23 values
Singleton — The ONLY Explanation in C#
Who does not know it? You have any number of better versions of your partner in your imagination, but actually there is only one. But hey, cheer up, actually you want exactly this version, am I right? In programming/ Object Oriented Programming (OOP), this is called a singleton. In the……RgquUr-tvm6g.png
Singleton — The ONLY Explanation in C# Who does not know it? You have any number of better versions of your partner in your imagination, but actually there is only one. But hey, cheer up, actually you want exactly this version, am I right? In programming/ Object Oriented Programming (OOP), this is called a singleton. In the… Software-Development
Singleton — Explanation C know number better version partner imagination actually one hey cheer actually want exactly version right programming Object Oriented Programming OOP called singleton the… SoftwareDevelopment
React & Client-Side Routing Part 1
Switch, Routes, and Navlink Today was the last day of Phase 2. I can’t believe Phase 2 is already in the books. It was definitely an intense 6 weeks to say the least but I really enjoyed the front-end part of it and am really excited to dive deep into……rAM1ySgynJg.jpeg
React & Client-Side Routing Part 1 Switch, Routes, and Navlink Today was the last day of Phase 2. I can’t believe Phase 2 is already in the books. It was definitely an intense 6 weeks to say the least but I really enjoyed the front-end part of it and am really excited to dive deep into… Software-Development
React ClientSide Routing Part 1 Switch Routes Navlink Today last day Phase 2 can’t believe Phase 2 already book definitely intense 6 week say least really enjoyed frontend part really excited dive deep into… SoftwareDevelopment
How Microverse Helped Me Develop Discipline in My Journey as a Software Developer
Discipline is the cornerstone of success, and it is especially true when it comes to software development. In my daily life, I struggled to maintain discipline as a software developer. I often procrastinated and lacked a proper schedule, which affected my productivity……Mdmft-vRhi9w.gif
How Microverse Helped Me Develop Discipline in My Journey as a Software Developer Discipline is the cornerstone of success, and it is especially true when it comes to software development. In my daily life, I struggled to maintain discipline as a software developer. I often procrastinated and lacked a proper schedule, which affected my productivity… Software-Development
Microverse Helped Develop Discipline Journey Software Developer Discipline cornerstone success especially true come software development daily life struggled maintain discipline software developer often procrastinated lacked proper schedule affected productivity… SoftwareDevelopment
Search and sort NFT by USD price
if NFT prices in different tokens — WHAT WE HAVE service with storage full of NFTs or any other items, tangible or digital, that provides search-as-you-type functionality; millions of storing NFTs; the price of NFTs is set in different currencies/tokens; frequently updated rate of the exchange rate of tokens to fiat currency. WHAT WE NEED TO DO: to search and sort among all NFTs using…*QdvLzqWdkQltS4x5
Search and sort NFT by USD price if NFT prices in different tokens — WHAT WE HAVE service with storage full of NFTs or any other items, tangible or digital, that provides search-as-you-type functionality; millions of storing NFTs; the price of NFTs is set in different currencies/tokens; frequently updated rate of the exchange rate of tokens to fiat currency. WHAT WE NEED TO DO: to search and sort among all NFTs using… Software-Development
Search sort NFT USD price NFT price different token — service storage full NFTs item tangible digital provides searchasyoutype functionality million storing NFTs price NFTs set different currenciestokens frequently updated rate exchange rate token fiat currency NEED search sort among NFTs using… SoftwareDevelopment
Spending a day with unicorns at AWS GameDay
In October 2022, 50 of us attended the Amazon Web Services (AWS) GameDay. Whether you’ve never heard of it or you want to participate, I hope this gives you a flavour of what to expect if you attend one in the future. And if you are attending one soon, scroll……pK7NIb3NjnGg.png
Spending a day with unicorns at AWS GameDay In October 2022, 50 of us attended the Amazon Web Services (AWS) GameDay. Whether you’ve never heard of it or you want to participate, I hope this gives you a flavour of what to expect if you attend one in the future. And if you are attending one soon, scroll… Software-Development
Spending day unicorn AWS GameDay October 2022 50 u attended Amazon Web Services AWS GameDay Whether you’ve never heard want participate hope give flavour expect attend one future attending one soon scroll… SoftwareDevelopment
Popmenu’s culture of cross-functional collaboration
Turns out, teamwork actually does make the dream work — We compete with each other, not against each other. We fiercely support each other from day one and genuinely celebrate each other’s successes. As a true team, we have zero acceptance for brilliant jerks or laid back free-riders. We don’t pass the buck, but we fix it together! Popmenu Careers……Db-O0V21yZv-.jpg
Popmenu’s culture of cross-functional collaboration Turns out, teamwork actually does make the dream work — We compete with each other, not against each other. We fiercely support each other from day one and genuinely celebrate each other’s successes. As a true team, we have zero acceptance for brilliant jerks or laid back free-riders. We don’t pass the buck, but we fix it together! Popmenu Careers… Software-Development
Popmenu’s culture crossfunctional collaboration Turns teamwork actually make dream work — compete fiercely support day one genuinely celebrate other’s success true team zero acceptance brilliant jerk laid back freeriders don’t pas buck fix together Popmenu Careers… SoftwareDevelopment
Galaxy Shooter 2.5D: Player Movement
Today, we’ll be talking about 2D movement, and we’ll be using my current project dubbed “Galaxy Shooter 2.5D” as the example for the beginning of a tutorial series on how to develop certain mechanics and features in 2.5D. In this tutorial you’ll learn to: read input handling from the player……UAJw5G2TjyxQ.gif
Galaxy Shooter 2.5D: Player Movement Today, we’ll be talking about 2D movement, and we’ll be using my current project dubbed “Galaxy Shooter 2.5D” as the example for the beginning of a tutorial series on how to develop certain mechanics and features in 2.5D. In this tutorial you’ll learn to: read input handling from the player… Software-Development
Galaxy Shooter 25D Player Movement Today we’ll talking 2D movement we’ll using current project dubbed “Galaxy Shooter 25D” example beginning tutorial series develop certain mechanic feature 25D tutorial you’ll learn read input handling player… SoftwareDevelopment
Go Packages and Modules: Building Reusable and Scalable Code
As software development projects grow in size and complexity, it becomes essential to build code that is reusable and scalable. One of the critical ways to achieve this is by using Go Packages and Modules. ……-9uCDPtYwJg.jpeg
Go Packages and Modules: Building Reusable and Scalable Code As software development projects grow in size and complexity, it becomes essential to build code that is reusable and scalable. One of the critical ways to achieve this is by using Go Packages and Modules. … Software-Development
Go Packages Modules Building Reusable Scalable Code software development project grow size complexity becomes essential build code reusable scalable One critical way achieve using Go Packages Modules … SoftwareDevelopment
Power Up Spawning
Objective: Create Power Up Spawning Now that we have different objects to destroy to get loot from, we can make our power up spawning functions. First I am going to move the PowerUpManager to the GameManger so the functions of it can be accessed by many things easier. ……UBiifMN8XOiQ.gif
Power Up Spawning Objective: Create Power Up Spawning Now that we have different objects to destroy to get loot from, we can make our power up spawning functions. First I am going to move the PowerUpManager to the GameManger so the functions of it can be accessed by many things easier. … Software-Development
Power Spawning Objective Create Power Spawning different object destroy get loot make power spawning function First going move PowerUpManager GameManger function accessed many thing easier … SoftwareDevelopment
No, ChatGPT is Not Going To Replace Software Engineers. Here’s Why:
ChatGPT and other A.I. models are all anyone can talk about currently. It is impressive technology and has many people in different careers fearing for their jobs. Software Engineers should have nothing to worry about in this regard, and I’ll explain some of the reasons why. — I’ll start this article off by explaining what almost all software engineers know to be true: Nobody outside of other software engineers have any idea what actually goes into the work that we do. Here are some things that go unseen outside of our department that separate us from A.I.…LIC8Rlq4Omw.jpeg
No, ChatGPT is Not Going To Replace Software Engineers. Here’s Why: ChatGPT and other A.I. models are all anyone can talk about currently. It is impressive technology and has many people in different careers fearing for their jobs. Software Engineers should have nothing to worry about in this regard, and I’ll explain some of the reasons why. — I’ll start this article off by explaining what almost all software engineers know to be true: Nobody outside of other software engineers have any idea what actually goes into the work that we do. Here are some things that go unseen outside of our department that separate us from A.I. Software-Development
ChatGPT Going Replace Software Engineers Here’s ChatGPT AI model anyone talk currently impressive technology many people different career fearing job Software Engineers nothing worry regard I’ll explain reason — I’ll start article explaining almost software engineer know true Nobody outside software engineer idea actually go work thing go unseen outside department separate u AI SoftwareDevelopment
Builders, don’t give away your power!
