0, 189.0], [197.0, 193.0], [197.0, 210.0], [24.0, 207.0]], ('1 SHADY BROOK FARMS TURKEY', 0.9525667428970337)], [[[254.0, 195.0], [292.0, 195.0], [292.0, 213.0], [254.0, 213.0]], ('13.25', 0.9941970705986023)], [[[25.0, 208.0], [172.0, 211.0], [172.0, 225.0], [25.0, 222.0]], ('1 PULLED PORK SANDWICH', 0.9437965750694275)], [[[24.0, 222.0], [185.0, 225.0], [185.0, 243.0], [24.0, 240.0]], ('1 HEATLAND STEAK FAJITAS', 0.9493438601493835)], [[[255.0, 213.0], [290.0, 213.0], [290.0, 228.0], [255.0, 228.0]], ('14.50', 0.9975155591964722)], [[[254.0, 227.0], [291.0, 227.0], [291.0, 246.0], [254.0, 246.0]], ('16.95', 0.9935879707336426)], [[[23.0, 238.0], [100.0, 241.0], [100.0, 258.0], [23.0, 256.0]], ('1 DIET COKE', 0.9133751392364502)], [[[258.0, 245.0], [291.0, 245.0], [291.0, 262.0], [258.0, 262.0]], ('3.50', 0.9970297813415527)], [[[167.0, 273.0], [236.0, 276.0], [236.0, 294.0], [167.0, 292.0]], ('Sub Total:', 0.8856391906738281)], [[[253.0, 278.0], [289.0, 278.0], [289.0, 293.0], [253.0, 293.0]], ('96.55', 0.9954980611801147)], [[[148.0, 292.0], [173.0, 292.0], [173.0, 307.0], [148.0, 307.0]], ('Tax', 0.9890543818473816)], [[[226.0, 296.0], [236.0, 296.0], [236.0, 307.0], [226.0, 307.0]], (':', 0.8748400211334229)], [[[258.0, 293.0], [289.0, 293.0], [289.0, 309.0], [258.0, 309.0]], ('8.57', 0.9981557130813599)], [[[165.0, 306.0], [239.0, 308.0], [239.0, 326.0], [165.0, 323.0]], ('Sub Total:', 0.8949445486068726)], [[[246.0, 310.0], [288.0, 310.0], [288.0, 326.0], [246.0, 326.0]], ('105.12', 0.9960444569587708)], [[[161.0, 321.0], [185.0, 325.0], [182.0, 342.0], [158.0, 337.0]], ('18%', 0.9912098050117493)], [[[251.0, 323.0], [289.0, 326.0], [288.0, 344.0], [250.0, 342.0]], ('17.38', 0.9943310022354126)], [[[25.0, 336.0], [179.0, 341.0], [179.0, 359.0], [25.0, 353.0]], ('12/08 2:07pTOTAL', 0.9351637363433838)], [[[208.0, 340.0], [286.0, 342.0], [286.0, 360.0], [208.0, 357.0]], ('122.50', 0.9983818531036377)], [[[49.0, 371.0], [259.0, 375.0], [259.0, 389.0], [49.0, 385.0]], ('CHECK OUT OUR OTHER LOCATIONS AT', 0.9464098811149597)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "12/08", "time": "12:44p", "subtotal": "96.55", "tax": "8.57", "total": "122.50", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BAVARIANBLACKPNT", "item_value": "7.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "QUADBOCK11PNT", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FARMERJONOATMEALPNT", "item_value": "6.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CALAMARI", "item_value": "10.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ONIIONRINGS", "item_value": "7.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SHADYBROOKFARMSTURKEY", "item_value": "13.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PULLEDPORKSANDWICH", "item_value": "14.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HEATLANDSTEAKFAJITAS", "item_value": "16.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DIETCOKE", "item_value": "3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[137.0, 32.0], [168.0, 35.0], [166.0, 56.0], [135.0, 53.0]], ('TAP', 0.9975679516792297)], [[[62.0, 59.0], [240.0, 62.0], [240.0, 75.0], [62.0, 72.0]], ('15.Hak Po Street.MongKokKowloonHK.', 0.8745306730270386)], [[[124.0, 70.0], [187.0, 72.0], [187.0, 85.0], [123.0, 83.0]], ('Tel:24682010', 0.902134120464325)], [[[62.0, 92.0], [114.0, 92.0], [114.0, 106.0], [62.0, 106.0]], ('Table 15', 0.932330846786499)], [[[61.0, 102.0], [171.0, 104.0], [171.0, 117.0], [61.0, 115.0]], ('Check No.O33283', 0.9358251690864563)], [[[214.0, 93.0], [250.0, 93.0], [250.0, 107.0], [214.0, 107.0]], ('Cover 2', 0.9410275220870972)], [[[61.0, 113.0], [181.0, 114.0], [181.0, 128.0], [61.0, 127.0]], ('Date 2016-04-06 19:15:06', 0.9383373260498047)], [[[61.0, 135.0], [121.0, 138.0], [120.0, 151.0], [60.0, 149.0]], ('Description', 0.9526733756065369)], [[[186.0, 135.0], [205.0, 138.0], [203.0, 151.0], [184.0, 148.0]], ('Qty', 0.9121671319007874)], [[[222.0, 135.0], [253.0, 135.0], [253.0, 149.0], [222.0, 149.0]], ('Anount', 0.8997244238853455)], [[[61.0, 159.0], [155.0, 159.0], [155.0, 172.0], [61.0, 172.0]], ('Moon Goddness Pint', 0.9506266713142395)], [[[200.0, 160.0], [208.0, 160.0], [208.0, 171.0], [200.0, 171.0]], ('1', 0.8944616317749023)], [[[237.0, 158.0], [262.0, 158.0], [262.0, 170.0], [237.0, 170.0]], ('75.00', 0.99152672290802)], [[[62.0, 172.0], [136.0, 172.0], [136.0, 183.0], [62.0, 183.0]], ('The Living End', 0.8873386979103088)], [[[201.0, 170.0], [209.0, 170.0], [209.0, 183.0], [201.0, 183.0]], ('1', 0.75499427318573)], [[[234.0, 168.0], [265.0, 168.0], [265.0, 182.0], [234.0, 182.0]], ('165.00', 0.9907917976379395)], [[[61.0, 183.0], [151.0, 183.0], [151.0, 197.0], [61.0, 197.0]], ('Ch1cken Wrap Ful11', 0.8524701595306396)], [[[201.0, 182.0], [210.0, 182.0], [210.0, 194.0], [201.0, 194.0]], ('1', 0.9679219722747803)], [[[239.0, 180.0], [264.0, 180.0], [264.0, 192.0], [239.0, 192.0]], ('78.00', 0.9926486015319824)], [[[62.0, 194.0], [92.0, 196.0], [91.0, 210.0], [61.0, 207.0]], ('Fries', 0.9901838302612305)], [[[202.0, 193.0], [211.0, 193.0], [211.0, 205.0], [202.0, 205.0]], ('1', 0.9853212237358093)], [[[241.0, 192.0], [266.0, 192.0], [266.0, 204.0], [241.0, 204.0]], ('64.00', 0.9915517568588257)], [[[61.0, 208.0], [123.0, 208.0], [123.0, 221.0], [61.0, 221.0]], ('Cajun Wings', 0.9309232831001282)], [[[203.0, 205.0], [212.0, 205.0], [212.0, 215.0], [203.0, 215.0]], ('1', 0.9035699367523193)], [[[242.0, 203.0], [267.0, 203.0], [267.0, 215.0], [242.0, 215.0]], ('58.00', 0.9938666224479675)], [[[170.0, 228.0], [217.0, 228.0], [217.0, 242.0], [170.0, 242.0]], ('Subtotal:', 0.978351891040802)], [[[234.0, 226.0], [270.0, 223.0], [271.0, 237.0], [235.0, 240.0]], ('$440.00', 0.9869623780250549)], [[[114.0, 243.0], [216.0, 239.0], [217.0, 253.0], [115.0, 257.0]], ('+10x Service Charge:', 0.8805028796195984)], [[[240.0, 236.0], [272.0, 236.0], [272.0, 250.0], [240.0, 250.0]], ('$44.00', 0.9918251633644104)], [[[148.0, 268.0], [273.0, 259.0], [274.0, 273.0], [149.0, 282.0]], ('Tota1:$484.00', 0.9230098724365234)], [[[130.0, 333.0], [252.0, 323.0], [253.0, 338.0], [131.0, 347.0]], ('832016-04-06 19:53:551', 0.9407250881195068)]]
{"store_name": "TAP", "store_addr": "15hakPoStreot,Hongkok,Kowloon,HK.", "telephone": "24682010", "date": "2016-04-06 2016-04-06", "time": "19:15:06", "subtotal": "$440.00", "tax": "", "total": "$484.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MoonGoddnessPint", "item_value": "75.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TheLivingEnd", "item_value": "165.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenWrapFull", "item_value": "78.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Fries", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CajunWings", "item_value": "58.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[305.0, 327.0], [887.0, 523.0], [860.0, 599.0], [278.0, 403.0]], ('Server:Tom MANager', 0.94915771484375)], [[[265.0, 486.0], [737.0, 631.0], [717.0, 695.0], [245.0, 551.0]], ('Order #211960', 0.9543651342391968)], [[[1207.0, 554.0], [1533.0, 571.0], [1529.0, 637.0], [1203.0, 620.0]], ('Station:', 0.9710936546325684)], [[[684.0, 700.0], [1021.0, 763.0], [1007.0, 832.0], [670.0, 769.0]], ('Bar Tab:3h', 0.9399576187133789)], [[[1277.0, 707.0], [1526.0, 720.0], [1523.0, 788.0], [1273.0, 775.0]], ('Dine In', 0.9699394106864929)], [[[217.0, 727.0], [900.0, 898.0], [882.0, 968.0], [199.0, 797.0]], ('1 Lagunitas $4 Special', 0.9406836032867432)], [[[190.0, 803.0], [680.0, 925.0], [661.0, 998.0], [171.0, 876.0]], ('1P.EpperPhD', 0.9830594658851624)], [[[171.0, 887.0], [871.0, 1045.0], [854.0, 1117.0], [154.0, 959.0]], ('1 LG Firehouse De1 1)', 0.9158746004104614)], [[[1347.0, 945.0], [1502.0, 960.0], [1495.0, 1030.0], [1340.0, 1016.0]], ('4.00', 0.9969680905342102)], [[[1337.0, 1027.0], [1490.0, 1038.0], [1484.0, 1111.0], [1331.0, 1099.0]], ('1.99', 0.9969605803489685)], [[[124.0, 1052.0], [466.0, 1120.0], [451.0, 1193.0], [109.0, 1124.0]], ('SUB TOTAL:', 0.9309515953063965)], [[[1298.0, 1105.0], [1479.0, 1127.0], [1470.0, 1199.0], [1289.0, 1177.0]], ('17.83', 0.9921383857727051)], [[[103.0, 1140.0], [318.0, 1179.0], [305.0, 1248.0], [90.0, 1208.0]], ('Sales:', 0.9818019866943359)], [[[80.0, 1227.0], [689.0, 1335.0], [677.0, 1401.0], [68.0, 1294.0]], ('Food and Beverage:', 0.9431578516960144)], [[[1267.0, 1266.0], [1461.0, 1296.0], [1449.0, 1373.0], [1254.0, 1343.0]], ('23.82', 0.9945599436759949)], [[[1295.0, 1363.0], [1448.0, 1386.0], [1437.0, 1458.0], [1283.0, 1435.0]], ('1.54', 0.9941343665122986)], [[[41.0, 1396.0], [259.0, 1425.0], [248.0, 1505.0], [30.0, 1475.0]], ('TOTAL:', 0.9804239273071289)], [[[1277.0, 1447.0], [1433.0, 1473.0], [1420.0, 1546.0], [1264.0, 1520.0]], ('0.40', 0.9948474764823914)], [[[1182.0, 1602.0], [1410.0, 1645.0], [1394.0, 1724.0], [1167.0, 1681.0]], ('$25.76', 0.9960195422172546)], [[[396.0, 1619.0], [991.0, 1725.0], [978.0, 1798.0], [382.0, 1692.0]], ('>>Ticket #13<<', 0.8914039731025696)], [[[341.0, 1694.0], [985.0, 1805.0], [968.0, 1895.0], [324.0, 1783.0]], ('6/3/20135:56:33PM', 0.9636552333831787)], [[[13.0, 1956.0], [618.0, 1976.0], [616.0, 2042.0], [10.0, 2022.0]], ('rehouse Pizza & P', 0.8816681504249573)]]
{"store_name": "FirehousePizza&Pub", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "6/3/2013", "time": "5:56:33PM", "subtotal": "23.82", "tax": "1.54", "total": "$25.76", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Lagunitas$4Special", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "P.Epper,PhD", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LGFirehouseDel(1)", "item_value": "17.83", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[104.0, 39.0], [230.0, 31.0], [231.0, 52.0], [105.0, 60.0]], ('zuma', 0.9473878145217896)], [[[80.0, 76.0], [140.0, 71.0], [141.0, 85.0], [81.0, 90.0]], ('yewsunize', 0.6242497563362122)], [[[253.0, 68.0], [281.0, 68.0], [281.0, 79.0], [253.0, 79.0]], ('14.80', 0.9858458638191223)], [[[57.0, 78.0], [69.0, 78.0], [69.0, 87.0], [57.0, 87.0]], ('Ix', 0.9569423794746399)], [[[80.0, 86.0], [142.0, 84.0], [142.0, 97.0], [81.0, 100.0]], ('chirashimaki', 0.9354594349861145)], [[[257.0, 80.0], [282.0, 80.0], [282.0, 92.0], [257.0, 92.0]], ('8.80', 0.9943524599075317)], [[[53.0, 101.0], [66.0, 101.0], [66.0, 115.0], [53.0, 115.0]], ('Ix', 0.8423283100128174)], [[[79.0, 100.0], [179.0, 95.0], [180.0, 108.0], [79.0, 113.0]], ('dynamite spider maki', 0.9707623720169067)], [[[256.0, 94.0], [283.0, 94.0], [283.0, 105.0], [256.0, 105.0]], ('12.90', 0.9963040351867676)], [[[78.0, 114.0], [135.0, 110.0], [136.0, 125.0], [78.0, 129.0]], ('iberico pork', 0.9535307288169861)], [[[255.0, 107.0], [287.0, 107.0], [287.0, 122.0], [255.0, 122.0]], ('24.80', 0.9906333088874817)], [[[48.0, 117.0], [61.0, 111.0], [66.0, 124.0], [53.0, 130.0]], ('1x', 0.6753455400466919)], [[[50.0, 128.0], [62.0, 128.0], [62.0, 143.0], [50.0, 143.0]], ('1x', 0.94879150390625)], [[[76.0, 128.0], [176.0, 123.0], [177.0, 137.0], [76.0, 142.0]], ('prawn tempura maki', 0.9404447078704834)], [[[257.0, 122.0], [288.0, 122.0], [288.0, 136.0], [257.0, 136.0]], ('11.20', 0.9962053298950195)], [[[48.0, 143.0], [61.0, 143.0], [61.0, 157.0], [48.0, 157.0]], ('1x', 0.8713077306747437)], [[[77.0, 143.0], [135.0, 143.0], [135.0, 154.0], [77.0, 154.0]], ('kirin ichiban', 0.9518685936927795)], [[[264.0, 136.0], [290.0, 136.0], [290.0, 151.0], [264.0, 151.0]], ('6.00', 0.9836342334747314)], [[[46.0, 159.0], [60.0, 159.0], [60.0, 172.0], [46.0, 172.0]], ('1x', 0.7990128397941589)], [[[74.0, 158.0], [158.0, 155.0], [159.0, 169.0], [74.0, 172.0]], ('large st aniol still', 0.9559798240661621)], [[[265.0, 152.0], [292.0, 152.0], [292.0, 167.0], [265.0, 167.0]], ('4.75', 0.9806931018829346)], [[[42.0, 186.0], [89.0, 186.0], [89.0, 200.0], [42.0, 200.0]], ('SubTotal', 0.9921184778213501)], [[[262.0, 181.0], [295.0, 181.0], [295.0, 196.0], [262.0, 196.0]], ('83.25', 0.9925025701522827)], [[[39.0, 213.0], [222.0, 210.0], [222.0, 224.0], [40.0, 227.0]], ('Discretionary Service Charge 15', 0.9661127328872681)], [[[266.0, 208.0], [298.0, 208.0], [298.0, 223.0], [266.0, 223.0]], ('12.49', 0.9941607713699341)], [[[34.0, 255.0], [63.0, 255.0], [63.0, 271.0], [34.0, 271.0]], ('Total', 0.9986368417739868)], [[[268.0, 251.0], [305.0, 251.0], [305.0, 269.0], [268.0, 269.0]], ('95.74', 0.9952551126480103)], [[[30.0, 294.0], [84.0, 294.0], [84.0, 311.0], [30.0, 311.0]], ('Total Due', 0.9563013911247253)], [[[273.0, 291.0], [310.0, 291.0], [310.0, 309.0], [273.0, 309.0]], ('95.74', 0.9936911463737488)], [[[27.0, 331.0], [203.0, 331.0], [203.0, 346.0], [27.0, 346.0]], ('19.13 Thursday 19 Jan 2017', 0.9193629026412964)], [[[24.0, 347.0], [84.0, 347.0], [84.0, 364.0], [24.0, 364.0]], ('Table:55', 0.9500651955604553)], [[[22.0, 366.0], [160.0, 366.0], [160.0, 380.0], [22.0, 380.0]], ('Order Number86675', 0.9717628359794617)], [[[19.0, 389.0], [154.0, 389.0], [154.0, 406.0], [19.0, 406.0]], ('ncl.ofVAT 20.00%', 0.9345624446868896)], [[[280.0, 388.0], [321.0, 388.0], [321.0, 407.0], [280.0, 407.0]], ('13.88', 0.9951531291007996)], [[[147.0, 430.0], [311.0, 433.0], [311.0, 449.0], [147.0, 447.0]], ('tion has been added to', 0.8699937462806702)]]
{"store_name": "zuma", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "19Jan2017", "time": "19:13", "subtotal": "83.25", "tax": "", "total": "95.74 95.74", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "largestaniolstill", "item_value": "4.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "kirinichiban", "item_value": "6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "prawntempuramaki", "item_value": "11.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ibencopork", "item_value": "24.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "dynamitespidermaki", "item_value": "12.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "8.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "14.80", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[275.0, 10.0], [641.0, 5.0], [641.0, 46.0], [276.0, 51.0]], ('alniart', 0.7745862007141113)], [[[261.0, 64.0], [651.0, 46.0], [653.0, 83.0], [263.0, 101.0]], ('Save money.Live better.', 0.9532808065414429)], [[[667.0, 88.0], [831.0, 80.0], [833.0, 109.0], [668.0, 117.0]], ('uodsaulleT', 0.7050030827522278)], [[[373.0, 101.0], [644.0, 89.0], [645.0, 123.0], [374.0, 135.0]], ('336760-9868', 0.9688836932182312)], [[[656.0, 119.0], [836.0, 119.0], [836.0, 148.0], [656.0, 148.0]], ('smlsw.ooora', 0.8114027380943298)], [[[352.0, 153.0], [647.0, 145.0], [648.0, 178.0], [353.0, 186.0]], ('4550 KESTER MILL RD', 0.9370949268341064)], [[[337.0, 178.0], [678.0, 173.0], [678.0, 206.0], [338.0, 211.0]], ('WINSTON SALEM NC 27103', 0.9390409588813782)], [[[412.0, 234.0], [634.0, 235.0], [634.0, 261.0], [412.0, 259.0]], ('003400047884F', 0.9912315607070923)], [[[706.0, 237.0], [806.0, 240.0], [805.0, 267.0], [705.0, 264.0]], ('3.24X', 0.901488184928894)], [[[221.0, 250.0], [369.0, 238.0], [371.0, 264.0], [223.0, 276.0]], ('WHITE EGGS', 0.9579788446426392)], [[[413.0, 262.0], [634.0, 263.0], [634.0, 289.0], [413.0, 287.0]], ('004190007287F', 0.9937459230422974)], [[[707.0, 267.0], [806.0, 267.0], [806.0, 296.0], [707.0, 296.0]], ('1.68', 0.997468888759613)], [[[217.0, 279.0], [324.0, 268.0], [327.0, 295.0], [220.0, 306.0]], ('1MILK', 0.9949294924736023)], [[[585.0, 291.0], [712.0, 295.0], [711.0, 322.0], [584.0, 317.0]], ('WAS6.17', 0.9920072555541992)], [[[231.0, 301.0], [479.0, 287.0], [480.0, 316.0], [233.0, 330.0]], ('REDUCED TO CLEAR', 0.9455646872520447)], [[[711.0, 326.0], [811.0, 326.0], [811.0, 352.0], [711.0, 352.0]], ('3.08Y', 0.9317096471786499)], [[[212.0, 358.0], [352.0, 354.0], [352.0, 379.0], [213.0, 383.0]], ('SKIM MILK', 0.9678332209587097)], [[[412.0, 350.0], [635.0, 353.0], [635.0, 377.0], [412.0, 375.0]], ('007874235189F', 0.9944981932640076)], [[[709.0, 354.0], [811.0, 354.0], [811.0, 383.0], [709.0, 383.0]], ('2.98Y', 0.9578282237052917)], [[[489.0, 378.0], [624.0, 382.0], [623.0, 411.0], [488.0, 407.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9963581562042236)], [[[698.0, 384.0], [780.0, 384.0], [780.0, 411.0], [698.0, 411.0]], ('10.98', 0.9972607493400574)], [[[805.0, 381.0], [849.0, 381.0], [849.0, 409.0], [805.0, 409.0]], ('atto', 0.519436776638031)], [[[347.0, 409.0], [433.0, 409.0], [433.0, 439.0], [347.0, 439.0]], ('TAX1', 0.9923444390296936)], [[[474.0, 411.0], [593.0, 411.0], [593.0, 441.0], [474.0, 441.0]], ('6.750%', 0.9908995628356934)], [[[711.0, 413.0], [782.0, 413.0], [782.0, 444.0], [711.0, 444.0]], ('0.22', 0.9955673813819885)], [[[347.0, 440.0], [433.0, 440.0], [433.0, 470.0], [347.0, 470.0]], ('TAX2', 0.9902573227882385)], [[[472.0, 441.0], [593.0, 441.0], [593.0, 470.0], [472.0, 470.0]], ('2.000%', 0.9890368580818176)], [[[601.0, 440.0], [785.0, 444.0], [784.0, 474.0], [600.0, 470.0]], ('930.15', 0.7883703708648682)], [[[790.0, 446.0], [853.0, 446.0], [853.0, 474.0], [790.0, 474.0]], ('goV', 0.5900201797485352)], [[[541.0, 473.0], [624.0, 473.0], [624.0, 503.0], [541.0, 503.0]], ('TOTAL.', 0.9553664326667786)], [[[700.0, 473.0], [785.0, 476.0], [784.0, 506.0], [699.0, 503.0]], ('11.35', 0.9956096410751343)], [[[443.0, 503.0], [625.0, 503.0], [625.0, 536.0], [443.0, 536.0]], ('DEBIT TEND', 0.9567739367485046)], [[[702.0, 506.0], [786.0, 506.0], [786.0, 537.0], [702.0, 537.0]], ('11.35', 0.9975466728210449)], [[[458.0, 535.0], [623.0, 537.0], [622.0, 566.0], [457.0, 564.0]], ('CHANGE DUE', 0.9546569585800171)], [[[811.0, 527.0], [857.0, 527.0], [857.0, 557.0], [811.0, 557.0]], ('liv', 0.5604971051216125)], [[[717.0, 537.0], [789.0, 537.0], [789.0, 567.0], [717.0, 567.0]], ('0.00', 0.9980260133743286)], [[[735.0, 575.0], [858.0, 575.0], [858.0, 595.0], [735.0, 595.0]], ('TNSAWWM', 0.6252080798149109)], [[[200.0, 632.0], [343.0, 632.0], [343.0, 661.0], [200.0, 661.0]], ('EFT DEBIT', 0.9427109956741333)], [[[458.0, 632.0], [724.0, 635.0], [724.0, 665.0], [457.0, 661.0]], ('PAY FROM PRIMARY', 0.9408059120178223)], [[[738.0, 643.0], [854.0, 643.0], [854.0, 664.0], [738.0, 664.0]], ('slagsew', 0.5338087677955627)], [[[245.0, 660.0], [334.0, 664.0], [333.0, 694.0], [244.0, 691.0]], ('11.35', 0.9954627752304077)], [[[357.0, 663.0], [589.0, 666.0], [589.0, 694.0], [357.0, 691.0]], ('TOTAL PURCHASE', 0.958082377910614)], [[[197.0, 696.0], [327.0, 696.0], [327.0, 725.0], [197.0, 725.0]], ('US DEBIT', 0.9478855729103088)], [[[424.0, 700.0], [828.0, 700.0], [828.0, 729.0], [424.0, 729.0]], ('**********3796I0', 0.7789099812507629)], [[[198.0, 730.0], [494.0, 731.0], [493.0, 757.0], [198.0, 755.0]], ('REF#707900025114', 0.9957205057144165)], [[[195.0, 763.0], [744.0, 766.0], [744.0, 794.0], [195.0, 790.0]], ('NETW0RK ID.0056 APPR C0DE 094073', 0.9115511775016785)], [[[191.0, 829.0], [326.0, 829.0], [326.0, 858.0], [191.0, 858.0]], ('US DEBIT', 0.9504954218864441)], [[[679.0, 841.0], [865.0, 844.0], [864.0, 882.0], [678.0, 879.0]], ('UOY XWAHT', 0.7977761030197144)], [[[192.0, 863.0], [494.0, 866.0], [493.0, 894.0], [192.0, 891.0]], ('AID A0000000980840', 0.9742453694343567)], [[[194.0, 897.0], [507.0, 901.0], [507.0, 929.0], [193.0, 925.0]], ('TCA62E35BBB3027A87', 0.9855964183807373)], [[[189.0, 931.0], [559.0, 934.0], [559.0, 963.0], [188.0, 960.0]], ('*NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED', 0.941423773765564)], [[[189.0, 968.0], [510.0, 969.0], [510.0, 998.0], [188.0, 997.0]], ('TERMINAL#SCO1O202', 0.9390785098075867)], [[[563.0, 985.0], [862.0, 985.0], [862.0, 1014.0], [563.0, 1014.0]], ('Jely uoy luods au lle', 0.7143557667732239)], [[[340.0, 1039.0], [480.0, 1039.0], [480.0, 1068.0], [340.0, 1068.0]], ('03/20/17', 0.9961802363395691)], [[[543.0, 1038.0], [679.0, 1035.0], [680.0, 1066.0], [544.0, 1068.0]], ('10:51:32', 0.9453620910644531)], [[[694.0, 1030.0], [865.0, 1024.0], [866.0, 1053.0], [695.0, 1059.0]], ('smlew.ooora', 0.757473349571228)], [[[389.0, 1073.0], [630.0, 1071.0], [630.0, 1098.0], [390.0, 1101.0]], ('#TEMS SOLD 4', 0.8953819870948792)], [[[745.0, 1068.0], [864.0, 1068.0], [864.0, 1099.0], [745.0, 1099.0]], ('ebrsafilg', 0.5736777782440186)], [[[254.0, 1105.0], [729.0, 1101.0], [729.0, 1134.0], [254.0, 1137.0]], ('TC# 85787317994812161874', 0.9632923007011414)], [[[749.0, 1128.0], [864.0, 1122.0], [866.0, 1153.0], [750.0, 1158.0]], ('eonspic', 0.8646687269210815)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "4550KESTERMILLRD WINSTONSALEMNC27103", "telephone": "(336)760-9868", "date": "03/20/17", "time": "10:51:32", "subtotal": "10.98", "tax": "0.22 0.15", "total": "11.35 11.35 11.35", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "WHITEEGGS", "item_value": "3.24", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MILK", "item_value": "1.68", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MKTSTNBCHS068113171534", "item_value": "3.08", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SKIMMILK", "item_value": "2.98", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[31.0, 15.0], [171.0, 15.0], [171.0, 28.0], [31.0, 28.0]], ('March 172017 at 8:29', 0.9195270538330078)], [[[49.0, 28.0], [77.0, 28.0], [77.0, 41.0], [49.0, 41.0]], ('PM', 0.9939428567886353)], [[[231.0, 23.0], [312.0, 13.0], [314.0, 30.0], [233.0, 40.0]], ('Order#9911', 0.9665867686271667)], [[[31.0, 40.0], [155.0, 40.0], [155.0, 53.0], [31.0, 53.0]], ('Table42..2 quests', 0.9083966612815857)], [[[33.0, 55.0], [128.0, 55.0], [128.0, 68.0], [33.0, 68.0]], ('Party Name:40', 0.9441645741462708)], [[[216.0, 52.0], [313.0, 42.0], [315.0, 59.0], [218.0, 69.0]], ('Waiter: Eduardo', 0.9308907985687256)], [[[274.0, 63.0], [314.0, 58.0], [316.0, 72.0], [276.0, 77.0]], ('server', 0.9958157539367676)], [[[33.0, 80.0], [91.0, 80.0], [91.0, 97.0], [33.0, 97.0]], ('Ct Tax#', 0.9280519485473633)], [[[35.0, 113.0], [172.0, 111.0], [172.0, 125.0], [35.0, 127.0]], ('Brussels Sprouts TAPA', 0.9711721539497375)], [[[280.0, 106.0], [317.0, 106.0], [317.0, 121.0], [280.0, 121.0]], ('$9.00', 0.9979040026664734)], [[[35.0, 127.0], [214.0, 125.0], [215.0, 138.0], [35.0, 140.0]], ('Gls Prosecco Franco Amoroso', 0.9575925469398499)], [[[278.0, 121.0], [317.0, 117.0], [319.0, 132.0], [280.0, 136.0]], ('$9.00', 0.9961755871772766)], [[[37.0, 140.0], [73.0, 140.0], [73.0, 154.0], [37.0, 154.0]], ('Coke', 0.9947419166564941)], [[[280.0, 133.0], [318.0, 133.0], [318.0, 148.0], [280.0, 148.0]], ('$2.95', 0.9965829849243164)], [[[37.0, 154.0], [146.0, 154.0], [146.0, 167.0], [37.0, 167.0]], ('Lobster Fettuccine', 0.9837322235107422)], [[[273.0, 149.0], [319.0, 146.0], [320.0, 161.0], [273.0, 163.0]], ('$24.00', 0.9969589114189148)], [[[36.0, 167.0], [223.0, 165.0], [223.0, 179.0], [36.0, 181.0]], ('2 x Gls Pinot Noir Laetitia Limite', 0.9385905861854553)], [[[54.0, 179.0], [138.0, 179.0], [138.0, 192.0], [54.0, 192.0]], ('Central Coast', 0.9622483849525452)], [[[274.0, 175.0], [319.0, 175.0], [319.0, 190.0], [274.0, 190.0]], ('$24.00', 0.9963881969451904)], [[[35.0, 194.0], [163.0, 191.0], [163.0, 205.0], [36.0, 208.0]], ('Potato Gnocchi TAPA', 0.9616055488586426)], [[[274.0, 189.0], [319.0, 189.0], [319.0, 203.0], [274.0, 203.0]], ('$10.00', 0.9972129464149475)], [[[37.0, 208.0], [109.0, 208.0], [109.0, 218.0], [37.0, 218.0]], ('Fish Special', 0.9586763978004456)], [[[274.0, 203.0], [319.0, 203.0], [319.0, 217.0], [274.0, 217.0]], ('$24.00', 0.9979302883148193)], [[[35.0, 218.0], [81.0, 221.0], [81.0, 235.0], [34.0, 232.0]], ('Baileys', 0.9708080887794495)], [[[281.0, 217.0], [319.0, 217.0], [319.0, 231.0], [281.0, 231.0]], ('$9.00', 0.9908838272094727)], [[[46.0, 231.0], [210.0, 229.0], [211.0, 246.0], [47.0, 248.0]], ('$11.00S2.00over charge', 0.9548981189727783)], [[[49.0, 246.0], [139.0, 246.0], [139.0, 259.0], [49.0, 259.0]], ('+$2.00:Rocks', 0.9438912868499756)], [[[35.0, 258.0], [176.0, 256.0], [176.0, 273.0], [36.0, 275.0]], ('Crispy Artichokes TAPA', 0.9668708443641663)], [[[283.0, 257.0], [320.0, 257.0], [320.0, 271.0], [283.0, 271.0]], ('$9.00', 0.996995747089386)], [[[36.0, 274.0], [77.0, 274.0], [77.0, 288.0], [36.0, 288.0]], ('Burata', 0.9955425262451172)], [[[284.0, 271.0], [321.0, 271.0], [321.0, 286.0], [284.0, 286.0]], ('$9.00', 0.9972971677780151)], [[[194.0, 303.0], [258.0, 303.0], [258.0, 316.0], [194.0, 316.0]], ('Food Total', 0.9602217674255371)], [[[276.0, 299.0], [322.0, 302.0], [321.0, 317.0], [276.0, 314.0]], ('$87.95', 0.9945018291473389)], [[[180.0, 316.0], [258.0, 315.0], [258.0, 329.0], [180.0, 330.0]], ('Alcohol Total', 0.9495663046836853)], [[[277.0, 315.0], [321.0, 315.0], [321.0, 329.0], [277.0, 329.0]], ('$42.00', 0.9952466487884521)], [[[171.0, 330.0], [259.0, 329.0], [259.0, 343.0], [171.0, 344.0]], ('Discount Total', 0.981630802154541)], [[[284.0, 328.0], [321.0, 328.0], [321.0, 342.0], [284.0, 342.0]], ('$2.00', 0.9975560307502747)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "March17,2017", "time": "at8:29", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BrusselsSproutsTAPA", "item_value": "$9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GlsProseccoFrancoAmoroso", "item_value": "$9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Coke", "item_value": "$2.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LobsterFettuccine", "item_value": "$24.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GlsPinotNoirLaetitiaLimite", "item_value": "$24.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CentralCoast", "item_value": "$10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PotatoGnocchiTAPA", "item_value": "$24.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FishSpecial", "item_value": "$9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Balleys", "item_value": "$9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CrispyArtichokesTAPA", "item_value": "$9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Burata", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[93.0, 30.0], [299.0, 32.0], [299.0, 56.0], [92.0, 54.0]], ('Restaurant Aposto', 0.9835633635520935)], [[[151.0, 52.0], [245.0, 55.0], [245.0, 69.0], [150.0, 66.0]], ('Cucina Italiana', 0.9430874586105347)], [[[148.0, 64.0], [247.0, 65.0], [247.0, 80.0], [148.0, 79.0]], ('Monbijouplatz 12', 0.9570181965827942)], [[[160.0, 73.0], [243.0, 77.0], [243.0, 94.0], [159.0, 90.0]], ('10178 Berlin', 0.8885700106620789)], [[[129.0, 87.0], [267.0, 86.0], [267.0, 103.0], [129.0, 105.0]], ('Steuer Nr.DE814819426', 0.9583178162574768)], [[[104.0, 117.0], [291.0, 117.0], [291.0, 141.0], [104.0, 141.0]], ('RECHNUNG', 0.9967864751815796)], [[[49.0, 152.0], [163.0, 152.0], [163.0, 176.0], [49.0, 176.0]], ('Tisch 503', 0.954369306564331)], [[[47.0, 175.0], [238.0, 173.0], [238.0, 190.0], [47.0, 192.0]], ('Rechnung Nr20180410201354190', 0.9839473962783813)], [[[49.0, 190.0], [161.0, 188.0], [161.0, 202.0], [49.0, 204.0]], ('Personenanzah1:2', 0.9359181523323059)], [[[49.0, 202.0], [170.0, 201.0], [170.0, 215.0], [49.0, 216.0]], ('2018-04-1020:13:54', 0.9593387246131897)], [[[260.0, 199.0], [311.0, 199.0], [311.0, 215.0], [260.0, 215.0]], ('Kellner1', 0.9584110975265503)], [[[49.0, 228.0], [58.0, 228.0], [58.0, 241.0], [49.0, 241.0]], ('1', 0.9818763732910156)], [[[85.0, 227.0], [129.0, 227.0], [129.0, 242.0], [85.0, 242.0]], ('0liven', 0.8808088898658752)], [[[228.0, 224.0], [257.0, 224.0], [257.0, 240.0], [228.0, 240.0]], ('3.50', 0.9850754141807556)], [[[282.0, 221.0], [313.0, 221.0], [313.0, 240.0], [282.0, 240.0]], ('3.50', 0.9892144799232483)], [[[50.0, 254.0], [58.0, 254.0], [58.0, 266.0], [50.0, 266.0]], ('1', 0.6161798238754272)], [[[87.0, 252.0], [190.0, 252.0], [190.0, 266.0], [87.0, 266.0]], ('Penne Sorrentina', 0.973540723323822)], [[[228.0, 248.0], [257.0, 248.0], [257.0, 264.0], [228.0, 264.0]], ('9.00', 0.9962348937988281)], [[[284.0, 248.0], [312.0, 248.0], [312.0, 264.0], [284.0, 264.0]], ('9.00', 0.9941121935844421)], [[[47.0, 278.0], [54.0, 278.0], [54.0, 290.0], [47.0, 290.0]], ('1', 0.5635133385658264)], [[[84.0, 274.0], [176.0, 274.0], [176.0, 291.0], [84.0, 291.0]], ('Tagliatelle al', 0.9457129836082458)], [[[223.0, 272.0], [259.0, 272.0], [259.0, 290.0], [223.0, 290.0]], ('11.00', 0.9943072199821472)], [[[279.0, 271.0], [316.0, 271.0], [316.0, 289.0], [279.0, 289.0]], ('11.00', 0.995285153388977)], [[[84.0, 290.0], [120.0, 290.0], [120.0, 304.0], [84.0, 304.0]], ('Monti', 0.9964464902877808)], [[[81.0, 313.0], [195.0, 312.0], [195.0, 330.0], [81.0, 332.0]], ('Ber iner Pilsener', 0.9281492233276367)], [[[230.0, 310.0], [262.0, 310.0], [262.0, 329.0], [230.0, 329.0]], ('2.80', 0.9916965365409851)], [[[287.0, 308.0], [319.0, 308.0], [319.0, 327.0], [287.0, 327.0]], ('2.80', 0.9912639260292053)], [[[41.0, 318.0], [50.0, 316.0], [53.0, 328.0], [43.0, 330.0]], ('1', 0.8584610819816589)], [[[80.0, 329.0], [108.0, 329.0], [108.0, 345.0], [80.0, 345.0]], ('0.31', 0.995337724685669)], [[[79.0, 356.0], [195.0, 356.0], [195.0, 373.0], [79.0, 373.0]], ('Berliner Pilsener', 0.9587104916572571)], [[[232.0, 352.0], [263.0, 352.0], [263.0, 371.0], [232.0, 371.0]], ('4.00', 0.992996871471405)], [[[291.0, 350.0], [323.0, 350.0], [323.0, 369.0], [291.0, 369.0]], ('4.00', 0.9918440580368042)], [[[41.0, 360.0], [48.0, 360.0], [48.0, 371.0], [41.0, 371.0]], ('1', 0.7920817136764526)], [[[79.0, 372.0], [107.0, 372.0], [107.0, 388.0], [79.0, 388.0]], ('0.51', 0.9865444302558899)], [[[38.0, 415.0], [176.0, 413.0], [176.0, 430.0], [38.0, 432.0]], ('Enthaelt 19% Ust.auf', 0.9447410702705383)], [[[227.0, 411.0], [266.0, 411.0], [266.0, 430.0], [227.0, 430.0]], ('25.46', 0.9901976585388184)], [[[295.0, 409.0], [328.0, 409.0], [328.0, 428.0], [295.0, 428.0]], ('4.84', 0.9880979061126709)]]
{"store_name": "RestaurantAposto", "store_addr": "Monbijouplatz12 10178Berlin SteuerNr.DE814819426", "telephone": "", "date": "2018-04-10", "time": "20:13:54", "subtotal": "25.46", "tax": "4.84", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Oliven", "item_value": "3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PenneSorrentina", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Tagliatelleal", "item_value": "11.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BerlinerPilsener", "item_value": "2.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BerlinerPilsener", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[91.0, 82.0], [377.0, 88.0], [376.0, 122.0], [91.0, 116.0]], ('SBILTEMA', 0.7705956101417542)], [[[116.0, 158.0], [353.0, 162.0], [352.0, 187.0], [116.0, 182.0]], ('BIL EMA SWEDEN AB/GOIEBORG 115', 0.8996438384056091)], [[[124.0, 181.0], [345.0, 184.0], [345.0, 206.0], [123.0, 204.0]], ('ORGANISAI10NSNR556297-3320', 0.9193411469459534)], [[[90.0, 204.0], [379.0, 207.0], [379.0, 228.0], [90.0, 225.0]], ('OPPEITIDER:MAN-FRED7-19 LOR-SONg-17', 0.8709233403205872)], [[[80.0, 296.0], [273.0, 293.0], [274.0, 311.0], [80.0, 314.0]], ('368004DEODORANT MAN 5OMI', 0.8226876258850098)], [[[131.0, 314.0], [200.0, 317.0], [199.0, 336.0], [131.0, 334.0]], ('2*9.90', 0.9564914107322693)], [[[352.0, 315.0], [392.0, 318.0], [391.0, 339.0], [350.0, 336.0]], ('086', 0.9080996513366699)], [[[79.0, 339.0], [207.0, 339.0], [207.0, 357.0], [79.0, 357.0]], ('271790 FRAMLAMPA', 0.9369089603424072)], [[[134.0, 361.0], [208.0, 361.0], [208.0, 379.0], [134.0, 379.0]], ('*39.90', 0.9143350124359131)], [[[351.0, 358.0], [393.0, 361.0], [392.0, 381.0], [350.0, 378.0]], ('39.90', 0.9960311055183411)], [[[353.0, 400.0], [389.0, 403.0], [387.0, 423.0], [351.0, 420.0]], ('0.30', 0.9957717657089233)], [[[80.0, 428.0], [182.0, 428.0], [182.0, 446.0], [80.0, 446.0]], ('Totalt SEK:', 0.8855671286582947)], [[[347.0, 422.0], [390.0, 425.0], [389.0, 445.0], [346.0, 442.0]], ('60.00', 0.9941398501396179)], [[[80.0, 448.0], [152.0, 450.0], [152.0, 468.0], [79.0, 466.0]], ('nilbaka:', 0.7929642200469971)], [[[348.0, 444.0], [391.0, 447.0], [390.0, 467.0], [347.0, 464.0]], ('40.00', 0.9956304430961609)], [[[57.0, 515.0], [121.0, 515.0], [121.0, 534.0], [57.0, 534.0]], ('Kontant:', 0.9863997101783752)], [[[318.0, 513.0], [368.0, 513.0], [368.0, 532.0], [318.0, 532.0]], ('100.00', 0.9960284233093262)], [[[52.0, 561.0], [185.0, 561.0], [185.0, 576.0], [52.0, 576.0]], ('Darav cs:11.94', 0.8257492780685425)], [[[254.0, 558.0], [368.0, 558.0], [368.0, 576.0], [254.0, 576.0]], ('Antal varor:3', 0.9306148886680603)], [[[50.0, 581.0], [177.0, 580.0], [177.0, 598.0], [50.0, 600.0]], ('Kv1ttonr:150050', 0.8805800080299377)], [[[263.0, 578.0], [368.0, 580.0], [367.0, 599.0], [263.0, 596.0]], ('Term.nr0204', 0.9823259711265564)], [[[49.0, 605.0], [192.0, 601.0], [192.0, 619.0], [50.0, 622.0]], ('Anvandare: Yasmine', 0.9393647313117981)], [[[47.0, 626.0], [188.0, 622.0], [188.0, 639.0], [48.0, 643.0]], ('Datu06.04.2014', 0.9617803692817688)], [[[264.0, 622.0], [365.0, 622.0], [365.0, 637.0], [264.0, 637.0]], ('1d14:04:52', 0.8746581077575684)], [[[59.0, 687.0], [102.0, 687.0], [102.0, 706.0], [59.0, 706.0]], ('Mons%', 0.8130346536636353)], [[[185.0, 686.0], [249.0, 686.0], [249.0, 705.0], [185.0, 705.0]], ('Underlag', 0.9789789915084839)], [[[339.0, 685.0], [376.0, 685.0], [376.0, 705.0], [339.0, 705.0]], ('Moms', 0.9522068500518799)], [[[61.0, 726.0], [104.0, 729.0], [103.0, 749.0], [60.0, 746.0]], ('25.00', 0.9797935485839844)], [[[185.0, 730.0], [228.0, 730.0], [228.0, 750.0], [185.0, 750.0]], ('47.76', 0.9933557510375977)], [[[325.0, 730.0], [368.0, 730.0], [368.0, 750.0], [325.0, 750.0]], ('11.94', 0.996234118938446)], [[[68.0, 806.0], [423.0, 812.0], [423.0, 830.0], [67.0, 824.0]], ('0900510021409000705110', 0.5826037526130676)], [[[52.0, 843.0], [424.0, 849.0], [423.0, 871.0], [52.0, 864.0]], ('BYIESRAIT/OPPET KOP 1 30 DAGAR MOI UPPVISANDE', 0.8741913437843323)], [[[198.0, 875.0], [276.0, 875.0], [276.0, 890.0], [198.0, 890.0]], ('AV KVITIO.', 0.8768357038497925)], [[[65.0, 889.0], [417.0, 897.0], [417.0, 920.0], [64.0, 912.0]], ('GALLER EJ REAVAROR SAMI BRUTNA FORPACKNINGAR', 0.9323837757110596)], [[[165.0, 919.0], [309.0, 919.0], [309.0, 938.0], [165.0, 938.0]], ('OCH ANVANDA VAROR.', 0.9457172751426697)]]
{"store_name": "BILTEMA BILIEMASWEDENAB/COTEBORG115", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "06.04.2014", "time": "14:04:52", "subtotal": "", "tax": "40.00 11.94", "total": "60.00 100.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "368004DEODORANTMAN50ML", "item_value": "19.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "271790FRAMLAMPA", "item_value": "39.90", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[58.0, 22.0], [152.0, 22.0], [152.0, 39.0], [58.0, 39.0]], ('WELCOME TO', 0.9500823020935059)], [[[57.0, 39.0], [152.0, 37.0], [152.0, 54.0], [57.0, 56.0]], ('VERC MOBIL', 0.9525541067123413)], [[[20.0, 99.0], [144.0, 95.0], [145.0, 111.0], [21.0, 115.0]], ('DATE05/24/17', 0.9894115924835205)], [[[161.0, 96.0], [208.0, 96.0], [208.0, 110.0], [161.0, 110.0]], ('13:43', 0.9341437220573425)], [[[21.0, 114.0], [145.0, 110.0], [146.0, 127.0], [22.0, 131.0]], ('TRAN 9081209', 0.9540876746177673)], [[[21.0, 128.0], [101.0, 126.0], [102.0, 142.0], [22.0, 145.0]], ('PUMP08', 0.9853265285491943)], [[[21.0, 145.0], [165.0, 137.0], [166.0, 154.0], [22.0, 161.0]], ('SERVICE LEVEL', 0.9532185196876526)], [[[161.0, 140.0], [200.0, 137.0], [200.0, 152.0], [162.0, 155.0]], ('SELF', 0.9741402864456177)], [[[22.0, 159.0], [156.0, 153.0], [157.0, 170.0], [23.0, 176.0]], ('PRODUCT:SUPER', 0.948666512966156)], [[[23.0, 174.0], [101.0, 171.0], [102.0, 187.0], [24.0, 191.0]], ('GALLONS:', 0.9732065200805664)], [[[155.0, 167.0], [211.0, 167.0], [211.0, 184.0], [155.0, 184.0]], ('15.620', 0.9893293380737305)], [[[130.0, 185.0], [141.0, 187.0], [138.0, 202.0], [126.0, 199.0]], ('S', 0.6026923060417175)], [[[160.0, 180.0], [215.0, 180.0], [215.0, 204.0], [160.0, 204.0]], ('2.799', 0.9520223736763)], [[[24.0, 190.0], [104.0, 185.0], [105.0, 202.0], [25.0, 206.0]], ('PRICE/G:', 0.9568541646003723)], [[[127.0, 201.0], [138.0, 198.0], [141.0, 213.0], [131.0, 216.0]], ('S', 0.6344942450523376)], [[[164.0, 195.0], [192.0, 195.0], [192.0, 215.0], [164.0, 215.0]], ('43.', 0.8995006084442139)], [[[185.0, 192.0], [214.0, 195.0], [211.0, 216.0], [183.0, 213.0]], ('.72', 0.9600875973701477)], [[[25.0, 204.0], [113.0, 199.0], [114.0, 215.0], [26.0, 221.0]], ('FUEL SALE', 0.9600838422775269)], [[[53.0, 218.0], [105.0, 214.0], [106.0, 231.0], [55.0, 235.0]], ('DEBIT', 0.9924243688583374)], [[[155.0, 211.0], [213.0, 209.0], [214.0, 226.0], [156.0, 229.0]], ('$43.72', 0.9938756823539734)]]
{"store_name": "VERCMOBIL", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "05/24/17", "time": "13:43", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$43.72 $43.72", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[326.0, 173.0], [569.0, 171.0], [569.0, 225.0], [326.0, 227.0]], ('nofrills', 0.992942750453949)], [[[318.0, 227.0], [575.0, 228.0], [575.0, 253.0], [317.0, 252.0]], ('lower food pxioes', 0.9386680126190186)], [[[176.0, 262.0], [358.0, 278.0], [356.0, 299.0], [174.0, 283.0]], ('WHY PAY MORE?..SHOP AT', 0.8639886975288391)], [[[175.0, 276.0], [296.0, 289.0], [294.0, 307.0], [173.0, 294.0]], ("JOE'S NO FRILLS", 0.9258174896240234)], [[[172.0, 306.0], [278.0, 316.0], [276.0, 335.0], [170.0, 325.0]], ('21-GROCERY', 0.9932116270065308)], [[[185.0, 328.0], [274.0, 339.0], [272.0, 358.0], [183.0, 347.0]], ('06321119455', 0.9965066909790039)], [[[304.0, 338.0], [473.0, 338.0], [473.0, 358.0], [304.0, 358.0]], ('CAMP BROTH CHICK', 0.9340603351593018)], [[[513.0, 339.0], [528.0, 339.0], [528.0, 354.0], [513.0, 354.0]], ('R', 0.923577606678009)], [[[568.0, 331.0], [618.0, 328.0], [619.0, 352.0], [570.0, 355.0]], ('2.69', 0.9490021467208862)], [[[182.0, 350.0], [272.0, 361.0], [270.0, 379.0], [179.0, 368.0]], ('06827437434', 0.9956590533256531)], [[[302.0, 357.0], [432.0, 361.0], [431.0, 384.0], [301.0, 380.0]], ('NESTLE WATER', 0.9103932976722717)], [[[501.0, 361.0], [515.0, 361.0], [515.0, 379.0], [501.0, 379.0]], ('R', 0.9939491748809814)], [[[572.0, 355.0], [621.0, 355.0], [621.0, 379.0], [572.0, 379.0]], ('1.33', 0.9780668616294861)], [[[178.0, 373.0], [271.0, 382.0], [269.0, 400.0], [176.0, 392.0]], ('82869606086', 0.9898830056190491)], [[[299.0, 378.0], [454.0, 384.0], [453.0, 409.0], [298.0, 403.0]], ('ARZ CHICK PEAS', 0.9363561272621155)], [[[501.0, 385.0], [515.0, 385.0], [515.0, 404.0], [501.0, 404.0]], ('R', 0.9949057102203369)], [[[572.0, 381.0], [621.0, 381.0], [621.0, 404.0], [572.0, 404.0]], ('0.97', 0.9969032406806946)], [[[159.0, 392.0], [252.0, 402.0], [250.0, 424.0], [157.0, 414.0]], ('22-DAIRY', 0.9959880113601685)], [[[171.0, 420.0], [267.0, 428.0], [265.0, 446.0], [170.0, 439.0]], ('05782575007', 0.948006272315979)], [[[297.0, 422.0], [389.0, 430.0], [388.0, 450.0], [296.0, 443.0]], ('0%PLAIN', 0.9868770241737366)], [[[500.0, 434.0], [517.0, 434.0], [517.0, 455.0], [500.0, 455.0]], ('R', 0.9922868013381958)], [[[574.0, 430.0], [625.0, 430.0], [625.0, 454.0], [574.0, 454.0]], ('2.99', 0.9946420192718506)], [[[151.0, 440.0], [258.0, 448.0], [257.0, 470.0], [150.0, 462.0]], ('23-FROZEN', 0.9919793605804443)], [[[163.0, 467.0], [264.0, 473.0], [262.0, 494.0], [162.0, 488.0]], ('06038386709', 0.9827501773834229)], [[[295.0, 469.0], [454.0, 480.0], [453.0, 500.0], [294.0, 490.0]], ('NO NAME WINTER', 0.9335740208625793)], [[[145.0, 486.0], [333.0, 495.0], [331.0, 523.0], [143.0, 514.0]], ('25-NATURAL FOODS', 0.971664309501648)], [[[502.0, 482.0], [519.0, 482.0], [519.0, 503.0], [502.0, 503.0]], ('R', 0.9920411705970764)], [[[578.0, 478.0], [630.0, 478.0], [630.0, 502.0], [578.0, 502.0]], ('2.49', 0.970383882522583)], [[[158.0, 517.0], [259.0, 524.0], [258.0, 545.0], [156.0, 538.0]], ('02529303073', 0.9352704882621765)], [[[289.0, 521.0], [479.0, 528.0], [478.0, 552.0], [288.0, 544.0]], ('WW SILK UNSWTNED', 0.9344399571418762)], [[[137.0, 539.0], [261.0, 548.0], [259.0, 573.0], [135.0, 564.0]], ('27-PRONCE', 0.9271624684333801)], [[[524.0, 533.0], [538.0, 533.0], [538.0, 553.0], [524.0, 553.0]], ('R', 0.9861193895339966)], [[[584.0, 530.0], [635.0, 530.0], [635.0, 554.0], [584.0, 554.0]], ('3.88', 0.9937776327133179)], [[[150.0, 570.0], [192.0, 573.0], [190.0, 597.0], [149.0, 594.0]], ('4011', 0.9987122416496277)], [[[285.0, 574.0], [361.0, 576.0], [361.0, 602.0], [284.0, 600.0]], ('BANANA', 0.9960330128669739)], [[[508.0, 586.0], [526.0, 586.0], [526.0, 608.0], [508.0, 608.0]], ('R', 0.992049515247345)], [[[164.0, 601.0], [343.0, 608.0], [342.0, 629.0], [163.0, 623.0]], ('0.8305$1.23/kg', 0.8791423439979553)], [[[592.0, 608.0], [646.0, 611.0], [644.0, 639.0], [591.0, 636.0]], ('1.02', 0.9887194037437439)], [[[143.0, 629.0], [184.0, 629.0], [184.0, 653.0], [143.0, 653.0]], ('4093', 0.9990517497062683)], [[[283.0, 631.0], [445.0, 635.0], [445.0, 660.0], [282.0, 656.0]], ('ONION SPANISH', 0.9715848565101624)], [[[510.0, 643.0], [529.0, 643.0], [529.0, 665.0], [510.0, 665.0]], ('R', 0.99613356590271)], [[[157.0, 659.0], [340.0, 666.0], [339.0, 688.0], [156.0, 681.0]], ('0.445kg @ s2.84/kg', 0.8761929869651794)], [[[598.0, 669.0], [653.0, 669.0], [653.0, 697.0], [598.0, 697.0]], ('1.26', 0.9864158630371094)], [[[112.0, 704.0], [263.0, 709.0], [263.0, 730.0], [112.0, 726.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9957122802734375)], [[[562.0, 715.0], [657.0, 719.0], [656.0, 742.0], [561.0, 738.0]], ('16.63', 0.9758747816085815)], [[[104.0, 746.0], [201.0, 748.0], [200.0, 773.0], [103.0, 771.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9965636134147644)], [[[568.0, 754.0], [665.0, 759.0], [664.0, 781.0], [566.0, 776.0]], ('16.63', 0.9898049235343933)], [[[189.0, 795.0], [376.0, 795.0], [376.0, 816.0], [189.0, 816.0]], ('TRANSACTION RECORD', 0.9745337963104248)], [[[88.0, 839.0], [449.0, 840.0], [448.0, 861.0], [88.0, 860.0]], ('GLOBAL PAYHENTS HERCHANT # 472C428', 0.9138110280036926)], [[[83.0, 864.0], [172.0, 864.0], [172.0, 889.0], [83.0, 889.0]], ('nofrills', 0.9755268096923828)], [[[81.0, 886.0], [288.0, 890.0], [287.0, 915.0], [81.0, 911.0]], ('900 Dufferin Street', 0.9673285484313965)], [[[83.0, 915.0], [189.0, 915.0], [189.0, 936.0], [83.0, 936.0]], ('Toronto ON', 0.928112804889679)], [[[78.0, 934.0], [212.0, 937.0], [212.0, 962.0], [78.0, 959.0]], ('STORE 00730', 0.9565644860267639)], [[[341.0, 938.0], [494.0, 938.0], [494.0, 962.0], [341.0, 962.0]], ('TERM Z0073010C', 0.905471920967102)], [[[78.0, 959.0], [222.0, 963.0], [221.0, 987.0], [78.0, 983.0]], ('SLIP680700', 0.9923216700553894)], [[[338.0, 962.0], [420.0, 962.0], [420.0, 989.0], [338.0, 989.0]], ('REG10', 0.9920427203178406)]]
