23 values
Russian Intelligence, the Breach of the Democratic National Committee, and the 2016 Presidential Election
This article covers how the SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence services, first breached the Democratic National Committee, only to be followed by the far more aggressive GRU, Russian Military Intelligence. It is the third article in the series “Russian Military Intelligence, Disinformation, and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.” ……0YEt81WhDyg.jpeg
Russian Intelligence, the Breach of the Democratic National Committee, and the 2016 Presidential Election This article covers how the SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence services, first breached the Democratic National Committee, only to be followed by the far more aggressive GRU, Russian Military Intelligence. It is the third article in the series “Russian Military Intelligence, Disinformation, and the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.” … cybersecurity
Russian Intelligence Breach Democratic National Committee 2016 Presidential Election article cover SVR Russia’s foreign intelligence service first breached Democratic National Committee followed far aggressive GRU Russian Military Intelligence third article series “Russian Military Intelligence Disinformation 2016 US Presidential Election” … cybersecurity
“Inception” WriteUp | HackThebox | Learn Pivoting with Proxychains
Summary : This machine requires a known software’s LFI exploit that leads to clear text credential to webdav exploit. Then we get a webshell and from leveraging the web proxy we SSH into a machine. ……NBchbcQzx9Tg.png
“Inception” WriteUp | HackThebox | Learn Pivoting with Proxychains Summary : This machine requires a known software’s LFI exploit that leads to clear text credential to webdav exploit. Then we get a webshell and from leveraging the web proxy we SSH into a machine. … cybersecurity
“Inception” WriteUp HackThebox Learn Pivoting Proxychains Summary machine requires known software’s LFI exploit lead clear text credential webdav exploit get webshell leveraging web proxy SSH machine … cybersecurity
A Retrospective Vulnerability Case Study: The Developer’s POV
In this month’s blog series, we’ve moved “backwards through time” using a 2017 T-Mobile case study to illustrate what can be learned from three roles discovering a vulnerability in an operational system at varying points in the development cycle. Our previous two installments discussed what lessons can be learned from……6WFSX-29uhJw.png
A Retrospective Vulnerability Case Study: The Developer’s POV In this month’s blog series, we’ve moved “backwards through time” using a 2017 T-Mobile case study to illustrate what can be learned from three roles discovering a vulnerability in an operational system at varying points in the development cycle. Our previous two installments discussed what lessons can be learned from… cybersecurity
Retrospective Vulnerability Case Study Developer’s POV month’s blog series we’ve moved “backwards time” using 2017 TMobile case study illustrate learned three role discovering vulnerability operational system varying point development cycle previous two installment discussed lesson learned from… cybersecurity
What is a JWT?
Introduction JSON Web Tokens (JWT) is a popular method for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. JWT is used for authentication and authorization in web applications and APIs. JWT consists of three parts: the header, the payload, and the signature. …*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5
What is a JWT? Introduction JSON Web Tokens (JWT) is a popular method for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. JWT is used for authentication and authorization in web applications and APIs. JWT consists of three parts: the header, the payload, and the signature. … cybersecurity
JWT Introduction JSON Web Tokens JWT popular method securely transmitting information party JSON object JWT used authentication authorization web application APIs JWT consists three part header payload signature … cybersecurity
Exposing the top 3 cybersecurity threats of 2023
From prompting SaaS providers to ‘bid down’ to an older network to controlling non-essential links, attackers can play around with various unexplored areas unknown to us. By Shomiron Das Gupta, Founder of DNIF HYPERCLOUD Today hackers have become smarter and protecting data from various online threats and unauthorized access has…*vqSrEybhZs3xtcU1
Exposing the top 3 cybersecurity threats of 2023 From prompting SaaS providers to ‘bid down’ to an older network to controlling non-essential links, attackers can play around with various unexplored areas unknown to us. By Shomiron Das Gupta, Founder of DNIF HYPERCLOUD Today hackers have become smarter and protecting data from various online threats and unauthorized access has… cybersecurity
Exposing top 3 cybersecurity threat 2023 prompting SaaS provider ‘bid down’ older network controlling nonessential link attacker play around various unexplored area unknown u Shomiron Das Gupta Founder DNIF HYPERCLOUD Today hacker become smarter protecting data various online threat unauthorized access has… cybersecurity
INE’s eJPT Certification is Here to Kickstart Junior Penetration Testing Careers
Penetration testing is an integral part of cybersecurity, so it’s no surprise that it’s a rapidly growing role. O’Net Online reports that penetration testing roles will grow by almost 35,000 jobs by 2031, a faster-than-average growth rate. Organizations are in search of qualified, certified professionals to join their Red Teams……3sTO9Rp8q8AG.jpg
INE’s eJPT Certification is Here to Kickstart Junior Penetration Testing Careers Penetration testing is an integral part of cybersecurity, so it’s no surprise that it’s a rapidly growing role. O’Net Online reports that penetration testing roles will grow by almost 35,000 jobs by 2031, a faster-than-average growth rate. Organizations are in search of qualified, certified professionals to join their Red Teams… cybersecurity
INE’s eJPT Certification Kickstart Junior Penetration Testing Careers Penetration testing integral part cybersecurity it’s surprise it’s rapidly growing role O’Net Online report penetration testing role grow almost 35000 job 2031 fasterthanaverage growth rate Organizations search qualified certified professional join Red Teams… cybersecurity
Python Penetration Testing: Being a Linux Control Freak!
How I control multiple services on multiple Linux Servers at once! — R. Eric Kiser During an engagement, you may come across various services running on multiple systems that you may desire to have turned on. These services may include FTP, web services for printers, cameras, and other management services, and even VNC servers. Conversely, you may also want to disable logging……z9pMhFhrwAEA.png
Python Penetration Testing: Being a Linux Control Freak! How I control multiple services on multiple Linux Servers at once! — R. Eric Kiser During an engagement, you may come across various services running on multiple systems that you may desire to have turned on. These services may include FTP, web services for printers, cameras, and other management services, and even VNC servers. Conversely, you may also want to disable logging… cybersecurity
Python Penetration Testing Linux Control Freak control multiple service multiple Linux Servers — R Eric Kiser engagement may come across various service running multiple system may desire turned service may include FTP web service printer camera management service even VNC server Conversely may also want disable logging… cybersecurity
Helping Companies Better Protect Themselves By Performing A Penetration Test Instead Of A Vulnerability Test
To demonstrate what a difference a penetration test makes, we will compare a vulnerability test against a penetration test. Once we have, you will understand the benefits one gets from running a penetration test instead of a vulnerability test. To make it fair, we will compare a vulnerability test and……KVkDcjUup7Q.jpeg
Helping Companies Better Protect Themselves By Performing A Penetration Test Instead Of A Vulnerability Test To demonstrate what a difference a penetration test makes, we will compare a vulnerability test against a penetration test. Once we have, you will understand the benefits one gets from running a penetration test instead of a vulnerability test. To make it fair, we will compare a vulnerability test and… cybersecurity
Helping Companies Better Protect Performing Penetration Test Instead Vulnerability Test demonstrate difference penetration test make compare vulnerability test penetration test understand benefit one get running penetration test instead vulnerability test make fair compare vulnerability test and… cybersecurity
Importance of Cybersecurity Cybersecurity can be defined as every aspect of protecting an…
Importance of Cybersecurity Cybersecurity can be defined as every aspect of protecting an organization and its employees and assets against cyber-threats. It is the protection of internet-connected systems such as hardware,software and data from cyber-threats.This era of technology and the internet is supposed as main source of current information but it……frwmjkkhjsjg.png
Importance of Cybersecurity Cybersecurity can be defined as every aspect of protecting an… Importance of Cybersecurity Cybersecurity can be defined as every aspect of protecting an organization and its employees and assets against cyber-threats. It is the protection of internet-connected systems such as hardware,software and data from cyber-threats.This era of technology and the internet is supposed as main source of current information but it… cybersecurity
Importance Cybersecurity Cybersecurity defined every aspect protecting an… Importance Cybersecurity Cybersecurity defined every aspect protecting organization employee asset cyberthreats protection internetconnected system hardwaresoftware data cyberthreatsThis era technology internet supposed main source current information it… cybersecurity
+280 Blockchain Networks and their $25B at Risk of Imminent Exploits!
