{ "en": "It was founded by Jokin KEIZAN in 1321 at Monzen-machi, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, as requested by JOKEN Risshi of the Noto-no-kuni, in Noto Province.", "ja": "元亚元幎1321幎に、瑩山玹瑟が胜登囜の定賢埋垫の芁請で石川県茪島垂門前町(石川県)に開く。" }
{ "en": "It was destroyed by fire in 1898 and was moved to the present location in 1911.", "ja": "明治31幎1898幎に火灜で焌倱し、明治44幎1911幎に珟圚地に移転。" }
{ "en": "Sojiji-soin (瞜持寺祖院) was reconstructed at the original site (Monzen-machi, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture) in 1905.", "ja": "瞜持寺祖院-明治38幎1905幎より元の地石川県茪島垂門前町に埩興" }
{ "en": "Historically, Shobo-ji Temple (Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture) was the head temple for the two Ou provinces, and Daiji-ji Temple (Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture) was for a while the head temple of Kyushu; however, Eihei-ji Temple and Soji-ji Temple became head temples based on the Act for Temples in 1615.", "ja": "歎史的には正法寺(奥州垂)岩手県奥州垂が奥矜二州の本山、倧慈寺熊本県熊本垂が九州本山であった期間があるが、元和(日本)元幎1615幎の寺院法床により氞平寺、瞜持寺のみが倧本山ずなる。" }
{ "en": "The Nyorai sect (Nyorai-kyo) was founded in Nagoya in 1802 by Kino ISSONNYORAI.", "ja": "劂来宗劂来教-享和2幎1802幎に䞀尊劂来きのによっお名叀屋に開かれた。" }
{ "en": "It had been a temple of the Soto sect since 1884, but ultimately it gained independence through the implementation of the Religious Corporation Act in 1951.", "ja": "明治17幎1884幎以降、昭和26幎1951幎に宗教法人法の斜行によっお独立するたで曹掞宗の教䌚ずしお掻動。" }
{ "en": "Its dharma is a mixture of a faith for the guardian deity of seafaring, a faith for the purity of the land and others, so that it does not have a strong relationship with the dharma of the Soto sect.", "ja": "同宗の教矩は金毘矅信仰や浄土信仰などの混生であり、曹掞宗本来の教えずは関連が薄い。" }
{ "en": "Guze-kyo was established in Niigata by Choan DAIDO in 1886 as a derivation from the Soto sect.", "ja": "æ•‘äž–æ•™-明治19幎1886幎、新期の倧道長安が曹掞宗から離脱しお結成。" }
{ "en": "It saw as the main image Kannon Bodhisattva, Kannon Bosatsu, who is the Nyorai with great compassion and mercy, and insisted upon relief in the present world by the extreme power of Kannon Bosatsu, which does not consider its own power or that of others (自力他力).", "ja": "倧慈倧悲の事実䞊の劂来である芳音菩薩を本尊ずしお、自力他力を超えた芳音劙力による珟䞖救枈を䞻匵した。" }
{ "en": "Its dedicated efforts on behalf of social welfare became widespread throughout Japan, but it declined rapidly after Choan DAIDO's nirvana in 1908, partly due to the lack of a successor.", "ja": "瀟䌚犏祉に力を泚ぎ党囜に教線を拡倧したが、明治41幎1908幎に倧道長安が入寂するず埌継者がいないこずもあっお急速に衰退。" }
{ "en": "Hoo-kyo was a \"popular\" religious movement that Doken TAKADA promoted in the latter part of the Meiji period and the Taisho period.", "ja": "法王教-明治埌期から倧正期にかけお高田道芋が掚進した“通俗的”垃教運動。" }
{ "en": "Doken had continued activities such as meditation meetings and sermon visits based at the Seisho-ji Temple, but from the beginning of the Taisho period, he put an emphasis on the promotion of lay Buddhism by publishing monthly magazines or holding lecture meetings without regard to the Soto sect's dharma.", "ja": "道芋は青束寺を拠点ずしお参犅䌚や蚪問法話䌚などの教化掻動を続けおいたが、倧正期に入っおからは曹掞宗の教矩にこだわらず、月刊誌などの出版物、講挔䌚を通した圚家仏教の振興に力を泚いだ。" }
{ "en": "He called his activities 'Hoo-kyo,' meaning 'Buddhism based on Hoo Daisho Shakamunibutsu's true heart.'", "ja": "自らの掻動に「法王倧聖釈迊牟尌仏の本旚に基づく仏教」ずいう意味で「法王教」の名を冠した。" }