{"store_name": "nofrills", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "16.63", "tax": "", "total": "16.63", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CAMPBROTHCHICK", "item_value": "2.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NESTLEWATER", "item_value": "1.33", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ARZCHICKPEAS", "item_value": "0.97", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "0%PLAIN", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NONAMEWINTER", "item_value": "2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WWSILKUNSWTNED", "item_value": "3.88", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BANANA", "item_value": "1.02", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ONIONSPANISH", "item_value": "1.26", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[89.0, 43.0], [189.0, 43.0], [189.0, 62.0], [89.0, 62.0]], ('0002', 0.8012501001358032)], [[[216.0, 43.0], [333.0, 39.0], [334.0, 62.0], [216.0, 65.0]], ('Table 997', 0.9197154641151428)], [[[83.0, 64.0], [178.0, 64.0], [178.0, 90.0], [83.0, 90.0]], ('JULIA E', 0.9587178826332092)], [[[237.0, 65.0], [571.0, 62.0], [572.0, 87.0], [237.0, 91.0]], ('SvrCk2 11:34a 03/09/14', 0.9272146821022034)], [[[75.0, 117.0], [235.0, 112.0], [236.0, 137.0], [76.0, 142.0]], ('1NAME.15-14', 0.9555774331092834)], [[[560.0, 114.0], [621.0, 114.0], [621.0, 142.0], [560.0, 142.0]], ('0.00', 0.9904834628105164)], [[[72.0, 143.0], [167.0, 143.0], [167.0, 170.0], [72.0, 170.0]], ('2COKES', 0.8670387864112854)], [[[563.0, 143.0], [624.0, 143.0], [624.0, 171.0], [563.0, 171.0]], ('5.00', 0.998288094997406)], [[[142.0, 173.0], [503.0, 171.0], [503.0, 196.0], [142.0, 198.0]], ('ON BURGER BUR, burger mods', 0.8775293827056885)], [[[163.0, 205.0], [423.0, 200.0], [423.0, 230.0], [164.0, 235.0]], ('cheddar, add bacon,', 0.9216405749320984)], [[[555.0, 229.0], [631.0, 229.0], [631.0, 260.0], [555.0, 260.0]], ('13.75', 0.9963482618331909)], [[[161.0, 243.0], [302.0, 240.0], [302.0, 265.0], [162.0, 269.0]], ('sour cream', 0.971600353717804)], [[[121.0, 273.0], [503.0, 268.0], [503.0, 296.0], [121.0, 302.0]], ('L FIGHTER BUR, burger mods', 0.8992868661880493)], [[[108.0, 305.0], [506.0, 304.0], [506.0, 333.0], [108.0, 334.0]], ('add mozzarella add cheddar', 0.9167702198028564)], [[[105.0, 338.0], [456.0, 340.0], [456.0, 369.0], [105.0, 367.0]], ('add bacon, add sour cream', 0.9338610172271729)], [[[554.0, 333.0], [628.0, 333.0], [628.0, 365.0], [554.0, 365.0]], ('14.50', 0.9949131011962891)], [[[372.0, 400.0], [513.0, 402.0], [512.0, 429.0], [372.0, 427.0]], ('Sub Total:', 0.9038338661193848)], [[[555.0, 401.0], [628.0, 401.0], [628.0, 429.0], [555.0, 429.0]], ('33.25', 0.9967814683914185)], [[[330.0, 429.0], [378.0, 433.0], [376.0, 462.0], [328.0, 459.0]], ('Tax', 0.9966220855712891)], [[[567.0, 432.0], [633.0, 432.0], [633.0, 463.0], [567.0, 463.0]], ('3.24', 0.9932874441146851)], [[[374.0, 467.0], [519.0, 467.0], [519.0, 493.0], [374.0, 493.0]], ('Sub Total:', 0.9108835458755493)], [[[559.0, 467.0], [634.0, 467.0], [634.0, 494.0], [559.0, 494.0]], ('36.49', 0.9974344372749329)], [[[50.0, 500.0], [396.0, 499.0], [396.0, 528.0], [50.0, 529.0]], ('03/09 12:01pTOTAL', 0.9283908605575562)], [[[491.0, 499.0], [636.0, 499.0], [636.0, 528.0], [491.0, 528.0]], ('36.49', 0.9963831901550293)], [[[290.0, 565.0], [670.0, 569.0], [670.0, 602.0], [290.0, 598.0]], ('YO MAMA JOKE', 0.932579755783081)], [[[80.0, 683.0], [615.0, 683.0], [615.0, 711.0], [80.0, 711.0]], ('The only reason yo mama got pregnant', 0.934524416923523)], [[[171.0, 720.0], [480.0, 720.0], [480.0, 746.0], [171.0, 746.0]], ("is she didn't want to", 0.9425660371780396)], [[[183.0, 754.0], [451.0, 752.0], [452.0, 782.0], [183.0, 784.0]], ('smear her lipstick', 0.9585715532302856)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "03/09 03/09/14", "time": "12:01p", "subtotal": "33.25", "tax": "3.24", "total": "36.49 36.49", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "addbacon,addsourcream", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "addmozzarella,addcheddar,", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "cheddar,addbacon,", "item_value": "13.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "1NAME,15-14", "item_value": "14.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[489.0, 196.0], [677.0, 183.0], [678.0, 201.0], [490.0, 214.0]], ('welcometo', 0.8998792171478271)], [[[504.0, 207.0], [661.0, 202.0], [662.0, 220.0], [505.0, 226.0]], ('quikTrip', 0.8869372606277466)], [[[430.0, 243.0], [719.0, 239.0], [719.0, 258.0], [430.0, 263.0]], ('Qu1kTrip #00168', 0.8933053612709045)], [[[517.0, 263.0], [641.0, 263.0], [641.0, 281.0], [517.0, 281.0]], ('10232 Worna11', 0.9585199356079102)], [[[515.0, 286.0], [653.0, 286.0], [653.0, 304.0], [515.0, 304.0]], ('Kansas City,Mo', 0.9341121912002563)], [[[515.0, 308.0], [645.0, 305.0], [645.0, 328.0], [515.0, 331.0]], ('(816)941-9559', 0.9419233798980713)], [[[384.0, 351.0], [486.0, 351.0], [486.0, 374.0], [384.0, 374.0]], ('658:32PM', 0.9505879878997803)], [[[683.0, 352.0], [786.0, 355.0], [786.0, 381.0], [682.0, 378.0]], ('12-21-2015', 0.9941743016242981)], [[[511.0, 376.0], [654.0, 379.0], [654.0, 402.0], [511.0, 399.0]], ('Register #0003', 0.9595507979393005)], [[[382.0, 424.0], [474.0, 424.0], [474.0, 447.0], [382.0, 447.0]], ('Gas Sale', 0.9616155624389648)], [[[722.0, 429.0], [786.0, 429.0], [786.0, 453.0], [722.0, 453.0]], ('$21.90', 0.9932210445404053)], [[[411.0, 449.0], [500.0, 449.0], [500.0, 472.0], [411.0, 472.0]], ('Grade:', 0.9356737732887268)], [[[498.0, 451.0], [583.0, 451.0], [583.0, 473.0], [498.0, 473.0]], ('UNLEADED', 0.9934794902801514)], [[[408.0, 471.0], [509.0, 474.0], [508.0, 500.0], [407.0, 497.0]], ('Pump3', 0.988154411315918)], [[[410.0, 498.0], [563.0, 501.0], [563.0, 524.0], [409.0, 521.0]], ('Ga11ons:12.889', 0.9033109545707703)], [[[408.0, 521.0], [457.0, 524.0], [456.0, 548.0], [407.0, 545.0]], ('PPU:', 0.8888362050056458)], [[[500.0, 526.0], [592.0, 526.0], [592.0, 549.0], [500.0, 549.0]], ('1.699/Ga1', 0.9345940351486206)], [[[376.0, 594.0], [482.0, 597.0], [482.0, 623.0], [375.0, 621.0]], ('Sub-Total:', 0.965170681476593)], [[[719.0, 600.0], [783.0, 600.0], [783.0, 624.0], [719.0, 624.0]], ('$21.90', 0.9948713779449463)], [[[377.0, 623.0], [420.0, 623.0], [420.0, 647.0], [377.0, 647.0]], ('Tax:', 0.9805769920349121)], [[[737.0, 626.0], [781.0, 626.0], [781.0, 647.0], [737.0, 647.0]], ('$.00', 0.9980146884918213)], [[[379.0, 648.0], [494.0, 648.0], [494.0, 671.0], [379.0, 671.0]], ('Total:', 0.9682190418243408)], [[[659.0, 649.0], [780.0, 649.0], [780.0, 672.0], [659.0, 672.0]], ('$21.90', 0.9944684505462646)], [[[377.0, 721.0], [529.0, 721.0], [529.0, 744.0], [377.0, 744.0]], ('Payment Methods', 0.9784368276596069)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "10232Wornall KansasCity,Mo", "telephone": "(816)941-9559", "date": "12-21-2015", "time": "6:58:32PM", "subtotal": "$21.90", "tax": "$.00", "total": "$21.90", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GasSale:", "item_value": "$21.90", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[114.0, 41.0], [183.0, 44.0], [182.0, 58.0], [113.0, 55.0]], ('Pzza Ht India', 0.8411489725112915)], [[[80.0, 61.0], [220.0, 65.0], [220.0, 78.0], [80.0, 74.0]], ('Sapphire Hosptality and Rocreat', 0.8842381834983826)], [[[125.0, 54.0], [171.0, 54.0], [171.0, 65.0], [125.0, 65.0]], ('A nit o', 0.7764254808425903)], [[[80.0, 71.0], [216.0, 74.0], [216.0, 89.0], [80.0, 85.0]], ('N.PVT LTDTriCopexKr indcor', 0.7956420183181763)], [[[88.0, 82.0], [213.0, 84.0], [213.0, 99.0], [88.0, 96.0]], ('Stadius.Ghod dhod roadSurat', 0.8535879850387573)], [[[67.0, 112.0], [135.0, 116.0], [134.0, 130.0], [66.0, 126.0]], ('31095 Laichend', 0.9429653286933899)], [[[64.0, 133.0], [104.0, 136.0], [103.0, 150.0], [63.0, 147.0]], ('Tb120/1', 0.8876485228538513)], [[[134.0, 137.0], [173.0, 137.0], [173.0, 148.0], [134.0, 148.0]], ('Chk1529', 0.8350329399108887)], [[[210.0, 136.0], [241.0, 136.0], [241.0, 150.0], [210.0, 150.0]], ('Gst 2', 0.8124415278434753)], [[[122.0, 148.0], [182.0, 148.0], [182.0, 159.0], [122.0, 159.0]], ('Customer/1529', 0.9578149318695068)], [[[118.0, 159.0], [190.0, 159.0], [190.0, 170.0], [118.0, 170.0]], ("Nay31'1709:19PN", 0.8108471035957336)], [[[84.0, 180.0], [148.0, 180.0], [148.0, 191.0], [84.0, 191.0]], ('Dine In', 0.9604891538619995)], [[[73.0, 199.0], [154.0, 199.0], [154.0, 212.0], [73.0, 212.0]], ('1 68 Chi1i Dheese', 0.7354699373245239)], [[[100.0, 190.0], [129.0, 190.0], [129.0, 201.0], [100.0, 201.0]], ('R.K', 0.9004227519035339)], [[[126.0, 190.0], [205.0, 190.0], [205.0, 200.0], [126.0, 200.0]], ('76Z39924280ustorer', 0.9100265502929688)], [[[201.0, 207.0], [231.0, 207.0], [231.0, 221.0], [201.0, 221.0]], ('129.00', 0.950225830078125)], [[[202.0, 199.0], [229.0, 199.0], [229.0, 210.0], [202.0, 210.0]], ('139.00', 0.990409791469574)], [[[74.0, 211.0], [142.0, 211.0], [142.0, 222.0], [74.0, 222.0]], ('1CrofMushrun', 0.8673091530799866)], [[[201.0, 218.0], [232.0, 218.0], [232.0, 232.0], [201.0, 232.0]], ('671.00', 0.9853570461273193)], [[[84.0, 233.0], [141.0, 233.0], [141.0, 244.0], [84.0, 244.0]], ('VegieSuprene', 0.9551181197166443)], [[[82.0, 243.0], [143.0, 241.0], [143.0, 254.0], [83.0, 256.0]], ('Dont Cook We', 0.9336355328559875)], [[[84.0, 255.0], [107.0, 255.0], [107.0, 266.0], [84.0, 266.0]], ('50%', 0.9270979762077332)], [[[82.0, 265.0], [143.0, 263.0], [143.0, 277.0], [83.0, 279.0]], ('Dont Cook Ne', 0.911392867565155)], [[[205.0, 261.0], [236.0, 261.0], [236.0, 272.0], [205.0, 272.0]], ('335.50-', 0.9346874952316284)], [[[85.0, 288.0], [128.0, 288.0], [128.0, 299.0], [85.0, 299.0]], ('Sub Tota', 0.9091417193412781)], [[[205.0, 283.0], [235.0, 283.0], [235.0, 294.0], [205.0, 294.0]], ('603.50', 0.9865773320198059)], [[[83.0, 299.0], [138.0, 296.0], [138.0, 310.0], [84.0, 313.0]], ('Srv Charge', 0.8864682912826538)], [[[209.0, 292.0], [236.0, 292.0], [236.0, 307.0], [209.0, 307.0]], ('60.35', 0.9676743745803833)], [[[83.0, 310.0], [144.0, 307.0], [144.0, 321.0], [84.0, 324.0]], ('SrTKCs5.0%', 0.7560674548149109)], [[[211.0, 304.0], [236.0, 304.0], [236.0, 316.0], [211.0, 316.0]], ('36.12', 0.980239748954773)], [[[83.0, 322.0], [144.0, 319.0], [144.0, 333.0], [84.0, 336.0]], ('SBCess0.2%In', 0.8615053296089172)], [[[215.0, 316.0], [236.0, 316.0], [236.0, 328.0], [215.0, 328.0]], ('1.25', 0.9695557951927185)], [[[84.0, 334.0], [131.0, 331.0], [132.0, 345.0], [85.0, 348.0]], ('Total Due', 0.8365216851234436)], [[[180.0, 329.0], [237.0, 326.0], [237.0, 339.0], [181.0, 342.0]], ('664.00', 0.994706392288208)], [[[84.0, 369.0], [227.0, 360.0], [228.0, 374.0], [85.0, 383.0]], ('SrTxKCess5.8 inc KKCess0.2%', 0.8387591242790222)], [[[84.0, 394.0], [229.0, 384.0], [230.0, 398.0], [85.0, 408.0]], ('MTIN 24190104773vef09/07/2014', 0.9518132209777832)], [[[84.0, 407.0], [226.0, 397.0], [227.0, 412.0], [85.0, 421.0]], ('CST 24590104773wef09/07/2014', 0.93548184633255)], [[[83.0, 421.0], [237.0, 411.0], [237.0, 424.0], [84.0, 434.0]], ('Service Tax No.AAEC845540S0002', 0.8804035186767578)]]
{"store_name": "PizzaHutIndia", "store_addr": "Stadium.Ghoddhodroad,Surat N,PVTLTD.TriDomplex.NrIndoor SapphireHospitalityandRecreat", "telephone": "", "date": "09/07/2014 May31'17 09/07/2014", "time": "09:19PM", "subtotal": "603.50", "tax": "1.25 36.12", "total": "664.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MedCheeseMaxx", "item_value": "671.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Crmofmushrum", "item_value": "129.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "G8ChiliCheese", "item_value": "139.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[162.0, 130.0], [406.0, 133.0], [406.0, 156.0], [162.0, 153.0]], ('CREDIT CARD VOUCHER.', 0.9129067659378052)], [[[220.0, 159.0], [349.0, 161.0], [349.0, 184.0], [219.0, 181.0]], ('ANY RESTAURANT', 0.9692875146865845)], [[[249.0, 189.0], [323.0, 189.0], [323.0, 209.0], [249.0, 209.0]], ('ANYWHERE', 0.9947643876075745)], [[[224.0, 213.0], [346.0, 215.0], [346.0, 237.0], [224.0, 235.0]], ('6969696969', 0.9953147172927856)], [[[118.0, 266.0], [161.0, 266.0], [161.0, 287.0], [118.0, 287.0]], ('DATE', 0.9974240660667419)], [[[353.0, 270.0], [449.0, 269.0], [450.0, 288.0], [354.0, 289.0]], ('02/02/2014', 0.9950977563858032)], [[[119.0, 291.0], [161.0, 294.0], [160.0, 315.0], [117.0, 312.0]], ('TIME', 0.9963628649711609)], [[[401.0, 296.0], [449.0, 296.0], [449.0, 316.0], [401.0, 316.0]], ('11.11', 0.8970217704772949)], [[[118.0, 320.0], [207.0, 322.0], [206.0, 342.0], [118.0, 339.0]], ('CARD TYPE', 0.9498358964920044)], [[[426.0, 323.0], [449.0, 323.0], [449.0, 344.0], [426.0, 344.0]], ('MC', 0.9949049949645996)], [[[119.0, 348.0], [165.0, 348.0], [165.0, 368.0], [119.0, 368.0]], ('ACCT:', 0.9668755531311035)], [[[275.0, 352.0], [445.0, 352.0], [445.0, 368.0], [275.0, 368.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXXX1111', 0.8954036235809326)], [[[118.0, 375.0], [209.0, 378.0], [208.0, 396.0], [118.0, 394.0]], ('TRANS KEY', 0.9630978107452393)], [[[326.0, 378.0], [447.0, 378.0], [447.0, 397.0], [326.0, 397.0]], ('HYU8789798234', 0.9969806671142578)], [[[117.0, 402.0], [206.0, 405.0], [205.0, 424.0], [117.0, 422.0]], ('AUTH CODE', 0.9602564573287964)], [[[400.0, 405.0], [449.0, 405.0], [449.0, 424.0], [400.0, 424.0]], ('12345', 0.9986824989318848)], [[[116.0, 428.0], [200.0, 431.0], [200.0, 450.0], [115.0, 448.0]], ('EXP DATE', 0.9287279844284058)], [[[399.0, 432.0], [449.0, 432.0], [449.0, 451.0], [399.0, 451.0]], ('XX/XX', 0.8797529339790344)], [[[116.0, 454.0], [171.0, 457.0], [170.0, 478.0], [115.0, 475.0]], ('CHECK', 0.997183620929718)], [[[407.0, 459.0], [449.0, 459.0], [449.0, 480.0], [407.0, 480.0]], ('1111', 0.9976547956466675)], [[[116.0, 484.0], [173.0, 484.0], [173.0, 504.0], [116.0, 504.0]], ('TABLE:', 0.967717707157135)], [[[399.0, 486.0], [447.0, 486.0], [447.0, 506.0], [399.0, 506.0]], ('11/11', 0.9979286193847656)], [[[116.0, 511.0], [178.0, 511.0], [178.0, 531.0], [116.0, 531.0]], ('SERVER', 0.9970025420188904)], [[[361.0, 511.0], [447.0, 513.0], [446.0, 533.0], [361.0, 531.0]], ('34 MONIKA', 0.9059584736824036)], [[[115.0, 567.0], [198.0, 567.0], [198.0, 586.0], [115.0, 586.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9913316965103149)], [[[370.0, 568.0], [446.0, 568.0], [446.0, 587.0], [370.0, 587.0]], ('$196969', 0.9963105320930481)], [[[113.0, 620.0], [196.0, 622.0], [195.0, 642.0], [112.0, 639.0]], ('Gratuity', 0.9915180206298828)], [[[112.0, 678.0], [170.0, 678.0], [170.0, 697.0], [112.0, 697.0]], ('Total:', 0.9778031706809998)], [[[108.0, 762.0], [204.0, 762.0], [204.0, 785.0], [108.0, 785.0]], ('Signature:', 0.9864778518676758)], [[[213.0, 905.0], [337.0, 907.0], [337.0, 929.0], [213.0, 926.0]], ('Customer Copy', 0.9571036100387573)]]
{"store_name": "ANYRESTAURANT", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "(69)69696969", "date": "02/02/2014", "time": "11:11", "subtotal": "$196969", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[614.0, 27.0], [702.0, 23.0], [703.0, 67.0], [616.0, 70.0]], ('3.00', 0.9968811273574829)], [[[54.0, 44.0], [401.0, 35.0], [402.0, 71.0], [55.0, 79.0]], ('1 Oskar Blues Mama', 0.9363747835159302)], [[[87.0, 89.0], [420.0, 82.0], [420.0, 113.0], [88.0, 120.0]], ('Little Yella Pils', 0.9391849637031555)], [[[619.0, 118.0], [707.0, 114.0], [709.0, 158.0], [621.0, 162.0]], ('4.50', 0.9193534851074219)], [[[49.0, 129.0], [403.0, 127.0], [403.0, 162.0], [49.0, 165.0]], ('1 Duck Confit Taco', 0.9575074315071106)], [[[620.0, 164.0], [709.0, 159.0], [712.0, 204.0], [623.0, 209.0]], ('3.50', 0.9968482255935669)], [[[46.0, 177.0], [344.0, 177.0], [344.0, 209.0], [46.0, 209.0]], ('1 Hawaiian Taco', 0.9009854793548584)], [[[41.0, 220.0], [303.0, 220.0], [303.0, 256.0], [41.0, 256.0]], ('1 Korean Taco', 0.9450234174728394)], [[[623.0, 213.0], [712.0, 209.0], [714.0, 254.0], [625.0, 258.0]], ('3.50', 0.9967402815818787)], [[[29.0, 312.0], [216.0, 309.0], [217.0, 346.0], [29.0, 349.0]], ('Subtotal:', 0.989203691482544)], [[[593.0, 309.0], [699.0, 309.0], [699.0, 351.0], [593.0, 351.0]], ('14.50', 0.9968651533126831)], [[[29.0, 358.0], [279.0, 358.0], [279.0, 395.0], [29.0, 395.0]], ('Tax9.75%', 0.9368215203285217)], [[[613.0, 356.0], [703.0, 356.0], [703.0, 400.0], [613.0, 400.0]], ('1.42', 0.9957913756370544)], [[[23.0, 405.0], [152.0, 402.0], [154.0, 446.0], [25.0, 449.0]], ('Total:', 0.9825772643089294)], [[[600.0, 405.0], [706.0, 405.0], [706.0, 447.0], [600.0, 447.0]], ('15.92', 0.9985641241073608)], [[[25.0, 511.0], [261.0, 508.0], [262.0, 553.0], [25.0, 556.0]], ('Total Paid:', 0.9583898186683655)], [[[617.0, 503.0], [709.0, 503.0], [709.0, 552.0], [617.0, 552.0]], ('0.00', 0.9960557222366333)], [[[585.0, 606.0], [696.0, 606.0], [696.0, 657.0], [585.0, 657.0]], ('15.92', 0.9978311657905579)], [[[25.0, 618.0], [242.0, 616.0], [242.0, 664.0], [25.0, 665.0]], ('Renaining:', 0.9546307325363159)], [[[26.0, 728.0], [352.0, 720.0], [353.0, 765.0], [27.0, 772.0]], ('844 Hermosa Ave', 0.9509846568107605)], [[[25.0, 783.0], [570.0, 769.0], [571.0, 814.0], [26.0, 828.0]], ('Hermosa Beach CA 90254', 0.9367845058441162)], [[[18.0, 859.0], [115.0, 859.0], [115.0, 915.0], [18.0, 915.0]], ('http', 0.9874385595321655)], [[[25.0, 923.0], [507.0, 912.0], [508.0, 957.0], [26.0, 968.0]], ('//', 0.9673975110054016)], [[[24.0, 976.0], [490.0, 968.0], [490.0, 1017.0], [24.0, 1024.0]], ('GM:Christina Parrott', 0.9654768109321594)], [[[177.0, 1089.0], [400.0, 1086.0], [401.0, 1137.0], [178.0, 1141.0]], ('Thank you!', 0.9505354166030884)], [[[28.0, 1147.0], [515.0, 1147.0], [515.0, 1197.0], [28.0, 1197.0]], ('Send receipt by email?', 0.9887254238128662)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "844HermosaAve HermosaBeach,CA90254", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "14.50", "tax": "1.42", "total": "15.92", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "OskarBluesMama", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LittleYellapils", "item_value": "4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DuckConfitTaco", "item_value": "3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HawaiianTaco", "item_value": "3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KoreanTaco", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[111.0, 18.0], [308.0, 22.0], [307.0, 42.0], [111.0, 38.0]], ('Regency Angkor Hotel', 0.9290912747383118)], [[[91.0, 40.0], [327.0, 46.0], [327.0, 66.0], [90.0, 60.0]], ('Vithei Char les De Gaulle', 0.9068877696990967)], [[[110.0, 65.0], [298.0, 70.0], [298.0, 92.0], [110.0, 86.0]], ('Siem Reap Cambodia', 0.9382569789886475)], [[[140.0, 90.0], [268.0, 94.0], [268.0, 115.0], [140.0, 111.0]], ('+855637677005', 0.998575747013092)], [[[11.0, 132.0], [218.0, 141.0], [217.0, 164.0], [10.0, 155.0]], ('EmpNPY-Ngoun Pha11y', 0.9593603014945984)], [[[323.0, 141.0], [406.0, 145.0], [405.0, 170.0], [322.0, 166.0]], ('Ck#24', 0.8894414901733398)], [[[11.0, 181.0], [111.0, 185.0], [110.0, 207.0], [10.0, 203.0]], ('12/15/2017', 0.9981839060783386)], [[[315.0, 190.0], [405.0, 192.0], [405.0, 216.0], [314.0, 214.0]], ('TableS4', 0.9730812311172485)], [[[9.0, 205.0], [92.0, 209.0], [91.0, 231.0], [8.0, 227.0]], ('08:29PM', 0.9508814215660095)], [[[314.0, 217.0], [405.0, 220.0], [404.0, 241.0], [313.0, 238.0]], ('Guests:2', 0.9512023329734802)], [[[38.0, 255.0], [217.0, 263.0], [216.0, 284.0], [37.0, 275.0]], ('DRAUGHT BEER GLASS', 0.9587984085083008)], [[[361.0, 266.0], [405.0, 266.0], [405.0, 289.0], [361.0, 289.0]], ('2.50', 0.9958791136741638)], [[[37.0, 280.0], [217.0, 288.0], [216.0, 308.0], [36.0, 300.0]], ('FRESH ORANGE JUICE', 0.9472953081130981)], [[[361.0, 290.0], [404.0, 290.0], [404.0, 313.0], [361.0, 313.0]], ('3.50', 0.9957007765769958)], [[[9.0, 326.0], [111.0, 331.0], [110.0, 355.0], [8.0, 350.0]], ('Sub Total:', 0.9225767850875854)], [[[360.0, 339.0], [403.0, 339.0], [403.0, 362.0], [360.0, 362.0]], ('6.00', 0.994793713092804)], [[[9.0, 351.0], [111.0, 355.0], [110.0, 379.0], [8.0, 375.0]], ('Tax Total:', 0.9295998811721802)], [[[359.0, 364.0], [403.0, 364.0], [403.0, 386.0], [359.0, 386.0]], ('0.60', 0.9924300312995911)], [[[10.0, 377.0], [112.0, 382.0], [111.0, 422.0], [8.0, 417.0]], ('Total Due:', 0.917131245136261)], [[[356.0, 383.0], [405.0, 386.0], [402.0, 431.0], [353.0, 427.0]], ('6.60', 0.9660113453865051)]]
{"store_name": "RegencyAngkorHotel", "store_addr": "VitheiCharlesDeGaulle SiemReap,Cambodia", "telephone": "+855637677005", "date": "12/15/2017", "time": "08:29PM", "subtotal": "6.00", "tax": "0.60", "total": "6.60", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "DRAUGHTBEERGLASS", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRESHORANGEJUICE", "item_value": "3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[42.0, 34.0], [270.0, 24.0], [271.0, 42.0], [43.0, 51.0]], ('HARBOR FREIGHT TOOLS', 0.9631525874137878)], [[[97.0, 81.0], [206.0, 75.0], [207.0, 89.0], [98.0, 95.0]], ('AKRONOH=00121', 0.9186856746673584)], [[[65.0, 98.0], [233.0, 90.0], [234.0, 105.0], [66.0, 112.0]], ('3333 MANCHESTER RD STE 18', 0.9216299653053284)], [[[96.0, 112.0], [201.0, 106.0], [202.0, 121.0], [97.0, 126.0]], ('AKRON.OH44319', 0.9080743789672852)], [[[65.0, 130.0], [234.0, 121.0], [235.0, 135.0], [66.0, 145.0]], ('Telephone:330245-0264', 0.9583956599235535)], [[[118.0, 192.0], [173.0, 191.0], [173.0, 206.0], [118.0, 207.0]], ('SALE', 0.997908890247345)], [[[261.0, 238.0], [301.0, 236.0], [302.0, 252.0], [262.0, 254.0]], ('2999', 0.9960378408432007)], [[[9.0, 248.0], [223.0, 241.0], [224.0, 255.0], [9.0, 262.0]], ('67974 21PC GO-THRU COMB0 SKT SE', 0.8973008394241333)], [[[22.0, 264.0], [152.0, 262.0], [152.0, 276.0], [22.0, 279.0]], ('Advertised Savings:', 0.9487407207489014)], [[[256.0, 257.0], [302.0, 253.0], [303.0, 268.0], [257.0, 272.0]], ('-10.00', 0.9759781956672668)], [[[21.0, 281.0], [127.0, 279.0], [127.0, 294.0], [21.0, 295.0]], ('Ad.Justed Price', 0.9244418740272522)], [[[256.0, 274.0], [302.0, 271.0], [303.0, 285.0], [257.0, 288.0]], ('$19.99', 0.9907005429267883)], [[[21.0, 298.0], [87.0, 298.0], [87.0, 312.0], [21.0, 312.0]], ('20.0%0Ff', 0.7650205492973328)], [[[266.0, 291.0], [303.0, 288.0], [304.0, 303.0], [267.0, 305.0]], ('-4.00', 0.9704082608222961)], [[[22.0, 316.0], [90.0, 316.0], [90.0, 327.0], [22.0, 327.0]], ('New Price', 0.9519429802894592)], [[[264.0, 308.0], [303.0, 306.0], [304.0, 322.0], [265.0, 325.0]], ('15.99', 0.9950882792472839)], [[[20.0, 334.0], [184.0, 330.0], [184.0, 345.0], [20.0, 349.0]], ('Coupon Number 44904234', 0.9423617720603943)], [[[60.0, 349.0], [240.0, 344.0], [241.0, 362.0], [61.0, 366.0]], ('*20%OFF SINGLE ITEM*', 0.885424017906189)], [[[5.0, 367.0], [165.0, 365.0], [165.0, 382.0], [5.0, 384.0]], ('93598 TWEEZER SET 6PC', 0.9278671741485596)], [[[272.0, 363.0], [306.0, 361.0], [307.0, 376.0], [274.0, 378.0]], ('4.99', 0.9417600631713867)], [[[3.0, 401.0], [65.0, 404.0], [64.0, 421.0], [3.0, 419.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9919222593307495)], [[[246.0, 401.0], [292.0, 398.0], [293.0, 413.0], [247.0, 416.0]], ('$20.98', 0.9854388236999512)], [[[4.0, 423.0], [73.0, 423.0], [73.0, 437.0], [4.0, 437.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.9647362232208252)], [[[89.0, 423.0], [129.0, 423.0], [129.0, 437.0], [89.0, 437.0]], ('6.75%', 0.9730777740478516)], [[[252.0, 419.0], [293.0, 417.0], [294.0, 432.0], [253.0, 434.0]], ('$1.42', 0.962141215801239)], [[[4.0, 441.0], [42.0, 441.0], [42.0, 456.0], [4.0, 456.0]], ('Total', 0.9981092214584351)], [[[246.0, 436.0], [295.0, 434.0], [296.0, 452.0], [247.0, 455.0]], ('$22.40', 0.9899491667747498)], [[[95.0, 459.0], [215.0, 455.0], [216.0, 473.0], [96.0, 476.0]], ('You Saved $14.00', 0.9063223004341125)], [[[1.0, 477.0], [34.0, 477.0], [34.0, 492.0], [1.0, 492.0]], ('Cash', 0.9970223307609558)], [[[264.0, 473.0], [310.0, 473.0], [310.0, 488.0], [264.0, 488.0]], ('$23.00', 0.9934754967689514)], [[[2.0, 497.0], [84.0, 497.0], [84.0, 511.0], [2.0, 511.0]], ('Cash Change', 0.9741697907447815)], [[[271.0, 492.0], [311.0, 492.0], [311.0, 507.0], [271.0, 507.0]], ('$0.60', 0.9909769296646118)], [[[3.0, 536.0], [27.0, 536.0], [27.0, 548.0], [3.0, 548.0]], ('Stor', 0.8985660076141357)], [[[223.0, 532.0], [312.0, 532.0], [312.0, 546.0], [223.0, 546.0]], ('Tran8et2s', 0.6444000005722046)]]
{"store_name": "HARBORFREIGHTTOOLS", "store_addr": "3333MANCHESTERRDSTE18 AKRON.OH44319", "telephone": "Telephone:(330)245-0264", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$20.98", "tax": "$1.42", "total": "$22.40", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "6797421PCGD-THRUCOMBOSKTSE", "item_value": "15.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NewPrice:", "item_value": "4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "93598TWEEZERSET6PC", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[114.0, 24.0], [250.0, 25.0], [250.0, 39.0], [114.0, 38.0]], ('OLTOWN WHITE COFFEE', 0.8659863471984863)], [[[50.0, 78.0], [254.0, 74.0], [255.0, 91.0], [50.0, 96.0]], ('Old Town White Coffe', 0.9003643989562988)], [[[86.0, 98.0], [216.0, 94.0], [216.0, 108.0], [87.0, 112.0]], ('Changl Airport Ternina3', 0.8957280516624451)], [[[102.0, 89.0], [206.0, 89.0], [206.0, 99.0], [102.0, 99.0]], ('65 Alrpnrt Boulevard', 0.8871919512748718)], [[[90.0, 126.0], [208.0, 120.0], [209.0, 135.0], [91.0, 140.0]], ('GST Reg No199601737', 0.9377181529998779)], [[[113.0, 133.0], [197.0, 129.0], [198.0, 143.0], [114.0, 147.0]], ('TABLE15', 0.9825153946876526)], [[[50.0, 147.0], [132.0, 143.0], [133.0, 158.0], [50.0, 161.0]], ('Buyer Code :88', 0.8905676007270813)], [[[159.0, 152.0], [177.0, 152.0], [177.0, 165.0], [159.0, 165.0]], ('OP:', 0.9119552969932556)], [[[48.0, 165.0], [140.0, 164.0], [140.0, 178.0], [48.0, 179.0]], ('POS Tit leCashier', 0.9351985454559326)], [[[48.0, 176.0], [146.0, 172.0], [146.0, 185.0], [48.0, 189.0]], ('RcptA17000238309', 0.9734108448028564)], [[[176.0, 170.0], [264.0, 168.0], [264.0, 182.0], [176.0, 184.0]], ('14/05/201715:52', 0.9833784103393555)], [[[132.0, 191.0], [175.0, 191.0], [175.0, 205.0], [132.0, 205.0]], ('DINE IN', 0.9231696724891663)], [[[56.0, 203.0], [175.0, 201.0], [175.0, 215.0], [56.0, 217.0]], ('1 BS07 PB Stean Bread', 0.8806979656219482)], [[[241.0, 197.0], [267.0, 194.0], [268.0, 210.0], [242.0, 213.0]], ('2.71', 0.9625661969184875)], [[[55.0, 214.0], [174.0, 209.0], [175.0, 226.0], [56.0, 231.0]], ('1 Upgrade Drink s0.70', 0.8751454949378967)], [[[243.0, 206.0], [270.0, 206.0], [270.0, 221.0], [243.0, 221.0]], ('0.65', 0.9781891107559204)], [[[55.0, 223.0], [166.0, 221.0], [166.0, 235.0], [55.0, 237.0]], ('1TF04 H Back Tea', 0.8481220006942749)], [[[243.0, 217.0], [271.0, 217.0], [271.0, 232.0], [243.0, 232.0]], ('000', 0.9236980080604553)], [[[55.0, 233.0], [170.0, 232.0], [170.0, 246.0], [55.0, 247.0]], ('1TF13 CAN Coke Zero', 0.9102843403816223)], [[[245.0, 227.0], [272.0, 227.0], [272.0, 243.0], [245.0, 243.0]], ('2E4', 0.5172763466835022)], [[[41.0, 256.0], [131.0, 253.0], [132.0, 267.0], [42.0, 270.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.994988203048706)], [[[226.0, 250.0], [275.0, 250.0], [275.0, 266.0], [226.0, 266.0]], ('5.70', 0.9925233721733093)], [[[64.0, 267.0], [100.0, 265.0], [101.0, 280.0], [65.0, 283.0]], ('7%GST', 0.89044588804245)], [[[249.0, 262.0], [276.0, 262.0], [276.0, 275.0], [249.0, 275.0]], ('0.40', 0.9955019950866699)], [[[40.0, 290.0], [97.0, 287.0], [97.0, 304.0], [41.0, 307.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985284805297852)], [[[226.0, 283.0], [278.0, 280.0], [279.0, 298.0], [227.0, 301.0]], ('6.10', 0.9971351027488708)], [[[62.0, 313.0], [90.0, 313.0], [90.0, 329.0], [62.0, 329.0]], ('CASH', 0.9978852868080139)], [[[252.0, 307.0], [279.0, 307.0], [279.0, 322.0], [252.0, 322.0]], ('6.10', 0.994959831237793)], [[[101.0, 335.0], [217.0, 329.0], [218.0, 346.0], [101.0, 352.0]], ('Closed Bill', 0.9749386310577393)], [[[109.0, 364.0], [213.0, 358.0], [213.0, 373.0], [110.0, 379.0]], ('14/05/2017 15:53-', 0.9314563870429993)], [[[80.0, 378.0], [222.0, 372.0], [223.0, 387.0], [80.0, 392.0]], ('Business Hour24 Hours', 0.9747458100318909)], [[[80.0, 389.0], [228.0, 384.0], [229.0, 398.0], [80.0, 403.0]], ('Wifi Password:hpeylnd', 0.8320645093917847)]]
{"store_name": "OLDTOWNWHITECOFFEE OldTownWhiteCoffe", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "62411518", "date": "14/05/2017 14/05/2017", "time": "15:52 15:53", "subtotal": "5.70", "tax": "0.40", "total": "6.10", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BS07PBSteamBread", "item_value": "2.71", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "UpgradeDrink$0.70", "item_value": "0.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*TF074HBlackTea", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TF13CANCokeZero", "item_value": "2.34", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[111.0, 13.0], [205.0, 11.0], [206.0, 24.0], [111.0, 26.0]], ('614476-2070', 0.9685567617416382)], [[[108.0, 23.0], [209.0, 22.0], [209.0, 33.0], [108.0, 34.0]], ('MANAGER CHRIS RUCKER', 0.9529327154159546)], [[[112.0, 40.0], [200.0, 37.0], [201.0, 50.0], [112.0, 53.0]], ('COLUMBUS OH 43219', 0.9329565763473511)], [[[121.0, 31.0], [190.0, 31.0], [190.0, 42.0], [121.0, 42.0]], ('3900 MORSE RD', 0.9201154112815857)], [[[63.0, 48.0], [248.0, 47.0], [248.0, 61.0], [63.0, 62.0]], ('ST020980PS000205TE16 TR02882', 0.9199592471122742)], [[[64.0, 61.0], [84.0, 61.0], [84.0, 69.0], [64.0, 69.0]], ('COKE', 0.9856722354888916)], [[[127.0, 58.0], [199.0, 58.0], [199.0, 68.0], [127.0, 68.0]], ('004900005236F', 0.9630471467971802)], [[[87.0, 69.0], [110.0, 69.0], [110.0, 77.0], [87.0, 77.0]], ('8AT', 0.5865334868431091)], [[[107.0, 68.0], [138.0, 68.0], [138.0, 78.0], [107.0, 78.0]], ('FOR', 0.8374136090278625)], [[[126.0, 71.0], [200.0, 73.0], [199.0, 87.0], [125.0, 85.0]], ('00000000401TKI', 0.8940602540969849)], [[[161.0, 67.0], [184.0, 67.0], [184.0, 75.0], [161.0, 75.0]], ('3.00', 0.9943405985832214)], [[[217.0, 67.0], [253.0, 67.0], [253.0, 78.0], [217.0, 78.0]], ('24.00X', 0.9397594928741455)], [[[64.0, 77.0], [101.0, 77.0], [101.0, 87.0], [64.0, 87.0]], ('BANANAS', 0.9766799807548523)], [[[68.0, 85.0], [126.0, 83.0], [127.0, 97.0], [69.0, 99.0]], ('3.06 1b', 0.8751668930053711)], [[[130.0, 83.0], [185.0, 85.0], [185.0, 96.0], [129.0, 94.0]], ('116/0.52', 0.9663887023925781)], [[[218.0, 82.0], [253.0, 84.0], [252.0, 98.0], [217.0, 96.0]], ('1.59N', 0.9506756663322449)], [[[62.0, 92.0], [201.0, 92.0], [201.0, 105.0], [62.0, 105.0]], ('INFANT WATER 068113113307F', 0.9406630992889404)], [[[63.0, 102.0], [111.0, 102.0], [111.0, 112.0], [63.0, 112.0]], ('FWKETTLE', 0.9482007026672363)], [[[127.0, 102.0], [187.0, 102.0], [187.0, 113.0], [127.0, 113.0]], ('081308402121', 0.9961137771606445)], [[[216.0, 101.0], [253.0, 101.0], [253.0, 116.0], [216.0, 116.0]], ('29.92X', 0.9165914058685303)], [[[219.0, 94.0], [253.0, 94.0], [253.0, 105.0], [219.0, 105.0]], ('1.00N', 0.9890259504318237)], [[[62.0, 119.0], [116.0, 120.0], [116.0, 131.0], [62.0, 129.0]], ('GV35PKDR', 0.9820132255554199)], [[[63.0, 111.0], [115.0, 111.0], [115.0, 121.0], [63.0, 121.0]], ('WHOLE MILK', 0.9503078460693359)], [[[127.0, 110.0], [191.0, 111.0], [191.0, 122.0], [126.0, 121.0]], ('007874235186', 0.994841992855072)], [[[188.0, 112.0], [199.0, 112.0], [199.0, 120.0], [188.0, 120.0]], ('F', 0.7324591279029846)], [[[218.0, 111.0], [253.0, 111.0], [253.0, 125.0], [218.0, 125.0]], ('1.680', 0.9724200367927551)], [[[127.0, 121.0], [191.0, 121.0], [191.0, 131.0], [127.0, 131.0]], ('007874207203', 0.9972250461578369)], [[[108.0, 137.0], [135.0, 137.0], [135.0, 148.0], [108.0, 148.0]], ('TAX1', 0.9788095951080322)], [[[147.0, 138.0], [186.0, 138.0], [186.0, 148.0], [147.0, 148.0]], ('7.500', 0.9894426465034485)], [[[150.0, 130.0], [191.0, 130.0], [191.0, 140.0], [150.0, 140.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.987633228302002)], [[[138.0, 154.0], [193.0, 156.0], [192.0, 168.0], [137.0, 166.0]], ('DESIT TEND', 0.9095056653022766)], [[[168.0, 148.0], [190.0, 148.0], [190.0, 156.0], [168.0, 156.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9407417178153992)], [[[213.0, 150.0], [226.0, 143.0], [232.0, 154.0], [219.0, 161.0]], ('65', 0.895220160484314)], [[[140.0, 165.0], [193.0, 165.0], [193.0, 175.0], [140.0, 175.0]], ('CHANGE DUE', 0.9536659121513367)], [[[218.0, 164.0], [241.0, 164.0], [241.0, 175.0], [218.0, 175.0]], ('0.00', 0.9947729706764221)], [[[61.0, 191.0], [109.0, 191.0], [109.0, 202.0], [61.0, 202.0]], ('EFT DEBIT', 0.9426987767219543)], [[[141.0, 191.0], [221.0, 191.0], [221.0, 201.0], [141.0, 201.0]], ('PAY FROM PRIMARY', 0.9314011931419373)], [[[61.0, 209.0], [105.0, 209.0], [105.0, 219.0], [61.0, 219.0]], ('US DEBIT', 0.9289916753768921)], [[[75.0, 201.0], [106.0, 201.0], [106.0, 212.0], [75.0, 212.0]], ('65.56', 0.9627170562744141)], [[[110.0, 201.0], [182.0, 201.0], [182.0, 211.0], [110.0, 211.0]], ('TOTAL PURCHASE', 0.9511813521385193)], [[[58.0, 217.0], [155.0, 215.0], [155.0, 229.0], [58.0, 230.0]], ('REF628900404202', 0.9689295291900635)], [[[59.0, 226.0], [192.0, 224.0], [192.0, 237.0], [59.0, 239.0]], ('NETWORK ID.0056 APPR CODE', 0.9061225652694702)], [[[60.0, 247.0], [101.0, 247.0], [101.0, 257.0], [60.0, 257.0]], ('US DEBIT', 0.8724626302719116)], [[[58.0, 283.0], [159.0, 281.0], [159.0, 294.0], [59.0, 296.0]], ('TERMINAL SC012285', 0.9483481049537659)], [[[59.0, 275.0], [128.0, 274.0], [129.0, 285.0], [59.0, 286.0]], ('wPin VeriFied', 0.7739024758338928)], [[[106.0, 303.0], [150.0, 303.0], [150.0, 313.0], [106.0, 313.0]], ('10/14/16', 0.9960298538208008)], [[[163.0, 300.0], [208.0, 297.0], [209.0, 310.0], [164.0, 313.0]], ('22:57:48', 0.8983675837516785)], [[[76.0, 323.0], [232.0, 315.0], [233.0, 335.0], [77.0, 342.0]], ('#ITEMS SOLD13', 0.9544116258621216)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "3900MORSERD COLUMBUSOH43219", "telephone": "(614)476-2070", "date": "10/14/16", "time": "22:57:48", "subtotal": "61.52", "tax": "4.04", "total": "65.56 65.56 65.56", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "COKE004900005236F", "item_value": "24.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BANANAS", "item_value": "1.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "INFANTWATER", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FWKETTLE", "item_value": "29.92", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WHOLEMILK", "item_value": "1.68", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GV35PKDR", "item_value": "3.33", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[209.0, 3.0], [319.0, 3.0], [319.0, 16.0], [209.0, 16.0]], ('**********', 0.8997461199760437)], [[[160.0, 72.0], [359.0, 68.0], [359.0, 93.0], [160.0, 97.0]], ('get a FREE KFC Gift', 0.9398759603500366)], [[[151.0, 101.0], [370.0, 96.0], [370.0, 120.0], [151.0, 126.0]], ('on your next purchase', 0.946200966835022)], [[[24.0, 147.0], [418.0, 136.0], [419.0, 167.0], [25.0, 178.0]], ('LOG-ON to', 0.9592602849006653)], [[[28.0, 178.0], [324.0, 172.0], [325.0, 194.0], [29.0, 200.0]], ('within 3 days from purchase', 0.940261721611023)], [[[33.0, 234.0], [389.0, 217.0], [390.0, 240.0], [34.0, 258.0]], ('COMPLETE the survey and write the', 0.9373540282249451)], [[[36.0, 263.0], [397.0, 243.0], [398.0, 264.0], [37.0, 284.0]], ('validation code below the receipt.', 0.9335004091262817)], [[[36.0, 290.0], [412.0, 267.0], [413.0, 291.0], [37.0, 313.0]], ('Use the following unique survey ID:', 0.9413644075393677)], [[[80.0, 340.0], [459.0, 314.0], [460.0, 337.0], [82.0, 363.0]], ('337-270616-1052-06', 0.9900059103965759)], [[[49.0, 391.0], [463.0, 359.0], [464.0, 382.0], [51.0, 415.0]], ('Redemption through Dine-in and Take-out', 0.9707850813865662)], [[[211.0, 405.0], [340.0, 395.0], [342.0, 416.0], [212.0, 426.0]], ('transactions', 0.9950185418128967)], [[[81.0, 442.0], [463.0, 409.0], [465.0, 433.0], [83.0, 465.0]], ('Valid for 14 days from date of visit', 0.9407608509063721)], [[[153.0, 462.0], [404.0, 439.0], [406.0, 462.0], [155.0, 485.0]], ('Not convertible to cash.', 0.9689855575561523)], [[[118.0, 494.0], [291.0, 478.0], [295.0, 518.0], [122.0, 534.0]], ('Validation Code:', 0.9414802193641663)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[107.0, 7.0], [111.0, 7.0], [111.0, 12.0], [107.0, 12.0]], ('.', 0.5288667678833008)], [[[69.0, 19.0], [184.0, 23.0], [183.0, 44.0], [68.0, 40.0]], ("Nando's", 0.9766682386398315)], [[[86.0, 51.0], [170.0, 54.0], [170.0, 67.0], [85.0, 64.0]], ('VATN662 827513', 0.9116297960281372)], [[[101.0, 62.0], [159.0, 64.0], [158.0, 79.0], [101.0, 76.0]], ('Huddersfield', 0.908610999584198)], [[[82.0, 72.0], [174.0, 74.0], [174.0, 89.0], [82.0, 86.0]], ('Telephone:01484544094', 0.870265781879425)], [[[85.0, 84.0], [171.0, 86.0], [171.0, 97.0], [84.0, 94.0]], ('Your Order Number Is-', 0.8957646489143372)], [[[100.0, 101.0], [148.0, 104.0], [147.0, 118.0], [100.0, 115.0]], ('T2-411', 0.9732613563537598)], [[[47.0, 120.0], [94.0, 123.0], [94.0, 137.0], [46.0, 134.0]], ('HostSadie', 0.9178197383880615)], [[[168.0, 121.0], [209.0, 124.0], [208.0, 138.0], [167.0, 135.0]], ('14/02/2017', 0.9929288625717163)], [[[49.0, 134.0], [75.0, 134.0], [75.0, 144.0], [49.0, 144.0]], ('12-411', 0.9332981109619141)], [[[177.0, 135.0], [207.0, 135.0], [207.0, 146.0], [177.0, 146.0]], ('635PM', 0.7596389651298523)], [[[49.0, 149.0], [135.0, 150.0], [135.0, 164.0], [49.0, 163.0]], ('Order Type: Take Ay', 0.844013512134552)], [[[184.0, 143.0], [207.0, 143.0], [207.0, 155.0], [184.0, 155.0]], ('20121', 0.9959341883659363)], [[[50.0, 167.0], [142.0, 168.0], [142.0, 179.0], [50.0, 178.0]], ('Butterfly Chicken Breast', 0.9079354405403137)], [[[185.0, 166.0], [208.0, 169.0], [206.0, 181.0], [184.0, 178.0]], ('10.85', 0.9513465166091919)], [[[64.0, 185.0], [135.0, 185.0], [135.0, 196.0], [64.0, 196.0]], ('Regular Per1 Chips', 0.8620160818099976)], [[[47.0, 201.0], [142.0, 203.0], [142.0, 216.0], [47.0, 214.0]], ('Butterf ly Chicken Breast', 0.8826556205749512)], [[[64.0, 194.0], [142.0, 194.0], [142.0, 204.0], [64.0, 204.0]], ('Regular Garlic Bread', 0.8867912292480469)], [[[187.0, 201.0], [209.0, 203.0], [207.0, 215.0], [186.0, 213.0]], ('10.65', 0.933315098285675)], [[[56.0, 213.0], [104.0, 213.0], [104.0, 223.0], [56.0, 223.0]], ('Extra Hot ', 0.9057779312133789)], [[[62.0, 230.0], [136.0, 230.0], [136.0, 242.0], [62.0, 242.0]], ('Regular Pert Chips', 0.8289021849632263)], [[[63.0, 221.0], [112.0, 220.0], [112.0, 231.0], [64.0, 232.0]], ('Regular Rice', 0.9270440936088562)], [[[47.0, 239.0], [126.0, 239.0], [126.0, 252.0], [47.0, 252.0]], ('Per1na1se 280.50', 0.8534339666366577)], [[[191.0, 238.0], [210.0, 238.0], [210.0, 249.0], [191.0, 249.0]], ('1.00', 0.984220027923584)], [[[49.0, 250.0], [113.0, 250.0], [113.0, 260.0], [49.0, 260.0]], ('Regular Coleslaw', 0.9344850778579712)], [[[191.0, 246.0], [211.0, 246.0], [211.0, 260.0], [191.0, 260.0]], ('2.40', 0.987382173538208)], [[[47.0, 259.0], [131.0, 258.0], [131.0, 269.0], [47.0, 270.0]], ('Ch1111 Wrap 2 00.85', 0.8633705973625183)], [[[192.0, 256.0], [211.0, 256.0], [211.0, 268.0], [192.0, 268.0]], ('1.70', 0.9887310266494751)], [[[48.0, 277.0], [116.0, 277.0], [116.0, 288.0], [48.0, 288.0]], ('H11tary Discount', 0.8691715598106384)], [[[190.0, 272.0], [212.0, 272.0], [212.0, 284.0], [190.0, 284.0]], ('-4.00', 0.9301046133041382)], [[[43.0, 289.0], [81.0, 292.0], [80.0, 306.0], [42.0, 303.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9159538745880127)], [[[192.0, 289.0], [213.0, 289.0], [213.0, 301.0], [192.0, 301.0]], ('19.34', 0.9705384373664856)], [[[44.0, 300.0], [60.0, 303.0], [58.0, 314.0], [42.0, 311.0]], ('Tax', 0.9870813488960266)], [[[195.0, 298.0], [214.0, 298.0], [214.0, 309.0], [195.0, 309.0]], ('3.46', 0.9718165993690491)], [[[40.0, 318.0], [216.0, 315.0], [216.0, 329.0], [40.0, 333.0]], ('Take Away Tota1 22.80', 0.9098852276802063)], [[[35.0, 334.0], [81.0, 337.0], [80.0, 351.0], [34.0, 348.0]], ('Int CCard', 0.9264628291130066)], [[[186.0, 335.0], [221.0, 335.0], [221.0, 350.0], [186.0, 350.0]], ('22.80', 0.866014301776886)], [[[31.0, 379.0], [130.0, 377.0], [131.0, 391.0], [31.0, 393.0]], ('20X17.30VAT3.46', 0.9071532487869263)], [[[29.0, 390.0], [128.0, 388.0], [128.0, 403.0], [29.0, 405.0]], ('OX2.04VAT0.00', 0.9109792113304138)], [[[113.0, 411.0], [142.0, 411.0], [142.0, 422.0], [113.0, 422.0]], ('******', 0.7165449261665344)], [[[83.0, 434.0], [169.0, 430.0], [169.0, 444.0], [84.0, 448.0]], ('How as it for You', 0.8934358358383179)]]
