[ previously_on ] kendall : it 's valentine 's day ? simone : duh , duh , duh , duh . kendall : we should be being worshipped and wined and dined . maggie : when you get down to the basics , chemistry 's not that hard . henry : no , it 's not . morgan : it 's going to be even harder to find aidan once the sun goes down . julian : you 're awfully anxious to see him dead . [ scene_break ] simone : oh , i am so psyched . after tonight , everyone is going to know about fusion . mia : ooh , everyone . that 's a lot of pressure . i thought we only had to create , like , a buzz . speaking of buzz , why do n't we try out the champagne . kendall : ok , hello -- simone : oh , a buzz , yes . kendall : mia , mia , tonight is our official launch . we have to do more than get people talking . we 're blowing what 's left of our money on this party . it better be good . simone : right now , i think anything we do is going to be great , and everyone that comes here tonight is going to think exactly the same way . kendall : yeah . like , our whole lives can change . simone : exactly . i mean , you could meet the man of your dreams -- again . mia : or have him see you in a whole new light . simone : i wonder what it feels like to be successful . kendall : oh , i know . i hope that we 're about to find out . mia : we are . think positive . simone : how can we lose ? kendall : that 's right . we ca n't . unless you guys screw it up . simone : oh . mia : well , that 's -- man : is this the fusion office ? simone : yes . man : i 've got a delivery . [ scene_break ] bianca : i think i 'll have the cheeseburger and curly fries . and a coke . oh , hey . what 's up ? maggie : he 's gone . bianca : who ? maggie : henry . he did n't show up for lab this morning . bianca : well , that 's ok . maybe he just forgot . maggie : no , no . henry does n't forget . i bet you he has n't even missed a class since preschool , not even a tardy . bianca : what happened after i left you guys last night ? maggie : we hit the books . bianca : yeah ? maggie : and then he kissed me . bianca : i 'm sorry , what ? what ? maggie : henry kissed me . bianca : and it was that bad ? maggie : no , it was that good . that 's what 's so bad . [ scene_break ] adam : laurie , come in . i assume this visit means you 're going to accept my offer to pay for your college . laurie : i have n't made up my mind yet . i need to talk to jr before i decide anything . adam : i see . well , i trust that i made it quite clear -- my offer stands whether you 're dating my son or not , so you do n't really need his stamp of approval . laurie : i feel like we 're doing something behind jr � s back , and it 's not right . jr : what are you doing behind my back ? [ scene_break ] edmund : how you doing ? anna : hey . mother and baby are doing just fine . it 's bedrest , you know , that 's torture . edmund : yeah , i know . you 've got to follow doctor 's orders . anna : yeah , well , all i have to do is think about the little one inside me , and there is n't anything i would n't endure . what are you doing here ? edmund : i -- my daughter gave me a valentine last night . anna : oh , robin used to give me those . handmade ones . look -- this is what i get these days . edmund : speaking of miracle babies , i was just staring at maddie last night , and it hit me . i ca n't do it , anna . i just ca n't give up on maria and me . [ scene_break ] waiter : are you sure i ca n't get you anything ? maggie : oh , i 'm fine , thank you . bianca : ok , so you think that henry ditched lab today because you guys kissed last night ? maggie : no , no , no . it was what happened after . he gave me this , you know , `` was it as good for you as it was for me `` look . bianca : and ? maggie : and it was good . it was great , but i freaked out . i do n't know , i guess i just freaked him out , and he left , and it was weird , and -- god , how could i be so lame ? bianca : oh , maggie , do n't be such a drama queen about this . just find him and say to him , `` i want to get to know you better . `` ask him out . maggie : no , i ca n't do that . he 's not boyfriend material . bianca : i thought he was pretty cute . hey , do you want something for yourself ? maggie : no , i 'm fine . i know , he is cute , yeah . but , you know , he 's more into work . bianca : really ? when did they add kissing to the o - chem syllabus ? maggie : bianca , i 'm serious . stop laughing . this is a serious matter , ok ? if i do not ace this class , then i might as well just say good - bye to med school . god , oh , god , the only way i can survive this class is for him to be my partner . so what do i do ? bianca : call him . maggie : i do n't have his phone number . bianca : why not ? maggie : god forbid i should interrupt him while he 's studying 24/7 . all right , you know what ? i 'm going to go . i have to find him . i have to find him before he finds another lab partner . bianca : ok . maggie : thanks for everything . bianca : good luck . i want hourly updates . [ scene_break ] jamie : hey , joni . joni : jamie , i told you -- we 're over . jamie : i know . joni : so why are you following me ? jamie : i 'm not . i 'm here to study and for the curly fries . laurie serves them with extra hot sauce . joni : oh , yeah ? where is she ? jamie : she does n't come on shift till later . joni : well , you must hang here a lot if you know her schedule . jamie : so ? joni : so if you cared about laurie , maybe you should find someplace else to study . bartender ? [ scene_break ] jr : what 's going on ? laurie : i came here to see you . jr : and my dad got in the way . what crap is he pushing now ? adam : jr , i 'm only trying to -- jr : i do n't want to hear it . laurie : mr. chandler , could i please talk to jr alone ? adam : yeah , go ahead . i 'm sure you 're the only one that can get through to him . jr : what is that supposed to mean ? what is he trying to pull ? laurie : jr , your father has offered to help me get into harvard . he said he 'd cover my tuition . we can be at college together . jr : that 's un - freaking - believable . laurie : it 's totally amazing . jr : it 's classic adam chandler . his game , his rules . well , no way in hell are we going to play . [ scene_break ] simone : aw . mia : jake is so sweet . kendall : who says they 're from jake ? mia : oh , well , i do . it 's just his way of saying that he loves me . simone : oh , please . babes , who was the only one here that actually had a date on valentine 's ? mia : oh , yeah , right . kenny adler 's last minute pick - up ? kendall : yeah , lawyers send invoices , not flowers . simone : i 'm sorry . it 's his postdate bonus points , ok ? dinner was a six , but these are definitely a nine . kendall : excuse me . roses are michael � s signature flower . he 's been sending me one every day he 's been gone . simone : oh , wow . and judging by the number , obviously you 're not going to see him until memorial day . kendall : oh , really ? mia : ok , girls , look , i have one way we can find out who they 're from . let 's just read the card . simone : ok , yeah . kendall : ok . simone : oh , did michael lose out on the run for the roses ? kendall : they 're for greenlee . mia and simone : what ? mia : oh , great . she 's not even here . simone : who sent them ? kendall : it says , `` see you tonight . `` mia : well , it looks like greenlee has herself a mystery man . very interesting . oh , come on , kendall . suck it up . you knew michael cambias was n't going to show . kendall : god , mia . this party is about so much more than flowers and hearts . tonight could totally change our lives forever , and we all know it . [ scene_break ] edmund : i made so many mistakes . trying so hard to get maria to remember me , our children , our life together -- david : edmund . did i mistakenly recollect you saying yesterday that you were letting maria go , putting the past behind you ? anna : well , he 's had a change of heart , david . david : oh , that 's great , that 's great . but i do n't want him bothering you . you 've just come through an exhausting medical procedure . anna : he 's not bothering me . david : none of this concerns her , edmund . edmund : none of what i have to say to anna is going to bother her , ok ? she made me an offer last night . i decided to accept it . david : and what offer is that ? edmund : to help me find maria before it 's too late . [ scene_break ] man : are you aidan devane ? aidan : who wants to know ? man : i 've got a message from kingman . aidan : yeah , not bloody likely . man : he says to give you this , and to meet him as soon as you can in the dig at atlantis . aidan : anything else ? man : yes . come alone . maria : wait . no , no , no . we 're not going to split up . man : he said alone . do n't bring the woman . maria : no . well , we 're not -- i do n't care what he said . we 're not going to split up . man : kingman says it 's not safe . aidan : come with me as far as the pool and stay amongst the crowd . maria : does n't that make them all targets , too ? aidan : no . julian wo n't touch you if you 're in a crowd , ok ? but i ca n't ignore this , maureen . maria : no , no . i -- aidan : look , come on . i 'll meet you afterwards by the pool . maria : is this going to be like the train station ? aidan : no , nothing like the train station . stay out in the open . maria : aidan , it 's you that i � m worried about . aidan : come here . [ scene_break ] jamie : joni , you think i 'm in laurie � s way ? joni : well , she 's going through a lot right now . jamie : which is why she needs her friends . joni : meaning you ? jamie : why not ? joni : because being friends is not what you want , and you know it . i mean , first jr hurts laurie , and now you 're moving in ? ca n't you guys think about someone besides yourselves for a change ? [ scene_break ] laurie : so not letting your dad win is more important than going to college ? jr : laurie , we ca n't let him run our lives . laurie : so you 're going to blow him off ? jr : i have to . laurie : you do what you have to do , i guess . i have to go to work . jr : dad ! adam : where is laurie ? jr : oh , do n't act like you care . adam : jr , i am trying to help -- jr : what you want to do is make me live the life you want . i mean , your hopes , your dreams , your big plans for me . screw them . i 'm taking back my life , and you are never getting your hands on it again . [ scene_break ] mia : kendall , this party is to officially launch us . kendall : yeah , you , me , greenlee , simone . we 're the face of fusion . simone : yes . mia : wait a minute . i thought i was fusionlips , huh ? kendall : god , give me strength . for weeks , we have been living , eating , and breathing this company . simone : yes . kendall : this is the biggest risk we 've ever taken . everything is riding on its success -- everything . no more baby steps , no more dress rehearsals . tonight is the opening night , guys . opening night . make it or break it time , and you know there 's going to people out there just waiting for me to fall flat on my face . simone : what people ? erica ? kendall : yeah , among others . and you know what ? it ai n't going to happen . tonight , for the first time in my life , kendall hart is going to be the golden girl . donald : hey , kendall ! kendall , baby , how does it feel to be the new reigning beauty queen of pine valley ? kendall : oh , better not let erica hear you say that . donald : what , erica kane ? oh , she 's yesterday 's news . seriously , seriously . hey , come on , baby , you own this town . what are you going to say to all those people who insisted that you would never amount to anything ? kendall : i 'd say anything is possible if you work hard and dream hard . it does n't matter that no one believed in me because i believe in me . donald : yeah , baby . simone : you go , golden girl . mia : mm - hmm . well , i think i 've come a long way from a girl who grew up behind a gym in brooklyn . simone : yeah . [ music plays ] jake : oh . you happy ? mia : oh , god . i 'm so high , cloud nine looks like a cotton ball . jake : you know , you deserve every single bit of your success . there is nothing sexier than a woman who knows what she wants and knows how to get it , and that makes me the luckiest guy on the planet . simone : someone 's going to get some tonight kendall : ok , little horn dog . is that all you ever think about ? simone : no . i think about falling in love . yeah . and you know what ? it could happen tonight . i could look across that crowded room and see that guy , just lock eyes . that guy who 's not married or tied to the mob . tall , dark , and handsome who 's just waiting for me to come along . singer : sexy hot i love your style , girl put it on me brian and tony gold let the ladies know they got it going on shaggy . singers : hey , sexy lady i like your flow your body 's banging out of control you put it on me singer : that 's right singers : ceiling to floor only you can make me scream and beg for more singer : her body 's callin ' , bawlin ' kendall : well , maybe tonight 's the night all of our dreams come true . [ scene_break ] david : edmund , your wife and aidan could be anywhere on god � s green earth right now . aidan thinks he 's a fugitive . now , if he does n't want to be found , there 's nothing you or anna can do about that . anna : well , there 's a lot that i can do about it . i have contacts with interpol and the w.s.b . -- david : anna , please . you 're in recovery right now . your health , our baby -- those are the things that should be a priority . anna : they are . this is n't your call , david . it 's mine . if edmund needs my help , then -- edmund : yeah , i do . thanks , anna . anna : because despite everything , you still love her . edmund : yeah , i still think she 's in danger . anna : well , you know the murder charges against aidan are false . edmund : yes , but whoever framed him is still after both of them . his life is on the line . so is hers . david : maria does n't want to be saved by you , edmund . she 's made that abundantly clear . edmund : listen to me . she is the mother of my children . i just want to find her , make sure she 's safe , ok ? david : edmund , can i speak to you a moment outside , please ? anna : no , david , do n't -- david : no , no . just give us a minute , that 's all . we 'll be right back . please , edmund . this time yesterday , i almost lost anna and our unborn baby girl right there on that operating table . now , i did n't save their lives so that anna could risk hers today helping you find a woman who has fallen out of love with you . now , who the hell do you think you are coming here with this , edmund ? edmund : listen to me . you had your second chance with anna , ok ? do n't deny me my chance with maria . [ scene_break ] aidan : hello , morgan . morgan : hello , darling . you miss me ? aidan : where 's kingman ? morgan : i 'm afraid he 's with the fishes . that was my lure . aidan : no . you 're lying . who did this ? you or julian ? morgan : julian had that pleasure . aidan : well , you 're next . morgan : no . that would be maureen , then you . aidan : you can still make it out of this . morgan : yeah , that 's funny , that 's exactly what your army friend said right before he died . aidan : you should have listened to me . julian is using you . morgan : julian needs me , all right ? and he 's made me a part of his life , which is more than you ever did . tour guide : ok , guys . over here we have the groupers . now , something interesting about these groupers . they start off their sexual lifestyles as females . once they mature , they transfer into males . so they kind of have the best of both worlds , one may say . morgan : i know it 's not me you 're looking for . it 's me you found . [ scene_break ] maggie : damn it , henry , where are you ? [ guitar music plays ] [ scene_break ] jamie : hey , laurie . what 's wrong ? laurie : everything . your brother went ballistic about his dad 's offer to pay for my college tuition . jamie : does n't he understand what a great opportunity this is for you ? laurie : jr would n't listen . as soon as he heard his dad was involved , he lost it . he did n't even think about how good it could be . all he thought about was himself . jamie : you 've got to get through to him . laurie : there 's no way . i finally figured something out . the only reason jr ever went out with me was because he knew his dad would never approve of me . he does n't love me . he 's just using me to get back at his father . jamie : hey . come here . [ scene_break ] adam : son , i � m not trying to control you . i 'm trying to help you and your girlfriend . jr : you are a liar ! you just tried to buy laurie . adam : i made her that offer because you pushed me at the theater . you never have laid a hand on me before in your life . jr : i told you i was sorry . adam : yeah , i know that . i know that . and i also know that for you to get mad enough to commit physical violence against me , i must have been doing something terribly wrong . so either i had to face losing you or i had to change . son , i grew up without a father . maybe i overcompensate because of that , try to fix things that are n't even broken . but i did n't want you to have to go it alone . i did n't want you to have to struggle the way i did . i love you much too much to do that . [ scene_break ] [ guitar music plays ] maggie : hi . you 're really good . henry : i only play -- it 's a stress buster . maggie : and you needed to destress because of what happened in my room last night ? henry : because of a lot of things . maggie : well , i 'm sorry for interrupting . you know , you did n't show up for lab this morning , so i was a little worried . henry : yeah , i should have called . something came up . maggie : how long have you been playing ? henry : since i was a kid . i never had a lesson , though . maggie : well , is it hard ? henry : no . i 'll show you . all right , now put this hand here and this one here . maggie : like that ? henry : yeah . [ scene_break ] kendall : `` open on tight shot of ling - ling 's décolletage `` ? petey : that 's french for `` cleavage . `` kendall : i know what that is . petey : hey , you deleted my entire oeuvre . kendall : sorry , orson , but you know what ? hit the books -- now . petey : no visionary is ever appreciated in his own time . simone : i know , i know . kendall : sorry . what can i do ? mia : yes ! yes ! kendall : what ? mia : once again , i have saved our collective heinies . kendall : oh . simone : really ? our heinies needed saving ? mia : well , we ca n't very well go on cooking lip color in kendall � s kitchen , can we ? kendall : no , no . my kitchen is not cut out for that . mia : right . and we do n't have the money to afford paying a chemist . simone : oh , right . or to lure boyd larraby from the dark side . mia : but liza put me on to this manufacturer in philly , and they talked to maxie berlin and heard how our formula was flying off the shelves at lacey � s . simone : really ? mia : and they are willing to produce our product and extend us a line of credit ! simone : no way . kendall : shut up , shut up . so this means that we 're going to have product to push at the party tonight . you guys , this is so cool . simone : guys , this is like a sign . like a sign that things are really going to happen . this is good . kendall : this is very good ! we need liquor . where is it ? mia : i 'll check . kendall : i 'll go with you . let 's go . this is so cool . mia : now is your chance , huh ? carlos : you had good news . congratulations . simone : oh , thank you , carlos . are you busy tonight ? carlos : i do n't think so . simone : no ? well , then would you like to come to our party ? i mean , as my guest ? [ scene_break ] edmund : look , david , just calm down , all right ? i would never do anything to hurt anna or the baby . but your wife offered to give me some of her old w.s.b . contacts . david : all right . edmund , fine . let 's play this out , ok ? let 's say you are able to track down aidan and maria . what are you going to do ? you going to force her to come home against her will ? you going to drag her kicking and screaming back to wildwind ? come on . that 's going to be a nice sight for the kiddies . edmund : i 'll deal with that when the time comes . david : edmund , you 're chasing after a woman who does n't want to be found . do n't you think that 's foolish ? edmund : i can live with that as long as she 's safe . anna : oh . who won ? david : not important . anna : ok , so , while you were outside protecting me , i called the w.s.b . , and they know where aidan and maria are . it 's not the best news . [ scene_break ] maria : get your filthy hands off of me ! julian : shut up ! maria : you get a kick out of throwing a woman around , do you , huh ? you 're not much of a man without that thing in your hands . julian : i said shut your mouth . maria : you know , when aidan finds you , he 's going to do the world a big flipping favor by getting rid of you and putting you out of your misery . julian : not if i find him first . aidan : too late . julian : you were supposed to bring him here . what the bloody hell happened ? aidan : she tried . she just was n't quick enough , and neither are you . so why do n't we call this a draw . julian : you think you 're in a position to bargain with me ? aidan : i 've got morgan . you 've got maureen . let 's make a trade . morgan : just do it , julian . julian : you think i give a damn about you ? [ maria screams ] maria : oh , my god ! julian : you happy ? she 's de . maria : oh , my god . oh , my god . oh , my god . [ scene_break ] adam : jr , do n't use my methods as an excuse to walk away from the best education this country has to offer . do n't let pride get the best of you . jr : who says this is about pride ? adam : i do . i 'm an expert on pride -- foolish pride . and it 's kicked me down more often than i would like to remember . son , if you ca n't learn from my example , then learn from my mistakes . you 've got to look past your anger and look past me . look at your future . [ scene_break ] laurie : i 'm sorry , jamie . i did n't mean to lose it like that . jamie : hey . laurie : jr � s your brother . jamie : i do n't side with him on this one . bartender : joni ? jamie : i do n't get why jr ca n't see past his dad and focus on going to college with you . i mean , it would be unreal -- hanging out on campus together , all that freedom . no curfew , no parents waiting at the door . laurie : you make it sound so fun . i wish jr could see things the way that you do . jamie : hey , his loss . [ scene_break ] simone : the party is going to be a blast , i promise . so , what do you say ? do we have a date ? carlos : si . simone : yeah ? carlos : i would love to come to your party . simone : oh , great . oh , good . ok , so i promise you wo n't be sorry . carlos : bueno . perdoname , but i have work to do , you know ? simone : yes , of course you do , and i 'll be watching you . carlos : thank you . petey : carlos , my man , anyone ever tell you your face is made for a close - up ? there 's a part for you in this flick i 'm writing . carlos : i see . en tu pelicula ? [ scene_break ] mia : so ? did he say yes ? simone : si ! mia : yes ! yes ! simone : oh , my gosh . this party is going to be so much fun . more fun than we 've had in such a long time . mia : oh . kendall , still no word from michael , huh ? kendall : you know what ? tonight will be a personal triumph with or without a guy on my arm . simone : if you ask me , you 're better off without him . mia : yeah . we do n't like liars . you know what ? we should get some samples . simone : yeah , we should go get that stuff . michael : miss me ? [ scene_break ] edmund : they found aidan and maria ? anna : the information 's a little sketchy . apparently , they 've been using false i.d . -- and posing as a married couple . edmund : go on . anna : they tracked them down to the bahamas -- atlantis , to be exact -- where they had taken a room together . i do n't know , edmund . maybe this is the right time to let maria go . [ scene_break ] julian : now , let 's get this party started . aidan : let maureen go . you 've got me . that should be enough . julian : i 'll decide what 's enough . put your weapon down . now ! aidan : ok . i 'm putting it down . see ? julian : much better . now , here 's how this works . maureen 's going to go first , and you get to watch before you die yourself . aidan : no one else is going to die , julian . julian : just do what you 're told . aidan : just like tora bora . julian : what the hell are you talking about ? aidan : one -- maria : aidan -- aidan : two -- julian : shut your mouth ! maria : aidan ! aidan : three . aidan : maureen , no ! maureen ! you still breathing ? oh , my god . thank god . i 'm going to get some help . i 'm going to get some help . i need a doctor in here now ! i need a doctor ! somebody get a doctor ! maureen , help is going to come . help is going to come , baby . help is going to come . you 're going to be ok . you 're going to be ok . [ next_on ] donald : you have a lover on the side , and i have the pictures to prove it . janelle : are you asking me out on a date ? liza : what is a corporate raider doing in our company 's headquarters ? alison : i can keep a secret forever .
at fusion -- - kendall , simone and mia are planning the launch party for that night . a flower delivery arrives for greenlee from a mystery man . the girls know everything is riding on the success of the opening . mia finds a manufacturer to make their produce and extend them credit . simone invites carlos to the launch party as her guest and he accepts . michael unexpectedly shows up at fusion . maggie tells bianca about how she and henry shared a good kiss , and she freaked . maggie has n't seen henry so she goes to look and finds him playing his guitar . he shows her how to play . laurie and adam talk about his offer to pay for college education . j.r. interrupts them and is angry when he hears what his father has done . he tells laurie he wo n't let his father win . laurie does n't agree and leaves for work . j.r. tells his dad he ca n't run his life . adam pleads with j.r. to think of his future and not throw it away because his father has made mistakes .
judge : kendall hart has been charged and tried for the murder of michael cambias . has the jury reached a verdict ? foreman : we have , your honor . judge : will the defendant please stand . on the felony count of murder in the first degree , the jury finds you guilty as charged . [ gallery reacts ] judge : as to your sentence , the jury has considered whether any aggravating factors exist that overrule any mitigating arguments in your defense . based on this consideration , the jury recommends the following sentence -- the defendant , kendall hart , will be put to death by lethal injection . [ gallery reacts ] judge : may god have mercy on your soul . court is adjourned . maria chambers : the murder trial of kendall hart is set to resume within the hour . ms. hart is still due on the witness stand after a brief hiatus brought on by the shocking reveal that the defendant has been faking her pregnancy . strong doubt has also been cast on her marriage to michael cambias . in an interesting sidebar , after a bout with angina last week , alan singer will be back in the prosecutor 's seat . the events of last week proved a stunning setback for the defense . after her perjury on the stand , one can only wonder how kendall hart can begin to repair the damage done to her credibility in the eyes of the jury . [ scene_break ] jack : so , erica lost a block of time the night of the murder . you have willingly filled in the details , or i suspect only some of them . adam : are you implying that i was less than honest ? jack : i 'll tell you exactly what i think . i think you put erica through the spin cycle to cover your own moves that night . and if you think that i 'm going to let her take the heat for something you did , you are sorely mistaken . adam : i have no intention of incriminating erica . stop worrying . jack : i ca n't . erica 's missing , adam . the pressures of this trial have driven her right to her limit . god only knows what you and hayward and tad have driven her to do . [ scene_break ] ryan : oh , my god . erica ? erica , can you hear me ? wake up . wake up . it 's ryan . do you hear me , erica ? please wake up . somebody help me ! [ scene_break ] [ maria finds edmund on the floor of his room ] maria : my god , honey . what happened ? edmund : do n't touch me . maria : no , no , no , no , let me help you get up . edmund : do n't touch me ! i do n't want your help ! [ maria cries as edmund unsuccessfully struggles to pull himself back into bed ] maria : ok . ok . i 'm going to call an orderly , ok , honey ? i 'm going to call an orderly for you . edmund : if you want to help me , just leave me the hell alone . [ scene_break ] ryan : come on . come on , come on , erica ? erica ! erica : hmm ? ryan : hey . hi . erica : ryan ! ryan : yeah . erica : ryan ? ryan : yes . erica : where am i ? what time is it ? ryan : it 's in the morning , it 's in the morning , and you 're in the cemetery . erica : i must have been here all night . ryan : god . erica : i must have dozed off . ryan : it 's a miracle you did n't freeze to death . come on . erica : no -- i 'm fine . ryan : can i get you up here ? you please tell me why you pulled an all - nighter in the dead of winter ? erica : oh -- i -- i was at my office . i was -- i was putting my affairs in order , and i just got restless , and i was going to come over here and say -- i was going to talk to my mother and -- and chris . ryan : well , you 're going to have to sign off , because i 'm going to take you to the er and make sure you 're ok . erica : ryan -- ryan : you could have hypothermia . you got to be -- erica : no , i 'm fine . i really am fine . please put me down . really , i 'm -- come on , ryan . i 'm -- put me down . ryan : ok . erica : and you need to call jack . ryan : no -- erica : yeah , please . oh . ryan : god , well , i got to tell you jackson is going to be grateful once he knows that you 're ok . erica : jackson ? did jackson send you to look for me ? ryan : yeah , me and his whole posse . he 's been a mess since you disappeared . erica : well , then , by all means let 's put an end to his suffering . [ phone rings ] jack : erica . erica : good morning , jack . jack : good morning . where have you been ? and are you all right ? erica : well , of course i 'm all right . i just came to the cemetery to visit my mother . jack : all right , look , do n't move . i 'll be right there to pick you up , ok ? erica : no , no , no , that 's ok . i have my car . and actually , i was going to drop in on myrtle . jack : ok , great . listen , i 'll be at the courthouse most of the day , but , sweetheart , i really think you should not come anywhere near there , ok ? erica : no need to worry . i have a lot of catching up to do with myrtle . jack : ok . i love you . erica : i 'll call you later . ryan : i 'll give you a ride over to myrtle 's , and maybe we can stop and get a coffee , defrost a little bit . erica : oh -- thanks , ryan , but there 's no time for that . i -- i have n't finished what i came here to do . ryan : and what is that ? erica : something you promised to help me with . [ scene_break ] adam : yeah , you see , erica 's fine . now , you can call off your apb and go . jack : adam , i 'm not leaving here until i know just exactly what you plan to say on that witness stand . adam : and lose the element of surprise ? jack : i 'm not going to allow you to get on that stand and say something under oath that is going to bury kendall or erica . adam : the risk is all mine . jack : yeah . well , i 'll tell you what let 's do . let 's improv a little q & a , shall we , just to give you some idea what you might be up against . adam : oh , please . i was sparring power suits back when you thought tort was a chocolate cake . jack : indulge me . i 'm the jury . now , you give me what i need to acquit kendall . adam : all right , if you 'll stop badgering me . i intend to take the stand and make myself look like a cross between jack the ripper and son of sam . j.r. : forget it , dad . no way in hell are you going to be making yourself look guilty . [ scene_break ] simone : hey . kendall : hey . simone : kendall , could you -- would you ever be able to forgive me ? kendall : forgive you for what , simone ? simone : for not believing you , for thinking the worst of you . i mean , i should have known that you had a good reason for doing what you did . i should have trusted you , as your friend . i really am truly very sorry . kendall : i believe you . simone : thank you . mia : i ca n't imagine that you 'd be able to find it in your heart to forgive me . but i 'm asking for forgiveness , too , not just for listening to greenlee , but for everything else . kendall : you mean aidan ? [ scene_break ] aidan : you stupid , stupid car ! of all the places to get a flat tire ! [ car approaches , door opens , then closes ] woman : you look like you could use some roadside service . you all right ? aidan : if your idea of all right is being stuck down some country road , freezing your bum off while sneaking through your boot for a jack -- woman : flat tire , huh . aidan : gee , do you think ? woman : you always this rude to people offering help , or have i been singled out for the honor ? aidan : i 'm sorry . i do n't remember asking you for your help . woman : ah , you 're one of them -- guy who does n't eat quiche or ask for directions , cry when bambi � s mother dies . aidan : well , now you 've got my number . why do n't you lose it and bugger off . woman : because if this is , like , a macho thing , i know my way around cars . my big brother -- aidan : all right , thanks for stopping . but the last thing i need is another woman who thinks she 's got me pegged , ok ? woman : i have one word for you -- `` karma . `` aidan : what ? woman : `` karma . `` aidan : oh , god . ah ! bloody hell ! woman : see ? karma . aidan : what are you driving on about ? woman : it 's an eastern concept -- positive or negative energy you beam out to the universe determines whether you 're a happy camper or a miserable rat . aidan : i know what karma is . what is your point ? woman : your karma needs a tow to the nearest spirit guide for an adjustment . instead of blaming an entire sex for your bad zen , maybe you should look in the mirror first . aidan : do me a favor . woman : do you want me to hand you that lug wrench ? aidan : i want you to bugger off . woman : i 'm taillights . just remember , what goes around comes around . aidan : hold on . woman : what ? aidan : i 'm going to need you to jack me up . [ scene_break ] erica : i have to put my affairs in order while there 's still time . and that includes coming to terms with your father 's death . he deserved so much better . ryan : taking a bullet is a rough way to go . erica : but i 'm not talking about the way he died . i 'm talking about betrayal . i never truly understood to the full extent exactly how much pain and how much hollowness is left behind until i was on the receiving end . ryan : and what does that have to do with my dad ? erica : i betrayed him . i slept with jack , and i lied about it to chris ' face . chris never let me see how much i had hurt him , but i know now how much hurt there was inside him . i lied to him because i just could n't own up to the truth . ryan : now you know better . erica : yes . now i know better . love should bring out the best in us . loyalty and faithfulness and trust -- these are things -- they should n't just be brushed aside simply because they 're sometimes difficult . ryan : yeah , well , some people just do n't ever seem to get that . erica : but you do . and you are the only person i do n't blame for keeping bianca 's secret , because you did it out of loyalty to kendall . ryan : i 've made my share of mistakes , erica , more than my share . erica : but you 've learned from them , ryan . you stayed true to the person you love . [ scene_break ] jack : just realize , adam , i will be watching every movement you make on that witness stand . adam : rest assured , when i 'm through , they will be hissing and booing me from the jury box . jack : yeah , well , you better hope that i 'm applauding you . j.r . j.r. : dad , have you lost it ? this is a murder trial . you ca n't just go around incriminating yourself . adam : i wo n't . i wo n't . i 'll just drop a few hints in the fertile mind of the jury . j.r. : well , if you 're so hellbound on this thing , i think i should tag along . adam : really ? well , thank you . that 's -- that means a lot to me . i 've got to get changed . j.r. : i 'll bring the car around . meet me out front . babe : j.r. , honey , i 've been looking for you all over . j.r. : well , you found me . what 's up ? babe : well , i was hoping that maybe you could take some time off and come with me to my prenatal checkup . j.r. : oh , you know , i 'm sorry . i 'm going to have to be in court all day . my dad 's running some interference for defense , and i think he 's going to need a helping hand . babe : well , sweetie , that 's the friendliest face in five counties , so you go on and do what you got to do . i 'll bring you a snap of our precious peanut . love you . krystal : babe ? honey , i do n't know what you 're doing to try to save your marriage , but whatever it is , it sure does n't look like it 's working . [ scene_break ] aidan : my jack � s gone awol . have you got one i can borrow ? woman : gee , i do n't know . i 'm so busy buggering off i may not have time to jack you up . aidan : yeah , well , i 'm sorry for being such a miserable git . now , you were just doing your good samaritan bit , and i had no right to bite your head off . i 'm sorry . woman : you 're lucky i knew the shortcut into pine valley , or you 'd be stranded . aidan : you 're right . you 're absolutely right . like i said , i 'm sorry . woman : the jack � s in the trunk -- i mean , boot . aidan : cheers . woman : so , tell me -- who won the love lottery , the woman you 're crazy for or the one that 's mad about you ? aidan : how did you know about that ? neither . they both lost . woman : or maybe they both won , depending on how you look at it . aidan : well , either way you look at it , i 'm not booked on a ride on the marriage - go - round anytime soon . woman : and you 're probably better off . it 's not all wedding cake and happy anniversaries . aidan : what , are you speaking from experience ? woman : for you guys , all the fun 's in the chase . we let you catch us . as soon as you grab that band of gold , you 're training for the next race . aidan : whoo ! now who needs an attitude adjustment ? woman : my attitude is not the problem . it is a known fact that men ca n't be trusted to be anything but men . aidan : is that right ? well , you see , the same goes for women , really . just when they think they 've got you snagged , they start plotting and scheming behind your back . ahh , ahh , ahh ! ugh ! woman : oh , let me see , let me see . oh . i 'll get my med bag and bandage setup for you . and while i 'm gone , repeat after me -- karma . [ scene_break ] mia : look , i know this sounds really lame , but i never meant to hurt you , ok ? i just -- i was just so incredibly jealous of how much aidan cares for you . kendall : aidan cares for you , too , mia . thank you , both of you . i need my friends right now . simone : well , you have us . mia : yes , you do . livia : good morning , ladies . simone : good morning . mia : good morning . livia : kendall , are you ready ? kendall : i have to be , do n't i ? [ scene_break ] orderly : there you go , mr. grey . now , you ring me next time you need something . hear me ? maria : thanks , cesar . maria : look , i know how frustrating -- edmund : i do n't want to talk . maria : ok , well , how about -- edmund : about anything . please , leave me alone . [ scene_break ] ryan : my dad loved you , erica . he understood you . erica : understood what , ryan ? why i betrayed him ? i do n't even understand that myself . i mean , what drives anyone to deceive the very people they claim to love ? ryan : no , this gloom - and - doom number is so completely not you , erica . please tell me what 's going on here . erica : well , i have to make things right before i can move on , and that begins with kendall . i promised you that i would do everything in my power to help her , and i will . that is exactly what i intend to do . ryan : well , do n't do it for me . now , do it for yourself and for kendall . erica : yes , but i know how much you love her , and i want you two to have a future together . ryan : well , that is absolutely not going to happen . erica : oh , no , ryan . why ? did ken -- i mean , what happened ? ryan : let 's just say we came to a line in the sand that kendall could n't cross , so , yes , kendall and i are over . erica : oh . you stood by kendall and she betrayed you . oh , ryan . i 'm so sorry . then you know how it feels , too . [ scene_break ] jack : hey , do n't you worry . everything 's going to be all right , ok ? bailiff : all rise for the honorable judge hannah lampert . judge : this court is now in session . [ judge pounds gavel ] judge : be seated . ladies and gentlemen of the jury , may i remind you of my instructions to disregard the theatrics that took place in my courtroom when last in session . is everyone in good health and ready to proceed ? alan : yes , your honor . judge : ms. frye , may we safely proceed without further interruption ? livia : yes , your honor . judge : let 's do it . livia : your honor , the defense would like to recall kendall hart for redirect . [ scene_break ] erica : oh , ryan . there are times i feel i do n't know kendall at all . i mean , i 've spent how many countless sleepless nights just trying to figure her out . ryan : physicists have spent decades trying to crack the unified field theory in the race for understanding . my money is on the physicists . erica : while kendall remains a mystery to you . ryan : can you stand some good news ? erica : please . ryan : i just came from seeing bianca at the hospital . i signed over the entire cambias estate to her and to her baby . well , i mean , your daughter did n't want to take it at first , but she did when she realized that she could hand enchantment back over to you . erica : how thoughtful . you know , ryan , would you mind just giving me another moment alone here ? ryan : yeah . sure . if you promise to stay awake . erica : i will . i 'm fine , really . ryan : ok . erica : thank you . erica : chris , i lied to you . i did it to avoid hurting you . i know now that that was the ultimate act of betrayal , because when the truth comes out -- and it always does -- nothing hurts more than knowing that the person you love deceived you . forgive me . i 'm sorrier than you 'll ever know . [ scene_break ] brooke : well , good morning . i come bearing chocolate croissants . three , count them -- three of them . well , actually there were four , but i got stalled at the railroad crossing . anyway , how are you this brisk winter morning , huh ? edmund : i feel like a useless sack of garbage . brooke : what did you call yourself ? edmund : a useless sack of garbage . brooke : that 's what i thought you said . [ brooke dumps the box of pastries in the garbage can ] brooke : now , that 's for the first offense . diss yourself again and i 'm going to hit you upside the head with your bedpan , and then i 'm going to the nearest exit and never coming back . now , for the record , how are you doing today ? edmund : i feel so good i just ca n't stand it . brooke : that 's so much better . you know , i can take a lot from you , but i 'm telling you , wallowing in self - pity is not on the list . edmund : you never let me get away with anything . brooke : hey -- no , i never have , and i 'm not going to start now . so how can i make your day better , huh ? a little back rub ? manicure ? i draw the lines at sponge baths , ok ? edmund : brooke , there is something you can do for me . and only you can do it . [ scene_break ] maria : dr. marshall . dr. marshall : dr. grey . i was just reviewing your husband 's chart . maria : yes , you 're off my husband 's case . dr. marshall : i beg your pardon ? maria : you heard me . you 're off edmund 's case . i do n't want you to go anywhere near him again . [ scene_break ] aidan : well , thanks for the use of the jack and the medical attention . woman : de nada . aidan : so what 's with the bag ? are you a doctor ? woman : certified physician 's assistant . same skills , less ego . aidan : so how much do you charge for emergency roadside service ? woman : oh , you ca n't afford me . i 'll bill your insurance . aidan : well , i owe you something for the patchup . i mean , thanks to you , now i believe in karma . no doubt i had this coming . [ woman laughs ] woman : there you go . that laugh is has wiped years of interest off your karmic credit card . aidan : thanks again . woman : see ya . [ aidan listens to his car radio ] maria chambers : the headline making murder trail resumed today when michael cambias ' accused killer took the witness stand . if convicted , kendall hart could face life in prison or the death penalty . this is maria chambers , reporting for vh-1 satellite -- aidan : damn it , kendall . i thought you said you were going to take the plea bargain . [ scene_break ] livia : ms. hart , the marriage to michael cambias , the pregnancy , the events of august 28 and the days that followed after that , all of that lies ? kendall : yes , it was all lies . livia : to what purpose ? why did you intentionally mislead this court ? kendall : michael cambias threatened to go after me , my mother , and my sister . so whoever killed him did it to protect us . they should n't be punished for that . livia : so your lies were a diversion to draw attention away from the real killer ? kendall : i felt i owed that much to whoever got rid of him . he raped my sister and he terrorized all of us . livia : so you devised a plan to keep michael cambias alive in spirit ? no body , no crime ? kendall : i wanted to make things right . pretending to be his wife allowed me to give back everything that he stole from us . livia : and you saw no harm in this . kendall : no , i saw justice done . in a perfect world , michael would still be hanging from that meat hook in the meat - packing plant and we would all live happily ever after . livia : let me take you back to the night of august 28 . what do you know about the murder ? let 's begin with the gun that was dragged from the river . kendall : i stole that gun from jackson montgomery 's safe on august 28 . i was in my place , trying to figure out how to load it . livia : what time was that ? kendall : a little after midnight . the gun , a .38 -- it had six chambers , and i had only loaded five when i heard the gunshots ring out from across the courtyard . livia : you only loaded five bullets , and that 's why the sixth chamber was empty . kendall : yes . livia : what did you do when you heard the gunshot ? kendall : i grabbed the .38 and i ran over to michael 's . someone shot him , but they had left the scene , and michael was lying there . he was bleeding , and he was barely alive . and he looked up at me and saw me holding the gun , and he said -- michael : you 're too late , kendall . somebody beat you to it . but i will get you . i 'll return from hell , and i 'll get you all . kendall : and that 's it . he died . livia : did you call the police ? kendall : no . livia : what did you do ? kendall : i cleaned up the blood as best as i could , and then i took the gun and his body and i put it in a duffel bag . and then i -- i dragged the duffel bag to my car , and then i dumped the duffel bag to the meat - packing plant . livia : so you did not fire a gun that night ? kendall : no , ma'am . livia : and you did not kill michael cambias ? kendall : no . no , i did not . livia : thank you , ms. hart . no further questions , your honor . judge : does prosecution have anything for recross ? alan : quite a bit , your honor . [ scene_break ] krystal : babe , this is not like you . come on , has this pregnancy scrambled your brains ? babe : mama , you do n't know the whole story . i got paul cramer to cave . he 's agreed to get the paternity test results for me , and he said if he needs to he 'll fix them to make sure it says j.r. 's the daddy . krystal : oh , baby doll , that is great . i 'm so proud of you ! babe : thanks , mama . but there 's just one little hitch in the whole giddyup . krystal : what 's that ? babe : well , paul was trashed when he agreed to help me , and somehow he kind of sort of got the idea that he could still get lucky with me . [ scene_break ] edmund : it 's an assignment . i want you to go back to `` tempo . `` i want you to fire up the pc and i want you to get every bit of information you can download about my condition , ok ? and i want you to write it so even i can understand it . i want more on this dr. ellis marshall . i want you to find out everything you know about him . i want to know the pros and the cons . i want you to talk to his successes , and i want you to talk to his failures . i need to know what my odds are going in . and i need you to be where i ca n't be right now -- be my legs . [ scene_break ] dr. marshall : does your husband want me off his case as well ? maria : what my husband wants is a miracle , and he thinks he can get one , thanks to you hyping up your own genius , but i got the really fun job of letting him down . dr. marshall : surgery is a viable option . mr. grey prefers to go another route , i 'll bow out . but that is his decision , not yours . maria : you will not dismiss me , dr. marshall . look , i 've heard your stats . but if my husband gets into the or , there 's a very good chance that he does n't make it out of there alive , and even if he does , he could end up a quadriplegic , never mind all the other complications . dr. marshall : until i hear differently from mr. grey , i will advise him as i see fit . maria : no , until you hear differently from me , you will stay away from my husband . do i make myself clear ? [ scene_break ] alan : ms. hart , perhaps you can help me fill in a few blanks . you stated that after michael died you put his body in a duffel bag and transported it to the meat - packing plant . kendall : yes . alan : how much would you say michael weighed ? kendall : i do n't know . i do n't have any idea . alan : your best guess , then . kendall : i do n't know . 150 , 160 , maybe ? alan : according to people 's 36 , the coroner 's report put him at 175 pounds . you expect this court to believe that you lifted 175 pounds of dead weight by yourself ? kendall : well , when the old adrenaline gets pumping , there 's no showing what you can do . alan : come clean , ms. hart . who helped you dispose of the body that night ? who was your accomplice in this murder ? [ scene_break ] myrtle : darling , darling , you 're freezing , you 're freezing . we have to get you warm . i 'll put the kettle on . erica : oh , no . please , myrtle , do n't leave me . myrtle : well , darling , what can i do to help you ? erica : i need your strength , myrtle . i need your strength to help me do what i have to do . [ scene_break ] krystal : so what are you saying ? this paul still thinks he has a shot with you ? babe : well , i had to string paul along so he 'd agree to help me with the test . krystal : i tell you what , i am going to breathe such a heavenly sigh of relief when this whole thing is over . babe : soon , mama . soon we 'll have all of the happiness that we can grab . krystal : i tell you what -- why do n't i take you to lunch before your doctor appointment , and then you and i can go do some power shopping ? babe : perfect . krystal : all righty . i 'm going to just go powder my nose , and then we can vamoose , ok ? [ doorbell rings ] babe : sit tight , winnie . i 'll get it . paul ! paul : hey , cutie . [ paul grabs babe for a passionate kiss ] [ scene_break ] maria : hey . i just saw brooke leave . how 's she doing ? edmund : i have no idea . i asked her to leave as soon as she got here . i was n't up for a visit . where have you been ? maria : i have just been doing paperwork , and , you know , it 's , like , never ending . [ knock on door ] edmund : i do n't want to see anyone . woman : even your wandering sister - in - law ? maria : anita , hi ! oh , my god ! why did n't you tell me you were coming ? well , who cares ? i 'm glad you 're here ! this is great ! [ scene_break ] myrtle : erica , erica , there must be a way i can talk you out of doing this . erica : do n't even try , myrtle . it 's what 's best for everyone . but i ca n't do it alone . i really need your help . myrtle : oh . erica , i wo n't let you be alone . i 'll be with you . and i just hope our beloved mona is with you , too . [ scene_break ] alan : ms. hart , someone had to help you clean up , bag the body , transport it to the meat - packing plant , then lift it up and hang it on the meat hook . who helped you that night ? reggie : give it up , kendall . tell the man what he wants to know . tell him it was me . [ gallery reacts ] [ next_on ] jack : i need to know how you were involved in michael cambias ' death . boyd : everything i did has to come out . it 's time to tell it all . alan : doctor , did you shoot michael cambias ? did you kill him ? ryan : i could be the one that you 've been waiting for .
kendall is having visions that the judge and jury will send her to the gas chamber . however , before her trial , simone and mia come to offer her support . livia asks about kendall 's alleged marriage to michael . kendall admits she intended to kill michael , but before she could , somebody else beat her to it . she admits she carried his dead body to the meat packing plant . singer asks how she could have carried his dead body all by herself ? who helped her . reggie enters and says he did . erica is at chris 's gravesite and runs into ryan . she apologizes to chris for betraying him . and it sounds like she has some big secrets .
kevin : ace is my son . adam : the boy 's name is not ace . babe : his name is james . lawyer : mr. buchanan , are you james ' biological father ? kevin : no . lawyer : to whom do you believe custody should be awarded ? kelly : he belongs with his mother , babe chandler . kendall : i do . lawyer : ms. hart , what is your relationship with my client , adam chandler , jr. ? kendall : j.r. is a very close friend . lawyer : and why did you volunteer to speak on his behalf ? kendall : to save j.r. 's son , adam chandler , iii , from babe chandler . lawyer : your honor , i object . kendall : to what ? to doing what 's right ? that innocent little boy belongs to j.r . lawyer : miss hart is bianca montgomery 's sister . her prejudice against my client � [ scene_break ] bianca : since i lived it -- judge : order in the court . bianca : can we not watch it on television ? ethan : yeah . [ ethan turns tv off ] ethan : of course . actually , i 'm glad you 're here . there 's something that you need to know , and i want you to hear this from me . bianca : why do i get the feeling that i should be sitting down ? ethan : because you 're very perceptive . here . ethan : you do n't have any sharp objects on you , do you ? [ scene_break ] mr. emerson : ms. hart is not a child psychologist . lawyer : she 's not even a parent . kendall : like you have to be a vet to know you should n't put a kitten in a dishwasher ? mr. emerson : this is inflammatory . lawyer : yes , and pointless . second lawyer : may i continue ? first lawyer : your honor , please . mr. emerson : i 'd like ms. hart 's entire testimony stricken from the record . judge : if you ca n't supply concise , specific information , you 're wasting the court 's time . kendall : oh , i 've got facts for days . ask me about babe and j.r. 's wedding day . then you can lock her up , hand him the baby , and we can all go home . [ gallery murmurs ] [ scene_break ] maria : oh . oh , you 're not shocked , are you ? because you 're the one who did this . zach : wait , i 've been in here with you . maria : yeah , and one of your idiots , like , parked car or something against the door . zach : i may not get this lock open . maria : yeah . i 'm just wondering how you thought we were going to spend the time . you know , if it was n't so pathetic , it would almost be funny . everything from the casita , all trapped in here with us . maria : nap - time blanket . zach : i could n't look at you without wanting to touch you . maria : so you set the stage here , and you think that i 'm going to -- what , beg you to take me ? you know , you 're not nearly as smart as you think you are -- zach : who is ? maria : because i remember that there 's another way out of here . you 've got that -- the eye - in - sky security system right there . hello ! help ! and let -- we need the key to the door ! please get me out of here ! [ scene_break ] ethan : i gave j.r. chandler a hand . i pulled some strings to help him get the paternity test on his son . bianca : wow . that 's sinking straight to the chandler level . ethan : now , that 's not fair . bianca : oh , now you want to talk fair ? come on , ethan , who do you think you 're talking to ? are you having fun ? you 're a member of a very exclusive club . ethan : is that how you see me ? bianca : is that how you see yourself ? seriously , ethan , just be careful . money and power are dangerous . i mean , that 's one of the reasons why i wanted you to get the dna test to begin with -- so that miranda would n't have to deal with all this on her own when she grows up . ethan : i 'm not interested in billionaire boy bonding . nobody should get away with keeping a child from its father or its mother . bianca : and babe deserves to be punished ? ethan : absolutely . what she did to you is unthinkable . bianca : ethan , is this about me or is this about you and your father ? ethan : everyone deserves to know their parents , no matter who they are or what they 've done . no one , not even the father himself , has the right to deny that to a child . bianca : kendall feels the exact same way . [ scene_break ] kendall : babe was alone talking to the baby , and i heard babe call her `` miranda . `` lawyer : and the significance of `` miranda `` ? kendall : that 's the name of my sister 's baby . we thought miranda died in the helicopter crash that skeevy little paul cramer staged . judge : i will not instruct you again . kendall : that 's not editorializing , your honor . no half - decent human being would 've done what paul cramer did . anyway , that 's when i started thinking that there was a mix - up with the babies and babe knew about it . lawyer : did you confront miss chandler ? kendall : of course . but babe had her excuses , and i was n't the only one who thought that bess might really be miranda . lawyer : but you did nothing about your suspicions ? kendall : well , that 's because we were faked out with a dna test that was supposedly dead - on and aboveboard . lawyer : your honor , how much time are we going to waste on this irrelevant line of questioning ? second lawyer : it 's highly relevant . first lawyer : not to this hearing . kendall : babe let bianca go on thinking her baby was dead when the whole time , babe was raising her -- now , that 's a fit mother ? babe should n't be able to own a goldfish , forget about handing her a child . lawyer : i object ! kendall : no , i object . i object to the fact that anyone thinks that this woman right here could be a fit mother or a role model to any child . dorian : oh , my . that 's the final nail in babe 's coffin . judge : mr. lasko . mr. lasko : thank you , your honor . tad : now it 's our turn . jamie : i do n't think kendall folds easily . mr. lasko : now , miss hart , let 's see if we can cut through your sound and fury and find a few facts . mr. lasko : who delivered your sister 's baby ? kendall : babe , but that does n't mean -- mr. lasko : babe chandler and your sister were best friends , were n't they ? kendall : yeah , until babe lied to her . mr. lasko : did n't bianca montgomery credit babe chandler with saving her life ? kendall : yes , but that 's -- mr. lasko : yes , and saving the life of her baby , as well ? kendall : yes , but that 's not the point . mr. lasko : no , that is the point , ms. hart . last december , you were down in florida with my client , babe chandler , were n't you ? kendall : i was down in florida with bianca , j.r. , and miranda , who we used to call `` bess . `` mr. lasko : you saw babe chandler , did n't you , babe and jamie martin ? kendall : it was an ambush . mr. lasko : is that a yes ? kendall : yes . mr. lasko : james edward martin , jamie , was severely injured in florida , was n't he ? kendall : jamie got hurt . mr. lasko : how was he injured ? kendall : in a fight . mr. lasko : with you ? kendall : j.r. hit him . mr. lasko : hit him ? [ gallery murmurs ] mr. lasko : once ? or many times ? did n't j.r. chandler bash his stepbrother in the head with some kind of a metal pipe ? were n't you afraid that j.r. chandler was going to kill jamie martin ? kendall : yes , but -- mr. lasko : thank you . kendall : no , but j.r. was fighting for his child . of course he lost it . i mean , what father who loves his child would n't ? mr. lasko : no . your honor , move to strike . ms. hart can not possibly know what was going on through j.r. chandler 's mind as he attacked jamie martin with deadly force . lawyer : objection . i move to strike mr. lasko 's -- mr. lasko : no . ms. hart 's attempts to excuse , to excuse j.r. chandler 's attack on jamie martin should be stricken . judge : ms. johnson . you will strike ms. hart 's attribution of motive to mr. chandler 's attack , and you will also strike mr. lasko 's reference of `` deadly force . `` kendall : your honor , may i object ? judge : not if you know what 's good for you . mr. lasko . mr. lasko : nothing further . judge : mr. emerson ? mr. emerson : nothing at this time . kendall : ok , but -- they did n't let me finish . judge : step down , miss hart . who 's next ? lawyer : erica kane . [ gallery murmurs ] lawyer : do you believe my client , j.r. chandler , kept your daughter 's child from her even after he was told bianca was the child 's mother ? erica : of course he did . everyone knows that . krystal : she 's going to crucify babe . david : you 're being optimistic . erica : not at all . j.r. was justifiably confused , and he loved that baby very , very much . dorian : love the outfit . i wonder whose side she 's on . david : bye - bye , babe . erica : j.r. did not cause that pain . j.r. was victimized as much as my daughter bianca . that woman , babe , manipulated and lied to all of us . what she did to bianca and to j.r. is criminal . mr. lasko : i object . judge : ms. kane . erica : i 'm sorry , your honor . lawyer : ms. chandler claims that she , too , was manipulated by paul cramer . she blames mr. cramer for your family 's suffering . erica : that 's crazy . babe could have come forward the minute she found out that miranda was that baby , but she did n't . she decided to keep the baby for months , and she continued to play her game . she tortured my daughter bianca and she tortured j.r. because babe did not think of anyone but herself . lawyer : i have nothing further . mr. emerson : in december , you flew to florida to see bianca at j.r. chandler 's hotel room . lawyer : objection . relevance ? judge : ms. pace and mr. emerson and mr. lasko -- this applies to you , too -- there is no jury here . you can try to slide things under , up , and through , you can object , file motions and appeals till monkeys fly , but know this -- i am perfectly capable of separating what is relevant from what is not . you may answer the question , ms. kane . erica : yes . i went to the hotel . mr. emerson : and did you see bianca ? erica : kendall and i were outside the hotel room in the hallway , and we heard voices . we heard loud voices . mr. emerson : and when you went inside the room , whom did you find ? erica : j.r. answered the door . mr. emerson : and your daughter was in the room ? ms. kane , was bianca in j.r. chandler 's hotel room ? erica : you know she was n't . mr. emerson : had she left by some other exit ? erica : you know very well she fell from the balcony . mr. emerson : `` fell `` or was pushed ? erica : now i must object . [ scene_break ] bianca : i do n't want any part of the custody hearing or the kidnapping trial . ethan : good luck avoiding that . bianca : bon chance . but i 'm betting my argent on the rive gauche . ethan : ok -- ahem . i 'm getting a french connection . paris ? where the board wants one of us to go to look after the european connection . bianca : you 're all settled in here . i thought i 'd give it a shot . ethan : are you sure ? it 's a big change . bianca : sure that i can live without being studied under a microscope by people that i do n't even know ? sure that i can live without being hounded ? oui . ethan : and what if i say , arrete ici , s'il vous plait ? bianca : why should i stay ? ethan : maybe because a lot of poor slobs here need you . especially me . [ scene_break ] maria : get me out of here now , and i wo n't call the cops ! ok ? hello ! zach : there 's no camera . maria : it 's right there -- there . you know it 's right there . zach : it 's not connected . maria : oh , my god . you 're such a liar . i saw it the night of the murder game with david and adam -- they were on it . i do n't care what this guy told you ! please get me out of here now . if somebody does n't get me out of here , i swear to god -- zach : it was only there for the night of the party . no one can see you or hear you except me . so you can shout , you can scream , but no one 's going to rescue you . maria : so what should i do -- undress right now ? my kids are great . [ scene_break ] judge : is objecting a trait you 've handed down from mother to daughter ? erica : i expect my daughters to speak their minds and oppose injustice wherever they find it . judge : well , there 'll be no objecting in my courtroom from you . mr. emerson : i 'll repeat my question . ms. pace : your honor . judge : let him so we can move on with this . mr. emerson : was your daughter -- erica : bianca told me that she fell , and i believe her . mr. emerson : she fell ? has bianca had problems with her balance on other occasions ? erica : i could n't say . mr. emerson : she does n't suffer from any kind of seizures or -- ms. pace : your honor ? judge : we all get what you 're dancing around , mr. emerson . i suggest you try a new step . mr. emerson : did you question mr. chandler about this incident ? erica : naturally we discussed it . mr. emerson : and what was his version ? erica : j.r. told me that bianca became agitated and lost her balance . she fell against the rail , and it did n't hold . those are the facts , mr. emerson . mr. emerson : bianca tells the same story ? erica : bianca has never accused j.r. of trying to hurt her . if there were the remotest possibility that he did try to hurt her , do you think that i or kendall would really be on his side ? mr. emerson : nothing further . erica : do you really think that we would want j.r. to have full custody of his son ? judge : strike ms. kane 's last remark . erica : i 'm sorry , your honor . you can not ignore what babe did to j.r . naturally , he would want to hold on to his child . she made him believe that his baby was dead , the same sick lie that she told my daughter bianca . judge : quiet . mr. lasko : before ms. chandler left town , she wrote bianca a letter , did n't she ? erica : i believe so , yes . mr. lasko : could you tell us where that letter might be ? erica : j.r. took it . mr. lasko : that seems odd . why ? erica : to spare bianca any more of babe 's filthy lies . mr. lasko : so the letter contained lies ? erica : babe told bianca that her daughter was still alive , that bess was really miranda , which at the time seemed laughable , insane , even , at the time . and babe also told j.r. that his son was dead . now , if that is n't a lie , what are we all doing here today ? babe is a self - serving sociopath . dorian : oh , she 's good . brooke : who 's up next ? jamie : the biggest performance yet . j.r. : that my son was dead ? just written in a letter , `` say good - bye to the daughter that you love , that you think is yours `` and `` oh , by the way , your son 's dead . `` i mean , would you believe that ? ms. pace : did you ? j.r. : no , it was crazy . it was too -- no , i would n't let myself go there . and because of that , i made some lousy choices , some things that i would not normally do . ms. pace : do you wish you would 've reacted differently ? j.r. : yeah . but babe had hit me with so much from the beginning . i gave her my heart . i realize that sounds corny , but i loved her . then i found out that she had slept with my stepbrother . mr. lasko : objection . judge : i 'll allow it . j.r. : and she believed that the baby might be his . ms. pace : you mean jamie 's ? j.r. : yes , jamie martin . i freaked out . babe said that we were soul mates , that she loved me like nobody else ever ; and then the first night she 's in town , she sleeps with my stepbrother . judge : mr. chandler -- j.r. : look , i 'm not condemning her . i never did from the beginning . i loved her . i wanted to know why she did it . was it something that i did ? did i push her into it somehow ? but she swore to me that it was n't my mistake , that she messed up , and she begged me to forgive her , so i did . and then i found out that she was still married to paul cramer , and she never said anything about it . [ gallery murmurs ] ms. pace : how did she explain that ? j.r. : well , she said that she meant to get an annulment , but she -- forgot ? ms. pace : and what did you do ? j.r. : babe got the annulment settled , and we married again . want to talk about stupid ? guess we all do stupid things when we 're in love . but i had to think about my little girl . my little girl . ms. pace : but then you finally filed for divorce . why ? j.r. : i just could n't take it anymore -- all the lies , the secrets . i never knew what babe was going to pull next . and i had a suspicion that she was still fooling around with jamie . ms. pace : but you did n't have any proof ? j.r. : they finally ran off together . look , all i wanted was my daughter , but some joke that was . babe knew bess is all i ever cared about , all i ever lived for . and i figured with her gone , that i would have full custody , and she and jamie could have each other . ms. pace : but then you read the letter that babe left you . j.r. and i snapped , i guess . lost my son and my daughter in the same day . if she would 've only told me the truth -- that my son was alive -- everything would have changed . i would at least have been able to cope with losing bess . ms. pace : and why do you feel that you should be granted custody of your biological son ? j.r. : because he 's mine . i want to have the chance to be the father that i know i can be . brooke : god forbid . j.r. : now , i 'm sure the lieutenant governor is a great guy . i mean , his son duke is proof of the fine job he has done being a father . dorian : huh , that 's rich . j.r. : but do n't i deserve to have the same chance that kevin buchanan 's already had ? adam chandler , iii , is blood . i never abandoned him , gave him up , lied about him . he was taken from me . i love him . i deserve to have him back . ms. pace : that 's all . mr. emerson : did you try to kill your stepbrother , james martin ? j.r. : no . mr. emerson : did you blackmail your wife , babe , into signing over full custody of the baby girl you believed was yours ? j.r. : no . mr. emerson : did you once drug your wife in hopes that she 'd commit adultery with your stepbrother ? j.r. : that 's crazy , no . mr. emerson : did you in any manner plan bianca montgomery 's fall from your balcony ? j.r. : god , no . mr. lasko : you do understand the concept of perjury ? j.r. : yes . i 'm not lying . everything i said was the truth . mr. lasko : you heard your stepson 's testimony ? tad : every word . all right , i have a question , your honor . judge : go ahead . tad : when you sentence j.r. for perjury , will you figure it by the word or by the lie ? ms. pace : i object . [ gallery murmurs ] tad : do n't we all . it seems j.r. indulged in a little creative filmmaking . he wanted to implicate babe and jamie in a murder - for - hire plot . mr. lasko : can you produce these video recordings ? tad : no . we destroyed all the copies . mr. lasko : `` we `` ? tad : we . i was able to get a little help from stuart chandler . [ gallery murmurs ] stuart : a little baby boy needs two parents . mr. lasko : mr. chandler , i was asking you about the tapes of babe . stuart : oh , yeah . well , there are n't any tapes . just dvds . mr. lasko : can you tell us what happened to them ? stuart : tad and i took them out of adam 's safe - deposit box because , you know , when i dress all stuffy and i 'm mean to everybody , they all think i 'm adam . mr. lasko : so , you got the dvds . then what ? stuart : we got rid of them so -- so j.r. could n't take babe 's little baby girl away from her . adam tried to do that with colby and liza and you know where that got him . mr. lasko : let 's just stick to babe and j.r . stuart : but , well , the more you know about adam , the easier it is to see why j.r. never fell far from adam 's tree . i keep trying to change adam , but i think it 's too late for him . but it 's not too late for j.r. to make things right . ms. pace : your honor , this -- this is the same man that helped liza chandler run off with adam chandler 's daughter colby . stuart : oh , yeah , i love liza and colby . and i love my brother and i love -- i love his son . but right is right and they were just plain wrong . mr. lasko : your honor , i would like to call my client , arabella carey chandler , to the stand . [ gallery murmurs ] babe : i really did love j.r. at first . i thought he was my prince or something . that 's why i married him . mr. lasko : what happened to the love ? babe : i only knew one side of j.r. , the side that he showed all of you here today . he seems compassionate and all , but it 's all just an act . ms. pace : objection ! babe : when i found out what paul had done , that he had given us the wrong baby , my whole world -- it -- it just collapsed . mr. lasko : then why did n't you tell your husband and bianca montgomery the truth ? babe : i was so crazy in love with j.r . i did n't want his world to collapse , too . i thought -- i thought that our son , our little boy , had died . i just -- i could n't bring myself to say that to him . i could n't do that to him . so instead , i put my best friend through a hundred kinds of hell . i 'll never forgive myself for what i did to bianca . [ scene_break ] bianca : you 'll do just fine without me . i just want to share a wonderful life with my daughter . ethan : you ca n't do that here ? bianca : it 'll be easier for me and miranda living in paris . erica : you go to paris to shop , not to live . [ scene_break ] babe : this all started when paul cramer faked a helicopter crash . i guess he did it maybe because he loved his sister , kelly . kelly had lost her baby , and paul thought that he was doing her a favor , but -- ended up that she just suffered with the rest of us . i really -- i 'm sorry about that . my son was conceived when j.r. and i still loved each other . he 's not ace and he 's not a buchanan . he 's our son . mr. lasko : but you still do n't believe that joint custody is an option ? babe : i did . but j.r. is a chandler with a capital c. he refused . he never even learned to share . it 's like -- in that mansion of theirs , it 's like winner takes all . it 's like they 've never even won before . j.r. did the exact same thing with the little girl that we called bess . he wanted her all to himself . and i knew that he would have done the same with our son , so that 's why i had to steal him . mr. lasko : babe -- judge : i have to warn you that anything you say to implicate yourself can and will be used against you in your pending criminal case . babe : i 'm ashamed of lots that i 've done . but i did four good things this year . i delivered bianca 's baby , i had my own baby , i fell in love with jamie martin , and i kidnapped my son . [ scene_break ] zach : did i ever try to take you by force ? maria : you know you never had to . zach : but you think i could do that to any woman ? maria : no , i -- why would you go to all this trouble , then , if you do n't want to make love to me ? zach : i did n't say i did n't want to make love to you . maria : ok , so you expect me to just think that this is some sort of bizarre coincidence ? this whole -- zach : well , how would i know that you 'd stir up trouble with your husband , then come over here and yell at me ? maria : you know , you have an answer for everything . it 's very good . zach : why do n't you think about my answers for a second ? i 've never lied to you . maria : no , no , it 's more like i 've never caught you . i do n't want to be pulled in by you again . you understand me ? i 'm not going to let that happen . zach : you asked me if i was a cambias , and i told you . you asked me if ethan was my son . i told you . you asked me about the murder game , that ryan was shot . i told you . everything you ever asked me , 100 % the truth . so why would i lie now ? now , here , this old shed with nothing but just what 's left of our memories ? why ? maria : you are a liar , zach . zach : why ? why do you have to believe that ? maria : i do n't have to believe that . i do believe that . zach : makes it easier , does n't it ? maria : what does that even mean ? zach : if i 'm lying , you do n't have to question edmund . but if edmund 's lying , you 've chosen the wrong man . maria : edmund is not the wrong man . zach : of course he 's not . he ca n't be . that would sink your world , would n't it ? you 've made a colossal mistake . maria : no , just stop , ok ? everybody lies sometimes ! zach : the worst thing that i ever said to you was that i loved you . and that was n't a lie . it 'll always be the truth . [ scene_break ] erica : bianca , you 're going to leave us ? bianca : i was going to talk to you guys about this tonight . ethan : you know , i have to see forbes in the legal department , so i 'm going to go -- bianca : no , ethan , you do n't have to leave . erica : yes , he does . ethan : absolutely not . bianca : well ? erica : well , this is certainly the last thing i expected to be hit with today . kendall : yeah , me , too . but i think -- i think it 's brilliant . it 's wonderful . it 's a great idea . it 's perfect . bianca : well , that -- that 's exactly how i feel . i think that this is a really positive move for me . i mean , i need to stretch my wings and -- and fly on my own for a little while and really devote myself to raising my little girl . kendall : in maybe the most beautiful city in the whole world . bianca : exactly . kendall : i mean , you 'll be starting fresh . you 'll be going into the city of lights with a whole new life . bianca : right . my own personal new beginning , mom . erica : i hope you 've thought this through . bianca : i have . but i need you to be ok with it . erica : well , i -- i see one very large problem . uh -- i 'm not a difficult person or -- or a very demanding person that you have to please . but i will choose the decorator for my guest room , for my bedroom . bianca : your bedroom ? erica : well , we 'll be visiting once a month , and i refuse to stay in a hotel without you and miranda . bianca : ok , of course ! guest rooms , yes . erica : guest rooms . of course , guest rooms . i mean , unless you prefer to stay in a hotel . kendall : no , no , no . no , whatever you want , wherever you want me . bianca : oh , with us , of course . oh . i was so worried that you would try to stop me . erica : try to stop a kane woman ? i defy anyone to try . bianca : i love you so much . kendall : i do , too . erica : of course you do . just like i love you . what is more fantastic than a mother - daughter bond ? kendall and bianca : nothing ! erica : nothing ! kendall : nothing . [ scene_break ] woman : ok , zoom in on babe chandler . this is good stuff . brooke : can you just give them a break ? woman : i 'm sorry , i ca n't . keep rolling . keep rolling . mr. emerson : babe chandler should withdraw her request for custody ! mr. lasko : your honor , please ! babe : excuse me ! i am right here . your honor , can i please say something ? and do n't try to stop me . judge : sit down . go on , ms. chandler . babe : i told j.r. that our son had died when i knew that it was a lie , because it was the only way out that i could see for my son . and to make 100 % sure that he could n't get his hands on him , and raise him with his lies and his games , i had to kidnap my own child . i just wish that i had n't have been caught , so j.r. could n't have the chance to wreck the sweet child 's life . mr. emerson : your honor , it 's clear from this testimony that neither biological parent is fit to raise this child . ms. pace : that is the most self - serving -- krystal : that 's not true ! it 's not right ! tad : do n't make things worse . jamie : there 's no way things could get worse . brooke : let the attorneys fight it out . david : babe 's just slit her own throat . [ scene_break ] [ static ] edmund : damn it ! what the hell 's going on ? [ scene_break ] bianca : sit down and play , miranda . let 's see what 's on tv , ok ? babe : since i may be going to prison now , my opinion may not matter , but it should . j.r. would not be good for our little boy . that 's why i risked prison in the first place to take him . kevin buchanan loves my little boy . you should grant him custody . [ gallery murmurs ] babe : and then that way , kelly could help raise him . you would do that , would n't you ? i know that he 'd be safe with you . j.r. : no , no , she 's a felon ! do n't listen to her ! ms. pace : sidebar , your honor ! kelly : wait , wait , wait ! dorian : kelly , no ! kelly : wait , your honor . there 's something that i should have said before when i was on the stand , but i did n't , and i think i should say it now . the thing is , babe ca n't be guilty of kidnapping because there was no kidnapping . i told her that she could take ace . [ gallery murmurs ] [ next_on ] ethan : just the man i 'm looking for . maria : i came over here because i wanted to see you . i wanted to be with you . krystal : you can change your mind , and the da will still take my deal . j.r. : you 're my witness now .
at the custody hearing for the baby boy , there are three lawyers representing three parties : one for babe , jamie and their respective families in their quest to get custody of the baby they call baby james . one for jr and adam to get custody of `` adam iii `` and one to represent kevin and kelly buchanan and their families to get the custody of the baby they know as baby ace . but a strange twist occurs . babe realizes she might be going to prison . so she testifies that she wants kevin and kelly to have the baby . hearing that , kelly admits that babe can not be guilty of kidnapping because she gave her permission to take her little boy and she fights to help babe and jamie have him .
colby : not enough heat at the gatehouse ? annie : i asked him to spend the night . colby : hmm . i 'm surprised you made him sleep on the couch . [ scene_break ] adam : what is it ? are you all right ? j.r. : i 'm fine . it 's you i 'm worried about . [ scene_break ] jake : i do n't know . i 've looked every single place in this house . where is this tape ? tad : well , we did n't find the coffin he sleeps in . maybe the tape 's in -- you already checked that . jake : yeah , you 'd think with all the blackmailing he does , he 'd have a room that 's just dedicated to extortion material . [ cell phone rings ] jake : hey , yeah , we 're still searching . angie : jake , stop ripping the house apart . listen , i spent the entire night thinking about this . now , resigning is my only option . jake : no , no , no . we 're gon na find the tape , ok ? angie : ah . it wo n't change things . i still sunk to david 's level to settle the strike , and i have to take responsibility , face the consequences . [ scene_break ] [ david regains consciousness tied up in a chair ] erica : david . good morning . was last night as good for you as it was for me ? david : what do you want , erica ? [ scene_break ] ryan : morning , sleepyhead . greenlee : where did you drag me to ? ryan : take a look around . do you remember ? this place is where our life will begin again . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you were up till dawn on the phone . did you get in contact with any bone marrow experts ? adam : about 25 or so . j.r. : huh . adam : i 've ordered every global business partner we have to start a bone marrow registry right there in their companies . j.r. : oh . we 'll be able to find a donor from all those people . adam : oh , yeah . it 's more like a backup . i 'm confident that we can find a donor for you within our family . no . j.r. : uncle palmer ? adam : uh - huh . i had to turn over every stone in europe for him to slither out , but i would give him the mansion if he could help you . j.r. : yeah . dad , can we have a family meeting ? can you get scott and colby together for me ? adam : consider it done . j.r. : dad , wait . i 'm sorry i did n't tell you about the cancer earlier . i told you about the remission , because i was hoping that you 'd get rid of annie . adam : oh -- j.r. : i just should have been more honest -- treated you like a dad instead of like an enemy . can you forgive me ? adam : if you can forgive me . i love you , j.r. do n't ever forget that . j.r. : i love you , too , dad . can you stay ? i 'd like to tell little adam about this . adam : of course . j.r. : ok . little adam ! little adam : grandpa ! adam : oh , there 's my buddy ! oh ! ooh ! our very own bear wrestler . ooh ! ha ha ! [ kiss ] j.r. : hey , come here . oh . hey , you 're heavy . remember i was telling you that i was sick ? well , we 're gon na start a new treatment . ok . adam : now , this treatment is gon na make your dad all better . ha ha . [ scene_break ] krystal : cancer ? marissa : i 'm so sorry that i could n't tell you sooner . krystal : ohh -- you know , i felt something was up with j.r. and his shaved head , but i -- and you were n't putting anything on the table , so i just did n't feel like it was my business to pry . does tad know ? marissa : yeah . he 's been there for j.r. from the beginning . krystal : well , i 'm glad that j.r. has tad and you to lean on . how are you holding up ? marissa : i 've -- been better . yeah , you know , in the beginning , i thought i could take it on and just roll with whatever setbacks or side effects , but then the chemo treatments started . i went from denial to panic to just feeling completely overwhelmed by it all . and i could n't talk to j.r. about it because he was sick . i -- i could n't share it with anyone . sometimes i just felt so alone . krystal : oh , marissa . you are not alone now , ok ? if you need to talk , i want you to pick up that phone and call me . i do n't care if it 's 3 p.m. or 3 a.m . marissa : i 'm sorry that i 've been such a lousy daughter . krystal : what ? no , you stop that nonsense right now , ok ? honey -- we are just learning how to be a family . yes , i gave birth to you , but that does not automatically make me your mama . i have to earn that privilege , and i will . starting right now . [ scene_break ] annie : maybe if you had a life , you would n't be so focused on mine . colby : we have a mansion full of rooms . why sleep on the couch ? that -- that 's all i meant . you 're the one whose mind went all hot and steamy . scott : uncle adam has been at the hospital all night , all right ? i was waiting for him . colby : oh , my god , what happened ? is he all right ? is it his heart ? scott : no , he 's fine . it was a hospital board crisis . colby : you know , he -- he should n't be pulling all - nighters under his condition . scott : yeah , exactly . annie : well , at least we can all agree on that . colby : you do n't give a damn about my father . annie : i need coffee . colby : she needs to take her bags and haul on out of here . scott : hey , um , did you call dr. burke ? hmm ? annie 's doctor at oak haven ? colby : no , i did n't . scott : because he showed up here last night saying annie called him . colby : i knew this was gon na happen . greenlee drove annie bonkers last time . it would make sense why she would call for help . scott : oh , she does n't remember making the call . colby : this really , really is n't good , scott . scott : no , no . colby : i did n't do it . i did n't call dr. burke . ok , the last thing we need is for annie to go off the rails . scott : well , that 's not what you said before . colby : you 're right , scott . crazy annie would put anyone in danger . i would n't do that , not to dad , not to emma , not to you . yes , yes , yes , i want annie gone , but the last time annie took a nosedive from reality , she killed her brother , put on a wedding dress , and stabbed erica kane . who 'd want that annie back ? annie : scott , would you like some coffee ? scott : uh , i 'm gon na -- i 'm gon na go home to the gatehouse , grab a quick shower . thanks . annie : why ca n't she stay dead ? [ scene_break ] ryan : you need something to eat . i think i 've got a little bit of cereal here , some juice , a little bit of tea . just something for you . here you go . here . where do you want it , right there ? [ greenlee overthrows the breakfast tray than dashes to the door and begins pounding on it ] greenlee : help ! help ! anybody , somebody , i 'm trapped ! ryan : hey . greenlee : i 'm being held prisoner by a madman ! ryan : just take it easy . just try and take it easy , ok ? just - just -- greenlee : [ grunting ] why wo n't this thing open ? ryan : look around . do you remember it ? you do , do n't you ? this is it , greenlee . this is where we came a couple of years ago to get married . do you remember ? you do . of course , it was just a partnership between friends then . but it turned into so much more . and personally , i will never -- i will never forget you walking across the lawn to me . you were wearing your jeans and your white ruffled shirt , and you looked so beautiful , so simple , so beautiful , so carefree . sporting so much attitude all at the same time . do you remember what we promised each other ? a surprise a day every day . a lot to live up to . the best surprise for me was when i realized that you are the love of my life . greenlee : you want to know what i remember ? kendall locking me in a room like this , putting on her own wedding dress and trying to drown me just so she could have you . ryan : and she did n't succeed . greenlee : no . she waited until i was dead . help ! [ scene_break ] erica : tell me what you remember about last night , david ? david : martin . jake called to tell me marissa was in the hospital . but she was n't . erica : anything else ? david : tad was in the parking lot . we struggled . jake showed up . and then jake injected me with some knockout drug . ha ha . boy , those martin clowns are n't gon na be laughing once i press charges . erica : oh , you wo n't be pressing charges . if you go to the police , i 'll tell them that you 're lying , and they 'll believe me when i come forward with my story , and i 'm quite sure that jake and tad both have very strong alibis . david : all right , what is this , erica ? what , are you joining forces with those bozos to teach me a lesson ? erica : well , it 's not nice to blackmail anyone , especially angie hubbard . mmm . so , do you like my new place ? you 're actually the first man to spend the night here . you should be honored . david : and just how long are you planning to keep me here ? erica : as long as it takes to seduce you back to your senses . [ scene_break ] angie 's voice : it 's been a privilege to serve pine valley hospital as its chief of staff . however , i am no longer able to fulfill all the duties of this position without sacrificing my personal and family responsibilities . therefore , i regretfully tender my resignation effective immediately . i hope the board will honor my recommendation that dr. david hayward return as chief of staff . sincerely , dr. angela hubbard . what are you doing here ? jesse : well , good morning to you , too , sunshine . you did n't come home last night , you did n't call . what 's that ? angie : i was busy . jesse : busy ? angela , i miss you next to me . we got to work our way through this , stop freezing each other . angie : listen , there is nothing to talk about . i 'm resigning . jesse : we argue about your job , you want to up and quit ? angie : this is not about you . jesse : then what is it about ? hayward ? i know you hated the way you got this job , so what , you want to quit now because of hayward ? angie : you think this is about me blackmailing david ? jesse : well , i know you had a really , really hard time dealing with it in the beginning . angie : ahh . jesse , you know what ? i really do n't want to talk about it anymore . it is what it is . so if you 'll excuse me , i have to messenger this to the board . [ scene_break ] david : i 've always liked the way you seduced . go ahead , give me your best shot . erica : i 'll let you know when i 'm ready . david : you do n't give a damn about who runs pvh . erica : well , you know me so well , david , why do n't you tell me what i want ? david : this is all about fusion . you 're trying to get me to betray my fiancée . well , i 'm sorry , erica , it 's not gon na happen . [ erica sighs ] [ knock on door ] erica : i 'll get that . david : ha ha . yeah . ha ha ! why am i not surprised ? so what happened to tweedle dumber ? tad : where is it ? david : oh , i 'm sorry , taddy , i 'm not a mind reader . you 're gon na have to give me something more to go on . tad : you 're gon na tell me where you hid that tape . david : really ? that 's the best you got ? go ahead , rough me up . you 're not gon na get anything . you know , but maybe you should give a talking - to to your good friend angie . i mean , after all , she is the one that blackmailed that union chief , right ? erica : in the fireplace at wildwind , there 's a loose brick . hugo marick built a hiding place behind it . i bet the tape is there . tad : erica , you 're a gem . keep him tied up , would you ? erica : oh , david , do n't be such a bad sport . i lived at wildwind , remember ? david : ha ha . i 'm gon na make sure you regret that some day , erica . erica : well , now , david , you need to play nice 'cause i hold the key to your freedom . [ scene_break ] [ thudding ] greenlee : please help me , someone ! i 'm trapped ! i ca n't get out of my room ! ryan : save your strength , ok , because i rented the entire castle , and i sent the whole staff home , so -- greenlee : there 's no one here ? ryan : no , no one . we 're completely and totally alone . greenlee : you 're wasting your money and my time . when i get out , i 'm marrying david . accept it . ryan : you missed something , greenlee . you missed something pretty incredible . [ scene_break ] annie : i wo n't let that little witch hurt me again ! scott : ok , annie , annie , you need to relax . greenlee is not out to get you . annie : sorry . i -- i did n't mean to freak you guys out . i just -- i 'm just tired . i 've been up all night and worried about adam , and the shock of greenlee being alive , that 's all . scott : i know . we get it . right , colby ? colby : yeah , yeah . do n't worry about it . scott : un - huh . annie : this is -- it 's all greenlee 's fault . scott : are you ok ? annie : last time she came back to town , she stole everything from me . she stole my husband . she stole emma . she stole my sanity . why does she call dr. burke pretending to be me ? scott : i think greenlee is a little worried about getting her own life back to worry about you right now . annie : i did n't call him , scott . somebody did . scott : ok , well , maybe it was a simple mistake . i do n't know . maybe somebody else named annie called the doctor , and his secretary wrote down the wrong name . it happens . annie : things happen ? is that how you just explain life away , scott ? what about us ? do we just happen ? scott : you went upstairs , and i slept down here . end of story . annie : i could n't have gotten through the night without you . [ adam appears in the doorway ] annie : i was so worried about you . what was the big emergency ? adam : uh , we need to talk . now . where 's colby ? scott : upstairs , i think . adam : colby ! annie : he heard us . scott : no , no . we do n't know that for sure . annie : he thinks we slept together last night ! scott : but we did n't . and nothing happened . colby saw me asleep down here , so whatever he throws at us , we 'll deal . annie : ok . scott : all right . annie : [ sighs ] uh , you must be so tired from your night . why do n't you get some rest before this little pow - wow ? adam : no , i 'm fine . colby : no matter what it is , dad , i am here for you no matter what . adam : ok . it 's j.r . colby : is he ok ? adam : he 'll be here shortly . yeah . annie : whoa , hey , is n't it a little early for that ? i 'll make you some coffee , mister . j.r. : hey , why do n't you go brighten up lucretia 's day and get yourself a cookie . colby : what 's , uh , going on , j.r. ? j.r. : the chemo 's not working . colby : wh -- what does that mean ? j.r. : it means that i need a bone marrow transplant . adam : we all need to be tested . um , we need to pull together as a family . j.r. can beat this , but he needs our help . [ scene_break ] jake : now you do n't have to resign . tad : well , come on , give us a hug . we wo n't tell jesse . jake : would you knock it off ? what 's the matter ? angie : i already sent my resignation letter . tad : well , unsend it . look , all you got to do is get on the phone and call the messenger . that 's it . angie : it 's too late . i 'm out as chief of staff . accept it . jake : great . so david gets to just add victim after victim on top of his pile of pain ? angie : you know what ? david may have given me that folder of dirty little secrets , but i 'm the one who used it . i have sacrificed my integrity , my principles , and i need to own it . tad : anything you want , angela . angie : thank you . tad : come on . [ angie sighs ] [ door opens as angie drops her nameplate into the trash can ] jesse : oh , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . put that back , young lady , right on your desk where it belongs . angie : jesse , where did you get that letter ? jesse : i stole it . [ scene_break ] david : how long are you gon na hold me hostage here ? jake and tad must have found that tape by now . erica : let 's talk about fusion . david : ha ha . erica , let it go . if you want fusion , you 're gon na have to go after it yourself . erica : david , i 'm trying to help you . david : really ? because this does n't feel like you helping me . erica : you have to talk to greenlee . you have to get her to walk away from fusion , because if i go after her full force , your fiancée is gon na end up -- well , it 's not gon na be pretty . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ok , spit it out . what did i miss ? ryan : you missed our -- our first year of marriage , greenlee , that 's what you missed . greenlee : that 's it ? ryan : i 'm gon na start with the honeymoon . no , i 'll start with the wedding night , which -- which was gon na be here . we were gon na come here and have a late - night romantic dinner in the moonlight . and then we were going to make love all night long . greenlee : i do n't need to hear this . ryan : i have n't even started . i have n't even got to the honeymoon part yet . do you remember what we planned ? that european tour , a month - long european tour which started at that tuscan villa . do you remember the villa that we saw the photos of with the cypress trees and the olive groves ? it was so beautiful , perfect for long walks . do you remember what we talked about ? and then from there we were gon na go a little bit north to lake como , hang out there by the lake , and then take a tour through the alps , maybe even ski a little bit . and then head up to paris and take that private cruise along the seine , stop at the eiffel tower , and i was gon na kiss you right there , right in front of the tower . greenlee : what , no french poodle ? ryan : well , i was gon na save the dog for when we got back to pine valley as a -- as an old married couple . greenlee : hmm . domestic bliss . ryan : you stealing the covers -- us taking long hot showers together -- waking up the kids in the morning -- emma picking out your outfit for the day . greenlee : she is quite the fashionista . ryan : and then corrina would take spike and emma to school , and we would be alone for that half an hour -- that precious half an hour in the morning -- every day where i would show you how much i love you . greenlee : we can never get that year back . ryan : we lost time together , greenlee , but we did n't lose love . it 's still there . greenlee : no , it died in connecticut . ryan : no , i refuse to believe that . you 're angry now , greenlee , you 're so angry , and i get that , but it 's not gone . the love is there . if it was gone , then you would have just walked away , and you did n't . you still love me , greenlee , you do , and i 'm gon na keep you in this room , i 'm not gon na let you leave until you say it . greenlee : i do not love you , ryan . how can i be any more clearer ? ryan : you 're lying -- to me and to yourself . greenlee : you arrogant jerk . just because kendall and erica and god knows what other females fell for you does n't mean your lavery magic still works on me . [ gasps ] ryan : what ? greenlee : ah ! oh ! ryan : greenlee , you ok ? greenlee : oh , my god , ryan , it hurts . ryan : seriously ? greenlee : i 'm scared . ryan : let me call jake . greenlee : no , no , no . this ca n't wait . i have to go to the hospital now . ryan : really ? greenlee : please ! ryan : ok . all right . no , no . let me carry you to the car . greenlee : no , no . it 's better if i walk . it 's better if i walk . ryan : all right . uh ! oh ! [ as soon as he opens the door , greenlee hits ryan in the face with the it , then runs out ] ryan : are you kidding me ? [ scene_break ] erica : david , it 's time . it 's time for you to step in and save greenlee one more time . [ cell phone rings ] david : that 's my phone . that could be greenlee . i told her to call me if there was an emergency . erica : no emergency here . david : she was in a coma for almost a year , erica . erica : greenlee is actually embracing her emotional distress , david . greenlee is nurturing her anger . greenlee wants to go out and seek and destroy anyone she thinks hurt her . david : she 's trying to protect herself from the people who hurt her . erica : well , in the meantime , i will not allow greenlee to do any more damage to fusion . david : it 's her company , erica ! erica : no , it is also kendall 's company , and greenlee did her very best to destroy it , and if you do n't get your vindictive bride to walk away from fusion , i am going to have to do everything i can to safeguard it . david : oh , please . this is you trying to get back at greenlee for stealing ryan 's attention . erica : actually , not at all . ryan and i ended things before either one of us had any idea that greenlee had come back from the dead . david : ryan was never your type of man . erica : and you know what my type of man is ? david : well , there was a time when i was an erica kane expert . [ scene_break ] jesse : i slipped right up to that unsuspecting messenger and in stealth mode , slipped the letter right out of said messenger 's bag . like the wind . angie : did you read it ? jesse : no . i was hoping you would tell me about it . angie : well , actually , i just want to forget that the whole thing happened . can you understand that ? jesse : can you understand why i need to know why you wanted to resign ? angie : jesse , i ca n't . jesse : what you mean is you wo n't , because you can do anything you want to . [ cell phone beeps ] angie : it 's the e.r . i have to go . [ door opens and closes ] [ scene_break ] frankie : first off , it 's great to see so many potential donors . now , as you all know , dr. khan feels that a bone marrow transplant is j.r. 's best option for remission . now , the initial testing is easy . we 'll take swab samplings from inside the cheek and pass them along to the american bone marrow registry . marissa : then what happens ? jake : well , if it 's a match , then we 'll take blood and do a whole series of tests . frankie : if the blood work shows true compatibility , the donor will be given drugs to boost stem cell production , and that bone marrow will be harvested and given to j.r. via i.v . , ok ? are there any questions ? adam : uh , first , let 's see if i 'm a match . frankie : yeah , well , i 'm sorry , adam , but due to your age and medical history , you ca n't donate . adam : this is an emergency . i 'm his father . half his genes are mine . jake : adam , it 's ok . actually , the rules were put in place to protect you and to protect j.r . adam : oh , i was hoping i would be the one to save your life . j.r. : well , do n't worry , dad . we 'll find a match . [ scene_break ] erica : ok , since we 're sharing . let me ask you something . why is a driven , incredibly talented doctor such as you wasting all of your effort on a spoiled , self - serving little brat like greenlee smythe ? have you hit rock bottom ? have you thought about internet dating ? david : ryan lavery ? sam woods ? jackson montgomery ? even a short dance with adam chandler . ha . surely you could find a more suitable mate . erica : sounds like you 're jealous . david : all right , fine . i hate your men , you disapprove of my women . you ever wonder why that is , erica ? [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , hey , hey -- greenlee : that vase is going against your skull ! ryan : no , it 's not . no , it 's not . take it easy . i 'm worried about you . ok , stay . stay . stay right -- [ closes door ] ryan : now -- take it easy . ok ? i know you were just faking last time , but i really , really do n't want you to get hurt again . greenlee : but you do n't mind holding me captive , trying to brainwash me just like you accuse david of doing . ryan : i 'm not brainwashing you , greenlee . greenlee : then stop getting in my face about the past . ryan : [ sighs ] ok . i 'm just gon na wait . i 'm just gon na sit here and wait for you to get honest about how you really feel about me . greenlee : ha ! this is ridiculous . going mute wo n't break me . i 'll never admit i love you . [ scene_break ] jesse : baby , you really need to update the magazines in this joint . angie : go home , jesse . jesse : no . you are keeping something from me , and i want to know what it is . angie : this from the man who 's kept how many secrets from the day he `` died `` ? jesse : if you 're not gon na let me in on what 's really bothering you -- what kind of marriage is this ? wh -- [ jesse storms out ] [ scene_break ] jake : scott , you 're up . scott : ok . listen , um , if i 'm a match , you have to handle the next five audits for chandler . j.r. : ha . if you 're a match , you 're off audit duty forever . hell , i 'll throw in a two - month ski trip to aspen . scott : well , i 'm gon na need a buddy on the trail , so you better be there . marissa : oh , we 'll all go . a family vacation . j.r. : that sounds like a deal . annie : i -- i 'm still in shock over jake and frankie refusing to test you . i mean , should n't they see if you 're a match first and then worry about the details later ? krystal : i think the point is they do n't want adam keeling over in the process . i mean , did n't you get that ? adam : i would give my life to save j.r . annie : listen , j.r. is not going anywhere . and neither are you . you have way too much to live for . adam : yeah . huh . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i do n't want to hear any i - told - you - so 's . colby : come on , just one for me ? i 'll even give you some bone marrow . j.r. : oh , so you want me to admit that i 'm wrong , so i can get some cells ? colby : no . i 'd -- give it to you anyway . j.r. : how 's it going on the annie front ? colby : uh , i would rather focus on helping you . j.r. : you 'll find a way to get rid of annie . you will . [ scene_break ] tad : well , kiddo , it 's your turn in the batter 's box . krystal : i tell you what , why do n't i go with you . maybe they 'll do two swabs for the price of one , huh ? marissa : ok . adam : tad , i need you to find a woman named sonia reyes . she lived in california years ago . tad : who 's sonia reyes ? adam : no questions right now . i just want you to find her . as soon as you can . [ scene_break ] david : if this place were n't empty , you 'd be yammering about eye shadow instead of answering my question . erica : your question ? david : yeah . erica : and , david , what question was that ? david : we still care about each other , erica . admit it . i 've regretted our breakup for some time now . we were good together . erica : hardly . we 're both , uh -- david : too much alike ? erica : oh , no . i would n't say that . david : oh , come on , we 're equals in every way -- ambitious , driven , attractive , very attractive . and you ca n't deny that we certainly knew how to spice things up . erica : well , now , doctor , what would greenlee think if she heard you flirting with the enemy this way ? david : she would probably cancel the wedding . erica : oh , well , we ca n't have that , now , can we ? david : well , i thought you 'd want greenlee left at the altar . erica : no . i want your wedding to take place . i want you to marry greenlee . i want you to take her away from fusion -- and pine valley and ryan . forever . [ scene_break ] ryan : and after all those years , i found the perfect partner . i just realized that . i never thought that i would be back in this place . love . real love . i thought i was done with it . i 've asked myself what makes sense , ok , i have . i 've asked myself what do i want . i 've asked myself who do i want . i 've asked myself all of it . and it 's you , greenlee , it 's always -- always been you . i walk into a room , and you 're there , and i -- and i feel it 's my home . you are the love of my life , greenlee , and i do n't want to live it without you . i love you . greenlee : ok , i still love you . are you happy now ?
colby finds scott asleep on the sofa in the living room of the chandler mansion . at j.r. 's apartment , adam awakens on the sofa . tad and jake search david 's home for the tape which david had used to blackmail angie . angie calls jake to stop his search of david 's home , but jake refuses to listen . david comes to and sees erica , watching him . greenlee wakes up and sees that ryan had been watching her sleep . j.r. asks adam if he had had any luck finding him a bone marrow donor . j.r. asks adam for his forgiveness for not telling him that he was sick again . scott asks colby if she was the one who had called dr. burke , but she denies any involvement . marissa tells krystal that j.r. has cancer . tad visits erica 's place and demands to know where david hid the tape . david refuses to tell , but erica reveals the hiding place . greenlee demands to be released , but ryan lets her know that they are at the castle alone . annie begins to fall to pieces when she thinks that she may go back to the psych hospital . scott tries to soothe annie 's worries when adam walks in . adam lets them know that all the family is gathering together for an announcement . annie inquires what the emergency is , but adam refuses to tell her until j.r. arrives . marissa , j.r. and krystal arrive at the chandler mansion . j.r. tells the chandler family that his chemotherapy is n't working and he is in need of a bone marrow transplant . adam tells the group that everyone will be tested . angie signs her letter of resignation and sends it by messenger to the hospital board . jake and tad come in with the tape , but angie tells them that she did n't have to use the info that david had given her , but she did . erica urges david to convince greenlee to walk away from fusion , but he refuses . jesse steals angie 's letter of resignation and brings it back to her . jesse tears up the letter without even reading it , then urges angie to let him know what was in the letter , but she refuses . greenlee relives memories of her life with ryan and reveals that she still loves him . frankie refuses to test adam for a possible bone marrow donor for j.r. due to his age and condition . everyone else is tested for the bone marrow bank .
tad : these people want to kill you . so let 's give them what they want . cara : are you following this ? griffin : yeah . i think i know where he 's going . tad : when you refused to operate on that guy -- cara : when i would n't . tad : a dangerous man died . now , his brother and all the people that work for him will not stop till carolyn finn is dead . cara : yes . i got that . tad : so let 's kill carolyn finn . [ scene_break ] amanda : is this where i report an immigration violation ? there 's a mexican national traveling on a fraudulent passport . yes . she is traveling under an assumed name . the passport reads `` carolyn finn , `` but her real name is cara castillo . yes . i 'll hold . no , no . i do n't want to give my name . i 'm just a concerned citizen . she 's working as a doctor at pine valley hospital . and i just thought that our government should know about it . thank you . how long have you been standing there ? jake : long enough . long enough to know i got the hottest wife in the world . [ kiss ] who was on the phone ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : spike ? ryan : he 's better . i got him watching a movie , so he does n't see any more updates on the news about his sister . i think i got him believing that they 're just on a trip , that emma 's gon na be ok . greenlee : she is . she is . annie is dangerous , but she does love emma . and the fbi is going to find her and bring her home , where she belongs . ryan : well , i got to get back out there . i got to help with the search . so -- [ doorbell rings ] jesse : ryan , it 's jesse ! ryan : anything ? jesse : still working on it . ryan : whatever we got to do , let 's do it . [ scene_break ] kendall : i know what you 'd say , zach . that i 'm crazy , i need to be practical . you 're not sending me any message . your accident was just an accident . there 's no big secrets , there 's no scary people out to get me . you 're just gone . [ scene_break ] ricky : kendall slater is a smart woman . she 's already asking questions . now , if i 'm gon na find what we 're looking for , i 'm gon na need her to keep thinking of me as her friendly neighborhood minister , not the man who killed her husband . [ scene_break ] bianca : word on the street is you tried to bust out of this place . kendall : i want to believe , binks . i want to believe so much that zach is still trying to reach me . [ scene_break ] ricky : meet me in the park as soon as you can . we need to talk about my plans for kendall . [ scene_break ] amanda : it was just a credit card company making sure that i was the last person who used the card . jake : what did you do ? did you make an unusual purchase ? did you do that ? amanda : no , not that unusual . just shoes . jake : shoes ! shoes . you know why , honey ? you do n't have enough shoes . and i understand because you never buy shoes . amanda : i do n't buy shoes -- jake : no ? amanda : i sometimes buy shoes . jake : a couple . mm - hmm . yeah . you know what i 'm gon na do ? i 'm gon na back off because i think i 'm ruining something . is this a present for me ? is this something i should just -- amanda : well , if it was a present for you , i would n't tell you and ruin the surprise . jake : ha ha . yeah . [ baby crying on monitor ] jake : i got it . he 's probably upset about the living arrangements . amanda : oh , he 's in the den . jake : the den ? who wants to be in the den ? amanda : honey , did you have a chance to talk to the contractor today ? jake : yes , honey . he said it 'd be a few weeks before we get to move back into our house . amanda : define a few . jake : uh , well . uh , i think that means that it 's more than two and less than a year . something like that . amanda : great . jake : yeah . amanda : jake . jake : let 's put the lid on this . amanda : jake , i have a confession to tell you . jake : put that in your pocket . what ? amanda : uh , cara . jake : yeah ? amanda : cara and i had a fight . but i really think that everything is gon na be ok now . really . [ scene_break ] griffin : do you want to fake her death ? tad : exactly . cara : how ? tad : i 'm not sure about all the details just yet . cara : you 've done this before ? tad : it 's been done , ok ? griffin : tad , you fake her death , they find out she was here in pine valley , they may come over here and make sure she was really gone . tad : which is why we have to be careful . it 's a good idea . it 's actually your sister . she 's already done half the groundwork for us . i mean , thinking about it , they 're looking for somebody that does n't really exist . you created carolyn finn to get into doctors without borders , but everybody in pine valley knows you as cara castillo . cara : ok , wait a minute . how do we get our hands on an official death certificate ? tad : we have your brother sign it . griffin : wait a minute . cara : wow . he 's got an answer for everything . griffin : ok , answer this . why do i think this is the stupidest idea i 've ever heard ? [ scene_break ] jesse : all right . we found marissa 's car right here . we had security cameras trained on the main road from the businesses here , here , and here . the feds are working on the tapes now . ryan : and they found nothing . jesse : well , the angles were too wide to catch any faces . and we do n't even know what kind of car we 're looking for . greenlee : what does the fbi think ? jesse : that she 's gone out of state , that she had an extra car stashed somewhere nearby . ryan : that does n't make any sense . i do n't understand . if she had a car stashed someplace , there 's got to be a trail , right ? there 's got to be . and what about money ? where is she getting the money to pay for food , a car , a hotel , everything that she needs ? annie does n't have a lot of money . jesse : j.r. said that she asked him to borrow some money . 100 bucks . she was short on cash . there 's been no activity on any of her cards . ryan : so how is she even getting by ? greenlee : robbery maybe ? ryan : with emma there ? how is she doing that ? greenlee : if she 's desperate enough , which she is . i mean , i hate to say it . she 's smart . she knows how to plan . ryan : you 're right , actually . you 're right . annie does n't do anything without -- jesse : what ? ryan : it 's just that we 're so focused on where she 's gone to , maybe the answers are still right here , right here in pine valley . [ scene_break ] kendall : look at gabby 's smile . bianca : it 's zach 's smile . kendall : yeah . except she uses it a lot more than he did . so have you heard from reese ? bianca : oh . we keep missing each other . but we 're gon na be fine . the two of us will work it out one way or another . so are you gon na tell me why you snuck out of the hospital ? kendall : i know this sounds crazy , but i needed to be close to zach . bianca : that does n't sound crazy at all . kendall : but not just because i missed him . i 've been having these dreams . i had a couple of dreams where i felt like he was reaching out , trying to tell me something . bianca : tell you what ? kendall : i do n't know . reverend torres gave me a ride home , but when we got there , the place was broken into . bianca : what , you were robbed ? kendall : i do n't know . i mean , nothing was taken . the cops think maybe it was some teenage prank , like some initiation or something . bianca : but you are n't sure . kendall : like i said , i 've got all sorts of , like , weird things floating around in my head -- zach and the troubles he was having with his business partners , the plane crash , and now these dreams . bianca : what , you think he 's -- i do n't know -- trying to warn you ? kendall : i do n't know . i know it does n't make any sense . and , plus , i 'm still on the medication from the surgery . and so i 'm just all over the place . i even had greenlee put in a call to ryan 's p.i.s . bianca : what does ricky think ? kendall : he was kind and understanding as usual . [ scene_break ] diana : hi . ricky : tell them to back off and let me do my job . you all need to trust me . kendall does and so does everybody else in this town . diana : but you still have n't found the evidence zach slater had on us , the proof we were the ones stealing from the company . ricky : i 'll find it . and i 'll make sure that kendall does n't sell those casinos . she and i are gon na be spending a lot of time together once she 's released from the hospital . diana : ooh . sounds like you 're really getting into this . ricky : killing zach was the easy part . keeping us all out of prison , that 's the trick . diana : and what if the lovely widow gets on to you ? ricky : she wo n't . diana : what if she does ? ricky : then i 'll do what i have to do . opal : reverend , what the heck are you doing out here ? ricky : hello , opal . opal : i think we got a problem . ricky : a problem ? well , what kind of problem ? opal : you were supposed to come and visit me and my gal pal erica , talk about kendall . you never showed . ricky : i 'm sorry . um , excuse me . i 'll talk to you soon . peace be with you . diana : and with you , reverend . opal : i hope i was n't interrupting . ricky : oh , no , no . ha ha ! not at all . are you kidding me ? i love running into one of my favorite parishioners . opal : oh , you are so kind , reverend . so you have been visiting kendall ? ricky : yes . and she 's been doing so much better , both physically and emotionally . you and erica can rest assured that i 'm going to be there for her as much as she needs me to be . opal : that means so much to us . kendall is a very special girl . ricky : you do n't have to tell me that . [ scene_break ] kendall : i am trying to move forward , not get hung up on what i 've lost . i know the boys need that from me . bianca : i know that 's hard . kendall : if you ask griffin , hanging on to stuff like this is what almost killed me . and i know i am hanging on , and not just the dreams but the way i think , the way i live . i have n't even moved forward on selling zach 's casinos yet . bianca : zach wanted to sell them . kendall : i know . and i will . i will . and the money will go directly to griffin and the miranda center expansion . but right now , it 's just -- bianca : impossible to let go . kendall : binks , are you ok ? bianca : yeah . i just -- i 'm just thinking about what you 're going through . and ryan , too , with emma gone . kendall : are you sure that 's the only thing that 's on your mind ? marissa : hi . hi , kendall . kendall : hi . marissa : i know that i 'm a little bit early , but i just wanted to let you know that i 'm here whenever you 're ready , ok ? bianca : thanks . i 'll be right there . marissa : ok . kendall : you have a meeting with marissa today ? bianca : yeah . i told her i would be here . she 's early . kendall : you did n't want me to know . are you meeting with her as a friend or as a lawyer ? bianca , what 's going on ? bianca : i did n't want to bother you while you 're trying to get better and all , but i lied to you before . i did talk to reese . we 're getting a divorce . [ scene_break ] ryan : ok , annie took emma , but she did n't leave straightaway . greenlee : so where did she go ? jesse : she was in your apartment . ryan : right . but my neighbor saw her leave about ten minutes later , which means there 's a little bit of time to fill there . there 's got to be some kind of surveillance cameras in town that picked them up during that time . jesse : ha ha been ring over every security recording in pine valley . that 's a lot of man hours , ryan . ryan : i know . but we can narrow it down a little bit now , right ? i mean , first she was here . and then she took emma here . jesse : draw a line . greenlee : the park . she would have gone through the park . it 's cold out . i mean , she would have taken the fastest route . ryan : jesse ? jesse : we 've got cameras covering most of the park . i 'm on it . i will call you . greenlee : do you think she ran into someone in the park ? ryan : i do n't know . but hopefully we 'll find out . greenlee : ok , it 's gon na take jesse a lot of time to go through those tapes , ok , so why do n't you relax , and i 'll make you some dinner ? ryan : i ca n't relax right now , because all of this could amount to absolutely nothing . i got to get out there . i got to help -- greenlee : and do what ? ryan : i do n't know what i 'm gon na do . i 'm gon na do something . i 'm gon na do anything . i ca n't just sit here and wait , ok ? you stay with spike and stay off that foot . i 'll call you . [ scene_break ] amanda : and then i saw the ring around her neck , and i just kind of lost it . jake : now , when you say `` lost it , `` do you mean that it was like a screaming match lost it or sort of a stern talking to lost it ? amanda : oh , you know , somewhere in between . i 'm so sorry . it 's just knowing that she 's still in love with you and -- jake : listen , this is my mess . i introduced this into our relationship . and i 'm sorry . you should n't really even be dealing with this . amanda : i can handle it . jake : but you should n't have to is my point . amanda : you know what ? i do n't want you to apologize because she came back into your life . you did n't ask for this . jake : so what did she say ? amanda : oh , you know , that she 'd accepted that you 'd moved on and that this was her problem to deal with . jake : you believe her , right ? amanda : you want to know what i believe ? jake : please . amanda : i believe in our love and our future and our family . and , really , that 's all that matters , right ? bring it in . jake : family kiss ? amanda : family kiss . [ scene_break ] griffin : so because dr. hayward pulls off this whole faking death thing , now everybody thinks they can do it . tad : i do n't see why not . i 'm twice as smart as he is . cara : just without the medical knowledge . tad : which is why i have you two . griffin : you 'd really do this , save the woman who broke your brother 's heart . tad : in order to save his life and risked hers in doing so . cara : he 's very convincing , is n't he ? griffin : what if this goes wrong ? cara : time - out for a second . can we talk about this for a second ? why do you got to shoot it down ? griffin : because it 's a big , fat roll of the dice . and if you lose , it means losing your life . cara : do you know what i think ? i think you do n't like the fact that there 's somebody else out there who wants to step in and help me get out of this mess . griffin : this is about me now . cara : it 's always about you . it 's about you because you 've been looking out for me ever since i was a little girl , since you 've been trying to protect me when i was first found out that i was diagnosed with cancer . it drives you crazy when there 's somebody out there who wants to help me . griffin : this is not entirely true . cara : you did a fantastic job looking out for me , but you need to stop holding on so tight . griffin : do i ? tad , thank you for your help . this idea of yours , it may work . [ scene_break ] ryan : anything else ? well , i do n't know , but it 's got to be better than doing nothing . greenlee : hey . ryan : what are you doing here ? greenlee : you did n't really think i was gon na let you do this on your own , did you ? [ scene_break ] tad : the quicker we get this done , the better . i 'm gon na get to work on those details and see what we need to pull this thing off . griffin : ok . this thing is going to have to be airtight before i sign off on it . tad : i would n't have it any other way . griffin : thanks , tad . cara : thank you . tad : have n't done anything yet . cara : it 's a big deal . it 's my life . and it 's appreciated . [ scene_break ] jake : ok . i have to go to angie 's office , which is now my office , and see if there 's a mountain of work waiting for me . and i know there is . so -- amanda : she 's lucky to have you holding down the fort . i 'm gon na go see kendall . i love you . jake : i love you back . cara : you back for round two ? amanda : i did n't come here to see you . you made yourself perfectly clear . you 're anxious to get out of pine valley , get back to doctors without borders . you have n't changed your mind about that , have you ? cara : no . amanda : good . i hope you get everything that you want . [ scene_break ] kendall : binks , i am so sorry . bianca : you were right . i was putting off the inevitable . kendall : i was hoping for a different outcome . i feel so awful for pressuring you like i did . bianca : oh , no , no . it 's not your fault . it was a long time coming . you just helped me take that step i needed to take . kendall : what did reese say ? bianca : she felt like i did , like it was over . she was afraid to say it . it was a difficult conversation but civil . i 'm sure the divorce will be as uncomplicated as these things can be . kendall : the girls . bianca : miranda 's gon na take it hard . i ca n't believe it 's come to this ! anyway i should n't leave marissa out there . kendall : binks , binks . you know i love you . bianca : i love you , too . kendall : ok . ricky : i 'm sorry . i can come back . bianca : no , no . stay . thank you for looking after my big sis . ricky : it 's my pleasure , believe me . [ scene_break ] greenlee : do n't worry . spike is with miranda and the babysitter . and i 've had all the calls from the apartment forwarded to my cell . but sitting around waiting for you , not my thing . ryan : how did you even know i was here ? greenlee : begin at the end . you taught me that . and this is where annie left marissa 's car . it was the end of the trail for now . ryan : i did n't know you were listening . greenlee : every now and then . ryan : thank you for being here . greenlee : you know how i know she 's coming back ? because she loves her daddy so much . and if i know emma , she 's gon na find a way to get in touch with you . oh . here . it 's my wedding present . i never had a chance to give it to you . ryan : it 's beautiful ! greenlee : i want it to be a reminder -- no , a promise that she 's going to come back . [ scene_break ] ricky : is something wrong ? bianca : i 'll be all right . kendall : she just learned that her marriage is ending . ricky : oh , i 'm so sorry to hear that . are you sure ? bianca : yeah , i 'm sure . ricky : listen , bianca , if there 's anything that i can do for you , just ask your sister . i 'm a pretty good listener . bianca : thank you , reverend . i 'll let you know . kendall : do call me , please . bianca : i will . get some rest . kendall : i 'll try . ricky : if you want to get some rest , i can just -- i can go , too . kendall : i 'm not tired . ricky : all right . so did dr. castillo chew you out for leaving the hospital ? kendall : uh , no . i can handle him . i can handle griffin . ricky : really ? so what ca n't you handle ? all right . check this out . the other day , i was helping out a member of my church who just so happens to be the chef at that new restaurant on main street . so he offered me a personally catered meal anytime that i want it . so i 've decided that i 'm saving it for the first night that you come home from the hospital . kendall : that is so nice . but , honestly , you do n't have to do that . ricky : i want to . and you ca n't say no . kendall : ok . well , then i 'll just say yes . ricky : ok . that 's what i like . all right . kendall : ok . ricky : let me get out of here before el dr. castillo comes in here and chews me out for tiring you out . kendall : honestly i 'm fine . i 'm fine . ricky : does that mean you are gon na get out of here soon ? kendall : that is griffin 's call . ricky : well , he 's probably just being overprotective . he has made your case personal . kendall : is that a bad thing ? ricky : i do n't know . is it ? [ scene_break ] griffin : you have the heart of a 25-year - old . opal : oh , you lie . griffin : ok , ok . so not quite . but you 've definitely got the spirit of one . opal : i can not believe you are still single . griffin : you and my mother both . opal : you 're too busy saving lives , i guess . griffin : maybe so . opal : i heard what you did for kendall in the ambulance . wow . that must have been pretty intense . griffin : it was that . opal : it really bonds two people when they share an experience like that . palmer and me -- griffin : kendall 's my patient . i 'd do the same for you . [ scene_break ] tad : jake . jake : hey . tad : i want to talk to you about cara . jake : all right . look , i want to see her safe and everything . the truth is , i really should n't be involved . tad : you got your marriage to think about . i understand . luckily , you 've got me . jake : you know , i say that to myself every single day . it 's funny you should say that . tad : i 'm serious . i got an idea . jake : you want to keep her safe from the guy in mexico . tad : and she 's on - board and her brother , mostly . jake : what exactly are you up to ? tad : we 're gon na kill her . [ scene_break ] cara : look , i do n't know what jake has told you , but there 's something that i just found out , something that i think that you should know . amanda : no , no . let me guess . doctors without borders called , and they said , `` thanks , but no , thanks . `` and , gosh , you 've decided to stay in pine valley indefinitely . am i right ? cara : i ca n't even talk to you . you just hear what you want to hear . amanda : what i would like to hear is the sound of your feet beating it out of town . cara : ok . well , when i 'm gone , i guess we 'll both be glad for the change . amanda : i know i will . [ scene_break ] kendall : so you think griffin is what -- ricky : interested in you ? i do n't know . but i ca n't say that i blame him if he was . kendall : well , i certainly have n't been giving off any signals . i mean , zach only died a few months ago . ricky : no , no , no . of course . and nobody would ever think that . you know what ? this is none of my business . kendall : griffin and i , he 's my doctor . and he did an amazing thing to save me . ricky : he 's obviously an excellent doctor . and i 'm nothing but grateful for what he 's done . anybody who keeps you around longer is a hero in my book . griffin : that 's very nice to hear , reverend . ricky : uh - oh . i 'll get out of here . do n't worry . i 'll see you soon for that dinner . kendall : yes , yes . griffin : you were talking about me ? i like that . kendall : yes , we were . kind of . mostly we were talking about me . what do you think about me being released from the hospital ? griffin : what about it ? kendall : well , you said my tests were all coming out good , right ? and i 'm feeling stronger . so am i ready to go home ? griffin : yeah , you are . [ scene_break ] greenlee : just know that every second that ticks off that watch is one second closer to you being with emma again . and i 'll be right there with you no matter how long it takes . ryan : what did i do to deserve you ? what would i do without you ? greenlee : you 're not gon na have to find out , because i 'll be there with you no matter what . ryan : ok , let 's go home , all right ? there 's nothing out here for us to find . [ scene_break ] tad : no , the idea is to make this thing happen like yesterday , which means i need the death certificate . so you call me back . and i mean like within the hour , ok ? all right . amanda : hey . who died ? tad : uh , no one yet . amanda : well , what does that mean ? who 's sick ? tad : amanda , um , i do n't know how much jake has told you about cara 's history . amanda : you mean why she left him ? he told me about the drug guy she did n't save . tad : did he also tell you that his people are still after her ? amanda : no . tad : i 'm not surprised . you see , he 's doing everything he can . he 's bending over backwards to make sure that their past does n't interfere with your future . you do understand that , right ? amanda : fine . but what does that have to do with someone dying ? tad : it sounds really nutsy , but i 'm working on this plan to fake carolyn finn 's death . and i need you in on it , because i need jake 's help . amanda : but faking her death ? that 's crazy . tad : it 's no crazier than letting her leave on some bus with a bull 's - eye on her back . these people want her dead , amanda , and they do n't come any more motivated . amanda : oh , my god . tad : listen , if we decide we 're gon na go through with this thing , griffin and i will do all the work . it 's not jake 's idea . i give you my word . amanda : tad -- these guys , if they found cara -- they 'd really kill her ? tad : in a heartbeat . so we 're gon na make sure that does n't happen . [ scene_break ] jake : cara -- cara : oh , my goodness . i said i would help you with the paperwork . yes , i 'm on my way -- jake : no . i talked to tad . he told me what they were cooking up there . cara : it 's pretty nutty , huh ? jake : yeah . very nutty . cara : you think he can pull it off ? jake : tad can do anything . cara : that 's good . so have any ideas what i should wear for my funeral ? jake : if i had any idea that you were in this kind of danger -- cara : i know . that 's why i left . jake : i said good - bye to carolyn finn already . i did n't think i 'd be going to her funeral . cara : she was something else . the girl definitely had spunk . jake : she was brave . she was courageous . bigger than life . and she would have to have been because she was my wife -- cara : yeah . and now she 's gon na be gone . jake : it 's just a name , a name you came up with to get more out of life than you wanted . she 's nothing . you 're everything she ever was and more . [ scene_break ] ryan : it feels so empty in here without her . i think this is the first time that i sat down , just stopped since she disappeared . maybe i 'm just afraid of the whole thing just catching up to me . greenlee : we 'll find her . i know we will . [ knock on door ] jesse : pay dirt . [ holds up a picture of david and annie in the park together ] ryan : hayward , you son of a bitch . [ scene_break ] marissa : so before we start , are you sure that you want to hire me ? i can refer you to much more experienced divorce attorneys . bianca : oh , no . i 'm not looking for a shark . reese and i are gon na figure this out together . i just want a friend to help . marissa : whatever you need . bianca : besides , caleb says you 're good . marissa : he said that ? bianca : yeah . and if he knew how to express himself , he would tell you , too . marissa : well , i 'm just hoping that we can make this as quick and painless as possible . bianca : that would be nice . marissa : so have you discussed custody issues at all ? bianca : no , not yet . but i do n't think it 'll be a problem . i mean , gabrielle 's been with me this whole time . and i was the birth mother . marissa : very often people can go into these situations with the best of intentions , but things can get a little messy , especially when there 's a child involved . bianca : i do n't think that 'll happen . marissa : listen , i 'm hoping that i 'm wrong , but you need to be prepared just in case , ok ? once reese is faced with permanently losing her rights to gabrielle and to miranda , things could change . [ scene_break ] kendall : i bet you 're glad to be getting rid of me , because i am not a good patient . griffin : what makes you say that ? kendall : let 's see . ok , i am constantly disappearing from the hospital , even when my life is in jeopardy . and i almost got you killed in an ambulance . griffin : ok , there 's that . as long as we 're being honest , i bet you 're glad to be getting away from me , too . i wo n't be checking on you 24/7 , telling you to get rest , listening to your heart . kendall : you do have a good point . you are definitely a pain . i will give you that . griffin : and so are you . kendall : great ! ok , so then it works out . griffin : there you go . kendall : to being a pain in the ass . griffin : a pain in the ass . kendall : yes . griffin : you 're not gon na be getting rid of me that quickly . kendall : i know . you have to make sure i do n't slip . you made a promise to keep me safe . griffin : and i intend to keep it . [ ricky watches from the doorway ] [ scene_break ] amanda : no , i do n't remember the name of the immigration agent that i talked to . listen , i just need you all to know that i was mistaken , and it was all a big misunderstanding . no , i do n't want to give my name . please do not put -- hello ? [ scene_break ] cara : it means i can never go back to doctors without borders . once carolyn dies , that cord will be cut for good . jake : there are other organizations that allow you to do that kind of , you know , medicine . cara : yeah . tad : guys ? cara : yeah . tad : sorry . you seen griffin ? cara : i 'm sure he 's making his rounds . tad : it 's important . it 's just i 've got some ideas that i want to run by all of you . it 's about how to get the information of carolyn 's death into mexico without making it look like a plant . agent trumbull : dr. cara castillo ? cara : yes . agent trumbull : agent trumbull , united states citizenship and immigration services . we 're with the homeland security division . we 're investigating certain charges that have been leveled against you , ma'am . jake : there 's got to be some kind of mistake . cara : ok . what kind of charges ? agent trumbull : passport fraud . and there 's been no mistake . we believe that you 're in this country illegally . you 're under federal arrest . you have the right to remain silent . anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . jake : sir , is that totally -- agent trumbull : this is none of your business , sir . you have the right to an attorney . if you can not afford one , one will be appointed to you .
at the hospital , tad lets cara and griffin know his plans for saving cara 's life . griffin does n't seem quite sure about tad 's plan being foolproof . at tad 's home , amanda calls immigration and tells them that cara used a phony name on her passport , but will not divulge her own identity . in her hospital bed , kendall looks at the pics of her family . kendall resolves that she must accept that zach 's death was an accident . jesse visits ryan and greenlee to discuss the route that annie might have taken out of town . ricky talks to someone on the phone and tells them that they could have ruined everything by breaking into kendall 's home , and she must never know that he was the one who murdered zach . bianca joins kendall to see how she is doing . amanda turns around and sees jake standing in the doorway . amanda asks him how long he was standing there . jake tells her long enough to know that he has a beautiful , sexy wife . jake and amanda kiss . jake asks about the phone call . amanda lies and tells him that it was about a credit card purchase . jake asks her what she purchased . amanda lets him believe that it is surprise for him . amanda confesses that she had a fight with cara , but things will be all right now . tad tells cara and griffin that they are going to fake cara 's death and make everyone know that cara is dead . kendall questions bianca if she heard from reese . bianca tells her that they keep missing each other . kendall lets bianca know about the break - in at the house . bianca wonders what kendall was doing home . kendall lets bianca know about the dreams that she has been having about zach and he was trying to tell her something . ricky has a meeting with his `` friend `` when opal comes up and wonders what he is doing here . bianca breaks down and lets kendall know that she and reese are getting divorced . kendall offers her sympathy . griffin raises objections about tad helping cara out of this mess . opal tells ricky that he promised to come by to let her know about his progress with kendall and helping her deal with zach 's death .
[ previously_on ] mia : still no word from michael , huh ? simone : you 're better off without him . alison : do n't say you 're sorry . i 'm not . janelle : you guys want a gang war ? it 's not going to be here , not now , not ever . luis : you get in my way , i 'll take you down and this dump along with you . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , my god . michael , you came back . michael : why are you so surprised ? kendall : i 'm not surprised . i 'm just -- i 'm -- i 'm startled . i 'm very startled . i – i 've turned into somewhat of a workaholic , you know , so -- hmm , amortization . where 's my pen ? michael : you did n't notice the rose that i did n't send today ? kendall : oh , that 's right . no package came . michael : hmm . it was supposed to signal my return . kendall : well , it could have signaled that you were otherwise engaged . michael : actually , i was , with a gorgeous german . kendall : all right , you know , michael , i really do n't need the details , thank you . michael : subsidiary . kendall : you mean a company ? michael : mm - hmm , and it had a dusseldorf facility -- hmm -- desperate need of my attention . kendall : well , then , why are n't you there ? michael : you 're all i could think about . i had to have my pilot change my flight plan . kendall : you mean you 're on this continent just for me ? michael : am i coming on too strong ? [ scene_break ] jake : mia and i will bring the latest financials to dinner at mom and dad 's tonight . tad : ok . so what 's the latest update concerning your tryst , you know , with dr. alison ? jake : that , my brother , is over and done with . tad : i 'm glad to hear it , because i 'd really hate to see a stupid mistake screw up your love life . jake : no , no , no , no . i 'm not going to go that route . tad : ok . i guess having me in the family finally paid off . jake : what 's that ? tad : well , what brush - off did you give her ? `` i ca n't `` ? `` i wo n't `` ? `` you deserve better `` ? jake : well , actually , alison and i have n't seen or talked with one another since that night . tad : have n't you learned anything from me ? jake : well , what are you talking about ? i mean , she -- listen , tad , this girl knew it was a one - time thing , and she understands that . tad : oh , you think so ? i 'll bet you cash money right now allison 's running around this hospital wearing something nice and lacy underneath that lab coat , praying for a rematch with you . jake : you need to get out more . tad : no . you need to get yourself a clue , because whether you know it or not , you 've got trouble -- big , blonde , beautiful trouble . jake : well , you 're wrong , you 're wrong about that , and thank god you 're wrong , because i 'm back on track with my plans to marry mia . alison : dr. martin , i need to have a word with you . [ scene_break ] edmund : isabella , can you stay with the kids tonight ? isabella : a dios mio , edmund . edmund : oh , no , please , maybe just for a couple of days . isabella : you found maria ? edmund : i found out that she 's in the bahamas , yeah . isabella : is she all right ? edmund : all i know is that she 's traveling with -- isabella : that man . edmund : yeah , aidan devane , but i still need to go there . i need to find maria . maddie : daddy , are you bringing mommy home ? [ scene_break ] chris : erica , you need a vacation . you deserve a vacation . erica : chris , listen to me . believe me , i would like nothing better than to go away with you right now , i swear . it 's just that i 'm juggling way too much . chris : well , you know , tell me one thing that your loyal staff could n't do without you for a week -- or three . erica : oh , chris . chris : erica , erica , look , turn around , sweetheart . italy , the sea , me -- how can you resist ? donald : oh , i think i know the answer to that one . erica : how did you get in here ? chris : out ! right now ! donald : hey , hey , hey , do n't kill the messenger , mr. kane . chris : what ? donald : there 's a real good reason luscious wo n't play love boat with you . erica : oh , ok , donald . what is the slander of the day ? i rent my body from a supermodel ? donald : the news is you have a lover on the side . chris : you dirty -- donald : and i have the pictures to prove it . erica : chris , do n't touch that . i mean , i 'm sure whatever bogus pictures are in there , i 'm sure that he doctored them . donald : they are untouched . chris : give me that . erica : no ! do n't do that ! i swear to you , if you show this envelope of hate to anyone -- donald : you 'll what ? erica : if you dare to hurt one person i love , i swear i will decimate you . donald : mm - hmm . have you ever tried to kill a cockroach ? erica : chris , will you please just try to understand ? it was a very painful , painful time , and there was very much a tangled history between us . donald : mm - hmm , try to understand how a private jet can turn erica on ? erica : what ? donald : yeah , the apple does not fall far from the cambias tree . erica : `` cambias `` ? donald : yeah , i mean , did n't you and michael 's dad have kind of a little -- erica : you thought that michael cam -- oh . you are a disgusting man . michael cambias and i had a business meeting . donald : mm - hmm , the one that you actually forgot to dress for ? erica : minimal is in this season . donald : oh , come on . the cambiases are world - famous ladies ' men . chris : and erica is a world - famous lady , so no one gets to insult her or caveman assumption that a beautiful woman can not do business with a man . now , unless you want me waiting for you in some dark alley , i suggest you leave now . donald : hey -- chris : right now . donald : easy , easy . erica : thank you . chris , everything -- chris : that aria was for him . from you , i want answers , damn it . what -- what the hell were you thinking ? what ? [ scene_break ] simone : i ca n't believe jake 's really mad at you . mia : no , it 's more like he 's disappointed , you know ? like it 's ok for him to be on call 24/7 , but not for me . michael : what 's wrong ? kendall : uh -- nothing . it 's just that i do n't want to share you . come on . you know what ? i 'm going to give you a private tour . michael : ok . simone : maybe , you know , him watching you work everything out at the party will , you know , bring him around . mia : i know . i just wish jake would get that fusion means as much to me as medicine does to him . liza : so how many hours have you been working ? simone : hey . mia : oh , liza . oh , i have that spreadsheet for you . liza : no , i asked you a question . how many hours have you been working ? mia : well , about 12 here , and then i catch up on paperwork at home after dinner . liza : so you should be ashamed of yourself . mia : what ? liza : you are not being very kind to jake . simone : hold up . miss fortune 500 , are you telling mia to mind her man ? liza : actually , i do n't think that i have enough in me to be able to lecture about the nurture and care of men , but i do think that after you get home and after you have dinner you should spend some time with jake . mia : i 've been meaning to . oh , god -- look ! see , i even forgot to give this . i was going to give it to him to wear to the party . liza : well , run , do n't walk . simone : all right , you know what ? make up with him in his office . very sexy . men like that . mia : ok , yeah . i 'll do my best . [ simone chuckles ] [ scene_break ] jake : of course i can give you some time , alison . tad : good answer . jake : just see my secretary on the way out , and she 'll make an appointment for you . tad : bad answer . jake : i will see you tonight at mom and dad 's for dinner . tad : oh , sure . yeah . assuming you 're still alive . jake : all right , alison . i know . you do n't have to tell me . everybody seems to be complaining about the new residents ' schedule . alison : i do n't have a problem with my schedule or any other part of my job . i have a problem with us . [ scene_break ] reggie : man , why are you dragging around that pizza like i made the final four or something ? trey : reggie , you scored big . janelle is going to be blown away . oh . reggie : oh -- you look so good . janelle : thank you . troy : yeah , nice dress . janelle : thank you . reggie : what happened to the doctor 's coat ? janelle : i am going out tonight . trey : well , of course you are . reggie , come on . if we hurry home , we can get this pie back before it gets cold . janelle : whoa , whoa , whoa . hold on , hold on . what -- ooh -- is the large pepperoni occasion ? reggie : oh , nothing , nothing . trey : this . janelle : a b ? oh ! i am so proud of you ! reggie : ok , all right ? ok ? there 's people here . there 's people . ok . time to go . janelle : wait . park it . trey : well , yeah , what about your date ? janelle : just park it and give me a slice . hey , it 's me . listen , i ca n't make it tonight . i 'm sorry . i said i was sorry , but something very important came up . bye . trey : here . pizza . janelle : thank you . where 's the root beer ? reggie : oh , i 'll go score some . trey : yeah , yeah , you 'll buy some . reggie : of course . janelle : i 'm impressed . trey : yeah , yeah . me , too . you should have heard this rap that reggie made up to remember the major battles of world war ii . janelle : no , no . i 'm impressed with you -- your foster parenting skills . trey : hey , it was just one test . janelle : no . he 's opening up . it 's a beginning . it 's a whole life turning around . [ scene_break ] luis : where you going , kid ? reggie : here . luis : do n't insult me with no chump change . reggie : look , it 's all i got , all right ? luis : no , you got keys , too , keys to your white daddy 's loft . hand them over . [ scene_break ] maddie : when , daddy ? when are you bringing mommy home ? edmund : isabella , do me a favor . could you check on sammy and make sure that the riding coach has him in his warm coat , ok ? isabella : of course . edmund : maddie , come here , sweetheart . sit with me . maddie : now ? are n't you going to go get mommy and bring her home now ? edmund : listen to me , sweetheart . listen to me . remember when i told you that mommy was sick and that she had something that happened to her brain and that 's why she ca n't remember who she really is ? maddie : but sometimes she acts like her . she looks just like her . edmund : this is very confusing , and i know that this is going to hurt , and i know that you 've been very brave . i ca n't bring mommy home to you , ok ? nobody can , not even that pretty woman who looks like her and sounds like her and smells like mommy . mommy 's gone , sweetheart . she 's gone forever . maddie : no ! edmund : maddie -- maddie : no ! my mommy 's stuck in that maureen lady , and you know it . why else would you go try to find her ? edmund : sweetheart , i 'm going to find maureen just to make sure she 's ok , ok ? i mean , even if she does n't remember who she is , i still want her to be safe and happy . maddie : i do n't feel like we could be happy without her , so how could she be happy without us ? edmund : it 's kind of hard for me to understand , too . but i think it 's because we remember her , you know ? and even though you and sammy were just babies when the plane went down , i told you hundreds of stories about her , and you have lots of pictures . maddie : even her hairbrush . edmund : even her hairbrush . but she does n't have anything of ours , you see ? so even -- even though she tries to remember -- and i 'm sure she 's really trying -- she just -- she just ca n't remember us . maddie : maybe we could try harder . edmund : sweetheart , i tried so hard . your daddy tried so hard , he -- it 's wrong to force people to do things that they 're not willing to do . maddie : but we love her . edmund : oh , yes , we do . we love her very , very much . but part of loving somebody is letting them decide for themselves . maddie : even when they decide to leave you ? edmund : yeah , even then . maddie : so you 're going to let that maureen lady go and take mommy ? edmund : sweetheart , maureen is maureen , ok ? she 's not mommy , ok ? and , yes , we have to let her go . maddie : no ! no ! no ! edmund : maddie , stop . [ doorbell rings ] edmund : where are you going ? maddie : i 'm going to go be with abuela . she 'll never give up on mommy . never ! [ doorbell rings ] jack : hey , edmund . edmund : hey , jack , how are you ? jack : sorry to just drop by unannounced . edmund : no , come in . what 's up ? jack : thanks . well , there 's something you should know , and i wanted you to hear it from me and not from the news . edmund : maria ? something happened to her ? jack : yes , yes , something did , but she 's ok . did you -- did you know that she was in the bahamas ? edmund : yes , yes , with aidan devane . yeah . jack : right , right . but while they were there , somebody took a shot at aidan devane and missed him -- edmund : and hit maria ? jack : yeah , but she 's -- edmund : is she all right ? jack : yes , yes , i promise you , i promise you , she 's ok , and devane 's training as a special operative evidently saved them both . edmund : ok , go on . jack : well , i just wanted you to know that they 're on their way back -- together . [ scene_break ] erica : chris , we 've been through all this . i 'm in the beauty business . i have to dress beautifully . anyhow , that 's not the point . the point is that i 'm a grown woman and i 'm proud of my body , and i will dress however i please . chris : please , please , please save me the neofeminism speech , ok ? erica : how dare you . chris : erica -- erica , i worry about you . erica : i can handle michael cambias and any other corporate bear - hugger , even in a bustier and pumps . chris : hmm . so tell me , how did you know what his intentions were ? erica : oh , i 'm not even going to dignify that . chris : he told you ? i mean , was there an article in some paper that said he had intentions of pulling enchantment into his own empire ? erica : why else would he be in pine valley ? chris : that 's a good question . let me ask you one -- what would have happened had he told his pilot to take off ? erica : that would never happen . chris : how do you know that ? erica : because i 'm just -- chris : just erica kane . you 're a worldwide symbol of the sexy , liberated woman . you 're an american icon . an american icon in this time , right now , is not safe . erica : i was just doing my job . chris : no , no , no , you were pushing it , the way you always push it , erica . you were doing your moth - to - a - flame dance -- diving into a situation that is highly charged , pushing a man off balance with your charm , and then being surprised , totally shocked when things spin out of control in a way that you never planned for . getting together with that man alone was stupid , totally unnecessary , totally avoidable risk . erica : i 'm sorry . chris : i love you , but you make it hard . you make it damn hard . [ scene_break ] simone : our party wardrobe alone should land us in every major paper 's style section . i know it . they 're hot , these dresses -- ugh . petey : excuse me , ladies . i 'm developing my first feature -- `` undercover surfer chicks : the movie . `` which girl do you think has the more commercial look ? liza : petey , i do n't think your father is going to finance a skin flick . simone : i 'm thinking , where 's your nanny ? petey : i saw kendall on my way in . she gave me five bucks to hang with you guys . simone : really ? petey : but there she is now . nanny k ! nanny k ! simone : nanny k ! nanny k ! kendall : hey ! petey . having fun ? simone : what is he doing here ? michael : nice to see you again , ms. torres . simone : yeah . kendall : liza , this is michael -- liza : i know who he is . i think he should answer simone 's question . what is a corporate raider doing in our company 's headquarters ? [ scene_break ] erica : oh , good . lena , thank you for coming by so quickly . lena : here are next quarter 's financial projections . erica : thank you . aha ! i knew it . i knew that fusion would not impact our market share . ah , fabulous . although those girls are so adolescent , they are just going to just squander their very limited income on a party tonight . lena : really ? erica : yes , really . i ca n't fathom what they have to celebrate or who will even attend -- although i did hear that michael cambias ' plane just landed in pine valley this afternoon . lena : hmm . why would he be interested in such a small startup ? erica : well , the cambiases always have an angle . if i were n't such a conspicuous c.e.o . , i would go to that party myself tonight just to watch cambias operate . lena : may i be forward , ms. kane ? erica : yes , of course , lena . please do n't be shy with me . lena : i think we should always keep a very close eye on cambias industries . erica : oh , yes , whenever possible . i completely agree . lena : suppose i go to this fusion party ? i could find out michael cambias ' angle for you . i can be very inconspicuous . liza : it 's not a trick question , mr. cambias . why are you in pine valley ? kendall : he 's here to see me . michael , meet fusion 's financial backer , liza -- michael : liza colby chandler . a pleasure . listen , i hope you 're not worried about your company . my father and i have always admired chandler enterprises . liza : is that a compliment or a threat ? kendall : oh , give it a rest , liza . he 's not part of the axis of evil . michael : it 's ok , kendall . mrs. chandler 's right to be suspicious of me . kendall : why ? michael : oh , because my father and i are reportedly the most ruthless businessmen in the world . simone : they made the mob look family friendly . liza : they make the mob look ineffective . michael : well , do n't worry , mrs. chandler . at present , cambias industries has no plans to expand into chandler 's markets . liza : so why are you in pine valley ? michael : could we stop insulting kendall ? liza : want to come clean on your designs for fusion ? kendall : hello ! we only have one product in one store . that 's not even a snack for cambias industries . simone : we have a lot of potential . michael : yes , yes . that much is true . you have a blistering concept , a superb launch product , staggeringly marketable staff . i really hope that you make the most of it all . liza : why ? michael : well , because success will make kendall happy , and seeing kendall happy is my one and only reason for being in pine valley . kendall : satisfied ? simone : oh , jealous , yeah . kendall : why do n't we finish that tour ? michael : sure . petey : what about me ? michael : ah , i got you covered . let 's see here , is this enough to keep you entertained a little while longer ? petey : i have an business opp -- kendall : oh , you know what ? take the money and run . go . you guys will excuse us . michael : nice seeing you both . simone : oh , yes . michael : whew . ow . simone : wow . looks like michael cambias just wants kendall . liza : yeah , that 's what it looks like . [ scene_break ] luis : cough up the key to your white daddy 's loft . reggie : man , look , grazing in that spot is stupid , all right , man ? luis : why you think that ? reggie : because there ai n't a lot of brothers hanging around there . there 's not . you 'd get nailed in two -- luis : no , i wo n't , because you 're going to hit my cell when all them upstanding citizens are out working . stay cool . carlos : you ok ? luis : we 're fine . here 's the deal , reg . if you do n't give me white daddy 's keys , i 'll make good on an old promise and i 'll off your patronne , dr. a. hasta luego . catch you later . [ scene_break ] jake : all right , alison , what 's your problem with me ? alison : you 've completely ignored me since we -- jake : i 'm engaged . you knew that all along . alison : so what ? jake : well , i thought that you understood -- at least you said that you understood that what happened between us would n't change anything . alison : but it did . jake : well , not my feelings for mia . alison : i know , i know . they 're pure and everlasting . jake : so why are you here ? alison : because it 's hard to work with a man who 's afraid to even look at me . jake : i 'm not afraid . alison : you have stopped observing my clinical work , passed my reviews on other department heads . jake : well , i 'm busy . i do n't know what to tell you . alison : you 're avoiding me because you love her but want me . jake : alison -- alison : jake , i can live with that tension , and i have no interest in breaking up a happy couple . jake : good . alison : even if we were to lose control all over again . truth is for that kind of pleasure , i can keep a secret forever . [ scene_break ] tad : mia . hey . i thought that was you . i recognized you from the elevator . so how 's my future sister - in - law , huh ? mia : hi , tad . tad : wait , wait , wait . where are you going ? do n't you want to talk to me ? i have n't seen you in a while . mia : oh , that 's really so sweet . we 'll catch up later , ok ? knock - knock ! jake : mia , hey . mia : hi . jake : hey , what a nice surprise . mia : i hope i 'm not interrupting . jake : no , no , no , no , of course not . mia : hi , alison . my guy 's not working you too hard , is he ? alison : i ca n't complain . jake : you two know each other ? mia : yeah , we worked together during alison 's orthopedic rotation . jake : ah . it 's funny you never mentioned that . alison : hmm . mia : you know , i -- i have n't even invited any of your colleagues to the fusion party tonight and i should have . jake : no , mia , mia -- mia : so what do you say , alison ? will you join us ? [ scene_break ] edmund : she 's ok ? you sure ? jack : yes , edmund , absolutely . she 's fine , really . edmund : ok . so , devane almost gets her killed and she 's -- she 's coming back with him , right ? jack : well , for now , i mean , i imagine they went through a pretty horrific experience together . you know what that does -- edmund : listen , i 've been down this road before . jack : edmund , maria only found out , what , six months ago who she really is . edmund : right . but for five long years before that she was maureen gorman . jack : buddy , i hope i do n't hear you saying that you 're giving up hope that she 's going to regain her memory . edmund : i 'm trying to , jack . jack : why ? why would you do a thing like that ? edmund : try to imagine this , all right ? try to imagine looking at the face of someone that you love , the face that -- and she has no feelings for you , ok ? and in your soul you know that she loves you as madly and as deeply as you love her , but that she wo n't even try to find those feelings . can you imagine that hell ? jack : yes . yes , i can . [ scene_break ] erica : lena , i appreciate your offering to be my eyes and ears at the fusion party tonight , but i certainly would n't want you to do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable . lena : why would i feel uncomfortable ? i work for enchantment , i want enchantment to do well , and that 's why i told you as soon as i saw michael cambias and kendall hart together . that 's why i 'll tell you everything i see tonight . erica : well , that 's wonderful . that is truly very , very loyal of you . lena : but , ms. kane , may i be direct again ? erica : uh -- yes , yes . of course , please . lena : i have the feeling that you want more than just business information , that your interest in michael cambias and this fusion party is personal . [ scene_break ] kendall : huh -- michael : let me guess -- liza chandler ordered everybody out of the building as long as i 'm in it . kendall : no . they went to get ready for the party . i 'm sorry . i 'm so sorry they treated you like some warlord . michael : they 're just worried i 'll hurt you . kendall : no . they 're more worried you 'll hurt the company . michael : well , then you deserve an upgrade in friends . kendall : thanks , but you hardly know me . michael : i 'm a very quick study . besides , i 'm world famous for finding extraordinary value others have missed . kendall : ooh , you better watch out . i might melt right in front of your eyes . michael : oh , you know what ? i 'd settle for conversation over dinner . i made a reservation at my favorite mexican restaurant . kendall : it 's in pine valley ? michael : puerto vallarta . kendall : oh , my god . that 's right . your private jet . michael : you know what ? if you want , we can go straight to the beachfront bar and be photographed by paparazzi . kendall : oh -- stop , stop . you have to stop right now , please . do n't tempt me . michael : i wo n't push you into anything -- kendall : i 'm famous for my lack of self - control . michael : i will not push you into anything you 're not ready for . kendall : i know . and dinner with you in puerto vallerta sounds amazing . michael : then take me up on it . kendall : i ca n't . i ca n't . tonight is fusion 's official launch party . michael : so you 're turning down beachside romance for small talk and sore feet ? kendall : no , no . this is for a chance to show this town that i 'm done being erica kane 's messed - up reject daughter . i 'm finally going to become a self- made somebody . michael : i know . i know . you 're right . you need to be here at the party tonight . kendall : michael , will you come , too ? donald : well , well , well , what do we have here ? kendall : donald steele , you need to get out ! out ! donald : oh , jeez , i hope there 's something sensitive in here . michael : who is this ? kendall : this is donald steele , the sleaze monger who turns my life into trashy headlines . out ! get you -- get out ! donald : hey , whoa , whoa , kendall , i hate to tell you , but you are strictly dullsville these days . kendall : well , then , what the hell are you doing stinking the place up ? donald : the siren call of a - list dirt . mr. cambias , my sources call you the corporate cannibal . your acquisition history suggests that you like to seduce , inflict intense pain , and then kill . so who are you planning on eating up and spitting out here in pine valley ? hmm ? [ scene_break ] trey : janelle , i 'm sorry i cornered you into canceling your date . reggie 's not even here with us , and it sounded like your date was pretty mad . janelle : oh , big - time . but it 'll pass . you know how sisters are . trey : you dress like this to go out with your sisters ? janelle : art showing , art that is not nearly as good as this pizza . trey : yeah , well , still , it 's my fault that you 're wasting this fine , fine dress . i 'd like to make it up to you . janelle : how ? trey : taking you to a party . my sister 's company 's having this party . now , i know that you and kendall did n't exactly hit it off , but it 's going to be a big party . you probably wo n't have to talk to her or see her at all . reggie 's going to be there . they got this great new york caterer . so what do you say ? janelle : let 's get one thing clear -- trey : what ? janelle : are you asking me out on a date ? trey : yeah . yeah , i am . janelle : good . i accept . trey : great . reggie : uh -- sorry i took so long . janelle : hey , where is my root beer ? reggie : i -- i forgot to bring my money to the store . janelle : hey , hey , it 's ok . do n't worry about it . reggie , it 's ok . trey : yeah , yeah , yeah . it 's time to kick back with your friends and enjoy your success . [ scene_break ] mia : well , jake , tell alison that she has to come to the fusion party tonight . jake : no . tad : but what about me ? mia : what do you mean , what about you ? of course you 're invited . i just thought that liza would have invited you . jake : yeah , mia , mia , tad , none of us are going to the fusion party . mia : what ? jake : we have dinner , remember ? we have dinner at my parents ' house tonight . tad : that 's right . of course . mia : oh , god . right . i 'm so sorry . oh . it 's just that greenlee kind of sprung this party on us , and i just got all caught up . oh -- ooh , i 'm sorry . look , i came here to give you this shirt and to tell you that i promise i 'm not going to let myself get consumed by work anymore . tad : good , good , good . well , you can start by showing up at mom and dad 's for dinner like we promised weeks ago . mia : no , i ca n't . jake , i have to go to this party . it 's promoting fusionlips . you and me -- we 're the perfect couple on the poster , remember ? jake : yeah , yeah , i know , but -- mia : but , listen . i know , i know . i 've been letting work totally rule my life right now , but -- oy -- i 'm going to rein it in , all right ? this party -- it 's really , really , really important . i 'll call your mother . i 'll apologize . it was really stupid of me to forget , but , i mean , is it really such a big mistake ? jake : all right . all right . mia : thank you . jake : listen -- we 'll go . i mean -- mia : so you 'll come to the party ? jake : yeah , yeah , yeah , we 'll go . you know what ? we 'll all go . everyone goes to the party tonight . mia : great ! tad : sounds like a lot of fun . mia : yeah . alison : i would n't miss it . [ scene_break ] edmund : jack , i appreciate you coming by and give me the news in person . jack : well , i just wish the news had been better , edmund . edmund : yeah . any chance devane 's facing charges ? jack : no , no , i do n't believe so . i mean , there 's no indication he ever coerced maria into doing anything . edmund : yeah . yeah , i did n't think so . jack : i do think you might have the right idea about one thing , though . at least for the time being , for the foreseeable future , i think maybe you should see maria as who she sees herself as -- maureen gorman . edmund : yeah , yeah . well , she 's with him . jack : yeah , it seems to be . edmund : so i should do the gentlemanly thing and bow out and , you know , be happy that she 's happy . jack : that 'd probably be best for everybody . i 'll see you . edmund : jack , could you do that ? just completely step away from the woman you 're meant to spend the rest of your life with ? jack : no , edmund . in fact , i could n't . [ scene_break ] erica : you are completely wrong . my interest in michael cambias is purely professional . lena : even though he seems to be developing a relationship with the young woman you gave birth to . erica : all right , i 'm going to be completely candid with you . kendall hart has a long and sick history of saying she 's trying to destroy me . however , i do not for one minute feel threatened by her little company and their bake - sale products . but when she tries to make time with a very well - leveraged competitor , then i would be a complete fool to ignore that . so , i would like you to buy yourself something really gorgeous to wear to that party tonight . i want you to treat yourself . treat yourself to a designer ensemble and charge it to enchantment . lena : you are very generous . erica : well , i appreciate loyalty . lena : i 'll do anything you need , ms. kane . erica : thank you . you 'll never regret it . but michael cambias will . [ scene_break ] michael : actually , i 'm in pine valley for pleasure , not business . beyond that , i wo n't comment . donald : well , i 'm going to just have to start doing a little digging , huh ? kendall : you will not find any dirt on michael . michael : oh , do n't worry about this , k. this parasite ca n't hurt me , but his breed is one of the reasons why i resort to false names . donald : hmm . gangsters and -- oh , oh , yeah , yeah -- terrorists . those are the only people that resort to multiple names . michael : can i throw this guy out ? kendall : yeah , could you please hurt him in the process ? donald : just one more question , mr. cambias . kendall : bye . donald : uh -- ow , ow , ow . kendall : bye , bye , bye - bye , donald . donald : where were you planning on taking erica kane ? huh ? kendall : what ? what ? donald : you know , when you had that little rendezvous in your private jet with kendall 's mommy ? [ next_on ] kendall : you got together with my mother behind my back . how could you do that to me ? greenlee : simone , this is the biggest night of our lives . do n't make me kill you . jack : i want all of you , erica , and i want you all to myself . edmund : i love you so much i have to let you go .
chris wants erica to take a vacation . donald steele claims he has pictures of erica having an affair . erica fears they are of her and jack , but they are of her and michael cambias . chris complains about erica using he sexuality in business , and tells her it was stupid to meet alone with michael . erica wants to spy on the fusion party , and lena is more then willing to go for her . kendall is happy to see michael . simone and liza want to know what michael is doing at fusion . kendall defends him and his intentions . michael says he just wants to see kendall happy . donald steele shows up to bother michael and find out why he is in pine valley . he lets it slip that he knows that michael had a private meeting with erica on his private jet . tad asks jake about his tryst with allison , and tells him to be careful . allison asks to speak to jake alone . allison makes advances on jake . tad heads mia off and she does n't see the kiss . jake reminds mia that they are all supposed to go to his parents for dinner , but she convinces them to go to the fusion party . mia invites allison to come . edmund tries to explain to maddie how mommy wo n't be coming back- that the mommy she remembers is gone . jack stops by and tells edmund that maria was hit by a bullet but she will be ok . he also informs him aidan and maria are on there way back together . reggie , janelle and trey celebrate reggie passing his test . janelle cancels her plans to celebrate with them . janelle tells trey she is impressed with his foster parenting skills . reggie is confronted by luis who says he will hurt janelle if reggie does n't give him the keys to trey 's loft . trey asks janelle to be his date to the fusion party .
j.r. : i 'm sorry , babe . oh , please . you do n't know how sorry i am . [ scene_break ] [ monitor beeps ] babe : my god . where -- where -- where -- where am i ? josh : babe -- babe : where am i ? josh : you 're safe . you 're safe , do n't worry . just relax . i wo n't let anyone hurt you . how are you feeling ? babe : i thought i was dead . [ scene_break ] j.r. : how -- how do i -- how do i say good - bye to my mom ? tad : i 'm worried about j.r . i do n't know if he 's going to make it through this one . joe : right now , i 'm worrying about krystal and the baby . julia : ahem -- everyone is invited back to wildwind to celebrate the lives of these wonderful women . palmer : thank you . julia : sure . krystal : you 'll always be my baby doll . always . colby : i 'm -- i 'm so sorry , j.r . adam : we 'll meet you back at the house . [ as krystal walks away with adam , tad grabs her hand . ] [ scene_break ] [ zach crouches by his son ethan 's gravesite with the headstone reading `` ethan andrew cambias * steadfast , righteous , and true * born : 3/22/1981 , died : 2/20/2006 `` ] zach : i 'm going to find the man who took the woman you loved , son . i 'm going to find him and i 'm going to stop him . tell simone i wo n't let it go , ok ? tell her i 'm sorry . [ scene_break ] j.r. : if you -- if you still love maggie , forgive her . she may be -- she may be gone tomorrow . bianca : oh , god , i 'm so sorry , j.r . i ca n't even imagine . j.r. : neither can i . bianca : i understand why you did n't speak during the services . there are no words . zoe : words are n't necessary , unless they 're used as weapons . is n't that right , j.r. ? tell her why you really did n't speak , why you did n't pay tribute to the mother of your child . bianca : zoe , this is not the time or the place -- zoe : so no one would call you a hypocrite . a loathsome husband . you put babe in that coffin as surely as the killer did . [ scene_break ] joe : ruth wanted to come , flu or no flu , but i would n't let her . tad : i know , pop . i talked to her this morning . joe : son , if you need anything -- tad : i know . opal : yeah , you got to remember that you are never too old to need your folks . tad : you honestly think i do n't know that ? opal : oh . joe , you think you could take palmer home ? maybe find some excuse to give him a once - over ? joe : i do n't think today he will even give me a fight . opal : hmm . thanks . tad : i 'll talk to you later , pop . joe : ok . opal : ugh ! and i could just grab that old coot and hold him tight , tell him i am not going to let this take the fire from his eyes . tad : then why do n't you ? opal : yeah , and have him call the dogs on me ? tad : mama -- opal : because i ca n't fix what broke when dixie died . you know , you can love and love and love . but you ca n't fill the empty spaces in your heart . you take care of your heart , too , honey . tad : i will , mom . [ scene_break ] bianca : j.r. said good - bye to his mother and his wife today , so whatever it is you think you need to say -- zoe : you planned to toss her out and steal her son . you tormented her with blackmail to get sole custody . admit it . i do n't know all of the sordid details . only that you were threatening to ruin her mother 's life , as well . j.r. : what do you know ? huh ? you only knew babe for five minutes . zoe : i held babe after the attack . i held her hand while she asked for her mother and her son . she did n't ask for you . she died hating you . [ scene_break ] ryan : oh , hey . hey . hey , my little sweetheart ? how are you doing ? emma : now i 'm good . ryan : you 're good now ? oh , that 's nice . what 's going on ? where are you going ? annie : she just wants to show you her room . ryan : oh , really ? annie : yeah . ryan : you want to show me your room ? you going to come ? annie : sure . ryan : ok , great . [ scene_break ] julia : ok , guys , hey , it 's been a tough day . you do n't have to do this . i 've got everything . aidan : that 's all right . we 're happy to help . julia : thanks . di : hey -- hey , hey . why do n't you go take care of the cocktails ? del : yeah . finally , something i can manage . cocktails -- the more complicated , the better . aidan : how are you ? di : i 've had better days . ugh . [ scene_break ] amanda : do you still feel like you 'll turn around , and she 'll be there ? jonathan : all the time . amanda : like she 'll come up to you and give you a big hug and have this really good story to tell you . jonathan : but then reality sets in , and she 's not there . it 's up to us to make it ok . [ scene_break ] [ after helping krystal out of her boots , adam lovingly covers her with a soft throw then lies down next to her . ] adam : i 'd do anything to give her back to you . [ scene_break ] babe : he -- he 's out there . the killer -- he 's -- you have to be careful . the killer 's out -- josh : she 's on some pretty strong meds . kendall : we 're both safe , babe . you screamed . you screamed , and you fought back , and you got help . you did great . babe : i did ? kendall : you did . yeah . babe : mama ? my son and mama -- josh : babe , they 're fine . listen , you just need to relax right now , ok ? kendall : yeah , josh is n't going anywhere . josh : you had a heart attack . your rhythm is good , but your pulse is low . babe : am i going to be ok ? josh : yeah . you were injected with v - tach . we stabilized your heart with some medication . kendall : you 're going to be fine , babe . you 're going to be great . josh : your heart just needs to heal . just rest , ok ? babe : where am i ? [ scene_break ] krystal : babe ? colby : no . it 's me . oh , god , i 'm sorry . i should n't have . i 'll go . krystal : no , no , no , that 's -- that 's -- that 's ok , colby . come on in . come on in . colby : dad said that you 'd probably want some tea . and i know you have n't eaten in a while , so winifred set this up . krystal : i 'm not hungry . colby : i know i ca n't help . i wish -- i guess i do n't know you all that well . all i know is you love babe . krystal : well , then you know everything there is to know about me . [ scene_break ] kendall : come here . how long can we keep this from babe ? josh : as long as we can . kendall : ok , well , that was really close . she can go in and out that fast ? josh : yeah , with the attack , the crashing , bringing her back ? she 's been through hell . she 'll be out of it for a while , though . kendall : you love her . you 're trying to save her . i ca n't come down on you for doing something wild and crazy and loving . the last time someone was this crazy , it saved spike 's life . [ zach appears next to kendall ] [ scene_break ] zoe : you never deserved a chance to be babe 's destiny . and you can live with that . that 's your reward . bianca : ok , ok , enough . stop . today is about dixie and babe . it is not about what j.r. did or did n't do to babe , or what anybody thinks of him . j.r. , i 'm sorry for your loss . j.r. : thank you for your sympathies . tad : j.r. -- j.r. ? what 's wrong ? where are you going ? what are you doing ? j.r. : not to the bar . is n't that all that matters ? [ scene_break ] kendall : so , was the funeral horrible ? zach : lots of tears , lots of swat team guys . it was kind of weird , yeah . josh : sounds cozy and intimate . zach : zoe sang . it was beautiful . kendall : and j.r. ? did he go off on you again ? zach : nothing i have n't heard before . kendall : yeah . josh : any news from the cops ? jack ? zach : no , no news . kendall : krystal must be a total wreck . and , i mean , pregnant . i just -- i wish we were n't doing this to her . josh : krystal was always pushing babe back to j.r. krystal 's part of the problem . zach offered a solution . kendall : right . tell the world babe 's dead to keep her alive . josh : yeah , and it keeps her away from j.r . zach : babe 's safe . and only the necessary parties know about it . kendall : i 've been on the other side before with ryan . and how is krystal going to feel ? how is everyone else going to feel when they find out the person they 've been grieving for is alive and stashed in a secret room in our casino ? zach : babe 's safety is the most important thing . we 'll deal with the fallout later , ok ? and ryan was there . kendall : did he bring spike to the service ? zach : no . must have been with annie and emma . [ scene_break ] ryan : whoa ! this is your bedroom ? this is like a princess bedroom ! this is awesome ! whoa , you got dr. feel better over here . you even got your little mermaid doll . this is amazing . i like your big sheets . look at you all set up . do you like living at wild -- annie : well -- ryan : what was that ? [ annie laughs ] annie : welcome to real parenthood . one minute you 're all that , the next , you 're nothing . ryan : taken for granted already . annie : hmm . ryan : awesome . annie : it 's how you know your child feels happy , and loved . you look tired . ryan : the funeral was pretty brutal . not that they 're ever any fun . annie : i thought about erin all day , too . [ erin hugs ryan ] jonathan : hey , is -- annie : oh . jonathan : sorry . annie : no , no , no -- jonathan : sorry , no , my bad -- ryan : hey , hey , jon , get back in here . what are you doing ? jonathan : no -- no , i 'm going to give you guys space to talk , ok ? ryan : what ? what 's -- what are you -- what 's going on ? annie : i do n't -- do n't look at me . i 'm going to go see if spike 's still napping . jonathan : i 'm -- ryan : wait -- what 'd i miss ? jonathan : hey , i 'm happy for you , man . ryan : huh . [ scene_break ] colby : you 're holding that pillow like it 's a person . that 's what i do when i miss my mom . i called her today . krystal : oh . i 'll never hold my daughter again . i -- i still -- just , i ca n't accept it . i -- it just does not make any sense . colby : i -- i do n't know what to say . krystal : i mean , that 's why god gave me these arms , was n't it ? i mean , what good are these two things if i ca n't hold her ? colby : i know i 'm not your daughter , but maybe you could hug me and close your eyes and pretend that you have babe back ? krystal : oh -- you do n't have to be anybody but you , colby . come here . [ adam walks into the bedroom and smiles to see krystal holding colby ] [ scene_break ] jamie : you made guacamole . julia : you mentioned babe liked it . jamie : you know how wonderful you are , do n't you ? julia : i just listen . tad : hey . di : tad , she loved you , you know ? tad : yeah . i do . the truth is , i thought we 'd lost it forever , but she managed to let me know one more time before she died . together forever , huh ? di : in a way , you are . [ tad sighs ] tad : yeah , i guess so . other than finding our daughter , i guess that 's the best i could hope for . it 'll be ok . kathy : tad ! tad : uh - oh . how 's the shortest , best - looking woman in pine valley ? come here , give me some . what are you doing ? kathy : ah ! tad : what are you wearing ? oh , my god . you 're like an elf . kathy : whoa ! tad : get ready for shock therapy . [ kathy laughs as tad tickles her ] [ scene_break ] zoe : may i join you ? bianca : yeah . of course . [ zoe sighs ] zoe : look , i 'm sorry for what i said to j.r . it was n't the time . what 's this ? bianca : happier times . zoe : yeah . bianca : before everything went to hell . zoe : oh , the joy in your faces -- they absolutely glow . it 's breathtaking . bianca : babe and i were quite the team once upon a time . zoe : i can see it . your eyes were dancing . bianca : that 's what it was like to be with babe . then everything changed . [ scene_break ] kendall : you 're going to be ok , babe . you 're going to be dancing in no time . josh : i ripped into you at the hospital . zach : you were n't wrong . josh : you helped save babe . zach : we had to do something . josh : well , you knew what you had to do , and you did it . you helped protect babe from j.r. and the killer . kendall : you ready to go ? zach : yeah . let me know if you need anything , ok ? josh : thanks . i will . thank you . kendall : sure . [ scene_break ] zoe : you kept the picture of your friend . bianca : i was moving to paris . i needed new -- well , everything , really . zoe : i can understand that sentiment . bianca : babe gave this to me . i did n't want to take it , but i just -- i could n't help myself . zoe : well , we all need pieces of our past to hold on to . bianca : babe should have this back . zoe : what are you doing ? bianca : babe would have wanted this . [ scene_break ] [ monitor beeps ] babe : i 'm safe ? josh : yeah . babe : oh . josh : you 're safe . you 're going to be weak for a little bit , though . babe : did you save me ? josh : you were right . i do n't know when to quit . babe : hmm . you saved me -- hmm . [ scene_break ] zoe : babe knows you love her . you do n't have to do this . bianca : i just -- i ca n't let her go without -- hmm . wanting to put a photo in a coffin must seem pretty silly . zoe : oh , no . the ancient egyptians put many objects of value in with their loved ones , to send them to the next life -- a greater life with better jewelry . bianca : it 's just her body . zoe : when life is unbearable most days , the alternative does n't seem so bad . when simone passed , that 's exactly where i was -- aching to let my spirit go , jealous of their freedom . your forgiveness will give her peace . bianca : god , i hope so . jack : i 'm sorry to interrupt , but we need to clear this area . listen , honey , i know you have a bodyguard here , but i really would like you to go while the swat team is still in the place , ok ? bianca : ok . i will . i 'll grab carl and go . jack : ok . bianca : hey . thank you . i 'm proud of you . this is what we all needed , and you made sure that it happened . i 'm proud you 're my uncle . i love you . jack : i love you , too . bianca : catch this guy . jack : will do . bianca : i 'm going to head over to wildwind . would you like to join me ? zoe : i 'm not so sure i 'd be welcome . bianca : zoe , everyone who loved babe needs to be together right now . zoe : then i will celebrate her spirit . [ zoe sighs ] [ scene_break ] kendall : would you sit down , please ? let me order you some food . zach : i 'm not hungry . kendall : honey , you 've been going 24/7 since -- since you took babe from the hospital -- honey , the secrets and the lies -- zach : lies , right . kendall : right , right , and the funeral . and i 'm sorry i was n't there with you , i 'm sorry that you had to go alone , but i need you to sit down right now and relax for one second . please , sit down , just for a second . take a deep breath , close your eyes . you need to relax -- now , close your eyes , just for a second . close them , breathe . you got a lot of tension here . [ zach sighs ] kendall : ok . is that better ? zach : i ca n't do this . i got to go . you going to be all right ? kendall : yeah , i 'll be fine . i 'll be right here when you get back . zach : ok . kendall : ok ? oh -- [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] jonathan : annie 's good . the two of you together -- it 's good . it makes sense , and you know it . ryan : instant family is not the solution , jonathan . jonathan : why do n't you just see where it goes , ryan ? ryan : because it could go somewhere not very good , and so we 've agreed not to date , that 's all . jonathan : oh . right -- because that will work until you go -- [ jonathan claps hands ] jonathan : you know , fall right into her face . come on . ryan : that 's not going to happen , it 's not going to happen . jonathan : four people have been buried here in the last eight weeks -- four . that 's how fast life can change , ryan . [ scene_break ] julia : oh . [ julia chuckles ] annie : yeah , that 's pretty , right ? pretty valentine 's card for valentine 's day -- let me read that . tad : well , it looks like we 're reading a book , huh ? julia : oh -- kathy : yes ? julia : kathy , honey , i think -- think maybe tad does n't want to read a book right now . i can -- i can read it with you or maybe he can later ? kathy : emma has her new daddy . tad is mine . [ scene_break ] sean : colby ? security said you were back here . colby : i 'm here . sean : colby ? colby : no -- sean : let me -- colby : i 'm ok . [ scene_break ] julia : kathy ? i do n't think -- tad is -- tad : is obviously a very good friend . why do n't you go play , ok ? it 's ok , really . i come by it honestly . at this point in my life , i probably have `` tad the dad `` written across my forehead . julia : huh . tad : along with `` bad jokes `` and `` just do n't tell your mother . `` julia : oh , great . [ julia chuckles ] tad : no , i mean it . it 's ok . actually , it 's kind of an honor . that 's one terrific kid . i knew it the minute i met her in the hospital . julia : did i ever properly thank you ? tad : for what ? julia : you told me i could do it and i -- i guess you were right . tad : i never had a minute 's doubt you were going to make a terrific mother . and not for nothing , but it 's pretty easy to love that kid . [ footsteps ] amanda : thank you for coming , and thank you for singing . it was really beautiful and i know babe would 've loved it . zoe : well , i only hope my voice matched her heart . del : dude , the guy 's wearing a dress again . aidan : oh . nice one , del . di : no , i just do n't know what to say `` sorry we trapped you and accused you of killing all of our friends ? `` del : hey -- you want a drink ? zoe : yes , please . del : well , what 'll it be -- cosmo or a shot of whiskey ? zoe : a margarita , please , in honor of babe -- rocks , no salt . amanda : here -- here , zoe . take mine -- i have n't touched it . hey . kathy : zoe ? julia : yes , kathy , this is zoe and this is her friend bianca . bianca : yeah , i met you once before . how are you ? kathy : there 's miss zoe at play group , but you do n't look like her . emma : zoe has brown hair . julia : hey , girls , let 's go play . come on . bianca : maybe we should go get something to eat . zoe : yes . jamie : i 'm -- i 'm glad you guys came . bianca : thanks . zoe : thank you so much for inviting me . you have a lovely home . jamie : oh , it 's -- it 's all julia . zoe : excuse us . i think i really must be going . bianca : are you sure ? i 'm so sorry . zoe : no apologies necessary . thank you so much for your hospitality . julia : you 're very welcome . julia : can i -- can i do anything ? amanda : `` cosmo or a shot of whiskey ? `` del : oh , what did i do ? tad : so what 's the deal ? you come up with anything yet ? aidan : the guys are on it and the cops are looking , too . tad : just remember -- hannah nichols in any form . aidan : all aliases or variations of the name . i mean , hotels , rental apartments -- i 've been to every single british pub to see if there 's any women hanging around . tad : aidan ? kendall 's the only one left . we have to find this woman . aidan : yeah , i know . and if it is ethan 's mum , she 's going down , tad . [ scene_break ] [ someone wearing black gloves gently strokes ethan 's gravestone . ] [ scene_break ] jonathan : ok , well , annie , this is so sudden . i had no idea . annie : i 'll give you an idea -- what was that before with me and ryan ? jonathan : what was that ? what -- i -- i do n't know . i do n't remember . annie : i tell you i 'm falling for your brother , and you decide to put up a billboard ? jonathan : billboard -- no . i get free advertising . annie : it 's not funny . it 's -- it 's -- jonathan : complicated -- right ? that 's what ryan said , too . annie : he did ? jonathan : yeah . he also said you two were n't dating . annie : did he say anything else ? jonathan : well , i mean , i could slip him a note during third period . annie : no , thank you . jonathan : i 'm out of it . i 'm backing off , it 's none of my business . done . annie : you really want us to be together , do n't you ? jonathan : well , you know what it is ? for me , i do n't care either way . annie : get out of here . [ annie sighs ] [ scene_break ] ryan : what 's going on ? you got something new ? killer contact you ? zach : i need to know what happened when my father died . [ scene_break ] colby : you think i 'm a big baby , huh ? sean : i cried for a month after my dad died -- like a freaking baby . in my room , pillow on my face with the headphones on . i did n't want anyone to hear me . i did n't want to hear me . sometimes i miss my dad so much , i still do . colby : i wo n't tell . sean : i know you wo n't . [ scene_break ] adam : babe was all you , you know ? you just had to look in her eye to see the spirit and the life that was her gorgeous mother . you raised her all by yourself . i missed out , seeing the point at which she became a slice of her mama . i do n't want to miss a second of charlotte 's life , because she 'll be you , too . krystal : i want charlotte to be you , and she will be . did i ever tell you about the time babe made mustard soup ? [ adam and krystal chuckle together ] [ scene_break ] babe : huh -- oh . oh . this is n't the hospital . where am i ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : before you have your muscle kick me out -- kendall : j.r. , this is -- honestly , this is not a good time right now . j.r. : you were n't at the ceremony . kendall : yeah , well , swat teams and me do n't mix . j.r. : i just wanted to make sure that you were ok and to admit that i 've been an ass . kendall : fine . apology accepted . my sympathies , please . j.r. : no , please , talk to me . kendall : i 'm sorry about dixie , ok ? i know how much you loved her . and i 'm also sorry about babe , but not for you -- for her mother and her son and for all the people who actually cared about her . j.r. : excuse me ? i cared . kendall : i 'm not about to let myself get killed , so thanks for coming . good- bye , j.r. , please . [ when kendall opens the door for j.r. , josh is standing there . ] [ scene_break ] [ at the cemetery , zoe kneels by babe 's gravesite when someone dressed in black knocks her down with a couple of punches . ] [ next_on ] zach ( to ryan ) : i do n't have the key to these murders , and i 'm hoping you do . you just do n't know about it . zoe : it 's you -- you killed her . josh ( to jeff ) : i ca n't lose her . josh ( to babe ) : i 'm not going to let you die on me .
everyone has gathered at the cemetery for dixie 's and babe 's graveside service . babe begins to wake up , and is surprised to see kendall and josh there with her .babe begins to ask questions about where she is that kendall and josh does n't know how to answer . everyone seems to be worried about someone else . tad is worried about j.r. and joe is worried about crystal and the baby . bianca tries to comfort j.r. zach visits ethan 's grave , and promises to find the one responsible for simone 's death . the satin slayer visit 's the grave of ethan .
[ phone rings ] david : it 's me . any news ? kendall : what are you doing in my house ? do n't tell me zach had the nerve to bring you here . reese : i -- i do n't know where zach is , and i have not figured out where to go next . kendall : vive la france ! [ phone rings ] reese : hey . bianca , hey , i 'm really glad you called . bianca : i need to see you . reese : ok , um , right now ? bianca : unless you 're too busy . reese : no , no , no . should i meet you at the casino ? bianca : i 'll meet you in the lobby . reese : ok , i 'll be right there . bianca -- [ scene_break ] ryan : you did this . i loved her , and you took her from me . zach : i 'm sorry . ryan : you do n't get to be sorry , zach . greenlee is gone , and it 's because of you . and i swear to god -- i swear to god , i will make you pay . i will take everything , everything you have , everything you love . zach : i think you need to walk away . ryan : walk away -- you mean like you should have walked away from reese ? like that ? zach : you do n't want to have this conversation . ryan : let me be clear about something right now . this is not a conversation -- this is a warning . and when i 'm through , you 'll wish you were the one that was dead in that river . [ scene_break ] [ annie groans ] annie : no . dr. sinclair : just relax , just relax . annie : please . dr. sinclair : it will all be over soon . annie : please , please do n't . dr. sinclair : take a deep breath . [ annie cries ] dr. sinclair : because it 's going to be your last . annie : ah , get away from me ! somebody help me ! somebody get me out of this room . please . please , somebody get me out of here ! no ! [ dr. sinclair screams ] [ both gasping ] annie : please , please , somebody get me out of here . get off me ! dr. sinclair : get away from me . [ screams ] aidan : annie , annie , it 's ok . it 's ok . are you all right ? are you all right ? [ annie gasps ] aidan : ok , now -- what the hell have you done to her ? dr. sinclair : what -- what happened ? oh , my god . oh , my god ! get it out , get it out , get it out ! administrator : what the hell is going on ? aidan : what 's in this syringe ? answer me -- what is in this syringe ? annie : it 's poison . dr. sinclair tried to kill me . administrator : the stuff 's lethal . dr. sinclair : please , you have to help me . [ scene_break ] emma : i miss mommy and daddy and greenlee . kendall : come here , you . come here . you 're going to see your daddy real soon , i promise . in the meantime , how about a hug ? oh , that 's a good hug . that 's a good hug . that 's what i 'm talking about . thank you . emma : are you sad ? kendall : a little . emma , you ca n't give him to me , he 's yours . emma : take him . kendall : you would really give sandy to me ? emma : until uncle zach gets home to make you feel better . kendall : thank you . [ scene_break ] zach : i 'd take it easy on the threats if i were you . ryan : if you were me ? oh , my god , i would love to see that . i would love to see you brought to your knees right now . zach : i know you 're angry . ryan : yes , i am angry . zach : go home . ryan : to what ? what should i go home to , an empty apartment , zach ? zach : go home to your son and your daughter . ryan : to my daughter ? my daughter , who just lost another mother , thanks to you . zach : greenlee 's death was an accident , no one 's fault . ryan : oh , ok , so you were n't driving the car that ran her off the road ? at least that 's what you 're telling everybody , right ? but honestly , it does n't really make a difference who was driving the car , zach . you still killed her . zach : that 's enough . ryan : no , she would n't be on the road if it was n't for you , zach . zach : you 're not the only one who lost somebody . ever occur to you , she was my friend , and she 's gone . i wish she were back here . i wish i could do that , but i ca n't . ryan : no , you ca n't . you 're much better at taking things away , are n't you ? zach : do n't put this on me . ryan : no , she would be alive right now if she did n't find out about you and reese . zach : and you should have kept your mouth shut . there is no me and reese . ryan : oh man , it sure looked like there was to me , zach . it really did . and the reason i told greenlee about that is because we did n't keep things from each other . it 's a little thing called honesty . you should try that sometime . but at least this way , she does n't get to see what kind of a selfish bastard you are . zach : i 'm selfish ? you ran to greenlee and told her you saw something , something you could n't possibly understand . you could n't mind your own business . you could n't listen to me when i told you that there 's nothing going on . you had to go and cancel the wedding . see , greenlee should be on her honeymoon right now . instead , i 've got you standing here with a piece of her wedding dress in your hand , telling me that i 'm being selfish . ryan : wait a minute , wait a minute -- are you seriously trying to tell me that this is my fault ? zach : i 'm stating the facts , ryan , stating the facts . when you 're scared , you start running . you did it when you jumped off the cliff . you did it again on your wedding day . ryan : what are you even talking about right now ? zach : i 'm stating the facts . you hurt the women you 're with . you always have . and now you come here and tell me you 're going to bring me to my knees , take everything i care about , everything i love . and you know what ? that does concern me , because i 've seen you do it before . i 've seen you do it to annie -- the last great love of your life . [ scene_break ] emt : her pulse is erratic . breathing is rapid and shallow . second emt : let 's get her out of here . is she going to be ok ? aidan : yeah , we 're going to be right behind you . annie : she attacked me . i had no choice . aidan : i 'm very proud of you , annie , for fighting back and not letting her win . annie : but she almost did win . if you had n't come in , i -- do n't leave me , please . aidan : i wo n't , i wo n't . i 'm not going anywhere . annie : i 'm scared . aidan : it 's all right . it 's going to be ok . annie : how do you know that ? aidan : because i 'll always protect you , no matter what . jesse : what i know is , annie is about to be charged with another attempted murder . [ scene_break ] kendall : emma is just getting her shoes on . she 'll be down in a few minutes . opal : then i 'll take her home . not going to feel much like a home anymore , now , is it ? kendall : emma 's a strong girl . opal : i just -- i ca n't get it out of my head , that awful scene playing over and over . greenlee in her wedding dress , tearing through the night on that motorcycle -- sorry , what am i doing , going on about what happened ? i do n't have to tell you how awful it is . kendall : no , you do n't . opal : you and greenlee -- like two peas in a pod . i do n't know what i would do if i lost my best gal pal . how are you holding up ? kendall : one day at a time , i guess . opal : and zach -- knowing that he was the one that was driving . kendall : you know what ? i do n't know what 's taking emma so long . i should probably go help her . opal : oh , you know kids and their shoelaces . i 'm not in any hurry . poor ryan . is n't it enough that he 's got to deal with his own heartbreak , but now he 's got to figure out some way to tell that little pumpkin that greenlee is gone . i mean , how much can a soul take ? kendall : ryan will be ok . opal : yes , i think he will . i know he will , because he 's got friends like you and zach -- friends that stick by each other and support each other through everything . [ scene_break ] zach : i get it . it 's got to be easier blaming me , i mean , anyone but yourself . ryan : you are truly delusional . you drove greenlee off the road . you and your lies . zach : i was behind the wheel , but i 've got a feeling that greenlee was done for the moment she agreed to marry you . that 's what happens when you fall for ryan lavery . ryan : oh , and everybody 's always safe with zach slater , is that right ? like the night of the tornado ? when you left your wife alone , and she ended up in a coma ? is that what you call protecting your family ? i 'm just curious . zach : my wife is still alive . ryan : you son of -- this is perfect . here 's your girlfriend . she could n't stay away , could she ? reese : on this night , zach , i think we should -- how could you do it ? ryan : excuse me ? reese : how could you tell bianca what you saw ? ryan : are you serious right now ? reese : she left me , ryan . ryan : and that 's my fault ? reese : we were in love . we were happy , and you -- ryan : you were cheating on her with zach . reese : no , i was not -- it was one kiss . ryan : whatever happened , it was the night before you got married , reese . reese : god , are you self - righteous ! what the hell -- from what i have heard , you and greenlee were rolling around while you were still married to somebody else . ryan : do n't compare our situation to yours . reese : oh , i am not comparing it , but you are -- ryan : what are you trying to tell me ? are you in love with zach ? is that what you 're saying ? reese : no , no , i 'm not , actually . that 's the difference . i 'm in love with bianca . zach was a mistake . ryan : a mistake that cost greenlee her life . reese : that is not fair . greenlee is gone because of -- bianca : stop it . leave her alone . [ scene_break ] jesse : so , that was you , the guy in the hoodie , when i almost had a conversation with the mysterious mr. stone , was it ? aidan : i 'm sorry that i did n't tell you what was going on , but i had to be there , jesse . jesse : why ? what was pretending to be insane going to get you , aidan ? aidan : answers , all right ? i wanted to see if annie was crazy . and it did n't take me long to find out that she was . jesse : ok , fine . but then you stayed . aidan : because of the way that sinclair was treating her . she was obsessed with proving that annie was faking her insanity . jesse : why ? aidan : so that she would stand trial for richie 's death , and be put away in prison for life . jesse : and so in your nonmedical opinion , annie was n't faking it ? aidan : that 's right . jesse : and you think this highly - educated top psychiatrist could n't come to the same conclusion ? aidan : oh , she came to the same conclusion , all right . she just chose to ignore it . she wanted annie to admit that she was of sound mind when she killed richie . even if she had to force it out of her . jesse : force it how ? aidan : by abusing her every chance she got . sinclair taunted annie . she put words in her mouth . she even slapped her around the face . jesse : you saw this ? aidan : annie 's cell was right next to mine , so i could hear everything that went on in there through the grate in the wall . jesse : you seem a little invested in all of this , aidan . aidan : jesse , we were both hurt by the same people . i did n't lose it -- annie did . and i can understand why . jesse : then help me understand this -- how do you know sinclair is wrong ? i mean , criminals fake insanity all the time to avoid prison . i 'm sure sinclair has seen this a lot in tons of patients . aidan : yeah , but annie is no ordinary patient . annie was the woman that took richie novak away from sinclair . jesse : wait , you mean sinclair and richie novak -- aidan : were lovers . she treated him years back . they had some big romance . [ jesse sighs ] aidan : sinclair was never out to make annie better . she was just out for payback . [ jesse chuckles ] jesse : i do n't know , aidan , this -- annie has hurt so many people , including you . now sinclair is fighting for her life . that does n't exactly scream `` innocent annie , `` does it ? tad : so maybe we have to turn up the volume . [ scene_break ] ryan : please do n't tell me that you 're here to forgive her . bianca : ryan , this is between me and reese . ryan : you know what ? you 're right , it is between you and reese , and i have a lot bigger things to deal with , like how to tell my daughter that greenlee is dead . [ scene_break ] reese : i 'm really , really glad that you called . we have a lot of things we need to figure out . bianca : no , you know what ? i think i actually have it all figured out . reese williams , this is donna stillman . donna : nice to meet you . reese : bianca , what 's going on here ? bianca : donna is my attorney . she 'll be handling the annulment . reese : the -- i 'm sorry , the what , the what ? you ca n't -- you ca n't do this . donna : given the circumstances , it should be pretty cut and dried . i 'll just need your signature here . reese : no , it 's not cut and dried . excuse me . bianca , it was a kiss . it was one stupid , idiotic kiss . you can not end what we have over that . bianca : what we have is a total lie . reese : i love you and our daughters . that is not a lie . bianca : i do n't believe you anymore . reese : but our family , our lives together -- come on , please , will you just hear me out ? donna : from what bianca has told me , ms. williams , you 've already spoken at some length . reese : no , actually that 's not true . donna : in my experience , it 's best to just sign the papers and then move on with your lives . reese : but my life is with you . bianca , it -- excuse me , would you please just give me a minute ? bianca : it 's ok . donna : are you sure ? bianca : yeah . reese : i -- i do n't know where to even start . bianca : maybe that 's because there 's nothing left to say . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . what are you doing home ? kendall : i know it 's been awhile , but i live here , remember ? zach : you know i remember , but how did you get out of the hospital ? did jake release you ? kendall : no , actually , i released myself . zach : and you think that 's wise ? kendall : what , do you wish i was still there ? zach : no , i just want to make sure that your heart is ok . kendall : medically , it 's fine . sit . zach : are we having dinner ? kendall : yeah , i ordered out from b.j . 's . i hope that 's ok . zach , i 'm not going to poison you . i mean , i can taste your food if you want me to . zach : ok . what is this ? kendall : this is grilled chicken . zach : what is this ? what are we doing ? the last time you looked at me , you did n't want to know me at all , so -- kendall : well , the last time i saw you , i was in shock . zach : but now ? kendall : i 'm hungry . [ scene_break ] jesse : so you were trying to dig up dirt on all those missing years when i busted you grilling dr. sinclair , is that right , mr. pearson ? tad : you did n't bust me doing anything . i just wish you 'd showed up ten minutes earlier . we would n't be having this conversation if you had . you should have heard her going on about doctor - patient relationships , how they frequently cross the line . she even used the word `` love `` at one point . it was n't just creepy , it was definitely personal . i just did n't know how personal until ryan told me about aidan . jesse : about how you thought novak was somehow involved . tad : right , and you would n't believe how hard we had to dig to find out that richie had more than one shrink when he was in hoosegow . aidan : so the long and the short of it is she resigned her position as prison psychiatrist because the news got out . tad : she did n't want it on her resume , so she did everything she could to make it disappear . jesse : and you with your crack reporting skills , you were able to figure it all out , right ? tad : with a lot of help from aidan , yes . aidan : and that 's why sinclair went crazy and attacked annie , because she knew that we knew . jesse : and you confronted her with this ? aidan : well , i told her that if she left town and did n't look back , all would be forgiven . but obviously sinclair did n't want to leave it like that , and she tried to murder annie . jesse : one hell of a story . you believe all this ? tad : every word . [ scene_break ] annie : where 's aidan ? he promised he would n't leave me . angie : do n't worry . he 's right outside . annie : can i see him ? angie : yeah , just as soon as i 'm done here . [ angie slips the scissors into her pocket ] annie : you 're scared i 'm going to hurt you . you think i 'm a lunatic like everybody else . angie : no , i just think that i want to get this wound taken care of , that 's all . [ scene_break ] ryan 's voice : beautiful flowers for my beautiful bride - to - be , see ? yellow roses . [ ryan yells ] [ scene_break ] kendall : sorry about the potatoes . i -- i told her to make sure that they were extra fluffy . zach : the potatoes are fine . kendall : ok , but i know you do n't really like broccoli and so i guess they ran out of string beans . zach : the food is fine . kendall : but we 're not ? zach : you tell me . kendall : i really do n't want to talk about it right now . zach : well then , when ? when do you want to talk about it ? kendall : i 'm trying , zach , i really am . i mean , i put together this nice dinner for us , and we 're having a nice , quiet evening at home alone , just like normal people . zach : this is normal to you ? us sitting here not talking , that 's -- that 's normal ? kendall : what do you want me to say ? zach : i do n't know . say something . let 's just talk . we 'll talk about the kids , we 'll talk -- talk about greenlee if you want . you did n't lose me , not for one second . it 's always only us . ok . so how long you going to do that ? how long are you going to punish me -- a week , a month , a year ? just let me know a timeframe , so i can get ready for that . we got ta deal with this . where are you going ? kendall : i 'm going to see ryan . zach : why ? kendall : he needs me . [ scene_break ] reese : if i could take it back -- bianca : you would . i do not doubt that . reese : but you doubt me . bianca , baby , it was one -- bianca : one kiss , yes , yes . i know . i do n't need to be reminded about it every five seconds . reese : ok , well , you tell me what it is you do need , and i will give it to you . what , do -- do you need space ? you 've got it . you need therapy , it is done . just please do n't tell me that we are finished . i mean , do you even -- you have a plan ? bianca : yes , i 'm going to take the girls , and i 'm going to go to paris . reese : ok , perfect , that sounds great , because that 's exactly what i want . let 's -- let 's pack them up , let 's go away , let 's -- let 's go back to paris , to the house that i built , and we can live together , we can relax -- bianca : so we just pretend that none of this ever happened ? reese : no , i 'm not asking to you to pretend , ok ? what i 'm asking your to do is just please try and forgive . sweetheart , please , come on . let 's just go back to the place where we were truly happy . bianca : it does n't work that way . reese : why not ? who says ? come on , you , me , and miranda and gabrielle , we can go back to paris . we can go thousands of miles away from here , thousands of miles away from zach . bianca : you say that like it 's a good thing . zach was one of my closest friends . he was like a brother to me , and now he 's just gone . reese : i 'm sorry about it . bianca : but do you get it ? you keep saying it was just a kiss . just a kiss ? it took everything . you took everything , and i 'm not just talking about zach . you took my hope , my love , my trust . reese : but i do love you . you know that . i know you may not believe me right now , bianca , but you can trust me . bianca : no , i ca n't . what kind of marriage is that ? reese : do n't do this . bianca : you did n't give me a choice . it 's over , reese . [ scene_break ] jesse : hey , how 's dr. sinclair doing ? david : well , i just got her conscious again . she 's going to have to stay here for the next eight hours , make sure all the toxins are out of her system . jesse : so she 's going to make it . david : do n't sound so thrilled . jesse : does she know ? david : i was just about to share the good news . jesse : do you think maybe you can hold off on that for a few minutes ? david : so in other words , you need me to do a favor for you , right , chief ? let us not forget this glorious moment . jesse : oh , there 's a few moments i wo n't forget . david : after you . jesse : thank you . dr. sinclair ? i need you to level with me right now . dr. sinclair : there 's no point in lying . what do you want to know ? jesse : do you think annie lavery is mentally ill , or do you think she 's faking it ? dr. sinclair : annie is not faking . she is insane . jesse : why are you so bent on bringing her down for her brother 's murder ? dr. sinclair : i loved richie . because of her , he 's gone . jesse : did you try to kill annie today ? dr. sinclair : yes , i did . and if i had the chance , i 'd do it all over again . jesse : ok , ok . david : you should go now . dr. sinclair : wait , wait , wait . am i going to be with richie now ? [ scene_break ] angie : annie 's going to be just fine . aidan : can i go see her ? angie : mm - hmm , she 's been asking for you . tad : what are you doing ? were n't you supposed to go talk to sinclair ? jesse : your story checks out . aidan : did she admit to everything ? richie , trying to kill annie ? jesse : all of it . aidan : big of you to finally believe our story . now if you 'll excuse me , i 'm going to go see her . jesse : you 're welcome , mr. stone . anybody else getting the more than just friends vibe from these two ? tad : the only vibe i 'm getting is from you . you were gone for five minutes . how on earth did you get her to spill her guts in that time ? jesse : i used a nunya . tad : what 's a nunya ? jesse : nunya business , einstein . tad : oh , i see . like that , is it , huh ? well , if you do n't spill any trade secrets from the guild of detective idiots , just say so . you do n't have to get all mysterious about it . jesse : shut up . angie : oh , my god , you two -- a marriage made in heaven ? [ scene_break ] reese : i 'm not signing anything . i 'm not signing these . we have a family , bianca , or have you forgotten that ? bianca : oh , no , i remember it all the time . reese : ok , so , um , where in here does it say anything about gabrielle and miranda ? you think i 'm just going to , what , take you to the airport , wave you guys goodbye ? bianca : they 're my daughters . reese : yes , they are . and they 're mine , too . look , i may not have a legal right to miranda , but with gabrielle we have equal parenting rights . you signed those papers , too . bianca : she 's mine . it was my egg . i carried her . reese : what , it could have just easily have been mine . bianca : yeah , well , it was n't . reese : because we decided to use your egg together . bianca : yes , so that miranda -- reese : miranda , who i feel like is mine . oh , i get it , i see . so everything that you told me about me being just as much their mother , what was that ? it was all words ? bianca : things are different now . reese : no , they 're not different between me and my girls . that has not changed . i wo n't let you disappear with them . bianca : it 's not your call . reese : oh , like hell it 's not . bianca : you know what ? this is ridiculous . would you just tell her that she has no idea what she 's talking about ? lawyer : actually she does . [ scene_break ] opal : yoo - hoo , anybody home ? emma : daddy ! ryan : hi , hi , hi , sweetheart . oh , oh , i missed you so much . emma : i missed you , too . ryan : yeah ? hey , did you have fun with spike and ian ? emma : but i wanted to come home . opal : you sure did . most excited little chatterbox i ever saw . could n't wait to see her daddy . emma : and greenlee . where is she ? [ scene_break ] zach : so ryan needs you , huh ? well , you know what ? i need you right now . kendall : you did n't just lose the love of your life . you do n't have to tell your six - year - old daughter that her mother is never coming home . i mean , as if emma has n't had enough to deal with lately . i need to go . zach : how long ? kendall : as long as it takes . zach : ok . [ scene_break ] david : you got something for me ? that 's exactly what i wanted to hear . keep me informed . good evening , folks . angie : was that -- was he just cheerful ? jesse : i hope not . a cheerful hayward is a dangerous hayward . tad : is there any other kind ? [ scene_break ] bianca : what -- what are you doing ? reese : if you 're dead - set on the annulment , it 's fine . but it is not going down like this . bianca : like what ? reese : like ... i 'm sorry , ok ? i made a mistake , and i will admit it , but this is absolutely -- bianca : this is what 's fair . reese : no , it 's not fair . you think you can shove this in my face , and i 'm just going to roll over ? i love you , bianca . i love you and that has not changed . but if you want to take that away from me , if you want to take it away from us , that is fine . but you can not take my daughter away from me , too . bianca : so what are you saying ? reese : i 'm saying , you want a fight ? you got one . excuse me . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . what are you doing here ? kendall : um , i knew emma was coming home tonight , so i thought maybe you could use the support . and i thought emma could probably use this . ryan : thanks . kendall : have you told her ? ryan : i do n't know how . kendall : that 's ok . we 'll figure it out together . [ scene_break ] aidan : it 's over , annie . sinclair confessed . she 's going to go to prison for a very long time . annie : and what about me ? where do i go ? aidan : you go back to oak haven , but not to maximum security . to that wing you were in before . and you 're going to get the help that you need . annie : are you coming with me ? aidan : i ca n't . but i will visit you . annie : i never would have gotten through any of this without you . i owe you everything . aidan : you do n't owe me anything , ok ? just -- just get better . annie : i will . for you , but most importantly , for emma . [ scene_break ] ryan : emma , there 's something that we need to talk about , and it might make you very sad . kendall : but it 's ok to feel sad or angry or hurt , because that 's how we get through these kinds of things . ryan : greenlee is gone . kendall : she went to heaven . emma : like mittens ? ryan : yeah , just like your cat . and while mittens gets to play with angels , greenlee gets to be one . kendall : that 's right . a beautiful , perfect , smiling angel who will always protect you . emma : greenlee 's gone ? kendall : emma , is sandy sad ? sandy 's sad , huh ? emma : i am , too . kendall : yeah .
at pine valley hospital , david gets a call . kendall arrives home and sees reese sitting on the sofa . kendall orders her out . reese gets her coat and purse and leaves . outside the house , reese receives a call . kendall watches reese leave from the window . at the casino , ryan vows revenge on zach for being the one responsible for greenlee 's death . at oak haven , annie gets up off the floor . dr. sinclair pulls out a syringe . she grabs annie and holds her around the neck while she aims the needle at annie 's neck . annie pushes dr. sinclair away from her and starts to yell for help . a struggle results with annie and dr. sinclair ending up on the bed . aidan and an orderly come in and pulls them apart . dr. sinclair realizes that the needle is stuck in her arm . aidan pulls out the needle before dr. sinclair collapses . emma comes downstairs to spend time with kendall . dr. sinclair and annie are both taken to pine valley hospital . jesse comes in and demands to know from aidan as to what is going on . opal arrives at kendall 's to pick up emma to take her home to ryan . ryan and zach still argue when reese comes in . ryan begins to blast reese for her actions when bianca comes downstairs and tells ryan to leave reese alone .
liza : yes , the petition is ready to go . i just need the ok -- tad : i just want you to give me everything you can find on sonia reyes except a passport check . i 've already done a passport check -- liza : thank you very much , ok ? uh , excuse me . i 'm just walking here -- tad : ha . wait just -- no . just hang on . just -- never mind . just keep me updated , all right ? i 'll call you back . liza : you . tad : you you is right . how about stranger ? liza : yeah . tad : have we met ? oh , tad martin . nice to meet you . liza : ha ha ! come on . oh , who needs a life . i have clients . tad : yeah , me , too . liza : yeah ? you got somebody new ? tad : you would n't believe me if i told you . liza : go ahead , try me . tad : adam chandler . liza : really ? tad : no , i 'm lying . liza : oh , wow . i got a new client , too . yeah , his son . [ scene_break ] marissa : oh , doctors were right . it did n't hurt at all . j.r. : if only it were that simple . annie : i brought you a coffee . adam : oh . heh . ah , um , we 're going to find you a match , son . annie , why do n't you run and see if you can pick up something for j.r . anybody else ? hmm . [ scene_break ] erica : well , now , doctor , what would greenlee think if she heard you flirting with the enemy this way ? david : she would probably cancel the wedding . erica : oh . well , we ca n't have that now , can we ? david : well , i thought you 'd want greenlee left at the altar . erica : no . i want your wedding to take place . i want you to marry greenlee . i want you to take her away from fusion . and pine valley . and ryan . forever . david : so that 's what you want out of all of this . erica : drink ? david : oh , i 'm sorry . i 'm kind of tied up at the moment . erica : well , you 're gon na need your strength . david : strength ? why ? do you have something in mind ? erica : for a man who just stood at the altar ready to marry greenlee -- david : but it 's you and me , erica . we do n't need to play games , now , do we ? erica : were we playing one ? david : you 're asking a lot from me . i 'm trying to see what i can get out of the deal . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ok , i still love you . are you happy now ? ryan : happier than you can possibly -- greenlee : i never stopped . i mean , how do you stop loving someone that you 're supposed to marry ? ryan : you do n't . greenlee : you just ca n't . ryan : i never did , greenlee . it 's always been you . greenlee : even though you 're the one that kidnapped me . you brought me here and -- ryan : it does n't matter . greenlee : let me finish ! you forced me to go back , to relive it all , to live every dream , every wish , every promise , and i ca n't lie to you -- i do love you . i will always love you . [ ryan grabs greenlee and kisses her ] ryan : what is it ? what 's wrong ? greenlee , you do n't have to be afraid of this . greenlee : do n't you get it ? i may love you , i may always love you , but nothing 's changed . ryan : i hurt you , but i will spend the rest of my life making it up to you . greenlee : that hurt is real , ryan . it tears me . it rips me up inside , and it 's because i love you . ryan : well , then why did you kiss me ? greenlee : i was kissing you good - bye . [ scene_break ] erica : what do you really want , david ? david : what do n't i want ? erica : well , then if you really are pine valley 's most selfish man -- what will you get out of marrying greenlee ? [ scene_break ] liza : he 's got to get a bone marrow transplant . tad : yep , yep . at this point , it 's his only chance . everybody we know is at the hospital being swabbed . liza : you know he 's not going anywhere ? hey , listen , i 'm gon na get myself tested as well , ok ? tad : you know , i 'm crazy about you , but chances of a non - familial match are so slim you 'd be wasting your time . liza : yeah , i know . i want to . tad : yeah ? liza : mm . it makes so much sense now why j.r. came to my office , looking for some -- tad : information about his will . you can say it . his will . liza : listen , sometimes when people take stock in what they have when they 're going through these medical experiences , it does n't mean anything . tad : i know , i know . liza , ha ! you know , everything 's desperate these days . i mean , look at this . adam chandler himself hires me to open a missing person 's case . liza : missing or hiding ? tad : i do n't know yet . it 's a good question . liza : and he hires you . tad : yeah . ordinarily the last person in the world he 'd trust . go figure . liza : look , adam chandler definitely hates you , but he knows how much you love his son . tad : he knows if i have to turn this country on its side to find this sonia reyes , i 'll do it . [ scene_break ] annie : here . how can i help , j.r. ? other than getting tested , of course . j.r. : we 're fine . annie : i know we 're not related , at least by blood . i probably would n't be a match anyway . i was n't for my brother . but if i am a match , i will walk into that procedure willingly , happily . j.r. : you want a medal ? annie : if -- if that did happen , if i could do this for you , i think it would be a real shift for us . i think things would change for the better . i know that you do n't like me , and you do n't trust me and most of all you do n't think i 'm good for your father . j.r. : that sounds about right . annie : but if i could do this , if i could help you , i think things would be different -- j.r. : and then what ? i 'd owe you ? i 'd be in debt to you ? annie : no . no , that 's not what i 'm saying at all . if you 'll just -- if you 'll just hear me out for a second . jake : annie -- we 're ready for the test . annie : ok . j.r. : no , you know what ? forget it . even if she is a match , i do n't want what she can give . annie : j.r. , slow down . i was just trying to help . jake : are we doing this test or -- annie : yes ! j.r. : no ! you heard me . colby : ok , ok . what is wrong ? j.r. : nothing from this woman is gon na be transplanted or pumped or put into my body . colby : what did she say to you , j.r. ? annie : j.r. , you misunderstood . j.r. : no . i mean it , jake . nothing . god knows how i 'd come out . jake : wait a second . we screen all the samples . nothing is transferable . annie : what -- what is that supposed to mean ? j.r. : really , jake ? you screen for crazy ? marissa : j.r. , calm down . j.r. : no . she took a tire iron to her brother , for god 's sake . get out . jake : whoa . annie : j.r. , if you 'll just listen to me . adam : what 's going on in here ? annie , are you ok ? annie : no , i am not ok . i have no idea what just happened . jake : all right , why do n't you guys page me when you decide . j.r. : the hell you do n't know what happened . marissa : j.r. , it 's not worth it . colby : annie , you hurt him . leave . annie : adam ? j.r. : just get her out ! annie : please , please , adam , i am just trying to help . adam : now is not the time , no . perhaps you should go home . colby : finally . annie : adam , i am family . i belong here . adam : yes , well , scott can be there to take care of you , and you can wait for me at the mansion . trust me , this is the best way . scott : come on , annie . good - bye , guys . [ scene_break ] ryan : that kiss was a good - bye ? greenlee , tell me you do n't mean that . greenlee : never meant anything more . ryan : but we 're finally getting somewhere here . greenlee : we 're not getting anywhere . ryan : well , then what do you call this ? because i love you more than anything in the world , and you just admitted that you still love me . i mean , that 's definitely a first step . greenlee : no . it 's the last . we had a future , but it 's in the past now , a wonderful , beautiful past , so do n't ruin it . what we had ended the day i died . ryan : you 've come back before . greenlee : to what ? to hurt each other all over again . ryan : i 'm not gon na let you go , greenlee , i wo n't . greenlee : we had something great , something one of a kind . sometimes that 's all you get . do n't get greedy . ryan : do n't get -- do n't get greedy ? i 'm here . i 'm right here . i 'm in front of you . ok , we have this opportunity . this is a chance . i mean , if you want to call that greedy , then so be it . greenlee : and what does that leave us ? ryan : with more love and more adventure . greenlee : i do n't know how many times i have to say this : what we had is over . ryan : so you would rather marry a man that you do n't love than be with me ? you 'd rather marry david ? that 's your answer ? greenlee : it 's the only answer i have . ryan : tell me you do n't mean that . promise me -- promise me that you will not marry that man . [ scene_break ] david : marrying greenlee is a no - brainer . i get a young , beautiful , vibrant bride out of the deal , a smart woman who makes her own future . she was his life . a woman who reminds me a lot of someone else i know . uh . erica : do n't insult me . david : oof ! erica : oh , well , do n't spit it out . do n't waste food . i only brought just so many . david : all right , erica , seriously , how long are we gon na do this dance ? erica : as long as it takes . david : but you do n't want to hear anything i have to say . erica : unless you want to say to me that you 're gon na take greenlee out of town and leave for good . no ? oh , well , that 's too bad because then that might have moved this whole thing along . erica : [ sighs ] well , then tell me something , david . was any of that lovely little speech true ? david : every word . erica : then why did it seem so made up ? david : it came from the bottom of my heart . erica : oh , you found one recently ? david : ha ha . you know , it 's one of the things i 've always loved about you , erica . so quick on the comeback . it must be difficult for you , not having an equal partner . erica : you know , throughout this -- wonderful speech that you just gave about greenlee and all of her really tremendous qualities , there 's something that you missed . david : no doubt . i could talk at length about greenlee 's strengths . erica : well , most men when they 're about to get married they mention the word love , and you -- you missed that one completely . david : mmm . and you would be the expert , right ? erica : tell me something , david , have you ever been in love , even once ? david : ha . great . let me guess , this is where you tell me that i 'm incapable of love . am i right ? erica : no . this is where i tell you that the very notion of love scares you to death . [ scene_break ] adam : well , we 've located the top lymphoma oncologist on the east coast . he 's presenting a paper in berlin . colby : what is wrong , dad ? are you -- adam : no , it 's nothing . nothing 's wrong . i just -- j.r. : you can say her name . adam : i hated sending annie home . j.r. : i hated having her here . i have cancer . i win . adam : i know you do n't like her , but she realizes the seriousness of your condition , and she wants to help you . j.r. : now , i 'm sick , i 'm not stupid , ok ? she wants to use this situation to her advantage . adam : no , no , that 's not true ! j.r. : if annie had her choice , she 'd make me go away along with colby and scott -- and anyone else who got in her way . [ scene_break ] annie : oh ! adam sent me home ! i am his wife , not the help ! i went to the hospital to support my husband and his children . why else would i be there ? scott : his first concern was j.r . annie : yeah , the same j.r. who feels that my bone marrow is n't good enough for him . scott : he was upset . annie : what does it take to be accepted by this family ? all you people do is talk about family bonds when really they just seem to keep everybody out . scott : you 're about as in as you can be . you are mrs. adam chandler , and you make everybody know it . annie : yeah , well , what 's the point if this is how i 'm treated ? scott : now , now , just -- here . hey , let me do it . let me do it . listen , ok , the focus is on j.r. now , and you have to know that . annie : of course , i know that . i 'm not an idiot . i may not like j.r. , but he is adam 's son , and he 's sick . scott : some concern would go a long way . annie : yeah ? look how far my concern gets me . scott : mm - hmm . annie : i do n't care if j.r. hates me . i do n't care if colby hates me . but my own husband dismissing me like i am some assistant ? flicking me away like i 'm a little fly ? and i 'm trying . i am trying so hard to -- oh , damn it . [ annie drops a glass and it shatters on the floor ] scott : oh , god , ok . no , no , no . let me get it . annie : no . oh . scott : hang on , hang on . it 's ok , it 's ok . we got it . [ annie grabs scott 's hand ] annie : at least i still have you . [ scene_break ] david : ha . i 'm scared of love , huh ? erica : you 're not ? david : hardly . i 've loved , i 've lost , and like a fool i 'll go at it again . erica : why do you always shut everyone out ? david : sounds like you have a theory . erica : god forbid you put your heart at risk . if you let anyone in , ever , even a little , they might love you . but then you love to be hated . so if you keep them away , then there 's no risk . david : you do realize we 're not on your old talk show , do n't you ? david : i also realize that you were n't always evil dr. david hayward . i know you , david , and i know you were once a little boy , a little boy who loved his father and who blamed his mother -- david : enough ! we 're having fun here , erica , just like old times . me tied up , you torturing me . it just adds to the spark . but my childhood is definitely off the table . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what i do with david does n't concern you , not anymore . ryan : do n't -- do n't marry him , greenlee . this is not -- this is not about david ! it 's nothing to do with david . this has to do with you . greenlee : thanks for your concern . i 'll take it from here . ryan : it 's a mistake , greenlee . i need you to promise me right now that you will not marry that man . greenlee : promise ? that 's it ? ryan : yes . greenlee : fine . i wo n't marry david . it 's not love . it never was . can i go now ? ryan : yeah , i need you to be honest with me . greenlee : did n't you hear what you just said ? promise and it 's over . ryan : pretty quick for a woman who was just in a wedding dress , that 's all i 'm saying . greenlee : well , what can i say ? i live in the moment . ryan : which gets you in a lot of trouble , right ? greenlee : i almost died . it changed me . you should know . ryan : greenlee , why do n't you just lie down -- greenlee : god , you 're irritating ! you asked me to do something , and then i do it , and then you doubt me ! i ca n't win ! ryan : this has nothing to do with win or lose , greenlee . greenlee : oh , my god , we 're never gon na get out of here at this rate . ryan : this is not about that , ok ? greenlee : does this thing open ? it 's so flipping hot in here . ryan : hey , it 's not really that hot in here , greenlee . let 's just take it easy , ok ? we can do this later . greenlee : no , no ! we 're gon na do this now until we 're done , and i 'm home . i 've poured my heart out to you . i told you everything that you do n't deserve to hear . i admitted that i love you , and you , it 's like you were n't even listening . ryan : you 're not really making any sense . greenlee : does n't my opinion count for anything ? ryan : i 'm not trying to get you upset , ok ? greenlee : face it , ryan , we hurt each other again and again , and i ca n't do this , not now ! ryan : ok , when you 're feeling better , we 'll come back to this . greenlee : no , no , no ! do n't you realize what it 's like to come back here , ready to start over , and then realizing that nothing is different ? nothing . i 've been broken way too many times . my body , my heart , and it 's broken again into -- and just when i think i 'm getting it all back together again , bam ! it all falls to pieces , and we ca n't be together , ryan . we ca n't . ok , we ca n't . i ca n't . i ca n't . ryan : hey , greenlee ! [ greenlee faints to the floor ] [ scene_break ] annie : no . you ca n't do that . you ca n't look at me like that and then just pull away , not now . scott : let me take this . annie : no ! i open up to you . i ask for your help , and then you just turn away like that ? i need you right now , scott . scott : i 'm sorry , annie , but things have to change around here . annie : things ? what things ? scott : this . ok , you , us , this -- this cycle that we 're in . annie : we 're friends . scott : no . i am not your friend , and you know it . i ca n't do the back and forth . annie : we 're family . scott : yeah . and either you are my uncle 's wife or you are not . that is it . annie : i was n't coming on to you , scott . god ! ah ! ow ! damn it ! scott : you ok ? hey . annie : i -- do n't worry about me . i do n't need a white knight , scott , i need an ally . scott : well , it 's not me , not anymore . i just came from the hospital with j.r. , annie , ok , and i was getting my cheek swabbed . i was getting my cheek swabbed for a test that might allow me to save his life . that is so much bigger than you and me . annie : i did n't ask you to bail on your cousin ! scott : look , we were supposed to run chandler together , and now it is all on me , and i get distracted . annie : by me . scott : yeah . yeah , you . i ca n't be alone with you , annie . i ca n't be alone with you ever . i can not work with you at chandler . annie : so what ? you 're gon na kick me out ? scott : find something else to do with your time , annie . annie : what if i do n't want to ? scott : well , that 's too bad . because i am putting up a wall , and if that does n't work , i am going to build a real one . i 'm sorry , annie , but things change . starting now . [ scene_break ] j.r. : colby . ahem . we 've got to talk . colby : yeah . j.r. : if something happens to me and i do n't make it -- colby : no , j.r. , just shut up , all right ? j.r. : i 'm sorry , but we have to talk about this . if i 'm gone and annie 's in that house with dad -- colby : ok , ok , ok . i 've got it . j.r. : where are you going ? colby : i know just the right push . j.r. : do n't do anything stupid . colby : i 'll be back soon . liza : adam , where 's j.r. ? adam : mmm . what 's this about ? what ? liza : hi . j.r. : hey . liza . thank you for taking care of all this . liza : mm - hmm . tad told me what 's going on , and i 'm so sorry . i 'm gon na get myself tested . j.r. : did you get the papers ? liza : yeah , i got them right here . i just -- i have a few questions . adam : if you want a lawyer , son , we have a floor full of them at chandlers . j.r. : it does n't require a corporate lawyer . marissa : hey . j.r. : hi . where 's little a ? marissa : oh , i was n't sure how long we 'd be , so he 's in the hospital daycare . his friend joey is in there today . j.r. : that 's good . marissa : so are you here to get tested . liza : no -- not entirely . j.r. : i asked liza to look into some estate issues . marissa : you 're not going to die . j.r. : i want you to adopt little a. i want you to be his mother every way possible . [ scene_break ] ryan : how is she ? is she gon na be ok ? jake : i think it 's just dehydration . ryan : really ? jake : mm - hmm . ryan : thank you for being on call . jake : how was she right before she fainted ? ryan : she , uh , she said it was hot a couple times . jake : how was her coloring ? ryan : pale , actually . jake : was she -- did she seem alert or -- ryan : yeah , she seemed alert . she seemed alert enough to tear into me . you know , what is this ? what do you think it is ? do you think it 's just like a complication from the surgery ? jake : honestly , i think it 's just stress . she 's been doing it to herself for the past few weeks . ryan : i tried to get her to lie down . i said -- jake : really ? ryan : take it easy . jake : how 'd that go for you ? ryan : it just gets so intense , you know what i mean ? jake : do n't -- do n't be hard on yourself . she 's done this to herself , ok ? and honestly , i think it 's just low blood sugar . ok ? ryan : it 's just i love her . you know , i love her so much , and she still loves me . i can see that . i know it 's still there . jake : love is hard , but she would n't be greenlee if she made it easy , right ? ryan : i just did n't know how else to get through to her . i did n't know what else to do . [ scene_break ] erica : i 'm sorry . i did n't realize that talking about your parents could still push your buttons . david : and talk of your childhood does n't ? erica : it 's just one more thing we have in common . david : oh , please . you knew exactly what you were doing . boy , it really does feel like the good old days , huh ? erica : love is really out there , david . it 's waiting for both of us . david : well , maybe it 's right in front of us . erica : i ca n't wait to find my next great love . i ca n't wait to just leap into the great unknown . david : yeah . do n't forget your parachute . or is it a prenup ? erica : david , there really is someone waiting out there for you . do you really not want to know who it is ? [ cell phone rings ] david : erica , that could be greenlee . please . erica : oh , she 'll leave a message . david : you 're not thinking clearly ! she 's only a few weeks post - op ! erica : no , it 's not her . ok , so , where were we ? oh , that 's right , your sham marriage to your patient -- greenlee . david : all right , look , you want to turn this into a referendum on how horrible i am ? how i avoid love ? how i want to be hated ? fine , go ahead . but when it comes to greenlee , you 've got it all wrong . greenlee is usually hell on wheels . but ever since she 's had her surgery , all the shocks to her system , she 's fragile , vulnerable , feels very much alone . erica : except for you . david : yes , that 's right . i listen to her . i want to be there for her ! i want to help her ! erica : do you want what she wants ? fusion and pine valley up in flames ? david : all right , you know what ? maybe this marriage is n't good enough for erica kane , no great love , but maybe it 's good enough for me ! maybe it 's what i need right now ! you know , maybe once , you know , maybe there 's someone out there who does n't give a damn how damaged i am , who needs me , who gets it ! someone who looks at the world and sees the same things i do . so is it love ? no . is it as close to love as i 'm ever gon na get ? well , i guess time will tell , right ? erica : david . you can get what you want . you can . david : come here . please . just -- [ david reaches for the key to his handcuffs in erica 's bra ] erica : ah ! do n't you think you ought to take me to dinner first ? david : oh , i 'm sorry . i thought dinner was already served . erica : apparently it 's gon na take a little more time for this to sink in . david : really ? and how much time have you got ? erica : you know , it really would serve everyone 's interests for greenlee to walk away from fusion and leave this town and the sooner the better . david : ok , you know , but you see the problem here is that you 're stuck here with me . you keep presenting your demands , and i keep ignoring them over and over and over again ! erica : huh . maybe not . [ scene_break ] ryan : maybe we should just take her to the hospital , jake . jake : no . no . do me a favor . can you go down to the kitchen and maybe find a little orange juice and something sweet , like a cookie . i 'd like to spike her blood sugar when she wakes up . thanks . greenlee : jake , you got to help me . [ scene_break ] j.r. : little a needs a mom . he deserves to have someone take him to his little league games , pictures of him at prom . marissa : you 'll be there , too . j.r. : i want you in our son 's life -- no matter what happens . marissa : i could n't love that little boy more if he were my own . j.r. : and now he will be . [ marissa sighs ] j.r. : so what do we do ? liza : well , um , considering that marissa is already little a 's stepmother and that no one contests , this should go relatively smooth . adam : j.r. , son , could i have a moment alone with you ? liza : i can handle some of this work out in the hall . adam : yes . we 'll get back to you later . well , is this really necessary ? j.r. : you do n't think so ? adam : this is a time to be positive , not a time to hedge your bets . j.r. : it 's ok , dad . you can say it . i might die . it 's a possibility . just got to be real with me for a second . now , marissa 's already his mother by name . i think it 's time we make it legal . tad : i 'm sorry to interrupt . i just wondered if i could have a moment alone with adam . adam : we 'll get back to this later . tad : you do know you make it nearly impossible to come up with a decent lead , right ? adam : well , if you 're having that hard a time with it , maybe i 'll get somebody who can . tad : they 're gon na tell you the same thing . i got nothing . the preliminary data in no way indicates where this sonia reyes could have gone . based on what you gave me , there 's got to be something else to move this thing forward , something more solid like a letter or phone records , anything . 'cause if this helps j.r. , i do n't have to tell you how important it is . adam : i could have something at home . tad : fine . great . i 'll take it . adam : i 'll check it out , get back to you . [ scene_break ] annie : we ca n't be alone together ? where did this come from ? scott : you really have to ask ? adam walked in on us last night . annie : nothing happened , scott . scott : all right , he is not blind , ok ? this , us , this has to stop . this is stupid . this is foolish . annie : stupid ? you 're the only one i trust here . scott : we 're getting sloppy , and we 'll get caught . meanwhile my cousin might die . annie : what would i do in this house ? what would i do in this family without you ? scott : if you do n't understand this , annie , i feel sorry for you . annie : wait . scott , scott , wait , listen , please . do n't . not right now . i feel -- i feel lost . scott : i wish i could , annie . annie : ok , listen , i said it before , the greenlee stuff , that greenlee coming back is starting to mess with my head . scott : annie . annie : i keep -- i keep seeing her face , and i remember all the hate i had towards her , and everything i did . i was n't well , scott . and i feel -- i feel afraid , and i feel like everything 's spinning . scott : i want to help you , annie . god help me , i do . annie : scott , please , i just -- i feel very abandoned and alone , and it reminds me of the last time . scott : no , no . it 's history . annie : no , but it 's history that did not end well . please , please , i 'm begging you , scott , i ca n't go through that . please , i 'm begging you . please . [ scene_break ] j.r. : we 're almost all finished , buddy . thanks for being such a champ today . and while we 're waiting , we were thinking we 'd give you some good news . marissa : we hope you 'll like it . little adam : what is it ? j.r. : marissa 's going to adopt you . marissa : do you know what that means ? j.r. : that means she 's officially going to be your mommy . i mean , if you want her to be . marissa : i wo n't ever replace your mommy , but i love you and your daddy . little adam : that 's the best news ever ! marissa : ha ! hey . are you ok ? colby : yeah , yeah . i 'm fine . marissa : hey , little a , why do n't we head down to the cafeteria and get some ice cream . yeah . j.r. : where did you go ? colby : uh , annie is really on edge since greenlee came back . it wo n't take much . j.r. : what are you up to , colby ? colby : i , uh , i think i may have found the way . so , uh , where 's dad ? [ scene_break ] annie : no . i need you , scott . please do n't , not now . scott : i 'm sorry , annie . i really am . but this is how it has to be . [ after scott walks out , annie goes to the terrace where a tire iron sits ] adam : annie ? annie , can you hear me ? [ annie picks up the tire iron and thinks back ] scott : i ca n't be alone with you , annie . i ca n't be alone with you ever . annie 's voice : adam , i am family . i belong here . adam : yes , well , scott can be there to take care of you , and you can wait for me at the mansion . trust me , this is the best way . scott : i 'm sorry , annie . i really am . but this is how it has to be . [ adam walks out to the terrace and watches annie holding the tire iron ] [ scene_break ] erica : i 'm leaving , david . david : you 're leaving ? for how long ? erica : i do n't know . i have a meeting with my decorator . renovations , they do n't just happen by themselves . i could be a while . i left you some provisions . david : erica , you ca n't do this ! erica : 978 . massachusetts , right ? huh . so many calls . wonder who that could be ? david : you 're just leaving with me tied up like this ? erica : you 're a big boy . you can handle it . david : erica ! argh ! uh ! [ scene_break ] jake : here , i want you to drink something , you understand me ? greenlee : this has been so hard . he wo n't give up . jake : 'cause he loves you . greenlee : i do n't want it , jake . the future , the life , him . it 'll never work with us , you know that . jake : honey , what do you want me -- what do you want me to do ? greenlee : you have to understand . maybe you 're the only person who can understand . i fought so hard to get back , so hard , and david warned me over and over , `` do n't push yourself , greenlee , take your time , `` but i had to do it . i had to come back on my terms . jake : yeah , now look at you . greenlee : i thought if i pushed myself that i would be stronger , that i could handle it , but look at me , jake . one blow up with him , and i fainted . jake : mm - hmm . see ? so you answered your own question , right ? so what do you have to do now ? you got to take it easy . no stress , no weddings , ok ? greenlee : ryan and me , it 's over . i know it , but he does n't , and he 's gon na fight me every step of the way , and i 'll fight back . what if i ca n't do it , jake ? what if i 'm not strong enough ? if ryan does n't back off , it might just kill me . [ ryan listens from the doorway ]
tad is on the phone in the confusion bar . liza is also in the bar and also on the phone . they bump into each other and each wonders what the other is doing . at the hospital , annie watches the chandler family , bonding with each other and she feels as though she is not part of the family . adam instructs annie to get j.r. a cup of coffee which she does n't like . erica tells david to marry greenlee to take her away from fusion , pine valley and away from ryan . greenlee admits to ryan that she does still love him and then they kiss . erica asks david what he will get out of marrying greenlee . annie offers to help j.r. with his bone marrow transplant , but he refuses to accept anything from annie . adam walks in to see what the commotion is and orders scott to take annie home . greenlee lets ryan know that that was a good - bye kiss that things are over with him . arguing with ryan , greenlee collapses in his arms .