{ "en": "After Doken's nirvana in 1923, the movement, which had its own sect name, finished.", "ja": "倧正12幎1923幎、道芋が入寂するず独自の教掟名を冠した運動は終息した。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, because Doken retained his title as a monk of the Soto sect until he died, 'Hoo-kyo' is generally considered to be a movement within the Soto sect as opposed to an independent sect.", "ja": "なお、道芋は最埌たで曹掞宗の僧籍を保持しおいたため、「法王教」を独立した教団ではなく曹掞宗内の䞀運動であったずする芋方が䞀般的である。" }
{ "en": "Sanpo-kyodan was founded by Hakuun YASUTANI in 1954 in Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, after his withdrawal from the Soto sect.", "ja": "䞉宝教団-昭和29幎1954幎、安谷癜雲が曹掞宗から離脱しお神奈川県鎌倉垂に結成。" }
{ "en": "It built such an original way of training as to place Doken's teaching at the center and use Zen koans for meditation.", "ja": "同教団は道元の教えを䞭栞に眮きながら、公案を取り入れるなど独自の修行法を構築。" }
{ "en": "Kannon Bodhisattva, Kannon Bosatsu,ïŒˆà€…à€µà€²à¥‹à€•à€¿à€€à¥‡à€¶à¥à€µà€° Avalokiteśvara in Sanskrit) is a sacred image (䞀尊) of Bosatsu in Buddhism and a kind of Buddha (å°Šæ Œ) that has attained widespread faithful since ancient times, particularly in Japan.", "ja": "èŠ³éŸ³è©è–©ïŒˆã‹ã‚“ã®ã‚“ãŒã•ã€ã€è§€éŸ³è©è–©ïŒ‰ã€ã‚µãƒ³ã‚¹ã‚¯ãƒªãƒƒãƒˆã‚¢ãƒŽã‚¡ãƒ­ãƒŒã‚­ãƒ†ãƒŒã‚·ãƒ¥ãƒŽã‚¡ãƒ©ïŒˆà€…à€µà€²à¥‹à€•à€¿à€€à¥‡à€¶à¥à€µà€°Avalokiteśvaraは、仏教の菩薩の䞀尊であり、特に日本においお叀代より広く信仰を集めおいる尊栌である。" }
{ "en": "A superior thesis at present regarding the Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara is that it was mixture of words, ava (universally) +lokita (see, saw) + īśvara (universalist).", "ja": "梵名のアノァロヌキテヌシュノァラずは、ava遍く+lokita芋る、芋た+īśvara自圚者ずいう語の合成語ずの説が珟圚では優勢である。" }
{ "en": "It is pointed out that the origin relates to the goddess Anahita, a daughter of Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism and Laksmi in the Indian mythology.", "ja": "その起源に぀いおは、ゟロアスタヌ教においおアフラ・マズダヌの嚘ずされる女神アナヌヒタヌやむンド神話のラクシュミヌずの関連が指摘されおいる。" }
{ "en": "In an old translation by Kumaraju, it was called Kanzeon Bosatsu, while at that time the name in China was also Kanzeon Bosatsu.", "ja": "鳩摩矅什くたらじゅうの旧蚳では芳䞖音菩薩ず蚀い、圓時の䞭囜倧陞での呌称も、芳䞖音菩薩であった。" }
{ "en": "Accordingly, there is a thesis that it was translated freely, complying with the point of Kannon-gyo Sutra (Myoho Renge-kyo Kanzeon Bosatsu Fumon Hon No. 25, 劙法蓮華経芳䞖音菩薩普門品第二十五).", "ja": "これには、芳音経劙法蓮華経芳䞖音菩薩普門品第二十五の趣意を取っお意蚳したずいう説がある。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, in the old Sanskrit \"Hoke-kyo Sutra,\" which was discovered in Central Asia, it was written as 'avalokitasvara,' so that it can be interpreted as avalokita (see) + svara (sound); there is another old translation as \"Koseon Bosatsu,\" so that it is possible to assume these were different texts.", "ja": "たた、䞭倮アゞアで発芋された叀いサンスクリット語の『法華経』では、「avalokitasvara」ずなっおおり、これに沿えばavalokita(芳)+svara(音)ず解され、たた叀蚳では『光䞖音菩薩』の蚳語もあるこずなどから、異なるテキストだった可胜性は吊定できない。" }
{ "en": "Because the character \"侖\" could not be used due to the taboo against using the name of the second Tang Emperor Shi Min LI, it became established as Kannon Bosatsu after the Tang period in China.", "ja": "唐の二代目皇垝李䞖民の名から避諱により、”䞖”の文字は䜿甚出来なくなったため、唐時代以埌の䞭囜倧陞では、以埌、芳音菩薩ず呌ばれるようになり定着した。" }
{ "en": "It was translated as Kanjizai Bosatsu in the new version after Genjosanzo.", "ja": "玄奘䞉蔵げんじょうさんぞう以降の新蚳では芳自圚菩薩ず蚳しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Kanjizai means that contemplation with prajna leads to the religious fruit (劙果) of the universalist.", "ja": "芳自圚ずは、智慧をもっお芳照するこずにより自圚の劙果を埗たるを意味する。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, it is also called semuisha (斜無畏者), the person who gives one a fearless mind, or guse daishi (救䞖倧士), who can relieve this world.", "ja": "たた衆生に総おを畏れざる無畏心を斜す意で斜無畏者、䞖を救枈するので救䞖倧士ずもいう。" }
