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Tell him either to call on me or to ring me up. | Mwambie labda aniite au anipigie simu. |
We named the dog Tim. | Tumpa mbwa jina la Tim. |
We have learned much about survival from lower forms of animal life. | Tumejifunza mengi kuhusu kuishi kutoka kwa aina ya chini ya maisha ya wanyama. |
We decided to cease financial support. | Tuliamua kusitisha msaada wa kifedha. |
Private detectives were hired to look into the strange case. | Wapelelezi wa kibinafsi waliajiriwa ili kuchunguza kesi hiyo ya kustaajabisha. |
I don't know how to operate a spinning wheel. | Sijui jinsi ya kuendesha gurudumu la kuruka. |
At the games they were sold by men who kept them warm in hot-water tanks. | Kwenye michezo waliuzwa na wanaume waliowapa joto katika matangi ya maji moto. |
Please ask the secretary to stock the office supplies in the storage room. | Tafadhali muombe katibu ahifadhi vifaa vya ofisi kwa stoo. |
Better drop by his gallery if you have time. | Unaweza kuenda kwenye duka lake la ukiwa na muda. |
My temper sometimes gets the better of me. | Wakati mwingine hasira zangu unisaidia. |
The next stage was to enter a good arts school. | Hatua inayofuata ilikuwa kuingia shule nzuri ya sanaa. |
The deer slept on a bed of leaves. | Kulungu alilala kwenye kitanda cha majani. |
The fact is that I can't swim. | Kwa kweli siwezi kuogelea. |
Some say society should be corrected first, but that is to put the cart before the horse. | Wengine husema jamii irekebishwe kwanza, lakini hiyo ni kuweka mkokoteni mbele ya farasi. |
Something must be wrong with our car; the engine is giving off smoke. | Kuna kitu hakipo sawa na gari letu, injini inatoa moshi. |
The younger generation looks at things differently. | Kizazi kipya huangalia mambo kwa njia tofauti. |
There is a lack of communication between the young and the old. | Kuna ukosefu wa mawasiliano kati ya vijana na wazee. |
It became popular among young people to wear hunting boots. | Ilikuja kuwa maarufu miongoni mwa vijana kuvaa buti za uwindaji. |
Their sweet melody made young people feel free. | Nyimbo zao tamu ziliwafanya vijana wahisi huru. |
The host cut the turkey for the guests. | Mwenyeji waliwachinjia wageni bata mzinga. |
The chief engineer did research hand in hand with his assistant. | Mhandisi mkuu alifanya utafiti pamoja na msaidizi wake. |
I'm up to my neck in work. | Nina shughuli nyingi kazini. |
The Prime Minister's explanation of the scandal just wouldn't wash with the public. | Maelezo ya Waziri Mkuu juu ya kashfa hiyo hayajaridhisha umma. |
The Prime Minister held a press conference yesterday. | Waziri Mkuu alikuwa na mkutano na waandishi wa habari jana. |
The prime minister was unable to form a cabinet. | Waziri Mkuu hakuweza kuunda Baraza la Mawaziri. |
There is close relationship between supply and demand. | Kuna uhusiano wa karibu kati ya upatikanaji na mahitaji. |
You'd better avoid discussion of religion and politics. | Ni bora uepuke majadiliano juu ya dini na siasa. |
Slaves find power in religion. | Watumwa wanapata nguvu katika dini. |
Gravity pulls things toward the center of the earth. | Nguvu za uvutano huvuta vitu zikielekea katikati ya dunia. |
My uncle guaranteed my debts. | Mjomba wangu alihakikishia deni langu. |
He always talks as though he knows how to handle himself but you never know how he'll act when the chips are down. | Huwa anaongea kila wakati kana kwamba anajua jinsi ya kujishughulikia lakini huwezi kujua atakuwaje mambo yakiwa mabaya. |
You'd better examine the contract carefully before signing. | Ni bora uchunguze mkataba kwa uangalifu kabla ya kusaini. |
So valuable were books that the greatest care was taken of them. | Vitabu vilikuwa vya dhamani na vililindwa vizuri. |
My wife's hands are slightly smaller than the shop assistant's. | Mikono ya mke wangu ni midogo kidogo kuliko mikono ya msaidizi katika duka. |
Do something about the flow of blood from the wound. | Fanya kitu kuhusu mtiririko wa damu kutoka kwa jeraha. |
