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The Evolution of Attack Techniques in the Era of Real-World
The Era of Real-World Offense and Defense It has brought great convenience to customers in dealing with various securities business through various forms such as Web application, APP and applet. However, while digitalization is reshaping the service model of securities business, the exposure of online business is also expanding, and……p2TYFB85p0UA.jpg
The Evolution of Attack Techniques in the Era of Real-World The Era of Real-World Offense and Defense It has brought great convenience to customers in dealing with various securities business through various forms such as Web application, APP and applet. However, while digitalization is reshaping the service model of securities business, the exposure of online business is also expanding, and… information-security
Evolution Attack Techniques Era RealWorld Era RealWorld Offense Defense brought great convenience customer dealing various security business various form Web application APP applet However digitalization reshaping service model security business exposure online business also expanding and… informationsecurity
CTI Flash Briefing: LastPass suffers 2nd Security Incident
Overview LastPass reported a 2nd security incident hitting their systems after the initial attack and disclosure in August 2022. From their security incident update blog post on The two incidents that we disclosed last year affected LastPass and our customers. Neither incident was caused by any LastPass product defect or……UB5JjkotbNN3.png
CTI Flash Briefing: LastPass suffers 2nd Security Incident Overview LastPass reported a 2nd security incident hitting their systems after the initial attack and disclosure in August 2022. From their security incident update blog post on The two incidents that we disclosed last year affected LastPass and our customers. Neither incident was caused by any LastPass product defect or… information-security
CTI Flash Briefing LastPass suffers 2nd Security Incident Overview LastPass reported 2nd security incident hitting system initial attack disclosure August 2022 security incident update blog post supportlastpasscom two incident disclosed last year affected LastPass customer Neither incident caused LastPass product defect or… informationsecurity
Stay Ahead of the Game: The Importance of Threat Modelling in Cybersecurity
Threat modelling is a systematic process of identifying and analyzing potential threats and vulnerabilities in a system or application to determine the most effective way to protect it from attacks. …*2faZr5HIpqDP__wZ
Stay Ahead of the Game: The Importance of Threat Modelling in Cybersecurity Threat modelling is a systematic process of identifying and analyzing potential threats and vulnerabilities in a system or application to determine the most effective way to protect it from attacks. … information-security
Stay Ahead Game Importance Threat Modelling Cybersecurity Threat modelling systematic process identifying analyzing potential threat vulnerability system application determine effective way protect attack … informationsecurity
Crucial conversations: Overcoming the 5 Areas Where CISOs Tend to Struggle
I had a great conversation with Marco Ciappelli and Sean Martin from ITSPmagazine podcast discussing the mistakes and hard-learned lessons……cDnZMq8zwPQ.jpeg
Crucial conversations: Overcoming the 5 Areas Where CISOs Tend to Struggle I had a great conversation with Marco Ciappelli and Sean Martin from ITSPmagazine podcast discussing the mistakes and hard-learned lessons… information-security
Crucial conversation Overcoming 5 Areas CISOs Tend Struggle great conversation Marco Ciappelli Sean Martin ITSPmagazine podcast discussing mistake hardlearned lessons… informationsecurity
How I was able to find Django Misconfiguration using
Hi guys this is my 2nd Article ever and in this one i will show how i was able to find Django Misconfiguration in Amazon VRP using Shodan. What is Response by OpenAI : is a search engine designed to scan and index internet-connected devices and systems. Unlike traditional search engines, which index web pages, Shodan focuses on the devices themselves, including servers, routers, webcams, and other IoT (Internet of Things) devices.…cmnA3EjHvjQ.jpeg
How I was able to find Django Misconfiguration using Hi guys this is my 2nd Article ever and in this one i will show how i was able to find Django Misconfiguration in Amazon VRP using Shodan. What is Response by OpenAI : is a search engine designed to scan and index internet-connected devices and systems. Unlike traditional search engines, which index web pages, Shodan focuses on the devices themselves, including servers, routers, webcams, and other IoT (Internet of Things) devices. information-security
able find Django Misconfiguration using Shodanio Hi guy 2nd Article ever one show able find Django Misconfiguration Amazon VRP using Shodan Shodanio Response OpenAI Shodanio search engine designed scan index internetconnected device system Unlike traditional search engine index web page Shodan focus device including server router webcam IoT Internet Things device informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Wednesday, March 1, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — US Cyber Command developing own intelligence hub (C4ISRNET, March 1st) Belgium’s cyber security agency links China to spear phishing attack on MP (Financial Times, March 1st) Southern states have the most open cyber exposures, report finds (GCN, March 1st) Quarterly Cyber Regulations Update: February 2023 (The Wall Street Journal, March……Ung8JOYsUSg.jpeg
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Wednesday, March 1, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — US Cyber Command developing own intelligence hub (C4ISRNET, March 1st) Belgium’s cyber security agency links China to spear phishing attack on MP (Financial Times, March 1st) Southern states have the most open cyber exposures, report finds (GCN, March 1st) Quarterly Cyber Regulations Update: February 2023 (The Wall Street Journal, March… information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Wednesday March 1 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — US Cyber Command developing intelligence hub C4ISRNET March 1st Belgium’s cyber security agency link China spear phishing attack MP Financial Times March 1st Southern state open cyber exposure report find GCN March 1st Quarterly Cyber Regulations Update February 2023 Wall Street Journal March… informationsecurity
Interesting Stored XSS in sandboxed environment to Full Account Takeover
Hi readers 👋, Hope everyone of you doing well, Before moving to the article content here is little announcement 📢, In collaboration with TMG Security ( we have successfully launched ADVANCED BUG BOUNTY HUNTING V1.0 ……Wh9SWC6sfJOQ.png
Interesting Stored XSS in sandboxed environment to Full Account Takeover Hi readers 👋, Hope everyone of you doing well, Before moving to the article content here is little announcement 📢, In collaboration with TMG Security ( we have successfully launched ADVANCED BUG BOUNTY HUNTING V1.0 … information-security
Interesting Stored XSS sandboxed environment Full Account Takeover Hi reader 👋 Hope everyone well moving article content little announcement 📢 collaboration TMG Security tmgseccom successfully launched ADVANCED BUG BOUNTY HUNTING V10 … informationsecurity
Privacy, GDPR, CCPA & Beyond
Privacy vs Security Privacy relates to the rights with respect to personal information. Privacy becomes very important when it comes to processing personal data. We need to make sure that we handle those type of data ethically. …*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5
Privacy, GDPR, CCPA & Beyond Privacy vs Security Privacy relates to the rights with respect to personal information. Privacy becomes very important when it comes to processing personal data. We need to make sure that we handle those type of data ethically. … information-security
Privacy GDPR CCPA Beyond Privacy v Security Privacy relates right respect personal information Privacy becomes important come processing personal data need make sure handle type data ethically … informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Tuesday, February 28, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Lack of Black cyber execs is hampering job retention, experts say (Axios, February 28th) Dish Network Shares Hit 14-Year Low After Cyber Attack Caused Major Outage (Forbes, February 28th) “Major” cyberattack compromised sensitive U.S. Marshals Service data (CBS News, February 28th) National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Approves New Cyber Incident……MlHFF69IuZg.jpeg
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Tuesday, February 28, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Lack of Black cyber execs is hampering job retention, experts say (Axios, February 28th) Dish Network Shares Hit 14-Year Low After Cyber Attack Caused Major Outage (Forbes, February 28th) “Major” cyberattack compromised sensitive U.S. Marshals Service data (CBS News, February 28th) National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Approves New Cyber Incident… information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Tuesday February 28 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Lack Black cyber exec hampering job retention expert say Axios February 28th Dish Network Shares Hit 14Year Low Cyber Attack Caused Major Outage Forbes February 28th “Major” cyberattack compromised sensitive US Marshals Service data CBS News February 28th National Credit Union Administration NCUA Approves New Cyber Incident… informationsecurity
Confidential Computing Saves the Game and Gamer’s PII
Esports has become one of the fastest-growing activities in the world, and now, thanks to cloud services and technologies, it’s only going to continue to skyrocket. Cloud technology helps boost online streaming platforms and has given esports players access to high-end games, a virtual arena in which they can compete……tW2LNVKx9d0g.png
Confidential Computing Saves the Game and Gamer’s PII Esports has become one of the fastest-growing activities in the world, and now, thanks to cloud services and technologies, it’s only going to continue to skyrocket. Cloud technology helps boost online streaming platforms and has given esports players access to high-end games, a virtual arena in which they can compete… information-security
Confidential Computing Saves Game Gamer’s PII Esports become one fastestgrowing activity world thanks cloud service technology it’s going continue skyrocket Cloud technology help boost online streaming platform given esports player access highend game virtual arena compete… informationsecurity
Compliance, Security Questionnaires, and Information Security: Protecting Your Organization in the Digital Age
In today’s digital age, organizations are facing an increasing threat from cyberattacks. Hackers and cybercriminals are constantly looking for ways to exploit vulnerabilities in organizational networks and systems to gain access to sensitive data. ……LWnG1l8C9Wsg.png
Compliance, Security Questionnaires, and Information Security: Protecting Your Organization in the Digital Age In today’s digital age, organizations are facing an increasing threat from cyberattacks. Hackers and cybercriminals are constantly looking for ways to exploit vulnerabilities in organizational networks and systems to gain access to sensitive data. … information-security
Compliance Security Questionnaires Information Security Protecting Organization Digital Age today’s digital age organization facing increasing threat cyberattacks Hackers cybercriminals constantly looking way exploit vulnerability organizational network system gain access sensitive data … informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Sunday, February 26, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — We must treat cyber wars the same as we treat conventional military encounters (The Hill, February 26th) Federal government to rewrite cyber laws after Optus, Medibank hacks (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, February 27th) German minister warns of ‘massive’ danger from Russian hackers (The Guardian, February 26th) Cyber Security Act to be……aKj5MBF9e0g.jpeg
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Sunday, February 26, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — We must treat cyber wars the same as we treat conventional military encounters (The Hill, February 26th) Federal government to rewrite cyber laws after Optus, Medibank hacks (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, February 27th) German minister warns of ‘massive’ danger from Russian hackers (The Guardian, February 26th) Cyber Security Act to be… information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Sunday February 26 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — must treat cyber war treat conventional military encounter Hill February 26th Federal government rewrite cyber law Optus Medibank hack Australian Broadcasting Corporation February 27th German minister warns ‘massive’ danger Russian hacker Guardian February 26th Cyber Security Act be… informationsecurity
Protect Your Business with Regular Vulnerability Assessments
Vulnerability assessments are an essential component of any effective cybersecurity strategy. These assessments help organizations identify potential weaknesses in their information technology (IT) systems, networks, and applications that could be exploited by cybercriminals. In this article, we’ll discuss what vulnerability assessments are, why they’re important, and how they’re conducted. In……cmFJimjmMUw.jpeg
Protect Your Business with Regular Vulnerability Assessments Vulnerability assessments are an essential component of any effective cybersecurity strategy. These assessments help organizations identify potential weaknesses in their information technology (IT) systems, networks, and applications that could be exploited by cybercriminals. In this article, we’ll discuss what vulnerability assessments are, why they’re important, and how they’re conducted. In… information-security
