### Human:\nare there foods and/or drinks that may cause acne breakouts? . my eight year old daughter is presently having bouts with acne breakouts. we've been advised about using different hair products that won't clog her pores with heavy oil ingredients. what other products may be causing her acne issues? her grandmother (we've recently found out) has allowed her to drink sodas and fruit drink beverages on daily visits. could this contribute to some of the skin problems she's having?\n\n### Assistant: there is some evidence that a diet limited in dairy products and low in sugar and processed carbohydrates can help decrease the risk of acne breakouts. that would mean not overdoing milk cheese and yogurt while maintaining a diet rich in whole foods including fruits vegetables whole grains lean meats beans and healthy fats (vegetable oils/avocado/nuts and seeds) that is also low in sugar and processed foods. so too many sugary drinks may have an adverse affect on acne. but diet is only part of the story and a healthcare provider can help you figure out all the contributing factors. for more on diet's effect on acne see these articles: <link> <link> no acne is not caused or worsened by certain food or drinks. this is a common misconception. acne is caused primarily by hormones that cause an over excetion of oil often made worse by certain bacteria found in acne lesions. if your eight year old is having acne she may be starting to puberty which can occasionally happen this early. she should see her medical provider. sugary drinks and sodas can make her fat but they will not cause zits. yes i have red bumps on my eyelid and down the left side of my nose and for the past three days i have been drinking apple juice and when i woke up this morning there were red bumps (kind of like acne. i don't really know). but as i was saying they were all down the left side of my nose and on my eyelid and right below my eyebrow!
### Human:\nwhat is the difference between night terrors and nightmares?\n\n### Assistant: night terrors and nightmares are very different. night terrors usually occur in the first third of the night. the typical scenario is a child wakes up a few hours after going to sleep acting like she is possessed. she may scream shake point at things and call out "no! no! i can't! " she may not be comforted by you and may not even recognize that you are in the room. reassure her "you're ok. mommy is here. " keep lights dim and speak softly. she should easily go back to sleep after the episode. the next morning she won't remember the event although everyone else in the house will. what can you do to break the cycle? since night terrors generally occur around the same time every night try waking your child up about 15 to 30 minutes prior to the episode. this will break her sleep cycle and her body will jump into the next stage of sleep when the terrors don't occur. also make sure your child is not over-tired. stress and tiredness can contribute to night terrors. put her to bed a little earlier at night or make sure she gets a nap if she still needs one. most children outgrow night terrors as they get older. nightmares typically happen during the second half of the night. almost everyone has had a nightmare at some point. you're riding your bike at the beach and then all of the sudden a large wave is crashing down on you…. you thrash around in your bed trying to get some air until you wake up scared or somebody comforts you. a child with nightmares will wake up fully and respond to parental comforting. he may remember the dream even the next day. reassurance helps this resolve. talk to him about the dreams and explain that they are not real. take a look at his environment (school home etc. ) and see if there is anything bothering him. stress from the day school or sports life changes such as moving or divorce can all cause stress that leads to nightmares. scary books movies stories from friends or on-line can also contribute. to help prevent nightmares get into a healthy sleep routine. put your child or teen to bed about the same time every night. avoid eating exercise watching tv surfing the internet reading scary books or watching movies right before bed. have your child sleep with a stuffed toy or favorite blanket as this may help them feel more secure. this works for teens too! turn on a night light and keep his door open. talk to your pediatrician if the nightmares persist.
### Human:\nwhat are some symptoms a cancer patient may have if they have an infection?\n\n### Assistant: while developing a fever is the most serious sign and should be treated as an emergency there are other signs and symptoms you should be aware of that may indicate you have an infection: chills and sweats change in cough or new cough sore throat or new mouth sore shortness of breath nasal congestion stiff neck burning or pain with urination unusual vaginal discharge or irritation increased urination redness soreness or swelling in any area including surgical wounds and ports diarrhea vomiting pain in the abdomen or rectum new onset of pain changes in skin urination and mental status if you experience any of these signs or symptoms you should call your doctor right away. for more information about the signs and symptoms of an infection visit www. preventcancerinfections. org
### Human:\n<link> dermavie cream reviews selection interviews the actual experts questioned the actual adult males not simply in relation to their particular supplement make use of but in addition in relation to a wide variety of other possibility factors such as cigarettes ingesting work out. <link>\n\n### Assistant: could you please be respectful and refrain from posting advertising on this very important webmd medical site. your posting takes up space for important questions.
### Human:\ndoes dermabrasion work as well as microdermabrasion?\n\n### Assistant: dermabrasion is a surgical treatment and is a much more invasive treatment than microdermabrasion. it involves the use of a wire brush an ablative laser or sandpaper to remove several layers of the skin. it may result in pinpoint bleeding and can require one or more weeks to heal completely. it has been used for acne scarring and deep wrinkles. microdermabrasion is much less invasive and can be performed by non-medical personnel such as an aesthetician. afterward there could be slight erythema (pinkness) to the cheeks but minimal downtime otherwise.
### Human:\nat age 40 i have both oily and dry skin problems. what kind of cleanser and toner do you recommend?\n\n### Assistant: a change in your skin type may be caused by your skin care regimen. make sure that you are not using products that are over-drying your skin because that will lead to increased oil gland production. you should exclude any underlying skin conditions such as eczema psoriasis or seborrhea that may alter your skin’s oil production. you may also have combination skin (elements of dry and oily skin). because the nose chin center of the forehead and the cheeks all have more oil glands than any other part of the face it is not surprising that those areas tend to be oilier and may break out more frequently than other areas. at the same time the areas that lack oil glands can become dry and flaky. problems occur when you attempt to treat combination skin as one specific skin type. many ingredients that are appropriate for the t-zone (the area along the center of the forehead and down the nose where most of the active oil glands on the face are located) won't help the drier parts of cheeks eyes or jaws -- and vice versa. more often than not separate products are required to deal with the different skin types on your face because different skin types even on the same face must be treated differently to truly feel and look better. once you accept this fact and adjust your routine combination skin can be brought into balance at least to the extent that using the right products allows. if anything using overly abrasive or irritating skin-care products on oilier areas will only worsen combination skin's dual nature by making dry areas drier and creating a rough reddened appearance over oily areas. plus treating skin harshly does not correct or improve oiliness in any way because combination skin should be viewed and treated as separate skin types.
### Human:\n<link> i must say i adore caviar sight refurbishment by dermaesthetics beverly inclines it creates your own pores and skin practical knowledge tremendous silky as well as uses out and about skin covering solar cells. using this type of treatment you possibly can loosen up your mind even though your own experience making use of babor skinovage mimical demand:. <link>\n\n### Assistant: please do not post advertising on webmd answers. this site is reserved for people seeking responses for real medical issues. be respectful.
### Human:\nhow can i keep my hair and skin oil-free in the summer?\n\n### Assistant: oily hair is a natural production. if you wash your hair frequently it causes your body to produce more oil. the less you wash it the more the production slows down. ways to absorb body oil is to use baby powder. just use a small amount at the roots and pat the white color out. some hair salons have colored hair powder that can be used if you do not like the white powder. as for the face or skin a light lotion that is less greasy should be applied as a moisturizer. there are also face towelettes that can be used to blot the face and eliminate oil and perspiration.
### Human:\ni have dry and hard skin in my right ear canal. when i burp can hear a whooshing sound and feels blockage in that ear. i was diagnosed with fungal infection inear and had an ear microsuction 4 weeks back. now the skin in my ear canal is very hard and dry. i feels some blockage and muffed hearing in that ear. every time i burp of open my mouth i can hear a whooshing and clicking sound in that ear. please advice me\n\n### Assistant: you need to see an ent specialist. if an ent diagnosed you then perhaps see a different ent for a second opinion. there is really nothing that can be done blindly over the internet. you need to be examined properly diagnosed and your current treatment regime may need to be re-evaluated.
