23 values
Debugging Rails Applications with Byebug and binding.pry
Debugging is an essential part of developing any application, and Ruby on Rails is no exception. Fortunately, there are several powerful debugging tools available for Rails developers, including Byebug and binding.pry. Installing Byebug and binding.pry Before we dive into using Byebug and binding.pry, we need to install them. ……gpUXGH7adsg.jpeg
Debugging Rails Applications with Byebug and binding.pry Debugging is an essential part of developing any application, and Ruby on Rails is no exception. Fortunately, there are several powerful debugging tools available for Rails developers, including Byebug and binding.pry. Installing Byebug and binding.pry Before we dive into using Byebug and binding.pry, we need to install them. … Software-Development
Debugging Rails Applications Byebug bindingpry Debugging essential part developing application Ruby Rails exception Fortunately several powerful debugging tool available Rails developer including Byebug bindingpry Installing Byebug bindingpry dive using Byebug bindingpry need install … SoftwareDevelopment
What to look for when hiring a software development firm
Choosing a software development firm is hard. There are so many factors to consider and so many companies out there that it can be overwhelming. To make things easier, here are some tips on what to look for when you’re choosing the right company for your project: Look for a strong and reliable team…w0ZEnKnN0wdg.png
What to look for when hiring a software development firm Choosing a software development firm is hard. There are so many factors to consider and so many companies out there that it can be overwhelming. To make things easier, here are some tips on what to look for when you’re choosing the right company for your project: Look for a strong and reliable team Software-Development
look hiring software development firm Choosing software development firm hard many factor consider many company overwhelming make thing easier tip look you’re choosing right company project Look strong reliable team SoftwareDevelopment
Core Java Complete Roadmap
Understand the Basics Introduction to Java & Its Features Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Setting Up the Java Environment (JDK, JRE) & IDE Hello World Program 2. Datatypes, Variable & Conditional Statements Data Types and Variables Conditional Statements Loops in Java Modifiers and Operators Sample Programs: Swapping of numbers, Factorial, Fibonacci……Tn1uBQtJX5Ig.png
Core Java Complete Roadmap Understand the Basics Introduction to Java & Its Features Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Setting Up the Java Environment (JDK, JRE) & IDE Hello World Program 2. Datatypes, Variable & Conditional Statements Data Types and Variables Conditional Statements Loops in Java Modifiers and Operators Sample Programs: Swapping of numbers, Factorial, Fibonacci… Software-Development
Core Java Complete Roadmap Understand Basics Introduction Java Features Java Virtual Machine JVM Setting Java Environment JDK JRE IDE Hello World Program 2 Datatypes Variable Conditional Statements Data Types Variables Conditional Statements Loops Java Modifiers Operators Sample Programs Swapping number Factorial Fibonacci… SoftwareDevelopment
Let’s become a 10x developer by using ChatGPT as virtual assistance.
ChatGPT is a name that everyone knows. People use it to generate content, creative ideas, and analyze data to gain insights and much more. But as a developer, how can we use this awesome tool to become highly productive developers (10x developers)? Here are 10 ways we can use ChatGPT as a developer: ChatGPT’s first search: Instead of using Google, Stack……Mdmft-vRhi9w.gif
Let’s become a 10x developer by using ChatGPT as virtual assistance. ChatGPT is a name that everyone knows. People use it to generate content, creative ideas, and analyze data to gain insights and much more. But as a developer, how can we use this awesome tool to become highly productive developers (10x developers)? Here are 10 ways we can use ChatGPT as a developer: ChatGPT’s first search: Instead of using Google, Stack… Software-Development
Let’s become 10x developer using ChatGPT virtual assistance ChatGPT name everyone know People use generate content creative idea analyze data gain insight much developer use awesome tool become highly productive developer 10x developer 10 way use ChatGPT developer ChatGPT’s first search Instead using Google Stack… SoftwareDevelopment
Midjourney AI for Everyone: How to Get Started with Ease
The latest update to the incredibly powerful AI displays breathtaking results — AI continue to revolutionize the modern era and Midjourney is no exception. This is an AI that has the capability of receiving a description of text known as a ‘prompt’, then creating an image based off the written context. ……wo_pGtMx_WQw.png
Midjourney AI for Everyone: How to Get Started with Ease The latest update to the incredibly powerful AI displays breathtaking results — AI continue to revolutionize the modern era and Midjourney is no exception. This is an AI that has the capability of receiving a description of text known as a ‘prompt’, then creating an image based off the written context. … Software-Development
Midjourney AI Everyone Get Started Ease latest update incredibly powerful AI display breathtaking result — AI continue revolutionize modern era Midjourney exception AI capability receiving description text known ‘prompt’ creating image based written context … SoftwareDevelopment
TypeScript’s ‘infer’ Keyword
TypeScript is build on top of JavaScript to provide a more robust and statically-typed system. One of the key features that sets TypeScript apart is its type inference system, which allows the compiler to automatically determine the types of variables and expressions based on their usage within the code. The……p2gGow_LVag.jpeg
TypeScript’s ‘infer’ Keyword TypeScript is build on top of JavaScript to provide a more robust and statically-typed system. One of the key features that sets TypeScript apart is its type inference system, which allows the compiler to automatically determine the types of variables and expressions based on their usage within the code. The… Software-Development
TypeScript’s ‘infer’ Keyword TypeScript build top JavaScript provide robust staticallytyped system One key feature set TypeScript apart type inference system allows compiler automatically determine type variable expression based usage within code The… SoftwareDevelopment
What’s GPT-4? How is different from GPT-3?
It provides far more choices and even more powerful On March 14th, ChatGPT released its GPT-4 model. It’s even more powerful and capable than ChatGPT-3. Access GPT-4 is sign-up-based. You have to go to the GPT-4 website to register and wait until you can get access to both the GPT-4 UI…*SJSK7J4kCfoS0lSZ
What’s GPT-4? How is different from GPT-3? It provides far more choices and even more powerful On March 14th, ChatGPT released its GPT-4 model. It’s even more powerful and capable than ChatGPT-3. Access GPT-4 is sign-up-based. You have to go to the GPT-4 website to register and wait until you can get access to both the GPT-4 UI… Software-Development
What’s GPT4 different GPT3 provides far choice even powerful March 14th ChatGPT released GPT4 model It’s even powerful capable ChatGPT3 Access GPT4 signupbased go GPT4 website register wait get access GPT4 UI… SoftwareDevelopment
The Super Open Source Bros: Overcoming International Collaboration Challenges
The Super Open Source Bros, consisting of Bilal Khan from Pakistan and Dean Lofts from Australia, has embarked on a thrilling adventure to build a successful online business together. Despite the geographical distance and differences in time zones, they are determined to make their partnership work. ……QM3VVC2eT_9g.png
The Super Open Source Bros: Overcoming International Collaboration Challenges The Super Open Source Bros, consisting of Bilal Khan from Pakistan and Dean Lofts from Australia, has embarked on a thrilling adventure to build a successful online business together. Despite the geographical distance and differences in time zones, they are determined to make their partnership work. … Software-Development
Super Open Source Bros Overcoming International Collaboration Challenges Super Open Source Bros consisting Bilal Khan Pakistan Dean Lofts Australia embarked thrilling adventure build successful online business together Despite geographical distance difference time zone determined make partnership work … SoftwareDevelopment
Why Communication Is a Very Important Quality for a Programmer
Even if you think they are introverted. — Many people still perceive programmers as non-social and even anti-social aliens who hide from people behind monitors and silently do something to themselves. But this is different, and a modern programmer needs to be able to communicate. Programming is a collective activity. Even those who have not worked as a programmer, but read articles about…*AhYfcX_H8DHT0vVZ
Why Communication Is a Very Important Quality for a Programmer Even if you think they are introverted. — Many people still perceive programmers as non-social and even anti-social aliens who hide from people behind monitors and silently do something to themselves. But this is different, and a modern programmer needs to be able to communicate. Programming is a collective activity. Even those who have not worked as a programmer, but read articles about… Software-Development
Communication Important Quality Programmer Even think introverted — Many people still perceive programmer nonsocial even antisocial alien hide people behind monitor silently something different modern programmer need able communicate Programming collective activity Even worked programmer read article about… SoftwareDevelopment
Big O Notation
Big O notation is a way to indicate the performance or complexity of an algorithm, specifically how it scales with the amount of input. It specifies the maximum number of operations that an algorithm will perform and is widely used to compare the efficiency of different algorithms handling the same……wAnUF_Npmn_Q.png
Big O Notation Big O notation is a way to indicate the performance or complexity of an algorithm, specifically how it scales with the amount of input. It specifies the maximum number of operations that an algorithm will perform and is widely used to compare the efficiency of different algorithms handling the same… Software-Development
Big Notation Big notation way indicate performance complexity algorithm specifically scale amount input specifies maximum number operation algorithm perform widely used compare efficiency different algorithm handling same… SoftwareDevelopment
Returning Values By Reference in Ribbon Callbacks
To return a value from a ribbon callback, you need to pass the value back to the calling procedure using an argument that has been passed by reference. — By Mike Wolfe (connect on Twitter: @NoLongerSet) This article is one in a series on Subs vs. Functions in VBA. One of the “additional facts” from my Subs vs. Functions article was this: Sometimes you MUST use a Sub, even if you do need its return value (e.g., ribbon callbacks).…QKmmWdAaLM0.jpeg
Returning Values By Reference in Ribbon Callbacks To return a value from a ribbon callback, you need to pass the value back to the calling procedure using an argument that has been passed by reference. — By Mike Wolfe (connect on Twitter: @NoLongerSet) This article is one in a series on Subs vs. Functions in VBA. One of the “additional facts” from my Subs vs. Functions article was this: Sometimes you MUST use a Sub, even if you do need its return value (e.g., ribbon callbacks). Software-Development
Returning Values Reference Ribbon Callbacks return value ribbon callback need pas value back calling procedure using argument passed reference — Mike Wolfe connect Twitter NoLongerSet article one series Subs v Functions VBA One “additional facts” Subs v Functions article Sometimes MUST use Sub even need return value eg ribbon callback SoftwareDevelopment
How startups can skip every stage of image processing grief
The stages each startup goes through while searching for the best image processing tool are actually remarkably similar. ……WskEtJlMZXbg.png
How startups can skip every stage of image processing grief The stages each startup goes through while searching for the best image processing tool are actually remarkably similar. … Software-Development
startup skip every stage image processing grief stage startup go searching best image processing tool actually remarkably similar … SoftwareDevelopment
Steel threads are a technique that will make you a better engineer
Steel Threads are a powerful but obscure software design approach. Learning about Steel Threads will make you a better engineer. You can use them to avoid common problems like integration pain. And you can use them to cut through the complexity of system design. So obscure it was deleted on Wikipedia in 2013 How unknown are Steel Threads? The……zyKEtlYGkfA.jpeg
Steel threads are a technique that will make you a better engineer Steel Threads are a powerful but obscure software design approach. Learning about Steel Threads will make you a better engineer. You can use them to avoid common problems like integration pain. And you can use them to cut through the complexity of system design. So obscure it was deleted on Wikipedia in 2013 How unknown are Steel Threads? The… Software-Development
Steel thread technique make better engineer Steel Threads powerful obscure software design approach Learning Steel Threads make better engineer use avoid common problem like integration pain use cut complexity system design obscure deleted Wikipedia 2013 unknown Steel Threads The… SoftwareDevelopment
String vs StringBuilder: What Every Java Developer Should Know
If you want to write optimal Java code, it’s important to understand the differences between String and StringBuilder. Knowing these differences can help you optimize your software engineering practices. In this blog post, we’ll take a quick look at the key differences between the two and run a script to……4OR5AyU4hGfQ.png
String vs StringBuilder: What Every Java Developer Should Know If you want to write optimal Java code, it’s important to understand the differences between String and StringBuilder. Knowing these differences can help you optimize your software engineering practices. In this blog post, we’ll take a quick look at the key differences between the two and run a script to… Software-Development
String v StringBuilder Every Java Developer Know want write optimal Java code it’s important understand difference String StringBuilder Knowing difference help optimize software engineering practice blog post we’ll take quick look key difference two run script to… SoftwareDevelopment
All Software has a “best by” date
How many Product and Engineering teams live in a state of constant, low-frequency fear…waiting for the next outage, the next feature failure, the next significant defect? I have often leaned on the analogy of a used car to explain why all enterprise software has a “best by” date and why……Ojx3Jaa6azQ.jpeg
All Software has a “best by” date How many Product and Engineering teams live in a state of constant, low-frequency fear…waiting for the next outage, the next feature failure, the next significant defect? I have often leaned on the analogy of a used car to explain why all enterprise software has a “best by” date and why… Software-Development
Software “best by” date many Product Engineering team live state constant lowfrequency fear…waiting next outage next feature failure next significant defect often leaned analogy used car explain enterprise software “best by” date why… SoftwareDevelopment
So You Want To Be a Software Developer?
