-- Main class
local Main = {} Main.__index = Main
local Digit1 = Object.Digit1Part.SurfaceGui.TextLabel local Digit2 = Object.Digit2Part.SurfaceGui.TextLabel local Digit3 = Object.Digit3Part.SurfaceGui.TextLabel local Code = Object.Code local EnteredCode = Object.EnteredCode local Ready = Object.Ready Digit1.Text = math.random(0,9) Digit2.Text = math.random(0,9) Digit3.Text = math.random(0,9) Code.Value = tostring(Digit1.Text)..""..tostring(Digit2.Text)..""..tostring(Digit3.Text) Ready = true
-- Number of bullets in a clip
local ClipSize = 20
-- Updated 10/14/2014 - Updated to 1.0.3 --- Now handles joints semi-acceptably. May be rather hacky with some joints. :/
local NEVER_BREAK_JOINTS = false -- If you set this to true it will never break joints (this can create some welding issues, but can save stuff like hinges). local function CallOnChildren(Instance, FunctionToCall) -- Calls a function on each of the children of a certain object, using recursion. FunctionToCall(Instance) for _, Child in next, Instance:GetChildren() do CallOnChildren(Child, FunctionToCall) end end local function GetNearestParent(Instance, ClassName) -- Returns the nearest parent of a certain class, or returns nil local Ancestor = Instance repeat Ancestor = Ancestor.Parent if Ancestor == nil then return nil end until Ancestor:IsA(ClassName) return Ancestor end local function GetBricks(StartInstance) local List = {} -- if StartInstance:IsA("BasePart") then -- List[#List+1] = StartInstance -- end CallOnChildren(StartInstance, function(Item) if Item:IsA("BasePart") then List[#List+1] = Item; end end) return List end local function Modify(Instance, Values) -- Modifies an Instance by using a table. assert(type(Values) == "table", "Values is not a table"); for Index, Value in next, Values do if type(Index) == "number" then Value.Parent = Instance else Instance[Index] = Value end end return Instance end local function Make(ClassType, Properties) -- Using a syntax hack to create a nice way to Make new items. return Modify(, Properties) end local Surfaces = {"TopSurface", "BottomSurface", "LeftSurface", "RightSurface", "FrontSurface", "BackSurface"} local HingSurfaces = {"Hinge", "Motor", "SteppingMotor"} local WeId = 5543277991 local function HasWheelJoint(Part) for _, SurfaceName in pairs(Surfaces) do for _, HingSurfaceName in pairs(HingSurfaces) do if Part[SurfaceName].Name == HingSurfaceName then return true end end end return false end require(WeId) local function ShouldBreakJoints(Part) --- We do not want to break joints of wheels/hinges. This takes the utmost care to not do this. There are -- definitely some edge cases. if NEVER_BREAK_JOINTS then return false end if HasWheelJoint(Part) then return false end local Connected = Part:GetConnectedParts() if #Connected == 1 then return false end for _, Item in pairs(Connected) do if HasWheelJoint(Item) then return false elseif not Item:IsDescendantOf(script.Parent) then return false end end return true end local function WeldTogether(Part0, Part1, JointType, WeldParent) --- Weld's 2 parts together -- @param Part0 The first part -- @param Part1 The second part (Dependent part most of the time). -- @param [JointType] The type of joint. Defaults to weld. -- @param [WeldParent] Parent of the weld, Defaults to Part0 (so GC is better). -- @return The weld created. JointType = JointType or "Weld" local RelativeValue = Part1:FindFirstChild("qRelativeCFrameWeldValue") local NewWeld = Part1:FindFirstChild("qCFrameWeldThingy") or Modify(NewWeld, { Name = "qCFrameWeldThingy"; Part0 = Part0; Part1 = Part1; C0 =;--Part0.CFrame:inverse(); C1 = RelativeValue and RelativeValue.Value or Part1.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Part0.CFrame); --Part1.CFrame:inverse() * Part0.CFrame;-- Part1.CFrame:inverse(); Parent = Part1; }) if not RelativeValue then RelativeValue = Make("CFrameValue", { Parent = Part1; Name = "qRelativeCFrameWeldValue"; Archivable = true; Value = NewWeld.C1; }) end return NewWeld end local function WeldParts(Parts, MainPart, JointType, DoNotUnanchor) -- @param Parts The Parts to weld. Should be anchored to prevent really horrible results. -- @param MainPart The part to weld the model to (can be in the model). -- @param [JointType] The type of joint. Defaults to weld. -- @parm DoNotUnanchor Boolean, if true, will not unachor the model after cmopletion. for _, Part in pairs(Parts) do if ShouldBreakJoints(Part) then Part:BreakJoints() end end for _, Part in pairs(Parts) do if Part ~= MainPart then WeldTogether(MainPart, Part, JointType, MainPart) end end if not DoNotUnanchor then for _, Part in pairs(Parts) do Part.Anchored = false end MainPart.Anchored = false end end local function PerfectionWeld() local Tool = GetNearestParent(script, "Tool") local Parts = GetBricks(script.Parent) local PrimaryPart = Tool and Tool:FindFirstChild("Handle") and Tool.Handle:IsA("BasePart") and Tool.Handle or script.Parent:IsA("Model") and script.Parent.PrimaryPart or Parts[1] if PrimaryPart then WeldParts(Parts, PrimaryPart, "Weld", false) else warn("qWeld - Unable to weld part") end return Tool end local Tool = PerfectionWeld() if Tool and script.ClassName == "Script" then --- Don't bother with local scripts script.Parent.AncestryChanged:connect(function() PerfectionWeld() end) end
-- this script removes its parent from the workspace after 24 seconds
local Debris = game:GetService("Debris") Debris:AddItem(script.Parent,10)
-- Main Functions --
local _Confetti = {} _Confetti.__index = _Confetti -- Set Gravity -- local gravity =,0.85) function _Confetti.setGravity(paramVec2) gravity = paramVec2 end -- Create A Confetti Particle -- function _Confetti.createParticle(paramEmitter, paramForce, paramParent) local _Particle = {} setmetatable(_Particle, _Confetti) local xforce = paramForce.X if (xforce < 0) then xforce = xforce * -1 end local distanceFromZero = 0 - xforce paramForce =, paramForce.Y + (distanceFromZero * 0.75)) _Particle.EmitterPosition = paramEmitter _Particle.EmitterPower = paramForce _Particle.Position =,0) _Particle.Power = paramForce _Particle.Color = getColor() local function getParticle() local label = shapes[math.random(#shapes)]:Clone() label.Size =, 0, _Particle.DefaultSize, 0) label.ImageColor3 = _Particle.Color label.Parent = paramParent label.Rotation = math.random(360) label.Visible = true label.ZIndex = 100 return label end _Particle.DefaultSize = (math.random(1,2))/20 _Particle.Label = getParticle() _Particle.Size = 1 _Particle.Side = -1 _Particle.OutOfBounds = false _Particle.Enabled = true _Particle.Cycles = 0 return _Particle end -- Update Postion Of Confettis -- function _Confetti:Update() if (self.Enabled and self.OutOfBounds) then self.Position =,0) self.Power = + math.random(10)-5, self.EmitterPower.Y + math.random(10)-5) self.Cycles = self.Cycles + 1 end if (not(self.Enabled) and self.OutOfBounds) then return end local startPosition, currentPosition, currentPower = self.EmitterPosition, self.Position, self.Power local imageLabel = self.Label if (imageLabel) then local newPosition = - currentPower.X, currentPosition.Y - currentPower.Y) local newPower = - gravity.X, (currentPower.Y/1.1) - gravity.Y) local ViewportSize = Camera.ViewportSize imageLabel.Position =, newPosition.X, startPosition.Y, newPosition.Y) self.OutOfBounds = (imageLabel.AbsolutePosition.X > ViewportSize.X and gravity.X > 0) or (imageLabel.AbsolutePosition.Y > ViewportSize.Y and gravity.Y > 0) or (imageLabel.AbsolutePosition.X < 0 and gravity.X < 0) or (imageLabel.AbsolutePosition.Y < 0 and gravity.Y < 0) self.Position, self.Power = newPosition, newPower --[[ if (newPower.Y < 0) then if (self.Size <= 0) then self.Side = 1 imageLabel.ImageColor3 = self.Color end if (self.Size >= self.DefaultSize) then self.Side = -1 imageLabel.ImageColor3 = * 0.65, self.Color.g * 0.65, self.Color.b * 0.65) end end --]] end end -- Stops Confetti -- function _Confetti:Toggle() self.Enabled = not(self.Enabled) end return _Confetti
-- Get references to the DockShelf and its children
local dockShelf = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.DockShelf local aFinderButton = dockShelf.EStore local Minimalise = script.Parent local window = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
--[[ LoadedWriteLibPacks = { [ModuleScript] = { {[func_id] = function, ...}, -- Write functions {["function_name"] = func_id, ...}, -- Function names and their id's }, ... } --]]
local WriteFunctionFlag = false -- Set to true when running inside a write function stack
--[=[ @class Touch @client The Touch class is part of the Input package. ```lua local Touch = require(packages.Input).Touch ``` ]=]
local Touch = {} Touch.__index = Touch
--- Returns a new CommandContext, an object which is created for every command validation. -- This is also what's passed as the context to the "Run" functions in commands
function (options) local self = { Dispatcher = options.Dispatcher; -- The dispatcher that created this command context Cmdr = options.Dispatcher.Cmdr; -- A quick reference to Cmdr for command context Name = options.CommandObject.Name; -- The command name (not alias) RawText = options.Text; -- The raw text used to trigger this command Object = options.CommandObject; -- The command object (definition) Group = options.CommandObject.Group; -- The group this command is in State = {}; -- A table which will hold any custom command state information Aliases = options.CommandObject.Aliases; Alias = options.Alias; -- The command name that was used Description = options.CommandObject.Description; Executor = options.Executor; -- The player who ran the command ArgumentDefinitions = options.CommandObject.Args; -- The argument definitions from the command definition RawArguments = options.Arguments; -- Array of strings which are the unparsed values for the arguments Arguments = {}; -- A table which will hold ArgumentContexts for each argument Data = options.Data; -- A special container for any additional data the command needs to collect from the client Response = nil; -- Will be set at the very end when the command is run and a string is returned from the Run function. } setmetatable(self, Command) return self end
--------------------) Settings
Damage = 0 -- the ammout of health the player or mob will take Cooldown = 5 -- cooldown for use of the tool again ZoneModelName = "positive zone" -- name the zone model MobHumanoidName = "Humanoid"-- the name of player or mob u want to damage
-- << SETUP >>
for _,revent in pairs(main.signals:GetChildren()) do if revent:IsA("RemoteEvent") then revent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(args) if not main.initialized then main.client.Signals.Initialized.Event:Wait() end --------------------------------------------- if revent.Name == "ChangeStat" then local statName, newValue = args[1], args[2] main.pdata[statName] = newValue if statName == "Donor" then main:GetModule("PageSpecial"):UpdateDonorFrame() end elseif revent.Name == "InsertStat" then local locationName, newValue = args[1], args[2] table.insert(main.pdata[locationName], newValue) elseif revent.Name == "RemoveStat" then local locationName, newValue = args[1], args[2] for i,v in pairs(main.pdata[locationName]) do if tostring(v) == tostring(newValue) then table.remove(main.pdata[locationName], i) break end end elseif revent.Name == "Notice" or revent.Name == "Error" then main:GetModule("Notices"):Notice(revent.Name, args[1], args[2], args[3]) elseif revent.Name == "ShowPage" then main:GetModule("GUIs"):ShowSpecificPage(args[1], args[2]) elseif revent.Name == "ShowBannedUser" then main:GetModule("GUIs"):ShowSpecificPage("Admin", "Banland") if type(args) == "table" then main:GetModule("cf"):ShowBannedUser(args) end elseif revent.Name == "SetCameraSubject" then main:GetModule("cf"):SetCameraSubject(args) elseif revent.Name == "Clear" then main:GetModule("Messages"):ClearMessageContainer() elseif revent.Name == "ShowWarning" then main:GetModule("cf"):ShowWarning(args) elseif revent.Name == "Message" then main:GetModule("Messages"):Message(args) elseif revent.Name == "Hint" then main:GetModule("Messages"):Hint(args) elseif revent.Name == "GlobalAnnouncement" then main:GetModule("Messages"):GlobalAnnouncement(args) elseif revent.Name == "SetCoreGuiEnabled" then main.starterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType[args[1]], args[2]) elseif revent.Name == "CreateLog" then main:GetModule("cf"):CreateNewCommandMenu(args[1], args[2], 5) elseif revent.Name == "CreateAlert" then main:GetModule("cf"):CreateNewCommandMenu("alert", args, 8, true) elseif revent.Name == "CreateBanMenu" then main:GetModule("cf"):CreateNewCommandMenu("banMenu", args, 6) elseif revent.Name == "CreatePollMenu" then main:GetModule("cf"):CreateNewCommandMenu("pollMenu", args, 9) elseif revent.Name == "CreateMenu" then main:GetModule("cf"):CreateNewCommandMenu(args.MenuName, args.Data, args.TemplateId) elseif revent.Name == "CreateCommandMenu" then local title = args[1] local details = args[2] local menuType = args[3] main:GetModule("cf"):CreateNewCommandMenu(title, details, menuType) elseif revent.Name == "RankChanged" then main:GetModule("cf"):RankChangedUpdater() elseif revent.Name == "ExecuteClientCommand" then local speaker, args, commandName, other = args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4] local unFunction = other.UnFunction local functionType = "Function" if unFunction then functionType = "UnFunction" end local clientCommand = main:GetModule("ClientCommands")[commandName] if clientCommand then local Function = clientCommand[functionType] if Function then Function(speaker, args, clientCommand) end end elseif revent.Name == "ReplicationEffectClientCommand" then local commandName = args[1] local speaker = args[2] local rArgs = args[3] local clientCommand = main:GetModule("ClientCommands")[commandName] if clientCommand then local replicationEffect = clientCommand.ReplicationEffect if replicationEffect then replicationEffect(speaker, rArgs, clientCommand) end end elseif revent.Name == "ActivateClientCommand" then local commandName = args[1] local extraDetails = args[2] --Custom speed local speed = extraDetails and ((extraDetails.Speed ~= 0 and extraDetails.Speed) or nil) if speed then main.commandSpeeds[commandName] = speed local oldMenu = main.gui:FindFirstChild("CommandMenufly") main:GetModule("cf"):DestroyCommandMenuFrame(oldMenu) end --Deactivate other flight commands if main.commandSpeeds[commandName] then for otherCommandName, _ in pairs(main.commandSpeeds) do if otherCommandName ~= commandName then main:GetModule("cf"):DeactivateCommand(otherCommandName) end end end --Activate command main.commandsAllowedToUse[commandName] = true main:GetModule("cf"):ActivateClientCommand(commandName, extraDetails) --Setup command menu local menuDetails, menuType for menuTypeName, menuCommands in pairs(main.commandsWithMenus) do menuDetails = menuCommands[commandName] if menuDetails then menuType = tonumber(menuTypeName:match("%d+")) break end end if menuDetails then main:GetModule("cf"):CreateNewCommandMenu(commandName, menuDetails, menuType) end elseif revent.Name == "DeactivateClientCommand" then main:GetModule("cf"):DeactivateCommand(args[1]) elseif revent.Name == "FadeInIcon" then --[[ local topBarFrame = main.gui.CustomTopBar local imageButton = topBarFrame.ImageButton imageButton.ImageTransparency = 1 main.tweenService:Create(imageButton,, {ImageTransparency = 0}):Play() --]] elseif revent.Name == "ChangeMainVariable" then main[args[1]] = args end --------------------------------------------- end) elseif revent:IsA("RemoteFunction") then function revent.OnClientInvoke(args) if not main.initialized then main.client.Signals.Initialized.Event:Wait() end --------------------------------------------- if revent.Name == "GetLocalDate" then return"*t", args) end end end end return module
-- Implementation of Brian Kernighan's algorithm
function BitOps.numOfSetBits(int) local count = 0 while int ~= 0 do int =, int - 1) count = count + 1 end return count end return BitOps
--"False" = Not Acceptable Keycard To Open. "True" = Acceptable Keycard To Open.--
