737 values
3 values
[ "i have none to share my thoughts about the books i read.", "i started a small blog lately to post reviews." ]
Bank teller
[ "No, I haven't. Do you enjoy it?", "I do enjoy it. However, the salary isn't that great. The average salary for a bank teller is only 22,140." ]
[ "Oh I see. Do you ever have thoughts about switching jobs?", "Well, I'd recommend talking to your employer and maybe see if you can get a raise. If not, try searching for other jobs.", "Yes! The more money the better. Good luck with that!", "That is true. I value my free time as well, but hey, what harm can more money do. Right?", "Haha! Awesome response. Well It was nice talking to you!", "Likewise!" ]
[ "I do, I think up what sorts of jobs I'd enjoy and figure out how I can make it happen.", "That is definitely a good idea. I do enjoy the work I do, so if I can get a salary increase that would be very beneficial.", "Thank you! Though with more money is typically more responsibility and I value my free time.", "I'm not sure, I've never had more money to know what to do with it haha!", "You as well, have yourself a wonderful day!", "Thank you!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "that's a good idea , i haven't . what do you do ?", "that's a good idea , i haven't . what do you do ?", "thanks ! good luck with your finances as well .", "a very good point ! what else do you like to do in your spare time ?", "definitely ! it was nice chatting with you too !", "likewise , nice chatting with you !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I want to do both but I can't if I want to keep my job.", "Ive been trying what I really need is a higher paid one so that way I dont have to work 2 jobs.", "Thank you very much. Much success to you!", "I suppose you do have a point there.", "My mom worked at a bank, and it's not as easy as you'd think it'd be, that's for sure. Congratulations again!", "You as well. Have a great day." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'm actually looking for a job right now because my company didn't do very well and downsized. I'm seriously considering doing something else.", "I'm actually looking for a job right now because my company didn't do very well and downsized. I'm seriously considering doing something else.", "Thank you! I appreciate that. I really hope my vacation lends me enough time to see it all!", "Maybe, saving tons of money. Even the Wall Street Journal made to mention this in an article!", "You too! Thanks!", "OKay, have a good day!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i have 3 small dogs.", "i've a personal trainer." ]
[ "We've had so much rain lately. The ground got saturated and knocked some trees over. They took out a lot of my neighbors yard", "How scary! I hope your neighbors are ok." ]
[ "Did you have any damage to your house?", "how many dogs do you have?" ]
[ "No, just a few trees fell in the front yard. Thank goodness. Our dogs were pretty scared though.", "I have three dogs, two little ones and a small one,do you have any?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "nope just some rain here . did you ?", "like a dozen heh . i love the rain" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No, just a few trees fell in the front yard. Thank goodness.", "Not too many. 3 cats. We just like to help them as much as we can and give them a good life." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I did, unfortunately! It was horrible. One time our vehicle collided with a pole and our car flipped.", "I do! Three small and one puppy that's going to get big! It's so neat that dogs were one of the first domesticated animals." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "my favorite books are the harry potter books.", "i like reading a lot." ]
[ "i'm great , catching up on work", "you like the walking dead right . i do" ]
[ "yeah ive actually had the opportunity to catch up on some episodes, as i recently starting working online from home." ]
[ "Cool show, but I'm way behind on it. Going to have to schedule a binge watching session soon!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "ll , cool show . i like the walking dead" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Right i work from home so i feel you" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I always remember seeing the commercials on the AMC network while watching Walking Dead, but I never watched it at all." ] }
[ "" ]
[ "i am only 5 foot tall.", "i have a thick full beard." ]
[ "you have a large family . how is that ?", "well my parents are 80 so it is nice there are a lot of us" ]
[ "Wow, they've lived long lives! I've bet they've got a lot of stories to tell", "Lol nothing wrong with being short. It came in handy for me while growing up on a farm", "Perhaps, although I noticed the beards were in with the hipsters when I moved across the country at 18. It was quite funny lol", "And a whole array of products! It's like makeup, but for beards. They seem to work nicely, though.", "That's so sweet! I almost got my boyfriend one of those, but since he loves incense, I got him one of those cool fountain incense things.", "I'll have to do my research. And you should definitely get one! The holidays are coming up so maybe you can ask for one as a gift!" ]
[ "Yes, they've lived full lives and have made great memories. I actually take after my father, we're both short at just 5 ft lol", "I probably look like I grew up on a farm with my full beard", "Yeah, I'm surprised that trend is still strong. They now have full barber shops with a focus on beard styling", "Yeah, my girlfriend gifted me a beard oil set last Christmas. ", "Some beard oils have added extracts and essential oils. I think you may find one that he'll love. I wanted one of those fountains!", "Yeah, I definitely need to get everyone's holiday list going as well. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah , my parents are in their 80s so gotta help out", "i have spent all my life in the city . farm life must have been nice .", "yeah , my parents are in their 80s so gotta help out", "yeah , my parents are in their 80s so gotta help out", "lol , i'm sure he appreciated that . i love having a garden", "i'm a sucker for christmas ! what do you do for a living ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "They do, we all live together", "I agree, I love farms because it feels so natural.", "IT funny, 90s funny", "That sounds great! I should look in too them more.", "Can't go wrong with a spittoon. And it makes a nice conversation piece when you have visitors over.", "Sure, That's sounds like a real plan. lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "i miss my grand mother who used to tell as the stories,she died", "I grew up in a small town called Callahan it is in Florida real low population everyone knew each other lol my grandfather had horses chickens and goats on his land.", "Yea you usually only see beards in grown adult males too", "yes, Barber Shop harmony is the use of shakes and swipes", "That reminds me of that Black Keys song I Got Mine", "Yeah he definiltly should!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work as a janitor.", "i'm very smart." ]
[ "oh that sucks ! i am moving to australia to get married soon", "really ? i hear they have lots of great campsites there . i love camping !" ]
[ "Yeah australia is amazing in its own way, very nature based country!", "Truly! I was of thinking of diversity and complexity when I made that decision, glad I finally got my mind to agree on something!", "You should go to Melbourne, they held UFC 243 there, last weekend!", "Thats true! I love seeing there growth over time and how they have grown as a company with names such as conor mcgregor!", "No he's not, Khabib Nurmagomedov holds that spot. ", "No he's not, the current champion is Khabib Nurmagomedov do you still watch ufc to this day?" ]
[ "yep nature is pretty awesome . the complexity of everything can humble a person .", "If I went to Australia, I think I'd visit Canberra or Sydney", "I love the big ppv events! It's hard to believe that UFC has hosted over 400 events since it inception!", "Hes still pretty young, I love McGregor he is actually 2nd on the UFC's pound for pound rankings.", "Oh I didn't know about that. He is the Ultimate Fighting Championship lightweight champion.", "I don't. Lost touch with it and watch other sports more." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yep nature is pretty awesome . the complexity of everything can humble a person .", "i think you should see the world before you settle down . australia is great", "yes ! that sounds great . i want to go to australia", "yes i must agree ! who is your fav ?", "lol . . . did you watch the recent fight with mcgregor and mayweather fight ?", "yup ! my husband isn't a big fan , though" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What country? If you don't mind sharing...I'm in South Texas and loving it :)", "Also I think all the countries should allow foreigners to visit. I don't understand why they are so territorial.", "I have not seen any UFC movies. I guess I should watch one to give them a chance.", "Dillishaw is a warrior, Do you think very highly of connor?", "Dillishaw is a warrior, Do you think very highly of connor?", "I don't! I only watch." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It is, I grew up with beautiful views of mountainous islands!", "If I went to Australia, I think I'd visit Canberra or Sydney", "I love the big ppv events! It's hard to believe that UFC has hosted over 400 events since it inception!", "Hes still pretty young, I love McGregor he is actually 2nd on the UFC's pound for pound rankings.", "Oh I didn't know about that. He is the Ultimate Fighting Championship lightweight champion.", "I do. It is actually the largest MMA promotion in the world!" ] }
[ "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i'm currently going to school to be an artist.", "i have a small pet cat." ]
[ "i'm from michigan . i've some pets", "cool . i'm from new york and have a small cat ." ]
[ "I love cats. I black black cats especially.", "Me too. If it wasn't for pets life would sure be lonely.", "i have a wife and kids but let me tell you a secret between us, I think I like these cats even more!", "Yeah my cat had a kidney stone or something last week. We got her antibiotics but I think she passed the stone because she had blood in her urine.", "is that really true? I think they help with the blood pressure, but yeah I have anxiety.", "I haven't seen a doctor for years. My wife takes the kids in but I feel healthier without one." ]
[ "same but i love cats dogs everything", "yep.. i do not have any kids but i love this cat as my kid. and i know i cannot live without her", "Well thats cute. actually 2 days before my cat had a very high fever. and i was scared man.", "That kind of sad really. You may also want to get your blood pressure checked. Cat lovers are more likely to have higher blood pressure.", "i think they might be right . you ever went to a therapist or doctor ? actually i am very possessive about cat so i am very careful.", "That's a relief! Your wife is a lucky lady. bless you all" ]
{ "convai2": [ "same", "yep", "yea that's true . . . cats are pretty independent though", "well that's good it wasn't a terrible disease or anything . have any cats ?", "i think they might be right . you ever went to a therapist or doctor ?", "healthy body , healthy mind , healthy soul . . . my cat helps with that too !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I prefer dogs but I still like cats.", "Especially as you get older lol", "Well thats cute", "hopefully she didnt suffer.", "Sure they do but mine can only eat a specific kind of food or they get bladder stones which are very expensive to treat and if not treated will kill them. So its pretty important", "That's a relief! Your wife is a lucky lady." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I love black cats, and all of them really. I think the manx cat is really cute, they have no tails.", "Yes i personally only have 1 cat and 1 dog and i think it is more than enough hahah", "ok good. cats can see in near darkness. I scared about dark so my pet is useful for me", "That kind of sad really. You may also want to get your blood pressure checked. Cat lovers are more likely to have higher blood pressure.", "I haven't seen a doctor about this yet but since my neighbor adopted a cat I've been worried about needing emergency medical assistance.", "ok good. cats can see in near darkness. I scared about dark so my pet is useful for me" ] }
[ "convai2", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my favorite drink is dr pepper.", "i work in the emergency room." ]
[ "MY favorite restaurant is closing its doors forever.", "What kind of place is it?" ]
[ "It's a mexican restuarant with the best tacos", "I didn't at first, but moving here there's only mexican food, so you get used to it", "never tried dominican food. what's it like?", "Oooo. I love spicy food. ", "I'll def have to check it out. ", "love indian food, curry, naan, etc" ]
[ "do you like mexican food", "mexican food is delicious , i like mexican food more than dominican food.", "its real spicy but if you like spicy food than you will probably like it", "cool. then you should try some ", "if you like spicy food you should eat some indian food.", "nice but indian food is too spicy for me. it will have my stomach hurting." ]
{ "convai2": [ "all that if good , i like tacos from lengua", "it is different to get used to at first , but there are different options of food .", "it is different to get used to at first , but there are different options of food .", "all that if good , i like tacos from lengua", "you should i highly recommend it", "that curry and naan bread is most delicious !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Do you like Mexican style foods?", "I do like that food a lot", "it is.. good .. big portions and a reasonable price", "i would love to try it one day , im happy for you", "Yea you wont be disappointed. Its wonderful there.", "Do you like Mexican style foods?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Have you ever had the Mexican street food?", "Have you ever had the Mexican street food?", "The food is full of spices and different tastes. Mexico City consists of sixteen boroughs and they each have their own type of food.", "Do you like it because it is generally very spicy?", "Yeah you definetely should, theres a lot of great restaurants as well.", "I have never tried naan before, does it come from a more middle eastern influence on their food?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite food is pizza.", "i love to paint pictures." ]
Salsa (dance)
[ "Interesting. I first fell in love with it while living in New York city.", "Salsa originated in New York in the 1970s!" ]
[ "I did not know that. Are you a dancer?", "What type of music do you play?", "I don't know much about what is hard to play.", "I like all music including opera music.", "I used to play piano.", "I have, do you like his music?" ]
[ "yes, I'm a guitar player too.", "Music. Some of the hardest music that professionals play.", "Do you like music?", "Do you play any instruments?", "The piano is cool. Have you heard of pianist Bruce Hornsby?", "Yes, he was one of the best musicians ever." ]
{ "convai2": [ "no . salsa or swing are my favorites .", "i do all types . i love salsa dancing .", "it is fun . so do you like to salsa ? i love it !", "i actually like salsa dancing .", "i actually like salsa dancing .", "no . salsa or swing are my favorites ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "yes, I'm a guitar player", "Music. Some of the hardest music that professionals play.", "I sadly have no musical skill. Do you think you will ever become a musician?", "Do you play any instruments?", "Wow! Maybe I should start taking some piano lessons and go to a recital of my own.", "Yes, he was the best musician ever." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Neither and I. But my brother is a dancer and his girlfirend is Puerto Rican. I think they teach salsa.", "I like all sorts of music. I love jazz and classical music. How about you?", "Well, I think it is easier than the strings.", "Honestly, opera is so fun. Some of those productions are massive.", "The piano is cool. Have you heard of pianist Bruce Hornsby?", "Yes. I like Stuff Smith." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i never have had alcohol in my life.", "i have a girlfriend of 7 years." ]
[ "We are going camping next weekend and I have all the equipment to do it right,", "Make sure to bring smores and bug spray. I hate bug bites. and love chocolate " ]
[ "Me too! I am gonna bring a portable CD player so we can watch Scooby Doo - best show ever!", "We can do both .. I am not really used to nature - my job is as a doorperson at a punkrock club", "Drinks sound very good. In my job I can't drink whilst working but after the club closes I always have a Bloody Mary. ", "It's vodka with tomato juice and a dash of tabasco. Lovely stuff. ", "You will love it. You must come to the club I work for one time!", "My fiance pops in sometimes but as I am working I obviously can't talk to him on the job " ]
[ "We should probably enjoy nature even though I enjoy scooby doo.", "I am not used to it either but I am up to trying something new. Maybe we should bring some drinks too, since I am feeling so brave.", "Sounds icky, I have never drank anything before so I will need your guidance.", "Maybe I will try that.", "That sounds fun. Thanks for the invitation, I'll bring Lisa, we have been dating for such a long time and we have never been to a club.", "Too bad. But at least you get to see him." ]
{ "convai2": [ "scooby doo is my favorite show !", "sounds like good hot chocolate weather ? do you like hot chocolate ? i love it .", "sounds fun . brb got to go smoke and grab a drink .", "sounds great ! maybe a little hot chocolate after dinner", "okay will see if i can make it !", "ah man . we have cockroaches at work sometimes but not as pets . . ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Smores are a must when camping.", "Smores are a must when camping.", "LOL that's a good choice. Alcohol is the solution as they say", "LOL that's a good choice. Alcohol is the solution as they say", "Let me know the next time you are in town and I will do. Prepare to be dazzled.", "no partner at home either? work stuff can be really dtressful" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Scooby Doo was originally shown in 1969", "Haha, some people eat bugs! I think I'll stick to vegetables, lol.", "I love the way you think! Bloody Marys are awesome in the morning for brunch and sometimes for a hangover cure! lol", "Mmm!! Cayenne is delicious! I make this chipotle mayo with lime, cayenne pepper, and chili pepper and it's great in fish tacos", "Yes. The club in Offaly excites me too/", "Perhaps you could join up with someone else - kind of a joint authorship, so to speak." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i use to own 6 cats.", "i never learned how to write." ]
[ "I actually have not been following up with the players for the upcoming season, I'll have to take a look at who has been traded over! Do you know who invented this sport? ", "naismith got it all started in 1891 paving the way for the NBA right now." ]
[ "That's pretty cool, I should read up on more of that!", "Reading usually is! Any other sports you're into besides basketball?" ]
[ "You should, it is worth a look!", "I'm more into Soccer, basketball and Football those are my favorite major professional sports." ]
{ "convai2": [ "thanks ! i will have to check it out !", "not really , i prefer watching ball games ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You should, it is worth a look!", "Pretty much every single sport, but especially basketball." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "NBA players are also one of the highest pay players in the world.", "I'm more into Soccer, basketball and Football those are my favorite major professional sports." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i was born in france and moved to canada.", "my favorite hobby is reading." ]
[ "I killed my family and fed them to the pigs", "You should be arrested for this." ]
[ "I agree", "I must've not like them, plus the pigs were hungry", "You think a murderer cares if something is disgusting?", "I think that good and evil are subjective and ultimately human constructions that don't exist", "what books do you recommend?", "i'm familiar with think and grow rich. great book" ]
[ "why did you do that crime?. you are turned out to be a social evil.", "whatever the problem you should speak and solve it. And you should not say that the pigs are hungry as this is disgusting.", "No, but the murderer is a human first and then he is turning out to be a evil in bad situation.", "if you are reading a lot of books with good proverb you could have solved any situation with positive way.", "The Alchemist, Think and Grow Rich and The Magic. There are so many books that can change you mindset and take you to the right path.", "yes, that teaches you how to live the life happily and gives you positive. I always read a lot of books which gives me good thoughts about life." ]
{ "convai2": [ "same", "why what did you do ?", "yes evil is , i want another man but my heart is broken .", "yes i totally agree with you .", "grit by angela duckworth . its a fascinating book about perseverance .", "grit by angela duckworth . its a fascinating book about perseverance ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I'm glad you understand your actions.", "If they don't want to have anything to do with you because you are poor then they are pretty shallow and dispicable. I've still got the pigs if you want to get rid of them.", "They deserve it. They are so innocent.", "I'm glad you understand your actions.", "I read \"The Cat and the Hat\"! It is a very intellectual and soothing book.", "I read \"The Cat and the Hat\"! It is a very intellectual and soothing book." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "were you held hostage?", "Were you a participant of the Stamp out Hunger Food Drive?", "Oh yes. I think that would cause for a miserable pig. I dont think I would have the heart though later to kill the pig for meat like most do", "Well this brings up the Problem of evil. How do you reconcile the existence of evil with an omnibenevolent God?", "Well, one example would be The Power of Sympathy by William HIll Brown.", "\"The Power of Sympathy\" was published in 1791. It is very very good" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i did not go to college because i run the family farm.", "i've never been on an airplane." ]
[ "that sounds like fun ! i'd love to change the world through volunteering .", "awesome ! i'd like to volunteer , but i've to help on the farm a lot ." ]
[ "Nice, working on a farm seems fun. ", "Yes! Farms are outdoors, so it is as natural as it can get.", "Same here. What is your favorite? Beaches, farms, or the urban life?", "I see I see. What type of farm is it? Like what type of animals do you have there?", "Oh wow nice. That farm seems pretty legitimate!", "Sounds great. My grandfather actually owns his own farm with horses and chickens in it. I love going there!" ]
[ "I agree, I love farms because it feels so natural.", "yes. I love the outdoors.", "of course, farm! I have been living at a farm since I was young", "we have chickens,bulls and cows", "Yes it is :)", "That is really cool, and you probably get the freshest eggs too! Chickens are great." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes , i hope my job allows me to change the world someday", "right ! and all the amazing animals outside .", "local farms that contribute to caring for the environment are what i prefer .", "wild boars mostly , they mess up the farmland here . nice eating !", "yep and we both like animals as well . i like helping them .", "that's awesome . maybe i can come down and volunteer" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I agree, I love farms because it feels so natural.", "yes. I love the outdoors.", "My favorite outdoor one", "Any kind that needs help and happens to fall on my doorstep. I even feed all the wild critters I can :)", "Yes it is :)", "thats awesome! do you guys raise multiple horses?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It is buy I love to stop in-human animal suffering due to people abusing their animals or other reasons. I get to help so many wonderful animals.", "Yes, exactly! Also, hunting and gathering. It's great for cardiovascular health now that we don't have to run from many predators", "I personally love Urban areas. All the people are very interesting.", "Well we don't have animals, mainly cash crop like cotton and sugar cane.", "If you say so,its actually like an ancestral farm", "That is really cool, and you probably get the freshest eggs too! Chickens are great." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i ve been married for five years.", "i run two miles everyday." ]
[ "Hi, I couldn't get the food to feed my family, so I just stole some of the more expensive things from the store.", "Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that you don't have enough money for food, but stealing isn't the answer! Maybe there's a local food bank you can contact." ]
[ "I was just kidding about stealing, but money is kind of tight right now. I'm watching a horror movie right now - I love being scared.", "It's The Ring - have you ever seen it? I haven't seen it in years. Man is this creepy!", "You are right - shouldn't watch so close to bedtime. Do you play any instruments?", "I've started back with playing violin. Played as a kid, then didn't for many years. Now trying to get back into it." ]
[ "Wow! So close to bedtime? That's impressive. What is it about?", "I think I saw that when I was a child. My partner has been trying to get me to watch it again, but I know I'll have nightmares.", "I can't play any instruments now, but I've always wanted to learn the piano.", "How long did you play as a kid?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "was it grocery shopping ? i was watching a funny movie .", "no i've not . i do not like scary movies .", "no , i cannot play any instruments . what do you play ?", "i used to play the violin . its a hard instrument !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh wow, that's a pretty scary movie. I'd want company while watching it too.", "No I haven't. Is it good?", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist.", "Wow! Maybe I should start taking some piano lessons and go to a recital of my own." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Wow! The point of horror movies is often to evoke nightmares. You are braver than I am to watch those late at night.", "Maybe! What's it about? I believe it was a horror film in 1933 as well.", "I can't play but I love to listen. My favorite guitarist is Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana. I really like most grunge music.", "I can't imagine playing the violin. That would be difficult. I always think about an instrument like that being used in orchestras, but I guess the drums are too." ] }
[ "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite hobby is playing recreational baseball.", "i spend my weekends camping." ]
[ "yeah . i'm a bit of a loner . you have family , huh ?", "yes i do . a wife and two kids ." ]
[ "what do you do for a living?", "yeah, i've done that. not now, though, i freelance so i work from home.", "eh, somewhat. i'm not super social though. i'd rather stay home and be online. are you a big social media person?", "i think so. i usually just scan twitter and look for funny stuff. i follow lots of people, celebrities mostly", "i probably have more \"friends\" online than irl. i don't really do well in face-to-face situations.", "that's true, especially for dating. much easier to sort through online profiles than try to talk to people at a bar or whatever" ]
[ "Nothing interesting. Just a boring office job. Kinda just go in and cash out sort of deal, you know?", "That sounds interesting. Does it save you a lot of time for hobbies and relaxation?", "I like to browse reddit and stuff occasionally, if that counts as social media.", "Ah. Yeah I scan twitter occasionally, too. I don't see the appeal of interacting with folks I know irl tho", "I think it's easier to find people with your exact interests through the internet.", "I'd be kinda scared to meet up w/ someone irl" ]
