737 values
3 values
[ "my parents don t really speak english , but i speak italian and english.", "i have three children." ]
Backstreet Boys
[ "Oh, I am a BIG fan of the Backstreet Boys! Have you ever seen them performing live?", "No,I listen to their music a lot, mainly the unbreakable which is the Backstreet Boys' sixth studio album. " ]
[ "you are very knowledgeable, do you prefer nsync or bsb?", "haha kids of this days don't know them, i'm 46 and i still enjoying them, my kids only listen k-pop", "italian?haha that's strange, i only talk english and a little spanish " ]
[ "i don't have a preference, they are both great. All 3 of my kids get annoyed when I listen to them though.", "Sometimes I sing their songs in Italian, that really annoys them lol.", "My parents barely speak English, so I was taught both. By the way, what is k-pop?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i don't have a preference , both are pretty . do you have any hobbies ?", "do they the backstreet boys ? that's my favorite group .", "are your kids interested in music ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I actually just discovered Imagine Dragons. I love them!", "Hahaha that just goes to show ya, age is just a umber!'", "That would be hard! Do you now Spanish well?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "NSYNC Also had Lance Bass and Joey Fatone, sometimes called the Fat One.", "Yes, there are a few K-Pop songs that I have heard good big in the USA. It is the most popular in South Korea and has Western elements of pop.", "English, beleive it or not." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "i want people to notice me.", "i often play the clown to get attention." ]
[ "doing well . i have a day off from working at the museum", "that sounds good ! i am currently working towards a loan , i will get what i want ." ]
[ "What do you want", "Dang. I'm the complete opposite", "i just want to die happy", "I think so", "I guess so. I like being free in my daily life", "thats fun. I like making people laugh" ]
[ "A new Porsche. I like having expensive things so people notice me haha.", "Well I hope one day you get what you want :)", "dont we all :)", "Just gotta live to the fullest before we get to that point. ", "Me too, I like being a clown and get other peoples' attention. ", "Yea it makes me feel relevant. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have no idea yet what i want .", "nice lol . i like being noticed by people so i act like a clown .", "i wish you luck ! all i want is a porsche .", "me too because i want a porsche one day", "all creatures should be free .", "nice lol . i like being noticed by people so i act like a clown ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I might be asking for a loan. Not sure yet.", "Well I hope one day you get what you want :)", "dont we all :)", ":)))", "Yea, you can do whatever you want.", "I do. A child's laugh takes away all of life's stress." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It's hard to say since my day is filled with my classes on English land laws since I'm a realtor in Wales.", "I am seeing more and more Porsche vehicles on the road. I think I want one!", "That hope and optimism will take you far in life.", "oh.same to you.", "oh.same to you.", "Clowns are fun people, they are all comics and sometimes perform in a mime style too." ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "" ]
[ "my mom is a painter.", "my best friend just moved away." ]
Shaun White
[ "I dont know much about either of those sports.", "Snowboarding has grown so much in popularity that it is recognized in the Olympics." ]
[ "who is your favorite snowboarder?", "I like him too but I have never seen him in completition just reality shows that he has appeared on. Is he really good?", "i would imagine that you have to be pretty talented to be able to be a fringe athlete and become a household name.", "does he have other siblings who are also professional ?", "that is always a good idea to keep family out of the limelight if they arent into that type of thing", "i think i'll stick to my horses instead of hitting the slopes." ]
[ "shawn white what about you?", "he is pretty good! and definitely cool to watch", "yea, it talent quite run in the family tho", "i don't think so as he kept that part secluded", "yup 100%", "i also like horse riding but have got no horse" ]
{ "convai2": [ "personally winter is my favorite but that may just be my competitive snowboarding nature .", "he is pretty great . do you watch television much ?", "reality tv is sometimes more infamous than famous", "basketball and cross country right now but they are always doing some kind of sport", "reality tv is sometimes more infamous than famous", "true you need a saddle" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "The world is the biggest sports competition worldwide, right after the Olympics.", "He definitely is cool to watch.", "I suppose so, it will be great to see it pay off though", "I have a brother and a two neices.", "Yup agreed 100%", "i would love to be able to have horses" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I would suggest Shawn White, another random fact is that snowboarding became an olympic sport in 1998", "He is pretty good! He was born back in March of 1976.", "Yes as long as you start young and stay consistent.", "I think he had three siblings, maybe more but I know of Takerra Allen, Mopreme Shakur and Sekyiwa Shakur", "And I would be glad knowing they would have planned activities", "Since you dont ride horses, What kind of sports do you like to play?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am very short.", "i am a female." ]
[ "List the types of activsm", "Activism can range to passive to active. Back in our day we had sit ins, boycotts of merchandise or rallies for/against political candidates" ]
[ "I read about the sit ins in school. I think boycotts are very important now.", "Now that we have the internet and social media, we can spread the word much faster.", "Very true. I'd love to get involved in local politics are try to make changes personally. ", "The big issue is gerrymandering and getting big money out of politics. If our votes mean nothing, we can't affect change.", "Yes. At my work with a friend. You?", "President wasn't up for the last election. I voted for the house and senate with my conscience. " ]
[ "Yes. Many people focusing action by word of mouth at the local, regional and national levels.", "agreed. the power of the internet is so strong. more people should get involved to make a change.", "giant changeyes big changes won't really work without a strong foundation. Do you have any ideas?", "Did you vote in the last election?", "I did. I voted for Donald Trump. Who did you vote for?", "Oh okay, and who was that? Trump or Hillary?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "but i really love doing activism .", "i agree . another thing we can do to fix the world we live in .", "giant changes won't work without a strong foundation and evidence for initial success", "for sure also democrats have limited rights to do what they want .", "well , i didn't get elected . it was a fun race though .", "well , i didn't get elected . it was a fun race though ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I had never been to a protest but it was really empowering. My neighbors dog wasnt the only one", "I agree. More people should get involved to make a change.", "I agree. More people should get involved to make a change.", "I agree. More people should get involved to make a change.", "I agree. More people should get involved to make a change.", "Oh. Who did you vote for?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes. Many people focusing action by word of mouth at the local, regional and national levels.", "There are a lot of people currently expressing new forms of activism, social media is playing a huge part these days.", "Yes, it's a great way to start what's referred to as 'grassroots' campaigns.", "Did you vote in the last election with Donald Trump and Hillary the Senator from New York.", "Did you vote in the last election with Donald Trump and Hillary the Senator from New York.", "Did you vote in the last election with Donald Trump and Hillary the Senator from New York." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "convai2", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am going bald.", "i ran into jimmy fallon just the other day." ]
[ "I was watching the news on social media and there was a terrible story on animal abuse. The kind of people that do this just make me sick", "i really do hate that stuff" ]
[ "So do I, I read a lot of stories about stuff like that and they make me so mad.", "Why do you think reading made you bald?", "Oh i see. You must not like reading as much as I do. I read every day.", "Oh that's cool! My parents, who have been married for 40 years, watch Jimmy Fallon every night.", "Yeah I really enjoying watching him. Has he written any books that you know of?", "I got it. Any other late night hosts you enjoy?" ]
[ "I don't read more as more reading made me almost bald now", "Because I continuously keep on scratching my head during reading.", "The other day I went to a book store and ran into Jimmy Fallon", "He's funny guy no doubt", "Not really, I do see his shows only though", "Stephan colbert is also another one I like" ]
{ "convai2": [ "it is sad . i hope that those things stop happening to people .", "it was long ago but i am still so angry about it", "i do not have much patience anymore for reading .", "he is pretty annoying , i would rather that too", "no sorry i've not", "yeah , but i do not watch them i hate the idea of acting" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I agree, people who do animal cruelty should be in jail.", "To clear your conscious", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "hahaha I bet they do!", "The Berenstein bears one i think is crazy", "I have a few times, my mom is really into cooking shows, so I watched them a lot growing up, and still catch a few now and then." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "People can be so cruel. I will never understand how they can treat animals poorly. The prevention of cruelty to animals group is called the SPCA. Have you ever heard of it?", "The fact that I cant grow it. Apparently only a few species like humans, horses, and orangutans have long hair", "Thats good cause some people are bald and wish they had hair.", "Yeah Jimmy Fallon is a great comedian, and a surprisingly good actor too!", "Not really, but he was born in October of 1986.", "You mean James Thomas Fallon? I find him pampas." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work in advertising.", "i like to hike." ]
[ "I woke up to a strange noise in my house last night. I thought it was burglars", "Oh, so scary, what was it?" ]
[ "Sometime it is scary as I love forest and live near one in rural area.", "Yeah living in such places make you lazy and more food eater", "I'm a consultant and work mostly remotely with companies, how about u", "Man you guys make food ads so interesting to make people think about food all the time.", "Well living in forest and work remote and thinking about food is not making me healthy anymore", "I do really need some change I imagine" ]
[ "oh i know what you're saying i like to hike, sometimes i camp and the noise are very scary ", "i don't think so, but tell me wha do you do for living ? ", "i work in advertising ", "yeah, that's right but we use a lot of tricks to make food looks tasty", "You know lifestyle changes can help", "ya , you have to change if you want to do certain things" ]
{ "convai2": [ "forest ? i don't follow on that one . . .", "yeah you are right , i recommend hiking when you get done work haha", "i work from home , and i walk in the forest a lot", "yes especially in this industry", "oh , it is normal but maintain a healthy lifestyle and you re be fine", "ya , sometimes the lifestyle has to change if you want to do certain things" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I totally understand, it can be scary if you don't like all the unknown noises.", "Yea, then you hae to do it all yourself", "I work in IT, what about you?", "The buy yourself the food", "nothing wrong with being healthy", "We have only one option when it comes to change, embrace it!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Really? I also live in a rural area but it is very close to the suburbs so it doens't feel rural to me, lol.", "yea finding a good balance between work and living a healthy life, too much of either is unhealthy", "I'm actually looking for a job right now because my company didn't do very well and downsized. I'm seriously considering doing something else.", "yes i am interested in food industry, I would love to own a restaurant", "You know lifestyle changes can help", "Just avoid eating disorder,." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2" ]
[ "my favorite color is red.", "i live with my parents." ]
[ "Sure! I'm no longer a kid! Now an adult with better preference, hope you understand? Well who invented the character?", "The inventors are Steve Ditko and Stan Lee and Spiderman was first debuted in 1962. " ]
[ "Well people love to pretend to be super heros by watching such movies", "Mostly I like Batman and I remember when my parents use to take and my brother to see these movies when I was little", "And because he's more human than other Super heros", "That is nice how old are you parents?", "Lucky you living with them", "good for you, enjoy spending the time with them as much as you can" ]
[ "What is your favorite super hero movie?", "I like Iron Man because he is red", "Batman does not have parents anymore, I am lucky to have parents and live with them", "My parents are about 40 years old, I love them!", "I love when my parents take me to see Marvel films", "Thank you! What do you like to do in your spare time?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "it is still fun to pretend", "haha . . . when i was young superhero movies were my guilty pleasure", "oh iron man is way cooler", "age is all in the mind , i can tell you i am an adult !", "i agree , but not always having to live with them is good ,", "do you know who steve mcqueen is ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What is your favorite super hero movie?", "I really like Batman too, Christian Bale is my favorite Batman.", "i cant argue with that lol", "4 and 5 and I have a teenager", "ME tii!", "I will thanks!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The inventors are Steve Ditko and Stan Lee and Spiderman was first debuted in 1962.", "Batman is pretty darn sweet. The Dark Knight made me love him even more.", "In \"Black Panther\", T'Challa returns home as king of Wakanda but finds his sovereignty challenged by a long-time adversary", "Close to 30! I just always have to put in a ton of work when mother's day comes around haha", "Yes, i just hope im a good parent to my son!", "I love watching the Avengers originally published by marvel comics" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm from texas.", "my mother is a retired teacher." ]
[ "do you have any other hobbies besides baking ?", "well , back when i lived in texas i use to enjoy horse back riding ." ]
[ "that's great I usually spend my time skating or skiing during here in colorado", "Me too, especially during the winter months. It's just so beautiful.", "Oh yea, is that a good time to go camping?", "I've been camping out there a few times myself but I'm usually to scared of running into a wild animal to go anymore." ]
[ "I love Colorado.", "I avoid the winter months. I like to go up to southern Colorado in the summer.", "Yes, that's what I do, avoid the heat and hit the high mountains.", "Oh, the only wild animals that have bothered me have been racoons and skunks." ]
{ "convai2": [ "what do you like to do besides baking ?", "it is . do you like the mountains too ?", "the mountains before it gets cold . we go camping every month .", "oh , its perfectly safe . and its so good for them to be out in the open ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love Colorado.", "It is - especially in the sunshine", "yes. I love the outdoors.", "Huh, well I will definitely have to try that some time. I've always wanted to ride a mule!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "How cool. I also like cross country running since I can do it again. Even race walking. Do you ever ice skate at rinks?", "It really is! The Rocky Mountains that run through the state are just gorgeous!", "Yup since its part of the Appalachian Mountains, there is great opportunity to take nice pictures and relax.", "Yes you can encounter beras or mountain lions if you are out of luck. Even though It is a popular activity here as it is worldwide." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a vegan.", "i like to read." ]
[ "I understand but I really like to eat meat. Do you?", "yes! everyday i need meat. there are some that refrain from consuming animal products, not only meat but also eggs, diary products and other animal derived substances" ]
[ "I think those who refrain from that are vegans, not vegetarians.", "I'm sorry you struggle. Why not just be you and not label yourself?", "I hear you, but I say love what you love eating. My favorite food is pasta btw.", "I love the multicolored ones! Makes me feel like a child again!", "I love chicken alfredo too! Do you have a favorite dessert?!", "Weirdly, I like cheesecake but not the bottom bit. I give that bit to my husband!" ]
[ "yes that is right. i struggle with my identity in more ways than one and being a vegan and a meateater is one ", "thats true but it can be hard when you got a family full of vegans but love brisket and chicken tenders at the same time", "pasta is always good, what type is your favorite?", "i love spagetti as well or even chicken alfredo", "strawberry cheese cake is my fav. how about you?", "thats where all the good stuff settles!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well technically you cannot be a vegan if you eat eggs . you can be a vegetarian", "really i love it , but can't eat it . i can't have any diary", "really i love it , but can't eat it . i can't have any diary", "really i love it , but can't eat it . i can't have any diary", "i like all desserts . do you have a favorite dessert ?", "really i love it , but can't eat it . i can't have any diary" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Organic helps me a lot as well but unfortunately most things that are gluten free are NOT organic and I am so sensitive to pesticides- Trying to find my way around that, I am also on Keto (low carb-...So my diet is hard some days !lol", "If I could I wouldnt be having this conversation", "Steak and potatoes aremy favorite. But I make the best spaghetti. Never even had a lesson", "I love spaghetti myself! I'm not a good cook at all though. I'm always eating out.", "Olives! And all the vegetables.", "I love cheesecake" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes! That is correct! In select religions veganism and vegetarianism is advocated by many influential scriptures and religious authorities", "Respect that is everything! with my vegan diet i reduced some risk of some types of chronic diseases including heart disease its like we are meant to be vegans", "Pasta is amazing, with the first reference dating to 1154 in Sicily.", "Pasta is amazing, with the first reference dating to 1154 in Sicily.", "it offers an abundance of tastes but chicken alfredo is one of my favorites", "I have never heard of unbaked cheesecake. Do you have to bake it or is it not baked at all?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love eating barbeque sandwiches and pizza puffs.", "my favorite show is tom and jerry." ]
[ "My best friend moved to Washington this weekend.", "Oh I'm sorry to hear that, is that far from where you live now?" ]
[ "I live in Texas.", "Yes I agree. The best part however is that I live in an area where I can ride my bicycle to work.", "It's pretty good, but I don't have to spend money on gas. My daily driver is a bicycle that I pedal with my hands.", "I used to ride a subway. It was too noisy for me so I would always listen to music (u2, my favorite band).", "I'm torn and can't just pick one favorite song. What is your favorite band or song?", "Well, what else are you interested in?" ]
[ "I love Texas the food there is really good don't you think? ", "yea! and a good deal on the gas right ? ", "yea! that's cool, i live in new york, the best here is go to work on the subway ", "i do not really listen to music , what is your favorite song by u2 ?", "i don't like any, elevation is the more famous ", "i like watching old cartoons like tom and jerry or animaniacs " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i live in texas and i love it", "that is nice too , no long commute . any dinner plans ?", "wow ! ! i do not have a car and ride my bike everywhere , but i do have a tv", "i do not really listen to music , what is your favorite song by u2 ?", "hmm , that's a tough one . i like all . how about yours ?", "you know just living the life in texas" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love Texas.", "I love Texas.", "haha that's cool...always good to have the best of both worlds", "I love the Strokes! Julian is my favorite singer!", "coldplay", "coldplay" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh nice! Have you ever been to Texas' capital, Austin?", "Oh nice! Have you ever been to Texas' capital, Austin?", "Do you have one with an engine or bicycle pedals?", "I love the band U2 - they are an amazing Irish band from Dublin. They formed in 1976!", "It's hard to choose. I think the whole Black album is great.", "Have you heard the album Definitely Maybe by Oasis?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "i work at walmart as a stocker.", "my father is a mechanic." ]
[ "actually never heard of them . i am more into movies . star wars is my favorite .", "my father loves star wars . when he's not working as a mechanic , he watches those" ]
[ "i do not like star wars, was just hating on it last night to a friend about disney now owning them", "anyways, how is that turking life working for you?", "i hear you, i rather be doing this though just because if the perks of not having to conform", "i got fired from my last job for saying \"good luck getting through the VA system\"", "Well, kinda but not really, outsourced to them, me being a disabled vet, the irony", "thank you its getting better though, my life post army has been a real circus,. just enjoying life now" ]
[ "They have sold out, for sure. I work at Walmart and can't believe all the Star Wars merchandise now.", "It's OK. I'd be better paid if I worked as a mechanic like my dad though, LOL.", "Well, that's for sure. No need to dress to impress! ", "Oops! Were you a VA employee at the time?", "Oh, geez. I'm so sorry. Thank you for your service though. I hope you are doing OK.", "That is good. I wish i could say that about myself. I'm feeling stuck in life." ]
{ "convai2": [ "disney also owns espn or something now right ?", "dad keeps trying to get me to work at his mechanic shop instead .", "yeah ? i guess i've not seen enough . but people do like the ethos .", "ouch ! i hope you got compensation for that .", "ouch ! i hope you got compensation for that .", "that is good . i wish i could say that about myself . . . i feel stuck in life ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Im not a fan either lol", "Pretty crappy at the moment.", "Yea, you can do whatever you want.", "Wow. The MVA is just so frustrating to deal with sometimes.", "Ah-ah, than it makes a lot of sense.", "Are you enrolling into army?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I understand that, they have produced many movies over the years that have been highly regarded and an entire generation of children have grown up watching them.", "It's pretty fun. The pay isn't great, but it keeps me busy. Decent work for now.", "You don't get paid for stuff like personal housework or caring for children or pets!", "Did you quit the job or him? lol", "Man that's pretty bad. It does generate a lot of jobs though, 330,000 U.S jobs actually. Ever thought about working on one?", "That's too bad. Have you made other friends with your fellow soldiers?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "my favorite singer is justin bieber.", "i am allergic to lactose." ]
[ "maybe you have a plain face ?", "just terrible at normal reactions to things , wo not matter in 6 months ." ]
[ "why won't it matter then?", "oh, that sounds highly unpleasant! is there any medication you can take for that or you just have to avoid it completely?", "i love music. my favorite genres are hip hop, jazz, and classic rock. how about you?", "my cousin is obsessed with him but i personally haven't listened to much of his stuff yet", "i like wu-tang clan, action bronson, led zeppelin, jimi hendrix, and a bunch more", "the first two make silly videos" ]
[ "Well I'm allergic to Lactose and if I mistakenly take it my face can show that upfront", "Yeah I try my best, So do you like music?", "I like Justin Bieber as his songs are different", "Who do you like in music?", "Thats nice what kind of videos they make usually", "but silly videos are fun as well" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well , people don't know how to react , so i tell them whats up", "i meant the doctor said that i only have six months left", "no favorites here , i only listen to music when trying to relax", "he's pretty good . what else do you like", "so i want to spend my rest of the life after 6 months", "they can be quite silly" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I just like the style, I want to show off with ever outfit.", "its none psycho active , it just contains all the healing properties , but thank you", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "I won't either haha just not my thing!", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "Its not silly at all actually" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I was thinking more along the lines of getting really good at a video game like Dragon Quest IV, and that affecting your attitude overall", "No, the only cure is to avoid the foods that make you upset", "Classic rock is a radio format which developed from the album-oriented rock and i love it too.", "He was discovered through his youTube videos and his first song is actually nice. It's titled \"my world\"", "Jim Hendrix was an amazing rock guitarist! Sadly, he passed away in 1970", "Do they make videos on primates?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to run.", "i've 3 children." ]
[ "Yes, I agree there are almost no barriers to entry for it and that's convenient have you ever experienced a runner's high?", "No, I mostly go jogging. What is a runners high?" ]
[ "Its when you achieve this state of blissful flow after pushing your body to its limit on a run. ", "Yes its difficult to achieve. very few people are able to do so.", "Maybe, I can't say for sure. I have experienced something like it before but not often enough.", "Only when I get free time from my editing job haha.", "Could be a physiological or biological phenomenon. we still have much to learn about it. ", "One, I am moving out soon to have more space for my wife and him. " ]
[ "i don't think i have reached such a state before", "are you part of the few?", "do you run frequently?", "what are the reason behind it?", "so how many kids?", "hope it wouldn't be far from them?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "it is when you eat a lot and get sleepy .", "it is when you eat a lot and get sleepy .", "yes , but you can not feel it after you have been running for a while .", "you should run a marathon , it gives you natural highs .", "yes , but you can not feel it after you have been running for a while .", "good for you , i have already settled down" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It's basically when eclampsia has progressed to the point that your blood won't clot and your organs start shutting down.", "Yes, but not impossible.", "I see, that's too bad but maybe there will be more marathons you can participate in in the future.", "Ha, same. Are you at work right now?", "Maybe. I think some people are just born with it.", "That is awesome. Having more space is always a plus." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like jogging more than running myself. So I guess I'll never get a runners high while I'm trotting along.", "Yeah it is amazing what happens to the body when you run, activity of enzymes and hormones that stimulate the muscles and the heart to work more efficiently.", "Do you think that's because your heart rate is quicker during a short run?", "Is there any sports that you do regularly?", "I don't think there is one cause.", "Sounds like your dad needs to get his priorities in order." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i volunteer at animal shelters.", "i have blonde hair that reaches my knees." ]