### Human:\nwhat is a renal ultrasound? . a renal ultrasound is a video taken of the kidneys using ultrasonic waves. a probe placed against the skin reflects high-energy sound waves off the kidneys and a computer converts the information into images on a screen.\n\n### Assistant: a renal ultrasound is a video taken of the kidneys using ultrasonic waves. a probe placed against the skin reflects high-energy sound waves off the kidneys and a computer converts the information into images on a screen. renal ultrasounds are usually performed to try to find the cause of kidney damage or kidney failure. a renal ultrasound may be also done to look for cysts stones masses or other abnormalities of the kidneys even when the kidneys are functioning normally. renal ultrasound is a painless and typically risk-free test.
### Human:\nwhat are the symptoms of thrush?\n\n### Assistant: thrush usually develops suddenly but it may become chronic persisting over a long period of time. a common sign of thrush is the presence of creamy white slightly raised lesions in your mouth - usually on your tongue or inner cheeks - but also sometimes on the roof of your mouth gums tonsils or back of your throat. the lesions which may have a "cottage cheese" appearance can be painful and may bleed slightly when you scrape them or brush your teeth. in severe cases the lesions may spread into your esophagus or swallowing tube causing: pain or difficulty swallowing a feeling that food gets stuck in the throat or mid-chest area fever if the infection spreads beyond the esophagus thrush can spread to other parts of the body including the lungs liver and skin. this happens more often in people with cancer hiv or other conditions that weaken the immune system.
### Human:\ni have large visible pores on my face especially my chin. how can i reduce them?\n\n### Assistant: one of the best treatments for large pores is topical retinoic acid or tretinoin. tretinoin can be obtained either by prescription from your dermatologist or over the counter as various derivatives such as retinol or retinyl aldehydes.
### Human:\ni had liver spots as a child and it looks like they’re back. my skin is blotchy and two-toned. can i get rid of them?\n\n### Assistant: the term “liver spots” is somewhat of a misnomer. liver spots are typically not related to any diseases of the liver. most of these changes are due to age sun damage or solar lentigo. your first approach is to exclude any potential skin cancers. once this is accomplished a combination of glycolic peels and skin brightening agents will improve your skin.
### Human:\nwhat is the best over the counter diet pill for weight loss and energy\n\n### Assistant: my gut response to this is: none of them. diet pills are not the answer for long-term weight loss and energy. the best way to lose weight and increase energy is simple. eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly (at least three times a week). if you do just these two things and do them consistently you'll lose weight keep it off and probably see your energy level rise considerably. check out webmd's diet community for plenty of tips of on how safely lose weight and keep it off for good! all the best to you! although some diet pills may work to promote weight loss and boost energy are the side effects really worth it? take alli for example the first fda approved over-the-counter weight loss pill. some of the side effects of alli include oily or fatty stools and difficulty controlling bowel movements that can cause leakage into undergarments. also although rare a more serious problem is possible liver damage. keep in mind that alli is actually approved by the fda undergoing a very extensive process while many other pills or supplements have no additional research to verify their claims or identify risks. the answer is simple: diet pills can’t replace healthy lifestyle behavior changes like implementing an exercise routine or eating whole food to promote weight loss. my husband and i started to use myfitnesspal. com 3 weeks ago and i have lost 3 pounds already. we are not going hungry just counting our calories and cutting our portions as we have always been big portion eaters. we are also walking from 45 min to 60 min at least 3 times a week which gives you more calories. we usually don't use them though because the calories for women are 1200 and men are 1500. this system is a very good way to learn to eat better. log in and check it out. you will be surprised and happy with what you find. taking diet pills will only curb your appetite they will not help you stay healthy. they can also lead to an addiction. you do need to do some form of exercise like walking or biking. i am not familiar so much familiar with over the counter weight loss pills but i suggest that you speak with dr. eric schweiger an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at mount sinai medical center. he can help you with your weight loss plans. <link>
### Human:\ncan a low ferritin level cause hair loss and heart palpitations in women? my ferritin level is at 12. every time i shower or blow dry my hair i am losing tons of hair! i can barely cover my scalp at crown of my head. after researching i found that ferritin levels in women should be around 70. i have also been experiencing an increased heart rate since august. i went to cardiologist and he said my heart was healthy. my thyroid is fine. started taking iron supplements (45 mg) 3000 mbg biotin pills and using shampoo that removes dht from hair within the last week but have seen no difference.\n\n### Assistant: there is some research to show that anemia is associated with hair loss but not all studies agree. in fact a 2010 study in the journal of the american academy of dermatology showed no difference. it's best to work with your healthcare provider on optimal ferritin levels and supplementation. you also want to rule out other potential issues related to hormonal or skin changes. changes such as pregnancy childbirth and menopause can increase hair loss. when it comes to nutrition protein and adequate calories play an important role in hair growth so including good protein sources at most meals may help (lean meats eggs fish beans and dairy) as does eating balanced meals throughout the day. this webmd article provides more information on eating right to keep hair healthy.
### Human:\nhow get a good skin care? . as an example you are able to blend half teaspoons of honey 4 vitamin e pills orange juice and yogurt and slather them in your encounter with a cotton ball. then you're able to keep it on for half an hour. this residence combination is thought to help so much inside healing and the moisturizing of skin tissues. try this 4 or 4x per week and you will not miss your anti wrinkle cream. <link>\n\n### Assistant: please be respectful of this important webmd medical site by not posting advertisements.
### Human:\nhow do i remove black spots on my face?\n\n### Assistant: first have the dark spot looked at by a dermatologist to determine that the dark spot is not pre-cancerous or skin cancer. melasma is a common cause of dark spots on the forehead cheeks and upper lips in women. one of the first and very critical steps to brightening darker areas on the face is to use a cream with an spf of 30 and above applying three times each day to cover darker areas. also applying skin brighteners such as niacin hydroroquinone and kojic acid will help brighten the darker areas. these steps will help your skin look more even and more youthful.
### Human:\nwhat is the single best thing i can do to keep my skin’s youthful appearance?\n\n### Assistant: the single most important step to keep your skin youthful is to avoid the sun. use sunscreen with antioxidant vitamins and wear protective clothing and coverings. you should safe your skin from the sun-rays and use obagi nu derm healthy skin protection spf35#6 when go out. this sun protection cream safe your skin from scorching heat and keep the skin glorious. rather than you should take sufficient water and fruits everyday. for further help you can visit @ www. igetadeal. com
### Human:\ncan any weight loss program increase blood pressure. i went through edmark which gave me a weight loss program. called power 4 slimming & health program. 1 detox-shake off phyto fiber. 2 mrt complex fat burning. 3 balancing splina liquid chlorophyll. 4 rejuvenation edmark cafe & red yeast cofee for. thanks. shariff\n\n### Assistant: when people with high blood pressure lose weight they typically see a decrease in blood pressure. so no it is not normal for weight loss prgrams to cause increases in blood pressure. i am not familiar with these products but i recommend asking the people who work for the program what research they have behind their products/ingredients. remember that dietary supplements are not regulated by the fda so effectiveness and safety are the company's responsibility. for more informationn finding the right weight loss program for you see this article. as people gain weight their blood pressure tends to go up. fortunately as they lose weight their blood pressure tends to go down. but if you weigh normal then weight loss does'nt help. and if reducing weight resulting increse blood pressure then something is wrong! consult your doctor fast!