{ "convai2": [ "volunteer", "i like your style . hustle hard ! freelance ?", "no , but i really enjoy social media .", "i love facebook and instagram . do you have a lot of followers ?", "well i guess online friends are friends too . no judgement here .", "makes sense , i don't like to talk to people too much , so i avoid social media ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I'm a freelancer", "What is your side gig if you don't mind me asking?", "It takes time and being entertaining. Thats interesting. It's a social media age :)", "Oh, cool! Any names I might know?", "Yeah me either. Once people get to know me its fine but usually people dont like me when they first meet me. idk!", "Yeah - I'd be too scared to meet a stranger from online." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'm a realtor. I haven't quite reached the point where I can stop employment completely. I wish! lol", "That sounds like a nice balance. Do you enjoy your own work?", "I do like the interactive aspect of social media. What appeals to you about online gaming?", "I try not to get too much into those. The admins there spend a lot of time monitoring the site, which is nice.", "True, though interacting with people and having to be friendly with them seems exhausting sometimes.", "true. it also depends what you are looking for - a real date or a hookup, you know?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love watching superheroes shows.", "i am single." ]
[ "a girl i like at school told me today she doesn't like me in front of everyone", "Oh no! That must have been really embarrassing! How did you respond?" ]
[ "I didn't say anything, just walked away.", "Yeah, I felt really bad.", "I don't understand why somebody would that to another person. I mean I know I am a little strange but I didn't deserve it.", "It has been nice talking to you. It is making me feel better.", "Yeah that would be great. How are things with you?", "We should go together sometime. I can try to be your wingman." ]
[ "That sounds like an alright response, that was pretty rude of her to say that in front of everyone.", "You shouldn't! You're definitely not in the wrong there!", "Nobody deserves that, tact is a thing that she definitely was lacking. That's what kids do, not adults.", "I'm glad to hear that! We should hang out sometime soon, it would be fun!", "Things are going alright, dating scene for me is a bit rough, but I did go see some movies by myself and that was a blast.", "That would be a great idea, we should definitely do that. Are you free on Friday?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "they expected me to just carry on . i cried and got yelled at .", "that's too bad you got teased . kids can be mean .", "well . people are often disgusting , so don t worry about it .", "anytime . it is a proven fact that a positive attitude can help one feel better .", "i have been okay , just , you know , lonely . . .", "okay , that would be great ! is it a date ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Wow! I'm glad it didn't escalate to that point!", "I'd try not to be too down on myself over it.", "I'd try not to be too down on myself over it.", "Thanks for hearing me out! You have a great day and a great life!", "doing good.. how about you", "Please do, I'd love to meet you guys" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "oh boy that's not good. it's a good thing your school didn't make you do it. sometime they do if you did not complete the required curriculum.", "oh boy that's not good. it's a good thing your school didn't make you do it. sometime they do if you did not complete the required curriculum.", "Well, he may not have. Reasons vary. It could be he's just not a very nice guy and you'll be better off ultimately!", "Thanks so much! ^.^", "I am fine. What would you like to chat about?", "That would be sweet. People say I look a lot like Zayn Malik." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i've been published in the new yorker magazine.", "i've a severe phobia of wide open spaces." ]
[ "I'm feeling a bit bummed out right now.", "What is making you feel bummed out?" ]
[ "I'm not sure. Maybe it's the weather", "No it's quite hot still actually haha. but i will be moving soon to a colder climate", "No not really, just for work", "Well I don't want to leave my nice island life haha", "Well when i'm out at sea fishing it's nothing but wide open space", "Yes, I love it. Fish tuna" ]
[ "There is crazy weather now. Is it cold where you are?", "Are you excited to move?", "Maybe the move will be good for your mood.", "That sounds nice. I hate wide open spaces.", "That is not what I would be looking for. Is that your job?", "I am a writer. I mostly stay off the water." ]
{ "convai2": [ "same", "where to ? what do you hope to accomplish by moving ?", "oh i have never been a big fan of moving .", "oh . i'd love to live on an island .", "i bet . i want to live by the ocean so it won't be so cold sometimes .", "not a big fan of tuna fish . ick . what do you do for fun ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Maybe there is rain in the forecast", "Oh, well i hope the tides turn for you soon!", "Got ya. What kind of work do you currently do?", "Why not? You only live once get out. Make the most out of every day!", "I've never been much for sea stuff for some reason.", "I've never been much for sea stuff for some reason." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Are you tired? That is one of the symptoms.", "Do you have any summer trips planned.", "Do you have any summer trips planned.", "How about getting a Fantasy Island", "So you have never lived along the coast?", "Fishing for tuna is also important if you enjoy sushi like I do." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love rage metal music.", "and , i love psychoanalyzing my friends." ]
[ "My dentist did an awesome job on my teeth, I love them!", "You must be very proud of your new set of teeth" ]
[ "I am! I was so nervous to go to the dentist, do they make you nervous?", "You are very correct on that one. But it is a necessary evil. Did you enjoy your day today?", "That's good that you found some \"you\" time. I like to do crazy things to my appearance when I get in a mood.", "Of metal music?", " I see. Do you play too?", "Im sure you would do great at it if you tried. What instrument interest you?" ]
[ "doesn't seem like anyone really enjoys going to the dentist, lol...", "That it is, Actually today was a very enjoyable day, i was just in mood and i blasted my metal music at home.", "yea , wanted to experience all the excitement, its helps me keep me sane ", "Yes metal music puts me in a different zone, people say it opens my third eye as i like psychoanalyzing my friends at times. ", "NO, i just push play and let the app stream, maybe one day ill have the time learn an instrument. ", "the drums no doubt, for some reason ive had dreams about being one that analyzes dreams, i take it as sign. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "my mom told me i had to get them to fix my teeth .", "i did , i left ! i was terrified", "yea , wanted to experience the lights and all the excitement .", "the head banging kind ! lol what do you like ?", "no , i just play to release stress and get some exercise .", "for sure the guitar . . harp seems annoying , sorry" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I don't think anyone enjoys going to the dentist.", "I don't think anyone enjoys going to the dentist.", "I don't think anyone enjoys going to the dentist.", "All kinds! I love getting to hear some new bands.", "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist.", "Clarinet." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "No my teeth are great.", "No my teeth are great.", "yeah I like to listen to relaxing music, but during a workout I prefer metal music", "Yea, we are actually talking about heavy metal music, my wife does not it much because sometimes associated with aggression and machism", "Yes I do, I like metal rock bands that are of American origin", "I am not really, but mostly I think orchestral instruments. I watched Church music in Scotland and they included all musical compositions" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a reality tv star.", "my mother is a school teacher." ]
[ "I was driving home from work last night and some guy on his phone started coming into my lane. I honked and he turned and flipped me off! The nerve on that guy!", "I hate rude drivers like that. I swear they should not be able to drive." ]
[ "Yeah. Miami is full of them!", "Most certainly! I agree, I have no idea how some people passed their driving test!", "Well, that's life for ya! haha", "I agree. From the speeders to the rude people.", "In the neighborhood roads?! That is so dangerous on their part!", "Oh my. I feel for that though, Florida is full of them!" ]
[ "the traffic and those idiots on the road just very frustrating ! some should not be driving !", "Yeah I don't know either.", "Without a doubt, most drivers are total morons.", "I agree. I have only seen them on the neighborhood roads - hopefully engineers at least allowed for at least 5mph over the speed limit.", "Yes glad someone can relate. A lot of crazy drivers down here in Texas haha", "So true. I know my city is growing by the minute. Traffic is horrific!!!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "the traffic and those idiots on the road just very frustrating ! some should not be driving !", "yea it was my fault i've a little road rage but i love people lol", "yea it was my fault i've a little road rage but i love people lol", "yea it was my fault i've a little road rage but i love people lol", "i know . they actually found bodies near and in cars , trying to escape .", "yes , i was just there for vacation . such a busy place . never knew people honked so much" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I feel your pain I am in Florida.", "Yeah I don't know either.", "Without a doubt, most drivers are total morons.", "Yes glad someone can relate. A lot of crazy drivers down here in Texas haha", "Yeah. I'd say so. I can't stand bad drivers!", "Wooo. I am in Florida. I feel you." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "So true. I know my city is growing by the minute. Traffic is horrific!!!", "I know right. My friend said in Australia drivers are forced to take a rest every 5.5 hours on the road", "So true. I know my city is growing by the minute. Traffic is horrific!!!", "I agree. I have only seen them on the neighborhood roads - hopefully engineers at least allowed for at least 5mph over the speed limit.", "Could be. I know that in Australia, they just point at the road. No clue what side they drive on though!", "So true. I know my city is growing by the minute. Traffic is horrific!!!" ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i am saving money to buy my first car.", "i currently work at mcdonald." ]
[ "Nice! What do you usually order with fries? I like the Big Mac but without pickles.", "I like a lot of their items. They not only have burgers, but chicken, breakfast items, milkshakes, wraps and desserts" ]
[ "mmmm. I'm also a fan of their ice cream, if the machine is every working haha", "That's good, what's your budget?", "Nice, you should check out this app called YNAB. love it" ]
[ "I can get a free cone on my breaks! The money stinks, but I'm saving up to buy my first car.", "I try to spend $800 per month or less, and save the rest.", "What does that do? I'll let you tell me - I'm too lazy to google it!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i bet . what sort of desserts ?", "the most i can say is , budget . i know it isn't much advice .", "hey ! i'm going to check that out ! thanks !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love pickles and I always order extra! We must be twins!", "It is pretty low. I don't make a ton of money, but we aren't needing something huge and fancy. Just a roof over our heads that is in good condition.", "Any apps you recommend?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It is good, but they have added salads and smoothies due to the backlash against their unhealthy food", "1000 a month. It is a 2 story apartment.", "YES! That's one of the best things to do, and it's so affordable. It actually started all the way back in 1997, which is when I first checked it out." ] }
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to write poetry.", "i m a vegetarian." ]
Emily Dickinson
[ "Wow, small world. I'm guessing she is about 150 years older then you.", "Yeah, considering Emily Dickinson was born in 1830, she would be about 160 years older than I am. She would be a big ole wrinkly sack of bones if she was still alive." ]
[ "Haha, she's probably buried in a grave", "What struck you as sad?", "Do you think there is beauty in the sadness of her poetry?", "Perhaps she wouldn't be famous then, if her predicament were different", "Not really, wbu?", "I tried picking up digital drawing, but i quit after being so bad" ]
[ "I've read some of her poetry. She was a pretty sad person.", "She was just a lonely person. She was a hermit who lived alone. It reflects in her writing. ", "I do see beauty in it, but I wonder what beautiful things she could have achieved if she'd gotten the help she needed.", "You might be right. Do you do anything creative, yourself?", "I draw and write occasionally, but I'm not particularly skilled at either. It's more hobbyist than anything serious.", "It takes a lot of practice, but not everyone wants to go through the learning process and that's okay! Do what you think is fun." ]
{ "convai2": [ "indeed . she's certainly a dreamy lady . do you like rainy days ?", "it was something that just reminded me of my grams . she had angels in her house", "i think so . i am very literal , so i guess it depends on your perspective .", "you may be right . do you do anything creative ?", "oh i do a bit of arts and craft , sorta borning to most people .", "oh well . i am sure you'll get better with time ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Well at least she is gone, I couldn't stand to look at her.", "I do not like to be sad.", "I don't see any negative aspect to it, but maybe there tis.", "I suppose you do have a point there.", "Have you ever tried writing? That's what I do", "That's cool, I'm pretty bad at drawing, but you must be pretty good." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, Ms. Dickinson came from a very prominent family. She did live most of her life, however, in isolation.", "She was a hermit who lived by herself and wrote poetry. The best art comes from pain, apparently.", "She was a hermit who lived by herself and wrote poetry. The best art comes from pain, apparently.", "Yes, Ms. Dickinson came from a very prominent family. She did live most of her life, however, in isolation.", "She was a hermit who lived by herself and wrote poetry. The best art comes from pain, apparently.", "I'm not really good at drawing either, but I like to mess around with crayons or wax colored pencils sometimes." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "zebras are my favorite animals.", "i don't like the beach." ]
[ "It is amazing how beautiful and unique each zebra is with their stripes.", "I agree, they are even three different species of zebras! " ]
[ "I did not know that. Do you like animals?", "I love animals. Especially my dog.", "German Shepard. Do you have any pets?", "A zebra would be an awesome pet.", "Do you have a family?", "Maybe a zebra for the wedding" ]
[ "Somewhat, I like to read all the placards at the zoo", "What kind of dog is it?", "No pets, but I do wish I had a zebra", "Agreed, that would be badass. Riding it around town haha", "I live long distance from my fiancee, we're looking to close the gap soon though", "Hahaha. Well no one but the bride can wear white... so I'll paint it all black" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i also love animals ! especially zebras !", "nice , i love my dog too . . . my favorite animals are zebras though", "i am a huge dog lover ! yes i have one", "yes it would be . what is your favorite animals ?", "no , but zebras are pretty cool right ? they're my favorite animals .", "do you like exotic animals ? i think zebras are cool" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't! But the few I find always mean so much to me!", "Do you like dogs?", "I have a german shepard. I love taking him out for walks.", "Agreed, that would be badass.", "Yes and lots of brothers and sisters.", "Absolutely! That would be amazing." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Of course! zebras are generally social animals that live in small herds.", "I love dogs myself. Did your wife ever see the Marvel comic called The Cat People?", "I do. I have a German Shepherd.", "I think it would be a great pet", "Of course! zebras are generally social animals that live in small herds.", "I don't mind Zebra, but I'd probably prefer it more for decoration or handbags." ] }
[ "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "once a year , i take a week off and head to florida.", "sometimes i feel like i have already been through life once before." ]
[ "hiking is where i find peace . my mom lives with me .", "i could not do that . my ocd that i found out about in college would go nuts ." ]
[ "I really want to move out though. She doesn't want me to.", "By being around me? LOL you're hilarious.", "I know! I have a good sense of humor. My dad does too. I miss him a lot.", "I bet that's incredible. Where do you like to travel?", "I wish my mom would let me go. I'd even join you.", "Who do you usually travel with?" ]
[ "Just tell her that she can end up damaging her brain or liver.", "I'm only kidding lol", "oh thats great to hear. i would love to say jokes while i travel. i usually travel a lot to reduce my stress", "all over so i can take pictures and hike . maybe somewhere in europe to hike the alps", "Haha. You can come with us!! it would be really fun", "Idk ourselves maybe? lol :D" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well she thinks ocd rules my life . she is probably right . i struggle relinquishing control", "well she thinks ocd rules my life . she is probably right . i struggle relinquishing control", "well she thinks ocd rules my life . she is probably right . i struggle relinquishing control", "all over so i can take pictures and hike . maybe somewhere in europe to hike the alps", "well she thinks ocd rules my life . she is probably right . i struggle relinquishing control", "i travel alone usually . so single . i'm an introvert" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "At least she's moving for a good reason. I had a similar thing with a childhood friend who moved for school.", "I'm only kidding lol", "I miss mine too. Where did you guys grow up?", "45 min from where I live...South Padre Island, white sand gorgeous girls and cheap liquor", "Haha. You can come with us!!", "Idk ourselves maybe? lol :D" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Just tell her that she can end up damaging her brain or liver.", "Listen, I know you're laughing out loud, but my ADHD is no laughing matter.", "I would get lonely with him being away for long hours even though he is supporting aids and providing health services.", "I used to go someplace in Phoenix area. It was a long time ago.", "That would be sweet. People say I look a lot like Zayn Malik.", "Brittneyandbaby," ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i m currently looking for employment.", "my favourite band is rush." ]
Pecan pie
[ "I love apple pie and pumpkin pie. Yes it is so good with ice cream especially shared with friends", "I love pumpkin pie. I always look forward to enjoying it during the fall and winter months." ]
[ "Are you a fan of pecan pie? ", "Yes, it's my favorite! I always make a lot of pecan pie around thanksgiving since my family loves it so much!", "Not so much a good cook, but baking is definitely my forte. I'm not sure why, I've just always excelled more with baking.", "I really do! It's a huge passion of mine! I didn't know you were considering that, that's amazing!", "That's gonna be a huge leap of faith. Are you sure you're ready for it?", "I've done a little bit of managerial work, but nothing like starting my own. That is something I want to do someday though." ]
[ "I do like pecan pie. Do you?", "It is always at our Thanksgiving as well. Are you a good cook?", "Do you enjoy it? I've considered starting a bakery.", "I really need any job right now. I think I might just take a leap of faith and try it.", "I hope so. Have you ever run a business?", "I know a couple people with small businesses. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "that is not a real pie silly . i make awesome pecan .", "it is really pretty . pumpkin seeds are delicious too .", "i love to cook and bake but i rarely make ice cream . happy birthday ! !", "thank you . i hope you get to open your bakery soon !", "i think so , i just have to get up the nerve !", "i'm hoping to find success before the end of the year !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love pecan pie. My grandma used to make it", "I love pecan pie. My grandma used to make it", "Do you have a lot of experience baking cakes?", "Do you have a lot of experience baking cakes?", "Is that even a question? Of course I am! I've been prepping all day!", "That's awesome. Best of luck to you with your business!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well, I know pecans mixed with eggs, sugar, butter and corn syrup does make a delicious pie.", "Here in the south Pecan Pie is a popular holiday dessert for Thanksgiving", "I'm also not that great at baking. My strength comes with cooking filipino food, it's a mix of Indian and Spanish influences.", "The roman empire were the developers of the bakery!", "I hope so. I'm pretty anxious about it.", "What would the specialty of your bakery be?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i live in an apartment.", "i like to draw." ]
[ "I know. It's so annoying, especially for a child. Plus, you have to make sure that you don't break anything or mess anything up.", "The Brits call apartments \"flats\". I like the sound of that much more! " ]
[ "Well I just lost my job, so I think maybe I really am looking for a cheap flat! Ha!", "Well thanks for the offer but I'm too proud to accept, I'll be okay, thanks though!", "Well I might consider it actually. I like to stay up all hours of the night but I just ordered some headphones so that might not bother you...", "HA! I went sober for a month last May, and it really helped me out, by teaching me to appreciate my beers even more, which I'm doing right now!!!", "I think we can get along marvelously! As long as you don't mind me being a redhead that is!", "My gal! We will be the most fantastic of roommates!" ]
[ "Oh, wow... I am so sorry to hear it. Are you doing alright? My apartment is smallish, but you can stay here if you need to..", "Any time. And if you should change your mind or find the need, the offer stands.", "Dude, I'm an incurable insomniac, so it wouldn't bother me at all. It's too quiet around here sometimes now that I am sober (mostly!) ;)", "Cheers! Come on over & let's get sh*tfaced to celebrate your liberation from the man!! :)", "Redheads are cool with blonde girls!! Let's do this!", "Sounds like a winner to me! I'll get some space set up for you muy pronto." ]
{ "convai2": [ "ut oh ! maybe you should look at other places to rent from .", "i see . we rent a little place here , and we are happy . . . hope you are too . good day !", "since there are no children around , i can turn them up really loud !", "yeah i bet ! i thought about giving up something myself . . wine ! hehe", "you are going to hurt me . however , redheads have no soul !", "sounds like we have a plan ! d" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Haha, it feels perfect to me. Your rent sounds affordable, I'll bet you have healthcare, too.", "Haha, it feels perfect to me. Your rent sounds affordable, I'll bet you have healthcare, too.", "I think noise reduction headphones would be perfect for you, try Bose or something.", "I don't even take beer", "Lol okay then!", "See, you know what's up! I need you to hang out with my husband so it'll rub off on him!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The Brits call apartments \"flats\". I like the sound of that much more!", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "Headphones are important sometimes. They allow me to listen to an audio source without anyone nearby hearing.", "That's great! Alcohol can affect so many parts of your body including your liver, pancreas, brain, heart and immune system! You will be so much healthier now that you've stopped drinking.", "Have you ever heard of redhead day? It is the first weekend in September", "That would be sweet. People say I look a lot like Zayn Malik." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my hair is colored purple.", "i live on a boat." ]
[ "That's a very cool concept. Can they actually be used as boats though? ", "Some are not motorized and stationary. Others can actually move locations." ]
[ "That's quite interesting. So they have functioning plumbing and kitchens too?", "Fascinating. I wonder how the reception is. I eat out more than three times a week, so I'd love to be able to order something while out on the water", "Oooh, I've only fished once. I'd love to learn how to do it properly.", "I'll make a plan to do that. I actually look down on people who don't eat out as often as I do, but I'm thinking I need to reevaluate that.", "I grew up eating out a lot and was taught that being domestic is out of fashion. I may have missed out on some serious life lessons and skills lol", "Do you have any suggestions?" ]
[ "Yep, there is a series of pipes, valves, plumbing fixtures under the deck that leads into a tanks to contain the fluids.", "Haha unfortunately no eating out. but the fish out at sea can be tasty.", "You should, it's nice and relaxing. Maybe go with someone and have a nice conversation", "No problem in cooking at home. I do it. I only eat out for occassions", "Ah well try getting a cookbook.", "How to cook everything is a good one, but might be too detailed haha" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes , they come out at night and stay by the waters .", "i think being in a boat surrounded by all that water is scary !", "its really easy once you get the hang of it .", "probably a good idea . now i'm not sure what to say .", "lol there's a first time for everything ! i stress eat as well .", "find a good website with multiple recipes because it can get boring ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yeah I can fix the boat, I just need to be sure my help can handle their tasks appropriately!", "Yeah, it's similar to eating at a restaurant by yourself. It can feel a bit sad though.", "Not really. I just started doing it again this year. I used to fish as a kid all the time.", "My suggestion is to go for your favorite food rather than some fancy catered food that you don't even enjoy!", "See. I'm not a great cook.", "What suggestions do you have so increase my knowledge?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yep, there is a series of pipes, valves, plumbing fixtures under the deck that leads into a tanks to contain the fluids.", "Now these days boats are made of fiberglass or steel. Smaller boats under 25 meters are fiberglass and over 35 meters are usually made of steel.", "It can be delicious, but the fish need to be extremely fresh.", "Yeah you definetely should, theres a lot of great restaurants as well.", "Lol!Have you heard of meals on Wheels is a program that delivers meals to individuals at home .", "There are many cookbooks, especially ones of countries that are hot and food spoilage is a problem." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i play bass.", "i want to be a journalist but instead i sell washers at sears." ]
[ "The new job for me is going to be great!", "What field are you in?" ]
[ "I am a pharmacy graduate,so i am in that field", "Oh,that is nice to know,what will be your daily routine ", "Its really new dimension for me about sears,because sears means always clothing and shoes only comes to my mind,Last year they closed so many showrooms right", "Now i am doing a part time job,because i have some restrictions to take full time work", "Hobbies right now only sometimes painting", "what kind of music western or classical or jazz,do you know to play any instrument" ]
[ "I work at Sears.", "I sell washers, so it really depends on how many people are interested that day. Some days are pretty slow. You?", "Yeah, I lucked out and still have a job", "I see. Have any hobbies?", "Cool! I enjoy making music.", "I like the bass. Have you ever dabbled in music?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm current working as pharmacists", "great ! we are having a promotion at sears . i will get you a discount .", "i sell washers frequently . i don't get out much", "i sell washers frequently . i don't get out much", "i sell washers frequently . i don't get out much", "oh , definitely voice . jazz and classical ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's pretty cool. I am a Pharmacy Tech", "That's pretty cool. I am a Pharmacy Tech", "That is horrible.. I am sorry! Mine got closed after a scandal that was on Netflix", "That's pretty cool. I am a Pharmacy Tech", "That's cool! It's always good to have a hobby", "No, I have no music skills either." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Don't you have to complete a postgraduate pharmacy degree from a recognized university for that? Impressive!", "Just constantly thinking about little tasks that i have to do and what could go wrong. What about you?", "They bought Sears for $11 BILLION... can you imagine? I just think of Sears as the place my mom used to buy tires from.", "Thats unfair, you should be paid well for completing many different tasks throughout your shifts", "I guess you could follow along with your paint set sometime.", "I like to play late 19th century Jazz music." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm thirty years old.", "we have two pets as well." ]
