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Also as they are in an intimate relationship they are in a situation where it is easy for them to suffer from violence and difficult for them to bring complaints about that to court. | Pia kwa vile wapo katika uhusiano wa karibu wapo katika hali ambayo ni rahisi kwao kuteseka kwa unyanyasaji na ngumu kwao kuleta malalamishi hayo mahakamani. |
I didn't know what was what. The inside of my head had gone to panic mode and I couldn't get things straight. | Sikujua kilikuwa ni nini. Ndani ya kichwa changu, nilikuwa katika hali ya wasiwasi na singeweza kuweka vitu sawa. |
Don't you always sleep like a log yourself? I can understand your feelings of wanting them to enjoy their meal but don't be in such a rush. | Je, huwa huwa hulali kama mlingoti wewe? Ninaweza kuelewa hisia zako za kutaka wafurahie chakula chao lakini usiwe na haraka sana. |
So it's finally time to pay the piper. | Kwa hivyo ni wakati wa kumlipa mchezaji -zumari. |
My hair's messed up this morning. At least lend me a hand mirror - it should be shut in the drawer there. | Nywele yangu imechakaa asubuhi ya leo. Angalau nikope kioo cha mkono - inapaswa kufungwa kwenye droo hapo. |
His criminal record is apparently for murder, but he won't start to talk about the details. | Historia yake ya uhalifu ni ya mauaji, lakini hawezi kuongelea kwa undani. |
That's me - the coward unable to screw up his courage and find out the truth. | Huyo ni mimi-mwoga asiyeweza kudhibiti ujasiri wake na kuupata ukweli. |
I can feel not only people's souls, but also the faint spirit held by buildings, walls and such. | Naweza kuhisi sio tu roho za watu, lakini pia roho dhaifu ya kushikiliwa na majengo, ukuta na vitu kama hivyo. |
What was the gross income in the previous calendar year? | Mapato ya kijumla ya mwaka uliopita yalikuwa aje? |
As a general rule, the pension amount is based on price changes in the previous year. | Kama kanuni ya jumla, kiasi cha pensheni kinategemea mabadiliko ya bei katika mwaka uliopita. |
There are wheels within wheels. | Kuna magurudumu ndani ya magurudumu. |
That's no good! You're tall so you've got to be in the forward defence. | Hiyo sio nzuri! Wewe ni mrefu kwa hivyo lazima uwe kwenye mstari wa mbele. |
I'm sure it's tough taking part in the activities of two clubs, but good luck! | Nina hakika ni ngumu kushiriki katika shughuli za vilabu viwili, lakini kila la heri! |
"Is that some sort of uniform?" "Oh right, it's because I play field hockey." | "Je! Hiyo ni aina fulani ya sare?" "Sawa, ni kwa sababu mimi nacheza mchezo wa magogo." |
Oh no! I'm late again!! I'm going to get the nickname 'King of Late arrival'. | Jamani! Nimechelewa tena! Nitapata jina la utani "Mfalme wa kuwasili kuchelewa'. |
What does destroying evidence get you? The usual thing would be to contact the police, wouldn't it? | Je, kuharibu ushahidi unakupataje? Jambo la kawaida litakuwa kuwasiliana na polisi, sivyo? |
Thank you for waiting. One kid's meal and an ice cream soda. | Asante kwa kusubiri. Chakula cha mtoto mmoja na soda ya barafu. |
You need permission to put up that sort of poster, and, most of all, you're ruining the looks of the street! | Unahitaji kupata ruhusu kubandika matangazo, na isitoshe, unaharibu sura ya mtaa! |
This week I've watched foreign car-action movies with subtitles for three days in a row. | Wiki hii nimetazama sinema za vitendo vya gari la kigeni na nukuu kwa siku tatu mfululizo. |
There is a world of difference between, "somehow being understood" and "using correct English." | Kuna dunia mbili kati ya, "kutoelekewe kinamna" na "kutumia Kiingereza sahihi." |
You couldn't say that was a plan with any sense of reality to it. | Ungesema hiyo ilikuwa mpango bila uhalisi wake. |
Despair drove him to attempt suicide. | Kukata tamaa kulimfanya ajaribu kujiua |
It's when you become able to move that the real value of health hits home. | Ni wakati utaweza kuhama ndipo utafahamu thamani halisi ya afya. |
In my daily life I take care in various ways of my body so as not to damage my health. | Katika maisha yangu ya kila siku ninajali mwili wangu kwa njia mbalimbali ili nisidhuru afya yangu. |
We drew lots to decide who would go first at the early morning reception desk. | Alipiga kura kuamua ni nani atakayekwenda kwanza kwenye dawati la mapokezi ya asubuhi. |
"Certainly if someone is _that_ beautiful you'd draw back from approaching her." "Thought you'd agree." | "Kwa kweli ikiwa mtu ni mrembo utaokukurudisha kwake." "Nilidhani utakubali." |
Just press the button and a clear photo will be produced by the latest technology. | Bonyeza kitufe na picha nzuri itatolewa na teknolojia ya hivi karibuni. |