### Human:\nwhy does fiber makes me constipated? . i drink plenty of fluids and only started because i am over 50 and md suggested because of one internal hemorrhoid and one diverticulitis . i have always had the opposite. loose stools since a kid specially under stress lol. i have never had to use a laxative in my life. so whats the scoop? why since i have increased my fiber to more than 10 grams a day (additional) i have stools that wont move are are harder to pass? do i not need fiber and this is my bodies way of telling me?\n\n### Assistant: fiber is typically beneficial in alleviating constipation but too much without enough water can actually cause constipation. keep in mind that there are two types of fiber soluble and insoluble. soluble fiber slows digestion and helps you absorb nutrients from food where insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool helping it to pass more quickly through the intestines. most plant foods contain some of each but insoluble fiber is more common in wheat bran whole grains cereals seeds and the skins of many fruits and vegetables. you may have added too much fiber too soon. it might be beneficial to temporarily decrease your fiber intake for now so that you can slowly and gradually reintroduce it back into your diet allowing your body time to adjust to it better. you’re correct in drinking plenty of fluids since water is necessary to help fiber move stool out of your body. if you eat too much fiber without enough water you can become constipated so it may be worthwhile to also drink more water even if you feel as though you’re getting enough. according to the academy of nutrition and dietetics women should aim for 25 grams of fiber per day and men should aim for 38 grams per day. after the age of 50 the recommendations for fiber drop to 21 grams per day for women and 30 grams per day for men. you and your doctor may discuss different needs based on your current health conditions. another idea may be to try to incorporate foods that might have a natural laxative effect such as prunes psyllium seed husk bran and methylcellulose to alleviate your constipation. some people just respond poorly to increases in fiber so it may be beneficial to discuss this further with your doctor. thanks for your answer doctor. i have stopped the fiber. it was metamucil. so it was psyillium. and now i am back to normal. i was also drinking double up on the water and my stomach doubled in size with the bloating. i may try to do just one of the wafers a day instead of the 4 i worked my way up to but then again since my pain stopped and my stools resumed to normal i do not understand the need. i also do eat fruit and vegetables already as well. i think i will listen to my body rather than the "you need to do this" type of advise we are getting over all. i can say in my case fiber is not the answer to life lol
### Human:\nwhat are good treatments for rosacea at age 36?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to avoid direct sun exposure alcohol or any other lifestyle factors that may irritate your skin and trigger rosacea outbreaks. there is no cure for rosacea but with treatment you may be able to control the symptoms. antibiotic pills and topical creams may treat symptoms. topical tretinoin compounds and lasers may be used to control refractory rosacea. i have had rosacea since my late 20s (now in my late 30s) here are the tips i've learned: be religious about sunscreen. if i have direct sunlight without sunscreen i will be red for hours experiment and learn which products work best to control your rosacea. everyone is different but once you find stuff stick with it. i've found that baby shampoo as a cleanser while a little drying does the best at controlling my rosacea of all things. i've also found that larenim and pure minerals makeups actually help clear up my rosacea rather than causing more probelms. most of the tips i'd learned when i first got it was about knowing and avoiding triggers. my triggers are sunlight exercise and alcohol.
### Human:\nwhat do you recommend i use to keep my hands moist longer?\n\n### Assistant: depending on your job it may be difficult to keep your hands moist throughout the day. generally it's best to moisturize after each hand washing while the hands are still a little wet. try switching from a hand lotion to a cream that is rich in ceramides. these sophisticated ingredients work better to help restore the skin’s barrier. also make sure that the soap you're using is not too drying. some of the more harsh antibacterial soaps can actually strip the skin of its natural oils.
### Human:\ni'm 45 and have sunspots and age spots on my face. is there an over-the-counter product that i can take to fade them?\n\n### Assistant: the no. 1 cause of premature aging and sunspots is sun damage. avoid direct sunlight during peak hours 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. most sunblocks that contain titanium dioxide will help. compounds that contain salicylic acid will resurface your skin. compounds that contain tretinoin will help rejuvenate your face by encouraging collagen production.
### Human:\n<link> vogue firming. cream reviews of us have to comply with any a little bit distinct skincare regimen inside the wintertime. a separate skincare plan in partnership with the rest of the aspects will assist you to increase ones marriage magnificence. using the nation's company with regard to work basic safety as well as well being virtually nine hundred ingredients utilised in skincare makeup products are actually known to. <link>\n\n### Assistant: please be respectful of this wonderful webmd medical site. do not post advertising. this takes up valuable space for people who have real medical concerns. thank you.
### Human:\ni have very dark circles under my eyes. how can i hide them without using too much makeup?\n\n### Assistant: you may want to consider using a concealer that is dermatologically tested for skin irritants. products that are pretested may be less likely to clog pores or cause allergic reactions.
### Human:\nis there any concealer that actually helps get rid of acne and keep it away?\n\n### Assistant: many of the concealers that treat acne are salicylic acid-based products that are tinted to camouflage blemishes and dry out the acute acne breakout. unfortunately acne can be a chronic condition. if you are suffering from multiple acne lesions you should incorporate a skin care routine that includes a cleanser toner and antibacterial treatment lotion in order to help manage future breakouts.
### Human:\nmy dermatologist recommended laser resurfacing which is not covered by insurance. what can i do for my face & neck?\n\n### Assistant: one option to consider is a chemical peel. dermatologists that are familiar with chemical peels use a combination of salicylic acid aha and tca to remove the top layer of the skin and encourage new skin growth. chemical peels can be very effective and are less costly than most laser treatments.
### Human:\ni’m planning to do at-home treatment instead of the laser treatment recommended by my dermatologist. is it worth it?\n\n### Assistant: for most non-medical skin issues at-home treatments offer a viable and cost-effective alternative. your first step is to determine and educate yourself about your skin type (dry oily or combination). also familiarize yourself with the ingredients of the products in your at-home regimen. once you gather that information compare your own self-care practices with your physicians’ recommendations. this will provide you with your initial direction.
### Human:\ni had my eyebrows waxed and the technician shaped them too thin. how can i stop looking like i’m permanently surprised?\n\n### Assistant: eyebrow hair growth just like other hair requires a healthy diet rich in protein and nutrients. however the amount of hair that grows in the eyebrows decreases with age. to make sure that aging is not the only explanation for the loss in eyebrow hair visit your dermatologist. they can work you up and make sure that there are no other medical reasons.
### Human:\ncan shingles occur in the vaginal area? . it’s uncommon (though not unheard of) for shingles to affect the external area around the vagina called the vulva. it’s very unusual for shingles to affect the inside of the vagina itself but it can occur.\n\n### Assistant: it’s uncommon (though not unheard of) for shingles to affect the external area around the vagina called the vulva. it’s very unusual for shingles to affect the inside of the vagina itself but it can occur. shingles is the common name for herpes zoster the painful rash that results from reactivation of varicella virus in adulthood. most of us are infected by varicella virus as children when it causes chickenpox. after we recover from chickenpox varicella doesn’t disappear but rather goes dormant hiding inside nerves under our skin for years. later in life varicella can erupt on the skin to cause the painful rash called herpes zoster or shingles. (varicella is in the herpes virus family but is distinct from hsv-1 and hsv-2 the herpes viruses that commonly affect the lips and genitals. ) varicella is much more likely to affect external skin than moist mucous membranes inside the mouth or vagina. ulcers or sores on the vagina are more often due to hsv-1 or hsv-2 (herpes infections). taking a viral culture from the site of a fresh ulcer is the only way to know for sure though.
### Human:\ni have stretch marks on my calves inner thighs and hips. cocoa butter diminished the redness. what else will help?\n\n### Assistant: congratulations on your weight loss! unfortunately one of the side effects of such weight loss is the appearance of stretch marks. stretch marks are a form of a scar and as such will never completely go away. using creams and lotions will help to minimize their appearance as will the passage of time but unfortunately your skin will never return to its pre-stretch-mark state.
### Human:\ni am a diabetic. i have a white cottage cheesy slime on my tongue. i brush several times a day. how can i treat this?\n\n### Assistant: diabetics are susceptible to fungal infections and other inflammatory skin and tissue diseases. i would strongly recommend a visit to your dentist. this is a condition that requires immediate attention!
### Human:\nis it okay to have sex if i have shingles?\n\n### Assistant: that might depend on where the lesions are. generally speaking shingles are not contagious. however it is best to avoid touching another person with the lesions until they've healed over. you should probably refrain from having sex if you are having an outbreak. it is just not worth it. and i have found that using a penis health creme can really help with the itchiness and the dry skin. it obviously won't cure shingles but it helps with some of the symptoms. you might want to check these cremes out. hope this helps and good luck.
### Human:\nmy face is red all the time. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: you may be suffering from any of a variety of conditions that can cause persistent redness including an allergic response contact dermatitis immunologic diseases or infection. prior to trying to treat the redness your first step is to consult with your physician to obtain an accurate diagnosis.
### Human:\nis there a nonsurgical procedure to get rid of the bags under my eyes?\n\n### Assistant: a lot depends on how extensive the eye bags are. if the underlying causes are medical or from lack of sleep these issues should be addressed first. next consider discussing the use of fillers with your dermatologist. properly placed fillers along the lower eyelid and cheek junction can mask the presence of eye bags.
