English sentence
Swahili Translation
His technique was unique and absolutely amazing.
Mbinu yake ilikuwa ya kipekee na ya kushangaza mno.
He turned to a tall woman nearby.
Alimgeukia mwanamke mrefu aliyekaribu.
Some board members questioned his ability to run the corporation.
Baadhi ya wanachama wa tume walihoji uwezo wake wa kuendesha shirika hilo.
His absence gave birth to all sorts of rumors.
Kukosa kwake kulileta uvumi mwingi.
His latest novel marks a great advance on his previous ones.
Riwaya yake ya hivi karibuni inaashiria maendeleo makubwa kwa zile za awali.
His latest works are on display at the city hall. They are fabulous beyond description.
Kazi zake mpya zimeonyeshwa katika ukumbi wa halmashauri ya Jiji. Ni wazuri sana kupita maelezo.
I would have failed but for his help.
Laiti singepata usaidizi wake, singefaulu.
I wonder if his tax returns will stand close examination.
Nashangaa ikiwa malipo yake ya ushuru yatastahimili uchunguzi.
Sailing a boat, his chief hobby, costs him most of his salary.
Kuendesha mashua, kazi anayoipenda, inamgharimu mshahara wake.
I think his suggestion is worth considering.
Nafikiri pendekezo lake linafaa kuzingatiwa.
His discovery gave rise to a revolution in transport.
Ugunduzi wake ulileta mapinduzi katika uchukuzi.
The way he spoke attracted the attention of a famous writer.
Namna alivyoongea ilivutia makini ya mwandishi mashuhuri.
He is the man who I believe can help you.
Yeye ni MTU ambaye ninaamini anaweza kunisaidia.
He divided one million dollars among his five sons.
Aligawanya dola milioni moja kati ya wanawe watano.
They were born one month apart in 1970.
Walizaliwa mwaka 1970 wakipishana mwezi moja.
He reached home shortly before five o'clock.
Alifika nyumbani muda mfupi kabla ya saa kumi na moja jioni.
He ate chicken, along with salad and rolls.
Alikula kuku, saladi pamoja na vikuto.
He got tired soon.
Alichoka karibuni.
He refused to accept such an absurd proposal.
Alikataa kukubali pendekezo kama hilo la upuuzi.
He denied having taken part in the crime.
Alikana kwamba kushiriki kwenye uhalifu huo.
He gave the poor woman some bread and a five dollar bill besides.
Alimpa yule mwanamke maskini mkate na noti ya dola tano.
He hid behind the tree.
Akajificha nyuma ya mti.
He is a tennis player.
Yeye ni mchezaji wa tenisi.
He gave an account of how he had escaped.
Alitoa taarifa ya jinsi alivyonusurika.
When he entered the building, he was frightened by a sudden cry.
Alipoingia ndani ya jengo hilo, alishtushwa na kilio cha ghafla.
He made a fortune by writing a best selling novel.
Alipata pesa kwa kuandika riwaya bora ya kuuza.
He explained the process of building a boat.
Alifafanua mchakato wa ujenzi wa mashua.
He kicked the ball out of the ground.
Alitupa mpira nje ya uwanja.
He is nothing but a child.
Yeye ni mtoto tu.
He was within an ace of success.
Alikuwa katika ukamilifu wa mafanikio.
He put his finger on the cause of the rocket's failure to orbit.
Alinyooshea kidole sababu ya roketi kushindwa kufuata obiti.
He keeps a diary in English.
Huwa anahifadhi shajara kwa Kiingereza.
He took a pencil in his hand.
Alishika penseli kwenye mkono wake.
He sometimes loses his temper for nothing.
Wakati mwingine yeye hukasirika bure.
He walked about the streets.
Alitembea kwenye mitaa.
He connected the cord to the machine.
Aliunganisha waya ya umeme kwa mashine.
I wonder if he can lend me his guitar during the vacation.
Nashangaa kama anaweza kunikopesha gita lake wakati wa likizo.
He put his foot on the brake suddenly.
Alishika breki mguu mtupu kwa ghafla.
He wasted his time on gambling at the horse races.
Alipoteza wakati wake kwa kamari kwenye mbio za farasi.
I am sure he would be the last person to do it.
Ninahakika atakuwa mtu wa mwisho kukifanya.
He wishes to resign on the grounds that his health is failing.
Anatamani kujiuzulu kwa sababu kwamba afya yake inadhoofika.
He did it as he had been told.
Alifanya kama alivyoambiwa.
He had the good fortune to be rescued from the burning building.
Alikuwa na bahati nzuri ya kuokolewa kutoka kwa jengo lililokuwa linawaka moto.
He will assist us in changing the tire.
Atatisaidia kubadilisha tairi.
He asked me if I knew his father.
Aliniuliza ikiwa ninamjua baba yake.
He said he would write to me, but he hasn't.
Alisema ataniandikia, lakini bado hajafanya hivyo.
He took offense at what I said and turned on his heels.
Mambo niliyosema yalimkasirisha na akaondoka ghafla.
He is no relation to me.
Hana uhusiano nami.
He sent an immediate reply to my telegram.
Alituma jibu la haraka kwenye telegramu yangu.
He is concerned about the result of the exam.
Ana wasiwasi kuhusu matokeo ya mtihani.
He drew a check for twenty thousand yen in favor of his wife.