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
[ "Yea, I've heard of them. Ever donated?", "No but I wouldn't mind because I dislike how some people are so cruel to animals in the United States have you ever donated? " ]
[ "I haven't either, but would be totally open to donating. ", "I do to. If you can help, you should, that's what I think. What kind of music do you like?", "I like pretty much everything, except for country.", "That's really nice of you to volunteer! ", "That's so funny that you would say that, I have long blonde hair too, down to my knees!!", "I couldn't agree more! But I can't ever imagine cutting it." ]
[ "I try to donate things whenever I can. I wish more people did.", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "When I volunteer at the animal shelter cleaning cages and whatnot, i love to listening to rock. It gets me amped up.", "I really enjoy it. The only problem is that I have to keep my very long blonde hair out of the dog poop!", "Really? Mine also reaches my knees! It's a curse and a blessing.", "do you at least get it trimmed ?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "sure", "i love animals just as much as music . i'dn't be able to pick one .", "i love animals just as much as music . i'dn't be able to pick one .", "thanks . must be rewarding helping animals .", "haha , i am normal looking aside from long blonde hair all the way to my knees .", "do you at least get it trimmed ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I try to donate things whenever I can. I wish more people did.", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "If I had a chance to rescue an animal, I would totally do it.", "You know what, i have always secretly wanted to date red hair as a partner and I hope I will one day", "Your hair must grow really quick!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "No but I wouldn't mind because I dislike how some people are so cruel to animals in the United States have you ever donated?", "I really like most types of music. The Cure band from the 1980's with lead singer Robert Smith is my all time favorite. Who is your favorite?", "country is ok the older stuff is better ciuntry music started way back in the 1920's", "Yes it does feel good to help an animal.I just wish more people would get their pets fixed so we wouldnt have such and overpopulation problem,", "What color of blonde do you have?", "No one wants to go through that!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i also love orange juice.", "i am 10 years old." ]
[ "Oh I never knew parasitic plants could not make their own chlorophyll", "Green plant get most of their energy from the sun. I find it amazing." ]
[ "Nature is magical the way she works. I think we're a bit like plants too.", "Because we need water, air and the sun like plants do.", "Plants are my thing. Love them. Do you have any plants?", "An orange plant sounds beautiful! Orange juice is cool too. Do you like it smooth or with bits?", "Agreed! I prefer it with bits too! Do you have any pets?", "Oh wow! I love turtles! I'm scared of dogs though (childhood fear). I have a lizard." ]
[ "yes is amazing! i don't understand why you said we are like plants?", "ohhhh okay that makes more sense i'm only ten, is difficult to undestand for me but you're right ", "i have an orange plant, i love orange juice in the morning ", "with bids! i like the texture", "i have two dogs and a turtle, what about you? ", "Very cool lizards, I like their beards." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yep nature is pretty awesome . the complexity of everything can humble a person .", "ohhhh okay that makes more sense", "yes , i love plants . do you enjoy planting flowers or vegetables ?", "soft are the best . . . it contains the topping better lol", "nope no pets , do you ?", "oh yea those poor creatures , i have a couple turtles" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Indeed. Nature is very interesting and complex to interpret. Survival is the only mechanism that drive us to have certain physical features", "Indeed. Nature is very interesting and complex to interpret. Survival is the only mechanism that drive us to have certain physical features", "I have none. But all of my neighbors do and they like to be noisey in the summer lol", "Not from that bottle at least.", "I do not just a cat", "Very cool lizards, I like their beards." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, it is wonderful how we benefit from plant and them from us in a symbiotic relationship.", "That is so true! It also gives us almost all of the fresh water on Earth!", "I like green plants.", "nah i just like it in the form of a liquid or paste", "I have no pets currently no.", "I am scared of lizards I call them back yard burgers lol like the American restaurant." ] }
[ "", "convai2", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i love computers.", "i started working at google last week on self driving car research." ]
[ "are you married ? i have been for 6 years now . . . . . i would try one", "i programmed the one i take to and from work . i am engaged ." ]
[ "Wow, for how long?", "Congratulations! How'd you do it?", "That's so sweet; much more technologically advanced than we used to do it, haha", "I do, although I have to admit I don't know nearly as much about them as you do.", "I've dabbled. Used an app learn. I just don't think my brain works like that, unfortunately ", "I'm sure they world. They'd probably be safer. What programming languages do you know?" ]
[ "It's been 7 months since I proposed.", "I put the ring on the seat of one of the self driving cars I work on and drove it to her.", "Yeah I'm really into computers and so I thought it would be cool to use technology when I asked. Do you like computers?", "have you ever programmed before? I work for google on many different projects like self driving cars most recently.", "Do you think self-driving cars would help you out in your life?", "Java, Python, C to name a few. What kind of work do you do?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "it has been 5 years now .", "it just did not work out . oh well .", "yes it is , it took a lot of work . so what else do you like ?", "have you ever programmed before ?", "understandably , probably mostly brain power is needed .", "i don't program much , but i know a couple ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "2 years. We worked on it.", "I put the ring in a casserole. I'm so happy she said yes!", "It's definitely different than what I was used to. It's crazy how fast technology upgrades. Sometimes I feel like a caveman.", "I consider myself somewhat knowledgable about them too, it's very fulfilling being able to help other people with their problems sometimes.", "Do you think self-driving cars would help?", "Do you think self-driving cars would help?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "We have been dating for a few years now. In some parts of the world marriages are forced.", "It took me several months. I didn't really work on it too frequently rather in short bursts. But it was really rewarding to see the final picture at the end.", "Yup their advanced control systems are unlike anything that has ever been made by mankind!", "Not much but many computer techs today have little formal training.", "I understand. People tend to always be weary of new tech. But autonomous cars are quickly becoming more of a thing. It seems like every car company is working on a self driving car now.", "Pretty much only Java. Have you tried Sencha Touch?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "my favorite food is spaghetti and meatballs.", "i can be quite forgetful." ]
[ "Hi! That is unfortunate. What do you do to try and combat the problem?", "Somestimes I'll spontaneously recover a memory. That experience was name after Ivan Pavlov. From the pavlovian experiments you see with dogs." ]
[ "Pavlov was fascinating. classical conditioning sticks even when you don't remember it happening.", "I have ADHD, so my memory is either spectacular or terrible depending on the moment. ", "Spicy! I love something with heat. You?", "I'm southern. Discovered a my inner foodie in college really. It was a bit of a surprise. ", "That's good too! a well done meatball is excellent. I hear the secret is to cook them in the sauce.", "I hear that. I need to try to cook them at some time. " ]
[ "Well but I forget things occasionally as well, like my mind is getting weak", "Well whatever so what you like in food?", "Same here it seems we could be from same origin, LOL", "I have adopted the taste and now love spaghetti and meatballs ", "Well whatever sauce it is as long as meatballs are there I'm good and happy", "What else you do for living?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yea sure does . but memories live as long as you do .", "do you ever feel like therapy doesn't do anything ?", "i think only my dogs like my cooking right now", "oh bummer , so unexpected then huh", "i think only my dogs like my cooking right now", "i think only my dogs like my cooking right now" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You know how they say sound and smell are the senses that are used to remember memories the most? That is so true.", "They call that Post traumatic Stress Disorder", "oh i got hot. mild is not worth buying. i cnt wait til they get here", "I consider myself a foodie now. Im skinny, but I love food", "Steak and potatoes aremy favorite. But I make the best spaghetti. Never even had a lesson", "You should - there are loads of recipes online and it tastes so much better than store bought" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "So do I. He was born in February 1936 in Russia. He was mostly recognized because of his classical conditioning work.", "ADHD is not fun either, I have that too, a lot of people see it as a mental disorder, but I do not", "Spicy food is my favorite! I love some chillies.", "Cool, so from the Scandinavian country in Europe?", "I've heard that the sauce for that dish originally rose in popularity in the 1960's.", "If you do, you should try to make your own sauce! It definitely adds to the pasta and adding in some extra meat along with the meatballs couldnt hurt." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to chat with my friends.", "i like to take drives in the country." ]
Blue Ridge Parkway
[ "That sounds nice! Where is that?", "The parkway is actually pretty long lol it runs through Virginia and North Carolina but they say it is so beautiful and a sight to see. " ]
[ "how did i miss that beautiful part of the city", "so you like traveling?", "any other hobbies?", "i don't go around that much because of work", "i'm a babysitter", "pretty natural" ]
[ "I like to drive around in the country to explore things.", "Yeah especially with a friend to chat on the long drives", "Well this is time consuming enough for me how about you?", "What kind of work you do that does not let you go", "that's nice so you get along with babies well I imagine", "Something does it bother you or you like to be around babies" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i've only been there once when i lived in virginia , i really liked it .", "yes . i like staying inside places i am familiar .", "driving through the country and just chatting it up with friends .", "oh that does sound boring . what do you do when you are off", "oh i bet that is a tough job sometimes", "yes i bet do you plan on having more kids or are you done ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I live in Texas so that it really close to me", "Yes . everyday . I just was traveling and staying with my sister in Italy .", "Passions", "heh well at least you can be here while working", "Oh I used to love babysitting... depending on the child haha. How do you feel about it?", "I'm glad you agre" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The parkway is actually pretty long lol it runs through Virginia and North Carolina but they say it is so beautiful and a sight to see.", "Yes, I like to travel to distant geographical locations by train.", "Yes a litlle and my ideal of fun is shopping at my favorite clothing retailer Guess.", "getting a good balance in work and life is hard", "That;s a big job, managing a home, caring for kids, cooking, cleaning", "I moved all the way to the other side of the country so it is good" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i think recycling is important.", "i'm a student." ]
[ "Yes it is. Most waste is not recycled and that's sad.", "It is a very great alternative to waste disposal. I do not understand why people do not do it." ]
[ "I don't know, maybe they find it inconvenient, but it's worth it. ", "That's awesome! I'm hoping the future generations will realize the importance. I also like to grow my own vegetables.", "I'm thinking about trying to grow strawberries in the spring. I could use them in pies.", "I love to bake pies, it's probably my number one hobby.", "Apple pie is my specialty, but I also like key lime. Do you bake?", "It's great with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream, especially when it's right out of the oven!" ]
[ "i'm studant and i've done several campaigns in school to promote recycling, it is very important", "it is a good thing to do . motivating as well .", "sounds very tasty, i love all the berries", "What sorts of pie did yo umake?", "I do often cook apple pies, a classic US comfort food", "Oh man, the ice cream sandwich with the two wafers. So delicious!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "very true . i feel very strongly about recycling .", "it is a good thing to do . motivating as well .", "yes that sounds like a great idea !", "me too , i really like baking pies and its perfect for that", "yes . and i always bake a pecan pie , which everyone loves !", "yes i love mint chocolate chip ice cream , one of my faves ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I wish there is a way we can make people care more about the environment", "Eating vegetables is disgusting to me so I just blend it all in a smoothie. You should try that", "Never had sunflower seeds. I love Pomegranate juice though. Sounds interesting. Do they taste anything like a watermelon, or more like a raspberry?", "What sorts of pie did yo umake?", "Actually - I love to bake. o if I could make big dough while making bread that would be perfect :-)", "Yea, that sounds good. You should buy some more!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It's a great alternative to the way we have thrown things away in the past and hopefully help save the environment.", "Do you practice sustainable living? What I mean by that is do you grow your own vegetables in an attempt to reduce your use of earth's natural resources?", "I wish I could make pies but some type of animals are often ahead of me in consuming my fruits and vegetables.", "That's cool! What kind of pie is your favorite to bake?", "I do often cook apple pies, a classic US comfort food", "Oh man, they ice cream sandwich with the two wafers. So delicious!" ] }
[ "", "convai2", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i love all sorts of fresh vegetables.", "my house is located in the countryside." ]
[ "I wanted to buy a new gaming system online for Black Friday last year but when I went to buy it I discovered it was all sold out!", "what were you going to get?" ]
[ "headphones", "headsets because they're louder", "my dad had a heartattack so i'm visiting ga from florida", "wow sounds beautiful", "oh wow my girlfriend loves to cook with fresh veggies", "i kind of like it. sometimes i would prefer fast food" ]
[ "do you prefer headsets or earbuds ?", "I gotcha. I bought mine online too. where do you live?", "oh im so sorry to hear that, i live in the countryside", "i is, at least i have a lot of fresh vegetables", "great, do you like her food? i hate how my wife cooks, but i don't have an alternative", "Yeah, I like a lot of fast food, because my work life is so busy. But I'm trying to eat healthier everyday." ]
{ "convai2": [ "do you prefer headsets or earbuds ?", "do you use the earbuds that come with it ?", "oh no ! i am so sorry . are you evacuating ?", "yes , and the changing trees are beautiful", "sound like a great companion , i spend most of my free time shopping online", "haha , that is helps with the fast food , do you have animals ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I gotcha. I bought mine online too.", "I gotcha. I bought mine online too.", "Wooo. I am in Florida. I feel you.", "i love my slow country life", "Eating vegetables is disgusting to me so I just blend it all in a smoothie. You should try that", "I'm glad she changed. At least now you guys can save money on food because it's cheaper to cook" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I prefer headphones because they let me listen to a single audio source without letting others hear", "I prefer headphones because they let me listen to a single audio source without letting others hear", "Oh poor baby. :( He must have a lot of reoccurring airflow obstructions and bronchospasms.", "I moved all the way to the other side of the country so it is good", "oh so you like veggie pizza? i really like it too", "Yeah, I like a lot of fast food, because my work life is so busy. But I'm trying to eat healthier everyday." ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i like basketball.", "i am a father." ]
Cleveland Cavaliers
[ "Cool, which NBA teams do you follow the closest?", "Well when I was new to basketball I was a Los Angeles Lakers fan because they are so popular but since the past couple of championship I'm beginning to like Curry so I would say the Golden State Warriors." ]
[ "That's really cool, have you been a fan of basketball for a long time?", "Oh how exciting! Do they enjoy it much? You guys must watch games together I'm guessing.", "Oh how fun. I don't, I'm a little too focused on my musical career right now to have any. ", "Oh yes, I love playing the violin. I've been working on it for a long time. Do you enjoy music?", "Wow that's fun, I would love to learn guitar. I have been playing violin since I was 10 years old, so more than a decade!", "I think I'm okay but I still need more years before I'm fantastic, haha. Have you played guitar for long?" ]
[ "Since as long as I can remember. I'm trying to get my sons into basketball.", "They're starting to enjoy it. Though they are a little young. Do you have any kids?", "That is nice. I'm guessing music a big part of your life?", "I do. I actually play guitar. How long have you been playing the violin?", "Wow, that is dedication! I'm sure you're fantastic at it.", "For like 5 years. I still consider myself a novice though. It's hard to practice these days." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah , ever since i was a kid . how about yourself ? what do you do ?", "yes ! it is hard because their dad is dead beat . what is you profession ?", "that nice . is music a big part of your life ?", "yes , i do . do you sing or play or just listen ?", "i guess i am just accustomed . i have been playing since i was little . anything is possible .", "my whole life really . i do not play as much as i used to though ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yep since i was 3! Was a nice time the streets of DC flooded with people celebrating a championship finally for the team.", "Not very often so they're gonna be really surprised.", "I sadly have no musical skill. Do you think you will ever become a musician?", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist.", "Wow! Maybe I should start taking some piano lessons and go to a recital of my own.", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I have since it launched in October of 1992, I don't think I'll seriously ever grow up lol", "I wish, but I could never get my outside game down that well. From behind the three point line I am dismal. But I do love to watch the games. I especially loved to watch Michael Jordan play years ago.", "Speaking of music. Ever hear about the show about the Beatles that ran on Saturday mornings in the 1960s?", "I do, but I think I might prefer show tunes. Probably because they were part of a story.", "When I was in band we learned to play the violin or some people know it as a fiddle. I can say I was horrible lol.", "Nah I've never played the guitar, but I want to learn to play an instrument at some point." ] }
[ "", "", "convai2", "", "", "" ]
[ "i just got a new sweater.", "i also eat too much french fries." ]
[ "maybe it is all the fries getting into your head", "yeah seems like my brain is fried" ]
[ "I read it about it.", "I am an art teacher. I see art all the time", "I love it .It is my passion.What do you do for a living??", "Just make sure you try and eat more healthier foods also", "Not as much as I would want it. My problems is that I eat to much Italian", "But it also has lot's of carbs" ]
[ "I've been reading about sweaters actually and just got a new one.", "That's really cool! How do you like being an art teacher?", "I work at a fast food place right now. Probably why I eat too many fries!", "I definitely try and eat healthy when I can. Are you a healthy eater?", "That doesn't sound like a problem, Italian food is delicious.", "That is true, but it's worth it as a treat once in a while." ]
{ "convai2": [ "same", "oh that's nice i teach art in a middle school .", "i teach at a school . art is my specialty .", "you are right ! thanks for the advice", "italian food is delicious ! do you have hobbies ?", "i know but cutting carbs out is ridiculous ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "maybe that's the reason", "i love art if thats what you mean , i started taking painting classes recently", "I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times, but it's rewarding to see your vision come together, especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done.", "Oh yea, I will! Haven't ate all day.", "Cool. I love italian. Real italian.", "Carbs are great when you haven't had them in a while. You deserved to splurge!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "yea haha thats quite common", "Very interesting! Art history is cool because it encompasses several ways of studying the visual arts.", "Ocassionally, I like to think about what it would be like to be an artist", "I think healthier food items is a great idea. I've been eating healthier lately. The term \"health food\" has been around since the 1920's.", "i see, have you tried much italian cuisine", "Yes! Italian is definitely one of the most popular type of foods in the world." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to pickle eggs.", "i like to come up with new hairstyles." ]
[ "Pickling seems like it isnt too expensive to get into either. What kinds of foods can I pickle?", "A variety of food items like meats, fruits, eggs, and vegetables can be pickled." ]
[ "You can pickle fruit???", "I don't think I'd like pickled fruit very much - YUCK! Do you have a favorite food?", "Well, I definitely have a least favorite food - sweet potatoes - I cannot eat them in any way.", "No, I just cannot stand the taste of them at all. Love pumpkin, regular potatoes, but not these.", "I love love love to lift weights! What about you?", "Oh I bet that is a lot of fun! Do you do it for a living?" ]
[ "I'm pretty sure you can, but I never have.", "Honestly, if I had to pick just one favorite food, I'd say pickled eggs. I love pickling them, so I always have a bunch to eat!", "Did you have a bad experience with them at some point?", "Oh, I see. What do you like to do for fun in your spare time?", "That sounds like fun! I like to mess around with hair, try to create some new, unusual styles.", "Maybe someday, but it's just a fun hobby for now." ]
{ "convai2": [ "that is a great question . i think you can .", "i love egg , and anything breakfast .", "what do you like to eat ? i just hate sweet potatoes !", "i don't like all the pumpkin spice stuff either .", "i love biking , hiking , camping , and hunting ! everything outdoors !", "i have certainly spent enough money to call myself that . its a hobby !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Its not too expensive, you should give it a try.", "Me neither. Yuck.", "That's unusual. Are you allergic to something they are fried in or just potatoes in general? I have digestive issues so I get tired too when I eat junk food", "Strange. Next time you have them try them cooked in goose liver fat and scotch. AMAZING!", "Nope just train on my own! How about you do you like working out", "I do! I start at 4AM. I'm a cobbler in a Nike sweatshop. I signed up because they have some really awesome health benefits once you reach the age of 90!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, and unlike the canning process, you dont have to completely sterilize foods before they're pickled.", "Pickling something usually affects the way the food tastes or feels.", "I like the sweet potato myself. I do like baked potatoes, too. Anyway, sometimes the leaves and shoots of sweet potatoes are eaten as greens. Have you ever eaten sweet potato?", "Have you ever tried sweet gherkins? They add sugar to the pickling brine and they are rally delicious. Even people that don't like pickles like sweet gherkins.", "I need to start again I've been slacking... It helps not only strength but size of muscles.", "No I don't. I am retired. I used to work in Journalism. I relax on the beach now." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i think dogs could learn to read if they were trained well.", "i've a few pet iguanas." ]
Punk rock
[ "Wow! That's a long time ago. Have you listened to the Decendents? ", "I haven't, but I really enjoy the Ramones and the Clash. What other bands do you like?" ]
[ "I'm a pretty big fan of Black Flag and Misfits too. What about you, what other bands do you like?", "That's cool, have you ever had the opportunity to see any of your favorite artists play live?", "Oh that must have been pretty fun! I've been lucky enough to have seen Black Flag quite a while ago, it was great. Do you play any instruments yourself?", "Wow, you're quite multi-talented there. How come you no longer play them anymore?", "Aw I'm sorry to hear that, I hope one day you're able to pick them up again in some way. So what do you do for work?", "That's a good attitude to have. That sounds like an interesting job, do you enjoy it? I work nights outside a punk rock club, I watch the door for them." ]
[ "I haven't but I will check them out. Queen is one of my absolute favorites. I like the Decemberists too. ", "I've seen the Decemberists in concert. And Bon Jovi once. How about you?", "I used to play the trumpet, the baritone and the piano. I miss Piano. ", "I no longer have a piano and I live in an apartment. No way to practice the trumpet without disturbing the neighbors.", "It's okay, someday I'll have a house and can get a piano I'm a lab tech at a cancer institute. You?", "It's very interesting. Very busy. I bet you see some interesting people. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i haven't but i'll have to check them out . do you have any pets ?", "a few , but i've not gone to see them", "no i don t have much musical talent unfortunately . do you have a job ?", "i was only ten when the accident happened . i love jazz now .", "i am actually still in high school , so i don't work , but i am very devoted to the band .", "it is boring to be honest . would rather play on stage for a metal band . haha" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I actually just discovered Imagine Dragons. I love them!", "nah but i am seeing my favorite next month!", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist.", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist.", "I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times, but it's rewarding to see your vision come together, especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done.", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I really like the Ramones, the Clash and the Saints in Brisbane!", "No I have not. I can't afford to go to many concerts, but I did volunteer at some local festivals recently!", "I can't play but I love to listen. My favorite guitarist is Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana. I really like most grunge music.", "I guess a bad relationship and my dog passing away I've just needed some time to myself.", "I listen to music most of the time. Gerry Rafferty (he was in the folk-pop group The Humblebums in 1969) is one of my favorites.", "I do. Bands like AM got to enjoy more commercial success due to changes in the music industry in the 2000s." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to read harry potter books.", "i take martial arts after school." ]