### Human:\ni'm an 81-year-old man with a severe scalp problem; scales that are moving down to my face. do you have any suggestions? . my dermatologist tried using a procedure that was very cold. but the situation has gotten worse. this problem runs in my family so it may be a genetic thing.\n\n### Assistant: if you are suffering from a "severe" scalp problem your differential diagnosis (at age 81) may include anything from infection an immunologic disease or cancer. you should have your condition evaluated by a physician.
### Human:\ni'd like to know what the best combination of supplements are for a vegan including enzymes amino acids and vitamins. i've been looking into collagen (to improve bone density skin and hair) spirulina (for protein and immune function) maca powder(hormonal function and fertility) omega3 6 9 and digestive enzymes (to help with bloating and stomach problems). i also take a multi vitamin. i am overwhelmed with the wealth of information and would like advice on the best combination as i don't want to take too many supplements when i don't fully understand how they might effect each other. thanks in advance.\n\n### Assistant: i'm not familiar with the supplements you are taking. you can look here for more info. my guess is there isn't a lot of evidence to support them. i can help you from a nutrition standpoint though. if you are a vegan and eat a balanced diet you still need to watch out for the following nutrients: calcium: this article will help you figure out if you are getting enough. plant foods and fortified milk alternatives can get you there but you need to be diligent. you can always supplement if you fall short. iron: beans and grains contain iron but they aren't absorbed as well as animal foods. this article can help you ensure you get enough. vitamin b12: plant foods do not contain vitamin b12 so you will can include fortified foods or take a supplement. vitamin d: this vitamin is not in plant foods unless its fortified. you will likely need to supplement. i recommend getting your levels checked at annual physical to determine how much you need. omega 3s dha and epa: plant foods do not contain these important fats -- there are vegan supplements you can look into. if you are still confused consider seeing a registered dietitian. he/she can help you figure out what supplements you need and what you can just get from food good luck!
### Human:\nwhat kinds of the otc products are best for getting rid of liver spots?\n\n### Assistant: brown spots on the hands and face have been called liver spots. but there is no connection whatsoever between these spots and the liver. these brown areas of pigmentation are actually due to sun exposure and skin aging. hydroquinone is a bleaching molecule that can help lighten the spots. however it is only available in only 2% strength over the counter. if this kind of product does not work for you see your physician to obtain a prescription for a 4% hydroquinone treatment which may work faster and more effectively. lastly laser treatments may ultimately be the best way to resolve these brown spots.
### Human:\ncan taking fish oil supplements help my hair grow healthier?\n\n### Assistant: fish oil supplements may help with certain inflammatory conditions of the skin and scalp such as psoriasis. however there is no data linking fish oil consumption with hair health specifically.
### Human:\ni am restricting food and i've been feeling exhausted as well as having a low pulse. does this mean i'm anorexic? . i still have my period and i haven't been working out that much though.\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer it is difficult to say whether or not you have anorexia based on the limited information you provide but what you are doing is problematic and could lead to an eating disorder. the signs and symptoms of anorexia include but are not limited to restricting food fear of gaining weight body weight of 85% ideal or less and exercising too much. here are more of the signs including physical symptoms. i suggest you get a physical and take care of yourself. if you are asking the question it is likely you could use some support either form a dietitian or psychologist who specializes in eating disorders. while you may not have an eating disorder disordered eating (eating too much or too little/obsessing about food) is very common and can have negative effects. don't delay getting help! your health and well being depend on it.
### Human:\ncan medications pass from one person to another through mucous membranes oral or skin contact or sexual contact?\n\n### Assistant: yes. medications that are applied topically can be absorbed by touching skin to skin. there are some medications that are so strong in effect (such as cancer medications) that simply touching them can cause side effects. there is no list of these medications. so it is important to ask your local pharmacist or check with your physician.
### Human:\nmy earlobes develop hard crusty patches of skin and scabs and are sore. i’ve tried bactroban. do you have any advice?\n\n### Assistant: you may be suffering from a secondary fungal infection. this can usually be treated with topical antifungal cream along with a topical hydrocortisone for the inflammatory component.
### Human:\nis it absolutely necessary to use a toner after washing my face?\n\n### Assistant: toners are not an absolute necessity for your skin care regimen. a toner is designed to help remove excess surface oils to allow moisturizers or antibacterial washes (in acne treatment preparations) penetrate into the skin. avoid toners with a high alcohol content; this may lead to excessive drying of the skin.
### Human:\nhow can cracked skin at the fingernail tips be helped?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to maintain good hygiene for your hands. keep your nails clean and dry. file your nails in one direction avoid removing your cuticles or cleaning too deeply under your nails. moisturize your hands with natural almond vitamin e or avocado oil. if you suspect an underlying infection your hands should be evaluated by your physician.
### Human:\nhow can i moisturize the areas around my eyes when it's cold and the skin feels and looks more wrinkled and dry?\n\n### Assistant: many people complain of a general "crepiness" that develops around the eyes especially in dry weather. first you may benefit from injections of botulinum toxin which is one of the best ways to eliminate creases around the eyes. also you might consider adding a moisturizing product to your skin care routine such as those that contain silicone dimethicone or cyclomethicones.
### Human:\nwhat can i do to keep adult acne at bay?\n\n### Assistant: 1) make sure that everything you put on your face —moisturizer sunscreen makeup — is noncomedogenic meaning that it won’t clog your pores. if a product does not specifically have the word “noncomedogenic”on the label do not buy it. 2) since gentle but thorough cleansing is essential it’s a good idea to invest in a sonic cleansing machine and use it once a day. it doesn’t have to be the most expensive machine available and drugstores now sell relatively inexpensive versions. some machines have special brushes for acne or delicate skin which are gentle on adult skin. 3) look for products that contain salicylic acid because it is highly effective at unclogging pores and reducing breakouts. people with very sensitive skin might want to use a 0. 5 % salicylic acid product but for most adults 2% will yield the best results. use these products every night; do not use during the day even under sunscreen because salicylic acid can increase sun sensitivity. products with alpha-hydroxy acids (ahas) will also work. 4) those at-home microdermabrasion systems sold in beauty stores provide more exfoliation than salicylic acid and ahas. don’t do microdermabrasion at home more than once a week or you risk irritating the skin. 5) if your skin is oily you can use a 2. 5% benzoyl peroxide product over areas prone to breakouts. don’t just dot it on the pimple — use in on the whole area to kill bacteria. 6) consider light therapy either at your dermatologist’soffice or with machines intended for home use. they’re not as powerful as the ones dermatologists use but they do work. 7) mild adult acne is easily treated with over-the-counter products. but people who scar easily or who have pimples that look like angry red cysts should to go to a doctor immediately. <positive_smiley> consistency is the key to having a clear complexion even if you have adult acne. daily treatment will lead to significant improvement but if you stop treatment or do it only sporadically acne will come back with a vengeance.
### Human:\nwhat could be causing my irregular periods and spotting?\n\n### Assistant: if you are using some type of hormonal birth control this might represent prolonged break through bleeding. erratic bleeding on birth control can be started if one gets an infection such as chlamydia (e. g. from new sexual partner or a partner with other partners). if you are not using hormonal birth control then the most common reason for erratic and prolonged bleeding (once an accidental pregnancy has be ruled out) is a hormonal change. usually this change is linked to a missed ovulation in the month or months before the abnormal bleed. causes for not ovulating are multifold: thyroid problems pituitary problems ovarian cysts physical stressors (e. g. sudden increases in exercise crash dieting) emotional stressors (problems with parents or boyfriends/girlfriends exams) increased body weight anorexia rotating shifts at work etc.
### Human:\n<link> lyt derma reviews possibly can buy a few these kind of removes individually from on the net plant based stores or you can purchase any pores and skin lightening cream which contains a mix of these kind of. e. <link>\n\n### Assistant: please be respectful of this important webmd medical site by not posting advertisements.