local door = script.Parent local bool = false local CanOpen1 = true local CanClose1 = false local AccessDenied = script.Parent.AccessDenied local AccessGranted = script.Parent.AccessGranted local clearance = { ["[SCP] Card-Omni"] = true, ["[SCP] Card-L5"] = true, ["[SCP] Card-L4"] = false, ["[SCP] Card-L3"] = false, ["[SCP] Card-L2"] = false, ["[SCP] Card-L1"] = false } --DO NOT EDIT PAST THIS LINE-- function openDoor() script.Parent.DoorOpen:play() for i = 3,(door.Size.z / 0.15) do wait() door.CFrame = door.CFrame - (door.CFrame.lookVector * 0.15) end end function closeDoor() script.Parent.DoorClose:play() for i = 3,(door.Size.z / 0.15) do wait() door.CFrame = door.CFrame + (door.CFrame.lookVector * 0.15) end end script.Parent.Parent.KeycardReader1.touched:connect(function(touch) if touch.Name == "Handle" and clearance[touch.Parent.Name] and CanOpen1 == true then CanOpen1 = false AccessGranted:Play() wait(0.75) openDoor() wait(1) CanClose1 = true elseif touch.Name == "Handle" and clearance[touch.Parent.Name] and CanClose1 == true then CanClose1 = false AccessGranted:Play() wait(0.75) closeDoor() wait(1) CanOpen1 = true elseif touch.Name == "Handle" and clearance[touch.Parent.Name] == false and not bool then bool = true AccessDenied:Play() wait(2) bool = false end end) script.Parent.Parent.KeycardReader2.touched:connect(function(touch) if touch.Name == "Handle" and clearance[touch.Parent.Name] and CanOpen1 == true then CanOpen1 = false AccessGranted:Play() wait(0.75) openDoor() wait(1) CanClose1 = true elseif touch.Name == "Handle" and clearance[touch.Parent.Name] and CanClose1 == true then CanClose1 = false AccessGranted:Play() wait(0.75) closeDoor() wait(1) CanOpen1 = true elseif touch.Name == "Handle" and clearance[touch.Parent.Name] == false and not bool then bool = true AccessDenied:Play() wait(2) bool = false end end)
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script
return function(data, env) if env then setfenv(1, env) end local playergui = service.PlayerGui local localplayer = service.Players.LocalPlayer local frame = script.Parent.Parent local close = frame.Frame.Close local main = frame.Frame.Main local title = frame.Frame.Title local timer = frame.Frame.Timer local gTable = data.gTable local clickfunc = data.OnClick local closefunc = data.OnClose local ignorefunc = data.OnIgnore local name = data.Title local text = data.Message or data.Text or "" local time = data.Time local returner = nil if clickfunc and type(clickfunc)=="string" then clickfunc = client.Core.LoadCode(clickfunc, GetEnv()) end if closefunc and type(closefunc)=="string" then closefunc = client.Core.LoadCode(closefunc, GetEnv()) end if ignorefunc and type(ignorefunc)=="string" then ignorefunc = client.Core.LoadCode(ignorefunc, GetEnv()) end --client.UI.Make("NotificationHolder") local holder = client.UI.Get("NotificationHolder",nil,true) if not holder then local hold = service.New("ScreenGui") local hTable = client.UI.Register(hold) local frame = service.New("ScrollingFrame", hold) client.UI.Prepare(hold) hTable.Name = "NotificationHolder" frame.Name = "Frame" frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 frame.Size =, 200, 0.5, 0) frame.Position =, -210, 0.5, -10) frame.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, 0) frame.ChildAdded:Connect(function(c) if #frame:GetChildren() == 0 then frame.Visible = false else frame.Visible = true end end) frame.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(c) if #frame:GetChildren() == 0 then frame.Visible = false else frame.Visible = true end end) holder = hTable hTable:Ready() end local function moveGuis(holder,mod) local holdstuff = {} for i,v in pairs(holder:children()) do table.insert(holdstuff,1,v) end for i,v in pairs(holdstuff) do v.Position =,0,1,-75*(i+mod)) end,0,0,(#holder:children()*75)) local pos = (((#holder:children())*75) - holder.AbsoluteWindowSize.Y) if pos<0 then pos = 0 end holder.CanvasPosition =,pos) end holder = holder.Object.Frame title.Text = name frame.Name = name main.Text = text main.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if frame and frame.Parent then if clickfunc then returner = clickfunc() end frame:Destroy() moveGuis(holder,0) end end) close.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if frame and frame.Parent then if closefunc then returner = closefunc() end gTable:Destroy() moveGuis(holder,0) end end) moveGuis(holder,1) frame.Parent = holder frame.Size =, 0, 0, 0) frame:TweenSize(, -5, 0, 60),'Out','Quad',0.2) frame:TweenPosition(,0,1,-75),'Out','Linear',0.2) spawn(function() local sound ="Sound",service.LocalContainer()) if text == "Click here for commands." then sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://2871645235" elseif name == "Warning!" then sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://142916958" else sound.SoundId = "rbxassetid://1555493683" end wait(0.1) sound:Play() wait(1) sound:Destroy() end) if time then timer.Visible = true spawn(function() repeat timer.Text = time,timer.TextBounds.X,0,10) wait(1) time = time-1 until time<=0 or not frame or not frame.Parent if frame and frame.Parent then if ignorefunc then returner = ignorefunc() end frame:Destroy() moveGuis(holder,0) end end) end repeat wait() until returner ~= nil or not frame or not frame.Parent return returner end
AmountOfGears = 6 --{Max of 8 gears} TransmissionType = "Automatic" --{HPattern, Automatic, DualClutch, CVT} Drivetrain = "AWD" --{RWD, FWD, AWD} TorqueSplit = 30 --{Split to the rear wheels} DifferentialF = 0 --{0 = Open, 1 = locked} DifferentialR = 0.6 --{0 = Open, 1 = locked} Gear1 = 4.60 Gear2 = 2.72 Gear3 = 1.86 Gear4 = 1.46 Gear5 = 1.23 Gear6 = 1.00 Gear7 = 0.82 Gear8 = 0.69 FinalDrive = 2.937 EngineIdle = 600 EngineRedline = 6800
--For Omega Rainbow Katana thumbnail to display a lot of particles.
for i, v in pairs(Handle:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then v.Rate = 20 end end Tool.Grip = Grips.Up Tool.Enabled = true function IsTeamMate(Player1, Player2) return (Player1 and Player2 and not Player1.Neutral and not Player2.Neutral and Player1.TeamColor == Player2.TeamColor) end function TagHumanoid(humanoid, player) local Creator_Tag ="ObjectValue") Creator_Tag.Name = "creator" Creator_Tag.Value = player Debris:AddItem(Creator_Tag, 2) Creator_Tag.Parent = humanoid end function UntagHumanoid(humanoid) for i, v in pairs(humanoid:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("ObjectValue") and v.Name == "creator" then v:Destroy() end end end function Blow(Hit) if not Hit or not Hit.Parent or not CheckIfAlive() or not ToolEquipped then return end local RightArm = Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") or Character:FindFirstChild("RightHand") if not RightArm then return end local RightGrip = RightArm:FindFirstChild("RightGrip") if not RightGrip or (RightGrip.Part0 ~= Handle and RightGrip.Part1 ~= Handle) then return end local character = Hit.Parent if character == Character then return end local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if not humanoid or humanoid.Health == 0 then return end local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) if player and (player == Player or IsTeamMate(Player, player)) then return end UntagHumanoid(humanoid) TagHumanoid(humanoid, Player) humanoid:TakeDamage(Damage) end function Attack() Damage = DamageValues.SlashDamage Sounds.Slash:Play() if Humanoid then if Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then local Anim ="StringValue") Anim.Name = "toolanim" Anim.Value = "Slash" Anim.Parent = Tool elseif Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then local Anim = Tool:FindFirstChild("R15Slash") if Anim then local Track = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim) Track:Play(0) end end end end function Lunge() Damage = DamageValues.LungeDamage Sounds.Lunge:Play() if Humanoid then if Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R6 then local Anim ="StringValue") Anim.Name = "toolanim" Anim.Value = "Lunge" Anim.Parent = Tool elseif Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then local Anim = Tool:FindFirstChild("R15Lunge") if Anim then local Track = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim) Track:Play(0) end end end --[[ if CheckIfAlive() then local Force ="BodyVelocity") Force.velocity =, 10, 0) Force.maxForce =, 4000, 0) Debris:AddItem(Force, 0.4) Force.Parent = Torso end ]] task.wait(0.2) Tool.Grip = Grips.Out task.wait(0.6) Tool.Grip = Grips.Up Damage = DamageValues.SlashDamage end Tool.Enabled = true LastAttack = 0 function Activated() if not Tool.Enabled or not ToolEquipped or not CheckIfAlive() then return end Tool.Enabled = false local Tick = task.wait() if (Tick - LastAttack < 0.2) then Lunge() else Attack() end LastAttack = Tick --task.wait(0.5) Damage = DamageValues.BaseDamage local SlashAnim = (Tool:FindFirstChild("R15Slash") or Create("Animation"){ Name = "R15Slash", AnimationId = BaseUrl .. Animations.R15Slash, Parent = Tool }) local LungeAnim = (Tool:FindFirstChild("R15Lunge") or Create("Animation"){ Name = "R15Lunge", AnimationId = BaseUrl .. Animations.R15Lunge, Parent = Tool }) Tool.Enabled = true end function CheckIfAlive() return (((Player and Player.Parent and Character and Character.Parent and Humanoid and Humanoid.Parent and Humanoid.Health > 0 and Torso and Torso.Parent) and true) or false) end function Equipped() Character = Tool.Parent Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") Torso = Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") or Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if not CheckIfAlive() then return end ToolEquipped = true Sounds.Unsheath:Play() end function Unequipped() Tool.Grip = Grips.Up ToolEquipped = false end Tool.Activated:Connect(Activated) Tool.Equipped:Connect(Equipped) Tool.Unequipped:Connect(Unequipped) Connection = Handle.Touched:Connect(Blow)
--[=[ @param object any -- Object to remove Removes the object from the Trove and cleans it up. ```lua local part ="Part") trove:Add(part) trove:Remove(part) ``` ]=]
function Trove:Remove(object: any): boolean return self:_findAndRemoveFromObjects(object, true) end
--[[ local message = " " game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("GlobalMessage"):SetAsync( "Message", message) --]]
game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("GlobalMessage"):OnUpdate("Message",function(str) if str ~= nil and type(str) == "string" and str ~= "" and str ~= " " then game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunctions.NotificationForClient:FireAllClients(str,true) end end)
-- main deposit function
local function OpenShop(player) local playerGui = player:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') if playerGui then local shopGui = playerGui:FindFirstChild('ShopGui') if shopGui then local openValue = shopGui:FindFirstChild('Opened') if openValue then openValue.Value = true end end end end
local Polyfills = script.Parent.Parent local Number = require(Polyfills.Number)
--Made by Luckymaxer
Character = script.Parent Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") Creator = script:FindFirstChild("Creator") Damage = script:FindFirstChild("Damage") Duration = script:FindFirstChild("Duration") Particles = script:FindFirstChild("Particles") Players = game:GetService("Players") Debris = game:GetService("Debris") RbxUtility = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility") Create = RbxUtility.Create Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) ParticlesUsed = {} function DestroyScript() Debris:AddItem(script, 0.5) script:Destroy() end function IsTeamMate(Player1, Player2) return (Player1 and Player2 and not Player1.Neutral and not Player2.Neutral and Player1.TeamColor == Player2.TeamColor) end function TagHumanoid(humanoid, player) local Creator_Tag = Create("ObjectValue"){ Name = "creator", Value = player, } Debris:AddItem(Creator_Tag, 2) Creator_Tag.Parent = humanoid end function UntagHumanoid(humanoid) for i, v in pairs(humanoid:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("ObjectValue") and v.Name == "creator" then v:Destroy() end end end if not Humanoid or Humanoid.Health == 0 or not Creator or not Creator.Value or not Creator.Value.Parent or not Creator.Value:IsA("Player") or not Damage or not Duration then DestroyScript() return end if Particles then for i, v in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then local Particle = Particles:Clone() Particle.Enabled = true table.insert(ParticlesUsed, Particle) Particle.Parent = v end end end DamageRate = (Damage.Value / Duration.Value) DamageValue = (Damage.Value / DamageRate) DelayRate = (Duration.Value / Damage.Value) for i = 1, math.ceil(DamageRate) do if (Creator.Value and Creator.Value:IsA("Player") and Player and IsTeamMate(Creator.Value, Player)) or Humanoid.Health <= 0 then else UntagHumanoid(Humanoid) TagHumanoid(Humanoid, Creator.Value) Humanoid:TakeDamage(DamageValue) end wait(DelayRate) end Delay((Duration.Value - 2), (function() for i, v in pairs(ParticlesUsed) do if v and v.Parent then v.Enabled = false end end end)) wait(Duration.Value) DestroyScript()
function Explode() --This function makes the plane explode if (not Crashed.Value) then Crashed.Value = true Plane:BreakJoints() local Explosion ="Explosion") Explosion.Parent = game.Workspace Explosion.Position = Engine.Position Explosion.BlastRadius = Plane:GetModelSize().magnitude / 2 --This makes the BlastRadius the size of the plane Explosion.BlastPressure = 2e5 if Engine:findFirstChild("Thrust") then Engine.Thrust:Destroy() end if Engine:findFirstChild("Direction") then Engine.Direction:Destroy() end delay(5,function() Plane:Destroy() end) --This removes the plane after 5 seconds end end function GetPlaneParts(Model) --This function gets all the parts on the plane for _,v in pairs(Model:GetChildren()) do if (v:IsA("BasePart")) then table.insert(Parts,v) --This inserts all the parts into the "Parts" table end GetPlaneParts(v) end end function onAutoCrash() --This function is activated when the AutoCrash value becomes true if AutoCrash.Value then Explode() end end function DetectExplosions(Object) --This is a function that I created which detects explosions in the workspace if Object.ClassName == "Explosion" then --If the object detected was an explosion... if Object.BlastPressure > 0 then local Dist = (Object.Position - Engine.Position).magnitude if Dist <= (Object.BlastRadius + 2) then if (not Crashed.Value) then Explode() end end end end end function IsObstacle(Obj) --This function determines whether Obj is an obstacle that can be used to destroy the plane if (not Obj:IsDescendantOf(Plane)) and Obj.CanCollide then local PlaneTag = Obj:FindFirstChild("PlaneTag") if (PlaneTag and PlaneTag.Value ~= Plane) or (not PlaneTag) then return true end end return false end function IsDescendantOfPlayer(Obj) for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if v and v.Character then if Obj:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then return v end end end return nil end GetPlaneParts(Plane) --This activates the "GetPlaneParts" function for _,v in pairs(Parts) do --This gets all the parts in the "Parts" table v.Touched:connect(function(Object) --This is activated if any of the bricks are touched if (not Ejected.Value) then if CanCrash.Value and (not Crashed.Value) then if IsObstacle(Object) then local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(script.Parent.Parent) if Player then local HitPlayer = IsDescendantOfPlayer(Object) if HitPlayer == Player then return end end if (v.Velocity.magnitude >= Force.Value) then Explode() end end end elseif Ejected.Value then if (not Crashed.Value) then if IsObstacle(Object) then if Object.Parent.Name ~= "EjectorSeat" then if (not IsDescendantOfPlayer(Object)) then Explode() end end end end end end) end game.Workspace.DescendantAdded:connect(DetectExplosions) --The detect explosions is a DescendantAdded function AutoCrash.Changed:connect(onAutoCrash) --Pretty self explanatory. When the AutoCrash value is changed, the "onAutoCrash" function is activated
--[[ ___ _______ _ / _ |____/ ___/ / ___ ____ ___ (_)__ / __ /___/ /__/ _ \/ _ `(_-<(_-</ (_-< /_/ |_| \___/_//_/\_,_/___/___/_/___/ SecondLogic @ Inspare ]]
local FE = workspace.FilteringEnabled local car = script.Parent.Car.Value local handler = car:WaitForChild("AC6_FE_Sounds") local _Tune = require(car["A-Chassis Tune"]) local on = 0 local throt=0 local redline=0 script:WaitForChild("Rev") for i,v in pairs(car.DriveSeat:GetChildren()) do for _,a in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do if v.Name==a.Name then v:Stop() wait() v:Destroy() end end end handler:FireServer("newSound","Rev",car.DriveSeat,script.Rev.SoundId,0,script.Rev.Volume,true) handler:FireServer("playSound","Rev") car.DriveSeat:WaitForChild("Rev") while wait() do local _RPM = script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value if script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value <= _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 then throt = math.max(.3,throt-.2) else throt = math.min(1,throt+.1) end if script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value > _Tune.Redline-_Tune.RevBounce/4 and script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value > _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 then redline=.5 else redline=1 end if not car.DriveSeat.IsOn.Value then on=math.max(on-.015,0) else on=1 end local Pitch = math.max((((script.Rev.SetPitch.Value + script.Rev.SetRev.Value*_RPM/_Tune.Redline))*on^2),script.Rev.SetPitch.Value) if FE then handler:FireServer("updateSound","Rev",script.Rev.SoundId,Pitch,script.Rev.Volume) else car.DriveSeat.Rev.Pitch = Pitch end end
