2011年由国际肺癌研究协会(International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, IASLC)、美国胸科学会(American Thoracic Society, ATS)和欧洲呼吸学会(European Respiratory Society, ERS)发表的肺腺癌国际多学科分类共识意见,首次提出了分别适用于手术切除标本、小活检及细胞学的分类方法,不再使用细支气管肺泡癌的名称,新增原位腺癌和微浸润性腺癌的命名,对浸润性腺癌提倡全面而详细的组织学诊断模式等。
The international multidisciplinary classification of lung adenocarcinoma sponsored by International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer/American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society in 2011, addresses the classification which is appropriate for resection specimens, small biopsies and cytology, respectively for the first time. For resection specimens, new concepts are introduced such as adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) and minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (MIA); Invasive adenocarcinomas are recommended to be classified by comprehensive histologic pattern.
During the clinical practice, pathologists and clinicians have some confusions in understanding and application of to the new guideline to some extent.
This paper will interpret this new guideline, discuss and analyze the issues that need to be noticed in clinical application.
A 6-year-old patient with cerebral palsy was treated with Chinese scalp acupuncture.
The Speech I, Speech II, Motor, Foot motor and sensory, and Balance areas were stimulated once a week, then every other week for 15 sessions.
His dysarthria, ataxia, and weakness of legs, arms, and hands showed significant improvement from each scalp acupuncture treatment, and after 15 sessions, the patient had recovered completely.
This case report demonstrates that Chinese scalp acupuncture can satisfactorily treat a child with cerebral palsy.
More research and clinical trials are needed so that the potential of scalp acupuncture to treat cerebral palsy can be fully explored and utilized.
However, little is known about its use, effectiveness, and safety in the treatment of cutaneous lymphoma.
CASE REPORT Two patients with primary cutaneous B-cell lymphoma (pT2bcNxM0 follicle center and pT2ac-NxM0 marginal zone) either declined or postponed recommended conventional treatment and received high-dose, fever-inducing mistletoe treatment; a combination of intratumoral, subcutaneous, and intravenous application was given; and one patient also underwent whole-body hyperthermia.
这两名患者在分别接受12.98g 和 4.63g累积剂量的槲寄生提取物治疗后,分别在12个月和8个月后淋巴瘤出现退化。
The lymphoma regressed over a period of 12 and 8 months, respectively, and after administration of a cumulative dose of 12.98 g and 4.63 g mistletoe extract, respectively.
The patients are in remission to date, 3.5 years after commencement of treatment.
Neither patient received conventional cancer treatment during the entire observation period.
Anthroposophic medicine is an integrative multimodal treatment system based on a holistic understanding of man and nature and of disease and treatment.
It builds on a concept of four levels of formative forces and on the model of a three-fold human constitution.
Anthroposophic medicine is integrated with conventional medicine in large hospitals and medical practices.
It applies medicines derived from plants, minerals, and animals; art therapy, eurythmy therapy, and rhythmical massage; counseling; psychotherapy; and specific nursing techniques such as external embrocation.
Anthroposophic healthcare is provided by medical doctors, therapists, and nurses.
一项卫生技术评估报告及其最近的更新文档列举了 265 项针对人智医学效用和效益的临床研究。
A Health-Technology Assessment Report and its recent update identified 265 clinical studies on the efficacy and effectiveness of anthroposophic medicine.
The outcomes were described as predominantly positive.
These studies as well as a variety of specific safety studies found no major risk but good tolerability.
Economic analyses found a favorable cost structure.
Patients report high satisfaction with anthroposophic healthcare.
作为生活护理的一部分,营养疗法是 2 型糖尿病患者的推荐疗法。
Nutrition therapy as part of lifestyle care is recommended for people with type 2 diabetes.
However, most people with diabetes do not follow this guideline.
Changing eating habits involves obtaining knowledge and building practical skills such as shopping, meal preparation, and food storage.
Just as fitness coaches use their specific knowledge base in fitness to enhance the effectiveness of their coaching, credentialed chefs trained as health coaches might combine their culinary expertise with coaching in order to improve clients' food choices and lifestyles.
本报告记录了一名 55 岁的单身独居白人男性医生的病例,该病例最近被诊断为 2 型糖尿病,有慢性压力、久坐行为及不良饮食习惯。
This report documents the case of a 55-year-old white male physician, single and living alone, who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and reported chronic stress, sedentary behavior, and unhealthy eating habits.
患者参加了为期 8 周的厨师教练计划,由受过健康教练 培训的厨师通过 Skype 提供一对一的 30 分钟教练课程。
He participated in a chef coaching program of 8 weekly one-on-one 30-minute coaching sessions via Skype delivered by a chef trained as a health coach.