### Human:\nis thrush contagious?\n\n### Assistant: no thrush is not contagious in the way a cold or the flu is. thrush is caused by a fungus (more specifically a yeast) called candida. candida is a commensal organism meaning that under healthy conditions it lives harmlessly in our bodies. we all have candida living on our skin and in our intestines and healthy women carry candida in their vaginas. when the body’s defenses are in balance candida is not noticeable or bothersome. however certain conditions can give candida the opportunity to grow excessively: a low-functioning immune system. use of topical or oral corticosteroids such as prednisone (often for asthma or autoimmune conditions). damage to the mucous membranes (the skin lining the mouth vagina and gi tract). antibiotic use. in these situations candida can grow on the skin or in the lining of the mouth gi tract or vagina. the fungus creates a white patch or plaque across the mucous membranes. in the mouth visible candida infection is called thrush. in the vagina it’s a yeast infection. in people with weakened immune systems candida can grow almost anywhere in the body. because candida is normally present in all our bodies someone with thrush can’t exactly pass it to someone else -- that person already has candida. to develop thrush a yeast infection or another candida infection that person may have one or more of the above risk factors or conditions.
### Human:\nwhat causes milia? how can i avoid getting these?\n\n### Assistant: milia also known as whiteheads are very common white pimples that can occur in persons of all ages. they appear mostly on the upper cheeks nose and chin of infants. this occurs when dead skin cells and sebaceous matter gets trapped near the skin surface rather than exfoliating naturally. common causes of milia include the use of thick and heavy cosmetics or poor-quality products that are not suitable for the skin that prevent the sloughing-off of dead skin cells. excessive sun exposure makes the skin thick which leaves it unable to exfoliate naturally.
### Human:\nhow can you tell a child has strep?\n\n### Assistant: when your child has a sore throat it’s important to find out if it’s strep throat or not. ever wonder why? strep (officially called group a streptococcus) is a bacterial infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics. and all the other sore throats caused by the virus of the week just need time and tlc to resolve. why does strep need to be treated? while many people clear the throat infection on their own untreated strep can do some pretty serious damage in other body parts. untreated strep can infect the heart brain and joints. that’s called rheumatic fever. and it’s why we need to know if that sore throat is due to strep bacteria. doctors have always known that strep prefers to infect school-aged kids instead of babies toddlers or preschoolers. but a recent study in the journal pediatrics confirmed this. about 37% of school-aged children who see their docs for a sore throat will have a strep infection. but only 24% of children under five years of age have strep when they have a throat infection. bottom line: little kids usually get viral sore throats big kids are more likely to have strep. so how do docs know when it’s strep throat (besides doing a strep test of course). here are 10 things that make me think of strep: 1. 5 years of age or older? 2. sore throat without runny nose or cough? 3. sore throat with headache and/or stomachache? 4. sore throat and fine pinpoint sandpapery/rough feeling rash (called “scarlet fever”)? 5. sore throat and raised dots on the tongue (called “strawberry tongue”)? 6. sore throat and a persistent fever for more than a couple of days? 7. (for girls) sore throat and a really red vaginal area? 8. sore throat and really red skin around his/her anus? 9. strep going around your child’s school childcare or your house (late fall winter spring)? 10. a history of getting strep throat before? if you think your child has strep don’t panic. even if your child has had the illness for a few days antibiotics will do the trick to clear the infection and prevent rheumatic fever. just make an appointment to see your child’s doctor!
### Human:\ncan an over-the-counter product fade an unwanted tattoo?\n\n### Assistant: several of the popular over-the-counter agents including skin-bleaching agents and topical acids (salicylic) have been used to fade tattoos. unfortunately many of these products require continuous use for six months and they work by removing the outer layer of the skin. very colorful and deeper tattoos may be more difficult to completely fade using this approach.
### Human:\nhow can i get rid of dark spots on my face?\n\n### Assistant: once you have excluded medical causes there are multiple options to regain your even skin tone. a combination of glycolic aha and retinoid-based products along with a traditional topical skin care regimen for skin brightening will work. hydroquinone-based products work well. however there are other alternatives such as bearberry extract kojic acid licorice extract and niacin. these compounds will work toward brightening your skin and correcting your skin tone. the key is to work with a physician that is very familiar with your skin type and color because incorrect use of these agents can lead to further hypo- or hyperpigmentation.
### Human:\n<link> vogue firming cream reviews pores and skin youngsters lotion is really as same as various other skincare items it truly is an uncomplicated 3-step anti-aging solution nevertheless it truly is unique inside the sense that it's quickly taking in as well as deep-nourishing skin tone option in comparison with people. moreover the two style of light. <link>\n\n### Assistant: please be respectful of this wonderful webmd medical site. do not post advertising. this takes up valuable space for people who have real medical concerns. thank you.
### Human:\ni want to have a clear upper lip and underarms. which hair removal treatment is the best?\n\n### Assistant: there is no one hair-removal system that works for everyone. every hair removal system has certain advantages and disadvantages for each skin type. your best course of action is to find a physician that is familiar with your skin type and skin color as it relates to hair removal. laser hair removal can be a very effective method to remove hair in experienced hands. electrolysis has several disadvantages including painful treatments and the potential for scarring and hyperpigmentation.
### Human:\nmy eyelids have darkened with age. is there some way that i can effectively lighten my eyelids?\n\n### Assistant: yes. you can brighten your eyelids. first make sure there is no underlying condition that may be causing the darkness. your doctor or dermatologist can help you determine if you having an allergic irritation or drug reaction. treatment should consist of sunscreen spf 30 or above to block the sun from rays that darken the skin. also bearberry extract and licorice extract are great brightening options that can be mixed with a moisturizer for the delicate skin on the upper eyelid.
### Human:\nwhat foods and nutrients are essential for maintaining healthy skin?\n\n### Assistant: most people who have a well-rounded diet will be able to maintain healthy skin. however to really brighten the skin i recommend ingesting plenty of beans berries and citrus foods which are high in vitamin c and other antioxidants. lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that can combat damaging free radicals in the skin. it can be found in raw tomatoes watermelon pink grapefruit and papaya among others.
### Human:\ni am a vegetarian and my hair is falling out. what can i do to solve the problem?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to exclude any underlying medical conditions that may affect your hair growth such as hormonal or endocrine diseases. next make sure your diet includes biotin folate magnesium and essential fatty acids (omega-3s). these components are essential for healthy skin and hair growth.
### Human:\nhow can i help prevent an infection during my cancer treatment?\n\n### Assistant: in addition to receiving treatment from your doctor the following suggestions can help prevent infections: clean your hands frequently. watch out for a fever. if you have a temperature of 100. 4ºf or higher for more than 1 hour or a one-time temperature of 101ºf or higher it’s very important that you call your doctor immediately even if it is in the middle of the night. get the seasonal flu shot as soon as it is available. shower or bathe daily and use an unscented lotion to prevent your skin from becoming dry and cracked. these cracks can allow germs to enter your body. clean your teeth and gums with a soft toothbrush and if your doctor or nurse recommends one use a mouthwash to prevent mouth sores. try to avoid crowded places and contact with people who are sick. do not share food drink cups utensils or other personal items such as toothbrushes. cook meat and eggs all the way through to kill any germs. carefully wash raw fruits and vegetables. protect your skin from direct contact with pet bodily waste (urine or feces) by wearing vinyl or household cleaning gloves when cleaning up after your pet. wash your hands immediately afterwards. use gloves when gardening. try and keep all your household surfaces clean. visit www. preventcancerinfections. org to learn more about steps you can take to prevent an infection during your chemotherapy.
### Human:\nlately i've noticed a lot of loose skin around my knees and in the front of my legs. what can be done?\n\n### Assistant: loose skin around the knees may be part of the natural aging process. extreme weight loss may lead to excess skin. these issues may be addressed by a plastic surgeon. excess sun exposure is the no. 1 cause of premature aging and wrinkling of the skin. if you suffer from chronic swelling around your knees compression garments and support hose may be beneficial.