[ previously_on ] jack : i 'm in your life , erica , for better or worse . you might as well enjoy it . kendall : good - bye , donald . donald : where were you planning on taking erica kane , huh ? kendall : what ? donald : you know , when you had that little rendezvous in your private jet with kendall 's mommy ? edmund : i went too far . you 're sick because of me . donald : hey , hey , hey , hey . so -- so what 's the scoop , huh , cambias ? bouncing back and forth between kendall and erica . you have kind of a mother - daughter fantasy thing going on here . greenlee : want to hear my fantasy , you little worm ? donald : whoa . greenlee : it involves a tabloid reporter tied to a chair with a pair of hot tongs . donald : oh , hey , lose the tongs and i could really get into it . michael : kendall , i ' [ scene_break ] erica : how sweet , jordan . listen , jordan , i do want to ask you one favor . michael cambias is in town . yes , yes , i know that he 's always been a thorn in your side , which is why i thought you would n't mind finding out exactly how long he plans to stay here in town and what his immediate plans are . yes , yes , do that , ok ? you just find out whatever you can and get back to me as soon as you can . ciao . bianca , sweetheart , i love your concept for tickled pink . bianca : oh , great . thank you . however , you might not be quite so tickled to learn that fusion is hosting a party tonight to launch their new label . erica : honey , that is lips , chips , and ego trips . bianca : i do n't know , mom . they 're poised to saturate the youth market , and if we do n't counterattack , we might lose a big chunk of our target demo . erica : honey , we 're not going to lose anything . our youth division is completely secure in large part thanks to your concept . savvy you have obviously inherited from me . bianca : oh , well , kendall seems to have inherited her share of savvy as well , and she and greenlee are raring to bury enchantment . erica : yes , so they keep saying . well , let them try . bianca : what ? erica : i have always encouraged others with talent and drive to follow their dreams . bianca : oh , mom , you ca n't be serious . they 're our rivals . erica : honey , would i lie to you ? jack : well , well , well , my two favorite women . it must be my lucky day . bianca : uncle jack . how is lily ? jack : i am happy to report that lily is back in school and doing fine . thanks for asking . bianca : great . so who are the flowers for ? jack : the flowers are for your mother . bianca : really ? what 's the occasion ? [ scene_break ] reporter : ms. grey . second reporter : ms. grey , how did your husband feel -- first reporter : what 's your husband 's take on your trip to the bahamas ? does he know you 're with a wanted killer ? aidan : you do n't have to answer any of their questions . maria : no , no , he is not a wanted killer . his charges have been dropped . aidan : you do n't have to answer their questions . reporter : oh , so he got a pass . does n't mean he 's innocent -- maria : no , he is innocent . aidan : no comment . no comment . no comment . reporter : your boyfriend likes to mess with married women -- maria : please , stop ! aidan : will you just back off ? back off . all right , that 's it . back off . we 're coming through . i 'm sorry . reporter : mrs. grey , you look surprised to see your husband . second reporter : hey , ed , if you and your wife split , who gets the kids ? edmund : all right , guys , i can appreciate these questions , but do me a favor , a little professional courtesy , all right ? just a couple of minutes alone ? reporter : all right , mr. grey . edmund : thank you . thank you . aidan : let 's go grab a cab . edmund : are you hurt ? maria : no . it 's just a -- it 's a scratch . edmund : still , we should take you to dr. joe , get that checked out . aidan : look , she 's not going anywhere with you , edmund . [ scene_break ] petey : hi , mom . opal : oh , there you are , my little hunk of love . where is your nanny , kendall ? petey : beats me . getting ready for the party , i guess . opal : oh , well , is n't that a fine thing when she 's being paid to watch you . looks like they 're really putting on the dog for this shindig tonight , huh ? petey : wall - to - wall babes , and i 'm going to be there to help my superchicks kick enchantment down to the bargain basement . opal : oh , yeah ? beat erica at the game she invented ? honey , you will be a long way out of short pants before that day comes around . come on , let 's get going . [ scene_break ] joni : laurie , your dad letting you go to the party tonight ? laurie : why would n't he ? joni : well , he thought you were going with jr . laurie : jr and i are still broken up , which is the best thing for everyone . joni : including jamie ? laurie : jamie ? joni : come on , do n't act so innocent . i saw you kiss jamie at b.j . 's . laurie : that was no big deal . joni : come on , laurie . i 'm not stupid . [ scene_break ] mia : hey . jake : hey . mia : hi . why are n't you wearing the sweater that i bought you ? jake : oh , by the way , thank you for that sweater . that was very nice . i just got off the phone with my folks . mia : oh , yeah ? were they upset about us not making it to dinner ? jake : i did n't tell them . mia : why not ? jake : because , mia , i want to blow off this party , all right ? and i do n't want you to go , either . [ scene_break ] simone : ah , greenlee , where were you just now ? greenlee : taking out the trash . we need to have a group huddle . where 's kendall ? simone : oh , she 's actually doing a little huddling of her own -- with michael cambias -- hmm , hmm , hmm ' [ scene_break ] michael : kendall , why did you run off ? kendall : i told you once , i do n't like being lied to . michael : i did n't lie to you . kendall : you never said that you met with erica . michael : you did n't ask . kendall : and if i had ? michael : it 's no secret . kendall : michael , you got together with my mother behind my back on your private plane . how could you do that to me ? michael : kendall , i did n't do anything . it was all erica . [ scene_break ] bianca : it 's not mom 's birthday . jack : no . bianca : valentine 's day was last week . jack : that 's right . bianca : did you guys have a fight ? erica : of course not . thank you , jack . bianca : ok , then . i give up . uncle jack , why are you buying flowers for mom ? erica : well , uncle jack does n't need a reason , honey . do you , jack ? listen , honey , when you go down to the lab , check with boyd and see exactly how far he 's gotten on testing that new kiss - proof lip color ? bianca : mm - hmm . shall i report back to you ? erica : absolutely . send me an e - mail . bianca : hmm . ok . sure thing . uncle jack , take care . jack : see you , kiddo . erica : what is wrong with you ? showing up here in the middle of the day with flowers , jack ? jack : well , honey , i know you hate chocolates . erica : have you lost your mind ? jack : probably , yes . erica : what do you want from me ? jack : why do n't we discuss that over dinner and dessert ? what do you say ? erica : oh , you are impossible . jack : so are you . we 're made for each other . erica : just how long do you plan to continue this -- this -- jack : until you get the idea that you 're stuck with me for the next 30 or 40 years or so . now , where shall we go ? erica : i know where you should go . jack : that 's a little hot for dinner there . what do you say we grab our coats and explore the possibilities ? erica : you know something ? i have work to do , and you have got to stop playing this silly game . jack : erica , i guarantee you , this is no game . erica : yes . hold all calls . do i need to remind you , jack , that i am engaged to be married ? jack : do i need to remind you that we were otherwise engaged just a few days ago ? erica : why do you insist on bringing that up ? jack : why do you insist on acting like it never happened ? erica : it was a mistake . it was a complete mistake . it was a burst of misspent passion that will never happen again . jack : erica , you can not undo what has been done , and you ca n't edit out the naughty bits just to ease your guilty conscience . erica : i do n't feel guilty . i do n't feel anything . jack : really ? that 's not what you told me just before we made love , now , is it ? erica : why are you here ? and how dare you come on to me like this after you accused me of using you to sabotage my relationship with another man . jack : was i wrong ? erica : well , if that 's true , if i am so fickle and so superficial , then why are you here ? do you want me to keep using you , jack ? why do n't you take me ? why do n't you take me right now , right here on this desk ? jack : do n't think that thought has n't crossed my mind . erica : oh , really ? then what 's stopping you ? jack : greed . i 'm greedy . i want it all . i want all of you , erica , and i want you all to myself . i mean , lord knows i have tried cutting you out of my life , and i fail miserably . so now i am ready to admit what i 've known deep down all along . erica : what ? jack : that there is an undeniable irresistible force that keeps pulling us together , and it 's always there , no matter how we try to ignore it or starve it or pretend that it does n't exist . and when the smoke clears and the dust settles , it always comes back to you and me , does n't it ? to us . so why do n't we admit it ? why do n't we admit that we 're destined to be together ? [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] bianca : boyd . hey . boyd : hey . bianca : i was looking for you . boyd : yeah , well , they let me out about once a day to clean out my cage . bianca : are you planning on going ? boyd : i think i 'll pass . bianca : you might want to rethink that decision and consider taking me as your date ? [ scene_break ] mia : you know , i really thought that you got what this party was about , how much it means to me -- to all of us . jake : all of `` us `` ? who 's `` us `` ? mia : jake , i have to be here for the launching of fusion 's first product line . jake : mia , listen , we 're talking about lip color here , not brain surgery . mia : are you saying that what i do is n't important ? jake : no . i 'm just saying that the world 's not going to come to a screeching halt if we do n't go to this party tonight . mia : oh , just because i 'm not running around saving lives every day does n't mean that i do n't rank , ok ? jake : that 's not at all what i 'm saying . what i 'm trying to say is it just seems like we 're getting lost in all the shuffle here . mia : i know . i 'm sorry . i know , it 's just really -- it 's sweet that you miss me so much . it is . jake : i miss us . we 're supposed to be engaged . mia : come on , we are engaged . jake : do you know my mom 's been waiting for weeks to talk with us about making wedding plans ? mia : right , i know , i know . you know -- ok , well , i 'll -- i 'll call her . we 'll do lunch on friday . we 'll do the tea room at lacey 's , and , i do n't know -- then we can just paw through racks and racks of wedding dresses , ok ? but tonight is very important to me and to fusion , and i want you here with me . jake : as your fiancé or as your company 's poster boy over there ? mia : both . i want every woman here to eat her heart out . so will you come ? jake : why is it so damn hard to say no to you ? mia : oh -- jake : i will come . mia : thank you . thank you so much , and i promise you -- you have my word -- i will not leave your side for a single , single second . [ scene_break ] michael : erica heard that i was in town and automatically assumed that i was setting the stage for some hostile takeover of enchantment . and , of course , her suspicions are completely unfounded . kendall : did you tell her that ? michael : well , i assured her that neither my father nor myself had any interest in acquiring enchantment . kendall : and that was it ? did erica ask you about anything else ? michael : about ? kendall : about the weather ? what do you think ? about me . michael : no , your name never came up . kendall : i do n't believe that . i do n't believe that for a minute . erica never misses a chance to badmouth me . she issues a standard warning -- i 'm a monster . get to close to me , i 'll ruin your life . michael : why would your mother say such a thing about you ? kendall : because she hates me and because it 's true . [ scene_break ] edmund : look , i 'm not here to force maureen to do anything . maria : aidan , it 's ok . really . why are you here ? edmund , why are you here ? edmund : i came here to apologize . i tried -- i tried to force you to be someone that you 're not . instead of bringing us closer , it drove us further apart . maria : well , there was a lot to deal with for both of us . edmund : no , do n't make excuses for me . i do n't want to -- i 'm not asking you to forgive me . what i did in the name of love had nothing to do with love . i mean , i wanted you to be the person that i needed you to be , the person that i knew from the past , and i thought if i -- if i tried -- if i tried real hard , i could get maria to come back to me . and instead , i -- i put you through hell , and i 'm ashamed , and i was n't myself . maria : well , maybe because i was n't myself , i was n't the woman that you needed me to be . but i tried , edmund . i really did . edmund : i know you did . maria : i mean , i wanted to be that woman . i wanted to be a good mother and a good wife , a good person . edmund : you were always a good person . maria : just not who you needed me to be . edmund : i loved maria so much i never stopped believing that you could be her . and maybe deep down inside , you really are maria . but not now . maybe not ever . so i have to let maria go . i have to let you go . so this is good - bye . maria : good - bye ? edmund : i 'm cutting you loose . you have your freedom . that 's what you wanted . maria : yeah , but this is hardly the place to do this , edmund . edmund : well , taking you back to wildwind 's not really an option anymore . it 's not your home . it was a prison . you escaped . maria : ok , what about the kids ? edmund : that reminds me . i have something for you . maddie mad that for you for valentine 's day . maria : oh -- this is going to break her heart , edmund . i ca n't just vanish from their lives . i mean , i did that once , and i really do n't want to put them through that again . so , i mean , i 'm their mother . please , i love them . edmund : i know you do , and you 're still going to be a part of their lives . i would never deny them or you that connection . maria : ok , thank you . thank you . edmund : but i think for now it 's a good idea if we just give them some time to get used to the idea that you 're not coming back home . maria : do they know ? edmund : we had a long talk . listen -- you have to follow your heart . and sam and maddie may not understand that right now , but someday they will . none of this happened on purpose . ok ? we all just have to try to do what 's best for everyone . aidan : that 's awfully big of you , edmund . but you have my word , i will take very good care of her . maria : no , no , wait . i ca n't -- i ca n't go . [ scene_break ] bianca : my mom does n't see kendall and greenlee as a threat , but i do , and i want to get a feel for what we 're up against . boyd : and what do i do while you 're mixing cocktails with corporate espionage ? bianca : well , you could mingle with all the pretty girls , laugh , flirt , have a publicly outrageous good time . boyd : yeah , that 'll take about five minutes . bianca : oh , come on , boyd . you got to show kendall what a prize she lost when she skipped your lunch date to be with another guy . boyd : when you put it that way -- ok , you got yourself a date . bianca : great . i 'll see you at fusion at 8 : 00 . boyd : fine . [ scene_break ] erica : that 's what you think we are ? destined to be together ? how poetic . and how utterly egotistical . jack : oh , come on , erica . look at it . i mean , we 're together , we 're apart , we 're together , we 're apart . you do n't see a pattern here ? erica : i have eyes for only one man , and that man is chris . jack : so all that rolling around that we were doing in your living room the other night , that was what , an aberration ? erica : that was -- jack : it was inevitable , erica , that 's what it was . erica : it was my way of giving you comfort . jack : oh -- erica : because of what you were going through with lily . jack : comfort sex ? oh , well , that makes me feel so much better , and i 'm sure that chris will love to hear it was only comfort sex . erica : do n't you even think about telling chris . jack : one candlelit dinner would buy my silence . so , what do you say i go confirm our reservations ? erica : oh , you are so sure of yourself . jack : sweetheart , only when it comes to you . opal . look at you . mmm , mmm . love those earrings . opal : well , thanks . what 's got jack so on top of the world ? erica : no , he always thinks he 's on top , trying to ruin my life , but he 's not going to get away with it ! [ scene_break ] mia : i promise no one will take you away from me . greenlee : guess who that was . mia : greenlee . jake : hey . mia : when did you get back from new york ? greenlee : try to focus , mia . that was andrew miller , the department store buyer that i schmoozed in manhattan . and guess what . jake : hi , greenlee . it 's so nice to see you , too . greenlee : well , i hooked him . but it 's going to be your job to reel him in . i want him glued to your side every single second tonight . mia : me ? jack : wait , wait , wait . why mia ? why mia ? why ca n't you have simone be this guy 's candy girl ? mia : well , simone 's not on the poster . see , my face is the face that 's launching fusionlips . greenlee : oh , oh , oh , i showed andrew your poster , and he completely flipped . he 's already in lust with you . jack : what is this ? are you running a cosmetic company or an escort service ? greenlee : jake , jake , we 've been working really hard to get this company off the ground , ok ? power suits like andy can give us a flying start . mia : yes ! jack : well , i do n't give a flying fig , greenlee . you 're not going to use mia here to get your office your shelf space . mia : oh -- greenlee : wait , time - out . time - out . jake , everyone knows that mia 's heart belongs to you , but her lips are on loan to fusion just for tonight . deal with it . jake : `` deal with it . `` mia : oh , come on ! jake : gee . mia : come on , it wo n't be that bad , all right ? i promise you . and as soon as i can , i 'll ditch the guy and i 'll be yours for the rest of the night , ok ? jake : just ditch him . just ditch the guy like that , huh ? [ scene_break ] laurie : joni , i swear to you , jamie 's kiss meant nothing to me . joni : if that were true , you would have told me about it . laurie : it 's why i did n't tell you about it . joni : or maybe you just did n't want me to know what kind of girl you are . laurie : what kind is that ? joni : the kind that goes after other girls ' boyfriends . [ scene_break ] michael : you 'll ruin my life ? somehow i doubt that . kendall : oh , stick around . i 'll convert you . michael : you said erica hates you . kendall : with a vengeance . michael : why ? kendall : she never wanted me . not that she 'd ever admit it to her adoring public , but if erica had the power , she 'd go back in time and make it so that i was never born . michael : hey . hey . no , she would n't . i would n't let her . no , no , the thought of never knowing you is just unthinkable . kendall : i 'm not used to this . michael : what ? kendall : this -- people being nice to me . michael : if they 're not nice to you , it 's because they do n't know you . i highly doubt erica does , and if she thinks she does , she 's jealous of you . kendall : ha ! erica , jealous of me ? no , i do n't think that 's ever going to happen . no ! michael : hey , look at you . you 're young , you 're gorgeous , you 're strong . kendall : i 'm not so sure about the strong part . michael : hmm , i am . in fact , you are one of the strongest women i have ever met . kendall , do not for one second doubt your instincts or yourself . they 've gotten you this far . kendall , there is a voice that is sounding deep within you , that 's been guiding you , urging you forward . trust it . kendall : what about you ? michael : me ? oh . everything 's come really easily for me . everything 's been handed to me on a silver platter . oh , when the best things of life get handed to you on a silver platter or they come too easily , it just -- no , then things start to lose their luster . you know , but you -- seeing how hard you 've worked for everything you have is just giving me a new appreciation . it 's made me realize how much i take for granted . kendall : like what ? michael : like you . kendall : me ? michael : mm - hmm . well , i mean , i assume that even on our short acquaintance that somehow , some way you 'll always be a major presence in my life . kendall : well , that 's extremely flattering . michael : hmm . well , it 's presumptuous . i mean , after tonight , you 're going to belong to the whole world . hell , i 'll be lucky to squeeze in a two - minute chat between your big business deals . kendall : is that really how you see me , as this big powerhouse success , capable and resourceful and strong ? michael : kendall , kendall , you , my dear , are anything you aspire to be . you are everything i admire . i really wish i could be with you tonight to watch you conquer the world . kendall : well , i do have connections . i 'm sure i could wrangle you a ring - side seat . michael : hmm . alas , business calls . kendall : for me , too . michael : well -- kendall : but no one -- no one has ever believed in me the way that you have . you should be there with me . michael : you listen to me , ok ? you do n't need me . you 've come this far on your own . enjoy the spotlight . you 've more than earned it . kendall : well , what if i want to share it with you ? michael : well , then , you shall when i whisk you away to my villa in tuscany . you can tell me all about tonight 's triumph , and any doubts you may have had about me will finally be put to bed . kendall : mmm . [ scene_break ] jake : well , we should go home and change . mia : mm - hmm . jake : and whatever . [ phone rings ] jake : hmm . sorry . jake martin . well , i 'm not on call tonight . well , you need to get who 's ever next on rotation , ok ? well , nothing is more important than what i got going on tonight . jake : see you at 8 : 00 , sharp . [ scene_break ] laurie : joni , i was n't going after jamie . he kissed me . joni : and you kissed back . laurie : like what , were you spying ? joni : i was at b.j . 's getting takeout . laurie : and you 're not even seeing jamie anymore . joni : like you 're not seeing jr . so i guess he wo n't have a problem with you kissing his brother . laurie : you 're not going to tell him . [ scene_break ] greenlee : damn . carlos . a last - minute snafu . we 're going to need you to work security tonight , you know , check i.d.s , bounce crashers , things like that . simone : greenlee , greenlee , carlos is already going to put be at the party tonight as my guest . greenlee : simone , this party 's about business , not about hooking up . simone : would you shut it ? greenlee : look , do what you want . what did you do with the dresses ? simone : excuse me ? greenlee : the dresses we 're wearing tonight ? you were supposed to pick them up at the boutique . simone : oh , yeah , right , right , right . yeah , i was just on my way out . greenlee : simone , this is the biggest night of our lives . do n't make me kill you . simone : do n't mind greenlee . do n't pay any attention to her . she 's just jealous . i got to fly . greenlee : who are these from ? kendall : we were wondering the same thing . there 's no name on the card . greenlee : `` see you tonight . `` kendall : looks like you got a mystery man . well , check your e - mail . see if the mystery man left any more clues for you . computer voice : you have mail . kendall : `` you 're the most beautiful flower in any bouquet , until tonight . `` do n't look now , but you got a date . mm - hmm . [ scene_break ] opal : well , honey , what do you mean ? how is jack ruining your life ? erica : opal , did we have an appointment or something ? because i am just swamped . opal : oh , well , excusez - moi , your highness . i did n't know it was necessary to clear an audience with the queen . erica : i 'm sorry . opal : you having a bad day ? erica : well , i was n't until -- look , was there something you wanted ? opal : well , yeah . i was going to tell you there 's a lot of talk around the glamorama about this big wingding that fusion cosmetics is throwing . erica : yeah , that . opal : yeah , so a gal gave me an invite , and i figured maybe i 'd mosey on over there , you know , do my mata hari thing and kind of scope out some of their beauty secrets . erica : their only secret is how they 're going to stay in business . opal : well -- erica : and the truth is if i were going to send somebody over there to sneak around , i 'd probably have to send somebody a little less conspicuous . opal : what ? are you implying that i 'm not dressed for the part ? erica : well , the look for the evening will be urban chic , not urban blight . opal : well , i 'll have you know that this outfit is a designer original . erica : oh , it 's original , all right . [ buzzer ] erica : yes . oh , opal , sorry . i have to take this . opal : oh , rats . i was hoping to stick around for a few more insults . erica : i 'll call you later . opal : yeah , right . opal : urban blight . hmm . i 'll show her a thing or three . erica : i will need those numbers on my desk no later than tomorrow . no excuses . just do it ! kristi , i want you to hold all calls . i want you to hold everybody outside my office . no one is to get in here . do you understand me ? because if anybody gets by you , kristi , you 're fired . [ scene_break ] maria : aidan , can i -- can i just have a minute , please , with edmund ? aidan : ok . i 'll go get the bags . maria : now , what 's -- what 's really going on here , edmund ? i mean , what 's really happening ? edmund : what do you mean ? maria : well , you just show up here at the airport and start apologizing and bowing out of my life and just surrendering me to aidan . it just all seems a little too easy . edmund : `` easy `` ? is that how you really see it ? you think it 's easy for me to say good - bye to you ? again ? knowing that this is final , knowing that there 's no second chance , no hope , no going back to the way we were ? you think it 's easy to sit our children down and tell them that mommy 's never coming home ? maria : i do n't want to say good - bye to them . i do n't ever want to say good - bye to them , edmund . edmund : just to me . you see -- you see , i remember us . i remember what we had and what we lost . nothing about this is easy . i love you . and i love you so -- so -- i love you so much i have to let you go . maria : i know how much you loved maria . and i wish i could be her for you , but i ca n't . i would n't even know how to try . and -- i 'm sorry . i 'm so sorry , edmund . edmund : so -- there 's just one more thing . and then we 're finished . [ scene_break ] joni : well , you and jr are n't even together . why would you care if i told him ? and plus , you said the kiss meant nothing . laurie : it was nothing . joni : we 'll let jr be the judge of that . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you know , the cyberstalking thing is one thing , but these flowers are for real . this guy is for real . damn it , his e - mail address is still blocked . i know nothing about this whoever . kendall : oh , you know he 's going to be at the party tonight . greenlee : the party . where 's the guest list ? hey , you know , i know people by name , but not by face . he must be one of them . kendall : well , i guess we 'll have to wait and see . [ scene_break ] kristi : mr. montgomery -- jack : sweetheart , you 're not even dressed . we 're going to be late for dinner . erica : kristi ! kristi : miss kane , i am so sorry . i told mr. montgomery you did n't want to be disturbed . jack : it 's all right , kristi . ms. kane knows i never take no for an answer . chris : what was the question ? someone want to tell me what i walked in on ? [ scene_break ] maria : is this what i think it is ? what is it ? edmund : it 's a custody agreement , insuring that you 'll always free access to our children . but as far as you and me are concerned -- ahem -- we 're done . you 're free . [ next_on ] kendall : you 've been checking your e - mail every 30 seconds , hoping for your internet romeo . aidan : i 'm debating . do i thank you , or do i put your head through a wall ? simone : please get me out of here . chris : you two share some special thing . so why do n't you just go for it ?
greenlee interrupts michael and donald steele , and escorts steele out . when michael turns around , kendall is gone . jake tells mia he wants her to blow off the party because he does n't understand why it is so important . he gives in and agrees to come to the party . greenlee wants mia to entertain a client . jake gets a call from the hospital . greenlee wants to know who the flowers are from , as well as another mysterious email . michael finds kendall on the roof and tells her it was erica who arranged the meeting . kendall ca n't believe her mother did n't mention her because erica always says kendall is a monster and will hurt people that get to close . kendall says erica never wanted her . michael tells her that erica should be jealous of her . she asks him to stay for the party but he can not .
zach : is anybody out there ? we need help down here ! kendall : zach ? zach ? zach ? simone : help ! kendall : ryan , ryan , you need to help . ryan : do you see anything ? kendall : oh , my god ! we have to find zach ! ryan : it 's fine , it 's going to be fine . everybody 's going to be -- he 's going to be fine . kendall : ryan , zach ca n't die ! zach ! ryan : zach , can you see anybody ? [ scene_break ] zach : son , wake up , wake up . tell your beautiful fiancée more about your wedding plans . tell her about -- simone : stop it , zach . he just looked you in the face and told you he would never forgive you . he does n't want you around . leave him alone . you have made this worse . it 's ok , baby . [ scene_break ] tad : you see anything yet , guys ? ryan : we 're starting to get there ! joe : keep digging . ryan : hold on ! [ scene_break ] babe : mrs. dillon , thank god that you found me . i just -- how is everyone ? have you seen j.r. or jamie ? please tell me everyone 's ok . my mom and my dad -- are they ok ? janet : slow down . not an encyclopedia . i do n't have all the answers . babe : i 'm -- i 'm sorry . it 's just -- it 's just i 've been really scared in here alone . if you could -- if you could just get me out , so i could see my family and hug my son . janet : i have every intention of helping you , babe . but you forgot to say the magic words . babe : `` thank you `` ? thank you so , so very much . [ imitates buzzer ] janet : it 's all right . you take your time . i 'm not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] adam : krystal ? is that you ? krystal : where am i ? adam : your spirit , trapped in limbo . fight the pull , go to the light . krystal : take this sheet off my face , and i 'll be happy to . adam : krystal ? krystal ! oh . [ krystal groans as adam lifts off the sheet and hugs his wife . ] adam : oh , krystal ! [ scene_break ] dixie : surprised ? di : uh -- try `` staggered . `` i think you 're the last person i expected to walk in on . di : ahem . dixie : i hope you do n't mind . di : of course not . you were at the ball . dixie : yeah . yeah , this -- um -- dress looked a lot better in the store when i tried it on . di : well , you still manage to look beautiful , even after a huge explosion . you were n't hurt , you 're fine . dixie : how much -- how many lives do you think that leaves me ? di : i guess that depends if you 're ready to start a new one or here to claim an old one . i thought you said you were n't coming back to pine valley , dixie . what are you doing here ? [ scene_break ] tad : be careful . just be careful , you 're going too fast . [ ryan groans ] tad : it 's going to cave . ryan : you know what ? it 's just -- it 's not big enough . the hole 's not big enough . we need some equipment or something . can we get – [ scene_break ] zach : ca n't you go any faster ? i ca n't feel a pulse . my son is dying ! kendall : oh , my god , it 's not zach . it 's ethan . ryan : we 're coming ! tad : pop , there 's got to be something we can send down to help him . julia : me . me . i -- i can . tad : no . julia : i can -- i can fit down there , and i can treat ethan until you 're ready for him . tad : no , no , no , it 's not safe . aidan : you guys , you must be careful . this place could collapse at any time . firefighter : no one goes down there until this place is secure . julia : ok , ethan does n't have time to wait for a safety inspection . i 'm the only medical personnel we have that will fit . joe : she did save stuart . julia : please , do n't make me wonder `` what if `` for the rest of my life . tad : hand me your bag . ryan : be careful . tad : i 'll slide it down to you after you 're ready . ryan : come on , careful , slowly . tad : whoa , whoa , whoa . ryan : just a moment , there 's a piece of shield . you got it ? jamie : are your feet clear ? julia : i got it . jamie : watch out for that beam . ryan : god . agh . [ everyone screams as debris shifts . ] ryan : do n't move ! do n't move ! kendall : please be ok , please be ok . please help him , zach ! [ rumbling ] julia : ok , i got it . i 'm in , i need my bag ! ok . ethan , can you hear me ? simone : he 's been hallucinating , in and out . zach : i did n't feel anything . julia : it 's hard to find , but it 's there . thanks . all right . simone : everything 's going to be just fine . julia : ok . hey , simone ? simone : yeah ? julia : you 're small enough to fit through that opening . why do n't you go up and get yourself checked out . simone : no , i 'm not leaving him . julia : ok . zach : what ? what 's wrong ? julia : ok , i think we 're looking at an open - book pelvic fracture . zach : what the hell does that mean ? julia : it means that he 's bleeding internally , he 's going into deep shock . simone : oh , god . julia : i have to get him to a hospital , i ca n't treat him here . tad ? joe ? tad : how does he look ? julia : he 's got a fractured pelvis , probably some spleen and liver tearing , heavy bleeds . we have to hurry . joe : she 's right , we 've got to get him out now . there 's no way he 's going to survive without surgery . tad : if we move too fast , this whole place is going to implode . ryan : i mean , is it just me ? this is a chance that we got to take . am i right ? come on . we 're coming ! come on . [ scene_break ] babe : look , i was never very good at these guessing games . does this have something to do with amanda ? janet : hmm ! bingo , jackpot . joker , joker , joker . oh , finally . babe : `` amanda 's `` the magic word ? janet : you asked about everybody else at the ball but her . my little one was in the explosion , too . babe : i 'm sorry , i -- i guess i figured since you were ok , she was ok , too . she is ok , is n't she ? janet : thank heavens , yes , she is . god really does look after my mandy . babe : i 'm very grateful that your daughter 's safe , but i ca n't relax until i know that my family is safe , too . so , please , as one mother to another , can you help me get out of here and home to my son ? janet : i do believe i can help you with that , babe , but it is n't going to be as easy as you think . and while you may be feeling all right this minute , you know , in , like , 10 seconds you could just -- so , now , let 's take this very slowly , shall we ? you 've suffered a terrible trauma . first thing we 're going to do is make this hole a teensy - weensy bit bigger . [ scene_break ] krystal : ok , all right -- all right , all right , all right , all right , get -- get off , now , ok ? adam : it 's a miracle ! krystal : oh -- where -- are we in the hospital ? it 's freezing . why -- why is it so cold in here ? adam : i am so relieved , baby . krystal : oh , gosh , you have pull in this joint . ca n't you get them to spring for something more than just a sheet ? where 's my bed ? adam : um -- krystal : where 's all the doctors and the nurses ? why is it so -- quiet ? the -- the morgue ? the morgue ? adam : it 's just a slip - up , a little miscalculation . krystal : shut the front door , adam chandler ! i -- i knew you wanted me dead , but i never thought you 'd actually try to kill me ! [ scene_break ] dixie : it 's hard to believe that edmund is n't alive . even harder to believe my long - lost half sister is living in his house . di : yeah , well , i mean , julia and i went through a pretty rough time together . it 's hard not to bond . dixie : yeah . it seems like you 've been doing a lot of that since you 've been here -- bonding . di : you know , i -- i did n't see you at the ball . dixie : well , i had a mask on so nobody would recognize me , but i got to see some people . di : such as ? dixie : well , del and jamie and adam and brooke , david , my very handsome , very mature son . di : yeah , j.r. is gorgeous . dixie : i also got to see that woman , babe , that you were telling me about . di : mm - hmm . that all ? dixie : oh , i saw tad . di : you did ? how was that ? dixie : it was probably one of the more interesting parts of the evening . dixie : what 's the matter ? you look a little nervous . is something bothering you ? di : uh -- no , no . no , of course not . i 'm just -- i -- you really -- you really threw me by showing up here . i 'm just -- i 'm surprised , that 's all . dixie : you 're surprised ? you 're not -- not scared ? di : why would i be scared ? dixie : you stole my life . [ scene_break ] joe : is his collar secure ? paramedic : yes . joe : all right , let 's start some salines . two ivs wide open . draw blood for a trauma panel while you 're at it . kendall : ryan , look at him . look at him ! ryan : he 's a strong man with a lot to live for , kendall . he 's going to be fine . aidan : easy . simone : thank you . where is he ? tad : right here . simone : where is ethan ? jamie : my grandfather -- he 's taking care of him . joe : we have to sarong him . we 're going to need another sheet , so we can stabilize his pelvis . simone : your dad does this all the time , right ? it 's a piece of cake for doc joe , right ? tad : you bet , you bet . it 's all right . it 's ok . kendall : come on . come on , simone , come here . come here , baby . come on . ryan : just come with us . kendall : come with us , ok ? the doctors are going to take care of him . come on . zach : where is he ? you can fix him , right ? doc , you can fix -- simone : i told you to stay away from him ! he told you a million different ways that you ruined his life , so just leave him alone ! ryan : come on , he gets the message . simone : get away ! ryan : he 's going to stay away . he 's going to stay away from you and ethan from now on . he is . it 's ok . it 's ok . come on . julia : hey , let me take a look at that . your stitches have opened up . joe : get him on the bus . i 'll ride along . have a foley set up and ready to go . i 'll do it in transit . simone : hey , he 's going to be all right , right , joe ? joe : we have to take it as it goes . jamie : hey , that emt over there said they just took up a young blonde woman to the hospital a few hours ago . j.r. : you think it 's babe ? jamie : sounded like it . j.r. : all right . you know , i 'm going to go check it out . you let me know if they find her here . jamie : yeah , of course . j.r. : i do care about her . more than i like to admit sometimes . simone : no , but i have to ride with him , joe . i ca n't leave him . i ca n't . joe : simone -- simone -- simone : please ? joe : you ca n't come with us . simone : please ? joe : i 'm sorry , it 's impossible . j.r. : you can catch a ride with me . i 'm going to the hospital , simone . simone : oh -- i 'm going to be right there , baby . i love you so . you 're going to be fine . ryan : ok , let 's go . zach : no ! we 're done here . i 'm going to follow him . julia : i 'll take you . ryan : you sure you got everything ? you sure you 're all right ? tad : covered . covered . kendall , you 'll be all right ? kendall : i 'll be fine if -- once we make sure ethan 's ok . tad : we all will . [ as the ambulance siren wails , tad stands in the middle of the rubble as another piece falls down . ] [ scene_break ] di : if you 're waiting for some excuse -- a logical defense for me stealing your life , you 're not going to get it . dixie : is this why you sought me out ? to play the loving , lost little sister ? just get me to open up about every detail of my previous life ? at least i know why you were so desperate to find out whether i was coming back here or not . di : no , you know what ? you did n't tell me why , but you just said you were -- you were dead set . you were not going to come back to pine valley . you -- you made me swear on the bible never to tell anyone that you were alive . dixie : so this gives you permission to steal my life ? to trick my son in believing that his mother is alive ? di : his mother is alive . dixie : if i had known that you were going to take my history and use it to manipulate people that i cared about , that i spent my life with , i never would have talked to you ! i never would have let you in the door . di : i do n't know what you want me to say , dixie . nothing i 'm going to tell you is going to make this seem at all right . dixie : well , little sister of mine , you better damn well try . [ scene_break ] krystal : you dirty , good - for - nothing maggot ! you lousy , bloodsucking bum ! adam : krystal , will you just let me -- krystal , let me explain . krystal : of all the cruel , vicious , cold - blooded stunts you 've pulled -- adam : you ca n't honestly believe i put you here . krystal : this tops the whole stinking list , you skunk ! adam : will you just -- i did n't do it . you got -- you got it all wrong . krystal : a toe tag ? adam : oh , no -- krystal : you let them toe - tag me ? adam : i did n't -- krystal : you 'd better stop with the `` i didn'ts `` and you start with the `` i 'm sorrys , `` or you 're going to be wearing this toe tag permanently . adam : they told me you were dead ! i was devastated . how could i know they made a mistake ? krystal : `` they `` ? what do you mean , the idiots that you paid off ? your hired gun doctors ? adam : i did n't pay anybody off ! i do n't want you dead . making love to you in the debris of that mansion was absolutely mind - bending . krystal : fastest 15 seconds of my life . adam : oh , stop it . it was amazing . and you know it . after what we 've shared , do you honestly believe that i 'd want you to end up here ? where are you going ? krystal : i 'm going to go look for that mystery intern . the one who declared me a stiff . and if this has your fingerprints on it , adam , you 're going to wish that you were the dead one ! [ scene_break ] janet : whoa . whoa , whoa , whoa -- honey , stop . babe , you have got to let me guide you . watch your arm ! look , honey , i know you 're impatient . this is my fifth rescue tonight . and if you could see the nasty gashes those other people have on their arms , because they were also impatient , you would be happy to do exactly as i told you . babe : all right , i 'll listen . janet : good . and you 're going to follow my instructions to the letter , even once we are outside . babe : no , no , the second i am out of here , i am going straight to see mama and j.r . janet : you ca n't do that . honey , you can not just rush off without taking time to decompress . if you try to do too much too soon , you could be in terrible shape . babe : ok . ok , i will do whatever you say . i wo n't go anywhere until we know that i am ok . now , can you please just get me out of here ? janet : yes , i will help you . now give me your hand . [ scene_break ] di : when i asked you about your life in pine valley , it -- it was n't so that i could suck you dry of the details so that i could steal your life . i 've never had a family of my own . not -- not a real one . i mean , i was -- i was fascinated by your life , by your history . i never intended to take it . dixie : so it was all just one , big , crazy accident ? di : no , no , actually , it was n't even my idea to begin with . it was david 's . dixie : david hayward ? di : yeah , he wanted to mess with -- with j.r. and adam , and tad . imagine that , huh ? he also wanted to help babe get more time with her son . and i told him to kiss off at first , but he convinced me to become a nanny for little adam . and at that time , i did n't -- i did n't tell them whether i was you or me . they just knew me as diana cole . dixie : oh , a third personality ? oh , this is great . this is great , di . this just keeps getting better and better . di : you know , dixie , i called you . do you remember ? i called you , and i asked you if there was -- if there was any chance of you changing your mind , if there was any chance of you coming back here to the people who loved you . `` no , di . let it go , di . it 's not going to happen . `` you did not say `` maybe . `` you did not say `` i 'm thinking about it . `` there was no -- there was no `` possibly one day , i 'll slip back into town when erica 's throwing a masquerade fundraiser . `` you gave me a definitive no . and by that time , i 'd come to know your family . and i 'd come to care about them . i mean , j.r. , jamie , little adam , and tad . dixie : so why 'd you have to drag me into it ? di : because i could see what you could n't . they needed you , dixie . you know , diana , the helpful nanny -- that was n't going to do the trick . neither was -- was some strange half sister they had never even laid eyes on called di . they needed you . and the minute they got you , dixie , things changed . you know , j.r. went from being this -- this stubborn , angry , mini -- mini - adam to being a pretty compassionate young man . and tad stopped being completely shut down . they -- they ache for you , dixie . especially j.r. you know , i saw the chance to give them what they were so desperate for , and i took it . dixie : and after a few months of their clueless happy family reunion , you got found out . you broke their hearts . and everybody ended up worse than before . honestly , di , was it worth it ? [ scene_break ] babe : where are we going ? janet : babe , you promised that you were not going to fight me . you need to get your balance back . babe : i can sit down right out here . janet : you absolutely can not do that . you could go into shock sitting out here in the cold . honey , just come in the shed and let me get you something warm to wear . i salvaged a whole bunch of coats from the coat room , just in case . i think one of them is yours . now , come on . come on . it 'll only take a second . [ after babe walks into the garden shed and janet shuts the door behind her , jamie walks up and stops to listen . ] [ scene_break ] krystal : all right , who is responsible for killing me ? and do n't you dare pretend like you do n't know what i 'm talking about . i want to know which bozo toe - tagged me ! brooke : oh , krystal . you 're alive ! what -- what happened ? krystal : well , my bloodthirsty hubby here decided it was time i met my maker . adam : will you please tell her that i had nothing to do with this ? please ? you saw how distraught i was when that -- that twerp of an intern told me she was gone . tell her . brooke : krystal , i 'm -- i 'm very glad to see that you 're still breathing . adam : hey . wait a minute , do n't go . brooke : oh , ho , ho . adam : i need -- you 're my alibi ! krystal : hello ? who do i sue ? joe : call radiology . i want a fast exam , stat , so we can see what we 've got . get on the line to the blood bank , tell them i want six units of o negative now , type and cross for 10 more . krystal : babe -- where 's babe ? j.r. , where 's babe ? you 've seen her , have n't you ? please , tell me she 's ok . j.r. : i thought she was here . joe : there 's no time to move him to the or . page anesthesia . open a lap pack . clear the room . all right , let 's move . [ scene_break ] simone : you do n't understand . he kept talking to his mother . he said he could see her . he kept speaking to her as if she had n't been dead for 15 years , and she was standing right there . kendall : listen to me . simone -- simone , he was just out of it , ok ? ryan : yeah , i 'm sure -- i 'm sure -- listen , i am sure that it did n't mean anything at all . i 'm sure he 's fine . kendall : yes . julia : hey , hey , hey . you ca n't go in there . they 're performing surgery . come on , now , let me take a look at that wound . [ scene_break ] [ as the music plays , a surgical team at the hospital works feverishly to save ethan , while zach , julia , kendall , ryan , and simone wait worriedly . adam , krystal , and j.r. impatiently wait for word of babe while more patients are wheeled in for treatment . ] singer : they say the sun will never shine this way again . lose too much time and all my friends , and i wonder why we gather near the end . and it 's one , two , three . oh , what you need , find the light , it 's all you see . celebrate your clean escape while they blow us away , and take me down to the river . take me down , take me down to see what 's wrong , what 's wrong . take me to the river to find out , my love . take me down to see what 's been going on with me , with me , with me , and they 're telling us in god we trust . killing us with forgiveness . it 's all the things we will mistrust , and they lead us and plead , and it is one , two , three . oh , what you need , find the light , it 's all you see . wo n't you celebrate your clean escape while they blow us away and take me down to the river , take me down , take me down to see what 's wrong with you and me . take me to the river to find out , my love . wo n't you take me to find out , my love . wo n't you take me to see what 's wrong with you and me , and take me to the river . you 'll find , my love , take me down to see . yeah , what 's going on , what 's going on with me , with me . what 's going on -- - [ scene_break ] janet : there you go , huh ? all nice and warm . babe : yes , i feel fantastic , well enough to go off on my own . janet : oh , well , that 's what you think . [ scene_break ] firefighter : the old lady is under some wreckage . we can use some more manpower . jamie : all right , lead the way . firefighter : come on . [ scene_break ] janet : do you like the taste of dirt , babe ? babe : um -- no , not really . janet : well , you certainly do seem determined to eat it . you know , the other people i rescued , too -- they were in a wonderful hurry , had to go home . biggest mistake of their lives . babe : look , i do n't really know about the others , but i am fine enough to go off on my own . thank you , really , for everything . janet : wait . you need to come with me . babe : i really hope you do n't take this the wrong way , mrs. dillon , but i 'm not going anywhere else with you . [ scene_break ] dixie : yeah , you claim you 're in love with my family . you only want what 's best for them . right ? so you trick them into believing that i 'm still alive only to make them grieve for me all over again ? di : you know what , dixie , your life was spared for a reason , and i do n't think that reason was to hide from the people you love . you know , j.r. , jamie , tad , palmer -- you know , they do n't have to keep on hurting the way they are now . you can tell them you 're alive , you 're here . i mean , why do n't you just tell them ? dixie : oh , god , stop it . do n't make this about me right now after what you 've done . di : well , you think i came out of this in one piece ? i 'm still paying for it . dixie : oh , really ? di : you know what ? i did n't run when the truth came out . i stuck right here and took -- took the abuse that adam and j.r. , even tad , threw my way . i took it because it was coming to me . i did lie to them , i did hurt them . you know , but slowly by sticking around , by not running away , i am regaining some of their respect . dixie : yes , i was wondering how you 'd gotten tad to be so forgiving . that kiss he planted on you did n't exactly scream `` get lost , loser . `` di : is that what you 're maddest about ? you caught me kissing tad ? [ scene_break ] tad : dixie ? [ sitting amidst the wreckage , tad thinks of his ex - wife as he feels a comforting hand on his shoulder . ] tad : oh . brooke : i 'm sorry . tad : oh , brooke , you scared the hell out of me . brooke : it 's a scary place to let your mind wander . i thought i heard you call me dixie . tad : well , i was just daydreaming . brooke : wishing on a star ? tad : hardly . want to help me with something ? how is it that on one of the darkest days in the history of this town i can take a trip into fantasy land ? brooke : is there some kind of way you 're supposed to deal with a day like today ? tad : i do n't know . i just think that after something like this , i mean , i ought to be thinking about -- thinking about moving on . brooke : just like that ? tad : we 're lucky to be alive . it 's long overdue . you know it better than anybody . it 's time -- time for tad martin to come up with a new life no matter what 's yanking on his heart . brooke : boy , if that works , can i have the book rights ? tad : let 's get out of here . brooke : hmm . [ scene_break ] dixie : let 's just suppose that -- that i -- i did want to come back someday , you know , maybe today . your selfish little scam has made that all but impossible . di : you know , i 'm sorry , but you ca n't even go there . i -- dixie , i begged you to let me tell them that you were alive . i made damn sure you knew just how broken they were , how desperately they needed you , and you told me to drop it , that it was n't going to happen . and -- and now here you are in pine valley , which is great . you 've decided to come back , and if you decide to -- to show yourself now , terrific . i 'm all for it . but you know , they -- they are going to freak out when they find out that you stayed away on purpose ; and when it comes out that i knew that you were alive all along . and that 's not my lie . that was yours . dixie : how was i supposed to know you were going to use it against me ? come on . i mean , what 's wrong with you ? do you hate your own life that much ? did you enjoy betraying me ? oh -- and , you know , while we 're at it here , little sis , with the old stabbing in the back , what did you tell them about my baby ? [ scene_break ] [ monitor flat - lines ] joe : i 'm calling it . there 's nothing more we can do . 5 : 27 p.m . thank you , everybody . i know how hard you tried . simone : is he ok ? no , he -- no ! kendall : ok , shh , shh . simone : no . kendall : wait -- simone : you have no son . you never did . get out . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe ! babe carey chandler ! are you in here ? are you alive ? [ scene_break ] babe : get out of my way before i walk right through you . janet : babe ? i 'm going to overlook the harshness of your tone , because i do n't think you understand the gravity of your situation . it is absolutely imperative you come with me . babe : no , `` absolutely imperative `` is that i get back to the people i love . janet : exactly . oh , how can i make you understand ? what can i say that will convince you to do what i tell you -- i know . say i had your son and that he looked really cute in his red pjs . the ones with the little mooses all over them , and say i forgot to give him his favorite stuffed animal -- champion sophie , the burmese mountain dog ? i wonder if that would make you listen to me , do what i want you to . babe : i 'll go anywhere you want . janet : i thought you might . [ scene_break ] di : you never told me anything about the baby . dixie : this is not about what i told you . i want to know what you told tad and the boys . di : i told them that she died in the accident with you . dixie : that 's great . so not only did they have to find out that you were a fraud , they had to mourn kate all over again ? di : you know , i know this all sounds terrible , but for the short time that they believed they had you back , it made all the difference in the world . dixie : this just never should have happened . why could n't you have just been content to be their -- the nanny or their aunt ? i 'm sorry you never had a family of your own , i 'm sorry you never had children of your own , but this is not the way to get it . this was my life . i earned this life . and you just took it ! di : i took it because you let it go . so , i mean , do -- do whatever you want . it 's up to you to save your family . [ tad walks up to wildwind 's front door . ] [ next_on ] winifred ( to the chandlers ) : it 's the baby ! little adam 's gone ! di ( tad ) : you 've waited too long to give yourself a second chance at happiness , and i want to try and earn a place in your heart . [ hiding in the shadows , dixie watches tad and di kissing . ]
it looks like everybody has been rescued from the explosion . right when adam and the doctors assume that krystal has died , she awakens in the morgue to reveal that some incompetent intern mistakenly declared her dead . instantly , she blames adam and accuses him of trying to kill her . ethan , however , does not make it . they take him to surgery and try to save him . but dr. joe declares him dead . simone is distraught . ryan , kendall and zach are there and very upset to have lost him . babe is all alone until she runs into janet . at first , she 's very happy to see her and believes janet can save her . but janet starts rambling and asks babe to go with her many places and do things babe does n't want to do . babe protests that she just wants to make sure that her family is ok . but janet `` motivates `` babe by telling her that she knows how much babe 's son means to her . dixie meets with di and reveals that she is jealous of di `` stealing `` her life , and most importantly stealing tad . but dixie tells di that dixie gave up her life and broke the hearts of all the people she loved when they thought she 'd died .
zach : you were with my dad when he died . ryan : he did n't say anything about your mother . zach : well , what -- what did he say ? you found him in the desert . spent his last hours with him at the hospital . what did he say to you ? anything ? something ? what ? ryan : what are you hoping to find out , zach ? zach : i 'll know when i hear it . ryan : still keeping secrets ? zach : no . i do n't have the key to these murders . i 'm hoping you do . you just do n't know about it . ryan : that 's a long shot . zach : only shot we got . [ scene_break ] erica : oh , tad , get in here right now . tad : hey , jeff . jeff : hey , tad . erica , what 's -- what 's going on ? erica : we have no idea , do we ? tad , we have no idea where our son is . you have got to find josh . [ scene_break ] josh : j.r. , get the hell out of here . j.r. : i thought we got rid of you . josh : kendall 's my sister . you 're the one in the wrong place . j.r. : no , you do n't get to tell me where i can go or what i can do . josh : you want to take this outside ? kendall : ok , listen to me . j.r. was just leaving . otto : i thought that mr. madden was ok . kendall : he is , he is . i want to see him . guys , can we just calm down for one second , please ? now , josh , j.r. came because he misses babe . he just -- he just misses her , that 's it . j.r. : you 're not the only one who 's mourning her . josh : are you kidding me ? after everything you put babe through , you deserved to lose her . j.r. : babe should still be here . but she 's dead , because of you . [ scene_break ] babe : who are you ? i do n't know you . you -- oh – nurse : oh , no , no , no , no . no escape for you until you 're all well . babe : escape -- escape , no . no -- no -- escape . [ lying in bed , babe remembers the person who attacked her ] [ scene_break ] [ at the cemetery , zoe sees the same person who attacked babe and lashes out at the killer . ] zoe : it 's you . you killed her . [ the figure in black continues to beat up and strangle zoe until she lies unconscious on the ground . ] [ scene_break ] babe : no . no , it 's you . nurse : please , you need to lie still . babe : no , no – nurse : no one can hurt you . babe : do n't kill me , no ! nurse : try to stay calm , please . please , lie still . j.r. 's voice : if you do n't hand over all rights to our son , i 'll ruin your mother 's life . choose . your mother , or your son . your mother , or your son . your mother , or your son . your mother , or your son . [ scene_break ] erica : our son is bereft . he is devastated by babe 's death . he needs us . jeff : no , he needs some time alone . erica : but where ? doing what ? you have no idea . jeff : well , when josh wants to get back in touch with us , he will . erica : if he 's able . jeff : erica , please , he 's not going to do anything rash . erica : and -- and you say that because he 's always shown such good judgment before ? tad : erica , i 'm busy . there 's -- there 's a serial killer on the loose out there . erica : no kidding . my god , tad , you do n't think i know that ? i mean , my daughter is out there with a target on her back . we 're doing everything we can to protect her . jeff : well , no one knows more about that than tad . erica : and no one knows more about losing a child . tad : erica , this guy usually aims at women . do you really think for one minute that josh is in danger ? jeff : no . erica : oh -- men . look , with all due respect , you were n't there . you were n't with josh . i was there , and i saw him . he is not just in mourning , he is beyond -- he 's -- he 's lost his reason for living . i mean , his -- his love for babe -- that was beyond all kind of understanding . jeff : oh , please , erica , he 's -- he 's lying low , that 's all . erica : look , first he finds out that the man who raised him was a madman . he thinks i did n't want him to be born . jeff and i are still on probation as far as josh is concerned . his love for babe -- that was everything to him . it was the only thing that was holding him together . tad : so , now that babe is dead , you 're rooting for her ? erica : no . what i 'm saying is that josh has pinned all his hopes on her , and that was the worst thing , and to a chandler . what i 'm saying is that we have to act now , before josh does something -- something just completely irrational and desperate -- that he ca n't undo . [ scene_break ] josh : what planet are you on ? j.r. : how many times did babe tell you -- she wanted me ? she wanted a life with me . josh : a life she thought she wanted . j.r. : she did n't tell you she loved me ? she did n't tell you to back off so we could work things out ? but you would n't let her walk away , would you ? josh : she deserved better . j.r. : better than you , that 's for sure . kendall : ok , this is not helping anyone . josh : you could n't believe her . she told you the truth about us . j.r. : oh , i could n't believe her ? at least i listened to her . you kept messing with her head . josh : you kept ripping into her . you treated her like dirt , j.r . j.r. : and why was that ? oh , cause you could n't keep your damn hands off of her ! you know , if you really respected her , i would never have caught you in that lip lock in that shed . josh : we were just -- j.r. : oh , just saying good - bye ? yeah , babe told me . but how long was that going to go on for ? you kept dogging her . you kept stirring things up between babe and me . and thanks to you , she did n't stay with me where she would have been safe . josh : you were blackmailing her . kendall : that 's foreplay to the chandler men . josh : you tried to keep her away from her own son . j.r. : my son . because you were in the picture . if you respected babe and my son , she would still be alive , and we would still have the opportunity to be happy again . josh : in your dreams , j.r . j.r. : right , because that 's all that i have . not to mention , babe 's life was in danger . that she was next on that maniac 's hit list . you gave that killer an opportunity , and he took it . nice job . yeah , you saved babe from me once and for all . you 're a real hero . [ phone rings ] josh : what is it ? nurse : the patient 's heart rate is 180 . josh : i 'll be right there . j.r. : no , i do n't think so . we are not finished here . [ scene_break ] ryan : your father -- your father -- i mean , he was a tortured man . he was stubborn . but i do n't need to tell you that . um -- honestly , he seemed ok to me . he did n't seem like he was sick to me , until -- until he started writing that check . ryan 's voice : you just go ahead and sign that , and i 'll just get out of your way . go ahead , you just sign that . alexander : agh ! ryan : yeah alexander : agh ! ryan : hey , hey , hey , you all right ? alexander : i ca n't -- ryan : hey -- alexander : oh ! ryan : hey . hey ! shh . no , no , no , no . [ ryan recalls alexander clutching at his left arm and collapsing on the floor ] ryan : so i brought him to the hospital as fast as i could . but his heart was pretty much shot . i mean , he had n't exactly taken care of himself . he did n't talk much about family until he was stuck in that hospital bed . alexander : all his life , michael competed with alex and always came in second . he was always compared to alex and suffered the comparison . ryan : you do n't think michael -- alexander : i do n't want it to be the truth . what father would ? but in my heart , i know . michael may not have raised his hand against his brother , but he 's responsible for alex 's death . ryan : he missed you , zach . that 's why he wanted me around . obviously , michael did n't turn into a son he could be very proud of . zach : yeah , and whose fault was that ? ryan : when erica called -- when alex found out what michael had done to bianca -- i mean , the old man almost checked out right there and then . they called code blue . crash carts came in , the whole deal . zach : yeah . i 'm not getting anything i can use here . ryan : your father was human , zach . he was horrified that michael had raped bianca . zach : my father was horrified , because michael blackened the cambias name . ryan : it was n't like that , zach . zach : he hated my brother , because he was weak . because he was less than he thought i would have been . and if i had raped an innocent girl , my father would have paid her off , made it all disappear . ryan : he was sick about the whole thing , zach . zach : he made michael what he was . ryan : i really hope that you are not trying to excuse what your brother did . zach : excuse ? no , i 'm not making excuses for anybody . those are just words , ryan . words . but you know what they are ? they 're a remarkable weapon . remarkable . no blood , no bruises , and no way to fight back . no way to defend yourself . the only thing you can do is survive , or escape . and you know all about that . when i escaped , i left all my father 's hatred for michael , and he could n't take it . ryan : at your funeral , your father was watching michael . and he saw him smile at your coffin . and your father never forgave michael for that , never . that 's why he hated michael . zach : before the old man died , what 'd you guys talk about , huh ? what was it ? ryan : i mean , he 'd recovered . they were going to release him . and -- and then we watched michael 's preliminary hearing , and -- we saw that they were going to release him , too . i mean , they did n't have enough evidence to make michael pay for what he had done to bianca . ryan 's voice : i bet you wish now i 'd turned that damn thing off . alex ? hey , hey . hey , man . hey , hey , hey . [ alexander groans ] ryan : you all right ? oh . alexander : agh -- ryan 's voice : hey , i need some help in here , now ! listen , man -- shh , it 's ok . it 's all right . ryan : and then all hell broke loose . they brought him back , but his heart had sustained too much damage . he lingered for a little while , but then he crashed again , and -- and that was it . zach : but before all that , what did you guys talk about ? what did he say to you ? ryan : i mean , we talked about his will . he talked about changing his will -- you know , one last slam to michael . gave me cambias industries . and then -- and he had the nurse give me the pocket watch . zach : that funny to you ? here 's a man , he 's dying . all he thinks about is possessions . not his life , not regrets , not his family , friends . not his wife , the way she died . nothing . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you think i 'm just going to forget about babe ? josh : this is an emergency . j.r. : yeah , right . josh : a patient needs me ! j.r. : you do n't even practice medicine anymore ! what , you got a game you 're missing ? kendall : how is this helping anyone ? j.r. : what , maybe you got another woman stashed somewhere . hmm ? josh : no -- kendall : enough , enough . ok , enough , j.r. -- j.r. : oh , what -- kendall : i will not -- we will not let you pick a fight , ok ? j.r. : you make his decisions for him now ? kendall : he 's my brother , j.r . j.r. : well , you got a lot to live down . you 're so thick with josh , you need to get it through his head -- he 's not welcome here . he 's not wanted in pine valley . he 's not wanted in the state ! so you tell him to get the hell out , and stay out ! [ as josh accesses a private elevator , j.r. barges in ] j.r. : where do you think you 're going ? josh : get out . j.r. : i 'm coming along for the ride . josh : no , you 're not . j.r. : you dogged babe and my life . josh : i 'm not playing . j.r. : neither am i . jack : j.r. -- you ca n't be here . j.r. : a casino ? a public place ? jack : not this area , son . j.r. : oh , yeah , you 're in charge of this investigation . jack : that 's right , and i 'm not going to see our security compromised . j.r. : so protect kendall . it 's too late for babe . jack : we 're all very sorry about your loss . j.r. : oh . you 're sorry ? jack : your family has suffered a -- a terrible loss . and -- the fact is , however , the police have secured this floor , and you 're going to have to leave . j.r. : and he gets to stick around ? after what he did to babe ? oh , i get it . he 's kendall 's family . he 's privileged . [ scene_break ] jeff : tad is grieving , too . erica : of course . poor dixie . you know how sorry i am , tad . and my goodness , your loss is even more tragic given your situation with kate . jeff : erica , say good night to tad . erica : tad , i trust you . i know what a fine detective you are . and i know that you understand how much this means to me . tad : and i appreciate that , erica , but the fact is , even if i did find josh -- erica : oh , you will . i know you will . tad : even if i did find him , he 's not going to come back with me . erica : oh , that 's all right . he does n't have to . i just -- i just would like to speak to him . i -- i want to know that he 's all right . i want him to know that we love him . jeff : no , no , no , josh needs some time to himself . erica : but we could lose him , jeff . he 's so angry at -- at the world , at god . jeff : yeah , so , he went out and took a walk . erica : but he could keep on walking right out of our lives . is that what you want ? [ phone rings ] jeff : ah . excuse me . jeff : hello ? josh : we got a situation . i need your help . jeff : i 'm at valley inn now . i 'm on my way . excuse me , i -- i have to go to the hospital . erica : jeff , we 're talking about our son 's life here . jeff : listen , i have a feeling about this . josh is fine . trust him . when he wants to get in touch with us , he will , hmm ? see you , tad . [ scene_break ] ryan : alex was obsessed with michael joining him in hell . alexander : flames all around -- beckoning me . ryan : alex -- alex , your son is not dead , ok ? and you 're not going to hell -- not on my watch . ryan : forget about michael , all right ? let 's just focus . let 's focus on getting better . alexander : this is the end for me , ryan . i can feel death breathing down my neck . ryan : that 's the air conditioner . i 'll have them turn it down . alexander : promise me -- promise me when i 'm gone , you wo n't forget what we -- what we talked about . ryan : you 're not going anywhere . alexander : promise me . ryan : i know what to do . i wo n't let you down . alexander : thank you . you 're a good man , ryan . ryan : alex ? alex ? the staff raced in , and he went through it all again with the crash cart and shocks to his heart , except this time , that it was -- you know , it was too late . dr. najimy came in , coded him , and that was it . he never mentioned your mother , never mentioned the name amelia . zach : we 're missing something . why ca n't we figure this out ? [ scene_break ] jack : so how are you holding up ? kendall : well , i 'm anxious to get things back to normal . jack : yeah , well , are n't we all ? kendall : yeah . you know , when j.r. showed up here , i freaked out . i mean , if he discovered our secret in the subbasement , my heart would have stopped . [ scene_break ] nurse : she 's been groggy , and then she went off . her heart rate accelerated so rapidly , i was afraid to medicate . i thought it might be a reaction to -- josh : she 's in svt . vagal massage should slow her heart rate , but ready some adenosine just in case . i need to see the pulse ox machine . josh : that 's it . that 's it , babe . keep the adenosine ready . she may go out on us again . nurse : i 'll have it ready . is she going to be all right ? josh : you know what ? draw some pentobarbital , just in case . it 's what we used to induce her coma at the hospital . sensory stimulation is not good for her right now . we got to keep her under long enough to make sure her heart becomes less sensitized . [ scene_break ] [ j.r. visits his mother 's gravesite ] j.r. : you 're not supposed to be here , mom . i 'm so sorry it took me so long to forgive you . before , when i thought that you were dead , i always wondered where you were . i never stopped thinking about it . but you 're not alone anymore . you 'll never be alone anymore . you 're with babe . you 're lying where i always thought that i would be one day . at least before everything went wrong with us . [ as j.r. sits on a bench next to babe 's grave , someone reaches out and grabs his ankle ] j.r. : what the hell ? who are you ? you . zoe : you . j.r . j.r. : what are you doing ? what is this supposed to be , some sort of dramatic farewell to my wife ? she 's dead ! leave her alone ! zoe : babe . not -- j.r. : what ? what is your problem ? huh ? what the hell ? what , did you get loaded , huh ? what , did some -- some bad man hurt your feelings at the bar , big girl ? did you come on to the wrong guy ? you kept playing him until he found out you were a she - male ? what do you expect . you 're not a woman , you freak ! you do n't have the right equipment . and no amount of booze will ever change that . you just had to bring your gender - bending game into pine valley , right ? you could n't just leave us alone . you could n't just give babe and me a chance ? she could still be here right now . are you happy now ? pathetic . you do n't belong here . you do n't belong anywhere . you 've destroyed my family . you give me one good reason why i should let you destroy anybody else 's . you tell me why a freak show like you should be able to walk this earth when so many people , so many good people , have already died . answer me ! [ scene_break ] zach : someone is adding touches of my mother 's life to these murders -- gardenias , the white ribbon around her neck . so we got jenkins , right ? had to be him -- turned out it 's not him . so who is it ? who is so obsessed with my mother and her death , they would kill innocent women ? ryan : i want that answer as badly as you do , zach . zach : yeah , well , you got the watch , you got the watch . what else did my father give you -- and i do n't mean cambias , i do n't mean the money -- what kind of clues did he give you ? what did he say to you ? ryan : you went to the storage space . you 've seen everything there -- you went . zach : and -- yes . what about the hospital ? what happened -- was there anyone there ? who -- who did you meet that was there ? ryan : there was the doctor , dr. najimy , and the nurse -- zaza johnson . that 's it . zach : all right , it 's a start . [ spike cries ] zach : ryan ? do you mind ? ryan : no , go ahead . [ scene_break ] jack : nothing 's going to happen to you , kendall . kendall : i know that . with you and zach protecting me , i 'm not worried . jack : all right . you need anything -- i mean , anything at all -- you let me know . kendall : i will . jack : ok . kendall : you do n't blame zach , do you -- for everything that 's happened ? jack : zach did n't create this maniac . kendall : i know that , but he feels responsible . jack : it 's not his fault . as a matter of fact , i think zach 's doing everything he possibly can to catch this killer be -- you know , be -- ah . kendall : i wish everyone felt that way . zach : i think people just need some time and some distance from all this pain . you know i love you , right ? kendall : mm - hmm . jack : and no matter what happens between your mother and me , you 'll always be my daughter . that 's a marriage vow that will stand forever . ok ? kendall : ok . [ jack laughs ] kendall : more than ok . [ scene_break ] erica : look , i -- i did n't mean to be inconsiderate or thoughtless . if i were n't so concerned about josh , i -- tad : i know . i know . well , the truth is i want to keep busy , you know ? i have to . erica : well , it can help to keep your mind off things . tad ? if there 's anything i can do to help you , please -- please let me know . tad : i will . thanks . erica : if only i could bring dixie back to you . tad : yeah -- if only . erica : did n't you think that jeff was strange ? tad : in what way ? he 's always been a little unique . erica : no , really . i think that jeff should be just as anxious for you to find josh as i am . i mean , i know he cares . tad : oh , yeah , no doubt there . erica : so he just wants me to ignore the situation ? tad : well , erica , he did n't exactly say that . erica : it 's just so male . tad : huh ? erica : look , tad , i do n't want to do the wrong thing . my relationship with josh -- it 's still so new . so please tell me what you really think . do you think that jeff was right ? do you think if i just give josh some time and some space , that he will get over babe 's death and -- and he will come back ? [ scene_break ] josh : she 's in normal sinus rhythm now . what set her off exactly ? nurse : it was when she realized that she was n't in a hospital . josh : then the next time she wakes up , she 's going to be in her own hospital . call this number , ask for anything you want . you have any questions ? nurse : i can handle it . josh : you do n't have to be scared anymore . i 'm not going to let you die on me . you have too many years left . you should be having sweet dreams about your long , long life watching little a grow up , marry a girl you do n't think nearly is good enough for him , playing with your grandkids . that 's it . jeff : hey , josh . how is she ? josh : she was in svt when i -- when i came in . stimulating her vagal nerve seemed to do the trick , but why do n't you take a look at her , make sure i did n't miss anything . jeff : all right . josh : i ca n't lose her [ scene_break ] tad : erica , if i 'm any judge , josh is probably very raw right now . he 's got to do some healing before he 's fit to be around other people . erica : but i 'm not `` other people . `` tad : and he knows that . he knows how much you care about him . maybe he 's just trying to spare you some grief . erica : i do n't want to be spared . i mean , if my son needs silence and rest , i want him to have it , but i just want to know that he 's all right . tad : `` all right `` ? he 's a highly intelligent adult . i do n't think you have to worry about him . erica : well , i am worried about him . and i 'm worried about myself . and i know that 's very selfish . but i ca n't help thinking -- i mean , what if -- what if josh has -- has written me off ? what if he never wants to see me again ? tad : why would he do that ? erica : because he might blame me . he 's so in love with babe , and maybe he thinks he should 've run off and had a life with her . but i tried to keep them apart because i hated babe , and he knows that and -- and i said horrible things to her . tad : do n't , ok ? do n't . you had nothing to do with what happened to babe -- nothing . you 're not to blame . look , as your friend , you want me to put out some feelers ? it 's done . i 'll get some guys out there , we 'll find josh , we 'll bring him home to you . do n't worry . [ scene_break ] zach : ah , little man -- it 's like old times , huh ? just you and me , hanging out . ah -- your mom would be so jealous right now , because you 're her favorite little man . it 's a fire over there . i 'd like to be you for a day , loved by so many people -- no , think about it . you got your dad , got your mom , you got me . [ spike babbles as zach kisses him ] zach : hmm . i got to tell you , i got a bad feeling about this . but you know what ? i promise you something right now -- no matter what 's going to happen , there 's always going to be a voice for you -- a voice that 's going to tell you that you 're loved the way you are right now . come here , give me love . oh , little stinker . come on . hey . ryan : hey . zach : ah . ryan : hey , buddy . all right , now . i went to fusion , and i tried to -- i tried to communicate with the killer . i talked into the bug that i knew was there , hoping he was listening . i want you to know that -- i told him i would do anything to save kendall , anything that he wanted . zach : and ? ryan : and nothing . but if does try to contact me , zach , i will follow whatever instructions that he gives me . zach : good . you do what you have to do . [ scene_break ] jeff : it 's nice work , son . josh : yeah , well , i got lucky . i do n't want to take any more chances with her . jeff : well , she has a fine doctor . now , are you sure you do n't want to reconsider coming back and working at the hospital ? josh : you know , you put a lot on the line to make this happen . i ca n't thank you enough , dad . jeff : your calling me `` dad `` -- that 's thanks enough . josh : yeah , well , if -- if this does n't work out , even if it does , you could be in a lot of trouble . jeff : there 's nothing new there . josh : yeah , but your career is your life . jeff : no , no , it 's not everything , and do n't worry about me . what matters is we keep her safe , all right ? josh : thanks . [ josh gives jeff a hug good - bye ] [ scene_break ] [ while taking care of spike in his apartment , ryan receives a fax from the killer saying , `` nice try . too late ! `` [ scene_break ] kendall : well , i feel safer . jack : oh . well , then you wo n't mind if i look in on you every day ? kendall : i think it 'll be the high point of my day . [ jack chuckles ] kendall : it will . zach : hey . jack . jack : hey , slater . zach : pack your bags . kendall : ryan could n't tell you what you needed ? zach : i 'll explain on the way to the airport . kendall : no , no , zach , i told you i 'm not leaving you . zach : i 'm going with you . jack : wait , wait , wait , wait . and -- and what would your destination be , exactly ? zach : vegas . kendall : vegas ? ok , i -- i 'm guessing this is not a vacation . zach : no . there are some answers in the desert , and you 'll be just as safe there as you are here . jack : maybe safer if we can convince the killer that you 're still in pine valley . kendall : yeah , but leaving ? jack : yeah , it might -- just might give us the opportunity to feed this guy enough rope to hang himself while you 're safe in vegas and babe is hidden downstairs . zach : does n't get safer than that . kendall : ok . let 's pack light . [ scene_break ] j.r. : well , ai n't that a pretty picture . want to know who you look like ? the same sick , ugly , drunken trash you are . oh . sleep it off . [ as j.r. walks away from zoe , she opens her hand and reveals a large button . ] [ next_on ] bianca : can you hear me ? call 911 . we need help right away . krystal ( to j.r. ) : go ahead , get lit , and spill my dirty , little secret to your daddy . kendall ( to zach ) : genius here screwed things up , honey . babe : i 'm in the hospital ? josh : where else would you be , babe ?
zach visits ryan at his home . they immediately begin to discuss zach 's father , and had he ever mentioned zach 's mother amelia . ryan begins to relive his last hours and moments that he had spent with alex cambias , and how he had promised to do as alex had requested . tad visits jeff and erica . erica asks for tad 's help in finding josh because she is afraid for his safety from the satin slayer . babe begins to wake up , and sees a strange woman in the room with her , and babe imagines that she is the satin slayer . babe begins to cry , hysterically . meanwhile in the cemetery , zoe is having a difficult time defending herself / himself from the satin slayer . j.r. and josh have a confrontaion over babe , and how if it had n't been for zosh , babe would be safe right now . josh gets a call , and has to leave . j.r. has a confrontation with kendall in that he tells her that josh should get out of town . j.r. catches up with josh just in time before the elevator doors closes .
erica : this is ridiculous ! you ca n't lock me up -- i 'm erica kane ! oh , there you are . oh , thank heavens . thank you for coming , officer . officer , there has been such a huge misunderstanding . i 'm being held against my will . no , officer ? i get a phone call . i -- i am permitted to speak to my lawyer , officer . this is america . i 'm innocent . yeah , i guess that 's what you all say -- of course . and i 'm sure it applies to you . god , those are cute shoes . they come in black ? [ scene_break ] jack : all right , you 've got my client locked up in a holding cell . why do n't you tell me , sam -- who is the public official that she allegedly tried to bribe ? samuel : me . jack : of course . samuel : your client seems to think she 's above every law . i 'm intent on proving different . jack : and very publicly , i 'm sure , because what 's the sense of doing anything unless it 's in front of a camera -- right , sam ? samuel : your client is a public person . jack : and you 're a politician whoring for votes . samuel : be careful . jack : you be careful . what you did to erica -- humiliating her like that ? that was despicable . samuel : what i did was arrest someone who committed a crime , just like anybody else . and whatever you or erica make of that -- you know what ? that 's not my problem . [ scene_break ] babe : lime ? j.r. : sure . why not live dangerously ? babe : are you ready ? j.r. : i 'm ready . babe : and we 're clear on the stakes ? j.r. : why do n't you run it by me again ? babe : we 're going to play no - limit texas hold 'em , and if i win , you agree to be richie 's bone marrow donor . j.r. : and if i win ? babe : huh . you get anything you want . [ scene_break ] aidan : kendall ? kendall : aidan , what are you doing in here ? this is the ladies ' room . aidan : greenlee told me about the test . kendall : why ca n't you just leave me alone ? aidan : because it kind of concerns me -- do n't you think ? the fact that you could be pregnant , and i might be a dad ? kendall : well , you 're not . the test was negative . aidan : are you sure ? kendall : yes , i 'm sure . would you like to see it for yourself ? aidan : i 'm sorry . kendall : no , you 're not . you 're not sorry -- you 're relieved , just like i am . aidan : i meant that i 'm sorry that you 're going through all of this , all right ? kendall : well , you know what ? there 's nothing to be sorry about . aidan : yes , there is . yes , there is . greenlee : am i interrupting something ? aidan : i saw kendall come in here , and i thought she might be sick . greenlee : are you ? i mean -- kendall : no . the test was negative . greenlee : how do you feel about that ? kendal well , i -- i do n't know how i feel about anything right now . i mean , between the fashion show and -- and the book and my mom being arrested , you know -- greenlee : i know , it 's a lot . kendall : yeah , and -- and the timing just would n't have been good for a lot of reasons . greenlee : would you give me -- aidan : yeah , sure . greenlee : would you excuse me ? aidan : of course . greenlee : all right , he 's gone . what 's really going on ? kendall : greenlee , i am so sorry . greenlee : for what ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : does richie know what you 're giving up to save his sorry ass ? babe : well , you never would 've helped him on your own . j.r. : how do you know that ? babe : huh -- because i was married to you , j.r. you usually do n't do anything unless there 's something in it for you . [ j.r. chuckles ] j.r. : ouch . that 's pretty harsh . babe : well , it 's true . you hate richie , so do n't even pretend , ok ? j.r. : clearly , you care deeply for richie . babe : maybe i just do n't like watching another person suffer and die . j.r. : yeah . keep telling yourself that . so , are we going to talk or are we going to play cards ? babe : it 's not too late , j.r. , to do the right thing . j.r. : which is ? babe : agree to be richie 's bone marrow donor -- no strings attached . j.r. : it 's just a lot more fun doing it this way . babe : oh , you are so going down . [ scene_break ] richie : it 's kind of quiet here tonight , is n't it ? nurse : yeah , the shift change . richie : huh . so , you 're all alone , huh ? nurse : little old me . richie : hmm . oh , um -- look , brenda , i might have just -- nurse : oh , it 's bridget . richie : right , right . i 'm sorry , i 'm a little loopy , darling . it 's just this blood transfusion . um -- anyway , i -- i think i might have left my wallet down at the reception desk , and it 's making me a little nervous . could you go and check and see if it 's there for me ? bridget : i -- i 'm not supposed to leave . richie : i know , but you know , i 'm just so wiped out , and i 'd really , really appreciate it . bridget : ok . [ richie chuckles ] bridget : just do n't tell anyone , ok ? richie : oh , not a word . [ bridget chuckles ] richie : ok . let 's put this thing to work . ah . [ richie gets on the computer ] [ scene_break ] erica : oh , jack . jack : thank you . erica : jack ? did you speak with him ? jack : yeah , i talked to woods . he 's definitely playing hardball with this . erica : jack , i do n't even understand what `` this `` is . jack : first things first , and that would be for me to get you out of here even though you fired me earlier . erica : oh , come on , jack . you know i did n't mean that . look , just get me in front of a judge , and i can prove i 'm innocent . jack : i 've already talked to judge maier . she 's going to hear this bail case a little later tonight . erica : oh , that 's fantastic . jack : erica , we have to do this thing my way . erica : what do you mean your way ? jack : i want you to promise me no matter what gets said in that courtroom that you let me do all the talking . erica : but , jack , if the judge can just hear my side of the story -- jack : no , no , no -- not a word . i 'm telling you , not a word or you could end up spending the night with your friend there . erica : sealed . [ scene_break ] aidan : hey , josh , can i have a whiskey , please , mate ? josh : you got it . aidan : and make it a double . zach : i know that look . [ aidan sighs ] aidan : it 's been a long day . zach : yeah , male modeling has really got to take it out of you . aidan : it 's the first time i 've ever walked on a runway . it 's going to be my last -- i can guarantee you that . zach : a toast -- to trust among men . aidan : ok . trust among men . which means ? zach : it involves you and kendall . [ scene_break ] greenlee : there you go -- i got it . kendall : oh . i 'm sorry . greenlee : stop apologizing . what is wrong with you ? it 's like you 're going to jump out of your skin . kendall : i -- i do n't know . i do n't know , i 'm just -- i 'm just a wreck . greenlee : stop it . you 've got two beautiful children , a husband who worships you , a book tour , co - running fusion . i mean -- and you 're thin and gorgeous . kendall : you mean stop complaining , right ? greenlee : yeah , yeah . i mean , if you feel bad , what are the rest of us going to do ? kendall : i do love you , greenlee . [ greenlee chuckles ] [ scene_break ] bailiff : all rise . the honorable judge maier presiding . judge : mr. montgomery , i was just sitting down to read my son a bedtime story when i was called into court . my son does n't sleep well without his bedtime story , so i warn you -- i 'm not in the best of moods . jack : we appreciate your time and your sacrifice , your honor . in all fairness , i did n't think there was any reason for my client to spend the night in jail . judge : i 'll make that call . in the case of the united states vs. erica kane , what are the charges ? samuel : one count of insider trading , one count of attempting to bribe a public official of the united states government . judge : that would be you , mr. woods ? samuel : yes , your honor , and i 'll be prosecuting the case . judge : ms. kane ? do you have anything to say for yourself ? [ scene_break ] babe : i 'll call . [ j.r. snickers ] j.r. : you call that a bet ? babe : uh -- you know what -- you 're right . besides , i 'm going to be getting it all back by the end of the hand anyway , so -- j.r. : oh . ok , so i will see you and raise you 2 . babe : oh . i 'll call , and i 'll raise you 5 more . j.r. : i 'll see your 5 , and i 'll raise you 10 . babe : i am all in , i am all in . j.r. : wait , what do you got ? babe : uh - uh -- no . you 're going to have to pay up to find out . j.r. : i 'm out . [ babe chuckles ] j.r. : wait -- babe : come to mama , girls ! j.r. : let me see your card babe : that 's right -- no , i do n't have to show you . no , but i will anyway . j.r. : you were bluffing . babe : yep , and you fell for it which means all this loot is mine j.r. : which reminds me -- why are we playing with blocks ? babe : what , are you afraid i 'm going to take you for all you 've got or something ? j.r. : no , actually , i was thinking we 'd be playing with something a little more interesting , you know , than just blocks . babe : ok , i 'll bite -- if not blocks , then what are we going to use for collateral ? j.r. : our clothes . for every hand i win , you have to take something off . babe : why not ? i have n't had a naked man in my house in a long time . i 'm kind of looking forward to it . [ scene_break ] richie : ok -- come on . come on . yes ! ok , let 's see who 's going to save old richard 's life . richie : j.r. chandler -- junior ? oh . oh , huh , huh , huh . richie : hey . bridget : i could n't find your wallet . richie : oh , you know , i 'm sorry . i -- [ richie chuckles ] richie : must 've dropped it on the floor . anyway , i should get going . ahem . bridget : oh , i thought you were n't feeling well . richie : well , it passed . i 'll call you . [ scene_break ] [ music plays at confusion ] aidan : what about me and kendall ? singer : i want to know zach : you 've been a good friend to me . i was in that bunker for , what , five , six weeks and you kept kendall safe . and up on the falls with hannah -- i mean , i would n't be here if it were n't for you , would n't be around to kiss my wife and my kids . aidan : that debt 's been paid , zach . zach : i do n't think it has . aidan : no , seriously , it has . singer : and i know that you want me , too aidan : you do n't owe me . if anybody owes anybody something , i owe you for keeping greenlee alive and for keeping her safe , so why do n't we make a toast -- to our beautiful women , eh ? zach : done . singer : the stars are up to no good tonight zach : i got to ask you a favor . singer : the stars are up to no good aidan : what 's that ? zach : you know , kendall 's got this book tour coming up , and i ca n't be there for all of it . aidan : ok . zach : ok , so i want you to go in my place . it 'd be a job -- i 'd pay you . aidan : i could n't , zach . zach : mean a lot to me . singer : oh , just in time zach : ryan out there , lost his memory , now he 's obsessed with kendall ? i do n't know -- i do n't want her out there on her own . i want someone with her that i can trust , someone that i can trust with my wife . so i 'm asking you . singer : might be tonight so get it [ scene_break ] babe : read 'em and weep , big boy . [ babe chuckles ] j.r. : damn it . babe : yep , that 's right -- take it off . oh , oh -- and do it slow . [ j.r. chuckles ] j.r. : you 're enjoying this entirely too much , are n't you ? babe : what can i say ? winning is fun . j.r. : now , just so i know , do socks count as one or two items ? babe : oh , heck , i 'll throw you a bone . we 'll count them as two . j.r. : you know , you 've been pretty lucky so far -- babe : uh - huh . j.r. : but do n't push it . babe : huh . that 's funny , because i 'm not the one who 's going topless . j.r. : not yet . babe : oh . [ babe chuckles ] [ scene_break ] erica : jack , are you sure ? all right , all right . jack : ahem . your honor , we 've barely had time to assess the claims that mr. woods has made against ms. kane . so in lieu of formal evidence and in order to get you me to your family , i would request a bail summary , so that we might set the bond and all of us go home . judge : i 'll consider that . jack : and if i may also add , ms. kane is a pillar of the community . she has a business established here for many years and , in fact , two of her children still live in pine valley , so she 's clearly no flight risk . judge : mr. woods ? any objections ? erica : your honor , if i may -- jack : erica ? erica : i am not the kind of person who runs from a fight . but i also have n't done anything illegal . samuel : your honor , i assure you these charges are valid . erica : and you are a pompous , arrogant , contemptible fraud who is trying to use my name to get your face on the 6 : 00 news . jack : erica ? erica : do you know , your honor , that this man came to my studio and -- and walked on to my talk show under the pretense of giving some bogus speech that was all about fairness and decency and then staged this entire arrest ? this was all a setup . judge : that will be quite enough . jack : i apologize for my client , your honor . judge : mm - hmm . jack : come here . erica : and why should you apologize , jack ? everything i said was true . judge : one more word , ms. kane , and i will charge you with contempt . now , the issue at hand is bail . once again , mr. woods , do you have any objections ? samuel : your honor , despite ms. kane 's obvious contempt for the united states and its representatives , we agree that she 's not a flight risk , and we do not object to bail . we request that the sum be set at a level fitting to her crime and her personal wealth . jack : your honor , with all due respect , court sets the bail , not opposing counsel , and may i remind you these crimes are alleged ? samuel : my apologies . erica : oh , i bet . jack : what do i have to do ? erica : i 'm sorry . jack : just -- erica : no , really , i wo n't -- i wo n't say another word . jack : ok . judge : bail is set at $ 1 million . jack : thank you , your honor . judge : you can arrange payment with the clerk . this hearing is adjourned . [ scene_break ] j.r. : that 's a whole lot of skin you got showing . babe : yeah , well , you 're the one in nothing but your shorts . besides , you just got lucky with your third ace on the river . j.r. : yeah , that 's me -- babe : uh - huh . j.r. : lucky . babe : mm - hmm . j.r. : so , what about the other one ? babe : if i lose another hand , that one comes off , too . j.r. : oh , no , do n't even think that you 're going to be using that garter as another item . babe : oh , shut up and deal . [ scene_break ] aidan : you really think ryan is a -- is a threat to kendall ? zach : i do n't want to take a chance . aidan : and how do you think kendall 's going to react to this idea ? zach : i think she 's going to hate it . but it 's either going to be you or someone she does n't know . well , now i would rather it be you . aidan : i do n't know , zach . zach : talk to tad , think it over . but i really would appreciate it -- unless , of course , there 's another reason you do n't want to do it . aidan : no . no , there is no other reason . zach : partner ? aidan : only until you sort this business out with ryan , all right ? zach : all right . aidan : whew . [ scene_break ] singer : take it off , oh , take it off j.r. : this is it -- moment of truth . babe : are you stalling because you know you 're going to lose ? ha - ha . j.r. : no , i 'm just giving you a chance to work up some nerves , because you 're going to be buck naked in a few seconds . babe : or you 'll be saving richie 's life . j.r. : you realize i ca n't back out -- because the prize is just too tempting . babe : oh , i know , i know , i know because if you win , you get -- j.r. : anything i want . babe : anything you want , that 's right and -- and what exactly is that , j.r. ? j.r. : i do n't know . you 're just going to have to wait and find out . babe : i think i have a few ideas . j.r. : i bet you do . babe : uh - huh . j.r. : which brings me to the question -- why did we split up again ? babe : oh -- too many reasons to count . stop stalling . j.r. : i called you . put the cards down . babe : oh , well , just get ready to experience some serious humiliation . drop them , cowboy . [ babe chuckles ] j.r. : not so fast . one , two , three , four 10s -- imagine that . babe : well , that is impossible . j.r. : apparently not . now , you going to need some help with those panties ? or can you handle them yourself ? [ scene_break ] kendall : ok . how 's my eyeliner ? greenlee : perfect . kendall : thanks . ok . i think i am ready to go . greenlee : i 'm not -- i need some lip - gloss . do you have fusion spice ? kendall : i think so . there you go . um -- can i ask a favor before we go out there ? greenlee : uh - huh . kendall : zach does n't know anything about the whole pregnancy thing , and i do n't want to tell him . zach : you pregnant ? somebody say something . greenlee : i 'm going to give you guys some privacy . kendall : you know what ? we really should n't do this in here . zach : what 'd i just walk in on ? kendall : you know how i 've been sick lately ? well , i thought that i might be pregnant , so i -- i took a test , and it turned out negative . zach : why did n't you tell me ? kendall : i did n't want to make a big deal out of it . zach : you did n't think another baby 's a big deal ? kendall : no , no , of course , i do . but there 's just been so much going on with -- with ryan and the show . can we just talk about this at home , please ? [ scene_break ] erica : oh , what , you did n't find my hand grenades ? must 've left them at home . samuel : for what it 's worth , i 'm glad you did n't have to spend the night in jail . erica : it 's worth nothing . and you , mr. woods , have made one very powerful enemy . samuel : i 'm just doing my job . erica : and what job is that , mr. woods ? running for office ? now i understand why the polls show that politicians are less popular than serial killers . you fit right in . samuel : you 're taking this way , way , way too personally . erica : oh , i have n't begun to show you just how personally i can take this , mr. woods . before i 'm finished dealing with you , there 'll be heel marks on your forehead . samuel : good night , erica . jack . jack : sam . erica : he 's serious , is n't -- he wants to put me in jail . jack : i 'm not going to let that happen . erica : now i have to deal with the press . well , is this night never going to end ? jack : erica , i 've already arranged for us to be taken out the back way . erica : oh . thank you but , no , i still have to go to my hotel room , the paparazzi are going to be there . they 're going to be perched outside the valley inn like vultures . jack : which is why i 'm taking you home with me tonight . [ scene_break ] babe : i still ca n't believe i lost . j.r. : well , you played a good game . babe : oh , i just feel bad for richie , you know , like i let him down . j.r. : look , it 's more than most people would do for that -- anyway . babe : so , have you decided on your prize yet ? j.r. : not yet . but i have a surprise for you . babe : uh - huh , i knew it -- you cheated . j.r. : what ? no , i actually won fair and square this time . babe : well , then what 's the surprise ? j.r. : i knew about being a match for richie before you asked me to play . i was already planning on being his donor . babe : i do n't understand . j.r. : what ? that i ca n't have feelings for a human being ? look , babe , i do n't want to sit back and watch a guy die , not even richie . babe : you really mean that ? j.r. : why would i lie now ? babe : uh , but -- but the game ? i mean , why even play the game ? j.r. : because i like games . so do you . babe : so , is this what you wanted for your prize ? j.r. : it 's what we both wanted . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] richie : oh -- come in . well , it 's about time you guys got here . i got work for you to do . [ scene_break ] zach : so what i 'm trying to understand is -- why you 'd want to hide the fact that you might be pregnant from me . i 'm your husband , best friend . did that ever work for us , kendall ? keeping secrets ? did that ever work for you or me ? kendall : you 're right . i should have told you as soon as i suspected i was pregnant . but if it were up to me , no one would 've ever known . zach : that 's a pretty big load to carry all by yourself . kendall : well , we 've had enough surprises to last a lifetime . and i did n't want you to get your hopes up unless i was sure . zach : you disappointed ? kendall : honestly ? i 'm relieved . i mean , i 've barely had enough time to get to know ian . i think it 's too early for another baby . zach : i do n't disagree with you . i just do n't want us going back to that place where we were hiding things from each other . we should share everything , whatever it may be . kendall : i know . i -- i agree with you . i love you -- you know that . you know that . zach : so -- is this where we have makeup sex ? kendall : yes . zach : yeah ? it is ? kendall : you want to ? zach : why not ? kendall : here on our favorite place ? zach : yeah . kendall : the couch ? [ kendall chuckles ] zach : let 's lie down . kendall : whoo ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : whee ! [ greenlee chuckles ] aidan : ah ! we 're home . greenlee : ah ! aidan : ah . i do remember you saying something about a james bond fantasy ? greenlee : yeah ? [ greenlee chuckles ] aidan : yeah . call me `` devane `` -- aidan devane . greenlee : get down here and show me your secret service weapon . [ greenlee giggles ] greenlee : whoo ! [ scene_break ] erica : i see you did the room over . jack : yep . erica : been a long time since i slept in this bed . jack : yep . listen , hopefully you 'll -- you 'll get a good night 's sleep . i 'll be in the guest room . erica : thank you , jack . jack : i had coral drop some clothes in there , but if you need anything else -- erica : no , i wo n't . jack : good night , then . erica : jack ? jack : what is it ? erica : we are going to beat this , are n't we ? jack : of course , we are . you sleep tight . [ scene_break ] [ music plays as babe and j.r. make love ] singer : she has come to understand me and offer me redemption from the secrets in my soul , but lately i have come to be addicted to the sunshine in her smile and the way she makes me whole , and now i thank my lucky stars each night , because they 're the only reason i ca n't see why a beautiful woman like you could ever love a man like me yes , why a beautiful woman like you could ever love a man like me [ scene_break ] [ erica dreams ] erica : not guilty . i 'm not guilty . jack 's voice : erica kane , you are sentenced to three life terms to be served consecutively . erica : but i 'm innocent . why would i have to steal ? i built an empire with my two hands . jack : that 's no excuse . now , this sentence stands as rendered . samuel : your honor , i object . the united states withdraws all charges . the truth is i did this to -- to get erica kane 's attention . erica : what ? samuel : erica is innocent of all charges . jack : i 'm genuinely confused . samuel : i am so sorry if i hurt you -- i was such a fool . erica : i knew you wanted me from the minute you walked into my studio . samuel : i did . i want you more than anything . jack : order , order . [ jack pounds gavel ] jack : i demand order in this courtroom -- order ! [ echoes ] [ scene_break ] zach : look who 's up . big breakfast for a big day . kendall : that 's right . today spike is getting his cochlear implant . zach : mm - hmm , good morning . kendall : good morning . zach : and our son will finally be able to hear again . kendall : yeah . i 'll go get him ready . zach : uh - uh . [ phone rings ] zach : i got it covered -- drink your juice . kendall : ok . zach : ah . kendall : hmm . zach : uh - oh . it 's your other significant other . kendall : what ? zach : greenlee . kendall : oh . hey . greenlee : hey . i just wanted to wish you luck with spike today . kendall : thanks . so , are you getting ready to go to the office ? greenlee : actually , i 'm waiting for aidan to wake up . last night , he was on fire . i was hoping for seconds . kendall : ugh . too much information -- please . greenlee : i do n't know what happened to aidan at that party , but it was like the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders . kendall : well , i 'm happy for you , greenlee . greenlee : call me after you 've seen the audiologist with spike . kendall : i will . bye . zach : you have n't touched your breakfast . kendall : i will . so , did you get any news about my mom ? zach : same as last night . jackson bailed her out , and she 's staying with him to avoid the press . kendall : good . zach : hmm -- i know what i forgot . aidan 's going to be looking after you on your new book tour . kendall : wh -- what ? zach : well , ryan 's not getting any better , and i 'm a little concerned about it . kendall : no . zach , ryan is n't going to hurt me . i do n't -- i do n't need a bodyguard . zach : i think you do . kendall : no -- zach , i do n't . zach : kendall , please , please . you could put my mind at ease . kendall : ok , but why aidan ? zach : i trust him . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] erica : come in . jack : you 're up , i see . erica : oh , for hours already . jack : listen , i was wondering how you wanted to handle these . erica : yeah -- oh . how bad are they ? jack : well , i think i know what the hot topic 's going to be on `` the view . `` erica : well , the press is going to be eating their words by tomorrow , because i 'm innocent and -- and nothing anyone says can change that . jack : then i 'll just toss these . erica : no , no , no . i mean , on second thought , i should look at them . i bet i look stunning . [ jack chuckles ] erica : not even handcuffs can ruin that dress . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] j.r. : what are you doing out of bed ? babe : oh . i was just going to give richie the good news . j.r. : enough about richie . [ j.r. hangs up ] j.r. : he 's going to know soon enough . babe : yes , because of my very generous ex - husband . j.r. : oh -- so now i 'm generous . babe : mm - hmm . j.r. : mm - hmm . babe : you 're doing the right thing . j.r. : yeah . i 'm a boy scout . babe : hmm . j.r. : look , richie can sweat it out for a few more minutes . right now , i have a little something else in mind . babe : oh , do you ? j.r. : i do . [ babe chuckles ] [ scene_break ] richie : this is the guy you 're looking for . his name 's j.r. chandler , he 's a real pretty boy . he 's got hair like tarzan . he 'll be easy to spot . and believe me , he 'll be even easier to handle , because he ca n't put up much of a fight . man : after we grab him , then what ? richie : well , i need him alive . you see , j.r. and i are going to go on a little trip . and without him , i 'll be a dead man . but once i get j.r. 's bone marrow , all bets are off . [ next_on ] greenlee ( to aidan ) : spike 's getting his cochlear implants turned on today . woman ( to zach ) : why do n't we let spike 's father do the honors ? frankie ( to tad ) : my mom is missing . something 's not right . jesse ( to angie ) : someone 's outside .
erica is taken to a holding cell with jack close behind . erica insists that she is innocent . babe and j.r. begin their texas hold ‘em poker game . babe reminds him of the rules of the game . aidan follows kendall into the ladies ' bathroom . aidan tells her that greenlee had told him that she might be pregnant . kendall tells aidan that the pregnancy test had come back negative . greenlee comes in and asks aidan to give them a minute . greenlee asks kendall what is up . kendall apologizes and tells her that she is so sorry . j.r. asks babe if richie knows what she is giving up for him . richie gets a blood transfusion at the hospital . he makes an acquaintance of one of the nurse 's named bridgett . richie acts as though he had lost his wallet so that bridget would go and look for it for him . while she is gone , richie finds out that j.r. is going to be his bone marrow donor . erica thanks jack for all that he is doing for her . jack lets her know that he had talked to woods and woods is a hard nut to crack . jack also lets her know that her bail hearing was planned for tonight . erica is grateful . aidan walks up to the bar and asks for whiskey and make it a double . zack walks up and join in their conversation . the bailiff calls the court to order . despite jack 's warnings , erica lashes out at samuel and tells the judge what samuel had done on her show . the judge tells her to sit down or he would charge her with contempt of court . the judge sets her bail at 1 million dollars . samuel tells erica that he is glad that she did n't have to spend the night in jail . jack takes erica home with him . erica and jack arrive home . she notices that he had had the room redone . greenlee and kendall are fixing their make - up when zach pops his head in the door and asks kendall if she is pregnant . greenlee makes her exit to give them time to talk . zach starts questioning her as to why she had n't told him . kendall urges him to let them talk about this at home . j.r. wins the game of strip poker . j.r. lets babe know that he had already decided to be a bone marrow donor for richie . babe is confused by j.r. 's actions . j.r. and babe make love . richie is in his motel room when there is a knock on the door . two men appear at the door . zach wonders why kendall had kept this from him . kendall tries to explain that she had n't wanted to get his hopes up and she just was n't ready for another child . zach agrees . they promise not to keep secrets from each other again . kendall and zach make love on the living room sofa . greenlee and aidan arrive home . they make love . erica dreams that jack is the judge and he had just found her guilty . samuel comes in and drops all the charges against her . samuel tells erica that he had just done this to get her attention . they start to kiss . richie tells the two men his plans for j.r .
jake : i 'm not saying that . i 'm very happy to have my job back and be at the hospital . it 's hayward . he 's -- he 's a control freak . tad : he likes to control everybody and everything . look what the wind just blew in . jake : hmm . probably here to see the devil himself , mr. hayward . what is it ? why ca n't the martin family shake this guy ? [ scene_break ] david : how could you propose such a ridiculous idea ? joe : the heart health benefit will still go forward . i 'm simply suggesting we scale it back . david : i am dedicating a wing of this hospital in my daughter 's name . i 'm not cheaping out on babe . joe : nothing personal , david -- hospital policy . every department has been asked to save money . david : right . right . well , i am chief of staff , okay ? which means that i make the final recommendation to the board . this is my event , and we will do it my way . i 'm going to give this town the jolt it needs . [ joe grunts ] david : joe ? [ scene_break ] kendall 's voice : hi , it 's kendall . leave a message . zach : hey , it 's me , again . i 'm -- i just want to make sure you 're ok . i want to know where you are , so give me a call back , all right ? bianca : your wife left you . maybe there is some justice in this world . [ scene_break ] kendall : thanks for letting me crash . i -- i did n't think you should be alone . emma 's going to go to school soon , right ? well , anyway , i got you some breakfast . sorry it 's not fancier . coffee -- i forgot the coffee . ryan : do n't pretend like you do n't know , kendall . today is greenlee 's birthday . [ scene_break ] erica : thank you so much for getting miranda off to school . jocelyn : no problem . erica : you are not coming anywhere near this baby . reese : well , a judge says different . give me my daughter . [ scene_break ] jake : hi . you look lovely . lovely . would you like to join us ? krystal : you really think tad wants my company ? jake : oh , abso -- yeah , it was his idea . he just said it . come on . [ krystal clears her throat ] jake : did you get your coat ? krystal : oh , do n't get it . jake : ok . tad : by all means . you 're engaged ? [ scene_break ] joe : it was just a dizzy spell . i 'm fine . i 'm fine . david : you talk , i ca n't hear . your heart sounds strong . but i want to run an ekg just to be sure . joe : oh , that 's not going to be necessary . david : that 's not a request , doctor . joe : look , david , you may have blackmailed your way into my office , but you do n't give me orders . david : allowing you to treat patients before you 've been thoroughly examined would leave this hospital open for yet another lawsuit . you 'll take the test , joe . and if it 's good , then you go home and you rest for a few days . think of it as a mini - vacation . joe : hmm . david : nurse , would you please take dr. martin to exam 1 . prep him for an ekg . joe : by the way , how does a busy man like you find the time to plan a benefit ? who 's going to pull it together ? david : an event this important requires a woman 's touch . [ scene_break ] krystal : it 's um -- it 's not an engagement ring . it 's a promise ring . tad : yeah , three carats ' worth . what did he promise you ? eternal damnation ? jake : tad , take it easy . tad : no , no , no , no -- krystal : i do n't have to take this , tad . tad : what ? jake : it 's a lovely ring . would you just tell her it 's a lovely ring ? tad : no , you started it , ok ? just let me get -- no , would you stop it , for the love of -- jake : sorry . tad : let me ask you a question . have you ever stopped for five minutes to wonder why david is in such a hurry to get you down the aisle ? no . let me ruminate that one . let 's see -- there 's the world - famous cardiologist , there 's the ideal homemaker , and then there 's wildwind , a place that 's so big that men hunt , women ride , and now even the dead have their own room . it 's just so cozy . i 'm afraid , you know , that you two are inviting the rest of the town over to watch the oscars on sunday night . wow . perfect husband , perfect wife , perfect house . all he 's doing is trying to create the perfect environment in which to transplant little adam . krystal : did it ever occur to you that david and i might be in love ? tad : never . jake : i can use a bloody mary . krystal : i just think it sticks in your craw . jake : or six -- krystal : the fact that the two of us just might be meant for each other . tad : so , i guess that makes adam and me , what , a couple of placeholders , something for you to do while you were waiting for your true love to come back to town ? krystal : i did n't say that , tad . what we had -- our marriage , our family -- was real . tad : not anymore . and i do n't want you to make a mistake . i 'm going to head this off at the pass . do n't think that marrying dr. doom changes anything about our custody agreement , ok ? i do n't care if the man 's out there turning wildwind into the magic kingdom . jenny 's never going anywhere near that place . jake : nice . [ krystal exhales ] jake : hey . krystal : you know what -- leave me alone , please . jake : no , no , just wait , just not until i tell you why you ca n't marry david hayward , ok ? [ krystal chuckles ] jake : krystal , his life has become about revenge . he 's got it really bad for the martins and the chandlers , and i think the hubbards are on his list , as well . krystal : you know , i 'm sorry that he fired you , jake . jake : no -- krystal : you got your job back . jake : it has nothing to do with my job . i promise you , this is just about protecting you . he used your grief , and he got you on drugs . krystal : now , see , i leaned on him because i needed to . jake : fine , maybe -- yeah , ok , in the beginning . but what about him leaning on you ? he 's doing that , and he 's using you . what happens when he 's done , when he no longer needs you for anything ? what happens then ? i promise you , if you marry this guy , you 're going to have nothing left -- [ phone rings ] jake : nothing . sorry . oh -- yeah ? sure . sure , ok . it 's my dad at the hospital . something about david . listen , it does n't matter what happened with you and tad . we 're family , ok ? family . jake : all right , i got to go . dad 's at the hospital . something about david . tad : perfect . jake : do me a favor . can you handle this ? tad : yeah , yeah , i 'll be fine . jake : good going . tad : all right . [ krystal exhales ] tad : nah , nah , nah -- do n't waste your time , ok ? i 'm leaving -- krystal : no , listen , i just got an earful from the martin boys , so now you 're going to have to hear from me . [ scene_break ] ryan : i was going to celebrate her birthday on our honeymoon . she said no gifts . she said that she just wanted us to be together . kendall : i miss her , too . i need her to help me with zach . i -- i should call him , but i -- i do n't know what -- i do n't know what to say . greenlee would know . she 'd throw it right in my face . ryan : i just wanted to get out of there . i just wanted to get married someplace else , you know ? but she would n't leave . she would n't leave until she set things right with her best friend . that 's why she was on the road . she was on the road to confront zach about reese -- about cheating with reese -- to protect you . she loved you so much . ryan : happy birthday , greenlee . i am sorry that i could n't give you what you wanted . i am so sorry . [ scene_break ] erica : i do n't give a damn what some stupid judge says . you stay away from the baby . reese : i -- i made a mistake . erica : a `` mistake . `` wow , is that word overused these days . you crushed my daughter . reese : i love your daughter . erica : if that 's true , then prove it . leave and do n't fight her for her child . reese : she 's my child , too . i have been there the same as bianca . erica : the same as bianca ? that 's not true at all . bianca carried that baby , bianca delivered that baby while you were off throwing yourself at zach . reese : ok , erica , i know that what i did was wrong . i know that , but if the situation was reversed , i do n't care what bianca may have done , i do n't care how hurt i may have been , i would never , ever take my children . look , i know what it feels like to have a parent disappear . i know all the pain , i know all the questions you 're left with . and i do n't ever want gabrielle to feel that way . i 'm never going to let her feel like i deserted her . [ scene_break ] bianca : kendall , she 's smart not to take you back . forgive and forget -- that 's what i did with reese time and time and time again . i accepted her apologies , i excused her lies . in my heart i knew that something was n't right , but i just refused to believe it was true . i could n't accept that i could be so wrong about the people i loved . so , i came up with all kinds of explanations and rationalizations and in the end it did n't matter at all . everything fell apart anyway , in my life and in yours . zach : people that love each other , they work things out . kendall and i always have . bianca : you kissed reese . you probably had sex with her . you really think kendall 's just going to be able to get over that ? zach : no , i did n't have sex with her , but i guess it does n't matter what i say . bianca : you betrayed me . the trust is gone . it 's over . zach : it 's your decision to make . bianca : do you think it 's a mistake ? well , it ca n't be any worse than the other decisions i 've made this year . i chose you to be the father of my child -- that was the worst mistake of my life . [ scene_break ] david : your father 's going to be fine , jake , if he gets his rest . you might want to convince him to stay in bed for a few days . jake : he 's going to miss the heart health benefit , the campbell 's thing -- david : right , right . come on , i 'm running an event to promote cardiac health . the last thing i need is your father dropping dead at the event . so , he 'll swallow his pride , and he 'll stay home . and we 'll raise a boatload of cash for a very worthy cause . now , if you 'll excuse me , i have places to be . [ scene_break ] erica : you can hold the baby . but just for a minute . reese : hey , you . hi . hi , my precious . oh . did you just have your bottle ? hmm ? thank you . hi . look at you . look at you . mommy 's here . yeah , mommy 's here . erica : all right -- reese : she 's -- erica : time 's up . reese : oh , come on , please . erica : ah , if bianca ever knew . look , i 'm so sorry . jocelyn , would you please take gabrielle back up to the suite ? erica : yeah , there she is . here 's her sock , here 's her blanket . thank you . ok . all right , you should go -- now . reese : uh - huh . i know you 're just acting cold . because i can see how you really feel . you know that what bianca is doing is wrong . erica : look , this is a very devastating situation , and i do n't know how to solve it . but what i do know , what i am certain of , is that it is your fault . so if you are in any kind of a personal hell , you put yourself there . [ scene_break ] bianca : i wish i could take it all back -- the night in marseille , the secrets that we kept from kendall , the whole ridiculous , insane plan . zach : you have regrets . you regret that gabrielle is here ? bianca : i love that little girl . all i care about is my children . it 's my job to make sure that they are happy and safe , and that 's why i 'm going to go back to france without reese . she 's not going to be allowed to see them , and neither are you . it 's the way it should be . it 's the way it would have been if we had gone to a sperm bank instead of being so incredibly selfish and stupid . and i know you ca n't fight me about it , because you know what that would do to kendall . she would see how much you care about gabrielle and how you ca n't let her go , and she would never forgive either one of us , and i know you ca n't live with that . would you say something ? zach : i always saw the best parts of erica in you . always the best -- never insecurities , arrogance , and the selfishness -- until now . you 've turned into your mother . it makes me very sad . oh , you know , that 's not right , it does n't make me sad . it makes me sick . bianca : go to hell . [ door slams ] [ scene_break ] kendall : greenlee could do anything . i owe her so much . she 's the one who made me realize i was in love with zach . kendall : oh , come on , ryan , do n't do this -- do n't . you need your friends right now , and zach is one of them . at least he used to be . ryan : ok , let me make something very , very clear . spike is my son , and you are my friend . and those are the only two reasons zach and i have anything to do with each other at all . kendall : wait a minute , ryan . when annie had her miscarriage , zach stood by you . he was there for you because he understood , because he lost a child of his own . ryan : no , he knew that you were gunning for annie . that 's why he was there at the hospital , to stop you from going after annie . i do n't understand -- he cheated on you , kendall . how can you defend him ? [ doorbell rings ] ryan : come in . kendall : jesse , hi . jesse : hey , kendall . kendall : what are you doing here ? jesse : ryan asked me to stop by , said he would explain it in person . if this is about annie -- ryan : this is not about annie . this is about zach . i would like you to charge him with murder . [ scene_break ] krystal : listen , i know that david can be -- dark . tad , he 's not the monster that everybody thinks he is . i know he 's complicated . i know that you have to -- you have to work at it . if you want to get inside his heart and his head , you have to work on it . he 's not -- he 's not you . tad : i 'm glad to hear it . ok , i apologize for coming on too strong , ok , but it 's not like i do n't come by it honestly . maybe i want to protect you , too -- for good reason . it 's not because you 're jenny 's mother . it 's because you were my wife , a woman i was more than happy to spend the rest of my life with until he walked back into the picture . david : sorry i 'm late . something came up at the hospital . i 'm surprised you 're not there . tad : why would i be ? david : jake did n't call you ? tad : no . david : you father 's heart is acting up again . krystal : is he -- is he all right ? david : yeah , he will be . excuse me -- could you get rid of this , please , and bring me a martini ? waiter : you got it . krystal : whoa . [ krystal laughs ] krystal : it 's a little early for one of those , do n't you think ? david : well , it 's been a long day already . and we have something very important to discuss . [ scene_break ] bianca : you went to a judge , and you got a court order to keep me in the country ? reese : if you want to put an ocean between me and my daughter and keep me away from her for god knows how long -- bianca : because you cheated on me . you ruined everything that we ever had . reese : this is the only way that i knew how to get you to stay . unless you want to give me another chance . we can fix this . the moment i met you i knew that we belonged together -- you , me , our kids . it has n't changed . we can fix this , if you believe in us . i still love you . bianca : i do n't love you anymore . [ scene_break ] kendall : my husband did n't murder anyone . jesse : zach could n't see greenlee coming around that curve , ryan . you told the sheriff the same story , right ? kendall : yes , yes . it was dark , and the road was winding , and zach had drifted into the wrong lane . jesse : he stayed at the scene . he helped with the search , he cooperated with the police . ryan : great , great , big hero . greenlee is still dead , ok ? zach is responsible , and i want to press charges . kendall : why ? ryan , that would only make everything worse . ryan : kendall , if zach had n't have been messing around with another woman , greenlee would still be alive . do you understand that ? kendall : stop it , stop , stop . ryan : he is the reason that she was on the road . he 's the reason the car was on the wrong side , because you were arguing about reese . jesse : ryan -- ryan : zach and reese are behind everything here , guys . why do n't you see that ? jesse : ryan , cheating on your husband or your wife , unfortunately that is not a crime . ryan : get out . jesse : ryan , if you 're thinking about taking the law into your own hands -- ryan : get out . jesse : ryan . ryan : now , jesse . get out , right now . kendall : ryan -- ryan : kendall , i love you . you know that . we both love greenlee . but if you are with zach on this , i need you to leave , too . now . jesse : you seem a little nervous , kendall . is there anything else you want to tell me -- what happened in that car ? [ scene_break ] tad : you ok ? jake : hey . tad : what the hell was wrong with you ? jake : what ? tad : you ca n't dial your cell phone ? jake : this is nothing serious . no , no , no -- david just does n't want him involved with the heart health benefit thing . he wants to take all of the glory himself , and that 's what this is about . joe : yeah , i 'm told to go home and get a few days ' bed rest . tad : i think -- no . wait a minute . you ca n't go along with this , pop . first he takes your job . now he sends you home like -- like you 're hired help ? that 's ridiculous . joe : i tried to find a way to coexist with the man , but he 's determined to battle me at every turn , and i just do not have the energy for that right now . but i 'll tell you something . you two do . i want you both to keep up the fight , because it 's not just for me , it 's for everybody he 's gone after and he 's hurt , especially for those who are no longer with us . i think the guy is trying to wipe us out . it 's going to be up to you two to stop him . [ scene_break ] krystal : so , what do you want to talk about ? david : the heart health benefit at the hospital that we 're hosting for babe 's wing . i would like you to be in charge of planning it . [ krystal chuckles ] krystal : me ? david : yeah . listen , if we put it in the hands of joe martin and his merry band of tightwads , this event will take place in the supply closet . [ krystal chuckles ] david : so they 're out , and you 're in . krystal : i -- i do n't -- i do n't know . there 's not a lot of time . david : ok , listen to this . this event , the entire idea of it is to honor our daughter , ok ? she ca n't be there . now i believe that if you put in your energy , your creativity , your love -- her spirit will be . just think of babe . that 's all the inspiration you need . [ scene_break ] kendall : i was upset , and zach was driving me back to the inn . and you know the rest . jesse : that 's it . you 're sure ? kendall : jesse , my best friend is dead . jesse : mm - hmm . kendall : zach feels horrible , and so do i . but our pain is nothing compared to ryan 's . he 's the one you should be worried about . jesse : what do you think he might do ? kendall : i do n't know . i have no idea . but i 've never , ever seen ryan like this . the grief is just taking over . it 's -- it -- it 's turning him into a different person , and that scares the hell out of me . [ scene_break ] bianca : you know , the truth is i do n't know if i ever loved you . because you were n't real . you were what i made you . my -- my dream woman , the -- the -- the love of my life , a second mother to miranda , a woman who wanted me , who wanted to marry me , who -- who wanted to build me a house and spend the rest of our lives together . it -- it was -- it was an image that i created , and anything that did n't fit into that image , i just shut it away . i wanted to see perfection , and i was n't going to let anything ruin that . reese : i am not a figment of your imagination . we found each other . we fell in love . and everything that you felt , i felt it , too . and i still do . bianca : you humiliated me . you betrayed me . you married me , even though you could n't stop thinking about zach . i do n't know you at all . i do n't know anything about you , but the one thing i know is that i -- i ca n't let you in my life anymore . i ca n't let you hurt me or the people that i love . reese : ok , then this is not over . bianca : you want to go to court ? great . i ca n't wait . i ca n't wait to get up there and rip you up on the stand . i ca n't wait to tell the judge how you strung me along , how you ruined my life and the lives of two completely innocent girls . and i never thought that i could agree with your mother about anything , but she was right about something . you 're a disgrace to your family , and i hope i never have to see you again . [ bianca takes off her ring and gives it to reese ] [ scene_break ] zach : hey . kendall : i 'm sorry i did n't return your calls . i stayed the night at ryan 's . zach : huh . kendall : zach , i 'm really worried . he is so angry . he blames everything on you , and he 's not letting it go . zach : yeah , your friend ryan came by and made his threats in person . kendall : well , he wants jesse to arrest you . now , i stuck with our story , but ryan knows something is off . he knows that we 're lying . zach : all right . keep your voice down . kendall : no , zach , listen to me . i am spike 's mother . he would never send me to jail . it was an accident . he 'll forgive me . zach : i said keep your voice down . kendall : no , no , i ca n't lie about this anymore , i ca n't . i 've got to come forward and confess i was the one driving that car . zach : you 're not going to confess to anything , kendall . [ scene_break ] erica : i 'm not going to stay long . i just wanted to see if you need anything . ryan : actually , i -- i do . i -- i would like very much if you could just take care of kendall . you see , i 'm going after zach , and i do n't want her to get hurt . erica : what do you mean ? ryan : for once , zach is going to pay for the pain that he 's caused people . so , please , ask kendall not to interfere . erica : ryan , i -- i know that zach can go to extremes , but -- but he 's not a bad person . ryan : he cheated on your daughter with your other daughter 's fiancée the night before she got married , erica . erica : oh , listen , i am not going to stick up for him for what he did with reese . he -- he never should have gone near that woman , or any other woman , for that matter , and he never should have offered to be bianca 's donor without consulting his wife first . however , kendall -- kendall wants her marriage to work . ryan : yeah ? well , i wanted my marriage to work , too . but zach killed greenlee before i had a chance . and what are his consequences ? how -- how does that affect his life ? it does n't . not yet . erica : so , what are you going to do ? ryan : i am going to take care of zach . just , please , take care of kendall . [ scene_break ] zach : we got to keep our stories straight . kendall : why , zach ? it was an accident . it was an accident . we were n't going after greenlee . i -- i ca n't do this . i ca n't keep the truth from ryan anymore . i almost told him today . zach : well , maybe if you stopped sleeping at his house . maybe you can stay away from him for a couple of days . how about that ? kendall : ryan will never get over this , just like you would n't if i were the one . then again , after everything that 's happened -- zach : what ? after everything that happened -- what ? what -- why do you keep doing that ? you start and stop , start and stop -- i do n't know what that means . what do you -- if you want to say something , say it . kendall : ok . bianca 's marriage is over . she 's taking the baby , going back to paris . reese will chase them . that 's it . what else is there to discuss ? zach : you know there 's other stuff to discuss . you know that . kendall : what do you want ? what do you want , zach ? you want a fight ? you want an ultimatum , permission to bail out of our marriage ? well , forget it , forget it . i am not giving you the easy way out . unless that 's what you want . do you want out , zach , so you can move on with reese ? [ scene_break ] krystal : i am going to need some help -- loads of it . but who can i get to pitch in ? hmm -- adam and j.r. ? that 's doubtful . definitely not tad and jake , after the way they grilled me about you and the ring . david : why do n't they just leave you the hell alone ? every time i look up , i see a martin or a chandler in your ear , trying to turn you against me . and why ? i 'm not going after little a. i do n't have any big plan in the works . all i want is to be close to you . krystal : you are . david : they 're jealous because we have a second chance . so forget them , all right ? just listen to me in your heart . krystal : yes , doctor . david : ok . i 'm going to go take a shower , and when i come back , i 'm going to make mad , passionate love to you . [ krystal laughs ] [ scene_break ] erica : ryan , i 've never known you to be a vengeful person . i -- i think you 're -- you 're not thinking straight . you need time to grieve . ryan : to just let go of my anger and to forgive ? well , that , erica , is exactly what zach is counting on , just like he did with the blackout , just like he did when he pushed that army woman down the stairs , and when he did n't tell anybody that annie killed richie , and just like he did when he shot josh . the man has to be stopped , erica . he 's a guy who ruins lives , and then he just walks away . erica : but in greenlee 's case -- was n't that an accident ? i mean , she ran off the road . ryan : she ran off the road , because the car was on the wrong side . the car was on the wrong side , because they were arguing about zach and reese . greenlee would n't have been on the road if it was n't for zach and reese . zach and reese are behind all of this , erica . so , please , do n't tell me it was an accident . zach 's arrogance killed greenlee . [ scene_break ] zach : i do n't want reese . come on , i 've told you that a thousand times , but i -- i -- you feel betrayed . kendall : i was betrayed . zach : ok . all right . but we keep going around in circles . i mean , if you want to say something , let 's -- let 's talk about it . but i do n't know -- what are you doing ? you 're going -- you retreat to this place , and you do n't say anything , and who is that ? my wife -- she comes out and fights . so where is she ? where 's my wife ? kendall : you do n't recognize me ? i do n't recognize anything . how am i supposed to feel about that ? how am i supposed to feel about you ? zach : let 's talk about it . kendall : ok , let 's talk about -- about how to fight for our marriage ? no , zach . i had been fighting to wake up , fighting to recover , fighting to catch up with all of you . i ca n't do it anymore . i am done . i 'm done , ok ? that 's it . you know what ? do whatever you want . go run off with reese . go have another baby -- a girl to make up for the one you gave bianca . you can do it the old- fashioned way this time . zach : stop . hey . you can push me as hard as you want . it makes no difference . i 'm not going to stop loving you . and we will work through this . and as far as reese ? i do n't care about that woman , and i wish she were n't here . i wish i could make her and everybody else just go away . [ reese hears the conversation ] kendall : i have to go . my mom needs me . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] krystal : hello ? hello ? david : krystal . do n't ever answer my phone again . [ scene_break ] ryan : all you wanted for your birthday was for us to be together . and now that is completely and totally impossible because of zach . if you were here , greenlee , would you tell me to let this go ? because i ca n't . i ca n't let it go . he took you from me . and now i am taking -- i 'm taking everything that means anything to him . i 'm taking his company , i 'm taking my child back -- all of it . all of it will be mine . [ scene_break ] kendall : what 's the big emergency ? erica : reese would like to have joint custody of gabrielle . so , we have to get prepared for the court hearing tomorrow . kendall : `` we `` ? erica : yes . listen , i know how difficult this is for -- for both of you . however , it is in times like this , these really hardest of times , that we , the kane women , we have to pull together . bianca needs our help . kendall : sorry , mom . bianca made this mess . she can clean it up herself . [ scene_break ] reese : you want me gone . go away , same as bianca , huh ? ok , well , you hate me , but you love gabrielle . so , um , we have to stop bianca , because if we do n't , then that beautiful baby girl is gone , and that means we both lose her . so i 'm asking you , zach , to please help me .
at confusion , jake and tad sit at a table just talking . tad notices krystal come in the door . at the hospital , joe and david discuss david 's competency as a doctor . at the house , zach receives a call . bianca comes to visit him and confront him about what he had done to her and kendall . ryan and kendall are at ryan 's . kendall has just prepared ryan some breakfast . at the valley inn , erica , the nanny and gabrielle walk into the lobby . erica is confronted by reese who shows her papers that she had just gotten from the judge showing that reese was suing for partial custody of gabrielle . krystal sits down at the bar and is confronted by jake , who wants krystal to join them . david examines joe in an exam room . david orders the nurse to do an e.k.g on joe . tad notices krystal 's ring and thinks that she and david are engaged . krystal assures him that they are not engaged .krystal lets tad know that she and david may just be meant for each other . jake gets a phone call from the hospital informing him about joe . krystal re - join tad when walks in . david lets tad know about joe and his heart condition . kendall looks at a pic of greenlee , and remarks how much she misses greenlee . kendall knows that she should call zach , but just can not bring herself to do so . ryan relives what had happened on the road that had killed greenlee . kendall hugs ryan . erica orders reese to stay away from the baby and for reese to leave town . bianca is served with a court order to keep bianca in town . bianca tells reese that she does n't love her anymore . jesse arrives at ryan 's . ryan wants zach charged with murder . kendall takes up for zach .
[ previously_on ] jack : why do n't we admit that we 're destined to be together . greenlee : who are these from ? kendall : looks like you got a mystery man . check the e - mail . see if the mystery man left any more clues for you . edmund : you have to follow your heart . aidan : that 's awfully big of you , edmund . i 'll take very good care of her . anna : baby ? david : she 's fine . she 's perfect . we did it . [ scene_break ] mia : ok , girls , these boxes over there . thank you . good , good . very -- all right , so -- go , go -- what 's next ? greenlee : liquor , ice , mixers , soft drinks , hors d'ouevres . kendall : we should have goody bags . greenlee : we do . kendall : we do ? greenlee : yes , we do . we ca n't sell any of the other stuff from shanghai . mia : well , not to lacey � s , anyway . greenlee : not to anyone . so we 'll give them away tonight . carlos : excuse me . can -- mia : oh , i 've got -- over here . greenlee : kendall . kendall , kendall , kendall , i need you here . kendall : what ? greenlee : ok , not at enchantment . kendall : i 'm not at enchantment . greenlee : you 've been calling over there every two minutes to make sure erica � s there and not off somewhere with michael cambias . kendall : i have n't been calling every two minutes . greenlee : close enough . we 're launching tonight , kendall . focus . kendall : ok , well , excuse me , but you 've been checking your e - mail every 30 seconds , hoping for your internet romeo . greenlee : please , that is such an exaggeration . kendall : no , it 's not . barely . it 's not . it 's barely an exaggeration . greenlee : we both need to focus , all right ? kendall : right , focus . ok , i 'm better . greenlee : this party 's taking off in 90 minutes . kendall : well , everything 's under control . is n't it ? greenlee : everything but simone . where the hell is she with our dresses ? [ scene_break ] simone : i pay taxes ! you work for me . this is a mistake , a miscarriage of justice . officer : just get in the cell . woman : and pipe down ! she acts like she never got pinched before . second woman : mm - hmm . simone : officer , i swear -- i mean , please , you are so off base here . i mean , do i really look like a prostitute to you ? woman : hey , hey ! that sounds like profiling . simone : what ? woman : you got us stereotyped , baby cakes ? well , take a look around . simone : ok , why would any hooker or anyone with an i.q . with double digits ever pick up on a uniformed police officer ? woman : cherry once propositioned a cop . cherry : the fleet was in . i got confused , all those uniforms . simone : you know what ? i was not confused . woman : then maybe you 're high . did you check her for drugs , sean , honey ? simone : i do n't do drugs . woman : i could pat her down if you want . simone : why do n't you just shut the hell up . woman : oh -- cherry : no , you did n't . simone : uh - huh . woman : come here and make me . [ scene_break ] erica : i -- jackson just -- well , he just stopped by . chris : did -- did i just walk in on something ? erica : well , what a funny idea . chris : erica , what 's gotten into you ? erica : what 's gotten into me ? chris : yeah . erica : nothing 's gotten into me . i just -- i 'm a little thrown , is all . chris : why ? is it lily ? is she sick again , jackson ? jack : no , lily 's fine . thanks for asking . as a matter of fact , she 's back in school . chris : you know , you -- you look like i just caught you shoplifting . erica : well , i did n't expect either one of you . i mean , yes , i � m a little thrown . jackson came over here so we could discuss bianca � s trust fund . we planned to meet for that tonight . jack : erica , why do n't you just tell chris the truth ? [ scene_break ] david : your vitals are great . anna : yeah ? little whosis ? david : little whosis is fantastic . her heart rate is exactly the way it should be . anna : oh . you make me feel like i want to dance . david : you liar . you feel like sleeping . anna : i 'd sleep a lot better in my own bed . david : yeah , well , i 'm sorry , darling . that 's going to have to wait . anna : i 'm sick of this place . david : well , even if you were home , you would n't be able to dance . anna : i know . david : you 're going to need a lot of sleep , make sure little whosis here is ok once she makes her showing . anna : that 's weeks in bed , david . david : yeah . well , i 'll make sure that i 'll jump in there every once and a while with you , all right ? anna : thanks for the sacrifice . david : it 's the least i can do to make sure you and little whosis gets through this just fine . i love you both . anna : we love you back . david : i 'll check on you in a few hours , ok ? anna : why do n't you just go home and get some rest ? david : no . anna : why ? david : i ca n't rest . i 'll just -- i � ll go grab a bite to eat , and then i � ll come back and check on you . anna : ok . any word from aidan ? david : none that i 've heard . anna : oh . he 'll let me know as soon as he gets back to pine valley . david : well ? aidan : i 'm debating . do i thank you , or do i put your head through a wall ? maria : ok , can we just for the moment all be glad that we 're back and safe ? please ? aidan : how are anna and the baby ? david : doing well , thank god . aidan : can i see her ? david : that would make her day . maria : i 'll come in and meet you in a few minutes , ok ? aidan : all right . david : well , a lot has changed for you as of late , has n't it ? maria : yeah , it has . it has . and for the better , but , really , no thanks to you and edmund . anna : oh . aidan : can a nephew give his auntie a hug ? anna : i 'll wrestle you to the ground if you do n't . oh , my goodness . i nearly came to hunt you down myself . aidan : well , there you go . i saved you the trouble . anna : i 'm a little tied up with the baby . aidan : well , i tell you , you 're looking great . anna : i 'm huge . i 'll sleep a lot better now that you 're safe . oh , my goodness . let me feel your hand . give me your hand . aidan : i was worried about you there for a while . anna : it 's ok . david looked after both of us . you know , the nurses say that what he did was a bit of a miracle . aidan : well , lately , i 've experienced a few of those myself . anna : how is maureen ? aidan : she 's -- she 's all right . anna : and you ? aidan : i 'm crazy about her . david : all right , i need to make something very clear to you . edmund stole that serum , ok ? i told him it was n't ready , but he did it anyway . now , i had no intention other than to help you , maureen , i swear . and i had no idea that edmund was going to steal that serum and make you take it against your will . maria : well , you know what ? i just -- i sat on the plane on the way home , and i just stared out the window and really wondered what it was that i had done . david : when ? maria : i wondered what is it that i did to drive edmund over the edge like that because i feel like my life -- well , maria � s life -- just swept me up and swept me away . david : so what are you going to do ? maria : i have absolutely no idea . [ scene_break ] lysistrata : hmm . hmm . give me a push , will you ? thank you , liza . liza : how did you know it was me ? lysistrata : ha - ha . tell me the result of the great scarf experiment . liza : oh , it was -- adam : i 'm not going to discuss my sex life in front of a stranger . lysistrata : adam , you tease . i am your couples therapist . the only person in your life with whom you should be more intimate with is the other half of your couple . now , liza , you were about to say -- liza : it was the best sex we ever had . it was . lysistrata : adam , you do n't share liza � s opinion ? adam : my mother must be turning over in her grave . lysistrata : interesting , you going to your mother . adam : i 'm not going to allow you to drag her down into your gutter . liza : you really do n't think the scarves added something ? adam : oh , they added something , all right . liza : really ? you really did n't think it was incredible ? adam : well , it was odd . liza : odd ? how ? adam : well , you took lovemaking and turned it into a game , like with props . that 's not what i 'm used to . liza : it was supposed to be fun . lysistrata : when a sexual experience is more fondly remembered by one participant than the other , we have a problem . adam , care to guess what it is ? adam : that one of us has the nerve to be honest with you ? lysistrata : no . although , liza , i do appreciate your honesty . adam : not her . me . well , i see this is going nowhere . i think we should table this subject for now and move on . liza : oh , wait a second . you 're not chairing a board meeting here . if you table this , you table our love life . adam : excuse me ? liza : talk to the woman , or i � m cutting you off . [ scene_break ] erica : excuse me ? chris : he suggested you tell me the truth . erica : yeah . is this some sort of a joke ? jack : not at all . chris : just somebody fill me in , ok ? erica : yes , please . jack , if i have left something out , why do n't you enlighten us ? i mean , we are here to discuss bianca � s trust fund this evening , are n't we ? jack : ok . yes . chris : what -- what are you two trying to pull here ? [ scene_break ] simone : please , i swear i am not one of them , ok ? this is a mistake . i was just working . woman : so who was n't ? simone : look at my dress , ok ? i mean , this is not some cheap knockoff . this is a designer original , thank you very much . look . look at the label . go ahead . cherry : i 'd keep my clothes on if i was you . woman : the hell you would . [ women laugh ] simone : i work for fusion . it 's a cosmetic company , and tonight is the big knockoff party . i mean , it 's bound to be the event of the season , and i was simply inviting you to be there , you big , thick - headed moron . sean : hey , you better watch what you say . woman : kind of late for that , looks like . second woman : hey , what 'd you say to him , girl ? simone : i just said , you know , something like , `` hi , officer , do you want to party tonight `` ? [ women laugh ] simone : no , no , no , no , that 's not what i meant . that was not -- i was not thinking , ok ? officer , i was n't thinking . woman : that much we know . simone : you know , i get a phone call . officer , i get a phone call . woman : call the wizard and ask for a brain . simone : i need to call my friends . i have their dresses , and they have to have them tonight . sean : that 's who you want to call ? simone : yes . sean : the other girls ? simone : please . look , i have messed up before . please let me out . if i screw this up -- oh , thank you -- they would never forgive me . thank you . sean : all right , go ahead . simone : it 's a pay phone . woman : damn , she 's quick . simone : look , you took everything from me when you booked me . woman : here , kid . you owe me . sean : where did you get that ? woman : you do n't want to know . cherry : do n't be calling no girlfriends . you need to call your man . simone : i do n't have a man . woman : fine goods like you freelancing ? girl , who you got for protection ? i 'll introduce you if you want representation . simone : kenny , i need you ! my friends are going to kill me if i screw this up . sean : yeah , well , i guess you 're going to have to hope your lawyer can get you out . simone : but this is just a stupid misunderstanding . woman : i would n't be calling officer sean stupid if i was you . simone : no , i was n't . i mean , i would never insult an officer of the law . woman : oh , you 'd just try to make a buck off him , hmm ? simone : i was not ! no . i mean , please -- do you honestly think that i would charge you for sex ? woman : you give it away ? simone : well , of course i do . no , no , no . i mean -- i mean , if i was with the right guy , you know , in a relationship , you know ? if it was intimate , not business . woman : so you ai n't a professional ? simone : no . thank god you understand . not the way you mean professional . look , i am in charge of promotion . woman : we 're all promoting something . simone : no , for fusion cosmetics , ok ? and this launch party is vital for our survival . everyone who 's anyone is going to be there tonight . woman : i did n't get no invitation . simone : it 's going to be teeming with influential people . woman : are you trying to bribe seany ? simone : bribe ? no , i 'm not trying to bribe him . my gosh , no . it 's just that we need these people to help us , ok , and so everything has to be absolutely perfect , just right . so my friends have got to get their dresses . sean : oh , i 'm sure they 'll find something to wear . simone : no , no , no , not like these dresses . ok , these ones are hot . i mean , you know -- i mean , just putting them on makes you feel like you can just go right out there and -- woman : and pick up a cop ? simone : conquer the world . look , i 've got three garment bags in the trunk of my car . if my friends -- my co - workers -- do n't get them before the party , i 'm dead . woman : my co - workers can get rough , too . sean : you can tell it to your lawyer . woman : or the judge . simone : kenny -- women : whoo ! simone : thank god you 're here . kenny : so why ca n't you stay out of jail ? woman : i knew she was n't no virgin . simone : please , kenny , be nice . kenny : ok , so you said you did n't have any priors for soliciting ? simone : no , i do n't , and i was n't , ok ? this cop just totally misinterpreted my intentions . woman : she was offering him a freebie . simone : ugh . do you mind ? please quit joking around and get me out of here . look , this is a private conversation . woman : i just wanted a better look . you 're one of the scrawniest pimps i ever did see . what cut of your hard - earned cash you handing over to this boy ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : voice mail again ? kendall : i 'll kill her . greenlee : she had one mission today -- get our dresses , bring them here . kendall : yeah , so we could get ourselves psyched - up for tonight . greenlee : so we can get ready together , and simone screwed up . well , if she does n't follow through for us , i will personally tweeze simone baldheaded . [ scene_break ] laurie : thank you . carlos : gracias . laurie : de rien . sorry . i take french . joni : do you know how old that guy is ? laurie : look , i am not after carlos or jamie , ok ? joni : of course you bring jamie into this . laurie : if jamie is looking around , why do n't you take a good look at yourself and figure out why . joni : to think i used to consider you my best friend . laurie : i guess we both made that mistake . [ scene_break ] kendall : so , no word from the mysterious e - mailer ? greenlee : no . not that i expected it . kendall : mm - hmm . i think the flowers and the valentine were a big buildup . greenlee : what , to a big letdown ? kendall : no , to a personal appearance to our party tonight . greenlee : you 're crazy . kendall : no , no , no , no , i think it 's true . you just wait , you just wait . he will sway in here and reveal his identity . greenlee : well , if he does , i hope i � m not wearing this . kendall : do you think it 's a ploy ? we 'll be stuck wearing whatever , and simone will waltz in wearing the gown of death ? greenlee : death is right . we 'll bury her in it . carlos : i 'll get the chairs . [ scene_break ] reggie : all right , go ahead . look , man , what are you doing here ? i told you i � m going to meet you down at b.j . � s later . luis : i 'm saving you the trip . give me the key . reggie : man , you ca n't do it now . luis : give me the key to trey kenyon 's crib . and if you tip anybody or try to play hero , i got something for you , and i got a little more for your hot doc at the clinic . reggie : do n't touch janelle . luis : not if i get what i want . luis : all right , man . hot doc 's all yours . [ scene_break ] erica : am i the only one in here who is n't on something ? i mean , because neither one of you is making any sense . chris : erica , do n't insult my intelligence . i know a cover - up when i see one , so do n't -- do n't play me . erica : chris , i would never do that . chris : you know , the sad part about this is i 'm past caring . you two share some special thing and , you know , it 's your own language . so why do n't you just go for it ? erica : chris , what are you saying ? chris : no , no , i mean it . i mean it . now , come on , you two guys have shared things in the past that i just ca n't compete with . i 'm not going to waste my time trying . erica : no , chris , please do n't do this . chris : me ? do n't turn this on me . you turned into a complete stranger a couple of days ago . so , you know , go live it up , kids . go out , have dinner , talk trust fund -- whatever that 's the secret code for . at least you were n't putting it out there for some jet - setting mogul . erica : `` putting it out there `` ? chris : yes . mind games , playing games , flirting , making men want you to want your cosmetics -- erica : what are you talking about ? that is so unfair . chris : no , that 's the truth . it 's the truth , erica . here 's the bottom line , sweetheart , jackson � s the only man i trust you with , and that 's only because i trust him . sorry you had to hear this . i 'm fed up . erica : how dare you . how dare you . [ scene_break ] david : well , you should know that the blood test i ran proved that the serum did not make you sick . you really did have the flu . maria : yeah , you know what , david ? i really do n't care . i do n't care because i � m going to just put all that behind me . david : i hope you mean that , maureen . i need you and aidan to keep quiet about all this . anna can not know about the serum or what edmund did to you . maria : you mean , she does n't know ? david : no , she does n't and she ca n't , at least not until the baby is born . and anything upsetting could cause her to go into premature labor . we can still lose this baby . maria : how long does she have to carry the baby ? david : technically , we 're within the safe range . but because of the heart complications , going to term would give our baby a big advantage . so can you keep quiet that long ? for anna � s sake and the safety of our baby ? [ scene_break ] anna : so you and maureen came through this even stronger than before , huh ? aidan : i do n't know how she feels about me . anna : oh , sure you do . could you let yourself smile ? aidan : why ? anna : go on , just do it for your auntie . go on . there is no woman on earth that could resist that . i 'm so glad you 're safe and that my baby 's safe . you know what could make this perfect ? aidan : what ? anna : if you and david could get along . aidan : right . anna : no , no , listen . he performed an extraordinary operation and gave this child a chance at life . come on . he 's not perfect . neither are you . or me , for that matter . can you give him a break for me ? aidan : i can � t . i ca n't forget what he did to maureen before we left town . anna : what are you talking about ? ca n't you let that go ? i mean , yes , i know david made wrong choices back then , but we did n't know him . and who knows what his motivations were all those years ago ? aidan : maureen 's been hiding for five years because of david . anna : well , did you ever consider that if none of that had happened , you would never have met her ? i mean , it 's worth thinking about . aidan : i have . i have thought about it . but since she 's been back -- anna : i love him , all right ? i ca n't help it . i love david , and i just wish everyone would put what happened in the past where it belongs . and ca n't you do that for me ? [ scene_break ] maria : yeah , i 'll -- i 'll keep quiet . i wo n't tell anna . but i ca n't speak for aidan . he 's furious at you . david : oh , no . aidan : for every -- david : anna ! [ scene_break ] adam : our first date -- in the theater , directed by liza -- was an unmitigated disaster . then i let myself be tied up . lysistrata : was the date disastrous because you had a shouting match with your son ? adam : no , no , that was just the end result . it was a disaster because we were in a rotten movie in a rotten movie house with inedible popcorn . lysistrata : brings back great memories . why are we so much easier to please , so much more alive when we 're younger ? adam : maybe because you 're ignorant . lysistrata : do n't you ever miss that ignorance ? oh , for the days when we do n't know who we 'll grow up to be , when we just exist and experience and enjoy . adam : obviously , your childhood bore no resemblance to mine . i knew exactly who i would be when i grew up and what it would take to get there . lysistrata : and what did it take ? adam : work . relentless hard work . i could n't even consider , dream of going to college . lysistrata : you took control . adam : yes , you 're damn right . i did n't have the time or the money to sit in bad theaters eating bad popcorn . lysistrata : you know , it can happen if you let go of that control . adam : my father was dead -- yes , i know what can happen if you lose control . lysistrata : even if the person in control is the woman you love ? adam : i let her tie my hands , did n't i ? liza : did you like it ? adam : well , i -- i just -- sweetheart , i 'm not comfortable . liza : right , losing control . adam : is that the reason it was the best sex we 've ever had ? you had me trussed up like a chicken because you had control ? liza : for a change . adam : well , i never -- that never occurred to me . [ gong rings ] lysistrata : breakthrough . [ scene_break ] jack : me ? what about you ? erica : you are not going to steamroll over my life . i wo n't let you . and this stupid , childish game of yours -- that stops right now . baiting chris like that and taunting me -- that is cruel . that is unforgivable . jack : and you think this was fun for me , erica ? you think i enjoy hearing from chris that i 'm the one man he thinks he can trust ? erica : oh , well , i did n't hear you setting him straight . why did n't you tell him ? why did n't you tell him how you are blackmailing me into going out with you , that you are just hell - bent on not forgetting what went on between us ? jack : i 'm not going to forget what went on between us because it was not some mindless , emotionless quickie , and you know it . erica : you are so set on giving it some big deep meaning . well , i won � t . i wo n't let one little mistake ruin my future with chris . jack : so tell him the truth . go ahead , put that out there . see what he does . erica : oh , yeah , you 'd like that , would n't you ? jack : i remember what it was like for us in the past , and i know that it can be even better now , and i intend to prove that to you , erica . erica : how ? how are you going to do that ? and with whom ? that would take two of us , and i 'm not going along with your dementia . jack : so you do n't care about me ? you do n't love me ? erica : i hate you ! jack : you know , i get why you 're lying to chris , and i think i even understand why you 're lying to me , but for god � s sake , woman , be honest with yourself . erica : oh -- ok . after all we 've been to each other -- yes , yes , i love you . yes , i love you , but not the way you want . i mean , making love with you -- that was the biggest mistake of my life . jack : i want you to tell me you are sure about that . erica : i 'm sure . [ scene_break ] kenny : i 'm a lawyer , not a pimp . woman : there 's a difference ? simone : who knew hooker standup was a popular form of entertainment ? woman : you think i 'm good on my feet , you ought to catch me off them . kenny : do you mind if i talk to my client ? simone : yeah . woman : all right . simone : ok , kenny , you have to call fusion . you have to tell greenlee to use the spare car keys that are in the desk . my car is parked at the corner of front and elm , and the dresses are in the garment bags in my trunk . kenny : ok , well , i 'll call after i talk to the assistant d.a . about your bail . simone : ok , well , you know , the cop that brought me in here -- woman : sean lyman . simone : yes , thank you so much . yes , officer lyman -- he totally thought i was trying to pick him up . woman : sounded like you were . kenny : did you ? simone : well , i guess , but i was really -- i was just trying to be friendly . woman : girleen was just flirting . please . if they locked up women for that , half the planet would be doing time . kenny : well , we 'll get to the charges tomorrow . tonight , let 's just -- simone : you 're going to get me out of here ? woman : ah , and if you 're into pro bono good deeds , the rest of us have places we 'd rather be , too . second woman : mm - hmm . simone : yeah , do what you can , please ? kenny : ok , all right . ladies . woman : adios . second woman : whoo ! third woman : and he did n't even add `` of the evening . `` simone : ok . now that we 're alone , be honest -- does this dress really make me look like a prostitute ? woman : card - carrying and dues - paying . simone : i do not . woman : baby , we come in all shapes , sizes , colors , and classes . cherry : mm - hmm . simone : my god , my father is going to kill me if ever finds out about this . woman : your arrest was a mistake . send your old man to me . i 'll set him straight . second woman : rosemary 's real good at straightening men out . simone : i bet . rosemary : us working girls got to stick together . simone : ok , so you want to lighten up on the liner up on top and down below . that will soften the eyes , ok ? no more hard liner . you want to make the face more inviting . rosemary : girl , the only way lola could look more inviting is if she got `` welcome `` tattooed on her . simone : ok , ok , we can all use our imaginations . rosemary : you got to remember , in our line of work , our makeup and the way we dress -- that 's our advertising . cherry : yeah . simone : ok , ok , but you can still gain attention with still keeping the truth of who you are inside . woman : i do n't think so . uh - uh . simone : oh , no , i 'm sure you can . oh , gosh , i wish i had my notebooks because i have got pictures of before and after , things that we 've done test marketing . oh , kenny ! kenny ! women : whoo ! kenny : ok , i can get you out . simone : oh , thank you , thank you , thank you . kenny : and after the assistant d.a . talks to you , i 'm pretty sure they 're going to drop the charges . simone : well , of course . i told you , it was all a mistake , so get them to unlock the door . kenny : there 's a string attached to your release . simone : wait , i have got a big fusion party tonight , kenny . i do not have time to be strangling in strings . the dresses -- did you call greenlee ? kenny : no , not yet . woman : hop to it , sweetie . rosemary : yes , simone � s got a business to run . kenny : ok , well , i 'll call and be right back . simone : ok . oh , wait , wait -- what 's the string that you mentioned ? kenny : you 're being released to my custody . simone : oh . ok . rosemary : hmm , i should be so lucky . simone : so , you know , you 'll just escort me to the party -- you know , our second date . what 's the big deal ? kenny : well , i just have to make sure that you 're in court tomorrow . simone : so , what , we have to be joined at the hip ? like we 're going to spend the night together ? rosemary : that 's a sentence i would n't mind getting . women : whoo ! woman : bye , kenny ! simone : kenny ! like i � m going to miss my court appearance . please . rosemary : after a night with kenny boy , you might oversleep . [ scene_break ] mia : well , what do you expect me to do about it ? kendall : she 's your friend . mia : what ? greenlee : you know what , if we ca n't trust simone with one simple errand , how can we work together ? mia : maybe she got into an accident or something . greenlee : i called the hospital . mia : or maybe she 's got a flat tire or something . greenlee : you know what , i do n't need this angst on the night of our big launch . mia : it 's not like we do n't have other clothes that we can wear . kendall : no , no , not like these . greenlee : these are n't just dresses . they 're symbols . mia : they are ? greenlee : they show our unity , our style , what we 've joined together to accomplish . mia : i did n't know . kendall : it 's all right , it 's ok . or it will be when simone gets her butt in gear . [ scene_break ] carlos : que paso , hermano ? reggie : thanks . carlos : hey , que paso ? i saw you with your friend . are you ok ? reggie : you did n't see anything , all right ? [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] greenlee : simone is where ? for what ? [ scene_break ] anna : what is wrong with you ? david : oh , i 'm sorry . i know that was loud , was n't it ? anna : it was very loud . david : yeah , i 'm sorry about that . i know . i 'm just like a bundle of nerves these days . anna : yeah . david : the baby 's not even born yet , and i 'm already an overbearing parent . anna : mm - hmm . david : so how are my girls doing ? you ok ? anna : we 're fine . we 're totally fine . hi , maureen . could you guys give us a moment alone , just -- could you ? david : you and maureen ? anna : yes , fine . david : yeah . oh , yeah , that 's great . anna : get out , please . david : just take it easy , ok ? anna : i 'm not going anywhere . anna : hi . maria : hi . anna : i know . i 'm huge . you must be exhausted and happy , right ? maria : yes , happy . very happy to be alive , and i 'm very happy that the charges were dropped against aidan , yeah . anna : he told me that things are even stronger between you two since you came back to pine valley . maria : yes . i 'm grateful for that , also . anna : good . what about edmund ? maria : well , edmund � s not going to be a part of my future , except for with the kids and all , so -- anna : well , that 's a lot . maria : he made his feelings very clear , so -- you ok ? anna ? anna , what 's wrong ? david : we are not out of the woods yet . anna needs to remain calm . aidan : ok , so ? david : so you can not tell anna that edmund gave maureen my serum . there 's just too much at risk right now . maria : david , it 's anna . come , hurry up . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ha ! not a penny . if simone were on fire , i would n't pour my bottled water on her to put her out . mia : is she all right ? kendall : what happened ? greenlee : simone 's in the slammer again . mia : what are the charges ? kendall : oh , now what ? greenlee : ms . hot - to - trot solicited a cop . mia : oh , no way . kendall : a cop ? greenlee : yeah . thought he was cute , asked if he was busy tonight , got nabbed in a hooker roundup . kendall : oh , great . what , does this mean we have to scrounge for new outfits now ? greenlee : nope . simone 's spare car keys will retrieve our dresses from her trunk . mia : but what about simone ? greenlee : if she 's smart , she 'll stay in jail tonight where i ca n't get at her . come on . kendall : ok . simone : ok , now remember , it 's all about supply and demand , product and merchandising . [ scene_break ] rosemary : i told my man we should offer early bird specials , but randy -- ugh , he 's got no smarts . woman : speaking of smarts -- second woman : oh , and cutes -- women : whoo ! simone : ok , did you get them ? how is greenlee ? how 'd she take it ? kenny : great . everything 's cool . simone : oh , fabulous . am i sprung ? kenny : yeah , officer lyman 's on his way to release you . rosemary : and did you do anything for the rest of us poor wage slaves ? simone : oh , yes -- kenny : uh , yeah . you ladies should be out of here in about an hour , but -- [ women cheer ] kenny : as for your charges being dropped -- rosemary : oh , with our rap sheets ? fat chance . simone : oh , are you sure ? rosemary : do n't worry . it 's all part of the game . woman : are you going to have all three of us tonight just like simone de boudoir ? second woman : what a nonslumber party that 'd be . kenny : no , sorry , sorry . you 're not being released to my custody . woman : oh , there ai n't no justice . kenny : simone de boudoir ? simone : that was just like a sorority nickname . kenny : yeah , courtesy of -- rosemary : us . i 'm rosemary chicken . that 's minnie skirt , lola getz , diamond , and ms. cherry punch . sean : all right , looks like you girls got lucky . simone : oh , yes ! [ women cheer ] rosemary : even better , we got kenny . simone : oh , gosh , you 've got to change . kenny : what 's wrong with this ? simone : well , i mean , it 's fine for doing a mixer at the grange hall , but you got to look cool , kenny . so let 's go to your place , let me transform you , and then it 's off to the fusion party where we 're going to get glamour and a lot of heat . ladies , oh , it was so great . thank you so much . i 'll see you later . women : bye ! bye ! cherry : bye , kenny . lola : bye ! rosemary : she 'll see us sooner than she thinks . diamond : what do you got in mind ? rosemary : we 're going to celebrate our release tonight at a very cool , high- tone party with our new friends . [ scene_break ] adam : i refused to escort you to the fusion party . any chance i could change my mind ? liza : sure . adam : ok . you deserve a choice of a date , one that i ca n't ruin , one that you can tell me what to wear , if that 'll make you happy . lysistrata : a few more sessions like these , and you might not need me anymore . adam : thanks for the incentive . lysistrata : you 're welcome . [ gong rings ] lysistrata : go . party hearty . liza : thank you . lysistrata : bye . see you . adam : bye . lysistrata : and thanks to greenlee , i � ll be right there if you need me . [ scene_break ] jack : i 'll tell you one thing , if this was simply sex , some kind of a pity reflex on your part because my daughter was ill , i think you would have told chris . erica : what makes you think that ? jack : you know , tell him . i think you should tell him the truth . then , if he wants to take a swing at me , let him . erica : he 'd beat you to death . jack : yeah , i still want you to tell him . erica : no . jack : because you know he would see right through you . he would see that you still have feelings for me the way i still have feelings for you . erica : well , you know what ? since you have all the answers , why ask me any questions ? jack : then let me give you a statement . i know that what i � m feeling is not one - sided , and you will never in a million years convince me that you do n't still want me . erica : the only thing i want from you right now is dinner . are you still interested ? jack : sure . [ scene_break ] david : what ? anna : oh , david ! david : can you describe the pain to me ? anna : it 's a contraction . i 'm in labor . [ next_on ] mia : we have a party to get to , girls . kendall : how about we give them an entrance they 'll never forget ? i 'm on top , and nothing is going to spoil my high . mia : the world is waiting . fusion women : let 's party !
party preparations continue at fusion . meanwhile , simone is arrested for solicitation . kendall and greenlee are mad simone is n't back . kendall thinks that greenlee 's mystery man will be at the party . simone calls kenny , and bonds with her cellmates . he calls fusion for simone and gets her released to his custody . kenny gets simone 's cellmates released also , and they decide to make an appearance at the fusion party . chris wants to know what is up with erica because she is acting strangely . jack says he is there to talk about bianca 's trust fund . chris does n't believe it and says they are covering up something and he is past caring . he tells them to go for it , and that jackson is the only one he trusts her with jackson . erica tells jack the game has to stop . he tells her to be honest with herself . what he is feeling is not one- sided . they go to dinner .
kelly : no one is guilty of kidnapping . i handed james over to babe . j.r. : she was lying ! you 're going to rot in jail , and i 'm gon na see to it . kelly : do you love him enough to let him live where he belongs ? kevin : i think that ace should be raised by babe chandler . adam : what is he doing ? j.r. : this ca n't be happening . [ gallery buzzes ] babe : oh , my god . judge : are you sure this is what you want , mr. buchanan ? kevin : more so now than ever , your honor . due to my ex - wife , kelly 's , sworn statement , the kidnapping charges and all other charges related to ace have been dropped against babe , jamie , and tad martin . [ gallery buzzes ] [ scene_break ] edmund : try lying your way out of this one . ethan : hmm . just the man i 'm looking for . [ scene_break ] simone : this display needs to be bigger . danielle : ok . ok . simone : well , it 's about time . spill . how did everything go at the custody hearing ? kendall : nothing but good news , and babe deserves everything she gets . [ scene_break ] kevin : now that the kidnapping charges have been dropped , i 'd like to go on record and recommend that full custody be given to babe chandler . j.r. : this is a mockery . he ca n't do that ! ms. pace : objection , your honor . the fickle lieutenant governor can keep his ever - changing opinions to himself . judge : be seated . continue , mr. buchanan . kevin : my ex - wife and i have -- have loved this child since the day he came into our lives , and we always wanted to do what was best for him . and today that means giving him back . it is my sincere wish , your honor , that this child be returned to his birth mother . and whatever mistakes babe chandler has made -- and she 's made a lot -- her love for her son is unimpeachable . thank you . judge : the withdrawal of your claim has been noted , as has your recommendation . ms. pace : your honor -- judge : i know . you object . this court will take a short recess . counsel , in my chambers . babe : thank you . j.r. : what did she do ? how did babe convince you to take her side ? adam : no , no , do n't tell me . her usual between - the - sheets bargaining chip ? kevin : you know , i 've seen babe do some insane things to be near her son , and i fought them as hard as you . i did . but when they 're together , the picture 's complete . growing up with babe is the best thing to happen for ace . adam : no , the best thing for adam iii , and everyone else on this planet , is for babe to spend a couple of decades behind bars . j.r. : do n't worry , dad . the charges for her holding on to miranda are still around her neck . she will not beat them . she will not get custody . kevin : well , she will if i have anything to say about it . and if she needs me to testify on her behalf , i 'll be right up there . j.r. : joke . adam : come on . babe : hey . you did it again . first you get the kidnapping charges dropped , and then you -- you got through to kevin , did n't you ? kelly : i ca n't take credit . babe : i totally saw you talking to him on the break . and i do love you to pieces , but you realize that adam and j.r. really want your blood now . kelly : i told you , i 'm ready to do whatever it takes for our boy . that 's all that matters . babe : i 'll never be able to thank you . kelly : just win , ok ? you have the fight of your life in front of you with the chandlers , but if anybody can beat them , you can . babe : kevin -- mr . lieutenant governor -- i did n't expect -- i mean , what you said , and -- thank you , from the bottom of my heart . may i ? kevin : excuse me ? babe : oh , god . kevin : oh -- babe , it 's ok . you do n't have to thank me . [ scene_break ] brooke : thank god . i mean , it 's -- everything 's ok , right ? i mean , it 's going to be ok ? the charges have been dropped ? tad : they have to be , especially if the judge thinks that the kids had kelly 's permission for -- do n't . i do n't want you to say another word . jamie : there are still charges against babe about miranda . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i would n't go ordering your nachos for your victory party just yet . babe : funny . j.r. : give it up , babe . there 's not a chance in hell you 'll ever get custody of our son . babe : judge 's decision , not yours . j.r. : kind of cocky , are n't you , considering you and all your parental units still got to go to jail for keeping miranda away from bianca . no magic wand 's going to make that go away , sweetheart . [ scene_break ] greenlee : thanks for opening your big mouth in front of jackson . kendall : i 'm sorry , i never -- greenlee : the last thing i need -- ryan needs is for jack to join the torch- and - pitchfork crowd circling jonathan . kendall : i 'm sorry , i was trying to help . go rag on someone else . i 've got enough on my mind . greenlee : where to go for happy hour ? kendall : bianca 's leaving . she 's going to paris to head the cambias headquarters in europe . danielle : bianca in paris ? ooh - la - la . simone : the city of lights and gorgeous men . greenlee : is it because of what happened on her birthday ? kendall : what happened on her birthday ? greenlee : well , you already know -- she bailed on her surprise party , and now she 's relocating across the atlantic ? it 's just weird , that 's all . danielle : yo , kendall ? dibs on being the corporate liaison with bianca . simone : hey , seniority rules , girl , ok ? i can s'il vous plait with the best of them . i can teach you a few things , too . [ scene_break ] maria : stop , stop , stop . stop . zach : you 're going back to him , are n't you ? again ? how long can we keep this up ? what -- what are we doing to each other ? maria : i -- i ca n't -- i have been trying to stay away from you , and i obviously ca n't do that because here i am , again . zach : the way we feel about each other , the way we always end up in the same place , and i guess that has to stop . maria : yes , that has to stop . it has to stop . it has to stop right now . it has to stop . i keep saying that . i know i keep saying that . but this ends right now . [ scene_break ] krystal : bianca ? bianca : what do you want ? no , actually , you know what ? forget it . i already know what you want . krystal : it 's not too late . you can change your mind and the da will still take my deal . you just say the word , you can send me to jail for a whole lot of years . i 'll take the maximum sentence and then some , if that 's what you want . just please . just give babe a chance to have a life with her son . you do that , and i swear i will owe you my life . i 'm -- i 'm begging you , please . babe : mama , please , please , just leave her alone , ok ? i 'm sorry . hey . it 's ok . krystal : i had to try . babe : and we already heard bianca 's answer loud and clear . hey , let 's not make this worse for her . david : what is bianca doing here ? krystal : she did n't come to have her mind changed , that 's for sure . david : why do n't i give it a shot . babe : no , please . please forget it . we have done more than enough to her . and if she has enough hate in her heart to last her 12 lifetimes , i would n't blame her . you do n't have to try so hard . you do n't need to be trying to make up for missing my wonder years . and even if you did , you have more than enough done that . look , you did n't even know about me , and the second that you found out , you have been the daddy that i have always dreamed of . so it 's ok . i love you . david : i love you , too , darling . [ scene_break ] j.r. : bianca ? bianca : oh , this room is way too small . j.r. : no , no , wait . please . bianca : what do you want ? j.r. : i was wondering why you were here . i mean , have n't you had more than enough of us ? bianca : i know exactly what you were wondering , j.r. you want to know if i 'm going to screw it up for you . well , i might just do what krystal 's asking me . i might just let babe off the hook . j.r. : look , i know that you hate me . so what ? so you 're going to forget about your rage against babe and try to stick it to me ? will it make you feel better if i lose custody of my son ? bianca : you 're scared to death i 'm going to do it . j.r. : i love my son . i love him . i know that i can give him the best life that he needs , but if you side with babe , she 's going to come through this the winner . bianca : wow . is this poetic justice , or what ? i get to decide which of you gets that child . well , you know what ? i guess that 's only fair , considering what babe did to me and what you did . j.r. : i 'm a jerk . i probably deserve to be slapped down . but there 's no way you can let babe get away and go unpunished for what she did to us . that means she gets away with everything -- lying , keeping miranda from you , kidnapping my son . bianca : you 're not exactly one to throw stones when it comes to running off with babies . j.r. : do n't kid yourself , ok , bianca ? babe did not kidnap that child as some noble effort to keep him from the chandlers or the buchanans . no , she hit the road because she knew it was the only way to keep herself out of prison for what she did to you . bianca : i 'm not going to defend babe for anything , but she did have her reasons . j.r. : she still is not fighting for her child . she 's using him again to get herself off the hook , to get you to drop the charges . and as a bonus , she 's going to be taking my son away from me . no , this is not about her loving her son . it 's about her hate for me . bianca : you are the expert on hate , after all . j.r. : will you just level with me for a second ? are you honestly considering forgiving babe ? you have to punish her . i know that you want to . kelly let her off the hook for taking my baby . now , if you do the same , babe 's not going to serve any time . she 's not even going to serve a single day . she 's going to get to go back to her happy life . now , can you deal with that ? bianca : my coming here was a mistake . j.r. : no , i mean -- bianca : excuse me . jamie : bianca , stop . [ scene_break ] reggie : what 's up , slick ? i heard some charges were dropped today . jamie : yeah , it 's my lucky day . reggie : yeah , some kind of luck . i ca n't believe they 're going to let you skate . jamie : hey , let me try to help you understand this -- reggie : what 's to understand ? you kept miranda away from bianca , you stole another kid , and now you walk like nothing happened . jamie : ok , maybe what i did was wrong -- reggie : `` maybe `` ? you remember when we tried to figure out why babe went back to j.r. ? maggie , dani , and me -- we busted our butts to help you , and then all of a sudden , you just blow us off . that 's because you knew . jamie , that was cold . you could 've been straight up with us , you could 've given bianca her kid back , but instead you chose to lie . bianca almost died because you wanted to keep that skank 's secret . you know what ? i hope it was worth it . jamie : i love babe , and i 'm sorry for the way things went down , but it had to be done . reggie : you know , i 'm glad babe has you , because there 's no way in hell she 's going to get to keep her baby . after what she did to bianca , she deserves to lose her kid , and a whole lot more . [ scene_break ] bianca : if you came here to try to change my mind , you can go right now . i already told you the decision has been made . tad : no . i made my play , you said no . that 's the end of the story . i 'm just concerned about you . you got to admit this stinks . whoever thought we 'd end up like this ? bianca : so you understand that i 'm still angry , that i ca n't just let it go ? j.r. was right . he hit the nail right on the head . i do want revenge . i want babe to suffer . i want her to cry , i want her to hurt , i want her to wonder if there 's a god , like i did . it 's horrible . but i do n't think i 'm ever going to get over feeling this way . tad : nobody said you had to . bianca : it does n't make it right . tad : `` right `` ? `` right `` got lost in the mix so long ago , it 's ridiculous . so many people did so many things , told so many lies , all in the name of doing what 's right , and everybody got shredded , nobody more so than you . bianca : i lied , too . i could 've told j.r. that his son is alive . the fact that i let him believe that his son was dead for even a minute is completely unforgivable . tad : bianca , come on . you made a choice -- to help and protect an innocent baby boy . now , does j.r. resent you for that ? probably . but i made my choice . now , do you hate me for all the lies that i told ? because if you do n't , you should . i 'm sorry , kiddo . there 's no easy answer for this , no quick fix . the only happy ending is staring us right in the face . bianca : am i wrong ? am i completely vindictive if i let j.r. get that baby and i send babe to prison ? tad : the things that babe did were wrong . if she does end up going to prison , the responsibility is hers , not yours . bianca : yes , but i can stop it . i could take krystal 's deal . tad : just because you can does n't mean you should . bianca : will it make the anger go away ? will it make me feel better , knowing that babe lost her child the way i thought i lost mine ? tad : no . but it would be a karmic kick in the teeth -- an eye for an eye , one baby for another ? bianca : my mom went off on how she was going to stick it to babe , krystal , and david , and i gave her this whole lecture on the evils of revenge , and here i am , and i 'm doing the exact same thing . but then there 's another part of me that wants babe to have what we dreamed about -- her son playing next to her . tad : if there 's a blessing in any of this , it 's that the decision is yours . because of all the people involved , you 're the only one who 's concerned about justice . so at the end of the day , you make the decision that allows you to wake up the next morning knowing you made the best choice you could . bianca : the best choice for whom ? tad : yourself . no one else . whatever decision you make , you remember one thing -- the people who love you , all of us , are rock solid behind you . bianca : you know , i 'm -- i 'm moving to paris . i 'm going to head up cambias industries ' european headquarters . tad : i know . what , you do n't think people talk ? yeah , well , if anybody deserves a happily - ever - after , it 's you , and that beautiful baby girl . you know , i 've said it before . i think i 'll say it one last time while i have the chance . you 're a rare person . i 'm going to miss you . [ scene_break ] zach : what 's wrong with this door ? maria : you really did n't do this , did you ? maria : well , i deserve this . because the truth is i came over here because i wanted to see you . i wanted to be with you . i wanted to feel you and -- why -- could you leave or something , please ? zach : the door is -- maria : yeah , not the door , out of the place , out to vegas , away , away somewhere that i ca n't find you and -- because i ca n't do this . i ca n't keep doing this , zach . zach : i tried to leave , a couple of times , but i could n't . maria : ethan ? zach : yeah . i do n't know what to do . the only option i have scares the hell out of me . [ scene_break ] ethan : you 've been asking a lot of people a lot of questions about my father . edmund : you 're not on the list . ethan : do n't you want to hear what i have to say ? edmund : if you 're going to defend slater to me , tell me what a great guy your dad is , i 'm not interested . ethan : defend him ? i want to destroy him . [ scene_break ] judge : in light of the lieutenant governor 's withdrawal of petition for custody , i 'm willing to hear the remaining testimony of the two parties . ms. pace : your honor , i would like to recall a previous witness , mr. tad martin . judge : mr. martin ? j.r. : you 're my witness now . ms. pace : mr. martin , you testified earlier that you did n't tell mr. chandler his son was alive because his behavior led you to believe he would n't be a good father , correct ? tad : yes . ms. pace : the fact that your son jamie martin was in an intimate relationship with babe chandler before and after the child was born did n't prejudice you in any way against my client ? tad : no , they did n't have an affair until after she was separated from j.r . ms. pace : answer the question , please . tad : no . whatever exists or existed between jamie and babe has nothing to do with my feelings for j.r . i raised him . i love him . i always will . ms. pace : but not enough to tell him his son was n't dead . do you think your real son would be a better father than mr. chandler ? tad : counselor , as far as i 'm concerned , they 're both my sons , no qualifications . ms. pace : but your biological son did have a sexual liaison with babe chandler her first night in town . tad : neither of them knew the other had any connection to j.r . ms. pace : but when jamie learned of the fact , he admitted to you that he had slept with his stepbrother 's wife , did n't he ? tad : he did . ms. pace : and when did you tell mr. chandler ? tad : i did n't . ms. pace : sometime later , you learned that mr. chandler 's marriage was a fraud , that babe chandler had committed bigamy , correct ? tad : yes . ms. pace : and when did you tell my client that his marriage was a fraud ? tad : they were planning a second ceremony . i did n't see the point of hurting j.r . ms. pace : answer the question . tad : i am answering the question . i did n't see the point of making things harder on j.r. , especially over a crazy lapse in judgment . ms. pace : a chronic problem for babe chandler . mr. lasko : objection . judge : counselor , no color commentary . ms. pace : now , when did you learn the chandler baby , then known as bess , was actually miranda montgomery ? tad : beginning of november , the fourth , i think . ms. pace : and when did you tell your `` son `` j.r. , and bianca montgomery , the baby 's mother , the truth about the mix - up ? tad : i never did . [ scene_break ] maria : the last time you tried to help out ethan , you shot up ryan and greenlee 's car , so i 'm just wondering what you 're thinking you might do . zach : i 'm going to stake my claim on the cambias empire . maria : you 're kidding . zach : no . i 'm going to go to court and overturn my father 's will . maria : have you thought this through ? zach : yes , i have . and miranda and bianca -- they 're going to be just fine . maria : no , i 'm not thinking about them , i 'm thinking about you . zach : hey -- i 'm alex cambias , jr. , heir to the cambias fortune since the day i was born . my father 's will was based on the fact that i was dead . well , i 'm not dead , i 'm here , very much alive , and cambias is mine . maria : you erased yourself from the planet to escape that . this would -- this would be hell for you . zach : he 's my son . [ scene_break ] ethan : someone , somewhere knows something that 'll take slater down . edmund : i had that someone . he disappeared . ethan : then find someone else . edmund : not so easy . your father 's pretty insulated . no one 's willing to talk . ethan : you just need the right incentive , and i have about a billion incentives . [ scene_break ] simone : ethan wanted to take you to paris for valentine 's day ? kendall : yes . danielle : on his private love jet ? simone : oh ! danielle : are you crazy ? kendall : well , someone had to be sensible . simone : i have n't even seen the back seat of a car . tell me everything . greenlee : would you muzzle it ? company time is for work , not sucking up kendall 's sexual escapades . you want to share , rent a billboard . everyone , back to work . [ scene_break ] jamie 's voice : i 'm asking you for help because james is too young to do it for himself . he needs his mother just as much as miranda needs you . i mean , please , bianca , help me give him that . help me fight for our baby the way you fought for yours . myrtle 's voice : why do n't you just follow your gut ? [ bianca laughs ] myrtle 's voice : i mean , let 's face it , let 's face it , you are a kane , and you 've got the kane survival stuff in the old dna . you know what you have to do ? make yourself happy , and you 'll make miranda happy . tad 's voice : miranda 's finally back where she belongs . we just want to be able to do the same thing for baby james . kendall 's voice : what kind of a break does she deserve ? do n't do it , binks , do n't do it . not now , not ever . give babe a chance to have a life with her son . j.r. 's voice : you 're my best shot at getting my son back . bianca 's voice : i wo n't be the club that you use to beat babe . babe 's voice : you have joy . joy that you can hold in your arms and hug on to for dear life . do n't let anyone mess that up for you . especially not me . bianca : miranda ? my baby ? you kept her from me ? babe : yes . i kept her from you . [ scene_break ] ms. pace : you saw mr. chandler in florida , did n't you ? tad : i did . ms. pace : and were you aware that his brother and his ex - wife were planning to keep his child from him forever ? tad : yes . ms. pace : and you were fine with that ? tad : no . ms. pace : but you did nothing to stop it . now , while you were busy lying to j.r. , did you assist your other son and ms. chandler in their kidnapping plot ? tad : i gave them money . ms. pace : but you love your sons equally ? tad : yes . ms. pace : one last question , mr. martin . are you now or have you ever been in an intimate relationship with babe chandler 's mother , krystal carey ? tad : i was . ms. pace : and yet you maintain you have no prejudice against your stepson ? that 's all , mr. martin . j.r. : way to play one for the winning team . judge : counsel , approach the bench . do either of you have any further witnesses to call ? bianca : i have something to say , your honor . [ scene_break ] zach : if i 'd known about ethan , there would n't have been a zach slater . so , meet alex cambias , back from the dead , ready to take the crown . maria : even if you have to take it out of ethan 's hands ? zach : whatever it takes . maria : i 'm just saying , do you have to go that far ? there 's no reasoning with him ? all right . no -- ok , i do n't believe that there is , either , but must be pretty seductive to sit on that kind of fortune . zach : it 's not the money . it 's the power , and it 's what corrupts you , and i 'm not going to let that happen to my son . he 's already turned into my father , an old son of a bitch . maria : and what will it do to you ? zach : i 'm already a son of a bitch . and if anyone has to go down , it 's got to be me , not my son . maria : i 'm really sorry . [ scene_break ] ethan : zach slater is a stain on all of us -- you , me , kendall , ryan , greenlee . he 's lied to us , he 's used us , he 's threatened us . and i want him stopped and i want him gone . [ scene_break ] kendall : all right , you 're sitting on something . what is it ? fine , greenlee . i 'm sorry , ok ? i lit a match , i set everyone off -- jack and ryan , you and erica -- but i never meant for jackson to hear me slam on jonathan . greenlee : just forget it . kendall : did something happen afterwards ? is it jonathan ? did he get to you ? did he try to pull something else ? greenlee : ryan moved out to take care of his brother . [ scene_break ] judge : given that ms. montgomery is the victim of the criminal charges against ms. chandler and pivotal to all the testimony , i will allow her to address the court . mr. lasko : objection , your honor ! judge : is there a problem , mr. lasko ? babe : no ! everything 's ok . mr. lasko : you heard my client . there 's no problem . judge : ms. pace , while we 're at it , any objections ? ms. pace : absolutely not , your honor . judge : proceed , ms. montgomery . bianca : thank you . your honor , since the criminal charges against babe chandler will weigh in your decision , i felt compelled to speak . babe , her mother , krystal carey , and her father , david hayward , are all charged with failure to return a child , my child . recently , krystal attempted to arrange a plea bargain agreement with the da . under her terms , she would serve the maximum sentence , and babe and david would serve probation and community service . the plea bargain deal would only go into effect if i approve it , and i refused . but , your honor , i would like to change my mind . i would like to approve the details of the plea bargain agreement . j.r. : what ? [ gallery buzzes ] judge : continue , ms. montgomery . bianca : so , your honor , now babe chandler will be able to raise her son -- if you grant her custody -- and that makes me very angry . because after all the misery she caused , the last thing she deserves is a happy ending . it 's taken me a long time to get to this place . i finally got my happy ending . but i lost a lot to get it . as i look around this room at the faces of the people that i loved , i remember how they kept my child from me for months . i do n't know how i can ever forgive that . maybe i never will . but i also remember two young women , both pregnant at the same time . for me , it was a chance to turn tragedy into hope . we shared a dream of a future together . somebody told me that babe did n't set out to hurt me . she makes horrible mistakes out of love , and i do n't know if i 'm ready to accept that , but i am starting to understand it . babe did n't lie to me because she hated me . she lied because she loved j.r. so much . she could n't bear to take his child from him . that 's babe . everything that she does , right or wrong , it comes straight from the heart , even when it hurts like hell . the same woman who kept my baby from me risked her life and her unborn child 's to save mine , to deliver my baby , and to get us help , and then she did the same thing in florida . babe had her child . she could 've run off and never looked back . she could 've let j.r. raise my daughter . but she risked losing her son , she risked prison to make sure that i was finally reunited with miranda . so many people act out of hate or revenge . it 's easy . it 's human to put yourself first . but not babe . she runs on pure love , world be damned . am i angry ? you better believe i am . do i forgive her ? no . let me just say that again . i do not forgive babe . but do i believe that she 's the best parent to raise her child ? yes , i do . no matter what babe 's done to me , and no matter what i feel about her , no one knows how to love like she does . and that 's why , your honor , i urge this court to grant babe chandler full custody of her child . [ next_on ] babe : thank you for coming to that courtroom and saying what you did . judge : i want to free this child of his would - be parents and place the child in foster care . zach : let 's get you out , back to your sacred marriage .
watching babe 's custody hearing from her television , bianca decides to go to court and accept the plea to enable babe to have full custody of her son . kendall and greenlee are at odds for the fact that ryan moved out of his and greenlee 's home to stay with his brother . maria and zach get it on . edmund fakes his paralysis and runs into ethan , and finds out that ethan does n't think any better of zach than he does .
simone : oh , god , ethan , why ? why did you leave me ? oh , god . [ scene_break ] krystal : simone just lost the love of her life . i will not be the next one to cry . babe is still missing . i am out of here . adam : no , do n't . you heard the doctors . you 've been admitted for observations . they 'll find babe . krystal : you think i 'm going to trust finding my daughter to a bunch of strangers ? look what happened to me ! adam : j.r. -- j.r. 's looking for her . he 'll find her . krystal : i said let me go ! of course , you do n't want me to leave . you could n't care less if they find my daughter or not ! you never liked her to begin with ! you -- you could n't give a damn about her ! adam : maybe i do n't , but i sure as hell care about you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe ! answer me ! where are you ? what are you doing here ? do n't you have people to drug and lives to ruin ? amanda : babe 's still missing ? j.r. : that 's why i 'm here . you know what ? leave me alone . amanda : you do n't think she 's dead , do you ? j.r. : no . no , babe is not dead . [ scene_break ] babe : why did you take my son , mrs. dillon ? janet : i did n't think you would take the time to talk to me without some incentive . babe : how did you take him ? janet : those silly tunnels in the chandler house -- two lefts , a right , a left , two rights -- do n't get sidetracked by the musty bottle of scotch -- and , voilà , there is your little boy 's room . i used to live in that house , you know ? babe : you were n't married to adam . janet : thank heavens . oh , no , dear , you 'd have to be certifiable to do that . my sister , natalie , was -- she even ended up with the place for a while . that was back when trevor thought he was madly in love with her . ugh . then she died , and -- and he found out that i was really the sister that he 'd been in love with all that time . see , god closes a window , and i opened the door . trevor can be so terribly stubborn sometimes , but he always does see things my way in the end . babe : that 's great , mrs. dillon . janet : if we 're going to be spending all this time together , please call me janet . babe : why take my son ? he 's just a little boy . janet : desperate times call for desperate measures , and , wowsers , these are desperate times . [ scene_break ] dixie : di . di : well , are you taking your own life back , dixie ? if not , why are you here ? [ knock on door ] di : oh -- tad . tad : thank god . i was hoping you 'd be home tonight . di : what -- god , you look awful . tad : well , after everything we 've been through , i 'd say `` awful `` fits pretty well . are you ok ? di : yeah , i 'm fine . how are you ? tad : right now , i 'm just happy that you 're home safe and sound . it 's -- look , i 'm sorry . i do n't mean to be -- look , i 'll go away . i 'll -- i 'll come back tomorrow . di : no . tad : you 're probably as exhausted as i am . di : no , no , no . no , tad . come in , please . tad : are you sure you 're all right ? di : uh -- yeah , i 'm fine . i 'm -- i 'm just tired , i guess . tad : well , i wo n't stay very long , you know ? i just did n't want to go home before i saw you . i mean , come on , you disappeared so fast , i did n't have time to check -- di : i know , i wanted to stay , but , honestly , i do n't know how much help i was doing . julia just told me to go home . tad : yeah , well , god knows they 've got enough to deal with . i just got a phone call from the hospital . ethan cambias passed away . di : oh , my god . tad : and he may not be the only one . di : well , who else ? i saw erica loaded in an ambulance . tad : erica is still in surgery . jackson 's in critical condition , and babe is still missing . di : oh , god , i bet j.r. 's going crazy . is he ok ? tad : he 's about as well as can be expected when somebody you love disappears . di : but you 're -- i mean , you 're -- you 're fine . tad : like i said , about as well as can be expected . di : oh . tad : i 'm fine . i 'm fine . i just -- if my life has taught me anything -- i guess tonight just brought back a lot of ghosts , that 's all . di : dixie ? tad : what other ghost is there ? [ scene_break ] janet : it 's going to be quite a while , dear . why do n't we amuse ourselves while we 're waiting . we could play `` i spy `` with things inside the car . babe : is my son ok ? janet : of course your son 's ok . who do you think i am ? all right , now , i 'm going to start , shall i ? i spy with my little eye something that starts with p. oh , amanda just loved this game when she was a little girl . babe : it 's just , my son 's not here , it makes me worried . janet : i took good care of him the last time , did n't i ? hmm ? all right , now , come on , let 's play . you start . babe : so it was you who took him at christmas ? image : nice going , chatty chattersons . way to keep her guessing . janet : i wanted him to be found . that 's why i bundled him up all nice and toasty and warm before i -- i left him outside in that crèche . ok , now , let 's play . come on , come on , you got to guess . you got to guess . come on -- oh , you are really terrible at this game . babe : um -- is it a pair of gloves ? janet : `` gloves `` starts with g , not p for `` pair . `` babe : little adam is n't alone in the cold , is he ? janet : i do n't know why you keep getting these ludicrous ideas that anyone would want to hurt that adorable child of yours , no . now , come on . last try . guess . babe : is it a puppy ? janet : give the girl a rose on the nose . how long did it take you to learn your colors as a little kid ? [ scene_break ] amanda : i do n't want anyone to die . j.r. : it 's a little too late for that , do n't you think ? people did die here ! amanda : how can i help ? j.r. : nobody wants your help . go . i said get out ! [ scene_break ] adam : j.r. will find babe . let the doctors do their tests . krystal : they can do all the tests they want after i find my little girl . adam : you have a concussion . krystal : if you do n't drive me over to that house right now , i 'm just going to take your cell phone , and i 'll call myself a cab . adam : but you 're risking your life . krystal : would n't you do the same thing for your child ? adam : fine , let 's go . [ scene_break ] simone : oh , it 's so unfair ! oh , god ! [ simone cries as ethan is wheeled away under a sheet . ] [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , so everything 's ok with the baby ? doctor : yes . go home and get some rest . ryan : ok . kendall : ok . ryan : let me take you home , all right ? let 's go . kendall : no , i want to see simone , and i want to see zach . reggie : kendall , i 've been looking all over this hospital for you . kendall : oh , reggie . are you ok ? reggie : yes , i 'm fine , all right ? jack 's fine . he messed up his back a little bit , so they 're going to keep him under a while just for the pain . kendall : ok . oh , god , mom -- mom . reggie : erica -- kendall : how 's mom ? reggie : listen , she cracked some ribs . the doctors had to reinflate one of her lungs , but she 's going to pull through just fine . kendall : i want to see her . i want to see her ! reggie : no , you ca n't . you have to wait until she comes out of recovery . kendall : ok , well -- reggie : lily 's fine , too . kendall : ok . that 's good . well , we have to call -- we have to call bianca . we got to make sure we call bianca , ok ? ryan : just try to relax , ok ? i did . i called bianca when you were checked out , and i filled her in about erica and about jack and about ethan , all right ? she wants you -- she wants you to call her when you get a chance , that 's it . reggie : see ? everybody 's fine . everybody is going to be ok , all right ? ryan : reggie , why do n't you stay here and hold the fort down , ok ? i 'm going to make sure kendall gets everything that she needs , ok ? reggie : all right . see , there 's going to be no worries , ok ? i 'll call you if anything changes . you take care of her . ryan : come on . kendall : ok -- no , i ca n't go home , ryan . i ca n't go home when everybody 's here ! ryan : shh . look , erica 's not seeing anybody right now , she 's not taking any visitors . jack -- jack 's out right now . kendall : yeah , but what about simone ? ryan : julia is with simone . you 're not going to do anybody any good if you 're stressed and you 're exhausted , kendall . kendall : no , ryan , there 's -- there 's so many people -- there 's so many people hurt ! i ca n't -- there 's so many people hurt ! i ca n't take this , ryan ! ryan : i know , that 's why i want to try and get you out . kendall : no , i ca n't -- my mother is hurt , jack is hurt , ethan is dead ! ryan , he 's dead ! and i ca n't take this anymore ! ryan : shh , shh , shh . come on . come on , i 'm going to take you home . [ kendall sobs ] ryan : come on , it 's ok . shh . come on . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what are you doing back here ? you did n't find babe ? jamie : i 'm looking for amanda , too . you seen her ? j.r. : yeah . i kicked her skanky little tail out of here . jamie : damn it , i need to talk to her ! j.r. : i 'm looking for babe . i do n't need a walking disaster falling into holes . in fact , i do n't need anybody , so why do n't you leave me alone ? jamie : you think you 're the only person who cares about babe ? j.r. : i 'm the only one who matters -- except for little adam . jamie : i had a life with her , too . i did love her . j.r. : you also shared our son . you guys were fugitives on the run . jamie : we had more than that , and you know it . j.r. : the only reason why babe went to you is because i tossed her aside . but i 've straightened things out since then . jamie : i do n't want to be with babe . it does n't mean i want to see her with you . j.r. : you know , why do n't you go find yourself a nurse who thinks you 're a real doctor already ? jamie : hopefully babe wakes up soon and realizes what a complete mistake you are . [ scene_break ] janet : well , jamie certainly is n't being straight with amanda , and i figured it was babe carey chandler carey 's influence . babe : i have nothing to do with what jamie says or thinks anymore . janet : i sincerely doubt that . you know , it took amanda a long time to put out that torch he carried for you . babe : look , mrs. dillon , if i have said or done anything to upset you , then i deeply apologize . janet : janet , please . babe : i just -- i want to make sure my son 's ok . janet : i am here to protect my daughter . babe : there 's snow on the ground . are we going into the mountains ? janet : bright as alaska in december ! babe : has he been fed ? is anyone with him ? please tell me he 's not outside . janet : he 's fine , dear , snug as a bug in a rug . babe : when do i get to see him ? [ scene_break ] tad : as crazy at it sounds , it was a night like last night that brought dixie back to me once . di : do you still expect her to show up ? tad : that 's a fair question . a part of me . a part of me has always expected her to show up . it 's just that part of my soul is hoping someday i 'll see her right around the next corner . di : i do understand what dixie meant to you , what she still means to you . no matter where your life goes from -- from here , whether i 'm a part of it or whether there 's someone else waiting to share their world with you , there 's always going to be a little part of your heart that belongs to dixie alone . that 's just how it works . tad : yeah . that 's how it works . you know what 's incredible ? sometimes i -- i feel like i 'm going crazy . i mean , in spite of all the years i spent praying for a miracle , you know , just hoping against hope , i swear to you , there were times last night when i was crawling through that rubble , i -- i felt like i could read -- reach out and touch her . i mean , it 's like i could -- i swear i could smell her . it was like she was right next to me . di : tad , let me get you something . you want some coffee or -- tad : yeah , that would be great . di : ok . tad : ok . di : give me a minute . [ on her way to the kitchen , di sees dixie hiding in the shadows . ] di : it 's up to you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : why do you care how i feel about babe , anyway ? did n't you get the memo ? you do n't get a vote in her life anymore . jamie : just because we 're not together does n't mean that i do n't care about babe anymore . j.r. : well , hanging all over amanda is a pretty good indication that you do n't care about babe . i mean , besides , why have a pony when you can have a thoroughbred ? jamie : well , you 're a thoroughbred jackass ! now , shut up and help me find her . j.r. : why do n't you stay the hell out of our lives ? krystal : j.r. , jamie -- somebody saw my baby doll . adam : careful you do n't kill yourself . krystal : he saw babe outside the house , some emt who just left . jamie : you 're sure ? someone said they saw her before -- krystal : he described her to a t. he swore it was her . j.r. : what did he say she looked like ? krystal : she 's walking on two feet , j.r. she 's alive . [ scene_break ] babe : where 's my son ? janet : relax . here we are -- home again , home again jiggity - jig i know it is n't exactly the chandler mansion , but trevor 's old fishing cabin will have to do . never mind the stuffed fish . babe : where 's little adam ? janet : now , do n't get your knickers in a twist . may i take your coat ? he 's right through there . babe : you left a little boy all by himself ? baby ! hey , mama 's here . come here . are you ok ? let me look at you . oh -- oh , my gosh . janet : i told you he was just fine and dandy . babe : you ok ? you need a hug ? i 'm right here , ok ? janet : so why do n't you put him in the playpen , and then we 'll all gather round the stove and have a nice little chat , ok ? babe : all right , mrs. dillon . janet : please do n't make tell you again . call me janet . [ scene_break ] amanda : mom ? mother , are you here ? come on , you can come out , it 's just me . mom , come on . you 're scaring me . god , mom , where are you ? how did everything get so messed up ? [ alone at the warehouse , amanda remembers when she used to live at home with her parents . ] janet 's voice : i am not crazy ! those pills are worthless , trevor . i do n't need them , and i will not go back to that place . amanda needs me . she understands me . it would be nice if you did , too . i ca n't take care of our daughter and take those pills ! amanda loves me , and you can just go to hell , trevor dillon ! [ door slams ] [ janet knocks on amanda 's bedroom door . ] janet : i 'm sorry you had to hear all that . amanda : you 're fighting with dad a lot more lately . janet : no , everything 's fine , honey . pish - posh . you 'll see when you discover your true soul mate . there 's always a tiff or two . amanda : dad wants to put you back in the hospital again . mom , maybe he 's right . janet : everything 's fine , honey . it 's peachy - keen , jim - dandy . i 'm not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] [ on her way back to the living room carrying a coffee set , di leaves a cup for dixie who still refuses to see tad . ] di : i 've got to tell you something . tad : god , you can tell me anything . i mean , especially after something like last night . i doubt there 's much that can shock me . di : uh -- well , when you were at the explosion site tonight , what did you see ? tad : people hurt , people injured , dying . di : and what else ? tad : pain . grief . di : but -- but then ? tad : what do you mean , `` but then ? `` look , i do n't -- i 'm not following you . di : i mean that -- that 's not all you saw . you know , you saw families reunited . you saw people hugging -- um -- when they -- when they knew that their loved ones were ok , you know ? i mean , you saw second chances . tad : we 've been through this . you -- you 've earned your second chance . we both have after everything that 's happened since -- di : i 'm not talking about my second chance , i 'm talking about yours . this -- this disaster showed us -- the luckier ones -- that we can go on , you know , that there 's still life . we just have to -- we just have to reach and take it . so -- um -- you loved a wonderful woman , and you 've lost her more times than you -- than you should 've . she does n't have to be forgotten . but , tad , you 've waited too long to give yourself a second chance of happiness . i want to try and make you happy , i want to try and earn a place in your heart -- i mean , if you 'll give me a chance . tad : why do you think i 'm here ? di ? [ di sighs ] tad : why do you think i came here tonight ? i want my second chance . i want to start over . [ as tad kisses di , dixie silently weeps . ] [ scene_break ] ryan : i want you to sit right down , and i want you to eat that , and i do n't even want you to think about telling me that you 're not hungry . kendall : you did this for me before -- when i thought miranda was gone . ryan : your family 's still here . they 're all right . kendall : ethan 's not . i hurt him , ryan . i told him , i said i would never forgive him for helping you . ryan : he did that for his own reasons , kendall , not just you . kendall : yeah , but the most important thing to him was that i never forgive zach . that 's the last thing he said to me . and he was angry , he was so angry . he was so sure that zach did n't care . and simone -- simone thinks that zach does n't care , but he does , ryan . he does , he cares much , and this will kill him . [ scene_break ] [ in the morgue , zach lowers the sheet covering his son . ] [ scene_break ] simone : ethan was the one . i never expected to lose him like this . we were getting married in march . he promised me sunny skies . i 'm sorry . thank you . thank you for listening to me and for not telling me that everything 's going to be ok . julia : there 's nothing anybody could tell you that would make it any better . you could n't hear them , anyway . simone : i miss him already . julia : i 've been where you are . i loved a wonderful man , and i lost him . but i made it through the other side . and once you 're gone through all these tears and all the anger , you will start to find a chance to smile . but it 's going to take a long time . simone : i do n't think -- julia : hey , you should n't be alone . why do n't -- why do n't you let me take care of you . [ scene_break ] krystal : babe was here . that emt saw her outside the house . j.r. : well , she 's probably dazed and lost . krystal : well , let 's split up . let 's search the grounds . adam : this is a job for rescue personnel . jamie : shut up . let 's go . winifred : mr. chandler ! mr. chandler , thank god i found you ! j.r. : what 's wrong , winifred ? winifred : it 's the -- it 's the baby ! little adam 's gone ! [ scene_break ] janet : people just do n't understand my sweet amanda . i do n't think they appreciate all that she 's done for them . now , i 've had to cope with that my entire life , but i make do . it 's just that amanda has n't learned that yet . babe : i -- i 'd like to make it up to amanda . maybe -- maybe i 've just been jealous , blamed my mistakes with jamie on her . janet : well , you certainly did . i mean , it 's not her fault . you ca n't blame her for your trashy behavior . babe : but i -- i ca n't control jamie or tell him how to feel about amanda . i ca n't tell him what to do . janet : no , he 's too strong and stubborn for that . babe : i -- i wo n't get in amanda and jamie 's way , if that 's what you mean ? janet : that 's better . babe : j.r. and i , we 're -- we 're really happy we 're getting married again . janet : i 'm really not sure how i feel about that , to be honest -- you and j.r. together , rich , happy , and with your child . my amanda -- with nothing . oh , something will have to be done to rectify that . [ teakettle whistles ] janet : ooh , water 's ready . babe : you know , maybe -- maybe amanda can make it up to jamie . she can sit down and talk to him and -- janet : my daughter 's dreams have been shattered . i mean , she came here hoping to have a happy college experience , and that bombed , and then there was that tv job -- poof , that was all gone . and the common denominator in all of this is -- it 's you , babe . you seem to be at the root of all of amanda 's problems , and i have to be the solution . babe : if i 've hurt amanda in any way , i 'll make it up to her , i promise . janet : why should i listen to any of your promises ? babe : because you 're a mother . and i know how far i 'd be willing to go for my child , and i know everything you 're doing for yours right now -- from one mother to another . janet : being nice to amanda is n't going to be enough . people hate her . her life is ruined . babe : i -- i 'm part owner of fusion now . i could offer amanda a very important job at -- she is a beautiful girl . she could be our spokesperson or -- or work in r & d -- whatever she wants . janet : now , that 's a start . babe : and -- um -- and i could sit down with jamie . yes , and i 'll make him understand that i was wrong to blame amanda -- for the poisoning of the soup and pushing me down the stairs . janet : and ? babe : and -- and for putting all those people in the truck . i was wrong to blame amanda for that , was n't i ? janet : of course you were . it was n't her , it was all me ! but you have left out my greatest achievement . babe : what am i missing ? janet : kaboom ! babe : you caused the explosion . [ scene_break ] amanda 's voice : maybe you need a little more help . janet 's voice : well , you just sound like your father . i ca n't go back in that place with a -- a bunch of crazy people , because i 'm not crazy . do you understand that ? amanda : of course you 're not , mom , but maybe if you do -- janet : i do n't think that i could ever do that again . i do n't think i 'd make it out again . you know what they do ? they -- they give you these terrible drugs , and they just take away everything . it 's -- they take away your soul . everything that you love about your mother would be gone . amanda : the hospital helped you last time , maybe it 'll help again . janet : well , i had issues the last time , and i understand that , but i 'm fine now . and -- and do you know what happens when you put regular people in with the loony tunes ? you turn into a zombie . it 's like being in one of those awful horror movies , and i -- i do n't think i could take that again . i think i would just die before i was able to do that again . do you understand that ? amanda : yes , mom , i understand , but -- janet : so i need you to swear to me , because you 're the only one i trust . you swear to me -- swear to me that you will never put me away again ! can you swear to that ? swear you will never do that to me again ! swear ! amanda : i swear . i swear i will never let anyone do that to you . i swear , mom . [ scene_break ] di : so ? we 're really going to give us a chance ? tad : sounds like it to me . di : well , i have been waiting for this for a long time , and i intend to make the most of it . tad : i intend to let you . di : how about we -- how about we try something crazy ? tad : yeah ? you want to jump the couch ? let me take a shower first . di : oh . tad : in five minutes , i -- di : how about a date ? tad : you 're kidding . a date ? di : yeah . tad : what are we talking ? a burger at bj 's and a movie ? di : well , that is the traditionally accepted format , yes . tad : well , jinkies , ms. henry . do you think we 've got what it takes to dance that close to the edge ? di : we , let 's throw caution to the wind . it 'll be you and the real me this time . tad : how about tomorrow night ? di : that sounds good . and bring some cash , i like dessert . tad : sheesh . [ di laughs ] di : you know what , tad ? thank you . thank you for letting me be me . and i 'm sorry for everyone who 's hurting tonight . tad : i 'll see you tomorrow . di : i ca n't wait . [ after kissing tad good - bye , di goes back into the house but dixie is gone . ] di : ok , you can come out now , dixie . and while you 're at it , you can tell me why when i backed – [ scene_break ] [ ryan holds kendall as she cries . ] [ scene_break ] [ after tenderly stroking his face , zach kisses ethan . ] zach : i 'm sorry , son . i 'm sorry . [ scene_break ] babe : i 'll talk to amanda . i 'll make the job offer at fusion the second i get back . she 's going to have a great time , i 'll make sure of it . janet : oh , it sounds wonderful , babe ! babe : ok , so , let 's go ! where 's little a 's coat , because the sooner i get back , the sooner i can make things right . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what do you mean , my son 's missing ? krystal : did you check the play room ? adam : where 'd you see him last ? jamie : maybe this time he just really learned how to crawl out of his crib . [ after his phone rings , j.r. reads a text message purportedly from babe : `` you wo n't see us again , j.r . i took our son . forget me and him . `` ] [ scene_break ] janet : ah , there we go . ha . what did you say , dear ? babe : what did you just do ? janet : never you mind . babe : you know , i would be more than happy to take the baby and the car down the mountain if you 're too tired to make the trip . i can just send somebody back up with it . janet : oh , no , no , no , no , no . [ janet locks the front door 's dead bolt . ] janet : you ca n't go yet . because we 're not done . not even close . [ next_on ] babe ( to janet ) : are you saying that this cabin could explode ? janet ( waving a knife in front of babe 's face ) : i 'm saying you need to start behaving -- for all our sakes . tad ( to joe ) : you want me to find out who his parents are . joe ( to tad ) : of course i do . he 's a martin . josh ( to erica ) : i do n't want to be your son .
jr , jamie and krystal are frantically looking for babe but she 's nowhere to be found . janet is still up to no good . she has taken little a to an abandoned cabin and is driving babe to see him in trevor 's abandoned fishing cabin . babe does not want to be with janet or negotiate but has no choice because of her son . she promises janet she will be nice to amanda from now on , see if she can help her get back with jamie and give her a job at fusion . but in order to do that , she has to get back to pine valley . but janet is not going to let her do that . and she sends an anonymous text message to jr that his son gone and he will never see him again . kendall is distraught that this explosion has occurred that she can not be with her family , that she 's broken up with zach and ethan has died . ryan comforts her . julia comforts simone over the loss of ethan . tad comes to see di and confesses to her that he almost feels like dixie is in the same room with him . little does he know that she is and she 's overhearing their conversation . but he tells di that he wants to have a relationship with her . at that point , dixie disappears .
pa announcer : dr. lowell to pediatrics . dr. lowell to pediatrics . josh : hey . i was just thinking i 'd love to see those beautiful brown eyes . what 'd you do , read my mind ? babe : this -- am i in the hospital ? josh : where else would you be , babe ? [ scene_break ] bianca : oh , my god . zoe ? zoe -- are you ok ? can you hear me ? carl , call 911 ! we need help right away ! zoe -- zoe ? oh , my god , what happened ? carl : send an ambulance to the cemetery on state street . [ while bianca comforts her , zoe drops the button she tore off her attacker 's coat . ] [ scene_break ] krystal : do it , j.r .. what are you waiting for ? why do n't you just drink it straight from the decanter ? you know how it works -- the more you drink , the less you hurt , the easier it is to hurt others . that is what you really want to do , is n't it ? make someone else suffer ? well , come on , j.r. , now -- now 's your chance . go ahead , get lit and spill my dirty little secret to your daddy -- we both know you 're going to do it eventually . so do n't make me have to guess when , just do it now . [ scene_break ] man : the skyline suite , and four additional rooms . guard : six additional rooms . man : well , i 'm afraid that 's not what i have in my book . kendall : then you 're reading the wrong book , curly . man : uh -- i can show you -- right -- kendall : nah , i do n't need to see nothin ' . i made the reservation personally -- mr. and mrs. sonny suarez and entourage . i want the best room in the rancho rodeo , asap , plus two adjoining rooms , two on each side -- that 's what i said . man : i do n't know where the mix - up occurred , ma'am . kendall : you calling me a liar ? man : uh -- of course not . kendall : ok . then i suggest you get this straightened out before my husband shows up . now , the boys here -- they 're being very generous , but sonny does n't have patience for things like this . come to think of it , sonny does n't have patience for much of anything . zach : now , i 'm confused . how come we 're not in our rooms right now ? kendall : well , this genius here screwed things up , sonny . man : what ? no , no . kendall : you listen to me . i said six rooms , plus an extra suite . you only gave us four . zach : and you 're sure you said six , right ? kendall : you think i do n't know how many rooms i booked ? zach : sometimes even with all this beauty , you screw things up . kendall : since when ? name one time . man : uh -- we only have you down for four additional rooms -- zach : are you calling my wife a liar ? man : uh -- - no , never . kendall : you know what ? this is the last time i take advice from izzy corelli 's wife . she swore by this dump . zach : yeah , baby , we should be in our rooms right now relaxing . kendall : that 's right . man : you still can , sir . zach : no , we ca n't . not with four additional rooms . you see what the problem is right now , right ? you see what the problem is ? you disappointed me , and that 's ok -- sometimes that happens . the real problem , dexter , is that you disappointed my wife . dexter : well , uh , completely unintentional , i assure you . zach : and i ca n't let that go . i 'm going to have to complain . kendall : uh -- sonny , do n't do it . i 'm tell you , this clown is not worth it zach : maybe you 're right . let the boys do it . kendall : i tried . so sorry . zach : come on , you do n't want to see this . kendall : yeah , you know , maybe there 's another hotel we can go to , huh ? dexter : no , please . uh -- do n't go . um -- i 'll -- i 'll fix it . [ dexter chuckles nervously ] dexter : ahem . of your suite , and two across the hall . zach : and a private corridor . dexter : a -- a what ? zach : a private corridor -- you know what a corridor is , right ? kendall : that 's a fancy word for `` hallway . `` zach : honey -- and private -- that 's a fancy word for `` just us . `` kendall : mmm - mmm - mmm . [ scene_break ] josh : you know , why do n't you go ahead and take your break , wendy ? i 'll stay with the patient . babe : where was i the first time i woke up ? josh : you think i 'm holding out on you ? babe : i just -- i do n't remember this room . josh : well , you were completely out of it when you first came to , babe . it 's no big surprise that your memory 's a little hazy . you even went off on poor wendy , thought she was the killer . babe : i guess i was out of it . ok . my bodyguard max is -- max is -- josh : no , he -- he 's fine . babe : he 's ok ? josh : yeah , he 's going to be fine . listen , babe -- babe : yeah ? josh : your numbers are improving across the board , but you 're still in critical condition . babe : but you 're not a doctor anymore . josh : do n't you remember ? wow , you must 've really been out of it . i told you last night -- i reclaimed my stethoscope . babe : because of me ? josh : does that surprise you ? i 'm the guy that sold lipstick so we could spend more time together . babe : oh . josh : jeff 's consulting . i 'm the main go - to guy on the case . does n't hurt to be the grandson of the chief of staff . babe : how 's mama ? mama -- is she in the waiting room ? is she with little a ? they -- they did n't -- they did n't tell him i 'm hurt , right ? josh : no , no . little a 's fine . your mom is fine . just relax , ok ? you 'll see them soon enough . are n't you going to ask about j.r. ? babe : j.r. can go to hell . oh , my god , josh , please . please , you have to help me . you have to help me . i have to stop him , please . oh , my god . please . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i told you i was n't going to tell your secret -- krystal : oh . j.r. : and i meant it . krystal : what a joke , and your word is supposed to mean something ? j.r. : look , i do n't want to hurt anyone , especially my father . krystal : until when ? you cut yourself shaving ? weatherman predicts rain , you wake up on the wrong side of the bed ? what 's it going to take for you to go off this time , j.r. ? j.r. : how can i convince you ? krystal : babe 's death and your mother 's just pushed you to the ragged edge . you throw in a fifth of scotch , i do n't think you can balance on that edge , j.r . j.r. : i swear i was n't going to take a drink of it . krystal : oh , this time . but what happens when you ca n't fight the urge ? how much of a hold are you going to have on that spiteful tongue of yours then ? j.r. : i promise you on my life i was n't going to drink it . krystal : you promised to cherish and love babe . you promised you would make it up to her for the rest of your life when she decided to keep your sorry ass out of prison . you promised you would n't fight for custody of little a if you two should ever get divorced again , so you can shove your promises . j.r. : you have every reason to hate me . krystal : and you do n't even need a reason to shatter my world , so stop holding back , j.r. , because i will not have you dangling my fate with your filthy hands . j.r. : i 'm not going to tell my father . he needs you . krystal : you know , if i thought you gave two squats about anybody 's needs but your own , then i might be convinced . j.r. : you 're right , i 'm selfish , but i 'm still not going to tell , because i need you as much as my father . maybe even more . [ scene_break ] jeff : all right , what do we got here ? bianca : this is my friend zoe . she was beaten . we just found her at the cemetery . emt : some loc , but his vitals are stable , and his pupils are reactive . he 's got multiple abrasions to his face . somebody really did a number on this guy -- or girl . julia : zoe ? it 's julia keefer -- can you hear me ? what happened ? zoe : i was jumped last night . bianca : last night ? julia : you 've been like this since last night ? jeff : all right , let 's get her -- her into the cubicle . bianca : ok . zoe , i 'll be right here , ok ? i 'm not -- i 'm not going anywhere . oh . oh , excuse me . can i use your phone ? yes , i need to report a crime . [ scene_break ] kendall : you -- mmm , mmm . you were so hot . you were . zach : yeah ? kendall : yeah . zach : unfortunately , we did n't come here to have fun . kendall : i know . but it is so much more fun being carla suarez than kendall hart slater these days . i mean , i ca n't remember the last time i felt this free . zach : free ? kendall : yeah . zach : oh . got to sneak out of pine valley , private plane , private -- private cars to here , ca n't stay in our own casino , the only person that knows we 're here is jack . and you feel free -- that 's great . kendall : well , i mean , i do n't have to look over my shoulder and -- and feel like someone 's stalking me . we 're the ones doing the stalking , zach . zach : yeah . kendall : this is great . i mean , i ca n't remember the last time i felt this in control . zach : it 's a long time . kendall : well , i do n't know why we 're here , but i 'm glad we are . you ca n't relax , can you ? zach : no . there are answers here somewhere , i do n't know . looking for answers in something i do n't even know what the question is . [ scene_break ] bianca : hey . zoe , i 'm right here . how is she ? jeff : well , it 's too early to tell . we 're going to take her down to x - ray now . bianca : ok . zoe : bianca ? bianca , i need -- i -- jeff : no , wait . let 's just hold off on the talking until we get you checked out . julia : bianca will be here when you get back . bianca : yeah , of course . i 'm not going anywhere . oh . oh , my god . how could somebody do this to zoe , of all people ? she has such a -- a beautiful soul . julia : i do n't think whoever did this was provoked by her peaceful disposition . i hate to even go there , but she was wearing a dress . bianca : oh , god , tell me that was n't it . julia : transgender people are four times more likely than gays or lesbians to be the victim of hate crimes . bianca : oh , my god , that 's sick ! julia : there are twisted people out there . derek : can either of you tell me where to find zarf ? bianca : um -- you mean zoe ? derek : where is he ? bianca : she . julia : she 's in x - ray . she 's not up to being questioned right now . derek : who found the victim ? bianca : i did , less than an hour ago at the cemetery , but we just found out that she had been laying there all night beaten up . derek : did zoe see who did this ? bianca : i 'm not sure . derek : were there words exchanged ? bianca : i -- i -- she did n't say anything about that . derek : well , i put in a call to your uncle jack . he 's going to come down and question zoe himself . bianca : good , good . hate crimes should receive top priority . derek : hate crimes ? julia : zoe was dressed as a woman at the time of the attack . bianca : what ? you seem like you 're disappointed . derek : well , when i heard zoe was found near babe chandler 's grave , naturally i thought it had something to do with the satin slayer . julia : wait -- so if it turns out that zoe was battered just because she was wearing a dress , it 's not worth your attention ? derek : not mine personally , not while there 's a serial killer on the loose . bianca : am i really hearing this from the chief of police ? derek : that 's right , bianca . i am the chief of police , but i am also a man whose daughter was nearly killed by a murderer who forced you to take him with you wherever you go , the same murderer who wants your sister , kendall , dead . now , my primary focus is to catch this maniac and put him away , not some random beating . bianca : `` some random beating `` ? derek , how can you possibly be so blasé about this ? i -- i mean , you must know what it feels like to be targeted because of who you are ? your nephew , terrence , was viciously attacked because of the color of his skin . why are you not jumping at the chance to fight this kind of discrimination ? derek : i will always fight against discrimination , but i was born black . my ancestors were born black . zoe chose to put on a dress and flaunt her sexual issues to the world . bianca : i did not choose to be gay any more than you chose to be black any more than zoe chose to be transgender . derek : well , in both cases , you can choose not to show everybody . bianca : oh , i see . so you 're saying that zoe should pass as a big , butch guy , and i should pass as straight , and the law should n't be expected to protect people from going out into the world as themselves ? derek : no , of course not . bianca : zoe has been hiding who she is for her whole life . she 's finally starting to embrace it . yes , yes , she was wearing a dress last night , because that 's what feels right to her . derek : well , your rock star friend should 've known that putting on a dress and strolling through a cemetery late at night was going to make -- bianca : was going to what -- provoke a beating ? derek : no -- make her a target . bianca : are you saying she asked for it ? did i ask to be raped ? derek : i will look into zoe 's attack . but the number one thing on my to - do list is catching the man who wants your sister dead . [ scene_break ] babe : please -- josh : babe , listen to me . listen to me . you need to relax , all right ? babe : josh , please , i have -- josh : you 're much too weak . babe : to stop him , please -- josh : no , no -- you need to stay in this bed and get better . babe : you do n't understand what he will do . josh : i do understand , i do . babe : no . josh : he 's holding something over your head , is n't he ? babe : please . josh : something that could force you to have to give up your son . i know -- zoe told me . babe : you -- josh : what is it ? tell me , and i 'll make sure he can never use it against you . babe : it 's -- it 's mama . josh , he can ruin her life . josh : no , no , listen to me . babe : yes , yes . josh : he 's not going to do anything . i talked to him myself . he told me to tell you he 's -- he 's putting everything on hold . babe : wait , he told that ? josh , you believe him ? well , no , you do n't -- you do n't get it . he -- he can take everything away from her . mama josh : no . your mom is fine . babe : no , no . if she was fine , she 'd be here with me . she 'd be right here -- josh : she was -- she was here this morning sitting right there in that chair while you were sleeping . she was holding your hand . [ scene_break ] krystal : always working an angle , are n't you , j.r. ? j.r. : it 's no angle , krystal . i do need you . i was just upstairs watching little adam sleep , and i was trying to figure out which of his features are babe 's , and then i tried to picture her face . if i could only see her lips one more time , i 'd make a point of trying to memorize them . if i could see her fingers -- you do n't even know how much i miss holding those hands . and those eyes ? krystal : they were gorgeous . j.r. : she has your eyes . i did n't realize it till this morning when i saw you sitting over there . but you have babe 's eyes . and i need to look into those every single day , because you and little adam are the only connection that i have of babe . and just promise me that you 'll never stop talking about her . i do n't care if it 's a story from when she was little , or if it were something that happened last week . please share it with me , over and over again . i want your memories to become my memories . i want little adam to memorize them by heart . see , do n't you see , krystal ? if i tell your secret , you 'll have to leave , and it 'll be like losing babe all over again . charlotte is going to be my little sister , and it does n't matter who the father is . i 'm going to love her , and i do n't want to hurt her , and i do n't want to hurt her mother . i realize i 'm a selfish jackass , but family is everything to me . and little adam owns my heart . krystal : he owned babe 's , too . j.r. : i know that she said she 'd want you to raise him if anything ever happened to her . and you did such a fantastic job raising babe . i want you to help raise little adam for the rest of his life . i mean , if you want to make it legal , i wo n't even object to it . i want you to help me be the best dad that i can be . krystal : you 're making it easy to see why babe loved you so much . oh , why -- why could n't you have turned back into this man for her before she died ? [ scene_break ] zach : you ready ? kendall : yep . zach : let 's do this . kendall : ok . excuse me . i 'm looking for miss johnson . woman : that 's me . kendall : hi . i 'm carla suarez . this is my husband , sonny . zach : how you doing ? miss johnson : mrs. suarez , i was so surprised when you called . i had n't heard the name alexander cambias , sr . , in some time , but the minute you mentioned him , the memories came flooding back . your grandfather knew how to make an impression . kendall : unfortunately , i 've never met him . that 's actually why i came here -- to find out more about him . i was hoping that you could tell me a little bit about what he was like in the days before he died . miss johnson : i 'd be happy to . i took care of mr. cambias personally during his final hospital stay , and i even was a witness to his will . kendall : well , then , you 're definitely the right person to talk to . miss johnson : but there is someone else you may want to get in touch with . are you familiar with a man by the name of ryan lavery ? kendall : yes , i am , actually . ryan was very helpful . still , i ca n't shake the feeling that there are answers for me here . i did n't even know there was an alexander cambias , sr . , until long after he died . my mother raised me alone , so she did n't really talk about my father 's side of the family , so you can imagine how blown away i was when i get this random phone call from this ryan lavery , and he tells me that i 've inherited a fortune . it 's only because of his honesty and persistence that i am now sitting here a very wealthy woman . miss johnson : mr. lavery was always a good man and a tremendous help to your grandfather in his last days . zach 's voice : josh ? just listen to me . we can keep babe alive . but the first thing we have to do is let her die . kendall : most people describe my grandfather as dramatic and -- and intense . is that how you remember him ? or -- or being so close to death , did he let his guard down at all ? miss johnson : no , never . mr. cambias was all those things you said about him , but i would add stubborn to the list and spoiled , but not in a bad way . let 's just say he was a man accustomed to getting what he wanted . zach : with your connections in here and my connections out there , the only thing we need to do is get her out of the hospital . no one 's ever going to know that she 's alive . kendall : ryan told me my grandfather left him a pocket watch with an inscription to my son . miss johnson : mr. cambias could be very thoughtful . kendall : did he leave any other personal belongings , maybe something he donated to the hospital or to you ? miss johnson : no . mr. lavery was the only one awarded that privilege . josh 's voice : we can do this , jeff . we can make everyone believe that babe is dead , but we need your help . jeff : you 're asking me to do the impossible , here in the hospital with doctors , nurses , interns where someone is bound to find out . zach : not if we do it right . people listen to you . declare babe dead , put a sheet over her , run her down to the morgue . my men will take it from there . josh : she 's stable . the pentobarbital you gave her slowed her heartbeat down long enough for a casual observer to think she was dead . unless someone put a stethoscope onto her chest , no one 's going to know she 's still alive . [ scene_break ] kendall : did my grandfather leave behind any other documents other than his will ? miss johnson : i do n't know , but i 'm sure mr. lavery could tell you . [ scene_break ] joe : in all my years of practice , i 've never been asked to do something like this . josh : please , joe . please sign that phony death certificate . i swear i will never ask anything again . i 'm -- pulling the grandson card , i 'm pulling every card i have . please just do it for babe . i love her . help me save her . [ scene_break ] kendall : did alexander , sr . , ever talk about his family ? [ scene_break ] jack : i wish there were a way to do this without making babe 's family suffer . zach : that 's impossible . everyone has to believe that this is real , everyone -- her family , her friends , ok . that 's where the official autopsy report comes in . that 's where we need you . [ scene_break ] kendall : thank you so much for your time . zach : thank you . miss johnson : i only wish i could 've been more help . kendall : you and me both . zach : tell drummond to bring the car . kendall : where are we going ? zach : tell him to hurry up . [ scene_break ] josh : zach is not going to let anything happen to kendall . trust me -- she 's very well - protected . babe : i 'm glad . josh : me , too . babe : is there a -- is there a phone in here ? i want to call mama . josh : no . babe , listen to me -- you need to be resting . babe : hmm . but , josh , i want to see my mama . josh : i 'll tell you what . as soon as wendy gets back in here , i 'll go out there , and i 'll call her myself . babe : will you tell her i want to see her ? josh : i will . but if she comes back in here while you 're sleeping , we 're not going to wake you . babe : no , josh , please . josh : babe , listen to me -- you almost died . for a minute , i thought you did . please just trust me . let me take care of you . let me do what i need to do . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i hate that the last things that i said to babe were so vicious . i wish i could have told her everything that i told you just now -- how much i loved her , how much of a great mother that i thought she was . instead , i threatened her and gave her insults . i made her last days on this earth so miserable , and my god , i would do anything , i would give my life to take that back . krystal : babe always forgave you , j.r . even when you did the unforgivable , she found it in her heart to let it go . i 'm willing to bet wherever she is right now , she 's forgiven you again . j.r. : hmm . did i ever tell you about the time babe and i drove all over pine valley one night to try to find her these chewy , strawberry candies ? krystal : no . hmm . she loved those when she was little . j.r. : well , i got news for you -- she still does -- did . well , anyway , she was pregnant with little a , and she had this craving like you would n't believe and i swear we must 've driven to , like , 30 different convenience stores to try to find these strawberry things . krystal : any luck ? j.r. : no . but at this one store , this nasty lady behind the counter just let loose on babe , saying how could a pregnant woman be out at all hours trying to pollute her system with this stuff ? krystal : oh -- j.r. : i know , but it even got nastier from there . i mean , it must 've been 10 : 30 at night . there was , like , no way a bag of candy could 've hurt her . but i was about ready to go off on her . but babe stopped me , and she walked to the back , she bought a fresh banana , and we walked out . she said she would n't let me go there , because this lady was working the night shift on saturday and probably had problems of her own . krystal : babe saw all sides . j.r. : do you think this time she 'd forgive me ? krystal : i do . j.r. : do you forgive me ? [ scene_break ] bianca : oh . how is she ? jeff : very lucky -- a slight concussion and some bruised ribs . zoe : it hurts like more . jeff : well , because of your head trauma , there 's really not much that i can give you . zoe : oh . jeff : so it 's going to be a rough couple of days . i 'll check in with you later . zoe : thank you . jack : hey , derek . i 'm sorry it took me so long to get here . derek : well , it seems zoe 's attack was the result of a hate crime and not the satin slayer . jack : really ? have you had a chance to question her ? derek : i was just about to . zoe : thank you . orderly : you 're welcome . bianca : well , the good news is that julia was able to keep this all under wraps , so you do n't have to worry about any paparazzi hanging around , trying to get your picture in the bushes . jack : hey , sweetheart . bianca : hey , jack . jack : hi , zoe . i 'm very sorry about what happened . um -- if you 'd feel up to it , we 'd love to ask you some questions . did you see your attacker ? zoe : it 's all still hazy . derek : do you recall if he said anything ? zoe : i 'm not sure . j.r. -- derek : what about j.r. ? zoe : he was there . jack : wait a second . are you -- are you saying j.r. chandler did this to you ? zoe : no , no , no , no , no , no . no , he was -- [ zoe coughs ] zoe : he was at the cemetery later , after i 'd been hurt . i was on the ground and j.r. saw me . he left me there . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you 've been quiet for a while now . is that a good thing or a bad thing ? krystal : oh . it 's a very good thing , j.r . i forgive you . i forgive you . [ j.r. and krystal hug ] adam : that is the most beautiful thing i have seen in weeks . ha . i 'm so glad you two are n't at each other 's throats anymore . well , this young fellow here -- you 've met him -- made a few mistakes . krystal : we all have . adam : yeah . well , just tell me that we can all get along together now , like a real family . krystal : we are a real family . adam : oh . [ scene_break ] kendall : now i know why you were so quiet in the car ride here . `` alexander cambias , sr . , beloved father , beloved husband , 1942 - 2003 . `` have you ever been here before ? [ scene_break ] babe : when you call mama , can you tell her that i love her and i miss her and little a , too ? josh : i will . i promise . oh , my excuse to go get some french toast . i 'm leaving you in very good hands . i promise . you , on the other hand , better watch your back . wendy : i 'm not worried . josh : i 'll see you soon . babe : do n't forget to call mama . josh : do n't you forget to get some rest . [ as soon as he leaves babe 's room , josh plays a tape recording for her benefit . ] woman 's voice : dr. conway to icu , dr. conway to icu . [ scene_break ] krystal : did you -- did you ever see that department store photo of babe and me where she was about 6 years old ? j.r. : the one where you guys are wearing those matching 1980s dresses ? krystal : yeah , and the matching 1980s hairstyles ? j.r. : hmm . krystal : one big ponytail right out of the side of my head . j.r. : yeah , yours was on the right . krystal : yeah , and babe 's was on the left . adam : no , you did n't . krystal : oh , yeah . it was bad . it was bad . j.r. : babe loved that picture . krystal : yeah . adam : oh . krystal : i 'm surprised you married into this family after you saw that picture . [ laughter ] adam : ah . i want to take a look at that photograph . krystal : no . no way . adam : oh . oh , bi -- bianca : you heartless son of a bitch . [ scene_break ] [ kendall and zach walk up to his father 's tombstone which reads , `` alexander cambias , sr . , beloved father , beloved husband , 8/1/1942 , 8/29/2003 ] kendall : i do n't think it was such a good idea to come here . you 're upset , zach -- i can feel it . what are you thinking right now ? just talk to me . woman 's voice : michael cambias -- it ca n't be . kendall : you know what , zach ? i think that we should leave . zach 's voice : crazy old man -- woman 's voice : but he was your father . kendall : we know it 's a lie . we know that what is says is a lie . your father was not beloved -- ryan 's voice : take the dna test . kendall : not by you , not by anyone . ryan : of dollars to -- kendall : he died a lonely , bitter unloved man . zach 's voice : may he rot in hell , along with you . joe 's voice : i 've never been asked to do something like this . kendall : you 're upset , zach . i can feel it . are you sure this is n't just stirring up a bunch of painful memories ? kendall 's voice : he died a bitter , unloved man . he died a bitter , unloved man . he died a bitter , unloved man . he died a bitter , unloved man . he died a bitter , unloved man . [ unable to bear all the voices in his head any longer , zach frantically starts digging on top of his father 's grave and yells loudly . ] [ next_on ] zach ( to kendall ) : there 's a secret in that grave . dig him up . j.r. ( to adam ) : learn from my stupid mistakes , dad . do n't do anything to krystal that you 're going to regret . adam : why would i do anything to krystal ? [ j.r. looks at krystal who 's apprehensively standing nearby ] babe ( to josh ) : are you lying to me ? am i going to die ?
babe is still unconscious , but she begins to waken . josh is right there beside her . she begins to question him as to where she is . he lies , and tells her that she is in the hospital . bianca visits babe 's grave and hears someone moaning nearby . when she investigates , she finds it is zoe . bianca yells for someone to call 9 - 1 - 1 . j.r. comes into the den , and immediately notices the decanter of whiskey on the table . he fingers the decanter , unaware that krystal is sitting in a recliner , watching him . kendall and some henchman are in a hotel in las vegas . kendall approaches the hotel manager , and asks about rooms . there has been some kind of mix - up because the manager has them down for only four rooms . kendall introduces herself as mrs. sonny suarez , and says that sonny wo n't like this when he gets there . zach ( sonny ) walks up and stands there , staring at the hotel manager . josh lets wendy ( the nurse ) go for a break while he stays with babe . josh lets babe know that he has re - claimed his stethoscope . krystal goads j.r. into taking a drink so he can ruin other people 's lives like he ruined babe 's . j.r. tries to reassure her that he wo n't tell anyone her secret , but she does n't believe him . babe begins to question josh abut her mother . josh , again lies , and tells her that her mother had been there , and had held her hand while she slept .