{"store_name": "Nando\u2032s", "store_addr": "Huddersfield", "telephone": "01484544094", "date": "14/02/2017", "time": "6:35PM", "subtotal": "19.34", "tax": "3.46 20%17.30VAT:3.46 0%:2.04VAT:0.00", "total": "22.80 \uffe122.80", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ButterflyChickenBreast", "item_value": "10.85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ExtraHotM", "item_value": "10.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularGarlicBread", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ButterflyChickenBreast", "item_value": "2.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ExtraHotM", "item_value": "1.70", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularRice", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularColeslaw", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[151.0, 15.0], [222.0, 15.0], [222.0, 25.0], [151.0, 25.0]], ('Meatology', 0.984711766242981)], [[[160.0, 32.0], [214.0, 33.0], [214.0, 44.0], [159.0, 43.0]], ('1065 Budapes', 0.8072903752326965)], [[[117.0, 42.0], [258.0, 42.0], [258.0, 55.0], [117.0, 55.0]], ('Bajcsy Zsrszky ut 15. B. epulet', 0.7637420296669006)], [[[152.0, 54.0], [224.0, 54.0], [224.0, 64.0], [152.0, 64.0]], ('www.neatolcsy.h', 0.7680310606956482)], [[[98.0, 91.0], [147.0, 91.0], [147.0, 102.0], [98.0, 102.0]], ('Datus/1do', 0.8174384236335754)], [[[148.0, 90.0], [240.0, 90.0], [240.0, 103.0], [148.0, 103.0]], ('2017.12.30/1267:02', 0.8868244290351868)], [[[97.0, 109.0], [123.0, 113.0], [122.0, 124.0], [96.0, 120.0]], ('Pincer', 0.9288482666015625)], [[[98.0, 101.0], [125.0, 101.0], [125.0, 112.0], [98.0, 112.0]], ('Asztal', 0.8988499641418457)], [[[149.0, 109.0], [210.0, 112.0], [209.0, 126.0], [149.0, 123.0]], ('Pataky Tbor', 0.9008226990699768)], [[[151.0, 101.0], [182.0, 101.0], [182.0, 112.0], [151.0, 112.0]], ('10/1', 0.8118869662284851)], [[[96.0, 139.0], [155.0, 143.0], [154.0, 154.0], [96.0, 150.0]], ('Me. Megnevezes', 0.8121433258056641)], [[[243.0, 142.0], [273.0, 142.0], [273.0, 153.0], [243.0, 153.0]], ('Osszeg', 0.9854341149330139)], [[[102.0, 169.0], [216.0, 172.0], [216.0, 185.0], [102.0, 182.0]], ('1 Frissen facsar narancsl', 0.8502872586250305)], [[[103.0, 161.0], [161.0, 161.0], [161.0, 172.0], [103.0, 172.0]], ('Borsod10.5', 0.8559123873710632)], [[[256.0, 161.0], [273.0, 161.0], [273.0, 173.0], [256.0, 173.0]], ('600', 0.9885322451591492)], [[[101.0, 178.0], [207.0, 182.0], [206.0, 196.0], [101.0, 192.0]], ('A6nq sap pur ooeg', 0.5212221145629883)], [[[245.0, 178.0], [272.0, 181.0], [271.0, 195.0], [243.0, 192.0]], ('2.900', 0.9887893795967102)], [[[256.0, 170.0], [272.0, 170.0], [272.0, 183.0], [256.0, 183.0]], ('750', 0.954317569732666)], [[[101.0, 188.0], [201.0, 192.0], [200.0, 206.0], [101.0, 202.0]], ('1 Kacsa ropogosra sutve', 0.8453848361968994)], [[[246.0, 191.0], [271.0, 193.0], [270.0, 205.0], [245.0, 203.0]], ('3.900', 0.9609289169311523)], [[[92.0, 211.0], [135.0, 211.0], [135.0, 222.0], [92.0, 222.0]], ('Fogyasztas', 0.9882411956787109)], [[[246.0, 214.0], [270.0, 214.0], [270.0, 226.0], [246.0, 226.0]], ('8.150', 0.9047578573226929)], [[[91.0, 229.0], [158.0, 233.0], [157.0, 244.0], [90.0, 240.0]], ('Osszesen', 0.9943386912345886)], [[[201.0, 231.0], [271.0, 234.0], [270.0, 248.0], [200.0, 245.0]], ('8.150Ft', 0.9818162322044373)], [[[223.0, 242.0], [273.0, 246.0], [272.0, 261.0], [221.0, 256.0]], ('27.17E', 0.9253630638122559)], [[[88.0, 260.0], [125.0, 262.0], [124.0, 273.0], [87.0, 271.0]], ('Keszpenz', 0.5942374467849731)], [[[245.0, 268.0], [272.0, 268.0], [272.0, 281.0], [245.0, 281.0]], ('8.150', 0.9911600351333618)], [[[87.0, 280.0], [127.0, 284.0], [126.0, 295.0], [86.0, 291.0]], ('AFA kulCs', 0.7807678580284119)], [[[157.0, 283.0], [183.0, 287.0], [181.0, 299.0], [155.0, 295.0]], ('Netto', 0.9623290300369263)], [[[204.0, 288.0], [222.0, 288.0], [222.0, 300.0], [204.0, 300.0]], ('AFA', 0.9958809018135071)], [[[240.0, 288.0], [272.0, 292.0], [271.0, 306.0], [239.0, 302.0]], ('Brutto', 0.9917926788330078)], [[[83.0, 302.0], [100.0, 302.0], [100.0, 315.0], [83.0, 315.0]], ('27%', 0.7722881436347961)], [[[83.0, 312.0], [99.0, 314.0], [98.0, 327.0], [81.0, 325.0]], ('18%', 0.9429094195365906)], [[[153.0, 316.0], [183.0, 319.0], [182.0, 333.0], [152.0, 330.0]], ('8589', 0.7457156181335449)], [[[163.0, 307.0], [181.0, 307.0], [181.0, 319.0], [163.0, 319.0]], ('472', 0.9957650303840637)], [[[193.0, 318.0], [222.0, 321.0], [221.0, 336.0], [192.0, 333.0]], ('1.152', 0.975799560546875)], [[[204.0, 310.0], [220.0, 310.0], [220.0, 322.0], [204.0, 322.0]], ('128', 0.9898905754089355)], [[[244.0, 322.0], [272.0, 326.0], [270.0, 341.0], [242.0, 337.0]], ('7.550', 0.9751293063163757)], [[[254.0, 314.0], [272.0, 314.0], [272.0, 326.0], [254.0, 326.0]], ('600', 0.9924308657646179)], [[[103.0, 348.0], [250.0, 361.0], [249.0, 375.0], [101.0, 362.0]], ('', 0.8534566760063171)], [[[102.0, 371.0], [247.0, 384.0], [246.0, 398.0], [100.0, 385.0]], ('A.vegosszeg felszolgaias dijat', 0.871171772480011)], [[[139.0, 390.0], [205.0, 394.0], [204.0, 405.0], [138.0, 401.0]], ('nea tartalmaz.', 0.8238529562950134)], [[[79.0, 404.0], [213.0, 418.0], [211.0, 431.0], [77.0, 417.0]], ('Service charge', 0.9522983431816101)], [[[131.0, 423.0], [209.0, 430.0], [208.0, 441.0], [130.0, 434.0]], ('included.', 0.9355922341346741)], [[[213.0, 419.0], [269.0, 423.0], [268.0, 436.0], [212.0, 432.0]], ('is not', 0.913776695728302)]]
{"store_name": "Meatology", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "2017.12.30/", "time": "12:57:02", "subtotal": "8.150", "tax": "1.152 128", "total": "8.150 8.150Ft", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[264.0, 106.0], [477.0, 100.0], [478.0, 121.0], [265.0, 127.0]], ('MSHOST #YUL.BKGO1', 0.9356313943862915)], [[[298.0, 131.0], [441.0, 127.0], [441.0, 149.0], [299.0, 153.0]], ('BURGER KING', 0.9556809067726135)], [[[247.0, 161.0], [506.0, 152.0], [506.0, 174.0], [248.0, 183.0]], ('AEROPORT DE MONTREAL', 0.9375959634780884)], [[[224.0, 214.0], [396.0, 210.0], [397.0, 238.0], [224.0, 242.0]], ('352140 Soniya', 0.9651956558227539)], [[[157.0, 277.0], [256.0, 275.0], [257.0, 300.0], [158.0, 302.0]], ('FAC 308', 0.9389554858207703)], [[[267.0, 305.0], [489.0, 301.0], [489.0, 329.0], [268.0, 334.0]], ('A0031166:29PM', 0.9280824065208435)], [[[197.0, 402.0], [422.0, 398.0], [422.0, 423.0], [197.0, 427.0]], ('1 C WHP DB CHS M', 0.8911677598953247)], [[[506.0, 395.0], [578.0, 395.0], [578.0, 425.0], [506.0, 425.0]], ('13.09', 0.9962003827095032)], [[[249.0, 433.0], [379.0, 431.0], [379.0, 456.0], [250.0, 458.0]], ('CPOUTINE', 0.9909899234771729)], [[[518.0, 427.0], [582.0, 427.0], [582.0, 457.0], [518.0, 457.0]], ('2.59', 0.9951178431510925)], [[[303.0, 465.0], [482.0, 461.0], [483.0, 488.0], [304.0, 492.0]], ('C SODA FTN M', 0.8935604095458984)], [[[187.0, 498.0], [309.0, 496.0], [309.0, 525.0], [188.0, 527.0]], ('1 WHP JR', 0.8966090083122253)], [[[521.0, 494.0], [586.0, 491.0], [587.0, 521.0], [522.0, 524.0]], ('3.59', 0.9947124123573303)], [[[186.0, 532.0], [307.0, 530.0], [308.0, 559.0], [187.0, 562.0]], ('1 WHP JR', 0.8811984062194824)], [[[525.0, 527.0], [590.0, 527.0], [590.0, 558.0], [525.0, 558.0]], ('3.59', 0.9946498870849609)], [[[245.0, 568.0], [485.0, 566.0], [485.0, 591.0], [245.0, 593.0]], ('XTR AMERICAN FMG', 0.949069082736969)], [[[526.0, 563.0], [592.0, 560.0], [594.0, 591.0], [527.0, 594.0]], ('0.69', 0.9941501617431641)], [[[182.0, 602.0], [378.0, 600.0], [378.0, 629.0], [182.0, 631.0]], ('1 BTNNTS MOZZ', 0.9261153340339661)], [[[531.0, 597.0], [597.0, 597.0], [597.0, 629.0], [531.0, 629.0]], ('3.29', 0.9934892058372498)], [[[205.0, 677.0], [362.0, 675.0], [362.0, 704.0], [206.0, 706.0]], ('SOUS-TOTAL', 0.9952225685119629)], [[[522.0, 672.0], [607.0, 672.0], [607.0, 705.0], [522.0, 705.0]], ('26.84', 0.9955605268478394)], [[[171.0, 718.0], [476.0, 712.0], [476.0, 740.0], [172.0, 746.0]], ('26.84I.P.S.217010', 0.9330076575279236)], [[[541.0, 711.0], [612.0, 711.0], [612.0, 743.0], [541.0, 743.0]], ('1.34', 0.9901543259620667)], [[[168.0, 757.0], [477.0, 752.0], [477.0, 781.0], [169.0, 787.0]], ('26.84 T.V.Q.2171C1', 0.8856320381164551)], [[[542.0, 751.0], [615.0, 751.0], [615.0, 785.0], [542.0, 785.0]], ('2.68', 0.9947934150695801)], [[[188.0, 798.0], [395.0, 795.0], [395.0, 827.0], [189.0, 830.0]], ('MONTANT PAYE', 0.9682490229606628)], [[[382.0, 797.0], [605.0, 795.0], [605.0, 824.0], [383.0, 826.0]], ('30.86', 0.9517108201980591)], [[[280.0, 841.0], [551.0, 836.0], [552.0, 869.0], [281.0, 873.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXxXX648', 0.7546818852424622)], [[[190.0, 884.0], [362.0, 884.0], [362.0, 920.0], [190.0, 920.0]], ('MASTERCARD', 0.9654657244682312)], [[[537.0, 879.0], [626.0, 877.0], [627.0, 916.0], [538.0, 919.0]], ('30.86', 0.9958454370498657)], [[[105.0, 932.0], [650.0, 927.0], [650.0, 962.0], [106.0, 968.0]], ('-352140 Ferme A0031 06:30PM--', 0.8885064125061035)]]
{"store_name": "BURGERKING", "store_addr": "AEROPORTDEMONTREAL", "telephone": "", "date": "A0031'16", "time": "06:30PM", "subtotal": "26.84", "tax": "1.34 2.68", "total": "30.86", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CWHPDBCHSM", "item_value": "13.09", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CPOUTINE", "item_value": "2.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CSODAFTNM", "item_value": "3.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WHPJR", "item_value": "3.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WHPJR", "item_value": "0.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "XTRAMERICANFMG", "item_value": "3.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BTNNTSMOZZ", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[141.0, 47.0], [385.0, 55.0], [383.0, 109.0], [139.0, 102.0]], ("Applebee's", 0.9770663976669312)], [[[172.0, 140.0], [375.0, 137.0], [375.0, 158.0], [173.0, 160.0]], ("APPLEBEE'S", 0.9594074487686157)], [[[144.0, 166.0], [386.0, 162.0], [386.0, 181.0], [144.0, 184.0]], ('NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL & BAR', 0.944474458694458)], [[[193.0, 188.0], [346.0, 186.0], [346.0, 207.0], [193.0, 208.0]], ('195 Soscol Ave.', 0.9014627933502197)], [[[192.0, 214.0], [347.0, 209.0], [347.0, 230.0], [193.0, 235.0]], ('NapaCA94559', 0.9959701895713806)], [[[202.0, 236.0], [327.0, 233.0], [328.0, 255.0], [203.0, 257.0]], ('707-224-0502', 0.9928166270256042)], [[[357.0, 283.0], [459.0, 281.0], [460.0, 302.0], [358.0, 304.0]], ('TB#66', 0.9788925051689148)], [[[45.0, 307.0], [455.0, 306.0], [455.0, 331.0], [45.0, 332.0]], ('DATE01-30-16 TIME:C4:42PM GUESTS:2', 0.9144185185432434)], [[[46.0, 335.0], [247.0, 335.0], [247.0, 356.0], [46.0, 356.0]], ('Check#:9724-508874', 0.9672664999961853)], [[[57.0, 386.0], [69.0, 386.0], [69.0, 406.0], [57.0, 406.0]], ('1', 0.9343080520629883)], [[[99.0, 385.0], [196.0, 385.0], [196.0, 407.0], [99.0, 407.0]], ('PERF MARG', 0.9468119144439697)], [[[356.0, 381.0], [403.0, 381.0], [403.0, 405.0], [356.0, 405.0]], ('9.00', 0.9961971044540405)], [[[46.0, 410.0], [70.0, 410.0], [70.0, 433.0], [46.0, 433.0]], ('-1', 0.8685710430145264)], [[[98.0, 412.0], [235.0, 409.0], [236.0, 431.0], [98.0, 433.0]], ('DBL WHSKY STK', 0.9193192720413208)], [[[338.0, 407.0], [402.0, 407.0], [402.0, 430.0], [338.0, 430.0]], ('-14.99', 0.9855039715766907)], [[[46.0, 435.0], [70.0, 435.0], [70.0, 458.0], [46.0, 458.0]], ('-1', 0.9597154855728149)], [[[99.0, 436.0], [236.0, 436.0], [236.0, 457.0], [99.0, 457.0]], ('DBL WHSKY STK', 0.9282261729240417)], [[[339.0, 432.0], [402.0, 432.0], [402.0, 455.0], [339.0, 455.0]], ('-14.99', 0.981553316116333)], [[[56.0, 462.0], [68.0, 462.0], [68.0, 481.0], [56.0, 481.0]], ('1', 0.8725343346595764)], [[[100.0, 461.0], [226.0, 461.0], [226.0, 482.0], [100.0, 482.0]], ('TRKY STACKER', 0.96551114320755)], [[[349.0, 457.0], [403.0, 457.0], [403.0, 480.0], [349.0, 480.0]], ('10.99', 0.9971426725387573)], [[[56.0, 488.0], [68.0, 488.0], [68.0, 508.0], [56.0, 508.0]], ('1', 0.8954195380210876)], [[[100.0, 488.0], [194.0, 488.0], [194.0, 506.0], [100.0, 506.0]], ('PERF MARG', 0.9374550580978394)], [[[357.0, 482.0], [404.0, 482.0], [404.0, 505.0], [357.0, 505.0]], ('9.00', 0.9975306391716003)], [[[56.0, 514.0], [68.0, 514.0], [68.0, 533.0], [56.0, 533.0]], ('1', 0.9254292249679565)], [[[98.0, 512.0], [225.0, 509.0], [225.0, 531.0], [98.0, 533.0]], ('CHURRO SMORE', 0.956000030040741)], [[[358.0, 507.0], [404.0, 507.0], [404.0, 530.0], [358.0, 530.0]], ('4.50', 0.9964871406555176)], [[[55.0, 539.0], [69.0, 539.0], [69.0, 560.0], [55.0, 560.0]], ('1', 0.8794822096824646)], [[[98.0, 539.0], [194.0, 539.0], [194.0, 557.0], [98.0, 557.0]], ('*05**01*', 0.9212896823883057)], [[[358.0, 533.0], [405.0, 533.0], [405.0, 556.0], [358.0, 556.0]], ('0.00', 0.9973915219306946)], [[[42.0, 591.0], [68.0, 591.0], [68.0, 614.0], [42.0, 614.0]], ('-1', 0.9740797281265259)], [[[97.0, 590.0], [235.0, 585.0], [236.0, 607.0], [98.0, 612.0]], ('NA STRW SHAKE', 0.9117394089698792)], [[[352.0, 584.0], [406.0, 584.0], [406.0, 607.0], [352.0, 607.0]], ('-3.99', 0.9872730374336243)], [[[41.0, 617.0], [67.0, 617.0], [67.0, 640.0], [41.0, 640.0]], ('-1', 0.8709354400634766)], [[[96.0, 616.0], [236.0, 612.0], [237.0, 634.0], [96.0, 638.0]], ('NON ALCOHOLIC', 0.9703112244606018)], [[[360.0, 610.0], [407.0, 610.0], [407.0, 634.0], [360.0, 634.0]], ('0.00', 0.996431827545166)], [[[41.0, 670.0], [172.0, 666.0], [173.0, 688.0], [42.0, 692.0]], ('Check TOTAL', 0.9666391015052795)], [[[200.0, 666.0], [258.0, 663.0], [259.0, 686.0], [201.0, 689.0]], ('33.49', 0.9921482801437378)], [[[128.0, 694.0], [173.0, 694.0], [173.0, 718.0], [128.0, 718.0]], ('TAX:', 0.9662227630615234)], [[[211.0, 692.0], [259.0, 692.0], [259.0, 716.0], [211.0, 716.0]], ('2.68', 0.9951655864715576)], [[[41.0, 723.0], [173.0, 720.0], [174.0, 744.0], [42.0, 747.0]], ('Total', 0.9953347444534302)], [[[163.0, 723.0], [252.0, 723.0], [252.0, 742.0], [163.0, 742.0]], ('Due:', 0.950230062007904)], [[[363.0, 716.0], [471.0, 716.0], [471.0, 741.0], [363.0, 741.0]], ('36.17', 0.9880462884902954)], [[[171.0, 775.0], [354.0, 772.0], [354.0, 796.0], [172.0, 799.0]], ('Gratuity Examples', 0.971590518951416)], [[[183.0, 803.0], [355.0, 800.0], [356.0, 823.0], [183.0, 826.0]], ('15% Tip=$5.02', 0.9654993414878845)], [[[183.0, 832.0], [356.0, 828.0], [357.0, 850.0], [183.0, 854.0]], ('18%Tip=$6.03', 0.9533102512359619)], [[[180.0, 859.0], [357.0, 854.0], [358.0, 878.0], [180.0, 882.0]], ('20 % Tip=$6.70', 0.9259935617446899)], [[[49.0, 915.0], [483.0, 902.0], [484.0, 924.0], [50.0, 937.0]], ('****************************************', 0.9765875935554504)], [[[192.0, 940.0], [344.0, 933.0], [345.0, 955.0], [193.0, 962.0]], ('Short on time?', 0.9698401689529419)], [[[81.0, 968.0], [442.0, 955.0], [442.0, 979.0], [82.0, 992.0]], ('Order Online!', 0.9660711288452148)]]
{"store_name": "Applebee's APPLEBEE'S NEIGHBORHOODGRILL&BAR", "store_addr": "195SOscolAve. Napa,CA94559", "telephone": "707-224-0502", "date": "01-30-16", "time": "04:42PM", "subtotal": "33.49", "tax": "2.68", "total": "36.17", "ignore": "", "tips": "$5.02 $6.03 $6.70", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PERFMARG", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DBLWHSKYSTK", "item_value": "-14.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DBLWHSKYSTK", "item_value": "-14.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TRKYSTACKER", "item_value": "10.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PEREMARG", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHURROSMORE", "item_value": "4.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*TO**GO*", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NASTRWSHAKE", "item_value": "-3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NONALCOHOLIC", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[740.0, 578.0], [1258.0, 571.0], [1259.0, 642.0], [741.0, 650.0]], ('7-ELEVEN', 0.9873917102813721)], [[[803.0, 649.0], [1154.0, 649.0], [1154.0, 707.0], [803.0, 707.0]], ('810 3RD AVE', 0.9195980429649353)], [[[730.0, 708.0], [1254.0, 697.0], [1256.0, 768.0], [731.0, 779.0]], ('SEATTLE WA 98104', 0.942206621170044)], [[[831.0, 775.0], [1154.0, 775.0], [1154.0, 833.0], [831.0, 833.0]], ('2066822866', 0.9886208772659302)], [[[768.0, 836.0], [1189.0, 836.0], [1189.0, 894.0], [768.0, 894.0]], ('STORE#37068', 0.9850219488143921)], [[[660.0, 891.0], [1289.0, 880.0], [1291.0, 962.0], [662.0, 973.0]], ('THANKS FOR SHOPPING', 0.9662152528762817)], [[[860.0, 955.0], [1131.0, 963.0], [1129.0, 1034.0], [858.0, 1026.0]], ('7-ELEVEN', 0.9927725791931152)], [[[1439.0, 1068.0], [1615.0, 1060.0], [1618.0, 1125.0], [1442.0, 1133.0]], ('0.99B', 0.9853061437606812)], [[[351.0, 1088.0], [379.0, 1106.0], [357.0, 1139.0], [329.0, 1121.0]], ('1', 0.6680857539176941)], [[[428.0, 1081.0], [1030.0, 1088.0], [1029.0, 1149.0], [427.0, 1142.0]], ('AZ Sweet Tea 23zCn', 0.930657684803009)], [[[1440.0, 1129.0], [1620.0, 1129.0], [1620.0, 1200.0], [1440.0, 1200.0]], ('6.98T', 0.989402174949646)], [[[428.0, 1149.0], [1061.0, 1156.0], [1060.0, 1217.0], [427.0, 1210.0]], ('5 Hr EnergyXS 1.93z', 0.897986888885498)], [[[1415.0, 1197.0], [1620.0, 1197.0], [1620.0, 1268.0], [1415.0, 1268.0]], ('-1.48T', 0.9750860333442688)], [[[425.0, 1210.0], [1064.0, 1221.0], [1063.0, 1289.0], [424.0, 1278.0]], ('PRM 5HrEnergy 2/Xxx', 0.9672329425811768)], [[[1474.0, 1326.0], [1627.0, 1326.0], [1627.0, 1401.0], [1474.0, 1401.0]], ('6.49', 0.9968864917755127)], [[[328.0, 1339.0], [588.0, 1347.0], [586.0, 1408.0], [326.0, 1400.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9966174364089966)], [[[327.0, 1407.0], [897.0, 1415.0], [897.0, 1472.0], [327.0, 1465.0]], ('SALES TAX ON 6.49', 0.9183228015899658)], [[[1478.0, 1401.0], [1627.0, 1401.0], [1627.0, 1465.0], [1478.0, 1465.0]], ('0.62', 0.9897053241729736)], [[[328.0, 1472.0], [630.0, 1479.0], [628.0, 1541.0], [326.0, 1533.0]], ('TOTAL DUE', 0.9474034905433655)], [[[1478.0, 1465.0], [1627.0, 1465.0], [1627.0, 1530.0], [1478.0, 1530.0]], ('7.11', 0.9959098696708679)], [[[1391.0, 1530.0], [1652.0, 1530.0], [1652.0, 1601.0], [1391.0, 1601.0]], ('7.11', 0.9933046102523804)], [[[327.0, 1544.0], [654.0, 1544.0], [654.0, 1605.0], [327.0, 1605.0]], ('DEBIT', 0.9966322183609009)], [[[323.0, 1608.0], [897.0, 1608.0], [897.0, 1666.0], [323.0, 1666.0]], ('ACCT#**********', 0.7955759167671204)], [[[320.0, 1673.0], [796.0, 1673.0], [796.0, 1731.0], [320.0, 1731.0]], ('ACCT TYPE:DDA', 0.9499272108078003)], [[[316.0, 1737.0], [890.0, 1737.0], [890.0, 1795.0], [316.0, 1795.0]], ('APPROVAL#437737', 0.9422953128814697)], [[[1154.0, 1731.0], [1565.0, 1731.0], [1565.0, 1799.0], [1154.0, 1799.0]], ('AUTH CODE:0', 0.9080625176429749)], [[[313.0, 1805.0], [1022.0, 1805.0], [1022.0, 1863.0], [313.0, 1863.0]], ('APPR0VAL TIME:122948', 0.9387184977531433)], [[[300.0, 1869.0], [557.0, 1877.0], [555.0, 1939.0], [298.0, 1931.0]], ('Maestro', 0.9978027939796448)], [[[302.0, 1938.0], [754.0, 1934.0], [755.0, 1996.0], [303.0, 1999.0]], ('STORE#37068', 0.9778827428817749)], [[[306.0, 2009.0], [1022.0, 2009.0], [1022.0, 2067.0], [306.0, 2067.0]], ('TERM#0007370680108', 0.9910794496536255)], [[[299.0, 2077.0], [890.0, 2074.0], [890.0, 2135.0], [299.0, 2139.0]], ('TERMSEQ#940534', 0.993218719959259)], [[[295.0, 2149.0], [1022.0, 2142.0], [1023.0, 2203.0], [296.0, 2210.0]], ('REF#95000460073', 0.9895665049552917)], [[[288.0, 2214.0], [579.0, 2206.0], [581.0, 2277.0], [290.0, 2285.0]], ('APPROVED', 0.9965521693229675)], [[[393.0, 2346.0], [1492.0, 2353.0], [1491.0, 2424.0], [393.0, 2417.0]], ('CUSTOMER AGREES TO PAY THE ABOVE', 0.9395616054534912)], [[[352.0, 2407.0], [1575.0, 2418.0], [1575.0, 2509.0], [351.0, 2499.0]], ('TOTAL AMOUNT ACCORDING TO THE CARD', 0.9552162289619446)], [[[629.0, 2496.0], [1217.0, 2492.0], [1217.0, 2560.0], [630.0, 2564.0]], ('HOLDERS AGREEMENT', 0.9785657525062561)], [[[585.0, 2693.0], [1363.0, 2700.0], [1362.0, 2792.0], [584.0, 2784.0]], ('HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW', 0.9372010827064514)], [[[695.0, 2781.0], [1221.0, 2781.0], [1221.0, 2853.0], [695.0, 2853.0]], ('DORITOS LOADED?', 0.9557567238807678)]]
{"store_name": "7-ELEVEN 7-ELEVEN", "store_addr": "8103RDAVE SEATTLEWA98104", "telephone": "2066822866", "date": "06/19/2015", "time": "122948 12:29PM", "subtotal": "6.49", "tax": "0.62", "total": "7.11 7.11", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AZSweetTea23zCn", "item_value": "0.99B", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "5HrEnergyXS1.93z", "item_value": "6.98T", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PRM5HrEnergy2/Xxx", "item_value": "-1.48T", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[186.0, 162.0], [876.0, 157.0], [877.0, 218.0], [186.0, 224.0]], ('COFFEE JOE MEDIUM ROAST', 0.9352819323539734)], [[[1158.0, 158.0], [1289.0, 168.0], [1283.0, 235.0], [1153.0, 225.0]], ('4.99', 0.992318868637085)], [[[178.0, 224.0], [1044.0, 210.0], [1045.0, 282.0], [179.0, 296.0]], ('MILK HALF GAL ALMOND ORIGINAL', 0.9557995200157166)], [[[1157.0, 219.0], [1291.0, 233.0], [1284.0, 300.0], [1150.0, 286.0]], ('2.99', 0.9946656227111816)], [[[173.0, 288.0], [1047.0, 275.0], [1048.0, 344.0], [174.0, 358.0]], ('CRUMBLED FETA W/MEDIT.HERBS.', 0.9443069100379944)], [[[1159.0, 290.0], [1293.0, 297.0], [1290.0, 361.0], [1156.0, 354.0]], ('2.79', 0.9946672916412354)], [[[1162.0, 354.0], [1296.0, 361.0], [1292.0, 425.0], [1159.0, 418.0]], ('1.29', 0.9832611083984375)], [[[178.0, 366.0], [388.0, 357.0], [391.0, 418.0], [180.0, 428.0]], ('GARLIC.', 0.9836480021476746)], [[[1167.0, 422.0], [1297.0, 422.0], [1297.0, 481.0], [1167.0, 481.0]], ('8.48', 0.9952356815338135)], [[[190.0, 438.0], [834.0, 408.0], [837.0, 470.0], [193.0, 500.0]], ('NATURAL CHICKEN BREAST', 0.958953320980072)], [[[1170.0, 483.0], [1300.0, 483.0], [1300.0, 542.0], [1170.0, 542.0]], ('2.99', 0.993507444858551)], [[[200.0, 515.0], [870.0, 482.0], [873.0, 542.0], [203.0, 574.0]], ('R-STRAWBERRIES ORG 1LB', 0.96796053647995)], [[[1172.0, 548.0], [1305.0, 548.0], [1305.0, 617.0], [1172.0, 617.0]], ('2.29', 0.9868190884590149)], [[[213.0, 587.0], [646.0, 570.0], [648.0, 632.0], [216.0, 649.0]], ('TAMALES CHICKEN', 0.971285879611969)], [[[1172.0, 622.0], [1305.0, 622.0], [1305.0, 692.0], [1172.0, 692.0]], ('2.29', 0.9786534905433655)], [[[218.0, 662.0], [648.0, 642.0], [651.0, 704.0], [221.0, 723.0]], ('TAMALES CHICKEN', 0.9837607145309448)], [[[1170.0, 699.0], [1305.0, 699.0], [1305.0, 769.0], [1170.0, 769.0]], ('0.99', 0.9959757328033447)], [[[216.0, 736.0], [875.0, 709.0], [877.0, 770.0], [218.0, 798.0]], ('BEANS BLACK CUBAN STYLE', 0.9513057470321655)], [[[1170.0, 774.0], [1302.0, 774.0], [1302.0, 843.0], [1170.0, 843.0]], ('2.99', 0.9966862797737122)], [[[211.0, 803.0], [672.0, 791.0], [673.0, 853.0], [213.0, 864.0]], ('HEAVY CREAM-PT.', 0.9385442733764648)], [[[1175.0, 851.0], [1305.0, 851.0], [1305.0, 918.0], [1175.0, 918.0]], ('1.99', 0.9903573989868164)], [[[211.0, 874.0], [660.0, 869.0], [660.0, 930.0], [212.0, 936.0]], ('ORGANIC SPINACH', 0.9746432900428772)], [[[1172.0, 923.0], [1305.0, 923.0], [1305.0, 990.0], [1172.0, 990.0]], ('2.99', 0.9944745302200317)], [[[214.0, 946.0], [683.0, 946.0], [683.0, 1000.0], [214.0, 1000.0]], ('FRZN BLUEBERRIES', 0.966058075428009)], [[[1172.0, 995.0], [1305.0, 995.0], [1305.0, 1062.0], [1172.0, 1062.0]], ('2.69', 0.9912185668945312)], [[[206.0, 1019.0], [852.0, 997.0], [854.0, 1066.0], [208.0, 1088.0]], ('MANGO FRUIT CHUNKS FZN', 0.9368764758110046)], [[[1172.0, 1069.0], [1307.0, 1069.0], [1307.0, 1136.0], [1172.0, 1136.0]], ('3.49', 0.9518581032752991)], [[[208.0, 1093.0], [1056.0, 1066.0], [1058.0, 1128.0], [210.0, 1155.0]], ('A-TOMATOES ON THE VINE ORG 16', 0.9442024827003479)], [[[203.0, 1152.0], [1089.0, 1131.0], [1091.0, 1208.0], [205.0, 1229.0]], ("WATER SPRING TJ'S 1.5 LT SING", 0.915070116519928)], [[[1172.0, 1144.0], [1305.0, 1144.0], [1305.0, 1211.0], [1172.0, 1211.0]], ('0.49', 0.9951030015945435)], [[[1172.0, 1215.0], [1308.0, 1222.0], [1305.0, 1291.0], [1169.0, 1284.0]], ('3.49', 0.983736515045166)], [[[211.0, 1240.0], [618.0, 1223.0], [620.0, 1285.0], [213.0, 1302.0]], ('QUINOA ORGANIC', 0.9759432077407837)], [[[206.0, 1299.0], [962.0, 1282.0], [964.0, 1359.0], [208.0, 1376.0]], ('A-APPLE EACH ORG PINK LADY', 0.9424216151237488)], [[[1172.0, 1296.0], [1307.0, 1296.0], [1307.0, 1365.0], [1172.0, 1365.0]], ('3.56', 0.9935389757156372)], [[[261.0, 1384.0], [731.0, 1359.0], [735.0, 1428.0], [265.0, 1454.0]], ('4EA0.89/EA', 0.9210630655288696)], [[[200.0, 1454.0], [933.0, 1423.0], [936.0, 1503.0], [204.0, 1533.0]], ('A-ONIONS EACH JUMBO SWEET', 0.9587790966033936)], [[[1172.0, 1450.0], [1307.0, 1450.0], [1307.0, 1519.0], [1172.0, 1519.0]], ('0.69', 0.9952645897865295)], [[[1170.0, 1527.0], [1305.0, 1527.0], [1305.0, 1594.0], [1170.0, 1594.0]], ('0.29', 0.9952904582023621)], [[[203.0, 1544.0], [523.0, 1526.0], [526.0, 1588.0], [206.0, 1605.0]], ('A-LIME EACH', 0.9816669821739197)], [[[1158.0, 1603.0], [1283.0, 1591.0], [1289.0, 1651.0], [1163.0, 1662.0]], ('3.99', 0.9982645511627197)], [[[1151.0, 1659.0], [1276.0, 1652.0], [1280.0, 1721.0], [1155.0, 1729.0]], ('1.79', 0.9949771761894226)], [[[188.0, 1685.0], [949.0, 1655.0], [952.0, 1732.0], [191.0, 1762.0]], ('R-HERB CILANTRO ORG .75 0Z', 0.9184045195579529)], [[[1149.0, 1733.0], [1277.0, 1733.0], [1277.0, 1802.0], [1149.0, 1802.0]], ('1.99', 0.9961503148078918)], [[[185.0, 1767.0], [655.0, 1742.0], [659.0, 1811.0], [189.0, 1837.0]], ('EGGS LRG WHT DZ.', 0.883255660533905)], [[[1147.0, 1807.0], [1282.0, 1807.0], [1282.0, 1884.0], [1147.0, 1884.0]], ('1.49', 0.9866890907287598)], [[[170.0, 1839.0], [761.0, 1825.0], [763.0, 1894.0], [172.0, 1908.0]], ('R-CUCUMBERS HOTHOUSE', 0.9716566801071167)], [[[1149.0, 1892.0], [1279.0, 1892.0], [1279.0, 1962.0], [1149.0, 1962.0]], ('2.49', 0.9906637668609619)], [[[145.0, 1921.0], [726.0, 1912.0], [727.0, 1974.0], [146.0, 1982.0]], ('SOFT 10 GRAIN BREAD', 0.9528318643569946)], [[[1149.0, 1969.0], [1284.0, 1969.0], [1284.0, 2046.0], [1149.0, 2046.0]], ('1.52', 0.9934929609298706)], [[[122.0, 1995.0], [339.0, 1995.0], [339.0, 2067.0], [122.0, 2067.0]], ('BANANAS', 0.9965351223945618)], [[[161.0, 2080.0], [273.0, 2080.0], [273.0, 2152.0], [161.0, 2152.0]], ('8EA', 0.9112841486930847)], [[[384.0, 2086.0], [685.0, 2068.0], [689.0, 2143.0], [388.0, 2161.0]], ('@0.19/EA', 0.9511269330978394)], [[[1207.0, 2215.0], [1404.0, 2205.0], [1408.0, 2279.0], [1211.0, 2289.0]], ('$65.04', 0.9907998442649841)], [[[92.0, 2249.0], [347.0, 2249.0], [347.0, 2314.0], [92.0, 2314.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9968125820159912)], [[[1235.0, 2294.0], [1405.0, 2287.0], [1408.0, 2362.0], [1238.0, 2369.0]], ('$1.63', 0.9953579902648926)], [[[86.0, 2328.0], [234.0, 2320.0], [238.0, 2398.0], [89.0, 2405.0]], ('CITY', 0.997287929058075)], [[[1207.0, 2379.0], [1402.0, 2369.0], [1405.0, 2441.0], [1210.0, 2451.0]], ('$66.67', 0.9950527548789978)], [[[99.0, 2411.0], [377.0, 2411.0], [377.0, 2465.0], [99.0, 2465.0]], ('TOTAI', 0.9633151292800903)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$65.04", "tax": "$1.63", "total": "$66.67", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BANANAS", "item_value": "1.52", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SOFT10GRAINBREAD", "item_value": "2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "R-CUCUMBERSHOTHOUSE", "item_value": "1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "EGGSLRGWHTDZ..", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "R-HERBCILANTROORG", "item_value": "1.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CEREALOATMEALGLUTENFREEROL", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "A-LIMEEACH", "item_value": "0.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "A-ONIONSEACHJUMBOSWEET", "item_value": "0.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "A-APPLEEACHORGPINKLADY", "item_value": "3.56", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "QUINOAORGANIC", "item_value": "3.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WATERSPRINGTJ'S1.5LTSING", "item_value": "0.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "A-TOMATDESONTHEVINEORG", "item_value": "3.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MANGOFRUITCHUNKSFZN", "item_value": "2.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRZNBLUEBERRIES", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ORGANICSPINACH", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HEAVYCREAM-PT.", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BEANSBLACKCUBANSTYLE", "item_value": "0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TAMALESCHICKEN", "item_value": "2.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TAMALESCHICKEN", "item_value": "2.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "R-STRAMBERRIESORG", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NATURALCHICKENBREAST", "item_value": "8.48", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GARLIC", "item_value": "1.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CRUMBLEDFETAW/MEDIT.HERBS.", "item_value": "2.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MILKHALFGALALMONDORIGINAL", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COFFEEJOEMEDIUMROAST.", "item_value": "4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[151.0, 0.0], [199.0, 1.0], [199.0, 18.0], [150.0, 16.0]], ('Table:', 0.9673359990119934)], [[[151.0, 13.0], [184.0, 16.0], [182.0, 34.0], [149.0, 31.0]], ('POS:', 0.9588392376899719)], [[[262.0, 4.0], [288.0, 4.0], [288.0, 20.0], [262.0, 20.0]], ('A10', 0.9891340732574463)], [[[341.0, 5.0], [386.0, 5.0], [386.0, 39.0], [341.0, 39.0]], ('42', 0.7978323101997375)], [[[261.0, 21.0], [273.0, 21.0], [273.0, 36.0], [261.0, 36.0]], ('3', 0.9970089793205261)], [[[146.0, 46.0], [214.0, 49.0], [213.0, 78.0], [145.0, 75.0]], ('PURCHASE', 0.9328879117965698)], [[[146.0, 72.0], [212.0, 76.0], [210.0, 106.0], [144.0, 102.0]], ('APPROVAL', 0.9948537349700928)], [[[295.0, 63.0], [442.0, 49.0], [445.0, 80.0], [298.0, 95.0]], ('Thank youl', 0.8687945604324341)], [[[145.0, 115.0], [231.0, 119.0], [230.0, 138.0], [144.0, 133.0]], ('Entry Mode:', 0.9163691997528076)], [[[296.0, 120.0], [346.0, 120.0], [346.0, 138.0], [296.0, 138.0]], ('Suiped', 0.9122896790504456)], [[[144.0, 134.0], [238.0, 137.0], [237.0, 154.0], [143.0, 150.0]], ('Card Number:', 0.9284594058990479)], [[[297.0, 138.0], [392.0, 138.0], [392.0, 155.0], [297.0, 155.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXXX', 0.7017510533332825)], [[[142.0, 150.0], [238.0, 154.0], [237.0, 172.0], [141.0, 168.0]], ('Card Expire', 0.9141250848770142)], [[[296.0, 155.0], [339.0, 155.0], [339.0, 172.0], [296.0, 172.0]], ('XX/XX', 0.8740028142929077)], [[[141.0, 167.0], [222.0, 172.0], [221.0, 190.0], [140.0, 185.0]], ('Card Type:', 0.9351325035095215)], [[[296.0, 170.0], [378.0, 173.0], [377.0, 190.0], [295.0, 188.0]], ('Mastercard', 0.9978545904159546)], [[[139.0, 186.0], [267.0, 190.0], [266.0, 207.0], [138.0, 203.0]], ('Cardholder Name:', 0.9429371356964111)], [[[138.0, 204.0], [250.0, 207.0], [249.0, 225.0], [138.0, 222.0]], ('Approval Code:', 0.9208722114562988)], [[[296.0, 206.0], [347.0, 206.0], [347.0, 224.0], [296.0, 224.0]], ('080233', 0.9975309371948242)], [[[137.0, 223.0], [274.0, 225.0], [273.0, 242.0], [137.0, 240.0]], ('Reference Number:', 0.9681848883628845)], [[[136.0, 243.0], [226.0, 243.0], [226.0, 261.0], [136.0, 261.0]], ('Acq TranID:', 0.9192847609519958)], [[[257.0, 243.0], [361.0, 243.0], [361.0, 260.0], [257.0, 260.0]], ('MOSOZ77MQ1111', 0.9533621072769165)], [[[130.0, 280.0], [210.0, 280.0], [210.0, 313.0], [130.0, 313.0]], ('PURCHASE:', 0.9530747532844543)], [[[406.0, 278.0], [463.0, 281.0], [461.0, 315.0], [405.0, 313.0]], ('$22.84', 0.9638474583625793)], [[[308.0, 300.0], [470.0, 302.0], [469.0, 344.0], [307.0, 342.0]], ('Tipfru.s.', 0.7797060012817383)], [[[125.0, 328.0], [208.0, 332.0], [206.0, 369.0], [123.0, 365.0]], ('Gratuity:', 0.9877353310585022)], [[[312.0, 332.0], [485.0, 340.0], [483.0, 372.0], [311.0, 364.0]], ('Citizens Only', 0.8827685713768005)], [[[121.0, 383.0], [179.0, 383.0], [179.0, 423.0], [121.0, 423.0]], ('Total:', 0.9939477443695068)], [[[146.0, 442.0], [442.0, 442.0], [442.0, 462.0], [146.0, 462.0]], ('Cardmember acknowledges receipt of', 0.9683638215065002)], [[[134.0, 465.0], [443.0, 464.0], [443.0, 484.0], [134.0, 485.0]], ('goods and/or services in the amount', 0.9584615230560303)], [[[132.0, 487.0], [454.0, 488.0], [454.0, 508.0], [132.0, 507.0]], ('of the total shown hereon and agrees', 0.9529207944869995)], [[[131.0, 513.0], [455.0, 513.0], [455.0, 530.0], [131.0, 530.0]], ('to perform the obligat ions set forth', 0.8962423205375671)], [[[119.0, 536.0], [456.0, 536.0], [456.0, 556.0], [119.0, 556.0]], ("by cardnember's agreement with issuer", 0.950040876865387)], [[[139.0, 606.0], [238.0, 608.0], [237.0, 633.0], [139.0, 631.0]], ('Signature:', 0.985908031463623)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$22.84", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[389.0, 303.0], [1487.0, 334.0], [1485.0, 406.0], [387.0, 375.0]], ('SUCPIARES', 0.9973880052566528)], [[[228.0, 383.0], [1632.0, 419.0], [1630.0, 489.0], [226.0, 453.0]], ('Calle Pilares No 541 Col.Del Valle', 0.8850783109664917)], [[[435.0, 469.0], [1400.0, 497.0], [1398.0, 561.0], [433.0, 533.0]], ('Delecacion Benito Juarez', 0.9284632205963135)], [[[560.0, 546.0], [1318.0, 563.0], [1316.0, 635.0], [559.0, 618.0]], ('MexicoD.F.CP 3100', 0.913623034954071)], [[[154.0, 685.0], [1686.0, 718.0], [1684.0, 790.0], [152.0, 757.0]], ('Tiendas Comercial Mexicana S.A. de C.V.', 0.9336087107658386)], [[[110.0, 768.0], [1699.0, 795.0], [1698.0, 859.0], [109.0, 832.0]], ('Av.Revolucicn # 780 Mod 2 Col.San Juan', 0.8859648704528809)], [[[565.0, 848.0], [1310.0, 862.0], [1308.0, 926.0], [564.0, 912.0]], ('MexicoDF.CP 03730', 0.8718037009239197)], [[[601.0, 922.0], [1225.0, 931.0], [1224.0, 995.0], [600.0, 986.0]], ('RFC TCM951030A17', 0.962019681930542)], [[[82.0, 1056.0], [769.0, 1064.0], [769.0, 1128.0], [82.0, 1120.0]], ('CANT SKU ARTICULO', 0.9617262482643127)], [[[1218.0, 1063.0], [1462.0, 1070.0], [1460.0, 1145.0], [1216.0, 1138.0]], ('PRECIO', 0.997748851776123)], [[[1565.0, 1063.0], [1765.0, 1070.0], [1763.0, 1147.0], [1562.0, 1141.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9986646771430969)], [[[205.0, 1133.0], [1146.0, 1142.0], [1145.0, 1203.0], [204.0, 1194.0]], ('1151 MERMELADA SMUCKERS', 0.9678853750228882)], [[[1255.0, 1141.0], [1456.0, 1141.0], [1456.0, 1208.0], [1255.0, 1208.0]], ('52.00', 0.998065173625946)], [[[1562.0, 1138.0], [1765.0, 1145.0], [1763.0, 1214.0], [1559.0, 1207.0]], ('52.00', 0.997855544090271)], [[[205.0, 1203.0], [1107.0, 1208.0], [1107.0, 1269.0], [204.0, 1264.0]], ('2 089 TOTOPOS TORTILLAS', 0.8813238739967346)], [[[1257.0, 1211.0], [1454.0, 1211.0], [1454.0, 1277.0], [1257.0, 1277.0]], ('19.70', 0.9984715580940247)], [[[1565.0, 1211.0], [1765.0, 1211.0], [1765.0, 1280.0], [1565.0, 1280.0]], ('39.40', 0.9950534105300903)], [[[210.0, 1280.0], [1107.0, 1280.0], [1107.0, 1341.0], [210.0, 1341.0]], ('1 622 LA STERRA 580 GRS', 0.8866890668869019)], [[[1257.0, 1280.0], [1456.0, 1280.0], [1456.0, 1349.0], [1257.0, 1349.0]], ('15.90', 0.9985599517822266)], [[[1562.0, 1274.0], [1768.0, 1281.0], [1765.0, 1358.0], [1559.0, 1351.0]], ('15.90', 0.9970874786376953)], [[[289.0, 1352.0], [845.0, 1352.0], [845.0, 1408.0], [289.0, 1408.0]], ('PREG$16.90', 0.9712600708007812)], [[[210.0, 1419.0], [1107.0, 1419.0], [1107.0, 1480.0], [210.0, 1480.0]], ('1362 FRIJCL LA COSTENA', 0.8801355361938477)], [[[1260.0, 1416.0], [1459.0, 1416.0], [1459.0, 1485.0], [1260.0, 1485.0]], ('11.90', 0.9971054792404175)], [[[1571.0, 1419.0], [1770.0, 1419.0], [1770.0, 1488.0], [1571.0, 1488.0]], ('11.90', 0.9958003759384155)], [[[213.0, 1488.0], [1145.0, 1488.0], [1145.0, 1552.0], [213.0, 1552.0]], ('1 O28 AGUA MINERAL MINER', 0.9249310493469238)], [[[1290.0, 1483.0], [1462.0, 1483.0], [1462.0, 1560.0], [1290.0, 1560.0]], ('8.70', 0.9973230361938477)], [[[1601.0, 1482.0], [1776.0, 1489.0], [1773.0, 1569.0], [1597.0, 1562.0]], ('8.70', 0.9972283840179443)], [[[281.0, 1560.0], [801.0, 1554.0], [802.0, 1618.0], [281.0, 1624.0]], ('PREG.$8.90', 0.9414712190628052)], [[[35.0, 1630.0], [1150.0, 1613.0], [1151.0, 1693.0], [36.0, 1710.0]], ('0.645 400 UVA_RED_GLOB0 1 KG', 0.8568458557128906)], [[[1260.0, 1629.0], [1459.0, 1629.0], [1459.0, 1696.0], [1260.0, 1696.0]], ('33.90', 0.998330295085907)], [[[1568.0, 1632.0], [1775.0, 1632.0], [1775.0, 1699.0], [1568.0, 1699.0]], ('21.87', 0.9955686330795288)], [[[201.0, 1699.0], [1147.0, 1685.0], [1149.0, 1757.0], [203.0, 1771.0]], ('1020 LECHUGA FRANCESA H', 0.8805798888206482)], [[[1260.0, 1699.0], [1459.0, 1699.0], [1459.0, 1765.0], [1260.0, 1765.0]], ('19.90', 0.9977155923843384)], [[[1570.0, 1698.0], [1773.0, 1705.0], [1771.0, 1774.0], [1567.0, 1767.0]], ('19.90', 0.9983924627304077)], [[[199.0, 1765.0], [1148.0, 1760.0], [1148.0, 1835.0], [199.0, 1840.0]], ('1949 TOTIS TOTIS 300 GR', 0.8820749521255493)], [[[1260.0, 1771.0], [1459.0, 1771.0], [1459.0, 1837.0], [1260.0, 1837.0]], ('27.00', 0.9981575012207031)], [[[1570.0, 1770.0], [1773.0, 1777.0], [1771.0, 1846.0], [1567.0, 1839.0]], ('27.00', 0.9981589317321777)], [[[73.0, 1843.0], [1062.0, 1823.0], [1064.0, 1906.0], [75.0, 1926.0]], ('0.84 279 COL_MORADA 1 KG.', 0.885071337223053)], [[[1263.0, 1837.0], [1459.0, 1837.0], [1459.0, 1907.0], [1263.0, 1907.0]], ('14.90', 0.9980393648147583)], [[[1570.0, 1837.0], [1779.0, 1843.0], [1776.0, 1921.0], [1567.0, 1914.0]], ('12.52', 0.9935140609741211)], [[[275.0, 1915.0], [839.0, 1901.0], [841.0, 1965.0], [277.0, 1979.0]], ('PREG.$14.93', 0.9352664947509766)], [[[1290.0, 1973.0], [1462.0, 1973.0], [1462.0, 2051.0], [1290.0, 2051.0]], ('6.00', 0.9968737363815308)], [[[73.0, 1987.0], [1054.0, 1962.0], [1056.0, 2042.0], [75.0, 2067.0]], ('0.46 255 COL_BLANCA 1 KG.', 0.8811085224151611)], [[[1603.0, 1978.0], [1776.0, 1985.0], [1773.0, 2062.0], [1600.0, 2055.0]], ('2.76', 0.9961540699005127)], [[[1257.0, 2053.0], [1462.0, 2053.0], [1462.0, 2125.0], [1257.0, 2125.0]], ('10.80', 0.9969495534896851)], [[[1573.0, 2050.0], [1776.0, 2057.0], [1774.0, 2134.0], [1570.0, 2127.0]], ('32.40', 0.9962812662124634)], [[[277.0, 2134.0], [836.0, 2114.0], [838.0, 2175.0], [280.0, 2195.0]], ('PREG.$13.10', 0.9526051878929138)], [[[1260.0, 2195.0], [1462.0, 2195.0], [1462.0, 2261.0], [1260.0, 2261.0]], ('28.95', 0.9964011907577515)], [[[1571.0, 2197.0], [1775.0, 2197.0], [1775.0, 2269.0], [1571.0, 2269.0]], ('28.95', 0.9961261749267578)], [[[43.0, 2275.0], [937.0, 2253.0], [939.0, 2325.0], [45.0, 2347.0]], ('0.485 186 BR0C0LI 1 KG.', 0.8547374606132507)], [[[1260.0, 2267.0], [1459.0, 2267.0], [1459.0, 2333.0], [1260.0, 2333.0]], ('14.40', 0.997830867767334)], [[[1601.0, 2267.0], [1770.0, 2267.0], [1770.0, 2336.0], [1601.0, 2336.0]], ("86'9", 0.8954705595970154)], [[[272.0, 2345.0], [836.0, 2325.0], [838.0, 2386.0], [274.0, 2406.0]], ('P.REGS17.50', 0.9163708090782166)], [[[1257.0, 2381.0], [1454.0, 2381.0], [1454.0, 2448.0], [1257.0, 2448.0]], ('12.40', 0.9923273324966431)], [[[1554.0, 2379.0], [1750.0, 2373.0], [1752.0, 2431.0], [1556.0, 2438.0]], ('24.80', 0.996764063835144)], [[[207.0, 2414.0], [1059.0, 2386.0], [1062.0, 2450.0], [209.0, 2478.0]], ('2105 LECHE CONDENSADA', 0.9517465233802795)], [[[275.0, 2481.0], [836.0, 2466.0], [838.0, 2538.0], [277.0, 2553.0]], ('P.REG.S15.30', 0.9249884486198425)], [[[1554.0, 2494.0], [1749.0, 2487.0], [1752.0, 2557.0], [1556.0, 2559.0]], ('30.08', 0.9902533292770386)], [[[1263.0, 2512.0], [1454.0, 2512.0], [1454.0, 2559.0], [1263.0, 2559.0]], ('89.00', 0.9289342164993286)]]
