English sentence
Swahili Translation
I missed the gold medal in last year's championship.
Nilikosa medali ya dhahabu kwenye ubingwa wa mwaka jana.
She won last year's body building contest.
Alishinda mashindano ya ujenzi wa mwili wa mwaka jana.
The leader encouraged the youths to do physical exercises regularly.
Kiongozi aliwahimiza vijana kufanya mazoezi ya mwili mara kwa mara.
She needs more time to improve her performance.
Anahitaji wakati zaidi wa kuboresha utendaji wake.
Physical exercises keep our bodies healthy.
Mazoezi ya mwili huweka miili yetu kuwa na afya.
According to the chairman's report, our village hosted two hundred refugees last year.
Kulingana na ripoti ya mwenyekiti, kijiji chetu kilishiriki wakimbizi mia mbili mwaka jana.
Different cultural leaders attended the function.
Viongozi tofauti wa kitamaduni walihudhuria kazi hiyo.
Our national airport is located in Entebbe municipality.
Uwanja wa ndege wetu wa kitaifa upo katika Manispaa ya Entebbe.
My friend travelled to Northern Uganda by plane.
Rafiki yangu alisafiri kwenda kaskazini mwa Uganda kwa ndege.
The research was carried out by a journalist.
Utafiti huo ulifanywa na mwandishi wa habari.
He is the most famous leader in the entire district.
Yeye ndiye kiongozi maarufu katika wilaya nzima.
We need to consult the village council.
Tunahitaji kushauriana na baraza la kijiji.
Some legislators didn't support his proposal.
Wabunge wengine hawakuunga mkono pendekezo lake.
I spent the holidays with my grandmother.
Nilitumia likizo na bibi yangu.
He was arrested for stealing his neighbour's goat.
Alikamatwa kwa kuiba mbuzi wa jirani yake.
My grandmother died at ninety seven years.
Bibi yangu alikufa katika miaka tisini na saba.
Sexually transmitted diseases have killed many people in Uganda.
Magonjwa ya zinaa yamewauwa watu wengi nchini Uganda.
It rained heavily in November last year.
Ilinyesha sana mnamo Novemba mwaka jana.
I don't eat grasshoppers.
Sitakula panzi.
People do various things to earn a living.
Watu hufanya vitu anuwai kupata riziki.
Tobacco is one of the cash crops grown in Uganda.
Tumbaku ni moja ya mazao ya pesa yaliyopandwa nchini Uganda.
There is a tobacco processing company in Jinja.
Kuna kampuni ya usindikaji wa tumbaku huko Jinja.
Government officials have complained about the increasing crime rate in the country.
Maafisa wa serikali wamelalamika juu ya kiwango cha uhalifu kinachoongezeka nchini.
Metallic windows last longer than the wooden ones.
Madirisha ya metali hudumu zaidi kuliko ile ya mbao.
The system will improve on the quality of work at the border.
Mfumo utaboresha juu ya ubora wa kazi katika mpaka.
The committee will be in charge of planning for the national team.
Kamati hiyo itakuwa inasimamia mipango ya timu ya kitaifa.
This hotel is located in the city center.
Hoteli hii iko katikati ya jiji.
The doctor has not come to work today.
Daktari hajakuja kufanya kazi leo.
Health workers are on a peaceful demonstration.
Wafanyikazi wa afya wako kwenye maonyesho ya amani.
The government promised to increase the salary of health workers.
Serikali iliahidi kuongeza mshahara wa wafanyikazi wa afya.
The cultural leader has been arrested by the police.
Kiongozi wa kitamaduni amekamatwa na polisi.
He is currently under house arrest.
Hivi sasa yuko chini ya kukamatwa kwa nyumba.
This day brings bad memories to the residents of our community.
Siku hii inaleta kumbukumbu mbaya kwa wakaazi wa jamii yetu.
This political party has been in existence for seventeen years.