In this article, I’ve gathered 14 common doubts I've heard from beginners along my journey. I'm not a coach, I'm not a jedi or guru of anything. …*Hex5Ehz8r_X5rTdg
So You Want To Be a Software Developer? In this article, I’ve gathered 14 common doubts I've heard from beginners along my journey. I'm not a coach, I'm not a jedi or guru of anything. … Software-Development
Want Software Developer article I’ve gathered 14 common doubt Ive heard beginner along journey Im coach Im jedi guru anything … SoftwareDevelopment
The Pot Roast Principle
If you’ve come here for a cooking lesson or suggestions, you’ll be disappointed. While the initial part of the article is generally interesting, the remainder is specifically focused on software engineering. There’s an older story of the same name I learned a while ago which appears in many forms and…*FvesCBFaURBwxiH3
The Pot Roast Principle If you’ve come here for a cooking lesson or suggestions, you’ll be disappointed. While the initial part of the article is generally interesting, the remainder is specifically focused on software engineering. There’s an older story of the same name I learned a while ago which appears in many forms and… Software-Development
Pot Roast Principle you’ve come cooking lesson suggestion you’ll disappointed initial part article generally interesting remainder specifically focused software engineering There’s older story name learned ago appears many form and… SoftwareDevelopment
Mastering Process Management in .NET: The Ultimate Guide to System.Diagnostics.Process
Managing processes is a critical aspect of developing robust and efficient .NET applications. The System.Diagnostics.Process class provides a powerful and flexible way to interact with processes, allowing you to start, monitor, and control them. ……7oZIExSXh7w.jpeg
Mastering Process Management in .NET: The Ultimate Guide to System.Diagnostics.Process Managing processes is a critical aspect of developing robust and efficient .NET applications. The System.Diagnostics.Process class provides a powerful and flexible way to interact with processes, allowing you to start, monitor, and control them. … Software-Development
Mastering Process Management NET Ultimate Guide SystemDiagnosticsProcess Managing process critical aspect developing robust efficient NET application SystemDiagnosticsProcess class provides powerful flexible way interact process allowing start monitor control … SoftwareDevelopment
8 Years, 10 Lessons: My Journey as a Software Engineer
I’m a Software Engineer and it’s been about a decade since I’ve worked in this field, building end-to-end solutions of different kinds, mainly comprising Mobile Apps, Web apps, and API services. There was a lot that I wasn’t familiar with when I started and I picked a lot of knowledge……jdSe0e_wnDpQ.png
8 Years, 10 Lessons: My Journey as a Software Engineer I’m a Software Engineer and it’s been about a decade since I’ve worked in this field, building end-to-end solutions of different kinds, mainly comprising Mobile Apps, Web apps, and API services. There was a lot that I wasn’t familiar with when I started and I picked a lot of knowledge… Software-Development
8 Years 10 Lessons Journey Software Engineer I’m Software Engineer it’s decade since I’ve worked field building endtoend solution different kind mainly comprising Mobile Apps Web apps API service lot wasn’t familiar started picked lot knowledge… SoftwareDevelopment
It is said that senior programmers know 6 SQL optimization skills (2)
After writing the first article about SQL optimization techniques, a friend asked me for feedback, saying that there are more and better techniques that have not been shown, and let me take time to organize and share them. …*fgHe62zD2hge2usm
It is said that senior programmers know 6 SQL optimization skills (2) After writing the first article about SQL optimization techniques, a friend asked me for feedback, saying that there are more and better techniques that have not been shown, and let me take time to organize and share them. … Software-Development
said senior programmer know 6 SQL optimization skill 2 writing first article SQL optimization technique friend asked feedback saying better technique shown let take time organize share … SoftwareDevelopment
How to make a good TECHNICAL RESUME
Note : This article and resume making is curated specifically for Software Engineering and technical jobs . Resume plays a very important role towards landing your dream job. Resume is required while applying for a company and while asking for a referral for a particular job . It plays an……QIndVbegQ-Q.jpeg
How to make a good TECHNICAL RESUME Note : This article and resume making is curated specifically for Software Engineering and technical jobs . Resume plays a very important role towards landing your dream job. Resume is required while applying for a company and while asking for a referral for a particular job . It plays an… Software-Development
make good TECHNICAL RESUME Note article resume making curated specifically Software Engineering technical job Resume play important role towards landing dream job Resume required applying company asking referral particular job play an… SoftwareDevelopment
I like my code boring.