“There shall never be a peaceful week in crypto space!” — some crypto deity must have decreed at some point it seems! Recently, blockchain security firm Halborn announced the discovery of security breaches — known as zero-day vulnerabilities — that could put over $25 billion dollars of digital assets at risk, including Dogecoin, Litecoin, and Zcash, among more than 280 networks. A year ago, Dogecoin tasked Halborn with analyzing their open source……7FU1nFe5AqOQ.png
+280 Blockchain Networks and their $25B at Risk of Imminent Exploits! “There shall never be a peaceful week in crypto space!” — some crypto deity must have decreed at some point it seems! Recently, blockchain security firm Halborn announced the discovery of security breaches — known as zero-day vulnerabilities — that could put over $25 billion dollars of digital assets at risk, including Dogecoin, Litecoin, and Zcash, among more than 280 networks. A year ago, Dogecoin tasked Halborn with analyzing their open source… cybersecurity
280 Blockchain Networks 25B Risk Imminent Exploits “There shall never peaceful week crypto space” — crypto deity must decreed point seems Recently blockchain security firm Halborn announced discovery security breach — known zeroday vulnerability — could put 25 billion dollar digital asset risk including Dogecoin Litecoin Zcash among 280 network year ago Dogecoin tasked Halborn analyzing open source… cybersecurity
AI/ML: Future of Technology
Introduction With the new rising development and training of AI and ML models it seems as if people are becoming a bit too worried about the over taking of AI in the tech field and industry or really the world. So In today’s article I will be discussing the topic……VclZCpC2dmQ.jpeg
AI/ML: Future of Technology Introduction With the new rising development and training of AI and ML models it seems as if people are becoming a bit too worried about the over taking of AI in the tech field and industry or really the world. So In today’s article I will be discussing the topic… cybersecurity
AIML Future Technology Introduction new rising development training AI ML model seems people becoming bit worried taking AI tech field industry really world today’s article discussing topic… cybersecurity
Protecting yourself on the World Wide Web
The Internet is a huge part of our lives. From keeping in touch with friends to learning how to prepare a tasty delicacy, its advantages are endless. But like most things with an advantage, this vast connection of computer networks also has its downsides. ……R3w9hrFGUpgA.png
Protecting yourself on the World Wide Web The Internet is a huge part of our lives. From keeping in touch with friends to learning how to prepare a tasty delicacy, its advantages are endless. But like most things with an advantage, this vast connection of computer networks also has its downsides. … cybersecurity
Protecting World Wide Web Internet huge part life keeping touch friend learning prepare tasty delicacy advantage endless like thing advantage vast connection computer network also downside … cybersecurity
The Certifications Of The Cybersecurity Landscape in 2023
Introduction The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving and becoming more complex. As a result, professionals who want to pursue a career in this field need to acquire relevant skills and knowledge to protect and defend systems and networks from cyberattacks. One way to demonstrate your competence and credibility is to obtain…*G3hv3H3NxDkCIbqB
The Certifications Of The Cybersecurity Landscape in 2023 Introduction The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving and becoming more complex. As a result, professionals who want to pursue a career in this field need to acquire relevant skills and knowledge to protect and defend systems and networks from cyberattacks. One way to demonstrate your competence and credibility is to obtain… cybersecurity
Certifications Cybersecurity Landscape 2023 Introduction cybersecurity landscape constantly evolving becoming complex result professional want pursue career field need acquire relevant skill knowledge protect defend system network cyberattacks One way demonstrate competence credibility obtain… cybersecurity
In this article, we will focus on vulnerabilities resulting from improper handling of mathematical operations in Solidity, specifically arithmetic underflow and arithmetic overflow, and we will offer some tips on how to mitigate them. Arithmetic overflow occurs when a program’s mathematical operation produces a value exceeding the maximum value the…*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5
ARITHMETIC UNDERFLOW AND OVERFLOW VULNERABILITIES In this article, we will focus on vulnerabilities resulting from improper handling of mathematical operations in Solidity, specifically arithmetic underflow and arithmetic overflow, and we will offer some tips on how to mitigate them. Arithmetic overflow occurs when a program’s mathematical operation produces a value exceeding the maximum value the… cybersecurity
ARITHMETIC UNDERFLOW OVERFLOW VULNERABILITIES article focus vulnerability resulting improper handling mathematical operation Solidity specifically arithmetic underflow arithmetic overflow offer tip mitigate Arithmetic overflow occurs program’s mathematical operation produce value exceeding maximum value the… cybersecurity
A 10-Year-Old’s Guide to Invoice Scam
Don’t Get Scammed, Protect Yourself — Have you ever received an email or a letter saying that you owe money for something you don’t remember buying? If so, you may have been targeted by a cyber security invoice scam. ……xlSkxlRHD6Q.jpeg
A 10-Year-Old’s Guide to Invoice Scam Don’t Get Scammed, Protect Yourself — Have you ever received an email or a letter saying that you owe money for something you don’t remember buying? If so, you may have been targeted by a cyber security invoice scam. … cybersecurity
10YearOld’s Guide Invoice Scam Don’t Get Scammed Protect — ever received email letter saying owe money something don’t remember buying may targeted cyber security invoice scam … cybersecurity
Beware of Ransomware, a real threat to your online security
Ransomware is serious business, and you should do all in your power to protect yourself and your organization against this type of cyber attacks. Ransomware is one of the most harmful kinds of malware currently out there. Once it infects a computer, it locks the owner out of their own……CFX60L9ET-g.jpeg
Beware of Ransomware, a real threat to your online security Ransomware is serious business, and you should do all in your power to protect yourself and your organization against this type of cyber attacks. Ransomware is one of the most harmful kinds of malware currently out there. Once it infects a computer, it locks the owner out of their own… cybersecurity
Beware Ransomware real threat online security Ransomware serious business power protect organization type cyber attack Ransomware one harmful kind malware currently infects computer lock owner own… cybersecurity
Microsoft Sentinel — Azure OpenAI Incident Response Playbook
In a previous blog post, I discussed how integration of ChatGPT and Microsoft Sentinel can simplify the incident handling process. As part of my ongoing exploration of AI-driven incident handling, I recently played with Azure OpenAI and I discovered new possibilities for enhancing my previous work. I decided to integrate……KKr2FxLETrHg.png
Microsoft Sentinel — Azure OpenAI Incident Response Playbook In a previous blog post, I discussed how integration of ChatGPT and Microsoft Sentinel can simplify the incident handling process. As part of my ongoing exploration of AI-driven incident handling, I recently played with Azure OpenAI and I discovered new possibilities for enhancing my previous work. I decided to integrate… cybersecurity
Microsoft Sentinel — Azure OpenAI Incident Response Playbook previous blog post discussed integration ChatGPT Microsoft Sentinel simplify incident handling process part ongoing exploration AIdriven incident handling recently played Azure OpenAI discovered new possibility enhancing previous work decided integrate… cybersecurity
Investigating an Internal Policy Violation: Email
Scenario: You’re investigating an internal policy violation when you find an e-mail about a serious assault for which a police report needs to be filed. What should you do? Who in your company do you need to talk to first and what evidence must be turned over to the police? …*1PuIMfnrER3IKqKe
Investigating an Internal Policy Violation: Email Scenario: You’re investigating an internal policy violation when you find an e-mail about a serious assault for which a police report needs to be filed. What should you do? Who in your company do you need to talk to first and what evidence must be turned over to the police? … cybersecurity
Investigating Internal Policy Violation Email Scenario You’re investigating internal policy violation find email serious assault police report need filed company need talk first evidence must turned police … cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Threats and Trends: Stay Safe in an Increasingly Digital World
Cybersecurity is a growing concern for both individuals and businesses as the world continues to move toward a digital-first mindset. — In order to keep ourselves and our data safe, it's essential to be aware of the most recent cybersecurity threats and trends as new technologies and techniques of hacking arise. We will examine some of the most important cybersecurity trends and threats that people and businesses are currently facing in……Ds5m7lqFZcg.jpeg
Cybersecurity Threats and Trends: Stay Safe in an Increasingly Digital World Cybersecurity is a growing concern for both individuals and businesses as the world continues to move toward a digital-first mindset. — In order to keep ourselves and our data safe, it's essential to be aware of the most recent cybersecurity threats and trends as new technologies and techniques of hacking arise. We will examine some of the most important cybersecurity trends and threats that people and businesses are currently facing in… cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Threats Trends Stay Safe Increasingly Digital World Cybersecurity growing concern individual business world continues move toward digitalfirst mindset — order keep data safe essential aware recent cybersecurity threat trend new technology technique hacking arise examine important cybersecurity trend threat people business currently facing in… cybersecurity
How Vaultree’s Fully Functional Data-In-Use Encryption SDK can help your organisation to mitigate cyberattacks
🔒 Attention all CISOs and cybersecurity enthusiasts! 🔒 Did you know that organisations are increasingly facing the devastating consequences of cyberattacks year after year, right? Some of the most common attacks include ransomware, phishing, insider threats, and DDoS attacks, all of which can lead to significant data breaches and damage……r2hzv5h4MGuw.png
How Vaultree’s Fully Functional Data-In-Use Encryption SDK can help your organisation to mitigate cyberattacks 🔒 Attention all CISOs and cybersecurity enthusiasts! 🔒 Did you know that organisations are increasingly facing the devastating consequences of cyberattacks year after year, right? Some of the most common attacks include ransomware, phishing, insider threats, and DDoS attacks, all of which can lead to significant data breaches and damage… cybersecurity
Vaultree’s Fully Functional DataInUse Encryption SDK help organisation mitigate cyberattacks 🔒 Attention CISOs cybersecurity enthusiast 🔒 know organisation increasingly facing devastating consequence cyberattacks year year right common attack include ransomware phishing insider threat DDoS attack lead significant data breach damage… cybersecurity
What Is Brute Force Attack? How To Defend Against It?
What Is Brute Force Attack? Brute force attack is one of the password guessing attacks wherein the attacker tries to get access to a server or website by constantly trying various combinations of usernames and passwords. It is a trial and error approach hoping to get correct combination of user credentials. Let’s get practical: Suppose you know username……5yzipkzUSytA.png
What Is Brute Force Attack? How To Defend Against It? What Is Brute Force Attack? Brute force attack is one of the password guessing attacks wherein the attacker tries to get access to a server or website by constantly trying various combinations of usernames and passwords. It is a trial and error approach hoping to get correct combination of user credentials. Let’s get practical: Suppose you know username… cybersecurity
Brute Force Attack Defend Brute Force Attack Brute force attack one password guessing attack wherein attacker try get access server website constantly trying various combination usernames password trial error approach hoping get correct combination user credential Let’s get practical Suppose know username… cybersecurity
Advancements in AI and the impact of AI on industries and society.
Accepting the Growth of AI and Machine Learning For many years, people have been wary of the idea that machines could surpass human intelligence. But today, artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing our world, sparking the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and transforming the way we live and work. New Jobs on the Horizon While some may fear that AI will take away jobs…*sRyYeP2bdQEQE4zF
Advancements in AI and the impact of AI on industries and society. Accepting the Growth of AI and Machine Learning For many years, people have been wary of the idea that machines could surpass human intelligence. But today, artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing our world, sparking the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and transforming the way we live and work. New Jobs on the Horizon While some may fear that AI will take away jobs… cybersecurity
Advancements AI impact AI industry society Accepting Growth AI Machine Learning many year people wary idea machine could surpass human intelligence today artificial intelligence machine learning revolutionizing world sparking Fourth Industrial Revolution transforming way live work New Jobs Horizon may fear AI take away jobs… cybersecurity
Google Cloud is introducing Attack Simulation within its platform
This is great step forward for cloud security platforms — One of the best things about Cloud Security is how new capabilities keep getting added to cloud platforms every year The unique model of the cloud also means that you dont have to do any deployments and these new features can just be deployed with a button click Last year…*Y-wQzc4IghlrteUq
Google Cloud is introducing Attack Simulation within its platform This is great step forward for cloud security platforms — One of the best things about Cloud Security is how new capabilities keep getting added to cloud platforms every year The unique model of the cloud also means that you dont have to do any deployments and these new features can just be deployed with a button click Last year… cybersecurity
Google Cloud introducing Attack Simulation within platform great step forward cloud security platform — One best thing Cloud Security new capability keep getting added cloud platform every year unique model cloud also mean dont deployment new feature deployed button click Last year… cybersecurity
Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) certification by (ISC)2 — Part-2
In continuation of the previous blog post, Certified in CyberSecurity by (ISC)2 found here Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) certification by (ISC)2 — Part 1, today Let’s discuss more the exam syllabus. The Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) exam covers five domains related to fundamental cybersecurity concepts. ……yP1ItyxzKUdA.png
Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) certification by (ISC)2 — Part-2 In continuation of the previous blog post, Certified in CyberSecurity by (ISC)2 found here Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) certification by (ISC)2 — Part 1, today Let’s discuss more the exam syllabus. The Certified in Cybersecurity (CC) exam covers five domains related to fundamental cybersecurity concepts. … cybersecurity
Certified Cybersecurity CC certification ISC2 — Part2 continuation previous blog post Certified CyberSecurity ISC2 found Certified Cybersecurity CC certification ISC2 — Part 1 today Let’s discus exam syllabus Certified Cybersecurity CC exam cover five domain related fundamental cybersecurity concept … cybersecurity
Resume challenge 2.0 — AWS Amplify
I have an update about my resume website. I started from scratch to create a resume using AWS Amplify and React JS with Next.js. So, I will continue to update this post step by step, but for now, I want to explain why I am no longer using Wordpress in……nOeiyTyQ_KRg.png
Resume challenge 2.0 — AWS Amplify I have an update about my resume website. I started from scratch to create a resume using AWS Amplify and React JS with Next.js. So, I will continue to update this post step by step, but for now, I want to explain why I am no longer using Wordpress in… cybersecurity
Resume challenge 20 — AWS Amplify update resume website started scratch create resume using AWS Amplify React JS Nextjs continue update post step step want explain longer using Wordpress in… cybersecurity
Application Security: Is Your Business at Risk in the Hybrid World?