I went to school for mechanical engineering and started my career building physical things. Diaper machines, actually. Aside from having funny stories to tell about how diapers are made, I learned that working with hardware is, actually, hard. Reviewing a design that will turn into an order for 20 copies……lpa6jVlOoePA.png
Builders, don’t give away your power! I went to school for mechanical engineering and started my career building physical things. Diaper machines, actually. Aside from having funny stories to tell about how diapers are made, I learned that working with hardware is, actually, hard. Reviewing a design that will turn into an order for 20 copies… Software-Development
Builders don’t give away power went school mechanical engineering started career building physical thing Diaper machine actually Aside funny story tell diaper made learned working hardware actually hard Reviewing design turn order 20 copies… SoftwareDevelopment
24 Months of mob programming
Like many of the software teams at Nordnet, the app team practices mob programming and have done so for 24 months now. We have been doing everything from discovery, ideation, interviewing, onboarding, coding, designing, and every other task that you can think of at a modern tech company together, as……R4-XGBYhwoNQ.png
24 Months of mob programming Like many of the software teams at Nordnet, the app team practices mob programming and have done so for 24 months now. We have been doing everything from discovery, ideation, interviewing, onboarding, coding, designing, and every other task that you can think of at a modern tech company together, as… Software-Development
24 Months mob programming Like many software team Nordnet app team practice mob programming done 24 month everything discovery ideation interviewing onboarding coding designing every task think modern tech company together as… SoftwareDevelopment
9. Piloting your way to improved Software Enterprise Performance
Controlling an Airplane and a Software Enterprise can be remarkably similar. (Note this is from Chapter 9 of my book: “Model, Build, Measure, LEAD!”) Part of your leadership growth will be pulling examples from different domains and disciplines, looking for analogs and finding new and different ways to think about……_jMUDUkeW2SA.png
9. Piloting your way to improved Software Enterprise Performance Controlling an Airplane and a Software Enterprise can be remarkably similar. (Note this is from Chapter 9 of my book: “Model, Build, Measure, LEAD!”) Part of your leadership growth will be pulling examples from different domains and disciplines, looking for analogs and finding new and different ways to think about… Software-Development
9 Piloting way improved Software Enterprise Performance Controlling Airplane Software Enterprise remarkably similar Note Chapter 9 book “Model Build Measure LEAD” Part leadership growth pulling example different domain discipline looking analog finding new different way think about… SoftwareDevelopment
Advanced TypeScript Techniques for Senior React Developers
As a Senior React Developer, you’re always looking for ways to improve your skills and write better code. One technology that can help you achieve this is TypeScript. TypeScript is a statically typed language that is a superset of JavaScript. It provides developers with advanced features such as type checking…*XH-08jpoGBT1Gj35
Advanced TypeScript Techniques for Senior React Developers As a Senior React Developer, you’re always looking for ways to improve your skills and write better code. One technology that can help you achieve this is TypeScript. TypeScript is a statically typed language that is a superset of JavaScript. It provides developers with advanced features such as type checking… Software-Development
Advanced TypeScript Techniques Senior React Developers Senior React Developer you’re always looking way improve skill write better code One technology help achieve TypeScript TypeScript statically typed language superset JavaScript provides developer advanced feature type checking… SoftwareDevelopment
How we manipulated passwords using Ansible
Ansible is the core of our quick deployment infrastructure, meaning that we use it to run thousands of servers and automated processes. All of that infrastructure also needs password management, but Ansible Vault doesn’t quite fulfill our needs at our scale. I’d like to share our solution for group password……Q9n6G1m4cGw.jpeg
How we manipulated passwords using Ansible Ansible is the core of our quick deployment infrastructure, meaning that we use it to run thousands of servers and automated processes. All of that infrastructure also needs password management, but Ansible Vault doesn’t quite fulfill our needs at our scale. I’d like to share our solution for group password… Software-Development
manipulated password using Ansible Ansible core quick deployment infrastructure meaning use run thousand server automated process infrastructure also need password management Ansible Vault doesn’t quite fulfill need scale I’d like share solution group password… SoftwareDevelopment
GraphQL: A Revolutionary Approach to API Development
As CTOs and tech leaders, we know that the key to success in today’s digital landscape is agility and efficiency. Rapidly changing business needs and user expectations require us to be responsive, adaptable, and innovative. One of the most critical components of any modern application is the API, which is……-YLVqgKqoqQ.jpeg
GraphQL: A Revolutionary Approach to API Development As CTOs and tech leaders, we know that the key to success in today’s digital landscape is agility and efficiency. Rapidly changing business needs and user expectations require us to be responsive, adaptable, and innovative. One of the most critical components of any modern application is the API, which is… Software-Development
GraphQL Revolutionary Approach API Development CTOs tech leader know key success today’s digital landscape agility efficiency Rapidly changing business need user expectation require u responsive adaptable innovative One critical component modern application API is… SoftwareDevelopment
Every Function in VBA Returns a Value
Whether you assign one explicitly or not, every function in VBA has a return value. — By Mike Wolfe (connect on Twitter: @NoLongerSet) This article is one in a series on Subs vs. Functions in VBA. One of the “additional facts” from my Subs vs. Functions article was this: A Function returns a value even if you don't return one explicitly This is closely related to……ytZlqYtJrG2d.jpg
Every Function in VBA Returns a Value Whether you assign one explicitly or not, every function in VBA has a return value. — By Mike Wolfe (connect on Twitter: @NoLongerSet) This article is one in a series on Subs vs. Functions in VBA. One of the “additional facts” from my Subs vs. Functions article was this: A Function returns a value even if you don't return one explicitly This is closely related to… Software-Development
Every Function VBA Returns Value Whether assign one explicitly every function VBA return value — Mike Wolfe connect Twitter NoLongerSet article one series Subs v Functions VBA One “additional facts” Subs v Functions article Function return value even dont return one explicitly closely related to… SoftwareDevelopment
Calling the Babies Ugly: How to Deliver Negative Feedback in the Tech Industry
Calling the Babies Ugly! In the world of technology, “calling their baby ugly” is a phrase that refers to delivering negative or critical feedback to a customer about their product, service, or idea. This feedback can be related to any aspect of technology, including software design, hardware performance, user experience, and more. According to……yUjkR_uZflQ.jpeg
Calling the Babies Ugly: How to Deliver Negative Feedback in the Tech Industry Calling the Babies Ugly! In the world of technology, “calling their baby ugly” is a phrase that refers to delivering negative or critical feedback to a customer about their product, service, or idea. This feedback can be related to any aspect of technology, including software design, hardware performance, user experience, and more. According to… Software-Development
Calling Babies Ugly Deliver Negative Feedback Tech Industry Calling Babies Ugly world technology “calling baby ugly” phrase refers delivering negative critical feedback customer product service idea feedback related aspect technology including software design hardware performance user experience According to… SoftwareDevelopment
OpenTelemetry: a modern observability standard
In the first part of our blog series about observability, we covered the basic principles of observability and explained how it differs from the classical monitoring term. In this article, we’ll discuss OpenTelemetry and its instrumentation approaches. OpenTelemetry Please check out our first article on observability to gain a fuller context……NnPieDRdoaA.jpeg
OpenTelemetry: a modern observability standard In the first part of our blog series about observability, we covered the basic principles of observability and explained how it differs from the classical monitoring term. In this article, we’ll discuss OpenTelemetry and its instrumentation approaches. OpenTelemetry Please check out our first article on observability to gain a fuller context… Software-Development
OpenTelemetry modern observability standard first part blog series observability covered basic principle observability explained differs classical monitoring term article we’ll discus OpenTelemetry instrumentation approach OpenTelemetry Please check first article observability gain fuller context… SoftwareDevelopment
7 Signals Your Software Dev Company Is The Wrong One👎
Knowing When You’re in the WRONG Place Is Important — In my experience, there are advantages to working in every company, from the colleagues that you work with to the experiences that you pick up on the way. I’m not sure about this. The only good thing about my current gig is money If any of the following stories are…*iBF9JgxSt1hXherh
7 Signals Your Software Dev Company Is The Wrong One👎 Knowing When You’re in the WRONG Place Is Important — In my experience, there are advantages to working in every company, from the colleagues that you work with to the experiences that you pick up on the way. I’m not sure about this. The only good thing about my current gig is money If any of the following stories are… Software-Development
7 Signals Software Dev Company Wrong One👎 Knowing You’re WRONG Place Important — experience advantage working every company colleague work experience pick way I’m sure good thing current gig money following story are… SoftwareDevelopment
Powerful Applications with Laravel — Routes and Controllers
MVC is a shortening for Model, View, and Controller that appears 70s late on Smalltalk-80 by Xerox PARC emphasizing that a controller is an intermediary layer responsible for receive commands from an user interacting with the application. When building interactive applications, as with other programs, modularity of components has enormous…*OR3qINOBAnVX_jMS
Powerful Applications with Laravel — Routes and Controllers MVC is a shortening for Model, View, and Controller that appears 70s late on Smalltalk-80 by Xerox PARC emphasizing that a controller is an intermediary layer responsible for receive commands from an user interacting with the application. When building interactive applications, as with other programs, modularity of components has enormous… Software-Development
Powerful Applications Laravel — Routes Controllers MVC shortening Model View Controller appears 70 late Smalltalk80 Xerox PARC emphasizing controller intermediary layer responsible receive command user interacting application building interactive application program modularity component enormous… SoftwareDevelopment
Cultural Considerations in iOS Software Development: Designing Interfaces for a Diverse World
As software becomes increasingly global, programmers need to consider cultural differences to create software that is inclusive and accessible to all users, regardless of their cultural or regional background. As an iOS developer this has become increasingly important. Are you aware of the following considerations in iOS development? The Age you are when you’re born can differ Born in…*g9C7mNhzNIddB4Ta
Cultural Considerations in iOS Software Development: Designing Interfaces for a Diverse World As software becomes increasingly global, programmers need to consider cultural differences to create software that is inclusive and accessible to all users, regardless of their cultural or regional background. As an iOS developer this has become increasingly important. Are you aware of the following considerations in iOS development? The Age you are when you’re born can differ Born in… Software-Development
Cultural Considerations iOS Software Development Designing Interfaces Diverse World software becomes increasingly global programmer need consider cultural difference create software inclusive accessible user regardless cultural regional background iOS developer become increasingly important aware following consideration iOS development Age you’re born differ Born in… SoftwareDevelopment
#1: Inside the Creative Mind: A Human-Centric Approach to Design
I’m sometimes asked this question, “What’s your design process?” Most people tend to consider the design process as a “Magical Formula”, like a secret potion that will turn you into a better designer. Unfortunately, there is no “Abracadabra” for design. ……t_Z3FS_Ps0ZQ.png
#1: Inside the Creative Mind: A Human-Centric Approach to Design I’m sometimes asked this question, “What’s your design process?” Most people tend to consider the design process as a “Magical Formula”, like a secret potion that will turn you into a better designer. Unfortunately, there is no “Abracadabra” for design. … Software-Development
1 Inside Creative Mind HumanCentric Approach Design I’m sometimes asked question “What’s design process” people tend consider design process “Magical Formula” like secret potion turn better designer Unfortunately “Abracadabra” design … SoftwareDevelopment
“Getting Started with Version Control, Git and GitHub — A Beginner’s Guide”
Version Control and GitHub are both important concepts in software development, and it’s important to understand them in order to work effectively with code. Here’s a brief overview that should help you get started ⏩ Here is our discussion roadmap⏩…9_bh5Wr6YcDg.png
“Getting Started with Version Control, Git and GitHub — A Beginner’s Guide” Version Control and GitHub are both important concepts in software development, and it’s important to understand them in order to work effectively with code. Here’s a brief overview that should help you get started ⏩ Here is our discussion roadmap⏩ Software-Development
“Getting Started Version Control Git GitHub — Beginner’s Guide” Version Control GitHub important concept software development it’s important understand order work effectively code Here’s brief overview help get started ⏩ discussion roadmap⏩ SoftwareDevelopment
As we enter 2023, the world of Micro SaaS (Software as a Service) is constantly evolving with new…
As we enter 2023, the world of Micro SaaS (Software as a Service) is constantly evolving with new trends, innovations, and ideas. Micro SaaS businesses have proven to be highly profitable and successful in recent years, with their ability to cater to niche markets and provide highly specialized services. In…*vqMXsl7ZyIINf8QA