[ "I wish my mom had made a scrapbook of my childhood", "that would have been great huh, its so nce looking back sometimes." ]
[ "Scrapbooking can be so time consuming though. It is a lot of work.", "I'm sure she would have appreciated that option! I'm not really into scrapbooking, but I do sew clothes for myself and other people.", "What is your favorite book in that series? I've heard of those books but I've never read them.", "I love Universal! I'm a big fan of theme park rides.", "I really like the Hippogriff ride.", "It is actually in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter." ]
[ "Yes, it is. Would have been a lot easier if I could have done it online.", "I'd rather read a Harry Potter book than scrapbook or sew!", "They are great and you should give them a read! I even went to the Harry Potter exhibit at Universal!", "Which theme park ride is your favorite?", "i don't know any thing about that one ! Where is it at?", "I must have missed that one somehow. I will look out for that one next time!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yep", "that is truly a gift of frugality . i wish i could sew .", "goblet of fire is my favorite one , how about you ?", "org i love disney !", "i don't know any thing about that one !", "oh , too funny . i am too old to know much about harry potter ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes, it is. Would have been a lot easier if I could have done it online.", "Yeah, they aren't too hard to put together. They're really fun too!", "I read \"The Cat and the Hat\"! It is a very intellectual and soothing book.", "I like the little roller coasters myself.", "Ha! I hear you on that. I also loved the Matterhorn! And the Haunted House. We used to spend summers in Tucson with my grandparents, and they would drive us to Disneyland every year ;-)", "Cool I like Harry Potter. You have a really nice aunt!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes it can take a long time because you have to design it, piece it, and then bind it too.", "I like to sew all sorts of things like pillows and blankets with stitches and a needle and thread.", "I like Harry Potter, though they caused a bit of a religious debate because of their supposed occult or satanic subtexts", "Which theme park was it?", "Like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh?", "I think you're talking about Akihabara, which is one of Tokyos 23 special wards if I'm not mistaken (I might be though)." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "convai2", "" ]
[ "i am not a big fan of waiting in line.", "i still have a photo from my senior prom in my wallet." ]
[ "haha you love justin bieber huh ? i am in the states . canada would be cool", "who does not ? so , do you have a spouse ? kids ?" ]
[ "i have a husband and two kids,what about you ? ", "haha i feel you! i used to think like that, now i hate tht i can't go shopping as long as i wanted to, but i don't have complains", "and what do you do for living ? ", "freelance work is great you don't have to see people in person every day,i hate when people get too close at wok", "i work in a bank ", "haha thanks, you sounds very young, how old are you ? " ]
[ "I have a dog but I don't have kids yet, I'm not ready for the full responsibility lol.", "I can imagine that, I don't do too much shopping myself but I do have some hobbies I'm sure I'd miss doing alone, if I had kids.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "Yep that's exactly why I prefer to live this way. What do you do for work?", "My mom worked at a bank, and it's not as easy as you'd think it'd be, that's for sure. Congratulations again!", "I'm in my early twenties actually. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "5", "oh you have the bieber fever do you ?", "i am daydreaming . want to quit job and become a bieber roadie .", "true . people get all worked up and honestly i could care less .", "i see ! must make a lot of money for yourself !", "age is all in the mind , i can tell you i am an adult !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No i do not. But i wish someday after getting married i will have my own. Do you like kids?", "When did you start shopping?", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "Yeah - what kind of work do you do?", "My mom worked at a bank, and it's not as easy as you'd think it'd be, that's for sure. Congratulations again!", "26!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I have a dog but I don't have kids yet, I'm not ready for the full responsibility lol.", "Agreed, shopping addiction seems like more of a woman thing.", "I'm a realtor. I haven't quite reached the point where I can stop employment completely. I wish! lol", "Yes, it sounds boring to me too! my sister is actually an accountant, so i feel the same. I'd rather be some kind of writer, like Matt Groening from The Simpsons", "So you were the frontline of a bank who dealt directly with customers?", "Close to 30! I just always have to put in a ton of work when mother's day comes around haha" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i work in a bank.", "i try to do my job as best as i can." ]
[ "whats an aquarium used for?", "People like to keep fish, invertebrates, amphibians, aquatic reptiles, and aquatic plants in them." ]
[ "Sounds interesting. Do you have one at your house?", "That was nice. I should look into getting one for my wife", "My wife and I like to go out to dinner. What about you?", "Yeah, we can't do a lot because of my wife being deaf. Makes it difficult", "It can be sometimes. But she's wonderful and I wouldn't change a thing" ]
[ "i have a little one, is very nice! a client in the bank give me one as a gift ", "she will love it! also is a very good hobby, do you have any hobbies? ", "we like to stay at home, watch something in netflix and just enjo the time you know ? ", "I can imagine it can be stressful!", "that's beautiful, and do you have any pets? " ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh yes , the aquarium is one of our favorites", "what kind are you thinking ?", "oh yes , the aquarium is one of our favorites", "i stuggle with that myself deaf on one side .", "that's true ! i can always advise you !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "i do, and it is very nice!", "You definitely should, they are a great system to own, I LOVE mine", "We like to sit and talk about everything", "I can imagine it can be stressful!", "Oh yeah it's great for her to have a change to see what the kids are up to. But video calling can be really glitchy and awkward too haha." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "A few. I also have an aquarium with turtles, aquatic plants, and reptiles. But the beta fish are my favorite.", "Most times they are hobbyist and the categorized the aquarium to be fish only (FO), fish only with live rock (FOWLR), and reef aquaria.", "I blog about salt water aquarium as everyone seems to love a marine aquarium that keeps marine plants and animals in a contained environment.", "I also have a bit of color vision deficiency, its not total for me, is it hard for her? Can she drive?", "The aquarium was developed in 1850 by robert warrington." ] }
[ "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i have 2 beagles named chance and boomer.", "i'm a pilot." ]
[ "I was in Kiev last year walking back to my hostel. Two drunk men started following me.", "That sounds very scary, what happened? " ]
[ "well im a pretty good runner so i started to run towards the hostel", "well by the time i made it to the hostel the men were far behind", "yes, i was very fortunate, how about you, any scary episodes in your life?", "oh wow, how long were you in the cave for?", "thats good, i have a dog aswell, a boxer", "your lucky, mine doesnt listen well enough to take him on the road haha" ]
[ "I think you should have talked to the hostel management to help you out on this as well", "oh, thank god you were able to escape! you have to thank god for doing great things like this", "Yes, once when I was trapped in a cave. I was hiking in Yosemite and lost my tour guide", "i was only trapped for a few hours, thankfully my 2 dogs were with me so I didn't feel alone", "I read that boxers came from bulldogs! i have 2 beagles. they love travelling with me", "that's ok, im sure your dog still makes a great companion" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well i'm a runner usually after a run i feel much better", "well i'm a runner usually after a run i feel much better", "i didn't , but i have thought about running again", "for 2 months lived in a storage locker bc i spend on alcohol", "that is awesome , i've a dog too . its a boxer . what kind of dog do you have ?", "lol years ago there was a baby laying on the road and i rescued him" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I think you should have talked to the hostel management to help you out on this as well", "oh, thank god you were escape you have to thank god for doing great things", "Yes, once when I was trapped in a cave.", "Trapped in a cave? I couldn't handle that. I'm claustrophobic. I'd freak out in a second. How long were you trapped for?", "I love boxers, and their cut off tails.", "I love boxers, and their cut off tails." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Very interesting! Well, I better run! Have a great night", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "Yes, most time i am scared of future events", "About 2 months, and we have travelled around the world", "I read that boxers came from bulldogs!", "Yes, beagles are a scent hound bred mainly for hunting rabbits" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i was diagnosed with mild ocd in college.", "sometimes i feel like i have already been through life once before." ]
[ "I feel really good about this job interview I have coming up.", "Oh, good luck on it! What are you applying for?" ]
[ "IT area in a big company", "thanks! what do you do for living ? ", "haha i know what you mean, and what do you do on weekends? i like to camp on the forest", "who do you cook for ? ", "i like to bake, apple pies are my favorite ", "it is really tasty, m dad used to cook it for me, everytime i eat it i think about him" ]
[ "That's great! I hear that field is really growing and there is a lot of opportunity. I hope you get it", "I freelance from home actually, I am a little awkward in public haha.", "Oh yeah camping is awesome, I personally like to do some reading or cooking at home.", "Mostly myself, but I do like to invite family over sometimes. Do you like cooking?", "Oh I like baking too. I just recently developed a taste for apple pie and now I can't get enough haha. ", "Oh how nice, and delicious!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "it industry is what i do for a job", "it field for 5 years now", "i do it in the forest on weekends with a group .", "delivery ! lol , i'm not a good cook .", "oh i love those too ! they are so good ! do you like to cook ?", "how romantic . you should tell him . cook him dinner and let him know how you feel ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Sounds like an interesting job. I hope you get that job that you're looking for.", "I work in marketing. It's kinda cut throat sometimes.", "I play volleyball with some friends. Gotta get that exercise in after work.", "I love cooking. Thinking about becoming a chef. I love the way food brings people together.", "I love apple pie. I feel you.", "I love apple pie. I feel you." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's great! It's a field that has major implications for workplace growth.", "I'm a realtor. I haven't quite reached the point where I can stop employment completely. I wish! lol", "I do a little bit of both working and watching/listening to TV - it's my quiet time.", "Right now, about nutrition. Have you heard of Lord Peter, the detective?", "Pie is really good too! I personally think that cheesecake is much sweeter though,", "I used to go with him to help him out with cooking and stuff" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i graduated with a business degree , and marketing is all that i really enjoyed.", "i would like to spend more time with my family." ]
Master of Business Administration
[ "It is. I never got a master's. What is your highest level of education?", "Just a BSc. The MBA degree originated in the United States in the early 20th century when the country industrialized" ]
[ "It still takes a good 3 years for a masters right?", "OMG! I just saw a snake go by!", "I know. It looked like a cobra but it was probably a grass snake.", "what type of marketing are you into?", "oh wow, have you worked on any big campaigns?", "I am a probation officer during the day, and i always wear black!" ]
[ "Yes, but not impossible.", "OMG that's so scary", "you seem very knowledgeable,i only knows about marketing ", "Mostly sports ", "yes . so far i've only done commercials what about you, what do you do for living?", "haha that's sounds nice is it? " ]
{ "convai2": [ "so about 2 years or more", "did you catch him ? will you let him out ?", "that would explain the snake crawling on you", "marketing i enjoy it really", "yes . so far i've only done commercials", "that is awesome . i wish i could get my mba" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes, but not impossible.", "I hate snakes!", "Im in Florida.. it could be ANYTHING lol.", "marketing actually.", "A few. None at Rentokill - so I can't solve your problems :-)", "Lol! Oh my goodness. So you are going to be a police officer or a lawyer?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Most of the MBA programs require a 60 credit hours and courses will includ finance, accounting, business communications and other", "Most of the MBA programs require a 60 credit hours and courses will includ finance, accounting, business communications and other", "Oh wow, that would be frightening! Do you know what type of snake it was?", "Mostly sports can be defined as \"\"the management process that seeks to maximise returns", "Mostly sports can be defined as \"\"the management process that seeks to maximise returns", "when do student start pursuing MBA as a degree, seems it became relevant in 20th century" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "" ]
[ "i work at google.", "i am a software engineer." ]
[ "I had good news to tell my parents, but my brother decided to interrupt me and tell them his amazing news first. ", "Oh I bet that was super frustrating! How did you react?" ]
[ "I stormed out and haven't talked to them since", "It's horrible. He does it all the time and my parents don't care", "Yeah and he's the youngest. Always been the favorite. Do you have any siblings?", "I have in the past and they just tell me to get over it. I can't even imagine having 5 siblings", "Oh that doesn't seem too bad. I'm just waiting until I'm 18 and then I'm going to move out and cut them out of my life", "Yeah I can see that. It's just going to take some time to heal. Do you get along with your parents?" ]
[ "Oh that's too bad, I can imagine how frustrating that would feel. ", "Man siblings can be tough to deal with- is he your only sibling?", "Yes I have five siblings actually and they definitely can be a bother some days. Have you talked to your family about how you feel?", " We were different ages so not all five had to live together at once for more than a year or two. It's too bad they don't listen to you.", "Oh that's good, just enjoy it while it lasts because once you grow up you can really miss living with them.", "I don't get to speak to them much anymore actually and I always really miss them and my siblings." ]
{ "convai2": [ "they expected me to just carry on . i cried and got yelled at .", "do you feel comfortable telling them ? i think it would help .", "nope , live with my brothers , we can afford more this way . . . . maybe one day", "i find that the best approach is sitting down and telling them calmly .", "so do you think your parents will be ok with your decision ?", "it was very hard for the first year , but i am happy to have them close now !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I could not even imagine how mad your parents must be.", "I could not even imagine how mad your parents must be.", "I have a brother and a two neices.", "I have never had siblings, so not sure what to tell ya.", "Yeah that's definitely the way to go. Get out as fast as possible.", "Yeah for the most part, I enjoy one side of my family, but other side, I could care less for. Lots of drama and subtle remarks." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It's not that bad, they are still friends but they realized they had too many misunderstandings between them and had opposing thinking types.", "It's not that bad, they are still friends but they realized they had too many misunderstandings between them and had opposing thinking types.", "I do! I have a younger brother and sister!", "It's not so bad though, I was spoiled! Then my parents got divorced and my mom remarried. I ended up with 5 half-sisters and 3 step- brothers. We are still close", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "Not Really now, because I am at home, and my friends are all at school, and no one from my home hits me up that much." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work part time at a pizza restaurant.", "i like to party." ]
[ "1940? Wow, that's a long time. I wonder what the first McDonalds restaurant was like.", "It was later changed to be a business as a hamburger stand." ]
[ "Oh yes, I remember seeing that in a documentary. Very interesting.", "I like Pizza better personally. We have some really good pizza here. ", "I'll do that. Working at Mcdonalds you get so sick of the food. Never work at a place where you like the food.", "Definitely. I'll never work at a pizza shop or an ice cream parlor. I like them too much", "Ooh, I've never been to Argentina.", "When did you go?" ]
[ "I wish I worked at McDonalds. Instead I work at a pizza restaurant.", "You should try putting hamburger on top of a pizza. It tastes great!", "I agree seeing pizza everyday can make you tired of the food", "The best Ice cream I ever had was from a street vendor in Argentina", "You will love it! The food is amazing!", "I went there around 2017" ]
{ "convai2": [ "care to chat with a hamburger lover ? its my fav food .", "you should try putting hamburger on a pizza . its amazing .", "yes i know . basically i wasn't happy working there anymore .", "you should try putting hamburger on a pizza . its amazing .", "you'll love argentina , especially the food and the women", "i don't know . i think on vacation in rome ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "i loved the ed gein documentary", "I prefer New York style pizza.", "I prefer New York style pizza.", "I won't either haha just not my thing!", "No, I've never been there either.", "2017, I was there, it was awesome!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "they were not a hamburger stand at first, it was hot dogs.", "Sounds nice. I love that I can go to any restaurant and find pizza on the menu in case there is nothing else I like.", "Well, try to walk then. Mcdonalds servers 69 Million customers daily. Perhaps you could be one of those.", "The best Ice cream I ever had was from a street vendor in Argentina.. Chocolate..", "argentina is the fifth largest producer which i find surprising as i have never tried it from there, it is nice then ?", "It was a few years ago. I love being around water. how about you?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "" ]
[ "i like things in organized.", "one of my favorite shows is face off on syfy." ]
[ "It was impressive when lebron left the cavs for the lakers", "I'm not familiar with basketball. Why would it be hard for him to leave?" ]
[ "Lebron is from Ohio.", "He won a championship there...but he wanted to go to LA for movies and stuff.", "I was watching the show 911 and it reminded me of a time I had to use them.", "Yeah, I had a headache...turned out just to be a bad migraine. I watch a lot of sports and news.", "I do thanks for asking. I hope you can read this as I'm using speech to text...I never wrote in school!", "Thanks...they never really taught us...everything was watching videos and typing on machines." ]
[ "I get it. He doesn't want to leave his home team. I'm not really a basketball fan.", "That makes sense. I prefer watching sci fi than basketball. What do you like to watch?", "Wow that's scary! I prefer less intense things. My favorite shows is face off.", "That doesn't sound good. Hope you feel better!", "That's okay! I'm pretty organized. I can help you learn how to write better.", "Have you tried taking a class with a different teacher?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "you don't like ohio ?", "that would have been a great experience . are you a lebron fan ?", "what did you do on that show ?", "bad luck for you . once i had a headache so terrible i called 911 .", "oh i understand . it is like the picture does not need words .", "i guess i can understand that . . . maybe i can help you with your class ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "He technically is from Akron not Cleveland.", "He already left for the Lakers.", "Sounds interesting. I will have to check it out.", "That's really to bad. I hope the medicine works well and you are back to normal very soon!", "its all good. you are able to write very well. im jealous", "its all good. you are able to write very well. im jealous" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, he is a Laker now, the Cavs and Warriors met for three straight NBA Finals but I think that's over.", "Yes, he is a Laker now, the Cavs and Warriors met for three straight NBA Finals but I think that's over.", "That was a good show! I didn't realize it lasted five years.", "Face Off is on the Syfy channel!", "OKay, have a good day!", "Did you ever think of taking classes maybe or watching videos?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i need a corvette to complete my life.", "i'm always hungry." ]
[ "I wanted to look beautiful to go to church, so I did some things", "Yeah? what did you do? Do tell!" ]
[ "I put on stilletos", "It made me taller and I put on a lot of makeup", "church of satan", "i play blackjack there", "yeah we gamble there a lot", "we dont care about laws honestly" ]
[ "oh, that seems like a lot to wear to church!", "what kind of church do you go to?", "oh, well that makes a lot more sense then", "i love to play blackjack! that sounds like my kind of church", "that seems like it might be against the law though...", "oh, i see. rebels. well that's interesting. what kind of hairstyle did you wear there?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "and i like walking , so i could do pageantry , i think . if i were prettier .", "is it smoky there ? i've been praying for everyone there .", "ohhhh okay that makes more sense", "lets go ! although it takes me hours to get ready because i love looking good", "ou have to abide by those darn rules everywhere , i guess ! ; p" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh... I didn't know those were real.", "I've heard of people trying to hang upside down for hours a day to lengthen themselves. Not that I think it works, but apparently many people would like to be taller.", "I use to go to church when I was little.", "Oh, okay! Well, I love some Blackjack. I like Poker, but better at Blackjack. But, not on your level by any means! Good for you!", "Oh, okay! Well, I love some Blackjack. I like Poker, but better at Blackjack. But, not on your level by any means! Good for you!", "There are laws here but they find ways around them. People are cruel and only care about money." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Cool, was it in a church, outside, or some other venue?", "That sounds like it could be pretty uncomfortable to have to wear every day?", "oh, that's interesting. SDA church is distinguished by its observance of Saturday", "Oh the card game some call 21", "Oh the card game some call 21", "yea thats probably a smart move" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i was born in france and moved to canada.", "i am a digital artist." ]
[ "wow that is cool . my friends and i go golfing on sunny days . do you play sports", "no . i spend time taking care of my twin girls ." ]
[ "Nice! kids are great. Do you shoot? I lead a gun club and we target practice a lot.", "That sounds interesting. How long have you been a digital artist?", "Nice. So you're a natural! Any plans for the weekend? I'm going golfing with my friends!", "I can imagine. If I spend long periods without my friends I go crazy as well haha.", "That must have been tough on you. How long ago did you move?", "Sorry. Hopefully you will make a lot of new friends in Canada." ]
[ "no i don't do that, i'm a digital artist", "since i can remember i love art, then i start working on that cause was easy ", "That should be fun. I have to work this weekend. I need to hang with friends before I go crazy", "yea well i used to live in france now i moved to canada i left all my friends there ", "about three years ago ", "I hopep so. I like it here.where are you from " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i enjoy golfing with my friends on sunny days .", "since i can remember . i enjoy it a lot .", "very cool , no not really , staying home with daughter . maybe go to the park", "i feel like if i had a twin they would understand me .", "well it was a tough transition now it is getting better", "yeah , i sure hope so . do you play any sports ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do sometimes. I trained really hard for this one.", "2 years. We worked on it.", "That should be fun. I have to work this weekend. I need to hang with friends before I go crazy", "Thats the fun part lol", "2002. I just didnt have to pay bills back then. I don't like it anymore lol", "I hopep so. I like it here." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It is fun to go target shooting, but I wouldn't want to kill anything!", "I just sent my last job! im a digital artist, so an essential part of my work is technology!", "i am good! have you ever played no man's sky? it came out in 2016", "That makes me think of the janet jackson song I get lonely lol. They seme ok.", "About 2 months, and we have travelled around the world", "yes,your from canada" ] }
[ "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my mom was a hairdresser.", "my favorite color is red." ]
[ "The pizza I ordered was going to come in 30 minutes.", "did it show up on time?" ]
[ "It did, but it felt like forever.", "Pepperoni, with mozzarella and pineapple. ", "So pizza is perfect for you, red sauce, pepperoni, red peppers...", "Most things actually. Especially indian. Have you tried Vindaloo? It's delicious and red.", "Rice, potatoes and meat with a spicy tomato curry", "I'm not that good. Indian is very complicated to get right. I can recommend a good restaurant in several cities. " ]
[ "I'm sure it did. What kind of pizza did you get?", "Sounds delicious! It's odd, but I like pepperoni because I like red. I think things that are red seem to just taste better.", "Exactly! It's weird but I don't mind. Do you like anything besides pizza?", "No, that sounds weird. What is it? I'm sure I would like it if it's red.", "That sounds like something I would love! You'll have to make it for me.", "Maybe we can try and make it together one time!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes it did thanks a lot", "did they have pizza ? i could go for more after this one .", "yes please . you like pineapples on pizza or it that weird ?", "i have not but i should try it !", "that sounds tasty . i had my favorite dish . pasta with red sauce .", "i'd think indian food would be difficult ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Did you wait a lot?", "What kind of toppings did it have on it?", "No sauce at all? Surely you didn't mean that too?", "that sounds pretty good, I'll have to try that later!", "Yikes, I'm not sure that will match well with Chicken Parm.", "Anywhere else? lol- You do not have a lot of thai places in town?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Did you have to pay a delivery fee. A lot of places charge that with the order. My favorite pizza is just plain cheese.", "Ohh! Mozzarella is also Italian!", "Yeah. I like the red bell pepper Humus it's so good but then I get a stomach ache.", "No i haven't! Do you mean salsa verde?", "That sounds almost like a great street food dish. They serve something very similar throughout Asia.", "Could learn to cook chinese food. Good internet I understand though. I wouldn't miss the traffic though." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i've a thick full beard.", "i've 8 brothers and we are close." ]
[ "great ! i just ate four orange gummy bears . what about you", "waiting for my husband to come home with my wings" ]