During the first five meetings, the patient's goals were primarily culinary; however, with his success in accomplishing these goals, the patient progressed and expanded his goals to include other lifestyle domains, specifically exercise and work-life balance.
计划结束时,患者改善了营养和运动习惯,增强了进一步改善自我护理的信心,并改善了 HbA1c(从 8.8% 降低至 6.7% ;正常值为 <6.5%)等健康参数。
At the end of the program, the patient had improved both his nutritional and exercise habits, his confidence in further self-care improvement, and his health parameters such as HgA1c (8.8% to 6.7%; normal <6.5%).
We conclude that chef coaching has the potential to help people with diabetes improve their practical culinary skills and implement them so that they eat better and, further, has the potential to help them improve their overall self-care.
We intend to further develop chef coaching and assess its potential as we learn from its implementation.
心率变异性 (HRC)(在相邻心跳之间的时间间隔的变化)是相互依存的调节系统的一种紧急特性,在不同时段内发生,以适应环境和心理挑战。
Heart rate variability, the change in the time intervals between adjacent heartbeats, is an emergent property of interdependent regulatory systems that operates on different time scales to adapt to environmental and psychological challenges.
This article briefly reviews neural regulation of the heart and offers some new perspectives on mechanisms underlying the very low frequency rhythm of heart rate variability.
在健康风险和生理及心理自我调节能力评估讨论的背景下解读 HRV 节律。
Interpretation of heart rate variability rhythms in the context of health risk and physiological and psychological self-regulatory capacity assessment is discussed.
The cardiovascular regulatory centers in the spinal cord and medulla integrate inputs from higher brain centers with afferent cardiovascular system inputs to adjust heart rate and blood pressure via sympathetic and parasympathetic efferent pathways.
We also discuss the intrinsic cardiac nervous system and the heart-brain connection pathways, through which afferent information can influence activity in the subcortical, frontocortical, and motor cortex areas.
此外,审查了使用实时的 HRV 反馈以提高自我调节能力。
In addition, the use of real-time HRV feedback to increase self-regulatory capacity is reviewed.
We conclude that the heart's rhythms are characterized by both complexity and stability over longer time scales that reflect both physiological and psychological functional status of these internal self-regulatory systems.
胃食管反流病(Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease,GERD)与哮喘之间的关系虽然在成人中非常明确,但在儿科年龄组中则不甚明确。
The association between gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and asthma, although well established in adults, is less strong in the pediatric age group.
Benefits of proton pump therapy are limited across age ranges.
尽管有关对哮喘和 GERD 两者使用补充治疗的文献越来越多,但重点关注对 GERD-哮喘关系的治疗好处的研究很少。
While there is a growing body of literature on the use of complementary treatments for both asthma and GERD, few studies have focused on treatment benefits for the GERD-asthma association.
我们介绍了一位罹患哮喘和 GERD 的 2 岁男孩的病例,他对吸入式低剂量糖皮质激素、β 模拟疗法和 6 周质子泵抑制剂疗程无反应。
We present the case of a 2-year-old boy with asthma and GERD who was not responding to inhaled, low-dose corticosteroids, beta-mimetic therapy, and a 6-week course of proton pump inhibitor treatment.
We noted a gradual disappearance of symptoms when he was given an oral preparation of Pulvis stomachicus cum Belladonna, an anthroposophic medication containing Matricaria recutita, Atropa belladonna, bismuth, and antimonite.
Matricaria recutita and bismuth have known gastric protective properties, and Atropa belladonna contains anticholinergic agents that have a bronchodilatory effect.
这些补充药物似乎有望缓解 GERD 相关哮喘的症状。
These complementary medications appear promising in terms of relieving the symptoms of GERD-associated asthma.
Circle dance, which derives from the tradition of folk dances, is practised worldwide.
This article explores the meanings participants attribute to it.
In-depth interviews with 39 participants, teachers and coordinators of teacher training programmes from the circle dance network in the United Kingdom were undertaken.
Applying a constructivist grounded theory approach, major categories, representing respectively the experiences of circle dance participants, teachers and coordinators, were developed.
This article specifically focuses on the first major category, termed "I can't imagine life without it", which relates to the experience of 22 dancers.
从休闲角度来看,研究揭示了参与者如何通过参加跳圆圈舞而产生一种意义感和满足感, 也揭示了这种休闲活动对人们福祉的潜在作用。
From an occupational perspective, the study reveals how participants realise a sense of meaning and satisfaction through engagement in circle dance and the potential contribution of this occupation to well-being.
