### Human:\ni have tried several fillers to erase my lip lines and have not found a suitable one. does laser treatment really work?\n\n### Assistant: lip lines are a difficult problem to treat. even with current technology completely "erasing" lip lines may not be feasible. deeper lines can be attributed to a hypertrophied orbicularis muscle or damage to the epidermis and dermis. if you choose a more aggressive approach such as laser surgery or deeper chemical peels make sure you choose a physician that is familiar with your skin type and color. before you implement your definitive treatment consider starting with a small test area.
### Human:\nwhat can i do if my adhd medication is unavailable for refill?\n\n### Assistant: when someone has adhd it can take several weeks and sometimes even months for a physician to determine the correct type (class) of medication dose and treatment schedule to effectively reduce that patient’s adhd symptoms while at the same time limiting potential side effects. if you can’t get your medication there are several things you can do to try to get by until your medication is available again. substituting like-for-like is the best alternative. if a generic version of your medication is available try that first (example: methylphenidate for ritalin). talk to your physician about trying the short-acting version of the same medication you are on but take it more frequently. let people know that you are not able to take your medication and ask for their help and understanding. (parents be sure to send a note to school to inform your child’s teacher and ask for help). give yourself more time to accomplish a task. this might mean getting up earlier in the morning or asking for an extension on an assignment. if you tend to act impulsively put off making an important decision until you are back on your medication or at the very least sleep on it overnight. use tools to keep on task. set an alarm and check that you are doing what you are suppose to be doing. ask for more supervision or have someone check in with you more frequently. do the hardest tasks first or earlier in the morning when you are not as tired. get plenty of rest and exercise. exercise can decrease hyperactivity and that feeling of restlessness. take frequent breaks. get up and walk around and come back to a task after a few minutes to refocus. try to keep to the same routine. make lists and use lots of reminders. send yourself an email or voice mail or write on your hand if you need to. if driving is a problem ask someone else for a ride or take public transportation. forgive yourself and ask others to be more patient with you. don’t make excuses but do make a sincere effort to avoid problem situations or discussions that you know may get out of hand. don’t forget to eat. start your medication again as soon as it is available. plan ahead and keep a few pills in reserve for the next time that there is a shortage!
### Human:\nshould i continue exercise if i have a cold or bronchitis? . i developed sinus pressure and chest congestion. i continued my running. when my symptoms didn't improve after 3 weeks i went to a doctor who gave me a steroid and an antibiotic but said it was okay to keep running. i recovered mostly though i still felt the symptoms a little. last night i developed a dry cough which feels again to be in my chest and i have a little sinus pressure again. my exercise helps me mentally but is it the cause of my prolonged problem?\n\n### Assistant: deciding to exercise while you’re sick can depend a lot on your illness and your symptoms. to be honest the answer to your question often depends on who you’re asking since there really doesn’t seem to be a clear consensus or agreement. i personally feel more often than not that it’s best to take time to rest and recover from your illness before continuing with exercise. my rationale comes from a physiological standpoint. basically exercise can put a lot of stress on your body and your immune system is the only way that your body fights infections and pathogens that make you sick. when you exercise you’re devoting some of your body’s resources towards recovery from exercise instead of recovery from illness. in some instances exercise may even make you sicker or even prolong your illness. you also have to consider how comfortable you would feel while exercising with some of your various symptoms. medication may help alleviate some symptoms but otherwise how would you feel trying to go for a run if you’re congested or have a persistent cough? if you choose to exercise while sick you should consider decreasing your exercise intensity frequency or duration until you fully recover. please be considerate by following proper gym etiquette if you choose to work out in a gym. check out this webmd article for more input and guidance: <link>. i have the same symptoms. i feel its closer to the bronchitis side of things because of the clear mucus i cough when i am not riding. i am able to comfortably take my heart rate over 160 but i still have a cough which lasts for weeks after an upper respiratory tract infection (generally also involving the sinuses. i also get the odd drainage from my sinuses after/during a hot shower for example which seems to clear them. my explanation is as follows: when i am riding outdoors in the summer i breath a lot of pollens (i am not in the city) a little exhaust and this will tend to exacerbate an existing irritation. corticosteroids have limited effect to reduce the irritation but can reduce an acute irritation to the point where it is no longer chronic and my body's defenses can make a difference. thus its a combination of factors which typically plays out in the following order 1. bad cold/urt infection (5 days) 2. chronic cough (1 week to 8 weeks) but lungs good enough to exercise. 3. clear 2-8 months managing the level 2 is what this is all about. on occasions where i have been at the coast swimming in the sea often clears things up much faster. (which supports the sinus/allergen/irritant theory).
### Human:\n<link> flawless elite cream reviews healthy chemical substances inside the strongest wrinkle lotion provides you with the antioxidants required for reversing the affects regarding totally free radical injury. the best quality male natural skin care products are now which includes this kind of compound since it allows alleviate the redness and infection that many men encounter every so often. not merely does this kind of compound. <link>\n\n### Assistant: advertising on this important medical information site takes up valuable space for people who have real medical concerns that need addressed. please be respectful of our webmd service.
### Human:\nhow to get rid of remaining stomach belly after loose weight. so i've been fat for as long as i remember but about a year ago i lost a lot of weight after which i started working out everything is going fine but there still remains one problem - my stomach belly. so i'm a little bit confused now. the rest of my body is looking for some weight gain while my stomach is still there and if i try to gain my weight my stomach will get even bigger while if i start a diet to loose my weight my muscles won't have a chance to develope. any ideas what to do?\n\n### Assistant: there are a few things to consider. first is it possible that your belly is big from excess skin? if so maybe a visit to your doctor on options will help. there is no way to spot reduce or gain. but getting more fiber in your diet may help decrease belly fat as can getting enough sleep. this article has some additional tips too. maybe if you are now at a good healthy place you could not try to gain or lose and just keep your body in good shape and eat a healthy diet. a dietitian can help you with your individualized needs. you can find one in your area by going to eatright. org. good luck!
### Human:\nwhat can i do about the redness i get after using retin-a and vitamin c?\n\n### Assistant: first try using a different formulation of each. generally creams are less drying to the skin than gels. if this does not help you may need to chose a lower strength formula or apply the creams less frequently. second be sure that there is not an ingredient in your current formulations -- such as propylene glycol -- that might make your skin more sensitive or irritated. examine the ingredients lists in whatever you're using and consult with your health care provider about undergoing skin tests to find this out.
### Human:\ni am 46 years old and have oily-combination skin. what would be the best toner for my age?\n\n### Assistant: i suggest that you cleanse your face twice daily with soap and water. pack a pre-moistened cleansing pad if you won't be around a water basin throughout the day. shower or bathe in tepid water rather than steaming hot water. hot water can strip your skin of needed moisture while cold water can shock your skin. avoid using cleansers or toners that tend to over-dry skin or have high alcohol content. this over-drying actually causes your skin to produce even more oil than usual. use only noncomedogenic moisturizers and sunscreen products. this means they're oil-free and won't clog pores. use vitamin a derivatives or retinoids which reduce production in oil glands and shrink their size.
### Human:\nare eating carrots bad for people who are at-risk for macular degeneration? . my eye doctors have told me that i should stay away from eating carrots since there is a long history of macular degeneration in my family. almost everyone on my mothers side has had one kind or the other. is there any truth that eating carrots could be bad for you? i like to eat carrots but i am not a nut about eating them. i may have a several small ones with dinner now and again but that's it. thanks for your time\n\n### Assistant: this is not something i've heard before and is not a typical diet recommendation. a variety of fruits and veggies are encouraged to help prevent macular degeneration especially leafy greens like spinach due to their high lutein content. at your next visit i suggest asking your eye doctors why they recommend no carrots so you can better understand the reasoning behind it. good luck!
### Human:\nwhat foods and drink are good for the skin?\n\n### Assistant: a high-glycemic diet one that’s heavy on pizza bread and desserts can really do a number on the skin. scientists aren’t quite sure why this happens but it’s true for a substantial number of people. they look older have poor skin color and are prone to breakouts. the same goes for alcohol or too much caffeine. alcohol dehydrates – think how thirsty people are when they wake up with a hangover – and dehydration shows up in the skin lessening elasticity. caffeine is a vasodilator (opens up the capillaries) and can make skin look red and swollen. so can spicy foods which are definitely a no-no for those with rosacea. msg and heavy salt consumption can make the face look puffy particularly around the eyes. if you have a heavy hand with the saltshaker and also have chronically puffy eyes you might want to consider cutting down on your salt intake. for people with acne dairy and sugar are a bad combination. recent studies have shown that cutting out dairy and sugar improves acne in a substantial percentage of patients. i am a firm believer in the benefits of green tea and even offer it to the patients in my practice. it has proven anti-oxidant properties as a beverage and is a very good anti-inflammatory when applied directly to the skin. but this is only true of freshly brewed tea. as for beverages that claim to balance or clarify the skin it’s a great marketing ploy but totally not true. people who buy these products are making companies richer but not helping their skin. so what foods and drink are good for the skin? for starters fresh fruit and vegetables lots of them which contain vital phytonutrients that are not found in pills flavored waters or energy bars. raw nuts like almonds and walnuts. extra-virgin olive oil. lean protein. water – plain. fresh green tea with a squirt of lemon. people who eat all these things drink plenty of water and stay away from sugar and dairy notice an improvement in their skin tone in just a couple of weeks.
### Human:\nis there a specific doctor that i need to see for an anal abcess?\n\n### Assistant: that would be a proctologist (a colo-rectal surgeon). in some areas a gastroenterologist or general surgeon may do this type of procedure. an anal abscess can be a simple drainage procedure or a more involved surgical removal so finding the most skilled specialist is important. a general or rectal surgeon is the appropriate physician to see for treatment of an anal abscess. an abscess is a collection of pus. an anal abscess may develop in the deep tissues surrounding the anus or be more shallow under the skin. they both require immediate treatment to lance the abscess and let it drain. therefore it is important that you see a surgeon. a general practitioner may be able to take care of a small abscess in the office. antibiotics alone usually cannot treat the problem. without proper treatment an abscess can cause a widespread infection (septicemia). you are more likely to get an anal abscess if you have diabetes inflammatory bowel disease such as crohn’s engage in anal sex or have an impaired immune system such as from aids or chemotherapy. if you have recurrent anal abscesses and there is no clear explanation for their cause a consultation with a physician who specializes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterologist) may be appropriate.