Chama hiki cha siasa kimekuwepo kwa miaka kumi na saba.
It is among the leading opposition parties in our country.
Ni kati ya vyama vinavyoongoza vya upinzani katika nchi yetu.
This political party won the two thousand six presidential elections.
Chama hiki cha siasa kilishinda uchaguzi wa rais elfu mbili.
The biggest number of the refugees in this camp are Sudanese.
Idadi kubwa ya wakimbizi katika kambi hii ni Sudan.
Most of the refugee camps in the country lack good quality education facilities.
Kambi nyingi za wakimbizi nchini hazina vifaa bora vya elimu.
She is not a qualified teacher.
Yeye sio mwalimu anayestahili.
The party has given financial support to all its candidates.
Chama kimetoa msaada wa kifedha kwa wagombea wake wote.
He is the founder of the political party.
Yeye ndiye mwanzilishi wa chama cha siasa.
Political parties should not expose their problems to the public.
Vyama vya siasa havipaswi kufunua shida zao kwa umma.
The meeting was held at the political party headquarters last week.
Mkutano huo ulifanyika katika makao makuu ya chama cha siasa wiki iliyopita.
He was a very powerful politician in the past five years.
Alikuwa mwanasiasa mwenye nguvu sana katika miaka mitano iliyopita.
Some delegates came from abroad.
Wajumbe wengine walikuja kutoka nje ya nchi.
What are the headlines in today's news?
Je! Vichwa vya habari ni nini katika habari za leo?
Tomorrow we are voting for the new leaders of our town.
Kesho tunapiga kura kwa viongozi wapya wa mji wetu.
The former party president was from Western Uganda
Rais wa zamani wa chama alikuwa kutoka Magharibi mwa Uganda
The political party held the elections at their headquarters last week.
Chama cha siasa kilifanya uchaguzi katika makao makuu yao wiki iliyopita.
The winner will also be the party flag bearer in the upcoming presidential elections.
Mshindi pia atakuwa mtoaji wa bendera ya chama katika uchaguzi ujao wa rais.
He has got the support from all party members.
Amepata msaada kutoka kwa washiriki wote wa chama.
The ruling party is still strong in most parts of the country.
Chama tawala bado kina nguvu katika sehemu nyingi za nchi.
The current opposition party leaders are very young and strong.
Viongozi wa Chama cha Upinzani wa sasa ni mchanga sana na wenye nguvu.
Only the party delegates will be allowed to vote.
Wajumbe wa chama pekee ndio wataruhusiwa kupiga kura.
This time, the party meeting will be held in the central region.
Wakati huu, mkutano wa chama utafanyika katika mkoa wa kati.
According to the constitution, a Member of Parliament's term of office is five years.
Kulingana na Katiba, mjumbe wa muda wa Bunge wa ofisi ni miaka mitano.
The current committee is quick in decision making.
Kamati ya sasa ni ya haraka katika kufanya maamuzi.
He was one of the best officers in the police force.
Alikuwa mmoja wa maafisa bora katika jeshi la polisi.
The killers were imprisoned.
Wauaji walifungwa.
Some of them were innocent.
Baadhi yao hawakuwa na hatia.
The organising committee had its last meeting yesterday.
Kamati ya kuandaa ilikuwa na mkutano wake wa mwisho jana.
Many people have been invited to the conference.
Watu wengi wamealikwa kwenye mkutano huo.
Today's sports news anchor was not well prepared.
Nanga ya leo ya michezo haikuandaliwa vizuri.
The Ministry of Health has done a good job in the fight against malaria.
Wizara ya Afya imefanya kazi nzuri katika mapambano dhidi ya ugonjwa wa malaria.
I sleep under a mosquito net.
Ninalala chini ya wavu wa kinyesi.
There are many fuel stations in our town.
Kuna vituo vingi vya mafuta katika mji wetu.
The residents complained about the poor service delivery in their village.