As I was younger, I liked clever code. I was happy to go and use some cool, not-well-known aspects of the language/framework to make it a bit more compact. I did things some non-standard way if I saw even the tiniest sliver of benefits in it. And gradually, with time…*bym0xtX3uCg0tUtV
I like my code boring. As I was younger, I liked clever code. I was happy to go and use some cool, not-well-known aspects of the language/framework to make it a bit more compact. I did things some non-standard way if I saw even the tiniest sliver of benefits in it. And gradually, with time… Software-Development
like code boring younger liked clever code happy go use cool notwellknown aspect languageframework make bit compact thing nonstandard way saw even tiniest sliver benefit gradually time… SoftwareDevelopment
Diary of a Rusty Software Engineer
v1.0.0 — Initial Commit Wow, this is it, my first ever post on Medium and my first ever attempt at technical writing. I truly hope this does not suck, but if it does, you have been forewarned;) Let me introduce myself, my name is Grant, I’m married to a wife……uU9W_srMDKA.jpeg
Diary of a Rusty Software Engineer v1.0.0 — Initial Commit Wow, this is it, my first ever post on Medium and my first ever attempt at technical writing. I truly hope this does not suck, but if it does, you have been forewarned;) Let me introduce myself, my name is Grant, I’m married to a wife… Software-Development
Diary Rusty Software Engineer v100 — Initial Commit Wow first ever post Medium first ever attempt technical writing truly hope suck forewarned Let introduce name Grant I’m married wife… SoftwareDevelopment
A Fascinating Journey into the World of Software
I. Prologue Welcome, digital wanderer, to the mystical realm of software engineering. A place where complex abstract concepts that are trapped within your mind, take shape and molds into a concrete solution with some degree of tangible world impact. While it may be your first time entering this magical realm, I promise……Z819sW-AA1A.jpeg
A Fascinating Journey into the World of Software I. Prologue Welcome, digital wanderer, to the mystical realm of software engineering. A place where complex abstract concepts that are trapped within your mind, take shape and molds into a concrete solution with some degree of tangible world impact. While it may be your first time entering this magical realm, I promise… Software-Development
Fascinating Journey World Software Prologue Welcome digital wanderer mystical realm software engineering place complex abstract concept trapped within mind take shape mold concrete solution degree tangible world impact may first time entering magical realm promise… SoftwareDevelopment
HashMap Initialization tricks in Java
Discussing Options to Initialize hashmap with a default value — Originally Published in Introduction Let’s consider we have an array of the array as input. array elements basically represent order_id and product_id with that. So basically for order_id 1, product_id 2 was bought. int[][] arr = {{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {2, 2}, {3, 1}}; Now let’s say we……OuRISlaOvQYg.png
HashMap Initialization tricks in Java Discussing Options to Initialize hashmap with a default value — Originally Published in Introduction Let’s consider we have an array of the array as input. array elements basically represent order_id and product_id with that. So basically for order_id 1, product_id 2 was bought. int[][] arr = {{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {2, 2}, {3, 1}}; Now let’s say we… Software-Development
HashMap Initialization trick Java Discussing Options Initialize hashmap default value — Originally Published httpsasyncqcom Introduction Let’s consider array array input array element basically represent orderid productid basically orderid 1 productid 2 bought int arr 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 2 3 1 let’s say we… SoftwareDevelopment
Express Yourself, Clearly And Cleanly
In my previous blog post, I wrote about an important principle to follow when implementing an API and defining routes in Express. That principle aims to help you GET the expected and desired response. ……kpwlYKl_SYjA.png
Express Yourself, Clearly And Cleanly In my previous blog post, I wrote about an important principle to follow when implementing an API and defining routes in Express. That principle aims to help you GET the expected and desired response. … Software-Development
Express Clearly Cleanly previous blog post wrote important principle follow implementing API defining route Express principle aim help GET expected desired response … SoftwareDevelopment
SAFe has an update — I look into the changes so you don’t have to
What’s different between version 5.1 and 6.0? — Love it or hate it, the Scaled Agile Framework, or SAFe, is heavily used. The annual State of Agile reports show how SAFe is conquering more and more terrain. In 2020, 30% of the respondents said they used SAFe to scale Agile. In 2022, this rose to 53%. This doesn’t……QhdbjB6yEnA.jpeg
SAFe has an update — I look into the changes so you don’t have to What’s different between version 5.1 and 6.0? — Love it or hate it, the Scaled Agile Framework, or SAFe, is heavily used. The annual State of Agile reports show how SAFe is conquering more and more terrain. In 2020, 30% of the respondents said they used SAFe to scale Agile. In 2022, this rose to 53%. This doesn’t… Software-Development
SAFe update — look change don’t What’s different version 51 60 — Love hate Scaled Agile Framework SAFe heavily used annual State Agile report show SAFe conquering terrain 2020 30 respondent said used SAFe scale Agile 2022 rose 53 doesn’t… SoftwareDevelopment
🔢🐍 NumPy 1.24.0 Release: Improved Data Handling, Execution Speed, and Documentation
The NumPy library, a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, has unveiled some time ago its 1.24.0 version, showcasing an abundance of improvements in dtype handling and promotion, faster execution speed, and clarified documentation. This release also brings along numerous new deprecations and expired deprecations, which could potentially render……ay55udQwGFNA.png
🔢🐍 NumPy 1.24.0 Release: Improved Data Handling, Execution Speed, and Documentation The NumPy library, a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, has unveiled some time ago its 1.24.0 version, showcasing an abundance of improvements in dtype handling and promotion, faster execution speed, and clarified documentation. This release also brings along numerous new deprecations and expired deprecations, which could potentially render… Software-Development
🔢🐍 NumPy 1240 Release Improved Data Handling Execution Speed Documentation NumPy library fundamental package scientific computing Python unveiled time ago 1240 version showcasing abundance improvement dtype handling promotion faster execution speed clarified documentation release also brings along numerous new deprecation expired deprecation could potentially render… SoftwareDevelopment
Embracing the Magic of Scrum
Recently, I started to develop website for university course with my teammates of @/aspiring. In developing a project, when the team already knows roughly what the goal is and what needs to be done, the next step should be asking about “how to accomplish it together with the team?”……Ua4HKBoNFX3c.png
Embracing the Magic of Scrum Recently, I started to develop website for university course with my teammates of @/aspiring. In developing a project, when the team already knows roughly what the goal is and what needs to be done, the next step should be asking about “how to accomplish it together with the team?”… Software-Development
Embracing Magic Scrum Recently started develop website aspiringit university course teammate aspiring developing project team already know roughly goal need done next step asking “how accomplish together team”… SoftwareDevelopment
Node.js Performance Tuning: Simple Tips and Tricks
Node.js is a powerful and popular runtime for building fast and scalable web applications. However, as your application grows and handles more traffic, you may start to experience performance issues. In this tutorial, we will explore some tips and tricks for Node.js performance tuning. Tip 1: Use a performance monitoring……zSv6bpjUYdYg.png
Node.js Performance Tuning: Simple Tips and Tricks Node.js is a powerful and popular runtime for building fast and scalable web applications. However, as your application grows and handles more traffic, you may start to experience performance issues. In this tutorial, we will explore some tips and tricks for Node.js performance tuning. Tip 1: Use a performance monitoring… backend
Nodejs Performance Tuning Simple Tips Tricks Nodejs powerful popular runtime building fast scalable web application However application grows handle traffic may start experience performance issue tutorial explore tip trick Nodejs performance tuning Tip 1 Use performance monitoring… backend
Dependency pinning in Node.js
There are more than 1.3 million libraries available in the NPM registry. We don’t have to start from scratch. Just install the right library, and it’s a piece of cake. Have you ever wondered how these libraries are installed and managed in projects? When you install a library from npm…*NUJsQPDvpshpkl9A
Dependency pinning in Node.js There are more than 1.3 million libraries available in the NPM registry. We don’t have to start from scratch. Just install the right library, and it’s a piece of cake. Have you ever wondered how these libraries are installed and managed in projects? When you install a library from npm… backend
Dependency pinning Nodejs 13 million library available NPM registry don’t start scratch install right library it’s piece cake ever wondered library installed managed project install library npm… backend
How to set best REST API Endpoints
Are you setting your API endpoints right? It’s often when we are setting endpoints for our APIs, we come across situations where we are not sure whether to write in plural form or singular. Should we use underscores or hyphens? How to mention IDs? For an API that’s creating a…*hOFAiTBxQ2zeswzv
How to set best REST API Endpoints Are you setting your API endpoints right? It’s often when we are setting endpoints for our APIs, we come across situations where we are not sure whether to write in plural form or singular. Should we use underscores or hyphens? How to mention IDs? For an API that’s creating a… backend
set best REST API Endpoints setting API endpoint right It’s often setting endpoint APIs come across situation sure whether write plural form singular use underscore hyphen mention IDs API that’s creating a… backend
Real-Time Chat Application with Node.js and Socket.IO: Build it in Minutes
Introduction In today’s digital age, communication plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Real-time chat applications have become an integral part of communication, from personal messaging to professional communication. In this blog, we will explore how to build a real-time chat application using Node.js, a popular server-side JavaScript platform, and…*vIeLCMI0ZF9PB4SY
Real-Time Chat Application with Node.js and Socket.IO: Build it in Minutes Introduction In today’s digital age, communication plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Real-time chat applications have become an integral part of communication, from personal messaging to professional communication. In this blog, we will explore how to build a real-time chat application using Node.js, a popular server-side JavaScript platform, and… backend
RealTime Chat Application Nodejs SocketIO Build Minutes Introduction today’s digital age communication play crucial role daily life Realtime chat application become integral part communication personal messaging professional communication blog explore build realtime chat application using Nodejs popular serverside JavaScript platform and… backend
Why you should consider using SocketCluster in your next project instead of
If you have used web-socket in your projects, you know scaling is a challenging task to accomplish without sacrificing hardware resources, and even if you manage to do so, it will take enormous time and effort to create and maintain it. However, SocketCluster is here to save you from the headache. It is built to be scaled. It comes with docker and is compatible with Kubernetes(actually is designed to run on Kubernetes!). Just set it up and scale it as you need.…xJnkEurv6Fg.jpeg
Why you should consider using SocketCluster in your next project instead of If you have used web-socket in your projects, you know scaling is a challenging task to accomplish without sacrificing hardware resources, and even if you manage to do so, it will take enormous time and effort to create and maintain it. However, SocketCluster is here to save you from the headache. It is built to be scaled. It comes with docker and is compatible with Kubernetes(actually is designed to run on Kubernetes!). Just set it up and scale it as you need. backend
consider using SocketCluster next project instead Socketio used websocket project know scaling challenging task accomplish without sacrificing hardware resource even manage take enormous time effort create maintain However SocketCluster save headache built scaled come docker compatible Kubernetesactually designed run Kubernetes set scale need backend
Popular Languages & Frameworks Used in Backend Development
Backend development pertains to the technical work that powers websites, applications, and other software by creating, maintaining, and optimizing databases, servers, APIs, and other technologies. Keeping up with the latest trends and best practices in backend development is essential as technology evolves rapidly. ……2Z_K4C6dHOg.jpeg
Popular Languages & Frameworks Used in Backend Development Backend development pertains to the technical work that powers websites, applications, and other software by creating, maintaining, and optimizing databases, servers, APIs, and other technologies. Keeping up with the latest trends and best practices in backend development is essential as technology evolves rapidly. … backend