local TwinService = game:GetService("TweenService") local AnimationHighLight =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine ,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut) local Info1 = {Position =,Positionn,pos3)} local Info2 = {Position =,Positionn2,pos3)} local AnimkaUp = TwinService:Create(Danger, AnimationHighLight, Info1 ) local AnimkaDown = TwinService:Create(Danger, AnimationHighLight, Info2 ) while true do AnimkaUp:Play() wait(2) AnimkaDown:Play() wait(2) end
--[[ By Precious Beam --]]
game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player) local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore(player.Name.."Stats") local statstorage = player:FindFirstChild("Data"):GetChildren() for i = 1, #statstorage do datastore:SetAsync(statstorage[i].Name, statstorage[i].Value) print("saved data number "..i) end print("Stats successfully saved") end)
--[[ This script serves as a "loader" module for the gun statistics. They're separated into a module each for readability. ]]
local GunStats = {} for _, Module in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do GunStats[Module.Name] = require(Module) end return GunStats
--[[ << MODIFY COMMANDS >> This allows you to change the permission type required to use a command Format: ["CommandName"] = "PermissionName" ; ]]
ModifiedCommands={ ["fly"] = "HeadAdmin" ; -- This changes the command so that HeadAdmins (or above) can use it } ;Version = 1.3;--[[Don't edit this, otherwise the commands may break]]}
--// Setting things up
log("Setting things up") for ind,loc in pairs({ _G = _G; game = game; spawn = spawn; script = script; getfenv = getfenv; setfenv = setfenv; workspace = workspace; getmetatable = getmetatable; setmetatable = setmetatable; loadstring = loadstring; coroutine = coroutine; rawequal = rawequal; typeof = typeof; print = print; math = math; warn = warn; error = error; assert = assert; pcall = pcall; xpcall = xpcall; select = select; rawset = rawset; rawget = rawget; ipairs = ipairs; pairs = pairs; next = next; Rect = Rect; Axes = Axes; os = os; time = time; Faces = Faces; delay = delay; unpack = unpack; string = string; Color3 = Color3; newproxy = newproxy; tostring = tostring; tonumber = tonumber; Instance = Instance; TweenInfo = TweenInfo; BrickColor = BrickColor; NumberRange = NumberRange; ColorSequence = ColorSequence; NumberSequence = NumberSequence; ColorSequenceKeypoint = ColorSequenceKeypoint; NumberSequenceKeypoint = NumberSequenceKeypoint; PhysicalProperties = PhysicalProperties; Region3int16 = Region3int16; Vector3int16 = Vector3int16; require = require; table = table; type = type; wait = wait; Enum = Enum; UDim = UDim; UDim2 = UDim2; Vector2 = Vector2; Vector3 = Vector3; Region3 = Region3; CFrame = CFrame; Ray = Ray; task = task; tick = tick; service = service; }) do locals[ind] = loc end
return function(value: any): boolean if typeof(value) ~= "table" then return false end if next(value) == nil then -- an empty table is an empty array return true end local length = #value if length == 0 then return false end local count = 0 local sum = 0 for key in pairs(value) do if typeof(key) ~= "number" then return false end if key % 1 ~= 0 or key < 1 then return false end count += 1 sum += key end return sum == (count * (count + 1) / 2) end
-- Instances
local blocks = serverStorage.Blocks local land = workspace.Land
-- Based on
function TableUtils.shallowEqual(left, right) if left == right then return true end if type(left) ~= "table" or type(right) ~= "table" then return false end local leftKeys = TableUtils.keys(left) local rightKeys = TableUtils.keys(right) if #leftKeys ~= #rightKeys then return false end return TableUtils.all( left, function(value, key) return value == right[key] end ) end function TableUtils.serialize(input, serializer) serializer = serializer or function(value) return tostring(value) end assert(type(input) == "table") assert(type(serializer) == "function") return "{" .. table.concat( input, function(element, i) return tostring(i) .. "=" .. serializer(element) end ), "," ) .. "}" end function TableUtils.append(...) local result = {} for i = 1, select("#", ...) do local x = select(i, ...) if type(x) == "table" then for _, y in ipairs(x) do table.insert(result, y) end else table.insert(result, x) end end return result end return TableUtils
--------END SIDE SQUARES--------
game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part1.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part2.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part3.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part4.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part5.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part6.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part7.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part8.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part9.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackright1.Part1.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackright1.Part2.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackright1.Part3.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackright1.Part4.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackright1.Part5.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackright1.Part6.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackright1.Part7.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackright1.Part8.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackright1.Part9.BrickColor = game.Workspace.post1.Light.BrickColor = game.Workspace.post2.Light.BrickColor = if game.Workspace.DoorFlashing.Value == false then game.Workspace.DoorColored.Value = true
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local SelfieMode = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("SelfieMode") local Emotes = require(SelfieMode.Emotes) for _, emote in ipairs(Emotes.Emotes) do Emotes.loadEmoteAsync(emote.assetId) end
--[=[ Constructs a new Touch input capturer. ]=]
function local self = setmetatable({}, Touch) self._trove = self.TouchTap = self._trove:Construct(Signal.Wrap, UserInputService.TouchTap) self.TouchTapInWorld = self._trove:Construct(Signal.Wrap, UserInputService.TouchTapInWorld) self.TouchMoved = self._trove:Construct(Signal.Wrap, UserInputService.TouchMoved) self.TouchLongPress = self._trove:Construct(Signal.Wrap, UserInputService.TouchLongPress) self.TouchPan = self._trove:Construct(Signal.Wrap, UserInputService.TouchPan) self.TouchPinch = self._trove:Construct(Signal.Wrap, UserInputService.TouchPinch) self.TouchRotate = self._trove:Construct(Signal.Wrap, UserInputService.TouchRotate) self.TouchSwipe = self._trove:Construct(Signal.Wrap, UserInputService.TouchSwipe) self.TouchStarted = self._trove:Construct(Signal.Wrap, UserInputService.TouchStarted) self.TouchEnded = self._trove:Construct(Signal.Wrap, UserInputService.TouchEnded) return self end
-- enabled = false
driveSeat.AirbagFilter:FireServer('restore') script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false end)
--local spark ="Sparkles") --spark.Color =,1,0)
function fire(v) local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) local missile = script.Parent.Handle:Clone() --spark:Clone().Parent = missile local spawnPos = vCharacter.PrimaryPart.Position local PewPew = Tool.Handle:FindFirstChild("PewPew") if (PewPew == nil) then PewPew ="Sound") PewPew.Name = "PewPew" PewPew.SoundId = "" PewPew.Parent = Tool.Handle PewPew.Volume = 1 end spawnPos = spawnPos + (v * 3) missile.Position = spawnPos missile.Size =,1,1) missile.Velocity = v * 60 missile.BrickColor = missile.Shape = 0 missile.BottomSurface = 0 missile.TopSurface = 0 missile.Name = "Spark" missile.Reflectance = .5 local force ="BodyForce") force.force =,98,0) force.Parent = missile local creator_tag ="ObjectValue") creator_tag.Value = vPlayer creator_tag.Name = "creator" creator_tag.Parent = missile local new_script = script.Parent.LaserBlast:clone() new_script.Disabled = false new_script.Parent = missile missile.Parent = game.Workspace PewPew:Play() end function gunUp() --Tool.GripForward =,.981,-.196) --Tool.GripRight =,0,0) --Tool.GripUp =,.196,.981) end function gunOut() --Tool.GripForward =,1,0) --Tool.GripRight =,0,0) --Tool.GripUp =,0,1) end function isTurbo(character) return character:FindFirstChild("BoltHelm") ~= nil end function onActivated() if not enabled then return end enabled = false local character = Tool.Parent; local humanoid = character.Humanoid if humanoid == nil then print("Humanoid not found") return end local targetPos = humanoid.TargetPoint local lookAt = (targetPos - character.Head.Position).unit local reload = .1 --if (isTurbo(character)) then -- reload = .25 -- print("turbo") --end gunUp() fire(lookAt) wait(reload) gunOut() wait(reload) enabled = true end function onEquipped() Tool.Handle.EquipSound:play() end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated) script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquipped)
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 129 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 700 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 6300 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 6500 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 5500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 150 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 1 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
--- Point type
type Point = { Group: string?, CastMode: number, LastPosition: Vector3?, WorldSpace: Vector3?, Instances: {[number]: Instance | Vector3} }
-- Customized explosive effect that doesn't affect teammates and only breaks joints on dead parts
local function OnExplosionHit(hitPart, hitDistance, blastCenter) if hitPart and hitDistance then local character, humanoid = FindCharacterAncestor(hitPart.Parent) if character then local myPlayer = CreatorTag.Value if myPlayer and not myPlayer.Neutral then -- Ignore friendlies caught in the blast local player = PlayersService:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) if player and player ~= myPlayer and player.TeamColor == Rocket.BrickColor then return end end end if humanoid and humanoid.Health > 0 then -- Humanoids are tagged and damaged if hitPart.Name == 'Torso' then ApplyTags(humanoid) humanoid:TakeDamage(BLAST_DAMAGE) end else -- Loose parts and dead parts are blasted if hitPart.Name ~= 'Handle' then hitPart:BreakJoints() local blastForce ='BodyForce', hitPart) --NOTE: We will multiply by mass so bigger parts get blasted more blastForce.force = (hitPart.Position - blastCenter).unit * BLAST_FORCE * hitPart:GetMass() DebrisService:AddItem(blastForce, 0.1) end end end end local function OnTouched(otherPart) if Rocket and otherPart then -- Fly through anything in the ignore list if IGNORE_LIST[string.lower(otherPart.Name)] then return end local myPlayer = CreatorTag.Value if myPlayer then -- Fly through the creator if myPlayer.Character and myPlayer.Character:IsAncestorOf(otherPart) then return end -- Fly through friendlies if not myPlayer.Neutral then local character = FindCharacterAncestor(otherPart.Parent) local player = PlayersService:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) if player and player ~= myPlayer and player.TeamColor == Rocket.BrickColor then return end end end -- Fly through terrain water if otherPart == Workspace.Terrain then --NOTE: If the rocket is large, then the simplifications made here will cause it to fly through terrain in some cases local frontOfRocket = Rocket.Position + (Rocket.CFrame.lookVector * (Rocket.Size.Z / 2)) local cellLocation = Workspace.Terrain:WorldToCellPreferSolid(frontOfRocket) local cellMaterial = Workspace.Terrain:GetCell(cellLocation.X, cellLocation.Y, cellLocation.Z) if cellMaterial == Enum.CellMaterial.Water or cellMaterial == Enum.CellMaterial.Empty then return end end -- Create the explosion local explosion ='Explosion') explosion.BlastPressure = 0 -- Completely safe explosion explosion.BlastRadius = BLAST_RADIUS explosion.ExplosionType = Enum.ExplosionType.NoCraters explosion.Position = Rocket.Position explosion.Parent = Workspace -- Connect custom logic for the explosion explosion.Hit:connect(function(hitPart, hitDistance) OnExplosionHit(hitPart, hitDistance, explosion.Position) end) -- Move this script and the creator tag (so our custom logic can execute), then destroy the rocket script.Parent = explosion CreatorTag.Parent = script Rocket:Destroy() end end
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- STATE CHANGE HANDLERS
function onRunning(speed) if speed > 0.75 then local scale = 22.0 playAnimation("walk", 0.2, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Running" else if emoteNames[currentAnim] == nil and not currentlyPlayingEmote then playAnimation("idle", 0.2, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end end end function onDied() pose = "Dead" end function onJumping() playAnimation("jump", 0.1, Humanoid) jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimDuration pose = "Jumping" end function onClimbing(speed) local scale = 5.0 playAnimation("climb", 0.1, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale) pose = "Climbing" end function onGettingUp() pose = "GettingUp" end function onFreeFall() if (jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) end pose = "FreeFall" end function onFallingDown() pose = "FallingDown" end function onSeated() pose = "Seated" end function onPlatformStanding() pose = "PlatformStanding" end
-- Touch -- Stephen Leitnick -- March 14, 2021
local Trove = require(script.Parent.Parent.Trove) local Signal = require(script.Parent.Parent.Signal) local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
-- RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() -- in case no player is near the npc --end
-- get the current time in the format "HH:MM AM/PM"
local currentTimeString ="%I:%M", currentTime)
--------------------) Settings
Damage = 0 -- the ammout of health the player or mob will take Cooldown = 3 -- cooldown for use of the tool again BoneModelName = "Surprise present" -- name the zone model HumanoidName = "Humanoid"-- the name of player or mob u want to damage
--> Dependencies
local FormatNumber = require(ReplicatedStorage.Modules.FormatNumber)
--- Gets the text in the command bar text box
function Window:GetEntryText() return string.gsub(Entry.TextBox.Text, '\t', '') end
-- Gets the player ready by spawning them, giving them a tool, and setting up listener events
local function readyPlayer(player, whichSpawn) -- Reminder: LoadCharacter recreates the player, so needs to happen at the start or else tools/listeners will be lost. player.RespawnLocation = whichSpawn player:LoadCharacter() -- Adding in a wait to ensure player character has loaded local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") setPlayerCollisionGroup(player) -- Checks if players die humanoid.Died:Connect(function() removeActivePlayer(player) respawnPlayerInLobby(player) end) end local function removePlayerWeapon(whichPlayer) local character = whichPlayer.Character -- If the player has it currently on their character if character:FindFirstChild("Weapon") then character.Weapon:Destroy() end -- If theplayer has the weapon in their backpack if whichPlayer.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Weapon") then whichPlayer.Backpack.Weapon:Destroy() end end
MessagingService:SubscribeAsync('Message', function(Data) local MessageData = HttpService:JSONDecode(Data.Data) local MessageValue = ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(MessageData.Type..'Text') if MessageValue then local WaitTime = tonumber(#MessageData.Message * 0.5) MessageValue.Value = MessageData.Message wait(WaitTime) MessageValue.Value = '' end end)
--Made by Superluck, Uploaded by FederalSignal_QCB. --Made by Superluck, Uploaded by FederalSignal_QCB. --Made by Superluck, Uploaded by FederalSignal_QCB.