{"store_name": "SUC.PILARES", "store_addr": "CallePilaresNo541Col.DelValle DelegacionBenitoJuarez MexicoD.F.CP3100 TiendasComercialMexicanaS.A.deC.V. Av.Revolucicn#780Mod2Col.SanJuan MexicoDF.CP03730", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LECHECONDENSADA", "item_value": "52.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BROCOLI1KG.", "item_value": "39.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SOPESTORTILLASOC", "item_value": "15.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LECHEEVAPORADAC", "item_value": "11.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COL_BLANCA1KG.", "item_value": "8.70", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MERMELADASMUCKERS", "item_value": "30.08", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TOTOPOSTORTILLAS", "item_value": "24.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LASIERRA580GRS", "item_value": "6.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRIJOLLACOSTENA", "item_value": "28.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AGUAMINERALMINER", "item_value": "32.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "UVA_RED_GLOBO1KG", "item_value": "2.76", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LECHUGAFRANCESAH", "item_value": "12.52", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TOTISTOTIS300GR", "item_value": "27.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COL_MORADA1KG.", "item_value": "19.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "21.87", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ARTICULO", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[32.0, 9.0], [115.0, 10.0], [115.0, 25.0], [32.0, 24.0]], ('ROTVARD', 0.7904872894287109)], [[[32.0, 34.0], [112.0, 35.0], [111.0, 46.0], [32.0, 45.0]], ('SANFRSCO.CA9', 0.7580969929695129)], [[[41.0, 26.0], [109.0, 27.0], [109.0, 38.0], [41.0, 37.0]], ('E MISSIONSIRE', 0.7338489890098572)], [[[50.0, 43.0], [99.0, 43.0], [99.0, 54.0], [50.0, 54.0]], ('41553-8084', 0.8667564392089844)], [[[52.0, 52.0], [93.0, 52.0], [93.0, 63.0], [52.0, 63.0]], ('ONDO', 0.5949029922485352)], [[[10.0, 67.0], [40.0, 67.0], [40.0, 78.0], [10.0, 78.0]], ('1019KEN', 0.8709617257118225)], [[[8.0, 82.0], [37.0, 82.0], [37.0, 94.0], [8.0, 94.0]], ('1b.54/1', 0.6801913380622864)], [[[47.0, 92.0], [102.0, 92.0], [102.0, 102.0], [47.0, 102.0]], ('Feb15060720P', 0.8901640772819519)], [[[59.0, 83.0], [89.0, 83.0], [89.0, 94.0], [59.0, 94.0]], ('8576', 0.7397104501724243)], [[[120.0, 84.0], [141.0, 84.0], [141.0, 96.0], [120.0, 96.0]], ('12', 0.7106791138648987)], [[[13.0, 107.0], [51.0, 107.0], [51.0, 117.0], [13.0, 117.0]], ('HERIKS', 0.7510778307914734)], [[[14.0, 116.0], [71.0, 116.0], [71.0, 126.0], [14.0, 126.0]], ('RNMAAN', 0.6129981875419617)], [[[14.0, 123.0], [46.0, 123.0], [46.0, 134.0], [14.0, 134.0]], ('1S0P', 0.7281844615936279)], [[[110.0, 122.0], [133.0, 122.0], [133.0, 146.0], [110.0, 146.0]], ('13.75', 0.5636447072029114)], [[[13.0, 132.0], [53.0, 132.0], [53.0, 142.0], [13.0, 142.0]], ('10AALGNE', 0.731001615524292)], [[[13.0, 139.0], [75.0, 139.0], [75.0, 150.0], [13.0, 150.0]], ('10LO8STERL', 0.7534064650535583)], [[[13.0, 146.0], [56.0, 149.0], [55.0, 161.0], [12.0, 157.0]], ('50', 0.5575201511383057)], [[[112.0, 140.0], [131.0, 140.0], [131.0, 152.0], [112.0, 152.0]], ('18.75', 0.9748026728630066)], [[[13.0, 156.0], [65.0, 156.0], [65.0, 167.0], [13.0, 167.0]], ('10SWETREADS', 0.7049019932746887)], [[[14.0, 161.0], [42.0, 164.0], [41.0, 176.0], [13.0, 173.0]], ('10LA', 0.8502482175827026)], [[[14.0, 169.0], [42.0, 172.0], [42.0, 183.0], [13.0, 181.0]], ('10POK', 0.6698164939880371)], [[[13.0, 180.0], [82.0, 180.0], [82.0, 190.0], [13.0, 190.0]], ('1.1/2L3SAN', 0.8092795610427856)], [[[111.0, 172.0], [130.0, 172.0], [130.0, 183.0], [111.0, 183.0]], ('31.00', 0.9779547452926636)], [[[13.0, 194.0], [70.0, 196.0], [69.0, 207.0], [13.0, 204.0]], ('11/2-', 0.7689698934555054)], [[[14.0, 188.0], [79.0, 188.0], [79.0, 198.0], [14.0, 198.0]], ('11/2GL SLA', 0.7897468209266663)], [[[12.0, 202.0], [79.0, 204.0], [79.0, 215.0], [12.0, 214.0]], ('11/2G-', 0.7658863067626953)], [[[13.0, 219.0], [59.0, 219.0], [59.0, 230.0], [13.0, 230.0]], ('1G-CASTELNA', 0.899645209312439)], [[[112.0, 212.0], [131.0, 212.0], [131.0, 224.0], [112.0, 224.0]], ('0900', 0.6461408138275146)], [[[112.0, 220.0], [131.0, 220.0], [131.0, 232.0], [112.0, 232.0]], ('9.00', 0.8892073035240173)], [[[14.0, 234.0], [43.0, 237.0], [43.0, 248.0], [13.0, 245.0]], ('1.01RD', 0.6830847859382629)], [[[18.0, 249.0], [49.0, 251.0], [48.0, 263.0], [18.0, 261.0]], ('SUSTOTA', 0.8739461898803711)], [[[20.0, 261.0], [35.0, 261.0], [35.0, 269.0], [20.0, 269.0]], ('Tax', 0.9721884727478027)], [[[106.0, 252.0], [130.0, 252.0], [130.0, 264.0], [106.0, 264.0]], ('230.25', 0.946471631526947)], [[[21.0, 269.0], [38.0, 269.0], [38.0, 278.0], [21.0, 278.0]], ('Total', 0.897335410118103)], [[[88.0, 268.0], [129.0, 268.0], [129.0, 279.0], [88.0, 279.0]], ('249.32', 0.9896984100341797)], [[[108.0, 260.0], [130.0, 260.0], [130.0, 271.0], [108.0, 271.0]], ('39.57', 0.9122251272201538)], [[[35.0, 300.0], [112.0, 300.0], [112.0, 310.0], [35.0, 310.0]], ('PLEASE AXYOUR SERVER', 0.8493292927742004)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "SANFRANCISCO.CA91105", "telephone": "", "date": "Feb15'06", "time": "07:20PM", "subtotal": "230.25", "tax": "19.57", "total": "249.32", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "DSOUP", "item_value": "8.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DPORK", "item_value": "13.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "19.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "18.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "17.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "17.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "32.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "31.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "4.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "9.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "10.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "9.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "9.75", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[124.0, 121.0], [333.0, 109.0], [334.0, 131.0], [126.0, 143.0]], ('WEIGELS33', 0.984755277633667)], [[[122.0, 146.0], [410.0, 133.0], [412.0, 158.0], [123.0, 171.0]], ('TP47157658-001WEIGELS #33', 0.9709481000900269)], [[[120.0, 175.0], [309.0, 166.0], [310.0, 188.0], [121.0, 197.0]], ('9541 KINGSTON PIKE', 0.9494345188140869)], [[[118.0, 205.0], [214.0, 199.0], [216.0, 221.0], [119.0, 227.0]], ('KNOXVILLE', 0.9962069988250732)], [[[253.0, 197.0], [343.0, 193.0], [344.0, 218.0], [254.0, 222.0]], ('TN37922', 0.9831991791725159)], [[[146.0, 291.0], [212.0, 288.0], [213.0, 315.0], [147.0, 318.0]], ('Descr.', 0.9931328892707825)], [[[353.0, 289.0], [390.0, 289.0], [390.0, 315.0], [353.0, 315.0]], ('qty', 0.9970120787620544)], [[[484.0, 289.0], [556.0, 286.0], [557.0, 312.0], [485.0, 315.0]], ('amount', 0.9963099956512451)], [[[114.0, 352.0], [320.0, 348.0], [321.0, 370.0], [114.0, 374.0]], ('LL M BLUE 100 BOX', 0.8525255918502808)], [[[372.0, 349.0], [390.0, 349.0], [390.0, 372.0], [372.0, 372.0]], ('2', 0.9958848357200623)], [[[505.0, 350.0], [556.0, 350.0], [556.0, 378.0], [505.0, 378.0]], ('7.58', 0.9947472810745239)], [[[116.0, 382.0], [337.0, 380.0], [337.0, 402.0], [116.0, 404.0]], ('CUSTOMER ID VERIFIED', 0.947184681892395)], [[[326.0, 380.0], [442.0, 380.0], [442.0, 402.0], [326.0, 402.0]], ('02/12/72', 0.9955655336380005)], [[[308.0, 441.0], [410.0, 441.0], [410.0, 466.0], [308.0, 466.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9462945461273193)], [[[506.0, 441.0], [556.0, 441.0], [556.0, 468.0], [506.0, 468.0]], ('7.58', 0.9933568835258484)], [[[375.0, 469.0], [413.0, 472.0], [411.0, 498.0], [372.0, 495.0]], ('Tax', 0.9945774674415588)], [[[506.0, 471.0], [556.0, 471.0], [556.0, 498.0], [506.0, 498.0]], ('0.70', 0.9958139657974243)], [[[242.0, 499.0], [352.0, 502.0], [351.0, 528.0], [242.0, 525.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985917806625366)], [[[463.0, 501.0], [555.0, 503.0], [555.0, 529.0], [462.0, 527.0]], ('8.28', 0.9909491539001465)], [[[361.0, 530.0], [449.0, 533.0], [448.0, 562.0], [360.0, 559.0]], ('CASH $', 0.910304069519043)], [[[496.0, 533.0], [557.0, 533.0], [557.0, 559.0], [496.0, 559.0]], ('10.35', 0.9972569346427917)], [[[340.0, 564.0], [449.0, 564.0], [449.0, 593.0], [340.0, 593.0]], ('Change$', 0.9875531792640686)], [[[498.0, 566.0], [556.0, 566.0], [556.0, 592.0], [498.0, 592.0]], ('-2.07', 0.9800556302070618)], [[[110.0, 596.0], [306.0, 596.0], [306.0, 618.0], [110.0, 618.0]], ('THANK YOU', 0.9453623294830322)], [[[104.0, 626.0], [485.0, 627.0], [485.0, 652.0], [104.0, 651.0]], ('PLEASE COME AGAIN', 0.9577495455741882)], [[[102.0, 659.0], [308.0, 662.0], [308.0, 686.0], [102.0, 683.0]], ('For comments go to', 0.9373209476470947)], [[[103.0, 695.0], [273.0, 695.0], [273.0, 717.0], [103.0, 717.0]], ('', 0.9680156707763672)], [[[124.0, 756.0], [554.0, 756.0], [554.0, 781.0], [124.0, 781.0]], ('REG#0002 CSH# 004 DR#01 TRAN#29517', 0.8945441246032715)], [[[122.0, 787.0], [329.0, 791.0], [329.0, 816.0], [121.0, 812.0]], ('02/12/1516:29:43', 0.9660559296607971)], [[[450.0, 790.0], [555.0, 787.0], [555.0, 813.0], [451.0, 816.0]], ('ST#1033', 0.997955322265625)]]
{"store_name": "WEIGELS33", "store_addr": "9541KINGSTONPIKE KNOXVILLE TN37922", "telephone": "TP47157658-001WEIGELS#33", "date": "02/12/15", "time": "16:29:43", "subtotal": "7.58", "tax": "0.70", "total": "8.28", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LMBLUE100BOX", "item_value": "7.58", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Descr.", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[125.0, 10.0], [210.0, 3.0], [212.0, 20.0], [127.0, 28.0]], ('Table5', 0.9794924855232239)], [[[26.0, 48.0], [78.0, 53.0], [77.0, 68.0], [25.0, 63.0]], ('Desserts', 0.9962704181671143)], [[[30.0, 63.0], [148.0, 66.0], [148.0, 84.0], [30.0, 80.0]], ('1 x Interva1 Cheese', 0.8947803974151611)], [[[243.0, 58.0], [280.0, 56.0], [281.0, 74.0], [244.0, 77.0]], ('5.75', 0.9867560863494873)], [[[55.0, 79.0], [108.0, 82.0], [107.0, 97.0], [55.0, 94.0]], ('Interval', 0.9936281442642212)], [[[26.0, 91.0], [95.0, 97.0], [94.0, 111.0], [25.0, 105.0]], ('Side Orders', 0.9677051901817322)], [[[27.0, 106.0], [182.0, 108.0], [182.0, 125.0], [27.0, 124.0]], ('1x Peas/Leeks &Broccoli', 0.932938277721405)], [[[244.0, 102.0], [280.0, 102.0], [280.0, 121.0], [244.0, 121.0]], ('2.95', 0.9843035936355591)], [[[26.0, 123.0], [73.0, 123.0], [73.0, 137.0], [26.0, 137.0]], ('Bottled', 0.9941820502281189)], [[[30.0, 138.0], [157.0, 138.0], [157.0, 152.0], [30.0, 152.0]], ('2x Sprite Icon 330m', 0.9309520721435547)], [[[244.0, 133.0], [280.0, 130.0], [282.0, 148.0], [245.0, 151.0]], ('4.60', 0.9911031723022461)], [[[57.0, 153.0], [130.0, 153.0], [130.0, 167.0], [57.0, 167.0]], ('2.30 each', 0.9673366546630859)], [[[26.0, 167.0], [154.0, 167.0], [154.0, 181.0], [26.0, 181.0]], ('Restaurant Hot Drinks', 0.9808771014213562)], [[[30.0, 181.0], [113.0, 182.0], [113.0, 196.0], [30.0, 195.0]], ('2x Amer icano', 0.9343525767326355)], [[[247.0, 178.0], [281.0, 178.0], [281.0, 193.0], [247.0, 193.0]], ('5.60', 0.9937521815299988)], [[[58.0, 196.0], [130.0, 196.0], [130.0, 210.0], [58.0, 210.0]], ('2.80 each', 0.93978351354599)], [[[32.0, 225.0], [135.0, 225.0], [135.0, 239.0], [32.0, 239.0]], ('2x2 Course Meal', 0.9012726545333862)], [[[242.0, 223.0], [283.0, 223.0], [283.0, 238.0], [242.0, 238.0]], ('41.64', 0.9913259744644165)], [[[201.0, 266.0], [258.0, 266.0], [258.0, 283.0], [201.0, 283.0]], ('Net Total', 0.9516071677207947)], [[[274.0, 267.0], [315.0, 267.0], [315.0, 282.0], [274.0, 282.0]], ('58.03', 0.9923116564750671)], [[[224.0, 282.0], [249.0, 282.0], [249.0, 297.0], [224.0, 297.0]], ('VAT', 0.9948720932006836)], [[[280.0, 282.0], [316.0, 282.0], [316.0, 297.0], [280.0, 297.0]], ('9.87', 0.979150652885437)], [[[176.0, 297.0], [315.0, 297.0], [315.0, 311.0], [176.0, 311.0]], ('Discount Given -f8.66', 0.93467777967453)], [[[165.0, 326.0], [319.0, 327.0], [319.0, 345.0], [165.0, 343.0]], ('Service Charge Not Added', 0.9745904803276062)], [[[184.0, 357.0], [264.0, 360.0], [264.0, 378.0], [183.0, 376.0]], ('Total to Pay', 0.940828263759613)], [[[279.0, 362.0], [321.0, 362.0], [321.0, 377.0], [279.0, 377.0]], ('59.24', 0.9938178062438965)], [[[63.0, 407.0], [290.0, 412.0], [290.0, 429.0], [62.0, 424.0]], ('13/11/2017 19:16:25Bi11 No.8196', 0.9390970468521118)], [[[144.0, 426.0], [202.0, 428.0], [201.0, 446.0], [143.0, 444.0]], ('Covers 2', 0.9350775480270386)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "13/11/2017", "time": "19:16:25", "subtotal": "\u00a358.03", "tax": "\u00a39.87", "total": "\u00a359.24", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "2CourseMeal", "item_value": "\u00a35.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "American", "item_value": "\u00a32.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SpriteIcon330ml", "item_value": "\u00a34.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Peas/Leeks&Broccoli", "item_value": "\u00a35.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Interval", "item_value": "\u00a341.64", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "IntervalCheese", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[108.0, 60.0], [199.0, 60.0], [199.0, 73.0], [108.0, 73.0]], ('The Big Mansion', 0.959852933883667)], [[[28.0, 74.0], [167.0, 73.0], [168.0, 87.0], [28.0, 88.0]], ('1218 East New Haven Ave', 0.9383270144462585)], [[[26.0, 91.0], [142.0, 86.0], [143.0, 100.0], [26.0, 105.0]], ('Me|bourne,FL 32901', 0.8900229930877686)], [[[25.0, 104.0], [101.0, 101.0], [102.0, 115.0], [25.0, 118.0]], ('321-345-5800', 0.9906590580940247)], [[[207.0, 142.0], [288.0, 137.0], [288.0, 153.0], [208.0, 158.0]], ('Table#715', 0.9713796973228455)], [[[22.0, 160.0], [116.0, 160.0], [116.0, 174.0], [22.0, 174.0]], ('Server:Britini', 0.9518636465072632)], [[[18.0, 187.0], [81.0, 187.0], [81.0, 204.0], [18.0, 204.0]], ('QTY ITEM', 0.9361304044723511)], [[[254.0, 186.0], [290.0, 186.0], [290.0, 201.0], [254.0, 201.0]], ('PRICE', 0.9980201721191406)], [[[50.0, 204.0], [98.0, 204.0], [98.0, 218.0], [50.0, 218.0]], ('Ice Tea', 0.9384284019470215)], [[[254.0, 201.0], [291.0, 199.0], [292.0, 215.0], [255.0, 217.0]], ('$2.00', 0.9980630874633789)], [[[17.0, 221.0], [25.0, 221.0], [25.0, 232.0], [17.0, 232.0]], ('1', 0.8301857113838196)], [[[49.0, 219.0], [98.0, 219.0], [98.0, 235.0], [49.0, 235.0]], ('Ice Tea', 0.899719774723053)], [[[256.0, 217.0], [293.0, 217.0], [293.0, 232.0], [256.0, 232.0]], ('$2.00', 0.8999172449111938)], [[[17.0, 237.0], [24.0, 237.0], [24.0, 248.0], [17.0, 248.0]], ('-', 0.722234308719635)], [[[50.0, 235.0], [117.0, 235.0], [117.0, 249.0], [50.0, 249.0]], ('Fish Tacos', 0.9452764391899109)], [[[250.0, 231.0], [294.0, 233.0], [293.0, 248.0], [250.0, 246.0]], ('$14.00', 0.996800422668457)], [[[49.0, 250.0], [199.0, 250.0], [199.0, 267.0], [49.0, 267.0]], ('Gorgonzola Bacon Burger', 0.961235523223877)], [[[251.0, 248.0], [295.0, 248.0], [295.0, 263.0], [251.0, 263.0]], ('$10.00', 0.9939577579498291)], [[[76.0, 267.0], [149.0, 267.0], [149.0, 281.0], [76.0, 281.0]], ('*With Fries', 0.9285069108009338)], [[[257.0, 265.0], [295.0, 263.0], [296.0, 278.0], [258.0, 281.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9982337951660156)], [[[47.0, 298.0], [117.0, 296.0], [118.0, 313.0], [47.0, 316.0]], ('Sub-total:', 0.9349771738052368)], [[[254.0, 297.0], [298.0, 297.0], [298.0, 312.0], [254.0, 312.0]], ('$28.00', 0.9939236044883728)], [[[53.0, 316.0], [148.0, 313.0], [149.0, 330.0], [53.0, 333.0]], ('Tax 6.5000%', 0.934983491897583)], [[[259.0, 313.0], [300.0, 313.0], [300.0, 331.0], [259.0, 331.0]], ('$1.82', 0.992477536201477)], [[[48.0, 332.0], [90.0, 332.0], [90.0, 348.0], [48.0, 348.0]], ('Total:', 0.9811461567878723)], [[[256.0, 331.0], [302.0, 331.0], [302.0, 350.0], [256.0, 350.0]], ('$29.82', 0.9942286610603333)], [[[46.0, 349.0], [127.0, 349.0], [127.0, 366.0], [46.0, 366.0]], ('Credit Paid:', 0.8978510499000549)], [[[256.0, 347.0], [303.0, 350.0], [302.0, 369.0], [255.0, 366.0]], ('$29.82', 0.95595782995224)], [[[45.0, 365.0], [102.0, 368.0], [101.0, 386.0], [44.0, 383.0]], ('Balance:', 0.962478756904602)], [[[264.0, 367.0], [304.0, 367.0], [304.0, 386.0], [264.0, 386.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9956639409065247)], [[[106.0, 402.0], [205.0, 405.0], [205.0, 423.0], [105.0, 420.0]], ('Total Items:4', 0.918685257434845)]]
{"store_name": "TheBigMansion", "store_addr": "1218EastNewHavenAve Melbourne,FL32901", "telephone": "321-345-5800", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$28.00", "tax": "$1.82", "total": "$29.82 $29.82", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "IceTea", "item_value": "$2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "IceTea", "item_value": "$2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FishTacos", "item_value": "$14.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GorgonzolaBaconBurger", "item_value": "$10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*WithFries", "item_value": "$0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ITEM", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[515.0, 5.0], [656.0, 5.0], [656.0, 47.0], [515.0, 47.0]], ('Chiswick', 0.99698805809021)], [[[528.0, 48.0], [643.0, 52.0], [641.0, 95.0], [526.0, 91.0]], ('London', 0.9957606792449951)], [[[530.0, 97.0], [641.0, 97.0], [641.0, 140.0], [530.0, 140.0]], ('W41SY', 0.9860997200012207)], [[[291.0, 238.0], [883.0, 235.0], [883.0, 275.0], [292.0, 278.0]], ('[email protected]', 0.9654097557067871)], [[[359.0, 288.0], [799.0, 283.0], [800.0, 323.0], [360.0, 328.0]], ('', 0.9626001119613647)], [[[378.0, 332.0], [782.0, 330.0], [782.0, 370.0], [379.0, 372.0]], ('Telephone 0203 384 9442', 0.9469491839408875)], [[[216.0, 428.0], [465.0, 428.0], [465.0, 468.0], [216.0, 468.0]], ('Server:Alberto', 0.9510202407836914)], [[[215.0, 478.0], [518.0, 478.0], [518.0, 518.0], [215.0, 518.0]], ('08/05/1506:25pm', 0.9607623219490051)], [[[215.0, 527.0], [397.0, 527.0], [397.0, 568.0], [215.0, 568.0]], ('Table No:3', 0.9265215992927551)], [[[573.0, 527.0], [755.0, 527.0], [755.0, 568.0], [573.0, 568.0]], ('Covers:2', 0.9650377631187439)], [[[247.0, 627.0], [537.0, 627.0], [537.0, 667.0], [247.0, 667.0]], ('2Glass Prosecco', 0.9619009494781494)], [[[861.0, 620.0], [977.0, 620.0], [977.0, 663.0], [861.0, 663.0]], ('16.00', 0.9951279759407043)], [[[251.0, 678.0], [520.0, 678.0], [520.0, 713.0], [251.0, 713.0]], ('1 Tuscan Toasts', 0.9297952055931091)], [[[879.0, 669.0], [979.0, 664.0], [981.0, 708.0], [881.0, 712.0]], ('7.00', 0.9958198070526123)], [[[247.0, 727.0], [593.0, 723.0], [593.0, 763.0], [247.0, 767.0]], ('1 Spelt Squid Salad', 0.9050742983818054)], [[[866.0, 718.0], [982.0, 718.0], [982.0, 762.0], [866.0, 762.0]], ('13.00', 0.996468722820282)], [[[245.0, 775.0], [539.0, 775.0], [539.0, 815.0], [245.0, 815.0]], ('1Prawns Ravioli', 0.9616007208824158)], [[[869.0, 768.0], [985.0, 768.0], [985.0, 812.0], [869.0, 812.0]], ('15.00', 0.9941627383232117)], [[[242.0, 827.0], [557.0, 827.0], [557.0, 867.0], [242.0, 867.0]], ('1 Ravioli Ricotta', 0.948724091053009)], [[[871.0, 820.0], [989.0, 820.0], [989.0, 863.0], [871.0, 863.0]], ('12.00', 0.9948540925979614)], [[[242.0, 878.0], [392.0, 878.0], [392.0, 920.0], [242.0, 920.0]], ('1 Rosato', 0.9401353001594543)], [[[874.0, 873.0], [992.0, 873.0], [992.0, 917.0], [874.0, 917.0]], ('21.00', 0.9939807057380676)], [[[237.0, 932.0], [612.0, 928.0], [612.0, 970.0], [237.0, 973.0]], ('1Bread&E.V.0.0i1', 0.890013575553894)], [[[893.0, 923.0], [997.0, 923.0], [997.0, 972.0], [893.0, 972.0]], ('2.00', 0.9938598275184631)], [[[237.0, 985.0], [428.0, 985.0], [428.0, 1027.0], [237.0, 1027.0]], ('1Tiramisu', 0.9937562942504883)], [[[897.0, 977.0], [1001.0, 977.0], [1001.0, 1025.0], [897.0, 1025.0]], ('6.00', 0.9913105368614197)], [[[234.0, 1038.0], [441.0, 1038.0], [441.0, 1080.0], [234.0, 1080.0]], ('1 Ice Cream', 0.921008825302124)], [[[900.0, 1032.0], [1006.0, 1032.0], [1006.0, 1082.0], [900.0, 1082.0]], ('6.00', 0.9921234846115112)], [[[285.0, 1090.0], [431.0, 1090.0], [431.0, 1138.0], [285.0, 1138.0]], ('Vanilla', 0.974261462688446)], [[[281.0, 1149.0], [444.0, 1145.0], [445.0, 1198.0], [282.0, 1202.0]], ('Hazelnut', 0.9400709867477417)], [[[280.0, 1205.0], [407.0, 1205.0], [407.0, 1260.0], [280.0, 1260.0]], ('Citrus', 0.9957565665245056)], [[[338.0, 1325.0], [557.0, 1325.0], [557.0, 1377.0], [338.0, 1377.0]], ('Opt Svc Ch', 0.9262763261795044)], [[[880.0, 1322.0], [1006.0, 1322.0], [1006.0, 1372.0], [880.0, 1372.0]], ('12.25', 0.9790148735046387)], [[[416.0, 1383.0], [566.0, 1383.0], [566.0, 1437.0], [416.0, 1437.0]], ('Amt.Due', 0.9895879626274109)], [[[721.0, 1382.0], [1005.0, 1378.0], [1006.0, 1430.0], [722.0, 1434.0]], ('110.25', 0.9963722825050354)], [[[312.0, 1508.0], [564.0, 1508.0], [564.0, 1560.0], [312.0, 1560.0]], ('VAT Included', 0.9757232069969177)], [[[884.0, 1499.0], [1020.0, 1494.0], [1022.0, 1556.0], [886.0, 1561.0]], ('16.32', 0.9900543093681335)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "Chiswick London W41SY", "telephone": "02033849442", "date": "08/05/15", "time": "06:25pm", "subtotal": "", "tax": "\u00a316.32", "total": "\u00a3110.25", "ignore": "", "tips": "\u00a312.25", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GlassProsecco", "item_value": "\u00a316.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TuscanToasts", "item_value": "\u00a37.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SpeltSquidSalad", "item_value": "\u00a313.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PrawnsRavioli", "item_value": "\u00a315.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RavioliRicotta", "item_value": "\u00a312.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Rosato", "item_value": "\u00a321.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Bread&E.V.O.Oil", "item_value": "\u00a32.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Tiramisu", "item_value": "\u00a36.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "IceCream", "item_value": "\u00a36.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Vanilla", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Hazelnut", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Citrus", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[599.0, 80.0], [731.0, 67.0], [734.0, 100.0], [603.0, 113.0]], ('12:49PM', 0.9566567540168762)], [[[363.0, 101.0], [446.0, 94.0], [449.0, 128.0], [366.0, 135.0]], ('L1T1', 0.9855548143386841)], [[[268.0, 149.0], [568.0, 125.0], [571.0, 154.0], [270.0, 177.0]], ('YOUR GUEST NUMBER IS', 0.9539658427238464)], [[[386.0, 171.0], [446.0, 168.0], [448.0, 206.0], [388.0, 209.0]], ('12', 0.9992137551307678)], [[[209.0, 262.0], [619.0, 238.0], [621.0, 267.0], [211.0, 291.0]], ('IN-N-OUT BURGER SANTA CLARA', 0.953507661819458)], [[[607.0, 275.0], [738.0, 262.0], [742.0, 294.0], [610.0, 307.0]], ('12:48PM', 0.9622625708580017)], [[[121.0, 301.0], [267.0, 294.0], [269.0, 325.0], [123.0, 332.0]], ('2012-04-27', 0.9922472834587097)], [[[316.0, 329.0], [529.0, 320.0], [530.0, 352.0], [317.0, 360.0]], ('17612621110', 0.9971180558204651)], [[[128.0, 413.0], [376.0, 402.0], [378.0, 431.0], [130.0, 442.0]], ('Cashier:KEVIN DU', 0.9397352933883667)], [[[126.0, 447.0], [291.0, 441.0], [292.0, 474.0], [128.0, 480.0]], ('Check12', 0.9973956346511841)], [[[671.0, 503.0], [747.0, 503.0], [747.0, 542.0], [671.0, 542.0]], ('2.00', 0.9978408217430115)], [[[168.0, 518.0], [234.0, 515.0], [236.0, 551.0], [170.0, 554.0]], ('HAMB', 0.9971129298210144)], [[[183.0, 554.0], [542.0, 550.0], [542.0, 582.0], [184.0, 587.0]], ('WGR X LX T M Inst pro', 0.8793204426765442)], [[[124.0, 625.0], [605.0, 623.0], [605.0, 662.0], [124.0, 665.0]], ('Counter-Take Out', 0.9784880876541138)], [[[610.0, 671.0], [745.0, 671.0], [745.0, 704.0], [610.0, 704.0]], ('2.00', 0.9950091242790222)], [[[126.0, 710.0], [394.0, 701.0], [396.0, 733.0], [128.0, 742.0]], ('TAX8.25%', 0.9620699882507324)], [[[648.0, 712.0], [743.0, 712.0], [743.0, 746.0], [648.0, 746.0]], ('.17', 0.8331559300422668)], [[[123.0, 748.0], [425.0, 739.0], [426.0, 772.0], [124.0, 781.0]], ('Amount Due', 0.9545733332633972)], [[[578.0, 754.0], [741.0, 754.0], [741.0, 786.0], [578.0, 786.0]], ('$2.17', 0.9820478558540344)], [[[119.0, 819.0], [450.0, 813.0], [451.0, 849.0], [120.0, 854.0]], ('Cash Tender', 0.9431437849998474)], [[[577.0, 835.0], [743.0, 832.0], [744.0, 864.0], [578.0, 867.0]], ('$3.00', 0.9974139928817749)], [[[121.0, 861.0], [306.0, 857.0], [307.0, 889.0], [122.0, 893.0]], ('Change', 0.996299684047699)], [[[609.0, 869.0], [745.0, 873.0], [744.0, 910.0], [608.0, 906.0]], ('$.83', 0.9822168350219727)], [[[381.0, 923.0], [461.0, 935.0], [455.0, 973.0], [375.0, 962.0]], ('L1 T1', 0.9128738641738892)], [[[123.0, 936.0], [276.0, 930.0], [277.0, 959.0], [124.0, 965.0]], ('2012-04-27', 0.9923996925354004)], [[[612.0, 944.0], [749.0, 958.0], [746.0, 995.0], [608.0, 980.0]], ('12:49PM', 0.9609588980674744)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "2012-04-27 2012-04-27 2012-04-27", "time": "12:49PM 12:49PM", "subtotal": "2.00", "tax": ".17", "total": "$2.17", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "WGRXLXTMInstpro", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HAMB", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[268.0, 9.0], [364.0, 7.0], [364.0, 31.0], [268.0, 33.0]], ('Casino', 0.9944136738777161)], [[[293.0, 35.0], [363.0, 35.0], [363.0, 46.0], [293.0, 46.0]], ('supermarches', 0.9912897944450378)], [[[230.0, 52.0], [305.0, 52.0], [305.0, 62.0], [230.0, 62.0]], ('UN SEUL NUMERO', 0.9308609962463379)], [[[306.0, 50.0], [363.0, 50.0], [363.0, 74.0], [306.0, 74.0]], ('3931', 0.9985319972038269)], [[[228.0, 69.0], [299.0, 69.0], [299.0, 80.0], [228.0, 80.0]], ('VOS QUESTIONS', 0.9654427170753479)], [[[230.0, 61.0], [293.0, 61.0], [293.0, 70.0], [230.0, 70.0]], ('POUR TOUTES', 0.9572686553001404)], [[[236.0, 94.0], [336.0, 93.0], [336.0, 107.0], [236.0, 108.0]], ('CASINO SUPERMARCHE', 0.9730363488197327)], [[[242.0, 105.0], [348.0, 105.0], [348.0, 118.0], [242.0, 118.0]], ('Te10161105000', 0.9690603613853455)], [[[209.0, 126.0], [381.0, 126.0], [381.0, 140.0], [209.0, 140.0]], ('Votre magasin vous accueille du', 0.9298731684684753)], [[[217.0, 137.0], [365.0, 137.0], [365.0, 151.0], [217.0, 151.0]], ('LUNDI au SAMEDI 8H30-20H30', 0.940795361995697)], [[[279.0, 148.0], [293.0, 148.0], [293.0, 160.0], [279.0, 160.0]], ('ET', 0.9969415664672852)], [[[208.0, 159.0], [358.0, 159.0], [358.0, 180.0], [208.0, 180.0]], ('le dinanche de 9h00 a 12h45', 0.9177799224853516)], [[[217.0, 206.0], [289.0, 211.0], [287.0, 229.0], [216.0, 224.0]], ('PEPSI.M.6X33', 0.9549739956855774)], [[[218.0, 201.0], [297.0, 201.0], [297.0, 214.0], [218.0, 214.0]], ('SAC MARGUERITE', 0.9654507637023926)], [[[217.0, 241.0], [287.0, 241.0], [287.0, 258.0], [217.0, 258.0]], ('GTEUX PLT RO', 0.9077877402305603)], [[[218.0, 251.0], [263.0, 255.0], [262.0, 268.0], [217.0, 265.0]], ('CANDEREL', 0.9970493316650391)], [[[375.0, 252.0], [400.0, 252.0], [400.0, 283.0], [375.0, 283.0]], ('.696', 0.6259267330169678)], [[[217.0, 263.0], [321.0, 265.0], [320.0, 279.0], [216.0, 277.0]], ('ACTIVIA VAN 4X125G', 0.9240794777870178)], [[[219.0, 275.0], [241.0, 275.0], [241.0, 287.0], [219.0, 287.0]], ('LAIT', 0.9970518350601196)], [[[260.0, 276.0], [297.0, 276.0], [297.0, 290.0], [260.0, 290.0]], ('CASINO', 0.9964765906333923)], [[[378.0, 274.0], [399.0, 277.0], [397.0, 294.0], [376.0, 291.0]], ('01e', 0.7179163098335266)], [[[217.0, 285.0], [261.0, 285.0], [261.0, 300.0], [217.0, 300.0]], ('NESCAFE', 0.9946426749229431)], [[[256.0, 287.0], [280.0, 287.0], [280.0, 299.0], [256.0, 299.0]], ('50G', 0.9928383231163025)], [[[375.0, 285.0], [400.0, 285.0], [400.0, 316.0], [375.0, 316.0]], ('.95', 0.5882702469825745)], [[[216.0, 295.0], [314.0, 298.0], [313.0, 312.0], [215.0, 309.0]], ('KLEENEX BOITE X80', 0.9147050976753235)], [[[207.0, 306.0], [325.0, 309.0], [324.0, 334.0], [206.0, 330.0]], ('TOTAL A REGLER10', 0.9298573732376099)], [[[361.0, 310.0], [399.0, 310.0], [399.0, 334.0], [361.0, 334.0]], ('17.29e', 0.9018686413764954)], [[[188.0, 345.0], [281.0, 350.0], [281.0, 367.0], [187.0, 362.0]], ('RENDU MONNAIE', 0.945306122303009)], [[[190.0, 336.0], [232.0, 339.0], [231.0, 353.0], [189.0, 350.0]], ('ESPECES', 0.9951410889625549)], [[[361.0, 342.0], [398.0, 342.0], [398.0, 359.0], [361.0, 359.0]], ('17.30', 0.9874321818351746)], [[[363.0, 352.0], [397.0, 352.0], [397.0, 367.0], [363.0, 367.0]], ('-0.01e', 0.9143308997154236)], [[[233.0, 370.0], [345.0, 375.0], [344.0, 399.0], [232.0, 395.0]], ('CAGNOTTEL DES EUROS', 0.9525948762893677)], [[[198.0, 390.0], [393.0, 395.0], [393.0, 412.0], [198.0, 407.0]], ('Prenez la carte de fidelite Casino', 0.9523630738258362)]]
{"store_name": "Casino supermarches CASINOSUPERMARCHE", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "0161105000", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "17.29\u20ac", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SACMARGUERITE", "item_value": "0.19\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PEPSI.M.6X33", "item_value": "1.86\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GTEUXPLTRO", "item_value": "2.50\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BAGJBONEMM", "item_value": "2.26\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GTEUXPLTRO", "item_value": "2.50\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CANDEREL", "item_value": "1.69\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ACTIVIAVAN4X125G", "item_value": "1.59\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LAIT1LCASINO", "item_value": "1.01\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NESCAFE50G", "item_value": "1.95\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KLEENEXBOITEX80", "item_value": "1.74\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[64.0, 37.0], [319.0, 52.0], [317.0, 93.0], [62.0, 79.0]], ("ARRABBA'S", 0.9839135408401489)], [[[99.0, 79.0], [255.0, 86.0], [254.0, 103.0], [99.0, 96.0]], ('ITALIAN GRILL.', 0.938316285610199)], [[[112.0, 115.0], [222.0, 121.0], [221.0, 138.0], [111.0, 132.0]], ('Mt.PleasantSC', 0.9810050129890442)], [[[119.0, 133.0], [214.0, 137.0], [214.0, 152.0], [119.0, 149.0]], ('843849-9126', 0.9908744692802429)], [[[28.0, 143.0], [234.0, 154.0], [233.0, 171.0], [28.0, 160.0]], ('055 Table 73 sParty3', 0.8754727244377136)], [[[26.0, 160.0], [93.0, 164.0], [93.0, 181.0], [25.0, 178.0]], ('RACHELL', 0.9827904105186462)], [[[109.0, 166.0], [281.0, 170.0], [280.0, 186.0], [108.0, 182.0]], ('SvrCk104:02p02/25/17', 0.9709650874137878)], [[[25.0, 194.0], [135.0, 198.0], [134.0, 215.0], [25.0, 211.0]], ('t House Red HH', 0.8824887275695801)], [[[271.0, 202.0], [302.0, 202.0], [302.0, 217.0], [271.0, 217.0]], ('6.79', 0.9909169673919678)], [[[27.0, 213.0], [134.0, 216.0], [133.0, 230.0], [27.0, 227.0]], ('House Red HH', 0.9309840202331543)], [[[271.0, 218.0], [302.0, 218.0], [302.0, 235.0], [271.0, 235.0]], ('6.79', 0.9899160265922546)], [[[46.0, 229.0], [166.0, 234.0], [166.0, 248.0], [45.0, 243.0]], ('Grilled Asparagus', 0.935486912727356)], [[[271.0, 232.0], [303.0, 234.0], [302.0, 250.0], [269.0, 248.0]], ('5.59', 0.9944416284561157)], [[[57.0, 246.0], [221.0, 248.0], [221.0, 265.0], [57.0, 263.0]], ('Parmesanfett alfredos', 0.9387159943580627)], [[[265.0, 247.0], [304.0, 249.0], [303.0, 267.0], [264.0, 265.0]], ('24.79', 0.9942830801010132)], [[[267.0, 267.0], [302.0, 267.0], [302.0, 282.0], [267.0, 282.0]], ('15.99', 0.9897197484970093)], [[[40.0, 282.0], [159.0, 282.0], [159.0, 299.0], [40.0, 299.0]], ('Severage,coke', 0.9086615443229675)], [[[270.0, 282.0], [303.0, 282.0], [303.0, 300.0], [270.0, 300.0]], ('2.99', 0.9945718050003052)], [[[20.0, 317.0], [300.0, 317.0], [300.0, 331.0], [20.0, 331.0]], ('************************************', 0.8893420100212097)], [[[14.0, 355.0], [274.0, 351.0], [274.0, 368.0], [15.0, 371.0]], ('PAYING IN AHURRY?', 0.9504948854446411)], [[[73.0, 372.0], [263.0, 371.0], [263.0, 388.0], [73.0, 389.0]], ('Download the Carrabbas App', 0.9750147461891174)], [[[73.0, 391.0], [243.0, 389.0], [243.0, 405.0], [73.0, 407.0]], ('and enter the following', 0.949593722820282)], [[[13.0, 407.0], [205.0, 407.0], [205.0, 427.0], [13.0, 427.0]], ('Payment Code:', 0.9671443104743958)], [[[117.0, 425.0], [206.0, 425.0], [206.0, 442.0], [117.0, 442.0]], ('MRGLWG', 0.9950454831123352)]]
{"store_name": "CARRABBA'S", "store_addr": "Mt.Pleasant,SC", "telephone": "(843)849-9126", "date": "02/25/17", "time": "4:02p", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[126.0, 37.0], [197.0, 32.0], [198.0, 47.0], [127.0, 52.0]], ('Panera Bread', 0.9735367298126221)], [[[134.0, 50.0], [189.0, 45.0], [190.0, 60.0], [135.0, 65.0]], ('Cafe4771', 0.9917535185813904)], [[[115.0, 62.0], [208.0, 59.0], [209.0, 75.0], [116.0, 78.0]], ('Powe11.OH 43065', 0.8815193176269531)], [[[103.0, 77.0], [222.0, 72.0], [223.0, 89.0], [103.0, 94.0]], ('Phone:614)761-3100', 0.9344815015792847)], [[[42.0, 106.0], [90.0, 106.0], [90.0, 120.0], [42.0, 120.0]], ('7/6/2014', 0.9926563501358032)], [[[196.0, 101.0], [261.0, 98.0], [262.0, 114.0], [197.0, 118.0]], ('9:09:50AM', 0.9296952486038208)], [[[38.0, 119.0], [164.0, 114.0], [164.0, 131.0], [39.0, 136.0]], ('Check Number:1306374', 0.9369562864303589)], [[[164.0, 120.0], [175.0, 120.0], [175.0, 127.0], [164.0, 127.0]], ('-', 0.5137201547622681)], [[[175.0, 117.0], [225.0, 117.0], [225.0, 130.0], [175.0, 130.0]], ('Cashier:', 0.9810167551040649)], [[[56.0, 134.0], [181.0, 129.0], [181.0, 144.0], [57.0, 148.0]], ('3 Apple Crunch Muffin', 0.9590686559677124)], [[[246.0, 126.0], [274.0, 126.0], [274.0, 141.0], [246.0, 141.0]], ('5.97', 0.8941488265991211)], [[[56.0, 146.0], [137.0, 144.0], [138.0, 161.0], [57.0, 163.0]], ('1 Sesare Bage', 0.8936116099357605)], [[[247.0, 140.0], [275.0, 140.0], [275.0, 156.0], [247.0, 156.0]], ('1.05', 0.9857149720191956)], [[[57.0, 161.0], [106.0, 161.0], [106.0, 175.0], [57.0, 175.0]], ('1Sliced', 0.9368718862533569)], [[[247.0, 155.0], [276.0, 155.0], [276.0, 170.0], [247.0, 170.0]], ('0.00', 0.9971176385879517)], [[[55.0, 174.0], [175.0, 172.0], [175.0, 188.0], [56.0, 190.0]], ('1 Plain Cream Cheese', 0.9194990992546082)], [[[248.0, 170.0], [276.0, 170.0], [276.0, 185.0], [248.0, 185.0]], ('1.20', 0.9956463575363159)], [[[130.0, 188.0], [178.0, 188.0], [178.0, 202.0], [130.0, 202.0]], ('SubTotal', 0.9499658942222595)], [[[248.0, 184.0], [277.0, 184.0], [277.0, 200.0], [248.0, 200.0]], ('8.22', 0.9833741188049316)], [[[130.0, 202.0], [153.0, 202.0], [153.0, 218.0], [130.0, 218.0]], ('Tax', 0.9933786392211914)], [[[249.0, 200.0], [278.0, 200.0], [278.0, 215.0], [249.0, 215.0]], ('0.00', 0.9963222742080688)], [[[130.0, 217.0], [162.0, 217.0], [162.0, 231.0], [130.0, 231.0]], ('Total', 0.9890118837356567)], [[[249.0, 215.0], [278.0, 215.0], [278.0, 229.0], [249.0, 229.0]], ('8.22', 0.9960908889770508)], [[[130.0, 230.0], [159.0, 230.0], [159.0, 246.0], [130.0, 246.0]], ('Cash', 0.9953978061676025)], [[[245.0, 230.0], [279.0, 230.0], [279.0, 245.0], [245.0, 245.0]], ('10.00', 0.9955662488937378)], [[[130.0, 245.0], [169.0, 247.0], [168.0, 262.0], [129.0, 260.0]], ('Change', 0.9967716336250305)], [[[250.0, 245.0], [280.0, 245.0], [280.0, 261.0], [250.0, 261.0]], ('1.78', 0.9917052984237671)], [[[54.0, 276.0], [278.0, 277.0], [278.0, 291.0], [54.0, 290.0]], ("If you didn't use your MyPanera card,", 0.9450350403785706)], [[[35.0, 292.0], [294.0, 293.0], [294.0, 306.0], [35.0, 305.0]], ('keep this receipt and enter the code below', 0.9476041197776794)], [[[36.0, 308.0], [224.0, 308.0], [224.0, 321.0], [36.0, 321.0]], ('at', 0.9628583788871765)], [[[50.0, 320.0], [289.0, 323.0], [289.0, 340.0], [49.0, 337.0]], ('Not a member yet? Ask an Associate for', 0.9680840373039246)]]
{"store_name": "PaneraBread Cafe4771", "store_addr": "Powell,OH43065", "telephone": "(614)761-3100", "date": "", "time": "9:09:50AM", "subtotal": "8.22", "tax": "0.00", "total": "8.22", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AppleCrunchMuffin", "item_value": "5.97", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SesameBagel", "item_value": "1.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Sliced", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PlainCreamCheese", "item_value": "1.20", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[142.0, 55.0], [227.0, 55.0], [227.0, 69.0], [142.0, 69.0]], ('COLES GIVING', 0.9585571885108948)], [[[141.0, 68.0], [210.0, 68.0], [210.0, 82.0], [141.0, 82.0]], ('REDKITEA', 0.9960027933120728)], [[[140.0, 80.0], [239.0, 80.0], [239.0, 94.0], [140.0, 94.0]], ('HELPING HAND', 0.9694497585296631)], [[[140.0, 96.0], [241.0, 96.0], [241.0, 109.0], [140.0, 109.0]], ('Donote at any register', 0.9658044576644897)], [[[77.0, 122.0], [102.0, 122.0], [102.0, 138.0], [77.0, 138.0]], ('CBD', 0.9782835841178894)], [[[268.0, 123.0], [341.0, 118.0], [342.0, 135.0], [270.0, 140.0]], ('Store:0671', 0.9673529863357544)], [[[156.0, 135.0], [266.0, 132.0], [267.0, 149.0], [157.0, 153.0]], ('Open 6am ti11 1am', 0.8937599062919617)], [[[169.0, 149.0], [255.0, 148.0], [255.0, 164.0], [169.0, 165.0]], ('7 days a week', 0.93758225440979)], [[[90.0, 163.0], [334.0, 158.0], [334.0, 176.0], [91.0, 180.0]], ('Your store manager is: Naome McDougal1', 0.9306813478469849)], [[[77.0, 179.0], [212.0, 177.0], [213.0, 191.0], [77.0, 193.0]], ('Phone:039654 3830', 0.9453896880149841)], [[[258.0, 178.0], [344.0, 172.0], [345.0, 187.0], [259.0, 192.0]], ('Receipt:2342', 0.9521212577819824)], [[[77.0, 193.0], [186.0, 191.0], [187.0, 205.0], [77.0, 207.0]], ('Date:18-Mar-2013', 0.9706131219863892)], [[[271.0, 191.0], [344.0, 185.0], [345.0, 201.0], [273.0, 206.0]], ('Time:21:33', 0.9192928075790405)], [[[76.0, 207.0], [269.0, 204.0], [269.0, 218.0], [76.0, 221.0]], ('Reg 3 Served ByKeerthi -304', 0.9047330021858215)], [[[323.0, 215.0], [335.0, 215.0], [335.0, 229.0], [323.0, 229.0]], ('$', 0.9559058547019958)], [[[75.0, 234.0], [219.0, 233.0], [219.0, 247.0], [75.0, 248.0]], ('WHITE CHOC SAUCE 1EACH', 0.9479969143867493)], [[[317.0, 229.0], [348.0, 226.0], [349.0, 241.0], [319.0, 244.0]], ('2.00', 0.9950013160705566)], [[[75.0, 247.0], [237.0, 245.0], [238.0, 261.0], [75.0, 263.0]], ('SAUCE CARAMEL DIP 130GRAM', 0.9629181027412415)], [[[319.0, 241.0], [349.0, 241.0], [349.0, 257.0], [319.0, 257.0]], ('2.00', 0.9917316436767578)], [[[73.0, 261.0], [246.0, 258.0], [246.0, 276.0], [73.0, 278.0]], ('DIPPING SAUCE ANY 2 FOR$3', 0.9396503567695618)], [[[316.0, 256.0], [351.0, 256.0], [351.0, 271.0], [316.0, 271.0]], ('-1.00', 0.9855294227600098)], [[[73.0, 277.0], [263.0, 274.0], [264.0, 288.0], [73.0, 291.0]], ('*COLES COOKED MUSSELS 5OOGRAM', 0.9421883821487427)], [[[320.0, 270.0], [351.0, 270.0], [351.0, 286.0], [320.0, 286.0]], ('0.50', 0.9966883659362793)], [[[73.0, 291.0], [245.0, 289.0], [245.0, 303.0], [73.0, 305.0]], ('D/L JOHN WEST PRAWNS PERKG', 0.9389383792877197)], [[[319.0, 285.0], [350.0, 282.0], [351.0, 299.0], [321.0, 301.0]], ('8.43', 0.9952435493469238)], [[[73.0, 306.0], [251.0, 304.0], [251.0, 317.0], [73.0, 319.0]], ('COLES ITALIAN SALAD 150GRAM', 0.9510857462882996)], [[[322.0, 300.0], [352.0, 300.0], [352.0, 316.0], [322.0, 316.0]], ('3.90', 0.9965693950653076)], [[[73.0, 320.0], [251.0, 318.0], [251.0, 332.0], [73.0, 334.0]], ('%OAK BANANA 600ML:600 600ML', 0.8790246248245239)], [[[319.0, 315.0], [353.0, 312.0], [355.0, 331.0], [321.0, 334.0]], ('2.92', 0.9934635162353516)], [[[72.0, 335.0], [258.0, 332.0], [258.0, 346.0], [72.0, 350.0]], ('MUSHROOMS EXOTIC:GOU 100GRAM', 0.9033538699150085)], [[[323.0, 330.0], [353.0, 330.0], [353.0, 345.0], [323.0, 345.0]], ('4.98', 0.9970638751983643)], [[[72.0, 349.0], [237.0, 347.0], [238.0, 362.0], [72.0, 364.0]], ('%DARE ESPRESSO MILK 50OML', 0.8918138742446899)], [[[323.0, 345.0], [353.0, 345.0], [353.0, 362.0], [323.0, 362.0]], ('3.20', 0.9928386211395264)], [[[72.0, 365.0], [250.0, 363.0], [250.0, 377.0], [72.0, 379.0]], ('XBIG M LIMIT EDT MILK 6OOML', 0.8813471794128418)], [[[324.0, 361.0], [354.0, 361.0], [354.0, 377.0], [324.0, 377.0]], ('3.20', 0.9954130053520203)], [[[70.0, 380.0], [247.0, 378.0], [247.0, 392.0], [70.0, 394.0]], ('D/L PANTALICA CHEESE PERKG', 0.9537277221679688)], [[[324.0, 376.0], [354.0, 376.0], [354.0, 392.0], [324.0, 392.0]], ('0.61', 0.9952914714813232)], [[[70.0, 395.0], [194.0, 394.0], [194.0, 408.0], [70.0, 409.0]], ('KIWI BERRY 125GRAM', 0.9461804628372192)], [[[325.0, 391.0], [355.0, 391.0], [355.0, 407.0], [325.0, 407.0]], ('3.98', 0.9919141530990601)], [[[69.0, 409.0], [248.0, 407.0], [248.0, 424.0], [69.0, 426.0]], ('MACRO MEATS KANGAROO PERKG', 0.9472706317901611)], [[[326.0, 406.0], [356.0, 406.0], [356.0, 422.0], [326.0, 422.0]], ('6.55', 0.9939078092575073)], [[[69.0, 426.0], [247.0, 424.0], [247.0, 438.0], [69.0, 440.0]], ('D/L PRIMO BACON MIDD PERKG', 0.9287611246109009)], [[[327.0, 421.0], [356.0, 421.0], [356.0, 437.0], [327.0, 437.0]], ('0.78', 0.9921435117721558)], [[[69.0, 442.0], [218.0, 440.0], [218.0, 454.0], [69.0, 457.0]], ('HON&BAL DRESSING 125ML', 0.9420137405395508)], [[[327.0, 437.0], [357.0, 437.0], [357.0, 453.0], [327.0, 453.0]], ('2.50', 0.9949460029602051)], [[[70.0, 458.0], [201.0, 458.0], [201.0, 472.0], [70.0, 472.0]], ('RASPBERRIES 125GRAM', 0.9699326753616333)], [[[328.0, 453.0], [358.0, 453.0], [358.0, 469.0], [328.0, 469.0]], ('4.98', 0.9960561394691467)], [[[67.0, 473.0], [256.0, 471.0], [256.0, 488.0], [67.0, 490.0]], ('LAWSONS TRADITIONAL 8OOGRAM', 0.9499388337135315)], [[[326.0, 468.0], [359.0, 465.0], [361.0, 484.0], [327.0, 487.0]], ('5.50', 0.9952307939529419)], [[[69.0, 490.0], [235.0, 488.0], [235.0, 502.0], [69.0, 504.0]], ('NATURAL MACADAMIAS PERKG', 0.9741256833076477)], [[[329.0, 485.0], [359.0, 485.0], [359.0, 501.0], [329.0, 501.0]], ('1.60', 0.996422529220581)], [[[99.0, 504.0], [270.0, 503.0], [270.0, 520.0], [99.0, 521.0]], ('0.047 kg NET @$33.98/kg', 0.942358672618866)], [[[70.0, 521.0], [264.0, 521.0], [264.0, 535.0], [70.0, 535.0]], ('XARNOTTS TIM TAM BISC 9OGRAM', 0.9431487917900085)], [[[329.0, 515.0], [362.0, 515.0], [362.0, 534.0], [329.0, 534.0]], ('7.56', 0.9920820593833923)], [[[100.0, 535.0], [284.0, 534.0], [284.0, 551.0], [100.0, 552.0]], ('Quantity:4 0 $1.89 each', 0.8945572972297668)], [[[69.0, 549.0], [257.0, 550.0], [257.0, 568.0], [69.0, 567.0]], ('%C1/2 FAM HT CHICKEN 1EACH', 0.949489951133728)], [[[330.0, 547.0], [364.0, 547.0], [364.0, 567.0], [330.0, 567.0]], ('6.00', 0.995105504989624)], [[[68.0, 583.0], [132.0, 583.0], [132.0, 600.0], [68.0, 600.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9487317204475403)], [[[319.0, 581.0], [366.0, 581.0], [366.0, 599.0], [319.0, 599.0]], ('$70.19', 0.9971449375152588)], [[[67.0, 598.0], [127.0, 600.0], [127.0, 617.0], [66.0, 615.0]], ('Rounding', 0.9964980483055115)], [[[331.0, 599.0], [364.0, 599.0], [364.0, 614.0], [331.0, 614.0]], ('0.01', 0.9939697980880737)], [[[68.0, 615.0], [196.0, 616.0], [196.0, 633.0], [68.0, 632.0]], ('Total for 22 items', 0.9118512272834778)], [[[321.0, 615.0], [365.0, 615.0], [365.0, 630.0], [321.0, 630.0]], ('$70.20', 0.9978123307228088)], [[[69.0, 633.0], [100.0, 633.0], [100.0, 648.0], [69.0, 648.0]], ('Cash', 0.9926708936691284)], [[[326.0, 630.0], [366.0, 630.0], [366.0, 648.0], [326.0, 648.0]], ('70.20', 0.9951081275939941)], [[[69.0, 650.0], [214.0, 650.0], [214.0, 665.0], [69.0, 665.0]], ('GST INCLUDED IN TOTAL', 0.9533010125160217)], [[[327.0, 646.0], [367.0, 646.0], [367.0, 666.0], [327.0, 666.0]], ('$2.08', 0.9974033236503601)], [[[137.0, 683.0], [232.0, 685.0], [232.0, 703.0], [136.0, 701.0]], ('Total Savings', 0.9651153087615967)], [[[272.0, 684.0], [315.0, 684.0], [315.0, 699.0], [272.0, 699.0]], ('$1.0', 0.8256084322929382)], [[[277.0, 688.0], [397.0, 690.0], [397.0, 708.0], [277.0, 706.0]], ('', 0.9542656540870667)]]