Popular Languages Frameworks Used Backend Development Backend development pertains technical work power website application software creating maintaining optimizing database server APIs technology Keeping latest trend best practice backend development essential technology evolves rapidly … backend
Colored PHP var_dump for CLI
Little library — I wrote a small wrapper function to output the colored variable prints to the terminal Alternate mode const vars_dump_mode = 1;…szKU6P31j6Xw.png
Colored PHP var_dump for CLI Little library — I wrote a small wrapper function to output the colored variable prints to the terminal Alternate mode const vars_dump_mode = 1; backend
Colored PHP vardump CLI Little library — wrote small wrapper function output colored variable print terminal Alternate mode const varsdumpmode 1 backend
Enterprises Are Migrating to Java 17
A recent Vaadin study on the state of Java in the enterprise notes that Java is undergoing a transformative renaissance as a cloud-native technology. Enterprises continue to invest in new Java applications while also modernizing existing Java applications for the cloud. Java will continue to maintain its centrality in enterprise…*zH3eXfg4DT1aIUNn
Enterprises Are Migrating to Java 17 A recent Vaadin study on the state of Java in the enterprise notes that Java is undergoing a transformative renaissance as a cloud-native technology. Enterprises continue to invest in new Java applications while also modernizing existing Java applications for the cloud. Java will continue to maintain its centrality in enterprise… backend
Enterprises Migrating Java 17 recent Vaadin study state Java enterprise note Java undergoing transformative renaissance cloudnative technology Enterprises continue invest new Java application also modernizing existing Java application cloud Java continue maintain centrality enterprise… backend
Symfony: The PHP Framework That Always Delivers
If you’re a PHP developer, you’re likely familiar with the Symfony framework. For those just starting out, let me give you an overview of this versatile and powerful tool. Symfony is a PHP framework that provides developers with a set of reusable components and tools for building complex websites, web……_KbXlMwySznw.png
Symfony: The PHP Framework That Always Delivers If you’re a PHP developer, you’re likely familiar with the Symfony framework. For those just starting out, let me give you an overview of this versatile and powerful tool. Symfony is a PHP framework that provides developers with a set of reusable components and tools for building complex websites, web… backend
Symfony PHP Framework Always Delivers you’re PHP developer you’re likely familiar Symfony framework starting let give overview versatile powerful tool Symfony PHP framework provides developer set reusable component tool building complex website web… backend
Microservices Architecture with Node.js: Building Scalable and Robust Applications
Microservices architecture has gained popularity in recent years as a modern approach to building large-scale, complex applications. …*vCm4YhNoCGQsTkHA
Microservices Architecture with Node.js: Building Scalable and Robust Applications Microservices architecture has gained popularity in recent years as a modern approach to building large-scale, complex applications. … backend
Microservices Architecture Nodejs Building Scalable Robust Applications Microservices architecture gained popularity recent year modern approach building largescale complex application … backend
Intro to Django Debug Toolbar
The Django Debug Toolbar is a very useful tool for Django developers who want to gain insights into the performance and behavior of their applications. In this article, we’ll explore the features of the Django Debug Toolbar and how to use it in your Django projects. What is the Django……OLjWn2EeUhQ.jpeg
Intro to Django Debug Toolbar The Django Debug Toolbar is a very useful tool for Django developers who want to gain insights into the performance and behavior of their applications. In this article, we’ll explore the features of the Django Debug Toolbar and how to use it in your Django projects. What is the Django… backend
Intro Django Debug Toolbar Django Debug Toolbar useful tool Django developer want gain insight performance behavior application article we’ll explore feature Django Debug Toolbar use Django project Django… backend
18 Sites to Host Your Backend Code for Free
In today’s world, developers have a wide range of choices when it comes to backend hosting solutions. There are numerous platforms that offer free hosting services, making it easier than ever for developers to deploy and manage their applications. …*lP-1PR8lByjpF8E0
18 Sites to Host Your Backend Code for Free In today’s world, developers have a wide range of choices when it comes to backend hosting solutions. There are numerous platforms that offer free hosting services, making it easier than ever for developers to deploy and manage their applications. … backend
18 Sites Host Backend Code Free today’s world developer wide range choice come backend hosting solution numerous platform offer free hosting service making easier ever developer deploy manage application … backend
Start Using Cache on your Django Application
Implementing cache in django is a very easy and straightforward approach. By Default Django uses its Inbuilt Cache Service LocMemCache if not particularly specified in setting about using other services like RedisCache or MemCachendCache. The First Step is to import cache from django in your file. from django.core.cache ……OLjWn2EeUhQ.jpeg
Start Using Cache on your Django Application Implementing cache in django is a very easy and straightforward approach. By Default Django uses its Inbuilt Cache Service LocMemCache if not particularly specified in setting about using other services like RedisCache or MemCachendCache. The First Step is to import cache from django in your file. from django.core.cache … backend
Start Using Cache Django Application Implementing cache django easy straightforward approach Default Django us Inbuilt Cache Service LocMemCache particularly specified setting using service like RedisCache MemCachendCache First Step import cache django viewspy file djangocorecache … backend
21 Interface Design Essentials Every Developer Should Know
1. Learn to communicate Learning to communicate is very, very important. For example, when you develop and define an interface, you must not come up and immerse yourself in the definition of the interface. You need to align the interface with the client first. When encountering some difficulties, align the solution with the technical…*q9KmOhSQ-XVF3Pxh
21 Interface Design Essentials Every Developer Should Know 1. Learn to communicate Learning to communicate is very, very important. For example, when you develop and define an interface, you must not come up and immerse yourself in the definition of the interface. You need to align the interface with the client first. When encountering some difficulties, align the solution with the technical… backend
21 Interface Design Essentials Every Developer Know 1 Learn communicate Learning communicate important example develop define interface must come immerse definition interface need align interface client first encountering difficulty align solution technical… backend
9 HTTP methods and how to use them
API testing — HTTP protocol works by clients sending requests to the servers and servers responding to the requests. We do CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) by sending HTTP requests with different HTTP methods, sometimes called HTTP verbs. GET and POST are the most frequently used HTTP methods, but more HTTP methods…*tzH_hVhA1zCNeiHm
9 HTTP methods and how to use them API testing — HTTP protocol works by clients sending requests to the servers and servers responding to the requests. We do CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) by sending HTTP requests with different HTTP methods, sometimes called HTTP verbs. GET and POST are the most frequently used HTTP methods, but more HTTP methods… backend
9 HTTP method use API testing — HTTP protocol work client sending request server server responding request CRUD operation Create Read Update Delete sending HTTP request different HTTP method sometimes called HTTP verb GET POST frequently used HTTP method HTTP methods… backend
Developing Your First Flask Application in Python (99/100 Days of Python)
Flask is a lightweight web framework for Python that allows developers to build web applications quickly and easily. Its minimalistic approach and flexibility make it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized projects. ……FHrXYxjBzqJA.png
Developing Your First Flask Application in Python (99/100 Days of Python) Flask is a lightweight web framework for Python that allows developers to build web applications quickly and easily. Its minimalistic approach and flexibility make it an ideal choice for small to medium-sized projects. … backend
Developing First Flask Application Python 99100 Days Python Flask lightweight web framework Python allows developer build web application quickly easily minimalistic approach flexibility make ideal choice small mediumsized project … backend
Backend Bonanza: Unraveling the Client-Server Architecture 🚀
Unveiling the Mysteries of Backend and Frontend in Web Applications 🕵️‍♀️ — Hello Backend Bonanza enthusiasts! 😄 Buckle up, because today we’re diving into the fascinating world of client-server architecture. We’ll begin our blog series with an introduction to backend and frontend components and explore how these crucial elements communicate and interact. We promise to keep it light and entertaining, with a……8CPkfaZRWGGQ.png
Backend Bonanza: Unraveling the Client-Server Architecture 🚀 Unveiling the Mysteries of Backend and Frontend in Web Applications 🕵️‍♀️ — Hello Backend Bonanza enthusiasts! 😄 Buckle up, because today we’re diving into the fascinating world of client-server architecture. We’ll begin our blog series with an introduction to backend and frontend components and explore how these crucial elements communicate and interact. We promise to keep it light and entertaining, with a… backend
Backend Bonanza Unraveling ClientServer Architecture 🚀 Unveiling Mysteries Backend Frontend Web Applications 🕵️‍♀️ — Hello Backend Bonanza enthusiast 😄 Buckle today we’re diving fascinating world clientserver architecture We’ll begin blog series introduction backend frontend component explore crucial element communicate interact promise keep light entertaining a… backend
Node.js Roadmap: A Comprehensive Learning Template for Developers
Start your Node.js journey today with our comprehensive roadmap learning template. Under the Hood The story begins when I made the Frontend development roadmap template and it went decent for developers. Even got good ratings from most of them. Now it’s time to get dirty with Node.js Backend will become important in future……FN5pDNpao11w.png
Node.js Roadmap: A Comprehensive Learning Template for Developers Start your Node.js journey today with our comprehensive roadmap learning template. Under the Hood The story begins when I made the Frontend development roadmap template and it went decent for developers. Even got good ratings from most of them. Now it’s time to get dirty with Node.js Backend will become important in future… backend
Nodejs Roadmap Comprehensive Learning Template Developers Start Nodejs journey today comprehensive roadmap learning template Hood story begin made Frontend development roadmap template went decent developer Even got good rating it’s time get dirty Nodejs Backend become important future… backend
Serviceless Under The Hood
Serverless computing is a cloud computing model in which the infrastructure is managed by the cloud provider and computing resources are dynamically allocated as needed to execute and scale applications. ……ykJ-irjXg22A.png
Serviceless Under The Hood Serverless computing is a cloud computing model in which the infrastructure is managed by the cloud provider and computing resources are dynamically allocated as needed to execute and scale applications. … backend
Serviceless Hood Serverless computing cloud computing model infrastructure managed cloud provider computing resource dynamically allocated needed execute scale application … backend
Web Stack Weekly — Issue#67
Welcome to Web weekly — a weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Web universe curated by Canopas team, delivered every Monday. Articles Next 13.3 released with community-requested changes Next 13.3 was released with most of the community-requested features like file-based metadata API, dynamic graph image import, and many more. ……OEUzg8xH3tZ.jpeg
Web Stack Weekly — Issue#67 Welcome to Web weekly — a weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Web universe curated by Canopas team, delivered every Monday. Articles Next 13.3 released with community-requested changes Next 13.3 was released with most of the community-requested features like file-based metadata API, dynamic graph image import, and many more. … backend
Web Stack Weekly — Issue67 Welcome Web weekly — weekly newsletter new development update Web universe curated Canopas team delivered every Monday Articles Next 133 released communityrequested change Next 133 released communityrequested feature like filebased metadata API dynamic graph image import many … backend
A Simple Guide to OpenAI API Integration with Golang Boilerplate
Consuming OpenAI GPT API with Go-Chi and PostgreSQL on the Golang Boilerplate — OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 turbo and GPT-4 are the most advanced large language models that generates human-like text. Developers can incorporate this model into their applications through the OpenAI API. This article will explain how to add the OpenAI API to your server applications written in Golang. I put out a boilerplate…*hXE5w75k8Lm8FM1o
