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A solution to the problem has been identified. | Suluhisho la shida limetambuliwa. |
The loss affected his fame. | Hasara iliathiri umaarufu wake. |
His fate was sealed within five rounds. | Hatima yake ilitiwa muhuri ndani ya raundi tano. |
There was a meeting on the possibility of working together. | Kulikuwa na mkutano juu ya uwezekano wa kufanya kazi pamoja. |
The determination to helping the infrastructural development was re-echoed. | Uamuzi wa kusaidia maendeleo ya miundombinu uliwekwa tena. |
The remarks were made prior to the launch of the new bridge. | Maneno hayo yalitolewa kabla ya uzinduzi wa daraja mpya. |
The majority of the people celebrated his return. | Watu wengi walisherehekea kurudi kwake. |
Unfortunately, he was not allowed to have any interactions. | Kwa bahati mbaya, hakuruhusiwa kuwa na mwingiliano wowote. |
The impact of the agribusiness on the youth has been proved. | Athari za kilimo kwa vijana zimethibitishwa. |
The actual number of the beneficiaries was higher than expected. | Idadi halisi ya wanufaika ilikuwa kubwa kuliko ilivyotarajiwa. |
The use of safe houses for torture worries many. | Matumizi ya nyumba salama kwa mateso yana wasiwasi wengi. |
A call for investigations into the operation of safe houses has been made. | Wito wa uchunguzi katika operesheni ya nyumba salama umefanywa. |
The successful players have been crowned. | Wacheza waliofanikiwa wamepigwa taji. |
Different stakeholders were in attendance. | Wadau tofauti walikuwa kwenye mahudhurio. |
There is a need for a heavier penalty against negligent parents. | Kuna haja ya adhabu nzito dhidi ya wazazi wasiojali. |
The parents have to let their children know the effect of early parenting. | Wazazi wanapaswa kuwaruhusu watoto wao kujua athari za uzazi wa mapema. |
Confrontations among fishermen increase amidst allegations of torture. | Mapigano kati ya wavuvi huongezeka huku kukiwa na madai ya kuteswa. |
Preferential treatment has been cited. | Matibabu ya upendeleo yametajwa. |
This is occasioned by some products being more profitable. | Hii inasababishwa na bidhaa zingine kuwa na faida zaidi. |
There is need to inquire into the dealings of the minister. | Kuna haja ya kuuliza juu ya shughuli za waziri. |
The call was made to the agricultural committee of parliament. | Simu hiyo ilifanywa kwa Kamati ya Kilimo ya Bunge. |
The team is one win away from claiming its sixth title. | Timu ni ushindi mmoja mbali na kudai taji lake la sita. |
The money for the elections has already been identified. | Pesa za uchaguzi tayari zimetambuliwa. |
The government has no clear statement. | Serikali haina taarifa wazi. |
A new jersey kit for the national team has been unveiled. | Kitengo cha New Jersey kwa timu ya kitaifa kimefunuliwa. |
The jersey maintains the colours of the national flag. | Jersey inashikilia rangi za bendera ya kitaifa. |
The men's jersey will be used for the first time on Saturday. | Jersey ya wanaume itatumika kwa mara ya kwanza Jumamosi. |
The squad was complete upon the arrival of one international player. | Kikosi kilikuwa kimekamilika baada ya kuwasili kwa mchezaji mmoja wa kimataifa. |
The president made his contribution towards the preparations. | Rais alitoa mchango wake kuelekea maandalizi. |
The deceased was a man of many faces. | Marehemu alikuwa mtu wa nyuso nyingi. |
There is a gap caused by his death. | Kuna pengo linalosababishwa na kifo chake. |
The move to demolish illegal structures was halted. | Hatua ya kubomoa miundo haramu ilisimamishwa. |
There was no consultation prior to enforcement. | Hakukuwa na mashauriano kabla ya utekelezaji. |
It is time for the change seekers to combine forces. | Ni wakati wa wanaotafuta mabadiliko kuchanganya vikosi. |
