Long-term missing teeth can lead to alveolar bone loss in the edentulous area. Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a bone augmentation method. It is widely used in clinical practice and broadens the indications of orthodontic treatment to a certain extent.
This article reports a case of an adult patient with edentulous space in the maxillary central incisor, which was successfully closed through orthodontic treatment combined with GBR. This study will provide a reference for future clinical work.
The majority of cervical spine injuries in children occur in the upper cervical spine, of which odontoid fracture is the most common.
Odontoid fracture in children is a very insidious injury. Due to the unclear language and incompatible physical examination, the disease is often missed diagnosis.
Because the child axis is still in the developmental segment, including 4 synchondrosis and 6 ossification centers, there are obvious anatomical and biological differences between the child odontoid fracture and the adult. Therefore, the choice of treatment is different from that of adults.
This article will introduce the development of odontoid in children, and summarize the injury characteristics, clinical classification and treatment of odontoid fracture in children.
Endophthalmitis is one of the most serious complications of cataract surgery. The surgeons try to reduce the incidence of endophthalmitis.
In order to prevent postoperative infection, irrigation of the conjunctival sac with povidone iodine and injection of antibiotics into the anterior chamber before the end of the surgery are used.
Although there are a lot of reports about the concentration, mode and duration of povidone iodine application, there is no consensus. There are many options for antibiotics, including cefuroxime, vancomycin and moxifloxacin. Side effects of using povidone iodine and antibiotics have also been reported.
An aseptic surgical mask plays an important role in isolating bacteria for prevention of infection. However, whether it could completely isolate bacteria can not be determined.
In this article, several issues concerning the prevention of infection after cataract surgery are discussed. We hope that there will be a multi-center and large-sample research to assist in drawing up operating specifications.
<i>(Chin J Ophthalmol, 2017, 53: 805-809)</i>.
链脲佐菌素 (streptozotocin, STZ)是链球菌产生的天然化合物, 对哺乳动物的胰岛B细胞有特异毒性, 被广泛用于诱导1型和2型糖尿病。 该研究通过多次小剂量注射STZ来建立树鼩2型糖尿病动物模型。
The aim of this study was to induce type 2 diabetes in tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis). Streptozotocin (STZ), a glucosamine derivative of nitrosourea and preferentially toxic to pancreatic beta cells, has been commonly used to induce type 1 and 2 diabetes in experimental animals.
24只树鼩被分为对照组以及60、70和80 mg/kg剂量STZ诱导组。
Tree shrews were treated with different low doses of STZ (60, 70, and 80 mg/kg), with six control tree shrews receiving citrate buffer.
注射STZ后, 成模树鼩出现明显的多饮、多食和多尿症状, 平均体重未减轻, 高血糖症状持续8~16周, 尿糖显著阳性, 肾功能及糖耐受明显受损, 糖脂代谢紊乱, 但未出现糖尿病乳酸中毒和高血糖高渗等并发症。
After STZ injection, tree shrews displayed increased fasting blood and urine glucose, impaired oral glucose tolerance test, and disturbed lipids metabolism and renal function. However, STZ induced tree shrews showed no diabetic complications such as diabetic lactic acidosis and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar.
该结果表明, 多次小剂量STZ注射可诱导树鼩出现类似2型糖尿病症状和糖尿病肾脏损伤, 且综合考虑STZ注射次数、成模率以及成模稳定性, 两次注射80 mg/kg剂量的STZ较适合用于创建树鼩2型糖尿病模型。
Animals with the above type 2 diabetic-like symptoms were variable across the three groups from 66.7% to 100%, and mortality ranged from 16.7% to 33.3%. Thus, two 80 mg/kg STZ dose injections were appeared more appropriate than other doses to induce tree shrew model of type 2 diabetes. Our results demonstrated that type 2 diabetes could be induced with favorable STZ application in tree shrew.
In China, the problem of myopia among children and adolescents is prominent, and it is urgent to strengthen the prevention and control.