[ "Spicy wings? Must be nice, I love eating them ", "I mostly go for mild otherwise because thats about all I can handle!", "Pizza with wings is a match made in heaven. Love them on game day. ", "Not really, never liked the taste of it. Whats your favorite beer?", "Haha everything is better when your team in winning. Even cold pizza. ", "Just thats its Friday tomorrow and weekend shenanigans are ever closer. What about you? " ]
[ "Yeah I like trying different hot sauces on them Do you like them hot?", "Oh I get that. I like them hot but sometimes they're a little too spicy even for me! Do you like eating pizza with wings?", "Yeah nothing like good food and sports. Add a beer and it's like heaven. You a beer drinker?", "I love the fall beers. Always look forward to trying the different pumpkin beers. Always tastes better when my team wins though", "So true! You have anything to celebrate tonight?", "Well I was hoping to celebrate my baseball team tonight but that's not going well. So just waiting for the weekend." ]
{ "convai2": [ "very", "yeah i ate some of my favorite gummy bears and they had milk , who knew ?", "do your kids like to eat gummy bears ? i do .", "sam adams rebel ipa . damn good .", "yeah i ate some of my favorite gummy bears and they had milk , who knew ?", "i am headed to a football party too ! cooking some great stuff to take !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "well they are hot wings lol", "oh i got hot. mild is not worth buying. i cnt wait til they get here", "I prefer mild wings. Did you order them fromore a pizza place?", "Always been a fan of Corona though lately I've been chugging Hurricanes and Keystones", "yeah thats true! with a margarita", "Yes enjoy the weekend lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes I love trying different seasonings on them. Im not a condiment person though!", "have you ever tried caroline reaper? I want to make salsa with that pepper", "I am so happy there are a ton of restaurants and cafes that offer pizza!", "I like IPA, they are usually better in bottles though,", "True that! Are you celebrating anything tonight with a drink?", "I'm just hanging out enjoying the weather, don't really like fireworks much. I might go out for dinner, what about you?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i spend the weekends travelling up to canada to relax and enjoy the view.", "i'm the general manager of the local grocery store." ]
[ "Im not sure my boyfriend is the one", "Oh no! That is a hard thing to think about. You might want to take some time apart and find it out to be fair to him" ]
[ "I could but sometimes I feel like no one will love me because of my size so I stay.", "Even if my beer gut is so big I can't see my feet?", "That's so sweet. I bet your in a good relationship!", "Do you know any good ones where I live, in San Francisco? ", "How did you meet your partner? ", "How fun! Were you guys from the same place?" ]
[ "I don't know if it's worth staying in a less-than-happy relationship just purely out of fear. People will love you regardless of your size!", "It depends on the person but for many of us somebody's weight doesn't matter much, there's someone out there for everyone", "I am! I've been with my partner for the last 2 years and he's pretty accepting. You just gotta keep looking and you'll find the right one I promise!", "I haven't been to San Fran before actually. But it's a big enough place that you've got so many people to choose from, oh my.", "I met him on a day trip up to Canada, I like to go there sometimes to admire the scenery and he happened to be traveling there too", "No but we were from cities right next to each other so after dating long distance a while he decided to move here" ]
{ "convai2": [ "everyone makes fun of me for my size 12 because i'm a female", "honestly , you may need to talk to a physician to see if medicine might be the solution .", "lol yea its only been a month we have been together but i feel like its perfect !", "good idea ! there are some , but not too close . are you married ?", "th , through a dating cite . which was a miracle that someone else used it", "yes , we were . we spent a lot of time together ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "If he's not meeting your standard then it's time to find a new boyfriend - even if that's the hard thing to do. You shouldn't ever lower your standards.", "lol well as long as you're fairly active and fit it shouldn't be too big of a problem.", "We truly are. After a few bad ones I think I am truly in love.", "I wish you luck. You have to meet the right one some day!", "We met in high school when he moved in with a friend that was my neighbor. We became friends just goofing around on the bus and then we got jobs at a neighborhood diner together and messaging each other every night and then eventually we just started spending every single evening with each other since.", "We weren't, thank goodness! I would have been scarred for life." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well as long as she doesn't have a beard, wear a green hat and coat, and act mischevious, we should not have any problems, my girlfriend is 5'0 so I understand that entirely", "Well, he may not have. Reasons vary. It could be he's just not a very nice guy and you'll be better off ultimately!", "Yes, i hope also, we were friends for 8 years! Love is generally accepted as a definition that distinguishes moments and situations within intimate relationships", "Not really, but I probably would look up the ASPCA, which I think is a non-profit org tht protects animals. Also PETA is a great org if you're looking for that kind of stuff", "Well, the good news was that they both found happiness with someone else and they were able to marry another person. My step parents are great!", "Yes! We have really enjoyed getting to know each other and deciding if there will be an engagement at some point. He's a great guy!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a software engineer.", "my favorite seafood in lobster." ]
Van Halen
[ "I can't think of who that is. What is their most popular song? Maybe it will help me remember!", "The song \"Jump\" was an international hit and their only single to reach number 1." ]
[ "Still can't place it. My memory for names is terrible. Songs and people. ", "It's so embarrassing. I don't know the name of half my office and it's been to long to ask...", "I get around it. Just smile and chat and never mention names", "A little, but I know all my labmates so I can manage the other people. ", "That would be nice. Sadly the lab is very hands on. ", "No mice. Cancer cells. They deserve it." ]
[ "I get that, I can never seem to remember names. ", "Break room must be the worst part of your work routine I suppose. ", "geez , that must make work awkward sometimes", "Thats why I wish I could work from home more often. ", "I hope you're not experimenting on mice in there.... ", "Couldn't agree more. Cancer is a group of horrible diseases. I'm glad you're fighting them ." ]
{ "convai2": [ "sorry my memory isn't great", "if i could remember mine i'd be good", "geez , that must make work awkward sometimes", "makes perfect sense , i would not be able to do that .", "i bet my job isn't nearly as interesting", "hmmm . . . well i guess we will have to see if it hits us !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Is it short skir't long jacket. I love that song.", "You will be the talk of the break room.", "You will be the talk of the break room.", "You will be the talk of the break room.", "You will be the talk of the break room.", "You will be the talk of the break room." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I read in a magazine that The lead single, \"Jump\", became an international hit", "Have you ever heard of the old NBC series called \"Sing Along with Mitch?\"", "Listen, I know you're laughing out loud, but my ADHD is no laughing matter.", "yeah and what if you're not happy at work it can get in the way of your success", "Yeah. My workplace is not always conducive to quality of life. I look often for meaningful opportunities, but am so drained that it is difficult to keep my eyes open.", "Yeah that seems about right, cancer is a group of horrible diseases." ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "my favorite band is pink floyd.", "i am looking for a second job." ]
Work–life balance
[ "It really is. I don't see how some people do it", "Work and life balance is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle" ]
[ "So is exercise...I really should do walking or jogging.", "I work 12 hours a day 5 days a week and I'm so tired!! Yeah, I love Pink Floyd!", "You can help me with mine! Then we can chill and listen to Dark Side of the Moon haha.", "I need some music suggestions for a workout some fast metal or something to get me hyped.", "Yeah I have a bunch of Pantera records! I like Mastodon a lot too to get pumped.", "Cool...although I'm so stressed from work I might need to limit the aggro music lol." ]
[ "Exercise helps a ton! Who is your favorite band? Mine is probably pink Floyd.", "That sounds exhausting! I'm actually in the process of looking for a second job right now. ", "Sure, that sounds like a real plan to me lol.", "You should try Pantera! Metal is my jam! It will hype your workout up!", "I listen to them at the gym most nights when I go. I love it.", "Well maybe just listen to pink floyd to relax from work lol." ]
{ "convai2": [ "it really is . that and working out really help", "love pink floyd . do you exercise ? i need to get back on that", "excellent idea ! that and along with a healthy diet and lifestyle will surely pay off .", "i love listening to pink floyd !", "i listen to them at the gym every night too ! i love it .", "you need some inspiration then . you should play pink floyd while you work ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes,, it's good exercise for everyone.", "I actually just discovered Imagine Dragons. I love them!", "Sure, That's sounds like a real plan. lol", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "They sound rock metal. Hope you have a great time!", "Being stressed never helps." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I know walking my dog gives me excercise and I get out and talk to people and get some fresh air", "I also loved Pink Floyd with their philosophical lyrics. They were so successful and influential in the history of music. What's your favorite song by them?", "I think you mean \"The Dark Side of the Moon\" which was Pink Floyd's 8th studio album released in 1973.", "Dude, do I love some heavy metal! Put on some Judas Priest, and I'll be speed rockin' to infinite! Woo!", "I see they've released a few albums. I like alt-rock, so I will check them out!", "I will still wimp out. i want to be famous like the rolling stones though." ] }
[ "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2", "" ]
[ "i can make fart noises with my arm pits , even some musical melody.", "i have been cheated on by every ex girlfriend except for one." ]
[ "I was at the store the other day and I didn't notice when my wallet fell on the ground. Luckily a man picked it up and found me! I was so happy!", "Thats amazing, I have actually had that happen to be before in my life, I was so happy" ]
[ "Yeah so grateful that there are still honest people out there", "That's great! What do you do for a living?", "I am enjoying my retirement. It's nice to have freedom. How do you like working at the bank?", "I hope you are able to find something you enjoy. 50 years working in the factory was tough. Amazing how much better I feel now", "Honestly? I never had time to find love so I've been going on a lot of dates. Older women know what they like" ]
[ "Oh yeah, especially these days. I'm lucky to live in a nice town at least. ", "I work at a bank in a small town, what about you?", "Oh how nice, you earned that! I like it alright, it's a little weird sometimes though. I hope to move on eventually.", "Oh wow that sounds like it was hard, but you must be enjoying retirement now. What do you like to do?", "Oh how fun, good luck! Do you have a type?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "guess what i found in my wallet lol oh wow ! a real tbt", "guess what i found in my wallet lol oh wow ! a real tbt", "guess what i found in my wallet lol oh wow ! a real tbt", "yes , i sure do remember those days and how much fun we all had ! !", "awesome ! i can tell right now that i am going to like you i can always tell !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I never even carry a wallet any more!", "I work at a bank in a small town.", "I keep my money in the bank, never in a wallet!", "That's pretty neat! I work in a Nike sweatshop in Siberia, so I really can't say the same!", "I wish you luck. You have to meet the right one some day!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Indeed. It's quite sad, but it's nice to see them pull themselves up and change the world!", "I'm a realtor. I haven't quite reached the point where I can stop employment completely. I wish! lol", "It feels wonderful! I get a pension, which is my right as a worker thanks to the battles my union fore bearers fought for us", "I bet that is hard, I learned everything with on the job training.", "That's true :) I hope your relationships will work out. I know my son ain't gonna date until he is at least 18. I'm from a culture that requires people to wait until they are certain age to date" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a vegan.", "i like the guitar." ]
[ "not much , just got home from taking care of animals", "oh cool what kind of animals ?" ]
[ "I work with bulls.", "How interesting, I am a vegetarian for that reason!", "Well I started working with bulls in Spain as a baby- that's where I was born and my dad worked with bulls and they were vegetarians so my whole life.", "I dated a bull fighter for a few years so I used to run in that circle. ", "I really enjoy drinking coffee and people watching. How about you?", "Oh I love the guitar! Do you play acoustic or electric?" ]
[ "Oh wow! That must be interesting! I love animals so much I became a vegan.", "Great for you! How long have you been a vegetarian?", "Do you know any bullfighters?", "If you like bulls, it must be hard to watch bullfighting. What else do you like?", "Love coffee and people watching! I also play guitar.", "I play acoustic guitar. I just love the sound." ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "luckily i love my job . i work with animals . one of my obsessions in life", "oh nice ! must be a totally different experience that i had growing up .", "that's interesting . where did you meet ?", "i'm a coffee fanatic , yes !", "electric guitars rock . it keeps my mind right" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh wow, do they taste good?", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "That's interesting. A lot of cool things to learn for sure.", "Cool. Most people dont like training.", "I'm more of a football fan!", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "pit bulls are cool dogs.", "Great for you! How long have you been a vegetarian. Was it difficult to find variety of options/", "Really, that's cool. I hear that they are easy to train.", "I thought you were talking about the singer, i see you mean pitbull as the type of dog, they do have a bad image, how do you do to not to scare people with them?", "I love people watching! I like to pick out a person and try to guess what his story is! It's like a game to me!", "I like acoustic more for the most part, as I like how the hollow wood sounds compared to the electric amp." ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to read.", "i enjoy watching football and hockey games." ]
[ "I can not believe I lied to my mother.", "What was it about?" ]
[ "I told her I ate my broccoli when I really fed it to the dog!", "So I've been told. I still don't feel right eating miniature trees, though.", "i did not know that. that's fascinating. cabbage is kind of gross too, though.", "I would consider trying some stir fried cabbage, but it'd have to be done by a competent cook. I'm no good at cooking!", "I would love to learn but I just never have the time.", "What's your favorite dish to cook?" ]
[ "Oh no! Broccoli is so good more you. ", "It's actually a cabbage if that helps. ", "Not if done correctly. Stir frying is the best way for cabbage. ", "That's the joys of the internet. I didn't learn until i was in my 20's. Now I'm pretty decent. ", "Start small. It's a great saver of money. Home cooking is so much cheaper than buying out. ", "I love to cook Steak. Nothing like a properly done steak. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "my mom made broccoli last night , i hate that stuff", "really ? i had broccoli for dinner . it is good for you .", "its why i no longer eat the stuff . it traumatized me .", "she didn't teach you ? my mom never cooked .", "its not difficult . you can just start by following recipes .", "lasagna or fajitas . my mother teaches cooking , so she taught me ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh, that sounds like an awful lie, what did you do after?", "I'm not a big fan of spinach myself.", "I'm not a big fan of spinach myself.", "See. I'm not a great cook.", "Well, you live and you learn. At least you can bake, or try to. I don't hardly cook at all, besides simple things!", "you can't go wrong with some grilled food :) burgers, wings, hot dogs" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's unfortunate! There are actually 3 types of broccoli.", "If you eat it with them maybe that would help. Broccoli is safe to eat raw.", "I can't stand it. It from the cabbage family so I am not surprised I do not like it.", "Well if you can only eat a little at a time, you ought to try eating a different garnish, like Daikon radish or something.", "It's time to get with the program. You don't want to be left out behind.", "Tandoori, for sure. How about you? Do you like Indian food? Or any other kind of ethnic food?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my mother died when i was a child.", "my favorite color is blue." ]
[ "it will be nice here , so i'll hang out back and work on the story i'm writing .", "oh you are a writer ? that's cool i wanted to write a story of my mom" ]
[ "Writing is fun", "Well just start writing", "Yes I have written a book", "Fiction book about money", "no it's about how money will not be a thing in the future", "there won't be currency" ]
[ "My mom passed away when I was a child. That why I want to write about her.", "I know, Ii just keep procrastinating. DO you write?", "Wow! What kind of book did you write?", "really ? that sounds interesting . Is it about gambling?", "What do you think will be currency then?", "Oh. Not sure how that would work, but I am intrigued!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "it can be . not much to write about though .", "my mom died recently . writing helps me not think about it .", "do you just get ideas or do you write in the moment ?", "really ? that sounds interesting . any particular genre of stories ?", "so you believe that money makes people happy ?", "if we live in a world without money , it would be great" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It is for me. I am very type A, and getting to plan and coordinate everything is right up my alley!", "OK sure. Go ahead", "That is so awesome and a great accomplishment do you plan to write more in the future?", "Ah, yes, the lucrative writing career.", "If you ever need help with a gambling problem talk to someone, never keep it bottled up.", "The economy is cyclical so it is bound to happen eventually." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I need to read some short stories maybe i would have time for that", "Yes, the most I would do is maybe write a letter or something to a news place.", "Which book are you reading right now?", "sounds like a good diea", "How about getting a Fantasy Island", "How about getting a Fantasy Island" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i was born in france and moved to canada.", "i'm a digital artist." ]
[ "I got to see my favorite guitarist last night, he was amazing.", "Amazing. I bet that was awesome. Do you play yourself?" ]
[ "No. But they served some amazing wine! It was pricey and delicious!", "Yeah I met a few there. Do you like animals?", "I have a french bulldog. She is a handful but I love her so much.", "her name is Sasha. You should get one. They're nice companions.", "About 6 years now. She is getting up there in age haha.", "I so am. Where are you from?" ]
[ "Oh how fun, that sounds like a good night! Were you with friends?", "Nice. Oh yeah, I do, I love all sorts of animals. I have no pets yet though, do you?", "Oh that's cool, I'd love a dog one day. What is her name?", " Aw pretty name, maybe I will get one! How long have you had her?", "haha I bet she's a doll! Cherish these moments!", "From France originally but I live in Canada. How about you?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "wish i played guitar . instead i drink expensive wine and listen to music .", "no pets but i've a band . i'm the lead guitarist", "that's cool ! i've a miniature pinscher , but he never really cares for my guitar", "i think i'll . what breed do you suggest ?", "yeah i bet ! i thought about giving up something myself . . wine ! hehe", "pennsylvania , did you ever go to concerts ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Wine can be good", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist.", "Awesome! Mine is also a pitbull mix! I call her my little bunny in pitbull form! They are the best dogs ever.", "LOL! I love it! What a cute name. I might use that in the future.", "haha I bet she's a doll! Cherish these moments!", "Ireland, land of castles." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I got into it because my mom is a sommelier. They make food pairings to the wine you have.", "I do! For Whom the Bell Tools in particular. They were formed in 1981!", "Wow, I love french bulldogs! What would you name it?", "They are definitely great companion animals, especially considering their behaviors, senosry capabilities and physical attributes.", "Mine is at that age already. I guess patience is a virtue is all I can say.", "Romeo, Michigan which is also my home town. Have you heard Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast? It's rocks first album and like hearing Jesus speak." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i have a large mustache.", "i am a recovering alcoholic." ]
[ "Over 3 million cases in the US alone. There are treatments available but many relapse and continue to drink.", "Yes and lots of people take risks by drinking and driving." ]
[ "I'm a cop so I have to find some way to release my stress.", "I can be both relaxing and exhilarating. I don't drink and hunt though!", "Yes and in my line of work I need to be of sound mind and body.", "Nah...big furry mustaches are a necessity for any real officer lol.", "Lots of people think we are following them...but I can't tell you if we really are...then they run!", "I hope you're doing well dealing with your issues, ever want to take a hunting trip let me know! It's a good time." ]
[ "you know, some stress can be healthy and good for you.", "Drinking does affect much of the body like the brain, heart, liver, and pancreas.", "Because of my large mustache, I always wondered if cops viewed me as dangerous, what do you think?", "When I left my last AA meeting, I feel as though the cop on the corner was following me.", "That's funny, maybe they have a support group for people who think cops follow them all the time.", "That sounds fun but I might need to work on my sobriety a little longer." ]
{ "convai2": [ "treatment has come a long way .", "treatment has come a long way .", "treatment has come a long way .", "haha ! well i am a cop so it is only natural for me to love guns", "have you ever run from the police ? you'll never run faster . maybe from dogs or zombies .", "sure ! if i could capture one , it would be great business !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Are you a cop yourself", "Are you a cop yourself", "What type of work do you do?", "Lol okay then!", "Who was following you?!", "Let me know the next time you are in town and I will do. Prepare to be dazzled." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "you know, some stress can be healthy and good for you.", "Drinking does affect much of the body like the brain, heart, liver, and pancreas.", "Yup, same thing for having unhealthy drinking and diet habits.", "I think thats why its prohibited in some military outfits.", "Well in that case, I guess I better start hiding!", "Yes. Maybe, I will see them film some movies or television programs. That would be cool!" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i prefer reading to sports.", "my family comes first to me." ]
[ "I stepped in some dog poop while taking a walk the other day, ugh.", "Ewww. I hate it when dog owners don't pick up after their pets. We always carried a poop bag with us for when our pooch \"went\"." ]
[ "I don't understand why it's so difficult for people to pick up after their dogs.", "This is why I'm a cat person. I'd rather just scoop out of a box! lol", "I bet they can. Hey, if anyone could do it, I bet you can. Since you're smart enough to clean up after your pup :)" ]
[ "I know, right? People are just so lazy or don't care I guess.", "That's true! I wonder if a dog could possibly be boxed trained though.", "Haha, good point. So where abouts do you live?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i had to chase my dog when he chased a cat , while walking in the park today .", "i had to chase my dog when he chased a cat , while walking in the park today .", "yes ! because of all my allergies i try to keep things clean . silly cat !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I know, right? People are just so lazy or don't care I guess.", "Smart thinking! Cats are always good scapegoats lol", "haha I thought so, too. Guess my dog is a sweetheart." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah.. people will always get into trouble. My dog once ate a whole towel that was used to clean up spilled soup. He had to get surgery. The vet was working in a clinical setting and treated it immediately.", "Ha! The human would have to flush for the cat, I'm sure. But it's easier than cleaning a litter box! Cats are common pets on most continents, except Antarctica. There are between 200 million and 600 million cats worldwide!", "That's pretty much what everyone does. It's certainly what I did back then lol." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "i love meat.", "i have a new job selling cars." ]
[ "so she's a teacher , that's interesting . i've thought of teaching a cooking class .", "i'd love to take a cooking class . meats are my favorite food just not good at cooking" ]
[ "What sorts of dishes have you tried to cook before? Some sure are easier than others!", "That sounds delicious! I personally really like cooking italian foods, they're really rich and not the healthiest but so tasty", "Spaghetti, oh boy I could probably eat 5 pounds of it in one sitting. Yum. Have you ever been to Italy?", "Oh you'll have so much fun when you start travelling. Where in the States do you live?", "Florida seems lovely, I've never been but it always looks so warm. Have you lived there your whole life?", "Of course, it's difficult trying to move away from your loved ones, and it can be hard to find support like family. What do you do for work?" ]
[ "i've tried a few different american chinese dishes like orange chicken with fried rice", "italian food is probably my favorite type to eat. what's your favorite italian dish?", "I've never been out of the United States, actually. One day I'd love to go to that area of the world!", "I live in Florida. I've traveled across the US a lot, though.", "Yes, I've been here my whole life. It's too hot for me, but all my family is here so it's hard to move", "I'm a web developer for a small company. I make the backend of websites" ]