{ "en": "In addition, it is the Bosatsu who appears in the beginning of Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra (Hannya Shingyo) and is a symbol of Hannya's prajna as well.", "ja": "たた、般若心経の冒頭に登堎する菩薩でもあり、般若の智慧の象城ずもなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "In Jodo-kyo, it is often placed as an attendant of Amidanyorai with Seishi Bosatsu by the preaching of Kanmuryoju-kyo Sutra.", "ja": "浄土教では芳無量寿経の説くずころにより阿匥陀劂来の脇䟍ずしお勢至菩薩ずずもに安眮されるこずも倚い。" }
{ "en": "In Japan it had been shaped into a statue from the Asuka period and, linked with practical benefits in this world, it is widely believed without regard to time and place.", "ja": "日本では飛鳥時代から造像䟋があり、珟䞖利益ず結び぀けられお、時代・地域を問わず広く信仰されおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is said that in the suibyo there is kudokusui (功埳氎), meaning water that never dries up.", "ja": "そこには功埳氎ずいう、いくら䜿っおもなくならない氎が入っおいるずいう。" }
{ "en": "The pure land where Kannon lives is called Potaraka (Fudaraku) and is preached in 'Kegon-kyo Sutra' as 補怛萜迊 of 摩頌矩咀囜 in southern India.", "ja": "芳音の圚す䜏凊・浄土は、Potaraka補陀萜ずいい、「華厳経」には、南むンドの摩頌矩咀囜の補怛萜迊であるず説かれる。" }
{ "en": "Kanzeon Bosatsu is often assumed to be a female, as in the term 'Jibo (affectionate mother) Kannon.'", "ja": "芳䞖音菩薩は、「慈母芳音」などずいう蚀葉から瀺されるように、俗に女性ず芋る向きが倚い。" }
{ "en": "This is because Jizo Bosatsu is seen as a pair of Ichi-Sendai-Daihi-Sendai(䞀闡提倧悲闡提) like Kannon, and many Kannon statues have feminine faces while Jizo is a male monk.", "ja": "これは、たずえば地蔵菩薩が芳音ず同じ䞀闡提倧悲闡提の䞀察ずしお芋る堎合が倚く、地蔵が男性の僧䟶圢の像容であるのに察し、芳音は女性的な顔立ちの像容も倚いこずからそのように芋る堎合が倚い。" }
{ "en": "Because Shaka calls Kannon 'zennanshi, a man who believes Buddhism' in Sutras and there is a word 'Kannon Daishi,' it was originally regarded as a male; however, in Kannon-gyo Sutra it gives a sermon with a feminine appearance to women (婊女身埗床者、即珟婊女身而為説法) so that gradually it has been assumed to have no sexuality.", "ja": "しかし、経兞などでは釈迊が芳音に向かっお「善男子よ」ず呌びかけ、たた「芳音倧士」ずいう蚀葉もあるこずから、本来は男性であったず考えられおいるが、芳音経では「婊女身埗床者、即珟婊女身而為説法」ず、女性には女性に倉身しお説法するずもあるため、次第に性別は無いものずしお捉えられるようになった。" }
{ "en": "This is because the faith for Kannon spread widely from Fudaraku (Zhoushan islands and the east-central Chinese province of Zhejiang), a great holy place, to the East China Sea and Huang Hai, so that it came to be related to the folk faith of praying for a safe voyage and the faith in goddesses such as Matsu (of Taoism).", "ja": "これは䞭囜における芳音信仰の䞀倧聖地である補陀萜浙江省・舟山矀島から東シナ海域や黄海にたで広たったこずで、その航海安党を祈念する民俗信仰や道教の媜祖信仰などの女神ず結び぀いたためず考えられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, some people discuss the sexuality of Kannon, associating it with 'Henjo Nanshi (倉成男子)' in Hoke-kyo sutra, but apparently there is no relationship between them.", "ja": "したがっお、芳音の性別を法華経の「倉成男子ぞんじょうなんし」ず関連しお論じる向きもあるが、これは関係ないずされる。" }
{ "en": "When Kannon relieves people in this world, it changes its appearance in various ways according to the person's mind (character or ability to understand the teachings of Buddhism).", "ja": "芳音が䞖を救枈するに、広く衆生の機根性栌や仏の教えを聞ける噚に応じお、皮々の圢䜓を珟じる。" }
{ "en": "According to 'Kanzeon Bosatsu Fumon Hon No. 25' of the Hoke-kyo (Kannon-gyo) sutra, in order to provide relief to all people, Kanzeon Bosatsu adopts one of 33 different appearances to meet the needs of the particular person; these appearances include 'Busshin,' 'Shomonshin,' and 'Bonnoshin' (as below).", "ja": "法華経「芳䞖音菩薩普門品第二十五」芳音経には、芳䞖音菩薩はあたねく衆生を救うために盞手に応じお「仏身」「声聞しょうもん身」「梵王身」など、33の姿に倉身するず説かれおいる䞋蚘の通り。" }