Myopia screening and refractive archives establishment are important basic work for myopia prevention and control. However, at present, myopia screening, refractive archives establishment as well as its management and application are still in the initial stage, and face many problems and challenges.
In this paper, the significance and standardization of myopia screening and refractive archives establishment, hierarchical closed-loop management after the screening, as well as the difficulties and prospects are discussed, hoping to provide a reference for orderly promoting myopia prevention and control, reducing the prevalence of myopia among children and adolescents in China and promoting the improvement of vision health.
DEAD-box family protein is a kind of ATP dependent RNA helicase, which plays a critical role in RNA metabolism.
The DEAD-box family proteins can affect cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis through regulating the expression of oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes and tumor related signaling pathways. It plays the role in promoting or suppressing cancer.
探讨微创经皮椎弓根植钉并同切口通道下减压治疗 A3 型(AO 分型)胸腰椎骨折的临床疗效。
To assess the effectiveness of percutaneous pedicle screw fixation and minimally invasive decompression in the same incision for type A3 thoracolumbar burst fracture.
回顾分析 2014 年 5 月—2016 年 2 月收治的 43 例符合选择标准纳入研究的伴或不伴有神经损伤,但需椎管减压的 A3 型胸腰椎爆裂骨折患者临床资料,其中 21 例行微创经皮椎弓根植钉并同切口通道下减压治疗(经皮组),22 例行传统开放手术椎弓根螺钉内固定并椎板切除椎管治疗(开放组)。
Between May 2014 and February 2016, 43 cases of type A3 thoracolumbar burst fracture with or without nerve symptoms were treated with pedicle screw fixation and neural decompression. Of them, 21 patients underwent percutaneous pedicle screw fixation and minimally invasive decompression in the same incision (percutaneous group), and the other 22 patients underwent traditional open surgery (open group).
两组患者性别、年龄、致伤原因、骨折累及节段及术前美国脊柱损伤协会(ASIA)脊髓损伤分级、胸腰椎损伤评分系统(TLICS)评分、载荷分享评分、伤椎前缘和后缘高度百分比、伤椎后凸 Cobb 角及椎管侵占率等一般资料比较差异均无统计学意义( <i>P</i>>0.05),具有可比性。
There was no significant difference in gender, age, cause of injury, fractures level, preoperative American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) grade, thoracolumbar injury classification and severity (TLICS) score, load-sharing classification, height of injury vertebrae, kyphotic Cobb angle, and spinal canal encroachment between 2 groups ( <i>P</i>>0.05).
记录并比较两组患者棘旁肌肉剥离长度、手术时间、术中出血量、术后引流量、患者术中 X 射线暴露次数、术后 1 d 切口疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS);末次随访时行日本骨科协会(JOA)评分及腰痛 VAS 评分,并评价 ASIA 损伤级别恢复情况;检测术后伤椎前缘和后缘高度百分比、伤椎后凸 Cobb 角、椎管侵占率等影像学指标。
The length of soft tissue dissection, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative drainage, X-ray exposure times, and incision visual analogue scale (VAS) score at 1 day after operation were recorded and compared. At last follow-up, Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score and low back pain VAS score were recorded and compared respectively. The ASIA grade recovery was evaluated; the height of injury vertebrae, kyphotic Cobb angle, and spinal canal encroachment were assessed postoperatively.
经皮组剥离肌肉长度、术中出血量、术后引流量、术后 1 d 切口 VAS 评分均优于开放组( <i>P</i><0.05);两组手术时间比较差异无统计学意义( <i>P</i>>0.05);但患者 X 射线暴露次数开放组优于经皮组( <i>P</i><0.01)。
Percutaneous group was significantly better than open group in the length of soft tissue dissection, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative drainage, and incision VAS at 1 day after operation ( <i>P</i><0.05), but no significant difference was found in operation time between 2 groups ( <i>P</i>>0.05); however, X-ray exposure times of open group were significantly better than that of percutaneous group ( <i>P</i><0.01).
两组患者均获随访,随访时间 12~19 个月,平均 15.1 个月。
The patients were followed up 12 to 19 months (mean, 15.1 months) in 2 groups.