Protect Business Regular Vulnerability Assessments Vulnerability assessment essential component effective cybersecurity strategy assessment help organization identify potential weakness information technology system network application could exploited cybercriminals article we’ll discus vulnerability assessment they’re important they’re conducted In… informationsecurity
Getting Started with Frida: Setting up on an Emulator
A well-liked dynamic instrumentation tool called Frida can be used to carry out a variety of security testing tasks. It enables programmers and security experts to examine and alter the behavior of apps operating on mobile devices, desktop computers, and servers. There are several reasons why Frida is useful in……-S5ZmA7QWoGw.png
Getting Started with Frida: Setting up on an Emulator A well-liked dynamic instrumentation tool called Frida can be used to carry out a variety of security testing tasks. It enables programmers and security experts to examine and alter the behavior of apps operating on mobile devices, desktop computers, and servers. There are several reasons why Frida is useful in… information-security
Getting Started Frida Setting Emulator wellliked dynamic instrumentation tool called Frida used carry variety security testing task enables programmer security expert examine alter behavior apps operating mobile device desktop computer server several reason Frida useful in… informationsecurity
As a software engineer, you should know these cybersecurity tools
Cybersecurity is becoming more critical as the world gets more digitized. Software engineers are critical to ensuring the security of their code. Software engineers can use a lot of tools and resources to help with code security. ……zOQXgIv7DY1L.png
As a software engineer, you should know these cybersecurity tools Cybersecurity is becoming more critical as the world gets more digitized. Software engineers are critical to ensuring the security of their code. Software engineers can use a lot of tools and resources to help with code security. … information-security
software engineer know cybersecurity tool Cybersecurity becoming critical world get digitized Software engineer critical ensuring security code Software engineer use lot tool resource help code security … informationsecurity
4-Level Analysis for Threat Prioritisation — Chapter II
Following my first article 4-Level Analysis for Threat Prioritisation, I would like to discuss how we can combine four data points in our threat assessments to better prioritise threats. ……OhxOrxVbSFSA.png
4-Level Analysis for Threat Prioritisation — Chapter II Following my first article 4-Level Analysis for Threat Prioritisation, I would like to discuss how we can combine four data points in our threat assessments to better prioritise threats. … information-security
4Level Analysis Threat Prioritisation — Chapter II Following first article 4Level Analysis Threat Prioritisation would like discus combine four data point threat assessment better prioritise threat … informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Saturday, February 25, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Ransomware Attack Forces Produce Giant Dole to Shut Down Plants (Security Week, February 24th) Ukraine gears up for new phase of cyber war with Russia (Politico, February 25th) What churches need to know about avoiding cyber scams (The Baptist Paper, February 25th) Polish team wins NATO cyber competition (TVP World, February……816WtzUOykw.jpeg
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Saturday, February 25, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Ransomware Attack Forces Produce Giant Dole to Shut Down Plants (Security Week, February 24th) Ukraine gears up for new phase of cyber war with Russia (Politico, February 25th) What churches need to know about avoiding cyber scams (The Baptist Paper, February 25th) Polish team wins NATO cyber competition (TVP World, February… information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Saturday February 25 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Ransomware Attack Forces Produce Giant Dole Shut Plants Security Week February 24th Ukraine gear new phase cyber war Russia Politico February 25th church need know avoiding cyber scam Baptist Paper February 25th Polish team win NATO cyber competition TVP World February… informationsecurity
Information Disclosure Vulnerability in Adobe Experience Manager affecting multiple companies…
Information Disclosure Vulnerability in Adobe Experience Manager affecting multiple companies including Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, McDonald’s and many more. This is my first article ever so don’t mind my writing skills i really hate writing but i wanted to share this one with the community. Hi guys my name is Fat……zI1e3nBBKcAQ.png
Information Disclosure Vulnerability in Adobe Experience Manager affecting multiple companies… Information Disclosure Vulnerability in Adobe Experience Manager affecting multiple companies including Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, McDonald’s and many more. This is my first article ever so don’t mind my writing skills i really hate writing but i wanted to share this one with the community. Hi guys my name is Fat… information-security
Information Disclosure Vulnerability Adobe Experience Manager affecting multiple companies… Information Disclosure Vulnerability Adobe Experience Manager affecting multiple company including Microsoft Apple Amazon McDonald’s many first article ever don’t mind writing skill really hate writing wanted share one community Hi guy name Fat… informationsecurity
Keep an eye out for the JavaScript
Two things I want to cover in this article and both concerns JavaScript. Bypassing client-side JavaScript filter. A while ago I learnt the importance of intercepting the JavaScript responses with respect to the file upload filter from my colleague. Burp Suite by default does not intercept the requests sent for……JP7jI_A0wD2A.png
Keep an eye out for the JavaScript Two things I want to cover in this article and both concerns JavaScript. Bypassing client-side JavaScript filter. A while ago I learnt the importance of intercepting the JavaScript responses with respect to the file upload filter from my colleague. Burp Suite by default does not intercept the requests sent for… information-security
Keep eye JavaScript Two thing want cover article concern JavaScript Bypassing clientside JavaScript filter ago learnt importance intercepting JavaScript response respect file upload filter colleague Burp Suite default intercept request sent for… informationsecurity
2FA Change: Good for Twitter, Good for Twitter’s Users
Seldom a day goes by without some new controversy on, or about, Twitter. Elon Musk’s acquisition of the platform worked like a mainline injection of methamphetamine to boost that effect. Consider a February 15 announcement which, even a year ago, would likely have struck most people as boring and technical: ……AcClPoNOkjHs.jpg
2FA Change: Good for Twitter, Good for Twitter’s Users Seldom a day goes by without some new controversy on, or about, Twitter. Elon Musk’s acquisition of the platform worked like a mainline injection of methamphetamine to boost that effect. Consider a February 15 announcement which, even a year ago, would likely have struck most people as boring and technical: … information-security
2FA Change Good Twitter Good Twitter’s Users Seldom day go without new controversy Twitter Elon Musk’s acquisition platform worked like mainline injection methamphetamine boost effect Consider February 15 announcement even year ago would likely struck people boring technical … informationsecurity
Tools that everyone should be aware of.
Here are the top 10 devices, Flipper Zero Flipper Zero is a multi-functional hacking device used to learn and experiment with computer security. This device is designed with various features and tools, making it ideal for individuals interested in exploring the field of cybersecurity. The Flipper Zero has a compact……zM_6aTR8NMMO.jpg
Tools that everyone should be aware of. Here are the top 10 devices, Flipper Zero Flipper Zero is a multi-functional hacking device used to learn and experiment with computer security. This device is designed with various features and tools, making it ideal for individuals interested in exploring the field of cybersecurity. The Flipper Zero has a compact… information-security
Tools everyone aware top 10 device Flipper Zero Flipper Zero multifunctional hacking device used learn experiment computer security device designed various feature tool making ideal individual interested exploring field cybersecurity Flipper Zero compact… informationsecurity
Threat Hunting Content Platform: Supercharge Your Threat Hunting
By Cyborg Security As a security professional, you understand the crucial role that threat hunting plays in protecting your organization from cyber attacks. Threat hunting involves proactively searching for signs of malicious activity on your organization’s networks and systems, analyzing adversary behaviors to detect breaches and prevent attacks. However, threat……zycw2I6uPfXw.png
Threat Hunting Content Platform: Supercharge Your Threat Hunting By Cyborg Security As a security professional, you understand the crucial role that threat hunting plays in protecting your organization from cyber attacks. Threat hunting involves proactively searching for signs of malicious activity on your organization’s networks and systems, analyzing adversary behaviors to detect breaches and prevent attacks. However, threat… information-security
Threat Hunting Content Platform Supercharge Threat Hunting Cyborg Security security professional understand crucial role threat hunting play protecting organization cyber attack Threat hunting involves proactively searching sign malicious activity organization’s network system analyzing adversary behavior detect breach prevent attack However threat… informationsecurity
Security Policy That Works
Policy can be a key tool in the security leader’s kit — if it has consensus, authority, and publicity. Technically minded security professionals (like me) can underestimate the importance of policy in a security program. Pieces of paper don’t secure networks, after all. But policy gives the security team power……wS2k9yjVTZA.jpeg
Security Policy That Works Policy can be a key tool in the security leader’s kit — if it has consensus, authority, and publicity. Technically minded security professionals (like me) can underestimate the importance of policy in a security program. Pieces of paper don’t secure networks, after all. But policy gives the security team power… information-security
Security Policy Works Policy key tool security leader’s kit — consensus authority publicity Technically minded security professional like underestimate importance policy security program Pieces paper don’t secure network policy give security team power… informationsecurity
Cyber Research #72
The newsletter will be on hiatus indefinitely for the time being. Articles Airbnb’s Approach to Access Management at Scale How Airbnb securely manages permissions for our large team of employees, contractors, and call center Threat Hunting: Detection based on Prevalence Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything Today's adventure: DIY whole hog data*6Dke3mCUutmpodOr
Cyber Research #72 The newsletter will be on hiatus indefinitely for the time being. Articles Airbnb’s Approach to Access Management at Scale How Airbnb securely manages permissions for our large team of employees, contractors, and call center Threat Hunting: Detection based on Prevalence Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything Today's adventure: DIY whole hog data information-security
Cyber Research 72 newsletter hiatus indefinitely time Articles Airbnb’s Approach Access Management Scale Airbnb securely manages permission large team employee contractor call center staffmediumcom Threat Hunting Detection based Prevalence alpinesecmediumcom Lets build Chrome extension steal everything Todays adventure DIY whole hog data exfiltrationmattfrisbiesubstackcom informationsecurity
Zero Trust Architecture: The New Standard in Securing Your Organization’s Data in a New Digital Age
Zero Trust, Zero Trust Architecture, Zero Trust Security. We all have heard about it at least once. We hear about it on our favorite tech podcasts when we drive to work. Perhaps you hear your Information Security Manager preaching about it. But what exactly is Zero Trust? According to the…*ERbsny_04gSdGGH-
Zero Trust Architecture: The New Standard in Securing Your Organization’s Data in a New Digital Age Zero Trust, Zero Trust Architecture, Zero Trust Security. We all have heard about it at least once. We hear about it on our favorite tech podcasts when we drive to work. Perhaps you hear your Information Security Manager preaching about it. But what exactly is Zero Trust? According to the… information-security
Zero Trust Architecture New Standard Securing Organization’s Data New Digital Age Zero Trust Zero Trust Architecture Zero Trust Security heard least hear favorite tech podcasts drive work Perhaps hear Information Security Manager preaching exactly Zero Trust According the… informationsecurity
Threat Hunting Series: Detection Engineering VS Threat Hunting
Threat hunting is becoming mainstream, and despite the attention it receives, many people need help to differentiate it from other roles, such as detection engineering. This confusion leads to endless discussions on places like Twitter and Reddit. I wrote this article to share my perspective on what makes threat hunting……kMMCuFNtUj0w.png
Threat Hunting Series: Detection Engineering VS Threat Hunting Threat hunting is becoming mainstream, and despite the attention it receives, many people need help to differentiate it from other roles, such as detection engineering. This confusion leads to endless discussions on places like Twitter and Reddit. I wrote this article to share my perspective on what makes threat hunting… information-security
Threat Hunting Series Detection Engineering VS Threat Hunting Threat hunting becoming mainstream despite attention receives many people need help differentiate role detection engineering confusion lead endless discussion place like Twitter Reddit wrote article share perspective make threat hunting… informationsecurity
XSS and chicken biryani got along.