tad : krystal , you know what i did with the files i was looking at last night ? krystal : you mean the files on jesse 's case ? tad : yeah . krystal : they 're upstairs . tad : i already looked up there . krystal : tad , i thought he told you to leave it alone . tad : yeah , he did . krystal : so ? what are you going to do ? tad : i 'm going to find o exactly what happened , because that 's exactly what jesse would do , even if i told him not to . krystal : you know , i just -- i think it 's so amazing . after all these years , he finally comes back and then he leaves again without even seeing angie . it just makes me so sad when i think about it . tad : yeah , you and me both . [ doorbell rings ] tad : hey , frankie , what 's up . frankie : hey . my mom -- she never made it to new york . she did n't get on the plane . is she here ? krystal : no . no , she -- she left yesterday . i took her to the airport myself . frankie : oh . well , then what happened to her ? where is she ? [ scene_break ] angie : you remember that tree we planted ? jesse : yeah . angie : we were going to make a -- a swing out of its branches for frankie . jesse : i remember . i remember we were going to do a lot of things . i 'm so sorry , baby . all those years , i 'm just -- i just -- angie : no , it 's -- it 's ok , we 're here now . and we found each other again . jesse : yeah , but we 're not safe . we 're not safe here . i 'm risking your life being here with you . angie : you keep saying that . jesse : because it 's the truth . angie : then tell me why , jesse . please . you owe me that much . you were gone for 20 years . i need to know what happened . jesse : i would n't know where to start . angie : from the beginning . when you were shot . i want you to tell me everything . [ scene_break ] babe : got it , got it . we 'll keep you posted . my god , am i glad you 're here . greenlee : ah . `` ' new beginnings ' babe behind bars . `` `` erica kane arrested at the fusion fashion show . `` and , my personal favorite , `` erica kane't keep the feds away . `` this is quality journalism . babe : should i call kendall to give her a heads - up on the media blitz ? greenlee : no . i do n't want to bother her . she needs a stress - free day . spike 's getting his cochlear implants turned on today . [ scene_break ] zach : i called the hospital . the audiologist is running a little late . it 's going to be fine . kendall : how do you know that ? what if they turn the implant on , and it does n't work ? zach : just try to relax . i 'll relax for both of us . kendall : what 's that ? zach : hmm . that 's my girl . come on . kendall : ooh . oh . [ knock on door ] zach : that 's probably her now . kendall : oh , thank god . ryan : i just -- i just wanted to be here for spike when they turned on the implant , that 's all . kendall : well , i 'm -- i 'm sure spike will be happy that you 're here , ryan . wo n't he , zach ? zach : yeah , sure . why -- why do n't you go sit down ? ryan : all right . zach : can i get you something ? ryan : no , no , i 'm -- no , i 'm fine . look , i -- i -- i know it 's a little bit uncomfortable , me being here and everything . you know , i 'm -- i 'm still getting used to the fact that i have a son , let alone the fact that he went through something as traumatic as -- as this , so -- oh , i do n't know -- i just -- i 'm not here to cause any trouble . i do n't want any problems . just today is all about spike , that 's all . ok ? zach : mm - hmm . yes , it is . kendall : so -- huh -- we 're all friends here , right ? right . so where 's annie ? you said that she was going to come with you today . ryan , where is she ? ryan : annie kicked me out last night . [ scene_break ] frankie : i had the airline page her as soon as the flight landed . nobody answered . her cell phone 's been off for hours . now , she 's a doctor . she never cuts off her cell phone . krystal : i 'm sure there 's an explanation . frankie : no , i 'm calling the cops . tad : no , frankie , that 's not a good idea just yet . frankie : why ? look , my mom is missing . krystal : you know what ? before i left the airport , they said that her flight was delayed . maybe she just took a later flight . or you know what ? after everything she 's been through these past few weeks , maybe she just needed some time for herself . frankie : no , she would 've told me that . tad : you know , you need to calm down . frankie : look , and you need to stop telling me what to do . look , i 'm sorry . it 's just that something 's not right . i can feel it . [ scene_break ] jesse : you -- you do n't want to hear all this . angie : yes , i do . you need to tell me what happened , jesse . jesse : i remember getting shot . you at the hospital crying . i remember all of that . then i blacked out . i do n't even know for how long . angie : i was at that hospital when they took your body away . jesse : yeah . angie : your dead body . jesse : they told me it was all a setup . that they needed it to look like i was dead . angie : who -- who told you this ? jesse : that 's just it -- i do n't know . when i came to , i was in this dark room . i do n't know how long i was there -- days , weeks -- who knows ? but when they came in , they told me everything that happened , and said that if i told them what they needed to know , they would let me go , but i -- i did n't believe them . angie : well , what did these people want ? jesse : i -- they never said . they act as if i was holding out on them . that i knew something important and was n't giving it up . that 's when they -- angie : oh , god . oh , god , jesse . [ scene_break ] kendall : annie kicked you out ? what happened ? ryan : i think it was just really hard for her , you know ? me not remembering anything about our life together , so -- honestly , i -- i do n't really blame her . zach : and you have n't talked to her since ? ryan : uh -- i called her this morning , but there was no answer . she did n't call me back . zach : do you think maybe somebody should go over there and check on her , make sure she 's ok ? annie : no need for that . annie 's doing just fine . sorry i 'm late . i did n't miss spike 's big moment , did i ? kendall : no , no , the audiologist is n't here yet . annie : great . obviously , you -- you told them . ryan : how are you ? annie : i 'm ok , i 'm good . have you found a place to stay ? ryan : yeah , i 'm at the yacht club . annie : great . zach : there 's the man of the hour . kendall : oh . zach : come here . annie : hi ! zach : what do you think ? what do you got , huh ? annie : did you just wink at me ? zach : yeah , he 's going to be fine . kendall : i think -- i think he actually did . annie : i -- [ annie laughs ] kendall : did you wink at her ? zach : you already know how to get the ladies , huh ? [ spike babbles ] [ zach and kendall laugh ] annie : cutie pie . zach : what do you think ? say hi to your dad , grab some food . kendal yeah , take -- take the whole thing . ryan : hey . hey . zach : make sure he 's got his food with him . ryan : yeah , ok . zach : yeah . ryan : you want to hold that and i 'll -- i 'll take him like that ? is that all right ? zach : sure . ryan : hi . you want to hang out with me just for a sec there ? so , you going to be a big boy for the doctors today ? yeah ? it 's not going to hurt him , is it ? this -- kendall : no . ryan : the implant ? annie : you remember ? the doctor told you that -- sorry -- um -- no -- no , she just turns it on . it 's not going to hurt him . [ knock on door ] kendall : oh , ok . i 'll be right back . woman : hey . kendall : hi . come on in . audiologist : oh -- so is everyone here ? kendall : yeah . we are all here . [ scene_break ] babe : i 'd be happy to give you any information on the `` go red `` campaign . what 's that ? no , no , there 's no comment regarding erica kane , thank you . greenlee : how many erica calls is that ? babe : you 'd need a calculator . so , do you think she 's guilty ? greenlee : of insider trading ? i do n't know . erica kane 's capable of a lot of things . perjury , blackmail , crimes against fashion . [ babe chuckles ] greenlee : i swear , that woman swans through life like somebody 's always just about to take her picture . babe : yeah , that 's because they usually are . greenlee : ugh -- you know , i feel sorry for kendall with her being her mother and all that , but honestly , if erica kane went away for a while , this world would be a much quieter place . babe : well , i would n't count her out . greenlee : i never do . babe : by the way , i really love that dress you had on yesterday . greenlee : thanks . you 'll never see it again unless i get it fixed . babe : why , what happened ? greenlee : uh -- it was ripped . babe : ripped ? greenlee : well , more like torn off . babe : oh , no . greenlee : it was for a good cause . babe : aidan ? greenlee : hmm ! babe : oh , wow , i 'm impressed . but you know what ? i think i can top that one . greenlee : i doubt it , but go ahead . babe : my clothes came off last night in a strip poker game . greenlee : ho , ho ! babe : mm - hmm . greenlee : j.r. , huh ? babe : yeah , yeah . greenlee : well , did you win ? babe : let 's just say the night took a very surprising turn . greenlee : hmm . babe : here 's to the men that love us . greenlee : hear , hear . babe : ok , we really need to get back to work now . [ babe chuckles ] greenlee : do you think there 's sex in heaven ? [ scene_break ] tad : listen , do me a favor , all right ? just let me make a couple of calls first , do some scratching around and see what i can find out . krystal : you know what ? he 's right . listen , frankie , there 's some leftover meatloaf in the kitchen . why do n't you just go in there and make yourself a sandwich and relax , ok ? and we 'll start -- we 'll start making some phone calls , seriously . are you thinking what i 'm thinking ? tad : you hope he does n't finish the meatloaf ? krystal : i told angie to take the train . tad : yeah . krystal : maybe angie and jesse got together . tad : or maybe whoever the bad guys are , they found her first . [ scene_break ] jesse : they threatened you and frankie , and they said if i did n't tell them what they wanted to know , they would kill you both . angie : and they still did n't tell you what they wanted ? jesse : yeah , that 's when i lost it . i went crazy on all of them . i grabbed this guy , started choking him to death . next thing you know , i 'm waking up in this field somewhere -- on the ground , laying next to this guy digging a hole . i 'm figuring that 's for me , because my hands are tied behind my back , but they 're not -- it 's not that tight . angie : what did you do ? jesse : i kept working on the knot . let the guy finish digging . he finally comes over to me to finish the job . huh . i do n't know how i did it , but i broke free of the ropes , i grabbed him , i was able to somehow turn the gun on him and bury him in his own grave . they needed to believe that they killed me , angie . and i needed to make them believe that i was dead . i hung around for a couple of days to make sure they were n't coming for you and frankie , and then i took off . i 've been running for 20 years . [ scene_break ] krystal : anything ? tad : no . i just spoke to my father . he checked in with the hospital angie works at in new york . nothing . krystal : well , you know my theory . tad : yeah , i know your theory , and i 'd like to believe in your theory , but unfortunately , we have other options to consider . krystal : ok , well , let 's just say i 'm right , all right ? angie and jesse found each other , and they 're still in pine valley . where would they be ? tad : oh , gee , i do n't know . they could 've sashayed over to the yacht club , gotten a cocktail . krystal : tad , come on , be serious . tad : well , seriously , i do n't know . i mean , angie and jesse -- they were such a huge part of everybody 's life around here , there 's no way of knowing . but if you are right , and they 're alone , there was one place they used to hang out together . krystal : where ? tad : it 's a cabin . i mean , more of a shack , actually . it 's in the middle of the woods , and i 'll be damned if i know where . frankie : maybe i could help you . [ scene_break ] angie : so you never found out what they were after ? jesse : nope . whatever it was , they were willing to kill me for it , and then come after you and frankie if i did n't tell them . angie : where did you go ? jesse : where did n't i go ? i went to canada first , then europe . africa . i spent a couple years working a game preserve , if you believe that . i could n't stay in one place too long . angie : why not ? jesse : i did n't want to take the chance that somebody would spot me and figure out that that man laying in that grave that they dug for jesse hubbard was n't jesse hubbard . i did n't want to take that chance . angie : because you were afraid for me and frankie . jesse : i 've always trusted my instincts , angela . and they 're telling me that these people are still out there . and if they find out that i 'm alive , they will come for you and frankie , and i know that . that 's why i ca n't stay here . [ scene_break ] babe : hey , j.r. , it 's me . um -- listen , i just wanted to call and say hi , and just to let you know how proud of -- of you i am for doing what you 're doing . i had a -- a really good time last night . i hope you did , too . and i still think you were cheating . oh -- i got to go , bye . greenlee : ahem . another work call ? mm - hmm . so what happens now with you guys ? babe : me and j.r. ? um -- you know what ? i think we 're just going to take it one day at a time , and , you know , just see how it goes . but you know , sometimes when the moon is full -- greenlee : yeah , yeah , i know exactly what you mean . oh , i wonder how things are going over there with spike . babe : do you still think about the accident ? greenlee : only every day of my life . babe : listen , greenlee , bianca forgave me . kendall forgives you , and -- and we forgive ourselves . greenlee : yeah . babe : ok ? greenlee : yeah , i know . guilt is a real bitch . it was a lot more fun talking about sex . babe : yeah . aidan : huh . excuse me . obviously , i 'm interrupting a very interesting conversation . please , ladies , do go on . [ scene_break ] audiologist : so now that we have programmed the processor , let 's just quickly review what 's going to happen . um -- his speech and sound processor will sort out all the different sounds that spike is going to hear , and then convert them to electric signals , once everything 's fired up . so , are we ready to turn it on ? uh -- why do n't we let spike 's father do the honors ? zach : ryan ? ryan : uh -- yeah -- i 'd -- i 'd love to . i -- i do n't -- i do n't know exactly what i should be doing , so -- kendall : i can do it if you want . annie : no , ryan -- ryan can do it . can i -- thanks . the doctors showed all of us this a while back . all you have to do is you push on this button down here , see ? ryan : all right . annie : why do n't you try on this first ? [ device clicks ] annie : it 's easy . ryan : ok . ok . so where is that now ? kendall : ok . ryan : ok , i got it . kendall : you got him ? ryan : so , just like this kind of ? audiologist : mm - hmm . you 're doing just fine . ryan : yeah ? good . so -- now what ? audiologist : so , now we see how well he 's hearing . spike ? ryan : he heard that . zach : he heard that . kendall : oh , my god , he did hear it . zach : he heard that . ryan : he did . kendall : zach , he heard it . did you hear that ? audiologist : that would seem to be the case , yes . ryan : oh , my god . that 's incredible ! zach : oh , little man , you did it . ryan : hey . hey , hey , let me try . hi . look , he 's looking at me . boy , that a boy . that a boy . oh -- kendall : oh , he 's getting overwhelmed . zach : ok , ok , ok . kendall : oh , i love you , honey . yep . can you hear that , sweet ? zach : hey , spike . kendall : you know mama loves you . mama loves you . he can hear . ryan : thank you very much , doctor . audiologist : you 're very , very welcome . kendall : thank you for everything . i -- i ca n't thank you enough . audiologist : we have more tests to do . if you have any problems -- kendall : ok . ryan : hey . annie : hey . ryan : i do n't even really know what to say . annie : you do n't have to say anything , ryan . we 're all happy for spike . and i 'm happy for you . hey , spikey ? huh . oh , i see you turned . look what i have for you . look at this . what is -- [ object jingles ] annie : this ? zach : oh , great . annie : oh . [ annie laughs ] annie : what is this one ? can you shake it ? can you shake it ? what does that do ? good boy . oh , that 's a good boy . zach : we needed that in the house . annie : and look . hey , look . look what we have here . look . [ tambourine rattles ] annie : can you see that ? like a drum ? ryan : you know , that 's something . zach : i 'm proud of you . kendall : me ? zach : mm - hmm . kendall : no , i did n't do anything . it 's all him . there 's so much i want him to experience now . zach : and he will . it 's a new start , for all of us . annie : see this one ? ryan : would you look at him ? kendall : yeah , i know . i can see him . he 's -- i think he 's going to be a musician . annie : mm - hmm . kendall : he is -- he 's a genius , do n't you think ? [ triangle sounds ] kendall : annie , these toys are great . thank you . annie : what 's this ? kendall : you know , i -- i never thought i 'd see this day . you know , last christmas -- actually , the christmas before last , you and zach put together this train set for spike . and you sat and you watched him play with it for hours and hours . and he had the same look on his face then that he has right now . pure happiness . ryan : i have missed so much . [ spike babbles ] annie : yeah . kendall : you 'll get it back . you 'll get it all back . [ scene_break ] babe : you know what ? i am going to take this extra supply of campbell 's healthy request from the fashion show into the lounge , if anybody gets hungry . greenlee : chicken . babe : yes , actually , it is . greenlee : oh . babe : you know what ? you can handle it , girlfriend . you can handle anything . aidan : i wo n't even ask . greenlee : thanks . so , do you always walk around in a picnic basket , or is that some sort of secret special ops thing ? aidan : huh . i just thought i 'd treat you to lunch . greenlee : really ? aidan : yeah . greenlee : i love lunch . do you want to go up on the rooftop and see if it 's still there ? aidan : yeah , let 's do it . greenlee : ok . aidan : you lead the way . greenlee : here we go . [ scene_break ] frankie : so you could n't find her ? tad : not yet . but i 'm going to keep at it . frankie : i appreciate that . but in the meantime , i think i 'll go to the police station and file a report . tad : frankie , it might be too early to file a report . krystal : no , actually , you know what ? you do what you have to do , and just keep us posted , ok ? i 'm sure your mother 's going to turn up . frankie : yeah . i hope you 're right . thanks for the sandwich . tad : you 're very smart . krystal : yeah ? but what if i 'm wrong , and you 're right , tad ? what if something , god forbid , did happen to angie ? what are you looking for ? tad : a map . i mean , the town 's changed a lot in 20 years , right ? well , maybe , just maybe if i can find a map that 's old enough , i might be able to find it that way . krystal : you think she 's still here ? tad : i do n't know . i 'm not sure . but if she is , it 's possible that she would go to someplace that would mean something to her . this is it . i got it . [ scene_break ] angie : so where were you going ? jesse : i was going to take the train to canada , hop a merchant ship , work -- work my passage somewhere -- i do n't know -- one of the islands . angie : and then what ? jesse : huh . you know , the one thing i learned was never to plan too far ahead . angie : well , that 's going to change . i 'm going to have to make some arrangements . there are some accounts i can close up . and , you know , we 'll have to tell frankie , of course . and then there 's cassandra . do -- do you know that i have a daughter ? jesse : yeah . yeah , i know , but -- angie : yeah , well , cassie 's -- she 's -- she 's still in europe with her father , but we could let her know where to meet us . jesse : `` meet us `` ? meet us where ? whoa -- angie : wherever you 're going , jesse , i 'm going . and do n't even think about trying to stop me . jesse : you can not come with me , angela . angie : then i guess you 're not going anywhere , either . jesse : what -- what about your job , your practice ? angie : then need doctors everywhere . jesse : no , i will not put you through this ! angie : do n't you get it , twisted jesse ? you hear me ? i have -- i have spent 20 years mourning you . 20 years of missing the love of my life , thinking he was gone forever . and now , you -- you come back into my life , you come back just to tell me goodbye again ? you think somebody 's chasing you , jesse ? well , you are right . because you are looking at her ! and i do n't care where you go . you can go to the tips of some godforsaken place in the middle of nowhere , and i will hunt you down and find you ! jesse : huh . angie : what ? jesse : angela baxter , you are too much . angie : well , you just make sure you remember that . jesse : do you even know how much i love you ? angie : jesse , you ca n't leave me . you ca n't leave me ever again . [ scene_break ] annie : you ok ? ryan : yeah . annie -- annie : we need to talk about emma . she 's going to start asking questions soon . ryan : ok . um -- you know , whatever you want me to do . annie : i mean , i 've -- i 've been trying to stall her and buy us some time , but i -- ryan : are you sure that this is what you want ? annie : no . of course , it is n't . i want you to look in my eyes and see the woman that you love . and see the woman that you married , and see the woman who loves you more than anything . but since i ca n't be her right now -- ryan : i 'm trying to remember , annie . annie : i know , i know . and i 'm not blaming you . i mean , this must be a nightmare for you right now , but i have to protect myself , ryan , and i have to protect our daughter . ryan : i totally understand . annie : so we 'll find a time to talk to emma . ryan : good . annie : hey , kendall , i 'll see you at the office , ok ? kendall : ok . annie : i 'm really happy for you guys . bye , spikey . love you . kendall : spikey , say `` bye - bye `` ? zach : bye . kendall : `` bye - bye `` ? spike : bye - bye . kendall : bye . good . good boy . [ scene_break ] [ aidan chuckles ] greenlee : you thought of everything . aidan : yeah , i know . i love picnics . greenlee : really ? why did n't i know that ? when did you become a picnic guy ? aidan : well , i grew up by this -- this wonderful church . it had this huge meadow out in the back . it was kind of secret . my auntie used to take us there . greenlee : hmm . nice . aidan : yeah , she brought a big spread , tea , sandwiches , biscuits -- everything . greenlee : high tea . aidan : almost . you know what ? we felt so superior , because all the tourists would be shelling out loads and loads of bucks for high tea at the fancy hotels in london , and there we were getting it for virtually nothing . ahem . greenlee : you never talk about your childhood . aidan : there 's no reason to . not now . my future is so bright . greenlee : i see . so , pre - greenlee , not worth talking about ? aidan : exactly . greenlee : oh ! [ greenlee giggles as cork pops ] [ aidan whistles ] aidan : you think i 'm kidding ? greenlee : hmm . aidan : you know what ? i forgot the glasses . greenlee : that 's ok . give it to me . i 'll show you something that i learned in my childhood . aidan : oh , yeah ? greenlee : at boarding school , mm - hmm . [ aidan chuckles ] greenlee : it 's a skill . [ greenlee laughs ] aidan : i 'll show you a skill that i learned . greenlee : oh ! [ footsteps ] babe : ahem . greenlee , the police are on the phone . they want to talk to you . aidan : huh . greenlee : me ? babe : yeah . they would n't tell me why . greenlee : oh . aidan : go on . you might as well go get it . greenlee : what the hell is going on ? [ scene_break ] kendall : thank you for coming . ryan : quite a day . kendall : yeah . you 'll have better days . our son -- i do n't know -- this was a good one . ryan : our son . i should go . kendall : no , no , ryan , you do n't have to go . ryan : he 's a really good father , is n't he ? kendall : yeah . he 's the best . ryan : i 'm happy for you . kendall : thanks . i want you to be happy , too . you know that . ryan : it 's a little complicated right now , but i 'm working on it . i 'll see you . kendall : ok . ryan : hey , zach -- zach : yeah ? ryan : i 'll see you around . zach : ok . [ spike babbles ] kendall : hmm . zach : you 're talking up a storm . [ spike babbles ] kendall : hmm . you were amazing with ryan . yeah , buh - buh . [ kendall chuckles ] kendall : i really appreciate it . thank you . zach : what do we do now ? kendall : i have an idea . what are you doing ? zach : little boy . [ kendall chuckles ] kendall : i have an idea . he needs a nap , clearly . zach : yeah . kendall : so , it starts with you putting him down for a nap , me checking on ian , and us meeting in the bedroom . zach : i like the sound of that . say good night . kendall : ok , night - night . i love you . [ zach growls ] [ phone rings ] kendall : ahem . hello ? derek ? of course . of course , we 'll be right there . bye . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ok . yeah , i had no idea . thanks . aidan : what is it ? greenlee : remember those bones that zach and i found in the bomb shelter ? well , the police want to talk to us about them . why would they want to talk to us about them if it was n't something serious ? [ scene_break ] angie : we 're starting a new life together , baby . and if i 'm in danger , so be it . because it 's not worth anything without you . [ noise ] angie : what is it ? jesse : what was that ? someone -- someone 's outside . tad : huh , thank god . it 's them . krystal : i knew it . i knew it . you found each other ! angie : you -- you knew that he was alive ? krystal : i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . i 'm just so happy for you . tad : we just remembered this place , so , you know , here we are . jesse : what the hell are you thinking , tad ? tad : jesse , we were concerned , ok ? frankie came to the house . he was worried about his mother . jesse : yeah , well , now we got a lot more to worry about , do n't we ? krystal : hey , but you have each other , so you can tackle anything , whatever it is . jesse : this is not a game , people ! you have just put yourself in so much danger ! [ scene_break ] ryan 's voice : i have analyzed this from every angle , and i keep coming back to the simple fact that i love you . kendall : i -- ryan : wait , wait -- which leads me to another simple fact -- that i want to get married to you . and the plan is for us to stay that way for the rest of our lives . so , i 'd like to put this back where it belongs . [ scene_break ] jesse : these people i 've been telling tad about -- these people i 've been ducking for all these years -- they 're killers . [ footsteps ] tad : shh , shh , shh , shh , shh . [ scene_break ] greenlee : boy this is great , huh ? we get one whole day of pure sensual bliss , and then i 'm dragged right back into that bomb shelter . aidan : i 'm sure he just wants to ask you a few questions . kendall : hey . did the police tell you anything ? greenlee : no , just that they wanted to talk about sticks mcgee . zach : the bones . greenlee : yeah . like we need one more reminder of being back in that place . derek : thanks for seeing me . zach : so what 'd you find out ? did you id the body in the shelter ? derek : yeah . we found out who he was and how he died . he was murdered . [ scene_break ] tad : oh . frankie , what the hell are you doing ? why are you here ? frankie : well , you would n't tell me the truth , so i had to follow you . tad : no , listen , let 's go back to -- frankie : no . ma , where you been ? angie : hi , baby . i 'm sorry that i made you worry . frankie : wait -- what are you doing here ? tad : well , she used to come here a lot . that 's why we 're here . we followed her out . krystal : look , i told you she 'd be fine . she just needed some time to think , right , angie ? angie : no , no , uh - uh . my son has been living too many lies . baby , i -- i need you to be brave . can you do that ? frankie : yeah . angie : jesse ? come on out and see your son . jesse : hello , son . [ next_on ] richie : i 'm going get j.r. 's bone marrow , if i have to kill him to do it . frankie ( to jesse ) : i was a little boy when you disappeared . how could you abandon us like that ? angie ( to tad ) : whatever jesse 's hiding , i have a feeling it 's about me .
tad comes downstairs where krystal feeds jenny her breakfast . tad and krystal discuss jesse . krystal ca n't understand jesse coming back to town , and then leaving again without seeing angie . frankie stops by and lets tad and krystal know that angie had not made it to new york . jesse and angie are lying in each other 's arms . they reminisce about the past . jesse tells angie that they are not safe . angie urges jesse to tell her what happened . greenlee comes into work at fusion . babe sees her and tells her that she is glad that she is here . greenlee shows babe the tabloid articles concerning erica 's arrest . greenlee tells babe that spike is getting his cochlear transplant turned on today . kendall is afraid it wo n't work . ryan comes and assures kendall and zach that he is not here to cause trouble , that today is about spike . kendall asks about annie . ryan tells kendall that annie threw him out . jesse is hesitant to tell angie what happened but begins to open up to her . annie comes in and tells zach and kendall that she is fine . the doctor arrives to turn on the cochlear ear transplant . tad thinks of a place that jesse and angie could be if they had found each other . aidan comes in with a blanket and a picnic basket . greenlee is more than a little surprised . ryan turns on the cochlear transplant and spike can hear . everyone is thrilled . happily , ryan and annie play with spike . kendall tells ryan of a christmas past where zach and spike had put together a toy train set , and how that ryan had sat for hours , watching spike . kendall promises ryan that he will get his memory back . babe leaves greenlee and aidan alone to share a romantic lunch . greenlee suggests going up onto the roof for the picnic . angie tells jesse about cassandra then promises that wherever he goes , she is going with him . greenlee and aidan share a romantic picnic until babe interrupts and tells greenlee that the police needs to talk to her . kendall gets a call from derek telling her and zach to come to the police station . greenlee tells aidan that she and zach found some bones in the bomb shelter , and the police wants to talk to her and zach about them . angie tells jesse that they are starting a new life together . jesse hears a noise outside . tad and krystal find jesse and angie together in the cabin . zach and kendall arrive at fusion . derek arrives and tells them that the man in the bomb shelter was murdered . frankie arrives at the cabin and comes face to face with jesse .
ryan : hayward helped annie kidnap my daughter ? jesse : before you ask , that video has no sound . ryan : it 's obvious what they 're doing here . annie wanted to run , and she had no money , and hayward saw a chance to stick it to us , and so he gave it to her . greenlee : arrest him . make him talk . jesse : this video is not enough to charge him . ryan : well , then we got to find something , huh ? [ scene_break ] marissa : hey , sorry i 'm late . i was meeting with a client . david : a big spender , i hope . marissa : actually , it was bianca . she 's getting a divorce . david : i 'm sorry to hear that . marissa : yeah . she 's going through a rough time right now . it 's hard to start over . david : hmm . you know , it 's funny you would mention that . marissa : oh ? why 's that ? david : because i was hoping you 'd help me with the rehabilitation of dr. david hayward . [ scene_break ] j.r. : that does n't make sense . annie ca n't afford to buy any kind of car . [ telephone rings ] j.r. : asher , can you get that ? asher : hello ? j.r. : all right . well , i want hourly updates . asher : yeah , but he 's on another line right now . j.r. : ok . well , fine . asher : all right . i 'll tell him . j.r. : was that the other detectives ? asher : yeah . j.r. : anything ? asher : but , i mean , you have an army of p.i.s looking for this girl , so you 're gon na find annie . j.r. : finally , you 've come out of your room . colby : yeah . you know , sorry . i have n't been very social since your psychopathic girlfriend held me hostage , and i escaped from your sidekick . j.r. : hey , colby , get back here . colby : i 'll pass . j.r. : what are you gon na do ? you gon na lock yourself in your room till spring ? colby : i guess you 're right . when things really suck , you ca n't avoid it forever . [ scene_break ] trumbull : you 're under federal arrest . you have the right to remain silent . anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . jake : sorry . is that -- trumbull : this is none of your business , sir . you have the right to an attorney . if you can not afford one , one will be appointed to you . jake : sir , you 're not dealing with a criminal here . trumbull : we have credible information that dr. cara castillo has been traveling under a fake passport under the alias of -- agent : carolyn finn . trumbull : carolyn finn . ring a bell ? jake : sir , i 'm the chief of staff here at the hospital . maybe we can go down to my office . if there 's a fine or something , then we 'd be delighted to -- trumbull : fine ? if these allegations are true , she 'll be deported . jake : deported ? hold on a second . trumbull : sir , please . jake : how can you allow -- tad : no , no , no , no . come on . come here . come here . they 're here , ok ? they can do it , and they will , so for her sake , do us all a favor . do n't do anything to piss them off , because if they send her back to mexico before we 're ready , she 's as good as dead . cara : are you trying to scare me ? because it 's not working . i belong here . trumbull : passport fraud is a serious charge , doctor . either you talk to us here , or we 'll escort you off the property and do it someplace else not so cheery . cara : you know what ? i have valid paperwork that allows me to work here in the united states . agent : as cara castillo . cara : that 's correct . trumbull : and who is this carolyn finn i keep hearing so much about ? i wonder what reason you 'd have to conceal your true identity from the united states government . jake : do n't answer that , ok ? do n't answer any other questions until we get you a lawyer here . amanda : tad , what 's happening ? tad : i do n't know . federal government showed up out of nowhere , and they 're threatening to deport cara back to mexico . we all know what her odds are if they do that . amanda : but what about your plan , your plan to convince the drug guys that she 's dead , so that it 's safe for her to go wherever she wants ? tad : that does n't matter . it 's not gon na help her now . we need time to set that up . cara is in a bunch of trouble . cara : please wait . just give me a second . you ca n't do this . please . amanda : go . help her . woman on p.a . : dr. white , call your office . dr. white , call your office . tad : it 's my fault . amanda : why would you think that ? tad : because of what i did . i was digging around in cara 's past , seeing what i could find . maybe i set off some bells or whistles somewhere . amanda : no . this is not your fault . tad : i appreciate the vote of confidence , but if they send her back south of the border before -- amanda : no . you are not to blame for this . tad : why ? amanda , is there something you want to tell me ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : i take full responsibility . colby : is that supposed to be some sort of joke ? j.r. : no . it 's an apology . what annie put you through -- colby : what she put me through ? j.r. , i honestly thought annie was gon na kill me . j.r. : but you 're safe now . colby : oh , i guess that 's all that matters , right ? never mind that i was trapped alone with that lunatic wondering how long it was gon na be until she bashed my head in . j.r. : you ca n't think like that . colby : have you ever seen annie like that ? have you ever looked her in the eyes when she 's about to go over the edge ? j.r. , i tried to get away , but she freaked out . i was so scared for my life . j.r. : all right . i 'll make it up to you . colby : how ? what are you gon na do , buy me a car ? j.r. , you honestly do n't get it . i could be dead . marissa almost was . emma is gone , all because of your ego . j.r. : i thought i had everything under control . look . i made a mistake . colby : mistakes , mistakes . you seem to make a lot of those because you think that you can handle anything , but you ca n't . you tried to run this family , but look at it . it 's falling apart . j.r. , you 're divorced , ok ? you 're dating a psychopath . chandler enterprises is a mess , and scott , well , he wants no part of this family . j.r. : colby , that 's enough , all right ? colby : you are in so far over your head , it 's actually pathetic , because you think that you can be dad , but you will never ever be dad . j.r. : i 've listened to what you had to say . now it 's my turn . [ scene_break ] marissa : i 'm a lawyer , david , not a miracle worker . david : look . i know it 's a lot to ask , ok , remaking my reputation , but , thanks to the governor , i have a second chance , and i do n't want to squander it . marissa : so what do you want from me ? david : a little faith . believe me when i say to you that i 'm ready to wipe the slate clean , start over , and i really would like to do that with my daughter at my side . marissa : ha ha ! well , i 've seen what happens to people who stick by your side . david : fair enough , but think of it like this . you 've already signed on to be my attorney , right ? you also believed me when i told you that ryan was trying to fake my escape . so i just want to prove to you that you did n't make a mistake , that i really can be a good man . marissa : let 's start at a better man , ok ? you do n't want to raise the bar too high . david : so is that a yes ? marissa : just do n't think about playing me , ok ? david : trust me , i know even if i tried , you would n't fall for it . marissa : damn straight . david : i think we can do this together . [ scene_break ] greenlee : we all know what 's happening on that video . david is taking some revenge on you and me by helping annie . jesse : that video was taken before the amber alert was issued , and it 's an easy argument that hayward was clueless that emma was kidnapped at the time . greenlee : can we tap david 's phone ? jesse : not without a subpoena . ryan : i do n't care if david gets arrested . that 's not what i 'm worried about . what i 'm worried about is where annie took my daughter . hayward is our best lead right now . jesse : well , good luck getting him to talk . greenlee : we can force him to talk . jesse : can we force you to leave this to the cops , feds ? ryan : what if this was your daughter , your daughter scared and in real danger and , on top of everything else , hayward is involved , the guy who 's made all of our lives miserable ? he knows something , jesse . jesse : you know what ? you 're right . let 's do this . [ scene_break ] tad : amanda , things are moving kind of quickly here . if you got something to get off your chest , now is the time to do it . amanda : all cara had to do was tell the truth , but instead , it was one lie after another , and then i find out that she still loves jake , and i love him . i trust him . i know how much he loves me , but i just wanted her out of our lives . it was me . i called immigration . tad : oh , god . amanda : cara kept saying how she wanted to leave pine valley so bad , so i decided to make it happen , but i did not know about the drug guys in mexico . tad : amanda , cara could die . [ scene_break ] jackson : yes . i know something about immigration law . jake : can you get the feds off cara 's back ? jackson : jake , the way you 've explained this to me , these are very serious charges . jake : you do n't understand . she ca n't be sent away . jackson : i 'll do everything i can , promise . trumbull : do i need to ask you again , dr. castillo ? cara : you could try . jake : no more questions , ok , because her lawyer is here . meet your lawyer , this is jackson . jackson : hi , cara . jack montgomery . nice to meet you . i 'm sorry it 's under these circumstances . gentlemen , everything goes through me now , so , if you do n't mind , bring me up to speed . jake : i talked to your brother . he 's in surgery . he 's hung up , but it 's ok . i got this . everything is gon na be fine , ok ? are you ok ? it 's gon na be fine . cara : is it ? jake : yeah . jackson is the best . cara : because they 've moved beyond illegal immigration . they 're calling me a terrorist . [ scene_break ] asher : hey , i 'm gon na leave you two alone . j.r. : no . stay . you should hear this , too . now , i have taken on too much too soon -- the family , the company -- but that drive to have it all , that was n't just for me . that 's for us because if i succeed , the chandlers succeed . colby : and if you fail ? j.r. : i wo n't . have i had a few miscalculations ? yes , but from here on out , i 'll be better , and i 'll be smarter , and i 'll get this family back on top . colby : j.r. , i love you -- you 're my brother , ok ? -- but all you talk about is how you 're gon na head this family , and i do n't buy it , and nobody does . j.r. : how can you say that ? colby : well , you do n't learn . you do n't change . j.r. , what you do , it hurts people , but you do n't realize it until it 's too late . j.r. : i 've apologized , colby . what else do you want ? you 're gon na be all right . annie is gon na get the help that she needs . everything is gon na work out . colby : all right . you keep on telling yourself that . just do n't expect me to take any more of your miscalculations . [ scene_break ] marissa : first thing you should know , you got a lot of people rooting against you , so you 're gon na have to convince them that you 're not a threat . david : well , why do n't i start with some charity events ? marissa : ha ha ! yeah , if you could get any invitations . david : well , you got a good point there . well , maybe some volunteer work , right ? that 's productive , you know , while i 'm petitioning to get my medical license back . marissa : you really think that they 'll reinstate you after what you did ? david : i have to try , marissa . i 'm a doctor . it 's what i do . saving kendall was -- marissa : it was a start . it 's a start . david : yeah , but once i 'm back to my real passion , saving lives , even my harshest critics will have to acknowledge my great service . that 's a good thing . that 's exactly what we want right now . marissa : it 's true . david : yeah . so ? hmm . jesse : got a minute ? david : yeah , for you , chief . sure . why not ? marissa : i can stay . david : no . that 's all right . that 's ok . we 'll pick this up later , all right ? marissa : well , ok . david : so -- oh , that 's right . i heard about emma 's disappearance . any idea where she is ? greenlee : we were hoping you could tell us . david : why would you think i would have any idea where annie is ? jesse : well , she could n't stay off radar like this without cash . she must 've gotten it from somewhere . david : maybe she robbed a bank . jesse : right . so we 're thinking she got it from someone she knows . david : well , then i would speak to j.r . i hardly knew annie . greenlee : but maybe you like the idea of torturing ryan . david : ok . i get it . that 's what this is all about , is n't it ? ok . fine . it 's no big secret i 'm no big fan of your husband 's . congratulations on that , by the way . greenlee : did you help annie by getting back at us for getting married ? david : i know you would love to pin this on me , but you 're gon na need proof . ryan : we do n't have any proof . look . my daughter is missing , and we 're kind of grasping at straws here , and every minute that ticks away , she slips further and further away . so if you know anything about emma -- you know where she could be ? david : i do n't . i ca n't help you , and i have to get going . so i wish you luck on your search . greenlee : why did n't we show him the photo ? ryan : because that 's not the way to get him to talk . [ scene_break ] [ cell phone rings ] colby : hello ? damon : hey , it 's me . colby : damon ? [ scene_break ] jake : a terrorist ? come on . that 's insane . cara is a doctor . she 's dedicated her entire life to saving people . jackson : i would certainly like to see the evidence that supports that accusation . trumbull : we 've done our homework . dr. castillo , a.k.a . finn , has been through every hot spot on the globe -- afghanistan , pakistan , yemen -- cara : i worked for doctors without borders , and those are the places that they needed me . trumbull : phony passports , constant travel , volatile regions -- it fits the profile . jake : jackson , this is ridiculous . come on . jackson : look . a fake name on a passport is a far cry from being a card- carrying member of al - qaeda . you guys are making a hell of a leap here . trumbull : well , there 's more . there 's a significant amount of time that we ca n't account for the good doctor 's whereabouts . agent : she disappeared for months , a training camp maybe . jackson : may i ? trumbull : here 's the dates . jake : can i see ? oh , no . this is right at the time that we went our separate ways in africa . honey , you were reassigned , right , so just tell these guys where you went , where you were reassigned to . what ? what ? cara : i should 've told you . jackson : cara , if you 're planning on telling anybody anything , maybe you should tell me first . jake : you should 've told me what ? cara : i 'm a cancer survivor , and the time that i disappeared -- jake : what ? cara : i came out of remission , and my brother took care of me . and i was very sick , and i almost died . [ scene_break ] amanda : tad , yes . i wanted cara gone , but i never meant to put her in danger . tad : well , now she is . she 's a mexican national . she 's here illegally . amanda : if i knew someone wanted her dead , i never would 've made the call . what can we do ? tad : i do n't know . i have no idea . if jake ca n't convince the federal government she 's working more in the united states than in mexico , they 'll deport her by the end of the day . those people will find her . she 's gon na end up with a bullet in the back of her head . [ scene_break ] j.r. : well , thank you for coming . asher : i 'm gon na head off to the library if you need anything . j.r. : all right . would you like to sit ? marissa : i do n't have a lot of time . j.r. : work is keeping you busy . marissa : yeah , among other things . j.r. : such as ? marissa : well , i just met with david . he wants some help overhauling his image . j.r. : oh , well , good luck with that . maybe you should start tackling something easier , like middle east peace talks . marissa : ha ha ! well , i like the challenge , and if he 's for real , then we 'd all be better off . j.r. : and if he 's not ? marissa : then i 'll be the first to know . i 've got my eyes wide open about david and all the other men in my life . j.r. : hmm . well , fair enough . do n't forget about the little man , though . marissa : oh , i love that . i go after you , and you bring up a.j . j.r. : he 's our son , and as parents , it 's our obligation to move past that anger for him . marissa : do you have this speech written on your hand ? j.r. : come on , marissa . we need to work this out . marissa : it 's so funny because that 's what you said when you were hiding your relationship with annie from me . so funny . j.r. : please just sit down . what you and i were building , that was real , ok ? it was for a.j . giving him a happy life , that was our goal , and we were doing that together , and we still can . so hear me out . please do n't say no right away . marissa : to what ? j.r. : to moving back in here . marissa : are you out of your mind ? [ scene_break ] colby : so how 's california ? damon : it 's ok . colby : why did you call ? damon : i heard about what happened with annie . colby : oh . damon : i wanted to make sure that you 're ok . colby : yeah . i 'm ok , i guess . damon : so what , did annie just flip out ? colby : pretty much . it 's all j.r. 's fault . i mean , i tried to tell him that she 's a mess . damon , it 's really , really nice of you to check in on me , but i do n't understand why you care . damon : it 's not like we had some huge fight . we were still talking when i left . colby : but you said that we were done and that 's what you wanted . damon : i miss you . colby : damon , you ended it , and you did n't want to go back . you did n't even want to try . damon : i do n't know anymore . getting used to life out here has been harder then i thought . i 've been alone a lot . i 've had time to think about you , and if we could try again . colby : uh -- my battery is dying . i have to go , ok ? [ scene_break ] david : oh , hello , counselor . i 'll have the same , please . liza : i 'm busy . david : you too busy for dinner later ? liza : i 'm afraid so . david : come on , liza . take a break . we 'll go somewhere quiet . we 'll have a nice bottle of wine . liza : you know , everybody already thinks i crossed a line with you . what do you think they 're gon na think if we 're having chardonnay in a romantic restaurant ? david : why do you care what they think ? liza : listen . i hate to burst your bubble , but it 's not gon na happen . [ scene_break ] greenlee : so why not shove that photo in david 's face and make him explain ? ryan : because once he realizes that all we have is the video footage -- we do n't have any witnesses ; we do n't have any audio on it -- then he 's gon na shut down . he 's not gon na give us anything . he 'll come up with some kind of plausible excuse . greenlee : and that 's when we apply the pressure . ryan : he 's not gon na crack . hayward is not gon na crack -- you know that -- and then we will lose the one advantage that we have , knowing that he met with annie . jesse : listen . i got to get back to the fbi , see if there 's another way we can come at this , ok ? we 're gon na find her . ryan : ok . i 'll call you . greenlee : ok . i know you . you 're not just gon na sit back and watch david walk away from this . ryan : no . he does n't know it yet , but he 's gon na lead us right to emma . [ scene_break ] amanda : please do n't hate me . tad : hate you ? i just do n't know what to think . i mean , it 's not like you . it 's not like you at all to do something like this , to go behind jake 's back , to call the authorities . amanda : selfish . it was beyond selfish . tad : you know he 's gon na find out . you 're gon na have to tell him . amanda : i know . i know . i will . i just have to find out a way to explain it . nothing i say is going to make what i did any better , but maybe if you just understand where my head was when i made the call -- jake and i had been doing so well , and all of a sudden , his past walks in the door , this woman that he shared so much with , and i did n't know what to think , you know ? she lied about things , and her story kept changing . i just wanted things back to the way that they were . it was stupid , and it was never about putting cara in danger . it was because i did not want to lose jake , and i was trying to protect my marriage . tad : your marriage ? do you know what she was willing to do for him ? she saved his life . amanda : how do i help ? tad : i do n't know , but i think you 've done enough . do me a favor , ok ? do n't make any more calls to the feds . [ scene_break ] cara : as a child , i was very sick , in and out of hospitals for years . eventually , i went into remission . my mother and my big brother were afraid that i 'd be sick again , so they did n't allow me to interact with children . they never let me go play outside . i was like their little prisoner . when i became an adult , they had to let me go . so i went to medical school . they were still worried about me . so i started my own life , and i found my way to doctors without borders . trumbull : so you started off in africa . cara : the sudan , yes , and it was the most incredible experience of my life . finally , i was n't the fragile little girl behind the glass . i was out in the world making a difference . i was free -- until the cancer came back , and i had to stay away , but i did n't want to . trumbull : so you went into hiding with your brother . cara : that 's correct . trumbull : is he an enemy of the state , too ? jackson : come on , come on , come on . jake : all cara has ever wanted to do was to help people , ok ? she fights terrorism . every place that she went , she volunteered to go there , places that you would never have the guts to go , by the way . trumbull : ok . you know what ? why do i have to keep telling you to step back ? jake : what , are you gon na do something to me , huh ? is that what you want ? trumbull : you do n't want any of this . jackson : stop . jake : listen . we 're gon na get whatever evidence you need , ok , and it will clear her name , and at the same time , you know what 's gon na happen ? we 're gon na expose the fact that you 're incompetent . trumbull : all right , all right . maybe terrorism was a reach -- jackson : great adjustment in attitude , gentlemen . thank you . trumbull : but we still got the doctor on passport fraud , sick or not . that charge is indisputable . jake : well , you ca n't deport her because if you do , she 'll be murdered . trumbull : what are you talking about ? jake : what do you not understand ? you have to keep her on humanitarian grounds . otherwise , her life is in danger . is it within cara 's rights to ask for protection ? jackson : well , the government can offer asylum to foreign nationals who can prove they 'd be in danger if they 're returned to their homeland . trumbull : so who 's out to get you , dr. castillo ? cara : the sudan was already a very dangerous place , and things got even worse when the latin american drug cartels moved in . there was this one day when these guys came rushing into our camp carrying this man who had been shot . his name was salazar . he was the brother of a cartel leader . they asked me to operate on him , but i could n't , because i was in the middle of pulling out a bullet from a little boy who had been caught in their crossfire , and i was not gon na walk away from that little boy . he survived . salazar did n't , and they blamed me , and they made it very clear that i would pay for the choices that i made . trumbull : is there any particular reason why you were consorting with drug lords ? jake : she saved a child 's life knowing that it would cost her her own . i mean , she should n't be deported . she should get a medal . jackson : jake -- jake : no . this is ridiculous . it 's stupid . we have to do something , all right ? this is idiotic . trumbull : well , that 's up to a judge now . jackson : well , we 'll be filing immediately . trumbull : i 'm sure you will . jackson : gentlemen , will you just give me the possibility that all this woman was trying to do was make the world in which we live a better place ? trumbull : that woman committed a serious crime . she got caught , and now she 's gon na have to face the consequences . jake : you 're such a waste to taxpayer dollars , mr . agent man . trumbull : ok . you know what , dr. martin ? you 're gon na have to leave right now . jake : i do n't have to go anyplace . jackson : yes . in fact , you do . please . please . jake : jack , do something . we got to get her out of this place . jackson : look . i will file for asylum , but normally , that 's used to protect people against foreign governments , not individuals . however , listen . just listen to me . if you can convince the judge that she is needed in pine valley , that she offers a service that is absolutely necessary , it 's a long shot , but look . notice how you 've come to rely on her at the hospital , yes ? jake : jackson , i 've got files on every single patient she 's ever worked on , whoever she 's helped . jackson : again , i ca n't guarantee this is gon na work for us , but it 's sure as hell worth a try . jake : it 's in my laptop at my brother 's house . jackson : go get it . jake : hey , i 'm gon na get you out of this , ok ? cara : ca n't thank you enough , jake . jake : i 'm not gon na let you down . cara : ok . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you really think that would work ? ryan : i think it 's the best shot we have to get david to point us to emma , and if annie can help us with that -- greenlee : yeah . it would be so fitting . ryan : you know what to do , right ? greenlee : yeah , yeah . i 'm ready . [ scene_break ] david : i 'm already spending time with my daughter . thank you . soon , i will be seeing my grandson . i will be reacquainted with colleagues , attending functions , and doing what i do best -- treating patients . liza : all right . is there some sort of hidden camera here somewhere ? david : no . really , liza . you 'll see . soon , i will be accepted , even welcomed , throughout all of pine valley . liza : you really think you 're gon na make that happen ? david : hey , i did come back from the dead , did n't i ? liza : i got to go . hey , honey , what 's wrong ? colby : uh , nothing . i 'm fine . liza : well , obviously , you 're not . ok . what 's going on ? colby : damon . he called me . [ scene_break ] marissa : well , it is so crazy , because i was looking to move into a place that reminds me of the time that i was almost murdered . j.r. : i understand your hesitation . please just hear me out before you make a final decision . marissa : there is nothing that is going to change my mind . j.r. : well , i do know how much you love lucretia 's apple pie . marissa : that 's the best you can do ? i have work to do . j.r. : seriously , though . marissa , this makes sense . marissa : oh , for you . j.r. : for a.j . marissa : i get it . so annie is out of the picture . now you want me back here . j.r. : i lied about annie , but i 'm done lying . this is about a.j . this is about giving him the stability he needs , so he can wake up in the same bed every morning , so he can see his mom and his dad together , working together . marissa : nothing is gon na make me move back here . j.r. : you can have your own wing , ok , complete privacy . you 're not even gon na see me , but a.j . will know that you 're here . marissa : no . no . did i say no ? because -- no . j.r. : this is a chance for us to be in a.j . 's life all the time , not just when some custody agreement says it 's ok . we wo n't get this time back , and i do n't want to miss anything . do you ? marissa : how many times have i told you that this house is toxic to me ? it 's the place where i was lied to , betrayed , humiliated , almost asphyxiated . there is no way that i am moving back in here . j.r. : even for our son ? marissa : i love a.j . i would do anything for him , but this does n't help him . it helps you , makes you think that no matter what you do , you can get your way , but i 'm sorry , j.r. that 's not how life works . [ scene_break ] [ door closes ] jake : hey . amanda : hey , how 's cara ? jake : she 's not good . there it is . this -- amanda : can we talk ? jake : mm - hmm . amanda : jake , i really need to talk to you . what are you doing ? jake : just pulling up every patient that cara worked on at pine valley . maybe i can help prove to the immigration judge that 's she 's worth keeping around as a doctor , that she 's a great doctor , and -- i do n't know -- maybe they 'll let her stay . i do n't know . amanda : you think they 'll go for that ? jake : i do n't know . i hope so . they have to . [ scene_break ] colby : damon , he seems like he 's lonely , and he 's been thinking , and , well , he 's having second thoughts about our breakup . liza : honey , he is 1,000 miles away . he 's in unfamiliar territory . he 's gon na settle in , and the culture shock is gon na pass along with the idea of getting back together . colby : mom , it sounds like you do n't even want us to be together . liza : what i do n't want is for you to get hurt again . colby : well , maybe we can fix things . maybe we can make things work . liza : no . you ca n't . you ca n't , colby . it 's just like what happened with me and tad at your age . there 's just certain things you can not get past . [ scene_break ] asher : so i 'm guessing whatever it was with marissa did n't go too well . j.r. : i 'm 0 for 2 today . that 's all right . they 'll come around . asher : i do n't know . colby seemed pretty pissed . j.r. : eh , marissa did , too , but i 'll change their mind . asher : how ? j.r. : your whole life , people will tell you no , but do n't give up . do n't let someone else tell you how it 's going to be . you make your own reality , and you go where you want to go . asher : but not everyone can do that . j.r. : you 're damn right , but i can . i 'm a chandler . colby will forgive me . marissa will move back into the house . that 's just the beginning . this house will be full again . i said i 'd put this family back on top . that 's exactly what i intend to do . [ scene_break ] marissa : as a longtime board member , you know dr. hayward 's value to this hospital . we 're hoping that we can get your support in bringing him back here and getting his extraordinary skills to work again . greenlee : excuse me . can i talk to you ? marissa : i was in the middle of something . i 'm sorry . can you just excuse me for a second ? board member : sure . marissa : thank you . greenlee : wow , you 're really going all out for your father . marissa : well , when i signed on as his lawyer , we made a deal . i would help him turn his life around , and he would never deceive me again . so far , he 's kept up his end . greenlee : if you believe that , you need to listen to me . [ scene_break ] [ cell phone rings ] david : hello ? annie : hi . it 's annie . i 'm not sure where i 'm going . david : annie , i told you to go straight to the cabin . the directions were very clear . what happened ? annie , where are you ? ryan : she 's right here . [ scene_break ] jake : we got it . well , that 's it . this could be it . this could be the thing that really helps her . amanda : i 'm so sorry . jake : it could not have been easy for you to send me off to go and help her , so for that , i got to say , you 're an angel . amanda : i never meant for this to happen . [ scene_break ] jackson : i 'm not finished with my client yet . trumbull : dr. castillo is being charged with violating federal immigration law , so when i say it 's time to go , that 's what it is , time to go . jackson : drunk with power . [ cell phone rings ] jackson : thank you , agent . trumbull : trumbull . great . thanks . ok . well , that 's it . we 're on judge harris ' calendar . cara : who 's judge harris ? trumbull : judge harris presides over special immigration courts . we 're gon na plead our case . you 're gon na plead yours . cara : and what if she decides on deportation ? trumbull : bye - bye . you 're on the next plane out . let 's go . stand up . cara : no . wait . you ca n't -- trumbull : let 's go . cara : please . wait , wait . just -- you ca n't do this . tad : take your hands off my fiancée .
in their condo , ryan finds out that david helped annie to leave town and to take emma with her . david sits at the bar at krystal 's when marissa comes in . marissa lets david know that she was with bianca who is getting divorced from reese . she also agrees that it is hard starting over . j.r. and asher are on the phone in the chandler living room when colby comes in . j.r. is glad that she had finally decided to come out of her bedroom . j.r. tries to talk to colby , but all she wants to do is to blame him for annie kidnapping her at the beach house . cara is arrested for having a different name on her passport and is questioned by immigrations agents . the agents threaten to deport cara back to mexico where she will surely be killed if found . tad orders jake not to do anything until he returns . cara insists to the agents that she is not scared of what they will do to her . amanda pulls tad aside and questions him as to what is going on . jake joins them not sure of what to do to help cara . amanda tells him to go and help cara . jake leaves , leaving amanda alone with tad . tad blames himself for this happening to cara . amanda lets him know that it is not his fault . tad notices something is wrong and wonders what amanda has done . david asks for marissa 's help in gaining back his self respect and that of his colleagues . greenlee suggests to ryan and jesse that they tap david 's phone . amanda opens up to tad and tells him that she had called immigration on cara . in a hotel room , jake asks jack to help cara in dealing with immigration . jack orders immigration to bring him up to speed about the investigation . colby lets j.r. know that he never changes . ryan , greenlee and jesse question david if he had helped annie escape town . david denies knowing where annie is . cara opens up and tells the immigration officers that she is a cancer survivor and that she had almost died at one time . tad tells amanda that cara will be killed if she is deported to mexico . marissa visits j.r. to tell him that david had asked for her help in polishing his image , and to get him back in good standing in the public 's eye . j.r. asks marissa to move back in with him . colby talks to damon on the phone . colby wonders why damon had called her after him breaking up with her . damon asks colby to try again in their relationship . colby pretends as though something is wrong with her phone and hangs up . liza and david meet at confusion . david asks her to dinner but she refuses .
[ kendall and zach walk up to his father 's tombstone which reads , `` alexander cambias , sr . , beloved father , beloved husband , 8/1/1942 , 8/29/2003 ] kendall : i do n't think it was such a good idea to come here . you 're upset , zach -- i can feel it . what are you thinking right now ? just talk to me . woman 's voice : michael cambias -- it ca n't be . kendall : you know what , zach ? i think that we should leave . zach 's voice : crazy old man -- woman 's voice : but he was your father . kendall : we know it 's a lie . we know that what is says is a lie . your father was not beloved -- ryan 's voice : take the dna test . kendall : not by you , not by anyone . ryan : of dollars to -- kendall : he died a lonely , bitter unloved man . zach 's voice : may he rot in hell , along with you . joe 's voice : i 've never been asked to do something like this . kendall : you 're upset , zach . i can feel it . are you sure this is n't just stirring up a bunch of painful memories ? kendall 's voice : he died a bitter , unloved man . he died a bitter , unloved man . he died a bitter , unloved man . he died a bitter , unloved man . he died a bitter , unloved man . [ unable to bear all the voices in his head any longer , zach frantically starts digging on top of his father 's grave , yelling loudly . ] [ scene_break ] tad : oh , finally . get in here , you -- i 've been looking all over the hospital for you . what the hell do you think you 're doing to erica ? jeff : hello to you , too . tad : it 's not a joke . do you realize she 's desperate ? she 's all over me about trying to find your son . jeff : look , i would n't worry about josh . tad : i 'm not worried about josh , i 'm worried about erica . it seems to me like just when you 're supposed to be calming her down , you 're trying to wind her up . jeff : oh , come on . erica has always been high - maintenance , you know that . what 's your excuse ? tad : oh , forgive me . excuse me if i do n't want to stand back and watch one of my best friends , let alone best clients , get shoved through the wringer . jeff : oh -- well , you want to know what you can do for your client ? call her off this , all right ? i mean , it 's obvious that josh does n't want to be found . tad : how the hell would you know ? because you know exactly where he is , do n't you ? [ scene_break ] josh : you should be getting some rest . babe : did you get a hold of mama ? josh : just got off the phone with her . she 's watching little a , said she 'd stop by later . babe : `` later `` ? did -- did you tell her that i 'm awake and i -- i was asking for her ? josh : she said she loves you , and she 'll see you soon . babe : are you lying to me ? [ scene_break ] krystal : excuse me , bianca , now is n't the time . bianca : somebody has to call you on your actions , j.r . j.r. : and you elected yourself my fan club president ? bianca : how cold are you ? how vicious and heartless ? do you wake up in the morning and ask yourself , `` how can i make the world more miserable today ? `` adam : do n't come into my house and attack my son . not now . bianca : oh , `` not now `` ? not now while he 's grieving for the love of his life , the same woman he was blackmailing when she died ? adam : what 's this about blackmail ? [ scene_break ] zoe : the satin slayer could 've killed me . derek : when this person attacked you , did you ever see a needle ? zoe : it was dark . derek : white ribbons , gardenias ? zoe : no , i did n't see anything . it happened so quickly . jack : where are you going with this , derek ? derek : well , if this was the killer , he certainly has changed his method . i mean , none of the women were beaten , and why was n't he poisoned ? hmm ? see anything funny ? one of these victims does n't look like the others . zoe : i wondered how long it would take you to go there . derek : the attacker only kills women . jack : yes , well , zoe was dressed as a woman . maybe the attacker realized his mistake and ran off . derek : or maybe our victim is full of bs . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach , what are you doing ? zach , stop it ! stop it , zach ! guys , will you help me , please ? zach , stop it ! i will not let you do this to yourself ! now , you got to stop , ok ? listen to me -- listen to me , ok ? your father is gone ! honey , listen to me , he 's gone ok ? he can not hurt you . he is dead , zach , he 's dead ! [ as zach calms down , the guards let him go . ] kendall : what 's wrong ? what is wrong ? zach : dig him up . tell the director to meet me at plot 1177 . no -- stop ! i did n't say `` ask him , `` i said `` tell him `` ! five minutes . kendall : zach , listen to me -- zach , you do n't have to do this to yourself , ok ? nothing in that coffin will take away your hurt . there is nothing buried in there that will help us find out who killed our friends . zach : i know what i 'm doing . there 's a secret in that grave . [ scene_break ] josh : what 's my big lie , babe ? that i actually would n't eat the fruit salad around here ? babe : i just ca n't stop thinking about mama and how worried she must be . josh : your lungs sound nice and clear . babe : the first time i was in the hospital , mama barely even left my side . josh : well , she 'll be here shortly . do you have any pain , scale of one to 10 ? babe : four . i feel really weak , though . what about little adam ? have they told him anything ? josh : i 'm not sure about that . babe : you know , after i gave birth , i -- um -- i had a heart infection . josh : yeah , i know -- it 's in your chart . babe : then i got injected with v - tach , had a heart attack -- that 's not a good combo . am i going to die ? josh : yeah -- in about 60 or 70 years . in the meantime , you 're getting the most advanced care possible . we 're going to make you better , babe . you 'll be raising hell in no time . babe : i just want to raise my son . josh : and you will . i swear . babe : i just -- i ca n't leave my son with j.r . i ca n't let little adam learn from his father . josh : ok , you ca n't think about that right now . take one step at a time . babe : how am i supposed to do that ? how am i supposed to just lie here with everything that 's going on ? i mean -- where will i even go when i 'm released ? i -- i ca n't even go home . josh : well , maybe you can stay with amanda at wildwind -- or with me . babe : j.r. would love that . hmm . what will he do when i tell him i 'm -- i 'm taking my son , and we 're moving out ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : `` blackmail `` is something that zoe made up on his way down to freak town , usa . bianca : why would she make that up ? adam : why would he put on a dress ? j.r. : look , i just buried my wife -- and my mother . you come here on the attack ? it 's time for you to leave . krystal : you know , maybe that 's a good idea , bianca . bianca : what you did to zoe was cruel . do you honestly think that 's what babe would 've wanted ? j.r. : he did that himself . huh . it 's not my job to be somebody 's babysitter . krystal : what happened ? bianca : j.r. found zoe badly beaten and nearly unconscious , next to babe 's grave . what did he do ? did he call an ambulance , did he call the police , did he stay with her until help arrived ? no . he left her there , he walked away . god forbid , you think about anybody but yourself . krystal : is she ok ? bianca : she 's in the hospital , she 's lucky to be alive . you know , you may mourn babe in the daylight , but when night falls , you turn right back into the j.r. we 've all come to know and loathe . j.r. : zoe was drunk , and if she hit on some straight guy looking like that , got herself pounded , it 's not my fault . adam : a man has to learn to take care of himself , especially if he 's wearing lipstick . bianca : she was lying on the ground bleeding , and you ditched her . adam : why do you care so much about zoe ? bianca : this is n't about me , ok ? adam : zoe got herself into this mess . bianca : are you saying that she was asking for it ? are you actually going to say that to me ? you know , whatever you think of zoe , babe really cared about her . j.r. : that does n't mean that i have to save the guy if he does something stupid . bianca : what 's the matter , j.r. ? babe is n't around anymore to hate , so you decided to pass all that on to zoe ? do you always have to have somebody to hate ? [ scene_break ] zoe : does doubting me make you feel better ? derek : it 's not the first time you 've lied to us . zoe : wait . he spit on me -- could n't hold in his disdain . my clothes are over there , you should test them . jack : this is our first chance for dna . derek : simple assault is a police matter . thanks , but i 'll take care of it . zoe : oh , he 's just angry i 'm not the satin slayer . if i were , his daughter would be safe , and he 'd have all of his answers . now we 'll just have to keep asking questions . julia : ahem . excuse me . zoe , you need to take these . derek : we 're finished here . zoe : i 'm sorry i could n't help you with your case . i tried my best . [ zoe takes her meds from julia ] zoe : does it bother you to treat me ? julia : why would it bother me ? zoe : you 're not nervous about touching the freak ? julia : uh -- i 'm very sorry if we made you uncomfortable at wildwind after the funeral . zoe : oh , no , no , no . i made you uncomfortable , do n't apologize . julia : you have nothing to apologize for . zoe : i 'm just not comfortable in my own skin . you should n't have to put it on , too . julia : you know , i could introduce you to some therapists , specialists . zoe : people to treat my psychiatric disorder ? julia : `` disorder `` ? where did you get that ? zoe : some hotshot medical student could n't wait to tell me . julia : well , the medical profession is currently reviewing calling it a `` psychiatric disorder . `` zoe : apparently , the local five - oh did n't get that memo . [ scene_break ] jack : is zoe right ? i mean , is this about dani ? derek : this is about women being killed . jack : because the way you treated him in there -- i 'm telling you , it -- it just is n't like you , man . derek : our little pet rock star in there is a drama queen . did he do it or did n't he ? oh , he did n't do it , but she did . now -- now she 's a victim . i mean , come on , give me a break . jack : our `` pet rock star `` in there might have some evidence . i want you to run that saliva sample . we could get a hit , case closed . [ scene_break ] tad : come on , just tell me where he is . jeff : i ca n't . tad : oh , for god 's sake . jeff , do n't do this to me . what 's the big secret ? i mean , then again , why would you know , and we would n't ? jeff : look , this has nothing to do with erica and -- and certainly it 's nothing for you to worry about . tad : oh , forgive me , i 'm sorry . why do n't i believe that ? jeff : you do n't want to know about this , believe me . tad : it 's not a joke . i care a lot about erica . what am i supposed to do , go back to her and say `` i 'm sorry , you 're not a member of the club `` ? jeff : i do n't know , tad . tad , just tell her you ca n't find josh , tell her you ca n't find me . tell her -- erica : anything but the truth . what 's going on ? and why was n't i invited ? jeff : well , it 's not important . erica : jeff , i heard you mention my name . please let me decide whether it 's important . tad : erica , i swear to you . in the process of looking for josh , i stopped by the hospital to run a couple leads by jeff just to get his opinion . erica : and what is his opinion ? jeff : well , i made a few suggestions . tad : you know , you 're right , and i 'm going to go out and get right on those . erica : well , that was quite the performance , but do n't expect the academy award on sunday . jeff : i 'm not quite sure what that means . erica : what are you covering ? jeff : have you had lunch ? erica : do n't change the subject . jeff : no , no , no , come on , come on . you can grill me all you want after we have appetizers . erica : no , jeff , i will not be left out while the big boys wrestle . jeff : well , i 'd much rather wrestle with you than my brother . erica : look , if you know where josh is , you 've got to tell me . jeff : as far as i know , josh is fine . erica : `` as far as you know `` ? jeff : well , it 's been a couple of days since i 've heard from him . erica : you heard from him ? where is he ? jeff : look , he 's -- um -- he 's taking care of things . erica : what do you mean , `` he 's taking care of things `` ? when did he contact you ? jeff : erica , please , it does n't matter . erica : you 've known all along where he is , have n't you , and you have n't told me . [ scene_break ] adam : j.r. was under no obligation to help that -- that -- krystal : zoe . her name is zoe . j.r. : zarf . the guy 's name is zarf . are we talking about the same person here -- the guy with the destiny and the auras , the big bank account and the over- the - top accent ? since when did he become so pathetic and frail that he needs saving ? and since when did the rules change ? and how should i address the apology note -- `` madam `` or `` sir `` ? krystal : look , this is a person , all right , not a joke . bianca : you stood next to babe 's coffin and told me to forgive maggie . you said how quickly it is that -- that we lose the people we love , how -- how fast life can change entirely . i thought we shared something , j.r. do n't come around trying to bond with me anymore . j.r. : you 're the one who crashed into our grief . and if you came here for a lecture , i 'm really not in the mood . [ scene_break ] zach : i do n't care what permits you need , i want you to dig him up today . man : there are channels to follow . zach : you better get going . man : you ca n't go around exhuming bodies . zach : you know who i am ? man : everyone in vegas has heard of you , mr. slater . no one 's seen you in town for years . zach : i was born alexander cambias , jr . the man 's my father . man : common knowledge . zach : every right to look at his grave . man : then you call my office . zach : do it now . and , please , do n't make me ask you again . man : i will get the backhoe immediately . zach : one more thing . me , the lady , and the boys -- we 're not here right now . kendall : what clue do you think is hidden with your father ? your father thought that you were dead , zach . he died thinking that you were gone , so he would never hide something for you in his coffin -- not intentionally . zach : i tried so hard to get him out of my head . kendall : ok , well , then why bring him back now ? zach : well , we 're here , standing in front of his grave . he spent his life making mine miserable , why stop now ? kendall : zach , he ca n't hurt you anymore . zach : you know , he worked really hard to make me love him . when that did n't work , he decided to make me hate him instead . that he could do . anything just to have my attention -- good or bad . i remember when i was 8 years old , i found this little dog down by the stables . cute little guy , you know , and i 'd feed him and take care of him . and one day i came home from school , and he was gone . my dad had put him to sleep . kendall : oh , my god . zach : yeah . ten years later it was hannah . i cared about her , so he -- kendall : so he took her away from you . zach : yeah , same thing . that 's my dad . he 'd do things behind your back , but what he really enjoyed was doing them right in front of your eyes . kendall : so he did n't hit you , but he abused you just the same ? zach : the only world you were allowed to have was the one that he decided to give you -- and you should be grateful for that . kendall : i 'm sorry , zach . zach : i am , too . i tried , you know , i -- i really did . tried to suck it up , stick it out . i could n't do it . i just had to get out , so i did . and then i left michael behind . [ scene_break ] zoe : thank you . thank you for your kindness . julia : of course . you know , i do n't think that a good nurse should judge how anyone ends up here . you never know the whole story . zoe : no , you never do . i 'm just so angry . maybe it was better to disguise who i am . julia : take it from someone who 's spent a lot of time in hiding . it 's always better to face the world as who you really are . [ scene_break ] derek : at this point , i wo n't waste the lab 's resources on an ordinary hate crime . jack : gee , i did n't know there was such a thing as an ordinary hate crime . we do n't get to pick and choose the minorities we protect , derek . derek : are you calling me prejudiced ? jack : i 'm suggesting maybe you have some issues that are clouding your judgment . just think about it . bianca : hi . jack : hi . bianca : is there any change ? how -- how is zoe ? derek : zoe claims she was attacked by the satin slayer . bianca : oh , my god ! does she have your attention now ? derek : i do n't buy her story . bianca : what else did she say ? jack : we have a dna sample that may belong to the killer . we 're working on it . bianca : good . thank you . jack : you bet . look , derek , i 'm not sure about how i feel with regard to zoe , either , and i 'm not wild about his relationship with bianca , but she tends to champion the underdog . derek : i 'm still not putting up with zoe 's theatrics . jack : well , maybe you 're right . maybe it 's not the killer . but i 'm heading up this task force . and so with all due respect , i am ordering you to run that dna test , and i mean right now . [ scene_break ] erica : i am the mother of your son . but you ca n't trust me ? jeff : no , no , erica , please , it 's not a matter of trust . erica : of course , it is . you have vital information about josh , and you 're not telling me . jeff : it 's not my secret to tell . erica : you had no problem taking me to bed and telling me sweet nothings out of one side of your face and lies out of the other . jeff : oh , no , no , wait a minute , erica . i made love to you , because i wanted to , because i love you . the lie had nothing to do with that . erica : well , then make it up to me . tell me where josh is right now . jeff : to prove that i love you , i have to betray my son ? erica : oh , you 're enjoying this . jeff : no , i 'm not , not in the least . look -- please , why do n't we have some lunch , huh ? i would even take the afternoon off . erica : do n't you dare -- do n't you dare play me , jeff martin . if you do n't cough up the information as to where josh is right this minute , i mean , that is the end of us . jeff : oh , no , no , no , no , do n't go there . do n't put what we have on the line for this . [ scene_break ] josh : do n't you worry about j.r. right now . babe : it 's kind of impossible not to . josh : well , your only job is to get better . you 're safe here . babe : yeah -- safe until j.r. sends out his fleet of lawyers . josh : no , i mean no one can bother you here -- no lawyers , no cops , no evil husbands . babe : hmm . what are you going to do , beat them with a stick ? josh : well , i have been known to pack a mean iv stand . babe : this doctor thing suits you . you should think about going back . josh : well , i 'd only have one patient to focus on . babe : yeah , how did you get j.r. to agree to that anyway ? how did you swing being my doctor ? josh : it does n't matter that j.r. is on the board . my grandfather is the chief of staff . i 'm connected around here . babe : does j.r. care if i die ? hmm -- you can say it . it 's not like i can be any more broken than i already am . josh : well , there 's no reason to upset you . first rule of medicine -- do no harm . babe : i get it . j.r. does n't care what happens to me . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i need to go to the hospital . adam : you 're not going to visit that woman , are you ? j.r. : dad , just relax . i got an aa meeting to go to . adam : hold it . um -- somebody 's not telling me everything . krystal : yeah , let it go , adam . bianca was just angry . adam : you were blackmailing babe , and krystal found out about it -- that 's why she wanted you to leave , is n't it ? j.r. : dad -- dad , just leave it alone , it 's done . adam : you had a lot more than divorce on your mind if you were blackmailing babe . and why was krystal so upset ? what did you have on babe ? [ scene_break ] josh : babe , what good will it do to dredge up all of j.r. 's dirt ? babe : i almost died and my husband did n't even give a damn . did he -- did he even come here when i was brought in ? josh : well , he showed up , but he never came into your cubicle to see you . he never asked to talk to you , and he has n't come back to check up on you here . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i have that picture of babe and zoe in bed , but you know about that . adam : mm - hmm . and ? j.r. : is n't that enough ? it would ruin zoe -- or zarf 's -- life , and babe would n't let that happen . adam : no . makes sense . what else ? j.r. : what does it matter ? i was a jerk , and now my wife is dead . i -- i loved her , and now it 's too late . adam : it 's all right . it 's all right . j.r. : no , it 's not all right . learn from my stupid mistakes , dad . do n't do anything to krystal that you 're going to regret . adam : huh . why would i do anything to krystal ? [ scene_break ] babe : how can i protect my mama from j.r. ? josh : actually , i think i just did . babe : you know , he 's probably waiting until i feel better to hit me . god , i 'm so stupid -- thinking j.r. would change , planning our lives together . it 's dumb , i know . josh : you 're not dumb . you 're just married to an idiot . [ scene_break ] erica : well , you 'd better think long and hard about what we have , because i am putting us on the line for the truth . jeff : without even knowing what the truth is ? erica : well , of course , i do n't know what the truth is -- you wo n't tell me . jeff : what about my son ? hmm ? do i violate his trust to placate you ? erica : if you loved me , you would think that i was worthy of josh 's trust , too , and you would tell me . jeff : anything else i can help you with ? by the way , have i told you how beautiful you look ? erica : do n't touch me ! you are never going to get your hands on me again . jeff : i would n't bet on that . erica : oh , you think you can just love me out of this ? jeff : well , it worked the other night . erica : oh -- that 's it . [ scene_break ] zoe : are the police and j.r. right ? did i ask for it ? bianca : zoe , do n't ever say that . this is not your fault . zoe : i was never afraid to go anywhere alone -- other than fans . this is what zoe has to expect . bianca : do you have to be vigilant , do you have to be a little be more careful -- sure . not -- not just because you 're transgender . i mean , every woman has to learn how to take care of herself . julia : one of the perks of the fairer sex . bianca : a woman knows that she ca n't be going into a graveyard late at night all alone . right ? julia : yeah , i usually avoid graveyards at night . no . men -- some men will see us as weaker , and they 'll try to take advantage of us -- and sometimes they do . bianca : if you 're going to live your life as a woman -- even if you blend in perfectly -- it 's going to be different , it 's going to change forever . there is going to be a lot of things that you 'll have to relearn as a female . zoe : but what do i do ? it 's far more complicated than i ever imagined . [ scene_break ] tad : i just thought you should know that aidan 's decided to put more guys on the search for hannah . jack : anything come of that yet ? tad : no , it 's a dead end so far . are you really sure that kendall 's safe in that hotel room ? jack : zach 's keeping a close eye on her . [ scene_break ] zach : i remember the day when michael walked up to me and suggested we trade places . kendall : why would he want to have your life ? zach : why ? i do n't know . he needed my father 's approval . he needed cambias . all i needed was to get out . so i told my dad i was leaving . kendall : i bet your dad loved that . zach : he laughed at me . alexander 's voice : you think you can make it alone ? that you can escape me ? [ alexander chuckles ] alexander 's voice : escape your heritage ? i will always find you . wherever you go , i will know what you do , and i will stop it . zach : he wanted to teach me a lesson . i knew he could . so one of us had to go , either him or me . i chose me . i staged a fatal car crash . kendall : zach slater was born . zach : mm - hmm . and i was there at my funeral . i was looking on , and i saw my dad grieving . it 's my turn to laugh . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i was n't saying that you would hurt krystal , i 'm just warning you not to do it . adam : what are n't you saying ? j.r. : is n't hurting the women that we love in our genes ? is n't that what they say about us ? adam : no . i think it 's loyalty . chandlers are about loyalty . j.r. : i 've got to go to the hospital [ door opens and closes ] adam : krystal , is he telling me the truth ? and you can tell me anything , you know that . remember our promise -- no more secrets . krystal : i was angry , adam . i -- it got ugly with j.r. about that fake photo . i did n't want to see my baby all hurt again -- or zoe . adam : j.r. was protecting his son . krystal : well , yeah , i thought it was tacky . and worse than that , it was just -- it was downright mean . but i do think that j.r. was sorry and -- let -- let 's just let it drop , ok ? it 's -- it 's all over . maybe we could just have some peace in this house , huh ? adam : yeah . yes , yes , yes , yes . [ scene_break ] [ bianca laughs in zoe 's hospital room ] zoe : did i miss the punch line ? bianca : no . um -- i was just thinking about your attacker 's great surprise when the woman he went after had the strength of a man . zoe : it -- ow -- it was good . all that yoga paid off . [ zoe recalls pulling the button off her attacker 's coat ] zoe : oh , god . bianca : what -- what ? are -- are you ok ? zoe : when i was fighting him , i ripped a button off of his coat . bianca : in -- in the cemetery ? zoe : i do n't know , i must 've dropped it . it 's probably still there . bianca : ok , i 'll -- i 'll tell derek and uncle jack to -- to go look for it . zoe : oh , no , do n't . derek will just write it off as another transgender tall tale . bianca : ok , then i 'll go look for it . i 'll find it and then they 'll have to believe you . [ scene_break ] [ backhoe runs at the las vegas cemetery where alexander cambias was interred in 2003 ] zach : how many years since i left cambias , left my father ? still , i feel trapped . i was going to be my own man , call my own shots . kendall : zach , you do . you live life on your terms . he does n't have a hold on you anymore . zach : yeah -- until these murders . there 's someone out there who wants to make me believe that i ca n't protect you , your business , your friends , ca n't make a life for you and spike . kendall : please , stop , ok , stop it . we will have that life , zach , and we 'll be happy . zach : this is my dad -- vengeance , punishment . i 'm being taught a lesson . kendall : do you think that -- that the killer is -- is carrying out your father 's instructions ? that your father could n't let you go even when he died ? zach : i 'm thinking more than that . [ coffin drops ] kendall : oh , my god . you do n't think -- [ scene_break ] babe : come on , you can say it . j.r. was n't good enough for me . you told me so -- yada , yada , yada . josh : you 're not going to find it here . everything 's going to be fine . it 's all going to work out . babe : i must be dreaming . josh : and you do n't need to worry about a thing , 'cause no one can bother us here . [ scene_break ] j.r. : hey -- the aa meeting is on the sun porch . erica : you know , the only good thing about my son being missing is that you ca n't get to him anymore . j.r. : missing ? i just saw him , i know where he is . erica : you 're lying . j.r. : i can get to josh anytime i want . [ scene_break ] zoe : welcome back . care to join me for lunch ? i 'm having mush . [ derek wordlessly gathers zoe 's clothes in a plastic bag and leaves ] zoe : thank you . [ scene_break ] bianca : hey there . it sure is n't easy with you gone . zoe came to talk to you last night . did you see her ? did you see what happened to her ? i 'm looking for a coat button . if i find it , it could lead the way to the killer . we could save kendall . we could get this guy . whew . so , zoe was probably standing right here . the killer comes up behind her -- or maybe in front of her . there 's a struggle , zoe grabs the coat button , and it ends up -- here . [ bianca picks up the button at the cemetery and is stunned to see a large bird carving on it , just like the one on alexander cambias ' headstone at the vegas cemetery where zach is having his father 's body exhumed . ] bianca : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] zach : i hope to god these women did n't die just to punish me . kendall : it 's not possible , zach . there 's no way . guard : mr. slater ? [ once the coffin is opened , it is found to be filled with large rocks ] [ next_on ] j.r. ( to erica ) : so smug , so self - righteous , and you call babe a tramp . [ erica hauls off and slaps j.r. hard on the right cheek ] bianca : is there another cambias out there we do n't know about who 's committing murder ? kendall ( to zach ) : there 's no way he knows where we are . [ kendall and zach both turn and stare at their phone as it rings ]
zach , kendall , and his henchmen stand by the grave and tombstone of alexander cambias , sr . zach continues to look at the engraving on the tombstone which reads , `` beloved father , beloved husband . `` after a few minutes , he gets down on his knees , and begins to dig away the stones and dirt from the grave . kendall questions zach as to what he is thinking and feeling . zach refuses to answer her . kendall and his henchmen have to pull zach off the grave . zach orders his henchmen to dig up his father . josh looks into babe 's room , and finds her , waking up . he comes in to check on her . she immediately asks him if he has talked to her mother . he , once again , lies , and tells her that he has just talked to her . bianca calls j.r. 's hand on what he had done to zoe . crystal tries to calm her down , but bianca is determined to have her say . bianca lets it slip that j.r. had been blackmailing babe at the time of her death . adam , immediately , wants to know what is going on . zoe tries to talk to jack and derek about his being attacked , but derek does n't believe him . looking at the grave , zach begins to believe that his father had taken a secret to the grave with him . after talking to babe about j.r. and little adam , josh offers for babe to move in with him . bianca fills krystal and adam in on the fact that j.r. had found zoe in the cemetery , but he had left him / her there to die . zoe tells jack and derek that his attacker spit on him and that there may be some dna left on his clothing that could identify the satin slayer , but derek refuses to believe him . jack steps in , and tells derek that he heads up the task force to find this serial killer and he orders derek to take the coat , and do a dna sample on it .
jesse : it 's me , frankie . you 're not dreaming . frankie : i saw you at the hospital -- when i was sick . jesse : yeah , and i was hoping you were too sedated to remember . frankie : but -- but , why ? i -- look , i mean , is this -- is this for real ? you -- you 're alive ? angie : listen , i -- i know that it -- it seems impossible . frankie : but how ? jesse : it 's complicated . and i promise you i will explain it all to you , but you have to know one thing , frankie -- you 've been with me every single day . [ scene_break ] greenlee : well , i could say this about the bomb shelter -- it 's a gift that keeps on giving . aidan : you should forget about the bomb shelter . why do n't we just get out of here and go home ? greenlee : derek wanted us to meet him here , aidan . he wanted to find out about -- here -- what we found down there . aidan : well , you do n't need to relive all that , honey . zach : we found a skeleton -- there was a body . aidan : she 's been through enough . greenlee : yeah , but i want to know who it is . what ? zach : you 're a detective . you 're not curious at all ? kendall : i think that we should just leave the past behind . aidan : you see , i agree with kendall . i could n't care less who died in that hole . greenlee : you know , i kind of feel bad for sticks -- he died all alone . i mean , zach and i could 've died down there if you and kendall had given up on us . zach : but they did n't . derek : sorry to keep you all waiting . zach : what 'd you find ? derek : turns out the body we found -- it 's someone we know . [ scene_break ] babe : what 's this ? j.r. : i thought i 'd bring you some lunch on my way to the hospital . babe : you know we already had breakfast together today ? j.r. : i 'm saving your pal richie 's life . the least you could do is share a chicken club sandwich with me . babe : are you sure this is n't just your latest excuse to stop by ? j.r. : i did n't think i needed one . babe : well , you wo n't as long as you go through with the bone marrow donation . j.r. : i 'm not backing out . in fact , i 'm kind of warming up to the idea . babe : oh , really ? j.r. : yeah . it makes me feel -- i do n't know -- powerful maybe ? like i can actually save another man 's life . babe : did you at least bring me a salad , superman ? j.r. : `` superman . `` that 's got a nice ring to it . babe : oh , god , your ego is limitless . j.r. : yeah , which is why i can do this . [ scene_break ] angie : frankie , why do n't you go on inside with him , ok ? and i 'll be right here if you need me . ok . jesse : frankie , you must feel like your whole world 's just been turned upside down . frankie : who are you telling ? jesse : it was n't supposed to be this way . i never meant for you and your mother to find out about me . frankie : so you -- you stayed away on purpose ? jesse : huh -- i 'll explain all that , frankie . frankie : no , explain to me how you 're first dead , and then you turn up alive 20 years later ? jesse : i know , i know , i know , i know . this must seem like some kind of -- some kind of trick . frankie : oh , oh , more like every wish that i ever had -- it just came true . my father , the man who i worshipped every day -- you 're alive . jesse : i never thought i 'd get this chance , frankie -- to see you again , alive . frankie : yeah . yeah , that 's a good thing , you seeing me , me seeing you , but you got to understand , dad . i was a little boy when you disappeared . i needed you . how ? just -- how could you abandon us like that ? jesse : frankie , i never chose to leave this family . frankie : it does n't make any sense . you got shot . you -- you were at the hospital for days . mom was there , she heard your heart stop beating . jesse : that was n't real . frankie : i was at your funeral . jesse : it was all staged , frankie , by the men that took me away . they needed people to think that i was dead . frankie : why ? jesse : i do n't know . i did n't know at first . i 'd just wake up in this room , feel like i 'd been asleep for years . frankie : so you got -- so you got kidnapped ? jesse : listen , i do n't want you to worry about all that , frankie . frankie : dad , i have to know . what -- what 'd they do to you ? jesse : they held me as long as they could , they needed information . frankie , you just need to know these were really , really bad men . frankie : but you got away from them ? jesse : yeah . they thought one of their hit men took me out . frankie : so why break cover now ? jesse : because i knew you were in trouble and could possibly die . and i wanted to make sure i saw you one last time , tell you i love you . frankie : it 's hard at the age of 5 not understanding what death is , listening to -- to mom cry herself to sleep at night . jesse : i hate what this did to you and your mother , frankie . frankie : you -- you know , sometimes i -- i used to think it was my fault , that -- that i did something to make you -- jesse : what are you talking about , your fault ? you were the greatest kid in the world . frankie : yeah , and -- and mom , she did her best to try to make me understand that you were doing your job when you died , but it was still hard . i just wish that -- that i 'd have known back then that one day i was going to see you again . jesse : you 'll never know how much i wanted to see you , frankie . frankie : but you did n't come back . you waited all that time , all those years until you thought i was going to die and -- and then you come -- you come back to see me ? jesse : i wanted to tell you i loved you . i wanted you to know that . frankie : oh , come on -- i always knew that . mom kept that part of me alive , but neither one of us -- we never got over losing you . jesse : i know that , frankie . and you got to believe the only reason i stayed away was to keep you and your mother safe . frankie : yeah . i know what you thought . but we needed you , and you were n't there . but you could 've been . [ scene_break ] tad : angela , if you do n't take it easy , you 're going to dig yourself a trench . angie : i 'm worried about frankie . krystal : he just got his father back . once the shock wears off , he 's going to be ready to celebrate . tad : how are you doing with all this ? angie : feels like i just woke up from a horrible nightmare -- jesse and frankie together in the same room , after all these years . krystal : hmm . well , i think it does a heart good , right ? angie : well , you know , if it had n't been for you suggesting that i take the train that day -- krystal : huh . i 'm just so glad you got your family back . tad : angela , for what it 's worth , i 'm so sorry i could n't tell you he was alive . angie : no , i know . he says he was protecting us , but i do n't think he 's giving me the full story , tad . tad : well , i ca n't get it out of him -- that 's for sure . angie : well , whatever jesse 's hiding , i have a feeling it 's about me . [ scene_break ] greenlee : so this is what sticks looked like ? kendall : i 've never even seen him before . zach : who is he ? derek : john remington -- nickname `` remy . `` aidan : so you knew him ? derek : knew of him . he dated angie hubbard after her husband was killed in the line of duty . greenlee : you mean jesse ? that 's frankie 's dad . angie told me about him -- he was the love of her life . derek : he was a good cop . in fact , that 's how he died -- he took a bullet meant for remy . aidan : yeah , well , i still do n't know what this has to do with any of us . derek : when a body is found , we 're obligated to investigate no matter how old the case . besides , zach asked me to look into this personally . kendall : you did ? greenlee : why ? zach : i wanted closure . aidan : yeah , but what it 's doing is bringing up the past . greenlee : so how did john remington disappear ? derek : that 's the mystery . everyone thought remy had left town . zach : instead , he ended up 30 feet below in the middle of nowhere . [ scene_break ] babe : oh . j.r. : oh , boy . if i knew a chicken club would get that kind of reaction , i 'd be bringing one every day . babe : huh . this is just a one - time thing , j.r . j.r. : um , actually , from my count , it 's three times in 24 hours . if you keep that up , i might actually start to think that you care about me . babe : well , i do care about you , j.r. we 're connected . you are my little boy 's father , and you 're doing a really great thing -- giving richie a chance to live . j.r. : even though i ca n't stand the guy ? babe : i 'm beginning to think you really have changed . j.r. : no , that 's just the chicken club talking . [ babe chuckles ] babe : and since when do you sidestep a compliment ? j.r. : you 're right -- i 've been pretty remarkable . babe : i 'm serious . you are a good brother to colby , a great dad to little a , and you 've been working with mama to help tad find kate . j.r. : now you 're starting to make me sound like a real hero . babe : huh . well , as crazy as it sounds coming from me , i think you are . j.r. : i wonder what richie 's going to think when he finds out i 'm volunteering to be his donor . [ scene_break ] man : you sure about this , novak ? because once we grab this guy , there is no going back . richie : never felt more sure of anything . i 'm going to get j.r. 's bone marrow if i have to kill him . [ scene_break ] jesse : i know you need me to tell you all the details , son . but -- frankie : yeah . i still ca n't believe you 're alive . jesse : yeah , well , we both know that now . but the rest -- frankie : too painful to talk about ? jesse : give me a little time . right now , i want to hear all about you . frankie : i did an internship at the hospital here in pine valley . jesse : yeah , with dr. jake . but you left the program . frankie : i enlisted . mom did n't want me to go . that was a tough time for us . jesse : yeah , she must 've been out of her mind worried over you . frankie : well , after what happened to you , i think she just wanted me close . she 's like a protective mama lion and just as stubborn . [ jesse chuckles ] jesse : you ai n't never lied about that one . frankie : she wanted me to finish but i had a few problems . i just felt like i should be doing something else , something more . gosh , i do n't -- i do n't know . i -- something good . jesse : no one ever does , son , not in a war . frankie : hey , you know since i 've been back , i 've been drifting . i 'm not sure what 's next . jesse : oh , come on , kid , you 're young . you got time to figure that out . frankie : you know , there were times where i really wanted a dad to -- to tell me what to do . jesse : frankie , listen to me . even if -- even if i was here , i could n't have told you what to do . we make our own decisions , and then we got to live by them . frankie : is that what you did when you decided to stay away ? jesse : yeah , i live by it , but i hated every minute of it . so many times , i thought about coming back home to my family , but i could n't . these men , if they knew that i was still alive , they would come for you and your mother , so i made the decision to protect you and live my life on the run . frankie : hard way to live . jesse : and i would do it over and over again in a heartbeat . keeping you and your mother safe -- it 's all worth it . you can get as mad at me as you want , and you have every right to , but being here with you right now , seeing you all grown up and alive . frankie , i love you more than my life . [ scene_break ] j.r. : that was a good day -- the three of us . babe : yeah , one of our best . j.r. : you know , babe , i 'm doing this thing for richie , because it 's what you wanted , and because it 's the right thing to do . but i ca n't help but wonder why you even give novak the time of day . babe : i 'm not sure . i guess part of me just feels sorry and -- j.r. : it 's the `` and `` that i 'm worried about . babe : look , j.r. , i admit there was chemistry when i first met richie . but then , after i found out that he was lying about who he was and -- and the things that he had done , i think that 's when it just turned into me feeling sorry for him . j.r. : yeah , but that has n't changed how richie feels about you . babe : richie knows that we 're just friends . j.r. : but he wants more . babe : but i do n't -- not now . j.r. : what is that supposed to mean , `` not now `` ? like there 's a chance tomorrow ? babe : well , there 's not going to be a tomorrow for richie if you do n't get over to that hospital and get ready for the transplant . j.r. : you 're right . i 'm a freakin ' hero . [ j.r. sighs ] j.r. : and i love you . and i want us to be a family again . [ j.r. and babe kiss ] babe : all right , mr . hero . get your butt over to that hospital . j.r. : she loves me . the girl is crazy about me . [ j.r. returns and kisses babe again ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : so , did you find out how remy got into that hole ? derek : looks like he was shot at close range and then buried next to the bomb shelter . zach : sounds like a mob - style execution . derek : that 's our best guess . and thanks to you and greenlee , we 're starting a full - scale murder investigation . [ scene_break ] krystal : the kind of love jesse and angie have -- it just does n't happen to everybody . tad : yeah , i guess . krystal : you guess ? you know . that 's the kind of love you have with dixie . tad : there 's all kinds of love , sweetheart . krystal : yeah , well , the kind of love that jesse and angie have , that 's -- that 's the kind they write about in movies . you know , it 's just so romantic . tad : yeah , maybe , but they 've had more than their fair share of tragedy , too . krystal : i know , i know , but all that 's over and i -- i really do believe that they 're on their way to a happy ending . tad : just like you and me . [ scene_break ] greenlee : this man died in those woods . he was probably alone and scared . kendall : and probably involved in some really bad stuff . i mean , dr. hubbard 's husband took a bullet for him . greenlee : well , ryan took one for you , but that does n't make him a bad guy . sorry . sorry -- you know what ? let 's focus on the positive . zach said that everything went well with spike and the doctor . kendall : yeah . it was great . he can hear -- i mean , not everything , but -- but i know he is going to have a full and active life , just like jason , the little boy on my mom 's show . greenlee : i 'm really happy for you . kendall : thanks . greenlee : and zach 's ok with the whole pregnancy scare thing ? kendall : yeah , yeah , of course . greenlee : now i can finally let myself believe that the four of us are going to be ok . kendall : yeah . zach : can i steal greenlee for a second ? kendall : no -- she 's mine . [ greenlee chuckles ] kendall : yes , ok , you can have her . what are you guys going to talk about -- some secret society you formed down in the bomb shelter ? zach : yep . greenlee : what ? what is it ? zach : let 's go to the lounge . greenlee : uh - oh , it sounds serious . zach : come on . greenlee : do n't get in any trouble . aidan : alone again . kendall : this is never going to get any better , is it ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'll call you later . man : chandler is on the move . be ready for my signal . [ scene_break ] frankie : i 'm glad you 're back , dad . but i 'm still upset with how and why you left us . jesse : but it 's a step in the right direction . frankie : with me , yeah . but you got to tell mom everything . jesse : i 'll -- frankie : mom is the strongest person i know . jesse : i will tell her as much as i can , but , frankie , you got to know that these men that wanted me dead -- they were dangerous and still are . frankie : well , i would n't know about that -- i mean , about them still being alive looking for you . jesse : well , i ca n't take any chances . frankie : what did they do to you , dad ? jesse : oh . it was bad . all right , i mean i 've been roughed up before , frankie , but this -- this was different . these boys were sick . i mean , it was like they actually enjoyed what they were doing -- and enjoyed it a lot . frankie : yeah , well , i 've seen a lot of stuff overseas . jesse : i know you have , but you know what ? we do n't want any of that stuff to ever come close to your mother . frankie : no , we do n't . and , look -- look , i 'm sorry about everything that -- that you 've been through , i really am . and i 've missed you , too , dad . i never forgot about you , either . [ scene_break ] zach : you ok ? greenlee : yeah , i guess . zach : i know we both wanted to find out who was buried down there , but i should have known better . greenlee : what do you mean ? zach : well , you did n't need to be here . this whole shelter business , you know , it 's behind us . we 've moved on . greenlee : have we ? are you sure about that , zach ? because i 'm not . [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , we have got to stop this . aidan : i 'm just checking my e - mail . kendall : no , aidan , i mean this . like you ca n't even talk to me when we 're alone . aidan : that 's not true . kendall : aidan , we did what we did . ok ? but we 're good now . we dodged that baby bullet . and now , we 're with the people that we love . aidan : agreed . kendall : ok . and we used to be friends , right ? aidan : i do recall something like that , yeah . kendall : all right , well , then we can be again . you 're with greenlee . and now , zach has hired you to go on the book tour with me . aidan : and i want to let you know that i tried my best to get out of that , but zach insisted . he 's concerned about you . he says that i 'm the only person that he can trust . kendall : well , then let 's prove him right . the past is the past . and unlike zach and greenlee 's creepy corpse , our history can stay dead and buried . aidan : as far as i 'm concerned , nothing ever happened . kendall : right . you 're just a good friend of my husband 's who 's doing him a favor , because we 're all friends . aidan : right . we can make it work . kendall : of course , we can . we have to . [ scene_break ] jesse : oh . oh , god , i 've been waiting so long -- so long for that . frankie : me , too . jesse : frankie , i 'm really glad that you 're here for your mom . and that you know the danger that you would be in if i stayed . frankie : no , wait , wait , wait -- what do you mean , `` if `` ? you 're not planning on leaving again , are you ? jesse : i told you , if these people find out that i 'm alive , they will come for you . frankie : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . you just ca n't walk away right now . jesse : i will do whatever it takes to protect you and your mother , and you know that ! frankie : look , i 'm not a little boy anymore . i 'm not just going to let you disappear . i can stand by you , i can fight ! tad : he 's right , jesse . you got a lot of people that love and support you around here . people would do anything to help you make this right . jesse : these people are dangerous . they 're so -- you 're not listening to me . they will kill every one of us ! frankie : no , they wo n't . we wo n't give them the chance . we can find these people , and we can put them away . angie : you 've been running for 20 years , and it is time to stop running . do you hear me , jesse hubbard ? [ scene_break ] man : chandler 's coming your way . time to make our move . [ scene_break ] kendall : look at you . how cute are you , aidan , modeling like that on the runway ? you are too cute . i love this . oh . ok , that was very grown - up . [ aidan sighs ] aidan : it 's not one of my proudest moments . kendall : oh , please . my mother got arrested , and you 're complaining about having to walk on the runway ? please . greenlee looked really beautiful , did n't she ? aidan : she always does . kendall : you really love her . aidan : yeah , i do . kendall : ok , listen . i can talk to zach about this whole bodyguard thing . i mean , i know you just got greenlee back , so you should n't have to be away from her now . aidan : it 's -- it 's ok , kendall , all right ? are you worried about me being away from greenlee , or -- or being alone with you ? kendall : come on , aidan , we talked about this . i 'm -- i 'm fine . i 'm with this . aidan : good . kendall : do you think greenlee will be when she finds out ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : you know , a part of me is n't sure we 'll ever really escape what happened down there . it changed us . zach : uh -- for the better . greenlee : really ? zach : yeah . we both got a new friend out of it . greenlee : true . which means that we can be honest with each other . zach : i feel a question coming on . greenlee : this ryan thing is getting to you , is n't it ? zach : yeah , it is . i 've been trying to help him , but i do n't know how . so in the meantime , i 'm just -- greenlee : trying to protect kendall ? zach : yeah . and that 's why i hired aidan to go with kendall on her `` charm ! `` book tour . greenlee : wait a minute -- you -- you hired aidan to be her bodyguard ? zach : is that ok with you ? greenlee : yes . kind of weird . zach : you did n't answer my question . [ greenlee sighs ] greenlee : hmm . truth ? zach : always . greenlee : i do n't want to feel like i have to share aidan with anybody . zach : fine , i 'll get somebody else . greenlee : no , no , no , i do n't want you to do that . you really think that ryan could be dangerous ? zach : i do n't want to take any chances with him . greenlee : well , then why are n't you going with her ? zach : because i do n't want her to worry . the state controller 's got a meeting set up with me to check on the casinos , and if i pull out of that now , then -- greenlee : she 'll freak out . zach : yeah . so , the question remains -- do you want me to get somebody else to go with kendall ? [ scene_break ] jesse : angela , this is not up for discussion . i am doing what i have to do . angie : being on the run ? jesse : i 've been alone for a long time . now , it 's hard , but i can do it again . angie : well , you know what ? i am so glad to hear that , because i ca n't do it again . jesse : it 's the only way i know how to keep you safe . angie : i -- i need you to listen to me , jesse . if you walk out that door , i will never forgive you . frankie : mom -- angie : no , do n't you dare take his side on this , frankie . frankie : that 's not what i was going to say , ma . angie : your father -- he belongs here , with us . and i am not going to let you deprive me and your son of loving you , being without you . jesse : i know you want me here with you . i understand that . but you do n't -- you do n't need me . i mean , my god , look what you 've accomplished without me . angie : do n't you dare tell me what i 've accomplished ! tell me what i need ! ok , i 've survived . but you ask me if i would 've rather have done it with my -- the man i love by my side , and i 'll tell you hell yes , any day of the week . so i ca n't let you walk away . not again . jesse : this was a mistake . angie : no , do you know -- do you have any idea how many times that i 've relived that moment when -- when you `` died `` ? and i 'll be damned if i 'm going to let you make me suffer like that again . it 's just not going to happen . so , if you leave again , you 're going to be worse than dead to me . you will have disappointed me . [ scene_break ] babe : finally . richie : wow , i wish you were always this happy to see me . babe : i have been leaving you a ton of messages . richie : oh . i 'm sorry , i was getting a transfusion , and i had my ear buds in and it 's -- babe : listen , listen , forget about it . richie , you 're going to be ok . richie : oh , yeah . the transfusions -- they help , but you know , they 're just temporary . babe : no , no , no , no , i mean for good . i found out who was your match on the donor list . it 's j.r . richie : what ? um -- ahem -- are -- are you sure ? babe : yes , i 'm positive . i saw it on the hospital database . do n't ask me how . -- i just -- i just did . richie : you broke into the database ? babe : well , let 's just say i can be pretty resourceful . richie : you committed a felony . babe : yeah , and you could 've died . but now , you do n't have to . richie , this is your second chance . richie : you did this for me ? babe : yes , so you could live . richie : huh . oh , you have no idea how much this means to me . but we both know that j.r. is not going to agree to be my bone marrow donor , so it 's -- babe : no , he 's already agreed . he 's on the way to the hospital right now . [ scene_break ] man : get the door , get the door . second man : i got it , i got it . [ scene_break ] babe : are you ok ? richie : yeah , yeah , i just -- ahem -- i ca n't believe this is happening , that 's all . what did you have to do to get j.r. to agree to be my bone marrow donor ? babe : well , it turns out that he made the decision on his own . richie : yeah , i do n't believe that . babe : no , it 's true . richie : he did it for you , did n't he ? babe : what difference does it make ? richie : you 're an amazing woman , arabella carey . babe : well , j.r. is the one that you should be thanking . richie : yeah , i 'll be sure to shake his hand when i see him next . babe : come on , richie , this is great news . it 's time to start dreaming again . richie : yeah , you 're right . you 're right -- uh -- thanks to you , and i guess j.r. , i can -- i do n't know -- i can climb a mountain or swim across the atlantic . or maybe just live another day . hopefully , with you by my side . babe : um -- you know what ? let 's just -- let 's just celebrate the moment . i mean , you -- you got your miracle . richie : yeah . i think i 'm looking at her right now . [ phone rings ] babe : sorry . you know what ? this is about a play date for little a . richie : yeah , that 's ok . i 'm -- i 'm going to go outside and breathe in my new life as a man without an expiration date over his head . so -- babe : hello ? yeah , yeah . i just wanted to set something up for saturday . yeah . richie : what do you know , richie ? you get to live , you get babe . and poor j.r. -- well , he just gets the short end of the stick . [ scene_break ] man : hold him still . [ j.r. grunts ] [ scene_break ] aidan : i was just about to come and get you . greenlee : miss me ? aidan : oh , miss you ? i miss you like crazy . greenlee : so when were you going to tell me you 're stealing my boyfriend ? zach : i told greenlee about aidan . kendall : oh , right . yeah , we were -- we were just talking about that . aidan : in fact , zach , i 'm sorry , mate , but i 'm going to stay here and look after this one . greenlee : well , i really appreciate that , but i 'm ok with you being kendall 's watchdog . kendall : well , no , we were actually talking about the two of us going on tour . greenlee : oh , that 's a great idea , but we both ca n't be away from fusion . and if it 'll help zach sleep better , then i 'm all for it . besides , if you ca n't trust your friends , who can you trust ? zach : my point exactly . greenlee : yeah . then it 's all settled . as far as i 'm concerned , you need to stick to kendall like glue . [ scene_break ] frankie : mom , it 's ok . angie : no , it 's not . now , i need you to tell me right now -- what are you going to do ? jesse : i did what i thought i had to do . angie : i do n't care about the past , because i 'm telling you right now that it 's wrong for you to let us go again . frankie : well , what i was trying to say , mom , is that -- is that we 're all involved in this thing , dad . we 're not just going to let you hide anymore , but we can help you get out of this mess . tad : i agree . krystal : jesse , we are all here for you . tad : you deserve your family , baby . jesse : angela , this is dangerous . this is really , really dangerous , and if -- if -- if anything ever happened to you , or to you -- angie : baby -- jesse : or any of you -- angie : baby -- jesse : because of me -- angie : baby , listen to me . listen to me . we want you to stay , ok ? because anything -- anything that happens , we can face it together . we can , baby , we can . jesse : god . ok . ok . ok . you actually had me at `` disappointed . `` angie : huh . jesse : i 'm home , baby , i 'm home . i 'm home . oh , yes . oh , oh . oh , baby . [ scene_break ] man : that 's him . jesse hubbard is alive . you 're telling me his family 's back in pine valley , too ? security guard : his wife just got offered a full - time gig at the hospital . man : then we finally got him right where we want him . [ next_on ] kendall ( to aidan ) : the last time ryan and i were together , he dumped me for your girlfriend . so maybe you should be trying to keep them apart . greenlee : i do n't want to just sit around and wallow . zach : what do you want to do ? angie ( to jesse ) : after you died , remy and i dated .
frankie tells jesse that he had seen him at the hospital . jesse tells him that he had hoped that he was too sedated to remember . greenlee , aidan and zach discuss the body that they had found in the bomb shelter . kendall suggests leaving the past behind . derek arrives and tells the foursome that the body that they had found was someone that they knew . j.r. arrives on babe 's doorstep with a club sandwich . j.r. assures babe that he still intends on being a bone marrow donor for richie . angie persuades frankie to go into the cabin and talk with his father . frankie wants to know how he died but then turns up alive . frankie wants to know how jesse could have abandoned them like that . jesse begins to explain to frankie what had happened twenty years ago . derek tells greenlee , zach , aidan and kendall that the man 's name was john remington . derek also tells them that zach asked him to look into this matter . j.r. and babe make love . richie tells his two goons that he will get j.r. 's bone marrow if he has to kill j.r. to do it . kendall tells greenlee that spike can hear . zach steals greenlee away for just a minute leaving kendall alone with aidan . zach lets greenlee know that he had asked aidan to be kendall 's bodyguard on the tour . aidan and kendall decide to leave the past in the past . j.r. leaves babe 's and one of richie 's goons follows him . frankie and jesse settle their differences and hug . tad , krystal and angie walk in . jesse tells them that had to leave in order to protect them . through tears , angie begs jesse to stay there with them . jesse finally agrees to do as angie asks . frankie , jesse and angie share a hug . richie visits babe and finds out from her that j.r. is going to be his bone marrow donor . richie 's goons kidnap j.r .
jesse : good work . angie : what are you doing here ? natalia : police business . just interviewed a crime victim . angie : oh . that knife wound we admitted last night . natalia : and i ran into dad . so i figured i might as well turn in my report . jesse : yeah . sharing information . a novel approach . natalia : ok , then . well , um , i just remembered . there are some more questions i got to ask that guy , so i got to go . jesse : i guess i better go , too , since -- i can see this is not going well . i 'll get out . angie : hey . look , i do n't like the way we left things between us either . jesse : so what are you saying , you 're ready to explain the real reason you wanted to resign ? angie : baby , i was -- i was just having a bad moment on one of those days . i mean , what else is there to explain ? jesse : judging from the look on your face , a lot . [ scene_break ] liza : as long as we get a table that 's big enough so i can spread out all my paperwork . tad : fine . what is it , a road map ? liza : no . it 's the official documents allowing marissa to adopt little a . tad : oh . as long as you leave me enough space for a cheeseburger and a cell phone , i 'll be ok . liza : you got it . you got it . tad : hopefully , somebody 's gon na call in with something about this sonia reyes . liza : really ? still no luck ? tad : no . i got a call out to adam . i want him to come back to me with something a little more solid , a better lead , you know . until that time , i 'm stuck making cold calls . liza : hmm . tad : what ? liza : so where the hell have you been ? damon : ohio . liza : oh ? really ? well , you know , if you want me to represent you in these possible burglary charges , you might want to tell me when you 're going gallivanting off somewhere . damon : i have some bad news about stuart . liza : what is it ? what is he , hurt ? damon : no . no . nothing like that . it 's bailey . she told me to take a hike , like , for good . she 's just gon na stay home with her parents . she and stuart are n't coming back . [ liza chuckles nervously ] [ scene_break ] adam : annie ? annie , what is it ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : he 'll fight me every step of the way , and i 'll fight back . but what if i ca n't do it ? what if i 'm not strong enough ? if ryan does n't back off , it might just kill me . jake : why do you have to be so melodramatic ? greenlee : i 'm serious , jake . you do n't know what it feels like . jake : so let me get this straight . you actually think that by ryan telling you that he loves you , it might kill you . is that right ? greenlee : no . not just saying that he loves me . jake : you know , i 've been a doctor a pretty long time , and i think this is a first for me . i mean , i 'm actually thinking about stepping back and watching this whole medical thing unfold . this way , i can name a syndrome after it , you know ? greenlee : yeah , you know what ? you 're just so funny . if i had the strength , i 'd smack you right now . jake : honey , you 're stressed out . i honestly think he was just trying to get you something to eat so you can get your strength back . and this stress , by the way , is self - induced . you do this to yourself . greenlee : i 'm not the one who 's making everything more difficult . jake : no ? really ? then what was with the big entrance back into town , telling everybody in town that you 're gon na marry david ? what was that ? i do n't know what that is , but i will tell you this . if you do it , you have no idea what you 're getting yourself into . greenlee : trust me . i know exactly what i 'm doing . jake : really ? did you know that david pretended to be my son 's father , so he could essentially steal him from us and have sex with my wife and blackmail her into that ? did you know that ? greenlee : i know all of it , and most of it , i heard from david himself . jake : sure , with his inimitable spin on it , of course . greenlee : you know what 's so insulting , is that no one gives me the credit for being able to handle him . jake : no , because you 're strong and you 're capable and you 're independent . greenlee : exactly . jake : then why are you so helpless when it comes to ryan ? [ scene_break ] scott : annie ? an -- annie ? annie , what 's going on , huh ? what -- annie , what are you doing with a tire iron ? annie : [ drops the tire iron ] i do n't know . i was -- i was upset , so i just came out for some fresh air . and it was just sitting there on the table . adam : who would leave a tire iron out here on the table ? annie : i know who would . greenlee . she 's messing with my head . a tire iron ? to provoke me about how i killed my brother ? adam : honey , i do n't think greenlee could have done this . how could she get on the property without setting off the alarms or alerting the guards ? annie : the guards ? the guards are useless . it did n't get here by itself , adam . [ breathing heavily ] adam : now , listen , come on . we 're going to go inside . we 're gon na figure this out and get warmed up , ok ? scott : what the hell were you thinking ? [ scene_break ] angie : this job , it 's so hard , especially to do it properly and especially when you know how the position has been abused . i mean , you just want to be able to let everyone know that it can still be done the right way . jesse : yeah . angie : and so when you slip up , it 's like you hear this little voice in your head , saying , `` you just do n't have what it takes . `` jesse : are you kidding me ? you have more of what it takes than anybody i know . angie : yeah . but you know where i 'm coming from . i mean , when they made you police chief , you struggled . you made mistakes . i mean , how did you feel ? jesse : like crap . but i kept at it . really , what 's the alternative ? quit , walk off the job ? angie : well , that might be better than being forced to have it taken from you . jesse : hey , what are you -- hayward ? angie : look , it 's no secret that he would love to have his job back . and ever since i maneuvered him out of office , he 's just been biding his time . i mean , you know the man . jesse : i wish you 'd have told me this before . if he looks at you crooked , i will -- angie : no . this is my fight . jesse : this is a fight you wanted to walk away from two seconds ago . you are not afraid of this man . what 's going on ? angie : this is n't about fear ! this is about wanting to do this job at a higher level than him ethically , humanely . there are politics involved that i just did n't see coming and compromises that i -- i just worry i ca n't -- jesse : what ? hold on to your values ? angela , i know you . we all know you . you are one of pine valley 's daughters . you do what is right . so what if you slip up one day ? the next day , you bounce back and you show idiots like hayward how it 's really done . that 's why doc martin believes in you . that 's why i believe in you . that 's why i love you . please , tell me you know that . even in your worst moments , you have got to know that in here . angie : i love you . [ scene_break ] liza : they 'll be back . you know , bailey and stuart , they will eventually -- they 're gon na come back . damon : not according to her . she decided i was not worth the grief anymore . and after being accused of all those robberies , i could n't get her to understand why i had to spend the night in colby 's room . liza : yeah , i did n't get that one either . damon : colby and i are friends , ok ? liza : ok . damon : end of story . the thing is , i thought i had a shot to talk bailey down . but with her parents right there , i just -- and they never liked me anyway , so game over . liza : what is she gon na do there ? i mean , what 's her plan ? damon : she 's already got a job . her parents are gon na baby - sit stuart when she 's not there . liza : good , good . it 's just funny that she did n't call me , you know , after everything that we 've been through . and -- [ clears throat ] i really love that little guy . ohh ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : that 's not a fair comparison . it 's different with ryan . jake : and that 's why you 're marrying david . what , is it anybody but ryan day ? is that -- greenlee : and that 's why you 're here , to be ryan 's wing man ? jake : no , no , no . i 'm not here to tell you that he 's the one . that 's for you to decide . that 's for you to figure out . greenlee : thank you . jake : honey , i love you . i consider you one of my best friends , and i hate to see you hurting . maybe you feel passed over , left out , kicked aside . that 's understandable . but i do n't think you should make this all about that . and if you 're doing that to make it easier than taking the honest path forward , then i think you 're doing yourself a great disservice . but you 're known for that . i mean , it would n't be the first time . look at you . you 're dehydrated . i 'm gon na get a drink for you , get something in your system , ok ? [ exhales ] how long have you been standing there ? you 've been listening to everything we 're saying . ryan : i heard . jake , i was walking in . i was coming in , but i heard her , greenlee , say that i had pushed her to the edge with me trying to get her back . what was i thinking , bringing her here ? jake : i do n't know . maybe trying to get her to see the light . ryan : i have n't done that . only thing i may have accomplished is losing her for good . i thought i was doing the right thing here -- i thought i was -- by bringing her away from hayward , right , so she could just relax a little bit , just relax and think about what she 's doing . but look at her in there . and that 's because of me . i 'm only making things worse here . honestly , i have been screwing up since the day that i thought she died -- i have -- since the day that i went to view her body , and i could n't bring myself just to pull back the sheet and look . if i had have just looked , you know , none of this would have been happening . none of it . i should have questioned , i should have investigated , i should have double - checked the dna to make sure that it was hers . jake : hold on a second . you ca n't be blaming yourself for -- we all believed that , ok ? and , plus , you were more shocked than anybody . ryan : ok , then what am i doing now ? what about here ? what is this ? me getting in her face , what 's this , insisting that we just pick up where we left off , like nothing happened . what am i doing ? jake : listen , she is fatigued . she is stressed out . she 's dehydrated , ok ? and by the way , she did all of this to herself . you did n't do it . and she 's not going to die from it . so just take it easy , ok ? look , the way i see it , ryan , i 've always been a firm believer that you have to fight for something . if you love somebody , you have to fight for it , ok ? that 's what you do . and there 's no user 's manual when you find out that your fiancée is back from the dead . you 're doing the best you can , and not for nothing . so is she . ryan : well , i just do n't know what to do . i mean , i do n't . i want to do something right . and i do n't know what it is . i do n't know how to help . what are you doing out here -- jake : i asked you to go get something to , you know , drink and eat for her . and you went awol , so i was just -- it 's fine . just go . i 'll give you a minute . ryan : hold on . hold on . wait , wait , wait , wait . [ scene_break ] frankie : ok . the clinic 's out of flu -- oh . [ chuckles ] excuse me . am i interrupting something ? jesse : yes -- angie : no . jesse : you are . your mother and i were leaving . just leaving . angie : leaving to go where ? jesse : i 'm sure we can find a less - trafficked place , one where young brilliant upstart doctors do n't come barging in every two seconds for brilliant advice . so we are leaving . any objections ? frankie : no . none whatsoever . jesse : good . angie : oh , boy . jesse : then as you were , soldier , doctor , son . frankie : all right . angie : just , um , make sure to let the on - call administrator know that i 'm signing out ! [ frankie chuckles ] [ scene_break ] adam : i have a confession to make . annie : what is it ? adam : when i walked out on that terrace , and i saw you with that tire iron in your hand , i was in no way sure what you were going to do next . annie : i used to dream about it , what i did to richie . adam : yeah . annie : the images were so stark , so terrifying , but eventually the nightmares went away , and i could go to bed without dreading them . adam : i still have dreams about stuart 's death . sleep is no rest to me anymore anyway . annie : i know . i knew it then . you used to jar awake at night . similar things happened to me , but now i feel like i have a normal stable life again . and now this ? somebody is that cruel to try to make me relive the horror of it ? adam : i 'm calling the police . if greenlee did this , there will be evidence . and we can call your doctor at oak haven . annie : no , no , no , no , no . no , i 'm fine . you do n't have to call anybody . i 'm fine . as long as i have you protecting me , then that 's all i need . adam : ok . annie : ok . [ scene_break ] scott : you planted this . you wanted annie to find it and flip out . colby : so what ? scott : so what if your little plan had backfired , huh ? ! colby : shh ! all right ! not so loud , all right ? shh ! scott : what if she 'd have hit him with that thing ? colby : shh ! i was just trying to make it clear how crazy annie still is . and my father , my father needs to see that . scott : oh , he nearly saw it in a big way . colby : ok . so maybe it did n't go the way i planned . but you saw her . she was just this close to going over the edge . and when she does , she will be out of this house and out of my father 's life forever . that makes it pretty fair game as far as i 'm concerned . scott : turn around and tell me this got you any closer to your goal . [ scene_break ] liza : you know the last time that i actually held him ? tad : what ? liza : oh , tad -- tad : what ? listen , i disagree with you . you know what i mean ? bailey loved you . she worshipped you . she could still come back . liza : no . i had to hear about her decision through damon , not her . you know , that speaks volumes about her intentions . tad : it speaks volumes about his , too . it was pretty cool that he came all the way back here to tell you . liza : it 's so funny 'cause back when we met , we were enemies at first sight . and now he 's the one who 's trying to do good by me ? colby . what am i gon na tell colby ? i think she loved him as much as i did . [ scene_break ] colby : so maybe it did n't go exactly the way i planned . i -- i 'll be smarter next time . scott : yeah , yeah , yeah ! colby : yeah . scott : sure . that 's a great idea . why not ? hey , hey ! why not leave a loaded gun lying around , huh ? one in every room . two in the bedroom . colby : you 're making my point for me , scott . if that woman 's unstable enough to be dangerous around guns , she does n't belong in this house . scott : she 's unstable because you keep twisting her mind around . colby : it would n't be so easy to twist if she was n't already insane . scott : how can you be playing games like this when your brother is so sick ? colby : j.r. is behind me 100 % . scott : ok , ok . that 's it . this has gotten completely out of control . either you tell adam you did it or i will . colby : what are you so angry about , scott ? that i am the only person trying to defend this family or that i am going after the wild woman you still have the hots for ? [ adam walks in ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : [ sighs ] where 's jake ? ryan : he had to go . but we talked about how you were feeling exhausted . greenlee : i 'll be ok . ryan : i know you will . hopefully , some of this will help , too . i got your favorite yogurt right there , french toast and some maple syrup . but , of course , if your tastes have changed , you know , just tell me what it is that you want , and i 'll just -- [ clears throat ] i 'll go get it . greenlee : and then when i have my strength back , we get to go through this all over again . ryan : no . i get it . i finally get it , that the greenlee that i love will not be told how to feel or what to do . she 'll make up her mind . and when she goes after it , the rest of the world better get the hell out of the way . greenlee : so you 're getting out of the way ? ryan : yes . because the most important thing right now is for you to get better . and i 'm gon na help you to do that . i owe you at least that much . so other than that , no more talk about the future , about negotiations , nothing . i promise . [ scene_break ] adam : so this is what 's going on , hmm ? our family is in the worst crisis of its life , my son is fighting cancer ? and i get plots and malicious little mind games . annie : it was colby who planted the tire iron ? colby : it -- it was a joke . adam : enough ! are you ever gon na stop lusting after my wife ? annie : adam , i ca n't believe you would even say something like that . adam : oh , really ? you 're hardly blameless in all of this . things do n't happen in a vacuum -- your war with colby or your ongoing flirtations with my nephew . annie : but , adam , there is nothing going on . adam : i do n't want to hear it ! j.r. needs all the help we can give him . and i 'm out there skirting the edges , trying to find a donor for him . and this is what i have to deal with ? no ! no ! it 's over right this minute . and if you people do n't shape up , i swear to god , i 'll write you all out of my will , merit trust or not ! [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] dr. simon : hi . is dr. hubbard around ? frankie : not right now . what do you need with her ? dr. simon : approval on an uninsured patient who has to have surgery . frankie : is it an emergency ? dr. simon : no . but the guy 's in the e.r . with an aortic aneurysm . he needs surgery tonight , so the chief of staff has to approve it . if not , he 's got to be transferred to county asap . frankie : well , she 's tied up at the moment , but i can relay the message to her . dr. simon : here 's my beeper number . frankie : all right . dr. simon : i 'll wait to hear from her . frankie : all right . [ telephone rings ] frankie : dr. hubbard 's office . no . she 's not available right now , but i have it right here . oh . perfect . ok . i 'll tell her . thanks . [ scene_break ] [ camera shutter clicking ] angie : so , mr. secretive , what are we doing here ? i mean , if all you wanted was a place to talk , we 've got home for that . jesse : i wanted to do something special just to punctuate how important we are to each other . i mean , we may have our fights , we may have our disagreements , but i think what we have more than all of that is love . and here lately , all we 've been focused on is this argument , that fight . baby , we have been tested before , we have been stretched mighty thin . but we still here , damn it . that means we never give up . so here i am not giving up . angie : and i came here thinking you were gon na buy me a t - bone steak . jesse : you know , you got some work to put in before i get you a t - bone steak . angie : [ laughs ] this is gon na be a rough night , huh ? [ scene_break ] natalia : what did you do with angie ? stuff her in the closet so you could play chief of staff today ? frankie : [ imitating natalia ] not funny . actually , dad came by to whisk mom away so i 'm helping out . i 'm just now fielding two phone calls . [ telephone rings ] frankie : oh ! dr. hubbard 's office . yeah . i will tell her . all right . you know , this has made my evening a little hectic playing gate keeper , but you know what ? it 's worth it just to give them one good getaway together , you know ? she needs it . natalia : yeah . well , bad news . i 'm here to overwork you a little more . i just interviewed a patient , and i need someone in charge to initial this . frankie : all right . well , i got to get the on - call administrator for that . in the meantime , you 'll have to -- [ telephone rings ] frankie : wait . let 's see . dr. hubbard 's office . oh . i have it right here . just hold on a second . ah , yes . here it is -- natalia : this is all a little too exciting for me . i 'll pick that up later . later . later , gator . frankie : oh , sure . i got it . [ scene_break ] damon : so i 'm thinking , you know , i 'd really love to hang on to this job , you know , if you 're down with that . manager : we 'd have to have some pretty clear rules . hang on . i got to deal with this . [ dance music playing ] tad : hey , i would have thought you 'd be halfway back to ohio by now . damon : yeah , well , you know , i 'm not really supposed to leave pine valley . you know , i 'm a suspect in all those robberies . tad : well , you know what ? you got a good lawyer . i 'm sure she could work something out if you wanted to hang around your son a little bit -- damon : well , to tell you the truth , i 'm kind of thinking of sticking it out around here . bailey made it pretty clear she wants me out of the picture . and , i mean , this is a good job . you know , if i can keep it , i can send money back to stuart and still keep my room at the pine cone . tad : come on . a guy as smart as you could get a job way better than this in 15 minutes back in ohio . damon : it 's kind of hard being in the same town with your kid and not being able to see him . tad : you 're that boy 's father . you got a legal right to see him if you want to . damon : it 's not about legal . i mean , things are tough enough on bailey without me forcing myself on her . besides , i know some people here now . it seems like a decent place to hang . tad : what about your family , your parents ? where are they ? damon : what does that matter ? why are you -- why are we talking about this ? [ scene_break ] jake : who died ? liza : me . but just a little . [ scene_break ] ryan : [ chuckles softly ] what ? greenlee : french toast ? you would bring me french toast . ryan : yeah . i thought it would be a bit of an energy boost . greenlee : right . right . it has nothing to do with the fact that that 's what we ate the night that you laid out your big surprise for me . ryan : the trapeze lessons ! no , no , honestly , i was -- i did not think of that . i did not try to trade in on that memory . i really did n't . greenlee : well , as memories go , it was a good one . that note you left . ryan : `` butterflies are free . `` and then all the clues . you remember the clues ? greenlee : yeah . the walking stick , the handkerchief , peanuts -- everything i would need to join the circus . memories are great , but we ca n't do this , not until we figure everything else out . ryan : we 're not doing this . but we are doing something . ryan : it 's your birthday . or did you think that i forgot ? are you gon na make a wish ? what did you wish for ? greenlee : you know me better than that . i 'll eat this later . ryan : yeah . you should get some rest . greenlee : i feel like i 'm too awake to go to sleep . ryan : really ? you know what we need is we need that housekeeper that you grew up with . what was her name again ? greenlee : camille . ryan : camille . that 's right . you said that your parents traveled all the time , right ? so she was the one that read you your bedtime stories . greenlee : yeah . i do n't think she 's still around . ryan : oh . i 'm sorry . i guess i 'll just have to take over . so put your head back and feet over there , and scoot over a little bit . come on , now . if i remember correctly , your favorite story was the tale of you becoming a famous trapeze artist , right ? yes . it was . `` young greenlee runs off to join the circus `` is how it begins . and she 's not running away from anything . she 's not . she 's running to things . she 's always running to things -- to the wonders of the world . she runs off , and she joins the circus to apprentice , to the great garibaldi . i ca n't believe i remember that name . and it 's not long before she 's sailing over the audiences like a radiant butterfly . and , of course , they fall in love with her , with her grace and her spirit , bestowing on one and all that magnificent smile . [ scene_break ] tad : you know , i 've got to say i 'm impressed by you , your willingness to work so hard and send money back to stuart . damon : he 's my kid , is n't he ? tad : there are plenty of guys that could convince themselves that it 's not their problem . damon : that 's not me . tad : ok , hotshot . i might be able to find some things for you to do , i mean , to offset your wonderful job here . i got a big house , i got two small kids . things happen . if you 're as good with a hammer and saw as you are with a paint brush , i think i can throw a little work your way . damon : i appreciate that . tad : see you later . jake : you know , you had some beautiful , beautiful moments with stuart . and my strong suggestion is that you hold on to those tightly , all right ? it might be painful at first , but do n't let those slip away , because they 're gon na come in very handy someday when you need them the most . tad : that 's good advice , especially considering his usual random ideas . [ cell phone rings ] tad : yeah ? ok . fine . no . uh , i 'll be right there . that was adam . he 's got something for me at the hospital . liza : ok . tad : i 'll check in . damon : i should probably go , too . but , uh , here . i almost forgot . uh , i got some pictures of stuart here . you can -- you can have them . liza : hey , wait . come on over here and look at these with me . [ damon chuckles ] liza : those cheeks . damon : ha ha ha ha . [ scene_break ] scott : uncle adam really let us have it this time , did n't he ? j.r. has to be our only focus , colby . colby : what have i been able to do for j.r. ? let a nurse swipe the side of my cheek with a cotton ball . [ choking up ] he is so sick , and that is all i can do to help ! scott : we 're all doing what we can . colby : that 's what made annie so tempting . you know , she was a problem that i could attack . colby : i know just how you feel -- useless , frustrated . colby : i think i 'm -- i think i 'm gon na go get some air . scott : yeah . [ colby sniffles ] annie : you thought i might do it there for a minute , did n't you ? you just might have awakened something in me , colby , something that 's been dormant for a really , really long time . for your sake , i hope not , but who 's to say ? colby : you 're not -- you 're not gon na hit me with that thing , and we both know it . annie : still , i bet you lock your bedroom door tonight . sweet dreams . [ scene_break ] tad : adam . adam : ah ! i came here looking for j.r. , but i missed him . he must have gone home with marissa and little adam . tad : yeah . well , we did n't see the point of keeping him here just waiting on some test results . if any of us is a marrow match , we can get him back here . the doctor will give him a call , and he 'll be back in 15 minutes . adam : possibly it 's occurred to you that the job i sent you on has the potential to bear fruit . tad : unless you 've got something else for me because what you gave me last time did n't amount to anything . adam : perhaps this should help crumble the brick wall you hit . tad : whew . that 's a hell of a weekend in vegas . adam : you may have to set aside a good chunk of it . it 's her child i 'm interested in . i want him tested to be a possible donor for j.r. , and you may need some other cash to induce him to do it . tad : adam , a child ? adam : find him before it 's too late . tad : yeah . i 'll do that . [ scene_break ] liza : especially there ! now , this is a picture ! ha ha ! damon : that 's after . liza : he is so big . look how much he 's grown . damon : i know . the little dude 's a titan . [ natalia sighs ] liza : what is it ? natalia : i 'm here for him . liza : why ? natalia : the dna tests on the blood found at the burglaries , they 've come back . damon here is a perfect match . liza : ok , there must be some mistake -- natalia : stand up , damon . you 're under arrest . damon : hang on to those pictures for me , huh ? i might need them to keep me sane on the inside . natalia : you have the right to remain silent . anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . [ scene_break ] angie : this has been absolute heaven . but maybe , sweetheart , i need to -- jesse : no , no , no , no . they will call you if it 's an emergency . trust that . all right ? just a little longer . it means so much to me being here with you like this . just a little longer . [ scene_break ] frankie : well , i will let her know . all right . thank you . [ clears throat ] hi . this is dr. hubbard . you had a patient with an aortic aneurysm waiting for surgery or transfer ? he ca n't be dead . he was just -- he ruptured before surgery could be scheduled . [ sighs ] no . that 's all i need to know . [ scene_break ] [ ryan watches greenlee sleeping ]
in the corridor at the hospital , angie confronts jesse and natalia as to what they are doing here . natalia lets angie know that they are here working on a case . jesse pulls angie away to her office . jesse wants angie to explain as to what she is hiding from him . angie lets him know that she was just having a bad day . tad and liza are in the confusion bar when they meet up with damon , who tells them that bailey and stuart have gone home to her mom and dad and is not coming back . annie picks up the tire iron and just holds it in her hand when adam comes out to join her . scott walks up and manages to get annie 's attention so that she puts down the tire iron . colby also watches annie , adam and scott . in the deserted castle , greenlee tells jake that unless ryan backs off her , he is going to kill her . jake advises greenlee not to marry david . annie goes all to pieces and blames greenlee for putting the tire iron there for her to find . adam takes annie inside the house . scott questions colby as to what was she thinking . jesse offers angie encouragement as to how to do her job as the chief of staff . ryan tells jake that he regrets bringing greenlee here that he may lose greenlee for good . frankie interrupts angie 's and jesse 's intimate moment . jesse pulls angie away for a romantic afternoon . scott confronts colby as to her putting the tire iron there for annie to find . colby insist that she will try again to get rid of annie . scott tells colby to tell adam the truth about what she had done or he will . colby reminds scott that he has a romantic interest in annie . adam walks out onto the patio and overhears their conversation . adam reprimands them for their actions and gives them all fair warning about their inheritance . annie finds out that colby was behind placing the tire iron there for her to find . ryan brings greenlee something to eat which is all her favorite things . ryan tells greenlee that he is stepping aside from pressuring her to reconcile with him .
mary : ryan , you have to do something . greenlee 's still nowhere to be found . ryan : well , she 's probably hunkered down in front of the tube , scarfing down ice cream , feeling sorry for herself , mary . mary : no , i 've been to her penthouse . there are dozens of unplayed messages on her voicemail , her car is not in the garage , and the attendant says he has n't seen her for days . ryan : well , there 's your answer right there , all right ? she probably split town , wanted to put a million miles between this place and her problems . mary : but she would n't disappear today , not today of all days ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : nada . not even mint dental floss . welcome to rock bottom , ground floor -- chills , mildew , starvation , slime . it does n't get any worse than this . i spoke too soon . this ca n't be right . it is . happy birthday to me . what does the good birthday girl do when the going gets rough ? she parties . ryan : wow , i 'm surprised you remembered greenlee 's birthday , mary . mary : of course i remember . she likes a big fuss on her special day . ryan : well , then buy her a pony and maybe she 'll turn up . mary : i ca n't believe you 're so utterly callous about all of this ! ryan : what do you want from me , mary ? what ? what ? what do you want ? just because greenlee 's a year older does n't change the fact that she messed up bigtime . now , unless you want to be exhibit a in your own murder trial , just leave me alone . mary : ryan -- [ scene_break ] jack : come here . now , i want you to tell me why it is you 're so certain that erica 's innocent . reggie : because . jack : because ? reggie : yes , jack , please leave it there . no questions to ask . jack : i ca n't do that , and you know that , reggie . now , if you know what went down that night with kendall and erica , you are going to by god tell me right now ! [ scene_break ] bianca : all this time it was right there in my head and i just could n't see it . erica : what , bianca ? what , honey ? what -- what could n't you see ? what are you talking about ? kendall : i 'm going to go find livia and tell her to change my plea to guilty . erica : no , no , you 've gone crazy ! a minute ago you were counting on a mistrial . kendall : well , i stopped counting . i want to get this over with now . erica : no , no , no , you were right . the judge might just toss out the case against you because of my testimony , and then you would be home free . [ gunshot ] bianca : oh , my god . it 's true . kendall : bianca , no . erica : bianca ? are you -- are you all right ? bianca : i did it , mom . i murdered michael . erica : bianca , why are you saying this ? honey , what are you trying to do ? bianca : i did it . i shot michael . erica : have you lost your mind , or have i lost mine ? bianca : i blocked it out . i just remembered just now . how could i not remember ? kendall : it 's because it -- it never happened . bianca : yes , it did . i can see it . kendall : no , no , bianca , you 're just upset . you 're upset . your imagination is in hyperdrive . erica : bianca , do you even know what you 're saying ? michael : bianca , you are going to do as you 're told for the rest of your life . [ gunshot ] bianca : he was coming towards me . he was laughing . i remember everything that happened . it 's all coming back . i remember everything . [ scene_break ] adam : i answered it first . erica thought i was cambias , shot me in the shoulder . opal : what ? what ? wait a minute -- are you saying that palmer is n't the old rooster that clipped your wing ? adam : shh , shh , shh -- palmer : will you just keep your mouth shut , woman , please ? adam : erica 's in enough trouble without you piling more onto it . opal : are n't you a couple of old sons of guns , though ? it was n't about the dyed eyebrows after all ! it was just you claiming that you plugged adam and you playing along , not even to save your own chapped hides but to protect erica 's ? well , are n't you just a lying , scheming , wonderful -- palmer : would you get your bony fingers off of me , please ! opal : oh , my ! how you guys have spent the best part of your lives at each other 's throats , and here you are , a couple of whizzing warriors fighting cheek by grizzled , gruff jowl ! i think that this just might mean that the chandler - cortlandt feud might be finally coming to an end ? adam and palmer : no , no . [ scene_break ] erica : bianca -- bianca , stop this . kendall : yeah , listen to mom , ok ? things are bad enough without you getting involved . i mean , erica and i -- we both have our heads on the chopping block . bianca : because of me . erica : bianca , honey , i see where you 're going with this . i will not let you sacrifice yourself because of me . kendall : that 's what you 're doing , is n't it ? you 're -- that 's exactly what you 're doing . you -- you think that the jury wo n't send a pregnant woman to prison , let alone sock her with the death penalty . that 's why you 're making this whole story up . you figure that erica and i will walk , and then the judge will go light on you , on your sentence , because of your baby . bianca : do you think i want to say this ? do you think i want to admit that i killed someone ? i 'm not doing this to save either one of you . i 'm telling god 's honest truth . erica : bianca , the -- the idea of you killing anyone -- bianca : i guess that i could n't face up to what i had done . i killed my baby 's father . erica : i do n't really understand . are -- are we helping each other , or are we tearing each other apart ? bianca : mom , i remember holding the gun in my hand . i remember firing it . kendall : no , no , please , bianca , you ca n't . please , no . bianca , please . please , you must n't . bianca : you know i did it , do n't you ? you know i killed michael . [ knock on door ] tad : erica -- erica : tad . tad : listen -- thank god . i 'm sorry to interrupt , but this is important . i got to talk to you about your case . erica : well , tad , you 're too late . i -- i confessed to michael 's murder today in court . tad : why ? erica , it 's a mistake . you 're not guilty . i can prove it . the real killer is n't you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : who wants to come to my birthday party ? mary : happy birthday , sweetheart . greenlee : mother . you 're here . a present -- gim me ! gim me , gim me , gim me ! oh -- oh ! oh , it 's exactly what i wanted ! how did you know ? mary : mommy always knows best . greenlee : mommy always knows best ? since when ? no one came to rescue me because i followed your advice . i went after kendall , and now the whole town is throwing me a parade with pitchforks and torches . mary : why concern yourself with the mob mentality ? you do n't need those people . greenlee : those people are my family and my friends . i care what they think about me . mary : well , you did n't get that from me . that must be your father 's influence . greenlee : well , then i 'm going to be more like him . i 'm going to make jack proud that i 'm his daughter . mary : but i hope you 'll give me the chance to show you how much i admire you . greenlee : you had your chance , mother . now , beat it ! jack : so , did you get your wish ? greenlee : daddy ! [ jack laughs ] [ scene_break ] maria : anita , you know what ? this is really the last place i need to be right now , ok ? i just -- can we -- can we go before i become one with the floor ? anita : maria , i have jogged the shores of lake michigan , drooling for an onion blossom smothered in mayo . i 'm not leaving until my hdl spikes into the danger zone . maria : ok . ok , but you know what , you could be at mama 's right now , stuffing yourself with chile rellenos . anita : oh , i am more than up for mama 's home cooking . but i can do without what she serves with it . `` mija , when are you and roberto going to bless me with grandchildren ? mija , why do n't you come home more often . `` maria : why do n't you ? anita : you 're as bad as mama . hey , check out that guy with the tiger tattoos . maria : oh -- you know , it 's funny because this place used to be all , like , cowboys and clog dancing . and now it 's scary . it 's like harley hogs and hip- hoppers . it 's sad . does n't anything stay the same ? anita : thinking about the good old days ? maria : i mean , just -- it seems like yesterday , you know , that edmund and i were here and we -- you know what , i ca n't do it . can we just get this order to go ? i really have got to go . anita : this is where you and edmund what ? maria : anita , you know what ? i 've got to be back at the hospital . edmund really needs me right now . anita : we need to talk , away from mama and the kids and everyone . that 's why i stopped here , not to carbo load . come on . two drafts . maria : i ca n't believe you drink . anita : just an occasional beer . maria : i know , but you 're my baby sister . anita : i also stay up till midnight and go to r - rated movies and voted in the last two elections . maria : ok , what 's your point ? anita : my point is , is i 'm not the kid who needs to be sent out of the room when the grownups need to talk . i have grown - up talks of my own now . maria : ok . ok , grown - up girl . how 's married life treating you ? anita : do n't change the subject . maria : oh , my god , do n't boss me . anita : well , do n't treat me like a 5-year - old . confide in me the way that you did with mateo and julia . i mean , yell , get mad , take something out on me . just as long as you do n't shut down . so , please , come on , finish what you started to say . this is where you and edmund -- maria : this is where edmund and i had our first dance . [ scene_break ] edmund : move it , damn it . [ knock on door ] edmund : come in . brooke : hey , you . is this a good time ? edmund : it is if that 's the scoop on doc marshall and my chances of walking again . brooke : uh -- well , this is every scrap of information that i could download , but you 're not going to like it . [ scene_break ] erica : what proof do you have that i did n't send michael cambias straight to hell ? tad : just give me a minute , ok ? just a second . you can come on in , elise . elise : hey , ms. kane . tad : this is elise baylor . she 's a waitress at the -- the golden coach diner . elise : remember me ? erica : should i ? elise : i guess not . you were pretty out of it that night you stopped by the diner . erica : oh . forgive me , elise , but i -- i do n't do diners . elise : you did that night . you wandered in off the street all confused . and i figured you were drunk or high , so i fixed you up in a back booth with some decaf and some waffles . tad : tell her which night it was . elise : the night that cambias guy got plugged . only i did n't know that till way later . bianca : what time was my mother at the diner ? elise : i get off shift at 11 : 30 , and that 's when ms. kane wandered in . i knew who she was right away , of course . so i -- i called my boyfriend , and we hung around till ms. kane seemed a little more steady on her pins . bianca : and what time did she leave ? elise : must have been around 2 : 00 a.m . bianca : so if kendall heard a shot at around midnight , that means that mom could n't have done it . erica : tad , how can you be sure that elise is not simply after publicity ? elise : i do n't need the press , ms. kane . my boyfriend 's kind of married . tad : and he 'll verify the story . he would just prefer not to do it in front of the wife . so it looks like you 're off the hook . erica : well , thank you , elise . and , tad , you just send me the bill . tad : that 's it ? i mean , no `` hallelujah `` ? no `` thank god `` ? just `` ok , tad , you 're dismissed `` ? erica : please , tad , i just need to speak to my daughters in private . tad : sure . come on . come on . [ door closes ] bianca : see , mom ? it was n't you . and it was n't kendall , either . kendall : says who ? elise never gave me a decaf - and - waffles alibi . bianca : she does n't need to , kendall . you 're innocent . erica : bianca , you were at the penthouse all night , and reggie was there to protect you . bianca : reggie fell asleep . his gun was on the table . i thought i just went out to throw it away , but when i got back to the penthouse , reggie was n't there . and no one can say for sure that i did n't go to michael 's condo . [ gunshot ] bianca : oh -- kendall : bianca , what is it ? what is it ? bianca : i remember more about that night . [ scene_break ] jack : hey . happy birthday , sweetheart . greenlee : when i was 7 -- jack : yeah ? greenlee : i went to janie lipton 's birthday party , and her daddy made a whole zooful of animals out of balloons . i would 've been happy with just a teddy bear from my daddy . jack : well , you have my word , princess -- i 'm going to make up for all those birthdays that i missed , starting with this one . greenlee : this is my best birthday ever . i wish you were real , daddy . daddy ? simone : whoo ! greenlee : mia ! simone ! mia : happy birthday ! happy birthday ! greenlee : i did n't think you would come ! simone : when was the time when the women of fusion passed up a time to dress up and cut loose ? mia : whoo ! greenlee : fusion -- where we all became friends . simone : yeah . mia : yeah , but somebody 's missing . where 's -- ow . simone : happy , happy birthday , greenlee . mia : sleek coat . simone : oh , and mr. teddy looks so cuddly . greenlee : all i need is a hunk of birthday cake . simone : yeah . mia : whoo ! greenlee : makeup ? simone : yeah . mia : yeah , but it 's not just any makeup . simone : it 's fusion 's finest . mia : right , kitchen tested and girlfriend approved . greenlee : but these are freebies . they give these out at lacey � s cosmetics counter . mia : hey , you know , we put a lot of thought into that gift . simone : yeah . greenlee : that 's just sad . of all the lame ideas -- kitchen tested . oh , my gosh . let 's see . `` mocha mousse hydrating cream . `` let 's see . `` cherry vanilla -- cherry vanilla glaze . `` ok . not bad . not a chili cheeseburger , but not bad . [ scene_break ] ryan : and the party 's just starting . hey , david , listen -- um -- it 's not like i 'm losing sleep over this or anything , but have you seen greenlee , like , the last couple days ? david : if i had , do you really think i 'd tell you where the hell she is ? just stay out of greenlee 's life . [ scene_break ] jack : mary , i ca n't do this now . mary : are you aware that today is greenlee 's birthday and she 's still missing ? jack : today 's her birthday ? mary : yes . reggie : oh , me , either . i did n't even get her anything . mary : and i 'm beside myself with worry , jack . jack : mary , i 'll -- i 'll do what i can . i 'll call around . mary : do n't make the mistake that i did and think you have all the time in the world to make it right by greenlee . jack : and you were saying ? reggie : i -- jack : what did you -- tad : jack . i just walked out of a really strange scene in the witness room . jack : how 's erica doing ? tad : not half as thrilled as i thought she 'd be . jack : well , how thrilled did you think she was going to be ? she thinks she committed murder , tad . tad : that 's what i 'm trying to tell you . i just handed her an ironclad alibi in the form of a witness . you 'd think she 'd be all kinds of happy to be off the hook , but she barely said two words . and kendall was n't too stoked , either . neither was bianca . i mean , i do n't know what 's going on in there , but my timing sucks . jack : wait , wait , let 's go back there . you have a witness , a witness that 'll make a statement ? tad : yeah , she 's on tap anytime you need her . jack : thank you very much , tad . i -- i 'll take it from here , ok ? tad : ok , whatever . call me if you need anything . reggie : well , jack , what are you going to do ? jack : i 'll tell you what i 'm not going to do . i 'm not going to let erica and bianca and kendall just twist in the wind . reggie : no , no , wait , wait . there 's something you got to know first . [ scene_break ] erica : bianca , what else have you remembered ? bianca : michael was wearing a dark blue suit and reddish tie . kendall : well , you -- you saw him at the preliminary hearing . he was wearing the same outfit that night . bianca : there were yellow flowers on the coffee table . erica : but you were in his condo just a few weeks ago . i found you there , remember ? bianca : the police had already searched the condo by then . the flowers were long gone . this was before . i can see the room the way it was that night . kendall : no , the way that you imagined it . bianca : no , kendall , i was there . i remember everything . i -- the wallpaper on michael 's computer -- it was his face . and there was champagne on ice . i can even see the label . and two glasses , like he was expecting someone . kendall : well , you read all of that in the papers . you -- you sat through witness testimonies . anyone who 's followed this case could describe the murder scene . bianca : no , kendall , i was there . i saw a woman with dark hair wearing a black jacket . she was in the shadows . she had a gun . she went into michael 's condo . she shot him . she killed him . all this time , i thought i was seeing you , mom . but i was wrong . i was seeing myself . it was me . erica : kendall -- kendall , michael cambias stole time from bianca and me . fragments of our lives are gone . the pain is too deep to remember or relive . but you know what we 've blocked , do n't you ? that 's why you 've done all you 've done . give us back those fragments that we 've lost . we -- we need to know what happened in them . kendall : why ? why ? why -- why not just forget it ? why not just forget it and never , ever think about it ever again ? erica : like i tried to do with you ? kendall -- kendall , you wanted so much to be a part of this family . you wanted to share in the legacy of the kane women . please , please do n't let us be a house divided by lies and secrets . please , as much as we want to protect each other , now is the time for the truth to come out . it 's our only hope for the future . the truth , kendall . all of it . now . think you ca n't afford dell quality on a smaller budget ? [ scene_break ] jack : all right , reggie , tell me . what do you know ? reggie : look , i just wanted to be like you . i wanted to protect my family -- erica , kendall , bianca . all i wanted to do was keep them safe . jack : i know that . i 'm very proud of you , but you ca n't do it alone , reggie . reggie : yeah , i know . i need your help . we all do . jack : and you 've got it . now , you start with telling me the truth and we 'll take it from there , ok , son ? reggie : dad , she did n't mean to kill him . i swear , she did n't mean it . [ scene_break ] kendall : the truth ? i 've tried so long to cover it up , and i 've prayed that it would never come out . bianca : mom 's right , kendall . we need to know . kendall : i love you , bianca , and i think i would 've killed for you . but i did n't shoot michael . erica : who did ? kendall : i was home loading jack 's gun , and i heard a shot ring out . so i ran outside and i saw a woman run out from michael 's condo into the courtyard . she was wearing the black jacket that you remember . and she had a gun in her hand . it was -- bianca : just say it , kendall . kendall : it was you , bianca . all i wanted to do was protect you . reggie knows , too . he -- when he woke up , you and his gun were gone and so he went straight over to michael 's . you had already taken off by then . i did n't have to tell him that it was you . he already knew . reggie helped me clean up the blood and then move michael 's body . when he -- when he came back to erica 's , he said that you were fast asleep . and he said the next morning , when you woke up , you did n't remember anything except ditching reggie 's gun . reggie thought it was best that way . we both did . we prayed that you would never remember . bianca : i have put you through hell . i am so sorry , kendall . kendall : no . no , this was my choice . this was my choice , not yours . bianca : you took all the blame , and the whole time you knew . forgive me , kendall . please forgive me . please forgive me . kendall : no , bianca , now you listen to me . no -- there is nothing to forgive . nothing . bianca : how could i not remember a gun , a -- a body , a killing ? the blood -- how could i block it out ? i 'm so sorry , kendall . i never -- i never wanted you to suffer . i never wanted to hurt you . i never would have . i did n't know . and you did know . you knew . and you took it all and you -- everything you did , you did for me . kendall : i did it for my sister and my niece , and i would do it again . it 's going to be ok . it 's going to be ok . bianca , it 's going to be ok . i wo n't let them hurt you . i wo n't let them hurt your baby . it 's going to be ok . [ scene_break ] brooke : the surgery is incredibly risky and there is no guarantee that you 're ever going to walk again . and i do n't know if i would chance it . edmund : well , great . you 're not me , so save me the lecture , ok ? i already heard it from maria . [ scene_break ] maria : oh , he just -- he just wo n't listen to me . you know , he just -- i mean , you know how stubborn edmund gets , and he 's -- now he 's all fired up about this . anita : is there anything i can do ? maria : i do n't know . i do n't know . maybe . there 's this -- you know , there 's this doctor that 's got edmund so fired up about getting this -- this operation that could kill him on the slim chance that he could walk again . [ scene_break ] edmund : i do n't see anything here to back your doubts , brooke . i mean , if anything , i 'm more encouraged than before . brooke : i think you should check this out . edmund : what is it ? brooke : it 's stats on marshall 's surgical survival rates . not success rates , edmund -- - survival . [ scene_break ] maria : will you do me a favor , please , please ? if edmund asks what your opinion is on this , do whatever you can to discourage him . [ scene_break ] edmund : brooke , i know what i 'm facing . what am i supposed to do , play it safe ? sitting out the rest of my life is n't me and it never has been , and you know it , brooke . brooke : i also know i do n't want you to die . [ scene_break ] bianca : i did it , uncle jack . i did it . jack : i know . bianca : what now ? reggie : i had to tell him . it was getting too crazy , kendall . kendall : it 's ok , it 's ok . reggie , bianca remembered . bianca : thank you so much . you are -- you 're amazing . thank you . [ knock on door ] tad : sorry . judge lampert 's ready to make her ruling . i miss something ? jack : we 've got everything handled here . we 'll see you inside . bianca : uncle jack , what do i do ? jack : do n't do anything until we hear the ruling . a mistrial could change this whole ballgame . bianca : but kendall has been tortured enough . i think i should just tell the truth . kendall : no , no , bianca , do n't even think about me . do n't worry about me . you just think about your baby , ok ? she 's all that matters now . bianca : mom ? erica : listen to your sister . not a word . jack : erica ? [ scene_break ] ryan : so you do n't have a lock on caring about greenlee . david : boy , this is rich -- you riding to greenlee 's rescue ? she felt betrayed by everyone in this town , ryan , but your betrayal cut the deepest , so i guarantee you you 're the last person on this earth she wants to see . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what did you get me ? that 's all ? ryan : that is going to get you where you want to go . you just hold on to the balloon and it 'll take you and lift you right on out of here . greenlee : i wish . ryan : well , then make it so . greenlee : i ca n't . there 's no way out . this is the end . this is my grave . who am i kidding ? no one 's coming to my birthday party . there wo n't be any cake and presents . there wo n't be any more birthdays . this is real , is n't it , ryan ? [ scene_break ] ryan : ah � [ ryan senses a ring on his finger ] david : growing pains ? ryan : uh -- yeah , something like that . david : great . take two aspirin and get lost . ryan : yeah , listen , you 're not the least bit at all worried about greenlee ? david : if greenlee needs me , she 'll call me . but i would n't wait for that phone to ring on your end , ryan . ryan : wow , you 're all heart , hayward . i 'm really , really going to miss you when i leave town . david : oh , you 're leaving town ? wow . too bad . sorry , i 'm not big on good - byes . ryan : damn it , greenlee , where the hell are you ? [ scene_break ] tad : ready or not , counselor , it 's showtime . livia : mm - hmm . reporter : ms. hart ! ms. hart ! second reporter : kendall ! kendall ! [ reporters shout ] maggie : what 's the deal with your mother ? lena : are you all right ? bianca : later , ok ? bailiff : all rise . judge : be seated . now , before i make my ruling on mistrial -- ms. kane , twice you have taken the stand and twice you have thrown my court into chaos . erica : i apologize , your honor . judge : your prejudicial confession leaves me no recourse but to grant the motion for mistrial . [ gallery buzzes ] judge : ladies and gentlemen of the jury , i appreciate your forbearance . you are dismissed . ms. hart , do not leave town . ms. kane , i will expect you and your counsel in my chambers first thing tomorrow . court is dismissed . jack : who could ask for anything more ? livia : yeah , you 're a member of the lucky club . kendall : whew . so what happens now ? bianca : well , this is good . this means that you 're in the clear . you got your life back . kendall : yeah . [ scene_break ] edmund : brooke ? brooke , i 'm not going to die . i mean , i got too many things left to do on my to - do list . i got to finish the great american novel , cop another pulitzer , drive you crazy . brooke : well , that 's your best event . edmund : it 's what i live for . help me out here . i mean , you 've done all the legwork for me . brooke , where 's the smart money ? show me how to beat the odds on this . brooke : ok . marshall 's not all brag . he 's really a pioneer in his field . and there is one case study where the patient 's recovery defied the skeptics ' dismissal of him as some reckless renegade . and you can -- [ scene_break ] greenlee : face it -- someone would come trawling for this rock before they 'd come looking for you . and who can blame them ? i 've been such a selfish brat , i would n't come looking for me , either . i swear , if i make it out of here , i will be the new , improved greenlee . `` nice `` will be my middle name . greenlee 's voice : that 's a noble sentiment , greenlee , but when it comes to being nice , you would n't know where to start . greenlee : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm free ? bianca : how does that work ? will there be another trial ? jack : well , i do n't think that 's very likely . with all the reasonable doubt that erica and kendall have raised in this situation , i do n't think the commonwealth has a chance of prosecuting them . kendall : all we have to do is walk away , just walk away and we 're in the clear , ok ? it 's time to move on with our lives , bianca . bianca : wait ! erica : bianca . kendall : no . jack : hey , what are you doing ? kendall : no , no , bianca . bianca : judge lampert ? kendall : bianca , no ! judge : yes ? bianca : i have to tell you . i did it , your honor . i killed michael cambias . [ next_on ] bianca : i shot michael cambias and i have to pay for what i did . maria : do n't come near my husband again ! do you understand me ? greenlee : i 'm running out of people to hallucinate , so i made me with bad hair . this is the end , is n't it ?
erica and kendall are stunned at bianca 's confession that she killed michael and do n't want her to admit it . kendall , however , admits that she saw bianca do , as did reggie and they have been covering for her all along . reggie admits to jack that he knows bianca did it and vows to protect her . and since only the 5 of them know , kendall gets a mistrial and the judge has no clue what to do at this point . but bianca comes forward and admits to the judge that she did it .
greenlee : ryan wo n't give up on this thing of owing jonathan . kendall : if you ask me , ryan 's just as messed up as his little bro . greenlee : no , not even close . he just wants to save jonathan from his scary boy self . but who 's going to save ryan ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : check us out , huh ? the brothers lavery survived their first family therapy session . tougher than my image of boot camp . definitely slogging through a different kind of obstacle course . dr. robbins was decent , though . and you there really helped . ry ? hey . are you ok ? ryan : jonathan , from where we started , i do n't think we 'll ever reach ok . [ scene_break ] erica : champagne , sparkling cider -- oh , no . i told coral that we need more candles . jack : sweetheart , you ok ? erica : oh , you know how i get when i host a party . jack : yeah . erica : yeah , i 'm sorry . oh , no . my dress . jack : what do you mean , your dress ? you look ravishing . erica : oh , but , lily . jack : burgundy looks absolutely gorgeous on you . that is not red . lily will be just fine . ok ? lily : coral has everything ready . there are 5.2 appetizers per guest . jack : i take it the .2 is for miranda . lily : miranda eats baby food , dad . it 's scientifically formulated to meet her nutritional needs . jack : ah . erica : thank you , lily . thank you . you have been such a big help . lily , may i ask you something ? lily : you just did . erica : would you go and ask coral if she will run down to the corner store and buy some more candles , just like these ? lily : exactly how many ? i 'll go with her . erica : 12 . 12 should do it . and you know mr. farley . he 'll just charge it to my account . jack : thank you , sweetheart . erica : ah . hmm . oh , jack . i do n't know if i can do it . i do n't know if i can say good - bye to my little girl . [ scene_break ] ethan : hey . good timing . you want to grab a bag ? ok . i 'm leaving town , jumping bail . nothing you can do about it . only kidding . bianca : i 'm the one who 's going . i 'm moving to paris . ethan : actually , she 's going to see the old part of the cambias empire , you know , back in europe . zach : can i talk to you in private ? ethan : you know , this would be a good time to exercise your veto . bianca : it 's ok . why do n't you take the bags down to the car . ethan : if you need me , i 'm just going to be a shout away . zach : so , what is it going to take to make you stay ? bianca : why should i stay ? zach : because i need you . [ scene_break ] jack : well , i know how difficult this is , believe me , for all of us . saying good - bye to bianca -- erica : and her beautiful baby . i mean , i did n't even have a chance to spoil her . jack : what , are you kidding me ? the hand - painted crib , the life - sized stuffed peacocks ? and not to mention the pearl - encrusted bib ? erica : i have barely started . jack : well , then i perceive many shopping sprees up and down the champs- elysées as you continue to spoil miranda and keep that euro dollar strong . erica : oh , it just never gets easier . i mean , first , it 's baby steps , and then you let go of their hand on the first day of school . then you watch them cross the street the first time by themselves . it 's a thousand scares . it 's just a thousand scares , and i felt when i 'd had to let her go to travis that that was going to kill me . jack : but it did n't . you survived then , and you 'll survive now , because you are strong and because you want bianca to wake up one perfect paris morning holding miranda in her arms , being right where she wants to be , as happy and as at peace as she 's ever been and because you know this is not good - bye forever . erica : and because i have you and kendall . jack : and reggie and lily and opal and palmer and myrtle . i mean , for pete 's sake , you have your own softball team here . erica : yeah . jack : and we 'll all take care of each other , and we 'll hold bianca 's place for her for when she does come back home . [ scene_break ] zach : i heard that krystal and hayward are off the hook , and i 'm as furious as you are , but that does n't mean you have to run away . bianca : i 'm not running away . i 'm moving on . zach : oh . your child was taken from you . bianca : yes . and you walked away from your son . zach : well , that 's why i want you to stay . i need your help . ethan is in trouble . he 's already making deals with little chandler . bianca : ethan helped j.r. with his custody suit , because he thinks that every kid deserves to know his father . maybe that 's a foreign concept to you . zach : do -- do you mind ? i do n't -- i do n't understand . you -- you 're just going to uproot your family and move to france for business ? bianca : it 's not just business . that 's really only a small part of it . i -- i want to be able to take a breath and let it out and not have it make the 6 : 00 news . i just want to be with my daughter . i want to try to be anonymous . zach : yeah , well , being a cambias , it 's not going to be the easiest thing to do . bianca : yeah , i know . it 's one of the reasons that part of me wishes that my daughter had no part of the cambias legacy . god knows i wish she had a different father . zach : so do i . [ miranda fusses ] bianca : hey , sleepyhead . yeah . your nap time over ? do you want to hold her ? zach : yeah . hi . [ scene_break ] ryan : the stuff that you unpacked at the shrink 's office , it 's just kind of -- it 's just difficult for me to shake off , that 's all . jonathan : every kid has a story like that , ryan . ryan : no , jonathan , not every kid . you were 5 years old . jonathan : you know , dad took me to that mall to buy mom a birthday present . it never happened . boy , i hated that place . it was , you know , so -- just too everything . it was too big . it was too crowded . it was too noisy . i was afraid that i 'd get lost . ryan : you just wanted your dad to hold your hand . you were 5 years old . jonathan : he finally took my hand . he yanked me into kresler 's , that department store . dragged me to a mirror and , well , made me look at myself and said , `` what do you see , jonny ? `` he knelt down beside me , he looked at me in the mirror , and he said , `` i 'll tell you what i see . i see a -- i see a crybaby . time for you to grow up , crybaby . `` then he stood up . i closed my eyes . i was waiting for it , but it never happened . when i opened my eyes , dad was gone . he -- he left me . my own father ditched me . [ scene_break ] greenlee : he refuses to see that he 's not to blame for his brother 's screw- ups . he ca n't admit that jonny boy 's dark side is even darker than ryan thinks . he wo n't even go there . it 's like -- it 's like he 's taking his brother 's beatings for him . kendall : it screams wack to me . greenlee : excuse me ? the queen of protecting her sibling ? i mean , who faked a pregnancy and stood trial for murder ? kendall : ok , bianca 's worth it , jonathan 's not . greenlee : ryan thinks he is . kendall : well , then maybe you should rethink making a baby with such a jerk . greenlee : excuse me ? did i dream you here in this office today ? you gave me a hug , acted like you actually have a heart . kendall : yeah , well , it was a mercy hug . ok , i did n't sign up to be your bestest , tell - everything girlfriend . you want to rag on your big , bad brother- in - law or whine how your hubby 's moved out and put a crimp in your pregnancy plans , fine . hit on simone . leave me out it . greenlee : oh , my god . you 're still upset because i told you that ryan and i wanted to have a baby . kendall : i really do n't care . greenlee : yeah , kendall , you really do . sorry . i threw our baby - making plans in your face that night . kendall : come on . why would i care if you and ryan want to make a little rugrat to call your own ? all right , fine . the baby bulletin got to me a little . sometimes old stuff bubbles up , and i think , man , i would love to have a slice of what they have . and then i think about ethan , and i remember that i have him , and i 'm more than halfway falling for him . when i 'm with him , it makes me realize that ryan and i , we were toxic for each other . greenlee : you only drove each other stark - raving crazy . kendall : well , crazy 's a part of who i am , and ethan actually accepts that . i do n't have to worry about him bolting from anything i say or do . i can just be myself , and that 's who he wants . he wants all of me . simone : hey , hey , you guys ? either one of you take a message for me from a suit - and - tie guy , 65 ? kendall : no . simone : really ? oh , he 's my latest cyber match . he 's supposed to pick me up for bianca 's bash . greenlee : looks like you 've been stood up . simone : you know what ? i 'll look at it as a blessing in disguise . kendall : well , ethan 's meeting me at erica 's . can i get a lift with you ? simone : well , you 're probably a better escort anyway . you 're definitely cuter . [ scene_break ] ryan : that pathetic excuse of a father actually left you ? a 5-year - old kid in a mall ? jonathan : i waited for him to come back . i was scared spitless . i -- i found a place to hide . i crawled into a -- into a rack of clothes , got away from the crowds . do n't know for how long -- hours -- and then it got really quiet and these big loud bells sounded , and then the lights went out . i realized the store was closing and dad -- dad was n't going to come back . and i was alone . i was -- i was so scared and i was hungry . and then i cried myself to sleep . i do n't want to hide . i do n't want to lie . i do n't want to shake my fist every time life is hard . i do n't want to be scared . i do n't want to be scared . i do n't want to have the fear . i want to take it on , you know ? i want to face it . i 'm going to work my butt off to be that man , and i 'm going to work my butt off to be that man . to be like you . [ scene_break ] zach : so you guys are going to paris , huh ? it 's a pretty cool place . people take a little getting used to , but i guess that 's the same wherever you go . hey . you 're not going to remember me , are you ? well , i 'm going to remember you and your beautiful mom . boy , you 're lucky . you know that ? very lucky that she found you , because , you know , if nothing else , a daughter needs her mother . bianca : a son needs his father . ethan : i 'm going to be in the car . bianca : you know , if you care about ethan , you would n't be asking somebody else to help him . you would do whatever it takes to help him yourself . you 're his father . zach : you 're right . you 're right . and whether you like it or not , i 'm going to make sure that you 're ok -- both of you . i know what i have to do . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . greenlee : hey , you . remember me ? hmm . jonathan : hey , is that greenlee ? greenlee : hi , jonathan . jonathan : hey . come on in . i wanted to tell you it means everything to me to have ryan here . he 's helping me through the rough spots . i wanted to say i 'm sorry that it takes him away from you . greenlee : i 'm willing to give up time with my husband if it means you 'll get the help you really need . i came here to take you away to bianca 's going - away party . ryan : oh , my , i -- i completely forgot about it . greenlee : oh , well , you look great . let 's go . ryan , this is about bianca . your practical little sister 's going away to paris . you have to go and say good- bye . jonathan : go on . i 'm fine . i 'll be fine for a few hours . ryan : hey , will you give me a couple of seconds alone with my wife , please ? jonathan : yeah , yeah , all the time you need . greenlee : this is you telling me that you have to stay here with jonathan . oh , how well do i know my husband ? ryan : look , it 's been a really , really rough day . therapy was very intense , greenlee . greenlee : i hope your brother has a breakthrough soon . you 've earned a night off . ryan : it does n't work like that . greenlee : how does it work , ryan ? look , i get that you have to spend huge amounts of time with jonathan , but that does n't mean you have to be on 24-hour call . he 's a big boy . you can leave him alone . it 's no big deal . ryan : greenlee , you do n't get it . ok , when jonathan gets left behind , it 's a huge deal . greenlee : ok . fine . you do n't want to go to the party , i 'll go without you . i 'll make your apologies for bianca . you do whatever it is that you have to do . jonathan : greenlee , wait , wait . i -- hey , go to bianca 's party . go be with your friends , man . dance with your wife . do n't fight because of me . ok , i 'm going to turn in early anyway . i 'm probably going to watch some tv . i 'll be fine . please , ryan , go . please go . ryan : you call me if you need me . jonathan : hey , i 've got dr. robbins in my pda . i 'm fine . ryan : ok . jonathan : have fun . ryan : i -- i am so sorry . it 's just been -- it 's been a lot harder with jonathan than i thought . it 's been so much harder than i expected -- greenlee : no , no , it 's ok , it 's ok , it 's ok . it 's ok . [ scene_break ] jack : there you go , palmer . palmer : thank you . [ doorbell rings ] jack : oh , excuse me . myrtle : please , do n't start . opal : well , it 's just that it 's so far away -- myrtle : well -- opal : and they speak french there . erica : oh . why is that a problem , opal ? opal : well , i do n't parlez francais . palmer : hell , woman , you barely speak english . simone : hi ! jack : welcome , welcome , welcome to the bianca - miranda great american sendoff . anita : thank you . erica : hi . reggie : what 's so great about it ? jack : oh , do n't be that way , all right ? bianca : maggie . maggie : i do n't believe that you 're still here . my car broke down , and i thought that i was going to miss you . kendall : we 'll take miranda inside . ethan : yeah . kendall : ok ? bianca : please come in . kendall : yes . ethan : let me grab the door . bianca : so , are you going to come to paris with me ? going once , twice ... sold ! maggie : you know , the fact that you asked me to go with you means more than you know . and i have been thinking about it over and over and over again . and i just do n't think that i can , and it 's not that i do n't want to go . i want to , but i think that i need to stay here , and i have to stick it out , and i have to deal with my life and with all the jonathan craziness , and i have to scrape my gpa up off the floor , and this is n't a final good - bye , ok ? this is not a good - bye , and i was thinking maybe i could come visit you over the summer and we can go travel throughout europe and go shopping and -- ok , i 'm going to shut up . bianca : no , maggie , stop it . it 's ok . i understand . maggie : really ? bianca : yes , really . you need to look out for yourself right now . maggie : so we 're still best friends ? bianca : yes , we 're still best friends . maggie : can i come to your party ? bianca : you 're not going anywhere . come on . bianca : oh , mom , please do n't . erica : what , cry ? moi ? bianca : where 's miranda ? kendall : she 's fine . she 's in the kitchen . coral 's making her dinner . opal : yeah . lily : bianca , it 's time to open your presents now , so you should sit down . did i say something funny ? jack : no , no , sweetheart . it just appears that you 've taken over as hostess with the mostest . erica : well , and now that lily has spoken , who wants to go first ? simone : oh , me , me . opal : oh . simone : of course . opal : oh , my goodness . simone : well , a little enchantment signature fragrance , because a girl can never have too much . show those french american that perfume does n't go by the numbers . forget five . we 're number one . bianca : that 's great . simone : and so , bianca , i just want to say that at work and in life you inspire me . i 'm going to miss you . but i know you 're going to be so happy . oui , oui . bianca : oh . [ music plays ] anita : i 'll come to paris and then we can toast to kept promises and shiny new lives . bianca : look , everybody . it 's a little tiny life jacket . all : oh . bianca : lily , where did you find this ? lily : dad and i found it at the marina . i got it because it 's smaller than a real life jacket , and you can take it to paris with you . you can put your keys on it , and if you drop it in the water , they wo n't sink . singer : i love paris lily : dad says that you can think about me when you look at them . and if you ever get a boat and miranda drops your keys in the water , they 'll float . bianca : well , thank you , lily . i 'm going to put all of my keys on it and even my boat keys if i ever get one . thank you . singer : i love paris [ music stops ] lily : i touched you at the hospital , and it did n't hurt , so you can hug me if you want to . bianca : ok . thank you , lily . [ music plays ] opal : well , and , of course , everybody knows that gay paree is the fashion capital of the world , bar none , hmm ? and so i figured -- [ laughter ] opal : that with these little berets , you gals would just fit in perfect . palmer : they 're going to get arrested by the fashion gendarme . opal : oh , you hush up , mr. blackwell . oh , honey . i have known you and loved you since you were yea high , and you are going to leave one heck of a big hole in my heart . you do n't stay away too long , ok ? all right . palmer : [ french accent ] ooh , la - la . little girl , come here . miranda , come here . [ laughter ] bianca : miranda , who 's that ? opal : i 'll give you three guesses . the first two do n't count . palmer : i am monsieur le grouch . i 'm not very happy about what is happening , no . you and your mama going away ? no . i do n't like it . i do n't like it at all , pas du tout [ not at all ] . but i -- i suppose i -- i will get used to it . but you must make me a promise . singer : i love paris every moment palmer : [ normal voice ] you have to promise me that you 're going to be happy . oh , well , i know you will be , because your mother loves you so much , and she is going to see the world again through your eyes -- oh . how wonderful it 's going to be . i love you . i do . i love you very much . maggie : so prom night -- we were the hottest couple . [ bianca laughs ] maggie : and it 's -- well -- you were so brave , and you danced like no one was watching . i do n't even know where you got that from . bianca : i think that i got that from you . maggie : well , i was proud to be your date , and that will stay with me forever . reggie : bianca , i just did n't get it . you told me a family is what you make it . [ music stops ] reggie : but i watched you in action , and i realized that a family is -- a family is giving it all you got and never giving up . you fight for it , and , bianca , you fought for your family , and it paid off bigtime . you got little miranda . if you ever need me , wherever , whenever , i 'll be there for you . i burned your favorite songs on the cd -- bianca : oh . reggie : from a to z , from me to my sister . i love you . ryan : that 's from me and greenlee , for you . palmer : that 's a faith , hope , and charity pin . my mother had one of those , yeah . ryan : it was made just for you . hope tops the list , though , because -- because that 's what you 've given me , and i 'm going to hang on to it , because it 's going to come in handy . miracles can happen , and you made me believe that . greenlee : you 're wearing leo 's necklace ? bianca : yeah . he loved paris . greenlee : his favorite city on the planet . go to the café loup . tell them leo sent you . i know he 'll look out for you . myrtle : sweetheart , for paris . and i hope life gives you lots of l'amour . and if maybe for , oh , just a wee minute maybe , you feel a little homesick or -- or just a little lonely , this will bring you straight back to the heart of pine valley and all the folk who love you and miranda , and they love you so much . [ music plays ] singer : in my daughter 's eyes i am a hero i am strong and wise and i know no fear but the truth is plain to see she was sent to rescue me i see who i want to be in my daughter 's eyes . [ scene_break ] ryan : thank you for not taking no for an answer and convincing me to come . greenlee : well , i still have some convincing to do before you go back to your brother . ryan : what 's that ? simone : hi , guys . greenlee : did you do it ? simone : mission accomplished . yeah , ryan 's bike is parked out front . ryan : you rode my hog ? simone : do n't panic . i came to pine valley on a motorcycle . unfortunately , i had to hock it because someone made me pay back my bail . another story . greenlee : maybe our surprise - a - day clause has been suspended , but we have n't been on one of our excellent adventures in a while . we 're having one now , and mrs. dynamite kiddo is not taking no for an answer . ryan : let 's go burn some rubber . [ scene_break ] erica : it 's a long trip to paris . bianca : mom , i 'll be fine . erica : oh , i just want to be sure that you and miranda have everything you need . jack : honey , this is the cambias corporate jet . i do n't think miranda and bianca are going to be lacking for creature comforts . kendall : i am going to let you and your mommy settle into your new life , ok ? well , expect me for cocktails tomorrow at 5 : 00 . yes , but you are going to have to teach me the language barrier ; because , you know , really , i 'm not very good at french , so you 're going to have to teach me , you little munchkin . how do you say `` i love you with all my heart `` ? bianca : je t'aime avec tout mon coeur . kendall : and that 's forever . bianca : i wish i knew . kendall : i do n't know when i 'm -- how i 'm going to do this without my sister , you know ? without my sister , you know ? bianca : hey , there 's e - mail . we 're going to rack up outrageously huge phone bills . and hop on a plane anytime , come visit me . kendall : yeah . erica : may i ? kendall : of course . erica : come on , baby . come on , baby . oh , miranda . oh , you beautiful girl . oh , you are so lucky . you are going to love paris . yes , you are . all the gardens and all the museums and all the nightlife . oh , yes . well , it 's a rite of passage for the kane women . yes , it is . you are so lucky to be a kane woman . and you are so lucky that you are going to be exposed to all that history and culture at such a young age . yes . and there are a few words that are really going to come in handy for you , sweetheart . `` fantastique . `` `` couture . `` `` taxi . `` and , oh , the most important word of all -- `` entourage . `` never , under any circumstances , leave home without one . bianca : i 'm going to see you in paris for all the major board meetings , right ? jack : oh , for pete 's sake , yeah , i 'll be there . bianca : and you 're going to take good care of mom ? erica : i 'm going to take really good care of uncle jack . bianca : i 'll call , i 'll e - mail . i 'm going to upload pictures of miranda every day . i 'm going to be back for your wedding . we 're going to see each other more than we see each other now . erica : it 's going to be like you never left . bianca : i love you , mom . you know how much , right ? erica : and i love you . kendall : i could n't stay and watch the plane take off . it was just too sad . [ scene_break ] zach : ethan ramsey , ceo , cambias industries . that is an impressive title . impressive office . you should enjoy it while you can . ethan : why ? am i going somewhere ? zach : as a matter of fact , you are , son . i 'm going to court to turn over my late father 's will , and then all this is going to belong to me . [ scene_break ] jack to erica : hey . you . you did good tonight . you did the hardest thing you 'll ever have to do . you said good - bye to bianca . you let her go with your blessing . i 'm so proud of you . but now it 's just you and me . you do n't have to be brave anymore . come here . [ scene_break ] bianca : how long before we take off ? this fog really came out of nowhere , did n't it ? all right , thanks . [ gazing at the foggy landscape , bianca recalls special moments . ] singer : from memory there is no hiding place turn on the tv and i see you there in every crowd there 's always someone with your face everywhere trying not to care erica : what in god 's name are you doing , bianca ? have you lost your mind ? bianca : i 'm proud of who i am . erica : you 've got a lot of courage . bianca : where do you think i got it from ? singer : i got a long way to go before i can say good - bye oh , to you kendall : i love you . singer : oh , i got a long way to go greenlee : i want you to have this . singer : before i can say good - bye greenlee : leo gave it to me . singer : all i ever knew ryan : bianca , we love you . bianca : hi . yeah , it 's mommy . singer : i only hope you think of me sometimes tad : i 'm going to miss you . singer : oh , i got a long way to go a long , long way to go bianca : miranda ? erica : yes , baby . your miranda . singer : the only thing i want from you everything i needed jack : i just want to be more of a father to you than an uncle . erica : what is more fantastic than a mother - daughter bond ? kendall : hmm . bianca and kendall : nothing . erica : nothing , nothing . kendall : nothing . singer : everything i needed bianca : she called us her legacy -- a family of strong women -- and that 's what we are , because we can overcome anything . singer : everything i needed singers : i got a long way to go singer : i got a long way i know singers : before i can say good - bye singer : before i can say good - bye singers : all i ever knew singer : everything i knew a long way to go maggie : thank god for fog . you still got room for one more ? singers : i got a long way to go . [ next_on ] greenlee : you ai n't seen nothing yet . lily : i need to start kissing aidan . edmund : we finally have what we need to nail slater to the wall . zach : what are you going to do , ethan ? go get your gun , take your best shot . maggie : i love you .
bianca 's friends and family have a going away party for her . erica , jack and kendall see her and miranda off in the cambias jet . zach goes to see her and tells her that he will always be looking out for her and for his niece . before the party , ryan admits to greenlee that he and jonathan had a very intense therapy session . ryan is shocked to learn that when his brother was 5 years old , their father left him abandoned in a big department store and he was terribly afraid and cried himself to sleep . kendall admits to greenlee that she remembers her relationship with ryan , still has difficulty thinking of greenlee having a baby with him . but she realizes that she and ryan were not right for each other and ethan accepts her the way she is , the way ryan did not . bianca relives all of her memories of her family and friends . and right before her flight leaves , maggie surprises bianca and says she 'd like to go with her to paris .
j.r. : do n't start on me again about the cops . my team 's on it . adam : there 's nothing wrong with getting more help , especially if that help has handcuffs . j.r. : the cops are morons . look , i have tons of men all over this -- at airports , trains , bus stations . new york to la , canada to mexico , babe can not make a move with my son . adam : at least let derek frye put out an apb . j.r. : the cops just get in the way . who tracked her down last time she went on the run , when she went to new orleans ? my team , not the cops . we keep it private , we keep it in control , we corner babe . the end result , babe on a spit , or worse . [ doorbell rings ] krystal : oh , tad -- tad : hey , are you all right ? what the hell was with that phone call ? krystal : thank god you 're here . listen , you have got to help me find babe before they hunt her down like a rabid dog . [ scene_break ] babe : do n't you worry , little a , i 'm going to have you home in time for lunch , ok ? i just got to find a way out of here . and those stupid boards wo n't budge . janet : good morning . oh , you sun beam . i hope somebody got up on the right side of the bed today . babe : i 'm really sorry that i went off last night . it 's just i wanted to get little a home and make sure my family 's ok . janet : i think it was just your empty stomach talking . but do n't you worry . breakfast is almost ready . babe : i promise you , i 'm going to get us out of here -- as soon as i talk to that wackadoodle lady . oh , wow , sleep really made a difference . and it 's supposed to be a beautiful day . what time do you want to hit the road ? janet : well , we 're not leaving . oh , no , little miss party pooper . there 's too much fun to be done . [ scene_break ] del : i thought a shot of caffeine might do you some good . di : mmm . del : you know , i -- i get that you just survived a major explosion , but you look like hell , no offense . di : did you love dixie ? del : what ? what is this , some kind of post - traumatic stress thing ? of course i did . di : yeah . del : i loved her like crazy , and it was n't just the kidney thing . i 've told you that plenty of times . di : and what about me ? i 'm your sister , too . i gave a kidney . do you love me ? del : well , i was n't so sure at first , but -- i 'm kidding . yes . i do . what is going on ? [ scene_break ] [ outside his cabin , dixie watches david as he retrieves his morning paper . ] [ scene_break ] julia : oh , hey . ryan : hey . is simone up yet ? julia : well , she never slept . ryan : i am so sorry . simone : it was real , was n't it ? ethan really loved me , then he died . [ scene_break ] [ when zach does n't answer the knock on his door , kendall lets herself in . ] kendall : i 'm sorry about ethan . zach : so am i . kendall : what are you going to do ? zach : what do you want me to do ? kendall : is there anything that you need , anything that i can do ? zach : your instincts were right . you should 've listened to them instead of being fooled by candlelight and fireworks . i hurt the people i care about . ethan knew that . he knew exactly who i was . he did n't deserve this , you know . but i did . i deserved to lose my son . [ scene_break ] tad : you know what ? not for nothing , but in light of recent history , i can understand why those two would jump to kidnapping , especially those two . you 've got to understand that . krystal : i hope babe did take little adam . tad : what ? krystal : because the alternative scares me to death . i would like to think that she 's in charge , in control , with some kind of a plan . tad : well , that makes one of us because frankly , babe 's plans tend to be somewhat -- krystal : i know -- misguided , yes . i 've got to find her , i 've got to help her . tad : wait a minute . you ? sweetheart , i love you , but let 's face it -- your plans are n't that ingenious , either . krystal : well , it 's a lot better than sitting around listening to those bozos plotting to string her up and ask questions later . tad , come on . you 're going to help me find her , are n't you ? please ? help me find her and keep her safe and keep them from getting their fangs into her . tad : i 'll do whatever i have to , you know that . krystal : that 's a lot better than anybody else around here . so , if you 'll take care of those neanderthals -- tad : what -- wait . you ca n't leave me here by myself . where the hell are you going ? krystal : i have a hunch of my own that i 've got to check out . thank you . adam : babe could 've already jumped the atlantic on a fake passport . tad : which is a personal field of expertise , and it just so happens i 'm available . adam : and completely expendable . thank you , we do n't need any more investigators . we 'll have little adam back , and babe punished by nightfall . tad : easy , jethro . in case you have n't noticed , a lot 's been going crazy around here lately . anything could 've happened . j.r. : is this your idea of help ? defending babe , waving krystal 's flag ? why do n't you get the hell out of here ? tad : j.r. , come on . little adam is family , yours and mine , dixie 's family -- remember ? i want him home just as badly as you do . [ scene_break ] janet : nummy , nummy , nummy ! oh , it 's so good . it 's got milk and a pinch of sugar , but we 're going to let it cool down first . babe : this is great , but -- janet : but nothing . breakfast is the most important meal of the day . `` strong minds , strong bodies `` -- i 've always tried to tell amanda that . babe : i just -- i really just want to get little a back where he belongs . janet : oh , he is where he belongs , honey -- with you . if i had had amanda during these formative years , who knows how things would 've turned out ? should we see if this has cooled off a little bit ? ready to eat some oatmeal ? babe : are n't you going to have any ? janet : oh , we , oatmeal and i go way back to the `` all gone `` bowl . no , i ca n't stand the stuff -- ahem -- but little boy needs his nummies . babe : janet , no . little a , sweetie , you ca n't eat any of that , ok ? [ scene_break ] tad : what if that explosion at that party freaked babe out , and she took him somewhere , because she thought she was protecting him ? j.r. : or when the party went boom , she saw it as a perfect distraction . did n't wait to see if her family was alive -- just up and disappeared with our son . tad : or maybe she thought that lately you 've been being a little too difficult , and she decided you needed to be taken down a peg . what if that 's what 's going on ? she 's yanking your chain , and as soon as she decides that you 've been punished enough , she 's going to parade through those doors with a big smile and put that baby right back in your arms . adam : oh , well , maybe you should give up the pi business and try your hand at fiction . tad : it makes as much sense as any theory you 've got going and , hey , let 's not forget -- around this town , you two are known for playing some pretty deep mind games . j.r. : this time , winner takes all . and the losers go down . tad : j.r. ? you better hope that babe is the one that has little adam , because otherwise , she might very easily be in the hands of a lunatic , along with your son . jamie : that 's exactly where they are , and the lunatic is janet dillon . [ scene_break ] janet : you paranoid polly . i told you i do n't do poison anymore . see ? babe : oh , my god -- janet ? janet : you do care , do n't you ? hmm ! it 's icky - poo , but hardly poisonous . babe : you know , i think we 're just going to wait till we get home to eat . janet : uh - uh . they do not call me the hostess with the mostest for nothing . fruit hoops -- my favorite cereal . i love all the different colors -- unopened , 2 % milk . see ? best of both worlds -- all the nutrition without the fat . satisfied ? babe : thank you . janet : there . now that we have all that settled , what mischief should we get into today ? babe : i really think we should get going . janet : do you like to make snowmen ? you know , that 's one of the nice things about being up here in all the cold -- there 's lots of white stuff outside . we can make a really big snowman , or do you like to make snow angels ? oh , that was amanda 's favorite when she was little . babe : my son and i just really want to go home , janet . janet : you know , babe , i really thought we 'd come to an understanding , that we had bonded and bared our souls and shared . was that all a lie ? because if it is , you know what we have to do -- we have to start all over at the beginning until you get it right . babe : what more do you want from me ? i -- i looked at your scrapbooks , i -- i 'm talking to jamie about giving amanda a second chance , i 'm hiring her at fusion . tell me what you want . [ scene_break ] del : what has got you so crazed ? di : i do n't know if you 'd believe me if i told you . huh . del : try me . di : yeah . i 'd really like to , but i ca n't . but you know what ? there 's really no one else i can talk to . but the -- the whole trust thing . you know , but -- but you know what ? you are my brother , so i could -- del : relax , ok ? you and i -- we 're all about trust now , all right ? when you were playing dixie , i did n't bust you . i hated it , but i would 've kept that big , bad secret forever . you outed yourself , remember ? di : yeah , under a lot of pressure and -- and that was the right thing to do . but now , i do n't know what the right thing is . del : well , doing the right thing has n't always been my deal , but you can lay it on me if it makes you feel better . di : but i -- i had promised her i would n't -- i would n't tell , you know ? but how could she expect me to sit on this ? i ca n't , not by myself . i will combust ! del : you promised who not to tell what ? di : she 's alive , del . dixie 's alive . [ scene_break ] [ as dixie moves in the woods , david hears her . ] david : hello ? babe ? is that you ? [ scene_break ] del : so dixie 's alive ? she would have told me . you hardly knew her . you 're the one she comes to ? why not tell me ? why not come out and tell everyone ? di : you think i did n't ask her that ? she would n't tell me why . i begged her . she -- and then she swore me to secrecy on the bible . del : it just does n't make any sense . di : i know , tell me about it , del . you know , and i had her here downstairs . and tad showed up . and i thought maybe if she had him here , you know , close , alone , she 'd fling herself into his arms . and then when i walked in , expecting the big reunion , dixie was still hiding . and -- and now -- now she 's gone . when -- when i went back to tell her , ask her why when tad left , she had disappeared , and i do n't know what to do now , del . del : you have to tell them . tad , j.r. , everyone . a secret this big is going to blow . if they find out the truth , and you were sitting on it , they 'll shred you . di : i took an oath . del : so what ? if dixie 's in town , someone 's going to find out . let them find out from you . [ scene_break ] krystal : david ? david , have you heard from babe ? david : no , i have n't heard a word . krystal : would you tell me if you did ? david : well , you are sleeping with the enemy . but , yeah , i would . krystal : why is she doing this ? david : because she 's smart . krystal : david , you have to help me convince babe to come home . [ scene_break ] ryan : ethan -- he loved you beyond anything else . he really -- he really did adore the ground that you walked on . you made him laugh . you did . you made him happy . you -- you really -- you really , really made him feel loved . simone : he -- he always said that it was just the two of us . and now it 's just me . and a funeral to plan . ryan : i -- i hope -- i hope that it 's ok . i stopped by the funeral home , and i -- i just kind of took care of some of the basics . and when you 're ready to go by and sign off on some of the finer things -- i mean , if everything 's ok with you , you know , when you 're ready -- simone : thank you . you are the best best man and friend to the both of us . i am going to go get myself cleaned up and get going . julia : just take all the time you need . simone : thank you , julia . you did n't even know me , and you took me into your home . and i do n't know how -- julia : hey , we may not know each other , but i know where you 're at . anything you need . simone : thank you . julia : you said everything she needed to hear . ryan : and you pretty much took care of the rest . julia : how about you ? any collateral damage ? ryan : oh , no , i got -- i mean , i have cuts and bruises and stuff , but i 'm -- i 'm pretty lucky . julia : yeah . no , i meant from the fallout with kendall and zach . ryan : oh . well -- um -- she found out that zach betrayed her and that he lied about it . she 's spinning , and who knows where she 's going to land ? julia : hmm . well , nothing new about that . well , you 're not responsible for what zach did . ryan : but i am responsible for the outcome -- breaking her heart . [ scene_break ] kendall : no , you did not deserve to lose ethan . you did not deserve to have your only child die . zach : do you know why he died ? do you ? he was trying to get away from me . you ca n't blame him really , can you ? kendall : ok , but despite everything that went down between you two , you loved him , zach . you loved him very much . zach : yeah . [ zach pours a drink ] zach : buried underneath all that rubble , and i apologized to him . i told him how much i loved him , how proud i was of him . and i begged his forgiveness . and he looked at me , and he said he could never forgive me . those were his last words . he died hating me . kendall : what about me ? should i forgive you ? or do we just wait for another building to collapse on our heads ? zach : i was n't any good for ethan , and i 'm no good for you . i tried to help him . i only caused him pain . so what about you ? has my love made your life better or worse ? there 's your answer . kendall : so we just leave it at that ? zach : that 's all there is . kendall : i 'm thinking of getting back together with ryan . [ scene_break ] ryan : i mean , i knew that when i showed kendall the truth about zach , that it would kill her , and i did it anyway . julia : you did n't betray her , zach did . you were just the messenger . ryan : that 's true . and i delivered a shot straight through her heart . and now i have all of the pieces to pick up . julia : what , you broke it , you buy it ? ryan : you know , when we were trapped , we -- we felt the baby move for the first time . julia : wow . that 's great . [ ryan chuckles ] ryan : i mean , we could have been buried alive any second , and he was doing somersaults . you think that i would know everything there is to know about kendall by now , but she kind of surprised me down there . she did . i mean , she was very upset about zach , obviously , and she gave me hell for what i did , but she surprised me . she managed to laugh , and she even told a joke or two . she wants us to get back together . that actually was n't one of the jokes . she was serious . i mean , i 'm assuming it 's because she wants to stick it to zach . julia : that 's crazy . ryan : maybe it 's not so crazy . [ scene_break ] kendall : what is so funny about ryan and i getting back together ? it makes total sense . zach : it absolutely does . kendall : i am the mother of ryan 's baby , and it 's your fault . ryan was supposed to share a life with greenlee and his child . i was supposed to share my life with you . but thanks to that nice little blackout that you arranged , it 's gone . it all went away . every hope i had , every hope ryan had , gone . zach : all thanks to me . do what you need to do , kendall . if that includes ryan , so be it . [ scene_break ] del : whatever trip dixie is on , you do n't deserve to hang again . and what about tad and j.r. and the rest of them ? that `` right thing `` that you 're so concerned with -- do n't they deserve the truth ? di : ok . ok , i have to do this my own way . promise me , not one word . [ scene_break ] krystal : david -- david , you have to help me convince babe to come home if she calls . david : if babe contacts me , i 'm going to send her all the money she needs to live her life anywhere but here . krystal : when babe ran off to florida with jamie , you wanted her to come home . david : yeah , and what a mistake that was . j.r. turned her life into a living hell . took full custody of little adam . if babe comes back again , she 's never going to see her son ever again . she 's better off . and besides , circumnavigating the globe is a hell of a lot smarter and better than that stupid scheme to win j.r. back again . krystal : i was never 100 % behind that . david : oh , really ? who would have known ? it 's not like you ever tried to stop her . krystal : i want my baby doll home . now , the rest is just details . now , are you going to help me or not ? david : if babe thinks enough of me to contact me , i might just jump on a plane and join them myself . i mean , what the hell -- what 's so great about pine valley , anyway , huh ? i think babe 's got the right idea . start over . you know , make a fresh new life . the south of france . hey , ibiza . krystal : but she 'd be a fugitive , david , always looking over her shoulder -- that is no way to raise a child . the chandlers will never stop . private investigators , cia , fbi , commandos -- whatever it takes , they will hound her to the ground . now , we have got to find her before they do , because this time , they are going to bury her . [ scene_break ] babe : we 've slept , we 've eaten , we -- we have done every single thing that you 've asked . can we go now ? janet : let 's ask little adam . would you like to go back to ucky - yucky pine valley , or would you rather stay here and play ? babe : you get away from him . janet : oh , very impressive , mama bear , little goldilocks . ah ! but i do n't like your tone . babe : then let me go . janet : go ? no , darling , the only place you 're going is straight to your room . you have been very naughty . you need a time - out . babe : just give me our coats and the car keys . janet : is that what you really want , babe ? do you really want to go back there to , what -- a big homecoming welcome of kisses and tears and all the rest ? well , darling , it 's not going to happen . [ little adam babbles ] janet : that 's right , because you 're nothing but a baby - snatching kidnapper all over again . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe stole my son . jamie : will you friggin ' listen ? amanda knew about the explosion . she tried to get everybody out just before it blew . now she denies that her mom had anything to do with it , but it does n't take much to connect janet to the blast -- and to babe and little adam missing . adam : prove it . jamie : aidan is running down leads as we speak . adam : we have enough leads . we have enough facts . tad : all you need to send you in the wrong direction . j.r. : babe done this before . we know what we 're doing . jamie : babe could be in real trouble . little adam , too . and all -- you 're all about torching her ? [ just when j.r. begins to believe jamie , he recalls babe 's last passionate promise to him at the ball . ] babe 's voice : you can kiss babe the bride good - bye , because from here on out , it 's all about babe the mama , and i will do whatever it takes . i will go down and dirty , low and scheming , lying , sneaking , and i will game you like you 've never been gamed before . but i wo n't let you keep me away from my son . j.r. : no . no , this is all about babe . she took little adam just like she promised . you know , not many victims steal five grand , then send a text message bragging about what they 've done . tad : j.r. , please , you got to look at every possible angle . j.r. : i 've got one . jamie 's in on it . would n't be the first time he 's teamed up with babe to steal my son . is that it , james ? love all over again ? adam : well , now , that 's a theory that makes sense . janet dillon may be a loon , but what possible reason would she have to do this ? tad : you 're kidding . janet ? janet from another planet ? janet dillon ? [ door closes ] tad : she would do anything she has to to protect her daughter from any threat , either perceived or imagined . di : tad ? adam : now the party 's complete . di : yeah , i 'm glad you 're all here . there 's something you need to know . [ scene_break ] kendall : so you 're just going to let me walk out ? no apology , no asking me to forgive you , no trying to make up for what you did to me ? so -- so ethan 's death meant nothing ? zach : it meant a great deal . kendall : well , you got a hell of a way of showing it . do something , zach . say something . make a difference ! zach : do what , say what ? what makes a difference , what ? kendall : i do n't know , i do n't know . zach : neither do i . kendall : what happened to you not giving up on us ? zach : turns out i was wrong . kendall : about us ? zach : about me . [ scene_break ] ryan : if we 're together , i could protect kendall . julia : from zach ? ryan : and i can make sure that she 's taking care of herself . julia : so kendall wants to stick it to zach , so she jumps from zach to you ? is n't that kind of obvious ? ryan : yeah , it 's a little obvious , but you know , it 's just -- it 's just kendall . i mean , one time , i ticked her off , and she slept with my brother . julia : she 's totally using you , and that does n't bother you ? ryan : it 's just , it -- it 's just kendall . julia : you 're some kind of friend . huh . ryan : and she is the mother of my child . julia : yeah , i guess that is the complicated part . ryan : yeah . although , it is becoming a lot clearer . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what are you doing here ? when are you going to get it through your head that i do n't want you anywhere near me ? tad : di , now is not a very good time . di : why , is everyone ok ? adam : get out . tad : she 's still family . j.r. : like hell she is . tad : it 's babe . she and little adam are missing . j.r. : do n't make it pretty . babe stole my son again . di : what ? i thought things were going great -- j.r. : she 's a liar and a con just like you . jamie : babe is a victim , j.r. janet dillon is behind this . j.r. : oh . jamie : and i 'll prove it . adam : yeah , whoa , with your little junior detective kit ? why do n't you go home and play doctor for god 's sakes and leave this to the grown - ups ? tad : why do n't you leave it to the grown - ups . you and your herd of second - rate bounty hunters -- you did put a price on babe 's head , did n't you ? adam : i 'm about to raise it . j.r. : i should 've known she 'd pull something like this . jamie : what is your problem ? you 're crazy about babe again , she 's crazy about you . she goes missing with little adam , her life could be on the line , and all you can do is trash her ? you do n't deserve her . tad : jamie , wait . di : no , wait , tad , tad , tad -- tad : no , i ca n't -- later . di : i really need to tell you something . adam : well , this is all one great big , dashing waste of time , my time . i 'm -- if anybody wants me , i 'll be in my study calling in some favors . j.r. : that 's your cue to go . di : i want to help . what -- what can i do ? j.r. : do n't come back . di : i 'm not just going to walk away . j.r. : you did n't bother last time when little adam went missing . why do you care now ? [ scene_break ] [ dixie creeps close to the cabin so she can continue eavesdropping . ] david : j.r. is a jerk . the farther away babe is from him , the better . krystal : not like this . david : oh , yeah , it 's better to have her close by so we can watch j.r. crush her into the ground , right ? use her baby to destroy her ? look , babe got away from him once before . it took her coming back for me to realize that she should 've stayed away . krystal : j.r. loves his son more than life . you know what he 's capable of . david : yeah , well , i know what he 's not capable of -- real feelings . whatever heart j.r. had died with dixie . he 's an adam clone to the bone now , a twisted chandler with nothing on his mind but power and control , and that 's what you want for our daughter ? life at the end of j.r. 's whip ? krystal : i want her home . now , you can spew all you want about j.r . the only thing that matters right now is getting to her first . [ scene_break ] babe : my phone . you were using it -- what did you do ? janet : oh , modern technology -- it 's just a marvel , is n't it , this whole text- messaging thing ? i mean , you just push a whole bunch of little buttons and boom and all of a sudden , you are a disgusting kidnapper on the run with your son . babe : oh , my god ! janet ! janet : oh , i do n't remember exactly the words , but it was something like , `` dear j.r. , neener , neener , neener , till death do us part . love , babe . `` well , actually , i did n't put in that `` love `` part . babe : j.r. must be crazed right now and mama and everyone -- what ? janet : nothing like a good kidnapping to get the blood boiling . babe : why would you do something like that ? janet : well , now , babe , if you had been paying attention instead of throwing temper tantrums and trying to steal my keys , you would n't even have to ask that question . for the umpteenth time , my baby is in pain , and i want you to hurt , too . my amanda is n't happy , then you are not happy forever and ever , amen . [ scene_break ] di : whether you want me here or not , i 'm not just going to walk out the door . j.r. : i do n't want you , damn it ! i want my son . [ scene_break ] janet : ruff . ruff , ruff , ruff , ruff , ruff , ruff , ruff , ruff . because your mommy 's been very bad , so we have to rub her nose in it ! [ janet growls as she plays with little adam 's stuffed dog . ] babe : do n't talk to my son like that . janet : you know , it 's too bad we do n't have a boob tube , because then we could watch you on one of those shows -- `` wanted -- dead or alive . `` i could call in and collect the reward , and i am very sure the chandlers are offering a snootful of moola , not that the money is really very important to me . the time we spend together means so much more . and since you 've been so terrible , we 're going to be spending lots and lots of time together , so you just need to get used to it . babe , face it -- mi casa es su casa . babe : you 're brilliant . janet : beg pardon ? babe : brilliant with a capital b , absolutely positively perfect . genius . janet : well , i do have my moments . but what exactly was the `` genius `` part ? babe : it 's fantastic . you totally set it up . janet : well , sometimes my brilliance escapes me . babe : you want me away from amanda for good , right ? so she can live the life that she 's meant to have ? and i want my son for good , so i can be the best mama ever just like you . you know , we can both have what we want . you just have to let me go . janet : no -- oh , no . no , no , no , no , no . babe : no -- no , no , no , not back to pine valley . away from it , as far away as possible . janet , let me kidnap my son for real . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i want my son home . i want him in my arms safe . i ca n't lose him like i lost -- di : your mother ? j.r. : no . no . stop trying to be my mother . you ca n't help me . nobody can help me . di : that 's not true . [ scene_break ] krystal : you do n't care about helping babe . all you care about is raining misery on the chandlers -- forget me , forget her . well , forget you , david . [ dixie scurries and hides as krystal takes off in her car . ] [ scene_break ] julia : i understand that you want to do what 's right , but does that mean you have to get yourself tangled up in kendall 's scheme to have revenge against zach ? ryan : look , in the end , i 'm responsible for all of it . like , this child would n't even exist if i had n't faked my own death . i mean , when i rode my bike over that cliff , i kind of got this ball rolling , and i let a lot of people down , and i wo n't let my son down , or his mom . um -- you know what ? i -- i better let you get back to simone . i 'm -- i 'm going to go , and i 'll check in later , ok ? [ scene_break ] kendall : never answered my question . what are you going to do now ? zach : i 'm going to have another drink . [ zach sighs ] kendall : god help me , i still love you . zach : i still love you . [ scene_break ] next week on `` all my children `` -- erica ( to josh ) : it 's time for you to leave pine valley and never come back . j.r. ( to krystal ) : put the pistol down . [ krystal grunts as adam wrestles her for the gun . ] david ( to amanda ) : i put some truth serum in your iced tea . ryan ( to kendall ) : ryan lavery , at your service . zach ( to dixie ) : if i were you , i would disappear again .
with babe and little adam gone , jr and adam are ready to get her in trouble for kidnapping . but jamie and tad believe that it 's possible she 's in danger and janet from another planet has kidnapped her and little a. david hopes his daughter has split town with the baby and will never let jr see his son again . but krystal tells him that she does not want that to be the case . janet is holding babe and little a captive and behaving like a crazy person . dixie is spying upon all the people who are dealing with jr 's loss of his son and is almost ready to make her presence known . di reveals to del that dixie is alive and in town . kendall does not know whether to get back with zach or marry ryan . ryan also has a dilemma with that . zach is ready to give up and live in solitude .
krystal : hello ? hello ? david : krystal . do n't ever answer my phone again . krystal : it was just a hang - up . david : i want to share my life with you , but some things need to remain private . krystal : you scare me when you 're like this . david : i 'm sorry . i 'm just under a lot of pressure these days , but that does n't mean i do n't love you , ok ? krystal : i 'm just glad you 're home . david : where else would i be ? krystal : well , the other day , i did n't know where you were . everybody was at the wedding . you left without a word . you came back without a word . you were gone for a long time . where 'd you go ? [ scene_break ] [ doorbell rings ] opal : i came as soon as i could . you ok ? ryan : come on in . opal : i admit i 'm curious why you did n't want me to bring emma . ryan : how is she doing ? opal : she 's having milk and cookies with petey . feel like your soul 's been ripped out , do n't you ? ryan : i need to talk to her . i need to talk to greenlee , opal , and i really want you to help me . [ scene_break ] reese : ok , so you hate me , but you do n't hate gabrielle , and if bianca leaves , if she goes , so does that beautiful baby girl . she is gone , and i know you do n't want that . zach , please , please help me . zach : i 'm not helping you . we do n't deserve that child . [ scene_break ] erica : kendall , you ca n't turn your back on bianca . she 's your sister . she needs you . kendall : well , she did n't need me when she decided to make a baby with my husband . erica : oh , come on . it was n't like that exactly and you know that . zach was the donor . that 's what he was . bianca : it 's ok , mom . she 's right . it was my fault . i went behind her back . i 've lied to her , and i did have a child with her husband . erica : you had a beautiful baby girl who needs us to fight for her . surely you do n't want reese to have access to gabrielle . kendall : well , that is one thing bianca and i still have in common . i want reese far away from that baby . in fact , the further away from pine valley bianca and gaby are , the better . erica : bianca , too ? are you kidding ? she 's your sister . kendall : sister ? we share blood , nothing more . [ scene_break ] david : i was at a consult in manhattan . i left a note . krystal : i did n't see it . david : really ? i should have called . you 're right . i 'm sorry . sometimes i get so busy with work , i just do n't see anything else . i have all the time in the world to look now . [ phone rings ] david : son of a ... [ phone continues ringing ] david : dr. hayward . frankie : ok , let 's get started . nurse : it 's gayle . you wanted me to call if there was any news . mr. chandler and ms. dillon have just arrived . david : i 'll be there as soon as i can . krystal : let me guess , an emergency ? david : yeah , that 's the reason why i do n't want you answering my phones . it could be complicated , ok ? is that clear ? krystal : sure . [ scene_break ] erica : this is unacceptable . you two love each other , and yes , these are difficult times , but we will get past this . we always do . kendall : if you want me to kiss and make up so you feel better , i 'm leaving . i 'm leaving right now . erica : you know what i want you to do ? i want you to show a little understanding . kendall : ok , listen , i already said that i agree with bianca . i want that baby far away from reese . is n't that enough ? erica : ok , i 'm going to tell you the truth here . sometimes i do n't recognize you anymore , not since the coma . kendall : yeah , well , a lot of things have changed . i woke up and discovered my sister and her lover and my husband decided it was a good idea to have a baby and not tell me . erica : honey , you know exactly that -- bianca : no , mom , it 's ok . obviously , understanding is not a part of kendall 's vocabulary anymore . kendall : there 's so many other words , like `` sperm donor . `` that 's a good one . erica : ok , that 's enough . you know what ? if you 're not with us , then you can leave . kendall : i am not with you , but i am in agreement that i do not want reese to have any access to that baby , and i will do anything to make sure that does n't happen . woman : ms. kane . erica : oh , ms. stillman , thank you so much for coming to meet us here . this is my other daughter , kendall , who will be helping us as well . and , please , tell me what our best strategy is to make sure that reese williams never comes near my daughter bianca 's beautiful baby girl ever again . ms. stillman : i 'm afraid it 's not that simple . there 's a clear case supporting ms. williams ' position . bianca : so , reese could get partial custody of my child ? [ scene_break ] reese : you do n't mean that i do n't deserve my daughter . you have seen me with her . you know that i am a good mother . you know how i am and that i love her . zach : mistakes were made . there are consequences . reese : ok , so you hate me . that 's fine . you can hate me . you can despise me . you can want me gone , but i know you do n't want gaby gone . and if bianca gets full custody , you 're going to lose her , too . zach : that 's bianca 's choice . i 've got to respect that . reese : bianca 's choice ? is it bianca 's choice or is it kendall 's choice ? is that where all this is coming from ? me gone , the baby gone , her life back to where it was before all -- zach : ca n't blame her for that . reese : this is kendall 's decision . it 's what kendall wants . what the hell do you want ? zach : she 's my wife . reese : ok , who 's gaby ? zach : do n't do that . that 's not fair . i said i was going to be the donor . i never said i was going to be a father to her . reese : that 's a fine idea over dinner and drinks , but once you 've held her in your arms , and you have rocked her to sleep night after night , and you 've stopped her tears , you become attached . zach : ok , all right , we do n't need to discuss that . bianca has made a decision . reese : that 's fine , but it 's not her decision to make . zach , just because i did not carry that child , it does n't mean i do n't love her , gaby , as much . zach : no one says that you do n't love her . no one said that . i love her , too , and it does n't matter how we feel . bianca has a right to do what she 's doing . reese : no , she does n't . she is hurt and she 's angry , and she wants to punish me , and kendall wants to punish you . and you know what ? you can stand there . you can act all stoic . you can act rational . you can act calm . that 's fine , but i know you do n't want to lose gabrielle any more than i do . just help me , ok ? just please help me . if you help me get custody , i promise you , i wo n't take gabrielle away , and you can see her as much as you want . zach : what are you asking me right now ? are you asking me to choose between gabrielle and kendall ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : excuse me , the planning meeting for the babe chandler wing benefit -- is that going to be in the main conference room ? i 'd like to get my donation in . adam : j.r. , can i speak with you a second ? j.r. : sorry . what is it ? adam : what are you doing ? a contribution ? j.r. : since when have you been against contributing to the hospital ? adam : well , i guess you 've been so busy holding amanda 's hand that you 're completely unaware that chandler enterprises has just had the worst quarter in the company 's history . j.r. : we 'll turn it around . besides , i 'm not the one who poured all that money into fusion while playing footsie with erica . are we going to ever see any of that investment back ? adam : yes , and then some , eventually . in the mean time , it 's best to think before we spend . david : saw that article in the business section . seems chandler enterprises is going the way of the titanic . adam : we 'll recover . david : well , if you need a loan to keep the lights on or food on the table for little a , you just let me know . j.r. : we 'll be fine . david : good . so , i can count on you both for a generous donation to babe 's wing , right ? j.r. : there will be enough zeros to put us on top of that list . david : babe would be happy to hear that . adam : that arrogant -- j.r. : we just have to stay one step ahead of him , dad . adam : not by donating six figures when we ca n't afford it . you keep your checkbook in your pocket until we discuss this . [ scene_break ] frankie : you are doing great . the baby 's doing great as well . are you taking those prenatal vitamins ? j.r. : only if i promise her one of those chocolate truffles right afterwards . amanda : j.r. 's been a great coach . he 's been pouring milk and orange juice down my throat , putting way too many leafy greens on my plate . j.r. : yeah , but i do offer one of the best foot massages in town . i 'll wait for you outside . frankie : looks like you and j.r. are really making this work . amanda : he 's been great . frankie : what happens when he finds out hayward 's the father ? amanda : he wo n't . frankie : listen , amanda , secrets have a way of coming out . amanda : not this one . you protect the secret . j.r. protects me . this baby is safe from david . that 's all i care about . [ scene_break ] annie : hi . aidan : hi . how are you feeling ? annie : i 'm better now . aidan : i saw the judge today . he 's reviewed your case . your competency hearing has been postponed indefinitely . you 'll still have to go back to oak haven . you 'll get a new psychiatric evaluation with the new doctor , and you wo n't go anywhere near the isolation unit . annie : you did this . you could have walked away like everybody else , but you never gave up on me even when i fought you . i know i have a long way to go , but i 'm going to work really hard to get better for you and for emma . can i see her ? do you think i can see emma before i go back to oak haven ? [ scene_break ] opal : greenlee , can you hear us ? this is opal and ryan . do n't be afraid to show yourself , honey . we love you . ryan loves you . he misses you . he wants to speak to you . give us a sign , honey . give us a sign that you 're with us , that you feel our energy and our love . ryan : i need you , greenlee . i need you , ok ? the whole world has gone to hell . opal : ryan -- ryan : i want the people that killed you . i want them to be held responsible . opal : ryan -- ryan : please , i 'm doing things my way , but i need to know it 's ok with you . please , just tell me it 's all right -- opal : ryan , stop , stop . the spirits are sensitive . you are vibrating anger here . if greenlee was close by , you just sent her soul running . ryan : i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . please , do n't stop . please , do n't stop . do n't stop , do n't stop . opal : greenlee , can you hear us ? can you feel ryan 's love ? come to us , honey , come to us . give us a sign . ryan : do you feel anything ? opal : no , i 'm sorry . not even a tickle . ryan : you 've got to try again , opal . please , you need to try again . i need her . [ scene_break ] kendall : ca n't you just file something with the court so bianca and the baby can go back to paris ? ms. stillman : that 's not an option . ms. williams may have no biological tie to the child , but she and bianca took steps to give her equal rights . the court will view her as a parent . if you take gaby out of the country , you 'll be charged with kidnapping . bianca : my own child ? ms. stillman : ms. williams has filed for custody in pine valley . the baby was born here . no one 's going anywhere until this is resolved . and i have to warn you , a case like this can go on for years . erica : so we fight . ms. stillman has outlined an option for us , our best option if we want to win this quickly . bianca : anything . erica : we put reese 's character on trial and that should be easy . we expose her lies , her cheating . we prove that she 's an unfit mother . kendall : well , i agree with mom . that should n't be too hard , should it , bianca ? adam : what luck , a meeting of the most powerful women in pine valley , the brain trust of fusion . erica : adam , i 'm busy . adam : busy making bankruptcy plans , maybe hoping for a government bailout ? erica : excuse us . we 'll be right back . adam , i 'm in the middle of a very important meeting . adam : my investment is very important , too . and due to the untimely demise of greenlee smythe , i 'm very worried about my money . erica : we 'll discuss this later . adam : no , we 'll discuss it now . [ scene_break ] reese : i 'm not asking you to choose between gabrielle and kendall . zach : yes , you are , and it 's not going to happen . nothing 's going to come between me , kendall , and the boys , not even gaby . reese : please save your family , ok ? please save your marriage . all i 'm asking you to do is just help me . i ca n't do this on my own . just tell the court that i am a good mother . tell the court that i 'm a good person . zach : i think they 're going to be ready for that . reese : all right , well , then can you just talk to bianca ? zach : no , i ca n't . reese : what ? she 'll listen to you . she 'll listen to you , zach , and she wo n't stay angry at you . just tell them . tell her that it 's in gabrielle 's best interest to have both of her parents in her life . zach : gabrielle 's best interest is not being in a tug - of - war with her mothers . reese : i love her . zach : if you love her so much , maybe you 've got to let her go . reese : i wo n't . zach : all right , well , then you 're going to fight bianca and kendall and erica , the kane clan . i do n't know . i do n't think it 's going to work . i think you 've got to let her go and move on . reese : no , not without my daughter . zach : you do n't have a chance in hell . [ scene_break ] david : how was your exam ? amanda : fine , if it 's any of your business . david : speaking of our business , how 's it going ? amanda : not here . david : are you making progress with j.r. or are all those stars in your eyes getting in the way ? amanda : this kind of stuff takes time , you know . david : well , you better not let it take too much longer or j.r. 's going to hear things about you that he just does n't want to hear . amanda : meet me at the casino later . david : it 's a date . j.r. : hey , is hayward bugging you ? amanda : just the usual . j.r. : will you be able to make it home ok ? i 've got to go sit in on the meeting , you know , for the campbell 's heart health benefit . amanda : oh , yeah , i have some errands to run . i 'll see you soon . david : dr. hubbard . frankie : dr. hayward . david : so , tell me -- how is amanda dillon doing ? [ scene_break ] adam : you lied about fusion 's finances . erica : i did no such thing . adam : do n't try to outmaneuver me , erica . i can be a very dangerous opponent . erica : ok , adam , if you must know , we are in the middle of a meeting with a lawyer for bianca . she and reese are having some problems . adam : already ? erica : their marriage is over . adam : before it started . you should know a thing or two about that . [ scene_break ] david : you did examine amanda , did n't you ? frankie : picture - perfect first trimester . david : that 's great to hear . let me see the chart . like you said , it 's all very good . you are aware of what would happen to a doctor who altered documents or falsified reports , right ? frankie : well , you 'd probably have his license stripped , his career and his dignity , well , trashed , then you 'd boil him in oil . but lucky for me , i play by the rules . krystal : there you are . hi , frankie . frankie : krystal . krystal : the planning committee is going to get started without us if we do n't hurry up . david : keep up the good work , doctor . krystal : i ca n't wait to show them my ideas . david : oh , wow . [ scene_break ] aidan : i do n't know whether it 's possible for you to see emma . i 'm going to run it by ryan , but he 's not in a very good place right now . annie : if there 's any way ryan could find it in his heart to let me see our daughter , it would mean everything to me . aidan : i 'll ask him , but i ca n't make any promises . annie : thank you . that 's what i like about you . you 're the only person who tells me the truth . aidan : it 's usually easier that way . annie : what would i do without you ? [ scene_break ] opal : it 's no use . it 's no use . the spirit is not willing . ryan : you ca n't give up . please , opal , i need to reach her . i really do . i need to talk to her . please , i have to know . opal : the greenlee that i knew , ryan , she would not want all these thoughts of revenge and payback . she would want you to be happy , to live in peace with emma . ryan : well , then you did n't know greenlee at all , did you ? because she always stood up for herself . she never backed down from a fight . opal , we were on our way to be together , to be happy , finally to be together , and it was taken away from us . she would want justice just as much as i do . opal : you know , if you truly believe that greenlee would be shoulder to shoulder with you on this , then why are you so desperate to have her permission ? maybe the spirit has spoken . maybe you should listen to those doubts . ryan : thank you for coming , opal . please give emma a kiss for me and tell her that i love her . opal : that 's something you should do for yourself . [ scene_break ] david : the committee loved your ideas . i knew i was right to recommend you to oversee this benefit . krystal : oh , i am just so thrilled to contribute to such a good cause , and to honor our babe . david : she would be very proud of you , as i am . krystal : well , i hope i live up to your expectations -- and babe 's . david : are you kidding me ? something tells me you 're going to raise so much money for healthy hearts , you just might put me out of business . j.r. : i 'd triple my contribution for that . david : yeah . just make sure that check does n't bounce . i 'll see you later . krystal : where are you going ? david : a consult . you want the name of the patient ? j.r. : you ok ? krystal : yeah , i 'm fine . and i have a pile of work to do if i want to throw the most knock - your - socks - off benefit this hospital has ever seen . j.r. : if there 's anyone who could do it , it 's you . so are you really happy with hayward ? krystal : yes , i am . how about you ? you got a baby on the way . how are you doing ? j.r. : i 'm good . krystal : i meant what i said . babe would want this for you -- moving on with your life . j.r. : i guess we both are . [ scene_break ] adam : a marriage that lasted five minutes , the kane women with their heads together ? when do you start beating the tom - toms ? erica : stop that . stop it . adam , you are expecting a grandchild . that should really be taking all of your attention right now . adam : if it 's mine . erica : well , there , you see ? you 've got plenty to occupy yourself with . adam : i want my money back , erica . erica : and i will give your money back , adam . but right now my priority is my family . adam : which means you 're distracted , which means i may never see my investment again , unless drastic measures are taken . erica : oh , it would be just like you to twist my personal family crisis to your advantage . adam : that fire in your eyes , i 've really missed that , erica . erica : i have to get back to my meeting . adam : of course . oh , into the lion 's den . brave man . zach : how are you doing , adam ? i thought you 'd be too busy pulling chandler from the ashes to come and drink here . adam : what , chandler enterprises , chandler family ? all are just fine . i 'll see to it . zach : ok . ladies -- ahem . reese came to me for my help , and i told her to leave town and never look back . there you go . kendall : well , that is so noble , so very zach . now tell us what you really think . [ scene_break ] ryan : what the hell do you want ? reese : i just need a few minutes . please . ryan : you got five . reese : ryan , i need your help . ryan : you need my help ? reese : bianca 's trying to take gabrielle away from me . ryan : well , you might want to go to zach and ask him for a hand , considering how close you two are . reese : yeah ? well , he does n't want to have anything to do with me . ryan : so what are you doing , then . what ? are you going around asking for forgiveness from anybody that can stand to look at your face ? because it 's too late , reese . you ca n't take anything back , ok ? you ca n't save your marriage . you ca n't bring greenlee back from the dead . reese : look , i deserve your hate , but i had to try , you know ? we have both lost a lot , and i just do n't want to lose gabrielle , too . ryan : what exactly do you want me to do ? reese : you 've known the kane women for so many years , and i just -- i thought if you could just tell me how to get through to them , how to make them understand that i deserve gabrielle in my life just as much as they do . ryan : you had your tongue in zach 's mouth the night before you got married , and you broke bianca 's heart . and now you 're trying to pitch me a good - mommy routine ? your five minutes are up . reese : i 'm not evil . i just -- i made a big mistake . ryan : get the hell out . [ scene_break ] david : so , what do we have to celebrate -- aside from a very healthy pregnancy ? dr. hubbard tells me everything . amanda : can we just get this over with ? david : sounds good . let 's get to it . so what 's the news ? you and j.r. looked very cozy at the hospital . i like that strategy . he 'll never know what hit him . amanda : david , j.r. 's been trying so hard to stay sober . david : that 's very touching . amanda : i saw you at the wedding . david : excuse me ? amanda : i saw you outside the chapel in connecticut -- the day greenlee died ? [ scene_break ] erica : ms. stillman thinks that our best option to win this thing is to focus on reese 's character . zach : you mean , assassinate it . kendall : there 's plenty to work with , is n't there ? erica : of course , there is . all we have to do is tell the truth about reese . she 's an opportunist , she wanted to marry into a rich , famous family , and she used the baby with bianca to solidify that position . bianca : that 's not really true . kendall : well , it 's true enough to put the judge on our side . zach : guys , come on , you 're doing it all wrong . you got to go for broke . tell the judge that she came into town , because she wanted to have a sexual relationship with me . she claimed to love you , never did -- just threw herself at me any chance she had . ms. stillman : is this true , mr. slater ? zach : what do you want me to testify ? bianca : do we have to be so personal ? ms. stillman : if you want to win . and we 'll also have to hear from mrs. slater . erica : well , i do n't see why that 's necessary . until recently , my daughter was in a coma . kendall : yeah , and i woke up to find my husband holding a strange new baby -- his baby . erica : maybe we do n't have to go into all of this . kendall : no , no , it 's absolutely relevant , is n't it ? while i was in the coma , my husband became obsessed with this baby and the woman who he met in europe that convinced him to father the child . not only did zach agree to be the sperm donor , but reese and that baby moved into my house . bianca : hey , hang on . i -- i was completely behind that decision . kendall : even though reese pretended to be in love with my sister , it became quite clear she really wanted my husband . they spent more and more time together and eventually i realized she was stealing everything i loved . erica : this is a private meeting . reese : i have something to say . erica : say it in the courtroom . reese : i 'm not going to fight you . i 'll sign whatever you want me to sign . full custody to bianca . bianca : i 'm going to talk to reese -- erica : i do n't think that 's a very good idea -- bianca : alone . you can really live with this decision to never see her again ? reese : i have hope . i hope that one day you might not be so angry . one day you might remember the good we did have , and you could forgive me . and then , if that day comes , there might be another when you pick up the phone and you 'll call me and you ask if i want to see our beautiful daughter . maybe you 'll even let me be in her life . bianca : i ca n't even get past today . reese : i understand . but i can still hope . not even erica kane can take that from me . bianca : so we 'll sign the papers tomorrow . adam : um , i could n't help but overhear -- reese : ok , not now , all right ? adam : what you 're doing is very honorable , very self - sacrificing . and i 'm sure you feel you 're doing the right thing and in a more human environment , you 'd be right . but that group is not a group you want to turn your belly up to . [ scene_break ] david : you 're hoping i was up to my neck in some nefarious deed so you can use it against me ? amanda : you ? never . you have n't answered my question . david : because it does n't deserve answering . and if you ever try anything like this again , you might just tick me off . and if that happens , j.r. just might find out the truth . what do you think he 's going to say once he finds out that this whole baby - makes - three world that you created for him happened because i paid you ? a set - up to take away his son ? amanda : a sick setup . david : which you agreed to . now , get on the ball , amanda . i 'm sick of repeating myself . amanda : i 'm waiting for the right moment . david : waiting is for losers . you create the right moment . you set up a situation that looks like little a is in danger , and you make it look like j.r. did it . preferably , he 'll be drunk off his ass . amanda : oh , you make it sound so easy . david : it is . j.r. is a negligent , incompetent imbecile who does n't deserve to be a father . amanda : are n't you forgetting one little fact ? adam will never let you have custody of little a , ever . david : hmm , well , you do n't have to worry about adam . i have plans for him . pretty soon he 'll be out of the picture altogether . [ scene_break ] ryan : are you here to hit me again ? aidan : i 'm here for annie . she 'd really like to see emma before she goes back to oak haven . ryan : no . aidan : listen , annie was attacked , all right ? sinclair attacked her . she could 've died . ryan : well , greenlee did die and now sinclair is fine , and she 's under control , so -- aidan : so , because you 're mad at the world , you 're going to make annie pay ? ryan : let me ask you something . why should i care what annie wants ? she ambushed me in connecticut . because she did that , because i spent so much time talking her down , trying to get that gun away from my head , aidan , i could n't get to greenlee in time . aidan : listen , i know greenlee 's gone . and there 's nothing that you and i can do about it , but annie 's still alive , and she 's trying to get better . if she could just see emma -- ryan : yeah , well , annie can go to hell , and so can you . [ scene_break ] zach : i 'm glad reese is doing the right thing . kendall : you think it 's right to give up your child so easily ? that 's not like you . zach : long day . kendall : very . zach : what do you want to do ? kendall : well , your room is ready . zach : my room is ready ? kendall : mm - hmm . i 've had the downstairs bedroom made up for you .
at wild wind , the phone rings just as david is in the shower . krystal answers the phone , but no one says anything . david comes out of the shower and sees that krystal has answered his phone . david orders her not to ever answer his phone again . they kiss . at ryan 's house , ryan looks at a pic of greenlee when there is a knock on the door . it is opal . ryan inquires as to how that emma is . ryan lets opal know that he needs to talk to greenlee . at the casino , reese confronts zach about his conversation with kendall in which he had told kendall that he wanted reese out of town . reese urges zach to help her get custody of gabrielle . zach refuses . gail calls david and tells him that j.r. and amanda had arrived at the hospital . zach lets reese know that she does n't deserve gabrielle . at the hospital , adam reads j.r. the riot act for wanting to give a hefty donation to the hospital . frankie gives amanda a good report on the baby .aidan visits annie in the hospital . aidan lets annie know that the competency hearing had been postponed indefinitely . annie wants to see emma before she goes back to oak haven . erica , bianca , and kendall have a meeting with miss spellman about the custody hearing . adam interrupts the meeting and tells erica that he wants his money . reese gives zach an ultimatum either kendall or gabrielle . zach chooses kendall . david asks to see amanda 's medical report . david warns frankie about falsifying documents concerning a patient . krystal arrives for the meeting with the board concerning the fundraiser . opal and ryan hold a seance to try to connect with greenlee , but with no luck .