All patients achieved effective decompression. No complications of iatrogenic neurological injury and internal fixation failure occurred.
两组术后 3 d 伤椎前缘高度百分比、伤椎后缘高度百分比、伤椎后凸 Cobb 角、椎管侵占率均较术前显著改善( <i>P</i><0.05);两组间术后 3 d 上述指标比较以及末次随访时后凸 Cobb 角矫正丢失度比较,差异均无统计学意义( <i>P</i>>0.05)。
The height of injury vertebrae, kyphotic Cobb angle, and spinal canal encroachment of the fractured vertebral body were significantly improved at 3 days after operation when compared with preoperative ones ( <i>P</i><0.05), but no significant difference was found between 2 groups ( <i>P</i>>0.05).
末次随访时经皮组腰椎 JOA 评分、腰痛 VAS 评分均显著优于开放组( <i>P</i><0.05)。
At last follow-up, JOA score and low back pain VAS score of percutaneous group were significantly better than those of open group ( <i>P</i><0.05).
末次随访时两组 ASIA 脊髓神经损伤分级 E 级以下者均较术前有 1 级及以上改善,两组间比较差异无统计学意义( <i>Z</i>=0.480, <i>P</i>=0.961)。
The neurological function under grade E was improved at least one ASIA grade in 2 groups, but no significant difference was shown between 2 groups ( <i>Z</i>=0.480, <i>P</i>=0.961).
Percutaneous pedicle screw fixation and minimally invasive decompression in the same incision for type A3 thoracolumbar burst fracture has satisfactory effectiveness. And it has the advantages of minimal trauma, quick recovery, safeness, and reliableness.
目的 探讨白血病患儿造血干细胞移植后眼卡波西肉瘤(Kaposi’s sarcoma, KS)的临床特征。
To summarize clinical features of eye Kaposis' sarcoma ( KS ) in leukemia child after peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT).
方法 回顾性分析1例HIV 阴性急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)患儿非血缘相关外周血干细胞移植(PBSCT)后发生单眼角膜、结膜及巩膜 KS的临床资料。
One 13 years-old child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and negative HIV test who developed KS restricted in right conjunctiva, cornea and sclera after successful allogeneic PBSCT was reviewed retrospectively.
结果 患儿为高危T细胞型ALL,接受PBSCT后7个月出现右眼视物模糊,缓慢进展为角结膜新生物。
The child suffered from T cell type ALL. He received immunosuppressive treatment after PBSCT, and had once extensive herpes zoster restricted in skin. Seven months after PBSCT, he had blurred vision with right eye and slowly neoplasm formed in cornea and conjunctiva.
Pathological examination confirmed KS with changes like capillary hemangioma, atypical fusiform cell, typical immunochemistry and positive immunofluorescent result of HHV8.
He received excision of lump of cornea, conjunctiva, sclera and transplantation of cornea and sclera. Antiviral therapy was given together with anti-infection, prevention of cornea rejection and biotherapy. He kept right eye and hand-move eyesight, survived without GVHD or recurrence of ALL and KS.
结论 首次报告国内ALL患儿造血干细胞移植后发生与HIV感染无关眼KS。
This was the first ocular KS case in ALL child after PBSCT, without correlation with HIV infection.
Complete excision combined with biotherapy was safe and effective for single ocular lesions.
As a natural extract from turmeric, curcumin has extensive pharmacological effects, such as anti-tumor, anti-inflammation, anti-oxidative stress, anti-microbial, immunoregulation and so on.
In recent years, an increasing number of basic and clinical researches have shown that curcumin takes therapeutic effects on various diseases, such as gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, neuropsychiatric diseases and so on.
Many of the pharmacological effects and mechanisms of curcumin are associated with protective effects of intestinal mucosal barrier. It can protect intestinal mucosal barrier through mutiple pathways, including anti-inflammation, anti-oxidative stress, anti-bacterial, anti-apoptosis, regulating intestinal microecology and intestinal immune response and so on.