Food for thought. It was wordpress website this time. They had implemented WPE W.A.F to block all xss payloads. No </ , no encoding , no script kiddie stuffs. One thing I noticed was when I use flower bracket { the application accepts the input. No blocking. Since, the app……ekdzmcvGApag.png
XSS and chicken biryani got along. Food for thought. It was wordpress website this time. They had implemented WPE W.A.F to block all xss payloads. No </ , no encoding , no script kiddie stuffs. One thing I noticed was when I use flower bracket { the application accepts the input. No blocking. Since, the app… information-security
XSS chicken biryani got along Food thought wordpress website time implemented WPE WAF block x payload encoding script kiddie stuff One thing noticed use flower bracket application accepts input blocking Since app… informationsecurity
How to use Fail2ban
Ban malicious software by example — What is Fail2ban Fail2ban is an open-source software tool used for monitoring log files and banning IP addresses that show malicious signs, such as too many failed login attempts. It is commonly used as a security measure to protect servers against brute-force attacks and other types of malicious activity. Fail2ban works by monitoring……50RKubusW7Q.jpeg
How to use Fail2ban Ban malicious software by example — What is Fail2ban Fail2ban is an open-source software tool used for monitoring log files and banning IP addresses that show malicious signs, such as too many failed login attempts. It is commonly used as a security measure to protect servers against brute-force attacks and other types of malicious activity. Fail2ban works by monitoring… information-security
use Fail2ban Ban malicious software example — Fail2ban Fail2ban opensource software tool used monitoring log file banning IP address show malicious sign many failed login attempt commonly used security measure protect server bruteforce attack type malicious activity Fail2ban work monitoring… informationsecurity
Sublime Security: How to Defend All of Your Personal Mailboxes from Phishing for Free
Are you constantly finding yourself inundated with spam and phishing links in your email inbox? Have you even found yourself clicking a link only to land at a fake cryptocurrency or delivery site? Look no further than Sublime Security — a new email security tool designed to shield your inbox…*SA7oH345Ws7uwE3t
Sublime Security: How to Defend All of Your Personal Mailboxes from Phishing for Free Are you constantly finding yourself inundated with spam and phishing links in your email inbox? Have you even found yourself clicking a link only to land at a fake cryptocurrency or delivery site? Look no further than Sublime Security — a new email security tool designed to shield your inbox… information-security
Sublime Security Defend Personal Mailboxes Phishing Free constantly finding inundated spam phishing link email inbox even found clicking link land fake cryptocurrency delivery site Look Sublime Security — new email security tool designed shield inbox… informationsecurity
In Hindsight, the Internet Was a Mistake. And It’s All Your Fault.
Every hour of every day, somewhere, someone’s device is compromised by a computer virus of some sort. Some make the news when it compromises a large organization, the vast majority do not. And we’ve accepted this as the normal state of affairs as we heedlessly accelerate the digital revolution of…*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5
In Hindsight, the Internet Was a Mistake. And It’s All Your Fault. Every hour of every day, somewhere, someone’s device is compromised by a computer virus of some sort. Some make the news when it compromises a large organization, the vast majority do not. And we’ve accepted this as the normal state of affairs as we heedlessly accelerate the digital revolution of… information-security
Hindsight Internet Mistake It’s Fault Every hour every day somewhere someone’s device compromised computer virus sort make news compromise large organization vast majority we’ve accepted normal state affair heedlessly accelerate digital revolution of… informationsecurity
Maximizing Your Security Defenses with Adversary Emulation and the MITRE ATT&CK Framework
A Guide to Open-Source Adversary Emulation Tools — As cyber threats evolve, organizations must ensure that their security defenses are up-to-date and effective. One way to do this is by using adversary emulation tools, which simulate the behavior of real-world attackers to help organizations better understand their security posture. This article will look at the best open-source adversary……htMuBgeaLDQ.jpeg
Maximizing Your Security Defenses with Adversary Emulation and the MITRE ATT&CK Framework A Guide to Open-Source Adversary Emulation Tools — As cyber threats evolve, organizations must ensure that their security defenses are up-to-date and effective. One way to do this is by using adversary emulation tools, which simulate the behavior of real-world attackers to help organizations better understand their security posture. This article will look at the best open-source adversary… information-security
Maximizing Security Defenses Adversary Emulation MITRE ATTCK Framework Guide OpenSource Adversary Emulation Tools — cyber threat evolve organization must ensure security defense uptodate effective One way using adversary emulation tool simulate behavior realworld attacker help organization better understand security posture article look best opensource adversary… informationsecurity
Effectively Debug Logs with Ninetails
Ninetails Ninetails is a purpose-built log watching service. It comes from a long history of working across macOS and Linux environments, supporting and administering different types of services and applications. ……aqxS74GBoL3C.png
Effectively Debug Logs with Ninetails Ninetails Ninetails is a purpose-built log watching service. It comes from a long history of working across macOS and Linux environments, supporting and administering different types of services and applications. … information-security
Effectively Debug Logs Ninetails Ninetails Ninetails purposebuilt log watching service come long history working across macOS Linux environment supporting administering different type service application … informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Wednesday, February 22, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Ukraine Suffered More Data-Wiping Malware Last Year Than Anywhere, Ever (Wired, February 22nd) We are less than a year away from a cyber attack credited to ChatGPT (Cyber Security Hub, February 22nd) Paralyzed at the Pier: Schrödinger’s Fleet and Systemic Naval Cyber Compromise (Center for International Maritime Security, February 22nd) ……-q84RXKqEmA.jpeg
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Wednesday, February 22, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Ukraine Suffered More Data-Wiping Malware Last Year Than Anywhere, Ever (Wired, February 22nd) We are less than a year away from a cyber attack credited to ChatGPT (Cyber Security Hub, February 22nd) Paralyzed at the Pier: Schrödinger’s Fleet and Systemic Naval Cyber Compromise (Center for International Maritime Security, February 22nd) … information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Wednesday February 22 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Ukraine Suffered DataWiping Malware Last Year Anywhere Ever Wired February 22nd le year away cyber attack credited ChatGPT Cyber Security Hub February 22nd Paralyzed Pier Schrödinger’s Fleet Systemic Naval Cyber Compromise Center International Maritime Security February 22nd … informationsecurity
Cyber Security Trends for 2023
Cypherpunk 2023 Trends aren’t an easy concept to grasp for “tech heads”, I guess — just look at techies’ outfits — essentially a wardrobe filled with repeated pieces of clothes. But hey, this is not about fashion, it’s about technology — and when it comes to seeing the future, techies……xNW-Ik4GC6Q.jpeg
Cyber Security Trends for 2023 Cypherpunk 2023 Trends aren’t an easy concept to grasp for “tech heads”, I guess — just look at techies’ outfits — essentially a wardrobe filled with repeated pieces of clothes. But hey, this is not about fashion, it’s about technology — and when it comes to seeing the future, techies… information-security
Cyber Security Trends 2023 Cypherpunk 2023 Trends aren’t easy concept grasp “tech heads” guess — look techies’ outfit — essentially wardrobe filled repeated piece clothes hey fashion it’s technology — come seeing future techies… informationsecurity
DHIS2 SIEM automation
One of the aspects of a mature security posture is how prepared the organization is to detect and response to cyber threats: due to a combination of factors that make cyber attacks easier to carry on and therefore more common, build the system to detect promptly such attacks and respond……HfV46vppLq_w.png
DHIS2 SIEM automation One of the aspects of a mature security posture is how prepared the organization is to detect and response to cyber threats: due to a combination of factors that make cyber attacks easier to carry on and therefore more common, build the system to detect promptly such attacks and respond… information-security
DHIS2 SIEM automation One aspect mature security posture prepared organization detect response cyber threat due combination factor make cyber attack easier carry therefore common build system detect promptly attack respond… informationsecurity
“Staying Safe in the Digital Age: Tips for Protecting Your Personal and Business Information”
Information technology (IT) has become an integral part of our daily lives, and businesses rely heavily on technology to operate efficiently and effectively. Information security is critical for both companies and individuals in today’s digital age, as cyber threats continue to increase in frequency and sophistication. Business Impacts of Information……mwP3RivjL9_g.png
“Staying Safe in the Digital Age: Tips for Protecting Your Personal and Business Information” Information technology (IT) has become an integral part of our daily lives, and businesses rely heavily on technology to operate efficiently and effectively. Information security is critical for both companies and individuals in today’s digital age, as cyber threats continue to increase in frequency and sophistication. Business Impacts of Information… information-security
“Staying Safe Digital Age Tips Protecting Personal Business Information” Information technology become integral part daily life business rely heavily technology operate efficiently effectively Information security critical company individual today’s digital age cyber threat continue increase frequency sophistication Business Impacts Information… informationsecurity
Privacy-Preserving Software-as-a-Service with Confidential Computing
Data protection and confidentiality are at the top of every security practitioner’s mind. To protect software and data assets from threats such as data theft, noncompliance, and attacks against applications, especially as more organizations move their data to the cloud. …*cwI8f0zs-JHEu-G_
Privacy-Preserving Software-as-a-Service with Confidential Computing Data protection and confidentiality are at the top of every security practitioner’s mind. To protect software and data assets from threats such as data theft, noncompliance, and attacks against applications, especially as more organizations move their data to the cloud. … information-security
PrivacyPreserving SoftwareasaService Confidential Computing Data protection confidentiality top every security practitioner’s mind protect software data asset threat data theft noncompliance attack application especially organization move data cloud … informationsecurity
Audible Book Review: Cybersecurity and Cyberwar by P.W. Singer & Allan Friedman
Title: Cybersecurity and Cyberwar Author: P.W. Singer & Allan Friedman Narrated By: Sean Pratt Publisher: Tantor Audio Publish Date: January 2014 Formats: Kindle, Audible, Hardcover, Paperback Author’s Other Works: Ghost Fleet, Like War, and BURN-IN My Rating: 4 stars Authors Biographies P.W. Singer is a bestselling author, expert on modern……vAtpgGSZ2GGQ.png
Audible Book Review: Cybersecurity and Cyberwar by P.W. Singer & Allan Friedman Title: Cybersecurity and Cyberwar Author: P.W. Singer & Allan Friedman Narrated By: Sean Pratt Publisher: Tantor Audio Publish Date: January 2014 Formats: Kindle, Audible, Hardcover, Paperback Author’s Other Works: Ghost Fleet, Like War, and BURN-IN My Rating: 4 stars Authors Biographies P.W. Singer is a bestselling author, expert on modern… information-security
Audible Book Review Cybersecurity Cyberwar PW Singer Allan Friedman Title Cybersecurity Cyberwar Author PW Singer Allan Friedman Narrated Sean Pratt Publisher Tantor Audio Publish Date January 2014 Formats Kindle Audible Hardcover Paperback Author’s Works Ghost Fleet Like War BURNIN Rating 4 star Authors Biographies PW Singer bestselling author expert modern… informationsecurity
Maximizing Threat Detection and Response with Cortex
Cortex Analyzer and Responder: The Game-Changing Duo for Cyber Threat Detection and Response Github Project: Intro With the rising sophistication and volume of cyber attacks, security teams need more than just basic detection tools. Threat intelligence and response solutions have become essential in today’s cyber defense strategies. ……c1qooh47OrUz.png
Maximizing Threat Detection and Response with Cortex Cortex Analyzer and Responder: The Game-Changing Duo for Cyber Threat Detection and Response Github Project: Intro With the rising sophistication and volume of cyber attacks, security teams need more than just basic detection tools. Threat intelligence and response solutions have become essential in today’s cyber defense strategies. … information-security
Maximizing Threat Detection Response Cortex Cortex Analyzer Responder GameChanging Duo Cyber Threat Detection Response Github Project httpsgithubcomTheHiveProjectCortex Intro rising sophistication volume cyber attack security team need basic detection tool Threat intelligence response solution become essential today’s cyber defense strategy … informationsecurity
How I found an IDOR that led to sensitive information leak?