### Human:\nwhat's the relationship between bmi and body fat?\n\n### Assistant: bmi is a tool that estimates body fat based on height and weight measures of individuals. as bmi increases so does your risk for heart disease high blood pressure type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. but this tool is not perfect. it can overestimate body fat in individuals who are very lean but weigh more like athletes and it can underestimate body fat in people who are thin but have low muscle tone. bmi is calculated from your height and weight and is used as an indirect screening tool for body fat and risk of diseases or other health conditions. bmi does have its limitations however as some individuals such as athletes may have a high bmi because of increased muscle mass. as a result they might have a high bmi but not a high percentage of body fat. there are other more direct measurement techniques for body fat percentage; some of which include: • underwater weighing • air displacement • dual energy x-ray • bioelectrical impedance • skinfold measurements there are however trade-offs with each method. the more accurate methods tend to require specialized equipment that can be very expensive and require additional training and take longer to implement. the quicker and cheaper methods may not require much additional training but may not be as accurate. researchers have to choose which method will best fit their needs. let's just keep it simple. if your waist is above 45% of your height you are too fat and if you work on just that number you will become lean and healthy. for example a man who is 72" tall (6') need to keep his waist under 32" and a woman who is 68" tall (5"8") needs to keep her waist under 30". just measure your height in inches and multiply times. 45. another easy way is if your pants waist is not smaller than your pants length it is time to eat less and exercise more. mike at everyouncecounts@gmail. com
### Human:\nhow can i get even skin tone on my face?\n\n### Assistant: even skin tone starts with a healthy skin care routine. first start with a good sun block that has an spf number of 30 or greater. sun damage can lead to uneven pigment changes to your skin giving your skin tone an uneven look. next incorporate a skin care routine that includes exfoliation (glycolic and papaya enzymes) hydration and rebuilding of skin cells (retinol vitamin peptides).
### Human:\ni'm almost 74 and my face shows it. one side of my face has more lines on it than the other. what do you recommend?\n\n### Assistant: it's never too late to implement a good skin care regimen. use a sunscreen with an spf of at least 30. begin a daily regimen that includes exfoliation hydration and nutrition with peptides and vitamins a c and e for your skin.
### Human:\ni have skin tags in both underarm areas. how many skin tags can typically be removed in one office visit?\n\n### Assistant: skin tags are common acquired benign skin growths that look like a small piece of soft hanging skin. skin tags are harmless growths. some individuals may be more prone to tags -- between 50-100 tags. males and females are equally prone to developing skin tags. obesity and being moderately overweight (even temporary increases) dramatically increase the chances of having skin tags. normal-weight individuals with larger breasts are also more prone to skin tags under their breasts. some small tags spontaneously rub or fall off painlessly and the person may not even know they had a skin tag. most tags do not fall off on their own and stay around once formed. the medical name for a skin tag is acrochordon or fibroepithelial polyp. skin tags can occur almost anywhere on the body where there is skin. however the top two favorite areas for skin tags are the neck and armpits. other areas include the eyelids upper chest (particularly under the female breasts) buttock folds and groin folds. tags are typically thought to occur in high-friction locations where skin rubs against skin or clothing most often. in general there is no limit to the number of skin tags that can be removed at one office visit as long as your overall health permits the in-office procedure.
### Human:\nwhat is the proper way to apply sunscreen to the face?\n\n### Assistant: applying sunscreen is a very important part of your daily skin care regimen especially if you are exposed to prolonged sunlight. choosing your spf level should be based on how long you plan to be outdoors. you may find that you normally turn red after being exposed to the sun for twenty minutes; you will then mulitply that number with the spf factor to understand how long you will potentially be protected from the sun. for example 20 (minutes redness appears) x 15 (sunscreen with spf 15) = protection from the sun for 300 minutes. you will need to reapply the sunscreen after 300 minutes expire. you should apply your sunscreen before your moisturizer. if you find your skin is dry you should apply moisturizer in the summer months. there are also moisturizers containing sunscreen. .
### Human:\ni wear sunscreen sunglasses and use eye cream but i’m still getting crow’s feet. is there anything else i can do?\n\n### Assistant: eyes are typically the first place that my patients complain of wrinkles. the muscles around the eyes contract frequently and secondarily wrinkle the skin covering it. make sure that you’re not overlooking simple solutions to stop contracting your eye muscle such as getting the proper prescription on your eyeglasses or contacts. are you squinting? are you smoking and frequently squinting as a result? in addition to decreasing excessive muscle contraction you should add vitamins a c and e to your eye moisturizer and apply it twice a day. good job with the sunglasses and sunscreen! find a cute hat too! your lifestyle maybe the reason i mean the diet plan short sleeping eating lees veggies and all that kind of stuff.
### Human:\nthe most effective skin care? . i am for normal skincare. but-don't take my word for it! try some out yourself study customer opinions and make your brain up next. the most effective businesses may have a no-risk assure: you can send total or applied containers back and obtain a complete refund if you're not 100% pleased. skin care:>> <link>\n\n### Assistant: please be respectful of this important webmd medical site by not posting advertisements.
### Human:\ni’ve gotten a yeast infection just before my period for 2 months. i used an otc treatment and diflucan. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: premenstrual yeast infections are fairly common. the timing has been attributed to either a slight blunting of immune function at this time in the cycle or ph changes. (menstrual flow is alkaline and the good vaginal bacterias prefer a more acidic environment. ) yet in your specific case you mention using both an over the counter treatment (hopefully one with a truly active ingredient such as miconazole or clotrimazole) and prescription difulcan tablets. frequent/recurrent yeast infections that do not respond to any of the prescribed treatments suggest a couple of possibilities. first that yeast is not the culprit or second that it is one of the atypical subtypes of yeast ("candida"). the easiest way to help unravel this question is to have the gyn do a yeast culture the next time you have symptoms. if the culture is negative then yeast is not the cause. some other conditions which can produce yeast type symptoms include: 1. cytolytic vaginitis--this is an overgrowth of the beneficial hydrogen peroxide producing lactobacili that help keep the vagina clear of undesirable bacteria. an overgrowth can produce an itchy burning irritating discharge. 2. lichen sclerosus--this is a skin condition outside the vagina (usually between the vaginal opening and the anus) that can create intense itching and irritation. 3. contact dermatitis--this would be from a change in tampons/pads new bubble bath etc. if the yeast culture is positive then the lab can identify which of the yeast subtypes may be the villain. most yeast medications are developed for candida albicans --about 80% of yeast infections are due to this. the other 20% or so are uncommon subtypes (e. g. candid glabrata). to treat the less common subtypes clinicians may try boric acid vaginally or even painting with a gentian violet (very messy! ). if these are truly reoccurances of candida albicans you might need repeat or prolonged treatments. a blood sugar or hemoglobin a 1c test can be considered. if you have ever had someone give you oral sex (or you use saliva for masturbation) you may be getting exposure to yeast. yeast is present in the gut from the mouth to the rectum. you can certainly try the so called lifestyle treatments for yeast. additional lifestyle methods which have been advocated for "yeast infection prevention " include: a diet low in refined sugars and simple carbohydrates avoidance of tight jeans use of cotton underwear eating natural lactobacillus yogurt and others. there are few if any good research studies which demonstrate that these methods are helpful but some women swear by them. bottom line although it's more expensive a yeast/candida culture may help find a diagnosis and direct treatment if this pattern persists. hi if you live near the sea try swimming at times your having a yeast problem if not just simple get some sea salt sprinkle some into a warm bath when its dissolved just get into it at let it do its work let the water get inside you you can google yeast infection sea salt bath lots of info. good luck omg! i have been battling the same problem for years and just this last month i think i found the cure i started a whole 30 clean eating challenge with the group at my gym and this is the first time i do not get one! i urge you guys to try this food challenge. it really all comes down to what we eat and how this is playing a roll with our hormones. hope this helps someone!
### Human:\nmy wrinkles are deep in the folds of my arms and my arms have a crinkly appearance. what is the best thing to do?\n\n### Assistant: the deep wrinkles you are experiencing are most likely from sun damage. your initial approach should be to wear sunscreen at all times. if you live in a very sunny climate consider wearing uv protective clothing. in addition you should continue to moisturize your skin with a noncomedogenic (non pore-clogging) moisturizer. your moisturizer should also contain hyaluronic acid which will help plump the skin cells. sun damage dehydrates the skin. so it is important to drink plenty of water to rehydrate all of your cells.
### Human:\nhow do you prevent freckles and dark patches or age spots on the face? are there any special skin treatments?\n\n### Assistant: avoid direct sunlight between the peak hours 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. sunblock is probably your best approach to avoid premature aging and dark spots. your skin regimen should include steps to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells hydrate and rejuvenate with natural amino acids or peptides.