This paper summarizes the protective effects of curcumin on intestinal barrier function and the mechanism, in order to provide new ideas for diagnosis and treatment of intestinal dysfunction.
家庭/系统星座疗法是一种短期的团体干预措施, 旨在帮助来访者更好地理解, 然后改变他们在社会系统 (如家庭) 中的冲突体验。
Family/systemic constellation therapy is a short-term group intervention aiming to help clients better understand and then change their conflictive experiences within a social system (e.g., family).
本文是一个系统性综述, 旨在综合该干预措施在改善心理健康方面的耐受性和有效性的经验证据。
The aim of the present systematic review was to synthetize the empirical evidence on the tolerability and effectiveness of this intervention in improving mental health.
笔者检索了PsycINFO、Embase、MEDLINE、ISI Web of Science、Psyndex、PsycEXTRA、ProQuest Dissertations & Theses、The Cochrane Library、Google Scholar和一个特定干预组织的数据库, 寻找截至2020年4月以英语、德语、西班牙语、法语、荷兰语或匈牙利语发表的定量、前瞻性研究。
The PsycINFO, Embase, MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, Psyndex, PsycEXTRA, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, The Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, and an intervention-specific organization's databases were searched for quantitative, prospective studies published in English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch or Hungarian up until April 2020.
在4197条已识别的记录中, 67条被评估为合格, 12项研究符合纳入标准 (10个独立样本; 共568名参与者) 。
Out of 4,197 identified records, 67 were assessed for eligibility, with 12 studies fulfilling inclusion criteria (10 independent samples; altogether 568 participants).
结果变量多种多样, 从积极的自我形象到精神病理学, 再到对家庭关系质量的感知。
Outcome variables were diverse ranging from positive self-image through psychopathology to perceived quality of family relationships.
在12项研究中, 有9项研究显示在干预后有统计学上的显著改善。
Out of the 12 studies, nine showed statistically significant improvement postintervention.
The studies showing no significant treatment benefit were of lower methodological quality.
对5项与一般精神病理学有关的研究进行的随机效果荟萃分析显示出中等效果 (Hedges'g为0.531, CI: 0.387-0.676) 。
The random-effect meta-analysis-conducted on five studies in relation to general psychopathology-indicated a moderate effect (Hedges' g of 0.531, CI: 0.387-0.676).
7项研究的作者还调查了潜在的医源性影响, 4项研究报告了一小部分参与者 (5-8%) 的轻微或中度的负面影响, 这些影响可能与干预措施有关。
Authors of seven studies also investigated potential iatrogenic effects and four studies reported minor or moderate negative effects in a small proportion (5-8%) of participants that potentially could have been linked to the intervention.
迄今为止积累的数据表明, 家庭星座疗法是一种有效的干预措施, 对普通人群的心理健康有显著的益处; 但是, 证据的数量少, 总体质量也很低。
The data accumulated to date point into the direction that family constellation therapy is an effective intervention with significant mental health benefits in the general population; however, the quantity and overall quality of the evidence is low.
背景与目的 肺癌作为全球男女性中致死率最高的肿瘤之一,严重威胁着人类的健康。
Lung cancer is the most common malignancy and is the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Thus, this disease severely threatens human health.
This study aims to identify the clinical epidemiology and histological characteristics of lung cancer patients in Sichuan areas.
方法 收集2008年-2013年四川大学华西医院就诊的四川地区肺癌患者,分析川中、川南、川北、川西的患者临床病理特征及流行趋势。
We enrolled 3,761 lung-cancer patients who were identified as residents of Sichuan province and treated in West China Hospital from 2008 to 2013.
结果 纳入患者3,663例(川中2,378例,川南469例,川北584例,川西232例)。
A total of 3,663 patients from Central, Southern, North, and Western areas in Sichuan province, respectively, were enrolled.