Finding your first bug can be a daunting task. It requires a lot of patience, persistence, and dedication. After finding a few P4 bugs, I wanted to hunt for more severe bugs. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my experience of finding my first major bug, which was an……KHrVbFir3LlA.png
How I found an IDOR that led to sensitive information leak? Finding your first bug can be a daunting task. It requires a lot of patience, persistence, and dedication. After finding a few P4 bugs, I wanted to hunt for more severe bugs. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my experience of finding my first major bug, which was an… information-security
found IDOR led sensitive information leak Finding first bug daunting task requires lot patience persistence dedication finding P4 bug wanted hunt severe bug blog post I’ll sharing experience finding first major bug an… informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Tuesday, February 21, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Big Tech’s future is up to a Supreme Court that doesn’t understand it (Axios, February 20th) Sensitive US military emails spill online (Tech Crunch, February 21st) Data privacy violations are the new cyber threats for insurers (Insurance Business America, February 21st) Korean Car-Makers Sending Out Software Updates To Prevent Keyless……F7WnO6nrNWKQ.png
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Tuesday, February 21, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Big Tech’s future is up to a Supreme Court that doesn’t understand it (Axios, February 20th) Sensitive US military emails spill online (Tech Crunch, February 21st) Data privacy violations are the new cyber threats for insurers (Insurance Business America, February 21st) Korean Car-Makers Sending Out Software Updates To Prevent Keyless… information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Tuesday February 21 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Big Tech’s future Supreme Court doesn’t understand Axios February 20th Sensitive US military email spill online Tech Crunch February 21st Data privacy violation new cyber threat insurer Insurance Business America February 21st Korean CarMakers Sending Software Updates Prevent Keyless… informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Monday, February 20, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Google Reveals Alarming Surge in Russian Cyber Attacks Against Ukraine (The Hacker News, February 20th) Researchers Create an AI Cyber Defender That Reacts to Attackers (Dark Reading, February 20th) Coalition cyber protection now available to large enterprise businesses in US (Reinsurance News, February 20th) 80% of Indian firms face cyber……VBo0cOTrExA.jpeg
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Monday, February 20, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Google Reveals Alarming Surge in Russian Cyber Attacks Against Ukraine (The Hacker News, February 20th) Researchers Create an AI Cyber Defender That Reacts to Attackers (Dark Reading, February 20th) Coalition cyber protection now available to large enterprise businesses in US (Reinsurance News, February 20th) 80% of Indian firms face cyber… information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Monday February 20 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Google Reveals Alarming Surge Russian Cyber Attacks Ukraine Hacker News February 20th Researchers Create AI Cyber Defender Reacts Attackers Dark Reading February 20th Coalition cyber protection available large enterprise business US Reinsurance News February 20th 80 Indian firm face cyber… informationsecurity
How Cybersecurity Books Can Help Professionals Enhance Their Skills and Expertise
Cybersecurity has become one of the most crucial aspects of our lives in today’s digital age. From securing our personal information to protecting our financial data, cybersecurity has become a fundamental necessity. ……DxQUYAZeNJ1w.png
How Cybersecurity Books Can Help Professionals Enhance Their Skills and Expertise Cybersecurity has become one of the most crucial aspects of our lives in today’s digital age. From securing our personal information to protecting our financial data, cybersecurity has become a fundamental necessity. … information-security
Cybersecurity Books Help Professionals Enhance Skills Expertise Cybersecurity become one crucial aspect life today’s digital age securing personal information protecting financial data cybersecurity become fundamental necessity … informationsecurity
From Study Materials to CISSP Certification: My Journey and Tips for Success
Achieving the CISSP certification has been a long journey for me, and one that I am proud to have completed. Over the last several months leading up to my certification in January 2023, I dedicated a significant amount of time and effort to studying and preparing for the exam. ……LXIeS5EnrcA.jpeg
From Study Materials to CISSP Certification: My Journey and Tips for Success Achieving the CISSP certification has been a long journey for me, and one that I am proud to have completed. Over the last several months leading up to my certification in January 2023, I dedicated a significant amount of time and effort to studying and preparing for the exam. … information-security
Study Materials CISSP Certification Journey Tips Success Achieving CISSP certification long journey one proud completed last several month leading certification January 2023 dedicated significant amount time effort studying preparing exam … informationsecurity
How to Engage CISOs Who Don’t Return Your Calls?
TL;DR — 90% of CISOs who fit your ICP profile are likely upstream in their customer journey and therefore are not actively looking for your solution. Meanwhile, marketing programs aimed at educating and evangelizing this group often lack clear attribution, reasonable sales cycles and obvious ROI and are underinvested as……GTqBIHGeGfIA.png
How to Engage CISOs Who Don’t Return Your Calls? TL;DR — 90% of CISOs who fit your ICP profile are likely upstream in their customer journey and therefore are not actively looking for your solution. Meanwhile, marketing programs aimed at educating and evangelizing this group often lack clear attribution, reasonable sales cycles and obvious ROI and are underinvested as… information-security
Engage CISOs Don’t Return Calls TLDR — 90 CISOs fit ICP profile likely upstream customer journey therefore actively looking solution Meanwhile marketing program aimed educating evangelizing group often lack clear attribution reasonable sale cycle obvious ROI underinvested as… informationsecurity
Understanding the Different Types of Malware
Understanding the Different Types of Malware Malware is software meant to harm or disrupt computers. Malware is used by cybercriminals to steal personal info, commit fraud, and compromise networks. …*RmR9vzGQWfXaXb8e
Understanding the Different Types of Malware Understanding the Different Types of Malware Malware is software meant to harm or disrupt computers. Malware is used by cybercriminals to steal personal info, commit fraud, and compromise networks. … information-security
Understanding Different Types Malware Understanding Different Types Malware Malware software meant harm disrupt computer Malware used cybercriminals steal personal info commit fraud compromise network … informationsecurity
Latest Social Engineering Attacks that you may not know
Introduction Social engineering is one of the most common tactics used by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. Social engineering attacks are constantly changing, so staying on top of the latest techniques is essential. In this blog post, I’ll share the latest social engineering attacks you may not……KmxLrHGKdGnc.jpg
Latest Social Engineering Attacks that you may not know Introduction Social engineering is one of the most common tactics used by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. Social engineering attacks are constantly changing, so staying on top of the latest techniques is essential. In this blog post, I’ll share the latest social engineering attacks you may not… information-security
Latest Social Engineering Attacks may know Introduction Social engineering one common tactic used cybercriminals gain unauthorized access sensitive information Social engineering attack constantly changing staying top latest technique essential blog post I’ll share latest social engineering attack may not… informationsecurity
Insights from within the belly of the beast: NIST CSF really is an outlier, and for good reason.
What belly and of which beast? Here’s a little background (and a short plug) — I work at anecdotes, an amazing company with an amazing product (yes, I am biased) that sits at the forefront of security compliance automation, specifically catering to larger organizations with mature compliance programs. anecdotes, for……lsVQInRYNBKg.png
Insights from within the belly of the beast: NIST CSF really is an outlier, and for good reason. What belly and of which beast? Here’s a little background (and a short plug) — I work at anecdotes, an amazing company with an amazing product (yes, I am biased) that sits at the forefront of security compliance automation, specifically catering to larger organizations with mature compliance programs. anecdotes, for… information-security
Insights within belly beast NIST CSF really outlier good reason belly beast Here’s little background short plug — work anecdote amazing company amazing product yes biased sits forefront security compliance automation specifically catering larger organization mature compliance program anecdote for… informationsecurity
Beyond Phishing: 10 Uncommon Hacking Techniques That Could Threaten Your Business Security
In the modern world, businesses face a growing number of cybersecurity threats. As technology continues to advance, cyber criminals are constantly developing new techniques to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. While phishing and malware attacks are some of the most common ways hackers can infiltrate a business’s systems, there……W6gCHC4FZ7w.jpeg
Beyond Phishing: 10 Uncommon Hacking Techniques That Could Threaten Your Business Security In the modern world, businesses face a growing number of cybersecurity threats. As technology continues to advance, cyber criminals are constantly developing new techniques to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. While phishing and malware attacks are some of the most common ways hackers can infiltrate a business’s systems, there… information-security
Beyond Phishing 10 Uncommon Hacking Techniques Could Threaten Business Security modern world business face growing number cybersecurity threat technology continues advance cyber criminal constantly developing new technique gain unauthorized access sensitive information phishing malware attack common way hacker infiltrate business’s system there… informationsecurity
Choosing IT - InfoSec - Website Testing
Since I find the blending of psychology and technology significant in daily life, in order to create thriving for myself, my family and friends, I see that Information Technology (IT) can be the field I play in. This just means I choose to work with computers and people. This blog……KK71BPXg1gQ.jpeg
Choosing IT - InfoSec - Website Testing Since I find the blending of psychology and technology significant in daily life, in order to create thriving for myself, my family and friends, I see that Information Technology (IT) can be the field I play in. This just means I choose to work with computers and people. This blog… information-security
Choosing InfoSec Website Testing Since find blending psychology technology significant daily life order create thriving family friend see Information Technology field play mean choose work computer people blog… informationsecurity
Ok, now I’m annoyed: an attempt at helping laid off InfoSec people
As a British person, nothing motivates me quite like getting annoyed by a thing, and I’m extremely annoyed at the moment. I’m annoyed that so many good, hard working people in our industry (and others, of course) are faced with the anxiety of being laid off and having to scramble…*WQ3LjCh_3LN0D3m5
Ok, now I’m annoyed: an attempt at helping laid off InfoSec people As a British person, nothing motivates me quite like getting annoyed by a thing, and I’m extremely annoyed at the moment. I’m annoyed that so many good, hard working people in our industry (and others, of course) are faced with the anxiety of being laid off and having to scramble… information-security
Ok I’m annoyed attempt helping laid InfoSec people British person nothing motivates quite like getting annoyed thing I’m extremely annoyed moment I’m annoyed many good hard working people industry others course faced anxiety laid scramble… informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Sunday, February 19, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Finland launches cyber citizen project to teach essential cybersecurity skills to EU citizens (Helsinki Times, February 19th) New data affirms too many companies are not taking cybersecurity seriously (Westchester & Fairfield County Business Journals, February 19th) Reported Crime in Japan Increases for First Time in 20 Years (Nippon, February 19th)*ZHWnTF0ynVEjR0-N
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Sunday, February 19, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Finland launches cyber citizen project to teach essential cybersecurity skills to EU citizens (Helsinki Times, February 19th) New data affirms too many companies are not taking cybersecurity seriously (Westchester & Fairfield County Business Journals, February 19th) Reported Crime in Japan Increases for First Time in 20 Years (Nippon, February 19th) information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Sunday February 19 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Finland launch cyber citizen project teach essential cybersecurity skill EU citizen Helsinki Times February 19th New data affirms many company taking cybersecurity seriously Westchester Fairfield County Business Journals February 19th Reported Crime Japan Increases First Time 20 Years Nippon February 19th informationsecurity
hTMM threat modeling method
The Hybrid Threat Modeling Method (hTMM) was developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). As the name suggests, it is a combination of several methods: SQUARE (Security Quality Requirements Engineering), designed to elicit, categorize and prioritize security requirements, Security Cards, STRIDE and PnG (Persona non Grata), which focuses on uncovering……Hip0zglCieKw.png