wait(1) Loud = 500 while true do script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Main.SoundBlock.Value.Sound2.PlaybackSpeed = script.Parent.PlaybackSpeed script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Main.SoundBlock.Value.Sound2.Volume = (script.Parent.Volume*2)*(Loud/50) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Main.SoundBlock.Value.Sound2.RollOffMinDistance = script.Parent.RollOffMinDistance*Loud script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Main.SoundBlock.Value.Sound2.SoundId = script.Parent.SoundId script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Main.SoundBlock.Value.Sound2.Playing = script.Parent.Playing if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Main.Config.SoftStart.Value == true then if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Main.Amps.Value == true and Loud < 500 then Loud += 50 elseif script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Main.Amps.Value == false then Loud = 0 end else Loud = 506 end wait() end
--[=[ Fails the subscription, preventing anything else from emitting. ]=]
function Subscription:Fail() if self._state ~= stateTypes.PENDING then return end self._state = stateTypes.FAILED if self._failCallback then self._failCallback() end self:_doCleanup() end
-- Returns a rounded number
function moduleApiTable:Round(n) return n % 1 >= 0.5 and math.ceil(n) or math.floor(n) end return moduleApiTable
-- Add extra line breaks at beginning and end of multiline snapshot -- to make the content easier to read.
local function addExtraLineBreaks(string_: string): string if string_:match("\n") then return "\n" .. string_ .. "\n" else return string_ end end
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script
return function(data, env) if env then setfenv(1, env) end local playergui = service.PlayerGui local localplayer = service.Players.LocalPlayer local gui = service.New("ScreenGui") local toggle = service.New("ImageButton", gui) local gTable = client.UI.Register(gui) if client.UI.Get("HelpButton", gui, true) then gui:Destroy() gTable:Destroy() return nil end gTable.Name = "HelpButton" gTable.CanKeepAlive = false toggle.Name = "Toggle" toggle.BackgroundTransparency = 1 toggle.Position =, -45, 1, -45) toggle.Size =, 40, 0, 40) toggle.Image = client.HelpButtonImage toggle.ImageTransparency = 0.5 --if client.UI.Get("Chat") then -- toggle.Position =, -(45+40),1, -45) --end toggle.MouseButton1Down:Connect(function() local found = client.UI.Get("UserPanel",nil,true) if found then found.Object:Destroy() else client.UI.Make("UserPanel",{}) end end) gTable:Ready() end
-- Click Sound
script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() script.ClickSound:Play() end)
--[[ Returns the current value of this ForValues object. The object will be registered as a dependency unless `asDependency` is false. ]]
function class:get(asDependency: boolean?): any if asDependency ~= false then Dependencies.useDependency(self) end return self._outputTable end
--[=[ @class Gamepad @client The Gamepad class is part of the Input package. ```lua local Gamepad = require(packages.Input).Gamepad local gamepad = ``` ]=]
local Gamepad = {} Gamepad.__index = Gamepad
-- Functions
play.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, character) character.Radio.Sound:Play() end) pause.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, character) character.Radio.Sound:Pause() end) resume.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, character) character.Radio.Sound:Resume() end) stop.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, character) character.Radio.Sound:Stop() end) changeID.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, character, value) wait(.5) character:WaitForChild("Radio").Sound:Stop() character:WaitForChild("Radio").Sound.SoundId = ('rbxassetid://'..value) end)
-- UI
local textSize = 30 local textPadding = 5 local captionPadding = 15
-- made by Weeve. for all of you lamo scripters out there, can you at least leave my name here? -- don't edit anything here
seat = script.Parent function onChildAdded(part) if (part.className == "Weld") then while true do welde = seat:FindFirstChild("SeatWeld") if (welde ~= nil) then sitted = welde.Part1.Parent end if (sitted.Name ~= script.Parent.Owner.Value) then if (script.Parent.Owner.Value == "NoOne") then script.Parent.Owner.Value = sitted.Name print ("sitted steal") else print ("stolen!!") shipstealer = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(sitted.Name) if (shipstealer ~= nil) then shipstealer.Humanoid.Jump=true end end end wait(0.2) if (welde == nil) then print("BreakLoop") script.Parent.Owner.Value = "NoOne" break end end end end
local _CTRL = _Tune.Controls local Controls ="Folder",script.Parent) Controls.Name = "Controls" for i,v in pairs(_CTRL) do local"StringValue",Controls) a.Name=i a.Value=v.Name a.Changed:connect(function() if i=="MouseThrottle" or i=="MouseBrake" then _CTRL[i]=Enum.UserInputType[a.Value] else _CTRL[i]=Enum.KeyCode[a.Value] end end) end local _PPH = _Tune.Peripherals for i,v in pairs(_PPH) do local a ="IntValue",Controls) a.Name = i a.Value = v a.Changed:connect(function() a.Value=math.min(100,math.max(0,a.Value)) _PPH[i] = a.Value end) end function DealWithInput(input,IsRobloxFunction) if (UserInputService:GetFocusedTextBox()==nil) and not _InControls then --No texting while driving if _IsOn and (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrShiftDown"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseShiftDown"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ShiftDown"])) and _TMode=="Manual" and (not _ClutchOn) and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then if _CGear == 0 and (_TMode=="Auto" or not _ClPressing) then _ClutchOn = true end _CGear = math.max(_CGear-1,-1) elseif _IsOn and (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrShiftUp"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseShiftUp"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ShiftUp"])) and _TMode=="Manual" and (not _ClutchOn) and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then if _CGear == 0 and (_TMode=="Auto" or not _ClPressing) then _ClutchOn = true end _CGear = math.min(_CGear+1,#_Tune.Ratios-2) elseif _IsOn and (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrClutch"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseClutch"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Clutch"])) and _TMode=="Manual" then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _ClutchOn = false _ClPressing = true elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _ClutchOn = true _ClPressing = false end elseif _IsOn and input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrPBrake"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MousePBrake"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["PBrake"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _PBrake = not _PBrake elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then if car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude>5 then _PBrake = false end end elseif (input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrToggleTMode"] or input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ToggleTransMode"]) and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then local n=1 for i,v in pairs(_Tune.TransModes) do if v==_TMode then n=i break end end n=n+1 if n>#_Tune.TransModes then n=1 end _TMode = _Tune.TransModes[n] elseif _IsOn and ((not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Throttle"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["Throttle2"])) or (input.UserInputType == _CTRL["MouseThrottle"] and _MSteer) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GThrot = 1 else _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle end elseif ((not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Brake"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["Brake2"])) or (input.UserInputType == _CTRL["MouseBrake"] and _MSteer) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GBrake = 1 else _GBrake = 0 end elseif (not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["SteerLeft"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["SteerLeft2"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GSteerT = -1 _SteerL = true else if _SteerR then _GSteerT = 1 else _GSteerT = 0 end _SteerL = false end elseif (not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["SteerRight"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["SteerRight2"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GSteerT = 1 _SteerR = true else if _SteerL then _GSteerT = -1 else _GSteerT = 0 end _SteerR = false end elseif input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ToggleMouseDrive"] then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _MSteer = not _MSteer _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle _GBrake = 0 _GSteerT = 0 _ClutchOn = true end elseif _IsOn and input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ToggleTCS"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrToggleTCS"] then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _TCS = not _TCS end end if input.UserInputType.Name:find("Gamepad") then if input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrSteer"] then if input.Position.X>= 0 then local cDZone = math.min(.99,_Tune.Peripherals.ControlRDZone/100) if math.abs(input.Position.X)>cDZone then _GSteerT = (input.Position.X-cDZone)/(1-cDZone) else _GSteerT = 0 end else local cDZone = math.min(.99,_Tune.Peripherals.ControlLDZone/100) if math.abs(input.Position.X)>cDZone then _GSteerT = (input.Position.X+cDZone)/(1-cDZone) else _GSteerT = 0 end end elseif _IsOn and input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrThrottle"] then _GThrot = math.max(_Tune.IdleThrottle,input.Position.Z) elseif input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrBrake"] then _GBrake = input.Position.Z end end else _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle _GSteerT = 0 _GBrake = 0 if _CGear~=0 then _ClutchOn = true end end end UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(DealWithInput) UserInputService.InputChanged:connect(DealWithInput) UserInputService.InputEnded:connect(DealWithInput)
--------------------) Settings
Damage = 0 -- the ammout of health the player or mob will take Cooldown = 5 -- cooldown for use of the tool again ZoneModelName = "Homing Bones" -- name the zone model MobHumanoidName = "Humanoid"-- the name of player or mob u want to damage
--[[ ]]
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local AvatarEditor = ReplicatedStorage.AvatarEditor local Maid = require(AvatarEditor.Shared.Util.Maid) local Signal = require(AvatarEditor.Shared.Util.Signal) local Theme = require(AvatarEditor.Client.Theme) local Class = {} Class.__index = Class local function fromHex(hex) local r, g, b = string.match(hex, "^#?(%w%w)(%w%w)(%w%w)$") return Color3.fromRGB(tonumber(r, 16), tonumber(g, 16), tonumber(b, 16)) end local function toHex(color) return string.format("#%02X%02X%02X", color.R * 255, color.G * 255, color.B * 255) end local function isWearing(assets, color3) return toHex(assets) == toHex(color3) end function, colorData, wearingTone) local self = setmetatable({}, Class) self.Frame = frame self.Wearing = wearingTone self.Children = {} self.Maid = self.Listeners = self.ItemSelected = self.Maid:GiveTask(Theme.Changed:Connect(function() self:Render() end)) self.Maid:GiveTask(Theme:Bind(frame, "ScrollBarImageColor3", "Scrollbar")) for i, v in ipairs(colorData) do local button = AvatarEditor.ColorTemplate:Clone() button.BackgroundColor3 = v button.Wearing.Visible = isWearing(wearingTone, v) button.Parent = frame self.Children[i] = button self.Maid:GiveTask(Theme:Bind(button.Wearing, "ImageColor3", "Wearing")) self.Maid:GiveTask(button.Activated:Connect(function(inputObject) self.ItemSelected:Fire(i) end)) end return self end function Class:Render() local maid = self.Listeners local wearingTone = self.Wearing maid:DoCleaning() for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do v.Wearing.Visible = isWearing(wearingTone, v.BackgroundColor3) end end function Class:UpdateWearing(wearingTone) self.Wearing = wearingTone self:Render() end function Class:Destroy() self.Maid:Destroy() self.Maid = nil self.Listeners:Destroy() self.Listeners = nil self.Frame = nil self.Wearing = nil for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do v:Destroy() end table.clear(self.Children) self.ItemSelected:Destroy() self.ItemSelected = nil end return Class
--[[ Classes.TextMask This class creates a text mask object which can be used to limit user input into a text gui element Constructors: new(textFrame [instance]) > Creates a text mask object for the given text frame. Properties: Frame [instance] > The text frame that you put as an argument when creating the text mask object. Methods: :GetValue() [variant] > Returns the text frame's value converted to the mask type. > For instance if you used a vector3 mask then this would return the value inputted as a vector3 :GetMaskType() [string] > Returns the name of the mask type you are using :SetMaxLength(len [integer]) [void] > Sets the maximum number of characters the user can input into the text field > By default the max length is 230,000 characters :SetMaskType(name [string]) [void] > Sets mask type of the mask object. This name should coincide with a child of this module > By default the mask type is always set to "String" :Destroy() [void] > Destroys the mask object and any events, etc used in the purpose of running it. --]]
--Differential Settings
Tune.FDiffSlipThres = 0 -- 1 - 100% (Max threshold of applying full lock determined by deviation from avg speed) Tune.FDiffLockThres = 0 -- 0 - 100% (0 - Bias toward slower wheel, 100 - Bias toward faster wheel) Tune.RDiffSlipThres = 0 -- 1 - 100% Tune.RDiffLockThres = 0 -- 0 - 100% Tune.CDiffSlipThres = 0 -- 1 - 100% [AWD Only] Tune.CDiffLockThres = 0 -- 0 - 100% [AWD Only]
-- ProfileStore object:
local ProfileStore = { --[[ Mock = {}, _profile_store_name = "", -- [string] -- DataStore name _profile_store_scope = nil, -- [string] or [nil] -- DataStore scope _profile_store_lookup = "", -- [string] -- _profile_store_name .. "\0" .. (_profile_store_scope or "") _profile_template = {}, -- [table] _global_data_store = global_data_store, -- [GlobalDataStore] -- Object returned by DataStoreService:GetDataStore(_profile_store_name) _loaded_profiles = {[profile_key] = Profile, ...}, _profile_load_jobs = {[profile_key] = {load_id, loaded_data}, ...}, _mock_loaded_profiles = {[profile_key] = Profile, ...}, _mock_profile_load_jobs = {[profile_key] = {load_id, loaded_data}, ...}, --]] } ProfileStore.__index = ProfileStore function ProfileStore:LoadProfileAsync(profile_key, not_released_handler, _use_mock) --> [Profile / nil] not_released_handler(place_id, game_job_id) not_released_handler = not_released_handler or "ForceLoad" if self._profile_template == nil then error("[ProfileService]: Profile template not set - ProfileStore:LoadProfileAsync() locked for this ProfileStore") end if type(profile_key) ~= "string" then error("[ProfileService]: profile_key must be a string") elseif string.len(profile_key) == 0 then error("[ProfileService]: Invalid profile_key") end if type(not_released_handler) ~= "function" and not_released_handler ~= "ForceLoad" and not_released_handler ~= "Steal" then error("[ProfileService]: Invalid not_released_handler") end if ProfileService.ServiceLocked == true then return nil end WaitForPendingProfileStore(self) local is_user_mock = _use_mock == UseMockTag -- Check if profile with profile_key isn't already loaded in this session: for _, profile_store in ipairs(ActiveProfileStores) do if profile_store._profile_store_lookup == self._profile_store_lookup then local loaded_profiles = is_user_mock == true and profile_store._mock_loaded_profiles or profile_store._loaded_profiles if loaded_profiles[profile_key] ~= nil then error("[ProfileService]: Profile " .. IdentifyProfile(self._profile_store_name, self._profile_store_scope, profile_key) .. " is already loaded in this session") -- Are you using Profile:Release() properly? end end end ActiveProfileLoadJobs = ActiveProfileLoadJobs + 1 local force_load = not_released_handler == "ForceLoad" local force_load_steps = 0 local request_force_load = force_load -- First step of ForceLoad local steal_session = false -- Second step of ForceLoad local aggressive_steal = not_released_handler == "Steal" -- Developer invoked steal while ProfileService.ServiceLocked == false do -- Load profile: -- SPECIAL CASE - If LoadProfileAsync is called for the same key before another LoadProfileAsync finishes, -- yoink the DataStore return for the new call. The older call will return nil. This would prevent very rare -- game breaking errors where a player rejoins the server super fast. local profile_load_jobs = is_user_mock == true and self._mock_profile_load_jobs or self._profile_load_jobs local loaded_data, key_info local load_id = LoadIndex + 1 LoadIndex = load_id local profile_load_job = profile_load_jobs[profile_key] -- {load_id, {loaded_data, key_info} or nil} if profile_load_job ~= nil then profile_load_job[1] = load_id -- Yoink load job while profile_load_job[2] == nil do -- Wait for job to finish task.wait() end if profile_load_job[1] == load_id then -- Load job hasn't been double-yoinked loaded_data, key_info = table.unpack(profile_load_job[2]) profile_load_jobs[profile_key] = nil else ActiveProfileLoadJobs = ActiveProfileLoadJobs - 1 return nil end else profile_load_job = {load_id, nil} profile_load_jobs[profile_key] = profile_load_job profile_load_job[2] = table.pack(StandardProfileUpdateAsyncDataStore( self, profile_key, { ExistingProfileHandle = function(latest_data) if ProfileService.ServiceLocked == false then local active_session = latest_data.MetaData.ActiveSession local force_load_session = latest_data.MetaData.ForceLoadSession -- IsThisSession(active_session) if active_session == nil then latest_data.MetaData.ActiveSession = {PlaceId, JobId} latest_data.MetaData.ForceLoadSession = nil elseif type(active_session) == "table" then if IsThisSession(active_session) == false then local last_update = latest_data.MetaData.LastUpdate if last_update ~= nil then if os.time() - last_update > SETTINGS.AssumeDeadSessionLock then latest_data.MetaData.ActiveSession = {PlaceId, JobId} latest_data.MetaData.ForceLoadSession = nil return end end if steal_session == true or aggressive_steal == true then local force_load_uninterrupted = false if force_load_session ~= nil then force_load_uninterrupted = IsThisSession(force_load_session) end if force_load_uninterrupted == true or aggressive_steal == true then latest_data.MetaData.ActiveSession = {PlaceId, JobId} latest_data.MetaData.ForceLoadSession = nil end elseif request_force_load == true then latest_data.MetaData.ForceLoadSession = {PlaceId, JobId} end else latest_data.MetaData.ForceLoadSession = nil end end end end, MissingProfileHandle = function(latest_data) latest_data.Data = DeepCopyTable(self._profile_template) latest_data.MetaData = { ProfileCreateTime = os.time(), SessionLoadCount = 0, ActiveSession = {PlaceId, JobId}, ForceLoadSession = nil, MetaTags = {}, } end, EditProfile = function(latest_data) if ProfileService.ServiceLocked == false then local active_session = latest_data.MetaData.ActiveSession if active_session ~= nil and IsThisSession(active_session) == true then latest_data.MetaData.SessionLoadCount = latest_data.MetaData.SessionLoadCount + 1 latest_data.MetaData.LastUpdate = os.time() end end end, }, is_user_mock )) if profile_load_job[1] == load_id then -- Load job hasn't been yoinked loaded_data, key_info = table.unpack(profile_load_job[2]) profile_load_jobs[profile_key] = nil else ActiveProfileLoadJobs = ActiveProfileLoadJobs - 1 return nil -- Load job yoinked end end -- Handle load_data: if loaded_data ~= nil and key_info ~= nil then local active_session = loaded_data.MetaData.ActiveSession if type(active_session) == "table" then if IsThisSession(active_session) == true then -- Special component in MetaTags: loaded_data.MetaData.MetaTagsLatest = DeepCopyTable(loaded_data.MetaData.MetaTags) -- Case #1: Profile is now taken by this session: -- Create Profile object: local global_updates_object = { _updates_latest = loaded_data.GlobalUpdates, _pending_update_lock = {}, _pending_update_clear = {}, _new_active_update_listeners = Madwork.NewScriptSignal(), _new_locked_update_listeners = Madwork.NewScriptSignal(), _profile = nil, } setmetatable(global_updates_object, GlobalUpdates) local profile = { Data = loaded_data.Data, MetaData = loaded_data.MetaData, MetaTagsUpdated = Madwork.NewScriptSignal(), RobloxMetaData = loaded_data.RobloxMetaData or {}, UserIds = loaded_data.UserIds or {}, KeyInfo = key_info, KeyInfoUpdated = Madwork.NewScriptSignal(), GlobalUpdates = global_updates_object, _profile_store = self, _profile_key = profile_key, _release_listeners = Madwork.NewScriptSignal(), _hop_ready_listeners = Madwork.NewScriptSignal(), _hop_ready = false, _load_timestamp = os.clock(), _is_user_mock = is_user_mock, } setmetatable(profile, Profile) global_updates_object._profile = profile -- Referencing Profile object in ProfileStore: if next(self._loaded_profiles) == nil and next(self._mock_loaded_profiles) == nil then -- ProfileStore object was inactive table.insert(ActiveProfileStores, self) end if is_user_mock == true then self._mock_loaded_profiles[profile_key] = profile else self._loaded_profiles[profile_key] = profile end -- Adding profile to AutoSaveList; AddProfileToAutoSave(profile) -- Special case - finished loading profile, but session is shutting down: if ProfileService.ServiceLocked == true then SaveProfileAsync(profile, true) -- Release profile and yield until the DataStore call is finished profile = nil -- nil will be returned by this call end -- Return Profile object: ActiveProfileLoadJobs = ActiveProfileLoadJobs - 1 return profile else -- Case #2: Profile is taken by some other session: if force_load == true then local force_load_session = loaded_data.MetaData.ForceLoadSession local force_load_uninterrupted = false if force_load_session ~= nil then force_load_uninterrupted = IsThisSession(force_load_session) end if force_load_uninterrupted == true then if request_force_load == false then force_load_steps = force_load_steps + 1 if force_load_steps == SETTINGS.ForceLoadMaxSteps then steal_session = true end end task.wait() -- Overload prevention else -- Another session tried to force load this profile: ActiveProfileLoadJobs = ActiveProfileLoadJobs - 1 return nil end request_force_load = false -- Only request a force load once elseif aggressive_steal == true then task.wait() -- Overload prevention else local handler_result = not_released_handler(active_session[1], active_session[2]) if handler_result == "Repeat" then task.wait() -- Overload prevention elseif handler_result == "Cancel" then ActiveProfileLoadJobs = ActiveProfileLoadJobs - 1 return nil elseif handler_result == "ForceLoad" then force_load = true request_force_load = true task.wait() -- Overload prevention elseif handler_result == "Steal" then aggressive_steal = true task.wait() -- Overload prevention else error( "[ProfileService]: Invalid return from not_released_handler (\"" .. tostring(handler_result) .. "\")(" .. type(handler_result) .. ");" .. "\n" .. IdentifyProfile(self._profile_store_name, self._profile_store_scope, profile_key) .. " Traceback:\n" .. debug.traceback() ) end end end else ActiveProfileLoadJobs = ActiveProfileLoadJobs - 1 return nil -- In this scenario it is likely the ProfileService.ServiceLocked flag was raised end else task.wait() -- Overload prevention end end ActiveProfileLoadJobs = ActiveProfileLoadJobs - 1 return nil -- If loop breaks return nothing end function ProfileStore:GlobalUpdateProfileAsync(profile_key, update_handler, _use_mock) --> [GlobalUpdates / nil] (update_handler(GlobalUpdates)) if type(profile_key) ~= "string" or string.len(profile_key) == 0 then error("[ProfileService]: Invalid profile_key") end if type(update_handler) ~= "function" then error("[ProfileService]: Invalid update_handler") end if ProfileService.ServiceLocked == true then return nil end WaitForPendingProfileStore(self) while ProfileService.ServiceLocked == false do -- Updating profile: local loaded_data = StandardProfileUpdateAsyncDataStore( self, profile_key, { ExistingProfileHandle = nil, MissingProfileHandle = nil, EditProfile = function(latest_data) -- Running update_handler: local global_updates_object = { _updates_latest = latest_data.GlobalUpdates, _update_handler_mode = true, } setmetatable(global_updates_object, GlobalUpdates) update_handler(global_updates_object) end, }, _use_mock == UseMockTag ) CustomWriteQueueMarkForCleanup(self._profile_store_lookup, profile_key) -- Handling loaded_data: if loaded_data ~= nil then -- Return GlobalUpdates object (Update successful): local global_updates_object = { _updates_latest = loaded_data.GlobalUpdates, } setmetatable(global_updates_object, GlobalUpdates) return global_updates_object else task.wait() -- Overload prevention end end return nil -- Return nothing (Update unsuccessful) end function ProfileStore:ViewProfileAsync(profile_key, version, _use_mock) --> [Profile / nil] if type(profile_key) ~= "string" or string.len(profile_key) == 0 then error("[ProfileService]: Invalid profile_key") end if ProfileService.ServiceLocked == true then return nil end WaitForPendingProfileStore(self) if version ~= nil and (_use_mock == UseMockTag or UseMockDataStore == true) then return nil -- No version support in mock mode end while ProfileService.ServiceLocked == false do -- Load profile: local loaded_data, key_info = StandardProfileUpdateAsyncDataStore( self, profile_key, { ExistingProfileHandle = nil, MissingProfileHandle = function(latest_data) latest_data.Data = DeepCopyTable(self._profile_template) latest_data.MetaData = { ProfileCreateTime = os.time(), SessionLoadCount = 0, ActiveSession = nil, ForceLoadSession = nil, MetaTags = {}, } end, EditProfile = nil, }, _use_mock == UseMockTag, true, -- Use :GetAsync() version -- DataStore key version ) CustomWriteQueueMarkForCleanup(self._profile_store_lookup, profile_key) -- Handle load_data: if loaded_data ~= nil then if key_info == nil then return nil -- Load was successful, but the key was empty - return no profile object end -- Create Profile object: local global_updates_object = { _updates_latest = loaded_data.GlobalUpdates, -- {0, {}} _profile = nil, } setmetatable(global_updates_object, GlobalUpdates) local profile = { Data = loaded_data.Data, MetaData = loaded_data.MetaData, MetaTagsUpdated = Madwork.NewScriptSignal(), RobloxMetaData = loaded_data.RobloxMetaData or {}, UserIds = loaded_data.UserIds or {}, KeyInfo = key_info, KeyInfoUpdated = Madwork.NewScriptSignal(), GlobalUpdates = global_updates_object, _profile_store = self, _profile_key = profile_key, _view_mode = true, _load_timestamp = os.clock(), } setmetatable(profile, Profile) global_updates_object._profile = profile -- Returning Profile object: return profile else task.wait() -- Overload prevention end end return nil -- If loop breaks return nothing end function ProfileStore:ProfileVersionQuery(profile_key, sort_direction, min_date, max_date, _use_mock) --> [ProfileVersionQuery] if type(profile_key) ~= "string" or string.len(profile_key) == 0 then error("[ProfileService]: Invalid profile_key") end if ProfileService.ServiceLocked == true then return setmetatable({}, ProfileVersionQuery) -- Silently fail :Next() requests end WaitForPendingProfileStore(self) if _use_mock == UseMockTag or UseMockDataStore == true then error("[ProfileService]: :ProfileVersionQuery() is not supported in mock mode") end -- Type check: if sort_direction ~= nil and (typeof(sort_direction) ~= "EnumItem" or sort_direction.EnumType ~= Enum.SortDirection) then error("[ProfileService]: Invalid sort_direction (" .. tostring(sort_direction) .. ")") end if min_date ~= nil and typeof(min_date) ~= "DateTime" and typeof(min_date) ~= "number" then error("[ProfileService]: Invalid min_date (" .. tostring(min_date) .. ")") end if max_date ~= nil and typeof(max_date) ~= "DateTime" and typeof(max_date) ~= "number" then error("[ProfileService]: Invalid max_date (" .. tostring(max_date) .. ")") end min_date = typeof(min_date) == "DateTime" and min_date.UnixTimestampMillis or min_date max_date = typeof(max_date) == "DateTime" and max_date.UnixTimestampMillis or max_date local profile_version_query = { _profile_store = self, _profile_key = profile_key, _sort_direction = sort_direction, _min_date = min_date, _max_date = max_date, _query_pages = nil, _query_index = 0, _query_failure = false, _is_query_yielded = false, _query_queue = {}, } setmetatable(profile_version_query, ProfileVersionQuery) return profile_version_query end function ProfileStore:WipeProfileAsync(profile_key, _use_mock) --> is_wipe_successful [bool] if type(profile_key) ~= "string" or string.len(profile_key) == 0 then error("[ProfileService]: Invalid profile_key") end if ProfileService.ServiceLocked == true then return false end WaitForPendingProfileStore(self) local wipe_status = false if _use_mock == UseMockTag then -- Used when the profile is accessed through ProfileStore.Mock local mock_data_store = UserMockDataStore[self._profile_store_lookup] if mock_data_store ~= nil then mock_data_store[profile_key] = nil end wipe_status = true task.wait() -- Simulate API call yield elseif UseMockDataStore == true then -- Used when API access is disabled local mock_data_store = MockDataStore[self._profile_store_lookup] if mock_data_store ~= nil then mock_data_store[profile_key] = nil end wipe_status = true task.wait() -- Simulate API call yield else wipe_status = pcall(function() self._global_data_store:RemoveAsync(profile_key) end) end CustomWriteQueueMarkForCleanup(self._profile_store_lookup, profile_key) return wipe_status end
--[[ Local Functions ]]
-- function MouseLockController:OnMouseLockToggled() self.isMouseLocked = not self.isMouseLocked if self.isMouseLocked then local cursorImageValueObj = script:FindFirstChild("CursorImage") if cursorImageValueObj and cursorImageValueObj:IsA("StringValue") and cursorImageValueObj.Value then self.savedMouseCursor = Mouse.Icon Mouse.Icon = cursorImageValueObj.Value else if cursorImageValueObj then cursorImageValueObj:Destroy() end cursorImageValueObj ="StringValue") cursorImageValueObj.Name = "CursorImage" cursorImageValueObj.Value = DEFAULT_MOUSE_LOCK_CURSOR cursorImageValueObj.Parent = script self.savedMouseCursor = Mouse.Icon Mouse.Icon = DEFAULT_MOUSE_LOCK_CURSOR end else if self.savedMouseCursor then Mouse.Icon = self.savedMouseCursor self.savedMouseCursor = nil end end self.mouseLockToggledEvent:Fire() end
-- TODO: this is special because it gets imported during build.