[ "I live in appartment and we have to pay for our pets. I was thinking about a Gold fish or another kind of fish.", "A fish would require less maintenance. I remember the gold fish bowls of past. just put your gold fish in there and that was it.! A goldfish would make a nice aquatic pet" ]
[ "Hi! How are you doing today? I just got back from my trip to Colorado. ", "Oh it was beautiful, I'll have to go back sometime soon. The next place on my list is Utah. What have you been up to?", "New Mexico is also great! You can always find the best salsa there. I love traveling and trying new foods, especially pies. ", "Totally! Mexico seems fun, maybe Canada as well. There are so many places I want to see before my time is up in this life. ", "Oh that would be beautiful, the only bad thing about that is how long the air plane ride would be! ", "Unless you're on a cruise ship, then it becomes more fun. " ]
[ "That's awesome! I've never been to Colorado but I hear great things! haha", "LOVE the mountains. Mainly in the New Mexico / Colorado area -- but also to the Alps. How about you?", "Mexico has the best food culture and if you ever visit it is one of the best cities in the world to sample great cuisines", "i am sure ! i've been wanting to go to france .", "That's true, travel by train or boat isn't gonna be as good as airplane travel most of the time.", "That's true traveling by train can be really fun and cheap too somethimes" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm in colorado so i'm great !", "the people are so nice and the food is amazing ! utah is not far !", "you must have a good imagination ! what kind of pies do you like ?", "i am sure ! i've been wanting to go to france .", "it isn't a cheap flight but would be fun .", "exactly . i bet you get cheap flights as well !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's awesome! I've never been to Colorado but I hear great things! haha", "LOVE the mountains. Mainly in the New Mexico / Colorado area -- but also to the Alps. How about you?", "We haven't really done pies in a while, but my grandma makes a chocolate roll and my mom makes some awesome pumpkin bars. Do you roast your turkey? We use a turkey fryer for ours.", "My first few years I went from the east coast to Colorado. It will be the best time of your life.", "I'm with you on that one, especially if it requires flying. No way can I afford that.", "Oh for sure! I love riding jet skis!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I love the Colorado river. I can't believe it runs all the way from Colorado to Mexico", "I went to Utah last summer. It was wonderful.", "I love your food tastes! Mexico has the best food culture and if you ever visit it is one of the best cities in the world to sample great cuisines right there on the street.", "Yes you should definitely come! A lot of tourists often come around summertime and help generate 15.8% of Mexico's entire GDP.", "That's true, travel by train or boat isn't gonna be as good as airplane travel most of the time.", "That's true traveling by train can be really fun and cheap too somethimes" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i have a girlfriend named luis , and she goes to my college.", "i'm college student." ]
[ "what are you going to do when you are done ?", "try to get a job in the tech sector and work my way up ." ]
[ "What kind of salary you thinking of?", "Not bad, are you married or have a family?", "That's good. Will you both work in the same city?", "So when are you gonna put a ring on it?", "No need to impress when two people are in love. But do put yourself in a stable financial situation.", "Yes I own several as an investor actually" ]
[ "Not sure, It depends how many companies offer. I'm just expecting a entry wage, around 40k", "No, I have my girlfriend Luis here at the college with me. We like each other a lot right now.", "We hope too. Right now she's got the good job waiting for her after college. I'll have to try and follow her.", "Great Question! Hopefully when I graduate and I make about a years wage. Need to impress her", "Thank you for that advice. That's what I hope to do. Do you own a house?", "Oh wow, thats awesome. How did you get started with your properties?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "not sure . depends on who offers more money .", "no single , what kind of work are you looking for ?", "not unless my career takes me there . we are settled for now .", "i am not sure yet ! what do you think ?", "thanks for your good advice . maybe someday . . . i just wish i followed my dreams", "oh awesome ! well you guys are all set ! are you married ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "A salary", "Nope. Living the single life. Might take family or a friend.", "We will eventually. But I'm in school right now, and she has a good job, so neither of us are able to move, and haven't been able to for a few years. We'll get there eventually though.", "Im on it like you wouldnt believe.. better go out and mortgage the house for a new diamond ring.", "I'll try :)", "That's awesome. Best of luck to you with your business!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Around 80k I think initially, but job satisfaction can be defined in many different ways, although that's a big one.", "I do not actually, I'm still fairly young. I'm trying to build a life for myself and increase my potential socioeconomic status or the combined total measure of my family's economic and social contributions, before I settle down.", "No I live in a city but I do have friends living outside towns and cities.", "Probably soon if I had to guess. Have you seen the new Wonder Woman movie?", "You also should have a plan, like maybe saving to pay for education or real estate for example.", "Ah very nice! That is definitely a great way to get money saved up. Do you plan to in the future?" ] }
[ "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "" ]
[ "playing quake on slackware linux makes me happy.", "i like to use a lot of exclamation marks when i type." ]
[ "What comprises the StarCraft franchise?", "StarCraft is owned by Blizzard Entertainment. The series debuted in 1998 with the first video game." ]
[ "yes, i have heard about them. they are really awesome. i also would like to play games often", "oh ok.. do you like dogs? how about your other activities in day today life", "oh so good. do you grew up dogs at your home ? ", "did not get what you say", "oh ok i love to feed dogs and make them so happy. they are the ones who never hurt us and gives only happiness", "yes, they are true stress busters. " ]
[ "It's not for everyone. I just like the strategy and slow pace of the game. It is so serene.", "I do like dogs. and walking the dog", "No i didn't. Always wanted one so now i have one.", "I have a dog now. I didn't when i was younger.", "They really are man's best friend", "Not to say they aren't any responsibility. gotta walk and feed them" ]
{ "convai2": [ "it is a company called blizzard entertainment , its pretty awesome . do you have a job ?", "i already mentioned them . but i like to spend time with my family and dogs .", "yes but they are big now . do not see them much .", "oh , i got it . what do you do for work ?", "oh ok . that makes more sense now .", "they are . i love when they attack . . best part" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It's not for everyone. I just like the strategy and slow pace of the game. It is so serene.", "Dog mostly, cat once or twice. Possibly human, but I'd rather not think too hard on that.", "I did when I was a kid. Her name was Terror. she was nice though", "Ha, neither. Look into some barking collars or maybe some training.", "Dogs are a good source of entertainment.", "They sure are!!!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "the \"StarCraft\" series revolves around interstellar affairs in a distant sector of the galaxy, where three species are vying for supremacy: the Terrans, a highly factionalised future version of humanity", "I do have activities I do for enjoyment. My favorite is golf.", "No, my landlord doesnt allow pets, but i would love to get one for my kids. I like thatytou can pick and choose the shape size and color of the dog you want now.", "StarCraft games are developed as military science fiction real-time strategy.", "And that is good too. They are \"man's best friend.\"", "StarCraft games are developed as military science fiction real-time strategy." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i enjoy reading.", "i love animals." ]
[ "So it's leathery and not like a sea shell? So that's more like mammal skin, but without the hair.", "Exactly! Another fact is the word armadillo means little armoured one " ]
[ "Well that's super cool. Have you ever seen an Armadillo in person before?", "Oh cool! You live in Texas. It must be very hot there still.", "Oh wow. I don't think I would want to do that. I would need to bring a lot of water", "Cold water is much better than warm water, that's for sure", "Nothing better", "I like to do arts and crafts and I also enjoy taking long walks." ]
[ "I have, bunch of them when driving here in texas", "Oh it was very hot today. Golfed in 95 degree weather", "Definitely water, in a hydroflask to keep it cold", "Yup nothing better than crisp cold water on a hot day.", "So what do you do for fun?", "i love doing those things . we should be friends lol" ]
{ "convai2": [ "never have . did you find a lot ?", "yeah but the are swamps and alligators lol", "ya . water is intense . lots of power", "yes , and greater for nature i would think", "hey if the armadillo pie is as good as you say it is .", "i love doing those things . we should be friends lol" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I personally have not, You must have though?", "Oh yea. Just above 70 with a light breeze.", "Only water? That is crazy lol", "That is true, it is thicker than water", "You have a pet armadillo?", "That sounds like a good way to have fun and get some exercise!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I haven't, they are native to the Americas though, so maybe if I went to the south I'd see one.", "Oh absolutely, its hotter then the devils crib! Lol it is in south Florida so anywhere in Florida ranges 95-105 on a typical summer day!", "Well who could resist their leathery armour shell", "cold water is the worst! they are pretty, good place to clear your mind and relieve the stresses of our increasingly stress inducing society", "Well who could resist their leathery armour shell", "I really do like outdoor activies too like natural walks out of the town." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "convai2" ]
[ "my favorite drink is red wine.", "i've one child." ]
Trance music
[ "Is the sound transfixed?", "No of course not! Makes you mooove, not stand there like a zombie" ]
[ "You know what else makes me move? Music.", "Pretty much everything. I hate country and jazz though. What about you?", "I think it's just the lack of excitement. It always reminds me of elevator music. I like stuff that gets me pumped up.", "I can understand that. Only time I like loud music is when I'm hitting the gym.", "Pretty much every day. I am a verifiable gym rat! Haha.. what about you?", "Hey, that's just as good. I can't really play racquetball at home though, which is my favorite thing to do at the gym." ]
[ "what kind of music do you like?", "i also do not like country music , i do like jazz", "sometimes if it is to loud it gives me a headache", "how often do you go to the gym?", "I workout at home", "it saves on money" ]
{ "convai2": [ "interesting way to put it ! what about sounds ?", "i also do not like country music , i do like jazz", "sometimes if it is to loud it gives me a headache", "what about going to the gym", "about two times a day . i've to stay strong", "true . have you played zombie run ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "what kind of music do you like?", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "Main reason I started going to the gym was to get a break lol", "Main reason I started going to the gym was to get a break lol", "Main reason I started going to the gym was to get a break lol" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah we have latest sound forms in the 21st century", "Jazz music is seen my America's classical music. Should totally try it sometime", "Jazz music is seen my America's classical music. Should totally try it sometime", "Jazz music is seen my America's classical music. Should totally try it sometime", "Yeah ,i regularly keep fit,According to WHO any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy .", "I love playing racquetball at the gym. It's similar to tennis, but without a net." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "convai2", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to binge watch shows on streaming services.", "i'm close to my mother , but not to my father." ]
[ "My headphones have replacable wires, so I bought a replacement cord for them. It arrived and I didn't realize but it is EXTREMELY short. Wish I hadn't wasted my money.", "Can you send it back for an exchange ?" ]
[ "I could, it's just going to be a pain to have to ship it back and wait for it all. Still better than wasting my money I guess.", "That's a good suggestion, but what I want the headphones for doesn't support that sadly.", "It's to plug into an electronic I have that doesn't support bluetooth, it's just a regular stereo plug.", "I'll definitely have to give it a try. Do you have any headphone recommendations?", "I'll have to look at them and do a bit of research then, thank you for the suggestion!", "I sure hope so too, finding headphones that don't crap out on you and that aren't insanely expensive is tough." ]
[ "I think you should get Bluetooth headphones instead!", "Why not? What do you need them for? For watching shows?", "Oh I see. Well I used to be a musician, so I understand studio headphones. You should get your money back!", "I just ordered some headphones actually, some Cowin brand Bluetooth headphones. I like watching show and movies at night so I need some really nice headphones.", "You're welcome. I hope you can get some really nice ones that suit your needs. I shopped around before buying these! Can't wait to get them.", "I had a pair of Turtle Beach headphones for years and the mic finally died and the bass starting getting fuzzy. They lasted me years though." ]
{ "convai2": [ "unless the phone is a teleporter i wouldn't spend so much on it .", "unless the phone is a teleporter i wouldn't spend so much on it .", "unless the phone is a teleporter i wouldn't spend so much on it .", "me neither ! i prefer headsets . i dunno , short lol 5ft . you ?", "you are welcome ! what do you have planned for the weekend ?", "i know it . all the equipment i need is seriously draining my savings ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yeah occasionally stuff breaks during shipping.", "Bluetooth speakers are actually one of my favorite inventions.", "Bluetooth speakers are actually one of my favorite inventions.", "Bluetooth speakers are actually one of my favorite inventions.", "No problem!", "Maybe they'll be more affordable and even slicker when you get around to it." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am the exact same. Sometimes I think of returning it, but it is such a hassle shipping things back.", "yeah i have heard that Headphones connect to a signal source such as an audio amplifier, radio, CD player, portable media player.", "Why not get a plug in hybrid so you dont have to worry about finding a charging place?", "they have lots of options. Headphones are also known as earspeakers,", "Thanks so much! ^.^", "It really is. Especially if you get a big tube amplifier with 12\" speakers." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i could eat less.", "i hate that my mom made me get braces." ]
Dental braces
[ "yes i like that song a lot", "I love them in general, I first heard them when I got my dental braces put on" ]
[ "What's up! How have you been recently? ", "Aw I'm sorry to hear that, my cousin had to wear braces for 3 years and she hated it. What's weird is that her twin didn't need any.", "Well, there has only been one set of twins in my family, and I'm hoping when I have children it will just be one kid at a time. ", "Oh for sure! If I had twin boys I would probably name one Lex and the other Clark, my love of Superman will never die lol", "Same! He was my favorite superhero as a kid. He's still my favorite today, but Batman is a close second. ", "Oh for sure. The Dark Knight movies were my favorite, but the Tim Burton Batman movies will always have a special place in my heart. " ]
[ "I'm doing pretty good other than these braces hurting my mouth. How about you?", "That's weird. Do twins run in your family? Are you a twin?", "the twins would definitely keep you on your toes", "My mom loves Superman, we used to watch the movies together all the time.", "Batman is pretty darn sweet. The Dark Knight made me love him even more.", "I love Tim Burton movies! " ]
{ "convai2": [ "hi i am doing ok my braces hurt . how are you", "i am sorry to hear that ! good for you not letting it hold you back !", "the twins would definitely keep you on your toes", "both of those are great heroes . have you seen the show supergirl ?", "i like batman more haha", "those were hilarious ! i like those and bruce almighty too ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "doing good.. how about you", "I actually do have a twin, lol. I miss the good ol' days!", "I'm sure you'll be great parents!", "What is your favorite super hero movie?", "I really like Batman too, Christian Bale is my favorite Batman.", "I really like Batman too, Christian Bale is my favorite Batman." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Thankfully I never had them, but my daughter does now. Her teeth are very misaligned, so they'll help straighten them out", "Thankfully I never had them, but my daughter does now. Her teeth are very misaligned, so they'll help straighten them out", "How sweet! I always wanted to have twins but I bet they're hard to handle.", "I love superman too but my role model was Wonder Woman, but they have so many great characters", "Batman is pretty darn sweet. The Dark Knight made me love him even more.", "Did you see the Batman movie that Tim Burton directed?" ] }
[ "", "", "convai2", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i still dream about going to paris and designing clothes.", "i spend a lot of time driving my kids to sports events." ]
Yves Saint Laurent (brand)
[ "Oh cool. When did YSL first start making clothes?", "YSL was founded in 1961 and is considered one of the world's most prominent fashion houses." ]
[ "I spend my free time fishing and camping and such, I don't buy much clothes other than outdoor stuff", "I used to buy them at specialty sporting good stores but now I just use the internet", "I'm casually seeing someone. Not sure if it'll go anywhere. You", "Do you enjoy that?", "I am a general manager at a casino", "I do! It can be very interesting sometimes. " ]
[ "Awesome! Where do you buy your supplies for those hobbies?", "that is very convenient, I also like to shop online. Are you married or dating?", "I have a family. I spend a lot of time driving the kids to soccer and baseball practice", "Yes, there is a lot of joy in providing for my kids. It is difficult, but I enjoy my time with them. Where are you employed?", "Wow! That is awesome. I love playing blackjack. Do you enjoy your work? ", "\"I bet!\" That is cool. Is there room to grow above your position?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i generally shop for clothing and stuff for the house .", "shopping helps too , but it gets expensive . fashion is intriguing for me .", "its hard to say . we have only been dating a month .", "yes , they are amazing . since my salary is low , i try to make my clothes", "oh , i guess there would be more then casino jobs out there .", "it can be very interesting . what do you for work ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I never have cool clothes.", "I have a site that I use if the school bookstore is high. I love to save money.", "I'm not even looking for anything serious like marriage, just a friend that I can relate to romantically.", "Yes, and I enjoy it.", "Oh, okay! Well, I love some Blackjack. I like Poker, but better at Blackjack. But, not on your level by any means! Good for you!", "Oh, okay! Well, I love some Blackjack. I like Poker, but better at Blackjack. But, not on your level by any means! Good for you!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I think it is also very expensive there. Do they sell stuff like lingerie, loungewear and stuff like Aerie?", "I get a lot of my supplies at Walmart or sometimes Sam's Club", "I could be :) Jk, I think you will find once once you start a courtship alone with a nice girl, there are plenty out there", "Yes a litlle and my ideal of fun is shopping at my favorite clothing retailer Guess.", "I see, have you ever considered the economic consequences of casino gambling?", "Have you ever felt bad the days that you lost? since the objective of the game is for players to beat the dealer" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i donate any overstock to charity.", "i am a couponed." ]
Compulsive hoarding
[ "Yeah I saw a show on that. It is sad how they can't function like normal people.", "yea Compulsive hoarding is when people cant throw stuff away and acquire excessive amounts of stuff" ]
[ "Yes I wonder what causes people to become like that? It alienates so many people from them.", "My Grandmother was like this and would get anxious whenever someone would move her stuff.", "Oh she would collect new things. Even go through stuff people put on the side of the road.", "Me too. It's such a rush when you cut all those coupons. Almost feels like real money!", "Do you have kids? I imagine someone would save a lot of money couponing with kids.", "Haha. Me neither. I keep a little folder of them when I go to the store. Cashiers probably look at me like I'm crazy." ]
[ "I think that it's a mental health condition. Personally if I have too much stuff I give the extra to charity ", "Perhaps she had old memories surrounding her possessions that she did not wish to get rid of ", "She probably hated to see anything thrown out. Personally I love coupons. ", "It's definitely a fun hobby to have and saves money too. ", "No I don't - does not stop me from liking coupining tho!", "I know the people behind in the queue can get a bit irritable. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "another solution is to add the items to my organized stockpile", "well she thinks ocd rules my life . she is probably right . i struggle relinquishing control", "another solution is to add the items to my organized stockpile", "right ? ! i couldn't agree more . wish i had more time look for the coupons", "yes i do . but no kids of my own yet .", "i would think that would mean you'd rather not be surrounded by it in entertainment too !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "A lot of those people are trashy or druggies, really sickening to be around", "I can imagine. Was she a hoarder of some type?", "Seems one would know where that kept such precious things", "Seriously!", "No i do not. But i wish someday after getting married i will have my own. Do you like kids?", "hahaha I bet they do!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes such people lose the desire to throw away unneeded items", "Yes such people lose the desire to throw away unneeded items", "Yes such people lose the desire to throw away unneeded items", "Yes, but you have to be a pretty price conscious consumer to take all that time to find the coupons.", "sometimes, but I wish I could do extreme couponing, although it takes skill to save that much money", "yea haha thats quite common" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm more of a cat person than a dog person.", "my mom is my best friend." ]
[ "My ten-year-old cat died a few weeks ago. I still can't believe he's gone.", "Im sorry to hear that. Tell me a fond memory you have of him/her." ]
[ "She always loved to try to steal food off my plate. Once, on my birthday, she managed to snag a whole steak for herself.", "It was pretty funny, actually. She always treated it like a game, and she definitely won that night.", "I miss her so much... What kind of dog do you have?" ]
[ "Oh my, my dog actually does that sometimes. That's the worst!", "Yeah, she definitely won that one.", "Yeah, well I'm sorry to hear that. And she is a Labrador pitbull mix" ]
{ "convai2": [ "had to get rid of her , bc she kept chewing on everything", "haha ! yeah . so she would encourage you to try again ! !", "it is a golden retriever puppy ! my last dog died when i was 18 ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Oh yeah that sounds like a real good time, I love steak!", "She definitely won that one.", "I have a cat. Her name is Venus. I rescued her from outside after she was attacked by a dog." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Ah steak! I miss steak! I never knew, until becoming vegetarian, that many Indian religions practice it also. Buddhists are big on no meat.", "My cat used to hide whenever we had too many people over, and we had another who liked to watch them, but she wasn't very nice.", "I'm from Greece, so I have a Kokoni dog. They are dogs for daughters who live in the house. You?" ] }
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "i work at a vet.", "my husband is a lawyer." ]
[ "wow i'd have trouble keeping eye contact with people in that job .", "same . i work as a kennel assistant . that's how i got 3 dogs . you ?" ]
[ "I have 2 dogs and a cat. My cat always gets on my tv when I play halo 3.", "Labs are great dogs. Mine are golden retreivers.", "That sounds like a cool job. I hope to be a video game developer one day.", "I like to think so. So do you have any other pets?", "Yeah, dogs are happier when they have a furry friend.", "I bet! I'm not a lawyer but books overrun my house too." ]
[ "Nice to hear that.I too have a dog at home. The breed is lab.", "Working with a vet has helped me to understand and take care of my dog very much. ", "That's great. I think you have a great creative mind Am I right?", "I would love to have one more dog as companion to my lab. He will enjoy more. Let's see.", "Yes I understand that. But space is a constraint in my home. My husband is a lawyer. His books occupy a lot of space.", "That's great. Reading is something I too enjoy a lot. It refreshes you mind like anything. What kind of books do you read?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i am a little antisocial also . i can never keep eye contact without looking away !", "sometimes while playing halo 3 i have a hard time making eye contact .", "that would be the best job ever . what would you like to do ?", "that would be a handful . i unwind with halo 3 . how do you have fun ?", "very true . maybe i will have to get a cat too .", "i bet lol . so do you read many books ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Aw that's annoying when my cat does that too.", "I have 2 and I love them to death.", "My mom does that for a living. I could probably be good at it.", "I have 3. What about you?", "Do you have any kids of your own...or is he your main / only furbaby", "Law seems difficult it seems.." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "That's cool. I'm not good at those games. My favorite game is Halo. What's yours?", "Labs are such nice family dogs. Hyper, sure, but so friendly. Our dogs gets his playful side from the wheaten. The poodle is what gives him the agility.", "I've heard that video game programmers sometimes comprise the whole design team! I'd love to see how it all comes together!", "I have no pets currently no.", "I have never heard of Furcula. Do you have more information on that?", "He has some great books with a strict management system." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i earn passive income that no one knows about.", "my dreams are often bizarre." ]
[ "no , but i'm a huge fan of the chain smokers . who are the muggers", "only my favorite band , that's all i can tell you though lol" ]
[ "what song is your favorite", "do you like hip hop?", "do you like country?", "how old are you?", "where are you from?", "where do you work?" ]