{ "convai2": [ "she always had her eye to try their tiramisu so i took that as inspiration", "she always had her eye to try their tiramisu so i took that as inspiration", "no i've not , i always wanted to travel around there though .", "ny . wow what a distance between us ! weather there's awesome i heard !", "yes , i lived in south florida for years .", "i work at a restaurant right now , but eventually i would like to teach !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Steak and potatoes aremy favorite. But I make the best spaghetti. Never even had a lesson", "thats my favorite food too! no wonder it was lovely. you should cook italian food often then", "No, I've never been there either.", "I'm in South Korea at the moment.", "My whole life pretty much. It was cool me and my horse were just so in sync today.", "I work in marketing. It's kinda cut throat sometimes." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I love making mexican cuisine, because I have always found it to be easy since I don't have much skill or training in cooking", "wow, you have to try Italian cuisine, typically from Italy", "Oh yeah! I love all the typical food from Italy!", "Somewhere far away like Japan, but I like to keep my stay short because I get homesick sometimes.", "Yes, last month I went to to Panama City,Florida.", "I'm a realtor. I haven't quite reached the point where I can stop employment completely. I wish! lol" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i used to be very religious.", "i tutor kids in my spare time." ]
[ "i like watching movies . i love good burger . have you watched it ?", "never heard of it i can guess is it about 3 dogs" ]
[ "Awe no, it's about hamburgers! I eat meat only and love watching movies about them!", "I don't pay attention to ratings, I just know it's my favorite movie!", "Burgers are always yummy!", "Me too! What's your favorite place to get a burger?", "I love bacon as well! Yummy!", "I just like the meat, I'm not into the veggies." ]
[ "is it a rated R movie? because I cant watch it then because of my beliefs", "anyone famous come out in it? were the burgers good?", "i could use a big burger right now", "i love this place called armadillos, they make 3lbs bacon cheeseburgers", "with some crispy lettuce and tomato always hits the spot", "do you like it with fries, tots or onion rings?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'd say you like movies , my fav is good burger ?", "i'd say you like movies , my fav is good burger ?", "sure . so other then health stuff what do you like ? pets ? i have 3 dogs .", "pizza place most of the time", "me too . as well as their chicken burgers", "like meat mostly , me and my dogs love them , do you like dogs ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "hey, eating dogs are normal to some! sick", "I dont blame you. I am looking forward to seeing it now", "I could use some burgers myself right now.", "there is a wing place near me. the lemon pepper one are good too", "I could use some burgers myself right now.", "LOL! I sister hates them..but I don't like most veggies :( Rapsberrys are a close second!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Good Burger is an American comedy", "ok i click the relevant", "Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, can I take your order? :P Seriously though, awesome movie", "In and Out and Carls Jr. is the best fast food burgers in m yopinion.", "yea , what do u like on your cheeseburger?", "Oh you should try a veggie burger, it's usually made of soy, beans or tofu. Black bean burgers are my fav!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "we will be traveling to niagra falls for our honeymoon.", "we are getting married in a park." ]
[ "I was afraid when my dad was sick. It was the first time I had seen him like that", "Oh my, is he alright?" ]
[ "He's okay now, he managed to pull through after a bit but it was sure scary at first, it's hard seeing a parent like that", "For sure, it's a big life changer. Do you still have both your parents?", "Oh my that's really rough. So you know what it's like then. How long have you known your fiance for?", "That sounds nice, I personally have been to many weddings and sometimes the simpler ones are the best. When are you having the wedding?", "Oh how lovely! Niagara Falls is great, I've been there before. That wedding is coming up fast, are you excited?", "I'm so very sorry to hear that. Do you think he'll be able to walk you down the aisle still? " ]
[ "I know what you mean. It really makes you re-evaluate your priorities. ", "I do but my dad is actually pretty sick too. My fiance and I have decided to move up our wedding.", "It's been 5 years. We were originally planning a huge wedding, but now we're just getting married in a park.", "It's in 2 weeks! And then we are going to Niagara Falls for our honeymoon. Can't wait!", "Yes definitely excited. Although it will be bittersweet because of my dad's health, of course. ", "I think so, yes! We're trying to keep things simple, so it won't be much walking. It should be Ok." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i hope he's alright now .", "my parents are no longer together . but they both help me have nice things .", "it has been 5 years now .", "we are traditional , so just at the church . but , i'm excited for my cake .", "thank you ! i just hope my parents in kentucky can make it to the wedding", "yes i hope so ! so , do you have any plans for this evening ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's good to hear, I hope he feels and gets better", "I do but both are in heaven. But they are still my children..doctors/midwive mistakes on me (in a lawsuit) and so it affected the second one. Not trying again until I can go to a specialized doctor and get in perfect health.", "Over 10 years, I've known him since lower grade levels in school.", "August 11! I t will be such a happy event. The wedding is in New Orleans!", "Very much so! I do not like going!", "I hope so! I'm a little worried that he will cry at first." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Indeed it was very hard for me and my brothers, It was very sad to see my dad not live with us anymore.", "I do, I'm a teacher and I have several students whose parents are wither dead or they became a ward of the state.", "We have been married for 14 years and they have been amazing. I believe mostly because we developed a great friendship as childhood sweethearts first", "The best one was at my friend's wedding. It was delicious and the wedding meant a lot to him and me as well.", "I hope so. I'm pretty anxious about it.", "Thank you! I just don't want his heart to be broken!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my dad works for ups.", "i've owned two mustangs." ]
[ "I can't wait until my daughter gets a job", "how old is she ? and yeah work is important to teach her the value of money " ]
[ "12", "yeah i just want the lil dweeb out of my house!", "so annoying! can't wait til shes 18 and i'm back to living", "no way. no cars for her", "yeah she should buy her own", "I defintely agree with that" ]
[ "My dad had a good work ethic working for UPS and taught me the importance of it.", "Haha. It can't be that bad, right?", "Buy her a mustang when she turns 16 and she will never be home! I have owned two!", "I guess cars are a little expensive. Hence, her getting a job.", "It will be a better life lesson for her anyways to have to pay for it on her own.", "Yeah, let her free." ]
{ "convai2": [ "my daughter is seven today", "i hope my dad can get me a job with ups . he's been working there 10 years .", "i hope my dad can get me a job with ups . he's been working there 10 years .", "i hope my dad can get me a job with ups . he's been working there 10 years .", "i hope my dad can get me a job with ups . he's been working there 10 years .", "i hope my dad can get me a job with ups . he's been working there 10 years ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "how old is she ? and yeah work is important to teach her the value of money", "how old is she ? and yeah work is important to teach her the value of money", "I feel ya. The kids will be all grown up by then!", "I forgot tosay jealous. oops. my car quit and i have to catch rides everywhere nic cars upset me now.", "Yeah, let her free.", "Yeah, let her free." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Close to 30! I just always have to put in a ton of work when mother's day comes around haha", "I would get lonely with him being away for long hours even though he is supporting aids and providing health services.", "It's time to get with the program. You don't want to be left out behind.", "You sound like a lover of cars. Any other favorites besides the Mustang?", "Or Whole ife insurance if you expect to live your \"whole\" life. Ha.", "Or Whole ife insurance if you expect to live your \"whole\" life. Ha." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my daughter just graduated high school ranked at the top of her class.", "i work with my wife." ]
[ "I was very lonely before I met my friends and current girlfriend", "What is her name?" ]
[ "Kelly. She's so great. Do you have a girlfriend?", "We met outside a bar when she told me she liked my car. What's your wife's name?", "We both love watching sports and traveling. What do you and your wife like doing? Alison is a nice name", "That sounds like you guys have a good life. I bet you're excited to have the house to yourselves" ]
[ "That's nice, when did you meet? I met my wife in high school but we have a daughter who just graduated now.", "Oh it's Alison. That's nice! Do you have any shared hobbies?", "That sounds like fun, my wife and I also like to travel, and we enjoy cooking together and listening to music.", "Yeah, we are, it will be definitely interesting. Do you think you'll ever have kids?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "she's my best friend", "she's good now . our daughter just graduated highest in her class .", "now that my daughter graduated college i would like us to travel .", "yes , we were . we spent a lot of time together ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do! We've been together for six years. I still feel the same way about her as I did the first day. How about you?", "Knox.", "LOL! I love it! What a cute name. I might use that in the future.", "We are, but they live in a mansion. I always feel weird every time we go over there, just imagining if we lived in such a house." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes actually, i met her on tinder. She was my first 'swipe right'", "She is a girl. I think that it is funny that we have two, because I guess at one time in some countries, that was all that people were allowed to have.", "Thanks! She normally is and I am as well.", "Yes, our relationships can be complicated because of our birth orders and personalities but overall it is very good." ] }
[ "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love scary movies.", "i keep my hair cut very short." ]
[ "i run a lot to stay healthy", "do you enjoy running more than you enjoy the benefits ?" ]
[ "yeah, it makes me feel great inside when i finish a run", "yeah, you're probably better off using an exercise bike or something anyway because you can do it inside and it doesn't put so much stress on your joints", "i don't watch a lot of new movies, but i did just recently watch the newer blade runner movie and really enjoyed it", "it's the right season to be watching horror movies. i haven't gotten to watch any yet this month", "yeah, i used to watch the older ones when i was little. i loved jason vs. freddy too", "i also like the freddy movies but they used to give me nightmares" ]
[ "That's great. It's really healthy for you. I have a hard time running because my hair is host and gets in my face.", "That's true. I'm probably just going to let my hair grow out to prevent that problem though. Watched any good movies lately?", "I love that movie! I just saw Annabelle. Horror movies are my favorite!", "That's true. Have you seen Friday the 13th? Jason Voorhees terrifies me so much!", "That was my favorite as well!", "Yeah they are really scary. I love them. I wish Halloween lasted forever." ]
{ "convai2": [ "that's good . being physically fit is healthy to the mind too .", "it certainly keeps the weight off .", "never seen it . maybe i will check it out . what else do you like to do ?", "lovely ! that sounds so much fun ! you will have a blast !", "yes , i totally agree ! great movie !", "i was terrified of those movies ! how do you like them ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes,, it's good exercise for everyone.", "That's very true. I could do that! Thanks for the advice.", "I love that movie.", "Oh. I thought you said \"like\" at first. I'm sorry. I like them! You should try watching more of them!", "Ghost in the graveyard was a blast! I can't believe I forgot that one. It sounds like we both had great childhoods.", "they do look a little scary!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah it is amazing what happens to the body when you run, activity of enzymes and hormones that stimulate the muscles and the heart to work more efficiently.", "You're right, but walking, running, or jumping cause pain in my knees, sadly.", "I haven't actually seen any of them actually. Is Blade Runner the movie with Dave Bautista, the former WWE wrestler?", "Have you seen Friday the 13th? Jason Voorhees terrifies me!", "Have you seen Friday the 13th? Jason Voorhees terrifies me!", "oh jeez haha that's my worst nightmare" ] }
[ "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "" ]
[ "i'm learning to play the piano.", "i keep my hair cut very short." ]
[ "soon time for work , bummer walmart does not allow my dog along .", "yes i know they do not want them" ]
[ "I wish I could bring him. Maybe I should say he is a comfort dog. I'm just a stocker.", "Not full size pianos, no. But we do have keyboards that you can learn on!", "Wow, really? What inspired the buzzcut?", "Makes sense. I'm leaving for college in three months, so I'm thinking about a new look.", "Fordham University in New York!", "I'm planning to study finance. Gotta make some money!" ]
[ "Here is a question. Since walmart sells everything, do they sell pianos? I am trying to learn!", "I knew they would have some type! I'll head there after my haircut tomorrow. I'm getting a buzzcut!", "I like my hair short so it is easier to wash and take care of. No long hair for guys at work as well.", "Awesome! What college are you going to.", "Nice! What are you going to study? I have my degree in accounting.", "Finance is a great degree. It is highly marketable and sought after by employers." ]
{ "convai2": [ "there are not many walmart stores here but it is a great place to shop", "i need to head on down to the walmart in a minute .", "actually i was at the store looking at pianos yesterday and he just happened to walk in .", "what do you plan to do to pop the question ?", "awesome ! do you mind if i bring my dog ?", "yes , money does come in handy !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "that store is notorious for rude shoppers though", "Wow! Maybe I should start taking some piano lessons and go to a recital of my own.", "I need a haircut soon myself. I hope you do really well", "I need a haircut soon myself. I hope you do really well", "That's cool. I'm still a Boston boy...lived in Lowell, MA in 4-5th grade", "Money is what runs the world." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes great idea what kind of dog is he, I had a dog growing up I loved Buddy he was a greater swiss mountain dog.", "Do you use a keyboard amplifier?", "well it's decorative, so the placement of it complemented my body. It's also symbolic!", "Either way, your long hair will live on in your soul, brother. Hairstyles can be lifestyles.", "Are you talking about the Rutgers Scarlet Knights?", "That's a very wise decision! Some call finance the science of money management, so you're basically a scientist haha. Do you have a retirement account?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i drive junk cars that no one else wants.", "i think if i work hard enough i can fix the world." ]
[ "yes i do . unfortunately . i need to change that", "yea , i can never sit still it used to make my parents so mad" ]
[ "what would cause you to move around? impatient or some other type of issue", "yea a lot of people never get diagnosed for whatever reason. its never too late to go and get checked.", "im scared of spiders and now that summer is over and its going to get cooler, they will start coming out", "no matter where you go, you can never get away from them. i just found a black widow hiding in my travel trailer jack last weekend", "yeah we feed our bearded dragons dubia roaches.. we have a colony of them!", "they are nice until you have to clean up their mess. it stinks. but they are nice to look at when they are going after their food." ]
[ "I may have some undiagnosed ADHD or somethin, I'm just a real fidgety person, always have been. But never got any kind of diagnosis", "That's a good idea, I think I have some kinda phobia of docs though so I don't know if I can go through with it. Do you have any phobias?", "Ick, I get ya there. Their legs are all freaky and long. I find massive ones in my house all the time", "Ew man a black widow?? I don't have those where I live thankfully. Have you ever found a snake or cockroach anywhere?", "That's both cool and creepy. Roaches are a no go for me, as bad as spiders but I always think lizards are really cool", "How long do they usually live? Are they nice pets to have?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i guess i make them feel uncomfortable . i am wheel chair shawty", "i know ! because i do not want to loose control of my temper", "i know , right ? i love all animals honestly , just not spiders lol", "yeah that sounds scary . so where do you live ?", "i wanted to see the joeys even from a distance . . cute but feisty critters", "i know , right ? i love all animals honestly , just not spiders lol" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Just issues with technology", "I hate going to the doctor though.", "They sound really scary, I hope I never see one!", "Holy moly! I hate spiders...You should spray your house more, just in case!", "Woooow, haha. Time for a game plan! I hope you can get rid of them, you may need to call up some friends or an exterminator.", "Hopefully, not as many mosquitos too!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I guess a bad relationship and my dog passing away I've just needed some time to myself.", "Yeah for some people it really gets really hard to move on with their daily lives, good thing there is pshycologists", "I'm not afraid of them but understand. After that rapid onset of fear phobias can last a long time", "oh jeez haha that's my worst nightmare", "Good thing there's over 1.3 million species of insects to keep your bearded dragons happy if they want to try something else.", "They kinda scare me to be honest, many of them remind me of insects such as cockroaches." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i draw all the time and i'm good at it.", "my wife makes the best pasta." ]
[ "fascinating ! do you paint mountains ? i climb them", "i paint whatever i can . especially when i am listening to pink ." ]
[ "i used to love pink when i was in high school! do you like her newer stuff?", "i do some drawing on a digital tablet but I'm definitely an amateur", "that's arguably a more important talent to have!", "i'm a mediocre cook but i'm always learning new things and trying new recipes", "i love italian too and i'd probably have to go with that. i'm also greek though and i do love greek food", "a lot of olives and feta cheese, and yogurt. mediterranean food in general is all pretty much the same." ]
[ "Yeah. It really gives me inspiration when I draw! Do you dabble in arts?", "Thats cool. It is not for everyone. My wife can't draw either, but she can sure cook the best pasta!", "I can agree with that! Are you a good cook?", "What is your favorite type of food? I love Italian!", "I honestly don't think I have ever had greek food! What are the flavors?", "i may have to try that . do you like pink floyd ?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "she's okay , i really like that one song she had last summer .", "i paint at times and for some reason i've to hear pink songs .", "yes , definitely very talented . what else do you enjoy ?", "i wish i had time to learn to cook like you do . someday maybe !", "i like greek food since that's where i'm from .", "i may have to try that . do you like pink floyd ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes. I love their music.", "That's cool, I'm pretty bad at drawing, but you must be pretty good.", "Definitely - not all skills are rewarded equally.", "You should try out some recipes. When you cook well, you're far more likely to eat more healthy.", "I have never had greek cuisine", "I have never had greek cuisine" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Not really, I have listened to all of her albums though, especially 25 which was my favorite.", "I am not good at drawing either, I use other mediums. I love pink and how it has only been a named color since the 17th century.", "For sure. What are some of your favorite dishes?", "thats a south asian thing right? and my favorite foods to cook are puetro rican, swedish and italian foods!", "That sounds lovely and delicious i really enjoy greek food as well", "That sounds lovely and delicious i really enjoy greek food as well" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i love to dance.", "i am witty." ]
[ "I was really annoyed when my boss was not being treated well", "So I take it you get along well with your boss?" ]
[ "Yeah, he's a really great guy. Do you have any pets?", "two cats and one dog. They are a handful but i love them.", "Kind of. I will go for a run every day and I come home to find the dog hiding and the cats look suspicious though lol.", "The cats 5 years and the dog is only 1 year old.", "Thanks. I live in America. Where do you live?", "I bet it's nice there. I live by the Gulf coast." ]
[ "No, I don't, the deposit is too expensive but I'd like some. Do you?", "Oh nice, do they get along well with each other?", "Oh that sounds kind of fun, haha. How long have you had them?", "Cool, well I hope you keep enjoying life with them, sounds fun! So where do you live?", "I live in the US, too actually, on the west coast.", "Oh I love it down there, you get the coolest storms and sunsets. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "no i don't have time for pets unfortunately . you ?", "great ! i think i get along with animals better than people most of the time .", "haha , that sounds very funny ! you should go for a walk to get away", "awesome , they must trust you a lot . try not to break that trust .", "i'm in the states as well . how are you doing today ?", "i bet , you get some really strong winds there too . what do you do for a living" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do not just a cat", "Oh, it's good that you take care of them.", "Oh, maybe you should tell your boss about how noone likes him?", "Your boss sounds pretty amazing. I want to work with you guys, hahaha.", "I'm in South Korea at the moment.", "The Atlantic is not so bad!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I have no pets currently no.", "My dogs really like cats, They seems to be great companions and I keep one cat around ability to hunt the vermin in my house which my dogs cant do.", "Lol, but they do make great companions!", "neat! How old are they? I have a dog, I like their unique interaction with human behavior.", "I live in the US, the southern parts though. Deep South! Lol. Great food here tho.", "I guess it is nice to be on the Gulf of Mexico, but then you get hurricanes." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like reading mystery novels.", "i love pizza." ]
[ "yea , sometimes i teach my yoga class there .", "is yoga as fun as pizza ?" ]
[ "i think yoga is a great way to improve your entire life!", "oh, me too. i have one and i do like to read on it but nothing replaces the feel of a book in my hands.", "i also love being able to have a library. i think books look so nice lined up together", "i love the smell of a nice used book. it gets me in the mood for reading", "oh, well that's no good. i guess it's not true what they say: \"any pizza is good pizza\"" ]
[ "Yoga is so relaxing. I actually read a lot of mystery novels too to help me relax!", "Yeah I hope books on paper never go away. That's what helps contribute to the experience.", "Yeah. I wish i had enough money to have my own small library in my house.", "lol if we're going back to smells, I'll take pizza though.", "I meant that it's a good smell. I love the smell of pizza!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "as real as pizza right ?", "agree ! helps to be alone and relax", "oh , yes . i wish i lived in a library .", "i love the library , i'm always done down a good mystery book .", "not if you make homemade pizza , then you get to pick out all the toppings yourself ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I hope I agree after I try one.", "It really strengthens the mind! It felt so refreshing reading beneath the trees in the sunshine.", "No joke! So many conveniences.", "I do love to read as well", "I like it by itself, but not on pizza. That's so gross!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes it is good for your mental health or psychological well being.", "Yes, reading a book on a tablet just isn't the same!", "Libraries have so many books! I've heard that some even have millions of them!", "Sounds nice, I usually browse the physical books and the databases too.", "You are correct sir. The road to true happiness is paved with Italian sauce and cheese." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i have made over 90 , 000 on trifecta bets alone this year.", "i hope one day to own a stable of at least 10 race horses." ]
[ "that is a lot of money , what do you spend it on ?", "i saved it . i want to open my own stable ." ]
[ "would you have a bunch of your own horses there?", "i have only ridden a few special occassions", "i like to walk my dog around different places and play video games. how about you?", "our dog is a mutt that we found on the street, so we don't really know her breed", "we named our dog bowie because she has two different color eyes, like david bowie", "yeah, we have a parrot and a cat too! how about you?" ]
[ "I would love to have my own there and prob house some other people's as well for extra cash. Have you ever ridden a horse before?", "It's pretty fun once you build up the skill to do it well. What kind of hobbies do you have?", "Oh that's neat, what kind of dog have you got? I of course ride horses, but I also like to bake during the night sometimes, it's fun.", "What's her name? I call my dog Snoopy because I love reading the Peanuts comics LOL", "Aw that's such a great name, I like Bowie a lot! Do you have any other pets?", "wow that is a lot of pets ! I've got 3 cats and a dog haha, it's a pretty full house over here too." ]
{ "convai2": [ "that would be a lot of horses", "my dream is to own my own stable and raise at least ten horses .", "my dream is to own my own stable and raise at least ten horses .", "i suppose you mean her breed , and not her nationality !", "that sounds cute ! so what else do you do for fun ?", "wow that is a lot of pets !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "i would love to be able to have horses", "I'm 50 and haven't rode one since I was 2.", "I love video games.", "Oh, how scary. I love that name though. Very unique!", "LOL! I love it! What a cute name. I might use that in the future.", "LOL! I love it! What a cute name. I might use that in the future." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Not at the moment. I live near a road , so it's too dangerous to have one right now.", "I've ridden them a few times. We started domesticating them around 4000 BC.", "and I'm a degenerate gambler. what a coincidence. I do love that equestrian performance sport.", "What's her name? I call my dog Snoopy because I love reading the Peanuts comics LOL", "That's really cool! I've only seen Hawk in films and his video games.", "I have 3 dogs and a parrot. How about you?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "convai2" ]
[ "my cats name is leroy jenkins.", "i enjoy playing retro video games on my 386." ]
Intel 80386
[ "Oh yeah. Lots of games from back then!", "I bet there are some classic games that were played on that 32-bit microprocessor. " ]
[ "Oh definitely. Do you like playing games?", "I do, I haven't had a chance to play in a long time though.", "Thanks and no not yet but I hope to get a pet soon. Is your cat nice or sort of solitary?'", "Oh that's too bad but maybe the right cat could fit in with him some how.", "I am from the west coast, how about you?", "I like it over here a lot, it's beautiful. I love the coast in the gulf, though as well, the sunsets are so gorgeous." ]