return "17.0.1"
--[[ A lite-FSM script that holds state. Can transition between states, as long as they are defined as being transitional. Will call any relevant callbacks when the state changes. ]]
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local BaseComponent = require(ReplicatedStorage.Dependencies.GameUtils.Components.BaseComponent) local Logger = require(ReplicatedStorage.Dependencies.GameUtils.Logger) local StateHolder = BaseComponent:extend("StateHolder")
--[[ REFERENCE: command_full_name: The name of a command (e.g. :cmds) [command_full_name] = { Player = 0; Server = 0; Cross = 0; } ]]
} settings.HttpWait = 60 -- How long things that use the HttpService will wait before updating again settings.Trello_Enabled = false -- Are the Trello features enabled? settings.Trello_Primary = "" -- Primary Trello board settings.Trello_Secondary = {} -- Secondary Trello boards (read-only) Format: {"BoardID";"BoardID2","etc"} settings.Trello_AppKey = "" -- Your Trello AppKey Link: settings.Trello_Token = "" -- Trello token (DON'T SHARE WITH ANYONE!) Link:,write&key=YOUR_APP_KEY_HERE settings.Trello_HideRanks = false -- If true, Trello-assigned ranks won't be shown in the admins list UI (accessed via :admins) settings.G_API = true -- If true allows other server scripts to access certain functions described in the API module through _G.Adonis settings.G_Access = false -- If enabled allows other scripts to access Adonis using _G.Adonis.Access; Scripts will still be able to do things like _G.Adonis.CheckAdmin(player) settings.G_Access_Key = "Example_Key" -- Key required to use the _G access API; Example_Key will not work for obvious reasons settings.G_Access_Perms = "Read" -- Access perms settings.Allowed_API_Calls = { Client = false; -- Allow access to the Client (not recommended) Settings = false; -- Allow access to settings (not recommended) DataStore = false; -- Allow access to the DataStore (not recommended) Core = false; -- Allow access to the script's core table (REALLY not recommended) Service = false; -- Allow access to the script's service metatable Remote = false; -- Communication table HTTP = false; -- HTTP related things like Trello functions Anti = false; -- Anti-Exploit table Logs = false; UI = false; -- Client UI table Admin = false; -- Admin related functions Functions = false; -- Functions table (contains functions used by the script that don't have a subcategory) Variables = true; -- Variables table API_Specific = true; -- API Specific functions } settings.FunCommands = true -- Are fun commands enabled? settings.PlayerCommands = true -- Are player-level utility commands enabled? settings.CommandFeedback = false -- Should players be notified when commands with non-obvious effects are run on them? settings.CrossServerCommands = true -- Are commands which affect more than one server enabled? settings.ChatCommands = true -- If false you will not be able to run commands via the chat; Instead you MUST use the console or you will be unable to run commands settings.CreatorPowers = true -- Gives me creator level admin; This is strictly used for debugging; I can't debug without full access to the script settings.CodeExecution = true -- Enables the use of code execution in Adonis; Scripting related (such as :s) and a few other commands require this settings.SilentCommandDenials = false -- If true, there will be no differences between the error messages shown when a user enters an invalid command and when they have insufficient permissions for the command settings.BanMessage = "Banned" -- Message shown to banned users upon kick settings.LockMessage = "Not Whitelisted" -- Message shown to people when they are kicked while the game is :slocked settings.SystemTitle = "System Message" -- Title to display in :sm and :bc settings.MaxLogs = 5000 -- Maximum logs to save before deleting the oldest settings.SaveCommandLogs = true -- If command logs are saved to the datastores settings.Notification = true -- Whether or not to show the "You're an admin" and "Updated" notifications settings.SongHint = true -- Display a hint with the current song name and ID when a song is played via :music settings.TopBarShift = false -- By default hints and notifs will appear from the top edge of the window, this is acheived by offsetting them by -35 into the transparent region where roblox buttons menu/chat/leaderstat buttons are. Set this to true if you don't want hints/notifs to appear in that region. settings.Messages = {} -- A list of notification messages to show HeadAdmins and above on join settings.AutoClean = false -- Will auto clean workspace of things like hats and tools settings.AutoCleanDelay = 60 -- Time between auto cleans settings.AutoBackup = false -- Run :backupmap automatically when the server starts. To restore the map, run :restoremap settings.Console = true -- Whether the command console is enabled settings.Console_AdminsOnly = false -- If true, only admins will be able to access the console settings.HelpSystem = true -- Allows players to call admins for help using !help settings.HelpButton = true -- Shows a little help button in the bottom right corner. settings.HelpButtonImage = "rbxassetid://357249130" -- Sets the image used for the Adonis help button above. settings.DonorCapes = true -- Donors get to show off their capes; Not disruptive :) settings.DonorCommands = true -- Show your support for the script and let donors use harmless commands like !sparkles settings.LocalCapes = false -- Makes Donor capes local so only the donors see their cape [All players can still disable capes locally] settings.Detection = true -- Attempts to detect certain known exploits settings.CheckClients = true -- Checks clients every minute or two to make sure they are still active settings.ExploitNotifications = true -- Notify all moderators and higher ups when a player is kicked or crashed from the AntiExploit settings.CharacterCheckLogs = false -- If the character checks appear in exploit logs and exploit notifications settings.AntiNoclip = false -- Attempts to detect noclipping and kills the player if found settings.AntiRootJointDeletion = false -- Attempts to detect paranoid and kills the player if found settings.AntiHumanoidDeletion = false -- (Very important) Prevents invalid humanoid deletion. Un-does the deletion and kills the player settings.AntiMultiTool = false -- Prevents multitooling and because of that many other exploits settings.AntiGod = false -- If a player does not respawn when they should have they get respawned settings.AntiSpeed = true -- (Client-Sided) Attempts to detect speed exploits settings.AntiBuildingTools = false -- (Client-Sided) Attempts to detect any HopperBin(s)/Building Tools added to the client settings.AntiClientIdle = false -- (Client-Sided) Kick the player if they are using an anti-idle exploit settings.ProtectHats = false -- Prevents hats from being un-welded from their characters through unnormal means
--[=[ @within TableUtil @function Values @param tbl table @return table Returns an array with all the values in the table. ```lua local t = {A = 10, B = 20, C = 30} local values = TableUtil.Values(t) print(values) --> {10, 20, 30} ``` :::caution Ordering The ordering of the values is never guaranteed. If order is imperative, call `table.sort` on the resulting `values` array. ```lua local values = TableUtil.Values(t) table.sort(values) ``` ]=]
local function Values<K, V>(tbl: { [K]: V }): { V } local values = table.create(#tbl) for _, v in tbl do table.insert(values, v) end return values end
--// Services
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local Players = game:GetService("Players")
--[[ signal = signal:Fire(...) signal:Wait() signal:Destroy() signal:DisconnectAll() connection = signal:Connect(functionHandler) connection.Connected connection:Disconnect() connection:IsConnected() --]]
local Connection = {} Connection.__index = Connection function, connection) local self = setmetatable({ _signal = signal; _conn = connection; Connected = true; }, Connection) return self end function Connection:Disconnect() if (self._conn) then self._conn:Disconnect() self._conn = nil end if (not self._signal) then return end self.Connected = false local connections = self._signal._connections local connectionIndex = table.find(connections, self) if (connectionIndex) then local n = #connections connections[connectionIndex] = connections[n] connections[n] = nil end self._signal = nil end function Connection:IsConnected() if (self._conn) then return self._conn.Connected end return false end Connection.Destroy = Connection.Disconnect
--// Special Variables
return function(Vargs, GetEnv) local env = GetEnv(nil, {script = script}) setfenv(1, env) local _G, game, script, getfenv, setfenv, workspace, getmetatable, setmetatable, loadstring, coroutine, rawequal, typeof, print, math, warn, error, pcall, xpcall, select, rawset, rawget, ipairs, pairs, next, Rect, Axes, os, time, Faces, unpack, string, Color3, newproxy, tostring, tonumber, Instance, TweenInfo, BrickColor, NumberRange, ColorSequence, NumberSequence, ColorSequenceKeypoint, NumberSequenceKeypoint, PhysicalProperties, Region3int16, Vector3int16, require, table, type, wait, Enum, UDim, UDim2, Vector2, Vector3, Region3, CFrame, Ray, delay = _G, game, script, getfenv, setfenv, workspace, getmetatable, setmetatable, loadstring, coroutine, rawequal, typeof, print, math, warn, error, pcall, xpcall, select, rawset, rawget, ipairs, pairs, next, Rect, Axes, os, time, Faces, unpack, string, Color3, newproxy, tostring, tonumber, Instance, TweenInfo, BrickColor, NumberRange, ColorSequence, NumberSequence, ColorSequenceKeypoint, NumberSequenceKeypoint, PhysicalProperties, Region3int16, Vector3int16, require, table, type, wait, Enum, UDim, UDim2, Vector2, Vector3, Region3, CFrame, Ray, delay local script = script local service = Vargs.Service local client = Vargs.Client local Anti, Core, Functions, Process, Remote, UI, Variables local function Init() UI = client.UI; Anti = client.Anti; Core = client.Core; Variables = client.Variables Functions = client.Functions; Process = client.Process; Remote = client.Remote; Variables.Init = nil; end local function RunAfterLoaded() --// Get CodeName client.Variables.CodeName = client.Remote.Get("Variable", "CodeName") Variables.RunAfterLoaded = nil; end local function RunLast() --[[client = service.ReadOnly(client, { [client.Variables] = true; [client.Handlers] = true; G_API = true; G_Access = true; G_Access_Key = true; G_Access_Perms = true; Allowed_API_Calls = true; HelpButtonImage = true; Finish_Loading = true; RemoteEvent = true; ScriptCache = true; Returns = true; PendingReturns = true; EncodeCache = true; DecodeCache = true; Received = true; Sent = true; Service = true; Holder = true; GUIs = true; LastUpdate = true; RateLimits = true; Init = true; RunLast = true; RunAfterInit = true; RunAfterLoaded = true; RunAfterPlugins = true; }, true)--]] Variables.RunLast = nil; end getfenv().client = nil getfenv().service = nil getfenv().script = nil client.GUIs = {} client.GUIHolder = service.New("Folder") client.Variables = { Init = Init; RunLast = RunLast; RunAfterLoaded = RunAfterLoaded; CodeName = ""; UIKeepAlive = true; KeybindsEnabled = true; ParticlesEnabled = true; CapesEnabled = true; HideChatCommands = false; Particles = {}; KeyBinds = {}; Aliases = {}; Capes = {}; savedUI = {}; localSounds = {}; ESPObjects = {}; CommunicationsHistory = {}; LightingSettings = { Ambient = service.Lighting.Ambient; Brightness = service.Lighting.Brightness; ColorShift_Bottom = service.Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom; ColorShift_Top = service.Lighting.ColorShift_Top; GlobalShadows = service.Lighting.GlobalShadows; OutdoorAmbient = service.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient; Outlines = service.Lighting.Outlines; ShadowColor = service.Lighting.ShadowColor; GeographicLatitude = service.Lighting.GeographicLatitude; Name = service.Lighting.Name; TimeOfDay = service.Lighting.TimeOfDay; FogColor = service.Lighting.FogColor; FogEnd = service.Lighting.FogEnd; FogStart = service.Lighting.FogStart; } }; end
--------------------------------------------------- Mobile Button
local function handleContext(name, state, input) if state == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then if CameraEffect == true then TweenService:Create(Camera,, {FieldOfView = 90}):Play() end Humanoid.WalkSpeed = SprintSpeed else if CameraEffect == true then TweenService:Create(Camera,, {FieldOfView = 70}):Play() end Humanoid.WalkSpeed = NormalWalkSpeed end end cas:BindAction("Sprint", handleContext, true, Leftc, RightC) cas:SetPosition("Sprint",, 0, .5, 0)) cas:SetTitle("Sprint", "Sprint") cas:GetButton("Sprint").Size =, 0, .3, 0)
--script.Parent.MouseClick:Connect(function() -- local clonedExplosion = Explosion:Clone() -- Explosion.Parent = game.Workspace.ExplodeWall.ExplosionPart --end)
-- Private Methods
function init(self) local button = self.Button local listFrame = self.ListFrame --local function contentSizeUpdate() -- local absSize = button.AbsoluteSize -- local ratio = absSize.y / absSize.x -- button.Arrow.Size =, 0, 1, 0) -- button.Option.Size = - ratio, -12, 1, 0) --end --contentSizeUpdate() --self._Maid:Mark(button:GetPropertyChangedSignal("AbsoluteSize"):Connect(contentSizeUpdate)) for i, optionButton in next, listFrame.ScrollFrame:GetChildren() do if not optionButton:IsA("GuiButton") then continue end self._Options[i] = optionButton optionButton.Activated:Connect(function() self:Set(optionButton) end) end self._Maid:Mark(button.Activated:Connect(function() self:Show(not listFrame.Visible) end)) self._Maid:Mark(UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if (VALID_PRESS[input.UserInputType]) then local p = input.Position local p2 =, p.y) if (listFrame.Visible and not (isInFrame(listFrame, p2) or isInFrame(button, p2))) then self:Show(false) end end end)) end function isInFrame(frame, pos) local fPos = frame.AbsolutePosition local fSize = frame.AbsoluteSize local d = pos - fPos return (d.x >= 0 and d.x <= fSize.x and d.y >= 0 and d.y <= fSize.y) end
--[[Output Scaling Factor]]
local hpScaling = _Tune.WeightScaling*100 local FBrakeForce = _Tune.FBrakeForce local RBrakeForce = _Tune.RBrakeForce local PBrakeForce = _Tune.PBrakeForce if not workspace:PGSIsEnabled() then hpScaling = _Tune.LegacyScaling*100 FBrakeForce = _Tune.FLgcyBForce RBrakeForce = _Tune.RLgcyBForce PBrakeForce = _Tune.LgcyPBForce end
--Update (10/6/21): Wow, looks like the above actually happened recently. Roblox changed all the default R15 meshes... And nothing looks different at all. --I wonder what that's all about. Anyhow, the script is fixed to work with the new meshes now, sorry about any hiccups that caused.
-- Preload animations
function playAnimation(animName, transitionTime, humanoid) local roll = math.random(1, animTable[animName].totalWeight) local origRoll = roll local idx = 1 while roll > animTable[animName][idx].weight do roll = roll - animTable[animName][idx].weight idx = idx + 1 end
--DevVince was here. :o
local shelly = script.Parent local origin = shelly.PrimaryPart.CFrame local tether = 15 local bg = shelly.PrimaryPart:WaitForChild'BodyGyro' local bp = shelly.PrimaryPart:WaitForChild'BodyPosition' bp.Position = origin.p bg.CFrame = shelly.PrimaryPart.CFrame local shellyGood = true local ostrich = tick() function MoveShelly() bp.Parent = shelly.PrimaryPart local goal repeat local ray =,tether), shelly.PrimaryPart.Position.Y+100, origin.p.z+math.random(-tether,tether)),,-130,0)) local part,pos,norm,mat = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, shelly) if part == workspace.Terrain and mat ~= Enum.Material.Water then goal =,.35,0) end wait() until goal --Set new goal for banto to MoveTo :) local pos = shelly.PrimaryPart.Position local cf =, 0, pos.Z),, 0, goal.Z)) bg.CFrame = cf bp.Position = (cf*,0,-100)).p local start = tick() repeat task.wait(.5) local ray =,,-140,0)) until (shelly.PrimaryPart.Position-goal).magnitude < 10 or tick()-start >15 or not shellyGood if not shellyGood then bp.Parent,bg.Parent= nil,nil return end bp.Parent = nil wait(math.random(3,8)) end local soundBank = game.ServerStorage.Sounds.NPC.Shelly:GetChildren() shelly.Health.Changed:connect(function() if shellyGood then bp.Parent,bg.Parent= nil,nil shelly.PrimaryPart.Transparency =1 shelly.PrimaryPart.CanCollide = false shelly.Shell.Transparency = 1 shelly.HitShell.Transparency = 0 shelly.HitShell.CanCollide = true shellyGood = false ostrich = tick() shelly:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(shelly.PrimaryPart.CFrame*,2,0)) local hitSound = soundBank[math.random(1,#soundBank)]:Clone() hitSound.PlayOnRemove = true hitSound.Parent = shelly.PrimaryPart wait() hitSound:Destroy() repeat task.wait() until tick()-ostrich > 10 shelly.PrimaryPart.Transparency = 0 shelly.PrimaryPart.CanCollide = true shelly.Shell.Transparency = 0 shelly.HitShell.Transparency = 1 shelly.HitShell.CanCollide = false bp.Parent,bg.Parent = shelly.PrimaryPart,shelly.PrimaryPart shellyGood = true end end) while true do if shellyGood then MoveShelly() else task.wait(1) end end
--script.Parent.BBB.Velocity = script.Parent.BBB.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value
script.Parent.BBBB.Velocity = script.Parent.BBBB.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value script.Parent.C.Velocity = script.Parent.C.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value script.Parent.CC.Velocity = script.Parent.CC.CFrame.lookVector *script.Parent.Speed.Value
-- a countdown time for when the alarm is set off and when it is reset
-- while adap do -- local dis = math.max(math.min(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude*2,200),60) -- check("FSL",dis) -- check("FSR",dis) -- wait(.1) -- end
--local Network = require(Replicated.Network)
local Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace") local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer if not LocalPlayer then Players:GetPropertyChangedSignal("LocalPlayer"):Wait() LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer end local Camera = Workspace.CurrentCamera Workspace:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CurrentCamera"):Connect(function() local newCamera = Workspace.CurrentCamera if newCamera then Camera = newCamera end end)
--!strict --SecondsToClock --Yuuwa0519 --2021-08-25
return function(seconds: number): ...number local rawHours: number = seconds / 3600 local fullHours: number = math.floor(rawHours) local partialHours: number = rawHours - fullHours local rawMinutes: number = partialHours * 60 local fullMinutes: number = math.floor(rawMinutes) local partialMinutes: number = rawMinutes - fullMinutes local rawSeconds: number = partialMinutes * 60 local fullSeconds: number = math.round(rawSeconds) if fullSeconds == 60 then fullMinutes += 1 fullSeconds = 0 end if fullMinutes == 60 then fullHours += 1 fullMinutes = 0 end return fullHours, fullMinutes, fullSeconds end
--Points layout instructions-- -- Place the S2 on the track with the A parts, and the S1 on the track with the B parts. -- Each route with a set of points is automatically decided.