[ "I love the Beatles the best.", "I used to like hip hop when I was younger. It's a little too much for me these days.", "I hate country music. Now I'm going to have strange dreams just thinking about it.", "I was born in the late 1960s. So pretty old.", "I was born in Atlanta. Live near Boston now.", "I have a home based technology job. I also earn a little passive income online." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like music also , the muggers are my favorite !", "oh yes the beatles are the best of the bes", "i enjoy it , i am not sure who the chainsmokers are ll", "19 , you a chain smokers fan at all ?", "i'm from new york , but now live in virginia . you ?", "i actually know the chain smokers . they're pretty good ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "coldplay", "Yes. I love their music.", "I do actually quite a few mainly old country songs like daddys hands is a big one super oldie! :)", "35. I wish I was having a party, but I'm going out with friends.", "Texas. It was in the 90's today.", "I work at a bank in a small town." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "i guess HiiiPoWeR or anything off of \"Overly Dedicated\"", "Not really. I have never been into 80s hip hop.", "I'm not a big country music fan per say but I do love Southern Rock.", "I am 21. i have just finished studying so I thought it might be a good time to take a break before entry into graduate school.", "Romeo, Michigan which is also my home town. Have you heard Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast? It's rocks first album and like hearing Jesus speak.", "I plan to do some volunteer work." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work as an attorney.", "i'm bald with a thick beard." ]
[ "i do actually ! i have 7 . i am only 19 years old .", "that is a lot . i don't have any ." ]
[ "Do you ever want to have kids someday?", "How many do you want to have? and you can ask me questions too ", "I think 2 is a perfect number. And if I have kids I will make sure to make them barbeque sandwiches and pizza puffs", "Yes, it's like pizza on a roll, but not like hot pockets because the pizza part is on top of the bread rather than inside. What is your favorite food?", "Well I like Mint Chocolate chip myself, but I am also fond of coffee ice cream. Do you enjoy coffee?", "Oh tea is good. And good for you! I also take some when I'm feeling ill", "I understand that. It was pretty hot here but now it's getting cooler. I love the fall weather", "Where do you live?", "I have always wanted to visit Hawaii! maybe some day I will. It was very nice chatting with you" ]
[ "Maybe in the future.", "Probably two, i feel more could be overwhelming. What about you?", "That sounds yummy. What are pizza puffs, like pizza rolls?", "Any kind of ice cream. What's your favorite flavor?", "I really dont like coffee, I much prefer tea", "I usually drink a cup every morning, but its too hot right now with a busted AC", "I love the fall, but we arent getting the weather here.", "Hawaii, its pretty hot", "Nice talking to you as well! Have a good day" ]
{ "convai2": [ "sure", "there are so many . i could not even settle .", "that's cool . i don't have any kids . i'm only 19", "pizza margherita with thin crust . whats yours ?", "i do . i like vanilla . what flavor do you like ?", "i take them but not much like twice in a week .", "yes , i'm in the midwest and we are having some early fall weather , love it", "i live in texas . very hot here !", "you too , thank you for the amazing conversation !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "One day.", "i'd be happy with one", "I'm sure they'll be delicious.", "cheese enchiladas", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!", "I love the fall.", "Texas. It was in the 90's today.", "nice talking to you for sure" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "No. 2 is enough foe me and my wife.What about you?", "No. 2 is enough foe me and my wife.What about you?", "Good idea!", "I like margarita pizza the best. Have you had it?", "I do love coffee. Id have to say my favorite type is French Vanilla. How about you?", "Do you take medicane", "are you cool for the summer? like the song by demi lovato", "Minnesota, it is very cold here, we are based in Minneapolis.", "oh.same to you." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to take drives in the country.", "i love to go out to eat with my family." ]
[ "I love my girlfriend a lot, we have been dating for almost 3 years now!", "That's wonderful! Are you thinking of proposing?" ]
[ "Well I am not sure. My boyfriend is actually in the army so is away a lot ", "Alas not for the next few years but hopefully one day. ", "Yes. I am looking for a present for him right now - a tee shirt. I want it to be yellow as that is my favourite colour. ", "well, erm, yes, good point. ", "Yes, I think about him a great deal even though he is so far away. ", "Oh I tell him very regularly but it would be nice to do so face to face. " ]
[ "Is a more stable life and location for your boyfriend not something in the cards right now?", "So the plan is to just keep going with the relationship as you have been and just see how things pan out?", "Wouldn't it be better to get him a t shirt in his favorite color?", "I'm sure he'll love it! It's always nice to know the person you love is thinking of you.", "You should definitely tell him that if you don't already.", "Oh absolutely! When's the next time you can see him?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "we have been together almost a year .", "we have been together for 3 . you deserve better", "i guess i could do army green since my boyfriends in the army ! lol", "i guess i could do army green since my boyfriends in the army ! lol", "so when do you think you will propose ?", "so when do you think you will propose ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What kind of job does he have in the military?", "Haha that's smart, you never know. Well good luck, here's to a wonderful life together for you two!", "I wish you the best of luck on your proposal and the possibility of it becoming a reality.", "What kind of job does he have in the military?", "Haha that's smart, you never know. Well good luck, here's to a wonderful life together for you two!", "Sometimes things are much better face to face." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Very nice! It's always a fun time when you get to know each other and decide if you are write to get engaged.", "Aw, thats good to hear. You might want to start thinking about Courtship. It is period which precedes engagement and marriage (if it comes to that!)", "Yellow is such bright happy colour. I have it growing in the centre of my garden, with other flowers around it. Kind of like the sun being in the centre of the solar system LOL", "If you are interested.", "Thank you! I just don't want his heart to be broken!", "Thank you! I just don't want his heart to be broken!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i play the drums.", "i grew up in the projects of chicago." ]
[ "I prefer it over Pepsi.", "Me too. Aparently it was originally made back in the 19th century! I cant believe it is that old!" ]
[ "Oh my, that is a long time! I heard they used to put cocaine in it before, too.", "Hahah! Yeah that can definitely be a reason why.", "No way! LOL. ", "Yeah I was going to say, you may have anger issues lol. As long as you are trying, though!", "Oh my gosh! Hahaha! ", "Well, I'd have to say water. Plain and basic water!" ]
[ "Oh wow, that's crazy! I bet that's why my grandmother's house was always so clean in Chicago!", "We played a gig at a bar once and they only had Pepsi, I was so mad I broke my drum set.", "Yes! I have a slight anger problem but I'm learning ways to stay calm now.", "My only trigger now is if someone tries to give me Sprite. I hate Sprite.", "So other than Coke, what's your favorite drink?", "I do love me some water! " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i use to drink pepsi back when i was a wild child .", "you must really love that pepsi !", "ha ! i thought i was getting a good deal at the time . . . it was used .", "thanks ! hopefully the sprite will run its course in the least offensive way possible .", "thanks ! hopefully the sprite will run its course in the least offensive way possible .", "for me it is diet coke , ice water , or lemonade ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Rc cola is just the most delicious thing on earth", "I don't think the polar bears are gonna let you near their coke, man.", "I don't think the polar bears are gonna let you near their coke, man.", "I'll try :)", "I don't think the polar bears are gonna let you near their coke, man.", "I don't think the polar bears are gonna let you near their coke, man." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah there is no wonder why they keep the recipe a trad secret!", "I was wondering that too but come to find out it's names after the root of the word \"dyspepsia\" and the kola nuts used in the recipe. Wanna know a real weird name? Guess what they used to call Diet Pepsi!", "Technically it wasn't even Pepsi, since it was introduced as Brad's Drink.", "Yeah no kidding! Do you have any strange cravings?", "Oh my gosh yes! Sing it with me, \"I like the Sprite in you!\"", "I usually just stick to water over anything like Pepsi and other soft drinks." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work in finance.", "my favorite color is blue." ]
[ "I was going to be late for gym practice. But my friend helped me to find my missing shoe. Now I will be on time!", "Hey, that's awesome! I'm happy for you. Where did they find it?" ]
[ "Under the couch. I'm always misplacing things.", "I am! Sometimes we drink too much and fall asleep on the couch, haha. How is your day going?", "Good to hear! I'm just chilling. I work at a bar on the weekends, so making the most of my day off.", "That sounds pretty full on, do you enjoy it?", "That's cool, busy is good. Do you have any fun hobbies?", "Haha, Reddit is the best. I spent too much time on there. Do you have a channel on Youtube? or helping someone else create content?" ]
[ "You are lucky to have a friend willing to help.", "Going good...what's up with you.", "great to hear. i work for finance department so it would be hectic the year closing. ", "It's pretty fun. The pay isn't great, but it keeps me busy. Decent work for now.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "i like youtube , but i don t have a channel . i wish" ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh no ! did you report it missing ?", "was okay . dog woke me up and just getting ready for a date .", "ok , got a date ? or late to work ?", "its pretty eventful . it pays the bills !", "well i love to shop , dance , and buy unique shoes . what about you ?", "i like youtube , but i don t have a channel . i wish" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "You are lucky to have a friend willing to help.", "Going good...what's up with you.", "That's great. I hope you have a good workout at the gym!", "Yeah I enjoy it. Thanks.", "Mainly Youtube, I do some freelance work on it occasionally, and Reddit. Lots of Reddit.", "It takes time and being entertaining. Thats interesting. It's a social media age :)" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "You should throw away all the shoes, in anticipation of a large-scale disaster event where people need shoes.", "I am fine. What would you like to chat about?", "Same! Have a good night!", "It's pretty fun. The pay isn't great, but it keeps me busy. Decent work for now.", "I do have activities I do for enjoyment. My favorite is golf.", "No I don't. But my son has hundreds of video game live videos up there. And Google bought YouTube only 1 year later in 2006 for 1.65 billion! Can you imagine?!?!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2" ]
[ "i'm a psychology major.", "i am a steelers fan." ]
[ "its a game , like you know , played on cards , whatever .", "right i have heard of it . can you teach me how to play ?" ]
[ "Sure, let's hang out at my apartment this weekend, and I'll teach you", "Oh yeah, I've heard that psychology homework can get pretty lengthy and tough.", "I'm not the biggest fan, but my dad loves it. I sit and watch it with him while eating our favorite food, jello.", "Oohh I've been looking for new things to make with jello. Will you teach me to make them?", "I love those! It's my favorite thing to have at parties!", "Lol same! It's a staple of college life lol" ]
[ "That sounds great but since I'm a psychology major I might not have the time unfortunately", "IT does but I still find time to watch Steelers games! Do you like football?", "Jello is great! I used to make jello jigglers for Christmas with my Grandma.", "Sure! Do you like jello shots? Those are fun to eat.", "I've been to quite a few awesome college parties with jello shots in my college career lol", "I'll definitely miss it once I graduate!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "sure", "that is what i've heard . i just get so bored with the homework", "i like jello , but it isn't my favorite thing", "sure ! i'm very good at it . i can teach you !", "what else do you do for fun ? i like this card game magic the gathering .", "good advice . i count cards when i'm in vegas to supplement their college fund" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I will send you an invitation. All expenses paid.", "Yea, it can be, but classmates are kinda make it worth it sometimes.", "I'm more of a football fan!", "Some jello shots? I've got no one to enjoy them with anymore.", "Some jello shots? I've got no one to enjoy them with anymore.", "Yep. It is!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "You probably heard of Texas Hold em' that is actually a community card game from the 1920's.", "Yea its usually the person with the highest grades, i wasnt close either", "Lol thankfully none of mine care too much about sports! We have a party for the Super Bowl but that's just for the food haha", "Sure! You can use tons of different flavorings like caramel, butterscotch, and fruit syrup.", "Yeah, it's like heaven for kids with 100 types of syrups", "Yeah, it's like heaven for kids with 100 types of syrups" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a vegan.", "my favorite music is country." ]
History of vegetarianism
[ "That's good to know! Why are you not a vegan? Just love meat that much? I'm not vegan either, but I'm curious.", "A lot of people object to eating meat out of respect for sentient life. Not I! love my meat" ]
[ "Me too, and I love visiting other countries and trying new foods there.", "I would never survive as a vegan! I love cheese too much, and so do my cats.", "I have no desire to be though. I love food too much, especially cheese.", "No, I am not interested in that either. Have you considered it?", "Let me know how that goes! what would you eat?", "Good luck with that! Meanwhile, I will travel the country with my cat, eating meat!" ]
[ "I agree. Food is good! I think I could understand vegetarians maybe, as they just avoid meat. But avoiding eggs, dairy, etc is extremely challenging!", "You can do it. Being a vegan is not as hard as you think ", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "I haven't, but maybe I'll give it a try!", "Mostly vegetarian dishes, making sure I get as many vitamins as I can. Fiber's good too!", "I so wish I could be a cat... ohhh how easy life would be!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "traveling is great ! have you gone anywhere recently ?", "that's funny . at least the cat is loyal . my pets are loyal too !", "then you do not have much of a choice ! ll", "well its not that i don't want to . i've just never really had a reason .", "i care too much about other living creatures to be eating them , even if they taste good !", "that is a great goal ! i take care of my cat venus all the time !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I like to try different types of food from other places too. Then try to make them later on.", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "I haven't, but maybe I'll give it a try!", "Olives! And all the vegetables.", "I so wish I could be a cat... ohhh how easy life would be!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I agree. Food is good! I think I could understand vegetarians maybe, as they just avoid meat. But avoiding eggs, dairy, etc is extremely challenging!", "I hear that! I also love cheese! I know that veganism is quite hard. So why don't you just stick to being a vegetarian then? If it is about animals, you can just object from eating meat out of respect for sentient life. Is it deeper than just animals?", "Have you tried cheese from other milk such as buffalo, goats, or sheep?", "No, I like my animal products too much. If I really wanted to try something though I could try vegetarianism which is only abstaining from meat.", "Mostly vegetarian dishes, making sure I get as many vitamins as I can. Fiber's good too!", "How fun! I wish I could have a cat, but I am so allergic to them! What kind of cat food do you feed yours?" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i can speak three languages.", "i work remotely as a programmer." ]
[ "My family threw me an awesome surprise party for my birthday this year!", "nice, were you suprised ?" ]
[ "How exactly did you celebrate it?", "Sure, I got surprised. Did not expect anyone remember my birthday", "You got it right. Poverty makes us forget about birthdays and parties.", "family members and few relatives. They managed to come from oversees", "The Kingdom of Dreamland. Have you heard of it?", "It is in some sense" ]
[ "well, my birthday isn't for several months. i wanted to know about your party.", "why not? are birthdays not a big deal in your family?", "that's too bad. who was present for your party?", "oh wow, what country did they come from?", "no, i haven't. it sounds fictional.", "So what do you find realistic then?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "big party . . it was amazing", "oh really ? it is my birthday soon . thank you !", "that's sad . why can you not remember ?", "it makes perfect sense . how did your family react ?", "no i've not what culture is that from ?", "what was it called ? i have probably been there ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I think birthdays are a lot of fun and should be celebrated no matter how old you are. We went to a nice restaurant.", "Last year my family surprised me for my birthday with a party.", "I get that so many people in the world are so much worse off then us. I think it's easy to forget that.", "wow my friend at work was born in japan , she married a u.s. solder then moved here", "I have not, I did hear that England lost recently though.", "That's fair. The same would be true in any other nation." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It was for a birthday celebration. However, we mainly had the picnic because it was one of the first warm days of the year.", "That's okay and yes, I did. I was really excited to meet the host, Alex Trebeck.", "I can understand where you are coming from. I always feel down low and sad.", "Ah, I guess that makes you Italian! My grandparents are Irish.", "Yes, I have been to the third largest island of the Greater Antilles.", "So what do you find realistic then?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i changed my hair color to blue.", "i like the color blue." ]
[ "I am jealous of my coworker, he is very smart and athletic", "Have you considered tring to work out?" ]
[ "I do work out some. Running mostly. ", "I have a programming job for a small technology company.", "Business applications. But I love video games and play in my spare time.", "I turn 40 tomorrow.", "No I'm hating it. I'm still in pretty good shape though. I eat pretty well and don't drink any alcohol.", "No, I quit when I turned 30. I smoke some weed now and then though." ]
[ "where do you work?", "I see! Do you work on mainly PC games, console games, or both?", "how old are you", "are you looking forward to turning 40 ?", "well that's good for you . drinking isn't the healthiest thing in the world", "what state do you live in?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i just like being athletic myself", "cool . i am a programmer . i've held this position for about seven years .", "those are very diverse interests . i'm not very athletic .", "are you looking forward to turning 40 ?", "well that's good for you . drinking isn't the healthiest thing in the world", "that is great to hear , i did smoke and drank few years but stopped" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's great exercise. Are you a fan of sports?", "Oh, I thought you meant like computer programming. You must be so proud", "Hahaha. Nothing says you can't do both. Work at work, play after work.", "dang im 31 i wish u the best", "I do not drink alcohol at all.", "LOL that's a good choice. Alcohol is the solution as they say" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Competitive running was birthed out of religious rituals, why don't you like it?", "I see! Do you work on mainly PC games, console games, or both?", "Which of the video games do you have. I mean the size is it the large mainframe computers or small handheld computing devices.", "Which of the video games do you have. I mean the size is it the large mainframe computers or small handheld computing devices.", "oh.same to you.", "In some cultures smoking is part of their rituals but is a hard habit to break for me" ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "convai2", "convai2", "" ]
[ "i am from austin , texas.", "i like to cook new recipes." ]
Austin, Texas
[ "Oh really? I did not even know that. I knew it was a big city, but 11th biggest US city puts it into another perspective!", "It's actually also the fastest growing large city in the US, and it has one of the highest populations of capital cities in the country." ]
[ "I am diet", "Vegan diet", "I just trying to be healthy", "How about you?", "That's great!", "I am not fully vegan" ]
[ "What sort of diet are you on?", "That's cool. I cook a lot but I have never cooked vegan. What is it about vegan that you like?", "Healthy diets definitely help to improve your overall health. Keep it up.", "Well, I guess you could say I'm pretty adventurous when it comes to eating. I like to cook new stuff to try all the time, mostly steaks though!", "I like fish too. Do vegans eat fish?", "Well then I guess you could enjoy a nice cat fish nugget platter!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "wow , i had no idea !", "wow , i had no idea !", "i've considered that as a healthy life style . is it hard ?", "i want to try to eat healthy , but still a balanced diet .", "thank you ! what else do you like to do ?", "that must be why i did not know !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What sort of diet are you on?", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?", "Oh you know, I need to go vegan as well! So much has wheat in it. Most of the vegan stuff here does. I am in the midwest and I can't have too much fruit..I don't like most veggies and I am on keto :/ SIGH! I am getting there though. You can have fries though unless youre a celiac!", "I have recently started exercising and eating right.", "Steak is my favorite too. The bloomin onion is also a great appetizer.", "It really limits your dietary choices. I don't recommend it. Have you considered vegetarian?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I'm an athlete so I'm always hungry. I compete in the Highland Games and Surf. I have trouble with the restriction of the diet. I'm always hungry.", "That's interesting. Are you allowed fruit on that diet?", "Healthy diets definitely help to improve your overall health. Keep it up.", "I rely heavily on the nutrition guide and breaking foods into the food groups for a healthy diet.", "You too! Thanks!", "But you haven't gone full vegan? do you still eat eggs and dairy?" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "" ]
[ "i m a vegan.", "i love country." ]
[ "I really wanted to go on a work trip to Orlando, but got passed over for someone else.", "Will there be a next time ?" ]
[ "I hope so. I think they're going to the same place next year.", "I just need to discipline myself, focus on my work, and stop going to so many darn concerts!", "I love them. I go to at least 10 a year, sometimes more.", "I absolutely LOVE Madonna. I've seen her at least a dozen times, but I think more.", "I love them too! Why do you like them so much?", "That's amazing! I am part of LGBTQ+ so I love that." ]
[ "Do you think you will have a better opportunity to join the trip?", "I feel like the concerts are good, they allow you to unwind and relax", "That is a lot. Who is your favorite?", "Thats a lot. I prefer panic at the disco", "They got me through some tough times and I have been to a concert. They also support pride", "That's awesome! SO am I. I am worried about the court cases" ]
{ "convai2": [ "next year some times in may ? what do you say ?", "sure , i have settled down a little bit too . but i still love concerts !", "i go to like , 10 a year . at least . gonna see gaga soon .", "madonna is my first favorite . do you go to a lot of concerts ?", "madonna moves my soul all the way . i love seeing her in concert !", "that is good for them . i stand for gay rights" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It will be close enough.", "I love going to concerts.", "i have hear so as well, i love concerts", "i have hear so as well, i love concerts", "It's because I've been watching the stars since I was young.", "What's your orientation?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Do you like to visit the theme parks? Many people visit Orlando to go to Sea World and Universal Studios.", "It would seem even more like nothing if I was on vacation. Have you ever heard of Nothing Records?", "so all shows are below the ground floor? i didnt know that i would like to go and see something now :D", "A always was a fan o madonna, but that is in the past.", "I like everything about 1970, it is disco for me.", "You and about 1.7 million other people. Crazy amount of members if you ask me." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite show is scooby doo.", "i work in a corner grocery store during the day." ]
[ "just to be a boss . that is not my style .", "yeah , you have to really want it ." ]
[ "I like to blend into the background personally .. I want to look cultured and sophisticated though. ", "I have a problem with self esteem as I came from a broken home. ", "No. I have a problem with my step dad but he ignored me all the time. ", "I have not tried therapy - it is expensive. ", "I could give it a try but it is difficult. What about you, do you have a good relationship with your family? ", "It must be wonderful to feel that!" ]
[ "It's always important to put your best fashion foot forward. That way people will think you're successful.", "I am sorry to hear that. Have you ever seen a therapist to help you with it?", "So you don't think that therapy helps you at all?", "That's true. But maybe you can talk to a close friend or relative about it. I'm sure that would be better than nothing", "Yes I do. I love my family very much. We don't always get along but I know they will be there for me when I need them. ", "I am fortunate in many ways. So many people have broken homes. It is sad to see." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i totally get that . style is important .", "you just need to build your confidence and self esteem", "do you ever feel like therapy doesn't do anything ?", "do you ever feel like therapy doesn't do anything ?", "it starts with self acceptance and confidence and being proud of who you are .", "a lot of times lately i think i had it so much better before them ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Why does being cool matter though? Wouldn't you rather just be yourself?", "I wish you had a higher self-esteem.", "Do you have the same relationship with your Dad?", "Usually if you feel that way it is. Try to research alternate cures that actually will work better.", "Family in a way. That is great that you have grown as a person! It is rare. They complain when they have things good and still aren't happy when it's bad?- I don't get it- I don't get people who want to stay in misery", "Yes. It is very endearing. Our family are the first people we experience in life." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I will still wimp out. i want to be famous like the rolling stones though.", "But having good relationships can help with that.", "That is not good a kid always need attention from either a dad or stepdad.", "Treatment can help though. Cognitive Behavioural therapy is what's mostly used these days.", "I do, I'm a teacher and I have several students whose parents are wither dead or they became a ward of the state.", "It certainly does put me in a good emotional state." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i do not like pickles.", "my favorite color is black." ]
[ "I'm happy with my health right now. I'm at a healthy weight, I have no aches or pain, and I'm still pretty young. I think young people take for granted their ability to not feel physical pain", "It's great to hear that you're in such good shape! I need to work on that myself." ]