患者平均年龄59.6岁,各个地区患者平均年龄不同(P<0.001),以川中最大,为61.0岁。 患者以男性为主(68.4%),不同地区患者男性构成比存在差异(P=0.014),以川北最高,为73.3%。
The average age of patients was 59.6 years, and patients were predominantly male (68.4%). Significant statistical differences were observed among the average age of patients, male, and pathological types in different regions (all P<0.05).
In addition, compared with the 2008 group, the 2013 group had lower rates of adenocarcinoma and squamous-cell carcinoma but higher rates of early-stage lung cancer and lymph-node metastasis.
After a three-year follow-up of 1,003 cases, results showed that the 3-year overall survival (OS) was not the same in different regions (P=0.021), and that the poorest OS was in Western Sichuan. This result may be related to the high rate of patients with palliative care.
结论 近六年于我院就诊的四川地区肺癌患者以川中为主,男性多见,中老年为甚,腺癌居多,且腺癌和鳞癌的构成比与六年前相比均有下降,早期肺癌及淋巴结转移构成比上升。
For the last six years, the patients with lung cancer in Sichuan were mainly from Central Sichuan, male patients, elder (age > 60 yr) patients, and with adenocarcinoma of the lung. Patients of 2013 had lower rates of adenocarcinoma and squamous-cell carcinoma but higher rates of early-stage lung cancer and lymph-node metastasis.
Furthermore, the 3-year OS was not the same in different regions.
目的:探讨睾丸异位嗜铬细胞瘤的18F-氟-2-脱氧葡萄糖(18F-fluroro-2-deoxyglucose,18F-FDG)正电子发射断层成像-计算机断层成像(positron emission tomography and computed tomography,PET/CT)特点,以提高对其诊断水平。
To determine the clinicopathological and imaging features in 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography and computed tomography (PET/CT) for paraganglioma of testis, and to increase the diagnostic accuracy.
Methods: A case of paraganglioma of testis with multiple lymph node and lung metastasis were reported. PET/CT and pathological findings in the case were retrospectively analyzed.
Results: The patient presented with high blood pressure, high level of catecholamine, and urinary vanillylmandelic acid.
The patient underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT, which showed the features including the right testis nodule with a star lesion nearby, the right spermatic cord, the lymphadenopathy of bilateral inguinal and retroperitoneum, the posterior basal segment of right lung nodule, and a lot of brown adipose tissues (BAT) in the whole body with intense FDG uptake. 18F-FDG PET/CT showed that the intense FDG uptake of the BAT disappeared after the excision of the right testis and metastasis of paraganglioma.
Conclusion: PET/CT shows great value in localization diagnose, clinical staging and curative evaluation. PET/CT plays a helpful role in revealing the BAT with 18F-DG avidity in the patients with paraganglioma with elevated blood pressure, high level catecholamine, and urinary vanillylmandelic acid.
目的:研究胎儿心肌致密化不全心肌病(ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy,NCCM)的产前超声心动图诊断及其病理特征和心肌超微结构的特点。
To evaluate the echocardiographic diagnosis for ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy (NCCM) in foetus and to analyze the pathologic features of NCCM.
A total of 9 patients with fetal NCCM were examined by prenatal echocardiography from 2004 to 2013, which was compared with postnatal echocardiography or autopsy to analyze the fetal characteristic of myocardial ultrastructure.
The results of echocardiography displayed an excessive muscle trabecular meshwork and muscle trabecular crypt, and the ventricular myocardium and non-compaction/compaction ratio was 2.0.
Among the 9 fetuses of NCCM, 6 fetuses were involved in left ventricle, 2 in both left and right ventricles and 1 in right ventricle.
Two fetuses were confirmed by postnatal echocardiography, the remaining 7 patients were chosen to terminate their pregnancies, which were confirmed by autopsy later. Muscle biopsies revealed the abnormal myocardial mitochondria, sarcomeres and myocardial fibrosis.
It is feasible to accurately diagnose NCCM by prenatal echocardiography.
Fetal NCCM most often involves the left ventricle, but it can involve the right ventricle or both, too.