A Simple Guide to OpenAI API Integration with Golang Boilerplate Consuming OpenAI GPT API with Go-Chi and PostgreSQL on the Golang Boilerplate — OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 turbo and GPT-4 are the most advanced large language models that generates human-like text. Developers can incorporate this model into their applications through the OpenAI API. This article will explain how to add the OpenAI API to your server applications written in Golang. I put out a boilerplate… backend
Simple Guide OpenAI API Integration Golang Boilerplate Consuming OpenAI GPT API GoChi PostgreSQL Golang Boilerplate — OpenAI’s GPT35 turbo GPT4 advanced large language model generates humanlike text Developers incorporate model application OpenAI API article explain add OpenAI API server application written Golang put boilerplate… backend
DL Infra Series: C++ Concepts — 4
Template Metaprogramming, Variadic Templates and CRTP — The DL Infra series aims to merge the gap between engineering and research in Deep Learning. Since the field of DL, or AI in general is moving pretty fast, it is easy to get lost in the ocean of theory and forget the fundamentals. …*38QDL2SFQKPa5QNZ
DL Infra Series: C++ Concepts — 4 Template Metaprogramming, Variadic Templates and CRTP — The DL Infra series aims to merge the gap between engineering and research in Deep Learning. Since the field of DL, or AI in general is moving pretty fast, it is easy to get lost in the ocean of theory and forget the fundamentals. … backend
DL Infra Series C Concepts — 4 Template Metaprogramming Variadic Templates CRTP — DL Infra series aim merge gap engineering research Deep Learning Since field DL AI general moving pretty fast easy get lost ocean theory forget fundamental … backend
How to deploy backend free
Deploying a backend involves the process of taking your server-side code and making it accessible to users over the internet. Here are the general steps to deploy a backend: Choose a cloud platform: Select a cloud platform like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). ……RcqMBucRlTTg.png
How to deploy backend free Deploying a backend involves the process of taking your server-side code and making it accessible to users over the internet. Here are the general steps to deploy a backend: Choose a cloud platform: Select a cloud platform like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP). … backend
deploy backend free Deploying backend involves process taking serverside code making accessible user internet general step deploy backend Choose cloud platform Select cloud platform like Amazon Web Services AWS Microsoft Azure Google Cloud Platform GCP … backend
Splitting the Monolith: Pros and Cons of Monolithic and Microservice Architecture
I used to work at a company where I ended up building the API that powered the company’s main product. End users would use the platform through a Single Page Application (SPA) that was built in Silverlight. A user could use any of the product’s four main features that were…*TWc49Oh7sCLYKtty
Splitting the Monolith: Pros and Cons of Monolithic and Microservice Architecture I used to work at a company where I ended up building the API that powered the company’s main product. End users would use the platform through a Single Page Application (SPA) that was built in Silverlight. A user could use any of the product’s four main features that were… backend
Splitting Monolith Pros Cons Monolithic Microservice Architecture used work company ended building API powered company’s main product End user would use platform Single Page Application SPA built Silverlight user could use product’s four main feature were… backend
Don’t build an MVP
M (Loveable) P >>> MVP Build a Minimum Loveable Product instead and read on to find out why. If you are a founder or a member of a startup you should have heard the word “MVP” quite often. I bet the first repo created will have this word in its name! MVPs are built for……Ez3XpRQx5NWQ.png
Don’t build an MVP M (Loveable) P >>> MVP Build a Minimum Loveable Product instead and read on to find out why. If you are a founder or a member of a startup you should have heard the word “MVP” quite often. I bet the first repo created will have this word in its name! MVPs are built for… backend
Don’t build MVP Loveable P MVP Build Minimum Loveable Product instead read find founder member startup heard word “MVP” quite often bet first repo created word name MVPs built for… backend
Audio Search Engine — High-Level Design
Designing an audio search engine like Shazam would involve a number of components and technologies. In this article, we will discuss the High-Level Design of an Audio Search Engine like SAZAM. To design an Audio Search Engine like SAZAM here’s a possible high-level architecture. Audio recording: Users would need to……aTXqIUip7eFg.png
Audio Search Engine — High-Level Design Designing an audio search engine like Shazam would involve a number of components and technologies. In this article, we will discuss the High-Level Design of an Audio Search Engine like SAZAM. To design an Audio Search Engine like SAZAM here’s a possible high-level architecture. Audio recording: Users would need to… backend
Audio Search Engine — HighLevel Design Designing audio search engine like Shazam would involve number component technology article discus HighLevel Design Audio Search Engine like SAZAM design Audio Search Engine like SAZAM here’s possible highlevel architecture Audio recording Users would need to… backend
Why Spring Boot is the Go-To Backend Framework: Top Features Explained
In the fast-paced world of web development, backend frameworks play a crucial role in building scalable, robust, and high-performance applications. Among the many options available, Spring Boot stands out as a top choice for backend development. ……1v6iIBZ_Fpg2.png
Why Spring Boot is the Go-To Backend Framework: Top Features Explained In the fast-paced world of web development, backend frameworks play a crucial role in building scalable, robust, and high-performance applications. Among the many options available, Spring Boot stands out as a top choice for backend development. … backend
Spring Boot GoTo Backend Framework Top Features Explained fastpaced world web development backend framework play crucial role building scalable robust highperformance application Among many option available Spring Boot stand top choice backend development … backend
Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs), Part - 1
If you have been using REST and want to know about RPCs then this article is for you. In this article we will talk about what RPCs are, some basic terminology like stubs, interfaces, and their pros and cons. This is a 2 part series where first we will understand…*nmdxLEGWu2ZTSv1X
Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs), Part - 1 If you have been using REST and want to know about RPCs then this article is for you. In this article we will talk about what RPCs are, some basic terminology like stubs, interfaces, and their pros and cons. This is a 2 part series where first we will understand… backend
Remote Procedure Calls RPCs Part 1 using REST want know RPCs article article talk RPCs basic terminology like stub interface pro con 2 part series first understand… backend
Integrating Editor.js to Django Project
The editor.js is a free django text editor. To integrate django to the project you need to install django-editorjs pip install django-editorjs then add django_editorjs to the file # INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django_editorjs', ] then, in the file where you want to add text editor, import django editor js # from django.db import models from django_editorjs import EditorJsField class DemoPost(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length = 255) content = EditorJsField()…OLjWn2EeUhQ.jpeg
Integrating Editor.js to Django Project The editor.js is a free django text editor. To integrate django to the project you need to install django-editorjs pip install django-editorjs then add django_editorjs to the file # INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django_editorjs', ] then, in the file where you want to add text editor, import django editor js # from django.db import models from django_editorjs import EditorJsField class DemoPost(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length = 255) content = EditorJsField() backend
Integrating Editorjs Django Project editorjs free django text editor integrate django project need install djangoeditorjs pip install djangoeditorjs add djangoeditorjs settingpy file settingspy INSTALLEDAPPS djangoeditorjs modelspy file want add text editor import django editor j modelspy djangodb import model djangoeditorjs import EditorJsField class DemoPostmodelsModel title modelsCharFieldmaxlength 255 content EditorJsField backend
Securing your public APIs
Recently, I started working on a project to integrate external partners in our systems. Here in this post, I would like to summarize my findings after hours of browsing through the content. So, let’s delve right into it. Use HTTPs HTTPS is a protocol for secure communication over the internet……LtFeRTQS8ug.jpeg
Securing your public APIs Recently, I started working on a project to integrate external partners in our systems. Here in this post, I would like to summarize my findings after hours of browsing through the content. So, let’s delve right into it. Use HTTPs HTTPS is a protocol for secure communication over the internet… backend
Securing public APIs Recently started working project integrate external partner system post would like summarize finding hour browsing content let’s delve right Use HTTPs HTTPS protocol secure communication internet… backend
All About Backend Development
Hello Everyone You might have heard these terms while exploring the tech domain fields, most of you might even know what Backend is. For those who don’t know don’t worry I’ll explain Backend Development Backend or Backend development is like the vehicle’s engine which is usually not seen by the……u_dqLgjqooaQ.png
All About Backend Development Hello Everyone You might have heard these terms while exploring the tech domain fields, most of you might even know what Backend is. For those who don’t know don’t worry I’ll explain Backend Development Backend or Backend development is like the vehicle’s engine which is usually not seen by the… backend
Backend Development Hello Everyone might heard term exploring tech domain field might even know Backend don’t know don’t worry I’ll explain Backend Development Backend Backend development like vehicle’s engine usually seen the… backend
10 Must-See Django Open-Source Projects to Inspire Your Next Web App
Listen up, python devs! Are you tired of building boring web apps that would put a toddler to sleep? Want to spice up your development game with some Django-flavored pizzazz? This top 10 must-sees Django open-source projects that’ll knock your socks off (and hopefully not your code). These projects pack……NQ5FErvFTDvg.png
10 Must-See Django Open-Source Projects to Inspire Your Next Web App Listen up, python devs! Are you tired of building boring web apps that would put a toddler to sleep? Want to spice up your development game with some Django-flavored pizzazz? This top 10 must-sees Django open-source projects that’ll knock your socks off (and hopefully not your code). These projects pack… backend
10 MustSee Django OpenSource Projects Inspire Next Web App Listen python devs tired building boring web apps would put toddler sleep Want spice development game Djangoflavored pizzazz top 10 mustsees Django opensource project that’ll knock sock hopefully code project pack… backend
Full Stack Pitfalls: The Hidden Dangers of Developing with a Single Language
How having a single developer use the same language for frontend and backend can create its own set of challenges — Introduction The pursuit of seamless development practices has led many to advocate for using the same language in both frontend and backend development. This concept, known as Full Stack development, seeks to eliminate context switching and increase the efficiency of the development process. hile this undoubtedly reduces development costs and time……aA-GfZ6NtleA.png
Full Stack Pitfalls: The Hidden Dangers of Developing with a Single Language How having a single developer use the same language for frontend and backend can create its own set of challenges — Introduction The pursuit of seamless development practices has led many to advocate for using the same language in both frontend and backend development. This concept, known as Full Stack development, seeks to eliminate context switching and increase the efficiency of the development process. hile this undoubtedly reduces development costs and time… backend
Full Stack Pitfalls Hidden Dangers Developing Single Language single developer use language frontend backend create set challenge — Introduction pursuit seamless development practice led many advocate using language frontend backend development concept known Full Stack development seek eliminate context switching increase efficiency development process hile undoubtedly reduces development cost time… backend
Kubernetes : Thanos Glimpse
What Thanos is? — Thanos provides a global query view, high availability, data backup with historical, cheap data access as its core features in a single binary. Those features can be deployed independently of each other. This allows you to have a subset of Thanos features ready for immediate benefit or testing, while also…*tL8dWHqKMNSwMs_l
Kubernetes : Thanos Glimpse What Thanos is? — Thanos provides a global query view, high availability, data backup with historical, cheap data access as its core features in a single binary. Those features can be deployed independently of each other. This allows you to have a subset of Thanos features ready for immediate benefit or testing, while also… backend