An office building, with 22 stories above ground and 2 below, is under construction. | Jengo la ofisi, lenye ghorofa 22 juu ya ardhi na 2 chini, linajengwa. |
He is a keen Stephen King fan. | Yeye ni shabiki wa Stephen King. |
The surgery, performed at our clinic, is over in half an hour. | Upasuaji uliofanywa katika kliniki yetu, ilikuwa zaidi ya nusu saa. |
When you swallow a dangerous substance, what you need to do depends on what you swallowed. | Unapomeza dutu hatari, kile unahitaji kufanya inategemea kile ulichomeza. |
What do you do when you get writer's block while writing a script? | Je, unafanya nini unapopata bloki ya mwandishi wakati wa kuandika hati? |
Changes of leadership have a great effect on the international political economy. | Mabadiliko ya uongozi yana athari kubwa kwa uchumi wa kisiasa wa kimataifa. |
The rise and fall of prices caused a financial crisis. | Kupanda na kushuka kwa bei kulisababisha dharura ya kifedha. |
Mum, a mere woman surrounded by men, works in a construction company as a site foreman. | Mama, mwanamke tu aliyezungukwa na wanaume, hufanya kazi katika kampuni ya ujenzi kama msimamizi wa ujenzi. |
The front wheel plays an important role in two-wheeled vehicles moving without falling over. | Gurudumu la mbele ni sehemu muhimu katika magari yenye magurudumu mawili kwa kusonga bila kuanguka chini. |
The meaning of the 'dollar peg' is "stick with the strong countries." | Maana ya 'pegi ya dola' ni "shikamana na nchi zenye nguvu." |
If you're going to apologise, sooner is better. | Ni bora Kama utaomba msamaha mapema. |
What you need to take part in business management is the team spirit to work with many colleagues. | Unachohitaji kushiriki katika usimamizi wa biashara ni roho ya timu ili ufanye kazi na wenzako wengi. |
Thinking about those sorts of things, I watched "Duck Soup" again. | Kufikiria juu ya vitu vya aina hiyo, niliangalia tena "supu ya bata". |
The basis of this system is that the students must take turns in teaching, they have to help each other. | Msingi wa mfumo huu ni kwamba wanafunzi lazima wachukue zamu katika kufundisha, lazima wasaidiane. |
I don't know if he has any special powers or not, but he's probably stronger than a normal human. | Sijui kama ana nguvu yoyote maalum au la, lakini labda ana nguvu kuliko mwanadamu wa kawaida. |
But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. | Lakini nitakuwa nakueleza ukweli kuhusu changamoto tunazopitia. |
As Lincoln said to a nation far more divided than ours, we are not enemies but friends. | Kama Lincoln alivyosema kwa taifa lililogawanyika zaidi kuliko letu, sisi sio maadui bali marafiki. |
To those who seek peace and security: We support you. | Kwa wale wanaotafuta amani na usalama: Tunawaunga mkono. |
And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too. | Na kwa wale Wamarekani ambao sijapata uungwaji mkono wao, labda sijashinda kura zenu usiku wa leo, lakini nimesikia sauti zenu. Ninahitaji msaada wako. Na nitakuwa rais wenu pia. |
When is the party? | Tamasha litakuwa lini? |
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. | Vijiti na mawe yanaweza kuvunja mifupa yangu, lakini lakabu hayawezi kunikasirisha. |
The amount of smoke that comes out of an electronic cigarette isn't bad at all. | Kiasi cha moshi ambacho hutoka kwenye sigara ya elektroniki sio mbaya hata. |
A typical example of a field is provided by the real numbers. | Mfano wa kawaida wa uwanda hutolewa na nambari halisi. |
It is sweet and right to die for your homeland. | Ni vyema na sawa kufa kwa ajili ya nchi yako. |
Eleven students received the award. | Wanafunzi kumi na moja walipokea tuzo hiyo. |
It ain't like we gotta sell stuff, you know. | Sio kama tunapaswa kuuza vitu, unajua. |
Do you know the difference between silver and tin? | Je, unajua tofauti kati ya fedha na bati? |
Kent is a born leader. | Kent alizaliwa kiongozi. |
The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same. | Kila wakati, mchungaji hujaribu kushawishi kondoo wake kuwa masilahi yao na yake ni sawa. |
There are those, who, in distress, seek the help of other people's prayers, but have no mind to pray for themselves. | Kuna wale ambao, wakiwa na shida, hutafuta msaada kwa sala za watu wengine, lakini hawana dhana ya kujiombea. |
It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. | Ni bora kunyamaza na kuonekana mjinga kuliko kuzungumza na kuondoa shaka zote. |
I'm responsible for protecting her. | Nina jukumu la kumlinda. |
In addition to a blocked nose, I'm also suffering from a high temperature. | Kwa kuongeza kwenye pua iliyovujika, pia nina joto la juu. |
We got some special evidence that proves that he is guilty. | Tulipata ushahidi maalum unaothibitisha kuwa yeye ana hatia. |