{ "en": "The number '33,' which is seen in the names such as the 33 Temples of Saigoku (西囜䞉十䞉箇所) or Sanjusangendo (33-gendo) Temple, stems from this.", "ja": "西囜䞉十䞉箇所、䞉十䞉間堂などに芋られる「33」ずいう数字はここに由来する。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, '33 Kannon' (see below) came to be believed based on the concept of Hoke-kyo Sutra in China and modern Japan, but there is no description of the 33 Kannon's names in Hoke-kyo sutra.", "ja": "なお「䞉十䞉芳音」埌述ずは、この法華経の所説に基づき、䞭囜及び近䞖の日本においお信仰されるようになったものであっお、法華経の䞭にこれら33皮の芳音の名称が登堎するわけではない。" }
{ "en": "This idea of Fumonjigen led to the creation of various appearances of Kannon, such as Roku Kannon, Shichi Kannon, Jugoson Kannon and Sanjyu-san Kannon.", "ja": "この普門瀺珟の考え方から、六芳音、䞃芳音、十五尊芳音、䞉十䞉芳音など倚様倚皮な別身を掟生するに至った。" }
{ "en": "For this reason there are various shapes of statues of the Kannon, called Henge (Changed) Kannon (other than the basic Sho Kannon).", "ja": "このため、芳音像には基本ずなる聖芳音しょうかんのんの他、倉化ぞんげ芳音ず呌ばれるさたざたな圢の像がある。" }
{ "en": "Unlike the perception of Kannon as an attendant of Amidanyorai, Kannon Bosatsu, which was worshiped as an independent Buddha, tends to be prayed to for practical benefits in this world.", "ja": "阿匥陀劂来の脇䟍ずしおの芳音ず異なり、独尊ずしお信仰される芳音菩薩は、珟䞖利益的な信仰が匷い。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, it is often portrayed as having a superhuman appearance with many faces and many hands, this being from the viewpoint of relieving all people and achieving all people's wishes.", "ja": "そのため、あらゆる人を救い、人々のあらゆる願いをかなえるずいう芳点から、倚面倚臂の超人間的な姿に衚されるこずが倚い。" }
{ "en": "In the Shingon sects Sho Kannon, Juichimen Kannon (i.e. Kannon with 11 faces (十䞀面芳音), Senju Kannon, Bato Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon and Jundei Kannon are called Roku Kannon (six Kannon), and in the Tendai sects Fukukensaku Kannon is added to Roku Kannon instead of Jundei Kannon.", "ja": "真蚀系では聖芳音、十䞀面芳音、千手芳音、銬頭芳音、劂意茪芳音、准胝芳音を六芳音ず称し、倩台系では准胝芳音の代わりに䞍空矂玢芳音を加えお六芳音ずする。" }
{ "en": "The image of Roku Kannon was created from the idea that six kinds of Kannon relieve people who have lost their way in six worlds, based on Rokudo (Rokudo Rinne, a belief that every life repeats reincarnation into six types of worlds) as the following combinations show: Jigoku-do (地獄道) - Sho Kannon, Gaki-do (逓鬌道) - Senju Kannon, Chikusho-do (畜生道) - Bato Kannon, Shura-do (修矅道) - Juichimen Kannon, Jin-do (人道) - Jundei Kannon, Ten-do (倩道) - Nyoirin Kannon.", "ja": "六芳音は六道ろくどうりんね、あらゆる生呜は6皮の䞖界に生たれ倉わりを繰り返すずするの思想に基づき、六皮の芳音が六道に迷う衆生を救うずいう考えから生たれたもので、地獄道聖芳音、逓鬌道千手芳音、畜生道銬頭芳音、修矅道十䞀面芳音、人道准胝芳音、倩道劂意茪芳音ずいう組み合わせになっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, although Senju Kannon is thought to have 1,000 hands and one eye in each of those hands, many statues show '1,000 hands' using 42 hands because it is difficult to in fact shape 1,000 hands (with minor exceptions such as Toshodai-ji Temple Kondo).", "ja": "なお、千手芳音は経兞においおは千本の手を有し、それぞれの手に䞀県をも぀ずされおいるが、実際に千本の手を衚珟するこずは造圢䞊困難であるために、唐招提寺金堂像などわずかな䟋倖を陀いお、42本の手で「千手」を衚わす像が倚い。" }
{ "en": "The origin from which Kanzeon Bosatsu got 1,000 hands is \"Senjusengen Kanzeon Bosatsu Kodaienmanmugedaihishin Darani-kyo,\" as translated by Gabon-Datsuma.", "ja": "芳䞖音菩薩が千の手を埗た謂われずしおは、䌜梵達摩蚳『千手千県觀䞖音菩薩廣倧圓滿無瀙倧悲心陀矅尌經』がある。" }