As we enter 2023, the world of Micro SaaS (Software as a Service) is constantly evolving with new… As we enter 2023, the world of Micro SaaS (Software as a Service) is constantly evolving with new trends, innovations, and ideas. Micro SaaS businesses have proven to be highly profitable and successful in recent years, with their ability to cater to niche markets and provide highly specialized services. In… Software-Development
enter 2023 world Micro SaaS Software Service constantly evolving new… enter 2023 world Micro SaaS Software Service constantly evolving new trend innovation idea Micro SaaS business proven highly profitable successful recent year ability cater niche market provide highly specialized service In… SoftwareDevelopment
Declarative, Functional & Imperative Programming: Must Know Paradigms For Software Developers
Declarative, functional, and imperative are different programming paradigms that describe how to write computer programs. I would try to explain them in simple terms with some examples. So, grab your coffee and enjoy reading ! Declarative Programming Declarative programming focuses on what needs to be done, rather than how to do it……nCTrYI-c35SQ.png
Declarative, Functional & Imperative Programming: Must Know Paradigms For Software Developers Declarative, functional, and imperative are different programming paradigms that describe how to write computer programs. I would try to explain them in simple terms with some examples. So, grab your coffee and enjoy reading ! Declarative Programming Declarative programming focuses on what needs to be done, rather than how to do it… Software-Development
Declarative Functional Imperative Programming Must Know Paradigms Software Developers Declarative functional imperative different programming paradigm describe write computer program would try explain simple term example grab coffee enjoy reading Declarative Programming Declarative programming focus need done rather it… SoftwareDevelopment
MVC vs MVT; what you need to know about them
INTRODUCTION As a developer we need to know about a lot of concepts when it comes to building a web application and it happens that MVC and MVT are one of them. So it begs the questions what is MVC & MVT and why do we need to know about them? What is MVC & MVT ? ……[email protected]
MVC vs MVT; what you need to know about them INTRODUCTION As a developer we need to know about a lot of concepts when it comes to building a web application and it happens that MVC and MVT are one of them. So it begs the questions what is MVC & MVT and why do we need to know about them? What is MVC & MVT ? … Software-Development
MVC v MVT need know INTRODUCTION developer need know lot concept come building web application happens MVC MVT one begs question MVC MVT need know MVC MVT … SoftwareDevelopment
How to Create User API Keys in Django From Scratch
Overview If you have an application where you would like users to access some functionalities programmatically, without needing to authenticate with a username or password, API keys are a great way to do this. API keys can consist of a public and secret key. A public key can be thought of…*OtBmtn6_0IpMtRwh
How to Create User API Keys in Django From Scratch Overview If you have an application where you would like users to access some functionalities programmatically, without needing to authenticate with a username or password, API keys are a great way to do this. API keys can consist of a public and secret key. A public key can be thought of… Software-Development
Create User API Keys Django Scratch Overview application would like user access functionality programmatically without needing authenticate username password API key great way API key consist public secret key public key thought of… SoftwareDevelopment
What’s Mixin ? — Overview of an OOPS Concept
A mixin is a class that contains methods and properties that can be used by other classes without having to inherit from it. A mixin defines a specific set of functionality that can be mixed into any other class. Mixins are often used to add common functionality to a group……Mdmft-vRhi9w.gif
What’s Mixin ? — Overview of an OOPS Concept A mixin is a class that contains methods and properties that can be used by other classes without having to inherit from it. A mixin defines a specific set of functionality that can be mixed into any other class. Mixins are often used to add common functionality to a group… Software-Development
What’s Mixin — Overview OOPS Concept mixin class contains method property used class without inherit mixin defines specific set functionality mixed class Mixins often used add common functionality group… SoftwareDevelopment
Design thinking & its implication in IT projects
Design Thinking has become very relevant in today’s software development. I’m lucky enough to lead great teams where we used this method for different projects and got great results. Here I would like to share my experience, lessons learned and how could it help you in your development efforts. ……GtN0DW2qxjKg.png
Design thinking & its implication in IT projects Design Thinking has become very relevant in today’s software development. I’m lucky enough to lead great teams where we used this method for different projects and got great results. Here I would like to share my experience, lessons learned and how could it help you in your development efforts. … Software-Development
Design thinking implication project Design Thinking become relevant today’s software development I’m lucky enough lead great team used method different project got great result would like share experience lesson learned could help development effort … SoftwareDevelopment
The Cellular Concept: Handoffs
Consider that you are seated in a moving vehicle or train and are on a phone call exchanging pleasantries with your significant other or mate. ……TnMGMIIsiMUg.png
The Cellular Concept: Handoffs Consider that you are seated in a moving vehicle or train and are on a phone call exchanging pleasantries with your significant other or mate. … Software-Development
Cellular Concept Handoffs Consider seated moving vehicle train phone call exchanging pleasantry significant mate … SoftwareDevelopment
Python Ultimate Guide: Learning The __init__() function in Python
Importance and Implementation of __init__() function — The Main Concepts The concept of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is fundamental, with numerous adoption across varied programming languages. Python is a dynamic language that supports OOP, and one can define classes containing defined attributes and methods and then call them within the program for execution. An Object is a critical concept in OOP…*5_ZYCDR1Zn8n7bYx
Python Ultimate Guide: Learning The __init__() function in Python Importance and Implementation of __init__() function — The Main Concepts The concept of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is fundamental, with numerous adoption across varied programming languages. Python is a dynamic language that supports OOP, and one can define classes containing defined attributes and methods and then call them within the program for execution. An Object is a critical concept in OOP… Software-Development
Python Ultimate Guide Learning init function Python Importance Implementation init function — Main Concepts concept ObjectOriented Programming OOP fundamental numerous adoption across varied programming language Python dynamic language support OOP one define class containing defined attribute method call within program execution Object critical concept OOP… SoftwareDevelopment
DAP — The New App Success Metrics for Web3
The only metric that matters is that users love your software. In the near future, all new web applications will be Web3 applications. Web3 developers are building a world where people can own their own data, their own identity, their own money (without the need for traditional banks), their own……2_r9-Us1BCJA.png
DAP — The New App Success Metrics for Web3 The only metric that matters is that users love your software. In the near future, all new web applications will be Web3 applications. Web3 developers are building a world where people can own their own data, their own identity, their own money (without the need for traditional banks), their own… Software-Development
DAP — New App Success Metrics Web3 metric matter user love software near future new web application Web3 application Web3 developer building world people data identity money without need traditional bank own… SoftwareDevelopment
5 Must-Know Design Patterns for Building Scalable FastAPI Applications
Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software development. By using these patterns, developers can save time and effort by not having to solve the same problems repeatedly. Design Patterns for FastAPI we will cover several design patterns that can be applied to FastAPI. These patterns include: Singleton Pattern: ensures that…*R58SXqo7TAjQ4F3U
5 Must-Know Design Patterns for Building Scalable FastAPI Applications Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software development. By using these patterns, developers can save time and effort by not having to solve the same problems repeatedly. Design Patterns for FastAPI we will cover several design patterns that can be applied to FastAPI. These patterns include: Singleton Pattern: ensures that… Software-Development
5 MustKnow Design Patterns Building Scalable FastAPI Applications Design pattern reusable solution commonly occurring problem software development using pattern developer save time effort solve problem repeatedly Design Patterns FastAPI cover several design pattern applied FastAPI pattern include Singleton Pattern ensures that… SoftwareDevelopment
Software Engineering
Software engineering is an exciting and dynamic field that is constantly evolving to meet the demands of modern technology. As the world becomes increasingly reliant on software, software engineering has become one of the most important and in-demand professions today. …*B2LhTabkp5pRb6-P
Software Engineering Software engineering is an exciting and dynamic field that is constantly evolving to meet the demands of modern technology. As the world becomes increasingly reliant on software, software engineering has become one of the most important and in-demand professions today. … Software-Development
Software Engineering Software engineering exciting dynamic field constantly evolving meet demand modern technology world becomes increasingly reliant software software engineering become one important indemand profession today … SoftwareDevelopment
Creating an MVP (part 2) — a noobs point of view
Oh. My. God. It was no joke that creating an app from scratch was going to be difficult, plus there’s so much more to coding than the code itself. I’m happy to be at the finish line of such an intensive course as Holberton School’s Full Stack Developer program……wG_EZD4hv-4w.png
Creating an MVP (part 2) — a noobs point of view Oh. My. God. It was no joke that creating an app from scratch was going to be difficult, plus there’s so much more to coding than the code itself. I’m happy to be at the finish line of such an intensive course as Holberton School’s Full Stack Developer program… Software-Development
Creating MVP part 2 — noobs point view Oh God joke creating app scratch going difficult plus there’s much coding code I’m happy finish line intensive course Holberton School’s Full Stack Developer program… SoftwareDevelopment
Efficient Pagination in .NET: Best Practices and Tools for Returning Paged Collections
Pagination is an essential aspect of designing RESTful APIs that return collections of resources. It allows clients to retrieve data in smaller, more manageable chunks, reducing the load on the server and the client. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to implement pagination in .NET, using generic services and……aQr14IUmkkg.jpeg
Efficient Pagination in .NET: Best Practices and Tools for Returning Paged Collections Pagination is an essential aspect of designing RESTful APIs that return collections of resources. It allows clients to retrieve data in smaller, more manageable chunks, reducing the load on the server and the client. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to implement pagination in .NET, using generic services and… Software-Development
Efficient Pagination NET Best Practices Tools Returning Paged Collections Pagination essential aspect designing RESTful APIs return collection resource allows client retrieve data smaller manageable chunk reducing load server client blog post we’ll explore implement pagination NET using generic service and… SoftwareDevelopment
7 Useful Rust Libraries You Should Use In Your Next Project
Power Up Your Rust Development — There is a proverb “You don’t have to reinvent the wheel”. Libraries are the best example of that. It helps you to write complex and time-consuming functionality in an easy way. I believe a good project uses some of the best libraries available. Rust is a blazingly fast programming language……H3SMgjB7XYm.jpeg
7 Useful Rust Libraries You Should Use In Your Next Project Power Up Your Rust Development — There is a proverb “You don’t have to reinvent the wheel”. Libraries are the best example of that. It helps you to write complex and time-consuming functionality in an easy way. I believe a good project uses some of the best libraries available. Rust is a blazingly fast programming language… Software-Development
7 Useful Rust Libraries Use Next Project Power Rust Development — proverb “You don’t reinvent wheel” Libraries best example help write complex timeconsuming functionality easy way believe good project us best library available Rust blazingly fast programming language… SoftwareDevelopment
The Framework to Learn Java Language Development
It is still the most preferred language for server programming and enterprise applications. Many companies adopted Java as their programming language of choice, and it was used to develop a wide variety of applications, from simple web apps to large-scale enterprise systems. — Thank you for being a part of this journey with me, and I hope to continue providing value to you for years to come! Giving tips by supporting me.*V0wkrcxaZOtRvxq8
The Framework to Learn Java Language Development It is still the most preferred language for server programming and enterprise applications. Many companies adopted Java as their programming language of choice, and it was used to develop a wide variety of applications, from simple web apps to large-scale enterprise systems. — Thank you for being a part of this journey with me, and I hope to continue providing value to you for years to come! Giving tips by supporting me. Software-Development
Framework Learn Java Language Development still preferred language server programming enterprise application Many company adopted Java programming language choice used develop wide variety application simple web apps largescale enterprise system — Thank part journey hope continue providing value year come Giving tip supporting SoftwareDevelopment
Understanding the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design Pattern?