hTMM threat modeling method The Hybrid Threat Modeling Method (hTMM) was developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI). As the name suggests, it is a combination of several methods: SQUARE (Security Quality Requirements Engineering), designed to elicit, categorize and prioritize security requirements, Security Cards, STRIDE and PnG (Persona non Grata), which focuses on uncovering… information-security
hTMM threat modeling method Hybrid Threat Modeling Method hTMM developed Software Engineering Institute SEI name suggests combination several method SQUARE Security Quality Requirements Engineering designed elicit categorize prioritize security requirement Security Cards STRIDE PnG Persona non Grata focus uncovering… informationsecurity
Kindergarten of Offensive Web Application Security — Black-box Testing
The following is a foundational introduction to the linguistic and “telescopic” mapping of the vastness of Information Technology narrowing towards web application security and within it, offensive black-box testing. This is essential for fine-tuning the formation of increasingly precise questions in this specializaiton. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SECURITY Information Technology (IT) is……MkowCwsNw2g.jpeg
Kindergarten of Offensive Web Application Security — Black-box Testing The following is a foundational introduction to the linguistic and “telescopic” mapping of the vastness of Information Technology narrowing towards web application security and within it, offensive black-box testing. This is essential for fine-tuning the formation of increasingly precise questions in this specializaiton. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SECURITY Information Technology (IT) is… information-security
Kindergarten Offensive Web Application Security — Blackbox Testing following foundational introduction linguistic “telescopic” mapping vastness Information Technology narrowing towards web application security within offensive blackbox testing essential finetuning formation increasingly precise question specializaiton INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECURITY Information Technology is… informationsecurity
Confessions of a bug bounty program manager
In my previous article I wrote about my experiences as a top ranked bug bounty hunter. In this article I will write about my experiences on the other side of the fence triaging bug bounty program submissions. ……3D5NuTdz7Pjg.png
Confessions of a bug bounty program manager In my previous article I wrote about my experiences as a top ranked bug bounty hunter. In this article I will write about my experiences on the other side of the fence triaging bug bounty program submissions. … information-security
Confessions bug bounty program manager previous article wrote experience top ranked bug bounty hunter article write experience side fence triaging bug bounty program submission … informationsecurity
Implementing Basic Authentication With Python FastAPI
I want to continue the theme of security-based articles with a quick tutorial on implementing BasicAuth as an Authentication method if you’re using the FastAPI framework for Python. — The inspiration for this project came from an initiative I started a few years ago called PyDex. It was essentially a repository of “borrowed” copies of various textbooks that I obtained either for college or by scouring the internet. ……UZyYqwFwKhdQ.png
Implementing Basic Authentication With Python FastAPI I want to continue the theme of security-based articles with a quick tutorial on implementing BasicAuth as an Authentication method if you’re using the FastAPI framework for Python. — The inspiration for this project came from an initiative I started a few years ago called PyDex. It was essentially a repository of “borrowed” copies of various textbooks that I obtained either for college or by scouring the internet. … information-security
Implementing Basic Authentication Python FastAPI want continue theme securitybased article quick tutorial implementing BasicAuth Authentication method you’re using FastAPI framework Python — inspiration project came initiative started year ago called PyDex essentially repository “borrowed” copy various textbook obtained either college scouring internet … informationsecurity
5 Steps to Start an Outstanding Career in Cybersecurity
Launch Your Career in Cybersecurity: A Guide to Navigating the Path to Success — In today’s digital age, cybersecurity has become a necessity. As more businesses and organizations move their operations online, the need for cybersecurity professionals is only growing. With its high salaries and job security, a career in cybersecurity can be highly rewarding. But how do you make the leap into the……PY0kmaZ0dDw.jpeg
5 Steps to Start an Outstanding Career in Cybersecurity Launch Your Career in Cybersecurity: A Guide to Navigating the Path to Success — In today’s digital age, cybersecurity has become a necessity. As more businesses and organizations move their operations online, the need for cybersecurity professionals is only growing. With its high salaries and job security, a career in cybersecurity can be highly rewarding. But how do you make the leap into the… information-security
5 Steps Start Outstanding Career Cybersecurity Launch Career Cybersecurity Guide Navigating Path Success — today’s digital age cybersecurity become necessity business organization move operation online need cybersecurity professional growing high salary job security career cybersecurity highly rewarding make leap the… informationsecurity
Exorde Labs — The Story So Far… (or how we helped the entire world set information free)
On 15th February 2023, Exorde Labs launched their utility token, the EXD. This marks the moment in which the Exorde protocol becomes a reality and the way in which the world collects information changes forever. If you’ve been following our journey, you likely already know much of what we’ve accomplished……Xnz_4Kbmx8PQ.png
Exorde Labs — The Story So Far… (or how we helped the entire world set information free) On 15th February 2023, Exorde Labs launched their utility token, the EXD. This marks the moment in which the Exorde protocol becomes a reality and the way in which the world collects information changes forever. If you’ve been following our journey, you likely already know much of what we’ve accomplished… information-security
Exorde Labs — Story Far… helped entire world set information free 15th February 2023 Exorde Labs launched utility token EXD mark moment Exorde protocol becomes reality way world collect information change forever you’ve following journey likely already know much we’ve accomplished… informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Saturday, February 18, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — 61% of reported fraud cases are cyber-related — so how do we avoid them? (IFA Magazine, February 18th) Addressing Cybersecurity Concerns During the Grid Modernization Process (Power Magazine, February 18th) MasterCard Plans to Help SMEs Fight Cybercrime, Partners With Fintech Startup NowNow (Investor King, February 18th) Norway Seizes $5.8M Worth……5YtJ9UrmtPw.jpeg
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Saturday, February 18, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — 61% of reported fraud cases are cyber-related — so how do we avoid them? (IFA Magazine, February 18th) Addressing Cybersecurity Concerns During the Grid Modernization Process (Power Magazine, February 18th) MasterCard Plans to Help SMEs Fight Cybercrime, Partners With Fintech Startup NowNow (Investor King, February 18th) Norway Seizes $5.8M Worth… information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Saturday February 18 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — 61 reported fraud case cyberrelated — avoid IFA Magazine February 18th Addressing Cybersecurity Concerns Grid Modernization Process Power Magazine February 18th MasterCard Plans Help SMEs Fight Cybercrime Partners Fintech Startup NowNow Investor King February 18th Norway Seizes 58M Worth… informationsecurity
Cyber Research #71
Articles Establishing a Detection Engineering Program from the ground-up This is a concise writeup summarising my perspective on establishing a detection engineering program effectively and… Defeating VMProtect's Latest Tricks A colleague of mine recently came across a SystemBC sample that is protected with VMProtect 3.6 or higher. VMProtect is… Fearless CORS: a design philosophy for CORS middleware libraries (and a Go implementation) TL;DR ¶ In this post, I investigate why developers struggle with CORS and I derive Fearless CORS, a design philosophy…*9ZHjnam4nNExeN0Q
Cyber Research #71 Articles Establishing a Detection Engineering Program from the ground-up This is a concise writeup summarising my perspective on establishing a detection engineering program effectively and… Defeating VMProtect's Latest Tricks A colleague of mine recently came across a SystemBC sample that is protected with VMProtect 3.6 or higher. VMProtect is… Fearless CORS: a design philosophy for CORS middleware libraries (and a Go implementation) TL;DR ¶ In this post, I investigate why developers struggle with CORS and I derive Fearless CORS, a design philosophy… information-security
Cyber Research 71 Articles Establishing Detection Engineering Program groundup concise writeup summarising perspective establishing detection engineering program effectively and…d4rkciph3rmediumcom Defeating VMProtects Latest Tricks colleague mine recently came across SystemBC sample protected VMProtect 36 higher VMProtect is…cyberwtf Fearless CORS design philosophy CORS middleware library Go implementation TLDR ¶ post investigate developer struggle CORS derive Fearless CORS design philosophy…jub0bscom informationsecurity
My Experience with the eWPT Certification: A Critical Review
Web application penetration testing is a highly sought-after skill in the cybersecurity industry, and the eWPT certification offered by eLearnSecurity promises to make you a proficient professional in this area. ……13EDU4PE9_8w.png
My Experience with the eWPT Certification: A Critical Review Web application penetration testing is a highly sought-after skill in the cybersecurity industry, and the eWPT certification offered by eLearnSecurity promises to make you a proficient professional in this area. … information-security
Experience eWPT Certification Critical Review Web application penetration testing highly soughtafter skill cybersecurity industry eWPT certification offered eLearnSecurity promise make proficient professional area … informationsecurity
Mobile Device Management: Protecting Business Data on Employee Devices
Introduction Mobile device management (MDM) is a critical component of modern business operations. With the increasing prevalence of mobile devices in the workplace, it is essential for organizations to have a strategy in place to secure corporate data on employee devices. MDM solutions help organizations to centrally manage and secure mobile…*cdxOYLU-S7Wr7UkY
Mobile Device Management: Protecting Business Data on Employee Devices Introduction Mobile device management (MDM) is a critical component of modern business operations. With the increasing prevalence of mobile devices in the workplace, it is essential for organizations to have a strategy in place to secure corporate data on employee devices. MDM solutions help organizations to centrally manage and secure mobile… information-security
Mobile Device Management Protecting Business Data Employee Devices Introduction Mobile device management MDM critical component modern business operation increasing prevalence mobile device workplace essential organization strategy place secure corporate data employee device MDM solution help organization centrally manage secure mobile… informationsecurity
Daily Bugle -THM
URL : Level : Hard Keywords : joomla, john the ripper, yum INTRODUCTION “Compromise a Joomla CMS account via SQLi, practise cracking hashes and escalate your privileges by taking advantage of yum.” So, for this room we are facing a Joomla CMS with a database and a hashes that will……IcZYZHNPTySw.png
Daily Bugle -THM URL : Level : Hard Keywords : joomla, john the ripper, yum INTRODUCTION “Compromise a Joomla CMS account via SQLi, practise cracking hashes and escalate your privileges by taking advantage of yum.” So, for this room we are facing a Joomla CMS with a database and a hashes that will… information-security
Daily Bugle THM URL httpstryhackmecomroomdailybugle Level Hard Keywords joomla john ripper yum INTRODUCTION “Compromise Joomla CMS account via SQLi practise cracking hash escalate privilege taking advantage yum” room facing Joomla CMS database hash will… informationsecurity
Beginner guide of Social Engineering Toolkit(SET)
Introduction Have you ever heard of the Social Engineering Toolkit? It’s a tool that ethical hackers use to test the security of an organization’s systems. In this post, I will introduce the Social Engineering Toolkit and provide a beginner’s guide to using it. What is Social Engineering? Technology is making……SDkw3aXk6tpg.png
Beginner guide of Social Engineering Toolkit(SET) Introduction Have you ever heard of the Social Engineering Toolkit? It’s a tool that ethical hackers use to test the security of an organization’s systems. In this post, I will introduce the Social Engineering Toolkit and provide a beginner’s guide to using it. What is Social Engineering? Technology is making… information-security
Beginner guide Social Engineering ToolkitSET Introduction ever heard Social Engineering Toolkit It’s tool ethical hacker use test security organization’s system post introduce Social Engineering Toolkit provide beginner’s guide using Social Engineering Technology making… informationsecurity
Walkthrough — Possible IDOR Attack
LetsDefend — SOC169 — Possible IDOR Attack Detected We received a Medium alert for an possible IDOR attack. EventID: 119 Event Time: Feb, 28, 2022, 10:48 PM Rule: SOC169 — Possible IDOR Attack Detected Level: Security Analyst Hostname: WebServer1005 Destination IP Address: Source IP Address: HTTP Request Method…*8yXUy13h8iPQr-CR
Walkthrough — Possible IDOR Attack LetsDefend — SOC169 — Possible IDOR Attack Detected We received a Medium alert for an possible IDOR attack. EventID: 119 Event Time: Feb, 28, 2022, 10:48 PM Rule: SOC169 — Possible IDOR Attack Detected Level: Security Analyst Hostname: WebServer1005 Destination IP Address: Source IP Address: HTTP Request Method… information-security
Walkthrough — Possible IDOR Attack LetsDefend — SOC169 — Possible IDOR Attack Detected received Medium alert possible IDOR attack EventID 119 Event Time Feb 28 2022 1048 PM Rule SOC169 — Possible IDOR Attack Detected Level Security Analyst Hostname WebServer1005 Destination IP Address 172161715 Source IP Address 134209118137 HTTP Request Method… informationsecurity
What’s on Your Tabletop?