Kubernetes Thanos Glimpse Thanos — Thanos provides global query view high availability data backup historical cheap data access core feature single binary feature deployed independently allows subset Thanos feature ready immediate benefit testing also… backend
From Kubernetes to a fully managed, serverless platform
TL;DR: Find out how we migrated our ad real-time bidding service from a self-managed Kubernetes cluster to a fully managed Google Cloud Run. Howdy! My name is Boštjan Lasnik and I’m a member of the Ad Technology backend team at Outfit7. I primarily develop and maintain the tools, services and…*yZS5LliLtWg1rQKR
From Kubernetes to a fully managed, serverless platform TL;DR: Find out how we migrated our ad real-time bidding service from a self-managed Kubernetes cluster to a fully managed Google Cloud Run. Howdy! My name is Boštjan Lasnik and I’m a member of the Ad Technology backend team at Outfit7. I primarily develop and maintain the tools, services and… backend
Kubernetes fully managed serverless platform TLDR Find migrated ad realtime bidding service selfmanaged Kubernetes cluster fully managed Google Cloud Run Howdy name Boštjan Lasnik I’m member Ad Technology backend team Outfit7 primarily develop maintain tool service and… backend
Bajaj Finserv Health Interview Experience(Oncampus)
Package:-@13lpa The interview happened on my campus on March 31, 2023. Two profiles were there: frontend and backend. There were four rounds for the front end and three for the back end. For the first round, there was CV shortlisting, after which there was a machine-coding round in which we……O9ka1tDCqMyg.png
Bajaj Finserv Health Interview Experience(Oncampus) Package:-@13lpa The interview happened on my campus on March 31, 2023. Two profiles were there: frontend and backend. There were four rounds for the front end and three for the back end. For the first round, there was CV shortlisting, after which there was a machine-coding round in which we… backend
Bajaj Finserv Health Interview ExperienceOncampus Package13lpa interview happened campus March 31 2023 Two profile frontend backend four round front end three back end first round CV shortlisting machinecoding round we… backend
Unleashing the Power of Go Generics: Best Practices and Workarounds
An Introduction to Generics in Go Go has long been criticised for its lack of support for generics, which are a powerful tool for writing reusable and type-safe code. But with the release of Go 1.18, the language has finally added support for generics in the form of type parameters and constraints. ……IO1Nv0d4uXA.jpeg
Unleashing the Power of Go Generics: Best Practices and Workarounds An Introduction to Generics in Go Go has long been criticised for its lack of support for generics, which are a powerful tool for writing reusable and type-safe code. But with the release of Go 1.18, the language has finally added support for generics in the form of type parameters and constraints. … backend
Unleashing Power Go Generics Best Practices Workarounds Introduction Generics Go Go long criticised lack support generic powerful tool writing reusable typesafe code release Go 118 language finally added support generic form type parameter constraint … backend
Building Modern gRPC Service with Buf
RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is a communication protocol on computers that can be used to connect functions in programming with different languages and computers in other locations or distributed systems. The format of the data sent generally uses JSON (JSON-RPC), or it can also be XML (XML-RPC), an example of……0IOwqmh_Pj7V.png
Building Modern gRPC Service with Buf RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is a communication protocol on computers that can be used to connect functions in programming with different languages and computers in other locations or distributed systems. The format of the data sent generally uses JSON (JSON-RPC), or it can also be XML (XML-RPC), an example of… backend
Building Modern gRPC Service Buf RPC Remote Procedure Call communication protocol computer used connect function programming different language computer location distributed system format data sent generally us JSON JSONRPC also XML XMLRPC example of… backend
API development cycle — Node.js, Express, Sequelize, Mocha, Chai, and a whole lot more… (Part 1)
TL;DR: This tutorial guides you through building a Node.js API using Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Sequelize. It covers important tools and libraries, explains how to take an outside-in approach by mixing integration tests for API endpoints with unit tests for API resources, demonstrates how to use Sequelize for database management……kaKJuvQsTupA.png
API development cycle — Node.js, Express, Sequelize, Mocha, Chai, and a whole lot more… (Part 1) TL;DR: This tutorial guides you through building a Node.js API using Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Sequelize. It covers important tools and libraries, explains how to take an outside-in approach by mixing integration tests for API endpoints with unit tests for API resources, demonstrates how to use Sequelize for database management… backend
API development cycle — Nodejs Express Sequelize Mocha Chai whole lot more… Part 1 TLDR tutorial guide building Nodejs API using TestDriven Development TDD Sequelize cover important tool library explains take outsidein approach mixing integration test API endpoint unit test API resource demonstrates use Sequelize database management… backend
Python VS JavaScript for Backend
What is the best choice for handling your data? — In today’s world of web development, choosing the right programming language for backend development can be a daunting task. Python and JavaScript are two of the most popular languages used for backend development, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. …*qeXWiQz7KbW_D9jC
Python VS JavaScript for Backend What is the best choice for handling your data? — In today’s world of web development, choosing the right programming language for backend development can be a daunting task. Python and JavaScript are two of the most popular languages used for backend development, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. … backend
Python VS JavaScript Backend best choice handling data — today’s world web development choosing right programming language backend development daunting task Python JavaScript two popular language used backend development strength weakness … backend
Web server and Web Container architecture model (Java-based)
As an Expert or Architect, Do you understand well the basic flow of web server/container handles http(s) requests? Traditional Web server architecture model Web Server A web server is software that provides web services to the outside world, receiving HTTP requests from browsers and returning the results to the browser. What we usually call Web servers, such……9dBsR15wMY9g.png
Web server and Web Container architecture model (Java-based) As an Expert or Architect, Do you understand well the basic flow of web server/container handles http(s) requests? Traditional Web server architecture model Web Server A web server is software that provides web services to the outside world, receiving HTTP requests from browsers and returning the results to the browser. What we usually call Web servers, such… backend
Web server Web Container architecture model Javabased Expert Architect understand well basic flow web servercontainer handle http request Traditional Web server architecture model Web Server web server software provides web service outside world receiving HTTP request browser returning result browser usually call Web server such… backend
The Best Web Development Techniques for Small Companies — Blog | Blockchain Development Solutions, Mobile Apps & Digital Marketing
Web Development Strategies When one owns a business, many factors make it necessary to work on them. Web development encompasses various elements, such as the coding and features section, logo and content. It forces web development services to focus on different aspects to obtain the best features and reach the largest possible audience……2yiBFoLlA_6v.jpg
The Best Web Development Techniques for Small Companies — Blog | Blockchain Development Solutions, Mobile Apps & Digital Marketing Web Development Strategies When one owns a business, many factors make it necessary to work on them. Web development encompasses various elements, such as the coding and features section, logo and content. It forces web development services to focus on different aspects to obtain the best features and reach the largest possible audience… backend
Best Web Development Techniques Small Companies — Blog Blockchain Development Solutions Mobile Apps Digital Marketing Web Development Strategies one owns business many factor make necessary work Web development encompasses various element coding feature section logo content force web development service focus different aspect obtain best feature reach largest possible audience… backend
Actix Rust Tutorial, Part 1
What is Actix Web? actix-web is a powerful and pragmatic framework. For all intents and purposes it’s a micro-framework with a few twists. It’s written in Rust, so definitely this would be one of the fastest frameworks we have today. It runs with speed and utilize every single bit of hardware efficiently. Honestly, learning…*2olH_72MQxJiWSYw
Actix Rust Tutorial, Part 1 What is Actix Web? actix-web is a powerful and pragmatic framework. For all intents and purposes it’s a micro-framework with a few twists. It’s written in Rust, so definitely this would be one of the fastest frameworks we have today. It runs with speed and utilize every single bit of hardware efficiently. Honestly, learning… backend
Actix Rust Tutorial Part 1 Actix Web actixweb powerful pragmatic framework intent purpose it’s microframework twist It’s written Rust definitely would one fastest framework today run speed utilize every single bit hardware efficiently Honestly learning… backend
Rails Deployment Made Fun With Render — Part 2
You also can follow up with this repo: Deploy to Render Finishing up Now, we are done with code editors, its time to deploy. Remember, I told you to prepare your debit/credit cards? Right, lets get started. Navigate to your Render dashboard at…Jjg51YWkndcA.png
Rails Deployment Made Fun With Render — Part 2 You also can follow up with this repo: Deploy to Render Finishing up Now, we are done with code editors, its time to deploy. Remember, I told you to prepare your debit/credit cards? Right, lets get started. Navigate to your Render dashboard at backend
Rails Deployment Made Fun Render — Part 2 also follow repo Deploy Render Finishing done code editor time deploy Remember told prepare debitcredit card Right let get started Navigate Render dashboard httpsdashboardrendercom backend
I hate React. I’m not alone.
My developer experience skips over React. Completely. These two stories will illustrate why. I heard all of the buzz of React for years. Everyone was seeming to learn it, and by the time it reached my ears, it felt like someone took great code and made it more complicated than……xufbwVs8UWug.png
I hate React. I’m not alone. My developer experience skips over React. Completely. These two stories will illustrate why. I heard all of the buzz of React for years. Everyone was seeming to learn it, and by the time it reached my ears, it felt like someone took great code and made it more complicated than… backend
hate React I’m alone developer experience skip React Completely two story illustrate heard buzz React year Everyone seeming learn time reached ear felt like someone took great code made complicated than… backend
Turbocharge Your Spring Boot Applications: Top Tips for Peak Performance
Introduction Spring Boot is an immensely popular and powerful framework that simplifies the development of Java-based applications. Over the years, it has garnered a reputation for its ease of use and flexibility, allowing developers to build complex applications with minimal boilerplate code. However, as with any technology, there is always room……CPmX9OIOpgxA.png
Turbocharge Your Spring Boot Applications: Top Tips for Peak Performance Introduction Spring Boot is an immensely popular and powerful framework that simplifies the development of Java-based applications. Over the years, it has garnered a reputation for its ease of use and flexibility, allowing developers to build complex applications with minimal boilerplate code. However, as with any technology, there is always room… backend
Turbocharge Spring Boot Applications Top Tips Peak Performance Introduction Spring Boot immensely popular powerful framework simplifies development Javabased application year garnered reputation ease use flexibility allowing developer build complex application minimal boilerplate code However technology always room… backend
Synchronous vs Asynchronous Function in Node.js
Node.js is a popular runtime environment for building server-side applications in JavaScript. One of the key features of Node.js is its ability to handle asynchronous operations efficiently, which makes it a great choice for building high-performance applications. In Node.js, functions can be executed synchronously or asynchronously. Synchronous functions block the…*CzJs1qWmPcwL4ITu
Synchronous vs Asynchronous Function in Node.js Node.js is a popular runtime environment for building server-side applications in JavaScript. One of the key features of Node.js is its ability to handle asynchronous operations efficiently, which makes it a great choice for building high-performance applications. In Node.js, functions can be executed synchronously or asynchronously. Synchronous functions block the… backend
Synchronous v Asynchronous Function Nodejs Nodejs popular runtime environment building serverside application JavaScript One key feature Nodejs ability handle asynchronous operation efficiently make great choice building highperformance application Nodejs function executed synchronously asynchronously Synchronous function block the… backend
Most important things I learned after giving 13+ interviews at tech startups.