The scar shows clearly. | Kovu linaonyesha wazi. |
Little girls in general are fond of dolls. | Wasichana wadogo kwa ujumla wanapenda madoli. |
Leaves lay thick in the lane. | Majani mazito yako kwenye barabara hiyo. |
Would you just move along a bit, please? | Je, unaweza kusonga mbele kidogo, tafadhali? |
The girl listened to music, the boy was reading a book. | Msichana alisikiza muziki, mvulana alikuwa anasoma kitabu. |
The girl tried hard to hold back her tears. | Msichana alijaribu sana kufungia machozi. |
The boy was anxious for a bicycle. | Mvule alikuwa na wasiwasi ya baiskeli. |
The youth was arrested for being involved in a riot. | Huyu kijana alikamatwa kwa kushiriki mandamano. |
There were bits of broken glass on the floor. | Kulikuwa na vipande vya glasi iliyovunjika kwenye sakafu. |
The floor was painted green, while the walls were yellow. | Sakafu ilikuwa ya rangi ya kijani, huku ukuta ulikuwa wa manjano. |
Would you do me a favor by moving that chair over to the corner so that I can sweep the floor? | Je, ungenifanyia fadhili kwa kusongesha kiti kwenye kona ili niweze kufagia sakafu? |
You can't accuse him of stealing unless you have proof. | Hauwezi kumshutumu kwa kuiba ila tu ukiwa thibitisho. |
The castle stands facing a beautiful lake. | Kasri linatazma ziwa zuri. |
A polite way to reveal knowledge of a fact without telling the source of the information is to say, "a little bird told me". | Njia ya upole ya kufunua maarifa ya ukweli bila kufichua chanzo cha habari ni kusema, "ndege mdogo aliniambia". |
The doorbell rang during the meal. | Kelele ya mlangoni ililia wakati wa chakula. |
It's a fort built to defend the town from invasion. | Ni ngome iliyojengwa kulinda mji kutokana na uvamizi. |
Lately I've had the time to quietly enjoy the wonders of nature. | Hivi majuzi nimekuwa nikifurahia kwa kimya maajabu ya mazingira. |
He didn't want to disappoint his wife by giving up his new position. | Hakutaka kumwangusha mkewe kwa kuacha cheo chake kipya. |
Newspapers, television, and radio are called the mass media. | Magazeti, runinga, na redio huitwa vyombo vya habari vya umma. |
Two whole pages of the newspaper were devoted to the news of the royal divorce. | Kurasa mbili za gazeti zilitengewa habari ya talaka ya kifalme. |
According to the newspaper, the boy was knocked unconscious and lay on his back with his eyes closed. | Kulingana na gazeti hili, kijana huyo aligongwa akazimia na kulalia mgongoni mwake huku macho yake yakiwa yamefungwa. |
The function of the press is to provide the common people with facts. | Kazi ya waandishi wa habari ni kuwapa watu wa kawaida ukweli. |
The newspaper always keeps us informed of the events taking place in the world. | Gazeti linatuarifu matukio yanayofanyika ulimwenguni. |
Glue the photograph to your application form. | Shikanisha picha kwa fomu yako ya maombi. |
After she filled out the application, the records clerk told her that the fee was eight dollars. | Baada ya kujaza fomu ya maombi, karani wa kumbukumbu alimwambia kwamba ada yake ni dola nane. |
Stop trying to make us follow all these subtle clues. I wish you would say what you want to say more clearly. | Acha kutufanya tufuate dalili hizi za hila. Natamani ungesema kwa usahihi zaidi kile unachotaka kusema. |
The discovery of truth should remain the single aim of science. | Ugunduzi wa ukweli unapaswa kubaki lengo moja la sayansi. |
When meeting a person for the first time, be sure to pay attention to the distance placed between yourself and your partner. | Wakati wa kukutana na mtu kwa mara ya kwanza, kuwa makini kwa nafasi iliyopo kati yako na mwenzi wako. |
Don't speak ill of others while they are away. | Usiongee vibaya juu ya wengine wanapokuwa mbali. |
What one is is more important than what one has. | Alichonacho in muhimu zaidi kuliko alichokuwa nacho. |
There is no limit to human progress. | Hakuna ukomo kwa maendeleo ya binadamu. |