{"store_name": "ColessupermarketsAustraliaPtyLtd COLESGIVING", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "(03)96543830", "date": "18-Mar-2013", "time": "21:33", "subtotal": "$70.19", "tax": "$2.08", "total": "$70.20", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "WHITECHOCSAUCE1EACH", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SAUCECARAMELDIP130GRAM", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DIPPINGSAUCEANY2FOR$3", "item_value": "-1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*COLESCOOKEDMUSSELS500GRAM", "item_value": "0.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "D/LJOHNWESTPRAWNSPERKG", "item_value": "8.43", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COLESITALIANSALAD150GRAM", "item_value": "3.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "%OAKBANANA600ML:600600ML", "item_value": "2.92", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MUSHROOMSEXOTIC:GOU100GRAM", "item_value": "4.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "%DAREESPRESSOMILK500ML", "item_value": "3.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "%BIGMLIMITEDTMILK600ML", "item_value": "3.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "D/LPANTALICACHEESEPERKG", "item_value": "0.61", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KIWIBERRY125GRAM", "item_value": "3.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MACROMEATSKANGAROOPERKG", "item_value": "6.55", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "D/LPRIMOBACONMIDDPERKG", "item_value": "0.78", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HON&BALDRESSING125ML", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RASPBERRIES125GRAM", "item_value": "4.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LAWSONSTRADITIONAL800GRAM", "item_value": "5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NATURALMACADAMIASPERKG", "item_value": "1.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "%ARNOTTSTIMTAMBISC90GRAM", "item_value": "7.56", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "%C1/2FAMHTCHICKEN1EACH", "item_value": "6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[63.0, 49.0], [160.0, 49.0], [160.0, 62.0], [63.0, 62.0]], ('LA BAGUETTE', 0.9549867510795593)], [[[41.0, 60.0], [174.0, 60.0], [174.0, 73.0], [41.0, 73.0]], ('1052 OCEAN DRIVE', 0.9182376861572266)], [[[66.0, 97.0], [154.0, 97.0], [154.0, 107.0], [66.0, 107.0]], ('SUNNOVEHBER17.2013', 0.875015377998352)], [[[47.0, 108.0], [174.0, 108.0], [174.0, 122.0], [47.0, 122.0]], ('CHECK#162930-1', 0.9695180654525757)], [[[89.0, 122.0], [134.0, 122.0], [134.0, 132.0], [89.0, 132.0]], ('TABLE#399', 0.981103777885437)], [[[41.0, 143.0], [125.0, 143.0], [125.0, 156.0], [41.0, 156.0]], ('1<<MED Oraft Beer', 0.874076783657074)], [[[152.0, 144.0], [180.0, 144.0], [180.0, 155.0], [152.0, 155.0]], ('$40.00', 0.9892222285270691)], [[[41.0, 163.0], [102.0, 167.0], [101.0, 181.0], [40.0, 178.0]], ('1Beef Burger', 0.9471819996833801)], [[[43.0, 156.0], [92.0, 156.0], [92.0, 167.0], [43.0, 167.0]], ('1MED DRINK', 0.8874815106391907)], [[[152.0, 156.0], [180.0, 156.0], [180.0, 167.0], [152.0, 167.0]], ('$30.00', 0.992656946182251)], [[[151.0, 166.0], [181.0, 166.0], [181.0, 180.0], [151.0, 180.0]], ('$15.99', 0.9778712391853333)], [[[40.0, 176.0], [101.0, 178.0], [100.0, 192.0], [40.0, 190.0]], ('1 Beef Burger', 0.8799744844436646)], [[[151.0, 178.0], [181.0, 178.0], [181.0, 192.0], [151.0, 192.0]], ('$15.99', 0.9656450152397156)], [[[42.0, 190.0], [94.0, 190.0], [94.0, 204.0], [42.0, 204.0]], ('12X1HED', 0.8465617299079895)], [[[154.0, 191.0], [179.0, 191.0], [179.0, 203.0], [154.0, 203.0]], ('$0.01', 0.990668773651123)], [[[146.0, 213.0], [181.0, 213.0], [181.0, 227.0], [146.0, 227.0]], ('$101.99', 0.9710898399353027)], [[[50.0, 226.0], [69.0, 226.0], [69.0, 238.0], [50.0, 238.0]], ('TAX', 0.9773436188697815)], [[[145.0, 227.0], [180.0, 227.0], [180.0, 238.0], [145.0, 238.0]], ('$9.18', 0.8933542370796204)], [[[51.0, 238.0], [92.0, 238.0], [92.0, 249.0], [51.0, 249.0]], ('SU8-TOTAL', 0.8596808314323425)], [[[145.0, 238.0], [180.0, 238.0], [180.0, 249.0], [145.0, 249.0]], ('$111.17', 0.989033043384552)], [[[40.0, 259.0], [85.0, 261.0], [85.0, 275.0], [39.0, 273.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9982560276985168)], [[[50.0, 250.0], [104.0, 250.0], [104.0, 261.0], [50.0, 261.0]], ('18%GRATUITY', 0.8919911980628967)], [[[114.0, 258.0], [176.0, 260.0], [176.0, 274.0], [113.0, 272.0]], ('$129.53', 0.993220865726471)], [[[130.0, 250.0], [180.0, 250.0], [180.0, 261.0], [130.0, 261.0]], ('$18.36', 0.9123342633247375)], [[[52.0, 308.0], [102.0, 308.0], [102.0, 319.0], [52.0, 319.0]], ('Time:12:18', 0.8627998232841492)], [[[116.0, 306.0], [168.0, 306.0], [168.0, 320.0], [116.0, 320.0]], ('2CUSTOMERS', 0.9598630666732788)], [[[59.0, 330.0], [159.0, 330.0], [159.0, 344.0], [59.0, 344.0]], ('GRATUITY HAS BEEN ADDED', 0.916533350944519)], [[[69.0, 367.0], [156.0, 367.0], [156.0, 380.0], [69.0, 380.0]], ('YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED', 0.9400020837783813)], [[[81.0, 380.0], [141.0, 380.0], [141.0, 391.0], [81.0, 391.0]], ('3YAdrianR.', 0.8611074686050415)]]
{"store_name": "LABAGUETTE", "store_addr": "1052OCEANDRIVE", "telephone": "", "date": "SUNNOVEMBER17,2013", "time": "12:18", "subtotal": "$101.99", "tax": "$9.18", "total": "$129.53", "ignore": "", "tips": "$18.36", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "2X1MED", "item_value": "$40.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BeefBurger", "item_value": "$30.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BeefBurger", "item_value": "$15.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MEDRINK", "item_value": "$15.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "<<MEDDraftBeer", "item_value": "$0.01", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[123.0, 52.0], [170.0, 55.0], [169.0, 67.0], [123.0, 63.0]], ('ANDREUS', 0.9362948536872864)], [[[104.0, 77.0], [228.0, 84.0], [227.0, 97.0], [103.0, 90.0]], ('TABLE 19FRALINESTS', 0.8222343325614929)], [[[106.0, 68.0], [190.0, 74.0], [190.0, 87.0], [105.0, 81.0]], ('10:14802/24/171', 0.901455819606781)], [[[221.0, 78.0], [236.0, 78.0], [236.0, 86.0], [221.0, 86.0]], ('$269', 0.7485432624816895)], [[[95.0, 103.0], [184.0, 109.0], [183.0, 122.0], [94.0, 116.0]], ('1BREAKFAST SAMPLER', 0.927219808101654)], [[[95.0, 113.0], [184.0, 119.0], [183.0, 132.0], [94.0, 126.0]], ('1BERY PANCAKCOKO', 0.8492628335952759)], [[[205.0, 109.0], [230.0, 112.0], [229.0, 124.0], [204.0, 121.0]], ('13.25', 0.9654623866081238)], [[[95.0, 123.0], [135.0, 127.0], [134.0, 138.0], [94.0, 134.0]], ('1MUFFIN', 0.9430308938026428)], [[[206.0, 120.0], [230.0, 120.0], [230.0, 131.0], [206.0, 131.0]], ('12.50', 0.9876025915145874)], [[[208.0, 127.0], [232.0, 130.0], [231.0, 142.0], [207.0, 139.0]], ('220', 0.6416968703269958)], [[[150.0, 137.0], [171.0, 137.0], [171.0, 149.0], [150.0, 149.0]], ('FOOD', 0.7194060683250427)], [[[199.0, 137.0], [225.0, 140.0], [224.0, 152.0], [197.0, 149.0]], ('28.25', 0.9766409993171692)], [[[94.0, 153.0], [135.0, 156.0], [134.0, 167.0], [94.0, 165.0]], ('1COFFEE', 0.9493676424026489)], [[[94.0, 163.0], [150.0, 167.0], [149.0, 180.0], [93.0, 177.0]], ('1 MACCHIATO', 0.9315250515937805)], [[[213.0, 159.0], [234.0, 159.0], [234.0, 171.0], [213.0, 171.0]], ('2.50', 0.9938935041427612)], [[[94.0, 175.0], [126.0, 177.0], [125.0, 189.0], [93.0, 187.0]], ('1COKE', 0.9658142924308777)], [[[213.0, 169.0], [235.0, 169.0], [235.0, 181.0], [213.0, 181.0]], ('3.40', 0.9724178910255432)], [[[213.0, 179.0], [236.0, 179.0], [236.0, 191.0], [213.0, 191.0]], ('2.40', 0.9877743721008301)], [[[128.0, 189.0], [173.0, 189.0], [173.0, 200.0], [128.0, 200.0]], ('BEVERAGES', 0.995451807975769)], [[[206.0, 190.0], [229.0, 190.0], [229.0, 202.0], [206.0, 202.0]], ('8.30', 0.992221474647522)], [[[157.0, 210.0], [176.0, 210.0], [176.0, 222.0], [157.0, 222.0]], ('TAX', 0.9934768676757812)], [[[207.0, 207.0], [232.0, 210.0], [230.0, 225.0], [205.0, 222.0]], ('3.25', 0.9850205183029175)], [[[132.0, 230.0], [176.0, 232.0], [175.0, 246.0], [131.0, 244.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9915908575057983)], [[[204.0, 232.0], [233.0, 232.0], [233.0, 246.0], [204.0, 246.0]], ('39.80', 0.9873496890068054)], [[[92.0, 268.0], [144.0, 268.0], [144.0, 282.0], [92.0, 282.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9982255101203918)], [[[194.0, 267.0], [245.0, 267.0], [245.0, 281.0], [194.0, 281.0]], ('3960', 0.6520107388496399)], [[[79.0, 293.0], [233.0, 291.0], [233.0, 305.0], [79.0, 307.0]], ('SUGGESTED GRATUITYTHANK YOU', 0.9407466053962708)], [[[82.0, 309.0], [127.0, 309.0], [127.0, 320.0], [82.0, 320.0]], ('15%-5.48', 0.8732669353485107)], [[[132.0, 308.0], [185.0, 305.0], [186.0, 318.0], [133.0, 321.0]], ('18%=6.58', 0.9117038249969482)], [[[185.0, 306.0], [237.0, 306.0], [237.0, 317.0], [185.0, 317.0]], ('20%=7.31', 0.9132453799247742)], [[[66.0, 351.0], [282.0, 341.0], [282.0, 354.0], [67.0, 364.0]], ('****************************************', 0.7607408761978149)], [[[122.0, 361.0], [230.0, 356.0], [231.0, 373.0], [122.0, 378.0]], ('Andrews Coffee Shop', 0.9677085876464844)], [[[145.0, 376.0], [210.0, 374.0], [210.0, 388.0], [145.0, 390.0]], ('463 7th Ave', 0.9392778277397156)], [[[127.0, 391.0], [232.0, 384.0], [233.0, 401.0], [128.0, 408.0]], ('New York, Ny 10018', 0.865665078163147)], [[[141.0, 405.0], [221.0, 399.0], [222.0, 417.0], [142.0, 422.0]], ('212695-1962', 0.9691217541694641)], [[[110.0, 423.0], [257.0, 414.0], [258.0, 431.0], [111.0, 440.0]], ('Our Pleasure To Serve You', 0.9631448984146118)]]
{"store_name": "ANDREUS AndrewsCoffeeShop", "store_addr": "4637thAve NewYorkNY10018", "telephone": "(212)695-1962", "date": "10:14", "time": "02/24/17", "subtotal": "39.80", "tax": "3.25", "total": "39.80", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BREAKFASTSAMPLER", "item_value": "13.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BERYPANCAKCOMBO", "item_value": "12.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MIFFIN", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COFFEE", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MACCHIATO", "item_value": "3.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COKE", "item_value": "2.40", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[98.0, 82.0], [390.0, 87.0], [389.0, 105.0], [98.0, 100.0]], ('ADD A 6 PIECE TO ANY VALE MEN FOR', 0.7425402998924255)], [[[121.0, 100.0], [379.0, 104.0], [378.0, 121.0], [121.0, 117.0]], ('BUY ONE GET ONE FREE CHEESEBER', 0.7562459707260132)], [[[188.0, 118.0], [312.0, 121.0], [311.0, 138.0], [187.0, 135.0]], ('OR EG HOMFFIN', 0.7083162069320679)], [[[104.0, 135.0], [388.0, 136.0], [388.0, 154.0], [104.0, 153.0]], ('Go to w1thin 7 days', 0.8545740246772766)], [[[135.0, 153.0], [364.0, 156.0], [363.0, 171.0], [135.0, 168.0]], ('and tell us about your visit.', 0.8770158886909485)], [[[129.0, 168.0], [256.0, 170.0], [255.0, 187.0], [129.0, 185.0]], ('Va lidation Coda', 0.7917463779449463)], [[[113.0, 188.0], [387.0, 188.0], [387.0, 205.0], [113.0, 205.0]], ('Expires 30 days af ter receipt date.', 0.9263567328453064)], [[[198.0, 204.0], [298.0, 206.0], [297.0, 223.0], [197.0, 221.0]], ('Survey Code:', 0.9076704382896423)], [[[129.0, 223.0], [377.0, 223.0], [377.0, 239.0], [129.0, 239.0]], ('23384-13060-70318-07528-00010-9', 0.9893311858177185)], [[[136.0, 258.0], [361.0, 258.0], [361.0, 275.0], [136.0, 275.0]], ("McDona ld's Restaurant #23384", 0.9479308724403381)], [[[152.0, 276.0], [260.0, 276.0], [260.0, 293.0], [152.0, 293.0]], ('1840HWY45N', 0.9779289364814758)], [[[93.0, 294.0], [113.0, 294.0], [113.0, 312.0], [93.0, 312.0]], ('MS', 0.9958205223083496)], [[[91.0, 313.0], [153.0, 311.0], [153.0, 329.0], [92.0, 331.0]], ('LOWNDES', 0.9968134760856628)], [[[176.0, 331.0], [322.0, 331.0], [322.0, 348.0], [176.0, 348.0]], ('COLUMBUSMS39701', 0.9898967742919922)], [[[184.0, 350.0], [316.0, 348.0], [317.0, 364.0], [184.0, 366.0]], ('TEL# 662-3289444', 0.9566607475280762)], [[[90.0, 387.0], [145.0, 387.0], [145.0, 405.0], [90.0, 405.0]], ('KS#13', 0.9873387217521667)], [[[257.0, 385.0], [416.0, 382.0], [417.0, 400.0], [258.0, 403.0]], ('07/03/201807:52AM', 0.9592651128768921)], [[[90.0, 405.0], [137.0, 407.0], [135.0, 426.0], [89.0, 423.0]], ('Side2', 0.9904866218566895)], [[[347.0, 403.0], [417.0, 401.0], [418.0, 419.0], [348.0, 422.0]], ('Order 06', 0.9179197549819946)], [[[91.0, 445.0], [234.0, 445.0], [234.0, 462.0], [91.0, 462.0]], ('1 Sausage Burrito', 0.953125)], [[[381.0, 441.0], [419.0, 437.0], [421.0, 457.0], [383.0, 460.0]], ('1.00', 0.9934106469154358)], [[[107.0, 465.0], [227.0, 465.0], [227.0, 482.0], [107.0, 482.0]], ('1 Mi ld Picante', 0.9150606989860535)], [[[88.0, 500.0], [161.0, 503.0], [161.0, 523.0], [87.0, 521.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9464012384414673)], [[[384.0, 499.0], [423.0, 496.0], [424.0, 515.0], [386.0, 517.0]], ('1.00', 0.9939901828765869)], [[[105.0, 521.0], [137.0, 524.0], [135.0, 542.0], [104.0, 539.0]], ('Tax', 0.9961718916893005)], [[[385.0, 519.0], [423.0, 516.0], [425.0, 534.0], [387.0, 538.0]], ('0.09', 0.995542049407959)], [[[87.0, 541.0], [210.0, 543.0], [210.0, 563.0], [87.0, 560.0]], ('Take-Out Total', 0.9597736597061157)], [[[385.0, 537.0], [426.0, 534.0], [427.0, 556.0], [387.0, 559.0]], ('1.09', 0.992719292640686)], [[[86.0, 582.0], [160.0, 584.0], [160.0, 605.0], [85.0, 603.0]], ('Cashless', 0.9948488473892212)], [[[389.0, 580.0], [427.0, 577.0], [429.0, 597.0], [391.0, 600.0]], ('1.09', 0.9891722202301025)], [[[85.0, 603.0], [143.0, 606.0], [142.0, 627.0], [84.0, 624.0]], ('Change', 0.998268187046051)], [[[388.0, 599.0], [430.0, 596.0], [431.0, 619.0], [390.0, 622.0]], ('0.00', 0.9947717785835266)], [[[86.0, 649.0], [185.0, 649.0], [185.0, 668.0], [86.0, 668.0]], ('MER#089056', 0.9949695467948914)], [[[86.0, 671.0], [185.0, 671.0], [185.0, 689.0], [86.0, 689.0]], ('CARD ISSUER', 0.9571208357810974)], [[[272.0, 670.0], [344.0, 670.0], [344.0, 687.0], [272.0, 687.0]], ('ACCOUNT#', 0.9951947927474976)], [[[84.0, 692.0], [185.0, 692.0], [185.0, 712.0], [84.0, 712.0]], ('Master SALE', 0.9743964672088623)], [[[218.0, 692.0], [327.0, 690.0], [328.0, 707.0], [219.0, 709.0]], ('************', 0.9696841239929199)], [[[84.0, 715.0], [247.0, 712.0], [248.0, 733.0], [84.0, 736.0]], ('TRANSACTION AMOUNT', 0.9686640501022339)], [[[395.0, 706.0], [437.0, 706.0], [437.0, 729.0], [395.0, 729.0]], ('1.09', 0.9871991872787476)], [[[83.0, 737.0], [328.0, 734.0], [329.0, 754.0], [83.0, 757.0]], ('AUTHORIZATION CODE -001292', 0.9469017386436462)], [[[83.0, 760.0], [185.0, 760.0], [185.0, 780.0], [83.0, 780.0]], ('SEQ# 141462', 0.9503137469291687)], [[[163.0, 805.0], [357.0, 802.0], [358.0, 821.0], [163.0, 824.0]], ("McDona ld's Restaurant", 0.932578980922699)], [[[90.0, 829.0], [423.0, 821.0], [424.0, 844.0], [91.0, 852.0]], ('Tell us how we are doing 18005219789', 0.9275429248809814)]]
{"store_name": "McDonald'sRestaurant McDonald'sRestaurant#23384", "store_addr": "COLUMBUS,MS39701 1840HWY45N", "telephone": "662-3289444", "date": "07/03/2018", "time": "7:52AM", "subtotal": "1.00", "tax": "0.09", "total": "1.09 1.09", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MildPicante", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SausageBurrito", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[132.0, 9.0], [181.0, 9.0], [181.0, 23.0], [132.0, 23.0]], ('Peli Pel1', 0.8292362689971924)], [[[104.0, 21.0], [213.0, 22.0], [212.0, 39.0], [103.0, 38.0]], ('110Vintage Park Bivd', 0.9351189732551575)], [[[114.0, 38.0], [207.0, 38.0], [207.0, 52.0], [114.0, 52.0]], ('Building J Suite P', 0.9164186120033264)], [[[114.0, 51.0], [201.0, 51.0], [201.0, 64.0], [114.0, 64.0]], ('HoustanTX 77070', 0.9130100011825562)], [[[84.0, 62.0], [231.0, 63.0], [231.0, 80.0], [84.0, 79.0]], ('Thark you for dining with us', 0.9641183018684387)], [[[111.0, 90.0], [212.0, 92.0], [211.0, 107.0], [111.0, 104.0]], ('TABLE:70-2 Guests', 0.9105075001716614)], [[[105.0, 104.0], [217.0, 107.0], [217.0, 121.0], [105.0, 118.0]], ('Your Server was HANNH', 0.8988713026046753)], [[[67.0, 120.0], [251.0, 117.0], [251.0, 132.0], [67.0, 134.0]], ('10/24/201275454PHID0223727', 0.9585643410682678)], [[[58.0, 147.0], [81.0, 147.0], [81.0, 162.0], [58.0, 162.0]], ('ITEM', 0.9510253667831421)], [[[209.0, 146.0], [231.0, 146.0], [231.0, 161.0], [209.0, 161.0]], ('QTY', 0.9376147389411926)], [[[236.0, 145.0], [266.0, 145.0], [266.0, 160.0], [236.0, 160.0]], ('PRICE', 0.9985116720199585)], [[[59.0, 174.0], [138.0, 174.0], [138.0, 187.0], [59.0, 187.0]], ('Chi lean Sea Bass', 0.8787105083465576)], [[[211.0, 172.0], [268.0, 170.0], [268.0, 187.0], [212.0, 189.0]], ('1$32.00', 0.8851293921470642)], [[[83.0, 187.0], [150.0, 187.0], [150.0, 201.0], [83.0, 201.0]], ('Carrat Bredie', 0.9545367360115051)], [[[60.0, 214.0], [145.0, 214.0], [145.0, 227.0], [60.0, 227.0]], ('House REO GLS (R', 0.8505189418792725)], [[[177.0, 212.0], [223.0, 212.0], [223.0, 226.0], [177.0, 226.0]], ('28$5.00', 0.8883290886878967)], [[[234.0, 212.0], [267.0, 212.0], [267.0, 226.0], [234.0, 226.0]], ('$10.00', 0.9951335787773132)], [[[84.0, 228.0], [149.0, 228.0], [149.0, 239.0], [84.0, 239.0]], ('House Nine HH', 0.8866835236549377)], [[[231.0, 226.0], [268.0, 226.0], [268.0, 241.0], [231.0, 241.0]], ('$4.00', 0.978613555431366)], [[[60.0, 240.0], [148.0, 240.0], [148.0, 254.0], [60.0, 254.0]], ('Peli Peach Bellini', 0.9162648320198059)], [[[177.0, 239.0], [223.0, 239.0], [223.0, 253.0], [177.0, 253.0]], ('20$9.00', 0.9060921669006348)], [[[234.0, 240.0], [268.0, 240.0], [268.0, 254.0], [234.0, 254.0]], ('$18.00', 0.9893134236335754)], [[[85.0, 254.0], [194.0, 254.0], [194.0, 268.0], [85.0, 268.0]], ('Opening Special Drinks', 0.9182090163230896)], [[[251.0, 253.0], [270.0, 253.0], [270.0, 269.0], [251.0, 269.0]], ('($8', 0.8355560302734375)], [[[65.0, 268.0], [82.0, 268.0], [82.0, 279.0], [65.0, 279.0]], ('.00)', 0.7706567049026489)], [[[61.0, 280.0], [145.0, 280.0], [145.0, 294.0], [61.0, 294.0]], ('STUFFED MUSHRDONS', 0.8843995928764343)], [[[236.0, 281.0], [270.0, 281.0], [270.0, 295.0], [236.0, 295.0]], ('$10.00', 0.9909214973449707)], [[[61.0, 294.0], [173.0, 294.0], [173.0, 307.0], [61.0, 307.0]], ('Sweet & Spicy Peli Peli', 0.8702388405799866)], [[[235.0, 294.0], [270.0, 294.0], [270.0, 309.0], [235.0, 309.0]], ('$14.00', 0.9858781695365906)], [[[61.0, 307.0], [113.0, 307.0], [113.0, 321.0], [61.0, 321.0]], ('Well Vodka', 0.8054906129837036)], [[[241.0, 308.0], [271.0, 308.0], [271.0, 323.0], [241.0, 323.0]], ('$5.00', 0.9869884252548218)], [[[132.0, 320.0], [175.0, 320.0], [175.0, 335.0], [132.0, 335.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9814296960830688)], [[[237.0, 322.0], [271.0, 322.0], [271.0, 338.0], [237.0, 338.0]], ('$77.00', 0.9925277233123779)], [[[129.0, 333.0], [199.0, 336.0], [199.0, 351.0], [128.0, 348.0]], ('Tkt.Discounts', 0.9395213723182678)], [[[229.0, 338.0], [272.0, 338.0], [272.0, 352.0], [229.0, 352.0]], ('$12.00', 0.9891793727874756)], [[[132.0, 348.0], [191.0, 351.0], [190.0, 365.0], [132.0, 362.0]], ('Total Taxes', 0.9469333291053772)], [[[243.0, 352.0], [272.0, 352.0], [272.0, 368.0], [243.0, 368.0]], ('$4.62', 0.9867594838142395)], [[[133.0, 375.0], [189.0, 378.0], [188.0, 395.0], [132.0, 393.0]], ('Grand Total', 0.9427215456962585)], [[[133.0, 390.0], [190.0, 395.0], [189.0, 410.0], [132.0, 405.0]], ('Anount Due:', 0.9073193073272705)], [[[239.0, 382.0], [273.0, 382.0], [273.0, 397.0], [239.0, 397.0]], ('$81.62', 0.9854404330253601)], [[[239.0, 397.0], [274.0, 397.0], [274.0, 412.0], [239.0, 412.0]], ('$41.62', 0.988042414188385)], [[[127.0, 415.0], [202.0, 422.0], [201.0, 439.0], [126.0, 432.0]], ('Prev.Paynents', 0.9463019967079163)], [[[240.0, 423.0], [274.0, 425.0], [273.0, 440.0], [239.0, 438.0]], ('Anount', 0.978043794631958)]]
{"store_name": "PeliPeli", "store_addr": "110VintageParkBlvd BuildingJSuiteP Houston,TX77O70", "telephone": "", "date": "10/24/2012", "time": "7:54:54PH", "subtotal": "$77.00", "tax": "$4.62", "total": "$81.62", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CmleanSeaBass", "item_value": "$32.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CarrotBredie", "item_value": "$10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NangoColeslaw", "item_value": "($4.00)", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HouseREDGLS(R)", "item_value": "$18.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HouseNineHH", "item_value": "($8", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PeliPeachBellini", "item_value": ".00)", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OpeningSpecialDrinks", "item_value": "$10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "STUFFEDNUSHRDCNS", "item_value": "$14.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Sweet&SpicyPeli", "item_value": "$5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NellVodka", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "ITEM", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[85.0, 14.0], [174.0, 17.0], [174.0, 30.0], [85.0, 27.0]], ('WELCOME TO', 0.9416738748550415)], [[[76.0, 24.0], [181.0, 28.0], [180.0, 41.0], [76.0, 37.0]], ('SHELL RINCON', 0.9317677617073059)], [[[35.0, 55.0], [136.0, 57.0], [136.0, 70.0], [35.0, 68.0]], ('777HHS RINCON AY', 0.7051368951797485)], [[[37.0, 46.0], [62.0, 46.0], [62.0, 57.0], [37.0, 57.0]], ('SHELL', 0.9910494685173035)], [[[146.0, 49.0], [205.0, 49.0], [205.0, 60.0], [146.0, 60.0]], ('57445390008', 0.9726028442382812)], [[[36.0, 65.0], [139.0, 68.0], [138.0, 81.0], [36.0, 78.0]], ('VALLEYCENTER CA.02', 0.8087123036384583)], [[[171.0, 60.0], [205.0, 60.0], [205.0, 69.0], [171.0, 69.0]], ('S1F0728', 0.791854977607727)], [[[38.0, 88.0], [129.0, 88.0], [129.0, 101.0], [38.0, 101.0]], ('DPLICATE RECEIPT', 0.8262044191360474)], [[[50.0, 110.0], [78.0, 110.0], [78.0, 121.0], [50.0, 121.0]], ('Descr.', 0.8829727172851562)], [[[143.0, 111.0], [159.0, 111.0], [159.0, 123.0], [143.0, 123.0]], ('aty', 0.9132382273674011)], [[[180.0, 111.0], [208.0, 111.0], [208.0, 122.0], [180.0, 122.0]], ('ssount', 0.9231546521186829)], [[[51.0, 131.0], [110.0, 131.0], [110.0, 141.0], [51.0, 141.0]], ('PREPAYCA #01', 0.8161324858665466)], [[[184.0, 131.0], [208.0, 131.0], [208.0, 143.0], [184.0, 143.0]], ('22.00', 0.9917744398117065)], [[[119.0, 150.0], [153.0, 150.0], [153.0, 161.0], [119.0, 161.0]], ('Subtotel', 0.7643204927444458)], [[[183.0, 150.0], [208.0, 150.0], [208.0, 162.0], [183.0, 162.0]], ('22.00', 0.9722791910171509)], [[[186.0, 161.0], [208.0, 161.0], [208.0, 173.0], [186.0, 173.0]], ('0.00', 0.9820283651351929)], [[[130.0, 171.0], [153.0, 171.0], [153.0, 182.0], [130.0, 182.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9887517094612122)], [[[184.0, 171.0], [208.0, 171.0], [208.0, 183.0], [184.0, 183.0]], ('22.00', 0.9844648241996765)], [[[134.0, 181.0], [167.0, 181.0], [167.0, 191.0], [134.0, 191.0]], ('CASH', 0.7772671580314636)], [[[184.0, 182.0], [208.0, 182.0], [208.0, 192.0], [184.0, 192.0]], ('22.00', 0.9759346842765808)], [[[56.0, 212.0], [201.0, 212.0], [201.0, 225.0], [56.0, 225.0]], ('THANKS,COME AGAIN', 0.9560266137123108)], [[[36.0, 223.0], [207.0, 222.0], [207.0, 234.0], [36.0, 235.0]], ('SA123L00R1RA1015100', 0.7574944496154785)], [[[37.0, 235.0], [67.0, 235.0], [67.0, 245.0], [37.0, 245.0]], ('CSHE4', 0.7313186526298523)], [[[134.0, 233.0], [209.0, 233.0], [209.0, 245.0], [134.0, 245.0]], ('03/22/1608:25:15', 0.8318144083023071)]]
{"store_name": "SHELLRINCON", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "03/22/15", "time": "", "subtotal": "22.00", "tax": "0.00", "total": "22.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[963.0, 432.0], [1433.0, 432.0], [1433.0, 513.0], [963.0, 513.0]], ('Berghote1', 0.9101488590240479)], [[[798.0, 509.0], [1642.0, 531.0], [1639.0, 633.0], [795.0, 611.0]], ('Grosse Scheidegg', 0.9858278036117554)], [[[905.0, 618.0], [1478.0, 626.0], [1477.0, 697.0], [904.0, 690.0]], ('3818 Grindelwald', 0.9558230042457581)], [[[908.0, 721.0], [1471.0, 721.0], [1471.0, 792.0], [908.0, 792.0]], ('Fami lie R.Muller', 0.9324825406074524)], [[[376.0, 918.0], [838.0, 918.0], [838.0, 989.0], [376.0, 989.0]], ('Rech.Nr.4572', 0.9875145554542542)], [[[1224.0, 918.0], [1892.0, 922.0], [1891.0, 993.0], [1224.0, 989.0]], ('30.07.2007/13:29:17', 0.9647663235664368)], [[[366.0, 1004.0], [491.0, 1019.0], [480.0, 1101.0], [355.0, 1086.0]], ('Bar', 0.9924232363700867)], [[[1470.0, 1012.0], [1670.0, 1021.0], [1667.0, 1099.0], [1466.0, 1090.0]], ('Tisch', 0.9953678846359253)], [[[1742.0, 1020.0], [1899.0, 1020.0], [1899.0, 1095.0], [1742.0, 1095.0]], ('7/01', 0.9983921647071838)], [[[410.0, 1221.0], [1019.0, 1221.0], [1019.0, 1289.0], [410.0, 1289.0]], ('2xL.atte Macchiato', 0.9454871416091919)], [[[1103.0, 1223.0], [1159.0, 1215.0], [1171.0, 1286.0], [1115.0, 1295.0]], ('a', 0.9766693115234375)], [[[1255.0, 1214.0], [1415.0, 1214.0], [1415.0, 1292.0], [1255.0, 1292.0]], ('4.50', 0.9944312572479248)], [[[1471.0, 1221.0], [1586.0, 1221.0], [1586.0, 1295.0], [1471.0, 1295.0]], ('CHF', 0.9850867390632629)], [[[1714.0, 1217.0], [1871.0, 1217.0], [1871.0, 1292.0], [1714.0, 1292.0]], ('9.00', 0.9974405765533447)], [[[414.0, 1312.0], [661.0, 1312.0], [661.0, 1387.0], [414.0, 1387.0]], ('1xGloki', 0.8635743856430054)], [[[1252.0, 1309.0], [1415.0, 1309.0], [1415.0, 1387.0], [1252.0, 1387.0]], ('5.00', 0.9967869520187378)], [[[1471.0, 1312.0], [1586.0, 1312.0], [1586.0, 1387.0], [1471.0, 1387.0]], ('CHF', 0.9886746406555176)], [[[1711.0, 1309.0], [1871.0, 1309.0], [1871.0, 1387.0], [1711.0, 1387.0]], ('5.00', 0.9958884716033936)], [[[1221.0, 1401.0], [1419.0, 1401.0], [1419.0, 1486.0], [1221.0, 1486.0]], ('22.00', 0.9954525232315063)], [[[417.0, 1411.0], [1050.0, 1407.0], [1050.0, 1475.0], [418.0, 1479.0]], ('1xSchweinschnitzel', 0.9934365749359131)], [[[1120.0, 1414.0], [1161.0, 1414.0], [1161.0, 1472.0], [1120.0, 1472.0]], ('a', 0.9859582781791687)], [[[1471.0, 1411.0], [1586.0, 1411.0], [1586.0, 1479.0], [1471.0, 1479.0]], ('CHF', 0.9862553477287292)], [[[1683.0, 1408.0], [1871.0, 1408.0], [1871.0, 1482.0], [1683.0, 1482.0]], ('22.00', 0.9962987899780273)], [[[421.0, 1510.0], [873.0, 1510.0], [873.0, 1578.0], [421.0, 1578.0]], ('1xChasspatzli', 0.9833770990371704)], [[[1227.0, 1503.0], [1415.0, 1503.0], [1415.0, 1578.0], [1227.0, 1578.0]], ('18.50', 0.9967678785324097)], [[[1474.0, 1506.0], [1589.0, 1506.0], [1589.0, 1581.0], [1474.0, 1581.0]], ('CHF', 0.991973340511322)], [[[1693.0, 1503.0], [1874.0, 1503.0], [1874.0, 1581.0], [1693.0, 1581.0]], ('18.50', 0.9964603185653687)], [[[1123.0, 1513.0], [1168.0, 1513.0], [1168.0, 1571.0], [1123.0, 1571.0]], ('a', 0.9888488054275513)], [[[1540.0, 1693.0], [1819.0, 1693.0], [1819.0, 1792.0], [1540.0, 1792.0]], ('54.50', 0.946855902671814)], [[[835.0, 1710.0], [1092.0, 1710.0], [1092.0, 1795.0], [835.0, 1795.0]], ('Total :', 0.9874534606933594)], [[[1224.0, 1707.0], [1346.0, 1707.0], [1346.0, 1792.0], [1224.0, 1792.0]], ('CHF', 0.9946616291999817)], [[[1509.0, 1897.0], [1676.0, 1897.0], [1676.0, 1986.0], [1509.0, 1986.0]], ('3.85', 0.9958204030990601)], [[[372.0, 1911.0], [918.0, 1911.0], [918.0, 1979.0], [372.0, 1979.0]], ('Inc1. 7.6% MwSt', 0.8966056108474731)], [[[1012.0, 1907.0], [1374.0, 1907.0], [1374.0, 1979.0], [1012.0, 1979.0]], ('54.50CHF', 0.9951292276382446)], [[[372.0, 2118.0], [1043.0, 2118.0], [1043.0, 2186.0], [372.0, 2186.0]], ('Entspricht in Euro', 0.9694274067878723)], [[[1123.0, 2111.0], [1492.0, 2111.0], [1492.0, 2183.0], [1123.0, 2183.0]], ('36.33EUR', 0.9942269921302795)], [[[369.0, 2217.0], [1196.0, 2217.0], [1196.0, 2285.0], [369.0, 2285.0]], ('Es bediente Sie: Ursula', 0.9427416324615479)], [[[907.0, 2418.0], [1526.0, 2414.0], [1527.0, 2485.0], [908.0, 2489.0]], ('MwSt Nr.: 430 234', 0.913719892501831)], [[[842.0, 2519.0], [1530.0, 2519.0], [1530.0, 2591.0], [842.0, 2591.0]], ('Tel.:0338536716', 0.9421210885047913)], [[[838.0, 2618.0], [1529.0, 2611.0], [1530.0, 2689.0], [839.0, 2696.0]], ('Fax.:033 853 6719', 0.9248573184013367)], [[[476.0, 2720.0], [1704.0, 2717.0], [1704.0, 2788.0], [477.0, 2791.0]], ('E-mail: [email protected]', 0.9610819220542908)]]
{"store_name": "Berghotel GrosseScheidegg", "store_addr": "3818Grindelwald", "telephone": "0338536716", "date": "30.07.2007", "time": "13:29:17", "subtotal": "", "tax": "CHF:3.85", "total": "CHF54.50 54.50", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "xLatteMacchiato", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "xGloki", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "xSchweinschnitzel", "item_value": "22.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "18.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[664.0, 77.0], [1014.0, 80.0], [1013.0, 133.0], [663.0, 129.0]], ('VIP SAVINGS', 0.9728273153305054)], [[[255.0, 147.0], [758.0, 145.0], [758.0, 191.0], [255.0, 193.0]], ('VIP CARD SAVINGS', 0.9245150089263916)], [[[1145.0, 147.0], [1182.0, 147.0], [1182.0, 188.0], [1145.0, 188.0]], ('$', 0.9420067667961121)], [[[1260.0, 140.0], [1395.0, 140.0], [1395.0, 194.0], [1260.0, 194.0]], ('2.31', 0.9950903058052063)], [[[1136.0, 197.0], [1395.0, 201.0], [1394.0, 261.0], [1135.0, 257.0]], ('$2.31', 0.9935054779052734)], [[[257.0, 208.0], [665.0, 208.0], [665.0, 254.0], [257.0, 254.0]], ('TOTAL COUPONS', 0.9344774484634399)], [[[258.0, 273.0], [883.0, 273.0], [883.0, 314.0], [258.0, 314.0]], ('TOTALSAVING19%', 0.9806452393531799)], [[[1170.0, 266.0], [1298.0, 266.0], [1298.0, 322.0], [1170.0, 322.0]], ('2.31', 0.9973598718643188)], [[[1053.0, 278.0], [1077.0, 278.0], [1077.0, 307.0], [1053.0, 307.0]], ('S', 0.5205085277557373)], [[[252.0, 336.0], [535.0, 339.0], [535.0, 375.0], [252.0, 371.0]], ('***', 0.5523001551628113)], [[[665.0, 331.0], [1012.0, 334.0], [1011.0, 382.0], [665.0, 378.0]], ('VIP SAVINGS', 0.9620946645736694)], [[[248.0, 455.0], [1202.0, 455.0], [1202.0, 501.0], [248.0, 501.0]], ('07/04/1106:19pm3782156999', 0.9716701507568359)], [[[1343.0, 530.0], [1460.0, 530.0], [1460.0, 561.0], [1343.0, 561.0]], ('***', 0.605945348739624)], [[[310.0, 578.0], [1333.0, 583.0], [1333.0, 629.0], [310.0, 624.0]], ('June Fuel Points remaining = 210', 0.9338304996490479)], [[[305.0, 641.0], [1383.0, 644.0], [1383.0, 690.0], [305.0, 687.0]], ('Redeem 100>ts to save.10 per gal', 0.9176050424575806)], [[[303.0, 701.0], [1340.0, 702.0], [1340.0, 753.0], [303.0, 752.0]], ('Save up to $1 per 9al at Frys OR', 0.8794867396354675)], [[[308.0, 764.0], [1342.0, 767.0], [1342.0, 818.0], [308.0, 815.0]], ('.10 per ga at Shell or Circle K', 0.8997734785079956)], [[[627.0, 830.0], [1055.0, 837.0], [1054.0, 883.0], [626.0, 876.0]], ('n 1fill-up.', 0.82638019323349)], [[[233.0, 895.0], [1440.0, 898.0], [1440.0, 946.0], [233.0, 943.0]], ('Each month i; a separate accumulation', 0.9559499621391296)], [[[327.0, 958.0], [1327.0, 958.0], [1327.0, 1014.0], [327.0, 1014.0]], ('period. Points do not combine', 0.9445472359657288)], [[[397.0, 1026.0], [1285.0, 1026.0], [1285.0, 1077.0], [397.0, 1077.0]], ('These p)ints expire 7/31/11', 0.9262334108352661)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "07/04/11", "time": "06:19pm", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[132.0, 10.0], [198.0, 20.0], [195.0, 35.0], [130.0, 26.0]], ('Firsturcn', 0.792844831943512)], [[[121.0, 34.0], [214.0, 41.0], [212.0, 58.0], [120.0, 51.0]], ('1395 Main Street', 0.9297724962234497)], [[[40.0, 49.0], [116.0, 58.0], [114.0, 72.0], [39.0, 63.0]], ('Server:Lisa', 0.9444207549095154)], [[[39.0, 63.0], [115.0, 71.0], [113.0, 85.0], [38.0, 77.0]], ('Table 5037/1', 0.947451651096344)], [[[228.0, 60.0], [289.0, 55.0], [290.0, 70.0], [229.0, 75.0]], ('10/15/2017', 0.9983130693435669)], [[[38.0, 76.0], [97.0, 83.0], [96.0, 97.0], [37.0, 90.0]], ('Guests:1', 0.9597330093383789)], [[[246.0, 71.0], [292.0, 68.0], [293.0, 82.0], [246.0, 85.0]], ('7:48AM', 0.9174438118934631)], [[[36.0, 102.0], [114.0, 110.0], [112.0, 125.0], [34.0, 117.0]], ('Reprint #1', 0.9555374383926392)], [[[218.0, 98.0], [292.0, 93.0], [293.0, 107.0], [218.0, 112.0]], ('#30003', 0.99599289894104)], [[[32.0, 116.0], [150.0, 125.0], [149.0, 142.0], [31.0, 133.0]], ('Order Type: ORDER', 0.9181078672409058)], [[[32.0, 145.0], [74.0, 149.0], [73.0, 164.0], [30.0, 160.0]], ('Seat 1', 0.9110214710235596)], [[[28.0, 175.0], [103.0, 181.0], [102.0, 195.0], [28.0, 190.0]], ('No Beverage', 0.9552680850028992)], [[[273.0, 177.0], [302.0, 177.0], [302.0, 192.0], [273.0, 192.0]], ('0.00', 0.9971652030944824)], [[[25.0, 191.0], [192.0, 194.0], [192.0, 211.0], [25.0, 208.0]], ("Farmer's Biscuit Sandwich", 0.9454318881034851)], [[[275.0, 192.0], [304.0, 192.0], [304.0, 207.0], [275.0, 207.0]], ('9.49', 0.9949833154678345)], [[[107.0, 211.0], [160.0, 211.0], [160.0, 225.0], [107.0, 225.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.994675874710083)], [[[276.0, 207.0], [305.0, 207.0], [305.0, 222.0], [276.0, 222.0]], ('9.49', 0.9948282837867737)], [[[138.0, 225.0], [162.0, 228.0], [160.0, 243.0], [136.0, 240.0]], ('Tax', 0.9945695400238037)], [[[276.0, 222.0], [308.0, 224.0], [306.0, 240.0], [275.0, 238.0]], ('0.67', 0.9938669204711914)], [[[126.0, 242.0], [159.0, 242.0], [159.0, 257.0], [126.0, 257.0]], ('Total', 0.9935099482536316)], [[[274.0, 240.0], [309.0, 240.0], [309.0, 255.0], [274.0, 255.0]], ('10.16', 0.9949027895927429)], [[[16.0, 288.0], [137.0, 290.0], [137.0, 308.0], [15.0, 306.0]], ('Complete Subtotal', 0.9442877173423767)], [[[281.0, 289.0], [315.0, 289.0], [315.0, 307.0], [281.0, 307.0]], ('9.49', 0.9922361969947815)], [[[13.0, 324.0], [73.0, 324.0], [73.0, 343.0], [13.0, 343.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9919286370277405)], [[[285.0, 323.0], [317.0, 323.0], [317.0, 343.0], [285.0, 343.0]], ('9.49', 0.9899228811264038)], [[[13.0, 342.0], [39.0, 345.0], [37.0, 362.0], [11.0, 359.0]], ('Tax', 0.9944717288017273)], [[[286.0, 343.0], [319.0, 343.0], [319.0, 362.0], [286.0, 362.0]], ('0.67', 0.9941626787185669)], [[[10.0, 381.0], [48.0, 381.0], [48.0, 400.0], [10.0, 400.0]], ('Total', 0.989960789680481)], [[[282.0, 382.0], [322.0, 382.0], [322.0, 401.0], [282.0, 401.0]], ('10.16', 0.9931386709213257)], [[[5.0, 419.0], [114.0, 422.0], [114.0, 442.0], [5.0, 439.0]], ('Balance', 0.9873441457748413)], [[[123.0, 420.0], [172.0, 422.0], [171.0, 440.0], [122.0, 438.0]], ('Due', 0.995628833770752)], [[[250.0, 422.0], [323.0, 422.0], [323.0, 440.0], [250.0, 440.0]], ('10.16', 0.9976645708084106)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "1395MainStreet", "telephone": "", "date": "10/15/2017", "time": "7:48AM", "subtotal": "9.49 9.49 9.49", "tax": "0.67 0.67", "total": "10.16 10.16 10.16", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Farmer'sBiscuitSandwich", "item_value": "9.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NoBeverage", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[84.0, 41.0], [236.0, 41.0], [236.0, 54.0], [84.0, 54.0]], ('BRITE BUY WINES & SPIRITS', 0.9386814832687378)], [[[113.0, 56.0], [208.0, 56.0], [208.0, 70.0], [113.0, 70.0]], ('11 SIXTH AVENUE', 0.9026625752449036)], [[[47.0, 137.0], [279.0, 139.0], [279.0, 152.0], [47.0, 150.0]], ('04/10/0618:31RCT:286376RS-01DN1', 0.936492383480072)], [[[54.0, 168.0], [86.0, 168.0], [86.0, 179.0], [54.0, 179.0]], ('34241', 0.9915534257888794)], [[[109.0, 166.0], [214.0, 167.0], [214.0, 181.0], [108.0, 180.0]], ('BAILEYS LITRE **', 0.8781782984733582)], [[[58.0, 180.0], [99.0, 180.0], [99.0, 191.0], [58.0, 191.0]], ('27.99/', 0.9620457291603088)], [[[154.0, 180.0], [202.0, 180.0], [202.0, 194.0], [154.0, 194.0]], ('27.99', 0.9774774312973022)], [[[247.0, 180.0], [280.0, 180.0], [280.0, 195.0], [247.0, 195.0]], ('55.98', 0.9874833822250366)], [[[54.0, 190.0], [88.0, 190.0], [88.0, 204.0], [54.0, 204.0]], ('25309', 0.9953862428665161)], [[[108.0, 190.0], [190.0, 191.0], [190.0, 205.0], [107.0, 204.0]], ('STQLI.801.75', 0.8663449287414551)], [[[60.0, 206.0], [119.0, 206.0], [119.0, 217.0], [60.0, 217.0]], ('38.99/1', 0.9644979238510132)], [[[243.0, 202.0], [281.0, 202.0], [281.0, 220.0], [243.0, 220.0]], ('38.99', 0.9089872241020203)], [[[156.0, 233.0], [211.0, 235.0], [211.0, 250.0], [155.0, 248.0]], ('SUB TOTAL', 0.9404494762420654)], [[[155.0, 246.0], [214.0, 248.0], [214.0, 262.0], [154.0, 260.0]], ('SALES TAX', 0.9387356638908386)], [[[257.0, 248.0], [285.0, 248.0], [285.0, 263.0], [257.0, 263.0]], ('7.96', 0.9881451725959778)], [[[156.0, 262.0], [218.0, 262.0], [218.0, 276.0], [156.0, 276.0]], ('TOTAL SALE', 0.9362052083015442)], [[[247.0, 263.0], [285.0, 263.0], [285.0, 277.0], [247.0, 277.0]], ('182.93', 0.9163308143615723)], [[[155.0, 277.0], [184.0, 277.0], [184.0, 291.0], [155.0, 291.0]], ('CASH', 0.9969559907913208)], [[[246.0, 277.0], [285.0, 277.0], [285.0, 291.0], [246.0, 291.0]], ('105.00', 0.9524871706962585)], [[[156.0, 291.0], [194.0, 291.0], [194.0, 305.0], [156.0, 305.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9983095526695251)], [[[256.0, 291.0], [285.0, 291.0], [285.0, 305.0], [256.0, 305.0]], ('2.07', 0.9938671588897705)], [[[86.0, 311.0], [91.0, 311.0], [91.0, 317.0], [86.0, 317.0]], ('A', 0.6170582175254822)], [[[109.0, 308.0], [176.0, 308.0], [176.0, 319.0], [109.0, 319.0]], ('TOTAL UNITS', 0.9417038559913635)], [[[143.0, 321.0], [250.0, 321.0], [250.0, 335.0], [143.0, 335.0]], ('TOTAL RETURNS', 0.9504709243774414)], [[[48.0, 347.0], [75.0, 347.0], [75.0, 360.0], [48.0, 360.0]], ('ALAN', 0.704659640789032)], [[[96.0, 382.0], [232.0, 384.0], [232.0, 397.0], [96.0, 395.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING', 0.9378603100776672)], [[[88.0, 397.0], [244.0, 399.0], [244.0, 412.0], [88.0, 410.0]], ('BRITE BUY WINES & SPIRITS', 0.9213573336601257)]]
{"store_name": "BRITEBUYWINES&SPIRITS", "store_addr": "NEWYORK.NY10013 11SIXTHAVENUE", "telephone": "PHONE(212)226-4993FAX212226-5863", "date": "04/10/06", "time": "18:31", "subtotal": "94.97", "tax": "7.96", "total": "102.93", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "[email protected]", "item_value": "38.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BAILEYSLITRE", "item_value": "55.98", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[1160.0, 1296.0], [2121.0, 1276.0], [2126.0, 1499.0], [1164.0, 1519.0]], ('TAFIGET', 0.9128173589706421)], [[[1275.0, 1510.0], [2109.0, 1491.0], [2112.0, 1590.0], [1277.0, 1609.0]], ('EXPECT MORE.PAY LESS:', 0.8978094458580017)], [[[268.0, 1669.0], [1705.0, 1642.0], [1707.0, 1745.0], [270.0, 1772.0]], ('ENTERTAINMENT-ELECTRONICS', 0.993690550327301)], [[[1209.0, 1763.0], [1807.0, 1763.0], [1807.0, 1849.0], [1209.0, 1849.0]], ('T-MOBILE CE', 0.9301089644432068)], [[[2019.0, 1767.0], [2071.0, 1767.0], [2071.0, 1828.0], [2019.0, 1828.0]], ('I', 0.572354793548584)], [[[2282.0, 1763.0], [2568.0, 1763.0], [2568.0, 1858.0], [2282.0, 1858.0]], ('$9.99', 0.9985176920890808)], [[[281.0, 1781.0], [812.0, 1767.0], [814.0, 1857.0], [283.0, 1871.0]], ('080150031', 0.9980519413948059)], [[[1156.0, 1862.0], [2159.0, 1853.0], [2160.0, 1939.0], [1157.0, 1948.0]], ('#866865551027505631', 0.9963775277137756)], [[[1160.0, 1957.0], [2246.0, 1939.0], [2248.0, 2025.0], [1162.0, 2043.0]], ('ACTIVATION SUCCESSFUL', 0.9478815793991089)], [[[1165.0, 2052.0], [2105.0, 2024.0], [2107.0, 2115.0], [1167.0, 2142.0]], ('RETURN BY 01/24/15', 0.9398572444915771)], [[[1200.0, 2142.0], [1792.0, 2123.0], [1795.0, 2209.0], [1202.0, 2228.0]], ('T-MOBILE CE', 0.9170675873756409)], [[[1997.0, 2141.0], [2041.0, 2141.0], [2041.0, 2189.0], [1997.0, 2189.0]], ('T', 0.6942646503448486)], [[[2252.0, 2133.0], [2586.0, 2133.0], [2586.0, 2227.0], [2252.0, 2227.0]], ('$9.99', 0.995760440826416)], [[[315.0, 2156.0], [824.0, 2136.0], [828.0, 2239.0], [319.0, 2259.0]], ('080150031', 0.9978246688842773)], [[[1165.0, 2228.0], [2150.0, 2219.0], [2151.0, 2309.0], [1166.0, 2318.0]], ('#866865551027540836', 0.9969589114189148)], [[[1165.0, 2322.0], [2225.0, 2313.0], [2226.0, 2403.0], [1166.0, 2413.0]], ('ACTIVATICN SUCCESSFUL', 0.9644297361373901)], [[[1169.0, 2421.0], [2097.0, 2412.0], [2098.0, 2502.0], [1170.0, 2511.0]], ('RETURN BY 01/24/15', 0.940898597240448)], [[[2179.0, 2583.0], [2517.0, 2594.0], [2513.0, 2701.0], [2176.0, 2691.0]], ('$19.98', 0.9971367716789246)], [[[1635.0, 2607.0], [2024.0, 2592.0], [2029.0, 2695.0], [1639.0, 2710.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9963583946228027)], [[[2228.0, 2682.0], [2521.0, 2693.0], [2517.0, 2801.0], [2224.0, 2789.0]], ('$1.25', 0.9913309216499329)], [[[1722.0, 2706.0], [2046.0, 2690.0], [2051.0, 2785.0], [1727.0, 2801.0]], ('$19.98', 0.9938676357269287)], [[[448.0, 2722.0], [1674.0, 2700.0], [1676.0, 2803.0], [450.0, 2826.0]], ('T=MA TAX6.2500% on', 0.90457683801651)], [[[2175.0, 2781.0], [2521.0, 2792.0], [2518.0, 2895.0], [2171.0, 2884.0]], ('$21.23', 0.995877742767334)], [[[1788.0, 2800.0], [2040.0, 2785.0], [2047.0, 2884.0], [1794.0, 2900.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9983891248703003)], [[[2181.0, 2961.0], [2521.0, 2977.0], [2516.0, 3085.0], [2175.0, 3069.0]], ('$50.00', 0.9953417181968689)], [[[1424.0, 2998.0], [2047.0, 2974.0], [2051.0, 3078.0], [1428.0, 3102.0]], ('CASH PAYMENT', 0.9585160613059998)], [[[2181.0, 3060.0], [2517.0, 3076.0], [2512.0, 3183.0], [2175.0, 3168.0]], ('$28.77', 0.9971544742584229)], [[[1529.0, 3098.0], [2041.0, 3073.0], [2047.0, 3176.0], [1534.0, 3201.0]], ('CHANGE DUE', 0.9654198884963989)], [[[1009.0, 3343.0], [1995.0, 3270.0], [2004.0, 3382.0], [1017.0, 3455.0]], ('INDICATES SAVINGS', 0.9472187161445618)], [[[893.0, 3856.0], [2130.0, 3759.0], [2142.0, 3905.0], [905.0, 4003.0]], ('TOTAL SAVINGS THIS TRIP', 0.9685459733009338)], [[[1395.0, 3954.0], [1743.0, 3923.0], [1754.0, 4035.0], [1406.0, 4066.0]], ('$60.00', 0.9944288730621338)]]
{"store_name": "TARGET", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$19.98", "tax": "$1.25", "total": "$21.23", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "T-MOBILECE", "item_value": "$9.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "T-MOBILECE", "item_value": "$9.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[376.0, 116.0], [413.0, 116.0], [413.0, 130.0], [376.0, 130.0]], ('Taste', 0.8913175463676453)], [[[343.0, 156.0], [442.0, 156.0], [442.0, 169.0], [343.0, 169.0]], ('TASTE S.R.L.', 0.9407398104667664)], [[[319.0, 169.0], [467.0, 169.0], [467.0, 183.0], [319.0, 183.0]], ('VIA DELLA SPIGA 38', 0.9248117804527283)], [[[344.0, 183.0], [444.0, 183.0], [444.0, 196.0], [344.0, 196.0]], ('20121 MILANO', 0.9497807621955872)], [[[300.0, 220.0], [373.0, 220.0], [373.0, 231.0], [300.0, 231.0]], ('MOCACCINO', 0.9955739974975586)], [[[459.0, 218.0], [495.0, 218.0], [495.0, 233.0], [459.0, 233.0]], ('1.30', 0.9983441829681396)], [[[299.0, 232.0], [439.0, 232.0], [439.0, 245.0], [299.0, 245.0]], ('LATTE IN GHIACCIO', 0.9584027528762817)], [[[458.0, 232.0], [495.0, 232.0], [495.0, 247.0], [458.0, 247.0]], ('2.00', 0.9988019466400146)], [[[298.0, 244.0], [382.0, 245.0], [382.0, 259.0], [298.0, 258.0]], ('LIGHT LADY', 0.9661169052124023)], [[[458.0, 246.0], [494.0, 246.0], [494.0, 260.0], [458.0, 260.0]], ('3.00', 0.9956972002983093)], [[[299.0, 261.0], [398.0, 261.0], [398.0, 275.0], [299.0, 275.0]], ('COFFEE CRACK', 0.9567549228668213)], [[[460.0, 261.0], [495.0, 261.0], [495.0, 276.0], [460.0, 276.0]], ('1.30', 0.9972214698791504)], [[[300.0, 276.0], [366.0, 276.0], [366.0, 287.0], [300.0, 287.0]], ('FRUTTINO', 0.9915856122970581)], [[[458.0, 271.0], [494.0, 274.0], [493.0, 289.0], [457.0, 286.0]], ('2.00', 0.9977788925170898)], [[[299.0, 288.0], [422.0, 288.0], [422.0, 302.0], [299.0, 302.0]], ('PASS. CARAMELLO', 0.9525964260101318)], [[[458.0, 288.0], [494.0, 288.0], [494.0, 302.0], [458.0, 302.0]], ('3.00', 0.9990970492362976)], [[[299.0, 303.0], [390.0, 303.0], [390.0, 316.0], [299.0, 316.0]], ('MUFFIN LOVE', 0.970098078250885)], [[[459.0, 302.0], [495.0, 302.0], [495.0, 316.0], [459.0, 316.0]], ('3.00', 0.9978863596916199)], [[[299.0, 316.0], [374.0, 316.0], [374.0, 330.0], [299.0, 330.0]], ('APPLE PIE', 0.965347409248352)], [[[459.0, 316.0], [495.0, 316.0], [495.0, 330.0], [459.0, 330.0]], ('2.50', 0.9988139271736145)], [[[300.0, 361.0], [365.0, 361.0], [365.0, 379.0], [300.0, 379.0]], ('TOTALE', 0.9983916878700256)], [[[437.0, 359.0], [496.0, 359.0], [496.0, 381.0], [437.0, 381.0]], ('18.10', 0.9987037777900696)], [[[300.0, 382.0], [360.0, 382.0], [360.0, 396.0], [300.0, 396.0]], ('CONTANTI', 0.9457916021347046)], [[[454.0, 381.0], [487.0, 381.0], [487.0, 396.0], [454.0, 396.0]], ('7.00', 0.9972371459007263)], [[[300.0, 395.0], [339.0, 395.0], [339.0, 409.0], [300.0, 409.0]], ('RESTO', 0.9977967143058777)], [[[453.0, 396.0], [486.0, 394.0], [487.0, 409.0], [454.0, 411.0]], ('0.70', 0.9960875511169434)], [[[299.0, 407.0], [362.0, 407.0], [362.0, 421.0], [299.0, 421.0]], ('30-08-10', 0.993600606918335)], [[[366.0, 406.0], [444.0, 406.0], [444.0, 419.0], [366.0, 419.0]], ('12.17SF.', 0.9225919246673584)], [[[469.0, 407.0], [487.0, 407.0], [487.0, 419.0], [469.0, 419.0]], ('35', 0.9984514117240906)], [[[343.0, 419.0], [360.0, 419.0], [360.0, 431.0], [343.0, 431.0]], ('It', 0.8579100966453552)], [[[370.0, 417.0], [454.0, 418.0], [453.0, 432.0], [370.0, 431.0]], ('RR55096599', 0.9945470690727234)], [[[355.0, 460.0], [439.0, 464.0], [438.0, 481.0], [354.0, 477.0]], ('The secretto', 0.9710900187492371)], [[[339.0, 476.0], [453.0, 476.0], [453.0, 490.0], [339.0, 490.0]], ('making life betfer.', 0.9486603736877441)], [[[376.0, 486.0], [414.0, 489.0], [413.0, 504.0], [375.0, 501.0]], ('Taste.', 0.9870683550834656)]]