Before I start a brief intro about myself, I am a Computer Science graduate (2022), As a fresher, I have given many interviews for roles like frontend, backend, and full stack. Here are some most important things that I have learned: 1. Startups want someone who can “FIGURE THINGS OUT” As Startups are low on budgets, they hire less……fNLUd0HjcKKg.png
Most important things I learned after giving 13+ interviews at tech startups. Before I start a brief intro about myself, I am a Computer Science graduate (2022), As a fresher, I have given many interviews for roles like frontend, backend, and full stack. Here are some most important things that I have learned: 1. Startups want someone who can “FIGURE THINGS OUT” As Startups are low on budgets, they hire less… backend
important thing learned giving 13 interview tech startup start brief intro Computer Science graduate 2022 fresher given many interview role like frontend backend full stack important thing learned 1 Startups want someone “FIGURE THINGS OUT” Startups low budget hire less… backend
Top Django Podcasts Every Developer Should Listen to in 2023
Are you a Django developer looking for some entertaining and informative podcasts to spice up your workday? Look no further! 🐍 In this post 🧾, we’ve rounded up the top Django podcasts that every developer 💻 should add to their listening queue in 2023 🎧. Whether you’re a seasoned pro…*aFKVuJfvN52ERY3M
Top Django Podcasts Every Developer Should Listen to in 2023 Are you a Django developer looking for some entertaining and informative podcasts to spice up your workday? Look no further! 🐍 In this post 🧾, we’ve rounded up the top Django podcasts that every developer 💻 should add to their listening queue in 2023 🎧. Whether you’re a seasoned pro… backend
Top Django Podcasts Every Developer Listen 2023 Django developer looking entertaining informative podcasts spice workday Look 🐍 post 🧾 we’ve rounded top Django podcasts every developer 💻 add listening queue 2023 🎧 Whether you’re seasoned pro… backend
Dependency Injection
Dependency Injection is a design pattern that allows for the decoupling of code and dependencies. In .NET Core Web API, Dependency Injection is built into the framework, making it easy to use and configure. Dependency Injection allows developers to define the dependencies of a class in a separate container, rather……cqlXH00ixfjg.png
Dependency Injection Dependency Injection is a design pattern that allows for the decoupling of code and dependencies. In .NET Core Web API, Dependency Injection is built into the framework, making it easy to use and configure. Dependency Injection allows developers to define the dependencies of a class in a separate container, rather… backend
Dependency Injection Dependency Injection design pattern allows decoupling code dependency NET Core Web API Dependency Injection built framework making easy use configure Dependency Injection allows developer define dependency class separate container rather… backend
Import Cycle “bug”
Weeks ago, while developing a CLI application for an automobile shop, I encountered import cycles in my code for the first time. I wrote about it here. Before I talk about how to deal with import cycles, let’s understand what they are. Understanding Import Cycles Imagine two streets, s1 and s2 where s1……zGOcOWNE06g.jpeg
Import Cycle “bug” Weeks ago, while developing a CLI application for an automobile shop, I encountered import cycles in my code for the first time. I wrote about it here. Before I talk about how to deal with import cycles, let’s understand what they are. Understanding Import Cycles Imagine two streets, s1 and s2 where s1… backend
Import Cycle “bug” Weeks ago developing CLI application automobile shop encountered import cycle code first time wrote talk deal import cycle let’s understand Understanding Import Cycles Imagine two street s1 s2 s1… backend
Is PHP still relevant in 2023?
“… the duct tape of the internet — it may not be pretty, but it gets the job done” — PHP was created in 1994 as a collection of CGI scripts. It was later expanded to support dynamic web pages and released as an open-source project. PHP has made significant progress over time, but the question remains whether it still holds relevance in 2023. Let’s see! Popularity PHP is still one……YpJk-UT2Vz1A.png
Is PHP still relevant in 2023? “… the duct tape of the internet — it may not be pretty, but it gets the job done” — PHP was created in 1994 as a collection of CGI scripts. It was later expanded to support dynamic web pages and released as an open-source project. PHP has made significant progress over time, but the question remains whether it still holds relevance in 2023. Let’s see! Popularity PHP is still one… backend
PHP still relevant 2023 “… duct tape internet — may pretty get job done” — PHP created 1994 collection CGI script later expanded support dynamic web page released opensource project PHP made significant progress time question remains whether still hold relevance 2023 Let’s see Popularity PHP still one… backend
OAuth2.0/OIDC Part 1
Have you ever wondered how websites implement “Sign in with Github”, or how a website can access your google drive files and google sheets, or send emails on behalf of you ? Actually, they are using the OAuth2 / OpenID connect (OIDC) protocols under the hood. Before diving into the……6xebLA4m5PYQ.png
OAuth2.0/OIDC Part 1 Have you ever wondered how websites implement “Sign in with Github”, or how a website can access your google drive files and google sheets, or send emails on behalf of you ? Actually, they are using the OAuth2 / OpenID connect (OIDC) protocols under the hood. Before diving into the… backend
OAuth20OIDC Part 1 ever wondered website implement “Sign Github” website access google drive file google sheet send email behalf Actually using OAuth2 OpenID connect OIDC protocol hood diving the… backend
Writing Your First Node.js Script
Hi, I’m Subham Maity, a software engineer. I also enjoy teaching others how to code through my tutorials. I’m always eager to learn new things and share my knowledge with the community. ⚡ I recently wrote an article on Writing Your First Node.js Script and wanted to share it with……Y8WSqMkPylWQ.png
Writing Your First Node.js Script Hi, I’m Subham Maity, a software engineer. I also enjoy teaching others how to code through my tutorials. I’m always eager to learn new things and share my knowledge with the community. ⚡ I recently wrote an article on Writing Your First Node.js Script and wanted to share it with… backend
Writing First Nodejs Script Hi I’m Subham Maity software engineer also enjoy teaching others code tutorial I’m always eager learn new thing share knowledge community ⚡ recently wrote article Writing First Nodejs Script wanted share with… backend
Web Stack Weekly — Issue#66
Welcome to Web weekly — a weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Web universe curated by Canopas team, delivered every Monday. Articles Swissmap: golang hashmap table SwissMap, a new Golang hash table based on SwissTable that is faster and uses less memory than Golang’s built-in map. Jumping HTML tags — Another reason to validate your markup Whatever you’re doing on the Web will……OEUzg8xH3tZ.jpeg
Web Stack Weekly — Issue#66 Welcome to Web weekly — a weekly newsletter on new development and updates of Web universe curated by Canopas team, delivered every Monday. Articles Swissmap: golang hashmap table SwissMap, a new Golang hash table based on SwissTable that is faster and uses less memory than Golang’s built-in map. Jumping HTML tags — Another reason to validate your markup Whatever you’re doing on the Web will… backend
Web Stack Weekly — Issue66 Welcome Web weekly — weekly newsletter new development update Web universe curated Canopas team delivered every Monday Articles Swissmap golang hashmap table SwissMap new Golang hash table based SwissTable faster us le memory Golang’s builtin map Jumping HTML tag — Another reason validate markup Whatever you’re Web will… backend
Back-End Development Best Practices
Backend development refers to the behind-the-scenes work that powers websites, applications, and other software. It involves creating, maintaining, and optimizing databases, servers, APIs, and other technologies that ensure the smooth functioning of the digital infrastructure. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, keeping up with the latest trends……YFr--uPSihg.jpeg
Back-End Development Best Practices Backend development refers to the behind-the-scenes work that powers websites, applications, and other software. It involves creating, maintaining, and optimizing databases, servers, APIs, and other technologies that ensure the smooth functioning of the digital infrastructure. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, keeping up with the latest trends… backend
BackEnd Development Best Practices Backend development refers behindthescenes work power website application software involves creating maintaining optimizing database server APIs technology ensure smooth functioning digital infrastructure technology continues evolve rapid pace keeping latest trends… backend
REST APIs Design and Server Building in Go(6-Authentication)
Authentication with Passwords Authentication is the process of verifying who a user is. If you don’t have a secure authentication system, your back-end systems will be open to attack! Imagine if I could make an HTTP request to the YouTube API and upload a video to your channel. ……Kpt7VpoGqoNQ.png
REST APIs Design and Server Building in Go(6-Authentication) Authentication with Passwords Authentication is the process of verifying who a user is. If you don’t have a secure authentication system, your back-end systems will be open to attack! Imagine if I could make an HTTP request to the YouTube API and upload a video to your channel. … backend
REST APIs Design Server Building Go6Authentication Authentication Passwords Authentication process verifying user don’t secure authentication system backend system open attack Imagine could make HTTP request YouTube API upload video channel … backend
Dogpile effect, ft. Caching
Have you ever wondered what happens when your cache expires or when lots of entries in your cache invalidate at the same time? The answer is the DogPile effect, a phenomenon that can put a significant load on your backend servers and cause slow response times or even downtime. Consider……Tjp9KoXEqgpg.png
Dogpile effect, ft. Caching Have you ever wondered what happens when your cache expires or when lots of entries in your cache invalidate at the same time? The answer is the DogPile effect, a phenomenon that can put a significant load on your backend servers and cause slow response times or even downtime. Consider… backend
Dogpile effect ft Caching ever wondered happens cache expires lot entry cache invalidate time answer DogPile effect phenomenon put significant load backend server cause slow response time even downtime Consider… backend
How To Use Pocketbase with Python?