{ "en": "Daihishindarani, in the last part of this sutra, is still recited at Zen sect temples in China and Japan.", "ja": "この経の最埌に眮かれた倧悲心陀矅尌は珟圚でも䞭囜や日本の犅宗寺院で読誊されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Jyugoson Kannon is the fifteen appearances of 33 Kannon (see next section), i.e. Byakue, Yoe, Suigetsu, Yoryu, Amadai, Tara, Shokyo, Ruri, Ryuzu, Jikyo, Enko, Yuge, Renga, Takimi and Seyaku.", "ja": "䞉十䞉芳音次項参照のうち、癜衣、葉衣、氎月、楊柳、阿摩提、倚矅、青頞、琉璃、韍頭、持経、園光、遊戯、蓮臥、瀧芋、斜薬の15の倉化身をいう。" }
{ "en": "The following names of 33 Kannon are described in \"Butsuzozui (仏像図圙),\" a book published in 1783.", "ja": "以䞋に列挙した䞉十䞉芳音の名称は、倩明3幎1783幎に刊行された『仏像図圙』ぶ぀ぞうずいずいう曞物に所茉のものである。" }
{ "en": "There are various origins of the 33 Kannon; among them, while some kannons (such as Byakue Kannon and Tarason Kannon) originated in India, others developed uniquely in China and Japan.", "ja": "この䞭には癜衣びゃくえ芳音、倚矅尊芳音のようにむンド起源のものもあるが、䞭囜や日本で独自に発達したものもあり、その起源はさたざたである。" }
{ "en": "Some kannons, such as Byakue Kannon and Yoryu Kannon, are often drawn in Buddhist pictures of Zen sects and in ink wash, but most kannons do not have the independent form of a statue.", "ja": "癜衣芳音、楊柳芳音のように、犅宗系の仏画や氎墚画の奜画題ずしおしばしば描かれるものもあるが、倧郚分の芳音は単独での造像はたれである。" }
{ "en": "Kyoto Koryu-ji Temple - Fukukensaku Kannon (a national treasure), Senju Kannon (standing image) (a national treasure), Sho Kannon (an important cultural property), Nyoirin Kannon (an important cultural property), Senju Kannon (seated image) (an important cultural property)", "ja": "京郜・広隆寺―䞍空矂玢芳音囜宝、千手芳音立像囜宝、聖芳音重芁文化財、劂意茪芳音重芁文化財、千手芳音坐像重芁文化財" }
{ "en": "Kyoto Sanjusangendo Temple - Senju Kannon (a national property, shaped by Tankei), the 1,000 statues of Senju Kannon (千手芳音1,001躯)", "ja": "京郜・䞉十䞉間堂―千手芳音囜宝・湛慶䜜、千手芳音1,001躯重芁文化財" }
{ "en": "Nara Horyu-ji Temple - Kudara Kannon (a national treasure), Yumechigai Kannon, Yumetagai Kannon (a national treasure), Kuse Kannon, Guze Kannon (a national treasure), Kumen Kannon (a national treasure)", "ja": "奈良・法隆寺―癟枈芳音囜宝、倢違芳音囜宝、救䞖芳音囜宝、九面芳音囜宝" }
{ "en": "Hyogo Kakurin-ji temple (Kakogawa City) - Sho Kannon (an important cultural property), Juichimen Kannon (an important cultural property)", "ja": "兵庫・鶎林寺(加叀川垂)―聖芳音重芁文化財、十䞀面芳音重芁文化財" }
{ "en": "Nara Todai-ji Temple - Nigatsudo - Juichimen Kannon, Hoke-do (Sangatsudo) - Fukukensaku Kannon (a national treasure), Kondo - Nyoirin Kannon (an important cultural property)", "ja": "奈良・東倧寺―二月堂・十䞀面芳音、法華堂䞉月堂䞍空矂玢芳音囜宝、金堂・劂意茪芳音重芁文化財" }
{ "en": "Nara Daian-ji Temple - Juichimen Kannon, Bato Kannon, Yoryu Kannon, Sho Kannon, Fukukensaku Kannon (all are important cultural properties)", "ja": "奈良・倧安寺―十䞀面芳音、銬頭芳音、楊柳芳音、聖芳音、䞍空矂玢芳音以䞊党お重芁文化財" }
{ "en": "Fukuoka Kannon-ji Temple - Juichimen Kannon, Bato Kannon, Sho Kannon, Fukukensaku Kannon (all important cultural properties)", "ja": "犏岡・芳䞖音寺―十䞀面芳音、銬頭芳音、聖芳音、䞍空矂玢芳音以䞊重芁文化財" }
{ "en": "In every scene Kannon Bosatsu appears several times to protect Sanzohoshi by the order of Shaka Nyorai.", "ja": "ストヌリヌ党般にわたっお、釈迊劂来の呜を受けお䞉蔵法垫守護のため䜕回も登堎する。" }
{ "en": "This story took a hint from the legend that Genjosanzo, a model of Sanzohoshi, traveled to the west with the Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra (Hannya Shingyo).", "ja": "これは䞉蔵法垫のモデルである玄奘䞉蔵が般若心経を携えお西方に旅したずいう䌝説からヒントを埗たものされる。" }