### Human:\ni am getting tiny blood-red spots all over my body. i have very fair skin! what are they and how can i get rid of them?\n\n### Assistant: blood-red spots may be attributed to dilated small vessels on your face or telangiectasia. the majority of these "red spots" are benign. however on occasion they are associated with other medical conditions such as acne rosacea scleroderma and birthmarks. your first step is to exclude any underlying medical conditions. then your physician may recommend a topical product or laser treatment.
### Human:\nwhat is the relationship between what's in your diet and whether or not you develop acne?\n\n### Assistant: high-glycemic index diets -- containing lots of simple refined sugars -- appear to contribute more to acne breakouts than low-glycemic index diets. consuming complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat or multigrain breads and pastas should not worsen your acne and may even help to improve it.
### Human:\ncan topical silicone in makeup and primers have a negative effect on my skin?\n\n### Assistant: silicone-containing products are excellent at providing a light smooth emollient to repair dry flaky skin. they have also been found to improve the appearance of scars. it is an inert ingredient with a very good safety profile. it should not clog pores because its large molecules actually allow for the passage of gaseous molecules making it very breathable.
### Human:\nwhat is a fistula?\n\n### Assistant: a fistula is an abnormal connection that develops between two body parts. fistulas most often form as part of the healing process in an area of inflammation injury or previous surgery. there are many different types of fistulas: enterocutaneous fistula (between the intestine and the skin usually developing after abdominal surgery) rectovaginal fistula (between the rectum and the vagina) tracheoesophageal fistula (between the trachea and the esophagus) umbilical fistula (between the navel and the intestine) arteriovenous fistula (between an artery and a vein). some fistulas may heal and go away on their own. fistulas that do not heal generally require surgical repair.
### Human:\ni am a 35-year-old female whose face has become extremely oily. i wash my face at least twice a day what can i do? . i use makeup specifically for oily skin types. i use an astringent and i moisturize. after i wash my face it's like an oil pool again within 30 minutes.\n\n### Assistant: overwashing or the use of astringents that are too harsh will further increase oil production. make sure that your astringents are non-drying and paraben- and alcohol-free. also your moisturizer should be non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging). use moisturizers that are derived from natural oils such as almond or avocado oils.
### Human:\ncan stressful events (divorce death of a parent etc. ) actually age my skin?\n\n### Assistant: stress has effects on our skin nails and hair. also if you have an underlying skin condition such as psoriasis eczema or acne stress can make it worse. furthermore stressed facial expressions contribute to expression lines like the 11 wrinkle between your eyebrows and those around your eyes and mouth. learning how to effectively manage stress helps keep your skin looking younger and also you’ll feel better overall.
### Human:\nwhat are symptoms of teething in a baby?\n\n### Assistant: symptoms of teething in a baby can include: increased irritability placing objects or fingers in the mouth and biting down on them increased saliva or drooling loss of appetite or becoming choosy about foods tender and swollen gums rash on cheeks or redness in the area of the cheeks near the affected gums restlessness ear pulling which may be a sign of teething or possibly an ear infection (make an appointment to have your child seen by your doctor or pediatrician) teething does not result in fever vomiting or diarrhea. if your child experiences these problems contact your doctor. here's a list of teething symptoms: drooling. irritability. a tooth visible below the gum. swollen bulging gums. trying to bite chew and suck on everything she can get her hands on. rubbing her face. difficulty sleeping. turning away food. also it is important that you start maintaining the oral health of your infant as soon you see the symptoms of teething to avoid future dental problems. there are dental clinics which consists of skilled and experienced pediatricians.
### Human:\nis there a link between continually hives and sythetic thyroid medications? . i just started to get hives on my body one day. the dermatologists did the removal of possible triggers and nothing helped. it has been about 3 and 1/2 yrs and i have to take antihistamine medications to keep them at bay. i also have hypothyroidism (for 15 yrs. ) and i heard synthetic medications may cause thyroid antibodies to react against the body causing the hives. has anyone seen this connection?\n\n### Assistant: any medication including thyroid medications can cause an allergic reaction such as hives. the incidence of hives with thyroid medication though is very low. however there is a known association between hives and thyroid antibodies. about a quarter of patients with long term hives (chronic urticaria) have antibodies to thyroid tissue and many of these patients are found to have low thyroid levels. the patients who had the worst hives were also the ones more likely to have antibodies to thyroid tissue. hives patients can also have antibodies to other immune mediated diseases such as lupus. unfortunately treating the thyroid condition does not eliminate the hives. hello i have hypothyrodism for about 14 yrs now. i am fine taking 150 synthroid. anyways the problem is my son. he is now 36yrs old and was diagnosed with graves about 2yrs ago. he was given the radio active iodine treatment to shut or slow it down. a year later now they started him on synthroid levo armour including others that have been made specially for him but they all cause him to break out in hives and swelling around the face after one or two days. he has seen two allergist since. the first one diluted each and everyone of the meds and injected them in liquid form and sure enough the hives started. he is now off all thyroid meds but very frustrated and feeling all the symthoms of hypo. none of the doctors know what to say or have an answer. and i am frustrated too because i want to help him as i am hypo and don't have any problems like that. please help. if anyone knows about this conditions i have come across many forums about this allergies to meds but again no real answers and they seem to be old 2003 04?
### Human:\nhow can i get rid of a white-spot birthmark on my face?\n\n### Assistant: birthmarks can be difficult to conceal. your first step is to exclude any underlying medical causes that may lead to superficial skin changes such as any type of infection. once medical causes are excluded your options may include laser treatment medical tattooing or a medical-grade concealer.
### Human:\nwhat causes dry mouth?\n\n### Assistant: there are several causes of dry mouth also called xerostomia. these include: side effect of certain medications. dry mouth is a common side effect of many prescription and nonprescription drugs including drugs used to treat depression anxiety pain allergies and colds (antihistamines and decongestants) obesity acne epilepsy hypertension (diuretics) diarrhea nausea psychotic disorders urinary incontinence asthma (certain bronchodilators) and parkinson's disease. dry mouth can also a side effect of muscle relaxants and sedatives. side effect of certain diseases and infections. dry mouth can be a side effect of medical conditions including sjögren's syndrome hiv/aids alzheimer's disease diabetes anemia cystic fibrosis rheumatoid arthritis hypertension parkinson's disease stroke and mumps. side effect of certain medical treatments. damage to the salivary glands the glands that produce saliva for example from radiation to the head and neck and chemotherapy treatments for cancer can reduce the amount of saliva produced. nerve damage. dry mouth can be a result of nerve damage to the head and neck area from an injury or surgery. dehydration. conditions that lead to dehydration such as fever excessive sweating vomiting diarrhea blood loss and burns can cause dry mouth. surgical removal of the salivary glands. lifestyle. smoking or chewing tobacco can affect saliva production and aggravate dry mouth. continuously breathing with your mouth open can also contribute to the problem.
### Human:\nare there any laser treatments or nonsurgical remedies to remove the bags under my eyes?\n\n### Assistant: eye bags are a problem for many people. the easiest nonsurgical option is to make sure you are fully treating any allergies you have. proper use of antihistamines vasoconstrictors and light compression on the eyes at night can make a big improvement also. lasers are sometimes used to decrease wrinkles but this would not really decrease the bags. some dermatologist and plastic surgeons are skilled at using fillers to fill in the groove that outlines your eye bags. this is a great nonsurgical answer for many men and women. make sure the doctor is skilled and understands your skin type.
### Human:\nwhat resources are available for treating drug addiction if you don’t have insurance?\n\n### Assistant: there are physicians certified in addiction medicine at county and state facilities who are able to offer assistance at very reasonable rates for residents. you can check on this via the american society of addiction medicine: www. asam. org. in addition you can also research where 12 step meetings are held and attend or call the listed number to ask for help. if you find out that you will be responsible for paying the cost of drug detox treatment and/or rehab do not let that discourage you from getting help. talk to the detox facility and/or rehab to see if they offer any discounts or scholarships. it could be you qualify for a special program. another option for covering the cost is to see if the detox center (rehab) works with a finance company or can recommend a finance company that other patients have worked with to cover the balance. sometimes this is a good option because it will allow you to spread the balance out over several months. many facilities offer a considerable discount to patients who are able to pay cash up front as well. asking all these questions could land you some nice discounts and an more affordable rate for your budget. if you find a facility that is highly recommended to you - don't be afraid to tell them how much you want to receive their service. the seemingly most inexpensive route is a government funded detox or rehab. government funded means that the program is funded by state and federal money. as for how much drug detox and/or rehab costs for these programs it is possible to pay a few hundred dollars and under and in some cases they are of no cost – depending of funding. traditional hospital detox (or rehab) may cost from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand depending on how much funding they receive from the government or outside agencies. although there are some luxury high-end private detox facilities and rehabs where the cost can start at $10 000 per day – it is also important to know that some private treatments may cost about $1 000 per day and offer some extra amenities. gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility that specializes in iv therapy medical detox. if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855-338-6929.
### Human:\ncan adults get hand foot and mouth disease?\n\n### Assistant: yes. hand foot and mouth disease (hfmd) is caused by viruses from a group called enteroviruses. hfmd is common in infants and children but can also affect adults. symptoms can include fever sore throat and blistering sores in the mouth that become ulcers. a rash may appear on the palms and soles of the hands and feet. hfmd is spread through virus-contaminated secretions from the nose throat saliva or blister fluid. a person can still transmit the virus to others for weeks after symptoms resolve. hand foot and mouth disease has nothing to do with foot-and-mouth disease a disease that affects livestock. foot-and-mouth (or hoof-and-mouth) is caused by a different virus and people can’t catch the disease from animals. yes my daughter got hand foot and mouth disease from her daughter that is 20 months old. it is a nasty and terrible virus. your throat feels like razors blades are in it your body feels like you have pneumonia. my granddaughter and daughter have suffered terrible with this virus and there seems to be nothing that helps! do i need to go to the emergency room?