[ music plays at krystal 's ] singer : i do n't think you could do any wrong . you 're like a perk in my favorite song . i wan na see you . you 're in my heart . you 're on my mind . you pick me up at the lowest tide erica : seems like we barely see each other anymore . you 're avoiding me . jack : nope . no , i 'm not . erica : please do n't play games with me . jack : i love you more than life itself , but games ? that 's your m.o . , not mine . [ scene_break ] [ colby remembering ] damon 's voice : i know that i 've let you down before , and i 've made you think that i could n't be counted on , but that 's not gon na happen anymore . i want to be with you . colby : you 're not saying this because you feel sorry for me ? damon : i 'm saying this because i love you . liza : colby , you know how much i love you . you know . colby : please tell me you did not sleep with damon . [ scene_break ] liza : hi . is colby here ? asher : have n't seen her . liza : um , i want to come in , and i want to write her a note . asher : sure . you know where everything is , right ? liza : i do . [ colby walks in ] [ scene_break ] griffin : immigration was here in this hospital . how did they know they could find you here ? cara : i have no idea . it was about my passport , though . griffin : your fake passport ? cara , you could be deported . cara : i almost was , actually . griffin : why am i just finding out about this now ? cara : because last night you were in the middle of surgery . griffin : what about after my surgery ? cara : the crisis was over -- i mean the immediate one was . listen , i 've got a great idea here , ok ? here 's the solution . you ready for this ? i 'm getting married . say hello to the soon - to - be newest member of the martin clan . griffin : wait a minute . jake 's already married , cara . cara : it 's not jake . i 'm engaged to tad . [ scene_break ] tad : somebody say something . opal : who ? when ? where ? tad : cara castillo . last night . opal : cara ? your brother 's ex ? that cara ? tad : mama , i know it sounds insane . do n't jump on me just yet . i assure you there 's a very good reason . opal : there better be ! tad : before i say anything , i have to swear both of you to secrecy . you will not repeat this to anyone , and i am talking to the grave , literally , because cara 's life depends on it . so i have your word ? opal : tell me everything . krystal : i do n't want to know . [ scene_break ] agent trumbull : am i speaking to amanda martin ? amanda : yes . agent trumbull : agent trumbull , uscis , citizenship and immigration services . i 'd like to meet with you , talk to you about dr. cara castillo . amanda : i do n't know why you would want to be speaking with me . agent trumbull : i 'm sure that you have a clue . and you are the person that informed us of her illegal status , are you not ? amanda : i think you have the wrong number . agent trumbull : and i think you need to meet me at a local place called confusion , 15 minutes . and , mrs. martin ? if you do n't show up , i 'll find you . jake : hey . guess what . amanda : what ? jake : i got a little break in my schedule . let 's go over to confusion and get a cup of coffee . what do you say ? i 'm not gon na take no for an answer . [ scene_break ] liza : colby , thank god you 're ok . colby : i 'm fine . you can go now . liza : i know you do n't want to talk to me . i know you do n't want to even look at me , but please just let me try to explain this . please , colby . maybe it 's gon na help both of us try to understand something because , frankly , i 'm at a loss myself . colby : my boyfriend broke up with me . he moved across the country . for weeks this is all i 've thought about -- what happened between us , why he would even give up on us . so please , mom , please help me understand . [ scene_break ] tad : the brother of this very dangerous guy died on the operating table , because she was busy operating on an 8-year - old boy . opal : but that is n't her fault . they ca n't blame her . tad : ma , obviously they can , and they do . krystal : and that 's where you come in ? tad : yeah , something like that . krystal , she was willing to sacrifice her marriage , her happiness for jake 's sake . i owe her . opal : so you are this girl 's knight in shining armor ? [ scene_break ] cara : it 's bad , right ? i get it , ok , but i do n't think getting married is a horrible idea . griffin : ok , cara , let 's say this actually happened . you and tad , you get married , all right ? in name only , but still , you 're here in this town . one of the reasons you wanted to get the hell out of here was to get away from jake , so you did n't have to see him and his gorgeous wife and adorable little kid . and now you 're gon na be his sister - in - law ? [ scene_break ] krystal : this is big . tad : do n't you think i know that ? do n't you know how sorry i am to drag you into this ? but i do n't have a choice . you 're gon na be , because immigration is gon na come sniffing around . they 're gon na start sticking their nose in cara 's life , in my life , in your lives . they 're gon na start asking questions , and they 're definitely gon na want to talk to the both of you . so before that happens , i need to know that we 're all on the same page . so are we good ? opal and krystal : not even close . [ scene_break ] amanda : i 'm actually really not in the mood for coffee . jake : you do n't have to have coffee . you can have a drink . i can have the coffee . whatever . just name your poison . [ cell phone chimes ] amanda : i know . i just mean i 'm actually really kind of tired . jake : if you 're tired , coffee would be perfect . look at this . yeah , i got to go to the o.r . sorry . got to run . [ scene_break ] erica : if you 're referring to greenlee 's wedding , i was completely upfront with my reasons for not going . you , on the other hand -- jack : me , on the other hand , what ? erica : jack , why do n't you just admit it ? you did n't want me to be there . you never said that out loud , but i knew that . i felt that , and it hurt . jack : i 'm sorry . i love you too much to ever want to hurt you . erica : i feel the same way . jack : then why does this keep happening ? something 's changed . we could n't even tell reverend torres when we were going to be married . erica : but not telling him when is very different than if . you really believe that , jack ? you really believe that we may not get married ? jack : i think it 's a possibility . erica : why am i the only one who 's fighting for us ? jack : i do n't think you 're so much fighting for us as you are fighting to be in control . erica : of what ? jack : if someone 's gon na call this wedding off , you want it to be you , not me . [ scene_break ] opal : ok . let 's say that you marry cara . she gets to stay in the country , which is all just hunky - dory for her , but what do you get ? tad : a pair of cufflinks ? opal : tad ! you are cutting yourself off from a real family , from any chance of having a real life with a woman you really love . tad : mama , this is n't about love . it 's about family . it 's about loyalty . that woman tore herself apart for jake 's sake . this is about saving somebody 's life . [ scene_break ] cara : i get it . you hate the idea . griffin : how are you supposed to get over jake when you 're not only working with him every day , you 're also passing cranberry sauce during christmas ? cara : griff , ok ? i 've been thinking about it . this could be good for us . you miss being part of a family , right ? griffin : the martins are n't just any family , and you know it . [ scene_break ] krystal : what about the girls , tad ? hmm ? you thought about them ? how 's that gon na work ? they do n't even know this cara woman , and now she 's gon na be their stepmother . tad : it 's complicated . krystal : you think ? come on . they 're just kids ! they 're not gon na be able to handle a big secret like that . tad : i 'm not asking them ! i 'm asking you for cara 's sake , for jake 's , for mine . for now , can you just please pretend that cara and i are in love ? krystal : where ? tad : is what ? krystal : where is this love fest gon na take place , tad ? are you gon na move out ? is she moving in ? what 's gon na happen ? tad : had n't gotten that far yet . krystal : you better get there quick ! [ scene_break ] cara : can you just think about what tad is giving up for me , please ? griffin : he 's not the only one losing out . cara : will you look at me , please ? and what 's the alternative ? griffin : i just want you to be safe . cara : and i will be , all right , if everything goes as planned . [ scene_break ] tad : i 'm sorry you 're both having such a hard time with this . opal : tad , what did you expect ? that we were supposed to jump up and down , clap our hands , yell `` whoop - de - do , `` start planning an engagement bash ? tad : that 's a great idea . opal : damn it ! you see what a hard sell this is for us , people who actually know what 's going on . can you imagine what kind of a tap - dance you 're gon na have to come up with to convince the rest of the world ? [ scene_break ] liza : so that night that he came over , he was a mess . right ? he was -- he did n't want to talk , and i forced it out of him until he finally told me what had happened between you and asher , that you two -- colby : kissed . we kissed . liza : he was devastated . he was absolutely devastated . he felt like all the work that he had done to build himself up , the whole thing just came crashing down . and me ? i was in no better place . i was angry . i was so angry . i felt like i had lost you . and no , i 'm not saying that any of this was your fault . colby : yeah , you actually are saying that this is all my fault . liza : i 'm not , colby . what i 'm trying to do is just have you understand where my head was at , where we were at when this happened . we were both in this horrible place , and all -- all i wanted to do was just to comfort him . colby : is that what you 're calling it now ? `` comforting him `` ? liza : oh , colby , honey , when i tell you that it just happened , it did . it just -- it just happened . and then the moment that it was over , we both knew that we made a horrible mistake . we did . it was disgusting and terrible and ugly , and he was sick . he was sick over it . colby : and you ? liza : there 's no words . because i knew , yeah , you 're gon na be angry with him . but with me it 's gon na be a million times worse because -- i knew . i knew what it would be like , because that 's how i felt about my mom absolutely my entire life ! [ scene_break ] erica : i love you , jack . i love you as much as i ever have , maybe more . jack : i love you , too . that 's never been our problem , though . erica : then what is the problem ? why all this talk about postponing the wedding ? jack : you really want me to put a name to it ? erica : please do n't tell me this is about caleb . jack : that man so obviously has feelings for you . erica : but my association with him is practically nonexistent . jack : but you confided in him -- erica : as my lawyer . jack : when you should 've confided in me , your fiancé . erica : jack , i 'm sorry . i thought we had gotten past all this . jack : when ? look . put yourself in my position just for a moment , please . erica : i am in your position : krystal . jack : what about krystal ? erica : you spend tons of time working with her . i seem to be able to handle that just fine . krystal : hi . erica : hi . krystal : listen , thank you for tossing me greenlee 's bouquet . you 're right . i did need it more than you . looks great , right ? jack : you ready to go to work ? krystal : i 'm all yours . jack : we 'll talk later . [ scene_break ] agent trumbull : so why did you turn in dr. castillo ? amanda : i did n't mean it . it was a big misunderstanding . agent trumbull : you did n't want to get her deported , did you ? that would make sense . she was married to your husband . amanda : ok . yes . i was jealous . i was jealous , but it was a big misunderstanding . ok ? please do n't deport her . she 's about to get married . agent trumbull : if that 's true , then why were you jealous ? amanda : i knew that cara and tad were spending time together , but i thought that it was her way of getting closer to jake . i had no idea that they were falling in love . they kept it all very secret . please , i am the one that made the mistake , stirring up trouble where there is n't any . come on . can we just let this go ? agent trumbull : i 'd love to , but , you see , the problem is the trouble you stirred up is legit . she is an illegal alien . she entered this country on a phony passport . so , you see , you got the ball rolling , and well , we ca n't stop it now . jake : traitor . you wanted to come for a coffee anyway , huh ? and you were with another man , no less . amanda : i -- i thought you were in surgery . jake : it was postponed . what are you doing hanging out with the immigration guy ? [ scene_break ] liza : colby , i 'm so sorry . i do n't even know why you 're still standing there . you 've got no reason to care . colby : i guess i 'm still waiting for you to help me understand . liza : i wish i could . you must find the whole thing so strange , the fact that i actually ended up going back together with tad after everything . i guess i just felt like his -- his part in the whole nightmare was a lot easier to understand because he was just a kid , you know ? he was just messed up , and he was confused , and he did n't know any better . but my mother ? she 's an adult . she was an adult . she should know better . she should know better . and the one thing , the one thing that i said i never , ever , ever want to happen was for me to become anything like her , and look . i am . no , no , no . actually , it 's worse , because i did the one thing -- i did the one thing i thought i 'd never do , and that was to hurt you in a place that you could never forgive me for . and i did it in the exact same way . colby : you 're not my mom anymore . [ scene_break ] tad : so you broke the news to big brother ? cara : yeah . he just stopped doing backflips down the hallway . tad : that good ? cara : yeah . it was great . griffin : i appreciate what you 're doing . if it were n't for you , cara would be facing some really scary guys in mexico right now . tad : but you 're not thrilled about the idea of having me as an in - law . it 's ok . i 've gotten that before . griffin : what 's her favorite color ? tad : blue ? cara : no . tad : green ? cara : yeah . tad : is it green ? that 's great because it 's my favorite color . griffin : sunrise or sunset ? fiction or nonfiction ? what tv show does she secretly watch but wo n't admit to anyone ? tad : which -- cara : no , just stop right there . we 're not gon na do this , ok ? i get it . it 's hard for you to let go being my sole protector , but we do n't have time for this , griff . griffin : ok , cara , future husband . are you gon na get married in the church ? cara : absolutely . tad : not a chance . [ scene_break ] amanda : he basically just grilled me about cara and tad . jake : and what happened ? amanda : and i jumped on the cara and tad wedding train , hopefully convinced him how in love they are . what ? was that wrong ? jake : no . he just has n't spoken with anybody yet . it 's so weird that he would call you first . amanda : he did n't . i called him . i know that that sounds strange , but i just was feeling so bad for wishing that cara would just disappear that i was hoping that vouching for her and tad would kind of make up for all that . jake : so you called him , and you offered an interview ? amanda : and he called me right back . he said he was gon na be talking to all of us anyway . he may as well start with me , since i volunteered . jake : thank you . seriously , thanks . amanda : i just want to help . i would never forgive myself if something -- jake : listen , that 's the last time i 'm ever gon na hear that come out of your mouth , ok ? because whatever 's happening to cara has got nothing to do with you . it 's not your fault . i got to go back to work . i 'll see you tonight , all right ? later . tonight . [ scene_break ] cara : griff , i get it . we have n't worked out all the details yet , but -- griffin : it 's kind of a big detail , do n't you think ? tad : i know i 've got some catching up to do . we both do . we 'll be up to speed on everything . i swear it , ok ? but the good news is it 's not like we hate each other . we actually get along . we 're in synch . as a matter of fact , i got an idea , ok ? let this be a lesson . in the meantime , somebody asks us a question , and you 're not sure of the answer , you make a signal , and the other one jumps in and answers it . cara : what ? my signal ? tad : yeah , a signal . just something like scratching your nose . griffin : would you listen to yourselves ? this is n't a game ! ok ? you 're trying to convince people that you 're in love . you mess up like you just did in front of anyone else , game over . cara : i thought this was n't a game . sorry . tad : he 's right . it 's not a game or a joke . the stakes are too high , ok ? so in spite of our easy rapport , we have to make sure our stories are straight . and in spite of me being me , i assure you if i 'm willing to go through something like this , i 'm gon na do everything i can to protect your sister . griffin : you better . tad : i know we 'll have your help , but it would mean a lot to me if we also had your blessing . griffin : you have my blessing . tad : thank you . it 's ok , all right ? no , we 'll take care of it . he 's gon na like me . he just does n't know it yet . but he does have a point , so what do you say ? after you get off , we meet up at my place . we do some serious homework by telling all about me , you tell me all about you . and just make sure you 're ready , because god knows i 'm fascinating . cara : i do n't doubt that . tad : so it 's a date ? cara : it 's a date . thank you . really . jake : so you guys have a big date ? what , did opal lift your curfew ? tad : funny . it 's cute . no , this one 's more business than pleasure . griffin just asked us a basic question about the wedding , and we managed to come up with opposite answers . so we 're gon na get together later and make sure it does n't happen again . i 'll see you , all right ? cara : yes . so -- jake : so i just have to say it , because i 'm thinking it . and i know why you had to do it , and i know you did n't have a choice , but he 's my brother . it 's just weird . [ scene_break ] liza : i know you do n't mean that . colby : yes , i do . liza : no , i 'm always gon na be your mother . colby : go . i do n't want to speak to you ever again . go . get out ! liza : colby , i just think -- [ door slams ] asher : hey . you never came home last night . colby : i did n't want to come home , but i had no place to go . asher : you ok ? colby : not really . asher : you know you can talk to me , right ? colby : not about this . [ scene_break ] jack : krystal ? krystal : hmm ? jack : everything ok ? look , as often as i 've leaned on you lately , i would love to have the opportunity to return the favor . krystal : it 's tad . he 's getting married . jack : what ? to whom ? krystal : it 's not what you think . i just -- i think i 'm taking it harder than i should . [ scene_break ] opal : uh - oh . what happened ? erica : caleb -- he is unconscionably late . originally our meeting was scheduled to be at krystal 's . i had to change the venue . opal : why 's that ? erica : jack . opal : oh . you mean he 's at krystal 's ? erica : he sure is at krystal 's , and he is clearly jealous of caleb . jack is not sure that we should get married . opal : and do you still want to marry him ? erica : more than anything . opal : then get off that fence you 've been sitting on . erica : excuse me . i have not been sitting on a fence . i know exactly what i want . opal : you do ? then prove it . prove it to me , prove it to caleb , prove it to the world that you in this thing with jackson 100 % . [ scene_break ] liza : i know this is probably the last place that i should be , but i do n't know . i just figured out of everybody , you 'd be the one that could actually understand this . tad : slow down . what happened ? liza : she 's gone . she 's gone . she never wants to see me again . she 's gone for good . tad : colby ? liza : my own daughter hates me . tad : she knows about damon . liza , is colby ok ? liza : no , she 's not . she 's not ok . she 's a total mess . god , i hate myself . i am the worst mother on the planet . tad : do n't even say that . liza : i am . i 'm worse that marian because i knew . i knew exactly what it felt like to have every ounce of trust ripped away by your own mother , and now that 's exactly what colby 's gon na feel about me . and do n't try to defend me . tad : ok . liza : good . tad : but i will tell you that if you give things a little time , they 'll settle down . liza : why ? why would they settled down ? they did n't settle down for me , did they ? and i tried . i put every effort i possibly could , but to this day i ca n't look her in the face without thinking about what happened all those years ago . tad : that 's not true . you 're just being overly dramatic . you 've been there for marian over the years . you were there when stuart was murdered . you were there when they shipped her off to oak haven . liza : that 's great . now i have to wait for , what , a spouse to die or for me to go insane before my daughter ever looks at me again ? tad : forget about marian . look at you and me . you 're going through the worst thing imaginable , right ? and who do you turn to after all is said and done ? me . liza : it just means i have no friends . tad : thank you . it means that you 've grown up . we both have . we 've gotten past it . colby will , too . liza : no , she 's not . she 's not , and you know it . tad , i spent the majority of my life hating my mother , and now colby 's gon na feel the same thing about me for the rest of her life . [ scene_break ] colby : it 's too messed up to even say out loud . asher : try me . colby : no , it 's really bad . it 's like life - changing bad . asher : whatever it is , the only thing that 'll make it worse is just holding it all in . trust me . i know . colby : damon -- he slept with my mom . asher : colby -- colby : there must be something wrong with me . asher : with you ? colby : yeah . there must be something wrong me that people think they can do this stuff to me . asher : stuff like what ? colby : take your pick ! everybody is always leaving me or going or betraying me . my mom and my brother and my dad -- they 've all done the same thing to me ! asher : listen . you did n't do anything wrong . colby : i loved damon so much . i did . i loved -- [ cries in asher 's arms ] [ scene_break ] krystal : i am not even really sure why i 'm taking this so hard . tad and i both dated other people . but i do n't know . this -- he 's getting married . jack : yeah , it has a certain degree of finality , does n't it ? krystal : yes , it does . jack : do you love him ? krystal : no . not like that . not anymore . but i depend on him to be there in the morning when i wake up and help me with the kids , tuck them in at night . we got a system , and that 's all -- that 's just gon na change . jack : what 's so funny ? krystal : listen to me . i 'm talking about our system when really i think the truth is i 'm scared of being alone . jack : here 's something that may make you feel a little better . sometimes you can be with someone and still feel awfully alone . krystal : how is that supposed to make me feel better ? [ scene_break ] opal : the time has come to make a choice . erica : but palmer said very clearly in his will that he -- opal : do you know what palmer would say if he was here ? he would say , `` you 've served your purpose , woman . now move on . `` erica : you sound exactly like him . ha ha ha ha ! opal : so if you are committed to jackson -- erica : i am . opal : then i think you know what you got to do . [ scene_break ] jake : you know what the really weird part about marrying my brother is ? look at these slobs . i 'm gon na fire them . the whole thing was his idea . but then maybe he 's just really listening to our father , because our father always taught us you circle the wagon , you protect your own . cara : that 's just it . i 'm not one of you guys . jake : you will be when you say the words `` i do . `` you know what you 're getting yourself into ? my brother is not low maintenance . three years of laughing at his lame jokes . cara : i can handle it . i handled you , did n't i ? jake : the thing is with me , i 'm hysterical . cara : i hate that you all have to lie for me . jake : you 're still very young and driven and smart and beautiful , and what if the right -- i mean the perfect guy comes along for you , but you 're not available , because you 're wearing a fake ring ? cara : i 'll think that that 's the hand that i 'm dealt . jake : and you 're ok with that ? cara : i 'm gon na have to be . [ scene_break ] asher : colby , i have to tell you something . it 's important . colby : no . no , not today , ok ? not now , please . please . asher : ok . [ scene_break ] erica : caleb , i do n't care what you 've got going on . i really do n't appreciate being stood up . yes , i heard you . i did . you have no desire to be my friend . but this is business , caleb . this is not personal . i agree with you . the staffing meeting can wait . what i have to discuss with you is far more important . [ scene_break ] opal : oh . am i interrupting something ? liza : i should go . opal : bye , now . i 'm just gon na put this in the fridge before i go pick up the girls . oh . did you want to tell them about the wedding or should i ? tad : thanks , ma . i got it . opal : all right , then . liza : a wedding ? who 's getting married ? tad : i am . cara : hi . i hope you do n't mind . the door was open . tad : oh . no , that 's fine . listen , i 'm not sure you two have met . liza colby , this is cara castillo , my fiancée . cara : it 's nice to meet you . [ scene_break ] griffin : you and cara need to be a little more discreet . i saw your little moment over there . jake : i did n't have any moment . griffin : call it whatever you want . bottom line , my sister 's still in love with you . you know it , and i know it , but she 's marrying your brother . so you got to deal with it , jake , or you damn well better fake it . jake : i think we 're all on the same page here . griffin : apparently not all of us . jake : when i talk to you , i need a translator . griffin : i did some digging . i made some inquiries into immigration . the reason they came down on her is because someone tipped them off . [ amanda overhears ]
erica comes into krystal 's and finds jack sitting alone at a table . she sneaks up behind him and hugs him . erica accuses jack of avoiding her . colby sits on a park bench and remembers times past with damon . colby also remembers her conversation with her mom in which liza started crying and didn‘t want to hurt colby . liza goes the chandler mansion looking for colby and leaves a note . griffin finds out from cara that she was almost arrested for having a fake passport . when cara tells griffin that she is marrying tad , he is against it . jack surprises erica by suggesting that they call the wedding off because of caleb . opal and krystal are dead set against tad marrying cara . opal asks tad what will he get out of this situation . krystal asks him about the living arrangement once they are married , but tad had n't thought that far ahead . erica lets jack know how much she loves him . jack , in turn , tells erica that caleb has feelings for her , and she could n't even come to jack with her problems but had to go to caleb instead . amanda meets with agent trumbull at confusion and tries to get him to forget all about this mess concerning cara 's fake i.d . , but the wheels are already in motion and nothing can be done about it now . jake walks up and sees amanda talking to the agent . jake begins to ask her what she was doing talking to the federal agent . colby wants liza to explain to her why she slept with damon and to try to make her understand . tad assures griffin that he will protect cara . tad and cara make plans to get better acquainted later and to get to know each other 's interests . jake watches them . cara turns around and sees jake watching them . tad also sees jake watching cara . tad lets jake know that he and cara are going to get together later .
[ previously_on ] michael : i really wish i could be with you tonight to watch you conquer the world . alas , business calls . bianca : you 've got to show kendall what a prize she lost . boyd : ok . bianca : i 'll see you at fusion at 8 : 00 . simone : does this dress really make me look like a prostitute ? greenlee : everyone knows that mia 's heart belongs to you , but her lips are on loan to fusion just for tonight . [ scene_break ] greenlee : this does n't mean that you 're not with me tonight , leo , but i 've got to do this on my own . i 've got to let you go . mia : well , he certainly wo n't be disappointed . greenlee : who ? mia : your secret admirer . greenlee : if he shows . kendall : he said he 'd be here . greenlee : a few e - mails and some roses are n't exactly a commitment . besides , tonight is not about finding a guy . mia : well , if tonight 's about dreams coming true , why not toss in a guy who adores you . greenlee : or at least one who shows up . kendall : i did n't expect michael to drop everything for a party . mia : oh , even yours ? kendall : i do n't need a man to validate my success . mia : uh - huh . kendall : i do n't . you guys , i mean it . i mean it . for the first time since i hit this town , i 'm on top , and nothing is going to spoil my high . greenlee : we 're not on top yet . kendall : oh , we will be after tonight . greenlee : if andrew 's impressed enough to put us on the retail map in new york . you curl andy 's toes , andy makes fusion a contender . mia : you know , jake 's not real happy about me spending the evening with this guy . greenlee : this guy controls products in some of the hottest outlets in manhattan . you want to give that up to hold hands with jake ? mia : no , no . it 's just that he changed his plans to be with me and i wanted to spend this evening with him . greenlee : jake 's already planning your 50th wedding anniversary . you have nothing to worry about . we 've got one shot with andy , and you 're it . mia : right . ok . kendall : yeah , greenlee 's right . you blow it with andy , we might as well pack it in . mia : do n't pack anything , ok ? i want this as badly as you guys do . kendall : well , then make it happen . you guys , we arrive in new york , we prove to the world that we 've made it . greenlee : the world or erica kane ? kendall : what 's wrong with both ? mia : hey , the world is waiting . we have a party to get to , girls . kendall : that 's right . how about we give them an entrance they 'll never forget ? [ music plays ] greenlee : where is everyone ? it 's after 8 : 30 . mia : i ca n't believe this . we spent our entire advertising budget on this blowout . kendall : yeah , it blows all right . greenlee : i told andrew we were hot . if he sees that we ca n't even roust yokels off their couches , we can kiss new york good - bye . mia : oh , my god , what are we going to do with 500 ginger shrimp satays ? do n't ! maybe we can still return them . [ elevator opens ] kendall : oh . it 's you . bianca : so what happened to the party of the decade ? kendall : what did you do ? bianca : i did n't do anything . kendall : except your mother 's dirty work , as usual . [ music plays ] bianca : you 're blaming me because your party is a bust ? kendall : you , erica -- same thing . bianca : oh , come on . mom has better things to do than pull the plug on your lame little party . mia : lame ? this party cost us a lot of money . bianca : and so do i , thank you . kendall : please . you did the damage and now you 're here to gloat . boyd : hey , bianca is here as my guest . kendall : really ? well , way to go , boyd . in case you have n't noticed , dating your boss ' daughter wo n't get you anywhere . she does n't really go for your type , if you know what i mean . bianca : i do n't go for being slammed because your guests did n't show up . kendall : yeah , thanks to you . you know what -- i 'm not going to let you sabotage our company or this party . liza : no one 's sabotaging anything . kendall : great . well , liza , where the hell is everybody ? adam : maybe they 're just fashionably late . mia : god , fashionably late is a half an hour . this is a disaster . kendall : oh , my god , oh , my god , the press ! the press is coming . you know what , we 're going to be a laughingstock . i have to head them off right now . liza : no , no panicking . greenlee : we put our last dime into this , i called in favors . i promised an event . this is unacceptable . kendall : if we tank , then that 's it . mia : we 're through . greenlee : no . no , we 're just getting started . kendall : hello ? greenlee : i 'm not going to let us go down . kendall : well , if you have n't noticed , we 're going from zero to nowhere real fast . greenlee : just wait . the night 's not over . [ music plays ] reporter : what 's next for fusion ? kendall : oh , world domination . photographer : for the camera , ladies . say `` buzz . `` all : buzz ! photographer : how about one more ? kendall : sure . jake : hey ! mia : hi ! jake : gorgeous ! hey ! mia : oh , is n't this wonderful ? jake : look at my fiancée ! tad : congratulations ! looks like fusion 's a winner . mia : oh , no , i 'm the one that 's a winner . greenlee : hey , poster signing . let 's go . mia : oh , oh -- greenlee : not you , jake , just mia . mia : oh , sorry . greenlee : come on . mia : yeah . jake : oh , well -- tad : well , brother , looks like , for the minute , you 're on your own , stuck with me . jake : yeah , there you go . kendall : boyd , i 'm really , really sorry i slammed your guest . boyd : do n't apologize to me . apologize to bianca . [ scene_break ] trey : hello ? reggie : yo , trey . trey : reggie . sounds like there 's a party going on . reggie : yeah , the one you 're supposed to be at . what 's taking you so long ? trey : i 'm waiting on janelle . she had some kind of emergency down at the clinic . reggie : wait , wait , janelle 's hitting your place up ? trey : that 's the plan . [ doorbell rings ] trey : i got to go . that 's probably her . reggie : yo , wait , trey -- janelle : sorry i 'm late . trey : i thought you 'd be tied up at the clinic for hours . janelle : oh , and miss our date ? no . you did promise me a party . trey : and dancing . i 'll be just a sec . make yourself comfortable . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] simone : oh . i can not believe we are so late . kenny : well , with the paperwork for your release , the bail bond -- simone : oh , grovel time . let 's go . oh , my gosh , greenlee , you look absolutely fabulous ! greenlee : do n't even try and suck up . just stay legal and start mingling . simone : why is carlos working ? he 's my guest . greenlee : he offered . how many guests did you invite anyway , simone ? simone : oh , no , no , kenny 's not my guest . he 's my -- he 's my guardian . well , how else do you think i got out of the clink ? kenny : yeah , the terms of simone 's release says that she has to remain in my custody until her court appearance tomorrow morning . greenlee : you have no idea what you 're getting into . kenny : oh , i think i can handle it . greenlee : think fast , kenny . we 've got guests to greet . bianca : what ? what ? kendall : bianca . i just wanted to say i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry , ok ? blame it on the opening - night jitters . bianca : what 's your excuse the rest of the time , kendall ? kendall : oh , well , another enchantment spy in from the cold ? lena : the town 's littered with these . i thought why not . kendall : well , since you 're here , enjoy it . oh , and be sure to tell erica every single detail . goody bags . have fun . greenlee : ok . all right . we 're on , we 're on , we 're on . you 're supposed to be here , come on . ok , you guys , ready ? mia and kendall : we 're ready ! greenlee : oh , you guys are so queer . come on , come on ! kendall : go , go ! [ cheers ] greenlee : ok ! thank you ! thank you ! welcome to fusion 's fabulous coming - out bash . there were times where we did n't think we would make it , but we did , and we are here to stay ! kendall : yes ! greenlee : thank you so much . thank you so much for joining us . if my partners will now join me , we have one more thing to say . all : let 's party ! [ music plays ] mia : whoo , next one . kendall : next one . tad : jake , come on . just put down the grapes and walk over there . you know you want to . alison : you sharing ? greenlee : mia . mia , this is andrew miller . andrew : your fusionlips poster 's a knockout . mia : oh , hi . nice to meet you . andrew : my guess -- fusion 's going places . so are you . greenlee : well , mia will give you an autographed copy , wo n't you ? mia : sure , sure , i will . andrew : no , no , i want more than a poster . i want to know everything about the woman behind the smile . alison : you look thirsty . bottoms up . kenny : have you seen simone torres ? laurie : no , i have n't . hey . jr : you look -- awesome . laurie : thanks . what are you doing here ? jr : i had to see you . i miss you . laurie : i miss you , too . i 'm sorry about the whole -- for making everything so complicated , the whole college mess . jr : forget about it . laurie : but -- jr : for today . i mean , let 's just go back to the way that it used to be , you know , just you and me . remember ? laurie : yeah . jr : so , uh , want to dance ? [ scene_break ] bianca : to checking out the competition . lena : and to beating them . are you here for erica ? bianca : no , i 'm here for myself . what 's your excuse ? lena : do i need one ? bianca : well , i do n't think my mother would be too thrilled if she knew that you were partying at fusion . lena : i do n't think erica will mind so much . bianca : she sent you , did n't she ? lena : delicious champagne , is n't it ? bianca : you know , when i told her about this , she totally blew me off , and now here you are . what kind of a game are you and my mom playing ? lena : i do n't know exactly , but i like being a player and on the winning side . bianca : aha . [ scene_break ] henry : wow . maggie : beats carbocation rearrangement , huh ? henry : yeah , so far . hey , there 's your friend bianca . you want to go say hi ? maggie : oh , later . let 's go get something to eat first . [ scene_break ] alison : let 's dance . jake : alison , i have two left feet . i do n't dance . alison : it 's not your feet i 'm interested in . tad : yeah , well , my feet are registered as lethal weapons in three countries , but what the hell , i 'm feeling lucky . you mind ? jake : oh , thank you , tad . [ scene_break ] reggie : yo , trey , you there ? oh , i guess not . i guess you 're on your way , huh , so i 'll catch you here , all right ? damn . yo , what 's your problem , man ? carlos : i think you 're the one with the problem . [ scene_break ] kendall : so you going to ignore me all night just because i dissed binks back there ? boyd : figured you 'd be celebrating with what 's - his - name . kendall : michael could n't make it . boyd : is that why you invited me ? kendall : no , i invited you because you 're my friend -- and because you unstuck simone 's lips and because i liked you and -- boyd : you got stood up . kendall : i did n't get stood up . boyd : this is the biggest night of your life , and your boyfriend 's got something better to do ? kendall : listen , boyd , michael -- michael cambias is very busy , very . he 's got a lot on his plate . boyd : yeah , and what are you , dessert ? [ scene_break ] kenny : did simone pass this way ? greenlee : nope . ca n't find who i 'm looking for , either . kendall : your e - mailer will be here . do n't worry . [ music plays ] [ scene_break ] petey : hey , would you like to audition for my `` surfer chick `` movie ? mom ? is that you ? palmer : well , i 'm very proud of you , kendall . kendall : oh , if it were n't for you , i 'd still be living in my car . palmer : nonsense . kendall : no , no , it 's true , palmer . you took a real chance on me . palmer : well , all i did was bet on a sure thing . boyd : excuse me . may i have this dance ? kendall : you most certainly may not . boyd : excuse us . kendall : no , excuse -- hello -- excuse me . boyd , where are we going ? what are you doing ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh . it 's you . lysistrata : well , who were you expecting , your cyber - sweetheart ? greenlee : oh , i forgot about that . lysistrata : there 's nothing wrong with hoping that he 's here . greenlee : ok , i 've looked , and he 's not , all right ? lysistrata : well , how can you be so sure ? greenlee : do you see anyone in that room that 's capable of writing the e - mails like the ones i got ? lysistrata : you can tell by looking ? greenlee : yes . lysistrata : well , maybe you should look a little deeper . sometimes what you 're searching for is right under your nose . [ scene_break ] reggie : look , man , you do n't know what you 're talking about , all right ? i ai n't got a problem with nobody but you , all right , so just back off . carlos : man , the last time you looked like that , you were -- you were with luis . reggie : forget what you saw . forget everything , all right ? you do n't know nothing . carlos : yeah , just wait a minute . you should stay away from him . he 's no good . reggie : yo , you do n't know what you 're talking about , so just stay out of my business , all right ? carlos : yeah , but i know trouble , man . reggie : you do n't know jack . you do n't know nothing . carlos : wait , reggie -- reggie : get off me , yo . [ scene_break ] kenny : i do n't usually drink , but -- simone : oh , thank you so much . you 're great . hi . carlos : can i do something for you ? simone : oh , i most certainly hope so . cheers , my love . [ scene_break ] adam : checking up on us ? lysistrata : heavens , no . adam : what are you doing here ? trolling for clients ? lysistrata : i like to have fun like anybody else . adam : where 's your gong ? lysistrata : no gong tonight . this is such a lovely party , is n't it ? i mean , there are so many interesting people . like him . adam : tad ? lysistrata : mm - hmm . adam : honey , you tango with him , you 'll need a shrink of your own . [ scene_break ] tad : where you going ? i 'm just getting warmed up . alison : i 'm all danced out . tad : oh , really ? ok . listen , i 've got an idea . how about a shrimp ? these are really , really good , and they have these mini quiches -- alison : no , thank you , no . thank you , no . tad : just a bite . [ scene_break ] andrew : if these products are half as hot as you and your associates , fusion 's going to top the market . mia : oh , well , that 's our goal . andrew : i 'm going to make sure that happens . mia : you could do that ? andrew : well , i can play my part . mia : wow , you have so much influence . your job -- it just must be so exciting . jake : mia , can i have a minute -- alone ? andrew : hey , you 're the other half of the fusion couple , right ? jake : yeah , that 's me , that 's me . andrew : you know , it 's a great poster . you 've got so much heat . you and mia make it look so real . jake : it is . mia : yeah , he 's a natural . that 's why we chose him . would you excuse us just for a minute ? jake : what do you mean i 'm a natural ? i 'm your fiancé . what are you talking about ? mia : not tonight . jake : run that by me one more time ? what is this ? mia : oh , god , look , greenlee wants andrew to think that i 'm unattached . jake : jeez . are you ok with that ? mia : no , i 'm not ok , but greenlee thinks -- jake : since when does greenlee smythe dictate our relationship , mia ? [ scene_break ] reggie : what the hell -- [ gunshot ] [ scene_break ] kendall : what are we doing up here ? boyd : i just wanted to apologize . kendall : well , we could 've done that downstairs . boyd : what i said about you and michael -- i was out of line . kendall : great . now can we go back downstairs , please ? i 'm freezing out here . boyd : will you wait , please ? kendall : why ? boyd : do n't you see you 're a hell of a lot more than some rich guy 's arm candy ? you 've got guts , kendall , and talent . i mean , you take your kicks , you get right back up . you see something you want , you go for it . fusion exists because of you . you know , maybe if you realized that , you 'd realize you deserve someone a whole lot better . kendall : like you ? boyd : what do you even know about this cambias guy anyway ? anybody can flash cash . kendall : michael -- michael understands me . and he 's handsome , he 's successful , he 's smart . he 's -- he 's too good to be true , boyd . what 's wrong with that ? boyd : if something seems too good to be true , it probably is . [ scene_break ] cherry and lola : whoo ! lola : oh , my god ! rosemary : simone knows how to throw a good time . cherry : oh , girl . lola : ooh , are you one of the party favors , baby ? michael : listen , you ladies have a good evening . ok . lola : ooh , all right . cherry : tasty . rosemary : bacon . greenlee : uh , excuse me . this is a private function . cherry : oh , looks like a party to me . greenlee : yeah , fusion cosmetics and our guests . rosemary : excuse us , ms. thang , but we were invited . cherry : yeah . greenlee : i did n't invite you . rosemary : no , but our girlfriend simone did . cherry : mm - hmm . greenlee : here 's some goody bags . go home . cherry : oh , thanks . rosemary : the goodies are right here , wench . come on , ladies . let 's show these pasty girls and boys how to party ! whoo ! greenlee : simone , when i get my hands on you ' ugh ! [ scene_break ] reggie : man , what the hell are you doing ? what 's your problem , man ? luis : thought it was your white daddy . reggie : man , you ca n't fire a gun around here . people are going to notice . we 'll have cops all over us , man . luis : your gringo 's got some sweet equipment . i 'm not leaving without it . grab that . reggie : grab what ? luis : that speaker . reggie : me ? that 's not me . that 's not part of the deal . luis : you messed up the deal when you busted in here , partner , comprendes ? reggie : yo -- luis : be smart , cabron . let 's move . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] simone : i 'm so glad you came . i 'm sorry greenlee made you work . carlos : mira , no te preocupes . i really do n't mind . simone : i love it when you speak spanish . greenlee : simone ? simone ? those creatures claim that you invited them . what the hell is going on ? simone : i -- i do n't have a clue ! rosemary : hey ! girlfriend ! champagne ? lola : hi ! cherry : wow , what 's up , baby ? lola : yo , kenny , you going to shake that skinny booty of yours tonight ? ah ! [ scene_break ] petey : you look totally babe - a - licious , mom . you want to dance ? opal : dance ? is n't it way past your bedtime , mister ? petey : well , mom , i 'm networking . film people have to network . palmer : peter , what have i told you about talking to strangers , especially beautiful ones ? good god in heaven , woman , what -- what in the hell 's possessed you ? [ scene_break ] tad : no , look , come on , you do n't need another drink , ok ? just put down the champagne and go ask mia to dance , ok ? jake : you do n't seem to get it , tad , all right ? mia 's far more attractive to potential business clients if she 's a solo act , see ? tad : that 's not true , that 's not true . jake : yeah , it is . tad : she 's working , all right ? it 's a party . loosen up , try to have some fun . jake : you know what ? i can make my own fun , all right , and i 'm going to do it right now . tad : oh , no , no . jake : whoa ! tad : listen , i have been killing myself trying to scare her off tonight . so if you really want to make a go of it with mia , then you just walk away . jake : whatever . lysistrata : ahem . i could n't help but admire your moves on and off the dance floor . would you do me the honor ? [ scene_break ] joni : can you believe that laurie and jr are back together ? jamie : they were just dancing . joni : guess she never spilled that you two made out . jamie : it was just one kiss , joni . get over it . joni : are you ? jamie : what are you doing here , anyway ? this is n't really your scene . besides , half the commandments in the bible are being broken . joni : please . jamie : and all the booze ? are n't you afraid i 'm going to get drunk and cause a scene ? that 's why you dumped me , right ? [ scene_break ] alison : hey . you 're not leaving , are you ? jake : yeah . yeah , yeah , the party is over , alison . alison : i 'd say it 's just getting started . andrew : well , thank you for this . mia : oh , you 're welcome . it 's no problem . andrew : are you looking for someone ? mia : no . i 'm sorry . so , greenlee says that you 're -- you can predict trends like no one else . andrew : she said that ? mia : yeah , yeah . well , she thinks you 're a total wizard . andrew : does she ? mia : you do n't happen to be a single , available wizard , do you ? andrew : well , it would be nice if greenlee was available . but , you know , with the whole widow thing , it must be rough , huh ? mia : yeah , well , till recently , all she thought about was work 24/7 . andrew : what happened recently ? mia : she 's been getting these secret e - mails . really romantic stuff , you know ? andrew : so you mean she got them ? mia : you 're greenlee 's mystery man ? [ scene_break ] lola : whoo ! greenlee : they 're hustling our guests . simone : they 're just having a good time . greenlee : they charge by the hour ! simone : well , they 're not charging us . greenlee : you 're a one - woman wrecking crew . simone : what ? greenlee : this company does not stand a chance with you getting picked up every week and making nice with hookers ! simone : that is not fair ! mia : greenlee . greenlee ! greenlee : what are you doing here ? you 're not curling andy 's toes ! mia : no , my gig 's up . simone : oh ! oh ! greenlee : he promised to stuff new york city stores with fusionlips ? mia : no , no , no . simone : he said yes ? mia : no , no , greenlee , will you listen ? andrew does n't want me . he wants you . simone : oh ! greenlee : me ? mia : andrew is your mystery e - mailer . simone : oh . oh ! [ scene_break ] kendall : you 're warning me off of michael for my own good ? boyd : look , i just did n't want to see you get hurt . kendall : yeah , well , i can take care of myself . boyd : sure you can . here . kendall : i 've got to get back . boyd : no , take this . kendall : no , i have to get back , boyd . boyd : take this . come on . kendall : all right . thanks . boyd : i think you owe me a dance . kendall : here ? boyd : why not ? kendall : ok . ok . but promise you wo n't accuse me of using you because michael was a no - show . boyd : hey , he 's not here . we are . that 's all that matters . [ romantic music plays ] [ scene_break ] janelle : oh , that party sounded wild from the parking lot . trey : i am so sorry , janelle . i promise that we will be ruling the dance floor just as soon as i grab my wallet . janelle : oh , i 'm counting on it . [ thud ] janelle : what was that ? luis : man , hurry up . reggie : all right , man . janelle : is reggie home ? trey : i thought he was at the party . reggie , are you here ? reggie : damn . luis : no . if they see me , they die . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] man : adam ! i did n't know you were behind fusion . it 's brilliant . adam : oh , no , i 'm not . it 's liza 's venture , my wife 's venture . i 'm just here as a fan . man : well , congratulations to mrs. chandler . brains and beauty . you 're a lucky man . adam : i quite agree , thank you , thank you . now life would be a perfect thing if i could just find her . if you 'll excuse me . [ scene_break ] jr : you want a soda ? laurie : sure . jr : all right , i 'll be right back . [ scene_break ] tad : wow , you , uh , sure know how to shimmy . lysistrata : thank you . do you bossa nova ? it 's such a sensual dance , and so underrated . tad : never thought about it . look , you know , would you excuse me for a sec ? i really think i should find my brother . lysistrata : well , if you ever want to -- tad : oh , i will , believe me . i will . [ scene_break ] greenlee : are you sure andrew 's the one ? mia : yes , i am absolutely positive . greenlee : then why has my secret admirer been drooling over you all night ? mia : i do n't know , maybe he 's shy . simone : oh , yeah . mia : yeah . greenlee : he 's not exactly what i pictured . simone : well , you know , sometimes you just got to give it a shot . mia : listen , what have you got to lose ? at the very least , you could charm him into a deal , and if you two hook up , all the better . simone : yes . yes . greenlee : guess it would n't hurt to talk to him . simone : there you go . mia : that 's the spirit . simone : you go , girl . greenlee : while i 'm enjoying andrew 's company , you 'd better take care of those friends of yours before they start an orgy . [ scene_break ] lola : thanks for sharing your man with us , sweetie . simone : oh , he 's not mine . kenny : ladies , all i did was -- rosemary : find us a loophole in the loitering law , you sexy beast . simone : you know what -- i do n't really want this lecture right now . i 'll be right back , ok ? lola : ok ! lysistrata : call me . simone : ok . [ scene_break ] bianca : wow . that dress is unbelievable . if only i had the figure to pull that off . lena : oh , bianca , what are you talking about ? you 'd look fabulous in that dress . michael : excuse me , has anybody seen ms. kendall hart ? bianca : kendall hart ? well , she was here before . i do n't know where she went off to . [ scene_break ] mia : oh . oh . have you seen jake ? i 'm free now . tad : well , let 's hope he is . mia : what ? tad : nothing . nothing . i 'm sure he 's around somewhere . [ scene_break ] lysistrata : excuse me . where are you going ? greenlee : what ? lysistrata : it 's him or the window . greenlee : what are you talking about ? lysistrata : you have a choice -- either go for it or keep doing the same old thing . greenlee : what 's that ? lysistrata : playing dead . [ scene_break ] trey : reg , are you decent , because i 'm coming in . janelle : wait , what if it 's not reggie ? trey : janelle , this building 's secure -- alarms , locks , cameras -- everything . who else could it be ? reggie ? are you here ? oh ! janelle : trey ? [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] palmer : why are you parading around like this , all tarted up ? you -- opal : i look babe - a - licious , palmer , and you know it . palmer : you think you can fit in with this crowd ? come on , they 're all kind of with it , they 're very young , and you 're -- opal : careful , palmer . just be careful , ok ? palmer : well , you 're not exactly in first bloom . man : you are so hot . you want to dance ? opal : just see and if you can keep up with me , honey . [ scene_break ] joni : two sodas . jr : one 's for laurie . joni : oh , you two back together ? jr : i hope so . joni : really ? well , that 's -- that 's really cool of you . jr : what do you mean ? joni : oh , i just think it 's totally great that you do n't care that laurie kissed your brother . [ scene_break ] greenlee : so -- you 're the one i 've been looking for ? [ scene_break ] boyd : you still cold ? kendall : not anymore . who knows . maybe if i 'd never met michael -- boyd : i 'd be the perfect guy for you ? kendall : something like that . boyd : do me a favor ? kendall : what ? boyd : when you realize you 've made a big mistake , let me know ? [ scene_break ] simone : carlos ? carlos ? are you in here ? are you in there ? carlos , i was thinking that maybe that we could -- what the -- jake : oh , my god . simone : oh , my god . mia : jake , is that you ? simone : oh -- uh [ next_on ] mia : are you hiding my fiancé ? andrew : maybe we should go somewhere more private , like my hotel room . kendall : are you willing to go to battle for me ? reggie : did i crack his skull ? david : we need to perform a c - section .
kendall , greenlee , and mia getting ready for the launch party . they talk about greenlee 's mystery man . mia wants to spend the evening with jake , but kendall has her spending it with andrew miller . they enter the party only to find no one is there . boyd and bianca show up , and kendall immediately blames bianca for sabotaging their party . the girls are freaking out about tanking in front of the press . next scene the place is packed and the party is a success . everyone is there including liza , adam , tad , and jake , lena and allison . the girls are getting their pictures taken and answering questions . reggie calls trey and he is still at home waiting for janelle . kendall apologizes to bianca . jake is irritated because mia is spending all her time with andrew miller . jake drinks , a lot . allison follows him around like a puppy dog , and tad tries to distract her . bianca figures out erica sent lena to spy on fusion . kendall and boyd get into a disagreement over michael . andrew tells mia he can help take fusion to the top . reggie comes in on luis robbing trey 's loft . luis makes reggie help him . boyd drags kendall to the roof to apologize . simone 's cellmates show up . kendall tries to shoo them out . greenlee jumps all over simone for inviting them . tad tries to get jake to stop drinking and have fun with mia . mia figures out that andrew is greenlee 's mystery man , and tells her . boyd warns kendall about michael . kendall and boyd dance . trey and janelle return and hear someone in the loft . luis threatens reggie and pulls a gun . trey comes in and reggie knocks him out . michael shows up looking for kendall and finds her dancing on the roof with boyd . simone goes looking for carlos and finds jake making out with allison behind closed doors . greenlee hesitantly approaches her mystery man , andrew . joanie tells jr that jamie and laurie kissed .
maria : what is it this time ? the mob ? drugs , gang stuff ? it 's all about the big killer copy . edmund : my condition ? brooke found some interesting articles for me to look at . maria : that was helpful , brooke . edmund : the data is crucial for me to make an informed decision , maria . i 've decided to explore the possibility of surgery . i hope you 're with me on it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i swear if i make it out of here , i will be the new , improved greenlee . `` nice `` will be my middle name . greenlee # 2 : that 's a noble sentiment , greenlee . but when it comes to being nice , you would n't know where to start . greenlee : oh , my god . greenlee # 2 : looks like you forgot all about me . [ scene_break ] bianca : my sister , kendall , did n't commit the murder . i did . judge : miss montgomery , you have a fifth amendment right against self- incrimination . now , if you will walk out with jack and livia , i 'm sure that they will tell you all about it . livia : we 're leaving right now , your honor . jack : not another word , bianca , please . livia : carry her out if you have to . jack : kendall is safe . you do n't have to do this , please . bianca : i know what i 'm saying and what i 'm doing . i have to say this . you have to listen to me . you have to hear me . do n't you understand ? it was me all along . i shot michael cambias and i have to pay for what i did . judge : miss montgomery , i have granted a mistrial in the commonwealth 's case against your sister . the time for reasonable doubt has come and gone . be grateful and be quiet . bianca : i can understand that , your honor . this is n't about -- judge : anything you have to say is of no interest to me as it pertains to this case . however , i believe the prosecution would feel otherwise . i suggest that you consult with counsel before you say another word . bianca : please , your honor . this place , this room is supposed to be about justice , truth . i have the truth and i can give it to you now . i owe it to you . to all of you . it 's been so long . all the questions and the fears -- i thought they 'd never go away . and you have all sacrificed so much . you covered and you protected , and all this time i thought you were doing it for my sister . and i was so thankful and so proud . but you were doing it for me , too , for my mother and kendall and me . you turned your lives upside down for us . all the fears and the risks -- all my fault . oh , god . all the secret things you did , things you never thought you could do . if i had known -- please believe me -- i am so sorry for everything i put you through , kendall . i 'm so sorry . mom ? can you ever forgive me ? will you ever be able to forgive me ? you were never going to tell , were you ? my god , kendall , you could 've -- nobody deserves that kind of love and sacrifice . nobody . everything you did , everything you did to protect us -- you do n't need to protect us anymore . i can do something now to make things right for you , for all of you , and for my baby . some of you did n't believe kendall , but it was n't all a lie . michael cambias did leave behind a child , but the child was never kendall 's . the baby 's mine . [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh , god . i ran out of people to hallucinate , so i 've made me with bad hair . greenlee # 2 : it 's so great to see you ! hugs ! greenlee : ew . this is the end , is n't it ? i 've lost it , have n't i ? you 're `` nut job `` me . greenlee # 2 : actually , i 'm `` not quite as tweaked in the head `` you -- the happier , better greenlee you always vowed to be but just could n't quite manage . you used to want more , you know . greenlee : than a dank , dirty hole in the ground ? well , duh . greenlee # 2 : more for yourself . greenlee : i 've done just fine , thank you . greenlee # 2 : `` just fine `` ? that 's too bad . greenlee : hey ! take your hands off my diary ! greenlee # 2 : it 's called sharing . hmm . ah , ah -- here it is . `` long - term goals for my fabulous future -- at least before i 'm ancient , like 30 . `` greenlee : i should 've burned that thing when i had the chance . greenlee # 2 : you did . ok , here we go . `` glamorous career with super wardrobe . `` greenlee : did it . so there . greenlee # 2 : `` romantic wife to amazing husband . `` greenlee : did it , lost it . way to rub it in . greenlee # 2 : i 'm sorry , but it 's important that we keep going . ok . `` cool mom who brings homemade treats to class . `` greenlee : as opposed to cook who brought dark chocolate truffles . hello ! kids eat crayons , not truffles . greenlee # 2 : `` gourmet chef who throws gorgeous parties where everyone has a great time and no one makes out with the nanny in the pantry . `` greenlee : roger and nanny number six . thanks for the visual . greenlee # 2 : there 's a reason you never got what you wanted . greenlee : life 's a bitch and then you die ? greenlee # 2 : change `` life `` to `` greenlee `` and i think you have it . [ scene_break ] edmund : your sister is riled , and when she 's riled -- anita : oh , you should see what happens when you take her favorite doll and draw on a mustache and glasses . edmund : permanent ink ? anita : purple . edmund : ooh . remind me not to do that . i did n't want it to happen this way . i just needed a few more -- a little more time . anita : for what ? edmund : to study the research . you know , to know exactly in my head what i wanted to say . i figure i have one shot with maria to make my case . [ scene_break ] maria : you have no idea what you 're doing ! brooke : i know that edmund wants all the information he can get about the successes and about the possible risks . and i think together , you and i can help him with that . maria : you know what , brooke ? you 're a journalist , so if you want to write a story about this particular case , that 's great . we 'll talk about it , ok ? but if you want to start giving your opinion and making decisions , there 's not a chance ! brooke : well , then what would you have me do , just tell edmund to forget it , tell him no ? maria : oh , i guess you never could do that , though , could you ? oh , my god . please tell me this is not another `` get close to edmund `` ploy . can we just drop that ? brooke : you know , you 're under a lot of stress right now , so i 'm going to let that slide . maria : please do n't do me any favors . brooke : maria , i know how much you love him . i just think he -- he needs some information -- maria : oh , do not presume to tell me what my husband needs , ok ? brooke : that 's not what i meant ! maria : look , you know what , i obviously have not made myself very clear . so forget the research . forget the favors , ok ? do n't come near my husband again ! do you understand me ? brooke : maria , i -- i understand how you feel . i mean , i know that you and edmund have just barely gotten your lives restarted again . maria : yeah , well , that would 've been a lot sooner , too , but do you really want to get into that right now ? i just want you to back off , brooke . brooke : and what about what edmund wants ? how does that figure into all of this ? i mean , you and i both know , you know , you ca n't talk him out of taking a risk if he thinks it 's going to pay off . it 's in his blood , and i feel if i could offer him some information to help him make a decision , then -- then i owe him that . maria : oh , that 's great . so then just to hell with what i think , right ? brooke : it 's not an attack about you . it 's about edmund . he has some tough choices to make and he 's going to make them whether i hand him the statistics or not . maria : you know what , brooke ? you obviously did not get what i said earlier . so let me remedy that , ok ? excuse me -- i 'm dr. grey from neurology . i want you to escort this woman off the premises for me , please . brooke : are you joking ? maria : put her on the `` do not admit `` list for this floor because i do n't want to see her back here , ever . [ scene_break ] greenlee : if i need some company , maybe a mole will tunnel in . feel free to vanish . greenlee # 2 : all i want is for you to get everything you 've hoped for . and if you do n't get it , i 'd like to see you handle it without scratching someone 's eyes out . greenlee : suck the fun right out of my day . greenlee # 2 : fun ? i almost forgot -- quiz time . a few pop questions from your favorite mag . great fusion ad , by the way . ok , here we go . greenlee : kill me now . not me me -- her me . greenlee # 2 : `` your best friend is dating a guy you have the hots for . `` greenlee : been there . not going to happen again . greenlee # 2 : `` do you , a , turn your back on your friend and do everything you can to get her in trouble , b , try to get the guy into bed so he forgets your friend exists , or , c , when your friend needs help , destroy her life and possibly send her to the execution chamber hoping this will bring the guy and everyone else over to your side , or , d , all of the above ? `` greenlee : that 's not how it happened . greenlee # 2 : are you sure ? maybe we should just ask kendall . [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm not proud of what i did . maybe that 's why my mind tried to make it go away . but one thing has stayed with me the whole time . my baby . some of you knew about her , and for the rest of you it may be a surprise , but i 'm going to be a mother . and i love her so much already . and after everything you have all done , i 'm sure that she feels all the love you 've shown me . and i promise you that she 's going to be loved and cherished and protected . she wo n't have to grow up sad or alone or ashamed . and i 'll teach her -- we 'll teach her -- not to run away from the truth and the things that hurt us because her mother did n't . i told you at michael 's funeral that you helped me understand how powerful love can be . well , i believe that love will be the strength that gets me and my baby through this now . reggie : if all the mothers in the world were like you , bianca -- lena : i love you . maggie : i 'm so proud of you . bianca : you saved my baby so many times . i had no idea how many . thank you . everything you did for me -- ryan : i 'd do it again and more if i could . judge : miss montgomery ? as i said before , the case against your sister is over . where the prosecution goes with your revelation is their call . i 'm sure that mr. singer would be happy to meet with you and your counsel in my chambers . perhaps i can offer some guidance as to how to proceed ? alan : thank you , your honor . judge : right . now , before the media breaks in -- miss montgomery , livia , jackson , join us . kendall : she -- she 's not going anywhere without me . reggie : true enough . me , too . i 'm going . jack : let 's go . bianca : will -- will you -- david : we 're all here , bianca . we 're with you all the way . maggie : lena , i 'm so sorry . i should 've never accused you like that . i do n't know what i was thinking . lena : i wish i had done it . i wish it were me in there . if anything happens to her -- maggie : bianca 's going to be ok . look , if she did kill michael , she must have not had a choice . do you want to go outside and have a drink so we can talk about this ? lena : look , i do n't want to talk , maggie . i just -- i 'm so worried about her . i need to be alone , i 'm sorry . [ scene_break ] bianca : the day you -- the court -- let michael go , i found out that i was pregnant with his child . you knew what he said -- that he never touched me -- but now i had the proof that he did , and i was too late . the charges had already been dismissed . i knew that i could press charges again , but it was so hard the first time -- looking at his face , listening to his lies , that smug look when he knew that he had beaten me . my mother -- how could i put her through that again ? and then i realized there was another way . i could get michael out of town and i could repair some of the damage he had done . it would mean seeing him face to face . the idea made me sick . i was terrified . and then i saw reggie 's gun on the table . and i thought maybe if i had it , it would make me feel safe enough to -- to see michael . if i knew it was in my purse , he would never have to see it . maybe then i would feel protected enough to be in the same room with michael . i got up the courage and i went to michael 's condo . it was a little before midnight . when he opened the door , he looked a little off - balance . i do n't know who he had seen or what they had done to him . but i could n't let it scare me off , not until i 'd had my say . michael : well , what do you know ? a little past your bedtime , is n't it , pumpkin ? hmm . oh , please do n't tell me you 're here to whine . bianca : this is important . you need to listen to me . michael : uh - huh . and what if i say no , that i do n't want to hear another word ? what are you going to do about it then , sweetheart ? bianca : i 'm not going to let you win . i have all the proof i need now . michael : you know , you 're a little slow on the uptake , sweetheart . i have already won . bianca : i 'm pregnant . michael : excuse me ? bianca : you heard me . you raped me , and now i 'm pregnant . michael : oh , mikey jr. mikey , mikey ! you are one lucky devil , man . oh ! bianca : you have to leave now . you have to give back what you stole from my mother and my sister and everyone else and leave for good ! michael : abandon my friends and loved ones ? why would i want to do that ? bianca : because if you do n't , i 'll refile rape charges and this time i 'll have all the proof i need . michael : you know , sweetheart , you really are good for a laugh . bianca : i mean it . michael : `` i mean it , i mean it . `` my god , do you ever make yourself cringe ? bianca : you 're not going to get away with it . they 're going to charge you and try you and convict you , and then they 'll lock you up for good . michael : oh , oh , oh , that 's good ! there 's my little girl . there 's all the fire and passion that i want . i mean , after all , you are the mother of my little child , hmm ? bianca : this is not your child . michael : you know , i have to tell you , this day was going in the toilet , but you have made me the happiest of men , not to mention the richest , hmm ? right , little tiger ? bianca : no -- michael : right , little tiger , little baby ? bianca : do n't you dare ! michael : do n't i dare , do n't i dare ? ooh ! i dare . i dare that and a whole lot more . you know , bianca , let me explain it to you -- you are talking to a billionaire in a town among nickel - and - dimers . my father was two seconds away from cutting me out of his will , but let 's just say he does n't approve of my wicked ways . however , according to his codicil , he 's perfectly happy if i pass those wicked genes on to someone else . my baby gets the bucks . oh , yeah , that 's right , peaches . my baby is going to make me rich , rich , rich , rich , rich ! bianca : this is not your child . you will never see this child ! you 'll rot in jail first ! michael : oh , my gosh , the naïveté of youth . beautiful . let me explain it to you this way , binky . it 's your word against mine . you say i raped you , i say that we love each other and the sex was consensual , beautiful . it was a heartfelt moment between the two of us that made a baby . bianca : you 're disgusting . they wo n't believe you . michael : really ? well , why are you going to have this baby if you do n't love his father ? i 'm touched , bianca , really . yep , i knew we had this , you know , thing together . i just did n't know how deep it was . so you see , bianca , you are now carrying around the cambias fortune in that snuggled - up , cozy little tummy of yours . hell , i bet it even jiggles when you walk . bianca : you 're a pig . stop it . shut up ! michael : no , no , no , just -- just shut your mouth , bianca . shut your mouth because we do n't want our baby to hear his parents fighting . now , you are going to do as you 're told because you 've already been bought and sold -- you and the heir apparent , of course . bianca : you do n't own me , and you will never own this child . michael : uh - uh - uh . my genes , bianca -- my genes , my blood , my money . mine , mine , mine , mine , mine . ooh , look how scared you are . oh , my god , look at your eyes -- they are sparkling and your cheeks are all flushed . you know , between you and me , this little kid is going to be one handsome devil , and i think that is reason to celebrate . what do you think , huh ? you and me , a happy family , together at last , hmm ? bianca : this is over , michael . they are going to lock you up for good , i swear it . michael : whoa , whoa , whoa , we 'll have none of that , honey . i think you are forgetting who wears the pants in this family , and i think you need a little reminder , hmm ? bianca : do n't . michael : do n't -- do n't what ? do n't stop ? oh , sweetheart . you really know how to turn me on , do n't you ? you know , but this time do n't make it so easy so we do n't spoil our fun because you know how much we like our fun , do n't we ? remember myrtle 's ? you know , i think we should do that again , except this time we 'll take our time , make it last a little bit longer . what do you say , huh ? ooh , look who brought a little party favor , huh ? bianca : you wo n't touch me . you wo n't do this to me or to my child . michael : my -- my baby , bianca . my baby . and as far as the two of you go , i will do what the hell i want to you again and again and again . bianca : do n't move ! michael : bianca -- bianca : if you move , i 'll shoot . so help me god , i 'll shoot ! michael : bianca , bianca , bianca , you are going to do as you 're told for the rest of your life . [ gunshot ] michael : oh -- kendall : oh , god , bianca . livia : your honor , this is a clear case of self - defense . alan : miss montgomery went to the victim 's house with a gun -- premeditation . and her silence after the fact ? no , i have every reason to file first - degree murder charges . [ scene_break ] joe : was that brooke being led away by security ? maria : yeah , there was just a -- it was a misunderstanding and it 's all taken care of now . joe : you 've got to give me more than that . this is my hospital . brooke 's family . maria : it 's under control , joe . joe : no , maria . i do n't think it 's under control at all . [ scene_break ] jack : oh , come on , alan , what the hell are you saying here ? you heard `` gun `` and you heard `` fired . `` justin : no , i think we all heard the same thing , jack . miss montgomery took the law into her own hands . she shot and killed an unarmed man ! jack : no , what you have here is a rape victim who finally found the courage to confront her attacker , only she was n't comfortable with him in the same room without a way to protect herself . alan : so she took a concealed weapon that had been in your son 's possession . reggie : hey , hey , i got that from a gumball machine . livia : a gun she carried in her purse because her rapist threatened to assault her again . she never intended to use it . she only brought it out when he threatened her . he moved towards her . jack : and that 's imminent fear for her life . all right ? that is justifiable homicide through self - defense , and we all know it ! judge : care to look up the definition , counselor ? justin : wow , that 's her story ? well , she had enough time to come up with it . judge : tone it down , mr. mccoy . jack : i have a better idea . why do n't you just shut up entirely . alan : she kept the entire story to herself while the commonwealth went to considerable expense to prosecute her sister . livia : alan , i will bury you in expert testimony about post - traumatic stress syndrome -- jack : damn right . livia : and about a victim 's tendency to block out their attack . why , bianca 's own mother is a classic example . bianca : wait , everybody stop it . i did it . i just confessed . livia : that was an admission , not a confession . let us handle it . bianca : but i need to pay for what i did . that 's why i 'm here . that 's why i -- jack : sweetheart , you acted in defense of yourself and your baby . you have nothing to pay for . livia : did you believe that michael would rape you again ? bianca : yes , but -- jack : did you fear for your baby and thought you had no means of escape ? bianca : he was coming towards me , and i knew how strong he was from before . livia : then you acted within the parameters of the law . jack : sweetheart , the law failed you once . we are not going to let that happen again . alan : who 's to say she did n't just knock on the door , invite herself in , pop him once , and walk away ? jack : come on -- justin : exactly , and that works for me , too . kendall : wait , you want to go there ? i bet the jury would love to hear how she made up the story to save my butt . i will tell them all how i killed michael cambias . i 'll tell each and every one of them ! judge : i am warning you , ms. hart -- erica : excuse me . i confessed in court before that i killed michael cambias . if you put bianca on trial , i will confess and confess and confess until somebody listens . [ scene_break ] greenlee # 2 : do you want to tell me what that courtroom dressing - down with kendall was about ? greenlee : hey , alterna - me , how about you give it a rest . greenlee # 2 : was it revenge ? spite ? a case of the greenie - meanies ? i know you 're jealous of kendall . greenlee : and i know you drink from the milk carton when no one 's looking . i snapped , all right ? i thought it was about time that someone rubbed her lies in her face . so i 'm rotten , awful , and mean . happy now ? greenlee # 2 : that 's the easy answer . now let 's try the truth . the truth is you were trying to protect ryan from someone who could hurt him . you did a horrible thing but for some of the right reasons . greenlee : like anybody cares . i 'm a she - devil . greenlee # 2 : that 's a load . greenlee : i thought you were polly - prissy me . greenlee # 2 : i know a load when i hear one . you 're not evil . you 've got a rotten track record and you cut yourself way too much slack . if people think the worst of you , it 's because that 's what you show them , and i 'm sick of it . greenlee : what was i supposed to do , let kendall take my company from me ? turn my friends and my family against me and play the guy that i care about for a sucker ? she invaded my whole existence . what would you have done , baked a ham and invited them over for charades ? greenlee # 2 : you 'll give us wrinkles if you keep that up . greenlee : what do you want from me ? you want me to be nice , play nice , say nice things ? that 's not who i am . greenlee # 2 : what happened to getting out to make amends ? greenlee : i 'll worry about that when i get out . right now being a bitch may be the only thing that 's keeping me alive . greenlee # 2 : if that got you here in the first place , how is that going to get you out ? greenlee : go away ! i 'm tired ! greenlee # 2 : if you want your father in your life , if you want your friends and a man to come home to at night , do n't shut me out . greenlee : of all the sanctimonious , obnoxious , annoying -- get out ! no , no , no , no -- stop , stop , stop ! [ greenlee screams as the walls crumble around her ] [ scene_break ] joe : you will be a lot more useful to everybody , including edmund , if you take the time to recharge . so tell me -- how are sammie and maddie doing ? maria : well , they 're going to be a whole lot better when their father gets home , so i 'm going to make sure that that happens . joe : well , you ca n't make edmund well by wishing or by worrying , and it 's not in your hands . maria : really ? the hell it 's not . joe : i see we have a misunderstanding , and i certainly do n't want that . i do n't want to shut you down , but if you force me , i will . [ scene_break ] anita : i 've worked with all sorts of doctors since becoming a physician 's assistant , and maria is still the best . i mean , she combines all that egghead book - learning and -- and solid instinct . i 'd trust her with my life . edmund : and your unspoken message in that is ? anita : maria thinks the surgery is a bad plan . edmund : that 's her fear thinking for her . i mean , you saw her reaction to the research . she does n't want to know . anita : she does n't want to lose you . edmund : i do n't want to be lost . but i want to walk . anita , come on , you speak the secret language of the santos . ca n't you just make her see that this is n't a death wish , it 's a chance ? anita : i ca n't pretend i know what it 's like for you -- what you two have been through . but i ca n't ask maria to ignore her feelings . i mean , it 's your life , but it 's her future , too . she has to follow her heart . who am i to tell her otherwise ? edmund : you 're right . i 'm sorry . this is between maria and me , and i should n't put you in the middle of this . anita : what 's the real issue here ? i mean , you want maria to back up your research , or your decision to have the surgery ? have you made up your mind already ? edmund : isabella must be in heaven . has she left the kitchen since you 've been home ? anita : oh , not yet . and you know how much i love her cooking . edmund : mm - hmm . yeah , but ? anita : i snuck out for an onion blossom . totally worth it . edmund : it 's good to have you home . how long are you going to stay ? anita : well , that 's up to you and maria . edmund : oh . what about work ? anita : family leave . edmund : what about bobby ? anita : family leave . he -- he knows how much you all mean to me . edmund : yeah , but , you know , he must miss you . anita : bobby knows how to entertain himself . i think he can get along without me for a while . edmund : you know , i speak a little of the santos secret language myself . is everything ok with you and bobby ? [ scene_break ] tad : you ok ? simone : oh , i feel horrible . even worse now for all the stupid things that i 've done . i mean , just to know what bianca is up against -- i mean , who has she even hurt , huh ? intentionally , i mean . tad : they 'll hear bianca 's side of it . they 'll make the right decision . simone : yeah , and what if they do n't ? tad : bianca 's going to be ok . simone : is that all you have for me ? because i 'll be honest with you , it 's just not enough . [ scene_break ] judge : i believed miss montgomery when she pressed charges against michael cambias , and i believe her now . the man menaced her and made her fear for her life . alan : but the gun -- judge : is the only reason that she was n't his victim twice . and i will be very happy to share my opinion with whichever esteemed colleague gets stuck with this minefield . try me . alan : god , this case was a dog from the get - go . i 'll have my office issue a statement that no charges will be filed . no charges against miss montgomery , but warrants will fly for the rest of those involved . obstruction and perjury , for starters . judge : miss montgomery -- bianca : your honor , thank you . judge : jack . jack : thanks , hannah . judge : livia . livia : thanks , hannah . livia : well , goodbye . kendall : you give me hope for all of us . bianca : kendall , are we -- is it -- reggie : yes , bianca . it 's over . and you 're ok . we 're all ok . [ scene_break ] maria : joe , please , do n't take my work away from me . please do n't . joe : maria , go home . go home , blow off some steam , scream , break dishes , ride your horses . anything is better than staying here pacing up and down the corridors and worrying . and if you respect the other doctors and nurses -- maria : well , yeah , you know i do . i -- of course i do . joe : ok , let them do their job . nothing 's going to happen between now and the time you get back . and no major decision in surgery needs to be made right this minute . do i make myself clear ? [ scene_break ] anita : you ok if i head out a while ? edmund : you going to go find maria ? anita : just call me baby tag - along . edmund : is that how you go undercover ? pretend to be baby tag - along so you can keep a watchful eye on big sis ? anita : and here i thought i was miss subtle . edmund : it 'll be our secret . anita : bye . edmund : hello ? dr. marshall ? yeah , this is edmund grey . yes . yes . i 'd like to talk about when we can schedule the surgery . [ scene_break ] lena : tell me so i can breathe again . bianca : they 're not going to press charges . they believe that it was self- defense . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ryan . [ greenlee screams and covers her head with her arms while rocks and dust go flying ] greenlee : ryan ! [ scene_break ] jack : erica ? erica -- there you are . well , thank god . you had me so worried . i mean , the way you left the court like that . sweetheart ? [ erica stands looking out her penthouse windows , sipping some liquor ] [ next_on ] ryan : what do you know about greenlee ? do you know where she is ? greenlee : finally . i ca n't believe i 'm safe . bianca : something inside me is telling me that it 's not over yet . jack : we are still getting married , are n't we ?
bianca confesses to murdering michael . she addresses the entire courtroom and tells them that she is so grateful for all they 've done for her , reveals her pregnancy for the first time , and tells them she believes that love will conquer all . she talks to the judge with both the defense and prosecution and her family present . and the judge believes that she acted in self - defense and refuses to pursue charges against her . maria still refuses to support edmund in his decision to go through with the surgery , although brooke , dr. joe martin , and maria 's sister want to support edmund 's decision .
ryan : ok , i know i 'm unemployed and everything , but i can do a little better than this place . greenlee : do you remember it ? ryan : yeah , i remember it . it was the night of the flood . and it was cold , it was nasty , and we were both a little fried . greenlee : who said you 're not romantic ? you just earned points . ryan : so what does this have to do with our adventure ? greenlee : oh , that cold and nasty memories ? no mas . you ai n't seen nothing yet . [ scene_break ] bianca : does this mean that you want to come with me to paris ? maggie : if i 'm still invited . bianca : maggie , are you sure ? maggie : i know . i know that i am confused about a lot of things . but one thing i know for sure , i do n't want to be in pine valley if you 're not here . [ scene_break ] jack : hi , sweetheart . lily : are bianca and miranda on their way to paris yet ? jack : well , when i left them , they were on their plane , waiting for the plane to be cleared for take - off . lily : but do they have to go ? i mean , if someone throws you a going - away party , does that mean you have to go ? jack : no , sweetheart , it does n't , but bianca has n't changed her mind . lily : i wanted her to . jack : yeah . well , we 're all sad about this . i think , though , erica -- erica 's especially going to miss bianca . lily : then why does bianca have to leave ? jack : well , bianca has had -- she 's had a rough time . and i think she just needs to be someplace where she can focus on herself and on her baby . lily : so sometimes you need to do things that just feel right ? jack : exactly . lily : then i need to do something , too . jack : well , i certainly hope it does n't include getting on a plane and going off to paris . lily : no , dad . i need to start kissing aidan . [ scene_break ] aidan : so did you enjoy bianca 's party ? anita : yeah , it was great . just , you know , sad . aidan : yeah . maria : hey , are we waiting for someone else ? aidan : yeah , ed . what 's the big news , mate ? edmund : we finally have what we need to nail slater to the wall . [ scene_break ] kendall : you ca n't take cambias industries away from ethan . zach : oh , of course i can , honey . it 's rightfully mine . kendall : rightfully ? no , you lost any rights you had when you blew up your car . zach : cambias belongs to me . kendall : you 're not going to let him get away with this . zach : what are you going to do , ethan ? go get your gun . take your best shot . [ scene_break ] jack : honey , why do you all of a sudden feel the need to have to kiss aidan ? lily : because he 's my boyfriend . jack : well , i know he 's your boyfriend , but so far you 've had this really acceptable arrangement . lily : well , at first all i wanted to do was spend time with aidan . but after he touched me , i knew it was ok to do more . jack : aidan touched you ? and that -- well , that was ok with you , lily ? lily : yeah . aidan touched my arm right here . and then i touched his hand back . it did n't hurt at all . it felt good . jack : i see . well , gosh , you know , i think we need to talk about this . lily : that 's what dani said . jack : yeah . lily : i told her first , but she said i need to come talk to you before i kissed aidan . so that 's what i 'm doing . jack : well , a very smart girl , that dani . and you 're a very smart girl , too . and aidan -- aidan 's a very nice guy , and he 's been a good friend to all of us . but in terms of your touching or kissing or anything else , honey , you 're just not ready . and if aidan were here , i guarantee you , he would say the very same thing . i know he would . lily : but i am ready . i 've been practicing . jack : practicing ? lily : yeah , in the mirror . i think i have it down right , but if i do n't , aidan will teach me how to do it better . [ scene_break ] aidan : wait a minute , ed . you got hold of bobby 's cell phone and what ? there was a number under `` ryan hitman `` ? edmund : well , it was n't that easy . i got bobby 's phone , and it had a call history on it . i got lucky with the last couple of numbers . i just said to this guy who answered , `` i 'm picking up where bobby left off . `` anita : left off what ? edmund : his blackmail . the shooter knew all about it . he even admitted that slater hired him . i think we got our man . aidan : and what about our woman ? bobby said that he saw zach 's assistant , edie , pull the trigger . maria : that 's right , so it ca n't be . edmund : i know he did , but i figured bobby changed that story so that he would have a chance of blackmailing the real hit man . maria : wait a minute . you -- this all came from one phone call ? edmund : i told the guy that i saw him shoot ryan . he did n't deny it . maria : but this -- honey , this is someone that you 've never even met . edmund : i recognized the voice . i knew that voice . remember -- remember that cell phone call i intercepted in the summer ? aidan : from that guy you thought was on the way to pine valley to whack someone ? edmund : exactly , exactly . i never forgot that voice . remember i had a list of all the cell phone calls made at that time ? the callers ? zach was on that list . i think zach was on the other end of that hit man phone call . maria , this is why i 've been telling you about zach . not just because i 've been jealous . because i 've been worried about you . ok ? maria , zach is not the man you thought he was . he 's capable of anything , including murder . [ scene_break ] ethan : nothing that you do or say surprises me anymore , zach . zach : you do n't think i have a right to the cambias fortune ? ethan : it does n't matter what i think , as long as you get what you want . that was the plan all along , right ? you were going to play dead for most of your adult life so you could escape from daddy the tyrant . and once he 's gone , you just wait for the dust to settle , then swoop in . kendall : yeah , but why wait ? why not make your move on ryan ? ethan : he was waiting for the bull to get fed up enough and then make his move . zach : no , i did n't care about lavery . ethan : bollocks . more nonsense about the cambias curse ? you know , it 's kind of sad , really , that you expected me to turn over my company to you with something so pathetic as a curse . kendall : what about bianca and miranda ? ethan : yes . your precious niece . what was it you said to her as you held her so very gently in your arms ? something about wanting to have a wonderful life ? kendall : which you planned to steal as soon as bianca turned her back . ethan : i almost thought you had real feelings for them . clearly i was wrong . you do n't own a real feeling . zach : sorry for interrupting . let 's go back for a second . i did n't steal from bianca . he did . kendall : no , ethan adores my sister . zach : you have n't told her , have you ? ethan : there 's nothing to tell , zach . zach : hmm . young ethan here has stopped construction on the miranda center . [ scene_break ] maggie : ok , i 'm getting a less - then - thrilled vibe here . bianca : oh , no , no , no , that 's not it at all . i 'm -- i 'm just confused . i mean , a couple of hours ago , you told me that you absolutely , positively could not come with me . maggie : yeah , i know . how stupid was that ? bianca : you said you needed to raise your gpa and get your life back and -- maggie : how about push you away ? did i ever mention that ? and that 's what i 've been doing for months . and this would be the biggest push of all . and then you 'd be gone , and i still would never know . bianca : you would n't know what ? maggie : anything . who i am , what i 'm doing . when i said good - bye to you tonight , it hit me . if i let you walk out of my life , it could be the biggest mistake i ever make . [ scene_break ] greenlee : just -- i tried to remember when we were n't stressed to the max . our honeymoon may have been the best time ever . i was just hoping that maybe tonight we could feel like that for just a few hours , let you remember how much i love you , how happy i am that i 'm your wife , just like that night . ryan : come here . greenlee : ah ! what ? what are you -- ryan : i remember everything . i remember it was going to be the first time that we made love as husband and wife . and i remember thinking to myself that my bullet wound was easy compared to waiting to make love to you . i wanted you so bad . i want you now . i want you right now . [ scene_break ] kendall : that 's not true . ethan did n't stop work on the miranda center . he would n't . ethan : i needed the crew for the lakeside project . they were running behind . zach : and lakeside has a profit margin . the miranda center does n't , so we got to keep our priorities straight , that 's all . ethan : this is -- it 's only for a couple of weeks . zach : a couple of weeks ? you 've caught on very quickly , sweet child of mine . you 're falling right into the cambias way of doing things . ethan : i have a responsibility to my stockholders , and lakeside has a deadline . zach : `` responsibility , `` `` stockholders , `` `` deadline . `` this is good . you 've learned the language , and it all translates into one thing and one thing only . power . ethan : that 's your interpretation . zach : friends , family , charity , compassion . > from now on , all those things are going to take a back seat . ethan : that is rich ! that you have the nerve to evangelize the virtues of family and compassion with your track record ! zach : are you paying attention ? is he listening ? the miranda center is history . your sister will come to mean nothing . miranda , nothing . and in a little while , even you -- sweet , sweet kendall -- will mean nothing . [ scene_break ] bianca : you 're not going to lose me . no matter where i am , you 're always going to be a part of my life . maggie : it 's so easy to say , but it never works like that . you know that . any kind of long - distance relationship never lasts . bianca : you do n't have to turn your whole life upside down to keep me as a friend . maggie : maybe you have n't realized , but my life is already upside down . i just want to get my feet back on the ground . i want to get my balance . the truth is , bianca , that i do want to go with you to paris . i want to go with you so badly . but i 'm scared to death . i 'm so scared . i do n't know how long it 's going to take me to figure out myself again , which gets all over the way that i feel about you . the one thing that i did figure out is that everything that happened with jonathan messed up enough of my life . and i do n't want it to ruin anything else . i told you once before that i love you . and i always try to take it back . but i do n't want to do it this time . i love you . bianca : maggie , i think it 's too late for us to be anything but honest with each other . maggie : i just ca n't stand an ocean between us . i love you so much . i 'm just not sure how . bianca : it 's ok . you 've been through something pretty awful this year . you 're just not ready for anything major . maggie : but maybe i never will be . i do n't know if this is just the most incredible kind of love that i feel for you , or the most incredible kind of friendship . i do n't know . i do n't know if i 'm gay or if i 'm straight , or -- bianca : it 's ok . you 'll figure it out . maggie : i 'm just afraid of hurting you . because what if you think that something 's going to happen and something never will ? bianca : i would never put any pressure on you . maggie : i know , i know . i was thinking that maybe we just -- you know , if we just do n't get involved right away , and then you wait for me to figure out what i want to do with myself and -- what am i doing ? you see ? i 'm doing it again . i 'm doing it again . i tell you that i love you , and that i want to go with you to paris , and then i slam on the brakes again . you know , you can throw me off plane . bianca : oh , maggie -- maggie : i want to throw myself off the plane ! bianca : maggie , stop . [ scene_break ] greenlee : thirsty ? ryan : yes , i 'm very thirsty . mmm . fantastic . greenlee : mmm . us , not the champagne . ryan : hey -- greenlee : hmm ? ryan : do n't you ever think for one second that i do n't love you , even now more than when we were on the island . greenlee : i know . ryan : no . every day that i spend with you , i find out something new that i need , because it 's exactly what you give me . greenlee : that goes both ways . so , do you like my adventure ? ryan : yes . greenlee : even without tiki torches ? ryan : yes , i love it . greenlee : i was running out of ideas . the next adventure is up to you . ryan : well , i 'm going to have to work on it . greenlee : you know , i do n't need crazy or extravagant . i just need us , alone . really alone . ryan : well , i do n't know if i can beat this , but i 'll try . i have to go . greenlee : jonathan ? ryan : i promised him that i 'd be home soon . greenlee : you 're leaving over my naked dead body . [ scene_break ] jack : sweetheart , i was there when aidan agreed to be your boyfriend , and i heard what he expected from you . he just wanted to hang out with you , talk with you , do some math problems with you . lily : well , that 's because i was n't ready to touch or to kiss or to have sex . jack : no , lily , you do n't understand ! just -- look , you do n't have any idea what it means for a man and a woman to make that kind of connection . i mean , a physical intimacy like that , a physical relationship , is very complicated . and you do n't have a clue what would happen if you started kissing and touching , anything else . lily : you 've never done that before . jack : done what , sweetheart ? i 'm -- i 'm just trying to explain to you that this is not a good idea for you . lily : you 've never talked to me like they do . jack : `` they , `` who ? lily : the people who think i ca n't do normal things , because i have autism spectrum disorder . [ scene_break ] maria : what exactly did this hit man say to you ? did he actually confess to you that he was hired to try to kill ryan ? edmund : he did n't deny it . maria : honey , is it possible that you misunderstood ? edmund : look , it 's not all that complicated . maria : yeah , but you ca n't just go accusing people of attempted murder . anita : what edmund 's saying makes sense . maria : it 's just that for months people have been trying to pin ryan 's shooting on any number of suspects . nobody 's been able to prove anything . maria 's voice : why would you go to all this trouble , then , if you do n't want to make love to me ? zach 's voice : i did n't say i did n't want to make love to you . maria : because she worked very closely with him . i mean , bobby could have been trying to frame someone . edmund : every time i try to question my instincts , somebody gets hurt . now , i know what i feel , and tomorrow i 'm going to confirm it when i meet the hit man . maria : what ? no , you 're not ! anita : yeah , this guy is a hit man . edmund : that 's how i 'm going to prove it . all right ? aidan : i 'm going to go with you . edmund : i can handle this . maria : oh wait -- can we just call derek ? hello ? can we let the police handle this ? edmund : maria , this is my investigation ! i 've been working on this for a very long time ! maria : oh , my god . edmund : by this time tomorrow , slater will be behind bars . aidan : ahem . why do n't you tell me the real story ? how much did you pay this so - called hit man to nail slater , edmund ? [ scene_break ] kendall : you 're still trying to destroy what i have with your son . zach : i wo n't destroy anything . it 'll be him . ethan : all right , that 's enough . get out . zach : the truth is never easy , is it ? ethan : out of my office , zach , now . zach : come on . your office , my office -- whatever . you 're going to be in the street soon enough . and with any luck , you 'll still be able to save what is left of your soul . ethan : do n't you dare insult me or pretend that you give a damn about me or my soul . this is about you . you want what you want and to hell with everybody else , sons and nieces included ! but you will not win this time -- not my company , and certainly not the satisfaction of kicking me to the curb . zach : i knew you 'd want to fight . ethan : fight ? it 's going to be an all - out war . you 're going to be the only casualty . zach : hmm . my lawyers will be in touch . ethan : i look forward to it . kendall : no , no . is it too late ? have you already lost your soul ? ethan : kendall , zach is insane . not a word out of that man 's mouth is true . kendall : he said that you stopped construction on the center , and you did . ethan : that crew will be back in place within the month , i promise you . kendall : you know what that center means to my family . ethan : listen to me , kendall . i give you my word that i will never let down miranda or bianca . and i would i die before i would turn my back on you . kendall : the way you sounded when zach accused you -- it was so -- it was cold . ethan : when did you stop believing in me ? this is what zach does . he undermines people , and he 's very good at it . in the name of what ? love ? you saw him , you heard him . did that sound like love to you ? he says he cares about me and this ridiculous notion of a cambias curse , but he 's the one who 's poisoned by this lunacy , not me ! kendall : i do n't want to believe that he 's right . ethan : then believe in me . kendall , i have to fight dirty with this man if i 'm going to win . but when this is over , i promise you , things will change . kendall : well , i want them to change now . i want you to get on the phone and call whoever 's in charge of construction and tell them to put the crew back to work on the miranda center . ethan , please . ethan : kendall , this is -- it 's going to be a couple of weeks , ok ? but trust me . i promise . [ scene_break ] bianca : so the pilot says that we 're going to be taking off soon . last chance to leave without a parachute . maggie : i want to know what -- i want to know what you think . bianca : you 're not the only who 's confused here . i think i have a lot to figure out , as well . and of course , miranda is priority number one . maggie : yes , of course . bianca : we 've both been through a lot this year . and i think that it 's going to take some time for us to -- what did you say -- get our balance back . but who better to do that with than my best friend ? that 's all i expect from you . and we can do it in the most beautiful city in the world , with culture and art and gourmet cuisine . and if somewhere down the road something happens , that 's great . but if not , then i 'm cool with that , too . we can just be friends . that 's enough for me . maggie : me , too . bianca : so , is there anything else you want to tell me ? maggie : i think i covered it all . bianca : me , too . last chance . you got to have a passport if you 're coming . maggie : yeah , well , a girl ca n't be too prepared . i applied for it the day that you asked me . bianca : luggage ? maggie : too late for that . i did n't even pack a toothbrush . bianca : all right , then . when we get to paris -- bianca and maggie : shopping ! maggie : we 're going to paris ! we 're going to paris ! [ scene_break ] jack : lily , sweetheart , you know i believe in you . i believe that you can do anything that you set your mind to . lily : well , i 've set my mind to kissing aidan . jack : look , aidan really cares about you . he does . but when he told you that he would be your boyfriend , he told you that because he did n't want to hurt your feelings . you know ? and -- and he does like you , and he wants to be your friend for always . sweetheart , someday you will have a boyfriend , probably two or three knocking at that door . but it will be some boy your own age . do you understand what i 'm saying ? lily ? lily : i understand . jack : well , good . i -- really , trust me , it 'll be best this way . lily : i have homework to do . jack : ok . well , why do n't you go ahead and do that . but if you want to talk to me about this , please just let me know , ok ? i 'm going to go check on erica and see how she 's doing . but i 'm going to leave my cell phone on . so if you need to get ahold of me , just give me a call , ok ? i love you . lily : so , will you be my boyfriend ? aidan : i already am . [ scene_break ] greenlee : look at us , ryan . look at how good this is for us . ryan : greenlee , my brother is having a meltdown , ok ? he needs me more . greenlee : he has you . all i want is tonight . ryan : we 're going to have plenty of nights . greenlee : we 've been through the torture of the damned . you got shot , you nearly died , i got poisoned , i nearly lost my mind . i mean , it has n't been newlywed heaven . we 've earned this . ryan : we 're fine . greenlee , we 've been through the worst of it , ok ? greenlee : i 've missed you . i love you . i do n't want to fight , i swear . all i want is for us to just be together , tonight . come on . ryan : i ca n't . greenlee : this is what i get for being miss independent . i let you think that i do n't need you . well , here 's a headline , ryan . i do need you . ryan : you 'll have me , greenlee , but i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i have to go . ok ? so , please , can you -- can you just get dressed so that we can go ? please ? greenlee : no . ryan : greenlee -- greenlee : you go where you want . i do n't have to go just because you say so . ryan : ok . well , when you 're ready , will you call a cab ? ok ? [ sulking in bed , greenlee gives ryan the cold shoulder and refuses to kiss him good - bye . ] [ scene_break ] maria : do you see how he wo n't let this go ? it 's absolutely crazy , and it 's dangerous . anita : well , i promise you , aidan wo n't let edmund meet this guy on his own . maria : yeah , but it 's not just about the danger , it 's -- i -- god , who am i kidding ? i do n't even -- i do n't know who to believe anymore . i do n't know what -- anita : maria , this zach thing is supposed to be over and done with . you picked edmund . you committed yourself to your marriage . you trust edmund . maria : i want to trust edmund . i want to trust him , but he ca n't just let us live . he has to have me and take down zach , and i 'm scared to death at how far he 'll go to do that . anita : oh , my god . you do n't trust edmund . maria : zach swore to me that he had nothing to do with ryan 's shooting , and he swore that he has never lied to me . anita : so edmund would lie ? maria : i do n't know ! i -- i have no idea . i have no idea about anything anymore . anita : maria , you picked edmund . maria : yeah , i did . i chose him . i just do n't know if i made the right choice . you know , i -- i saw zach today . and we were trapped in this shed . anita : what ? how ? maria : yeah , do n't even ask . i have no idea , really . but he kissed me , and i kissed him back . and , i mean , it stopped before anything -- i stopped it before anything else happened . but god help me , i did n't want to stop it . anita : ok , listen , you stopped because you made a promise to your husband and yourself . you love edmund . that 's what you told me . maria : i do , i do . i do love edmund . anita : well , then hang on to that . hang on to him . believe in your heart that you made the right choice . i mean , i do . [ scene_break ] edmund : look , i finally got the goods on the guy that tried to kill ryan . why are you giving me such a hard time ? aidan : all of a sudden , this just falls into your lap ? edmund : and i did not pay off the hit man . aidan : like you did bobby ? edmund : what i gave bobby was incentive to testify against slater . now , the punk took the money and ran . fortunately , he left the cell phone , which probably works out for me better . it 'll give me a tighter case . trust me , aidan , all right ? this meeting will fill in all the blanks . aidan : you know , i do n't care what you say , edmund . i 'm coming with you , all right ? edmund : fine , you 're coming with me . all right ? you fell better ? i got to call derek . get out of here . aidan : fine . i 'll check in with you later . edmund : yeah , it 's edmund grey . ethan : hello . what can i do for you ? edmund : you offered to help me bring down your father . ethan : offer 's still good . edmund : great . it 's happening tomorrow . i found somebody on slater 's payroll who 's ready to flip on him . ethan : good news . where do i fit in ? edmund : be at my place tonight . and bring lots of money . this guy does n't come cheap . ethan : is right now soon enough ? edmund : perfect . [ scene_break ] zach : what 's this ? man : you said you wanted to know if edmund grey ever came into the casino or the grounds . this was taken when you were trapped in the back shed . zach : good . thank you . you can go . [ zach is shocked to see edmund blocking the shed door shut and walking away . ] zach : edmund grey , you son of a � [ scene_break ] greenlee : how long before i can get a cab here ? [ motorcycle approaches ] greenlee : never mind , never mind . forget it . you came back . ryan : i got halfway to the valley inn , and i stopped . what the hell was i thinking ? greenlee : i hated that you left . ryan : you 're my wife . you 're my beautiful wife . i 'd be an idiot to be anywhere else . greenlee : i love you so much . ryan : i love you . this is where i should be , now and always . come here . come here . [ scene_break ] ethan : kendall , you understand that i -- i have to fight this man ? kendall : it depends on what it costs you . ethan : i promise you that once my business is taken care of , once i 've dealt with zach and with the shooting of ryan and all this nonsense , you and i will go somewhere nice . wherever you want . paris ? would you like paris ? kendall : you going to buy me paris ? ethan : maybe . but first i 'll just take you there . we can go and see bianca and miranda . ok ? and from there , the world . wherever you want to go . i just -- i want you to be happy . i want you to be happy with me . ok ? listen , i 'll see you later . [ scene_break ] anita : edmund 's on the hunt and zach swears that he 's innocent , and maria -- she 's stuck in the middle . i mean , this was all supposed to be fixed , over . i just -- gosh , i ca n't believe how quickly things can go bad for her . aidan : yeah . anita : i 'm so worried about her . aidan : listen , i promise you , i 'll keep my eyes open , all right ? anita : you 're amazing . i do n't know how i would handle -- thank you . aidan : hey , do n't thank me . i want to do it . [ lily walks in on anita and aidan kissing . ] [ scene_break ] edmund : where have you been ? maria : talking to my sister . edmund : i know this is hard for you to believe . but zach slater ordered the hit on ryan , and i can prove it . now i need to know you 're behind me on this one . zach : game is over , edmund . [ scene_break ] maggie : so what do you think , little munchkin ? huh ? you , me , and your mom -- a little stroll on the left bank . check out the champs elysees . you 'll look at all the artists up on the pont neuf . i will actually learn how to say all those words . bianca : i 'm sure she 'll love it . i know i will . maggie : oh , one little thing . you know that paris is a very chic place . and i do n't think they 're going to let you in with that on . bianca : well , somebody real special gave it to me . i 'll take my chances . pilot : ms. montgomery , if you and your friend will buckle up and secure miranda , we 're clear for take - off . maggie : i 'll put her down . bianca : ok . good - bye , pine valley . [ next_on ] lily : i want you to kiss me . zach : you can still have a great life . i can help you if you let me . kendall : you and ethan are so much alike . j.r. : because we both enjoy the same beautiful , exciting woman ? brooke : you want to decimate maria . you want to leave her with nothing .
maggie surprises bianca by unexpectedly appearing on the jet and tells her she wants to be with her . she says she loves bianca more than anybody but does not know if it is in regard to friendship or love . bianca says they will figure it out . and they agree that they will live in paris . zach is ready to go to battle with ethan and turn kendall against him . she is disappointed to find out that he has temporarily put off working on the miranda center and is prioritizing work for a company that generates profit . he assures her that he is committed to the miranda center . edmund tells maria , aiden and anita that zach is the culprit and must have been behind getting ryan shot . but edmund reveals to aiden that he is lying and falsely accusing zach . zach gets a hold of a dvd that tapes edmund in his home able to walk . he 's ready to get the goods on edmund for faking paralysis .
erica : wake up , jack . wake up so i can tell you how much i love you and how lucky we are to be alive . the doctors said the sedatives would wear off soon . oh , this is all so unreal -- not just this , but if i had n't seen the proof with my own eyes , if i did n't trust tad as much do , i would never have believed it . the person trying to destroy my career and ruin my name is my own flesh and blood . my son . [ scene_break ] josh : would it kill you to go around ? greg : you came through this explosion relatively unscathed . you really have no reason to be here in the hospital . josh : you know , you act as if you have some say in my life . you , me -- complete strangers as of the minute you narced me out to erica . greg : i 'm still your father , no matter what you care to say about it . i 'm the only reason you have to be here in this hospital , and the only legitimate reason you have to be here in pine valley . cut me out of the equation , you might as well leave town for good . josh : oh , you 'd love that , would n't you ? get me as far away from your beloved erica , right ? well , i hate to disappoint you , dad . no , i take that back -- it 's actually my new favorite thing . and for the record , joe martin just offered me an internship here . he thinks pine valley is desperate for a dr. josh madden . so , who does n't belong now , pop ? [ scene_break ] babe : you totally hooked me up , janet . i -- i can take little a , leave to the other side of the world , and nobody will even know that you had a thing to do with it . you 're smart , really did your homework . you used my kidnapping rap sheet to cover how you took me and little a . and nobody will question my guilt when it comes out that i 've taken my son again . plus , it 's the perfect way to salvage amanda 's reputation . you even said it yourself that she 's always getting blamed for everything that goes wrong . not anymore . when word comes out that i have kidnapped the chandler heir twice , she is going to seem positively saintly by comparison . you 'll spend the rest of your life saying `` i told you so , `` jamie will spend the rest of his life kissing up to amanda for ever doubting her , and every person in pine valley will absolutely despise me . is n't that what you really want ? janet : you 've thought of every single detail , have n't you ? babe , you know what i find most fascinating , though , is you 've plotted this all out without once mentioning j.r . [ scene_break ] j.r. : does anything make your skin crawl , di ? do you want to know what tops my list ? the sight of your face , sound of your voice -- all little repulsive reminders of what a fool i was . you ca n't help me . di : you were n't a fool , j.r. you missed your mother , and you wanted her back . j.r. : now , would you take a look around ? do you see my mother around here ? no . because she 's not , and my son 's missing . the moral of the story -- j.r. loves someone , j.r. loses someone . di : you have n't lost as much as you think . [ scene_break ] [ after krystal drives off , david hears another noise outside his cabin . david : all right . i definitely heard it this time . who 's out there ? [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , kendall , it 's me . i -- i do n't know if you 're screening your calls or whatever . um -- but , hey , when you get this , give me a call , ok ? i just want to -- i just want to make sure you 're ok . [ scene_break ] kendall : you love me , i love you . we both just said it . so how come we 're staring at each other like two total strangers ? how come a part of me is screaming `` run and jump into his arms , stupid `` while the other part is telling me to run far away ? i do n't -- i do n't understand . i do n't get it . i 'm the queen of impulsive . i do n't waste time thinking things through -- i just act ! but right now , i could n't act if i wanted to . i do n't know what to do next . i have no idea what comes next , right or wrong . i 'm stuck . zach , i 'm totally stuck . how do i do this , zach ? what do i do ? what comes next ? can you tell me ? [ scene_break ] david : babe ? are you out there , darling ? it 's all right . the coast is clear . [ when his phone rings , david goes back into his cabin and shuts the door . relieved , dixie continues hiding . ] david : yeah ? hello ? anybody there ? babe ? babe , is that you ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : i have n't lost as much as i think ? what do i have exactly -- money ? well , to a dirt - poor pole dancer like yourself , that might bring some merit . but that does n't really keep me warm at night . so what 's left -- family ? we 've already established that my mother is dead , my son is missing . you hate my father . so , what -- were you suggesting you ? do n't make me sick . di : not everything is as bleak as it seems . there 's a lot you do n't know . j.r. : well , that 's true . oh , there 's a lot that i do n't know . i do n't know where babe has taken my son , i do n't know how far they 've gotten . i do n't know if i 'm ever going to see my son again , so why do n't you stop blathering about how good i have it and answer those questions ? can you tell me where i can find my son ? [ scene_break ] babe : it 's obvious where j.r. ends up in all of this -- trampled , devastated , completely broken . he 'll never get over losing little adam . and if you set my son and me free , j.r. is guaranteed to suffer forever . janet : you really expect me to believe that you 're ok with that ? oh , come on . i 've seen the two of you all lip - locked and sexed up -- ugh . you can not tell me that you 're not hot for him , and in the park you told me you were going to marry him ! babe : i was only playing the part . i hate j.r. you have no idea the hell he 's put me through . janet : well , it could n't have been too bad if you were willing to sleep with him and then marry him again . babe : only until i could set him up in a compromising position . then i was going to get a quickie divorce and get full custody of my boy . janet : what kind of compromising position ? babe : i had n't gotten that far yet . but i do n't have to now , thanks to you . i already have my son and all my dreams are in my lap because of you , janet . and if you let me , i can help you make all your dreams come true , too . [ scene_break ] josh : your dream finally came true , old man . your wonder boy finally got an offer to be a doctor . are n't you excited ? what , no pat on the back , no hug ? ah , it 's crushing . greg : why would joe martin offer you an internship here ? that makes absolutely no sense to me . josh : i was a total medical wizard after the explosion -- the way i saved erica 's pathetic excuse for a life ? `` praiseworthy `` does n't even begin to cover it . and the big chief knew he could n't let a talent like mine go untapped . greg : so that 's it , is it ? that 's the way it is ? a few words of approval from anybody in authority apart from me , and you 're ready to jump out of television and jump back into medicine . josh : come on , dad . is n't this what you 've been praying for ? me , lab coat , stethoscope ? bevy of hot nurses everywhere i turn ? oh , wait -- that last part is what i 've been praying for . anyway , you were just hoping that i 'd practice six states away from your girlfriend , not in her backyard , right ? greg : i 'm glad you find all of this so amusing . josh : oh , and ironic . you know , the life you 've tried so desperately to control -- it 's about to fall completely off your radar . if i finally become a doctor , it 'll be right when you lose me as a son . [ scene_break ] erica : jack ? i just found out that josh is my son . oh , i am just trying to process this whole thing . i mean , it 's not like something like this happens every day of the week . the truth is i do n't know if i should even tell him . i mean , josh hates me , and , granted , he 's not too crazy about greg , either , but when he finds out what this man has done , will he ever recover ? will i ? will any of us ? jack , i need you . i do n't know when i 've ever needed you more . not that i could even begin to think how you could help me now . [ scene_break ] kendall : please , zach . please , i do n't know how to -- i do n't know how to take the next step . i do n't know what to do next . i need your help . what would you do if you were me ? would you -- would you walk ? or would you stay ? zach : i ca n't make that decision for you . kendall : you just -- you just said that you -- that you love me , and you want me to be happy , so tell me how to be happy . how do i stop all of this misery ? zach : stop loving me . i do n't do happy . kendall : so i should just forget about you ? just pretend we never happened ? zach : the faster , the better . kendall : can you stop loving me ? do you think i can read your mind ? if you stand there and stare long enough , i 'll get the answer ? zach : i gave you an answer . kendall : no , you said -- you told me to stop loving you , and i asked if you can stop loving me . i 'm still waiting to find out . zach : i will love you until the day i die . i told you that . kendall : i do n't know what to do with that , zach . what does that mean ? tell me what that means . does that mean `` nice knowing you , kendall `` or `` please do n't give up on us `` ? tell me what you mean by that . do you mean `` please hang on to us `` or `` go `` ? i do n't know . i do n't understand this . [ scene_break ] ryan : kendall , are you there ? [ ryan knocks on kendall 's door and does n't get a response . when he spies her in zach 's condo , however , he quietly waits outside . ] [ scene_break ] zach : what words do you need me to say to you to make yourself feel better ? tell me , and i will say them . kendall : i need to hear whatever it takes to put the pieces together and get us back to where we were before . whatever it takes just to make me trust you again . i do n't know the words , zach . i do n't know . i just know that i need you to fix what you broke , and i need you to do it now . zach : i ca n't give you what you 're asking for . kendall : do n't say that . zach : i ca n't fix this . i wish to god i could , but i ca n't . kendall : so you are all about the destruction . to hell with the aftermath ? that 's -- that 's very nice . that 's very kind of you . you play god with my life , you -- you smash it to bits without telling me , and you get me to fall completely in love with you . and then when i do find out the truth , you just wave your hands in the air and you say , `` you know what , you should 've expected it . `` thank you , zach . that 's a great way to love me ! thank you ! ryan : i just -- i came by to see how you were doing . kendall : i guess you got the answer . ryan : i thought about knocking , but -- kendall : why knock when you are so good at barging in , ryan . seriously , this is the one time i wish you had just barged in there and interrupted me and dragged me out of there before i made a complete ass of myself . ryan : because you love it so much when i tell you what to do . i 'm here to support your choices , kendall , whatever they are , not to influence them , not to make them for you . but you had a right to know the truth about zach . after that , it 's up to you , because you 're the only person that knows what you want -- not me , not zach , just -- just you . kendall : you 're right . i do know exactly what i need , and i know how to get it . [ scene_break ] [ sitting alone , zach remembers happier times with kendall . ] zach 's voice : i do n't -- i do n't want to change who you are , i love who you are . and i love who you 've been , and i love who you 're going to be . kendall 's voice : i love you . i love you so much . [ pounding on door ] [ scene_break ] babe : j.r. cut me off from my son . i 'll never forgive him for that , ever . janet : never say never , my friend . people change , seasons change as that song goes . i mean -- for instance , take trevor and i . you know , we 've certainly had our fair share of disagreements , and it 's taken a long time and a lot of hard work for me to get him to chill , and now -- ha -- happily ever after . so what 's to say that that is n't going to be true for you and j.r. -- if i were to let you go , and you took off with the kid ? babe : i promise you right now , if you were to set us free , i would take little adam as far away from j.r. chandler as humanly possible . look , i do n't know your husband , but i can pretty much guarantee that he 's a better man than j.r . i seriously doubt that trevor would let you take the fall for a near - homicidal dui that night that amanda was hit on that road ? i was n't the one driving , it was j.r. j.r. ran down your daughter . [ scene_break ] j.r. : why do n't you take a hint and get lost ? di : j.r. , there 's something i need to tell you . j.r. : if it has to do with chocolate chip cookies or `` you are my sunshine , `` save it . di : ok . i know you do n't trust me yet -- j.r. : i 'll never trust you again . i will never trust anyone else again . di : j.r. , you do n't mean that . j.r. : no , it 's real clear to me now . the only person other than my son who deserved trust from me is dead . di : look , dixie loves you so much . j.r. : so now you 're having beyond - the - grave conversations with my mother ? she loves me from heaven ? why do n't you just let it go , di ? i know how much you want to worm your way back into here , but it 's not going to happen , and i 'm so sick and tired of giving people like you the benefit of the doubt . and i 'm way , way over the maternal act . it 's not only insulting to me , but it is a slam on my mother 's memory ! [ phone rings ] j.r. : chandler here . man : we spotted a woman going into that cabin you told us about . j.r. : you think it 's babe ? man : fits the description . j.r. : is she still there ? [ scene_break ] [ dixie enters a cabin where she 's apparently staying . ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : all right , keep an eye on her , but far enough away so she does n't spot you . do n't do anything until i get there , unless she tries to leave . man : you got it , mr. chandler . di : what 's going on ? where -- they found babe ? j.r. : someone 's waiting for me . [ scene_break ] [ in her cabin , dixie paces around , thinking . ] di 's voice : they ache for you , dixie . especially j.r . [ dixie recalls visiting her son in his incubator in the hospital shortly after he was born . ] dixie 's voice : hello , sweetheart . i 'm your mama . i bet you were wondering where i was , were n't you ? [ scene_break ] babe : if i had n't have been there , j.r. would have hit amanda and left her in the road to die . janet : oh . babe : i made him stop . i 'm the one that called 911 , gave her cpr . janet , if it were n't for me , your daughter would be dead . janet : oh , my god ! i 'm so tired of hearing about people hurting my daughter . babe : the only reason that i was there is because j.r. left the roadside bar bragging how he had the jet fueled up , and he was ready to take my son away . janet : yeah , well , he turned out to be your hero that night , babe . because if you had stayed , you would have been burnt to a crisp . that 's the night i torched the place . babe : that was you ? they had said that the space heater -- janet : yeah , you know -- pssh , boom ! oh , i 'm so tired of hearing about pine valley - ites being mean to my amanda ! and j.r. , jamie , adam -- all the rest of them -- i 'm not going to let them get away with hurting my darling amanda . and , you know , you , too , babe . you gave my amanda a truckload of trouble , so why should i give you the freedom that you want so much right now ? where 's the justice in that , huh ? miss little hairy carey ? [ scene_break ] zach : oh , there you go . myrtle : thank you . so ? how are you getting on ? you know , when i heard about ethan , i felt so bad . a parent should n't have to suffer the loss of a child . zach : i was never much of a parent . myrtle : you 're putting on a good face , because i know you , zach . you 're hurting . zach : yeah . nothing gets past you . so you obviously heard about my role in the blackout in september ? myrtle : yeah . zach : so why do n't you give me hell ? myrtle : oh -- zach : come on , i got it coming . myrtle : no , i ca n't kick a man when he 's down . anyway , you gave yourself enough hell when you found you had sabotaged the greatest love story that i ever heard of -- you and kendall . [ scene_break ] kendall : hi . erica : hi . kendall : oh . well , ryan warned me this place would be filled to the brim . i should have just listened to him and gone for the cupcakes . hi . erica : hi . something 's wrong ? kendall : no , no , mom , i 'm fine . actually , i should be the one worrying about you . now , you -- you could have died , mom . erica : ok , why do n't you just tell me , honey ? kendall : the engagement is off . erica : oh -- kendall : zach and i are finished , the end . erica : sweetheart , i am so sorry . kendall : ok , mom , do n't act like you 're broken up about this . we both know that this is the day that you 've been praying for . erica : well , no , i mean , i 'm not going to pretend that i 'm not relieved , but i 'm certainly not happy . i mean , i can see from here that your heart is breaking . and , believe me , that hurts a lot more than any broken ribs ever did . you 'll understand once your baby arrives . i mean , any pain , any hurt that baby ever has , you 're going to feel that hurt . and you will -- you will do anything to make sure that that child never has that hurt again . [ scene_break ] janet : just the thought of my little amanda lying in -- oh , the middle of that cold road -- little adam : what is this ? babe : mommy got hurt . it 's ok . little adam : mommy got hurt ? babe : the way that you feel about your little amanda -- that 's how i feel about little adam . he 's the light of my life . janet : amanda 's the light of my life . i 'm not about to let you go when the whole purpose of my bringing you was to make you suffer . babe : but i am suffering , janet , and i always will . if i take off with little adam , i have to kiss my family and friends good - bye for good . j.r. will always be all over them with his people , screening the phone calls and the letters . i 'll never see my mom again . she 's my best friend , my rock . janet : amanda 's my best friend . babe : and you can imagine what it would be like to be cut out of her life forever . no more hugs , no more talks , nothing more to fill the pages of her scrapbook . i know that you want me to suffer for hurting amanda , and i ca n't think of anything worse than keeping me from my mama . i 'll always ache for her , and she 'll always ache for me . think about it , janet . what worse pain can you inflict than keeping a daughter from her mama ? [ scene_break ] erica : you know what i 'm having right now ? i am having déjà vu -- my mother sitting with me and my heart in a million pieces , and my mother assuring me that i would get through the pain . and i know that i was feeling just the way you must be feeling now -- full of doubts , full of skepticism . i did n't think i 'd ever see another sunrise , let alone another happy day . kendall : is this the part where you tell me how wrong you were ? erica : well , i was . and as hard as it is for you to hear this right now , you will figure out a way to breathe again . and pretty soon , you will even know what it takes to smile again , and you 'll even laugh . i mean , you 'll really laugh . you 're a kane woman . kane women do n't stay down long . kendall : look at us -- here , talking like this . erica : mm - hmm . kendall : you comforting me , making me feel better . if you 'd have told me three years ago that i 'd be able to stand in the same room with you without spitting nails -- [ erica laughs ] kendall : i 'd have said you were nuts . erica : well , getting here was n't easy , but it certainly was worth it , was n't it ? kendall : yeah . i was -- i was pretty messed up , and i do n't think i would ever want to travel down that road again . but , yes . where we are now is definitely a good place to be . erica : i do wish it could be that way for every parent and child . kendall : well , we are the lucky ones . now , i 'm going to let you rest and relax , so -- erica : well , i am so glad that you stopped by , honey . kendall : oh -- me , too . ok , now , relax , chill , and i will talk to you soon . erica : great . kendall : and thank you . erica : of course . you take care . kendall : enjoy the flowers . [ erica laughs ] erica : oh , honey , you look so pretty . kendall : you , too , mom . erica : it 's erica . come see me as soon as you get this . it 's urgent . [ scene_break ] greg : if you 're really serious about getting back into medicine , why do n't you take the job in san francisco ? josh : how desperate are you to get me out of pine valley ? greg : let 's be realistic . you 've burned so many bridges here , you 've made so many enemies . josh : me ? you 're the one everyone hates around here . name one friend you have in this town -- and hazel does n't count . i have babe , dani , all the people i met on `` new beginnings `` -- and let 's not forget my new buddy , joe martin , the big chief . who knows , if i play my cards right , he could become my mentor . [ scene_break ] david : unless you 're here with news about babe , i 'm not interested . di : actually , i just came from the chandler mansion . j.r. got a phone call that sounded like a lead , but he took off before i could get much out of him . david : oh , i 'm sure you did n't come all the way out here to tell me that . di : no , i did n't . um -- tad and dixie 's final breakup ? i want to know the parts that you left out . david : why ? what 's it to you ? are you hoping to step back into dixie 's shoes again , make your way into martin 's bed ? oh , i get it -- that 's why you 're acting like you care so much about little adam . cry enough crocodile tears , you might just cry your way into martin 's arms . di : i do care about little adam -- and j.r. , and , yes , david , i care about tad . i made plenty of my own mistakes with that man , i do n't want to repeat dixie 's , too . david : well , i would n't worry about that . dixie was ten times the woman you could ever be . di : ok . i know you love dixie -- everyone did -- but for god 's sake , the woman did not just drop down from heaven . she is a human being like the rest of us . david : and what do you know ? just what i taught you . stealing dixie 's life is n't exactly the same thing as actually knowing her . dixie was kind and wonderful and real . di : real people usually do n't qualify for sainthood until after they 've managed to die . [ scene_break ] [ j.r. pounds on dixie 's cabin door . ] j.r. : babe ! open up the damn door ! you hear me ? i want my son ! [ when no one answers , j.r. kicks the door open . ] [ scene_break ] myrtle : do i think you deserve to lose kendall ? as a matter of fact , darling , i do . but not ethan . if i could bring ethan back to you , i 'd do it in a heartbeat . zach : he was never mine to lose in the first place . i do n't think i deserved either one of them . myrtle : oh , no , i would n't say that . listen , you did a lot of rotten things on the way , but you 're paying for it . and although i know you had it coming to you , i hate to see it . zach : why worry about a screw - up like me ? myrtle : well , in spite of your arrogance , your interference , your lies -- mr. slater , i happen to love you . and so does kendall . i think you should never forget that . [ scene_break ] kendall : my mother says hello . ryan : how 's she feeling ? kendall : well , she 's feeling better -- much better than i 'm doing . ryan : did you know that the best antidote to a lousy day is actually greasy food ? i do n't know if you knew that . kendall : no , i did n't . ryan : why do n't we grab a bite ? come on . kendall : ok . wait , wait , hold on , hold on . did you mean it when you said that you 'd move in with me ? ryan : absolutely . kendall : good , because i 'd like you to -- right away . [ scene_break ] [ josh goes to see erica . ] josh : you called ? [ scene_break ] david : boy . and i thought i was the insensitivity champ . di : no , i mean -- i only meant that dixie might not be as perfect as everyone seems -- david : you come all the way out here to pick my brain about dixie when i just found out that i may never see my daughter or my grandson ever again ? are you so desperate to get martin back that you would use a missing baby ? di : i 'm not using anyone . i am worried about babe and little adam . and , believe me , if there was anything i could do to be helping them , i would be doing it right now , but no one wants my help . j.r. has completely cut me off . and jamie and tad are off pursuing some new theory that jamie 's hatched up . who knows if that even holds water ? david : wait a minute , what theory ? what has mini martin come up with ? di : well , jamie thinks that -- that little adam and -- and babe may have been abducted -- by janet dillon . [ scene_break ] janet : make sure you give it a little gas when you turn it on . babe : thank you so much , janet . i truly hope that you and amanda find the happiness and justice that you 're looking for . [ babe kisses janet on the cheek . ] janet : ahem . [ little adam babbles ] babe : your daddy is going to be so happy to see us . image : hey -- can you spell `` sucker `` ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : she 's got to be here . babe , i want my son ! [ after flinging a base against the wall , j.r. sits on the bed crying while dixie listens from the other room . ] j.r. : god , help me . somebody help me . mom ? mom , if you can hear me , please , i need help . i need your help . [ scene_break ] next week on `` all my children `` -- erica ( to josh ) : it 's time for you to leave pine valley and never come back . j.r. ( to krystal ) : put the pistol down . [ krystal grunts as adam wrestles her for the gun . ] david ( to amanda ) : i put some truth serum in your iced tea . ryan ( to kendall ) : ryan lavery , at your service . zach ( to dixie ) : if were you , i would disappear again .
while in the hospital , erica tells an unconscious jack that she wishes she could talk to him about her major shock in finding out that the person who 's been trying to ruin her is her own son . josh still does not know that erica is his biological mother nor that dr. joe is his biological grandfather but is very proud that he 's impressed joe with his medical skill in treating erica . kendall does not know what to do with zach nor whether he wants to get back with her or not and still has the dilemma about whether to marry ryan . di does not know whether to let anybody know that dixie is still alive . babe tries to `` negotiate `` with janet but janet still does not trust her and wants her to suffer for what she did to amanda . jr is privately talking to his ( so he believes ) deceased mother , crying and telling her he needs her now . and the real dixie is standing outside overhearing him .
brooke : you have done some very lovely things with the place . annie : i 'm not sure when adam will be home , but i 'll be sure to tell him you stopped by . brooke : oh , i can wait . annie : were n't you off traveling around the world or something ? brooke : well , the idea of running `` tempo `` again was just too intriguing to pass up . annie : excuse me ? brooke : well , i have to interview like everyone else , of course -- that 's why i 'm here -- but adam 's office said that all the interviews had been canceled , so i stopped by to see what 's going on . do you know if he 's hired someone ? annie : he did , his new wife . sorry , brooke . i 'm `` tempo 's `` new editor in chief . [ scene_break ] angie : the swab is at the lab . i put a rush on it . if it 's from a family member , the chances of it being a match are -- adam : the odds are very good . marissa : dr. kahn , thanks for meeting us . adam : what -- oh , my god . emt : abdomen is distended , no bowel sounds . bp is on the slide , down to 80 palp . dr. kahn : pull his chart . we need blood to the lab asap . angie : let 's get him into cubicle 6 . adam : what happened ? is it j.r. ? angie : adam , adam , listen . it 's all right . we 'll take care of him . adam : what happened ? tad : he was n't feeling well . he got lightheaded , and he collapsed . a.j . : is daddy gon na be ok ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : ohh -- you 're real . i thought it was a dream , me being here telling you i loved you . ryan : was n't a dream , greenlee . it 's real . [ scene_break ] erica : marry greenlee , convince her to turn fusion over to me , and get her out of town . everyone 's happy , so much better than -- boom , do n't you think ? david : i ca n't believe you got to gayle , the one person i 've been able to count on . erica : you did it all yourself . you did it all when you decided that you 'd marry greenlee . all i did was just offer gayle a shoulder , some sympathy -- oh , of course , also the promise that you would burn in hell for everything you did to her , and marriage to greenlee -- that 's close enough . david : you 're incredible . erica : i am . so , now what 's your answer ? david : fusion is yours . [ scene_break ] brooke : adam made you editor in chief of `` tempo `` ? annie : yep . brooke : do you have editorial experience ? annie : i have a vision . brooke : you do realize that some of the biggest names in journalism have been contacted to interview for this position . annie : yeah , which makes adam choosing me all the more gratifying . brooke : not to mention surprising . annie : i 've worked at chandler enterprises for quite some time now . i am very well aware of the financial challenges facing `` tempo . `` i 've also done a lot of writing . i am very confident that i can restore `` tempo `` to it 's former glory . actually , i think i could probably surpass it . brooke : well , i applaud your confidence . annie : if that 's all , adam usually likes a little warning before his ex - wives stop by , so if you want to just head out this -- scott : hey -- brooke . brooke : scott . scott : oh , my god , what are you doing here ? brooke : scott , oh , how are you ? oh -- i 'm sorry about stuart . scott : i got your letter . it was beautiful . brooke : well , i wish i could 've been here . scott : yeah . you were in the outer reaches of nepal ? brooke : well , i was really traveling and working all over asia . i was traveling with laura . i was visiting jamie in africa . scott : well , i am thrilled you found your way home . brooke : oh , so am i. ha ha ha ! scott : is n't she great ? brooke : come here , you . oh -- scott : ha ha ! [ scene_break ] marissa : we were celebrating his birthday early . it was j.r. 's idea . krystal : uh , a birthday party . what a lucky boy you are . marissa : tell them what you got for your birthday . krystal : yeah . a.j . : my name is a.j . now . krystal : what ? tad : he thinks he 's getting too big to be called little adam anymore . krystal : oh . marissa : so , we went with initials , yours and j.r. 's . adam : a.j . i think that 's perfect . krystal : uh - huh , me , too . what is it , honey ? a.j . : daddy did n't get any of my cake . krystal : uh , i tell you what . why do n't we just go get that cake and bring it in here , and then your daddy can have it when he wakes up ? how about that ? want to do that ? tad : i think that sounds like a great idea . krystal : ah . [ marissa sighs ] adam : can we see him ? dr. kahn : the good news is , j.r. has regained consciousness , but there 's serious internal bleeding . his platelet count is way down . we 're gon na try to replace those along with some whole blood , i.v . fluids . marissa : once the transfusion is done , can he come home ? dr. kahn : at this point , j.r. is very vulnerable to infection . if he leaves , chances are , he 'll end up right back here , so i 'd like to keep him in the hospital . marissa : for how long ? dr. kahn : indefinitely . [ scene_break ] david : it 's not like you 're gon na be able to take over the company this instant . you do realize that , do n't you ? i mean , greenlee loves fusion . she 's stubborn . the idea that you , of all people , would be running it will make her want to hold on even tighter . erica : david , the only way that i can ensure that my daughter will have a company to come back to is if i take total control . david : hmm . and i 'm sure there 's just a little bit of `` all for erica , `` too , do n't you think ? erica : david , at this point , i am the only one who can save fusion . i have saved it more than once , and the sooner i 'm free to run fusion without any interference from greenlee , the better . david : i 'm gon na need some time . erica : i understand . i understand it 's delicate , but if you take too much time , gayle is just one phone call away . david : did you ever think that all this might be moot ? if it 's true that greenlee has n't called me once , what are you gon na do if she 's back with ryan ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : how long did i sleep ? what did you do all this time ? ryan : watch you . did you know that you still make that real cute noise when you sleep ? greenlee : ha . and bed head is such a good look on me . ryan : it 's one of my favorites , actually . you 're beautiful . greenlee : but i 'm still a prisoner . ryan : no , you 're not . you 're free to go . [ scene_break ] scott : what brings you back to pine valley , huh ? i hope you 're staying a while . permanently would n't be terrible . brooke : i came to interview for `` tempo . `` scott : well , you 're perfect . `` tempo `` was never stronger than when you were running it . brooke : well , thank you very much , but it seems that adam has already made his decision . scott : he did ? no . he -- adam named you editor in chief ? annie : adam wants a fresh approach , a new vision , someone who can infuse the magazine with a more contemporary appeal . scott : really ? uh - huh . well , as soon as adam finds out you 're back , i think he might change his mind . colby : scott , we need to -- brooke : colby . oh , honey , hi . how are you ? colby : oh , um , not so good . marissa just called . j.r. is in the hospital again . scott : what happened ? colby : um , he collapsed . scott : oh , damn it . ok . brooke , j.r. , he has cancer , and we have to get to the hospital , so i tell you what . i will tell uncle adam that you are in town . brooke : no , i 'm going to tell him myself . i 'll come with you . annie : i 'll drive . colby : no . you 're not coming . annie : yes , i am . colby : j.r. does n't want you anywhere near him . annie : we are family . colby : you 're dad 's wife . that is n't the same thing . scott : there 's no one here to look after emma , so why do n't you stay here , and we 'll call you when we know something ? [ scene_break ] dr. kahn : we 'll put him in reverse isolation soon to help him fight infection , and it 's also part of the process of conditioning him for the transplant . marissa : what if we do n't find a donor ? adam : you do n't have to answer that . we 'll find a match . [ scene_break ] erica : i do n't want any excuses . even if greenlee is back with ryan , even if she makes noises about going back to ryan , you 're the master of controlling women . david : hmm , apparently not all women . erica : not that you did n't try . but look at the success you had with krystal and amanda and dixie , and they were married women . greenlee should be a snap . david : and what if she is n't ? erica : i think nurse gayle 's testimony against you should be excellent motivation for you to get the job done . now , should i take you home so you can get started ? david : finally . sure . it 's about time . erica : actually , i think that our partnership is gon na be fun . would you like to keep the cuffs as souvenirs ? david : aw , no . i think i 'll pass , thank you . erica : actually think i 'll keep them . and every time i look at them , i 'll think of you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : do you mean it ? i can go ? ryan : absolutely , and i am truly sorry if me bringing you here caused any more stress . greenlee : well , i mean , as kidnappings go , it was n't so bad . i did have french toast and a birthday cupcake . [ chuckles ] well , if i can go , i 'm going . ryan : wait , wait , wait . greenlee : you change your mind already ? ryan : i love you . i love you , and i guess it 's just -- i guess it 's just really hard for me to imagine that what we had has come and gone , so that 's why i brought you here , you know , so -- well , because i want you to be with me , but what i want even more than that is , i want you to be happy . i want that , but just know that i 'm not gon na give up hope , ok , because -- [ sighs ] because i know . i know that what we have , what we still have , is right there , and it 's waiting for us , and i know deep down -- deep , deep down in my bones -- that we will find it again , but i also know that telling you how you 're supposed to feel and what you 're supposed to do is a really , really bad idea . i know that . it 's gon na make you fight me even harder because you think you have to protect yourself . i understand that . greenlee : so , you 're gon na leave me alone ? you do n't want anything from me ? ryan : i want everything from you . i just got to believe that one day , you 'll see that i 'm right . i just got to hope and believe , and i 'll just wait . you said that you loved me , right , so i 'm here . i 'm not going anywhere . i do n't care how long it takes . i do n't care . could be a week , could be a month . it could be a year . it does n't matter . i will wait for you to realize what i already know , and that is that you and i are meant to be together . so , i 'll take you anywhere you want to go . jack is staying at the yacht club . i 'm sure he can get you a nice suite over there . greenlee : so , i 'm free to live my life , but you 're gon na tell me where to stay ? ryan : [ chuckles ] no , i 'm not . i 'm not gon na tell you where to stay . you can stay absolutely anywhere you want . anywhere -- as long as it 's not with david . [ scene_break ] david : greenlee ? greenlee , you here ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : you know , here you are , giving me all this freedom . that means that you ca n't control if i see david , who 's probably crazed right now . he has no idea where i am . i have n't called him . has he called me ? [ cell phone rings ] greenlee : it 's david . ryan : well , do n't let me stop you . greenlee : no , i have to see him . i ca n't do this on the phone . ryan : let me ask you something . what do you mean by `` this `` ? what exactly is `` this `` ? greenlee : you know , for someone waving the freedom flag , you really are nosy . ryan : i 'm sorry . greenlee : you know , if you meant what you said , you wo n't try to control what i do , who i see , or where i stay . i 'll call a car . ryan : ok , but just know that this is not goodbye . [ scene_break ] david : where the hell can she be ? erica : you know , david , i realize that you and greenlee have been close , but i 'm beginning to think that you have real feelings for her . do you ? [ scene_break ] annie : `` tempo `` owner and editor in chief brooke english sold the magazine back to adam chandler in 2006 . prior to that , ms. english took top honors -- the national magazine award three years in a row ; the american society of editors , the asme award for investigative journalism ; the american journalism review -- `` damn it . adam 's voice : brooke english is , quite simply , brilliant . she 's the reason `` tempo `` reigns as one of the premier magazines of the country . and i 'm not just saying that because she 's the love of my life . annie : what ? he said i was the love of his life . emma : mommy ? annie : hi . hi . emma : why do you look so sad ? annie : no . no , mommy 's -- mommy 's not sad . how can i be sad when i have the most beautiful little girl in the world and the best husband on the planet and the coolest job ever ? emma : what job ? annie : well , i do n't really have it yet , but i will . your mommy is going to be the new editor of `` tempo `` magazine . yes ! i just have to convince adam first . [ scene_break ] adam : angie put a rush on the test . it should be here soon . tad : you really think this miguel kid is a walking miracle , huh ? adam : this is just between you and me , unless , of course , the results are what we hope they are . tad : i agree . the last thing we need is j.r. getting his hopes up all over again because of some mystery sibling , because he pops out of the woodwork . he is a sibling , is n't he ? adam : it 'll be a match . i know it will . tad : it 's not just me . if this miguel reyes is a product of one of your , what , misadventures , an extra chandler in the mix is gon na take some explaining . adam : brooke ! brooke : adam , tad , oh -- adam : ha ha ! oh , well , you 're prettier than ever , more beautiful than ever . you just -- god , i missed you . brooke : know what ? i 've missed you , too . adam : oh , yeah ? brooke : i 'm sorry about stuart . i know he was part of you . tad : hey , what about the father of your child standing right over here ? can i get some , too ? brooke : oh , come here , you . i 'm sorry . jamie said to thank you for the photos that you sent . tad : well , forget that . this is a hell of a lot better than skype . you should visit more often . brooke : listen , i 'm sorry that i 'm doing it under these circumstances . colby and scott filled me in on j.r. , and i 'd like to get tested , if that 's ok . adam : absolutely . [ scene_break ] marissa : your counts are up . j.r. : they could n't go down any further , could they ? i know you 're just trying to make this better , and i love you for it , but i 've researched the hell out of this disease , and i knew that this could happen . and i know exactly what this means . marissa : a.j . wants to bring his cake in . are you up for it ? j.r. : you bet i am . [ scene_break ] david : greenlee and i have been friends for many years , ever since she was married to leo , which makes us practically family . erica : you just seem more emotionally involved now than you ever were before , so -- i do n't know -- if that 's true , that could be a problem . if you have genuine feelings for greenlee -- i mean , as genuine as it 's possible for you to have -- you might find it very difficult to -- oh , what 's the word ? -- double - cross greenlee . david : it 's not gon na be a problem . erica : no , of course not . what am i saying ? you would stab your best friend in the back to protect yourself , if you had a best friend . david : you 're enjoying yourself , are n't you , erica ? erica : immensely . i have someplace to be , so if you have trouble tracking greenlee down , talk to me . we 're partners . david : no , we 're not partners , erica . you 're blackmailing me . erica : it 'll be over soon . david : and what about ryan ? how do you think he 's gon na feel when he finds out that you 've been pushing so hard to put greenlee and me together , hmm ? i mean , are n't you supposed to be his friend , supposed to want his happiness ? erica : i want ryan 's happiness more than anything , but greenlee is not good enough for ryan . david , greenlee is not even good enough for you . david : thank god . where have you been . are you all right ? greenlee : i 'm fine -- or i will be as soon as she leaves . erica : lovely to see you , too , greenlee . greenlee : why is it that you have to go after every single man in my life ? erica : really , greenlee , i stopped by to see an old friend , and you twist that into my going after your men ? greenlee : please . my father ? you were so desperate to keep him that you did n't tell him i was his daughter . erica : you really need to learn to let things go . greenlee : and it 's not enough that you slept with my ex - fiancé . now you show up here . you swoop in . erica : i did n't swoop . i simply stopped by to see how david was doing . greenlee : to tell him to stay away from me ? warn him that i 'm no good ? call off our wedding ? erica : oh , are you saying then your wedding is still on ? greenlee : that 's none of your business . david : ok . you really need to take it easy . greenlee : how can i take it easy when this vulture is picking the bones of my life -- my men , my company ? erica : fusion is half kendall 's . greenlee : and you want it to be 100 % yours , because you have nothing else in your life . what the hell is your problem ? erica : you know something ? i do n't have a problem . david , i 'm sure you have things to do . i 'll leave you to do them . [ scene_break ] annie : what are you doing here ? ryan : i was just hoping that i could see emma . annie : i thought you 'd be with greenlee , or is she off trying to marry david again ? ryan : i did n't come here to talk about my personal life , ok ? annie : sorry , ryan . i 'm just concerned . ryan : yes . of course , you are . [ annie sighs ] ryan : hi , emms . emma : daddy ! ryan : hey ! oh , so good to see you . oh , my goodness . hey , would it be ok if i spend a little time with emma ? annie : actually , your timing 's perfect . there 's something i need to do . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] angie : come in . oh , my god . brooke : hi there , stranger . are you busy ? angie : oh , my god , hey , pretty lady . look at you . brooke : hi . angie : you look absolutely gorgeous . brooke : oh , thank you . i 'm good . i got swabbed , so they told me you already ordered a rush on it . angie : well , after i got over the shock of hearing that you were back in town , and , yes , i am really , really , really praying for a donor . brooke : well , you know what ? if prayers can bring jesse back to you after 20 years , i am very optimistic . oh , i bet you two are still in the honeymoon stage . angie : yes . it 's good . it 's really good . brooke : and not to mention the chief of staff job . oh , angie , congratulations . really , if anybody deserves it , it is you . i mean , your dedication , your integrity , your hard work -- angie : thank you . thank you , thank you . i do n't know . sometimes i think that i 've taken on more than i can handle . have a seat . brooke : thank you . angie : you know , with the politics , the pressure , and also trying to juggle a personal life with a job that 's just completely consuming -- but what about you ? i mean , every time tad gives us an update , you 're somewhere else in the world . are you with a magazine ? brooke : well , i was . it folded -- you know , the economy -- but i 've been traveling . i 've been writing freelance pieces . angie : what brings you back to pine valley ? brooke : oh , a little homesick , i think . anyway , i 'm just glad that the timing worked out so that maybe i can help j.r . i mean , i know the match is a long shot . angie : now , look , the more people that are tested , the better his chances , and i 'm sure this is gon na mean a lot to j.r. have you seen him yet ? [ scene_break ] colby : and many more [ laughs ] j.r. : ready to blow out your candles , pal ? a.j . : i brought a present for you . j.r. : oh , you 're not supposed to give out presents on your birthday . what -- the magic shell mommy gave you . a.j . : it 's magic . it 'll make everything ok . j.r. : oh -- thank you , son . thank you . marissa : well , you better blow out those candles before they melt the cake . do you have a wish ? a.j . : i hope daddy will feel all better . it 's all good . [ everyone applauds as a.j . blows out the candles ] j.r. : thank you , son . thank you . [ scene_break ] erica : randi , where is everyone ? randi : you 're not gon na like this . greenlee sent it out . erica : `` effective immediately , greenlee smythe has resumed leadership of fusion . while ms. kane 's help has been appreciated , any and all orders from ms. kane are to be disregarded . `` greenlee ca n't do this . jack : sounds like i got here just in time . erica : you sure did . your daughter has no right to throw me out of this company . i want to you warn her , if she does n't desist , i 'm gon na take legal action against her , and she will lose . jack : yeah . well , i ca n't do that . in fact , erica , i came here to ask you to step aside . [ scene_break ] adam : oh . thank you for being tested . brooke : well , it was the least i could do . adam : i hope you 're gon na be in pine valley for a while . krystal : well , hello there . brooke : hi . krystal : so good to see you . and , you know , i want to tell you , kathy just loves that doll you sent from japan . loves it . brooke : oh , i 'm glad . how are you ? are you ok ? krystal : yeah . yeah . living with tad keeps things interesting . brooke : yes . and this is little adam , yes ? a.j . : a.j . , turning 6 . brooke : aha . krystal : mm - hmm , yeah . we 're celebrating his birthday a little bit early . brooke : well , are n't you lucky . krystal : yes , he is . [ scene_break ] colby : i just -- i feel so useless . there 's nothing i can do to help you . j.r. : actually , there is . i would really like another piece of cake . [ laughter ] scott : feeling better already , huh ? j.r. : yeah . marissa : i 'll go grab us another round of waters . j.r. : ok . adam : marissa , i 'd like you to meet brooke english . brooke : oh , j.r. 's beautiful wife . tad is a big fan . marissa : well , j.r. was thrilled to hear that you 're in town . i 'm sure he 'd love to see you . brooke : oh , i would like that . thanks . j.r. : just in time for another slice . brooke : i 'm good , thanks . scott : hey , what say we go catch up with a.j . and krystal , huh ? colby : yeah , yeah . sounds like a plan . brooke : ok . j.r. : dad said you got tested . thank you . brooke : well , i wish i could do more . j.r. : you 're here , and that 's enough . how 's my brother ? brooke : well , you know jamie . he actually formed a basketball team for the kids in the village . j.r. : well , remind me to send some more nets . i 'm sure he could use them . brooke : oh , he 'd be delighted . j.r. : scott said that you stopped by the house and met annie . brooke : i did . j.r. : yeah . dad 's tastes in wives have definitely deteriorated . brooke : tsk . you know , i 'm sure that annie makes adam very happy . j.r. : i know that we 've had our differences . brooke : it 's in the past . j.r. : yes , it is . but i want you to know , if it were n't for you , i would n't be here . brooke : oh -- j.r. , there are so many people who love you . j.r. : yeah , but you helped get me sober . and when other people would just write me off , you did n't . because of you , i pulled it off , brooke . and i 've tried to become a good dad , a good husband , and a good man -- crazy , huh ? but i 'm still adam chandler 's son . of course , i 'm not gon na get any good citizen awards right now . brooke : listen . i mean , adam may go to , you know , the dark side once in a while , but if you get through all those `` blast yous `` and `` what the blazes , `` there is a pretty good heart underneath . j.r. : you brought it out . you 're good for my dad . heck , you 're good for chandler men in general . you know , i do n't know why you came back now , but i 'm sure glad you did . [ scene_break ] erica : randi , i want you to draft a memo telling the staff to disregard greenlee 's memo . jack : erica -- erica : and in my office , you 'll find the number for karnack and white , a law firm in new york , one of the very best . and , randi , i assume that it 's greenlee 's memo . that 's the reason that no one is here ? randi : well , when she did n't show up by noon , everyone just left . erica : she did n't show up by noon . that 's a great way to run this company . ok , randi , i am trusting you to rally the troops . get everybody back here at work . we are a long way from recovering from greenlee 's attempted sabotage , so i need everybody at their desks . randi : ok . i 'm on it . erica : thank you . so , jack , the answer to your question is no . no , i will not step down from this company . did greenlee put you up to this ? jack : i came as a friend . erica : well , if you leave now , you 'll still be one . jack : erica , erica , listen . listen . i know you put your heart and soul into fusion , but this is greenlee 's dream . you know what that 's like . look , she comes back to so much uncertainty , this is the one thing that she can grab hold of , the one thing that will get her life back on track , so please . greenlee needs this . erica : look , jack , i understand your position . you 're her father -- which means you 're blinded . my eyes are wide open . i have worked very hard to keep this company alive . so , no . there is no way in hell that i am just gon na hand this company over to her . [ scene_break ] greenlee : there 's no way in hell i 'm going to let erica screw up my life . [ knock on door ] david : reverend fisher . are n't you a bit early ? reverend fisher : actually , i 'm a little late . do you still want to go ahead with the ceremony ? david : uh , you know , i 'm sorry . we 've really been kind of crazy . i guess we lost track of time . perhaps you can come back later ? greenlee : no . now is perfect . david : you still love ryan , and you 're ticked off at erica . do you really think that 's the proper mind - set to be in right before you get married ? greenlee : this is not a spur - of - the - moment decision . we understand each other , you and i . we always have . you get how i feel about ryan . i do love him , and it takes everything in me to resist him , but i did it . and i have to keep doing it , and that 's where you come in . you keep me from doing something stupid like giving in and flying back into his arms . david : ok . heaven knows i am so not a ryan fan , but would that really be such a terrible thing ? greenlee : i barely survived that crash . when i found out about ryan and kendall and erica , it nearly finished off what was left of me . i do n't ever want to be hurt like that again . ryan has that power over me , but you -- you would never hurt me like that , and that 's what i need , a friend , someone who can make me feel safe . david : safe because we 're not in love . greenlee : exactly . david : greenlee , even if we did get married , do you honestly think that ryan is gon na stop coming after you ? greenlee : it 's the only way to make him accept it -- dr. and mrs. david hayward . i 'll go back to fusion , you 'll go back to the hospital . we 'll set this town on fire and love every minute of it , because i 'll have you and you 'll have me to trust and to never hurt each other . what do you say ? david : i do . [ scene_break ] erica : greenlee just tried to destroy this company . she 's jealous , and she 's angry , and nothing seems to have changed since she came back from the dead . please do n't indulge her , jack . jack : she deserves a chance . erica : my daughter kendall is trusting that i will keep this company alive and profitable until she returns , and that is exactly what i intend to do . jack : yeah . this is n't just about kendall , now , is it ? erica : no . you 're right . it 's not . jack : it 's -- it 's gon na take a lot more than this memo to get rid of greenlee . erica : i 'm not going anywhere . randi -- randi : yes ? erica : do you have the law firm 's number ? randi : i could n't get into your office . someone has changed your locks . [ scene_break ] annie : the stupid floor nurse refuses to give me an update on j.r. 's condition , so i had them patch me through to you . angie : well , i 'm afraid i ca n't help you , either . patient status can only be released to immediate family members . annie : but i 'm adam 's wife . angie : you 're not on the list , annie . i 'll have to see if i can get the ok from j.r . annie : great . thanks . [ beep ] [ annie sighs ] ryan : how 's j.r. ? annie : uh , better . emma , how would you like to have a sleepover at daddy 's house tonight ? emma : but you promised i could help you with the magazine . ryan : the magazine ? annie : oh , right . silly me . silly me . ryan : well , i should probably get going , ok ? one more hug . give me a hug . oh , i ca n't wait to see you this weekend , ok ? emma : are you going to see greenlee ? ryan : um , not right now , no , but hopefully , someday soon . ok . bye . emma : bye . ryan : thanks for letting me see her . annie : sweetness , how about you circle all the pictures you like in here , and later , you can tell me which ones are your favorites , ok ? emma : ok , mommy . annie : ok . lucretia , hi . i know it 's your day off , but would you mind just sitting with emma for a little while ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : marissa , i need to talk to you . marissa : no , you need to rest . we can talk later . j.r. : no , stop . i 'm gon na fight like hell for you and a.j . , but if i do n't -- i need you to know that you 've been my life . you 've been my strength and my hope . when i just wanted to throw things , you live your life every day with so much love and patience and grace , i must be the luckiest man . [ marissa hugs j.r. as he cries ] singer : and if you woke up on the bad side of a dream -- tad : the results are in . we have a match . adam : ha ha ha ! brooke : oh , my -- oh -- come here . adam : thank you , tad . oh -- i do n't kiss men -- you do n't get -- ok . [ scene_break ] reverend fisher : do you , david , take greenlee to be your lawfully wedded wife , to have and to hold from this day forward , for better , for worse , for richer , for poorer , in sickness and in health , to love , honor , and cherish as long as you both shall live ? singer : can dance to the song
brooke admires the newly decorated chandler living room . brooke lets annie know that she is here to apply for the editor position at tempo . annie lets brooke know that adam had already given the tempo position to annie . at the hospital , angie lets adam know that she has put a rush on bone marrow samples to see if they are a match for j.r. j.r. is rushed into the hospital by tad and marissa . angie and adam rush to his side . greenlee wakes up to find ryan watching her . erica urges david to marry greenlee and take her away from pine valley and from fusion . david tells erica that fusion is hers . brooke ca n't believe her ears that adam would give annie the job as editor of tempo . scott comes in and is surprised to see brooke there . they hug . scott is more surprised when he learns that annie is editor of tempo . marissa explains to the family what had happened to j.r. and how he had collapsed . marissa also tells them that little a 's name is now a.j . after adam and j.r . the doctor comes in and tells the family that j.r. is bleeding internally and she will be keeping him in the hospital , indefinitely . ryan tells greenlee that she is free to go . colby lets annie , brooke and scott know about j.r. being in the hospital . annie wants to accompany them , but colby stops her . ryan tells greenlee that he loves her . david calls greenlee , but does n't get an answer . seeing david 's concern for greenlee , erica senses that david has feelings for greenlee . annie , on the computer , finds out about brooke 's journalism experience and her awards and that brooke was the love of adam 's life . emma comes , running into the room and finds out that annie will be the new editor of tempo . at the hospital , brooke is reunited with tad and adam . brooke suggests being tested to be a possible donor for j.r. greenlee walks in and finds erica with david . greenlee lashes out and wants to know why erica goes after every man that greenlee has .
liza : you 're marrying her , your brother 's ex - wife ? tad : yeah . yeah . we 've decided not to wait any longer . cara : when it 's right , it 's right . liza : wait . cara 's been in town for a minute and a half ? tad : that 's not true . and sometimes things just happen . liza : not to you , tad , they do n't . what 's the truth here ? come on . i know you . what 's going on ? [ scene_break ] griffin : what i 'm trying to tell you is that someone anonymously tipped off immigration . that 's why they came down on her . jake : who else knew that cara was here illegally besides us . griffin : exactly . jake : what ? what does that mean ? griffin : it means we do n't have to look far for the son of a bitch . amanda : why do n't you just back off , ok ? the only one to blame for what has happened is cara . your sister brought this on herself . [ scene_break ] gertie : i knew it . i knew it . i woke up this morning and said , `` gertie , today 's the day you are gon na get out of bed . you 're gon na rise and shine ands put on your hire - me pumps , because you have been out of work for too long . `` yeah . no , somebody 's gon na call at that employment agency and just snap you up , but this time it 's gon na be different . oh , yeah . no , positivity all the way . yeah . no , even if my boss is a major cheese bag like the last one and the one before that and the one before that , i 'm just gon na put on a corporate smile and suck it up . so , all right . what 's the gig , and where is the office ? what ? i just may be a tad overdressed . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] ricky : what ? i told you not to call me . yes , i 'm in her house , and unlike those other idiots , i 'm not tearing the place to pieces . kendall 's coming home from the hospital today . uh - uh . whatever evidence zach had on us , i do n't think it 's in this house . hey , i 'll find it , ok ? i did n't kill him just to have him bite us in the ass from the grave . [ erica walks in ] [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . kendall : hi . ryan : how are you ? kendall : i 'm good , but never mind about me . any news on emma ? ryan : no , nothing yet . kendall : ryan , i am so sorry . ryan : i keep telling myself that annie would never do anything to hurt her . i just -- anyway , look . i 'm here , because i need to talk to you about something . kendall : ok . ryan : it 's about zach and his plane crash . kendall : is this because of what i asked greenlee to do ? ryan : i heard that your house got broken into . kendall : yeah , the cops are n't worried . they think it 's fine . my mind just started to jump . ryan : to zach and to his casino partners that he thought were really dangerous ? kendall : did you find something out ? ryan : i told you that i went back to california , right , to the place where the plane crashed , and i asked some questions about it ? kendall : yeah . and they said it was an accident , right ? ryan : right . but it was just very hard for me to accept that something could be so random , that zach could get on a plane to help greenlee and me , and then end up -- so i was blaming myself . greenlee and i , we were both blaming ourselves . kendall : ryan , i was , too . ok ? but there 's no one to blame . ryan : i had to be sure . i had to make sure that it was so random , that it was just a horrible , tragic accident . so i -- i hired an expert . i hired an ex- ntsb investigator . kendall : ok . ryan : in the middle of me tracing annie 's steps and trying to find my daughter , i get this phone call from him , and he found something . [ scene_break ] [ ricky hides ] [ knock on door ] erica : yes ? may i help you ? gertie : you can if you want . i 'm here to clean your house . erica : they sent you ? gertie : i know . it 's hard to believe that this package is gon na mop and dust . erica : when i called the cleaning service , i specifically asked for donna . gertie : for christmas , i specifically asked for mario lopez . erica : may i see some identification ? gertie : lady , i 'm here to clean your house , not to do undercover work for the cia . erica : there 's no way i 'm letting you in this house without seeing identification . gertie : all right . hold this . here it is . erica : you use a price 's club card for your identification ? gertie : the picture is so much better than on my license . you see ? erica : `` gertrude stein `` ? gertie : yes , yes , i know . i 've heard all of the jokes before . my friends call me gertie . so you got a name ? oh , my god ! you 're not really her , are you ? are you the erica kane , the one with the tv show and all the husbands ? erica : yes , i am erica kane . gertie : wow . i never much cared for you . [ scene_break ] amanda : i know you love your sister , but whatever trouble she is in is clearly her own fault . jake : hang on a second . amanda : no one asked her to come to pine valley . that was all her own idea , yes ? and then once she did get here , all she did is throw out one lie after another . griffin : oh , really ? is that all she did ? what about her work here at the hospital saving lives ? jake : hold on . can we just take it down a notch ? we 're at work . griffin : i 'm not the one who has the problem here , jake . amanda : i do n't have a problem except for you trying to blame jake for everything . griffin : jake ? amanda : he clearly would not do anything to ever hurt someone . jake : honey , he 's not accusing me of anything . amanda : it sounded like that to me with you throwing around accusations of who turned cara in . griffin : i do n't think it 's jake . we 're all just trying to find out what the hell went wrong here . amanda : i 'm sorry . i guess i was just being an overprotective wife . griffin : it did n't look that way to me . amanda : i said i 'm sorry , ok ? what else do you want ? griffin : what about the truth ? you ca n't stand my sister , you hate that she 's here , and you think she 's in love with your husband . jake : all right . enough . griffin : we 're all just trying to say the truth here , right , jake ? jake : take it down , ok ? i 'm asking you nicely to stop . griffin : ok . you know what ? i do n't give a damn about all the drama -- the wives , the ex - wives , all that crap . one wrong word out of you , and you could cost cara her life . amanda : i would never do that . jake : she would n't . griffin : excuse me if i 'm not confident in that . jake : you know what ? you should n't be . you want to know why ? because amanda 's already met with immigration and she 's backed up their story -- tad and cara are engaged . ok ? so are you satisfied now ? griffin : yeah . i did n't know that . jake : right . amanda : i just did what needed to be done . [ scene_break ] tad : liza , it 's not a joke . why do n't you turn it off for a while ? you do n't have to be the d.a . all the time . there 's no conspiracy to look into . we 're engaged , and we have been for a while . cara : i can understand you being surprised . we were , right ? tad : absolutely . when she showed up , i did n't even like her that much . cara : what ? i did n't like you either . tad : really ? cara : yeah . liza : so you two just fell in love ? cara : oh , no . tad : yep . cara : friends first . tad : that goes without saying . cara : yeah , of course . but then the friendship turned -- tad : which grew into so much more . [ phone beeps ] cara : oh , look at that . ha . it 's the hospital . i 'll be right back -- honey . liza : so am i getting an invitation to this wedding ? tad : i do n't know if we 're doing a big deal -- liza : come on , tad martin . are you kidding me ? you expect me to buy this bull ? i know you better than that , and i know when you 're lying . [ scene_break ] erica : do you think i give a damn whether you liked me on television or not ? gertie : not so much in person either , so far . erica : you 'd think with the economy the way it is , you 'd be a lot more grateful to have a job . gertie : oh , yeah . i 'm thrilled . ca n't wait to wipe down your toilets . erica : the supplies are in the kitchen . gertie : you know , erica kane , i know more about you than you think . i read the tabloids . erica : what a surprise . gertie : so is it true that you had an affair with -- what is his name ? the guy with the big ears ? erica : why do n't you start upstairs in the bedrooms ? gertie : prince charles . that 's the one . erica : no . i hear he 's very happily married . gertie : that never stopped you before . erica : ok . that 's it . gertie : oh , come on ! you 've got to be tougher skinned than that , what with all the times you 've been in jail and all those husbands . speaking of which , that jackson montgomery guy is quite a looker . so how come you have n't set the date ? you 've been engaged , like , forever . erica : you 're fired . gertie : touchy subject , i guess . erica : and i 'm calling your employer and telling them about your behavior . gertie : my behavior ? what about your behavior ? engaged to tall , blond , sexy , and dirty , and fooling around with that hot bear of a guy from the mountaintop . erica : what part of `` you 're fired `` do n't you get ? gertie : what ? you mean i 'm fired for real ? oh , wow . i thought you were just putting on a show , if you know what i mean . erica : i have n't known what you meant since you walked through that door . now , get out of here now ! leave before i call the police ! out ! gertie : just one more thing . could i get an autograph before i go ? i really -- [ erica slams the door ] [ scene_break ] kendall : so what did your investigator come up with ? was it foul play ? was zach 's plane sabotaged ? ryan : it was nothing like that . it was nothing like that . my guy found a box with zach 's initials on it . kendall : oh , my god . ryan : the feds must 've missed it somehow . maybe it did n't look like it was part of a plane crash . i do n't know . but it was a small metal lockbox , the kind of thing that you keep personal items in . anyway , i 'm having it sent to you . ok ? and you can open it , you can not open it , whatever you want to do . it belongs to you . kendall : i have to open it , ryan . how can i not ? ryan : i wish i could be here with you when you get it , when you open it . kendall : no . god , no . i totally understand . you have to go take care of emma . ryan : i got to get back out . i got to keep the search going . but i could talk to erica or i could talk to bianca , see if they could be with you when you 're opening it . kendall : no , no , no . i need to do this on my own . ryan : are you sure ? you do n't have to . kendall : yes , i do , ryan . i ca n't always depend on my mom or you or greenlee to be there , to hold me up . this is the last piece of zach that survived , and i need to see what it is . [ scene_break ] tad : you know what you 're acting like right now ? what you 're acting exactly like ? a jealous ex . liza : yeah , that 's not what this is about . tad : that 's exactly what 's going on . you should see the look in your face . here you are , you get all bent out of shape because you find out all of a sudden that i have a fiancée who 's young and beautiful , and she is , liza . she 's beautiful . she 's young . liza : you said that already . tad : i 'm making a point . liza : so , what , you love her ? tad : yep . liza : you want to spend the rest of your life with her ? tad : who would n't ? she 's beautiful . liza : yeah , ok . you know what ? let 's just say , for argument 's sake , you do . you love her . tad : i love her . it 's not an argument . liza : just want to know , when did it happen ? tad : what do you mean ? liza : what was the moment that you actually fell in love ? tad : the moment ? liza : the moment . tad : there are so many . liza : pick one . tad : i could n't begin to . let me tell you something . she 's not -- she 's so much more than beautiful . that is not your average , garden - variety spicy tomato . there is -- she 's smart . she 's loyal . she 's brave . she 's been through the wars , liza , and she gets me . liza : she gets you ? tad : yeah . you speak english ? gets me . she understands me , the good and the bad , and god knows there 's plenty of that . and she loves me anyway , liza . here 's a news flash for you , something you never thought about -- she actually makes me feel good about myself . what more do i have to say ? liza : so jake is ok with this marriage ? tad : yeah . jake wants us to be happy , and i should hope somewhere deep down , you do , too . cara : i 'm sorry . i might have to go into the hospital . there 's a patient that 's not doing well . tad : ok . you just let me know what happens , ok ? cara : ok . [ scene_break ] jake : are you ok ? amanda : i 'm sorry , jake . i just lost it when i thought he was going after you . jake : i kind of like it when you do that , though . is that weird ? like a tigress . amanda : but i know he was just trying to protect cara . it 's always all about cara . jake : babe , that 's his sister . are we ok with the whole cara thing ? by now i would -- amanda : i am . and i should n't have blamed everything on her . it was n't fair . jake : i 'm sure he 'll understand . do n't worry about it . amanda : it 's just so hard , all of it . jake : come here . you know what i think it is ? i think it 's because you were basically interrogated by that immigration officer . that 's a horrible -- nobody likes that , you know ? amanda : the way he looked at me like he knew everything , like he could tell that we were lying . jake : no . hold on a second . he 's never gon na be able to -- it does n't matter . he ca n't prove it . ok ? she 'll stay out of danger as long as we all stick to the same story . ok ? they 're engaged , that 's it , and then she wo n't be deported . amanda : i know . jake : because that idiot , whoever called up immigration -- i mean , who does that ? amanda : jake , i really think that you should let it go . jake : i think that person should be found , and i think they should have to pay . that 's what i think . amanda : you are now the acting chief of staff . you have to make life - and - death decisions every day . you ca n't get caught up in some vendetta that takes your mind off of your job , your family . jake : i ca n't seem to let it go , though . amanda : i 'm asking you to , please . jake : normally , i would do anything for you . you know that . it 's just something that 's eating away at me . i think -- amanda : jake -- jake : why am i getting a funny signal here ? amanda : you can stop your investigation . jake : because you 're the one who made the call . [ scene_break ] kendall : yeah . yeah , i think i 'll be ok . and please let me know the second you hear anything about emma . ryan : i absolutely will . griffin : i 'm just gon na check her vitals . erica : ryan . hi . did you find emma ? ryan : no . not yet , but we 're hoping to find out something really soon . in fact , i got to get back out to it . erica : of course . ryan : yeah . kendall : just keep in touch , ok ? ryan : definitely . erica : ok . what 's going on ? what am i missing ? ryan : i hired an investigator to look into zach 's plane crash . erica : and ? ryan : he did n't find any reason to believe it was anything but an accident . erica : but judging from the look on kendall 's face , there 's obviously something else . kendall : they found a metal box that belonged to zach . apparently , the initial search missed it . they should be sending it to me sometime today . erica : do you have any idea what 's in it ? kendall : no . ryan : i just wanted to make sure kendall knew it was coming , that 's all . erica : thank you . amazing , in the face of everything you 've got going on . ryan : someday all of this is gon na turn around for everybody . [ scene_break ] diana : it 's freezing out here . ricky : sorry . i had to make a stop along the way to counsel mrs. montrose . she 's having a really hard time with her son who 's clearly turned his back on a christian lifestyle . diana : you do remember that you 're not really a minister ? you 're -- the exact opposite of a minister . you kill people . ricky : that 's not all i do . diana : well , you get my point . ricky : i know what i am . and i know that i have a cover to protect if i 'm gon na keep that money flowing from those casinos to us . oh ! and not to mention keeping us all out of prison . diana : but you did n't find anything in the house . ricky : no , i did n't , because kendall 's mother walked in . and had she seen me , she might 've met herself with an unfortunate accident . diana : ok . so now what ? ricky : now ? now i get kendall to rely on me . we 're friends , but i need to get closer to her if she 's gon na lead me to what we 're looking for . diana : hmm . you seem to be liking this assignment . ricky : kendall 's a very attractive woman . [ scene_break ] erica : dr. castillo says that he 's cleared you to go home . i 'm not sure that he 's right . kendall : i asked for it . griffin : over and over again . kendall : mom , i want to go home . i want to be there when zach 's box arrives . griffin : i would n't cut her loose if i did n't think she was capable of leaving . and she 's promised she wo n't skip out on any more hospital follow- ups . erica : ok . then i 'll take you home . i do n't want you to be alone when that box arrives . kendall : no , mom , you 've protected me enough . it 's time that i stand on my own . i need to do this . erica : ok . i 'll give you a few minutes , then . and just please be sure she 's up for this ? griffin : you got it . erica : ok . i 'll be right outside , then . kendall : i am leaving today . griffin : your pulse is normal . everything checks out . kendall : you do understand that ? griffin : yes , i do . i guess it 's time to let you go . [ scene_break ] cara : are we good here ? liza : `` are we good ? `` cara : yeah . do we need to answer any more questions ? like where we shared our first kiss , or my favorite part on your body ? tad : [ chuckles ] i do n't think you have to go that far , kitten . liza : well , on behalf of myself and the entire pine valley prosecutor 's office , i 'd like to wish you congratulations . tad : liza , how sweet and formal of you . cara : thank you . [ phone chirps ] cara : yep , i 'm going in . yeah . so i 'm gon na -- why do n't you stay here , because this could be a while . tad : it 's probably a good idea . cara : ok . but i will call you later . ok . oh , bye . [ kiss ] liza : bye . feisty little thing , is n't she ? tad : that 's why i love her . liza : if i was n't so concerned about colby , i would love to ask you a lot more questions . tad : but you are . and by that , i take it you have n't spoken with her ? liza : not exactly speaking . not after she found out that i slept with her boyfriend . tad : give her time . liza : she 's not gon na forget this . tad , there 's way too much family history for that . [ scene_break ] jake : tell me i 'm wrong about this . tell me right now that you did n't make that phone call . will you please tell me that ? amanda : i 'm -- i 'm so sorry . and i did n't mean -- i did n't think -- jake : you did n't think what ? amanda : that it would turn out the way that it did . jake : why would you ever make a phone call like that ? amanda : we both know that she is still in love with you . that is why she came back to pine valley . that 's why she stayed here . and i was afraid , and i was scared . i was angry . jake : what are you afraid of , exactly ? that she 's gon na steal me from you ? that she 's gon na steal me from our son ? amanda : i know that you love me , and i know that you are committed to our marriage , but she 's so -- i do n't know . she is your first real love . and you have n't been the same since she got here . we have not been the same . jake : would you lower your voice , please ? instead of coming to me , believing in me , or trusting in us , you call immigration to get her deported ? deported ! thank you so much . i 'm sorry that i called you in on your day off . cara : oh , correction -- i 'm glad you did . amanda . so i think we 're gon na have to do surgery on mrs. taylor . jake : right . i 'll call admin , and i 'll get them to get the paperwork -- cara : i 'm already on it . jake : really ? all right , then . thank you . cara : nothing else ? jake : no , no . good . thank you . cara : sure . amanda : thank you for not saying -- jake : we are not doing this here . [ scene_break ] erica : caleb , please listen to your messages . i have been trying to reach you . it 's important . ohh . will you ever learn to use your cell phone ? ricky : hi . erica : oh . reverend . hi . i 'm so glad to see you . ricky : how 's our kendall doing ? erica : she 's actually going home today , and , frankly , i 'm a bit concerned . ricky : ok . any way i can help ? erica : you 've already been such a help to kendall and to all of us in our family , but i do really think she 's gon na need even more support now . ricky : ok . is there something i do n't know ? erica : apparently ryan lavery has continued the investigation of zach 's crash , and apparently he found this box , a metal box that zach had on the plane with him . ricky : a box ? erica : mm - hmm . and i guess it was important enough for zach to have it with him on the plane . ricky : ok , this box -- where is it ? erica : actually , it 's gon na be delivered to kendall today . and the thing is she said that she wants to be alone when she opens it . that 's what she told me . ricky : yeah . i understand . but i do n't think that 's such a good thing . erica : oh , i am so glad that you agree . ricky : i tell you what . maybe she 'd allow me to take her , to be there with her , make sure she 's ok . erica : i would be so grateful . [ scene_break ] griffin : sorry the release is taking so long . you 'll be free to go in a few . kendall : my mother will not be happy about that . griffin : i can understand her concern , considering what you 're going home to do . kendall : open zach 's box . griffin : be kind of heavy stuff . you sure you 're up for it ? kendall : i can handle it . griffin : no doubt , but i want you to promise me that if it becomes too much , you 'll bail . or if there 's any symptoms of distress , you 'll call me . kendall : yes , doctor . griffin : i 'm serious . we made a deal . i keep you safe , you keep me in the loop . kendall : yes . ok . here 's the loop . i will probably cry , feel sorry for myself for a while . but then i 'll remember that i have so much to be grateful for : my sons , my family -- even you made that list . griffin : pain in the ass that i am . kendall : yeah . so you gon na miss me ? what are you gon na worry about once i 'm gone ? griffin : i still have my sister . kendall : what 's going on with cara ? griffin : nothing . just big - brother worries . kendall : you want to talk about it ? griffin : nope . kendall : do it anyway . griffin : i guess you 'll find out sooner or later . she 's getting married . kendall : really ? and that 's bad news ? griffin : to tad martin . kendall : to tad ? ! what ? griffin : i know . apparently , they 've been seeing each other for a while . they did n't want to make a big deal about it . kendall : it is kind of a shock , but for what it 's worth , tad is one of the good guys . there 's a few of those around . griffin : so , um , you take care of yourself . hmm ? kendall : yeah . you , too . griffin : there 's a wheelchair waiting for you outside . kendall : griff ? thanks for saving my life . ricky : and there she is . kendall : hi ! i did not know you would be here today . ricky : i pulled the lucky ticket . i get to take you home . kendall : really ? sounds like some divine intervention to me . ricky : something like that . kendall : mm - hmm . ok , mom , i am fine , i have survived , and i do n't want you to worry about anything . erica : that 's not gon na happen . kendall : yes , i know . i 'm a mom , too . erica : so i 'll call you , or you call me if you need anything . ok ? and i know you 're in good hands . [ scene_break ] jake : i 've told you every time this comes up . cara is not a threat to us . she 's not a threat to our marriage . she 's not a threat . amanda : and i know that you meant that , but -- jake : but what ? i think it 's because you do n't trust us or you do n't trust me anymore . is that what it is ? amanda : i love you , and i trust you . it is cara that i do n't trust -- how she is with you , how she still wears that ring around her neck ! jake : you 're obsessed with this ring . i have a past , ok ? everybody 's got a past , and that 's what this is . it 's all in the past . amanda : that 's not what it sounded like to me . jake : what what sounded like ? amanda : i heard her , jake ! i heard her , what she said to you about how she wanted to get back with you , the love of her life . jake : oh , my god ! she was joking . she was kidding . amanda : that 's not funny ! jake : because you overheard something , and you heard it wrong , now someone 's in danger . they 're gon na get sent out of this country -- amanda : i was trying to protect my family ! jake : on a hit list ! amanda : you never told me about a hit list . i did n't know that cara would be put in danger . jake : not the kind of thing that you bring somebody into , is it ? amanda : why ? we 're not supposed to keep anything from each other ! jake : because it 's dangerous . because i do n't want you involved in anything like that . amanda : before she came to town , you never kept anything from me . jake : this is different . that has nothing to do with it . amanda : i need you to understand this . if i knew that cara would be in any danger , i never -- i never would 've called immigration . but you were so intent on protecting her ! jake : you 're blaming everybody else , blame it on cara . you 're the one who made the phone call . you did it ! amanda : i am not trying to put anything on her , ok ? i get it . i made a mistake . i was trying to protect my marriage , and i made a mistake and i 'm sorry . i 'm so sorry . and now i 'm afraid that you 're never gon na forgive me . [ scene_break ] griffin : hey . cara : hi . griffin : how 's your first day as an engaged woman ? i know . i know . cara : what a mess , you know ? griffin : yeah . cara : got to call mom , break the news to her . that 's for you . griffin : that 'll be a fun one . cara : yeah . you know what , though ? this time i 'm actually telling her before i get married . griffin : you did n't call her when you got married to jake , you did n't call her when you got a divorce , and now you 're gon na call her when you 're getting married to his brother . cara : va a matarme . griffin : she 's not gon na kill you , but she 's gon na have some choice words for you in spanish . cara : i wish there was another option . griffin : you want me to call her ? cara : no . i 'm doing this one myself . i 'm sorry i 'm pulling everybody into this . griffin : hey . you got nothing to be sorry about . come here . just do n't expect a big wedding present . [ scene_break ] erica : caleb , are you just ignoring my calls , or have you forgotten your cell phone at home again ? you know i 'm gon na have to pin that to your shirt . bartender , could i have a cranberry and soda , please ? caleb , we really need to meet . i have something very important to discuss with you , so call me . ohh . thank you . you ? gertie : hey , like you said , bad economy , and girl 's got to eat . erica : things just keep getting better and better . [ scene_break ] kendall : thank you for your support there . your strong arm definitely helped . ricky : sure . i tell you what . why do n't you sit down , take a load off . i 'll get you some water , maybe something to eat ? kendall : no . i do n't need anything . i just want to look around . ricky : better shape than we left it . kendall : yeah . ricky : good to be home ? kendall : yes . it 's wonderful . ricky : you 're a very lucky girl to have -- to be surrounded by all these people who care about you . kendall : yeah , i know i am . ricky : and ryan lavery ? he 's really been there for you , especially since you lost your husband . kendall : we 've been friends forever . ricky : the fact that he hired his own investigator to look into the crash ? wow . that is some friend . kendall : yeah . he just wanted to make sure everything was done . ricky : so your mother said that they found a box ? something about a box ? kendall : yeah . i do n't know what 's in it , but -- [ doorbell rings ] kendall : i 'll find out . ricky : hey , why do n't you let me get that ? kendall : it 's ok . i got it . messenger : are you mrs. zach slater ? kendall : yes . yes , i am . messenger : can i get you to sign here ? kendall : yes , of course . messenger : great . kendall : thank you . ricky : you know what ? why do n't you let me open it . kendall : no . no . this is my last connection to zach . ricky : the doctor said that you need to stay -- kendall : i know , but i need to do this for myself . i wonder what he left behind for me . [ scene_break ] amanda : come on , jake , you have to say something to me . please ? yell at me . tell me i did something terrible , and i did , and i 'm sorry . [ crying ] jake : i know you 're sorry . i 'm sorry , too . i just -- amanda : come on , jake , do n't leave . jake ? i love you . [ scene_break ] tad : hey . cara : are we ok ? tad : yeah . you probably do n't have to knock anymore . cara : right . no knocking . got it . tad : how 'd it go at the hospital ? cara : i ran into jake and amanda . tad : really ? how 'd that go ? cara : tense . i know how amanda feels about me . she thinks i 'm like this pariah that landed into pine valley . tad : forget about amanda . she 'll get over it . cara : yeah ? you think ? because i am her husband 's ex - wife , and if i marry you , then i 'm gon na be her sister - in - law . tad : look at it this way . you 've gone from pariah to ex - wife to sister - in - law . it 's quite a trifecta . cara : she probably hates what i 've done to your family . tad : who cares ? i do n't care how she feels about it . i care how you feel about it . you were willing to save jake 's life , so i 'm marrying you to save yours . end of story . cara : i think you 're being way too kind about this . tad : no , i 'm not . a guy could do a lot worse than being married to you . and look at it this way . you got a good income . you smell nice . you 're not entirely unattractive to look at . cara : thank you . that 's so sweet . [ scene_break ] erica : this must be my lucky day . gertie : yeah , me , too . but i 'm kind of surprised to see you in a bar . you are a drunk , right ? erica : you have such a lovely way with words . you do n't remember that you just served me a cranberry and soda ? gertie : i was just waiting for your flask to come out of your little gucci pucci bag there . so are you meeting lover boy jackson ? erica : i 'm here for a business meeting . gertie : monkey business , i 'll bet , with that real sexy caleb cortlandt guy ? erica : ok , listen to me , bartender / cleaning lady . not that i owe you any explanations at all , but fyi , i happen to be resigning from cortlandt . gertie : oh , and i 'll bet you jackson is making you do that to keep you away from caleb . erica : jackson and i -- why am i even speaking to you ? gertie : so who 's number one on your speed dial ? erica : my daughter . i 'm calling my daughter , who happens to also be part owner of this place . so you 're getting fired , again . gertie : this really is not my day . you know how the autograph thing did n't exactly work out ? how about we just get a photo instead ? here we go . [ snaps picture ] [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , my god . he did not ? this is a love letter that i wrote to zach , and he kept it . here 's an envelope made out to `` my darling wife . `` wonder what this is . `` in the event of my untimely death . ``
at the hospital , amanda listens to griffin telling jake that someone had tipped immigration off about cara . amanda bursts into the conversation and tells griffin that cara had gotten what she deserved . gertrude arrives in town . at kendall 's home , ricky talks to his accomplice on the phone when erica comes in . ryan visits kendall at the hospital . kendall , immediately , asks if emma had been found . ryan lets kendall know that he has something to tell her about zach 's plane crash . gertrude appears up on kendall 's doorstep and has a run - in with erica immediately by hurling insults toward erica and telling her that she does n't care too much about her . gertrude asks erica for the housekeeper 's job which erica does n't like too awfully much . amanda lashes out about cara and her involvement in their lives . amanda apologizes to griffin for thinking that he was blaming jake for this mess with immigration . griffin asks amanda to tell the truth concerning cara . tad with cara by his side tells liza that they are engaged to be married . cara gets a call from the hospital and leaves the room . liza does n't buy tad 's story that he is marrying cara . tad accuses liza of acting like a jealous ex . tad insists to liza that he loves cara . cara walks in to tell tad that she is leaving . tad kisses cara bye . jake asks amanda if she is alright after her run - in with griffin . ryan continues to talk to kendall about ryan and a package that was meant for her . ryan tells kendall that he had the package sent to her . griffin and erica come to join ryan and kendall . erica senses that something is wrong and questions ryan about it . ricky and his accomplice meet . the accomplice accuses ricky of being a murderer . ricky tells the accomplice that erica had walked in on and if erica had caught him searching the house then he would have had to dispose of her . kendall tells erica that she is going home . jake finds out from amanda that she had been the one , who tipped off immigration about cara . cara walks up and overhears part of the conversation .
jack : sweetheart ? sweetheart , are you all right ? i mean , you left the courthouse just like that . i -- erica : well , think about it , jack . i 'm not going to prison for murder and neither are my two daughters . i am so much better than all right . jack : well , certainly that is -- that is good news . erica : oh , i feel like we 've all just woken up from this long , horrible nightmare and we 've come out the other side whole and happy . this deserves a toast . let 's drink to the end . [ scene_break ] kendall : ryan ? greenlee : ryan ? ryan : what do you want from me ? kendall : i never said i wanted anything from you . ryan : kendall . kendall : you look -- what is wrong with you ? you look really spaced out . what 's the matter with you ? ryan : look -- what do you know about greenlee ? kendall : excuse me ? ryan : greenlee -- do you know where she is ? kendall : i do n't -- why -- why the hell would you ask me about that ? i do n't -- unless you -- you think i did something to her . ryan : did you ? [ greenlee coughs ] greenlee : ow . oh , it 's blood . the walls are coming in on me . this is the end for me . i just want it to end quickly , put me out of my misery . oh , my god . oh , my god . where did you come from ? finally . i ca n't believe it . i 'm safe . i am safe . [ scene_break ] erica : come on , jack . this calls for a celebration . jack : well , you know what ? actually , i 'd like to talk about what happened in court today if we could . erica : you were brilliant , the way you shot down alan singer . jack : well , i do n't want to talk about me . erica : do n't be so modest . jack : i want to talk about you , erica . you went through hell today . erica : yes , we all did . jack : yes , sweetheart , but you 've gone from crisis to crisis , and , frankly , i 'd just like you to talk to me about it , if you would . erica : oh , jack , it 's over . i 'm just relieved . jack : great . relieved is very good . so , tell me , what else are you thinking , what else are you feeling ? please ? erica : well , i think that i 'm refocusing . i put so much on hold during the trial , and now i 'm ready for uncharted territory . jack : i 'm not sure i follow . erica : well , at first i thought maybe i 'd like a new company , but what i really want is something completely different , a new challenge . jack : you 're not serious ? erica : i believe i 'm ready for it . jack : erica , i believe you 're doing a hell of a good impression of a woman who 's holding it together , but let 's get real . erica : i am very real . jack : all right , then let 's just go back . today alone you confessed to a murder that you did not commit . you had to deal with the fact that your precious bianca had to kill the man who raped her , in self - defense . erica : and it all turned out so much better than we ever could have imagined , did n't it ? jack : you see , this is what i 'm talking about . this is the way you 've been ever since bianca told you that she was still pregnant . and i got to tell you , i do n't buy it . erica : buy what ? jack : that you 're fine , that all of this is fine . erica : well , that 's your problem if you do n't believe me . jack : you know what , erica ? i know you . maybe you have other people believing that you 're handling this just fine , but we are going to stay up all night if that 's what we have to do because you are going to start to deal with what you 're really feeling . [ scene_break ] kendall : are you serious about this ? after everything that 's gone on in the courtroom , you 're worried about greenlee ? ryan : if you did something to her , if you did anything to her , you tell me . kendall : this is ridiculous . ryan : i want to know . kendall : go to hell . bianca : i 'm so sorry , ryan . ryan : hey , you have absolutely nothing to apologize for , ok ? this mess that kendall and i have made , it 's -- it 's what we do . bianca : she loves you . you love her , too . this was too much for you to get through . ryan : everything is too much for us to get through , all right ? it did n't work out in round one . there 's no reason why it should have worked out this time , ok ? and besides , you have way too much going on right now to worry about a lost cause like your sister and me , please . so , tell me , what 's going on ? you all right ? everything working out ? bianca : i 'm -- we 're going to be fine . ryan : yeah ? bianca : mm - hmm . ryan : no legal hangovers ? bianca : nothing more than paperwork . it was clear to them that michael was trying to hurt me . self - defense all the way . ryan : as it should be . everyone deserves the right to protect themselves against somebody trying to hurt them , do n't you think ? bianca : i can never thank you enough for everything you did for my sister and for me . ryan : if there 's anything ever -- i mean , like anything -- you call this number . they 'll know how to get in touch with me , ok ? bianca : you do n't have to go . ryan : well , now that you 're all straightened out , there 's really no reason for me to stick around . greenlee : how did we get to this place ? ryan : i 'm -- i 'm sorry . what ? bianca : i was just wondering how we got to this place . it 's so far from where i expected to be . hey , ryan , it 's going to be ok . in the end , we 'll all be ok . ryan : huh -- well , i will be as soon as i blow out of this place . ok , so you -- listen -- you take care , ok ? take care of both of you . bianca : you , too . ryan : ok . [ scene_break ] [ birds chirp ] greenlee : how did i get to this place ? oh . this looks real enough . hmm . and so much better than my own face cream . oh . i have to remember this color and taste for fusion 's summer line . where am i ? ryan : you 're where you belong , greenlee . greenlee : ryan . ryan , you 're finally here . i was calling for you over and over again . ryan : well , i came as soon as i could . greenlee : this place -- this must be what happiness looks like . it 's so peaceful . ryan : it 's what you deserve . greenlee : me ? no , ryan , you 're wrong . after everything i 've done , this is the last thing i deserve . [ scene_break ] lena : bianca ? bianca : it 's so quiet . no jury , no press . it 's just a room . lena : come on , let 's go home . bianca : i ca n't . not yet . lena : there 's nothing here to stay for . bianca : i have to find it . lena : find what ? you 're walking away from all the serious charges . all your secrets are out in the open . you 're free to go . you 're done here . bianca : that 's just the thing , lena . something inside me is telling me that it 's not over yet . lena : you may not see it in yourself , but everybody knows you 're the strongest , the bravest of women . bianca : lena , i do n't think you 're really objective about me . lena : i know exactly who you are and who i am . when things got tough for me , i tried to run away . bianca : yes , and i was going to leave town to have this baby . lena : but you did n't . bianca , when people look at us , i bet they think i am tough as nails and you 're the delicate flower . they could n't be more wrong . bianca : i do n't feel very strong . lena : i do n't know another person that could have done what you did today . it was so utterly unselfish , and it took so much courage . bianca : no . kendall was the brave one . she was willing to take the fall for me . so many people have put themselves on the line for me . lena : it was all based on lies . what you did today , that was the one pure moment in this whole ugly mess . it took so much courage , and i 'll always love you for that . maggie : lena 's right . what you did today was amazing . bianca : i wish i could believe you . maggie : we 'll work on that . my car 's outside . are you ready to go ? bianca : there 's one more thing i have to do . lena : come on , bianca . you need some rest . think of the baby . bianca : i am thinking of the baby . what i have to do i 'm doing for the baby . [ scene_break ] jack : erica , i am not going anywhere until you talk to me . erica : honestly , jack , all i 'm feeling is relieved and very anxious to see what i can dive into next . jack : and ? erica : and nothing . i 'm simply being a grownup here . i do n't know about the rest of you , but i am determined to deal with everything responsibly . jack : well , so am i . but i just found out that my niece , your daughter , whom i love as if she were my own child , had to kill a man in self - defense . and , frankly , i am happy to be able to make it from moment to moment . erica : you do look a little bit frazzled . can i get you something ? jack : no , no . honey , no . sweetheart , right now the only thing that makes sense to me is being here with you . we need to be together . erica : then why are you attacking me ? jack : i 'm not attacking you . erica , i love you . i love you so much . i love you more than ever . and i intend to spend the rest of my life with you . after all , you are the woman that i 'm going to marry . we are still getting married , are n't we ? [ scene_break ] ryan : feel the breeze , greenlee . listen to the birds sing . look around you . why would you say that you do n't deserve this ? greenlee : you know why , ryan . you know how much i 've hurt people . ryan : well , it 's a good thing the rest of us are so perfect . hey , are you sorry for what you 've done ? greenlee : you have no idea how sorry i am . you do n't believe me . ryan : i do believe you . greenlee : swear ? ryan : i swear . just like you have to believe me when i tell you you deserve to be here just as much as anybody else . i mean , this is yours . you made this . greenlee : if i could stay here forever , i do n't think i 'd ever be afraid again . ryan : what are you afraid of ? greenlee : letting my guard down , getting hurt , hurting other people , ending up invisible . that scares me more than anything . ryan : you 're not invisible . i see you . [ scene_break ] jack : i see you 're still not wearing my engagement ring . you have n't worn it in weeks . [ doorbell rings ] erica : oh , i 'll get it . kendall : oh , thank god you 're here . erica , are you all right ? erica : why is everyone fussing over me as if i 'm made of glass ? kendall : well , you left the courthouse without even saying a word . i -- i thought , you know -- you did n't even say `` thank god this is over `` or anything . erica : oh , i am thrilled for you , sweetheart . and my goodness , you must feel so vindicated after all the sacrifices you made . i mean , you were so willing to put everything on the line for your sister , and you won . kendall : well , we all won and lost . i think bianca was hoping to talk to you . erica : well , there did n't seem to be much more to say , did there ? i -- she 's out of this mess , finally . but i am glad that you 're here because jack and i were just discussing business , and i 've decided to pursue some new ventures . kendall : oh . i thought enchantment took up all of your time . erica : i 've signed enchantment over to you . kendall : what ? no , why ? jack : because she was about to confess to a murder that she did not commit . erica : that does n't make any difference anymore . i am looking to do something different . i remember there was a time when i would get up in the morning and i would be so excited to go to the office . but these days , i feel that i really know everything i need to know about the cosmetics business , and you know how i hate to be bored , and there are so many possibilities . and , anyway , i thought this is what you wanted . kendall : maybe -- maybe you should take a little time before you decide . erica : oh , it 's decided . you 're my daughter . you should run enchantment . and besides , you 've earned it . my goodness , carrying that burden all these months , protecting your sister and keeping all her secrets and making sure that she was safe -- i mean , you 've been absolutely saintly . kendall : what are you going to do ? erica : well , i have some thoughts . i -- once upon a time , i played with the idea of creating my own clothing line . only this time around , i am just so much better prepared . and , of course , that means i 'll have to take a trip to milan and to paris . well , now that we talk about it , i really should get my travel agent on the phone and get her right on this . kendall : no , no , no . mother , no , you ca n't go to europe now . erica : well , i have to . i mean , i missed all the summer shows , so i ca n't afford to waste any more time . kendall : no . what about bianca and the baby ? [ scene_break ] maggie : i do n't understand why we have to be here right now . bianca : you do n't , but i do . i have to see for myself . lena : see what ? bianca : that there 's nothing to be afraid of anymore . i 'll just be a minute . maggie : you do not have to go in there . bianca : yes , i do . maggie : well , then , i 'm going with you . bianca : maggie , you 're such a good friend . thank you . but it 's enough for me to know that you and lena are going to be right outside . maggie : you do n't have to prove anything . bianca : you 're wrong . bianca 's voice : i 'm pregnant . i 'll refile rape charges , and this time i 'll have all the proof i need . michael 's voice : you know , sweetheart , you really are good for a laugh . bianca 's voice : you 're not going to get away with it . they 're going to charge you and try you and convict you , and then they 'll lock you up for good . michael 's voice : oh , oh , oh , that 's good . there 's my little girl . there 's all the fire and passion that i want . i mean , after all , you are the mother of my little child . [ michael laughs ] bianca 's voice : oh , no , you will never see this child . michael 's voice : you say i raped you . i say that we love other and the sex was consensual , beautiful . it was heartfelt between the two of us . bianca 's voice : you 're a pig . stop it . just shut up . michael 's voice : because you know how much we like to have fun , do n't we ? remember myrtle 's ? bianca 's voice : if you move , i 'll shoot . so help me god , i will shoot . michael 's voice : bianca , you 're going to do as you 're told for the rest of your life . [ gunshot ] bianca : breathe . breathe . just breathe . you ca n't trick me anymore . those days are over . i know you 're not really here , because i remember everything . i stood right there on that spot , and i pulled the trigger , and i watched you fall down dead . i 'm not proud of what i did , but i did what i had to do . because when i saw you coming towards me with that look in your eye , i thought , no . not again . i 'm not going to let you hurt me or anybody else ever again . and i 'm not sorry you 're gone . the only thing i regret is that i did n't remember pulling the trigger sooner , because then i could 've saved a lot of good people a lot of pain . but here 's what i 've learned from this whole horrible , disgusting nightmare -- i 'm a survivor . i 'm still scared and i 'm long way from over it , but i survived you . and you , michael cambias , are a dead man . you have no power over me anymore . nor my baby . my baby . i have a life to live . i 'm going to give my child a life filled with love . i 'm going to keep her safe . i 'm taking back my life . and you -- you have to stay exactly where i put you -- dead . so say goodbye , michael . i mean it this time . get out of my life . go away . go away . [ scene_break ] erica : bianca -- the baby -- is there a problem ? kendall : a problem ? well , bianca 's having a child under circumstances that she never imagined . she 's -- she 's dealing with her being raped . she 's burned herself out over this trial , and as of today , she remembered that she took a man 's life . i would think she would want her mother around . erica : so there is no medical problem ? jack : you know , kendall 's right . bianca 's baby 's due in a few weeks . i 'm sure she would like you here . erica : oh , it 's not as if she 'll be abandoned . my goodness , she has her sister . she has her friends . kendall : yeah , but there 's no substitution for her mother . erica : bianca does n't need to be smothered by me . she has made that perfectly clear by keeping me out of the loop , you know , about her pregnancy . and she proved -- well , you all proved -- that you can get along just fine without me , and that 's fine , really . kendall : when will you ever believe that all we wanted to do was protect you ? erica : oh , i have no doubt that you believed that your motives were pure . and what a heavy weight for your slender shoulders . i mean , you carried your sister 's guilt , and you just handled it brilliantly . did n't she ? did n't she , jack ? jack : well , she certainly did what she could , yes . erica : well , she showed a side of her that i 've never seen before . really , kendall , it was quite noble . which is why all this business about ryan just does n't make any sense . kendall : ryan ? erica : well , with all of your sensitivity and your selflessness , you just do n't read people all that well . i mean , you were so sure that ryan was out to get you when really you could n't have been more wrong about the man . i mean , looking back , it is so clear that ryan -- ryan just was wonderful to you . i mean , ryan never betrayed you . he stood by you no matter what the whole time . he shared your secrets and he confided in you . and he did everything right , and still you would n't trust him . kendall : well , that was because of greenlee . erica : greenlee wanted you to believe that she and ryan were plotting against you , and you were all too willing to buy into it . kendall , you have to trust someone sometime , or you 're just going to wind up being a very lonely and unhappy person . you do n't want that , do you ? kendall : no , no , of course not . erica : you have grown so much . i just was hoping that you would have taken my advice to heart and risen above greenlee 's petty jealousies . but , no , you just played right into her hands . and now you 've lost a man who cared so deeply for you . kendall : no , it 's not that simple . erica : yes , it really is . ryan always put you first . ryan was really willing to make sacrifices to make sure that you were happy and safe . and believe me , that is so rare in a man . kendall : do you honestly believe that ? erica : i know that down to my soul . look , sweetheart , i 'm only telling you this so that you do n't keep on making the same awful mistakes time and time again . greenlee was horrible to you , but you were way too willing to believe her words instead of ryan 's actions . you seem to prefer to believe the worst in people , and now it 's cost you the best man you 'll ever know . look , i 'm really sorry if this sounds harsh , but somebody 's got to say it . so , now , if you 'll excuse me , it has been such an exhausting day , and i really need to go to bed . but you have a wonderful evening , kendall , and just think about what i said . kendall : yes , i already am . i 'll call you in the morning . jack : well , that was certainly something to behold . erica : it needed to be said . jack : and you said it every which way but straight up . erica , all that talk about what ryan did for kendall -- what you were really talking about was what i did not do for you . now , is n't that true ? [ scene_break ] [ birds chirp ] greenlee : right now , with you to back me up , i really think i could fly . ryan : well , then , fly . but there 's something that you need first . greenlee : what ? ryan , do n't go . everything i need is right here . ryan : just a sec . greenlee : it 's beautiful . ryan : yeah , i thought you 'd like it . greenlee : have i seen it before ? ryan : well , if you have , you would n't recognize it . it 's all you need to be truly happy . greenlee : that 's goofy . how can a box make you happy ? ryan : it 's what 's inside that counts . greenlee : really ? what 's inside ? ryan : the secret of love . ryan 's voice : i will let nothing come between what you and i have . we have something so special , and i intend to hold on to that . greenlee : you 're saying come hell or high water or the wrath of kendall , you 'll always be there to protect me . right ? ryan : right . i 'm your secret weapon . greenlee , i 'll fight for you , whether kendall likes it or not . damn it , greenlee , just get out of my head . kendall : going somewhere ? ryan : yeah , you bet i am . greenlee : you 're telling me if i open this box , everything i 've always wished for , the thing i 've always wanted , will be mine ? ryan : it will be yours , greenlee , i promise . greenlee : fantastic . it 's like the lottery of love . but it 's locked , ryan . what 'd you do with the key ? ryan ? ryan , are you hiding ? ryan ? ryan , come back . we can -- we can -- we can find it together , ryan . please , the secret 's in here ! i need your help ! please , ryan . please come back . do n't leave me now . i need you . do n't leave me , ryan . not now . ryan : what -- what did you say ? kendall : you heard me . ryan : no , no , actually , i did n't because if i -- look , you know , your timing sucks . i 'm heading out . kendall : oh , deja vu all over again . ryan : you opened the door . i 'm just walking through . kendall : well , i have something to say to you that might change your mind . ryan : you got to be kidding me , because you do n't have the power to change my mind anymore . so you know what ? here you go . i always said that this place would be yours someday . kendall : no , no , ryan , i do n't want it . i do n't want it . ryan : well , then , give them away . give them away ! does n't matter to me . [ scene_break ] erica : jack , this is not the time . jack : yes , it is . admit it , erica . you 're not just angry with bianca and kendall . you are angry with me , as well , and you are angry because i kept bianca 's secret from you . you feel because i did n't betray her that i 've somehow betrayed you . is n't that why you 're not wearing your engagement ring ? erica : oh , that . jack : yeah , that . erica : jack , you know very , very well that i am in no shape to have this conversation tonight . i need to go to bed . i need to go to sleep . jack : i 'll tell you what i know very well is that you 're not going to roll over me the way you rolled over kendall . you 're not going anywhere -- to bed or anywhere else -- until i 've had my say . [ scene_break ] maggie : ok , we 've decided this can not be good for you . lena : bianca , what happened ? bianca : he 's gone . michael . i thought that i would be seeing him in every dark corner for the rest of my life , but he 's really gone . lena : are you ok ? bianca : yeah . i made him go away . i 'm free . me and my baby are -- we 're free . lena : thank god . maggie : finally . bianca : i know . maggie : now can we take you home ? bianca : yes , please . i never , ever want to see this place again . never . [ scene_break ] jack : sweetheart , you can hold this against me for as long as you like , but it does n't change anything . i 'm not going away . i love you . i love you the best i know how . and that means i 'm in this for the long haul , lady , whether you like it or not . erica : you 're in a rash mood , jack , making rash assumptions . and , honestly , i 'm just too tired to deal with it tonight . jack : but we will deal with it , and we will deal with it together , sweetheart . sweetheart , are you sure that you -- sleep well . ryan 's voice : what is your fascination with pine cones ? kendall 's voice : pine cones ? pine cones -- ryan , the pine cone is where we were when we first met . ryan : i had no idea you were that romantic . kendall : yeah , well , it 's our first christmas together , and i wanted it to be special . ryan : it 's beginning to look a lot like christmas . kendall : sure is , santa . you ca n't leave me again , ryan . i wo n't let you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i do n't know how , ryan . i ca n't do it alone . please come back . help me . help me open it . ryan : i sure wish i knew what the hell i was doing here , leo . i guess i just could n't leave without telling you . truth is i hate this place . all it does is remind me that you 're gone . but this is where you said goodbye , so i guess i 'm just returning the favor . hey , get this -- pablo gave me a heads - up and tells me that greenlee is complicated . ha . yeah . go figure that . but el señor says that all she needs is love . yeah , right . of course , you 're probably going to tell me that you already knew that . but she did me in good this time , man . she did me in good . anyway , the point is -- the point is , is that there 's nothing in pine valley to keep me here , so the sooner i blow this place , the better off i am , so -- greenlee 's voice : i need you , ryan . help me , please . help me open it . [ next_on ] tad 's voice : i 'm not going to back off until i find out what babe and krystal are hiding . babe : you got the results , right ? paul : i got them right here . babe : who 's my baby 's father ? j.r. 's the daddy , is n't he ? kendall : what if i want to give us another chance ? greenlee : ryan ?
jack and kendall are both concerned about erica 's avoidance in dealing with bianca still being pregnant , and finding out she killed michael cambias . kendall finds out that having erica sign enchantment over to her , and owning ryan 's home after he leaves is empty when she has no love in her life .
lily : no ! aidan : lily . lily : you were kissing aidan ! aidan : i 'm -- we did n't know you were here . lily : no . you ca n't kiss my boyfriend . that 's not right ! stay away from him ! [ scene_break ] [ j.r. hums guitar sounds ] j.r. : you know , when you 're older , i might teach you how to play bass like this . [ j.r. hums bass sounds ] kendall : mind an audience ? j.r. : audience ? you 're part of the band . you 're on drums . kendall : but , what -- what ? well , ok , i 'm not very musical , so we 'll pass on the whole drum thing , thank you . hello there , little adam . hello ! welcome home . you two remind me of bianca and miranda . could you be any happier , you sweet thing ? is n't your daddy fun ? j.r. : hmm . if bianca 's so happy , how come she 's thinking about moving to paris ? kendall : she already left . j.r. : oh . i guess she did n't want to say good - bye . kendall : well , she -- she really wanted to just get a fresh , new start , and cambias needed her immediately , so they left tonight . it already feels like forever . j.r. : well , why do n't you take the chandler jet and go visit them this weekend , right ? kendall : no , i ca n't . j.r. : yeah , you can . we 'll go along for the ride . you go see miranda and bianca and little adam and i will check out the eiffel tower , hmm ? what do you say ? kendall : you know , stop tempting me . j.r. : never . kendall : then stop flirting with me . j.r. : i 'll stop when you do n't enjoy it any longer . come on . what do you got against paris anyway ? kendall : nothing . ethan and i almost went for valentine 's day . we 'll go when he 's able to . you do remember ethan -- you know , my tall boyfriend ? j.r. : yeah , yeah . he 's a good guy -- kendall : hmm . j.r. : but i 'm better , and i 'm also the luckiest guy in the whole world . is n't that right , partner ? yeah ? yeah . kendall : you 're the luckiest or are you the most connected ? was it just luck that you got custody of little adam , or was it ethan ? [ scene_break ] ethan : well , if it is n't the man who would be cambias . the prodigal son returned . you here to spread more doom and destruction or have you created enough havoc for one zach : should n't you be at our office ? ethan : yeah , fighting for what 's mine ? zach : yeah -- a battle you 'll be glad you lost one day . why are you at wildwind ? ethan : you 're very big on taking what 's not yours , are n't you ? my company , edmund 's wife . it 's a small town , zach . bad news travels fast . zach : my private life is private . ethan : only , if you steal edmund 's wife and marry her , then that 'll make her my stepmom and the most unfortunate woman on the face of the earth . zach : it does n't really concern you , does it ? ethan : maria , right ? yeah . she treated me once in the hospital . i liked her . zach : she 's a likable woman . ethan : and lovable ? but does she have any idea just how dangerous your love is ? what 's in store for her ? do you plan to try and destroy her life the same way you 're trying to destroy mine ? [ scene_break ] edmund : maria , i got proof that zach ordered the hit on ryan . by this time tomorrow , he 'll be in a holding cell . are you with me on this ? maria : i 'm your wife , edmund . i know you have to do what 's right . edmund : are you on my side ? maria : i am , always . edmund : then i do n't have to lock you up . [ scene_break ] anita : lily , i am so sorry that you saw this . lily : you should be . anita : look , i mean , you just kind of walked in on us and -- lily : and caught you doing something really bad ? anita : i -- i wish you had n't seen that . lily : me , too , but i did see it , and i need you to apologize , please . promise me you 'll never kiss my boyfriend again . anita : i -- well , i -- aidan : let me . lily , i need to explain . lily : she 's awful . let 's get out of here . aidan : you like anita , do n't you ? lily : not anymore . dani says that girls that kiss other girls ' boyfriends are bad . aidan : oh , lily , you do n't understand . lily : what ? you did n't mind ? you like that she kissed you ? you wanted her to ? aidan : i kissed her , too , lily . lily , wait , please . please , listen . [ scene_break ] zach : i do n't think we have anything else to say to each other . ethan : actions speak louder than words , eh ? zach : i 'm taking cambias away to save your life . ethan : save me -- oh , from all those billions ? who 's going to save you , zach ? zach : whatever you believe , i do care about you . but i 'm tired of trying to convince you , so let 's just forget that we ran into each other , ok ? ethan : wait , wait . zach : what ? ethan : maybe there is one thing you 're right about . this cambias curse -- power without limits , maybe it does have a dark side . this is no place to discuss it . zach : i have to give maria something , but i 'll meet you later . ethan : why bother . forget it . zach : hang on a sec . ok . let 's go to the stables . [ scene_break ] edmund : it 's ok . ok , i 'm sorry . just lighten up . maria : no , not even funny . edmund : i was kidding . maria : not funny because you did lock me up before , and i do n't even -- that was such a miserable time for us , i do n't even want to be reminded of it . edmund : ok . maria : yeah . edmund : the point i was trying to make is that if i ca n't trust you , you might tip off zach , he 's on a plane to god knows where . maria : i would never do that . edmund : that 's all i need to know . i 'm sorry . this is -- i wish this was easier for you . maria : well , you have always thought that zach was behind ryan 's shooting . edmund : and you 've never wanted to believe it . maria : you would never want an innocent man prosecuted no matter who he was . edmund : no matter who he was , zach has to pay for what he 's done . [ scene_break ] anita : aidan , i do n't want to make this any worse . i 'll just -- i 'll be up at the house . aidan : ok . all right . thanks . anita : good luck . aidan : lily ? can i sit down ? you know , we 'll both feel better if we talk to each other . can i sit and talk to you ? lily : i want you to kiss me . [ scene_break ] j.r. : ethan gave me his full support . kendall : what did ethan give the judge ? j.r. : are you suggesting a bribe ? kendall : well , gee , in pine valley , with the chandlers and a cambias involved , how could that thought ever enter my head ? maybe ethan just had a friendly chat with the judge . j.r. : did you honestly want babe to have my son ? kendall : no . god , no . i want to see babe , david , and krystal sentenced to life on their own , private devil 's island . it kills me that krystal 's the only one getting punished . j.r. : well , do n't worry . babe and hayward are n't off the hook . they think it 's all over , but far from it . i will get revenge for what they did to me and to little adam . kendall : you and ethan are so much alike . j.r. : why ? because we both enjoy the same beautiful , exciting woman ? kendall : because you both think that revenge is the big answer . j.r. : is n't it ? i saw your eyes light up . kendall : no . ethan is out for zach 's blood , at the very least . j.r. : so zach deserves it . he knocks up ethan � s mother and abandons her , and how many times can you disown your own son ? kendall : well , if that were all , that 'd be great . j.r. : what , is there more ? kendall : yeah . zach said he 's going to challenge alex , sr . 's will to get ahold of cambias . j.r. : ethan will wipe him off the map . kendall : well , what happens if zach 's not the only one who 's wiped off the map ? i mean , we all want revenge . what happens if we 're wrong ? [ scene_break ] zach : you -- you never said why you came to wildwind . ethan : maybe i came to warn maria about you . or maybe i followed you so we could talk . zach : so you meant what you said at the house ? ethan : about the cambias curse ? power corrupting ? does it matter ? zach : it does . you can still have a great life . i can help you if you let me . [ scene_break ] edmund : i do n't want this to change anything between us . maria ? if you have any second thoughts about anything , now 's the time to tell me . ok ? maria : i choose you . i love you and i trust you and i know we were meant to be together . edmund : then you met zach . maria : but you 're my husband . i love you , edmund , and i -- i want us to spend the rest of our lives together . edmund : maria , even if i 'm able to walk again -- maria : no . you are inside . edmund : but if i ca n't make love -- maria : no , that does n't matter to me . edmund : the way that i used to -- maria : it does n't matter to me , not at all . edmund : amazing . you always say the right thing . [ scene_break ] ethan : this is a cease - fire , zach . it 's not a total surrender . zach : i know , i know , i know . but you 're willing to consider that the cambias name can change someone . ethan : according to kendall , me . it seems my personality has been morphing a bit of late , so you can thank her for this little meeting . zach : i will . ethan : just out of curiosity , have you ever even once thought about what this is like from where i stand , thought about how i see you ? zach : yeah , i 'm -- i 'm the horrible tyrant of a father who wants to take away your most precious toy . ethan : firstly , just lay some groundwork here . let 's abandon any allusions to a father - son relationship . you 're not a parent . zach : no , i -- ethan : secondly , cambias industries is not a toy , and thirdly , i 'm no child . zach : be that as it may , i 'm acting in your best interest . i know who my father was . i know who my brother became , and i know why . ethan : you 're not any different , though , zach . you just ran from your family pile of cash to another pile of money , another source of power . zach : why ca n't you listen to me ? this is n't about money . money is fun -- yes , it is . you can buy things . it 's great . but at the end of the day , it does n't mean anything . power -- that 's what corrupts you , and you know what ? if i lost everything today , i 'd be fine with it . i 'd be relieved . ethan : that 's a lie , zach . zach : i 'd be relieved . the chance to live a simple life with a woman i love -- that 's what i want . ethan : simple ? you 're stealing my business , you 're stealing edmund 's wife . this is `` simple `` ? zach : edmund does n't deserve her , and i have proof . [ scene_break ] edmund : i want you to pull the cover story on next week 's issue . brooke : edmund , it 's almost the end of the month . are you kidding ? we 'd be up all night . edmund : pull it . brooke : you got something better ? edmund : yeah -- how about zach slater in a prison jump suit ? how does that grab you ? brooke : uh -- what 's going on ? edmund : slater ordered the hit on ryan . he 's this close to being charged . anita : hi . sorry to interrupt . can i borrow maria for a minute ? maria : yeah , what is it ? edmund : keep her as long as you like . maria : what 's going on ? edmund : hell of a story . brooke : uh - huh . well , before you launch into it , i need some back story . i mean , i just walked in on a sweet , tender moment here , and you 're ready to skewer zach slater . i think the divorce is off , but you have been full of surprises these days . edmund : you do n't know half of it . you do n't even know half the half . brooke : well , you know what i do know ? edmund : what ? brooke : that i will do you serious bodily harm if you do n't tell me that you are going to give this reconciliation everything you 've got . edmund : why should i when maria � s already given slater everything she 's got ? brooke : maria and zach ? edmund : they 're playing house . again . it 's the polite term -- i have other similes . brooke : edmund ? edmund : yeah ? brooke : are you sure ? edmund : irrefutably . brooke : i 'm so sorry . edmund : yeah . me , too . but there 's a bright side to this , you know ? i get to throw slater in prison , and maria ? well , that lying cheat -- i do n't care where she lands as long as it 's not in my house . [ scene_break ] lily : i can kiss you , aidan . i 've studied kissing , and i 've practiced it , too . aidan : you studied ? lily : yes . actors and actresses in movies . i watched all my dad 's dvds . it 's very educational . it 's what boyfriends and girlfriends do , and i think i 'm ready to do it with you , so you do n't have to go kissing anita anymore . you can kiss me now . aidan : i like you , lily , so much . lily : yeah . that 's why i 'm your girlfriend . aidan : and you 'll always be a very special girlfriend to me , but -- lily : i talked to dani about it . she 's my brother 's girlfriend , so she has a lot of experience . aidan : how about we make some changes , yeah ? lily : yes . that 's what i want . aidan : how about i become more like a -- a big brother to you ? lily : but i already have one of those . aidan : i know . i know , but -- it 's a good idea -- lily : do n't you want to kiss me ? women like anita and erica -- they 've already had boyfriends , so they have experience . but i 'll learn fast , i promise . aidan : you see , the thing is anita and i -- anita and i , we -- lily : you and anita are having sex ? [ scene_break ] anita : lily 's crazy about him . maria : well , aidan 's going to be able to reach her . he 'll know what to say . anita : we never meant to hurt her feelings . i just -- i wish she had n't walked in . maria : well , no -- do n't worry . it 'll work out . anita : what about you ? i mean , have you made up your mind about who 's telling the truth ? edmund or zach ? maria : yeah . edmund . i just -- i wish , though -- anita : that it was zach ? maria : well , i just -- i wish that edmund was wrong because i just ca n't wrap my mind around zach hiring somebody to kill ryan . i just -- i ca n't . anita : he 's swearing up and down that he 's innocent , so it still comes down to someone 's lying . maria : but you know what ? i love edmund , i want to make my marriage work . and i just know that the man that i 've loved for so long would not lie about zach . [ scene_break ] edmund : maria 's in for a hell of a surprise . brooke : all that sweetness and light -- how can you play her like that ? edmund : what part of `` lying cheat `` did n't you get ? brooke : how can you string her along like that ? my god , she thinks the two of you have a future together . why not be honest ? tell maria that you know about her and zach . edmund : when zach slater is being strung along in prison , then i 'll teach her about honesty . brooke : oh . you do n't want just a divorce -- you want to decimate maria . you want to leave her with nothing . [ scene_break ] j.r. : `` revenge `` is just another name for personal justice . you know that . i mean , look what babe and hayward got away with . they tortured you , bianca , they made my life hell . they deserve the same . and now zach is trying to steal from his son ? the man is just begging to get hurt . kendall : zach swears he 's doing this for ethan � s own good . j.r. : good ? to be broke , penniless , humiliated ? kendall : no . zach did n't like what the power did to his father and his brother , so zach did n't want any part of it . j.r. : well , great . then he should back off and let ethan enjoy all that life has to offer . kendall : money and power can change a person . j.r. : yeah , well , if it does n't , then something 's wrong . look , ethan has the kind of power most men could never dream about having he could call the white house and they 'd put him through to the oval office . suddenly , what ethan feels matters . it matters a lot . kendall : but is it worth losing everything else ? i mean , what if it 's -- what if it 's too much ? j.r. : there 's no such thing . hmm ? what ? is ethan tearing down nursing homes and kicking grandmas out into the street ? kendall : not yet . j.r. : he 's too busy with his own personal business to pay attention to you ? kendall : no , ethan � s been wonderful to me . j.r. : then what are you worried about ? kendall : i was with ethan when zach said he would take over cambias . j.r. : ah , and he lost it . well , you ca n't hold that against him . kendall : no , he did n't . ethan did n't even yell . he just -- he got really tight . there was this awful tension . j.r. : well , that 's normal . kendall : no , he 's got all of this rage boiling underneath , and that 's what scares me . j.r. : but rage is a good thing . it gets the adrenaline pumping . kendall : his hate for zach may even be beyond what i felt for erica . ethan 's not just going to get past it , j.r . he 's going to explode . [ scene_break ] ethan : you 're not concerned that your power is going to corrupt you ? zach : i 'm not at the cambias level . ethan : you still like making your power plays , zach , over me and maria . if you truly loved her , you would want what was best for her , for her family . you would n't be trying to destroy her marriage . zach : her marriage was over long ago . ethan : really ? edmund does n't think so . zach : edmund 's lying to her , keeping secrets from her . ethan : like what ? what can be so awful ? zach : he 's trying to destroy the woman . ethan : and you 're trying to save her and me ? do n't we get a say in all this , zach ? what if we do n't want to be saved ? zach : oh , she will when she sees what i 've brought her . you ? i do n't know . maybe you 're too caught up in the cambias trap . ethan : listen , you think i 'm just going to give you my inheritance ? i 'm going to blow you a kiss and let you run away with all of my money ? what do i get out of this ? zach : you get your soul , your freedom , and your self - respect . ethan : whilst you sacrifice yours to rescue me from the trappings of wealth and fame ? what a martyr you are . but you 're not giving up anything to save your precious maria , though , are you ? rescue her from her husband and you got a grand prize , zach . you get the woman herself . zach : i 'll let the woman make her own decision . she 's been lied to enough . and you know what ? she might be the only one around here worth saving . [ scene_break ] aidan : i should have been upfront with you . i should have told you that anita and i were seeing each other , lily . i 'm sorry . lily : `` seeing `` is not having sex . is that what you and anita are doing ? aidan : yes . we have a sexual relationship , yeah . lily : that 's way beyond kissing . i do n't think i 'm ready for that , but i 'm ready for the kissing part . aidan : well , that 's very smart and it 's very good to know what you want . and you should n't let anyone talk you into anything that you 're not ready for . lily : so , if you and anita are having sex , does that mean she 's your girlfriend too ? aidan : yeah , but she 's not my girlfriend the same way you are , though . there 's no one else out there like you . lily : but she 's your girlfriend , too ? that 's -- that 's not right . see , when i 'm around you , i get these fluttery feelings in my stomach . you know , too , right , because you get them when i 'm around you ? aidan : i 'm afraid not , lily . lily : dad was right . you do n't feel the same way about me . aidan : but i care about you very , very much . lily : i have to go . aidan : listen , i 'm going to give you a ride home , all right ? lily : no . i can go home by myself . i 'm very independent . aidan : lily , listen , you must understand -- lily : no , aidan ! you ca n't touch me anymore because you 're not my boyfriend . i understand more than you think . [ scene_break ] j.r. : get ethan over here . kendall : now ? j.r. : yeah . we 'll pour a brandy and we 'll plot the perfect payback on zach . kendall : no , j.r. , i want to steer ethan away from revenge . j.r. : you ca n't . the only thing we can do is stop him from murdering zach , or at least try . kendall : i went after revenge with my mother and ryan . it did n't get me anywhere . j.r. : yeah , but if it 's done right , it can be so satisfying . kendall : no , revenge takes over . it blocks out everything from your heart and from your mind , and i want to save ethan from that . [ scene_break ] ethan : you just could n't butt out , could you ? [ in the stables , ethan hits zach from behind and knocks him out . ] ethan : a little aspirin , you 'll be fine . now , where 's that proof ? [ wearing black gloves and coat , ethan searches through zach 's pockets for the evidence he has on edmund . ] [ scene_break ] edmund : you think i 'm being too hard on maria ? brooke : yes . i do . edmund : this is maria you 're talking about . you were ready to let her stay de . brooke : that 's not the subject . edmund : ok , go -- go ahead and defend her . i do n't care . why should n't she hook up with zach , have a full sex life , have kids ? brooke : stop it ! edmund : stop it ? brooke : stop it ! i 'm not excusing maria . i 'm not sympathizing with her if she cheated on you . edmund : listen to me , listen to me ! she has , you understand ? brooke : it 's vile . but this game you 're playing -- the edmund i know would n't do this . edmund : the edmund i know is being very generous . she gets to walk out of here free and clear . brooke : and what about the kids ? edmund : well , she lost them when she repeatedly went back to slater . brooke : you ca n't cut her out of their lives . edmund : look , slater � s going to jail . maria can go to hell for all i care . brooke : edmund , for god 's sake , take some time and think about this . [ knock on door ] ethan : is this a bad time ? edmund : boy , you 're a walking understatement . look , brooke , that story that i was telling you about -- it 's on the table in the library . take a look at it . brooke : fine . but i 'm going to tell you , i 'm not happy about any of this . edmund : i do n't expect you to be happy . just accept it . [ turning to ethan .... ] edmund : you 're late . you thinking about backing out ? ethan : i bumped into our friend slater outside . edmund : where is he ? ethan : he 's taken care of . [ scene_break ] j.r. : look , give the guy some credit . ethan can take care of himself . kendall : yeah , what scares me is that ethan will take care of zach . j.r. : he needs to teach zach a lesson . kendall : no , ethan has enough trouble with the police . j.r. : my father is the king of control freaks . it was difficult , but it was also a great education . kendall : all right , adam and zach are nothing alike . j.r. : zach 's worse . see , the thing is men like slater and my father -- they understand one thing , and that 's force . kendall : j.r. , ethan does not need to hear that . j.r. : look , they make a move , you check them . they play hardball , you play harder , faster . now , either ethan outmaneuvers zach or he 's going to ruin him . it 's that simple . kendall : ethan 's strong , but there 's this sweetness about him . he 's -- he 's warm and he 's loving , and i do n't want that to change . j.r. : well , if it does , check out what i have to offer . kendall : you never stop , do you ? j.r. : if i stop , i 'd never win . [ scene_break ] maria : you know , i came this close to losing edmund , and he 's so bitter about zach . rightfully so . anita : might be easier if zach 's not around . i mean , i 'm not saying , you know , great , he 's going to be locked up , but i just think it 's -- it 's better to keep him at a distance , away from you and edmund . maria : you know , our anniversary is coming up in , like , two weeks , and i 'd like to try to find something special to do . do n't know what . anita : well , what about that family ski trip you were talking about ? maria : no , i want to do something just -- just the two of us . anita : all right , well , europe , london , venice ? maria : no , closer to home . anita : oh -- hey , what about that spa that we saw in that magazine in st. croix ? yeah . maria : yeah , yeah , yeah . anita : i can take maddie , and sam wo n't be back from his study program . how does that sound ? maria : that sounds amazing . that sounds -- that 's perfect . anita : all right . oh , god , aidan , tell me that lily 's ok . [ scene_break ] ethan : zach 's not going to stay unconscious forever . edmund : what 'd you do , clobber him for fun ? ethan : no . he was going to give this to maria . edmund : what 's on it ? ethan : according to zach , proof that you are evil personified . whatever it is , he was sure when maria saw that , she was going to turn against you . we ca n't have that . edmund : hmm . your father is a very busy man . ethan : yeah . edmund : thanks , ethan . ethan : ca n't have a little disc upsetting our plans , now , can we ? edmund : did you bring the money ? ethan : yeah . if it 's not enough , you let me know . edmund : homestretch . ethan : now , listen , you 're sure that this guy has the information to put zach away ? edmund : oh , yeah . i meet with him tomorrow , he gets this , zach 's going down for ryan 's shooting . ethan : you know , when zach comes around , he 's going to realize that disc is missing . first thing he 's going to go and do is he 's going to go and talk to maria . if he manages to turn her head , she lets him know that we 're on to him , he 'll be out of this town in a shot . i think we need to go and make sure he does n't go anywhere tonight . edmund : i 'll tell you what , i 'll tell you what -- i 'll take care of slater . i 'll make sure that he 's where we want him to be . ethan : you do n't want a hand ? edmund : no , no , no . you 've done enough . now it 's my turn . slater thinks he can wreck my marriage ? that 's the husband 's privilege . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 've been where ethan is with erica , and i did any heinous things and messed up so many lives . but the one thing with ethan is no matter what happens , in the end zach will still be his father . j.r. : ethan ca n't help that . kendall : yeah , but -- j.r. : hey , stop . stop overanalyzing things . you need to relax . you 're just so darned tense . kendall : i ca n't help it . j.r. : well , i have something that can help you with that . you want to know what ? kendall : i already know . you are incorrigible . j.r. : is that the same thing as `` irresistible `` ? kendall : no , it 's not . i 'm with ethan . j.r. : i was n't suggesting you leave him . kendall : good , because i would n't . j.r. : i wish i would 've fallen for you instead of babe . kendall : would you stop ? j.r. : i 'm serious , kendall . now , if there 's anything you need , any time you need it , i 'm here . kendall : you are so bad . j.r. : ethan would never have to know . kendall : you 're incorrigible . all right , you give little adam a kiss good - bye for me , please ? j.r. : do n't i get one to pass it on to him ? kendall : no . no . [ kendall laughs ] [ scene_break ] aidan : must 've been one of the hardest conversations i 've had . maria : i 'm going to go see if i can find that spa magazine . anita : ok . did we just totally decimate lily ? aidan : well , she took it pretty well , all things considered . anita : so then why do i feel so disgusting ? aidan : you ? i 'm the jerk . i should 've seen this coming . anita : no , aidan , do n't beat yourself up . aidan : she 's so sweet , you know ? she 's so innocent . i mean , we were supposed to hang out and do math problems . anita : yeah , except she was crazy about you , and it was my brilliant idea for you to go along with it . aidan : she 's just a kid . well , i thought of her as a kid . anita : well , what is she , 15 ? aidan : worse . she 's , like -- she 's 16 going on 17 . anita : why did n't we deal with this weeks ago ? aidan : well , who would 've thought that lily would want to move ahead with anything ? i mean , come on , she -- she hated being touched . anita : so how did you leave it with her ? aidan : i 'm not her boyfriend anymore . that 's for sure . [ scene_break ] [ wearing black gloves and coat , lily walks into the stables and is repulsed by the sight of zach unconscious on the floor . ] [ scene_break ] maria : edmund ? honey -- hi . brooke : hi . um , edmund 's gone . maria : i thought he was with you . brooke : i went to check something in the library , and i left him here , actually , with ethan ramsey . maria : oh , he 's probably in the study . brooke : yeah . well -- maria : all right . brooke : you know what , i 'll check and -- maria : can you -- can you wait a minute ? i just want to talk to you . i just want you to know that i really admire you . and i really appreciate your friendship with edmund . and i am totally grateful to you . brooke : well , i ca n't imagine what for . maria : well , for my second chance with edmund . i owe it to you . brooke : oh , maria -- maria : i know i do . no , i know i do because edmund listens to you . and i just want you to know that i am going to make edmund happier and more satisfied than he 's ever been . and i know that this time we really are going to have our happy ending . brooke : i do n't quite know what to say , i guess . maria : mazel tov , i guess . brooke : well , you know , i do n't have to tell you edmund is -- is a complicated guy . you know , there 's always a lot of stuff going on inside . maria : yeah . what are you trying to say ? [ scene_break ] [ while the horses whinny , someone wearing black gloves and coat plugs in an electric heater and sets it face down on a bale of hay . ] [ edmund wheels himself into the stables and spots the heater . ] edmund : oh , damn it . [ when edmund gets up to remove the fire hazard , someone knocks him out with a shovel blow to the right shoulder . as he lays there unconscious , sparks emanate from the heater and ignite the hay . ] [ next_on ] [ as if in a trance , lily rocks herself in the burning stable . ] aidan : turn around and give me your hand , quick . lily , please take my hand . i ca n't come to you ! maria : will somebody please tell me why my husband is lying here unconscious and bleeding ? [ a beam falls on zach , trapping him in the inferno . ] ethan : zach ! zach : you going to let me die ?
edmund is not only untrusting of zach but also of maria and believes she is cheating on him with zach . ethan goes to talk to zach and knocks him unconscious . edmund goes to the stable where zach is and somebody knocks him out , after noticing he can walk and they set the stable on fire . kendall tells jr that she does n't want either him or ethan to be consumed with revenge or power . he tells her he understands ethan but if she ever gets tired of ethan , she can sleep with him instead . lily catches aiden and anita kissing and aiden needs to admit to her that he is not romantically interested in her and is sleeping with anita instead .