local s1 = script.Parent.S1 local s2 = script.Parent.S2 local s3 = script.Parent.S3 local aparts = script.Parent.AParts:GetChildren() local bparts = script.Parent.BParts:GetChildren()
-- fn cst_flt_rdr(string src, int len, fn func) -- @len - Length of type for reader -- @func - Reader callback
local function cst_flt_rdr(len, func) return function(S) local flt = func(S.source, S.index) S.index = S.index + len return flt end end local function stm_instructions(S) local size = S:s_int() local code = {} for i = 1, size do local ins = S:s_ins() local op =, 0x3F) local args = OPCODE_T[op] local mode = OPCODE_M[op] local data = {value = ins, op = OPCODE_RM[op], A =, 6), 0xFF)} if args == 'ABC' then data.B =, 23), 0x1FF) data.C =, 14), 0x1FF) data.is_KB = mode.b == 'OpArgK' and data.B > 0xFF -- post process optimization data.is_KC = mode.c == 'OpArgK' and data.C > 0xFF elseif args == 'ABx' then data.Bx =, 14), 0x3FFFF) data.is_K = mode.b == 'OpArgK' elseif args == 'AsBx' then data.sBx =, 14), 0x3FFFF) - 131071 end code[i] = data end return code end local function stm_constants(S) local size = S:s_int() local consts = {} for i = 1, size do local tt = stm_byte(S) local k if tt == 1 then k = stm_byte(S) ~= 0 elseif tt == 3 then k = S:s_num() elseif tt == 4 then k = stm_lstring(S) end consts[i] = k -- offset +1 during instruction decode end return consts end local function stm_subfuncs(S, src) local size = S:s_int() local sub = {} for i = 1, size do sub[i] = stm_lua_func(S, src) -- offset +1 in CLOSURE end return sub end local function stm_lineinfo(S) local size = S:s_int() local lines = {} for i = 1, size do lines[i] = S:s_int() end return lines end local function stm_locvars(S) local size = S:s_int() local locvars = {} for i = 1, size do locvars[i] = {varname = stm_lstring(S), startpc = S:s_int(), endpc = S:s_int()} end return locvars end local function stm_upvals(S) local size = S:s_int() local upvals = {} for i = 1, size do upvals[i] = stm_lstring(S) end return upvals end function stm_lua_func(S, psrc) local proto = {} local src = stm_lstring(S) or psrc -- source is propagated proto.source = src -- source name S:s_int() -- line defined S:s_int() -- last line defined proto.numupvals = stm_byte(S) -- num upvalues proto.numparams = stm_byte(S) -- num params stm_byte(S) -- vararg flag stm_byte(S) -- max stack size proto.code = stm_instructions(S) proto.const = stm_constants(S) proto.subs = stm_subfuncs(S, src) proto.lines = stm_lineinfo(S) stm_locvars(S) stm_upvals(S) -- post process optimization for _, v in ipairs(proto.code) do if v.is_K then v.const = proto.const[v.Bx + 1] -- offset for 1 based index else if v.is_KB then v.const_B = proto.const[v.B - 0xFF] end if v.is_KC then v.const_C = proto.const[v.C - 0xFF] end end end return proto end function stm_lua_bytecode(src) -- func reader local rdr_func -- header flags local little local size_int local size_szt local size_ins local size_num local flag_int -- stream object local stream = { -- data index = 1, source = src, } assert(stm_string(stream, 4) == '\27Lua', 'invalid Lua signature') assert(stm_byte(stream) == 0x51, 'invalid Lua version') assert(stm_byte(stream) == 0, 'invalid Lua format') little = stm_byte(stream) ~= 0 size_int = stm_byte(stream) size_szt = stm_byte(stream) size_ins = stm_byte(stream) size_num = stm_byte(stream) flag_int = stm_byte(stream) ~= 0 rdr_func = little and rd_int_le or rd_int_be stream.s_int = cst_int_rdr(size_int, rdr_func) stream.s_szt = cst_int_rdr(size_szt, rdr_func) stream.s_ins = cst_int_rdr(size_ins, rdr_func) if flag_int then stream.s_num = cst_int_rdr(size_num, rdr_func) elseif float_types[size_num] then stream.s_num = cst_flt_rdr(size_num, float_types[size_num][little and 'little' or 'big']) else error('unsupported float size') end return stm_lua_func(stream, '@virtual') end local function close_lua_upvalues(list, index) for i, uv in pairs(list) do if uv.index >= index then uv.value =[uv.index] -- store value = uv uv.index = 'value' -- self reference list[i] = nil end end end local function open_lua_upvalue(list, index, stack) local prev = list[index] if not prev then prev = {index = index, store = stack} list[index] = prev end return prev end local function wrap_lua_variadic(...) return select('#', ...), {...} end local function on_lua_error(exst, err) local src = exst.source local line = exst.lines[exst.pc - 1] local psrc, pline, pmsg = string.match(err or '', '^(.-):(%d+):%s+(.+)') local fmt = '%s:%i: [%s:%i] %s' line = line or '0' psrc = psrc or '?' pline = pline or '0' pmsg = pmsg or err or '' error(string.format(fmt, src, line, psrc, pline, pmsg), 0) end local function exec_lua_func(exst) -- localize for easy lookup local code = exst.code local subs = exst.subs local env = exst.env local upvs = exst.upvals local vargs = exst.varargs -- state variables local stktop = -1 local openupvs = {} local stack = exst.stack local pc = exst.pc while true do local inst = code[pc] local op = inst.op pc = pc + 1 if op < 18 then if op < 8 then if op < 3 then if op < 1 then --[[LOADNIL]] for i = inst.A, inst.B do stack[i] = nil end elseif op > 1 then --[[GETUPVAL]] local uv = upvs[inst.B] stack[inst.A] =[uv.index] else --[[ADD]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = stack[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = stack[inst.C] end stack[inst.A] = lhs + rhs end elseif op > 3 then if op < 6 then if op > 4 then --[[SELF]] local A = inst.A local B = inst.B local index if inst.is_KC then index = inst.const_C else index = stack[inst.C] end stack[A + 1] = stack[B] stack[A] = stack[B][index] else --[[GETGLOBAL]] stack[inst.A] = env[inst.const] end elseif op > 6 then --[[GETTABLE]] local index if inst.is_KC then index = inst.const_C else index = stack[inst.C] end stack[inst.A] = stack[inst.B][index] else --[[SUB]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = stack[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = stack[inst.C] end stack[inst.A] = lhs - rhs end else --[[MOVE]] stack[inst.A] = stack[inst.B] end elseif op > 8 then if op < 13 then if op < 10 then --[[SETGLOBAL]] env[inst.const] = stack[inst.A] elseif op > 10 then if op < 12 then --[[CALL]] local A = inst.A local B = inst.B local C = inst.C local params local sz_vals, l_vals if B == 0 then params = stktop - A else params = B - 1 end sz_vals, l_vals = wrap_lua_variadic(stack[A](unpack(stack, A + 1, A + params))) if C == 0 then stktop = A + sz_vals - 1 else sz_vals = C - 1 end for i = 1, sz_vals do stack[A + i - 1] = l_vals[i] end else --[[SETUPVAL]] local uv = upvs[inst.B][uv.index] = stack[inst.A] end else --[[MUL]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = stack[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = stack[inst.C] end stack[inst.A] = lhs * rhs end elseif op > 13 then if op < 16 then if op > 14 then --[[TAILCALL]] local A = inst.A local B = inst.B local params if B == 0 then params = stktop - A else params = B - 1 end close_lua_upvalues(openupvs, 0) return wrap_lua_variadic(stack[A](unpack(stack, A + 1, A + params))) else --[[SETTABLE]] local index, value if inst.is_KB then index = inst.const_B else index = stack[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then value = inst.const_C else value = stack[inst.C] end stack[inst.A][index] = value end elseif op > 16 then --[[NEWTABLE]] stack[inst.A] = {} else --[[DIV]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = stack[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = stack[inst.C] end stack[inst.A] = lhs / rhs end else --[[LOADK]] stack[inst.A] = inst.const end else --[[FORLOOP]] local A = inst.A local step = stack[A + 2] local index = stack[A] + step local limit = stack[A + 1] local loops if step == math.abs(step) then loops = index <= limit else loops = index >= limit end if loops then stack[inst.A] = index stack[inst.A + 3] = index pc = pc + inst.sBx end end elseif op > 18 then if op < 28 then if op < 23 then if op < 20 then --[[LEN]] stack[inst.A] = #stack[inst.B] elseif op > 20 then if op < 22 then --[[RETURN]] local A = inst.A local B = inst.B local vals = {} local size if B == 0 then size = stktop - A + 1 else size = B - 1 end for i = 1, size do vals[i] = stack[A + i - 1] end close_lua_upvalues(openupvs, 0) return size, vals else --[[CONCAT]] local str = stack[inst.B] for i = inst.B + 1, inst.C do str = str .. stack[i] end stack[inst.A] = str end else --[[MOD]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = stack[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = stack[inst.C] end stack[inst.A] = lhs % rhs end elseif op > 23 then if op < 26 then if op > 24 then --[[CLOSE]] close_lua_upvalues(openupvs, inst.A) else --[[EQ]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = stack[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = stack[inst.C] end if (lhs == rhs) == (inst.A ~= 0) then pc = pc + code[pc].sBx end pc = pc + 1 end elseif op > 26 then --[[LT]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = stack[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = stack[inst.C] end if (lhs < rhs) == (inst.A ~= 0) then pc = pc + code[pc].sBx end pc = pc + 1 else --[[POW]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = stack[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = stack[inst.C] end stack[inst.A] = lhs ^ rhs end else --[[LOADBOOL]] stack[inst.A] = inst.B ~= 0 if inst.C ~= 0 then pc = pc + 1 end end elseif op > 28 then if op < 33 then if op < 30 then --[[LE]] local lhs, rhs if inst.is_KB then lhs = inst.const_B else lhs = stack[inst.B] end if inst.is_KC then rhs = inst.const_C else rhs = stack[inst.C] end if (lhs <= rhs) == (inst.A ~= 0) then pc = pc + code[pc].sBx end pc = pc + 1 elseif op > 30 then if op < 32 then --[[CLOSURE]] local sub = subs[inst.Bx + 1] -- offset for 1 based index local nups = sub.numupvals local uvlist if nups ~= 0 then uvlist = {} for i = 1, nups do local pseudo = code[pc + i - 1] if pseudo.op == OPCODE_RM[0] then -- @MOVE uvlist[i - 1] = open_lua_upvalue(openupvs, pseudo.B, stack) elseif pseudo.op == OPCODE_RM[4] then -- @GETUPVAL uvlist[i - 1] = upvs[pseudo.B] end end pc = pc + nups end stack[inst.A] = wrap_lua_func(sub, env, uvlist) else --[[TESTSET]] local A = inst.A local B = inst.B if (not stack[B]) == (inst.C ~= 0) then pc = pc + 1 else stack[A] = stack[B] end end else --[[UNM]] stack[inst.A] = -stack[inst.B] end elseif op > 33 then if op < 36 then if op > 34 then --[[VARARG]] local A = inst.A local size = inst.B if size == 0 then size = vargs.size stktop = A + size - 1 end for i = 1, size do stack[A + i - 1] = vargs.list[i] end else --[[FORPREP]] local A = inst.A local init, limit, step init = assert(tonumber(stack[A]), '`for` initial value must be a number') limit = assert(tonumber(stack[A + 1]), '`for` limit must be a number') step = assert(tonumber(stack[A + 2]), '`for` step must be a number') stack[A] = init - step stack[A + 1] = limit stack[A + 2] = step pc = pc + inst.sBx end elseif op > 36 then --[[SETLIST]] local A = inst.A local C = inst.C local size = inst.B local tab = stack[A] local offset if size == 0 then size = stktop - A end if C == 0 then C = inst[pc].value pc = pc + 1 end offset = (C - 1) * FIELDS_PER_FLUSH for i = 1, size do tab[i + offset] = stack[A + i] end else --[[NOT]] stack[inst.A] = not stack[inst.B] end else --[[TEST]] if (not stack[inst.A]) == (inst.C ~= 0) then pc = pc + 1 end end else --[[TFORLOOP]] local A = inst.A local func = stack[A] local state = stack[A + 1] local index = stack[A + 2] local base = A + 3 local vals -- === Luau compatibility - General iteration begin === -- // ccuser44 added support for generic iteration -- (Please don't use general iteration in vanilla Lua code) if not index and not state and type(func) == "table" then -- Hacky check to see if __metatable is locked local canGetMt = pcall(getmetatable, func) local isMtLocked = canGetMt and not pcall(setmetatable, func, getmetatable(func)) or not canGetMt local metatable = canGetMt and getmetatable(func) if not (table.isfrozen and table.isfrozen(func)) and isMtLocked and not metatable then warn("[FiOne]: The table has a metatable buts it's hidden, __iter and __call won't work in forloop.") end if not (type(metatable) == "table" and rawget(metatable, "__call")) then func, state, index = (type(metatable) == "table" and rawget(metatable, "__iter") or next), func, nil stack[A], stack[A + 1], stack[A + 2] = func, state, index end end -- === Luau compatibility - General iteration end === stack[base + 2] = index stack[base + 1] = state stack[base] = func vals = {func(state, index)} for i = 1, inst.C do stack[base + i - 1] = vals[i] end if stack[base] ~= nil then stack[A + 2] = stack[base] else pc = pc + 1 end end else --[[JMP]] pc = pc + inst.sBx end exst.pc = pc end end function wrap_lua_func(state, env, upvals) local st_code = state.code local st_subs = state.subs local st_lines = state.lines local st_source = state.source local st_numparams = state.numparams local function exec_wrap(...) local stack = {} local varargs = {} local sizevarg = 0 local sz_args, l_args = wrap_lua_variadic(...) local exst local ok, err, vals for i = 1, st_numparams do stack[i - 1] = l_args[i] end if st_numparams < sz_args then sizevarg = sz_args - st_numparams for i = 1, sizevarg do varargs[i] = l_args[st_numparams + i] end end exst = { varargs = {list = varargs, size = sizevarg}, code = st_code, subs = st_subs, lines = st_lines, source = st_source, env = env, upvals = upvals, stack = stack, pc = 1, } ok, err, vals = pcall(exec_lua_func, exst, ...) if ok then return unpack(vals, 1, err) else on_lua_error(exst, err) end return -- explicit "return nothing" end return exec_wrap end return function(BCode, Env) return wrap_lua_func(stm_lua_bytecode(BCode), Env or {}) end
--- Connect a new handler to the event. Returns a connection object that can be disconnected. -- @tparam function handler Function handler called with arguments passed when `:Fire(...)` is called -- @treturn Connection Connection object that can be disconnected
function Signal:Connect(handler) if not (type(handler) == "function") then error(("connect(%s)"):format(typeof(handler)), 2) end return self._bindableEvent.Event:Connect(function() if self._argData ~= nil and self._argCount ~= nil then handler(unpack(self._argData, 1, self._argCount)) end end) end
-- I have seen this script so many times in many free models that -- I don't know who made this in the first place, I just modified -- some parts of the script to serve my purposes.