Aliandika cheki kwa yen elfu ishirini kwa mkewe.
He was sent into combat.
Alipelekwa vitani.
He was holding a large box in his arms.
Amebeba sanduku kubwa mkononi.
He turns off the lights so as not to waste electricity.
Yeye huzima taa ili wasiharibu umeme.
He cleaned out his saving on betting.
Alitumia akiba yake yote kwa kamari.
He is possessed of a strong fighting instinct.
Anatawaliwa na silika kubwa ya mapigano.
He owed his success to both ability and industry.
Mafanikio yake yalitokana na uwezo na bidii.
He drove a nail into the board.
Aligongelea msumari kwenye bodi.
He decided to play it safe and pull out of the tournament due to his injured knee.
Aliamua kucheza kwa usalama na kujitoa katika mashindano baada ya kuumia goti.
He built hospitals and helped the people of Africa improve their lives.
Alijenga mahosipitali na alisaidia watu wa Afrika kuboresha maisha yao.
He broke the law.
Alivunja sheria
He left on an expedition to the North Pole.
Aliondoka kwa safari ya kwenda North Pole.
As he grew up, he learned to put things in perspective.
Wakati wa kukuwa, alijifunza kuweka vitu kwa mtazamo.
They had only one child.
Walikuwa na mtoto mmoja tu.
Their bags were checked by security guards at the gate.
Mifuko yao ilikaguliwa na walinzi getini.
Their manner of bringing up their children is extremely unusual.
Jinsi wanavyolea watoto wao sio kawaida kabisa.
They developed a special computer system and fixed it to his wheelchair.
Waliandaa mfumo maalum wa kompyuta na kuisimamisha kwa kiti chake cha magurudumu.
They sat in the front row of the concert hall and heard the orchestra clearly.
Walikaa mstari wa mbele wa ukumbi wa tamasha na walisikia okestra vizuri.
They attempted in vain to bribe the witness.
Walijaribu kutoa rushwa kwa shahidi huyo
They sent me a sample in answer to my request.
Walinitumia sampuli katika kujibu ombi langu.
They all account Mr James an able businessman.
Wote wanathibitisha Bwana James kuwa mwanabiashara mwenye uwezo.
They experienced emotional pain and despair.
Walipata maumivu ya kihisia na kukata tamaa.
There is a strong bond of affection between them.
Kuna uhusiano mkubwa wa kimapenzi kati yao.
They shot down two enemy planes during the raid.
Walipiga risasi ndege mbili za adui wakati wa uvamizi.
They earn their living by collecting and selling old newspapers.
Wanapata pesa za kujikimu kwa kukusanya na kuuza magazeti ya zamani.
They went on a voyage.
They believe their country is secure against foreign enemies.
Wanaamini kuwa nchi yao iko salama dhidi ya maadui wa kigeni.
They are in the teachers' room.
Wamo chumbani mwa mwalimu.
They had better have kept their mouths shut.
Ingekuwa bora kama wangenyamaza.
They mentioned two famous tourist spots, neither of which we have visited yet.
Walitaja maeneo mawili maarufu ya watalii ambayo hatujawahi kuyatembelea.
I received a letter from her to the effect that she couldn't accept my marriage proposal.
Nilipokea barua kutoka kwake ikionyesha kwamba hakuweza kukubali ombi langu la ndoa.
I could hear her sobbing in her bedroom.
Nilimsikia akipiga kelele chumbani mwake.
As soon as she entered the room, I rose to my feet and made a deep bow.
Mara tu alipoingia chumbani, niliinuka na kuinama.
The man whom she is talking with is Mr Allen.
Mwanamume ambaye anaongea naye ni Bwana Allen.
Singing comes as naturally to her as flying does to birds.
Kuimba huja kwa kawaida kwake kama vile kuruka kwa ndege.
I remember meeting her somewhere.
Nakumbuka kukutana naye mahali fulani.
Her folks cannot help worrying about her wound.
Wazazi wake hawawezi jizuia kuhofia kidonda chake.
Her voice still rings in my ears.
Sauti yake bado ipo masikioni mwangu.
Her beauty cast a spell over him.
Urembo wake ulimletea mapepo.
Her father works at the bank.
Babake anafanya kazi kwenye benki.
I can't make head nor tail of her lecture on health and physical education.
Sikuelewa kamwe hotuba yake kuhusu afya na elimu ya mwili.
Her name was Agnes then.
Jina lake lilikuwa Agnes wakati huo.
Instead of giving Alex a nut each time he said something, she'd only give it when he specifically said "nut."
Badala ya kumpa Alex njugu kila wakati akisema kitu, angetoa tu akisema "njugu."
She set a new Japanese record in the 100 meter dash.
Aliweka rekodi mpya ya Kijapani kwenye dashi ya mita 100.
She will be back in less than ten minutes.
Atarudi chini ya dakika kumi.
She made a tour of America, stopping in six cities.
Alifanya ziara ya Amerika, huku akisimama katika miji sita.
She got her coat and hat on.
Alikuwa amevalia koti na kofia yake.
She has been on a diet for the past two months because she put on too much weight during the winter.
Amekuwa muangalifu kwa mlo kwa miezi miwili iliyopita kwa sababu aliongeza uzito sana wakati wa msimu wa baridi.
She took first prize in the race.
Alichukua tuzo ya kwanza katika mbio.
She owns a Turner.
Anamiliki mkereza.