[ "Yes thank you. It should definitely be a goal to stay in great shape!", "Slimming? How so?", "Oh I see. Well hey if it's working then good for you! Lol.", "Eating foods you don't like haha! They are called fruits & veggies!", "Yes! Broccoli is amazing, although I always forget how to spell it.", "Same here! With one C haha" ]
[ "Lately I've just been wearing a lot of black since it's so slimming and it's my favorite color anyway lol", "Black clothing makes you look smaller so I hear.", "I found that eating foods I don't like helps too, I can't stand pickles so I eat a lot of those. It helps me not overindulge.", "I need to eat those more often. Broccoli is probably my favorite food ever.", "YES! I always try to put 2 Ls in it every single time!", "I need to find some new broccolli recipes to try out" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i agree . i feel like i have a young lifestyle but mature mind", "fortunately , i got into great shape and that helped . what do you enjoy ?", "i agree . i feel like i have a young lifestyle but mature mind", "that is very ture , but i am also trying to eat healthy but it is so good !", "i wasn't trying to be smart . my apologies !", "ha ha ! it was nice chatting with you !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Just keep at it and I'll do the same! We will be shredded in no time!", "I have recently started working out and have lost a few inches and things are firmer.", "Thanks for the extra motivation!", "LOL! I sister hates them..but I don't like most veggies :( Rapsberrys are a close second!", "I love pickles and I always order extra! We must be twins!", "I love pickles and I always order extra! We must be twins!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I wish you well too and I know you can do it! Just keep pushing yourself and hang on tight! It's a bumpy ride but it is a winnable war. you'll be in my thoughts.", "The only thing I know to start the slimming is the efforts of fitness and health. The fitness part is what I hate....I hate to workout", "I was joking. lol I was quite addicted to tanning when I was younger though.", "Yeah, that's true. Like orange juice, broccoli, and peppers have a lot of vitamin c and they taste good!", "Have you tried the broccolini, it's long and stringy broccoli. It's like baby florets.", "That ìt ìs and fìllìng!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am currently traveling in japan.", "i work remotely as a programmer." ]
[ "Kyoto is very nice, have been there before.", "Yeah, it is my first time going, so I am excited! it was renamed Kyoto after the chinese wordfor capital city :)" ]
[ "Awesome. Kyoto would be a great place to visit.", "That would be great! Where would you like to meet for lunch?", "Ok...Let's plan on it then. We can catch up on everything else that is positive in our lives.", "I know, it's been way too long since we've enjoyed lunch together. When are you leaving on your trip?", "Got cha! How long do you plan on being gone?", "Yeah, you'll need a few months. I know when I went to Cairo, Egypt, I stayed for three months. " ]
[ "it is on my bucket list , maybe we can meet up for lunch when i go", "somewhere that serves tradition style cuisine for that region", "that sounds awesome, cant wait to see you.", "im not entirely sure, but probably 2 weeks from now. i have some unfinished business i need to wrap up before i leave.", "maybe two month, i want to see everything i possibly can in that region.", "you went to egypt, thats so cool. thats the next place i want to travel to , to see the great pyramids of gira." ]
{ "convai2": [ "it is on my bucket list , maybe we can meet up for lunch when i go", "in california . there are a lot of chinese restaurant here so i mostly eat chinese food", "perfect , that sounds like a great idea , what else do you like ?", "next year some times in may ? what do you say ?", "in 3 months ! it is coming up fast .", "visiting the pyramids is something i'd love to do !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I can't wait to go there!", "yes meet to", "sure. Have a good trip.", "2 weeks from now. I wish it was sooner.", "Probably be a while, but I'm very thankful for the money.", "Wow, that's a long time! Kudos to you. It's hard for me to imagine being in one place for that long" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It is! Tokyo, formerly known as Edo, has been the de facto seat of the Japanese government since 1603! So the culture, including the yummy food, is very rich in history!", "I would probably go to the Kanto region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and get Sushi.", "Definitely. If you want good food visit Tokyo. You'll see why 9.1 million people live there", "June! I will get to see Ancient japanese art that inspired some designs for gardens", "About 2 months, and we have travelled around the world", "I wish we would have did that to lol the pyramids was beautiful we visited the earliest one in Saqqara." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my favorite food is steak.", "i don't know how to swim." ]
[ "I was sitting here playing video games and heard something loud", "What was it it?" ]
[ "I am not sure, but I heard it over my loud pop music.", "I live mostly in Canada, but sometimes in NY. You?", "What kind of music do you like?", "What is your favorite?", "Pop music would be top of my list.", "Because it is my favorite." ]
[ "where do you live?", "from america myself", "all different genres", "i am not sure really . yours ?", "why is it top of your list?", "why is it your favorite?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "gotcha", "i live in upstate new york", "pop music i like very much", "i am not sure really . yours ?", "have you ever been to ny ?", "have you ever been to ny ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I love video games.", "usa and you?", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "Well, you're popular then at least." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Pop music is fun, my favorite is 50s music.", "yes,your from canada", "Oddly enough; I like a lot of video game music.", "Michael Jackson, the King of Pop is my favorite.", "Pop music is fun, my favorite is 50s music.", "Pop music is fun, my favorite is 50s music." ] }
[ "", "", "", "convai2", "", "" ]
[ "i love walking in the park.", "i love chocolate." ]
[ "I was the one who stole the camera from the studio.", "Hey you should give that back" ]
[ "I know, I do feel very guilty about it. But there's a basketball game starting I want to watch. ", "Maybe after the game. And then I need to go work out ", "Do you not work out? I do so every day", "I love the gym .. I also love swimming and jogging. ", "What did you need a break from? ", "I am very sorry about that - my dog is elderly and I dread her passing. " ]
[ "Well give it back :) Stealing is not right", "i know . now i feel guilty", "yeah . but not today . i like the gym", "Main reason I started going to the gym was to get a break lol", "I guess a bad relationship and my dog passing away I've just needed some time to myself.", "Oh god. I'm so sad for you. Maybe a walk in the park will make you feel better. It always does for me." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i know . now i feel guilty", "i know . now i feel guilty", "yeah . but not today . i like the gym", "i'm setting the tivo for ma before going to the gym", "stealing money . i should have gone to court and jail but didn't .", "it was long ago but i am still so angry about it" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Well give it back :) Stealing is not right", "Maybe not lol", "I do work out, but he is on another level", "Main reason I started going to the gym was to get a break lol", "Just work", "You need to take care of the elderly, I am sure she has cared for you your whole life" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Nothing beats a good basketball game on TV. Do you know much about basketball?", "Ok, are you interested in basketball in a country such as Greece?", "Luckily no. But I need to stop pressuring myself to achieve unrealistic goals.", "I would like to do the Jog A thon one day and help raise money for schools.", "I guess a bad relationship and my dog passing away I've just needed some time to myself.", "Oh god. I m so sad. Ok lab dog will be good friend to you." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "convai2", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "my family has three dogs and my dog is named maddie.", "i have braces." ]
[ "Yeah They seem scary to me lol", "Archaeologist have discovered mummified aniente with metal bands wrapped around individual teeth!" ]
[ "Mummies were a big fad in England historically.", "I personally don't see the point in preserving corpses but I think the practices are neat!", "That's true! Sometimes I wonder how much we misunderstand their intentions, though.", "It is! Makes me wonder how incomprehensible an alien civilization would be since we have so much trouble understanding the past of our own.", "I wonder what will happen if we do.", "That would be ideal. I don't see the need for conflict." ]
[ "Mummies of humans and other animals have been found on every continent. So cool when you think about it!", "I feel the same, but I guess it does provide something interesting for future civilizations to uncover and learn about the past. ", "Definitely. The world is an extremely complex thing, and I don't know if we'll ever fully understand it.", "That's a really good point. Perhaps that's why he haven't made contact with an alien species. ", "Hopefully it's a peaceful connection! I'm hoping it'll be like humans and dogs - we can't communicate but we get along just fine.", "I agree. Peace would be great. It would be great to have another planet to have holidays on!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "they found remains from 200 , 000 years ago and that was fascinating !", "they found remains from 200 , 000 years ago and that was fascinating !", "they found remains from 200 , 000 years ago and that was fascinating !", "they found remains from 200 , 000 years ago and that was fascinating !", "they found remains from 200 , 000 years ago and that was fascinating !", "a very good point ! what else do you like to do in your spare time ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Wow that really old but not too old for mummies considering.", "Same here. Neither do I, but there are impressive museums out there that kinda make you change your stance.", "Definitely. The world is an extremely complex thing, and I don't know if we'll ever fully understand it.", "I agree wholly, quite an impeccable spectrum. I read online on 4chan that da Vinci was likely an alien from the future.", "There must be some way. Let's look at the suspects.", "If there isn't, what's the point of life?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Mummies of humans and other animals have been found on every continent", "Mummies of humans and other animals have been found on every continent", "Who knows, that would be an interesting topic to investigate!", "It's almost a paradox. Like the Drake equation calculates a lot of other civilizations, yet there is no evidence of the existence of any.", "Who know. That gives me worry about future events!", "Well, it's interesting to consider other viewpoints! Even if we won't be giving up our burgers or cheese anytime soon ;-)" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love to barbecue.", "i try to go hunting with my brothers several times a year." ]
[ "that's great . what kind of book ?", "a sort of memoir about my life , with some fun fiction thrown in" ]
[ "good. how is life going? how many kids you have ?", "one children. he is studying high school. i am a happy house wife", "oh is it. hunting what ?", "wow great... do you hunt at the forest area ?", "i am house wife. will be going out for vacation with family. that is the only entertainment for me.", "any forest areas. we would like to go all over the world trip" ]
[ "two children in high school . how many do you have ?", "That sounds great. I am more of an outdoor kind of guy. I like to go hunting a lot", "usually deer or what ever is in season. My brothers and I go together as kind of a old tradition.", "Most of the time we do. we all take turns planning the trip so we try different locations. how about you what do you like to do?", "Where do you guys like to go on vacation?", "oh that sounds great. anything outdoors. I enjoy cooking outdoors as well. I'll barbecue anytime i get a chance." ]
{ "convai2": [ "two children in high school . how many do you have ?", "that's great . i am happy for you two .", "small game mostly . if you like hunting critters", "sometimes . its a pretty amazing hunt .", "family vacations are definitely fun . at least with most family members . lol", "that might be nice . i enjoy traveling so may do something" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I have three two toddlers and a teen", "You have a great wife for sure then.", "Fishing", "Most of us do and the rest aren’t too far out. How about you?", "I would love a vacation!", "Well, I hope you have a lot of fun in contact with nature" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I only have 1, or you could say 51 if you count the friends that are constantly at our house. Each child has a unique trajectory of their development, and it is sometimes hard to adjust to that.", "Oh, tell me more about your wife", "Well, I like to run to my favorite stores to improve my 'scavenging opportunities'", "Sure but I don't leave near one. You just gotta find an interesting place to go.", "Oh, tell me more about your wife", "Do you have any summer trips planned." ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a barista.", "i like to go hiking on the weekends." ]
[ "I log in to facebook every day just for the facebook memories part", "That's my favorite part of facebook! Especially when I see old pics of my kids." ]
[ "That is so sweet. Do your kids play any sports? Mine plays soccer, which is my favorite.", "He's the goalkeeper, and a good one at that!", "They've only played a few games this year and they've lost 1 game, won 2.", "They're an elementary school team. The Jackrabbits. I'm not comfortable sharing the school.", "Thank you! So do you have any siblings? I have a brother who used to be in the navy.", "How many?" ]
[ "WHat position?", "whats the team record", "whats the team?", "good luck the rest of the season", "yes I have a lot", "12 total" ]
{ "convai2": [ "nope i don't . would not mind a dog to play soccer with though", "awe that is so sweet ! how old ?", "wow that's great ! i hope we can win more games", "is it a high school basketball team ?", "yes five sisters and seven brothers", "a total of 8 brothers and sisters" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I never played them. Never had the interest or athletic spirit. But I got him into them so he'd have some discipline and structure.", "He must be a good player!", "That is not too bad", "I am familiar with them ha", "I've heard good things about the Navy and also how tough it is.", "4 of them!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Very little honestly. Although my husband played in college and both my boys have played in high school. We are really more of a baseball family. I like that it's one of the limited-contact sports. No football for us!", "Lol!Goalkeeper? you mean like the Gianluigi \"Gigi\" Buffon ?", "Do you have a favorite team?", "Remember Elementary School? Who was your first grade teacher?", "I do! I have a younger brother and sister!", "Five." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my name is john and i live in dallas , tx.", "i work as a physical therapist , and my wife is a school nurse." ]
[ "Someone offered me a way to make money fast last week", "Was it reputable? Did you do it? How did it work out for you?" ]
[ "I haven't tried it yet but I'm going to try it since I'm having trouble finding a real job.", "I definitely will! Other than that, my social life has been better than I expected it to be lately", "I think it's been due to me getting out looking for jobs. I've met a lot of interesting people.", "It really does. So how have things been going for you lately?", "I know that feeling. My former boss was a pain too. Always micromanaging.", "Exactly! I plan on doing that one day" ]
[ "nice, let me know how everything turned out. i might try it myself", "how is that. what made your social life better", "cool...networking and meeting new people help out more than you realize", "i have to look for another job myself . the physical therapist i work for is to demanding", "yeah, you get it. we should be our own bosses and quit the rat race.", "cool .. maybe we can go into business together. you have any ideas" ]
{ "convai2": [ "what did you get greedy about and it has performed wonders", "that's an good . maybe you can make friends in a club or on a job ?", "cool i had no job offers so i just started my own", "actually been good and better than what i expected", "bosses can be that way ! mine is usually ok .", "got any good job ideas you might like ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I know how that is. Good luck with your search!", "What type of job do you have now?", "what kind of jobs?", "doing good.. how about you", "Yes! was he a bad boss?", "good luck!'" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am sure you will find a way.", "That is the best way to be have you ever heard of that comedy television called The Good Place.", "That is the best way to be have you ever heard of that comedy television called The Good Place.", "I am doing good and yourself?", "gosh i bet it's frustrating!! my life depends on wages or a salary so i feel you", "It's time to get with the program. You don't want to be left out behind." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy learning about other cultures.", "i wish i could speak another language." ]
[ "i don't think i've the motivation for that anymore .", "easy . get on a plane . go somewhere . maybe south america ." ]
[ "I've been there multiple times. Any other places?", "Honestly I would prefer Europe. Have you ever been in Japan?", "Maybe we can go together. When do you expect to be available?", "That's fantastic. Here is a deal: I pay for the airfare, you pay for the hotel. ", "Do we need visas to cross the border?", "OK, that's very important. Also do not forget to renew your passport.", "Very well. This trip should help to my brother to stay alone and think about his life.", "He has been having a lot of problems lately. Our parents were not able to help." ]
[ "You should definitely visit Japan! There is so much cool culture there and the landscape is beautiful.", "I have not been to Japan but I want to so much. I would love to visit Europe too. I want to see the Sistine Chapel", "I should be available after the holidays. Maybe some time in January. Does that work for you?", "I like that idea. I'll try to make sure I find us some place very comfortable with a great breakfast!", "I think there are some places that do require a Visa. I will look into it before we make our final plans", "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that! I have never actually had to get a passport before.", "I think it will bring you and your brother closer together and that's a great thing!", "Well at least this vacation can be of some help to you. I can't wait! Thanks for the chat." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i always wanted to go to central and south america .", "i've not . i've been to south africa , it was amazing .", "next year some times in may ? what do you say ?", "i can do that , money is no factor i will put it on my tab .", "absolutely ! ! just let me know when you can come and i will send them .", "yes please ! i will take note of that . thank you so much !", "definitely . maybe if i ate better i'd have more motivation .", "honestly , you may need to talk to a physician to see if medicine might be the solution ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Mexico. I went to cozumel once", "No, I've never been there either.", "2 weeks from now. I wish it was sooner.", "I will send you an invitation. All expenses paid.", "I will send you an invitation. All expenses paid.", "So you have to do the whole process with the passport over again??", "Defenitly, sounds like something that you are your brother can share together and bond!", "It is stressful situation. I hope your brother find time to help you." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "It's south of Cuba and west of Haiti I think.", "No I haven't been to the capital city of Japan, the furthest out of the country (US) I've been is England.", "Not yet. It is also interesting that \"I'm Getting Ready\" is an song by Michael Kiwanuka", "Maybe a cruise to nowhere would be good for you. They are less expensive and only last 2-3 nights. Could be fun.", "Some countries require a visa, you should make sure to check before you book your trip.", "I have a passport too. It's great to use as another form of identification.", "Whatever you do, just make sure you are able to leave your home!", "Oh, its very hard to hear." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i sometimes drive fast.", "i'm a gentle giant." ]
[ "I love leather. I made my own leather wallet in school that I still use", "Neat! Leather is extremely durable and flexible so maybe that explains why your wallet has lasted so long!" ]
[ "i like wool i made a sweater when i was 10years old", "i recently made booties for my little girl", "6months", "yeah sure very warm and durable", "especially in the cold seasons leather can be so uncomfortable", "and great sofa sets" ]
[ "Yeah i love them too! The warm consecutive rows of fabric inter meshing really keep you warm. my favorite wool is Alpaca.", "how old?", "they are great at that age", "leather is not so warm", "Very true but it makes great jackets.", "that last a long time" ]
{ "convai2": [ "leather just smells so good though ! do you skate or ski ?", "nice can you make baby booties ? ll", "that's so excellent ! since what age ?", "yes they are , so very sweet", "yes i get so uncomfortable", "couches are also nice to sleep on sometimes ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I never even carry a wallet any more!", "Awe! They are so cute at that age. I have a granddaughter that is 6 month old.", "Ah ok, they grow very quickly.", "I never even carry a wallet any more!", "especially on hot summer nights!", "What kind of sofa is it?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yeah i love them too! The warm consecutive rows of fabric inter meshing really keep you warm. my favorite wool is Alpaca.", "Yes that alpaca fiber is so soft! It's used to make all kinds of things like blankets and sweaters.", "That is awesome! I love when I find a durable bag that is also cute.", "I bet! If you frequently oil the leather it keeps it suple and improves the lifespan too!", "Very true but it makes great jackets.", "What's your favorite kind of leather jacket?" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i'm allergic to seafood.", "i drink hot chocolate during the winter." ]
[ "right now i'm doing an ocean liner .", "wow . is it very large ? i'm fixing hot chocolate" ]
[ "I just want to get away from London for a while, been there my whole life", "It's a great place really, I just want to get around the world and see some comedy acts!", "Yeah I guess you could say seeing local comedy is something of a hobby of mine! I like seeing what jokes unknown people can come up with.", "It is really is. I love being near the water though!", "I love seafood, LOVE it. I could eat fish every meal every single day. I love it so much!", "Oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's terrible! How do you bear that??" ]
[ "Oh wow.great.I was there a few months ago.", "Really!i love comedy shows as well", "Cool.You need to be careful as you fly the ocean.I found it scary.", "Oh yes.I understand for i have been there before.Do you like seafood by the way?", "Unfortunately,i am allergic to seafood.", "I have learnt to deal wit it.I'm now used to it." ]
{ "convai2": [ "well sure you will miss london though usa is nice", "london sounds like . sometimes i go there on work .", "i would hope so being a comedian lol", "cool ! i love any large body of water", "ahahah ! exactly ! what are your other hobbies besides hot chocolate ?", "i am sorry , i am sure if you practice . hey , you like hot chocolate ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I think England is a pretty safe country. That will be so much fun when you go there", "I love comedy shows.", "Be careful with flying over the ocean! It's a bit scary", "Be careful with flying over the ocean! It's a bit scary", "Are there any other types of seafood you like?", "I don't know exactly, I just don't. When they decided we needed to do a c-section with my first child, I think I about lost it. They had to give me something to calm me down." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Did you fly to London? I hear it has the busiest airport system in the whole world!", "yeah wait till you're 21, it's called the entertainment capital of the world for a reason", "Yeah, it's also fun when the show is a showcase where you get to watch more than one comedian", "Understandable! Have you been to any oceans before? I've visited the Indian, Atlantic, Arctic, and the Pacific.", "That is good. Seafood is considered an important source of protein in many diets", "I just deal with it mostly. It gets worse with certain environmental factors." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm witty.", "i love to dance." ]
Swing (dance)
[ "I have never done that before.", "Jazz music is seen my America's classical music. Should totally try it sometime " ]
[ "Ii will! Maybe I'll listen to some jazz on my nightly walk through the forest?", "That would be fun! As long as whoever is with me doesn't dance too close to me. That makes me nervous.", "I just might! And there's no cure for it thank goodness!", "I usually go in the woods here by my home along the bank of the lake. The scenery is amazing", "It really is. I could sit and look at it all night long!", "I do sometimes but not at night. That's a little too spooky for me not seeing underneath me." ]
[ "maybe it will end up a nightly dance through the forest", "do you think you'll catch dance fever?", "Who needs a cure when you can daaaance! Where do you go for walks?", "gorgeous, the water at twilight must seem like a dream", "Do you ever swim in the lake?", "Ack, like lake placid!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "sure", "i would be scared to do that", "maybe . can you sing and dance ? that would help", "that's fascinating . i have never had that experience . all ordinary !", "i would love to see it one day", "i live near large bodies of water , it can get scary but good for catch" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I might try it", "I hope not for me lol", "Are't you afraid to catch the fever?", "What do you like to do on the lake?", "Imagine days spent cruising around on the water!", "That could be possible, make sure you watch out during the night time!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Jazz music is seen my America's classical music. Should totally try it sometime", "It is a popular activity with numerous worldwide, so im sure you wont be going alone hahah", "Are you interested in. jazz music at all?", "Jazz music is seen my America's classical music. Should totally try it sometime", "Jazz music is seen my America's classical music. Should totally try it sometime", "Well in that case, I guess I better start hiding!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i get distracted easily.", "i have lots of friends and can hold a conversation easily." ]
[ "My sister just had a baby two days ago! It's been pretty hectic, and while I'm not looking forward to having to help with diapers, I'm proud of her and happy that she's healthy.", "Aww! How sweet! I can imagine the first few days are crazy." ]
[ "do you have kids?", "no but I have nephews", "the oldest is 15", "yes they do. what show you like?", "I like that show too", "no, have you?" ]