Incident response exercises don’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. You can get as much or more benefit by running many small tabletop exercises instead of one large, meticulously prepared event. Tabletops have lower fidelity than large exercises, but have compelling advantages: You can explore more scenarios and paths because……MFMikzWfu2g.jpeg
What’s on Your Tabletop? Incident response exercises don’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. You can get as much or more benefit by running many small tabletop exercises instead of one large, meticulously prepared event. Tabletops have lower fidelity than large exercises, but have compelling advantages: You can explore more scenarios and paths because… information-security
What’s Tabletop Incident response exercise don’t difficult timeconsuming get much benefit running many small tabletop exercise instead one large meticulously prepared event Tabletops lower fidelity large exercise compelling advantage explore scenario path because… informationsecurity
Protecting Sensitive Records Through Encrypted Data Rooms
The need for organizations to protect sensitive records from unauthorized access and potential exploitation is greater than ever before. If you are a customer, you need to insist on control over where your data resides, and who has access to it, every step of the way from data at rest……VYtU-wdWuphQ.png
Protecting Sensitive Records Through Encrypted Data Rooms The need for organizations to protect sensitive records from unauthorized access and potential exploitation is greater than ever before. If you are a customer, you need to insist on control over where your data resides, and who has access to it, every step of the way from data at rest… information-security
Protecting Sensitive Records Encrypted Data Rooms need organization protect sensitive record unauthorized access potential exploitation greater ever customer need insist control data resides access every step way data rest… informationsecurity
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Friday, February 17, 2023
InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Exclusive: FBI says it has ‘contained’ cyber incident on bureau’s computer network (CNN Politics, February 17th) Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe holds course on the international law of cyber operations in Skopje (OSCE, February 17th) Almost one in five Irish firms hit by cyber attack or data breach……Zr_82mV-3Kw.jpeg
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup for Friday, February 17, 2023 InfoSecSherpa: Your Guide Up a Mountain of Information! — Exclusive: FBI says it has ‘contained’ cyber incident on bureau’s computer network (CNN Politics, February 17th) Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe holds course on the international law of cyber operations in Skopje (OSCE, February 17th) Almost one in five Irish firms hit by cyber attack or data breach… information-security
InfoSecSherpa’s News Roundup Friday February 17 2023 InfoSecSherpa Guide Mountain Information — Exclusive FBI say ‘contained’ cyber incident bureau’s computer network CNN Politics February 17th Organization Security Cooperation Europe hold course international law cyber operation Skopje OSCE February 17th Almost one five Irish firm hit cyber attack data breach… informationsecurity
Walkthrough — Malicious Executable File Detected — SOC119 — Proxy — Malicious Executable File Detected — We received a Medium alert for a malicious executable file detection. EventID: 79 Event Time: Mar, 15, 2021, 09:30 PM Rule: SOC119 — Proxy — Malicious Executable File Detected Level: Security Analyst Source Address: Source Hostname: PentestMachine Destination Address: Destination Hostname: Username: kali*oAzAX_SErv-HCX4V
Walkthrough — Malicious Executable File Detected — SOC119 — Proxy — Malicious Executable File Detected — We received a Medium alert for a malicious executable file detection. EventID: 79 Event Time: Mar, 15, 2021, 09:30 PM Rule: SOC119 — Proxy — Malicious Executable File Detected Level: Security Analyst Source Address: Source Hostname: PentestMachine Destination Address: Destination Hostname: Username: kali information-security
Walkthrough — Malicious Executable File Detected LetsDefendio — SOC119 — Proxy — Malicious Executable File Detected — received Medium alert malicious executable file detection EventID 79 Event Time Mar 15 2021 0930 PM Rule SOC119 — Proxy — Malicious Executable File Detected Level Security Analyst Source Address 17216205 Source Hostname PentestMachine Destination Address 140821214 Destination Hostname githubcom Username kali informationsecurity
Walkthrough — Reverse TCP Backdoor Detected SOC131 — Reverse TCP Backdoor Detected — We received a Medium alert for a reverse TCP backdoor detected. EventID: 67 Event Time: Mar, 01, 2021, 03:15 PM Rule: SOC131 — Reverse TCP Backdoor Detected Level: Security Analyst Source Address: Source Hostname: MikeComputer File Name: msi.bat File Hash: 3dc649bc1be6f4881d386e679b7b60c8 File Size: 2,12 KB Device Action: Cleaned*bsxVy4T6mHoAa0TA
Walkthrough — Reverse TCP Backdoor Detected SOC131 — Reverse TCP Backdoor Detected — We received a Medium alert for a reverse TCP backdoor detected. EventID: 67 Event Time: Mar, 01, 2021, 03:15 PM Rule: SOC131 — Reverse TCP Backdoor Detected Level: Security Analyst Source Address: Source Hostname: MikeComputer File Name: msi.bat File Hash: 3dc649bc1be6f4881d386e679b7b60c8 File Size: 2,12 KB Device Action: Cleaned information-security
Walkthrough — Reverse TCP Backdoor Detected LetsDefendio SOC131 — Reverse TCP Backdoor Detected — received Medium alert reverse TCP backdoor detected EventID 67 Event Time Mar 01 2021 0315 PM Rule SOC131 — Reverse TCP Backdoor Detected Level Security Analyst Source Address 172161714 Source Hostname MikeComputer File Name msibat File Hash 3dc649bc1be6f4881d386e679b7b60c8 File Size 212 KB Device Action Cleaned informationsecurity
Does NIST CSF v1.1 play nicely with the EU GDPR?
Transparency: I’m not a legal expert, and this opinion piece is not legal advice. I’ve been around and in the information security world for way too many decades. That said, the question is this; does NIST CSF v1.1 play nicely with the EU GDPR and vice versa? The simple answer……nXrLTQyPZdQ.jpeg
Does NIST CSF v1.1 play nicely with the EU GDPR? Transparency: I’m not a legal expert, and this opinion piece is not legal advice. I’ve been around and in the information security world for way too many decades. That said, the question is this; does NIST CSF v1.1 play nicely with the EU GDPR and vice versa? The simple answer… information-security
NIST CSF v11 play nicely EU GDPR Transparency I’m legal expert opinion piece legal advice I’ve around information security world way many decade said question NIST CSF v11 play nicely EU GDPR vice versa simple answer… informationsecurity
Death Ransomware Analysis_part1
Hello Cyber Geeks, today I am going to explain how Death Ransom behavior is done and how the encryption method happens, and how to detect it using Yara and IOCs overview : Discovered by GrujaRS, DeathRansom is malicious software, classified as ransomware. In general, systems infected with malware of this type have……4bNMZo-ajsA.jpeg
Death Ransomware Analysis_part1 Hello Cyber Geeks, today I am going to explain how Death Ransom behavior is done and how the encryption method happens, and how to detect it using Yara and IOCs overview : Discovered by GrujaRS, DeathRansom is malicious software, classified as ransomware. In general, systems infected with malware of this type have… information-security
Death Ransomware Analysispart1 Hello Cyber Geeks today going explain Death Ransom behavior done encryption method happens detect using Yara IOCs overview Discovered GrujaRS DeathRansom malicious software classified ransomware general system infected malware type have… informationsecurity
Presearch’s Meme Backgrounds: A Game-Changer in Search Engine Experiences
Introducing our newest feature that will have you LOL-ing while you search! Attention, meme enthusiasts! We have some news for you. Presearch is rolling out an innovative new feature that will have you searching the web while laughing your pants off: meme backgrounds! That’s right, you can now enjoy the……DwK0TlLoa63g.png
Presearch’s Meme Backgrounds: A Game-Changer in Search Engine Experiences Introducing our newest feature that will have you LOL-ing while you search! Attention, meme enthusiasts! We have some news for you. Presearch is rolling out an innovative new feature that will have you searching the web while laughing your pants off: meme backgrounds! That’s right, you can now enjoy the… blockchain
Presearch’s Meme Backgrounds GameChanger Search Engine Experiences Introducing newest feature LOLing search Attention meme enthusiast news Presearch rolling innovative new feature searching web laughing pant meme background That’s right enjoy the… blockchain
$DOF is the governance and utility token of DogeChain, the first Meme Coin and the pioneer Real Yield platform on zkSync. And today, on April 1st, DogeFarm is excited to announce the opening of our Stealth Launch. Grab this chance to be one of the first to own $DOF and……yMKF7QfTUsg.jpeg
HOW TO BUY $DOF — STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS $DOF is the governance and utility token of DogeChain, the first Meme Coin and the pioneer Real Yield platform on zkSync. And today, on April 1st, DogeFarm is excited to announce the opening of our Stealth Launch. Grab this chance to be one of the first to own $DOF and… blockchain
BUY DOF — STEP STEP INSTRUCTIONS DOF governance utility token DogeChain first Meme Coin pioneer Real Yield platform zkSync today April 1st DogeFarm excited announce opening Stealth Launch Grab chance one first DOF and… blockchain
Unveiling WasabiGPT: The First AI Bitcoin Wallet
We invented something and we have no idea what it is Allow me to introduce you to WasabiGPT, the first AI Bitcoin wallet. It’s a unique concept that we’re excited to share with the world. Although the idea originates from one of my finest moments, while I was hacking about……SgmkKz4QLOdg.png
Unveiling WasabiGPT: The First AI Bitcoin Wallet We invented something and we have no idea what it is Allow me to introduce you to WasabiGPT, the first AI Bitcoin wallet. It’s a unique concept that we’re excited to share with the world. Although the idea originates from one of my finest moments, while I was hacking about… blockchain