[ "Totally! Especially retro games. I love my 386. Do you?", "I hope you get some time to play soon. Do you have any animals? I have one cat. Leroy Jenkins. He is vicious.", "More solitary. I am afraid to get more cats because of how he reacts to other animals.", "Haha hopefully one day. Where are you from?", "I'm from the Gulf coast. It's hot here. How do you like living there?", "I guess it is nice to live on the Gulf of Mexico, but then you get all of the hurricanes." ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh yes , i enjoy videogames and restoring old computers .", "i got the first old one , but i did not care to get the super nes .", "any kind of dog there is . probably not as exciting as a prison .", "very true . maybe i will have to get a cat too .", "i'm from all over the east coast . what do you do for a living ?", "agree . beautiful . seeing it in person there's no replacement for that ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I do, I used to play growing up.", "I still play some games from the 1990s.", "Ha Ha. They all are until they run.", "Maybe maybe LOL.. I have four dogs.. argh!", "Central.", "Well I hope it turns out nice there too." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "You mean the electronic games that involve interaction with a user interface? Yeah I play all the time.", "I bet there are some classic games that were played on that 32-bit microprocessor.", "They're just a lot like me. They're usually solitary, active during the night, and nap during the day.", "Hah, that reminds me of Sylvester & Tweety. Cats are also valued for their companionship.", "I live in the US, the southern parts though. Deep South! Lol. Great food here tho.", "I guess it is nice to be on the Gulf of Mexico, but then you get hurricanes." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i've a sleeve of tattoos.", "i have 4 dogs and i spend all my time with them." ]
[ "yeah i watch them all the time i think i've seen the godfather over 10 times", "oh that is very nice . what else do you like to do ?" ]
[ "Well, I enjoy eating junk food like candy and soda with my friends while watching a good game1", "Don't we all! What do you like to do for fun? ", "Thats a lot of dogs! No pets over here. My wife and kids are allergic! I love dogs though.", "I have 2 little girls. They are crazy! How about you?", "9 months and 4 years. I love them, but they are a handful! ", "No. Kids are expensive and I don't want to work forever. I don't think my wife wants to get pregnant again either!" ]
[ "I like junk food too. I probably eat too much of it.", "Mostly spend time with my dogs. I have four of them. Do you have pets?", "Too bad about being allergic. How many kids do you have?", "Two girls is nice. I don't have kids. Maybe sometime in the future. How old are the girls?", "That is pretty young still. Any plans for more?", "I can only imagine the costs." ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh . i love the movie godfather .", "i just watched the godfather for the 300th time .", "that's a shame . dogs are alot of fun though !", "10 and 13 . amazing they grow up so quickly . one already thinks herself an adult .", "oh yes i bet . i do not have any kids yet .", "i don't think i would either . its risky !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Well that's one nice thing to enjoy. That's sweet.", "Listening to music and playing board games. Like cavemen. Lol", "me too. they are so sassy. I like them better than dogs.", "That makes 3 girls. They keep me on my toes.", "Haha, I know that argument well. I teach some preschool/pre-k kids and they can definitely be a handful!", "Uh oh, well only have kids if you really want them." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I do too actually. Junk food is considered having high levels of calories with low levels of nutritional value.", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "I'm thankfully not allergic to either, how old are your dogs?", "I have 1 boy and 1 girl.", "My daughter is only 1 and I'm already worried about when she starts dating!", "Oh, poor you! But once they become full adults things will be easier!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i own 9 guitars.", "i am trying to play in a local band." ]
[ "How does it differ from modern guitars?", "Instead of having six strings, it was a four-course instrument." ]
[ "That's really weird. I'd like to try playing that while singing.", "I could get into that. I used to play guitar but now I just do karaoke on the weekends.", "It's cool, I only do it after I've been drinking though, ha!", "I don't know if I could sing sober either. I just have to be careful to avoid hard cider since I'm allergic to apples.", "Yeah, me neither, I'm a weirdo. That's probably why I still eat them even though I'm allergic!", "Now that would really be a problem! At least apples are easy to avoid on a daily basis." ]
[ "If it seems weird, I also give lessons to show people how to use them.", "I have never done karaoke. Is it fun?", "I probably would too. With a singing voice like mine, it's probably for the best.", "Never heard of anyone allergic to apples", "Must not be a severe allergy then. I know someone with an even weirder allergy than that: metal. She can't even hold coins for long without getting a rash.", "The only time I have allergic reactions is during the spring when the plants pollinate. I hate it because the benadryl knocks me out more than anything else could." ]
{ "convai2": [ "if you need help , i also give string instruments lessons !", "if you need help , i also give string instruments lessons !", "i see . i don't sing , i never drank alcohol and i'm content with life .", "i prefer hard cider from the winery down the road .", "so weird ! i guess that's healthier though !", "true ! i really like the apple pies ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I could never ever sing.", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist.", "LOL that's a good choice. Alcohol is the solution as they say", "I could never ever sing.", "maybe that's the reason", "Umm, they're kind of juicy the way a watermelon is but actually a raspberry might not be too far from it. I love watermelons, by the way." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It is fun when doing it with friends late at night. No one cares about singing abilities.", "Sing alongs have changed so much with technology. Have you played Guitar Hero where you copy features of playing a real guitar? using hammer-ons and pull-offs and a whammy bar to alter pitch?", "There used to be a karaoke show on TV in the 1960s called \"Sing Along with Mitch\". I wonder how popular it was.", "Do you mean to say that apples are good and can be considered the opposite of evil?", "That's a shame to have an immune reaction to food.", "Yeah, I'm just glad that I don't have any food allergies." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work at a smoothie shop.", "i listen to classic rock." ]
[ "Yes. I agree. Salsa is a must. I love meat in my tacos. Have to have shrimp, chicken or beef. Occasionally pork is good as well.", "The tortilla shell matters too! Corn or wheat, folded or rolled, as long as its cooked right." ]
[ "Do you like beans in your tacos?", "same here. i also don't like spaghetti.", "You're luck! i just graduated high school so i don't get to go eat out as much.", "what kind of flavors do you sell?", "Nice! i would like to try sometime maybe.", "I like all sorts of music. classic rock is one of them. " ]
[ "no i don't like beans", "I love spaghetti myself! I'm not a good cook at all though. I'm always eating out.", "Awe that's sad, at my work, we sell smoothies.", "Any creamy ones with sweet flavors mostly.", "What is your favorite music? Mine is classic rock.", "What are your favorite bands of classic rock?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "no i don't like beans", "same", "i eat out a lot , too . my friends are always going out so its hard .", "salads , egg plant , legumes , nuts , etc .", "it is fun . so do you like to salsa ? i love it !", "i appreciate classic rock as well . particularly april wine ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "yes. enchiladas for the win!", "I love spaghetti myself! I'm not a good cook at all though. I'm always eating out.", "See. I'm not a great cook.", "We make cherry and apple and my grandson makes pumpkin. How about you?", "You should - there are loads of recipes online and it tastes so much better than store bought", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like them with beans, rice, cheese and sour cream, and sometimes I like them with a tomato or cheese sauce on them. What other Mexican food do you enjoy?", "Spaghetti all puttanesca literally means the spaghetti of the whore lol", "It's time to get with the program. You don't want to be left out behind.", "Any creamy ones with sweet flavors mostly.", "I live in North Carolina, lots of sweet flavors.", "What are your favorite bands of classic rock?" ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i try to limit how much i eat.", "i've a golden retriever puppy." ]
History of Japan
[ "Do you know when they began ruling as well?", "They unified the kingdom in the 4th century. " ]
[ "That is so interesting. How long did they rule? ", "That's okay. My parents are from Japan so they tell me a lot of things about emperors and what not. It's so interesting. ", "When I was 10. About 20 years ago. Honestly my favorite thing about living here is mcdonalds fries lol.", "Those are good as well. What's your favorite type of food?", "I understand. I have to workout a lot to make sure those fries don't make me gain weight.", "I like to read and paint. What do you do for fun?" ]
[ "I am not sure but I can look it up if you want me to", "Oh wow, when did they end up moving here then?", "Oh I love fries. I like the Arby's curly fries the best", "I love cheeseburgers but I try not to eat them too much. Don't want to gain too much weight", "Makes sense. What do you like to do for fun?", "I like to take my puppy to the dog park and watch him run around" ]
{ "convai2": [ "since i can remember . i enjoy it a lot .", "my parents are from japan . have you ever been to japan ?", "did you like it ? my next stop will be japan !", "sushi ! that is why i love being in japan !", "that's for sure lol . i do not really have a lot of time to work out", "i buy figures from japan and resell them . mostly dragon ball z" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "2 years. the longest", "wow my friend at work was born in japan , she married a u.s. solder then moved here", "wow my friend at work was born in japan , she married a u.s. solder then moved here", "Dim Sum specifically", "You can lose weight too.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They unified the kingdom in the 4th century.", "Yeah. The dynasty started in 21st century BCE", "Agreed, I love McDonald's fries.", "I like cheeseburgers and wraps", "yeah that is the the things that weight lifting help you with.", "I enjoy painting. I like to paint bright designs. You?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my dog is a collie.", "i love to travel with my family." ]
[ "yes i have they are very short", "One of my favorites is the Border Collie, which is used to herd livestock" ]
[ "Oh yeah they are sweet. I love Collies. ", "Oh cool, what's their name?", "Yeah passports are tough, I haven't ever travelled out of the country myself.", "Oh haha oh man I was confused there, but wow that's a fun unique name!", "It's a good one, do they have a nick name?", "Oh that's kinda cute though. " ]
[ "The dog I have now is a collie.", "Passport kinda weird but I love traveling especially with my family.", "Oh no that's the name of my dog- passport.", "thanks , i put a lot of thought into that name .", "Sometimes I call her Pass. Only when I'm being lazy.", "Do you have a dog?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh they're dogs ! too cute", "anna . she is a golden retriever", "i've even gone out of the country on a plane .", "thanks , i put a lot of thought into that name .", "yes a collie named river .", "it is just a nickname . i do not mind ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "yea they are a nice pet to have", "Knox.", "Its not that bad. I'll get to Europe one day lol", "LOL! I love it! What a cute name. I might use that in the future.", "Oh yes, that is his nickname though! We call him \"white dog\".", "LOL! I love it! What a cute name. I might use that in the future." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Collies come from Scotland and England mostly", "The collie that originzated in Northern England. Do you have a dog?", "I have a passport too. It's great to use as another form of identification.", "I have a passport too. It's great to use as another form of identification.", "I think they are good at herding sheep.", "The Scotch Collie dates back all the way to the Roman occupation." ] }
[ "", "", "", "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "i am a vegetarian.", "i live in my parents basement." ]
[ "No, it is not due to a animal rights stance. She simply has never liked animal protein at all.", "Oh ok! So more due to personal preference or health related then. Does she have any favorite vegetarian dishes?" ]
[ "Yes I know she really likes vegan bean dip for one thing. ", "No it's just a diet choice for no reason, although I suspect it helps to lose weight.", "Yeah, it's kind of crazy. Do you eat any special diet yourself?", "Oh cool, do you know of some tasty indulgent vegetarian recipes?", "Oh that's nice of her! It must be pretty cozy.", "Yeah you must be very appreciative of that." ]
[ "Interesting! Does this follow her religious beliefs? Some are vegetarians due to their stance on animal rights.", "oh ok . that makes more sense now .", "I don't eat meat, so a vegetarian. ", "No my mom cooks all my food cause I live in the basement of my parents house.", "I guess, I don't have to pay rent so that's nice.", "I am, helps me pay off the debt I owe." ]
{ "convai2": [ "that sounds so good . what about dip ? cheese dip is my favorite", "oh ok . that makes more sense now .", "no , not dieting . i eat a lot of meat ! tell me about your dog .", "paella , gumbo , jambalaya , anything like that .", "lol sort of , she lives in the guest house . do you have any hobbies ?", "thank you . good thing my parents don't charge me rent" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I haven't tried it with a dip, but it's great just as is.", "You can lose weight too.", "I do keto! I can't do so much cheese or meat if its not organic. But I found out about natural sugar substitues like Xylitol (wow!!) as I have a sweet tooth- But fasting and only eating two meals has done WONDERS for me!", "My grandmother had a great recipe. I think of her every time I have it now.", "Yes it is! Especially for two!", "I am. Probably more than her!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Interesting! Does this follow her religious beliefs? Some are vegetarians due to their stance on animal rights.", "She seems to enjoy it. I personally do not think I could do either ovo or lacto vegetarianism, I also enjoy eating steaks and hamburgers!", "Yes, I do feed her a raw diet. I make all of it myself. She's very healthy!", "More like what don't I like, lol. Did you see The Food Wife episode of the Simpsons? That was funny.", "For the most part. She works handling a lot of cash. Can't be all bad, right?", "Thanks! She normally is and I am as well." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i donate any overstock to charity.", "i am a couponer." ]
Extreme Couponing
[ "No i have not heard about that.Have you ever done extreme extreme couponing?I think it is an effective way to save money.", "activity that combines shopping skills with couponing in an attempt to save as much money." ]
[ "Yeah that's right. Have you ever done it before? I save about 10% more now that I do it", "It's coupons. I cut them out of the mailing flyers", "Mainly the flyers that come in the mail but I do print some out on websites also. Just depends on how much time I have", "I try to mainly buy things when they are on sale. Especially if you can get them buy one get one free", "I always buy whatever cereal or chips are BOGO. What about you?" ]
[ "Great is the a coupon or a membership discount though?", "I just love saving money, makes me feel good, where do you get those from?", "Yep, that's smart, I do that sometimes too, any other ways you know how to save?", "Haha that's a smart strategy. What kind of things do you like to buy when they are on sale?", "Hah, I used to eat Count Chocula cereal. Now I don's spend that much on sweets!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have not but i should try it !", "yes any time you can save money is great !", "i do the same , especially the free items . makes me feel good about spending money", "lol . coupons are such a great way to save , especially if they double them", "i do the same , especially the free items . makes me feel good about spending money" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I haven't, but maybe I'll give it a try!", "You sound like a smart and informed shopper.", "You sound like a smart and informed shopper.", "Haha that's a smart strategy. What kind of things do you like to buy?", "Hah, I used to eat Count Chocula cereal. I know exactly what you are talking about!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Extreme couponing requires really good shopping skills, some math, and patience.", "Often I get the paper ones too, but I use those 99% of the time. How can one make money through couponing?", "Often I get the paper ones too, but I use those 99% of the time. How can one make money through couponing?", "Often I get the paper ones too, but I use those 99% of the time. How can one make money through couponing?", "Often I get the paper ones too, but I use those 99% of the time. How can one make money through couponing?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i like to make cookies.", "i like bagels with everything on them." ]
[ "i also perform consulting services for individuals looking to start their own", "i would rather work than own . then i have time for running ." ]
[ "Do you run competitively. I'm in the sports information business. ", "That's my kind of running. I do it so I can have cheesecake and hot wings. ", "Those are both good choices. I like plain old cheesecake and pretty much any of them with real fruit on top. " ]
[ "I run once a year and then eat pastries for the rest of the time.", "Do you have a favor flavor of cheesecake? I like strawberry and oreo.", "Yummy. How about fresh fruit, I like cookies with fruit jello." ]
{ "convai2": [ "do you run competitively now ?", "i have to run everyday to work off all the m ms i eat .", "those are always good . . . . so are you going to specialize in pastries" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "i run 1 10k a year lol", "I prefer mild wings. Did you order them fromore a pizza place?", "Yea, that sounds good. You should buy some more!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Never played professionally, but I have played in a city amateur league.", "Do you have a favor flavor of cheesecake? I like strawberry and oreo.", "Yummy. How about fresh fruit, sch as strawberry on you cake." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i love to shop.", "i live in toronto , canada." ]
[ "my family is from maine . where in japan , tokyo ?", "actually from osaka . i have only been once but it is beautiful ! have you traveled ?" ]
[ "I've only traveled within America. But I've been to so many beautiful state parks. I love nature. ", "Yellowstone or Tennessee state park was my favorite. If you come to America definitely go there. How do you like living there?", "I've always wanted to visit there. I don't really mind cold weather. ", "Awesome. I can do some shopping. Especially if I find blue dresses. Anything blue is pretty much my weakness.", "Haha that's funny. And I actually love cheesecakes.", "True that. Those people cannot be trusted." ]
[ "Nature is a very good escape. What state parks. I havent' been to many. I live in Toronto. ", "I like it for the most part. It's not as cold as people think and the people are pretty friendly. ", "Like I said it isn't that cold here. The shopping is good though. ", "How about the berry? Perhaps on top of a piece of cheesecake?", "I mean who doesn't? Show me a person that doesn't love cheesecake and I'll show you a person I don't need to hang out with. ", "Agreed. Food and dogs are where I draw the line. If you don't like them then we're good not knowing one another. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like nature too . i have been a bit of lazy bones recently though !", "the nature would be what i'd stay for , but not the weather .", "yes it is cool . the people there are fantastic and very warm and kind .", "you must really have an eye for fashion . but surely you can do that anywhere .", "yummy ! have you tried the mini cones ? !", "they sure can . so , on a more positive note , what do you like to do ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Well, I hope you have a lot of fun in contact with nature", "People are nice and caring, nature is beautiful and life kinda slows down, it's not as crazy hectic as here", "I love the cold. it keeps me cool when i sleep.", "I'll have to go do some shopping.", "I like the melt in your mouth kinds. Doesn't matter what kind.", "I wish I could make a cheescake." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "What parks? I'm guessing one is the Everglades?", "I am happy with it. I get to see the United States.", "It has been a long time since I have visited, but it was so cold when I went in the winter.", "Okay I have some clothes that are a mixture of azure, green and ultramarine. They end up looking like different shades of blue.", "Do you have a favor flavor of cheesecake? I like strawberry and oreo.", "Do you have a favor flavor of cheesecake? I like strawberry and oreo." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i volunteer in my spare time.", "i work in a factory." ]
[ "well i cannot help you there . i seem to get to class early .", "i have employment at a factory" ]
[ "That doesn't sound exciting, I am retired though so all I do is watch movies.", "Great, what do you volunteer for by the way?", "Good for you. Where do you live?", "I live in central Louisiana, pretty boring here.", "Sometimes, just the to the French neighborhood. Why do you like it?", "It reminds me of the old western movies, the building are so old there." ]
[ "I like to do something worthwhile in my spare time so I volunteer.", "I work with the little kids.", "I am from the DMV area in the east coast, you?", "Oh I love New Orleans, do you go there a lot?", "I feel alive when I'm there.", "Hmmm. I've never felt that way before, interesting take on it." ]
{ "convai2": [ "eat junk food and sleep all day except at work at the factory .", "factory work , spare time spent volunteering and trying to change things in the world .", "i live in shady pines a home for retired people .", "i see , there'sn't much exciting things to do where i live , very country lol", "i just like going there . i do not have one particular reason .", "i agree with that , i've never been there ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What movies do you enjoy instead?", "Mostly jobs and children.", "Central.", "It sounds like you might be from down south. I would miss it there, too.", "It just seems so exotic and far away. I feel like I will love it there!", "Oh a western. I used to watch westerns with my dad as well." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'm actually semi-retired! I just reduced working hours", "I plan to do some volunteer work.", "I am from the DMV area in the east coast, you?", "Boring is an unincorporated community in Clackamas County, Oregon,", "A lot of people like to visit the Old Port district.", "The old ones are always better aren't they??" ] }
[ "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i m a pilot for southwest.", "my favorite food is fried chicken." ]
[ "i like arcade games . gambling is only fun when you win .", "i know i hate to loose my employment is working as a pilot ." ]
[ "At least you can get a job, nobody wants to hire me with my condition.", "Doctors said I have Autism, although Im just quiet that's all.", "Well it's hared to find a good paying job where you don't interact with anyone anyway. So I'll just live of the benefits.", "Yes, traveling is fun, it's like a new religion these days. And you?", "That would be nice. What's your job by the way?", "Well that makes sense. Where did you fly most recently? " ]
[ "Oh I'm so sorry. What is your condition?", "Even if you do have that I don't understand why no one would hire you. That doesn't seem fair", "Well I'm glad that you are able to receive benefits. Do you like to travel?", "Yeah I travel all over because of my job. I could get you a free flight some time if you'd like", "I'm an airline pilot. ", "Right now I'm in Indianapolis. Headed to Alaska in the morning. Where are you located?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i lead the glamorous life of a pilot .", "oh ! i had not heard . when did you get diagnosed ?", "good luck with that . i know you will enjoy being a pilot", "i would like to visit some foreign places but afraid to fly", "i'd work at the video game arcade . how about you ?", "on a plane , in a crash ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I hope you find one soon. If you don't, you are more than welcome to come work in my sweatshop in Siberia.", "I see you enjoy gambling.", "You will find a good career.", "Where do you go the most?", "I'm a freelancer", "I'm in South Korea at the moment." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well you can always be a flight attendant, mechanic or even a ground crew member, They all pay well.", "This is very common, 9 out of 10 have problems. Appears you are one of them.", "eh if you were exempt from dying you could just not pay bills, not like it would matter if you have unending existence", "Yeah, I love to travel! Although, I usually go for short stays but move a lot.", "I love Alaska Airlines.", "I love Alaska Airlines." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to plant flowers in my gardens.", "i like to take my dog for long walks." ]
Narcissus (plant)
[ "What are perennials?", "that basically means they come back each year usuallr around at least 2 years" ]
[ "Oh makes sense. But anyway what other hobbies do you have?", "That could be fun, I just do morning runs 6 days a week.", "You should try it, running give you a lot of energy. It's like dancing.", "What makes you think this way?", "With flowers? Or do you use them for tea?", "That's smart, but do they look nice?" ]
[ "I have a dog and we go for long walks.", "That's awesome! Sometimes my dog tries to run but I don't like to.", "I feel like planting flowers in my garden is good for my health.", "You help the environment and improve your health.", "I like the wildflowers, I plant them and then just let them grow, no weeding involved!", "They do, we don't mow our yard so it's just all over. The neighbors don't like them for some reason though." ]
{ "convai2": [ "ohhhh okay that makes more sense", "i mean i do go for morning or evening walks which help .", "i mean i do go for morning or evening walks which help .", "i mean i do go for morning or evening walks which help .", "it varies . just research purity beforehand . i use them daily .", "yeah , they're nice colors , and depend on what you like" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Hunting, fishing and computers.", "That's a good effective walk!", "Yes,, it's good exercise for everyone.", "Is it to late to plant more?", "I love flowers, that's great!", "Yes, and the changing of the leaves is wonderful." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "I like to walk too instead of running. Especailly in hotter weather.", "dancing for health is a great way for people that don't enjoy the typical exercise activity, so it's a perfect alternative.", "You help the environment and improve your health.", "Just regular. I'm just eating the taproot. No one eats the leaves.", "No! and mostly the flower looks like a crown." ] }
[ "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "" ]
[ "i drive a honda car.", "i love candy." ]
[ "I am not so sure how I feel about buying a used car.", "Well, if the milleage is not too much and the car is clean go for it" ]
[ "I like nature anyway so I don't mind getting a used car.", "Yeah, that way I can travel through rugged terrain. Do you like animals?", "Yes, I even enjoy looking at wildlife.", "Yes, I have a dog and a cat." ]
[ "That's cool, you should think about getting a 4 wheel drive.", "Yeah....animals are", "That's great....with a 4 whell you will be able to travel all over the place....and bring your dog! Do you have animals?", "We don't have any pets, but with two kids....a dog is in our future." ]