About a dozen trees had soon been planted. | Karibu miti kadhaa ilikuwa imepandwa hivi karibuni. |
Underneath we wrote the names of the students in our class. | Chini yake tuliandika majina ya wanafunzi katika darasa letu. |
He was found guilty of attempted murder for attacking his mother with a knife. | Alipatikana na hatia ya kujaribu mauaji kwa kushambulia mama yake kwa kisu. |
I hope you consider my request for a day off this Tuesday 8th. If possible, I'd appreciate you letting me recover those hours any other day. | Natumai unafikiria ombi langu la siku ya kuondoka Jumanne hii 8. Ikiwezekana, ningekushukuru ukiruhusu kulipia masaa hayo siku nyingine yoyote. |
Is there any chance that he will come? | Je, kuna nafasi yoyote kwamba atakuja? |
For years he has been at the market every Tuesday morning with his fish stall. | Kwa miaka nyingi, amekuwa katika soko, kila Jumanne asubuhi na kibanda chake cha samaki. |
He is sincere in his promises. | Ni mwaminifu kwa ahadi zake. |
No matter how bad it gets, she won't die of that kind of sickness. | Haijalishi hali ni mbaya kiasi gani, hatakufa kwa ugonjwa wa aina hiyo. |
When she first saw the size of it, my naive girlfriend was blown away. | Alipoona saizi yake kwa mara ya kwanza, rafiki yangu wa kike asiye na huruma alishambuliwa. |
The Russians copy the French ways, but always fifty years later. | Warusi huiga njia za Ufaransa, lakini kila wakati miaka hamsini baadaye. |
A little nap and, just like that, I'm as fresh as a daisy. | Kulala kidogo na hivyo tu, niko safi kama daisy. |
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. | Wale ambao wanaweza kuuachilia Uhuru Muhimu ili kununua Usalama wa Muda Kidogo, hawastahili Uhuru wala Usalama. |
I saw Andrea leaving home. | Nilimuona Andrea akitoka nyumbani. |
I see Dana. | Namuona Dana. |
Ann is a sucker for chocolate. | Ann ni mnyonyaji wa chokoleti. |
This movie is about a poor girl who gets mistaken for the daughter of a rich man in the confusion following a train crash. | Hii sinema ni kuhusu binti maskini aliyekosewa kufananishwa na binti wa tajiri katika mkanganyiko uliofuatia ajali ya treni. |
Why were you picking up guys? | Mbona mlikuwa mnachukua watu? |
The soul that desires God to surrender himself to it entirely must surrender itself entirely to him without keeping anything for itself. | Nafsi inayotamani Mungu ajisalimishe kwake kabisa lazima ijisalimishe kwake bila kujiwekea chochote. |
We all labour against our own cure; for death is the cure of all disease. | Sote tunajitahidi dhidi ya tiba yetu wenyewe; kwa maana mauti ni tiba ya magonjwa yote. |
It scares me not to see you online the entire day. | Inaniogopesha kutokuona mtandaoni siku nzima. |
UN stands for United Nations. | UM, unamaanisha Umoja wa Mataifa. |
While we were out for a picnic, our house's lock was picked by a thief. | Tulipokuwa inje kwa matembezini, kifungio cha nyumba yetu ulivunjwa na mwizi. |
Revenge is a dish best served cold. | Kulipiza kisasi ni jambo linalofanywa kwa utaratibu. |
Gentlemen, lift the toilet seat! Ladies also like to sit dry. | Waungwana, nyanyua kiti cha choo! Mabibi pia hupenda kukaa pakavu. |
This miserable old church is the oldest building in our country. | Kanisa hili la ajabu la zamani ndilo jengo kongwe zaidi katika nchi yetu. |
Stuff today and starve tomorrow. | Shindilia leo na ufe njaa kesho. |
A man with a full belly thinks no one is hungry. | Aliyeshiba anadhani hakuna mtu aliye na njaa. |
It is sweet and noble to die for one's country. | Ni vyemau na heshima kufia nchi yako. |
This morning, I went to a fish selling counter and the flying fish was very fresh and also on sale. | Asubuhi hii, nilikwenda kwenye duka la kuuza samaki na samaki wa kuruka alikuwa safi sana na pia kwenye mauzo. |
Gentlemen, start your engines. | Waungwana, anzeni injini zenu. |
Carlos is intelligent and creative. | Carlos ni mwenye akili na ubunifu. |
Do you sell formal wear? | Je, unauza mavazi rasmi? |
While looking at the flowers I thought suddenly that humans too had a good side. It's humans who discovered the beauty of flowers and it's also humans who can appreciate them. | Nikiwa nayatazama maua kwa ghafla nilidhani kuwa wanadamu pia wana upande mzuri. Ni wanadamu ambao waligundua uzuri wa maua na pia ni wanadamu ambao wanaweza kuyathamini. |
He returned from Canada. | Alirejea kutoka Canada. |
On the edge of the cliff bloom the most beautiful flowers. | Maua mazuri zaidi yamekua kwenye ukingo wa jabali. |
The fast and effective solution for finding the job of your dreams! | Suluhisho la haraka na bora la kupata kazi ya ndoto zako! |
I will show you some. | Nitakuonesha baadhi. |
I'd like to introduce my good friend Luis. | Ningependa kukujulisha kwa rafiki yangu Luis. |
Me neither. | Wala si mimi. |