The myocardial ultrastructure of fetal NCCM possesses certain unique characteristics, such as the low maturation of the mitochondria, sarcomeres and myocardial fibers.
为了方便快捷地同步监测盐渍化土壤的水、盐含量,本文以新疆典型盐渍化灌区为研究对象,基于高光谱技术、运用便携式光谱仪获取不同质地的土壤水盐含量光谱曲线,采用一阶微分、二阶微分、连续统去除的数据处理方法对土壤原始光谱进行变换.结果表明: 对原始光谱数据的变换有利于土壤属性指纹波段的提取,不同质地水盐含量的变换方法并不相同,在壤土中质量含水量为0%和10%时的水盐光谱曲线使用连续统去除方法、15%含水量使用一阶微分、19%含水量使用二阶微分,砂土中0%含水量使用连续统去除方法、10%、15%和19%含水量水盐光谱曲线使用二阶微分处理后,有利于特征波段的提取;对筛选出的变换数据采用偏最小二乘回归方法构建水盐反演模型,壤土盐度小于6.38 mS·cm<sup>-1</sup>、砂土小于5.94 mS·cm<sup>-1</sup>时,模型建立的建模数据集决定系数(<i>R</i><sub>cal</sub><sup>2</sup>)、内部交叉验证(<i>R</i><sub>cv</sub><sup>2</sup>)和外部检验数据集决定系数(<i>R</i><sub>val</sub><sup>2</sup>)均大于0.65(<i>P</i><0.05);壤土水分含量小于16%、砂土小于12%时模型反演精度较高.研究结果可为盐渍化土壤水盐含量同步监测提供阈值参考.
In order to monitor soil water and salt content of saline soil conveniently and quickly, this paper took the typical salinization irrigation district of Xinjiang as the research object, obtained the spectral curve of soil water and salt content by using portable spectrometers based on the hyperspectral technology, transformed the original spectra of soil using the first order differential, second order differential and continuum removal methods The results showed that the transformation of the original spectral data was beneficial to fingerprint band extraction of soil properties, and the method was not same in soils with different textures. In loam soil, continuum removal analysis was the best method for extraction of characteristic bands when the soil water content was 0% and 10%, first order differential equations were the best method when the soil water content was 15%, and second order differential equations were the best method when the soil water content was 19%. In sandy soil, continuum removal analysis was the best method for extraction of characteristic bands when the soil water content was 0%, whereas second order differential equations were the best method when soil water content was 10%, 15% or 19%. The transformed data were screened for inversion models of soil water and salt content by using the partial least squares regression method. When thesalinity was < 6.38 mScm<sup>-1</sup> in loam soil and < 5.94 mScm<sup>-1</sup> in sandy soil, the decision coefficients (R<sub>cal</sub><sup>2</sup>), internal cross validation (R<sub>cv</sub><sup>2</sup>), and external validation (R<sub>val</sub><sup>2</sup>) were greater than 0.65 (P<0.05).
When the soil moisture content was less than 16% in loam soil and 12% in sandy soil, the inversion accuracy of model was higher. The results would provide a reference threshold for si-multaneously monitoring soil water and salt content in salinized areas. Mandibular defect is one of the common defects of maxillofacial region, which can seriously affect the appearance, chew and speech. The ultimate goal of functional reconstruction of mandibular defect is to restore mandibular appearance, denture and occlusal function. Vascularized bone grafting is an effective method for reconstruction of mandibular defect, especially in treatment of large defect.
However, functional reconstruction of mandibular defects involves multiple specialties, many technical details and long treatment cycle, resulting in a small proportion of functional reconstruction.
To establish standard operating procedures, Society of Oral Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, Chinese Stomatological Association has organized a lot of experts to establish expert consensus statement on reconstruction principle for mandibular defect, referred to standard procedure of indication, preoperative evaluation, choice of donor site, digital technology aided surgery, recommendations of the operation in the process of residual mandibular position fixed, the mandibular body molding denture and common post-operative complications, in order to promote the reconstruction of mandibular defect treatment and improve the quality of reconstruction.