A robust health infrastructure in every country is the most effective long-term preparedness strategy for global health emergencies.
这不仅包括卫生系统及其人力资源,而且还包括各国有关卫生的法律基础设施: 赋予权力、义务并且有时限制政府和民间活动的法律和政策。
This includes not only health systems and their human resources, but also countries' legal infrastructure for health: the laws and policies that empower, obligate and sometimes limit government and private action.
The law is also an important tool in health promotion and protection.
Public health professionals play important roles in health law - from the development of policies, through their enforcement, to the scientific evaluation of the health impact of laws.
Member States are already mandated to communicate their national health laws and regulations to the World Health Organization (WHO).
In this paper we propose that WHO has the authority and credibility to support capacity-building in the area of health law within Member States, and to make national laws easier to access, understand, monitor and evaluate.
We believe a strong case can be made to donors for the funding of a public health law centre or unit, that has adequate staffing, is robustly networked with its regional counterparts and is integrated into the main work of WHO.
The mission of the unit or centre would be to define and integrate scientific and legal expertise in public health law, both technical and programmatic, across the work of WHO, and to conduct and facilitate global health policy surveillance.
方法:利用TaqMan探针、特异性引物、鼠白血病反转录酶、T7-RNA聚合酶及PCR底物等建立TMA 扩增体系。
Methods: TMA system was established with TaqMan probes, specific primers, moloney murine leukemia virus (MMLV) reverse transcriptase, T7 RNA polymerase, and reaction substrates.
通过扩增一组10倍梯度稀释的HIV RNA转录标准品,评价TMA 体系的灵敏性。
The sensitivity of TMA was evaluated by amplifying a group of 10-fold diluted HIV RNA standards which were transcribed in vitro.
收集60例HIV感染患者的血浆,同时采用TMA试剂与Cobas Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor 1.5版试剂进行检测,比较两种方法的阳性检出率,并利用线性回归和Bland-Altman法分析两种技术的相关性和一致性。
A total of 60 plasma of HIV infected patients were measured by TMA and Cobas Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor test to observe the positive rate. The correlation and concordance of the above two technologies were investigated by linear regression and Bland-Altman analysis.
结果:成功建立了TMA 扩增体系,这种技术可以检测低至10 copies/mL 的HIV转录标准品。
Results: TMA system was established successfully and HIV RNA transcribed standards at concentration of equal or more than 10 copies/mL could be detected by TMA technology.
对其中46 份TMA 检测和Cobas检测均有定量结果的血浆进行线性回归分析,两种技术有非常好的相关性(r=0.997,P<0.001)。
Linear regression was used for 46 samples which were positively detected by both TMA and Cobas reagents and showed an excellent correlation between the two reagents (r=0.997, P<0.001).
Bland-Altma analysis revealed that the mean different value of HIV RNA levels for denary logarithm was 0.02. Forty-four samples were included in 95% of credibility interval of concordance.
结论:TMA 技术具有高灵敏性潜能。
Conclusion: TMA system has the potential of high sensitivity.
TMA 与real-time RT-PCR 检测血浆中HIV RNA具有非常好的相关性与一致性。
TMA and real-time RT-PCR keep an excellent correlation and consistency in detecting HIV RNA.
目的:探讨前列腺素E2(prostaglandin E2,PGE2)对脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)诱导的小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞高迁移率族蛋白1(high mobility group box-1 protein,HMGB1)表达的影响及其可能的机制。
To explore the effect of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on the expression of high mobility group box-1 protein (HMGB1) in peritoneal macrophages of septic mice and its possible mechanisms.
方法:运用常规方法提取、培养小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞;采用LPS诱导小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞构建炎症模型;使用PGE2和前列腺素E受体(prostaglandin E receptor,EP)激动剂 、RNAi技术下调巨噬细胞EP4受体表达、抑制性表达DN.CREB质粒处理LPS诱导的小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞,并通过Western印迹测定HMGB1表达水平。
Methods: The mouse peritoneal macrophages were isolated and cultured by conventional methods.The model of inflammation was established by using lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to incubate with mouse peritoneal macrophages. The PGE2, prostaglandin E receptor (EP) 4 agonist, EP4 RNAi, and DN.CREB inhibitory plasmid were used to interfere with the LPS-treated mouse peritoneal macrophage. The levels of HMGB1 was determined by Western blot.
目的 比较硫辛酸联合依帕司他与硫辛酸治疗糖尿病周围神经病变(DPN)患者的临床疗效。
Objective To compare the clinical effectiveness of lipoic acid combined with epalrestat versus lipoic acid in treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy(DPN).