[ "No, I don't but I really want my own. Do you like kids?", "How exciting, how old are they?", "Cool, do they like netflix, my friend's kids love to binged watch their shows!", "Game of Thrones is the best, I don't want it to end. What do you watch?", "Have you read the books for the show?", "Actually, I have. My best friend read it and suggested I read it." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah it is my first . i am very excited for the baby to get here !", "how exciting ! my oldest sister has three .", "how exciting ! my oldest sister has three .", "rick and morty , but don't tell my mom .", "you are really hooked . do you have any siblings ? i'm going to visit my sister .", "actually , i have . my son finished it and suggested i read it ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "No i do not. But i wish someday after getting married i will have my own. Do you like kids?", "Well that must be exciting to have so much variety, how old are they?", "Wow, 15 cant do nothing but love them", "Game of thrones is the top one. I want it to last forever", "I like a lot this show. I am fan but I never read the book.", "I like a lot this show. I am fan but I never read the book." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I do, I have two of them. One was actually in the NICU when he was born prematurely. My training has come in handy!", "That is so neat. Are they at the age that they like the Australian Band Hi-5? My kids love to binge watch their show!", "That is so neat. Are they at the age that they like the Australian Band Hi-5? My kids love to binge watch their show!", "I like the nancy drew movie! I love the way they enhance the plot with the soundtrack, camera angles, and plot twists! How about you?", "I started watching it when it first premiered on HBO in April. Now I can't get enough.", "Yeah I've read all of the books in the series including \"A Game of Thrones\"" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i want to take her on vacations one day.", "my motor never stops running." ]
[ "haha well that's quite the mix", "teaching is a great thing to do , especially now a days" ]
[ "I'd love to be a teacher. I wonder if its hard to study?", "I'm thinking about what to have for dinner tonight", "I really want nachos", "MMM me too i just got some tasty cheese at the supermarket" ]
[ "Well like anything it requires effort. But I know you can do it!", "I am so hungry right now. I could eat anything! What are you going to have?", "I love nachos with cheese. Cheese is one of my favorite foods", "I got some cheese a few days ago. It was shredded cheese. I like to put it on anything from chips to potatoes!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well . . . sort of you have to have a good teacher", "anything sounds good to eat right now . what do you like to eat ?", "those are what you have after nachos !", "oh that is a bit cheaper than my grocery store . it usually costs 1 . 79 here ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "my cousin and my aunt are both teachers and they love it", "Something yummy I'm sure. Are you nervous?", "Yum! Don't forget about the corndogs.", "That's what I get too! I also get vegan cheese...its delish! Hope you have a great time chowing down tonight!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Often, they focus on basic math, basic grammar and spelling, and other subjects", "Well it's always right before Friday so that is always good!", "I like Nachos also due to the tortilla chips.", "You said cheese is your favourite, do you like fresh or frozen?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love dark clothes.", "favorite band is red hot chilli peppers." ]
[ "I was at the fair the other day and I smelled funnel cakes. It reminded me of home", "I love those. That must have brought up some nice memories." ]
[ "Yes! Going to the fair was one of my favorite things to do as a child.", "I have to cut back on my fair food now that I'm a 30 year old woman. My metabolism isn't what it used to be", "The only thing that's saved me so far is my 3 dogs and 2 cats keeping me so active.", "I have a pomeranian and 2 poodles", "I am too, cats are cool but dogs are just so loyal and happy.", "You could always get one of those hairless cats?" ]
[ "i love the fair especially the food", "that is hard to do", "what kind of dogs", "i am a dog person", "i am allergic to cats", "I thought about it, but dont think I could handle one. Do you have one?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love the fair especially the food", "that would make me hungry but i'll only eat at home", "that's very true . make sure you keep up taking care of them", "nice i love home things", "that's very true they're so loyal", "its not a bad idea thanks" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I haven't been to a fair in so long.", "Trimming down on the junk food?", "that good it makes you healthy", "I have never in my life heard of that breed before. I'll look it up. That is really cool I have 3 crazy untrained minpin", "I prefer dogs but I still like cats.", "I thought about it, but dont think I could handle one. Do you have one?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "The history of this fair goes back as far as to the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England.", "I never been to a fair before", "I never been to a fair before", "Poodles are pretty cool little dogs. I prefer standard poodles over miniature", "I never been to a fair before", "good" ] }
[ "convai2", "", "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my mother use to read me bed time stories.", "my father worked 11 hours a day." ]
Reading (process)
[ "I think I need to be more efficient in my reading process", "Yes lots and lots of practice! Reading is such a complicated process, it cant be narrowed down to one or two interpretations. " ]
[ "The problem is that lately my eyes started to hurt.", "Both, but I think lots of reading affects my eyes. I am starting to consider audio books. Any ideas?", "Fiction, however historic novels are my favorite. Who is your favorite writer?", "I admire Fyodor Dostoevsky. When I read his novels I realized that I was in a darkness and suddenly it became bright.", "He thought that the modern day civilization was too degraded and lost faith in God. He was interested in religion.", "Yes, you got it right." ]
[ "have you ever had to wear glasses or contacts?", "i prefer biographies, but i have a long commute so i have lots of time to listen. do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?", "probably david mccullough. i don't think he writes any fiction though.", "can you please tell me what his philosophy is and how it affect your life ?", "Good for you. Religion can be a source of hope and optimism for many people in times of distress.", "Troubling times do make us extra vulnerable." ]
{ "convai2": [ "oh no . i believe some practice might help !", "no i only wear contacts , do you have any tips for that ?", "it is hard to pick one . . . maybe michael jackson .", "can you please tell me what his philosophy is and how it affect your life ?", "that's powerful . do you know how that can relate to your profession ?", "did you know him personally ? maybe you should revisit the trauma ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I have a very hard time focusing on what I'm reading, so it can definitely slow down the learning process.", "I have a very hard time focusing on what I'm reading, so it can definitely slow down the learning process.", "History is one my favorites as well!", "I loved his song Starfish & Coffee when I was little.", "Good for you. Religion can be a source of hope and optimism for many people in times of distress", "Troubling times do make us extra vulnerable." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I understand how that would source of frustration, it makes normal reading seem lame", "Yes, audiobooks are great. Have you heard about Carrier language?", "Eleanor Hibbert is my favorite author though she goes by many different pen names.", "Ha, I got ya. Yeah, his writings apparently became the guiding texts for Scientology.", "Oh yeah, I understand. He put his ideas into doctrines that are practiced as Scientology.", "That hope and optimism will take you far in life." ] }
[ "", "", "", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "my favourite colour is green.", "i can play the piano." ]
[ "i love pasta, semolina especially", "Semolina is awesome, and I think I love Italian food in general, even though I've never been to Italy." ]
[ "I also love pizza ", "that is awesome, I love mushrooms and chicken toppings on my pizza", "do you have any piercings? i love body piercings", "I have ten piercings. my job is not strict on that level", "I am a waitress, I have one arm tatoo", "not so much fun, but it pays the bills, where do you work now?" ]
[ "Me too! I just started making my own sourdough pizzas from scratch. ", "I like those too. I make one with ricotta instead of tomato sauce and its great with chicken. Do you have any hobbies?", "I used to! I had my belly button, nose, labret and eyebrow. I had to take them out for a job in an orchestra. ", "What do you do for work? Do you have tattoos also?", "I have one on my back and leg. I was a waitress for a long time. Its not much fun sometimes. ", "I maintain aquariums and I manage a hotel." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i always love italian food . pasta is my favorite .", "that's nice , i tend to like the big individual slices with sausage and mushrooms .", "yes i love piercings and italian food !", "i can imagine . any piercings allowed at a job like that ?", "oh cool i have tattoos both my arms covered .", "i work in a restaurant for now . how about you ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Pizza is my lifeblood, along with beer.", "Pizza is my lifeblood, along with beer.", "I have one now. I saw a bunch of ladies strutting in their suits and iy boosted my confidence. I had a ball at the beach the next day.", "what orchestra was it or where was it?", "Oh no, I think I know where this is going. How did she manage as a waitress?", "I work from home now for a an online retail company." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Pizza is such a versatile food, you know. Such wide reach for an italian flatbread that's essentially mediterranean cheese toast.", "That sounds good except for the mushrooms. Do you like Pizza Hut, Domino's or Papa Johns?", "No, I have one on my bicep though and when they got to the armpit area, that hurt so badly. Probably more than the bone on the foot. I love flower tattoos! Does yours have any color? My body had a bad reaction to the dyes last time.", "Do you have any body modifications (piercings)?", "At least you're not tattooing your cornea in your eye! Some people actually do that!", "I'm a realtor. I haven't quite reached the point where I can stop employment completely. I wish! lol" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am 7 foot tall.", "i'm hoping to play." ]
[ "When the Eagles finally won the superbowl, I was so so happy, I cried even", "Oh lord! I am glad you have something that is a healthy hobby" ]
[ "Well I just started a new job", "I work at the campus library part-time. What about you?", "I'm going to college too but i still live at home which is getting difficult", "I'd like to live in the dorms. Would you?", "Oh no! how tall are you?", "that is really tall. I am impressed." ]
[ "What kind of job?", "I work at a gas station to save for college.", "oh yes i can imagine .", "Same it would be cool. I am hoping to play football, but I am probably too tall.", "I am just barely over 7 feet.", "thank you ! i did not mean to show off . haha" ]
{ "convai2": [ "really ? i just got a new job", "i work at library on campus", "oh yes i can imagine .", "i have to think about that . i would miss using my season tickets to see the bills .", "just average . are you unusually tall ?", "thank you ! i did not mean to show off . haha" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That is awesome, I am sure it makes you happy", "I work in IT, what about you?", "Enjoy it before you get old. Before you know it college will be over and you will be a slave to student loan payments.", "You're moving into the dorms soon, hu? Are you excited?", "42 inches", "I wish I was also tall. It must be nice." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am an Eagles fan myself, so you broke my heart when I was a child in Superbowl 39", "I am good, how about yourself? I just got done working at my IT job", "Have you ever heard about the Crash the Super bowl commercial?", "Same it would be cool", "If you measure from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head i am six foot.", "You too! Thanks!" ] }
[ "", "", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "convai2" ]
[ "i ve a flower garden.", "i love watching anime." ]
[ "I completely agree. My sister has MS and a wheelchair is an amazing support for her when she has a relapse. What else do you k now about wheelchairs?", "I know they come with specialized seating adaptations and sometimes they even have them for certain activities like sports wheelchairs or beach wheelchairs." ]
[ "wheelchairs are expensive", "they come with technology now", "a few anime shows", "you wouldnt know", "no but i want one", "Fresh fruits" ]
[ "They are super expensive. I remember I needed one when I was younger for knee surgery", "yes technology is great. You can even watch films and shows from all around the world with a click of a button. Do you watch Anime for instance?", "I've actually never seen Anime, but have heard about it. What do you watch?", "Yeah I guess so. Do you have a garden?", "what sorts of things do you want to grow? Flowers or more edible things", "Yeah, those are always fun to grow since you get a \"reward\" at the end. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i totally agree with you .", "they are nice and i do not have to worry about them being wheel chair accessible", "me too . especially films made in other countries . what is your favorite ?", "what about anime ? how do you feel about that ?", "what sorts of things do you like to grow ?", "what sorts of things do you like to grow ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "They are super expensive.", "yes technology is great", "Even I love anime and i stopped watching tv a few years ago, maybe I shall return.", "Even I love anime and i stopped watching tv a few years ago, maybe I shall return.", "Do you have any of your own?", "Canned goods are always good to have along with rice. Water purification tablets are a must too." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "They can be, but typically they are priced by the size and how much components are used. They are also priced by the serving.", "Yes the use high technology now those products was advanced and added in the 21st entury.", "oh I watch a lot of anime. I watch it theatrically, on television and on the internet too!", "Well, anime is only anime outside of Japan. In Japan it's just cartoons, haha", "If you like to garden you should look at Spring Hill Nurseries", "You should always eat fruits and vegetables." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "convai2", "" ]
[ "i just bought a new mansion.", "i drive a ferrari." ]
Britney Spears
[ "It's not just her music but watching her go through so much junk then growing up and maturing", "It's hard to believe a girl from Kentwood, Louisiana got so famous! Many people idolized her for her talent and her mishaps." ]
[ "I'm really into britney spears lately.", "She's a really good singer songwriter i agree. Do you have a favourite album?", "I like her more country stuff. It's nice to listen too on walks outside.", "Were you an energetic child?", "Ahhh damn. that must be rough. Maybe a long walk this weekend could help?", "Do you need a big hug? Maybe blast some britney spears?" ]
[ "Taylor swift is actually amazing, she is my guilty pleasure.", "Not really, I have listened to all of her albums though, especially 25 which was my favorite.", "i completely agree , bouncing around alot as a kid really opened my eyes to different music .", "Not Really now, because I am at home, and my friends are all at school, and no one from my home hits me up that much.", "Like that so ng by Mariah Carey, I don't want to cry, lol. It's probably just from being tired.", "I would love a big hug, mostly from Taylor Swift" ]
{ "convai2": [ "she's so timeless ! i adore audrey hepburn .", "she's okay , i really like that one song she had last summer .", "i completely agree , bouncing around alot as a kid really opened my eyes to different music .", "i'm , i'm from alabama so it is night here . you ?", "perhaps ! i live in louisiana now but i might move after med school", "an egg and a hug sounds good . thanks ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Taylor swift is actually amazing, she is my guilty pleasure.", "I do actually quite a few mainly old country songs like daddys hands is a big one super oldie! :)", "I agree, and most of the music is older music, too.", "I was. I use to have a nightlight to help.", "That's a good effective walk!", "Hahaha, thanks for the idea!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "She was so popular back then. That album became the best selling album by a teenage artist! Did you like Toxic?", "Not really, I have listened to all of her albums though, especially 25 which was my favorite.", "Yeah country music so popular in the south, I wonder how Britney Spears would have fared singing country songs.", "Not Really now, because I am at home, and my friends are all at school, and no one from my home hits me up that much.", "Like that so ng by Mariah Carey, I don't want to cry, lol. It's probably just from being tired.", "I remember singing \"..Baby One More Time\" as a teenager in the 90's." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "i work in fast food.", "i walk three miles home every night." ]
[ "oh ok hope you find one soon", "thanks , enjoy your rocks and dragonball !" ]
[ "where are you", "they have nice rocks there", "thats what they make their burgers out of lol", "if you were a dragonball character you could fly", "I like the original chicken and hershey pie :-P", "the best" ]
[ "I'm at home, just got off my shift at Burger King.", "At Burger king? Are you sure?", "Hahaha touche! I have to walk home from work each night, it's three miles!", "Agreed, that would be badass. ", "Is that chocolate and chicken together? Oh boy.", "Is that chocolate and chicken together? Oh boy." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm in hawaii ! it is gorgeous !", "they do . my favorite , actually , is their burgers . they're the best .", "ha ! i never thought of it like that . i mean , i guess i like rocks !", "ha ! i never thought of it like that . i mean , i guess i like rocks !", "that sounds good too ! i love both !", "i like their deep fried pickles . but very unhealthy ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I'm in South Korea at the moment.", "Not this one I got though, it had anchovies on it! Yuck!", "Ah, gotcha. Sounds delicious!", "Agreed, that would be badass.", "Ah, gotcha. Sounds delicious!", "I could use some burgers myself right now." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am in North America. I know it was released in a lot of places worldwide. Where are you?", "Burger King hasn't been around as long as Mcdonalds. It was founded in 1953.", "Oh yes, much better than the ones at Burger King!", "I was into DragonballZ too! Really loved Dragonball, the show that followed Goku and his band of cohorts when they were but young lads.", "It was known as hersheys food until 2005", "Do you have a favorite chocolate treat?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "i ve never met my father.", "my favorite food is mushroom ravioli." ]
[ "Oh i love cooked mushroom's. Where i live we find them regularly. I like to fry my mushroom's.", "Me too! I love steak and mushrooms! I'd love to grow my own but Identifying mushrooms requires a basic understanding of their macroscopic structure; which I do not have lol " ]
[ "That sounds so good. I am so careful about what I eat after working for Monsanto.", "Like what? What do you mean?", "I do love a good steak! I would love to go.", "I have never been there.", "I will have to try that sometime. Thanks", "What other ones would you suggest?" ]
[ "we have to have something to do when paps goes searching for mushrooms !", "they do not have to know ; do you like a good steak ? we should go", "I love steak, you need to go to Outback for sure!", "You should go there, really good australian themed food", "Yeah you definetely should, theres a lot of great restaurants as well.", "Steak is my favorite too. The bloomin onion is also a great appetizer. You should get that!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "we have to have something to do when paps goes searching for mushrooms !", "they do not have to know ; do you like a good steak ? we should go", "what kind of mushrooms are yall looking for ? lol", "what kind of mushrooms are yall looking for ? lol", "you should ! we can have tons of fun", "i love them all honestly , know any good places ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Organic helps me a lot as well but unfortunately most things that are gluten free are NOT organic and I am so sensitive to pesticides- Trying to find my way around that, I am also on Keto (low carb-...So my diet is hard some days !lol", "Any kind that needs help and happens to fall on my doorstep. I even feed all the wild critters I can :)", "I LOVE steak..just had some steak, brisket and fajitas yesterday", "Neither have I, and that's on my bucket list! So jealous! I hope you have an awesome time!", "Yes, if you ever get the chance it is a great weekend getaway for foodies.", "Steak is my favorite too. The bloomin onion is also a great appetizer." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Good thinking, Never assume a mushroom in the wild is edible, always buy store bought ones thats of course unless you are highly trained to know which ones are toxic.", "Identifying mushrooms requires a basic understanding of macroscopic structures. There are books that can show you the safe ones to eat.", "Me too! I love steak and mushrooms! I'd love to grow my own but Identifying mushrooms requires a basic understanding of their macroscopic structure; which I do not have lol", "Outback Steakhouse is really great. It is Australian-themed American cuisine. They have great steaks.", "Yeah you definetely should, theres a lot of great restaurants as well.", "My personal favorite is the indian Pakora or Bhajji - they are delicious" ] }
[ "convai2", "convai2", "", "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i'm a nurse.", "i enjoy reading." ]
The Strokes
[ "yes, Formed in 1998, the band is composed of singer Julian Casablancas, lead guitarist Nick Valensi, rhythm guitarist Albert Hammond Jr., bassist Nikolai Fraiture, and drummer Fabrizio Moretti. ", "Yes I know after five-album deals with RCA and Rough Trade, they continued to release new music through Casablancas Cult Records" ]
[ "That is great to know, what else can you tell me", "That is great, in which area are you a nurse", "That is awesome, my mother is a nurse, works with surgery people, good career", "I love to read, mostly read horror genre, how about you", "I will have to check them out. What is your favorite of that genre", "that sounds like such a good thing to do in a time like this. I need nature in my life1" ]
[ "I'm a nurse at a big hospital", "Pediatrics, which is working with kids. ", "I agree. It's hard work but really rewarding. Do you like to read?", "I love nature writing, especially Rebecca Solnit's books", "Probably people going on wilderness walks", "Probably people going on wilderness walks" ]
{ "convai2": [ "who is your favorite bassist ?", "marketing", "who is your favorite bassist ?", "i enjoy the conjuring series , but also classics like texas chainsaw and friday the 13th .", "that was my favorite as a young girl , she writes horror though", "most definitely , along with the beautiful scenery" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I listen to the same things I listened to in high school and that was 15 years agi", "That's cool. I have worked in a hospital as a nurse before.", "That's cool. I have worked in a hospital as a nurse before.", "I LOVE TO READ .. INFACT IT IS A PART OF MY LIFE", "I LOVE TO READ .. INFACT IT IS A PART OF MY LIFE", "I do love to read as well" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "And Casablancas befriended the Bassist Nicolai Fraiture while the two attended the Lycee Francaise de New York", "The hospital I work at has specialized staff and equipment, I myself work in the Pharmaceutical wing.", "That is amazing! Nurses are awesome, they focus on the care of individuals, families, and communities", "I am not a fan of horrow and i actually do not like horror fiction", "I like the Vampire Diaries by L. J. Smith, the tv series doesn't do it justice", "Yea the wilderness should probably be deleted, no need for nature or natural stuff anyways" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my country is russia.", "i'm a olympian." ]
[ "I feel a bit down in the dumps now.", "What's got you feeling down?" ]
[ "I think I am frustrated!", "I have been trying to work out but I cant seem to loose any weight", "I have tried that, I am a mother and I breastfeed my baby, so I tend to eat a lot", "it is so hard when you are breastfeeding, but I cant help but worry because my doctor told me I am overweight ", "what kind of medication?", "does it have any side effects?" ]
[ "I have been there before. Sometimes you just need to relax!", "You can do it! Just simply restrict your carbohydrate consumption and it will fall off!", "My wife breast fed the baby and she needed to eat all the time!", "i know what you mean . do you take medication for it ? it helps! You could lose fast", "i've heard of allegra but that is all i know. Makes me feel so good!", "No, the only cure is to avoid the foods that make you upset. I like the all natural feeling." ]
{ "convai2": [ "what do you get frustrated about", "maybe it would help if you had someone to work out with , to keep you accountable .", "keep it up it is an up hill battle to lose weight . i love it !", "i know what you mean . do you take medication for it ? it helps !", "i've heard of allegra but that is all i know", "i've heard of allegra but that is all i know" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I have been there before. Sometimes you just need to relax!", "Hmmm. I encourage you to keep trying. Even if you don't ge tto your dieal weight, just getting halfway would show trememndous progress.", "Well hopefully you are a guy? I know how you feel, it feels great to lose weight!", "I know some people that eat healthy, but still struggle with their weight. So, that's great you don't!", "I hate those things! They are so restrictive. I wish I could remember the name of the medication that my friend is on that helped her...let me check with her and see if she texts me back.", "Nope. Got worse, went to an ENT and finally got the correct antibiotics. ER bill, Dr. bill and ENT bill for what started as a simple sore throat." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I understand. Sometimes that can make you feel ashamed or restless, too.", "You can do it! Just simply restrict your carbohydrate consumption and it will fall off!", "mmm how healthy of you! i eat spinach and arugula salads - and then reward my self with pizza (sometimes)!", "Oh hahaha i see! i had a lot of trouble sleeping when a was a kid and my mom read this book called \"Baby Wise\" about a care program which the author claims that will cause the babies to sleep through the night when they are 7 to 9 weeks old", "Just medication, as far as I know and trying to avoid the allergen as much as possible", "No, the only cure is to avoid the foods that make you upset" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "convai2", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia" ]
[ "i care about the way i look when i m in public.", "i always think people are looking at me." ]
[ "okay , but do you like anything else but yourself ?", "not really . it is all about me ." ]
[ "I love animals especially zebras", "I like to take pictures with zebras and I love turtles" ]
[ "Me too! I love them, but turtles a bit more.", "Oh that's awesome. Zebras are beautiful. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "i also love animals ! especially zebras !", "i also love animals ! especially zebras !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Me too! I love them.", "Me too! I love them." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Zebras are awesome! They are a species of African equids that are distinguished by black and white stripes.", "They are beautiful animals! I think it's amazing that no two zebras have the same stripes. They all have different patterns!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i was born under a blood moon.", "i am one of four children." ]
[ "odd like what ? i love going to the lake ?", "one , i go to a house and sit in a hallway of doors ." ]
[ "I like to knit and crochet. ", "Not really. I don't notice that I've made a mistake and have to undo a whole bunch. So thats annoying.", "Just a few baby blankets. I'm not really that good yet. What are your hobbies?", "Thats awesome! I always want to start making jewelry but I have so many other projects. You probably know how it is, lol", "Or other hobbies that take attention away. What do you do for work?", "I clean aquariums and manage a hotel, also not glamorous. ", "Me too! I have 14 aquariums in my house. It was nice talking to you, have a good night!" ]