Cisco Report reveals alarming findings on global application security readiness, exposing vulnerabilities in business-critical applications. As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation in a post-COVID world, the security of applications has become a paramount concern. The rapid growth of cloud-native applications and the shift to distributed systems have exposed organizations……KyhhElmF-Tw.jpeg
Application Security: Is Your Business at Risk in the Hybrid World? Cisco Report reveals alarming findings on global application security readiness, exposing vulnerabilities in business-critical applications. As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation in a post-COVID world, the security of applications has become a paramount concern. The rapid growth of cloud-native applications and the shift to distributed systems have exposed organizations… cybersecurity
Application Security Business Risk Hybrid World Cisco Report reveals alarming finding global application security readiness exposing vulnerability businesscritical application business continue embrace digital transformation postCOVID world security application become paramount concern rapid growth cloudnative application shift distributed system exposed organizations… cybersecurity
Top cybersecurity tools every business should use:-
Businesses of all kinds are very concerned about cyber security. Businesses must implement a strong cybersecurity strategy in light of the rising number of cyber threats and assaults. The use of cybersecurity tools is one of the most crucial elements of this approach. …*Yj0YPBrAxwxAd6HO
Top cybersecurity tools every business should use:- Businesses of all kinds are very concerned about cyber security. Businesses must implement a strong cybersecurity strategy in light of the rising number of cyber threats and assaults. The use of cybersecurity tools is one of the most crucial elements of this approach. … cybersecurity
Top cybersecurity tool every business use Businesses kind concerned cyber security Businesses must implement strong cybersecurity strategy light rising number cyber threat assault use cybersecurity tool one crucial element approach … cybersecurity
Zero Trust Security: A New Paradigm for Protecting Cloud Environments
Cloud computing has transformed the way organizations do business. However, the convenience of cloud computing comes with its own set of unique security challenges. Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to sensitive data in the cloud. Traditional security models are no longer sufficient……DU0XckwK49Gg.png
Zero Trust Security: A New Paradigm for Protecting Cloud Environments Cloud computing has transformed the way organizations do business. However, the convenience of cloud computing comes with its own set of unique security challenges. Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to sensitive data in the cloud. Traditional security models are no longer sufficient… cybersecurity
Zero Trust Security New Paradigm Protecting Cloud Environments Cloud computing transformed way organization business However convenience cloud computing come set unique security challenge Cybercriminals always looking new way exploit vulnerability gain access sensitive data cloud Traditional security model longer sufficient… cybersecurity
Step-By-Step Procedure To Install kali Linux On VMWare Workstation
If you are into cybersecurity and you don’t even hear about Kali Linux, then you never be considered a cybersecurity professional. Don’t worry we are here to introduce you to the wonderful Linux distribution. Kali Linux is not a general-purpose desktop or server operating system. It is designed and developed……W9R-vDRBIrg.jpeg
Step-By-Step Procedure To Install kali Linux On VMWare Workstation If you are into cybersecurity and you don’t even hear about Kali Linux, then you never be considered a cybersecurity professional. Don’t worry we are here to introduce you to the wonderful Linux distribution. Kali Linux is not a general-purpose desktop or server operating system. It is designed and developed… cybersecurity
StepByStep Procedure Install kali Linux VMWare Workstation cybersecurity don’t even hear Kali Linux never considered cybersecurity professional Don’t worry introduce wonderful Linux distribution Kali Linux generalpurpose desktop server operating system designed developed… cybersecurity
US: 5 things to know about new cybersecurity rules for medical devices
New rules now require medical device makers to meet specific cybersecurity criteria to gain FDA approval — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has established new rules that require medical device makers to meet particular cybersecurity criteria in order to gain FDA approval for new products. Here are five key points: The new guidelines, which took effect today, apply to all new medical device applications and……CMx8c3p8c-g.jpeg
US: 5 things to know about new cybersecurity rules for medical devices New rules now require medical device makers to meet specific cybersecurity criteria to gain FDA approval — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has established new rules that require medical device makers to meet particular cybersecurity criteria in order to gain FDA approval for new products. Here are five key points: The new guidelines, which took effect today, apply to all new medical device applications and… cybersecurity
US 5 thing know new cybersecurity rule medical device New rule require medical device maker meet specific cybersecurity criterion gain FDA approval — US Food Drug Administration FDA established new rule require medical device maker meet particular cybersecurity criterion order gain FDA approval new product five key point new guideline took effect today apply new medical device application and… cybersecurity
Cybersecurity and ML in automotive ECUs
The product lifecycle for cybersecurity illustrates the requirement to keep monitoring and maintenance a product until end of support, this in automotive world means, at least, 10 years. How can we know what cyber threats we will have in 10 years time? Does it means we will need to keep updating SW just based on cyberthreats? The cost of this could go over the roof and at some point, impossible to maintain.…WqHmwZ2C3hA.jpeg
Cybersecurity and ML in automotive ECUs The product lifecycle for cybersecurity illustrates the requirement to keep monitoring and maintenance a product until end of support, this in automotive world means, at least, 10 years. How can we know what cyber threats we will have in 10 years time? Does it means we will need to keep updating SW just based on cyberthreats? The cost of this could go over the roof and at some point, impossible to maintain. cybersecurity
Cybersecurity ML automotive ECUs product lifecycle cybersecurity illustrates requirement keep monitoring maintenance product end support automotive world mean least 10 year know cyber threat 10 year time mean need keep updating SW based cyberthreats cost could go roof point impossible maintain cybersecurity
Stop cyber threats in their tracks with our AI-Powered security assessment tool
Cybersecurity threats are on the rise, and organizations are struggling to keep up. The consequences of a data breach or cyber attack can be devastating, resulting in financial loss, damage to reputation, and even legal action. Traditional security measures like firewalls and antivirus software are no longer enough to protect……zebOgc6hKmUQ.png
Stop cyber threats in their tracks with our AI-Powered security assessment tool Cybersecurity threats are on the rise, and organizations are struggling to keep up. The consequences of a data breach or cyber attack can be devastating, resulting in financial loss, damage to reputation, and even legal action. Traditional security measures like firewalls and antivirus software are no longer enough to protect… cybersecurity
Stop cyber threat track AIPowered security assessment tool Cybersecurity threat rise organization struggling keep consequence data breach cyber attack devastating resulting financial loss damage reputation even legal action Traditional security measure like firewall antivirus software longer enough protect… cybersecurity
Ransomware As A Service: The 2023 Cybercrime Takeover
Ransomware As A Service: The 2023 Cybercrime Takeover Ransomware-as-a-Service is a business model in which ransomware is created by criminals and distributed to other criminals. It closely resembles typical software-as-a-service models. ……VB5-Of5SDMQ.jpeg
Ransomware As A Service: The 2023 Cybercrime Takeover Ransomware As A Service: The 2023 Cybercrime Takeover Ransomware-as-a-Service is a business model in which ransomware is created by criminals and distributed to other criminals. It closely resembles typical software-as-a-service models. … cybersecurity
Ransomware Service 2023 Cybercrime Takeover Ransomware Service 2023 Cybercrime Takeover RansomwareasaService business model ransomware created criminal distributed criminal closely resembles typical softwareasaservice model … cybersecurity
Python Penetration Testing: Remotely Listing Services
How I discover vulnerable services on Windows and Linux — R. Eric Kiser Services anyone? Think of computer services like a bartender. They have access to privileged information. They know their customers, drinking habits, credit card numbers, dating habits, or personal information they discuss. Just as bartenders expertly mix various ingredients to create a diverse array of cocktails to satisfy……SYKDN7ecRBSg.png
Python Penetration Testing: Remotely Listing Services How I discover vulnerable services on Windows and Linux — R. Eric Kiser Services anyone? Think of computer services like a bartender. They have access to privileged information. They know their customers, drinking habits, credit card numbers, dating habits, or personal information they discuss. Just as bartenders expertly mix various ingredients to create a diverse array of cocktails to satisfy… cybersecurity
Python Penetration Testing Remotely Listing Services discover vulnerable service Windows Linux — R Eric Kiser Services anyone Think computer service like bartender access privileged information know customer drinking habit credit card number dating habit personal information discus bartender expertly mix various ingredient create diverse array cocktail satisfy… cybersecurity
Advanced BBH_101: Falcon Recon
This method is for educational purposes only, please do not use it for illegal activities. In the world of cybersecurity, reconnaissance is the process of gathering information about a target, such as a website or organization. This information can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities or to plan a more……rwKRp9WOvHgA.png
Advanced BBH_101: Falcon Recon This method is for educational purposes only, please do not use it for illegal activities. In the world of cybersecurity, reconnaissance is the process of gathering information about a target, such as a website or organization. This information can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities or to plan a more… cybersecurity
Advanced BBH101 Falcon Recon method educational purpose please use illegal activity world cybersecurity reconnaissance process gathering information target website organization information used identify potential vulnerability plan more… cybersecurity
Subdomains of Cybersecurity
“HACKING… HACKING… HACKING..” This is usually what common people think when they hear the word “CYBERSECURITY”. But in reality, Hacking is not what cybersecurity only consists of! There are many more domains into it and hacking is simply a part of cybersec. Also in hacking, there are multiple sub parts……UC-bfDnAV_rg.png
Subdomains of Cybersecurity “HACKING… HACKING… HACKING..” This is usually what common people think when they hear the word “CYBERSECURITY”. But in reality, Hacking is not what cybersecurity only consists of! There are many more domains into it and hacking is simply a part of cybersec. Also in hacking, there are multiple sub parts… cybersecurity
Subdomains Cybersecurity “HACKING… HACKING… HACKING” usually common people think hear word “CYBERSECURITY” reality Hacking cybersecurity consists many domain hacking simply part cybersec Also hacking multiple sub parts… cybersecurity
Protecting Sensitive Data: The Importance of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is a term that refers to the protection of computer systems, networks, and electronic devices from theft, damage, and unauthorized access. With the rise of technology and the internet, the importance of cybersecurity has become more significant than ever before. ……NdkRVlKvomw.jpeg
Protecting Sensitive Data: The Importance of Cybersecurity Cybersecurity is a term that refers to the protection of computer systems, networks, and electronic devices from theft, damage, and unauthorized access. With the rise of technology and the internet, the importance of cybersecurity has become more significant than ever before. … cybersecurity
Protecting Sensitive Data Importance Cybersecurity Cybersecurity term refers protection computer system network electronic device theft damage unauthorized access rise technology internet importance cybersecurity become significant ever … cybersecurity
What Is Nmap?