### Human:\ni broke my pinky fingernail down to the skin and have been feeling a tingling/slight numbness. did i hit a nerve?\n\n### Assistant: your fingernails protect your fingers and when you broke the nail down so far you exposed skin that hasn't been exposed previously. so yes you have probably "hit" a nerve but you hit nerves any time you bump yourself. what you're feeling is nerve endings that are more sensitive due to this unexpected exposure. it will go away in time. keep the area protected from further injury.
### Human:\nwhat is the best antiaging treatment/skin care for people who have acne?\n\n### Assistant: your approach to acne is similar to most effective skin care regimens. simply add an antimicrobial cleanser (to reduce skin surface bacteria) followed by a skin care regime that includes an exfoliator (glycolic or salicylic acid) followed by hydration and finally use a compound that contains retinoin.
### Human:\nhow to prevent the spread of herpes?\n\n### Assistant: it’s difficult to prevent the spread of genital herpes. many people infected with the herpes virus do not know they have it and the virus can be shed through the skin to infect other people even when no sores are present. condoms reduce the likelihood of transmission of the herpes virus but the virus can be transmitted from or to skin not covered by condoms. people who know they carry the genital herpes virus should avoid having sex when any symptoms of herpes are present. people with genital herpes can take daily suppressive antiviral medication like acyclovir or valacyclovir (valtrex); this reduces (but doesn’t eliminate) the chances of infecting their partner. these are emotion-laden issues and if you have (or think you might have) genital herpes it’s important to get tested and discuss the issues with your partner before starting a sexual relationship.
### Human:\nhow do i remove blackheads from the tip of my nose?\n\n### Assistant: several major skin care companies manufacture a "blackhead extractor. " blackhead extractors are small stainless steel devices that are specifically designed to gently remove unwanted comedones (blackheads). they are readily available for under 10 dollars. along with removing your blackheads adopt a skin care regimen that will exfoliate your skin. exfoliation will help minimize the recurrence of blackheads.
### Human:\nwhat can i do about brown spots on my face and hands?\n\n### Assistant: age spots technically called “solar lentigines ” are well-defined uniformly colored areas of brown or grayish pigment that generally appear on the hands face neck and chest. despite the name these spots are the result of prior sun exposure not age. you can treat age spots several ways. the most popular at-home treatments are over-the-counter (otc) hydroquinone (hq) preparations which inhibit melanin production in the skin. but they tend to be more effective for treating melasma or hormonally-induced irregular pigmentations than for true age spots. dermatologists often have better results with prescription-strength retinol and hq creams which work faster than otc formulations. dermatologists also use microdermabrasion chemical peels chemical spot treatments laser treatments and light therapy to lighten age spots. some of these procedures require just one treatment; others take two or three sessions. remember to have a dermatologist check your age spots yearly to make sure they truly are benign. and if you notice changes in color size shape or feel tell your skin care specialist right away.
### Human:\nwhat's the best skin care for my aging less elastic skin?\n\n### Assistant: one of the best moisturizing ingredients for aging skin is hyaluronic acid. this is a natural substance produced by the body and it will bind molecules of moisture to your complexion. this is helpful for aging skin because hydration is the key to a soft and supple texture to your skin tone. on top of that focus on drinking water to stay hydrated and improve elasticity in your skin! we agree! our intensive hydration mist has that key ingredient; hyaluronic acid holding 1000 times its weight in water which means your cells will plump up better and your skin will be smoother and fresher looking. also formulated with vitamins a c and e gingko biloba and ginseng this mist sprayed on after moisturizing will do wonders for your skin. similarly powerhouse ingredients in the cellular recovery serum hyaluronate and resveratrol improve moisture binding penetrating deep to help skin at the cellular level. this serum stimulates the new formation of collagen to plump cells and reduces wrinkles. for more information check out www. vivianeskincare. com
### Human:\nwhat products or treatments should i try to get rid of hair bumps and the skin discoloration i have from shaving?\n\n### Assistant: look for products containing retinol which helps unclog pores and increase the turnover rate of cells to prevent hairs from ingrowing. you might also try skin-lightening agents such as azelaic acid kojic acid hydroquinone and glycolic acid.
### Human:\ni'm 24 but laugh lines and forehead wrinkles are already apparent on my face. can i slow them down?\n\n### Assistant: sun damage and smoking are the no. 1 reasons for premature aging or wrinkling of the skin. therefore you should incorporate the use of sunblock in your daily skin-care regimen. next utilize a daily skin regimen that exfoliates your skin which will help remove dead skin cells. this should be followed by a non-comedogenic moisturizer that contains vitamins (c & e) and rebuilds peptides for your skin. use a very dramatic moisturizer! i use multiple moisturizers and it seriously takes away my laugh lines and wrinkles. and i smile all the time. try using moisturizers that are for dry skin. i use several natural oatmeal moistorizers that work and i use a heavy body butter around the area that i have most trouble with and a gentle baby lotion for the areas i dont have trouble with. you can also use natural exfoliators i have noticed they work so much better than commercial ones! try baking soda and water apply to face keep it on for a minute or two (never longer than 3 min because of the result of skin irritation) grab a rag and put cool water on it and gently wipe it off. sometimes if it doesn't all come off and you can still feel the particles on your face then i put my face under the faucet. you can do it however you want though but you can instantly tell the difference between your first try! don't stop smiling! our body is like a computer. garbage in garbage out. i highly recommend that you look at your diet. are you eating a lot of processed foods? there is not much nutrition in processed foods if any. in my opinion even organic processed food is garbage. once something has been processed it is dead food. are you eating fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably organic so your immune system can heal your skin and does not have to fight all the chemicals in conventional foods)? raw unprocessed nuts? eggs (yes they are really good for you! ) stay away from conventional meats and dairy? it is truly true. you are what you eat! make it an adventure to discover real food not stuff that comes from a box. you will see your skin become as it should be at your age luminous and supple. granted it takes a little effort but once you see the results in your skin (and you will) you gladly eat at home and make it a home cooked meal. highly recommend you study up on healthy nutrition maybe take a cooking course. i am 64 and almost wrinkle free my weight is normal and i can pass for 50. that is what good nutrition can do for you. my best wishes to you r. d. externally there are topical line relaxers the most effective target just the line you want to treat. the line fillers are meant to "fill in" your lines but don't seem to work too well for me. i think regular consistent care of the skin is the most important thing you can do. routinely moisturize your skin twice a day face and neck. shower and then follow with a good thick moisturizer that has vitamins c e a with hyaluronic acid and sunscreen. avoid products with alcohol as an ingredient as this will dry and damage new skin. clean skin at night and use a good night cream. personally i love the olay refinishing night cream makes skin so soft and smells great. internally drink water and eat your berries & veggies. take a b vitamin complex with biotin fish oil and a multivitamin. if your lines don't respond to a line relaxer and twice daily tlc a precription for retinol may do the trick. i personally find these creams effective: strivectin lift cream really lifts! the newest neutrogena tone improving moisturizer is a nice effective cream that brightens skin well the olay refinishing line helps with surface problems such as large pores. i also use vitamin e oil and collagen(absorbed through skin) about once a week after a shower on wet skin. allover. then of course there's always botox.
### Human:\nwhat products should i use on my skin?\n\n### Assistant: almost any product will improve the condition of your skin. with the exception of acne most bad skin conditions are the result of neglect. too much sun wind water without doing any repair will leave skin rough dry dull red irritated and feeling tight. simply paying attention to what your skin needs will result in a clear improvement. rather than paying attention to the ads on television and in magazines try products for yourself. not every product works the same way on every person so take advantage of those free samples. when you find one that feels really good stick with it and use it as directed. some of these product lines suggest that you use a cleanser toner eye cream daytime face cream and nighttime face cream. if you find a product that works well with your skin the companion products will likely work well for you too because they are made from similar base products. if you need eye cream use it. if you're pretty young you can get away without it. remember anything that you use on a daily basis is going to do more good for you than something that you will resist using.
### Human:\ni have dark eyelids and a dark circle around my mouth.\n\n### Assistant: natural alternatives such as bearberry extract kojic acid licorice extract and niacin work toward brightening your skin and correcting your skin tone. however your first approach should be to avoid exposure to uv rays. you should wear a sunscreen containing titanium dioxide with an spf of at least 40 if you are prone to hyperpigmentation.
### Human:\ni don't eat meat that often but my skin smells terrible. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: most body odor is caused by an accumulation of bacteria on the surface of the skin. in general this problem can usually be improved with the use of natural cleansers while bathing. there are also certain medical conditions -- diabetes liver disease and infections for instance -- that may contribute to body odor. a balanced diet is critical to your well-being. imbalances in your nutritional intake may lead to an accumulation of unfriendly bacteria within your digestive system.
### Human:\nduring weight gain does a persons skin streach or does it grow to accomodate the extra fat? . i am curious to know if a persons weight gain causes the skin to grow or to stretch. i am already aware that rapid weight gain can cause the skin the tear leaving stretch marks. i am asking more in regards to morbidly obese people that weigh around 400-700 pounds. i am curious to know if the skin actually can stretch that much or if the adult body is forced to grow the skin as it stretches.\n\n### Assistant: skin contains elastic fibers that allow it to stretch during weight gain or recoil or shrink during weight loss. so someone who gains a large amount of weight does not grow new skin. their skin stretches to accommodate the accumulation of fat tissue.
### Human:\nis extra virgin olive oil ok to use on dry skin on my face?\n\n### Assistant: a small amount of olive oil is safe to use on your face. olive oil contains healthy antioxidants for your skin.