{ "en": "Kannon Bosatsu, in Buddhism, was depicted as Jiko Shinjin, having been changed by Dokyo during the Ming Dynasty; and there is a character, Jiko Dojin, in a novel \"Feng-Shen-Yen-I,\" which was written at nearly the same time period, and later he became Kannon Bosatsu without any activity as Kannon Bosatsu.", "ja": "仏教の芳音菩薩が明代に道教に取り蟌たれお慈航真人ずなったのであるが、ほが同じ時代に完成された小説『封神挔矩』には慈航道人なるキャラクタヌが登堎し、埌に芳音菩薩になったずしおいるが、芳音菩薩ずしおの掻躍は䜕もない。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, in this novel Monju Bosatsu and Fugen Bosatsu appear as sacred images (倩尊) and later come to be Bosatsu of Buddhism, thus showing the rich imagination of the Chinese.", "ja": "さらに、この小説では文殊菩薩、普賢菩薩も倩尊ずしお登堎し、埌に仏教の菩薩になったなどずしおおり、䞭囜人の想像力の旺盛さを瀺しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The Obaku sect is a sect of Buddhism in Japan and one of the Zen sects, after the Rinzai and Soto sects.", "ja": "黄檗宗おうばくしゅうは、日本における仏教の宗掟であり、臚枈宗、曹掞宗に次ぐ犅宗の䞀぀である。" }
{ "en": "While the Rinzai and Soto sects have evolved in the Japanese style, the Obaku sect has retained the Ming Dynasty's style in modern times.", "ja": "臚枈宗、曹掞宗が日本颚に姿を倉えた珟圚でも、黄檗宗は明朝颚様匏を䌝えおいる。" }
{ "en": "The head temple is Obakusan Manpuku-ji Temple in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, which was founded by Ingen.", "ja": "本山は隠元の開いた、京郜府宇治垂の黄檗山萬犏寺おうばくさんたんぷくじである。" }
{ "en": "In Japan the Obaku sect was started by Ryuki INGEN, a Zen master of the Chinese Rinzai sect, who was invited from China at the period of Ming and Qing dynasties in 1654, during the early Edo period.", "ja": "日本では、江戞時代初期の1654幎承応3幎に明枅の䞭囜から招聘された䞭囜臚枈宗の隠元隆き犅垫により始たる。" }
{ "en": "Traditionally, it had invited the chief priest of the temple from China, until Zen Master Ryuto, who in 1740 took up a new position as the fourteenth chief priest of a Buddhist temple.", "ja": "1740幎元文5幎に晋山する第14代䜏持・韍統犅垫たでは䌝統的に䞭囜から䜏職を招聘しおきた。" }
{ "en": "At the early stage it identified itself as the 'Rinzaisei sect' or 'Rinzaizen sect Obaku-ha,' implying that it transmitted Orthodox Rinzai Zen.", "ja": "圓初、正統掟の臚枈犅を䌝えるずいう意味で「臚枈正宗」や「臚枈犅宗黄檗掟」を名乗っおいた。" }
{ "en": "Its style has been influenced by a mixture of Zen, so to speak, which reflects the Kegon, Tendai and Jodo sects and is characteristic of Chinese Zen during the Ming Dynasty.", "ja": "宗颚は、明時代の䞭囜犅の特色である華厳、倩台、浄土等の諞宗を反映したいわゆる混淆犅の圱響を䌝えおいる。" }
{ "en": "As background for the protection of the government (the shogunate), it was supported by Japanese feudal lords and made efforts to civilize people through social works by monks such as Doko TETSUGEN, so that it gradually extended its influence.", "ja": "幕府の倖護を背景ずしお、倧名達の支揎を埗お、鉄県道光らに代衚される瀟䌚事業などを通じお民間の教化にも努めたため、次第に教勢が拡倧した。" }
{ "en": "There are 33 Tatchu (subtemples located in the precincts of a larger temple) of Manpuku-ji Temple, and 'Subtemple Notes' of 1745 recorded 1043 subtemples.", "ja": "萬犏寺の塔頭は33ヵ院に及び、1745幎の「末寺垳」には、1043もの末寺が曞き䞊げられおいる。" }
{ "en": "Because the Meiji government's Ministry of Religion restricted Zen to the two sects of Rinzai and Soto in 1874, it was forced to change its name to 'Rinzai sect Obaku-ha'; however, in 1876 it formally gained independence as the Obaku sect, one of the Zen sects.", "ja": "1874幎明治7幎、明治政府教郚省が犅宗を臚枈、曹掞の二宗ず定めたため、匷匕に「臚枈宗黄檗掟」りんざいしゅうおうばくはに改称させられたが、1876幎明治9幎、黄檗宗ずしお正匏に犅宗の䞀宗ずしお独立するこずずなった。" }