Nmap, another way to say “Organization Mapper”, is a free and open-source network investigation and security inspecting instrument. It is utilized to find has and benefits on a PC organization, consequently making a “map” of the organization. …*nXiGVHIEaY008Cvh
What Is Nmap? Nmap, another way to say “Organization Mapper”, is a free and open-source network investigation and security inspecting instrument. It is utilized to find has and benefits on a PC organization, consequently making a “map” of the organization. … cybersecurity
Nmap Nmap another way say “Organization Mapper” free opensource network investigation security inspecting instrument utilized find benefit PC organization consequently making “map” organization … cybersecurity
CSRF Takedown: Defeating Web Exploits with Code
Attacking the Authenticated User Today, we’re going to dive into a fascinating topic in the realm of cybersecurity: Cross-Site Request Forgery, or CSRF for short. Have you ever wondered how malicious actors can exploit a user’s authenticated session to perform unauthorized actions on their behalf? That’s CSRF in action, and……G2-xApIa1UAw.png
CSRF Takedown: Defeating Web Exploits with Code Attacking the Authenticated User Today, we’re going to dive into a fascinating topic in the realm of cybersecurity: Cross-Site Request Forgery, or CSRF for short. Have you ever wondered how malicious actors can exploit a user’s authenticated session to perform unauthorized actions on their behalf? That’s CSRF in action, and… cybersecurity
CSRF Takedown Defeating Web Exploits Code Attacking Authenticated User Today we’re going dive fascinating topic realm cybersecurity CrossSite Request Forgery CSRF short ever wondered malicious actor exploit user’s authenticated session perform unauthorized action behalf That’s CSRF action and… cybersecurity
CVE-2023–23397 Report
“CVE-2023–23397 is a critical EoP vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook that is triggered when an attacker sends a message with an extended MAPI property with a UNC path to an SMB (TCP 445) share on a threat actor-controlled server on an untrusted network. No user interaction is required. ……9FIiwZMfiIaw.png
CVE-2023–23397 Report “CVE-2023–23397 is a critical EoP vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook that is triggered when an attacker sends a message with an extended MAPI property with a UNC path to an SMB (TCP 445) share on a threat actor-controlled server on an untrusted network. No user interaction is required. … cybersecurity
CVE2023–23397 Report “CVE2023–23397 critical EoP vulnerability Microsoft Outlook triggered attacker sends message extended MAPI property UNC path SMB TCP 445 share threat actorcontrolled server untrusted network user interaction required … cybersecurity
10 Essential Skills Every Software Engineer Must Have in 2025
Hello Folks! As a software engineer with 15 years of experience under my belt, I’ve seen firsthand rapid evolution of the industry. With each passing year, new technologies emerge, demanding fresh skills from developers. So, strap in and grab your favorite caffeinated beverage, because I’m about to unveil the top…*c_DjsvVDlY8vcgfT
10 Essential Skills Every Software Engineer Must Have in 2025 Hello Folks! As a software engineer with 15 years of experience under my belt, I’ve seen firsthand rapid evolution of the industry. With each passing year, new technologies emerge, demanding fresh skills from developers. So, strap in and grab your favorite caffeinated beverage, because I’m about to unveil the top… cybersecurity
10 Essential Skills Every Software Engineer Must 2025 Hello Folks software engineer 15 year experience belt I’ve seen firsthand rapid evolution industry passing year new technology emerge demanding fresh skill developer strap grab favorite caffeinated beverage I’m unveil top… cybersecurity
A Comprehensive Guide to ADFGX Cipher Encryption | 2023
Understanding the Key Features, Use Cases, and Limitations of ADFGX Cipher | Karthikeyan Nagaraj — Introduction: In the world of cryptography, the ADFGX cipher is a relatively uncommon yet powerful encryption technique. It was used by the German army in World War I to transmit sensitive information securely. In this article, we will explore the key features, strengths, weaknesses, and use cases of ADFGX cipher.…0_3rUoRdrAQ.jpeg
A Comprehensive Guide to ADFGX Cipher Encryption | 2023 Understanding the Key Features, Use Cases, and Limitations of ADFGX Cipher | Karthikeyan Nagaraj — Introduction: In the world of cryptography, the ADFGX cipher is a relatively uncommon yet powerful encryption technique. It was used by the German army in World War I to transmit sensitive information securely. In this article, we will explore the key features, strengths, weaknesses, and use cases of ADFGX cipher. cybersecurity
Comprehensive Guide ADFGX Cipher Encryption 2023 Understanding Key Features Use Cases Limitations ADFGX Cipher Karthikeyan Nagaraj — Introduction world cryptography ADFGX cipher relatively uncommon yet powerful encryption technique used German army World War transmit sensitive information securely article explore key feature strength weakness use case ADFGX cipher cybersecurity
Happening Now: The Smooth Operator Attack
How 3CX’s Trojanized App Threatens Organizations Worldwide — A targeted supply chain attack compromising 3CX’s voice and video-calling client leaves millions of users at risk. Here’s what you need to know. As a cybersecurity expert, I spend most of my time helping businesses stay ahead of the latest threats. In recent days, a new and sophisticated supply chain……4NQqmzFUeRA.jpeg
Happening Now: The Smooth Operator Attack How 3CX’s Trojanized App Threatens Organizations Worldwide — A targeted supply chain attack compromising 3CX’s voice and video-calling client leaves millions of users at risk. Here’s what you need to know. As a cybersecurity expert, I spend most of my time helping businesses stay ahead of the latest threats. In recent days, a new and sophisticated supply chain… cybersecurity
Happening Smooth Operator Attack 3CX’s Trojanized App Threatens Organizations Worldwide — targeted supply chain attack compromising 3CX’s voice videocalling client leaf million user risk Here’s need know cybersecurity expert spend time helping business stay ahead latest threat recent day new sophisticated supply chain… cybersecurity
Strengthening Application Security: Best Practices for a Resilient Hybrid World
Learn how to safeguard your organization’s applications in light of Cisco’s recent findings on global application security readiness. The recent Cisco report on application security readiness has highlighted significant vulnerabilities and shortcomings in organizations worldwide. As businesses continue to adopt digital transformation, it is essential to prioritize application security best……ycPob-d3WOA.jpeg
Strengthening Application Security: Best Practices for a Resilient Hybrid World Learn how to safeguard your organization’s applications in light of Cisco’s recent findings on global application security readiness. The recent Cisco report on application security readiness has highlighted significant vulnerabilities and shortcomings in organizations worldwide. As businesses continue to adopt digital transformation, it is essential to prioritize application security best… cybersecurity
Strengthening Application Security Best Practices Resilient Hybrid World Learn safeguard organization’s application light Cisco’s recent finding global application security readiness recent Cisco report application security readiness highlighted significant vulnerability shortcoming organization worldwide business continue adopt digital transformation essential prioritize application security best… cybersecurity
Try Hack Me / Active Directory Basics [Day 9]
Analysis Introducing the fundamental ideas and features of Active Directory. The Microsoft Active Directory is the cornerstone of the business world. It makes managing individuals and devices in a business context simpler. Objectives are to become knowledgeable about Active Directory and the following subjects: · Active Directory · Active Directory……2wNcDhdY_biQ.png
Try Hack Me / Active Directory Basics [Day 9] Analysis Introducing the fundamental ideas and features of Active Directory. The Microsoft Active Directory is the cornerstone of the business world. It makes managing individuals and devices in a business context simpler. Objectives are to become knowledgeable about Active Directory and the following subjects: · Active Directory · Active Directory… cybersecurity
Try Hack Active Directory Basics Day 9 Analysis Introducing fundamental idea feature Active Directory Microsoft Active Directory cornerstone business world make managing individual device business context simpler Objectives become knowledgeable Active Directory following subject · Active Directory · Active Directory… cybersecurity
The RESTRICT Act’s Impact on Foreign Investment and National Security
Picture this: A foreign entity with close ties to a foreign government invests in an American company, gaining access to sensitive information and communications technology. This may sound like the plot of a spy thriller, but it’s a genuine concern for national security experts. …*lCG5tGNHn3EAixGv
The RESTRICT Act’s Impact on Foreign Investment and National Security Picture this: A foreign entity with close ties to a foreign government invests in an American company, gaining access to sensitive information and communications technology. This may sound like the plot of a spy thriller, but it’s a genuine concern for national security experts. … cybersecurity
RESTRICT Act’s Impact Foreign Investment National Security Picture foreign entity close tie foreign government invests American company gaining access sensitive information communication technology may sound like plot spy thriller it’s genuine concern national security expert … cybersecurity
BSides Lancashire Preview!