It is standard practice to utilise the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern system when creating user interfaces since it neatly separates the functionality of the underlying computer into these three components. This is done so that the user’s internal representations of information are kept distinct from the user’s external experience of……ZB2qma5YJVNb.jpg
Understanding the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design Pattern? It is standard practice to utilise the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern system when creating user interfaces since it neatly separates the functionality of the underlying computer into these three components. This is done so that the user’s internal representations of information are kept distinct from the user’s external experience of… Software-Development
Understanding ModelViewController MVC Design Pattern standard practice utilise modelviewcontroller MVC architectural pattern system creating user interface since neatly separate functionality underlying computer three component done user’s internal representation information kept distinct user’s external experience of… SoftwareDevelopment
Architecture Styles: Monolith
Continuing exploring architectural styles… Monolithic architecture is like a big block of cheese. It’s a classic approach that’s been around for ages and can be both delicious and satisfying. I believe most of the programmers have experience with it. Anyways, let's try to summarize the upsides and downsides of this……K14trQVtLE6A.png
Architecture Styles: Monolith Continuing exploring architectural styles… Monolithic architecture is like a big block of cheese. It’s a classic approach that’s been around for ages and can be both delicious and satisfying. I believe most of the programmers have experience with it. Anyways, let's try to summarize the upsides and downsides of this… Software-Development
Architecture Styles Monolith Continuing exploring architectural styles… Monolithic architecture like big block cheese It’s classic approach that’s around age delicious satisfying believe programmer experience Anyways let try summarize upside downside this… SoftwareDevelopment
I Built “Focus Mode” For Writers On Medium
Temporarily hide the notification bell, story stats, and other distractions to get back your focus time. — Fresh coffee ☕️ in hand, I’ll start my mornings by navigating to my Medium draft stories. This is where my writing process begins, but it can quickly get derailed. When the next sentence won’t materialize on the page, my lizard brain will start looking for distractions. I’ll unconsciously do one……oCl1281gZamQ.gif
I Built “Focus Mode” For Writers On Medium Temporarily hide the notification bell, story stats, and other distractions to get back your focus time. — Fresh coffee ☕️ in hand, I’ll start my mornings by navigating to my Medium draft stories. This is where my writing process begins, but it can quickly get derailed. When the next sentence won’t materialize on the page, my lizard brain will start looking for distractions. I’ll unconsciously do one… Software-Development
Built “Focus Mode” Writers Medium Temporarily hide notification bell story stats distraction get back focus time — Fresh coffee ☕️ hand I’ll start morning navigating Medium draft story writing process begin quickly get derailed next sentence won’t materialize page lizard brain start looking distraction I’ll unconsciously one… SoftwareDevelopment
Beware The Biggest Hidden Cost of IT Outsourcing 🚩
One out of six projects has a 200% cost overrun, according to Adeva. When working with external consultants, additional tasks will result in higher expenses. ……tmuQld3skoOA.gif
Beware The Biggest Hidden Cost of IT Outsourcing 🚩 One out of six projects has a 200% cost overrun, according to Adeva. When working with external consultants, additional tasks will result in higher expenses. … Software-Development
Beware Biggest Hidden Cost Outsourcing 🚩 One six project 200 cost overrun according Adeva working external consultant additional task result higher expense … SoftwareDevelopment
How To Use & Automate Instagram Using Python
Let’s learn to access and use Instagram using Python. To do this, we use the instabot Python package that uses Instagram’s mobile API. Installation Start with installing the package using the following in your Python console. pip install instabot Getting Started Import the package and create an instance of Bot. from instabot import…*WQHBez1YMtqVLh_P
How To Use & Automate Instagram Using Python Let’s learn to access and use Instagram using Python. To do this, we use the instabot Python package that uses Instagram’s mobile API. Installation Start with installing the package using the following in your Python console. pip install instabot Getting Started Import the package and create an instance of Bot. from instabot import… Software-Development
Use Automate Instagram Using Python Let’s learn access use Instagram using Python use instabot Python package us Instagram’s mobile API Installation Start installing package using following Python console pip install instabot Getting Started Import package create instance Bot instabot import… SoftwareDevelopment
Alpha Software: Corporate hierarchy
This week at Alpha Software… Daily list I write something new for software developers every morning. Join the daily list to get updates! — Join Medium for $5 — Access all of Medium + support me & others!…sVA3LJ57ww2g.png
Alpha Software: Corporate hierarchy This week at Alpha Software… Daily list I write something new for software developers every morning. Join the daily list to get updates! — Join Medium for $5 — Access all of Medium + support me & others! Software-Development
Alpha Software Corporate hierarchy week Alpha Software… Daily list write something new software developer every morning Join daily list get update — Join Medium 5 — Access Medium support others SoftwareDevelopment
Creating an AI Powered Browser Extension (Part 3) — Streaming Completions & Adding an Actions Menu
This article is the third part of the series where I explain how to create a Chromium browser extension that uses OpenAI Completion API to auto-complete emails, fix spelling mistakes and make them sound more professional. We’re effectively bringing ChatGPT into the email box! By the end of this series……4y6C_0opPCJw.png
Creating an AI Powered Browser Extension (Part 3) — Streaming Completions & Adding an Actions Menu This article is the third part of the series where I explain how to create a Chromium browser extension that uses OpenAI Completion API to auto-complete emails, fix spelling mistakes and make them sound more professional. We’re effectively bringing ChatGPT into the email box! By the end of this series… Software-Development
Creating AI Powered Browser Extension Part 3 — Streaming Completions Adding Actions Menu article third part series explain create Chromium browser extension us OpenAI Completion API autocomplete email fix spelling mistake make sound professional We’re effectively bringing ChatGPT email box end series… SoftwareDevelopment
Secure Software Development
Secure software development is necessary to maintain important features of software such as privacy, integrity, and accessibility. Secure software development ensures that software is protected from unwanted access, theft, data leaks, phishing, viruses, malware, and other attacks. Secure software development is also important for the security and privacy of end-users……fiHez0nDDBQ.jpeg
Secure Software Development Secure software development is necessary to maintain important features of software such as privacy, integrity, and accessibility. Secure software development ensures that software is protected from unwanted access, theft, data leaks, phishing, viruses, malware, and other attacks. Secure software development is also important for the security and privacy of end-users… Software-Development
Secure Software Development Secure software development necessary maintain important feature software privacy integrity accessibility Secure software development ensures software protected unwanted access theft data leak phishing virus malware attack Secure software development also important security privacy endusers… SoftwareDevelopment
Understanding CAP Theorem In Distributed Systems
CAP theorem deals with 3 aspects of the system:- 1. Consistency 2. Availability 3. Partition Tolerance Consistency:- Consistency says that in a distributed system data on all nodes should be consistent with each other. ……MpdIvZAIa0JA.png
Understanding CAP Theorem In Distributed Systems CAP theorem deals with 3 aspects of the system:- 1. Consistency 2. Availability 3. Partition Tolerance Consistency:- Consistency says that in a distributed system data on all nodes should be consistent with each other. … Software-Development
Understanding CAP Theorem Distributed Systems CAP theorem deal 3 aspect system 1 Consistency 2 Availability 3 Partition Tolerance Consistency Consistency say distributed system data node consistent … SoftwareDevelopment
How PID controllers are used in Automotive Software
Actually, it’s only PI controller! If you studied engineering, you might have heard of this term before. A PID controller stands for Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller and is a common controller used in a myriad of industries ranging from automotive to home appliances. Let’s take a look at a simple example of……ZO_tDcV6D_w.jpeg
How PID controllers are used in Automotive Software Actually, it’s only PI controller! If you studied engineering, you might have heard of this term before. A PID controller stands for Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller and is a common controller used in a myriad of industries ranging from automotive to home appliances. Let’s take a look at a simple example of… Software-Development
PID controller used Automotive Software Actually it’s PI controller studied engineering might heard term PID controller stand ProportionalIntegralDerivative controller common controller used myriad industry ranging automotive home appliance Let’s take look simple example of… SoftwareDevelopment
.NET’s LINQ and how we iteratively improved iterations
In my years as a .NET developer, I’ve observed C# mature as a language and expanding its abilities to help developers write cleaner code (syntactically speaking, that is). By a wide margin, LINQ is in my opinion the expansion to C#.NET’s ……sJTaxJeyzw0g.png
.NET’s LINQ and how we iteratively improved iterations In my years as a .NET developer, I’ve observed C# mature as a language and expanding its abilities to help developers write cleaner code (syntactically speaking, that is). By a wide margin, LINQ is in my opinion the expansion to C#.NET’s … Software-Development
NET’s LINQ iteratively improved iteration year NET developer I’ve observed C mature language expanding ability help developer write cleaner code syntactically speaking wide margin LINQ opinion expansion CNET’s … SoftwareDevelopment
Process is an excuse to not think
What is “process”? Let’s say process is a rule that you follow instead of independently deciding what to do. For example, daily standups are a process: everyone agrees to meet up at a certain time each day rather than arranging ad-hoc catchups. Another example of process is code style: we…*NLefZxFJVfcA4M8q
Process is an excuse to not think What is “process”? Let’s say process is a rule that you follow instead of independently deciding what to do. For example, daily standups are a process: everyone agrees to meet up at a certain time each day rather than arranging ad-hoc catchups. Another example of process is code style: we… Software-Development
Process excuse think “process” Let’s say process rule follow instead independently deciding example daily standups process everyone agrees meet certain time day rather arranging adhoc catchups Another example process code style we… SoftwareDevelopment
2023 Go/Rust Is Slowly Encroaching on Java/Python Territory
O’Reilly recently released the 2023 annual technology trend report, and research shows that developers’ interest in key components of generative AI is accelerating: content about natural language processing (NLP) increased by 42% year-on-year, followed by deep learning (23% ). Developers are also increasingly searching for content related to transformers, the…*LISEmTdz19k7BAHY
2023 Go/Rust Is Slowly Encroaching on Java/Python Territory O’Reilly recently released the 2023 annual technology trend report, and research shows that developers’ interest in key components of generative AI is accelerating: content about natural language processing (NLP) increased by 42% year-on-year, followed by deep learning (23% ). Developers are also increasingly searching for content related to transformers, the… Software-Development