Legislators showed allegiance to the idea of peaceful transition. | Wabunge walionyesha utii kwa wazo la mabadiliko ya amani. |
Sugar regulation is the only way to ensure proper business. | Udhibiti wa sukari ndio njia pekee ya kuhakikisha biashara sahihi. |
Other players use the absence of the regulation to their advantage. | wahusika wengine hutumia kukosekana kwa kanuni kwa faida yao. |
He is an author of a news site. | Yeye ni mwandishi wa tovuti ya habari. |
The legislators pay tribute to the fallen Attorney General. | Wabunge wanalipa ushuru kwa wakili mkuu aliyeanguka. |
Paying tribute was not as usual. | Kulipa ushuru haikuwa kama kawaida. |
The different uniforms have been launched. | Sare tofauti zimezinduliwa. |
The majority of the people do not have savings. | Watu wengi hawana akiba. |
The focus is on the students. | Lengo ni kwa wanafunzi. |
He is still determined to end lawlessness. | Bado amedhamiria kumaliza uvunjaji wa sheria. |
The revelation was made during the fifty sixth independence day celebrations. | Ufunuo huo ulifanywa wakati wa maadhimisho ya Siku ya Uhuru ya Sita ya Sita. |
The home of the cameras was revealed to the public. | Nyumba ya kamera ilifunuliwa kwa umma. |
Crime is yet to be history, basing on the new installations. | Uhalifu bado ni historia, msingi wa mitambo mpya. |
Police station will serve as the national command centre for the cameras. | Kituo cha polisi kitatumika kama Kituo cha Amri cha Kitaifa cha Kamera. |
Work together so as to eliminate the rising cases of food contamination. | Fanya kazi pamoja ili kuondoa kesi zinazoongezeka za uchafuzi wa chakula. |
The farmers are likely to lose out. | Wakulima wanaweza kupoteza. |
The celebrations come at a time when basic needs are still scarce. | Maadhimisho hayo yanakuja wakati ambapo mahitaji ya kimsingi bado ni haba. |
Residents have resorted to sharing water with livestock. | Wakazi wameamua kushiriki maji na mifugo. |
Tea farmers criticise the falling prices amidst no government involvement. | Wakulima wa chai wanakosoa bei zinazopungua huku kukiwa na ushiriki wa serikali. |
Price variations affect the farmers. | Tofauti za bei zinaathiri wakulima. |
Independence is aimed at being personally in charge. | Uhuru unakusudia kuwa unasimamia kibinafsi. |
However, that is always not the case. | Walakini, hiyo sio kawaida. |
The memories were shared by one legislator. | Kumbukumbu zilishirikiwa na mbunge mmoja. |
Hopes are high for a victory in Saturday's game. | Matumaini ni ya juu kwa ushindi katika mchezo wa Jumamosi. |
There will be an exhibition of skill. | Kutakuwa na maonyesho ya ustadi. |
This will be a stepping stone for other competitions. | Hii itakuwa jiwe linaloendelea kwa mashindano mengine. |
The ninth edition of the tournament attracted many young players. | Toleo la tisa la mashindano hayo lilivutia wachezaji wengi wachanga. |
The fight of the year is yet to happen. | Mapigano ya mwaka bado hayajafanyika. |
The boxers are vigorously preparing themselves. | Mabondia wanajiandaa kwa nguvu. |
One of the participants was met. | Mmoja wa washiriki alikutana. |
There is a move to increase maternity leave. | Kuna hatua ya kuongeza likizo ya uzazi. |
The idea was raised at the meeting of women in leadership. | Wazo liliongezwa katika mkutano wa wanawake katika uongozi. |
Women should also combat corruption at their areas of work. | Wanawake wanapaswa pia kupambana na ufisadi katika maeneo yao ya kazi. |
There is need to inquire into the events around the refugee relocation plan. | Kuna haja ya kuuliza juu ya hafla zinazozunguka mpango wa uhamishaji wa wakimbizi. |
The call was made at a meeting with the select committee of parliament. | Simu hiyo ilifanywa katika mkutano na Kamati Teule ya Bunge. |