Unveiling WasabiGPT First AI Bitcoin Wallet invented something idea Allow introduce WasabiGPT first AI Bitcoin wallet It’s unique concept we’re excited share world Although idea originates one finest moment hacking about… blockchain
Elon Musk Seeks to End $258 Billion Dogecoin Lawsuit: A Closer Look
March 31, 2023, marked an important day for the cryptocurrency world, with Elon Musk asking a U.S. judge to dismiss a $258 billion racketeering lawsuit against him. The lawsuit accused Musk of running a pyramid scheme to support the popular cryptocurrency Dogecoin. In an evening filing in Manhattan federal court…*q7WoRo8R57vp93W4
Elon Musk Seeks to End $258 Billion Dogecoin Lawsuit: A Closer Look March 31, 2023, marked an important day for the cryptocurrency world, with Elon Musk asking a U.S. judge to dismiss a $258 billion racketeering lawsuit against him. The lawsuit accused Musk of running a pyramid scheme to support the popular cryptocurrency Dogecoin. In an evening filing in Manhattan federal court… blockchain
Elon Musk Seeks End 258 Billion Dogecoin Lawsuit Closer Look March 31 2023 marked important day cryptocurrency world Elon Musk asking US judge dismiss 258 billion racketeering lawsuit lawsuit accused Musk running pyramid scheme support popular cryptocurrency Dogecoin evening filing Manhattan federal court… blockchain
PRYSM Introduces First On-Chain Benefit for PRYSM Black NFT Holders
PRYSM is excited to announce its first on-chain benefit exclusively for PRYSM Black NFT holders. For those who may not be aware, prior to announcing PRYSM, the team created a free NFT known as PRYSM Black. Eligible holders who had not sold any of their Arbitrumium holdings leading up to……lKRNRwKms5ig.png
PRYSM Introduces First On-Chain Benefit for PRYSM Black NFT Holders PRYSM is excited to announce its first on-chain benefit exclusively for PRYSM Black NFT holders. For those who may not be aware, prior to announcing PRYSM, the team created a free NFT known as PRYSM Black. Eligible holders who had not sold any of their Arbitrumium holdings leading up to… blockchain
PRYSM Introduces First OnChain Benefit PRYSM Black NFT Holders PRYSM excited announce first onchain benefit exclusively PRYSM Black NFT holder may aware prior announcing PRYSM team created free NFT known PRYSM Black Eligible holder sold Arbitrumium holding leading to… blockchain
Vechain Financial Report Q4 2022
With the purpose of fostering transparent communication on our expenses, accomplishments and push to create tangible economic value using blockchain technology, vechain hereby presents the nineteenth Financial Executive Report covering the period from October 2022 through end December 2022. As always, we welcome the community to hold us to the…*JqfEDJu1hnZK369z
Vechain Financial Report Q4 2022 With the purpose of fostering transparent communication on our expenses, accomplishments and push to create tangible economic value using blockchain technology, vechain hereby presents the nineteenth Financial Executive Report covering the period from October 2022 through end December 2022. As always, we welcome the community to hold us to the… blockchain
Vechain Financial Report Q4 2022 purpose fostering transparent communication expense accomplishment push create tangible economic value using blockchain technology vechain hereby present nineteenth Financial Executive Report covering period October 2022 end December 2022 always welcome community hold u the… blockchain
Gardeners Revenues
We desire to be transparent and explain in details where the money that will came from the Gardeners will go. At the same time it will allow us to explain to you some insights of eTrees! — How much ? First, let’s establish how much money this sale will bring to eTrees. We are going to sell 5000 unique Gardeners at 0.8EGLD in WhiteList sale and 1 EGLD in Public sale. In case of Sold-Out, we can estimate the amount of EGLD around 4700. Actual EGLD price : 42€…zuRfekvgVhXA.png
Gardeners Revenues We desire to be transparent and explain in details where the money that will came from the Gardeners will go. At the same time it will allow us to explain to you some insights of eTrees! — How much ? First, let’s establish how much money this sale will bring to eTrees. We are going to sell 5000 unique Gardeners at 0.8EGLD in WhiteList sale and 1 EGLD in Public sale. In case of Sold-Out, we can estimate the amount of EGLD around 4700. Actual EGLD price : 42€ blockchain
Gardeners Revenues desire transparent explain detail money came Gardeners go time allow u explain insight eTrees — much First let’s establish much money sale bring eTrees going sell 5000 unique Gardeners 08EGLD WhiteList sale 1 EGLD Public sale case SoldOut estimate amount EGLD around 4700 Actual EGLD price 42€ blockchain
Call for Submissions: IOST Partner Node Highlights and Achievements
As a part of our ongoing efforts to promote the achievements and success of our partner nodes, we are excited to announce that we will now feature a selection of highlights, deals, or outstanding achievements in our monthly IOST project report. How to participate We kindly request partner nodes that wish to take……wZmgK95Pj1g.jpeg
Call for Submissions: IOST Partner Node Highlights and Achievements As a part of our ongoing efforts to promote the achievements and success of our partner nodes, we are excited to announce that we will now feature a selection of highlights, deals, or outstanding achievements in our monthly IOST project report. How to participate We kindly request partner nodes that wish to take… blockchain
Call Submissions IOST Partner Node Highlights Achievements part ongoing effort promote achievement success partner node excited announce feature selection highlight deal outstanding achievement monthly IOST project report participate kindly request partner node wish take… blockchain
$BOOK Season 1 & 2 Airdrop
CoinBook supporters can now reveal their BookSacks to see how many tokens they earned in Season 1 With 250,000 $BOOK being distributed to over 18,000 unique participants in Season 1, CoinBook is excited to announce the start of Season 2! $BOOK rewards will be higher in Season 2 and include new tasks to earn BookCarts! The early supporters and adopters of CoinBook’s Decentralized P2P Orderbook DEX will……LY9KRv2To7Ng.png
$BOOK Season 1 & 2 Airdrop CoinBook supporters can now reveal their BookSacks to see how many tokens they earned in Season 1 With 250,000 $BOOK being distributed to over 18,000 unique participants in Season 1, CoinBook is excited to announce the start of Season 2! $BOOK rewards will be higher in Season 2 and include new tasks to earn BookCarts! The early supporters and adopters of CoinBook’s Decentralized P2P Orderbook DEX will… blockchain
BOOK Season 1 2 Airdrop CoinBook supporter reveal BookSacks see many token earned Season 1 250000 BOOK distributed 18000 unique participant Season 1 CoinBook excited announce start Season 2 BOOK reward higher Season 2 include new task earn BookCarts early supporter adopter CoinBook’s Decentralized P2P Orderbook DEX will… blockchain
A Glimpse into 2023
As the market embraces tokenisation, more businesses and individuals discover its transformative power. DComm has recently made remarkable advancements in this domain, from transitioning TestNet to forging groundbreaking partnerships and pioneering innovative solutions. This blog explores DComm’s recent accomplishments and thrilling plans for the future. The Journey from Melbourne TestNet……ofScEKjiGo-w.png
A Glimpse into 2023 As the market embraces tokenisation, more businesses and individuals discover its transformative power. DComm has recently made remarkable advancements in this domain, from transitioning TestNet to forging groundbreaking partnerships and pioneering innovative solutions. This blog explores DComm’s recent accomplishments and thrilling plans for the future. The Journey from Melbourne TestNet… blockchain
Glimpse 2023 market embrace tokenisation business individual discover transformative power DComm recently made remarkable advancement domain transitioning TestNet forging groundbreaking partnership pioneering innovative solution blog explores DComm’s recent accomplishment thrilling plan future Journey Melbourne TestNet… blockchain
Report on development status 2023–03–31
Hello, META ARENA players! We’d like to share with you our March development update. This month we worked on animations for the Supports and Mages classes, as well as the following development tasks. Worked on 3D skill effects Lobby UI design PVE development work *The videos and screenshots captured are……jC0EfK2DEXeA.png
Report on development status 2023–03–31 Hello, META ARENA players! We’d like to share with you our March development update. This month we worked on animations for the Supports and Mages classes, as well as the following development tasks. Worked on 3D skill effects Lobby UI design PVE development work *The videos and screenshots captured are… blockchain
Report development status 2023–03–31 Hello META ARENA player We’d like share March development update month worked animation Supports Mages class well following development task Worked 3D skill effect Lobby UI design PVE development work video screenshots captured are… blockchain
CryptoDo Launches One-Click Faucets on Testnets for All Supported Blockchains, Simplifying Web3…
CryptoDo Launches One-Click Faucets on Testnets for All Supported Blockchains, Simplifying Web3 App Creation Introduction CryptoDo, Multichain no-code builder of web3 solutions for business, has announced the launch of its one-click faucets on the testnets of all supported blockchains. ……Y17ThbnJf6hg.png
CryptoDo Launches One-Click Faucets on Testnets for All Supported Blockchains, Simplifying Web3… CryptoDo Launches One-Click Faucets on Testnets for All Supported Blockchains, Simplifying Web3 App Creation Introduction CryptoDo, Multichain no-code builder of web3 solutions for business, has announced the launch of its one-click faucets on the testnets of all supported blockchains. … blockchain
CryptoDo Launches OneClick Faucets Testnets Supported Blockchains Simplifying Web3… CryptoDo Launches OneClick Faucets Testnets Supported Blockchains Simplifying Web3 App Creation Introduction CryptoDo Multichain nocode builder web3 solution business announced launch oneclick faucet testnets supported blockchains … blockchain
Are Masternodes a Good Investment?