2023 GoRust Slowly Encroaching JavaPython Territory O’Reilly recently released 2023 annual technology trend report research show developers’ interest key component generative AI accelerating content natural language processing NLP increased 42 yearonyear followed deep learning 23 Developers also increasingly searching content related transformer the… SoftwareDevelopment
Automapper Scenarios for Usage
AutoMapper is an open-source object mapping library for .NET that simplifies the process of mapping one object to another. It is used to eliminate the repetitive code needed to map objects manually. Here are a few scenarios that can help illustrate the concept of AutoMapper: Scenario: Mapping objects with different……Mdmft-vRhi9w.gif
Automapper Scenarios for Usage AutoMapper is an open-source object mapping library for .NET that simplifies the process of mapping one object to another. It is used to eliminate the repetitive code needed to map objects manually. Here are a few scenarios that can help illustrate the concept of AutoMapper: Scenario: Mapping objects with different… Software-Development
Automapper Scenarios Usage AutoMapper opensource object mapping library NET simplifies process mapping one object another used eliminate repetitive code needed map object manually scenario help illustrate concept AutoMapper Scenario Mapping object different… SoftwareDevelopment
Deadlock, Livelock, Race condition and Starvation
Deadlock, Livelock, Race condition and Starvation are the four nightmares when you develop a multi-threaded application. This article covers a detailed explanation of these with general examples. 1. Deadlock…F2ftcGWjICQ.jpeg
Deadlock, Livelock, Race condition and Starvation Deadlock, Livelock, Race condition and Starvation are the four nightmares when you develop a multi-threaded application. This article covers a detailed explanation of these with general examples. 1. Deadlock Software-Development
Deadlock Livelock Race condition Starvation Deadlock Livelock Race condition Starvation four nightmare develop multithreaded application article cover detailed explanation general example 1 Deadlock SoftwareDevelopment
External Fingerprint Sensors on macOS – Part 0
Yep, that’s right. Even better : why not ? Apple has manufactured their products with Touch ID, but not every product in the line has it. Also, regarding hackintosh, they don’t have fingerprints sensors compatible on macOS. Or, do they ? Even though it isn’t supported natively to log in……[email protected]
External Fingerprint Sensors on macOS – Part 0 Yep, that’s right. Even better : why not ? Apple has manufactured their products with Touch ID, but not every product in the line has it. Also, regarding hackintosh, they don’t have fingerprints sensors compatible on macOS. Or, do they ? Even though it isn’t supported natively to log in… Software-Development
External Fingerprint Sensors macOS – Part 0 Yep that’s right Even better Apple manufactured product Touch ID every product line Also regarding hackintosh don’t fingerprint sensor compatible macOS Even though isn’t supported natively log in… SoftwareDevelopment
Everything is made up
This is it. The moment I lost it. If you’ve followed me, you might’ve noticed it before. A few subtle signs of insanity. Words in my writings that felt out of place. Well, I’ve reached the point of no return. Nothing I say will make sense from here on out. ……cjkra4cQiDvA.png
Everything is made up This is it. The moment I lost it. If you’ve followed me, you might’ve noticed it before. A few subtle signs of insanity. Words in my writings that felt out of place. Well, I’ve reached the point of no return. Nothing I say will make sense from here on out. … Software-Development
Everything made moment lost you’ve followed might’ve noticed subtle sign insanity Words writing felt place Well I’ve reached point return Nothing say make sense … SoftwareDevelopment
Daily bit(e) of C++ | Defaulted comparison operators
Daily bit(e) of C++ #67, The C++20 defaulted comparison operators C++20 introduced default comparison operators. The spaceship comparison operator results in a piece-wise comparison, comparing the bases and members in order (resulting in strong, weak or partial comparison). The defaulted spaceship operator will implicitly default the equality operator if none……4yHAmaBPsvpg.png
Daily bit(e) of C++ | Defaulted comparison operators Daily bit(e) of C++ #67, The C++20 defaulted comparison operators C++20 introduced default comparison operators. The spaceship comparison operator results in a piece-wise comparison, comparing the bases and members in order (resulting in strong, weak or partial comparison). The defaulted spaceship operator will implicitly default the equality operator if none… Software-Development
Daily bite C Defaulted comparison operator Daily bite C 67 C20 defaulted comparison operator C20 introduced default comparison operator spaceship comparison operator result piecewise comparison comparing base member order resulting strong weak partial comparison defaulted spaceship operator implicitly default equality operator none… SoftwareDevelopment
SOLID principles in software development
Solid principles are a set of guidelines for software development that promote code readability, maintainability, and scalability. These principles were introduced by Robert C. Martin, also known as Uncle Bob, in his book “Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship.” The five solid principles, also known as SOLID, are……2zndYUD5tFhk.png
SOLID principles in software development Solid principles are a set of guidelines for software development that promote code readability, maintainability, and scalability. These principles were introduced by Robert C. Martin, also known as Uncle Bob, in his book “Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship.” The five solid principles, also known as SOLID, are… Software-Development
SOLID principle software development Solid principle set guideline software development promote code readability maintainability scalability principle introduced Robert C Martin also known Uncle Bob book “Clean Code Handbook Agile Software Craftsmanship” five solid principle also known SOLID are… SoftwareDevelopment
What is Embedded Software Engineering?
Embedded software engineering is a subfield of software engineering that focuses on the creation of software for small, embedded devices such as microcontrollers and system-on-a-chip (SoC) devices. Embedded software engineering is a subfield of software engineering that focuses on the learning and creation of software for small, embedded devices. …*dKml9lnHypPMaaDo
What is Embedded Software Engineering? Embedded software engineering is a subfield of software engineering that focuses on the creation of software for small, embedded devices such as microcontrollers and system-on-a-chip (SoC) devices. Embedded software engineering is a subfield of software engineering that focuses on the learning and creation of software for small, embedded devices. … Software-Development
Embedded Software Engineering Embedded software engineering subfield software engineering focus creation software small embedded device microcontrollers systemonachip SoC device Embedded software engineering subfield software engineering focus learning creation software small embedded device … SoftwareDevelopment
The Key to Finding Common Ground: Asking the Right Questions
Finding common ground with someone who has a different perspective can be difficult. But it’s not impossible! — Learning to ask the right questions is the key to finding common ground and creating a meaningful connection with someone. Asking the right questions can help you understand where someone is coming from, and make it easier to find shared interests and values. In this blog post, we’ll look at……P3dNhcPXFv2Q.png
The Key to Finding Common Ground: Asking the Right Questions Finding common ground with someone who has a different perspective can be difficult. But it’s not impossible! — Learning to ask the right questions is the key to finding common ground and creating a meaningful connection with someone. Asking the right questions can help you understand where someone is coming from, and make it easier to find shared interests and values. In this blog post, we’ll look at… Software-Development
Key Finding Common Ground Asking Right Questions Finding common ground someone different perspective difficult it’s impossible — Learning ask right question key finding common ground creating meaningful connection someone Asking right question help understand someone coming make easier find shared interest value blog post we’ll look at… SoftwareDevelopment
Improving Software Quality with Static Analysis: A Guide to SonarQube and Quality Assurance
As software development projects become more complex, ensuring the quality of the codebase becomes increasingly important. Static code analysis is a key tool for achieving this goal, and SonarQube is one of the most popular tools available for this purpose. ……zwF-gpSw7af.jpeg
Improving Software Quality with Static Analysis: A Guide to SonarQube and Quality Assurance As software development projects become more complex, ensuring the quality of the codebase becomes increasingly important. Static code analysis is a key tool for achieving this goal, and SonarQube is one of the most popular tools available for this purpose. … Software-Development
Improving Software Quality Static Analysis Guide SonarQube Quality Assurance software development project become complex ensuring quality codebase becomes increasingly important Static code analysis key tool achieving goal SonarQube one popular tool available purpose … SoftwareDevelopment
Bugs free navigation in SwiftUI
For those who are suffering from built-in SwiftUI Navigation — This article describes a solution for handling navigation in SwiftUI apps from iOS 13.0+. Navigation in SwiftUI was full of bugs since the framework was released and even nowadays it is still far from perfect. What are the reasons to read this article? ……Sqqz880d1RZg.png
Bugs free navigation in SwiftUI For those who are suffering from built-in SwiftUI Navigation — This article describes a solution for handling navigation in SwiftUI apps from iOS 13.0+. Navigation in SwiftUI was full of bugs since the framework was released and even nowadays it is still far from perfect. What are the reasons to read this article? … Software-Development
Bugs free navigation SwiftUI suffering builtin SwiftUI Navigation — article describes solution handling navigation SwiftUI apps iOS 130 Navigation SwiftUI full bug since framework released even nowadays still far perfect reason read article … SoftwareDevelopment
5 Must-know Python development tools for developers
The striking feature of Python is that it can be written once and run on practically any computer without requiring the application to be changed. In the last couple of years, Python coders have drastically increased at a good pace of 27% Year on Year and it is because Python……qERyDct5f5fw.png
5 Must-know Python development tools for developers The striking feature of Python is that it can be written once and run on practically any computer without requiring the application to be changed. In the last couple of years, Python coders have drastically increased at a good pace of 27% Year on Year and it is because Python… Software-Development
5 Mustknow Python development tool developer striking feature Python written run practically computer without requiring application changed last couple year Python coder drastically increased good pace 27 Year Year Python… SoftwareDevelopment
C++ is For Sigma Males
Python enjoyers read this article NOW to become a better man — (A parody of lunatics who claim anything makes them manlier) Alpha C programmer here, I’ve noticed a trend of new developers gravitating towards inferior languages like Python, Scala, and R. These developers won’t ever feel the satisfaction of writing truly optimized code. Imagine a world without knowingly managing memory, compiling……awydauH6FiR.jpeg
C++ is For Sigma Males Python enjoyers read this article NOW to become a better man — (A parody of lunatics who claim anything makes them manlier) Alpha C programmer here, I’ve noticed a trend of new developers gravitating towards inferior languages like Python, Scala, and R. These developers won’t ever feel the satisfaction of writing truly optimized code. Imagine a world without knowingly managing memory, compiling… Software-Development