Ooh by eck! We don’t do owt by halves this week! What do you mean “I’m from Brighton what you talking about, Dan”? We all get in touch with our inner Lancastrian this week as we head to BSides Lancashire at Lancaster University on Thursday 30th March! I am super…*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5
BSides Lancashire Preview! Ooh by eck! We don’t do owt by halves this week! What do you mean “I’m from Brighton what you talking about, Dan”? We all get in touch with our inner Lancastrian this week as we head to BSides Lancashire at Lancaster University on Thursday 30th March! I am super… cybersecurity
BSides Lancashire Preview Ooh eck don’t owt half week mean “I’m Brighton talking Dan” get touch inner Lancastrian week head BSides Lancashire Lancaster University Thursday 30th March super… cybersecurity
Github dorks
GitHub dorks are specialized search queries that allow users to find repositories that contain specific types of information. Here are some examples of GitHub dorks that you can use to discover information: Filename search: You can use the “filename” search operator to search for specific file names within GitHub repositories…*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5
Github dorks GitHub dorks are specialized search queries that allow users to find repositories that contain specific types of information. Here are some examples of GitHub dorks that you can use to discover information: Filename search: You can use the “filename” search operator to search for specific file names within GitHub repositories… cybersecurity
Github dork GitHub dork specialized search query allow user find repository contain specific type information example GitHub dork use discover information Filename search use “filename” search operator search specific file name within GitHub repositories… cybersecurity
Taylor Swift’s Terrible Ticketmaster Trouble And What Can Be Done To Prevent It From Happening Again
Why couldn’t Swifties get tickets for Eras tour? Many people tried to buy tickets from Ticketmaster at the same time. Unfortunately alot of these people were scalpers. These scalpers used computer programs called bots to purchase tickets faster than fans could buy them. In fact, so many bots hit the site that it crashed. This left real fans…*AaePEhW3GZKlMjJw
Taylor Swift’s Terrible Ticketmaster Trouble And What Can Be Done To Prevent It From Happening Again Why couldn’t Swifties get tickets for Eras tour? Many people tried to buy tickets from Ticketmaster at the same time. Unfortunately alot of these people were scalpers. These scalpers used computer programs called bots to purchase tickets faster than fans could buy them. In fact, so many bots hit the site that it crashed. This left real fans… cybersecurity
Taylor Swift’s Terrible Ticketmaster Trouble Done Prevent Happening couldn’t Swifties get ticket Eras tour Many people tried buy ticket Ticketmaster time Unfortunately alot people scalper scalper used computer program called bot purchase ticket faster fan could buy fact many bot hit site crashed left real fans… cybersecurity
Get Ahead of Attacks with Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence
With sophisticated cyber-attacks on the rise, get detailed and current intel on trending attacks with Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence. Enrich investigations and contain threats before they impact your organization with exclusive access to the same raw attack signals our Microsoft Researchers have. Easily gauge the severity of a threat and……Oh86boacXwBQ.png
Get Ahead of Attacks with Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence With sophisticated cyber-attacks on the rise, get detailed and current intel on trending attacks with Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence. Enrich investigations and contain threats before they impact your organization with exclusive access to the same raw attack signals our Microsoft Researchers have. Easily gauge the severity of a threat and… cybersecurity
Get Ahead Attacks Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence sophisticated cyberattacks rise get detailed current intel trending attack Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence Enrich investigation contain threat impact organization exclusive access raw attack signal Microsoft Researchers Easily gauge severity threat and… cybersecurity
The Top 10 Vulnerabilities of 2022: Mastering Vulnerability Management
In a world becoming more and more digital every day, it’s imperative to ensure the security of your digital assets. Vulnerability management is the practice of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing vulnerabilities in an organization’s digital infrastructure. It’s the process of proactively protecting those assets from potential threats. The need for……jja0qXJnLeON.png
The Top 10 Vulnerabilities of 2022: Mastering Vulnerability Management In a world becoming more and more digital every day, it’s imperative to ensure the security of your digital assets. Vulnerability management is the practice of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing vulnerabilities in an organization’s digital infrastructure. It’s the process of proactively protecting those assets from potential threats. The need for… cybersecurity
Top 10 Vulnerabilities 2022 Mastering Vulnerability Management world becoming digital every day it’s imperative ensure security digital asset Vulnerability management practice identifying assessing prioritizing vulnerability organization’s digital infrastructure It’s process proactively protecting asset potential threat need for… cybersecurity
10 Best FREE DDoS Attack Tools Online (2023)
That Hackers Don’t Want You to Know About! — In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks continue to pose a significant threat to businesses and organizations worldwide. With the increasing number of connected devices and the expanding reach of the internet, it has never been more critical to be aware of the tools that……L6ZxPhtFptPQ.png
10 Best FREE DDoS Attack Tools Online (2023) That Hackers Don’t Want You to Know About! — In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks continue to pose a significant threat to businesses and organizations worldwide. With the increasing number of connected devices and the expanding reach of the internet, it has never been more critical to be aware of the tools that… cybersecurity
10 Best FREE DDoS Attack Tools Online 2023 Hackers Don’t Want Know — everevolving landscape cybersecurity Distributed Denial Service DDoS attack continue pose significant threat business organization worldwide increasing number connected device expanding reach internet never critical aware tool that… cybersecurity
My Journey to Nokia Hall of Fame in just 10 minutes
Introduction Hi, this is Rajdip, and I hope all of you are doing well. As a cybersecurity enthusiast, I am always on the lookout for opportunities to find vulnerabilities and report them to companies. Recently, I came across a LinkedIn post where someone mentioned making it to the Nokia Hall……UfVfIvPMlNg.jpeg
My Journey to Nokia Hall of Fame in just 10 minutes Introduction Hi, this is Rajdip, and I hope all of you are doing well. As a cybersecurity enthusiast, I am always on the lookout for opportunities to find vulnerabilities and report them to companies. Recently, I came across a LinkedIn post where someone mentioned making it to the Nokia Hall… cybersecurity
Journey Nokia Hall Fame 10 minute Introduction Hi Rajdip hope well cybersecurity enthusiast always lookout opportunity find vulnerability report company Recently came across LinkedIn post someone mentioned making Nokia Hall… cybersecurity
SameSite Cookie Attack
Breaking Through the SameSite: A Cookie Attack Vulnerability — Hello there! Have you ever heard of the term “cookies”? Not the sort you dip in milk, but the little pieces of information that websites employ to remember your preferences and login information. While cookies have made online browsing more easy, they are not entirely safe. I’ll explain what the……qC4xanNP3_g.jpeg
SameSite Cookie Attack Breaking Through the SameSite: A Cookie Attack Vulnerability — Hello there! Have you ever heard of the term “cookies”? Not the sort you dip in milk, but the little pieces of information that websites employ to remember your preferences and login information. While cookies have made online browsing more easy, they are not entirely safe. I’ll explain what the… cybersecurity
SameSite Cookie Attack Breaking SameSite Cookie Attack Vulnerability — Hello ever heard term “cookies” sort dip milk little piece information website employ remember preference login information cooky made online browsing easy entirely safe I’ll explain the… cybersecurity
Cloud computing and security
Cloud computing security is a set of security measures that have been taken to protect cloud-based systems, data, and information. Cloud computing could be considered an advancement in modern ICT and very advantageous to us because we can not keep trust in the hardware. But if we are used to……zZeHpLk0UHA.jpeg
Cloud computing and security Cloud computing security is a set of security measures that have been taken to protect cloud-based systems, data, and information. Cloud computing could be considered an advancement in modern ICT and very advantageous to us because we can not keep trust in the hardware. But if we are used to… cybersecurity
Cloud computing security Cloud computing security set security measure taken protect cloudbased system data information Cloud computing could considered advancement modern ICT advantageous u keep trust hardware used to… cybersecurity
Brute Force Attack and How to Protect Our Data
In the world of cybersecurity, a brute force attack is a type of cyber attack where an attacker tries every possible combination of characters to crack a password or encryption key. This type of attack is often used to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or systems. ……DseLGKYNvlMw.png
Brute Force Attack and How to Protect Our Data In the world of cybersecurity, a brute force attack is a type of cyber attack where an attacker tries every possible combination of characters to crack a password or encryption key. This type of attack is often used to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or systems. … cybersecurity
Brute Force Attack Protect Data world cybersecurity brute force attack type cyber attack attacker try every possible combination character crack password encryption key type attack often used gain unauthorized access sensitive data system … cybersecurity
Are your online activities being monitored? What you need to know about Senate Bill 686
Hola Medium! I wanted to share some information about Senate Bill 686 — The Restrict Act, also known as the American Jobs Plan Act of 2021, which is currently being considered by Congress. ……T1o19Sd4KCQ.jpeg
Are your online activities being monitored? What you need to know about Senate Bill 686 Hola Medium! I wanted to share some information about Senate Bill 686 — The Restrict Act, also known as the American Jobs Plan Act of 2021, which is currently being considered by Congress. … cybersecurity
online activity monitored need know Senate Bill 686 Hola Medium wanted share information Senate Bill 686 — Restrict Act also known American Jobs Plan Act 2021 currently considered Congress … cybersecurity
APTs and achieving homeostasis in the digital age
Reconnaissance is a technique where one uses different methods to gather useful information. This is the first step in the cybersecurity kill chain security model which is used for offensive and defensive measures. …*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5
APTs and achieving homeostasis in the digital age Reconnaissance is a technique where one uses different methods to gather useful information. This is the first step in the cybersecurity kill chain security model which is used for offensive and defensive measures. … cybersecurity
APTs achieving homeostasis digital age Reconnaissance technique one us different method gather useful information first step cybersecurity kill chain security model used offensive defensive measure … cybersecurity
Why Web Defacement Detection is Crucial for Your Business’s Online Security
Web defacement is the malicious act of changing the content of a website without the owner’s permission. It can happen for a variety of reasons, including political agendas, personal grudges, or financial gain. Web defacement may be a major issue for enterprises, resulting in a loss of reputation, revenue, and……gTebFYgtqCpQ.png
Why Web Defacement Detection is Crucial for Your Business’s Online Security Web defacement is the malicious act of changing the content of a website without the owner’s permission. It can happen for a variety of reasons, including political agendas, personal grudges, or financial gain. Web defacement may be a major issue for enterprises, resulting in a loss of reputation, revenue, and… cybersecurity
Web Defacement Detection Crucial Business’s Online Security Web defacement malicious act changing content website without owner’s permission happen variety reason including political agenda personal grudge financial gain Web defacement may major issue enterprise resulting loss reputation revenue and… cybersecurity
The Corix Partners Friday Reading List — March 3, 2023
Top 10 Leadership and Management links of the week, curated by Corix Partners Founder and CEO JC Gaillard, focusing on cyber security of course, but also a large cross section of subjects including digital transformation, emerging tech, ESG governance and the future of work 5 Security Principles to Guide Your DevSecOps Journey 5 Security Principles to Guide Your DevSecOps Journey Building a DevSecOps initiative, no matter your budget, deployment environments or organization size, should be guided……jTlZBVH_PCg.jpeg
The Corix Partners Friday Reading List — March 3, 2023 Top 10 Leadership and Management links of the week, curated by Corix Partners Founder and CEO JC Gaillard, focusing on cyber security of course, but also a large cross section of subjects including digital transformation, emerging tech, ESG governance and the future of work 5 Security Principles to Guide Your DevSecOps Journey 5 Security Principles to Guide Your DevSecOps Journey Building a DevSecOps initiative, no matter your budget, deployment environments or organization size, should be guided… cybersecurity
Corix Partners Friday Reading List — March 3 2023 Top 10 Leadership Management link week curated Corix Partners Founder CEO JC Gaillard focusing cyber security course also large cross section subject including digital transformation emerging tech ESG governance future work 5 Security Principles Guide DevSecOps Journey 5 Security Principles Guide DevSecOps Journey Building DevSecOps initiative matter budget deployment environment organization size guided…thenewstackio cybersecurity
Higher Ed, Cyber threats and Zero Trust
“If we release your information, you will lose more than what we have demanded for”, wrote the ransomware hacker to the representative of a large Californian University. This was in the summer of 2020 and the University finally settled on an undisclosed ransom in exchange for the decryption key. Over……tV7CHyVcbUg.jpeg
Higher Ed, Cyber threats and Zero Trust “If we release your information, you will lose more than what we have demanded for”, wrote the ransomware hacker to the representative of a large Californian University. This was in the summer of 2020 and the University finally settled on an undisclosed ransom in exchange for the decryption key. Over… cybersecurity
Higher Ed Cyber threat Zero Trust “If release information lose demanded for” wrote ransomware hacker representative large Californian University summer 2020 University finally settled undisclosed ransom exchange decryption key Over… cybersecurity
The POWER of Shodan : Shodan unrevealed
What is Shodan? Shodan is a search engine like no other. Dubbed the “Google for hackers”, Shodan scans the internet for devices and systems that are connected to the internet, allowing users to see information that would otherwise be hidden. ……bu25_RRkxiSP.png
The POWER of Shodan : Shodan unrevealed What is Shodan? Shodan is a search engine like no other. Dubbed the “Google for hackers”, Shodan scans the internet for devices and systems that are connected to the internet, allowing users to see information that would otherwise be hidden. … cybersecurity
POWER Shodan Shodan unrevealed Shodan Shodan search engine like Dubbed “Google hackers” Shodan scan internet device system connected internet allowing user see information would otherwise hidden … cybersecurity
ChatGPT detects Vulnerabilities in NPM and Python packets
How Security Software Vendor Socket uses OpenAI’s Chatbot to examine Packets — It was already recently reported that OpenAI wants to make its Chat GPT better for programming. Now, another interesting news has surfaced because apparently, ChatGPT can also be used in the area of cyber security. OpenAI wants to massively upgrade Programming Skills of its AI Good News for all Programmers when working with ChatGPT?…L8DGq8MkEHA.jpeg
ChatGPT detects Vulnerabilities in NPM and Python packets How Security Software Vendor Socket uses OpenAI’s Chatbot to examine Packets — It was already recently reported that OpenAI wants to make its Chat GPT better for programming. Now, another interesting news has surfaced because apparently, ChatGPT can also be used in the area of cyber security. OpenAI wants to massively upgrade Programming Skills of its AI Good News for all Programmers when working with ChatGPT? cybersecurity
ChatGPT detects Vulnerabilities NPM Python packet Security Software Vendor Socket us OpenAI’s Chatbot examine Packets — already recently reported OpenAI want make Chat GPT better programming another interesting news surfaced apparently ChatGPT also used area cyber security OpenAI want massively upgrade Programming Skills AI Good News Programmers working ChatGPTmediumcom cybersecurity
A Security Leadership Creed
Rules for Security Professionals To Live (and Die) By — What makes a good Security Leader? Certainly getting an award for security leadership is a dubious honor at best (if you must pay to get an award, do you deserve the award?). Being judged as a “good” leader is often left to the people who work near the leader —…*ntOG12yV_HZEZTqM
A Security Leadership Creed Rules for Security Professionals To Live (and Die) By — What makes a good Security Leader? Certainly getting an award for security leadership is a dubious honor at best (if you must pay to get an award, do you deserve the award?). Being judged as a “good” leader is often left to the people who work near the leader —… cybersecurity
Security Leadership Creed Rules Security Professionals Live Die — make good Security Leader Certainly getting award security leadership dubious honor best must pay get award deserve award judged “good” leader often left people work near leader —… cybersecurity
Integrating A.I. into Security Operations
In March of 2023 I spent many long nights integrating A.I. LLM models into a WebApp I had created for OSINT and alert triage. The general idea was that a SOC analyst could import an unformatted log entry straight from sentinel and immediately start using the OpenAI davinci-003 model via……xuN3EZQp6VDg.png
Integrating A.I. into Security Operations In March of 2023 I spent many long nights integrating A.I. LLM models into a WebApp I had created for OSINT and alert triage. The general idea was that a SOC analyst could import an unformatted log entry straight from sentinel and immediately start using the OpenAI davinci-003 model via… cybersecurity
Integrating AI Security Operations March 2023 spent many long night integrating AI LLM model WebApp created OSINT alert triage general idea SOC analyst could import unformatted log entry straight sentinel immediately start using OpenAI davinci003 model via… cybersecurity
Open Reverse Shell Creator
Introduction Welcome to this new article, today I am going to show you how to use a web page that I have just programmed, this project is done focusing on JavaScript, which is the language in which I am focusing on learning right now, so the HTML is very basic and……cjJ0p61tJRxG.jpg
Open Reverse Shell Creator Introduction Welcome to this new article, today I am going to show you how to use a web page that I have just programmed, this project is done focusing on JavaScript, which is the language in which I am focusing on learning right now, so the HTML is very basic and… cybersecurity
Open Reverse Shell Creator Introduction Welcome new article today going show use web page programmed project done focusing JavaScript language focusing learning right HTML basic and… cybersecurity
Subdomain TakeOvers methodology by Aakash Rathee.