### Human:\ni still have a softball-sized lump on my thigh and buttocks from hitting a tree while skiing last year. what can i do? . my doctor said it was fat necrosis and should be gone in a year but it is the same. should i take more action?\n\n### Assistant: it means that you may have a lump there but it is not medically significant. if you are concerned about its appearance you may want to talk to your dermatologist or a plastic surgeon about having it removed.
### Human:\nwhich cosmetic filler is best for me?\n\n### Assistant: the most commonly used fillers are made out of hyaluronic acid. because of their varying consistency they are used differently. prevelle silk is the thinnest of the hyaluronic acid fillers. it gives a soft subtle effect that is very natural. it’s my personal favorite for treating the area around the lips. the effects usually last 3 to 4months. juvederm is slightly thicker. it works well on marionette lines that just beginning to show smile lines and to smooth the contours of jaws that are beginning to sag. juvederm usually lasts around 6-8 months although in the lips it does not last as long because the constant movement of the mouth breaks down the filler. restylane is one of the older fillers around. while many doctors still use it i personally prefer to use juvederm or perlane because i find they give smoother results. perlane is the thickest of the hyaluronic acid fillers. it’s best for deep folds like really pronounced marionette lines or the creases that run down from the nose and around the mouth. this is the one people start asking for once they hit forty. it lasts for about a year. perlane does tend to leave the skin slightly swollen for a couple of days so plan accordingly ifyou have a big event coming up. radiesse is a totally different filler. in the first place it’s made out of calcium. it has a firmer consistency which makes it ideal to model cheekbones or jawlines or to fill in very deep marionette lines. the problem some doctors have with radiesse is that because it takes so long to dissolve – up to a year in most cases – it’s very hard to correct mistakes. unsatisfactory radiesse results however are there to stay for the next 12 months.
### Human:\nmy stepdaughter just moved to las vegas from hawaii. her beautiful skin started breaking out. is it the climate change?\n\n### Assistant: a variety of conditions may lead to changes in your skin. acne breakouts can occur secondary to stress or hormonal changes. very hot weather can stimulate oil gland production and clogged pores which may lead to new breakouts. make sure your stepdaughter is using the correct moisturizer. i always recommend moisturizers that are non-comedogenic or non-pore-clogging.
### Human:\nwhat is the benefit of aloe vera?\n\n### Assistant: aloe promotes wound healing. applied to damaged skin some studies show aloe penetrates into the tissues and exerts anti-inflammatory effects. aloe leaves have been used for centuries as treatment for minor cuts and burns. today aloe is often processed into a gel or lotion that can be smeared on the skin easing pain and itching. aloe may be helpful in treating psoriasis seborrheic dermatitis and genital herpes. aloin a component of aloe taken by mouth is a laxative that can help relieve constipation. aloe has been tried as treatment or prevention for a multitude of other conditions including lung cancer diabetes and hiv. there is no conclusive evidence that aloe is of benefit in these conditions.
### Human:\ni have thin skin on my forearms. could it be hereditary and because of tanning as a teen?\n\n### Assistant: thinning of the skin on your forearms can be attributed to a variety of reasons this includes a genetic predisposition weight loss and certain medications such as steroids (catabolic) can lead to thinning of the skin. also as we age the rate of collagen formation under our skin will decrease. this may also be a contributing factor to thin skin.
### Human:\nwhat is a tracheotomy?\n\n### Assistant: in medical terms the suffix “-otomy” means to cut or separate. in a tracheotomy a surgeon cuts a small hole in the front of the trachea (windpipe). tracheotomy is most often performed on people who require weeks of mechanical ventilation (dependence on a breathing machine). tracheotomy is also performed in emergencies for choking; for people with neck cancer; as an extreme treatment for obstructive sleep apnea; and for other less common conditions. after the surgeon cuts through the skin and trachea she inserts a plastic tube into the hole. this tube is called a tracheostomy tube (“-ostomy” means an artificially created passage out of the body). oftentimes the surgery and the tube itself are referred together simply as a tracheostomy.
### Human:\nwill otc products help with the adult acne on my chest?\n\n### Assistant: there are a number of otc remedies that you can try. most of them are either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid based. give one or the other of those a try to see if you get any relief. many patients get adequate relief from an over-the-counter remedy.
### Human:\ni have small dark bumps on my forehead that don't look like blackheads. what could they be?\n\n### Assistant: most likely they are either milia or sebaceous hyperplasias. both are sometimes confused with acne. you should see your local dermatologist in order to properly identify and treat these bumps.
### Human:\ndo i have a nail fungal infection? . i had a cracked nail below the nail point so in fear that it will break and hurt i bandaged it up. i kept the bandage on for two days and when i took it off my nail had a yellowish tint! i noticed that my skin below the nail was white and wrinkly but that went away. i washed my hands multiple times and my nail still has a yellowish tint and smells kind of like cheese. i don't want it to be a nail fungal infection i can't stop crying! i want it to go away! i don't want it to stay for months.\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to have your hands carefully examined by a dermatologist. some nail fungi will need to be cultured (a lab test) in order to have an accurate diagnosis. since nail fungus can spread be difficult to treat it is best to get an accurate diagnosis first before freaking out over a self-diagnosis.
### Human:\nare there any foods or beverages that are beneficial for preventing wrinkles?\n\n### Assistant: most dermatologists recommend foods that are high in antioxidant activity such as dark red berries green tea (rich in polyphenols) and omega-3 fish oils. however the results may not be as impressive as other interventions like being cautious with sun exposure using topical tretinoin or undergoing fractionated laser treatments.
### Human:\nwhat are the best kinds of moisturizers for dry itchy skin?\n\n### Assistant: ceramides are natural skin components which when lost can lead to dry itchy skin or eczema. look for products containing ceramides to help repair your skin barrier.
### Human:\nwhat are your best anti-wrinkle tips you could give a teenager?\n\n### Assistant: it is never too early to start using a topical retinoid or retinol. these vitamin a derivatives can help normalize the skin cells and repair damage from uv rays. they are used extensively in dermatology as a treatment for acne in teens and women and men of all ages to help prevent skin aging. neutrogena and roc both have excellent anti-wrinkle creams on the market.
### Human:\ni'm 48 years old and i have adult acne. also the skin around my nose flakes. what can i do about these two issues?\n\n### Assistant: you may be suffering from a combination of acne and seborrheic dermatitis (sd). typically sd sufferers will have flaky skin around the nose and hairline in combination with dry patches. there is usually an underlying fungal component (with sd) that can be treated with an antifungal cream and/or shampoo. flare-ups can be controlled with over-the-counter corticosteroids. once this component is under control your acne will be easier to treat. your acne prevention regimen should include an antimicrobial facial wash that contains benzoyl peroxide acid or alpha-hydroxy acid a mild exfoliating agent and salicylic acid to help clear your clogged pores.
### Human:\nis there any nonsurgical procedure to get rid of my eye bags?\n\n### Assistant: a lot depends on how extensive the eye bags are. if the underlying causes are medical or from lack of sleep these issues should be addressed first. next consider discussing the use of fillers with your dermatologist. properly placed fillers along the lower eyelid and cheek junction can mask the presence of eye bags. i don't know how practical this is for everyday to use but you can do this before a special occasion. lay down close your eyes and let a slice of cucumber rest on your eyes for 10 minutes.