### Human:\nmy appetite has increased suddenly. i have been eating more than i want to but cannot resist and i am gaining weight. i am a 64 year old male. my appetite has increased suddenly. i have been eating more than i want to but cannot resist and i am gaining weight as a result.\n\n### Assistant: a good appetite is a sign of good health but if your appetite has suddenly increased in might be a sign of disease. an important distinguishing point is if you are gaining weight. an increase in your weight suggests that your increased appetite might be a response to boredom stress or depression. certain drugs might also explain an increased appetite and weight gain. steroids such as prednisone and dexamethasone which are given for asthma joint and skin problems can cause an increased appetite. certain antidepressants cause an increased appetite and weight gain. increased appetite is a side effect of tricyclic antidepressants; amitriptyline (elavil) imipramine (tofranil) and doxepin (sinequan). increased appetite also occurs with medications used for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder; olanzapine (zyprexa) and clozapine (clozaril). some women experience appetite changes right before a period. this is especially true for women with pre-menstrual syndrome who can experience craving for carbohydrates and increased appetite around the time of menstruation. even changes in your diet can affect your appetite. eating a lot of carbohydrates and junk food increases insulin secretion from your pancreas to stabilize your body’s blood sugar and that can make you hungry. if on the other hand your appetite is increased but you are losing weight then diseases that affect your metabolism may be responsible. elevated thyroid levels (grave’s disease or hyperthyroidism) cause an increased appetite because thyroid hormone speeds up your metabolism. diabetes can present with an increased appetite and weight loss. increased exercise can cause your appetite to improve and depending on the calories burned from exercise and your intake your weight may vary. don’t ignore an increased appetite. keep a diary of the foods you are eating and note whether your behavior is affecting your appetite. check your weight and see if you are gaining or losing. see your doctor about a change in appetite to make sure that you do not have a medical condition that needs to be treated. there are many things that can increase appetite -- some beneficial and some not. for example an increase in physical activity may give you a more robust appetite which is fine if you feed your body well. but a lack of sleep or change in eating patterns can also increase appetite which is not so good. think about what has changed in your life both physically and emotionally that could be increasing your appetite. here are some other tips that can help: look not just what you are eating but how. try to sit for meals be mindful of the food enjoy eating an stop when you are comfortably full and satisfied. avoid eaitng on the go or grazng all day which may not satisfy your hunger. too many processed foods can also increase hunger because they aren't very filling or sustaining. eat filling foods including those high in fiber (whole grains fruits vegetables and beans) and protein (lean meats) along with healthy fats (nuts seeds healthy oils). get adequate sleep and physical activity.
### Human:\nhow much do fillers cost for eye puffiness? does insurance cover it? if not what other treatments do you recommend?\n\n### Assistant: the cost for eye fillers differ from region to region across the u. s. typical fees may range from $250 to $700 per syringe. your final decision for skin rejuvenation should not be based solely on costs. you may want to contact the physician in your area and ask about their fees and payment options. insurance does not typically cover cosmetic facial enhancement procedures. other alternatives include simply getting enough rest placing a cool compress on your eyes (with caffeine) and reducing the level of your stress.
### Human:\ni have a lot of whiteheads on my forehead and below my eyes. where did they come from and how do i get rid of them?\n\n### Assistant: whiteheads occur when your pores accumulate excess oil or sebum and fail to drain. frequently acne-forming bacteria will arise simultaneously due to pore blockage and the alteration of the ph on the surface of your skin. in order to combat this you will need to begin exfoliating your skin and reduce surface bacteria on your skin with compounds containing alpha-hydroxy acids (ahas) or salicylic acid.
### Human:\nmy periods have always been weird – never normal. my latest period lasted three days and is very light. what is wrong? . i took a home pregnancy test and it was negative. i also had my tubes tied. could i possibly be pregnant despite the test?\n\n### Assistant: while it is uncommon to conceive after having had a tubal ligation it can happen. moreover there is an increased risk of it being a tubal or ectopic pregnancy. thus you were wise to do a reliable pregnancy test given your prior history of super light flows while actually pregnant. if you develop any pregnancy symptoms your should have the test repeated by a gyn or local family planning clinic as an ectopic pregnancy can delay the production of normal amounts of hcg (pregnancy hormone). a more likely explanation for the "too light flow" would be a missed ovulation. if the pregnancy test is negative then the next most common cause of a missed period is not having ovulated that cycle. in a normal cycle estrogen is produced all month. estrogen is responsible for building up the lining of your uterus so you have something to shed each month. in a normal cycle progesterone production increases following ovulation. progesterone "stabilizes" the uterine lining in preparation for a possible implantation of a new pregnancy. if you are not pregnant that month the levels of estrogen and progesterone fall triggering the release of the uterine lining—your period. so if you do not ovulate the estrogen build up of the lining continues but without the usual ovulation associated progesterone. thus the hormone levels don't decline and the lining stays up inside the uterus—as a missed/late period. alternatively just a small amount of the top of the lining can be shed which appears as a very scant flow. causes for not ovulating are many: thyroid problems pituitary problems ovarian cysts physical stressors (e. g. sudden increases in exercise crash dieting) emotional stressors (problems with partners children finances) increased body weight anorexia rotating shifts at work etc. you mentioned a prior history of "weird periods" that were "never normal. " that might also suggest alterations in your ovulations. there is a second less common cause for not having a period--or a too light flow. in some women the estrogen levels become very low. the levels are so low that no uterine lining is available to be shed. bottom line repeat the pregnancy test if you have pregnancy signs. if it is negative then you may want to keep a menstrual calendar. if your cycles become absent for three months (or are just minimal spotting) see your gyn or clinic for follow up. certainly if you develop other symptoms such as pelvic pain (e. g. ovarian cyst) get seen promptly. if your tubes are tied its almost if not completely impossible to get pregant. periods are wierd and not really predictable. just dont assume its over yet. wear something for the next few days just to make sure its completely over.
### Human:\ncan shingles appear in the mouth or throat\n\n### Assistant: shingles or herpes zoster is caused by the chicken pox virus. once you have had chicken pox the virus remains dormant in your body. when this virus reawakens it causes a blistering rash called shingles. if shingles affects the trigeminal nerve on the face it can cause sores to appear on one side of the mouth tongue and palate. other viruses including herpes can also cause blisters around the mouth. click on this link for more information about shingles. <link> i had a shingle shot about a week ago. after that i have what the dr called tonsillitis. could it be possible i have shingles in my throat?
### Human:\nwhat the right way to clean the oily skin on my face?\n\n### Assistant: cleansing your face should remain a simple process. the first step is to wash your face no more than twice per day with a gentle soap and warm water. step 2: exfoliate the dead skin cells with an exfoliating agent that contains a mild salicylic acid or glycolic acid. step 3: rehydrate your skin with natural oils that will not clog your pores such as almond oil or avocado oil. moisturizers should be applied lightly primarily to seal in the moisture but not to clog your pores.
### Human:\ni have cast itch. is there a product i can buy that has an extended aerosol spray to help with the itching?\n\n### Assistant: do not put anything inside the cast. this could irritate the skin with small micro-cuts which can lead to an infection. do not use talc or creams inside a plaster cast. these become gritty when mixed with sweat which could also irritate the skin and cause an allergy or infection. raise your arm or leg up above chest level for about 1 hour. this can help reduce the swelling and cool the area which would decrease the itch. if it is too intense talk with your pharmacist about using an oral antihistamine for the itching. be cautious about drug-drug interactions or drowsiness. if the itching is still too intense check with you doctor about recasting the area.
### Human:\ndo dna skin repair products really work?\n\n### Assistant: up until fairly recently the only way to reverse sun damage was to have laser treatments chemical peels or use retinols and prescription tretinoin creams. a revolutionary innovation in the cosmeceutical industry is changing that. now all you may need to do is go to your drugstore or department store and look for products that contain dna repair ingredients. these ingredients now come in every product imaginable — creams lotions serums sunscreens. and here’s the wonderful thing: they really do work. dna skin repair ingredients are usually based on enzymes derived from a variety of sources including plankton and plants. most of the major skin care companies are already selling dna repair products and are closely following the new research. all these products seem to improve the skin so it is not necessary to buy the most expensive one. these enzymes work by restoring dna that has been damaged by free radicals most often caused by sun exposure pollution and other environmental factors. dna damage is what causes sagging wrinkles and rough-textured skin. in other words it’s what makes you look old. dna repair products don’t seem to fade brown spots though and though they soften fine lines they won’t have the dramatic effect of botox or hyaluronic acid fillers that plump deep creases. still people really notice a difference after a few weeks of using these products and they are usually happy with the results. one of the advantages of most dna repair products is that unlike tretinoin and retinols (which should only be used at night) they do not interact with sunlight and can be used during the day. in fact a few sunscreens already include dna repair ingredients. although the research is still coming in this may be the wave of the future in sun protection.
### Human:\nis there a product i can use or something i can do to help make my crow's feel less noticeable?\n\n### Assistant: many factors contribute to crow's feet including sun exposure squinting and menopause. solar radiation damages the elastic and collagen in your skin which leads to "lax skin" rather than tight skin that is adherent to the underlying muscles. sun exposure is probably the easiest to address. you should incorporate sunblock in your daily skin regimen. squinting results in contraction of the muscles around the eyes. years of squinting can lead to hypertrophy or enlargement of the underlying muscles which will lead to the noticeable grooves on the skin surface. menopause affects estrogen levels which is critical for maintaining collagen levels and skin hydration.
### Human:\ntype your question here. my husband is dizzy - ears have water in them and is blue in the face. sleeping a good bit.\n\n### Assistant: dizziness can be caused by a number of serious conditions. these can include a stroke a heart attack breathing problems or trouble with blood sugar. a bluish tint to the skin is also a worry. it can mean that a person is not getting enough oxygen. someone with these symptoms should call 911 right away.
### Human:\nare there natural ways to help firm up the skin on my face for a more youthful look?\n\n### Assistant: the most natural way to help your skin look younger and firmer is to incorporate the following anti-aging steps: exfoliate gently and daily. (exfoliating cleanser) use a moisturizer with sunscreen and antioxidant vitamins a c and e. moisturize at night with a second dose of vitamin a (retinol) and peptides.