Introduction: As technology continues to evolve and expand, so too do the security risks that come with it. One such vulnerability that has been gaining attention in recent years is subdomain takeover. Hi, I’m Aakash Rathee, a Security Engineer III at Esper, with a focus on vulnerability management and Application Security……133X11-BtXpw.png
Subdomain TakeOvers methodology by Aakash Rathee. Introduction: As technology continues to evolve and expand, so too do the security risks that come with it. One such vulnerability that has been gaining attention in recent years is subdomain takeover. Hi, I’m Aakash Rathee, a Security Engineer III at Esper, with a focus on vulnerability management and Application Security… cybersecurity
Subdomain TakeOvers methodology Aakash Rathee Introduction technology continues evolve expand security risk come One vulnerability gaining attention recent year subdomain takeover Hi I’m Aakash Rathee Security Engineer III Esper focus vulnerability management Application Security… cybersecurity
Application Secrets Handling in a Kubernetes Environment
I had the “pleasure” of working with Kubernetes for the past week and had to think about how to go about sharing credentials with containerised services. It probably won’t come as a surprise that I had a look at the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark (v1.6.0). What may be more interesting is……XJVcVDsTeHCA.png
Application Secrets Handling in a Kubernetes Environment I had the “pleasure” of working with Kubernetes for the past week and had to think about how to go about sharing credentials with containerised services. It probably won’t come as a surprise that I had a look at the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark (v1.6.0). What may be more interesting is… cybersecurity
Application Secrets Handling Kubernetes Environment “pleasure” working Kubernetes past week think go sharing credential containerised service probably won’t come surprise look CIS Kubernetes Benchmark v160 may interesting is… cybersecurity
Lesson 8: Stealing VPN Accounts with Malware — Top 4 Popular + Source-Codes
👾 Malware Development Series by XIT (C#) — Below is the Topics List for Lesson 8: 8. VPN Accounts Theft: ⇢ NordVPN ⇢ WindscribeVPN ⇢ ProtonVPN more… (ExpressVPN) Many people and companies use virtual private networks (VPNs) to safeguard their online security and privacy. Credentials for VPN accounts make excellent targets for attackers looking to access sensitive information……CDdGjwqdL8jr.png
Lesson 8: Stealing VPN Accounts with Malware — Top 4 Popular + Source-Codes 👾 Malware Development Series by XIT (C#) — Below is the Topics List for Lesson 8: 8. VPN Accounts Theft: ⇢ NordVPN ⇢ WindscribeVPN ⇢ ProtonVPN more… (ExpressVPN) Many people and companies use virtual private networks (VPNs) to safeguard their online security and privacy. Credentials for VPN accounts make excellent targets for attackers looking to access sensitive information… cybersecurity
Lesson 8 Stealing VPN Accounts Malware — Top 4 Popular SourceCodes 👾 Malware Development Series XIT C — Topics List Lesson 8 8 VPN Accounts Theft ⇢ NordVPN ⇢ WindscribeVPN ⇢ ProtonVPN more… ExpressVPN Many people company use virtual private network VPNs safeguard online security privacy Credentials VPN account make excellent target attacker looking access sensitive information… cybersecurity
OneNote Supply Chain Phishing | Abusing Trust Through BEC
In recent weeks, OneNote phishing campaigns have been creeping up time and time again and no doubt you’ve already seen your fair share of these articles by now. ……D0z8KmOr58wg.png
OneNote Supply Chain Phishing | Abusing Trust Through BEC In recent weeks, OneNote phishing campaigns have been creeping up time and time again and no doubt you’ve already seen your fair share of these articles by now. … cybersecurity
OneNote Supply Chain Phishing Abusing Trust BEC recent week OneNote phishing campaign creeping time time doubt you’ve already seen fair share article … cybersecurity
Android Application Testing Approach and Common Attacks/Tools
Android penetration testing is finding security flaws and vulnerabilities in an Android mobile application or device to ensure its protection. This testing aims to mimic assaults that a hacker may employ to take advantage of the programme or device and steal sensitive data, jeopardise user privacy, or carry out illegal…*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5
Android Application Testing Approach and Common Attacks/Tools Android penetration testing is finding security flaws and vulnerabilities in an Android mobile application or device to ensure its protection. This testing aims to mimic assaults that a hacker may employ to take advantage of the programme or device and steal sensitive data, jeopardise user privacy, or carry out illegal… information-security
Android Application Testing Approach Common AttacksTools Android penetration testing finding security flaw vulnerability Android mobile application device ensure protection testing aim mimic assault hacker may employ take advantage programme device steal sensitive data jeopardise user privacy carry illegal… informationsecurity
Identity Is a Co-owned Problem Between Security and IT
Who owns identity at your organization? Identity is currently seen as an IT problem in most organizations. IT owns most of the identity stack (e.g., Okta, Sailpoint, etc.), and security usually has a subteam that interfaces with IT, which can lead to a disjointed identity management process. For example, security can get hit with compliance needs……coXkgZZ1TqDA.png
Identity Is a Co-owned Problem Between Security and IT Who owns identity at your organization? Identity is currently seen as an IT problem in most organizations. IT owns most of the identity stack (e.g., Okta, Sailpoint, etc.), and security usually has a subteam that interfaces with IT, which can lead to a disjointed identity management process. For example, security can get hit with compliance needs… information-security
Identity Coowned Problem Security owns identity organization Identity currently seen problem organization owns identity stack eg Okta Sailpoint etc security usually subteam interface lead disjointed identity management process example security get hit compliance needs… informationsecurity
Discover the Freedom and Security of Atlas VPN: The Ultimate Solution for Protecting Your Online Activity
“Explore the Benefits of Atlas VPN: Secure Your Online Privacy, Access Any Content, and Enjoy Unlimited Data Usage Today!” — Are you tired of feeling like someone is constantly watching over your shoulder while you browse the internet? Do you want the freedom to access any content you want, from anywhere in the world? Look no further than Atlas VPN! With its top-notch security features, unlimited data usage, and commitment……yPv377RfRJrQ.png
Discover the Freedom and Security of Atlas VPN: The Ultimate Solution for Protecting Your Online Activity “Explore the Benefits of Atlas VPN: Secure Your Online Privacy, Access Any Content, and Enjoy Unlimited Data Usage Today!” — Are you tired of feeling like someone is constantly watching over your shoulder while you browse the internet? Do you want the freedom to access any content you want, from anywhere in the world? Look no further than Atlas VPN! With its top-notch security features, unlimited data usage, and commitment… information-security
Discover Freedom Security Atlas VPN Ultimate Solution Protecting Online Activity “Explore Benefits Atlas VPN Secure Online Privacy Access Content Enjoy Unlimited Data Usage Today” — tired feeling like someone constantly watching shoulder browse internet want freedom access content want anywhere world Look Atlas VPN topnotch security feature unlimited data usage commitment… informationsecurity
Stocker — Hack The Box
In this writeup, we will solve a box on hackthebox called Stocker. , we will solve a box on hackthebox called Stocker. Nmap Scan nmap -sC -sV -Ao nmap/stocker…CF8nHuIQNzO9.png
Stocker — Hack The Box In this writeup, we will solve a box on hackthebox called Stocker. , we will solve a box on hackthebox called Stocker. Nmap Scan nmap -sC -sV -Ao nmap/stocker information-security
Stocker — Hack Box writeup solve box hackthebox called Stocker solve box hackthebox called Stocker Nmap Scan nmap sC sV Ao nmapstocker 101011196 informationsecurity
Peter Allor of Red Hat Joins CVE Board
The CVE Program is pleased to welcome Peter Allor of Red Hat, Inc. as the newest member of the CVE Board. Peter will provide the Board with an open-source community perspective and help enhance collaboration between the CVE Program and that community. About Peter Peter is the Director for Red Hat Product……KMsNBkifbGnC.jpg
Peter Allor of Red Hat Joins CVE Board The CVE Program is pleased to welcome Peter Allor of Red Hat, Inc. as the newest member of the CVE Board. Peter will provide the Board with an open-source community perspective and help enhance collaboration between the CVE Program and that community. About Peter Peter is the Director for Red Hat Product… information-security
Peter Allor Red Hat Joins CVE Board CVE Program pleased welcome Peter Allor Red Hat Inc newest member CVE Board Peter provide Board opensource community perspective help enhance collaboration CVE Program community Peter Peter Director Red Hat Product… informationsecurity
Industry specific DWH architecture
Abstract There are a lot of advices and best practices, then it comes to company DWH but not much when you try to design DWH that is used by a lot of competing companies. You can find some difficulties with information security, ingesting and validating data, etc. This article is not……kD47KJoUldpg.png
Industry specific DWH architecture Abstract There are a lot of advices and best practices, then it comes to company DWH but not much when you try to design DWH that is used by a lot of competing companies. You can find some difficulties with information security, ingesting and validating data, etc. This article is not… information-security
Industry specific DWH architecture Abstract lot advice best practice come company DWH much try design DWH used lot competing company find difficulty information security ingesting validating data etc article not… informationsecurity
Can AI empowered open source tools compete with their premium counterparts? (Guest Blog)
Thank you for allowing me to be a guest on the Dispareo Security blog! My name is Sam Wallace and I am currently a Staff AppSec engineer, veteran, security researcher and security professional with a strong passion for software development, automation and tinkering with technologies. You can find me here: ……64fbbhC0FNXg.png
Can AI empowered open source tools compete with their premium counterparts? (Guest Blog) Thank you for allowing me to be a guest on the Dispareo Security blog! My name is Sam Wallace and I am currently a Staff AppSec engineer, veteran, security researcher and security professional with a strong passion for software development, automation and tinkering with technologies. You can find me here: … information-security
AI empowered open source tool compete premium counterpart Guest Blog Thank allowing guest Dispareo Security blog name Sam Wallace currently Staff AppSec engineer veteran security researcher security professional strong passion software development automation tinkering technology find … informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Tuesday, March 28, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust dealing with a cyber attack (Teiss, March 28th) Europol warns cops to prep for malicious AI abuse (Computer Weekly, March 28th) Inside The Shadowy World Of Iranian Cyber Espionage Group APT33 (Forbes, March 28th) Nigerian man imprisoned for four years over $1m cyber-fraud in US (The Street……39ej-vo7fSA.jpeg
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Tuesday, March 28, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust dealing with a cyber attack (Teiss, March 28th) Europol warns cops to prep for malicious AI abuse (Computer Weekly, March 28th) Inside The Shadowy World Of Iranian Cyber Espionage Group APT33 (Forbes, March 28th) Nigerian man imprisoned for four years over $1m cyber-fraud in US (The Street… information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Tuesday March 28 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust dealing cyber attack Teiss March 28th Europol warns cop prep malicious AI abuse Computer Weekly March 28th Inside Shadowy World Iranian Cyber Espionage Group APT33 Forbes March 28th Nigerian man imprisoned four year 1m cyberfraud US Street… informationsecurity
Automatically Classify & Protect Documents & Data
Microsoft Purview Information Protection Discover, classify, and protect sensitive information automatically, wherever it lives or travels with Microsoft Purview Information Protection. Built-in protections follow documents on mobile, in the browser, or as you coauthor them, with no add-ins required. Policy tips keep end users compliant without compromising productivity. Tony Themelis, Principal Program Manager for……ApsO3DBDcVug.png