### Human:\nwhy have i all of a sudden started uncontrollably eating? . i am a 22 year old female. i'm 5 foot 3 inches tall i weigh 115 pounds i never can eat all my food. i usually eat like a bird. the last two weeks i've been eating like crazy i just can't seem to get full. my boyfriend think i need to go take a pregnancy test.\n\n### Assistant: there could be a variety of reasons your appetite is high. you can troubleshoot by asking some key questions: are you exercising more than usual? is there more stress in your life? are you getting less sleep? has your diet changed? some foods do a poor job of filling us up and this can be a factor in hunger (see article for filling foods below). pregnancy could be a factor but appetite usually doesn't increase until later. see articles: sleep less eat more? foods that curb hunger stress and eating
### Human:\nis cheap red wine just as heart healthy as a fine red wine or does the aging process boost the wine's healthy values?\n\n### Assistant: as someone who loves and collects wine i was particularly interested in this question. first how did people come to the notion that red wine might have some heart healthiness to it? there's an observation called "the french paradox". that emerged when scientists noted a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease among the french despite a high incidence of smoking and a diet heavy in fats (cheese creams etc). this notion gained widespread attention in the 1990s after it was covered in a story on "60 minutes. " it has spurred a great deal of scientific intrigue into whether or not a moderate amount of red wine consumption might balance some other dietary indiscretions. bottom line we don't know the answer definitively. most believe that a modest amount of daily alcohol has some health benefits. some believe that this benefit is pronounced with red wine due to some particular chemicals that are part of the grape skin. in fact companies have been formed to explore whether some of these compounds might be extracted and developed as drugs to treat/prevent heart disease. now back to your question. while drinking fine aged red wine is truly a delight there's no evidence (yet) to suggest that this might be better for your health than more simple less expensive wines. the key is moderation! so enjoy your glass after work or with dinner tonight and stay tuned for more evidence as the story evolves.
### Human:\nwhy is sun exposure bad and how can i protect myself from the sun?\n\n### Assistant: sun exposure is responsible for a multitude of skin problems from age spots to skin cancer. unprotected skin suffers greatly from the uv rays of the sun promoting premature aging of the skin and wrinkle production. a single bad sunburn in your youth greatly increases your chances of developing skin cancer decades later. wear a hat and sunglasses and be sure to use sunscreen on all your exposed skin especially your face. ladies that spf 8 make-up you're wearing is not protecting your face enough from the sun. it helps but it isn't enough. remember to protect your face from the rays of the sun throughout the day. reapplying sunscreen as needed and wearing a wide-brimmed hat will help keep your skin fresh young and disease free.
### Human:\ndoes hpv cause yeast infections in women?\n\n### Assistant: no. human papillomavirus (hpv) causes genital warts in men and women and abnormal growths on the cervix that can advance to cervical cancer. vaginal yeast infections are almost all caused by candida a yeast that lives harmlessly in the vagina in many women. if there is a disruption of the normal balance of organisms in the vagina (most often after taking antibiotics) candida can grow excessively causing symptoms of a yeast infection. the skin of the vagina becomes irritated often with itching pain with urination or sex and sometimes a thick white discharge. ever since i have been diagnosed with high risk hpv and my doctor has been treating the abnormal cells located high up in my vaginal walls the treatment has been causing me yeast infections. for 16 weeks i have been using imiquimod %5 cream to treat the cells by applying deep into the vagina 3 times a week then rinsing with a betadine solution once a week and so far that hasn't worked but i have had non-stop yeast infections. now on monday tomorrow i start using fluorouracil %5 cream 1 applicator full once a week which is another skin cancer cream normally used topically but i will be using deep in the vaginal walls. i'm a single woman in my mid forties and this whole thing is so fustrating and just want it to be over and now i'm teriffied to date and let things go to another level. however while i am being treated i have been told by my doctor not to have any sex so i guess its good that i'm not in a relationship right now. seriously is there any hope out there because i'm so tired of feeling irritated down there.
### Human:\ni am 46. how can i prevent the deep lines i have from getting worse?\n\n### Assistant: sun damage is the primary cause for premature aging. incorporate sun block in your daily skin regimen. avoid outdoor activities between 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. when the sun's rays are the strongest. twice per week incorporate an exfoliating regimen for your skin to remove surface dead skin cells.
### Human:\nhow long is it safe to keep makeup products?\n\n### Assistant: if you keep your cosmetics for too long you could cause breakouts and potential infection in your skin. as a rule of thumb liquid foundation should only be kept for 6 months lipstick for 8 months powdered makeup for 1 year and mascara for 2 to 3 months.
### Human:\nwhat medicines can cause your skin to turn blue?\n\n### Assistant: amiodarone a cardiovascular medication does cause some people to turn irreversibly blue. it is important to check with a pharmacist in order to understand this medication prior to taking it. also if you have any apprehensions you should talk to your pharmacist about the risks and benefits of any medication to make sure that you are comfortable and compliant.
### Human:\nis there any otc method of removing freckles from your face?\n\n### Assistant: there is not a product to eliminate freckles. however if you have sunspots or darker areas that have developed later in life after sun exposure there is a prescription-strength bleaching cream that can be used to reduce the color. whether it is freckles or sunspots it is important to have the discoloration checked out to make sure it is not an early sign of skin cancer. a dermatologist can aid in a skin cancer screen which takes about 15-20 minutes. the doctor can also assist with getting you a prescription for bleaching cream if the discoloration is not cancerous.
### Human:\ni have a stressful job that keeps me on the move. how can i make sure i look radiant and young in my late 30s?\n\n### Assistant: looking young and radiant in your 30s is simple if you use sunscreen daily and moisturize your skin with vitamin a c and e. remember to lightly exfoliate daily with an alpha-hydroxy acid and to perform a weekly scrub. try to minimize your stress and the facial expressions associated with stress like wrinkling between your eyebrows. at home put a piece of scotch tape there and monitor how much you frown. if it's often begin training yourself not to.
### Human:\nsince i've stopped menstruating i've noticed my skin is itchy and bumpy. what can i do for relief?\n\n### Assistant: unfortunately menopause is associated with dryness in many areas -- the skin included. estrogen therapy does help in general but skin dryness alone is not an official indication for estrogen therapy. most dermatologists recommend lots of topical moisturizers. one other thing to remember is that as it gets colder and we keep our heat on more and more the air in the house tends to get drier. so adding moisture to the air in your home is a good idea -- even getting a kid's vaporizer for the bedroom can be helpful. if moisture doesn't help do check in with your healthcare provider to rule out other skin issues like eczema.
### Human:\nwhich doctor i've to consult for lump just beneath and behind my ear? . dear sir . i have a lump on my next just beneath and behind my ear. i've also skin infection in head (psoriasis or tinia capititis). so which doctor i've to consult for lump? the area of llump is shown in image with red mark. i hope someone help me. thanks.\n\n### Assistant: you can take care of all of the issues by seeing a dermatologist. the "lump" may be a sebaceous cyst (blind guess) that can be surgically removed in the office. the dermatologist can also manage your tinea and psoriasis.
### Human:\nwhat key ingredients should i look for when buying a facial moisturizer to prevent signs of aging?\n\n### Assistant: the two most important elements to your skin care regimen are spf (daily in the morning) and a topical retinoid at night such as otc retinol creams (like neutrogena anti-wrinkle night cream or roc). or you can get a prescription-strength retinoid from your dermatologist.
### Human:\nwhat is a reasonable price to pay for a dental overnight mouth guard? my dentist is saying $550 which seems expensive.\n\n### Assistant: it all depends on whether the night guard is custom made or not. the fabrication process involves the taking of impressions a lab fabrication fee a delivery visit with adjustments and most likely a follow up visit or two. so i recommend asking the dentist to explain exactly what is involved in the process.
### Human:\nhow can i fight toxins in the air or environment that will age my skin?\n\n### Assistant: ultraviolet radiation as well as toxins from smoking and smog all contribute to free-radical damage and aging in your skin. the best way to fight the aging process is to avoid the sun between 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. wear sunscreen protective clothing avoid secondhand smoke or if you do stop smoking. skin care should include antioxidant vitamins a c and e as well as moisturizers. drinking eight glasses of water fresh fruits and vegetables lean meats and whole grains also help keep your skin beautiful inside and out.
### Human:\ncould you recommend the best skin care products for anti-aging including moisturizers?\n\n### Assistant: the best anti-aging products are ones with retinol growth factors and peptides which will all stimulate collagen production. always protect your skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen spf of at least 30 and use a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid.
### Human:\ni had a basal cell carcinoma removed from my face. the scar has spread with some indentation. how can i minimize it?\n\n### Assistant: i can appreciate your concern about the scar. you might try using some vitamin e oil massaging it into the area around your scar. usually when a scar leaves an indentation it is likely to remain there unless you have it surgically repaired. you can talk to your dermatologist about this.