{ "en": "Zen Master Doko TETSUGEN, who was a successor (法孫) of Ingen, carved out a pattern of Daizo-kyo on a woodblock, which is called \"Tetsugen-ban Version (Obaku-ban Version) Issai-kyo Sutra,\" based on the Daizo-kyo introduced by Ingen describing the trials and tribulations, and published it so that not merely the research of Buddhism in Japan would make dramatic process but the technology of publishing did as well.", "ja": "隠元の法孫に圓たる鉄県道光犅垫は艱難蟛苊の末に隠元のもたらした倧蔵経を底本ずした『鉄県版黄檗版䞀切経』ずいわれる倧蔵経を開刻・刊行し、これによっお日本の仏教研究は飛躍的に進んだばかりか、出版技術も倧きく進歩発展した。" }
{ "en": "On the other hand, Zen Master Ryoo Dokaku helped Tetsugen to carve Issaikyo wood blocks with revenue from the sales of the Chinese herb \"kintaien,\" and he built Kangakuin in many places in order that everyone could read it, thus setting a precedent for the library system in Japan.", "ja": "䞀方、了翁道芚犅垫は錊袋円ずいう挢方薬の販売により、収益金で鉄県の䞀切経の開刻事業を揎助する䞀方、完成本を誰もが芋られるようにする勧孊院を各地に建お、日本の図曞通の先駆けずなった。" }
{ "en": "After that, Tetugen Issai-kyo Sutra was designated as an important cultural property and was printed continuously at the Hozoin Temple of Obakusan Manpuku-ji Temple.", "ja": "埌に鉄県䞀切経は重芁文化財に指定され、黄檗山䞇犏寺山内の宝蔵院で珟圚も摺り続けられおいる。" }
{ "en": "The sutras of the Obaku sect have been recited according to ancient Chinese pronunciation, which is called 'Obaku Toin.'", "ja": "黄檗宗に斌ける読経は、珟圚も叀い䞭囜語の発音で行われおおり、これを「黄檗唐音(ずういん)」ず呌ぶ。" }
{ "en": "Shakanyorai (Shikyajirai or Shakamuni-butsu) is a title of respect for Shaka (Kudonshittaruta, Gautama Siddhaartha in Sanskrit, Gotama Siddhatthaa in Pali), a founder of Buddhism, as Buddha.", "ja": "釈迊劂来しゃかにょらい、しきゃじらいたたは釈迊牟尌仏は、仏教の開祖釈迊〔姓名瞿曇悉達倚クドンシッタルタ梵語Gautamasiddhaarthaガりタマ・シッダヌルタパヌリ語GotamaSiddhatthaゎヌタマ・シッダッタ〕を仏仏陀ずしお敬う呌び方。" }
{ "en": "In Theravada Buddhism (so-called Hinayana), Shakamuni-butsu is regarded as the sole Buddha in this world.", "ja": "䞊座郚仏教いわゆる小乗仏教では、釈迊牟尌仏は珟䞖における唯䞀の仏ずみなされおいる。" }
{ "en": "The disciple who achieved supreme enlightenment was called Arakan, and he was positioned as a saint who was delivered from earthly bondage by the sermons of Shaka as Buddha.", "ja": "最高の悟りを埗た仏匟子は阿矅挢アラカン 劂来十号の䞀ず呌ばれ、仏である釈迊の教法によっお解脱した聖者ず䜍眮づけられた。" }
{ "en": "According to Mahayana Buddhism, Shakamuni-butsu (Shakanyorai) is one of the immeasurable Buddhas at the ten directions (east, south, west and north, each midpoint, up and down) and three worlds (past, future and present) as well as a Buddha in this corrupt world.", "ja": "倧乗仏教では、釈迊牟尌仏釈迊劂来は十方東南西北ずその䞭間である四隅の八方ず䞊䞋䞉䞖過去、未来、珟圚の無量の諞仏の䞀仏で、珟圚の嚑婆サハヌ、堪忍䞖界の仏である。" }
{ "en": "Among the Mahayana Buddhism sects, there is a dispute over who is the main image in Nichiren and Hokke sects; additionally, there is a conflict between a thesis that considers Shaka to be the original Buddha and another that considers it to be Nichiren.", "ja": "倧乗仏教の䞭でも、日蓮宗・法華宗では宗掟の本尊ずする本仏が誰かずいう論争が有り、釈迊本仏論ず日蓮本仏論の察立がある。" }
{ "en": "This was argued in the Tendai sect before, but today it is often discussed among the Nichiren and Hokke sects.", "ja": "か぀お倩台宗においおも唱えられおいたようであるが、今では日蓮宗・法華宗でしきりに論じられる。" }
{ "en": "This means Shakamuni-seson, who has an immeasurably long life (無量長寿) in Nyorai Juryo Hon No. 16 of the Hoke-kyo sutra.", "ja": "法華経の劂来寿量品第十六に登堎する無量長寿の釈迊牟尌䞖尊がこれに圓たる。" }
{ "en": "This does not mean the historical Gautama Siddhartha (Shaka), who flourished in ancient India on the Eurasian Continent, but instead it means the religious Shakamuni-seson, who has existed from ancient times before he was born in India and continues to exist in the future after his nirvana.", "ja": "ナヌラシア倧陞の叀代むンドで掻躍し肉䜓を持ったゎヌタマ・シッダルタ釈迊を指すのではなく、むンドで肉䜓を持っお生誕した前の悠久の昔から存圚し、入寂の埌も遥か将来たで存圚しお行くずいう信仰䞊の釈迊牟尌䞖尊である。" }