babe : hey . why do n't you come inside ? your coffee 's getting cold . richie : um -- um -- do you think i could get some juice instead ? i 'm still a little wired after the news that j.r. 's actually going to be my bone marrow donor . babe : yeah . is cranberry ok ? richie : oh , that 's perfect . uh -- so how did you talk him into it ? never mind , it 's none of my business . babe : j.r. volunteered . richie : wow . i mean , i -- it 's not that i 'm not grateful , it 's just -- babe : j.r. can surprise you sometimes . i mean , believe me , i am an expert . richie : yeah , that -- huh . babe : oh -- richie : damn . i am such a klutz , i am so sorry . babe : listen , no , do n't worry about it . just -- just give me the shirt . richie : no , do n't worry about , i 'm just going to toss it . it 's not that big of a deal . babe : richie , just give me the shirt . richie : huh . babe : thank you . man : yeah ? richie : yo , change of plans . keep him on ice , i 'll be there when i can . [ scene_break ] jesse : all right . i really hated saying good - bye to frankie . angie : well , at least this time it 's not for good . jesse : hey -- i meant what i said . i 'm never going to leave my family again . [ phone rings ] angie : that could be the hospital . jesse : go ahead . angie : dr. angela hubbard . yes , derek . yeah , it has been a long time . yeah , i do remember john remington , but i -- i have n't seen him for years . oh , my god . yes , yes , sure . yeah , i -- i can help in -- in any way that i can . sure , bye- bye . that was , uh , derek frye , the chief of police . jesse : what is it ? what happened ? angie : he was calling about john remington . they just found his remains , jesse . remy was murdered . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i think we should toast to sticks . aidan : that 's a bit morbid . zach : the man did have a name , you know . greenlee : john remington . what are the chances of some guy getting killed and dumped in the same place that we almost died ? that land is jinxed . aidan : yeah , but you made it out . greenlee : thanks to you and kendall . now , there 's another random thing -- i mean , if you had n't found the plans to the bomb shelter , zach and i might 've ended up just like him . aidan : but you did n't . greenlee : did i ever ask you how you found those ? aidan : we searched the house and , eventually , we found them . greenlee : well , you must not have searched for too long , because we were down there for a really long time . aidan : are you kidding me ? kendall and i were afraid that you were dead , all right ? we did n't think that we were going to see either one of you again . so why do we keep talking about this place ? what is so damn fascinating about it that we ca n't just move on ? [ scene_break ] erica : kendall , hi . kendall : hi . erica : what a nice surprise . come in . kendall : oh -- mom , i 'm worried about you . now , i 'm supposed to go out of town for my book signing , but i wo n't leave if you need me to stay here , ok , so just say the word . erica : no , no , no , the word is `` no . `` you take care of your business , i 'll take care of mine . kendall : uh -- mom , the paper said that -- that the court is actually filing federal charges . erica : oh , that is just samuel woods just trying to get even more publicity at my expense . so zach 's going with you ? kendall : no , no , he -- he ca n't go this time . erica : oh , so you 're going alone ? kendall : no , i 'm not going alone . uh -- zach hired aidan to be my bodyguard in case ryan shows up . erica : aidan ? he hired aidan ? that is possibly the worst idea i 've ever heard . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . i -- i did n't think i should use my key , so -- annie : come in . do you want something to drink or -- ryan : no , no , i 'm fine , i 'm fine . actually -- that 's a lie . i 'm dreading this and dreading the idea of actually hurting emma . annie : so am i . but you ca n't stay on a business trip forever . i mean , we -- we need to explain to her why you 're not living here anymore -- at least , in a way that she can understand . ryan : yeah . i 'm -- i 'm not sure that there is a way . annie : well , we 'll do the best that we can . i need you to promise me something , ryan . ryan : ok . what ? annie : i need you to be the man that i married today . emma : daddy , you 're home ! ryan : oh , hi ! emma : can we make baked apples tonight ? i 'll sprinkle cinnamon on top , mommy can make the cream ? ryan : sounds delicious . annie : sweetness , mommy will make apples with you later , but , first , mommy and daddy need to talk to you about something . emma : ok . annie : ok . ryan : ok , um , your mommy and i wanted you to know that i am going to be living somewhere else for a while . emma : where ? ryan : the yacht club , actually , which is really close by . it 's -- it 's close . i can see you all the time . i -- i can see you every day if you want . emma : but you wo n't stay here at night ? ryan : no , honey , um , i ca n't . i ca n't , not now . emma : did i do something wrong , daddy ? is that why you 're leaving us ? [ scene_break ] erica : ok , explain this to me , kendall . you just found out that you 're not pregnant with aidan 's baby , but you 're flying to l.a. with him to stay in the same hotel with him ? do n't you think that 's asking for trouble ? kendall : thank you so much for your complete lack of faith . erica : oh , come on , kendall , i know you , and besides , i know how tempting it would be for anybody to stay in close quarters with somebody that they 're attracted to . kendall : i am not attracted to aidan , we -- we are not in love . i mean , mom , we slept together once out of grief , because we thought that greenlee and zach were dead . erica : what , you slipped and fell on him ? kendall , this is me you 're talking to . kendall : well , you know what ? the whole thing was zach 's idea . he -- he wo n't let it go . erica : oh , i see , because of ryan ? ok , look , i agree with zach that it 's not a very good idea for you to be around your ex , or that 's just going to further confuse things . kendall : ok , so now you 're accusing me of lusting after ryan ? erica : well , you have a history with ryan . kendall : no , mother , nothing is going to happen with aidan or ryan ! erica : kendall , you are in over your head . oh -- [ scene_break ] greenlee : where -- where are you going ? zach : you ok ? aidan : yeah , i 'm fine . i 'm sorry , i just -- um -- i 'm going to make some calls to tad about a new assignment i need to speak to him about , so i 'll be back soon , ok ? greenlee : what 's up with him ? zach : well , sometimes we forget how difficult it was for aidan and kendall when we were lost . it was difficult on everybody . greenlee : yeah , and finding out the identity of those bones is n't helping . you know what i think we should do , zach ? i think we should go out to that bunker and blow it sky - high , put an end to whatever curse lives out there . what do you say ? [ scene_break ] angie : boy , it is awful . poor john . jesse : hey , i know this is a shock . if i remember correctly , remy kind of liked to live on the edge , no telling who he might 've rubbed the wrong way . but -- uh -- why is derek calling you about this ? angie : i was probably one of the last people who saw him . jesse : you hardly knew the guy . angie , what is it ? angie : remy and i dated , jesse . when you got shot , after you died , we were together . [ scene_break ] richie : you 're never going to believe who this was . that was the national bone marrow donor list , and they found me a match in austin . babe : you 're kidding . richie : and -- and the donor wants to go right on ahead with the transplant right now . babe : but -- but you do n't need a donor , you already have j.r . richie : yeah , well , that 's -- that 's the thing , you know ? i do appreciate j.r. 's offer , but i think austin is the way to go . babe : why ? richie : it 's complicated , babe . babe : ok , richie -- richie : i do n't want to owe him . it 's because of you . it 's all because of you . [ scene_break ] doctor : i think it 's time we got what we came for . [ scene_break ] richie : i know you pushed j.r. to make that move and i am eternally grateful , but i think you 're ignoring the truth here , babe . babe : look , richie -- richie : i like you , babe , more than just a friend . and now that i 'm going to live , i think you should know that i plan on fighting for you . and if i have j.r. 's blood going through my veins , it puts him in the unfair advantage . babe : richie , this is n't about a competition , this is about your disease . it does n't matter where the bone marrow comes from . richie : it does to me . so i 'm going to go to austin , and i 'm going to get that transplant , and then i 'm going to come back here to pine valley , and i 'm going to make you fall in love with me . [ scene_break ] ryan : i need -- i need you to listen to me , ok ? look at me for a sec . look at me because it 's really important , ok ? this is not your fault . this is not your fault , and it 's not mommy 's fault , either . emma : then why are you going away ? ryan : well , i have n't been feeling very well lately , and i have to be alone to try to start to feel better . annie : it 's like i told you before , sweetheart , daddy 's memory is a little confused -- kind of like when you wake up from a dream , and you do n't know where you are . ryan : yeah . makes it -- makes it hard to think sometimes . oh . what was that for ? annie : that 's -- that 's what you do for me when i have a headache . you kiss it , and it goes away . emma : now your head can be all better , now you do n't have to leave . [ scene_break ] kendall : aidan and i have an understanding . we made a mistake , but it 's in the past , and it 's going to stay there . erica : ok , you need to convince zach to hire somebody else to accompany you , anyone but aidan . kendall : what ? mother , what -- what are you talking about ? and how would that look -- possibly maybe that we 're , i do n't know , guilty ? and -- and even if i could convince zach to do that , it does n't matter -- aidan is dating my best friend , we 're together all the time . erica : so zach hires the man who did sleep with you to protect you from the man who wants to sleep with you ? kendall : ryan does n't want to sleep with me . erica : no , he wants to marry you , kendall . where is zach now ? kendall : he 's with greenlee . actually , they 're at confusion -- i 'm supposed to meet them right now . erica : i think you 're already in confusion . zach and greenlee have been getting very cozy these days . kendall : would you stop it , mother ? they 're friends now . not everybody messes up like i did -- or you have . [ scene_break ] zach : you want to bomb the bomb shelter ? greenlee : sure . why not ? zach : i do n't know -- there might be a few county ordinances , but i 'm -- i 'm ok with that . it 's tough to find dynamite this time of day . greenlee : ha - ha , you 're so hilarious . i 'm just sick and tired of worrying , zach , are n't you ? i mean , think about it -- kendall worries about erica , aidan 's worried about me , you 're worried about ryan . zach : with good reason . greenlee : our problems are supposed to be behind us . zach : that 's life , i guess -- always new problems . greenlee : well , i do n't want to just sit around and wallow . zach : what do you want to do ? greenlee : let 's get drunk . there 's nothing like a good , stiff drink to take your troubles away . zach : shots ? greenlee : yeah . zach : well , i 've never been able to say no to a beautiful woman and a bottle of tequila . greenlee : besides , what 's the worst that can happen ? [ scene_break ] jesse : you and remy ? angie : i believed you were gone . and remy was kind , i was vulnerable . jesse : you thought i was dead and , at some point , you had to move on . angie : well , not with the man you gave your life for . jesse : i 'm not mad at you , baby . i 'm mad at those bastards that took me away . that 's why i need to know more about you and remy . angie : jesse , you do n't want to hear about all of that . jesse : no , baby , there 's something here -- the fact that i was shot protecting remy , the way he went after you , the timing of his death ? angie : you think john had something to do with your disappearance ? jesse : i 'm not sure . did anything unusual happen when you were seeing him ? angie : i -- i barely remember that time . jesse : i need you to try to remember . anything at all -- unusual , suspicious ? angie : not when i was with him . jesse : what about afterwards ? angie : no , i -- wait a minute . you know , the -- the house was broken into a couple of weeks after we broke up . nothing was taken , i -- i did n't even report it , but somebody was there . jesse : and remy was already off the hook ? angie : he was never going anywhere , jesse . remy was good to me at a time that i needed it , good to frankie . jesse : he ask any questions about me ? angie : what kind of questions ? jesse : oh , about any cases i might 've been working , what i might 've said ? angie : i -- i do n't remember . jesse : think , baby . angie : i am . jesse : oh , come on ! he did n't say anything about the man that saved his life , so he could make his move on the grieving widow and the child ? he did n't talk about me at all ? angie : that 's not fair , jesse . jesse : it hurts , it just hurts . all those years away from you -- it just -- it hurts . [ scene_break ] babe : richie , we 're friends . i -- i care about you . richie : please do n't give me that `` just friends `` speech again , ok ? i 've been granted a reprieve , and i plan to use it to show you that i can change . babe : but i do n't want you to change for me . richie : i ca n't think of a better reason . i 've got a lot of things that i got to set straight , and maybe when i do , you 'll start paying attention . [ scene_break ] kendall : are you sure you 're not focusing on my problems , so you do n't have to face your own ? erica : kendall , i told you . this thing with the government -- this is a mistake , but samuel woods would prefer that the whole world think otherwise . i mean , i 'm telling you , he 's the most pompous , most callous , most arrogant human being -- kendall : watch out , mother . watch out -- you 've got that look . erica : what look ? kendall : that look . that look that says you 're interested in the guy , even though he 's going to put you in jail . that is so wonderfully , indisputably you -- and you wonder where i get my self - destructive streak . erica : i could never in a million years be interested in samuel woods . kendall : why not ? he 's handsome , ambitious , powerful -- that 's like catnip for you . erica : ok , you listen to me . as soon as jack can get these ridiculous charges dropped , samuel woods is going to regret the day he ever tangled with me . kendall : uh - huh . erica : ok , just go now . go , go to zach . zach is waiting for you . and just remember what i said -- just concentrate on zach . kendall : mother , i do n't need you to tell me to love my husband -- i do , and i let him know i do -- but thank you for the tip . erica : you still going with aidan ? kendall : yes . but do n't worry , i promise i 'll take my chastity belt . [ scene_break ] zach : how you feeling ? greenlee : not a care in the world . zach : well , then your plan is working . you want another one ? greenlee : sure . you know , i think it 's great that we 're friends . come to think of it , i 've always been better friends with men than women . there 's no competition , but , you know , then again , they say men and women ca n't be friends , because the sex gets in the way . zach : well , not with us . greenlee : cheers . zach : cheers . greenlee : ah . that 's because we got out . but what do you think ? do you think that if we had stayed there longer , it might 've actually happened ? [ scene_break ] aidan : hey , tad , it 's aidan . i 'm going out of town for a few days . i 'm going to give you a call a little bit later and give you the details , ok ? cheers , mate . bye . kendall : oh ! oh -- [ scene_break ] ryan : that was a really nice kiss . that 's just what the doctor ordered . emma : so you can stay now ? annie : sweetness , um , daddy still needs to go to the big doctors , but he -- he 's not going to be gone for good . emma : ok , so he can still go to our special place ? annie : absolutely . daddy can take you ice skating , yeah . ryan : emma , you 're my special girl , all right , and -- and that 's not going to change . emma : you still love me and mommy ? ryan : i love you , more than the moon and the stars , ok ? that 's not going to go away . annie : you know what , sweetie ? remember you were drawing that picture for daddy that you did n't finish ? why do n't you finish it now , so he can take it with him when he goes ? ryan : that 's such a good idea , that 's a great idea . i can put it up on the -- on the wall , and -- and then i -- i can always be reminded of you whenever i look at it . annie : so can you go do that ? can you go finish that drawing for daddy ? ryan : hey , emma ? i love you very much . emma : i love you , too , daddy . annie : let 's go get some of your good crayons , huh ? come on . go up two steps . ryan : i ca n't leave . annie : ryan , i know this is hard , but we both agreed that you should move out . you ca n't just take that back , because this is difficult . ryan : look , i -- i realize that this -- this whole thing has -- has been impossible . annie : no -- no , you have no idea , ryan . and what makes it worse is that you 're not even trying to get help . ryan : what is that supposed to mean ? annie : it 's the truth ! so stop chasing after kendall and -- and skipping down memory lane with greenlee , and start trying to remember me and emma ! ryan : annie -- annie : no , i know -- i know what you 're going to say . `` it 's not -- it 's not me , it 's you , i do n't make you feel the way kendall does . `` well , ryan , until that changes , you ca n't be here . ryan : i -- i just -- i do n't want to hurt her , annie , i do n't -- i do n't want to fail my daughter . annie : that is because , deep down , you are a good and decent man . but what about me , ryan ? ryan : i 'm not going to lie to you , annie . annie : i did n't think it was even possible to forget the kind of love that we had . what we shared was supposed to be a part of you , something you can never turn your back on . so until you can at least try to be that man that i remember , i ca n't hold your hand through this . you 're on your own , ryan . [ scene_break ] kendall : what is it ? aidan : i do n't know . i 'm just -- i do n't know when my life went from sane and normal to -- to this . kendall : has it ever been sane and normal ? aidan : that 's a good point . greenlee asked me again how we found those plans to the bomb shelter , and i acted like -- like she was holding photographs of us two sleeping together . kendall : did zach say anything ? aidan : no , he did n't . he probably just thinks i 'm nuts , which is not too far from the truth right now . kendall : ok , all right , well , the next time she asks , just tell her our version of the truth . aidan : which is ? kendall : which is that -- that we were -- we were desperate and -- and at each other 's throats , looking for any sign of hope , when i threw something at you and -- and we -- we found the -- we found the prints . aidan : do you really think that 's going to work ? kendall : well , i 'm just leaving out one tiny detail . besides , you were the one who told me that there are good lies . aidan : yeah , i did , did n't i ? oh , you 're right . i 'm probably just overreacting . are you ready for our trip ? kendall : yeah -- i do n't know -- i guess . i 'm fighting this urge to go and check on ryan -- annie asked him to move out . aidan : yeah , it 's probably best that you just stay away from him for a while . kendall : yeah , that 's what my mom said . but ryan -- i -- i care about him , he 's -- he 's spike 's dad , and he 's -- he 's hurting right now . aidan : that 's because the guy thinks he 's in love with you . kendall : well , then it 's only a matter of time before he goes after greenlee . aidan : what do you mean ? kendall : what i mean is the last time ryan and i were together , he dumped me for your girlfriend -- so maybe you should be trying to keep them apart . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what 's that for ? zach : you 've been officially cut off . greenlee : because i asked you if you could stand the idea of hooking up with me ? zach : do n't turn this around . greenlee : it was hypothetical . for that tiny sliver of time when we thought that there was no hope , i felt like we loved each other . zach : we did the right thing . greenlee : you 're right . it 's not like i was serious . zach : no , of course , you were n't . drink your water . [ scene_break ] babe : richie , i like you , but i 'm not ready for any kind of relationship right now . richie : but you might be a month from now , or six months or six years -- i 'll wait . i 'll have the time now . babe : what -- what is it about this condo that every time a guy walks through that door , their ego balloons to , like , six times the normal size ? oh . richie : must be the beautiful scenery . babe : ok , i 'm going to go check on your shirt . richie : huh . oh , finally there 's nothing in our way . [ scene_break ] j.r. : whoa -- who are you ? what -- where am i ? doctor : he 's seen us again , we have to end this fast . [ scene_break ] aidan : you really think ryan 's going to go after greenlee ? kendall : no . i do n't know why i said that . i just -- i 'm worried . i 'm just worried about him . ryan is so lost right now . he needs his friends . aidan : the best thing that can happen for ryan is that he wakes up , and he remembers his wife . kendall : yeah . that would make everybody feel better , especially zach . [ scene_break ] zach : i think what happened between us in the bomb shelter was a -- a lot more intimate than sex could ever be . greenlee : i know what you mean . zach : so , now all we need is for ryan and annie to get back together and the -- the world will be right again . greenlee : you know , i was thinking that i could help with that . zach : how ? greenlee : ryan does n't trust a lot of people , but he trusts me -- at least , he did in those days . so i could just nudge him in the right direction , get his mind off of kendall and back onto annie . zach : what 's a bad idea . greenlee : why ? zach : because we 're not shrinks . ryan is lost , he 's delusional . and the last thing i want is for you and kendall to slip into a world that does n't exist anymore . [ scene_break ] ryan : look , i do n't want emma to realize that i do n't remember her . so i 'm -- i 'm going to need a little bit of help with some of the details , you know , like the baking apples and cinnamon and the ice skating . it might mean that we got to spend a little bit of time together , but i really think that it 'll -- it 'll protect emma in the long run . annie : i wo n't let emma suffer . i 'll help you in any way i can . ryan : for what it 's worth , i do n't want this to go on forever . i -- i want to wake up . annie : that 's not exactly `` i love you , `` is it ? ryan : i 'm going to go and say good - bye . [ scene_break ] babe : are you leaving ? richie : yeah , yeah . there 's a flight to austin in about two hours , and i need to go pack . babe : but what about your shirt ? richie : gives me a good excuse to come back here . babe : look , richie , i 'm really happy for you . you know , all i ever wanted was for you to get the second chance that you deserve , no matter where it comes from . richie : well , i will be sure to thank j.r. next time i see him . babe : i 'm sure that he 'll appreciate that . richie : i meant what i said . i 'm coming back here for you . babe : it 'll be good to have my friend back . richie : i 'll be a whole new man . babe : do you know how long you 're going to be away ? richie : oh , look at that -- she misses me already . this is going to be easier than i thought . babe : bye . [ scene_break ] angie : you ok ? jesse : yeah . i just had to walk it off a little . well , i did n't get too far . angie : i know -- i was watching . jesse : you know , this is not going to be easy on either one of us . but i just ca n't shake this feeling that what happened with me and remy is somehow connected . angie : what , you think remy had something to do with your disappearance ? jesse : well , i just feel like he did , yeah . [ angie sighs ] angie : so what else do you want to know ? [ jesse sighs ] jesse : the burglary -- i mean , that sounds really suspicious . are you sure there was nothing missing when you finally cleaned up ? angie : no , nothing -- i mean , that 's what was so strange . jesse : hmm . that means they did n't find what they were looking for . also , they did n't get what they needed out of me . angie : baby , listen , do -- do you think we should bring derek in on this ? jesse : no , no . i think i got a better shot at nailing these guys if they know that i 'm not on to them , but i need you to talk to derek . keep talking to him , find out everything you can about remy 's murder . angie : of course . we 're in this together . jesse : i need you to know that you did n't do anything wrong . i wanted you to move on , to live your life . but you got to know that -- uh -- i 've spent the last 20 years dealing with the emotional insanity . i got to find someway to process it , it 's not going to be easy . angie : i never let go of your heart , jesse . never . jesse : neither did i . [ scene_break ] erica : yes , of course , i want to go ahead and book cate . no , no , no . really , believe me , my legal problems are just a bump in the road -- a terrible misunderstanding . and besides , the show must go on . ok , excellent . great . yes , we 'll see you next week , then . thanks , bye . [ erica sighs ] [ doorbell rings ] erica : pam , hi . oh , great . i was just about to call you . i just finished booking cate blanchett for next week 's show . pam : there 's not going to be another show , erica . the network just pulled the plug on `` new beginnings . `` [ scene_break ] babe : j.r. , it 's me . listen , something incredible happened . richie found another donor , so you 're off the hook . i still think it 's amazing that you offered to help him . maybe i can take you to dinner , or you could come over , and we could play a little poker ? huh . call me when you get out of the hospital . bye . [ scene_break ] doctor : ready to do the procedure whenever you are . richie : thank you . richie : ah . hey there , junior . i told babe that i 'd come and thank you , and i really am grateful . but looks like i 'm going to take more than just your bone marrow , buddy . i 'm going to take your girl . [ scene_break ] man : tell us what you know . jesse : i do n't know anything . i just want to go back to my family . man : you do n't have a family . jesse : i 've got a wife and a little boy . man : yeah , and they 're both dead if you do n't talk . jesse : this is a big mistake , man . ooh ! i do n't know anything , man , i swear to you . man : you do know , jesse . and it 's just a matter of time before you give us what we want . [ jesse gasps ] angie : jesse ? jesse , what is it ? baby , it 's ok . it 's ok . [ scene_break ] kendall : you want to eat here ? zach : sounds good . you guys want to grab something ? aidan : actually , no offense but i 'd like to spend some alone time with my baby here . greenlee : oh , sounds good to me , especially since you are running off to la - la land in a few days , my friend . kendall : mm - hmm . zach : all right . we 'll see you in a bit . kendall : ok . aidan : you 've been doing shots ? greenlee : yes -- forget about that . i 'm just glad you came back . i 'm sorry if i upset you before . aidan : it 's fine . but i 'm going to miss you . greenlee : hmm , me , too . [ scene_break ] ryan : she seemed really sad when i said good - bye . i mean , i -- i told her that i would see her tomorrow but she just -- annie : we 'll make it ok . ryan : i 'll call you . good night , annie . [ next_on ] erica ( to samuel ) : this is between you and me . this is personal . greenlee ( to kendall , annie , amanda , and babe ) : we are about to become pole- dancing goddesses . max is going to teach us the basics . max ( to greenlee , kendall , annie , amanda , and babe ) : i 'll take you through it one at a time . who wants to go first ?
richie tells babe that no matter what she had done to make j.r. agree to be the bone marrow donor , he is eternally grateful , but he ca n't accept it and is going to austin to get the transplant . when he returns , he is going to make babe fall in love with him . ryan tries to explain his and annie 's separation to emma . emma asks it is her fault that he left . ryan assures her that it is not , adding that he is sick and has to be alone to feel better . emma kisses his forehead so that now he wo n't have to leave . kendall visits erica to see how she is . erica is more than a little upset when she finds out that aidan is going to los angeles with kendall as her bodyguard . kendall assures her that she and aidan have an understanding . erica mentions that zach and greenlee have been getting close since they had been in the bomb shelter together . greenlee suggests to zach that they ought to blow up the bomb shelter , because it brings such bad luck . angie and jesse are asleep in each other 's arms . jesse has a bad dream about the two men torturing him and demanding info from him that he does n't have . angie tells jesse that she dated remy for whom jesse had taken a bullet . the doctor starts to take j.r. 's bone marrow . aidan bumps into kendall . annie reminds ryan that they both agreed he should move out .she accuses him of not wanting to get help . aidan tells kendall that greenlee asked him again how they found the plans to the bomb shelter . kendall comes up with a story to tell greenlee the next time she asks . kendall resists the urge to visit ryan . babe tells richie that she is not ready for any kind of relationship . richie assures her that he will wait . j.r. wakes up and starts to leave but falls onto the floor . the doctor and his assistant come in and take care of j.r. pam visits erica and tells her that `` new beginnings `` had been pulled from the airways . babe calls j.r. and leaves him a message that richie no longer needs his bone marrow . richie sees j.r. and tells him that he is not only going to take his bone marrow but also his girl .
randi : does it look good here ? krystal : yes , perfect . amanda : all right . um , oh , we 're out of staples . i 'll go see maintenance . randi : oh , i 'll go grab them . you 've been on your feet all afternoon . krystal : why do n't you take a break , huh ? amanda : i 'm fine , really , spectacular , in fact , now that the morning sickness is gone . krystal : yeah , i remember . that was a hallelujah moment for me both times i was pregnant . hey , i really appreciate your help . amanda : tomorrow , this will be open and saving lives . babe would be really proud if she could see this . krystal : yes , she would have been embarrassed about all the fuss we were making , but , yeah , she would have been proud . it was really was generous of her father to make this happen . amanda : yes , it was . krystal : amanda , what exactly is going on between you and david ? [ scene_break ] david : thanks for coming , j.r. have a seat . j.r. : what do you want ? david : a truce . an end to the animosity between us . we need to do it . for babe . [ scene_break ] erica : jack ? jackson : hey . thanks for coming down to see me . i know you 've got that benefit at the hospital . i do n't want to impose . erica : do n't be silly . i 'm here as long as you need me . jackson : thanks . i just wanted to -- i just needed to talk to someone . erica : i heard that you went back up to connecticut to the river . jackson : i wanted to say goodbye to my daughter . but i could n't do it . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm sure bianca has others . trust me . that child will never have to go without . zach , i know you miss gabrielle , but i 'm sure if you give it time , eventually -- zach : that i could just what ? get over it ? you think it 's that easy . kendall : none of this has been easy . zach : well , then , stop being so glib about it . whether you like it or not , and i know you do n't , she 's my daughter . that 's not going to change . [ scene_break ] angie : wow . not that those pretty eyes needed it , but you look very nice . annie : thank you . thanks , carla . you 're the best . carla : oh , it was no problem . take care , annie . annie : bye . hey , i 'm nervous . angie : i know , but going back to oak haven is part of your healing process . annie : no , well , i 'm actually nervous because emma 's coming today . angie : she is ? annie : yeah , aidan 's going to bring her by before they take me back to oak haven . i 'm excited though , too . you know , i get to talk to her again , and tell her that mommy 's going to get better , and that we 're going to be together again soon . aidan : hi . annie : hi . where -- where is she ? aidan : emma -- emma 's not here . annie : what -- what does that mean ? aidan : i 'm sorry , annie . she could n't -- she could n't come . annie : no . no , she has to come . she has to come . i have to see her ! you said you would help me ! you lied ! you 're a liar ! i hate you ! you said you would help me ! aidan : shh . [ scene_break ] jackson : so when i got to the spot , it looked totally different . there were no lights or sirens or helicopters overhead . it was just an ordinary stretch of highway , nothing to mark the spot . i almost did n't recognize it . i wanted to -- i wanted to say something . i wanted to say a prayer for greenlee , but when i opened my mouth , nothing came out . so i got out of the car , and i thought i 'd walk down to the river . i knelt on the bank there , and i do n't know why , but i -- i guess maybe to feel her presence or something , but i put my hand in that water . it was so cold it hurt . and i thought , that pain is the last thing that greenlee felt . [ scene_break ] zach : that maybe what ? i will always think about her , think whether she 's healthy or not , or she 's growing or not , whether she 's happy or not , what her voice sounds like , what her laugh sounds like , and how beautiful she is . i 'm always going to think about that . i know i was n't supposed to get involved and get attached . but it did n't work out that way . and even now , when she 's thousands of miles away , i will always think about her . she 'll be right here with me . kendall : well , if you miss her so much , maybe you should go to her . better yet , find reese , and take her with you . zach : oh , god . do you ever listen to anything i say ? no , right ? i do n't want reese . i 've told you that . i want you . i love you . and regardless of where we are right now , what we 're going through , that 's never going to change . you can either fight it , keep pushing me away , or not . your choice . [ scene_break ] amanda : what ? me and david -- i 'm sorry , it 's out of left field . what are you saying ? krystal : well , it 's just that i have been seeing a lot of you two together lately . amanda : really ? krystal : mmm , like yesterday , here at the hospital . david said it was about you volunteering , but i kind of got the feeling there was more to it than that . amanda : you 're right . there was . david was making it very clear that he does not approve of me moving into the mansion . he thinks that it complicates little a 's life . it might confuse him since it 's so soon after babe 's death . krystal : i see . amanda : but david is wrong . j.r. is all about his son , making his life picture - perfect . krystal : of course . well , i guess that 's why i 'm sensing something . that -- that clears it up . got to get back to work . [ scene_break ] j.r. : have n't we already been down this road ? right after she died , you proclaiming that you wanted peace between you and my family , for babe 's sake ? then you demolished tad 's marriage , pushed joe out of the way , tried to get jake fired , angie . now you 're lifting your leg and trying to expect me to believe that it 's raining ? david : this is obviously about the opening tonight in babe 's honor . i believe she 's going to be there in spirit , and i think it would mean a lot to her if we could show some common decency between us , making tonight an expression of our love and respect for her and her memory , instead of the usual petty differences and squabbles and ugly feelings . i 'll tell you what , i will make you a promise to put aside our differences and try to get along , for tonight , at least . think you can do it ? david : you crazy ? adam : take your claws off my son ! j.r. : dad , dad ! [ scene_break ] frankie : hey , this place looks great . you all have been busy . randi : it 's getting there . amanda : hey , uh , can i steal him for a second ? randi : i 've got banners to hang . just do n't keep him for too long , ok ? frankie : what 's up ? amanda : i just -- i 'm getting a little paranoid , maybe , but did you cover your tracks when you altered my records ? i mean -- frankie : oh , yeah , do n't worry about it . i was very careful . there 's nothing in your chart that 's going to give away the fact that david 's the baby 's father , but that does n't guarantee he 's going to stop digging . amanda : i know . he already threatened to get a dna test . frankie : well , you 've got to make sure that never happens . look , just know that i 've got your back , and i 'll do everything i can to keep it a secret . amanda : thanks . really , you put your job on the line for me , and do n't think i do n't know that . i promise you , david will never know that you helped me . frankie : yeah , well , do n't worry about it . i 'll protect myself . amanda : good , you do n't want david hayward holding something like that over your head . frankie : no , you do n't . amanda , are you sure this is just paranoia , or does david have something over you ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : dad , just back off , all right ? adam : what do you mean `` back off `` ? were n't you just trying to shake hands with that bastard ? david : he was showing a modicum of compassion and intelligence , traits he obviously inherited from his mother . thanks for understanding . i 'll see you tonight . adam : he 's setting you up . he 's got something he 's planning , something -- something destructive . j.r. : dad -- dad , you just need to get a grip , ok ? he was simply asking us to have a little bit of civility tonight , an agreement to not cause a scene like the one you just made . adam : that cockroach is still trying to steal my grandson . j.r. : he 's not going to get my son , dad . and if he 's has n't figured that by now , then hayward 's a fool . [ scene_break ] erica : here , jack . why do n't you drink this ? it 's warm . it 'll warm you up , maybe help take some of those thoughts away . jackson : i had the strength to go in there , but not to say goodbye . why is that ? erica : because you just were n't ready yet , that 's all . and when you are , you will be able to . look , would you like to go upstairs and spend the evening together , talk ? there 's a -- there 's a second bedroom if you 'd like to stay the night . jackson : what you 've already done , coming down here , just listening to me , is more than i think you 'll ever know . and thank you for your kind offer , but i think i 'm going to be alone tonight . erica : jack -- jackson : hmm ? erica : i 'm here whenever you need me , and if you change your mind , please , just call . [ scene_break ] kendall : i do n't want to fight . zach : then what ? what do you want ? kendall : i do n't know . zach : i 'm going to work . kendall : you 'll be at the hospital , right , for the benefit ? [ zach sighs ] zach : yeah . would n't miss it . we 'll just keep smiling , right ? we would n't want to disappoint pine valley . [ door slams ] [ scene_break ] annie : i need to see her . you said that i could ! aidan : annie , shh , please . annie : i want to see her , because you said that you 'd help me . aidan : stop , stop . it 's all right , fine . i 've got this . just calm down for a minute , please . just calm down . get back in bed . annie , i want to help you , but i ca n't . i ca n't when you lose control like that . i ca n't when you lash out . sometimes in life , things do n't always work out the way we want them to . you have to accept that . annie : i miss her . i miss my little girl . aidan : i know you do , and i 'm sure emma misses you , too , all right , but ryan has custody of her right now , and he does n't want emma to get hurt . annie : i would never hurt her . aidan : look at the way you just acted . how does ryan know that you 're not going to snap like that in front of emma ? that 's why he would n't let her come , not yet . listen , you 're going to make it to oak haven today . and you 're going to have to work really , really hard with your new doctor . you have to find yourself again . you have to find the mother that emma loves , and fight to stay in control , all right ? if you can learn to do that , then you 're going to see emma real soon , i promise . [ scene_break ] amanda : ok , you 're right . david does have something , not connected to the baby . he 's kind of blackmailing me . frankie : drama . how can i help ? amanda : no , i -- i have to deal with this one on my own . frankie : yeah , but have n't you dealt with enough stress already ? amanda : yeah , but you have helped me enough already . jake : you guys look very serious . let me guess , david hayward ? frankie : oh , see , now you 've done it . you spoke his name . do n't you know that when you speak a demon 's name , they always appear ? [ scene_break ] krystal : hey . david : hey ! krystal : what do you think , huh ? david : wow , it looks -- it looks great , really . babe would love it . so , have you had much help ? krystal : oh , yeah , yeah . amanda and randi have been workhorses . david : great . krystal : she sure does have a lot of energy for somebody in her condition . david : yeah , she is a tough one . [ scene_break ] randi : i did n't realize how late it was . we need to get home , change , and get back here . frankie : right , right , ok . hey , see you in a bit ? jake : um , can i ask you something ? did you tell j.r. that hayward was blackmailing you ? amanda : no , i could n't . he was going on and on about how he trusts me , he needs me . i was dying inside . i could n't tell him that i 'm a lying rat . jake : come on , you 're not the rat . hayward is the rat . amanda : well , now he 's demanding that i really put it to him tonight . i 'm supposed to make j.r. start drinking , and then make it look like little a is in a dangerous environment . jake : i think you just need to come clean with j.r. honestly . otherwise , david 's just going to keep coming after you . amanda : yeah , but that 's not the only thing that david could take away from me , even if i came clean with j.r . jake : well , what else -- what else -- wait a minute . you 're not still worried about who the father is , are you ? oh , my god . hayward ? oh , my god . oh , my god . amanda : yeah , i know . welcome to my hell . [ scene_break ] erica : zach ? you ok ? zach : yeah . i 've got a meeting . erica : zach , wait . i just want you to know that i -- i know what you 're going through . zach : you do ? erica : i do . i watched as you said goodbye to gabrielle . i saw the pain in your eyes when you -- when you kissed her goodbye , and i -- i know that feeling . i went through the same thing with bianca . when travis got -- got custody of bianca , i thought i would die when they took my little girl away from me . but i did n't die , and bianca and i found each other again , and now we are closer than ever . i just do n't want you to give up hope . zach : i 'm sorry . you have no idea what i 'm feeling right now . [ scene_break ] j.r. : wow ! this is looking really great . jake : j.r . j.r. : hey . krystal : damn it , why do you keep staring at that woman ? david : i was watching j.r. we met at confusion . we agreed on a truce for tonight . hey , hey , what 's going on ? you 've been tense all day . what , now you 're getting sensitive about amanda ? krystal : i -- i -- i do n't know . i do n't know . david : ok , all right , look , you 've been working really hard , and everything looks spectacular , but i want you to have a good time tonight , ok ? i mean , so that you do n't get stressed out about nothing . so , here , i want you to take this , ok ? that will help you relax . you deserve to have a good time tonight . we 're here to celebrate babe , and i promise you , tonight is going to be a night you never forget . [ scene_break ] adam : thank you for coming . have a seat ? reese : thank you . you said you had business you wanted to discuss . adam : oh , yes , yes . i 'm in the business of saving face . reese : excuse me ? reese : what is that ? adam : that is a party dress . i would like you for to wear it tonight to a hospital function . i hope i can escort you there . reese : uh , why ? adam : well , unlike the kane women , i am honestly on your side . i hope you can accept that . i hope you can accept me as a friend . reese : um -- i 'm not really sure what you 'd be getting out of this . adam : same as you . satisfaction . like me , you have your pride . that 's obvious . and tonight , you 'd have an opportunity to demonstrate that pride , to show the kane women that they ca n't take you down . i hope you 'll let me escort you . [ scene_break ] krystal : thank you so much for coming . thank you . no , no , go ahead . j.r. : wow , you look -- wow . amanda : thank you . j.r. : well , this is supposed to be about heart health . i think you 're going to be , uh , killing a few guys tonight . david : yeah , yeah , you are . men will be dropping like flies for you tonight . amanda : i will talk to you when you 're done with the receiving line . j.r. : you got it . hi . how are you ? thank you so much for coming . hey . frankie : j.r . j.r. : frankie and randi , what 's going on ? frankie : what 's up , man ? j.r. : thank you so much for coming tonight , and thank you so much for all your help . randi : oh , of course . it was my pleasure . j.r. : appreciate that . absolutely . randi : it 's for a great cause . j.r. : oh , yeah , yeah . enjoy the party , guys . frankie : thanks . doctor . david : hello , frankie . frankie : you 've met randi . david : yes , i have . it 's good to see you again . you know , i ca n't help but feel as if i 've seen you somewhere before . were you an actress , by any chance ? randi : no . frankie : hey , knock it off , hayward . listen , hayward 's just being an ass . do n't let him ruin your evening , ok ? [ scene_break ] jake : hi . you know , i saw you , and you had this `` god , i could use a glass of sparkling water `` look on your face , so here you go . amanda : thanks . i wish it could be something stronger . jake : yeah . ok , so i 've been thinking about your predicament . amanda : and ? jake : now , frankie has been treating you , right ? does -- does he know ? amanda : he knows david 's the father . he 's been helping me keep it a secret . jake : ok , so he knows that nancy has adjusted your charts , right ? which means he 's adjusted your due date . right , ok , wow . amanda : yeah , i know . please , do n't make me feel bad about sucking so many people into my screw - ups , because i 'm doing enough of that on my own . jake : no , no -- no , i 'm not doing that at all . i 'm just actually thinking -- do you realize how many people care about you ? you do realize that , do n't you ? amanda : i do . i 'm just afraid that it wo n't be enough . [ scene_break ] david : well , i just wanted to tell you how beautiful you look tonight . and to let you know how much i appreciate everything you 've done . i also want you to relax . have you taken any of those pills ? krystal : no , not yet . i still have a lot of things to do , and i do n't want to be too relaxed . david : i love you . only you have my heart -- just you . remember that . krystal : ok . david : ok . [ scene_break ] j.r. : erica . erica : hello . j.r. : lovely to see you . thank you so much for coming tonight . kendall : hi . j.r. : hi . enjoy the party , please . erica : thank you . it 's a very worthy cause . j.r. : sure is . david : oh , you look gorgeous tonight as usual . erica : thank you . david : and how is my patient doing ? kendall : i 'm , uh , feeling good . this event hits home , to say the least . david : yeah . i 'm sorry bianca could n't make it . i hear she went back to paris ? erica : yes . kendall : yeah . um , excuse me . zach should be here by now . erica : actually , uh -- kendall : what ? erica : no , i -- i ran into him at the casino , and -- and he -- he just -- he does n't seem to be in such a good place . kendall : yes , i know . i know . he 's upset about gabrielle . but i -- i 'm so sick of him and everyone else making me out to be the bad guy in this . erica : you 're not . kendall : well , everyone seems to be acting like i am , like it 's my fault that -- that all the stuff went down with bianca and reese and the baby . erica : it 's reese 's fault . and please , do n't ever think for a minute that i feel any differently . i -- anyway , now that she 's gone -- oh , no . ok . i 'll take care of this . kendall : no . no , no , no , no , mom , let me . [ scene_break ] adam : uh , red wine ? reese : um , yes , please , but -- adam : i 'll be right back . reese : kendall , hello . does n't everyone look so vibrant and red ? kendall : why are you here ? reese : i -- i came with adam . kendall : no , why are you still in pine valley ? everyone assumed you would leave . reese : well , then , everyone assumed wrong . i have responsibilities here , i have my contracts , i have building projects , and i ca n't just walk away from that . zach : actually , you can . [ scene_break ] aidan : what are you thinking right now ? annie : that you 're right . i lose control . i think -- i think i get so afraid of the people i love being taken away from me that i freak out . i get like that . but i 'm -- i 'm going to work on that at oak haven , i promise . aidan : good . i 'm glad . i 'm glad that you recognize it . it means that you 're getting better . annie : and i am -- i do n't hate you . i could never hate you . aidan : i know . annie : so , what , uh -- what happens to you now ? aidan : what do you mean ? annie : well , i know you ca n't come back to oak haven with me . so what do you do ? you have no one to go back to . greenlee 's gone . aidan : i got work . annie : wo n't you be lonely ? aidan : i 'll be fine . annie : well , i mean , if you do get lonely , and you ca n't come visit me for some reason , you can always e - mail me . they say they 're allowing me , uh , supervised access to a computer at the hospital . so , i do n't know , maybe we can stay in touch doing that . maybe i could , um , help you feel not so alone . aidan : i 'll do that . annie : well , you helped me through a lot of stuff , so maybe i can help you , too . [ scene_break ] zach : so here 's what i 'm thinking . i 'm going to get another architect to finish your projects , and i will pay out your contract . reese : that 's very kind of you , zach , but i have no intention of cutting and running just because kendall wants to get rid of me . zach : kendall 's been through a lot . she does n't need you breathing down her neck . you understand that . reese : yeah , and you should understand this has nothing to do with either of you . i 'm staying for me . live with it , both of you . [ scene_break ] erica : what are you doing here with reese ? adam : oh , i 'm helping her get her footing again , which is no easy task after being dragged through the dirt by the women of kane . erica : so , you 're here with her , what , as some sort of a lame attempt to get back at me for all the times i 've refused your advances ? adam : oh , tell me you 're insanely jealous . tell me you are , even if you are n't . erica : oh , i hate you when you 're like this . adam : mm - hmm . erica : vengeful , manipulative . well , listen to me , adam chandler -- that woman is a snake . adam : oh , relax , erica . the only snake in this room just took the podium . david : excuse me , ladies and gentlemen , may i have your attention , please ? first , i want to thank each and every one of you for coming here this evening . this beautiful sea of red i see before me is the perfect reminder for all women for the need to improve your heart health , so that you might be able to live longer and stronger lives . now , i especially want to thank campbell 's for sponsoring and supporting the american heart association 's `` go red for women `` campaign , and for their generous donations here this evening . now , for those of you drinking something different out there , you should have had a v-8 . much healthier than what most of you are drinking . now , on a personal note , i want to say that this evening has special significance for me , because it celebrates the opening of the new cardiac wing here at the hospital , named in memory of my late daughter , babe carey chandler . so from my heart to your heart , and to all those women 's hearts we 're hoping to keep healthy , i want to thank you once again for coming here , and for your generous donations . now , to tell you more about the `` go red for women `` campaign , i 'd like to introduce j.r. chandler . j.r. : thank you . thank you all very much . there 's a reason why stop signs are painted red . it 's a color that gets your attention . david : you really should be seated after everything you 've done today . make it happen tonight , amanda . get j.r. drunk , you bring him home , and you make it look like he tried to take junior , little a , out for a drunken joyride . you understand ? otherwise , j.r. is going to find out what a rotten little friend you 've been . j.r. : now your presence and your support , along with corporate sponsors like campbell 's , will result in saving many , many lives in the future through the awareness and education to women in america and around the world . now i 'd like to thank the volunteers and the sponsors one more time , and maybe we could hear a few words from krystal carey , babe carey chandler 's mother . krystal , would you like to come up here and say a few words ? thank you . krystal : thank you . thank you all so much . thank you . [ krystal melts her tranquilizers in a glass of wine and leaves it on a tray ] [ scene_break ] erica : you broke bianca 's heart . you may have ruined my daughter kendall 's marriage . because of you , bianca has left town with her children , and you are still here ? reese : i have my reasons . erica : i do n't give a damn about your reasons . i do n't want to hear your reasons . i want you to leave . and if you decide not to , trust me , your life is going to be a bigger hell than it already is . [ reese picks up krystal 's glass and drinks the spiked wine ] [ scene_break ] aidan : some people are very -- they 're very protective of themselves , you know ? they 're very guarded . it 's hard to know what makes them tick . i 'm one of those people . they do n't want you to know what they 're thinking . whereas you , you 're the opposite . and you 've opened up your heart and soul to me in ways that no one 's ever done before . annie : but i lost my mind . aidan : you misplaced it , that 's all . but you 're finding it back . see , the problem is that sometimes we , um -- we open up our heart to the wrong people . you 've got a big heart , annie . you 're a beautiful , loving , giving , warm person . and that makes you vulnerable . and i never want to see you hurt like that again . angie : i 'm sorry to interrupt , but , annie , the oak haven people are here . [ scene_break ] krystal : and for my daughter . thank you . j.r. : thank you , krystal . so many other people were involved in making tonight possible . the decorations were donated by -- jake : i just wanted to tell you , i think you 're a saint for trying to help out amanda like that . frankie : yeah , well , now i 'm a little concerned , because if she told you that i altered the charts , then who else would she tell ? jake : she only told me -- confided in me , because she knows it would be a cold day in hell before i ever told hayward that she 's carrying his child . j.r. : food and drink tonight , which i 'm sure you 've all been enjoying -- the swanson 's chunk chicken . [ krystal overhears jake and frankie 's conversation ] [ scene_break ] angie : all right , she 's dressed , ready to go . aidan : can i go in and say good - bye ? angie : yeah , sure . aidan : you look beautiful . annie : i 'm scared . aidan : it 's going to be different this time . you 'll have a nicer room , more lenient visitation . i promise . annie : will you hold me ? aidan : sure . annie : i 'm ready to go now . aidan : she 's finally going to get the help that she deserves . what ? angie : you have very strong feelings for her , do n't you ? aidan : yeah . yeah , i guess i do . [ scene_break ] j.r. : red is the color of passion . it also represents love , and one only has to look to valentine 's day to make that connection . but tonight it honors -- krystal : it 's david 's child , is n't it ? j.r. : babe was a remarkable woman , the kind of woman that the `` go red `` campaign is reaching out to . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . come here . what 's wrong ? tell me it 's not reese again . this has got to stop . kendall : no , it 's not about reese . i do n't give a damn about reese . i looked at that , and i thought of greenlee , how we did this event together last year . and now she 's gone . she 's gone because of me , because i killed her . zach : stop doing that to yourself . kendall : who else is there to blame ? i was the one behind that wheel . i was the one who ran her off the road . she is dead because of me . me . j.r. : god bless you all for being here , and thank you very much . give yourselves a round of applause . [ reese overhears the conversation between zach and kendall ]
at pine valley hospital , krystal , randi and amanda decorate for the `` go red `` benefit . krystal finds the opportunity and questions amanda as to what is going on between amanda and david . david sits in a booth in a bar . j.r. join him . david suggests that they call a truce for tonight in honor of babe . david offers his hand to j.r. as jack sits at a table in the valley inn , erica joins him . jack lets her know that he went to connecticut to the river 's edge to say good - bye to greenlee , but he just could n't bring himself to to it . at home with kendall , zach finds one of gabrielle 's pacifiers underneath the cushions . when kendall notices him with the pacifier , she assures him that gabrielle will never want for anything . zach tells kendall that gabrielle is his daughter no matter what . a cosmetologist applies makeup to annie 's cheeks and eyes . angie joins her . annie lets angie know that emma is stopping by to see her . aidan comes in and informs annie that emma is not coming . annie gets up off the bed and begins to hit aidan in the stomach . adam comes into the waiting room and sees david and j.r. shaking hands . adam pries their hands apart and pushes david onto the sofa . david gives krystal another sedative to take if the stress becomes too much for her to handle . reese joins adam at a table in the casino . adam tells reese that he had purchased her a dress so she could accompany him to the benefit at the hospital .
natalia : [ puts on lipstick ] ah . brot : it 's not exactly standard issue . what do you got , a hot date or something ? natalia : nope . just bait . [ scene_break ] liza : fill out some paperwork , and then you 're free to go . damon : look , i 'll -- i 'll pay you back for the bail . liza : mmm . damon : i know i messed up . liza : huh . stole my daughter 's car , broke into tad 's house , plus a string of others . yeah . you know where you really messed up , damon ? it 's when you looked me in the eye and you lied -- and you swore you were innocent . yeah . huh . you even had the gall to , uh , say that i was the one that framed you . damon : look , i 'm really sorry . i panicked . you know , i told bailey we could make it on our own , but the money i was getting paid at the casino was not cutting it , and i got fired -- liza : yeah , yeah , well -- damon : look , i knew if i did n't cover the bills , she would take stuart , and she would leave . liza : yeah , well , she has anyway . now you 're looking at jail time . damon : i do n't really care if i get locked up . i 've got nothing left . liza : huh . well , see , you 're wrong again . because you still have me . [ scene_break ] adam : ha ha ! we did it ! scott : are you sure ? tad : i was there when angie opened the results , ok ? the marrow is definitely a match . colby : oh , thank you , thank you , thank you ! tad : do n't thank me . i 'm just the messenger . adam : i 've got to -- i 've got to give j.r. the news . i got ta . well , i 'll be back . scott : go . annie : what news ? adam : a.j . 's wish came true . you got your transplant . j.r. you found a match ? marissa : oh ! adam : you 're gon na be all right , son . marissa : oh ! ha ha ! oh , i never gave up hope . j.r. : well , you would n't let me either . so tell me about this donor . marissa : were they matched on the national registry ? adam : uh , no , no . just someone i tracked down to be tested . i did n't want to say anything until i was sure the results were final . j.r. : why ? who 's the donor ? adam : um -- [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] ryan : coming . jake : you ca n't pick up a phone ? you ca n't save a guy a trip ? ryan : what are you talking about ? jake : i drove all the way to that castle to check on my patient , see how greenlee was doing , but she 's not there . can you at least tell me how she is ? ryan : no , i ca n't , because i do n't know . you 're gon na have to ask david . [ scene_break ] minister : do you , david , take greenlee to be your lawfully wedded wife , to have and to hold from this day forward , for better or for worse , for richer or for poorer , in sickness and in health , to love , honor , and cherish as long as you both shall live ? erica : as usual , my timing is impeccable . need a witness ? [ scene_break ] colby : it is amazing news ! dad , uh , why do n't you look happier about it ? scott : well , uncle adam 's probably still in shock , huh ? i think we all are . we did n't think the doctors were gon na be able to find a match . j.r. : uh , well , they did n't . dad did . adam : mm - hmm . scott : how did you know this person was gon na be a match ? tad : i think they could use a minute . come on . colby : uh , what -- what is going on ? adam : several years ago i was doing a business trip in california , and i -- i met a woman , um , in their winery . annie : a woman ? adam : yes . her name was sonia reyes . we were both single , consenting adults . we both thought it was just for that one night , and then we went our separate ways . some years later i got a call out of the blue with sonia telling me that i 'd fathered her child . he was about 8 years old by that time . j.r. : i have a brother ? adam : yeah . a dna test proved it . sonia told me that she did n't want me to be part of her son 's life , and , uh , but she did want some money to support him . i sent her the cash she asked for . and then i never saw her again . i think she took miguel and left the country . scott : so when you found out j.r. was sick and needed a donor , you tracked him down . adam : i asked tad to find sonia . annie : wait . let me get this straight . you have another child running around somewhere ? j.r. : and he 's going to save my life ? adam : miguel is on his way to pine valley right now . [ scene_break ] ryan : she insisted on going back to wildwind . jake : and you let her ? ryan : wh - what do you mean i -- what am i supposed to do ? keep her locked up in a castle for the rest of her life ? she 's got to be free to make her own decisions , jake , and i guess i 'm hoping with a little time , she 'll come to her senses , and she 'll get away from that psychopath . jake : so that 's your plan . you hand her over to hayward and see what happens ? do i have to remind you that he 's the guy that 's got a black belt in brainwashing ? ryan : i do n't have any other options , jake -- jake : oh , you do n't ? ryan : no , i do n't . jake : no ? really ? how about this ? how about you fight ? how about you fight for your girl , fight for what you believe in , fight to get her back ? ryan : fighting for greenlee is not the problem . it 's fighting against her . jake , she 's convinced that we do n't belong together anymore , ok ? and she thinks that if we force this that somehow we 're gon na get hurt again , and frankly , after everything she 's been through , i can understand why she feels that . jake : all right , but ryan , you believe in your heart that she 's wrong . you have to find a way to change her mind , right ? ryan : the first thing that i have to do is i have to prove that she can trust me again , and that 's what i 'm doing , and by letting her go , it 's the best way to accomplish that . jake : so you let her go . she ends up with hayward . she might even marry him . then what ? you know , hope , ryan , hope only gets us so far . ryan : hope is all i have . [ scene_break ] greenlee : this is a private wedding . get out . erica : gladly . just as soon as you give me the new keys to my office . greenlee : what part of `` my company , my office `` did n't you understand ? do i need to speak slower ? erica : no . you need to grow up . you can change the locks . you can crash the computer system . you can even sic your father on me with all of this legal advice , but i am not leaving my daughter 's company . greenlee : this has nothing to do with kendall . you want fusion for yourself . not happening . david : ladies , please , i promised the reverend we 'd get through the ceremony this time . erica : well , i have no intention of stopping it . jackson : stopping what ? david : oh , for heaven 's sake . erica : did you follow me here ? jackson : call it a hunch . greenlee : call it whatever you want . just get her out of here . jackson : so you can marry him ? greenlee : dad , we 've been over this . if you really want to help me , get erica out of fusion and my face . jackson : you know , i hoped and i prayed that that time you spent at the castle with ryan would get through to you . greenlee : you knew he took me there ? jackson : honey , i gave him my blessing ! erica : and , david , you certainly have mine . ryan deserves far better than greenlee . greenlee : is that why you 're so willing to be a witness ? you want me to marry david , so you can have ryan all to yourself . erica : all i want is fusion . just give me my keys , and i will be on my way . greenlee : over my dead body . erica : careful . [ scene_break ] brot : what -- what ? did you get a promotion i do n't know about ? 'cause last i checked , beat cops do n't do undercover work . natalia : mmm . well , um , you know , if i want to wear a dress and have a drink at confusion , that 's my business last time i checked . brot : not when you 're using yourself as bait to catch an identity thief . huh . yeah , you forgot , right ? i type up all the reports that come through here , so i know the fraud unit is looking for a male in his mid to late 20s who 's been hitting bars in the area to steal credit card information from women . natalia : ahh . you have to create your own opportunities to get noticed in this place . brot : get noticed ? that is n't your problem , especially in a dress like that . look around , you do n't exactly blend in . natalia : that 's kind of the point . god . [ scene_break ] liza : i 'm gon na do what i can to make sure the sentenced is reduced . damon : liza , why are you still helping me ? stuart is gone . you do n't need to play nice for bailey 's benefit anymore . liza : you know , damon , there was a time that i thought that stuart would be better off without you in his life , because babies need stability , and you could n't even hold a job . but more than that , they need love . and that is something that you can give him . i know it because i 've seen it . you know your whole face changes when you talk about him . huh . so as soon as we can get these charges taken care of , the sooner you can get back to bailey and prove that you do deserve to be stuart 's dad . [ cell phone rings ] liza : oh . it 's colby . excuse me . damon : yeah , take it . liza : hello . hey . honey , slow down . uh , ok , where are you ? all right , i 'll be right there . damon : what 's going on ? liza : excuse me . damon : wait , liza , hold on . wait , is colby ok ? [ scene_break ] krystal : hey . did they find a bone marrow donor ? tad : uh , yeah , kinda , sorta . turns out it 's adam 's long - lost son . krystal : what ? tad : which is an even longer story . i 'm sorry . brooke : no . krystal : oh . well , that explains the look on colby 's face . and yours . brooke : oh , well , you know , i guess i should n't be surprised . i do n't think fidelity 's ever been one of adam 's strong suits . but i am surprised that he did n't fight to keep part of his son 's life . i mean , we all know how important family is to adam , especially his children . tad : well , if this miguel is on his way to pine valley to help out j.r. , i 'm sure adam 's gon na try to make up for lost time . annie : why does everyone just assume that miguel is gon na be welcomed into this family with open arms ? scott : he 's adam 's son . annie : it was a one - night stand . adam did n't raise him . he 's never even met him . and that 's the way miguel 's mother wanted it . i mean , should n't we respect that ? scott : what 's the matter , annie , huh ? you afraid this kid might be competing with you for adam 's attention ? [ scene_break ] [ music playing at confusion ] natalia : excuse me . is this seat taken ? man : huh . all yours . natalia : great . thanks . man : what else can i get you ? maybe a glass of wine ? natalia : uh , vodka tonic . man : i 'll take another beer . natalia : thanks . man : anytime . i 'm larry . natalia : oh , michele . nice top meet you . larry : nice to meet you . so are you meeting anyone or -- natalia : um , well , i thought i just did . larry : ha . natalia : ha . yeah . to making new friends . larry : i 'll drink to that . natalia : cheers . [ scene_break ] ryan : excuse me . can you get me a bourbon , please ? make it a double . actually , you know what ? um , just bring the whole bottle . that 'd be great . thank you . ahem . jake : you drinking alone ? can we get another glass ? thanks . ryan : i 'm done talking , jake . i do n't want to talk anymore . jake : i 'm just trying to help out your liver . all right ? very good . ryan : thank you very much . you can stay , but we do n't talk about greenlee , ok ? jake : you got yourself a deal . [ scene_break ] david : greenlee , look , why do n't you take your father , ok , and discuss this in private . jackson : yeah , why do n't you take your father and discuss this in private . look , i do n't know what happened between you and ryan at that castle , but marrying david hayward is not the answer ! greenlee : ryan let me go ! i told him that we do n't belong together . it 's time you accepted that . jackson : i 'll tell you what i 'll never accept is you and hayward . and neither would ryan . if he walked in here right now -- greenlee : ryan knows that i will never be able to forgive him . he slept with my best friend weeks within my supposed death , and then he moved on to her mother . jackson : i know . look , i understand how much that must have hurt you , greenlee ; but i really believe you should just give it some time , you can forgive ryan . i think it 's just a matter of you being able to open your heart to letting him love you again . greenlee : what we had is over . we ca n't go back . jackson : sweetheart , time stopped for you when that accident happened , but for the rest of us , we had to figure out how to go on in this world without you . greenlee : quit making excuses for him . jackson : you 're hiding behind the sham of a marriage to hayward because -- because it 's safe . there 's no chance for heartbreak , but there 's no chance for real love either , greenlee . come on ! greenlee : dad , this is what i want . if you ca n't support this , you should go . [ scene_break ] erica : look , david , i know it 's customary to give the happy couple a gift , but i 'm still waiting for the one that you promised me . david : you 're gon na get your company , all right , but as you damn well know , it 's gon na take some time . erica : unfortunately , that is not something fusion has a lot of at the moment . i need the keys to my office . i need access to my office right now . david : and as you can clearly see , i 'm working on it . erica : you seem to be forgetting that i have the power to destroy your career as well as your freedom with one little phone call . so you better work fast , david . nurse gayle is a bit edgy . david : first i need to get a ring on greenlee 's finger , and then you 'll get the keys to the kingdom . [ scene_break ] [ cell phone rings ] brooke : excuse me . i have to take this . krystal : yeah . mmm . thank you . tad : mmm ? krystal : you gave j.r. a fighting chance . tad : oh , do n't be ridiculous . there would n't have been much i could have done unless adam had come forward with the long lost son , you know , and asked me for help . krystal : no , no . you would have found some way to save him . that 's who you are . you 'll do anything for your children , and they are lucky to have you . we all are . huh . mmm . [ scene_break ] colby : ma ? liza : hey . colby : hi . liza : hi . how are you ? you sounded terrible on the phone . what is it ? what is it ? is it j.r. ? colby : uh -- no . it 's -- it 's dad . liza : what did he do ? colby : uh , well , he -- he hooked up with some random woman at a winery and -- and got her pregnant . it 's kind of weird , you know . i -- i have this brother i never even knew about , and -- and now he is on a plane . liza : wait . he 's coming here ? colby : to donate bone marrow . he and j.r. are a match . brooke : oh , thank god for that . liza : brooke . hi . i did n't realize you were back in town . brooke : well , i heard that they were looking for a new editor for `` tempo , `` so i came to interview . liza : well , you ran the magazine for years . that job should be yours for the taking . brooke : yes , well , one might think , but evidently the position 's already been filled . annie : uh , would you mind if i borrowed brooke for a minute ? brooke : mmm . annie : i hardly think this is the time or the place to be discussing business . brooke : mmm . the etiquette lesson is unnecessary . thanks . scott : adam did n't really give you the editor job , did he ? annie : he will . scott : brooke 's got the experience . annie : yeah ? well , i 've got adam 's ear . trust me , `` tempo `` is as good as mine . [ scene_break ] adam : what time does miguel 's plane get in ? tad : in about a half - hour . adam : you 're gon na meet him at the airport ? tad : yeah . i 'm on my way now . adam : i know what you 're thinking -- how could i turn my back on my own blood . j.r. : i 'm only thinking one thing . i owe you my life . [ scene_break ] natalia : i 'm gon na -- i 'm gon na run to the bathroom for a second . order me another drink ? larry : yeah , sure . natalia : thanks . back off . brot : i just came here for a beer . natalia : bull ! you came here to baby - sit . you are just waiting for the opportunity to jump in and make some big save . brot : do you have any backup ? no . or a place to hide a gun ? inside -- that dress ? what happens if some guy decides to take it a little too far ? natalia : news flash . i 've been hit on in a bar before and handled it just fine without your help , so do us both a favor , brot , and get out of here ! brot : fine . but do n't say i did n't warn you . [ scene_break ] jake : the bastard has been targeting women forever . first with krystal , then with my wife , then with angie . you know he 's trying to snake her job away from her as chief of staff , and she deserves to be chief of staff , you know . my brother and i , we just had to put the brakes on the way she slipped into wildwind . you all right ? what ? ryan : ahem . excuse me for a second . excuse me . hey , how you been doing ? natalia : hi . i 'm good . ryan : can i buy you a drink ? would you mind ? i just saw you sitting over here . larry : excuse me . what the hell 's your problem , pal ? ryan : i 'm just trying to buy the lady a drink if you do n't mind . larry : oh , really ? that 's funny 'cause she has one . [ larry pushes ryan , so he punches him ] jake : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa ! natalia : you get him back ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : reverend , we 're ready whenever you are . erica : i 'll leave you to it . greenlee : you know what ? i 've changed my mind . stay . bear witness . better yet , be my matron of honor . erica : oh , you must be kidding . greenlee : all that 's required is a hideous dress . check . now , where were we ? david : i thought you did n't want an audience ? greenlee : i want erica to see that when i commit to something , i follow through . no one , including you , is going to stop me from getting everything i want . erica : good luck with that . and , david , you 're gon na need it . david : well , i believe that 's the last of our interruptions . shall we ? minister : do you , david , take greenlee to be your lawfully wedded wife , to have and to hold from this day forward , for better , for worse , for richer , for poorer , in sickness and in health , to love , honor , and cherish as long as you both shall live ? david : i do . minister : may these rings serve as a constant reminder of the promises you 've made to one another . by the power vested in me , i now pronounce you husband and wife . you may kiss the bride . [ scene_break ] dr. kahn : now that we have a donor , we need to prepare your body for the transplant . the process will leave you with a severely compromised immune system . we have to put you in isolation to limit the risk of infection . j.r. : when do we start ? [ scene_break ] marissa : oh , a few hours ago , j.r. was in there trying to make peace with the fact that he was dying . krystal : oh -- marissa : and then out of nowhere , this donor gets dropped in our laps . it just does n't seem real . krystal : i know , but it is . thanks to tad . he was not giving up . marissa : you still love him . krystal : well , i 'll always love tad -- for giving me jenny . marissa : no . you share so much more than a house and a child with him . krystal : you know what ? um , it is getting late . i better go down to the daycare and check on a.j . , take him home , tuck him in . you know , it would n't hurt for you to get some rest , too . marissa : no . i -- i really want to be here for j.r. , but thank you for taking a.j . krystal : oh , of course . not a problem . marissa : oh . i 'll see you tomorrow . krystal : mm - hmm . marissa : tell tad how you feel . krystal : good night , marissa . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you at the airport ? tad : yeah . i 'm at the gate right now . as soon as miguel gets off the plane , i 'll bring him right to the hospital . [ scene_break ] larry : i 'm sitting here having a drink , and he bumped into me . ryan : that 's absolutely true , and i found this . jake : what 's that , an mp3 player ? ryan : no . it 's a data reader . the guy 's an identity thief . he was using it to scan your credit cards from your purse . larry : i never touched her purse . ryan : you did n't need to . that 's the beauty of this device . you can transmit and decode data from , like , a foot away . natalia : well , that explains why we have n't been able to catch him in the act . wow , larry , you have been one busy man . we have taken over a dozen incident reports over the last week alone . larry : you 're a cop ? natalia : mm - hmm . sure am . so you might want to cancel your plans for the night , because you 'll be spending it with me down at the station . yes , this is officer fowler . i need a squad car at 500 front street . jake : wow . nice work . ryan : i , ahem , can spot a con a mile away . bad habits . jake : hmm . bad habits die hard . [ scene_break ] david : thinking about ryan ? greenlee : what 's there to think about ? ryan moved on , so have i . david : you sure you 're ok ? greenlee : i 'd be doing better if this felt less like an interrogation and more like a party . we should be celebrating . [ romantic music plays ] greenlee : every couple deserves a first dance . singer : love is patient love is surely kind yes , i know still i never really knew [ scene_break ] erica : i know you 're on your way out , but this really should n't take long , especially not with the help of a strong , capable man like you . brot : ok . sure . well , what is it you need me to do ? erica : a little remodeling . how 's your swing ? brot : i 'm not sure i understand . what kind of remodeling are you talking about here ? erica : oh , not in here . it 's my office door . there 's a lock that needs to come off . brot : so -- so you want me to break in ? erica : oh , no , of course not . not break in . it 's my office , after all . no , no , no . i 'm having some trouble with that lock . it needs to go . brot : well , would n't it be easier to call a locksmith ? erica : believe me , nothing has been easy ever since greenlee smythe came back . [ cell phone rings ] erica : oh . excuse me . you go ahead . you can go ahead and start . i 'll be just a minute . is everything all right ? ok , calm down . i 'll be right there . yes , yes , i 'm on my way . brot : whoa . ms. kane ? ms. kane ? ms. kane ? erica : i have to go . thanks for your help . [ scene_break ] liza : so colby told me you found a donor . adam : yes , i 'm sure she also mentioned my shortcomings as a father , such as how i have a son i 've barely bothered to mention , let alone meet . liza : yeah . i 'm not here to judge you , adam . so i have the adoption papers for you . i just want you to read over them really carefully , let me know if you have any questions . adam : now that j.r. 's had a bone marrow transplant , do we really need to continue with this ? j.r. : i do n't care if i 'm dying or not . i still want marissa to adopt a.j . you got a pen ? now we just need -- the mother 's signature . we can put her autograph . marissa : i like the sound of that . j.r. : i hope you do 'cause you 're gon na be hearing it a lot . [ scene_break ] scott : hey . hey . adam does n't need his family fighting right now , ok ? he 's gon na have enough to deal with when miguel gets here . colby : it 's just so strange , you know . i 've had another brother this whole time -- a brother i know nothing about . scott : i know . i know . nobody does . that 's why we got to stick together , ok ? colby : yeah . liza : how you holding up ? colby : uh , i 'll be better once j.r. gets the bone marrow he needs . liza : honey , will you take a little walk with me ? there 's something i want to talk to you about . colby : yeah . see you . [ scene_break ] annie : so , you must have a lot on your mind . it 's not every day that you meet your son for the first time . how long do you think miguel will be in town for ? adam : that depends . annie : depends on what ? adam : well , um , brooke 's still here . annie : oh . i know . i tried explaining to her that this was a family situation , but she 's not really taking the hint . adam : brooke is really like family . she raised her son and j.r. like brothers . yeah , she 's , uh , she 's part of the family . [ brooke sighs ] scott : i 'm gon na go . adam : oh , ho ! i thought you were in asia somewhere , freelancing for some magazine . brooke : well , i heard about `` tempo , `` and i could n't resist throwing my hat in the ring , but it seems that your wife has beaten me to the punch . adam : how so ? brooke : well , annie told me that she 's taking over as editor - in - chief . adam : oh , that 's the first i heard about it . [ scene_break ] woman over p.a . : flight 926 , service from sacramento , has now arrived at gate 3 . passengers can claim their baggage on the east carousel . [ tad watches the passengers arrive at the airport ] [ scene_break ] annie : i said that i was in the running for editor - in - chief , not that i had the actual job . i mean , adam still has several interviews to conduct before he makes his final decision , right ? adam : well , i think now that brooke is interested , we can call off the search . brooke : well , is that an offer ? scott : well , `` tempo `` would be lucky to have you . adam : i ca n't think of anyone better suited for the job . with brooke at the helm , you 'll have the opportunity to learn a business from the very best there is . mm - hmm . you can mentor annie . it 'll be a win - win situation for everyone . [ scene_break ] colby : do n't worry , mom . bailey 's threatened to take stuart before . she 'll be back . liza : not this time . colby : how do you know ? did you talk to her ? liza : he did . colby : hey , uh , so are bailey and stuart really staying in ohio ? damon : she moved home , got a job . colby : so is -- so is this good - bye ? damon : i ca n't go back there . colby : i know bailey 's parents hate you , but stuart is your son , damon . you have every right to see him . damon : it 's more complicated than that . colby : what ? i -- liza : damon 's dna matches the blood found at the crime scenes . colby : d - damon , you -- you told me you were innocent . damon : i lied to you . i 'm sorry . colby : damn it , i believed you ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : what if the transplant does n't work ? marissa : it will . i know that you were afraid to hope before , but -- we can now . you have a donor , and he 's on his way here to save your life . [ scene_break ] adam : where 's miguel ? tad : he was n't on the plane . [ scene_break ] natalia : stepped on my toes ? are you serious ? if you had n't have stepped in when you did , good ol ' larry would have been walking out with all my credit card information . i 'd be filing a report instead of following up on one . i owe you one , ryan . thank you . ryan : no problem . ahem . bartender : toss the check . it 's on the house . jake : eh , toss the check . catch the bad guy , get free drinks . not such a bad deal . ryan : that guy was obviously an amateur . he was very easy to spot . jake : huh . clever little scam , though , would n't you say ? ryan : uh - uh . no . you can pull something like that off if you 've got the right equipment . it does n't even compare to the cons that i used to pull . jake : it 's a talent , you know . it 's a shame to see such a talent go to waste . ryan : nah , i got out of the game a long time ago . jake : well , let 's just say if david happened to be the mark , would you ever consider getting back into the game ? [ scene_break ] gayle : david needs to pay for what he 's done ! erica : oh , he will . gayle : you keep saying that ! i 'm tired of waiting . erica : i understand , believe me , i do , but trust me . gayle : i trusted david . i lied for him . i stole for him . i faked a death ! how does he repay me ? by kicking me to the curb and chasing after greenlee . that 's where he is right now , is n't it ? did he do it ? did he marry her ? erica : gayle , i know that you are very upset , but please , just calm down . gayle : answer me ! did david marry greenlee ? erica : yes . [ knock on door ] erica : ok , listen , you -- you go hide . hide in the back behind the fireplace . i 'll get rid of whoever it is . brot . hi . what are you doing here ? brot : well , you got that call and run out of fusion . i just , you know , i wanted to make sure everything was all right . erica : oh , yeah , i 'm fine . thank you . is the lock still on the door ? brot : you know , ms. kane , i 'd really love to help you , but i ca n't . erica : all right , fine , i - i 'll find somebody else . thanks . gayle ? gayle ? oh , damn it . oh . [ scene_break ] david : you know , ever since you woke up , you 've been moving at this breakneck pace to get back on your feet , to get home , to get married . well , now that we have , i think it 's time to slow down , give your body a chance to recover . so what do you say ? hmm ? why do n't we go away somewhere , you know ? find a nice private beach where all you have to worry about is what flavor daiquiri to order . greenlee : hmm . you know what i really want ? david : what ? greenlee : for you to clue me in . what exactly was going on between you and erica ?
at the police station , natalia readies for a special mission , but refuses to tell brot what she is up to . liza gets damon released from jail on the robbery charges . tad and the chandler family get good news that they have found a match for j.r. adam rushes to tell marissa and j.r. the good news . j.r. questions adam as to who the donor is as the rest of the family gathers around . ryan reads a newspaper headline about greenlee when jake comes to visit him . jake is upset because ryan had n't told him where greenlee had gone . david and greenlee attempt to marry , but erica interrupts . erica asks them if they need a witness . colby congratulates j.r. on the good news , but senses something is wrong with adam . adam owns up to the family that he had had a son , who is the donor for j.r. ryan lets jake know that greenlee had gone back to david . greenlee attempts to put erica out of her wedding , but erica refuses to leave until greenlee gives her the key to the office . greenlee refuses . jack walks in and wants to know what is going on . greenlee finds out from jack that he had been in on ryan taking her to the castle . natalia arrives at the bar and makes contact with her possible suspect . brot watches from afar . jake join ryan in the bar . while greenlee has a talk with jack , erica reminds david of his promise and that erica does n't have long to save fusion . greenlee walks in and notices erica and david with their heads together . colby tells liza about miguel being her brother . brooke join them . annie pulls brooke aside and tells her that this is not the time to talk business . scott confronts annie about her telling brooke that she was the editor of tempo .
greenlee : i hate the idea of leaving you . ryan : kendall needs your support right now . you got to go . who knows what 's in that box that she got from zach ? i 'd love to be there , but i ca n't . greenlee : ok . i 'll be back as soon as i can . ryan : hey . thank you . greenlee : for what ? ryan : for being here . for just -- for being you . since i found out that emma 's missing , i do n't think i could 've handled this without you . greenlee : he says as she runs out the door . ryan : you 've been amazing . ok ? so go be amazing for kendall . greenlee : ok . but please try and eat something , ok , while i 'm gone , maybe ? better yet , take a nap . ryan : i 'm not gon na sleep . i ca n't sleep because i might miss something , but -- greenlee : still nothing going on at the chandlers ' ? ryan : no , nothing . greenlee : annie is bound to get in touch with j.r. very soon . ryan : and when she does , i 'm gon na be ready . greenlee : ok . call me if you hear anything . i love you . ryan : i love you . [ wiretap beeps ] [ phone rings ] j.r. : j.r. chandler . annie ? [ scene_break ] griffin : madison , right ? madison : yeah . good memory . griffin : you visited kendall a lot when she was holed up in here , and i 'm pretty good with names . madison : female names or just names in general ? griffin : is there something i can help you with ? madison : no . they told me to wait here , so i 'm just waiting . griffin : `` they `` ? scary . madison : i 'm signing up for the sleep study . griffin : oh , yeah ? madison : oh ! and since i have you here , i 'm pregnant . griffin : congratulations . it 's not mine . i 'd definitely remember that . madison : are you always like this ? griffin : pretty much . madison : ok . listen , i talked to my o.b . , who said that it 's perfectly safe for me to do this study , but a second opinion never hurt . griffin : a colleague of mine is administering the study . it 's 100 % safe . madison : really ? that 's just what i wanted to hear . griffin : so signing up for something like this , you must be a serious insomniac or in desperate need of some cash . madison : lately , a little bit of both . griffin : good luck . madison : thanks . scott : hey . what are you doing here ? madison : promise you wo n't make fun of me ? scott : i never make promises that i may not be able to keep . madison : i 'm signing up for an experimental study . what ? what ? why are you looking like that ? scott : it 's not the one monitoring sleep patterns , is it ? madison : how 'd you know ? scott : because i 'm signing up for that one , too . [ scene_break ] j.r. : just stick with the plan . everything will work out , ok ? i 'll see you soon . marissa : hey . i need to talk to you about a.j . j.r. : not now . marissa : `` not now `` ? you remember a.j . , right ? he 's your son . j.r. : do n't do that . i 'm not blowing him off . i just happen to be very -- marissa : busy ? j.r. : yeah , extremely . marissa : wow . shocker . just let me know when you can pencil me in , ok ? is he upstairs ? j.r. : he 's with janine watching a movie . ryan : so where is she ? j.r. : who ? ryan : annie . i know you were just talking to her . do n't even think about trying to lie to me . so you tell me right now , where is my daughter ? [ scene_break ] kendall : `` in the event of my untimely death -- `` ricky : kendall ? talk to me . are you ok ? kendall : no . i do n't know . i -- ricky : you know what ? why do n't we put that down for a second , ok ? what is it ? kendall : i think my husband was murdered . [ scene_break ] ryan : what did annie say on the phone ? did she mention emma at all ? is emma ok ? did you hear a little girl in the background ? j.r. : just relax . ryan : do n't you tell me to relax when my little girl is missing because of you . j.r. : i know what that 's like , and i was gon na get in touch with you . ryan : really ? where 's the phone in your hand ? j.r. : i was on my way to the airport . i was gon na call you . ryan : what about the cops ? what about calling the fbi ? j.r. : i know that you do n't trust me . ryan : no , j.r. , i do n't -- j.r. : but for some reason , annie does . she knows i would never have her committed against her own will . she knows that i would never do anything to hurt her . so if there 's anyone at all that can make her see reason -- ryan : you really think she would listen to you ? j.r. : yeah . she said she loved me before we hung up the phone . so , please , i 'm asking you , give me a chance to do this my way . i 'll get her to stop running , i 'll get emma back for you , and hopefully get annie the help that she needs . ryan : fine . but there 's no way in hell you 're going alone . i 'm coming with you to make sure emma 's ok . j.r. : that works for me . oh , and answer me one question . how did you know she called ? ryan : i bugged your house . j.r. : you what ? you broke in ? marissa : no . no . i let him in . [ scene_break ] madison : why would you be doing the study ? scott : to help the advancement of modern medicine ? madison : try again . scott : i ca n't cover my rent and eat , and i likes to eat . madison : but your job here -- scott : yeah , it turns out i get paid monthly , and i got a little time until i get my next paycheck . so when i saw this opportunity to make a little extra cash , have a roof over my head , how could i resist ? madison : great minds , huh ? scott : great minds . one difference -- i 'm not pregnant . madison : are you sure ? scott : oh , my god , you 're jabbing at my weight ? come on . seriously , are you sure that this is safe for the baby ? madison : i already spoke to two doctors , and they both told me that there is zero risk . ok ? come on . they 're paying me to sleep . scott : oh ! ok , i would use that term loosely around here . ok ? madison : and that means ? scott : it 's the number one complaint , not enough sleep -- doctors , nurses , even the patients -- everyone really -- and i should know this because i 'm the one who tallies up the surveys . madison : ok , i 've survived on negative sleep before . scott : yes , but did you have a baby in your belly ? i 'm just -- think about it , all right ? because you got to lug all your stuff here to the hospital , right , and then a month later you got to lug all your stuff back . then you 're gon na be so much bigger , and it 's gon na be awkward . madison : thanks for the compliment . scott : i 'm just saying that i -- madison : i know what you 're saying , but let 's get serious , ok ? not only am i having an issue paying my rent , but i 'm also drowning in medical bills , ok ? so , seriously , what 's my alternative ? scott : move in with me . [ scene_break ] kendall : this letter was dated right before the explosion , so zach had it on the plane with him . it was n't even in the wreckage . this whole time we thought it was an accident , what if it was n't ? ricky : kendall , what exactly does it say ? kendall : i do n't know . i have n't read the whole thing , but clearly zach thought somebody wanted him dead , right ? why else would he have written this ? `` in the even of my untimely death `` ? ricky : ok . just take it easy , ok ? kendall : how ? what am i supposed to do with this ? ricky : i do n't know , but the goal is to stay calm , remember not to get that blood pressure up . why do n't i make you some tea so you -- kendall : no , i do n't want tea . i want to know who tried to kill my husband . ryan knew something was off . i would n't even have this letter if it was n't for him . the investigation 's over . it 's done . it 's an accident . that 's it . and now every single thing that i thought was true was n't . ricky : you do n't know that . kendall : i do know . i will know . these are zach 's last words . no one even knew they existed . no one 's even read them except me . something about a threat , theft ? casino partners -- they stole ? [ knock on door ] kendall : what kind of threat ? get over here , you guys . hi . hi , angels ! ok , listen . aunt greenlee 's here . i want you guys to go and play with revered torres , ok ? go say hi to him , yeah ! greenlee : hey . ryan told me about zach 's things . kendall : i 'm so glad you 're here . greenlee : me , too . you ok ? did you open it ? kendall : yeah . i do n't know . i 'm all over the place right now , but , greenlee , i think something huge was going on . [ lockbox falls ] ricky : boys , that 's not a toy . greenlee : do you want me to take them to the park for a little while , give you time to do whatever it is you need to do ? kendall : greenlee , i -- greenlee : but i just ca n't stay that long , because i have to get back to ryan and searching for emma , but i want to do everything that i can . kendall : oh , my god . of course . emma . any news ? greenlee : no . no , and he 's going out of his mind . kendall : which is exactly why you need to be there for him . greenlee : but i want to be here for you . kendall : it 's ok . i 'll be fine . i have reverend torres . ricky : boys , no , no , no ! these are n't toys ! ok , you guys have to calm down a little . kendall : are you making a mess over here ? get over here . [ scene_break ] scott : ok , you 've already spent one night at my house , right ? it was n't so bad . madison : no , it was fine . that 's not the point . you just said you do n't get paid until the end of the month , right ? and once i pay my whopper of a medical bill , i 'll be out of cash , too . two brokes do n't make a right . scott : it does if one of them ai n't broke . check this out . madison : what is this ? scott : that right there is your new payment schedule . madison : for my medical expenses ? scott : yes . i talked to doris in billing -- who is a very nice lady , by the way -- and she agreed to let you pay in manageable weekly installments as opposed to the whopper of a payment all at once . madison : are you serious ? scott : i 'm very serious . madison : ok , because i 've spoken to that woman -- doris -- before , multiple times . she 's not a nice lady , actually . scott : really ? i find her quite delightful . madison : she probably fell for those dimples of yours , which should be registered as weapons , by the way . this -- scott , thank you . this is amazing . scott : no , no . hey , listen . so now i just wanted to show you . all right , with the savings that you 're gon na have with all the medical stuff , right , you 'll be able to come up with your half of the rent . madison : yeah , or more maybe . scott : and then i will also come up with my half of the rent , and -- which means we will both be able to have enough money to stay at my place until we both get our next paychecks , right ? and then if you just put this , with a little extra for food . madison : very little , huh ? scott : that could still buy plenty of apples , you know ? madison : and lemonade . scott : lemonade . of course , lemonade . madison : ok , but there 's one thing we 're not talking about here , and that 's you and me living together . scott : as roomies . there 's no monkey business here . this is strictly a business arrangement , that 's all . we can make this work . madison : i know we can . scott : really ? madison : why do you sound so surprised ? scott : sometimes you 're a little reluctant to let me help you . madison : yeah , because i hate feeling like some charity case . but now i know that you need my help as much as i need yours . [ scene_break ] j.r. : how could you do that ? how could you go behind my back ? marissa : maybe if you gave us a reason to trust you , but you did n't . ryan : no , no . and now my little girl is missing , and she 's god knows where with a woman who has completely and totally lost her mind . j.r. : i know that you do n't trust me , but i 'm hoping that that will change . i 'll do whatever it takes to change . ryan : you always do , j.r . j.r. : i 'm sorry , guys . i 'm sorry for my part in this entire mess , all of it . if i could go back -- ryan : we ca n't go back , right ? we got to go forward . so let 's stop wasting time . let 's find my little girl , ok ? marissa : you know where they are ? j.r. : canada . ryan : they left the country ? j.r. : yes . we were gon na meet at a honeymoon suite outside of montréal . annie still has a couple more hours worth of driving , so if we leave now -- ryan : we could beat them there . j.r. : yeah . the jet 's fueled . it 's ready to go . ryan : let 's go . let 's do this . [ scene_break ] ricky : i 'm so sorry , guys . i tried to tell them -- kendall : no , it 's all right . listening is not their best event . hey , ian , spiky ? will you guys listen to me for one second ? those things that you were throwing around ? they belonged to daddy zach , which makes them very special . ok ? so we need to treat them very carefully , and no more playing with those things , ok ? do you understand ? spike : sorry , mom . kendall : it 's ok , honey . you do n't have to be sorry . now you know for next time , right ? right ? right . spike : yeah . greenlee : kendall , what time is it ? kendall : it 's nap time . that 's right , you guys , it 's nap time . greenlee : do you guys mind if i tuck you in ? spike : yeah ! greenlee : yeah ? kendall : all right . all right . you guys go . sleep well . ricky : all right . here . let me help with this . kendall : thank you . ricky : those boys -- they got a lot of energy , huh ? kendall : yes , they do . at least nothing was damaged . ricky : what are you looking for ? kendall : zach 's letter . it was right here on the table . it 's gone . ricky : all right . just relax . the boys were throwing everything around . we 'll find it . it 's got to be around here someplace . kendall : no . i need to find that letter . there was important stuff in it . zach obviously had something important to tell me . ricky : oh , wait , wait . aha . kendall : you find it ? ricky : here it is under the couch . told you . kendall : thank you . thank you . greenlee : hey , is everything ok ? kendall : yeah . greenlee : is that zach 's letter ? kendall : i have n't read the whole thing yet . greenlee : take your time . there 's no rush . [ phone rings ] greenlee : it 's ryan . annie and emma are in canada . he 's getting on a plane . kendall : go . greenlee : but the letter . kendall : i can handle the letter . greenlee : are you sure ? kendall : yes , greenlee . go now . ryan needs you . greenlee : will you stay here with her ? ricky : as long as she needs me . greenlee : ok . kendall : go . thank you . ok . send ryan my love . just tell him to bring that little girl home . [ phone rings ] griffin : hello ? greenlee : dr. castillo ? hi . it 's greenlee lavery . griffin : hey . what 's up ? greenlee : i was wondering if you would n't mind checking in on kendall today at some point ? griffin : i just discharged her from the hospital . everything ok ? greenlee : i do n't know . some stuff was found at zach 's crash site , and she 's going through it for the first time . griffin : and it hit her pretty hard . i thought it would . greenlee : yeah , and she was just finding ways to manage her life and manage her stress , and this is a lot on her first day home . griffin : i 'm on my break . i 'll swing by during lunch . greenlee : thank you . maybe i 'm overreacting , but -- griffin : there 's no such thing in cases like this . greenlee : so can i ask you for another favor , then ? griffin : now you 're pushing it . greenlee : will you call me once you see her , let me know how she 's doing ? griffin : you got it . greenlee : thanks . [ scene_break ] kendall : why ca n't i bring myself to read this ? ricky : maybe you should wait till you 're ready . kendall : i 'm not sure if i 'll ever be ready . ricky : whatever that says , whatever you find out , i 'm here for you . kendall : thank you . you have no idea how much that means . [ scene_break ] marissa : hey ! glad i found you . are you free for dinner tonight ? scott : can i give you a call later ? marissa : oh , god . i 'm so sorry . i totally interrupted , did n't i ? madison : no . we were just trying to figure out some things . marissa : oh , yeah ? what kind of things ? scott : madison and i are moving in together . marissa : oh , my god . wow . i did n't even know you guys were -- not that that means anything at all . i 've just been really busy . madison : no , it 's ok . it 's actually all kind of a shock to us , too . marissa : you guys must be really serious . scott : i do n't know if i would call it `` serious . `` marissa : then what would you call it ? scott : i would call it `` madison and me having a baby . `` marissa : a baby together ? so , like , a -- that 's a baby ? madison : my reaction , too . scott : yep . marissa : ok . so i guess that was n't planned ? scott : not exactly , but -- madison : no . but scott 's been so great coming to my rescue . scott : and she hates me for it , though . she does . madison : i do n't hate it . i just got used to the idea of having this baby on my own . marissa : so you guys are moving in together . does that mean you 're gon na -- madison : no . scott : we do n't know , actually . what we 're gon na do is we 're just gon na take it one -- madison : step at a time , yes . marissa : ha ha ha ! ok ! wow . he 's a really great guy , you know ? madison : i know . marissa : yeah . and for what it 's worth , he wants to be there , he wants to help out , i 'd take him up on it , you know ? congratulations . scott : oh , hey , thank you . marissa : and , hey , give me a call . i promise i 'll pick up this time . scott : yeah , right . marissa : i will . scott : ok . all right . it just came out . madison : so , you guys close ? scott : she 's probably one of my best friends in town , and i did n't even tell her i was having a baby until just now . madison : maybe because you 're not ? scott : right . i know . i 'm -- madison : hey , you 've gone above and beyond . i really do appreciate it . scott : right . [ scene_break ] kendall : `` remember to keep up with the red wings . before you start complaining , yes , i know it 's a long season . you do n't have to watch all the games , just the good ones . and make sure spike wears my lucky hat . remember to tell the boys i love them , every day , how being their dad changed my life . how even though i 'm not there , i will always be looking out for them . then i want you to go to our room , shut the door , get in bed , and imagine my arms around you . feel free to make them bigger and stronger if you want . are you there ? can you feel me ? because no matter what , i 'm with you , kendall , always . if you remember nothing else , remember that . i love you . always , only you . `` ricky : uh , i 'm so sorry . kendall : no , it 's ok . ricky : no , i was supposed to meet a parishioner today , and i 'm telling him that we have to reschedule . kendall : no , you do n't have to do that . ricky : yes , i do . kendall : wait a minute . this does n't make any sense . ricky : what 's wrong ? kendall : the letter just stops midsentence . there 's a page missing . ricky : are you sure ? kendall : yes , i 'm sure . the last page is missing . you do n't forget words like `` stolen `` and `` threat `` and `` theft . `` ricky : ok . all right . you know what ? ian was throwing stuff around . maybe he took it upstairs by mistake . kendall : i 'm gon na go check . ricky : and i 'll look down here . kendall : so i ca n't find the letter . i searched the boys ' room , and i searched their playroom , and i ca n't find it . i do n't know where it is . ricky : ok . all right . we 'll find it . relax . kendall : i need to re - read it again . i barely absorbed it the first time . ricky : so zach ever talk to you about work business ? kendall : he tried not to . he did n't like to bring work stuff home . but before he died , his casino partners -- i told you . he was -- he had a lot of problems . ricky : right . like they were skimming money or something ? kendall : yeah . they put a lot of pressure on zach . they did n't want him to sell the casinos , because they 'd lose their income . ricky : income that was n't theirs to begin with . kendall : yes . i guess they were n't too concerned about that detail . i 'm still hoping that i can sell them myself and without having any problems . i just can not believe this is happening . i finally inch towards a normal place , and then this . if those people wanted him dead , if they had anything to do with his plane exploding -- i need to find this letter ! i 've got to find it ! ricky : ok . all right . it 's got to be around here someplace . do n't worry . we 'll find it . just keep looking . kendall : what is this ? is this -- i found it . i found it . it 's a little crumpled up , but i -- i found it . whew . thank you . thank you for humoring me and helping me , and i could n't have done this without you . ok . now go meet with that parishioner . ricky : no . i 'm happy to stick around . kendall : i appreciate that , i really do , but i think you 've wasted enough of your day being here with me . ricky : what ? spending time with you is never a waste . kendall : thank you . thank you so much . hmm . i would 've fallen apart if you were n't here . ricky : then i guess it 's a good thing that i was , huh ? kendall : mm - hmm . ricky : ok . kendall : ok . [ scene_break ] [ scott and madison carry lots of boxes into his apartment ] scott : ha ha ha ! madison : last one . scott : all righty . ooh ! ha ha ha ha ho ! all right . looks good . what ? you do n't think so ? madison : if the look you 're going for is minor bomb explosion , i guess it looks great . scott : come on . it 's ok . this is what we 're gon na do . we 're gon na get down to the important stuff . two people , one bed . who will get it ? how we gon na do this ? rock , paper , scissors ? madison : it 's your room . scott : i 'm joking . obviously you get the bed . madison : why obviously ? scott : because you are with child . madison : i hate that expression . scott : what ? all right . now that i know that , i 'll make sure i use it more often . no , seriously , i want you to know something . i am so cool with this couch . madison : yeah , for , like , a night or a week even , but we do n't know how long i 'm gon na be here . scott : madison , are you forgetting about my last sleeping arrangement ? ok , it involved a cot with a toilet two feet away from my head . all right ? this right here ? luxurious . madison : thank you . so what 's the closet situation ? just the one ? scott : just the one . madison : i do n't have a storage locker . scott : i do n't have a lot of stuff , so i can make space . madison : i have , like , 10 times as much of everything as you have . this is crazy . i do n't need all this stuff . scott : as long as you do n't get rid of this box here , ok ? this was the one with the toys and books and a couple soft blankies there . that 's so nice . is that yours when you were a little kid ? yeah ? you know we have to save this for the baby ? you know that , right ? madison : where are we gon na put it ? scott : you know what ? i have a locker down at the hospital . we can just keep it there . right ? ok . madison : so here we are . scott : here we are . madison : so what do we do now ? scott : all right , look . this right here ? i am not gon na be here much longer , ok ? i promise . madison : i know . scott : listen . prison -- it knocked me down a few pegs -- a few hundred pegs . all right ? but i knew once i got out , i am gon na work my way up . ok ? nothing is gon na keep me down . i 'm gon na do whatever it takes to get my life back on track . all right ? before you know it , i am gon na be somewhere . we will be somewhere . [ scene_break ] ryan : i hate that we had to leave j.r. down in the lobby . greenlee : he seemed pretty legit about wanting to help . ryan : yeah ? it 's called guilt . he knows the only reason this is all happening is because he did n't let us know that annie was starting to spin out of control . greenlee : you think we 'd be better off without him ? ryan : no , i do n't , because annie trusts him . as long as she trusts him , we got to use that to our advantage . greenlee : listen . this is all gon na work out . i know it . it 's weird , is n't it ? you , me , honeymoon suite . not exactly what we had in mind . ryan : uh - uh . i 'm sorry . greenlee : do n't be . once emma is back home and safe , we have all the time in the world for honeymoons . ryan : plural ? more than one ? greenlee : i think we deserve it . do n't you ? ryan : we do . any word ? j.r. : she left a message at the front desk . ryan : when ? j.r. : just before we got here . she and emma are about 20 minutes away . greenlee : so she 'll be here soon . j.r. : listen , ryan . we 're gon na get your daughter back . ryan : you 're damn straight we are . [ knock on door ] j.r. : you 're welcome . ryan : she should be here by now . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] kendall : seriously ? did n't i just leave you ? griffin : i got a call . kendall : greenlee ? griffin : she 's worried . so let me do my thing . if everything checks out , i 'll be on my way . kendall : now is not the best time . griffin : the letter . i heard . have a seat . lift up your sleeve . kendall : when are people gon na start treating me like normal again ? griffin : do you feel normal ? kendall : not even close . griffin : see ? that 's what i 'm talking about . kendall : you really have to do this ? griffin : i do . just be patient with me , please . be a good patient . kendall : i 'm gon na try . ahem . am i living ? griffin : your b.p . is a little elevated . kendall : please do n't send me back to the hospital , please ? i just got out . griffin : it 's not that elevated . so the letter really pulled a number on you , huh ? kendall : i have n't read the whole thing yet . but once i do , and i figure things out , i think this could change everything . griffin : `` change everything `` ? what does that mean ? kendall : `` dear kendall , in the event of my untimely death , there are some things i need you to know . `` [ scene_break ] scott : penny for your thoughts ? madison : like you have a penny to spare . scott : hey . that 's a good point . heh heh . madison : it 's just weird how things change in life . it was n't that long ago when ryan gave me keys to his place , and now here i am , crashing with you . scott : and you 're knocked up and nearly broke . madison : gee , thanks . scott : i thought we were talking about change and -- you know . [ phone rings ] scott : where 's that -- oh . madison : it 's over there somewhere . scott : ooh . here you go . madison : `` unknown number `` ? what do you think ? telemarketer ? scott : you 'll never know if you do n't answer . madison : hello ? emma : madison ? madison : emma ? emma : i did n't know who else to call . madison : i 'm so glad you did . emma , sweetie , where are you ? emma : mommy said we could n't stay at the fancy hotel . madison : emma , does your mom know that you 're using the phone ? emma : no . madison : have you tried calling your dad ? emma : mommy told me i could n't , but she never said anything about you . madison : emma , where is your mom right now ? emma : paying the gas man . madison : what 's the name of the gas station ? emma : i have to go . she 's coming back . madison : emma , please tell me where you are . emma : i do n't know . madison : are there signs ? anything ? emma ? [ phone disconnects ] madison : ah ! damn it ! scott : what happened ? she does n't know where she is ? madison : no . and i ca n't call back . there 's no phone number . scott : ok . all right . what are you doing ? you calling ryan ? madison : yeah . i know he 's crazed right now . i just hope he picks up . i know he 's not gon na expect to hear from me about emma . scott : do you want me to call him ? i can call him for you . madison : no . i 'm the one that talked to her . he should hear from me . [ phone rings ] ryan : madison ? madison : ryan , thank god . ryan : what 's wrong ? madison : i just heard from emma . ryan : you what ? emma called you ? madison : yes . ryan : is she ok ? madison : from what i could tell , she sounded fine . ryan : thank god . what did she say ? where is she ? madison : i do n't know . all i could get from her was that she and annie were planning on staying in some fancy hotel tonight , but now they 're going somewhere else . she did n't know where they were . ryan : annie saw us . [ scene_break ] ricky : thank god for rowdy kids . otherwise , i might not have been able to get this letter away from kendall . diana : it 's that bad ? ricky : `` i have documentation of names , financial records . they account for every dime stolen , along with a list of people who did it . `` your name is on this list , diana , if you were wondering . `` this information is stored on a hard drive in our special place . if anything happens to me , i need you to find it , show it to the authorities , prove my partners had me killed . they did n't want me to sell those casinos . they did n't want their cash faucet turned off . `` diana : ok . how much of this did she see ? ricky : she did n't get that far , just a few words off the top -- diana : which words ? ricky : `` casino partners . `` `` stolen . `` `` threat . `` diana : is that all , ricky ? ricky : relax . i covered , all right ? besides , i do n't think kendall saw anything about proof being hidden in a special place . diana : any idea where this special place might be ? ricky : no , but i 'll find it . diana : and if kendall finds it first ? ricky : i 'll find it . [ scene_break ] kendall : `` it turns out the casino partners were a real threat after all , because they stole something very precious from me -- time with you and spike and ian , time i ca n't get back . i 'll never forgive them for that , sweetheart . `` no . no , no , no . griffin : what do you mean , no ? kendall : no , this is different . this is different than what it said . this is something -- griffin : kendall , just relax . kendall : no , something is very wrong here . i do n't understand how this is different than it was before . i do n't understand what 's going on . wait a minute . is it my medication ? griffin : i do n't even know what we 're talking about here . kendall : something is very wrong , griffin .
at the hospital , madison meets with a doctor about the sleep disorder program and enrolls herself in it because she needs money to pay the medical bills . scott walks up and informs her that he , too , is enrolled in program . j.r. is on the phone in the chandler living room when ryan comes in and begins to ask him if he 's heard from annie . ryan reveals to j.r. that he bugged the house in order to find out where emma and annie are . marissa admits that she helped ryan to bug the house . j.r. asks her how she could have done this to him . j.r. tells ryan that he is going to the airport to go to where annie is . ryan insists on accompanying him on his trip . kendall reads a letter from zach despite the interruptions from ricky , who continues to try to get to the letter . kendall begins to read the letter and can not believe what she is reading that zach could have been murdered . ricky tries to get kendall to remain calm while she reads the letter . greenlee comes in with the boys and there is mass confusion . the letter from zach falls to the floor in the midst of all the confusion . ricky , successfully , manages to get his hands on the letter . greenlee takes the boys up to bed while kendall settles down to continue to read the letter , but finds it gone . ricky , pretending that he is helping her to look for the letter , puts the letter under the end of the sofa and suddenly retrieves it and gives it to kendall , minus one page that he had hidden in his shirt . kendall begins to read the letter and finds one page missing . in order to get her out of room , ricky tells kendall that the other page must be upstairs . ricky changes the last page while holding on to the original page . when kendall comes back downstairs , she still does n't have the missing page . ricky sneaks and puts the supposedly missing page under the sofa cushion . in looking , kendall finds the page . scott shows madison a payment schedule that he had arranged so that she could pay her medical bills in weekly payments in installments . madison is pleased , but even more surprised when scott asks her to move in with him . j.r. lets marissa and ryan know that annie and emma is in canada . greenlee gets a call from ryan as to where annie and emma are . greenlee leaves to go with ryan to find emma . greenlee calls griffin to check in on kendall . marissa catches up to scott and madison at the hospital and finds out from them that they are expecting a baby and are moving in together , marissa is surprised by these recent developments .
jamie : what do you want ? tad : j.r. ? j.r. : we had the paternity test done . jamie : it was n't supposed to happen till the baby was born . j.r. : i could n't take the suspense . jamie : so tell us who the father is , then . j.r. : we get the test results tomorrow at the hospital . i want you to come down there to hear that the baby 's mine . or if it 's yours , just to see your reaction and babe 's when we get the news . [ scene_break ] babe : you 're charged , so why do n't you ring already ? please ring . krystal : hey , hey . save a bite for me ? babe , honey . come on , now , having a baby is hard enough . you keep this up , you 're going to squeeze out a sumo wrestler . babe : gross . krystal : here , come here . sit up , sit up . hmm -- listen to me . now , i know this binge probably started out as a craving , but it looks to me like you 're eating to forget , huh ? babe : mama , i am so depressed . krystal : well , honey , when you come down from this sugar high , you 're going to feel even worse . so , who 's driving you to the ice cream ? jamie or j.r. ? babe : paul . he should be back from canada by now . why has n't he called ? krystal : he 's probably just taking care of business . [ phone rings ] babe : hello ? paul : hey . it 's me . babe : paul . paul : i 'm back . babe : with my paternity results ? you got the results , right ? paul : oh , i got them . i got them right here . babe : and ? who 's my baby 's father ? paul , it 's j.r. , right ? j.r. 's the daddy , is n't he ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : open it , ryan . open it . help me open it . ryan : greenlee ? kendall : sorry to disappoint you . ryan : you should n't have followed me here . kendall : i 'm not going to let you get away with this again . no . no way , ryan . greenlee : ryan ? ryan , where are you ? help me . get me out of here . ryan : why 'd you bother , kendall ? kendall : no , you ca n't just slip on your gear , hop on your hog , and leave me out in the dust . i 've been there . i wo n't do it again . ryan : well , i said goodbye this time . i even gave you the keys to my penthouse . kendall : oh . you know what , you can take your lovely little parting gift back . i do n't want your stupid penthouse . ryan : hey , my bad . so what do you want , kendall ? what ? what , you want to blast me ? go ahead . you want to say that i colluded against you , that i joined forces with greenlee ? greenlee : i 'm in this hole , ryan . you 're my only way out . ryan : because that 's what you really need , right ? it 's the same thing , kendall . nothing has changed . you 're delusional . and you know what ? maybe i am , too , for thinking there was some reason for me to come back to pine valley . well , goodbye again , and this time it 's for good . kendall : no , no -- ryan , no ! no , ryan -- ryan , wait . greenlee : ryan , are you giving up on me ? ryan : wait ? why should i ? kendall : because -- because what if i want to try again ? what if i want to give us -- you and me -- another chance ? [ scene_break ] babe : paul ? paul ! he hung up ! adam : i caught you . paul : mr. chandler , sir -- adam : anybody i do business with earns the right to call me by my first name . we are doing business , are n't we ? paul : i 'm not sure j.r. is going to listen to a word i have to say about babe . adam : well , it 's certainly worth a try , is n't it ? do n't you want to know what 's inside ? paul : this is n't the amount you offered me . adam : i pay people what they 're worth . i 've doubled the amount . to earn it , all you have to do is tell my son the whole truth about the pretty little slut he married . [ scene_break ] krystal : babe -- babe , now , listen to me . listen to me . your health and that baby 's health are the most important things right now . so i want you to just breathe . breathe , ok , and relax . now , paul is not going to wreck your life because i 'm not going to let him . now , you trust your mama , do n't you ? babe : always , mama . krystal : great . now , listen to me . i 've got those unfiled annulment papers tucked away . paul ca n't prove that you did n't try to file them , so he ca n't prove that you did n't think they were signed , sealed , and delivered when you married j.r . babe : but what about the paternity test ? krystal : you and j.r. 's baby just sit tight . now , i � ll fix paul cramer and those test results . [ scene_break ] jamie : why are you trying to humiliate babe ? why not keep it private ? j.r. : i figured you had a vested interest . jamie : well , if you turn out not to be the father , what , are you going to hand babe over to me ? tad : why do n't you just go and see what happens . jamie : you plan to toss babe out of the chandler family and never look back . j.r. : i 'll call you with the time if you want to come down . jamie : so much for `` better or worse , `` huh ? supposedly , you love babe till death do you part ? j.r. : you know , you care about my wife so much , i suggest you come down and you join us . jamie : oh , i would n't miss it . and i hope to hell that you 're not the father because that baby deserves better than your messed - up family . j.r. : yeah , we do all right . jamie : well , in business , maybe . but with people and relationships , you take after your old man , and that 's sad . j.r. : do you want to come down to the hospital ? yes or no ? jamie : i 'll be there . j.r. : smart man . tad : i do n't like the way you treat your brother . but i am proud of you . jamie : for what ? tad : for sticking up for babe and her baby . jamie : i do n't mean to make you choose sides . tad : i 'm not . i love j.r . i just think somebody should do something about his adam tendencies before it 's too late . jamie : it 'd be great to have the old j.r. back again . tad : well , i 'm going to help you out , no matter what happens . jamie : what is that supposed to mean ? tad : before i got sidetracked with this job i 'm doing for erica , i was on to something . i thought i was . jamie : you were butting into babe 's life ? tad : well , i heard her and krystal talking about something , some kind of document . it sounded pretty important . jamie : then leave it alone , dad . just back off . tad : james , we do n't even know what this document is or why they 're killing themselves trying to hide it . jamie : well , if babe thinks it could destroy her life , then -- tad : well , maybe babe is being shortsighted . maybe if it 's the truth , it could help her have a better life and do something for you in the mix . jamie : dad , you 're going to make things worse . i can feel it . just please do n't -- tad : i can � t . i 'm not going to back off until i find out what babe and krystal are hiding . [ scene_break ] brooke : this is a public hospital ! paul : i 'll be in touch . brooke : do n't make me call the chief of staff . you know , joe martin is a close friend of mine , and i -- adam : what have you done now ? let her go . guard : my orders are to escort this woman out of the building . adam : ooh , must have been a good one , brooke . brooke : adam , i have this under control , thank you . adam : yeah , well , i am adam chandler . i hold a seat on the board of this hospital , so i can take care of public enemy number one . guard : my orders are -- adam : damn it ! unhand her , or i � ll have you terminated , effective immediately ! now , go . just go . go , go . take a break . take a -- take a nap . just go ! brooke : i could have taken care of that myself , you know . adam : what have you done , brooke ? invaded some poor patient 's privacy so you could finish your story ? brooke : i was visiting edmund . adam : oh , edmund called hospital security ? oh . take a hint , brooke . brooke : it was n't edmund . adam : oh , maria had you thrown out ? hmm . i thought this -- this battle over edmund was settled some time ago . brooke : it was another matter . adam : well , whatever it is , i 'll fix it so maria ca n't evict you from the hospital yet . brooke : that 's nice . why would you come to my defense ? adam : well , old habits die hard , brooke . hmm ? it 's -- we 've been so close for so many years . brooke : yeah , yeah , yeah . what do you want ? adam : huh . a friend ca n't do a good turn for you without you -- brooke : a good friend , yes . a mediocre ex - husband , maybe . you ? do n't make me laugh . adam : how 's jamie doing ? brooke : fine . why ? adam : have n't noticed any nervousness ? tension ? brooke : get to the point . adam : babe gets the paternity results back tomorrow . i was wondering if jamie knew that and how he was dealing with it . brooke : you louse . [ adam laughs ] brooke : you are praying that jamie is the father . adam : i 'm quite sure he 's the father . brooke : well , jamie and i will decide what to do if we have to decide anything when we know who 's who and what 's what . but that is our business , not yours . adam : you 're so strong , so formidable . you 're going to make one hell of a grandma . brooke : you 're damn right i will -- someday . and you know what you 're going to make , adam ? the same mistakes over and over again until you are a bitter , isolated , lonely old man . [ scene_break ] babe : oh . it 's perfect . oh . see ? when you come , i � m going to hold you and play with you all day . and then when you 're sleepy , you and lamby are going to cuddle up together . see , when i was little , my mama -- she made me a -- a sock horse . and all the other kids -- they just had the same old sock monkeys . but she said that i had to have a horse to go along with the song . i 'm going to sing to you every night , just like mama sang to me . see , there 's a lot of people that do n't want to bring babies into the world right now because there 's a lot wrong with it -- people just hating and killing each other . but i figured that -- that j.r. and i -- we can love you enough and show you how to love , to be strong , to be a good person . the world is going to be a lot better place with you in it . hush a bye oh , do n't you cry , go to sleep my little baby hmm , hmm hmm , hmm , hmm , all the pretty little ponies [ scene_break ] ryan : you still do n't trust me . you still do n't trust your feelings for me enough to be honest . kendall : i give you an opening and you take a cheap shot . ryan : why ca n't you just ask me to stay because you want us to be together ? why ? listen , listen -- trust is part of love . kendall : you want me to trust you ? you 're all packed up and ready to peel out . ryan : because i ca n't spend my life taking one step forward and three steps back , kendall ! i ca n't ! every chance that we had we used up or we threw away . kendall , it 's over . it 's really over . face it , that engagement ring was bad luck for chris and my mom , and it was bad luck for us . kendall : well , then maybe you should just get rid of it . ryan : i did . i threw it down that mineshaft right there under the rock . greenlee : i 'm calling you , ryan . listen with your heart . save me , ryan . kendall : you threw it away ? ryan : yeah . we 're over , kendall . it 's ended , and you 're the only one you have to thank or blame . greenlee : ryan 's not coming . no one is . no ryan , no rescue . i 'm going to die here . ryan : you 'll get used to it . kendall : no , no ! no , i won � t . no , ryan , i won � t . i won � t . i want to be with you . i want to -- i want to believe you and i want to trust you , ryan . please , i want us to be happy . ryan : you know what you want , kendall , but what can we build on ? i know you still ca n't trust me . what 's holding you back ? kendall , what is going to change ? ryan : i tried . i tried to help you -- you and bianca . i was 100 % behind you during the trial . if i could have , i would 've -- i would 've swept in and i would 've rescued you , but you just would n't let yourself see that . greenlee : does n't matter . too tired for anything but sleep . i want to sleep now . sleep . ryan : why did you have to twist it all up ? kendall : greenlee , ok ? i could n't get past greenlee and your -- ryan : just leave greenlee out of this , and can we just stick to you and me this time ? kendall : why did you come to this spot , ryan ? why here by the waterfall ? ryan : to say goodbye . kendall : no , this is greenlee 's favorite spot , but of course you know that . it 's where she feels closer to leo . ryan : that 's who i came to say goodbye to -- to leo . kendall : at least admit that you were here for greenlee . ryan : i was n't . kendall : you were waiting for her to show up when i arrived . you thought i was greenlee . and since she 's gone into hiding or whatever , you accused me of doing something to her . ryan : you know what , i � m not going to do this . i 'm not going to get into this jealous obsession of yours . i 'm not going to discuss greenlee with you . kendall : oh , never mind the fact that she 's the problem ? ryan : she 's your problem , kendall , and you have worked really hard to make her your problem . kendall : no , since you came back into town , she 's been all over you . she 's been trying to make you since day one , and you love every minute of it . ryan : that 's it ! i do n't want to hear her name again ! kendall : greenlee . greenlee , greenlee , greenlee , greenlee , greenlee ! greenlee has been out to get you . she wants you , and you let her believe that she can have you . you know what i say ? i say great , let her have you . hey , little green pea , come out , come out wherever you are ! you can have him ! he 's all yours ! have a great life ! have fun , baby ! i 'm out of here . [ motorcycle starts ] [ scene_break ] [ babe hums ] babe : what -- um -- oh . hi . j.r. : hi . babe : hey , i got this for the baby . j.r. : it 's nice . i like it . babe : where you been ? j.r. : at jamie � s . i think he should be there when we get the news . babe : for the test results ? j.r. , why did you do that ? that 's between us . j.r. : well , if it was only between us , we would n't even have to take a test . babe : if it turns out that i � m wrong and somehow you 're not the baby 's daddy , i 'll walk right out that door and you wo n't ever have to see me ever again . you can start over with somebody new , but she wo n't ever love you as much as i do . nobody could love you as much as i do , j.r. , and you 'll never be as happy with somebody else as we were when we first got married . j.r. , we can be that happy again if you would just let us . [ scene_break ] brooke : if it is j.r. � s baby , you 're going to want to bring that child into the family , but you have done nothing except insult babe from the minute that she arrived . adam : i was very cordial to her till i found out she was a moneygrubbing tramp . brooke : keep it up . keep it up , and j.r. is going to make sure that your grandchild never comes near you . and i know how much you 're going to love being cut off from your granddaughter or your grandson . i have a piece of advice for you , adam -- just behave yourself until the test results are in , and then be prepared to do a hell of a lot of damage control . [ scene_break ] ryan : you know , i thought we were cool , man . so -- so why am i back ? well , i thought i was going to ride until i ran out of gas or until i ran out of road , and then i hit the town limits sign and i come back . something was drawing me back , leo , and if it 's not you and it sure as hell is n't kendall -- kendall � s voice : why did you come to this spot , ryan ? it 's greenlee � s favorite spot . you were waiting for her to show up when i arrived . greenlee , greenlee , greenlee , greenlee , greenlee ! ryan : that was for you . greenlee ! greenlee ? [ ryan groans ] ryan : greenlee , are you down there ? [ ryan groans ] ryan : greenlee ! greenlee , are you down there ? hold on , hold on . greenlee ! greenlee ! greenlee ! greenlee ! greenlee , can you hear me ? greenlee ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : our happiness is up to me , hmm ? babe , are you admitting that the baby 's not mine ? babe : no matter what i say , you just want to make it ugly . you want this baby to be anybody else 's but your own . is that how it is , j.r. ? you just want an excuse to kick me out of your life ? j.r. : no ! no , i do n't want to stop loving you . i -- i do n't want to lose you . babe : you have n't lost me , j.r . i 'm right here . and i love you now as much as i did when we first got married . j.r. : when it was just us against the world . babe : it can be like that again -- wild and crazy in love -- if you would just believe in me , believe in our love . j.r. : we 're going to have plenty of time to figure out the future once we get the paternity test . what 'd i do with my briefcase ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you listen to me , paul -- you cross my babe and i will decimate you . i 'm not fooling . paul : i do n't have the results . krystal : were n't they ready ? paul : yeah , they were . krystal : well , did you lose them ? paul : they 're in dr. martin 's office . krystal : well , what 'd they say ? what 'd they say ? did you have to fix them so that they 'd say that j.r. 's the daddy ? paul : you 'll find out tomorrow when babe meets with dr. martin . krystal : you listen to me -- i will do more than hurt you if you cross my little girl . now , i can drop a 300-pound man . featherweight rodent like you will be no challenge at all . [ scene_break ] [ while searching krystal � s bedroom , tad comes across her journal ] tad : nah . why not ? might just be the answer to all our prayers . no . new year � s eve . `` tad martin proved he got his reputation the old - fashioned way . he earned it . from the moment -- `` my god , i 'm good . yeah . talk to me . [ scene_break ] david : hey -- kendall . kendall : you have time for a visit from a former co - conspirator ? david : are you all right ? kendall : yeah , i 'm fine . actually , i 'm terrific . i 'm great . david : well , that 's good news . so what are you doing here ? kendall : i 'm saying goodbye to an old friend . i could sure use a new one . david : oh , i make a lousy friend -- kendall : well -- david : or so i 've been told . kendall : i make a lousy everything , so i guess you and i are a pretty good fit , huh ? david : have you been drinking ? kendall : no , but that does sound like a great idea . david : come on , kendall . something 's wrong . are bianca and erica -- kendall : they 're fine . they 're fine . we 're all fine . we 're all going to be fine . even me -- i � m going to be fine because what went wrong , i 'm going to fix . is this label right ? you did n't add any , like , extra - special ingredient that 's going to make me howl at the moon or chase 18-wheelers on the highway ? david : nope . what you see is what you get . kendall : oh . too bad . david : sorry . i do n't think so . kendall : you know , your reputation 's bad enough . you want to add `` crummy host `` to it ? david : how about a fair trade ? straight liquor for straight talk . why are you really here ? kendall : i told you -- i was cruising around looking for a friendly face , and yours came to mind . you got a problem with that , then fine , i � ll leave . better yet , call the cops . they can come and lock me up , and this time they can keep me in there for good and i wo n't have to harm anybody ever again . david : and who have you harmed ? kendall : the night is young , and i feel like getting into a little trouble . david : are you sure you 're all right ? kendall : i have never seen things more clearly in my entire life , and what i see is an entire waste . all this energy and effort i � ve completely wasted in trying to be somebody i � m not . david : and that would be -- kendall : the good girl who thinks there 's some perfect life for me out there and that someone 's actually going to give it to me . the only thing that i got is a kick in the butt from my ex - fiancé . david : oh , all right . so ryan is responsible for this mood that you 're in . kendall : i 'm not -- i 'm in a great mood . i 'm in a fantastic mood , actually . the world is at the palm of my hands . the world is at my taking . i can do whatever i damn well please . and anybody who has a problem with it , then they better just stay the hell away from me . but i hope that you won � t . david : oh , i do n't know . you sound pretty dangerous . kendall : you 're smirking at me . funny , it would normally bother me from somebody else , but with you it doesn � t . maybe because you and i are so much alike . david : then why do n't you relax and have a seat . kendall : you and i pulled the ultimate pregnancy scam . the ultimate . people hate and loathe you just as much as they do me , so i think we 're perfect for each other . david : hmm . now i am worried about you . kendall : no , seriously , david . you owe it to yourself to give me a shot . [ kendall gives david a big smooch ] [ scene_break ] jamie : mom . brooke : yes ? jamie : i wondered how long before you 'd show up . brooke : oh , why ? did you leave a message for me ? because i never got one . jamie : dad told you , right ? about babe taking the new kind of paternity test ? and we 'll be seeing the results tomorrow , and he got you over here to talk me out of it . brooke : no , no , but he told me that i could come over here . i just came over here because i wanted to see you . jamie : how come ? what did i do or forget to do ? brooke : would you stop , all right ? nothing is wrong . jamie : you 're about the only person in town who thinks so . brooke : well , i ran into adam chandler at the hospital . jamie : that must have been fun . brooke : he told me about the paternity test tomorrow . jamie : go ahead -- tell me if the baby 's mine to keep my mouth shut and back off . brooke : hey , come on . when am i the enemy ? jamie : so you 're not going to try to talk me out of going for custody if i � m the father ? brooke : i just came over to , you know , hang out with you , unless of course you 're busy studying . jamie : i ca n't concentrate on anything . brooke : excellent . because then maybe i have a chance of winning . what do you say , huh ? high - low chicago , one - eyed jacks wild ? jamie : how about five - card stud . it 's classic , simple . brooke : then high - low chicago . jamie : if you win the hand , you can call it . brooke : ok , that 's fair enough . jamie : this is a good idea . thanks , mom . brooke : hey , i just needed some extra cash , that 's all . before we start , i just want to say if this baby is yours , he or she will be a welcome addition to our family . if it ever , however , calls me `` granny `` or `` grandma , `` i � ll be very upset . however , i will be very accepting of `` she who must be obeyed `` or `` hot mama . `` jamie : it 's a good bluff . brooke : oh , i 'm just warming up . [ scene_break ] tad : well , it 's definitely a wonderful read with fabulous fleshed - out characters and an excellent male lead , but it does n't do a damn thing for me . krystal : that 's all right , winnie , i 'm fine . no , really , i 'm good . i 'm just going to call it a day . thanks a lot , now . all right , good night . [ a suspicious krystal spots tad hiding in her closet and yanks him out by the ear ] tad : surprise ! ow , ow ! you trying to rip it off ? krystal : i should 've known you would n't stop digging for dirt on babe ! i gave you the benefit of the doubt because you 're just so darn desirable ! tad : are n't you kind ? krystal : well , not anymore . the police can throw your butt in the slammer for all i care . tad : take it easy , take it -- come here , come here , come here . take it easy . do n't embarrass yourself . krystal : embarrass me ? tad : yes . krystal : you 're the one who 's got to explain why you 're in my closet ! tad : i would love to if you 'd give me half a minute ! i 'd just like to keep it private , if you do n't mind . and after that , if you do n't believe me , then you can dial the cops . hell , i 'll do it for you . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee ! it 's me . oh , my god . oh , my god . i got you , i got you . are you ok ? are you ok ? [ ryan groans as he descends into the mineshaft with a rope ] ryan : ok , ok . you 're going to be all right . i got you here , i got you . all right . we 're going to get you out of here , ok ? you can open your eyes now . greenlee , listen to me -- open your eyes , all right ? you 've got to tell me what happened here . you got to tell me how you got -- how long have you been down here ? what happened ? hey , that 's it . that 's it , come on . greenlee , hi . do you know who it is ? it 's ryan . i 'm here with you . it 's ryan . greenlee : go away . [ scene_break ] babe : are n't you tired ? j.r. : you know , i -- i just got to get this finished . babe : i really wish you 'd get some more rest . ok , then . good night . j.r. : good night . [ adam watches from the shadows as his son lets babe go to bed alone ] [ scene_break ] krystal : all right , give it to me . i love a good story . of course , you probably already know that , i guess . so if you 're not here to gather info on babe , why are you here ? tad : i am here , my shrinking violet , because i wanted to give you this . krystal : nice . tad : mm - hmm . krystal : is this hot merchandise , mr. cat burglar ? tad : it 's bought and paid for . i got it for you . krystal : uh - huh . tad : no , i 'm serious . come on , turn around . i 'll put it on . krystal : i do n't think i ought to turn my back on you . tad : oh , live dangerously . come on . do it . krystal : yeah , right . you snuck up here -- tad : hair . krystal : to give me a necklace . tad : that 's right . krystal : yep , my closet is a virtual waiting room for all my beaus . tad : you 're paranoid . it was supposed to be on your dresser where you would find it . that 's why i was in the closet because it was supposed to be a surprise . krystal : all right , then , give it to me . tad : i just did . krystal : no , give me the sexy , romantic note that you were going to leave with the necklace . tad : there 's supposed to be a note ? krystal : oh , right . you wanted to be anonymous , huh ? tad : well , krystal , how many men have you seen who would creep in your bedroom and leave you a necklace ? krystal : sugar , you do n't want to know . tad : well , maybe i should be jealous . krystal : ha ! your bedroom 's the take - a - number deli of love , not mine . tad : hey , true enough . i might not be a one - woman man at present , but i bought the necklace and i crept in here for you and only you . ok ? krystal : i could use some more convincing . krystal : all right , i believe you . so how 's my necklace look on my top ? tad : i think it 'd look better without it . krystal : well , we 'll just have to see about that . tad : yeah , i guess we shall . krystal : whoo ! oh , baby ! [ krystal laughs as they fall onto her bed together ] [ scene_break ] david : kendall , you 've been through a lot lately . i really think you need to get a grip . kendall : i 've had a grip . i 've had a grip for months now , and where has it gotten me ? nowhere . i try and try to keep it all together and to hang on to that grip , but it 's not going anywhere . i want to win for once . i want to have the prize . i want to get the love . i deserve to have the love , too . everyone else has gotten it but me . it 's the only reason why i am here is because i need to be loved , too . david : all right , come here . it 's ok . [ scene_break ] ryan : open your eyes , greenlee . please stay with me . greenlee : you 're just a dream . i made you up . ryan : no , no , you did this -- hey , does this feel like a dream ? hello ? hi . greenlee : no , no . that 's not -- ryan : that 's not what you want me to do ? that 's not what you 're trying to make me do ? because you 're not controlling me , greenlee ! it 's me ! i 'm real ! i 'm really here . hey . yeah . it 's really me . it 's really me . it 's me , it 's me , it 's me . ok , i got you . i got you . [ next_on ] kendall : i have to say something to you that i think might make the two of us blush . krystal : are you being frisky or sneaky ? babe : is j.r. my baby 's daddy ? greenlee : you heard me , did n't you , ryan ?
kendall follows ryan out of town and meets up with him at the spot where greenlee is stuck down the mineshaft . she makes a desperate attempt to get him back . but her suspicion and jealousy over his still caring for greenlee makes them both too angry to want to try again . ryan departs and tells her it 's over . she later goes to visit david hayward , with the belief that he might be the right man for her . greenlee is unconscious in the mineshaft , until ryan telepathically figures out that she 's there and rescues her .
bianca : so ryan said that he would find out where the button came from . zoe : but you 're still troubled ? bianca : oh , not about ryan . i trust him completely . in the car on my way over here , an old song came on the radio . zoe : the kind that transports you to another time and place ? bianca : mm - hmm . brought me right back to the end of high school . you know how you say good - bye to all your friends , and you promise each other you 're going to say in touch ? but -- things change . they 're never really the same again . some things are just lost forever . but you only just came into my life . i alm -- [ bianca tearfully hugs zoe in her hospital bed ] [ scene_break ] erica : kendall , i want you to understand that i know why you 're doing what you 're doing . but i need to speak to you about josh . j.r. said that josh might be here in the casino . do you have any idea wh -- [ hearing jeff 's voice , erica peers around the corner and sees him putting on a white lab coat and getting in the elevator ] man : whoa . dr. martin -- jeff : how are you today ? man : i 'm well , sir , how are you ? jeff : good , thank you . thanks . [ scene_break ] babe : josh -- josh : babe -- babe , it 's ok . i 'm right here . you 'll be fine . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'm right behind you , and my ears work fine . tad : it 's the rest of you i 'm worried about , j.r . j.r. : i thought we 'd discussed this -- i 'm fine . tad : no , you 're not . you 're not 100 % ok . would you please tell him ? ryan : no , i choose my battles . this one 's yours . j.r. : oh , you do n't think that i can hold my own . tad : i did n't say that , j.r . i just -- i just do n't want you to get hurt . j.r. : listen , if i fall , just leave me where i am . you guys are going after the bastard that killed my wife and my mother . i want a piece of him , too . jamie : yeah , we all do . j.r. : well , let 's hope your gut is right . and we come back home with more than just another button with a cambias crest . [ scene_break ] [ pacing around the room alone , kendall envisions a happy ending ] kendall : so ? zach : it 's done . kendall : your father is -- he 's gone ? zach : i took care of him . he wo n't hurt you or anyone else ever again . kendall : are you sure ? does this mean that we -- spike can come back home ? we can have spike home ? zach : it 's happily - ever - after time . kendall : oh , my god -- yes ! oh , honey . [ scene_break ] zach : who are you ? you 're not my mom . my mom is dead . so , what , are you -- you working for my dad ? [ while zach is distracted by the vision of his mother , a poisoned dart strikes him in the neck and he goes down . ] alexander : brava , my dear . lovely job . [ scene_break ] jack : i mean , do you really think this is going to be enough men even with the extra ones that zach 's brought in ? bianca : well , what happened ? derek : nothing . bianca : something happened to kendall ? jack : no , no , honey . no , not at all . derek : we 're just talking `` what ifs . `` jack : yeah , she 's safe at the casino . derek : nothing 's changed . bianca : well , good . did you get the dna result back ? jack : you mean that saliva sample from zoe 's jacket ? bianca : yeah . did it give you any leads ? derek : there 's a serial killer on the loose . bianca : and what 's one beat - up guy in a dress , right ? derek : i did n't say that . bianca : well , good , because that dna sample could lead you to the killer . huh . oh . so you still do n't think that zoe was attacked by the satin slayer ? even with the new evidence ? derek : new evidence ? jack : what new evidence is that ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : so this is what the excitement 's all about ? ryan : you ever seen this , or anything like this ever before ? yes or no ? j.r. : no , i do n't sew much . aidan : you bored already ? you know , we 're still taxiing . we could drop you off right here . tad : easy . take it easy . you find out anything else about it yet ? ryan : i know it was n't mass - produced . i know it was a special order from a factory they closed over a decade ago , so it 's only something somebody cambias would have . j.r. : or a whack - job who 's wearing cambias hand - me - downs . jamie : you both have valid points . it could be an ex - employee , or just some guy into thrift stores . j.r. : so this made you take a leap to vegas ? why ? ryan : our killer knows more about zach 's mother 's death than anybody else . tad : which leads us back to employees , old relationships , household servants . you know , maybe this guy jenkins was cleared but -- ryan : zach questioned me about alex , as in alex cambias . he wanted to know everything that i could possibly remember from my time in the desert with him all the way to the guy 's last breath . aidan : is that why you chose vegas ? ryan : that 's why zach did . he 's been three steps ahead of the rest of us all along . [ scene_break ] derek : and where was this button ? bianca : it was in the cemetery where zoe was attacked . she pulled it off her attacker 's coat . jack : and you gave it to ryan ? bianca : i just assumed that ryan would bring it to you after he had checked it out . derek : well , you assumed wrong . and if we do ever get this button , the evidence is going to be so compromised that any third - rate lawyer could get it thrown out . jack : why did n't you just call us , honey ? bianca : well , some people did n't take zoe 's beating very seriously . i did n't think that you would believe her story . derek : look , this button -- was there anything special about it ? color , material ? bianca : yeah , it was metal pewter , and it had a crest on it of a hawk . derek : dani said she saw a bird . jack : you think it could be this hawk she 's talking about ? derek : on one of his buttons ? i mean , what are the chances of that ? bianca : and you wonder why i did n't call you . you wonder why ryan did n't bring it to you . derek : hey , i want to bring down this serial killer as much as you do . bianca : the serial killer targets women . zoe was dressed -- derek : i know , i know -- he was in drag . bianca : it 's not drag . derek : ok . ok , he was wearing a dress . bianca : thank you . and he -- she says that the -- the assailant was wearing the same kind of black hood that dani described . derek : and zoe had been drinking , and has given us incorrect information in the past , which makes him unreliable . bianca : well , she was absolutely correct about the button . it was just where she said it would be , and that 's where i found it . you 're just biased against zoe . derek : hey , that 's inaccurate . jack : where did you get this ? lt . perry : i do n't know -- a messenger brought it . jack : from a company ? where is he now ? lt . perry : well , he 's gone . he dropped it on my desk . he said it was for you . jack : did anybody else deal with this guy ? i want a full description of this guy . i want the name of his employer . i want the phone number . i want it now , perry ! let 's go ! derek : what do you got ? [ scene_break ] tad : it 's jack . yeah , hi , jack . so what 's up ? jack : tad , where are you ? are you -- are you on a plane ? tad : yep . hurtling down the runway to nowhere . jack : where are you hurtling to ? tad : i 'm not sure . i 'll let you know when i get there . what 's new ? jack : we got another note , apparently from our killer . tad : it 's nice of him to stay in touch . what 's it say ? jack : it says , `` good - bye . i have what i wanted . i 've left a parting gift . `` tad : that 's it ? jack : yeah , that 's it . what do you make of it ? tad : far be it from me to translate , but it sounds like -- sort of like `` thank you for playing . `` jack : but the parting - gift part -- that ca n't be good news . tad : yeah -- listen , i 'll get back to you , ok ? talk to you later . jamie : what was that ? tad : confirmation . the killer left another message . ryan : saying ? tad : he set a trap . zach and kendall walked right into it . [ scene_break ] [ sitting alone with her uneaten dinner , kendall envisions zach walking back into the hotel room then collapsing in front of her . ] kendall : zach ! my god , i have been so crazed . do n't -- what happened ? tell me what happened , honey ? zach -- zach ? zach ? zach ? where the hell are you ? [ scene_break ] alexander : take off the mask . it 's unnerving . woman : i did not sign on to be an accessory to murder . this was a stunt . a practical joke . alexander : i 'd be quiet if i were you . just take your money , go . woman : i would not have done this for all the money in the world if i 'd known someone would end up hurt . he 's dead . [ using a silencer , alexander shoots the woman posing as amelia and kills her . ] [ scene_break ] kendall : come on , come on , ring , damn it . [ kendall impatiently checks her cell phone for messages ] kendall : yeah , he 'd love that . please be all right . zach 's voice : all of it has been leading to here , father and son . this is between me and him , alone . kendall : please be all right . [ when kendall picks up zach 's jacket for comfort , she finds a note to her from zach . ] zach 's voice : `` hey , gorgeous . if you 're reading this -- well , i wish you were n't because it means i 've been gone so long , you 're snooping around . that 's not a good sign . you know i love you more than i can say . but i 'm going to try to put it down here so you can always hold on to it , refer back when you need a reminder , would you , please ? never in my entire life have i had anything like what i have with you and spike . never felt this way for any other woman on earth . and that 's you , kendall . you 've made me feel a kind of love i never even knew existed . you and the spike man did something nearly impossible . you made me a family guy , the kind of man -- no . make that the kind of father -- who dresses up his baby in silly outfits and takes pictures to make his wife smile . let me tell you , one minute with you smiling -- or screaming -- is worth 10 years of any other man 's life . i pity the rest of the male population , because they 've missed the excitement and love that you brought me . now do n't panic , ok ? do n't get depressed . pick up your cell and call ryan . do it now . call him and tell him i said to keep you safe , because i know he will . all right . now fold this up and have it laminated later so it 's tear - proof , because i want it to be legible when you pull it out and bore spike 's kids and grandkids with it 50 years from now . you are magnificent , kendall . and everything i am , everything that 's good in me is all because i had you . always only you . zach . `` ryan : kendall -- where are you ? kendall : ryan , i 'm in las vegas . ryan : vegas ? kendall : ryan , he 's alive . alexander cambias , zach 's father , is alive , he 's not dead . he faked it all , and zach has gone to confront him . ryan : alone ? kendall : yeah , he would n't take anyone else . ryan , he has n't come back yet . he should be back by now . ryan : all right , kendall -- kendall , try not to panic . kendall : no -- ryan , listen to me -- he left me a letter . zach left me a good- bye letter . ryan : all right , kendall , i want you to listen to me , ok ? listen to me . it does n't necessarily mean the worst , ok ? kendall : ryan , it was in case he could n't come back to me . ryan : zach is a very smart man . he 's going to be all right . kendall : he has to come back . ryan : kendall , this is what i want you to do . i want you to stay put . kendall : zach needs me . ryan : no , you stay where you are . zach is protecting you . you need to be safe . do you understand ? kendall : yes , but i can help him . ryan : we both will . i 'm on my way to vegas right now . kendall : no , ryan , there is n't time . ryan : there 's plenty of time . this is what i need you to do . i need you to tell me exactly where you -- i need an exact address . kendall : ok . we -- we 're registered under suarez at the rancho rodeo hotel on -- on paradise avenue . ryan : excellent . i want you to stay put , ok ? i 'm coming as soon as i can , and i got plenty of backup . kendall : i have tons of backup . there 's six guards outside my door . ryan : well , then when we get there , we 're going to have a whole army . kendall : ok , i 'll wait for you , but hurry , please ? ryan : we 're making the best time that we can . kendall : i do n't think we have long . [ scene_break ] erica : bill , is n't it ? dr. martin called and -- and asked me to meet him and josh madden . can you just tell me what floor they 're on ? i am running so late . [ scene_break ] jeff : well , babe , you 're recovering right on schedule . good work . babe : i just lie here . josh does all the work . jeff : keep it up . babe : no , he needs to get some rest . he 's here 25 hours a day . jeff : well , it keeps him off the streets , right ? no , he 's got a bunk upstairs . josh : see ? told you i get plenty of rest . babe : i do n't know how . you barely even leave my room . jeff : no , no , no , forget it , babe . you know how hardheaded he is . josh : yeah , and you 're the one that needs to sleep , so no fighting it . jeff : babe , the more you sleep , the faster you 'll heal . babe : i 'm so lucky to have you . josh : i think it 's finally happened . she 's over j.r . [ scene_break ] [ on the plane , j.r. takes out a picture of babe and little adam and ponders what happened . ] j.r. 's voice : we 'd have made it . babe and i could have put our marriage back together . we always found our way back to each other . we had to . just like tad and my mother . together forever . we would have been happy if that bastard had n't -- i 'm going to enjoy making him pay . [ sitting nearby , jamie relishes the thought of revenge . ] jamie 's voice : we thought the good times were back . this son of a bitch took it all away . he robbed j.r. , my dad . took away their love , their hope . i 'm going to take this guy out and enjoy every minute that he suffers . [ scene_break ] jack : perry , are you telling me not one other officer in this stationhouse noticed this messenger ? lt . perry : everyone 's pretty busy . jack : oh -- just get me the footage from the security cameras . we need this guy , ok , please ? derek : and check every service within 50 miles . find out who arranged this delivery . lt . perry : yes . jack : thank you . officer : sir , we got a disturbance call to 564 shepherd avenue . bianca : wait , that 's kendall 's new house . jack : let 's go . bianca : hey , wait ! [ scene_break ] kendall : come on , ryan . hurry up . where the hell are you ? [ phone rings ] kendall : hello ? zach : hey -- kendall : zach -- zach : it 's me . kendall : zach , thank god . i 'm going crazy . where are you ? why have n't you called ? are you ok ? did you see your father ? zach , please just tell me that this is over and that you 're safe . zach : i love you . do you trust me ? kendall : what kind of question is that ? yes . zach : listen carefully and do as i say . come to the warehouse , 2 sunset avenue . kendall : well , ryan 's on his way , so as soon as he gets here , we 'll be right over . zach : i need you right now . kendall : but ryan told me not to go anywhere without him . zach : i need you right now . kendall : but ryan can help . zach : come alone . kendall : zach , what 's going on ? zach : everything will be all right . 2 sunset avenue . kendall : zach ? zach ! zach 's voice : no arguments . kendall , you have to come right away , and alone – alexander : or it wo n't be a party . will it ? otto : whoa ! kendall : i have to go . otto : not without word from mr. slater . kendall : he just called . otto : i did n't talk to him . did you talk to him ? kendall : it 's not funny , you guys . can you let me by , please -- otto : whoa , whoa -- our orders come directly from the boss , and he says that you are to stay inside safe and cozy until he gets back . kendall : zach needs me . otto : yeah . he needs you -- to stay inside . kendall : great . thanks a lot . well , how the hell am i going to get out of here ? [ looking around , kendall eyes the balcony doors ] [ scene_break ] jack : bianca , you do n't need to see this . bianca : what , what , what , what ? what is it ? what -- oh , my god . uncle jack , this has to stop . it has to stop before he gets to kendall . jack : it will stop , it will stop , it will stop . would you please take her to her car , now ? derek : follow him . do n't take your eyes off of her . jack : well , zach 's mother fell from a nice , high balcony , too . derek : except our friend here did n't fall . jack : no , i think our killer gave him a little assist , derek . `` i 've left you a parting gift . `` derek : some gift . jack : yeah . you know , there was -- there was no disturbing the peace out here . this guy 's been dead at least 24 hours . that call was put in so we 'd be standing right where we are right now . derek : and if the satin slayer 's killing off our earlier suspects , we better get in contact with old kenny and fast . jack : you know , i -- the note also said `` i have what i wanted . `` what the hell did that mean ? derek : could it be jenkins ? jack : i do n't know . he said `` good - bye , `` too . i 'd just like to know where the hell he 's going from here and what he 's going to do when he gets there . derek , this guy 's not even playing by his own rules anymore . that means all bets are off . anybody could be next . [ scene_break ] [ as she 's making her escape out the balcony , kendall ignores her ringing cellphone . ] [ scene_break ] jack : come on , kendall , pick up the phone . damn it -- kendall 's not picking up . i 'm going to give zach a try . [ scene_break ] [ alexander removes zach 's buzzing cellphone out of his pocket as he lies unconscious on the warehouse floor . ] [ scene_break ] ryan : so spike 's already all settled in ? annie : spike and his entourage , rachel and the bodyguard . ryan : well , ron 's a good man . he 's going to -- he 's going to take good care of you , all right ? annie : yeah . no one is going to get to spike . actually , i do n't think anybody would recognize him , because kathy and emma have him dressed up as a -- i think it 's a -- a cat or a buffalo . i do n't know . either way , they are now calling him `` the wildwind mascot . `` do n't worry . ryan : it 's -- it 's kind of hard not to , you know ? annie : well , come back to us as soon as you can . ryan : i will . annie : and do n't take any chances . ryan : i 'll try not to . annie : emma sends her love . ryan : hmm . tell her i love her so much , all right , and i -- and tell her that i 'm going to be back real soon . i 'll check in with you as soon as i can , ok ? [ ryan thinks of his sister erin ] ryan 's voice : she brought so much light wherever she went . alex put that light out . how 'd i miss it ? he offered me a fortune , and i took it , but if i 'd just looked a little harder , would i have seen it ? i mean , could i have saved my sister 's life ? could i have stopped all of this ? he wo n't get kendall . i will end it now . he will not kill kendall . [ resetting his watch , aidan also recalls erin ] aidan 's voice : she was just beginning to live life . cambias , you just wait . when i see you , you 're going to wish that you died last time . tad 's voice : beautiful , smart , brave , still able to hope despite everything . he 'll pay for taking your life , dixie . i 'll make damn sure he pays . j.r. 's voice : i 'm going to enjoy making him pay . jamie 's voice : i 'm going to take this guy down and love every minute he suffers . aidan 's voice : he 'll wish he died last time . he 'll beg me to make it fast . ryan 's voice : i 'll end it this time for good . j.r. 's voice : babe and i could 've made it back . and mom -- tad 's voice : you took her . you took our hope . aidan 's voice : erin was just beginning to live life . ryan 's voice : you got my sister , but this ends before you get kendall . it ends tonight . [ scene_break ] perry : dna results . bianca : yeah , from the sample from zoe 's coat ? jack : can we use it ? derek : matched against all the data in our system . bianca : were there any matches ? jack : anyone even close ? derek : zach slater . jack : what ? bianca : zach 's ? that not possible . derek : it 's -- it 's not a perfect match , but close enough to be related . jack : wait , wait , wait , wait . it makes some sense -- that cambias crest was on the button . derek : but all slater 's relatives are dead . bianca : we thought they were . [ scene_break ] [ a cellphone rings ] tad : it 's me . nobody say anything . derek , my friend , what 's up ? derek : question -- why would a button embossed with the cambias crest be found near babe 's grave ? tad : ah , i do n't know . that sounds a little wild to me . derek : having been torn off the coat of zarf 's attacker ? tad : um -- if you 're asking , i ca n't say that i know . derek : the attacker spit on zarf . guess who the dna test revealed is a partial match ? tad : uh -- listen , you know , derek , i 'm kind of busy here . is this -- derek : zach slater . busy , huh -- on your way to vegas ? start talking . tad : derek , can you hear me ? derek ? derek : tad , do n't do this . tad : derek , can you -- listen . the last -- when you -- i 'll -- when i get in . bye . that 's not funny . we have n't got much time , because the police are right behind us . bianca : it 's -- it 's good that tad is on his way , is n't it ? i mean , he can help protect kendall . [ scene_break ] jeff : you know , she 's really doing quite well . she 's going to want to go home asap . josh : yeah , well , she says home 's not with j.r. anymore . so as soon as this killer 's behind bars , she can go wherever she wants . jeff : are you sure about j.r. or is it just the meds ? josh : he went way too far this time . he threatened krystal . jeff : he did n't try to hurt her ? josh : no , he just tried to wreck her life . jeff : how ? josh : i do n't know -- he used some threat to blackmail babe . jeff : oh . what is with j.r. ? josh : i do n't know . i do n't know the details exactly . jeff : no , it just seems that there is nothing too low for him . josh : exactly . and as soon as it 's safe for babe to come out of hiding , we 're going after him . jeff : you and babe ? josh : yeah , i 'm going to make sure he ca n't do anything to hurt her ever again . jeff : no , no , no , josh . i think that it 's important for babe right now to avoid any kind of stress . josh : all right , do n't worry . i 'm going to make sure she 's all right . jeff : do you really think that you and babe might have a chance together ? josh : i 'm just glad she 's still alive . jeff : well , you should be very proud . she 's still breathing , thanks to you . josh : any news ? they any closer to catching the killer ? jeff : no , no , i have n't heard anything . but on another front , your mother is out for blood -- mine . josh : why ? what happened ? jeff : i think she 's catching on . she 's desperate to find you , and she knows i 'm hiding something . [ scene_break ] erica : you are going to be so sorry and so unemployed if you do n't take me to dr. martin right this minute . he called me half an hour ago . he told me it was imperative that i meet him immediately . bill : no one 's allowed on this elevator without proper clearance . erica : my son and his father are waiting for me . they are wondering what 's holding me up . that wo n't be good for you . bill : dr. martin did n't mention any meeting with you . erica : well , i wonder why not ? do n't you think he 's just little preoccupied with everything that 's going on ? bill : no one told me a thing . erica : i 'm telling you . you do know who i am , do n't you ? bill : erica kane . it does n't matter . erica : oh , bill , you are so naive . [ scene_break ] jeff : you know , josh , this -- this set is brilliant . josh : yeah , if you did n't know any better , right ? jeff : i 'd say that i was in pine valley hospital right now . you know if i told the truth -- that the rest of the world thinks she 's dead -- imagine the stress . jeff : you know , i -- i think that it 's a good idea to stall , but sooner or later -- josh : no , no , no . i 'm going to make sure i tell her everything . jeff : well , when she figures out what 's going on , how do you think that 's going to affect your future with her ? josh : well , it 'll probably blow our relationship to hell , but she 's alive , she 's safe , and that 's all that matters . well , i just hope things work out for you , all right ? josh : well , we got a good start . babe : hmm . hmm , hmm . josh -- josh : hey . hey , i only prescribed sweet dreams for you . babe : ahem . you 'll stay ? josh : yeah . yeah , of course , i 'll stay . i 'm not going to leave you alone . jeff : now , i know you 're getting the best care that there is , but it 's still time to check you out again . josh : do n't worry . it 'll be completely painless -- not even a blood draw necessary . [ having made it through security , erica arrives in babe 's room ] [ scene_break ] tad : gentlemen , kendall 's expecting us . otto : and who 's kendall ? tad : huh . it 's not funny . you guys got to get out of the way . ryan : uh , mrs. suarez is expecting us . she did n't tell you ? otto : no , sorry . ryan : ahem . otto , get the hell out of the way -- tad : wait , no , no , no , no , wait -- what is this ? we 're all friends here . we 're on the same team , right ? ryan : you know me , otto . you know me , too , bruno . what 's going on here ? bruno : we were told to keep the lady away from everyone . otto : even friends . tad : well , your orders have just changed otto : i 'll tell them that you stopped by . ryan : otto , we 're not leaving here until we see her . bruno : that 's up to you . ryan : all right , fine . there 's nothing we can do . tad : what do you mean , `` all right `` ? ryan : no , no , it 's fine . tad : what the hell are you talking about ? ryan : there 's nothing we can do . i got him ! [ ryan rushes past the guards and into kendall 's room , desperately searching for her . ] tad : ryan ! ryan : kendall ! kendall ! tad : agh ! ah ! ryan : she 's gone . she 's gone ! [ scene_break ] kendall : zach ? oh , my god . oh , my god . zach , zach , zach ! zach ? ok , ok , ok . thank you . thank you . [ feeling for zach 's pulse , kendall is relieved that he 's still alive . ] alexander : you 're welcome . stand up . kendall : there 's no way i 'm listening to you . [ alexander points his gun at kendall ] alexander : really ? life is so fragile . and his ends right now unless you reconsider . [ next_on ] erica ( to babe ) : you 're supposed to be dead . kendall ( to alexander ) : i 'll do whatever you want , just do n't shoot him . alexander ( to kendall ) : very good . now drink it .
bianca visits zoe in the hospital and they reminisce about the `` good ole days . `` bianca tells zoe that she has come to mean a lot to her and she hugs her . erica calls kendall , and asks her if she has any idea if josh is in the casino . as erica starts to leave , she overhears jeff talking to another man . josh checks in on babe as she sleeps . j.r. , tad , jaime , aidan , and ryan board the plane to go in search of the man , who supposedly killed babe . kendall walks the floor waiting for zach to return . she imagines zach coming in , and telling her that everything is all right . zach confronts the woman in the abandoned warehouse . he questions her as to whom she is working for . suddenly zach is hit with a dart in the neck , and he falls to the floor . alexander cambias , sr . walks up behind zach . alex , sr . tells the woman , `` bravo . `` bianca questions jack and derek about the dna sample . she also mentions to them the button that she found in the cemetery , and gave to ryan . jack gets another note from the killer , in which he tells them , `` good - bye . `` kendall rummages around the room , and finds a note in zach 's jacket pocket addressed to her . she carefully reads the note . jack calls ryan , and tells him about the note which he received . ryan knows now that kendall and zach were walking into a trap . alexander cambias , sr . kills the woman that he used to trap zach . kendall calls ryan , and fills them in on what had been going on . jeff visits babe , and gives her the good news that she is on the road to recovery . j.r. takes out his wallet , and looks at a picture of babe and little adam . he vows revenge on the man , who had taken her away from him . kendall tells ryan that alexander cambias , sr . is alive , and zach went to meet with him .
[ rock music playing ] ryan : five scotches , single malt , neat . bartender : you want to wait for the rest of your party ? ryan : party is here . it 's just me . [ scene_break ] j.r. : red is the color of passion . it also represents love . one only has to look to valentine 's day to make that connection . krystal : it 's david 's child , is n't it ? amanda : you 're crazy . this baby is j.r. 's . krystal : do n't lie to me . i heard frankie and jake talking . amanda : i do n't know what you think you heard . krystal : i know exactly what i heard . amanda : it 's not true . j.r. : thank you all for coming here tonight . [ applause ] [ scene_break ] zach : you did n't kill greenlee . stop thinking it , and please stop saying it . kendall : it does n't change what i did . zach : here 's what -- i drove the car that night . that 's what everyone thinks , what everyone believes . let 's keep it that way . kendall : well , maybe it 's time for the truth . [ scene_break ] david : nice speech . j.r. : thank you . david : see , it 's not so hard dropping the animosity for one night . j.r. : i guess it 's back to being a pumpkin and a rat at midnight . [ scene_break ] [ slow piano music playing ] jake : what ? what ? tad : did you just see j.r. shake hands with david ? jake : oh , please . i do n't care . i -- i do n't want to hear about it . tad : ok , fine . hey , listen . have you talked to dad ? i want to know how the mandatory bed rest is going . jake : oh , you want to know how that 's going ? first of all , he 's cleaned out the attic , he 's cleaned out the garage , i think tomorrow he starts on the mud room . that 's how it 's going . tad : figures . damn , hayward . i mean , think about it . he 's got dad on ice , half this town stuck in his web , and krystal halfway down the aisle . [ scene_break ] krystal : hey . what you said about babe was -- it was really beautiful . j.r. : thanks . i just was so nervous . i wanted a drink . krystal : but you did n't take one . j.r. : no . this baby is a new start . i 'm not going to mess it up . [ scene_break ] erica : is your date hiding from you ? adam : it was hard to believe that it 's been a year since the last `` go red `` benefit . what a party that was , and you were gorgeous in scarlet being hauled off in handcuffs . erica : why do n't you go torture reese . adam : mm . last year was insider trading . this year investment fraud perhaps ? erica : i told you you 'd get your money . well , i guess you 're losing your touch . adam : reese ? you 're not running out on me , are you ? something 's happened . what is it ? what 's wrong ? [ scene_break ] pete : thank god you 're here . colby : hey , nice glasses . pete : i 've got to see adam . colby : he 's not here . he and j.r. are at the benefit at the hospital . it 's just me and little a . pete : i should go there . no , no , bad idea . i 'll wait . that 's not a good idea either . colby : why do n't you tell me what the heck 's so important . maybe i can help you . pete : i got an email from greenlee from beyond the grave . [ scene_break ] adam : you 're obviously upset . somebody said something . who was it ? zach ? kendall ? erica ? reese : look , everyone 's made it pretty clear that i 'm not welcome . adam : now is not the time to run . now is the time to dig in , and stay , and fight . [ scene_break ] amanda : why the hell would you two be talking about my baby here ? frankie : wait , i -- jake : no , no , no , no . it was n't like that . first of all , he put his career on the line for you , ok , and i was just telling him that i give him my full support . that 's all we were talking -- amanda : ok . well why do n't you get up on the podium and tell everyone ? frankie : wait . what 's wrong ? amanda : krystal knows that this baby is david 's . jake : that 's not good . what -- how ? oh , great , and now she knows we 're talking about her . even better . kill me now . just kill me now . [ scene_break ] krystal : david . david : hey . krystal : i need to talk to you . david : all right . first , how do i look ? i mean , j.r. 's an idiot , but that speech of his is going to be a tough one to follow . krystal : you 'll be fine . david : yeah , you kidding ? i want to blow it out of the park . what is it ? krystal : i just thought i would give you a kiss for good luck . david : ok . hey , if you 're too stressed , you have your medication . krystal : no . actually , i do n't . i put it in a glass of red wine , and somebody took it away before i could drink it . [ scene_break ] reese : what am i supposed to fight for , adam ? hmm ? points , gold stars , king of the universe ? adam : your dignity , your future . reese : not here . look , i ca n't stay here . i do n't know what i was thinking . i was stupid to think that i could . adam : what happened to you showing the kane cabal that they could n't push you aside . you ca n't run away every time someone says a harsh word . reese : i ca n't live like this . adam : so you 're going to quit ? let them win ? reese : yeah , if winning means living with lies and schemes and secrets , yep . adam : welcome to pine valley . reese : not me . i wo n't do it . [ scene_break ] tad : red is definitely your color , and congratulations are in order . this is a hell of a party . krystal : yeah , i -- i wish your dad could still be a part of it . tad : yeah , so do i , but i do n't think david is too keen on the idea of sharing the spotlight with a martin , considering we already share so much . krystal : enjoy the party . [ scene_break ] erica : how are you feeling ? are you ok ? kendall : yeah , i 'm fine . erica : ok , well , you know that david does n't want you to push yourself in any way . oh , did your , uh , date , flee again ? adam : i do n't know what you women said to reese , but your venom worked . she 's gone . kendall : oh , at least we can have some fun now . adam : oh , i mean leaving pine valley gone . she 's at the casino packing . you happy now ? [ scene_break ] david : excuse me . everyone , can i have your attention , please ? i would like to say a few more words . first , i think we should take some time to give another special thanks to our wonderful sponsors , the good people of campbell 's . [ applause ] david : now , as a cardiologist , i applaud their effort to bring greater awareness to the importance of keeping our hearts healthy and strong . the more people who adopt the heart healthy lifestyle , the fewer patients will see the inside of the new babe carey chandler cardiac care wing . now , earlier j.r. chandler spoke so touchingly about the amazing young woman this wing is named after . now , i would like to say a few more words as babe 's father , and a prouder father ca n't be possibly be in this room . my daughter , babe , she led with her heart every single day . she embraced her family , her friends . she reached out to total strangers . she loved her son with the fierceness of a mama bear . now , babe was fearless in everything she did , but especially in love . the day that she was injured , she fought to hold onto her life so that she could marry the man that she loved . babe may no longer be with us , but her name on this wing will remind us every single day for us to lead with our lives , with our hearts , to live fearlessly , to live fully . now , another woman of great heart is with us tonight , kendall hart slater . ms. slater recently underwent a heart transplant and she would like to say a few words herself . please . [ applause ] [ scene_break ] colby : where did greenlee send the email from , greenlee @ ? pete : i have two email accounts , one i do n't check so frequently . when i did , bam , there it was , an email from greenlee 's fusion account sent the day she died . colby : why was she sending you emails ? pete : i was actually doing some top secret work for her at fusion , you know , corporate espionage , financial sleuthing , and the like . colby : what does this have to do with my dad ? pete : it 's not pretty . that 's pretty . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm able to give this speech because of the amazing doctors at this hospital , david hayward in particular . [ light applause ] kendall : the same cluster of tornados that took babe chandler 's life put me in a coma for three months , compromising my heart . without this transplant i would n't be standing here right now . i have this scar that reminds me every day how lucky i am to have been given a second chance , how lucky i am to have been able to come back to my sons , to my mother . i owe this hospital and david hayward my life . now , obviously i can never repay them for what they 've done , but i can help others get their own second chance . so that 's why i would like to make a $ 250,000 donation to the american heart association . [ applause ] kendall : in honor a dear friend who recently lost her life , a woman who should have been here tonight , a woman who should be alive and dancing with her husband right now . erica : i am sure that my daughter is not the only one among us who is grieving the loss of greenlee smythe , so i hope that all of you will dig very deeply into your pockets and donate generously to this very , very worthy cause . thank you . [ applause ] erica : you were beautiful . [ applause ] kendall : i miss her so much . erica : i know you do . of course , you do , of course , you do . kendall : i just -- i do n't understand . i mean , if things could 've been different , if somehow i could 've -- erica : you ? honey , there 's nothing you could have done . what happened to greenlee , that -- that was an accident , honey . no one 's to blame . [ scene_break ] frankie : it looks like all your hard work has finally paid off . randi : does it even matter ? frankie : look , hayward , the guy 's a jerk . randi : yeah , well , that jerk 's your boss , and he 's obviously seen me on the internet . frankie : yeah , well , i 'll deal with it . trust me . you are an amazing woman . you 've come so far . be proud of that . i am . randi : thank you . taylor : hi . frankie : ooh , ooh , late . it 's about time you arrived . were n't you due at 1800 hours ? taylor : well , it 's my fault . it took me forever to get ready . i 'm not good at the getting dressed up thing . tad : are you still pining ? jake : no . i 'm not pining over anybody . you ? tad : not so much . taylor : hey . relax . brot : can we go now ? taylor : we just got here . brot : i know , but i hate all these formal gigs , all the small talk , and all these fake smiles . it 's like one big dog and pony show . taylor : well , i do n't like it either , but this hospital 's been really good to me . they got me back on my feet . brot : yeah , it 's kept me on mine , too . taylor : yeah . brot : and if i must say , you are the most gorgeous woman here tonight . that is a fact . taylor : you look pretty handsome yourself . brot : oh , you know , i try . us military people , you know it 's difficult -- taylor : to pull yourself together . brot : a pleasure . david : president and vice president of campbell 's north america . brot : ah . david : brot was injured in iraq . he 's a real american hero . brot : oh , thank you . david : and we 're very proud to have him on our team . perhaps you can share a bit of your experience with them . brot : oh , i 'm sorry , i promised my date i 'd get her a drink . maybe some other time , but it was definitely a pleasure to meet you ladies . enjoy your evening . david : you , too . brot : take care . excuse us . taylor : smooth getaway . brot : it 's one of the reasons i hate coming to these things , you know ? it 's , like , pull out the veterans , put him through his paces . taylor : i do n't think that 's what david was doing . brot : yeah , but , you know , i thought i got hired because i had something to offer . now it just seems like it was some kind of mercy hire , you know ? instead of waving the flag , let 's hire the burned up , burned out veteran . taylor : ok , do n't you think you 're being maybe a little bit too sensitive ? brot : too sensitive ? is n't that what you wanted -- for me to explore , share my feelings ? taylor : this is not what i was asking you to do . brot : oh , is it not the right kind of sharing ? is that what it is ? what -- what do you want to talk about ? us , our situation ? tell me . taylor : i thought we were . i thought we were working through our problems . brot : wait a minute . our problems ? or is it just my problems ? because i 'm not stepping up the way you want me to , and i 'm definitely not the man you remember me to be . taylor : i am fine with who you are . brot : yeah , but for how long ? taylor : brot , where did this -- brot : no , you know -- i need some air . excuse me . tad : you all right ? [ scene_break ] ryan : look at you , huh ? still in one piece . i guess the kane women are slacking off . reese : well , do n't worry . it 's over . bianca 's gone , and i 'm not fighting for custody . ryan : well , then what the hell are you still doing in town ? reese : i am gone as soon as i 'm packed , all right ? ryan : here , have a drink . have -- have two drinks . reese : no , thank you . ryan : think of it as a bon voyage party . that 's french . it 's french for `` do n't come back . `` reese : wow . you have fun , ok ? i see you 've got a few more rounds to go . ryan : oh , no . i 'm not drinking them . this is n't -- this is n't drinking . it 's drinking , but it 's more like research , you know ? i 'm taking stock in my new place -- customer likes and dislikes , winners , losers , things to change . reese : you bought the place from zach ? ryan : no , no . i 'm going to steal it . [ scene_break ] colby : if this is right , erica 's lost all of dad 's investment . pete : it 's right . colby : oh , my god . how could this happen ? pete : have n't you read `` the wall street herald ? `` erica was probably trying to spin this . colby : the other night dad yelled at j.r. about how bad the company 's doing , and my last credit card bill , he made me return half the stuff . what if it 's really bad ? what if the fusion money was all dad had left ? what if we 're poor ? [ scene_break ] adam : your speech about babe was very moving . j.r. : you know , dad , every time i think i 'm getting used to her being gone -- adam : yeah . i sympathize . just do n't get so carried away you write a big check to make yourself feel better . j.r. : i told you i would donate what i think is appropriate . adam : yeah , whatever 's reasonable . and do n't give that woman one red cent without at least a dozen confirmed paternity tests . [ scene_break ] amanda : tell me you did n't blab to david what you think you heard . amanda : are we still playing this game ? amanda : krystal , please . ok . yes , the baby is his , but please tell me that you did n't say anything . krystal : no , i did n't . amanda : thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you . krystal : so , you 're lying to j.r. why ? is it the money ? find yourself a rich , available baby daddy , and you think you are set for life , huh ? amanda : no , that is not it . whatever j.r. 's problems are , he is a great father , and he has a great heart . he will protect this child . krystal : from what ? amanda : you had to ask ? from david . if he finds out this baby is his , come on , you 've seen the way he 's acted with little a trying to get him away from the chandler 's . he 's relentless . he wo n't stop . i -- i will not do that to this baby . krystal : he is not going after little a . amanda : you really believe that ? krystal : you know , you are sitting on one hell of a lie . amanda : but my reasons are good , krystal , please , they 're the best . please promise me that you wo n't say anything . jake : no , krystal 's not going to say a word , are you ? [ scene_break ] kendall : did you like my speech ? zach : i did . it was very heartfelt . kendall : but ? zach : no buts . kendall : oh , i 'm sorry . i -- i did n't mention you . all the talk about being so happy to come back to my -- my sons and my mom , and i -- i forgot to mention you . zach : well , maybe that 's because you never did come back to me . [ scene_break ] reese : oh , so you 're going to steal the casino from zach . you know , the bartender should 've cut you off a few rounds ago . ryan : well , that 's what he does . that 's what zach does , right ? he takes what he wants . he hurts people . he even kills people -- taylor , josh , greenlee , kendall , bianca . it 's a very , very long list , and there 's no consequences . there 's none . he just moves on to the next victim . reese : right . ok , so you 're going to punish him ? ryan : and this is just the beginning . reese : i have a question for you . um , what if kendall was driving the car ? would you want to punish her , too ? ryan ; greenlee was on the road because of zach , because he could n't keep his lips off of you , the car was on the wrong side of road because they were having an argument about you and zach . reese : right , right , right . yes , you 've told me greenlee 's death is also my fault , so you going to destroy me next ? ryan : no , i do n't need to destroy you , because the kane women will , and if they do n't , then zach will . reese : you 're more drunk than i thought . ryan : you are going to get annihilated , which , by the way , is exactly what you deserve after what you did to bianca . you 're just -- you 're just like him . you know that , right ? you 're just like zach , incredibly selfish and to hell with everybody else . reese : yeah . [ scene_break ] colby : i do read the papers . i know the economy sucks . what if we become those people i 've read about ? pete : if the worst happens , i 'll make sure we go through it together . i 'll make sure you get everything you need , everything you deserve , the best of the best . colby : poor little a . he really wants a pony for his birthday . i should check on him . thanks for telling me this . pete : you 're coming back down , right ? to tell your dad ? colby ? wait up . [ scene_break ] ryan : running a little bit low . you 're gon na hook me up , please ? bartender : you 've had enough . ryan : i would like more than enough . waiter : i 'll call the house doctor . reese : i 'm fine . waiter : you 're bleeding . reese : i 'm -- i 'm ok . ryan : you heard the lady . she said she 's fine . waiter : sir , she drove into a tree . ryan : she 's walking and talking , she 's fine . look at that , huh ? here , this should take the edge off . reese : just leave me alone . ryan : was this all -- did you make this up ? you know , go for the sympathy vote ? because it 's not going to work , not with me . reese : ok , would you just shut up ? adam : back off , lavery . i saw your car . ryan : adam , you 're not actually falling for this , are you ? reese : ok , you know what ? adam : what happened ? reese : i just -- i want to get out of here , ok ? adam : sure , yeah . we 'll -- i 'll take you back to my place . reese : ok . adam : we 'll get you patched up . ryan : [ loud ] are you kidding me ? adam , she likes women . you know that , right ? you 're not going to get any . [ normal voice ] of course , she does stray once in a while . [ scene_break ] kendall : you think i left you out of my speech to punish you ? zach : i do n't know . i do n't -- i do n't care . i just think we need more time . kendall : well , now that reese is gone , maybe we can get back to normal . zach : normal . we used to be so much better than normal . hey , i 'm going to go to the casino to do some work , all right ? erica : is everything all right ? kendall : when is anything ever all right anymore ? [ scene_break ] tad : chin - chin . taylor : i see brot laughing with frankie and i think that used to be the three of us . and i see how kind he is to patients , and i think that 's the man i used to know . but when he 's alone with me , no matter what i say , it 's wrong , you know ? and there 's a blow - up , there 's a fight , and i -- i do n't know how to talk to him anymore . i do n't know how to help him . tad : maybe venting like that is helping him . taylor : well , frankly i 'd rather he keep it to himself sometimes . and i do n't even think that he wants to be with me . tad : oh , come on . that 's crazy talk . after all , taylor , you 're the one that brought him this far . taylor : what does that mean , that he owes me ? i do n't want him to owe me . i want him to love me . tad : well -- [ chuckles ] love is a crazy thing . and you know , maybe the reason he vents with you and only you is because he trusts you . because he does love you . [ scene_break ] jake : if david finds out that you are pregnant with his child , he 's going to drop her in a heartbeat . this is the next generation hayward , she does n't even stand a chance . krystal : oh , is that right ? jake : i 'm not trying to be rude . i like you , krystal . i like you very much , but you -- you keep talking about your connection to david , because you gave him babe . what if he gets a brand - new , shiny child ? you ca n't compete with that . he wo n't ever remember your name . amanda : because he 'll be too busy torturing me . jake : look , it 's a win - win situation if you just say nothing , ok ? you get to keep david , you get to keep your baby and your sanity . amanda : krystal . krystal : ok , i wo n't -- i wo n't tell david . but not for the reason that you think , ok ? that baby is keeping j.r. sober and looking to the future , and if he knew the truth , it would break his heart . jake : so let me ask you , are you saying yes ? krystal : i 'm saying that j.r. needs that baby , and i need something in return . i want you to promise that j.r. never finds out the truth about that child , that it 's not his . [ scene_break ] taylor : i 'm sorry if david made you feel uncomfortable . brot : ah , i should n't have let it get to me , you know ? taylor : i was thinking . remember how when we were in uniform and people would buy us drinks and pick up the check and shake our hands , even take our picture sometimes . and i think that maybe we got a lot of attention and respect , because we were doing something that most people were afraid to do . and it 's possible that david was showing off a war hero , you know ? someone that he 's proud to know and not -- not trying to exploit your injuries . brot : maybe . who knows ? listen , i know i 've been tough to be around here lately . taylor : no -- yes . sometimes , yes . brot : i 'm sorry . i 'm -- i just would n't be this far if it was n't for you . i just -- i want to make all the right choices to get to where i want to go , but the problem is i do n't really know where that is . taylor : are you asking me ? because i 'm a lifer who has no future in the military , so i have no idea . brot : yeah , but you 're dealing with it . me , i just -- i get angry . taylor : but you have such a good job . you help people . brot : i change bedpans . taylor : you help me every day . [ scene_break ] amanda : i swear to you i will raise this baby as j.r. 's . he will never know any different . j.r. : so what are you two talking about that 's so serious ? amanda : i was just thanking krystal . she did an amazing job . it was a lot to pull together . j.r. : mm . krystal : and i was just telling amanda that i could n't have done it without her help . j.r. : mm - hmm . well , i think you 've raised enough money to buy one of those megabionic hearts that you could put in that tomb that hayward calls a chest . krystal : i have to circulate . thanks again for your help . amanda : thank you . so that went well . j.r. : what were you two really talking about ? amanda : cravings , water weight , and hormone swings . j.r. : well , hold onto those cravings . i 'll get you home , and i 'll make sure that you 're happy . amanda : oh , you 're so good to me ? j.r. : yes , yes , i am . but first i 'm going to say thank you to kendall for her generous contribution , and then i 'm ready to leave when you are . amanda : ok . j.r. : ok . david : having fun ? whoa , jumpy . amanda : you startled me . but i 'm glad to see you . david : no , you 're not . amanda : i have something for you . the new wing , actually . david : wow . trying to keep up with kendall . amanda : i hate the money . i do n't want it . david : you 're not the charitable sort , amanda . must be guilt . or maybe you 're hoping this means that i wo n't tell j.r. that i paid you this to pour liquor down his throat . amanda : i do n't want it , all right ? i want to donate it in babe 's honor anonymously . it 's a cashier 's check . what ? david : wow . you can write all the anonymous checks you want . it does n't change the fact that you took the money in the first place , which means you still have a job to do tonight . someone over there is still way too sober . [ scene_break ] j.r. : that was incredibly generous of you . kendall : well , it 's the least i could do . i have to go . j.r. : ok , thanks again . kendall : thanks . erica : excuse me . kendall ? kendall . are you leaving ? kendall : yeah , mom , i -- i have to find zach . [ scene_break ] ryan : you 're too late . zach : too late for what ? ryan : well , i 'm assuming that you 're here to meet reese , right ? well , she got a better offer . adam chandler . zach : what are you doing here ? ryan : i like your place . i really do . a lot of -- a lot of good entertainment . i mean , why does anybody need to go to vegas to see the shows there when they could come here , see reese williams drive a car into a tree , have her escorted out by adam chandler ? zach : is she all right ? ryan : she 's fine . she just has a bump on the head . not nearly as bad as your accident . zach : what happened ? ryan : she was going on and on about what if you were n't the one that killed greenlee , because you were n't driving the car , and i tried to explain to her , i tried to make it clear that it does n't matter to me at all who was actually driving the car . i 'm still going to take you down bit by bit until there 's nothing left . i 've mentioned that before , though , have n't i ? zach : no , you have . ryan : yes , i thought so . zach : and if you 're ever sober again , i 'll be waiting for you . [ scene_break ] reese : oh , thank you . god , you know , i do n't -- i do n't even know what happened . i mean , i got in the car and then everything just started spinning and then i hit that tree . adam : oh , you got a pretty nasty little nick right on your head there . was it that blasted lavery ? did he -- did he upset you ? reese : well , he hates me , but then again most everyone in pine valley does . adam : i do n't . reese : thanks . i do n't know , why do they hate me ? why -- why do n't they just hate kendall ? i mean , it 's not like i killed anybody . it 's not like greenlee is dead because of me or zach or -- adam : well , zach was driving the car . reese : no , he was n't . he was n't , actually . kendall was driving the car . greenlee 's dead because of kendall . adam : ah . [ scene_break ] taylor : when you came back into town , and when you decided to stick around to help me find an apartment , even just hanging out with me and having a pizza and a laugh , you help me . you do , so do n't ever say you do n't help me , because you do . you give me hope . brot : hope . there 's a lot of that going around here . [ brot and taylor kiss ] [ scene_break ] erica : well , this certainly seems to be a very successful evening . david : yes , it definitely was . erica : i have to admit when i heard that krystal was in charge of everything , i half expected a disco ball and jalapeno peppers and hot dogs . david : krystal is full of surprises . erica : i 'm so glad you already know that . [ scene_break ] bouncer : let 's go , pal , that 's it . ryan : get your hands off me . get your hands off me . bouncer : you 've had enough to drink . ryan : [ yelling drunkenly ] kendall : let him go , joey . singer : it seems these days i 'm feeling disconnected ryan : hey , beautiful . i know you 're not here to see me . i sure as hell hope you 're not here to see your husband because he just left . kendall : where did he go ? ryan : he went running after reese , that 's where he went . kendall : ryan , why are you doing this ? ryan : because -- see , kendall , you 're my friend , all right ? and i care about you and friends tell friends the truth . reese was here , she crashed her car into a tree , and i told zach about that and he ran after her . you know , the whole `` kiss it and make it better `` thing . kendall : stop it . just stop it . ryan : you want a drink , kendall ? you want to have a drink with me , please ? kendall : no , no , ryan . why -- why are you even here ? ryan : i 'll tell you what i told reese , ok ? i 'm here to scope out the place a little bit because it 's going to be mine . kendall : that 's -- that 's crazy . ryan : you think that 's crazy ? kendall : yeah . ryan : is this crazy ? [ loud crashing as ryan throws his drink against the wall and flings a chair around ] kendall : ryan -- ryan : is that crazy ? kendall : what are you doing ? stop it , ryan . ryan : that may be crazy but i 'm not . i 'm not crazy . i 've never been more serious about anything in my life . [ scene_break ] reese : you know , when i heard kendall and zach talking , and i realized that kendall was driving the car , i could n't believe it . adam : are you going to share that information ? reese : no . adam : do n't be a fool . reese : look , i do n't mind kendall taking the heat for it , but i do n't want to do that to zach . adam : that man hardly warrants your protection . he pretty much threw you to the kane coven . reese : look , i am not going to hurt him . adam : well , maybe somebody else will . reese : nobody knows except us . adam : mm - hmm . reese : no . no , no , no . you would n't do that , would you ? adam : have i told you about the time that zach slater single - handedly stole my company from me ? single - handedly . practically destroyed me . i vowed i would make him pay every day since . reese : no . no , no , no . ok , it -- please . please , adam , tell me that you wo n't say anything . adam : do n't worry . i would never dream of destroying or breaking a beautiful woman 's confidence . [ doorbell ringing ] adam : ah , will you excuse me ? [ laughing ] well , this evening just gets better and better .
ryan walks into zach 's casino and immediately goes up to the bar . he orders five scotches . the bartender thinks that he is ordering for a party , but ryan assures him that the drinks are all for him . at the podium during the benefit , j.r. makes a speech . krystal confronts amanda about the baby that amanda is carrying as being david 's child . amanda assures her that the baby is j.r. 's . reese listens to kendall and zach 's conversation in which kendall owns up that she was indeed the one , who had been driving the car which killed greenlee . tad notices david and j.r. shake hands . jake walks up and hugs tad . tad questions jake if he had seen j.r. and david shake hands . adam sees reese starting to leave , and he questions her if she was running out on him . pete , with his laptop , visits colby to talk to adam . colby admires pete 's glasses . pete tells colby that he had received an e - mail from greenlee from the grave . colby is stunned . amanda blasts frankie and jake for krystal knowing that this baby is really david 's . krystal walks up to david and tells him that she needs to talk to him . she kisses him on the cheek for luck .
ryan : this does n't even compare to the cons i used to run . jake : it seems such a waste of talent . ryan : i got out of the game a long time ago . jake : hmm . what if david was the mark ? would you reconsider getting back into the game ? ryan : i 'm past all that . jake : you know , david has completely devoured greenlee , sucked her back into his life . i mean , if that 's not motivation enough for you to work a little of your black magic , i do n't know what is . now , this is a chance for you to do something for her , the woman that you love . is that really something you can say no to ? [ scene_break ] erica : gayle ? oh , damn it ! [ knock on door ] erica : oh , thank god ! thank god you came back ! opal : back ? no , i 've never been here before in my life , but whoo - hoo ! i just brought you a little housewarming gift to kind of celebrate your new digs ! wow ! erica : thank you . opal : well , is something wrong ? erica : gayle . opal : gayle ? oh , that nurse ? david 's nurse ? erica : she 's gone . opal : gone ? she was here ? erica : well , she 's not here anymore . opal : you know , i feel like i kind of stepped into the middle of a movie . would you mind rewinding a bit ? erica : if i ca n't find gayle , opal , the movie 's over because gayle is the only leverage i have against david and that blushing bride of his . [ scene_break ] david : why do n't we go away somewhere ? you know , find a nice private beach where all you have to worry about is what flavor daiquiri to order . greenlee : hmm . you know what i really want ? david : what ? greenlee : for you to clue me in . what exactly was going on between you and erica ? david : nothing . greenlee : really ? david : the only thing going on between us is we like to give each other hell . greenlee : no one loves giving erica hell more than i do . so why stop anytime i get anywhere near you ? david : you know what this is ? you hate the woman so much you 're overly paranoid . greenlee : and you 're busted . something 's up , and it 's not just erica making sure we get married so she can get her claws back into ryan . you know i wo n't stop until you tell me . david : you 're right . erica and i are working together -- to get you . [ scene_break ] adam : where 's miguel ? tad : he was n't on the plane . adam : what do you mean , he was n't on the plane ? j.r. needs miguel 's bone marrow . he has to be here . tad : do n't you think i know that ? adam : was it a misconnection or what ? tad : there was no connection . there could n't be . it was a direct flight . i booked it myself . adam , i do n't know what to tell you . i 'm trying to get in touch with my guys in california just to figure out what went wrong . adam : i paid them ! we had a deal . tad : well , the deal 's gone south , ok ? it looks like your long - lost son took your money and ran . adam : j.r. 's gon na die without that -- tad : i know that ! marissa : hey . j.r. saw you come back from the airport . is everything ok ? j.r. : so when do i get to meet my little brother ? [ scene_break ] annie : it should be fun working together . brooke : uh , well , the details have n't been ironed out yet for my taking over as editor again . annie : [ gasps ] light bulb ! `` captain of industry tracks down the son he 's never met to save the life of the son he loves . `` yeah , it 's got emotion , it 's got drama -- `` tempo `` readers love that stuff . brooke : it 's adam 's story , and i 'm not sure that he would want the details of his illegitimate son splashed all over the media . annie : it was just an idea . colby : did tad come back alone ? liza : honey , i 'm sure everything is fine . hey , how 's your hand ? colby : it 's ok , i guess . scott : yeah , i 'm sure damon 's cheek got the worst of it . colby : what an ass , you know , to lie to me like that , convince me he 's innocent when he 's the one this whole time breaking into people 's places . such a loser . [ scene_break ] j.r. : so where 's this brother of mine ? picking up a get - well present in the gift shop ? adam : it seems that miguel -- we 're not sure -- tad : j.r. , i 'm sorry . the truth is i went to the plane -- adam : it was diverted . diverted , yes , and -- but it 's all right , though . we still have time to take care of it . we just need to find miguel -- i mean , get miguel here . and , um -- j.r. : he 's not coming ? adam : no , j.r. , he 's not . [ scene_break ] ryan : what david is doing to greenlee makes me crazy . it kills me , and there 's nothing more i would like than to take it -- thank you -- than to take him down , ok ? but i promised greenlee that i would n't , that i would just wait for her to come to me . and if i do go after the one guy that she thinks is on her side , then it 's just gon na push her further away . jake : or she 'll thank you . i 'd thank you . ryan : greenlee needs to trust me , jake . that 's what she needs . jake : greenlee needs to be saved . david 's dangerous . he hurts people . he blackmails people . he poisons people . do you know that he blackmailed my father out of the job of chief of staff , and then he tried to blackmail angie to get the job back ? do i have to tell you what he did to my wife ? ryan : no , you do n't . you do n't have to tell me because i know . i know what he did to your life and i get it . i get that you want to ruin his , and that makes sense to me . jake : he planted greenlee 's dna in a corpse . he kept your fiancée away from you for a year . are you ok with that ? ryan : no , i 'm not . but i do n't want to stoop to his level . but the more i think about it i realize that it 's impossible not to . so let 's bring the bastard down . jake : hey , look who it is : the hottest cop in town . how are you ? natalia : i 'm good . jake : nice bust . you know what i mean -- for the -- natalia : yeah . right . i had a lot of help . thanks again , ryan . ryan : yeah , i 'm glad to be of service . jake : you know what 's funny ? is n't it usually the criminal that returns to the scene of the crime ? natalia : no , witness interviews . the guy 's ratting out half the cons in the city if he could get a deal out of it . he was playing tough for , like , the first five minutes , then he started naming names so fast that we could hardly shut him up . ryan : that 's how we do this . that 's how we bring hayward down . we do n't need to run a con on him . we just find someone to turn on him , someone that knows everything , every dirty thing that this guy has done : nurse gayle . [ scene_break ] opal : so old nursy - nurse gayle still has it bad for dr . evil , huh ? erica : yes , except now she knows he used her . opal : hmm . she wants him to know that he ca n't kick her to the curb . she 's not gon na be treated like yesterday 's compost . erica : exactly . and , believe me , i feel her pain , but gayle is the only way i can control david . and if i can control david , i can get him to drag greenlee out of town . opal : oh , so this is about fusion ? erica : oh , you better believe it 's about fusion . greenlee thinks she can just push me out of the company that she tried to destroy . opal : well , why do n't you bring kendall in on it ? erica : no , no , no , no . kendall 's off with her family . she needs that time . i can squash greenlee without her help . opal : even if nurse gayle does n't want to be found ? erica : oh , i will find her . listen , will you stay here while i go look , ok , just in case she comes back ? opal : well , where are you gon na start looking ? erica : wildwind . luckily , i had a copy of david 's key made when he was over here for his sleepover . opal : `` sleepover `` ? erica : i just hope that gayle did n't get there first , you know , and confront him , because then everything is ruined . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you 're the one person in my life i thought had my back . david : it 's not what you think . greenlee : what part of `` erica and i are working together to get you `` did n't i understand ? david : erica wants fusion . she wants me to make that happen . greenlee : you agreed ? david : i told her i would do it . but , of course , i have no intention of doing that . greenlee : really ? what was your plan , then ? david : i only let her believe that i would do it . greenlee : oh , great . david : yeah . no , it 's perfect . do n't you get it ? now we could use this to your advantage . greenlee : how are we gon na do that , husband ? david : we let erica believe that you 've taken a step back -- greenlee : no way . david : it 's a strategic move , ok ? it 's temporary . if erica thinks that she 's in control , that she will have fusion -- greenlee : we can pounce and snap her neck ? david : not exactly . greenlee : then i hate it . david : greenlee , look , we move carefully , ok , patiently . once we get erica lulled into a false sense of security , then we oust her from fusion for good . so what do you think ? greenlee : when were you going to tell me this ? david : maybe i wanted to enjoy our wedding night , or what 's left of it . greenlee : we 've only been married a couple of minutes , and you 've already lied to me . david : no , i have n't lied . i only wanted to wait for the right moment . greenlee , after everything we 've been through together , i would never hurt you . [ car approaches ] [ car door closes ] david : i promise once erica realizes that i 've double - crossed her , it 'll be too late . she 'll be the one out of fusion for good . - do n't forget mrs. collier . - i wo n't . greenlee : we 're going to double - cross erica ? david : that 's right : to keep fusion for you . what better gift to give my bride , huh ? so what do you say we have another glass of champagne , now that we 've cleared that up ? greenlee : look me in the eyes and tell me everything you 've said is the truth . david : it would n't do any good . greenlee : you 're avoiding . david : no , i 'm not avoiding . greenlee , it 's not me you do n't trust . you accused erica of going after all your men . she got ryan . well , now you 're afraid that she 's gon na go after me and get me , too . you 're still so hurt over losing ryan you 're not thinking straight . [ scene_break ] ryan : david is smart . i mean , we all know he 's an idiot , but he is smart . we got to be smarter than him . jake : if we can get gayle to turn him in for all the crap she has on him , we can string him up . natalia : wait , wait . did he really tamper with a corpse and dna to hide greenlee ? jake : that 's right . and your family 's not immune either . natalia : what do you mean ? jake : he tried to get angie out of her job by blackmailing her . natalia : she did n't say anything to me , neither did my dad . jake : because he does n't know . she does n't want him going over there and busting david 's head open over this . natalia : damn . jake : yeah . he 's also probably gon na still go after it . he 's probably not finished with her . natalia : i want to help . ryan : are you sure about that ? natalia : hayward has broken a million laws , and he always gets away with it . if i help bust him , this could be my ticket to detective . what do you need ? jake : gayle walker 's phone number . last place she lived was gloucester , massachusetts . natalia : got it . all right , boys , nice working with you . jake : she 's my kind of people . ryan : anybody that wants to bring hayward down is your kind of people . jake : so what now ? what do we do now ? ryan : we wait . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what happened ? adam : miguel never got on that plane -- maybe because he lost his nerve , maybe because he never intended to come in the first place . tad : but he was tested , ok ? he was tested , and it was a match , i swear to you . so all we got to do is get in touch with this kid , figure out what happened so we can fix it . adam : if miguel does n't show up , we have other options . j.r. : dad , everyone was tested . no one 's a match . adam : i was tested . j.r. : what ? angie said that was too risky . adam : well , the hell it was . i found one of those outside facilities . i 'm still waiting for the results . j.r. : i 'm not gon na let you put your life on the line . adam : we need options . tad : he 's right , j.r. , you know ? j.r. : no , you know what ? no . i just want to be alone . i want to be alone with marissa right now . adam : ahem . j.r. : i want to see a.j . colby : what is going on ? where is miguel ? adam : apparently , he never made it on the plane . tad : i 'm looking into it ! adam : really ? tad : i 'll do what i can . as soon as i get in touch with the guys in california , i 'll know what went wrong , and i 'll know how to fix it . adam : really ? when you get together with your guys , why do n't you ask them why they did n't help miguel get on that damn plane ? this is your fault , tad . tad : i am just as upset about this as you are . adam : oh , really ? if you 're so damn messed up about it , why did n't you go and take his hand and lead him onto the plane and not leave it to a bunch of baggage handlers ? if my son dies because you screwed up -- liza : ok , you are the one that has ignored this other son of yours his entire life . you never contacted him , you never wanted to meet him until you needed something , right ? that 's probably why miguel does n't have a particular family loyalty here . adam : i paid him . he took the money . you better hope for a damn miracle . because if i lose j.r. , i swear to god i 'm not gon na -- brooke : adam , adam , adam ! listen , i know how hard this is , but blaming tad is not gon na help anything . come on , all right ? come on , let 's sit . let 's talk , all right ? adam : all right , all right . liza : this is not your fault . tad : if that 's the case , then why do i feel like such a stupid son of a bitch ? scott : hey , no tears , ok ? this is n't over . come here . annie : adam , do you want to come with me ? maybe we can go -- adam : what do you have for us ? dr. kahn : i was hoping j.r. 's match might 've arrived . adam : i 'm afraid we ca n't depend on that donor anymore . dr. kahn : i 'm sorry to hear that . scott : yeah , but there 's still the national registry , right ? dr. kahn : there 's been no movement there . brooke : well , i was tested , but my results have n't come in yet . dr. kahn : they did . i 'm sorry . you 're not a match , and neither was your son jamie martin . adam : i can not tell you how much it means to me that you have tried to help us . colby : is n't brooke great ? annie : she 's very generous . we 're very grateful , the two of us . tad : what 's next ? dr. kahn : we wait . keep j.r. strong . adam : mm - hmm . annie : dr. kahn ? i want to be tested . dr. kahn : i thought j.r. would n't accept a transplant from you . annie : j.r. may not like me , but if my marrow can save his life -- please , doctor ? they 're desperate . dr. kahn : come with me . annie : ok . [ scene_break ] marissa : krystal 's gon na bring a.j . over . j.r. : good . i -- ahem -- i need to talk to you . marissa : no , you need to rest . j.r. : listen to me . these last few months with you have been amazing . i do n't know what 's ahead . marissa : no , do n't -- j.r. : we just need to be prepared , that 's all . marissa : you 're gon na make it , j.r. , ok ? you 're gon na be ok . and then you can tell me everything you want to then , when we 're home . j.r. : i 've been a selfish bastard . marissa : how can you say that ? j.r. : because if i had known when we got involved that i was gon na get this sick , i still would 've done it . just being with you , loving you , has been heaven on earth . marissa : ohh -- [ scene_break ] ryan : i tell you what . we take hayward down , and you buy next round . jake : i 'll throw a party . [ cell phone rings ] ryan : wow , natalia works fast . hey . any luck ? natalia : it took some work , but i finally got the nurse 's number . ryan : she 's got it . jake : perfect . erica : excuse me . natalia : oh , one minute . he 'll help you . erica : brot ? brot : ms. kane ? erica : hi . i 'm gon na need your help again this evening . i know that this is a long shot , but have there been any reports of anything unusual happening tonight . brot : hmm . more unusual than you asking me to break into your office with an ax ? no , not that i know of , ms. kane . erica : really ? no domestic disturbances or prowlers or stalkers ? brot : is there something you want to share , ms. kane ? erica : just forget that i was even here . [ scene_break ] david : if you do n't believe me , maybe getting married was n't such a good idea . greenlee : it was a great idea . but what you said about ryan -- david : greenlee , i understand , all right ? i know it 's gon na take time for you to get over him . greenlee : i am over him . you 're the one who keeps bringing him up . david : but you loved him so much . greenlee : yes , loved : past tense . moved on , over and done with . ryan is my past . my future is with you , us . however much i loved him , i do n't trust it . i ca n't . but you i trust . this , us i trust . david : even though i told you erica wants me to work against you ? greenlee : yes . you explained it to me . i believe you . what do i have to do to prove it to you ? david : you do n't have to do anything . greenlee : you have to know i mean this . i want this . i trust you and only you . greenlee : it 's our wedding night . make love to me . greenlee : not exactly the response i was expecting . david : greenlee , you do n't have to prove anything to me . greenlee : i have to do something . unless i convince you i 'm 100 % in this , you 're gon na keep throwing ryan in my face . david : wo n't happen again . i promise . and do n't get the wrong idea . it 's not like i was n't extremely tempted . greenlee : good to know . david : but we 're more than just legal husband and wife . we 're partners . we 're friends . there 's no way in hell that i want to jeopardize that . i mean -- to have a friend that i can trust , that i can share anything with -- do you realize how amazing that is ? greenlee : yeah . actually , i do . david : so we 're good ? greenlee : hmm . we 're better than good . we 're married . david : come on . to us . greenlee : friends forever . [ scene_break ] [ cell phone rings ] jake : it 's amanda . ryan : are n't you gon na take it ? jake : nope . i 'll just call my little honeybee later . hates it when i call her `` honeybee . `` ryan : how are things going with you two ? jake : they 're going great , and i 'd like to keep it that way . that 's why i want david gone . ryan : i hear you . jake : call the nurse already . let 's go . ryan : better , i 'm gon na text her . `` we know what you and hayward did . meet us or go to prison . `` [ scene_break ] erica : oh , was it good ? opal : i left you the pears . erica : thank you . opal : so did you find your gal gayle ? erica : it 's as if she disappeared . and that 's not the worst of it , opal . i overheard david telling greenlee that he plans to double - cross me , that he plans to push me out of fusion . can you imagine the nerve ? opal : well , honey , everybody knows that guy is nothing but nerve . what are you gon na do about it ? erica : well , obviously , i 'm not gon na let him get away with it . opal : even if you do n't have nurse gayle ? erica : there are other ways to handle david . i still have the handcuffs from the other night . opal : `` handcuffs `` ? erica : do n't ask . [ scene_break ] david : ahh . greenlee : it 's getting late . i guess i 'll go to bed . david : yeah , i 'm gon na turn in myself just as soon as i put out the fire . we do n't want the fire department here again . greenlee : ha - ha . very funny . david : sweet dreams . [ scene_break ] marissa : j.r. wants to see you . j.r. : a.j . found this on the beach . he gave it to babe . he thought it was magic . tad : yeah , i remember . that 's why she gave it right back to him . she said it would always protect him . j.r. : yeah . maybe it 's just a shell . tad : no . it 's whatever you make it . believe it . you have . just hang on . i swear to you i 'll find this kid if i have to turn the -- it 's just a matter of time , ok ? i 'll fix it . i promise you of it . j.r. : i heard dad blaming you . tad : and he had every right . i screwed up , j.r . i should 've gone out to california , gotten miguel myself . j.r. : it 's not your fault . this should n't be a shock , right ? this kid bailing on us ? he might be related , but it 's not like he 's family . you know , not like we are . tad : ahem . you know , sometimes i like to think that even if it was n't for dixie bringing the two of us together that some -- somehow we 'd have found each other , been close . j.r. : would 've been something if you and i were really related . but sometimes life just does n't work out the way that you want . [ scene_break ] brot : hey . i heard about your big bust , rock star . natalia : and you tried to talk me out of it . that dude was totally on his scam , and i busted his ass . brot : well , i must say , impressive . natalia : yeah . looks like i 'll be rocking a detective 's badge before you 're even out of the academy , cadet . brot : well , i 'm glad you can set me straight . natalia : someone has to . brot : you know , because i heard that ryan lavery leveled the guy and all you had to do was cuff him . [ scene_break ] jake : there she is . gayle : that text was you ? i should 've known . jake : we need information on david . gayle : so you threaten me ? i do n't think so . ryan : i sent the text . i sent the text , ok ? i 'm ryan lavery . gayle : i know who you are . ryan : and i 'm sorry that it was so harsh , but we really need your help . gayle : so you can throw me in jail , too ? i did n't do anything . the only person who deserves to be in prison is david hayward . ryan : we completely agree . that 's why we need your help . it 's obvious that he 's used you , gayle , all right , like he 's used so many people . we want to stop him from hurting anybody else , and we want to help the people that he 's already hurt . gayle : why would you help me ? jake : well , you lost your job because of him , did n't you ? your nursing license ? convinced you to do things you should n't have done , illegal ? you help us , we 'll make sure he gets what he deserves . gayle : erica kane contacted me . ryan : she did ? gayle : i 'm such an idiot . i thought that if david saw me again , he might realize -- i just wanted us to be together . i should 've known . jake : what should you have known ? gayle : he married her . he married that bitch greenlee . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee remembers ] minister 's voice : by the power vested in me , i now pronounce you husband and wife . you may kiss the bride . i now pronounce you mr. and mrs. ryan lavery , husband and wife . you may kiss the bride . ryan 's voice : because i love you more than anything in the world , and you just admitted that you still love me . i mean , that 's definitely a first step . greenlee : no , it 's the last . we had a future , but it 's in the past now . [ scene_break ] david : erica . erica : david , i just assumed that you 'd be enjoying your wedding night . david : i just stopped by to assure you that i 've taken the first steps to separate greenlee from fusion . erica : good . is there anything else ? david : yes , as a matter of fact , there is . we need to be more careful , erica . greenlee 's not an idiot . she already senses there 's something else going on between us . erica : i 'm sure you handled it perfectly . david : i managed . but in the future , the less contact the better . it 's not like we want to be so obvious , right ? erica : oh , no . being obvious would be very bad . [ scene_break ] adam : finally . j.r. : uh -- ahem -- i did n't hear you . adam : i 'm sorry about miguel . j.r. : it 's all right . adam : i mean that i tried to keep you from knowing that he was n't actually coming . but i wanted you to be positive . we have a lot to look forward to : a.j . growing up and chandler enterprises expanding . i 'll tell you what . when you get out of here , i 'm gon na throw the biggest birthday party in the history of mankind for a.j . , and i 'm gon na see about getting you back into chandler enterprises . j.r. : dad ? adam : yeah ? j.r. : it 's time to be realistic . adam : well , that does n't mean we ca n't be hopeful . j.r. : i need you , but not if you 're gon na be in denial . this is n't going to be easy , and i need all the help i can get . adam : ok , son . but the chandler family -- we create our own , forge our own reality . we fight every fight until we win . that 's the chandler way . [ monitor beeps rapidly ] adam : j.r. ? marissa : j.r. ? no . [ monitor beeps rapidly ] marissa : what 's wrong ? ! what 's wrong ? j.r. ! j.r. ! dr. kahn , what 's going on ? ! dr. kahn : protocol ca n't keep pace with the disease . adam : well , then give him something else , damn it ! dr. kahn : mr. chandler , i 'm sorry . he 's slipping into a coma . marissa : no ! adam : no -- j.r. ! [ scene_break ] erica : david , if you really meant what you said about greenlee being suspicious , then maybe you should n't be here . david : is gayle here ? i 'd like to say hi . erica : you really think i 'd just keep her here , so you can just find her that easily ? david : you really like feeling like you 're the one in charge , do n't you ? erica : oh , i really like feeling like i am in charge . erica : nobody knows where gayle is but me . [ door slams shut ] [ scene_break ] gayle : when i heard that david and greenlee when through with the wedding i just wanted to get as far away as possible . jake : and that 's understandable . gayle : even though erica was so kind . [ cell phone rings ] gayle : oh , she and david keep calling me . david . jake : listen , it 's gon na be all right , ok ? we 're gon na protect you . you 're gon na be safe . that 's why we 're gon na keep you here . david would never think to look here . that 's key to your safety , ok ? if you 're working with us -- gayle : i have n't agreed to that yet , not while i could still go down with him . he married greenlee , kissed her , and now they 're probably off doing god knows what . jake : you hungry ? probably starving , right ? i 'll go down to the kitchen , try to rummage up a little something to eat , all right ? do n't open this door to anybody , ok ? there 's a lock , but i do n't see a key . greenlee : what are you doing here ? jake : i , uh , lost my medical bag , and i thought i left it here a couple days ago , but i was wrong . so how are you for dinner ? greenlee : what ? jake : i know a cute little thai place out on route 12 . i thought maybe , you know -- greenlee : maybe another time . jake : that 's right . you do n't like spicy peanut sauce and stuff like that , right ? you know what ? mexican , margaritas . what do you say ? no , sushi palace . all - you - can - eat sushi . you just tell me where you want to go . greenlee : in there . [ scene_break ] erica : come on , gayle , pick up ! [ knock on door ] erica : ryan . ryan : i need you .
at confusion , jake encourages ryan to fight for greenlee to get her away from david . erica looks around her apartment and finds gayle gone . erica gets a visit from opal , who brings her a fruit basket as a housewarming gift . david suggests to greenlee that they go away for a few days in order for greenlee to rest . greenlee tells david that she wants to know what is going on between him and erica . david tries to deny that anything is going on , but greenlee insists on knowing what is going on . david opens up and tells greenlee all about what erica is wanting him to do . tad tells adam that miguel was n't on the plane . marissa comes out into the hospital corridor and asks about miguel . tad and adam along with marissa go into j.r. 's room and tells him that miguel had n't shown up . annie tells brooke about a new storyline for tempo magazine . brooke shoots down annie 's idea . jake lets ryan know that greenlee needs to be saved from david . gayle arrives at wildwind and quickly hides in the bushes when she sees a car 's headlights approaching . erica lets herself into wildwind and overhears david telling greenlee his plans for getting erica out of fusion . jake and ryan tell natalia what david had been up to and asks for her help in bringing him down . natalia offers to help them . adam blames tad for miguel not arriving in pine valley . annie asks j.r. 's doctor to test her to be a bone marrow donor in spite of the fact that j.r. does n't want her . greenlee lets david know that she trusts him and kisses him . greenlee asks david to make love to her . david pulls away .
[ previously_on ] michael : you want to get to know me better , the best place for that is my villa in tuscany . lena : suppose i go to the fusion party . i could find out michael cambias ' angle for you . simone : jake and alison are having an affair . your brother is a pig . edmund : i love you so much , i have to let you go . greenlee : `` i 'm afraid i 'm forced to admire you from a distance `` ? [ scene_break ] maria : aidan ? aidan ? aidan : not to worry . you were n't dreaming . hey . how are you ? maria : good now . [ scene_break ] maddie : mommy ? where is she , daddy ? isabella : edmund , we heard on the news that maria came home . is it true ? edmund : yes , it 's true . isabella : why did n't you call ? edmund : because she came back , isabella , but she did n't come back here to us . maddie : oh , daddy , please . tell me you did n't do what you said . you did n't let mommy go , did you ? [ scene_break ] aidan : hmm . there you go . maria : mmm . oh , i could get so used to this . aidan : well , this is your reward . maria : for what ? you 're my reward . aidan : well , then this is my thanks . maria : what did i do to deserve this ? aidan : you stood by me . maria : oh , i would do that wherever you are . aidan : really ? maria : yeah . aidan : well , that sounds good . maria : i do n't want to go back to reality . aidan : [ as austin powers ] well , who says we do , baby ? maria : there 's a whole world out there that we 're going to have to take care of sooner or later . aidan : [ normal voice ] well , how about we take care of that later ? right now , we stay right here in paradise . [ scene_break ] erica : `` the women of fusion announce their arrival with energy and style `` ? huh . [ door opens ] lena : good morning , ms. kane . erica : lena . yes , come in . close the door . i was just reading about the fusion party . lena : well , it was a good turnout , high - profile guest list , lots of press . erica : and your surveillance ? lena : i 'd call it a success . erica : no one tagged you as a corporate spy ? lena : ms. kane , some people ca n't see what 's staring them in the face . although kendall did question my presence . erica : did she cause a scene ? lena : i contained the situation . but one guest did catch on to me . erica : who ? bianca : me . i outed your secret agent , mom . [ scene_break ] greenlee : `` the women of fusion announce their arrival with energy and style . `` [ simone giggles ] kendall : `` the noise you heard last night was fusion taking off and breaking the beauty barrier . `` greenlee : `` to the brains and beauty behind fusion , i can only add , bravissima ! `` simone : oh ! kendall : oh , you guys , we did it , we did it ! we pulled it off ! simone : we are more than a name . greenlee : yeah , we are in business big time and everybody knows it . kendall : ooh , i wish i could be the diet soda on erica 's desk when she sees this ! greenlee : yeah , forget erica . last night was our triumph . simone : oh , except for that horny guy andrew who was trying to bribe you into bed . kendall : oh , yeah , and the crash of the call girls , simone 's new best friend . simone : yeah , well , greenlee 's mystery e - mailer was a no - show . kendall : and you did n't get to dance la cucaracha with señor carlos . greenlee : all right , all right , all right , all right ! so our fantasies fizzled , but the thing is our dream came true . we have every reason and right to celebrate . simone : hmm . greenlee : mia ? mia : everyone except for me . greenlee : what 's her problem ? simone : uh , mia , what did jake say when you got home ? mia : jake did n't come home last night . i waited up all night for him . he did n't show . i called him a zillion times , he did n't call me back . i think i really blew it this time . [ scene_break ] nurse : dr. martin left word he would n't be in . tad : well , he did n't leave word with me and , as far as i 'm concerned , we 've got a date to crunch numbers , so if you 'll excuse me -- nurse : you see ? tad : that 's all right . it 's ok . i 'm prepared to wait . just so happens i 've got a little something here for emergencies , huh ? nurse : you 're wasting your time . tad : yeah , well , the good news is it 's mine to waste . nurse : hmm . tad : love your shoes . god , you 're frightening . alison . why am i not surprised ? [ scene_break ] kendall : so could you guys just take that downstairs , please ? thanks . greenlee : it 's the morning after . any regrets ? kendall : what , about the party ? greenlee : about turning down the turndown service at michael 's tuscany villa to help me skewer andrew . kendall : hey , we 're partners , right ? greenlee : yeah . well , thanks for sticking around . kendall : well , the more i think about it , the more i realize saying no to michael was just the right move . greenlee : playing hard - to - get ? kendall : yeah , and maybe this time getting the guy . [ scene_break ] bianca : lena and i made a pretty good spy combo . erica : yes , that 's right , you said you were at the party . bianca : boyd was my cover . lena : together we -- what 's the expression ? -- `` dug up lots of dirt . `` erica : well , start dishing . was michael cambias there ? lena : he came fashionably late . bianca : and he stayed velcroed to kendall the entire night . lena : completely ignoring major players like palmer cortlandt and adam chandler . bianca : yeah , and it seemed to me like kendall and cambias are quite the item . lena : although she did turn down his invitation to fly to tuscany . bianca : how did you know about that ? lena : hmm , i kept my ears open . last night , the spotlight was very much on fusion . mr. cambias kept a low profile . erica : suspiciously low , i 'm sure . like a stealth bomber who remains invisible until it explodes . bianca : so you think that cambias is positioning himself for some kind of maneuver ? erica : oh , honey , i would bet on it . what i do n't know yet is , who is his target ? [ intercom buzzes ] erica : yes , val ? really ? yes , yes , val . by all means , send him in . speak of the devil . michael : erica . erica : michael . [ scene_break ] edmund : maddie , come here , sweetheart . maddie , your mom and -- whatever 's happened between your mom and i , i 'm sure she 's going to see you real soon . maddie : promise ? edmund : i promise . isabella : ok , maddie , why do n't you put your backpack away and get washed up for lunch , ok ? maddie : ok . call me if mommy comes . isabella : edmund , what 's going on here ? what 's happening to this family ? first , maria gets sick , then she disappears . now she 's back and -- and she wo n't come home ? edmund : isabella , we both know this has n't been your daughter 's home for a long time . isabella : well , but of course it is . maria was starting to get her memory back . she called me mama . edmund : those few memory flashes were not enough to convince mar -- maureen has made up her mind . isabella : to desert her husband and children ? edmund : she wants to be with aidan devane . isabella : no , no , no , no , my daughter would never do that . edmund , you have to bring her back . edmund : it 's not going to happen . isabella : but -- but if you love her , how can you give her up ? edmund : isabella , i love her -- it is because i love her that i am giving her up . it is what maureen wants . look , it is better for her to be free and happy , away from me , than to feel trapped with me right here . isabella : a home where people love you is not a trap . maria ca n't be happy leaving her family for another man ! maddie : mommy 's leaving us ? edmund : oh , sweetheart -- maddie : is she really leaving us ? why ? what 's wrong with her ? did she forget how to love us ? [ scene_break ] michael : nice meeting you both . erica : so , michael , i assume you 're not here for party favors . michael : actually , the joint venture we discussed , when you played stowaway on my private jet . erica : ah , yes . yes , enchantment getting into bed with cambias industries in a joint venture to distribute product in eastern europe . michael : and , as promised , i 've assembled a proposal . erica : you were serious ? michael : you doubted it ? erica : i thought you were making it up as you went along . michael : erica , perhaps these documents from our hungarian subsidiary will convince you that i always mean what i say . erica : i have a better idea . [ scene_break ] [ simone hums ] greenlee : you 'll be back , right ? simone : yes , mama . kendall : `` mama . `` greenlee : hey ! we got a `` you kids did good `` e - mail from maxie berlin . uh - oh . kendall : what ? what ? is it more mystery man e - mail ? greenlee : this guy is just messing with me . this -- this is going in the trash . kendall : no , greenlee . andrew grabby - hands only pretended he sent those e - mails . this guy is legit , and he obviously adores you . greenlee : he does n't even know me , and i do n't want to know him . kendall : no , no ! do n't delete it . [ scene_break ] alison : i 've got rounds . tad : no , no , do n't take off just yet . tell me something -- how 'd you like the party last night ? alison : was fun . had a great time . just wanted to stop by and thank jake . tad : something tells me you already have . alison : if he stops by , let him know i 'm looking for him . tad : oh , jake , what are you doing ? [ scene_break ] aidan : mmm . maria : i just want to stay lost here with you . oh , but there 's so many things i got to go take care of . aidan : like what ? maria : hmm . like my kids . i just took off so fast , i did n't even get a chance to say good - bye to them . and , i do n't know , my job , if i still even have one at the hospital . aidan : it was n't as if we were off playing hooky or something . our lives were in danger . people are going to understand that . maria : you think ? aidan : i think we deserve at least one day of downtime , do n't you ? just 24 hours of just -- just me and you ? maria : what could we possibly do for 24 hours ? aidan : hmm , i do n't know . how about making love ? making love again and again and again , knowing that it 's not for the last time ? [ knock on door ] maria : that could be -- oh , man . aidan : let 's ignore it , shall we ? maria : ok , i do n't hear anything . aidan : i did n't hear anything . maria : i do n't hear anything at all . [ knock ] aidan : hmm . maria : aw ! ok . ok , get it , but just get it really fast , and then send them on their merry way . aidan : ok . maria : ok . isabella : maria , can i have a word with you , alone ? maria : sure . um , i 'll just -- i 'll come by the house later today . isabella : this really ca n't wait . aidan : that 's fine . i 've got -- i 've got things to attend to , so i can catch up with you later if you like . maria : ok , ok . ahem . bye . aidan : see you . maria : uh , sorry about the -- the mess . it 's , uh , really messy . ahem . isabella : siempre fuiste lo mejor de lo mejor , mi maravilla . you were my special child . everything you did made my heart fill with such pride , but now you fill my heart with shame . [ scene_break ] edmund : i did n't want to believe it , either , you know ? i really did n't . but maureen -- maureen ca n't remember us . ok ? she ca n't remember being -- being mommy . i mean , she does n't -- she does n't remember holding you and -- and singing you to sleep at night . maddie : did she try ? edmund : did she try to remember ? oh , yeah . she tried real hard . but nothing worked . maddie : not even us loving her ? edmund : not even that . maddie : so maureen does n't love us ? edmund : oh , sweetie , yes , she does . she does . edmund : but in her own special way , she does . but not like mommy did . and that 's why i had to let her go , and that 's why you have to let her go , too . maddie : why , daddy ? why do we have to let her go ? why -- why ca n't we keep on trying ? [ scene_break ] erica : why do n't we actually review that proposal over lobster salad at the valley inn ? michael : huh . erica , i do n't that would be a wise idea . erica : why not ? michael : well , for starters , the last time we met , the press learned of our rendezvous and put their little spin on it . erica : michael , a man in your position ca n't possibly be afraid of being in the public eye . unless -- are you hiding something ? michael : not at all . actually , i 'm more worried about you . erica : me ? michael : well , i would n't want chris to get the wrong idea about us . erica : michael , believe me , i have spent my entire professional life in the public eye , dealing with the press , and i have always believed in full disclosure . so if you are uncomfortable being seen in public with me , then , well , that is your problem , not mine . michael : ok , fine . we 'll go . erica : shall we ? [ scene_break ] mia : i 'll be back . kendall : i think it 's great . greenlee , what 's the big deal ? why do n't you just open the e - mail and read it ? greenlee : and set myself up for another letdown ? i do n't think so . kendall : do n't let this andrew guy wreck this for you . greenlee : wreck what ? kendall : this cyber - romance . i mean , you loved what he wrote so much , you thought it could 've been leo . who knows , maybe it 's an angel in disguise . why do n't you let him reach out and touch you ? greenlee : look , i was fooling myself . there 's nothing romantic about this . this guy could be a cyberstalker . i should sic the cops on him . kendall : fine . call agent stamp , get the feds in on this , but just do n't do what you always do . greenlee : what 's that ? kendall : run away . i have a meeting . i 'm going . see you later . greenlee : `` dear greenlee -- please forgive me for not making myself known to you last night . some day , you will understand why i must remain in the shadows . but until then , know that you are not alone . `` [ scene_break ] erica : so , is n't this a whole lot better than being all cooped up in my little office ? michael : well , actually , in europe , we 're accustomed to doing business in a more casual setting . erica : oh . well , then by all means , let 's be continental . michael : let 's . erica : ok , now i will take a look at that business proposition of yours . michael : oh , yes , of course . erica : michael , this seems to be heavily weighted for enchantment . where is the payoff for you ? michael : well , i have to admit the deal is structured in your favor , but i feel that once cambias has proved it 's a worth ally , there will be plenty more opportunities to arise that will benefit us both , so -- erica : ahem . michael , i 'm sorry . i just ca n't shake this feeling that you are not being entirely forthright with me . michael : ok . you are right . i -- i have n't been quite open with you . erica : well , uh -- michael : ahem . erica : tell me now . i 'm all ears . [ scene_break ] isabella : i thank god your father is n't here to see what you 've become . i never would 've imagined my daughter would have -- would abandon her family to have an affair in a cheap motel room . maria : you only know one side of the story , isabella . isabella : that 's true , but i do know -- i do know what my grandchildren have been through . i 've seen sam with a black eye that he got in the school yard because he was defending you , his mother . i 've heard maddie cry herself to sleep , calling out for you , `` mommy , mommy . `` maria : do we really have to do this ? isabella : do what , make it real ? maybe you ca n't remember me , but can you find it within yourself to remember how it feels to have a mother , to be a mother ? maria : no , i ca n't . i wish that i could , but i do n't remember . i do n't . isabella : but even if that feeling is gone , you know how it 's supposed to feel . how could you ? how could you dismiss your own babies , those innocents ? there 's no excuse for breaking a child 's heart . that 's exactly what you 're doing . maria : but i never set out to do that . i never tried to hurt those children ! i never wanted to . isabella : `` those children `` ? that 's what you call these angels from god ? maria : look , you have no idea . you have no idea what it 's like to be me . isabella : no , no . no , you have no idea what it 's like to be `` those children , `` waiting , waiting for a mother who is never coming . all your tears , your excuses can never make up for what you 've done to `` those children `` ! my daughter , my maria , would never do such a thing ! my maria 's gone ! [ scene_break ] greenlee 's voice : `` i know how your heart aches . i know how empty and alone you feel . as impossible as it may be right now to imagine another great love in your life , the possibility exists -- perhaps not with me , but with some incredibly fortunate man who can equal your passion for life . the world would pale without it . never give up -- on yourself , on love , on whatever your heart desires . `` greenlee : agent stamp ? this is greenlee du pres . i need your help . i think my life 's in danger . [ scene_break ] simone : can i tell you what makes a man such a pig ? oh . tad . where 's your lovely brother , jake ? off cheating on mia with his doctor on training wheels ? tad : no . simone : did you know that your brother never made it home last night ? i just left mia at the office , where she was worried sick , blaming herself . she has no clue that while she was working the party , her fiancé was working his mojo on a randy blonde in the frickin ' utility closet . and now he 's not even returning her phone calls . where the hell does jake get off playing with mia and these -- these mind games ? tad : he 's not playing games . simone : oh , really ? tad : no . the reason he did n't return her phone calls is because he 's gone . simone : gone where ? on a retreat with ms . hot - to - trot ? tad : no , simone , gone , as in left pine valley -- alone -- and apparently , he 's not coming back . [ scene_break ] bianca : oh , lena . are you looking for mom ? lena : just curious as to her progress with mr. cambias . bianca : well , they 're at lunch together at the valley inn . lena : oh . i guess i 'll catch up with her later then . bianca : oh , um , lena , before you go , i -- i 'm kind of curious about something myself . lena : yes ? bianca : well , i know i already asked you about this , but how exactly did you know about kendall turning down that invitation to tuscany from michael cambias ? lena : i overheard one of greenlee 's business associates -- what 's her name ? -- simone . she was talking about it . bianca : and where was i ? lena : in the powder room . bianca : maybe . lena : bianca , is there a problem ? bianca : oh , no . i guess i just ca n't imagine a scrounger like kendall turning down a trip anywhere . anyway , i better get going . lena : where to ? bianca : oh , to a trunk show at lacey 's featuring a new designer . lena : the owen campbell collection . bianca : yes , you know him . lena : i know of him . i know his ideas are tres avant - garde . bianca : exactly , and i 'm hoping for some inspiration for the youth line , or maybe just to pick something kicky up for when the weather gets warmer . lena : mind if i tag along ? bianca : seriously ? lena : well , no , not seriously . we 'll talk about the models and the clothes and the hair and the makeup , and then i 'll take you out to dinner , if you have no other plans . bianca : dinner sounds great . boyd : morning , ladies . bianca : hey . boyd : i see you - all survived last night 's festivities . bianca : how are you holding up ? boyd : oh , let 's see , i woke up in my own bed , alone , and with no splitting headache . i 've had better times . bianca : i 'm really sorry that things did n't take off with kendall . boyd : oh , no , you 're not . admit it , you think i 'm better off without her , that i made a narrow escape . bianca : well -- yeah . boyd : well , just for your information , i have n't given up yet . bianca : well , i 've been there . anyway , lena , why do n't we meet in the lobby in about 15 minutes ? lena : ok . bianca : we can take my car . lena : boyd ? when you do give up on kendall -- if ever you do -- would you be interested in dinner with me ? [ scene_break ] michael : erica , if you and i are going to do business together , i have to be completely honest with you . erica : who is she ? michael : what makes you assume it 's a `` she `` ? erica : well , i know it 's not a `` he . `` and i know that you 're not just spending all this time in pine valley for me . michael : what keeps me coming back is your daughter . erica : bianca ? michael : your other daughter , kendall . erica : kendall ? are you joking ? michael : absolutely not . i find her completely captivating . she 's fascinating . erica : oh , michael . well , you are certainly just full of one surprise after another . michael : well , i wish i could 've been more forthcoming with you that day on the plane . erica : yeah , why were n't you ? michael : well , it 's just kendall told me that there 's some hostilities that exist between you two , so -- erica : oh . michael , any hostilities are coming from kendall . she has told me that she is obsessed with destroying me . so , i mean , if she wants to have a casual fling -- michael : well , i have to tell you , erica , there 's nothing casual about my feelings . i have n't felt this way about a woman in a long time . erica : and -- and what does this exactly have to do with our arrangement ? michael : well , i just did n't want kendall to feel threatened if you and i do business together . erica : well , now , why on earth would she feel threatened ? kendall : you never stop , do you , you selfish bitch ! you are unbelievable . unbelievable ! you never miss a chance to swoop down on my life and just rip it to shreds . erica : uh , kendall loves to make scenes . she once pulled a gun on me . kendall : yeah , i only wished i pulled the trigger , you harpy from hell . putting the moves on michael ? how sick is that ? how sick is that ? would it kill you to let me be happy for five seconds ? michael : god , erica was just looking over a business proposal , a business merger right here . kendall : business ? oh , come on , michael , get real . business ? erica is using business as an excuse . that 's why she 's fluttering her eyelashes and speaking slightly out of breath , and lots of full - frontal body lingo . she does n't want you . it 's about me . she wants to hurt me . it 's what she lives for . michael : ok , listen , please . sit down for a second -- kendall : no , you know what , no , stop . i know what to expect from her , but you ? michael , how could you fall for her act ? how could you let yourself get sucked into it ? i warned you , michael ! i warned you ! why do n't you believe me ? why did n't you believe me ? erica : uh , michael , i hope that you and kendall will be very happy together . [ scene_break ] boyd : well , kendall 's doing her own thing , so sure , dinner sounds great . i 'll call you . lena : i 'd like that . boyd : ok . bianca : hey . boyd : hey . bianca : um , can i ask your opinion about something ? boyd : sure . what 's up ? bianca : do you -- do you think that maybe , possibly -- is lena gay ? boyd : gay ? uh , no . definitely no . bianca : no ? are you sure ? because i swear , she is interested in me , like , outside of work . boyd : well , i hate to burst your bubble , gorgeous , but i 'm pretty sure our polish beauty hit on me just after you left . bianca : huh . well , maybe she 's undecided , hmm ? boyd : ok , well , how about a friendly wager ? say , a spa day and dinner at the valley inn for whoever gets lena first ? bianca : hmm . sure , you 're on . boyd : oh , it 's on . [ scene_break ] tad : he says he 's gotten in touch with a friend of his from doctors without borders . simone : hmm . tad : does n't mention where he 's stationed , just says he got a flight out and he 's ok . simone : oh . oh , well , that 's good , because mia 's going to be so much more happy when she learns that the man who cheated on her and left her at the altar is doing a - ok . tad : simone , would you stop it ? they never would 've made it to the altar , and you know it . jake 's not ready for marriage and neither is mia , so i guess it 's for the best . sometimes things work out even when they do n't . simone : how did i know you were going to say that ? oh , that 's right -- i know your rep . that 's right , because i remember when you were in a lip lock with brooke when she was engaged with edmund . yeah , the big , bad martin boys , sticking it to the girls while they stick up for each other . tad : i am not excusing what jake has done . simone : forget about jake . what am i supposed to tell mia ? tad : why do n't you let his letter speak for itself ? simone : someone who really cares for mia should be there for her when she gets her heart ripped out . tad : if you care so much for her , do you really think it 's going to help her out to hear you trash jake ? mia : tad . oh , simone . what 's going on ? [ scene_break ] chris : greenlee , there is absolutely not one threatening e - mail to you . nothing . greenlee : he said he 'd be at the fusion party . chris : well , did that scare you ? did it make you fear for your life ? did you call the cops on him ? greenlee : no . but -- chris : but ? but what ? ah . you want me to find him , but you do n't want me to turn him in , do you ? you want me to check him out to see if he 's an up - and - up dreamboat . greenlee : go back to your cave . chris : going back to my cave . have it your way . greenlee : all right , fine . all right , fine , i 'm desperate , ok ? this guy 's intriguing , and i 've got to find him . [ scene_break ] mia : simone , what are you doing here ? where 's jake ? tad : mia , there 's something you got to know . simone : tad , um , why do n't you go ? mia needs to hear this from a friend . tad : yeah , i guess you 're right . if you ever need anything , you feel like you want to talk , you call me . mia : talk ? talk about what ? what -- [ door closes ] mia : simone , what 's going on ? where 's jake ? [ scene_break ] chris : look , greenlee , let 's get serious . i 'm a federal agent and i ca n't track down this guy for you because right now the only thing he 's guilty of is being nice to you . greenlee : just a name . i 'll take it from there . chris : i do n't know , it 's -- greenlee : chris , you know what it 's like to have your heart torn out . you walk around with this gaping wound , wondering if you 'll ever feel anything but empty . this guy , whoever he is -- he 's maybe -- chris : just -- just a name ? greenlee : and where i can find him . chris : you know , i ca n't use bureau resources to track down this guy . greenlee : ha , but you 'll help me ? chris : let me see what i can do for you . [ scene_break ] michael : kendall , can we go to your condo so we can speak in private , please ? kendall : yeah , like i would go anywhere with you . michael : kendall , please , not here . kendall : i told you last night -- i told you last night what a monster my mother is . now , you turn around , you come in here , you turn on the charm , and you try to dazzle her ? michael : you could n't be more wrong . kendall : no , i 'm right . i am right on target . i know exactly what i 'm talking about . this is payback . this is payback , because i would n't fly to tuscany with you in your little jet . michael : no . kendall : because i would n't put out . michael : if that 's what you really think , then we 've got nothing more to say to each other . kendall : fine . walk away . why do n't you get in your stupid jet and fly back to tuscany and do n't ever come back . michael : ok . aidan : kendall . [ scene_break ] edmund : sweetheart , we hurt maureen when we ask her to be someone that she is n't , ok ? i want maureen to be happy , to be free to be herself . maddie : what about us ? what do we do ? i do n't want to forget her . edmund : oh , no , you 're not going to forget her . of course not . we can pray every night that she remembers someday how much we love her and how much she loved us . but until that day , we have to be strong , ok ? and we have to accept her as maureen , as our friend . and then we can have this wonderful lady in our lives , ok ? now , can you understand this , honey , because it took your daddy a long time to figure it out . maddie : i want mommy , but i ca n't have her , but i can have maureen as a friend ? edmund : i know that 's a lot to ask . do you think you can do it ? maddie : i do n't know . can i think about it ? edmund : you take all the time you want , ok ? maddie : you 'll always be my daddy , though , right ? edmund : i will always be your daddy . ok . [ doorbell rings ] [ next_on ] kendall : i blew it , aidan . i blew it . simone : i am so -- ah ! erica : were you watching me ? chris : oh , i would never do anything like that . i hired someone else to do it for me . edmund : we had to let you go , and now you have to let us go .
at fusion the girls read their reviews from the papers . they were a great success and their dream is coming true . mia tells simone that jake never came home . greenlee gets another e - mail from her mystery man . kendall tells her to read it and not run away from the situation . greenlee asks chris to look into her mystery e - mailer , and he agrees to help her . at enchantment lena tells erica the fusion party was successful . erica thinks michael is positioning himself for a takeover . she has a lunch meeting with michael , and tells him she does n't believe he is being completely honest . kendall discovers them together . michael admits he is concerned with kendall 's feelings . erica blames kendall for the hostility between them . michael says it is more than a casual fling . kendall interrupts and asks erica why she is always trying to ruin her life . kendall asks michael how he could fall for erica 's act . michael and kendall argue and she tells him to fly off on his jet . he leaves . kendall runs into boyd . tad stops by to see jake , and allison is in his office . she leaves and tad finds a note from jake saying he is leaving town . simone finds tad in jake 's office . he tells her jake has left , and simone is upset about how mia will take it . tad and mia are interrupted by mia and she asks what is going on . isabella wants to know why maria / maureen is n't with her husband and children . she asks edmund how he can give her up . aidan and maureen enjoy breakfast in bed . they are interrupted by isabella . isabella tells maureen she is ashamed of her and does n't understand how she can leave her children and husband behind to take up with aidan . back home , maddie asks edmund if mommy is leaving them . edmund tells maddie that maureen does n't remember being her mommy and they have to except her as maureen . there is a knock at the door , and it is maureen .