Nutrition literacy is one of essential components of health literacy. A relatively mature health literacy evaluation system has been established in China so far. However, the studies on nutrition literacy evaluation are still limited, especially for specific population, such as children, adolescents, older people, and maternal.
The present study introduces the concept of nutrition literacy, and summarizes the evaluation tools of nutrition literacy for both general population and special population (i.e., children, adolescents, older people, and maternal) in China and foreign countries, and their dimension, reliability, validity and applicable scope. This study aim to provide evidence for the development of nutrition literacy evaluation tools for different population according to the current problem of nutrition in China.
Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) is a key topic in conservation and agricultural research.
Decision makers need evidence-based information to design sustainable management plans and policy instruments.
然而, 由于农村、城市和城郊之内或之间的人类与野生动物相互作用的现实情况和观念存在很大差异, 因此提供客观的决策支持也面临着挑战。
However, providing objective decision support can be challenging because realities and perceptions of human-wildlife interactions vary widely between and within rural, urban, and peri-urban areas.
因野生动物而遭受损失的土地使用者认为, 与野生动物相关的损失应该得到补偿, 且实施保护措施也应得到补贴。
Land users who incur costs through wildlife argue that wildlife-related losses should be compensated and that prevention should be subsidized.
人与野生动物共存政策的支持者, 如城市居民, 则可能不会面临野生动物对生计的威胁。
Supporters of human-wildlife coexistence policies, such as urban-dwelling people, may not face threats to their livelihoods from wildlife.
Such spatial heterogeneity in the cost and benefits of living with wildlife is germane in most contemporary societies.
本专题包含介绍野生动物所造成破坏的系列文章, 研究的角度从人类视角 (土地利用、心理、管理、当地态度和观念、成本和收益、人类与野生动物的冲突和共存理论) 到生态视角 (动物行为) 。
This Special Section features contributions on wildlife-induced damages that range from human perspectives (land use, psychology, governance, local attitudes and perceptions, costs and benefits, and HWC and coexistence theory) to ecological perspectives (animal behavior).
基于已有文献和本专题的文章, 我们设计了一个概念模型来为人类与野生动物共存及共存的维度制定框架。
Building on current literature and articles in this section, we developed a conceptual model to help frame HWC and coexistence dimensions.
The framework can be used to determine damage prevention implementation levels and approaches to HWC resolution.
我们的综合分析表明, 跨学科和多级管理方法可以帮助利益相关者和机构实施可持续管理策略, 促进人类与野生动物的共存。 【翻译: 胡怡思; 审校: 聂永刚】.
Our synthesis revealed that inter- and transdisciplinary approaches and multilevel governance approaches can help stakeholders and institutions implement sustainable management strategies that promote human-wildlife coexistence.
The tumor components of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) are composed of immune microenvironment of extracellular matrix, fibroblasts, endothelial cells and immune cells together with a minority of malignant cells.
The failure of the therapeutic measures, such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy, has been linked to the specific immune microenvironment of pancreatic cancer.
By analyzing the components of immune microenvironment of pancreatic cancer, the mechanism of various components in pancreatic cancer such as highly immunosuppressive, hypoxic and connective tissue hyperplasia can be clarified.
New efforts in single-cell profiling will enable a better understanding of the composition of the microenvironment in primary and metastatic PDAC, as well as an understanding of how the microenvironment may respond to novel therapeutic approaches.
Image-guided percutaneous placement of breast tissue marker clip (breast marker) is mainly used for precisely marking and localizing breast cancer lesion and metastatic axillary lymph node. Until now, there is no clinical guideline in the field worldwide.
This consensus established by Chinese Society of Breast Surgery, Chinese Surgical Society of Chinese Medical Association is based on our clinical practice and literature review, and particularly focuses on indications and contraindications, key placement procedures and evaluation methods, complications prevention and treatment, to provide guidance for the safe and standard clinical applications of breast marker.
Observation and experiment and their related connotations and concepts remain vague, which affects the correct understanding of research design and the judgment of the validity of causal inference.
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