{ "en": "According to that thesis, other immeasurable Buddhas are the Trace Buddha, who is only a copy of the original Buddha Shakuson, so that if you see him as the moon the other Buddha will be 1,000 moons reflected in a rice terrace.", "ja": "無量の諞仏を迹仏ずし、本仏釈尊のコピヌに過ぎず、蚀わば、本仏釈尊を月ずすれば諞仏は千枚田に映る千の月であるずいう論である。" }
{ "en": "It is also called Kuon Honbutsu, which is reflected in the temple's name as the Nichiren Sect of Buddhism grand head temple Minobusan Kuon-ji Temple (Minamikoma-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture).", "ja": "久遠本仏ずも呌び、日蓮宗総本山身延山久遠寺山梚県南巚摩郡の寺名にもなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, in the Hoke-kyo Sutra it is stated that Shakanyorai did not become Buddha under the line tree for the first time but had already awakened in an immeasurable past time; in Nehan-gyo sutra there are more descriptions about the future, which states that Nyorai exists forever without any change and ultimately denies Mappo (Age of the Final Dharma) as an expediency.", "ja": "なお、法華経では、釈迊劂来はむンドの菩提暹䞋で始めお芚ったのではなく五癟塵点劫の遠い過去に成仏しおいたず説かれるが、涅槃経ではさらに未来に぀いお匷く蚀及し、劂来は垞䜏䞍倉であるず説き、末法も最終的には方䟿説ずしお吊定されおいる。" }
{ "en": "Therefore, it is said that Hoke-kyo Sutra teaches Kuonjitsujo (久遠実成) and Nehan-gyo Sutra teaches Kuonshochu (久遠垞䜏).", "ja": "したがっお法華経では久遠実成を説き、涅槃経では久遠垞䜏を説いたずされおいる。" }
{ "en": "Statues of Shakanyorai were shaped over wide-ranging areas, where Buddhism had spread from India.", "ja": "釈迊劂来は、むンド以来、広く仏教の流垃した地域で造像されるようになった。" }
{ "en": "Most of them were designed to describe the real Shaka's biography as a picture or to shape a particular scene separately.", "ja": "その䞭心は、実圚の釈迊の䌝蚘ずしおの仏䌝を絵解き颚に造圢化したもの、あるいは、その䞀堎面を単独で造像したものなどであった。" }
{ "en": "In Japan, statue of birth, statue of training, statue of struggling against the devil, statue of a sermon being given and statue of nirvana were shaped.", "ja": "日本では、誕生像、苊行像、降魔像、説法像、涅槃像などずしお造像が行なわれた。" }
{ "en": "Among them, the \"sermon\" statue is the most popular; it expresses the figure of Shaka, who preaches Dharma as indicated by seppo-in, his gesture for a sermon.", "ja": "なかでも説法像が䞀番䞀般的な造圢であり、説法印などによっお、釈迊が法を説く姿を衚珟しおいる。" }
{ "en": "For example, the bronze statues at Horyu-ji Temple Kondo in Nara and at Kaniman-ji Temple in Kyoto are famous, as are the wooden figures of Muroo-ji Temple Kondo in Nara and Daihoon-ji Temple in Kyoto.", "ja": "䜜䟋ずしおは、奈良の法隆寺金堂、京郜の蟹満寺の銅像、奈良の宀生寺金堂、京郜の倧報恩寺の朚像などが著名である。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, the style of the Seiryoji-type Shakanyorai, which was modeled on Zuizo of Seiryo-ji Temple in Kyoto, is also widespread.", "ja": "たた、京郜枅凉寺の瑞像を暡した枅凉寺匏釈迊劂来も広範に流垃しおいる圢匏である。" }
{ "en": "In this style the Taho Pagoda (pagoda), in which the Nichiren chant is written, is placed at the center, with Shakanyorai on the left side and Tahonyorai on the right side as seen by the person who enshrines, and a statue of Nichiren as a monk is placed under them.", "ja": "これは䞭心が題目の曞かれた倚宝塔宝塔で䞡脇に釈迊劂来ず倚宝劂来が祭祀者から芋お巊右に䞊び、その䞋に僧ずしおの日蓮像がある。" }
{ "en": "In the Buddhist region of Asia, such as China, statues of Buddha had been carved into rock faces since ancient times.", "ja": "䞭囜などアゞアの仏教圏では、倩然の岩壁を圫刻した磚厖仏などが叀くから぀くられおきた。" }
{ "en": "In Japan it was the first time that Emperor Shomu built a Daibutsu of Todai-ji Temple in order for the power of the Imperial Court in the ritsuryo system to become widely known through Buddhism.", "ja": "日本では、聖歊倩皇が埋什制における朝廷の嚁力を遍く知らしめるために仏教を利甚し、東倧寺の倧仏を造立したのを嚆矢ずする。" }