Automatically Classify & Protect Documents & Data Microsoft Purview Information Protection Discover, classify, and protect sensitive information automatically, wherever it lives or travels with Microsoft Purview Information Protection. Built-in protections follow documents on mobile, in the browser, or as you coauthor them, with no add-ins required. Policy tips keep end users compliant without compromising productivity. Tony Themelis, Principal Program Manager for… information-security
Automatically Classify Protect Documents Data Microsoft Purview Information Protection Discover classify protect sensitive information automatically wherever life travel Microsoft Purview Information Protection Builtin protection follow document mobile browser coauthor addins required Policy tip keep end user compliant without compromising productivity Tony Themelis Principal Program Manager for… informationsecurity
🔒💻🌩️ The Importance of Multi-Factor Authentication in Cloud Security 🌩️💻🔒
As more businesses and organizations move their data and operations to the cloud, the need for robust security measures becomes more critical. While cloud computing provides many benefits, such as scalability, cost savings, and accessibility, it also poses unique security challenges. One of the most effective ways to protect your…️-the-importance-of-multi-factor-authentication-in-cloud-security-️-13ca20b41bf2?source=topics_v2---------17-84--------------------6deabb3c_c97e_4144_88d6_437fa148e117-------17…BlbTtVe5nAig.png
🔒💻🌩️ The Importance of Multi-Factor Authentication in Cloud Security 🌩️💻🔒 As more businesses and organizations move their data and operations to the cloud, the need for robust security measures becomes more critical. While cloud computing provides many benefits, such as scalability, cost savings, and accessibility, it also poses unique security challenges. One of the most effective ways to protect your… information-security
🔒💻🌩️ Importance MultiFactor Authentication Cloud Security 🌩️💻🔒 business organization move data operation cloud need robust security measure becomes critical cloud computing provides many benefit scalability cost saving accessibility also pose unique security challenge One effective way protect your… informationsecurity
7 Essential Tips for Securing Your PC Laptop from Cyber Attacks
In today’s digital age, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for individuals and businesses alike. Cyber attacks can take many forms, from viruses and malware to phishing scams and ransomware. These attacks can cause significant financial and reputational damage, and can even lead to identity theft or other serious consequences……2N6Yrxwdt-pw.png
7 Essential Tips for Securing Your PC Laptop from Cyber Attacks In today’s digital age, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for individuals and businesses alike. Cyber attacks can take many forms, from viruses and malware to phishing scams and ransomware. These attacks can cause significant financial and reputational damage, and can even lead to identity theft or other serious consequences… information-security
7 Essential Tips Securing PC Laptop Cyber Attacks today’s digital age cybersecurity become critical concern individual business alike Cyber attack take many form virus malware phishing scam ransomware attack cause significant financial reputational damage even lead identity theft serious consequences… informationsecurity
Wazuh and Chainsaw integration for near real time SIGMA detection
Integrate Wazuh and Chainsaw to integrate SIGMA rules with your Wazuh stack Intro In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to have effective threat detection mechanisms in place. ……38znQzTKu7Aw.png
Wazuh and Chainsaw integration for near real time SIGMA detection Integrate Wazuh and Chainsaw to integrate SIGMA rules with your Wazuh stack Intro In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to have effective threat detection mechanisms in place. … information-security
Wazuh Chainsaw integration near real time SIGMA detection Integrate Wazuh Chainsaw integrate SIGMA rule Wazuh stack Intro today’s world it’s important ever effective threat detection mechanism place … informationsecurity
The Magic of Certificates and Digital Signatures: A Story for Little Tech Explorers
Once upon a time, in a world full of computers and smartphones, there was a magical tool called the Internet. People could send messages, share pictures, and talk to each other from far, far away. ……wupeXkkkt8oA.png
The Magic of Certificates and Digital Signatures: A Story for Little Tech Explorers Once upon a time, in a world full of computers and smartphones, there was a magical tool called the Internet. People could send messages, share pictures, and talk to each other from far, far away. … information-security
Magic Certificates Digital Signatures Story Little Tech Explorers upon time world full computer smartphones magical tool called Internet People could send message share picture talk far far away … informationsecurity
OpenAI’s CHATGPT ATO Writeup
Hello InfoSec Community, this is my first writeup and I am here with a technical breakdown of the vulnerability which was found in OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The vulnerability was Web Cache Deception. …*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5
OpenAI’s CHATGPT ATO Writeup Hello InfoSec Community, this is my first writeup and I am here with a technical breakdown of the vulnerability which was found in OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The vulnerability was Web Cache Deception. … information-security
OpenAI’s CHATGPT ATO Writeup Hello InfoSec Community first writeup technical breakdown vulnerability found OpenAI’s ChatGPT vulnerability Web Cache Deception … informationsecurity
2023 PWK Exercises and Bonus Points
As you may have heard OffSec announced an update to their OSCP exam, PWK training material, and their bonus point exercises. If you haven’t read about the changes yet, you can check it out here: PEN-200 (PWK) 2023 Update | OffSec. With all the confusion and chaos from the change……9JSRfaM97TQ.jpeg
2023 PWK Exercises and Bonus Points As you may have heard OffSec announced an update to their OSCP exam, PWK training material, and their bonus point exercises. If you haven’t read about the changes yet, you can check it out here: PEN-200 (PWK) 2023 Update | OffSec. With all the confusion and chaos from the change… information-security
2023 PWK Exercises Bonus Points may heard OffSec announced update OSCP exam PWK training material bonus point exercise haven’t read change yet check PEN200 PWK 2023 Update OffSec confusion chaos change… informationsecurity
The Ultimate XSS PoC with ChatGPT-4 🎯
XSS to Demonstrate Stealing Cookies, Local Storage, and Page Content Generated with ChatGPT-4 🤖 — Welcome, fellow vulnerability hunters! Today, we’re going to explore a simple yet powerful way to demonstrate Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities using a Proof of Concept (PoC) generated with ChatGPT model GPT-4. Get ready to level up your ethical hacking skills! Step 1: The Prompt 📝 Let’s start with a killer prompt that’ll set the foundation……LXUzaz0FNTdw.png
The Ultimate XSS PoC with ChatGPT-4 🎯 XSS to Demonstrate Stealing Cookies, Local Storage, and Page Content Generated with ChatGPT-4 🤖 — Welcome, fellow vulnerability hunters! Today, we’re going to explore a simple yet powerful way to demonstrate Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities using a Proof of Concept (PoC) generated with ChatGPT model GPT-4. Get ready to level up your ethical hacking skills! Step 1: The Prompt 📝 Let’s start with a killer prompt that’ll set the foundation… information-security
Ultimate XSS PoC ChatGPT4 🎯 XSS Demonstrate Stealing Cookies Local Storage Page Content Generated ChatGPT4 🤖 — Welcome fellow vulnerability hunter Today we’re going explore simple yet powerful way demonstrate CrossSite Scripting XSS vulnerability using Proof Concept PoC generated ChatGPT model GPT4 Get ready level ethical hacking skill Step 1 Prompt 📝 Let’s start killer prompt that’ll set foundation… informationsecurity
Stay Ahead of the Curve: The Security Implications of Artificial Intelligence
During a keynote presentation, Jensen Huang, the current CEO of NVIDIA, compared the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) to the revolutionary impact that smartphones had on communication and technology. Huang’s reference to the “iPhone moment of AI” highlights the growing accessibility, usage, and integration of AI into our daily…*BOx9mjLKJezFdQFm
Stay Ahead of the Curve: The Security Implications of Artificial Intelligence During a keynote presentation, Jensen Huang, the current CEO of NVIDIA, compared the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) to the revolutionary impact that smartphones had on communication and technology. Huang’s reference to the “iPhone moment of AI” highlights the growing accessibility, usage, and integration of AI into our daily… information-security
Stay Ahead Curve Security Implications Artificial Intelligence keynote presentation Jensen Huang current CEO NVIDIA compared current state artificial intelligence AI revolutionary impact smartphones communication technology Huang’s reference “iPhone moment AI” highlight growing accessibility usage integration AI daily… informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Monday, March 27, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Superannuation fund NGS Super hit by cyber attack, ‘limited data’ taken from its system (Australia Broadcasting Corporation, March 27th) US military needs 7th branch just for cyber, current and former leaders say (The Record by Recorded Future, March 27th) What’s happening with the Latitude Financial cyber attack? Millions of customer……5jvCxRSO3CA.jpeg
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Monday, March 27, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Superannuation fund NGS Super hit by cyber attack, ‘limited data’ taken from its system (Australia Broadcasting Corporation, March 27th) US military needs 7th branch just for cyber, current and former leaders say (The Record by Recorded Future, March 27th) What’s happening with the Latitude Financial cyber attack? Millions of customer… information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Monday March 27 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Superannuation fund NGS Super hit cyber attack ‘limited data’ taken system Australia Broadcasting Corporation March 27th US military need 7th branch cyber current former leader say Record Recorded Future March 27th What’s happening Latitude Financial cyber attack Millions customer… informationsecurity
Efficient SIEM and Detection Engineering in 10 steps
SIEM systems and detection engineering are not just about data and detection rules. Planning and processes are becoming increasingly important over time. In 10 steps, you will learn how to approach detection in cybersecurity efficiently. 1. Just start If you have ever been programming, you will certainly be familiar with software engineering. We……7f-tlwV-NNPV.jpg
Efficient SIEM and Detection Engineering in 10 steps SIEM systems and detection engineering are not just about data and detection rules. Planning and processes are becoming increasingly important over time. In 10 steps, you will learn how to approach detection in cybersecurity efficiently. 1. Just start If you have ever been programming, you will certainly be familiar with software engineering. We… information-security
Efficient SIEM Detection Engineering 10 step SIEM system detection engineering data detection rule Planning process becoming increasingly important time 10 step learn approach detection cybersecurity efficiently 1 start ever programming certainly familiar software engineering We… informationsecurity
How to Implement a Cyber Incident Response Plan for Healthcare
In today’s digital landscape, healthcare organizations must be prepared to prevent and respond if a security breach or data incident occurs. An incident response plan (IRP) is essential for organizations to protect themselves and their data during a data breach. Developing an effective IRP requires understanding the 6 phases of…*QbvX1DovW_9wGdlS
How to Implement a Cyber Incident Response Plan for Healthcare In today’s digital landscape, healthcare organizations must be prepared to prevent and respond if a security breach or data incident occurs. An incident response plan (IRP) is essential for organizations to protect themselves and their data during a data breach. Developing an effective IRP requires understanding the 6 phases of… information-security
Implement Cyber Incident Response Plan Healthcare today’s digital landscape healthcare organization must prepared prevent respond security breach data incident occurs incident response plan IRP essential organization protect data data breach Developing effective IRP requires understanding 6 phase of… informationsecurity
Get Ahead of the Game: Using Innovative Techniques to Impersonate Wireless APs with Wifi Honey!