C Sigma Males Python enjoyer read article become better man — parody lunatic claim anything make manlier Alpha C programmer I’ve noticed trend new developer gravitating towards inferior language like Python Scala R developer won’t ever feel satisfaction writing truly optimized code Imagine world without knowingly managing memory compiling… SoftwareDevelopment
How ChatGPT-4 Guide me to Transitioning from Monolithic to Cloud-Native Architecture
I asked ChatGPT-4 about a real-world software architecture problem in my company which is modernization of legacy monolithic application to cloud-native microservices. As you know that OpenAI has announced GPT-4: the latest in its line of AI language models that power applications like ChatGPT and the new Bing. And with…*nzDmfH2Rp8C0FrQg
How ChatGPT-4 Guide me to Transitioning from Monolithic to Cloud-Native Architecture I asked ChatGPT-4 about a real-world software architecture problem in my company which is modernization of legacy monolithic application to cloud-native microservices. As you know that OpenAI has announced GPT-4: the latest in its line of AI language models that power applications like ChatGPT and the new Bing. And with… Software-Development
ChatGPT4 Guide Transitioning Monolithic CloudNative Architecture asked ChatGPT4 realworld software architecture problem company modernization legacy monolithic application cloudnative microservices know OpenAI announced GPT4 latest line AI language model power application like ChatGPT new Bing with… SoftwareDevelopment
From Crunching Numbers to Slinging Code: My Journey to Becoming a Software Engineer
I went from crunching numbers in finance for 7 years to slinging code as a software engineer. Many people have asked about my transition journey. I’m here to spill all the juicy details so that I’ll share this link with you when you ask. If you want to embark on……YVfnoGKTSgg.jpeg
From Crunching Numbers to Slinging Code: My Journey to Becoming a Software Engineer I went from crunching numbers in finance for 7 years to slinging code as a software engineer. Many people have asked about my transition journey. I’m here to spill all the juicy details so that I’ll share this link with you when you ask. If you want to embark on… Software-Development
Crunching Numbers Slinging Code Journey Becoming Software Engineer went crunching number finance 7 year slinging code software engineer Many people asked transition journey I’m spill juicy detail I’ll share link ask want embark on… SoftwareDevelopment
🏊 Rust’s Glidesort Is 4x Faster On Random Data
The newly announced Glidesort occurs to be up to 4x faster on random data. Let’s check what is the fuzz about! Are you tired of slow-sorting algorithms that can’t handle large datasets? Look no further than Glidesort in Rust! This innovative algorithm combines the best features of multiple algorithms to provide blazing-fast sorting speeds and stable results, even on datasets with many duplicates. Read on to learn how Glidesort can revolutionize……n6zMzkIZq5Dw.png
🏊 Rust’s Glidesort Is 4x Faster On Random Data The newly announced Glidesort occurs to be up to 4x faster on random data. Let’s check what is the fuzz about! Are you tired of slow-sorting algorithms that can’t handle large datasets? Look no further than Glidesort in Rust! This innovative algorithm combines the best features of multiple algorithms to provide blazing-fast sorting speeds and stable results, even on datasets with many duplicates. Read on to learn how Glidesort can revolutionize… Software-Development
🏊 Rust’s Glidesort 4x Faster Random Data newly announced Glidesort occurs 4x faster random data Let’s check fuzz tired slowsorting algorithm can’t handle large datasets Look Glidesort Rust innovative algorithm combine best feature multiple algorithm provide blazingfast sorting speed stable result even datasets many duplicate Read learn Glidesort revolutionize… SoftwareDevelopment
The Death of Software Engineering
The death of engineering is not necessarily a bad thing… During my entire development career, hell my development life, I’ve dealt with programming languages and machines that have allowed me to write less-than-ideal code and get away with it. As I moved into the corporate world of development, I met…*9jjx1pOD6ng6XqaG
The Death of Software Engineering The death of engineering is not necessarily a bad thing… During my entire development career, hell my development life, I’ve dealt with programming languages and machines that have allowed me to write less-than-ideal code and get away with it. As I moved into the corporate world of development, I met… Software-Development
Death Software Engineering death engineering necessarily bad thing… entire development career hell development life I’ve dealt programming language machine allowed write lessthanideal code get away moved corporate world development met… SoftwareDevelopment
ChatGPT4 will be able design and create applications
Introduction: I know that this sounds like a REALLY exaggerated headline but trust me it’s not. Here is some background information on what I did with ChatGPT4 on launch, that led me to this realisation. The night before, I was looking up some documentations on Chrome Extension and playing around with……CXIOk40KEqfQ.png
ChatGPT4 will be able design and create applications Introduction: I know that this sounds like a REALLY exaggerated headline but trust me it’s not. Here is some background information on what I did with ChatGPT4 on launch, that led me to this realisation. The night before, I was looking up some documentations on Chrome Extension and playing around with… Software-Development
ChatGPT4 able design create application Introduction know sound like REALLY exaggerated headline trust it’s background information ChatGPT4 launch led realisation night looking documentation Chrome Extension playing around with… SoftwareDevelopment
😵‍💫 Typescript Devs Suffer For 5 Years Because Of This…
An innocent default value of declarationMap makes DX of Typescript libraries miserable for five years. But there is a fix! Gajus Kuizinas shared on Twitter a trick supposably a lot of Typescript library developers don’t know about. You may have noticed that sometimes when you import a Typescript library, your IDE properly recognizes it and it’s components. However when you use the “go to definition” command, you are navigated to……ImDhU2Xb5XXA.png
😵‍💫 Typescript Devs Suffer For 5 Years Because Of This… An innocent default value of declarationMap makes DX of Typescript libraries miserable for five years. But there is a fix! Gajus Kuizinas shared on Twitter a trick supposably a lot of Typescript library developers don’t know about. You may have noticed that sometimes when you import a Typescript library, your IDE properly recognizes it and it’s components. However when you use the “go to definition” command, you are navigated to… Software-Development
😵‍💫 Typescript Devs Suffer 5 Years This… innocent default value declarationMap make DX Typescript library miserable five year fix Gajus Kuizinas shared Twitter trick supposably lot Typescript library developer don’t know may noticed sometimes import Typescript library IDE properly recognizes it’s component However use “go definition” command navigated to… SoftwareDevelopment
🥏 Typescript 5.0 Is Here! Decorators Age
At the end of January I was reporting about the release of Typescript 5.0 beta, and now after almost two months we have it!!! Typescript 5.0 is official! You can use the link above to learn about the features that are available in this release. Just a short wrap up: Decorators ……UhNCr68jsI3A.png
🥏 Typescript 5.0 Is Here! Decorators Age At the end of January I was reporting about the release of Typescript 5.0 beta, and now after almost two months we have it!!! Typescript 5.0 is official! You can use the link above to learn about the features that are available in this release. Just a short wrap up: Decorators … Software-Development
🥏 Typescript 50 Decorators Age end January reporting release Typescript 50 beta almost two month Typescript 50 official use link learn feature available release short wrap Decorators … SoftwareDevelopment
Why Self-Sufficiency is Crucial for Software Engineers
Importance of self-sufficiency in Software Engineering — Self-sufficiency is a key attribute of any successful software engineer. Self-sufficient software engineers are able to manage their own workloads, troubleshoot problems independently, and ultimately produce better-quality code. In this article, we will discuss why self-sufficiency is more important for software engineers and what it takes to become a self-sufficient……R_7tzIjNLfAg.png
Why Self-Sufficiency is Crucial for Software Engineers Importance of self-sufficiency in Software Engineering — Self-sufficiency is a key attribute of any successful software engineer. Self-sufficient software engineers are able to manage their own workloads, troubleshoot problems independently, and ultimately produce better-quality code. In this article, we will discuss why self-sufficiency is more important for software engineers and what it takes to become a self-sufficient… Software-Development
SelfSufficiency Crucial Software Engineers Importance selfsufficiency Software Engineering — Selfsufficiency key attribute successful software engineer Selfsufficient software engineer able manage workload troubleshoot problem independently ultimately produce betterquality code article discus selfsufficiency important software engineer take become selfsufficient… SoftwareDevelopment
The Great Scrum Deception: Unmasking the Agile Imposter Within
The Scrum methodology has become synonymous with Agile development, often hailed as the epitome of efficiency, collaboration, and adaptability. However, one could argue that, in practice, Scrum usually runs counter to the core principles of the Agile Manifesto, leading to a Cargo cult re-invention cycle that dilutes the benefits……2WArrkL84vg.jpeg
The Great Scrum Deception: Unmasking the Agile Imposter Within The Scrum methodology has become synonymous with Agile development, often hailed as the epitome of efficiency, collaboration, and adaptability. However, one could argue that, in practice, Scrum usually runs counter to the core principles of the Agile Manifesto, leading to a Cargo cult re-invention cycle that dilutes the benefits… Software-Development
Great Scrum Deception Unmasking Agile Imposter Within Scrum methodology become synonymous Agile development often hailed epitome efficiency collaboration adaptability However one could argue practice Scrum usually run counter core principle Agile Manifesto leading Cargo cult reinvention cycle dilutes benefits… SoftwareDevelopment
How to improve assertions in Playwright by adding custom matchers
If you use Playwright to write E2E or API tests, you’re likely making use of the excellent expectfunction provided by the Playwright Test runner. There are many excellent built-in matchers in the library’s expectfunction, which will typically be more than adequate to verify the correctness of your tests. const usernameField…*adDug8m7k8go5V0d
How to improve assertions in Playwright by adding custom matchers If you use Playwright to write E2E or API tests, you’re likely making use of the excellent expectfunction provided by the Playwright Test runner. There are many excellent built-in matchers in the library’s expectfunction, which will typically be more than adequate to verify the correctness of your tests. const usernameField… Software-Development
improve assertion Playwright adding custom matcher use Playwright write E2E API test you’re likely making use excellent expectfunction provided Playwright Test runner many excellent builtin matcher library’s expectfunction typically adequate verify correctness test const usernameField… SoftwareDevelopment
REST Endpoint Best Practices Every Developer Should Know
As a software developer, you likely encounter RESTful APIs frequently. REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications, and adhering to its principles is crucial for creating scalable, maintainable, and efficient web services. ……kuI0T7SpW-g.jpeg
REST Endpoint Best Practices Every Developer Should Know As a software developer, you likely encounter RESTful APIs frequently. REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications, and adhering to its principles is crucial for creating scalable, maintainable, and efficient web services. … Software-Development