Nothing is spared by pollution. | Hakuna kitu kinachohifadhiwa na uchafuzi wa mazingira. |
Everything that is on Earth is threatened. | Kila kitu kilicho duniani kinatishiwa. |
There has been loss of property attributable to pollution. | Kumekuwa na upotezaji wa mali inayotokana na uchafuzi wa mazingira. |
Football is my favourite game. | Mpira wa miguu ni mchezo wangu unaopenda. |
There is a good relationship between Uganda and other countries. | Kuna uhusiano mzuri kati ya Uganda na nchi zingine. |
We need to invest in our country if the economy is to grow. | Tunahitaji kuwekeza katika nchi yetu ikiwa uchumi utakua. |
The team captain is confident that their team will finish in the top two positions. | Nahodha wa timu ana hakika kuwa timu yao itamaliza katika nafasi mbili za juu. |
The football team won ten matches out of the total number they played. | Timu ya mpira wa miguu ilishinda mechi kumi kati ya jumla ya idadi waliyocheza. |
The meeting is slated for next Thursday. | Mkutano huo umewekwa kwa Alhamisi ijayo. |
The employees kept talking about their discontent with the job. | Wafanyikazi waliendelea kuzungumza juu ya kutoridhika kwao na kazi hiyo. |
The police has warned the youth against engaging in political chaos. | Polisi wameonya vijana dhidi ya kujihusisha na machafuko ya kisiasa. |
People from the north eastern region of the country are cattle keepers. | Watu kutoka mkoa wa Kaskazini Mashariki mwa nchi ni watunza ng'ombe. |
Is their a new technology used in animal production? | Je! Teknolojia yao mpya inatumika katika uzalishaji wa wanyama? |
There is an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Uganda. | Kuna milipuko ya ugonjwa wa virusi vya Ebola nchini Uganda. |
The Ebola virus disease is highly contagious. | Ugonjwa wa virusi vya Ebola unaambukiza sana. |
There is too much littering of polythene bags in our community. | Kuna uchafu mwingi wa mifuko ya nailoni katika jamii yetu. |
We should avoid the use of polythene bags in our homes. | Tunapaswa kuzuia utumiaji wa mifuko ya nailoni majumbani kwetu. |
The landslides left so many people homeless and stranded. | Maporomoko ya ardhi yaliacha watu wengi wasio na makazi na wakiwa wamepotea. |
In my home village, five students died after a school building site collapsed. | Katika kijiji changu cha nyumbani, wanafunzi watano walikufa baada ya tovuti ya ujenzi wa shule kuanguka. |
The girls' dormitory was poorly constructed. | Mabweni ya wasichana hayakujengwa vibaya. |
We should visit the dentist at least twice a year. | Tunapaswa kutembelea daktari wa meno angalau mara mbili kwa mwaka. |
The doctor advised them to avoid self medication because it is harmful. | Daktari aliwashauri waepuke dawa za kibinafsi kwa sababu ni hatari. |
Did you know that drug abuse is increasing in children and teens? | Je! Ulijua kuwa utumiaji wa dawa za kulevya unaongezeka kwa watoto na vijana? |
His wife is very quarrelsome. | Mkewe ni mzozo sana. |
She is too talkative. | Yeye ni mzungumzaji sana. |
The opposition leader protested against corruption and youth employment. | Kiongozi wa upinzaji alipinga dhidi ya ufisadi na ajira kwa vijana. |
How much does our country spend on healthcare? | Je! Nchi yetu hutumia kiasi gani kwenye huduma ya afya? |
We don't have access to basic water supply and sanitation. | Hatuna ufikiaji wa usambazaji wa maji wa msingi na usafi wa mazingira. |
The opposition leaders called for peaceful protests after polls. | Viongozi wa upinzaji walitaka maandamano ya amani baada ya kupiga kura. |
The police patrol the streets every night. | Polisi hupiga doria barabarani kila usiku. |
The two planes are expected to be delivered in our country next month. | Ndege hizo mbili zinatarajiwa kutolewa katika nchi yetu mwezi ujao. |