{"store_name": "TASTES.R.L. Taste.", "store_addr": "VIADELLASPIGA38 20121MILANO", "telephone": "", "date": "30-08-10", "time": "12.17SF.", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "18.10", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MOCACCINO", "item_value": "1.30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LATTEINGHIACCIO", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LIGHTLADY", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COFFEECRACK", "item_value": "1.30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRUTTINO", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PASS.CARAMELLO", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MUFFINLOVE", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "APPLEPIE", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[131.0, 10.0], [256.0, 7.0], [256.0, 24.0], [132.0, 27.0]], ('TABLE:D3', 0.9517415165901184)], [[[37.0, 27.0], [80.0, 27.0], [80.0, 45.0], [37.0, 45.0]], ('Pax:2', 0.892194390296936)], [[[143.0, 26.0], [172.0, 26.0], [172.0, 42.0], [143.0, 42.0]], ('OP:', 0.8570647239685059)], [[[255.0, 24.0], [314.0, 23.0], [315.0, 38.0], [255.0, 39.0]], ('Oktavia', 0.9928833246231079)], [[[35.0, 42.0], [161.0, 39.0], [162.0, 56.0], [35.0, 59.0]], ('POS Title:Order1', 0.9337254166603088)], [[[269.0, 37.0], [355.0, 35.0], [356.0, 52.0], [269.0, 54.0]], ('POS:P0S026', 0.9039448499679565)], [[[33.0, 58.0], [176.0, 53.0], [177.0, 70.0], [34.0, 76.0]], ('Rcpt#H18000004614', 0.9904919862747192)], [[[242.0, 53.0], [372.0, 53.0], [372.0, 67.0], [242.0, 67.0]], ('14/06/201811:25', 0.982229471206665)], [[[45.0, 85.0], [175.0, 83.0], [175.0, 99.0], [45.0, 102.0]], ('2Premium Buffet', 0.9733090996742249)], [[[314.0, 79.0], [376.0, 79.0], [376.0, 97.0], [314.0, 97.0]], ('796,000', 0.9474363923072815)], [[[58.0, 114.0], [124.0, 114.0], [124.0, 131.0], [58.0, 131.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9957180619239807)], [[[315.0, 109.0], [377.0, 109.0], [377.0, 128.0], [315.0, 128.0]], ('796,000', 0.956367552280426)], [[[55.0, 144.0], [122.0, 144.0], [122.0, 162.0], [55.0, 162.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9968594312667847)], [[[316.0, 142.0], [379.0, 142.0], [379.0, 159.0], [316.0, 159.0]], ('796,000', 0.9589620232582092)], [[[53.0, 159.0], [101.0, 159.0], [101.0, 178.0], [53.0, 178.0]], ('SC6%', 0.9944677352905273)], [[[323.0, 158.0], [379.0, 158.0], [379.0, 176.0], [323.0, 176.0]], ('47,760', 0.9152586460113525)], [[[51.0, 176.0], [115.0, 176.0], [115.0, 194.0], [51.0, 194.0]], ('PB110%', 0.9733087420463562)], [[[324.0, 174.0], [381.0, 174.0], [381.0, 192.0], [324.0, 192.0]], ('84,376', 0.9239076972007751)], [[[52.0, 208.0], [132.0, 208.0], [132.0, 225.0], [52.0, 225.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9976809620857239)], [[[239.0, 206.0], [364.0, 206.0], [364.0, 226.0], [239.0, 226.0]], ('928,136', 0.97246915102005)], [[[107.0, 242.0], [283.0, 242.0], [283.0, 259.0], [107.0, 259.0]], ('ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA', 0.9723453521728516)], [[[115.0, 361.0], [273.0, 366.0], [273.0, 383.0], [114.0, 379.0]], ('PreSettlement Bi1l', 0.9123227000236511)], [[[109.0, 378.0], [284.0, 382.0], [284.0, 399.0], [108.0, 395.0]], ('ARIGATO GOZAIMASHITA', 0.9790635108947754)], [[[109.0, 393.0], [292.0, 398.0], [292.0, 415.0], [108.0, 410.0]], ('HANYA UNTUK PENAGIHAN', 0.9495726227760315)], [[[104.0, 407.0], [292.0, 414.0], [292.0, 428.0], [103.0, 421.0]], ('BUKAN BUKTI PEMBAYARAN', 0.9571829438209534)], [[[132.0, 421.0], [268.0, 427.0], [268.0, 440.0], [131.0, 434.0]], ('14/06/2018 12:53', 0.9541857242584229)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "14/06/2018 14/06/2018", "time": "12:53", "subtotal": "796,000 796,000", "tax": "84,376", "total": "928,136", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PremiumBuffet", "item_value": "796,000", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[269.0, 68.0], [658.0, 62.0], [658.0, 88.0], [269.0, 94.0]], ('GOLDILOCKS BAKESHOPINC', 0.9740726351737976)], [[[266.0, 105.0], [662.0, 99.0], [663.0, 125.0], [267.0, 131.0]], ('GOLDILOCKS BAKESHOPINC', 0.9433835744857788)], [[[233.0, 142.0], [692.0, 136.0], [692.0, 162.0], [233.0, 168.0]], ('VATREGTIN:000-054-207-106', 0.8907915353775024)], [[[280.0, 178.0], [647.0, 173.0], [647.0, 200.0], [280.0, 205.0]], ('SM MALL CF ASIA BRANCH', 0.9130592346191406)], [[[212.0, 217.0], [728.0, 209.0], [728.0, 236.0], [213.0, 244.0]], ('SM MALL. OF ASIA UNIT 1O3 SM CBF', 0.8837214708328247)], [[[395.0, 251.0], [535.0, 248.0], [536.0, 279.0], [395.0, 281.0]], ('BAY BLUD', 0.9191442728042603)], [[[277.0, 294.0], [615.0, 289.0], [615.0, 316.0], [277.0, 321.0]], ('BAY BLUD.PASAY CITY', 0.8929283618927002)], [[[191.0, 337.0], [756.0, 325.0], [756.0, 352.0], [192.0, 364.0]], ('BIR Permit #:0912-116-134726-106', 0.9117246866226196)], [[[188.0, 377.0], [757.0, 363.0], [757.0, 392.0], [188.0, 406.0]], ('ACCR.#116-000054207-000167-5,2681', 0.938518226146698)], [[[272.0, 458.0], [660.0, 450.0], [661.0, 480.0], [273.0, 488.0]], ('FOS #3/SNKSB6913', 0.8648859262466431)], [[[397.0, 539.0], [540.0, 535.0], [541.0, 571.0], [398.0, 575.0]], ('TAKE-OUT', 0.9533646106719971)], [[[114.0, 685.0], [676.0, 671.0], [676.0, 705.0], [115.0, 719.0]], ('3156420SPL BREAD-APPLE RAIN', 0.9015201926231384)], [[[732.0, 715.0], [834.0, 712.0], [835.0, 752.0], [733.0, 755.0]], ('50.00', 0.9976768493652344)], [[[189.0, 733.0], [432.0, 725.0], [433.0, 759.0], [190.0, 766.0]], ('[email protected]', 0.8728777170181274)], [[[110.0, 783.0], [798.0, 765.0], [799.0, 798.0], [111.0, 817.0]], ('3560305 CAKE ROLL SLICE-DOUBLE DUTCH', 0.9153203964233398)], [[[745.0, 812.0], [844.0, 812.0], [844.0, 853.0], [745.0, 853.0]], ('46.00', 0.9964898824691772)], [[[185.0, 832.0], [432.0, 823.0], [434.0, 858.0], [186.0, 867.0]], ('1pCs46.00', 0.8649567365646362)], [[[103.0, 885.0], [806.0, 866.0], [807.0, 900.0], [104.0, 918.0]], ('3560305 CAKE ROLL SLICE-DOUBLE DUICH', 0.9137649536132812)], [[[750.0, 917.0], [853.0, 914.0], [854.0, 956.0], [751.0, 959.0]], ('46.00', 0.9947049021720886)], [[[180.0, 934.0], [432.0, 927.0], [433.0, 965.0], [181.0, 972.0]], ('1pcs 46.0C', 0.8341516256332397)], [[[757.0, 970.0], [860.0, 970.0], [860.0, 1011.0], [757.0, 1011.0]], ('46.00', 0.9966253042221069)], [[[172.0, 987.0], [466.0, 981.0], [467.0, 1019.0], [173.0, 1025.0]], ('DISC (ITEMFREE)', 0.9055063128471375)]]
{"store_name": "GOLDILOCKSBAKESHOP,INC. GOLDILOCKSBAKESHOP,INC.", "store_addr": "SMMALLCFASIABRANCH SMMALLOFASIAUNIT103SMCBP BAYBLVD BAYBLVD.PASAYCITY", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CAKEROLLSLICE-DOUBLEDUTCH", "item_value": "50.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CAKEROLLSLICE-DOUBLEDUTCH", "item_value": "46.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "46.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[112.0, 37.0], [281.0, 32.0], [282.0, 53.0], [113.0, 58.0]], ('RESTORAN', 0.9975062608718872)], [[[121.0, 60.0], [267.0, 55.0], [268.0, 75.0], [122.0, 79.0]], ('WEI KEE', 0.9301419854164124)], [[[89.0, 82.0], [274.0, 78.0], [275.0, 98.0], [90.0, 102.0]], ('50.LORONG YAP HIN,', 0.9142032265663147)], [[[88.0, 103.0], [285.0, 103.0], [285.0, 122.0], [88.0, 122.0]], ('OFF JLN PASAR PUDU,', 0.900365948677063)], [[[128.0, 133.0], [225.0, 133.0], [225.0, 153.0], [128.0, 153.0]], ('55100K.L', 0.9321492910385132)], [[[106.0, 155.0], [270.0, 155.0], [270.0, 176.0], [106.0, 176.0]], ('TEL:03-92218482', 0.9713214635848999)], [[[57.0, 197.0], [237.0, 197.0], [237.0, 217.0], [57.0, 217.0]], ('21/05/200911:25', 0.9851119518280029)], [[[301.0, 197.0], [328.0, 197.0], [328.0, 219.0], [301.0, 219.0]], ('01', 0.9932274222373962)], [[[54.0, 218.0], [280.0, 220.0], [280.0, 240.0], [53.0, 238.0]], ('000000#8442 CLERK 01', 0.9472643733024597)], [[[44.0, 259.0], [98.0, 262.0], [97.0, 287.0], [43.0, 285.0]], ('DUCK', 0.9959930777549744)], [[[199.0, 266.0], [230.0, 266.0], [230.0, 289.0], [199.0, 289.0]], ('RM', 0.9951736330986023)], [[[245.0, 266.0], [309.0, 266.0], [309.0, 290.0], [245.0, 290.0]], ('15.00', 0.9950817227363586)], [[[40.0, 285.0], [95.0, 285.0], [95.0, 311.0], [40.0, 311.0]], ('RICE', 0.9986888766288757)], [[[209.0, 290.0], [240.0, 290.0], [240.0, 314.0], [209.0, 314.0]], ('RM', 0.9960514307022095)], [[[247.0, 291.0], [310.0, 291.0], [310.0, 315.0], [247.0, 315.0]], ('1.60', 0.9937087893486023)], [[[39.0, 310.0], [115.0, 313.0], [115.0, 338.0], [38.0, 336.0]], ('DRINKS', 0.9968697428703308)], [[[210.0, 316.0], [238.0, 316.0], [238.0, 338.0], [210.0, 338.0]], ('RM', 0.9944193363189697)], [[[255.0, 314.0], [311.0, 317.0], [310.0, 342.0], [254.0, 339.0]], ('3.00', 0.9968726634979248)], [[[34.0, 367.0], [100.0, 367.0], [100.0, 396.0], [34.0, 396.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9971513748168945)], [[[181.0, 368.0], [214.0, 368.0], [214.0, 398.0], [181.0, 398.0]], ('3Q', 0.9971792697906494)], [[[34.0, 397.0], [136.0, 397.0], [136.0, 426.0], [34.0, 426.0]], ('CASH', 0.9961037635803223)], [[[79.0, 428.0], [137.0, 428.0], [137.0, 458.0], [79.0, 458.0]], ('RM', 0.9969057440757751)], [[[187.0, 429.0], [312.0, 431.0], [311.0, 459.0], [186.0, 457.0]], ('19.60', 0.9937244653701782)]]
{"store_name": "WEIKEE RESTORAN", "store_addr": "55100K.L 50,LORONGYAPHIN,", "telephone": "03-92218482", "date": "21/05/2009", "time": "11:25", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "DRINKS", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RICE", "item_value": "1.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DUCK", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[140.0, 35.0], [198.0, 35.0], [198.0, 46.0], [140.0, 46.0]], ('Kespfinsk1 Hote', 0.8285598754882812)], [[[151.0, 44.0], [187.0, 44.0], [187.0, 54.0], [151.0, 54.0]], ('Frarkfurt', 0.9392054080963135)], [[[98.0, 80.0], [154.0, 80.0], [154.0, 90.0], [98.0, 90.0]], ('11000115.Hr.8ar', 0.9130316972732544)], [[[156.0, 71.0], [183.0, 71.0], [183.0, 81.0], [156.0, 81.0]], ('LEVANTE', 0.9788710474967957)], [[[97.0, 98.0], [129.0, 98.0], [129.0, 109.0], [97.0, 109.0]], ('CH2353', 0.8906989097595215)], [[[140.0, 106.0], [198.0, 106.0], [198.0, 118.0], [140.0, 118.0]], ('31JUL171751', 0.9481073021888733)], [[[215.0, 97.0], [246.0, 97.0], [246.0, 108.0], [215.0, 108.0]], ('TBL26/1', 0.946053683757782)], [[[99.0, 124.0], [140.0, 127.0], [140.0, 138.0], [99.0, 135.0]], ('1 CousCous', 0.8469764590263367)], [[[214.0, 121.0], [237.0, 124.0], [235.0, 136.0], [213.0, 133.0]], ('11.00', 0.8893267512321472)], [[[99.0, 135.0], [164.0, 135.0], [164.0, 146.0], [99.0, 146.0]], ('1 Schorbet Samak', 0.9224196076393127)], [[[214.0, 131.0], [237.0, 134.0], [235.0, 145.0], [213.0, 142.0]], ('11.00', 0.917491614818573)], [[[97.0, 143.0], [181.0, 143.0], [181.0, 156.0], [97.0, 156.0]], ('2Tagine p.P.25.50', 0.8761746883392334)], [[[99.0, 151.0], [138.0, 154.0], [137.0, 164.0], [99.0, 162.0]], ('1 Fruchte', 0.8861353397369385)], [[[213.0, 143.0], [237.0, 143.0], [237.0, 155.0], [213.0, 155.0]], ('51.00', 0.9057334661483765)], [[[97.0, 160.0], [188.0, 159.0], [188.0, 173.0], [97.0, 174.0]], ('1 Selters classc 0,251', 0.7761275768280029)], [[[215.0, 151.0], [237.0, 151.0], [237.0, 163.0], [215.0, 163.0]], ('008', 0.8462889790534973)], [[[217.0, 160.0], [237.0, 160.0], [237.0, 172.0], [217.0, 172.0]], ('4,50', 0.8776662945747375)], [[[97.0, 179.0], [221.0, 179.0], [221.0, 192.0], [97.0, 192.0]], ('2 Bodegas Taron Rioja blanc 0.1', 0.9039073586463928)], [[[98.0, 170.0], [198.0, 169.0], [198.0, 182.0], [98.0, 183.0]], ('2 Ear of Flors 12.00', 0.8206092119216919)], [[[214.0, 170.0], [236.0, 170.0], [236.0, 181.0], [214.0, 181.0]], ('24,00', 0.9139776229858398)], [[[107.0, 190.0], [133.0, 190.0], [133.0, 200.0], [107.0, 200.0]], ('6,00', 0.8742400407791138)], [[[215.0, 188.0], [237.0, 188.0], [237.0, 199.0], [215.0, 199.0]], ('12,00', 0.9200334548950195)], [[[106.0, 208.0], [158.0, 208.0], [158.0, 218.0], [106.0, 218.0]], ('Zuischensuene', 0.8579267263412476)], [[[194.0, 216.0], [248.0, 216.0], [248.0, 227.0], [194.0, 227.0]], ('121,50', 0.9339010119438171)], [[[205.0, 207.0], [238.0, 207.0], [238.0, 218.0], [205.0, 218.0]], ('121,50', 0.9143645167350769)], [[[97.0, 217.0], [166.0, 217.0], [166.0, 227.0], [97.0, 227.0]], ('zu zahlen', 0.9243834018707275)], [[[97.0, 243.0], [242.0, 243.0], [242.0, 256.0], [97.0, 256.0]], ('Graf zu Ysenburg und Budingen Platz 1', 0.9204673767089844)], [[[121.0, 235.0], [220.0, 235.0], [220.0, 245.0], [121.0, 245.0]], ('Kempinski Hote Frankfurt.', 0.8744021654129028)], [[[107.0, 251.0], [234.0, 253.0], [234.0, 266.0], [107.0, 264.0]], ('0-63263 Frankfurt/Neu-Isenburg', 0.9021471738815308)], [[[120.0, 270.0], [219.0, 271.0], [219.0, 284.0], [120.0, 283.0]], ('Telefax+49 69 389 88-900', 0.8567419052124023)], [[[121.0, 262.0], [217.0, 262.0], [217.0, 275.0], [121.0, 275.0]], ('Telefon +49 69 389 88-0', 0.8847987055778503)], [[[116.0, 281.0], [223.0, 281.0], [223.0, 294.0], [116.0, 294.0]], ('www.kempinsk1.con/frankfurt', 0.8801717162132263)], [[[126.0, 289.0], [215.0, 291.0], [215.0, 304.0], [126.0, 302.0]], ('USt.ID.DE012 960 982', 0.8439037203788757)], [[[93.0, 340.0], [163.0, 340.0], [163.0, 351.0], [93.0, 351.0]], ('Z1mer/Roc Nr', 0.6913171410560608)], [[[142.0, 372.0], [212.0, 372.0], [212.0, 393.0], [142.0, 393.0]], ('P850', 0.8915813565254211)], [[[92.0, 428.0], [182.0, 430.0], [181.0, 443.0], [92.0, 441.0]], ('Gast Nane /Guest Nate', 0.7967358827590942)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "LEVANTE", "telephone": "+496938988-900 +496938988-0", "date": "31JUL'17", "time": "17:51", "subtotal": "122,50\u20ac", "tax": "", "total": "121,50\u20ac", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BodegasTaronRiojablanc0.1", "item_value": "11,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Taginep.P.@25,50", "item_value": "11,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SchorbetSamak", "item_value": "51,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CousCous", "item_value": "8,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "4,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "24,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "12,00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[173.0, 54.0], [577.0, 84.0], [573.0, 130.0], [169.0, 100.0]], ('Clean & Green Car Wash', 0.9530675411224365)], [[[172.0, 100.0], [591.0, 129.0], [588.0, 175.0], [169.0, 146.0]], ('355 Boston Post Rd West', 0.9446693062782288)], [[[229.0, 157.0], [535.0, 174.0], [533.0, 213.0], [226.0, 196.0]], ('Mar1boro MA 01752', 0.9244340062141418)], [[[264.0, 207.0], [479.0, 216.0], [477.0, 253.0], [263.0, 243.0]], ('508.481.0788', 0.9884493350982666)], [[[95.0, 289.0], [353.0, 302.0], [351.0, 337.0], [93.0, 324.0]], ('04/06/2015 Mon', 0.9690831899642944)], [[[513.0, 304.0], [657.0, 309.0], [655.0, 345.0], [512.0, 340.0]], ('12:12PM', 0.9677485227584839)], [[[96.0, 335.0], [350.0, 345.0], [348.0, 379.0], [94.0, 368.0]], ('GREETER:Chuck', 0.9559510946273804)], [[[460.0, 348.0], [652.0, 353.0], [651.0, 387.0], [459.0, 381.0]], ('CTN:665660', 0.9525002241134644)], [[[95.0, 381.0], [473.0, 394.0], [472.0, 426.0], [93.0, 413.0]], ('Cash RegisterServer)', 0.9719315767288208)], [[[188.0, 429.0], [561.0, 438.0], [560.0, 470.0], [187.0, 461.0]], ('[ DUPLICATE RECEIPT1', 0.9193863868713379)], [[[90.0, 471.0], [312.0, 475.0], [312.0, 511.0], [89.0, 506.0]], ('Premier Wash', 0.9688742756843567)], [[[545.0, 479.0], [635.0, 479.0], [635.0, 518.0], [545.0, 518.0]], ('14.00', 0.9975141286849976)], [[[90.0, 516.0], [362.0, 521.0], [362.0, 557.0], [89.0, 553.0]], ('Express Specia1', 0.9525501132011414)], [[[543.0, 522.0], [633.0, 524.0], [632.0, 563.0], [542.0, 560.0]], ('40.00', 0.996137261390686)], [[[89.0, 561.0], [398.0, 569.0], [397.0, 601.0], [88.0, 594.0]], ('Un1imted discount', 0.9497362971305847)], [[[540.0, 564.0], [630.0, 567.0], [629.0, 604.0], [539.0, 602.0]], ('-5.00', 0.9862324595451355)], [[[84.0, 604.0], [164.0, 604.0], [164.0, 644.0], [84.0, 644.0]], ('CLUB', 0.9973145723342896)], [[[525.0, 610.0], [625.0, 610.0], [625.0, 645.0], [525.0, 645.0]], ('-14.00', 0.9764891266822815)], [[[83.0, 694.0], [249.0, 696.0], [249.0, 732.0], [83.0, 730.0]], ('SUB TOTAL', 0.957915186882019)], [[[532.0, 693.0], [621.0, 690.0], [623.0, 729.0], [534.0, 732.0]], ('35.00', 0.9975833892822266)], [[[81.0, 738.0], [143.0, 738.0], [143.0, 779.0], [81.0, 779.0]], ('TAX', 0.9981606602668762)], [[[547.0, 735.0], [620.0, 732.0], [622.0, 771.0], [549.0, 774.0]], ('0.00', 0.9474756717681885)], [[[82.0, 825.0], [176.0, 823.0], [177.0, 861.0], [83.0, 864.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985982775688171)], [[[527.0, 817.0], [618.0, 817.0], [618.0, 854.0], [527.0, 854.0]], ('35.00', 0.9932830929756165)], [[[521.0, 893.0], [606.0, 890.0], [608.0, 926.0], [522.0, 928.0]], ('35.00', 0.9952807426452637)], [[[87.0, 907.0], [350.0, 900.0], [351.0, 932.0], [88.0, 939.0]], ('AMOUNT TENDERED', 0.9706124663352966)], [[[536.0, 932.0], [606.0, 932.0], [606.0, 969.0], [536.0, 969.0]], ('0.00', 0.9924566149711609)], [[[84.0, 947.0], [195.0, 943.0], [196.0, 980.0], [85.0, 984.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9980422854423523)]]
{"store_name": "Clean&GreenCarWash", "store_addr": "355BostonPostRdWest MarboroMA01752", "telephone": "508.481.0788", "date": "04/06/2015Mon", "time": "12:12PM", "subtotal": "35.00", "tax": "0.00", "total": "35.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PremierWash", "item_value": "14.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ExpressSpecial", "item_value": "40.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[93.0, 21.0], [161.0, 20.0], [161.0, 35.0], [93.0, 37.0]], ('WELCOME', 0.9966416358947754)], [[[39.0, 49.0], [188.0, 48.0], [188.0, 62.0], [39.0, 64.0]], ('800000169009-001', 0.9856380224227905)], [[[40.0, 62.0], [189.0, 62.0], [189.0, 77.0], [40.0, 77.0]], ('ROYALFARMS #020', 0.965969979763031)], [[[39.0, 75.0], [201.0, 73.0], [201.0, 91.0], [39.0, 93.0]], ('1119WEST 41STST', 0.9592201709747314)], [[[40.0, 91.0], [126.0, 91.0], [126.0, 105.0], [40.0, 105.0]], ('BALTIMORE', 0.9969714283943176)], [[[182.0, 91.0], [207.0, 87.0], [209.0, 101.0], [184.0, 106.0]], ('MD', 0.9824842214584351)], [[[38.0, 104.0], [218.0, 100.0], [218.0, 118.0], [38.0, 122.0]], ('21211410-366-7391', 0.9899341464042664)], [[[39.0, 131.0], [80.0, 131.0], [80.0, 146.0], [39.0, 146.0]], ('VISA', 0.9724623560905457)], [[[27.0, 145.0], [171.0, 145.0], [171.0, 159.0], [27.0, 159.0]], ('AUTH132864', 0.9382433891296387)], [[[94.0, 159.0], [175.0, 159.0], [175.0, 173.0], [94.0, 173.0]], ('/DAUIDM', 0.9539801478385925)], [[[41.0, 172.0], [221.0, 170.0], [221.0, 186.0], [41.0, 189.0]], ('SEQ#0094EXP*/*', 0.8489750027656555)], [[[42.0, 186.0], [166.0, 186.0], [166.0, 201.0], [42.0, 201.0]], ('DATE08/01/08', 0.977196991443634)], [[[160.0, 184.0], [227.0, 184.0], [227.0, 199.0], [160.0, 199.0]], ('08:25', 0.9196168780326843)], [[[41.0, 241.0], [155.0, 241.0], [155.0, 255.0], [41.0, 255.0]], ('PUMP#07G', 0.9700740575790405)], [[[42.0, 255.0], [154.0, 255.0], [154.0, 269.0], [42.0, 269.0]], ('PRODUCT:UNLD', 0.9454765319824219)], [[[42.0, 269.0], [115.0, 269.0], [115.0, 283.0], [42.0, 283.0]], ('JOLUME:', 0.8676595091819763)], [[[143.0, 268.0], [201.0, 268.0], [201.0, 282.0], [143.0, 282.0]], ('0.916G', 0.9235549569129944)], [[[42.0, 282.0], [191.0, 280.0], [191.0, 295.0], [42.0, 297.0]], ('PRICE/G$3.899', 0.9745258688926697)], [[[42.0, 296.0], [137.0, 296.0], [137.0, 309.0], [42.0, 309.0]], ('FUEL SALE:', 0.9135883450508118)], [[[159.0, 295.0], [189.0, 295.0], [189.0, 309.0], [159.0, 309.0]], ('$', 0.911095380783081)], [[[182.0, 295.0], [229.0, 292.0], [230.0, 307.0], [183.0, 310.0]], ('3.57', 0.9972188472747803)], [[[88.0, 321.0], [177.0, 321.0], [177.0, 339.0], [88.0, 339.0]], ('THAK YOU', 0.920539379119873)], [[[58.0, 335.0], [202.0, 333.0], [202.0, 351.0], [58.0, 353.0]], ('HAVE A DAY', 0.8761036992073059)]]
{"store_name": "ROYALFARMS#220", "store_addr": "1119WEST41STST BALTIMORE MD 21211,", "telephone": "410-366-7391", "date": "08/01/08", "time": "08:25", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "FUELSALE:$3.57", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PRODUCT:UNLD", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[243.0, 1.0], [369.0, 1.0], [369.0, 16.0], [243.0, 16.0]], ('21103-770', 0.5988691449165344)], [[[272.0, 29.0], [380.0, 26.0], [381.0, 59.0], [273.0, 62.0]], ('Tb1 #15', 0.9206864237785339)], [[[162.0, 62.0], [247.0, 59.0], [248.0, 90.0], [163.0, 93.0]], ('Ord #231-2', 0.7920563220977783)], [[[299.0, 60.0], [361.0, 57.0], [362.0, 89.0], [300.0, 92.0]], ('Dine In', 0.9618050456047058)], [[[168.0, 107.0], [271.0, 107.0], [271.0, 126.0], [168.0, 126.0]], ('AyssaH', 0.9405811429023743)], [[[351.0, 101.0], [493.0, 99.0], [494.0, 118.0], [351.0, 121.0]], ('05/091555', 0.8545414209365845)], [[[461.0, 135.0], [498.0, 135.0], [498.0, 156.0], [461.0, 156.0]], ('2.45', 0.83503258228302)], [[[41.0, 151.0], [50.0, 143.0], [60.0, 153.0], [51.0, 161.0]], ('6', 0.5577393770217896)], [[[166.0, 145.0], [277.0, 142.0], [278.0, 160.0], [166.0, 163.0]], ('1Fontain.Fon', 0.7706711292266846)], [[[165.0, 163.0], [277.0, 161.0], [278.0, 179.0], [165.0, 181.0]], ('Fontain Pop', 0.882375955581665)], [[[463.0, 154.0], [499.0, 154.0], [499.0, 174.0], [463.0, 174.0]], ('7.49', 0.7451967597007751)], [[[165.0, 181.0], [279.0, 181.0], [279.0, 199.0], [165.0, 199.0]], ('1 Fotain Pop', 0.8505737781524658)], [[[464.0, 173.0], [502.0, 173.0], [502.0, 192.0], [464.0, 192.0]], ('2.43', 0.7968432903289795)], [[[465.0, 190.0], [502.0, 190.0], [502.0, 210.0], [465.0, 210.0]], ('2.49', 0.9153350591659546)], [[[165.0, 202.0], [279.0, 198.0], [280.0, 216.0], [165.0, 220.0]], ('LFountain Pon', 0.789927065372467)], [[[466.0, 209.0], [503.0, 209.0], [503.0, 229.0], [466.0, 229.0]], ('6.95', 0.9101855754852295)], [[[178.0, 219.0], [304.0, 216.0], [304.0, 235.0], [178.0, 237.0]], ('ole Pizza Sub', 0.8902462720870972)], [[[468.0, 227.0], [505.0, 227.0], [505.0, 249.0], [468.0, 249.0]], ('4.99', 0.9632166624069214)], [[[165.0, 237.0], [313.0, 235.0], [313.0, 254.0], [165.0, 256.0]], ('1 Sma Chef Salad', 0.8693830966949463)], [[[188.0, 258.0], [220.0, 258.0], [220.0, 275.0], [188.0, 275.0]], ('Han', 0.746006190776825)], [[[188.0, 275.0], [234.0, 275.0], [234.0, 294.0], [188.0, 294.0]], ('Ranch', 0.9938610196113586)], [[[181.0, 294.0], [376.0, 289.0], [377.0, 308.0], [181.0, 314.0]], ('hole Haa and Cheesr Sub', 0.8169888854026794)], [[[471.0, 285.0], [511.0, 285.0], [511.0, 305.0], [471.0, 305.0]], ("65'9", 0.7702620029449463)], [[[469.0, 305.0], [512.0, 305.0], [512.0, 324.0], [469.0, 324.0]], ('10.29', 0.9903082847595215)], [[[180.0, 315.0], [371.0, 310.0], [371.0, 328.0], [180.0, 333.0]], ('10 Thin Hawaiian Pizza', 0.887607753276825)], [[[476.0, 324.0], [514.0, 324.0], [514.0, 345.0], [476.0, 345.0]], ('8.99', 0.9977004528045654)], [[[166.0, 335.0], [364.0, 331.0], [364.0, 349.0], [166.0, 353.0]], ('1.10pc Traditiona1 Wings', 0.8832402229309082)], [[[188.0, 354.0], [332.0, 351.0], [332.0, 370.0], [189.0, 373.0]], ('Hot Buffa lo Sauce', 0.9135758876800537)], [[[189.0, 375.0], [308.0, 372.0], [309.0, 390.0], [190.0, 393.0]], ('Ranch Dressing', 0.97295743227005)], [[[479.0, 383.0], [519.0, 380.0], [521.0, 402.0], [481.0, 405.0]], ("56'9", 0.799631655216217)], [[[166.0, 395.0], [325.0, 388.0], [326.0, 410.0], [167.0, 417.0]], ('1nole Italian Sub', 0.8302097320556641)], [[[186.0, 416.0], [287.0, 416.0], [287.0, 450.0], [186.0, 450.0]], ('Horld peace', 0.9184318780899048)], [[[343.0, 482.0], [414.0, 482.0], [414.0, 505.0], [343.0, 505.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9746171236038208)], [[[481.0, 476.0], [530.0, 476.0], [530.0, 499.0], [481.0, 499.0]], ('55.20', 0.9961003065109253)], [[[385.0, 503.0], [418.0, 503.0], [418.0, 525.0], [385.0, 525.0]], ('Tax', 0.9912908673286438)], [[[489.0, 499.0], [532.0, 499.0], [532.0, 518.0], [489.0, 518.0]], ('4.00', 0.9956550598144531)], [[[371.0, 524.0], [417.0, 524.0], [417.0, 547.0], [371.0, 547.0]], ('Total', 0.9334297180175781)], [[[486.0, 521.0], [533.0, 521.0], [533.0, 541.0], [486.0, 541.0]], ('59.20', 0.9960993528366089)], [[[319.0, 593.0], [370.0, 591.0], [372.0, 618.0], [320.0, 621.0]], ('Tip%', 0.8984910249710083)], [[[287.0, 646.0], [408.0, 640.0], [409.0, 662.0], [288.0, 668.0]], ('15X$8.20', 0.9050701856613159)], [[[285.0, 669.0], [417.0, 663.0], [418.0, 686.0], [286.0, 692.0]], ('20%$11.04', 0.911504864692688)], [[[286.0, 693.0], [420.0, 688.0], [421.0, 710.0], [287.0, 715.0]], ('25$13.80', 0.9874367713928223)], [[[288.0, 718.0], [421.0, 712.0], [422.0, 735.0], [289.0, 741.0]], ('30%$16.56', 0.9682822823524475)], [[[163.0, 749.0], [551.0, 734.0], [551.0, 752.0], [163.0, 767.0]], ('******************', 0.5229901671409607)], [[[274.0, 841.0], [446.0, 835.0], [447.0, 875.0], [276.0, 881.0]], ('Table #15', 0.9421627521514893)], [[[287.0, 901.0], [443.0, 897.0], [444.0, 933.0], [288.0, 937.0]], ('Amount Due 59.20', 0.9579817056655884)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "05/09/2015", "time": "7:55PM", "subtotal": "55.20", "tax": "4.00", "total": "59.20", "ignore": " ", "tips": "15%-$8.28 20%-$11.04 25%-$13.80 30%-$16.56", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FountainPop", "item_value": "2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FountainPop", "item_value": "2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SmallChefSalad", "item_value": "2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Ranch", "item_value": "2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "10ThinHawalianPizza", "item_value": "6.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "10pcTraditionalWings", "item_value": "4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HotBuffaloSauce", "item_value": "6.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RanchDressing", "item_value": "10.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WholeItalianSub", "item_value": "8.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "6.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[412.0, 8.0], [493.0, 5.0], [494.0, 25.0], [413.0, 28.0]], ('Open to', 0.850522518157959)], [[[158.0, 23.0], [422.0, 9.0], [423.0, 31.0], [160.0, 45.0]], ('No purchase necessary.', 0.9545219540596008)], [[[160.0, 45.0], [476.0, 27.0], [478.0, 46.0], [162.0, 65.0]], ('legal resldents of the US, DC', 0.860701858997345)], [[[159.0, 65.0], [458.0, 49.0], [460.0, 69.0], [161.0, 86.0]], ('or PR, 18 or older to enter', 0.8922528028488159)], [[[160.0, 86.0], [473.0, 69.0], [474.0, 89.0], [162.0, 106.0]], ('To enter wl thout purchase and', 0.9264079332351685)], [[[160.0, 107.0], [515.0, 87.0], [516.0, 108.0], [162.0, 127.0]], ('for complete officlal rules vlst', 0.9172544479370117)], [[[162.0, 127.0], [470.0, 111.0], [471.0, 132.0], [163.0, 148.0]], ('', 0.9793444871902466)], [[[163.0, 147.0], [484.0, 132.0], [485.0, 151.0], [164.0, 166.0]], ('Sweepstakes perlod is shown in', 0.9085434675216675)], [[[164.0, 167.0], [444.0, 155.0], [445.0, 174.0], [165.0, 186.0]], ('the offlclal rules. Survey', 0.8960361480712891)], [[[161.0, 186.0], [476.0, 172.0], [477.0, 192.0], [162.0, 207.0]], ('must be taken within ONE week', 0.9391461610794067)], [[[163.0, 205.0], [257.0, 203.0], [258.0, 222.0], [163.0, 224.0]], ('of today.', 0.8740699291229248)], [[[162.0, 241.0], [517.0, 225.0], [518.0, 249.0], [163.0, 265.0]], ('THANK YOU! WE VALUE YOUR OPINION!', 0.9143249988555908)], [[[206.0, 328.0], [470.0, 320.0], [471.0, 379.0], [208.0, 386.0]], ('Walmart', 0.9929351210594177)], [[[210.0, 391.0], [473.0, 384.0], [473.0, 408.0], [210.0, 415.0]], ('Save money.Live better.', 0.9654951691627502)], [[[268.0, 437.0], [469.0, 431.0], [470.0, 452.0], [269.0, 457.0]], ('714484-8668', 0.9680885672569275)], [[[260.0, 457.0], [481.0, 451.0], [482.0, 472.0], [260.0, 478.0]], ('MANAGER JEANNA JONES', 0.9591140747070312)], [[[269.0, 476.0], [460.0, 472.0], [460.0, 493.0], [270.0, 497.0]], ('8450 LA PALMA AVE', 0.9114558100700378)], [[[261.0, 497.0], [471.0, 493.0], [471.0, 511.0], [261.0, 516.0]], ('BUENA PARK CA 90620', 0.9265242218971252)], [[[163.0, 520.0], [582.0, 507.0], [583.0, 528.0], [163.0, 541.0]], ('ST#50320P#00005140 TE#18 TR#04648', 0.9469517469406128)], [[[160.0, 539.0], [436.0, 532.0], [437.0, 553.0], [160.0, 560.0]], ('DIET AND WET 000551956361', 0.8931806087493896)], [[[504.0, 531.0], [593.0, 529.0], [594.0, 548.0], [504.0, 550.0]], ('39.95-', 0.911445677280426)], [[[358.0, 554.0], [447.0, 552.0], [448.0, 574.0], [358.0, 576.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9945419430732727)], [[[504.0, 549.0], [562.0, 549.0], [562.0, 572.0], [504.0, 572.0]], ('39.95', 0.8922957181930542)], [[[263.0, 578.0], [327.0, 578.0], [327.0, 597.0], [263.0, 597.0]], ('TAX1', 0.9896196126937866)], [[[347.0, 575.0], [430.0, 572.0], [431.0, 593.0], [348.0, 597.0]], ('8.000%', 0.9843178391456604)], [[[515.0, 571.0], [562.0, 571.0], [562.0, 591.0], [515.0, 591.0]], ('3.20', 0.9695866107940674)], [[[394.0, 593.0], [450.0, 593.0], [450.0, 616.0], [394.0, 616.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985492825508118)], [[[505.0, 591.0], [564.0, 591.0], [564.0, 612.0], [505.0, 612.0]], ('43.15', 0.979903519153595)], [[[251.0, 619.0], [450.0, 613.0], [451.0, 634.0], [252.0, 640.0]], ('SHOPPING CARD TEND', 0.949012041091919)], [[[506.0, 611.0], [565.0, 611.0], [565.0, 633.0], [506.0, 633.0]], ('43.15', 0.9974164962768555)], [[[339.0, 638.0], [450.0, 634.0], [451.0, 656.0], [339.0, 660.0]], ('CHANGE DUE', 0.9578625559806824)], [[[513.0, 633.0], [565.0, 630.0], [566.0, 654.0], [514.0, 657.0]], ('0.00', 0.997681736946106)], [[[168.0, 682.0], [385.0, 678.0], [386.0, 699.0], [169.0, 703.0]], ('SHOP.CARD REDEMPTION', 0.9742895364761353)], [[[473.0, 674.0], [534.0, 674.0], [534.0, 700.0], [473.0, 700.0]], ('43.15', 0.9944987297058105)], [[[167.0, 704.0], [385.0, 700.0], [386.0, 721.0], [168.0, 725.0]], ('ACC0UNT 609396216425', 0.9657362699508667)], [[[167.0, 725.0], [376.0, 721.0], [376.0, 742.0], [168.0, 746.0]], ('APPR.C0DE-286245', 0.9584574699401855)], [[[167.0, 746.0], [299.0, 744.0], [299.0, 762.0], [167.0, 765.0]], ('REF #0133102', 0.9630408883094788)], [[[166.0, 766.0], [246.0, 763.0], [246.0, 785.0], [167.0, 788.0]], ('Beg Bal', 0.8931924700737)], [[[298.0, 764.0], [387.0, 761.0], [388.0, 783.0], [299.0, 786.0]], ('Tran Amt', 0.9579237699508667)], [[[429.0, 761.0], [510.0, 758.0], [511.0, 780.0], [430.0, 783.0]], ('End Bal', 0.910092294216156)], [[[167.0, 784.0], [227.0, 784.0], [227.0, 806.0], [167.0, 806.0]], ('64.77', 0.9953584671020508)], [[[298.0, 783.0], [358.0, 783.0], [358.0, 805.0], [298.0, 805.0]], ('43.15', 0.9967843890190125)], [[[430.0, 780.0], [491.0, 780.0], [491.0, 802.0], [430.0, 802.0]], ('21.62', 0.9932147860527039)], [[[167.0, 805.0], [257.0, 803.0], [258.0, 826.0], [168.0, 828.0]], ('12/27/14', 0.9973323345184326)], [[[298.0, 803.0], [390.0, 803.0], [390.0, 825.0], [298.0, 825.0]], ('17:56:42', 0.9220065474510193)], [[[212.0, 868.0], [517.0, 864.0], [518.0, 900.0], [212.0, 903.0]], ('#ITEMS SOLD1', 0.9545724987983704)], [[[213.0, 926.0], [525.0, 924.0], [525.0, 945.0], [213.0, 947.0]], ('TC# 6053 0577350159306932', 0.9560444355010986)]]
{"store_name": "Walmart", "store_addr": "8450LAPALMAAVE BUENAPARKCA90620", "telephone": "(714)484-8668", "date": "12/27/14", "time": "17:56:42", "subtotal": "39.96", "tax": "3.20", "total": "43.15", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "DIETANDWEI", "item_value": "39.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[210.0, 13.0], [1049.0, 8.0], [1049.0, 66.0], [210.0, 70.0]], ('Your cachier todey was Sean', 0.8314834237098694)], [[[200.0, 129.0], [585.0, 139.0], [583.0, 198.0], [199.0, 189.0]], ('Strawberries', 0.9738211631774902)], [[[1212.0, 125.0], [1349.0, 125.0], [1349.0, 187.0], [1212.0, 187.0]], ('1.49', 0.983491063117981)], [[[1394.0, 128.0], [1464.0, 128.0], [1464.0, 183.0], [1394.0, 183.0]], ('F1', 0.8850239515304565)], [[[194.0, 193.0], [454.0, 200.0], [453.0, 258.0], [192.0, 250.0]], ('Zucchini', 0.9426151514053345)], [[[1220.0, 193.0], [1349.0, 193.0], [1349.0, 249.0], [1220.0, 249.0]], ('1.99', 0.9859620332717896)], [[[1402.0, 189.0], [1471.0, 189.0], [1471.0, 246.0], [1402.0, 246.0]], ('F1', 0.9804115295410156)], [[[189.0, 257.0], [452.0, 264.0], [451.0, 321.0], [188.0, 314.0]], ('Avocados', 0.9478887319564819)], [[[1218.0, 255.0], [1359.0, 255.0], [1359.0, 317.0], [1218.0, 317.0]], ('0.89', 0.9471719264984131)], [[[1411.0, 255.0], [1477.0, 255.0], [1477.0, 312.0], [1411.0, 312.0]], ('F1', 0.9792401790618896)], [[[187.0, 325.0], [775.0, 332.0], [775.0, 383.0], [186.0, 376.0]], ('Multi-ColorPeppers', 0.9242417216300964)], [[[1227.0, 321.0], [1368.0, 321.0], [1368.0, 382.0], [1227.0, 382.0]], ('1.99', 0.9934531450271606)], [[[1415.0, 323.0], [1486.0, 323.0], [1486.0, 378.0], [1415.0, 378.0]], ('F1', 0.9736703634262085)], [[[180.0, 389.0], [647.0, 395.0], [646.0, 449.0], [180.0, 442.0]], ('Half Pork Loin', 0.9554433822631836)], [[[1231.0, 387.0], [1374.0, 387.0], [1374.0, 442.0], [1231.0, 442.0]], ('8.61', 0.9806954860687256)], [[[1424.0, 389.0], [1494.0, 389.0], [1494.0, 444.0], [1424.0, 444.0]], ('F1', 0.9899054765701294)], [[[176.0, 457.0], [711.0, 461.0], [710.0, 519.0], [175.0, 514.0]], ('Shoestring Fries', 0.9793265461921692)], [[[1242.0, 453.0], [1381.0, 453.0], [1381.0, 514.0], [1242.0, 514.0]], ('1.89', 0.9904842376708984)], [[[1430.0, 450.0], [1505.0, 450.0], [1505.0, 512.0], [1430.0, 512.0]], ('F1', 0.9854604005813599)], [[[170.0, 525.0], [546.0, 529.0], [545.0, 587.0], [169.0, 582.0]], ('Black Beans', 0.9650266766548157)], [[[1242.0, 521.0], [1389.0, 521.0], [1389.0, 582.0], [1242.0, 582.0]], ('2.49', 0.9928470849990845)], [[[1438.0, 518.0], [1513.0, 518.0], [1513.0, 580.0], [1438.0, 580.0]], ('F1', 0.9831621646881104)], [[[1246.0, 586.0], [1394.0, 586.0], [1394.0, 648.0], [1246.0, 648.0]], ('0.95', 0.996523916721344)], [[[1447.0, 586.0], [1522.0, 586.0], [1522.0, 648.0], [1447.0, 648.0]], ('F1', 0.9942359328269958)], [[[167.0, 597.0], [546.0, 597.0], [546.0, 654.0], [167.0, 654.0]], ('Frozen Peas', 0.9741113781929016)], [[[1261.0, 659.0], [1404.0, 659.0], [1404.0, 720.0], [1261.0, 720.0]], ('1.49', 0.9928917288780212)], [[[1456.0, 659.0], [1531.0, 659.0], [1531.0, 720.0], [1456.0, 720.0]], ('F1', 0.9962196350097656)], [[[165.0, 672.0], [743.0, 672.0], [743.0, 722.0], [165.0, 722.0]], ('Ex Fine Grn Beans', 0.9381527304649353)], [[[1269.0, 731.0], [1411.0, 731.0], [1411.0, 795.0], [1269.0, 795.0]], ('1.79', 0.99748694896698)], [[[1466.0, 733.0], [1537.0, 733.0], [1537.0, 788.0], [1466.0, 788.0]], ('F1', 0.9905933737754822)], [[[161.0, 744.0], [747.0, 744.0], [747.0, 795.0], [161.0, 795.0]], ('Flat Leaf Spinach', 0.9527606964111328)], [[[1274.0, 805.0], [1421.0, 805.0], [1421.0, 869.0], [1274.0, 869.0]], ('1.19', 0.9981924891471863)], [[[1473.0, 803.0], [1550.0, 803.0], [1550.0, 867.0], [1473.0, 867.0]], ('F1', 0.9964628219604492)], [[[152.0, 814.0], [713.0, 814.0], [713.0, 871.0], [152.0, 871.0]], ('Restaur Tortilla', 0.9519321918487549)], [[[1278.0, 876.0], [1430.0, 876.0], [1430.0, 946.0], [1278.0, 946.0]], ('1.29', 0.9953227639198303)], [[[1481.0, 878.0], [1561.0, 878.0], [1561.0, 941.0], [1481.0, 941.0]], ('F1', 0.9954439401626587)], [[[148.0, 890.0], [747.0, 890.0], [747.0, 948.0], [148.0, 948.0]], ('Gluten Free Pasta', 0.952826201915741)], [[[1280.0, 954.0], [1434.0, 954.0], [1434.0, 1024.0], [1280.0, 1024.0]], ('2.99', 0.9972800612449646)], [[[1490.0, 954.0], [1569.0, 954.0], [1569.0, 1020.0], [1490.0, 1020.0]], ('F1', 0.9975969791412354)], [[[143.0, 969.0], [681.0, 969.0], [681.0, 1026.0], [143.0, 1026.0]], ('Gluten Free Mix', 0.9398350119590759)], [[[1289.0, 1037.0], [1441.0, 1037.0], [1441.0, 1101.0], [1289.0, 1101.0]], ('5.89', 0.9963455200195312)], [[[1501.0, 1035.0], [1578.0, 1035.0], [1578.0, 1099.0], [1501.0, 1099.0]], ('F1', 0.9969195127487183)], [[[139.0, 1050.0], [787.0, 1043.0], [788.0, 1107.0], [140.0, 1114.0]], ('1/4 Bnls S1ice Ham', 0.8908050060272217)], [[[1289.0, 1114.0], [1447.0, 1114.0], [1447.0, 1184.0], [1289.0, 1184.0]], ('2.99', 0.9979575872421265)], [[[1507.0, 1116.0], [1586.0, 1116.0], [1586.0, 1182.0], [1507.0, 1182.0]], ('F1', 0.9981181621551514)], [[[133.0, 1135.0], [717.0, 1130.0], [717.0, 1190.0], [133.0, 1194.0]], ('Shredded Co-Jack', 0.9726822376251221)], [[[1299.0, 1201.0], [1456.0, 1201.0], [1456.0, 1271.0], [1299.0, 1271.0]], ('2.99', 0.9979069232940674)], [[[1518.0, 1198.0], [1595.0, 1198.0], [1595.0, 1266.0], [1518.0, 1266.0]], ('F1', 0.9979779124259949)], [[[124.0, 1218.0], [787.0, 1213.0], [788.0, 1277.0], [124.0, 1282.0]], ('FreshGroundTurkey', 0.9969372749328613)], [[[1306.0, 1286.0], [1466.0, 1286.0], [1466.0, 1356.0], [1306.0, 1356.0]], ('3.49', 0.9931374788284302)], [[[1528.0, 1284.0], [1603.0, 1284.0], [1603.0, 1352.0], [1528.0, 1352.0]], ('F1', 0.9981922507286072)], [[[117.0, 1305.0], [682.0, 1296.0], [683.0, 1368.0], [119.0, 1377.0]], ('Pink Lady Apple', 0.9450345635414124)], [[[1312.0, 1373.0], [1475.0, 1373.0], [1475.0, 1445.0], [1312.0, 1445.0]], ("66'0", 0.9232703447341919)], [[[1537.0, 1373.0], [1612.0, 1373.0], [1612.0, 1441.0], [1537.0, 1441.0]], ('F1', 0.9985405206680298)], [[[117.0, 1399.0], [718.0, 1387.0], [720.0, 1453.0], [119.0, 1465.0]], ('CrushedTomatoes', 0.9974477887153625)], [[[1325.0, 1464.0], [1479.0, 1464.0], [1479.0, 1536.0], [1325.0, 1536.0]], ('1.49', 0.9961248636245728)], [[[1539.0, 1460.0], [1623.0, 1460.0], [1623.0, 1532.0], [1539.0, 1532.0]], ('F1', 0.9979439377784729)], [[[111.0, 1485.0], [492.0, 1483.0], [493.0, 1558.0], [112.0, 1560.0]], ('Large Eggs', 0.9625646471977234)], [[[1288.0, 1556.0], [1480.0, 1551.0], [1482.0, 1629.0], [1290.0, 1635.0]], ('46.89', 0.9955412745475769)], [[[106.0, 1582.0], [416.0, 1574.0], [418.0, 1646.0], [108.0, 1654.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9973101615905762)], [[[1324.0, 1647.0], [1486.0, 1642.0], [1489.0, 1723.0], [1327.0, 1728.0]], ('0.00', 0.997192919254303)], [[[102.0, 1675.0], [306.0, 1667.0], [309.0, 1744.0], [105.0, 1752.0]], ('46.89', 0.9939883947372437)], [[[460.0, 1666.0], [1063.0, 1653.0], [1064.0, 1727.0], [461.0, 1741.0]], ('1-Taxable @0.00%', 0.9567787051200867)], [[[1299.0, 1740.0], [1494.0, 1740.0], [1494.0, 1819.0], [1299.0, 1819.0]], ('46.89', 0.9942277073860168)], [[[102.0, 1773.0], [491.0, 1763.0], [493.0, 1835.0], [104.0, 1845.0]], ('AMOUNT DUE', 0.9634467363357544)], [[[1269.0, 1839.0], [1645.0, 1831.0], [1647.0, 1912.0], [1270.0, 1919.0]], ('46.89', 0.9981794357299805)], [[[98.0, 1864.0], [795.0, 1850.0], [797.0, 1931.0], [100.0, 1945.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9850740432739258)], [[[96.0, 1961.0], [417.0, 1959.0], [418.0, 2036.0], [97.0, 2038.0]], ('19ITEMS', 0.9932387471199036)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "46.89 46.89", "tax": "0.00", "total": "46.89 46.89", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Multi-ColorPeppers", "item_value": "1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HalfPorkLoin", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ShoestringFries", "item_value": "0.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BlackBeans", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FrozenPeas", "item_value": "8.61", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ExFineGrnBeans", "item_value": "1.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FlatLeafSpinach", "item_value": "2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RestaurTortilla", "item_value": "0.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GlutenFreePasta", "item_value": "1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GlutenFreeMix", "item_value": "1.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "1/4BnlsSliceHam", "item_value": "1.19", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ShreddedCo-Jack", "item_value": "1.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FreshGroundTurkey", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PinkLadyApple", "item_value": "5.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CrushedTomatoes", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LargeEggs", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "3.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[407.0, 267.0], [556.0, 267.0], [556.0, 311.0], [407.0, 311.0]], ('FACTURE', 0.9937868714332581)], [[[131.0, 307.0], [870.0, 315.0], [869.0, 364.0], [131.0, 356.0]], ("Restaurant McDonaTd's de PARIs CRIMEE", 0.9192814230918884)], [[[266.0, 362.0], [710.0, 366.0], [710.0, 409.0], [266.0, 405.0]], ('87,avenuede Flandres', 0.9512163400650024)], [[[347.0, 409.0], [613.0, 413.0], [612.0, 458.0], [346.0, 453.0]], ('75019PARIS', 0.9932609796524048)], [[[307.0, 460.0], [671.0, 462.0], [670.0, 505.0], [307.0, 502.0]], ('Tel 014036 2804', 0.910524308681488)], [[[125.0, 506.0], [830.0, 513.0], [830.0, 556.0], [124.0, 549.0]], ('SIRET410.276-026-00029APE553B', 0.9141748547554016)], [[[108.0, 655.0], [367.0, 655.0], [367.0, 696.0], [108.0, 696.0]], ('Caissier#41', 0.9759824872016907)], [[[106.0, 704.0], [388.0, 704.0], [388.0, 745.0], [106.0, 745.0]], ('Restaurant765', 0.9960602521896362)], [[[100.0, 751.0], [843.0, 759.0], [842.0, 802.0], [99.0, 793.0]], ('#CDE914-CSE01-10/03/201222:22:48', 0.9498755931854248)], [[[96.0, 846.0], [368.0, 851.0], [367.0, 899.0], [95.0, 895.0]], ('QTEPRODUIT', 0.9871174097061157)], [[[639.0, 850.0], [729.0, 850.0], [729.0, 897.0], [639.0, 897.0]], ('UNIT', 0.9932352304458618)], [[[756.0, 852.0], [867.0, 859.0], [863.0, 904.0], [753.0, 896.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.998238742351532)], [[[119.0, 899.0], [368.0, 903.0], [367.0, 946.0], [118.0, 942.0]], ('1Moyen Coca', 0.9478437900543213)], [[[633.0, 897.0], [731.0, 897.0], [731.0, 950.0], [633.0, 950.0]], ('2.30', 0.9859697222709656)], [[[774.0, 905.0], [866.0, 905.0], [866.0, 952.0], [774.0, 952.0]], ('2.30', 0.992842435836792)], [[[117.0, 946.0], [384.0, 950.0], [383.0, 995.0], [116.0, 991.0]], ('1 Moyen Ice T', 0.9176048636436462)], [[[631.0, 946.0], [731.0, 946.0], [731.0, 999.0], [631.0, 999.0]], ('2.30', 0.9776719808578491)], [[[774.0, 954.0], [868.0, 954.0], [868.0, 1001.0], [774.0, 1001.0]], ('2.30', 0.9916568398475647)], [[[117.0, 995.0], [343.0, 999.0], [342.0, 1042.0], [116.0, 1037.0]], ('1McChicken', 0.9935004115104675)], [[[633.0, 996.0], [729.0, 1002.0], [727.0, 1048.0], [630.0, 1043.0]], ('2.00', 0.9957305788993835)], [[[774.0, 1003.0], [866.0, 1003.0], [866.0, 1050.0], [774.0, 1050.0]], ('2.00', 0.993216872215271)], [[[114.0, 1039.0], [250.0, 1044.0], [248.0, 1095.0], [111.0, 1090.0]], ('1Hamb', 0.9670981168746948)], [[[637.0, 1050.0], [729.0, 1050.0], [729.0, 1097.0], [637.0, 1097.0]], ('1.00', 0.9925589561462402)], [[[772.0, 1050.0], [868.0, 1050.0], [868.0, 1103.0], [772.0, 1103.0]], ('1.00', 0.9530357122421265)], [[[154.0, 1092.0], [496.0, 1099.0], [496.0, 1142.0], [153.0, 1135.0]], ('1 Sans Ketchup', 0.9411558508872986)], [[[115.0, 1139.0], [382.0, 1148.0], [381.0, 1191.0], [114.0, 1182.0]], ('2Petit Frite', 0.9598760604858398)], [[[632.0, 1138.0], [728.0, 1144.0], [724.0, 1199.0], [628.0, 1193.0]], ('1.00', 0.9854519367218018)], [[[766.0, 1145.0], [870.0, 1145.0], [870.0, 1198.0], [766.0, 1198.0]], ('2.00', 0.9709635972976685)], [[[98.0, 1237.0], [613.0, 1241.0], [612.0, 1290.0], [97.0, 1286.0]], ('Tota1 Sur Place (TVA INCL', 0.9004486203193665)], [[[768.0, 1238.0], [867.0, 1244.0], [863.0, 1297.0], [765.0, 1291.0]], ('9.60', 0.9877772927284241)], [[[754.0, 1296.0], [861.0, 1296.0], [861.0, 1343.0], [754.0, 1343.0]], ('20.00', 0.9898055791854858)], [[[91.0, 1335.0], [203.0, 1335.0], [203.0, 1387.0], [91.0, 1387.0]], ('Rendu', 0.9969843626022339)], [[[751.0, 1340.0], [864.0, 1345.0], [862.0, 1398.0], [749.0, 1393.0]], ('1040', 0.9909855723381042)], [[[92.0, 1434.0], [855.0, 1445.0], [855.0, 1487.0], [91.0, 1477.0]], ('029.60TVAA7.00%INCL0.63', 0.9315980672836304)], [[[272.0, 1532.0], [696.0, 1538.0], [695.0, 1587.0], [272.0, 1580.0]], ('Merci de votre visite', 0.9527679681777954)], [[[388.0, 1589.0], [575.0, 1589.0], [575.0, 1632.0], [388.0, 1632.0]], ('A bientot', 0.9521527886390686)], [[[166.0, 1636.0], [758.0, 1640.0], [758.0, 1683.0], [166.0, 1678.0]], ('Biere soumisea TVA de 19.60%', 0.9142698049545288)], [[[226.0, 1729.0], [714.0, 1731.0], [714.0, 1780.0], [226.0, 1778.0]], ('ketchup et sauces frites', 0.970738410949707)], [[[212.0, 1782.0], [733.0, 1788.0], [732.0, 1831.0], [212.0, 1825.0]], ('disponible a votre demande', 0.9268819093704224)]]