ryan : hey , what are you -- what are you doing out of bed ? greenlee : you looked frozen . ryan : what ? come here . i 'm going to get you back in bed . come on . come on . greenlee : are you really here ? ryan : what , are you still feeling foggy ? greenlee : i just -- i imagined you so many times -- on my birthday , on the swing . you were just a wish i made on my birthday candles . ryan : well , then , you know , your wish came true . i found you , and i brought you to this hunter 's cabin to get you warm . and now i 'm going to call a doctor . greenlee : a doctor ? what for ? ryan : well , because you 're running a fever , because you 're shaking like a leaf , and because you 're not acting like a spoiled little brat that makes everybody want to throttle you . [ scene_break ] kendall : hmm . oh , my god ! oh , god ! mad cow ! what -- where -- what -- david : kendall ? kendall : what -- david : what is it ? kendall : oh , my god -- what -- david , what -- what did i do ? what -- what did i do ? david : relax . relax . you spent the night on the couch , that 's all . kendall : oh . oh , thank god . i thought i 'd died and gone to the cow pasture . oh , god ! my head -- i feel like i have a stampede running inside of my head . david : let me finish getting dressed , and i 'll mix you my hangover cure , ok ? kendall : no , wait , david , wait . i have to -- i have to say something to you that i think might make the two of us blush . [ scene_break ] jamie : hey , there . anita : hi . jamie : are you my granddad 's new executive assistant ? anita : and why would you assume that ? jamie : well , grandpa told me there was an amazing new hire in his office , and i figured i 'd just swing by and make her feel welcome . anita : the nurses warned me about joe martin 's son tad . said more charm than the law allows . jamie : that 's my dad . anita : looks like you got his moves down , right to the killer smile . jamie : and the nurses did n't warn you about me ? anita : should they have ? jamie : nah , i 'm basically harmless . anita : why do i get the feeling you want something from me ? jamie : because i do . i 'd love to get a sneak peek at the test results for babe chandler . no one has to know about it , and i 'd be all kinds of grateful . [ scene_break ] babe : morning , sweetie . j.r. : uh - huh . good morning . ahem . oh . babe : there you go . j.r. : thank you . babe , what the hell are you trying to pull now ? [ scene_break ] krystal : are you being frisky or sneaky ? tad : both ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : the `` world 's best dad . `` first , the mugs , then the t - shirts . then you get a little petition you start circulating around . tell me -- how many signatures is it going to take to convince me that i 'm this baby 's father ? babe : j.r. , you are this baby 's father . i can feel this in the bottom of my heart . j.r. : i -- i got to hand it to you , babe , you really know how to set the scene . all i have to do is play my part . but remind me , which is my role ? father or the uncle ? babe : i have to take a step back when you say such hateful things . i just have to take a deep breath and remind myself that you 've had some of the world 's worst daddying . you remember all the bad things that your pops did . and you 're not going to go down that rough road with our child . and every bad thing that adam ever did to you -- you 're going to forget every single thing as soon as you hold our little sweetie in your arms . and you 're going to shower our baby with more love than you ever even thought that you could feel . j.r. : you might want to dump out that coffee , rinse out the mug just in case jamie 's the world 's best dad . babe : what do i have to do ? do you want me to shout it out ? rent a billboard ? you are this baby 's father ! and those results today are going to prove it . j.r. : or not . babe : fine . go the adam route . just rig it so that nobody wins . we 're due in at dr. joe 's at 10 : 00 for the paternity results . you 'll be there ? j.r. : i would n't miss it for the world . not for the world . here . you might want to hang on to this . [ babe flings the mug across the room and runs out of the house ] adam : good morning , son . j.r. : well , you 're up bright and early , dad . praying that babe 's kid 's jamie 's ? [ scene_break ] jamie : here 's the deal . there 's a chance that babe 's kid could be mine , and if it is , i want to give babe and mini - me all the support they need . anita : why do n't you just wait till the test results are made known ? jamie : 2 : 00 a.m. feedings , diaper changes -- i need to take some serious training . anita : look , i do n't even know where the test results are . jamie : they 're right there , in my grandfather 's in - box . please , and what 's in that envelope could change my life forever . joe : good morning . anita : good morning , dr. martin . joe : jamie , what brings you by here ? jamie : i came for the test results for babe . joe : hmm . you 're early . come back in 45 minutes . jamie : well , i do n't mind hanging around , and -- could come back in 45 minutes . joe : did my grandson try to involve himself with my in - box ? anita : oh , not that i noticed . hey , i filled out this job app , and i attached my resume . joe : oh , good . well , we always have a need for qualified physician 's assistants . goodness , i -- it 's hard to imagine you so grown up . anita : well , you have n't changed . joe : yeah ? anita : and neither has pine valley . joe : yeah , well -- please , sit down . how long do you intend to stay in the valley ? anita : oh , well , that depends on edmund 's recovery . joe : uh - huh . and you 're staying with maria out at wildwind ? anita : yeah . joe : is bobby going to join you ? anita : oh , that 's sort of up in the air right now . joe : huh . well , we 're glad you 're here . and ruth and i want to have you over for dinner as soon as you 're all settled in . anita : ca n't wait . joe : yeah . meanwhile , i 'll get the ball rolling with human resources , and they 'll set up an interview . anita : thank you so much , dr. martin . joe : mm - hmm . anita : thank you . joe : bye - bye . anita : bye . [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] tad : krystal , this is stupid . can we please just go back to bed ? krystal : i 'm not in the mood . tad : i bet i could get you in the mood . [ krystal chuckles ] krystal : not a chance . and you can take back your necklace , too . tad : that was a gift . krystal : huh ! it was insurance in case i caught you crawling through my personal things -- which i did . tad : well , you ca n't hardly blame me . krystal : ha ! the hell i ca n't ! and , you know , put yourself in my place . tad : gladly . ok , no problem . variety 's good . krystal : i 'm not kidding . i am lying there in bed with -- with an incredible lover , all right ? i feel his warm breath on my neck , and my heart starts to pound . and he reaches for me , and -- well , it turns out he 's just reaching for something that 's going to make my daughter 's life a living hell . and if there is one thing that i will not stand , sit , or lie down for , that 's being used . tad : i apologize . i 'm sorry . ok , i admit it . after everything you and i have been through , i was curious of what you had stuffed in the mattress . it should n't be a surprise . but at least i did n't try to lie about it . number one , you 're too smart , and , number two , i care too much about you to try . and i hope that counts for something . krystal : oh , you know , you could flash those baby blues at me , and i just want to toss you back in that bed and have my way with you six ways till sunday . tad : well , then what are we waiting for ? come on -- come on -- krystal : no , tad , no ! i ca n't trust you ! i 'm going to go meet up with babe , wait for those paternity test results . at least i can trust your daddy not to mess with her future . [ scene_break ] ryan : your hands are still like ice . greenlee : i want to go back on the swing . ryan : what swing ? greenlee : in the forest . when you pushed me , i felt like i could fly . ryan : i think you should go back to sleep . greenlee : you think i 'm out of it because i 'm being nice to you ? ryan : well , now that you mention it . greenlee : when i was in that mineshaft , i thought i was a goner . so , i promised god that i would try and be a nicer me . ryan : and you would never want to go back on a promise , would you , greenlee ? greenlee : being a bitch was n't really working for me . ryan : i do n't understand why the doctor has n't called back yet . do you think that you could handle going into town on the back of my motorcycle ? greenlee : no . no , no , no . i do n't want to go home . just -- everyone will be better off without me . just leave me here and go be happy . ryan : greenlee , you never think of anybody but yourself . this is worse than i thought . greenlee ? hey , hey , greenlee ? greenlee ? well -- no , i 'm trying to keep her as warm as i possibly can , but she 's saying all these nutty things that do n't make any sense . well , at least , not for her . ok . ok , just try and get here as soon as you can , ok ? thank you . oh , i 'm going to get you warm . i 'm going to get you warm . you -- i got you . ok . greenlee : ryan ? ryan : hey . you scared me . you know that ? greenlee : am i saying things again ? ryan : what year is it ? greenlee : 2004 . why ? ryan : well , the doctor told me to ask you stuff like that to make sure you know where your head is . greenlee : it 's lying on your shoulder , so , you can call the doctor back and tell him that . ryan : you can tell him yourself when he gets here . greenlee : no , oh , i do n't want to see anyone . give me the keys to your bike . ryan : no , no , no , no , no , no . you lie back . all right , you 're not going anywhere . you were in that hole a long time without any food or any heat , and i need to get you checked out . greenlee : i 'm fine . ryan : well , i never said that you were n't . now , let me see . oh , no , open -- open . greenlee : what are you doing ? ryan : sorry . i 'm just trying to see your pupils . greenlee : how do they look ? ryan : they look big . greenlee : can you see my soul ? ryan : what ? greenlee : the eyes are supposed to be the windows to the soul . i never thought i had one . a soul , i mean . ryan : well , you do . i mean , everybody does . greenlee : and when we die , do you think we all go to heaven ? ryan : what 's this talk about dying ? greenlee ? what is it ? greenlee : what i did to kendall -- did i get her sent to prison ? or worse , is she going to die because of me ? ryan : no . no , she 's free . she 's free and clear . greenlee : oh . thank you , god . thank you . [ scene_break ] kendall : why do you live out here in the middle of nowhere ? david : i like the solitude . kendall : well , you got bunches of that . david : so why do n't you tell me what it is that 'll make us both blush ? kendall : thank you . david : you 're welcome . one more thing . if you want to stay , do n't try to sell me on what a great prize ryan is . kendall : i 'm done with ryan . i 'm -- i swear , i am completely -- i 'm through with him . and while we 're talking about making deals , please do n't try to justify what greenlee did to me . david : you got it . [ scene_break ] krystal : looks like you 're having a bad day , tad . hope it 's downhill from here . i 'd love to stay and chat , simone , but if you 're here to arm - wrestle for tad 's affections , you win . simone : excuse me ? krystal : take him . he 's yours . i would n't have him if he were stuffed with $ 100 bills and dipped in chocolate . tad : finally ! what the hell 's a guy have to do for him to get his hands on a stupid secret ? come here . it 's about time . finally figure out what the hell babe has got shoved up her sleeve . it 's a betting pool for the oscars . oh , i am so hosed . simone : well , you sure as hell are n't johnny depp . you want to explain to me how playing mattress tag with krystal protects your son ? [ scene_break ] [ jamie peers through the nursery window and imagines babe holding their child ] [ babies cry ] [ scene_break ] ryan : you really are sorry , are n't you ? greenlee : for all the difference it 'll make to anyone back home . ryan : you 'd be surprised . greenlee : now who 's delusional ? ryan : look , why do n't you just lay there and take it easy , ok ? greenlee : you know , when i was in that hole , i had a lot of time to think and sleep . i had these weird dreams , or whatever they were , but when i was really awake , there was no escaping myself and the mess that i 've made of my life . the only thing left to do was to cut my losses and go someplace else . ryan : `` someplace else . `` it 's kind of funny , because -- because that 's where i was heading when i found you in that mineshaft . but you know what they say , that life is what happens when you 're trying to make a clean getaway . [ ryan chuckles ] [ knock on door ] ryan : hey . man : i 'm ezekiel strong . ryan : hello , dr. strong . ezekiel : hi . ryan : nice to meet you . come in , thanks . ezekiel : well , what happened to you , little lady ? greenlee : short version -- i tripped and fell into a mineshaft and spent the last few days there trapped . ezekiel : not feeling too well , i take it ? greenlee : no , i feel like i 'm talking from the inside of a coffin . ezekiel : you were a sight close to it . [ scene_break ] anita : is one of those the baby that might be yours ? jamie : no . the one that i care about has n't arrived yet . anita : so , what are you doing here ? jamie : imagining what it would feel like to be a dad . anita : look -- all those perfect little miracles . jamie : do you have kids ? anita : oh , no , not yet . jamie : but you want them ? anita : someday , when the time 's right . jamie : how do you know when that is ? anita : when you 're ready to put another life ahead of your own . i know from my own family kids can be a handful . both parents have to want to be there , or it 's the child that suffers . jamie : i want to be there if i turn out to be the father . i 'll step up . anita : look . look at that feisty one with his little fists in the air . he 's going to spend some time in the principal 's office . then you see the little cherub next to him ? he 's going to make this life heaven on earth . jamie : what are you , some kind of baby psychic ? anita : i spent some time in the nurseries in the neonatal units . babies are born with their own personality , and you can see them from the start . jamie : how can you tell if they ca n't talk ? anita : body language , sounds they make , the way they smile or look at you . you know , maybe it 's in their genes or the way that god made us , but we 're all born with quirks and character traits -- part of the mystery of life . jamie : guess i never really thought about it . i got to get going . it was nice talking to you . anita : hey -- whatever happens , good luck . [ scene_break ] adam : this is not a judgment on you , son . babe and her mother moved in here bag and baggage and enjoyed what they call the high life . you loved her , tried to make her happy . she spent too much money , disappeared , was unable to account for her whereabouts , got tied up , tripped up by her own lies . but you still loved her . you took her on faith until you found out that she might be pregnant with your brother 's child . and all of a sudden you got fed up with all the lies and the deception . there 's only so much a man can take , j.r. , only so much a man can forgive . i think you 've reached that limit . j.r. : is that it ? adam : no , not quite . i want -- i want you to know that regardless of the outcome of these tests today i will be in your corner . i will be in your corner till the day i die . and not just because you 're my son , but because you 're -- you 're a good man . you 're a fine man . and i will fight with my final breath to heal this breach between us , especially in the light of what you did for me . j.r. : what have i ever done for you than give you attitude ? adam : no . you showed up in court for me when you thought i was in serious trouble . i 'll never forget that . so , the sooner we can get this baby business settled , the sooner we can get back to our lives and live them the way they were meant to be lived . i 'll -- i 'll meet you in dr. joe 's office . j.r. : all right . [ scene_break ] tad : simone , come on . it is perfectly obvious that whatever secret krystal 's hiding from babe could easily turn around and bite both j.r. and jamie . on the other hand , if all i want to do is continually make you nuts , then maybe the smart thing for you and i to do is just call it off right now before i send you around the bend for good . simone : no . that would n't be the smart thing . or if it is , maybe i 'm just not smart enough to know it -- kind of a dumb blonde in a plain brunette wrapper . tad : that 's stupid . simone : thank you . tad : i mean it . there is nothing plain or dumb about you . simone : that 's sweet . but , hey , you 're a man on a mission , and i get that , so do what you got to do for god , country , and your kid , and , you know , when you 're good and ready , then come up and see me sometime . tad : you 're just saying that because you think it 's what i want to hear ? simone : hear this . i want to wrap you up and ride you to the moon . tad : that 's just wrong ! simone : no . [ simone chuckles ] tad : no . this is -- no , just come on . you know , what about the mission , you know ? simone : yeah , well , something tells me -- tad : i ca n't . simone : that the launch sequence -- tad : simone -- simone : has already been activated . tad : oh , houston , we have a problem , ok , because , look , i 've got to find that piece of paper . simone : i 'll help . tad : what ? simone : yeah . well , the sooner we find it , then the sooner we can scrub this mission and krystal . so where do i start ? tad : you take the closet , ok ? i 'm going to go through the armoire . simone : ok . tad : hurry . simone : oh . ok . you know , why would krystal leave you alone in here with her secrets ? tad : because my hunch is she hid it in plain sight , which means it 's going to be that much harder to find . [ scene_break ] babe : damn it , cramer , you hung up on me ! paul : oh , why , did you miss me ? babe : like a bad cold . did you chopper the results back from canada ? paul : oh . you know i did . babe : and ? is j.r. my baby 's daddy ? [ scene_break ] ryan : open up . ah , there you go . you 're lucky that the owner of this place , whoever owns it , had a good stock of canned goods . greenlee : oh , no more , no more . ryan : ok . well , now that you got a little food in your stomach , you can have one of these pills that the doctor left you . here -- take that . greenlee : what did he say to you when he walked you outside ? ryan : he said that you were lucky that i found you when i did and for me to follow his instructions to the letter . greenlee : ryan , you do n't have to do this . i can take care of myself . you 've got your whole life waiting for you out there . do n't -- do n't let me hold you back . ryan : wow -- a greenlee that actually puts other poor slobs ahead of herself . this is going to take some getting used to , you know . greenlee : you were n't there . i was at the bottom of that mineshaft and i looked up and i saw my patch of sky , my only way out , sealed off . all i wanted was just to get out of there , to deserve a second chance . what ? ryan : this ring . greenlee : it 's kendall 's . i thought she threw it down that hole to torment me . ryan : no . i threw it down that hole , and then i put the rock there so nobody else would get hurt . but i had no idea that you were down there . [ scene_break ] david : well , kendall , looks like you 're actually catching up to me . i 've already sworn off any male / female relationships deeper than a teaspoon . kendall : yeah , right . then the next woman comes along and melts your ice cubes and then you sip her through a straw . [ david laughs ] david : melts my ice cubes ? kendall : yeah . david : anyone i know ? kendall : yeah , pretty intimately -- my mother . david : erica ? kendall : yeah -- `` erica `` ? do n't be so surprised . you two have a past together . david : yeah , and look how that one played out . believe me , erica and i are living proof that there ought to be a law against falling in love . kendall : you think maybe -- maybe you and i could fall in love , just for the hell of it ? david : kendall , the only thing you and i have going for us is that we both care for bianca . kendall : yeah , but now that she 's safe , we 're worthless . what good are we ? you 're in cowhide seclusion and i 'm trying to be the reject of the year . david : yeah , right . so if ryan broke through that door right now with his heart on fire and begged you to marry him , what would you do -- toss him down the side of the mountain ? kendall : i like the part you said about `` heart on fire , `` burnt to a crisp . [ scene_break ] babe : either the baby 's dna matches j.r. 's or it did n't . and if it did n't , do n't you start getting ideas in your head how you could be the father and how you can blackmail me because if it is n't j.r. 's , it 's jamie 's . paul : what about me ? you said it could be mine . babe : i lied . i had to do whatever i could to make sure that this baby is j.r. 's no matter what the dna said . well , is he a match or did you just fix the report to say that he is ? paul : you 'll find out when your husband does . babe : well , paul , wait ! jamie : ca n't stand the sight of me ? i do n't blame you . i 've given you all kinds of reasons to hate me -- tailing you , tricking your doctor into giving me privileged info . but the worst was me thinking that just because we connected one night that you grew some real feelings for me . babe : who taught you that ? jamie : i hooked up with someone . i mean , it was fun , but it was n't the rest of my life and we 're just friends and it 's cool . [ jamie sighs ] jamie : babe , i want you to know that however the test comes back , you 're covered and so is the baby . but you do n't have to take me as part of the package . i 'll do whatever makes you happy . babe : whoa . this is so not a chandler moment . [ babe imagines a happy life with j.r. and their beautiful little boy ] babe : let 's go say bye to daddy . he 's got to go to work ! j.r. : come here , trip ! that a boy ! ah ! how 's my big kid ? babe : oh . j.r. : how 's my little guy ? why do n't we all three spend the day together ? babe : you really mean that ? j.r. : you two are my world . babe : oh . j.r. : you got to know that , babe . [ j.r. and babe giggle ] babe : it 's ok . j.r. : my world . unless it was all a lie . [ babe gasps ] jamie : babe , are you ok ? babe : yeah , i mean , i 'm fine . i 'm -- the baby was tickling my ribs . here . feel . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee , i had no idea that you were buried right beneath my feet . if i had , i never would 've left you -- you have to know that . greenlee : it 's such a mystery . i ca n't figure it out . maybe i should n't even try . ryan : you mean why it happened ? greenlee : no , why you came back for me . i -- i -- i was trying to connect with you , i was thinking about you , i -- i even called out your name . and then there you were , tossing in kendall 's ring . ryan : and then i sealed you in with that rock . greenlee : yeah , but you -- but you -- you must have heard me . i did n't give up , i just -- i kept calling your name and you came back . you pulled that rock away and you saved my life . you heard me , did n't you , ryan ? [ scene_break ] simone : this woman is a walking fashion disaster . god ! oh , she 's number one on blackwell � s worst - dressed list , that 's for sure . tad : simone , just spare me the fashion commentary and just find the damn document . simone : hey ! you know , i am not your slave . you know , and come to think of it , i do n't know what the hell i am . you know , at first , i was your lover and then , you know , you made it more than clear that we were just bed buddies and then liza comes along and now this country western number , and what , i get pumped down to sidekick ? simone : ow ! stop it ! tad : how much i care about you , ok ? simone : let me go ! tad : i gave you the chance to call it off . you said no , you could handle it . so why are you choosing now to dump on me ? what do you want ? simone : how about some respect ? i do not want to be some private dick 's doormat ! [ scene_break ] jamie : oh . amazing -- to think there 's a little person in there . and soon , you 'll get to meet him or her . what ? babe : oh . you 're just the only guy that i 've ever met that -- that up and admitted he was wrong about anything . that makes you truly one of a kind . krystal : did i miss anything ? babe : no , mama . dr. joe 's not here yet . krystal : you ok ? babe : fine . krystal : could i have a minute with babe , jamie ? krystal : ok , you can tell mama now . are you really , truly ok ? babe : i 'm really , truly fine . where you been ? krystal : oh . i caught tad rooting around looking for those annulment papers that you never filed . babe : oh , my god ! krystal : it 's ok , it 's ok . i got those papers hidden so good , sherlock holmes could n't even find them . all you got to do is pass that paternity test and you 're home free . jamie : j.r. , krystal wanted a minute alone with babe . j.r. : save it for someone who cares . babe : j.r. , i hate it when you 're so cold to your brother . j.r. : brother ? oh , you mean this guy , the guy that slept with my wife and maybe got her pregnant ? that brother ? adam : j.r. , why do n't we just get this over with , ok ? j.r. : yeah , i think so . adam : come on . [ scene_break ] kendall : you know , i 'm having a moment of clarity here . this hangover has cleared my mind and given me razor - sharp focus . david : hmm . care to share your moment of enlightenment ? kendall : i ca n't love because i ca n't trust , so i have to find somebody else who does n't care about trust -- somebody who i do n't trust , someone who does n't trust me -- and then neither one of us cares . i think there 's somebody out there who 's perfect . david : well , the world is full of untrustworthy people . i 'm sure you can have your pick . kendall : you . david : excuse me ? kendall : nobody trusts you , nobody trusts me , so we 're a match made in hell . you want to have an affair ? [ scene_break ] ryan : you know , sometimes over the past few days , no matter what i was doing , you would just pop into my head . like out of the clear blue sky , you 'd just -- you 'd just be there . greenlee : because i was calling you . ryan : my god . i heard you . somehow , i heard you . [ scene_break ] simone : oh , i must be out of my tree offering to help you in your little passion pit ! tad : for the last time , it 's not about passion , simone ! simone : oh , yeah , uh - huh . tad : it 's about protecting my family -- simone : oh , that 's rich ! tad : get it through your pretty little head ! simone : oh , yeah , and lusting after little miss fried chicken floozy is just business as usual ? tad : you know , forget it . i do n't care . you go ahead and believe whatever you want to believe . the fact is i am on the job ! simone : ooh ! you are such a bad liar ! [ simone hurls a vase over tad 's head ] tad : simone ? simone : yeah ? [ tad reaches in the shattered vase and extracts the annulment paper ] tad : you 're a genius . simone : oh . [ scene_break ] jamie : get out of there , adam . joe : get your hand out of my in - box ! folks , i 've kept this with me in case anyone might be tempted to mishandle it . it contains the results of the dna test . i want to emphasize that the test results are highly reliable , the chances of error infinitesimal . adam : for crying out loud , get to the point . is j.r. the father or not ? [ next_on ] david : you , me , in a heartless affair ? i 'm game if you are . opal : you can just bet your trip to betty ford that we got a problem . greenlee : can you still read my mind ? block everything out , just focus on me . what do i really want , ryan ?
everybody is awaiting the results of babe 's paternity test . krystal tells tad she does not appreciate being used for sex , with his ultimate goal being ruining her daughter . she tells him she wants no more of him . simone also comes to confront him and tells him she 's tired of his playing the field . jr is having visions about being close to his wife and child . jamie also wants to commit to them .
josh : `` erica finally tells us how she really feels . `` what the tabloids would n't give for this . too bad for them it 's just you and me . why do n't you tell me how you really feel about me ? erica : how arrogant are you ? and how dismissive , as if nothing i could say could really matter . so , are you giving up this second chance i supposedly `` owed `` you ? josh : well , i held your hand and fetched your tea too long . you think i do n't know who you are ? erica : you do n't know me . you do n't even know who you are . but you will . you will know who we are to each other and who we 're going to be . [ scene_break ] ryan : look , it 's been a rough day , a lot has happened . why do n't you -- kendall : what , come to my senses , try to think things through , maybe go for that dinner invitation ? ryan : no . why do n't you sit down and take a moment , please . kendall : to ponder the weirdness ? yes . yes , ryan , i asked my ex - best friend 's soon - to - be ex - husband who , by the way , is my ex - fiancé , but knocked me up way after the fact . ryan : without ever touching you . kendall : yes , exactly -- him , you . i asked you to make good on your offer and move in with me . now , are you going to do it , or you going to drive me nuts ? ryan : if you want me there , i 'm there . [ scene_break ] [ at the cemetery , zach stares at his son 's open grave . ] zach : this is it , ethan . [ scene_break ] image : sucker . blondilocks conned you -- whoosh -- right out the door . janet : no . no . i was n't conned . i let babe take her son so that she could abandon that cruel j.r. and leave pine valley forever . this way , she 'll never torment my sweet amanda again . image : get a brain scan -- make sure you still have one . bouncy bimbo 's going to go straight to the rich boy , who 's going to sic the cops on you . you are going to be hanging with the old prison gang in no time at all . or maybe you 'll just fly straight to the cuckoo 's nest . janet : no , no , no ! no ! no ! no ! [ running after babe , janet does n't hear her cell phone ringing ] amanda : come on , mom , answer , answer , answer . oh , damn ! mom , please , you have to call me back as soon as you get this . people say that you kidnapped babe and little adam , and the cops are going to come to me next . what am i supposed to tell them ? come on , you have to call me back now before things go from bad to worse to no - coming - back . [ david sneaks into myrtle 's boarding house and pours his truth serum into amanda 's iced tea . ] [ scene_break ] janet : do n't fight me , babe . babe : janet , please . i -- i know you do n't want to scare the baby . do n't do this . janet : oh , do n't you `` the baby `` me . trying to work my tender feelings ? babe : we had a deal -- i was supposed to take him and go far away . it 's what you wanted , too . janet : yes , i did . of course , i wanted you gone . but you lied to me . come here , sweetie . babe : no , you ca n't -- janet : oh , do n't you scare the baby . now , come here , honey . ooh , yes . you 're a manipulative , lying , little you - know - what . you have no idea what it takes to be a good mother . luckily , i do . yes , i do . [ scene_break ] j.r. : my son , my mother . why do i always lose everyone that i love ? [ hidden in a cabin , dixie listens to her son 's lament until he leaves , crying . ] [ scene_break ] babe : janet , what is going on ? i never lied to you . janet : mm - hmm , come on , give it to me . give me your coat . what did you do , babe ? did you -- did you cross your fingers behind your back ? or do you just lie for the fun of it , so that you can laugh at the poor fools who fall for it ? huh ? you know , i believed in you . i believed in you , babe -- and i do not believe easily . babe : yeah ? well , how about you believe this . i 'm as good as busted . because you would n't let me take little a and go away , j.r. pretty much owns that sweet boy 's soul . he hurt amanda , he ran her down . what , you want another adam chandler in this world , because i sure as heck do n't . i am just like you , janet . all i want to do is protect little adam the same way you want to protect amanda . and you let me get in that car and think that my son was safe , and now -- now you 're keeping me here . you did n't just betray me and little adam , you 've betrayed your precious daughter . you have gone and screwed things up for amanda all over again . do n't expect her to thank you for it . [ scene_break ] tad : where 's your mother ? amanda : what , that 's it ? you just come in , `` where 's janet ? `` like i know . tad : do you ? amanda : why would i ? because i 'm just like her ? tad : of course not . i mean , let 's be honest , you 've done some pretty iffy things since you 've been back -- very iffy . if you 're still the same person i 've known for years , you have n't changed , which means i have n't . i 'm still your friend , right ? amanda : you think she 's at it again . tad : i do n't know . i just want to find babe and little adam before anybody gets hurt . amanda : look , you 're wrong about my mom , ok ? she gets freaked out -- i do n't know , she bakes me too many cookies -- but she would n't hurt anyone . tad : amanda , do n't kid yourself . people died in that explosion . amanda : and it just has to be my mother 's fault even though there 's no proof . tad : fine . you do n't think janet 's involved , i understand . help me prove it . now , she calls you , what , every 10 minutes ? jamie just happened to mention the caller id . amanda : i have n't been able to reach her . tad : if we wait long enough , she 'll call . amanda : look , if anyone talks to my mom , it has to be my dad . call him . i -- i just get his voicemail , he does n't call me back . tad : ok . terrific . that 's brilliant . if you want trevor onboard , he should be onboard . i 'll get aidan right on it , make sure that your father 's right there with us , but right now you 're all i got . amanda : find someone else . tad : amanda , little adam is just a boy . he does n't deserve this . now , if your mother is involved , you 're the only one that can solve this . just give me the phone . i 'll trace the call , i 'll find your mother , and i 'll owe you -- we 'll all owe you -- and anything that happened between j.r. and jamie and you will be forgotten . you 'll have done the right thing , you 'll have saved a little boy 's life . amanda : stop , ok ? i swore i would never betray my own mother . [ scene_break ] erica : you betrayed me . you are not my employee and not my friend . you are nothing to me , as i am nothing to you . josh : how can you say that , erica ? you 're my idol . erica : when i say `` nothing , `` i mean nothing . not even your enemy . i will not press charges against you for drugging me . josh : never mind that you could n't prove that i drugged you even if you wanted to . all the charges would do is give you more ink on how you lost it and stabbed your daughter 's lover . erica : i do n't want to hurt you , josh . i 'm very sorry that you chose to hurt me . we ca n't change what 's happened , but we do have control over what happens next . there 's no need for us to go to war . just move on . josh : agreed . onward and upward . erica : we 're done . that means i can not teach you , i can not mentor you , you can not ride my coattails to whatever vision of success you have for yourself . so it 's time to go , josh . it 's time for you to leave pine valley and never come back . [ scene_break ] ryan : come on , sit down . i just want to know what you need . kendall : i do n't need anything from you . ryan : well , then why did you ask me to move in with you ? kendall : because zach is across the courtyard , and if you live with me , then you 're a lot closer . ryan : and -- i 'm sorry , but that matters because -- kendall : because , ryan . because he lost his son , and he 's in pain , and it kills me . because i still love him , and he still loves me , and it 'll never work . so i do n't want to go knocking on his door trying to make it better . ryan : then do n't . kendall : i ca n't make anything better , because i ca n't forgive him . ryan : well , then what 's the problem ? i mean , you ca n't forgive him -- you ca n't forgive him , it is -- it is his fault . kendall : right . and that 's supposed to matter when it 's 3 : 00 am , and i see that he 's home , and he 's awake . and i know that he 's going over every single thing in his head over and over again -- all the times that he screwed over ethan or he hurt him or refused him , or all the times that we talked about our life together . i 'm supposed to just go to bed , just -- just forget about that , not walk all of 20 feet , not hold zach , and not -- not try again ? ryan : this is what you want . kendall : he betrayed me , so we 're done . it 's over . and even if we did try again , it would never work , and -- and we would just crash and burn , and i ca n't let that happen , ryan , and if you care about me , you wo n't let that happen , either . ryan : whoa , whoa , whoa -- ok , so i am supposed to stop kendall hart from doing what she wants to do ? that 's what i 'm supposed to do ? i 'm like your warden now ? kendall : yeah , you got a problem with that ? you said -- you said whatever i want . well , this is it , and if you do n't like it , if you ca n't handle it , then , fine , you can go away , you can leave me , it 's fine . ryan : whoa -- easy , please . easy , easy . you want a buffer , you want me there to make sure you do n't go back to zach . kendall : finally he catches on . ryan : you want to use me . kendall : exactly . so , yes or no ? ryan : i said yes before , i 'm saying yes now . yes -- if that 's what you really want . [ scene_break ] josh : you and my father put your heads together on this one ? both of you want me out of this town as fast as you can boot me out , as if i never existed . erica : greg madden can rot in hell before i would ever do anything for him . josh : you know , it 's interesting -- my dad can rot in hell , but me you just want to shove off . why is that ? erica : we never would 've met if it had n't been for your father . trust me on that . you tried to ruin me , and you did n't . it 's time for you to move on . josh : listen to yourself , erica , as if you almost regret it . erica : things i regret -- josh : why do n't you curse my name , throw something , threaten my life as i know it ? something 's not right here . why are n't you out to destroy me ? [ scene_break ] tad : amanda , do n't get me wrong . i do n't want to see janet get hurt . i just -- i want to help people who need it . for god 's sake , how old were you when she asked you to cross your heart and hope to die , huh ? 10 ? 15 ? amanda : you know the usual bad words that kids are n't supposed to say ? well , they were different in our house -- `` nuts , `` `` crazy , `` `` psycho , `` and `` crowbar `` -- let 's not forget that one . those were the words that could get you a time- out . jamie and j.r. -- i used to be so jealous of them . they had no idea how lucky they were to have normal moms who were normal all the time . tad : janet had a pretty good run there , i recall . [ from his hiding place in the shadows , david is pleased to see amanda drinking the spiked iced tea . ] amanda : yeah , it was great -- which made it that much worse when it was over . tad , i am the center of her life . the least i can do is keep a promise . tad : amanda , a sane woman would n't have asked you to make that promise . amanda : do n't do that , do n't call her crazy . that 's the reason why i made the promise . i wo n't be the one to get my mom killed . tad : i told you -- i do n't want to see janet get hurt . i give you my word , if she 's done anything , we 'll get her the help she needs . amanda : `` help `` means the psych ward . you do n't get it -- that is death to my mother . if i am the reason that she goes back there , it 's as if i pulled the trigger myself . tad : ok . think about this . do you want to be responsible for the deaths of babe and little adam ? [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] kendall : zach ? [ scene_break ] [ while zach is ruminating over ethan 's grave , dixie nonchalantly strolls over . ] [ scene_break ] erica : i do n't need revenge . it 's just time for you to move on with your life elsewhere , as i plan to go on with mine . josh : that 's it ? hands washed , no big deal ? erica : you said you deserved to be a star . go to la and be one . you certainly have made enough connections from `` new beginnings . `` josh : so you just want me to leave town , so you do n't have to look at my face anymore ? erica : is that a surprise to you , josh ? no , i do n't want to see your face . this has all been a strange mistake . none of this ever should 've happened . josh : maybe i did sell you short . erica : you certainly did . [ scene_break ] dixie : i 'm sorry , i did n't mean to intrude . zach : it 's ok . you here to see someone ? dixie : my brother . zach : son . dixie : i 'm so sorry . zach : it 's ok , i lost him before he died . i lost him before he was born . in a lot of ways , he was n't my son to lose at all . dixie : if you do n't mind my asking , how did you lose him ? was there any other way ? could things have been different ? zach : you sure you want to do this ? because i will tell you . dixie : you can if you like . i lost a son , too . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i knew zach slater offered to buy her out and then give all her shares to you . is that what happened ? is that why she 's got enough money , because zach slater made it available so she can go on the run ? kendall : run where ? never mind . you know what ? ask me if i even care about babe , then ask me if i know anything about zach other than he broke my heart , and he lost his son . finally , ask yourself how long it will take you to get out of my house , and then do it , please . j.r. : no , not until you answer the damn question . kendall : no -- but , j.r. , please , just get out . please ? out . j.r. : i wanted to marry babe -- kendall : well , that was your first mistake . j.r. : and then the bitch betrayed me . kendall : oh . well , why did n't you say so ? ahem . you came to the right place . [ scene_break ] zach : i did n't know about him until he was a grown man , and then i denied him . i denied who he was to me . and this is going to sound crazy , but i did it , because i wanted to be a good father to him , and i thought the only way i can do that is by not being a father at all . does it make sense ? dixie : yeah . it makes a lot of sense , actually . zach : i wanted to give him a good shot at life , and i knew that did n't include me or my family . i wanted him to be a better man than i ever was . but i made a lot of mistakes , a lot of them , and by the time i reached out to him and asked his forgiveness and told him that i loved him -- dixie : what did he say ? zach : well , it was too late . dixie : i 'm so sorry . zach : he looked at me , and he told me that he would never forgive me -- his last words . and then he closed his eyes . and now when i close my eyes , that 's all i see -- him , his face , saying those words -- and i ca n't forget . i ca n't forgive myself . [ scene_break ] tad : you think about what i said . call me when you 're ready , but sooner is better than later . [ as soon as tad closes the front door , david descends the stairs . ] amanda : david . what -- what are you doing here ? david : you need me here to listen , amanda , because you 're going to tell me everything you would n't tell martin . [ scene_break ] janet : liar you 're a good one , though , i 'll give you that . you 're like my sister , natalie . she used to get me in trouble , and then i would get the triple - long groundings that she should 've gotten . babe : i do n't want to get you in trouble , janet -- you or amanda . all i want to do is get out of your hair for good . so if you could just give me back the keys and our coats so i can get my son . janet : so that you can be a good mother ? babe : yes , exactly . janet : you did it again -- you just lied . this is n't about you or your son . this is about you lying to me , so that you can get out of here and sic your rich intended on me and mine . you conned me , babe . you made me convinced that you were interested in being a decent mother . you 're not ! babe : i am a decent mother , you pathetic nut job ! janet : oh ! oh , oh ! what did you just say to me ? [ angered , janet waves a fireplace poker at babe . ] [ scene_break ] dixie : your son -- zach : ethan . his name was ethan . dixie : ethan . ethan . was he an unforgiving man ? zach : i do n't think so . i think he was generous and loyal , a little wry . and he had this laugh that would come out of nowhere . a big old laugh . it -- it made you think what kind of a kid he must 've been . dixie : you did n't know him when he was a child ? zach : no . no , he was conceived , born , raised , and i had no idea at all . dixie : well , i 'm sure he -- he could n't have held that against you . zach : what he could n't forgive was that i denied him once i knew who he was . despite all that , he -- he was looking for happiness , and he found it . he was looking for love , and he found that , too . he was getting married , you know , just -- he and his fiancée were planning this big wedding . and i got -- i got a feeling i would n't have been invited , but that 's ok , i would 've gone , anyway . stand in the back and just hear that laugh , you know ? [ zach sighs ] zach : ahem . excuse me . dixie : do you think he had any idea how much you loved him ? zach : i think i lied too often and too easily for him to believe that . dixie : well , i hear -- i hear that . zach : i know you do . your turn . tell me . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i fell for it . she played me again . sometimes soft , sometimes feisty -- she kept me on my toes . kendall : zach said all the right things , made me feel safe -- like he was the one person i could believe in . j.r. : want to know what the worst part is ? i believed it . the family thing -- her , me , our son -- real love , you know ? i 'm such an idiot . kendall : no , j.r. , the worst part is the love can be real , and they can betray you , anyway . j.r. : what ? all that with babe ? you 're saying that her love could 've been real ? kendall : could be . does n't really make a difference in the end , anyway . because you 're here , and the person that you gave your heart to is who - the- hell - knows - where . [ scene_break ] babe : i 'm sorry , i should n't have said what i said to you . you 're -- you 're right , i do screw things up , and i 'm really new to this whole mothering thing . i -- i have a lot to learn . you 're right -- you 're right about everything . janet : you have been rude and wrong , and you do need to be punished , the way my mother used to punish me . babe : how did she do that ? janet : go to your room , young lady , and you may come out when you can behave ! babe : i said that i was sorry ! janet : and you can come out when you actually mean it ! babe : oh , god . janet : trevor ? little adam : can i have my milk ? janet : trevor , where are you ? i need you . babe : ah . it 's ok . janet : well , of course i know where you are . but do you have any idea what it 's like to be a single parent ? because that 's what you 've done to me . babe : ok . ok . wood , window , nails . janet : amanda needs me . babe : hey , little man . janet : she needs the love and attention -- babe : little man , you know what ? we 're going to play a game -- you , me , and loud janet out there . she 's being so loud , is n't she ? so loud that she ca n't hear what we 're saying . can mommy see what you have in here ? um -- mommy 's going to borrow mr. spoony here , and i 'm going to get to work on those nails . and then after that , mama and little a are going to play a new game . it 's called run home to daddy . little adam : i do n't need this . babe : ok . i 'll take him . [ scene_break ] david : you know something , mandy ? you 're absolutely right . i have treated you like a jerk , but do n't take it personally . ask anyone -- i 'm always a jerk . and i thought that you had done some harm to my daughter . but i was wrong , was n't i ? amanda : i wanted jamie . big deal . david : so when the pumpkin soup was poisoned , and little adam ended up in that nativity , that was n't you , was it ? it was your mother . boy , that must 've been very painful for you to be accused of doing so many outrageous things -- like those people ending up in that truck dumped in quicksand . amanda : it was n't me -- any of it . david : it was all janet ? amanda : i 'm not supposed to talk about it . david : oh , you do n't have to worry about that . i 'm doing all the talking , not you . amanda : but still -- david : yeah -- no , look , trust me , amanda , you 're off the hook . i put some truth serum in your iced tea . now , back to where we were - kendall hanging off the side of that building , babe being pushed down those stairs ? amanda : so not me . david : me nearly carved up for open - heart surgery ? amanda : you 're babe 's dad , and , like you said , you 're a jerk . david : amanda , do you think your mother has babe and my grandson right now ? amanda : she wo n't admit it , but i know she does . david : where are my daughter and my grandson , amanda ? amanda : i do n't know . david : look , listen to me carefully . i want you to tell me where your lunatic mother has my daughter . amanda : i ca n't , i do n't know . david : if my daughter ran away with my grandson to get away from that jerk j.r. , i could live with that . but if your mother has harmed my daughter in any way -- well , fair is fair , do n't you think , amanda ? amanda : do you want to hurt me , david ? david : oh , yeah . and that is the truth . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] tad : hey , good - looking . i -- i crossed paths with josh on my way past the elevator . i assume he 's been in here ? i hope you do n't think i 'm dense if i ask you how it went . erica : well , i 'm fine -- at least i will be when josh does what i want him to do . tad : which is ? erica : leave town . tad : huh . so i guess you did n't tell him that you and he are famiglia . erica : no , i did not , and i wo n't . because i really do think it 's better for josh and for everyone if josh just never knows in fact , better that he forgets he ever met me . tad : mm - hmm . but as a friend , do you mind if i ask how it was that you came to this decision ? erica : kendall -- the first child i was n't ever supposed to know . and now she 's pregnant , and -- and she has no idea , she has no vision of -- of this baby , and she -- she does n't even know if they 're supposed to be together , or if she 's doing the right thing . tad : well , i mean , not for nothing , but , you know , there 's always the adoption route . it 's none of my business , but , hey , you know , the fact is it worked for me . erica : but , tad , you were a growing a boy when the martins adopted you . i think you understood . tad : `` understood `` ? becoming a martin meant i got to get away from ray gardner . erica , the world is full of stories like this , of kids whose adoptive parents have all the love and support that they 're ever going to need or want . erica : i know . and believe me , that 's what i wanted for kendall -- that kind of peace and that kind of security . but for kendall -- i mean , when she found out that i had put her up for adoption , it broke a part of her , and i do n't want josh to be broken . tad : well , i got to admit , even with his ego , something like this could do some serious damage . erica : i do think it 's better if he just goes on with his life as it is . tad : well , i certainly have to give greg madden more credit than i ever thought i 'd have to . i mean , he was more twisted than any of us suspected . with a family tree like that , josh is bound to have some glitches . erica : well , the only thing i truly regret in all this is that greg madden gets away with it , you know ? that just means josh and i are some sort of a science project . tad : yeah . you have to be at peace with that . if this is the decision you make , he keeps his business and keeps his license . erica : and we keep quiet . tad : exactly . in the meantime , i need you to do me a favor . we have to tell my father . i 'm sorry , but something tells me this is not going to be too easy for him to take . erica : well , it was very hard for me , too , believe me . do you think that joe will understand , that josh was never ours to begin with ? [ scene_break ] dixie : my son . he 's an incredibly beautiful young man , and i was very lucky we got to spend a great deal of time together when he was little . i should explain that he 's alive . he 's a grown man . he 's an incredibly beautiful , wonderful adult . he 's very complicated , though , and i think confused , and i know i had a lot to do with that . i left him with his father , and -- [ dixie sighs ] dixie : when i had a chance to come back , i did n't . zach : but you 're here now . dixie : i really think it might be too late . zach : why ? he 's not here , so you still have a shot . dixie : i 've changed so much , and so many things have happened , and i -- i just do n't know if i 'm what he needs anymore . i think i just might make things worse . zach : well , there 's the rub . dixie : i saw him , though . he 's all grown up . i heard his voice . ha . sorry . and it 's funny -- i was so close once i could almost touch him . zach : but you did n't . dixie : i do n't know how to help him . and honestly , sometimes i think it would be incredibly selfish of me to even try . [ scene_break ] josh : dr. martin , i accept your offer to join the pvh staff . joe : i could n't be more pleased . you 're what this place needs -- new ideas , new blood . josh : new doctor 's coat -- i left mine at med school . [ joe laughs ] josh : i 'll start whenever you want . [ scene_break ] babe : mommy was so busy working she did n't realize the lady stopped yelling . i guess that means we 'll have to be even quieter . let 's see who can be softer -- mommy or little a . and you know what ? i bet we 'll both win , and we can get home to daddy sooner than soon . little adam : what 's daddy doing ? babe : daddy 's waiting for us to get home . mommy and little a are going to be just fine . david : what part of the concept of truth serum are you not understanding ? i ask you a question , and you answer . now , where is the head case you call mommy ? amanda : what part of the concept of truth serum do you not understand ? if i said i do n't know , it means i do n't know ! david : all right , amanda . you 're absolutely right , my mistake . i 'm going to have to find another way to flush out mommy freakazoid . now , get up . amanda : aah -- david : you 're coming with me . i 'm going to make your mother a trade -- her daughter , still breathing , for my daughter and her son , still safe and sound . and if she does n't pony them up -- oh – [ sneaking up behind david , janet brains him with a frying pan . ] janet : mommy 's back . [ scene_break ] kendall : can you believe this , j.r. ? you are the safest , least destructive man in my life . j.r. : hmm . you know , it should 've been us all along -- friends with the most excellent bennies . it would 've saved us a boatload of misery , nice and simple . kendall : yeah , well , it 's too late for simple . way , way too late . ryan : ryan lavery at your service . kendall : thank you . [ scene_break ] dixie : huh . what are the odds , huh ? zach : what are the odds on what ? dixie : oh , everything -- you and me meeting like this . what would you do if you were me ? zach : if i were you , i would disappear again , leave well enough alone . but that 's only my opinion , dixie . [ next_on ] janet ( to amanda ) : step away from the door . amanda ( to janet ) : you will have to fight me to get past me . j.r. ( to jamie ) : you ca n't save babe . i 'm going to make her sorry she ever took my son . dixie ( to zach ) : are you going to tell my family that you saw me , that i 'm here ? erica ( to joe ) : have you decided to tell josh he 's your grandson ?
josh goes to see erica , aware that she has some sort of `` secret `` she 's not telling him . she tells him that she does not trust him and wants no relationship with him but she refuses to hurt him or get him into trouble for drugging her . hearing that , he knows something is up although she does not reveal that she 's found out he 's her biological son . she tells tad she wants josh to leave town and forget he 's ever met her . but she witnesses joe martin hiring josh to work on staff at the hospital . the real dixie runs into zach in the park . he reveals to her that he lost his son in the explosion and it 's too late to make up for lost time with ethan , the way it 's not for her and jr . he shares with her that he let his son believe he 'd died , just like she did with jr . jr goes to kendall 's and shares with her that he believed in babe , only to be betrayed . she tells him the same thing happened with zach . babe tries , unsuccessfully to negotiate with janet in the cabin . janet is tempted to let her go but her alter tells her that babe will get her in trouble for all of her crimes if she does that . tad goes to talk to amanda in an attempt to get the truth from her about her mother . unknown to them , david has slipped the truth potion in amanda 's drink . he asks her the same questions as tad about her history with her mother and the belief that janet , not herself did all the recent crimes . but right when he 's ready to get the goods on her mom , janet appears out of nowhere and knocks him over the head with a skillet .
tad : ok , jackass , so where the hell is she ? otto : you know what ? i only answer to mr. slater . ryan : if you do n't tell us where she is , i swear to god -- otto : i do n't know ! j.r. : wrong answer ! otto : it 's the only answer that i have . the last time that i saw mrs. slater she was in that room ! i do n't know where she is . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach ? oh , my god . oh , my god . zach ? zach ? zach ? zach -- ok , ok , ok . [ when she checks her husband 's pulse , kendall is glad that he 's still alive . ] kendall : oh , thank you . thank you . alexander : you 're welcome . stand up . kendall : there 's no way i 'm listening to you . alexander : really ? life is so fragile . and his ends right now unless you reconsider . kendall : what are you doing ? alexander : quicker than v - tach , do n't you think ? kendall : for god sakes , he 's your son . alexander : my son died years ago in a car crash . this man -- kendall : he is your son . alexander : it 's your choice , kendall . do as i ask , or i end it now . [ scene_break ] erica : babe ? jeff : erica , i know that you want to see josh , but this really is n't a very good time . erica : you 're alive ? babe : thanks to your son . he 's a miracle worker , erica . so is everyone else in this hospital . erica : hospital ? josh : babe 's not allowed visitors right now , erica . erica : you 're supposed to be dead . [ scene_break ] alexander : dead or alive -- it 's your choice , kendall . alexander : the bluff -- very good . poker is your game ? chess is mine , you want to play ? this is the end game . all the pawns are gone , it 's just you and me -- and him . move away from him . it would be so anticlimactic to end it this way , do n't you think ? very well . [ alexander points his gun at zach ] kendall : ok , ok , you win . you win . i 'll do whatever you want . just do n't shoot him . alexander : still smart and still beautiful . stand up , my dear . kendall : i love you , zach . always only you . alexander : touching . too bad he ca n't hear you . let him go . [ kendall gives zach a kiss as he lies on the warehouse floor unconscious with a dart in his neck ] kendall : i will never give up on you , ever . [ scene_break ] jeff : erica , babe is still critical . we have to insist that she has no visitors . erica : why are you playing doctor on her ? jeff : erica , please -- pa announcer : dr. conway to icu . dr. conway to icu erica : what 's going on ? jeff : erica , let 's talk outside now , please ? babe : i get that i 'm not on erica 's top 10 , but -- hmm -- `` she 's supposed to be dead `` ? josh : no , do n't worry about her . she 's upset with me , not you . i re - upped as a doctor -- which she always wanted , but -- babe : but she does n't like that you have one patient -- me . josh : well , she 's just afraid i 'm asking for more trouble . babe : are you ? josh : i do n't care . [ scene_break ] erica : what in the world is going on ? and i do n't want one more smug , condescending lie out of your mouth . jeff : would you just hold on and let me explain ? erica : i just went to that girl 's funeral -- explain that ! i saw her mother throw herself on her daughter 's coffin , while all the while that girl was holding my son 's hand in a fake hospital . explain away . and when you 're finished , you can explain to me why you lied to me about josh . i told you how worried i was about him , that i did n't know where he was . i did n't know if he was safe or if i 'd ever see him again . i begged you to help me find him , and you told me to trust you . jeff : no , you saw for yourself -- josh is fine . erica : and practicing medicine in the basement of a casino on a woman who 's supposed to be dead . so what in the world is going on ? oh , do n't tell me this is some father / son project to get babe away from j.r. ? jeff : oh , erica , why do n't you shut up and listen for once ? huh ? there is no conspiracy except to try and save babe 's life . your son is one impassioned young man . erica : yeah , and it 's so comforting to see that both you and he are impassioned about lying to me . jeff : erica , do you want to know the truth ? or would you rather carry on with this tantrum on your own ? now , we had a chance to save babe 's life , and we took it . it was a last - minute decision made by josh , zach , and jackson . erica : jackson ? jack knows ? jeff : yes -- well , jack had to deal with the legal aspects and the autopsy reports . erica : jack lied to me ? and jack broke the law ? jeff : we have to make the killer believe that babe is dead , all right ? and no one , including you , is going to tell a soul otherwise until the satin slayer is caught . erica : you have just made kendall the next target . [ scene_break ] ryan : how did kendall get out ? otto : i do n't know ryan : say that again , and i will beat it out of you . otto : she wanted to leave . she said that she got a phone call from mr. slater . tad : from where ? otto : she did n't say . but i told her no go -- mr. slater 's orders . aidan : hey , guys ? there 's a balcony , a bit of a drop . it 's not going to stop kendall . jamie : if she tried to get out through the hallway by herself first , that means she probably was n't forced . tad : i thought zach wanted her to stay here . why the hell would she leave ? where would she go ? j.r. : what about mr. slater ? do you know what he said on the phone call ? otto : no . ryan : what do you know , out of curiosity ? i mean , you got six guys here guarding one person , and she gets away . otto : step off , ok ? step -- ryan : you do n't know where -- dexter : what 's going on here ? i 've heard noise complaints . and who are you people ? what are you doing here ? where are mr. and mrs. suarez ? tad : mrs. suarez is missing . you 're the manager ? dexter : yes . tad : do you have surveillance video cameras on the site of the hotel ? dexter : i 've been very accommodating , gone out of my way to help . i do n't want any trouble from `` your kind `` at my hotel . is that understood ? tad : just please answer the question . if you have surveillance video , we need to look at it now . dexter : if there 's been a crime , i 'm calling the police . ryan : no , no , no , no , no police . no time for police . aidan : mr. suarez loves his wife very much , which is why he keeps his protection . she 's gone , and you refuse to help locate her ? i 'd hate to think what he 's going to do to you when he finds out you did n't care to help . [ scene_break ] [ while unconscious zach dreams about his mom ] amelia 's voice : alex ? alex , wake up . it 's me . zach : mom -- amelia : there 's my boy . zach : i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to push you . you got to forgive me . i -- amelia : it 's all right . you have nothing to be sorry about . you never hurt me . zach : you died . amelia : you did n't hurt me . do n't ever think you did . my sweet son , all you ever did was love me . you were my joy , my heart . alexander 's voice : that damn gardenia . did you think i would n't notice ? did you think i was stupid , amelia ? that i 'd let you leave ? zach : mom ? alexander 's voice : let you humiliate me ? zach : mom ? alexander 's voice : you wo n't win . you wo n't get away from me . you wo n't win . you wo n't get away from me . you wo n't win . you wo n't get away from me . zach : no ! no ! no ! alexander 's voice : you wo n't win . you wo n't get away from me . you wo n't get away from me . you wo n't get away from me . [ in his dream , zach finds himself on some rocks then sees something glowing red . ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : this is so kendall -- you tell her to stay , and she leaves . aidan : yeah . you tell her no , she goes out the balcony . j.r. : we ca n't lose her , too . jamie : we wo n't . we 're going to find her . aidan : did the surveillance cameras show anything ? tad : yeah -- kendall risked her life going off that balcony . she left on her own , got in a cab . she looked like she was on some kind of mission . j.r. : oh , this is great -- she 's gone . tad : not necessarily . we got the number of the cab . ryan : yeah , i need to talk to one of your cabbies . i do n't give a damn about policy . this is an emergency . [ scene_break ] josh : erica 's freaked out that kendall 's a target for the same guy that tried to kill you , and she 's divorcing jack . do n't let her get to you . babe : it 's kind of hard not to -- the way that she looked at me . josh : listen , forget about erica . you need to concentrate on getting better . babe : if i could just talk to my mama and my son , i swear i would jump right out of this bed . josh : babe , you 're not that strong yet . we need to stabilize you first , all right ? no stress , no strain , and no excitement -- not even the good kind . babe : you know , you really need to work on your bedside manner . josh : yeah , well , whatever it takes to get you better . we keep the insanity of pine valley as far from you as possible . josh : monitor mrs. chandler , keep her quiet , let me know if anything changes . wendy : yes , doctor . josh : i 'm going to see if i can find erica and talk her down . babe : hmm -- good luck with that . [ babe chuckles ] babe : how am i doing , wendy ? wendy : very well , mrs. chandler . babe : wonderful . how about we share the good news ? i want to use the phone . [ scene_break ] erica : you two are so busy patting yourselves on the back for saving babe , you put a red flag on kendall . if the killer thinks that he has killed babe , he 's going to move on to his next target -- kendall , my daughter . how could you do that ? how could you set her up like that ? jeff : kendall is fully aware of everything . erica : oh , my god . is everyone in pine valley in on this ? jeff : no , no , no , they are not , and it 's going to stay that way . kendall agreed to this 100 % . erica : well , i do n't agree . i only have your word about kendall , and we both know what that 's worth . i ca n't reach her , i do n't know where she is , i do n't know if she 's safe , and you just expect me to shut up and go along with something that could get kendall killed ? josh : erica , we have this under control , so just relax . erica : do n't you dare tell me to relax . you are so pie - eyed about babe that you have put kendall in further danger . you have betrayed your sister . i am so ashamed of you . i am so ashamed that you 're my son . [ scene_break ] [ as zach imagines white flower petals showering down on him , ryan , tad , jamie , and j.r. come to his rescue . ] ryan : zach ? tad : hey -- ryan : zach tad : zach ? ryan : hey -- hey . ryan : what -- what happened ? aidan : we 'll take a look around . ryan : all right , yeah , take a look around . tad : we thought you were headed for the light there for a while . j.r. : kendall ? ryan : oh -- aidan : kendall ? zach : what happened ? ryan : where 's kendall , zach ? do you know where kendall is ? zach : she -- at the hotel . ryan : no , no , she 's not . tad : she 's not . zach : i told her to wait there . ryan : well , she did n't . tad : she got a call , supposedly from you , saying that you wanted to meet her . zach : he 's got her . j.r. : your father ? ryan : all right . aidan : guys , over here . somebody help me lift this . [ looking around , the guys find a woman 's body ] [ scene_break ] josh : babe is dirt ? you want us to just let her die , because you do n't like her ? erica : that is not what i meant . josh : the killer has already tried to murder her twice , erica . what do you want us to do -- put her back out there to give him another chance ? erica : of course not , josh . please do n't twist my words . look , there are plenty of ways that you could save babe and still not put your sister kendall in jeopardy . you could lock babe up in a real hospital with real police , dozens of them guarding her . you could protect babe and still keep kendall one step further away from that madman . and you -- how could you , of all people , possibly be involved in this insanity ? you stood at our wedding , and you took kendall for your own daughter . so how is it even remotely right to put kendall in further danger ? jeff : we 've explained everything to erica . josh : yeah , it 's gone really well , too . erica : oh , this is nice -- all three of you decide to talk down to me . well , why do n't you talk to me ? tell me this is going to end now . jack : it wo n't end . erica , it wo n't end until we catch this killer , and you -- you will do your part . you will not say one damn word to anybody about what you 've seen here today . erica : you tell me where kendall is . what 's going on , jack ? where is she ? where is kendall ? is she all right ? can you swear to me that she 's all right ? jack : no . no , i ca n't . [ scene_break ] babe : one phone call -- my little boy , just to say good night . please ? wendy : as much as i 'd love to help you , dr. madden would have my skin . babe : he would n't have to know . wendy : i 'm sorry , mrs. chandler . you might be feeling better , but your heart is still fragile . any emotional stimulus could cause a relapse or worse . babe : i 'll take the chance . wendy : i know it 's hard . but the best thing to do is to follow the doctor 's orders until you 're strong enough to go home and tuck in your little boy . babe : all right . but i am going to ask for a phone again . wendy : i would n't expect any less . [ babe becomes suspicious when she spots a sign on the equipment in her room from ace hospital rentals . ] [ scene_break ] [ zach finds the mask of his mother ] zach : it 's my mother 's face . aidan : she 's been shot . jamie : add another woman to the list . tad : zach , what happened ? zach : um -- my dad asked me to meet him here , and then she distracted me , and he hit me with the -- with the dart . aidan : well , at least you 're still standing . j.r. : my mother and wife are dead , because of your whacked - out father . tad : take it easy , j.r . j.r. : no . how long have you known it was him ? jamie : yeah , you could n't have clued us in before you left ? zach : i wanted to end it , jamie . ryan : so you brought kendall -- that was your idea of protecting her ? jamie : and now she could be anywhere . j.r. : or worse -- because you had to come alone , play hero . tad : do you have any idea where your father would take her ? zach : if i knew that , i would n't be here . tad : what do you got , aidan ? aidan ? zach : `` kendall chose to save your life instead of hers . `` [ scene_break ] alexander : home , sweet home . kendall : oh , my god . alexander : you like it ? kendall : this is -- this is our house . this is mine and zach 's . you duplicated it ? alexander : not quite . it 's a blend of the old and the new . i prefer an eclectic mix , do n't you ? a nod to the past gives it a deeper resonance . you did realize that your new house was very similar to the one alex grew up in ? kendall : this was your plan all along ? alexander : one does n't discuss strategy until it 's too late for the outcome to be altered . armagnac ? lady 's choice . you 're even more beautiful than when we first met almost four years ago . you remember -- you and your friend had just started fusion ? bold move going head - to - head against your mother , proving yourself , your enthusiasm , your belief in your work . inspiring . kendall : i still believe in it . alexander : hmm . that confidence -- if you could only bottle it for all the spineless fools of this world . i should 've invested in fusion . but you were busy playing games with michael then . kendall : yeah , well , michael was a sick freak and a rapist . alexander : i always wondered if he was my true biological son . i mean , how could he ? what he did to your sister -- horrific . kendall : maybe he learned by example . you know , one thing about michael -- he was always trying to impress his daddy . do -- do good for the great alexander cambias . alexander : michael was an embarrassment . kendall : yeah , well , compared to you , he was a prize . he did n't murder innocent women to terrorize his son . alexander : you 're missing an important nuance , my dear . kendall : and what nuance is that -- the v - tach ? alexander : there 's always been a purpose to my actions , a goal to be achieved . kendall : insanity ? you 're already there . alexander : hmm . kendall : you can stop now . alexander : michael was weak . he gave in to base urges , he lost control . michael is the reason i had to die . kendall : because of what he did to bianca ? you died and took away the two things that michael lived for -- your approval and cambias industries . alexander : very astute . kendall : zach figured it out . alexander : huh . alex was always the brilliant one . i thought i 'd lost alex , michael was dead to me . no heir , no one worthy enough to carry on the cambias mantle , but then -- a miracle , destiny . i met a man in every way my heir , a real man . ryan lavery -- a mirage shimmering out of the desert sun , offering me the future i thought had been destroyed . with ryan , my hopes were renewed . i found peace , i could die , so i did . kendall : it 's too bad you did n't stay dead . alexander : hmm . you understand ryan very well , do n't you ? you two were lovers once , now you have his child , spike . i 've watched the boy -- play with my granddaughter , miranda . kendall : you what ? alexander : he 's smart , strong . he 'll be a real man like his father , deserving of his inheritance . kendall : do n't you -- you talk about my son . do n't talk about my son or my niece . do n't even say their names . alexander : oh , my dear , i meant absolutely no harm . kendall : i swear to god -- i swear to god , if you go anywhere near spike or miranda , i 'll kill you . alexander : kendall , please , darling , no need to get upset . i 'd never dream of hurting a child . kendall : you 're a liar . you threatened to kill your own son tonight . alexander : you have n't touched your drink . why not ? take one . kendall : i 'm not thirsty . alexander : i 'm not asking . [ kendall takes one of the drinks alexander is holding ] alexander : very good . now drink it . [ kendall breaks the glass against the wall ] alexander : what a waste -- it was an excellent year . lovely vintage , small . you can almost taste the sun sweetening the grapes . i did n't start this , kendall . i did n't begin this war . my son did . alex struck the first blow . he 's the one who hurt me . [ scene_break ] zach : this is my father 's punishment . i took away his firstborn , now he wants to make me pay . j.r. : oh , we 're paying , all right . mothers , wives , sisters -- they 're all dead . jamie : and now we can help end it . j.r. : with or without you . we got here without you , you can make damn sure we 're going to find kendall whether you help or not . tad : j.r. , stop . look , either way , we got to move fast if we 're going to get to kendall in time . do me a favor -- go back to the hotel and get online . i want you to check out every real estate purchase within three months of alex cambias , sr . 's death , ok ? jamie : we 're on it . tad : do it . j.r. : all right . tad : you still got kendall 's cellphone id ? aidan : yeah . tad : good -- we can trace that . ryan : there is a stop that zach and i can make . zach : let 's go . tad : no -- just keep me posted . [ scene_break ] babe : when did the hospital start renting equipment ? wendy : excuse me ? babe : my husband -- he 's on the board , and there was -- um -- there was a big fundraiser last year . it was all about raising money to buy new equipment . but this equipment is rented . why ? wendy : you must be getting better -- you 're bored , noticing little things like rented equipment . babe : so what 's up with that ? wendy : there was a recall last week on the new monitoring setups . he did n't want to take any chances when it came to your recovery . [ scene_break ] erica : what 's going on , jack ? where is kendall ? truth . jack : the truth is as far as i know , she is in las vegas with zach . erica : `` as far as you know `` ? `` las vegas `` ? tell me that zach took her there to keep her out of danger , away from the killer . tell me that they 're all right . jack : we 've lost touch with them . josh : well , when was the last time you talked to her , jack ? we agreed to this , because we knew that kendall was going to be protected . if she 's out there -- jeff : i 'm on my way to las vegas . i just came by to tell you that . jeff : well , are there any new leads , jack ? jack : there have been some new developments , yes . tad 's on his way out there now . erica : oh , my god . jack : listen , kendall will be all right , erica . zach will take care of her . josh : keep me posted . i have to get back to babe . jack : yeah . josh : you breathe so much as a word that babe is still alive , i swear to god you 're not my mother . [ scene_break ] jamie : ah -- real estate sales , four years ago up until three months after old cambias ' death . j.r. : three months ago ? good luck . i 'd say the chances are slim to none . jamie : i 'll take slim . j.r. : do you know how many transactions have gone down in the vegas area in that amount of time ? jamie : thousands . j.r. : what if this guy does n't use his own name , social security number ? what if he 's a month - to - month kind of guy ? jamie : he needs a base . he needs someplace that he feels safe , someplace that he can control . he 's going to buy . if we find that property , we find kendall . j.r. : if we find kendall . jamie : help me out , ok ? pretend you 're some shady tycoon who does n't mind manipulating people to get what he wants . that was n't so hard , was it ? j.r. : all right , you know what ? hold off on the real estate transactions , contact the nevada department of corporations . i mean , if daddy bought anything , he would set up a set of dummy corporations -- sub corps . [ scene_break ] alexander : i 'd survived so many things in my life , but the death of my son , my alex -- that i did n't think i would . he was my life , my future , the part of me that would live on . kendall : you wanted a clone , not a son . alexander : huh . hey , do n't even think about it . no , no , i -- i adored alex , i gave him everything . he could 've had it all -- money , power , freedom . kendall : as long as he waved the great cambias flag . alexander : he just never appreciated it . he did n't understand . i gave him everything . how did he repay me ? he ripped out my heart . [ alexander chuckles ] alexander : that can not go unanswered . a good parent knows the importance of teaching a lesson . kendall : `` a good parent `` ? you murdered women . is that your idea of teaching a lesson ? alexander : my son needs to be disciplined . kendall : you tortured zach . you -- you made him think that all those deaths are his fault . alexander : are n't they ? had to be done . alex has to see how wrong he was . kendall : right -- because he did n't do what daddy wanted . so your answer is murder ? you know what ? you 're the son of a bitch who needs to be taught a lesson . [ alexander laughs ] [ scene_break ] wendy : mrs. chandler asked to use the phone . i talked her out of it . josh : good . thanks . wendy : not so good . she noticed the equipment was rented , but i made up something about a recall . i think she bought it . josh : so , nurse wendy tells me you tried to charm her into using the phone . babe : i just want to talk to my mama and little a . josh : i know you do , but , babe , it 's clinically proven that even the shortest phone conversations can raise blood pressure . that 's the last thing we need . i wo n't take the risk . babe : yeah , but if i could just hear their voices , i -- josh : i know you do . what if i told you i just talked to your mom a little while ago ? she told me to tell her baby doll that she loves her and little adam is fine , that they 'll see you tomorrow . can you wait that long ? babe : my doctor wo n't give me a choice . josh : well , your doctor needs to go over your latest test results . you get some rest . i 'll check on you in a little bit , all right ? [ scene_break ] miss johnson : mr. suarez , are you all right ? where 's mrs. suarez ? ryan : that 's exactly what we 'd like to know . do you remember me , miss johnson ? miss johnson : mr. lavery -- or course , i do . it 's been a long time . mr. and mrs. suarez mentioned you . zach : my name is n't suarez . it 's cambias , and you 're going to tell me how you helped fake my father 's death . [ scene_break ] tad : what the hell -- are you still getting a signal ? aidan : yeah . tad : what ? aidan : it 's right here , on the other side of that door . tad : are you sure ? aidan : yep . tad : well , then , i guess it 's time we see what 's behind door number one . [ scene_break ] kendall : all of those women , dead , because you have some perverted idea of how to discipline your son . alexander : i would n't expect you to understand . kendall : those women had nothing to do with -- with your issues with zach . they had lives and -- and families and a future . and you destroyed them all to teach him a lesson ? alexander : my son can be very stubborn . kendall : dixie martin -- she died , never seeing the child that she searched years to find . erin lavery -- she was the rock of her brothers ' lives and now she 's gone . and dani frye -- she 's so young and now you have ruined her life forever . and simone -- she was the love of your grandson 's life , and you cut her down as if she were nothing . alexander : tell me , how do you think it has affected alex -- those deaths ? does he understand now he ca n't control his destiny ? does he fully comprehend , or will it take losing you to make him truly understand ? [ scene_break ] jeff : erica , this will be over soon . jack : please do n't worry . we will bring kendall home safe . erica : if anything happens to my daughter , i will never forgive either one of you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : this is going to take all night . jamie : this is just step one . we 've got to run all these down after we get them . j.r. : kendall is out there god knows where . we got to find her before she ends up -- [ scene_break ] babe : did dr. madden leave ? wendy : yes , and he said to make sure you get plenty of rest . babe : i 've got a better idea . how about you grab me a wheelchair ? i 've got to get out of here . [ scene_break ] miss johnson : i do n't understand . mr. cambias passed away almost four years ago . you were there . ryan : yes , but i was n't in the room , and i did n't see him take his last breath . i was told it by you and by his doctor . miss johnson : i 'm sorry , mr. lavery . i 'm afraid i ca n't help you . zach : is he still paying you ? miss johnson : i do n't know what you 're talking about . zach : answer me . my father has killed people . my wife may be next , and you will tell us what you know . [ scene_break ] [ woman screams ] tad : come here . woman : oh aidan : who are you ? woman : ca n't a girl make a phone call . tad : not on a stolen phone . woman : this phone ai n't stolen . i paid for my minutes . tad : yeah , sure . ordinarily , i 'd make a joke about that , but lives are on the line . hang up the phone . woman : i 'm fine . some guys with guns just kicked down the door . tad : i said hang up the phone . woman : something else i can do for you ? two - for - one special ? aidan : where did you get the phone ? woman : it was a gift . tad : like hell . that phone belongs to a woman that was kidnapped . you want to go down and talk to the cops about it ? aidan : and be charged as an accessory ? woman : is that supposed to scare me ? oh . tad : hey , you know what ? now , listen -- how about a half dozen dead women , one who just happens to be my ex - wife ? the only way i got through the funeral was , i swear to god , i was going to get the son of a bitch who did it , and that 's exactly what i 'm going to do . for the last time , where 'd you get the phone ? woman : some guy tossed it out of a car down the block . aidan : when ? woman : a couple of hours ago . tad : you get a look at the car ? woman : dark , tinted windows . that 's the best i could do . [ scene_break ] ryan : where is alex cambias , sr . ? we know that you helped fake his death -- we know that . miss johnson : that 's -- that 's ridiculous . zach : my father 's alive -- where is he ? ryan : he 's a murderer , and if you do n't tell us what you know , you will be charged as an accessory . miss johnson : i 'm telling you the truth . mr. cambias is dead . zach : hey . if you do n't start cooperating , the only one dead 's going to be you . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach does n't need to learn any lesson . alexander : ungrateful , arrogant , spiteful -- the pain he caused me . huh . and he did n't even care , as if i were nothing , and i created him . kendall : what , what , in your own image ? you 're not god -- you 're a lunatic . alexander : alex needs to be taught respect . he needs to be punished , see his mistake , and he will . i wo n't stop until he does . these deaths mean nothing to him ? i 'll take more lives , break him the way he broke me -- the nearest , the dearest , until he 's on his knees begging for mercy , groveling dust kendall : oh ! [ as kendall attempts to hit alexander from behind , he spins around and grabs her ] [ next_on ] erica ( to j.r. ) : do n't hang up . this is something you want to hear . it has to do with your wife . [ babe gets out of bed , opens the door , and sees realizes she 's not in the hospital . ] recording : dr. conway to icu . dr. conway to icu . kendall ( to alexander ) : if you 're going to kill me , i 'm going down fighting .
ryan and tad lash out at the guards for letting kendall get out of the room . the guard tries to explain , but ryan wo n't listen . kendall enters the warehouse , and sees zach lying unconscious on the floor . she rushes to his side . alex cambias , sr . comes out of his hiding place . he orders her to stand up , and when she refuses , he threatens to kill zach . alex raises the gun to shoot zach . erica comes into the room , and finds out that babe is very much alive . alex , sr . orders kendall away from zach . jeff tries to talk to erica , but she refuses to listen . she wants to know what is going on . erica demands to know why jeff lied to her about the whereabouts of josh . jeff tells her matter - of - factly to `` shut up . `` erica finds out that jack helped in this scam . ryan demands to know how kendall escaped . zach dreams of his mother , and hears the voice of his father . he then dreams he is out in the woods , and sees something bright red in the distance . tad and ryan find out that kendall had left off the balcony . babe asks to talk to her momma . josh refuses to let her . wendy enters babe 's room and babe asks wendy for a telephone . erica continues to lash out at jeff for placing kendall in danger as the next victim . ryan and tad find zach as he just begins to gain consciousness . zach wonders where kendall is . upon investigating , they find the body of the woman whom alex , sr . had killed . erica continues to lash out at jeff and josh . jack comes in the room . erica begins to lash out at him . erica demands to know from jack where kendall is . wendy refuses to let babe use the phone . zach explains to ryan and tad about his father 's plans . aidan finds a note on the dead woman 's body . alex , sr . takes kendall to a house that has been decorated like hers and zach 's . alex , sr . gives kendall a drink , and orders her to drink it . kendall threatens to kill alex , sr . if he goes anywhere near her son or her niece . wendy alerts josh to babe 's questions about using the phone , and tells him that she noticed the rented equipment . zach and ryan confront the nurse at the hospital in las vegas about how she had faked his father 's death . the nurse refuses to help zach and ryan . kendall picks up a wine bottle , and attempts to knock out alex , sr . but he catches her before she can knock him out .
[ music plays ] greenlee : whoo ! hi ! we 're just , uh , blowing off some steam . kendall : yeah . you know what ? ryan , you should try it . greenlee : yeah , ryan . um -- come on , let 's -- ryan : yeah , absolutely . greenlee : take that coat off . ryan : i 'll absolutely get up on a pole and dance with you guys . kendall : no , no , no -- ryan : what is going on in here ? greenlee : annie can show you some moves ! ryan : what are you doing ? guys , guys , guys , what is going -- wow -- whoa ! greenlee : look , and you have -- ryan : please ! what -- whoa ! greenlee : annie -- annie -- ryan : ok . greenlee : come on . kendall : come on ! ryan : is this what you do all day here at fusion ? kendall : just watch her . greenlee : come on , go on ! go on ! kendall : go with the beat ! greenlee : go on ! whoo ! oh , sexy mama , whoo ! annie : whoo ! greenlee : oh , yeah ! oh , yeah ! whoo ! kendall : uh - huh , mm - hmm . greenlee : all right ! annie : whoo ! greenlee : come on ! annie : whoo ! greenlee : take the stage ! kendall : take the stage . greenlee : the stage ! annie : whoo ! whoo ! [ zach enters clapping ] zach : do n't stop on our account . it looks like someone 's trying to steal your thunder . [ aidan chuckles ] aidan : he can have it . no more stages or runways for me . kendall : yeah -- uh -- this was greenlee 's idea of , you know , a release for fun . greenlee : for the ladies . zach : i like it . looks like it 's working . greenlee : when ryan walked in , we , uh , kind of de - shirted him . ryan : huh . yeah , i guess they were just trying to have some fun , right , just have a really good time . zach : mm - hmm . fusion fun -- makeup , perfume , and go - go boys . [ scene_break ] angie : jesse ? [ door closes ] angie : jesse ? jesse , you here ? jesse ! jesse : hey . angie : oh -- do n't do that . do n't scare me like that . jesse : i was n't expecting you . hey -- i thought we agreed you were n't going to come out here . angie : do you really think that you -- you could keep me away from you , are you crazy ? and then when i came in here , and i did n't see you , i did n't know what to think . i mean , did those thugs take you or did you just run off again ? jesse : i promised you and frankie i was n't going to do that . angie : i know . jesse : huh ? angie : it 's just going to take me a -- a minute to get used to you really being here . jesse : well , i 'm here , baby , and i 'm not going anywhere . angie : i love the sound of that . jesse : you need to do something for me -- and you 're not going to like it . angie : then do n't ask me , jesse . jesse : angie , please . i do n't want anything to happen to you . you 've got to stop coming out here . [ scene_break ] bartender : here you go . krystal : thank you , chris . chris : absolutely . krystal : mmm . good . very good . ok , you can give it to me straight . babe : what are you talking about ? krystal : oh , your old mama is just so boring that you have to spend all your time over here talking to other people on the phone -- i get it . babe : i 'm sorry , mama , it 's just j.r . krystal : of course , it is . what 's wrong now ? babe : well , i 've been calling to let him know that richie found another donor so he 's off the hook . krystal : but you 're not getting him ? babe : no . he told me he was on the way to the hospital to start the procedure , but i ca n't get ahold of him . krystal : well , call over at the hospital . babe : ok . krystal : another cosmo for babe . yeah , thanks . well ? babe : j.r. never showed up . [ scene_break ] richie : you sure he ca n't feel any of this , doc ? doctor : no , he 's heavily sedated . he may experience some discomfort once he wakes up . richie : oh . well , i certainly hope it does n't hurt too bad . doctor : i 'll be right back . richie : i 'm sorry . i did n't realize that you were going to consent to being my bone marrow donor . i would n't have had to spend so much money on helpers to kidnap you . i just hope you do n't die trying to save my life . [ scene_break ] krystal : babe , i do n't get what the big deal is -- so j.r. 's running late for his appointment . babe : uh , i do n't think he 's just late . krystal : ok , so he heard that richie got another donor , and he did n't bother to show up . come on . here , have a drink . babe : there -- there was n't enough time for j.r. to have found out . krystal : ok , look , i 'm running on e here . babe : mama , he played me . j.r. told me exactly what i wanted to hear and like an idiot i fell for it -- again . krystal : and by `` it , `` i assume you mean -- oh , j.r. sweet - talked you into bed , hmm ? what is it ? what is it with these chandler men and the carey women ? babe : the thing is , mama , is j.r. did n't do the talking into this time . i was the one who started it . [ scene_break ] angie : i made all your favorites -- grilled chicken -- jesse : are you listening to me ? angie : jesse hubbard ? jesse : angela -- angie : if you think i 'm going to stop coming down here , you 're crazy . now , i am careful , but i 'll be extra careful . jesse : what is this ? angie : mac and cheese . jesse : oh , no , you did n't . angie : oh , yes , i did . [ angie and jesse laugh ] angie : listen , i just met with derek frye about remy 's death . jesse : what did he say ? angie : well , he just asked some questions , you know , the basics -- `` when was the last time i saw remy , how did it end ? `` jesse : did he give you any clues about me or make any connection between remy 's death and me ? angie : no . jesse : damn it . angie : jesse , i 'm -- i 'm sorry , but derek never brought your name up , and i was afraid to . jesse : it 's ok , it 's ok . angie : you 're the detective , not me . jesse : baby , you did n't do anything wrong . i just wish i could talk to derek myself . angie : well , he knows that i 'm planning to stay in pine valley . i mean , i can -- you tell me what you want me to say , i can talk to him again . jesse : no , i 'll figure it out . just -- i do n't want to -- i do n't want to make him suspicious . angie : all right . um -- listen , um , i got to go . there 's just never enough time with you . jesse : i know , i know . angie : but i have an appointment at the hospital with joe . all right ? jesse : all right . [ rustling ] angie : what 's that ? somebody must 've followed me . angie : oh , no , do n't ! [ jesse almost hits tad with a bat ] [ scene_break ] kendall : ok . uh , you know what ? i have a plane to catch , so i should get out of here . ryan : oh , yeah ? where you going ? greenlee : she 's going on a book tour , and aidan 's going to be -- ryan : `` going to be -- `` aidan : to be traveling tonight also . zach : he 's doing something for tad . aidan : yeah . ryan : oh , all right . well , a safe and successful trip to both you , and i should probably get out of here myself . thank you very much for the show . i do n't know exactly what just happened here , but thank you . greenlee : it was our pleasure . ryan : yeah . well -- uh -- see ya . kendall : well , that was just really weird . zach : you all right ? annie : i 'm fine . you guys do n't have to treat me with kid gloves , you know . ryan was n't the only person who needed to blow off some steam . greenlee : that 's right ! you guys missed it . kendall : yeah , she was shaking her booty ! greenlee : yeah , strutting her stuff ! zach : really ? greenlee : yeah . annie : just because ryan does n't remember me does n't mean i 'm going to hide under a rock . [ scene_break ] joe : delighted to have you back in our intern program . frankie : well , it 's been a while . i just hope i can keep up . joe : yeah , well , you 've got quite a role model in your mother . if you 're half as good as she is , you 're going to make a fine doctor . frankie : i guess it 's in the blood . joe : hard to believe -- only a few weeks ago we were fighting to save your life . now you 're going to be saving other people 's . frankie : about that , i never did thank you . joe : oh , you do n't have to thank me . it was all your mother 's doing and this is going to make her very proud . frankie : i hope so . joe : yeah . i only wish your father were here to see it . [ pager beeps ] joe : oh -- well , i have to take this -- and i think i 'll take that , as well . frankie : yes . joe : yeah . and we 'll see you later -- frankie : all right . joe : doctor . [ colby hums ] colby : ooh ! i am so sorry . sorry . frankie : no problem , no problem . colby : hey -- i know you . frankie : i do n't think so . colby : yeah , i -- i saw your picture in the paper . you 're the guy that almost died , are n't you ? [ scene_break ] aidan : oh , fancy meeting you here . ryan : yeah , well -- greenlee : here , step aside , step aside . aidan : ah . greenlee : it 's a girl thing . [ elevator stops ] greenlee : what happened ? aidan : i think we 're stuck . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] krystal : i can not believe this . you let j.r. beat you at texas hold 'em ? babe : i would n't say that i `` let him . `` krystal : i was the texas hold 'em state champ for three years in a row . babe : yes , mama , i know that . i know . krystal : all right , what were the stakes ? i mean , i know what he got out of it , but what about you ? babe : it was about richie . and if i won , he agreed to be richie 's bone marrow donor . krystal : ah , richie -- prince charming , every mother 's dream for their daughter . babe : mama -- krystal : i 'm sorry . can i help it if i think you can do better than richie novak -- or j.r. for that matter ? babe : i thought you like j.r . krystal : well , there is a difference between liking someone and wanting them to marry your daughter -- again . babe : look , i know that j.r. is no prince charming , but i think he might 've surprised you that night . krystal : really ? babe : yes . after he won , he -- he said that he 'd already agreed to be richie 's bone marrow donor , so i did n't have to pay up . krystal : how gentlemanly of him . babe : yeah -- so gentlemanly that i just kind of fell in love with him again . krystal : i think you fell into something other than love . babe : well , anyway , it was all just one big con . krystal : wait a minute . j.r. wins , he says you do n't have to pay up , and you sleep with him anyway ? i mean , where 's the con in that ? babe : he lied . he obviously never intended to be richie 's donor . krystal : i do n't know . j.r. has done some pretty underhanded things but he really -- i do n't know , he seems different lately . he really seems like he 's trying to change . babe : yeah , i wanted to believe that , too . krystal : but you know what ? i mean , maybe you are right . something -- something does seem a little bit off . singers : i 'm falling singer : i 'm falling singers : falling deep [ scene_break ] richie : so tell me -- tell me how all this works again , doc . doctor : mm - hmm . well , we 've taken a substantial amount of bone marrow from his hip bones , and we 're going to refine and filter it , and then freeze it until your body 's ready to accept the transplant . and it is going well . richie : and the next step is ? doctor : well , we need to get all of the cancer cells out of your body , and we 'll use chemo and radiation for that . and it 's kind of intense , but i think you could handle it . and then when your body 's ready to accept it , we 'll give you the bone marrow with a simple transfusion . richie : what , that 's it ? i mean , then what ? then i 'm , like , as -- am i -- i 'm as good as new ? doctor : look , we 've gone over this -- look , i know you 're anxious . richie : you would be , too , if you had a death sentence hanging over your head as long as i have . just -- doctor : well , if the procedure is a success . richie : but the odds -- they look good , right , doc ? doctor : i am confident , richie , very confident . now , look at it this way -- before you had no chance . now at least maybe you 've got a -- a shot at surviving . richie : it 's finally really happening . [ scene_break ] aidan : ah , good news -- engineer 's on his way . greenlee : thank god . zach : what 's the bad news ? aidan : it 's going to be about an hour . annie : an hour ? ryan : where 's he coming from -- llanview ? kendall : i 'm going to miss my plane . zach : you 're not going to -- you 're not going to miss your book signing . you can use the company plane if you want . ryan : you can use mine if you want , use my private jet . i 'm -- i 'm just offering . i 'm -- greenlee : how long has it been ? aidan : about two minutes . zach : do n't do that . just hang in there , ok ? it 's not the bunker , it 's like a luxury hotel in here . greenlee : really ? can i order room service ? [ ryan chuckles ] kendall : ok , if you have a joke , can you please share it with the rest of us , please ? ryan : no , i was just thinking about the time that you and i got stuck in the elevator . do you remember that ? kendall : yeah , i do . oh , god , it was like 100 degrees in there . ryan : i know , i know , and by the time the engineer got there , we were , like , stripped down and -- kendall : and -- - and so happy that they got there in time . greenlee : we got stuck in that old warehouse once , remember , kind of a similar situation ? never mind . annie : no , it 's ok , greenlee . it 's no secret . we all know that ryan 's the only man in here who 's had sex with you , me , and kendall . [ scene_break ] colby : so , you 're not still sick , are you ? frankie : nope . colby : hmm . that 's good because if you were , i could offer you some great reading material . intern program ? you 're going to become a doctor ? wow , that 's cool . i 'm just doing the volunteer thing -- you know , it looks good on a college application . um -- i 'm colby chandler -- adam chandler 's daughter . frankie : oh , frankie -- hubbard . colby : nice to meet you , frankie hubbard . [ scene_break ] angie : hey , joe . joe : hey , angie . angie : hey . joe : welcome back . i just got your message . now , what made you change your mind ? angie : i just felt like something in pine valley was pulling me to stay . joe : wow . there you are . you back on staff , frankie back in the intern program -- my lucky day ! [ pager beeps ] joe : oh , my busy day , yeah . angie : well , listen , we can talk later . joe : yeah , absolutely . well , things have calmed down here and this time around we 're going to get you settled in properly . [ angie chuckles ] angie : hey , you . frankie : hey , ma . angie : hi . frankie : hey . angie : uh -- can i talk to you for a minute ? frankie : yeah , sure . angie : excuse me . over here . frankie : what 's up ? angie : why did n't you tell me that you were rejoining the intern program ? frankie : slow down , mom , it 's not what you think . angie : no , joe just told me that you 'd rejoined . frankie : i 'm doing it to help dad -- you know , look through some old files . maybe i can find something . angie : no . no , you are not getting involved in this . [ scene_break ] tad : merry christmas . jesse : what 's this ? tad : a report on john remington 's death , a.k.a . remy . jesse : oh -- where 'd you get these ? tad : you got your secrets , i got mine . check out the bit on the slug that killed him . jesse : what -- that 's the same caliber as the one they pulled out of me . tad : exactly . jesse : what we need now is the gun . tad : you are something else , you know that ? first , you tell me not to investigate anything , now you 're getting upset , because i have n't got enough ? if you 're not careful , you 're going to start to sound ungrateful . jesse : the gun will lead us to the killer , tad , then we 'll have something to go on ! tad : easy , easy . it 's not my first time to the dance , you know ? look , i do n't know how you used to do things on the force , but in my experience , one thing leads to another which leads to another which leads to another , and then the case is solved . jesse : i 'm sorry , man , i 'm just -- i 'm stir - crazy in this place here ! tad : yeah , i know , i understand . jesse : man , i 'm getting tired , i ca n't just sit here on my hands . i need to get out there and do some -- tad : whoa , whoa , do n't start talking crazy , buddy , please ? look at me , look at me , ok ? you know you ca n't do that , have a seat , come here . for now , you 're just going to have to be patient . let me be your eyes and ears out there on the street . jesse : you 'll keep my family safe , right ? tad : as if they were my own . as far as i 'm concerned , they are my family . jesse : because now i 'm starting to feel like i 'm putting frankie and angie into the same danger that i 've spent the last 20 years of my life trying to shield them from , tad . [ scene_break ] greenlee : annie , we all have a history together . we ca n't change that . annie : well , except me and zach , though , right ? we 're the outsiders ? zach : calm down . everybody , just calm down . that 's the past . we 're in each other 's lives , and let 's deal with the present . ryan : `` the present `` -- is that a joke ? i mean , seriously , my `` present `` right now is four years ago . kendall : ok , all right , ryan . we get it , ok ? you 're lost in time . greenlee : kendall , come on . it 's not like he lost his memory on purpose -- he wants to remember annie . annie : greenlee , you do n't need to defend my husband . greenlee : i 'm just trying to help . kendall : she would n't have to defend your husband if you did n't give up on being his wife . annie : excuse me ? this is -- this whole thing is your fault . kendall : my fault ? zach : annie -- annie : if my husband had n't jumped in front of a bullet intended for you , my daughter would still have her father , i would still have my husband , ryan would still have the last four years of his life back . ryan : ok , you can not blame kendall for that . annie : no , no , never , never your precious kendall . aidan : all right , guys , all right , that 's enough ! can we just -- can we not -- ryan : look , i understand what 's going on here , all right ? i know it would be a lot easier for everybody if i was n't in the picture , ok , i know that . but i am in the picture , so we just got to try to deal with this , ok ? i 'm -- look , annie , i 'm not -- i 'm not trying to hurt you . i 'm really not , all right ? i said that to you before , and i mean it . it 's just that i -- i 've known greenlee and kendall a lot longer . annie : and you were in love with them -- and still are . greenlee : but he married you . annie : and he married you , and he was engaged to kendall , yet he remembers both of you guys . he just does n't remember me ! you know what ? forget it . zach : why do n't you check with the engineer again , see if there 's an update . aidan : it 's ringing . and there 's no answer . greenlee : no answer . no , no . help ! somebody ! we 're stuck in here ! [ scene_break ] krystal : why would j.r. say he was going to the hospital when he had no intention of being richie 's donor ? babe : mama , if i could ever figure out why j.r. does what he does , i could save myself a lot of grief . krystal : and now he 's not answering his cell . babe : so what are you getting at ? krystal : and after saying that he was going to the hospital , the hospital says that he never showed up . babe : so , what , you think something actually happened to j.r. ? krystal : it 's possible . babe : like what ? what could 've possibly happened to j.r. ? [ scene_break ] man : so what do we do with chandler now ? richie : like we planned -- get rid of him . [ scene_break ] krystal : ok . ok , thank you . well , the hospital still says that j.r. has n't checked in as richie 's donor . he has n't even been admitted as a patient . babe : well , i 'm relieved . [ babe sighs ] krystal : so , we know where j.r. is n't , we still do n't know where he is . babe : why do n't -- why do n't we check with kendall 's publicist ? he was flirting with her pretty hard at the after - party . krystal : oh , come on , babe , babe . babe : you know , mama , as much as i want to believe that j.r. has changed , j.r. is going to be j.r. -- selfish and self - centered . krystal : was he being selfish when he moved into the chandler mansion to spy on adam ? dig up information on tad 's daughter ? babe : are you on j.r. 's side now ? krystal : i 'm not on anybody 's side . i 'm just trying to figure out what 's going on here . babe : i 'll tell you what 's going on -- i trusted j.r. again . i believed in j.r. and -- and he let me down again . that 's what 's going on . [ scene_break ] richie : be gentle . that guy saved my life . too bad it all had to end up this way for him . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . look at me . breathe -- and just listen to my voice , ok ? just breathe . greenlee : that 's better . zach : feel ok ? greenlee : yeah . ryan : come on -- answer the phone . [ elevator jolts ] kendall : what was that ? annie : are we moving ? is the elevator going to drop ? aidan : no , of course not . the engineer is just working on it , that 's all . greenlee : oh , at this point , i 'd rather fall than be stuck in here . zach : no , no , not stuck . you want to be stuck , you really want to be stuck ? you remember `` stuck , `` right ? kendall : oh -- are you trying to put her over the edge ? zach : what did we do in the bomb shelter ? what did we do ? greenlee : we made mad , passionate love all night long -- it was amazing . aidan : what ? [ greenlee chuckles ] kendall : what the hell is so funny ? zach : she 's just kidding . it 's a joke . greenlee : we told bad jokes when we were in the bomb shelter to get us through . zach : you did n't take us seriously , did you ? aidan : no -- of course not . [ elevator jolts ] kendall : finally . [ elevator moves ] zach : see that ? all it took was one bad joke , and we 're out of here . [ scene_break ] tad : listen , as far back as i can remember , you were jenny 's best friend . jesse : yeah . tad : if she ever needed anything , you were always there for her . now , it 's an honor and a privilege for me to be able to repay the favor , especially for people like angela and frankie . jesse : thanks , thaddeus . i did n't mean to go off on you like that . tad : no , take it easy -- i love you , too . in the meantime , can i eat something ? i 'm starving . jesse : yeah , man , knock yourself out . tad : ok , so , start over again . if the file is n't the key to what happened to you , then what is ? jesse : your guess is as good as mine , man . tad : no , come on , do n't give up hope . look , you 're a detective , i 'm a p.i . this is n't brain surgery -- we 're missing something . we got to figure out what it is . so if it 's 1988 , what are you working on ? jesse : i was investigating that drug ring . tad : oh , i remember -- it was a big one , too . it was all over the papers , right ? jesse : yeah , we had a few huge leads , you know , made a few minor arrests , no -- no major players , though . we were so far from cracking that case . tad : well , what if you were closer than you thought ? jesse : or if somebody thought i was ? tad : exactly -- close enough for them to disappear you , threaten your family . jesse : remy , man -- i just ca n't help thinking that he 's tied into this somehow . tad : well , even if he is n't , whatever it is , it 's pretty damn valuable -- you know , for somebody to be threatening you , you know , 20 years after the fact . jesse : well , i ca n't just sit here , man . i feel like my hands are tied . tad : it does n't matter where you are . once a cop , always a cop . so , what would detective jesse hubbard do ? jesse : hmm . [ scene_break ] angie : have you lost your mind ? your father does n't want you any more involved in this . frankie : too late . angie : you know , you are truly your father 's son . frankie : then i have to do something . angie : all right -- you want to do something to help jesse ? become a doctor , for real . frankie : mom -- angie : no , this is what he wants for you . so do i . frankie : and what ? let whoever has had him on the run for the last , what , 20 years finally catch him ? angie : other people -- experienced people -- will handle this . you know , it would kill your father if anything happened to you -- you know that , frankie . so do your father and me a favor and leave the investigating to the professionals . frankie : ok . ok . angie : all right . thank you . frankie : hmm . angie : better not be lying to me . colby : you want to talk about it ? my friends say that i give great advice . frankie : colby ? colby : mm - hmm . frankie : i 'm not in high school . i 'm not thinking about prom or where to go for spring break . colby : ok , so you think you 're the only person who has problems ? frankie : yeah , right . i 'm sure the daughter of adam chandler has the whole world on her shoulders . colby : hey , you do n't know anything about my life . jerk . [ scene_break ] greenlee : champagne -- i deserve it . annie ? annie : tequila . greenlee : kendall , the usual ? kendall : no , no . i have to make my flight . ryan : well , i personally know you 're going to knock them dead . greenlee : ah . ryan : and you -- that was pretty intense in there . are you sure you 're ok ? greenlee : never been better . [ ryan chuckles ] annie : and i 'm doing great , ryan . thanks for asking . ryan : oh . no , annie , i was -- i was only asking greenlee because she was on the ground , like , hyperventilating . look , um -- can i take you home ? annie : ah -- no . kendall , have a great trip . see you guys later . zach : ok . come on , let 's get going . kendall : ok . greenlee : wait for me . aidan : hey -- i 'll meet you outside . greenlee : hmm , hmm . hmm . well , i do n't want to leave you here all alone . ryan : oh , i 'm a big boy . you go spend some time with aidan before he leaves . it 's good . kendall : kelly , hey , it 's kendall . do n't freak out -- i 'm running a little bit late , but i promise i will be there . ok , bye . greenlee : guess no one gets bomb shelter humor , huh ? zach : some things , they 're just going to have to stay between you and me , kid . kendall : ok . do n't look at me with that guilty face , please . aidan : are you telling me that that talk in the elevator did n't bother you about who slept with who ? kendall : like zach said , it 's in the past . aidan : well , it made me a little bit uneasy , all right ? kendall : ok -- aidan , relax . aidan , it 's ok . aidan : look , zach 's worried about ryan , kendall , and i 'm the one that broke his trust . greenlee : hey , hey . break it up , you two . you 've had enough time with my man . [ scene_break ] krystal : to men . ca n't live with them -- babe : you ca n't shoot them . [ babe chuckles ] krystal : amen to that . hmm . [ phone rings ] krystal : hmm -- your purse is ringing . might be j.r . babe : hello ? yes , this is mrs. j.r. chandler . what -- who is this ? what ? where , where ? he -- hello , hello ? hello ? krystal : what ? what -- what was that ? babe : that was about j.r . krystal : well , what about him ? babe : mama , we 've got to go now . [ scene_break ] tad : so , a brilliant doctor and an amazing cook . angie : huh . tad : any more at home like you ? angie : well , if there were , krystal would have your head . tad : hmm . angie : uh -- is jesse ok ? tad : well , it depends . if you consider being a tiger that 's been locked up for 20 years ok , yeah , he 's peachy . how are you holding up ? angie : impatient -- tad : yeah , of course . angie : for my whole family to sit down to a real thanksgiving dinner , go for a walk in the park with the love of my life . i mean , is that asking for too much ? tad : i do n't think so . i 'm doing everything i can to make sure it happens sooner rather than later . angie : thanks , tad . tad : you 're welcome , baby . in the meantime , if you need -- - [ as humphrey bogart ] anything just whistle . angie : oh . that was a terrible bogart . tad : [ normal voice ] show you what you know -- i was doing lauren bacall . angie : oh . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] zach : hey . kendall : hey . zach : you sure you do n't want me to take you to the airport ? kendall : no , no . kelly 's sending a limo . zach : oh , i see -- style for style , right ? kendall : mm - hmm , yes . but i have a favor to ask . zach : hmm -- kiss the boys every night ? i 'll do it . kendall : yes , yes . also , can you please check on my mom , make sure she 's ok ? zach : sure . kendall : ok . aidan : limo 's here . kendall : ok . i love you . zach : be safe . kendall : hmm , bye . bye ! greenlee : bye . have fun . kendall : thank you . greenlee : knock them dead . kendall : i will . aidan : i 'll miss you . greenlee : oh -- that 's ok . kendall needs my special ops special treatment . go . i think i left my scarf . i 'll see you later ? zach : mm - hmm . greenlee : ok . bye . singer : i got a d.j . in mind i had to let him go i danced around him also i kissed the d.j . zach : hey , how you doing ? zach slater . i 'd love to have a chat with you . singer : i had to let him go i danced around him also greenlee : hey . this seat taken ? ryan : it 's got your name on it . greenlee : greenlee and ryan . ryan : hmm . greenlee : what should we do first ? [ scene_break ] [ key turns in lock ] [ angie gasps ] angie : oh -- jesse : god . angie : jesse , you want to take another 20 years off my life ? jesse : i 'm sorry , baby . i did n't mean to scare you again . angie : what are you doing here ? jesse : oh , come on -- you know better than that . i 'm just not good sitting around doing nothing . look at all these files . there 's got to be something worth finding in here , huh ? what are you doing down here ? angie : great minds think alike . jesse : that 's why i love you . angie : well -- jesse : let 's get at it , huh ? all right . [ scene_break ] frankie : oh . [ scene_break ] [ new age music plays while richie dreams ] richie : hey . uh , do -- babe : shh . i do n't care about j.r . i 'm so glad you got rid of him . richie : huh , huh -- you are ? babe : mm - hmm . richie ? richie : hmm ? babe : you 're the only one for me , the only man that i have ever loved . [ richie awakens ] richie : huh . oh , someday , someday soon , it 'll be for real . huh . poor j.r . [ scene_break ] krystal : this is it -- 106 . babe : mama , i 'm scared . krystal : i know , i know . i am , too , but we -- we have to find out if j.r. 's in there , right ? babe : yeah . [ krystal opens the hotel room door ] babe : oh , my god . [ next_on ] zach ( to samuel ) : erica kane 's family . you mess with my family , and you mess with me . erica ( to adam ) : i could go to prison for five years or more . so what are you going to do about it ? greenlee ( to ryan ) : maybe this will help you remember .
kendall and greenlee enjoy themselves learning the fine arts of stripteasing when ryan walks in . they persuade him to join in the fun . within minutes ryan is at the pole and annie dances , seductively , in front of him . they are all having fun until annie realizes that ryan 's eyes are on kendall . angie comes into the cabin and ca n't find jesse anywhere . she begins to panic until he comes out of hiding . he warns her not to come there again . zach and aidan come in and applaud their dancing . babe lets krystal know how worried that she is over j.r. babe calls the hospital and finds out that j.r. had n't shown up for his appointment . the doctor does the bone marrow extraction on j.r. babe tells her mom that she had made love to j.r. again . angie gets a call from the hospital . tad comes to the cabin for some info for jesse . zach , kendall , aidan , greenlee , ryan and annie get stuck in the elevator . joe finds out from frankie that he is joining the intern program . colby strikes up a conversation with frankie at the hospital , but he curtly snubs her . angie lets joe know that she is joining the staff at pine valley hospital . annie begins to hurl insults at greenlee and kendall over ryan and his love for them . greenlee begins to have a panic attack and zach holds her hand and talks her through it . kendall questions greenlee as to what that greenlee and zach did in the bomb shelter . greenlee jokes that they had made love . kendall and aidan both look at each other . greenlee admits she was only kidding . they finally get off the elevator and head for the airport . kendall says her good - byes to zach , and greenlee says her good - byes to aidan . greenlee goes to join ryan at the bar . someone takes pics of frankie from the bushes . richie tells his goons to get rid of j.r. babe gets a phone call as to where j.r. is . when krystal and babe arrive at the hotel , they are shocked by what they see . jesse and angie search the file room at the hospital .
krystal : penny for your thoughts . david : are you kidding ? in this economy ? krystal : too much , huh ? what 's your going rate ? you were incredible tonight . babe would have been proud . i know i was . david : thank you . krystal : i tell you what . the benefit was such a big success , why do n't we celebrate , huh ? go home , crack open a bottle of champagne , just you and me ? hello ? david : i 'm sorry . um , what were you saying ? krystal : look , a penny or a buck , i 'll pay whatever it is . just tell me what you 're thinking about . david : amanda . [ scene_break ] amanda : whew . j.r. : yeah , it 's cold out here . you can go on inside . i 'm going to be awhile . amanda : i do n't mind . when it 's really clear out like this , and the stars are out , it -- j.r. : makes you think of babe ? me , too . amanda : she just seems closer or something . i do n't know . j.r. : except she 's not . amanda : tonight was really tough for you , was n't it ? j.r. : yeah , it was . but the questions and stories -- and do n't get me wrong . i mean , i 'm totally psyched about the cardiac wing , the fact that it 's named after babe . but at the end of the day , it 's just another reminder that she 's gone . amanda : i 'm so sorry , j.r . j.r. : do n't be , do n't . other than little adam , you 're the best thing that i have going for me in my life . you and the baby . our baby . [ scene_break ] zach : i want to see reese . adam : well , she does n't want to see you . reese : did -- did i hear zach ? was that zach here at the door ? adam : yeah , i threw him out . reese : what ? why ? did he say why he was here ? adam : articulately ? no . reese : oh , god , maybe i can still catch him . adam : no . reese : what -- adam : do n't you go after him all full of tears and i 'm sorries . that would be a huge mistake . reese : ok , you know what i 'm beginning to think ? i 'm beginning to think my mistake was confiding in you . adam : poor kendall turning her best friend into road kill , and zach slater trying to clean up the mess . that 's quite a predicament those two are in . reese : you know what ? i never should have said a thing . adam : hmm , but you did . [ scene_break ] kendall : ryan , ryan ! ryan : is that crazy ? how about that ? was that -- was that crazy enough ? kendall : ryan , stop it ! stop it , please ! ryan : that might be crazy , but i 'm not . do you understand ? i have never been more serious about anything in my life . kendall : ryan , we have to stop this , ok ? ryan : i 'm not the one who started this . get your hands off me ! but i am going to be the one who finishes it , ok ? you guys , back off . everything 's fine . kendall : zach , you need to leave the casino right now . please -- ryan : no , no , no , give -- what are you doing ? he killed her . he killed her . what makes you think that he could help you ? [ scene_break ] krystal : why were you thinking about amanda ? david : we just spent the entire evening honoring our daughter , her memory , her spirit . what do you think she would do if she came back , and she saw j.r. right now , glued to amanda 's hip , the father of her child ? it 's just not right . krystal : well , it was n't exactly planned . david : krystal , come on . babe 's been gone what ? five minutes ? and j.r. 's already found a warm bed ? krystal : well , you know , maybe amanda 's good for j.r. she got him to stop drinking . david : yeah , right . for now . krystal : and with a baby on the way , it 's the first thing that j.r. 's had to look forward to since babe died . david : and what about little a ? so you 're ok letting amanda , the wonder slut , raise our grandson ? krystal : ok , now wait , wait , wait now . are n't you getting ahead of yourself ? david : no , wait a minute . think about this . one of these days , he 's going to ask about his mother , and amanda 's going to say something like , `` who 's babe ? `` we ca n't allow that to happen . krystal : let me tell you one thing . as long as i 'm around , that child will never forget who his mother is . i promise you . are you ready to leave ? david : yeah , um , but i 'm going to have to meet you back at home . i just remembered i -- i have an errand to run . krystal : you have an errand to run ? david : yeah , yeah , but it wo n't take long . i promise . drive safely , ok ? angie : someone looks lost . krystal : you have no idea . [ scene_break ] kendall : let me see your hand . ryan : my hand is fine . everything -- everything is fine , kendall . it 's -- it 's fine . kendall : ok , so , yeah , this whole situation is completely normal . come on . ryan : yeah , well , you need to stay out of it , ok ? give me a favor . just -- just stay out of this . kendall : no , ryan , listen . stop . i know you 're in pain , ok ? we all are . but destroying zach and destroying this whole place , it 's not going to -- ryan : bring greenlee back . i know . i know that it 's not . i know . kendall : well , then why are you doing this ? ryan : because she 's gone . she 's gone . kendall : i know that . and i miss her , too . ryan : you miss her ? other than my kids , kendall , she was -- she was everything to me . she was everything , and now she 's gone . he took her away . zach took her , and it 's time for things to get taken from him . kendall : ok , so -- so what you -- what ? do you want cambias , the casino , what ? ryan : i want anything , i want anything . i want everything . i want him left with nothing . kendall : no , you do n't mean that . ryan : yes , i do mean that . kendall : ok , well , what about me ? you want to destroy zach 's life ? well , that 's just great , ryan . what does that make me ? collateral damage ? ryan : you are a strong woman , kendall . i know you 'll take care of yourself , ok ? kendall : no , no , no , that 's not how it works , ryan . you destroy my husband , you hurt my husband , you hurt me . it 's a package deal . you know that . ryan : kendall ? hey , you need -- just sit down . just -- just -- just sit . are you ok ? just sit down , please . just sit down . it 's ok . it 's ok . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . just take some breaths , ok ? i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . you were n't supposed to -- you were n't supposed to get hurt in all this . please , kendall , just take some breaths . are you ok ? [ scene_break ] reese : you know , i -- i should really go . i do n't really know what i 'm doing here anyway . adam : you 're taking refuge . reese : from ? adam : everyone . slater ca n't get to you here . reese : look , despite everything that happened , zach would never hurt me , adam . adam : no , no , not physically , but there are all sorts of ways to hurt people . i should know . slater 's been yanking my chain for years . reese : wow , you really hate him . do n't you ? and i just gave you the golden ticket . adam : well , no . slater did that when he decided to cover for kendall . idiot . reese : adam , will you just promise me you wo n't use this against zach ? adam : oh , sorry . but what i can promise you is i wo n't ever use it against you . [ scene_break ] amanda : ow . j.r. : what is it ? your feet hurt ? amanda : i swear these shoes fit me last week . oh . oh , god . j.r. : what ? amanda : oh , they 're swelling already , are n't they ? oh , great . i 'm going to be clomping around with these big cankles . [ j.r. laughs ] j.r. : stop . you 're going to be gorgeous , just like babe was with little adam . i tell you what . i 'm going to go upstairs and change . amanda : ok , i 'm going to hang by the fire and thaw out first . j.r. : ok , i 'll be right back . amanda : ok . j.r. : what are you doing here ? adam : say `` hello `` to our new house guest . you will be staying , wo n't you ? [ scene_break ] david : warming up for the big night ? surprise . krystal : and that 's when i found out . angie : found out what ? i still do n't know what you 're talking about . krystal : amanda dillon is pregnant . angie : yeah , with j.r. 's baby . is that why you 're upset ? because j.r. is moving on ? krystal : j.r. is not the father . david is . angie : i do n't know why i 'm surprised . a tiny , innocent life . of course , david would be all over that . krystal : maybe if he knew , but david does n't know that the baby is his . angie : then how did you find out ? krystal : i overheard jake and frankie -- angie : frankie knows about this ? krystal : well , evidently he 's been helping amanda out . he changed the date of her conception on the hospital records to make it look like j.r. 's the father . angie : i do n't believe this . and you have n't said anything to david ? krystal : not yet . angie : and not ever , krystal . because if david finds out that frankie falsified hospital records -- krystal : do n't worry , do n't worry , ok ? i 'm not going to tell david . i mean , if david knew that the baby was his then -- well , we all know what would happen , and then , where would that leave amanda ? angie : do n't you mean where would it leave you ? krystal : i lost my daughter , and i lost tad . i can not lose david . angie : you did n't lose tad , krystal . you threw him away . krystal : it was n't working , angie . david is the only one . he is the only one who understands me . he is good to me . angie : he 's u -- he 's using you , krystal . krystal : no . no , he loves me . he asked me to marry him . angie : and ? krystal : well , i told him that i needed some time . angie : are you sure that 's not all you need ? krystal : ok , you know what ? i guess it was just kind of stupid for me to expect any support . angie : well , maybe if you knew what you wanted , krystal . krystal : i do -- i do know what i 'm doing . and i want david . angie : well , then , marry him . marry him . nobody 's stopping you . go ahead . do it . krystal : maybe i will . [ scene_break ] david : boy , adam needs to clean those tunnels . look at this . i 've got dust all over my new pants . amanda : i do n't care about your stupid pants . do n't . david , one scream from me , security will be all over your ass . david : and j.r. will be all over yours , wondering what on earth i 'm doing here with you . amanda : what are you doing here , david ? david : just checking in , making sure you 're clear on the plan . amanda : oh , i got it . david : do you ? clock 's ticking , amanda . either you get j.r. wasted and set him up to lose little a , or -- amanda : or you tell him how i 've been helping you . i know , ok ? i do n't need a constant reminder . david : then i suggest you get to work . [ scene_break ] adam : relax , i 'll have your things sent over from the casino . reese : thank you . adam : mm - hmm . j.r. : you want to tell me what that was all about ? adam : you brought amanda into this house . reese is a monumental step up . j.r. : well , do n't tell me that you guys are , uh -- adam : oh , the woman is a lesbian , for crying out loud . j.r. : then what the hell is she doing here ? adam : eating , sleeping , you know , those people kind of things . she does n't have any place to stay . why is it just so hard to believe that i 'd lend a hand ? j.r. : well , if there was something in it for you , yeah . adam : well , you 've happened to mention that . reese managed to come up with some information about zach slater that she was kind enough to share with me . j.r. : what kind of information ? adam : all you need to know is in these troubled economic times , it 's ammunition that 's useful to have . j.r. : well , if you already have it , why are you keeping her around ? adam : i think reese may be zach slater 's achilles heel , and that would be worth its weight in gold . [ scene_break ] zach : what happened ? are you all right ? kendall : i 'm fine . zach : what did you do to her ? kendall : he did n't do anything , i just -- i got a little worked up . it wo n't happen again . zach : no , it wo n't . you , out . kendall : no -- well , zach -- zach : what ? he 's even coming here drunk . you 're breaking stuff in my place , hurting my wife . out . kendall : no , he 's grieving , zach , and lashing out . he has no idea what he 's doing . ryan : i know exactly what i 'm doing , and i know exactly who i 'm doing it to . zach : oh , now , we 're back to that ? you 're doing it to me . you 're going to take everything i love , everything i 've ever loved . that ? ryan : it 's not a joke , zach . zach : i 'm not laughing . kendall : ok . zach : come on . kendall : no , ryan , ryan , i think you should go . i think you should leave . can you please get a cab for mr. lavery ? and make sure that he goes right to the hospital . ryan : i 'm not going to the hospital . i 'm not going to see a doctor . kendall : yes , yeah , you have to . you 're bleeding , ok ? your hand could be broken . please just promise me you 'll go . ryan : ok , i promise i 'll go . kendall : thank you . zach : yeah , thank you , ryan . thanks . and thanks for breaking my favorite chair . thanks for coming by . we 'll do it again , ok ? thank you . enough of this . sure you 're all right ? kendall : i 'm fine . yeah , but , um , it depends . ryan told me what happened . he said that you ran after reese . sounds like you were really worried about her . zach : no , i was worried about you . reese knows that you were the one behind that wheel the night that greenlee got killed . kendall : what ? how ? zach : i do n't know . i do n't know how , but ryan was saying that he heard her saying something , i do n't know , so i went to see her to see if it was true . kendall : well , what did reese have to say about it ? zach : did n't say anything . adam is her new bodyguard . kendall : well , if reese knows , we need to come clean . zach : we ca n't do that . kendall : but we have to . otherwise , she 'll hold this over our heads . no , i will not owe that woman anything . [ scene_break ] angie : you got a second ? jake : uh - oh . angie : yeah , `` uh - oh `` is right . you want to tell me what my son is doing messing with hospital records ? jake : i -- you 're talking to the wrong person . you 're looking for frankie , your son . he 's , you know , he 's about yay high . he 's handsome , beautiful teeth . angie : yeah , i know what his physical dimensions are . look , you condoned it . krystal overheard you . i know the two of you are in this together . jake : what -- what do you want me to do ? she 's my friend . angie : frankie could lose his license over this . jake : she could lose her child over this . angie : yeah , i know . god , i wish david had n't come back here . jake : well , that 's what he does . he 's the prince of darkness , right ? he lives to torture us . that 's what he does . angie : you should have -- you should 've heard krystal . i mean , the way she was talking about him . you know , how good he is . how he loves her . you know , i swear i think she 's been possessed . jake : no , she 's not possessed . she 's on drugs . well , it 's almost the same thing . angie : david asked her to marry him . jake : yeah , i heard about that . angie : yeah , and i think she might say yes . jake : wow . [ scene_break ] david : are you with me here ? you get everyone out of this house . you pour some booze down junior 's throat , and you tell everyone who will listen that he tried to take my grandson for a spin . amanda : do n't you even care ? little adam loves j.r . he just lost his mom . come on , do you really want to take his dad away , too ? david : he wo n't be losing much . j.r. is weak , ineffective , basically a complete loser . he did n't deserve to be with babe any more than he deserves to raise her son . amanda : but you do ? david : i can give my grandson a very good life . amanda : and to hell with everyone else , right ? david : i do n't give a damn about everyone else . all i care about is my grandson . now , are you thinking about backing out , amanda ? if you are , then tell me now . we could stop wasting everyone 's time . amanda : so you can go running to j.r. ? david : it 's your call . amanda : you know , i gave you back all of your money . david : oh , yeah , yeah . too little , too late . you back out on me now , you and that child are going to be kicked to the curb . is that what you really want ? amanda : is n't that every woman 's dream ? david : is that a `` yes `` ? amanda : like i have a choice . david : get out of here now . go . pleasure doing business with you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : hey . amanda : hey . j.r. : everything all right ? amanda : yeah , why ? j.r. : you just seem a little jumpy , that 's all . amanda : oh , still cold , i guess . j.r. : mm - hmm . amanda : you did n't change . j.r. : yeah , i got derailed on my way upstairs . amanda : by adam ? j.r. : and reese . amanda : bianca 's reese ? j.r. : yeah . i do n't know what my father 's up to . it looks like we have a new roommate . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] reese : hello . zach : it 's zach . reese : zach , i 'm sorry adam did n't let you in . i did n't ask him to do that . zach : forget about chandler . i need to talk to you . reese : ok . zach : i need to talk to you in person . please come to the casino . reese : uh , right now ? zach : yeah , right now . reese : yeah , i guess . i mean , um -- yeah , yeah , i 'll be there . zach : thank you . kendall : well , is she coming ? zach : yeah , she 's on her way . reese : um , zach called . he said he wanted to see me . adam : really ? what for ? was -- that 's it ? zach calls and says , `` jump , `` and you say , `` how high ? `` reese : so you do n't think that i should go ? adam : quite the contrary . in fact , i 'll drive you there myself . [ scene_break ] angie : rough night . ryan : yeah , something like that . you know what ? i really do n't need to be here . angie : no , no , no . sit , sit . come on . let me take a look at this . you really did a little number on yourself here , huh ? ryan : well , you should see the casino . wo n't be messing with me again . angie : you know , ryan , i know what you 're going through . i really do . i 've been there . ryan : hmm . no , you have n't . jesse came back , angie . greenlee 's gone . she 's -- she 's gone forever . angie : jesse was , too . at least in my mind , anyway . and in my heart , and i suffered that pain for twenty years , but , you know , i got my miracle , thank god , but that does n't mean i do n't understand . ryan : what did you do ? i mean , how did you -- how did you deal ? because if there 's a trick , if there 's something to get through it , i really would love it if you told me . angie : no trick . i just lived , and i took care of my son , and , eventually , i found love again . ryan : no , no . she was it for me . greenlee was it for me . angie : well , i know it feels like that right now . ryan : always . angie : well , you know what ? i can tell you what 's not going to work , what 's not going to help , and that is getting drunk and beating yourself up , because greenlee would n't want to see you like this . ryan : yeah , well , lucky for her . she does n't have to , i guess , right ? angie : sweetheart , you 're going to have to dig deep and find the strength , not just for yourself , but for emma and spike . ryan : what am i supposed to do ? am i supposed to just forget ? am i supposed to pretend that she never went into that river ? forget that i ever knew her ? angie : no . you keep greenlee with you . the love , the memories . because as much as it hurts to think about her , it 's what 's going to get you through . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you 're missing her a lot , huh ? amanda : all the time . so , is little a asleep ? j.r. : yeah , he 's totally conked out . amanda : what about everybody else ? it seems really quiet in here . j.r. : colby left some vague note about where she was going , and my dad , i do n't know . maybe he 's with his new best friend reese . amanda : so , we 're all alone ? j.r. : mm - hmm . why ? you getting ideas ? amanda : like you 'd want to hook up with the queen of cankles . come on . j.r. : oh , i want to get busy with you . amanda : what ? j.r. : i mean , that came out totally wrong . i 'm s -- uh , i mean that i -- amanda : yeah , no , no , i know what you mean . j.r. : i just like spending time with you , all right ? and so does little a. i mean , he thinks you 're the greatest thing since hannah montana . amanda : oh , hannah montana . j.r. : yeah , but do n't go telling him i told you that , because he 's got a huge crush on her . he 'll kill me . [ amanda laughs ] j.r. : look , i know this situation 's really complicated . amanda : you think ? j.r. : i do n't know , but maybe we can make it work . maybe we could make it work with us . what do you think ? amanda : i think that you were ridiculously sexy tonight . j.r. : oh , yeah ? amanda : yes . when you gave your speech , it was like time stopped . i mean , people were hanging on your every word . j.r. : i think you 're exaggerating . amanda : no , i 'm not . you were great . and you should see , because i got the camera guy to give me an extra copy . j.r. : seriously ? no , that 's not a good idea . i do n't like to see myself on video . amanda : oh , come on . you were so incredible . babe would have been so proud . j.r. : ok , maybe just for a second though . amanda : you know , i really felt like she was there with us tonight , like looking down from heaven . i think that she would 've given anything to be there with you tonight . j.r. : so would i . [ amanda turns on the video of babe ] amanda : oh , my god . j.r. , i 'm so sorry . i -- i must 've gotten the dvds mixed up . i do n't -- j.r. : she looked so beautiful in that dress . she always looked so beautiful . amanda : are you ok ? j.r. : what do you think ? amanda : i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i 'm going to give you a minute . j.r. : i 'm sorry , babe . i 'm so sorry . [ his mind flooded with memories of babe , j.r. picks up a drink as jake watches from the terrace ] amanda : j.r. , do n't . please . you do n't need that . j.r. : yes , i do . what are you doing ? amanda : this will make it worse . fight . j.r. : i ca n't . amanda : you can . you have to . your son needs you . this baby needs you . i need you . j.r. : i just could n't handle it , seeing babe happy and healthy , like she was right here in the room . amanda : i know . i 'm so sorry . j.r. : but she 's not . because she 's never coming back , because she 's gone . amanda : no . no , j.r. , look at me . she is here , ok ? every time that little a laughs , she 's there . j.r. : watching down from heaven ? god , i 'm so sick and tired of people saying that to me . i do n't want her up there . i want her here , so i can touch her , so i can feel her , so i can hear her voice . amanda : if i could give you that , i would . j.r. : she 'd be so disappointed in me right now . amanda : not in you . j.r. : you know , i ca n't do this . i have -- i just have to get out of this room . [ while amanda sobs , jake enters ] jake : you see that ? you could n't do it . amanda : i almost did . i almost -- what kind of monster am i ? [ scene_break ] david : hey . krystal : did you get that errand taken care of ? david : yes , i did . thanks . krystal : where were you , david ? david : just out . krystal : out where ? doing what ? david : i see you made some milk . krystal : yeah , i did , i did . i needed a little something to take the edge off . david : and why are we on edge now ? krystal : we are on edge because you are not being straight with me . david : about what ? i told you i had something i needed to take care of , so i did . end of story . krystal : and what about that consult ? david : what consult ? krystal : the one in new york . you know , you kind of just disappeared without telling me where you were . david : i left a note . krystal : yeah , well , it would 've been nice to have gotten a phone call , you know ? i mean , and you go out of town , and i do n't know where you are , and what if something happened ? david : well , did something happen ? no . krystal : and then there was that -- there was that time where i picked up your phone , and you nearly bit my head off , and there 's just a lot of secrecy going on , and i just -- i do n't know what to make of it . david : all right , ok . all right , ok . you know , you 're right , and i 'm sorry . can i have a moment to explain ? i am not being secretive on purpose , and i 'm certainly not hiding anything from you . krystal : you 're not ? david : no , no . of course , not . david : krystal , you have to remember , i 've spent the better part of my life alone . i 'm not used to answering to anyone or explaining my every action . krystal : well , you better start learning . david : well , the good thing is i 'm a quick study . but you have to know that i love you . krystal : i do . david : and i will always take care of you . krystal : i know . that 's why i , um , i want to say yes . david : about what ? krystal : us . i want to marry you , if you still want to marry me . [ scene_break ] kendall : guess you were n't expecting me , huh ? i 'm sorry to ruin your romantic meeting . reese : zach is the one who called me . zach : thanks for coming . reese : mm - hmm . kendall : oh , that is so sweet . do you two want to get a room ? because i can totally wait . reese : ok , i 'm out of here . zach : stay right there . reese : what is this ? zach : like i said , i want to talk to you . reese : talk or ambush ? zach : no , not ambush . i just -- ryan was dropping some hints earlier . reese : hints about what ? zach : hints about you maybe knowing who was driving the car that night . reese : ok , so that 's why you wanted to see me . kendall : you need to tell us what you know . reese : well , i overheard you both talking at the benefit , and i know that you were driving the car that killed greenlee . zach : ahem . kendall : well . this must be your best day ever . reese : oh , my god -- why would you say that ? kendall : well , because you have me exactly where you want me . i get shipped off to some nasty prison , and you get zach all to yourself . reese : i do n't want zach -- what is -- you think i 'm going to go to the police ? kendall : yeah , i do . they did n't charge zach , but once they find out that he lied , whole new ball game . zach : are you going to go to the police , yes or no ? reese : no . [ scene_break ] david : so why the sudden change of heart ? krystal : well , it was not that sudden really . i -- i 've been thinking about it a lot , and i just feel like the timing is right . david : but the other day when i asked you , you -- krystal : it was -- it was too soon for me and tad , so i tried to hold out , but , i mean , who am i kidding ? i love you , and i want to spend the rest of my life with you , if you still want me . david : oh , i do n't know , no -- [ krystal chuckles ] david : so much time has passed . krystal : you 're trying to torture me now ? oh , great . david : no , no . i am going to love you now for the rest of your beautiful life . krystal : is -- is that a yes ? david : oh , are you kidding me ? krystal : it 's a yes ? david : that is so much more than a yes . [ scene_break ] jake : i think you 're being way too hard on yourself . amanda : jake , you were n't here . i really pushed him . jake : i understand that , but you stopped him from taking the drink , right ? i mean , i saw it . that 's the part that matters . amanda : no . i should 've never let it get that far . jake : come here . you 're ok . [ amanda sobs ] jake : everything 's going to be ok . amanda : you promise ? jake : no , it just sounds good . [ amanda chuckles ] jake : it does , right ? j.r. : what in the hell 's going on here ? [ scene_break ] angie : ok , you 're all set . ryan : thank you . angie : is there anything else ? ryan : no , no , there 's nothing else . angie : you want me to walk you out ? ryan : where am i going exactly ? i mean , no place feels the same without her . i do n't know what -- i do n't know where to go . i do n't know -- i do n't know what to do . i do n't know where to go . angie : it 's ok . just let it out . it 's ok . just let it go . let it go , let it go . let it go . it 's ok . it 's ok . [ scene_break ] reese : what do you want ? you want me to go to the police , kendall ? would it make you feel better ? you could prove what a horrible person i am ? kendall : oh , honey , you did that all by yourself when you cheated on bianca with zach . zach : kendall . kendall : what ? come on . she 's completely playing us . you believe her . zach : she has no reason to lie . kendall : she has no reason to defend me . oh , well , except one . zach : you really think that 's what this is about ? you -- kendall : stop , please . just stop defending her , please . reese : all right , will you just look ? i really do n't care what the hell either of you two think of me anymore . i just do n't . but just know what i heard the two of you talking about , i 'm not going to use it against you . adam : she may not . but i most certainly will .
david sits alone in a chair at the hospital . krystal walks up and asks him for a penny for his thoughts . david does n't answer her . krystal tells him that he was incredible . krystal mentions celebrating , but david is still deep in thought . krystal asks him what is on his mind . david tells her that he was thinking about amanda . j.r. and amanda arrive home and stand for just a moment before they go inside . they admire the stars shining so brightly because they reminded j.r. and amanda of babe and that she is gone . zach visits the chandler mansion to see reese . adam refuses to let zach see reese . adam slams the door in zach 's face . reese comes out and asks if that was zach . adam confirms that it was . at the casino , ryan throws things against the wall . kendall tries to stop him , but ryan insists that he will own everything that is zach 's . kendall is surprised by ryan 's remark . kendall calls zach for help , but ryan stops her from calling . angie finds krystal alone in the waiting room and remarks that krystal looks `` lost . `` kendall feels faint and ryan helps her sit down in a chair . zach walks in and wonders what ryan had done to her . zach orders ryan out of the casino . in the foyer , j.r. confronts adam and reese as to what reese is doing here . adam lets j.r. know that reese is moving in . alone in the living room , amanda is confronted by david . krystal tells angie that amanda is having david 's baby . zach lets kendall know that reese knows that kendall was driving the car the night that greenlee was killed . angie confronts jake as to why frankie was falsifying information on patients medical charts . zach calls reese to come to the casino that he needs to talk to her .
[ previously_on ] isabella : how could you dismiss your own babies ? there 's no excuse for breaking a child 's heart . that 's exactly what you 're doing . mia : jake , is that you ? erica : i can handle michael cambias , even in a bustier and pumps . kendall : i told you last night what a monster my mother is . now you turn around , you come in here , you turn on the charm , and you try to dazzle her ? [ scene_break ] erica : oh , hi . oh , i 'm so glad you 're here . wait till i tell you -- oh , did we have a lunch date ? chris : did you have lunch ? erica : well , i -- i started to , but then kendall came in . oh , boy , did she put on a floor show . chris : made a scene , did she ? erica : same old , same old . why do n't we order from the deli . we could still have lunch . ok , just jump in here anytime . just give me a sign . let me know that you 're listening . chris : ok . but i do n't think you 're going to like what i have to say . [ scene_break ] greenlee : joni . thank goodness . joni : your message said there was an emergency . greenlee : yes . i need help with my computer , and someone i know said that the best place to get a computer expert was my local high school . joni : really ? greenlee : yeah . so i called p.v.h . , and they recommended you . joni : well , i guess i 'm pretty good . greenlee : oh , do n't be modest . can you help me ? joni : ok , what 's the problem ? did you crash ? what systems are you running ? greenlee : no . no , no , no , it 's not that . here 's the thing . i 've been getting these e - mails , but i do n't know who 's sending them . joni : that 's the emergency ? greenlee : yeah . now , can you hack your way in ? joni : what ? that would be totally wrong . [ scene_break ] mia : what 's going on ? where 's jake ? simone : um -- mia 's voice : `` dear mia , please understand that i loved you . but something inside of me would n't allow me to be happy . i could n't handle it , so i destroyed what we had . i was unfaithful to you . no one is to blame but me . i 've left . i want you to start over and find the happiness you deserve . jake . `` mia : why ? why ? what did i do ? simone : oh , you did n't do anything . he did . mia : he had an affair ? you know . you know who it is , do n't you ? simone : oh , mia -- mia : who is it , simone ? simone : you do n't -- mia : who is it , simone ? simone : i ca n't say -- alison : i 'm looking for jake ? [ scene_break ] erica : all right . what have i done now ? chris : small world , is n't it ? i mean , how it turns out that michael cambias is the new man in kendall 's life . erica : chris , what are you trying to say ? chris : he was your lunch date , was n't he ? erica : chris , are you implying that my interest in michael cambias is -- chris : strictly professional , no doubt about it . you were probably discussing some sort of a hungarian distribution deal . erica : were you watching me ? chris : oh , i would never do anything like that . erica : well , then how do you know what i was discussing with my lunch date ? chris : i hired someone else to do it for me . [ scene_break ] aidan : take a sip . kendall : all right . aidan : now , tell me , what was going on with erica ? kendall : i -- i saw her sitting with this guy that -- the most incredible guy i 've ever met . and when i saw them looking so together , like they were together , i flipped out . i lost it . i acted like a jealous maniac . aidan : oh , dear . kendall : yeah , and the thing is , i knew it was just business . michael told me it was just business , but i flipped out anyway . i blew it . i blew it , aidan . i was wondering how i would , and now i know . aidan : jealousy . it 's the absolute worst . the absolute , bloody worst . [ scene_break ] maria : can i come in for a sec ? edmund : i thought we said our good - byes and thought everything was settled before . maria : yeah . edmund : what is it ? what 's wrong ? maria : my -- isabella came by and she accused me of abandoning my husband and children . and that 's basically what i 've done , is n't it ? [ scene_break ] alison : you told her about jake and me ? simone : oh , so i 'm the bad guy ? you 're the one plugging her fiancé in the storage room at a company party . alison : mia was too busy doing the business thing to even notice she was losing jake . he was hurting , so i stepped in . simone : well , he must have been hurting if he was sleeping with you . mia : where is he ? do you know ? alison : no . i have n't seen him since we -- is -- is this from jake ? did he leave anything for me ? simone : for you ? please . he does n't even remember you exist . he loves mia . now get out of here and quit embarrassing yourself . go . simone : honey , i am so ' [ scene_break ] edmund : isabella wants us to be what we were before all this happened . maria : well , she came over and she said that somewhere inside me , i must know what it was like to be a mother , but -- i know what those feelings should be , edmund , but i do n't remember them . edmund : i know you do n't feel them . it 's as simple and as brutal as that . maria : look , i do n't want anybody to get me wrong because i love those kids and i 'm so worried about what this might do to them , but i just do n't -- i do n't remember being their mother . what -- edmund : maureen , you 're not their mother . maria is . and you did n't leave them or me . you do n't even know us . maria : ok , then what -- what is wrong with me ? why am i hesitating ? why can i not accept it and just -- why ca n't i leave this house knowing that i do n't belong here anymore ? edmund : listen to me , listen to me . i was married to a woman named maria , and she was very funny . and she was a doctor , and she was married -- she was married to this great guy . and she loved her big , crazy family more than anything else , and i will always love her . but you 're not maria . you 're not the woman i love , and you 're not the woman that our children love . so we have to let you go . and now you have to let us go . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , my god , aidan , what you and maria went through . i mean , that guy julian almost killed you guys several times . i -- i -- and then disarming a bomb ? i ca n't imagine how frightening it must have been . aidan : yeah , but all of that pales in comparison to the thought of maureen regaining her memory and going back to edmund . kendall : yeah , but she has n't . aidan : yep , coming right up . kendall : what , are you back at work here ? aidan : no . there was no one behind the bar , so i just jumped in to help out . kendall : you never stop being a great guy , do you ? so you ca n't even imagine what it feels like to be torn up with jealousy . you 're too sure of yourself . aidan : well , i give a good imitation of it , anyway . kendall : oh , yeah , this is all an act ? are you afraid that maureen might go running back into edmund 's arms ? aidan : yeah . well , now you can see why disarming a bomb is a lot more pleasant . kendall : i think that maureen 's amnesia -- i think it 's a coincidence . i know she loves you for real . aidan : oh , you know ? kendall : yes , i do know , from watching her , from watching her when we were all at the house together . i mean , come on , her following you to the bahamas , going to the bahamas with you ? that -- i mean , she did n't have to do that . what does that have to do with not remembering edmund ? and then when i told her that you and i had one wild night of sex together , i could tell she hated it . aidan : then you see ? jealousy happens to the best of us . kendall : yeah , some more than others . i 'm such an idiot . i 'm such an idiot ! i should have known better . aidan : come on , kendall . you saw your new man with a beautiful woman . kendall : my mother . a woman who loathes me and wants to ruin my life . [ scene_break ] erica : you 've hired someone to follow me ? without even telling me ? chris : well , i 'm telling you now . i think you need a bodyguard , and i think it 's long overdue . erica : so you 're telling me that somebody is going to be watching my every move and then reporting back to you ? chris : erica , it 's for your protection . erica : oh , you have gone too far this time , chris . i mean , you have gone way too far . chris : no , no , no , no . see , i do n't think so . because if anything were to happen to you and there was some way i could have helped avoid it -- erica : oh , come on . why do n't you at least be honest ? you 're not worried about me . you 're not worried about kidnappings or mad bombers . this has to do with the other day , does n't it ? this has to do with michael cambias and his jet and donald steele 's photographs . chris : well , that 's what started me thinking , yes , but that 's only because of the way you run your life . erica : the way i run my life ? chris : yes . you run around thinking that you can handle anything thrown at you . erica : well , i have n't done too badly . chris : that 's true . but when you start dealing with men like michael cambias , although you may think that flirting and showing some skin gives you some kind of power -- erica : oh , shut up ! i mean , stop it ! chris : look , i am only trying to -- erica : no , i 'm warning you ! now , stop it ! stop ! chris : erica , i know you 're very strong . and i know you 've had to scratch and to claw for everything you have in life . and i 'm not just talking about the material things , sweetheart . i 'm talking about for who you are and your place in the world . i know . erica : and , yes , that 's true . those are the facts . but ca n't you please just try to understand what that means -- to start from rock bottom and to make the world see you as you see yourself , to survive in a man 's world ? that takes strategy . but you just think what i do is flirt and show some skin . chris : no , no , i 'm only -- erica : and you would be a fool to think that i just -- look , i use sex to get what i want , the promise of sex , because that 's what men understand . chris : no , no , no -- erica : and do not think that i just count on luck to keep me safe because that 's simply not true . i know what i 'm doing . i know when to stop . and i know exactly who i 'm dealing with every time . i make sure of who i 'm dealing with every time , and i am always , always in control . chris : erica , look , i know . i can see you have great instincts and intelligence . the only difference now is that you 're not alone . erica : oh , i 'm not so sure . i mean , after what you said , i 'm not so sure . chris : what did i just say ? what did i just say in your mind , huh ? all i said was i want to protect you and i 'm worried about you . erica : well , i do n't need you to be protective of me . i do n't need that . i got along fine without you , and i 'll be fine long after you . chris : what 's that supposed to mean , erica ? erica : maybe -- maybe we should rethink the marriage . [ scene_break ] joni : look , i 'm sorry i ca n't help you , greenlee , but if there 's anything else i can do for you , anything legal -- greenlee : joni , please . you 're my only hope . it is technically illegal . but who 's to know ? joni : well , i really -- i wish i could , but i 've learned that it 's important to know when to say no and to stick to it . greenlee : but this e - mailer is invading my computer . joni : well , i get spammed all the time . just delete his messages . greenlee : you 're kidding , right ? come on , joni . are you going to help me or not ? liza : what 's up , greenlee ? greenlee : well , i was trying to get joni to help me find this guy who 's been e - mailing me , but she wo n't do it . liza : well , i 'm sure joni has her reasons , and i 'm sure they 're good ones . greenlee : how would you know that ? you do n't even know her . liza : oh , but i do . joni : what makes you think you know me ? liza : know you ? honey , i used to be you . [ scene_break ] chris : now , why do n't we just calm down and take a step back . you know you do n't really want to rethink this marriage . erica : no ? well , then i guess i 'm not just weak , i have trouble speaking . chris : no , you have trouble arguing because you always have to win . so why do n't we just not go the full 15 rounds , and this way , we do n't realize we 've done everything wrong ? erica : i have n't done anything wrong . chris : ok , ok . i can see you 're not going to see my point . erica : look , chris , the only thing i 'm trying to do is i just want to make sure that we understand each other , and that seems to be less and less likely every day . chris : that 's because every time i open my mouth , you just -- i love you . erica : and i love you . chris : then why would you threaten me , especially with our marriage ? erica : look , i just -- do n't you think that more and more , we just seem to be living in parallel universes ? chris : no , i do n't . but obviously you do , and maybe that 's what we should be talking about . erica : what ? chris : why you keep trying to find something , anything wrong to blow up this engagement . erica : i am ? i am ? jack : hi . gosh , not a good time , huh ? chris : call me . erica : call you ? chris : yes , when you decide to tell me why you 've been doing everything in your power over the past few weeks to stop this marriage from happening , call me . erica : do n't do that . do n't even ask -- jack : oh , i know better than to do that . erica : because what chris just said has nothing to do with you . jack : ok . so tell me -- why have you spent the past few weeks doing everything you can to make this marriage to chris not happen ? [ scene_break ] aidan : there 's no point in thinking rationally , you know , because that 's just not how jealousy works . kendall : you 're right . you 're right . i know in my heart that michael is n't interested in erica . aidan : but you 're still feeling crummy ? kendall : yeah . but not -- not because i 'm jealous . there 's something bigger . aidan : always is , is n't it ? kendall : you see , last night after the party , i -- i thought people would see me in a new light , that i 'd be taken seriously . aidan : by who ? what , by your mother ? kendall : yeah , but instead , i embarrassed myself in front of her and michael . and she -- she just sat there all cold and beautiful and poised . and i just proved to her what a loser i really am . aidan : kendall , you -- you 're not a loser . kendall : i lost michael , and he 's not the first . aidan : you know , i 've always admired how you speak your mind so fearlessly . kendall : yeah , well , that has n't done me much good this time , has it ? aidan : come on . why do n't you just put that talent to work now ? give him a call . kendall : what , now ? no , i ca n't . i ca n't call him now . it 's too late . aidan : oh , come on . if he 's any kind of man -- just give him a call . go on . [ scene_break ] maria : edmund , i ca n't give up the children . edmund : well , i do n't want you to . maria : i -- edmund : listen to me . i -- i want you to be in their lives . that 's why i gave you visitation rights -- so you can be close to them as maureen . listen to me . do n't do this , ok ? do n't do this . you know that day -- that day may never come , like you told me many , many times . and feeling guilty is not going to do you any good , it 's not going to do the kids any good . maria : yeah . thank you for -- thanks for helping me through this . crazy . edmund : i owe it to the woman i loved . listen to me . we have to get on with our lives . and you got to stop being stuck between maria and maureen . just be maureen . that 's who you are , ok ? and the kids -- the kids will get to know you as -- as maureen . i mean , you 're warm and you 're funny and you 're caring . you 're just not their mother . and they 'll be ok with that . maria : do you really think they 'll be ok with that ? i do n't know . edmund : i do n't have a right to ask you to trust me after everything i 've done to you , but trust me on this one . it 'll be ok . maria : no , i do . i do trust you . [ phone rings ] edmund : well , maybe that 's the babysitter . i -- i hired a new one . the kids seem to like her . maria : oh , really ? edmund : yeah . she 's sweet and very responsible . maddie : you 're here . you 're really here . maria : hey . maddie : daddy told me who you were . maria : yeah . maddie : i know you 're not my mommy . maria : no , maddie , i 'm not your mommy . i really wish i were , and i 'm so sorry . maddie : me , too . i really wanted mommy back . i wanted daddy to go get you . maria : you did ? really ? maddie : so daddy had to tell me even though you used to be our mommy , you 're not our mommy anymore and that we could n't make you be her . maria : that 's what daddy said ? maddie : he also said that i might not get my real mommy back for a long time . or maybe never . is that true ? maria : yeah , that 's true . maddie : and from now on , you 're our friend and your name is maureen . maria : yeah . that 's true , but you do know how much i love you , right ? i mean , you know i love you so much and that i am going to come visit you all the time . maddie : you will ? promise ? maria : oh , yeah , of course i promise . i mean , just because i 'm not your mommy does n't mean that i , you know , do n't think you two are the greatest kids on the planet . and i would totally go crazy if i could n't come see you all the time and hang out with you . i love you so much , maddie . maddie : i love you , too , maureen . maria : ah . and someday -- someday , i 'm hoping that i will remember being your mommy . maddie : i hope so . maria : so do i . [ scene_break ] kendall : i ca n't call michael . there 's no way i can call michael . he 's not going to want to talk to me . aidan : well , if he 's like that , you deserve better , do n't you ? kendall : you know what , aidan ? you 've changed . you have . you 've changed . you were always the first one to point out my shortcomings . aidan : that 's it , you see ? i see things differently now . kendall : i have to say , i like you a lot better when you 're in love . aidan : yeah , well , i have to thank you for -- for being there for me and maureen . you put yourself out , and you were very brave . i mean , for all you knew , i could have been a -- could have been a killer . kendall : well , i never really believed that . i 'm rooting for you . i am . i 'm rooting for you , aidan . you and maureen belong together . aidan : yeah , i 'm certainly going to give it my best shot . kendall : well , since the two of you can overcome vendettas and amnesia and bombs , i guess one crazy outburst in a restaurant should n't be much of an obstacle . here i go . [ scene_break ] erica : chris had someone watching me all morning and then reporting back to him . i mean , apparently , he thinks i ca n't take care of myself . jack : oh , i pity the fool that would ever think that . erica : he says that he 's worried about when i have business meetings in men 's hotel rooms or on their jets . jack : well , you ca n't blame the guy , erica . i mean , yeah , he 's looking in all the wrong places , but , yeah , certainly he has a reason to be jealous . erica : no , he is n't and he does n't . jack : okey - doke . erica : look , jack , i need your advice , as -- as my old friend . jack : my advice ? erica : yes . chris is this strong and loving man , and i -- i just -- i can not lose him . how can i possibly just make him see that he 's gone too far this time ? jack : look , i do n't care if the guy is tarzan , j.f.k . , and st. francis of assisi all rolled into one . you want my advice ? you walk away from him and right over to me . how 's that for advice ? erica : oh , please . you 're having some sort of a midlife crisis , trying to re- create what we once had . jack : i do n't have to re - create what we once had , erica , because we still have it . i 've just chosen not to ignore it anymore , that 's all . i mean , how many times -- how many times , sweetheart , was i the gentleman and kept my distance because it looked like you might actually find real happiness with some guy ? but it never happens . erica : but it is happening . it 's happening right now with chris . jack : so why did chris accuse you of trying to sabotage your marriage to him then , huh ? erica : because -- because he 's just like you -- he 's selfish . you both -- you go on and on about how you have my best interests at heart , but you do n't . jack : oh , now , whoa , whoa . wait just a minute . you know that is not true about me , at least . erica : no , you just get out ! jack : you 're throwing me out ? erica : go away , will you , please ? i mean , i have to be out of my mind to put my faith and trust in you men . jack : ok , but i 'll be back . and when i come back , i 'm going to have something you 're going to be thanking me for . erica : well , i might consider an apology . jack : i can do better than that . what i 'm going to bring you will help you decide what to do about chris . opal : whoa ! look out , sister . i saw chris tear out of the parking lot , and now jackson thunders off . erica : please , opal , i am in no mood . opal : well , then i guess you 're in need of a good friend , honey . erica : then show her to me , opal . because i do n't see a friend . [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , michael , so please call me and let 's talk . bye . ooh . that was hard . it 's going to be even harder waiting for him to call me back . aidan : oh , come on . surely you 've got plenty of work to do . kendall : yeah , yeah , i do . thank god for fusion . what about you ? what are you going to do now that you 're back ? aidan : the manager here just offered me my old job back . but i 'm not sure if i 'm going to take it . kendall : oh , that 's good . that 's good , is n't it ? aidan : i do n't know . i do n't know what i 'm going to do . but i do n't want to stay in the pine cone forever . and more important than anything , i want to make sure that maureen never regrets no longer being maria . you know what i mean ? kendall : yeah . [ scene_break ] maddie : bye . maria : bye . man , that is one strong little girl . edmund : she gets a lot of that from her mother . maria : where 's sammie ? is he around ? edmund : no . he -- he 's representing his school in the `` kids speak out `` day in harrisburg . maria : he is ? edmund : yeah . maria : oh , that 's fabulous . what -- you must be so proud of him . how did that happen ? edmund : he wrote an essay . all by himself , i swear . maria : no kidding ? so he 's a writer . wonder where he learned that from . [ scene_break ] mia : you saw jake with that woman , and you did n't even say anything to me ? mia : oh , please -- simone : and my own mess , and -- mia : do n't change the subject ! i told you how upset i was about jake , about neglecting him . simone : i 'm sorry . mia : why did n't you say anything to me ? simone : you know , maybe it 's because i did n't want to . ok ? i -- mia : what ? what ? why not ? why ? simone : i wanted to have a friend who -- you know , an example . someone that was happy and in love , that was going to have a great marriage . and you and jake seemed so perfect together . mia : i know who caused this . simone : alison . mia : no . this is greenlee 's fault . simone : oh , god . mia ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : please , liza , you could n't be anything like this little know - it - all . joni : i 'm sure i 'm nothing like you , mrs. chandler . liza : you have the answers for everything . you hide behind what 's right and wrong . you use the truth to get what you want . are you following me ? joni : no . liza : i 'm sure you had very good reasons why you thought that jr needed to know that his brother kissed laurie . but besides making everyone miserable , what exactly did you get out of it ? joni : in case you have n't noticed , jr does n't need my help to be miserable . i mean , he 's got a lot going for him , and he just thinks the rules do n't apply to him , and why should he ? i mean , he knows that no matter what he does , someone will buy his happiness or his future for him . liza : jr is n't going to turn to you . joni : like you know . liza : i know people do n't like backstabbers , joni . joni : look , greenlee , i 'm sorry i could n't help you . i hope you find someone who -- who will . bye . greenlee : thank god i was nothing like joni . i could n't connect with that girl . the only person i ever did connect with was leo . i do n't know if i 'll ever connect with anyone again . that 's why -- i 'm sorry . liza : that 's why it 's so important that you find this e - mailer . greenlee : i know it 's a long shot , but he seems to know me . or at least he knows what i want to hear . liza : all right . let this play itself out . do n't play with fate or destiny or whatever it is . this mystery man -- he 's not ready to see you , and maybe you 're not ready , either . greenlee : you 're right . you 're right . you 're absolutely right . anyway , i 've been wasting too much time on this . we 've got a company to run . liza : i think it looks great . greenlee : it 's the page behind , actually . liza : ok . kendall : my cell phone battery died . liza : hi . kendall : you guys , hi . any phone calls for me ? greenlee : no , michael did n't call . kendall : i should check my machine . liza : well , this is great work . you did an impressive job . and do n't worry , you 'll find your e - mailer when the time is right . stop thinking about it . greenlee : i will . i have . it 's over . liza : ok . well , then i 'm going to make copies for everyone . greenlee : hi . this is greenlee du pres . yeah , hi , hi . that computer expert you sent over did n't work out . is there someone else you could recommend ? thank you . mia : there you are ! [ scene_break ] joni : oh , hi . are you mrs. grey ? edmund : she used to be . but right now she 's just a very close friend of the family . maureen , this is joni , the new babysitter . maria : hello . hi , joni . edmund : joni , anytime maureen wants to drop on by is fine , ok ? joni : sure . edmund : come on in . maria : thanks . ok . so , good - bye , then , for now . edmund : bye . maria : bye . [ scene_break ] greenlee : did you just -- did she just slap me ? mia : it is your fault -- your fault that jake slept with that woman . greenlee : jake had an affair ? and it 's my fault ? simone : do n't do this , m . mia : you forced me to be with andrew all night ! i begged you ! i begged you to let me stay with jake ! greenlee : this party was n't about fun and games . mia : oh , that is so not it ! you 're jealous of me because i had someone to go home to ! you all were jealous of me . well , i hope you 're happy now because now i do n't ! if it were n't for you , i would still be engaged and jake would still be here ! liza : what happened ? mia : he 's gone . jake had an affair , and he 's gone . liza : oh , baby , i 'm sorry . kendall : oh , my god , how awful . liza : i 'm so sorry . greenlee : she slapped me . mia : i 'm sorry , greenlee . i 'm sorry . simone : you slapped me , too . mia : i 'm sorry , simone . simone : it 's ok . honey , it 's ok . mia : it 's not your fault . it 's not your fault . greenlee : it 's ok . it 's ok . you 'll get through it . simone : yes . mia : will i ? greenlee : mm - hmm . mia : will i ? will i get through it ? will we all ever really be happy here ? liza : yeah , we do n't know how or when , but we will . we 'll be happy . [ scene_break ] opal : why would you say that ? i 'm your best friend in the whole world . erica : is that what you call friendship ? who 's that having such a great time at the fusion party ? opal : well , that 's me , looking like nicole kidman -- honey , what 's wrong with me looking good in the newspaper ? erica : you knew how important it was for me that that fusion party be a flop . what possessed you to go ? opal : oh , you mean , what possessed me to defy your royal command to stay home ? is that what our friendship means to you ? you decree and i obey ? erica : of course not . what a terrible thing to say . opal : no , really , usually i do n't even mind . being the center of the universe is so important to you that all of us are just happy to move right on over and leave you the spotlight . erica : all of whom ? opal : your friends , that 's whom . but , i mean , as far as this party goes , honey , you threw down the gauntlet . i mean , really , you told me i was unfit to fit in , that -- what ? `` urban blight , `` i think , was the word you used . well , i guess i proved you wrong , did n't i ? i went . i had a fabulous time . my son called me babelicious . my ex made a pass at me before he knew it was me . and i danced with guys with tight buns . i did it all . and if you do n't like it , well , all i can say is tough toenails , honey . erica : well , i 'm so glad you had such a great time betraying me in such a public way . opal : oh , come on off it , erica . betraying you ? erica : yes . opal : i am not benedict arnold . you are not the 13 colonies . come on . what has been going on with you lately ? now , are you going to tell me who it is you 're really mad at , or are you just going to kiss our friendship good - bye ? [ scene_break ] jack : well , i 'm glad i was able to track you down , and i want to thank you for coming out . first off , how 's anna and the baby ? aidan : yeah , i mean , they 're doing good , the last i heard . jack : good , good . aidan : why -- why am i here ? jack : well , i 'll tell you why , son . i heard what you did down in the bahamas . and i must say , i was very impressed with your special skills . aidan : well , i was n't really planning on using those skills . jack : well , nonetheless , i do have a job offer to make you . aidan : see , now , my -- my aunt 's the cop in the family . playing by the rules does n't really work for me . jack : well , that 's why you 're perfect for this . you 'll be answering to me and only me and under the radar of this office . aidan : right . and you 'll deny all knowledge of my existence if i get caught ? jack : i 'll be honest with you -- it could be dangerous , but also very satisfying . so , are you interested ? aidan : tell me more . jack : i want you to help me get this guy . aidan : how exactly ? jack : i want you to help me put him behind bars for the rest of his life . [ next_on ] tad : i just came to see how you 're doing . michael : there is something going on between your mother and me . jack : i know you 're licensed to carry a concealed weapon . i 'd like you to get started right away . opal : you are finally going to get exactly what you deserve .
kendall is at the bar talking to aidan . she tells him about michael and how she exploded when she found him with erica . she is worried that she blew things with michael . aidan tells her that he is worried about maureen getting her memory back and leaving him for edmund . he tells her to call michael . kendall leaves a message for michael hoping he will return her call . maureen tells edmund about isabella 's visit . she does n't remember being a mother , but she feels she abandon him and the children . edmund tells her that she is not maria . he tells her that the kids will get to know her as maureen and she can see them whenever she wants . edmund gets a phone call , and maddie sees maureen . she tells her that she knows maureen is n't her mommy . maureen tells maddie she loves her and her brother . erica and chris get into anther argument . he knows about her meeting with michael cambias . chris tells erica he had her watched . erica is furious and wonders if they should get married . chris apologizes . erica feels they are living in different worlds , and chris wants to know why she has been looking for excuses to end things . jack interrupts and chris leaves . erica tells jack what happened and asks for his advice . he tells her to leave chris for him . greenlee tries to get more help tracking down her mystery man . at the hospital , mia wants answers and simone gives her jake 's letter . in the letter jake apologizes and tells her he had an affair . he also tells her he has left town . mia figures out that allison is the one jake slept with . mia slaps allison , and then allison accuses simone of telling mia what happened . after allison leaves , mia gets mad at simone for keeping the truth from her , and she slaps simone . mia then decides that greenlee is to blame for making her spend all her time with andrew miller the night before . when she gets back to fusion , she goes off on greenlee and smacks her . the girls are able to calm mia down and she apologizes . aidan meets jack at his office . jack tells aidan he has a job for him .
[ while the horses whinny , someone wearing black gloves and coat plugs in an electric heater and sets it face down on a bale of hay . ] [ edmund wheels himself into the stables and spots the heater . ] edmund : oh , damn it . [ when edmund gets up to remove the fire hazard , someone knocks him out with a shovel blow to the right shoulder and back of the head . as he lays there unconscious , sparks emanate from the heater and ignite the hay . ] [ scene_break ] maria : you do n't have to worry about me and edmund . really . edmund 's voice : i get to throw slater in prison . and maria ? well , that lying cheat -- i do n't care where she lands as long as it 's not in my house . maria : brooke ? what 's wrong ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : it 's early , ryan . jonathan 's probably still asleep . ryan : yeah , i know , but that 's what phones are for . phones ring , people wake up , they answer them . greenlee : he could 've turned it off . some people like to lounge in a nice , warm bed and ignore the world . ryan : so much for the afterglow , huh ? are you ticked at me because i ruined our sequel to the honeymoon ? greenlee : wistful . it was fun while it lasted . i 've missed that , missed you . ryan : we 're going to have plenty of afterglow . we have a lifetime of that , ok ? just -- greenlee : i love you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : the myth , the legend , adam chandler , iii . roar of the crowd , the anticipation for his first solo steps . that 's a good boy ! yeah , whoo - hoo ! ah , that 's my boy . yeah . will you get lost ? [ scene_break ] [ horse whinnies ] ethan : oh , my god . zach : help me ! ethan : finish him ? zach : what 's wrong with you ? help me get him out of here . now . now ! here . ethan : all right . i think he 's alive , barely . zach : take your coat off , put it on him . all right . call 911 . ethan : you want this guy to live ? zach : ambulance -- yes ! fire department . just do it ! ethan : you 're leaving ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : crazy lady is going bye - bye . can you say , `` beat it `` ? can you say , `` beat it `` ? [ baby cries ] babe : i just came to bring him his favorite things , and then i 'll be gone . j.r. : think you 'd catch a free look at my son ? well , nothing in life is for free , babe . winifred ? could you have the nanny come to the library immediately , please ? guess you 're in the mood for a restraining order . babe : he 's gotten so tall . j.r. : yeah , and i 'm sure he 'll grow another inch by the time you see him next . yeah , it sucks to be an unfit parent , does n't it ? that concludes my act of charity for the day . babe : hi , baby . mommy is -- j.r. : is leaving . did your lawyer not read you the visitation rules ? nanny : mr. chandler ? j.r. : could you put my son to bed , please ? babe : james , mama loves you . it 's ok , sweet boy . it 's ok . hey ! j.r. : his name is adam chandler , iii . sole custody is mine , his name is mine , and every other decision -- babe : i know , i know , j.r. -- is yours . i know . j.r. : look at that . she can be taught , folks . babe : i 'm going to follow the custody agreement every single step of the way . i just -- i do n't want us to be those parents who make their children choose sides . this is our son from now until forever , so can we just try to get along for his sake ? j.r. : you want to be friends ? i may choke . babe : friends ? yeah , and i want world peace and blue eyes . i 'm not stupid . i know that we 're never going to be able to play nice , but at least we can try for polite . j.r. : how about we try for invisible , as in i never see your face ever again ? when you have your generous three hours one day a week , i 'll be nowhere near here . you will come , you will go . i 'll never see you , as if the world has opened up and swallowed you whole . babe : my son loves me , and he needs me . j.r. : he got over kelly . he 'll get over you . no , wait a second . save me the messenger service . babe : you ca n't sue me , j.r. you 've already taken everything that matters . j.r. : no , our divorce came through finally . three cheers for the legal system . hip - hip go away . babe : this is it . it 's over . so , tell me -- did you ever even love me , or was i just the new best way to stick it to your daddy ? [ scene_break ] adam : look at it this way , joe . your cardio unit will survive without him , and you have a soon - to - be empty office space available . palmer : yeah , you better hose it down with holy water first . joe : well , this day has been a long time coming . david : oh , hey , i know you two . the crotchety , old loudmouths on the balcony of `` the muppets , `` right ? hey , nice job hiding that hand up your -- adam : laugh it up , hayward . they say humor is the best medicine . and since you do n't practice here anymore , punch lines are the only thing left in your doctor 's bag . palmer : well , enjoy your last night as a doctor , doctor . david : it 's not like i have n't been booted from this hospital before , joe . joe : tomorrow they 're going to petition the ama to revoke your license . no hospital , no clinic . you 've pulled out of a tailspin before , but this time -- david : well , then i guess i 'm going to have to cut their victory dance short , huh ? draw up my resignation posthaste . [ scene_break ] aidan : who leads on a lovesick teenager with autism spectrum disorder , huh ? anita : a decent man who did n't want to see her get hurt . aidan : i just break her heart instead . anita : aidan , this is my fault , too . i mean , i 'm the one that told you that pretending to be her boyfriend was this big act of kindness . aidan : well , you could n't know . anita : well , neither could you . and you 've been nothing but good to her . you 've been a supportive , loyal , sweet friend , and she wanted more . and who can blame her ? [ phone rings ] aidan : hello ? jack : aidan . thank goodness . it 's jack . listen , have you -- have you seen lily ? her bed has not been slept in , and i have n't heard a word from her . aidan : i 'm sorry , jack . lily found out that i 'm not her real boyfriend anymore . jack : oh , boy . so you have seen her ? aidan : well , she saw me kissing anita , and she reacted how you 'd expect . but we got her through it . she should be home by now . jack : well , she 's not home . so where is she ? aidan : i do n't know . maybe she 's still on the grounds here at wildwind . i 'm on it , jack . we 'll find her . [ scene_break ] ryan : he 's not here . i should never have left him alone . greenlee : it 's only been a few hours . ryan : well , how long does it take a guy to walk out the door ? like , two seconds . i should 've just listened to my gut . greenlee : instead of me . that 's what you mean . ryan : i 'm trying to save my brother . greenlee : i 'm saving our marriage . ryan : greenlee , our marriage is fine . my brother is not . look , i do n't want to fight about this . i just want to find him . greenlee : i 'll call around . ryan : i 'll check the front desk and the bar . greenlee : concierge , valet . [ scene_break ] reggie : what the hell are you doing here ? you do n't live here anymore . jonathan : maggie does . i 'm -- maggie ? maggie ! where is she ? where 'd she go ? reggie : let 's just say your arms are way too short to hit her from here . jonathan : where is she , huh ? when is she coming back ? reggie : yo , if you like walking , you will get away from my girl right now . danielle : i 'm good . ask me again . jonathan : bianca ? is she with -- bianca 's in france . everyone knows that . has maggie left yet ? when is she coming back ? reggie : yeah , do it . touch me ! please , just give me an excuse ! [ scene_break ] brooke : i am just exhausted . this is sort of my pre - deadline look . maria : well , whatever it is , we 've been through plenty , so you can say whatever you have to say , even if it has to do with me and edmund . especially . please . brooke : i think the marriage is between the two of you . i do n't think anybody should be in the middle . not me , not anyone . maria : not zach . brooke : maria -- maria : it 's -- zach is not an issue . he 's not , not anymore . and yes , there were times that i thought that edmund and i would n't make it , but i know we will now . i know we will , especially with the help of some friends that are dying to spill just the right information . brooke : i just want edmund to be happy again . and you . and i would be thrilled if you -- if you decide to give each other that . anyway , you know , this look of mine -- two double espressos only go so far . maria : ok . brooke : so -- [ alarm ] electronic voice : fire , zone eight . fire , zone eight . maria : zone eight ? oh , my god , that 's the horses . the horses . brooke : what ? [ scene_break ] [ horse whinnies ] ethan : a man 's unconscious . we 're at the north end of the estate . where the bloody smoke is ! anita : oh , my god , edmund ! is he -- jonathan : he 's -- he 's alive . the ambulance is on its way . aidan : listen , where are the stable doors ? anita : around the side ! aidan : all right , i 'm going to go check out the horses . anita : come right back , aidan ! aidan : i will , i will . anita : edmund ? edmund , can you hear me ? help is on the way ! maria : who is that ? edmund . edmund ? oh , my god , what happened ? anita : what happened ? is he breathing ? ethan : i have no idea . maria : yes , he has a pulse . all right , baby . come on , stay with me , sweetheart . you 're going to be all right . stay with me . we 're going to get you through this . it 's ok . all right . oh , my god . edmund ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : go ahead , move your lips while you read . that means you 'll be gone that much faster . babe : well , i guess this is the answer , why you even bothered to marry me . j.r. : who knows why these things happen ? a deep emotional connection , two - for- one tequila shots ? as you can see , i actually filed the paperwork so you ca n't pull that `` oops , i 'm still married `` bs on the next moron . speaking of which , my condolences to jamie . you 're all his now . babe : so i guess it would probably be too much to hope that stuart could spend some time with my son ? at least then he 'd have two decent male role models . j.r. : wow , i 'm flattered . babe : i 'm talking about jamie . j.r. : did you hear jamie 's name mentioned in the custody ruling ? no . he will never be in the same room as my son . babe : you ca n't do that . j.r. : i can . i really can . you break that court order and your three hours of mamahood will turn into none . babe : jamie loves that little boy . j.r. : you were knocked up by the time we traded vows , so why do n't you hurry up , crank another one out for jamie , and leave my son alone . babe : are you really that sick ? j.r. , you won ! it 's over ! you could let jamie see him if you wanted . j.r. : i do n't want to . babe : he 's your brother . j.r. : he 's nothing to me ! you know , you keep saying it 's over . well , nowhere near . not yet . babe : you made sure that my son was close enough to touch , and then you have him taken away ? if that is not punishment , then -- you still want me to bleed . j.r. : you tried to take my child and get away with it . what world do you live in ? [ scene_break ] adam : no job and no medical license . that 's a good start . palmer : what do you say we have his car impounded ? adam : i 'll flip you for first shot at the compactor . [ palmer laughs ] adam : what is this doing in my house ? palmer : oh , she should leave while she still has enough bleached brain cells to know what to do . j.r. : you hear that , babe ? enemies unite all because of you . you know , babe , the party has just started . [ scene_break ] jonathan : what 's the matter ? scared , reggie ? here you go . huh ? what , not man enough to take the first shot ? you want me to do it for you ? reggie : go ahead . come on . give me your best shot . danielle : look , maggie 's gone . airplane , bye - bye . get a clue . jonathan : yeah , with bianca because paris is for lovers , right ? danielle : look , you got what you came for , now get out . or -- i have my dad on speed dial . maybe you want to count the seconds till you 're fresh meat ? jonathan : you got to love a feisty girl with a pretty face , huh ? why are you waiting for this chump to go through puberty ? i 'll show you how to get it done . reggie : you know what , you 're done ! danielle : oh , you know what ? or you can kiss mine and die fast , all right ? reggie : you know what ? get out of here before i throw you out of the window . and if you ever come near my girl again , you 're dead . jonathan : the two of you together -- you 're just so cute . reggie : i wanted to hit him so bad , so bad . danielle : what was i thinking ? [ scene_break ] maria : edmund ? edmund , stay with me . i ca n't see anything , i ca n't . it 's too dark . i ca n't see his pupils . where is anita with my bag ? where is -- can i have this , please ? i 've got to do something to stop the bleeding . brooke : here . maria : thank you . brooke : edmund ? edmund , please -- maria : no , no , no , do n't you worry . we 're going to get him through this . we 've gotten him through a lot worse . it 's going to be ok , baby . come on . edmund ? come on . where is -- anita : got it . maria : thank you . thank you , thank you , thank you . can you get the gauze , please ? i 'm trying to stop the bleeding . ethan : a head wound . yeah , yeah , there 's blood . i know it 's a fire , but -- maria : what happened ? aidan : the horses are out of the stables . they 're fine . maria : will somebody please tell me why my husband is laying here unconscious and bleeding ? what in the hell happened ? [ lily screams ] aidan : i think that 's lily ! come on . maria : ok . hold that . how 's it doing ? lily : red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red [ scene_break ] ryan : no sign of him . the valet . i 'm going to go check with the -- greenlee : no , no , stop , stop . you ca n't do this . if you have to bird - dog him every second of every day , then he should n't be on the loose . ryan : what are you saying , that you want him in jail ? greenlee : how about just treatment from professionals who handle these situations ? ryan : like in an institution ? you want him locked up ? greenlee : get him help . ryan : greenlee , i walked away from him once . it 's not going to happen again . greenlee : i know why you 're freaked . your brother is on the loose , which means that he could hurt someone . i 'm right , are n't i ? you 're afraid that he went after maggie . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i 'd have to use my passport . maggie made her jet plane getaway from the big , bad wolf . danielle : are you ok ? reggie : yeah , i 'm all right . it 's just all these boxes in this place , it 's like one good - bye after another . it was bianca , maggie , jamie . the second babe showed up and flashed her smile , the whole crew was gone . danielle : well , old friends go , new friends come . that 's life , right ? reggie : yeah . that 's very zen of you . danielle : well , just call me sensei . reggie : ok , sensei . this whole life thing ? it bites . danielle : or it can not bite , too . and that 's not me being zen . that 's me saying i 'm here to stay . reggie : and that 's news i can handle . [ phone rings ] [ reggie groans ] reggie : yo , j , what 's up ? no , man , i have n't seen her . all right , i 'll be there . lily did n't come home . j said she might be hiding at wildwind . danielle : is he going to meet us there ? reggie : no , he 's got to hang at home just in case she shows up . we 'll hook up with aidan . we 're going to find our girl . [ scene_break ] lily : red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red -- aidan : lily ! [ aidan coughs ] aidan : lily ! lily , where are you ? lily ! wait , i 'm coming up ! ethan : all right , i 'm going to check the stables . lily : red , red , red , red -- aidan : lily ! lily : red , red , red , red -- aidan : lily ! lily : red , red , red , red -- aidan : lily ! lily : red , red , red , red -- [ aidan coughs ] lily : red , red , red , red -- aidan : are you ok ? i 've got her , i 've got her ! i 'm coming for you , lily . lily : red , red , red -- aidan : hold on ! i 'm coming for you , lily ! quick , come on , give me your hand ! turn around ! lily , give me your hand ! lily : red , red , red , red -- aidan : lily , give me your hand ! i 've got the sunglasses ready ! lily , we 're partners . please , turn around and give me your hand , quick . please , come on ! lily : red , red , red , red -- [ zach coughs as he 's held down by a fallen beam ] aidan : lily ! lily ! [ ethan stares at a trapped zach ] zach : you going to let me die ? [ boards creak ] aidan : lily , come on . come on , lily , we 're partners . please , reach back and give me your hand ! lily : red , red , red -- aidan : lily , please , take my hand ! i ca n't come to you ! i 'm too heavy ! but you 're light . please , reach out and give me your hand . these floorboards wo n't take my weight . you 're going to have to come to me . look at me . take my hand , please . please . i do n't know how long this is going to hold . please , take my hand . zach : go ahead , walk away . no one would ever know . a true cambias would do it . aidan : lily , come on . lily , come on , you can do this . trust me . i 'm here for you . i 'm going to grab you , all right ? you 're not going to fall . i 've got you . come on , just grab me . grab my hand . take my hand . come on . let 's get you out of here . take my hand . come on . [ boards creaks ] aidan : lily , come on , that 's it ! come on . [ lily screams as her legs fall through the floorboards ] aidan : it 's ok , i got you . [ scene_break ] ryan : you went to maggie 's place ? jonathan : it was my place , too . not anymore . greenlee : maggie never mentioned leaving with bianca . jonathan : yeah , well , i guess it was one final surprise for my benefit , huh ? last chance to flip me off ? bianca 's idea , i 'm sure . ryan : jonathan , you were n't supposed to go anywhere near maggie . why would you do that ? jonathan : to tell her i 'm sorry . so she 'd know i hate what i did . the shrink , you here with me -- it 's working . and i realize what i did and how much i must have terrified maggie . no worries now , though , right ? all you girls got what you wanted . maggie skipped continents to get away from me . ryan : hey , maggie left you because of you , jonathan , nobody else . jonathan : i know , and i have to live with that . i did it all wrong . i did n't love her the way she deserved . but i loved her . forget it , you know ? she 's with bianca now . greenlee : you do n't know they 're a couple . jonathan : well , whatever they are , maggie will be happy . i have to be happy for her . ryan : that 's easier said . jonathan : all my fault . look , look at this . look what i 've dragged you guys into . the -- you play babysitter and you sit home alone ? this is insane , ryan ! hey , we ca n't live like this . i 'm not going to have you put your lives on hold anymore , not for me . that 's it , i 've got to go . it 's time for me to go . ryan : whoa , whoa , slow down . just because maggie left does n't mean that you 're all alone here . jonathan : ryan , you have a wonderful marriage , a wonderful life . ryan : yes , i know , and greenlee understands that i ca n't go anywhere , i ca n't let you go until we 've worked this through , until we 've figured this out , ok ? i 'm not going to go anywhere . so just come on . enough with this leaving stuff . we got plenty of time to talk this through . just give me a second . i 'm going to get changed . i 'll be right back . jonathan : ok . greenlee : that was so slick , you can see the grease marks . but you know what , hocket ? you do n't fool me for a second . [ scene_break ] [ sirens ] maria : come on , baby . stay with us . you 'll be ok . edmund ? edmund ? let 's get some more gauze , put some more pressure . anita : ok . maria : we got a head wound over here . his pulse is 120 . his pupils are really sluggish . he 's been unresponsive for over 30 minutes . lily : stop it ! aidan : lily , you 're safe . you 're safe now . it 's going to be all right . i need some help here . lily : do n't touch , do n't -- aidan : but be careful . she 's autistic . she does n't like to be touched . paramedic : i got to check her out . aidan : it 's all right . it 's all right . lily : no ! do n't touch me ! do n't touch ! aidan : 75 , 74 , 73 , 72 , 71 , 70 -- maria : edmund , come on . reggie : maria , edmund 's going to be all right . we 're here , lily . maria : call radiology and put them on standby , and call in and make sure the hyperbaric chamber is ready just -- paramedic : he 's not stable enough . maria : call it in ! it 's ok , baby , we 're going to get you through this . i 'm not going to let you down . edmund ? come on , sweetie . go ahead , let 's get him in there . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe has this idea that everything is over now . mama 's in prison , and it 's all better . palmer : krystal in an orange jump suit . let me ponder that . adam : did you disabuse the poor naïf ? j.r. : well , i told her , in america movies do n't end without complete retribution . adam : too many syllables . you are toast . babe : and here i was worried that my boy would n't have enough decent male role models . i came to bring my son his things . i 'm finished here . adam : you should run to see your pa . i think he could use a shoulder to cry on right about now . we just pulled the plug on his job and slapped a dnr on his medical career . j.r. : mama 's in prison , daddy 's on the skids . what joy you 've brought into their lives . adam : now , we would n't think of leaving you out . you 're not going to be able to get a job or a line of credit . palmer : you let me believe that dixie 's grandson was gone forever . well , forever is how long you should pay . j.r. : to sum it up , dear ex , life officially sucks for you . cheers . palmer : chin - chin . adam : ah , salud . babe : bring it on , boys . bring it on . j.r. : oh , we will . we will . [ scene_break ] [ sirens ] david : vitals ? maria : gcs is around 11 . [ lily screams ] maria : pupils are getting smaller . lily : no red ! maria : bp is 90 over palp . [ scene_break ] reggie : whoa , you ca n't touch her ! you ca n't -- lily : do n't touch ! reggie : if you touch her ... [ scene_break ] maria : we got a possible skull fracture , cerebral hemorrhage . he seized in the ambulance . let 's start another iv . david : he has a history of heart failure . somebody get this crash cart on standby . maria : going to need an icp monitor . david : come on , come on ! maria : and we need a cooling blanket . david : hold on , edmund . maria : come on , baby . come on , baby , stay with me . [ scene_break ] jack : lily ? lily ? [ lily garbles ] jack : lily , i 'm right here . lily , i 'm right -- is she badly hurt ? aidan : she wo n't let us close enough to find out . lily : do n't touch me ! jack : sweetheart , listen to me , it 's daddy . honey , honey -- joe , joe , joe -- do n't touch her right now . do n't touch her right -- please , it 's daddy . let us help you , ok ? please ? lily : do n't touch me ! jack : joe , do something . joe : we need to sedate before she hurts herself . jack : all right , do it . do it . joe : nurse , sedative . jack : sweetie , listen to me . [ scene_break ] paramedic : you sucked in a lot of smoke . keep it on . zach : i 'll be fine . take care of the others . thanks . [ scene_break ] lily : no , no ! jack : you 're all right , you 're all right . lily : no ! jack : look at me . lily : do n't touch me ! jack : it 'll be all right . i 'll be with you , ok ? we 're going to keep you safe . we will always keep you safe . [ scene_break ] greenlee : good . stay in character . would n't want to blow your cover . jonathan : you sat next to me at the police station . you said you wanted me to get help . i 'm getting help . greenlee : you 're throwing a pity party with a guest list of two . maggie 's safe . it 's ryan who needs protection now . jonathan : you think i 'd hurt my brother ? greenlee : lie to his face , crank out a few tears , make it look like it 's all his fault . jonathan : i offered to go . greenlee : you 're good , but you 'll slip . ryan will see you for the manipulative freak that you are . then you wo n't have to offer to leave , he will boot you across state lines and never look back . jonathan : smart mouth , dumb girl . ryan know this about you ? greenlee : ryan knows everything about me . does he know everything about you ? jonathan : now i understand why someone tried to make you go away . lucky for you , though , whoever poisoned you has n't had another chance . because if they did , bye - bye , greenlee . ryan : you leaving ? greenlee : long night . a girl 's got to get her beauty sleep . jonathan : i 'm really sorry if i worried both of you . ryan : hey , i 'm going to walk you to your car , ok ? greenlee : no , no . stay . jonathan needs help , now more than ever . see you . jonathan : she 's right , huh ? long night . i 'm thinking pancakes , sausage . hey , do you still dip your sausage in your -- ryan : i heard you . jonathan : what ? is that a yes ? ryan : i heard you , what you said to my wife -- whoever poisoned her getting another chance . jonathan : ryan , i -- hey , it was just lame and stupid . ryan : it was vicious ! jonathan : she pushes my buttons , ryan . she treats me like a woman - beating thug ! it gets to me , yeah . oh , but she -- she 's right . she 's right . i deserve it . hey , we can work on this with the doc . ryan : you know , i used to think it was your personality . but you hate greenlee . jonathan : that 's not it at all . ryan : i heard you , jonathan . your words , the tone . you hate my wife . jonathan : you 're wrong ! eggs scrambled ? over easy ? you used to like over easy , right ? well , do mine over easy . i 'm going to make this call . [ scene_break ] lily : 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . aidan : lily was upset when she saw me kissing anita . but i promised her that we 'd always be great friends . jack : what every young girl with her first crush wants to hear . aidan : yeah , i know . but she seemed to be ok with it . jack : did she ? so you just let her walk away and got back to business with anita , is that the way it went ? aidan : she told me that she was going to go home . lily : 126 . aidan : and i promised her that i would give her a lift , but she refused . and then when you called , i went looking for her . i heard her scream . the fire started , and i got her out . i just wish i had found her sooner . lily : 126 . reggie : yo , j , lily 's coming around . she stopped counting . jack : hey , sweetheart . you 're fine , and everything is going to be all right . sweetheart , how do you feel ? i mean , do you hurt anywhere ? do you need anything ? lily : 126 . reggie : 126 , what ? lily : 126 days till summer break . aidan : lily , you gave us some kind of scare . what happened ? how did you end up in the hayloft ? lily : 1,022 . jack : sweetheart , we all want to help you . but you have to help us . what 's with these numbers ? what do they mean ? are you doing a math problem in your head ? reggie : what if they 're clues ? i mean , with the whole detecting thing and all . aidan : jack , i think i know what the numbers mean . [ scene_break ] maria : let 's push the mannitol . david : positive battle signs . joe : the nurse will do that . check on mr. slater 's burns . anita : no . david : active bleeding . get neuro down here . joe : we 'll do everything we can for edmund . anita : i 'm sorry , dr. martin , i wo n't touch zach slater , ever . find someone else . david : hold on . hold on . zach : why did n't you just walk away , never look back ? you had your chance . why did n't you take it ? [ scene_break ] aidan : 126 are the number of tiles in the ceiling . right , lily ? lily : 126 . danielle : so what 's the other number ? stars in the sky ? aidan : i think 1,022 are the number of checks in jack 's shirt . reggie : way to go , lily . can you guess how many bedpans are in this place ? all right , i 'm sorry . i know it 's not the time . jack : it 's all right , it 's all right . i 'm just afraid there 's not going to be much to smile about until both edmund and lily are well and out of this place . [ scene_break ] brooke : not like this , edmund . not like this . david : he 's crashing ! stand by with 5 ccs epi and a cardiac needle ! get the paddles to 300 , now ! maria : you hear me ? stay with me ! [ monitor beeps rapidly ] david : clear ! damn it . again , now -- 360 ! clear ! [ monitor flatlines ] david : damn it , edmund , how many times do i have to save you ? maria : no , no , no , edmund ! david : you owe me . maria : stay with me ! david : come on , come on ! maria : there you go . edmund , edmund ? come on , baby . come on , baby . no , no , we 're not giving up on him ! no , no ! come on ! come on . one , two , three , four -- five more ccs of epi , now ! [ next_on ] joe : we 've done everything we can . maria : no , we have not ! david : you heard the doctor . let 's not give up . zach : you proved you should n't be anywhere near the cambias cesspool . jamie : will you marry me ? krystal : just walk away and -- and leave me alone . tad : i ca n't .
jonathan goes looking for maggie and finds reggie and danielle going through the empty apartment . he makes it clear he 's still obsessed over maggie . and ryan overhears him indicating to greenlee that he `` supports `` whoever tried to kill her , and what that could mean .
joe : that 's wonderful . erica : joe ? tad : you 're putting josh on staff ? joe : he 's just accepted an internship . josh : i 'll stop by your office later and nail down the details . joe : yeah , that sounds good . i 'll have everything ready . josh : are n't new beginnings inspiring ? erica : joe , you -- you can not do this . joe : josh needs a job , i need an intern . erica : josh can not work in this hospital . please , joe , tell him that you made a mistake . tell him that another intern has been hired already . joe : i ca n't do that . erica : i want him out of pine valley . joe : no , erica . i will not turn my back on my grandson . [ scene_break ] j.r. : where 's my son ? you said you talked to babe -- you know where she took him ? jamie : i have n't talked to babe . j.r. : you said you had something concrete . jamie : aidan thinks he has a lead that will help us find babe and little adam . j.r. : oh . this -- this is your lead ? first you try to dump it on janet , now this nut job ? no , forget it . babe took my son , not some random nut job . [ scene_break ] janet : joltin ' janet knocks one out of the park , and we got two runners headed for home ! amanda : oh , my god . janet : that would be you and me , honey . amanda : mom , did you kill him ? janet : if i had wanted to do him in , i would 've used a crowbar . amanda : oh , my god . janet : no , this just put a dent in his arrogance . sweetie , i have been so worried about you . amanda : mom , i wanted to find you -- janet : because you miss me as much as i miss you -- oh , i know , darling . i know , sweetie . i got all your messages , and i know that you needed me to come whack this no - goodnik . i have , my job here is done . let 's go get ice cream . amanda : mom , no , we ca n't ! janet : are you worried about a triple - chocolate zit attack ? amanda : mom ! janet : it 's ok , just this once . amanda : listen ! what did you do with babe and her son ? [ scene_break ] babe : ow ! ooh ! oh , that hurt ! oh . i 'm sorry , baby . little adam : what happened ? babe : mommy 's hurt her finger a little bit . it 's ok , though . it 's a little boo - boo . little adam : it 's a little hurt ? babe : it 's a little hurt , but i 'll be ok . see ? all better . little adam : it 's all better ? babe : all better . i 'll be fine . little adam : it 's better ? babe : you 're such a sweet boy . you are my sunshine , my only sunshine . you make me happy when skies are gray -- little adam : what 's that ? babe : you 'll never know dear how much i love you -- little adam : no , no , no , mama . after that . babe : please do n't take my sunshine away . little adam : sing it ! babe : sing it again . little adam : sing that song . babe : sing that song ? [ scene_break ] dixie : what did you say ? zach : your name -- dixie . i hope that 's short for something . dixie : that 's funny . um -- you know , i look like a lot of people . who 's -- who 's she ? was she somebody you went to school with ? zach : do n't do that . i know exactly who you are . i recognized you the moment you walked up -- dixie cooney martin . welcome back to pine valley . dixie : i do n't know you . zach : i do n't know you , either . but i know your story , and i know some of your family . dixie : really ? which ones ? zach : di . i talk to her quite a bit . you know , she used to be dixie . dixie : yeah , i heard . zach : hmm . she wanted a new life -- i get that . but why she 'd want to grab on to yours with that family -- i do n't understand . maybe she was desperate . dixie : you 're not fond of my family ? zach : no , i 'm not . uncle palmer , tad ? that little idiot junior ? that kid 's a mess . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you still fronting for babe ? you trying to throw me off , make me scared ? first it 's janet -- no , no , now it 's jonathan lavery ? jamie : are you done ? or do you want to continue to make a jerk out of yourself ? erin : listen , jonathan did n't come here to be accused of -- jamie : erin , we know that jonathan did n't take babe and little adam . j.r. : you 're damn right . babe 's the one who set the whole thing up . aidan : you want me to shut him up for you , jamie ? jamie : just what did you find ? aidan : i 've been covering janet dillon 's neighborhood . erin : who 's janet ? jonathan : dillon , like -- like amanda dillon . jamie : exactly . janet is amanda 's mother . aidan : and she has a history of mental illness . j.r. : so do thousands of people . that does n't mean that she took him . my vicious ex - wife did that . jamie : you want to find your son or not ? aidan : janet 's house is deserted , and nobody in her neighborhood has seen her since before thanksgiving . jamie : that 's right , j.r. -- thanksgiving , when your family was sucking down poisoned soup , and then at christmas when little adam was missing . jonathan : i found him in -- in the church . jamie : right . and then when a truckload of our relatives were driven into quicksand -- aidan : jonathan , when did you first meet that woman ? was it before thanksgiving ? jonathan : no , it was way after thanksgiving . the last time i saw her was -- was with amanda in the jail . [ scene_break ] janet : i took out all my amanda scrapbooks -- that 's how much i needed my amanda fix -- and i put them all out , and i looked at all the pictures of my mandy - pandy . oh , and look -- look what i found to carry with me always . do you remember ? now , these were good times . this is when you and i first found each other as mother and daughter . amanda : babe and little adam -- mom , you took them somewhere . you did something to them . you have to tell me . janet : honey , babe -- oh , oh ! that hateful person , she 's just ruining your life , my sweetie . do n't even think about her . do n't . just put her out of your pretty mind , because babe is n't going to bother you ever again . [ scene_break ] babe : see , it 's all better . it 's ok . little adam : it 's all better ? babe : it 's all better , sweetie . janet ? hey , that -- that scream of pain that you heard in here ? um -- i got this wicked splinter . you have some peroxide ? sounds like the wicked troll is asleep . sweetie , will you do mommy a favor ? if i ever go off the deep end like that , will you put me away -- [ little adam mumbles ] babe : so i ca n't torture people ? [ scene_break ] janet : it is not very heavy , so -- amanda : i have got to find babe . janet : no . no ! why go looking for irritation and heartache , especially when there 's double - fudge ripple waiting for us ? amanda : mother , i 'm not 7 years old anymore , ok ? you ca n't distract me with sweets . just tell me about babe and her son . janet : once upon a time , there was a blonde little gnome , pretty to look at but rotting in her soul . amanda : mother , you have got to focus ! janet : i am ! i am looking at the greatest gift of my life . if i ever have to grow up , i want to grow up to be just like you . amanda : mom , do n't say that . janet : why not ? it 's true , treasure . now , come on , baby . sit down . tell me , did -- did babe 's greasy - looking father -- did he try to hurt you ? is he on her bandwagon like everyone else in this god - forsaken town ? honey , they all want to hurt you . they want to take away your happiness . babe : not `` they , `` mother ! not `` they `` -- you ! you are the only one doing that . you 're hurting me , mom . you 're ruining my life . [ scene_break ] erica : how could you hire josh to work here at this hospital ? joe : josh is your son , my grandson . erica : you say that as -- as if we 've known that forever . joe : well , it 's going to take a little getting used to . erica : joe , josh can never know what we know . no , i mean , i -- i have given this a lot of thought . and josh should just go away from here . he should go far away . i mean , that 's really what 's best for everyone , especially for josh . joe : keeping him in the dark , hmm ? erica : no -- protecting him . tad : she 's got a point . what if you were josh ? how would you feel if you found out one day that everything that -- joe : that you were my mother ? erica : that i had terminated my pregnancy . i mean , what is josh going to think of -- of what greg madden did ? joe : i do n't care about that . my main concern right now is my grandson himself . now , i know he 's been bouncing around , you know , going from medicine to wall street to television -- erica : sabotage . joe : josh has lost his way , and i intend to help him find it again . [ scene_break ] josh : pop ? congratulate me . i 'm about to become your colleague . i accepted joe martin 's offer . you 're looking at pine valley hospital 's newest and brightest intern . yeah , this place does n't know what it 's getting . [ scene_break ] j.r. : so janet was taken back to the mother ship before thanksgiving . so what ? jamie : jonathan was stalked by a woman wearing different disguises . that woman set him up . j.r. : you want to believe lavery , you go right ahead , but it does n't mean the woman that he 's claiming to see was her . let 's not forget -- jonathan used to believe that his dead brother was calling the shots . jonathan : i was sick ! j.r. : yeah , you were sick , and you still are sick ! aidan : why do n't you just do us a favor and shut up , j.r. ! janet 's voice : but life can be so sucky - wucky ! [ tape stops ] j.r. : what the hell – aidan : i gained access to janet 's house . erin : whoa . you mean you broke in ? aidan : and i found these tapes . jamie : that was janet . aidan : janet seems to have taped every single phone conversation that she had with amanda . jonathan , come over here . i want you to listen to these tapes and see whether you recognize janet 's voice . jonathan : sure , ok . amanda 's voice : mom , you know i love you . janet 's voice : i 'm as bad as trevor says i am . amanda 's voice : mom , no ! janet 's voice : your father thinks i smother you , that i wo n't cut the apron strings , that i ca n't . amanda 's voice : it 's ok , mom . please do n't get upset . janet 's voice : i lost so much time with you . j.r. : what is the point of this ? erin : shh ! janet 's voice : i have all that time to make up . amanda , please come home . amanda 's voice : i have to make my own way . janet 's voice : why ? and why pine valley of all the hateful towns in the world ? amanda 's voice : it 's where i used to live . i have friends here . have you been taking your meds ? janet 's voice : they do n't keep me from being lonely for my little girl . if you ca n't visit me , i 'll come to you . amanda 's voice : no ! pine valley has some pretty bad memories for you , mom . janet 's voice : i can stand anything for you . jonathan : that 's her ! that 's the chameleon lady ! [ scene_break ] janet : how can you say that when everything i do , i do for you to make you happy ? amanda : explosions do n't do it for me , mom . janet : i brought down the house ! amanda : and you think that 's funny ? janet : i just want you to smile . honey , it 's better when you smile . amanda : mom , people were injured , people died . do you get that ? janet : did n't want to kill anyone , i did n't . i ca n't -- ahem -- take this . i ca n't listen to these hateful accusations . i am not a criminal ! i am a devoted , loving mother . amanda : mom , listen , ok ? listen , it 's not your fault , ok ? it 's my fault . i should 've found dad , i should 've gotten him back here . janet : your father could not have stopped me from helping you . no one could . amanda : mom , listen . i love you , but i can not let you leave here by yourself . janet : you 're coming with me , then . excellent ! it 's going to be like the good old days ! the dillon gals together again oh , come on ! let 's go home and have a spa night . we can do facials and manicures . amanda : mom , stop ! no , listen , ok ? i can not give you the help that you need . i 've got to take you back to the hospital . [ scene_break ] erica : joe , there 's a lot of weight to what you say . but the truth about josh is that he 's a self - starter . he 's a go - getter . tad : he 's a shark . erica : he does n't need your help . and he does n't really want this job . he 's -- he 's using you to spite his father and me . joe : could be . but , erica , what if miranda grew up not knowing who you were , and then she appeared suddenly in your life as an adult ? would you turn your back on her ? no matter what miranda did , could you cut her out of your life ? erica : you know i could n't . joe : well , there 's your answer . tad : josh is n't miranda . i 'm telling you , you ca n't trust him . erica : joe , ca n't you just tell josh that you were mistaken ? joe : years ago , erica , you made a choice without consulting any of us , and jeff had to accept it . so did ruth and but now , through some miracle , we discover that we have a grandson that we never knew anything about . erica : but something about that miracle is terribly wrong . joe : i 'm grateful . erica : are you saying that you approve of what greg madden did ? joe : erica , i never approved of what you did . [ scene_break ] josh : let me know if you want to consult on a case . greg : you 're so smug and superior . you only accepted joe 's offer so you could stick it to me . josh : oh , and you 're so perceptive . you should 've become a shrink , dad . and do n't forget , i 'm sticking it to erica , too . she wanted me out of town , as well . greg : how could this have happened ? josh : poor dad . am i more pain in the rear than miracle son ? you brought me into the world to do great things . why do n't you enjoy the view ? greg : if only i -- josh : what ? if only i had never been born ? greg : do n't say that . i did n't say that . do n't even think that . i love you . i wanted you so badly i risked -- josh : you risked what , dad ? [ scene_break ] dixie : wait a minute . are you going to tell my family that you saw me , that i 'm here ? zach : no . i do n't interfere in people 's lives anymore . and i do n't give a damn about your family . dixie : listen . the things that you did to your son , the crimes that you committed , if -- if you could go back and undo them , would you ? zach : i did what i believed to be the right thing to do . dixie : so if you could go back , you would probably make the same choices ? the same mistakes ? zach : i probably would . dixie : god help me , so would i . [ scene_break ] janet : you 're all the help i need . you 're all the medicine ! please , my darling , please . trust me . believe in me . i would never do anything wrong . i am only protecting my baby and taking care of her the way i 've always protected her . amanda : mom , i love you , i do -- janet : and it 's your turn to protect me . honey , please -- please do n't send me back to that place . they do n't care about who i am , and they -- they just twist me inside and out . i do n't want to go back there . i do n't want to be that person again . please do n't -- please -- please do n't make me be her again . i do n't like her . she scares me . she -- she 's no fun , and she 's uninteresting , and she has no soul ! she has no spirit . she has no -- she 's just nothing . there 's nothing there for her , not in her life , and there 's nothing for her to love , not even herself . i ca n't -- please ! oh , god , please , amanda , do not send me back to the hospital ! honey , you swore ! oh , my god , you swore that you would never send me back to the hospital ! amanda : ok ! ok , i wo n't , all right ? janet : oh . amanda : i wo n't . janet : oh , thank you , sweetie . thank you , my baby . amanda : look , i 'm sorry , mom . i did n't mean to upset you , ok ? janet : you do love me ? amanda : yes , and no matter what , you know that . janet : yeah , oh , god , i feel so much better . i can breathe again . amanda : are you cold ? janet : no . no , i 'm warm as toast with cinnamon butter on it . how come ? amanda : uh -- i think miss fargate 's trying to save on her heating bill . janet : oh , sweetie , are you cold ? here , you want my coat ? amanda : no , no . you keep it , mom , but do you mind getting me a sweater from my room ? janet : which one ? amanda : i do n't care . janet : i 'm going to get you one that matches those beautiful gold flecks in your eyes . thank you , sweetie . [ david groans ] janet : uh - oh . david : ohh . janet : uh - uh - uh - uh . nothing like the good book -- david : aah ! janet : to get you through the night . [ just as david is about to regain consciousness , janet knocks him out again with another whack on the head . ] amanda : mom ! janet : oh . well , he -- he deserves a headache for messing with my princess . [ scene_break ] janet 's voice : honey , are you sure everything 's fabu ? you sound a weensy bit down in the dumpster . aidan : are you sure ? amanda 's voice : no , everything 's ok , great . everything 's great . janet 's voice : you ca n't fool mother . those pine valleyites can be hell . jonathan : that 's her ! no , that -- that is her , aidan ! that 's the -- that 's the chameleon lady . that was the trooper and the balloon person and the nurse and -- j.r. : lavery 's word for anything is meaningless . jamie : you ca n't let yourself believe it , can you ? babe has to be the kidnapper . j.r. : babe took him , and you 're obviously protecting her . jamie : i wish like hell babe was on a beach watching little adam build a sand castle , but it ai n't happening ! [ phone rings ] jamie : hello ? amanda : it 's me , jamie . i need you over here fast . jamie : wait . what 's going on ? amanda : get over here right now ! you have to hurry ! jamie : hello ? are you there ? hello ! [ amanda gasps when janet takes the phone away from her . ] janet : you should put this on my tombstone -- `` she was stabbed in the back by her serpent 's tooth . `` amanda : mom , i was checking my messages . janet : you were calling jamie martin . i heard you . amanda : i just need you to calm down and listen , ok , mom ? janet : i am sick of being calmed down . and i 'm sick of people who say they care about me turning against me . you 're -- you 're still crazy for that jamie martin . you 're wild about him . how could you choose him over your own mother ? amanda : mom , i did n't , i just want you to get the care -- janet : yes , you did . yes , you did . you 're wild about him . and this is the biggest mistake -- trust me , i know what i 'm talking about . i was wild about trevor . i would do anything . i transformed myself for him , just to get his attention away from nattie . you do n't need to do this . you do not need to degrade yourself this way . amanda : i wo n't -- janet : you are not the little chubby - cheeked , mousy - haired , four - eyed , clumsy -- you 're beautiful . you 're wonderful . you deserve everything . you deserve to have everything that you dream of . it 's babe -- babe , that little vicious bitch blonde . she does n't deserve to be a mother . you know that . she really does n't . she does not deserve to be a mother to that sweet , wonderful little boy , who deserves much better than she is . amanda : mom , babe loves little adam . she 's his mother . janet : and this counts with you ? oh . all of a sudden , mothers rule ? except when it 's your mother . is that it ? you just do n't love me anymore now . amanda : yes , i do ! mother , listen ! i love you so much , my heart hurts ! and i do n't want to lose you again . that is why i have to take you back to the hospital . because i do n't want what we have to end . [ scene_break ] [ babe closes her eyes and imagines what could be a happy ending . ] babe : sleep tight , sweetie . sweet dreams of your daddy . oh ! i knew it ! i just told little a that you -- j.r. : is he ok ? are you ok ? you 're both ok ? babe : we are now . oh ! oh -- j.r. : i 'm sorry . i freaked out . i 've been messing with us when we could have been happy . but we will be , i swear . i love you , babe . i never stopped loving you . god , i love you . babe : let 's just get out of here . j.r. : we 're going to get -- babe : little a , we 're going home . j.r. : we 're going to get married first . we 're going to find a justice of the peace . little adam can be our unofficial witness . and when we get back home , we 're going to be husband and wife . no more fights , no more being apart . babe : i love you , j.r . [ scene_break ] j.r. : who was that ? babe ? hmm ? jamie : call me back , fast . j.r. : that was babe , was n't it ? jamie : you think you know everything . yeah , j.r. yeah , it was babe . she 's in tahiti , and she reserved me a cabana . j.r. : hey , this is serious . jamie : then start listening to someone who has a clue ! [ door closes ] j.r. : where the hell is he going ? jonathan : going to tahiti . why -- why are you always so angry ? erin , does he have a brain tumor , too ? aidan : you 'd better join forces with your brother , j.r. , before it 's too late . j.r. : to hell with jamie . you know what ? to hell with all of you . you ca n't save babe . i 'm going to make her sorry she ever took my son , sorry for the rest of her short , miserable life . [ j.r. storms out , slamming the door behind him . ] [ scene_break ] dixie : look , i came back because i had to see my son . i had to know how he was doing . it was time , among other things . and i was going to just take a look and -- and run away , but i did n't . zach : when i found out that ethan was my son , i should have left . now he 's left me . dixie : why are you still here ? zach : a woman . dixie : ha , ha . and you love her ? zach : yeah , i do . but i 've done things to her , too . dixie : can you undo them ? zach : i do n't think so . what about you ? you still love tad ? dixie : hmm . tad and i were kids together . we wished on stars together . i still do sometimes . and i -- i know he does , too . i feel it . but if he finds out what i 've done , no more wishes . [ scene_break ] tad : pop , why do n't you take it easy . she 's already been through enough . joe : erica called the shots all those years ago , and now she 's trying to dictate what i do now . erica : no , joe , i really did have very , very good reasons . joe : for breaking jeff 's heart ? he loved you , erica , even when he realized you did n't love him . erica : it 's just not true . joe : with you , it was always career . before husband , before children -- it was all about your shot at success . erica : no , joe , really , it was n't like that . i just -- when i found out that i was pregnant , i had this -- this overwhelming constant anxiety attack . it was like this weight was pressing on my chest . it was a panic . and -- and i did n't know it at the time . i did n't know why , but it was not about career or success . i know that now . tad : kendall . erica : yes . joe , i had been pregnant before . only i did n't know that . i had blocked it . i had no idea . i disassociated because that pregnancy was the result of the rape . and , of course , i did n't know that when i was married to jeff . all i knew was that i had this overwhelming -- this -- this -- this blinding constant fear . that 's why i could n't have jeff 's baby . i could n't . that 's why i broke his heart . joe , i did what i did to survive . joe : i 'm sorry if i misjudged you . we did n't -- we just did n't have all the facts at the time . erica : thank you . then you understand why you ca n't hire josh to work here . joe : i wo n't rescind my offer . erica : have you also decided to tell him that he 's your grandson ? joe : i do n't think that 's my place , erica . perhaps you ? erica : no . no , i wo n't change my mind . josh should not know that i 'm his mother . joe : and you think jeff will feel the same way ? tad : i 've already spoken with him . jeff 's not ready to make any kind of decision . [ pager beeps ] joe : excuse me . i have to get back to my office . erica : tad , is there anything you can do ? tad : not when his mind 's made up . that 's just the kind of man he is . families always come first , last , and always . and as of now , like it or not , josh is family . [ scene_break ] josh : do n't care to share , dad ? what , are you ashamed ? afraid to tell me what you 've risked bringing me into the world ? you know what ? your old memories do n't matter . keep 'em . the future -- my future -- is all that counts . and it 's going to be great . greg : be careful . josh : you know what ? take your own advice . and stay out of my way . [ scene_break ] jonathan : that is her ! the shape of her face and her mouth -- that 's the lady ! erin : and there is no doubt ? jonathan : no . no , none -- none at all . i mean , she looks like a fun person , but she 's not , aidan . she 's -- she 's really dangerous . aidan : yep , she is very dangerous . and with your help , we might just be able to put her away . erin : great , so -- what 's the next step ? aidan : we go down to the police station , we play them these tapes , we show them this picture , and we tell them what you told us . erin : it 's ok , they 're going to believe you , all right ? jonathan : it 'll help little adam and babe ? aidan : and we 'll find them . erin : and the police will drop all the charges against you . jonathan : ok . ok , let 's go . aidan : i got to call chief derek frye and fill him in first . jonathan : ok . erin : ok . jonathan : ok . thank you , aidan . i have somewhere that i have to stop first , but i 'll meet you back at home , ok ? erin : ok . jonathan : ok . aidan : you know , that janet dillon is a psychopath . i mean , is there a crime out there that she has n't committed ? and now she 's gone and taken an innocent boy and his mother ? and jonathan is just trying to start his life all over again and right the wrongs that he has done , and that woman could have put him in prison for the rest of his freaking life ! erin : yeah . yeah , but thanks to you , that 's not going to happen , aidan . aidan : yeah . yeah , jonathan 's going to be ok now . [ aidan sighs ] erin : i think i love you . [ scene_break ] amanda : i do n't want to push you away , mom . i want you with me . janet : in a chemical haze , behind barbed wire and an electronic fence . amanda : i 'm going to come and visit you lots , and you 're going to get better . janet : i am fine , right now , just the way i am . you do n't give a damn about me . you only care about finding babe and her son , so that you can score bigtime points with jamie martin . amanda : that is not why i did this . janet : this is a mistake , amanda . you will rue this , bigtime . casting me aside for jamie and babe is a defining moment . here and now , you start your downward slide into misery without your mom . amanda : mom , i can not let you go ! janet : sweetheart , you ca n't stop me . amanda : i think i can . you will have to fight me to get past me . [ scene_break ] tad : i have no idea what jeff 's plans are , but if he decides he wants to meet josh , then we 're going to have to come up with -- josh : so -- joe 's gone ? tad : yeah , he had to answer a page . josh : you pressured him to take back his offer to me , did n't you ? erica : i explained my position . josh : but i impressed the hell out of him . he wants me onboard . i tend to do that to most people . they respond to my focus , my drive -- tad : your modesty . josh : my confidence . and you were a fool to let me go , erica . after everything i did for you ? i gave you life . tad : why do n't you back off . she does n't need the stress . what she needs is her rest . josh : yeah , that 's exactly what i 'd prescribe . i 'll see you soon . erica : he gave me life ? i do n't know -- i do n't know how i 'm going to be able to take this . i mean , josh and greg madden in pine valley working here , with your father ? something 's going to go wrong . i mean , it just has to . [ scene_break ] [ dixie sighs ] dixie : you know , when i was younger , i thought if i listened to my heart , i would make all the right decisions . do all the right things . zach : right things like wishing on stars and listening to your heart ? like that ? dixie : well , what should i have listened to ? someone older and wiser and more cynical ? zach : not that much older , honey . anyway , you 've come to the right cemetery . dixie : listen , i 've already heard from you . i should just leave well enough alone and fall back off the face of the earth ? something like that ? zach : worked well for me , did n't it ? dixie : mm - hmm . zach : ok . no more advice , i promise . dixie : thank you very much . i appreciate that . so you know who i am . fair is fair . zach : slater -- zach slater . dixie : and you work , i assume ? zach : work -- i own casinos . dixie : good to know . nice to meet you , zach . zach : nice to meet you , dixie . dixie : well , i should really let you have some time alone . zach : what are you going to do ? you going to stay ? or are you going to leave ? dixie : would n't you like to know ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : what did your men find on babe ? man : still has n't been any credit card activity . no bank action . she has n't booked any seats on any planes or trains . has n't rented a car . j.r. : well , step it up . find babe . and if my son 's not with her , if something 's happened to him , i 'll bury you and your entire operation . j.r. : if i do n't bury someone else first . [ scene_break ] [ leaning against the crib , babe dozes off as little adam plays with his toys . ] [ scene_break ] [ while pacing along the icy docks , j.r. has a revelation . ] j.r. : ok . i know how to find you , babe . [ scene_break ] janet : step away from the door . amanda : you 'll have to make me . janet : oh , honey , i do n't want to hurt you . amanda : too late . janet : oh , god ! i thought my heart was broken before . i do n't know if i can take the pain . amanda : mom , no , please ! janet : sweetheart -- amanda : mom ! janet : let me go ! amanda : no ! jamie : amanda ? amanda , are you in there ? amanda , let me in ! [ next_on ] babe ( to little adam ) : three 's charm , and we 're on our way home . janet ( to jamie ) : help ! oh . amanda ( to janet ) : no ! come back ! wait ! j.r. ( to krystal ) : put the pistol down .
erica and tad witness joe offering josh a job at the hospital . erica tells joe he can not do this . it 's not in josh 's interest to be in pine valley where he can find out that she 's his biological mother . he does n't even want to be a doctor . and she can not deal with it . tad agrees that it 's not a good idea . greg is not happy with his son becoming and intern in pine valley , knowing he might be found out and get into trouble for his secret that way . but joe tells erica that he 's not going to abandon his grandson any more than she 'd want to abandon miranda . aiden is able to record janet 's voice . he tells jr , jamie and jonathan he seriously suspects her for all the recent crimes . jonathan identifies her voice and knows she 's the same woman who 's been harassing him . and jamie is sold that janet has done all the crimes and set jonathan up for them . he goes to amanda 's to find out what is going on right when janet is ready to go out the door and escape . zach meets the real dixie and they both discuss their respective dilemmas with staging their death and whether to come back to their respective families .
babe : do you really want to help me get out of here ? nurse : while you 're still recovering ? they 'd not only fire me , they 'd take away my nursing license . babe : i feel so much better , though , and if i was in a wheelchair , i 'm sure i 'd feel fine . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] j.r. : this is j.r . erica : this is erica . j.r. : and the next sound you 'll hear will be me disconnecting this call . erica : do n't hang up -- this is something you 'd want to hear . j.r. : not if it 's about your son , josh . erica : this has to do with your wife . [ scene_break ] zach : start talking . miss johnson : you threaten me . i 'm calling security . ryan : believe me , my friend here is n't the treat . his father is . zach : the last woman that helped him ended up dead . do you want to be next ? do you want to be the next one ? ryan : we can protect you . we can keep you safe , out of prison if you just tell us what you know . zach : hey -- why are you doing this ? why are you protecting him ? do you think he has any loyalty to anyone but himself ? no . when he 's done with you , he 'll cut your throat . ryan : what we 're doing here is we 're offering you a way out of this , so do n't be a fool , miss johnson . you should tell him . zach : i 'm taking her in . miss johnson : no , it 's true . with help from me and one of the attending physicians , mr. cambias convinced the world he was dead . [ scene_break ] kendall : no -- ow , ow , ow ! alexander : ah -- and we were having such a lovely evening . kendall : you think if you wave that gun in my face , i 'll what ? i 'll back down , cry for mercy ? throw up my hands and quit ? alexander : the threat of a bullet through one 's brain usually encourages compliance . kendall : i 'm not shaking , alexander . no tears . i 'm not about to fall apart . alexander : my son would be so proud of his beautiful , brave wife . kendall : if you 're going to kill me , i 'm going down fighting . [ scene_break ] erica : stop talking for two seconds and listen to what i have to tell you . j.r. : yeah , i 've heard it too many times , erica -- babe 's toxic , she ruined your son 's life . well , choke on this -- babe 's dead . we do n't have to have this conversation anymore . erica : you trust me , j.r. -- there is a reason for this conversation , and this is not an attack on babe . this -- [ josh grabs the phone out of erica 's hand and hangs it up ] j.r. : hello ? erica ? hello ? jamie : she hang up ? j.r. : no , i think the call dropped . jamie : well , what 'd she want ? j.r. : i do n't know . she wanted to tell me something about babe . jamie : then call her back , find out . [ scene_break ] erica : i was trying to help a grieving family . josh : you 're trying to stick it to babe . erica : babe 's family deserves to know the truth . josh : you 're going to stand there and actually pretend that you care about the chandlers , that you care about j.r. -- no . you 're just ticked that kendall 's in danger and babe is safe -- that 's what this is about erica : well , of course , i 'm worried about kendall . josh : well , so am i , but if you go around telling people that babe is still alive , she could be attacked all over again , erica . erica : look , it seems to me that babe is completely safe , all tucked in at the casino under your watchful eye , under the watchful eye of a thousand security guards , while kendall is out there god knows where with a big target on her back . josh : so this is about kendall ? erica : well , of course , it is for me . but what you 're doing , josh -- hiding babe from her family -- josh , that is just wrong . and when she finds out , she just might end up hating you . josh : and -- and you expect me to believe that you have a problem with that ? erica : i have a big problem with that . i do n't want to see you hurt . josh : well , i 'm not trying to win a popularity contest , erica . i am trying to save babe 's life . erica : this is not the way . josh : erica , when -- when you thought babe was dead , and i was grieving , you begged me to stay in pine valley . you told me my brand - new family would help me through this , that -- that you would support me . you told me that i could depend on you . erica : and of course , you can . josh : well , this is not over . babe 's life is still up in the air . so , here i am , cashing in on the offer if it 's still there . will you help me save babe 's life ? [ scene_break ] nurse : i let you leave , mrs. chandler . dr. madden wo n't even authorize you getting out of bed . babe : it 's not like i 'm trying to bust out permanently . i just need to get out of this room , look out a window , get some fresh air or something . it 's really starting to get claustrophobic in here , please . nurse : cardiology is on the basement level . none of the rooms have windows . pa announcer : dr. conway to icu , dr. conway to icu . babe : dr. conway gets paged , like , 10 times a day . nurse : she 's a pretty prominent cardiologist -- replaced dr. hayward actually . she 's in high demand . i know it 's late , but i thought you might like a little snack . tada . babe : wow -- looks amazing . thank you . you know , this hospital food is so much nicer than any of the hospital food i remember . nurse : the hospital changed food service companies . some improvement , is n't it ? babe : i 'll say . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'm so sick and tired of erica telling me that my wife was a mess . look , if she wants to talk to me , she can talk to my voicemail . what i want to find out is what zach 's father did with kendall . jamie : well , these are the real estate transactions from around the time cambias supposedly died , and so far , nothing is right . hey , did you track down kendall 's cell phone ? tad : yeah . unfortunately , she was n't on the other end of it . cambias threw it out of a car window . you should 've seen who found it . j. r : well , i guess we 're no closer than where we were before . jamie : where -- where 's aidan ? tad : he 's checking out some little casita that zach rented with maria santos back in the day . what did you come up with ? jamie : you tell me . [ scene_break ] alexander : you 're simply wasting your energy fighting me , kendall . i never lose . kendall : you already have . alexander : huh , funny -- i feel victorious . kendall : you are so obsessed with power and control , you 're too blind to see that you 've already lost both . alexander : so i 'm only imagining holding you at gunpoint ? kendall : you may kill me , but you 'll never control me . i owe that much to zach , and more . he beat you when he was 18 . he escaped your control when he made a new life for himself . alexander : yes -- a life with you , which is about to end . kendall : you ca n't stand it . you can not stand the fact that you may not be god . that 's why you killed all of my friends -- to torture my husband . you 're trying to make zach pay for being his own man , but you will never , ever break him . and you will never break me . alexander : i offered alex , jr. , the world . i only wanted the best for my son . kendall : he is the best . zach is an amazing man , but you are too blind to see that . he is strong and -- and reassuring and selfless and caring , all of the things that you are not . and all of your attempts to mold your son into your own image , to control his every thought , every move , every breath -- you know what that got you ? nothing . he will never , ever be like you . [ scene_break ] zach : keep talking . ryan : now , i saw alex 's heart monitor go flat . i saw the doctor rush in there and try to revive him . miss johnson : it was all staged . zach : been established . how ? miss johnson : mr. cambias was devastated his son raped that poor girl , could n't bear the disgrace it brought to his family name . he just wanted to disappear , so he asked if the attending physician and i could help make that happen . ryan : and i 'm assuming his request had a few zeros on the end of it ? miss johnson : an envelope with cash is delivered to me annually . zach : when and by whom ? miss johnson : i 've never seen the delivery person . the cash is left in an old , abandoned warehouse . zach : number 2 sunset avenue -- i know . miss johnson : yes , how did you know ? zach : we were just there . when is the next delivery ? miss johnson : not for another six months . ryan : all right , what about alex ? has he ever contacted you personally ? miss johnson : no , never . zach : what about the doctor who helped you do this ? where is he ? miss johnson : dr. najimy passed away four months ago . ryan : does he have any family ? miss johnson : he was a widower , no children . zach : of course . miss johnson : can i go now ? i 've told you everything -- zach : no . it 's not enough . [ scene_break ] alexander : you obviously think the world of my son . it 's really quite moving . i 'll be sure to let alex , jr. , know how much his wife loved him . [ scene_break ] pa announcer : dr. conway to icu , dr. conway to icu . babe : the mango 's super sweet . nurse : glad you like it . the more you eat , the stronger you 'll get . babe : and the sooner i can get out of here ? you know , you were right about me needing my rest . suddenly , i 'm exhausted . nurse : it 's to be expected . babe : maybe i should get some sleep . nurse : good idea . sweet dreams . [ once alone , babe pushes away her tray table and starts to get out of bed . ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : all right , scroll down a little bit . jamie : do you see there ? the property was purchased the same week that zach 's dad supposedly died , and a building permit was authorized a month later . tad : `` boulder city `` ? jamie : yeah , it 's about 25 miles outside of vegas . j.r. : does it say who bought it ? jamie : yeah . the property purchase and the building permit are under the same name . and it 's the corporation novus order -- ortus ? j.r. : what is that , what is that ? is it -- is that latin ? tad : yeah , it is . it stands for `` new birth . `` [ scene_break ] alexander : i 'm sure alex will take great comfort in knowing how much you adored him , kendall . kendall : you said that you 'd leave zach alone . that -- that 's the only reason that i agreed to come here with you . alexander : and i find it very charming that you actually believed me , especially knowing how difficult it is for you to take anyone at their word . kendall : you met me once , at a press conference in pine valley . so -- so that makes you an expert ? alexander : huh . i know more about you than you think , kendall . you 're a feisty , headstrong woman . when you love , you throw your entire body and soul into it . you 're passionate , intense . you have a wickedly dry sense of humor , and above all else , you 're sexy . no wonder you 've had so many admirers -- my grandson , my two sons , and let 's not forget ryan . kendall : i 'm not having this conversation with you . alexander : oh , did i strike a nerve ? sorry . you know , perhaps you should 've listened to your mother . erica is right to want you to choose ryan . for a minute there , thought you would . kendall : how do you know all of this ? alexander : i was there -- that night , on the roof of your company building a few months back . maybe this will refresh your memory . `` you 're noble , ryan , honorable , true . i should devote myself to you . you 're the one who deserves this . `` ring any bells ? kendall : you had fusion under surveillance way back then ? alexander : not just fusion . i 've kept a watchful eye over all of pine valley , but i focused mainly on you . i wanted to know the ins and outs of the woman my son loves so deeply . [ scene_break ] zach : what are you not telling me ? miss johnson : i swear on -- zach : what ? miss johnson : my life , i 've told you everything i know . please , i have to get back to work . ryan : oh , no , your shift just ended -- permanently . here 's a card . i want you to call the number that 's on there and do yourself a favor and do n't go home . miss johnson : `` benjamin holt `` ? ryan : he 's an attorney . he 'll give you some cash , and he 'll give you a safe place to stay . miss johnson : i really go back to my house ? zach : i would n't risk it . ryan : holt will make sure that you 're safe and that alex 's men get to you . zach : do it . ryan : i promise you 'll be safe . zach : he 's covered every track . ryan : we 'll find her , zach . we 'll find her , and your father will be punished . alexander 's voice : i have no choice but to punish you , son . you 've made a grave mistake . i 'll summon you when i decide what the punishment will be . ryan : zach ? lost you there for a second . zach : i 'm going to call some of my business associates . ryan : all right , let 's go . zach : no . they do n't really like talking to strangers , so -- i 'll be back . [ scene_break ] alexander : you gave ryan such a hard time when he took in that houseguest . annie , is it ? i mean , i do n't blame you one bit for being furious at ryan . of course , you would n't want that woman raising your son , and i applaud your impulse in keeping ryan away from his daughter , as well . too bad he found out anyway . do n't look so ashamed -- i understand . i kept the truth about a child from someone once myself . so , you see , we have plenty in common . i 've grown to admire you very much , kendall -- so much so , i think i actually will let you live -- on one condition . [ scene_break ] josh : it took a while , but i 'm really trying to be a part of this family . i want to be closer to you and my sisters . erica : i am so grateful to hear that . it means the world to me . but then , josh , how can you protect babe at your sister 's expense ? josh : you 're going to make me say it , are n't you ? ok , um -- i love kendall . i do n't know how the hell it happened , because most of the time , she 's a major pain in the ass . but she 's had my back more times than i can count , and i guess that 's what siblings are all about , right ? so i -- i would never do anything to put her at risk . erica : well , that is just so wonderful to hear . now , i just want kendall to be able to hear those words from your mouth . josh : yeah , but she 's safer out of pine valley than she is in it , and her husband is protecting her . erica : well , zach is the reason that all these women are dying . josh : yeah , but jackson is on his way to help . erica : josh , if you really feel this way about kendall , then why are n't you out there with jack ? i mean , why are you focusing 100 % only on babe ? josh : because babe almost died , erica . she needs round - the - clock medical attention . erica : and you are the only one who can give it to her ? josh : well , jeff and joe have their patients at the hospital that need them , and we ca n't tell anyone else that babe is still alive . it 's too much of a risk . look , this was zach 's idea , not mine . he came up with a way to save babe and kendall , and i jumped at the chance . i know you do n't like babe . but i love her . and please do n't make me choose . bianca : josh ? oh , my god . are you ok ? i thought i would never see you again . what brought you back to pine valley ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : damn it , i really thought that we were on to something . tad : well , unless alex decided to open up his own private yoga spa , we 're back to square one , which means we keep looking . j.r. : we got to find this guy , tad . i ca n't wait to get my hands around this maniac 's throat . jamie : hey , i 'm not going to let you get payback for babe 's murder by committing one of your own . j.r. : not just babe 's , james . he killed mom . jamie : yeah , and i want him to pay just as much as everybody else , but not at your expense . j.r. : yeah , but , we have to do something . we have to do something for mom , for my wife . i even say that word anymore -- my `` wife `` -- not after the way i treated her near the end . tad : j.r. , you got to stop doing this to yourself . j.r. : if i could just have one more chance . if i could just get babe back . [ scene_break ] [ babe shakily gets out of her hospital bed , opens the door , and sees a tape recorder playing the same message she keeps hearing . ] pa announcer : dr. conway to icu , dr. conway to icu . [ scene_break ] zach : all right , father , i 'm here . you wanted me here ! i 'm here . i 'm waiting the same way i would wait when i was a little kid . [ scene_break ] alexander : it 's actually a wonderful proposition for you . you do n't lose . kendall : then say it . just tell me what i have to do to live . alexander : no , no , not just live . if you do as i ask , i 'll keep my word and stay away from alex , jr . kendall : what do i have to do ? alexander : divorce him . leave your zach and return to the man with whom you truly belong , the man who loves you more than anyone ever has . go back to ryan . [ scene_break ] zach : i told you not to come here . ryan : it 's all been building to this , has n't it ? the big showdown . that 's why he lured you back to vegas , that 's why you 're back here in the warehouse . you 're waiting for a face - to - face with your old man , are n't you ? zach : just go . ryan : i 'm not going anywhere , zach . i 'm staying here whether you want me to or you do n't . zach : my father 's going to call on me , and i 'm going to deal with him myself . ryan : i can help you , zach . alex likes me . he left me his fortune for -- zach : hey . he does n't like you . he sent you a note , you let him down . this has nothing to do with you . this is between me and my father , not you . and i will save kendall , i will take care of her . now , go . [ scene_break ] kendall : you want me back with ryan ? alexander : sounds nice , does n't it ? kendall : sounds ridiculous . i love zach . alexander : huh . must 've been a difficult decision choosing alex over ryan . it still causes you great pain , does n't it ? kendall : i chose zach , because i belong with zach . i want to be with him . alexander : that 's the party line , but it 's just the two of us now . you do n't have to hide your true feelings from me . i 've watched you with ryan many times . kendall : we -- we share a son . that 's why we 're together so much . alexander : you still love ryan -- do n't feel guilty about it . ryan is a remarkable young man . i 've been a fan since the day i met him , when he stopped and helped me on the side of the road , right here outside of town in vegas . in the few short days that i knew him , he 's done more for me than either of my children ever has . that 's why i left him my inheritance . he 's a very special young man , and if you took him back , kendall , he 'd be the happiest man on earth . kendall : ryan 's moved on . we both have . alexander : no , ryan still loves you , he wants you . i mean , things have n't always been easy for you two . that 's partially why you turned to my son , but you 've both grown up , and you have a beautiful child together . ryan deserves you , alex does n't , and you deserve ryan . kendall : no , no . zach and i are in love . alexander : my son does n't know how to love . kendall : you -- no , you 're wrong . you do n't know him at all . alexander : forget zach . be honest with yourself . if not now , when -- staring at the end of your life ? admit it -- you never stopped loving ryan . [ scene_break ] josh : well , once i got out of town and cleared my head about babe , i realized kendall was still in danger . it did n't feel right being away , so here i am . bianca : what ? did -- did you hear from uncle jack ? is there news about kendall ? erica : no . no . as -- as far as we know , kendall is safe with zach . bianca : well , then what was that look ? erica : well , josh knows how concerned i am about kendall . and -- and josh was trying to reassure me and -- and so , i do n't know . i guess that look was just to see if -- if i 'd come around . and i have . eric : hmm . josh : thank you . keep an eye on her ? i got to get going . you watch out for both of them , all right ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : i knew what it was like to live without babe , and i hated it . so why did n't i just trust her ? why did n't i just fight to save our marriage ? tad : it does n't do any good to beat yourself up now . j.r. : yeah , but i was always the guy to find out last . i 'm always the guy to -- to do something stupid and vicious to people and then , bam , they 're gone . and i realize what a fool i was . babe was always about saving our marriage . why could n't i just go with that ? jamie : do not put this all on yourself . you both made mistakes . j.r. : yeah , but i always about hers , never about mine . she turned to josh , because she said i shut down , and she was right . jamie : yeah , and josh completely took advantage of it . j.r. : yeah , but if i was the husband that she needed , he would 've never had the opportunity to . tad : you 're going to kill yourself with `` what ifs . `` i know . i 've spent a lot of time where you are right now . after your mother disappeared , i told myself over and over and over again `` if i only had a second chance . `` but , j.r. , the fact is i got my second chance , and i still managed to mess things up . j.r. : yeah , but i would n't mess up . tad : you do n't know that . love -it stirs up everything in a person , both good and bad . j.r. : but i would n't hurt her again . if -- if i had that chance again , i would put all of my faith in babe . i would fight for our marriage , i would fight for us , i 'd fight for our family . i -- if -- if i just -- if i could just hold my wife one more time . [ scene_break ] recording : dr. conway to icu , dr. conway to icu . [ while trying to walk away from the staged hospital set , babe gets dizzy and falls on the floor unconscious . ] [ scene_break ] bianca : i trust uncle jack and zach to keep kendall safe . erica : oh , bianca , please do n't do this . please do n't take their side . look , i know that you said that you do n't want to be anything like me . but can you see how difficult this is for me ? i mean , they just expect me to -- to sit on my hands while everybody else is out there trying to keep my daughter safe . bianca : mom , i know what i said before was hurtful . i was angry . i -- i do n't understand this thing between you and jeff , but you 're my mother . i love you . and i never want you to feel like you 're alone -- you 're not . that 's why i 'm here . you have me , you have myrtle , you have sean , lily , and now josh is back in town -- that is huge . i never thought we would see him here again . i -- i thought that he would spend the rest of his life alone , missing babe . [ scene_break ] josh : babe . are you ok ? what are you doing -- oh . what are you doing ? babe : josh . josh , where am i ? josh : come on . let me help you up . oh , god . babe : where is this ? i was -- josh : what , did you decide the view was better from the floor ? babe : where -- where did -- where did you bring me ? this -- this is n't a hospital . where are we ? josh : babe , do n't talk , all right ? you just need to get some rest . babe : why wo n't you tell me ? [ scene_break ] ryan : i 'm not leaving , zach , and i 'm not letting you do this alone . i 'm not . [ car speeds off ] ryan : he leave that ? [ zach winds a teddy bear and music plays ] zach : this is for you , mama . amelia : oh , it 's beautiful , honey -- the best birthday present your mom ever got . and i love how it plays our favorite song . both : let 's go to red rock red rock , red rock . let 's go to red rock and play all day amelia : oh . ryan : what 's it mean , zach ? what 's the song ? [ scene_break ] alexander : these tears can only mean one thing -- i 'm right . you still do love ryan . kendall : no . stop saying that . i love zach . i 'm married to zach . alexander : you ca n't throw away your future , because you feel some debts towards alex . kendall : i do n't . i do n't . i belong with zach . alexander : you do n't have to keep up the pretense with me . kendall : i love him . alexander : not the way you love ryan . maybe you have n't allowed yourself to imagine this . maybe you do n't want to admit ryan 's the man for you , because you 've told yourself for so long that it 's over . but why do you think you tried to keep ryan 's daughter away from him ? was it just to protect your son ? kendall : yes , yes . that 's all it was . alexander : come on , kendall . let 's be honest . you did n't want to share ryan , because you ca n't bear the thought of him having that sort of connection with any woman but you . you bear it because you want him for yourself , because you love him . kendall : would you stop ? stop it . alexander : it 's all right . you can say it out loud . you love ryan , you love ryan . i already know -- say it , kendall . your heart belongs to ryan . kendall : all right -- all right ! i love ryan . i never stopped loving him , ok ? is that what you want -- is that what you want to hear ? alexander : take that love and use it to save your life . leave my son and make ryan yours . kendall : i ca n't just leave zach for -- for you to destroy him . alexander : if you go back to ryan , i leave alex , jr. , alone . i 'll never hurt him again , i swear it . the decision is yours , kendall . save my son 's life and spare your own for the man you truly love . or -- kendall : ok . alexander : what was that ? kendall : i 'll do it . i 'll end things with zach . alexander : it really is for the best . kendall : where are you going ? alexander : to bring the car around so you can go . kendall : thank you . alexander : oh , but first -- i have something i want to show you . [ scene_break ] [ babe sighs as josh gives her an injection ] babe : why wo n't you tell me where -- where -- josh : babe , you 're safe . you 'll always be safe with me . [ scene_break ] bianca : mom , why do n't you go home to your room and try to get some sleep ? erica : i ca n't sleep . i wo n't be able to sleep until kendall is home , safe and sound , till i can see her , until i can hold her . [ scene_break ] aidan : the desert house did n't pan out . a family lives there now , no connection to cambias . jamie : wow , we 're batting . 1000 tonight . aidan : any word from zach or ryan ? tad : no . they 've got their cellphones turned off . j.r. : well , we should 've heard something by now . tad : i agree . i do n't like this . [ scene_break ] ryan : what 's the significance of the bear , zach ? why would he leave it ? zach : he wants me to meet him . ryan : where ? [ zach punches ryan unconscious and leaves the warehouse ] [ scene_break ] alexander : nothing quite like the fragrance of gardenias , is there ? kudos on your performance back there at the house . i did n't buy it for a minute , but you really gave it your all . kendall : you 're a sick bastard . alexander : you know , kendall , i told you i know more about you than you know . you 'd do or say anything to get away from me . unfortunately for you , there is no escape . alexander : tie this around your neck . [ alexander hands kendall a white satin ribbon ] [ next_on ] kendall ( to alexander ) : let me bring back amelia . let me try . [ kendall kisses alexander ] ryan ( to tad in jail ) : alex is sticking it to zach the way it 'll do the most damage . he 's making him watch kendall die .
erica quickly goes into an office , takes out her address book , and dials a number . she calls j.r. and informs him that this is a call he will want to hear because it is about his wife . zach and ryan still question the nurse about alex , sr . and they assure her that they can protect her . alex , sr . grabs kendall 's arm and draws a gun on her . kendall stands up to alexander . erica orders j.r. to listen to her . josh comes up behind erica , and hangs up the phone . erica tells josh that hiding babe is wrong . josh asks erica for her help in saving babe 's life . babe wants to get out of the room , but the nurse refuses to let her . she gives babe a midnight snack of fresh fruit . tad comes in , and lets jaime and j.r. know that they had n't found kendall . kendall tells alexander that zach will never be like him . the nurse at the hospital begins to open up to zach and ryan about the night that alexander supposedly died . alexander lets kendall know that he had been spying on her . ryan offers the nurse safe haven for her help . zach remembers something from his childhood about his father . alexander lets kendall know that he will let her live on one condition . erica wonders how josh can protect babe at kendall 's expense . josh lets erica know that he loves babe . bianca comes rushing in , is surprised to see josh , and gives him a hug . babe manages to get up out of the bed , and out into a hall . babe sees the tape recorder , which is the means of paging a doctor . zach goes back to the warehouse where he had seen the woman , who looked like his mother . he remembers being shot in the neck with a dart . he yells for his father . alexander wants kendall to divorce zach , and to go back to ryan .
erica : bianca ? have you seen caleb ? bianca : he said something about a business meeting today . erica : he has n't returned any of my calls since yesterday . bianca : and what is the problem this time ? erica : i do n't know . he wo n't speak to me . but you know what ? it does n't matter anyway because after today , caleb cortlandt will be out of my life . [ scene_break ] griffin : i 'm so sorry about all the needles . it 's the only way to make sure that the meds are n't causing you to -- kendall : completely lose my mind ? griffin : i did n't say that . kendall : that 's how i feel . i read zach 's letter , it says one thing . i read it again , it says something else . so either the medication is doing a number on me or my head is . griffin : those are n't the only possibilities . kendall : i blocked out shooting david in the back . so how far a stretch is it that i 'm reading words that are n't there ? griffin : something caused you to believe that your husband was murdered . you ca n't write that off without a damn good reason . [ scene_break ] ricky : i 'm on my way to see kendall now . diana : you do realize that this is getting serious ? ricky : of course , i realize it . if i did n't change those pages in zach 's letter , kendall might be on the track to her husband 's killer as we speak . diana : yeah , well , you need her to talk about her and zach 's special place , or she 's gon na find the files he hid and bring us all down . why are n't you turning up the pressure ? ricky : because you do n't steamroll someone like kendall . you have to take it easy with her . diana : you , what , seduce her ? ricky : really ? diana , now 's not the time to start acting jealous . diana : i 'm just making sure we 're on track , ricky . ricky : i 'm on it , and i 'll get what we need from her . diana : or you 'll make sure that she joins her husband . [ scene_break ] colby : morning . asher : good afternoon to you , too . so you 're gon na spend the rest of your life in your room ? colby : maybe . that way i wo n't find out somebody else screwed me over . sorry . i know you 're the only person that has n't lied to me this whole time . asher : i know what would make you feel better . colby : a new family , and definitely a new mother . asher : i wish i could , but , hey , trust me . you 're gon na like it . just do n't move , ok ? [ scene_break ] scott : wow . according to this picture , you are really pregnant . look at that . madison : as opposed to sort of pregnant ? scott : you know what i mean . madison : yeah . i 'm marking all the big dates on the calendar . i just hope that nobody looks at me and figures out i 'm a lot further along that i said . scott : no , do n't say that . [ knock on door ] scott : i 'll go see . ryan : hey , hey . madison : ryan . ryan : yeah . we went by your place , but the landlord gave us this forwarding address . madison : anything new on emma ? greenlee : not since she called you . ryan : ok , we came here because -- was there anything else at all that emma said on the phone that could give us even the slightest idea about where annie might 've taken her ? anything ? madison : i told you everything i could remember . ryan : i know , but we still do n't have anything else to go on . so if could just kind of go over it one more time , it 'd be great . madison : yeah . ok . let me think . scott : hey , i 'm gon na go out , grab some coffee . could i get anyone anything ? ryan : no . i 'm fine . look , i guess i just -- i need a new lead , and i 'm sorry that i keep asking you , but is there anything at all , something that you could 've missed on the phone call ? something ? madison : i 'm sorry . ryan : that 's ok . you know , i -- i am really glad that emma trusted you enough to call you . you have no idea how much that means to me . [ scene_break ] erica : i honestly think that caleb sometimes believes he still lives on that mountain where there are no rules . bianca : mom -- erica : he cancels meetings . he ignores my calls . bianca : maybe if you just -- erica : all i 'm trying to do is dissolve our partnership in an amicable and civilized way . although , saying `` caleb `` and `` civilized `` in the same sentence is a stretch . bianca : i 'm sorry you and caleb are n't getting along , you ca n't work together anymore . i thought that you made a good team . but what do i know about good teams ? erica : oh , sweetheart . you and reese have nothing to do with caleb and me . my goodness , it 's not comparable in any way . you and reese , you 've had your problems before , and you 've gotten through them . bianca : not this time . reese and i are getting a divorce . [ scene_break ] [ music plays at krystal 's ] singer : i know you want it i know you need this now i 've seen it in your eyes krystal : hi . jack : hey . krystal : so these are the files i pulled for cara 's immigration hearing . jack : great . thanks . are you sure you 're up to this ? krystal : up to what ? jack : working on a case for the woman who 's about to marry your ex - husband . krystal : oh . that . jack : yeah , that . look , if you are n't comfortable doing this , i understand completely . krystal : listen . i admit that i was thrown for a loop when tad gave me the news , but we 've been over for a while . jack : ok . krystal : plus , i would n't want to miss seeing you back in action . you must be thrilled to have your license back . jack : i am . i just wish that -- krystal : caleb was n't the one to make it happen ? [ scene_break ] asher : i want a cheeseburger , but it has to be grilled in truffle oil and on an organic whole wheat bun . no onions , no lettuce , heirloom tomatoes , and that mayonnaise that is n't really mayonnaise . bartender : got it . asher : thanks . hey . caleb : i did i hear you say `` truffle oil `` ? i never figured you for a gourmet kind of guy . asher : yeah , the food 's not for me , it 's for colby . i 'm just trying to cheer her up . caleb : hmm . a little truffle oil ought to cheer her up , depending on what you do with it . asher : yeah , i do n't know , especially since i 'm one of the people who caused it -- even if she does n't know that yet . caleb : what are you talking about ? asher : it 's ok . not your problem . caleb : i 'm here to listen if you want to talk -- or not . asher : all right . fine . [ scene_break ] griffin : ok . so let 's start at the top . when you first read zach 's letter -- kendall : right . i remember the words `` threat `` and `` stole , `` only i could 've sworn it was in a scary context . ricky : there you are . i was a little concerned when your sitter said you 'd gone back to the hospital . kendall : it 's ok . just some tests . ricky : ok . but are you ok ? kendall : that 's a complicated question at the moment . ricky : oh , man . i should n't have left you alone . you were clearly upset over that box of zach 's things . griffin : you were there ? kendall : yeah . ricky took me home , remember ? ricky : and i 'm glad that i stuck around . it was obviously very emotional for her . kendall : you did n't get a good look at zach 's letter , did you ? ricky : no . why ? kendall : i could 've sworn it read different the first time than when i read it again . ricky : i do n't understand . kendall : ok , i know this sounds weird , and i do n't know how to explain it . i remember reading zach 's letter and feeling like he was trying to tell me something , like he was trying to warn me . and then when i read it again , i found the last page of it was n't there . ricky : sometimes grief manifests itself in ways that we ca n't comprehend . you felt that zach was talking to you . i understand the desire to maintain that connection . i do n't know . i 'm not the expert here . what do you think is happening here , doc ? griffin : it 's possible kendall thought she saw something because of an imbalance in her medication . we 're running tests right now to see if it may have affected her mental state . ricky : of course , it 's easier for us to see this because , hey , we 're not in your shoes . kendall : i get what you 're saying , i do , and you 're probably right , but it does n't change this feeling that i have . there was something in that letter that made me believe that my husband was murdered . ricky : maybe -- maybe i 'm the one to blame for this . griffin : why 's that ? ricky : because i was the one who encouraged kendall to push past the grief and move on . it was obviously too soon . i 'm sorry . kendall : would you stop ? i do n't blame you for this . ricky : no , what you should 've been doing was celebrating your life with zach , focusing on those good memories and not how he died . [ phone rings ] ricky : it 's ok , doc . do n't let us keep you . griffin : i have to see a patient . but i want you to promise me that you 'll wait here until the test results come back . and do n't panic . kendall : ok . griffin : i 'll be back as soon as i can . should n't you be out spreading the good word ? ricky : i already have . peace be with you . kendall : hmm . uh , i appreciate you checking in on me . ricky : it 's part of the job , ma'am . kendall : no , no , it 's a lot more than that , and i 'm so grateful , but you ca n't hold my hand forever . ricky : that 's not a hardship for me , kendall . in fact , i was gon na suggest that we get out of here and go somewhere where we can talk . kendall : i would love to , but i really have to wait for my test results . ricky : ok . i 'll wait with you . ohh . let 's talk about zach . [ scene_break ] erica : reese actually said those words ? `` i want a divorce `` ? bianca : yeah . and she had the papers drawn up and delivered to me . i was supposed to let marissa look them over first , but -- erica : sweetheart , i just wish you had spoken to me about this . bianca : i know , but you 're dealing with caleb and uncle jack . erica : jack and i are gon na figure things out . we always do . bianca : not always . erica : look , jack is upset because i 'm working with caleb . but that 's going to end just as soon as i track down the man and dissolve the partnership . once that 's done , jack and i are gon na be fine . bianca : did uncle jack actually tell you to leave cortlandt ? erica : honey , nobody tells me anything . you know that . they do n't tell me what to do . just time , that 's all . bianca : because of your relationship with caleb ? erica : honey , there is no relationship between caleb and me outside of business . he 's the last person in the world i 'd ever be involved with . bianca : so you keep saying . erica : he 's stubborn , and he 's brooding , and he 's practically completely out of touch with human emotions . bianca : do you still love uncle jack as much as you did ? erica : what kind of a question is that ? bianca : i just -- before you get married again , you need to make sure this is the best move for both of you . because if it is n't , then you 'll end up where i am right now . and that 's just no place to be . [ scene_break ] jack : i 'm starting to feel like we have a good chance of stopping them from deporting cara . krystal : you know what ? i hope she knows that she 's lucky to have you for her attorney . jack : i hope you know that i 'm damn lucky to have you . krystal : i 'll just get these back to the office . jack : one more thing . thank you for not asking . krystal : about what ? jack : about erica and me . krystal : oh . hi , opal . jack : hey , opal . krystal : good to see you . opal : boy . for a smart man , you sure do act mighty dumb sometimes . [ scene_break ] caleb : what happened with colby ? asher : she got burned by people who she trusted . caleb : including you ? asher : yeah . i found out about something . it was pretty ugly , and i decided not to tell her , and she ended up finding out anyways . it 's really crushed her . caleb : and now you 're blaming yourself ? asher : yeah . i should 've been honest from the beginning . i guess i just did n't want to hurt her or lose her . caleb : i 'm guessing this is more than just a friendship ? asher : look , i 'm not asking you for your advice . i really do n't even know why i 'm telling you this . caleb : maybe you needed to talk to somebody . asher : and just my luck , i ran into you , huh ? caleb : you just got to follow your gut . what 's it telling you right now ? asher : come clean ? caleb : damn the consequences ? asher : yeah , damn the consequences . caleb : there 's your answer . asher : thanks . caleb : i got it . asher : thanks . caleb : enjoy your truffle oil . asher : huh . will do . [ scene_break ] ryan : i 'm gon na need you to talk to the fbi , ok , just in case emma does call again , so you know what to say and everything . madison : yeah , of course . whatever i can do . [ phone rings ] greenlee : excuse me . hello ? griffin : greenlee ? it 's griffin castillo . i wanted to talk to you about kendall . greenlee : is she all right ? griffin : we 're testing the levels of her meds right now . greenlee : what does that mean ? griffin : it means that it would n't hurt to have a real good friend by her side right now . [ scene_break ] kendall : are you sure ? ricky : of course . [ scene_break ] ryan : ok . thank you . just call me if you find anything else out , ok ? madison : the fbi get anything ? ryan : just that emma called from one of those disposable cell phones . scott : oh . so they were n't able to pinpoint her location ? ryan : no , they 're not . scott : hopefully emma will call again soon . ryan : look , greenlee and i made up some fliers with a picture of emma , some phone numbers , things like that . if you could take them to work , maybe just pass them around a little bit , it would be great . even see if you could get them to some hospitals in the area maybe ? scott : i would love to . ryan : ok . thanks . i think i left them in the car , so -- scott : yeah , i 'll go get them . you two sit tight , talk about what you 're gon na say next time emma calls . ok ? ryan : thanks . greenlee : i guess congratulations are in order , you and madison moving in together . who knew i had the matchmaking touch ? scott : yeah , do n't get too excited , ok ? it 's for financial reasons only . we 're roomies , that 's it . greenlee : you sure about that ? i 've seen the way she looks at you . scott : oh , greenlee , you see what you want to see . i 'll tell you something . i do not know how you do it . greenlee : what ? scott : how you can just sit there and watch ryan suffer over a missing child , knowing that you 're lying about another . [ scene_break ] kendall : i appreciate your friendship , ricky . i really do , but i am all talked out about zach . it just confuses me more . ricky : you thought you read something in zach 's letter that was n't really there . kendall : that would n't disturb you ? ricky : it would , if there were n't other explanations for it . kendall : i know , i know -- the medication , my grief . i know . ricky : maybe you should focus on things that are more positive , like , for example , what did zach like to do when he was n't working ? what made him laugh ? did you guys have a place where you liked to go to be alone ? kendall : these questions -- ricky : i 'm just trying to get things started . kendall : why ? ricky : excuse me ? kendall : you made it pretty clear that you wanted me to move on . ricky : yeah , and i admitted that i was wrong about that . kendall : yes . so now you 're asking me to tell you all of the intimate details about my life with zach . why ? [ scene_break ] jack : have i offended you in some way ? opal : by acting like a jackass , for starters . jack : oh . that would n't be the first time . opal : yeah , i guess that goes for both of us -- and it would n't be me you 'd be offending anyway . it would be erica . you know perfectly well what would 've happened if it had been her walking through that door just now and found you holding hands with krystal . jack : we were not holding hands . opal : yes , pretty darn near . and you know she is very vulnerable right now , what with her ex marrying some woman he hardly knows , who is already the ex of somebody else . jack : opal , just stop before you get all wound up , please . opal : i am just looking after my best gal pal erica , ok ? jack : you 're a very good friend . opal : i know that things have been hard for you and erica , what with caleb around and all , but -- and they have been spending a lot of time together , too , i know that , but they 're just trying to hang on to palmer 's company . and if after that they got a little closer , it 's just because they both love the old buzzard so much . and you know everybody kisses everybody on new year 's eve . it 's no big -- jack : wait . go back . what was that last part again ? opal : everybody kiss -- [ scene_break ] erica : well , well , well . the bear finally emerges from his den . caleb : hello , dorothy . erica : oh , do n't `` hello , dorothy `` me . you have stood me up for our meetings , you have refused my phone calls , and i demand to know why . caleb : you demand to know why ? erica : yes . caleb : i 'm sorry . erica : that does n't even come close to an answer . caleb : i guess i just needed some time and some distance . erica : on that subject -- caleb : but you certainly did not deserve to be ignored like that , and i really am sorry , especially after everything you 've done for me . erica : how much have you been drinking ? caleb : you convinced me to stay here , to fight for what 's mine , and most important of all , you helped me to get my son back . [ scene_break ] colby : you remembered ? asher : not too many people i know eat truffle burgers . colby : thanks . asher : no big deal . colby : actually , yeah , it is kind of a big deal . i think you 're the only person that has n't let me down in my life , so , yeah , it 's a big deal . asher : that 's not exactly true . colby : who else ? i -- ok , do not say my mother . i do n't care how much she swears that she loves me when she slept with my boyfriend . i ca n't even say those words out loud . asher : you deserve so much better . colby : i mean , they could n't even be honest with me . they could n't tell me the truth . asher : would it have made a difference , if they would 've been upfront ? colby : yeah . i would 've respected them . i would 've respected them for telling me the truth . instead , i got secrets , which -- i think it makes everything worse . asher : ok . colby : ok ? ok what ? asher : at damon 's party , the night that he was leaving , i heard him and liza talking . colby : talking about what ? asher : i was n't trying to listen in , but i was there -- and i heard them talking about it . colby : oh , my -- oh , my god . asher : colby , i 'm sorry , but i knew . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ryan is frantically searching for his missing daughter , so what is your suggestion ? `` hey , ryan , here 's some good news . your ex is pregnant with your child . `` do you think he needs that bomb dropped on him right now ? [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , i 'm sorry that i did n't get a chance to say congratulations to you , you and scott moving in together and everything . madison : right . thank you . ryan : yeah . i guess it makes sense , with the baby on the way and everything . so i should probably go and see what 's keeping greenlee , ok ? madison : ohh . ryan : what ? what is it ? madison : i do n't know . i think maybe the baby just kicked for the first time . oh , my god , ryan . ryan : oh , my god . i should get scott . scott should be here for this . is n't it a little bit too early for the baby to kick ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : let me get this straight . it 's ok for madison to keep a secret , but it 's not ok for me ? scott : the motives are a little different , do n't you think ? greenlee : not now . not really . she does n't want to burden him with this any more than i do . scott : burden him . greenlee : what exactly do you want ? scott : nothing . all right . i do n't want madison to get hurt , that 's all . greenlee : you 're acting like you 're totally innocent . we both know you only dated her because i asked you to . scott : that 's ancient history , ok ? greenlee : uh - huh . all i 'm saying is let 's remember how we got here and why you 're not still rotting in prison . scott : yes , i remember . [ scene_break ] ryan : are you sure it was a kick ? how far along are you ? madison : i do n't know . i just thought -- ryan : emotional moment , right ? madison : yeah . you 're right , though . that must 've been a mistake , huh ? sorry . it 's just indigestion , i guess . scott : hey . ryan : hey . scott : everything ok in here ? ryan : yeah , it 's fine . madison thought that she felt your baby kick for the first time . scott : really ? wow . madison : yeah . i was gon na call you back in , but ryan reminded me that it 's too soon . ryan : yeah . i hope you 're really here when it does happen , because it 's a pretty cool moment . scott : yeah , i ca n't wait . um , i got the fliers . ryan : great . thank you very much . scott : and i know the fbi 's gon na want to monitor madison 's calls , but i can take another shift when she 's sleeping . ryan : really ? that would be amazing . we appreciate that . actually , we appreciate everything you guys are doing . greenlee : yeah , it means so much to both of us . ryan : yeah . we should probably go , ok , and do n't worry . the baby 's gon na be kicking soon enough . scott : wow . so the baby kicked ? madison : yeah . it was n't hard , but i could tell . i just was n't thinking when i said it out loud . scott : yeah . that could 've been it . madison : i know . i could n't help it . it felt so incredible . [ scene_break ] opal : i 'm sure she 's forgotten all about it by now . jack : i doubt that . opal : do n't doubt erica . jack : that 's a little difficult to do , opal , given what you 've just told me . opal : oh , jackson , come on . you know how much erica loves you . i have watched her pine for you when you are not there and seen how her face lights up . she looks at you with those sweet , sultry eyes the minute you walk through the door like you 're the only man in the world . jack : opal , there are a lot of men in erica 's world . opal : you know something ? she is calling off her business partnership with caleb , and she is doing that for you . that is how much you mean to her , jackson . [ scene_break ] erica : you and asher had a breakthrough ? caleb : i do n't know about that . i ran into him here . he was ordering something for his girlfriend . erica : i did n't know asher had a girlfriend . caleb : i do n't think he knows yet either . they 're working it out . erica : and you were there to help him ? caleb : well , i encouraged him to go with his instincts . erica : that 's an interesting choice of words . so did he follow your good advice ? caleb : we 'll see . maybe i 'll have a chance to make up for everything i missed out on before . [ scene_break ] colby : you did n't say anything . you let my mom keep on lying to me . asher : i thought i was protecting you . colby : i must look so pathetic in front of everybody . asher : you do n't look pathetic . colby : i hate it ! i hate the way that it makes me feel ! i hate the way that you 're looking at me , the way that you 're still looking at me ! i feel like an idiot ! asher : colby , you did n't do anything wrong . this is n't your fault . i just did n't want to see you in any more pain , because i know what that feels like . i know when someone is supposed to love you and just checks out . but i 'm not that guy . i 'm not like the others . i 'm not . [ scene_break ] ricky : are we ok here ? kendall : yeah . of course , we are . ricky : that 's good , because for a second there , it sounded like you did n't trust me . kendall : of course , i trust you . you have been such a good friend to me since zach died . you 've given me great advice , and you 've just been so strong for me . ricky : ok , can i tell you something ? kendall : yeah . of course . ricky : i 'm making this up as i go . you know , people think that everybody that does my job has the answer to everything . i hate to break it to you , kendall . i do n't have the answers to the universe . i just want to talk to you , and i want to do everything that i can to make this ok . kendall : maybe you 're right . maybe this will help me figure things out . ricky : hey , it 's worth a shot , right ? what do you say we get out of this place and go somewhere we can really talk ? griffin : i do n't think so . your test results came back . kendall : ok . griffin : the meds are n't the problem . we checked all the levels , the blood work , and , physically , they 're doing everything they 're supposed to be doing . kendall : great . ok . so i really am going crazy . ricky : the power of grief -- kendall : is making me see things that are n't there ? ricky : why not ? griffin : no , there 's not one simple answer here . maybe you should see a therapist , someone who could provide better insight into this than either of us could . no offense . ricky : none taken , doc . griffin : i could give you a list of references . kendall : ok . all right . i 'll think about it . ricky : great . perfect . let 's get out of here . griffin : i think what you 're about to do is a big mistake . [ scene_break ] asher : when liza begged me not to tell -- colby : wait . what ? you talked to my mother about this ? asher : yeah , and i never should 've listened , colby . colby : i do n't believe this . asher , you let my mother convince you to keep lying to me ! what did she offer you , the same benefits that she gave damon ? asher : you know that 's not true . colby : you know it 's not true , because you do n't lie to me , right ? ! asher : no , because you told me that lying made it worse , and because i did n't want to hurt you . colby : you watched me . you watched me suffer when damon left ! you watched me go to my mother for comfort ! asher : colby -- colby : do you understand how humiliating this all is ? asher : hey -- colby : no , i ca n't ! [ scene_break ] bianca : any news on emma ? greenlee : nothing yet . bianca : can i help ? ryan : actually , we 've been sending around these fliers , seeing if anybody 's seen annie or emma anywhere around . greenlee : yeah , we 've e - mailed them everywhere we can think of . ryan : maybe you can put some up at the miranda center ? bianca : absolutely . yeah . ryan : ok , because when annie was on the run before , she was hiding out in women 's shelters all over the place . bianca : we have relationships with all the shelters . i can get right on it . ryan : that would be great . thanks . [ phone rings ] ryan : that 's the fbi . i 'm gon na take this , ok ? greenlee : ok . bianca : this must be torture for you two . greenlee : yeah . it 's hard to believe a few days ago we thought nothing else bad could happen . bianca : that 's a beautiful ring . greenlee : oh . yeah . the wedding feels like a million years ago . it was a big day for you , too , you and reese . happy anniversary . bianca : uh , yeah . we did n't exactly celebrate . greenlee : oh . that 's ok . there 's more to come . you can celebrate next year . bianca : and next year i 'll be divorced . [ scene_break ] caleb : excuse me . hey . how 'd it go with colby ? asher : i went with my gut just like you said . now she 'll probably never talk to me again . caleb : damn the consequences . asher : i never should 've opened my mouth up in the first place . it was a big mistake . and , you know , for a minute , i actually wanted a dad to tell me what to do and when to do it . you know what ? i do n't , and i never have . caleb : asher ? so much for getting close to my son . so you said you needed to talk . erica : it can wait . [ scene_break ] colby : [ sits at her laptop ] my life kind of sucks right now , and i do n't really have anybody else to talk to , nobody to trust . i tried talking to myself , but i 'm not very good company right now . so here i go . at least you ca n't lie to me , break up with me , and cut my heart into tiny , tiny pieces . [ scene_break ] madison : i almost told him . scott : yeah ? madison : this baby kicking -- i do n't know . it was kind of like divine intervention , you know ? like , `` here 's your daddy , he 's right here , and he 's the best dad any kid could ever have . `` scott : then why did n't you tell him ? madison : because ryan 's going through hell right now . i do n't know how he would react to this . scott : so then that 's it ? it 's all about ryan ? madison : what do you mean ? scott : madison , right from the beginning you said that you were liking having something of your own . do n't you still want that ? madison : i do . it 's just -- scott : it 's hard . next time , can i feel it ? madison : what ? scott : the kick . can i feel it ? madison : yeah , i think that could be arranged . scott : all right . [ scene_break ] ryan : i just do n't understand how anybody could do this . i do n't care how desperate , how crazy you are . how could annie keep her little girl from her father ? i 'm not talking about how it makes me feel . i 'm just thinking about emma . there 's a little girl out there that could very possibly spend the rest of her life without her dad . how could anybody do that ? [ scene_break ] ricky : come on , doc . why you being so dramatic ? we 're just talking about going out and getting a sandwich . griffin : no . and i 'm talking about a patient who 's had a very stressful afternoon . even though the meds are working , your blood pressure 's still high . you do n't need to go out . you need rest . kendall : i am actually a little tired . maybe we can talk tomorrow ? ricky : my car 's outside -- griffin : i 'll take you home . i 'm off , and it 's on my way . you ready ? kendall : uh , you 're the doctor . griffin : mm - hmm . kendall : ok . thank you . ricky : i 'll talk to you soon . griffin : peace , padre . ricky : doc .
asher follows caleb 's advice to tell colby that he knew that damon and liza slept together and colby cries and feels stupid because everyone in her life was keeping this a secret from her so she goes online to share her feeling because a computer wo n't lie to her or break her heart . asher tells caleb he followed his advice and colby will probably never speak to him again . asher tells caleb that he always wished he had a father to give him advice but now he realizes he does n't need a father at all . opal has a slip of the tongue and tells jack that erica kissed caleb on new year 's eve . opal also tells jack that erica loves him so much she is dissolving her partnership with caleb at cortlandt electronics . caleb tells erica that he is sorry he has been avoiding her but he needed to distance himself from her . jack walks in to confusion and sees erica touching caleb 's arm . bianca tells greenlee and erica that reese sent divorce papers for her to sign .