### Human:\nhow do i care for my daughter whose ear and face are covered in poison oak?\n\n### Assistant: with poison oak involving the face the child should be seen by a doctor and evaluated for the possible need for prescription medications. poison oak is a reaction from the oil found in the plant. the more contact you have with the oil the more severe the rash. it is important to make sure you wash all clothing in hot water to eliminate all the oil from the plants and to prevent further contact or spreading to other people. once the oil is off the clothing and the body it is no longer contagious. if it doesn’t involve the face the first part of treatment for poison oak is to wash the body thoroughly with wet compresses or cool water. the sores or the rash can be treated with many different over-the-counter products. antihistamines can help to decrease the swelling itching and redness. the corticosteroid cream is also great to use to treat the rash.
### Human:\nhow can pockmarks be repaired?\n\n### Assistant: presumably you mean acne scars. these can be very difficult to treat. the most effective method is usually to add volume to depressed skin areas with fillers containing hyaluronic acid. next you may benefit from being treated with fractionated lasers in order to even out any textural irregularities. microdermabrasion and chemical peels can sometimes be helpful too.
### Human:\ni'm 24 have to work under the sun and already have wrinkles under my eyes and crow’s feet. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: sun damage is the no. 1 cause for premature aging of the skin. if you have to work outdoors try to avoid the sun between the peak hours 11 a. m. and 2 p. m. uva and uvb penetration are strongest during the early afternoon. use a sunblock with an spf of at least 40. and wear a wide brim hat while outdoors drink plenty of fluid to keep your skin and body well-hydrated.
### Human:\ncould the acne on my back have anything to do with my diet?\n\n### Assistant: you have most likely genetically inherited your acne. however your breakouts may get worse when you eat more of certain foods. many studies have been conducted concerning the connection between diet and acne. and so far the most conclusive evidence is that a high glycemic index diet (a diet high in refined sugars) can worsen acne breakouts. some data also suggest that dairy foods can worsen acne due to presence of certain androgenic hormones in cow's milk. if you notice a link between when you consume dairy and the severity of your acne you may benefit from eating dairy substitutes and products that don't contain casein or whey.
### Human:\nmy bug bite is now a blister. how should i treat it?\n\n### Assistant: please don't pop it yourself. your skin is designed to protect itself and will stretch as much as possible in order to keep bacteria from entering a wound in the skin. allow the lesion to progress as it chooses. keep the area clean and dry and if it does pop cleanse the area with hydrogen peroxide and cover it with a clean and dry bandage to protect the area until it begins to heal. as always watch for signs of infection.
### Human:\nwhen does a cut need stitches?\n\n### Assistant: do you know what to do next time your child gets a nasty cut or scrape? (and yes it will happen to you! ) rule #1: stitches need to be placed within 12 hours of the injury. otherwise closing the wound increases the risk of infection. so you’ve got to decide before the office opens the next morning. rule #2: if you cannot get the bleeding under control or you can see fat or bone (usually deeper than 1/4 inch) you need to seek medical attention. rule #3: cuts to the eyebrows and lip/skin lines usually need stitches for the best cosmetic result. since both areas have a definite line you want the two sides of the wound to have the best chance of finding each other. rule #4: injuries to the mouth and lips bleed like stink but rarely need stitches. all that blood flow to the area also allows the wounds to heal very quickly. rule #5: if the wound is due to a human or cat bite it needs to be cleaned really well and might require antibiotics. but these wounds usually do not get stitches. rule #6: wounds that are getting red tender or are draining need to be seen by a medical provider. rule #7: if your child is up to date on his shots he probably won’t need another tetanus shot. but check with your doc to be sure. rule #8: sometimes staples or dermabond (human superglue substance) can be used instead of stitches. but regardless of which method is used all wounds need to be kept clean. rule #9: stitches and staples need to be removed but the length of time depends on the location of the injury. the person who places them will give you specific instructions for follow-up. rule #10: don’t freak out. your child will do better with a calm parent at the helm!
### Human:\ni have dark spots on my legs. is there a cream or a type of acid to bleach these spots? where do these spots come from?\n\n### Assistant: hyperpigmentation or dark spots will respond to a combination of chemical peels that contain salicylic acid alpha-hydroxy acids and skin-brightening agents such as hydroquinone licorice extract or bearberry. your physician will be able to implement a skin care regimen once any underlying medical causes are excluded.
### Human:\nat age 30 what should i look for in an antiaging facial cream?\n\n### Assistant: the no. 1 cause of premature aging is sun exposure. so your first step is to implement a facial care regimen that includes sunblock. next use compounds that will exfoliate (aha salicylic acid) hydrate (hyaluronic acid) and rejuvenate (tretinoin peptides) your skin.
### Human:\ni'm 28 and my skin has changed dramatically. i have big pores and wrinkles around my forehead and eyes. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to avoid the sun. sun damage and smoking are the primary causes of premature aging. you should include sunblock in your daily skin regimen. next incorporate a skin-care product in your regimen that will exfoliate (such as salicylic acid or papaya enzymes) hydrate (hyaluronic acid) nourish (vitamins and peptides ) and rebuild collagen (retinol).
### Human:\nhow can i prevent brown spots from showing up on my skin?\n\n### Assistant: to prevent brown spots from showing up on your skin the best thing you can do is avoid prolonged unprotected sun exposure. use an spf foundation or moisturizer of at least 30 or above on a regular basis. apply it before you go out in the sun rather than waiting until you are already outside.
### Human:\ni absolutely have to have something sweet after dinner. what sweets do you recommend so that i don't ruin my diet?\n\n### Assistant: enjoy a small square of really good dark chocolate and savor the flavors. but don’t eat too much because the caffeine in chocolate can keep some people awake. a cup of decaffeinated tea is a good idea too. and there are many with delicious sweet-tasting flavors that can also help you sleep. try rediscovering the natural sweetness of in-season and ripened fruits. a slice or two of mango is a terrific treat for the sweet tooth and provides healthy nutrients that can be good for your skin too.
### Human:\nwhat do you think about the effectiveness of laser treatment for wrinkle removal?\n\n### Assistant: fractionated lasers work best for addressing fine lines and wrinkles in the skin. they are very effective!
### Human:\nwhat might cause me not to sweat?\n\n### Assistant: not sweating when or where you should is called anhidrosis. it’s generally rare but in certain situations can be serious. anhidrosis can occur in isolated spots on the skin or all over. an affected person may notice the lack of sweating or may not be able to tolerate heat outdoors. besides having dry skin that should be moist symptoms can include dizziness muscle cramps and flushing. normal areas of skin may sweat excessively to try to compensate for the non-sweating skin. causes of anhidrosis include: drug side effects (oxybutinin topiramate amitriptyline and others) dehydration skin damage nerve damage genetic conditions anhidrosis increases the risk for heatstroke which can be life-threatening people with anhidrosis should take extra precautions to limit heat exposure.
### Human:\nwhat fruit are okay for inflammed stomach. my stomach is inflamed and i like to know if any what fruit are okay to eat? i should be on a bland diet.\n\n### Assistant: you want to stay away from fruits more likely to irritate your stomach such as those with tough skins or seeds. check with your doctor to see how long you diet needs to be limited. these fruits may be better tolerated:: bananas soft cantaloupe honeydew fruits that are canned or cooked without seeds and skin -- applesauce fruit cocktail or canned pears avocado
### Human:\ncan i tighten my skin somehow without having surgery?\n\n### Assistant: yes. you can try undergoing radiofrequency-based laser treatments such as with exilis to help improve tissue tightness in the cheeks. also hyaluronic acid fillers such as juvederm or restylane may soften these lines.
### Human:\n<link> dermavie cream reviews the analysis isn't going to especially brand health supplements that had been used by the actual study's participants nonetheless they bundled 30 various kinds of powders as well as capsules. . <link>\n\n### Assistant: please be respectful of this important webmd medical information site by not posting advertising for your products. your posting takes up valuable space for members seeking answers to their specific questions.
### Human:\nwhat are the most important things you should do to have healthy skin in your early 30s?\n\n### Assistant: the two most important actions are to avoid direct sunlight (use a sunblock) and steer clear of smoking. next follow a skin regimen that includes exfoliation (aha salycilic acid and papaya enzymes). hydrate with natural oils that are non comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) such as almond oil or avocado oil. rejuvenate your skin with natural skin peptides collagen builders and tretinoin.
### Human:\nhow can i fight toxins and pollution that can age my skin?\n\n### Assistant: toxins in the air can make your skin look older than you actually are. the reason: -- free radical damage. free radicals which are formed naturally when you exercise and when your body makes food into energy can attack the collagen and elastic tissue in the skin. antioxidants can combat free radical damage. look for products that contain resveratrol green tea vitamin c and niacinamide. also eat foods that are high in antioxidants like fruits and vegetables. always choose fruits and vegetables that are darker in color. for example a red grapefruit has more antioxidants than a white grapefruit. and a red pepper has more antioxidants than a green pepper. the dirt and dust in the air can also clog your pores so it's important to wash your face every day with a mild cleanser. i'm a big fan of sonic cleansing systems which help vibrate the dirt off the skin.
### Human:\nare yeast infections contagious?\n\n### Assistant: no yeast infections are not contagious in the way a cold or the flu is. yeast infections are caused by a fungus (more specifically a yeast) called candida. candida is a commensal organism meaning that under healthy conditions it lives harmlessly in our bodies. we all have candida living on our skin and in our intestines and healthy women carry candida in their vaginas. when the body’s defenses are in balance candida is not noticeable or bothersome. however certain conditions can give candida the opportunity to grow excessively: a low-functioning immune system. use of topical or oral corticosteroids such as prednisone (often for asthma or autoimmune conditions). damage to the mucous membranes (the skin lining the mouth vagina and gi tract). antibiotic use. in these situations candida can grow on the skin or in the lining of the mouth gi tract or vagina. the fungus creates a white patch or plaque across the mucous membranes. in the mouth visible candida infection is called thrush. in the vagina it’s a yeast infection. in people with weakened immune systems candida can grow almost anywhere in the body. because candida is normally present in all our bodies someone with thrush can’t exactly pass it to someone else -- that person already has candida. to develop thrush a yeast infection or another candida infection that person may have one or more of the above risk factors or conditions.