方法 收集2016年2月以前CNKI、CBM、维普、万方、PubMed等数据库中硫辛酸联合依帕司他对比硫辛酸治疗DPN的临床试验资料,采用Cochrane系统及Jadad评分对文章进行质量评估,RevMan5.3软件对多项研究结果的总体效应进行Meta分析。
Methods Randomized controlled trials(RCTs) and clinical controlled trials on lipoic acid versus epalrestat for DPN before February 2016 were searched through five databases:CNKI,CBM,VIP,Wanfang,and PubMed. The quality of the included trials were assessed using Cochrane software and Jadad scores. Data were analyzed with Review Manager 5.3 software.
结果 共纳入9项研究。
Results Nine studies were included in the analysis.
Meta分析结果显示:硫辛酸显效率明显低于硫辛酸联合依帕司他[RR=0.58,95% CI(0.47,0.71),P<0.00001],正中运动神经传导速度[WMD=-4.94,95% CI(-7.41,-2.46),P<0.0001]、腓总运动神经传导速度[WMD=-5.08,95% CI(-7.68,-2.49),P=0.0001]、正中感觉神经传导速度[WMD=-4.24,95% CI(-6.20,-2.29),P<0.0001]和腓总感觉神经传导速度[WMD=-3.66,95% CI(-5.02,-2.31),P<0.00001]也明显低于联合用药。
Meta analysis showed that the lipoic aid monotherapy was significantly inferior to lipoic acid-epalerestat combination therapy [RR=0.58,95%Cl(0.47,0.71),P<0.00001]. Inferiority of the lipoic acid monotherapy was also shown in nerve conduction velocity with WMDs of-4.94 [95%Cl(-7.41,-2.46),P<0.0001] for median motor nerve conduction velocity(MNCV),-5.08 [95%Cl(-7.68,-2.49),P=0.0001] for peroneal MNCV,-4.24 [95%Cl(-6.20,-2.29),P<0.0001] for median sensory nerve conduction velocity(SNCV),and-3.66 [95%Cl(-5.02,-2.31),P<0.00001] for peroneal SNCV.
Sensitivity analysis showed that the results were robust.
However,the included trials were limited by simple design,few subjective indicators,and short follow-up time.
结论 硫辛酸联合依帕司他可提高显效率,增加正中或腓总神经的运动神经传导速度和感觉神经传导速度。
Conclusions Lipoic acid combined with epalrestat is better than lipoic acid alone in the treatment of DPN,as well as the MNCV and SNCV of median or peroneal nerve.
为丰富产紫杉醇植物内生真菌资源库,从曼地亚红豆杉Taxus media 茎中分离得到一株产紫杉醇的内生真菌TMS-26。
To enrich the resource pool of endophytic fungi from plants which produce taxol, a taxol-producing endophytic fungus TMS-26 was isolated from the stem of Taxus Media.
通过对TMS-26 的发酵提取物进行高效液相色谱分析,发现其具有与紫杉醇标准品 (4.545 min)相近的色谱特征峰。
The result of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) showed that TMS-26 extract exhibited similar chromatographic peaks and retention time (4.545 min) with authentic taxol.
进一步通过液质联用仪检测发现,内生真菌TMS-26 的发酵提取物中具有与紫杉醇标准品((M+Na)+=876) 相近的质谱特征峰,表明内生真菌TMS-26 能够产生紫杉醇。
Then mass spectrometry (MS) analysis further confirmed that TMS-26 extracts contained the same mass peaks with authentic taxol ((M+Na)+=876). These indicated that the isolated endophytic fungus TMS-26 can produce taxol.
Millions of people, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, lack access to effective pharmaceuticals, often because they are unaffordable.
世界贸易组织 (WTO) 2001 年部长级会议通过了关于《与贸易相关的知识产权协议》(TRIPS) 和公共卫生的《多哈宣言》。
The 2001 Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) adopted the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) Agreement and Public Health.
The declaration recognized the implications of intellectual property rights for both new medicine development and the price of medicines.
该宣言概述了 WTO 成员为确保所有人都可获得药品而采取的措施,即 TRIPS 灵活性措施。
The declaration outlined measures, known as TRIPS flexibilities, that WTO Members can take to ensure access to medicines for all.
These measures include compulsory licensing of medicines patents and the least-developed countries pharmaceutical transition measure.