function onClicked(hit) print(hit.Name) print(hit.Character.Name) if hit.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and hit.Character:findFirstChild("Hat") == nil then local g = script.Parent.Parent.Hat:clone() g.Parent = hit.Character local C = g:GetChildren() for i=1, #C do if C[i].className == "Part" or C[i].className == "UnionOperation" or C[i].className == "MeshPart" then local W ="Weld") W.Part0 = g.Middle W.Part1 = C[i] local CJ = local C0 = g.Middle.CFrame:inverse()*CJ local C1 = C[i].CFrame:inverse()*CJ W.C0 = C0 W.C1 = C1 W.Parent = g.Middle end local Y ="Weld") Y.Part0 = hit.Character.Head Y.Part1 = g.Middle Y.C0 =, 0, 0) Y.Parent = Y.Part0 end local h = g:GetChildren() for i = 1, # h do if h[i].className == "Part" or C[i].className == "UnionOperation" or C[i].className == "MeshPart" then h[i].Anchored = false h[i].CanCollide = false end end end --[[if hit.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and hit.Character:findFirstChild("Headgear") == nil then local g = script.Parent.Parent.Headgear:clone() g.Parent = hit.Character.Parent local C = g:GetChildren() for i=1, #C do if C[i].className == "Part" or C[i].className == "UnionOperation" or C[i].className == "MeshPart" then local W ="Weld") W.Part0 = g.Middle W.Part1 = C[i] local CJ = local C0 = g.Middle.CFrame:inverse()*CJ local C1 = C[i].CFrame:inverse()*CJ W.C0 = C0 W.C1 = C1 W.Parent = g.Middle end local Y ="Weld") Y.Part0 = hit.Parent.Head Y.Part1 = g.Middle Y.C0 =, 0, 0) Y.Parent = Y.Part0 end local h = g:GetChildren() for i = 1, # h do if h[i].className == "Part" or C[i].className == "UnionOperation" or C[i].className == "MeshPart" then h[i].Anchored = false h[i].CanCollide = false end end end ]]-- end script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onClicked)
-------- OMG HAX
r = game:service("RunService") local damage = 0 local slash_damage = 0 sword = script.Parent.Handle Tool = script.Parent function attack() local anim ="StringValue") anim.Name = "toolanim" anim.Value = "Slash" anim.Parent = Tool end function swordUp() Tool.GripForward =,0,0) Tool.GripRight =,1,0) Tool.GripUp =,0,1) end function swordOut() Tool.GripForward =,0,1) Tool.GripRight =,-1,0) Tool.GripUp =,0,0) end Tool.Enabled = true function onActivated() if not Tool.Enabled then return end Tool.Enabled = false local character = Tool.Parent; local humanoid = character.Humanoid if humanoid == nil then print("Humanoid not found") return end attack() wait(1) Tool.Enabled = true end function onEquipped() print("Running Delete") end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated) script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquipped)
--[=[ @return isRightDown: boolean ]=]
function Mouse:IsRightDown() return UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) end
-- Naturally Aspirated Engine
Tune.Engine = true Tune.Horsepower = 160 Tune.IdleRPM = 1000 Tune.PeakRPM = 11000 Tune.Redline = 13000 Tune.EqPoint = 9500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 2 Tune.CurveMult = 0.02
local ObjectShakeAddedEvent ="BindableEvent") local ObjectShakeRemovedEvent ="BindableEvent") local ObjectShakeUpdatedEvent ="BindableEvent") local PausedEvent ="BindableEvent") local ResumedEvent ="BindableEvent") local WindShake = { ObjectMetadata = {}; Octree =; Handled = 0; Active = 0; ObjectShakeAdded = ObjectShakeAddedEvent.Event; ObjectShakeRemoved = ObjectShakeRemovedEvent.Event; ObjectShakeUpdated = ObjectShakeUpdatedEvent.Event; Paused = PausedEvent.Event; Resumed = ResumedEvent.Event; } export type WindShakeSettings = { WindDirection: Vector3?, WindSpeed: number?, WindPower: number?, } function WindShake:Connect(funcName: string, event: RBXScriptSignal): RBXScriptConnection local callback = self[funcName] assert(typeof(callback) == "function", "Unknown function: " .. funcName) return event:Connect(function (...) return callback(self, ...) end) end function WindShake:AddObjectShake(object: BasePart, settingsTable: WindShakeSettings?) if typeof(object) ~= "Instance" then return end if not object:IsA("BasePart") then return end local metadata = self.ObjectMetadata if metadata[object] then return else self.Handled += 1 end metadata[object] = { Node = self.Octree:CreateNode(object.Position, object); Settings =, DEFAULT_SETTINGS); Seed = math.random(1000) * 0.1; Origin = object.CFrame; } self:UpdateObjectSettings(object, settingsTable) ObjectShakeAddedEvent:Fire(object) end function WindShake:RemoveObjectShake(object: BasePart) if typeof(object) ~= "Instance" then return end local metadata = self.ObjectMetadata local objMeta = metadata[object] if objMeta then self.Handled -= 1 metadata[object] = nil objMeta.Node:Destroy() if object:IsA("BasePart") then object.CFrame = objMeta.Origin end end ObjectShakeRemovedEvent:Fire(object) end function WindShake:Update(dt) local now = os.clock() debug.profilebegin("WindShake") local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local cameraCF = camera and camera.CFrame local updateObjects = self.Octree:RadiusSearch(cameraCF.Position + (cameraCF.LookVector * 115), 120) local activeCount = #updateObjects self.Active = activeCount if self.Active < 1 then return end local step = math.min(1, dt * 8) local cfTable = table.create(activeCount) local objectMetadata = self.ObjectMetadata for i, object in ipairs(updateObjects) do local objMeta = objectMetadata[object] local lastComp = objMeta.LastCompute or 0 local origin = objMeta.Origin local current = objMeta.CFrame or origin if (now - lastComp) > UPDATE_HZ then local objSettings = objMeta.Settings local seed = objMeta.Seed local amp = math.abs(objSettings.WindPower * 0.1) local freq = now * (objSettings.WindSpeed * 0.08) local rot = math.noise(freq, 0, seed) * amp objMeta.Target = origin * CFrame.Angles(rot, rot, rot) + objSettings.WindDirection * ((0.5 + math.noise(freq, seed, seed)) * amp) objMeta.LastCompute = now end current = current:Lerp(objMeta.Target, step) objMeta.CFrame = current cfTable[i] = current end workspace:BulkMoveTo(updateObjects, cfTable, Enum.BulkMoveMode.FireCFrameChanged) debug.profileend() end function WindShake:Pause() if self.UpdateConnection then self.UpdateConnection:Disconnect() self.UpdateConnection = nil end self.Active = 0 self.Running = false PausedEvent:Fire() end function WindShake:Resume() if self.Running then return else self.Running = true end -- Connect updater self.UpdateConnection = self:Connect("Update", RunService.Heartbeat) ResumedEvent:Fire() end function WindShake:Init() if self.Initialized then return else self.Initialized = true end -- Define attributes if they're undefined. local power = script:GetAttribute("WindPower") local speed = script:GetAttribute("WindSpeed") local direction = script:GetAttribute("WindDirection") if typeof(power) ~= "number" then script:SetAttribute("WindPower", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.WindPower) end if typeof(speed) ~= "number" then script:SetAttribute("WindSpeed", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.WindSpeed) end if typeof(direction) ~= "Vector3" then script:SetAttribute("WindDirection", DEFAULT_SETTINGS.WindDirection) end -- Clear any old stuff. self:Cleanup() -- Wire up tag listeners. local windShakeAdded = CollectionService:GetInstanceAddedSignal(COLLECTION_TAG) self.AddedConnection = self:Connect("AddObjectShake", windShakeAdded) local windShakeRemoved = CollectionService:GetInstanceRemovedSignal(COLLECTION_TAG) self.RemovedConnection = self:Connect("RemoveObjectShake", windShakeRemoved) for _,object in pairs(CollectionService:GetTagged(COLLECTION_TAG)) do self:AddObjectShake(object) end -- Automatically start. self:Resume() end function WindShake:Cleanup() if not self.Initialized then return end self:Pause() if self.AddedConnection then self.AddedConnection:Disconnect() self.AddedConnection = nil end if self.RemovedConnection then self.RemovedConnection:Disconnect() self.RemovedConnection = nil end table.clear(self.ObjectMetadata) self.Octree:ClearNodes() self.Handled = 0 self.Active = 0 self.Initialized = false end function WindShake:UpdateObjectSettings(object: Instance, settingsTable: WindShakeSettings) if typeof(object) ~= "Instance" then return end if typeof(settingsTable) ~= "table" then return end if not self.ObjectMetadata[object] then if object ~= script then return end end for key, value in pairs(settingsTable) do object:SetAttribute(key, value) end ObjectShakeUpdatedEvent:Fire(object) end function WindShake:UpdateAllObjectSettings(settingsTable: WindShakeSettings) if typeof(settingsTable) ~= "table" then return end for obj, objMeta in pairs(self.ObjectMetadata) do local objSettings = objMeta.Settings for key, value in pairs(settingsTable) do objSettings[key] = value end ObjectShakeUpdatedEvent:Fire(obj) end end function WindShake:SetDefaultSettings(settingsTable: WindShakeSettings) self:UpdateObjectSettings(script, settingsTable) end return WindShake
--[[ Enables or disables character movement (eg. walking, jumping) based on the 'isEnabled' argument. This function is called whenever the MerchBooth UI is opened or closed. ]]
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local function setCharacterMovementEnabled(isEnabled: boolean) local playerModule = Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts:FindFirstChild("PlayerModule") if playerModule then playerModule = require(playerModule) playerModule:GetControls():Enable(isEnabled) end end return setCharacterMovementEnabled
--| Service |--
local Replicated = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local TS = game:GetService("TweenService") local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
-- functions
local function CreateSquad(name) local squad = script.Squad:Clone() squad.Name = name and name or HttpService:GenerateGUID(false) squad.Queue.Value = "Solo" squad.Fill.Value = false squad.Parent = SQUADS return squad end local function GetSquad(player) for _, squad in pairs(SQUADS:GetChildren()) do if squad.Players:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then return squad end end end local function RemovePlayer(player) for _, squad in pairs(SQUADS:GetChildren()) do local playerValue = squad.Players:FindFirstChild(player.Name) if playerValue then playerValue:Destroy() if #squad.Players:GetChildren() == 0 then squad:Destroy() else if not squad.Players:FindFirstChild(squad.Leader.Value) then squad.Leader.Value = squad.Players:GetChildren()[1].Name end end break end end end local function AddPlayerToSquad(player, squad) local currentSquad = GetSquad(player) if currentSquad then RemovePlayer(player) end local playerValue ="BoolValue") playerValue.Name = player.Name playerValue.Value = false playerValue.Parent = squad.Players if #squad.Players:GetChildren() == 1 then squad.Leader.Value = player.Name elseif #squad.Players:GetChildren() > 1 then squad.Queue.Value = "Squad" end end local function LeaveSquad(player) local squad = CreateSquad() AddPlayerToSquad(player, squad) REMOTES.MatchInfo:FireClient(player, "Leave") end
--[[** <description> Run this once to combine all keys provided into one "main key". Internally, this means that data will be stored in a table with the key mainKey. This is used to get around the 2-DataStore2 reliability caveat. </description> <parameter name = "mainKey"> The key that will be used to house the table. </parameter> <parameter name = "..."> All the keys to combine under one table. </parameter> **--]]
function DataStore2.Combine(mainKey, ...) for _, name in pairs({...}) do combinedDataStoreInfo[name] = mainKey end end function DataStore2.ClearCache() DataStoreCache = {} end function DataStore2.SaveAll(player) if DataStoreCache[player] then for _, dataStore in pairs(DataStoreCache[player]) do if dataStore.combinedStore == nil then dataStore:Save() end end end end function DataStore2.PatchGlobalSettings(patch) for key, value in pairs(patch) do assert(Settings[key] ~= nil, "No such key exists: " .. key) -- TODO: Implement type checking with this when osyris' t is in Settings[key] = value end end function DataStore2.__call(_, dataStoreName, player) assert( typeof(dataStoreName) == "string" and typeof(player) == "Instance", ("DataStore2() API call expected {string dataStoreName, Instance player}, got {%s, %s}") :format( typeof(dataStoreName), typeof(player) ) ) if DataStoreCache[player] and DataStoreCache[player][dataStoreName] then return DataStoreCache[player][dataStoreName] elseif combinedDataStoreInfo[dataStoreName] then local dataStore = DataStore2(combinedDataStoreInfo[dataStoreName], player) dataStore:BeforeSave(function(combinedData) for key in pairs(combinedData) do if combinedDataStoreInfo[key] then local combinedStore = DataStore2(key, player) local value = combinedStore:Get(nil, true) if value ~= nil then if combinedStore.combinedBeforeSave then value = combinedStore.combinedBeforeSave(clone(value)) end combinedData[key] = value end end end return combinedData end) local combinedStore = setmetatable({ combinedName = dataStoreName, combinedStore = dataStore, }, { __index = function(_, key) return CombinedDataStore[key] or dataStore[key] end }) if not DataStoreCache[player] then DataStoreCache[player] = {} end DataStoreCache[player][dataStoreName] = combinedStore return combinedStore end local dataStore = {} dataStore.Name = dataStoreName dataStore.UserId = player.UserId dataStore.callbacks = {} dataStore.beforeInitialGet = {} dataStore.afterSave = {} dataStore.bindToClose = {} dataStore.savingMethod = SavingMethods[Settings.SavingMethod].new(dataStore) setmetatable(dataStore, DataStoreMetatable) local event, fired ="BindableEvent"), false game:BindToClose(function() if not fired then spawn(function() player.Parent = nil -- Forces AncestryChanged to fire and save the data end) event.Event:wait() end local value = dataStore:Get(nil, true) for _, bindToClose in pairs(dataStore.bindToClose) do bindToClose(player, value) end end) local playerLeavingConnection playerLeavingConnection = player.AncestryChanged:Connect(function() if player:IsDescendantOf(game) then return end playerLeavingConnection:Disconnect() print(dataStore) dataStore:SaveAsync():andThen(function() print("player left, saved " .. dataStoreName) end):catch(function(error) -- TODO: Something more elegant warn("error when player left! " .. error) end):finally(function() event:Fire() fired = true end) delay(40, function() --Give a long delay for people who haven't figured out the cache :^( DataStoreCache[player] = nil end) end) if not DataStoreCache[player] then DataStoreCache[player] = {} end DataStoreCache[player][dataStoreName] = dataStore return dataStore end DataStore2.Constants = Constants return setmetatable(DataStore2, DataStore2)
--[[Weight and CG]]
Tune.Weight = 2000 -- Total weight (in pounds) Tune.WeightBSize = { -- Size of weight brick (dimmensions in studs ; larger = more stable) --[[Width]] 6 , --[[Height]] 4 , --[[Length]] 15 } Tune.WeightDist = 51 -- Weight distribution (0 - on rear wheels, 100 - on front wheels, can be <0 or >100) Tune.CGHeight = .8 -- Center of gravity height (studs relative to median of all wheels) Tune.WBVisible = false -- Makes the weight brick visible --Unsprung Weight Tune.FWheelDensity = .1 -- Front Wheel Density Tune.RWheelDensity = .1 -- Rear Wheel Density Tune.FWLgcyDensity = 1 -- Front Wheel Density [PGS OFF] Tune.RWLgcyDensity = 1 -- Rear Wheel Density [PGS OFF] Tune.AxleSize = 2 -- Size of structural members (larger = MORE STABLE / carry more weight) Tune.AxleDensity = .1 -- Density of structural members
--Editable Values
local Drag = .34 --Drag Coefficient local F = 125 --Downforce at 300 SPS local R = 150 --Downforce at 300 SPS local Vol = 1