### Human:\ni want larger-looking lips. should i go with a lip plumper or filler?\n\n### Assistant: for a temporary change the obvious answer is to use a commercial lip plumper and see how it goes. more and more cosmetics companies are bringing out lip plumpers some already tinted some not. lip plumpers can be surprisingly effective; in a few cases users not only get strikingly fuller lips but the results last up to eight hours as well. to be honest though the effects of most lip plumpers rarely last more than an hour especially if users eat or drink. most lip plumpers use an irritant such as cinnamon wintergreen or ginger that causes enough of a reaction to make the lips swell and look temporarily fuller. some of them especially those with higher concentrations of cinnamon and wintergreen can really make the lips burn sometimes quite painfully. and that burning sensation applies not only to the woman who used a plumper on her lips but to anybody she kisses as well. if your significant other is allergic i’d stay away from these plumpers; obviously people with sensitive skin should also avoid them because they may get a whole lot more than they bargained for. never use lip plumpers on cracked lips or on cold sores because the pain can be excruciating. less irritating plumpers are those with retinol or oligopeptides both of which stimulate collagen production. the advantage to these plumpers is that with repeated use lips will not only look fuller but smoother and less wrinkled. a warning: retinol increases sun sensitivity. i recommend that lip plumpers with retinol be used only at night. for a longer-lasting look you’d have to go with fillers usually hyaluronic acid fillers; my two favorites are prevelle silk and juvederm. in my experience prevelle silk gives a more subtle look while juvederm lasts longer. these lip fillers cost $750- $1000 and last three to four months. some people just want to define their lips so they get a tiny amount of filler injected all around the lip border; their lips stand out more but without added volume. this technique is especially popular with women over forty because the lip border becomes less distinct with age. i would never ever recommend more permanent procedures such as silicone injections or lip implants. with silicone injections problems such as lumps and irregular or asymmetrical lips are actually pretty common and lip implants frequently look artificial. think before you get lip fillers. if you want to see how you would look with fuller lips then try lip plumpers first and see if you like the way you look. when buying a lip plumper or any other beauty product try to read and decipher the ingredients contained in the product in order to see how the plumping or moisturising will occur. also remember that most lip plumpers will eventually result in drying of the lips as most of the plumping ingredients act as an irritant to the lips therefore resulting in the plumping. these products typically work by irritating the thin delicate skin of the lips with ingredients like menthol or camphor. this makes the lips swell slightly which may also diminish the appearance of fine lines in that area. lip filler procedures provide immediate results that should last for up to six months after which time you may need a top-up to maintain the volume. initially there will be some swelling and sometimes bruising in the lip area from the injections. this should quickly subside to reveal your full and plump lips. some of the most common side effects of collagen lip injections are instances where lips swell or bruise after treatment. there can also be bruising around the sides of the mouth depending on the material that is used and the method of injection as well as how the body handles the foreign material. some patients can be allergic to some aspects of collagen lip injections and that can cause excessive swelling or related side effects it’s generally not a good idea to ignore the warning signs of complications from this process which could cause a patient long-term harm. consult a doctor before selecting one of these treatments to talk about lip injections or lip plumpers and what kinds of potential side effects may result.
### Human:\ni need to be on long-term oral antibiotics and topical treatment for my adult acne. why can't i use an oral antibiotic? . my dermatologist started my regimen that way and my acne and the constant itch cleared within days.\n\n### Assistant: adult acne may be due to a hormonal imbalance. your physician may be considering incorporating therapy in order to achieve an improved ratio of estrogen and testosterone in your body. oral antibiotics can be effective in treating persistent acne. you also want to make sure that you are not using compounds that are adversely affecting the ph balance of your skin.
### Human:\ni'm 55 years old. my skin is becoming more sensitive to skin care products. can skin become sensitive over time?\n\n### Assistant: certain products may contain preservatives or fragrances that can cause hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction on your skin. also if you are using products that contain tretinoin aha or salicylic acids your skin may become more sensitive when exposed to direct sunlight. therefore it is important to incorporate a sun block within your skin care regimen.
### Human:\nwhat are triggers for eczema and how can i treat itching and inflammation?\n\n### Assistant: eczema is a catch-all term for inflamed itchy raw cracked and peeling skin. eczema is usually genetic – if one of your parents has it chances are you and your children will too. the list of triggers is very very long: -prolonged or hot baths since anything that dries the skin can set the inflammation process going. that includes hot tubs and saunas. -deodorant soaps perfumed soaps and body washes. - anything abrasive such as grainy body scrubs and even loofahs. - fragranced moisturizers or anything that contains lactic acid salicylic acid or glycolic acid. - wool clothes or elastics because the pressure point can start the itch/scratch cycle. - detergents and fabric softeners. - food allergies or sensitivities – the most common are eggs dairy corn grains yeast artificial sweeteners and soy. - airborne allergens such as dust and pollen - dry and heated environments. this is one reason why eczema is usually worse in winter. - cold windy weather. babies and children suffer the most from eczema and should be seen by a doctor promptly. for babies and small children the first step is washing with the mildest possible cleanser and making sure that baths are as quick as possible. then while the skin is still damp moisturize it with a heavy protective product. steroids are the very last resort for small children and i don’t like to use them at all in babies. some children are lucky enough to outgrow eczema usually by the age of five. others unfortunately will be lifelong sufferers. for adults antihistamines can help even the over-the-counter ones. topical steroids will calm the itch and reduce the inflammation but should be used with caution since prolonged use can thin the skin permanently. protopic and elidel are the big guns but not everybody tolerates them well and they have serious potential side effects. for people with eczema it is crucial to avoid triggers and otherwise take precautions every day. wear light comfortable clothing made from cotton silk or linen. bed linens should be 100% cotton or satin. when doing laundry use only hypoallergenic detergent put clothes through the rinse cycle twice to get rid of any trace of detergent and use tennis balls in the dryer instead of dryer sheets.
### Human:\nwhat really works on wrinkles?\n\n### Assistant: your first treatment is prevention. avoid direct sunlight. the majority of premature aging is attributed to sun damage. use a sun block exfoliate hydrate and nourish your skin with compounds that contain vitamins a c and e.
### Human:\nis there something over-the-counter to fade an unwanted tattoo?\n\n### Assistant: several of the popular over-the-counter agents including skin bleaching agents and topical acids (salicylic) have been used to fade tattoos. unfortunately many of these products require continuous use for 6 months and they work by removing the outer layer of the skin. very colorful and deeper tattoos may be more difficult to completely fade using this approach.
### Human:\ni have hyperpigmentation on my face. what sort of concealer or base should i look for?\n\n### Assistant: use a concealer that has been dermatologically tested. pretested concealers are generally less likely to clog pores or cause an allergic reaction to your skin. the synthetic fragrances or preservatives usually have been removed leaving a more natural product.
### Human:\ncan using shea butter help to lighten acne scars on your face?\n\n### Assistant: no. shea butter is an excellent moisturizer but it will not help lighten dark marks on the skin.
### Human:\ni have type ii diabetes. what is the best form of exercise for my condition? . i take metformin twice a day and insulin in the evening. i would like a recommendation on a good exercise program especially since i have a busy and sometimes inconsistant schedule.\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer the easy answer would be any exercise. find an activity that you like. it can be as simple as walking (aerobic) or even taking up a sport like tennis. the best exercise program is really one that you will do on a regular consistent basis at least three or more times per week. find a partner - it is easier to exercise with a friend. having type 2 diabetes means you need to make the time. having a busy schedule is the norm for everyone. the insulin you take daily makes up for the little insulin that you produce. metformin helps sensitizes your body and muscles to insulin. in people with diabetes the only way to break and improve insulin resistance and reduce your risk of heart disease and other complications is by using muscles. most any type of regularly performed physical activity will do. find something you like it helps increase the chance that you will stick to it. a buddy system for exercise also helps make you more accountable and less likely to miss out on the social mental and physical benefits of exercise. a combination of aerobic type exercise and weights targeting core muscles is something to aim for. find an endocrinologist that is passionate about working with people that have type 2 diabetes. the surgeon general recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most days per week. for individuals with diabetes it’s recommended that there should not be more than two consecutive days without aerobic physical activity because the benefit of increased insulin sensitivity gained from exercise generally doesn’t last longer than 48-72 hours. moreover high-intensity physical activity will tend to enhance insulin sensitivity more than low-intensity physical activity. also a greater duration spent on exercise appears to more effective than a lesser duration. with both intensity and duration however the benefits appear to be a result of more energy being expended. exercise can significantly lower a1c levels and can even help glycemic control during times when not exercising. both resistance training and aerobic exercise have helpful effects on insulin and can help with diabetes management. do not exercise if your blood sugar is too low and stop exercise if you feel faint have chest tightness or are extremely short of breath. i generally recommend a combination of both aerobic exercise and some resistance exercise in most of my patients. and the good news is that most people can do low-impact exercise (like walking) and still see a benefit. you should talk to your doctor about your own specific exercise prescription. and while you're asking see if your doctor is exercising too! walking is the best exercise for everything! if you don't seem to have time to go and walk park as far from the door at work grocery store drug store anywhere you go as possible. then walk briskly while going in and out and if possible while you are shopping. this will help some and hopefully make you want to walk more and get into a routine! you can always find 30 min 3 times a week to walk!
### Human:\nis petroleum jelly a good product to use for oiling your scalp?\n\n### Assistant: petroleum jelly is used successfully by many african-americans to help smooth their hair and lock moisture into the scalp. people who should not use petroleum jelly on their scalps are those who already have oily scalp as is seen in cases of seborrheic dermatitis.