PocketBase is a user-friendly NoSQL cloud-based database service that allows developers to store and retrieve data for their applications. This powerful tool can be used to store and manage data from various sources and can be accessed from anywhere using APIs. In this blog, we will go through the steps……6FiCMg_DH_2w.png
How To Use Pocketbase with Python? PocketBase is a user-friendly NoSQL cloud-based database service that allows developers to store and retrieve data for their applications. This powerful tool can be used to store and manage data from various sources and can be accessed from anywhere using APIs. In this blog, we will go through the steps… backend
Use Pocketbase Python PocketBase userfriendly NoSQL cloudbased database service allows developer store retrieve data application powerful tool used store manage data various source accessed anywhere using APIs blog go steps… backend
5 Essential Tips for Learning Programming as a Beginner
Hello, fellow code novice! Manu is my name. I’m a 26-year-old who enrolled in a bootcamp in September 2021 to begin my web development journey. Since then, I’ve developed a passion for web development. But let’s face it, the journey hasn’t been simple. I’ve laughed at my own coding gaffes……aGnHyE5ecqw.jpeg
5 Essential Tips for Learning Programming as a Beginner Hello, fellow code novice! Manu is my name. I’m a 26-year-old who enrolled in a bootcamp in September 2021 to begin my web development journey. Since then, I’ve developed a passion for web development. But let’s face it, the journey hasn’t been simple. I’ve laughed at my own coding gaffes… backend
5 Essential Tips Learning Programming Beginner Hello fellow code novice Manu name I’m 26yearold enrolled bootcamp September 2021 begin web development journey Since I’ve developed passion web development let’s face journey hasn’t simple I’ve laughed coding gaffes… backend
Why Working with a Back-End Development Company is Critical: Benefits and CronJ Expertise
Introduction: Back-end development is a critical component of any software application. It involves the development of the server-side of the application, which is responsible for processing data and communicating with the client-side. A back-end development company specializes in developing the server-side of applications, using programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby……OLjWn2EeUhQ.jpeg
Why Working with a Back-End Development Company is Critical: Benefits and CronJ Expertise Introduction: Back-end development is a critical component of any software application. It involves the development of the server-side of the application, which is responsible for processing data and communicating with the client-side. A back-end development company specializes in developing the server-side of applications, using programming languages like Java, Python, Ruby… backend
Working BackEnd Development Company Critical Benefits CronJ Expertise Introduction Backend development critical component software application involves development serverside application responsible processing data communicating clientside backend development company specializes developing serverside application using programming language like Java Python Ruby… backend
How long does it take to become a web developer?
Many web developers, freelancers, and small business owners desire to learn web development but worry that it will take too much time. Fortunately, web development has a low entry barrier; most basics can be learned within three months, with dedicated individuals capable of mastering the essentials within four-five months. The……Bs1-U2TAMdg.jpeg
How long does it take to become a web developer? Many web developers, freelancers, and small business owners desire to learn web development but worry that it will take too much time. Fortunately, web development has a low entry barrier; most basics can be learned within three months, with dedicated individuals capable of mastering the essentials within four-five months. The… backend
long take become web developer Many web developer freelancer small business owner desire learn web development worry take much time Fortunately web development low entry barrier basic learned within three month dedicated individual capable mastering essential within fourfive month The… backend
10 Open-Source Projects for Web Developers in 2023
As a web developer, keeping up with the latest technology trends and tools is crucial for your professional growth. Open-source projects have been the backbone of web development for many years, and they are still thriving in 2023. ……PU_Jh9S_E3w.jpeg
10 Open-Source Projects for Web Developers in 2023 As a web developer, keeping up with the latest technology trends and tools is crucial for your professional growth. Open-source projects have been the backbone of web development for many years, and they are still thriving in 2023. … backend
10 OpenSource Projects Web Developers 2023 web developer keeping latest technology trend tool crucial professional growth Opensource project backbone web development many year still thriving 2023 … backend
Start using Hanami-API with Ruby
DISCLAIMER: This is a very basic article about Hanami::API, showing how to perform CRUD operations without a database. I’m very new to Ruby, probably my code is not idiomatic. Hanami-API is a lightweight and fast Ruby framework for building HTTP APIs. It is a part of the Hanami web framework…*IbLKN2CkOjapDAOc
Start using Hanami-API with Ruby DISCLAIMER: This is a very basic article about Hanami::API, showing how to perform CRUD operations without a database. I’m very new to Ruby, probably my code is not idiomatic. Hanami-API is a lightweight and fast Ruby framework for building HTTP APIs. It is a part of the Hanami web framework… backend
Start using HanamiAPI Ruby DISCLAIMER basic article HanamiAPI showing perform CRUD operation without database I’m new Ruby probably code idiomatic HanamiAPI lightweight fast Ruby framework building HTTP APIs part Hanami web framework… backend
All backend Engineers should have this skill!
Writing backend code and sharing it when the user initiates a specific action are the responsibilities of a backend engineer. They are in high demand across many businesses and have evolved into the foundation of online creation. The back end operates invisibly and is in charge of whatever you do……GcXlfiHJD3mQ.png
All backend Engineers should have this skill! Writing backend code and sharing it when the user initiates a specific action are the responsibilities of a backend engineer. They are in high demand across many businesses and have evolved into the foundation of online creation. The back end operates invisibly and is in charge of whatever you do… backend
backend Engineers skill Writing backend code sharing user initiate specific action responsibility backend engineer high demand across many business evolved foundation online creation back end operates invisibly charge whatever do… backend
Time trac — Project overview
Lets begin with our first project. Time trac. It is an application that can be used to track the number of hours you spend on certain activities, be it studying, coding or sleeping. …*pEXnGu9pq8oam7VG
Time trac — Project overview Lets begin with our first project. Time trac. It is an application that can be used to track the number of hours you spend on certain activities, be it studying, coding or sleeping. … backend
Time trac — Project overview Lets begin first project Time trac application used track number hour spend certain activity studying coding sleeping … backend
My First React-to-Ruby on Rails Application: Trip Planner, the backend!
To begin this project, I started with the backend. It’s easier for me to have the backend up and running to be able to manipulate data and test out the routes and fetch requests later on. Starting with the React frontend would be hard to test. Thus, creating the migrations……u3_T6DDToEWQ.png
My First React-to-Ruby on Rails Application: Trip Planner, the backend! To begin this project, I started with the backend. It’s easier for me to have the backend up and running to be able to manipulate data and test out the routes and fetch requests later on. Starting with the React frontend would be hard to test. Thus, creating the migrations… backend
First ReacttoRuby Rails Application Trip Planner backend begin project started backend It’s easier backend running able manipulate data test route fetch request later Starting React frontend would hard test Thus creating migrations… backend
From student to employee: Turn your internship into a job
Locastic takes pride in actively contributing to the local community, and one such initiative is offering internships to outstanding students from Split University. ……YvECmO1AooX2.jpg
From student to employee: Turn your internship into a job Locastic takes pride in actively contributing to the local community, and one such initiative is offering internships to outstanding students from Split University. … backend
student employee Turn internship job Locastic take pride actively contributing local community one initiative offering internship outstanding student Split University … backend
Dependency Injection in Spring Boot: A Beginner’s Guide
Introduction Imagine you’re building a big project with many different parts that need to work together. Each part is like a different tool that you need to use to build the project, like a hammer, screwdriver, or saw. In Spring Boot, these different parts are called “dependencies”. Instead of having to……BMUssLa1byA.jpeg
Dependency Injection in Spring Boot: A Beginner’s Guide Introduction Imagine you’re building a big project with many different parts that need to work together. Each part is like a different tool that you need to use to build the project, like a hammer, screwdriver, or saw. In Spring Boot, these different parts are called “dependencies”. Instead of having to… backend
Dependency Injection Spring Boot Beginner’s Guide Introduction Imagine you’re building big project many different part need work together part like different tool need use build project like hammer screwdriver saw Spring Boot different part called “dependencies” Instead to… backend
JAVA HTTP/S backend without frameworks
Under this topic, I’m going to discuss an HTTP/S backend (BE) in JAVA language which is very helpful in various troubleshooting sessions. Why I needed this type of backend? As a software engineer in the integration domain, I need to test various tools on integration, API management domains such as WSO2 APIM, WSO2 MI. Sometimes I exprienced……nK3NeOG4YBXw.png
JAVA HTTP/S backend without frameworks Under this topic, I’m going to discuss an HTTP/S backend (BE) in JAVA language which is very helpful in various troubleshooting sessions. Why I needed this type of backend? As a software engineer in the integration domain, I need to test various tools on integration, API management domains such as WSO2 APIM, WSO2 MI. Sometimes I exprienced… backend
JAVA HTTPS backend without framework topic I’m going discus HTTPS backend JAVA language helpful various troubleshooting session needed type backend software engineer integration domain need test various tool integration API management domain WSO2 APIM WSO2 MI Sometimes exprienced… backend
Comprehensive Guide: Spring Boot Authentication and Authorization with MySQL — Part 2
Introduction In part 1 of the series, we discussed the project’s requirements and set up the project, and made the necessary configurations. In this part, we will go through the implementation process in detail and test our application. You can find the source code on this GitHub repository Implementation Dependencies & configuration Let’s start with……9iOsF10FwTfg.png
Comprehensive Guide: Spring Boot Authentication and Authorization with MySQL — Part 2 Introduction In part 1 of the series, we discussed the project’s requirements and set up the project, and made the necessary configurations. In this part, we will go through the implementation process in detail and test our application. You can find the source code on this GitHub repository Implementation Dependencies & configuration Let’s start with… backend
Comprehensive Guide Spring Boot Authentication Authorization MySQL — Part 2 Introduction part 1 series discussed project’s requirement set project made necessary configuration part go implementation process detail test application find source code GitHub repository Implementation Dependencies configuration Let’s start with… backend