{"store_name": "RestaurantMcDonald'sdePARISCRIMEE", "store_addr": "75019PARIS 87,avenuedeFlandres", "telephone": "0140362804", "date": "10/03/2012", "time": "22:22:48", "subtotal": "", "tax": "0.63", "total": "9.60", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PetitFrite", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": ">>1SansKetchup", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Hamb", "item_value": "2.30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "McChicken", "item_value": "2.30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MoyenIceT", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MoyenCoca", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "PRODUIT", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[226.0, 21.0], [518.0, 23.0], [517.0, 74.0], [226.0, 72.0]], ('WHOLE', 0.9979143142700195)], [[[238.0, 78.0], [519.0, 74.0], [520.0, 128.0], [239.0, 133.0]], ('FOODS', 0.9906889200210571)], [[[269.0, 142.0], [477.0, 137.0], [477.0, 162.0], [270.0, 167.0]], ('MARKET', 0.9947105050086975)], [[[276.0, 202.0], [466.0, 200.0], [467.0, 225.0], [276.0, 227.0]], ('West Orange wOp', 0.8598763942718506)], [[[277.0, 228.0], [468.0, 225.0], [469.0, 249.0], [277.0, 252.0]], ('235 Prospect St', 0.9301525950431824)], [[[300.0, 253.0], [445.0, 250.0], [445.0, 272.0], [301.0, 275.0]], ('West Orange', 0.9556401968002319)], [[[300.0, 296.0], [463.0, 298.0], [462.0, 330.0], [299.0, 328.0]], ('973-669-3196', 0.9924939274787903)], [[[98.0, 375.0], [272.0, 378.0], [271.0, 404.0], [98.0, 401.0]], ('Food/Beverage', 0.9968588948249817)], [[[94.0, 405.0], [392.0, 407.0], [392.0, 432.0], [94.0, 430.0]], ('GNJI RAMEN MINI VEGGIE', 0.9419397115707397)], [[[535.0, 414.0], [631.0, 414.0], [631.0, 443.0], [535.0, 443.0]], ('$8.00 T', 0.9226148724555969)], [[[92.0, 434.0], [325.0, 438.0], [325.0, 463.0], [91.0, 459.0]], ('OG BARTLETT PEARS', 0.9481368064880371)], [[[92.0, 464.0], [363.0, 468.0], [363.0, 493.0], [92.0, 489.0]], ('0.821b@$1.99/1b', 0.9591565728187561)], [[[536.0, 471.0], [632.0, 471.0], [632.0, 500.0], [536.0, 500.0]], ('$1.63F', 0.9636046886444092)], [[[118.0, 495.0], [363.0, 499.0], [363.0, 524.0], [117.0, 520.0]], ('Tare Weight 0.011b', 0.9428460001945496)], [[[92.0, 525.0], [324.0, 528.0], [324.0, 553.0], [91.0, 550.0]], ('365 COCONUT WATER', 0.9499393701553345)], [[[536.0, 529.0], [634.0, 527.0], [635.0, 556.0], [536.0, 559.0]], ('$3.29F', 0.9156997799873352)], [[[91.0, 554.0], [337.0, 558.0], [336.0, 583.0], [90.0, 579.0]], ('LNDB WLD BLND RICE', 0.9283012747764587)], [[[537.0, 560.0], [637.0, 557.0], [637.0, 586.0], [537.0, 589.0]], ('$3.99F', 0.9223808646202087)], [[[90.0, 585.0], [363.0, 590.0], [363.0, 615.0], [89.0, 610.0]], ('BBY BRSSL SPRT 5OOGR', 0.9112383127212524)], [[[538.0, 590.0], [637.0, 586.0], [638.0, 616.0], [539.0, 620.0]], ('$4.99F', 0.9811825156211853)], [[[227.0, 648.0], [348.0, 648.0], [348.0, 674.0], [227.0, 674.0]], ('Subtotal:', 0.9804319739341736)], [[[526.0, 649.0], [614.0, 647.0], [615.0, 677.0], [527.0, 679.0]], ('$21.90', 0.9925763607025146)], [[[225.0, 676.0], [416.0, 680.0], [415.0, 706.0], [225.0, 702.0]], ('Total Savings', 0.9484608173370361)], [[[540.0, 681.0], [614.0, 678.0], [615.0, 708.0], [541.0, 711.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9974740147590637)], [[[222.0, 705.0], [362.0, 709.0], [362.0, 737.0], [221.0, 733.0]], ('Net Sales:', 0.9453676342964172)], [[[528.0, 711.0], [614.0, 708.0], [615.0, 738.0], [529.0, 741.0]], ('$21.90', 0.9965975880622864)], [[[221.0, 738.0], [323.0, 738.0], [323.0, 768.0], [221.0, 768.0]], ('Tax/Fee', 0.9930227994918823)], [[[542.0, 741.0], [617.0, 741.0], [617.0, 771.0], [542.0, 771.0]], ('$0.55', 0.9947428703308105)], [[[217.0, 770.0], [309.0, 770.0], [309.0, 803.0], [217.0, 803.0]], ('Total:', 0.9822744727134705)], [[[533.0, 773.0], [618.0, 773.0], [618.0, 803.0], [533.0, 803.0]], ('$22.45', 0.9929754734039307)], [[[212.0, 838.0], [380.0, 838.0], [380.0, 873.0], [212.0, 873.0]], ('Sold Items:', 0.9634832739830017)], [[[603.0, 838.0], [624.0, 836.0], [627.0, 871.0], [605.0, 872.0]], ('5', 0.9917165637016296)], [[[207.0, 910.0], [287.0, 910.0], [287.0, 946.0], [207.0, 946.0]], ('Paid:', 0.9776832461357117)], [[[204.0, 945.0], [275.0, 948.0], [274.0, 988.0], [202.0, 985.0]], ('Cash', 0.9975121021270752)], [[[539.0, 943.0], [633.0, 940.0], [634.0, 977.0], [540.0, 979.0]], ('$22.45', 0.9907011389732361)]]
{"store_name": "WHOLE FOODS\ufffc MARKET", "store_addr": "235Prospectst WestOrange Newjersey,07052", "telephone": "973-669-3196", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$21.90 $21.90", "tax": "$0.55", "total": "$22.45 $22.45", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GNJIRAMENMINIVEGGIE", "item_value": "$8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OGBARTLETTPEARS", "item_value": "$1.63", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "365COCONUTWATER", "item_value": "$3.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LNDBWLDBLNDRICE", "item_value": "$3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BBYBRSSLSPRT500GR", "item_value": "$4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Food/Beverage", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[354.0, 8.0], [622.0, 8.0], [622.0, 37.0], [354.0, 37.0]], ('ABN:47831255770', 0.9536902904510498)], [[[117.0, 66.0], [348.0, 79.0], [346.0, 116.0], [115.0, 103.0]], ('Qty Size Item', 0.9300870299339294)], [[[722.0, 73.0], [815.0, 73.0], [815.0, 107.0], [722.0, 107.0]], ('Price', 0.9967496991157532)], [[[214.0, 153.0], [660.0, 149.0], [660.0, 193.0], [215.0, 196.0]], ('6Egg & Cheese Bkfst Sub', 0.9374646544456482)], [[[726.0, 147.0], [820.0, 142.0], [822.0, 181.0], [728.0, 185.0]], ('$4.55', 0.9874098896980286)], [[[151.0, 157.0], [175.0, 157.0], [175.0, 181.0], [151.0, 181.0]], ('1', 0.9774985313415527)], [[[150.0, 194.0], [171.0, 194.0], [171.0, 226.0], [150.0, 226.0]], ('1', 0.9134044647216797)], [[[274.0, 194.0], [505.0, 202.0], [504.0, 239.0], [273.0, 232.0]], ('Bott led Juice', 0.9510999917984009)], [[[711.0, 189.0], [821.0, 184.0], [823.0, 221.0], [713.0, 226.0]], ('$3.50*', 0.924966037273407)], [[[110.0, 271.0], [275.0, 277.0], [273.0, 313.0], [108.0, 307.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9164583683013916)], [[[713.0, 269.0], [809.0, 264.0], [811.0, 303.0], [715.0, 308.0]], ('$7.64', 0.9065910577774048)], [[[113.0, 315.0], [363.0, 322.0], [362.0, 355.0], [112.0, 348.0]], ('Taxable Amount', 0.9618571996688843)], [[[714.0, 314.0], [809.0, 309.0], [811.0, 348.0], [716.0, 353.0]], ('$4.14', 0.9884727597236633)], [[[110.0, 355.0], [276.0, 361.0], [274.0, 394.0], [108.0, 388.0]], ('GST10%', 0.9869386553764343)], [[[716.0, 356.0], [806.0, 353.0], [807.0, 388.0], [718.0, 391.0]], ('$0.41', 0.9906581044197083)], [[[110.0, 395.0], [363.0, 403.0], [362.0, 438.0], [108.0, 430.0]], ('Total Eat In)', 0.8939865827560425)], [[[718.0, 398.0], [811.0, 392.0], [813.0, 427.0], [720.0, 433.0]], ('$8.05', 0.997925877571106)], [[[103.0, 434.0], [186.0, 438.0], [184.0, 474.0], [101.0, 470.0]], ('Cash', 0.9973812103271484)], [[[704.0, 438.0], [814.0, 431.0], [816.0, 465.0], [706.0, 472.0]], ('$20.00', 0.9863227009773254)], [[[103.0, 477.0], [221.0, 480.0], [220.0, 514.0], [102.0, 511.0]], ('Change', 0.9980649948120117)], [[[706.0, 474.0], [822.0, 470.0], [823.0, 507.0], [707.0, 511.0]], ('$11.95', 0.9962727427482605)], [[[100.0, 519.0], [469.0, 516.0], [469.0, 556.0], [101.0, 559.0]], ('*Items non taxed.', 0.9092435240745544)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$7.64", "tax": "$0.41", "total": "$8.05", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "6\"EggCheeseBkfstSub", "item_value": "$4.55", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BottledJuice", "item_value": "$3.50*", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Item", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[67.0, 58.0], [218.0, 48.0], [219.0, 75.0], [69.0, 84.0]], ('TEMPLE', 0.9935626983642578)], [[[212.0, 52.0], [305.0, 63.0], [303.0, 84.0], [209.0, 73.0]], ('BAA', 0.8908634185791016)], [[[134.0, 135.0], [221.0, 135.0], [221.0, 151.0], [134.0, 151.0]], ('840', 0.9183287620544434)], [[[74.0, 166.0], [303.0, 168.0], [303.0, 185.0], [74.0, 183.0]], ('47/48TEMPLE BAR', 0.9614290595054626)], [[[123.0, 183.0], [250.0, 185.0], [250.0, 201.0], [123.0, 199.0]], ('DUBLIN 2.', 0.944621205329895)], [[[41.0, 198.0], [316.0, 202.0], [316.0, 219.0], [41.0, 215.0]], ('PH353016725286/7', 0.9894083738327026)], [[[39.0, 216.0], [321.0, 220.0], [321.0, 236.0], [39.0, 232.0]], ('', 0.9400632381439209)], [[[248.0, 252.0], [296.0, 252.0], [296.0, 270.0], [248.0, 270.0]], ('MC #02', 0.9096680283546448)], [[[34.0, 271.0], [148.0, 271.0], [148.0, 287.0], [34.0, 287.0]], ('REG DANIEL', 0.947719931602478)], [[[142.0, 272.0], [266.0, 272.0], [266.0, 286.0], [142.0, 286.0]], ('23-07-201400:08', 0.9791028499603271)], [[[294.0, 270.0], [342.0, 270.0], [342.0, 287.0], [294.0, 287.0]], ('689457', 0.9978148937225342)], [[[78.0, 309.0], [185.0, 309.0], [185.0, 325.0], [78.0, 325.0]], ('PINT HEINEKEN', 0.9690516591072083)], [[[273.0, 307.0], [316.0, 307.0], [316.0, 325.0], [273.0, 325.0]], ('7.45', 0.9934263825416565)], [[[79.0, 330.0], [190.0, 330.0], [190.0, 344.0], [79.0, 344.0]], ('PINT CARLSBERG', 0.9718088507652283)], [[[274.0, 326.0], [317.0, 326.0], [317.0, 345.0], [274.0, 345.0]], ('e7.45', 0.9321621060371399)], [[[51.0, 349.0], [129.0, 349.0], [129.0, 366.0], [51.0, 366.0]], ('2CRISPS', 0.987817645072937)], [[[276.0, 347.0], [318.0, 347.0], [318.0, 364.0], [276.0, 364.0]], ('5.00', 0.9946203231811523)], [[[75.0, 367.0], [119.0, 367.0], [119.0, 389.0], [75.0, 389.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9983541369438171)], [[[224.0, 367.0], [318.0, 367.0], [318.0, 385.0], [224.0, 385.0]], ('19.90', 0.9972816705703735)], [[[72.0, 389.0], [112.0, 386.0], [114.0, 409.0], [73.0, 412.0]], ('CASH', 0.9978262782096863)], [[[271.0, 386.0], [322.0, 386.0], [322.0, 406.0], [271.0, 406.0]], ('19.90', 0.9967233538627625)], [[[73.0, 433.0], [321.0, 427.0], [321.0, 447.0], [74.0, 453.0]], ('LIVE IRISH MUSIC', 0.9541110396385193)], [[[87.0, 456.0], [322.0, 450.0], [322.0, 470.0], [87.0, 476.0]], ('no cover charge', 0.9516201615333557)], [[[114.0, 478.0], [275.0, 472.0], [276.0, 493.0], [115.0, 498.0]], ('VISIT US ON LINE AT', 0.9522102475166321)]]
{"store_name": "THE TEMPLEBAR", "store_addr": "47/48TEMPLEBAR DUBLIN2.", "telephone": "PH353(0)16725286/7", "date": "23-07-2014", "time": "00:08", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "\u20ac19.90 \u20ac19.90", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PINTHEINEKEN", "item_value": "\u20ac7.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PINTCARLSBERG", "item_value": "\u20ac7.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CRISPS", "item_value": "\u20ac5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[129.0, 2.0], [223.0, 2.0], [223.0, 21.0], [129.0, 21.0]], ('Card Type:', 0.96699458360672)], [[[241.0, 0.0], [282.0, 0.0], [282.0, 18.0], [241.0, 18.0]], ('Visa', 0.9965686798095703)], [[[128.0, 23.0], [204.0, 21.0], [205.0, 41.0], [128.0, 43.0]], ('Account:', 0.9907220005989075)], [[[241.0, 20.0], [415.0, 17.0], [416.0, 37.0], [241.0, 41.0]], ('************2857 S', 0.9289625883102417)], [[[126.0, 45.0], [224.0, 40.0], [225.0, 61.0], [127.0, 66.0]], ('Auth Code', 0.9534530639648438)], [[[242.0, 43.0], [301.0, 43.0], [301.0, 61.0], [242.0, 61.0]], ('091520', 0.9987547993659973)], [[[126.0, 67.0], [206.0, 63.0], [207.0, 85.0], [128.0, 89.0]], ('Trans #', 0.9470093846321106)], [[[240.0, 61.0], [286.0, 64.0], [284.0, 87.0], [238.0, 84.0]], ('3914', 0.9989672899246216)], [[[126.0, 90.0], [214.0, 85.0], [216.0, 107.0], [128.0, 112.0]], ('Auth Ref', 0.976123571395874)], [[[242.0, 88.0], [320.0, 88.0], [320.0, 106.0], [242.0, 106.0]], ('00074087', 0.9965590238571167)], [[[128.0, 135.0], [295.0, 130.0], [295.0, 152.0], [128.0, 156.0]], ('AUTH AMT:', 0.9136360883712769)], [[[397.0, 128.0], [514.0, 126.0], [515.0, 148.0], [398.0, 150.0]], ('$3792', 0.9956095814704895)], [[[127.0, 157.0], [278.0, 154.0], [278.0, 176.0], [127.0, 179.0]], ('BALANCE:', 0.9804334044456482)], [[[416.0, 152.0], [516.0, 149.0], [517.0, 171.0], [417.0, 174.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9949648976325989)], [[[202.0, 224.0], [440.0, 219.0], [440.0, 244.0], [203.0, 249.0]], ('Ticket #3914', 0.962270975112915)], [[[127.0, 251.0], [224.0, 251.0], [224.0, 270.0], [127.0, 270.0]], ('2016-03-01', 0.9935773611068726)], [[[447.0, 245.0], [521.0, 240.0], [523.0, 263.0], [449.0, 268.0]], ('6:09PM', 0.9418694972991943)], [[[233.0, 273.0], [403.0, 267.0], [404.0, 288.0], [234.0, 294.0]], ('S7201913603914', 0.9929375052452087)], [[[125.0, 322.0], [276.0, 320.0], [276.0, 342.0], [125.0, 344.0]], ('Cashier:IRMINH', 0.9756560325622559)], [[[195.0, 394.0], [455.0, 387.0], [455.0, 408.0], [195.0, 415.0]], ('*** Order was Modified ***', 0.9535272121429443)], [[[197.0, 419.0], [229.0, 419.0], [229.0, 435.0], [197.0, 435.0]], ('***', 0.882513701915741)], [[[262.0, 416.0], [375.0, 412.0], [375.0, 434.0], [263.0, 438.0]], ('After Total', 0.9480538964271545)], [[[423.0, 414.0], [457.0, 414.0], [457.0, 433.0], [423.0, 433.0]], ('***', 0.9824697375297546)], [[[154.0, 465.0], [314.0, 462.0], [314.0, 484.0], [155.0, 487.0]], ('Sweet Treat Only', 0.9495710134506226)], [[[482.0, 461.0], [528.0, 458.0], [530.0, 482.0], [484.0, 485.0]], ('3.99', 0.9949444532394409)], [[[163.0, 491.0], [315.0, 488.0], [315.0, 510.0], [163.0, 513.0]], ('Lg Shke Vani1la', 0.8964170813560486)], [[[157.0, 517.0], [245.0, 517.0], [245.0, 535.0], [157.0, 535.0]], ('Cake Only', 0.8851731419563293)], [[[369.0, 508.0], [463.0, 513.0], [461.0, 542.0], [367.0, 537.0]], ('Woyn?', 0.7431873083114624)], [[[484.0, 508.0], [533.0, 508.0], [533.0, 535.0], [484.0, 535.0]], ('5.19', 0.9007694721221924)], [[[163.0, 540.0], [316.0, 540.0], [316.0, 561.0], [163.0, 561.0]], ('Red Velvet Cake', 0.9427961111068726)], [[[154.0, 566.0], [246.0, 566.0], [246.0, 588.0], [154.0, 588.0]], ('Side On1y', 0.8958466649055481)], [[[487.0, 560.0], [533.0, 560.0], [533.0, 585.0], [487.0, 585.0]], ('3.49', 0.9911442995071411)], [[[162.0, 591.0], [296.0, 588.0], [296.0, 610.0], [162.0, 613.0]], ('Lrg Mac & Chs', 0.9190334677696228)], [[[153.0, 616.0], [235.0, 613.0], [236.0, 636.0], [154.0, 639.0]], ('8pc Mea1', 0.9343928098678589)], [[[477.0, 610.0], [536.0, 610.0], [536.0, 636.0], [477.0, 636.0]], ('22.49', 0.9922739267349243)], [[[161.0, 641.0], [286.0, 637.0], [287.0, 661.0], [161.0, 665.0]], ('Lrg Coleslaw', 0.9372486472129822)], [[[162.0, 666.0], [294.0, 666.0], [294.0, 687.0], [162.0, 687.0]], ('Lrg Mash/ Gvy', 0.9395080804824829)], [[[170.0, 691.0], [267.0, 691.0], [267.0, 716.0], [170.0, 716.0]], ('4 Biscuit', 0.953510046005249)], [[[118.0, 743.0], [156.0, 743.0], [156.0, 769.0], [118.0, 769.0]], ('Tax', 0.993798553943634)], [[[493.0, 742.0], [542.0, 742.0], [542.0, 769.0], [493.0, 769.0]], ('2.76', 0.9919431209564209)], [[[119.0, 770.0], [215.0, 770.0], [215.0, 795.0], [119.0, 795.0]], ('CARRY OUT', 0.9389594197273254)], [[[475.0, 770.0], [543.0, 770.0], [543.0, 796.0], [475.0, 796.0]], ('$37.92', 0.9909518361091614)], [[[120.0, 824.0], [267.0, 824.0], [267.0, 846.0], [120.0, 846.0]], ('ETender Credit', 0.9825548529624939)], [[[475.0, 824.0], [545.0, 822.0], [546.0, 849.0], [476.0, 851.0]], ('$37.92', 0.9652612209320068)], [[[120.0, 851.0], [184.0, 851.0], [184.0, 874.0], [120.0, 874.0]], ('Change', 0.9974061846733093)], [[[489.0, 854.0], [545.0, 854.0], [545.0, 877.0], [489.0, 877.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9876802563667297)], [[[140.0, 876.0], [524.0, 881.0], [524.0, 902.0], [139.0, 897.0]], ('************************************', 0.9844083786010742)], [[[297.0, 903.0], [356.0, 903.0], [356.0, 929.0], [297.0, 929.0]], ('Get a', 0.9235738515853882)], [[[206.0, 931.0], [436.0, 934.0], [436.0, 955.0], [206.0, 952.0]], ('FREEGO CUP', 0.9512874484062195)], [[[192.0, 957.0], [471.0, 962.0], [471.0, 986.0], [192.0, 981.0]], ('WITH PURCHASE OF ANY DRINK', 0.9421068429946899)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "2016-03-01", "time": "6:09PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "2.76", "total": "$37.92 $37.92", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SweetTreatOnly", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LgShkeVanilla", "item_value": "5.19", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CakeOnly", "item_value": "3.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RedVelvetCake", "item_value": "22.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SideOnly", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LrgMac&Chs", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "8pcMeal", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LrgColeslaw", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LrgMash/Gvy", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "4Biscuit", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[267.0, 158.0], [406.0, 156.0], [406.0, 187.0], [267.0, 189.0]], ('IKEA', 0.994152307510376)], [[[273.0, 244.0], [367.0, 244.0], [367.0, 262.0], [273.0, 262.0]], ('IKEA FOOD', 0.9460217356681824)], [[[214.0, 265.0], [441.0, 261.0], [441.0, 281.0], [214.0, 285.0]], ('IKEA MILTON KEYNES 185', 0.9481513500213623)], [[[232.0, 285.0], [411.0, 281.0], [411.0, 301.0], [232.0, 305.0]], ('VATGB 527773320', 0.9633024334907532)], [[[282.0, 304.0], [369.0, 302.0], [369.0, 323.0], [283.0, 325.0]], ('Address4', 0.9953520894050598)], [[[114.0, 363.0], [204.0, 366.0], [203.0, 387.0], [113.0, 384.0]], ('Qty Name', 0.9537769556045532)], [[[387.0, 363.0], [446.0, 363.0], [446.0, 384.0], [387.0, 384.0]], ('Price', 0.9955211877822876)], [[[461.0, 364.0], [539.0, 364.0], [539.0, 382.0], [461.0, 382.0]], ('Total ', 0.9141018986701965)], [[[112.0, 404.0], [125.0, 404.0], [125.0, 423.0], [112.0, 423.0]], ('1', 0.9976434111595154)], [[[155.0, 404.0], [348.0, 405.0], [348.0, 426.0], [154.0, 425.0]], ('Fish & Chips Adult', 0.9348689317703247)], [[[397.0, 403.0], [445.0, 403.0], [445.0, 425.0], [397.0, 425.0]], ('4.95', 0.996914803981781)], [[[494.0, 403.0], [541.0, 403.0], [541.0, 425.0], [494.0, 425.0]], ('1.00', 0.9978887438774109)], [[[111.0, 423.0], [126.0, 423.0], [126.0, 444.0], [111.0, 444.0]], ('1', 0.9974763989448547)], [[[155.0, 425.0], [366.0, 426.0], [366.0, 447.0], [154.0, 446.0]], ('Hot beverage selfser', 0.9634107351303101)], [[[395.0, 424.0], [444.0, 422.0], [445.0, 444.0], [397.0, 446.0]], ('0.95', 0.9962573051452637)], [[[494.0, 425.0], [541.0, 425.0], [541.0, 444.0], [494.0, 444.0]], ('0.00', 0.975671112537384)], [[[110.0, 444.0], [124.0, 444.0], [124.0, 463.0], [110.0, 463.0]], ('1', 0.9973111152648926)], [[[153.0, 445.0], [348.0, 446.0], [348.0, 467.0], [153.0, 466.0]], ('Fish & Chips Adult', 0.9503043293952942)], [[[398.0, 446.0], [444.0, 446.0], [444.0, 465.0], [398.0, 465.0]], ('4.95', 0.9959618449211121)], [[[495.0, 446.0], [542.0, 446.0], [542.0, 465.0], [495.0, 465.0]], ('1.00', 0.9979050755500793)], [[[110.0, 465.0], [123.0, 465.0], [123.0, 484.0], [110.0, 484.0]], ('1', 0.9969896078109741)], [[[151.0, 466.0], [366.0, 467.0], [366.0, 488.0], [151.0, 487.0]], ('Hot beverage selfser', 0.9587677121162415)], [[[397.0, 465.0], [446.0, 465.0], [446.0, 487.0], [397.0, 487.0]], ('0.95', 0.9965109825134277)], [[[494.0, 465.0], [543.0, 465.0], [543.0, 487.0], [494.0, 487.0]], ('0.00', 0.9976997971534729)], [[[112.0, 506.0], [250.0, 508.0], [249.0, 529.0], [111.0, 527.0]], ('Net SubTotal:', 0.9510645270347595)], [[[495.0, 506.0], [543.0, 504.0], [544.0, 527.0], [496.0, 529.0]], ('1.67', 0.9972164630889893)], [[[114.0, 568.0], [173.0, 570.0], [172.0, 593.0], [113.0, 591.0]], ('20%VAT', 0.9797393679618835)], [[[497.0, 570.0], [547.0, 570.0], [547.0, 593.0], [497.0, 593.0]], ('0.33', 0.9963772296905518)], [[[112.0, 610.0], [247.0, 615.0], [246.0, 639.0], [111.0, 634.0]], ('Total to Pay', 0.9363765120506287)], [[[498.0, 615.0], [549.0, 615.0], [549.0, 638.0], [498.0, 638.0]], ('2.00', 0.9975684881210327)], [[[106.0, 655.0], [201.0, 660.0], [199.0, 682.0], [105.0, 677.0]], ('Received:', 0.9874899387359619)], [[[100.0, 699.0], [153.0, 699.0], [153.0, 725.0], [100.0, 725.0]], ('Cash', 0.996856153011322)], [[[501.0, 705.0], [556.0, 707.0], [554.0, 733.0], [500.0, 731.0]], ('2.00', 0.9979901313781738)], [[[92.0, 794.0], [387.0, 801.0], [386.0, 821.0], [92.0, 814.0]], ('**** PROMO\\COMBO SAVINGS', 0.8718633055686951)], [[[481.0, 799.0], [536.0, 803.0], [534.0, 831.0], [479.0, 827.0]], ('9.80', 0.9963461756706238)], [[[90.0, 817.0], [363.0, 823.0], [363.0, 847.0], [90.0, 841.0]], ('Invoice 559124 #0RIGINAL', 0.9045273661613464)], [[[84.0, 867.0], [275.0, 869.0], [275.0, 893.0], [84.0, 891.0]], ('08/04/201618:26', 0.9850033521652222)], [[[82.0, 895.0], [171.0, 893.0], [172.0, 918.0], [82.0, 920.0]], ('Till:3', 0.8088065981864929)], [[[213.0, 892.0], [381.0, 898.0], [380.0, 925.0], [212.0, 919.0]], ('Cashier: 1942', 0.9322768449783325)]]
{"store_name": "IKEA IKEAFOOD", "store_addr": "IKEAMILTONKEYNES185", "telephone": "", "date": "08/04/2016", "time": "18:26", "subtotal": "1.67", "tax": "0.33", "total": "2.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Fish&ChipsAdult", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Hotbeverageselfser", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Fish&ChipsAdult", "item_value": "1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Hotbeverageselfser", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Name", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[123.0, 22.0], [202.0, 20.0], [203.0, 31.0], [123.0, 33.0]], ('The Restaurant', 0.9697055220603943)], [[[116.0, 33.0], [208.0, 31.0], [208.0, 42.0], [116.0, 44.0]], ('The Getty Center', 0.9505863189697266)], [[[103.0, 43.0], [224.0, 40.0], [224.0, 53.0], [103.0, 56.0]], ('1200 Getty Center Drive', 0.9364205002784729)], [[[95.0, 54.0], [231.0, 49.0], [232.0, 63.0], [95.0, 68.0]], ('Los AngelesCA 90046-1679', 0.9328106045722961)], [[[61.0, 68.0], [120.0, 64.0], [121.0, 78.0], [62.0, 82.0]], ('20135 David', 0.9380136132240295)], [[[60.0, 91.0], [114.0, 86.0], [115.0, 100.0], [61.0, 105.0]], ('CHK256205', 0.9561122059822083)], [[[136.0, 84.0], [181.0, 84.0], [181.0, 98.0], [136.0, 98.0]], ('TBL65/1', 0.9352448582649231)], [[[240.0, 82.0], [271.0, 82.0], [271.0, 96.0], [240.0, 96.0]], ('GST5', 0.9862699508666992)], [[[63.0, 115.0], [118.0, 109.0], [120.0, 123.0], [64.0, 129.0]], ('1Lemonade', 0.9629805684089661)], [[[231.0, 106.0], [255.0, 106.0], [255.0, 119.0], [231.0, 119.0]], ('4.00', 0.9934242367744446)], [[[63.0, 126.0], [129.0, 120.0], [130.0, 134.0], [64.0, 140.0]], ('1COBB SALAD', 0.8558543920516968)], [[[228.0, 119.0], [256.0, 119.0], [256.0, 130.0], [228.0, 130.0]], ('17.00', 0.9921466112136841)], [[[63.0, 138.0], [134.0, 132.0], [135.0, 145.0], [64.0, 151.0]], ('1Duck Confit', 0.9365366101264954)], [[[227.0, 130.0], [258.0, 130.0], [258.0, 144.0], [227.0, 144.0]], ('27.00', 0.989608645439148)], [[[81.0, 148.0], [118.0, 144.0], [120.0, 158.0], [83.0, 162.0]], ('Medtun', 0.8636341094970703)], [[[62.0, 162.0], [117.0, 157.0], [118.0, 171.0], [63.0, 176.0]], ('1CIOPPINO', 0.9450728893280029)], [[[228.0, 155.0], [259.0, 155.0], [259.0, 169.0], [228.0, 169.0]], ('28.00', 0.9963126182556152)], [[[62.0, 174.0], [133.0, 168.0], [134.0, 182.0], [63.0, 188.0]], ('1 Duck Confit', 0.913751482963562)], [[[229.0, 167.0], [260.0, 167.0], [260.0, 182.0], [229.0, 182.0]], ('27.00', 0.9929889440536499)], [[[80.0, 185.0], [119.0, 183.0], [120.0, 197.0], [81.0, 199.0]], ('Medium', 0.9465363621711731)], [[[62.0, 200.0], [144.0, 194.0], [145.0, 208.0], [63.0, 214.0]], ('1 Seared Samon', 0.9281458258628845)], [[[229.0, 194.0], [262.0, 194.0], [262.0, 208.0], [229.0, 208.0]], ('27.00', 0.9939295053482056)], [[[72.0, 225.0], [98.0, 225.0], [98.0, 240.0], [72.0, 240.0]], ('Food', 0.9924165606498718)], [[[219.0, 221.0], [263.0, 221.0], [263.0, 235.0], [219.0, 235.0]], ('$126.00', 0.9925037026405334)], [[[71.0, 240.0], [118.0, 238.0], [118.0, 251.0], [71.0, 253.0]], ('Beverage', 0.9925298094749451)], [[[230.0, 234.0], [263.0, 234.0], [263.0, 249.0], [230.0, 249.0]], ('$4.00', 0.9960606694221497)], [[[72.0, 254.0], [92.0, 254.0], [92.0, 266.0], [72.0, 266.0]], ('rex', 0.5441385507583618)], [[[225.0, 248.0], [263.0, 246.0], [264.0, 261.0], [226.0, 263.0]], ('$11.38', 0.9851260185241699)], [[[56.0, 267.0], [116.0, 262.0], [117.0, 276.0], [57.0, 281.0]], ('1:57P', 0.847123920917511)], [[[111.0, 277.0], [224.0, 274.0], [224.0, 287.0], [112.0, 290.0]], ('Total $141.38', 0.9086405634880066)], [[[71.0, 306.0], [208.0, 306.0], [208.0, 319.0], [71.0, 319.0]], ('ike us on Facebook for updates.', 0.8912646770477295)], [[[79.0, 320.0], [199.0, 320.0], [199.0, 333.0], [79.0, 333.0]], ('recipes and upconing events', 0.9377356171607971)], [[[76.0, 335.0], [207.0, 335.0], [207.0, 349.0], [76.0, 349.0]], ('efacebook.con/DiningatTheGetty', 0.9278051853179932)], [[[79.0, 364.0], [205.0, 366.0], [204.0, 379.0], [79.0, 377.0]], ('Or you can reach us by phone', 0.9280075430870056)], [[[76.0, 378.0], [206.0, 380.0], [205.0, 394.0], [76.0, 392.0]], ('310 440-6810 or ena11 us at', 0.8900561332702637)], [[[108.0, 393.0], [170.0, 395.0], [170.0, 409.0], [107.0, 407.0]], ('', 0.9294909238815308)], [[[92.0, 423.0], [193.0, 427.0], [193.0, 441.0], [91.0, 437.0]], ('Thank you.Bon Appetit', 0.9510985612869263)]]
{"store_name": "\"TheRestaurant'' @TheGettyCenter", "store_addr": "1200GettyCenterDrive LosAngeles,CA90046-1679", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "1:57PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "$11.38", "total": "Total$141.38", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Lemonade", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COBBSALAD", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DuckConfit", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Medium", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CIOPPINO", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DuckConfit", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SearedSalmon", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "4.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "17.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "27.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "28.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "27.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "27.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[79.0, 20.0], [175.0, 20.0], [175.0, 37.0], [79.0, 37.0]], ("Nando's", 0.9520030617713928)], [[[83.0, 44.0], [170.0, 44.0], [170.0, 62.0], [83.0, 62.0]], ('AT13', 0.709618330001831)], [[[88.0, 36.0], [166.0, 36.0], [166.0, 46.0], [88.0, 46.0]], ('Cbicken kestaurants', 0.8856815695762634)], [[[79.0, 77.0], [173.0, 77.0], [173.0, 90.0], [79.0, 90.0]], ('Telephone:02078364719', 0.7964453101158142)], [[[96.0, 69.0], [152.0, 69.0], [152.0, 79.0], [96.0, 79.0]], ('Covent Garden', 0.9611618518829346)], [[[79.0, 87.0], [172.0, 87.0], [172.0, 100.0], [79.0, 100.0]], ('Your Order Kumber Is', 0.8520408868789673)], [[[120.0, 105.0], [134.0, 109.0], [131.0, 121.0], [117.0, 118.0]], ('8', 0.9669957756996155)], [[[38.0, 125.0], [85.0, 128.0], [85.0, 142.0], [37.0, 139.0]], ('HostAbou', 0.8773840069770813)], [[[169.0, 128.0], [211.0, 128.0], [211.0, 139.0], [169.0, 139.0]], ('11/10/2015', 0.991052508354187)], [[[40.0, 140.0], [48.0, 140.0], [48.0, 149.0], [40.0, 149.0]], ('8', 0.9530655145645142)], [[[179.0, 138.0], [211.0, 138.0], [211.0, 149.0], [179.0, 149.0]], ('2:59PM', 0.8607909083366394)], [[[187.0, 148.0], [212.0, 148.0], [212.0, 160.0], [187.0, 160.0]], ('60040', 0.9919193387031555)], [[[39.0, 158.0], [120.0, 158.0], [120.0, 171.0], [39.0, 171.0]], ('Order Type Eat In', 0.8960466384887695)], [[[41.0, 178.0], [87.0, 178.0], [87.0, 189.0], [41.0, 189.0]], ('1/4Chicken', 0.9517488479614258)], [[[192.0, 177.0], [211.0, 177.0], [211.0, 189.0], [192.0, 189.0]], ('7.35', 0.9875733852386475)], [[[46.0, 188.0], [85.0, 188.0], [85.0, 199.0], [46.0, 199.0]], ('Mediun S', 0.8261640071868896)], [[[46.0, 198.0], [116.0, 198.0], [116.0, 209.0], [46.0, 209.0]], ('2Regular Chips', 0.846952497959137)], [[[41.0, 208.0], [87.0, 208.0], [87.0, 219.0], [41.0, 219.0]], ('1/2Chicken', 0.9560562372207642)], [[[188.0, 207.0], [212.0, 207.0], [212.0, 218.0], [188.0, 218.0]], ('10.10', 0.9812806844711304)], [[[45.0, 218.0], [88.0, 218.0], [88.0, 229.0], [45.0, 229.0]], ('Plain M', 0.8284608721733093)], [[[45.0, 227.0], [131.0, 227.0], [131.0, 240.0], [45.0, 240.0]], ('Regular Garlic Bread', 0.9204047322273254)], [[[46.0, 238.0], [103.0, 238.0], [103.0, 249.0], [46.0, 249.0]], ('Regular Chipe', 0.950738787651062)], [[[38.0, 248.0], [105.0, 248.0], [105.0, 259.0], [38.0, 259.0]], ('Churrasco Burger', 0.9634996056556702)], [[[188.0, 247.0], [212.0, 247.0], [212.0, 258.0], [188.0, 258.0]], ('10.45', 0.9963962435722351)], [[[46.0, 258.0], [106.0, 258.0], [106.0, 268.0], [46.0, 268.0]], ('Mango & L1e M', 0.8127580285072327)], [[[53.0, 267.0], [123.0, 267.0], [123.0, 277.0], [53.0, 277.0]], ('Regular Coles aw', 0.8716124892234802)], [[[53.0, 278.0], [107.0, 278.0], [107.0, 289.0], [53.0, 289.0]], ('Regular Com', 0.8929540514945984)], [[[59.0, 285.0], [95.0, 287.0], [94.0, 302.0], [58.0, 299.0]], ('Plain s', 0.8677352666854858)], [[[35.0, 297.0], [104.0, 299.0], [104.0, 310.0], [34.0, 308.0]], ('Dhurrasco Burger', 0.8444254398345947)], [[[193.0, 297.0], [213.0, 297.0], [213.0, 309.0], [193.0, 309.0]], ('8.95', 0.9894725680351257)], [[[42.0, 309.0], [79.0, 309.0], [79.0, 319.0], [42.0, 319.0]], ('Plain M', 0.7731989622116089)], [[[43.0, 318.0], [81.0, 318.0], [81.0, 329.0], [43.0, 329.0]], ('Dne Side', 0.8623255491256714)], [[[36.0, 336.0], [104.0, 338.0], [104.0, 349.0], [35.0, 347.0]], ('Churrasco Burger', 0.9042648077011108)], [[[48.0, 327.0], [129.0, 326.0], [130.0, 337.0], [49.0, 339.0]], ('Regular Stde Salad', 0.9069685339927673)], [[[44.0, 345.0], [82.0, 348.0], [82.0, 359.0], [43.0, 356.0]], ('Mediun H', 0.7073097229003906)], [[[192.0, 336.0], [212.0, 336.0], [212.0, 349.0], [192.0, 349.0]], ('8.95', 0.9831541776657104)], [[[44.0, 357.0], [80.0, 357.0], [80.0, 368.0], [44.0, 368.0]], ('One 51de', 0.8976262807846069)], [[[51.0, 365.0], [130.0, 365.0], [130.0, 378.0], [51.0, 378.0]], ('Regular Side SaTad', 0.9081499576568604)], [[[36.0, 375.0], [105.0, 377.0], [105.0, 388.0], [35.0, 386.0]], ('Ster Merlot Bt1', 0.7820323705673218)], [[[186.0, 375.0], [212.0, 375.0], [212.0, 390.0], [186.0, 390.0]], ('14.75', 0.9748155474662781)], [[[37.0, 396.0], [71.0, 396.0], [71.0, 407.0], [37.0, 407.0]], ('Subtota)', 0.9571059346199036)], [[[187.0, 396.0], [211.0, 396.0], [211.0, 408.0], [187.0, 408.0]], ('50.84', 0.9677309989929199)], [[[37.0, 406.0], [53.0, 406.0], [53.0, 418.0], [37.0, 418.0]], ('Tax', 0.966770350933075)], [[[191.0, 407.0], [211.0, 407.0], [211.0, 418.0], [191.0, 418.0]], ('9.71', 0.9849253296852112)], [[[37.0, 426.0], [135.0, 426.0], [135.0, 439.0], [37.0, 439.0]], ('Eat In Total', 0.9570326209068298)], [[[168.0, 427.0], [211.0, 427.0], [211.0, 438.0], [168.0, 438.0]], ('60.55', 0.9797859191894531)]]
{"store_name": "Nando\u2019s", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "02078354719", "date": "11/10/2015", "time": "2:59PM", "subtotal": "50.84", "tax": "9.71", "total": "60.55", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "1/4Chicken", "item_value": "7.35", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MediumS", "item_value": "10.10", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "(2)ReguIarChips", "item_value": "10.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "1/2Chicken", "item_value": "8.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PlainM", "item_value": "8.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularGarlicBread", "item_value": "14.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularChipe", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChurrascoBurger", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Marco&LimeM", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularColeslaw", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularCom", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PlainS", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PlainM", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CneSide", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularSideSalad", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MediumM", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OneSide", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularSideSalad", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SoierMerlotBtl", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[120.0, 53.0], [395.0, 56.0], [394.0, 73.0], [120.0, 70.0]], ('Berjaya Starbucks Coffee Company', 0.9447086453437805)], [[[182.0, 77.0], [345.0, 79.0], [344.0, 97.0], [181.0, 95.0]], ('Sdn Bhd 462026-H', 0.9383251667022705)], [[[120.0, 101.0], [384.0, 105.0], [384.0, 123.0], [120.0, 118.0]], ('', 0.9771503806114197)], [[[115.0, 164.0], [272.0, 167.0], [272.0, 188.0], [115.0, 186.0]], ('Langkawi Airport', 0.9115418195724487)], [[[126.0, 191.0], [263.0, 191.0], [263.0, 211.0], [126.0, 211.0]], ('604-9557780', 0.9841588735580444)], [[[2.0, 263.0], [194.0, 265.0], [194.0, 285.0], [2.0, 283.0]], ('Bi1 No.:002-162542', 0.8550798892974854)], [[[307.0, 264.0], [387.0, 266.0], [386.0, 290.0], [307.0, 288.0]], ('Take Out', 0.9290220737457275)], [[[1.0, 289.0], [242.0, 291.0], [241.0, 311.0], [1.0, 309.0]], ('Date:2012/03/2214:27:54', 0.9620653390884399)], [[[0.0, 337.0], [117.0, 340.0], [117.0, 361.0], [0.0, 358.0]], ('CarMacchiato', 0.9885331988334656)], [[[278.0, 339.0], [294.0, 342.0], [291.0, 363.0], [275.0, 360.0]], ('1', 0.9861313104629517)], [[[316.0, 341.0], [386.0, 341.0], [386.0, 363.0], [316.0, 363.0]], ('RM12.50', 0.9842180609703064)], [[[9.0, 363.0], [61.0, 363.0], [61.0, 385.0], [9.0, 385.0]], ('M1lk', 0.5976570248603821)], [[[0.0, 387.0], [127.0, 390.0], [126.0, 412.0], [0.0, 408.0]], ('BIk Tea Latte', 0.8748041987419128)], [[[276.0, 391.0], [293.0, 391.0], [293.0, 412.0], [276.0, 412.0]], ('1', 0.9620895385742188)], [[[315.0, 390.0], [388.0, 393.0], [387.0, 415.0], [315.0, 412.0]], ('RMI0.50', 0.9021520614624023)], [[[6.0, 415.0], [61.0, 412.0], [63.0, 435.0], [7.0, 438.0]], ('Milk', 0.8426882028579712)], [[[1.0, 439.0], [107.0, 442.0], [107.0, 463.0], [1.0, 460.0]], ('Red Whoopie', 0.952039897441864)], [[[275.0, 441.0], [292.0, 441.0], [292.0, 464.0], [275.0, 464.0]], ('1', 0.9488849639892578)], [[[325.0, 442.0], [387.0, 442.0], [387.0, 465.0], [325.0, 465.0]], ('RM6.50', 0.9886987209320068)], [[[2.0, 466.0], [153.0, 466.0], [153.0, 486.0], [2.0, 486.0]], ('BananaChocChiMuf', 0.9880279302597046)], [[[276.0, 469.0], [289.0, 469.0], [289.0, 487.0], [276.0, 487.0]], ('1', 0.9754925966262817)], [[[325.0, 468.0], [386.0, 468.0], [386.0, 489.0], [325.0, 489.0]], ('RM5.90', 0.9907025694847107)], [[[2.0, 492.0], [155.0, 492.0], [155.0, 512.0], [2.0, 512.0]], ('Bramblebrry Tazo', 0.9349368810653687)], [[[276.0, 493.0], [289.0, 493.0], [289.0, 511.0], [276.0, 511.0]], ('1', 0.9662333726882935)], [[[316.0, 493.0], [386.0, 493.0], [386.0, 514.0], [316.0, 514.0]], ('RM10.50', 0.9654140472412109)], [[[218.0, 633.0], [262.0, 633.0], [262.0, 656.0], [218.0, 656.0]], ('CASH', 0.9812679886817932)], [[[315.0, 634.0], [385.0, 634.0], [385.0, 655.0], [315.0, 655.0]], ('RM50.00', 0.979928195476532)], [[[199.0, 657.0], [261.0, 661.0], [260.0, 683.0], [197.0, 679.0]], ('Change', 0.9916909337043762)], [[[324.0, 659.0], [386.0, 659.0], [386.0, 681.0], [324.0, 681.0]], ('RM4.10', 0.9841827750205994)], [[[39.0, 707.0], [329.0, 709.0], [329.0, 729.0], [39.0, 727.0]], ('Introducing the S arbucks Card', 0.9067183136940002)], [[[49.0, 732.0], [328.0, 736.0], [328.0, 756.0], [49.0, 752.0]], ('Turn You VisitInto Rewards', 0.8704578876495361)], [[[120.0, 785.0], [321.0, 785.0], [321.0, 802.0], [120.0, 802.0]], ('JAKIM ret.018-12/2006', 0.8421618938446045)], [[[2.0, 872.0], [214.0, 874.0], [214.0, 892.0], [2.0, 890.0]], ('002-2012/03/2214:28:32P1J9', 0.9185346364974976)], [[[271.0, 873.0], [377.0, 875.0], [377.0, 895.0], [271.0, 893.0]], ('0021625421', 0.9640828371047974)]]