I had some time recently to experiment further with some tools in Kali Linux which I hadn’t previously used. ……1zWACGAwd4dQ.png
Get Ahead of the Game: Using Innovative Techniques to Impersonate Wireless APs with Wifi Honey! I had some time recently to experiment further with some tools in Kali Linux which I hadn’t previously used. … information-security
Get Ahead Game Using Innovative Techniques Impersonate Wireless APs Wifi Honey time recently experiment tool Kali Linux hadn’t previously used … informationsecurity
A Digital Age: Observations from 38 Thousand Feet
This blog is actually being written when I’m supposed to be on a Break I’m 38840 feet in the air and I’m on a long hall flight. ( the other half is looking at me with that look but hey it’s a long flight !!!) …*U3PLIezkb1SGs_-L
A Digital Age: Observations from 38 Thousand Feet This blog is actually being written when I’m supposed to be on a Break I’m 38840 feet in the air and I’m on a long hall flight. ( the other half is looking at me with that look but hey it’s a long flight !!!) … information-security
Digital Age Observations 38 Thousand Feet blog actually written I’m supposed Break I’m 38840 foot air I’m long hall flight half looking look hey it’s long flight … informationsecurity
The Age Of Cognitive Security Is Here
I couldn’t help it! Like the many digital native and nomads, watching policy unfold in front of our eyes was something to behold over the past few days. ……FfTJOoF9knA.jpeg
The Age Of Cognitive Security Is Here I couldn’t help it! Like the many digital native and nomads, watching policy unfold in front of our eyes was something to behold over the past few days. … information-security
Age Cognitive Security couldn’t help Like many digital native nomad watching policy unfold front eye something behold past day … informationsecurity
Storing Information with Spins: Creating New Structured Spin States with Spatially Structured Polarized Light
Researchers generate a vector vortex light beam and imprint its spatial structure on to spins inside a semiconductor solid Spin, a quantum property of particles, can be controlled using light waves to store information. This is conventionally achieved using a uniformly polarized light beam. Recently, researchers from Japan successfully generated……Ms7KMmgFoQeA.png
Storing Information with Spins: Creating New Structured Spin States with Spatially Structured Polarized Light Researchers generate a vector vortex light beam and imprint its spatial structure on to spins inside a semiconductor solid Spin, a quantum property of particles, can be controlled using light waves to store information. This is conventionally achieved using a uniformly polarized light beam. Recently, researchers from Japan successfully generated… information-security
Storing Information Spins Creating New Structured Spin States Spatially Structured Polarized Light Researchers generate vector vortex light beam imprint spatial structure spin inside semiconductor solid Spin quantum property particle controlled using light wave store information conventionally achieved using uniformly polarized light beam Recently researcher Japan successfully generated… informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Saturday, March 25, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Maritime students gear up to fight high-seas cyberattacks (Popular Science, March 25th) Cyber breach affects postal service workers in Jacksonville (Florida) (WNCT 9, March 24th) 5 Louisiana colleges shut down internet after security threat (Louisiana Illuminator, March 25th) Pwn2Own Hackers Breach a Tesla (Twice), Earn $350K and a Model 3 (PC……LZ_kDcTUMdw.jpeg
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Saturday, March 25, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Maritime students gear up to fight high-seas cyberattacks (Popular Science, March 25th) Cyber breach affects postal service workers in Jacksonville (Florida) (WNCT 9, March 24th) 5 Louisiana colleges shut down internet after security threat (Louisiana Illuminator, March 25th) Pwn2Own Hackers Breach a Tesla (Twice), Earn $350K and a Model 3 (PC… information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Saturday March 25 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Maritime student gear fight highseas cyberattacks Popular Science March 25th Cyber breach affect postal service worker Jacksonville Florida WNCT 9 March 24th 5 Louisiana college shut internet security threat Louisiana Illuminator March 25th Pwn2Own Hackers Breach Tesla Twice Earn 350K Model 3 PC… informationsecurity
Finding Initial Access on a real life Penetration Test
On a recent internal Penetration Test I was faced with the above scenario and had to work a little harder for Domain Admin. So finding initial access. What do we need to do.. as a rule we will need one of 2 things: a) Something vulnerable b) Credentials Putting Red……z1ErL_O-__6A.png
Finding Initial Access on a real life Penetration Test On a recent internal Penetration Test I was faced with the above scenario and had to work a little harder for Domain Admin. So finding initial access. What do we need to do.. as a rule we will need one of 2 things: a) Something vulnerable b) Credentials Putting Red… information-security
Finding Initial Access real life Penetration Test recent internal Penetration Test faced scenario work little harder Domain Admin finding initial access need rule need one 2 thing Something vulnerable b Credentials Putting Red… informationsecurity
Spoofing MAC address automatically while keeping anonymity.
Spoofing MAC address automatically while keeping anonymity. In this article, we will consider how to change (change, spoof) the MAC address on your Linux computer, as well as how to use different tools for the automatic replacement of the MAC address. Why you need to change the MAC address ? The MAC address is (should be) unique……tk4qYZvj40A.jpeg
Spoofing MAC address automatically while keeping anonymity. Spoofing MAC address automatically while keeping anonymity. In this article, we will consider how to change (change, spoof) the MAC address on your Linux computer, as well as how to use different tools for the automatic replacement of the MAC address. Why you need to change the MAC address ? The MAC address is (should be) unique… information-security
Spoofing MAC address automatically keeping anonymity Spoofing MAC address automatically keeping anonymity article consider change change spoof MAC address Linux computer well use different tool automatic replacement MAC address need change MAC address MAC address unique… informationsecurity
Cybersecurity 🔐 And Much More Newsletter 📪 Vol. 3 Num. 12
Greetings, friends. 👋 📫 Welcome to my newsletter, if you have not yet subscribed, please do so 🥹. It might include books📚, articles ✍️, tech 💻, tips💡, and cool stuff about cybersecurity 🔒. Enjoy! What’s Happening 🚨 Three Must-Reads from CISA 🪪 CISA and NSA Release Identity and Access Management Guidance The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency……f9jh2SpVSv7Q.png
Cybersecurity 🔐 And Much More Newsletter 📪 Vol. 3 Num. 12 Greetings, friends. 👋 📫 Welcome to my newsletter, if you have not yet subscribed, please do so 🥹. It might include books📚, articles ✍️, tech 💻, tips💡, and cool stuff about cybersecurity 🔒. Enjoy! What’s Happening 🚨 Three Must-Reads from CISA 🪪 CISA and NSA Release Identity and Access Management Guidance The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency… information-security
Cybersecurity 🔐 Much Newsletter 📪 Vol 3 Num 12 Greetings friend 👋 📫 Welcome newsletter yet subscribed please 🥹 might include books📚 article ✍️ tech 💻 tips💡 cool stuff cybersecurity 🔒 Enjoy What’s Happening 🚨 Three MustReads CISA 🪪 CISA NSA Release Identity Access Management Guidance US Cybersecurity Infrastructure Agency… informationsecurity
But First … Classification
Security leaders should start with classification guidance when they write or re-write security policy. If you are starting to use my advice to write security policy that works, the task can be daunting. Frameworks like ISO 27001 and the HITRUST CSF call for policy on dozens of topics ranging from……7uqewJjt6taw.png
But First … Classification Security leaders should start with classification guidance when they write or re-write security policy. If you are starting to use my advice to write security policy that works, the task can be daunting. Frameworks like ISO 27001 and the HITRUST CSF call for policy on dozens of topics ranging from… information-security
First … Classification Security leader start classification guidance write rewrite security policy starting use advice write security policy work task daunting Frameworks like ISO 27001 HITRUST CSF call policy dozen topic ranging from… informationsecurity
Shaken, Not Stirred: The Art of Securely Sharing Files with External Customers.
A thrilling and witty guide to keeping your files under lock and key. Picture this: You're a top security professional, a modern-day digital Bond, armed with your trusty gadgets - keyboard, mouse, and an encrypted USB drive. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to securely share files with external customers without compromising your data's integrity. But worry not, for we……fJbQa6dr5W5A.png
Shaken, Not Stirred: The Art of Securely Sharing Files with External Customers. A thrilling and witty guide to keeping your files under lock and key. Picture this: You're a top security professional, a modern-day digital Bond, armed with your trusty gadgets - keyboard, mouse, and an encrypted USB drive. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to securely share files with external customers without compromising your data's integrity. But worry not, for we… information-security
Shaken Stirred Art Securely Sharing Files External Customers thrilling witty guide keeping file lock key Picture Youre top security professional modernday digital Bond armed trusty gadget keyboard mouse encrypted USB drive mission choose accept securely share file external customer without compromising data integrity worry we… informationsecurity