### Human:\ncould i still have lyme disease? . i was diagnosed 4 yrs ago. i never found a tick bite so i'm not sure how long i had it before i started antibiotics. i've never felt the same. i'm still just as tired and constantly achy in my neck and back. i get terrible headaches that last days. i get sharp pains in my arms all the time. i randomly get dizzy and i've fainted a several times. a year ago someone said it's allergies so i tried allergy medicines and just got sicker. in sept. i had mono. i'm 18 and i still feel like i'm dying!\n\n### Assistant: to feel like you are dying at age 18 is very concerning. you should definitely consult your family physician and possibly see a specialist. persistent symptoms after lyme disease has been treated appropriately with antibiotics is a very controversial area. we do know that long-term antibiotics do not help and are associated with serious complications. we also know from recent studies that lyme disease does not relapse but you can get reinfected. the most common symptom of lyme disease is a classical rash erythema migrans and patients who get this rash again have another infection not a relapse. a small percentage of patients who are treated for lyme disease (10-20%) develop persistent symptoms which may last for 6 months or more. this syndrome is called post-treatment lyme disease syndrome (ptlds). according to the most recent advice from the centers for disease control (cdc) there are many fraudulent products claiming to treat "chronic lyme disease". so be cautious and make sure you are not being treated by quacks. treatment by a physician associated with a university teaching hospital would be a good choice. in addition to seeing your physician and making sure there is no other condition responsible for your symptoms the cdc recommends that you eat a healthy diet and get plenty of rest talk to a counselor and keep a diary of your activities and symptoms. personally i found the answer to this above very misleading. although she mentioned the controversy but she did not tell you about the overwhelming evidence against the cdc's view point on chronic lyme disease. you are not alone your are not the only one receiving answers such as this one as to why you are still sick. you will see for yourself through the help of a lyme literate doctor that antibiotics can and will help improve your symptoms. you will also begin to find that no doctor with a closed mind will be able to help you through this. there is a group on facebook called lyme disease awareness go there and get the right information from 13k people just like yourself who have been denied long term treatment from doctors. i was one of those people. i had other doctors who said i was fine call these lyme literate doctors quacks. that quack gave me my life back! go to the columbia university tick borne diseases research center website at the top there is a second opinion option in one of the menus click it and go see doctor brian fallon and get your answers there or at lymedisease. org based upon my personal experience along with my husband daughter and now hundreds of people that i have come to know through a variety of venues (i am a professional counselor with 30 years of experience)- your symptoms can absolutely be attributed to persistent borrelia (lyme) infection- and perhaps coinfections. i strongly recommend you review the international lyme and associated diseases (ilads) website for up-to-date and accurate information. because of what comes down to what is now willful ignorance many doctors are poiltical hacks rather than physicians- like the "expert" who gave you horrible advice on this forum. if you have had lyme disease and did not take antibiotics until you were symptom free it will return - i know it happened to me because i could not get treatment i needed because of lack of knowledge from infectious disease doctors - long term lyme disease required iv antibiotics to penetrate the underlying tissues - you need to see a lyme literate doctor who has success in treating lyme disease - www. ilads. org i would look at the sentence under the answer. " this answer should not be considered (good) medical advice and should not take the place of a (llmd) doctors visit". i added the words in brackets.
### Human:\ni am a black man with no facial hair. what kind of products can i use to make my face look fresh?\n\n### Assistant: you may benefit from a variety of products. topical vitamin c and e products can help brighten the skin and provide antioxidant effects. ultrasonic cleansing brushes combined with glycolic or salicylic acid cleansers can help exfoliate dead skin cells. at night topical retinoids are still one of our best treatment options. and don’t underestimate the importance of using a great sunscreen every morning.
### Human:\nare there side effects from taking too much pepto-bismol?\n\n### Assistant: the most common side effect with taking too much pepto-bismol is the temporary and harmless black darkening of the tongue and stools. this can subside and is caused by a reaction to sulfa in the mouth. however there are more serious side effects with toxic levels of pepto-bismol such as severe allergic reactions (rash hive itching difficulty breathing tightness in chest swelling of the mouth face lips or tongue) fever hearing loss nausea ringing in the ears severe constipation and vomiting. if any of these symptoms do occur stop taking the medication and consult your health care professional.
### Human:\ncan doing facial exercises help relieve wrinkles?\n\n### Assistant: the short answer to this is no. in fact the reason we use botox (botulinum toxin) in the field of dermatology is to reduce the movement of facial muscles so that their overuse will not create fine or deep creases in places like the glabella (between the eyebrows) or across the forehead.
### Human:\nare there age-advancing toxins in the chemicals that i use to clean my home? anything i should do to protect my skin?\n\n### Assistant: protecting your skin from cleaning chemicals in your home is an important and healthy step for your skin. toxins can cause irritation and breaks in the skin that can lead to infection. for that reason protect your skin with gloves when dealing with chemicals. if toxins accidentally come in contact with your skin rinse off immediately.
### Human:\nhow should i treat a bee sting?\n\n### Assistant: the first thing to do after a bee or other insect sting is look at the skin. if there’s a stinger there pull it out. this will prevent the release of more venom into the skin and avoid a prolonged reaction to the stinger. people’s reactions after bee stings vary widely and so does the appropriate treatment. most people develop only a minor local reaction to a bee sting. redness and painful swelling up to around two inches across are normal. cold compresses and over-the-counter pain relievers are adequate treatment. about 10% of people develop what are called large local reactions. this is an ongoing reaction to the sting with a large area of inflamed painful swollen skin. the reaction and its symptoms can continue to get worse for 48 hours and take up to 10 days to resolve. call your doctor if symptoms are still getting worse a few hours after a sting or if the reaction looks alarming. prescription anti-inflammatory medicines like prednisone and topical steroids may help. at home cold compresses and over-the-counter pain medicines can also be used. the worst reaction to a bee sting is called a systemic allergic reaction or anaphylaxis. this is a whole-body life-threatening reaction to insect venom. it doesn’t occur often but when it does people often underestimate the seriousness of the symptoms: • itching or rash in areas of skin away from the sting. • hoarseness or shortness of breath. • lightheadedness. people can develop anaphylaxis even without a previous serious reaction to bee stings. if you have any of these symptoms of anaphylaxis after an insect sting seek immediate medical attention or call 911.
### Human:\nmy skin started itching after using a new detergent. i am taking an antihistamine to relieve it. what more can i do?\n\n### Assistant: it is very likely that your skin reactions are the result of changing your laundry soap. unfortunately when your skin becomes sensitized it takes it a while to settle back down. unfortunately this is more difficult in the winter months because your skin suffers from the temperature extremes of this time of year making a usually small problem bigger than it usually would be. taking an antihistamine to help minimize the irritation is a good idea just be careful about the drowsiness that can occur. you might also consider using a little bit of hydrocortisone cream for any areas that are especially inflamed. aveeno baths can help soothe irritated skin as well.
### Human:\nwhat's the best treatment for large deep pores on cheeks?\n\n### Assistant: proper skin care is your first approach towards large facial pores. pores appear enlarged when they are clogged dilated or infected and that's why the best way to keep your pores small and less visible is to keep your skin clean all the time. often the pores get clogged with dead skin cells dirt and oil which makes them appear more prominent. that’s why regular skin exfoliation is essential in order to remove the dead skin cells and to allow your skin to produce newer healthier cells.
### Human:\ni am going through menopause and now have extremely dry itchy skin and red bumps. is there something you can recommend?\n\n### Assistant: menopause can effect estrogen production. estrogen is critical in the production of oil glands and collagen. estrogen levels are also associated with your cells' ability to maintain hydration. to help your skin cells avoid hot showers because they tend to further dry out your skin. consume foods rich in essential fatty acids. these will help your cells with natural oil production. finally use sun protection. sun damage is the no. 1 cause for premature aging of the skin.
### Human:\ni get boils over my entire body that leave scars. it makes it difficult for me to go out in public. what i can do?\n\n### Assistant: your condition sounds quite challenging. boils all over the body may be secondary to an altered immune system an opportunistic staph infection or a hereditary condition of the sweat glands referred to as hidradenitis suppurativa. your first step is to undergo a complete examination by your internist including a comprehensive blood panel to determine if there are any underlying medical causes for your skin changes.
### Human:\nam i getting too much vitamin a? . for the last couple of months i have been on a unusual diet of mostly ceasar salad and yams. now i eat around a full heart of romaine lettuce a day and a large yam a day. the diet works great but i didn't look at the vitamin count. i recently noticed that i have been consuming a large amount of vitamin a. i don't take any supplements but i am now worried that i might have vitamin a toxicity. i looked up some of the symptoms and i don't think i have any but should i stop this diet?\n\n### Assistant: while it may turn your skin yellow/orange vitamin a from fruits and vegetables is not toxic. but you do need to worry about missing out on other key nutrients. if all you are eating are yams and romaine lettuce you may not be getting enough fat protein and are at risk for other vitamin/mineral inadequacies like vitamin d. i suggest seeing a registered dietitian to develop a balanced eating plan to help you be healthy and lose weight if needed. good luck!
### Human:\ncould you recommend the best skin care products for antiaging including moisturizers?\n\n### Assistant: your first step is to educate yourself. you should look for products that contain salicylic acid aha (alpha-hydroxy acid) or papaya-based enzymes to help exfoliate and remove unwanted cells. your next step is to focus on rebuilding and hydrating your skin. compounds containing tretinoin will work towards improving collagen synthesis. last and most importantly your daily skin care regimen needs to contain sunblock. sun damage and smoking are the primary causes of premature aging. yes you can use cocoa oil application on your skin butter also for the anti-aging skin. take juices practice yoga in the fresh air of early morning have some resveratrol which is actually a natural molecule holds the property of reversing the aging due to high anti-oxidant levels. have a look of resveratrol and benefits here.