REST Endpoint Best Practices Every Developer Know software developer likely encounter RESTful APIs frequently REST Representational State Transfer architectural style designing networked application adhering principle crucial creating scalable maintainable efficient web service … SoftwareDevelopment
My Favorite Programming Languages: The Journey
Since I was in university (circa 2009) until now, I saw there many programming languages emerged or the 90’s languages that become mature and more robust. It was confusing because I have to choose programming languages for my career. But I experienced this doubt when I was in university only. ……WjNG3Knqj1A.jpeg
My Favorite Programming Languages: The Journey Since I was in university (circa 2009) until now, I saw there many programming languages emerged or the 90’s languages that become mature and more robust. It was confusing because I have to choose programming languages for my career. But I experienced this doubt when I was in university only. … Software-Development
Favorite Programming Languages Journey Since university circa 2009 saw many programming language emerged 90’s language become mature robust confusing choose programming language career experienced doubt university … SoftwareDevelopment
Why 2023 is an interesting year for Software Engineering
We’re a couple months into 2023 and it’s clear that the field of Software Engineering is embarking on its biggest period of change since the front end wars of the mid 2010s. The rise of languages such as Rust and Go, the emergence of an AI-enhanced development workflow and the…*9irfIr0kiBtbpHu_
Why 2023 is an interesting year for Software Engineering We’re a couple months into 2023 and it’s clear that the field of Software Engineering is embarking on its biggest period of change since the front end wars of the mid 2010s. The rise of languages such as Rust and Go, the emergence of an AI-enhanced development workflow and the… Software-Development
2023 interesting year Software Engineering We’re couple month 2023 it’s clear field Software Engineering embarking biggest period change since front end war mid 2010s rise language Rust Go emergence AIenhanced development workflow the… SoftwareDevelopment
OnlineNoteZ part 3 — main.go, service layer and testing
As promised in part 2, in this article we’re gonna look at how main.go looks right now, understand the note service, and some tests around it. main.go package main import ( "log" "" "" "" logger ""……J02GVWjb7xOV.jpg
OnlineNoteZ part 3 — main.go, service layer and testing As promised in part 2, in this article we’re gonna look at how main.go looks right now, understand the note service, and some tests around it. main.go package main import ( "log" "" "" "" logger ""… Software-Development
OnlineNoteZ part 3 — maingo service layer testing promised part 2 article we’re gonna look maingo look right understand note service test around maingo package main import log githubcomadykaaaonlinenotesdb githubcomadykaaaonlinenotesdbmigrations githubcomadykaaaonlinenoteslibconfig logger githubcomadykaaaonlinenotesliblogger… SoftwareDevelopment
React Js — Introduction
React is the Javascript library for building the user interfaces maintained by Facebook. It is based on the flux design pattern which Facebook introduced when they faced some issues in message notification in the initial stage. The Main advantage of react is it maintains a virtual DOM. So let’s assume……Mdmft-vRhi9w.gif
React Js — Introduction React is the Javascript library for building the user interfaces maintained by Facebook. It is based on the flux design pattern which Facebook introduced when they faced some issues in message notification in the initial stage. The Main advantage of react is it maintains a virtual DOM. So let’s assume… Software-Development
React Js — Introduction React Javascript library building user interface maintained Facebook based flux design pattern Facebook introduced faced issue message notification initial stage Main advantage react maintains virtual DOM let’s assume… SoftwareDevelopment
SOLID Principles: The Key to Writing Clean &High-Quality Code
The SOLID principles are a set of five software design principles that aim to help developers create software systems that are easier to maintain and extend over time. The principles were introduced by Robert C. Martin (also known as “Uncle Bob”) and are considered to be the foundation of good……nfElddzFxIlA.png
SOLID Principles: The Key to Writing Clean &High-Quality Code The SOLID principles are a set of five software design principles that aim to help developers create software systems that are easier to maintain and extend over time. The principles were introduced by Robert C. Martin (also known as “Uncle Bob”) and are considered to be the foundation of good… Software-Development
SOLID Principles Key Writing Clean HighQuality Code SOLID principle set five software design principle aim help developer create software system easier maintain extend time principle introduced Robert C Martin also known “Uncle Bob” considered foundation good… SoftwareDevelopment
Software Architecture: The Blueprint of Digital Systems
Software architecture is a discipline that involves the design and planning of the fundamental structure of software systems. It is the blueprint that lays out the foundation for a digital system and guides the development process towards achieving specific goals. Software architecture is a complex and ever-evolving field that combines……OG9mfrgroJZQ.png
Software Architecture: The Blueprint of Digital Systems Software architecture is a discipline that involves the design and planning of the fundamental structure of software systems. It is the blueprint that lays out the foundation for a digital system and guides the development process towards achieving specific goals. Software architecture is a complex and ever-evolving field that combines… Software-Development
Software Architecture Blueprint Digital Systems Software architecture discipline involves design planning fundamental structure software system blueprint lay foundation digital system guide development process towards achieving specific goal Software architecture complex everevolving field combines… SoftwareDevelopment
Implement REST API in Golang using Net/http
Net/http is one of the most popular standard libraries in Go, which provides a set of functions and structures for building HTTP services. This package makes it easy to build HTTP clients and servers in Go. The net/http package provides several useful features for HTTP clients and servers, such as……saG3Hspza42Q.png
Implement REST API in Golang using Net/http Net/http is one of the most popular standard libraries in Go, which provides a set of functions and structures for building HTTP services. This package makes it easy to build HTTP clients and servers in Go. The net/http package provides several useful features for HTTP clients and servers, such as… Software-Development
Implement REST API Golang using Nethttp Nethttp one popular standard library Go provides set function structure building HTTP service package make easy build HTTP client server Go nethttp package provides several useful feature HTTP client server as… SoftwareDevelopment
How I Upscaled my Freelance Career from $10 to $100/hour as a Software Engineer
As a software engineer, I started my freelance career in a similar way that many others have: by billing a modest ten bucks an hour for my services. It took a short time for me to realize that in order to really excel in the industry, I needed to scale……VqpqTD4zoRMQ.png
How I Upscaled my Freelance Career from $10 to $100/hour as a Software Engineer As a software engineer, I started my freelance career in a similar way that many others have: by billing a modest ten bucks an hour for my services. It took a short time for me to realize that in order to really excel in the industry, I needed to scale… Software-Development
Upscaled Freelance Career 10 100hour Software Engineer software engineer started freelance career similar way many others billing modest ten buck hour service took short time realize order really excel industry needed scale… SoftwareDevelopment
The Least Glamorous Companies, Roles and Technologies in Software?
Look at all those young whippersnappers fresh out of bootcamps or colleges swarming to the HR departments of Facebook, Amazon, etc… Ooh, those glamorous FAANG+ companies with sites and services at the center of everyone’s lives! No thanks. My ideal job in SW would be working at a farm equipment……kh03UjIuoiA.jpeg
The Least Glamorous Companies, Roles and Technologies in Software? Look at all those young whippersnappers fresh out of bootcamps or colleges swarming to the HR departments of Facebook, Amazon, etc… Ooh, those glamorous FAANG+ companies with sites and services at the center of everyone’s lives! No thanks. My ideal job in SW would be working at a farm equipment… Software-Development
Least Glamorous Companies Roles Technologies Software Look young whippersnapper fresh bootcamps college swarming HR department Facebook Amazon etc… Ooh glamorous FAANG company site service center everyone’s life thanks ideal job SW would working farm equipment… SoftwareDevelopment
Flyweight Design Pattern in Golang with Unit Tests
In this article, I will explain the Flyweight design pattern, and provide two instances and unit tests. Click to become a medium member and read unlimited stories! Concept The Flyweight pattern is a structural design pattern that aims to reduce the memory usage of an application by sharing object instances across……PAfjomK7s0Ew.png
Flyweight Design Pattern in Golang with Unit Tests In this article, I will explain the Flyweight design pattern, and provide two instances and unit tests. Click to become a medium member and read unlimited stories! Concept The Flyweight pattern is a structural design pattern that aims to reduce the memory usage of an application by sharing object instances across… Software-Development
Flyweight Design Pattern Golang Unit Tests article explain Flyweight design pattern provide two instance unit test Click become medium member read unlimited story Concept Flyweight pattern structural design pattern aim reduce memory usage application sharing object instance across… SoftwareDevelopment
Power of single HTML file for MVP apps development
TL;DR Interactive single HTML file demo page is below. Play with it and then return back here to get more insights! "Do They Use?" service demo page What's happening here? In below is displayed an example of "your app" - some "simple monitored app" with links, input… In search of MVP Minimum Viable Product — is not a “minimum functionality”, not a “minimum features” product. It is a “viable in this world” product: it can live in this world because it……cTVIIJ-0N-SQ.png
Power of single HTML file for MVP apps development TL;DR Interactive single HTML file demo page is below. Play with it and then return back here to get more insights! "Do They Use?" service demo page What's happening here? In below is displayed an example of "your app" - some "simple monitored app" with links, input… In search of MVP Minimum Viable Product — is not a “minimum functionality”, not a “minimum features” product. It is a “viable in this world” product: it can live in this world because it… Software-Development
Power single HTML file MVP apps development TLDR Interactive single HTML file demo page Play return back get insight Use service demo page Whats happening displayed example app simple monitored app link input…dotheyusecom search MVP Minimum Viable Product — “minimum functionality” “minimum features” product “viable world” product live world it… SoftwareDevelopment
Implementing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) in Python
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a powerful tool that helps maintain privacy and security while browsing the internet. It encrypts and routes internet traffic through a secure tunnel, allowing users to access blocked content and mask their online identity. ……Ah4eke3UzbQ.jpeg
Implementing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) in Python A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a powerful tool that helps maintain privacy and security while browsing the internet. It encrypts and routes internet traffic through a secure tunnel, allowing users to access blocked content and mask their online identity. … Software-Development
Implementing Virtual Private Network VPN Python Virtual Private Network VPN powerful tool help maintain privacy security browsing internet encrypts route internet traffic secure tunnel allowing user access blocked content mask online identity … SoftwareDevelopment
What is HashMap and how it works?