{ "convai2": [ "it is a really good car . you should !", "i do , i like to take more of animals and nature though .", "i like the nature stuff too . .", "nice ! ! my cats love clean sheets ," ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Maybe you should buy it for keep sake", "Oh I meant wild birds, and squirrels etc, I just think of them as mine :)", "Yes I like to see the animals", "It sounds like you have a lot of animals!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Sports utility vehicles can cost a lot though, upwards of 50k for a car like that", "Yes, love being in the wilderness, but humans are constantly modifying the land we have left.", "Wildlife is the best, especially out there in the mountains, I have been to West Virginia, but not much", "You ever hear of a Manx cat?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to draw.", "i'm a very tall woman." ]
[ "i have curly hair too ! can you drive stick ? i do", "no i wish i could what you like to eat ?" ]
[ "I like pizza. ", "Do you own a car?", "Are they automatic or stick?", "I love use stick shift on cars, my dad taught me when I was just a kid. ", "Yes. Especially sculpture. And you?", "I like Da Vinci because he is so precise and inventive." ]
[ "I love pizza. I thought about driving pizza delivery but I need to get a license.", "I do. I co-own two cars with my wife but I only have a permit to drive.", "One is an automatic and the other is stick. I can drive the truck (automatic) no problem but the wagon is manual.", "I still need to learn manual. Do you like art?", "Sure do. I used to live on the east coast and would love to go to the DC museums. I like to draw but I'm not very good. Favorite artist?", "Nice. I appreciate a bit of Da Vinci. He was a true renaissance man." ]
{ "convai2": [ "do you know how to take a stick shift car out for a ride ?", "i do not , i just wash my curly head .", "my husband drove . what do you look like ? i am very tall with curly hair .", "i am happy that you do too . can you teach me how to drive stick shift ?", "so do i . i also love other things like art for example .", "cool ! i'll have to check out his work ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love pizza", "No I don't have for the mower", "I drive a gianormous conversion van", "Yes my dad taught me also.", "I enjoy watching art. Maybe I'll hapen across some of it!", "That's weird conclusion. But, Da Vinci does definitely hold secrets and died with them. He even might have created that very bizarre and undecipherable medieval book." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I just ate pizza last night while listening to \"Madness\" the song \"it must be love.\" I just thought of that. Pizza is great", "No, i live too far away from a city, so I need a car. But, I know it's easier to get a license and the insurance is cheaper so that's another bonus.", "Front wheel drive. It's between the Fit and Accord in the Honda family but just to small!", "Me too. I grew up in the UK, where that is the norm. Stick shifts are more economic to drive.", "yes i do. i actually didnt know it was considered art.", "Da Vinci was more than just an artist he was also a inventor, sculptor, architect, and mathmetician." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i wait tables at a cafe.", "i've a cat." ]
[ "Wow that is amazing do you know when pizza was first originated?", "Yes actually The history of pizza begins in antiquity, when different ancient cultures produced flatbreads with toppings." ]
[ "I love pineapple on pizza! ", "That sounds good too! My cat always bugs me for the toppings. ", "Same here. They are chaotic but lovable! ", "Mine will paw at my feet and crawl all over! ", "I work with metal, helping construction projects! You? ", "Thank you! What are you going to school for?" ]
[ "I like pineapple on pizza too. My favorite pizza is chicken, tomato, and jalapeno.", "Mine does too. She loves chicken. She always tries to steal it whenever I make it", "Mine is really loving for a cat. She loves to sit on my lap and be petted", "Aww that's so cute. What do you do for a living?", "That's really cool! I just wait tables while trying to get through school", "Criminology. I'm hoping to get my doctorate and become a professor" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love pineapples also , especially on ham", "my cats love pizza . its our favorite ! ever seen a pizza loving cat ?", "they really are . they're so intuitive and loving . totally misunderstood", "that is too cute ! i love that", "i bet that's an interesting job ! i work in a museum", "i am not sure yet . maybe some type of engineering" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I like it by itself, but not on pizza. That's so gross!", "I like it by itself, but not on pizza. That's so gross!", "They are sometimes", "Cats are very fun, sometimes", "I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times, but it's rewarding to see your vision come together, especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done.", "Criminology" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I love pineapple too! It seems like such an American food but a survey from 2004 said Norwegians eat the most frozen pizza.", "I could see that. Pizza is so adaptable, it is popular in places like Bangladeshi urban areas.", "My cat used to hide whenever we had too many people over, and we had another who liked to watch them, but she wasn't very nice.", "Cats can see so well in the dark mine likes to wander around at night", "My ex-husband worked for the steel industry as well although we are not located in the Pittsburgh area.", "Mine is education, what is yours?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite number is 7.", "i love to read books." ]
[ "yes i also enjoy eating pizza it is so tasty l . o . l", "oh man ! i never learned to drive so i can never pick up my own pizza !" ]
[ "Sorry to hear that. I live near a beach, so there are lots of touristy pizza places in walking distance.", "It honestly gets old getting sand in the book spines lol. I usually just sit by a window to enjoy the view when I read.", "That's a really good idea, I should look into one of those! Any particular one you like to use?", "Is your model waterproof or do you just sit away from the water? I'd be worried about ocean spray messing it up.", "I don't know if there is either lol, just curious if you knew of one that is.", "Haha sounds like it! I'll split the earnings with you lol" ]
[ "I wish I lived near the beach. The beach is my favorite place to relax and catch up on some books. ", "I know what you mean! The sand can get every where which is why I switched to an e-reader when I do read at the beach. ", "I recommend the Kindle, it is most like reading a book - it does not have the glare that hurts your eyes like a tablet can have from the sun.", "Mine is not water proof, I usually sit a little distance away from the water. I did not know there was a waterproof model. ", "I will have to look up if there is one, if there is not, you have a million dollar idea! lol", "Haha I like the sound of that! Looks like I will be able to move to the beach after all! " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i live near the beach so i spend a lot of time there", "sorry to hear that . i know the feeling .", "all kinds , i love going to the library , but i can't drive there", "well , the water can be pretty cold . i would suggest a wet suit !", "i will look it up online , i love the internet !", "haha , we could do pizza ! a pizza party charity auction !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "There's more stuff to do than the beach though!", "Well, at least there is sand!", "I definitely have a Switch on my Christmas list! Maybe I will get myself one for my birthday.", "I have heard water is expensive in California. Well , they are worth it if you can jump straight up five or six feet.", "best place to find one is online!", "Hahaha, thanks for the idea!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That sounds amazing! We don't have great pizza here either, just a lot of Dominos and Pizza hut chains that aren't too great", "Yes, reading a book on a tablet just isn't the same!", "Probably my Amazon Kindle e-reader. I take it everywhere, yours?", "Yes! It's more weatherproof and definitely more secure since it can't be slashed by theives like a fabric top.", "I do not. But I do know that apple released another line of iPads that are much larger called the iPad Pro.", "Nightline did a segment called How Far can $50 go - did you see it?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i wear contacts.", "i work as a janitor." ]
[ "my whiskey makes you feel like you can leap tall buildings in a single bound", "well i may have to try it then ." ]
[ "What else do you like to do with your free time?", "REally. What do you do?", "I work at a movie theater, mainly because I love watching movies." ]
[ "I don't really have a lot of free time. My job keeps me busy. ", "I'm a janitor. It's exhausting but also rewarding. What do you do?", "Nice! What is your favorite movie? I haven't been able to watch a lot of movies lately because I can't find my contacts." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do that outdoors , i love it . then , i drink whiskey after , lol", "i drink a lot of whiskey . it helps dull the pain of my job .", "nice . i like whiskey too ! what do you do for fun ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Listening to music and playing board games. Like cavemen. Lol", "I do sales work! Not the best but pays the bills!", "That's not a bad way to spend your day. That can be just as fun if you get the right kind of movies." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "I listen to music most of the time. Gerry Rafferty (he was in the folk-pop group The Humblebums in 1969) is one of my favorites.", "That's awesome. Do you like watching any character movies (like Catman, or Batman) in your spare time?" ] }
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "i like makeup.", "i have a nice smile." ]
[ "Someone stole an ice chest out of the back of my truck", "What's an ice chest? " ]
[ "It's a chest that's used as a cooler you just put ice in it.", "Do you have any hobbies?", "Are you the only child in your family?", "Than you hobbie makes sense, I have 4 sibling, so I have many hobbies.", "I do, or do you mean like big trucks?", "What exactly?" ]
[ "gotcha", "Naw. Drink and play Xbox mostly - and I do like makeup", "Nope, I have one sister - and I have a better smile than she does!", "cool , didn't ask ! do you like trucks ?", "I've never driven a truck, only small vehicles! How's that working out for you?", "Just a large truck. We have a lot of commerical trucks around here, those are some big trucks." ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "i drive my big truck around", "no i'm an only child ? do you ?", "cool , didn't ask ! do you like trucks ?", "no , i'm too caught up in my looks . i've a great smile and love makeup", "stealing money . i should have gone to court and jail but didn't ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What's an ice chest?", "Naw. Drink and play Xbox mostly", "of course, that's my wife and children. my parents suck.", "I have a brother and a two neices.", "I've never driven a truck, only small vehicles! How's that working out for you?", "What's an ice chest?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It can accommodate foods of different thicknesses and drain fat away.", "Not too much but I do know that it is one of the world's most popular hobbies.", "No I am not but my cousin. only child\" is generally applied only to those individuals who have never had siblings.", "That's totally understandable. Hobbies definitely change over the years. It's always great to find what makes you happiest!", "Yes I love foot trucks, especially the ones with big vehicles, haha", "Just a large truck. We have a lot of commerical trucks around here, those are some big trucks." ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i love shoes.", "i like to shop." ]
[ "oh cool , my profession is gourmet cook , i can cook you something", "i would love some shrimp scampi like how the make it at red lobster ." ]
[ "Oh I can do way better than Red Lobster!", "Grilled shrimp on a charcoal grill glazed with garlic butter is amazing.", "I wish I could get fresh shrimp but I'm afraid of wide open areas like the ocean", "I do too - I really need to try!", "Well that sounds like a plan" ]
[ "Like what?", "That's sounds tasty.", "Oh I love seafood though. It's worth it I'd say lol.", "you should .maybe we could somehow try it toghether?", "Do you like shopping anyway?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "what is your job ? i cook gourmet dinners but not as a profession", "oh wow ! what is that food ? you have not tried my gourmet cooking !", "my second biggest fear isn't having one of my gourmet dinners turn out right .", "you should . i just love seafood .", "what is your job ? i cook gourmet dinners but not as a profession" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "See. I'm not a great cook.", "See. I'm not a great cook.", "Oh I love seafood though. It's worth it I'd say lol.", "You should - there are loads of recipes online and it tastes so much better than store bought", "Are there any other types of seafood you like?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Red Lobster is a very popular chain and in 2013 they had 705 locations!", "I definitely love lobster tails dipped in butter!", "They just taste so slimy. I tried cherry shrimp last week, and couldn't stand it.", "Gotta be careful about your fish though. Lots of seafood species are mislabelled in misleading ways.", "in that case, you should throw a toga party!" ] }
[ "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "" ]
[ "i was born under a blood moon.", "i work some very odd jobs." ]
Birth order
[ "I was counting half siblings, I have an older half brother and a younger sister. How many siblings do you have?", "I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters, but I don't talk to 1 brother and 1 sister. I've never even met those 2." ]
[ "Never met them?", "Have you tried to reach out to them?", "I have two younger brothers, I'm the oldest. I don't see them too much these days.", "I'm very busy with work and school, plus they are reaching their adolescence. They want to spread their wings and venture off more. ", "Yes the second oldest is ten years younger than me.", "Pretty normal, like any other family I suppose. Do you think your family is normal?" ]
[ "I mean recently. sorry.", "I have. They pretty much went no contact. They don't care I guess.", "Why not? I don't have time for example because of my strange job.", "So you have a big difference in age than?", "Wow, how was it growing up in such a family?", "i guess so . i don t worry about what is considered normal ." ]
{ "convai2": [ "no , just them . it was lonely growing up . do you have siblings ?", "i have , sorry , just annoyed when they do this to me .", "oh geez . i feel like that sometimes . i am the oldest have 4 younger siblings .", "that might be good if you get along with them .", "oh wow , that is a big difference .", "i guess so . i don t worry about what is considered normal ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I met them at the store. But there is more..", "I have. They pretty much went no contact.", "Do you not see them much?", "I see, well hang in there. In about 5 minutes, they'll be older.", "What is your age difference?", "Not at all." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yea, it was nice growing up with them. In adulthood I learned of two young half-sisters, so I didn't know them at all. What about you?", "No not really once I got older to understand how it got to that point my mom felt the lack of independence and they would always clash.", "Thats very true, I had a few step siblings that I saw on holidays though.", "That can be an annoying age! lol Adolescence is usually thought of as the teen years buts physical, psychological and cultural expressions may start and end earlier. It will pass, trust me! lol", "It says many things affect how close emotionally siblings are. Are you close with your sibling?", "They are not, but it does accur mote in nothern europeans. I'm not sure if it just skipped a few generations or if my mom cheated on my dad." ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i often play the clown to get attention.", "i'll work hard for whatever i want." ]
[ "nice . i am actually in a wheelchair , so my job options are limited .", "i'm sorry . i was put in a orphanage because i'm missing a limb" ]
[ "Oh I'm sorry. Which limb?", "Wow, that's interesting, very good og you to stay positive", "Where do you work now by the way? ", "Well I work on the opposite side haha. I work at an old museum of technology.", "It's museum that displays history of technological progress, like from button phones to touchscreens. ", "No, it unique and fun, or it could be the first few times." ]
[ "My left arm - but it's ok, i've learned to be the clown to cover up for it.", "Thanks, there were many legal, financial, social etc issues that I have overcome now", "I just sent my last job! im a digital artist, so an essential part of my work is technology!", "What exactly would that be?", "O awesome, so its more of a general public museums and not one of the niche ones more meant for researchers?", "The traditional model of museums is changing in the digital age!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "wheelchairs books , as i am in a wheelchair and stuck there .", "confidence is good , especially when your in a wheelchair like i am .", "wheelchairs books , as i am in a wheelchair and stuck there .", "that sounds fun ! i work at home . i'm wheelchair bound so i cannot do much .", "oh , that sounds nice . i use a wheelchair so that can be difficult .", "oh okay , i guess that explanation is good enough lol" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I can't imagine being in a wheelchair or having no arms!", "Thanks. Have to be to succeed, right?", "I work from home now for a an online retail company.", "yes technology is great", "yes technology is great", "I can't imagine being in a wheelchair or having no arms!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I heard that normally, it is just a small piece of tissue that can be removed. Can yours be removed?", "Thanks, there were many legal, financial, social etc issues that I have overcome now", "I just sent my last job! im a digital artist, so an essential part of my work is technology!", "I see! Do you work on mainly PC games, console games, or both?", "O awesome, so its more of a general public museums and not one of the niche ones more meant for researchers?", "The traditional model of museums is changing in the digital age!" ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "my temper is pretty short.", "i like early 2000s indie music." ]
The Strokes
[ "yes, Formed in 1998, the band is composed of singer Julian Casablancas, lead guitarist Nick Valensi, rhythm guitarist Albert Hammond Jr., bassist Nikolai Fraiture, and drummer Fabrizio Moretti. ", "Yes I know after five-album deals with RCA and Rough Trade, they continued to release new music through Casablancas Cult Records" ]
[ "are you into music?", "I think so - it's been awhile since I've listened to them as well - I like to read books now", "I love Harlan Coben actually, but also really into Lincoln and Child", "Yeah not much into them as I used to be.", "I agree - music soothes the savage beast so they say", "I agree - today's music is junk for the most part - and with horrible language" ]
[ "I used to be. I haven't listened to The Strokes in a while, though. Are they still together?", "Sorry, I thought you asked if I was into THEIR music. Yes, I LOVE music. I love reading, too. Stephen King is my favorite author. Who's yours? ", "What about bands? I love a lot of indie bands from the early 2000's. It's mostly ear garbage now.", "Well, I have a bit of a temper. Music helps calm me down.", "It's true. We need more positive music, like the music from the 80's. Instead, we have mumble rap, and teen crap.", "There's great music out there. Look up Manchester Orchestra's A Black Mile To The Surface album on YouTube. They're an indie band, and that entire album is amazing!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well , my music has great rhythm so your invited !", "they have steadily been making music since the eighties", "the avett brother are my favorite , tom petty was a great guy .", "do you still play in a band ? what kind of music do you play ?", "you are absolutely right . speaking of music , what is your favorite genre ?", "agreed . the god metal is still underground . will always be there ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "yes, I'm a guitar player", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "Dang! I should start watching it. I love Stephen King.", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "We need more musicians who are about the music and bringing enlightenment to people. We got way too much commercial garbage on the radio. I really hope your message resonates with people.", "I agree, and most of the music is older music, too." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "And Casablancas befriended the Bassist Nicolai Fraiture while the two attended the Lycee Francaise de New York", "And Casablancas befriended the Bassist Nicolai Fraiture while the two attended the Lycee Francaise de New York", "I have never heard of that author. My favorite author is Harlan Coben.", "Well then you should like indie rock- today it is associated with the bands and genres that remain dedicated to their independent status.", "And Casablancas befriended the Bassist Nicolai Fraiture while the two attended the Lycee Francaise de New York", "Ugh I hate mumble rap, especially Future and that Chief Keef guy. I don't think they're even saying real words!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite place to travel is jamaica.", "i'm traveling to barbados next month." ]
[ "sure , i like to sleep a lot though . not really the adventurous type", "i find that i don't have the time to sleep , i've a very busy schedule" ]
[ "Really? Where do you work this days?" ]
[ "I work at the bank" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am not sure really . i am unemployed" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I work at the bank" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I work 10 hours a day. I get up before work to go to the gym, so I'm extra tired by the end of the day. My job unfortunately doesn't offer flextime" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i love talking on the phone.", "i am fluent in spanish." ]
[ "So i am really happy with myself lately. Finally graduated college after 8 years since 2009.", "Wow, go you! I am proud of you, it can be tough to do!" ]
[ "Thank you! It was hard but now I can finally get my feet moving forward.", "Thank you! That's what I'm hoping for, more free time to work on the things I want to do.", "Exactly! School was great and all, but knowing I had that time to myself to work on my passions was so great.", "That's very kind of you. Music, art, theatre, those are huge passions of mine. What about yourself?", "I love Enya, she has some wonderful relaxing music. Definitely my kind of music!", "I'll listen to her or music like that in general, soft music like that is great no matter your mood." ]
[ "Good luck! Once you're done with university work I'm sure that a lot of time will help you out!", "I know, the free time is the best. You can do whatever you want, whenever!", "i am happy for you ! what else do you enjoy ?", "Yes! I like to paint and listen to it, it calms me. An artist named Enya makes great new age music!", "I agree. For relaxation she's great. The way she overlays her vocals is amazing. Do you listen only when stressed?", "We need more musicians who are about the music and bringing enlightenment to people. We got way too much commercial garbage on the radio." ]
{ "convai2": [ "congratulations ! what a great thing ! keep it up .", "i wish you the best of luck . do your best . college can be hard work .", "i am happy for you ! what else do you enjoy ?", "i've a lot of passions and music is one ! what about you ?", "she's indeed . timeless and iconic lady !", "yes i agree my friend . it has been nice chatting with you , too !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Congratulations on graduating college and I wish you the very best.", "I know, the free time is the best. You can do whatever you want, whenever!", "Oh definitely, did you go to school as well?", "Music. Some of the hardest music that professionals play.", "She puts on such a great show!", "We need more musicians who are about the music and bringing enlightenment to people. We got way too much commercial garbage on the radio. I really hope your message resonates with people." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Good luck! Once you're done with university work I'm sure that a lot of time will help you out!", "Good! Enjoy the last year before graduation!", "I agree. The best thing about summer is that I can read mystery novels, like the The Dresden Files. Have you heard of this book series?", "Yes! I like to paint and listen to it, it calms me. An artist named Enya makes great new age music!", "I agree. For relaxation she's great. The way she overlays her vocals is amazing. Do you listen only when stressed?", "It certainly does put me in a good emotional state." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i am very polite and courteous.", "i try to do my job as best as i can." ]
[ "one son . i am divorced like my parents were . how about you ?", "i'm single i work at a bank what do you do for a living ?" ]
[ "i have a son he keeps me busy", "yes its really hard sometimes", " yes I love to make crafts hbu", "yes we have so much fun. Do u want kida?", "thats great they are great fun", "me to its been good talking to u" ]
[ "I am sure he can also count on you for everything", "I can imagine so - do you have any hobbies?", "crafting is great fun i'm sure . . . do your kids participate ?", "yea sure", "They are, I love working with children too!", "you too , thank you for the amazing conversation !" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like to keep busy too", "i imagine it is , i'm divorced .", "crafting is great fun i'm sure . . . do your kids participate ?", "i'd very much , thank you", "oh sure thing will love too", "you too , thank you for the amazing conversation !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I am sure he can also count on you for everything", "I can imagine so", "That's cool! It's always good to have a hobby", "No. Thanks", "They are, I love working with children too!", "nice talking to you for sure" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Sounds like your dad needs to get his priorities in order.", "Sounds like your dad needs to get his priorities in order.", "I really prefer the folk style crafts.", "yea sure", "ok i click the relevant", "You too! Thanks!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2" ]
[ "i am not a fan of science.", "my dad works for ups." ]
[ "that's so cool , i love biking", "that's good exercise . do you ride every day ?" ]
[ "I try to but I do schedule breaks so I don't burn out. What do you do for exercise?", "Oh that's cool. What does your dad do?", "Oh that is good exercise. Do you have a job too then?", "Oh you don't like science? I love it. I majored in Zoology", "Yeah it's the study of animals. The school I went to split biology into plants and animals", "I've always just liked it and found it easy. And I love animals. I always thought English classes were the hardest" ]
[ "I help my dad with work somtimes that's my exercise.", "He works at ups, so I help him load heavy boxes sometimes. ", "No but if am am to get one, it has to be as far from science as possible. ", "Is that even science?", "Why do you like it. the science is so hard.", "English is easy to me. You must be smart to like science. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "just exercise . i like hiking and riding my bike so i can eat more !", "he had a bike accident when he was a teen", "my dad helps , but he works full time for ups . otherwise , just me .", "oh , so no science in it . it still sounds kinda fun .", "oh , so no science in it . it still sounds kinda fun .", "it is my favorite subject as well . do you have pets ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I play volleyball with some friends. Gotta get that exercise in after work.", "He is a medic.", "I'm a firefighter, but when I got there, they had shipped him somewhere else so that sucked.", "Biology isnt as easy as I thought either.", "That's interesting. A lot of cool things to learn for sure.", "Biology isnt as easy as I thought either." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "i most time like a combination of athletics, calisthenics, and sports.", "I used to go with him to help him out with cooking and stuff", "No I do not. But I don work in the environment of the comfort of my home. Sorry bad joke.", "Oh that's cool. Where do you study?", "Oh that's cool. Where do you study?", "It seems it overlaps wiht a lot of topics though, like biochemistry, ecology, and even paleontology." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy walks on the beach.", "i love to paint." ]