### Human:\nwhy do i get so tired after exercising? . i haven't gone out and done physical activity for about a month so i just went out for a nice and easy power walk for about 50 minutes. i come home and suddenly i just feel sluggish and exhausted. i don't starve myself. i eat when i'm hungry and when i need to eat. i get super tired and when i come home i just knock out. because i get so tired i don't like to exercise when i have school. it's been affecting my health and my body. i really want to exercise daily. help please <negative_smiley>\n\n### Assistant: maybe you could start with smaller bouts of exercise instead of 50 minutes. start walking for 5 minutes per day and as you feel stronger increase to 10 and so on. make sure you eat something about 30 minutes before exercising like a banana yogurt or granola bar. if you are low on glycogen (stores of carbohydrates in muscle) it could increase your tiredness after exercise. if you continue to feel tired without a good reason visit your healthcare provider for a full blood work-up. certain nutrient deficiencies like anemia can also make you tired. hey there can be a lot of reasons for all this happening to you 1. first of you should must adjust carbohydrate quantity and qualityin your diet 2. your muscles are also not strong enough as you dont do workout regularly 3. may be you are not well hydrated. take fluids with essential electrolytes before during and after exercise. 4. start working out regularly or alternatively one day rest and the next workout. 5. always do a little warm up before exercise and stretching after the exercise. 6. eat proteins a bit more than you normally eat so that your muscles can develop. 7. take at least 8 hours sleep a day which should must have a ciesta of 1 to 2 hours. 8. take a cup of coffee an hour before doing exercise this will boost your metabolism and keep you vigilant for a couple of hour at least. 9. and at last your tiredness can also be a result of some medical condition like hypothyroidism or some metabolic disease i am a 5 year med student i was skinny a 2 year before and same things used to happen to me then i started using the techniques that i mentioned above and it really improved my stamina my muscle size and my mood especially i gained 10 kg of weight without any increase in my waist. that was a just a brief overview of the solution to your problem if you want details of all this i am here to help you muhammad noman imtiaz cuba nomanimtiaz@ucmex. vcl. sld. cu i have chronic fatigue syndrome and exercising makes me worse. it's called "exercise malaise". i don't know if that's what you have but i would ask your doctor. i like yoga. i always feel rejuvenated after yoga.
### Human:\ni have bad bags under my eyes. what nonsurgical and surgical procedures might help?\n\n### Assistant: you will need to find out the cause of your under-eye bags. you would discuss them with a surgeon if the bags are due to excess skin or excess fatty deposits. each of these conditions may require surgical removal to achieve the best result. if you suffer from a “flattened” mid-face (negative vector) your concerns may be addressed with nonsurgical fillers to help achieve better balance in your face.
### Human:\nis surgery the only way to get rid of stretch marks?\n\n### Assistant: stretch marks occur from disruption in the underlying dermal support of the skin. topical medications that contain tretinoin are designed to increase cell turnover and encourage new collagen deposition. lasers work by targeting and subsequently tightening the dermis and encouraging new cell growth. a combination of topical products and lasers may improve less severe stretch marks. but more severe stretch marks are less likely to respond to nonsurgical approaches. stretch marks are weaknesses in the supporting structure of the skin causing layers of the skin (dermis) to separate and leaving the skin grooved and discolored. stretch marks develop when the skin is excessively stretched during pregnancy weight gain or growth spurts. they are most common during pregnancy and the teen years when growth spurts and increased levels of steroid hormones cause significant changes throughout the body. stretch marks can also be brought on by obesity. genetic factors including inherited defects of connective tissues also play a role. prevention is the key. to avoid stretch marks avoid rapid weight gain or loss. moisturize daily when pregnant. there is no exact cure for stretch marks; however products containing glycolic acids tretinoin or vitamin c help towards rebuilding the structure of your skin. for a more invasive option consider laser resurfacing. lasers work by stimulating collagen synthesis. for severe stretch marks you may want to consider evaluation by a plastic surgeon for surgical removal.
### Human:\nhow bad do the symptoms of depression have to be to get ect (electro-convulsive therapy) treatments?\n\n### Assistant: ect is generally performed by a psychiatrist at a hospital. you can have your general doc or your psychiatrist refer you to an ect expert psychiatrist. they meet you go over info about ect and set it up if you are a good candidate. it is a bona fide and good treatment for certain individuals. it is no longer barbaric with patients thrashing around having full body seizures. basically you are under anesthesia and your brain has a seizure and your body does not. info about side effects are noted on the link noted. other links: www. acnp. org/g4/gn40100010<negative_smiley>default. htm for those who like medical jargon www. nami. org/content/navigationmenu/advocate_magazine/e-newsletter/20065/gma_transcript. htm for those who like stories
### Human:\nis there a way to medically increase the size of my penis?\n\n### Assistant: there are very few scientifically tested methods of enlargement. yes there are surgical options but they are not all considered "safe and effective" and they carry risks including scar tissue formation which can result in erectile pain and even shortening of the erect penis. the andropenis device has some encouraging data that suggest it may be used for enlargement. however there are no (very) long term safety data on its use and it does require extensive use - worn daily under clothes for hours each day and for months in total to see any benefit at all. if you have an extremely small erect penis (say an inch or two) then some doctors may recommend surgery if it's important to you but most often doctors and therapists suggest becoming good at sex in other ways (e. g. oral sex finger stimulation being an emotionally exciting or available lover). some women prefer to be with a man who has an average size penis (5-6 inches) or smaller penis particularly if they experience genital pain or don't lubricate well or have a smaller than average vagina. bigger is definitely not always considered to be "better. " if you have questions about enlargement or penis size or health please check in with a urologist. yes fortunately after years of study it is medically proven that the penis grows after undergoing a treatment with a penis extender such as andropenis ( manufactured by andromedical) the treatment requites time and patience then after 6-8 months the patient can expect a growth up to 3-4 cm if used accordingly. andropenis by andromedical is approved by the european health authorities and it is manufactured according to the highest quality procedures. it is an simple treatment with excellent results. also andromedical offers a customer and patient support if necessary to help them with the treatment doubts. the product has a 60 day money back warranty in case the pàtient is not satisfied with it. sadly no. the only thing i have heard that kinda works is a penis pump. but these things are pretty rough on the skin down there so make sure you use a penis skin moisturizer/ protector like man1 man oil. trust me. you will be happy that you used it. skin irritation down there is painful embarrassing and inconvenient. hope this helps.
### Human:\nhow old should i be to start taking care of my skin so i don't get wrinkles?\n\n### Assistant: you're never too young to start looking after your skin. wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day. make certain it's at least an spf 30 and look for one with zinc or titanium dioxide. you can also look for an over-the-counter retinol product to reverse sun damage and use it every night. you can start using retinol in your 20s. the eyelid skin is the thinnest skin in the body and doesn't have much oil so it's always good to use an eye cream. look for one with hyaluronic acid. this ingredient binds water to the skin and is very hydrating.
### Human:\ni have polyps around my neck. how can i get rid of them?\n\n### Assistant: these are referred to as skin tags and they tend to run in families. they are not dangerous. but they can become very bothersome cosmetically and especially if they get tangled in one’s clothing or jewelry. they can be easily removed by your dermatologist by either cauterization by freezing with liquid nitrogen or by snipping them with scissors after numbing them of course. they may come back after being removed but would probably take several years or more to do so.
### Human:\nwhat causes thrush?\n\n### Assistant: small amounts of the candida fungus are present in the mouth digestive tract and skin of most healthy people and are normally kept in check by other bacteria and microorganisms in the body. however certain illnesses stress or medications can disturb the delicate balance causing the fungus candida to grow out of control causing thrush. medications that upset the balance of microorganisms in the mouth and may cause thrush include corticosteroids antibiotics and birth control pills. illnesses or medical situations that make candida infection more likely to develop include uncontrolled diabetes hiv infection cancer dry mouth or pregnancy (caused by the hormonal changes that occur with pregnancy). people who smoke or wear dentures that don't fit properly also are at increased risk for thrush. in addition babies can pass the infection to their mothers during breast-feeding.
### Human:\nis it safe to have an energy drink every day?\n\n### Assistant: it is important to read the components of energy drinks to make sure they are right for you. most energy drinks provide you with a boost of energy through sugars which make you crash quickly after they are eliminated or metabolized. in addition the calorie content can be very large and lacking in nutrients. other ingredients include caffeine and ginseng. it is important to see what herbals are present in the product to find out if there are any drug interactions with medications that you may be taking on a regular basis. it is important to keep in mind that regular sleep patterns and healthy eating habits are more important for maintaining energy and balance. the risk of energy drinks can be greater than the value of the short energy boosts they provide. the answer to your question is no and yes i say (yes) because you do have natural energy drinks that don't use sugars or don't use a lot of sugars. a product i have used my self and have proven results myself is all day energy greens it is all natural you can read more about it here: <link>
### Human:\nis it possible to be fat and fit?\n\n### Assistant: yes you can be overweight and in good shape at the same time. in fact physiologists now believe that being overweight and fit is far healthier than being skinny and out of shape. how much healthier? one recent study of 2 600 people shows that subjects who were unfit were four times more likely to die than those who were very fit —whether those fit people were normal weight overweight or obese. that’s because exercise — no matter how much you weigh — reduces your risk of a broad range of ailments including cardiovascular disease cancer and diabetes.
### Human:\nhow does smoking affect my skin?\n\n### Assistant: cigarette smoke contains more than 4 000 chemicals that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and are taken right into the skin. smoking causes the blood vessels in the top layers of skin to get smaller so your skin gets less oxygen. smoking also makes skin thinner slows its ability to heal and increases wrinkles. you may get lines on your upper lip often called smoker's lines. your skin can also take on a grayish color.
### Human:\nwhat would cause me to have my period for three months straight?\n\n### Assistant: there are two major reasons for very prolonged/heavy periods: hormonal and what i call "structural". "structural" means when excessive bleeding is due to actual problems within the cavity or walls of the uterus. some examples of this would include fibroids of the uterus endometriosis of the muscular wall of the uterus ("adenomyosis") infections of the lining of the uterus (e. g. gonorrhea or chlamydia) polyps of the uterine lining or even uterine cancer (much less likely in a younger woman). hormonal causes are usually linked to missed or erratic ovulations. as you may know in a normal cycle estrogen is produced all month. estrogen is responsible for building up the lining of your uterus so you have something to shed each month. in a normal cycle progesterone production increases following ovulation. progesterone "stabilizes" the uterine lining in preparation for a possible implantation of a new pregnancy. if you are not pregnant that month the levels of estrogen and progesterone fall triggering the release of the uterine lining—your period. so if you do not ovulate the estrogen build up of the lining continues but without the usual ovulation associated progesterone. thus the hormone levels don't decline and the lining stays up inside the uterus—your missed/late period. alternatively the lining can begin to shed under its own weight producing prolonged bleeding. . causes for not ovulating are multifold: thyroid problems pituitary problems ovarian cysts physical stressors (e. g. sudden increases in exercise crash dieting) emotional stressors (problems with partners work/school finances) increased body weight anorexia rotating shifts at work etc. .