What is HashMap? HashMap is a class in Java that provides a way to store and retrieve key-value pairs. It is part of the Java Collections Framework and is based on the hash table data structure. How it works? In a HashMap, each key is mapped to a value, which can be any Java object. The……RQ77m-wO-mEw.png
What is HashMap and how it works? What is HashMap? HashMap is a class in Java that provides a way to store and retrieve key-value pairs. It is part of the Java Collections Framework and is based on the hash table data structure. How it works? In a HashMap, each key is mapped to a value, which can be any Java object. The… Software-Development
HashMap work HashMap HashMap class Java provides way store retrieve keyvalue pair part Java Collections Framework based hash table data structure work HashMap key mapped value Java object The… SoftwareDevelopment
Implementing the Observer Design Pattern in Python
Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They provide a way to solve design problems in an elegant and efficient way. One such pattern is the Observer Design Pattern, which is a widely used pattern in software development. ……2ZuX8LIj3IIQ.png
Implementing the Observer Design Pattern in Python Design patterns are reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. They provide a way to solve design problems in an elegant and efficient way. One such pattern is the Observer Design Pattern, which is a widely used pattern in software development. … Software-Development
Implementing Observer Design Pattern Python Design pattern reusable solution commonly occurring problem software design provide way solve design problem elegant efficient way One pattern Observer Design Pattern widely used pattern software development … SoftwareDevelopment
Golang tips and tricks
In the first part, we will delve deeper into Golang software engineering tech interview questions. But before that, I would like to tell you my story and how I got into the Golang world. Hi, my name is Kirill, and I’m a software engineer with over 10 years of experience……DtbXpZ4oo_Q.jpeg
Golang tips and tricks In the first part, we will delve deeper into Golang software engineering tech interview questions. But before that, I would like to tell you my story and how I got into the Golang world. Hi, my name is Kirill, and I’m a software engineer with over 10 years of experience… Software-Development
Golang tip trick first part delve deeper Golang software engineering tech interview question would like tell story got Golang world Hi name Kirill I’m software engineer 10 year experience… SoftwareDevelopment
Comprehensions And Filter Vs. For and Continue in Julia
Comparing comprehensions and filter against for and continue in Julia. — Those that have been reading my blog somewhat consistency might recall a short article I wrote a few months ago discussing how I nearly never use traditional for loops when programming Julia. The primary techniques I use to replace these loops are often either mapping or comprehensions. Julia has a……mA3n97uChxbQ.png
Comprehensions And Filter Vs. For and Continue in Julia Comparing comprehensions and filter against for and continue in Julia. — Those that have been reading my blog somewhat consistency might recall a short article I wrote a few months ago discussing how I nearly never use traditional for loops when programming Julia. The primary techniques I use to replace these loops are often either mapping or comprehensions. Julia has a… Software-Development
Comprehensions Filter Vs Continue Julia Comparing comprehension filter continue Julia — reading blog somewhat consistency might recall short article wrote month ago discussing nearly never use traditional loop programming Julia primary technique use replace loop often either mapping comprehension Julia a… SoftwareDevelopment
Adding Types Definitions to the Window Object in Nx
This article assumes that you have some basic knowledge of: - TypeScript and tsconfig.json files - Nx monorepos - You are using VSCode as your code editor Who is this for? Developers who work on front-end TypeScript applications that need to interact with third-party scripts loaded on runtime, such as analytics scripts or Google…*h3PBlwQtpXT4KOKm
Adding Types Definitions to the Window Object in Nx This article assumes that you have some basic knowledge of: - TypeScript and tsconfig.json files - Nx monorepos - You are using VSCode as your code editor Who is this for? Developers who work on front-end TypeScript applications that need to interact with third-party scripts loaded on runtime, such as analytics scripts or Google… Software-Development
Adding Types Definitions Window Object Nx article assumes basic knowledge TypeScript tsconfigjson file Nx monorepos using VSCode code editor Developers work frontend TypeScript application need interact thirdparty script loaded runtime analytics script Google… SoftwareDevelopment
Best practices for writing efficient and idiomatic Go code
In the article, “we will discuss the best practices to write efficient and idiomatic Go code that is easy to read, maintain, and scale.” Use the “go vet” command to check for common mistakes in your code. …*MJ84lz7rOeLv4Jgg
Best practices for writing efficient and idiomatic Go code In the article, “we will discuss the best practices to write efficient and idiomatic Go code that is easy to read, maintain, and scale.” Use the “go vet” command to check for common mistakes in your code. … Software-Development
Best practice writing efficient idiomatic Go code article “we discus best practice write efficient idiomatic Go code easy read maintain scale” Use “go vet” command check common mistake code … SoftwareDevelopment
C# Power Tools: 20 Game-Changing Libraries
Dive into the world of C# .NET development by exploring 20 lesser-known yet powerful libraries that can elevate your projects to new heights. Akka.NET Unleash the full potential of distributed systems with Akka.NET, an implementation of the Actor model in C#. This library simplifies the development of highly concurrent, fault-tolerant, and……u1IgdXc3KW0w.png
C# Power Tools: 20 Game-Changing Libraries Dive into the world of C# .NET development by exploring 20 lesser-known yet powerful libraries that can elevate your projects to new heights. Akka.NET Unleash the full potential of distributed systems with Akka.NET, an implementation of the Actor model in C#. This library simplifies the development of highly concurrent, fault-tolerant, and… Software-Development
C Power Tools 20 GameChanging Libraries Dive world C NET development exploring 20 lesserknown yet powerful library elevate project new height AkkaNET Unleash full potential distributed system AkkaNET implementation Actor model C library simplifies development highly concurrent faulttolerant and… SoftwareDevelopment
How Implicit Return Types Removed that Annoying Swift Inconsistency
It took SO LONG to fix this — For a long time we haven’t been living in a fair environment. It’s true: With a closure you can omit the return keyword, but you could never do the same in a function. THAT GOT FIXED!! Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging This article has been developed using…*vnjhAc_W8zpTC_6L
How Implicit Return Types Removed that Annoying Swift Inconsistency It took SO LONG to fix this — For a long time we haven’t been living in a fair environment. It’s true: With a closure you can omit the return keyword, but you could never do the same in a function. THAT GOT FIXED!! Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging This article has been developed using… Software-Development
Implicit Return Types Removed Annoying Swift Inconsistency took LONG fix — long time haven’t living fair environment It’s true closure omit return keyword could never function GOT FIXED Difficulty Beginner Easy Normal Challenging article developed using… SoftwareDevelopment
FIFO, LIFO and AVCO inventory valuations with Python
Inventory valuation is the process of determining how much a company’s inventory is worth. The most basic inventory valuation method is when you keep track of individual items. After purchasing an item you add its value to the inventory value and when you sell it you subtract that value. But……3KirQJbbS0Pw.png
FIFO, LIFO and AVCO inventory valuations with Python Inventory valuation is the process of determining how much a company’s inventory is worth. The most basic inventory valuation method is when you keep track of individual items. After purchasing an item you add its value to the inventory value and when you sell it you subtract that value. But… Software-Development
FIFO LIFO AVCO inventory valuation Python Inventory valuation process determining much company’s inventory worth basic inventory valuation method keep track individual item purchasing item add value inventory value sell subtract value But… SoftwareDevelopment
Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express
Hi All , Today, We will go through an Overview of Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express. Let’s Get Started . What is Node.js : Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows you to run JavaScript on the server-side. Express is a popular, minimal web framework for Node.js……1l2s3IrX6GSQ.png
Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express Hi All , Today, We will go through an Overview of Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express. Let’s Get Started . What is Node.js : Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows you to run JavaScript on the server-side. Express is a popular, minimal web framework for Node.js… Software-Development
Building RESTful APIs Nodejs Express Hi Today go Overview Building RESTful APIs Nodejs Express Let’s Get Started Nodejs Nodejs JavaScript runtime allows run JavaScript serverside Express popular minimal web framework Nodejs… SoftwareDevelopment
🤔 Why Nobody Reads Your Coding Articles?
You may have noticed that my articles are extremely popular and a lot of software engineers follow me. Exactly, now, 3400. But I am not here to only brag, but also give you some insight into what you can do, when you also write about programming to get more reads. ……i4LGlVXMw4QQ.png
🤔 Why Nobody Reads Your Coding Articles? You may have noticed that my articles are extremely popular and a lot of software engineers follow me. Exactly, now, 3400. But I am not here to only brag, but also give you some insight into what you can do, when you also write about programming to get more reads. … Software-Development
🤔 Nobody Reads Coding Articles may noticed article extremely popular lot software engineer follow Exactly 3400 brag also give insight also write programming get read … SoftwareDevelopment
15 Essential Free Software Tools for IT Professionals
A list of some commonly used software tools by IT professionals along with brief descriptions and code examples where applicable. Git: A version control system used for tracking changes in source code during software development. Code example: git commit -m "added new feature",*MrgH1rqVU1KsnTwq
15 Essential Free Software Tools for IT Professionals A list of some commonly used software tools by IT professionals along with brief descriptions and code examples where applicable. Git: A version control system used for tracking changes in source code during software development. Code example: git commit -m "added new feature", Software-Development
15 Essential Free Software Tools Professionals list commonly used software tool professional along brief description code example applicable Git version control system used tracking change source code software development Code example git commit added new feature httpsgitscmcomdocs httpswwwatlassiancomgittutorials SoftwareDevelopment
A Brief Summary Of Google Layoffs In 2023
What really happened to the most promising company where everyone wanted to work? — The year 2023 will see 1600 employees being fired per day in the tech sector due to the ongoing Ukraine war, the COVID-19 pandemic, soaring inflation, and a rapidly warming planet. ……BOXuosSXGKsB.jpg
A Brief Summary Of Google Layoffs In 2023 What really happened to the most promising company where everyone wanted to work? — The year 2023 will see 1600 employees being fired per day in the tech sector due to the ongoing Ukraine war, the COVID-19 pandemic, soaring inflation, and a rapidly warming planet. … Software-Development
Brief Summary Google Layoffs 2023 really happened promising company everyone wanted work — year 2023 see 1600 employee fired per day tech sector due ongoing Ukraine war COVID19 pandemic soaring inflation rapidly warming planet … SoftwareDevelopment