A Comprehensive Guide to Masternodes: Are They a Wise Investment Decision? — In recent years, the world of cryptocurrency has exploded with new investment opportunities, and masternodes are one of the latest trends gaining significant attention from investors. Masternodes are a unique concept in the world of cryptocurrencies, offering investors an opportunity to earn passive income while supporting the blockchain network.*DouN820PnWztQLeq
Are Masternodes a Good Investment? A Comprehensive Guide to Masternodes: Are They a Wise Investment Decision? — In recent years, the world of cryptocurrency has exploded with new investment opportunities, and masternodes are one of the latest trends gaining significant attention from investors. Masternodes are a unique concept in the world of cryptocurrencies, offering investors an opportunity to earn passive income while supporting the blockchain network. blockchain
Masternodes Good Investment Comprehensive Guide Masternodes Wise Investment Decision — recent year world cryptocurrency exploded new investment opportunity masternodes one latest trend gaining significant attention investor Masternodes unique concept world cryptocurrencies offering investor opportunity earn passive income supporting blockchain network blockchain
Introducing: Sucuro Business Token
In 2021 Sucuro set about using blockchain technology to bring lower fees, more transparency, and greater trust to the asset management industry; for real estate assets in particular. This meant building the structures, processes and technology to house a portfolio of real estate assets that could be managed by self-executing……iYNTAyGtkOng.png
Introducing: Sucuro Business Token In 2021 Sucuro set about using blockchain technology to bring lower fees, more transparency, and greater trust to the asset management industry; for real estate assets in particular. This meant building the structures, processes and technology to house a portfolio of real estate assets that could be managed by self-executing… blockchain
Introducing Sucuro Business Token 2021 Sucuro set using blockchain technology bring lower fee transparency greater trust asset management industry real estate asset particular meant building structure process technology house portfolio real estate asset could managed selfexecuting… blockchain
Orbofi Airdrop Creative: an opportunity for digital artists and investors
Orbofi Airdrop Creative: an opportunity for digital artists and investors This site is dedicated to spreading the word about exciting NFT projects! Don’t miss the latest Airdrop go here Airdrop&NFT Follow and support me on Medium! Attention my beautiful crypto community, i found a very special Airdrop dedicated especially to artists but also to those who want to try to emerge……obEGnbWtM6A.jpeg
Orbofi Airdrop Creative: an opportunity for digital artists and investors Orbofi Airdrop Creative: an opportunity for digital artists and investors This site is dedicated to spreading the word about exciting NFT projects! Don’t miss the latest Airdrop go here Airdrop&NFT Follow and support me on Medium! Attention my beautiful crypto community, i found a very special Airdrop dedicated especially to artists but also to those who want to try to emerge… blockchain
Orbofi Airdrop Creative opportunity digital artist investor Orbofi Airdrop Creative opportunity digital artist investor site dedicated spreading word exciting NFT project Don’t miss latest Airdrop go AirdropNFT Follow support Medium Attention beautiful crypto community found special Airdrop dedicated especially artist also want try emerge… blockchain
NovaTechFX: April 2023 Update. New rules for withdrawals
Perhaps, like me, you have been holding your breath on Novatech. Will the recent withdrawal issues be resolved? Will we finally be able to get our money out? ……zO42kIb7_eWg.png
NovaTechFX: April 2023 Update. New rules for withdrawals Perhaps, like me, you have been holding your breath on Novatech. Will the recent withdrawal issues be resolved? Will we finally be able to get our money out? … blockchain
NovaTechFX April 2023 Update New rule withdrawal Perhaps like holding breath Novatech recent withdrawal issue resolved finally able get money … blockchain
“They threatened to freeze me alive” — The Dark Side of the Cryonics; An Interview
In this article, you will learn what cryonics is, learn something new about its dark side, and we will also discuss a bit about one of the unsolved mysteries of Bitcoin. Our interviewee will reveal some secrets and possibly expose himself so we hope that the article was not written……-xHwCAmEkwQ.jpeg
“They threatened to freeze me alive” — The Dark Side of the Cryonics; An Interview In this article, you will learn what cryonics is, learn something new about its dark side, and we will also discuss a bit about one of the unsolved mysteries of Bitcoin. Our interviewee will reveal some secrets and possibly expose himself so we hope that the article was not written… blockchain
“They threatened freeze alive” — Dark Side Cryonics Interview article learn cryonics learn something new dark side also discus bit one unsolved mystery Bitcoin interviewee reveal secret possibly expose hope article written… blockchain
Web3 and the Importance of Community
The term Web3 may not seem significant at first glance, but it is an essential concept to educate oneself on in today’s world. With the rapid advancement of cyber technology, it can be challenging to keep up with the latest developments. However, one thing is clear: Web3 represents an ethos……pnNvtOiV9EYg.png
Web3 and the Importance of Community The term Web3 may not seem significant at first glance, but it is an essential concept to educate oneself on in today’s world. With the rapid advancement of cyber technology, it can be challenging to keep up with the latest developments. However, one thing is clear: Web3 represents an ethos… blockchain
Web3 Importance Community term Web3 may seem significant first glance essential concept educate oneself today’s world rapid advancement cyber technology challenging keep latest development However one thing clear Web3 represents ethos… blockchain
Blockchain Bets — The Betoshi Monthly — March 2023
The Betoshi Monthly provides an overview of all key developments and achievements for the $BCB token and Blockchain Bets platform over the past month into a clear, concise article to help keep the community up to date. Token Overview Price Per Token (Month end): $0.01223 Total Market Cap: $10.73m Token Holders: 2,393 Customer Platform Engagement ……tPcz8Ri_emgP.png
Blockchain Bets — The Betoshi Monthly — March 2023 The Betoshi Monthly provides an overview of all key developments and achievements for the $BCB token and Blockchain Bets platform over the past month into a clear, concise article to help keep the community up to date. Token Overview Price Per Token (Month end): $0.01223 Total Market Cap: $10.73m Token Holders: 2,393 Customer Platform Engagement … blockchain
Blockchain Bets — Betoshi Monthly — March 2023 Betoshi Monthly provides overview key development achievement BCB token Blockchain Bets platform past month clear concise article help keep community date Token Overview Price Per Token Month end 001223 Total Market Cap 1073m Token Holders 2393 Customer Platform Engagement … blockchain
StarkNet Mainnet Potential Airdrop Guide.
A full guide on how to be eligible for Starknet potential $STARK token Airdrop. For more earning opportunity & airdrop updates, please join our Telegram Channel. Also I am there always to support you guys. On this guide we will bridge ETH to starkner & use some dapps on Starknet. Wallet: ……j5NlCHu-sNyw.png
StarkNet Mainnet Potential Airdrop Guide. A full guide on how to be eligible for Starknet potential $STARK token Airdrop. For more earning opportunity & airdrop updates, please join our Telegram Channel. Also I am there always to support you guys. On this guide we will bridge ETH to starkner & use some dapps on Starknet. Wallet: … blockchain
StarkNet Mainnet Potential Airdrop Guide full guide eligible Starknet potential STARK token Airdrop earning opportunity airdrop update please join Telegram Channel Also always support guy guide bridge ETH starkner use dapps Starknet Wallet … blockchain
Why Blockchain Will Become Essential Sooner Than You Think?
Have you noticed the images used in this article? If so, you’ve uncovered their shared characteristic: they’re all fake, AI-generated images from the past few days. ……-ncIxaXHC_A.jpeg
Why Blockchain Will Become Essential Sooner Than You Think? Have you noticed the images used in this article? If so, you’ve uncovered their shared characteristic: they’re all fake, AI-generated images from the past few days. … blockchain
Blockchain Become Essential Sooner Think noticed image used article you’ve uncovered shared characteristic they’re fake AIgenerated image past day … blockchain
XYO Q1 2023 Update: XYO 2.1
It’s come and gone so fast, can you believe it’s already the end of the first quarter of 2023? That means it’s time for an update about XYO’s 2023 Roadmap! We’re happy to say we’ve accomplished our most ambitious goals, and more are on the immediate horizon as we move……bYU1RKbSx5NQ.png
XYO Q1 2023 Update: XYO 2.1 It’s come and gone so fast, can you believe it’s already the end of the first quarter of 2023? That means it’s time for an update about XYO’s 2023 Roadmap! We’re happy to say we’ve accomplished our most ambitious goals, and more are on the immediate horizon as we move… blockchain
XYO Q1 2023 Update XYO 21 It’s come gone fast believe it’s already end first quarter 2023 mean it’s time update XYO’s 2023 Roadmap We’re happy say we’ve accomplished ambitious goal immediate horizon move… blockchain
Become a BASE node validator on Windows platform
Most of the node operators are using the Linux Platform. In this article, we will teach you how to run a BASE node on the Windows operating system. You can use your PC/Laptop, but we have specifications that we considered. Hardware Requirements: RAM: 16GB Hard Drive: 100 SSD Software Requirements…loC_VhXkPrA.jpeg
Become a BASE node validator on Windows platform Most of the node operators are using the Linux Platform. In this article, we will teach you how to run a BASE node on the Windows operating system. You can use your PC/Laptop, but we have specifications that we considered. Hardware Requirements: RAM: 16GB Hard Drive: 100 SSD Software Requirements blockchain
Become BASE node validator Windows platform node operator using Linux Platform article teach run BASE node Windows operating system use PCLaptop specification considered Hardware Requirements RAM 16GB Hard Drive 100 SSD Software Requirements blockchain
The importance of sponsoring or buying HyperNation’s welfare packages..
As a user and a stakeholder in HyperNation's community, it's essential to be informed about how sponsoring or buying welfare packages can benefit our network. These welfare packages provide incentives that can attract new users, build loyalty among existing users, and contribute to growth and development in our community. The……CyQKX5FUwYA.jpeg
The importance of sponsoring or buying HyperNation’s welfare packages.. As a user and a stakeholder in HyperNation's community, it's essential to be informed about how sponsoring or buying welfare packages can benefit our network. These welfare packages provide incentives that can attract new users, build loyalty among existing users, and contribute to growth and development in our community. The… blockchain
importance sponsoring buying HyperNation’s welfare package user stakeholder HyperNations community essential informed sponsoring buying welfare package benefit network welfare package provide incentive attract new user build loyalty among existing user contribute growth development community The… blockchain
ink! 4’s u128 variable limitations and what it could mean to smart contract developers.
You may find this awkward, but the main reason for this article is to enlighten token creators most especially and projects who encountered issues with our initial launch as well as the “apparent” hacks on the protocol on the 30th of March, 2023. First of all, let’s discuss about the……25BxWfRspP1.jpeg
ink! 4’s u128 variable limitations and what it could mean to smart contract developers. You may find this awkward, but the main reason for this article is to enlighten token creators most especially and projects who encountered issues with our initial launch as well as the “apparent” hacks on the protocol on the 30th of March, 2023. First of all, let’s discuss about the… blockchain
ink 4’s u128 variable limitation could mean smart contract developer may find awkward main reason article enlighten token creator especially project encountered issue initial launch well “apparent” hack protocol 30th March 2023 First let’s discus the… blockchain
Kaspa on Zelcore — Wallet and DeFi
Your one and only gateway to Web3. Zelcore Zelcore stands out as the world’s first gateway for Web3, simplifying how users navigate major exchanges and blockchain protocols. As a powerful tool for managing, trading, and truly owning digital assets and information, Zelcore now provides support for Kaspa. ……6Ez4flYNhM1Q.png
Kaspa on Zelcore — Wallet and DeFi Your one and only gateway to Web3. Zelcore Zelcore stands out as the world’s first gateway for Web3, simplifying how users navigate major exchanges and blockchain protocols. As a powerful tool for managing, trading, and truly owning digital assets and information, Zelcore now provides support for Kaspa. … blockchain
Kaspa Zelcore — Wallet DeFi one gateway Web3 Zelcore Zelcore stand world’s first gateway Web3 simplifying user navigate major exchange blockchain protocol powerful tool managing trading truly owning digital asset information Zelcore provides support Kaspa … blockchain
A Comprehensive Study on the Benefits of Learning Rust as the First Programming Language
~dwulf Disclaimer: This is a biased study… Abstract: In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, programming is a vital skill that has become increasingly important across various industries. With numerous programming languages available, choosing the first programming language can be challenging, especially for beginners. ……9fdCgZ4zwWQ.jpeg
A Comprehensive Study on the Benefits of Learning Rust as the First Programming Language ~dwulf Disclaimer: This is a biased study… Abstract: In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, programming is a vital skill that has become increasingly important across various industries. With numerous programming languages available, choosing the first programming language can be challenging, especially for beginners. … blockchain
Comprehensive Study Benefits Learning Rust First Programming Language dwulf Disclaimer biased study… Abstract today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape programming vital skill become increasingly important across various industry numerous programming language available choosing first programming language challenging especially beginner … blockchain
March Monthly Update
As the first quarter of 2023 draws to a close, Partisia Blockchain is celebrating a successful start to the year. Our team participated in the renowned Paris Blockchain Week, where we showcased our latest solutions, including our revolutionary private voting technology. Additionally, we celebrated International Women’s Day with our Paris……fmPOUSksayQQ.png
March Monthly Update As the first quarter of 2023 draws to a close, Partisia Blockchain is celebrating a successful start to the year. Our team participated in the renowned Paris Blockchain Week, where we showcased our latest solutions, including our revolutionary private voting technology. Additionally, we celebrated International Women’s Day with our Paris… blockchain
March Monthly Update first quarter 2023 draw close Partisia Blockchain celebrating successful start year team participated renowned Paris Blockchain Week showcased latest solution including revolutionary private voting technology Additionally celebrated International Women’s Day Paris… blockchain