[ "I have never tried knitting but I want to learn. Is it hard to do?", "What is the biggest project you have worked on with your knitting?", "I like to make jewelry! I sell a lot of it and it's a ton of fun for me.", "I certainly do. There's always something else that wants to take your time and attention away from hobbies.", "I work as a secretary. It isn't the most glamorous job in the world, but it pays the bills!", "I think cleaning aquariums sounds like a cool job. I love looking at all the colorful fish.", "It was great talking to you as well!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love to crochet , and cook . i'm also a crafter knitter", "it is actually very simple once you learn a couple basic stitches .", "oh knitting and crochet . i absolutely love to go by the lake . it always makes me happy .", "i bet once you get the hang of it .", "i am an emergency plumber . hence my business and weird times . what about you ?", "i bet its easy to clean at least ! i need a cleaning genie . hate it lol .", "thanks ! i hope you have a good night , too . bye !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That's an interesting thing to know! Have you thought about doing it as a hobby?", "I guess it probably requires a lot of practice to get the technique down.", "Hunting, fishing and computers.", "To be honest, I've had my eye on some neat looking jewelry (necklace) that should help pay for quite a bit of it!", "I'm a landscaper. It's kind of rough work at times, but it's rewarding to see your vision come together, especially when you have to work with a big team to get it done.", "I have heard water is expensive in California. Well , they are worth it if you can jump straight up five or six feet.", "You as well. Have a great day." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Its interesting how crochet can mean different things.", "Macchine knitting is usually easier but hand knitting can be more relaxing.", "PTSD. Quilting helps me relax. I love sewing two or more layers of fabric together to form a beautiful pattern. It helps clear my mind.", "I do, I like making jewelry and wall hangings the most.", "I do a little bit of both working and watching/listening to TV - it's my quiet time.", "Hey, that's really cool. Do you work on big aquariums like the Georgia aquarium that is a whopping 6.3 million gallons?", "Had no idea they had both fresh and saltwater aquariums." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy playing retro video games on my 386.", "i wish i had a real dragon i could train." ]
[ "MY kids are a real blessing", "How old are they?" ]
[ "3 and 5. I work from home as a book editor.", "Mostly non fiction books in popular sciences. But my other hobby is cosplay.", "Yeah, or any sort of character. I like to do Wizard of Oz cosplay", "Elphesba or glenda mostly", "She was the bad witch, the green one. What movies do you like?", "No, i'm not too interested in another movie about a bad dude lol. I liked midsommer though.", "A horror film, recent, checvk it out." ]
[ "yeah, cool. What kind of books?", "What is Cosplay? Is that where you dress up like anime or something?", "So what character out of the wizard of Oz do you dress up as?", "glenda, she's the good witch? I don't even know who Elphesba is. long time since i seen that movie", "Any genre really, But my favourites are films are like good fellas and Casino. Have you seen the new joker movie?", "what's midsommer?", "Yeah, I will. thanks. In a bit....." ]
{ "convai2": [ "they're 5 and 8 , i take it you do not have kids yet ?", "i love steampunk . i do cosplay every now and then .", "ohh . . cosplay . sure i'm familiar . any characters i'd know ?", "you dress up and pretend to be some superhero or other fictional character .", "all kinds , i do them with the kids . i like movies too .", "ha ha , i do like the new wonder woman film", "oh ok got to check that out" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "What exactly did you do for the school year book?", "That's cool! It's always good to have a hobby", "Like from harry potter?", "That's fun. Ever been there, it's super fun.", "breaking ben and 5 finger", "I love Tom Hardy!", "I love thrillers. I watched Killing Eve." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Do your boys like to read? There are so many great books out there for kids now!", "Do your boys like to read? There are so many great books out there for kids now!", "Oh that's pretty tight, I like to cosplay ad Vilgax from Ben 10, hes the villain of the series.", "Those costumes are very rare these days and I find them quite unique.", "I like the 1953 release of Peter Pan.", "I've never seen the movie Goodfellas. What kind of movie is it?", "Yeah it was a horror film that was quite creepy." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am taking online classes.", "i wait tables." ]
Distance education
[ "I am sorry to hear that. I always had trouble focusing when I wasn't physically in the classroom.", "There are many countries where home schooling and distance education is the only option. Better than nothing. But it is only as good as the users." ]
[ "How do you think someonecan improve a person's experience with distance education?", "Are you at school? Or have you graduated?", "i am from Denmark, and I live with my Grandma. What about you?", "She's really nice and I love her. We also have a pet called Toto! Do you have any pets?", "Do you like dogs?", "Yeah, One called Toto. How old are your pets?" ]
[ "that would probably help . schools have great support systems too . I like being in school.", "no i am just focusing on school right now . where are you from? i have one more year.", "What's your grandma like? Mine is crazy but so fun!", "No, but that would be cool! Maybe I should start by pet sitting one. My grandma loves dogs.", "I have 2 and I love them to death. Rocky and Ricky. You?", "12 and 14. They are getting so old, you?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "that would probably help . schools have great support systems too .", "no i am just focusing on school right now . where are you from ?", "and my grandma is here too . she is from denmark . she says hi", "i do not . i am too busy for pets . where are you from ?", "i do ! i love dogs , what about you ?", "10 and 13 . amazing they grow up so quickly . one already thinks herself an adult ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "work with them and instill that education is very imortant", "I am in school, but I have changed my major three times already. We", "What's your grandma like?", "I only have one. She is 7.", "I have 2 and I love them to death.", "They are 8, 10, 12. They are the whole meaning of my existence." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I would imagine therapy, or most kids grow out of it.", "I am 21. i have just finished studying so I thought it might be a good time to take a break before entry into graduate school.", "My grandma moved to america from Denmark. Well at the time it was officially the Kingdom of Denmark.", "No, but that would be cool! Maybe I should start by pet sitting one.", "Yes, I do. Currently I have a poodle. How about you? They are like modern wolves!", "1 year old! I also have an American Bulldog." ] }
[ "convai2", "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i love art museums.", "i drink a lot of tea." ]
[ "I do. I am a sweet tea drinker. I never realized it is drank that much. ", "Nice, tea actually originated in Southwest China as a medicinal drink." ]
[ "Wow, I just learned something. Is tea something of a hobby of yours?", "Me too. Green tea is my favorite. ", "I actually don't know much about those, even though a hobby of mine is reading. Maybe I should pick up a book about it", "Oh that would be nice after cycling. That's a hobby I hope to compete in professionally or at least qualify for an event", "Oh that's awesome. It's healthy and fun! What are your hobbies?", "You should be a professional tea taster!" ]
[ "No, but I love drinking it.", "What about darjeeling or Chinese greens?", "I recommend you also try Darjeeling and Chinese greens. They have a cooling effect.", "That would be cool. Its one of the worlds most popular hobbies.", "well besides hiking , i am seriously interested in drinking as much tea as i can .", "i probably should , but i don't think i'd be that good at it ." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i try to be but i love sweet tea .", "i'm more of a tea guy . i get my tea from china .", "yes you should . my big addiction is tea though .", "good plan . have you ever been to china ?", "well besides hiking , i am seriously interested in drinking as much tea as i can .", "i probably should , but i don't think i'd be that good at it ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It is both in a way, more so the second than anything.", "Not my favorite but I had a really good one the other day with some kind of fruit in it, I could have downed a gallon of the stuff.", "I do read occasionally, do you?", "Ok, who is competing you?", "Hunting, fishing and computers.", "I think I'll look into it. Seriously." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "it is a nice hobby. It has been one of the world's most popular hobbies since the late nineteenth century", "What about darjeeling or Chinese greens?", "I recommend you also try Darjeeling and Chinese greens. They have a cooling effect.", "That would be cool. Its one of the worlds most popular hobbies.", "I just watch musical tv series Glee :)", "Sadly I am not. Tea is an aromatic beverage prepared by pouring hot water on cured leaves. I might pick it up and try it at some point (again)" ] }
[ "", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2", "convai2" ]
[ "my best friend is in a band with me.", "i've taken formal music lessons since i was 5." ]
[ "he's a musician . i like books better than movies . you dance ?", "no i've too left feet , funny enough" ]
[ "That is funny, I like to dance but only after a few drinks in me lol!", "lol, me too but I am a good fun at this time. I like dancing with chicks for sure!", "Me too. I can sing as good as Lady Gaga if she was a man. It is great!", "me too. I can shred some electric guitar and play piano.", "what is your band called? I want to hear you guys play.", "that is awesome. What is your genre?" ]
[ "That sounds fun though, I am a lightweight, after about 5 drinks I am about out of it", "I like to sing too, I took music classes at an early age", "I can also play the guitar ", "that is really awesome, my best friend is in a band with me", "we are not big, just a small local band, \"the players\"", "we do country music" ]
{ "convai2": [ "no i do not dance at all . i have two left feet", "cool beans , i enjoying dancing it keep me together", "lol really ? i'm so fat i cannot see my feet lol", "too experienced for me . i have 2 left feet .", "they play rock mostly , but for movie trailers", "they play rock mostly , but for movie trailers" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That sounds fun though, I am a lightweight, after about 5 drinks I am about out of it", "That's great! I like to go dancing too", "I could never ever sing.", "Wow! Maybe I should start taking some piano lessons and go to a recital of my own.", "Idk ourselves maybe? lol :D", "bluegrass" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Lol it's ok we may can't dance it due to being old but it is fun to watch it has been around for a while since like the late 1960's", "Yes there are a lot of socials in night clubs, ballrooms and other places", "Oh yes I bet. She is much better now than when she went by Ke$ha", "that is good piano is played using keyboard", "i dont have a particular band, but my favorite genre is Rock&Roll", "Rock music, Something from Scorpions, or Aerosmith, it sounds great on acoustic guitar, I like vibrations." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy the outdoors.", "i am a cheerleader." ]
[ "My son spilled water on my laptop. I was so upset, because I lost all of the photos I had stored on it. ", "Thats a bummer. Maybe you can take it to a repair shop." ]
[ "can that help?", "I will give it a try, I also had my Masters thesis stored in there. ", "oh sorry for that, I sure hope they can recover mine, I dont want to start all over again", "its very cold, but I have my favorite food cooking, so that keeps me warm inside. ", "pizza", "I love pizza, I make one a week, with lots of chicken and vegetables " ]
[ "Im sure they can figure something out. They might be able to remove the harddrive to recover the photos.", "Oh No! I remember one time I had a bunch of photos stored on mine from a cheerleading competition. Mine were lost forever. I hope they can help you!", "There are a lot of people who can fix it. Let's get your mind off of it. What is the weather like there?", "What food is that? It's cold here too, but I really love being outside so I went on a hike earlier.", "Pizza is actually one of my least favorite foods. Too many carbs. I love salads though. I had a great chicken caesar one yesterday.", "That doesn't sound so bad. I had a great veggie pizza one time with a garlic aeoli and artichokes. It was the best one ever!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do not think i can help . the battery on this new laptop is not good .", "what happened to it ? my business is computer repair . i can help .", "they should definitely be able to help you . i am sure you'll do fine .", "sounds just like my son ! ca not get him to stay inside when the weather is nice .", "that sounds nice . i ordered takeout tonight for me and my sons .", "my son absolutely loves pizza could eat it everyday ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Im sure they can figure something out. They might be able to remove the harddrive to recover the photos.", "That's interesting. At least you got some new storage space!", "I'm sorry to hear that. Did you have the files backed up at all?", "Yeah, that's too hot. I can see your point.", "Ohh yeah, that sounds really good.", "Good work. Make some for me too!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "You could tell them that it really is important to replace parts on schedule in order to avoid damage that would cost a lot more money.", "What did you do for your bachelor's degree?", "Files are stored locally on your device, so they are ready for offline use.", "what kind of food do you like?", "I had some frozen pizza earlier, I rather wish I hadn't though.", "That sounds great. It's crazy how pizza has evolved since it was first recorded in the 10th century." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a mother.", "i want to feel pretty." ]
[ "This weekend, my friends and I are heading out to the casino. I'm gonna try to bring home more money than I left with this time!", "That sounds like so much fun. I've actually never been to a casino but would love to." ]
[ "I've been many times but try not to gamble because I do tend to lose money haha.", "I started taking classes too so I've been busy and pushing my limits.", "Aww you have kids that is so sweet. What classes are you taking?", "Same here, and my youtube channel. I have tons of subscribers.", "beauty ones. I like showing people how to put on makeup. It makes me feel good to know others take my beauty tips.", "You are pretty no matter what! Keep it up! I felt ugly a lot growing up but learned to love myself naturally." ]
[ "Know your limit once you start gambling it will make it much easier so you won't go broke.", "Yup, I'm also trying to take some classes been kinda busy with my kids though.", "just basic classes right now . i get too caught up with hanging out with friends", "sounds fun and filling ! what kind of videos ?", "I like those makeup type videos because they help me feel pretty. I want to feel pretty and I think putting on makeup the right way and do that.", "Thanks for say thing, it really helped" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yeah i gamble too often with my friends . they're so much fun but bad influence", "good advice . i count cards when i'm in vegas to supplement their college fund", "just basic classes right now . i get too caught up with hanging out with friends", "sounds fun and filling ! what kind of videos ?", "i want to watch your channel and up my beauty game . my kids wear me out !", "thanks ! i keep working towards it for sure !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Know your limit once you start gambling it will make it much easier so you won't go broke.", "Just don't get too addicted and turn into a degenerate gambler!", "Two criminology courses and basic college math. easy peasy.", "Just don't get too addicted and turn into a degenerate gambler!", "Wow that would be so cool! I don't do makeup good on others. Did you do anything with her hair?", "Having a good looking body is not just to look good its also a reflection of a healthy life. You should try and keep it." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh yeah it's all about the risk. And then there is online gambling too. It includes games like poker or casinos. Sometimes sports betting too.", "That's good that you gamble responsibly, I know there is a lot of debate over whether the consequences of gambling outweigh the initial revenue that may be generated.", "My kid is strange. He likes to look up the history of things he's into.", "isn't it funny how paypal employees can come up with something like YouTube?!", "That's cool. They are a good way to boost self-esteem and confidence", "You too! Thanks!" ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "", "convai2", "convai2", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "" ]
[ "my favorite music is country.", "i like the internet." ]
[ "oh . i enjoy reading crime novels .", "have you ever read the dresden files ? they are my favorite crime novels" ]
[ "Yes, they are my favorite too. do you like to watch crime movies too?", "me too, I use Netflix movies, I have been watching Black list", "yah, makes life much easier. what do you do for a living?", "I am a secretary in an insurance company ", "I like country music too, but I love listening to Rn B mostly ", "I like to cook and dance when I have time to go out" ]
[ "I love crime movies. Most of the movies and books I get online though. I love that I can get free books and stream movies.", "I haven't seen that yet, but it's on my list. I just love the internet. It has everything you could possibly want!", "I'm a teacher by day. I enjoy working with my students. I live in a rural area. What do you do?", "That sounds interesting. What kind of music do you like? Country music is my favorite followed by jazz.", "R n B is ok. It's not my favorite that's for sure. What do you do in your spare time?", "Cooking is one of my passions. Dancing is definitely not my forte. I tried it a few times and I just seem to have two left feet." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes i enjoy reading true crime novels .", "nice . i'm into true crime book . not much time to do anything else .", "i work for a theater company as a playwright . you ?", "that is interesting , my job is boring , i am a secretary at an insurance agency .", "i like r b as well . what are you favorite foods ?", "cool . i go out to eat quite a bit . sometimes it just sucks cooking for one ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "i used to in my younger days.. im old now so i just watch", "That's what I do now but back then they were not able to be downloaded.", "I'm a freelancer", "sounds like a sweet gig.", "I am more like a rock and roll type of guy myself.", "I love to enjoy my free time too." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I do from time to time, mostly pysch thrillers.", "Netflix is amazing! Another show I love that just came back to Netflix in 2017 is Mystery Science Theater 3000. Have you seen that?", "I'm a realtor. I haven't quite reached the point where I can stop employment completely. I wish! lol", "Really? That's interesting. What is your job?", "Jazz music is seen my America's classical music. Should totally try it sometime", "Have you heard any song from Britney spears, her song is so dance able." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a doctor.", "i like to play baseball." ]
[ "any parties coming up ? i can cook . can you ?", "i do not party anymore . only go climbing in the hills . where are you" ]
[ "I'm in LA. What about you ", "Nice. I love Christmas. What's your favorite time of the year ", "I love the exchange of gifts. It shows love", "I don't really care. It's the thought that matters ", "I always look forward to seeing my family members. I have not seen some all year", "Yes I live miles away. What about you " ]
[ "I am from Chicago, Illinois. It is starting to get very chilly here!", "I think I love Christmas the most too. My favorite Christmas tradition is making hot cocoa and singing Christmas carols with my family.", "I love exchanging gifts too. What kind of present are you hoping for this year?", "Yes that is true. It's also nice to spend time with the people that you love.", "Do you live far away from your family?", "My family lives only 20 minutes away from me. I get to see them quite often" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i'm in socal inland empire", "christmas time is a great time of year .", "i'm a sucker for christmas ! what do you do for a living ?", "all that matters is happiness . as long as you are happy , party !", "they do miss it . do you get to visit ?", "i live in a car right outside of los angeles ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Central.", "I love Christmas!", "Especially getting gifts from family. What a special holiday this is", "I like presents, they're surprising.", "You're lucky. I live too far from mine to see them.", "That's quite a ways. Do you have any hobbies that could help you meet new people?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I am from Florida panhandle. But now I live in lower Alabama. I would love to vist LA myself and see holly wood", "I love the Christmas carols. we start listening to them in July.", "They make incredible and memorable gifts.", "They make incredible and memorable gifts.", "It has been years since my childhood so i do not really care any more. I still see my family at christmas every year", "It has been years since my childhood so i do not really care any more. I still see my family at christmas every year" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i am a deaf man.", "i love to read books." ]
[ "i love to go driving", "did i tell you i'm deaf ?" ]
[ "Oh my, are you able to read? ", "OK, well does it bother you that you are deaf?", "I see. Yeah I can imagine how annoying it can be.", "Right, at least you don't have the loud music blasting in your ears haha.", "Reading is a great hobby to have! That is awesome to hear.", "I agree. Have you ever thought of writing?" ]
[ "yes I can read I just can't hear.", "No, I dosen't bother me. I'm usually more annoyed than anything.", "Yeah it makes things difficult sometimes, like when people want to go to a concert and such.", "Hahaha! You're right! I do like to read any chance I get so I can visualize things going on.", "Yes it is one of my favorite activities. You can share a lot of information and ideas that way.", "i haven't really tried . . . do you write ?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes", "not generally , but its not a huge deal to me .", "that's how i feel about driving . i wish everyone else would go away", "oh not me , but when i do i hope no one hears me", "yeah ! almost as much as reading", "i haven't really tried . . . do you write ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I can barely even talk!", "No, I dosen't bother me. I'm usually more annoyed than anything.", "Without a doubt, most drivers are total morons.", "That's where earmuffs or plugs come in handy my friend", "It really strengthens the mind! It felt so refreshing reading beneath the trees in the sunshine.", "I do read occasionally, do you?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I can, but visual impairment can cause difficulties in every day activities, such as driving and reading", "Not really the music is really amplified and very loud so it can be quite annoying.", "Yeah it makes things difficult sometimes, like choosing fruit or clothing", "Hahaha! You're right!", "Yes it is one of my favorite activities. You can share a lot of information and ideas that way.", "Yes, I think I would enjoy being a creator or originator of written work. What about you?" ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "convai2" ]
[ "i've a cat named george.", "my favorite meal is chicken and rice." ]
Cleveland Cavaliers
[ "Cool, which NBA teams do you follow the closest?", "Well when I was new to basketball I was a Los Angeles Lakers fan because they are so popular but since the past couple of championship I'm beginning to like Curry so I would say the Golden State Warriors." ]
[ "That cool do you watch basketball all the time", "I did too when I was younger. Do you play basketball", "I ran track when I was in high school ", "Yes I'm a fan of sports more football than basketball", "My favorite team is the Giants ", "No just watch on the television " ]
[ "I do love to watch the games pretty often. I especially loved to watch Michael Jordan play years ago.", "I did in college, now I just play the occasional casual game with friends. My knees aren't what they used to be, haha. Do you play any sports?", "That's great exercise. Are you a fan of sports?", "Ah cool, who is your favorite team?", "Nice! Do you attend many games?", "It's nicer at home I reckon. no crowds to deal with." ]
{ "convai2": [ "not as much as i used to be but i still follow todays hits", "not professionally , but i play . do you do any sports ?", "ah , man i was hot back then ! what were you doing during high school ?", "that's cool . yeah playing football during college was rough .", "they are great ! i'm more of a giants fan myself", "do you go to the stadium or on tv ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "i used to in my younger days.. im old now so i just watch", "I do, I used to play growing up.", "That's great exercise. Are you a fan of sports?", "Sorry to hear that. I have same issues with my knees.", "Awesome! I'll have to check them out this year. I'm a cowboys fan LOL", "Well, that's good. Sounds like you guys will be having some fun watching the game. Much better than TV!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I wish, but I could never get my outside game down that well. From behind the three point line I am dismal. But I do love to watch the games. I especially loved to watch Michael Jordan play years ago.", "I wish, but I could never get my outside game down that well. From behind the three point line I am dismal. But I do love to watch the games. I especially loved to watch Michael Jordan play years ago.", "I just really like track and field because I had to relearn how to walk because of arthritis. I just like being at the stadium, running the track, and participating in the throwing events. What type of sports do you like?", "I'm more into Soccer, basketball and Football those are my favorite major professional sports.", "Nice! They play in the Metlife stadium in NJ right?", "Do you like the YES network that has sports?" ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like to cook stews.", "i watch a lot of spongebob." ]
SpongeBob SquarePants
[ "It is a great show and probably one of the most recognizable ones in the world!", "It actually is the highest rated series to ever air on Nickelodeon and the most distributed show on MTV." ]
[ "i love horror movies", "yes,,,The grudge is my favourite", " too experienced the is un imaginable" ]
[ "Me too, do you have a favourite?", "I saw The Grudge, and I swear I could hear those creepy sounds in my house!", "Do you have any favourite TV shows?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love horror movies . i love to be afraid !", "i enjoy the conjuring series as well , classically i love chucky and hellraiser . how funny", "yeah , most people don't believe me , but i know what i saw ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yeah, they are way better than scary ones. Seems like there are horror movies coming out every other day now a days.", "I saw The Grudge, and I swear I could hear those creepy sounds in my house!", "It took me a minute to figure out what I was hearing, and then I back up VERY quickly!!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Me too, but horrors also :D because it seeks to elicit a physiological reaction, it really gets you jumpy.", "Is that the 1978 AMerican slasher film directed by John Carpenter? That's such a classic!", "OH! Haha I thought it was a horror film and the man was shocking and fearful." ] }
[ "", "empathetic_dialogues", "" ]
[ "i'm a vegetarian.", "i live on a pig farm." ]
[ "maybe i will travel to your farm ; i love seeing new places", "yes ! want to move to the city and get away from the farm" ]
[ "why do you not like the farm?", "the city is also polluted, nothing good there" ]
[ "it doesn't smell very good. my family raises pigs", "it smells pretty bad . where are you from ?" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love to see new places", "it smells pretty bad . where are you from ?" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "It's better for my kids and its so expensive.", "City isn't saf for the kids. It sucks" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Well its agricultural crops and forest and no traffic which is heaven to me", "If you say so,its actually like an ancestral farm" ] }