The world needs to change its thinking and behavior, especially in the developed nations. | Ulimwengu unahitaji kubadilisha fikira na tabia yake, haswa katika mataifa yaliyoendelea. |
The world needs to develop new energy sources in place of oil. | Ulimwengu unahitaji kukuza vyanzo vipya vya nishati badala ya mafuta. |
Does a uniform eliminate class difference? | Je, sare huondoa tofauti za tabaka? |
The struggle to succeed sometimes leaves people feeling empty. | Mapambano ya kufanikiwa wakati mwingine huwacha watu wakihisi tupu. |
Politics was the main topic of their conversation. | Hueleza kwa muhtasari mada kuu za somo. |
The government watched the activities of radical groups carefully. | Serikali ilitazama shughuli za vikundi vya waasi kwa uangalifu. |
The government made an announcement to the effect that taxes would be raised. | Serikali ilitangaza kwamba kodi zitaongezwa. |
Although the government refuses to admit it, its economic policy is in ruins. | Hata ingwa serikali inakataa kukubali, sera zake za uchumi ni za uharibifu. |
According to the stars, she and I aren't supposed to have much chemistry between us. | Kulingana na nyota, yeye na mimi hatustahili kuwa na mapenzi kati yetu. |
Rain or shine, the opening ceremony is to begin at nine. | Kuwe na mvua au jua, sherehe ya ufunguzi itaanza saa tisa. |
He has a reputation as being straight as an arrow. He'd never get involved in corruption. | Ana sifa ya kunyooka kama mshale. Hawezi kamwe kujihusisha na ufisadi. |
The students found the final examination to be a breeze. | Wanafunzi waligundua kuwa, mitihani ya mwisho ilikuwa mizuri. |
A blue suit, white shirt and red tie are essential for all male workers. | Suti ya bluu, shati nyeupe na tai nyekundu ni muhimu kwa wafanyakazi wote wa kiume. |
Moral and physical development are remarkable in the youth. | Maendeleo ya maadili na ya mwili ni ya kupendeza katika ujana. |
The rising generation always have some funny ideas. | Kizazi hiki kinachoibuka kina maoni fulani ya kuchekesha kila wakati. |
Soap helps remove the dirt. | Sabuni husaidia kuondoa uchafu. |
Babies want plenty of sleep. | Watata wanafaa kulala sana. |
The baby was amusing itself with the cat's tail. | Mtoto alikuwa akijiburudisha na mkia wa paka. |
We look forward to receiving your quote by return mail. | Tunatazamia kupokea nukuu yako kwa barua ya kurudi. |
His steps were clearly marked in the snow. | Nyayo zake zilionekana kwenye barafu. |
The promise I made to you last week still holds true. | Ahadi niliyokupa juma lililopita bado ni kweli. |
There's been a constant stream of complaint calls since last week. | Tangu wiki iliyopita, kumekuwepo na mtiririko wa simu za malalamishi. |
On last week's English test, my score was worse than hers. | Kwenye jaribio la Kiingereza la wiki iliyopita, alama yangu ilikuwa mbaya kuliko yake. |
Our teacher advanced the date of the exam. | Mwalimu wetu alisogeza mbele tarehe ya mtihani. |
The teacher explained the new lesson at length to the students. | Mwalimu alielezea somo jipya kwa urefu kwa wanafunzi. |
The teacher stressed the importance of daily practice. | Mwalimu alisisitiza umuhimu wa mazoezi ya kila siku. |
Many families had lost their savings during the war and had nothing to fall back on. | Familia nyingi zilipoteza akiba zao wakati wa vita na hwauka na chochote cha kutegemea. |
During the war, America tried to stop trading with England. | Wakati wa vita huo, Amerika ilijaribu kuacha kufanya biashara na Uingereza |
The fountain sends hot water to a height of 170 feet. | Kibubujiko hurusha maji moto futi 170 juu. |
Traveling by ship gives us great pleasure. | Kusafiri kwa meli hutupendeza sana. |
It is dull to travel by ship. | Haichangamshi kusafiri kwa meli. |
The ship wound in and out among the islands. | Meli iliingia ndani na nje baina ya visiwa. |
The ship reached its destination in safety. | Meli iliwasiri salama. |
A captain is in charge of his ship and its crew. | Nahodha hudhibiti meli na wafanyakazi wake. |