{"store_name": "BerjayaStarbucksCoffeeCompany", "store_addr": "LangkawiAirport", "telephone": "(604)-9557780", "date": "2012/03/22 2012/03/22", "time": "14:27:54 14:28:32PIJA", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "RM45.90", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CarMacchiato", "item_value": "RM12.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": ":Milk", "item_value": "RM10.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BlkTeaLatte", "item_value": "RM6.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": ":Milk", "item_value": "RM5.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RedWhoopie", "item_value": "RM10.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BananaChocChiMuf", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BramblebrryTazo", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[129.0, 60.0], [213.0, 67.0], [212.0, 78.0], [128.0, 71.0]], ('Antworpen Keysenei', 0.8800410032272339)], [[[136.0, 71.0], [204.0, 75.0], [204.0, 88.0], [136.0, 84.0]], ('de Keysoriei 17', 0.7455260157585144)], [[[147.0, 82.0], [193.0, 86.0], [192.0, 98.0], [146.0, 94.0]], ('Antwerpen', 0.9849460124969482)], [[[65.0, 104.0], [78.0, 104.0], [78.0, 114.0], [65.0, 114.0]], ('Tel', 0.9230290055274963)], [[[96.0, 102.0], [176.0, 108.0], [176.0, 121.0], [95.0, 115.0]], ('03/2336810Fr', 0.8886714577674866)], [[[63.0, 123.0], [125.0, 128.0], [124.0, 142.0], [62.0, 137.0]], ('8.August 2013', 0.8864033222198486)], [[[64.0, 116.0], [79.0, 116.0], [79.0, 126.0], [64.0, 126.0]], ('Till', 0.8522160649299622)], [[[96.0, 114.0], [125.0, 117.0], [124.0, 129.0], [95.0, 126.0]], ('R3451', 0.978554368019104)], [[[156.0, 116.0], [244.0, 121.0], [244.0, 135.0], [156.0, 130.0]], ('dM345042627', 0.9665359258651733)], [[[146.0, 139.0], [188.0, 142.0], [187.0, 153.0], [145.0, 150.0]], ('TAKEOUT', 0.9227786064147949)], [[[202.0, 130.0], [240.0, 133.0], [239.0, 145.0], [201.0, 142.0]], ('11.53.53', 0.9280732870101929)], [[[61.0, 170.0], [94.0, 172.0], [93.0, 183.0], [60.0, 181.0]], ('Cashier', 0.9755765199661255)], [[[62.0, 179.0], [83.0, 182.0], [81.0, 194.0], [61.0, 191.0]], ('Shift', 0.8583550453186035)], [[[137.0, 184.0], [173.0, 186.0], [172.0, 197.0], [137.0, 195.0]], ('SHIFE-L', 0.8428846597671509)], [[[138.0, 175.0], [183.0, 175.0], [183.0, 186.0], [138.0, 186.0]], ("MATIEO'S", 0.9148566722869873)], [[[60.0, 204.0], [109.0, 207.0], [109.0, 218.0], [59.0, 215.0]], ('Description', 0.9919859170913696)], [[[135.0, 208.0], [153.0, 208.0], [153.0, 220.0], [135.0, 220.0]], ('aty', 0.8101508617401123)], [[[166.0, 208.0], [191.0, 210.0], [190.0, 221.0], [165.0, 219.0]], ('Price', 0.9474689364433289)], [[[201.0, 210.0], [237.0, 212.0], [236.0, 223.0], [200.0, 221.0]], ('Amount', 0.9974367022514343)], [[[59.0, 226.0], [130.0, 229.0], [130.0, 240.0], [58.0, 237.0]], ('Super Supreme M', 0.9429379105567932)], [[[166.0, 231.0], [191.0, 231.0], [191.0, 242.0], [166.0, 242.0]], ('16:45', 0.8793008923530579)], [[[210.0, 233.0], [234.0, 233.0], [234.0, 244.0], [210.0, 244.0]], ('16.45', 0.9645112156867981)], [[[58.0, 248.0], [82.0, 248.0], [82.0, 259.0], [58.0, 259.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9795876741409302)], [[[58.0, 258.0], [86.0, 260.0], [84.0, 273.0], [57.0, 270.0]], ('CASH', 0.9955325722694397)], [[[123.0, 262.0], [144.0, 262.0], [144.0, 273.0], [123.0, 273.0]], ('16.45', 0.9346668124198914)], [[[209.0, 255.0], [233.0, 255.0], [233.0, 266.0], [209.0, 266.0]], ('16.45', 0.9136036038398743)], [[[57.0, 281.0], [83.0, 284.0], [82.0, 295.0], [56.0, 292.0]], ('Veals', 0.9438980221748352)], [[[56.0, 291.0], [98.0, 293.0], [97.0, 308.0], [55.0, 305.0]], ('VAT Serial', 0.8725079298019409)], [[[55.0, 303.0], [86.0, 306.0], [86.0, 318.0], [54.0, 315.0]], ('235094', 0.9509744048118591)], [[[146.0, 296.0], [184.0, 299.0], [183.0, 310.0], [145.0, 307.0]], ('VATSAM', 0.8839351534843445)], [[[146.0, 308.0], [185.0, 308.0], [185.0, 319.0], [146.0, 319.0]], ('50334334', 0.921146035194397)], [[[66.0, 327.0], [95.0, 330.0], [94.0, 342.0], [65.0, 339.0]], ('VAT%', 0.9553017616271973)], [[[113.0, 331.0], [148.0, 331.0], [148.0, 343.0], [113.0, 343.0]], ('ExcLVat', 0.8783873319625854)], [[[192.0, 322.0], [229.0, 325.0], [228.0, 336.0], [191.0, 333.0]], ('Total inci', 0.8852927088737488)], [[[73.0, 338.0], [96.0, 341.0], [95.0, 353.0], [71.0, 350.0]], ('6.00', 0.9303921461105347)], [[[160.0, 332.0], [181.0, 332.0], [181.0, 344.0], [160.0, 344.0]], ('VAI', 0.8629644513130188)], [[[121.0, 343.0], [147.0, 343.0], [147.0, 354.0], [121.0, 354.0]], ('15.52', 0.8811068534851074)], [[[206.0, 343.0], [230.0, 346.0], [229.0, 357.0], [205.0, 354.0]], ('16.45', 0.8804557919502258)], [[[207.0, 334.0], [230.0, 334.0], [230.0, 346.0], [207.0, 346.0]], ('VAT', 0.9789095520973206)], [[[159.0, 344.0], [181.0, 344.0], [181.0, 355.0], [159.0, 355.0]], ('093', 0.977022647857666)], [[[120.0, 365.0], [194.0, 367.0], [193.0, 378.0], [120.0, 376.0]], ('Fizza Belgiun NV', 0.8783314824104309)], [[[129.0, 385.0], [184.0, 389.0], [183.0, 403.0], [128.0, 400.0]], ('261', 0.6925368905067444)], [[[132.0, 377.0], [188.0, 377.0], [188.0, 388.0], [132.0, 388.0]], ('Fotogaferzan41', 0.8681058287620544)], [[[102.0, 399.0], [208.0, 401.0], [208.0, 412.0], [101.0, 410.0]], ('BTW/VA428600141', 0.862689733505249)], [[[81.0, 420.0], [228.0, 422.0], [228.0, 436.0], [80.0, 434.0]], ('Verg10359220102003', 0.8587474226951599)], [[[90.0, 411.0], [218.0, 411.0], [218.0, 424.0], [90.0, 424.0]], ('VeggAsno 6/1999', 0.7920675873756409)], [[[123.0, 434.0], [185.0, 434.0], [185.0, 445.0], [123.0, 445.0]], ('BTWTcketJVA', 0.7504273056983948)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "03/2336810", "date": "6.August2013", "time": "", "subtotal": "15.52", "tax": "0.93", "total": "16.45 16.45", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SuperSupremeM", "item_value": "16.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[105.0, 71.0], [197.0, 76.0], [196.0, 90.0], [104.0, 85.0]], ('Sn Frc.C', 0.666141152381897)], [[[78.0, 81.0], [142.0, 88.0], [140.0, 99.0], [76.0, 92.0]], ('6992K1a1', 0.7708946466445923)], [[[72.0, 93.0], [109.0, 99.0], [107.0, 110.0], [71.0, 104.0]], ('67.21/1', 0.7480791807174683)], [[[121.0, 106.0], [188.0, 111.0], [188.0, 122.0], [121.0, 117.0]], ('Aug21560156', 0.7907585501670837)], [[[206.0, 105.0], [233.0, 105.0], [233.0, 116.0], [206.0, 116.0]], ('GE4', 0.5497037172317505)], [[[86.0, 117.0], [172.0, 124.0], [171.0, 137.0], [85.0, 130.0]], ('RESTAURANT', 0.9955201148986816)], [[[78.0, 136.0], [108.0, 136.0], [108.0, 147.0], [78.0, 147.0]], ('1S0DA', 0.7946423888206482)], [[[108.0, 135.0], [137.0, 139.0], [135.0, 150.0], [107.0, 146.0]], ('--Coke', 0.8953935503959656)], [[[75.0, 141.0], [109.0, 144.0], [108.0, 155.0], [75.0, 152.0]], ('1SC0A', 0.7828333377838135)], [[[104.0, 146.0], [136.0, 147.0], [136.0, 157.0], [104.0, 156.0]], ('--Coke', 0.854841411113739)], [[[74.0, 158.0], [123.0, 162.0], [122.0, 173.0], [74.0, 170.0]], ('2 CLAMBB', 0.8173270225524902)], [[[203.0, 155.0], [233.0, 155.0], [233.0, 181.0], [203.0, 181.0]], ('35.85', 0.587337076663971)], [[[74.0, 166.0], [136.0, 171.0], [135.0, 185.0], [73.0, 180.0]], ('1PIZZA BASIL', 0.9188225269317627)], [[[206.0, 174.0], [231.0, 174.0], [231.0, 186.0], [206.0, 186.0]], ('15.95', 0.9273588061332703)], [[[81.0, 185.0], [122.0, 188.0], [121.0, 202.0], [80.0, 199.0]], ('Suototal', 0.8957004547119141)], [[[82.0, 195.0], [103.0, 199.0], [101.0, 211.0], [80.0, 206.0]], ('Tax', 0.9507226347923279)], [[[208.0, 192.0], [234.0, 192.0], [234.0, 203.0], [208.0, 203.0]], ('84.15', 0.9724174737930298)], [[[78.0, 205.0], [142.0, 208.0], [142.0, 222.0], [78.0, 219.0]], ('s dg S', 0.5047062039375305)], [[[213.0, 199.0], [236.0, 199.0], [236.0, 214.0], [213.0, 214.0]], ('7.66', 0.9827656745910645)], [[[80.0, 217.0], [129.0, 219.0], [128.0, 230.0], [80.0, 228.0]], ('Total Due', 0.9269309639930725)], [[[188.0, 218.0], [238.0, 220.0], [238.0, 234.0], [187.0, 232.0]], ('95.18', 0.9964138269424438)], [[[214.0, 209.0], [237.0, 211.0], [235.0, 223.0], [213.0, 221.0]], ('3.37', 0.9630962610244751)], [[[87.0, 248.0], [224.0, 251.0], [224.0, 265.0], [86.0, 262.0]], ('For your convenience we are', 0.9449833035469055)], [[[95.0, 260.0], [216.0, 262.0], [216.0, 276.0], [95.0, 274.0]], ('providing the following', 0.9539176225662231)], [[[94.0, 272.0], [212.0, 274.0], [212.0, 287.0], [94.0, 285.0]], ('gratuity calculations:', 0.9480363726615906)], [[[130.0, 298.0], [199.0, 298.0], [199.0, 309.0], [130.0, 309.0]], ('15%1s$14.28', 0.9549168944358826)], [[[220.0, 297.0], [275.0, 294.0], [276.0, 315.0], [221.0, 318.0]], ('Kont', 0.5920546054840088)], [[[129.0, 309.0], [204.0, 309.0], [204.0, 323.0], [129.0, 323.0]], ('18%1s$17.13', 0.9072357416152954)], [[[127.0, 323.0], [204.0, 323.0], [204.0, 338.0], [127.0, 338.0]], ('20%is$19.04', 0.9379064440727234)], [[[69.0, 338.0], [236.0, 336.0], [236.0, 351.0], [69.0, 352.0]], ('*In Response to San Francisco', 0.9602764844894409)], [[[67.0, 353.0], [203.0, 350.0], [204.0, 365.0], [67.0, 367.0]], ('employer mandates.a 4%', 0.9172692894935608)], [[[66.0, 368.0], [246.0, 365.0], [246.0, 379.0], [66.0, 382.0]], ('surcharge has been added to a', 0.9667140245437622)], [[[66.0, 384.0], [209.0, 381.0], [209.0, 395.0], [66.0, 398.0]], ('food and beverage sales.', 0.9589182734489441)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "84.15", "tax": "7.66", "total": "95.18", "ignore": " ", "tips": "$14.28 $17.13 $19.04", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SODA--Coke", "item_value": "3.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SODA--Coke", "item_value": "3.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SODA--Coke", "item_value": "3.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CRABMAC.&CHEE", "item_value": "25.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CLAM8B", "item_value": "31.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PIZZABASIL", "item_value": "15.85", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[101.0, 15.0], [342.0, 0.0], [345.0, 53.0], [104.0, 68.0]], ('Enjoythetea!', 0.912918746471405)], [[[124.0, 114.0], [480.0, 45.0], [489.0, 96.0], [134.0, 165.0]], ('Zaborigingls', 0.8164320588111877)], [[[367.0, 138.0], [463.0, 138.0], [463.0, 175.0], [367.0, 175.0]], ('26', 0.9066160917282104)], [[[236.0, 158.0], [332.0, 155.0], [333.0, 174.0], [236.0, 176.0]], ('Zephyr Cate', 0.926012396812439)], [[[210.0, 179.0], [357.0, 179.0], [357.0, 196.0], [210.0, 196.0]], ('61 Riverside Road', 0.9514768123626709)], [[[228.0, 200.0], [349.0, 200.0], [349.0, 217.0], [228.0, 217.0]], ('East Fremantle', 0.973208487033844)], [[[114.0, 222.0], [281.0, 219.0], [281.0, 237.0], [115.0, 240.0]], ('ABN:68263 214 582', 0.9221705794334412)], [[[203.0, 241.0], [287.0, 241.0], [287.0, 259.0], [203.0, 259.0]], ('Table', 0.9919463396072388)], [[[322.0, 238.0], [376.0, 238.0], [376.0, 259.0], [322.0, 259.0]], ('Q#2', 0.9912437796592712)], [[[111.0, 263.0], [273.0, 260.0], [273.0, 280.0], [112.0, 283.0]], ('Trans298102', 0.9929401874542236)], [[[357.0, 261.0], [455.0, 259.0], [455.0, 276.0], [357.0, 278.0]], ('Serv:Conor', 0.9398753046989441)], [[[111.0, 285.0], [272.0, 283.0], [272.0, 301.0], [112.0, 303.0]], ('8/09/201612:37PM', 0.97930908203125)], [[[376.0, 281.0], [448.0, 281.0], [448.0, 299.0], [376.0, 299.0]], ('Cust1', 0.9684960246086121)], [[[128.0, 329.0], [256.0, 326.0], [257.0, 346.0], [129.0, 349.0]], ('Quan Descript', 0.9663721323013306)], [[[409.0, 323.0], [450.0, 320.0], [451.0, 343.0], [411.0, 346.0]], ('Cost', 0.9967244863510132)], [[[138.0, 373.0], [273.0, 370.0], [274.0, 390.0], [138.0, 393.0]], ('1 Pot Tea tor 1', 0.8728717565536499)], [[[421.0, 366.0], [471.0, 366.0], [471.0, 388.0], [421.0, 388.0]], ('$5.50', 0.9979933500289917)], [[[256.0, 437.0], [388.0, 434.0], [388.0, 454.0], [257.0, 457.0]], ('TOTALS', 0.9593961238861084)], [[[378.0, 435.0], [467.0, 433.0], [468.0, 450.0], [378.0, 453.0]], ('$5.50', 0.9985224008560181)], [[[299.0, 479.0], [340.0, 479.0], [340.0, 501.0], [299.0, 501.0]], ('CASH', 0.9974784255027771)], [[[423.0, 478.0], [472.0, 478.0], [472.0, 497.0], [423.0, 497.0]], ('$5.50', 0.9988194704055786)], [[[216.0, 543.0], [374.0, 539.0], [374.0, 559.0], [216.0, 563.0]], ('Thank You', 0.954725980758667)], [[[108.0, 596.0], [135.0, 596.0], [135.0, 606.0], [108.0, 606.0]], ('book', 0.9765540957450867)]]
{"store_name": "ZephyrCafe", "store_addr": "61RiversideRoad EastFremantle", "telephone": "", "date": "8/09/2016", "time": "12:37PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$5.50", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PotTeafor", "item_value": "$5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Descript", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[205.0, 86.0], [272.0, 84.0], [272.0, 102.0], [205.0, 104.0]], ('WASA', 0.8849949836730957)], [[[196.0, 104.0], [292.0, 101.0], [292.0, 118.0], [196.0, 121.0]], ('VACCINAT ION', 0.9557310938835144)], [[[170.0, 122.0], [309.0, 118.0], [309.0, 135.0], [170.0, 139.0]], ('HOLLANDARGATAN 4', 0.959602952003479)], [[[163.0, 139.0], [317.0, 135.0], [317.0, 152.0], [163.0, 156.0]], ('ORG.NF:556193-0693', 0.8993211388587952)], [[[138.0, 175.0], [226.0, 173.0], [226.0, 191.0], [138.0, 193.0]], ('2006-01-10', 0.95099937915802)], [[[297.0, 170.0], [343.0, 168.0], [344.0, 187.0], [298.0, 189.0]], ('#0000', 0.8951334953308105)], [[[138.0, 210.0], [192.0, 210.0], [192.0, 228.0], [138.0, 228.0]], ('HAVRIX', 0.9636337161064148)], [[[274.0, 207.0], [328.0, 207.0], [328.0, 225.0], [274.0, 225.0]], ('495.00', 0.9965358376502991)], [[[142.0, 227.0], [192.0, 228.0], [192.0, 246.0], [142.0, 245.0]], ('IAVRIX', 0.6643094420433044)], [[[274.0, 225.0], [327.0, 222.0], [328.0, 240.0], [275.0, 243.0]], ('495.00', 0.9845759868621826)], [[[139.0, 246.0], [241.0, 244.0], [241.0, 262.0], [139.0, 264.0]], ('THINRIK BARN', 0.9390780925750732)], [[[274.0, 243.0], [328.0, 243.0], [328.0, 260.0], [274.0, 260.0]], ('495.00', 0.9945721626281738)], [[[139.0, 265.0], [192.0, 265.0], [192.0, 282.0], [139.0, 282.0]], ('TYFOID', 0.8276323676109314)], [[[274.0, 262.0], [328.0, 262.0], [328.0, 280.0], [274.0, 280.0]], ('290.00', 0.9404737949371338)], [[[273.0, 279.0], [329.0, 279.0], [329.0, 300.0], [273.0, 300.0]], ('290.00', 0.9854266047477722)], [[[140.0, 302.0], [194.0, 302.0], [194.0, 320.0], [140.0, 320.0]], ('TYFOID', 0.9609107375144958)], [[[274.0, 299.0], [327.0, 297.0], [328.0, 316.0], [275.0, 318.0]], ('290.00', 0.9751324653625488)], [[[140.0, 321.0], [239.0, 321.0], [239.0, 338.0], [140.0, 338.0]], ('DUKORAL/KOL.', 0.9723107814788818)], [[[275.0, 318.0], [328.0, 318.0], [328.0, 336.0], [275.0, 336.0]], ('225.00', 0.9964704513549805)], [[[141.0, 339.0], [234.0, 339.0], [234.0, 356.0], [141.0, 356.0]], ('DUKORAL/KOL', 0.9799753427505493)], [[[274.0, 337.0], [327.0, 335.0], [328.0, 353.0], [275.0, 355.0]], ('225.00', 0.9960556626319885)], [[[141.0, 358.0], [238.0, 358.0], [238.0, 375.0], [141.0, 375.0]], ('DUKORAL/KOL.', 0.9761962890625)], [[[275.0, 355.0], [328.0, 355.0], [328.0, 373.0], [275.0, 373.0]], ('225.00', 0.99643474817276)], [[[142.0, 378.0], [236.0, 378.0], [236.0, 392.0], [142.0, 392.0]], ('DUKORAL/KOL', 0.8949474096298218)], [[[275.0, 374.0], [329.0, 374.0], [329.0, 392.0], [275.0, 392.0]], ('225.00', 0.995988667011261)], [[[141.0, 395.0], [235.0, 395.0], [235.0, 412.0], [141.0, 412.0]], ('DUKORAL/KOL', 0.9780687689781189)], [[[274.0, 393.0], [328.0, 391.0], [329.0, 409.0], [275.0, 411.0]], ('225.00', 0.9946308135986328)], [[[141.0, 414.0], [235.0, 414.0], [235.0, 431.0], [141.0, 431.0]], ('DUKORAL/KOL.', 0.9489116668701172)], [[[274.0, 411.0], [328.0, 411.0], [328.0, 429.0], [274.0, 429.0]], ('225.00', 0.9966888427734375)], [[[142.0, 433.0], [207.0, 433.0], [207.0, 450.0], [142.0, 450.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9959333539009094)], [[[268.0, 430.0], [329.0, 430.0], [329.0, 448.0], [268.0, 448.0]], ('3705.00', 0.9948843121528625)], [[[142.0, 452.0], [186.0, 452.0], [186.0, 467.0], [142.0, 467.0]], ('POLIO', 0.9081741571426392)], [[[277.0, 449.0], [329.0, 449.0], [329.0, 467.0], [277.0, 467.0]], ('175.00', 0.9941573143005371)], [[[142.0, 470.0], [208.0, 470.0], [208.0, 487.0], [142.0, 487.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9920046925544739)], [[[268.0, 468.0], [329.0, 468.0], [329.0, 486.0], [268.0, 486.0]], ('3880.00', 0.9930996298789978)], [[[143.0, 490.0], [225.0, 490.0], [225.0, 504.0], [143.0, 504.0]], ('KREOLTKORT', 0.8467453122138977)], [[[217.0, 506.0], [328.0, 504.0], [328.0, 522.0], [217.0, 524.0]], ('3880.00', 0.9915594458580017)], [[[142.0, 543.0], [190.0, 543.0], [190.0, 561.0], [142.0, 561.0]], ('PIA H', 0.8960488438606262)], [[[208.0, 544.0], [246.0, 544.0], [246.0, 562.0], [208.0, 562.0]], ('4838', 0.9984301328659058)], [[[285.0, 540.0], [345.0, 538.0], [346.0, 560.0], [286.0, 562.0]], ('17:37KL', 0.9454173445701599)]]
{"store_name": "WASA", "store_addr": "HOLLANDARGATAN4", "telephone": "", "date": "2006-01-10", "time": "17:37KL", "subtotal": "3705.00", "tax": "", "total": "3880.00 3880.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "HAVRIX", "item_value": "495.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HAVRIX", "item_value": "495.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TWINRIKBARN", "item_value": "495.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TYFOID", "item_value": "290.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TYFOID", "item_value": "290.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TYFOID", "item_value": "290.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DUKORAL/KOL.", "item_value": "225.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DUKORAL/KOL.", "item_value": "225.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DUKORAL/KOL.", "item_value": "225.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DUKORAL/KOL.", "item_value": "225.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DUKORAL/KOL.", "item_value": "225.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DUKORAL/KOL.", "item_value": "225.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[151.0, 39.0], [862.0, 21.0], [863.0, 71.0], [153.0, 89.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX9196', 0.7240949273109436)], [[[153.0, 115.0], [827.0, 96.0], [829.0, 153.0], [155.0, 172.0]], ('REMAIN BAL$O.00', 0.9271479845046997)], [[[720.0, 250.0], [837.0, 246.0], [839.0, 311.0], [723.0, 316.0]], ('$/G', 0.9930241703987122)], [[[156.0, 270.0], [609.0, 258.0], [611.0, 308.0], [158.0, 320.0]], ('PUMP PRODUCT', 0.9378032088279724)], [[[157.0, 337.0], [274.0, 337.0], [274.0, 400.0], [157.0, 400.0]], ('02', 0.9937229156494141)], [[[378.0, 337.0], [534.0, 333.0], [536.0, 393.0], [380.0, 397.0]], ('UNLD', 0.9967398643493652)], [[[651.0, 332.0], [873.0, 326.0], [875.0, 385.0], [652.0, 390.0]], ('$2.799', 0.9989194869995117)], [[[162.0, 495.0], [418.0, 490.0], [420.0, 543.0], [163.0, 549.0]], ('GALLONS', 0.997878909111023)], [[[542.0, 487.0], [908.0, 481.0], [909.0, 535.0], [543.0, 540.0]], ('FUEL TOTAL', 0.9455881118774414)], [[[649.0, 559.0], [913.0, 553.0], [914.0, 616.0], [650.0, 622.0]], ('$50.00', 0.9970210194587708)], [[[202.0, 569.0], [423.0, 563.0], [425.0, 623.0], [204.0, 629.0]], ('17.864', 0.9973554611206055)], [[[651.0, 714.0], [909.0, 708.0], [911.0, 765.0], [652.0, 770.0]], ('$50.00', 0.996729850769043)], [[[170.0, 724.0], [538.0, 718.0], [539.0, 768.0], [171.0, 774.0]], ('TOTAL SALE', 0.9587887525558472)], [[[327.0, 872.0], [758.0, 861.0], [759.0, 913.0], [328.0, 924.0]], ('Choose Shell', 0.908698558807373)], [[[211.0, 950.0], [840.0, 936.0], [841.0, 986.0], [212.0, 1000.0]], ('Nitrogen Enriched', 0.9786990880966187)], [[[180.0, 1022.0], [869.0, 1010.0], [870.0, 1060.0], [181.0, 1072.0]], ('Gasolines. No other', 0.9254598021507263)], [[[216.0, 1100.0], [838.0, 1085.0], [839.0, 1136.0], [217.0, 1152.0]], ('gasolines protect', 0.9803321957588196)], [[[404.0, 1168.0], [648.0, 1168.0], [648.0, 1215.0], [404.0, 1215.0]], ('better.', 0.99384605884552)], [[[223.0, 1312.0], [881.0, 1301.0], [882.0, 1358.0], [224.0, 1369.0]], ('You received $0.60', 0.9631659984588623)], [[[230.0, 1388.0], [876.0, 1383.0], [876.0, 1435.0], [230.0, 1440.0]], ('/gal by usingyour', 0.957134485244751)], [[[269.0, 1458.0], [834.0, 1458.0], [834.0, 1503.0], [269.0, 1503.0]], ('GiantFood card', 0.9804983735084534)], [[[235.0, 1530.0], [876.0, 1530.0], [876.0, 1575.0], [235.0, 1575.0]], ('Come back toShell', 0.9193751215934753)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$50.00 $50.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "02UNLD", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "PUMPPRODUCT", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[532.0, 113.0], [720.0, 109.0], [721.0, 147.0], [533.0, 150.0]], ('DLRA', 0.865236759185791)], [[[702.0, 104.0], [955.0, 118.0], [953.0, 155.0], [700.0, 142.0]], ('4728085', 0.9848894476890564)], [[[531.0, 189.0], [819.0, 186.0], [820.0, 225.0], [531.0, 228.0]], ('FRAMINGH', 0.9926921129226685)], [[[1167.0, 192.0], [1242.0, 192.0], [1242.0, 233.0], [1167.0, 233.0]], ('MA', 0.9942443370819092)], [[[533.0, 226.0], [820.0, 230.0], [819.0, 267.0], [533.0, 264.0]], ('08/92/02', 0.9120614528656006)], [[[998.0, 239.0], [1172.0, 239.0], [1172.0, 277.0], [998.0, 277.0]], ('17:57', 0.9628693461418152)], [[[1065.0, 282.0], [1242.0, 276.0], [1243.0, 314.0], [1066.0, 319.0]], ('ACCTH', 0.972615122795105)], [[[530.0, 304.0], [1060.0, 324.0], [1058.0, 360.0], [529.0, 340.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXX2041', 0.8498335480690002)], [[[538.0, 346.0], [958.0, 361.0], [956.0, 397.0], [537.0, 382.0]], ('INU#M5M9156', 0.9326522946357727)], [[[534.0, 387.0], [961.0, 402.0], [959.0, 439.0], [532.0, 425.0]], ('AUTH#558960', 0.904873788356781)], [[[531.0, 426.0], [825.0, 438.0], [823.0, 480.0], [529.0, 468.0]], ('PUMP#11', 0.987130343914032)], [[[531.0, 470.0], [681.0, 477.0], [678.0, 521.0], [529.0, 513.0]], ('SUPR', 0.9872778058052063)], [[[999.0, 489.0], [1247.0, 486.0], [1247.0, 523.0], [1000.0, 527.0]], ('22.061G', 0.9788497090339661)], [[[566.0, 516.0], [672.0, 516.0], [672.0, 555.0], [566.0, 555.0]], ('ELF', 0.9951552748680115)], [[[530.0, 557.0], [846.0, 566.0], [845.0, 603.0], [529.0, 595.0]], ('PRICE/CAL', 0.9546909332275391)], [[[1032.0, 570.0], [1247.0, 567.0], [1247.0, 605.0], [1033.0, 608.0]], ('$1.659', 0.9582950472831726)], [[[526.0, 601.0], [886.0, 611.0], [884.0, 649.0], [524.0, 639.0]], ('FUELTOTAL', 0.9954163432121277)], [[[1032.0, 611.0], [1250.0, 611.0], [1250.0, 648.0], [1032.0, 648.0]], ('$36.60', 0.9873743057250977)], [[[519.0, 687.0], [884.0, 696.0], [883.0, 733.0], [518.0, 725.0]], ('MDSETOTAL', 0.9893854856491089)], [[[1073.0, 695.0], [1252.0, 695.0], [1252.0, 733.0], [1073.0, 733.0]], ('$0.08', 0.8529853820800781)], [[[524.0, 729.0], [705.0, 736.0], [704.0, 775.0], [523.0, 768.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9984771609306335)], [[[1039.0, 739.0], [1252.0, 739.0], [1252.0, 777.0], [1039.0, 777.0]], ('8938', 0.5625055432319641)], [[[666.0, 909.0], [1034.0, 913.0], [1034.0, 952.0], [666.0, 948.0]], ('THANK YOU-', 0.9415729641914368)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "MASSTURNPIKE FRAMINGH MA", "telephone": "", "date": "08/02/02", "time": "17:57", "subtotal": "$36.60", "tax": "", "total": "$36.60", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SUPR", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[83.0, 20.0], [188.0, 20.0], [188.0, 73.0], [83.0, 73.0]], ('DQ', 0.9955263137817383)], [[[91.0, 107.0], [150.0, 107.0], [150.0, 119.0], [91.0, 119.0]], ('DAIRY QUEEN', 0.9421103000640869)], [[[72.0, 118.0], [169.0, 118.0], [169.0, 132.0], [72.0, 132.0]], ('1641 SPRING ROAD SE', 0.9601343870162964)], [[[79.0, 129.0], [166.0, 129.0], [166.0, 142.0], [79.0, 142.0]], ('SMYRNAGA 30080', 0.9324538111686707)], [[[85.0, 142.0], [155.0, 142.0], [155.0, 153.0], [85.0, 153.0]], ('770432-3809', 0.9928327202796936)], [[[16.0, 157.0], [43.0, 160.0], [41.0, 175.0], [14.0, 172.0]], ('DATE', 0.9953269362449646)], [[[94.0, 163.0], [148.0, 163.0], [148.0, 174.0], [94.0, 174.0]], ('04/27/2017', 0.994489312171936)], [[[212.0, 159.0], [231.0, 159.0], [231.0, 171.0], [212.0, 171.0]], ('THU', 0.9955430626869202)], [[[16.0, 174.0], [50.0, 174.0], [50.0, 185.0], [16.0, 185.0]], ('CHECK#', 0.9921197891235352)], [[[212.0, 171.0], [231.0, 171.0], [231.0, 183.0], [212.0, 183.0]], ('127', 0.9994823932647705)], [[[44.0, 184.0], [118.0, 186.0], [118.0, 200.0], [43.0, 198.0]], ('MD COOKIE BLZ', 0.9393234252929688)], [[[200.0, 182.0], [234.0, 182.0], [234.0, 197.0], [200.0, 197.0]], ('$3.99', 0.9959092140197754)], [[[46.0, 198.0], [71.0, 198.0], [71.0, 210.0], [46.0, 210.0]], ('OREO', 0.9851353764533997)], [[[204.0, 194.0], [235.0, 194.0], [235.0, 208.0], [204.0, 208.0]], ('000', 0.9815270304679871)], [[[43.0, 209.0], [109.0, 209.0], [109.0, 223.0], [43.0, 223.0]], ('XTRA COOKIE', 0.9389345049858093)], [[[202.0, 206.0], [236.0, 206.0], [236.0, 220.0], [202.0, 220.0]], ('$0.79', 0.9941369295120239)], [[[10.0, 219.0], [129.0, 222.0], [128.0, 236.0], [9.0, 233.0]], ('DATETHU04/27/2017', 0.9817671179771423)], [[[175.0, 220.0], [237.0, 218.0], [238.0, 232.0], [175.0, 234.0]], ('TIME13:15', 0.9663406014442444)], [[[69.0, 246.0], [174.0, 247.0], [174.0, 261.0], [68.0, 260.0]], ('***DRIVE THRU ***', 0.9016398787498474)], [[[41.0, 258.0], [89.0, 260.0], [88.0, 274.0], [40.0, 272.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9889912605285645)], [[[207.0, 258.0], [240.0, 258.0], [240.0, 273.0], [207.0, 273.0]], ('$5.07', 0.9963863492012024)], [[[40.0, 273.0], [94.0, 273.0], [94.0, 287.0], [40.0, 287.0]], ('TAXABLE 1', 0.9402981996536255)], [[[208.0, 272.0], [243.0, 272.0], [243.0, 287.0], [208.0, 287.0]], ('$4.78', 0.9942638278007507)], [[[39.0, 287.0], [89.0, 287.0], [89.0, 301.0], [39.0, 301.0]], ('TAX1 AMT', 0.9331212043762207)], [[[209.0, 286.0], [244.0, 286.0], [244.0, 301.0], [209.0, 301.0]], ('$0.29', 0.9940477609634399)], [[[40.0, 300.0], [97.0, 300.0], [97.0, 314.0], [40.0, 314.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9979709386825562)], [[[179.0, 303.0], [242.0, 300.0], [243.0, 314.0], [180.0, 317.0]], ('$5.07', 0.998977780342102)], [[[39.0, 317.0], [110.0, 317.0], [110.0, 328.0], [39.0, 328.0]], ('CHARGE', 0.9968547821044922)], [[[180.0, 315.0], [242.0, 315.0], [242.0, 329.0], [180.0, 329.0]], ('$5.07', 0.9828856587409973)], [[[36.0, 331.0], [204.0, 331.0], [204.0, 346.0], [36.0, 346.0]], ('*ORDER#0173*', 0.8852283358573914)], [[[0.0, 344.0], [160.0, 347.0], [160.0, 361.0], [0.0, 359.0]], ('NO.000075 REG01 DRIVE THRU', 0.9430006742477417)], [[[181.0, 349.0], [247.0, 349.0], [247.0, 360.0], [181.0, 360.0]], ('TIME-13:17', 0.9129570126533508)], [[[77.0, 375.0], [162.0, 377.0], [161.0, 394.0], [77.0, 392.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR', 0.9429600834846497)], [[[71.0, 393.0], [164.0, 395.0], [163.0, 409.0], [71.0, 407.0]], ('YOUR PATRONAGE', 0.9709299206733704)], [[[62.0, 408.0], [181.0, 411.0], [180.0, 428.0], [61.0, 425.0]], ('PLEASE COME AGAIN!', 0.934739351272583)], [[[60.0, 425.0], [183.0, 427.0], [182.0, 444.0], [60.0, 442.0]], ('WWW.DAIRYQUEEN.COM', 0.9769495725631714)]]
{"store_name": "DAIRYQUEEN DQ", "store_addr": "SMYRNA,GA30080 1641SPRINGROADSE", "telephone": "(770)432-3809", "date": "THU04/27/2017 04/27/2017", "time": "13:17", "subtotal": "$5.07", "tax": "$0.29", "total": "$5.07 $5.07", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "XTRACOOKIE", "item_value": "$0.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OREO", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MDCOOKIEBLZ", "item_value": "$3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[250.0, 3.0], [432.0, 0.0], [433.0, 13.0], [250.0, 21.0]], ('IN THE WORLD', 0.870236873626709)], [[[204.0, 25.0], [624.0, 4.0], [625.0, 29.0], [205.0, 50.0]], ('115 E TROPICANA AVE LAS VEGAS', 0.9376766085624695)], [[[585.0, 33.0], [659.0, 29.0], [661.0, 56.0], [586.0, 60.0]], ('16:03', 0.954157829284668)], [[[170.0, 56.0], [290.0, 47.0], [292.0, 72.0], [172.0, 81.0]], ('6/7/2014', 0.9690781831741333)], [[[335.0, 105.0], [486.0, 98.0], [487.0, 123.0], [336.0, 130.0]], ('PORCH DOGS', 0.9538896679878235)], [[[474.0, 130.0], [626.0, 120.0], [628.0, 149.0], [476.0, 159.0]], ('Table:173', 0.9524962306022644)], [[[167.0, 143.0], [400.0, 133.0], [401.0, 161.0], [169.0, 171.0]], ('Check1208170', 0.9883837699890137)], [[[476.0, 163.0], [615.0, 155.0], [617.0, 184.0], [477.0, 192.0]], ('Guests:2', 0.9533451795578003)], [[[167.0, 176.0], [355.0, 169.0], [356.0, 198.0], [168.0, 204.0]], ('Server:Kaye', 0.9549081325531006)], [[[168.0, 211.0], [371.0, 202.0], [372.0, 231.0], [170.0, 240.0]], ('Terninal:120', 0.9300032258033752)], [[[327.0, 273.0], [529.0, 263.0], [531.0, 294.0], [328.0, 305.0]], ('Regular Check', 0.9690307974815369)], [[[608.0, 292.0], [692.0, 287.0], [694.0, 321.0], [610.0, 327.0]], ('34.00', 0.9950724840164185)], [[[267.0, 313.0], [487.0, 303.0], [488.0, 331.0], [269.0, 341.0]], ('4 Jack Daniels', 0.9251331686973572)], [[[296.0, 347.0], [396.0, 341.0], [397.0, 371.0], [298.0, 378.0]], ('@8.50', 0.9950100779533386)], [[[618.0, 364.0], [700.0, 359.0], [703.0, 393.0], [620.0, 398.0]], ('12.98', 0.99500972032547)], [[[267.0, 386.0], [506.0, 374.0], [508.0, 402.0], [269.0, 414.0]], ('2 FRIED PICKLES', 0.9398109912872314)], [[[299.0, 420.0], [398.0, 415.0], [399.0, 445.0], [300.0, 450.0]], ('@6.49', 0.9859750866889954)], [[[626.0, 437.0], [710.0, 432.0], [712.0, 467.0], [629.0, 472.0]], ('10.49', 0.9932247996330261)], [[[270.0, 461.0], [431.0, 450.0], [433.0, 480.0], [272.0, 490.0]], ('110 WINGS', 0.9392216801643372)], [[[303.0, 496.0], [531.0, 486.0], [533.0, 514.0], [304.0, 524.0]], ('RANCH Dressing', 0.9672308564186096)], [[[647.0, 512.0], [718.0, 508.0], [720.0, 543.0], [649.0, 547.0]], ('3.99', 0.9980970025062561)], [[[272.0, 537.0], [502.0, 523.0], [504.0, 553.0], [274.0, 566.0]], ('1CURLEY FRIES', 0.9569946527481079)], [[[622.0, 554.0], [725.0, 548.0], [727.0, 583.0], [624.0, 588.0]], ('-23.49', 0.9617030024528503)], [[[166.0, 580.0], [203.0, 580.0], [203.0, 614.0], [166.0, 614.0]], ('7*', 0.5459412932395935)], [[[299.0, 574.0], [469.0, 563.0], [472.0, 598.0], [302.0, 609.0]], ('Happy Hour', 0.9594721794128418)], [[[616.0, 676.0], [708.0, 670.0], [710.0, 708.0], [618.0, 713.0]], ('61.46', 0.992814838886261)], [[[338.0, 692.0], [479.0, 684.0], [481.0, 720.0], [340.0, 729.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9935907125473022)], [[[636.0, 717.0], [714.0, 712.0], [717.0, 750.0], [639.0, 756.0]], ('3.08', 0.9880291223526001)], [[[428.0, 730.0], [488.0, 730.0], [488.0, 768.0], [428.0, 768.0]], ('Tax', 0.9972049593925476)], [[[643.0, 760.0], [720.0, 756.0], [722.0, 795.0], [645.0, 800.0]], ('0.00', 0.9830586314201355)], [[[341.0, 781.0], [484.0, 773.0], [486.0, 811.0], [343.0, 818.0]], ('Gratuity', 0.9976674318313599)], [[[648.0, 806.0], [727.0, 801.0], [729.0, 841.0], [651.0, 845.0]], ('0.00', 0.9970975518226624)], [[[233.0, 835.0], [488.0, 820.0], [490.0, 857.0], [235.0, 871.0]], ('Service Charge', 0.9792672395706177)], [[[652.0, 851.0], [734.0, 846.0], [736.0, 889.0], [655.0, 893.0]], ('0.00', 0.985472559928894)], [[[434.0, 866.0], [497.0, 866.0], [497.0, 908.0], [434.0, 908.0]], ('Tip', 0.9977617859840393)], [[[643.0, 901.0], [741.0, 895.0], [743.0, 937.0], [645.0, 942.0]], ('41.05', 0.9961847066879272)], [[[398.0, 916.0], [496.0, 911.0], [499.0, 955.0], [400.0, 960.0]], ('Total', 0.9964930415153503)]]
{"store_name": "", "store_addr": "115ETROPICANAAVELASVEGAS", "telephone": "", "date": "6/7/2014", "time": "16:03", "subtotal": "61.46", "tax": "3.08", "total": "41.05", "ignore": "", "tips": "0.00 0.00", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CURLEYFRIES", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RANCHDressing", "item_value": "10.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "10WINGS", "item_value": "12.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRIEDPICKLES", "item_value": "34.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "JackDaniels", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[72.0, 67.0], [161.0, 74.0], [160.0, 88.0], [71.0, 81.0]], ('RETAIL INVOICE', 0.9531932473182678)], [[[156.0, 72.0], [203.0, 77.0], [202.0, 91.0], [155.0, 86.0]], ('ORIGINAL', 0.9453507661819458)], [[[51.0, 89.0], [215.0, 100.0], [214.0, 115.0], [50.0, 104.0]], ('Ceetha PalaceNr S.D Jain Sch', 0.8689101934432983)], [[[74.0, 103.0], [195.0, 111.0], [194.0, 125.0], [73.0, 117.0]], ('esu Char Rasta.Suret.', 0.8786997199058533)], [[[40.0, 125.0], [118.0, 130.0], [118.0, 144.0], [39.0, 139.0]], ('GSI-242222082', 0.8388264179229736)], [[[161.0, 120.0], [198.0, 123.0], [197.0, 137.0], [160.0, 134.0]], ('2216101', 0.9815915822982788)], [[[39.0, 140.0], [117.0, 141.0], [117.0, 155.0], [39.0, 154.0]], ('CST-24722205182', 0.9414116740226746)], [[[39.0, 151.0], [104.0, 153.0], [103.0, 167.0], [38.0, 165.0]], ('S.T.AAC.', 0.8122527599334717)], [[[38.0, 175.0], [111.0, 178.0], [110.0, 192.0], [37.0, 189.0]], ('B', 0.8599282503128052)], [[[117.0, 178.0], [208.0, 182.0], [207.0, 196.0], [116.0, 192.0]], ('ae27-Apr-2017', 0.8566697239875793)], [[[45.0, 188.0], [133.0, 191.0], [132.0, 205.0], [45.0, 202.0]], ('01', 0.8713067770004272)], [[[215.0, 181.0], [252.0, 183.0], [251.0, 197.0], [214.0, 195.0]], ('/Capt', 0.9070688486099243)], [[[146.0, 193.0], [157.0, 193.0], [157.0, 203.0], [146.0, 203.0]], ('6', 0.9797772765159607)], [[[160.0, 214.0], [234.0, 216.0], [234.0, 230.0], [159.0, 228.0]], ('QTY RT.AMOUNT', 0.8804238438606262)], [[[34.0, 234.0], [106.0, 236.0], [105.0, 250.0], [33.0, 248.0]], ('ROASTED PAPAD', 0.8668380379676819)], [[[169.0, 236.0], [199.0, 238.0], [198.0, 253.0], [168.0, 251.0]], ('225', 0.9809603095054626)], [[[34.0, 246.0], [110.0, 247.0], [109.0, 261.0], [34.0, 260.0]], ('VEG NYDERBADI', 0.8816157579421997)], [[[222.0, 238.0], [237.0, 238.0], [237.0, 251.0], [222.0, 251.0]], ('50', 0.9908908605575562)], [[[170.0, 249.0], [200.0, 249.0], [200.0, 263.0], [170.0, 263.0]], ('1140', 0.9750288128852844)], [[[220.0, 250.0], [238.0, 250.0], [238.0, 263.0], [220.0, 263.0]], ('140', 0.9970464110374451)], [[[34.0, 261.0], [104.0, 261.0], [104.0, 272.0], [34.0, 272.0]], ('PANEER PUKARA', 0.9122363328933716)], [[[170.0, 261.0], [200.0, 261.0], [200.0, 275.0], [170.0, 275.0]], ('1200', 0.9952117204666138)], [[[31.0, 271.0], [94.0, 273.0], [94.0, 287.0], [31.0, 285.0]], ('BUTTER NAAN', 0.9337387681007385)], [[[221.0, 262.0], [238.0, 262.0], [238.0, 275.0], [221.0, 275.0]], ('200', 0.9937576651573181)], [[[169.0, 273.0], [201.0, 273.0], [201.0, 288.0], [169.0, 288.0]], ('5.40', 0.9146378040313721)], [[[221.0, 274.0], [238.0, 274.0], [238.0, 287.0], [221.0, 287.0]], ('200', 0.9978694915771484)], [[[30.0, 298.0], [60.0, 298.0], [60.0, 313.0], [30.0, 313.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9923743009567261)], [[[171.0, 301.0], [180.0, 301.0], [180.0, 311.0], [171.0, 311.0]], ('9', 0.8094339966773987)], [[[220.0, 299.0], [240.0, 299.0], [240.0, 313.0], [220.0, 313.0]], ('590', 0.9983970522880554)], [[[29.0, 325.0], [79.0, 325.0], [79.0, 340.0], [29.0, 340.0]], ('NET TOTAL', 0.9370584487915039)], [[[201.0, 325.0], [240.0, 325.0], [240.0, 340.0], [201.0, 340.0]], ('Rs590', 0.8991777300834656)], [[[26.0, 352.0], [137.0, 353.0], [137.0, 367.0], [26.0, 366.0]], ('E.&0.E.Thanks...', 0.8789429068565369)], [[[154.0, 352.0], [239.0, 353.0], [239.0, 367.0], [154.0, 366.0]], ('He come Again...', 0.8522096872329712)], [[[27.0, 380.0], [238.0, 380.0], [238.0, 393.0], [27.0, 393.0]], ('GatSoftTechSurat.Phone [0261-2472799]', 0.970369815826416)]]
{"store_name": "GEETHARESTAURANT", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "27-Apr-2017", "time": "", "subtotal": "Rs:590", "tax": "", "total": "590", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PAWEERPUKARA", "item_value": "50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SUTTERNAAN", "item_value": "140", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "200", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "200", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[326.0, 208.0], [685.0, 213.0], [685.0, 247.0], [325.0, 242.0]], ("McDonald's Boat Quay", 0.9571205377578735)], [[[329.0, 245.0], [651.0, 245.0], [651.0, 273.0], [329.0, 273.0]], ('1 South Cana1 Road', 0.9199469089508057)], [[[318.0, 279.0], [482.0, 275.0], [483.0, 310.0], [319.0, 314.0]], ('S(048508)', 0.9337859749794006)], [[[318.0, 319.0], [557.0, 311.0], [558.0, 346.0], [320.0, 354.0]], ('Tel:65344350', 0.9079218506813049)], [[[315.0, 360.0], [782.0, 345.0], [783.0, 380.0], [316.0, 395.0]], ('GST REGN NO:M2-0023981-4', 0.9402638077735901)], [[[571.0, 432.0], [785.0, 425.0], [786.0, 465.0], [572.0, 472.0]], ('TAX INVOICE', 0.9747264981269836)], [[[569.0, 519.0], [768.0, 511.0], [769.0, 553.0], [570.0, 560.0]], ('MFY side 1', 0.9416495561599731)], [[[296.0, 612.0], [1012.0, 596.0], [1013.0, 640.0], [297.0, 655.0]], ('#ORD31-REG 11-15/11/2012 18:46:13', 0.9395591020584106)], [[[951.0, 643.0], [1057.0, 643.0], [1057.0, 687.0], [951.0, 687.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9987109899520874)], [[[295.0, 659.0], [454.0, 655.0], [455.0, 691.0], [296.0, 695.0]], ('QTY ITEM', 0.9324516654014587)], [[[970.0, 692.0], [1064.0, 692.0], [1064.0, 735.0], [970.0, 735.0]], ('0.00', 0.9969236850738525)], [[[338.0, 703.0], [747.0, 703.0], [747.0, 738.0], [338.0, 738.0]], ('1-HoneyChipotle Shake', 0.9276636242866516)], [[[973.0, 740.0], [1067.0, 740.0], [1067.0, 785.0], [973.0, 785.0]], ('2.50', 0.9951147437095642)], [[[334.0, 750.0], [709.0, 750.0], [709.0, 785.0], [334.0, 785.0]], ('1 Medium Coke Light', 0.94785076379776)], [[[327.0, 795.0], [528.0, 795.0], [528.0, 830.0], [327.0, 830.0]], ('1 McDoub1e', 0.938064455986023)], [[[974.0, 791.0], [1067.0, 786.0], [1069.0, 831.0], [977.0, 836.0]], ('2.00', 0.9960668087005615)], [[[278.0, 838.0], [651.0, 842.0], [651.0, 882.0], [278.0, 878.0]], ('>>01 W/out Ketchup', 0.947449803352356)], [[[317.0, 886.0], [714.0, 892.0], [714.0, 932.0], [317.0, 927.0]], ('1 McChix BLT Upsize', 0.9440306425094604)], [[[987.0, 890.0], [1079.0, 890.0], [1079.0, 935.0], [987.0, 935.0]], ('4.00', 0.99759441614151)], [[[256.0, 980.0], [760.0, 985.0], [760.0, 1035.0], [255.0, 1030.0]], ('Eat-In Totai inc1 GST)', 0.8812732696533203)], [[[995.0, 993.0], [1089.0, 993.0], [1089.0, 1038.0], [995.0, 1038.0]], ('8.50', 0.9939353466033936)], [[[252.0, 1042.0], [522.0, 1042.0], [522.0, 1087.0], [252.0, 1087.0]], ('Card Payment', 0.9721386432647705)], [[[1001.0, 1045.0], [1099.0, 1045.0], [1099.0, 1095.0], [1001.0, 1095.0]], ('8.50', 0.9947840571403503)], [[[245.0, 1158.0], [721.0, 1158.0], [721.0, 1198.0], [245.0, 1198.0]], ('TOTAL INCLUDES GST OF', 0.9169814586639404)], [[[1018.0, 1157.0], [1116.0, 1157.0], [1116.0, 1208.0], [1018.0, 1208.0]], ('0.56', 0.9872532486915588)], [[[474.0, 1278.0], [1120.0, 1280.0], [1120.0, 1327.0], [474.0, 1325.0]], ('Thank You & Have A Nice Day', 0.9330426454544067)], [[[217.0, 1398.0], [1091.0, 1402.0], [1091.0, 1463.0], [216.0, 1460.0]], ('-Cashless transaction information', 0.9811398983001709)]]
{"store_name": "McDonald'sBoatQuay", "store_addr": "1SouthCanalRoad S(048508)", "telephone": "65344350", "date": "15/11/2012", "time": "18:46:13", "subtotal": "", "tax": "0.56", "total": "8.50 8.50", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "HoneyChipotleShake", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MediumCokeLight", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "McDouble", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "McChixBLTUpsize", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ITEM", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[205.0, 28.0], [360.0, 25.0], [360.0, 42.0], [205.0, 46.0]], ('Kiwiana Restaurant', 0.9660550355911255)], [[[207.0, 44.0], [359.0, 42.0], [359.0, 59.0], [207.0, 62.0]], ('847 A Union Street', 0.9531146287918091)], [[[202.0, 63.0], [362.0, 59.0], [362.0, 77.0], [202.0, 80.0]], ('Brooklyn,NY 11215', 0.9379425048828125)], [[[228.0, 80.0], [337.0, 79.0], [337.0, 96.0], [228.0, 97.0]], ('718-230-3682', 0.9891828894615173)], [[[79.0, 128.0], [122.0, 128.0], [122.0, 147.0], [79.0, 147.0]], ('Tbl:4', 0.9509302973747253)], [[[404.0, 121.0], [495.0, 117.0], [496.0, 137.0], [405.0, 142.0]], ('Ref:57204', 0.9778808951377869)], [[[402.0, 145.0], [496.0, 140.0], [497.0, 160.0], [403.0, 165.0]], ('Chk:57373', 0.9507269263267517)], [[[73.0, 180.0], [115.0, 180.0], [115.0, 202.0], [73.0, 202.0]], ('Nino', 0.9988370537757874)], [[[339.0, 174.0], [500.0, 169.0], [500.0, 190.0], [340.0, 194.0]], ('2/5/201712:19pm', 0.9830354452133179)], [[[462.0, 220.0], [505.0, 220.0], [505.0, 242.0], [462.0, 242.0]], ('7.00', 0.9970711469650269)], [[[101.0, 231.0], [200.0, 231.0], [200.0, 252.0], [101.0, 252.0]], ('bloody mary', 0.9207578301429749)], [[[462.0, 248.0], [506.0, 245.0], [508.0, 267.0], [463.0, 270.0]], ('8.00', 0.9967621564865112)], [[[100.0, 258.0], [226.0, 254.0], [227.0, 275.0], [100.0, 279.0]], ('Mimosa Special', 0.9673567414283752)], [[[98.0, 279.0], [154.0, 282.0], [153.0, 304.0], [97.0, 302.0]], ('Coffee', 0.9907289147377014)], [[[465.0, 275.0], [509.0, 275.0], [509.0, 297.0], [465.0, 297.0]], ('2.75', 0.9972683191299438)], [[[98.0, 309.0], [174.0, 309.0], [174.0, 322.0], [98.0, 322.0]], ('Florentine', 0.9752402305603027)], [[[457.0, 302.0], [510.0, 302.0], [510.0, 322.0], [457.0, 322.0]], ('12.00', 0.9974010586738586)]]
{"store_name": "KiwianaRestaurant", "store_addr": "847AUnionStreet Brooklyn,NY11215", "telephone": "718-230-3682", "date": "2/5/2017", "time": "12:19pm", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "bloodymary", "item_value": "7.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MimosaSpecial", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Coffee", "item_value": "2.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]}
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json
[[[[32.0, 9.0], [156.0, 12.0], [156.0, 25.0], [32.0, 23.0]], ('BATHURST ST.POSTSHOP', 0.9683331251144409)], [[[69.0, 0.0], [168.0, 0.0], [168.0, 14.0], [69.0, 14.0]], ('AUSTRALIA', 0.9962069988250732)], [[[185.0, 1.0], [229.0, 1.0], [229.0, 16.0], [185.0, 16.0]], ('POST', 0.9962407350540161)], [[[231.0, 12.0], [258.0, 12.0], [258.0, 28.0], [231.0, 28.0]], ('7000', 0.9986517429351807)], [[[31.0, 45.0], [168.0, 52.0], [167.0, 67.0], [30.0, 59.0]], ('TELSTRA PP 1PAD SIM x 1', 0.8830850720405579)], [[[31.0, 61.0], [64.0, 61.0], [64.0, 76.0], [31.0, 76.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9986248016357422)], [[[224.0, 53.0], [265.0, 53.0], [265.0, 68.0], [224.0, 68.0]], ('5.00*', 0.9622865915298462)], [[[29.0, 76.0], [183.0, 80.0], [183.0, 95.0], [29.0, 91.0]], ('Payment Tendered Details ', 0.9482100009918213)], [[[220.0, 67.0], [254.0, 67.0], [254.0, 81.0], [220.0, 81.0]], ('$5.00', 0.996376633644104)], [[[28.0, 102.0], [246.0, 106.0], [246.0, 121.0], [28.0, 117.0]], ('*PosT supplied,price includes GST.', 0.8820805549621582)], [[[147.0, 94.0], [183.0, 94.0], [183.0, 104.0], [147.0, 104.0]], ('EFTPOS', 0.9849982261657715)], [[[227.0, 94.0], [254.0, 94.0], [254.0, 106.0], [227.0, 106.0]], ('5.00', 0.9966487884521484)], [[[27.0, 117.0], [198.0, 120.0], [198.0, 134.0], [27.0, 131.0]], ('GST on POST Taxable Supply', 0.9155899882316589)], [[[226.0, 121.0], [255.0, 121.0], [255.0, 136.0], [226.0, 136.0]], ('0.45', 0.991449773311615)], [[[27.0, 145.0], [138.0, 147.0], [137.0, 162.0], [27.0, 159.0]], ('ABN:28 864970579', 0.9351853132247925)], [[[198.0, 146.0], [268.0, 148.0], [267.0, 166.0], [198.0, 163.0]], ('TAX INVOICE', 0.9548633694648743)], [[[128.0, 191.0], [168.0, 191.0], [168.0, 206.0], [128.0, 206.0]], ('EFTPOS', 0.9945084452629089)], [[[24.0, 204.0], [148.0, 206.0], [148.0, 221.0], [24.0, 219.0]], ('455701######0098T)', 0.9644347429275513)], [[[182.0, 204.0], [268.0, 206.0], [267.0, 222.0], [181.0, 220.0]], ('CREDIT ACCOUNT', 0.9725626707077026)], [[[23.0, 220.0], [106.0, 221.0], [106.0, 235.0], [23.0, 234.0]], ('EFTPOS Tender', 0.9678410887718201)], [[[228.0, 222.0], [258.0, 222.0], [258.0, 238.0], [228.0, 238.0]], ('5.00', 0.9949182271957397)], [[[24.0, 235.0], [100.0, 235.0], [100.0, 250.0], [24.0, 250.0]], ('TOTAL EFTPOS', 0.9674766063690186)], [[[229.0, 235.0], [260.0, 238.0], [258.0, 255.0], [228.0, 252.0]], ('5.00', 0.9980522990226746)], [[[23.0, 253.0], [98.0, 253.0], [98.0, 265.0], [23.0, 265.0]], ('*APPROVED Y1', 0.954692542552948)], [[[21.0, 268.0], [117.0, 268.0], [117.0, 282.0], [21.0, 282.0]], ('NAB Visa Credit', 0.949517548084259)], [[[158.0, 268.0], [272.0, 269.0], [272.0, 283.0], [158.0, 282.0]], ('AID A0000000031010', 0.9731987714767456)], [[[18.0, 283.0], [122.0, 283.0], [122.0, 298.0], [18.0, 298.0]], ('RRN013852125350', 0.9960600137710571)]]
{"store_name": "BATHURSTST.POSTSHOP", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "0.45", "total": "$5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "TELSTRAPPiPADSIMx1", "item_value": "5.00*", "item_quantity": "1"}]}