Wakazi walilalamika juu ya utoaji duni wa huduma katika kijiji chao.
It is one of the private media companies in Uganda.
Ni moja ya kampuni za media za kibinafsi nchini Uganda.
They want to get more information about the case.
Wanataka kupata habari zaidi juu ya kesi hiyo.
The sports committee has selected the players for the upcoming tournament.
Kamati ya Michezo imechagua wachezaji kwa mashindano yanayokuja.
The netball tournament will start in January.
Mashindano ya mpira wa wavu yataanza Januari.
The suspects have been brought to Court today.
Watuhumiwa hao wamefikishwa kortini leo.
Health workers are expected to start working on Monday.
Wafanyikazi wa afya wanatarajia kuanza kufanya kazi Jumatatu.
There is a heavy deployment of police in our town today.
Kuna kupelekwa kwa polisi katika mji wetu leo.
There is a high rate of car theft in our country.
Kuna kiwango cha juu cha wizi wa gari katika nchi yetu.
He is one of the people on the police's most wanted list.
Yeye ni mmoja wa watu kwenye orodha inayotafutwa sana na polisi.
Today's task has been accomplished.
Kazi ya leo imekamilika.
All this information is wrong.
Habari hii yote sio sawa.
I want to be the next chairperson of our village.
Nataka kuwa Mwenyekiti mwingine wa kijiji chetu.
A family of five people has perished in a car accident.
Familia ya watu watano imeangamia katika ajali ya gari.
Some parents refuse to pay school for their children deliberately.
Wazazi wengine wanakataa kulipa shule kwa watoto wao kwa makusudi.
Poor people find it difficult to take their children to school.
Watu masikini hupata shida kupeleka watoto wao shuleni.
Some bank officials were involved in misalocating government funds last year.
Baadhi ya maafisa wa benki walihusika katika kupotosha fedha za serikali mwaka jana.
My sister is a qualified lawyer.
Dada yangu ni wakili anayestahili.
Telephone companies earn a lot of money from people who use the internet.
Kampuni za simu hupata pesa nyingi kutoka kwa watu wanaotumia mtandao.
This phone is not functioning properly.
Simu hii haifanyi kazi vizuri.
My neighbor sales mobile phones.
Simu za rununu za jirani yangu.
The sports committee has called upon more women to engage in the national championships.
Kamati ya Michezo imetoa wito kwa wanawake zaidi kujihusisha na ubingwa wa kitaifa.
Our school team has never qualified for this championship.
Timu yetu ya shule haijawahi kuhitimu ubingwa huu.
The school performed poorly in academics last year.
Shule hiyo ilifanya vibaya katika wasomi mwaka jana.
The school management committee has decided to renovate the girls' dormitory.
Kamati ya Usimamizi wa Shule imeamua kukarabati mabweni ya wasichana.
The number of refugees in our country has greatly reduced.
Idadi ya wakimbizi katika nchi yetu imepungua sana.
Our school performed well in last year's primary leaving examinations.
Shule yetu ilifanya vizuri katika mitihani ya msingi ya kuacha ya mwaka jana.
The old students association contributed money towards the construction of this classroom block.
Chama cha Wanafunzi wa zamani kilichangia pesa kuelekea ujenzi wa kizuizi hiki cha darasa.
Oil was discovered in Western Uganda a few years back.
Mafuta yaligunduliwa magharibi mwa Uganda miaka michache nyuma.
The bank officials had a meeting yesterday.
Maafisa wa benki walikuwa na mkutano jana.
The police officers came to my office with a search warrant.
Maafisa wa polisi walikuja ofisini kwangu na hati ya utaftaji.
Currently, the number of unemployed youths is high.
Hivi sasa, idadi ya vijana wasio na kazi ni kubwa.
My brother is a qualified carpenter.
Ndugu yangu ni seremala anayestahili.
He has opened up a shop in our town.
Amefungua duka katika mji wetu.