[ "", "convai2" ]
[ "i like to play tennis.", "my mother is a dentist." ]
Rafael Nadal
[ "Oh wow that's pretty crazy!", "Nadal is impressive to watch, especially on clay-courts, he's known as \"the King of Clay.\"" ]
[ "While investigating a series of mysterious deaths", "it's true" ]
[ "I'm not too familiar with Tennis, Is he known to be a winner?", "Wow that's neat! Crazy to hear he lost then as you said." ]
{ "convai2": [ "astonishing ! what a horrible , horrible man . . .", "wow , i had no idea !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I'm not too familiar with Tennis, Is he known to be a winner?", "Wow that's neat! Crazy to hear he lost then as you said." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Nadal is so accomplished, including 16 Grand Slam singles titles and many more tournaments.", "Nadal is so accomplished, including 16 Grand Slam singles titles and many more tournaments." ] }
[ "empathetic_dialogues", "empathetic_dialogues" ]
[ "i'm a night owl.", "my favorite band is pearl jam." ]
Pearl Jam
[ "Yes, a lot of great bands have come from Seattle.", "the debut album Ten" ]
[ "Do you like it?", "Tell me some songs to listen to. I like sitting on my couch all day anyway, so may as well listen to good music lol", "Oh, I make cars for a living, so I think listening to them might be a good way to keep my spirits up", "Oh ok. You must really like them", "Are you asking if I like them too?", "Oh all the time. Building cars for a living is quite a demanding job. What about you?" ]
[ "yes , i like them very much", "I am a night owl. My favorite rock band is Pearl Jam", "That's cool. Pearl Jam's first album was in 1991", "Yes. I love their music. Do your late too?", "I am sorry. I meant: Do you work late too?", "Amazing. I have this software developer side job and makes me stay awake after midnight too. " ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes , i like them very much", "watching tv and sitting on the couch all day . . . my life", "i am not working right now so i lounge on the couch a lot ?", "i hope you like them as much as i do . so how do you like seattle ?", "i hope you like them as much as i do . so how do you like seattle ?", "most of the time . i wish pay was better ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes. I love their music.", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "sounds very cool id love to go listen someday", "Yes. I love their music.", "Yes. I love their music.", "I work in IT, what about you?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Not really, but I like the genre", "If you like They are good", "pearl jams first album was in 1991", "Sometimes, but i am more of a fan of Aerosmith,the Bad Boys from Boston", "They won music awards. But they are ok.", "Yeah it must be a tough and demanding job to do." ] }
[ "convai2", "empathetic_dialogues", "wizard_of_wikipedia", "empathetic_dialogues", "", "" ]
[ "i'm a 15 year old girl.", "i love animals , especially dogs." ]
[ "i enjoy traveling as well . do you have a favorite color ?", "not really , have you traveled to where there are cool wild animals like elephants ?" ]
[ "Actually I have! In the last few months I got a new job as a flight attendant and I have been to some seriously cool place!", "I really love Ireland. It's sooo green (my favorite color) and the people there are wonderful. Plus the architecture is unparalleled.", "It's not terribly hard. I had to go through some schooling for it and then on the job training, but it was worth it. What do you do?", "You have a lot of time to figure it out. Animals are always drawn to me. I'd love a dog but I'm gone all the time.", "That's true. I try to go to major zoos when I'm in a new city but I don't always have time.", "That would be fun! I've never been there before. I did just go to the one in New Orleans though. It was amazing!", "They had a bunch but I'm from the Midwest and I thought it was odd they had deer at the zoo too." ]
[ "That is pretty sweet! What is your favorite country you've been to so far?", "I would love to go to Ireland. Sounds like a great opportunity! Is it difficult to become a flight attendant?", "Well I am 15 so I don't have a job just yet. But I try to do dog sitting for people in my spare time. I absolutely love animals.", "Animals have to have a lot of love and attention so it's probably good you don't have one. But you can always visit a petting zoo!", "Yes, aquariums too! if you ever come through Atlanta you have to visit the Georgia aquarium. They have 4 huge whale sharks!", "I will have to try to visit that one too. Did they have a lot of tropical fish? I enjoy fish of many different colors.", "Oh that is interesting. I used to live in Colorado and you would see deer in passing all the time. In any case, it was lovely talking with you!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "yes i've ! i also enjoy it", "i have always wanted to go to ireland . do you love it ?", "at the zoo , i find it easier to interact with animals than people ! haha !", "yeah , aside from my cat at home , the zoo is a nice place for animals .", "you are lucky ! i have been to many zoos , taking pictures", "i never been but i am very excited to go ! what do you do for fun ?", "never been to that zoo but i love the san diego zoo ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "That is nice! I wish I can go to those countries", "Cheers from across the pond! It truly is a magical place.", "Wow, It must be a great job. I have a friend that works for a travel agency in Boston in a similar situation. She said since she started she has been to 32 different countries.", "How often do you fly? The more you do it the easier it gets.", "I here they have one of the best zoos in the us.", "I myself haven't been there in 11 years! I'm looking forward to seeing it again.", "I here they have one of the best zoos in the us." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I usually fly Asiana Airlines, haha the flight attendants are so cute!", "I've never been to the northern ireland or any part of the united kingdom. When did you go?", "I usually fly Asiana Airlines, haha the flight attendants are so cute!", "yes. I lost my dog to old age last year, but she was always eager to welcome me home. I come home to my cat now and sometimes she wants companionship but I am often ignored until she wants food", "I saw them at the National Zoo last year. So nice to get in without paying admission.", "That's still cool :). The Georgia Aquarium has a lot of cool fish and also contains massive whale sharks", "If you ever come to Atlanta, you should go to the The Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i love butterflies.", "i type one handed." ]
[ "Thats sweet, butterflies are beautiful creatures. Do you know much about them?", "Not too much, but I learned a little in science class. They are actually insects for the order Lepidoptera, which includes moths." ]
[ "cool. what is your favorite sport?", "wow. who is your favorite player?", "great. i love to play hockey..", "no but when i was small i used to play it. than i made my career in somewhere else.", "no no i can type with two hand. and even i cannot type very fast.", "yes i love it and even i earn money from it too. your mom is working woman?", "oh wow.. my mos is a painter. she's an artist." ]
[ "I really enjoy soccer. I've played it since I was a little girl", "Hope solo is my favorite. She is the best goal keeper out there! she's my inspiration", "Oh that is awesome! Do you play competitively?", "I have a great talent of typing with one hand. Do you type with one hand or two?", "Have you ever tried transcription jobs? It's a great way to make some extra money.", "My mom is a nurse. ", "Does she teach Art classes? I would love to learn from her." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i do not , but my favorite insect is butterflies !", "he is the one you will see defending the goal .", "that's great ! i like hockey", "wow . good for you ! ! any other teams ?", "i can see that . but some get real good at transcribing . you should try it", "she is . . . just meant when i was growing up . eventually i moved away from home .", "nice . art is the only class i've done well in ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "In any sport, soccer, swimming, running, etc", "Hockey, I play center.", "Do you play too?", "How long did you play for? Do you still play today?", "Well, I'm not sure about that or how are you typing?!", "No she's a Therapist, but she is pursuing her Doctorate.", "What kind of paintings does she do?" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like butterflies, but with all the recnt events I think it's important so study bees to help their limited population. They started studying them in the 16th century.", "I'm a big supporter of the Seattle Sounders, since that's where I lived when I started getting into the sport. A lot of my friends also like DC United.", "That's cool! There are several types of hockey as well? Bandy and field hockey are also popular sports.", "I see, I used to play for Sporting Clube de Merica. As a runner, I broke many records at flat race events.", "I am so sorry to hear that. What about braille?", "For the most part. She works handling a lot of cash. Can't be all bad, right?", "Cool, is she an art teacher?" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i like listening to other rap music too.", "a hobby of mine is the drums." ]
[ "i love the piano , that's my favorite instrument", "do you play ? what other hobbies do you have ? i love to cook too" ]
[ "I play a little bit. I like to play soccer and hang out with my friends. What's your favorite thing to cook?" ]
[ "i love to cook just about anything. Burgers, spaghetti, pie, you name it, I'll cook it!" ]
{ "convai2": [ "i love to cook just about anything" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Steak and potatoes aremy favorite. But I make the best spaghetti. Never even had a lesson" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I really enjoy cuisine from US history. I guess like fries and burgers and stuff :)" ] }
[ "convai2" ]
[ "i want to put my photos to a music video staring adam levin.", "i want to be a famous photographer." ]
[ "it was impressive seeing this guy eat a 3lbs burger the other day", "Holy cow, that IS impressive. I can't believe people can eat that much. Was he in a contest?" ]
[ "it was not even a contest, it was in a fast food restaurant ", "my fabvourite is chicken", "that is nice. I bake different pastries. ", "I am looking foward to retiring ", "what do you do for fun?", "is that what you do for fun?" ]
[ "My favorite foods are pizza", "No....I have only the vegetarian....i have only very well of healthy food", "Thank to tell for above my decision", "good", "I'm a good decision maker", "Yes... i really very happy for my prefession" ]
{ "convai2": [ "holy moly ! that is a lot . any favorite foods ?", "checkers too , but other than that i don't eat much fast food", "those are always good . . . . so are you going to specialize in pastries", "wow , that all i wanted to do when i retire", "i sit around and eat", "yes that is my profession" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Man, I feel bad for his stomach. It's probably as worn out and bloated as my great granddad.", "Oh now you're just making me hungry!", "I do too. I have a fantastic recipe", "That's awesome. I hope ro retire one day.", "Same thing i'm doing now (IT)", "Yes, and I enjoy it." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I wish there weren't so many fast food restaurants like that anymore, the quality and variety is never very good", "Oh Chicken? You mean the most common type of poultry in the world?", "that's really good! Good job! I should do the same but i really love sweets :(", "good", "I m a good houswife", "Yes a litlle and my ideal of fun is shopping at my favorite clothing retailer Guess." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i work as a contractor for a cab company.", "i'm taking courses online." ]
[ "I got a hamburger earlier and they forgot to put cheese on it.", "i hate when they forget the cheese" ]
[ "Yea it's the worst, but not as bad as getting held hostage when the bank was being robbed.", "Have you ever been caught in the middle of a robbery situation? ", "Thats good for you, my father was a police officer and taught me how to stay safe", "Do you know how to stay safe in an emergency? ", "That's a good start but do you know hand to hand combat?", "Me too, have you ever watched mixed martial arts?" ]
[ "yes", "No.... few identity theft incidents of theri trickers and very carefull", "yes....good", "Yes....i would consider the police station", "I love the sports games anything", "I really enjoy with the games and my kids also like the sports" ]
{ "convai2": [ "one time i was held hostage lol", "one time i was held hostage lol", "one time i was held hostage lol", "one time i was held hostage lol", "no , lol bad hand eye coordination", "one time i was held hostage lol" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "that does sound terrible", "I personally have not, You must have though?", "Good officer for once! That is good to hear!", "yes i do", "Yes I love combat sports.", "I've dabbled in Jiu Jitsu but most of my sparring is boxing/standup" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "were you held hostage?", "No, but we have had a few identity theft incidents! We catch on to their tricks!", "Good, as you know police officer are generally charged with the apprehension of criminal but also assisting the general public.", "i would probably try to call 911 and somehow get to my gun safe", "No I have heard of the military decoration Iron Cross but never the strategy", "when i was a kid yea" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i can jump straight up , out of a pool.", "i like to only eat fish." ]
[ "i like bacon and ham .", "yes that is cool i like eating all kinds of fish ." ]
[ "dancing is fun. i like to do it", "Dancing while eating seems fun. i will try that but it all depends what you eating though", "eating burritos is more fun. i love it", "oh i love that. they the best", "i do not know how to swim. i am afrad of water" ]
[ "Sure dancing is fun, but do you know what is even more fun? Dancing while eating fish! What do you think about that.", "Eating fish of course. I absolutely love fish! I can cook 'em up in so many ways.", "Have you ever eaten a fish burrito? Those are the best I make those every Thursday. Thursday night is fish burrito night!", "Do you like swimming in a pool because I sure do! I especially like to jump straight up.", "Oh? Well swimming does take a bit of time to learn, but once you get it, it becomes like walking, but in water of course." ]
{ "convai2": [ "dancing is fun , i never liked to until just recently .", "i did not mean i'd eat bacon . i only eat vegetables and eggs .", "a good burrito is hard to beat ! i like fish and chips myself .", "whats your favorite snack ? i eat ham and cheese sandwiches . i love them !", "well , the water can be pretty cold . i would suggest a wet suit !" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I am not someone who likes that but I", "Alrighty then! Maybe I'll give it a shot!", "Those are really good. I am more of a burrito man myself.", "yes. enchiladas for the win!", "As you should be. I wish I liked to swim." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "What you normally eat bacon with ?", "What you normally eat bacon with ?", "I really like wet burritos covered in sauce.", "Nice! I like a wet burrito covered in sauce sometimes. You can't pick them up and just use a fork and knife.", "You must be good at holding your breath under water then!" ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "my brother is in the army.", "i grew up on a farm." ]
[ "dang , sounds like a good american family . i'm from kentucky .", "i need to run in order to relax" ]
[ "Running helps you relax huh?", "Oh neat, where is he stationed at? My grandfather was in the air force, stationed in Kentucky. ", "Wow! Congratulations! I just got engaged to my high school sweetheart.", "Right now we're planning for some time in November. ", "We're looking at a couple places back in Kentucky. We're originally from there.", "I hope so. It will probably be somewhere around Knoxville, where my parents live." ]
[ "Yeah it lets me think about things. I think it's because I grew up in an athletic family. My brother is in the army now.", "Right now he's not overseas. He did do 5 tours in Iraq though. He's home. His wife just had a baby.", "Awwww that's awesome. Congratulations! Do you have a date set?", "That's coming up so fast. I bet you are so excited! Where is the wedding at? People used to do them on our farm growing up.", "Kentucky is beautiful. There's a lot of rolling green hills and open land. I'm sure you will find the perfect spot!", "I'm not sure I've ever been there, but maybe someday. Right now I live in the middle of the country about 45 minutes from a town or store." ]
{ "convai2": [ "yep", "he serves in the military overseas .", "uh oh ! congrats that is awesome !", "oh , cool ! are you looking forward ?", "that's nice . must have good neighbors like i did in kentucky .", "that is awesome ! i love shopping there . i will have to look here in tennessee ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "it does a little", "I was in the Navy, wish I could do it again?", "Congratulations girl :)", "Ok, so it is early days. When is the date?", "Cool cool, when do you think it would be best to visit Mississippi?", "I live in Memphis. wow" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes, it aids in strengthening my muscles and also cardiovascular is good for the heart.", "North Carolina. While the term Army typically means land-based services, it also now includes the air force. We have all types of soldiers here.", "Very nice! It's always a fun time when you get to know each other and decide if you are write to get engaged.", "Nice! The unofficial start of summer!", "Ahh the BlueGrass state. That is some beautiful part of the country too. Do you live anywhere near where they raise horses?", "Right... Knoxville is in TN too. It's the county seat of Knox County. I want to go there too." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i enjoy sleeping in on my days off.", "every day i drive an hour to work in this horrible traffic." ]
[ "Do you know of any ancient stories about mermaids?", "Sailers thought they were bad luck. Other than \"I saw a mermaid one time,\" I don't think there are a lot of specific stories." ]
[ "Right! Do you believe they are real?", "I see I see. Yeah I feel as if there would be more news stories on mermaids if they were actually real.", "I exercise, play basketball, lift weights. What about you?", "What is your favorite type of music? I love music!", "Oh, Jazz and RnB are awesome. I like that and pop music, the stuff you hear on the radio.", "Nice! Alternative rock music is cool." ]
[ "\"well most people do not believe mermaids are real, am one of those people", "what do you do for fun?", "I sleep most of the time I am off, I also listen to music", "I also love Jazz, I also like country music and RnB", "I also listen to rock music as I drive to work", "I drive for a whole hour to get to work so I enjoy listening to music" ]
{ "convai2": [ "well most people do not believe mermaids are real . i do . do you ?", "i know . maybe i will ask my mermaid friend to tell them that", "just collecting toys . i do not do a lot . you ?", "a little bit of everything really . . . just a few minutes ago i was listening to some whale song", "i'm also fascinated with mermaids", "i'm also fascinated with mermaids" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I believe the do.", "I am not sure I believe them most of the time though", "I play volleyball with some friends. Gotta get that exercise in after work.", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop", "My prefer is Rock but I can listen any kind Romantic or even pop" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Maybe they did, there is so many stories, from ancient greeks even.", "I don't think Mermaids are a myth. They are water creatures just like fishes with head , upper body and the tail of a fish", "Cool, I like to play athletic sports like tennis and soccer.", "I like all sorts of music. I love jazz and classical music. How about you?", "Jazz music is seen my America's classical music. Should totally try it sometime", "Alternative rock is definitely good, it's pretty distinct from mainstream rock music. I am a huge hip hop fan, Nas is my favorite artist." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i kayak at the lake on weekends.", "i was a navy brat and have attended 16 schools in 12 years." ]
Violin technique
[ "Really? I love the viola and its bass sound. Can you tell me more about it?", "It is a deeper sound than the violin but higher than the cello or bass. There are pegs on it that you can adjust to change the pitch of each string." ]
[ "Do you play? I participate in competitions sometimes and even placed in some of them.", "Oh cool! what instrument did you play in high school?", "Wow. That's a lot. Have you ever thought about joining the Navy?", "I've never been kayaking. I've always wanted to though.", "I like to watch movies and hang out with my friends. Sometimes I'll go play soccer.", "The Dark Knight. I've always loved superhero movies." ]
[ "That's nice, I learned how to play when I was in the high school band.", "I played a few, since I went to 16 different schools in 12 years, I was a Navy brat growing up.", "I have thought about it before but it's not for me, i'd rather kayak on lake in my free time. Do you have a kayak?", "Its wonderful, I try to go to the lake every weekend. What do you like to do on the weekends?", "Thats great, my favorite movie is Top Gun, what's yours?", "Oh thats awesome, what a great pick! I went to 16 schools in 12 years so I watched a lot of movies, had no friends." ]
{ "convai2": [ "if you need help , i also give string instruments lessons !", "i was always involved in violin competitions and placed some of them", "nope , i enlisted straight out of high school and worked up .", "you should try ! its great to get into nature , really peaceful .", "soccer is fun , i played when i was little .", "it depends the superhero , some of them are just overplayed" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Yes, I play guitar as a hobby. My oldest is a violinist, my youngest is a pianist.", "Clarinet.", "I've heard good things about the Navy and also how tough it is.", "I've heard good things about the Navy and also how tough it is.", "That sounds like a good way to have fun and get some exercise!", "I really like Batman too, Christian Bale is my favorite Batman." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Yes I teach it! Violins are great for a wide variety of musical genres! Do you like any songs with the violin?", "The trumpet brass instrument I learned myself. I just practiced scales and prepared pieces. I also used to be in band.", "No, I'm afraid I'd be seasick as they use surface ships, subs, etc..", "I would love one of them too. Most kayaks have closed decks which seems good for the ocean.", "Good, I use to play with my kids. Are you interested in TV series", "I really like when they cast Academy Award winning actors in superhero films." ] }
[ "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "i'm in 3rd grade.", "i am a french girl , but i moved to the us last year." ]
[ "I accidentally ran into a glass wall once when I wasn't paying attention", "Oh man! That must of hurt even if it didn't break." ]
[ "It was the worst", "A small cut, but the real injure was my pride", "Oh, your from France? Why did you move to the States", "Cool what part of the US did you move to?", "I've never been to New York but I can image. What company does your dad work for?", "I've never been interested in New York, seems kind of gross to me. But I would love to visit France sometime." ]
[ "Oh no! Did you have any injuries?", "Aww, it happens. When I moved from France to the US last year, I got so excited I ran into wall!", "My dad got a new job! He's an engineer", "We moved to New York. It's quite nice here, a bit dirty, though and the trains are slower", "He works at the city's electric power plant. You should definitely come up to NY some time. There's a lot to see", "Oh France is beautiful. And the food is even better. I definitely miss it and can't wait to go back" ]
{ "convai2": [ "sometimes", "ouch ! i hope you got compensation for that .", "yeah but it was also crowded there . the tourists were always in my way .", "originally europe but now in new york lol", "a company called door dash", "lets go one day , i can show you all the sites in paris" ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "I was in a accident years ago and found glass coming out of my scalp for weeks. So I know how it is.", "Luckily you weren't hurt though!", "My boss sent me there! On a work trip", "From Florida to Indiana! A long move for sure haha", "New York is very beautiful and the people there are very friendly, so i'm sure you'll do fine.", "New York is very beautiful and the people there are very friendly, so i'm sure you'll do fine." ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "Oh no! Was there any injury or property damage?", "Oh no! Was there any injury or property damage?", "Depending on how long my summer break is, I'll probably go to Greece!", "Somewhere far away like Japan, but I like to keep my stay short because I get homesick sometimes.", "I used to go with him to help him out with cooking and stuff", "I don't think I would either, even though it is like the financial capital of the world." ] }
[ "wizard_of_wikipedia", "", "", "", "", "" ]
[ "during the week , i work as a barista.", "my favorite book is the bible." ]
[ "i do . its not really helping much . do you like greek food ?", "i do not , i prefer italian ." ]
[ "I love pita bread with hummus, it's great. What sort of Italian food do you like?", "This might sound silly, but which type do you prefer? My kids all like different sorts.", "My daughter loves angel hair the best, my two sons prefer spaghetti though. She's just like me, us ladies prefer daintier things.", "Do you like pizza or anything else? Pasta is your favorite?", "I love making my own thin crust white pies, especially with artichoke hearts.", "Oh, yes. Being a mother of three practically requires a loyalty membership card at Starbucks.", "I just like plain ice coffee, with cream and sugar - maybe some vanilla." ]
[ "I am impartial to pasta. I love parmesan cheese!", "I think I like angel hair pasta the best because it is so fine and tasty.", "Oh yes! Whenever I have a thicker noodle I feel like I'm about to choke on it.", "I love pizza! Sometimes I make it myself. Somehow everything is tastier when you make it yourself. And you can make it healthy too", "That sounds so yummy! Do you enjoy coffee? I am a barista so I am quite the coffee connoisseur.", "Well you should definitely try the iced caramel macchiato. My absolute favorite! What is your favorite?", "Sometimes simple is best! Thank you for the chat! It was lovely talking with you." ]
{ "convai2": [ "i like greek food since that's where i'm from .", "well pita bread and hummus is my favorite , but i also love italian food .", "well pita bread and hummus is my favorite , but i also love italian food .", "well pita bread and hummus is my favorite , but i also love italian food .", "i absolutely love hummus and pita bread !", "but you get discounts on coffee ! that's awesome .", "good old ice tea goes well with peanut butter and crackers too . its my favorite ." ], "empathetic_dialogues": [ "Definitely Chinese but they've got some American fare, too.", "Definitely Chinese but they've got some American fare, too.", "I love spaghetti myself! I'm not a good cook at all though. I'm always eating out.", "Definitely Chinese but they've got some American fare, too.", "We haven't really done pies in a while, but my grandma makes a chocolate roll and my mom makes some awesome pumpkin bars. Do you roast your turkey? We use a turkey fryer for ours.", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!", "I love coffee, actually. I drink a few cups every morning!" ], "wizard_of_wikipedia": [ "I like Pita bread, it's easy to make at home.", "I like almost anything. Fettuccine Alfredo is probably my favorite. I like the traditional dishes with only two to four ingredients.", "Yeah I agree, angel hair pasta is delicious. I don't think I've tried pasta with rice flour as opposed to wheat, but I've heard good things about it.", "I love Pizza because I like the combination of tomato sauce and cheese on a flatbread. But I like pasta too, especially Spaghetti!", "That is quite tasty. I like both the meat or cheese stuffed ones.", "I see. Are you part of the Starbucks workers union?", "I like a simple Vanilla. Neapolitan is good too." ] }
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