本研究的目的是记录 2001 年至 2016 年间使用 TRIPS 灵活性措施获取价格较低的非专利药品的情况。
The aim of this study was to document the use of TRIPS flexibilities to access lower-priced generic medicines between 2001 and 2016.
总计确认了 89 个国家 176 个可能使用 TRIPS 灵活性措施的案例:100 (56.8%) 例涉及强制许可或公共非商业使用许可证,40 (22.7%) 例援引了最不发达国家的医药流转措施。
Overall, 176 instances of the possible use of TRIPS flexibilities by 89 countries were identified: 100 (56.8%) involved compulsory licences or public noncommercial use licences and 40 (22.7%) involved the least-developed countries pharmaceutical transition measure.
其余案例为:1 例平行进口;3 例研究异常;和 32 例非专利相关措施。
The remainder were: 1 case of parallel importation; 3 research exceptions; and 32 non-patent-related measures.
在 176 个案例中,有 152 (86.4%) 例得以执行。
Of the 176 instances, 152 (86.4%) were implemented.
它们涵盖了治疗 14 种不同疾病的药品。
They covered products for treating 14 different diseases.
但是,有 137 (77.8%) 例涉及用于人类免疫缺陷病毒感染和获得性免疫缺陷综合征或相关疾病的药品。
However, 137 (77.8%) concerned medicines for human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome or related diseases.
我们发现 TRIPS 灵活性措施的使用比通常假定的更为频繁。
The use of TRIPS flexibilities was found to be more frequent than is commonly assumed.
鉴于当今各国在获取高价专利药品方面所面临的问题,TRIPS 灵活性措施中提供的获取低成本通用药品药物的实用性合法途径变得越来越重要。
Given the problems faced by countries today in procuring high-priced, patented medicines, the practical, legal pathway provided by TRIPS flexibilities for accessing lower-cost generic equivalents is increasingly important.
玉米赤霉烯酮 (Zearalenone,ZEN) 及衍生物是一类主要由镰刀菌属的真菌产生的非甾体雌激素类真菌毒素,广泛存在于玉米、大麦、小麦和高粱等谷物饲料及其副产品中,严重危害牲畜及人类健康,迫切需要相关的技术对ZEN 进行降解脱毒。
Zearalenone (ZEN) and its derivatives are non-steroidal estrogenic mycotoxins mainly produced by Fusarium species. They are widely distributed in grain feeds originated from maize, barley, wheat and sorghum, causing serious harm to animal and human health. Currently, there is a pressing need of an efficient technology for ZEN degradation and detoxification.
IFN-λ1 是Ⅲ型干扰素家族的一个成员,具有与Ⅰ型干扰素相似的功能。
IFN-λ1 is a member of a new family of interferons called type Ⅲ IFNs with similar functions to type ⅠIFNs.
Previously we obtained recombinant soluble human rhIFN-λ1 from Pichia pastoris.
However, the hyper-glycosylation from P. pastoris brings immunogenicity and low purification recovery rate.
为了克服这个缺点,文中构建了一种干扰素突变体 (rhIFN-λ1-Nm),定点突变潜在糖基化位点。
To overcome this disadvantage, in this study, we constructed an rhIFN-λ1 mutant (rhIFN-λ1-Nm) devoid of the potential N-glycosylation sites by site-directed mutagenesis.
AOX1 启动子与α 因子信号序列存在的情况下,用甲醇诱导成功地实现了rhIFN-λ1-Nm 在毕赤酵母GS115 胞外分泌表达。
rhIFN-λ1-Nm was successfully expressed and secreted extracellularly in P. pastoris (GS115) using methanol inducible AOX1 promoter with α-mating factor signal sequence.

Dataset Card for BioWMT'19 ZH-EN Test Set

Test set that was compiled for the Biomedical Translation Task 2019 at WMT.

  • Language(s) (NLP): English, Chinese;


    title = "Findings of the {WMT} 2019 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Evaluation for {MEDLINE} Abstracts and Biomedical Terminologies",
    author = "Bawden, Rachel  and
      Bretonnel Cohen, Kevin  and
      Grozea, Cristian  and
      Jimeno Yepes, Antonio  and
      Kittner, Madeleine  and
      Krallinger, Martin  and
      Mah, Nancy  and
      Neveol, Aurelie  and
      Neves, Mariana  and
      Soares, Felipe  and
      Siu, Amy  and
      Verspoor, Karin  and
      Vicente Navarro, Maika",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Machine Translation (Volume 3: Shared Task Papers, Day 2)",
    month = aug,
    year = "2019",
    address = "Florence, Italy",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/W19-5403",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/W19-5403",
    pages = "29--53",
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