[ music plays at confusion ] zach : i hope he did n't bother you . annie : he did n't bother me , but you just did . zach : i 'm sorry . i saw him grabbing you . what -- annie : i was slipping , zach . he grabbed me so i would n't fall . zach : that 's all that was going on ? annie : yes ! we were talking , he asked me if i wanted to grab a burger . zach : what 's wrong with the food here ? i scared him off , did n't i ? annie : you think ? zach , that guy was smart , he was funny , he was divorced . zach : no guy in a bar picking up a beautiful woman is ever married . annie : for a second , it felt good to be hanging out with somebody who wanted to be hanging out with me . zach : come on , do n't sell yourself short . annie : do you really think he was married ? ok , you know what ? maybe i 'm off my game -- it 's been a while . zach : well , stop playing that game . you stick with me . [ annie sighs ] annie : you ? i already know you 're married . but you 're sweet . well , great -- this has been another bust of an evening . zach : you do n't know that . come with me . singer : walk to the light ♪ [ scene_break ] jack : so , erica , what 's with the crowd out in the waiting area there ? erica : oh . well , i asked val to call everyone together . that 's my manager , my publicist , my new accountant . jack : i know who they are . i just thought this was going to be a conversation between you and me . erica : well , jack , of course i want you here . i want you with me as my attorney , as -- as my friend . but samuel woods has declared war on me , he 's determined to put me behind bars . so i have called all my troops together , because i will be damned if i 'm going to let him win . [ scene_break ] jesse : there ai n't a damn thing in here that says what happened 20 years ago . tad : come on , come on . just keep at it , ok ? somebody took you out of this hospital knowing full well you were n't dead . jesse : who ? angie : we 've looked through every personnel , security , visitor log files . tad : which means whoever took your corpse bent over backwards to hide their tracks . jesse : so , where do they take a corpse once they 've officially called the time of death ? angie : well , unless there is an autopsy -- which there was n't in your case -- the body is taken to the morgue . [ footsteps ] tad : must 've been a security guard . they 're gone now . angie : what if he comes back , checks this room ? tad : eventually , they will . angie : baby , you ca n't stay here . jesse : baby , i got to find out who was on duty the day that i `` died `` here . angie : tad and i will do it . you have to go back to the shack . jesse : no , i have to do this ! tad : what does it matter ? who cares who finds out ? jesse : i care , tad . it was my life that was torn apart , my family who suffered . i have to do this . baby , i have to do this for us . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , i love winter in l.a. you get to trade in your parka for a sundress . hmm . aidan : 106 and 108 . kendall : oh -- we do n't have adjoining rooms ? aidan : zach wanted to , but -- kendall : you talked him out of it ? aidan : it 's probably for the best , do n't you think ? yeah . man : excuse me . uh , excuse me -- are n't you kathy -- kenzie -- uh -- the lady who wrote `` charm ! `` ? kendall : kendall -- kendall hart . man : my wife ca n't put your book down . kendall : oh , wow ! well , you know what ? tomorrow , i 'm doing a book signing at barrows , so if you want , you and your wife can show up , bring the book , and i 'd be happy to sign it for her . man : oh . well , that 'd be wonderful . it was really nice to meet you . kendall : you , too . man : thanks . kendall : ok . aidan : [ as man ] are n't you kenzie -- candy ? [ normal voice ] ca n't even get your name right . kendall : oh , leave him alone . kendall : very nice ! i 'm digging it , i 'm digging it . aidan : i 'm just going to go give it a quick check , all right ? kendall : oh , come on , aidan . what do you think -- you think ryan 's going to be hiding in the -- the closet or under the bed ? [ aidan sighs ] aidan : want to make sure you 're safe , all right ? zach 's worried about you . kendall : oh , come on -- do you honestly think ryan 's going to show up and attack me ? aidan : probably not , but if the situation was reversed and ryan was after greenlee , you bet your little sweet behind i 'd do exactly the same thing . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you remember me now , right ? come on , ryan . ok , you are beginning to remember . ryan : actually , i was trying to get past the kiss . greenlee : get past it ? ryan : yeah , it felt really good . greenlee : yes , of course , it felt good , because we had so many great times together . ryan : well , i -- i believe you , but -- greenlee : but what ? ryan : greenlee , i 'm -- i 'm trying , ok ? i 'm trying but i do n't -- i do n't remember any of the stuff that you 're talking about . greenlee : you 're not even trying . ryan : do you think this is fun not remembering the last four years ? i -- i am , i 'm trying . greenlee : well , then -- then try harder . [ ryan pulls greenlee into another kiss ] greenlee : hey . ryan : well -- what ? you told me to try . greenlee : and that 's all you could think of -- a kiss ? ryan : you asking me to take it a little bit further ? greenlee : yes . no , no -- not like `` further `` into the bedroom but -- look at me , ryan . think back , way back , back to when we first met -- you remember ? ryan : yeah , i mean -- you did n't like me very much at first and -- and then we started having the just - do - it - for - fun sex . greenlee : that 's not how i remember it at all . ryan : well , that 's exactly the way it happened . you were hot for my roommate scott and -- greenlee : ok , ok , you know what ? maybe this is not the right way to go about it . [ greenlee sighs ] ryan : look , greenlee , i really appreciate you taking me on as your project , i do . but i guess i 'm a little bit confused as to -- as to why you 're doing it . greenlee : because we 're friends , because i like you , and you have forgotten some really memorable moments with me , and you were an important part of my life , and i was an important part of your life and -- and -- no , no , no . wait a minute -- i want you to remember for annie . i want you guys to have your life back . you have a daughter together , you were a family . ryan : i know -- everybody keeps reminding me of that . i -- i know it up here , because you 're telling me , but it just has n't clicked in down here . greenlee : i 'm sorry . i just thought that if we spent time together , and we talk and -- you do n't remember me , us . but i 'll get you there . ryan : you want to try another kiss ? [ greenlee stamps her foot ] [ ryan chuckles ] greenlee : no . but i do think we need to have some good old - fashioned fun -- g - rated fun . come on . [ scene_break ] zach : the object of blackjack is to get as close as you can to 21 without going over . now , you 're strongest card is the ace . it can be a 1 or an 11 . annie : got it . you know , i have played here a couple of times -- with ryan . zach : the idea is to forget about ryan for the evening , all right ? annie : ok . zach : the lady 's ready . dealer : place your bets . zach : playing with my money -- do n't break me . annie : ha , ha . ooh ! zach : well done . annie : ha - ha ! zach : all right . man : congratulations . annie : thank you . huh , thank you for this . this was a great idea . zach : anytime . dealer : place your bets . annie : all or nothing . zach : ah . [ annie squeals ] zach : hmm . annie : come on . [ scene_break ] kendall : i miss him . [ aidan sighs ] aidan : all set . we 're good . kendall : do n't you think it 's a little weird how we always end up together , just the two of us ? aidan : you would n't say that , kendall , if we had n't have -- kendall : if we had n't have slept together ? [ aidan sighs ] aidan : just look at the bright side , all right ? you did n't turn up pregnant . kendall : that 's not funny . aidan : it 's not meant to be funny . now we 're all friends -- you , me , zach , and greenlee . kendall : i should 've told zach . aidan : why ? to ease your conscience -- and then what ? kendall : i do n't know . i mean , zach said to me once , `` you 're always looking for trouble , kendall . `` aidan : well , that 's exactly why i 'm here -- so there wo n't be any trouble with ryan or anybody else . kendall : yeah , but , aidan , do n't you think it 's a little ironic that zach chose you of all people to be here with me ? aidan : maybe it 's a test . kendall : what do you mean ? you think zach knows ? you think he 's testing us ? aidan : no , i mean , not zach -- i mean us , a test between us . kendall : oh . aidan , please do n't tell me you 're afraid we wo n't pass the test . [ scene_break ] angie : this was not a good idea -- you coming to the hospital . jesse : baby , this is where it all happened . this is where somebody made it look like i died . this is where somebody else took my body out of this morgue -- angie : baby -- jesse : and messed my life up ! angie : baby , i know what you went through . tad : shh . angie : i know what they did to you . i just -- i -- i do n't want this to happen again . please , please , jesse , go back to the shack . jesse : and do what ? hide out there for a few days ? a month ? maybe another 20 years ? tad : hey , hey , come on , take it easy . jesse , the fact is she 's right . you can only pass for some anonymous surgeon for just so long before somebody realizes you do n't belong here . and if a security guard does come in here and finds you rifling through files , a whole lot of questions are going to be asked . jesse : all right . i just need -- i just need some time to grab my file to see who was on duty that night . angie : jesse , no ! tad : all right , ok , 10 minutes , all right ? angie : oh , god . tad : it 's ok , all right ? ten minutes , we 'll give you 10 minutes . he deserves that much . i 'm going to go find that security guard , see if i can come up with an excuse to get him to go to another floor , and in the meantime , baby , take this -- this is the keys to my office , ok ? i 'm going to meet you there later . jesse : where are you going to be ? tad : upstairs -- there 's something i want to check on , it only makes sense . listen , she is right -- 10 minutes . 10 minutes , and you 've got to get out of here . angie : all right . all right , look , let 's -- let 's just say that in all these files from the 1980s , let 's say that we find out who took your body . then what ? jesse : what do you mean , `` then what `` ? `` then what `` i track him down , `` then what `` i find him , `` then -- `` what -- what ? angie : you know -- you know what ? i guess i never thought about this , but what if whoever did this to you is somebody that we knew ? [ scene_break ] erica : so , now that we all know the legal issues -- jack : well , the bribery charge is going away , but the charge that erica used inside information to buy and sell stock , that 's -- that 's going to be a little tougher . erica : and that is primarily what the network is reacting to . jack : yeah . erica : but i was able to talk some sense into them , because the show is still on the air -- in reruns until we get all the charges dropped . pam : and the good news -- that most of the fan letters and e - mails support erica and want her back on air . jack : yeah , that is good news because public support is very important . woman : well , i think it would help if we tried to play up your charitable work , ms. kane -- your funding of the miranda center , the substance abuse programs you 've instituted in the local schools ? erica : lindsey , you know , i just -- i have never used my charitable work to score points with the public . i would feel very uncomfortable doing that now , really . uh -- chris , what about product endorsements ? chris : sponsors are guarded . they 're anxious to see what the outcome of the case will be . erica : meaning i better win . jack : listen , thank you all very much for your input . i need to go over a few things with ms. kane . so , if you 'll excuse us -- jack : mm - hmm . so , tell me , what 's going on in that head of yours ? erica : jack ? i need you to be completely truthful with me . if i go ahead , let this go to trial , if i fight this , will i win ? [ scene_break ] samuel : what 's happening , carl ? how 's it look ? carl : well , from here , it looks like ms. erica kane , the woman who has everything , is about to be brought down by the future senator samuel woods . samuel : that 's not why i went after her -- you understand that . carl : does n't matter . samuel : it does matter . the only issue is that someone broke the law , and they 're going to get prosecuted . carl : i 'm your campaign manager , and i 'm telling you the real issue is -- i can not buy you the kind of press this is getting you . [ samuel sighs ] samuel : i have n't even announced i 'm running yet . carl : even better -- the people will rise up and insist that you run for the senate . whoo - hoo -- if only i could sell tickets to this trial . samuel : might not be a trial . i offered her a deal . carl : oh , no . oh , no , no , no , no , no . it 's not a smart move , sam . samuel : she did n't take it . carl : but even so , i mean , i thought you said that you had the goods on her . samuel : i do . but if we go to trial , i think i 'll win . i also think it 'd be foolish to underestimate erica kane . [ scene_break ] jesse : we 're getting close . check it out -- paperwork on these two deaths right before the date that we 're looking for . angie : well , wait a minute -- this is the day after . wait , we must 've missed your file . this ca n't be . jesse : they pulled my file . they 've made it look like i never existed . [ scene_break ] tad : come on , bill . be a regular guy , ok ? look , all i got to do is look at the video files for the last month , that 's it -- 10 minutes , tops . bill : you know i ca n't let you do that . tad : look , it 's for an investigation , ok ? it 's for insurance fraud . bill : i ca n't help you . tad : oh , ok , i 'll tell you what . can you -- can you help my friend general grant , hmm ? all right , what about my friend general grant and his friend ? [ scene_break ] jesse : whoa , whoa , whoa . that 's too much light . all right , this is all we need , that 's all we need . ok . so , somebody pulled the record of me being transferred into or out of the hospital morgue , which means it 's got to be somebody with access , right ? maybe somebody on the staff , somebody on the force , someone i worked with . [ creaking ] angie : is this how it 's been ? all these years , keeping lights low , lock the door , always looking over your shoulder ? jesse : yeah , well , it 's what 's kept me alive all these years , baby . and it 's what 's kept you and frankie safe . angie : i know that 's what you told me . but , baby , seeing you like this -- jesse : i 'm sorry -- making you live this way . it 's no kind of life at all , is it ? i 'm so sorry , baby . angie : no , now that you 're back , i can live however i have to , for however long it takes to solve this mystery , so we can be a family again . jesse : look at you . when we first met , we were what -- 16 , 17 years old ? angie : practically babies . jesse : i remember thinking , `` damn , she 's fine . `` and smart . and i just did n't feel worthy . and you looked at me and saw something in me that i never saw in my -- never saw in myself . you still got that look in your eyes today , baby . you are truly a blessing -- you know that ? [ jesse and angie kiss and hug ] [ scene_break ] samuel : so she launches into this whole convoluted thing about how i used confidential information on her for personal gain and therefore , i 'm in fact guilty of the same crime she is . carl : that erica kane is a piece of work . samuel : she is , man , but on any level , is this using her ? carl : oh . do n't get all soft on me , sam . ok , this case is your ticket , ok ? you need to win it . samuel : and i will , but there 's something about erica kane -- carl : yeah , yeah , something you do not need , ok , so you just get your mind out of the gutter and keep your eyes on the prize . [ scene_break ] erica : i want to beat that man , jackson . we need to turn the tables on that snake . we need to do to him what he did to me -- humiliate him with everyone watching . then he will have to wipe that smug , self - satisfied smile off his face . jack : erica , i 'm a little concerned that you have taken this so personally . erica : well , of course , it 's personal , jack -- the man wants to put me in jail . but i 'll get him , i will . jack : let me ask you something , erica . what 's more important to you -- proving your innocence or destroying samuel woods ? [ scene_break ] annie : ah ! $ 500 . go , me . man : you 've got a hot hand there , young lady . annie : well , you 're not doing so bad yourself . man : my name is robert . annie : i 'm annie . robert : look , let 's -- let 's break the bank together , shall we ? here we go . annie : here we go . robert : here we go . man : he 's winning too much . zach : do you know who he is ? man : never saw him before . zach : keep an eye on him . greenlee : oh , god , what was i thinking ? of course -- zach 's here . [ scene_break ] kendall : help yourself . ok . you going to give me the silent treatment all night ? aidan : what was the question ? kendall : `` what was the question ? `` you said this could be a test . i asked you if you thought we were n't going to pass the test , and that 's when you went mute . aidan : you really think i 'm going to jump on you ? kendall : aidan , i have no idea what you 're going to do . i mean , you are -- look at you . you 're incredibly tense . you are -- you 're all fidgety . and i 'm doing everything i can to relax you , everything . aidan : hmm . i 'm sorry , all right ? i 'm just -- i 'm -- kendall : you 're just -- annoying ? yes , you are , but you know what ? apology accepted . aidan , we 're ok , you and me . we really are . and you know what ? this trip could be a lot of fun for us . actually , i have an idea . i have a way to guarantee that this trip will be fun . aidan : what , are you going to finish the whole minibar with me ? yeah ? kendall : yeah , we could do that , but also we can call greenlee . we 'll call greenlee , and we 'll have her fly in here tomorrow morning . and then i 'll -- i 'll call zach . i mean , i know he has meetings , but i think if i beg him , maybe he 'll hop on the plane with her , and then we could all hang out in l.a. together . it 'll be fun . aidan : that 's a good idea , kendall -- i like it . kendall : good . aidan : you 're good . kendall : yeah . aidan : i 'm going to get right on that , but listen , it 's getting late , and your public 's going to be waiting for you , so -- kendall : yeah , you 're right , you 're right . ok , i 've got to -- got to put on my cocktail dress and put on the charm . aidan : you 're going to -- you 're going to wear your book ? kendall : wow , you 're -- you 're -- you 're smart there . no , you 're -- you 're not even funny . do n't even try . [ kendall chuckles ] aidan : well , listen , i 'm going to meet you down at the bar , all right ? kendall : ok . aidan : one hour . kendall : got it . again ? friends ? aidan : friends . lock the door behind me . kendall : ok . [ phone rings ] kendall : kelly -- hey , yes . i 'm here safe and sound , and i 'm ready to go . so , tell me who is going to be at this fabulous party . i 'm very excited . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'm sorry , i was n't thinking . let 's go . ryan : no , no , no , it 's ok . greenlee : oh . well , we 've just hit the jackpot tonight . zach : excuse me . it 's ok . that 's a surprise . greenlee : right , surprise . figured you 'd be here , but annie ? ryan : nice place , zach . zach : thanks . can i buy you a drink ? ryan : yeah , sure , why not ? zach : the bar 's over there . ryan : all right . and you want something ? greenlee : uh -- sure . ryan : yeah ? greenlee : i know . i know , bad call . i was just trying to cheer ryan up . zach : he 's not your problem . greenlee : well , he 's my friend . i thought i could help him . zach : did you ? greenlee : he 's not going to get his memory back just by spending time with me . zach : just be careful , all right ? [ cheers ] [ phone rings ] greenlee : hey . did you get there ok ? aidan : yeah . you know what ? l.a. is , like , totally awesome . greenlee : well , how 's guard duty ? aidan : you know , it 's not too bad . actually , kendall and i had this great idea . we think that you and zach should fly out here tomorrow and join us . what do you think ? greenlee : i 'm sorry , the reception 's not very good . say that again . aidan : yeah , do n't worry about it . i 'll -- i 'll give you a call later . greenlee : there 's just a lot of noise here . aidan : well , where are you ? greenlee : i 'm at the casino . aidan : at the casino ? well , who -- who are you with ? greenlee : i 'll call you later , ok ? aidan : ok . clerk : how are your rooms , mr. devane ? aidan : they 're really good . in fact , i need you to do me a favor . if you see this guy , let me know . clerk : will do . [ scene_break ] ryan : so , you -- you a card player ? annie : i 've been known to take chances . some pay off , some do n't . dealer : place your bets . greenlee : that was aidan on the phone . he 's already talking like the natives . did you talk to kendall yet ? zach : yeah , when she landed . remember what i said about ryan . greenlee : i know what i 'm doing , zach . do n't worry . actually , i 'm doing you a really big favor . as long as ryan 's with me , you do n't have to worry about kendall . [ scene_break ] kendall : hmm . [ kendall hums as someone enters her room ] [ scene_break ] annie : that was really good . it must be all in the cards , right ? is n't that what they say ? greenlee : i take it you 're not having a good time . ryan : i tried , i -- i tried to do what you wanted me to do and go over and make a conversation with annie , but she gave me nothing , nothing . greenlee : well , you ca n't blame her . she 's hurt . you hurt her -- not intentionally , but you did . i think you should give it another shot . robert : yes ! man : wow . robert : yes ! annie : you are really good . robert : thank you . zach : let 's let him know we 're watching . excuse me . good night , huh ? robert : yeah . zach : it 's your first time here ? robert : oh , as a matter of fact , it is . zach : i 'm zach slater , it 's my place . robert : yeah , i figured that . great to meet you . my name is robert gardner . it 's a -- a beautiful place you have here . and the rooms are terrific , as well . zach : well , thank you , robert . it 's a nice place to play a friendly game . dealer : place your bets . robert : you know , i think i 'm just going to quit while i 'm ahead . but it was awfully nice meeting you , mr. slater . and a pleasure playing with you , annie . annie : same here . zach : all right . give mr. gardner a hand , please . robert : thank you . [ annie sighs ] annie : that guy was really good . zach : yeah , maybe too good . annie : what , you think he was a professional ? zach : i do n't know . where 's all my money ? what happened ? annie : i have four chips . i did really well with your money . anyway , it was a lot of fun , but i should get going . zach : let me take you home . annie : no , no , you stay here . thank you . ryan : hey , annie -- annie : ryan , not now . not now . i 'm really not interested tonight . ryan : but -- but what if i am ? i mean , what if i 'm interested ? i just -- i do n't want you to go . [ scene_break ] samuel : carl , listen , man , i 'm telling you , my interest in erica kane is simply this -- she 's someone that i 'm prosecuting , that is all . carl : no , she is a little more than that . she is your ticket to the senate . samuel : i do n't need a ticket , carl . i 'm not going to step on anybody , and i 'd like to think i can get to the senate without erica kane 's help . carl : yes , of course you would . just do n't let your boy scout instincts take over . samuel : meaning what , man ? carl : meaning , do not give erica kane an easy way out . samuel : she 's not going to take the deal . my prediction ? we 're going to trial , man . [ scene_break ] opal : oh ! erica : opal -- opal : you two together ? at least i hope i 'm interrupting something . jack : opal , come on in . i need to get to the office , anyway . listen , i want to go over some things with you , and i 'd like to do it over dinner . what do you think ? erica : that would be lovely . jack : good . i 'll call you later . erica : ok . jack : opal , come here . always a pleasure . opal : oh , the pleasure 's all mine . erica : hey , jack ? jack : yeah ? erica : thank you . opal : ooh ! ooh , i love seeing the two of you together , just pretending like you are just good buddies . but the steam , the passion , the desire bubbling under the surface -- ooh -- it gives me a hot flash . erica : opal , you would say that if we were just sitting here reading the newspaper . opal : and i 'd be right . [ erica chuckles ] erica : i 'm really glad you came over here . opal : uh - huh . you obviously forgot . erica : what ? opal : our dinner date ? we made a plan a few weeks ago . erica : oh -- i 'm so sorry . opal : it 's all right , honey . it 's all right . i know you 've got a lot on your plate , and i 'm not talking food . you go and have a great time with jackson tonight . erica : thank you . opal : we 'll -- we 'll make a rain check . erica : absolutely , thank you . opal : so , how are you doing ? erica : yeah , well , i ca n't lie to you . i 'm worried , opal . opal : hmm . yeah , this samuel woods character has served you up a real martha stewart special . erica : what do you think , opal ? opal : i think , do what you do best . make the bad stuff work for you , honey . anytime life has served you lemons , you 've always found a way to turn it into lemonade . surprise this woods guy . drown him in a barrel of your special lemonade . erica : opal , i love you . opal : i know that look . i do . i see that the lemons are already being squeezed . erica : val -- val , i want you to set up a press conference for me in the studio . no -- no , no , not tomorrow . now . [ scene_break ] angie : maybe that file on you was misplaced . what -- what if nobody is really out there still looking for you ? jesse : baby , we ca n't afford to take that chance . angie : maybe you 've been looking over your shoulder too long . jesse : what is it ? you want me to go out there and test your theory ? grab you and frankie , run through the center of town , yell at the top of my lungs , `` here we are , boys ! come and get it ! `` angie : stop it , jesse . just stop it , because you know that 's not what i 'm saying . it 's just that right here , right now , i -- i feel safe . and it -- i do n't know , it just makes me wonder . jesse : if i wasted all those years ? if i could 've come back 20 years ago ? do n't do this . you need to believe that this is real . angie : because if i do n't , you would 've wasted all those years -- for all of us . [ scene_break ] [ shower runs ] [ kendall hums ] [ kendall stops humming ] [ turns off shower ] kendall : ah . this is just what i needed . [ scene_break ] annie : do n't do this , ryan . do n't make this harder than it already is . ryan : look , when i was with greenlee , i -- annie : greenlee ? you know what ? save it . ryan : no , when i was with greenlee earlier , i listened for probably the first time , all right ? i know -- i know i 've been so busy chasing the past that i 'm losing right now . i 'm losing the present , ok ? would -- would you at least be willing to spend a little time with me ? [ scene_break ] zach : what are you thinking , watching them ? greenlee : i 'm thinking that 's the way it should be . them , with each other . where they belong . zach : that 's it ? greenlee : what , that 's not profound enough for you ? zach : hmm . greenlee : or i could be thinking , `` hey , i could really use a margarita . `` zach : your money ? are you buying , or -- greenlee : just like a man . expects everything from a woman . do the wash , mow the lawn . now i got to buy you a margarita . [ scene_break ] woman : so what time is it ? second woman : the cocktail party starts in 15 minutes . you really think we can get in ? first woman : oh , i 'll get us in . do n't you worry . look , we 'll corner her , we 'll ask her for her autograph , and then we 'll get some pictures . second woman : we are going to meet the kendall hart , the queen of steam . first woman : oh . [ woman giggles ] aidan : actually , ladies , i can help you out with that . woman : talk about a pick - up line . [ woman chuckles ] aidan : huh . no , i 'm being serious . i 'm on the book tour with kendall hart . and she should be down here in -- well , pretty much right about now . [ scene_break ] [ kendall hums ] kendall : hmm . huh . [ hums ] man : can i have your autograph ? [ scene_break ] angie : i sorry . i guess i just want us together . i mean , really together , so bad that i do n't want to believe that there is still someone out there threatening you . jesse : i understand . i really do . angie : do you ? because you do n't think so , do you ? you really think someone 's still after you . tad : he may be right . jesse : what 'd you find out , tad ? tad : nothing . that 's what 's scaring me . i thought it was a good idea to go up to the office , check out all security video , all the way back from when you were called in , and frankie was admitted to the hospital . there 's no footage of his room . none . i mean , nothing . i think somebody 's taken it . angie : oh , my god . jesse : they know i 'm here . [ robert gardner watches jesse 's security footage ] [ scene_break ] opal : all right . now , you go , girl . give them the lemonade . [ erica chuckles ] pam : all right , you can start . everyone 's here . erica : uh , no , not everyone . [ samuel walks in ] erica : ok , now we 're ready . welcome , everyone . and thank you for coming on such short notice . as you all know , i have been maligned and attacked by the very ambitious mr. samuel woods . but the fact of the matter is i unknowingly broke the law . jack : oh . erica : but as mr. woods puts it , ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it . and he 's right . but what mr. woods wants to do is outrageous . he wants a long , drawn - out trial costing the taxpayers thousands upon thousands of dollars . well , he 's not going to get it . because i 've decided that i 'm going to do the right thing . i 'm going to confess to what i did , and i 'm going to take the consequences . ladies and gentlemen , erica kane is going to prison . man : oh , my gosh . [ next_on ] samuel ( to erica ) : why do i get the distinct feeling that you 're threatening me ? tad ( to jesse ) : we should use angela as bait . kendall : i will die before i let you touch me ! man : oh , you want it to come to that ?
annie and zach argue over the fact that she had been having drinks with a married man . zach gets annie involved in blackjack at his casino . erica calls for a meeting of her staff and wants jack there with her . angie , jesse and tad search the files for some proof of jesse 's death and who moved his body after he was pronounced dead . kendall and aidan arrive at the hotel in l.a. where a fan approaches kendall and tells her how much his wife liked her book . kendall tells him about the book signing the next day . greenlee kisses ryan , but it does n't ring a bell with him . ryan grabs greenlee and kisses her again . ryan wonders why greenlee is doing this . kendall wonders why she and aidan are always alone together . angie wonders if whoever did this to jesse was someone they knew . erica questions jack if she fought this would she win . when he meets with his campaign manager , samuel informs him of the deal he offered erica , which she turned down . jesse and angie ca n't find evidence that he ever existed . tad tries bribing the security guard to gain access to the hospital 's surveillance tapes . annie wins $ 500 in the blackjack game . ryan and greenlee come into the casino and find zach and annie there . after aidan leaves kendall alone , someone runs his fingers along the numbers on her door . greenlee urges ryan to leave , but he insists on staying . ryan spots annie as well as zach . greenlee gets a call from aidan , but she ca n't hear him when he invites her and zach to join them in l.a. annie says her good - nights and starts to leave , but ryan stops her . kendall looks at a pic of zach before she goes into the shower . the stranger opens kendall 's unlocked door and goes in . erica calls a press conference and tells the public that she will be going to prison for her crimes . kendall comes out of the bathroom and finds a man in her bedroom who asks for her autograph .
[ monitor flatlines ] maria : let 's go ! let 's do this ! let 's give him 300 of amiodorone . we 'll run an amp of epi every 3 minutes . iv push , now ! come on , let 's tube him . david : ok , hold cpr . i need crike pressure . maria : got it , i got it . you in ? check pulses . david : yeah , i 'm in . go . anita : still no pulse . maria : we got bilateral breath sounds . continue cpr . come on , edmund , come on , edmund . come on , edmund . brooke : please , god . [ scene_break ] ethan : you thought that i was going to let you die in that fire . zach : mm - hmm . no threat to your money , your power , your name . ethan : you 're not going to take what 's mine , zach , you know that ? zach : a true cambias would 've thrown gasoline on that fire , warmed his hands on my burning body . [ scene_break ] guard : your brother 's here . krystal : my brother ? guard : all the way from brevard , north carolina . he 's some kind of charmer . krystal : yeah , runs in the family . tad : [ southern accent ] damn , baby , they sure do n't grow 'em like you at home , sassafras . mmm , mmm , mmm . yeah . what you doing after ? hey , sis . how about a little sugar for your kin ? [ scene_break ] jamie : do n't ever make me start my morning without you again . i was hoping you went on a doughnut run , but i kind of knew better . babe : it would 've been smarter . i went to j.r. 's . look , i know that it 's on the far side of stupid , but with mama 's hearing today and me missing james so bad , i kind of had to . i just had to see him and know he 's real , that somehow all this mess is worth it . jamie : well , i guess if that 's how you feel , there 's only one thing to do . babe : who are you calling ? jamie : justice of the peace . we 're going to get married . [ scene_break ] maria : did he get the epi ? anita : yes . maria : let 's shock him again . ready ? 300 . clear . where 's sono ? david : still no pulse . maria : ok , this is pea [ pulseless electrical activity ] . how many rounds did he have ? nurse : three . maria : ok , let 's shock him again . come on , edmund , you stay with us . give him another amp of epi . come on , edmund . joe : he 's gone . maria : joe -- joe : maria , he 's gone . maria : do not give up on edmund ! we can get him through this . david : you heard the doctor . let 's not give up . go to 360 . maria : ready ? clear . [ monitor flatlines ] maria : increase the voltage to 360 . david : maria , we 're already at 360 . maria : then let 's hit him again at 360 . this is what we do , david ! we make miracles happen . we save lives . that is what we do . we do n't give up . joe : we 've done everything we can . maria : no , we have not ! joe : you know we would save edmund if we could . maria : we can save him . we can save him . let 's crack his chest and get in there . if we can get in there , we might be able to get him to respond . joe : but you know the extent of his cerebral hemorrhage . [ scene_break ] zach : hi . congratulate ethan . he saved my life . kendall : ethan , are you all right ? ethan : do n't make such a big deal out of it , zach . zach : you think fireworks and a parade are too much ? ethan : i really do n't think that many people are going to be celebrating your survival . zach : oh , i know , it 's not my life we 're celebrating , it 's yours . you proved you should n't be anywhere near the cambias cesspool . ethan : the same cesspool that you 're suing to take away from me ? kendall : ethan , forget about all this for a second . are you ok ? ethan : i 'm fine . zach : why are you being so modest ? you 're a hero . you pulled me from a burning building . ethan : do n't be so condescending . zach : i know , i know , you hate my guts , hate everything about me . you still could n't do it , could you ? you could n't turn your back on the man you hate more than anyone in the world and watch him die . ethan : maybe , zach , i pulled you out of that building so that i could have the privilege of watching you suffer for what you 've done . zach : no , you 're a good man . kendall : all right , let 's go . come on , come on . ethan : you know , you may be the dregs of the universe , zach , but you do n't know me and you have no idea what i will do . [ scene_break ] babe : getting married today ? are you trying to top me on the crazy list ? jamie : there 's nothing crazy about marrying the woman that i love . babe : are you messing with me ? jamie : not about this . i want to take care of you , babe , and it seems the best way to do that is to keep you close . babe : hey . you already have me close . jamie : you know going to see james today was a big mistake . i know that you do n't like rules , but we 're stuck with them . babe : yeah , and what kind of rules allows a mama only to see her baby for three hours a week ? jamie : yeah , it stinks , but we have to deal with it . j.r. is waiting for you to do something exactly like you did just so that he can go to a judge and convince him to whittle your three hours down to zip . j.r. has everything in his corner . do n't make it easy for him . babe : i just had to . but you 're right , you 're right , rules are rules , and from now on , i 'm going to follow them , as ordered . i swear , i swear . jamie : i know it is n't easy , babe , but i love you . i 'm not going to let you risk losing one more minute with james . you get that , right ? babe : you 're just looking out for me . it makes me love you even more . jamie : and i know i jumped ahead , your divorce is n't even final yet , but if it was , i would marry you this second . babe : well , um , it seems that i am single and available again . jamie : not for long . [ scene_break ] krystal : what are you doing ? all rigged up like my brother ? tad : the only way i could get in . apparently , they only allow relatives down here , so -- krystal : all right , bro . how 's my baby doll , and jamie ? tad : no , they 're ok , or well enough , anyway . they 're just worried sick about you . krystal : and baby james ? tad : yeah , well , at least he 's being well taken care of . krystal : this all went to hell in a hand basket , did n't it ? tad : yeah , i guess it did . krystal : look , tad , why do n't you just go play `` deliverance `` someplace else ? tad : yeah , maybe i should . this thing itches . i never liked you , anyway . krystal : yeah , well , who could after what i did ? tad : nobody with a brain . krystal : nobody with half a brain . tad : yeah , well , that explains it . i must be off my meds . krystal : yeah , you need a checkup from the neck up , tad . no , do n't . come on . stop it , really . just -- why do n't you just leave ? just walk away and leave me alone . tad : i ca n't . [ scene_break ] maria : give him another amp of epi ! nurse : we 've already given -- maria : give him the epi ! help me crack his chest , david . david : maria , it 's done . maria : david , please , help me crack his chest . give me a thoracotomy tray and some rib - spreaders and a scalpel . i need fresh gloves . somebody check suction . make sure it 's working . get it now ! get it now ! david ? call it . david : time of death , 9 : 33 a.m . maria : what did you do to my husband ? what did you do to my husband ? my husband is dead . what did you do to him ? answer the question , zach ! what did you do to him ? zach : i 'm so sorry . maria : no , no , no , no . zach : why do n't we go someplace and talk ? anita : no , maria , do n't . do n't go with him . ethan : do n't believe a word this guy says . [ scene_break ] kendall : joe , is edmund really gone ? joe : i 'm sorry . brooke , why do n't you come down to my office ? brooke : joe -- ahem -- i just -- i 'm ok . kendall : anita , i 'm so sorry . [ scene_break ] aidan : lily , i 'm sorry i hurt your feelings . i 'm sorry i did n't make sure you got home safely . but i meant what i said . we 'll always be very special friends . always . lily : 17 . jack : you know what , aidan , i think maybe you should leave . aidan : please feel better , all right ? reggie : aidan , thanks for pulling lily out of that barn . jack : she should n't have been there to begin with . aidan : anita , what ? anita : it 's edmund . [ scene_break ] krystal : tad , really , you start acting all nice and i 'm just going to go to mush , now . tad : krystal , when you 're staring at hard time , i think it 's allowed . krystal : no . no . not a chance . no , no pity committee here . i volunteered for this , and i am not going to bawl my way through it . i can do this . i can . i was great with babe . what is wrong with me ? when i 'm with you , i just -- i do n't know why it 's so hard . tad : i 'm not that special . krystal : yeah ? when did you get so dumb ? tad : i 'm not sure . i do n't know , i just got something for a woman behind bars . those orange jump suits make me crazy . krystal : yeah , well , orange clashes with everything , you know ? especially good intentions . tad : there is nothing good or honorable about any of my intentions . krystal : you trying to make me think about what i 'm going to miss when i 'm all locked up ? tad : got a last request ? krystal : well , if you 're doing requests , then i wish you 'd just be a raging jerk , because then you 'd be easier to forget . tad : nothing about this is easy . derek : we 've got laws against that kind of thing between brother and sister . is that supposed to fool someone ? tad : i got in , did n't i ? derek : for your information , tad , the law applies to the martin family as much as anybody else . tad : i think that was meant for you . derek : ms. carey 's about to learn that the hard way . tad : and that 's why you 're here , to rub salt into the wound . you want to slam that door and make sure she feels the pain . well , guess what -- i 'm here to help you . i 'm going to make sure the prisoner knows exactly what she 's going to be missing . observe . see , derek , for the next 10 years , she 's going to lie in bed at night , staring at the ceiling , thinking about that kiss . in fact , it 'll probably be another 10 years before i get another one like it . krystal : is that all you got ? i 'll forget that in a year . tad : you keep it up , i 'm going to make you the sorriest woman on this planet . derek : ok , that 's enough , tad . tad : sorry , derek . i owe it to the community . it 's my duty as a citizen . somebody 's got to make the sacrifice . [ scene_break ] jamie : no more j.r . i do n't know a better way to celebrate than getting married . babe : on the day that mama goes to prison for me ? jamie : it stinks your mom 's taking the heat . babe : no , it 's -- it 's undemocratic . it 's -- you know , it 's totally inhumane . she 's turned herself into some scapegoat that everyone just gets to just stomp on and toss aside , and how am i supposed to live with that ? jamie : it was krystal 's choice . she did it for you and james . nothing you could do could change her mind . babe : but maybe it 's not too late . maybe i could go to the judge or maybe the da and -- jamie : you know that 's the last thing your mom wants . babe : i 've got to do something . maybe we could bust her out . jamie : a better idea -- the legal idea -- we get married . you and me forever . krystal would want that . babe : i want it , too . jamie : then what 's stopping us ? there 's nothing . you and i could be mr. and mrs. by tonight . babe : divorced and married in the same day ? you 're doing this all for me , are n't you ? trying to make this day a little less horrible . jamie : i want you to know for sure that you 're not going to lose me . this is n't some fling . this is n't an adrenaline rush . this -- this is `` till death do us part . `` i want everybody in town to know we 're not giving up . i 'm in for the long haul , good or bad . so what do you say , babe ? will you marry me , today ? [ scene_break ] ethan : i should 've let zach burn . kendall : ethan , do n't say that , ok ? no matter what , you could never let any man die . ethan : the guy thinks he knows me so well . he 's so bloody smug , kendall . we share a few strands of dna and he thinks he 's got me all figured out . kendall : well , it 's a parent thing . ethan : which he only admitted to after i stuck him with it . come on , kendall , the guy denied me as his son -- for my own good . he left me to rot in a jail cell for my own good , and now he 's going to take cambias away from me ? yeah , you know what ? my well - being is his primary concern ? i do n't know what kind of idiot he takes me for . kendall : ethan , will you just let this go , please ? ethan : no . no , i wo n't . where does zach get off thinking that he can save me , huh ? he 's going to save me from what , this cambias curse ? he 's the curse , kendall . what kind of world are we living in where a man like edmund grey dies and a man like my father lives ? you know , when i hit zach with that shovel , i should 've aimed right for the back of his head . kendall : no , wait a second , you hit zach with a shovel ? ethan : yeah . and i should n't have stopped until the job was done . kendall : ethan , wait a minute . what really happened in those stables ? ethan : not enough . not enough . [ scene_break ] david : i 'm sorry . brooke : please leave . [ scene_break ] zach : when i came to , edmund was on the ground . and i picked up the shovel because there was a fire and i was trying -- maria : ok , you had the shovel in your hand and you were standing over my husband , but i 'm supposed to believe that you were n't the one who just gave him the fractured skull ? zach : i did n't do this . maria : what were you doing on my property ? what were you doing ? what were you even doing there , zach ? you knew , then . the guy that you hired to kill ryan must have called you and warned you that edmund was onto you , because edmund was about to have you put in jail , so you had to stop him and you wanted to do it yourself because it was personal . zach : my only sin against edmund was loving his wife . i 'm sorry he 's dead . i did n't want this . maria : no , no , you do n't -- you do n't do anything by mistake . you do n't make those kind of mistakes . zach : i did n't do this . maria : i do n't know how i -- how could i not have seen who you really are ? because you 're a liar and a coward . you went after a man in a wheelchair . someone who was totally defenseless , somebody who could not fight back ! what kind of soulless human being are you ? zach : he could walk . maria : you 're a murderer ! what ? what did you say ? zach : edmund could walk . i 'm sorry . edmund lied to you . trapped us in the shed . he was on his feet . he -- maria : no , no , no . edmund did n't lie . edmund did n't lie . you 're lying -- how -- what are you saying about -- about the man i love ? how could you say that about him now ? he could n't walk ! for god 's sake , he could n't walk ! why would you say that about a man who 's barely even dead ? what is wrong with you ? what is wrong with you ? zach : ok . maria : jesus ! oh , my god , oh , my god , oh , my god ! edmund , edmund , edmund ! oh , my god , oh , my god ! oh , edmund ! [ scene_break ] ethan : you know , edmund and i were so close to nailing zach . edmund had made contact with the hit man . the whole meeting was set up . kendall : wait a minute , so zach really did it ? he had ryan shot ? ethan : yeah . zach should be in jail right about now . kendall : well , now you can finish it , ethan . now -- ethan : no , no , no . kendall : yes , yes , you can finish it . zach will finally get what he deserves . ethan : kendall , kendall , you do n't understand . the investigation dies with edmund . he 's the only one who knew how to set up contact with the hit man , who is going to be long gone by now , especially when this charade gets out . you do n't think zach knows that ? that 's why he 's in there making nice - nice with the widow instead of running for his life . now do you understand ? god , i do n't even know what the hell i was thinking . kendall : no , you were right . ethan , you were right , ok ? you were just trying to bring zach to justice . ethan : kendall , i had two chances to stop zach dead in his tracks literally , and i did n't have the guts to do it kendall : well , that 's a good thing . ethan : it 's a good thing ? kendall , zach was lying there pinned down under a beam , i mean , there were flames everywhere . i should 've just kept on going . i should 've kept walking . kendall : no , no . ethan : i should 've and not turned around . kendall : no , ethan , do n't say that , ok ? no , no matter how bad zach has treated you and everyone else in this town , you could never kill your own father . ethan : you heard my father , kendall . i 'm not cambias enough to be a cambias . you know what ? i 'm going to show him just exactly how cambias i can be . where does he get off watching me , harassing me , huh ? what gives him any right to think that he can save me ? kendall : no , you were right to save zach 's life , ok ? do n't let him twist things around in your head and turn everything from white to black . ethan : zach needs to be stopped , kendall . the sooner the better , for everybody in this town . kendall : ok , ethan , listen , why do n't we go for a walk , all right , take a deep breath ? some fresh air would do you some good right about now . [ scene_break ] reggie : so how long do you think she 's going to be like this ? jack : that 's hard to say . i mean , i -- i think it could be some time before she comes back to us . reggie : what about a couple of knock - knock jokes ? you know , that might do the trick . jack : just might . thanks for trying to get through to her . reggie : it 's not like it 's done any good . danielle : what do you think happened ? jack : well , danielle , so much happened . and , first , aidan breaks her heart , and then she gets caught in that terrible fire . she -- she must have been scared to death . reggie : i mean , it would 've freaked anybody out , and all that red . jack : well , i 've got a call in to her doctor . we 'll know more after he evaluates her . reggie : hey , lily . 100 . jack : what 's that ? reggie : on a scale from one to 10 , how sorry i am lily got hurt . danielle : you got to get out of here , lily . i ca n't do my math homework without you . jack : i love you . i 'll see you when i get home , ok ? reggie : all right , man . lily : red . red . red . everywhere . wet . red . red . red . red . [ scene_break ] maria : i do n't understand how you can say this about him now . zach : i 'm sorry . maria : but i -- it ca n't be true . zach : i had proof . he 's the one that locked us in the shed . maria : no , no , that 's just -- it 's not -- zach : i 'm telling you the truth , like i always have . he could walk . maria : where 's the proof then ? where 's the proof ? zach : i do n't have it . maria : oh , my god , because you 're insane ! because you 're insane . zach : listen to me . maria : do n't touch me ! do n't get near me ! zach : he locked us in the shed . he regained the use of his legs . maria : stop . zach : i do n't know why he kept it a secret . maria : stop , stop , stop ! stop , zach ! stop ! [ scene_break ] brooke : what happened , edmund ? what happened ? joe : may i have a word with you ? david : i 've already had enough fun for one morning , joe . and now i have to rush to court and get smacked with my share of a plea bargain , so you 'll have to excuse me if i 'm not really up for a word . you know , actually , on second thought , i do have a few choice words for your half - wit hospital board and your vigilante buffoons adam and palmer . they want to string up my privileges , dance around the fire , be my guest . let them throw a party . because i do n't really give a damn . anything else ? joe : yes . i would be remiss if i did n't say to you before you leave what a mess you 've made of your life , as a doctor and as a human being . [ scene_break ] derek : you come in here dressed like i do n't know what and you dump this load , and you expect me to let you get away with it ? tad , you are maddening . tad : come on , derek , where 's your heart ? you know what it 's like in a women 's facility . it 's brutal , it 's demeaning . whatever you think about her , she 's going to give the next 10 years to a place that sucks the life out of you . you got to respect that . it takes guts . derek : tad , you do the crime , you do the time . tad : come on ! you 're really going to deny her the next five minutes of maybe a little heavy breathing with somebody who cares about her ? krystal : do i have a say in this ? derek : no . guard : chief ? you 've got a call . it 's urgent . derek : it 's always urgent . he can stay until you have to escort your prisoner to court . tad : thanks , derek . derek : do n't thank me , tad . krystal : you did n't even break a sweat . you 're my hero . tad : i 'm going to miss you . [ scene_break ] jamie : how about we jump in front of a jp today , keep us legal ? and then sometime down the line , we can have the kind of wedding that you want . babe : that would be with mama bawling her eyes out into a hankie . but if we get married today , i 'm going to be the only one with the red eyes . look , i want our wedding to be the most beautiful , most special day ever . but i just really need things to shake down a little bit . can you understand that ? jamie : i love you , babe . i know you almost as well as i know myself . so i know when you 're playing me . what are you afraid of ? [ scene_break ] jack : hey , sweetheart , it 's almost spring break . you know that , right ? so what are you up for , a little surf and sand , or may some spring skiing ? maybe we could go up to the poconos . it 's beautiful there this time of year . the air is so crisp and clear . maybe you 'd like to do that . i 'll tell you what i 'd like to do . i 'd like to put my arms around you and hug you so tight right now , let you know that everything 's going to be ok . i love you . if you feel lost or afraid , i want you to just reach out and grab ahold of that any way you can and just hang on to that . and know that i will do my best to make sure that nothing bad ever happens to you ever again . but , honey , i -- i ca n't always do that by myself . so if you could tell me what happened , i know i could fix it . i know i could make it better . but i 'm not going to push you . whenever you 're ready , just know your dad is right here , ok ? [ scene_break ] joe : in med school , where were you when they gave the lecture on the dangers of playing god ? david : oh , i think on that day i was busy -- oh , creating light . joe : the trouble with playing god is you really come to believe you 're infallible and the old `` first do no harm `` goes out the window , and instead of using your gifts to help people , you use them to hurt people and manipulate . david : what do you want ? joe : i want you to be accountable . i want you to take responsibility for the pain you 've inflicted on innocent people . david : there are n't that many innocent people in this town , joe . joe : it does not give you the right to trash their lives . david : i was doing what i had to to protect my daughter , which is exactly what you would 've done for your sons . and by the way , i do n't need you , your approval , or this hospital 's to live my life . joe : as a surgeon , you are a genius . you could 've given the world so much . what a waste . [ scene_break ] babe : it 's j.r. all the way . he 's -- he 's so not finished with us . jamie : so what ? ignore him . babe : there 's no way he 's going to let us do that . as long as i have this big old bull 's - eye on my back , anyone that 's close to me is going to get hit , too . i just -- i ca n't let that happen . jamie : let him try . i 'll be ready . babe : i ca n't let anyone get hurt anymore , especially not you . jamie : you know something else i love about you ? that whole mama - bear thing , trying to protect the people that you love . babe : well , you know where i get it from . jamie : want to know what i got from my dad ? babe : besides a weird sense of humor ? jamie : stubborn to the core . so there is no way , no how i 'm going to let you blow us off to protect me . i love you , i 'm going to marry you , and that 's final -- if not today , then whenever you 're ready , and we 'll face whatever we have to face together . babe : are you finished ? jamie : yeah . what was that for ? babe : because you are brave and hunky and stubborn . jamie : well , you 're a lucky lady . so let 's go down to the courthouse and see what we can do for krystal . [ scene_break ] tad : how about one for the road ? it 's a long road . we better fill her up . krystal : i ca n't get like that , tad . i ca n't . i ca n't let babe see me with raccoon eyes . tad : do n't worry , baby . your secret 's safe with me . krystal : i 'll take it from here . ok . better ? tad : gorgeous . krystal : all right , look , um , you came here , you did what you had to do , and i thank you , but you really should go . i just , you know -- i ca n't get my game face on when you 're tearing my heart out . guard : ms. carey ? it 's time to pay the piper . krystal : i hope the piper knows `` amazing grace . `` [ scene_break ] zach : i 'm telling you the truth , and i need you to believe me . i did n't kill edmund . i do n't know who did , but it was n't me . ethan : liar . do n't listen to him , maria . every word out of my father 's mouth is a lie . i was there , zach . i saw him kill your husband . [ next_on ] ryan : do n't make me choose between my brother and my wife . simone : greenlee , get back from the edge ! erica : if there is any justice , babe carey should go to prison . adam : you have the power to make it happen , and i strongly suggest you use it . maria : you murdered the love of my life .
edmund dies while the medical team tries to revive him . zach protests to maria that he had nothing to do with what happened to her husband . but ethan informs maria that he saw zach knock edmunc out with the shovel , which is what killed him . david is certain that he will be suspended from medical practice and no longer cares . but dr. joe martin surprises him by revealing that he might give him another chance .
[ bianca pounds on josh 's apartment door , 5f ] bianca : oh , perfect ! this is brilliant ! zoe : not the welcome i was hoping for . are you mad at me , or because of me ? bianca : why even talk about it ? why should i even waste my breath ? [ scene_break ] jack : just keep me posted , all right ? i 'll see you there . bye . barbara : ca n't the police take care of this ? jack : barbara , kendall is my daughter . i 'm much more concerned with -- can i trust you to stay here while i 'm gone ? barbara : i would never walk out on our children , jack . and i called reggie , too . jack : why would you -- i do n't want reggie worried about this , barbara . barbara : i simply called him to introduce myself , to let him know that i 'd be here and looking after things while you 're away on business . he seemed delighted . he sounds like a wonderful young man . jack : he is a wonderful young man . here . do n't call him again . barbara : i should n't have to call either one of you . oh , lily printed out her schedule -- a week in advance . tomorrow is four pages , single - spaced . jack : oh , well , that 's lily . barbara : it takes exactly 27 minutes to get to her therapy appointment . that 's providing i go the fastest way , which is actually longer distance - wise . jack : right , but you cut out the three stoplights and the stop sign and that makes it six minutes shorter . barbara : and i 'll keep an eye on sean . i 'll make sure he does n't get into any trouble . i wish you would do the same . jack : barbara , i do n't take unnecessary chances . barbara : unless you have to . jack , just catch this killer fast , and stay safe in the process , please . jack : i 'll do my best . barbara : then he does n't have a chance , and you 'll come home without a scratch , wo n't you ? erica : oh , jack -- oh -- jack : erica , i do n't have time for this . erica : thank god i caught you . no , we 're going to talk on the way to the airport . i 'm going with you . [ scene_break ] [ as ryan lies unconscious on the warehouse floor , someone kicks zach 's teddy bear toward his head . ] [ scene_break ] [ while driving , zach thinks about his wife and mother ] kendall 's voice : you will not let anything happen to me , zach . i know that . young zach and amelia : let 's go to red rock , red rock , red rock . let 's go to red rock and play all day [ scene_break ] alexander : you wo n't accept my little gift ? [ kendall reluctantly takes the white satin ribbon from alexander 's hand ] alexander : very good . now tie it around your neck . please , kendall . kendall : is that better ? alexander : you 're very beautiful . kendall : because i look like her ? alexander : gardenias suit you . kendall : you loved her , and you lost her . alexander : you 're truly remarkable , my dear . kendall : that 's what this is all about . simone , erin , danielle , babe , and now me . you want us to be amelia . alexander : amelia is dead . kendall : amelia 's death set all this in motion . you blamed your son , but you loved him , too . alexander : alexander cambias , jr. -- my hope for the future . kendall : and then you lost him . i know how deeply you mourned him . and the pain of losing amelia must have come back . do n't you see ? this is n't just about you punishing zach . this is about you trying to get more time with amelia . alexander : she was lovely . and my love for her -- kendall : it 's everyone 's dream . we love someone so completely , we do n't -- we do n't want to live another day without them . your son died in a fiery crash . and -- and he made it all fresh again . so for you to find out that you had been agonizing for nothing -- that your son was still alive ? of course , you hated him . but the greater pull was your love for his mother , your need for her , to have her back . alexander : you 're very convincing . kendall : i want to understand , alexander . you want to go back to that time when amelia made the wrong choice , do n't you ? only this time , she 'll realize that she made a mistake . she did n't need a lover . she belonged with you . alexander : amelia was mine . kendall : i 'm sorry . if i can help you , will you let me try ? let me bring back amelia . let me try . [ kendall kisses alexander ] [ scene_break ] [ ryan is awakened by a rifle 's muzzle against his cheek ] [ scene_break ] carl : it 's all clear , ms. montgomery . bianca : thank you . carly : i 'll be outside . bianca : ok . do n't -- zoe , do n't you dare . zoe : is this your kind invitation to a dialogue ? bianca : do n't try to be funny . zoe : i 'm not . bianca : i called the hospital , and they told me that you had been released . so , i called the police department , who informed me that no officer had been assigned to you . so another call to the hospital . i spoke to everybody from joe martin to the volunteer who works at the front desk . zoe : oh , amy . she 's a lovely woman . i -- bianca : would you stop it ? how could you leave the hospital without a bodyguard ? zoe : calm down , bianca . bianca : what is wrong with you ? [ zoe sighs ] zoe : where do i begin ? bianca : well , what are you -- whatever happened to hospital security , or the police ? am i the only one who realizes that you could still be a target ? that this guy could still be pretty ticked off at you ? i mean , maybe -- maybe he realized that he lost a button in the fight , and he thinks that you have it . or maybe he just wants revenge . or -- or maybe he 'd just like to shoot you down the second you left the hospital . zoe : but i 'm here . bianca : great . bully for you . we 're all so lucky you made it this time . please stop taking chances . zoe : bianca , i 'm sorry i frightened you . oh -- but do n't worry . carl will protect us both . bianca : i just -- i just want you to be safe , ok ? that , i can do something about . kendall -- zoe : kendall 's safe , is n't she ? bianca : i do n't know . she 's supposed to be . she 's supposed to be safe with zach , but now , uncle jack said that he 's worried , and he 's trying to track them down , and i 'm just -- i 'm just really afraid that something could be seriously wrong . [ scene_break ] erica : we 're wasting time . jack : listen to me . i want you to stay out of this . erica : kendall is in danger . barbara : and you will only make things worse . jack : i warned you to stay out of this . go on . erica : kendall is next in line . you know that . the madman is after her . jack : then i 'm going to make sure the madman does not get her . erica : well , let me help . jack : erica , no . the answer 's no . erica : i do n't need your permission , jack . i 'll -- i 'll just charter my own jet . jack : what , do you think you 're charmed ? you think you 're invincible ? i know you love kendall , but you ca n't shield her . you can , however , wind up dead ! erica : no one wants me dead . jack : there 's such a thing as collateral damage , erica . this guy does n't give a damn . look at the body count . look what happened to dixie . this guy 's not playing by any rules anymore . erica : i can be careful . jack : huh -- look , the only way that i can be assured that you do n't end up in the morgue is if you stay home , and that 's the end of it . erica : not while kendall is in jeopardy , jack . you know me better than that . let 's go . jack : oh , for -- barbara : oh , god , will you just say `` au revoir `` and thank your lucky stars that he still gives a damn about you ? even though you 're sleeping with jeff martin . jack , i -- i 'm so sorry . erica : never mind that my daughter is facing death . all you can think about is crawling into bed with jack ? barbara : i simply told the truth . erica : no , you have been like a vulture with talons bared just waiting to swoop in . barbara : if you had just listened to jack and let him leave , perhaps -- erica : do n't you dare criticize me . barbara : do n't give me so much to criticize , then . jack : i 'm out of here , ladies . erica : jack -- jack , please do n't let her lies get to you . please concentrate on kendall . jack : what lies would that be , erica ? you are sleeping with jeff martin . and we both know that , now , do n't we ? [ scene_break ] ryan : i did n't kill anybody , all right ? officer : but you called in the tip about the dead woman we found here . ryan : look , just -- just call the police department in pine valley , pennsylvania , ok ? the man that we 're looking for is the guy -- the same guy -- that the media named the satin slayer . [ officer chuckles ] officer : that 's catchy . ryan : you have n't heard of this guy ? he 's killed , like , six people already . officer : oh , are you bragging ? busy guy ? ryan : what ? no -- the killer 's name is alexander cambias , sr . cambias has his daughter - in - law stashed away . look , the point is her husband is there , ok ? you got to get everybody on your force on this right now , or more innocent people are going to die . [ scene_break ] kendall : can you let yourself go there ? you want amelia . you want me to be amelia so you can heal . so let me take away your loneliness . let me make up for what zach did to you . alexander : you 'd actually give him up for me ? i do n't know if that proves how little or how much you love him . kendall : i only said that you are nothing alike , because i wanted to hurt you . but zach is your son through and through . you have the same determination and an energy that no one can resist . alexander : certainly not you . kendall : zach is the image of you when you were his age . and you -- you do n't want to destroy him . it 'd be like destroying yourself . alexander : sweet girl . [ kendall gasps as alexander stops her from going for his gun by grabbing her around the neck . ] alexander : you could n't be more wrong ! i want him to suffer excruciating pain . and i know exactly how to use you to do it . [ scene_break ] zoe : you always bake when you 're terrified ? bianca : i 'm not terrified . zoe : whatever . i prefer this to yelling . bianca : are you trying to make me angry ? zoe : no . i want cookies . bianca : i 'm doing this because i have responsibilities . i ca n't just go wherever i want whenever i want . i -- i 'm a parent . zoe : oh , they 're for miranda ? she 'll share . bianca : they 're for miranda 's playgroup . zoe : oh , take it easy , bianca . [ bianca sighs after spilling the flour ] bianca : every time the phone rings -- every knock on the door , and i 'm just sure that it 's somebody who 's going to tell me that something has happened to you or kendall or -- [ bianca sighs ] bianca : i try not to react , but i 'm sure that miranda can tell that something is wrong . i do n't want her to be afraid , but how many kids her age have a bodyguard with them 24/7 ? zoe : have you noticed changes in her behavior ? [ bianca sighs ] bianca : hmm , she does seem a little jumpier . then again , so do i. i 'm sure she 's just , like , anticipating my reactions . i -- i only know that i want it to end . i just -- i want it to be over , now . do n't go all cosmic destiny on me . zoe : are we making sugar cookies ? because i think we should send carl to fetch some chocolate chips . bianca : he 's guarding us . zoe : yes , but you want to stop being afraid . bianca : see ? there you go . you 're about to do it . you 're about to launch into one of your fate diatribes . zoe : not this girl . you 're confusing me with zarf . poor zarf . always searching for some divine guidance or cosmic force that he could hold responsible for -- bianca : for zoe ? zoe : i think so . now that she 's real . i 'll mix if i can have a cookie when they 're done . bianca : ok . and i get to lick the bowl . zoe : no , halfsies . you did n't let me finish . bianca : `` halfsies `` ? that may mean something in indiana . zoe : sharing is universal . do n't be a piggy , bianca . half a bowl for you , and half for me . bianca : ok , fine . we each get a cookie , and we will split the bowl . zoe : pinky swear . you 're such a lady . [ bianca giggles ] bianca : you 're -- you 're zarf , too , are n't you ? i mean , part of him is you . he -- he was very talented . and exciting . and funny . zoe : but what 's my essence ? that 's the real question . what 's the disguise and what 's real ? that 's what i still need to find out . bianca : you 're still talking with his accent . zoe : i 'm trying . do n't forget that i was onboard for the whole ride . admittedly , sitting inconspicuously in the back seat . bianca : ah . those days are definitely over . zoe : ah , indeed . new - age philosophy to cover what i feel -- huh . i want to lose that . my music -- bianca : oh , no , please do n't give that up . zoe : my music always spoke the truth , even when i could n't . but i do want to get rid of some of zarf 's unrealistic preoccupations . bianca : such as ? zoe : the dream of being with you . [ scene_break ] erica : jeff and i -- oh , jack -- barbara : forget something ? erica : yes . this ! [ erica slaps barbara ] [ scene_break ] ryan : what the hell are you guys just waiting around here for ? officer : we 're doing our job . ryan : you 're doing your job ? officer : we got the word on your killer pal cambias . ryan : great . let 's go . officer : he died a couple years back . yeah , let 's go -- in for questioning . ryan : whoa , whoa , wait , wait , wait , wait -- he 's not dead . he 's not dead , ok ? i know it looks -- the -- the woman that he 's got , kendall , is the mother of my son , all right ? so if you morons would stop this game -- officer : all right , that 's it . ryan : no , you -- [ ryan groans as the cops subdue him ] officer : who 's the moron ? tad : ryan ? ryan : tad ! tad : whoa , whoa , whoa . whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . officer : keep your hands where i can see them ! drop it ! drop it ! tad : wait , wait -- easy , easy ! officer : drop it ! tad : easy , easy , easy , ok ? easy . i 'm just trying to tell you , you got the wrong guy . he did n't do anything , ok ? he 's not the one . officer : yeah ? and what was your plan ? knock him out and let him take the fall , huh ? tad : no . listen , it does n't make any sense . if i did that , why would i come back in here ? ok , now , just do me a favor , please ? please ? i want you to call -- officer : whoa , whoa . tad : no , i just -- i 'm reaching for my cellphone , ok ? i swear , it 's just my cellphone . i want you to call the pine valley police department in pennsylvania . i want you to talk to the chief . ryan : i told him that already . officer : shut up ! ryan : i told him ! tad : talk to jackson montgomery . he 's a special prosecutor in this case . officer : we got our own chief of prosecutors . you boys are going to meet them . ryan : no , tad -- no , no , tad -- they 're going to kill kendall . he will kill kendall . tad : make the call . please , just make the call . [ scene_break ] [ music box plays in zach 's mind as he continues driving ] [ scene_break ] kendall : ah ! you sadistic bastard . you 're pathetic . you 're disgusting . alexander : how far would you have gone , my dear ? if the gun was just always out of reach , could i have had you ? kendall : death 's preferable to being anywhere near you . alexander : huh . you seem eager to find out . kendall : the great alexander cambias -- what a joke . what a joke . you 're weak , and ineffectual . you 're pathetic ! you 're a loser ! you could -- you could n't cut it . you just could n't cut it . that 's what this is all about . you murder women , because you are completely inadequate ! alexander : you know , i was wrong . you 're not smart , not at all . kendall : the son who -- who lived for you , who wanted to be just like you -- he was just a pathetic as his daddy . but the other son -- the one who got away , zach -- zach is a real man . you could n't even dream of being like him . and all these murders -- did all the murders make you feel potent ? make you feel strong , powerful , and in control ? you -- you will never , ever be in control . alexander : you and alex are not dead yet . who 's pulling your strings ? and his ? kendall : oh . am i going to get to see a little action now ? you going to show me what you got ? show me how manly you are ? wave your little gun and fire it off and show me how cool you are ? [ alexander shoots at kendall , then zach arrives waving his gun . ] alexander : alex , my son . welcome home . zach : what have you done with kendall ? alexander : i missed you . zach : where is my wife ? alexander : you seem a little tense . have you been under a strain ? zach : i want to see my wife . alexander : i wanted my son . zach : do n't make me -- it 's not her -- it 's not her fault . it 's not her fault . do n't make her pay for what i did . alexander : what do you say , alex ? zach : i say take me to my wife before i blow your head off . [ scene_break ] erica : you do n't give a damn about anyone but yourself . you are thoughtless , you are stupid . barbara : i shot you down with a simple statement of honest fact and , boy , did i get lucky with you and jeff martin , huh ? erica : you know nothing about my life or my relationships . barbara : i know jack , very well . he 's strong , he 's loyal , he 's brilliant , very handsome , and a fabulous lover . erica : your opinions of jack are of no interest to me . barbara : his only failing is his weakness for you , but you 've taken care of that , have n't you , erica ? erica : i 've told you to leave . this is still my house . barbara : jack wants me here to look after lily . erica : i have always looked after lily . you could n't even keep sean at home . barbara : sean and i are closer than ever right now . erica : oh , meaning that he recognizes you now ? you 're trying to impress jack by -- by pretending that you actually give a damn about -- about lily and about sean ? barbara : i care very deeply for my son . erica : oh . well , you wo n't fool jack for long . barbara : long enough to get a ring , perhaps ? it was a joke , erica . erica : no , it was n't . you have no pride . you have no pride whatsoever . barbara : look , you can rationalize losing all you want . erica : i have never lost anyone to you . you were always the pathetic , desperate consolation prize . and if i did n't despise you , i would pity you . [ scene_break ] bianca : i do n't know what to say . zoe : oh . well , when someone gives you what you want , `` thank you `` usually works . i owe you a big apology . bianca : no , you do n't . zoe : no -- yes . i -- i piled too much on you , uninvited . my only excuse is my virgin status . there i was at the height of my identity frustration , and the elevator doors open and wham . what 's a red - blooded lesbian to do ? well , it was a bit much . i had the subtlety of a -- i was slightly overwhelming . bianca : i -- hey . i 've done it , too . i -- i once came on too strong , too fast to a friend of mine -- frankie . zoe : are you trying to make me feel better ? bianca : mm - hmm . i was pretty crazy about her . i told her that i loved her . zoe : oh . this is going to have a sad ending , is n't it ? bianca : more than you even know . she seemed like she was ok , but you know , once -- i do n't know . she must 've freaked on the inside , and she went off with somebody else . zoe : a male someone ? bianca : well , as it happened , yes . the sad part was i never got a chance to explain . zoe : well , whatever problems frankie had , they 're hers , not yours . i forgive you if you forgive me , friend . bianca : forgiven . zoe : oh , god , what 's that ? [ when bianca turns around to look , zoe snatches a cookie . ] bianca : hey ! [ scene_break ] tad : what the hell were you thinking ? you clocked a cop ! ryan : tad , zach thinks he can do it -- he 's got to be crazier than i thought he was if he thinks he can do this alone , tad . tad : if i know zach , all he 's trying to do is make sure that one of spike 's biological parents stays alive and well . ryan : he 's letting his old man call the shots . tad : slater is nothing if not a very formidable human being . he can take care of himself . ryan : he 's battling his father , tad . alex cambias is zach 's patrick lavery or ray gardner . now , i still have nightmares about what my old man did to me . what about you -- you ever close your eyes at night and see ray ? tad : it 's been known to happen . ryan : the man that hated you , beat you , made you bleed -- you face him , and you go right back in the nightmare . [ scene_break ] zach : time 's running out . alexander : you 're very perceptive . we have so much in common . zach : what do we have in common ? what ? you 're a lunatic . you killed innocent women , because you 're mad at me . that seem crazy to you at all ? alexander : you were very intelligent , always , but hardheaded -- very difficult to teach you a lesson . i always had to be creative to reach you . zach : so what 's my lesson , dad ? what is it ? what are you teaching me ? how to be a homicidal maniac ? how to be a monster -- is that it ? is that my lesson ? alexander : you need a refresher course ? i thought you had killing down . you did a pretty fine job on your mother . zach : take me to my wife or shoot me now . [ scene_break ] sean : like another ? barbara : no . no , no , i got to stay sharp . why do n't you get your homework ? i can check it , ok ? sean : for what ? barbara : because i want to help . can i ? sean : seriously , how many of those have you had ? barbara : seriously , this is the first one . erica drove me to it . sean : ah . yeah , and this homework help -- also a reaction to erica ? barbara : no -- that 's all about you . i asked your uncle jack if i could stick around and keep an eye on you kids while he 's away . sean : you have a lot of talents , but the parenting thing ? hmm . i 'll hold the fort . you can go . barbara : you could drop the bored , angry - young - man act , sean . sean : who 's acting ? barbara : you know , i might not be a touchy - feely earth mom , sean , but i love you . you are my son , i love you . i do n't care what you or anybody thinks . sean : yeah , that does n't mean you have to stick around . barbara : your uncle jack has asked me to stick around . he would like me to stay . sean : yeah , but he does n't want you , mom . so do yourself a favor -- move on . [ scene_break ] ryan : you know what ? i do n't care if every cop in here is stupid , blind , deaf -- i do n't care about any of that . i know i 'm in the united states , and i get a phone call ! tad : especially when you ask so nicely . ryan : there 's a woman 's life on the line ! tad : hey ! if i know zach , he 's trying to do everything he can to protect kendall . ryan : i was with alex when he died , and i bought the whole thing , tad -- all of it . whatever he 's got in store for slater , zach is not going to see it coming until it 's way too late . [ scene_break ] zach : what are you going to do ? alexander : i want you alive , like i always have . zach : if you hurt kendall , i swear -- alexander : like you hurt me ? huh -- there 's so much you do n't know about kendall , huh ? where she is , if she 's alive ? she has to be , does n't she ? so you can be the hero . zach : ok . ok . you 're the boss . i got it . where is she ? alexander : go on . zach : `` go on `` what ? alexander : you have n't begged my forgiveness , said you were sorry . zach : sorry for what ? alexander : you left me ! that -- that 's what you left me with -- ashes and cinders of the son i worshipped , the son i rewarded with my name ! you were my hope ! [ alexander chuckles ] alexander : how many nights did i wake up screaming , sweating , feeling like i was consumed by fire ? tormented by what i thought you 'd gone through ? i prayed , i begged god did n't let you suffer . well , he must have listened . i would 've sold my soul to the devil to get you back . must have sealed the deal because here you are . zach : it seems to me i killed the wrong alexander that day . take me to my wife , or i will fix that mistake right now . alexander : all right -- i guess you 're ready to see her now . [ scene_break ] zoe : i 've come across a marvelous gender - reassignment program right smack in the heart of baltimore . bianca : whatever happened to pursuing pine valley specialists ? or philadelphia ? zoe : no offense to the locals , but dr. massey seemed a good possibility . bianca : well , then why are you considering baltimore ? i mean , what -- whatever happened to pursuing reassignment and a little stability or -- or security ? zoe : bianca , i was just beaten by the serial killer . bianca : i know , i mean -- still , this is going to be a lengthy process . why would you want to go someplace new and strange where nobody knows you ? zoe : everybody knows me . bianca : they know zarf , not you . you 're going to need somebody that you can count on , you know ? you 're going to need somebody who can pitch in , take care of you when you feel like hell , somebody who will call you on your stuff , make sure you 're getting everything that you need . zoe : i can hire assistants , scads of them . bianca : well , you hire a friend . and i -- i do n't like crab cakes or lady baltimore cake . i want to stay right here . zoe : well , no one 's asking you to leave . bianca : wait till they 're cool . hmm . zoe , i -- i want to help you . please do n't leave pine valley . zoe : you want me to stay , i 'll stay . [ scene_break ] barbara : sean , i do n't know how many more chances i 'm going to get , you know ? i have -- i have had my share of luck , that 's for sure . i 've known amazing love in my lifetime , i 've had you and molly . but as far as the mom department , i know i 'm not very good as a mom . sean : mom , look , i -- barbara : relax . i 'm not fishing for compliments . i would n't expect you to lie . sean : this sounds like the real deal . barbara : i am a terrified failure . that ca n't come as too much of a surprise , can it ? sean : this great love in your life -- dad ? barbara : yeah . yeah , travis was something special . he was the love of my life . sean : is that why you were boffing a tennis pro at the club before dad died ? look , i ca n't toss you out of here , but do n't ever try to play me . you wo n't win . [ scene_break ] erica : not now , jeff . jeff : no , you 're angry . erica : i 'm serious -- leave . oh , i passed angry a long time ago . jeff : look , there 's nothing i can do about that but talk about it . erica : right , so go ! jeff : the reason i did n't tell you where josh was is because it might have put babe in danger , but i do n't see why that should create a problem between the two of us . erica : can you get him away from her -- josh ? can you keep him away from babe ? and kendall -- can you keep her from getting killed ? jeff : no -- you know the answer . erica : `` no `` -- `` no `` to all of the above , which is why we have nothing to talk about . [ scene_break ] ryan : if anything happens to kendall , i swear to you , your career is finished . tad : ryan ? ryan ? ryan : i will track you all -- tad : ryan ryan : down and i will press -- tad : shut up . please , just shut up . we 're going to get out of here , i know we will . i -- we will . just -- until then , you 're not helping anybody . ryan : i know what he 's doing , tad . alex is sticking it to zach the way it 'll do the most damage . he 's making him watch kendall die . [ scene_break ] alexander : so sorry we 've kept you waiting . zach : kendall ? alexander : she 's every bit as lovely as your mother was that night . zach : you will not hurt my wife . alexander : me ? no , that honor belongs to you . i will not kill kendall -- you will . [ next_on ] babe ( to josh ) : does everyone think that i 'm dead ? tell me my mother knows that i 'm alive . tad ( to jack ) : this is serious . we got light a fire under this thing . just bail us out of here . jack : no . kendall : you do n't have to do this , zach . i love you .
bianca rushes up to the door , and knocks on it . zoe follows closely behind . bianca is sorry that she had even brought up the conversation . jack is on his cell phone , and he tells the person to keep him posted . barbara is annoyed that the police can not handle this themselves . barbara lets jack know that she had called reggie . jack is annoyed with her for doing this . erica comes rushing in the door , and lets jack know that she is glad that she caught him before he left . she lets him know that she is going with him . ryan still lies unconscious on the floor . someone kicks the teddy bear up to his head . they nudge his face with the barrel of the gun . zach is on his way to where he thinks alexander is holding kendall . kendall , finally , takes the ribbon from alexander , and ties it around her neck . kendall tries to butter alexander up by telling him that she can help bring amelia back . she steps up closer to him , and kisses him on the lips . the guard checks out the back room for kendall to make sure that no one is there . kendall is annoyed that no police is assigned to protect zoe from another attack . jack orders erica to stay out of this . barbara is annoyed at this conversation . barbara confronts erica for sleeping with jeff martin . jack takes erica outside to talk to her about kendall . ryan comes to with the help of the police . ryan tries to talk to the detective , but they will not listen to him . kendall wants to take away alexander 's loneliness . he sees through her little plan , grabs her around the neck , and spins her around . bianca is more jumpy than ever since she is so worried about kendall , zoe , etc that she spills the flour all over the counter . zoe wants to get rid of some of zarf 's characteristics . bianca asks her what . zoe tells her the thoughts of being with her . erica goes back into the house , and slaps barbara across the face for what she had told jack about jeff martin . the officer will not listen to ryan 's explanation about alexander cambias , sr . the officers struggle with him , but finally gets the upper hand , and handcuffs him . tad comes into the room and tries to talk to the officers , but he is also arrested . kendall laughs at alexander for being so pathetic . she dares him to shoot his gun . he fires the gun just to spite her .
adam : i 'm not gon na let you just give up on him . dr. kahn : no one 's giving up . adam : the hell you say . you 're just standing there . brooke : adam . adam : no . if you 're not going to do anything to help save my son , then i 'll find a doctor who will . [ scene_break ] annie : hi . i was just tested to see if i 'm a match for j.r. can you call the lab , rush the results ? angie : well , of course , i 'll put a rush on it . j.r. does n't have time to wait . [ scene_break ] adam : can you believe that woman actually calls herself a doctor ? tad : she 's doing everything she can , especially to find a donor . you and i have to come to terms with the fact that we may lose j.r. before that happens . he 's too weak . she says he could go at any time . [ scene_break ] erica : ryan . ryan : i need you . erica : for what , exactly ? ryan : gayle walker . i know you were using her as leverage against david . i think we should team up , and we should take him down together . [ scene_break ] jake : so just tell me where you want to go ? greenlee : in there . jake : should n't you be home ? i mean , why you coming out here tonight ? you should be home with your husband . is n't this your wedding night ? [ scene_break ] [ cell phone buzzes ] david : come out now or i call the police . all right , fine . have it your way . amanda : do n't -- david : amanda , what are you doing here ? amanda : i was looking for , um , trevor 's little bear , you know , the blue one with the rattle . david : why would trevor 's toy be in the bushes outside a house he no longer lives in ? amanda : well , i have n't seen it in a while , so i thought maybe we dropped it when we were moving out . david : that bear is trevor 's favorite toy . do you really expect me to believe that it 's been missing for weeks , and you 're only now coming to look for it ? amanda : you think i 'm lying ? david : i think you 're covering . what 's your husband up to now ? [ scene_break ] erica : i do n't know who you 've been talking to , but -- ryan : i found gayle . erica : where ? ryan : i 'll get to that . but the point is , is that she 's got enough to put david away for a very , very long time . all we got to do now is come up with a way to convince her to tell the cops everything . so what do you say ? i mean , you got through to her before , right ? erica : well , why do n't you just tell me where she is , and i 'll go talk to her ? ryan : alone ? erica : well , i do n't think that ganging up on the woman is gon na really help your cause , do you ? ryan : what 's going on ? erica : what do you mean ? ryan : well , i mean , you want to take david on , right ? and you had the leverage to do that until gayle gave you the slip . and now that i tell you that i found gayle , and i ask you to team up , you say you do n't want my help . why ? erica : ryan . ryan : really . really , why is it so important for you to take david on alone ? erica : you 're not gon na like what i have to say . ryan : well , hey , we 're supposed to be friends , right ? and friends can tell each other everything , so -- so go ahead . level with me . erica : i was n't using gayle as leverage to take down david . i am trying to get rid of greenlee . greenlee sabotaged the computers at fusion and practically took the entire company down with it , put it into bankruptcy . and you know what ? if greenlee wants to trash her own life , so be it . but i refuse to stand by and let her destroy my daughter 's dream along with it . ryan : does kendall even know what 's going on ? erica : no . she does n't . kendall is off with zach . they 're working on their marriage . i 'm not gon na bother her with business if she wants to focus on her family . ryan : well , this is n't only about business . erica : no , it 's not . greenlee has cost you nothing but heartache ever since she returned . ryan , you really deserve better . ryan : could you at least just consider the fact that maybe david is influencing greenlee 's actions , right , so if we get rid of david , then we solve all of our problems . erica : only if david takes greenlee with him . ryan : look , you want leverage over david , you need to find gayle , right ? i 've already found gayle . so the way i see it is you 've got two choices . you can either team up with me or you can just sit back and watch me nail the bastard . [ scene_break ] greenlee : marrying david is the start of a new chapter . what better way to close the book on the old one than to come to the place where ryan and i had our wedding ? jake : so you came all the way out here to say good - bye ? greenlee : ryan brought me here to change my mind , remind me why we fell in love . and being here did bring up a lot of memories , but that 's all they are . what ryan and i had is in the past . david is my future . jake : oh . so the way i see it , you came out here for closure , right ? but , of course , you could have just taken everything of ryan 's , you know , anything that reminded you of him and just thrown it in the trash and be done with it . but you did n't do that . you came out here , because i do n't think you know how to let it go . or maybe you do n't want to . greenlee : you know , you ca n't let it go . what ryan and i had is over . jake : well , you keep saying that , but why do n't i believe you ? greenlee : i should n't have to keep saying anything . i 'm done explaining myself to you and everyone else . [ scene_break ] amanda : i told you this has nothing to do with jake . trevor lost his toy . david : right . all right . by all means , come on in . go ahead . knock yourself out . search the place high and low . i certainly would n't want trevor to go one more night without his favorite toy . oh , and , amanda , if you happen to run into jake up there , do me a favor . tell him try not to wake my wife . unlike trevor , she is sleeping . amanda : greenlee has no idea what she 's gotten herself into . marrying you could be the worst mistake of her life . david : i 'm just trying to move on , amanda , begin a new life with my new wife . amanda : you 've had so many chances to change , david . you never do . david : all evidence to the contrary . i 've left you and jake alone , have n't i ? and i have n't even attempted to see trevor once since the news came out . you know , i would think that you would be relieved not having that threat hanging over your head anymore . but maybe that 's the problem . things have gotten so boring around martin manor that you 're making excuses to come and see me . [ amanda scoffs ] [ scene_break ] annie : j.r. was a match for my brother a few years ago , remember ? if he and richie have compatible bone marrow , maybe we will , too . maybe they made a mistake a few years back when they tested me . angie : it 's a possibility . [ scene_break ] [ marissa sobs ] [ scene_break ] adam : j.r. has his whole life in front of him . he -- he has a son to raise -- a.j . he needs his father . brooke : so does colby . you know , there may not be anything that you can do for j.r. right now , but there is something that you can do for colby . colby : before those alarms went off , i was -- i was sitting here , trying to figure out a way to stay positive for j.r . adam : colby , your brother needs our love and our support and our strength . you can reach him . all you have to do is try . annie : honey , i heard about j.r. are you all right ? adam : where you have been ? annie : i -- i just thought you might need some alone time with colby . you were great with her . adam : i would n't even have come in here if it had n't been for brooke . [ cell phone rings ] adam : wait a minute . this could be the , uh -- the results of my test . yes , this is he . am i a match ? i 'm not a match . scott : ok , ok . there 's still the registry , huh ? and people are getting tested at donor drives every day . adam : j.r. does n't have time to wait . there has to be another option . annie : sometimes the solution to your problem comes out of nowhere to surprise you . [ adam sighs ] colby : hey , uh , sorry to interrupt . uh -- marissa : no , no , no . it 's fine . i could use a break . would you mind sitting with him for a bit ? colby : yeah . [ heart monitor beeping ] colby : hey , j.r. , it 's me -- colby . if this is you recharging yourself , take as long as you need . but just so you know , i will be expecting you to be back to your old self when you wake up -- [ chuckles softly ] always on my case about getting out of the mansion , telling me there are worse things in life than living your own life . you were right . not having a brother around is a lot worse . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you know , you 're one of my closest friends , jake , and i want to feel like i can talk to you . jake : and you can . you can tell me anything . greenlee : then i need you to hear me . i mean really listen when i say i 'm happy with the choices i 've made . you may not agree with them , but i need you to respect them , respect me , trust that i know what 's best for me . and right now , that 's with david . jake : are n't you forgetting something ? you 're not gon na say good - bye to me ? greenlee : i have . gayle : that bitch does n't deserve to be happy . neither does david . jake : david 's gon na pay for what he 's done , ok ? ryan and i are gon na make sure of it , if you go along with our plan . [ scene_break ] david : oh , come on , amanda . admit it . you miss the thrill , the excitement , the unpredictability of having me around . amanda : you really are unbelievable . just because you 're incapable of being happy , do n't make everyone else out to be . david : i am happy . i 've got a beautiful new wife . amanda : [ chuckles ] who 's in love with someone else . i do n't know what you 're trying to get out of this arrangement , david , but i do know that happiness is not it . [ cell phone rings ] amanda : jake , hi . i was just thinking of you . jake : is everything all right ? how 's our bouncing baby boy ? amanda : he 's just like his father , perfect in every way . jake : honey , i got a couple of things to tie up , ok , and then i 'm yours for the rest of the night . amanda : great . i ca n't wait . i 'll see you at home . something else that you 'll never have . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee has to be free to make her own decisions , right ? as long as david 's in the picture , she 's not free to make her own decisions . erica : ryan , the wedding was greenlee 's idea . she wanted to hurt you . ryan : david is the one that 's hurting people , erica . he is . angie is his next target . erica : oh , david is attempting a coup , all right , but it 's not about the hospital . ryan : what are you talking about ? erica : i overheard david . he told greenlee that he planned to double - cross me , to push me out of fusion instead . ryan : knowing that , you still wo n't help me ? come on , erica . david is the enemy here . all i 'm asking for is a little help from a friend . erica : ryan , i want you to be happy . i just do n't think you can be with greenlee . ryan : so it 's a , uh , it 's a no . erica : no . i wo n't help you to benefit greenlee . but that does n't mean i 'm gon na let david get away with double - crossing me . i 'm in . what 's our next move ? [ scene_break ] david : hey ! i thought you were in bed . greenlee : i , uh , i went out for a walk instead . david : [ chuckles ] well , you should have put on something warmer . it 's freezing outside . come here . sit down . [ greenlee chuckles ] david : here . greenlee : ohh . is this what they refer to as a honeymoon phase , you waiting on me hand and foot ? david : oh , i do n't mind taking care of you . greenlee : [ sighs ] if this marriage is ever gon na count for anything , i need to be honest with you . i did n't go out for a walk . i went back to the castle . david : ok . why ? greenlee : i told myself it was to say good - bye . you 're not the only one i was lying to . [ scene_break ] jake : gayle , so , listen , you 're the one that knows everything that david has done -- drugging adam , switching greenlee 's dna , faking her death . i honestly think that we can put him behind bars for a very , very long time if you 're willing to turn him in . so besides these cold sesame noodles , what do i have to do to convince you ? gayle : you already did . i heard you on the phone with your wife -- the way you talk to her . it made me realize that i want that -- someone who treats me well and loves me , not just when it 's convenient . i 'm never gon na get that from david . [ scene_break ] tad : colby 's stronger than you think she is . liza : huh . you know , i thought taking colby away from pine valley was the right thing to do . and , i do n't know , now i think about all the time with her brother that she 's never gon na get back . and , god , i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . tad : what are you doing , huh ? i thought colby made it clear she did n't want to deal with you . damon : i got tested to see if i was a bone marrow match for colby 's brother . i doubt i will be , but i just -- i want to do whatever i can to help . tad : i do n't think anybody can help . j.r. 's in a coma , and apparently , we could lose him at any time . damon : man , i 'm sorry . well , colby 's probably a wreck . i 'll go . the last thing she needs is me making things worse . tad : damon -- go talk to colby . she could use your support . damon : she has her family . tad : she needs a friend . [ scene_break ] brooke : i was gon na get some coffee . do you want anything ? scott : i tell you what , i 'll get it . cream or sugar ? brooke : black is fine , thanks . scott : you got it . brooke : so , uh , that takes care of the coffee situation . is there anything else i can do for you ? adam : maybe you can tell me how you did it . brooke : did what ? adam : held it together when your child is lost . brooke : adam . adam : i 've been trying my best to get by without stuart . but , uh , losing j.r. , i do n't think i can get past that one . brooke : there 's still a chance . adam : please . i need to know . brooke : when laura was hit by that car , i wanted to die . you were there with me . for a while , i thought that pain would kill me . it was like nothing i had ever felt before . and as cliché as it sounds , time helped , and the pain was n't as intense when i woke up in the morning anymore . but it was still there . it never quite goes away . but you find a way to go on . adam : thank you . [ brooke sighs ] [ scene_break ] annie : do you have the results ? angie : you 're a partial match . annie : what does that mean ? angie : right now , you are j.r. 's best hope . annie : ok , so now we know i 'm a partial match . what 's the next step ? angie : the next step would be that we discuss the process , make sure that you understand the potential risk as well as any kind of possible side effects . annie : wait , wait . what risk ? i thought adam was the only one at risk because he 's older and has a heart condition . angie : annie , bone marrow extraction is like any other surgical procedure . you 're going to run some risk because anesthesia 's involved . annie : wait , wait . whoa . no one said anything about surgery . [ scene_break ] damon : hey . hey . i -- i know you have a lot to deal with right now . i just -- i wanted to apologize for piling on more stress earlier . colby : well , you lying to me seemed like such a big deal , but it 's , uh -- it 's nothing compared to what my brother 's going through . so , uh , my -- my dad , he told me i should go in there and i should talk to him , be positive because j.r. will pick up on that . so i did . i went in there , and i put on a happy face . but , uh , i 'm not sure it made a difference , you know ? makes me wonder if he even knows we 're there . damon : he does . colby : damon , you do n't -- you do n't know that . damon : yeah , i kind of do . look , when i was 11 , my cousin tony got knocked out playing football . i took him to the hospital . they ran all these tests , and they told my aunt that he might never wake up . but i used to go to him every day after school , and i 'd read comics . colby : comics ? damon : yeah , comics . i was 11 . give me a break . colby : what ? damon : you know , after a few weeks , tony woke up , and he did n't know how long he 'd been out , but he said he remembered hearing my voice . so -- j.r. knows you 're there , colby . do n't give up on him . colby : damon , you do n't know -- how much that means to me . [ scene_break ] adam : i 'm not sure i can walk in here without j.r. knowing how really scared i am . brooke : why do n't you come with me for a minute ? come on . [ scene_break ] angie : listen . most donors leave the hospital the same day or the morning after . annie : but there are risks . angie : whenever you 're put under anesthesia , there 's always a risk , but serious complications are very rare -- less than 1.5 % of all donors . annie : well , do they have to put me under ? angie : well , no . you can be kept awake during the procedure , but you 'll still have to be numb from the waist down , just to prevent any discomfort during the collection process . so , look , unless you have any other questions , i think now would be the time to share this with your family . ok ? annie : no . no . i want to do it . [ scene_break ] jake : so , uh , gayle says she 's ready to roll over on david . ryan : that 's great . do you think she 'll follow through on it ? erica : well , there 's only one way to find out . jake : right . gayle ? it 's ok . it 's me . [ jake knocking on door ] jake : you can come out . erica : gayle . gayle : what 's going on ? ryan : same plan as before . we 're just bringing in a little help . gayle : you 're not mad at me for running out ? erica : no . it 's understandable . you were very upset . gayle : every word out of his mouth has been a lie . erica : and believe me , he is not gon na get away with it . all of us , all of us together , we 're gon na make sure that he pays for every rotten thing he 's done . jake : excuse us , ladies , for just a second . greenlee was here earlier . ryan : she did n't see gayle , did she ? jake : no . i think that she was just hoping to run into you , actually . she gave me a whole story about wanting to say good - bye and move through her memories with you here , but , honestly , you know , i know she did n't mean any of it . i could see it in her eyes . i think it 's just hitting her , sinking in that she 's made herself somebody else 's wife when all she really wants to do is be with you . so if you want to go after her or see her -- ryan : you know , jake , greenlee knows where i am , and when she 's ready , i 'll be waiting . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i wanted to believe that i could put what i had with ryan in the past and never look back . but i ca n't just snap my fingers and make it over . it does n't work like that . we have a long , complicated history , years of memories . david : if you 're not ready to move on -- greenlee : i do n't how to move on . that 's why i went to the castle tonight . i was hoping that being there , remembering the good times and the bad , would help me figure it out . david : you 're still in love with ryan . greenlee : you 're the one that i can trust , and that means everything to me . david : greenlee , you 're not the only one who 's been dishonest . i lied to you about what 's going on between me and erica . greenlee : you said you were playing her , letting erica think that you 'd turned on me . david : i 'm sorry . greenlee : sorry ? i trusted you . how could you help that bitch take over my own company ? david : hey . erica threatened to send me to prison if i did n't . she 's holding gayle over me as leverage to keep me in line . gayle is angry , and she has enough damaging information to send me to jail for many years to come . and maybe that 's exactly what i deserve for lying to you . [ scene_break ] jake : hey , honey , i 'm home . babe ? amanda : shh ! i just got trevor down . jake : you did ? sorry . i 'm -- i 'm -- i should be quiet , especially when i have some making up to do with his mommy . i 'm sorry . i 'm -- hon , i 'm sorry i could n't answer my phone , either . it 's been a rough night . amanda : where have you been ? jake : i was , uh -- i was helping a friend . amanda : do what ? jake : uh , we were trapping a rat . it 's part of an ongoing problem -- their rat . amanda : well , does your friend have a name ? jake : does my -- what happened ? what ? amanda : jake , it 's a simple question . why are you acting like you do n't want to answer ? jake : all right . i 'll answer the question because you know why ? you 're gon na find out , anyway . i was holed up for most of the night in a romantic getaway with a beautiful woman . amanda : you 're impossible . jake : you just hurt teddy . what ? you do n't believe anything i say . amanda : shh ! ha ha . [ scene_break ] erica : maybe you 'd feel better if you go take a hot bath ? gayle : ok . erica : you thinking about greenlee ? ryan : mmm . it 's kind of hard not to . erica : is there anything i can do ? ryan : all i can do is give her the space that she needs . [ scene_break ] damon : look . i know i 'm late . i 'm really sorry . i 'll pull a double tomorrow to make up for it . manager : no , do n't bother . you do n't work here anymore . damon : please . i really need this job . manager : well , you should have thought of that before you broke in and tried to rob the place . oh , i saw your mug shot in the paper this morning . damon : what i did was stupid . please , just -- just give me one more chance -- manager : i ca n't have a felon work here . grab your stuff . you 're fired . [ scene_break ] colby : hey . do you guys know where damon went ? liza : the last time i saw him , he was with you . tad : yeah . how did that go ? colby : well , i did n't really want to see him , but damon actually said some things that helped . annie : your father left ? colby : not that i know of , annie . annie : well , where is he ? scott : i just passed him and brooke down the hall . annie : i 'll wait . [ scene_break ] adam : this is the first time i 've been in a church since -- since stuart 's memorial service . brooke : i thought it might help to be here . was this a bad idea ? adam : no . no , it 's -- it 's just difficult to talk to god and ask him for anything after you 've taken the life of the sweetest , kindest , gentlest human being on the face of the earth . brooke : stuart was a gift from heaven , adam . there 's no question , and now he 's with the angels . adam : and i put him there . you think god will take my son as punishment ? [ heart monitor beeping ] [ scene_break ] jake : well , what -- what happened ? what happened ? what happened to our undeniable chemistry and it 's impossible to resist me ? what happened -- amanda : i said you were impossible . there 's a difference . jake : oh . oh , there 's a difference . so my devastatingly handsome good looks , it has a zero effect on you ? my charm , my -- amanda : you want to know what really turns me on ? jake : i know exactly what turns you on : my unbelievable breakdancing talents that i -- amanda : your sense of humor . jake : no , do n't say that , because that forces me to try to be funny , and that never works -- amanda : just be yourself . jake : i am myself , which is easy for you to say , but , you know -- amanda : jake . jake : what ? amanda : i love you . jake : you do ? well , ok . that 's funny that you should say that because if you could change anything , would there be one thing that you would change ? amanda : no . well , actually , there would be one thing . jake : yeah ? go ahead . i can take it . amanda : your breakdancing could use some work . jake : what are you talking about ? are you kidding me ? i can pop and lock like the best of them . are you kidding me ? amanda : what ? ! jake : oh , yes , i 'm gon na bring -- i 'm gon na bring back the robot . i am gon na -- yes , i am . amanda : no ! jake : i am so , and you 're gon na like it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you knew what fusion meant to me , and you still tried to take it away ? david : no . greenlee : after everything that 's happened to me , you do n't think that hurts ? david : ok , i was trying to buy some time , ok ? to keep erica at bay until i could figure out a way out of this mess . greenlee : now it all makes sense , why you were trying to get us to leave town . you were giving erica an opening . david : no . no . that 's not the only reason why i wanted to go away . greenlee , you 've been through so much , with the accident and with ryan . i was just trying to give you a way out , ok ? just for a period of time , just to get some peace in your life . greenlee , i will do anything to help you now , even if it means going away to prison . greenlee : there 's no way in hell i 'm going to let erica win . we have to find a way to beat her at her own game . david : we ? does that mean -- greenlee : it means i want erica to suffer , and with your help , she will . [ scene_break ] erica : are you gon na be all right ? ryan : i think we all will once david is rotting in jail , right ? erica : right . gayle : i 'm not ending up in the cell beside him . erica : of course not . you 're gon na be protected . gayle : i need more than your word on that . there 's already one warrant out for my arrest here . if i walk into a police station , i 'll be thrown in jail for drugging adam chandler . ryan : ok , i 'm gon na make sure that does n't happen . gayle : how ? ryan : because i know somebody that can help out with all this , ok , somebody that can give you the guarantees that you need so you feel comfortable coming forward , ok ? it 's gon na be all right . we 'll talk more in the morning . can i steal her for a second ? gayle : sure . erica : i 'll be right back . ryan : ok . thanks . this has to work . erica : it will . i mean , if anyone can make this work , it 's the two of us . [ scene_break ] brooke : j.r. is not in that hospital bed because of anything that you did . he has cancer . it 's a horrible disease , and it does n't discriminate . i mean , good people are diagnosed every day by no fault of their own or their fathers , so do not punish yourself for what is happening . adam : you do n't know half of what i 've done . brooke : i know that you love your son , and i know that you would do anything for him . and that counts for something . [ door closes ] adam : i , uh -- it 's been a while since i 've confessed my sins . i 'm usually trying to cover them up , but not now . that stops right here . what happened to stuart is my fault . i deserve to be punished , not j.r. and if you 're thinking about , you know , declaring his fate , well , if you want a chandler , i 'm available . [ sobs softly ] [ scene_break ] annie : i do n't believe being a bone marrow donor is as easy as angie says , and i 'm not sure you 're worth it . you did n't even want me to get tested , but lucky for you , i did , huh ? because i 'm your last shot now , buddy . huh . oh , that got a reaction . is it starting to sink in ? the person you hate most in this world might be the only one who can save you . j.r. : get -- out . annie : excuse me ? i 'm sorry . i ca n't hear you . what 'd you say ? j.r. : get out , you bitch . annie : gladly .
when j.r. loses consciousness , adam yells at the doctor to do something for his son . annie questions angie about her lab results . angie tells annie that she will put a stat on the results . jake keeps greenlee at bay to keep her finding gayle . david comes home to a lonely house . david calls gayle , but gayle refuses to answer the phone . david finds amanda , lurking outside of his house . amanda pretends as though she is looking for one of trevor 's toys that she may have left there . ryan visits erica and asks for her help . erica tells ryan that she is using gayle to get rid of greenlee . greenlee lets jake know that ryan is in her past and david is her future . greenlee barges into the room where gayle was , but gayle has found another hiding place . amanda lets david know that he will never change . adam encourages colby to go visit j.r. colby visits j.r. and tries to talk to him that he will regain consciousness . greenlee lets jake know that she is happy with the choices that she had made . after greenlee makes her departure , jake tells gayle that david will pay for what he has done . gayle agrees to go along with jake 's plan to bring david down . erica tells ryan that david plans to double cross and push erica out of fusion . erica agrees to help ryan to make david pay . greenlee lets david know that he had gone back to the castle to say good - bye to ryan . annie finds out that she is a partial match for j.r .
[ music plays at confusion ] erica : why do n't we talk tomorrow ? caleb : all right . call me . [ when jack walks up to erica , she turns and leaves ] [ scene_break ] colby : [ records a video on her laptop ] i thought that we were in love . and then he cheated on me . it was n't like it was with some random sorority girl . that would 've just been pathetic . some drunken skank -- i could deal with that . but no . he slept with my mother . good old mommy , pine valley 's d.a . makes me feel really good knowing she 's the one putting all the bad guys away . ca n't arrest him , ca n't trust her . love sucks . it really and utterly sucks . asher : hey , colby . colby : oh -- oh . no , no , i did n't mean to do that ! asher : do what ? colby : i posted the video ! asher : posted -- colby : for everyone to see ! [ scene_break ] tad : right on time . come on in . cara : did you hear from immigration ? is that why you said this was important ? tad : go , go , go . hope you do n't mind . cara : ooh ! sorry . am i interrupting ? tad : no . as a matter of fact , this is for you . i figured as your fiancé , what the hell . the least i could do is throw you a first date . [ scene_break ] jake : hey . amanda : i wish that there was something that i could say , but nothing i say can change the fact that i turned cara in to immigration . jake : there really is nothing to say , right ? jake : why do n't you just leave it alone already , ok ? just leave it alone . jake : by telling cara that you 're the one that reported her ? what is that gon na prove ? i understand what you 're trying to do , but i just think you 're gon na make things worse . ok ? amanda : there must be something that i can do . jake : yeah . you can play along like we all are gon na do , like the wedding is a real deal and that cara and tad are in love . ok ? and that 's it . got it ? amanda : i wo n't mess it up . i promise . but what about us ? how do i fix that ? [ scene_break ] cara : nothing like a first date a few days before we get married . tad : nothing like it . so you know what ? i figured this is more sort of a working dinner , kind of a get to know your partner . it 's like orientation , which reminds me . i got an idea . back me up on this one , would you ? cara : sure . tad : and smile . [ shutter clicks ] tad : smile . cara : yeah ? tad : hideous . heh heh heh ! cara : it 's great . tad : somebody call 911 . it 's for the photo album . cara : the album ? tad : yeah . i 'm putting one together for trumbull . i figure we 'll show it to him , and that way he 'll know that we 're just a couple of lovesick fools who just ca n't wait to tie the knot . cara : around our necks ? tad : humor is good . it is very good . do me a favor . you hang on to that , ok , because we 're gon na need it . it 's actually why i set this thing up . i figured , i do n't know , i try to lighten the mood a little bit before we dive right in , do the `` who 'd you , `` `` where 'd you , `` `` what 'd you , `` `` when 'd you . `` do n't make the face , ok ? cara : i 'm sorry . i hate talking about myself . tad : honey , i 'm sorry . you got to get used to it , because as your husband , i need to know a lot more than -- that you make a mean tamale and that you pissed off a drug lord . cara : [ pops the cork on the champagne ] there . tad : huh . my masculinity is intact . thank you . cara : i can change a tire , too . tad : see that ? i knew you were a keeper . here 's to you . actually , no . i got a better one . here 's to getting engaged , getting to know one another , and getting hitched , in that order . cara : i feel like i 'm asking a lot from you . tad : do us both a favor . just click and drink . tad : actually , no . i tell you what . um , i 'll start . cara : all right . tad : this is the part where i tell you the good , the bad , and the ugly . so do me a favor . why do n't you have a seat , because i 'm sure this is n't gon na be pretty . [ scene_break ] caleb : opal ? off to church ? opal : thank you for joining me , caleb . caleb : you said it was urgent . opal : mm - hmm . i have been doing a lot of thinking lately . i am more than a trendsetting style maker in this town . there is a head on these shoulders that knows its way around numbers , bottom lines , and profit margins and such . caleb : i 've never doubted that you 're a very smart woman . opal : smart businesswoman . the glamorama was an institution ahead of its time , way ahead of its time . and the chicken shack ? palmer and me -- we took a single recipe , and we turned that into fried - poultry gold , and a lot of that had to do with yours truly , if i do say so myself . and when palmer was down with his ticker trouble , i was the one that went into that boardroom and protected cortlandt electronics against a hostile takeover by none other than chandler enterprises . yeah , it 's proven . i have got the goods . and so as much as i love looking after my grandbabies and all the other babies in this burg , i need more . i need the thrill of the deal , the ka - ching of success , the idea of building something in the honor of my palmer . i want my hand in that legacy . and so , mr. cooney cortlandt , you can count your lucky stars right now , because you have got yourself a new partner : moi . [ scene_break ] jack : so i was just talking with opal , and she told me something very interesting . she tells me that you plan to quit cortlandt . may i just tell you i think that is a fantastic decision for us . after all , caleb can certainly handle running the business now without you holding his hand . erica : i did n't quit . jack : excuse me ? erica : i know it seemed like a good idea at the time , but the truth is i realize , jack , it is just way too soon for me to walk away . i have never been involved in any kind of business like cortlandt electronics , and the truth is i find it fascinating . i learn something new every day . jack : so you 're learning something new from every experience there , huh ? what did you learn from kissing caleb on new year 's eve ? erica : opal told you ? jack : she was a font of information . erica : the only reason that i did n't tell you myself , jack , is because it did n't mean anything . jack : it means something to me . it means you 're keeping another secret from me , the man you love , the man you supposedly want to spend the rest of your life with . erica : i do love you . i do want to spend the rest of my life with you . jack : this is not going to work , not like this . erica , do you not see that we 're in trouble and that we have been for a while and that it is not getting any better ? erica : caleb kissing me -- it was n't a secret . it 's just that i was in such a vulnerable place . i was worried sick about kendall , about her grief , and about her health . and caleb had just found out that kendall was the one who really shot david , and he promised that he would never tell anyone . i was so relieved . i was so grateful . and it was new year 's eve , and it just happened . jack : just happened ? we promised each other that this time we would do this differently , that there would be no secrets , that we would not keep anything from each other . but over the past few months you 've constantly made the choice to withhold things from me , to insert people like caleb between us . if you keep doing that , what chance are we ever gon na have ? erica : we have every chance , jack . please understand . it was just the one time , and it will never happen again because you are the only man i love , jack . you 're the only man i love . jack : you keep coming up with reasons that caleb needs you , that cortlandt needs you , but here 's the thing . from where i 'm sitting , it looks like you are trying to hold on to caleb . erica : i am not . jack : excuse me . i need to talk to krystal for a minute . no , it 's all right . [ scene_break ] colby : tell me that you got to it in time , right ? you got it ? asher : yeah . done . colby : great . so nobody 's gon na see it , right ? nobody ? asher : there were a few hits . colby : oh , my god . asher : no , it was only a few hits . chances are that anyone that you know saw it are practically less than zero . so you 're good . colby : thank you . thanks . asher : you 're welcome . colby , you do n't have to be embarrassed . colby : of course , i 'm embarrassed . i 'm video smack - talking my mom and damon ! what am i thinking ? asher : you were pissed off . you had to get it out . colby : yeah , i know , but not the internet . that would 've made things so much worse , not that anything can get any better right now . asher : look , i was n't trying to hurt you by keeping the secret in . i did n't know what to do with it . but i chose wrong . i should 've told you . colby : you can stop wasting your time on me . [ scene_break ] jake : i get it that it was very difficult for you when cara came back to town , and i 'm sorry about that , but i 've tried to do everything i can . i 've tried to show you in every way possible that you are my girl and that i love you , but it 's just never enough , i guess . amanda : no , it is , jake . it is , i swear , and i get it now . i get it . i just want everything to go back to the way it was . i will be the best sister - in - law to cara ever . tad knows . jake : tad knows what ? amanda : i told him that i reported cara , and he took it better than you did , but he wo n't tell anyone . jake : i have another patient to see before i get off , so -- amanda : well , i can wait . jake : it 's all right . i 'll see you at home . amanda : ok . jake : all right . amanda : i love you . jake : love you , too . [ scene_break ] tad : i cut up chocolate bars and put them on my breakfast cereal . and do n't even think about trying to get me to dance . i -- hobbies . pinball . i love pool . i never scratch . i never tilt . i never cheat . i was once so crazy about a woman , i proposed to her in a chicken suit . cara : ok . tad : you may want to take notes . which leads us to i 've actually fallen out of a plane and lived to tell about it , obviously , because that would be a whole different story . i 've also fallen in and out of love more than once and lived to tell about that , too , i guess -- which leads us to my marriages . you sure you do n't want a pen or something ? cara : i got it . tad : it 's dottie once , hillary once , brooke once , krystal once , and dixie three times . cara : wow . and dixie was three times ? so you were either , what , a glutton or were you really in love ? tad : a little of both . actually , a lot of both . dixie -- she was one of a kind . cara : `` was `` ? tad : yeah . she passed away . she is kathy 's mother . she was the love of my life . cara : i 'm sorry . tad : do n't be . i 'm not . actually , i still talk to her , if you want to know the truth , especially at night . and we had a star -- that 's ridiculous . i 'm not going to go into that . it sounds really , really weird . cara : just because someone 's not around , it does n't mean you stop loving them . tad : i guess . i think for most women , if their intended told them they 've been married so many times , they would 've taken off for the hills . cara : considering none of them was my sibling , it pretty much evens out the baggage . so -- yeah . why do n't you tell me about your children . tad : gladly . there is jamie , damon , kathy , jenny , and j.r . i raised him , so as far as i 'm concerned , he 's mine . i think the most concise thing i could tell you about me is that i 've made a lot of mistakes . a lot , but my children are definitely the better part of my soul . and there 's not a day goes by that i do n't thank god for them . as far as this place is concerned , it 's drafty , it 's old , but we love it . there are n't too many rules , except for one , which i think you should carve in stone , which is when it comes to the man cave , better to knock first , because you never know what 's going on in there . tag . you 're it . cara : whew ! um -- we should wait for the second date for that . tad : i do n't think we can afford to , because agent trumbull wo n't . cara : i 'm not comfortable putting myself out there . tad : how the hell do you think i feel ? you 're on the firing line , ok ? come on -- the good , the bad , and the ugly . not that i 'm saying that there 's anything remotely ugly about you , but i think i deserve to know everything about you as your future husband . cara : you know the basics -- childhood leukemia , lots of time in hospitals , at home , always the kid looking out the window wishing i were on the other side . tad : and you certainly made that happen . cara : doctors without borders . tad : mm - hmm . cara : i met jake , fell in love . we got married , and you know how that ended . tad : and ? cara : and now i 'm marrying you . tad : and ? cara : i do n't know what else you want to know . tad : come on . ok . i tell you what . what makes you laugh ? what makes you angry ? what do you love ? what do you hate ? what are you afraid of ? when you look into the future , what do you see ? i got to ask . so far , the only thing i know about you from this conversation is that you drink when you 're put on the spot . and i 'm gon na need to know a heck of a lot more if i 'm gon na be able to sell this marriage . cara : it 's just me , you know ? what you see is what you get . tad : cara castillo or carolyn finn ? but this -- it 's not about me being nosy . it 's about me trying to protect you . truly , it 's about life or death . cara : ok . where to start ? tad : ok . what about romantic history ? i told you about mine . that 's something a husband should know about . cara : ok . yeah . um -- second grade . tad : second grade ? cara : yeah . carlos padilla . um , uh , we were on the same ward in children 's hospital , and he used to give me his pudding . tad : the dog ! the oldest trick in the book . cara : i liked it . tad : and ? after carlos padilla ? cara : after carlos -- tad : who else ? cara : you know . tad : jake ? the love of your life ? um -- boy , this one 's really gon na suck . it 's just that i have to ask because trumbull knows that you and jake were married , so maybe i should know the details -- within reason . cara : i ca n't do this right now . tad : ok , let 's go back to carlos and the pudding . jake : whoa ! hello ! good - bye . here you go . here 's your mail . tad : thanks . jake : what 's all this ? tad : a first date . jake : it does n't look like it 's going very well . tad : it did n't . i tried to get her to open up . all i got was carlos . jake : who 's that ? tad : padilla , the second grade , the pudding pusher . jake : i 'm sorry . i do n't know anything about that . tad : jake , neither do i . that 's the problem . this is n't working . i need help . if she 's not gon na answer questions , then you have to . i need to know about her . please , explain it to me . why did i fall in love with your ex - wife ? [ scene_break ] colby : this is a guy - free zone . it 's a guy - free zone . i 'm gon na start focusing on my education and my future and my job . [ laptop chirps ] asher : it 's damon . do you want me to delete it ? colby : no , no . do n't , do n't . [ scene_break ] opal : then i 'm gon na follow you around the office like a shadow , a sponge absorbing your every thought . and before you know it , i am gon na be ready to pick up the slack . caleb : what slack are you gon na be picking up ? opal : erica 's , of course , now that she 's quit . oh . oh , i hope you do n't mind that she told me before she broke the news to you , but we are besties . i suppose it 's a little hard for you to hear , i understand , but it really is for the best , now that erica is planning her wedding and settling in to her future with jackson . ahem . she really has more important things to do -- no offense . caleb : so you 're running interference ? opal : you bet your sweet patootie i am , because you have been tackling my gal pal every chance you get . [ scene_break ] erica : you are very busy . your restaurant alone is a full - time job , and to make time to help jack ? krystal : i enjoy the law . erica : you enjoy jack , too . krystal : yes , i do . erica : you certainly do pop up everywhere . i mean , what was so urgent ? some notes ? phone calls ? and yet you drove all the way over here . my goodness , i 'm gon na make sure that jack gives you a bonus . krystal : erica , we 're against the clock . and when jack needs me , the only place i 'm gon na be is right by his side . and lately these days , he 's alone . erica : you trying to imply something about me ? krystal : oh . no . please , no . i know how busy you are with caleb . erica : with cortlandt electronics . and as i said , you are very busy -- barkeep , secretary , friend , faithful as a dog . krystal : woof . erica : if it barks like a dog -- look , the thing is you have gone through all the men in pine valley you possibly can , and now i can see you have this sad little fantasy that maybe someday if you work really hard , you will be mrs. jackson montgomery . you really need to give that up , because that is not gon na happen . krystal : my `` run `` through the men of pine valley is n't nearly as impressive as yours . of course , you 've had a head start . and you still have your track shoes on . erica : jack and i are very happy . krystal : oh . so you 're just chasing caleb all over town for the exercise ? erica : caleb and i run a multimillion - dollar company together . that is hardly the same relationship as you chasing jack all over to deliver a brief or a message or whatever the heck you hope to deliver . krystal : i 'm just doing my job . erica : no , you are desperate . and i understand , believe me . i feel for you . i 'm sure the whole town feels sorry for you . to see tad marry a lovely younger woman , a doctor ? it ca n't be easy . krystal : i 'm happy for tad . and i would love to be just as happy for jackson . but that man does n't genuinely smile when he talks about you these days . erica : maybe he does n't smile because he 's with you . jack and i love each other very much , and i 'm gon na be in his life , making sure that he grins from ear to ear . jack : everything all right here ? krystal : yes . i 'm gon na get those papers off to judge harris . jack : ok . thank you for everything . what did you say to her ? erica : what did i say to her ? oh , jack . you need to fire that woman immediately . [ scene_break ] asher : what about the whole thing about the guy - free zone ? what ? that applies to everyone but damon , the guy who -- do you need to watch that video again ? you know what ? i 'm out of here . colby : `` do n't ever e - mail me . do n't ever text me . do n't ever call me . we 're done . have a good life . `` i 'm done with guys because i 'm done getting my heart broken . [ scene_break ] jake : i remember when i met cara . she really was good with a needle . she stuck me twice , thought it was hysterical . i guess i thought it was funny . tad : yeah , to sign up for something like doctors without borders , you got to be a certain type of person . jake : she was fearless , took a lot of risks , and i guess i understand it better now because , well , knowing that she was sick as a child . tad : she just wanted to live . jake : i remember this one time -- it was christmas , actually -- and we can hear the gunfire , the whole thing . and we get to talking , and she wanted to have a christmas tree . so she takes a scalpel , and she runs outside to cut down this horrible little bush , and she basically risks her life to do this , right ? so she gets the ugly thing , she brings it inside , and it turned out to be the best christmas i ever had . tad : [ laughs ] i wo n't tell mom . jake : it 's hard to explain how you come to rely on a person in a place like that . tad : it sounds perfect . huh . jake : `` perfect `` ? perfectly stubborn . great with her patients . she treated every single one of them like she was their sister or their mother or their aunt . she 'd sing , too . she 'd sing in the shower , in the operating room , in the car . just out of nowhere , boom , in your ear . like , slamming like a frying pan a mariah carey song or a britney song -- ugh . tad : that bad ? jake : you 're like , `` agh , agh , agh . `` these noises would come out of her mouth , but she 's tone deaf . she does n't know that she 's tone deaf , but she 's tone deaf . and it was like gurgles coming out like -- not human , these sounds . tad : [ laughs ] and you loved every second of it , did n't you ? [ scene_break ] amanda : hey . i was hoping you 'd be here . can we talk for a sec ? cara : why ? amanda : i just wanted to say that i 'm glad that tad 's marrying you . you 're gon na be safe . and if there 's anything i can do or anything you need -- cara : why you being so nice to me ? amanda : i was hoping we could start over . maybe spend some time together , get to know each other ? cara : yeah , even tad wants to do that , too . so do ruth and joe from clear down in florida . everyone 's asking questions , wanting to be friends . amanda : it 's just because everyone 's wanting to make you feel welcome . cara : all it 's making me want to do is go someplace where the only questions are , `` can you help , dr. finn ? is our baby gon na be all right ? `` amanda : you 're not serious . you would n't just take off ? cara : and what if i did ? what if i slipped out the right way ? i could disappear into my old life and do what i love more than anything in this world . amanda : you ca n't . you ca n't leave . cara : why not ? amanda : because the authorities might track you down and send you back to mexico . you could be killed . cara : i 've done it before , ok ? i 'll be fine . amanda : i get that you are under a ton of pressure , but it 's not a prison sentence . being a part of this family , it 's a gift -- and trust me , i know . i came from the craziest place you can imagine . and when i married jake , when they embraced me , it was incredible to be that surrounded by protection and love . obviously , it 's different . jake and i were madly in love , and you and tad -- ok . i 'm probably not helping right now . cara : no , you 're helping . amanda : wow . that was a first . cara : thank you . amanda : i really do want to help you . i really do want you to be safe . [ scene_break ] jake : i actually remember the exact moment i wanted to marry cara . tad : you 're kidding ? jake : no . we 'd been up all night , surgery , and i was just exhausted , and i started a fight . i -- i do n't even remember what the fight was about , but -- it takes a lot to get her mad , ok , but when you do , you better duck . tad : ok . i 'll make sure i keep that in mind . jake : she went off on me like a -- no , thank you -- like an atom bomb . she called me every name in the book . i was an ass , though . i knew i was wrong . i felt stupid . i deserved it . i got that . i felt terrible , so i wanted to fix it , right ? so i used the -- do you remember when mom and dad used to get into fights , and he would have the bad - joke technique ? tad : oh , god , you did n't ? jake : no , i did . i used one of his best -- one of his worst , and it was , `` why does an elephant keep his trunk in the front and not in the back ? `` tad : why ? jake : because he does n't want to stick peanuts up his own -- hello ! hello ! so she just -- tad : [ laughs ] did she hit you ? jake : no , no , no . she laughed , and that was the thing . she laughed her face off . she thought it was hysterical . she laughed , and she was hiccupping . and so she 's laughing and hiccupping . she 's adorable when she 's got that big , stupid laugh . and i realized at that moment she had forgiven me for my jackass - ness , and i just knew that i could love this girl forever . so now you know . whew . tad : yeah , i guess i do . i think i got it . jake : yeah . i know . amanda told me about ratting out cara . tad : jake , before you say anything , look , it was n't my place to say . jake : why would n't you ? who were you trying to protect , exactly ? amanda ? tad : maybe , and maybe you . how are you two -- jake : i 'm fine . everything 's fine . i 'm trying to make it fine . i 'm trying to make it ok . tad : listen , as much as you may hate what she did , ok , you got to understand that amanda loves you more than anything . she 's afraid to lose you . jake : i 'm not putting all this on you . everybody 's got to take responsibility for what they do , right ? i 'm trying to keep a grip on things . tad : it 's a lot to handle for both of you . jake : no , cara is back in town . it just brings up a lot of memories . but the one thing i know is that i love my wife , and my ex - wife is all yours . [ scene_break ] jack : krystal is a friend , and she is a very valuable asset to my practice . so why would i fire her ? erica : i had no idea how desperate that woman was to get her nasty little claws into you . jack : how did you get the idea that you can dictate with whom i work ? erica : maybe the same way you got the idea that you could tell me i should stop working with caleb . jack : you know what ? this is not about caleb , and it 's not about krystal . it 's about you and me . here we are , engaged to be married , and it seems to me we are as far apart as two people could possibly be . [ scene_break ] amanda : i 'm really so glad that you called . i talked to cara . i did n't come clean . i just told her how amazing tad is and how much we all want to help them , help her make this work . i really meant it , jake . i really meant it , and i really want to try and make this right . jake : we 're all doing that . we 're all trying to make it work , you know ? [ scene_break ] cara : i 'm sorry i went running out . tad : yeah . it was the breakfast cereal thing , was n't it ? no , seriously , it scares them off every time . cara : no . you 're trying to help , and i appreciate you . tad : come on . cara : thank you . whew ! tad : so , that being said , is our date still on ? cara : si . all right . you ready for the deal ? tad : ready . cara : i like my coffee black . i like jalapeños on everything . i love to sing , and let me tell you , i am a damn fine singer . is this mine ? tad : so i 've heard . cara : yeah ? tad : yeah . cara : ok . i 'm ready to answer any questions that you have for me . i will bore you senseless with my life story . but i 'm thinking a couple more of these , and i will bust out a song or two if you 're lucky . [ scene_break ] colby : no . no , no , no . no . asher : you saw it , too . colby : so did about half the country ! the video about my mom and damon -- it went viral ! no , no , no ! [ scene_break ] erica : look , i do n't know what else to do . i do n't know how to convince you that i 'm with you . i do n't want caleb . i want you . i love you . jack , you have to trust that . you have to trust me . jack : i 'm not sure i can anymore . [ scene_break ] tad : for you . for you . for pleasure . cara : oh , my god . honestly , though , i am a sucker for flowers . did you know this ? tad : well , i do now . cara : i 'm thinking we need to get this whole photo op thing going on before the flowers wilt , the candles burn out . let 's do it . tad : right . that 's a good idea . that 's a good idea . so , yeah . if i 'm lucky , get some more of those cutesy couple photographs before the evening 's through . cara : ok . we should make this look convincing . tad : you gon na feed me the flower ? cara : kiss . that 'll work . [ jake and amanda walk in as cara and tad are kissing ]
colby makes a video on her computer talking about everything that happened with damon and liza and how badly hurt she is by the situation . asher arrives and distracts her and she accidentally posts the video to the internet but he is able to take the video down before too many people see it . colby tells asher she is going to concentrate on work and school and forget about guys so that she wo n't get her heart broken . colby gets and e - mail from damon and she sends him an e - mail back telling him to have a good life and not contact her again . colby is later upset to discover the video has gone viral and she regrets ever having put her feelings on video . erica decides not to quit cortlandt , which leads to jack telling her that she is doing everything in her power to hang on to caleb but she tells jack that she loves him not caleb . jack wonders why erica kept her kiss with caleb a secret from him and she tells him that the kiss was n't important and she had forgotten all about it she did n't intentionally keep it a secret from him . opal wants to be caleb 's new business partner at cortlandt and tells caleb her business experience since she knows that he will need someone to pick up the slack since erica quit .
erica : i was n't expecting anyone to come in . kendall : well , no damage done , except maybe to this . erica , are you all right ? erica : if one more person asks me that , i 'm going to scream . i 'm fine , kendall . i am perfectly , fantastically fine . kendall : you are anything but fine , and we both know why . [ scene_break ] maggie : whee ! here she comes . have another bite . bianca : no , no -- do you want me to burst ? maggie : no , i want you to keep up your strength . bianca : ok . mmm . you know , this is n't necessary . maggie : you do n't have to talk with your mouth full . here . bianca : thank you , but i 'm not an invalid . maggie : no , you are a very stressed - out , pregnant woman . bianca : mmm , thank you . i look that good , huh ? maggie : yes , you look great . one more -- one more for the baby ? here , take half of it . bianca : oh , my god , that 's huge ! maggie : have half . bianca : oh , thank you . mmm , that 's so good . maggie : you know , when you confessed to killing michael , i nearly died . i did n't know what they were going to do to you . i had all these horrible visions of visiting you in prison and -- bianca : maggie , stop it . it 's fine . they 're not even prosecuting me . maggie : no , i know , i know , i 'm a worrywart , but i was scared to death . bianca : it 's ok now . maggie : you buttered yourself . bianca : oh . thank you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : tad , it 's all over . all the secrets are out in the open . tad : no , actually , there are a couple of fun facts nobody 's let slip just yet . krystal : you know , i do n't know why we 're just not out celebrating , all of us ! tad : yeah , not much you do n't . jamie : dad , whatever it is , just let it go . krystal : i tell you what -- let 's hit b.j . 's . on me , huh ? tad : forget it , krystal . you 're not getting away with it . joe : tad , if you have something to say , say it . krystal : it can wait , it can wait ! tad : no , actually , it ca n't wait . it 's waited long enough . i 'm sorry . i know this is sudden , but the simple fact is -- krystal : all right , all right -- ok , no , listen , i was hoping you 'd see this my way , but since you are so intent on letting everybody in on our personal business , then i 'll make the announcement . you do n't mind me stealing some of your thunder , now , do you , big fella ? tad : no , by all means , tell them . adam : what are you two doing ? tad : we 're not doing anything . just listen . i 'm sure you 'll be interested in this . krystal : all right , just settle down now , boys . some of you may know that thaddeus and i have been enjoying -- how do i put this tastefully -- adam : why start now ? krystal : well , we have been really carrying on and having tons of fun . tad : oh , for god 's sake , this has nothing to do with anything . krystal : i 'm going to lower the boom . just do n't sweat it . babe : mama , do n't . jamie : we came for the paternity results . we 've got them . j.r. : and now we can go back to our regular lives . tad : some of us can . krystal : and some of us are in for some major life changes . j.r. : sure , sure . we 're about ready to expect a baby . tad : son , this has got nothing to do with the baby . jamie : hey , today has been rough enough . can we just go home ? tad : soon . just as soon as everybody hears about this . krystal : tad and i are getting married . jamie : you and my dad ? adam : you 're taking her off our hands ? tad : married ? adam : congratulations ! both of you ! tad : shut up ! nothing this woman says is the truth . krystal : are you accusing me of lying ? tad : yeah . krystal : you are denying that we are intimately entangled ? joe : tad , why do n't you take this outside , huh ? tad : pop , she 's lying ! krystal : i thought i had you reformed . i believed all your sweet - talking and your heavy breathing , and you are nothing but tad the hardhearted cad ! joe : folks , why do n't we try to settle this in private . private ? krystal : you know what , your dad 's right . tad : no , no -- krystal : absolutely right . tad : no , he 's wrong . this is not going to save you . krystal : listen , let 's just air our dirty linens in private , ok ? tad : no , this is nothing but a desperate attempt to silence me . krystal : talk amongst yourselves . tad : well , are n't you cute . listen , i do n't care how much dust you try and throw in the air . i 'm going to walk back in there and i 'm going to prove that babe and j.r. are not legally married , and there 's not a thing you can do about it . so you better get ready , krystal , because life as you know it is about to end . [ scene_break ] maggie : clean and gorgeous . bianca : well , you see what happens when you overfeed me ? i wind up wearing half my food . maggie : you 're eating for two . stuff happens . bianca : well , this is where all the spoiling ends , ok ? i 'm not going to have you fattening me up or the baby . you 're going to turn her into a little butterball . maggie : what do you mean ? babies are supposed to be plump . listen to us -- `` baby , baby , baby , baby . `` come on , it 's too generic . you need to come up with a name . bianca : well , you know , some people wait and see what the baby looks like . maggie : oh , they look like old little men . you 're going to wait to name her irving or herschel ? bianca : well , i might get something from her expression . maggie : oh , so she 's going to love being grown up known as `` gas bubble . `` bianca : if she wrinkles up her face or something , we can call her `` scrunchy . `` maggie : people also name their babies after towns -- philadelphia . bianca : hmm , too ordinary . punxatawny , or `` punky `` for short . [ knock on door ] maggie : i like that . you 're on to something . bianca : i 'll get it . maggie : oh , it 's fate . when you open up the door , whoever it is , we 'll name her after her . bianca : oh , `` pizza delivery guy `` montgomery ? lena : bianca , i found it . start packing . it 's the perfect house for you . maggie : you did n't tell me you were moving . [ scene_break ] erica : kendall , i 'm not a riddle or a puzzle . i mean , i do n't need you to figure myself out . kendall : i know that . erica : everyone 's been under an awful lot of stress lately . i mean , everyone needs to blow off steam once in a while . kendall : well , of course they do . you have every right to wreck this whole office . erica : are you giving me permission ? kendall : no . no , no , no , that 's not what i meant . you know what , with everything going on , you probably do n't need me here , so i should go . erica : i did n't say that . i do n't want you to leave pine valley . do n't put that on me . kendall : not pine valley . enchantment . erica , this is your office . you belong behind that desk , not me . you know what , i 'll give you your shares of enchantment back . i 'll sign them all over to you , ok ? we can make this right . erica : you really think you can do that ? kendall : you are enchantment , erica . when i think of all the great things you 've done here , all of your triumphs right here in this very room -- we ca n't let that end . bianca 's voice : it 's not over ! it can never be over for me , like it could never be over for my mother because that psycho rapist michael got me pregnant . it can never be over . never , never be over . never , never be over . never ! never ! never ! never ! never ! erica : no ! kendall : what was that ? `` no , `` what ? erica : to your very generous offer . i -- i ca n't accept . kendall : you wo n't come back to run enchantment ? erica : my expectations of life have changed since i started enchantment . sitting behind that desk -- well , you try it for a while . kendall : no , it does n't seem right . erica , enchantment is erica kane . erica : work to make it your own . i have enough wealth . i have more than enough . kendall : but your work -- it 's so satisfying to you . i know that 's real and it 's important . erica : oh , the best of everything . the spas , the yachts , the clubs -- no time , ca n't get there . what does it all come down to ? photo ops . i 'm recognized everywhere i go . people think they know me , but they do n't . my own family does n't know me . kendall : but you enjoy being a celebrity . i thought it made you happy . erica : yeah , i thought it would . kendall : of course , that was before you found out what happened to bianca . erica : bianca ? kendall : is n't that why you slammed this into the wall ? [ scene_break ] bianca : well , i just asked lena to do a little house hunting for me because i 'm supposed to rest . lena : bianca gave me an idea of what she 's looking for and the neighborhoods she likes . maggie : you gave me no warning . lena : i 'm going to go get some water . bianca : ok . maggie , you did n't expect me to live here when i brought the baby home , did you ? maggie : how long has she been looking for a place ? bianca : she 's just started . come on , this place is , like , too cramped for just the two of us . i mean , the fish have more room in their fish tank than we have . and i still have to bring home so much stuff for the baby -- i mean , a crib , a playpen , a changing table , a bassinet -- maggie : i know , i know . i did n't -- i did n't expect you to have her 16th birthday here . i knew that you 'd be moving out eventually . i just expected to hear it from you . bianca : well , i never expected lena to find a place so fast . lena , why -- why do you think this house is perfect for me ? lena : it 's just a really sweet house . it 's not very big . it 's a bungalow . but the yard is just perfect , and it 's all fenced - in in the back with a garden . bianca : well , where is it ? lena : cornell drive . a lot of the neighbors are in their 20s and 30s , and they all have kids and big , floppy dogs . it 's just really friendly and loud and busy , you know ? bianca : why is the house on the market ? lena : oh , the owners , the foremans -- they already have two kids and they 're adopting another one . they 're saying the house is just shrinking . it only has two bedrooms , and just one little tiny room in the back . maggie : so it 's too cramped , too small . lena : for them , yeah . bianca : but you think perfect for me ? lena : and the baby . trust me , bianca , any au pair is going to kill to live in a house like -- bianca : an au pair ? why do you think i 'm hiring an au pair ? nobody 's going to take care of my child but me . i 'm going to raise her myself . lena : well , i 'm not saying you 're not capable . it 's just that running cambias industries is more than a full - time job . how are you going to manage ? [ scene_break ] krystal : life as i know it ? which life ? i 've had more lives than any cat you ever knew . tad : all right , how 's this ? your gravy train 's about to be derailed . do you like that any better ? krystal : i do n't give a damn about my life , tad . i 've had to re - create my life from dirt a dozen times . i 'm just trying to save babe 's life and j.r. 's and jamie 's . and if you gave a damn about them -- tad : do n't you dare question my devotion to my family . krystal : look , tad , we 're on the same side here . if you go in there and you spill the beans to adam about the annulment , then who wins ? adam ! and if j.r. thinks that you 've proved adam 's point and adam uses that to kick babe to the curb , then who 's happy ? adam ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : what do you think 's going on out there ? babe : whatever it is , i hope mama wins . j.r. : do you think tad was going to tell us about the engagement ? jamie : did n't seem like it . [ scene_break ] krystal : you say that you love those boys , and then you do something like that ? you are just lying to them ! tad : i 'm not lying ! it 's the law ! krystal : oh , god . you are one big upholder of the law . tad : no , no , no , this is not about me . this is about you . you 're the one that stepped over the line , and you 're the only one you have to blame for it . krystal : will you just keep it down ? tad : why the hell should i ? they 're going to know the deal the minute i step foot back in that office . j.r. : hey , hey , where are you off to ? adam : oh , i was just going after some coffee . joe , would you like some coffee ? joe : thank you , no , there 's coffee there , adam . help yourself . adam : oh . jamie : you were n't going after coffee . you were eavesdropping on my dad and krystal . j.r. : how about we go sit down ? jamie : like over here . adam : i hope she gets tad to the altar . six months with that tramp would equal 10 years with your everyday , run - of - the - mill harridan . babe : you take that back . j.r. : see , now you 're making babe upset . adam : oh , i 'm -- babe : no , i mean it ! you take that back right now , or i 'm sending you to the er with a big old hernia , walking like a crab . j.r. : you need to apologize to her , dad . babe : oh -- adam : i -- j.r. : babe ? babe ? babe , what is it ? babe : um -- i kind of feel not so good . [ scene_break ] bianca : well , there 's no way i 'm going to be a part - time mom . i mean , i do n't want somebody else to take care of my child for me . lena : oh , i 'm not saying you should . i just assumed you 'd want to hire some help . maggie : oh , first clue -- never assume anything about bianca . lena : so you 're not going to handle the cambias interests ? bianca : well , actually , alexander cambias ' businesses were incredibly well run . and ryan left great management teams in place , and i 've got kendall who 's stepped up to help , and then i 've got you to assist her , right ? lena : right , as long as you want me . bianca : well , then , i 'm set . maggie : i think it 's a great idea . you know , a lot of single moms -- they do n't have a choice . they have to slave away to make ends meet , and you can afford to do it . and you can dedicate all your time to the baby . bianca : well , thanks . maggie : oh , it 's just my opinion . i mean , my mom -- please . she was clueless when it came to me and frankie . bianca : well , so , lena , tell me more about the house . lena : oh , well , it 's really light . i mean , it 's got huge windows , and it 's just perfect . in the front there 's a porch , and on it there 's a swing and a hammock -- bianca : oh -- lena : and you can just feed and rock the baby right there when the weather 's right . bianca : well , what about the kitchen ? lena : oh , it 's definitely big enough for you to be there when the baby 's eating and for you to cook , and you can eat in it . it 's big enough for that when you do n't want to use the dining room . bianca : so , then , i can maybe turn the dining room into a playroom . lena : yes ! there 's a big french window leading out onto the patio and onto the backyard . bianca : gosh , she 's going to have great birthday parties when she gets older . lena : bianca , i can already imagine you living there , with all the floppy toys all over the place , and your daughter 's going to bring all these pretty pictures home . you 're going to put them up on the walls . bianca : now , how does she look ? maggie : why do we have to hang up paintings anyway ? we 're only going to be here for a couple more months , right ? bianca : maggie , what do you have against this painting ? all right , maggie , what 's your vote ? maggie ? maggie : what ? bianca : well , what do you think about the house ? maggie : oh -- i think it 's ideal . bianca : i think so , too . i 'm going to call marian right now . maybe she can show us all the house today before somebody else snatches it up . [ scene_break ] erica : i threw it because i 'm sick of being viewed as less than i am . kendall : erica , no one thinks that . erica : oh , yes , they 're watching me . jack , myrtle , opal -- oh , they 're observing me , my every move . they 're waiting for me to crack up . kendall : everyone has a breaking point . erica : but i am not some exotic hothouse flower . i mean , i 've proven my strength time and time again . kendall : but we can still feel protective . erica : well , i do n't want special treatment . celebrity can create distance , and people think you 're unapproachable , unreal . and so they watch you . they just observe you . kendall : erica , no one wants to make you feel uncomfortable . erica : look , kendall , it 's not unusual to want to try something new , to start a new project , and that 's -- that 's what i want . that 's what all this is about . kendall : ok , well , then , do you know what you want ? i mean , do you want to travel ? you want to conquer a new field ? erica : i have n't made a concrete decision yet . kendall : well , maybe it does n't matter what it is as long as it takes your mind off what 's happened to bianca . if anything can . erica : well , that 's an interesting take on things . kendall : some events are so traumatic , they stay with us forever . erica : well , we both have learned that lesson , have n't we ? kendall : this has been very difficult for everyone who loves bianca . but for you -- you suffered something so similar , so i think getting past this will be a struggle for both of you . erica : you 've managed to change . kendall : well , for the better , i hope . erica : you are not the same girl who i found on my doorstep all those years ago . i think we 've both come a long way . kendall : we still have a long way to go . do you think we can get there together ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : how is she ? joe : oh , do n't worry . jamie : it 's not the baby ? joe : sometimes moms - to - be get queasy . j.r. : like morning sickness ? joe : mm - hmm , that 's it . j.r. : can i get you anything , honey ? babe : uh -- please do n't mention food . please do not mention food . j.r. : dad ! adam : hmm ? j.r. : come on , what are you doing ? adam : i 'm just checking . if they 're not coming back in -- joe : yeah , well -- ahem -- you 've got a good idea there , adam . why do n't you go home . you 'll be much more comfortable there . hmm ? babe : j.r. , i just want my own bed . j.r. : tad was set on telling us something . jamie : dad snapped . i 'm heading out . joe : jamie , do n't forget , your grandmother expects you for dinner on sunday . krystal : you never cared about me at all . tad : that 's right , big diversion . you got no -- babe : hey . krystal : hey , hey . were we taking too long ? tad : where 's everybody going ? j.r. : babe 's not feeling too well . krystal : honey , what 's wrong ? babe : just a little bit of morning sickness so far . krystal : oh , well , why do n't you kids just run along and tad and i will hang back here and kind of iron out our marital wrinkles . tad : the hell we will . i 'm not finished . everybody get back in the office . jamie : later . tad : jamie -- j.r. : yeah , babe needs some rest . you know where to find us . adam : i actually thought you might have something to contribute . grow up , you randy juvenile delinquent . joe : i have a consult . catch me up on sunday dinner . krystal : come here , come here . you claim you care about those boys . you 're so full of it . you do n't love them ! tad : do n't ever , ever question my love for my children , not ever ! krystal : i 'm not questioning it . it 's just nonexistent . tad : well , so says the world 's most perfect mother , a paragon of maternal virtue , a woman who continually teachers her only child it 's all right to lie and cheat to get what you want in life . krystal : tad , i 've made mistakes . tad : yeah , you certainly have . krystal : there 's no doubt about that . tad : you got that right . krystal : but there 's one thing i did . i taught my girl to be a wonderful , goodhearted person , and she deserves to have a happy life . tad : and it 's all right to con j.r. to get it ? krystal : this is n't the way we go about things normally . it 's -- it just got messed up , all right ? tad : well , you certainly got that right . but by all means , krystal , why straighten it out ? why deal with the truth when you can just have your daughter dump another load of lies on her erstwhile husband . krystal : that 's not what -- erstwhile ? what the heck 's erstwhile ? tad : `` erstwhile `` -- you know , it means before , former . krystal : oh , you 're talking about paul cramer again . tad : i am -- no , i 'm not talking about paul , i 'm talking about j.r . krystal : j.r. is not erstwhile . he is the current , and he 's going to be here forever . tad : no , no . j.r. is not current , ok ? because technically , j.r. 's a never - was because your daughter did n't have the wherewithal to mail a stupid piece of paper . they 're not legally married ! krystal : that was just an oversight . tad : no kidding ! and as far as paul cramer 's concerned , paul cramer 's an erstwhile because he 's a still - is ! i mean , can you just see it ? why does n't he try to go out and hyphen it , for god 's sake ? it could be baby - cramer - chandler- carey . i mean , it 'd be a tremendous monogram . krystal : very funny . tad : as soon as they figure out who gets top billing -- either way , it does n't matter . i think my son should know what babe has done . krystal : and you think you 're the man for the job ? tad : well , i 'm the only father he 's ever known . why the hell not ? krystal : great . then what ? so j.r. and babe are not legally married . the license does n't mean squat . even though they truly , really love each other . and they 're going to be parents . you want to mess that up , and for what ? why ? what was my babe 's big sin , huh ? forgetfulness ? some lousy clerical error ? tad : that was n't bad . you need a violin . no , i 'm not kidding . you 're good . you 're probably one of the best i 've ever seen . either way , you are not going to get me to feel guilty for doing the right thing by my children . krystal : tad , listen to me , ok ? i have a way of working this out without screwing up everybody 's future if you would -- would you just listen to me ? would you hear me out , please ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : all right , in you go . all right . let me get your jacket , babe . babe : thanks , honey . j.r. : you sit down . babe : ok . j.r. : ok ? mary : j.r. , congratulations . j.r. : well , thank you . babe : i can do it , silly . j.r. : i want to ! mary : here , you need this worse than i do . adam : oh . here . maybe this will help . j.r. : oh , yeah , yeah , yeah . lean forward a little bit . there you go . adam : i meant what i said at the office , babe . i 've treated you very poorly , and i am ashamed of myself . so i 'm hoping for a fresh start . we have so much to look forward to . one more chance is all i need . babe : well , i just want to be able to love j.r. and our baby and give him the family that he deserves . j.r. : can you forgive me for what a pig i 've been these last few months ? we 're on track . i want to stay there . babe : me , too . adam : yes , yes . yes , indeed . j.r. : this baby is the best thing that 's ever happened to me -- i mean , next to you . we just got a lot to do to get ready now . babe : we 've got tons of time , honey . mary : what a burden must be lifted from your heart . j.r. : hey , is n't it time for one of those -- those parties , those prebaby things ? babe : a shower ? j.r. : yes , a shower ! mary : or a typhoon . j.r. : throw , like , the biggest , most expensive shower you 've ever seen . babe : i think that 's something that girls do , and they do it for their best friends . mary : and since babe has none -- j.r. : well , mary can throw it . adam : mary ? j.r. : yes . mary : me ? adam : what a stellar idea . babe : it 's ok . thanks , really , but i 'd rather not have a shower . mary : thank god . babe : well , not for myself , but let 's throw one for bianca . mary : bianca ? babe : yeah ! mary : a shower for bianca ? can you imagine what a nightmare that would be ? i mean , what does one give the lesbian who has everything ? the one that shot and killed the rapist who impregnated her ? babe : i like bianca . a lot . mary : well , yes , bianca can be very sweet , and that 's not the issue here . it 's just that it would be in very bad taste . trust me . babe : bianca is a great girl , and she loves her baby and she 's going to make herself a terrific mother , and that 's all anybody should be worrying about right now . [ scene_break ] bianca : thank -- thank you . thank you so much . i 'll see you later . lena : hey , when can we go ? bianca : well , she 's going to meet us there in an hour , and marian said that now that she knows kind of what i 'm looking for , she 's going to bring her book and maybe show us some more houses later today . lena : listen , you wo n't need it . i 'm telling you , once you see this house , you 'll be sold . bianca : well , that would make everything really easy . maggie : you said that there 's a mudroom , right ? lena : yeah , off the back door . maggie : well , that 's great . you know , you could put the washer and dryer there . you do n't have to schlep up and down the stairs to do laundry , and then you can keep an eye on the baby . bianca : that 's a fantastic idea . thanks . lena : i did n't even think to look in the basement . bianca : well , that 's ok . we 'll check it out . we 'll check everything out . gosh , there 's so much to do before the baby arrives . lena : you know , if there 's anything i can do to help -- bianca : well , it 's just we need to get so much stuff -- i mean , a car seat , a baby stroller -- maggie : no , no -- you make a list , i 'll take care of it . lena : well , a lot will depend on where it is that you decide to live . bianca : oh , my god , i did n't even think to ask about the school system . lena : oh , there 's an elementary school two blocks away . no busy streets to cross . bianca : well , this is amazing . this is so perfect that it 's scary . i mean , there must be something wrong . there must be termites or a giant sinkhole about to swallow the whole place up . [ knock on door ] lena : shh ! do n't ! you 'll curse it . maggie : thank god . where you have been ? i thought i had been stood up . gosh , i 've been waiting for him . i 'll catch you guys later . we 're going to go out , all right ? bianca : bye . lena : bye . jamie : what was that ? maggie : survival . jamie : so we did n't have a date ? maggie : i had to get out of there before i said something incredibly stupid and made a complete fool out of myself . jamie : come on . [ scene_break ] erica : together ? you want us , you and me , to be together ? kendall : i want us to be a family . this ca n't be a surprise . erica : yes , it is . it 's absolutely fascinating . kendall : but it 's not impossible , unless you have a problem with it . erica : for heaven 's sakes , kendall , you had everything you wanted -- the dream family that you 've always claimed you longed for -- and you threw it away . kendall : why are you being so quiet ? erica : i am a very reasonable person . i never meant to hurt your feelings , and i thought that you understood your own behavior . kendall : when ? erica : you have been fantasizing about the perfect family since you were old enough to dream . kendall : well , i still have that dream for you , me , and bianca . erica : you and bianca have done very well together all by yourselves . you bonded together . you took on the world together . kendall : we helped each other . erica : you 've achieved your aim with bianca . kendall : yes , well , my dream still includes you . erica : kendall , you made a choice . you cut me out . kendall : no , no , no , no . that 's not what we wanted to do . we -- we knew what hearing about bianca 's pregnancy would do to you . she wanted to tell you -- erica : look , you do n't have to justify your behavior to me . i 've had to pay the price for my actions , and i 'm sure you will , too . kendall : erica , i 'm sorry you were hurt , but please -- erica : have you ever forgotten a betrayal , kendall ? kendall : i do n't understand . erica : have you ? kendall : that depends . sometimes . erica : oh , kendall , come on . you do n't really expect me to believe that , do you ? i ca n't buy that . you are someone who imagines betrayals where none exist . but it 's not the end of the world . [ phone rings ] erica : yes ? who is this ? oh , my god . [ scene_break ] bianca : was it just me , or did maggie 's exit seem kind of -- lena : sudden ? bianca : and weird . i was supposed to move out and hide until the baby was born , but it was kendall 's trial that put my move on hold . lena : you and maggie never talked about it ? bianca : more like we talked around it . lena : she looked like she 'd been punched . bianca : i know . if i had known , i would 've -- i would 've asked you to give me the details of the house someplace else . i guess i still feel kind of guilty . lena : about leaving maggie ? come on , be honest . bianca : i feel sad . i feel really sad . lena : i know she 's very dear to you . i do n't know , maybe it 's not a good idea for you to be moving by yourself . maybe -- bianca : no , no . with the baby on the way , i really need to establish my own life . lena : good . so , shall we go ? bianca : actually , could i -- could i just meet you at the house ? i just -- i just need to make a stop first . lena : ok . i 'll see you there . bianca : ok . lena : ok , bye . [ scene_break ] babe : bianca 's got a lot going for her , more than a lot of people . mary : i did n't say she did n't . babe : bianca loves her baby . she 's keeping her baby , and she is going to make a wonderful mother . and i want everybody in this house to treat her with the utmost of love and respect , and i 'm talking everybody . j.r. : yeah , you know what , babe is right . bianca 's a friend of mine , and i care about her a lot , too . you know , you really should n't get yourself so upset . babe : well , i did n't . she upset me . mary : i 'm sorry . really , i 'm sorry . adam : good , because bianca 's shown a great deal of courage and -- mary : yes , i know she did , but i 'm trying to say that the spectacular circumstances surrounding her pregnancy -- she might not want to flaunt it by having a baby shower . babe : it 's not flaunting when you 're celebrating with friends . mary : well , i did n't realize you two had bonded . babe : we 've spent enough time together to know that we connect . we 've both been on the outside , looking in at the regular people . j.r. : yeah , do n't worry . we 'll throw bianca the best shower ever . mary : i think it is a lovely and gracious gesture -- j.r. : whenever you want . babe : tomorrow . j.r. : sure . babe : can we do it that soon ? mary : that 's insane ! no ! babe : it 's not insane , it 's just a little get - together . mary : but people already have probably made their plans , and we do n't have a menu . we have n't chosen a caterer , the invitations have n't been mailed out -- babe : it ca n't be that hard . all we have to do is we 'll go by the deli and we 'll grab some gourmet goodies , and then we can stop by alicia 's party shop and we can get balloons and stuff . mary : adam , i just -- i need to have a little chat with you . adam : oh , yes . excuse me . j.r. : do n't worry . we 'll throw her a great party . babe : i know . i was just thinking about mama and tad . [ scene_break ] tad : you got two minutes . you with your golden track record -- you got a way to work things out without tearing everybody 's lives to shreds ? i 'm all ears . krystal : great . listen to me -- babe meant to file that paper . tad : what do you mean , she meant -- krystal : just listen to me ! she was n't trying to commit some sneaky crime , ok ? the papers were filed . they were signed by both parties . they were all set to go out . if she had n't misplaced them and then completely forgotten about them , then you and i could be having a real good time right now , tad . tad : yeah , possibly , but that does n't change the fact that what 's done -- or in this case is n't done -- still is n't . you know , this is the problem with you . you get me in a situation where i do n't even know what i 'm saying . krystal : ok , tad , what i am saying is you and i , we could file that paper secretly -- tad : no ! krystal : and then when the annulment is official -- tad : it does n't make sense . babe is pregnant . she 's going to give birth , ok , and they are still not legally married . krystal : well , that 's just the beauty of it . we could give them some big , wingding of a wedding that they never had . ok ? we can watch them say , `` i do , `` and then you and i can just devote our lives to spoiling that grandchild rotten . it 's a brilliant idea . tad : hmm . if that 's the way you think the story should end . krystal : well , if you spill the beans about the annulment , j.r. 's going to freak and throw out babe and his child , and then she and i will raise the baby . that 's fine with me . unless , of course , jamie wants to pick up the pieces , in which case you 're going to have a feud on your hand that 's going to last until that baby is 50 years old and we 're all dead . tad : yeah , not to mention adam . he 's never going to let it go . krystal : well , he 's not going to have a choice . tad : oh , get serious . the baby 's got chandler dna . he 'll do whatever he has to to get custody , even if j.r. does n't want -- krystal : no judge is going to take that baby away from its mother . tad : krystal , you 've never met the judges that adam chandler keeps in his pocket . you want to talk about what he did to dixie to get his hands on j.r. ? you want to talk about liza and colby ? krystal : all right , is that what you want ? you want adam to raise that kid in his screwed - up image while babe and jamie go off and maybe have a baby of their own ? is that what you want ? tad : hell , no . krystal : all right , then you ca n't do this . you can not snitch on babe , tad . come on . please , have a heart . tad : have a heart ? `` have a heart . `` me , have a heart . you almost had me . you know what , that 's -- krystal : tad , wait a minute , wait a minute -- now , i 'm not finished with -- tad : yes you are , krystal . you are most definitely finished . krystal : like hell i am . [ scene_break ] jamie : do you want to compare horror stories ? maggie : i 'm such a loser . i -- you know , if i told you , you would n't even believe it . jamie : i bet you my day was worse . maggie : is yours about babe ? jamie : yeah . life totally and completely sucks . maggie : that 's putting it mildly . maggie : do you mind ? jamie : do you ? [ scene_break ] krystal : this is a bad idea . tad : go away ! krystal : tad , do n't tell them . tad : i mean it . would you just leave me alone ? krystal : i hate you ! i just wish i could 've run you over before we got to the driveway . j.r. : so , you were n't finished with us . tad : no . i 'm sorry to interrupt , but could i have a word alone with you , please ? j.r. : sure . take a seat . tad : no , actually , j.r. , i think this is better done in private . j.r. : oh , ok . yeah , yeah . babe : i 'll miss you . how bad is it ? krystal : well , with tad i never really know where i stand , but i know he 's got a heart deep down in there somewhere . tad : j.r. , i 'm sorry . i wish i did n't have to do this , but right now i just do n't see another way out . j.r. : well , after the great news i got , i just -- i can take anything . what 's up ? [ scene_break ] erica : surprised ? oh , yes , i 'm surprised , all right . kendall : mother , who is it ? erica : what did you expect ? casual ? welcoming ? i do n't think so . how could you just call me like it 's an everyday occurrence ? no , no , i do n't . and you ca n't seriously expect such a thing . have you lost your mind ? after everything that happened , after everything you 've done , there is no way in hell that we can ever work things out . you betrayed me , and i will never forget and i will never forgive you . [ next_on ] kendall : tell us who was on the phone , mother . who got you so upset ? erica : it was my father . krystal : if you 're having doubts about j.r. and you want to know for sure whether he or jamie is the father , we can still find out . tad : what would you do if you caught babe in another lie ?
erica reveals to kendall and to bianca that she is not well . she also has a mysterious phone call which she tells nobody about , where she tells somebody she can not forgive them after they betrayed her . tad is ready to tell everybody that babe is still legally married to paul kramer . but krystal stalls him and urges him to see that that would just hurt his step - son and give adam chandler just what he wants . maggie reveals that she is very depressed about bianca 's plans to move away and tries to distract herself with jamie while he tries to distract himself from his obsession over babe .
livia : how i let you talk me into representing babe and krystal at this hearing today -- david : do n't forget me or i 'm going to feel left out . tad : i owe you bigtime . livia : yeah , i have no intention of letting you forget it , thaddeus . jamie : well , this is just a formality , right ? babe and her folks plead guilty , failure to return a child ? livia : let 's try to keep a human face on the crime . babe , krystal , the doctor here conspired to keep bianca 's baby from her . now , a hand slap looks like community service and probation for babe and dr. daddy , while krystal serves a long , fat prison stretch . babe : ms. frye , i know that you do n't want any part of this . livia : jackson montgomery is a really good friend of mine . i 'd rather be sitting in the da chair . but i 'm going to do my best for you . david : let 's just get this the hell over with . come on . tad : now , wait a minute , wait a minute . what 's with the rush to judgment ? all of a sudden you 're in a hurry to get the hell out of here and let krystal start serving your time ? david : i guess news has n't traveled so fast . tad : what news ? david : it can wait . krystal 's going to need all the support we can give her today , including yours . guard : no physical contact with the prisoner . krystal : tad , i told you to stay away . tad : yeah , and i gave some wild horses a run for their money , but you 're stuck with me . babe : mama , i hate this . i know that we 've done this , but i just -- i hate that you 're going to prison on my account . erica : why do n't you go with her , babe ? [ scene_break ] ryan : dr. robbins , hey . thank you for making time . i appreciate it . i know we did n't have an appointment scheduled till friday . dr. robbins : well , fortunately , i had a cancellation . jonathan : yeah , we can get our heads shrunk and order room service . dr. robbins : whatever works . ryan , you requested this extra session . what 's on your mind ? ryan : i 'd like to talk about my wife , greenlee , and how my brother really feels about her . [ scene_break ] [ simone finds greenlee peering over the edge of enchantment 's roof . ] simone : oh , my god , greenlee . [ scene_break ] maria : say it again , ethan . ethan : i saw zach attack edmund and kill him . maria : you heard -- zach , you heard your son . deny it . deny it like you just did to me . you just told me that you were innocent . you just sat here and you swore to me that you did n't go after edmund . so tell him . tell him he 's a liar . he 's just accused you of murder . tell him that he 's a liar . what is wrong with you ? he -- i mean , you 're in a fight and -- right ? -- and waste -- act like a man who does n't have anything to hide ! defend yourself , for god 's sake ! you ca n't -- derek : i hear we have a situation ? ethan : yeah , if you call cold - blooded murder a situation , we have a situation . i witnessed it . derek : who got killed ? ethan : edmund grey . derek : ed -- oh , damn . we got a 911 about a fire at wildwind . maria : he just died in the er . derek : oh , maria , god , i am so sorry . i -- you were there ? ethan : yeah . zach does n't seem willing to talk , and somebody needs to speak for edmund , so -- maria , i 'm sorry . forgive me . i know this is very difficult for you to listen to . but i -- i ran into zach last night at wildwind . he was on his way to confront edmund to have it out with him . he called him a liar . he called him a cheat . he vowed that he was going to destroy edmund and your marriage . derek : why would slater do that ? ethan : he had his reasons . i hit zach with a shovel to give myself some time to go and warn edmund , tell him what was coming along , and i think i knocked zach out pretty cold . but let me tell you now , if i had known what you were going to do , i would have made sure i hit you a hell of a lot harder . kendall : ethan , ethan , just go on with the story . ethan : edmund insisted on confronting zach on his own . he went down to the stables . i followed , waited outside , nobody came out , so i stuck my head around the door just in time to see this fellow cracking edmund over the back of the head with the business end of the same shovel that i used on him . he did n't see me . next thing , zach gets down on his hands and knees , checks for a pulse , i 'm assuming , to make sure that the job was done . that was when i noticed the space heater , which was conveniently thrown over onto a pile of hay . that 's how the fire started . i 'm sorry , maria . but somebody upstairs must have been watching , because zach ended up trapped under a fallen beam . you asked why i saved you . because as much as you deserve to burn , zach , it is just too quick , it 's too clean , it 's too merciful , and you deserve to twist and pay for what you 've done . derek : you want to say anything ? maria : you did it . you did it . he killed my husband . and that 's not the only thing that you 're guilty of . [ scene_break ] simone : greenlee , get back from the edge ! greenlee : oh , god ! for god 's sakes , simone , are you trying to kill me ? simone : are you kidding ? i just saved your butt from bouncing off the sidewalk . greenlee : i was n't going to -- simone : what ? well , what are you doing up here on the edge of the roof in the land that heat forgot ? greenlee : remembering . when i was unscrewed and i came up here to be a flying wallenda , working without a net and a good sanity defense . i need to prove something without making myself look like a paranoid princess or yesterday 's nut burger . simone : well , here , princess , brainstorming generates heat . greenlee : ah , thanks , simone . simone : yeah . greenlee : but i do n't want to suck you into my drama . simone : so , what , i 'm not your friend ? great . greenlee : says who ? simone : well , you obviously do n't trust me . greenlee : what makes you think that ? simone : hello ? the copy room , the kitchen , the ladies ' room ? you and kendall and your secrets ? i walk in , you clam up . all right , if there is something wrong , i want to help . help me . you know , if this -- help me help you , ok ? tell me what 's going on . greenlee : i think jonathan poisoned me . simone : what ? greenlee : and now he 's poisoning ryan . [ scene_break ] jonathan : we 're in therapy because of our family history , because of -- because of the beat - downs and the rage , acting out . me not wanting to be like our father , it has nothing to do with greenlee . ryan : well , greenlee 's family , jonathan , and you seem to have a problem with that . jonathan : ryan , your wife does n't like me . she does n't trust me . i mean , the way i see it , that 's greenlee 's problem , not mine . listen , dr. robbins , last session we were talking about our old man 's drunken midnight raids , pulling us out of the bed and cursing at us . i was remembering -- dr. robbins : we 'll pick that up , but just now i could n't help noticing your reluctance to discuss your sister - in - law . jonathan : i do n't see how it can help . ryan : it can help me . you and greenlee are all i really have , and i hate that you do n't get along . jonathan : ryan , your wife just plain does n't like me . ryan : have you ever given her a reason to ? because , you know , it cuts both ways . greenlee does n't trust you , but you do n't trust her either , and that kills me , jonathan , because i do n't like what i see down the road if we do n't work this out . a long time ago , i made a decision . i left you because i could n't hack dad . do n't make me choose between my brother and my wife . [ scene_break ] jamie : you want to back off babe ? j.r. : no can do . not until babe gets every bit of ugly that she deserves . and maybe not even then . tad : erica , why are you here ? what do you get out of making more trouble for babe ? erica : what do i get ? that would be justice . bailiff : all rise for the honorable judge joseph madrigrano . judge : you may be seated . krystal carey , arabella carey , and david hayward , this is a sentencing hearing . stand to hear the charges against you . you 're all charged with failure to return a child , which is a felony . ms. krystal carey , you face two additional charges of forgery and tampering with records , also a felony . in an agreement reached with the district attorney 's office , you 've all pled guilty . livia : i submit these pleas on behalf of my clients , your honor . judge : and you have no problems with this , mr. dole ? mr. dole : none , your honor . judge : you understand that by pleading guilty to these felonies , your criminal records will follow you all of your life ? adam : that 's nothing new to hayward . erica : hmm . livia : understood , your honor . judge : no one has used coercion or any other tactics to force you to plead guilty ? krystal : no , your honor . we 're here to admit our wrongdoing and to accept any punishment we have coming . judge : then i 'll proceed with the sentencing . krystal carey -- erica : your honor ? i have something to say . judge : miss kane , this is n't a trial . you 're neither a witness nor an attorney . erica : i 'm the mother of the victim , bianca montgomery , the young woman who was so cruelly hurt by the guilty standing before you . j.r. : and i was the other victim . they kept my son from me and allowed me to believe that he was dead . erica : before you sentence them , please , your honor , i 'm begging you , please hear what we have to say , and then decide the punishment they deserve . [ scene_break ] joe : terrible day . edmund gone . it hardly seems real . brooke : what is it people say , `` i was just talking to him `` ? like that 's some sort of life insurance . it 's like the last time we talked , we came out swinging . last night , we -- we had our last fight . joe : i 'm so sorry , brooke . has maria come back yet ? brooke : i have n't seen her since she went off with zach slater . edmund 's voice : maria 's in for a hell of a surprise . brooke 's voice : my god , she thinks the two of you have a future together . why not be honest ? tell maria that you know about her and zach . edmund 's voice : when zach slater is being strung along in prison , then i 'll teach her about honesty . [ scene_break ] maria : ryan took a bullet , but he did n't die , so you went after him a second time . you admitted it to me that you were the second shooter , and you said you did it to cover for ethan ? that was a lie , too , was n't it ? you did it the second time because you had to cover for the hit man who failed the first time . and then you just thought might as well get ryan where it really hurts and poison greenlee , have kendall be framed for it . gave ryan all kinds of personal , confidential information about kendall 's psychiatric appointments , including your prescription for a drug that was found in greenlee 's blood . all to protect your son , right ? had nothing to do with your son . you did it because you were guilty . you did it to cover for yourself . and i helped you . i helped you , kept all your secrets , covered for you . what 'd that get me , all that blind faith ? that got me a dead husband . you murdered the love of my life . [ scene_break ] livia : ok . judge : given their personal stake in these proceedings , i 'm allowing ms. kane and mr. chandler to weigh in with their recommendations for sentencing . livia : your honor , the terms of this deal have been set , signed , and agreed to by both parties . judge : but it 's my job to make the final ruling . you may sit . ms. kane ? erica : your honor , we all make bargains -- in business , with god , with ourselves . but what 's in play here is a devil 's bargain , and it serves no one but the selfish and the wicked and the guilty . livia : excuse me , ms. kane , but your own daughter signed off on this deal . erica : yes , because my daughter bianca needed this to be over . your honor , have you ever heard the sound of a woman who has been told that she 's lost her newborn baby ? i have . i wish to god i had n't heard it , but i did , and i will hear it for the rest of my life , my daughter 's cry . i wish that david and babe and krystal would be thrown into a dark , cold pit and be made to listen to that cry over and over and over again for the rest of their natural lives ; because when my daughter bianca was lied to and told that her baby was dead , as strong as she was , as strong as she is , that almost destroyed her . j.r. : your honor , i did not suffer as much as bianca montgomery . but when you are told that your child is no more , just breathing hurts . i have grieved the loss of my own flesh and blood . i 'm continuing to still grieve for the loss of my baby girl , ripped from my life . erica : bianca and j.r. were n't offered any plea bargains . they had no choice . their children were just taken from them and they were forced to live this indescribable loss . they were n't offered any deals . any deals cut with these criminals is a slap in the face to my daughter and to j.r . your honor , if there is any justice , babe carey and david hayward should go to prison with krystal carey . adam : you have the power to make it happen , judge , and i strongly suggest you use it . livia : mr. chandler , please sit down . adam : you can reject the plea bargain and punish david hayward and ms. carey to the full extent of the law . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you worked side by side with jonathan on the enchantment fragrance promotion . simone : yeah , more like in his lap , but , hey , i thought he was hot . greenlee : dig back to the day that i started going around the bend . simone : are you kidding ? i can barely remember yesterday . you should really think about keeping a journal . greenlee : `` dear diary , not much going on today . i answered the door naked , kendall sprouted tails and a horn , and green men tried to sell me swamp land on mars . `` simone : well , beats my day - to - day . greenlee : simone , focus . my memory 's a little fuzzy , probably from the meds that jonathan fed me . simone : ok , thinking , thinking . ok , there was that day when we were right here and you gave me your wedding ring . that was wacked . greenlee : was jonathan here that day ? simone : well , yeah . we were crunching numbers , remember ? greenlee : well , did he do or say anything that tweaked you at the time ? simone : no , no , not really . greenlee : damn it , i wish we had surveillance cameras . simone : wait a minute . i do remember something . [ scene_break ] jonathan : ok . ok , ok , so when i first came to town and hooked back up with you , i acted like a little kid , i guess . i acted like a kid who got his hero back and just wanted to keep him all to himself . dr. robbins : how did you feel about your sister - in - law then ? jonathan : i admit , jealous . ryan was her protector . but i just needed to learn that ryan and i were in different places . and it was a good place . it was just different . and that 's -- i was going with that . and then greenlee got sick and was hospitalized , and we found out she 'd been poisoned . dr. robbins : so ryan was more focused on his wife than ever . jonathan : we were all freaked out . it scared the crud out of me . when we found out she was ok , it was an enormous relief . i said to myself , `` now i have a chance to do right by my brother 's wife . `` i mean , i really put myself out there for gail . i totally backed up her play -- ryan : whoa , whoa , hocket . did you hear what you just said ? jonathan : about greenlee 's recovery ? ryan : you called her gail . dr. robbins : your mother 's name . jonathan : that 's weird . dr. robbins : what came to mind when ryan pointed out your slip ? jonathan : nothing . well , other than i switched up two names that start with g . dr. robbins : all right , work with me , jonathan . talk about your mother . whatever you can remember about her in this moment . ryan : i know what i remember . i remember that i loved her during the blue - sky days , and i hated her for not protecting us or herself from our father . she just drank cheap liquor instead . she just tried to lose herself in the bottle . jonathan : she drank that poison till it killed her . [ scene_break ] derek : murder 's a serious charge . maria : i can make it stick . ethan : so can i . derek : let 's get back to motive . maria : he had plenty of motive . did n't you ? because edmund had gotten in touch with the hit man that you hired to kill ryan , and he 'd arranged a meeting with him . so the hit man gives you up , you go down . obviously , you found out about it , and you had to stop edmund before he nailed you . right ? yeah , i 'm right . i 'm right , and ethan saw it . here 's the thing . you wanted me to believe that my husband was the monster . you said everything you could to make it sound like my husband was the evil one . but that 's not him , that 's you . kendall knows it , ethan -- everyone knows that . the only thing that edmund ever did wrong was to love me , because i believed you . i believed you . oh , my god . it should have been you . it should have been you . i wish to god you were dead . say something . say something . say anything , damn it . derek : easy , easy , maria . maria : you just murdered my husband , you evil son of a bitch ! derek : maria , sit down . [ scene_break ] kendall : ethan , ethan . ethan , you never said anything to me about seeing zach kill edmund . ethan : i was in shock . kendall : shock ? you were all over him when i got here . ethan : kendall , do n't . do n't doubt me . kendall : i did n't say that i was . ethan : well , listen , i -- maybe i was just considering how best to use the information against zach , but i saw him do it , kendall , i swear . trust me . [ scene_break ] derek : edmund was a good man . if you need anything , just -- maria : yes , i do . i need you to get me out of here . i need you to get him out of my sight and take him to prison so he can just rot and burn in hell . [ scene_break ] simone : ok . we were right here . it was morning , and you had just given me your wedding ring and we were working really hard after that enchantment launch . and then jonathan , out of nowhere , drops everything to go run to the corner to get you some fresh - squeezed oj . greenlee : right . simone : mm - hmm . greenlee : right , and i was sitting right here . simone : exactly . he always went out to make sure you were fully hydrated . not once did he ever offer to get me a thing . greenlee : yeah , i totally remember , but now what ? all the glasses at home have been washed , all the takeout cups tossed . i need physical proof , hard evidence to convince ryan his brother poisoned me . [ scene_break ] jonathan : my mother always asked me to make her drinks . i liked making drinks for her , even though i knew the stuff was poison for her , because she always praised me . she 'd say , `` jonny , nobody mixes a drink like you , just the way i like them . `` [ scene_break ] jonathan : here 's your coffee greenlee . just the way you like it . greenlee : ahem . thanks . ooh , that has bite . jonathan : hmm . [ scene_break ] dr. robbins : i 'm afraid that 's all we have time for . we 'll pick this up next session ? jonathan : yeah . thank you , dr. robbins . jonathan : bye - bye . all this stuff about drinks makes me thirsty for water . you want one ? ryan : no , i 'm good . actually , you know what ? there 's -- there 's someplace that i got to be . jonathan : yeah . i 'll see you later . here 's to you , mother . [ scene_break ] judge : 15-minute recess while i consider what constitutes justice in this matter . [ judge pounds gavel ] bailiff : all rise . krystal : is n't my blood enough of a sacrifice ? erica : you 're not bleeding , krystal . you 're going to prison . and now so is your daughter . tad : erica , this is n't what bianca would want . erica : i do n't know about that . but i do know it 's what i want . tad : then you 're taking it too far . erica : tad , i love you dearly . without you , bianca may never have gotten her little baby back . but as far as these carey women go , you 're as blind as your son . [ scene_break ] jamie : damn it , j.r. , babe already lost her baby to you . she 's suffering way more than she would in prison . j.r. : and it is my guess she 'll be suffering way more behind bars doing laundry and special favors for the prison matron . adam : erica , j.r. , you did good . it 's my bet you 're going to turn that judge right around . j.r. : and after he makes his ruling , maybe krystal , babe , and hayward will cut a more realistic deal , and we 'll all adjourn to the parking lot to watch you get loaded on the prison bus . judge : in light of the statements made by ms. kane and mr. chandler , i 've taken a second look at the charges and the terms of the plea bargain . given the grim nature of the crimes , the lives shattered , the fact that innocent children were willfully kept from their parents , the deal accepted by the district attorney 's office makes me want to throw up . but i 'm going to play it as it lays . so ruled . the plea bargain stands . [ judge pounds gavel ] adam and j.r. : what ? erica : you ca n't be serious . judge : i 'm always serious , ms. kane . babe carey , david hayward -- the da cut you a sweetheart of a deal . i 'm about to unsweeten it . regarding the terms of your probation , you are to report to your assigned officer three times a week . community service -- step up to the wonderful world of sanitary engineering . you 'll start at the bottom picking up trash . dr. hayward , you will surrender your medical license . if you refuse , you 'll go straight to prison . your call . david : hand me a spear and a trash bag and point me to the nearest interstate . you can have my license , your honor , for all it 's worth to me now . judge : krystal carey , your sentence stands . 10 years in the women 's penitentiary . you 'll be remanded to state prison at the close of this hearing . [ judge pounds gavel ] judge : adjourned . adam : that 's -- erica : well , they 're not going to get away with this , because i 'm going to see to it that they do n't . adam : erica -- erica -- erica , just wait , wait . erica : what ? adam : listen , listen . [ adam whispers conspiratorially into erica 's ear . ] [ scene_break ] brooke : for someone who makes their living with words , i ca n't seem to find any . except , i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . maria : wait , do n't go . please . we lost him . how did that happen , brooke ? and i ca n't forgive myself , because all he ever did was love me , and all i ever did was hurt him . i -- i let zach walk right into our lives , and i let all this -- it all happened because of me , and now , i -- my husband is -- and i -- brooke : maria , you loved edmund , and he loved you . and you have to hold on to that and remember that love and let the rest go . [ scene_break ] derek : slater kills to avoid being tagged as ryan lavery 's attempted murderer one week before you go to trial for the same crime ? ethan : you heard maria . edmund was just about to nail zach . can i go now ? derek : once your statement 's typed up , you can sign it . ethan : good . derek : one more thing , ramsey . what 's it like giving up your father ? ethan : we may share the same blood , but zach slater is not my father . derek : you 'll swear in court that slater killed edmund grey ? ethan : i 'll swear . i 'll swear . [ scene_break ] greenlee : thanks for helping me , simone . simone : of course . greenlee : really . simone : jonathan , huh ? he hits on maggie , then hits maggie , now you 're on his hit list ? i 'm telling you , we will put together our girl power , and we will bring that sucker down . ryan : hey , simone , do you mind giving me a second ? simone : no , not at all . with -- oh , with her ? ryan : yeah . simone : yeah . oh . i 'll go collate something . greenlee : ryan ? ryan : jonathan . greenlee : what happened ? ryan : we had an emergency therapy session where we started talking about you and -- and my mom . greenlee : me and your mom ? how did you connect those dots ? [ scene_break ] tad : can we have a few minutes , please ? you 're going to be fine . just fine . hell , in three months , you 'll be running the place . krystal : i want shania to play me in the tv movie . tad : i 'm going to be there every visiting day . if you need anything , anything at all , i 'm your guy . krystal : just so you know , i love you . babe : i 'm going to be just fine . you worry about yourself , you hear me ? krystal : oh , come on , now , you know me . i 'll find a way to dress up those prison drabs . come on . come on , repeat after me now . we deserve the best . come on , babe . we deserve the best . babe : we deserve the best . krystal : and together we can always -- babe : together we can always get it . krystal : and we 're always together , no matter where we are . guard : it 's time to go . babe : i just hate this . you getting locked up , and then i 'm free . krystal : this is the way i want it , ok , babe ? my way , you get a chance to live with the man you love and you fight for your son . so you go on . you go on and you live your life . livia : come on , babe . let go . erica : and there was n't a dry eye in the house . j.r. : you know , it 's really too bad you did n't get to go to prison with mommy . adam : when we 're done , mark my words , you 'll wish you had . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ryan , what 's got you so rattled about your brother ? kendall : have you guys heard ? edmund grey is dead . he was killed by zach slater . ryan : what ? greenlee : oh , my god . kendall : and that 's not all . ryan , maria said that zach told her he was the one who shot at you . and , greenlee , he was the one who poisoned you . [ scene_break ] [ zach silently sits in the pvpd interrogation room while a satisfied ethan glares from the other side of the window . ] derek : again , what went down at wildwind ? why 'd you go to see edmund ? did you follow him to the stable ? did you hit him with a shovel ? did you kill him ? ok . we can do this dance as long as it takes . again , what happened at wildwind ? [ scene_break ] brooke : i 'll be right outside . maria : i love you . i love you so much . [ next_on ] david : ok , well , then we 're in this for the duration , and we 're in it together , so -- i know . why do n't we watch people humiliate themselves on reality television ?
babe , krystal and david go to trial . livia represents them at tad 's request although she has personal reasons to not want to help them . she expresses that jackson montgomery is a good friend of hers ' and she 'd much rather be prosecuting the three of them . erica , jr and adam ask the court to hear what they have to say . erica says regardless of the fact that bianca agreed to the deal to give babe and david a lighter sentence , she can not let them get away with allowing her daughter to believe that her baby died . jr says they did the same thing to him to have him believe his son was dead , as well as taking miranda from him . adam tells the judge he must use his authority to put all three of them away . the judge says he will go along with the probation and community service for babe and david . but the thought of them getting away with it makes him sick so he will have them doing very undesirable community service work and report 3 days a week to the department of probation . he also tells david he either surrenders his medical license or he goes to prison .