[ "She loves to draw all kinds of things. But, she loves to draw animals and people, all kinds!", "Does she just use a brush? It's interesting how some people paint with other things like knives, sponges, and airbrushes." ]
[ "I like the digital artists more, like the ones that make video games. ", "Do you paint with oil? ", "Are you good or just leaning? ", "What is the painting about? ", "I really would like to see it. " ]
[ "I love to paint myself.", "Yes. I like paints from a water based solution.", "i'm not sure , the paint is still drying .", "It was a painting of a waterfall. It is really beautiful", "its amazing and such a joy to paint , i am an artist and love my brush ." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like painting also . i just prefer doing things that allow me to be more active .", "i do . i do a lot of fluid painting . do you paint or collect ?", "i'm not sure , the paint is still drying .", "its an abstract painting of a clock .", "its amazing and such a joy to paint , i am an artist and love my brush ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What does she like to draw?", "No. Neither of us are artistic. It's normal painting of rooms.", "I think I need some pointers from her.", "It was a painting of a waterfall. It is really beautiful", "She has just recently got in to painting, would you like to see it?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Does she prefer a more realistic style, like photographic -- or abstract and symbolic?", "Yes. I like paints from a water based solution.", "No, I am more of a Grey guy. I really like it because it's neutral.", "Cassou used painting for self-dscover and for exploring the spiritual dimensions.", "in her homeland, the island of Themyscira she is a princess. Like you." ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2" ]
[ "i am currently trying to open my own grocery store.", "i'm colorblind." ]
Grocery store
[ "Would you like to have a certain kind of grocery store?", "Not really, just your every day grocery store,maybe not as big. Something that sells non-perishables, food in boxes, cans, maybe some type of bakery." ]
[ "I think I'd like to have a grocery store that sells only pizza!", "Well, maybe, but I'd prefer if it was cooked first, I never understood the point of buying uncooked pizza.", "Well I think the main color in my restaurant should be red, that's a really nice color.", "Well my true favorite color is red but I think that might only be because it is part of purple", "Yeah, purple is a very elegant color. I'm used to elegance since I'm a spoiled only child.", "Well, let me describe red for you... it is like a passionate kiss with the knowledge you will never have that feeling again." ]
[ "Pizza? You mean like the Papa Murphy's store? ", "Well then you just want to open a restaurant. I want a real grocery store. ", "Why red? don't you think it's too bright?", "Purple is much more suiting for a restaurant I think.", "But any ways I almost forgot to say, I can't really see colors, I just know based on descriptions. ", "I like red color than, although not sure if pizza is a good companion for that. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "what kind of bakery ? i make bagels every morning !", "mmm . . . i sure do . what is the name of your bakery ? do you deliver ?", "wow opening a bakery would be amazing ! do you have other hobbies ?", "i've heard that before . something about it being the absence of color ?", "so you are just pretty much spoiled ? lol", "i guess that is fair to say , it just sounds wierd ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Serious? Don't you like pizza?", "I like it by itself, but not on pizza. That's so gross!", "Like beige and brown?", "Yeah, that's too hot. I can see your point.", "Yes, I understand! Life is easier as a kid.", "hahah yessss! nailed it." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The roman empire were the developers of the bakery!", "you can put other things on pizza thankfully. Like vegetables and meats.", "Say you are descended from a long line of Byzantine rulers - that's the color they wore.", "Maybe you could try to find you some nice pastel blues to mix it up sometime. Or you know, don't, because that sounds terrible.", "Maybe you could try to find you some nice pastel blues to mix it up sometime. Or you know, don't, because that sounds terrible.", "Oh don't want to get too abrasive that's for sure," ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy video games.", "i enjoy singing." ]
[ "of course . how are you doing ?", "i am good . enjoyed my favorite movie magic mike . how about you ?" ]
[ "I am good as well. I have not seen that movie.", "I listen to a lot of music. Recently I have been listening to older Bob Dylan. What about you?", "What else do you like to do for fun?", "I am not much of a gamer. I prefer to get outside and go for a hike.", "I would love to go to Scotland. So much to see. Do you travel?", "That sounds great. Do you enjoy touring, or is it good to get off the road?" ]
[ "It's like the Steve Jobs of movies. Hah. So what singers do you like?", "Bob Dylan is great! I love Mr. Tambourine Man. His voice is really unique.", "I play video games. I like Ultima online especially. What about you? Do you play?", "Don't get me wrong, I like the outdoors too. Scotland is gorgeous for hiking.", "I do. I'm a singer so I tour a lot. ", "It can be hectic, but i meet so many wonderful people in the community. I sing folk mostly. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "do you like movies ? i love magic mike .", "i think magic mike is a movie i like a lot , uh , because of the music .", "i think magic mike is a movie i like a lot , uh , because of the music .", "do you like movies ? my favorite movie is magic mike .", "yes , love it ! but i don't get to often . i went to argentina last year .", "do you like movies ? my favorite movie is magic mike ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Neither have I. I'm looking forward to it.", "I loved his song Starfish & Coffee when I was little.", "Listening to music and playing board games. Like cavemen. Lol", "Yeah i get that. I don't go outside for long periods of time.", "Most of us do and the rest aren’t too far out. How about you?", "Pleasure. I just hope my car makes the 9 hour drive. she has about 167k miles on her :/" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It's like the Steve Jobs of movies. You know the entrepreneur, business magnate?", "Bob Dylan is great! I love Mr. Tambourine Man", "I have a playlist i listen to. It also has Carly Simon on it and Bow Wow and Usher.", "That's cool. I'm not good at those games. My favorite game is Halo. What's yours?", "Not really, but I would just love to backpack or go hiking there.", "I am happy with it. I get to see the United States." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i married my high school sweetheart.", "i surf often." ]
[ "I've been dieting the last two months, and so far, I've lost aboout 30 pounds!", "Wow! That's amazing! You must be proud! What is your secret?" ]
[ "setting goals and completing them", "Thanks its just the beginning, i am already setting my next goals.", "i look at it like a marathon and not a sprint. I try to lose at least 2 pounds a week " ]
[ "Amazing! I'm so proud of you for your dedication!", "what kind of goals are you setting?", "That seems like it would be a lot of work." ]
{ "convai2": [ "that is amazing ! what a great accomplishment !", "that is amazing ! what a great accomplishment !", "that is good ! i am sure you keep in great shape" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Amazing! I'm so proud of you for your dedication!", "What diet do you want to do?", "How much would you like to lose?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Have you tried any other lifestyle changes for managing your weight?", "That will really help you to maintain your overall health.", "Have you tried any other lifestyle changes for managing your weight?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "i'm not thin.", "my hair is brown." ]
[ "do you have any ink ?", "i have 2 small tattoos . i want more but i never make time for it" ]
[ "Is time really an issue for getting tatoos?", "And how long is a session?", "I've thought about getting a tatoo but the needle scares me haha", "saying 1000 needles isn't very assuring lol", "I've been playing a lot of golf lately", "It's nice and relaxing. But starting out it's a bit frustrating not being able to hit the ball" ]
[ "Yes, sometimes they more than 2 sessions ", "It is about 2 hours per session", "it did hurt very much , like 1000 needles", "I like the pain because it makes me feel alive! What do you like to do for fun?", "Cool I have always wanted to try gold!", "Practice makes perfect!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes", "so about 2 years or more", "it did hurt very much , like 1000 needles", "i know right . do you like tatoos", "oh , so you play golf too ?", "yeah they can definitely be strenuous ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It's not but its a pain in the neck and $35", "Very long. I think its good that people are taking action.", "Thats awesome i used to do the tattoos and recently purchased 2 tatoo machines a shader and a liner , been drawing since i was 5 years old", "Thats awesome i used to do the tattoos and recently purchased 2 tatoo machines a shader and a liner , been drawing since i was 5 years old", "Golf? I could never get into it.", "I hear ya.. practice makes perfect tho!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "it depends on the place you get it so ive heard. some place youll barely have to worry about. also fun fact tatto in the 18th century is a loanword from the polynesian word \"tatau\" wich means to write.", "Seven to ten days", "Yes it hurts abit. tattoos are in 3 categories, decorative, symbolic and pictorial", "Yea tattoos in the west are seen less as uncivilies nowadays", "Golf is really interesting, you should try it sometimes, gold doesnt utilize a standardized playing area, so every time the game is different", "its a lot of fun tho" ] }
[ "", "", "convai2", "", "", "" ]
[ "my father used to be an insurance salesman.", "i graduated valedictorian of my high school class." ]
[ "Ihave ebery thing my kids have ever made me.", "Thats awesome that you have saved all of that. I bet its heartwarming to look back at all of that stuff" ]
[ "yes i love to keep to look back at memories.", "Absolutely I have parties to look back on too", "oh my gosh so do I", "I am not sure probably new years ", "yes halloween is the best too", "no not really" ]
[ "That is great, make sure you pass it on to your kids as well!", "Excellent!I love parties", "what is your favorite party ?", "Nice! New years is one of my favorites. ", "Yes! So much candy! And it is also coming up. Any costume ideas?", "Well alright then. It was nice talking to you!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yea sure does . but memories live as long as you do .", "that is cool , i love parties too and try to go to one every other night .", "what is your favorite party ?", "i love new years it the worlds greatest do over", "halloween is my favorite . and its so soon !", "i like making hats and scarfs . sometimes stuffed animals or baby blankets" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That is great, make sure you pass it on to your kids as well!", "Excellent!I love parties", "I love parties", "I love parties", "Yes. Halloween is my favorite. I do themes with my kids. I don't know what we are doing this year but its time to start shopping.", "Lol okay then!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Me too! I prefer a cultural memory to a tangible memory.", "And I would be glad knowing they would have planned activities", "Party's involve fun gatherings of people", "New Year's Eve is celebrated with social gatherings.", "Yeah I really like Halloween or All Hallows' Eve.", "Which style of dress do you like for halloween?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to bake.", "i like to go on walks." ]
[ "Have you ever been to Six flags?", "I have been to Six Flags as a matter of fact. I cant say that I enjoyed it much, as I hate to ride rides. WHat about you?" ]
[ "Well i love rollercoasters because of the physics involved", "Do you like feeling outside yourself?", "All the trees and flowers, nature can be so perfect", "Theres a lot in nature that can be used for science. Do you like to read?", "My friends think I am a nerd for reading so much, but i find it relaxing. What have you watched recently?", "I really enjoyed it, the last season got weird though." ]
[ "Me too. It gives me life to feel like falling", "I love going outside and taking a walk", "I agree. It is the fall season and the trees will be lots of different colors and pretty!", "Not really. I fall asleep while reading. I prefer to watch something", "I have recently been watching Game of Thrones because I have never seen it before", "I am still near the beginning unfortunately!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "sometimes i like roller coasters , and sometimes i hate them !", "roller coasters always make me feel better .", "yes , and the changing trees are beautiful", "not really , i don't read much books at all . do you", "i do not remember . i was too busy watching empire .", "yeah , the most recent season ended good . i am excited for the next !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's what everyone says but they're scary. Maybe if I try one I will like them!", "Not really. Unless we are in an RV.", "Yes, and the changing of the leaves is wonderful.", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "Game of thrones is the top one. I want it to last forever", "I like a lot this show. I am fan but I never read the book." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I agree 100%. I love them, too. I love the tight turns, the steep slopes, and even those that go upside-down! Do you have a favorite?", "I do like being outside!", "Isn't Six Flags in Texas?", "Sometimes. I like to read about native american tribes.", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "Seventh season was the best so far" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i just graduated from high school.", "i like playing games online." ]
[ "i know , i like different . that is why i like mystery flavored cake", "its good to be different its what keeps things interesting ." ]
[ "I like mystery flavored desserts and cakes. How about you?", "What is your favorite thing to ear?", "Sounds tasty. I like junk food like fried chicken and hamburger ", "I have watched many videos of korean fried chicken on Youtube. It looks great!", "I wish I could eat more Asian food but I live in the middle of nowhere!", "Do you live in a multicultural city?" ]
[ "i like mystery flavors especially when they are in a cake .", "Gooey butter cake. It's rich and sweet.", "I have been wanting to try Korean fried chicken. It's fried twice and so it is crunchier and less greasy.", "I'm also curious about Taiwanese fried chicken, it is referred to as popcorn chicken, I think because it is in bite-sized pieces.", "That can be pretty lame. Maybe you can move closer to a city soon where they have better ethnic restaurants.", "My city is growing with a more diverse population, mainly Latinos but a newer population of middle easterners are arriving." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like mystery flavors especially when they are in a cake .", "i am desserts type of person . what do you do ?", "yes , healthy desserts are the best !", "it is different to get used to at first , but there are different options of food .", "i think that's where i went wrong , i stuck with american cuisine .", "i live in a city , yes . what do you do for activity ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I would try anything until I had escargot on a cruise and it was awful", "What is your favorite? Mine is Prairie Vape Tricks!", "I only like american food!", "I will have to try it out!", "That can be very rough. Maybe you can move there soon!", "I do not, but I live right outside of it, so I get the culture" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like to buy it. My favorite is cake filled with fruit preserves.", "Gooey butter cake. It's rich and sweet.", "I have been wanting to try Korean fried chicken. It's fried twice and so it is crunchier and less greasy.", "I'm also curious about Taiwanese fried chicken, it is referred to as popcorn chicken, I think because it is in bite-sized pieces.", "Could learn to cook chinese food. Good internet I understand though. I wouldn't miss the traffic though.", "Yes, on the west side of the country." ] }
[ "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "" ]
[ "my wife is legally deaf.", "i have six brothers." ]
[ "My daughter begged me to let her go in the pool with her swimmies. ( inflatable safety gear ) ", "Did you let her?" ]
[ "No, because it wouldn't be safe for her.", "Why do they have so many locations?", "So she won't need inflatables?" ]
[ "Wouldn't it be safe with the inflatable safety gear, though?", "I'm not sure. But I know the natural buoyancy of the human body helps!", "She will definitely need inflatables! I'm sure she will be ok with them, though." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i can come help you but i can not get in . i have no swimsuit .", "because if they fell forwards , they would still be in the boat .", "yes . i wanted to make sure she wasn't afraid of the water since so many people are ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I get that, swimming can be dangerous for kids", "Why not send her to summer camp?", "Of course, but unavoiable. Death is not really the concern, but dying." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Luckily we did not, that would make it worse I would think.", "I'm not sure. But I know the natural buoyancy of the human body helps!", "I think so cause the wetsuit provides thermal insulation." ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i like books about trains.", "i have a dog named percy." ]
[ "I'm eating lobster for the first time this weekend.", "Do you like it ?" ]
[ "I don't know yet, I haven't tried it yet. Do you like it?", "That sounds good. I am looking forward to it. What else do you like to eat?", "What breed is your dog?", "I have a Poodle. It is big too. Do you have a yard?", "I own a home with a smaller yard. How many trains do you own?", "That is a lot. Good thing for the big yard" ]
[ "Yes they taste like giant shrimps!", "My dog likes eating turkey slices and me too", "I have a German Shepherd! It is big and friendly", "Yes I have a big yard. I like to put my toy train collection outside too. I like trains and reading about them", "I have over 20 large trains! ", "Yes. My kids love playing outside" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes i like shrimp but not lobster .", "i can't eat lobster i think its nasty", "he's a pit and he's the best dude", "no i do not i've my dog !", "about 20 . it is a pretty big farm .", "yes i agree they're very nice to have" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "They are quite nice when cooked. But I definitely wouldn't eat a raw one.", "Olives! And all the vegetables.", "some kind of heeler mix. Not sure.", "I have none. But all of my neighbors do and they like to be noisey in the summer lol", "I have 3. What about you?", "Yup it's a great view too!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I definitely love lobster tails dipped in butter!", "Shrimp and grits. Do you like shrimp?", "Its a German Shepherd ,originally from Germany as the name implies", "Yes I have a little toy dog, a little Poodle mix. He is very spoiled!", "I have Six. I am a Musher and use them to pull the sled.", "It is good assisting for police and military" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i still live at home with my parents.", "i eat all take out." ]
Pizza delivery
[ "Yeah! I love delivery pizza. It's my favorite. How about you? I think I like Pizza Hut the best.", "wow i love pizza too, do you know that Pizza Hut has over 16,000 locations in the world. wow" ]
[ "Ok, you seem so sure. Do you have experience with this stuff?" ]
[ "I order a lot of delivery pizza but I did work at a Pizza Hut for two years." ]
{ "convai2": [ "no i already told you i work in pizza shop what about you ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "not directly inhouse" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I haven't used their app. All I know is that there's a lot of pizza huts world wide. Probably over 16,000 locations as of 2015" ] }
[ "" ]
[ "i enjoy this type of activist work , as my job isn t very personally fulfilling.", "i work as a legal assistant in a law firm that basically only handles real estate work." ]
[ "my favorite is tacos , however i detest spaghetti .", "i'm not a fan of spaghetti" ]
[ "Spaghetti is okay, but I don't know why it's the go to pasta dish. There are way better ones.", "That makes sense. Probably easier to package dried pasta too since we don't make it fresh.", "I'd like to visit spaghetti and try the real thing. Not, like, whatever I make that's just dried noodles and nasty premade sauce lol", "Oh wow. I wonder why?", "Well, I'd take a well made pasta dish in place of money if I were in...that line of work. So it fits well enough", "As a woman I can verify we love good cooking lol" ]
[ "Spaghetti in Italy used to be alot longer but Americans made it shorter to make it easier to eat", "Yeah, and I also know that Spaghetti is a staple food in Italy", "Spaghetti all puttanesca literally means the spaghetti of the whore lol", "I'm not even sure", "sounds like a good diea", "I love good cooking too!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love tacos . i can't stand spaghetti though .", "i know what you mean , do you like tacos ? i love them but hate spaghetti", "all that if good , i like tacos from lengua", "the pasta was good but no where near as good as italy", "as long as your tacos taste good haha", "as long as your tacos taste good haha" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I remember when theey changed their sauce once. yuck", "i thought so it done in asia", "OH! haha, well you learn something new every day. Noodles sounds good though", "Because girls find it more attractive. In my experience", "OH! haha, well you learn something new every day. Noodles sounds good though", "I love spaghetti myself! I'm not a good cook at all though. I'm always eating out." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Spaghetti in Italy used to be alot longer but Americans made it shorter to make it easier to eat", "Yeah, and I also know that Spaghetti is a staple food in Italy", "Spaghetti all puttanesca literally means the spaghetti of the whore lol", "I'm not even sure", "sounds like a good diea", "good" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i hit for over forty million dollars.", "i used to work a 9 5 job as a telemarketer." ]
[ "Instead of taking out an interest loan, my family loaned me money for home repairs for free.", "what a wonderful and supportive family you got!" ]
[ "yes", "that is wonderful to hear. really you are blessed", "i understood what you exactly meant.", "they are helping when you are in need. so i said that you are blessed with wonderful family.", "yes, i have got a wonderful supportive family where we share our problems and solve within us.", "yes, thanks. Are you living in a joint family or separate ?" ]
[ "I wish my family was that supportive. Any decision I make is met with hostility from them.", "I think you misunderstood what I was saying. But that's alright. How do you like the work you do?", "I don't believe you did. I said my family is very hostile and you said I was blessed to have them.", "Your family was the one that was helpful, mine was not.", "That's quite wonderful to hear, you definitely are very lucky to have such a family.", "Separate right now, it's easier to have a stronger relationship with my family this way." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i have had money taken from me and it made me mad , because i owed them .", "i have had money taken from me and it made me mad , because i owed them .", "i get to do what i enjoy . i have a good family . i'm grateful .", "i have had money taken from me and it made me mad , because i owed them .", "oh that's wonderful ! i'm so glad for people like you", "yes each family member owns a seperate house ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You have a great family!", "I still have quite a few student loans to pay.", "Do you have any concrete financial plan on full repayment of your debts?", "Not many people are thankful for their family. I am glad you are.", "Sounds like you have a wonderful family. Some people take it for granted.", "of course, that's my wife and children. my parents suck." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Wow, that's great! For all low-income people, or just American low-income families?", "Thanks! She normally is and I am as well.", "OKay, have a good day!", "Thank you. I like to stay humble and keep good morals", "That is very respectable. I admire people that want to help others maintain a quality life.", "Since we grew up in separate homes, I don't think there's really any interest in developing a relationship now." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to read books.", "i sometimes scratch my nose for fun." ]
[ "good friends always helps you in every up and down situation without any expectation ", "You have to have a good friend though for any help. Without a friend there is not help." ]
[ "I can always help myself, that's very important, then I can help others after helping myself.", "That depends on the person. Some people help others more than they help themselves and some people don't help others at all.", "Oh I didn't mean it with the hope of getting something in return. Just that you can help for the sake of helping to all sorts of degrees.", "And you have no regrets about doing that? Like potentially rereading those books someday?", "That's very generous of you, I'm definitely not that kind. I do love animals though, maybe I should volunteer.", "That's great! All kinds of animals or specific ones?" ]
[ "Do you feel that helping others should be equally important to helping yourself, though? ", "That is true but at the same time should help really be given on that basis? We should not just help others because we might get help in return. ", "True. For example, I love to read books and when I've finished reading I donate them to a local charity shop. ", "No - though I admit that my very favourite books I do keep. But giving books away is an idiosyncracy of mine - like scratching my nose for fun!", "I own rescue animals myself - it's a wonderful thing to do ", "I have three rescue cats and one dog. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "what kind of help are you referring to ?", "what kind of help are you referring to ?", "material things are pointless . helping others is what determines the worth of a person", "i do . friends say my library is arranged well .", "sounds like a good idea ! ! seems like i've made a friend all ready .", "all kinds . i love animals not people ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Very true. Who has helped you out recently?", "Very true. Who has helped you out recently?", "Very true. Who has helped you out recently?", "That's a good idea. I know everyone is worried about that when it comes to George RR Martin and game of thrones.", "If I had a chance to rescue an animal, I would totally do it.", "Any kind that needs help and happens to fall on my doorstep. I even feed all the wild critters I can :)" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I find that people in your situation will go to great lengths to avoid them.", "It's true. Sometimes the family and friends can have no idea how to help the person who is struggling. Even though they may have good intensions, they can make things worse.", "Speaking of giving back...have you heard of Idol Gives Back? I guess it was a charitable campaign on American Idol in the 6th season...", "Definitely. I get all of my books I read at the library. I also enjoy historical romance. A sweet, clean love story from the past is great.", "I would totally adopt a pet from an animal shelter or a rescue group. There are many good rescue groups out there.", "Any animal that can get help there! But I'm definitely a dog person ;-) How about you?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]