[ zach sighs as he sits in his office counting gambling chips . ] ] [ knock on door ] zach : livia . thanks for coming so quickly . livia : you sounded like it was important . zach : it is . please sit down . livia : i 'm very sorry about ethan . zach : that 's why i called you . i want to claim my son . [ scene_break ] [ at the cemetery . kendall walks up to a weeping simone and hugs her . ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : wake up , sleepyhead . time to pay for your daughter 's mistakes . krystal : good morning . what the hell ? j.r. : breakfast ? care to join me ? krystal : care to untie me ? j.r. : no ? more for me , then . krystal : j.r. , what are you trying to pull ? you 've kept me in suspense long enough . j.r. : would you like the good news or the bad news ? krystal : oh , you mean this is n't the bad news ? j.r. : well , the good news is , is i 'm starting to feel bad for your sorry butt . krystal : well , if that 's your good news , i think you 've had too many already . j.r. : see , that 's where the bad news comes into play . it seems your precious baby doll does n't care if you live or die . [ scene_break ] babe : little a 's down for his morning nap . is there anything i can do to help you ? janet , i am so , so sorry . please say something to me . you have n't even said a word all morning . and you totally have every single right in the world to be mad at me . you 're probably exhausted . i -- i would have helped you board up the window , but it 's -- look , the only reason that i tried to break out was because i thought that you had left us alone . i -- i -- i thought that you had taken off for good , totally abandoned -- [ babe gasps when janet stands over her with a piece of firewood in her hand . ] babe : are you ok ? janet : do i look ok ? [ scene_break ] [ rustling sound in the woods ] di : oh , dixie . wow . you scared me . dixie : sorry about that . di : mm - hmm . well , you just took off that way after the explosion . i was wondering if -- i do n't know -- you 'd left for good . dixie : no , i -- i 've been hanging back . you 're still the only one who has seen me . di : well , if you did n't want anyone to see you , why did you come back to town ? di : why did you come back to pine valley if you do n't intend on telling your family you 're here ? i mean , do you just intend to set up camp here and -- dixie : i do n't know , di . i do n't know how long i 'll be here . di : well , it depends on what ? dixie : a lot of things . di : so i ca n't tell anyone , you wo n't tell anyone . dixie , what do you want ? dixie : have n't i told you enough about my life already ? di : well , you know , i 'm just trying to set up my own life here . dixie : yeah , di , i 've noticed . di : and i 'm trying to be honest with you . and i want to be honest with the people who love you , but i am keeping your secret . dixie : right . i get it . and the longer you keep it , the worse off you 'll look . well , forgive me if i 'm not sympathetic . di : the people we both care about are suffering . dixie : i know -- i 'm -- j.r. is upset about something , he 's -- i do n't know what 's going on . it 's something his ex - wife and his son . what -- i need you to tell me what 's happening . di : how can you expect to be anybody 's mother , you know , if you do n't exist ? dixie : just tell me what 's wrong with j.r . di : well , i mean , if you care about your son so much , why are n't you asking him yourself ? why are you still hiding ? why are n't you just marching into the chandler mansion and telling everyone you 're alive ? [ scene_break ] tad : you look like hell . what do you want ? adam : i want my family back . she 's missing . tad : for god 's sake , i know that , adam . i 've been up all night looking for babe . do i look like i got any beauty sleep ? look , if i had found out anything about babe or your grandchild or janet dillon , you would have known by now . so in the meantime , do me a favor , ok ? leave me alone . because bombarding my cell phone is unnecessary . it 's dangerous . adam : it 's krystal . she 's missing . tad : what do you mean , she 's missing ? adam : as in she was here , and then she 's not here anymore . that maniac has my wife . [ scene_break ] j.r. : my message to babe was crystal , krystal . she does n't bring back my son , no one will ever see you again . krystal : it 's been a long time since i 've gotten a good death threat . j.r. : i texted that message 9 hours and 22 minutes ago . how does it feel to be disposable to your own daughter ? krystal : j.r. , let me go ! j.r. : you 're feisty , are n't you ? krystal : now , how do you know she even got your message ? j.r. : at 7 : 17 , right about the time you were taking that little nap , babe finally got around to responding to me . let 's see . `` you do n't have my mom . even if you do , there 's no way i 'll lose my son again . do whatever you have to do . `` krystal : let me see that . j.r. : sure . hurts more in color . krystal : that does n't sound like babe . [ scene_break ] babe : you 're mad at me . janet : `` me `` -- `` me , me , me , me ! `` it 's always got to be about you , does n't it , huh ? got to have `` the babe carey show `` 24/7 . `` look at me . feel sorry for me . it 's all about me . `` you have not got the teensiest bit of compassion for anyone else . did it ever occur to you that i might be upset , having nothing to do with your little trick , but it might be something bigger , something greater than your little existence ? and might it ever have occurred to you to find out why i 'm upset ? not a chance . babe : i 'm sorry , i -- janet : you know , there 's a name for it . it 's called the narcissistic personality disorder . it 's a clinical name . i did n't just play checkers in that home they stuffed me into . babe : tell me how i can change your mind about me . janet : why did n't you ever have to go to a shrink ? you could really use a shock treatment . good thing you got one coming . [ scene_break ] zach : i want you to find ethan 's original birth certificate and list the name alexander cambias , jr. , aka , zach slater , as his biological father . livia : i 'll make it a top priority . zach : i 'd expect nothing less . i guess i should congratulate you . livia : i have n't done anything yet . zach : on your restraint . you were ethan 's lawyer . i 'm sure you want to say something like `` too little , too late . `` livia : that 's not really my function here . zach : i denied ethan his whole life . the least i can do is acknowledge him in death . livia : well , i hope that gives you the closure you need . zach : it should have been me . livia : there 's only one who can be the judge of that . i 'll see you at the funeral . zach : one more thing , livia . i need you to change this for me . livia : your will ? zach : despite our divorce , i want kendall to inherit my entire estate in the event of my death . [ scene_break ] simone : i do n't know what it means that ethan will be buried on a day exactly like the one we wanted for our wedding . maybe it does n't mean anything . kendall : well , spring came before its time , and ethan left before his . so that means he 's with you right now . simone : so many people loved ethan . you know , i got a call from bianca this morning . kendall : yeah , she told me she 'd call you . simone : oh , she said so many beautiful things about ethan . you think maybe i should have had the service in a big church ? kendall : no , i -- i think this is exactly the way ethan would have wanted it . just friends and family . simone : yeah . yeah , i 'm sure you 're right . except that miranda 's not here . so there wo n't be any family , except if you count me . kendall : well , he wanted to share his life with you , simone . you were his family . you and zach . simone : if zach shows up here , i will put this funeral on pause until i find someone to toss him out . kendall : that would be wrong , simone . zach has a right to be here . he has to say good - bye , too . simone : you love zach . i get that . i can even sort of relate . but have you really forgiven him already ? kendall : i have n't forgiven zach for rigging the blackout . i do n't think i ever will . simone : then why do you even care if he 's here ? kendall : because zach is ethan 's father . he should be here . it 's only right . simone : this is n't about what will make zach feel less guilty . what would ethan want ? his last words to zach -- his last words were `` i will never forgive you . `` i -- i ca n't insult him by not respecting that . kendall : zach was asking for his son 's forgiveness , simone . and he would have kept asking if ethan had lived . i know zach . he would not have given up . and in time , ethan would have grown closer to zach , because deep down , he wanted his father 's love . he told me this story before zach was even in the picture about this childhood fantasy he had . simone : the pirate king -- the father that he always wanted ? kendall : yeah . and he would take ethan on all of these great adventures . well , whatever ethan has said since then , every child ever born , no matter how old , craves their parents ' love . and every parent who loses a child -- they have a right to grieve . simone : ok -- ok . if zach comes , he can stay . ryan : hey , how are you doing ? simone : oh , i 'm just dandy . i 'm so glad you 're here . ryan : i would n't be anywhere else . the minister wanted me to come and ask you if -- if you 're ready to get started . simone : uh - uh . but i guess you ca n't put it off forever , huh ? minister : `` i am the resurrection and the life , `` says the lord . `` he who believes in me , though he dies , shall live forever . `` [ kendall looks around for zach . ] [ scene_break ] [ alone in his office , zach stares at the obituary of `` ethan andrew cambias , ceo of cambias industries , `` then leaves . ] [ scene_break ] dixie : you think i do n't love my son enough , and that 's why i 'm staying away ? di : i do n't know why you 're staying away . how you can know that your family is hurting and not rush to help them . it seems like that 's what a mother would do . i know that 's what i would do . dixie : well , you 're not in that position anymore , are you ? so why do n't you just tell me what 's happening with j.r. ? di : j.r. 's a wreck . he needs his mother , now more than ever . dixie : that 's not an answer . di : you know what ? he needs you so much , i was -- i was this close to telling him that you were still alive . dixie : do n't you dare . you swore ! di : i know , but you 're not making this easy ! dixie : it 's not supposed to be easy . it is n't easy . di : well , what ? i just keep my mouth shut until you decide that you want to come t of hiding , with no advance warning to me ? dixie : yeah . and i 'm so sorry if that puts your cozy little relationship with your new boyfriend , my ex - husband , in jeopardy . but you 'll forgive me if i do n't really give a damn about your pathetic love life at the moment . di : j.r. is going out of his mind right now because babe and -- and little adam are -- they 've disappeared . dixie : they 've disappeared ? when ? what happened ? di : well , it happened sometime after the mardi gras ball explosion . no one 's seen them since then . and babe -- babe -- someone saw her still alive after the explosion . little a was nowhere near it . he was at home at the chandlers ' . dixie : all right , so -- so what -- what happened ? di : well , one possibility is that babe took little adam to beat j.r. 's sole custody rights . dixie : and the other suggestion ? di : the other theory is that they were kidnapped by janet dillon , that maybe she 's holding them hostage -- dixie : janet dillon ? she 's -- she 's insane ! she 's here ? di : well , dixie , where are you going ? what are you going to do ? [ scene_break ] livia [ singing at the funeral ] : i am a poor wayfaring stranger traveling through this world alone ; but there 's no sickness , toil or danger in this bright world to which i go . i 'm going there to see my father . i 'm going there no more to roam . i am a poor , wayfaring stranger . i 'm only traveling over home . i know dark clouds will gather ' round me . i know my way is rough and deep , but beautiful fields lie just before me where weary eyes no longer weep . i 'm going there to see my mother . she said she 'd meet me when i come . i 'm going there to see my father . i 'll soon be flying to my home . i am a poor wayfaring stranger . [ scene_break ] babe : you 're right about me . i am selfish . but i do care about some people . not many , but a few . my little boy . my mama . i care about you , janet . it 's obvious that you 're hurting , and i 'm not sure what happened , but i do want to help you . janet : ok . maybe i could help you heal , too . babe : maybe so . janet : all right . here 's that little shock treatment i told you was coming . brace yourself . j.r. may be killing your mother . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you know , when i was younger , we used to play this game . it 's called `` i never . `` it 's a drinking game . when you have , you drink . let 's play , shall we ? i 've never been lied to by a woman . oops , there 's one . ahh . i 've never been cheated on by my brother . man , there 's another one . ahh . i 've never been played . man , these are tough . krystal : oh , would you shut up , j.r . j.r. : i 've never been sucked into those big brown eyes and that beautiful mouth just to be betrayed . i think i get double points for it happening more than once . hmm . how could it all be a lie ? but it is . it 's time to wake up and smell the blood dripping off the knife sticking in my back . krystal : my god . you really do love my daughter . what in the blazes is wrong with you chandler men ? [ scene_break ] adam : that wacko has my wife ! janet dillon is holding a crowbar to my family as we speak . tad : if , god forbid , that 's true , i want you to remember one thing -- if you and j.r. had taken jamie 's advice and pointed that do - it - yourself posse at janet dillon instead of running out and putting a price on babe 's head , there 's a good chance everybody would be home safe and sound right now . adam : yeah . tad : and janet would have been locked up , getting the help she needs . adam : yeah , well , my posse is pointed at janet dillon right now . my grandchild is missing , my wife is missing , and her daughter is missing . janet dillon is preying on my family and destroying j.r. you have a lot to make up for . tad : why have i got a lot to make up for ? adam : because you 're to blame for all of it . [ scene_break ] babe : j.r. really threatened to hurt my mama ? janet : he may have already , i 'm afraid . babe : well did you text him back ? janet : i really was n't quite sure what to say . babe : he thinks that i kidnapped his son . he thinks that i took him and took off ! janet : that would n't be out of the realm of possibility , would it now ? you did do it once before . babe : yes , but – but that was before . janet : oh , and you realized you loved him ? babe : look if j.r. thinks that i took off with his son , he will do anything to get him back . please , you have to help me save my mother . janet : oh , i really do n't know what you expect me to do . babe : anything ! call him , text him . please , let 's work out a deal . janet : would you stop it ? just stop it . it 's only appropriate that you lose your mother . i have already lost my beautiful daughter . babe : what ? janet : j.r. betrayed you , and amanda betrayed me . you just do n't know whom you can trust , do you ? [ scene_break ] krystal : j.r. , you love babe , and she loves you , too . she 's just -- she 's confused , and she 's -- she 's scared . what you two have right now , it 's just -- it 's a breakdown of communication from all those prenups flying back and forth . j.r. : do n't , do n't . do n't even think about blaming me for this . krystal : ok . look , i wo n't , all right ? i 'm not . it 's just that this mess can still have a happy ending . just -- just set me free right now , just let me communicate with babe . you 'll see . she 'll bring that little peanut home safe , i promise . j.r. : you make some coffee , you 'll leave the first chance you get . krystal : all right . you do n't want to untie me ? fine . just -- just use that phone thing and you text - message babe , ok ? tell her you love her . tell her you do n't want to lose her . you two could still have a family . j.r. : it wo n't happen . krystal : it can . j.r. , it can and it will . you just have to -- you have to promise , promise that you 'll work it out and swear that you wo n't press any kidnapping charges , any charges of any kind . you hear me ? j.r. : that 's all it 'll take ? krystal : yeah . j.r. , that -- that 's your only shot at getting both babe and your son back . you love her , j.r. do you want your family or not ? [ scene_break ] ryan : ethan taught me a lot . he and i both struggled to define ourselves , and -- not by our family or by our past , but by our actions . because i guess , in the end , that 's what we remember -- his kindness , his overwhelming generosity , and his unconditional love . he may be gone , but not from our hearts . simone : i will never stop loving you . minister : it is with these prayers we commend to almighty god our brother ethan , and we commend his body to its final resting place . amen . kendall : i stood here , and i begged for your mercy to let zach grieve his son , and he did n't even bother to show up . amanda : i 'm so sorry , simone . simone : thank you . amanda : please let me finish . i feel so terrible about what happened . i could 've stopped it . simone : how are you responsible for ethan ? amanda : you do n't know , then ? my mom caused the explosion at the mardi gras ball after i covered for her . [ scene_break ] livia : you 'll be getting the paperwork tomorrow , but ethan left his cambias shares to you . ryan : me ? why ? livia : well , maybe because he would never have had them if it had n't been for you . you did give him his birthright , and you 've run the company pretty well . ryan : what about simone ? livia : she 's well taken care of . ethan left her a very generous trust . [ scene_break ] simone : i am standing here at his funeral , because someone did this on purpose ? it was n't an accident ? amanda : they 're looking for her right now . i should 've told people way before . i went to the police , i made a full statement , and they 're going to look for her . i 'm so sorry . i am so sorry . you do n't understand . i thought i could get my mom out of town and get her under control , but if i had just told the police sooner , then ethan would still be alive . [ crying uncontrollably , simone slaps amanda . ] [ scene_break ] janet : it 's a slap in the face when you give your life for someone , and they throw you in the trash like old take - out . i 'm not like other mothers . i give 200 % of my life for her . and all she does is take . babe : and here i -- i thought j.r. was bad . huh . at least with him , you know where his priorities are -- family . janet : amanda was the only one i ever loved , really . she was my only reason for living or breathing . and before she came here to pine valley , she promised she was going to come home . she promised that she would love me forever and protect me . babe : you still have your husband , trevor , right ? janet : we used to be so in love . but now he 's different . he 's -- he 's cold , and he 's distant . now , true , he is more agreeable , but he lost his passion -- at least for me . now , he is , he 's -- he 's very calm and he 's sete . but he is n't supportive . he would n't lift a finger to help me from sliding down into the abyss of nothing . see , nobody loves me . nobody cares about me . babe : i do . janet : remember what happened e last time you tried to trick me . babe : no , no , janet . we have had some really good talks . and i finally feel like i 'm starting to understand you . and if you think about it , we 're really not that different . we 'd both give anything for our children . we 're misunderstood . [ scene_break ] tad : how dare you blame me for something like this , when you 're the one that opened the door for janet dillon in the first place . hell , i 'm surprised you did n't take your family and wrap it up in a ribbon and send it to her air mail . adam : how the hell can you see this ? [ from the not - so - secret tunnel , dixie quietly eavesdrops . ] tad : because you 're the cold - hearted son of a bitch that took that loving little boy that dixie and i raised and single - handedly turned him into a vengeful , paranoid maniac . how else can you explain the fact he would be willing to take all of this time trying to screw over his wife and obviously loving mother and steadfastly refuse to admit that it had to take a hardened criminal to pull off something like this in the first place ? i 'll tell you how , adam -- because you 're to blame . you 're the one that taught him day in and day out to believe the worst in everybody . adam : but the worst in everybody is usually true , is n't it ? his wife stole his son . his brother stole his wife . and then di stole his dead mother 's life , all aided and abetted by you . tad : oh -- adam : i did n't make j.r. paranoid -- no , not a bit . it -- he was fine until you helped every one of those people betray him . tad : j.r. has n't been fine for year , and if he is ever willing to call off his little vendetta he 's got with the rest of the world , i 'll be more than willing to accept my mistakes , but in the meantime , i 'm not going to forget about his or yours . adam : no , you broke j.r. down . you promised him you 'd never do that again , never do that again , no . no , and then you promised him trust , and then you made him believe that di henry was dixie . there 's no such thing as miracles . and you ought to take a good , hard look at the reality of what you 've done . tad : yeah . thank god that 's where you come in , right ? adam : huh . when j.r. found out that di was not dixie , well , it spun my son -- my son , not yours -- it spun him around and then drove him into a drunken binge . he plowed his car into the daughter of a -- of a serial killer . you 're responsible for the chain of events that brought janet back into our private lives . tad : we 're done here , because janet dillon is obviously not the only person suffering from delusions in pine valley . adam : oh . well , save the drumroll . the revelation has already been made . di : does j.r. know ? i mean , has he seen her ? where -- where is she ? adam : where is she ? well , she 's obviously not here , or i would 've strangled her by now . di : but you do know where she is ? tad : no . the police are still looking for her . adam : no , my men will find janet before the -- tad : you better hope that your men do n't shoot the wrong person . adam : pine valley police never do . di : oh , janet ? oh . so you have some concrete evidence on her ? adam : the madwoman is responsible for everything . she 's holding babe , my grandson , and my wife hostage right now . di : ok , so how is j.r. ? he must be furious with himself for attacking babe when she could be in real trouble . tad : where the hell is j.r. ? adam : i do n't know . i do n't know . i 'm not sure he even knows about janet yet . di : well , do n't you think that someone needs to tell him that babe is not the one that split with his son , that janet 's the one he needs to go after ? adam : i 'll tell him just as soon as i can manage to find him . [ scene_break ] kendall : you bastard . i defended you . you made me feel like an idiot again . where are you , damn it ? come on . come on , zach . come out here and show your face ! god , you 're pathetic . get out here ! get out here and show your face and come out here and talk to me ! come on , zach . talk to me ! what are you going to do , zach ? are you going to turn out the lights on me ? well , it 's a little too late for that , do n't you think ? little too late for that ! come on , zach ! come out here ! just show your face and talk to me right now ! i swear to you , zach – [ scene_break ] di : would n't j.r. be checking in here for information about babe and little adam ? tad : j.r. disappeared around the same time that krystal did , did n't he ? adam : i do n't know . i do n't keep my son on a leash . tad : but he was still convinced that babe was the one that took little adam . di : he had n't heard about janet . tad : what 's the best form of collateral j.r. could have against babe ? di : next to his son . tad : janet did n't take krystal , you moron . j.r. did . adam : no , you 're not -- you 're not going after my son without me ! [ scene_break ] krystal : you got to word it gently , j.r. tell her you want your family . tell babe you love her . j.r. : do n't worry , krystal . i know exactly what i need to say . [ scene_break ] babe : you have n't hurt us . you never mean to hurt anyone . but , look , i have learned my lesson and then some . [ cell phone beeps ] janet : oh . oh . `` oh , babe , if i do n't hear from you soon -- `` [ scene_break ] j.r. : `` your mama is dead meat . `` [ scene_break ] babe : oh , mama 's still alive . we have to do something , please . janet , please call j.r. back . janet : i do n't think so . babe : please , i love my mother so much , i will do anything you want to protect her . janet : i do n't think you really will , not with that little precious one in the room next door . babe : j.r. is off the rails . we have to stop him . janet : no . babe : please . janet : no , i think it 's only fair . i lost my precious daughter . babe : i 'll be your daughter . [ scene_break ] krystal : you deserve to lose babe and little adam for this , for this stunt . these empty threats -- they 're going to haunt you for the rest of your life . j.r. : yeah , haunt me like going to bed not knowing where my son is ? not knowing if he 's safe ? not knowing if i 'm ever going to see him again ? by the way , krystal , who ever said it was a threat ? [ a stunned dixie looks through the cabin 's window and sees j.r. aim his gun at krystal . ] [ next_on ] janet ( to babe ) : do n't be mad at mommy , jellybean . i 'm going to have to lock you here in your room . i ca n't risk losing my precious new daughter . j.r. ( to tad ) : you 're a little too close for my comfort . i shot at you last time and missed , but i never miss twice . [ dixie stands outside listening to her son . ]
while janet holds babe hostage in the cabin , leaving text messages to jr that babe does not care what happens to her mother and that she will keep his son away from him no matter what he does , jr holds krystal hostage and shows her the `` proof `` that babe could care less if she lives or dies . at this point , janet knows that her daughter will no longer cover for her . amanda spies on ethan 's funeral and goes to confess to simone and kendall that her mother caused the explosion . tad and adam argue about how they have both failed in their raising jr and have caused him to become a nasty person . dixie is silently listening to their conversation . babe urges janet to prevent jr from killing krystal . janet is hopeless because she 's lost her daughter . and when jr believes he will never see his son again , he is equally hopeless . and he holds a gun on krystal .
babe : where am i ? josh : in the hospital . babe : no . no , i got out of bed , and i saw . it 's not real . josh : you had a dream , babe . that 's all -- just relax . babe : no , do n't lie to me . what is this place , and why am i here ? [ scene_break ] colby : babe looked great in this . she looked great in everything . and i should n't be touching her stuff . adam : sweetheart , i know this is n't easy , but we 're doing it to make it easier for krystal . krystal : hands off . [ scene_break ] j.r. : why is your computer so damn slow ? jamie : well , because it 's sifting back through every building permit issued in the vegas area after cambias supposedly died . aidan : yeah , we 've been at this all night . and there 's still no word from tad . jamie : yeah , he 's been gone for hours searching for ryan and zach , so -- aidan : and neither of them are answering their cell phones , either . j.r. : well , we need to get out there right now . aidan : listen . let 's just keep it calm , all right ? tad is the best in the business . i 'm quite sure he 's closing in on ryan right now . [ scene_break ] tad : i should 've kept talking until they released us . ryan : oh , cambias killed that woman . it 's not your fault that the cops would n't listen to you . tad : yeah , well , the only problem is we 're stuck in here instead of out there looking for kendall . cops took away my phone before i could call jamie or aidan or j.r . jack : what the hell is going on here ? i come out here to get las vegas pd involved , they tell me they 've caught the killers , and here you two are . ryan : jack , you do n't understand . you got to get us out of here . the killer has got kendall . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach would never hurt me . alexander : he wo n't be able to resist . ah - ah -- you see ? [ alexander holds up the trigger of the device connected to kendall 's neck and depresses the red button . ] alexander : one more step , alex , and she 's dead . [ scene_break ] josh : you are recovering from a major heart attack . i did n't want to cause you any more stress . but you 're right . babe : this -- this is n't a hospital . josh : you 're in a secret room under zach and kendall 's casino . it 's stocked with the top - of - the - line medical supplies . the killer came after you twice -- we could n't give him another chance . babe : `` we `` ? josh : jeff and joe helped sneak you out of the hospital . jackson covered our tracks , zach gave us a place to go to , and kendall backs us all the way . babe : it is the same thing that -- that derek did when dani was attacked , so -- so you moved me out , and you left a decoy in the hospital so the killer would think i 'm still there ? josh : makes sense , right ? babe : i guess , but -- but mama 's not here . that 's -- that 's not like her . josh : krystal is looking after little adam . babe : well , she could at least bring my son to see me . josh : no , no . babe , you have any visitors while you 're here , especially not krystal . all right ? whoever this killer is , he 's smart , and he 's watching . if krystal starts making regular visits to the casino , disappearing for hours , she 'll tip him off , and he will find you . babe : but why -- why go to all the trouble to fool me ? why could n't you have just let me in on the plan when i first woke up ? what are n't you telling me ? josh : just rest . we 'll -- we 'll talk more when you 're feeling better , all right ? babe : oh , my god , i -- `` you 're supposed to be dead , `` that 's -- that 's what erica said to me when she saw me . josh : erica was n't supposed to see you . she does n't know what she 's talking about . babe : oh , my god -- does everyone think that i 'm dead ? [ scene_break ] krystal : j.r. was right after all , was n't he ? babe is hardly cold and you 're -- you 're pawing through her things colby : i 'm not stealing , honest . adam : krystal , sweetheart , i asked colby to give me a hand with babe 's belongings . krystal : babe 's belongings -- not yours , not colby 's . adam : we were n't going to dispose of anything . i -- i just thought it best to pack up babe 's things , and i did n't want you to have to be the one to do it . krystal : it 's just too soon . adam , it is -- it 's too soon . i know my daughter is gone , but what if little a wandered in here and saw that his mama 's things were gone ? krystal : oh , god , colby , i -- i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry i jumped on you . and , adam , thank you for being so thoughtful . i know you were trying to spare me and i -- i appreciate it , i really do , but i just -- i ca n't get over this pain . i know i have to face it , but it 's -- it 's too soon . adam : i will do whatever it takes to help you . just tell me what you want . krystal : i want babe . adam : yeah . i 'll get you some tea . will you stay with her ? colby : yeah . winifred : mr. chandler ? little adam keeps asking me the same question over and over again , and i -- i just do n't know what to tell him . adam : what does he want to know ? winifred : oh , where his mommy is . [ scene_break ] jamie : why could n't cambias have settled in maine or alaska instead of the fastest - growing housing market in the country ? aidan : there must be a way we can narrow down the search , man . j.r. : hey , dad . what 's up ? jamie : hey -- adam : this morning , when little adam woke up , he -- he told me he missed his parents . so i said , `` why do n't we call daddy ? `` j.r. : hey , buddy . do n't worry -- daddy 's going to be home real soon to give you a hug . little adam : where 's mommy ? [ scene_break ] jack : so alexander cambias is the satin slayer ? ryan : yes . zach dug up his grave and it was a coffin full of rocks . jack : well , that explains the cambias crest on that button that zoe ripped off his attacker 's coat , and the saliva sample we took from zoe 's jacket was a near match to zach 's . ryan : exactly . alex is our man and i was supposed to help zach bring down his father , but he sucker - punched me , and he took off , and when i opened my eyes , i had a gun in my face -- jack : oh , oh -- so now you know what it feels like to have a vigilante hotshot cut you out of the loop , huh ? tad : come on , jack . jack : no , you come on , tad . we were working on this case together , my daughter 's life is at risk , and you 're blowing off my phone calls ? what the hell is that ? ryan : ok , all right , all right . we are together , ok ? we do n't have time for this , please everything is -- is out on the table , ok ? jack : fine . raymond jenkins is dead . someone pushed him off a balcony . tad : listen , if alexander cambias is taking the time to settle old scores , that means he 's nearing the end game . ryan : kendall is the end . we do n't have any time . jack : do you have any leads , anything that might point us in the right direction ? ryan : well , yes , yes . alex dropped off this toy bear for zach , and it plays this weird song , and i do n't know what the message was , but as soon as zach heard the song , he decked me , and he split . tad : jack , this is serious . we got to light a fire under this thing . just bail us out of here . jack : no . [ scene_break ] alexander : my son , self - appointed savior of women everywhere , only this time his misplaced need to be a hero will get his wife killed . the satin collar around kendall 's neck contains a dart poised to pierce her delicate skin and inject her with a fatal dose of poison . here 's the trigger . have you heard of dead man 's switch ? zach : as long as his thumb is on the switch , you 're fine . alexander : but if i were to trip , flinch , or become distracted long enough to release the button -- hmm . might as well lose the gun . if you shoot me , kendall will be dead before you reach her . it 's better to remove the temptation . have n't learned your lesson yet , have you ? still want to challenge my authority ? even though you know that the moment you do so , kendall dies . in a matter of minutes , my son will have killed his wife just like he killed his mother . zach : you did that . you -- you take responsibility for -- amelia 's voice : this is not all on my shoulder ! you know that ! alexander : you will not leave me ! amelia : ah ! alexander : no one ever leaves me ! amelia : i 'll leave you ! i will do whatever i have to to save my son from you ! no -- no ! ah ! young zach : mama ! alexander : it 's not your fault , alex . you did n't mean to do it . young zach : i did n't do it i did n't do it ! mama ! mama ! zach : you did that . you killed my mom . you pushed my mother over the balcony . i tried to save her , and i was too late . you killed my mom , because she was leaving you . she wanted her life back , so you took it from her before -- before she ever had a chance to live it . man , you -- she made the world wonderful , and you took her . you took her from me , from michael , from raymond . yeah , i read those letters . they loved each other , and they were going to run away together , and you know what else ? they were going to take the kids with them . they were going to give us a wonderful life , because raymond did love her . he was n't scared . he was n't scared of his strength , his courage , because he was a real man . he was n't like you . he was n't a coward , pushing a woman over a balcony and blaming his 5-year - old son . you -- alexander : oh , oh , oh ! my 5-year - old son was turning into a spineless wimp because of amelia ! when i tried to discipline you , what did you do ? you whined to mommy ! it had to be stopped ! so , you see -- you did cause your mother 's death . zach : oh . you told me i killed my mom to toughen me up ? that was it -- to toughen me up ? it was n't to save your ass from the police ? it was n't to guilt me and to control me -- it was to toughen me up ! well , you did it . i believed your sick little lie . and you know what happened that day ? it was funny . every time i looked at you , i felt hate . every time i heard that voice , hate . every time you touched me , hate ! and i had no idea why it just kept growing and growing and growing , until one day i just -- i had to kill somebody , you or me . and there was little michael sitting there looking at me , saying , `` hey , what 's wrong , man ? `` you 're the cambias heir . what more could you want ? i -- i told him , more than anything , more than power , more than money , more than anything , i did n't want to be you . and i did n't know why not until this morning . now i realize it 's not because you wanted to control me . it 's because you took away everything beautiful in my life . everything . and there was nothing more beautiful than her . alexander : you were better off without her . amelia was a bad influence on you . zach : oh , you -- alexander : she refused to learn her lesson , and she got exactly what she deserved . zach : `` beloved husband , beloved father . `` you sad , pathetic man . no one loves you . no one ever has . you 're a sick , twisted old man , and you 're filled with hate and vengeance . you go after innocent children , innocent women . you killed your wife because you could n't control her feelings , and you could n't control me , so you got rid of hannah . you denied me my son , and i denied you yours . enough . alexander : should have been , but you did n't learn your lesson , either . you were the coward who could n't stand up to your father . the traitor who abandoned his brother . the heartless ingrate who betrayed me by staging his own death in a car crash ! i did n't kill those women in pine valley -- you did ! the moment that car went up in flames . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you do n't have to worry about mommy . she 's just taking a rest . ok ? i love you . you put grandpa back on the phone , so i can say good - bye . adam : j.r. , hold on a second . um -- little a , why do n't you show winifred your new truck . winifred : oh , yes . come on , what a good boy ! yeah ! adam : what should i tell him , j.r. ? j.r. : you do n't tell him anything . i 'll talk to him about babe when i get back home . adam : where are you ? j.r. : i 'm with jamie and tad . i do n't think i should tell you anything else . adam : you 're -- i 'm very proud of you . [ scene_break ] jamie : you know what ? i 'm going to search houses with balconies . if this psycho is all about re - creating zach 's childhood -- maybe he got a place with one or built one of his own . [ knock on door ] waiter : room service , gentlemen . aidan : wow , that food smells good . j.r. : yeah . aidan : what exactly do we have ? waiter : ah ! oh ! [ scene_break ] krystal : take anything you want . colby : no , i ca n't . it would n't be right . krystal : look , i -- i went a little crazy before , it 's ok . colby : no , it 's not . i 'm horrible , krystal . babe tried to be my friend , and i was so mean . krystal : well , you were n't exactly sweet . colby : you know , you were right when you said j.r. could love babe , and it did n't take anything away from me . but that 's not the only reason why i hated her . i hated her because she was cool . i spent hours trying to get my makeup to look like hers and do my hair like hers . but it never worked . i just felt like a lame , ugly loser , and i blamed it all on babe . krystal : now , you are a beautiful girl . colby : not next to babe . and if it would bring her back , i 'd wear a hair net and scrape gum every day for the rest of my life . krystal : thank you . you know none of this is your fault , you know that . colby : there 's one thing that babe had that i wanted more than anything . a real mother - daughter relationship . you guys were really close . how did you do it , krystal . what keeps you going ? krystal : my baby girl . babe 's little sister . [ scene_break ] babe : i want the truth . josh : i told you everything . babe : answer me , josh . josh : babe , this is not good for your heart . babe : if you do n't tell me right now , i swear to you , i 'm going to walk out of here . josh : yes . yes , you 're dead . the only way to keep you safe , babe , was to make the killer think that he succeeded . once he 's caught , you can go back to life as usual . babe : but mama knows that i 'm ok ? wait , you talked to her ? josh , tell me my mother knows that i 'm alive . josh : no . babe : what ? josh : babe , krystal would go to any extreme to protect you , and that 's what she 's doing right now . she just does n't know it . her grieving is keeping the killer away from you . it 's keeping you safe . babe : my mother is -- she 's pregnant . do you have any idea what this could be doing to her and my -- my son ? josh : i do n't know what they told little adam : babe : oh , my -- you let my mama and my child think that i 'm dead ? oh , my -- no , i wo n't let them think that . i 'm leaving . josh : babe , listen . it 's only for a little while , all right ? it 's better that they think you 're dead for a little while than this maniac getting ahold of you , and you stay dead forever . babe : and what about j.r. ? did he really not come to see me , because he does n't care , or is it because he thinks that i 'm dead . josh : babe , you need to take it easy , all right ? your heart ca n't take this . babe : are you doing all of this just to steal me away from j.r. ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : how the hell did cambias find us so fast ? adrian : hey , cambias may be good , but i 'm sure he did n't think we were going to get the upper hand . now , these two geniuses are going to lead us right to them . jamie : start talking . man : or what ? [ j.r. shoots his gun ] man : ah ! ah , ah ! [ man groans and pants ] [ scene_break ] ryan : i got to get out of here -- man : sit down -- ryan : if anything happens to kendall -- man : sit down ! jack : a woman is out there , my daughter . she 's with a serial killer , for god 's sake . the four of us -- this whole station house , in fact -- should be out looking for her . this interview can wait . man : i found them in an empty warehouse out cold next to a dead body . they both resisted arrest . this interview happens now . jack : come on , we told you what happened . you need verification , you call pine valley pd or check alexander cambias ' grave . do whatever you have to do . just do it fast . man : i will not have two bozos and a philadelphia lawyer come into my station and tell me me how to do my job . keep an eye on them . this might take a while . jack : oh . ryan : so do you think this guy 's crooked , stupid , or what ? tad : not for nothing , but that 's exactly why i did n't want to get the cops involved . jack . yeah , tad , i get the point . i get the point . you think i do n't want to find kendall just as badly as you do ? ryan : and how are we going to do that now ? [ scene_break ] zach : you killed those women . you will not put this on me like you did my mother 's death -- no more . alexander : what 's past is past . let 's focus on the task at hand , shall we ? oh , these fusion women , and then there was one . zach : get your hands off her . alexander : whoa , whoa , whoa . kendall does n't mind me touching her , at least not tonight . you should 've heard the offers she made me . zach : i 'll make you an offer right now -- let her go , and take me . kendall : no -- no , zach . zach : spike needs you . let her go . come on , you and me . teach me any lesson you want . alexander : spike is ryan 's son . you stole kendall from ryan . he is the one she belongs with -- i thought she would see that . but after your acquittal for murder , she was foolish enough to take you back in , and you started to plan a long , happy life together , and you bought that house just to mock me . did you think i was going to allow you to forget what you did to me ? that i would let you have a future with your family after you destroyed mine ? you 'll learn who 's in control , alex . last chance -- i want to hear your apology . zach : you 're insane . alexander : do as i say , or kendall dies . zach : i 'm sorry i disappointed you , father . kendall : you do n't have to do this , zach . i love you . and i know amelia loved you . alexander : amelia has been eliminated . and yet , she continues to interfere with my plans for my son . give me that photograph . i wo n't ask twice ! [ after zach hands his father the old photo of his mother that he carried in his wallet for years , alexander flings it over the balcony like a piece of trash . ] alexander : now , you were saying ? zach : i 'm sorry i disappointed you , father . alexander : ask me for her life . zach : let kendall go . she 's done nothing wrong . ryan needs her and her son needs her . alexander : i think i 'd be more convinced if you were on your knees . [ zach gets on his knees ] alexander : now , son , begin again . zach : i deeply apologize for offending you , father . i deserve to be punished . not kendall , me . i deeply apologize for causing you pain . you 're always right . i will always listen to you . you win . you understand ? you win . [ scene_break ] man : tell that guy to put the gun down . aidan : what guy ? jamie : what gun ? [ scene_break ] jack : so ? officer : well , i spoke to the guy who runs that cemetery . alexander cambias ' grave is empty . i also spoke to the pine valley police department . i put out an apb on mr. cambias . ryan : it 's about time . tad : let 's go . officer : not so fast . i 'm holding you two for trespassing . ryan : what ? tad : are you kidding ? officer : that warehouse is private property . you need me to read you the statute ? tad : oh , for god 's sake -- jack : no , i do n't need you to read me any statute , because this is a philadelphia lawyer with his fancy suit and designer shoes , does n't need a refresher course from a would - be sipowicz . officer : i have had it with these little rich boys who think they can fly in here in their private jet , get their kicks in my town , and leave me to clean up their mess . it ai n't happening this time . jack : my clients are going to be out of here before you can say `` six - figure retainer . `` officer : not if i slap them with a homicide charge . jack : oh , oh . officer : yeah . jack : i 'd like to see you try it , little red . officer : back off , old man , or you 're looking at assault . jack : i know your da . i 've had drinks with him at a conference we were attending together . officer : hmm . jack : and your mayor , a big fan of my wife . i 'm sure they 'd be very interested to hear what kind of outfit you 're running down here . you know , i 'm sure they would n't have to dig very far before they found something really stunk . something we would n't want anywhere near them , son . officer : you let them get away ? [ scene_break ] adam : it 's time for someone to get to school . colby : i can stay . krystal : no , no , colby . come on , now . you 've been focused on your grief for too long now . it 's time you start thinking about your homework and going out with friends and going to a movie . really . live life . enjoy it . [ scene_break ] babe : she would have stayed right with me every minute until the end . how did you do it ? josh : jeff and joe gave you a drug that drastically lowered your heartbeat and brought your body temperature down . when i saw you like that , i realized we can make it seem like you were dead . babe : you made -- you made my mama see my dead body ? josh : no , no . we did not make krystal do anything . she just wanted to say good - bye . babe : did i have a funeral ? was i buried ? josh : next to dixie . babe : oh , god , that is cruel . josh : it was necessary , babe . babe : oh , my god -- my family -- did my -- did my son see me when i -- josh : no . no . babe : oh , god . and what about j.r. ? did he throw a party in the waiting area ? josh : he did n't even ask to see you , not once . it 's his own damn fault he was n't in on this plan . babe : i guess as long -- if j.r. thinks that i 'm dead , he thinks that he has little adam all to himself , and he wo n't blackmail my mom anymore . she 's safe . josh : yeah , it 's all the more reason for you to stay out of sight , until you 're sure it stays that way , and you 'll stay alive . babe : fine . i 'll stay . but i will not let my mama suffer one more minute . josh : please , do n't . adam : hello ? hello ? who is this ? hello ? josh : can i please speak to krystal ? adam : josh madden ? you have one hell of a nerve calling this house . if you -- if you dial this number again or get anywhere near my wife , i 'll kill you [ scene_break ] jamie : we have been all over the web looking for information on alexander cambias since yesterday . there are programs that could alert him , tell him where we are . j.r. : he does n't want anybody closing in on him , come to kendall 's rescue . aidan : if he can trace our computer , that means we can trace his . jamie : your boss ' e - mail address . man : good luck . nobody cracks those things but the feds . j.r. : who do you think owns the feds ? [ scene_break ] alexander : do you see how weak he is ? you made the wrong choice , kendall . you should have had ryan , instead of this embarrassment . kendall : on his knees , he is a million times the man that you will ever be . and no matter what happens tonight , i know who my husband is . he is the bravest , strongest , most loving man i have ever known . and i will always be right by his side . i will be there for him , always . and never , ever in my entire life have i been more proud of him than i am right now . now , he did what you wanted . so you have to let him go . alexander : do i ? zach : no . let her go . you still got me . [ scene_break ] krystal : what do you want ? josh : i came here to talk to you about babe . it 's important . krystal : huh . misery loves company , huh ? josh : krystal , i 'm not miserable . i came here to bring you something . krystal : what ? josh : i guess you could call it a miracle . krystal , no one should have to go through the kind of pain that you had to go through . but sometimes there are reasons . krystal : so you 're saying that it was god 's plan ? josh : maybe -- maybe it was . maybe we were just trying to help . but babe had to go someplace else . she was n't safe here . krystal : she 's in a better place . josh : yeah , better than here . yes , in my opinion . krystal : josh , i know you loved babe . and i know you 're right . josh : krystal , the other place was n't heaven . it 's here with us . babe is still alive . krystal : i know , i know , and she always will be -- in our hearts . i know that . i mean , i -- i see her sometimes . i -- i feel her next to me . josh : krystal , babe is alive . we faked her death to hide her from the killer . i swear to you , it 's the truth . she 's hidden in a secret room at the casino . krystal : oh -- josh : krystal -- krystal -- [ adam walks in just as krystal faints to the floor ] [ scene_break ] j.r. 's voice : you 're trash , babe . i stand the stink of you . your life was so not worth my mother 's . my mother died in your place . she 's dead because of you . you should be in the ground , not her ! josh : sorry , j.r . there 's nothing more we can do . j.r. : i 'd like to be with my wife alone . j.r. : so , you really are dead . that 's good . now i can raise my son my way . from now on , you 're nothing but a memory . we 'll both forget you . [ scene_break ] man : hey , no , i 'm claustrophobic ! jamie : i got something . j.r. : what is that , a blueprint ? wait a minute -- that 's zach and kendall 's house . jamie : no , it 's not . this place is about 20 miles away from here . [ scene_break ] tad : you think your cambias pull can get us into the lingerie trade show down the strip ? no pun intended . ryan : i hope this works . tad : well , the manager says it 's a piece of cake . all you got to do is hum a song into the microphone . the computer tells you what it is . ryan : i just hope i can remember how the song goes . tad : i just hope it does n't matter that you 're tone deaf . ryan : yeah , me , too . [ ryan hums the nursery rhyme into the microphone ] ryan : hmm ? tad : what the hell is red rock ? [ scene_break ] alexander : i can not let kendall go . if you 're to learn your lesson , it has to cost you as much as it has cost me . zach : no , father , please . alexander : she had to see you crawl to know who you really are . now you have to see her die . say good - bye to your wife , alex . [ rolling around on the floor , alexander and zach struggle for the button . ] kendall : no ! no ! [ next_on ] kendall : zach ! zach , the gun ! [ alexander screams ] kendall : please stop ! please --
babe questions josh as to where she is , and why . josh opens up to babe , and explains everything to her . babe becomes concerned about her mother since she is carrying a baby . babe convinces josh to let her call her mother , but when she dials the number , adam answers the phone . babe just holds the phone . josh finally takes the phone from her , and asks adam to let him talk to krystal . adam forbids him to call that house ever again . jamie is still busy trying to find the rental property that they think alexander cambias , sr . may have rented . they just come up with loose ends . zach is devastated to see that kendall has a needle pointed at her throat . zach tries to talk his father into releasing kendall , but alex , sr . refuses to let her go . alexander lets zach know that he was the one , who was responsible for his mother 's ( amelia ) death . once again , zach begs his father to release kendall since he has him ( zach ) . alexander still refuses to let kendall go . alexander orders zach to get down on his knees , and beg for the life of his wife to be saved . zach does as he is told . kendall expresses her love and says that she could not love zach more than she does at this moment . adam and colby go through babe 's clothes to box them up so it will be easier on krystal . krystal comes in , sees colby with one of babe 's blouses , and orders colby not to touch babe 's things . colby is deeply apologetic . adam tries to console krystal that colby and he did n't mean anything that they just wanted to make things easier on her . krystal apologizes to colby for her outburst . colby expresses to krystal that she wished that she had a relationship as close to her mother as babe had with her .
jake : it 's ok . it 's going to be ok . amanda : you promise ? jake : ah , no , i do n't promise , but it sounds good , does n't it ? [ jake chuckles ] j.r. : what the hell 's going on here ? jake : uh - oh , you caught me . i was -- i was trying to steal your girlfriend . actually , i did come here to ask her to dinner and a movie , but she kept going on and on about you and how much you mean to her , and then -- and then i see she 's upset for some reason . why is that ? j.r. : you better get out of here before i dent your face . jake : unfortunately , amanda is pregnant with your child , and if i see that she gets any more upset than this , i 'm going to dent a lot more than just your face . amanda : i 'm wiped . i 'm going to go to bed . j.r. : no , no , not until you explain some things to me . do n't give me that clueless look . you shoved my dead wife in my face on purpose , and i 'd like to know why . [ scene_break ] david : say it again . krystal : i ca n't wait to marry you . david : i 'm telling you -- you have such good timing . krystal : really ? david : mm - hmm . i was going to propose all over again . krystal : oh , well , then i 've saved you the trouble , did n't i ? i would be honored to be your wife , under one condition . [ scene_break ] taylor : ahem , you got room for one more ? tad : you bet . [ scene_break ] frankie : what are you still doing here ? i thought you were done before the benefit . brot : ah , the supervisor asked me to pick up an extra shift . frankie : more like you volunteered . what 's up ? brot : i told taylor i had to work . frankie : you 're avoiding her . brot : and what 's so bad about that ? [ scene_break ] reese : look , i do n't care what you think of me , ok ? i just know that what i heard you say i will not use against you . adam : she may not , but i certainly will . zach : after all this time , still digging for dirt . that 's sad . adam : your girlfriend came to me . kendall : no way in hell will you hold this over us . i will go to the police right now and tell them i was the one driving . adam : whoa , whoa , whoa , wait a minute . you 're going to lie to the police , admit you lied about a fatal accident ? that 's going to create all kinds of problems and new charges . are you willing to stand by and watch your wife go off to prison for running over her best friend ? on the other hand , if kendall was in the slammer , you 'd be free to pursue other pleasures . [ scene_break ] david : so there 's an asterisk attached ? you 'll be my wife if -- krystal : i love you , and i want to go full speed ahead with this wedding . david : ok , but -- krystal : you have to promise me one thing first . david : anything . krystal : i want you to look me in the eye and swear that you wo n't use this marriage to take j.r. 's son , and no more secrets , ok ? i want everything to be out in the open . david : well , that 's actually two conditions . so do i get some extra time to think it over ? i swear i will never use our marriage to try and get little adam . krystal : and the other part ? david : i already told you . i 'm going to work really hard to be more open . why would i want to hide anything from you , the woman who knows me better than anyone , who saved my life ? i need you , krystal , as a friend , a lover , and now my wife . krystal : well , then let 's hurry up and get hitched . [ scene_break ] tad : ha , ha , ha ! that is a winner in any country . taylor : you 're on a serious roll . tad : no , no , i am now , but before you showed up , i was down to my last couple of chips . i 'm going to start calling you my -- my lucky charm . taylor : i do n't believe in luck . people make choices and things happen . i 've learned that . tad : really ? so i 'm guessing you 're the kind of person that does n't believe we 've got angels nudging us in the right direction . taylor : no , i think we decide things . soldier goes left , and he 's fine , he goes right , he gets blown to bits . there 's no magic in that . and i 'll tell you something , i 'm nobody 's good - luck charm . and you say something really nice to me , and i lash out at you . so , i 'm sorry . i 'll going to go harass somebody else . tad : no , no , no , stick around . no , no , no , look , i 'm winning . i 'm up , stick around . you can either rip me some more or play a couple of hands or tell me what 's going on with brot . taylor : where 'd that come from ? [ tad sighs ] tad : lucky guess . taylor : well , i do n't want to talk about that . i 'm your lucky charm . give me some . you can deal me in . [ tad chuckles ] tad : there you go . now you 're talking . [ scene_break ] brot : the thing is , taylor and i are having issues , bedroom issues . frankie : and ? brot : every time taylor and i get close to each other , and it starts to move in that direction , brot just takes off . frankie : hmm . yeah , well , when i got back from iraq , i took off into the woods , could n't really deal with people at all . i could n't deal with anything . brot : but you 're with randi . frankie : yeah , but it did n't happen overnight . brot : but it happened . frankie : slowly , very slowly . randi and i were together for like six months before we -- [ brot chuckles ] brot : are you serious ? why ? frankie : it 's complicated , but we got past it with a lot of time and patience , a whole lot of patience . bottom line ? change comes from action . you have to decide when the time is , and just go for it . brot : i do n't know , hub . frankie : do you love each other ? brot : come on , man , you know we do . frankie : right , then taylor 's going to be right there with you . look , my shift just ended . you can sit here with your bedpan or you can come grab a drink with your boy . brot : why -- why -- why do we have to bring the bedpan into this ? now , i 'll go , only if i get the first round . frankie : only ? you better get the first round . brot : yeah , let 's go , man . [ scene_break ] j.r. : how stupid do you think i am ? `` oh , god , j.r. , i put in the wrong disc . oops , there 's babe , all cued up . `` that was an accident ? huh ? answer me . amanda : i was rushing . i did n't do it on purpose . j.r. : no , because you 'd never use a dvd to get anything that you want -- like , i do n't know , $ 5 million and a yacht ? you put that disc in there for a reason . amanda : why would i do that ? i -- i know how much babe meant to you . i loved her , too . i know how painful that would be . j.r. : exactly . you know that i 'd fall apart and reach for the scotch . amanda : hello , i am the one that just stopped you from drinking . i took the glass out of your hand . j.r. : yeah , and then jake martin showed up here . you 're up to something . you got guilt all over your face . and you 're not going anywhere until you own up . amanda : ok . you 're right . i put the dvd in because i wanted you to drink . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach , stop , stop . you make one more threat , and i will choke you till you drop . adam : oh , are you going to add assault to this litany of charges you 're already facing -- obstruction of justice , manslaughter , vehicular homicide ? reese : ok , leave them alone , adam . adam : do you realize how much damage you would cause if you were arrested ? the publicity alone would destroy fusion , period , not to mention any future bestsellers that you might come up with , and you could -- zach : what do you want ? adam : what do i want ? you want me to keep quiet about the biggest conspiracy that ever was . well , i 'm afraid i 'm going to have to get back to you on that . you ready ? reese : you go ahead . adam : i 'll wait up for you . kendall : you 're staying with the chandlers ? reese : i am living there temporarily , yeah . kendall : why are you still here ? reese : because i wanted to apologize , ok ? look , i had no idea that adam was going to do that . kendall : no , genius , why are you still in pine valley ? and do n't give that b.s . about contracts . reese : ok , you know what ? i would love to be on a plane right now back to paris , but i ca n't go , not yet , because bianca needs time and space , and for some crazy reason i feel like i need to prove myself to you . i need you to believe that i love your sister more than anything . kendall : you do n't love my sister , and you sure as hell are n't sorry for what you told adam . why would you be ? he put you up in this big fancy house where you can plan your next move on my husband . zach : we 're leaving . kendall : no , no , you know what ? she 's the one who should leave , but she ca n't . why ? because of you . it 's quite pathetic , actually . and you know what ? if you guys want each other , fine , great . have at it . go for it . i do n't give a damn . reese : would you just wait . [ scene_break ] taylor : we used to play cards all the time in country because there was nothing else to do . tad : mm - hmm . taylor : but mostly poker . hey , there was this one time , it was me and brot , boots was there , a bunch of guys . anyway , we 're playing texas hold ' em -- tad : you actually know somebody called `` boots `` ? taylor : yeah , he had a hygiene issue in the foot area . it was not good . so anyway , game 's getting intense , pot 's growing and growing , and these guys are dropping like flies . shooter , he folded , and digger was -- he was out . but it 's me and brot . we 're emptying our pockets , and watches are coming off , you know ? all of a sudden , we hear sniper fire , and i mean close , maybe 100 yards out or so , but we keep playing . tad : whoa , whoa , whoa , hang on , just a second . oh , you -- you kept playing , even under fire ? taylor : well , i thought i had him . so then brot excuses himself . he goes and gets his prize possession . tad : which is ? both : `` charlie 's angels . `` tad : definitely , that 's worth dying for . taylor : yeah , whatever . then we hear rocket fire . now , that 's not too close , but still these guys are screaming at us , `` move , move , move ! `` but we held our cards , and we are staring each other down , and it 's time to show what you 've got . tad : mm - hmm . taylor : me ? four kings . tad : there you go . taylor : how could i lose , right ? tad : right . taylor : that jerk . he had a straight flush . tad : no . taylor : straight flush , yeah . tad : no ! taylor : so he grabs his stupid picture , and shoves it in his pocket , and we were out of there . next day , our c.o . rammed us , man . we got ripped a new one . it was good . you know , rocket fire , the good old days . tad : yeah , good times , right . well , here you are , looking like a million bucks , still playing cards , and , oh , not a rocket in sight . which leads me to the question , how are things going with brot ? taylor : you know -- friendship -- you do n't know how deep that can go until -- until someone lets you hold their life in your hands , because that 's trust , the kind of trust that brot and i used to have . used to . he had so little faith in me , he pretended he was dead . imagine how that feels . but you know what ? i 'm a soldier . so i 'm looking at it like it 's a mission . it 's a mission for me to get that trust back , right ? tad : yeah , right . to trust . [ scene_break ] reese : kendall is wrong . i would never intentionally hurt either of you . you have to believe me . zach : i do n't have to believe anything . adam chandler ? what is that ? revenge ? you want to go after my family because of that , because of revenge ? reese : no , i want bianca back , and i need to prove it to you . it starts with you . zach : no , it does not . you come after my family , we have a real problem . reese : go ahead , walk away . go . [ scene_break ] pete : mr. chandler ! adam : whatever it is , pete , it can wait . pete : your money 's gone . i got an e - mail from greenlee before she died . she found how erica was hiding things . the problems with the economy hit fusion hard . all the cash you invested is gone . adam : is this your idea of a joke ? pete : no , sir . i -- i 've got the e - mail . i can show you in my computer . adam : so erica lost it , huh ? every dime . pete : yes , erica did . erica kane -- i 'm just the messenger , remember that before you decide who to kill . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you wanted me to drink ? amanda : i wanted you to need me , and that only happens when you 're out of control . it 's -- it 's beyond selfish , i know . but when you were giving your speech at the benefit , you were so strong and competent , i got scared . j.r. : of what ? amanda : of losing you . if you have your life together , why would you even waste your time with a disaster like me ? j.r. : because you 're carrying my child , amanda . amanda : yeah , but if you 're trying to move on , then the last thing you need is a kid . so , i started thinking about all the ways that we 'd hold you back , and i panicked . j.r. : you know , even if i did believe you -- and i 'm not saying that i do -- i still do n't understand where jake martin fits into this . amanda : i must have said something about you at the benefit . he came here to stop me from doing anything stupid . j.r. : did you get yourself pregnant on purpose to try and trap me ? amanda : no . j.r. : how can i believe that ? you ambushed me with babe . you tried to push me off the wagon , control me . my god , amanda , did you even think about what this would do to little adam ? i actually thought that we had a future together . amanda : no , we can . i -- i changed my mind , j.r. , i did n't do it . does n't that prove how i really feel ? adam : what 's all the racket in here ? j.r. : you 're right , dad . amanda is a lying slut who 's been playing me ever since babe died . [ scene_break ] david : krystal . krystal ? you 're going to be out for a nice long time . [ scene_break ] tad : yes ! taylor : 21 ! tad : ha - ha ! taylor : 21 . tad : well - played . taylor : it was my turn . tad : yes , honey . taylor : you go it last time . now i can pay you back all the money you gave me . tad : yeah , you can start now , as a matter of fact . brot : congrats . taylor : i thought you had a shift at the hospital . frankie : well , you know , it was so quiet over there , and they said brot could go , and , you know , i was finished with my shift -- taylor : they 're building a whole new wing and it 's quiet over there ? tad : you know , we have a rule in pine valley that if you win 21 , you owe everybody a round , and since yours was the aforementioned bonanza , i think these guys showed up in time to take advantage of your largesse . brot : true . taylor : ok , whatever you said , i think you mean i should buy . tad : mm - hmm . taylor : that 's fine . but for the slack here , he gets the cheap stuff . [ scene_break ] david : i 'm late . jake : hey , hey , hey , i just wanted to tell you that i 'm aware that you paid amanda to try to get j.r. to fall off the wagon , and now you 're trying to force her to do it again . and if she does n't do that for you , you 're going to reveal your whole little scheme . i -- i 'm aware of this . david : that 's quite a theory . jake : well , it 's not just a theory . hey , do n't bother going to the chandlers and trying to get a status report , because she 's just not going through with it , dave . you 're not going to win this one . [ david chuckles ] david : so that 's what it 's come down to , huh , jake ? chasing after amanda ? your wife runs off with a truck driver , your army chick hobbles back to her ex . so now you 're so desperate to hang on to someone , anyone , that you 're willing to scrape the bottom of the barrel ? jake : well , i 'm just trying to help out a friend , something you know nothing about because you got no friends , dave . david : oh , right , right . come on , come on . you thought amanda would be waiting for you , right ? that she would jump at the chance to get back with you . well , i guess it did n't turn out that way , huh ? she turned around and got herself knocked up . boy , you 're as pitiful with women as you are with a scalpel . jake : see , i 'm not trying to get amanda back . david : hmm . jake : i just do n't want to see her destroyed by you . [ scene_break ] amanda : after jake dumped me , i was in a bad place . so were you because of babe . we were both lost , but we found each other . adam : stop embarrassing yourself . amanda : j.r. , i swear to you i did not get pregnant on purpose . i am here with you because this is what i want . i made a stupid move , i know , but i did it because i want to keep you close because i care about you . adam : yes , she cares about your cash . amanda : j.r. and i are friends again , more than friends . tell -- tell your dad about all the amazing talks that we 've had , how i helped you with little adam . i -- i convinced you not to drink . adam : you have to move your shovel elsewhere . the chandler gold mine is all tapped out . amanda : i do not want your money . [ adam laughs ] adam : yes . j.r. : i believe her . adam : well , you two have n't changed a bit . she 's still a tramp . you 're still a fool . you deserve each other . [ scene_break ] zach : kendall , open the door . first you lock me out of my bedroom , now you lock me out of the house ? kendall : very good . did you figure that out all by yourself , or did reese help you ? i meant what i said at the casino . if your little whore wants you , she can have you . zach : i do n't want reese . i love you , and i think you already know that . kendall : do i ? i do n't know . your little make - out session with reese sort of threw me off . zach : i think you 're using reese so we do n't have to deal with what 's going on here . kendall : reese is going on here . zach : well , you 're the one that put her there , so we do n't have to deal with our problems . is n't that what 's going on right now ? kendall : wow , you did a lot while i was in the hospital . you -- you made a kid , you fell for another woman , and you got a degree in psychology . i am so glad to have dr. slater set me straight . i really am . zach : now we 're exactly where we were before the tornadoes -- distance , drama . so what do we do now ? hmm ? you going to call the police ? you going to have them arrest me , throw me into jail ? is that going to solve things ? no ! we 're still going to be here . we have to solve this and move on ! kendall : why ? zach : because we do n't have a choice . because we love each other , and the way we love each other -- i ca n't be without you , and you ca n't be without me . together we can do anything . and if we 're not together , it 's all going to fall apart . this is your choice . you want me to leave ? i 'll leave right now , say the word . i 'll walk out that door , and we 'll both die . i love you . i always have . always -- only you . but i 'm going to accept whatever you decide . but you decide right now . what is it ? is it love or is it hate ? there 's no in between . kendall : love . [ scene_break ] frankie : whoo - hoo - hoo - hoo ! tad : hmm . ooh , tough luck , baby . brot : sorry , l.t . no guts , no glory . taylor : no , i 'm going to win all my chips back . come on . brot : or -- or , i could just give you some of all of these chips i got . taylor : i do n't want any of your charity . no , thank you . i do not want your charity . i am going to take you down . you are going down . can i borrow some money ? tad : and i 'm guessing it 's my turn to buy . frankie , why do n't you help me out at the bar , man . frankie : you got it . brot : these guys . taylor : that was subtle . brot : right ? taylor : it 'd be a shame to disappoint them . brot : so you think if we snuck out , they would mind ? taylor : i think they 'd be thrilled . brot : i 'll race you to the car . let 's go . taylor : well , i have heels , but i 'm still going to win . brot : whatever . [ taylor laughs ] [ scene_break ] amanda : i 'm so sorry , j.r. you have every right to hate me . god knows that i hate myself . j.r. : just stop . everything in me says it 's crazy to believe you , but i do . i have to if what 's going on between us is real . because if it 's not , if it was just a scam -- well , then i 've wronged babe in all the worst ways possible . amanda : before this happened , i did n't even know if i 'd have kids . i 'm still not sure if i 'm ready or not , but when i get freaked out , i think about babe . she was the best mom ever . and i am going to do everything i can to make her proud of me . j.r. : i want that , too . i want to do right by you , amanda . but first , i need to know if you 're hiding anything else from me . if you can promise me that , then maybe i can make this work and move on together . amanda : i promise . you know everything there is to know . david : excuse me for interrupting , but i 'm a real stickler when it comes to accuracy . j.r. : what the hell is this ? david : i could n't help but overhear amanda here say that she told you everything . but something tells me that she neglected to mention the fact that i paid her a large sum of money to turn you back into a worthless drunk . j.r. : it was the bottom of my life . david : is n't modern technology amazing ? i mean , look at that picture and sound . who would think that a mere cell phone could pick up the mumblings of a pathetic lush ? but you have to admit , amanda really did earn her money on christmas eve . followed you and little adam up to the lodge , got you talking about babe , missing her . and that probably would have been enough , but then you lost a -- what was it ? a magic shell ? amanda : stop . david : yeah . amanda kept that hidden in her purse while you drank yourself into a slobbering stupor . [ david chuckles ] david : you know , i got to tell you , i really thought this was going to be tough to pull off , but amanda here , she -- she really made it work , made it easy . all i had to do was dangle a little check in front of her , and she would do anything . amanda : shut up . david : but we did n't get off to a great start , though , did we ? i mean , honestly , you did come off a little too strong in the beginning . remember the night that -- that she called you to come to fusion because she was supposedly turning into an alcoholic ? yeah , that did n't go over so well . so we had to move on to plan b , babe 's dress . amanda : that was a huge mistake . david : yeah -- no , she 's right about that . that was my mistake , you see , because i forgot that i was dealing with a guy who once tried to kill my daughter , kendall , and bianca . yeah , so after you assaulted amanda , we realized that we had to come on a little bit more subtle , make it so that she just happened to show up whenever you were crying about babe . it was christmas and -- well , the casino reopening . and then , of course , tonight , when amanda here was supposed to reunite you with your one true friend , the bottle . but for some reason she suddenly grew a conscience . j.r. : why 'd you do it ? david : does it really matter ? j.r. : you tried to get me drunk to steal my son . david : you can think whatever you want . i 'm going to leave now , let you two kids talk . you know something -- you might want to get daddy to board up those tunnels . you never know who just might wander in . j.r. : i want you gone . [ scene_break ] taylor : so i was telling tad about all the times that we -- brot : thank you . taylor : you know , played cards over in iraq . brot : ah , yeah . i remember that . better yet -- remember the fake picture of cameron diaz ? you wanted that thing so bad . taylor : what do you mean , `` fake `` ? brot : the photo was real , but i signed it . taylor : i almost got myself killed over that stupid thing . [ brot laughs ] taylor : you . brot : yep , it was fake . [ taylor laughs ] brot : taylor . taylor : brot . brot : the way i feel about you . taylor : me , too . [ scene_break ] [ music plays as zach and kendall make love ] singer : the corners in my bedroom empty in the night wake up waiting for you to come home and i still believe in what we have more than just a dream you know , the moon is shining perfectly but my heart is crumbling can i hold on tight to the memory of you and i ? can i hold on to you tonight ? say goodbye mmm say goodbye ooh can i hold on tight to the memory of you and i ? can i hold on to you tonight . [ scene_break ] adam : ah . well , she 's gone , and i still have my wallet . well done . j.r. : oh , just save it . adam : that woman has told you nothing but lies . are you totally certain that you 're the father of her child ? j.r. : there 's no question about it . adam : all right . well , the woman is still a lowlife , but the child is still a chandler . so , do whatever you have to do -- whatever . get us that baby . [ scene_break ] krystal : where 'd you go ? david : i had some business to take care of . krystal : david , you promised -- no more secrets . david : but i did n't want to ruin the surprise . krystal : i -- i do n't know what to say . david : well , you can start by saying you have no plans for tomorrow . and if you do , you 'll cancel . krystal : how come ? david : because tomorrow is a very big day . it 's our wedding day . [ scene_break ] tad : hmm . mmm . jake : you know , men that stand around in bars and do funny little gestures like that -- it 's usually a sign of insanity . all right , tell me whatever it was you were thinking . i could use a laugh . tad : well , it just so happens taylor told me a story , and it was kind of silly . jake : taylor just told you a story ? tad : yeah , yeah , yeah . we were over there playing blackjack just a minute ago . she told me a story and it was funny . jake : really ? tad : mm - hmm . jake : well , she is kind of funny once you cut through the tough exterior . tad : you have no idea . that 's the point . see , she and brot are playing a poker game over there in iraq when they were in - country , and it 's real high - stakes stuff . and they come under fire , and instead of calling off the game , they see the hands , because get this -- the big prize was a picture of cameron diaz . jake : cameron diaz ? tad : cameron diaz . jake : as a prize ? tad : i told you she was funny . anyway , she took off . jake : yeah . tad : with brot . you know , he 's a cool guy , right ? kind of a cool couple . jake : yeah , he 's -- he 's a very cool guy . tad : anyway , she 's -- she 's , you know , she 's funny . jake : yeah , she 's very funny . can i get a drink , too ? [ scene_break ] [ music plays as brot and taylor kiss and go in the bedroom ] singer : i just want to love you for the rest of your life know i will love you for the rest of mine i do n't want to fight i just want to be with you just want to live my life the way i was meant to singers : i want a love that hurts i want to see it run singer : just want to look to you and watch my dreams come true singers : i want to hold you close and never let you go singer : i want to love you most singers : i want to hold you close and never let you go singer : i want to love you more [ scene_break ] kendall : we should turn out the lights , so you do n't see how hideous i am . zach : what are you talking about ? i love the scar . it gave me my wife back . kendall : do n't you think it 's bizarre that i have someone else 's heart ? zach : you 've always had somebody else 's heart . welcome back . [ kendall purrs ] kendall : hmm . [ kendall sees reese at the window looking in ]
j.r. walks in on jake and amanda , hugging and demands to know what is going on . jake makes up some lame excuse as to why jake was there to keep j.r. from finding out the real reason why he was consoling amanda . krystal accepts david 's marriage proposal , but sets some conditions on accepting . tad is at the blackjack table at the casino when taylor walks in . taylor join tad . at the casino , reese assures zach and kendall that she would never go to the police with the info that she knows about the accident when adam walks in and tells them that he will go to the police with the info . tad questions taylor as to what is going on with brot . at the hospital , brot confesses to frankie that there are some `` bedroom `` issues between him and taylor . j.r. orders amanda to confess everything as to why she had put the dvd in the television for him to watch . amanda confesses , but not to the real truth that david was blackmailing amanda into doing his will . adam walks in and wants to know what is going on . j.r. reveals to adam that amanda had been using him . pete catches adam outside the chandler mansion and reveals to him that erica had lost all his money . zach breaks down the door when kendall refuses to open the door and let him in . zach insists that he loves kendall and not reese . zach tells kendall that he will leave if she wants him , but if he does then they will both die .
ryan : hey . morning . how you doing ? want some coffee ? liza : oh , god , yes . good morning . so who is my new client ? ryan : this one 's on the dl . liza : come on , discretion is part of my job . is this about you ? you ok ? ryan : i 'm fine . i 'm good . i need you to start working with the temporary d.a . liza : that depends on what it 's for . ryan : it 's to bring david hayward down . liza : well , that is definitely something i can get behind . ryan : our witness is a little skittish , so it 's gon na take just the right amount of influence here . liza : you won over that nurse of his , did n't you ? [ scene_break ] erica : oh , gayle , hi . good morning . join me in some breakfast . would you like some tea ? gayle : not everyone rates erica kane as their keeper . erica : friend , gayle , not keeper . gayle : with an agenda . erica : same as yours . gayle : i 'll have some tea . erica : i really do know how you feel , gayle . you got yourself in over your head and all for a man . we 've all been there . gayle : was yours a scheming , lying , arrogant , backstabbing -- erica : oh , and then some . but i feel that i came out a better person for it , and so will you . i 'm here to help you , gayle . really . we are gon na make sure that david hayward is very sorry for having passed you over for that manipulative little brat . [ scene_break ] greenlee : good morning . david : yes , it is . and how is the beautiful mrs. hayward this morning ? greenlee : hmm . on fire . i spent the night dreaming about erica in a variety of torture devices . david : sure i was n't included : stretched out on a rack ? greenlee : i meant what i said last night . we 're a team , now more than ever . david : yeah , well , i should 've told you that erica was trying to blackmail me over to her side . greenlee : you told me . that 's what counts . and she 's delusional if she thinks i 'm gon na let her have my company . david : watch out , pine valley . greenlee 's on the loose . greenlee : erica will be gone from my life and yours . she wo n't even know what hit her . [ scene_break ] randi : ok , one cup , but then i 've got to get back to the office . frankie : who 's your boss today ? erica or greenlee ? randi : hmm . that would be anyone 's guess . are you ok ? because you 've been favoring that hand a lot lately . frankie : it 's just a little stiff . agh ! randi : yeah , well , more of a reason to get back to your pt . frankie : i know . i know . randi : yeah , you know , you know . frankie , how can you help anyone in this hospital if you ca n't help yourself ? hello ? frankie ? paging dr. hubbard ? frankie : oh . sorry . randi : you 're still worried about your mom , are n't you ? [ scene_break ] jesse : you ok ? angie : this used to be part of my routine every day . jesse : yeah . we have n't been to church in way too long , huh ? angie : i realized how much i missed it , how it filled me up somehow and gave me strength . jesse : well , we 'll do better on sundays , ok ? angie : why is it so easy to forget until you need something ? jesse : i do n't know . you were praying pretty hard there . angie : i had a lot to say , i guess . jesse : j.r. ? angie : among others : his family , our family , me . i made a big mistake , and a man is dead because of it . [ scene_break ] tad : well , good morning , sleepyhead . damon : ooh . tad : you know , if you 're not careful , you 're gon na end up with a toe tag on a field trip to the morgue . you know that , right ? damon : thanks , man . i was just getting up . ooh . what time is it ? tad : half past an explanation . what the hell do you think you 're doing now ? damon : i needed a place to crash . i was here late last night . i found this thing . it 's actually pretty comfy . tad : that 's almost interesting . what do you mean , you needed a place to crash ? what happened to your place ? damon : oh , that place is weird . they expect you to pay rent to live there . tad : that 's usually how it works . damon : i lost it . i got fired from confusion because of the whole burglary thing . tad : and decided it was a good idea to check into the happy tablet hotel ? damon : it 's a luxury suite . how 's j.r. ? tad : he 's doing the same : he 's not responding . damon : any word on a donor ? tad : we 're waiting . damon : that sucks . tad : yeah , my young friend , that it does . damon : colby -- is she still ok ? tad : why do n't you just go up and ask her ? damon : not really my biggest fan at the moment . yesterday she seemed really wiped . tad : it does n't mean anything . the whole family 's wiped . everybody slept here last night . damon : i 'm sorry . tad : what about you ? where are you gon na sleep from now on , huh ? you ca n't get away with this ridiculousness forever . damon : you 're not gon na bust me , are you ? tad : no . but they will sooner or later . then what ? damon : you got any better ideas ? tad : no , i do n't . but one thing i know for sure is you ca n't afford to get into any more trouble . come on , seriously , answer the question . what about your parents ? they got to be able to do something . damon : not happening . tad : are you telling me they 're not willing to help you out financially at least . damon : we 're not talking right now , ok ? tad : god -- you -- are you hungry ? damon : starving . tad : good . so am i . come on , i know a plate of pancakes with your name on it . [ scene_break ] frankie : if i would 've just told my mom about the surgery request , the patient would probably still be alive . randi : but they told you it was n't an emergency , right ? frankie : but it 's still my fault . i was the one who screwed up , randi , and my mom 's taking the heat . randi : ok , has it ever occurred to you that your mom might know what 's best ? frankie : she 's just trying to protect me like she did when i was 5 . randi : and protect this hospital from getting caught in a lawsuit . look , frankie , she 's your mother , but she 's definitely also your boss . frankie : yeah , i know . that 's what makes it so freaking frustrating ! [ frankie bangs hand ] randi : whoa . baby , your hand -- here , take these . they 're from after the surgery , but -- frankie : i 'm fine . randi : yeah , you 're always fine . frankie : look , i do n't need to take drugs , randi . randi : doctors really are the worst patients . take them . you do n't have to be in pain . i love you . i 'll see you later . [ scene_break ] angie : the night that you and i got that hotel room at the yacht club -- jesse : wait a minute . is this story chapel - friendly ? angie : i turned off my phone and missed a message about a surgery authorization . jesse : well , why did they have to talk to you to perform surgery ? angie : the patient was uninsured , and i had to sign off on waiving the charges . and the aneurysm ended up bursting . they tried to go in and stop the bleeding , but it was too late . jesse : so a patient dies and you blame yourself ? angie : if they had gotten in touch with me -- jesse : `` if `` ? baby , the world is full of ifs . you 're not expected to be at this hospital 24/7 . angie : if i had just stayed here at my desk -- jesse : you do not know if this man would still be alive . angie : i do n't know that he would n't . jesse : does the board blame you ? angie : i just got off with a reprimand for turning off my phone . jesse : so they do n't blame you ? angie : they 're trying to cover their butts against a lawsuit . jesse : angela , you could n't possibly know what would happen . angie : i was just too busy having fun . jesse : you were taking some much needed time for yourself , for us . i do n't regret that , baby , and you should n't either . yes , a man died , but not because of you , because of his illness . you are a human being . you ca n't control everything . angie : i could 've controlled this . jesse : baby , come on . you are the best at what you do , and there is absolutely no need for you to be any more than what you already are . not in my eyes , and certainly not in his . do n't you ever doubt that . [ scene_break ] erica : ryan . well , we were n't expecting any guests . ryan : you 're gon na thank me later . liza : gayle , liza colby . you remember me ? gayle : you 're tad martin 's friend , the lawyer ? erica : ryan , really : liza colby ? you could n't find a better attorney ? you could n't do a blind internet search ? ryan : she 's good , erica , and more important , she 's a friend i can trust . gayle : nobody said anything about a lawyer . ryan : liza is here just to protect you . liza : listen , i 'm really here for your best interests . gayle : why should i trust you ? erica : because -- because we do . gayle : i do n't know her . i do n't really know any of you . ryan : the point is , is that you want to bring hayward down , right ? so do we . erica : it 's a win - win . gayle : for you maybe . you did n't aid and abet david 's crimes . liza : you know what , gayle ? why do n't i tell you more about what i can do . gayle : i do n't know . erica : what do you mean ? gayle : maybe you 're all just using me , and i 'll be the one screwed over . erica : no , that wo n't happen . gayle : you know , i should get out of here , just disappear for good . erica : no , gayle . please , that is not necessary . i 'm giving you my word , gayle . you have the word of erica kane . and when i make a promise , i deliver . [ scene_break ] david : when you go after erica , better to do it with a scalpel rather than a meat cleaver . greenlee : i 've been to the rodeo with erica a few times . i know the show . david : yeah , and i 've known her for years . she still got to me . greenlee : well , it 's a good thing your wife has it covered . david : i 'm serious , greenlee . erica is definitely on the warpath . greenlee : then i 'll put on my war paint and leave the peace pipe at home . david : yeah , well , let us not forget that you also had major spinal surgery . it ca n't be business as usual . greenlee : do n't worry . david : do n't tell me not to worry . it 's my job to worry about your health . greenlee : are you talking as my husband or as my doctor ? david : both . greenlee : good . i expect nothing less . david : i could n't talk you out of it even if i tried . greenlee : i have a few tall buildings to leap and one not - so - tall diva to step on . i 'll see you later . [ door closes ] david : better watch out , erica . [ scene_break ] erica : earn your retainer , counselor . keep her here . liza : listen , gayle , you have information that can put david away for a long time . gayle : or it could ruin my life . liza : not if you help us . listen , if you reveal the truth to us , to the courts , to the world , believe me , everyone is going to benefit . ryan : gayle , you could be the difference between david hurting somebody else like he hurt you -- erica : or david being locked up for a very long time . liza : you know , you 're not the only one that he has treated appallingly . you remember amanda martin ? well , he has done every underhanded scheme he could possibly think of to get her to carry his baby , all while he was stringing you along . erica here has been his friend for years . erica : he 's gone too far . liza : he is completely out of control . listen , gayle , why do n't you take your hurt and turn it into power ? do n't let him have power over you . grab it back . listen , how did it feel when you found out that david married greenlee ? gayle : i thought he deserved to pay . liza : ok , listen to that . let 's take him down . erica : this is not just for any one person , gayle . this is for you and me and ryan and fusion and everyone he 's hurt . ryan : it has to end . erica : and it will . we can do it as a team . ryan : and liza 's gon na make sure that you do n't have any legal issues around this . erica : and i 'm gon na make sure that you get satisfaction for everything and everyone . ryan : i mean , we all want the same thing , right ? gayle : ok . ok . i 'll do it . erica : ok . listen , i have to get to work . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hi , honey , i 'm home ! where is everyone ? madison : let me check on that order and get back to you . greenlee : who are you ? madison : i 'm madison north . greenlee : are you the only one here ? madison : randi 's on her way . she just had to drop off her husband . greenlee : does no one start work at 9 a.m. anymore ? madison : things have been a little bit up in the air around here . greenlee : you 'll have to do . madison : for what ? greenlee : i want a full status report on the company . madison : perhaps erica would be better -- greenlee : do you want to keep your job ? zip it about erica . where are we since the computers went down ? madison : that 's easy . we 're at a dead stop . complete standstill : nothing can get done . greenlee : it 's the spring season . we should be launching . why are n't we ? madison : we do n't know who to take orders from . we got a memo from you saying not to do anything until you got here , and then we got a memo from erica telling us to ignore you . greenlee : i 'll make it easy for you . everything erica told you , forget it . this is my company . you work for me now . [ scene_break ] frankie : hey , mom , wait up . angie : frankie , i do n't have time . frankie : i do n't care what you said before . i 'm not letting you take the fall for me . i was the one who did n't give you the message . angie : well , it 's done . it 's over . the board already wrote me up . that 's it . frankie : when are you gon na start letting me own up to my mistakes ? angie : look , it was n't yours to own up to . i made the choice to leave the hospital . frankie : which there 's absolutely nothing wrong with . i was the one who did n't give you the message . it 's my fault . angie : frankie , it 's done . lesson learned , ok ? david : morning , dr. hubbard . angie : i have to start locking this door . david : then we 'd miss out on all these wonderful meetings together . angie : you know , if you do n't stop parking your narrow behind in my chair , i 'm gon na have security shoot you on sight . david : at least i 'll be in a hospital . angie : no , you wo n't . get out . david : do n't you even want to know why i 'm here ? angie : well , i think i have a pretty good idea . david : oh , come on . are n't you even the least bit curious , the teeny , tiniest bit ? angie : fresh blackmail ? convince me to resign ? hand the job back to you ? david : this time i brought visual aids . [ scene_break ] tad : so what 'd i tell you ? scrambled eggs , hash browns , and pancakes : the best haute cuisine that pine valley hospital has to offer . dig in . damon : why are you being so nice to me ? tad : because dying alone was never my thing . damon : no . i mean , like , everything i did -- i mean , how can you still care ? tad : the truth ? because i 've been there before . what 's with the look ? you think you 're the first good - looking kid to have a lock on the whole bad - boy act ? damon : whoa , who says it 's an act , man ? it 's not an act . tad : breaking and entering ? it 's kind of like sleeping away to the middle , is n't it ? damon : you gon na eat that ? tad : no . go ahead . help yourself . in any case , i mean what i say . i know exactly where you are now . once upon a time , i was in the same place : on the outs with the whole rest of the planet . i did n't have anything or anybody . it really sucks , does n't it ? damon : look , i 'll figure it out . i always do . tad : ok . fine . far be it for me , but , you know , way back in the day when the world was still cooling and i was trying to figure things out , i would 've been really happy to have a friend buy me breakfast when i could n't afford it . just to talk , hang out , not want anything in return . damon : look , i 'm sorry your family has all this stuff going on . tad : so am i . damon : colby 's brother -- he , like , really means a lot to you , does n't he ? tad : i raised him from the time he was literally this big . in some ways , he 's more my son than he is adam 's . damon : even though they 're both chandlers ? tad : well , do n't let that fool you . they do n't see eye to eye on a whole lot of things . damon : now , that is something i can relate to . [ scene_break ] gayle : before we talk strategy , i need to change and get ready for the day . ryan : nice work on the witness , counselor . liza : please . she 's a lit fuse . i could barely hear myself over that ticking . ryan : well , you got through . liza : ohh . i 'm just saying whatever she has , it better be solid . ryan : why ? are you afraid that it 's not ? liza : i 'm telling you i do n't think she 's gon na hold up under cross . she 's unstable . ryan : she 's all we got . liza : how you doing ? i mean , really , how are you ? ryan : well , i 'm better , now that we found gayle . liza : hmm . i really am so sorry to hear about david and greenlee . ryan : life is a marathon , not a sprint . liza : is that why you 're doing this ? to get david out of the picture ? [ scene_break ] david : it 's amazing the pictures a good telephoto lens can take , do n't you think ? angie : thank you . jesse and i do n't have any recent pictures of us . david : i aim to please . angie : but these are a little blurry . do n't tell me . you did n't take them yourself , did you ? david : those pictures were taken at the time dr. simon needed your approval for a lifesaving surgery . that one on top right there ? that was taken at the precise time the aneurysm burst and the patient died . angie : you are something else . david : well , i 'll take that as a compliment from the soon - to - be former chief of staff . angie : still have your grubby hands in everyone 's business . david : what ? these hands ? they 're a gift from god : healing hands . angie : well , ahem , it 's too late . the board dealt with this already , and i 'm still here . david : yeah , but that was before the board had all the details . angie : what ? of a happily married couple enjoying a night off ? scandalous . call `` the exposer . `` david : ok , fine . then why do n't i just show them to the board first , and we 'll see what happens . angie : all right , you listen to me , you bastard . you will not blackmail me . you will not get this job back . i wo n't even let you try . you want to trip me up for things on my watch ? what about all the vile things you did during your tenure here ? drugging adam chandler ? you 're responsible for stuart 's death . amanda and jake ? destroying krystal 's marriage ? shall i go on ? david : and that was all before i found the love of a good woman . angie : you drop dead , david , and do it somewhere other than my hospital . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you look familiar . have we met before ? madison : brookings academy . go , bears . greenlee : oh , my god . boarding school ? madison : you were a couple of years ahead . greenlee : huh . oh , you used to wear those horrible little socks with the ruffles . madison : i was not the only one . you used to wear those hot - pink pumps all the time . greenlee : ha ha ha ha ha ! ah ! i thought i was so hot . madison : you know , when you got busted out after curfew with that public school guy , you were our hero for weeks . greenlee : jon weber . oh , my god , he was great until he started talking about his mommy all the time . madison : ohh ! randi : um , sorry . am i interrupting something ? madison : oh , randi . hey , come in . randi , this is greenlee smythe . we went to boarding school together . randi : yeah , madison , i know greenlee . greenlee : it 's hayward , greenlee hayward . randi : hayward ? really ? greenlee : yeah . randi : wow . well , welcome back . madison : hey , remember headmistress crowley ? greenlee : you know , this is n't hugs and homecoming dance time . this is a business . where were we ? madison : um , we do n't know who 's boss . greenlee : right . right . you 've been taking orders from erica for months . it 's hard to pull a 180 . well , fusion 's on a new track now , and i 'm at the wheel . randi : well , as long as things are clear . greenlee : well , you have two options . you can either follow my lead or pack your desk . erica : or they could just swat you away like the annoying little gnat you are . [ scene_break ] david : well , then i guess we 're in agreement . i 'll just show these pictures to the board at the next meeting along with the time stamps . angie : go ahead . you 'll only hurt yourself . david : somehow i doubt that . angie : then put it out there for everyone . put it all out in the open . prime this hospital for a lawsuit . with the financial state they were in , you might not even have a hospital to return to . you can be chief of staff of nothing . david : and what will you be , angie ? angie : you wo n't bring down the very institution that you want to control . david : you know , i got to tell you , i am so surprised . you used to be a person with scruples . angie : oh , save your shock for someone who 's listening . david : no , really , i 'm serious . i mean , the woman i knew would never cover this up . a man died , and now you want the board to just sweep it under the rug ? angie : well , you know , you warned me that this job was n't just administration , that it was about playing dirty , but you were wrong . it 's about keeping this hospital clean , which means keeping people like you out . i 'm not gon na roll over , so you try your worst , ok ? i dare you . david : you just made me an offer i ca n't refuse . [ scene_break ] damon : i thought you guys had found a match for j.r . tad : we did . it did n't work out . the kid bailed . damon : what do you mean ? tad : i mean i screwed up . i should 've gone out to california and brought that kid back to pine valley myself . i did n't . i contracted the job out to a friend and the kid disappeared , so here we are . it 's my little screw - up . damon : you guys might still find him . tad : `` might . `` `` maybe . `` i just hope my mistake does n't cost my son his life . damon : well , you know , i have n't heard anything about my test yet . you never know . tad : frankie ? i 'm sorry , do you have a minute ? frankie : yeah . how 's j.r. doing ? tad : about like you 'd expect . come on , you got to give me a break . is there any -- test results come back ? frankie : well , nothing yet , sorry . damon : what about me , damon miller ? frankie : i think we tried to call you and were told you moved . sorry , you 're not a match . tad , give my best to everyone ? tad : yeah , yeah , i 'll do that . well , uh , hey , it was a long shot anyway , right ? damon : hey , man , it 's not over yet . you ok ? tad : my son is in that room fighting for his life . i 'm out here , and there 's not a damn thing i can do about it . no , i 'm not all right . [ scene_break ] ryan : there 's no hidden agenda here , ok ? erica and i want hayward out of the picture for the same reasons that we told gayle . liza : so it has nothing to do with greenlee ? ryan : ok , it 's not just about greenlee . it 's about all the other women that he 's hurt , ok ? the guy has got to be stopped . it 's time to take him down . liza : you know that greenlee could n't possibly love david , right ? ryan : no , she does n't . she does n't . it 's convenient . it 's safe . she knows that it 'll hurt me . she 'll see the truth . she will , eventually . liza : yes . i do n't know why you 're not fighting for her . ryan : because i know greenlee . i know her . if you push in one direction , she , like , blows out in the other direction , ok ? the last thing i want is for greenlee to see me coming and then just run the other way . liza : well , you are one patient man , ryan lavery . ryan : one day , one day she will realize what we have , she 'll listen to how she feels , and when she does , i 'll be there . [ scene_break ] greenlee : thank you , erica , but your services are no longer needed . erica : oh , i do n't think that 's true . greenlee : i have to salvage the mess you 've made of my company . erica : greenlee , everyone knows that you are the one who brought this company to its knees with your computer virus stunt . greenlee : hmm . consider it disinfectant : wipe the slate clean . erica : and the hard drives and the database and the client list and the orders . greenlee : well , it 's a good thing i 'm back , then . erica : i wo n't let you destroy my daughter 's company . greenlee : oh , now you bring up kendall . you 're so obvious , erica -- trying to push into a business where you have no place . erica : yeah , well , try telling that to my daughter and our employees . greenlee : oh , that 's weak and you know it . your name is n't on any stock certificates . so i 'll pack up your desk , and i 'll courier you the contents . erica : ok , when you go in my desk , you 'll find a proxy there signed by my daughter , and guess whose name is on it . madison , i 'd like the status report , please . greenlee : do n't say a word , north . madison : this is what i meant . greenlee : erica , you 're making my employees uncomfortable . time to toodle . erica : do n't let the elevator door hit you on your way out . toodle . [ scene_break ] liza : ok , so you have been loyal to david for years , right ? gayle : yes . liza : has he ever asked you to do anything that you did n't agree with ? gayle : often . liza : uh - huh . and why did n't you agree with it ? gayle : usually it bent the law a little . liza : so you have done illegal things for him ? ok , why do n't we talk about what was your role that you played in the adam chandler drugging ? gayle : that was part of my agreement with erica . i wo n't do this . ryan : ok , liza , that could lead to an accessory - to - murder charge . why do n't we just take that off the table , please ? liza : gayle , i 'm your lawyer . everything you say to me is in the utmost of confidence . i have a legal obligation to keep my mouth shut . ryan : ok , i think we should move on . gayle , talk about the dna . you would be willing to talk about the dna , right ? you said that to erica ? gayle : yeah , with the body in the river . liza : ok . all right , so let 's talk about the dna switch . gayle : well , a body was found a couple miles downstream from where greenlee was lost . david switched out the dna at the morgue so that everyone would think the corpse was greenlee . liza : uh - huh . and how did he do it ? gayle : bribed a technician at the coroner 's office in connecticut . liza : that 's gon na do it . ryan : great . what are we looking at ? liza : we 're looking at a few counts of fraud . we 're looking at evidence tampering , bribery , and depending on how we spin it , abuse of corpse . gayle : and he 'll lose his medical license , right ? liza : absolutely . ryan : i told you . i told you she was our ace . i told you that . liza : ok , so what was the name of the tech at the coroner 's office ? gayle : his name ? liza : mm - hmm . gayle : uh -- liza : i mean , you do know the guy that david bribed , right ? gayle : i never knew his name . david did n't tell me . ryan : so you do n't actually know the guy 's name ? the person that he bribed ? gayle : does it matter ? i know he did it . liza : oh , it 's not gon na work . gayle : what do you mean ? i 'm putting everything on the line here ! liza : yes , i know that , but this is all hearsay . it 's not enough to nail david . erica : why do n't you ladies take a break while i speak with mrs. hayward . greenlee : give me a copy of every project on the book and off . randi : right away . erica : you failed , greenlee . you tried to bring down fusion , but here we are . greenlee : no thanks to you . i 've looked at the sales figures , erica . looks like you 've got another `` new beginnings `` on your hands . how did that work out again ? canceled , right ? erica : no . i moved on , and i will not sink to your level . you are a vengeful spoiled little girl . when you do n't get your way , you throw tantrums . greenlee : spare me the sanctimony . you 'll do whatever you can to get me out . erica : greenlee , you tried to destroy your own company , the company you founded with my daughter . greenlee : you just love picking up kendall 's leftovers , do n't you : fusion ? ryan ? erica : do n't be crude . greenlee : what , calling it as i see it ? erica : bitter is not an attractive color on you . greenlee : ryan seems to find me attractive no matter what i have on . erica : ryan is too good for you . greenlee : and you would know because you had some deep connection ? erica : i will not -- i repeat , i will not -- discuss my relationship with ryan . some of us have class . greenlee : oh . so classy you slept with the man your daughter cheated on her husband with ? erica : oh , you bitch . [ scene_break ] tad : you know , no matter what your attitude , parents tend to be parents the world over . do they even know you 're in trouble ? damon : oh , me and my dad stopped talking a long time ago . if i asked for money now , i would get a really loud dial tone . tad : what about your mom ? damon : hill does not need to deal with a phone call like that . tad : what 's a hill ? damon : hill . hillary . hillary : it 's my mom 's first name . tad : not `` mom `` ? `` mother `` ? `` ma `` ? damon : [ sighs ] it 's a long story . tad : you 're full of those , are n't you ? yeah , that 's what i figured . all right , that says `` enough is enough . `` i want you to take this . damon : what 's that ? tad : it 's a knife . what does it look like ? you 're gon na be crashing with us for a while . do n't start getting -- please do n't do that . it does n't mean we 're engaged . it just means you 're gon na be staying with us for a while , that 's all . it 'll give you a chance to do a couple of things , like , number one , finish my basement . it looks ridiculous down there . take it , ok ? you do a couple odd jobs , change a couple light bulbs , we 'll be square . it 'll be fine . until such time , i want you to take this and i want you to do me another favor . i want you to go out and buy yourself a toothbrush , deodorant -- whatever you think you need . come on . damon : are you sure ? tad : yeah , i 'm sure . go ahead , take it . go over to my place -- you know where it is -- you relax , tell opal what 's going on . i 'll check in with you later , ok ? damon : thanks , man . tad : you 're welcome . [ scene_break ] angie : you 're not still upset , are you ? what 's done is done . you ca n't change it . frankie : yeah , well , tell that to the patient in the morgue . angie : frankie , you 're a doctor . we lose patients . frankie : you know what ? what 's gotten into you ? angie : you know what ? i 'm not gon na sit back and have someone control me or this hospital . now , we will be fine . all you have to do is concentrate on getting yourself back into the o.r . frankie : i 'm trying . angie : you will be a fine surgeon , sweetheart . just keep your eye on the prize . frankie : agh . [ scene_break ] gayle : you mean we ca n't go after david on my testimony alone ? liza : yeah , i 'm afraid not . gayle : i knew it ! he wins again ! ryan : hold on . do n't go there . we 'll find witnesses . we 'll find corroborating statements -- gayle : i have to get out of here . liza : gayle , please , just calm down . we 're gon na figure something out here . gayle : i have to leave before david finds out , before he figures out a way to turn this all on me . liza : no , we are gon na find out who that tech was , all right ? do n't worry . gayle : `` do n't worry `` ? it 's not your life on the line here ! ryan : we are not gon na let david go . we wo n't do it . gayle : if you people think david is just gon na hand himself over -- liza : ok . all right , so you got any ideas , because i am fresh out . ryan : it 's a good thing i 'm not . [ scene_break ] greenlee : erica ? erica : hmm ? greenlee : this back - and - forth wo n't solve anything , and it will hurt fusion . truth is we 're both too flipping stubborn . you wo n't give in , and i know i wo n't . maybe the only way this company will survive is if we figure out a way to work things out together . think about it , erica . erica : oh , do n't worry . i 'll think about it .
ryan meets liza at confusion to discuss her defending gayle against david . erica and gayle eat breakfast together in her room at the castle . greenlee brings david breakfast into the living room of wildwind . at the hospital , randi comes to visit frankie . frankie remembers him hitting his hand on the desk when he had realized that he had cost a man his life because of his negligence . angie is in the hospital chapel when jesse comes in to visit her . angie lets jesse know that she had made a mistake and it had cost a man his life . tad finds damon lying on a gurney in the corridor of the hospital . damon lets tad know that he had lost his job at the bar . tad offers to buy damon breakfast since he has no money . tad asks damon about his parents , but damon is reluctant to talk about his parents . frankie regrets not telling angie about the man needing surgery sooner than he did and that the man had died . randi notices frankie 's hand and offers him a pain pill . ryan brings liza to the castle to take gayle 's statement about david . greenlee gets ready to go to work at fusion . david warns greenlee about erica . greenlee arrives at work at fusion and only finds madison there . at the hospital , frankie lets angie know that he is not letting her take the fall for what he had done . angie assures him that things had been taken care of . david listens outside the door . david waits for angie in her office , sitting in her chair . david shows angie some pics that had been taken when she and jesse had had their romantic afternoon . greenlee and madison realize that they know each other from boarding school . randi comes in to join them . greenlee is telling randi and madison some things to do when erica comes in .
ricky : hi . kendall : hi . ricky : is this a bad time ? kendall : no , no . come on in . i just have to go check on the stove . ricky : ok . you 're alone ? kendall : yeah . the boys are on a play date . diana 's voice : you do realize that this is getting serious , right ? ricky 's voice : of course , i realize it . if i had n't changed those pages in zach 's letter , kendall might be on the track to our killer as we speak . ricky : hey . kendall : hi . ricky : i was just in the neighborhood , and i thought -- kendall : do n't lie to me . [ scene_break ] griffin : oh , excuse me . diana : you 're that doctor , the one that performed the surgery in the back of the totaled ambulance ? griffin : and i 'm the doctor that runs into people . will you accept my apology ? diana : sure . and especially if you buy me a drink and tell me all about how you saved that woman 's life . [ scene_break ] tad : that was just for the sake of the camera . we were taking some snaps for immigration as evidence . we want them to believe the marriage is for real . amanda : we should do a whole album , some with just the two of you , some with the family . tad : that was the plan , and we were just getting started with the self - timer . amanda : i can take the pictures , and we can pick different locations so it looks spaced out . tad : you sure ? amanda : yeah . of course . just show me how to work the camera . jake : how you doing ? cara : oh , fantastic . you ? jake : i 'm good . ahem . amanda said something about you thinking about taking off , running ? cara : yeah . you do n't need to worry , because i am in this marriage for the long haul -- three years , anyway . jake : what changed your mind ? cara : your wife did , actually . she -- she said she wanted to help me , so -- jake : she knows what would happen to you if you got deported , or what might happen . amanda : hey , cara , why do n't you come over here next to tad . cara : ok . do you think the rat who turned me in knows he could 've gotten me killed ? tad : yeah . uh - huh . perfect . cara : like this ? tad : yeah . see the pictures on the panel ? cara : i like that . tad : ok . breathe . krystal : what 's going on ? tad : `` what 's going on ? `` we got a wedding to sell . amanda : one more . oh , , great ! tad : thank you . so , anyway , the fact is cara and i need a love story . so we 're taking some photos , trying to cook up a romance that goes with them . cara : we have a lot of work to do . tad : nah . come on . `` maturish detective follows the clues to unlock gorgeous doctor 's heart . `` it writes itself . jake : doctor / ex - sister - in - law . krystal : listen , when you two figure out what lie you 're gon na go with , will you just let me know ? because i do n't have a clue what to say here . opal : put me on that list , too . tad : actually , you both have a point . if this thing is gon na fly , we all have to be on the same page . so i say we all sit down right now , and we hammer it out . krystal : i have to get dinner going . excuse me . opal : i 'll give you a hand . jake : i 'm hungry . tad : i realize it 's a lot to ask you to get on board with this . but let 's try not to forget that a woman 's life is on the line ? opal : a woman you barely know . tad : a woman who saved jake 's life . this can work , i know it , but i need your help . if we blow this thing , she 's gon na get booted out of the country . and the truth is neither of you is a stranger when it comes to running a scam or two . opal : ok . but there 's nothing says i have to like it . tad : no . all right , amanda , do me a favor . would you grab us a pen and some paper ? cara , there 's another bottle of champagne in the fridge in the kitchen . we 're gon na need it . brother of mine , a word , s'il vous plait ? jake : your fiancée is mexican , not french . tad : listen , you do know you have to be in the wedding , right ? jake : sure . what 's a party without me ? tad : i 'm being serious . we ca n't do anything about your history with cara , but it 's supposed to be one of the big moments of my life , so my brother has got to be there . jake : right . tad : i 'm counting on you for a lot of things : believability , legitimacy , not just flower arranging and crowd control . jake : flower arrangements -- that 's my specialty . tad : jake , you 're not gon na be my best man . [ scene_break ] marissa : reese 's attorney called from france . he wants to discuss the kids . bianca : we have to do that , right ? they 're a part of this . marissa : right . but before i call him back , i just wanted to talk to you first to make sure that we 're clear on what it is that you really want . custody fights can get very ugly . bianca : fights ? uh , reese has n't even bothered to come see the girls since they came to pine valley . i doubt she 'd want any kind of custody . marissa : but you ca n't assume anything . that 's how you get blindsided . bianca : ok , why do n't we wait and see what they 're asking for before we get all worried ? better yet , i will call reese myself . marissa : no . no . bianca , trust your lawyer here , ok ? i 'll handle it . [ scene_break ] diana : i was glued to the news . i read every article i could get my hands on . what you did -- that was incredible . griffin : i just did my job . diana : yeah . it 's crazy that you had a personal connection to her -- kendall ? griffin : she 's my patient . that 's it . diana : no , i mean her husband -- casino guy zach ? is n't he the reason that you came to pine valley in the first place , to help run some charity of his ? griffin : something like that . diana : timing 's amazing . it 's almost as if he knew that he was gon na need you here to save his wife . griffin : you know a lot about this . diana : confession -- i 'm a writer . i 'm always looking for great screenplay ideas . and i bet you 've got a lot of juicy details on the slaters . those two , their story -- that would make a great film . griffin : so you run into me on purpose ? diana : is that a crime ? griffin : normally , i would be all over it . but i do n't like being played . [ scene_break ] kendall : i know why you 're here -- zach 's letter . you were here when i opened it , and i had a panic attack , so do n't give me this ridiculous story about how you 're stopping by in the neighborhood . you 're checking up on me . ricky : you busted me . heh heh ! so now that i 'm busted , how are you feeling ? did you get some rest ? kendall : yeah , a little , but i do n't know . i ca n't stop thinking about zach 's letter . i keep re - reading it over and over , and i do n't understand why there is something in it that makes me think his plane was sabotaged . ricky : since dr. castillo did rule out a bad reaction to medications , it 's got to be grief . kendall : ok . so grief is making me read things in the letter that are n't there ? ricky : no . i think that you bottled up a bunch of stuff about zach and about the crash , and sometimes when that stuff comes back up , it can be weird and unhealthy . kendall : ok . so what am i supposed to do ? i 'm supposed to just jump around and punch walls ? ricky : sure . or you could just talk to me . talk to me about you and zach and your life together . come on . anything that pops into your head about zach , ok ? hey . how about your favorite memory together ? kendall : well , uh . there was this one day . ricky : tell me . [ scene_break ] tad : jesse does n't know it yet , but i 'm gon na ask him to be my best man . i figure if i got the chief of police standing up there with me , trumbull wo n't ask so many questions . jake : that 's clever . that 's smart . tad : and best man is a -- it 's a classy job , and you steal food . jake : what ? no , i do n't . tad : last tuesday , middle shelf , chili cheeseburger . jake : was that yours ? tad : and the fries . and you owe me money . jake : i owe you money ? tad : december , sixers - bulls . 50 bucks ring a bell ? jake : hey , detective , gambling 's illegal . tad : so is marrying your ex - wife to keep her in the country . i love you more than anything . but you 're a degenerate food stealer , you 're unreliable , you 're irresponsible , and you 're constantly hungry . i ca n't have a guy like that standing up with me on the big day . jake : i 'd have turned you down flat anyway . who stands next to their brother while he marries your ex ? tad : exactly . jake : exactly . tad : all right , everybody , listen up . this is how this is gon na go . cara and i are gon na stand here . you are gon na start asking us questions . we are then gon na take the answers , we are gon na patch them together and come up with a story . opal : can i start ? tad : i do n't see why not . opal : how 'd you rope my boy into this ? tad : thank you , ma . that is a start , but why do n't you rephrase it slightly ? opal : ok . how 'd she rope you into this ? tad : do me a favor . why do n't you go call griffin and ask him if he wants to come over and help ? opal : now , that 's an idea i could get into . maybe we could write our own love story . cara : actually , griff is in the middle of a shift , so we 're just gon na have to fill him in later . opal : oh , party pooper . amanda : i have a question . jake : good . go for it . amanda : what does tad do for a living ? cara : p.i . jake : stands for `` pain in the -- `` tad : do you have a question , jake ? jake : where was cara born ? tad : mexico . jake : be more specific . tad : i know this . wait . hold on . juarez . cara : muy bien . krystal : what 's tad 's favorite color ? tad : do n't answer that . it 's a trick question . i do n't have a favorite color . cara : it was green last week . tad : you 're right . krystal : ok . what 's tad 's birthday ? cara : i know it 's not in december . krystal : no . that 's jake 's birthday . tad : this is n't supposed to be an interrogation . so why do n't we dial it back just a little bit ? like it or not , we 're all gon na be one big happy family . [ scene_break ] kendall : so zach was determined to get me home for christmas , and then we ended up in a ditch . ricky : nice . kendall : yes . ricky : how did you get out of there ? kendall : we thought for sure we 'd have to spend the night , so we went to sleep . and then we woke up a little while later , and there was this beautiful chapel . it was father clarence 's . this man -- he had a knack of knowing just when to show up at just the right time . ricky : wow . and he gave you a sermon ? kendall : no . it was more like a dream or a peek into an alternate universe . i do n't know . it 's hard to explain , but zach and i realized that we needed to hold on to everything , to remember everything , the good and the bad . to just appreciate it all , because it 's all so precious . he was right . ricky : yeah . this chapel was a special place for you and your husband . kendall : `` special place `` ? you said that . you said that earlier when you were pushing me to talk about zach . ricky : i know . yeah , because from what i 've heard , couples have this particular place that they like to make their own . it 's a place that they go back to remember and celebrate . and i 'm guessing that you and zach went back to that chapel more than once . kendall : no . no , we did n't . [ knock on door ] kendall : excuse me . ricky : yeah . kendall : hey . griffin : hi . i had the lab double - check all your test results . kendall : and i am having a reaction to my meds ? griffin : no . but i 'd like to ask you some follow - up questions . ricky : ok . maybe it 'll be easier if i wait in another other room . griffin : it would be easier if you left . [ scene_break ] tad : you ready ? cara : ready . fire away . amanda : favorite movie ? tad : `` casablanca . `` jake : favorite holiday ? cara : christmas . amanda : pet peeve ? tad : singing . really bad singing -- that 's the pet peeve . cara : did you tell him i sing badly ? jake : no . cara : because i have a really good voice . jake : yes . football team ? cara : steelers . ok , no . eagles . amanda : food ? tad : um , tamales . cara : cereal candy bars . that 's it , right ? all : yes ! jake : next question . favorite song ? tad : `` star wars `` theme . wait . you mean her favorite song ? a little help here . cara : i ca n't -- krystal : do n't look at me . tad : first - date ideas , guys . come on . throw them out . amanda : dinner and dancing . jake : bowling and beer . amanda : the ballet . krystal : what ? ! i 'm thinking ! jake : got it . you went to a ball game . amanda : helicopter ride . jake : comic book convention . tad : gosh , guys . much as i love the creativity , let 's try to keep it in the realm of the remotely realistic , because we really -- we have to make them believe that cara and i fell in love . because if they do n't -- they will . they definitely will . [ knock on door ] tad : i 'll get it . you guys , come on . just crank it out . keep it coming . favorite -- favorite -- law enforcement official . jesse : so , best friend 's getting married , he does n't tell me ? what 's up with that ? tad : hey , everybody ! look who it is . listen , i 'm sorry i did n't get a call out to you , but it 's been crazy , and i 'm sure you know how that is . jesse : yeah . so this is the bride - to - be ? cara : hi . yes . you 're my fiancé 's best friend . it 's nice to meet you . jesse : yeah , that 's me . cara : you 're a little surprised ? jesse : yeah , not just by the news . tad : the fact that she used to be married to jake . we know . listen , jesse , we 've been getting a lot of that , but that 's life . it 's nothing if not surprising . she came to pine valley looking for one thing , and she found another . jesse : you ? tad : yeah . why not me ? i 'm a very desirable guy . fact is we know about the history . we knew what it would look like to people , but -- we fought it for as long as we could , but in the end , you ca n't fight love . jesse : love ? i did n't even know the two of -- how long has this been going on ? tad : about a month . cara : two months . tad : about a month and a half . jesse : ok . and you waited so long ? no ring ? jesse : so this is -- tad : yeah , it 's small , but it 's platinum . cara : it 's actually aluminum . tad : well , come on . you did n't have to tell him that . we just wanted to save money for the ceremony , because it 's expensive . so -- it 's an inside joke . personal thing . [ phone rings ] jesse : well , that is funny . that 's the fbi on emma lavery 's kidnapping . krystal : got any leads ? jesse : nothing solid , so far . opal : poor little thing . she must be scared out of her wits . jake : if there 's anything we can do to help -- tad : yeah , definitely . you keep us posted . jesse : yeah . you do that , too . i 'll be waiting on my invitation . we should all go out when angela gets back . cara : i would really love that . yeah , that would be nice . thank you . tad : ok . cara : ok . jesse : ok . tad : well . as much as i hate lying to jesse , that was n't half bad . actually , no . you know what ? it was great . as far as i 'm concerned , we were like a neurotic improv troupe . tad : what ? krystal : you thought that went well ? tad : i thought it went fine . krystal : then you are insane . [ scene_break ] marissa : reese wants to come to pine valley , spend a couple days with miranda and gaby , and then she wants to take them both to paris with her for miranda 's spring break from school . bianca : that 's a little out of the blue . marissa : that 's what i thought . bianca : but it makes sense . reese gets to see the girls and reconnect with them , and then when they 're comfortable , they can take a short trip and say good - bye to our home over there . marissa : but we 've just started proceedings . for reese to already be making demands on the children -- bianca : it 's a request , and i 'm ok with it . i 'll go to paris , too . it could be nice . marissa : `` nice `` ? bianca , this could be a prelude to reese asking for partial or even full custody . bianca : but that wo n't happen . marissa : but you did n't think that she would even want to see them . now she wants to take them across the ocean ? i think we tell them `` no deal . `` bianca : i think you 're letting your personal experience get in the way here . i 'm not gon na get played the way you did . [ scene_break ] griffin : your heart sounds good . your blood pressure 's fine . everything else ok ? kendall : you mean am i reading death threats in my boys ' storybooks ? no . griffin : lucky pinocchio . kendall : but i do keep reading zach 's letter , and it still has me freaked out . ricky thinks that i tried to move on too quickly . griffin : is that the good reverend 's take ? kendall : yeah . he thinks that if i fully dealt with the loss , that i would n't have been so shocked from getting the letter . he encouraged me to talk about zach , so that 's what we were doing when you came by . griffin : you upset i asked him to go ? kendall : no . no . i was just telling him about this magical christmas that i spent with zach . i thought it would be cathartic and make me feel strong and more in control , but i feel worse . griffin : so stop . if this is how you 're feeling , maybe it 's time to let it go . [ scene_break ] jake : i guess we should go . right ? huh ? give you a little chance with tad and you can go over things . cara : you do n't need to leave . jake : actually , i do . i got to get to the hospital . i got to help angie . she 's got a bachelor auction fundraiser thing . cara : let me just real quick -- i just want to say that i 'm extremely grateful for what you all are doing . and i feel like you 're taking risks , and you 're making a huge sacrifices for me , so i just wanted to say thank you . opal : we are . oops . i said it right out loud . jake : ok . amanda : ok . say good - bye to tad and krystal for us . cara : oh . thank you . [ door closes ] cara : so -- mom -- opal : i 'll be upstairs if you need me . [ scene_break ] krystal : tad , what you are doing is reckless , not to mention crazy . and then you treating this whole thing like it 's a trivia game does not help . tad : i am out there just trying to get people to relax . krystal : no , what you are doing is breaking the law and lying to your best friend . tad : for a reason . krystal : yeah . cara . yes , i know , the one who 's gon na travel all over the world on a fake passport . now all of a sudden it 's our problem . tad : it 's not like she was on vacation , ok ? she had to change her name , so she could get into doctors without borders . krystal : ca n't somebody there help her out ? ca n't they -- tad : call the drug dealer that wants to bullet in her head ? that 's an idea , krystal , but i do n't think they have -- krystal : this is not funny . this is not a joke , tad . we could lose everything . all right ? you could go to prison . is that what you want ? is that really worth the risk to you ? and how the hell am i gon na explain this to -- ohh . tad : to the kids . go on , say it . how are we gon na break it to the kids ? [ scene_break ] bianca : reese is n't j.r. we did n't split up , because we hated each other or because someone came between us . we just -- we drifted apart . marissa : you still need to protect yourself and your children . bianca : and i will . but this ca n't be a battle . i 'm not going in accusing reese of trying to steal gaby and miranda away , ok ? that is not how this marriage is going to end . marissa : you 're the client . you have final say . just tell me what you want to do . bianca : i 'm gon na call reese myself and work this out . i think it 's time she comes to pine valley . [ scene_break ] kendall : think about zach , do n't think about zach . talk about zach , do n't talk about zach . i do n't know -- which -- which is it ? what am i supposed to do ? griffin : kendall , there 's no easy answer . kendall : i thought i was doing better . i thought that maybe i could finally do this , i can learn to live again , and then i get that box ! griffin : maybe you should go for a walk , try and clear your head . kendall : i do n't want to go for a walk ! i want to know why this is happening ! griffin : i 'm trying to help you . kendall : zach wrote me a letter . i could swear there was something in it that was n't there . you want to help ? explain that . but do n't think for a second you have the right to tell me how to deal with my memories . griffin : i 'm trying to do whatever it takes to keep you out of the hospital . kendall : you know what ? i 'm done . you know the way out . [ scene_break ] tad : whether you believe it or not , i 've been thinking about the kids constantly : how to tell them about this , what to say . krystal : you really basically have two choices , tad . you make them lie , or you lie to them . now , you tell me which one 's better . look , i get wanting to help cara . why does it have to be you ? tad : because she saved my brother 's life , and i owe her . i know -- i know i owe you . right now -- just help me find a way to break this to the girls , ok , to explain cara to them . krystal : you mean lie to their faces . [ door closes ] krystal : they 're back from their play date . [ scene_break ] cara : so i 'm from mexico , and we have rain forests , beaches , and pyramids . kathy : just like on `` dora . `` cara : exactly . and when i was a little girl , i used to dream that one day i would climb those pyramids . when i got older , i did it . kathy : all by yourself ? cara : all by myself . and you can climb those pyramids , too . you can do anything that you set your mind to , ok ? always remember that . tad : well , hey ! cara : hi . tad : look who we found ! ahh ! what 's up ? kathy : we were talking to your friend , daddy . tad : oh , yeah ? krystal : cara is , um , is more than daddy 's friend . tad : yeah . i got some big news . i 'm getting married to a woman that likes to climb pyramids . [ scene_break ] ricky : diana , i need to see you . now . this whole situation with kendall is getting -- bianca : reverend ? is everything ok ? [ scene_break ] amanda : i love you . jake : i love you . see you later . amanda : ok . jake : hello . i thought you 'd be heading back to washington by now with all the air being cleared with cara and everything . agent trumbull : you can imagine my surprise , smack - dab in the middle of my investigation , finding out that dr. castillo is engaged . how about you ? it catch you by surprise ? jake : not at all . agent trumbull : really ? because from what i understand , you and dr. castillo were once very much in love . [ scene_break ] tad : cara is a very lovable person , a very loving person , and you may not know it now , but someday you will . so what do you think ? kathy : i 'm happy for you , daddy . jenny : me , too . tad : where 's opal ? cara : she went upstairs . tad : oh , did she ? do me a favor . go up there and tell her i want her to make us a round of snacks . how 's about that ? kathy : ok . wait for me ! tad : that was worse than jesse . krystal : actually , i thought it went pretty well . tad : one thing 's for sure . eventually , there 's gon na be a lot more questions . cara : i am gon na get to the hospital , ok ? tad : do me a favor . after your shift , would you come back , so we can work out some more of the details ? cara : yes . thank you . tad : cara , you do n't have to keep thanking me . cara : i will never stop thanking you . i was talking to you . thank you . tad : i meant what i said . i owe you big time . krystal : hell , yeah , you do . [ scene_break ] ricky : bianca , she 's beautiful . bianca : you said something about kendall ? you seemed upset ? ricky : yeah . i was at her house , and she 's still suffering . it 's just so frustrating . sometimes i ca n't do enough to help her . bianca : you do a lot to help . but who was that on the phone ? ricky : that was a colleague . but what about you , your divorce ? how you holding up ? bianca : if you do n't mind , i would love to talk things out sometime . ricky : of course . anytime . you can always give me a call . we 'll set up a time and just sit down and talk . bianca : thanks . i will . ricky : bye . bianca : bye . ricky : bye . bianca : thanks , really . thanks . ricky : i did n't say to meet me here . diana : so no luck with the widow slater ? ricky : not yet . you got to go . diana : hmm . you know what i miss ? i miss the days when we could go out to dinner and then back to your place . ricky : go . diana : you know what you need to do ? you need to move faster . if we do n't figure out zach 's special place , kendall 's gon na find those documents . and i do n't know about you , but i really do n't want to go to prison for having her husband murdered . ricky : i 'm on it , ok , but our damn doctor keeps getting in the way . diana : yeah , i tried to work him for some information . ricky : what ? you approached castillo ? diana : i just flirted a little , tried to feel him out . did n't really get anywhere . ricky : dian -- ahem . diana ? i told you to stay in the background on this one . you were the face of the casino deals . that is risk . diana : no more risky than you flirting with kendall . ricky : you trying to make me jealous ? diana : no . just trying to help . ricky : i got it under control , but clearly griffin castillo is an obstacle that 's gon na need to be removed . [ scene_break ] tad : there 's raisins all over the place and peanut butter in mama 's hair . i 'd say i barely made it out of there alive . you still thinking about the kids , are n't you ? krystal : actually , i 'm thinking about you . tad , what you 're doing for cara is incredible . but what about your future ? what about your happiness ? tad : i 've already had this conversation with opal . i 'm fine with it . krystal : now . what about a year from now ? what about three years from now ? tad : i 'm not thinking about it . krystal : i know you 're not thinking about it . you 're marrying a woman who does n't love you . you 're putting your life on hold . now , take it from someone who 's been there . that 's a mistake . tad : well , i do n't know . it seems like you and i have done ok for ourselves . krystal : come on , tad . we settled , ok ? we gave up on romance . we let that part of our life just pass us by , but you are taking this to a whole new level . you 're locking yourself in . tad : not forever . krystal : we do n't know how long we have , tad . tad : krystal , as ridiculous as this whole thing is , it 's my idea , and i am fine with it . krystal : ok , listen . what if someone comes along ? the woman of your dreams , someone you 've always waited for ? you 're gon na have to either let her go or risk getting caught and going to jail . why would you do that to yourself ? tad : because in spite of all the things i 've done wrong , everything i 've been through , the one thing that has meant the most to me , that 's kept me going , is being a part of this family , is being a martin . jake is part of that . he 's never made me feel like anything but blood . that 's good enough for me . i love my brother . that 's all there is to it . [ scene_break ] agent trumbull : you do n't find it strange that your brother is engaged to your ex - wife ? jake : no , i do n't . i think they belong together . cara : what 's going on ? agent trumbull : i want to talk to you two about your marriage . [ scene_break ] griffin : you and the rev know each other ? diana : no . but since you would n't help me tell kendall 's story , i thought that reverend torres might help me out . he was a frequent visitor at the hospital . griffin : you selling kendall out now ? ricky : never . diana : the good reverend already turned me down . it was nice meeting you , though . ricky : nice meeting you . diana : take care . ricky : ok . griffin : not so fast , padre . we need to talk . ricky : about kendall ? i 've already told you everything that i needed to , doc . griffin : i just came from her place . she 's making herself crazy . ricky : hmm . and that 's my fault ? griffin : you 're confusing her , messing with her head . ricky : is that a medical diagnosis ? griffin : if it jeopardizes her health , yes , it is . ricky : kendall can listen to anyone she wants . stop trying to control her life . griffin : i 'm trying to help her . what are you trying to do ? ricky : you accusing me of something ? griffin : from now on , you stay away from her . ricky : what ? are you like her bodyguard ? griffin : if it keeps her alive , i guess i am . [ scene_break ] bianca : why do n't you go get some toys from spike 's room . kendall : all right . good girl . well , you look more stressed than i am . what 's going on ? bianca : i just met with marissa . we did n't exactly see eye to eye . hey , is that -- kendall : the last of zach 's things from his plane ? yeah . everywhere i go , there they are . bianca : how was it going through them ? kendall : surreal . sad . but ricky was here , so he helped . and there was this letter . bianca : from zach ? kendall : yeah . i 've read it , like , a million times , and i 've -- i do n't know . i keep reading it over and over , but -- i know this sounds weird , but i am drawn to it . and i do n't want to keep obsessing on it , but griffin thinks i need to let it go . bianca : what is it ? kendall : i 've read this letter numerous times , but i never really noticed it . in the last page here , zach called me `` sweetheart . `` he never called me that ever , so what is it doing in this letter ?
tad and cara get their family to help them take pictures for the fake photo album for immigration . they also help quiz them on basic facts about each other 's lives . jesse comes by and wonders why tad did n't tell him that he was going to marry cara . tad tells jesse that their courtship happened quickly and they did n't see any point in waiting to get married since they are in love . krystal worries that tad might be giving up on the chance for real love someday . krystal also worries that tad could go to jail and wonders why he is taking such a huge risk . tad explains to krystal that he loves jake and being a marin is important to him and jake has always treated him like blood even though joe and ruth adopted him . tad explains to kathy and jenny that he is marrying cara and they are happy for him . tad explains to jake that he is going to ask jesse to be his best man because it would be too awkward for him to stand by his side while he marries his ex- wife but he does need his help to make his marriage to cara believable .
[ previously_on ] opal : are you going to tell me who it is you 're really mad at , or are you just going to kiss our friendship good - bye ? jack : i want you to help me get this guy . i want you to help me put him behind bars for the rest of his life . mia : jake had an affair , and he 's gone . kendall : why do n't you get in your stupid jet and fly back to tuscany and do n't ever come back . [ scene_break ] erica : opal , i 'm hurt that you went to my competition 's party , and you went looking so -- so -- opal : gorgeous ? dare i say chic ? erica : well , not like the opal that i know and love . opal : what , because i turned heads ? erica : i beg your pardon ? opal : you are jealous , erica . you 're jealous of me . [ scene_break ] kendall : ring . please ring . simone : you know , kendall , if he has n't called yet -- kendall : oh . simone , there 's got to be something i can do to get michael back . simone : you 've done everything you could . now it 's time to stop praying to the phone god and get back to your wonderful life . kendall : what life ? simone : oh , kendall . well , i hope it 's a good cry . kendall : of course michael ran . i just proved to the world i 'm the evil seed . why would he stick around after that ? [ scene_break ] liza : where are your suitcases ? [ mia sighs ] mia : what are you doing ? liza : i 'm getting you out of this loft . you can move into the gatehouse with colby and me . mia : no , no . i 'm not . i 'm not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] erica : please , opal . i 'm not jealous of you . i 'm glad that you feel pretty . i hope you hang on to that feeling gorgeous . opal : oh , yeah ? well , then , why 'd you try to make me feel too hillbilly to go to that party in the first place ? erica : oh , it was n't you , opal . i just -- look , i 'm sorry . i love you , opal . i swear i did n't mean to hurt you . please forgive me . opal : ok . done . opal : well , maybe i overreacted . honey ? what is it that is eating at you ? erica : oh , look , i should really handle this myself . opal : well , since when ? come on . we 're a team . just spit it out and the two of us will fix whatever little mess you made . erica : oh . this is n't little . i cheated on chris . i cheated on chris with jack . [ scene_break ] aidan : chris stamp ? that 's who you want me to go after ? jack : that 's right , and you can bill me by the hour . aidan : i do n't think so . i used to work for this guy . i think he 's clean . jack : aidan , do you know he 's been investigated before , right ? aidan : yeah , and he was cleared . jack : yes , well , new charges have surfaced and these have legs . aidan : which are ? jack : well , i 'm afraid i 'm not presently disposed to discuss that . you 're going to have to trust me . aidan : trust ? trust that you 've got good reason to go after a fed ? jack : yes , that 's right . aidan : because of who he is or because he wants to marry erica kane ? [ scene_break ] liza : i thought that this would be the last place you 'd want to be . mia : yeah , and you thought i 'd be desperate to play the maiden aunt just because my fiancé walked out on me , right ? liza : no , mia . mia : fine . thank you very much , but i 'm not running away , ok ? this is my home . i think i 'll keep it . [ knock on door ] mia : i 'll just rip jake 's name off the mailbox . tad : hi . i just came to see how you 're doing . [ scene_break ] michael : kendall , i know you asked me to call , but what i need to say to you -- whew -- i probably need to say in person . kendall : ok , can i say something first ? michael : kendall , you -- kendall : look , michael , i went swamp girl psycho on you at the valley inn . michael : that 's not important . kendall : and i 'm really sorry . i 'm really sorry . i know there 's no excuse , but i -- i mean , you 've been so amazing to me . michael : kendall , you do n't -- kendall : but when i saw you and my mother together -- it 's just that she could get right down to the pit of my gut and she brings out the absolute worst in me . michael : kendall -- kendall : and i hardly ever , ever go psychotic in public . michael : hardly never is good . kendall : well , but it 's -- there 's probably one time where i -- i did it just as bad as this past time . michael : ok . kendall : and i was provoked . erica had done something terribly evil to me . michael : i 'm sorry . it 's not -- kendall : no , i know , ok ? i know . oh , this is too much information -- i know . michael : kendall , listen -- kendall : wait , wait , michael . just wait one second , please . i have -- i have been trying so hard to do everything right with you , and i was succeeding until i let myself get provoked by erica , and i know -- i know it was wrong of me to assume that there was something going on between you and her . michael : actually , you were n't . kendall : what ? michael : that 's just it , kendall . i came here to apologize to you . kendall : why ? michael : walking out on you at the valley inn . kendall : i thought i drove you away . michael : of course not , and i 'm so sorry that you thought that you went swamp girl psycho , because the truth is you 're a really perceptive woman , and you 're right . there is something going on between your mother and me . [ scene_break ] erica : opal , i tried to behave appropriately . i made him tea . opal : guess it did n't hit the spot . erica : look , jack and i have been everything to each other , ok ? so how in that moment was i supposed to have boundaries ? opal : by keeping your clothes on ! erica : all right . all right . i know it was a mistake . i knew it was a mistake practically before we even got started , but jackson -- opal : oh , yeah , naturally , he just could n't help himself . erica : no . he could n't . we could n't . we could n't . opal : so what do you want to do now , pretend like it did n't happen ? erica : well , yes . opal : but , what , your conscience is eating at you ? erica : opal , jackson has decided that he 's not going to let me go this time . opal : oh , well , you poor thing . i mean , the powerful , passionate jackson montgomery 's going to fight for you . erica : opal , this is serious . chris just accused me of using seduction as a business tactic . opal : no . erica : and if he finds out about jack , chris will kill jack , and then -- then i 'm going to lose the one man who really loves me the way i need to be loved . opal : and that would be chris or jack ? erica : opal , really ! opal : well , i 'm sorry , but it seems to me that you are finally going to get exactly what you deserve . [ scene_break ] aidan : the last time i saw erica and chris together , they could n't keep their hands off of each other . so if he was such a good friend , why would you want to mess that up ? jack : i 'm not trying to make a mess here , aidan . i 'm trying to prevent a disaster , ok ? aidan : yeah . i thought as much . jack : no , you did n't -- do you know what ? devane , whatever you 're thinking right now , i guarantee you it 's wrong . here 's the deal -- i was n't looking for something on chris stamp . it just came across my desk , and what came across my desk suggests that his position in the bureau is compromised . now , if that 's true , i need proof . aidan : why ? jack : because this is my job , that 's why . aidan : and ? jack : and -- oh , all right , `` and . `` and because i 'd like to make sure that my former sister - in - law and former lover and current good friend erica kane is not going to be endangered or hurt by this guy . aidan : and if i expose chris stamp 's dark side , you think erica kane 's going to come back to you ? jack : that 's not my motivation , ok ? but i will tell you something -- if that 's what happened , it would n't break my heart . [ scene_break ] tad : is it safe to come in ? oh . liza : mia -- mia ! mia : if jake ever comes back , he stays with you . tad : look , i understand . you got every right to be furious . mia : oh , thanks . thanks a heap . now , take your brother 's stuff and get out ! liza : mia , tad did n't do anything . mia : oh , right . that 's right , that 's right . he just stood by and watched while his brother cheated on me . you probably congratulated him on being a chip off the tad - the - cad block and then advised him on the finer points of womanizing ! tad : you 're wrong -- mia : oh . tad : about almost everything . mia : you see ? i told you . tad : i told jake that alison was nothing but trouble . mia : oh , really ? really ? was that before or after you told him to keep his affair a secret ? tad : guilty as charged . i just did n't think that one stupid mistake should destroy everything that you and jake had . mia : we had nothing ! tad : how can you say that ? mia , he adored you . mia : oh -- tad : he wanted to have a life with you . mia : i see . that 's why he slept with alison . ok . tad : feel free to jump in any time you want . well , you 're not going to stand there and let your sister think that jake did n't love her ? liza : so you knew ? mia : of course tad knew jake cheated on me . martin men get off on deception . tad : no , we do n't . is there anything i can do to make this easier for you ? mia : yeah , yeah . explain to me why jake seduced this woman and then just completely ditched me . tad : actually , alison seduced him . that 's no excuse . liza : good save ! mia : look , you still have n't answered my question . tad : ok . fair enough . after talking to jake , i 'd say that things started to go south when you went to work for fusion . mia : what ? oh , please . please ! jake worked way more hours than i ever did ! tad : it 's not supposed to be a competition . mia : why did he -- why did he leave ? tad : i do n't know . i have no idea why my brother left . the only person that does is jake . for what it 's worth , i am very , very sorry that he did n't have the courage to tell you . mia : we need more trash bags . liza : you want me to come with you ? mia : no , no , no . no , no . i 'd like to get used to being on my own . tad : well , that went really well , do n't you think ? i 'd call my mission of mercy an absolute success . liza : i 'd call you a two - faced liar . tad : a two -- wait just a second . before you start in on me , i want you to know something . i did everything i could -- liza : i 'm not talking about what you did to my sister . i 'm talking about what you did to me ! [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , my god . you and my mother -- i think i 'm going to be sick . michael : kendall , take a deep breath . kendall : no , do n't touch me . do n't touch me . michael : kendall ! kendall , would you let me explain ! i did n't sleep with erica and i do n't want to . kendall : i saw the two of you together . michael : you saw your mother touch me . kendall : are you saying erica came on to you ? michael : well , i do n't know . i do n't presume to know what goes on in erica 's head . kendall : yeah , well , take an educated guess . michael : i 'll just say that at least twice now i 've felt the need to tell erica that i do n't mix business with pleasure . kendall : no , no way . i 'm not buying that . michael : why ? because no man can resist erica kane 's charms ? kendall : no . no man i 've ever heard of . michael : that 's ridiculous . kendall , my father -- he asked me to do a business deal with erica , so i did that . that 's all it was . kendall : well , then why did n't you just tell me about this supposed business deal ? michael : well , to be honest with you , joint venture agreements do n't strike me as romantic conversation , and besides , when i found out that the mere mention of erica 's name sends you to defcon 5 , i tried to spare us both . listen , kendall , i just want -- i wanted our time together to be about us . kendall : well , then , why did you leave when i clearly misunderstood what was happening ? michael : because i was angry . i was angry that you assumed the absolute worst in me , and also because i was ashamed . i was ashamed that i 'd let -- you know , i was ashamed that i let erica use me to hurt you . kendall : well , do n't beat yourself up . it happens . she 's the queen of manipulation . michael : yeah . well , i also left for another reason . kendall : what ? michael : i guess -- i guess you think i 'm the kind of guy that you should be drawn to , but the truth is you 're not . you know , you just do n't have any fire for me . kendall : yeah , how can you say that ? michael , how can you say that ? i practically burned up with jealousy . michael : oh . kendall , you 've turned down my invitations to mexico , to tuscany . you acted like you did n't notice the roses i sent and -- kendall : i -- i did n't want to scare you off . michael , the truth is i want you in the worst way . i want you and i want you in a way that i never thought that i could ever want a man again . michael : oh , boy , i wish -- i wish i could believe that . kendall : i 'll prove it . i 'll prove it to you . just -- just tell me how . michael : well , be with me , tonight . [ scene_break ] aidan : chris stamp is a career hero . somebody 's probably trying to smear him , and maybe it 's for something personal . jack : well , it 's possible , but it could n't hurt to look into the charges , now , could it ? aidan : hmm . oh , yes , it can . jack : ok , good point . well , look at it this way -- you do this thing and maybe you can spare him going through the hell that you just went through . aidan : spell it out . jack : it 's pretty simple -- you prove these allegations are untrue , i close the case . aidan : and erica ? what are you going to do ? toast the bride at her wedding ? jack : if it comes to that , you bet . look , aidan , all i want to do is make certain that erica is safe and protected , and i think you understand all about that , now , do n't you ? aidan : yeah . yeah , i do . jack : so you 'll take the job ? aidan : on one condition -- you show me everything that you 've got on stamp . jack : i ca n't do that , son . that 's classified . aidan : i need to know what i 'm up for and what i 'm looking for upfront . jack : here you go . get to work . [ scene_break ] erica : opal , you just said you 're my best friend . now , you 're supposed to -- opal : be what , your yes girl ? erica : no . opal : approve of you cheating on the man who loves you , who wants to marry you , let alone the fact that he 's decent and drop - dead gorgeous ? erica : i know . i know how lucky i am to have chris . opal : i am sick to death of seeing good people go lonely and hurting ! erica : so that 's it . you 're jealous of me because the one man you want left you and wo n't come back . opal : do n't you even go there , missy ! erica : oh , palmer must have rubbed your face in it good at that fusion party . opal : palmer has wasted -- erica : whereas , i can have any man i want . opal : oh , yeah , only because your life is one endless desperate lap dance ! well , the little hussy deserved it ! chris : what hussy deserves what ? opal : oh , chris ! um -- why in heaven 's name are you toting a bouquet ? chris : standard issue for saying `` sorry . `` opal : oh , that is just so wrong . chris : what 's so wrong ? opal : damn it , chris . if anybody needs to be making up for anything , it 's erica . [ scene_break ] kendall : you want to be with me tonight ? michael : i think it would be nice to know that you 're as serious about me as i am about you . kendall : wait . so that means i -- i would have to go to bed with you ? michael : well , it means -- it means let me hold you all night . let me whisper things that are impossible to say in the light . you know , let me make love to you . kendall : hmm -- oh , michael , i want to . i really do , and you -- you ca n't imagine how much . michael : so show me . what ? kendall : oh . nothing , it 's just -- michael , five minutes ago , i thought you were sleeping with my mother . michael : well , you were wrong . kendall : i know . i know , but still , i think -- i think it 's better if we waited , but we could still go out tonight , and we could let things happen wherever and however they 're supposed to happen . michael : you know , i have a better idea . kendall : what 's that ? michael : i think we should say good - bye . [ scene_break ] liza : you 're supposed to be my best friend . you could n't tell me that your brother was cheating on my sister ? tad : no . you had enough to deal with . liza : oh -- oh , i see . so if a woman is busy , that 's reason enough to keep her in the dark -- or cheat on her . was that what jake was thinking ? tad : no . i 'm assuming jake was thinking he ought to be more important to mia than just another notation in her date book . liza : does n't jake understand that mia had this wonderful opportunity to find herself , this great job ? tad : so she gets to be selfish ? liza : i think that -- that jake could understand that mia was trying to make him proud of her . tad : by brushing up against some lipstick tycoon ? i was there , i saw what happened , and i would n't exactly call it marriage friendly . liza : oh , i see , and you 've never flirted with a professional contact ? tad : no , not like that . i do n't have the equipment . the fact is she ignored her fiancé all night long . liza : right , and that gave him the excuse to do what he did with his employee in the closet ? tad : well , you got me there . i think that jake had -- liza : what ? needs ? tad : i was n't going to say that . liza : yes , you were . tad : no , no . liza : you were . you were thinking it . do n't deny it . you are such a man ! tad : oh , come on . this is the part where you 're going to nail me , incriminate me just because , you know , the species happens to be hard - wired to ensure biodiversity ? please . liza : oh , come on . adultery is n't caused by biology . it 's caused by men . tad : oh , do n't even think about handing me that argument ! liza : men who want to run away from their problems by grabbing any woman they can find and dragging her to bed ! tad : whom do you think you are talking to ? i know of a woman who 's turned escaping through sex into an art form , and i 'm looking at her . [ scene_break ] aidan : if this stuff about stamp is true , then erica 's really in danger . jack : yes , that 's my thought . listen , i know you 're licensed to carry a concealed weapon . i 'd like you to get started right away . aidan : i want you to think this through a little bit more , because i can tell you from experience that when you go hunting after dirt , you do n't usually come out clean yourself . jack : yes . well , i appreciate the benefit of your experience , but anything you find out , i can handle , devane . aidan : maybe you can , but give it some more thought and let me know . jack : you hang on to that . i have a feeling you might need it . aidan : ok . [ scene_break ] chris : let me guess . erica told you about our fight . opal : well , yeah , she did , and i think you had every right to just blow your whole fuse box . chris : well . this is support from an unexpected corner . opal : well , i know better than anybody how she can get you saying and doing things that you just never dreamed possible . chris : yeah , well , that 's -- that 's true , but she still should n't take all of the blame . opal : well , why not , the way she carries on ? chris : because i spied on her . opal : oh , you did ? chris : yeah . opal : well , she probably gave you good cause . chris : opal , i had her followed , and then i told her how she should and should n't conduct her business . opal : you did ? chris : mm - hmm . opal : well , so what ? you were worried about the woman you 're going to marry . chris : but is n't there some point where you 're just supposed to , like , let go and trust her ? opal : oh , that 's a lot of politically correct hooey , but you have always had an old - fashioned heart , chris . you got to protect it . i mean , you do n't want to wake up in the middle of a marriage to find that the woman you devoted your life to is , you know , playing fast and loose with your love . chris : opal , if you try to tell me that my fiancée is an outrageous flirt , i already know that and i can handle it , but thank you . opal : and if erica did more than flirt , could you handle that ? chris : what exactly are you trying to tell me , opal ? what ? [ scene_break ] kendall : say good - bye ? why , what -- are you saying , `` sleep with me or else `` ? michael : no , kendall , it 's not like that . i 've crisscrossed the globe to steal a few hours with you . i 've missed meetings . i 've turned down business deals . i 've sent you remembrances . kendall : michael , i loved the roses , and i loved the invitations to tuscany and to mexico . it makes me feel high just knowing that you blew off four ceos and a prime minister just to come to the fusion party . trust me , i 'm falling for you . michael : oh , so stay with me . kendall : hmm -- i -- i want to . i swear , i do , but -- michael : but what ? kendall : but if we get really close and you leave me or you use me or you just plain hurt me , i 'm afraid that i wo n't be able to stand up again . michael : kendall , i am so sorry that you have been treated so badly . i wish i could take all that pain away from you . i really do . kendall : yeah , i wish you could , too . michael : well , let me try . come stay with me tonight , and i will prove to you that you have nothing to be afraid of . kendall : and if i do n't ? michael : then i will leave pine valley and i 'll never bother you again . it 's up to you . [ scene_break ] tad : i 'm not going to lounge here and listen to you tear up the entire male sex for screwing around when you personally have done more for women 's liberation in that area than any other human being i know . liza : fine . men and women are both equally capable of cheating . tad : damn right . so i guess nobody can keep their skivvies on . liza : there are different reasons for why they take them off . tad : what ? liza : it 's one thing if you need comfort . tad : oh , and it 's another thing if you need passion , excitement , a little attention ? liza : everybody has their reasons , tad . adam had his . i had mine . tad : and jake had his . liza : yeah , and why could n't he be honest with her ? why did he run away ? tad : liza , i had no idea that jake was going to take off , and you 're right . he should n't have . he should have tried to work things out . i even told him that , you know , the affair might be helpful for his relationship . liza : what ? tad : yeah , you know , a little perspective . liza : oh , my gosh ! i ca n't wait to tell my marriage counselor this . you know , you really need to see somebody . tad : why ? liza : because you think that sexual attraction is some sort of involuntary response . tad : absolutely . i 'd say it 's a pretty short hop from there to our basic primal instincts . liza : it is so self - indulgent and so adolescent . tad : just out of curiosity , is this entire conversation kind of , you know , a veiled innuendo in terms of what happened between you and me ? liza : you are an egomaniac . why would i bring up our sordid past ? tad : i do n't know . why did you ? liza : you wish . [ scene_break ] simone : well , michael found you , right ? kendall : oh , yeah , and now he wants to -- mia : make mad and passionate love to you . kendall : tonight . simone : well , is there a problem ? kendall : oh , i just -- i just do n't know if i 'm ready . simone : well , did you tell him that ? kendall : yeah , i told him that , and he thinks that it means i do n't take him seriously . mia : oh , please gag me . kendall : no , i mean , i have been acting a little weird lately . mia : weird or careful ? simone : you know what ? if you do n't feel like , then you do n't feel like it . do n't do it , you know ? obviously , michael 's not going anywhere . kendall : no , he is . he told me if i do n't come to his room tonight that he 's going to -- simone : what ? kendall : well , he said he 's going to leave town and never bother me again . [ scene_break ] jack : erica , i did n't realize you had an appointment . i 'm sorry . erica : well , since when do i need an appointment ? jack : well , you know , since often my days are filled with criminal investigations and trials and grand jury proceedings -- erica : will you stop it ! please , just stop it . jack : honey , what 's wrong ? tell me , what happened ? what happened ? erica : please -- please , jack , just hold me . jack : yeah . [ scene_break ] chris : opal ? opal , what are you trying to tell me ? what has she done now ? opal : who am i to cast stones ? oh , she 's just being a handful , you know , as usual . chris : mm - hmm . how ? opal : you already have her number . she 's putting you through her -- her hellfire , just making damn sure that you really , truly , completely love her . chris : well , i do love her . opal : i know , but do you understand that a trip down the aisle has never cured erica of her insecurities before ? chris : well , maybe that 's because she 's never married me before . opal , i 'm going to love her in a way that she 's going to wake up one morning and she 's going to think , `` what the hell am i doing ? i do n't need the whole world . i 've got chris . `` opal : well , good luck . chris : take care . opal : now , you take care . chris : ok . man : hey , chris . i was just about to call you . chris : that 's right , linus . i 'm calling off the tail on my fiancée . linus : yeah , i 'd rethink that . i 'm outside the d.a . 's office right now . chris : i know , linus . she 's probably in his office right now telling him what a distrustful jerk i am , but it 's no big deal . they 've been -- they 've been tight for years . he 's a safe harbor , so i 'll take care of it from here , ok ? thank you . [ scene_break ] erica : so , basically , everybody in the world attacked me today , but i 'll forgive you because i really need your strong shoulder right now . jack : erica , you 've spent most of your life provoking people . what is it that 's happened that has you so upset ? erica : one of the people i provoked today just happens to be the man i plan to spend the rest of my life with . jack : i see . well , maybe that plan you have for marrying chris is not such a good plan . erica : you 'd like me to call it off , would n't you ? jack : yes , i would . erica : well , i certainly was wrong to come and expect to find a friend here . you clearly have some secret selfish agenda . jack : whoa ! whoa ! like you do n't ? erica : no ! i absolutely do not ! and especially not where chris is concerned , and at least when chris is angry at me , he is man enough to admit it ! jack : i see , i see , i see , i see . so you came over here to provoke me so i 'd get mad at you so you could pretend that you had no feelings for me whatsoever , right ? erica : what ? jack : oh , so you do have feelings for me ? erica : i am not romantically interested in you , jack . i have told you that , and i am not secretly longing for you in some subconscious place . i am in love with chris ! i am totally in love with chris ! and i am so finally grateful to have a man who is totally honest with me and would never pretend to feel something or be something that he is not ! jack : ugh ! i 'm not going to let chris hurt you . hey . this is montgomery . i 've thought about this as long as i need to . i want you to go after this guy with everything you 've got . you follow me ? [ scene_break ] mia : i guess jake 's pretty much proven he 's not storybook material , huh ? simone : you know , he 's pretty much proven he 's not even marriage material . [ mia chuckles ] simone : you know , mia , i do n't believe in princes , but if -- you know , if they really do exist , a real one would not have treated you the way jake did , and , honey , i 'm going to promise you one thing -- you 're not only going to survive without him . you 're going to blossom . you are . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] michael : hello . yes , i 'm still in pine valley . because i believe i 'm on to something . i can handle this , father . i know exactly what i 'm doing . [ knock on door ] michael : do n't worry . i promise , it 'll work out . this time you 'll be surprised . [ scene_break ] liza : how did a discussion about mia and jake become about you and me ? tad : because what happened between you and me happens to be the subtext of everything we ever say to one another . liza : get over yourself . tad : i will if you will . liza : i got over you when i was a teenager . tad : i seem to remember differently . liza : i finally grew up . why do n't you give it a try ? tad : whoo ! meaning what ? liza : meaning that every time i have an encounter with the opposite sex , i do n't hope that there 's going to be a trail of clothes on the floor . tad : look , whether you like it or not , you ca n't always control sexual attraction . liza : that is the lamest excuse . tad : no . it 's the truth . liza : does rationalizing make it the truth ? tad : does denial negate it ? liza : i try to get through my life being a decent , responsible adult . tad : fine . you knock yourself out . i 'll stick with being base and honest . liza : you 're a lech . tad : you are a phony . liza : tramp . tad : you bet your ass . [ next_on ] liza : let go of me . tad : ok . let go of me . anna : someday , you 'll hold your own . greenlee : maybe sooner than you think .
erica gets mad at opal for going to the fusion party , and opal tells her she is just jealous . erica tells opal she slept with jackson . opal tells erica that maybe she is finally getting what she deserves . erica storms out . chris stops by with flowers to apologize . opal tells him that erica should be apologizing to him . kendall is crying on the roof when michael shows up . kendall apologizes for letting herself get provoked by erica . michael tells her that his father asked him to do a business deal with erica . michael does n't think kendall wants to be with him . michael asks her to stay the night with him . if she does n't come , he will leave pine valley and never bother her again . after talking with the girls , kendall goes to michael 's . liza wants mia to come stay with her , but mia says she is staying at the loft . tad stops by and mia slams the door in his face . mia gives jake 's stuff to tad . tad admits he knew about jake and allison . mia asks tad why he jake cheated on her , and he mentions all the hours she was working at fusion . he apologizes for jake . liza gets angry at tad for not telling her about jake cheating on mia . they argue about their past , and they kiss . jack tells aidan he wants him to investigate chris because of new charges against him . aidan question jackson 's motives . he wants to know if someone is trying to smear chris . jack wants to make sure erica is safe and protected . aidan says yes but insists on seeing the information jack has . jack gives aidan a gun , and aidan tells him to think about it . erica shows up at jack 's office crying . jack tries to get her to admit she has feelings for him but she denies it . after erica leaves , jack calls aidan and tells him to go after chris .
erica : your nerve is mind - boggling . bianca : what 's going on ? erica : no , do n't tell me to calm down . kendall : no , it 's all right . erica : the fact that you would call and think that you could possibly make it up to me just shows how little you know me . did you really believe that i could forgive you ? you 're sorry . it 's too late for `` i 'm sorry . `` `` i 'm sorry `` does n't begin to take back your treachery , so you just keep your phony regrets and you go straight to hell . [ scene_break ] edmund : it must be a relief to have the trial over . jack : i 'll put it to you this way -- that 's an experience anybody could have lived without . edmund : listen , you know that maria and i still consider bianca family , so if she needs anything , just tell her , just ask . jack : thanks . i 'll pass that along . i got to tell you something , though . for the hell she went through , she 's doing remarkably well . edmund : better than her mother ? you know , i never thought i 'd feel sorry for erica after what she put us through with maddie , but seeing your child relive your worst nightmare -- that 's got to be tough for anybody to face . jack : well , it looks like you 're facing some pretty tough stuff , yourself . edmund : yeah , but i got a shot to make it all the way back . i mean , i know i can survive this . maria is sure that i wo n't . i mean , if it 's up to her , i 'll spend the rest of my life in that . [ scene_break ] joe : congratulations , anita . i 'm really looking forward to working with you . maria : no , no , no . anita , i wo n't let you do this . [ scene_break ] babe : mama , what 's wrong ? krystal : who said anything 's wrong ? babe : it 's bad . i can tell . you have that same scared - rabbit look that you had back in salinas , when we got kicked out of the apartment without even bus fare . krystal : we 've come a long way since salinas , honey . babe : i totally knew something was up at dr. joe 's . the way that you told that fib about you and tad being engaged to shut him up -- you knew he was going to say something , but what could it be , and really , how bad can it be ? oh , my god . tad knows about paul and me still being married , and he 's out there right now telling j.r. that we 're not really husband and wife . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you got something to say , tad , say it . tad : you 're excited about the baby , are n't you ? j.r. : yeah . you 're looking at the happiest guy on the planet . tad : what about babe ? you happy with her ? j.r. : why ? is there a reason i should n't be ? [ scene_break ] mary : so it 's true . it 's really happening . that little tramp is going to give birth to a chandler heir . adam : yes , yes , as much as i hate to believe it , as much as it makes me sick to say it . yes , babe 's child is a bona fide chandler . mary : so what are you going to do ? adam : what do you propose i do , mary ? mary : well , i do n't know , but you 've got to do something . the situation is unacceptable . adam : if i want my son and my grandchild in my life , i have no choice . i have to accept this little tramp as part of the whole damned package . mary : no . [ scene_break ] tad : what would you do if you caught babe in another lie ? j.r. : now , tad , she did n't lie . she told me that the baby was mine from the beginning , and that 's the truth . tad : she lied about sleeping with your brother . and right now i 'm kind of concerned that the carey women are big on keeping secrets . j.r. : there 's another secret ? is that what you 're getting at ? tad : i just want to know how you would take it if you found out that babe was still playing hide - and - seek with the truth . j.r. : it would kill me . i mean , not to sound over the top , but when i found out about her and jamie , it ripped me apart . i could n't take another hit like that , especially not now with the baby on the way . and if babe 's done something , though -- tad : do you love her ? j.r. : say it again . tad : babe . do you love her ? [ scene_break ] babe : mama , if a bomb is about to drop , if tad is set on telling j.r. that my annulment to paul was never filed , you got to tell me . i do n't think i can take another surprise attack . krystal : babe , babe , babe , honey , you are reading me every which way but right , ok ? i 'm not afraid about anything . babe : then why are you hitting the hard stuff in the middle of the day ? krystal : oh , come on . what do you think ? i 'm celebrating . my little girl just got the good news that her hubby is the father of her baby . babe : so tad 's not out there spilling the annulment beans to j.r. ? krystal : would you just give yourself a time - out , all right , and quit looking for trouble ? babe : i know , mama . i should . i just ca n't . i should be celebrating and relieved , but i 'm really having trouble getting there . krystal : you still want j.r. to be the father of this baby ? babe : why would you even ask that ? krystal : i saw the way your face dropped to the cellar when jamie left dr. joe 's office . babe : jamie wanted to be this baby 's daddy real bad . krystal : well , i guess we 're not sure whether he is or not . it all depends on whether paul cramer fixed those paternity test results . so if you 're having doubts about j.r. , and you want to know for sure whether he or jamie is the father , we can still find out . babe : mama , are you asking me if i want to be with jamie ? krystal : do you ? babe : no . i love j.r. more than anything , and i want him to be this baby 's daddy , and there are no two ways about that . krystal : well , if that 's true , then you just forget about everything else . honey , you made your bed . there 's only room in it for you and j.r . [ scene_break ] j.r. : sure , i love babe . that 's why i shut down when i thought the baby might not be mine , but the baby is mine . now , tad , i realize that i 've been a jerk , not only to babe , but to you and jamie . tad : no , i 'm sure there 's enough blame to go around . j.r. : yeah , well , i just do n't know if i can bury everything that happened between my brother and i . but i hope that we can fix the situation between us . you 're just as much of a father to me as adam . in most ways , closer . and -- plus , i want my baby to know both of his grandpas . tad : oh , lord , do you have to use that word ? j.r. : ok , ok . you know what ? we 'll figure out another name for you . but you get my drift . tad : oh , yeah . definitely . by all means , you sign me up to spoil that kid rotten , give him a lot of bad advice . but if you do n't mind , i 'd like to give you some . it 's going to be hard . it 's going to take a lot of work to get past what you and babe have been through . j.r. : now that i 've found that the baby is mine , everything else is going to fall into place . i 'm finally going to have that family that i 've always wanted , not adam 's version where the parents use their kids as weapons to hurt each other , but a family where everybody lives under the same roof , that their love is strong enough that they can tough it out . i never got that . and i want my kid to have that . now , if you do n't mind , if we 're done , i 'd like to go be with the mother of my child . tad : j.r. , wait . there is one other thing that i 've got to say . [ scene_break ] erica : bianca , it must be so cold out , because your cheeks are so flushed . oh , and , kendall , you need to look over these contracts with the cfo with your attorney . bianca : mom , who was that on the phone ? erica : excuse me ? bianca : that phone call . you just blasted somebody . you told them to go to hell . was it uncle jack ? did you have another fight ? erica : oh , no , no , no . heavens , no , no . uncle jack and i , we 're past fighting , and -- kendall , i want to call your attention to a clause here that really pertains to future trademarks . kendall : can you tell us who was on the phone , mother , who got you so upset ? erica : it was my father . [ scene_break ] maria : joe , thank you very much for helping out my sister , for arranging a job and everything , but i 'm afraid you went to a lot of trouble for nothing . anita : maria , what are you doing ? maria : she 's not going to be here in pine valley for very long . joe : really ? i was given to understand that -- maria : no , no , no . she 's going to be driving back to chicago very soon . joe : oh . anita : dr. martin , i will see you first thing in the morning for grand rounds . maria : joe ? joe : mm - hmm . maria : may i borrow your office , just for a few minutes ? joe : be my guest . maria : thank you . joe : ladies . maria : what are you doing ? anita : when did you sign on as my career counselor ? maria : when i happened to walk through the door and see you uprooting your entire life . anita : it 's my life , maria . maria : yeah , you think you 're doing it just to help out family ? anita : did it ever occur to you that maybe i like pine valley , that i want to work at pvh ? maria : since when ? anita : since i became a physician 's assistant . maria : oh , really ? really ? so this is all ok with your husband ? bobby 's perfectly fine with you just leaving chicago and he 's packing up some van right now as we speak ? anita : ok , bobby has n't been in chicago in weeks . maria : nita , are you guys having problems ? anita : of course not . he just started this new job , and he 's devoting a lot of his time to it . maria : well , ok , that ca n't be easy for either one of you guys , either . anita : part of the reason why i came back was because of bobby . i mean , he thinks i should be with family and not at home , alone , waiting for him to walk through the door . and besides , me working here and sponging off you , i can save some money for a vacation i 'm planning in the bahamas . maria : ok . i mean , i do n't want you to get me wrong , honey . believe me , i love having you around , but i just -- you know , i do n't want you to give up your whole life in chicago all to just stay here and hold my hand . anita : i 'm not giving up my life . i want to be here . maria : ok , but it 's not necessary . i 'm just telling you edmund and i are going to get through all this stuff together . anita : look , i 'm sure you will , but , i mean , edmund 's paralysis has worked you both over . maria : well , we 're going to get through it , ok ? you know , we will . i know that it 's going to be a tough road , getting edmund to understand that he 's not going to walk again . anita : maria , what if he does n't understand ? maria : but he will , because he has to , eventually . i love him , and i want to do everything that i can to help him see that we can still have a wonderful , fulfilling , you know , rich , happy life . anita : ok , edmund wants that , too , but he wants it standing on his own two legs . maria : well , that 's not going to happen . anita : but what about the surgery ? it could reverse his paralysis . maria : ok , surgery is just not an option . anita : not for you , but edmund sees it as his only hope . [ scene_break ] edmund : jack , would you help me help her see this ? i mean , i know i can beat the odds . but she 's so focused on the risks . she wo n't even discuss it . jack : well , that 's understandable , is n't it ? i mean , she 's afraid of losing you . edmund : but she 's already lost me . i mean , you know , the man that i was . she says it does n't matter . it 's easy for her to say . you know , she 's got her life back . i want mine . i 'm not going to accept that this is the way that it has to be . jack : edmund , even if you could walk again , you 're never going to be the same . i mean , what happened , it went too deep . you can try to leave it behind , but it 's already a part of you . now , how big a part -- that 's up to you . [ scene_break ] kendall : erica , that was your father on the phone ? bianca : that was eric kane ? kendall : oh , my god . bianca : well , what did he say ? what does he want ? erica : oh , does it really matter ? kendall : well , it does sound like it matters a lot to you . he got you all worked up . erica : yeah , well , you 'd be worked up , too , if you got a call out of the blue from a dead man . bianca : excuse me ? erica : that 's what he is to me . he 's dead -- dead and forgotten . kendall : tell us what he said to you . erica : do we really have to get into this ? he opened with `` hello , princess , `` which was his old pet name for me . bianca : and then what ? erica : oh , i do n't know , bianca . he said something about wanting to heal old wounds and make peace with the past . he wanted me to forgive him , as if i could ever forgive him for what he did to me . kendall : well , where did he call you from ? erica : some casting couch , probably . my father was known as a woman 's director for good reason -- reasons that he made shamefully obvious . bianca : so why is he calling you now ? erica : he did n't say , and i do n't care . i could n't care less . bianca : i 'm calling uncle jack . erica : no ! i do n't want jack to know . i do n't want anyone to know about this , not ever . bianca : mom , you ca n't just pretend that that phone call did n't happen . erica : as far as i 'm concerned , it never did . that man has no place in my thoughts or in my life . bianca : we get that , mom , but he 's your father and -- erica : he 's the one who started all of this . he 's the one to blame for everything that happened . and i will never , ever forgive him for that . [ scene_break ] tad : there 's someone else that we have to talk about , somebody who was in the picture a long time before you and babe ever met . j.r. : you mean mom . tad : yeah . yeah . i know that dixie would be absolutely over the moon about this baby . i know she 's every bit as proud of you as i am , so you go ahead . you give that child as much love as you possibly can . j.r. : you know , i -- i 've been thinking about mom a lot lately . i just wish she was here , you know . tad : she is . always . go on . j.r. : thanks , gramps . tad : oh , god . tad : i 'm sorry i could n't do it , dixie . i could n't do it . i just do n't have the heart . krystal : oh , you have the heart , all right , to do right by those kids in there . tad : you were eavesdropping ? krystal : oh , no , i did n't have to . i just left j.r. giving babe a big old bear hug . that was my first clue that you did n't take the wrecking ball to their marriage . thank you . tad : do me a favor . do n't thank me for lying to my son . i did n't do it for you . i did n't do it for babe . i did it for him . krystal : well , of course you did . he 's your son . tad : i watched him grow up being torn in half by his parents . i 'll be damned if i 'm going to do that to him with his son . so you 're going to keep your word to me . you 're going to fix this , krystal . if you have to break your back , you make sure that j.r. never finds out that his devoted wife , the mother of his child , is a bigamist . [ scene_break ] j.r. : comfortable ? feet up ? feet down ? babe : j.r. , settle down . it 's ok , i 'm fine , but you know what ? definitely eighty - six those pancakes , because i 'll be feeding my tush , not the baby . j.r. : well , the view 's ok from back here . babe : stop . j.r. : hey , when is your next prenatal checkup ? babe : two weeks . why ? j.r. : well , i 'm going to go with you . i have a bunch of questions i 've been thinking about , you know , about the pregnancy . i 'd like to ask the doctor . babe : really ? like what ? j.r. : well , like what i can be doing to make everything as easy and stress free for you as possible so you can give birth to a super baby . babe : j.r. , i love you so much . j.r. : i love you , babe . and i love you . babe : you know , ever since we found out the baby 's yours , you 've been the most loving , sweet husband ever . which kind of makes me wonder . j.r. : about what ? babe : if we had found out today that the baby was n't yours , where would i be right now ? [ scene_break ] mary : correct my memory if i 'm wrong , but did n't i hear you tell baby once that no child of hers would ever wear this gown ? let 's see , the phrase , `` when they sell snow cones in hell `` comes to mind . adam : yeah , that was before i had proof that there was chandler blood running through his veins , and now i must treat its mother as if she were an honored member of this family . and so do you . mary : why should you punish me ? adam : well , because you 're living off my dime and you have to obey the house rules . from now on , we will satisfy babe 's every craving and creature comfort , from midnight snack attacks to `` pretty woman `` night in the home theater . mary : great . i 'll serve her the pork rinds . adam : yeah , you 'll only have to serve up the whole pig if it 'll make babe think that she 's died and gone to a swap meet . at least until after the child is born . mary : and then what ? adam : once the baby is safely delivered into the heart and bosom of this family , babe will begin to disappear from the picture . mary : darling , that 's going to take more than a prayer and an airbrush . adam : i 'll find a way if it 's the last thing i ever do . mary : all right . well , we do have a little bit of time before this heir makes its debut . adam : yes . it 's time for you to jump - start operation spoil babe into a false sense of security . i want you to help put together the baby shower for bianca montgom -- mary : adam -- adam -- adam : yeah , bianca montgomery . mary : we 're not serious about that . now , i meant it . you ca n't throw a shower together at the last moment . you 've got to do the engraved invitations , the catering , the menu -- adam : forget the engraving . invite the guests in person . mary : you want me to make house calls ? i ca n't even send a messenger ? adam : babe will prefer that you make the rounds yourself , and it will impress bianca with your personal touch . mary : erica kane is the reason that i lost my daughter , and now you want me to throw a shower for her ? adam : do it , or i 'll find somebody who will while you find yourself someplace else to live . [ scene_break ] erica : i told you about the legacy of the kane women -- our strength , our tenacity , our determination not just to survive , but to prevail . but there 's another legacy , the one my father left us -- the legacy of rape and secrets and lies . he did n't tell me i 'd be all alone at my own birthday party . he did n't care what his friend might do to me . he only cared about what he needed , never mind me , the one who adored him , idolized him . i loved him more than anyone on the face of the earth , and he abandoned me . he forgot me . he 's to blame for everything that 's happened . he 's the reason why that night will never end and why we will relive that night over and over and over . how can i forgive such a betrayal ? and the worst lie of all , that i was important to him -- he wounds me in my heart to the very core , and then he says , `` i 'm sorry , `` and he believes that that will erase all the pain and all the suffering . well , i ca n't , and i wo n't forgive , not now and not ever . and maybe he will finally know how it feels to have someone you believe loves you turn their back on you and shut you out . kendall : is that how you feel about us , mother ? bianca : about what we did to you ? mom , we do n't want what happened between you and your father to happen to us . we do n't want you to feel so betrayed by us that you can never get past it . kendall : if that 's how you feel , then tell us and we 'll deal with it . we do n't want this to break our family apart , with you over there , your feelings shut out , and us over here , trying to reach out to you . bianca : we love you , mom . let us help you . please , let us in . mary : knock - knock . hope i 'm not interrupting anything . kendall : what the hell are you doing here ? mary : and a gracious good afternoon to you , too , kendall . kendall : well , either you 're here to cause my mother trouble or you 're using greenlee to cause me grief . either way , it 's a very bad time . mary : actually , i 'm here to see bianca . babe chandler sent me . bianca : babe . is she ok ? is her baby ok ? mary : yes , mother and baby are fine , so fine , as a matter of fact , that she would like to throw you a baby shower , bianca . [ scene_break ] krystal : tad , i swear to you , if i have to file this annulment paper myself , i will do whatever it takes to make sure that marriage to paul cramer is null and void . tad : you better , because if j.r. ever finds out -- krystal : i know , i know . he 'll throw babe right back to san diego . tad : you have no idea . he may have his mother 's heart , but he 's got his father 's anger , and there 's enough adam in there for him to do exactly that and never think about what it might cost him . krystal : well , i hate to say it , but i have seen that cold steel look in his eyes . tad : i know . there 's enough dixie there . he 's vulnerable and he 's trusting , and it 's the side of him that adam 's done his damnedest to kill . it would be a real shame if the woman he loves is able to kill it instead . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe , what do you mean , if the baby 's not mine ? we had the test . it is . bianca : well , i know . it 's just that when we woke up this morning , you could barely even stand to look at me , and now you 're just falling all over yourself trying to make husband of the year . j.r. : and that bothers you ? babe : no , i love it , i really do . it 's just that i hope it 's not all because i 'm carrying the next chandler heir . and i hope it has a little something to do with the fact that you still love me , baby or no baby . j.r. : babe , i love you . and the baby only makes me love you that much more . look , i know i have n't been husband of the year for the last couple months , and i wish that i could say that i would have been cool if i found out the baby was n't mine . babe : but you ca n't , right ? j.r. : i do n't think i could have looked that kid in the eyes without thinking about the night you and jamie hooked up . but that 's not the problem . it 's not jamie 's baby . it 's mine . and no matter what problems we 've had , i want to work through them for the baby 's sake . babe : would you be willing to work through our problems , well , if it was just the two of us ? adam : ah , there you are . babe , this is for you . babe : is this what i think it is ? adam : it 's a peace offering . [ scene_break ] krystal : tad , i swear to you on my life that babe loves j.r. more than anything in this world . she made a mistake , but she 's learned from it , and she 's not going to repeat that . tad : yeah , i hope you 're right . krystal : you have my word on it . thanks for being a gentleman . you 've made me and babe -- you 've made us real happy . tad : is this the part where you sleep with me to make sure i keep my mouth shut ? you 're about as subtle as a heart attack . krystal : you talk like you know me . tad : i do n't think i do . i do n't think i want to , because i 'd swear this is the point where you assume that doing me is the only way i 'll keep your daughter 's bigamy a secret . krystal : where does this come from ? tad : you once told me you were willing to do anything , anything at all to make sure babe was happy . did you mean it , or was it just one more lie ? [ scene_break ] babe : adam , you once told me that my baby would never wear this gown . adam : i meant what i said about starting over . babe : and i meant what i said , too , about wanting my baby to grow up in a happy home . and it looks like we 're off to a good start . thank you , pops . i wonder if my little peanut knows how lucky he is . adam : yeah , we 're the lucky ones . j.r. : i 'll drink to that . adam : a toast . an excellent idea . i 'll do the honors while you look after babe . [ scene_break ] anita : you wanted me to convince edmund not to have the surgery , and he wanted me to get you to go along with it . maria : i know . i 'm sorry , honey . i did n't mean for you to be stuck in the middle of all this . anita : edmund is so sure the procedure is worth the risk . maria : but it 's not . he 's wrong . it 's not worth it . anita : considering the alternative ? maria : well , edmund thinks that the surgery 's going to work . he thinks that all 's going to be fine and well and great , but you and i both know that he could risk his life in surgery and still end up in a wheelchair , or end up a quadriplegic . or dead . anita : i know how scared you must be . maria : you know what ? it 's not going to happen . it 's not going to happen , because i 'm not going to let edmund take that chance , ok ? i 'm not going to -- see , i ca n't -- i ca n't lose edmund again . and i 'm not going to be the one to try to figure out how to tell my kids that their daddy went to heaven , and i 'm not going to be laying in an empty bed , hating his guts because -- because he left me , you know ? i 'm not , so -- anyway , it 's just not going to happen , and i have to convince edmund that being alive and being loved is the most important thing and that it does n't matter to me or to maddie or to sam if he 's in a wheelchair . it just matters , for god 's sake , that he 's with us . anita : maria , what if it matters to him ? maria : no . no , because it just matters that i can see his face and that i can hold his hand and that my kids can kiss their daddy good night . that is all that edmund should be thinking about right now . that 's all that should matter . so i 'm going to make him see that . and then he 'll forget all about this surgery . [ scene_break ] edmund : jack , i ca n't let this chance go by . i mean , that 's what maria ca n't see . jack : well , what can i say ? i agree with you . life is a series of calculated risks at best . edmund : absolutely . unfortunately , my wife thinks i take too many risks . you know , she warned me , do n't get involved with the calatravases and juan pablo and , you know , something bad 's going to happen . she was right . jack : yeah , well , old pal , i 'm not the one laying in the hospital bed , so i 'm not going to presume to tell you what to do , but i will tell you this -- sometimes the risk we take on the chance that it wo n't turn out in the end , it 's worth the price we pay . [ knock on door ] edmund : come in . may i help you ? man : jackson montgomery . jack : that would be me . man : you 've been served . have a nice day . jack : you , too . well , it looks like i 'm going to get to pay the price now . edmund : was it worth it ? jack : i 'd do it again in a heartbeat . [ scene_break ] mary : babe is so excited about this shower that she has all these darling little games planned , like the one everyone guesses how big around you are by cutting a length of string and the one where you taste different baby foods and guess -- bianca : you know what ? babe is so sweet to think of me . please thank her for me , but i think now is not really the time to have a shower . erica : now is the perfect time . please tell babe how grateful we are to her for her thoughtfulness and that she can certainly count on all three of us to be there . bianca : mom , are you sure about that ? erica : of course i 'm sure . a baby shower -- it sounds like so much fun . mary : wonderful . so i 'll expect to see the three of you tomorrow afternoon at the chandlers ' at 2 : 00 . bye . bianca : mom , you did n't have to do that . i do n't need a shower , and i do n't want one if it 's going to make you more upset . erica : bianca , i 'm fine . but you girls are really going to have to excuse me , because i have a million things to do today . i 'll see you at the shower . kendall : ok , what the hell was that ? bianca : i do n't know . kendall : that -- did you hear her , with everything about her dad and that phone call and everything she said ? do you think maybe she was really ranting at us ? bianca : mom has a lot of issues with her father that go back a really long time . maybe this was good for her to just finally get them out , you know ? kendall : yeah , but did n't you feel like she was speaking in code , like maybe you and i were the real targets ? bianca : well , what if she was ? if mom feels like we betrayed her , she 's allowed to feel that way . the important thing is she 's willing to be a part of the shower , which means that she 's trying to get past the pain and really reach out to us . kendall : well , i guess it 's a start . bianca : it is . it 's a fresh start for all of us . [ scene_break ] krystal : you want to know how far i 'll go to protect my little girl ? how 's begging for food at restaurant back doors grab you ? or working all hours in some greasy dive fighting off a loser with bad breath and keeping a smile on my face so that i can keep my job and buy my little girl a winter coat ? i have done things that i can not even put into words to keep that little girl warm and fed . sleeping with you is nowhere near as low as i would go . so if warming your bed will keep babe married to the one man she loves more than anything in this world , then just move over and do n't hog the sheets , because if hot sex is what it takes to keep your mouth shut -- tad : that wo n't be necessary . i do n't think i 'd have the stomach . i meant what i said . i 'll keep babe 's secret , but i 'll do it for j.r . krystal : well , are n't you the good old boy . now that i know that your one and only motivation is to protect your sons , then i guess i can just tell you to go to hell . [ scene_break ] adam : sparkling cider for babe . babe : you know what ? i 'm not really thirsty right now , so why do n't you and j.r. go ahead ? adam : well , all right . babe : thank you , though . adam : to the next chandler grandchild . [ scene_break ] maria : hey , baby . edmund : hi . maria : how was your visit with jackson ? edmund : fine . maria : good . good , good . you know , i have got a whole list of stuff i need you to help me do once you get home . i swear my computer is possessed by the devil . sam needs help with his science project that he 's doing for the science fair , and maddie 's got , like , boy problems . there 's this guy with cooties , and he keeps pulling her hair , and she 'll tell you the whole story when you get home . edmund : hey . come here . maria : yes ? edmund : you know i love you more than anything . i ca n't keep this from you . maria : yes ? what is it ? edmund : i 'm calling dr. marshall . as soon as he clears his schedule , i 'm having that surgery . [ next_on ] maria : you ca n't leave me . anita : i do n't think this is a good time for you to be in there . you 're the last person they need to deal with right now . jack : you get to throw the book at me . kendall : no , jack , jack , you ca n't do this . ryan : greenlee ! where 'd you go ?
erica reveals to her daughters that her father has been in contact with her and that she will never forgive him for betraying her in her younger days . they both promise that they will be there for her and urge her not to shut them out . adam is playing nice to jr and babe , and reveals to mary that he has a plan to do that until the baby is born , and then he plans to send babe away .
derek : what 's with you , slater ? you want to clam up about edmund grey 's death , about lavery 's attempted murder ? that 's your choice . but if you do n't make a statement now , you are going to drown under all these charges . get ready to trade in your high - rolling casino life for 10 to 20 in a cage -- if you 're lucky . you want my advice ? start talking . zach : you 've got an eyewitness -- my son . derek : oh , ok , so that 's how you want to roll , huh ? all right . zach : just what do you think ? it 's going to be even better than watching me burn , is n't it ? [ scene_break ] brooke : maria , can i take you home ? maria : no , i -- i have to find out if it 's true , if edmund could walk . [ scene_break ] david : what are you doing ? tad : what does it look like ? i 'm helping you pack . david : if you do n't want to eat that suitcase , you better knock it off . tad : not a chance . i want you out of pine valley for good . david : oh , what is this ? you being upset because krystal 's doing time ? well , throw your tantrum elsewhere . and while you 're at it , blame yourself , because you 're the moron that helped them get that ridiculous plea bargain . tad : there would n't be a plea bargain if you 'd done the right thing months ago . but this is n't about krystal , and it 's not about babe . it 's not about either of my sons . it 's about zach slater . david : i do n't have anything to do with zach slater . tad : the hell you do n't ! if it were n't for you , maria never would have met him . if it were n't for you , edmund would still be alive . [ scene_break ] kendall : hey . greenlee : hey . kendall : hmm . what a day . greenlee : yeah . kendall : this might help , unless you 're pretending . greenlee : thanks . kendall : hello ? greenlee : what ? kendall : what is with you ? yes , as horrible as it is that edmund died , you 're sitting on the upside . if maria is right , zach poisoned you . so your mystery 's solved , jonathan 's in the clear , and you and ryan can go back on your little marriage go - round . greenlee : what if maria 's wrong ? [ scene_break ] ethan : i promised you a long , slow punishment . zach : and you 're delivering . good as your word . ethan : must be a ramsey trait . and this is just the curtain raiser , zach . ryan : did you do it ? did you kill edmund ? zach : ethan ? ryan : did you actually see him do it , or are you just throwing charges around and seeing what sticks ? ethan : i saw zach kill edmund at the wildwind stables . he cracked the back of his skull with a shovel . ryan : and you 'll swear to that ? ethan : on the cambias fortune . ryan : that 's a hell of a risk . ethan : no , it 's not . i 'm telling the truth , ryan . ryan : so , what happened ? ethan : i do n't know . i think you should ask zach about that , but he seems to be a little quiet at the moment . ryan : well , maybe i can change his mind . excuse us . ethan : by all means . derek : come on , give me something , boys . ryan : two children lost their father , and their mother is a widow , and you 're sitting there like you 're waiting to get a parking ticket fixed . edmund was a good man . ok , he loved his friends , he loved his family , and guess what -- we loved him back . not something that you can understand . zach : i understand a lot more than you think . ryan : so why did you do it , slater ? why would you slam the life out of a man that is so much better than you could ever possibly be ? why ? go ahead , tell me , i 'm listening . i mean , maybe you did n't know . the truth actually sets you free . so tell me . was this just something that you premeditated ? is this something happened spontaneously ? i mean , what were you even doing in wildwind ? [ scene_break ] maria : zach told me that edmund could walk . brooke : what ? no . you think edmund was lying to you about his paralysis ? maria : i do n't know . zach said that he was on his feet and that he had proof . of course now he does n't have any -- brooke : maria -- maria : anything to show . brooke : listen . now is not the time . you need to grieve and you need to say goodbye to edmund . maria : but i feel like i ca n't . i ca n't with all this sludge in my head and all these lies and all these unanswered questions . i ca n't even grieve my husband . brooke : i understand that you want answers to your questions , but you have to -- you have to forget zach , you have to forget what he said , because it does n't mean anything and it does n't matter , not compared to what you had with edmund . and you have to take time for yourself and your children , because -- because they 're going to need you . maria : zach also said that edmund did n't get back together with me because he loved me , he only wanted me so that zach could n't have me . brooke : what do you believe ? maria : i do n't know . i do n't know , because we were getting our life back together and we were closer than we 'd been in a long time . and so i -- i ca n't believe that was a con . brooke : do n't make yourself crazy trying to figure out why people do what they do , all right ? just leave it go . maria , let me take you home . maria : i ca n't . i feel like i 'm the only one who can make this right , edmund deserves more than this , and i 'm the only one who can fix it now . manny : maria , i just heard . i 'm sorry . edmund was a good man . maria : thank you . manny , do you know if edmund was farther along in his physical progress ? brooke : maria -- maria : no . could he walk ? manny : no . impossible . why would you think that he could ? maria : i just know he was getting some sensation back in his legs , and he was starting to feel tingling again , so i do n't know -- i mean , could he possibly walk and he was keeping it a surprise or a secret or something ? manny : not a chance , ok ? i mean , he had tingling and some sensitivity , but whatever progress was made , it was transient . good days and bad days . maria : you 're sure ? manny : when edmund got done throwing bedpans at me , he worked harder than any patient i ever worked with . and if he could have walked , i 'd have known about it . maria : ok . thanks . manny : ok . i 'm sorry . maria : all right . brooke : all right ? you got the answer you wanted . come on , let 's -- let 's go , ok ? maria : i am not going to let zach spit on my husband 's grave . [ scene_break ] tad : i swear , you should have your own early warning system . give innocent people a chance to get out of harm 's way . david : that 's enough . tad : you think so ? how many innocent lives have you destroyed ? by my count , you 've already drugged or slept your way through half of this town . how many marriages have you wrecked , david , huh ? gillian 's , dixie 's , not to mention your own ? yeah , let 's not forget about anna . the first single woman you managed to sink your fangs in and suck the life out of could n't run fast enough . david : do n't push it , martin . tad : now krystal 's doing 10 years , and what about babe ? your daughter ? thanks to your love and guidance , she 's lost her son to j.r. and her mother to the state pen . and the hits just keep coming when you 're around , david . now edmund is never going to get the chance to get back all those years that you stole from him , when you erased his wife 's life and sent her to the desert . and now we got zach slater to thank you for , him and his particular kind of damage . ai n't life grand when you 're at the podium ? david : why do n't you just shut the hell up ? tad : i ca n't say i 'm surprised , either , what , with your resume and all . hell , you ca n't practice medicine anymore . why do n't you try your hand at death and destruction ? well , there 's not much of this town left , but you know what ? i hear they 're looking for a few good men overseas . why do n't you give it a whirl , huh ? david : you want to hear something , tad ? you want to hear something ? you are nothing but a clown , a pathetic windbag running on empty because as much as he tries to play hero and save the day , all you ever end up doing is sitting back and watching . so face it , tad . you 're not king of the world . you 're not even king of that freak show you call a family . [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , yes , it 's been a horrible day , but there 's one tiny ray of light -- maria busted zach . she busted zach , he poisoned you , so why ca n't you just hold on to that ? now you and ryan -- you can go back to your happy little marriage and you do n't have to worry about jonathan lacing your beverage of choice . greenlee : i wish i could believe that . kendall : listen , if anyone else fingered zach , i might wonder , but maria does not lie . and ethan said he saw zach kill edmund . greenlee : it 's just i have a weird vibe . kendall : well , then maybe you need a tune - up . or you do you just like being unhappy and negative ? i do n't get you . greenlee , wake up . the glass is half full . greenlee : there 's still plenty seriously wrong with jonathan . kendall : yes , jonathan is still a woman - hitting freak , but at least he 's not a demented poisoning freak . greenlee : no , it 's still there , the hate . i was alone with him . i saw the look in his eyes . maybe he did n't drug me , but he wishes he did . kendall : yes , but he did n't , and he wo n't , ok ? so you can stop worrying about this . and now with maggie safely in paris , jonathan does n't have any punching bags to hit on , so it 's one less thing to worry about . greenlee : until the next time he gets lucky . [ scene_break ] jonathan : which national league first baseman holds the record for the most consecutive errorless games ? go . tommy : lifetime or season ? jonathan : you 're stalling . season . simone : that would be a no - brainer . steve garvey , 159 games . so i 'll be taking that and you can send me over a white russian . tommy : it 's on the house . simone : oh , thank you . jonathan : you know what ? i 'll take that . [ scene_break ] david : just get out of my house . tad : you do n't understand . nobody wants you around . so why do n't you do yourself a favor and get lost before the lynch mob shows up ? david : and what are you supposed to be , the mob of one ? well , get used to it . i have a daughter here who loves me and a grandson who needs me . i 'm not about to bail out on them . tad : well , that 's too bad , because you 'd be doing your daughter a favor . david : yeah , right , and leave her here to go toe to toe with the two sons you had a hand in raising ? i do n't think so . look , just get the hell out of my house . i 've got some unpacking to do . tad : if you stay , you 're making a big mistake . david : why do n't you concentrate on your own family ? do n't you have an ex - wife who just lost a man that she kind of almost sort of married ? i 'm sure she could use a hanky or a shoulder about now . tad : it 's amazing . i keep waiting , because someday the earth is going to open up and swallow you whole . david : you 'd better grow up , tad . divine justice is nothing but a fairy tale . edmund dies , i survive . the good guys always get shafted . and my kind -- we multiply like bunnies . tad : cancer cells is more like it . david : do n't let the door hit you on the way out . [ scene_break ] kendall : why do you do this ? something is obviously bugging you , and instead of just coming out with it , you sigh and you groan and you grunt . greenlee : i do n't grunt . kendall : all right . if it 's not jonathan , then what is it ? greenlee : i have deadlines . kendall : all right , you grunt and you 're mine . maybe this 'll help . greenlee : what -- what are you doing ? what are you doing ? kendall : no , but this is the only way to get your damn attention here . i do n't have time to wait for another one of your meltdowns , ok ? so just please tell me , what is it ? greenlee : it 's ryan . even if i want to believe maria , cross jonathan off the psycho list , it 's what ryan believes that 's a problem . kendall : hello ? ryan defends jonathan to anyone who will listen , whether they want to hear it or not . ryan should be just as relieved as you are . greenlee : and no wonder you and ryan did n't stick . you do n't get him . of course ryan defends jonathan , to the top of his lungs . that 's what he does . he protects his family no matter what . kendall : but if maria clears jonathan , then what more does ryan want ? greenlee : maybe a normal , sane little brother . i mean , no matter what ryan says , deep down he 's afraid his brother really is nuts . it 's why he moved into the valley inn with him . he keeps tabs on him 24/7 . he goes to therapy with him . he has to call him every 10 minutes when he 's away from him . i mean , i 'm lucky i got one night in a motel room . kendall : all right , that 's too much information for me , thank you . greenlee : ryan wo n't cop to it , even to himself , that he 's terrified that jonathan should be buckled into a straitjacket and hauled off to oak javen . kendall : well , we just take a vote and get on with it ? greenlee : remember when ryan found out that we 'd hired aidan ? same thing . he shuts down , he gets angry , anything to avoid actually saying that jonathan is a wack job . unless the truth smacks ryan between the eyes , i do n't know that there 's anything i can do to make it better for him . kendall : you know what ? i know exactly how to get the kind of truth even ryan will have to listen to . come on . greenlee : what are we doing ? kendall : we 're going . carpe veritas . that 's latin for we 're going to nail that s.o.b . come on . [ scene_break ] jonathan : hi . may i join you ? simone : uh -- jonathan : well , you did n't run screaming . i had to ask . these days , i 'm thrilled anybody 's willing to talk to me . simone : you 've had a rough time . jonathan : is that a yes ? simone : oh , please , you can sit if you 'd like . jonathan : it 's a start . how 's that drink ? simone : it 's good . but where 's yours ? can i get you one ? jonathan : hey , tommy ? hey , man , can i have another soda , please ? thank you . so , how about those red sox ? simone : oh , yankees are going to get them , yeah . [ scene_break ] zach : man , you 're a mystery to me . you know , i 've tried real hard to figure you out , but i ca n't do it . and i do n't even think you can figure yourself out , can you ? ryan : no , i 'm actually not a mystery , zach . what you see is what you get . zach : yeah ? so why are you here ? why are n't you out celebrating instead of harassing me ? ryan : my friend was murdered and you want me to go out and celebrate ? zach : i need your help with something . they 're about to arrest the man who killed your friend , shot at you , poisoned your wife , and on top of everything else , it 's the man you hate . so why ca n't you be happy ? go and high - five my son . ryan : why would you do it , man ? why would you grab a shovel and why would you attack a man who ca n't defend himself ? zach : you got a whole committee in your head , do n't you ? and they 're all talking at the same time . pure chaos in there , right ? scary . but you know what i think ? i think the scariest time of all is when the voices stop , when you hear the whispers of your worst suspicion , and that 's what keeps you up at night . ryan : you plan on making a point anytime soon , zach ? derek : i sure hope so . zach : if i 'm guilty , all that ugliness goes right back into a box and you can finally go back to sleep , make love to your wife , and be ryan lavery , friend to all . ryan : and i can see a murderer put in jail . zach : may i remind you once again that i 'm so much more than that . i am the maniac who hired a hit man who had you shot , who poisoned your wife , who tried to blame kendall . if i 'm gone , your world 's going to be bright and shiny again . am i right ? ryan : i do n't know , zach . you tell me . zach : you never learned to bluff , did you ? it 's all over your face . you 're dying to see my cards . the problem is you did n't ante up , and i know why . because you do n't like the cards you 're holding . nothing but face cards . and they 're all faces you know . are n't they ? ryan : you have no idea what i 'm thinking . zach : well , maybe i do n't . you asked me a question , and i answered it , and it 's what i see . you and the cops -- you 're just grabbing at anything that 'll get you where you hope you can go . and i 'm not saying that i 'm not the solution to your problem . i probably am . just do n't know if i fit the pattern , that 's all . ryan : really ? the casino , your bullets , your hand on the shovel -- you tell me if i forgot something . zach : when you were shot , everyone assumed that you were the target . what if you were n't ? hmm ? what if it was just a mistake ? ryan : are you going to use this in court , because it really sucks as a defense , especially with your hit man running around . zach : a hit man theory -- that is interesting , too . ryan : my wife was poisoned , zach . no theory . very real . zach : you 're right , that 's real . i do n't know , maybe it was random . but i got to tell you , the odds of both you guys being targets -- ryan : you know what i do n't need ? i do n't need a lesson in probability and statistics . i need -- zach : you need what ? ryan : i need a solution . zach : of course you do . that is the kind of standup , take - charge guy you are . you 're ryan lavery . you 're the champ and hero to all . you want some solid , concrete answers so you can make your world black and white again . and i respect you for that , i really do . ryan : i want you to tell me what i need to know right now . [ scene_break ] maria : where 's zach ? ethan : whoa , whoa , whoa -- maria : is he in there ? ethan : maria , it 's all right . maria : no , no , it is not all right . ethan : it 's all right . wait . maria : where 's derek ? ryan : maria -- maria : i want to give my statement . ryan : no , no -- maria : i want to give my statement -- ryan : just let me -- maria : and i want him put away . [ scene_break ] simone : hmm . jonathan : thanks , tommy . this -- this is great . i feel like a regular person . simone : well , you are a regular person . jonathan : thank you . simone : look , we all have problems . jonathan : yeah , and if you listen to the gossip , i 'm -- you know what ? i do n't care . no , i do n't . i do n't care what they 're saying . simone : well , i would n't know . i do n't run around the same circle as kendall and greenlee . no backstage action , gossip , or otherwise . jonathan : they should include you in more of their decisions . simone : yeah , well , it 's really all right . i get paid the same . jonathan : still , you should get the credit you deserve . simone : you think ? jonathan : i do . i just think back to the beginning , with the guerrilla marketing and the total edge and the attitude , and it has n't stopped . simone : oh . thank you . jonathan : you 're welcome . i just do n't think the wigs appreciate you enough . simone : i feel appreciated now . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] david : oh , great . kendall : come on , david , we can see you in there . we know you 're in there . david : more trouble . [ knock ] david : if you 're selling cookies , i 'm not interested . greenlee : no -- kendall : excuse us ! thank you . david : hello ! i 'm busy ! what are you doing ? greenlee : you going somewhere ? david : that depends . what do you want ? look , just put that down ! all right , what is this ? just get out of here , all right ? i 've had enough jerks come up from the crusades . greenlee : we 're not jerks . kendall : yeah , we 're not leaving until you help us . david : personally , you 're beyond help . kendall : all we need is one of your famous designer drugs . david : what , are you out of your minds ? kendall : no , it 's not our minds we 're worried about . david : all right , look , just get out of here . greenlee : we will , as soon as you give us something guaranteed to bring on the truth . david : so you want some kind of a truth serum ? kendall : the kind that makes someone spill their guts . greenlee : no needles , odorless , tasteless , liquid , and fast . kendall : just a few drops in the drink , someone takes a hit of that , and they end up like a third - grader in the principal 's office . david : did you even think about asking whoever it is nicely ? kendall : you know , we 're almost past the point of asking you nicely . you going to help us or not ? david : chemically induced honesty , huh ? interesting . but there are better ways . all right , who 's the target ? maybe we can talk to -- greenlee : no `` we . `` it 's just us and you . do n't play overprotective brother - in- law now . kendall : we do n't want to end up like your last partner -- in day - glo orange doing 10 in the pen . greenlee : how is krystal ? she made any new friends ? david : all right , that 's enough . just get the hell out . kendall : you know , david , for a doctor , you -- you are really not that smart . after what you did to me , my sister , and my niece , you owe me big . greenlee : you owe a lot of us , and you do n't get to say no . david : greenlee , are you threatening me ? kendall : ok , listen . you are now in the land of nod . we tell you what we want and you nod . can you do that for us ? greenlee : how about a practice run ? david , you going to make us a truth serum ? david : what have you both been sniffing ? greenlee : wrong answer . david : hey ! greenlee : want to do this again ? david : all right , that 's enough . if leo were here right now -- greenlee : he would n't talk to you . kendall : why do n't you consider this a fraction of the payback for what you did to my sister ? david : look , trust me , i will always regret the pain that i caused bianca . greenlee : then prove it . kendall : come on , we 're letting you start off so easy . david : oh , really ? if it 's so easy , why do n't you make it yourselves ? kendall : come on , david . listen , it 's not like we 're asking you to do the impossible here . you are the master of all mix - masters . you could do this in your sleep . just say we have a deal . greenlee : or we 'll start experimenting on our own . [ scene_break ] tad : hi . brooke : hi . tad : i remember the day this was taken . brooke : how do you stand on secrets these days ? tad : well , i think it 's considered sporting to fire a warning shot first . secrets -- you know me . for years , `` what they do n't know wo n't hurt them `` seemed to work just fine , but after everything we 've been through , i -- i think they 're just about the worst thing you can do to someone , especially somebody you care about . and it does n't matter what you tell yourself -- that you do n't want them to get hurt , you 're trying to protect them , and it 's for their own good -- brooke : i 've used those up already . tad : well , the truth may not win you friends , but in the end , everybody 's better off . what exactly am i being tested on ? brooke : edmund was lying to maria , for months . he did n't want the reconciliation . he did n't want it . it was all a con . he did n't want their marriage to work . he just wanted to punish maria . and she does n't have a clue . [ scene_break ] maria : you should be the one in the body bag , not my husband . you killed him , and you 're spewing filthy lies about him . and i do n't understand why . ryan : maria -- maria : why ? ryan : maria -- maria : every single thing is going to come out about you , and i 'm going to make sure that it sticks , every bit of it , and you 're not going to turn this around on my husband again . do you understand me , zach ? are you listening to me ? derek : you ok , maria ? maria : i am going to give you my statement , is what i want to do , derek . derek : ok , i 'll get an officer to take it . maria : thank you . i want to tell you everything . derek : why do n't we go outside ? ethan : let me go outside with you . come on . ryan : well , i guess you really do hurt the ones you love . i mean , maria -- she was your greatest defender , was n't she ? the whole slater / cambias identity crisis , your son -- she backed you . it 's like she explained all of the twisted stuff that you did , but now looks like she 's finally seen the light . zach : maria has every right to curse the man she believes killed her husband . ryan : and what about the rest of us ? i mean , i get why you shot at me , but what about greenlee ? why would you poison her ? she 's innocent . what about kendall ? why her ? what could you possibly hope to get out of all that ? zach : can you hear yourself right now ? can you hear how desperate you sound ? ryan : i am desperate . i 'm desperate for an answer . zach : you do n't want an answer . you want security . you want a nice safe world to wrap up in . ryan : yeah , that 's fine , that 's exactly what i want , so tell me . zach : and where is the fun in that ? i like you , ryan , and i would hate to deprive you of the journey and the road that it took to get me here . and , yes , i am going to enjoy the day when the truth finally hits you over the head . ryan : i do n't have to listen to a lecture from a guy who created a son that hates him . zach : ethan is who he is because of you . if you had n't pushed him , he 'd still be who he was -- honest and free . ryan : honest ? he told the truth . you were here . that works for me . zach : you do n't get it , do you ? but you will . ryan : so what ? are you upset because he did n't protect you ? you want him to come and lie ? is that what a real son would do ? lie ? zach : you think you 're so moral , do n't you ? your interference has caused more damage than i could even imagine . ready for my statement . [ scene_break ] david : it 's not so simple to just drug someone . it 's risky . kendall : well , that 's why we came to you . you 're the expert on this . david : especially with a drug that has n't been approved by the f.d.a . or been tested . i mean , yes , the drug might work , but there can also be some unintended side effects , do irreparable damage . kendall : well -- david : what ? greenlee : who do you think you 're talking to ? we did n't take the amnesia drug that you made . maria did . what was it called ? `` forget - about - it - all `` ? kendall : something like that , yeah . david : ha - ha - ha , very funny . kendall : yeah , funny is an overview on ethics from the man who put whatever that libidozone drug was in ryan 's little punch at his love boat party . david : that was an accident . i 've already paid for it , thank you . greenlee : maria is still paying for that drug that you gave her . zach slater here , edmund dead . so do n't give us the evils of tilting someone 's chemical balance over into our favor . david : all i 'm saying is it can be dangerous . be aware of the consequences . greenlee : yeah , if we do n't do this , the consequences could be monumental . kendall : believe me , there 's no reason i 'd come anywhere near you . david : hey , feel free to leave anytime . greenlee : we ca n't . this is important , david . we have tried everything . we 've asked this person straight on , we 've hired investigators , and there 's always an answer , always a lie . david : wait a minute . are we talking about ryan here ? has he hurt you ? because if he did , i 'll beat the truth out of him . kendall : all right , forget about who it 's for , ok ? just concentrate on making the serum . greenlee : we do n't want to hurt anyone . we just need an answer that could help a lot of people . david : you ? kendall : yes or no ? david : on one condition . kendall and greenlee : yes . [ scene_break ] tad : what a mess . brooke : what do i do ? am i just supposed to tell maria that edmund was setting her up for a big fall ? tad : no , you do n't . i 've gotten my head kicked in recently for all the stupid things i 've done . i think you should get your advice somewhere else . brooke : i choose you . tad : i do n't know , maybe -- maybe there are some -- some secrets that should go to the grave . brooke : believe me , there 's nothing more that i would like to do than bury this . mean , you should have seen maria . she feels totally responsible for everything -- for the fact that she brought zach into their lives , she jeopardized their marriage . she 's convinced that she made edmund 's last few months miserable . tad : that 's ridiculous . it 's stupid . if anybody 's to blame for it , it 's david hayward . she 's not responsible for what she dragged back from la - la land . brooke : according to edmund , they were having an affair . and maybe maria should feel some guilt . still -- tad : do you think she was right ? about the affair ? brooke : i do n't know . i do n't know what to think . brooke : i just know that the edmund maria 's mourning is not the man she fell in love with . the edmund that we knew was kind and honest and forgiving . and the last time i talked to him , he was a stranger . he was cold , and the only thing he could think about was -- was destroying zach slater and shattering maria 's life . what kind of a man does that to a woman that he loved and who was the mother of his children ? tad : edmund grey was one of the best friends i ever had . i do n't care what anybody says . he had himself a hell of a year . a bullet in the back put him in a wheelchair and then almost cost his marriage . and i do n't care how ugly it sounds . i 'm not going to judge him . brooke : it 's not about judgment . it is n't . it 's just about doing the right thing . i mean , is it fair for maria to go through the rest of her life mourning something that 's not real ? and if i tell her , is it just going to wipe out all the wonderful memories of edmund that she should have ? tad : why do you do this to me ? give me that thing . i got your answer , but i do n't think you 're going to like it . you 're on your own . brooke : is that all you can give me ? tad : no . whatever you decide , i 'll always be with you , every step of the way . brooke : how did this happen ? edmund 's gone . tad : i know , baby , i know . [ scene_break ] zach : family curse in full effect . you got your wish . i 'm sorry i let you down . ethan : you can rot , zach . derek : all right , let 's get this over with . i prefer to do this privately . zach : i 've been read my rights . i know that everything i say can and will be used against me in a court of law . ryan : zach , we 're waiting . zach : i did it . i did all of it . i 'm guilty of killing edmund grey . guilty of everything . [ scene_break ] kendall : david , we do n't have forever here . we need this , like , yesterday . greenlee : we 'll help . david : you have n't even heard my condition . greenlee : does it involve money ? david : of course not . kendall : well , what is it ? david : you have to promise me that if your victim has any adverse reaction whatsoever you will rush him to a hospital and get his stomach pumped immediately . greenlee : what makes you think it 's a he ? david : please . women know when other women are lying . but men ? kendall : agreed . greenlee : let 's do it . start cooking . [ scene_break ] simone : do you know , i should go . jonathan : something i said ? simone : oh , no , not at all . it was a pleasure talking with you . jonathan : you know , you 've been about the only person that understands how much i miss maggie . simone : well , you loved her . i get that . jonathan : hey , simone ? simone : yeah . jonathan : would you -- would you have dinner with me sometime ? simone : really ? jonathan : yes . simone : all right . jonathan : yeah ? simone : yeah , why not ? jonathan : all right , tonight . simone : wow . jonathan : tonight , yeah . simone : that 's quick . jonathan : yes ? simone : yeah , yeah , it 's a date . jonathan : ok . good . simone : call me . jonathan : i will . simone : all right . jonathan : ok . [ scene_break ] derek : all right , let 's go . zach : what do n't look so surprised . it 's the answer you wanted , the answer you 've been praying for , and the answer you deserve , every one of one of you , and i 'm going to enjoy every second of it . [ scene_break ] stay tuned for scenes from the next `` all my children . `` [ next_on ] ethan : i wish there was something that i could have done to have stopped him . maria : i do n't understand why you did n't . zach : you have no idea what 's headed your way . jack : i do n't want you anywhere near my daughter . jonathan : everything 's going to be fine . i 'll be home before curfew . greenlee : few drops of this , truth and consequences .
tad tells david he needs to leave town . but david says he refuses and that tad has his own problems to deal with . when kendall discovers how baffled greenlee is about whether or not jonathan drugged her , they decide to go and get david to make a `` truth potion `` to give to jonathan . simone goes out with jonathan pretending to have a `` romantic encounter `` with him and make him trust her .
j.r. : clock 's ticking . better get your baby doll down here in a hurry . it 's just a matter of time before mama 's pushing daisies . krystal : hey , j.r. you think babe really is going to believe that text message you sent ? she knows you 're not a killer . j.r. : babe knows i 'll do anything to get my son back . and when it comes to my family , krystal , i do n't mess around ! krystal : and blowing my head off accomplishes what exactly ? huh ? you 're not going to get your son back . you 're just going to have a big mess to clean up . j.r. : at least babe knows that i 'm not messing around . krystal : and she 's just going to run farther away , j.r. you think she 's going to hand over her son to a gun - wielding maniac ? you 're going about this the wrong way . you 're not going to get him back like this . j.r. : it 's the best plan that i got . [ dixie eavesdrops from outside the cabin . ] [ scene_break ] babe : do n't you think it 's the perfect plan ? me becoming your daughter ? janet : it 's absolutely ludicrous . you could never replace amanda . babe : but you just said it yourself , that amanda is not the person that you thought that she was . she turned on you , janet . all that love and loyalty that she claimed to have -- it was a total lie . janet : it 's just you -- you raise them , you love them , and this is the way they repay you ? babe : you just lost the daughter that you worship , and i am this close to losing the mama that i love . it does n't have to have an unhappy ending . janet : what , you mean you and me ? you mean , like the new goldie and kate ? babe : we offer j.r. a deal -- little adam in exchange for freeing mama , but he has to promise that he wo n't sic the cops on me . as long as i know that my baby is safe and mama 's alive , and i 'm not being hunted down , i am free to start my new life with my new mama . let 's do it . call j.r. tell him our little boy is coming home . [ scene_break ] lily : you cooked a lot of food . there 's nothing red in here , is there ? livia : two casseroles , salad , mashed potatoes , green beans . i defy you to find anything red in the bunch . lily : reggie and i know how to make sandwiches and cereal . he 'll be down to check on me soon . i 'm glad you 're here . i need an attorney , and it ca n't be my dad . livia : lily , why on earth would you need an attorney ? lily : because i 'm going to divorce my father . [ scene_break ] jonathan : hi , jack . bet you 're feeling pretty helpless right now . am i right ? [ scene_break ] kendall : where you been , zach ? long day at the office ? you play hooky from work today , take in a game of golf instead ? it 's a lovely day for golf , lovely day to be outdoors unless , of course , you were at a funeral , which is where i was and where you were n't . could n't bother to show up for your own son 's burial ? zach : you want to destroy my place ? do n't waste time with the small stuff . [ grabbing the fireplace poker , zach smashes his valuable to smithereens . ] zach : you want to try again ? kendall : you should 've heard me going on and on to simone about how much her son means to you , how much you care about him . i think i even threw in the word `` love `` a few times . i actually thought that you would show up at his funeral . i guess -- i guess i was wrong about that . simone said you would n't bother making an appearance , and i was actually insulted . i i d there was no way that you would be that disrespectful . so what happened ? why could n't you just make an appearance ? zach : you really do n't know , do you ? kendall : you 're a selfish , heartless jerk ? yeah , i do know . i 'm finding out more and more each day . zach : you want to make yourself feel better , forget about the furniture . use it on me . [ scene_break ] lily : your adopted son , jamal , divorced his father , and you helped him . i 'd like you to help me , too . livia : well , lily , that was an entirely different set of circumstances . jamal 's biological father had no business being a parent , but jack is a wonderful father . he loves you . i thought you loved him , too . lily : i do . livia : i know you were thrilled when he made you his daughter . lily : i was happy when jack made me his daughter , that 's true , but i 'd rather not have a father anymore . livia : honey , every teenager feels that at many points in time , but it 's just not grounds for divorce . lily : is wanting to be a woman grounds for divorce ? livia : no . america would be teeming with parentless young women . now , the law says when you 're 18 , you 're old enough to be on your own . lily : i 'm 18 in 62 days but that 's not fast enough . livia : well , do you mind telling me what the hurry is ? lily : no , i do n't mind . i do n't want to be a little girl anymore , and keeping my dad means staying a little girl , because that 's what he thinks i am . i want to make my own decisions without him being able to tell me not to . i do n't want him to send me away to school or have my brother guard me , and i really do n't want him telling me who i can and ca n't see . livia : lily , there is no way that i will help you divorce your father if this is about jonathan lavery . [ scene_break ] jonathan : wait till i tell lily you 're feeling better . jack : stay away from my daughter . jonathan : you say that you love lily , but do you really want to see her happy ? i told you i would n't hurt her , and i mean that . it would be real nice if lily and i could be together without you freaking out about it or without you freaking her out about it . you think we can make that happen ? jack : i will kill you if -- jonathan : oh , you ca n't do it , can you ? finish a sentence -- i mean , let alone a whole thought . i 've been there , too , with the -- the surgery . and the drugs ? i mean , who even knew that they could make them that strong ? i mean , i -- well , i went to some crazy parties back in the day , but , i mean , this stuff , it 's -- it 's like you 're barely conscious , right ? i mean , you 're looking at me like you want to put me through a wall , but , i mean , your body wo n't listen . and the worst part about it is , i mean , you -- you ca n't eat on your own , you ca n't sit . you ca n't even get up to go to the bathroom . oh , what made me feel the most helpless was that i could n't even lift a finger to defend myself . [ scene_break ] janet : nice try , tricky trickster . i 'm no dummy . you 'd rather chew glass than give your son back to j.r. -- i know that . babe : but if it will save my mama 's life , i will -- janet : and do not lie to me about wanting to be my daughter , because you do n't . nobody wants to be my daughter , and they certainly do n't want me as a mom . i 'm smothering , embarrassing , pushing . i 'm way too protective for people . babe : so am i . janet : you do n't like me . babe : i do n't know you , janet . that is not fair , but the little that i do know , i like very much , and i feel sorry for you . i think it 's awful that amanda turned her back on you . janet : all i wanted was to make life a little easier for her . babe : she does n't understand , but i do and -- and i can -- i can pick up where she left off . i would never let anyone put you in a hospital . janet : you would n't ? i 've made some debatable choices of late . how can you make that promise ? babe : send j.r. a text from me -- little adam in exchange for letting mama and me go free . he 'll never even know that you were here , and then that way , we 'll be free to go off and start our new life with no one even looking for us . janet , it 's the perfect plan -- a happy ending for everyone . come on . text j.r. tell him i surrender . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you know , if you got a better way of getting babe back here , i 'd spill it . krystal : a better way than you pumping me full of lead ? yeah , i think i could come up with something , j.r . j.r. : yeah , well , it better not include some sort of text - message apology . give me something i can work with or say good night . krystal : you know what ? no offense , but the don corleone routine leaves a lot to be desired . j.r. : you know , you 're making this real , real easy for me ! [ as a car approaches , dixie runs to hide behind the cabin . ] j.r. : what the hell . krystal : thank god . help . j.r. : shut up ! krystal : in here ! j.r. : shut up ! shut up ! krystal : help ! j.r. : no . get out , tad . i mean it ! krystal : i 'd be careful . he 's been drinking . tad : j.r. , put down the gun . babe does n't have your son . j.r. : babe has my son and i have her mama . that 's what we like to call a little trade - off . tad : janet dillon has them . krystal : what ? are you serious ? tad : amanda confessed to as much . krystal : did you hear that , you ball of scuz ? this whole time , you 've been badmouthing my baby doll , and she did n't have a damn thing to do with it ! j.r. : your baby doll is a whore and a liar , just like her mama . and you -- you 've been known to choke out a few lies . how many hours are you trying to buy babe and jamie this time ? how much time does jamie need to catch up with his girlfriend and run off with my boy all over again ? adam : have you lost your mind , boy ? adam : my god , j.r. , look at yourself . you 're drunk , you 're bleary - eyed , brandishing a weapon . get ahold of yourself . j.r. : leave her where she is , dad . adam : no , i will not . j.r. : it 's the only way i can get my son back ! tad : easy , easy . adam : do you think janet dillon gives a rat 's tail that you have krystal tied to a chair ? j.r. : it is not janet ! tad and jamie made that up so babe could have more time to run . tad : j.r. , listen to me . just listen to me , all right ? janet dillon attacked david hayward . she fought with jamie -- it 's a fact . she has babe and little adam . krystal : tad ? tad , do you think you 're going to find where they are ? tad : still working on it . we have n't got much yet . j.r. : oh , would you two cut the act ? i do n't believe you . adam : it 's the truth , j.r . tad : look , amanda confessed to all of the weird things that have been happening around here on her mother 's behalf . it was all janet 's doing -- babe falling down the stairs , everybody being poisoned at thanksgiving , little adam disappearing at christmas , di falling through the ice , even the explosion at the ball . it was all janet 's responsibility . j.r. : yeah . babe 's and little adam 's bags were packed , there was money missing out of our safe . now , janet is a nut case , but there 's no way that she could plan all of that . tad : j.r. , she knocked five grown people unconscious , ripped them out of their shoes , locked them in a truck , and then drove it into quicksand . adam : she 's deranged , son , but she 's shrewd . do n't forget she stayed in our house when natalie was there . she knows the tunnels inside and out , she knows where the safe is . and amanda turned in her own mother . j.r. : i believe a -- believe a word out of that tramp 's mouth like i believe anything that 's come out of his . tad : well , then i suggest you start believing in one of us , because if you do n't , you may not see your son ever again . now get rid of the gun and let 's start looking for him . [ scene_break ] babe : we 'll tell j.r. that we 'll -- we 'll leave the baby at the church where the christmas crèche used to be . that way he 's going to have all these cops waiting for us , so we – we leave the baby at the chandler mansion or at tad 's office , someplace where we know he 'll be found quickly , but we 'll know he 'll be safe and where we can get in and out without being seen . janet : it sounds risky . babe : oh , i do n't think so . you 're a genius when it comes to getting around pine valley unseen . it 'll work . i know it will , and once j.r. has little adam back , he 'll have no reason to hold mama hostage , no reason to come after me , and no reason to suspect you . janet : to think , you 're willing to give up your son to save krystal 's life ? oh . if my amanda had been that loyal . babe : i am loyal , and you can trust me , janet . janet : i just do n't get one thing -- why would you give up your baby to j.r. of all people ? you loathe j.r . babe : but mama will look out for my little boy with me gone . janet : uh - uh , no , i do n't buy it . i never in a million years would 've given my mandy over to the enemy . babe : ok . i 've got it . once we know that mama 's set free , we go back and we steal little a again . we 'll be like this mother - daughter duo out to save this little boy 's life . janet : you really do want my help ? thank you . amanda never really did . especially not the law - bending kind . she always said handle everything on her own . babe : no , i ca n't , not this . i could n't do this without you . janet : babe , thank you . thank you for believing in me and for -- for giving me a new family . and because mommy is always right , i think you 're going to be absolutely thrilled when you hear my alternative plan . we 're going to keep the little baby with us while we go on the run . i have grown so fond of that little corn nut and , you know , i missed out on all those years with amanda when she was little , and now i can make up for it . it 's like it 'll heal that toddler hole in my heart , and i am so happy that we 're going to be just one big , happy family ! [ scene_break ] kendall : what am i even doing here ? did i actually think that you would have anything profound to say at all , anything at all ? you do n't talk . you -- you stare and you brood . i would like nothing more than to avoid you , but i do n't know how i can . you live right across the courtyard . you 're always in my -- you 're in my face , you 're in my life , you 're in my business . it makes me nauseous . zach : well , you should start feeling better soon . i 'm not going to be around much longer . kendall : what the hell is that supposed to mean ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : so , see , in the beginning , it makes sense . i understand why -- why you would n't trust me , because of all those horrible things i did like kidnapping your daughters and killing people . i -- i understand how that made you so scared , but , jack -- mr. montgomery , i have something you should know . cutting that tumor out of my head , it really did work . i am better . you want to know how i know ? hmm , the cops , aidan , jamie martin -- everyone knows that i did n't do those horrible things like trapping those people in the quicksand . it was that crazy lady that i kept seeing , the one that lily helped me learn was real and not in my head . and -- and i want you to know all of this , so that you know that lily really is safe with me . and because i have been cleared of all those things -- which makes a difference , i think -- you have no good reason to hate me . well , i mean , i mean , if i 'm a good guy , you have no good reason to keep me from seeing your daughter . is n't that how it works , mr. montgomery ? [ while jonathan rambles on , a frightened jack searches for his call button and finally pushes it . ] [ scene_break ] lily : you 're jonathan 's lawyer . you know he did n't hurt anyone . he did n't do any of the things he was accused of . livia : and as his lawyer , i will see to it that he is cleared of every charge . lily : so , if you can convince a judge that jonathan 's a good guy , why ca n't you convince my father ? livia : lily , your father does n't want you to be with jonathan for many reasons , the least of which is his violent past . lily : are you going to say that i 'm too young for jonathan ? because that 's just another good argument for divorce . livia : well , age is one issue , but i would say that you still need to mature . lily : you think i ca n't be with jonathan , because i have autism spectrum disorder ? livia : no . i think that you should n't be with jonathan because you ' 17 and it 's as simple as that . lily : it 's not simple to me . [ scene_break ] j.r. : why are you staring at me like i 'm some sort of freak ? i 'm not buying this bogus story , and i 'm not giving up the gun ! adam : j.r. , listen to him . everything tad said is the truth . j.r. : what is this , some sort of joke ? do i have to remind you of this ? you 're actually defending the guy who was all too happy to tell me miranda was n't my daughter but conveniently forgot to tell me my son was alive . his words mean nothing to me . tad : j.r. , i hated lying to you . it still bothers me . i 'd never do it again . j.r. : how many times did you tell my mother that ? `` i 'll never lie to you , dix ? oops , except for now and now and now . `` everything that comes out of your mouth is nothing . i call the shots , the gun stays . krystal : ok , let him keep his stupid gun . i 'm going to go find my daughter and my grandson . j.r. : listen , you 're not going anywhere , mama . you get me little adam and maybe i 'll believe you . adam : you want to threaten krystal , you 're going to have to shoot me first . [ scene_break ] babe : it 's -- it 's a wonderful idea , janet . it 's just that -- janet : you can call me `` mom . `` babe : right , mom . i -- i 'm not quite sure that it 'll work . janet : well , of course it 'll work . we 're going to trick j.r. into letting krystal go , and then we can sneak off with our precious baby boy . babe : and spend our lives on the run ? j.r. tracked me down once before , he 'll do it again . janet : he can not outsmart me . you said it yourself -- i am a genius when it comes to dodging people . babe : that you are . but it 's really no way to raise a baby -- always on the run , in hiding , using aliases . janet : oh . phooey ! i guess you 're right . well , i guess i have to take little adam back to j.r . babe : great , great ! just unlock my coat . janet : well , you 're not coming with us . do n't be mad at mommy , jellybean , but i 'm going to have to lock you here in your room . i ca n't risk losing my precious new daughter the way i did my old one . babe : but you ca n't take little adam by yourself . i -- i have to come with . janet : babe , you 're not afraid , are you , to leave me alone with the baby ? babe : no , no , of course not . it 's just i do n't think that -- janet : no , you do n't think . now , i am going to go get that potato chip and get him ready to go back to see his dad , and you 're going to stay here . and you 're going to think about what a silly goose you 've been . [ babe gets ready to bop janet over the head with a frying pan but pauses when she comes out carrying the baby . ] [ scene_break ] kendall : you 're leaving town ? zach : i 'm in the way here . a constant reminder of how i wrecked your life . a constant source of pain . and i do n't want to be that for anyone , especially you . kendall : leaving town wo n't make the pain go away . zach : over time , it will . i was never happier than i was with you . as short- lived as it was . thank you . kendall : do n't thank me . do me a favor . get on the next plane and get the hell out of town , because i never want to see you again . [ scene_break ] jack : you stay away from my daughter , you son of a -- jonathan : no -- jack : bitch . jonathan : you do n't understand , mr. montgomery . i -- i 've been cleared on all of that . i 'm a -- i 'm a nice guy . jack : who cares ? jonathan i am . jack : stay away from -- julia : jonathan -- jonathan : no , no , you do n't understand ! jack : stay away -- julia : what -- what are you doing in here ? what -- what 's going on ? jonathan : i was telling mr. montgomery that i 've been cleared of all those charges . julia : jack ? jack : stay away from her . jonathan : i have n't done anything wrong . julia : it 's all right . it 's ok . jonathan : and now -- julia : excuse me -- visit 's over . please , leave now . i 'll be back , jack . jack : just stay away from her . jonathan : i was just trying to tell mr. montgomery that i 've been cleared on those -- julia : you should n't have been in there . jackson is recovering from very serious -- what ? jonathan : you -- you look like you work here . julia : well , i do . i passed my boards . i 'm on the nursing staff . jonathan : wow . congratulations . julia : thank you . what ? jonathan : well , it make -- it makes me upset , because lily and i are going to have to get a new life skills coach now . julia : no . i 'm still your teacher . and obviously , you did n't pay much attention in the class on personal space , because you really stressed jack out in there . jonathan : i just -- i want to be normal , like everyone else . like -- like him . he 's -- he 's normal . maybe that 's it . maybe i need a job like that and i -- i could be normal , too . julia : well , i think it might be a great idea if you got a job . jonathan : here -- at the hospital . would you help me , julia ? would you please -- please help me get a job here at the hospital . julia : ok , ok , all right , i 'll -- i 'll get you an application . it 's not a guarantee of anything . jonathan : no . no , it 's fine , thank you . all right , i 'll wait right here . julia : right now ? jonathan : yeah . if i get a job , i do n't have to depend on ryan . and then i can get a place of my own . and then we can live together like normal people . julia : `` we `` ? you and lily ? [ scene_break ] lily : did you have a boyfriend when you were 17 ? livia : yes , and there were some serious consequences . lily : did you get pregnant ? livia : yes . lily : pregnancy is a very serious consequence , is n't it ? livia : mm - hmm . lily : of course , it 's not one that i have to worry about , because jonathan and i are n't having sex . livia : not having sex yet . lily : do you think i 'll change my mind ? livia : it 's been known to happen , though i applaud your current resolve . lily : do you think i 'd stay more resolved if i got married ? livia : lily , you are way too young to even be talking about marriage . lily : how old is old enough ? livia : in this state , the law says 18 unless you have your parents ' permission . lily , are you thinking about marrying jonathan lavery ? lily : thank you for the two casseroles , the mashed potatoes , the green beans , and the salad , livia . you have to go now . [ scene_break ] babe : busted . i -- i was going to start to fry up some grilled cheese sandwiches while you were getting little a dressed . i thought you 'd be surprised when you smelled them cooking . janet : mm - hmm . was n't that nice of mommy to think of us that way ? [ janet laughs ] janet : yeah . well , i 'm not really sure that we have time to lollygag over grilled cheese . you know , if we delay too long , j.r. might get impatient and -- pow ! -- bye - bye , krystal . you -- you know what i mean , do n't you ? yeah -- i really think we need to get you back to your daddy , shnookems . babe : wait , please . not yet . you should eat something . no good daughter would let her mother go out on an empty stomach . besides , this -- this could be the last time that i see my little boy . just a little more time ? janet : ok . all right . but not too long . because you and i have a life to plan for , missy . we should go . should we go ? [ janet hums ] babe : what about trevor ? janet : what about trevor ? babe : i -- i heard you talking to him on the phone , and i assume he 's still a major part of your life . does that mean that he 'll be coming with us ? janet : well , that 'd be a cold day in hell . [ scene_break ] adam : j.r. , did i steer you wrong when we went after little adam the first time ? we were a team . we worked together to bring the little boy home . j.r. : that was before your wifey batted her fake eyelashes , and you switched sides . adam : no , do n't ever say that . my grandson means more to me than my own life . and if i thought for a minute that babe was involved -- and i did for a long time -- i would have reserved a jail cell for babe and her mother . believe me , i would never cover for anyone -- and i mean anyone -- at your expense . tad : j.r. , i swear to you on dixie 's memory , you 're wrong . babe does n't have little adam . if you think about it , what ha she got to gain by running away with him now ? she 's spent more time with him lately than she 's ever spent with him . not to mention the fact she 's just inherited a major chunk of a very successful company . her mother finally lives under the same roof as her son . and krystal -- she gets to see her grandchild every day . i 'm sure she wants him back safe and sound as much as all of us . krystal : i do , j.r . i miss that little guy more than you will ever know . adam : we all want the same thing , j.r . tad : you say you 're fighting to get little adam back . we just showed up , because we 're all fighting for the same thing . now , please , put away the gun . [ dixie continues to listen from the other side of the door . ] [ scene_break ] kendall : there you are . where have you been ? i 've been looking everywhere for you . ryan : i 've just been trying to sort out ethan 's business . why ? what 's got you so freaked out ? kendall : were you or were you not supposed to stop me from going to see zach ? ryan : oh , no . kendall : was that not your designated job , ryan ? ryan : what did you say to him ? kendall : well , it does n't really matter now , because he 's leaving town . ryan : he said that to you ? kendall : no , i made it up . what do you think ? [ ryan sighs ] ryan : come here . i 'm sorry . kendall : no , no , you 're not . no . you 're not sorry . and no , i will not -- i do n't need you to coddle me like i 'm some little -- stupid little baby , ryan . i can get through life just fine without zach . i got through greenlee walking out on me , i got through losing you and ethan . it -- so quit looking at me like that , ok ? i 'm a very strong , independent woman . i 'm a kane woman , for god 's sakes . i can completely handle this . [ scene_break ] julia : you have to understand jack 's point of view . you have a very bad history with his daughters . it 's going to take a while before he changes his opinion of you . jonathan : that was -- that was a long time ago . i 'm better now . julia : well , jackson is lily 's father . neither of you has to like his rules , but you should keep them . jonathan : i do n't -- did n't have a good father like lily does . i 'm trying to get my life back in order . and i 'm -- i 'm trying to convince everybody that they can trust me . and i -- i know that 's going to take time . and that 's why i need your help , julia . would you please -- i need to prove to people that i 've changed . would you please , please help me ? [ scene_break ] adam : j.r. , do n't . do n't do this . put the gun down . tad : j.r. , you 're drunk . if you make a mistake , you 're going to ruin the rest of your life . and i 'm sure you do n't want to replay the night you ran over amanda dillon . j.r. : amanda 's a target again ? because i was thinking about her . tad : ok , just -- slow , all right ? if you go to prison , you 'll never see little adam grow up . j.r. : we 've given babe so much time to run , i 'll probably never get to see my son . tad : we 're going to find little adam , and we 're going to bring him home . that 's a given . you start waving a gun around , you 're going to miss the celebration . j.r. : you 're a little too close for my comfort . krystal : be careful , tad . j.r. : yeah , tad , i 'd be careful if i were you . when i shot at you last time , i missed , but i never miss twice . [ scene_break ] ryan : no matter how i feel about zach , it kills me to see you like this . and i know this is killing you , kendall , but -- kendall : stop , ryan , stop , please . please , do n't play mr . bright side right now . there 's not a damn thing you can say to make this better . [ after hugging kendall , ryan is drawn to kiss her . ] [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] zach : yeah ? man : everything here going to vegas , mr. slater ? zach : almost everything . when i finish here , i want you to clean up personally . understood ? [ after staring at his final will leaving everything to kendall , zach contemplates the gun in his drawer . ] [ scene_break ] julia : livia , hi . livia : hi , julia . are you working here now ? julia : yeah , i just started back . i 'm sorry , i ca n't let you in to see him . livia : well , it 'll only take a minute . julia : no , i 'm sorry , he 's heavily sedated . and he 's really in a lot of pain . livia : are you sure ? it 's very important . julia : i 'm sorry . he 's really out of it . i do n't think that he would remember anything anyway . come back another time ? [ scene_break ] lily : hi , jonathan . jonathan : lily , hi . did you know i was -- i was going to be here ? lily : no , i 'm looking for julia . i need some life skills on how to make my father treat me like an adult . jonathan : i was -- i was just talking to julia about the same thing , and -- i tried to tell your dad about the chameleon lady and how -- how he should stop hating me now , but i think i made it worse . lily : that 's bad news . jonathan : i do have some good news . julia 's going to help me get a job here . lily : why do you need a job ? jonathan : so i can take care of you . lily : that 's good , because i 've decided i 'm going to marry you . [ scene_break ] janet : patty cake , patty cake , bakers ' man babe : you know , little adam should really have some vegetables . how about you put him down in the crib and you help ? janet : that 's ok . there 's some frozen peas right in there . you can get them . let 's pat it and roll it . babe : is n't trevor going to be upset that we 're taking off without him ? janet : well , he gave me the cold shoulder a long time ago . ahem -- no , he 's far too rigid to even bother coming after us . so let 's pat it -- good -- and roll it . roll it . and mark it with a b . it 's kind of crowded in there , so you 're going to have to dig around in the meat section . [ babe screams then gasps as she sees trevor , still wearing one of his trademark ties , frozen in the large freezer . ] [ scene_break ] krystal : all right , i am sick and tired of listening to this drunken fool and his stupid accusations . my daughter and my grandson need me . i 'm not going to wait another second for j.r. chandler to become a human being . adam : wait . wait . j.r. : stop , krystal ! i will pull this trigger ! krystal : oh , kiss off ! [ gunshot ] tad : let go ! j.r. : she deserved it ! tad : j.r. -- j.r. : she knows where my son -- agh ! adam : my god . are you ok ? krystal : yeah , i 'm ok . am i bleeding ? hey , what -- adam : i do n't know . i do n't think so . you got the gun ? tad : yeah , i got it . was anybody hit ? [ from the other side of the front door , dixie holds her arm in pain but does n't utter a sound . ] [ next_on ] ryan ( to kendall ) : what if we go back to the idea about you and me becoming an `` us `` ? janet ( to babe ) : this is my husband , trevor . j.r. ( to adam and krystal ) : the men that i 've hired have orders to shoot babe . [ outside , a staggering dixie falls against the side of the cabin . ] krystal : tad , what was that ? [ alarmed by the noise outside , tad heads for the door . ]
jonathan goes to talk to jack while he 's is in his hospital room , heavily sedated , and attempts to convince him that he 's better now , he loves lily and jack can trust him . jack seems very upset and untrusting of jonathan as always . julia comes into jack 's room and tells jonathan he needs to leave jack alone . she also informs him she 's passed her nursing certification and is now officially on staff at the hospital . lily asks livia for legal representation so that lily can `` divorce `` her father . livia tells lily she can not do that for her , however . jack is a good father and she understands his concerns about lily seeing jonathan under the present circumstances . kendall is still torn between whether to get back with zach or forget him and equally torn about what to do with ryan . babe attempts to negotiate with krystal , telling her that as long as they can save krystal , that 's all she cares about . she does n't care about jr . adam now believes tad , that jr has gone off the deep end , he has no cause to blame krystal and janet is the one to blame . jr does not listen , however , and fires a shot at krystal . it misses her but seems to have wounded dixie who is standing outside , listening unseen .
tad : what the hell is this ? [ jake snores ] tad : yes , yes -- `` it 's , the one - stop love shop , filling voids and discriminating hearts for over six months . `` [ tad laughs ] jake : what are you doing ? tad : what do you mean , what am i doing ? what are you doing ? jake : oh , i was doing some research . tad : yeah , research , huh ? like a scientific experiment ? is that why you added two inches to your height ? jake : i did not . would you shut that off , please ? tad : this is awesome . [ laptop sounds ] tad : hey , hey , they 're paging you . ah , the love shop , for dr. martin . jake : shut it off , tad , or die ! tad : paging dr. martin . jake : shut it off -- you know what ? do n't shut it off . i do n't care what you do . you want to humiliate me ? go ahead , humiliate me . tad : ah , the hell you do n't . hey ! [ tad laughs ] tad : you got a match ! jake : give me that . tad : no , no , no . jake : i 'm serious . give that to me . give it to me , give it to me . give it to me , give it to me . tad : this could be the woman of your dreams paging you . jake : stop it ! tad : even as we speak . [ scene_break ] brot : hey , good morning , beautiful . taylor : morning , beautiful . [ scene_break ] pete : i do n't mean to be blunt , but you do n't look so good . amanda : thanks , pete . pete : do you need some help with that ? [ amanda sighs ] amanda : notice the wheels ? pete : no -- i mean , you 're a complete goddess , but even goddesses come down with the flu . i could maybe call your doctor ? [ amanda chuckles ] pete : is that funny ? amanda : i 've got one too many doctors in my face . it 's a long story . i 'm not sick . i 'm homeless . never lease your yacht to people who actually might sail away in it . pete : but the chandlers ? amanda : they gave me the boot last night . pete : i know how that boot feels . adam : you having a little pity party with the office boy , are you ? pete : if office boy had super powers , i 'd swoop in here -- adam : make yourself scarce or i will have you for breakfast . all right , i 'll take care of the erica situation . you can tend with your mess . j.r. : can i talk to you downstairs ? adam : where 's erica ? erica : pete , can you fix my desktop , please ? uh , yes , yes . well , you know , i will look into this , and then i 'll get back to you by the end of the day . exactly . adam : thank you , thank you , thank you . erica : hey , hey , hey -- what are you doing ? adam . adam : i do n't care if it 's king tut calling from his sarcophagus . you have been lying to me about my investment . erica : adam , i told you that is not true . adam : no , no , lies , all of them . no , the money 's gone . i know that you 've robbed me blind . and no one gets away with that , erica . not even you . [ scene_break ] david : all right , my beautiful bride - to - be , time to rise and shine . krystal : get away from me . david : what 's the matter ? krystal : your hands are like ice . where were you , the mausoleum ? david : well , i 'm sorry to inform you this , but the entire house is in deep freeze . the power is out in the whole neighborhood . krystal : well , when 's it coming back ? david : i could n't get an answer . they said families with infants and children are first on the list . krystal : oh , i guess jenny does n't count , huh ? david : jenny counts . you hear me ? she 's going to be with us someday . that little girl is going to be a huge part of our lives . krystal : not if tad has anything to say about it . david : well , little by little , he 'll come around . krystal : i do n't think so . david : i know so . so why do n't we focus on one miracle at a time , shall we ? krystal : yeah , like getting married in a house with heat and light ? david : ok , well , let me see what i can do . come here . oh , is that warmer ? [ both chuckle ] krystal : getting there . david : so , what do you say we have a beautiful wedding with a roaring fire , dozens of candles , hmm ? krystal : oh . david : that would be incredibly romantic . krystal : yeah , incredibly romantic , and me in a couple of sweaters and a big fat coat . i 'll look like a tugboat instead of a bride . david : oh , boy , you are a tough customer . krystal : i used to be . not so much anymore . david : yeah , well , now you can let your guard down , knowing i got your back . krystal : hmm . is that why i feel like i 'm turning into somebody else ? david : hey , you are not turning into anyone else . you know exactly who you are . do n't ever say that . if it were n't for you , i 'd be a very lonely man right now , and i 'd be completely lost . krystal : but you 're not ? david : no , i 'm not . because i 've finally found my soul mate . i found her one beautiful night a very long time ago . and like a fool , i let her slip away for a lifetime . krystal : well , i was just a young , naive girl that suddenly became a mother . david : hmm . yeah . our golden girl , huh ? i can feel her right now . krystal : can you really ? david : yeah , i can . she 's happy for us , krystal . i 'm sure of it . she wants you to be happy , too . can you see her smile , hmm ? can you feel her light ? hey , be happy , krystal . be happy . this is finally our time . [ scene_break ] amanda : i gave all david 's money back , and i could n't go through with the job . i -- i did n't want to help you wreck your life because i -- j.r. : because you figured i 'd do that on my own , right ? amanda : no . j.r. , please listen to me . that 's not what i 'm saying . i really , really -- will you just give this a rest , ok ? we 've been through this . amanda : and then what ? j.r. : then we make peace . amanda : you 'd do that ? j.r. : yes . but on my own terms . [ scene_break ] erica : adam , fusion is still a very sound investment . adam : i need my money now , erica . erica : well , maybe you should have thought of that before you intentionally brought our bella fragrance down . do n't forget , if it were n't for me , you would be in the federal penitentiary . doing what you did , poisoning consumer products -- that is a criminal act . so , if you 're destitute , i could still arrange to get you a cell . adam : more threats , eh ? um , go ahead . i dare you . erica : well , maybe your friend reese will visit you in jail , but do n't depend on that because she 's not very loyal . adam : you do n't know anything about my relationship with reese . erica : well , i know that you do nothing from kindness , so obviously , you 're using her as much as she 's using you . adam : oh , this from the consummate user . erica : well , then there 's always amanda , is n't there ? you 'll continue to feed and clothe her until the baby is born . adam : amanda is out as of last night . erica : really ? that 's a very interesting choice . adam : well , what are you waiting for ? call the fbi . call the cia . have justice served . incarcerate me . erica : believe me , adam , i would love to -- [ erica hangs up phone ] erica : but i 'm not finished with you yet . [ scene_break ] amanda : what is all this ? j.r. : it 's a standard legal agreement . nothing complicated . just give it a sign , hmm ? amanda : oh , j.r. , i did n't sleep all night . i could n't read a menu . you 're going to have to break it down for me . j.r. : it makes provisions for the baby . amanda : provisions , like what , child support ? j.r. : support and primary custody . amanda : primary custody for you or for me ? j.r. : i want to raise this baby on my own . [ scene_break ] tad : i do n't know . if it was my choice , i 'd choose poochie . jake : what you do n't seem to understand is that pamela and her dog , poochie , are a team . they come as a set . tad : no , i understand . i got that part . you know , what i 'm saying is maybe that 's not such a bad deal . look at him , he 's adorable . it says he 's loyal , he 's energetic . jake : yeah . tad : housebroken -- that 's more than i can say for you . it 's a pit bull mix , you know , it 's interesting . jake : and also , poochie 's probably the only male creature that she 's loved in a very long time . it does n't say a lot for pamela 's potential . tad : you really are bitter , you know that ? maybe she 's just a challenge . jake : yeah , maybe she 's a dog . maybe she 's a dog . maybe she 's got three heads on her . why would a person put a picture of a dog instead of her own picture ? tad : oh , i do n't know . maybe she 's shy , you know . maybe she 's got a little character . jake : you sound like you understand this woman . maybe you should date her . tad : oh , no , no , no , no , you 're not going to turn this around . jake : you 're single . tad : it does n't matter . you know what ? she can walk in here and be god 's gift to mankind , and it would n't matter . she 'd take one look at you in your squalor and go bolting out of here like a sprinter . jake : a man 's got to eat . i will clean it up . tad : no , no , no , it 's not a question of eating . kathy : i ca n't find my plastic man ! i ca n't find my plastic man . tad : honey , it 's ok , it 's ok . we 'll find your plastic man after breakfast . kathy : i need him now ! tad : why do you need him now ? kathy : i need him , i need him ! tad : all right , fine . remember the rule -- no whining before breakfast , all right ? i 'll look for plastic man , and uncle jake is going to fix your breakfast . jake : yeah , i 'll fix it . i 'm going to fix breakfast . come on , let 's go . let 's go eat . come on , let 's go . kathy : are we getting a dog ? jake : uh - oh . kathy : are we getting a puppy ? [ jenny cries ] kathy : please , daddy , can we ? tad : we 'll talk about it later . jake : we 're going to eat breakfast is what we 're going to do . that 's what we 're going to do right now . kathy : i want to get a puppy today . [ tad mumbles ] tad : ah , it 's -- it 's ok , baby . it 's all right . your uncle jake will be right up . jake : no , your uncle jake is not going to be right up . i 'm fixing breakfast . tad : i 'll fix breakfast . you go on up , ok ? jake : she 's not used to me picking her up yet . tad : oh , you know what ? it 's never going to get better with that kind of attitude . kathy : say we can get the puppy . please , daddy . tad : i -- we 'll talk about it later , ok , honey ? we 'll talk about it later . [ jenny cries ] tad : coming ! perfect . i found your plastic man , baby . here you go . jake : that 's good . uh , all right , so what -- what should i make ? how -- how 's oatmeal ? kathy : that 's a silly name for a dog . [ jenny cries ] tad : coming ! jake : ok , i guess i wo n't make oatmeal . i 'll make -- what should i do ? what should i make ? tad : you should get on the phone . dial 1 - 800-mary poppins . jake : all right , let 's eat . let 's eat some breakfast . let 's go . let 's go . [ scene_break ] brot : here we go . breakfast , breakfast , breakfast ! taylor : i know what it is . can i look now ? brot : no , no , you have to guess . taylor : bagels , right ? brot : no . all right , go ahead -- look . taylor : the american special -- brot and taylor style . brot : that 's right . saltines with jam . taylor : wait , wait , wait -- you found raspberry . brot : it was definitely a lot easier than baghdad , for sure . [ taylor laughs ] taylor : and take - out coffee . brot : well , that was n't hard either because there was a coffee shop right across the street , which makes it a lot easier . trust me . taylor : but this is our special breakfast exactly . see , this is why i love you . brot : ah , you 're so easy to please . [ taylor laughs ] brot : no wonder why you never gave up on me after i kept pushing you away . taylor : because i 'm not easy to get rid of . that 's why . brot : you 're telling me . you 'd been more than patient . taylor : i 'm stubborn as a mule . you know it . and i did my fair share of pushing back . brot : and look where it got us . taylor : it got us back where we are at our best . and we still are . [ scene_break ] adam : not another cent will you get from me . erica : i do n't need your money , adam . money , money , money -- is that all you think about ? adam : well , it comes in handy if you 're trying to run a business . erica : without a strategy , you just run aground . adam : oh , this strategy you keep talking about -- that 's something that you 're doing on your lonesome ? i mean , amanda and pete and maybe the little porn girl -- i 've forgotten her name -- ca n't wait . erica : well , actually -- see , you 've just put your finger on the problem . what i need is someone as bright and talented as i am , shoulder - to - shoulder , side- by - side . adam : you 're not suggesting -- erica : yes , i am . come on . you have n't lost your swagger , have you , adam ? i 've never known the brave adam chandler to shrink from a dare . [ adam laughs ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : the baby will want for nothing . he 'll have the best schools , a loving older brother , a warm extended family , tad and his kids . amanda : so just sign him away ? j.r. : you 'll have liberal visitations . look , it 's a win - win situation for you . we could put everything in our past and put this child first . amanda : to be raised by you and your father . j.r. : by me . maybe you need some time to think about this . amanda : i know what i think . go to hell . [ scene_break ] david : all right , so this is where we 'll say our vows , right in front of the fireplace , while you look luminescent as my bride . krystal : it just -- it just seems so bare . david : what else do you want ? krystal : babe , jenny , little a . david : babe will always be with us . the rest , we 'll work on . krystal : i just -- i guess i just sort of feel a little bit off - kilter , you know ? it 's freezing cold . this empty house . david : it 's not empty . we live here . dr. hayward and the love of his life . krystal : am i really ? david : how could you even doubt that ? krystal : i do n't know . i guess i just probably need a little warm milk . david : you need to stir up your courage ? is that it ? krystal : no , i 'm -- i 'm not scared . david : all right . look , why do n't you go see your daughter , ok ? we do n't want tad getting all bent out of shape because you 're late . krystal : you 're right . you 're right . [ krystal chuckles ] krystal : you 're always right . david : hurry back to me , ok ? hi , it 's hayward . did you follow my instructions ? so amanda 's yacht sailed off without her ? great job . [ scene_break ] amanda : you throw me out so i 'm homeless and then go in for the kill ? j.r. : no one is being killed here , amanda . do n't get hysterical . amanda : i am not hysterical . i 'm furious ! you are just like your father . you are a power freak and control freak . j.r. : oh , my -- you know , i could say a few things about your family . amanda : i am not my mother . i am not insane . j.r. : well , you 're acting pretty crazy right now . amanda : i can raise this baby by myself . i do n't need your help ! [ scene_break ] adam : so you 're admitting you ca n't run this ship without me ? erica : no , not at all . i am merely offering you the opportunity to step in on a temporary basis and help save this company . adam : yes , these turn - around things that you 're talking about -- are they on paper or just in your head ? ah . mm - hmm , that 's -- that 's nice . yes . oh . not bad . erica : ah , good , i knew it . i knew you were going to like this . oh , adam , there is so much more . adam : uh - huh . oh , staff cuts . good , that 's good . erica : well , it 's regrettable but necessary . i have n't exactly decided on who i 'm going to cut yet . amanda : you son of a bitch ! you think i 'm a total moron or just a spineless wimp ? j.r. : no , you 're a single mother who i simply think is not equipped to take care of a kid . amanda : oh , you have got some incredible nerve . you know that ? i am going to fix my mess of a life for this baby . to hell with you . i do n't need you ! erica : amanda , amanda , what is going on here ? this is a place of business , amanda , not a place for personal knockdown - drag - outs . adam : yeah , erica has made some staff cuts -- trimming the fat , so to speak . and you 're a clear first choice for downsizing . erica : adam , staff cuts are strictly my choice alone . amanda : do n't bother firing me . i quit . erica : no , amanda , i have n't made any decisions pertaining to you . amanda : well , now you do n't have to . [ scene_break ] jake : ginger ? let me get a bloody mary this morning . ginger : you want an omelet with that ? jake : no thanks , mom . ginger : you bring out the nurturer in me . jake : mmm . well , maybe later , then . about the omelet . ginger : i just made an idiot of myself . jake : no , no , i liked it . i liked it . ginger : hmm , it 's ok . i know you blow off one woman every time you come in here . jake : what ? that ca n't be true . david : just the man i was hoping to see . jake : listen , i am not working . i am not on call . so just -- just try to leave me alone , all right ? david : i 'm celebrating . join me , please . champagne for everyone , on me . ginger : ok . here 's your mary . jake : thank you . what , did you win the mad scientist of the year award or something ? david : no , actually , i 'm getting hitched today . jake : hmm , well , hopefully , krystal will come to her senses before it goes down . david : thank you for your warm thoughts . i was going to ask you to stand up for me . jake : well , i 'll stand up for you with the rest of the pall bearers on your funeral when you get killed by a lightning bolt . david : hmm , nice . sweetheart , you look terrible . did the chandlers throw you to the curb already ? amanda : i do n't need the chandlers any more than i need you . i do n't have a job , a home , or a bank account , and i feel better than i have in forever because you ca n't get to me . david : ah , really , really ? did n't i tell you that you have to be careful about these pregnancy hormones ? i mean , at first , it 's all smiles and sunshine until you wake up one day alone with a screaming baby in a one - room dive over a gas station somewhere . jake : shut up , dave . david : no , no , no , wait a minute . i 'm just giving her a dose of reality . you 're certainly not going to do it . amanda : reality ? you want reality , david ? here it is . you hired me to make an end run on j.r. 's little boy . i dropped the ball in the middle of the field . your game 's over . you lost . david : no , no , darling , my game 's not over . now yours and j.r. 's , on the other hand , well , kaput . amanda : that does n't matter to me as much as it did , ok ? because i can take care of this baby and myself . i always could . david : hmm . amanda : you wo n't get your child . david : my child ? babe is gone , amanda . what child of mine are we talking about ? so what child of mine am i not going to get ? amanda : little adam . david : little adam is my grandson , not my child . amanda : you misunderstood . david : no , no , i heard you quite clearly . you were specifically referring to this child -- amanda : you consider him yours . that 's all i meant . jake : all righty , ok . enough insulting the pregnant woman , do n't you think ? hey , let 's go . here . amanda : i blew myself out of the water . basically just announced that this baby 's david 's . jake : no , no , i thought you covered nicely . amanda : you think ? jake : i do . and do n't worry . you got me and frankie at the hospital also to , you know , take care of all the records . [ amanda sighs ] amanda : all my big talk . `` i do n't need anybody . `` so , now , it 's back to square one . start from scratch . good thing the pine cone takes plastic . jake : i do n't think the pine cone is any place for you . amanda : well , it 's my only option at the moment . jake : no , it 's not . no , it 's not . amanda : well , oh , where are we going ? jake : we 're not going to the pine cone . that 's where we 're not going . amanda : ok , well , `` not the pine cone `` better be cheap . jake : ginger , put that on my tab . ginger : you got it . david : to amanda 's unborn child . [ scene_break ] tad : wow . [ tad chuckles ] tad : listen , honey , i -- i owe you an apology . jenny had a really bad night . she 's up there . she 's out cold . but , you know , you look really nice . we do n't you come on in ? i can make us some lunch . we can hang out , you know , until she 's conscious again . krystal : i ca n't , i ca n't . tad : why ? you got a meeting or something ? krystal : or something , yeah . i 'm getting married . tad : to david ? krystal : yes . who else ? tad : why ? krystal : because i love david and he loves me . tad : why now ? krystal : why not ? tad : he get you pregnant ? you two out there trying to come up with another babe ? [ scene_break ] adam : erica had every right to fire amanda . erica : i did n't fire her . she fired herself . adam : well , why do you care ? she -- she tried to ruin you . j.r. : she brought me back from the edge . adam : no . hayward paid her to push you over the edge . erica : is that true ? j.r. : she gave the money back . she stopped me from drinking . adam : for how long ? erica : why did she run out of here so furious ? j.r. : i asked her to sign over custody of the baby . adam : you really think that amanda would hand over your baby for free ? j.r. : amanda 's not going to hand over the baby at all . adam : are you really that naive ? ah . oh . erica : adam , what have you done ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you can never replace one child with another . how dare you suggest that i could re - create babe ? tad : i 'm just trying to figure this out . krystal : what is there to figure ? i love david the way i never was in love with you . tad : define `` love . `` go on , give it a shot . or should i ? i mean , does your heart pound ? does your pulse race ? do you get that knot in your stomach ? you know , you feel like if you do n't see him soon , you 're just going to die ? what 's the difference between that and a junkie who 's desperate for a next fix ? krystal : if you do n't know , i feel sorry for you . [ scene_break ] tad : what are you doing ? more debris ? like we need more debris ? amanda : that 's my debris . jake : ok , mouth ? tad : ok , what ? kathy : daddy , daddy ! tad : hey , sugar . kathy : ms. cohen says some dogs can learn to use the potty . if we find one like that , can we get it ? tad : no , honey , we 're still trying to train your uncle . [ jenny cries ] amanda : oh , you know , now looks like a bad time . tad : honey , there 's no such thing as a good time . it 's like this 24/7 , believe me . amanda : the last thing you need is me . jake : no , stop . we have a room for you . it 's going to be good , and we were just talking about that we could use a woman 's touch around here . were n't we saying that ? tad : yeah , as a matter -- in fact , we were . jake : that 's right . tad : amanda , i 'll tell you what . you 're more than welcome , if you can take it . amanda : i 'm pretty sure i would love it here . do you want me to check on jenny ? jake : oh , yes , please . tad : would you ? amanda : yeah . kathy : do you like dogs ? amanda : i love dogs . you want to come with me to check on jenny ? kathy : ok . amanda : come on , kathy . jake : them checking on jenny -- that 's good . what ? tad : what was this about ? jake : the prince of darkness , david hayward . you 're not going to believe what he did this time . [ scene_break ] david : hey . krystal : hey . david : sweetheart , there 's something i 'd like you to do for me . you remember my attorney , jay stark . jay drafted up a prenup for us to sign . nothing out of the ordinary . just standard stuff . krystal : what 's `` standard stuff `` ? david : nothing crazy , just protecting my heirs , in case we divorce . krystal : little a needs protection against me ? david : of course not . krystal : do you have any other heirs that i do n't know about ? david : well , not now , but anything is possible . krystal : what 's that supposed to mean ? david : well , come on , krystal . i did n't even know that i had a daughter until babe was 20 years old . and we could still have a child if we wanted to , right ? krystal : i -- i better -- i better read this thing . david : you know , i understand your desire to do that , but there really is n't a lot of time . the minister 's on his way right now , and i do n't think we want to postpone this , do we ? [ krystal exhales sharply then signs the papers ] [ scene_break ] erica : thanks , petey . ok . adam : oh , um . erica : hmm , yeah , oh , adam , i 'm sorry . i know this is the hardest thing in the world to hear , but you ca n't manage j.r. 's life . unfortunately , you ca n't lock up grown children and stop them from making mistakes . believe me . i 've tried and tried and tried . it only makes matters worse . adam : so -- so what do i do ? erica : you do what you do best . turn red ink into black . [ scene_break ] tad : hi . taylor : hi . tad : hey , i was wondering how you felt about a late lunch . taylor : wow . normally , i really like a late lunch , but i actually had a late breakfast . tad : yeah , i sort of see that . taylor : come on in . tad : oh , thanks . um , clearly , my timing sucks , so , uh -- brot : no , not -- not at all . it 's good to see you . have a seat . tad : uh -- no , i do n't think so . you know what ? i 'll definitely take a rain check on that one , and definitely , i 'll -- i 'll call next time , ok ? so you guys just , you know , au revoir . brot : well , see you soon . tad : ok , bye . [ scene_break ] adam : oh , yeah . very , very solid work here . erica : so , do i have a partner ? adam : yeah . um -- [ scene_break ] taylor : so we 've got the rest of the day . what should we do with it ? brot : i was thinking undercover ops . [ taylor chuckles ] taylor : sounds serious . brot : damn straight , it does . taylor : do n't we kind of need music for this ? brot : shh , shh , shh . do n't you hear it ? taylor : now i think i do . [ brot chuckles ] [ scene_break ] minister : the union of husband and wife , in heart , body , and mind , is intended by god for their mutual joy . for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity . and when it is god 's will , for the procreation of children , and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the lord . the lord is my shepherd . i shall not want . he leadeth me beside still waters . he restoreth my soul . krystal : all my life , i stumbled through my life with half a heart and half a soul . i did n't know anything was missing , until i opened myself up to you . [ scene_break ] jake : we need another a . [ scene_break ] krystal 's voice : i never knew i could want anyone as much as i want you . i never knew i could need anybody as much as i need you . david : we lost a lifetime together , krystal . we lost our beautiful , loving daughter . but i promise you , the days of losing are over . this is our time in the sun . we deserve to be more than happy . we deserve to be golden . and we will be . i , david , take you , krystal , to be my lawfully wedded wife . krystal : i , krystal , take you , david , to be my lawfully wedded husband . [ scene_break ] [ bottle smashes ] [ j.r. inhales sharply ] j.r. : give me another bottle . [ scene_break ] jake : you all right ? amanda : i 'm spotting . [ scene_break ] minister : i now pronounce you husband and wife . david : now you 're mine .
tad catches jake surfing a dating website and teases him about it . amanda tells petey that she was kicked out by the chandlers . amanda tells j.r. that she gave david his money back . j.r. wants her to sign away custody of her child to him , so she gets angry and tells him off . adam pressures erica about the money she lost . erica threatens to go to the police with his tainting the bella fragrance , so he calls her bluff and tells her to go ahead . erica agrees to make cuts at fusion if adam works with her ; amanda quits when adam suggests erica fire her . erica advises adam not to try to run j.r. 's life . jake and tad have a hard time coping with kathy .
[ greenlee giggles ] david : what ? greenlee : i think i might 've actually rattled the unsinkable erica kane . i think she 's actually thinking about a compromise over fusion now . david : well , i 'm impressed if you can pull it off . but do n't forget erica 's a formidable opponent . you know , do n't underestimate her . greenlee : i know what she 's capable of . i 'm just worried that i might trip you up . i mean , she is still trying to blackmail you for convincing the world i was dead . david : yeah , do n't worry about me . i consider erica more of a nuisance than a real problem . greenlee : now who 's underestimating her ? david : i may be able to fix this whole thing with one short phone call . greenlee : a phone can be a deadly weapon in the right hands . blast her out of the sky . [ scene_break ] jake : [ whispers ] hey . ok . so your baby - relief - sitting person is here , whatever you want . is that a real word : baby - relief ? ryan : it 's ok . i know what you mean , and i appreciate it . here 's the thing , though . she 's still willing to cooperate with us . she 's still willing to take hayward down . the problem is , is that we need the guy 's name , the guy 's name that hayward bribed to switch the dna . jake : you do n't think that she knows his name ? and do you honestly think this is the only way we 're gon na be able to take him down ? [ scene_break ] [ phone vibrates ] gayle : leave me alone . david : gayle ? gayle , i ca n't tell you how sorry i am for hurting you the way i did . but if you would just give me a chance to explain -- when you disappeared , i could n't help but realize just how much i missed you , how much more my feelings are for you than i ever could 've imagined . gayle : liar . david : i know , i know , and , look , i do n't blame you for feeling that way . i turned my back on you , and that 's true , but i just got caught up in the whole drama of greenlee 's recovery . but , look , that 's in the past , gayle , ok ? i realize now that it was a huge mistake , so please . i need you to hear me out . gayle : why should i trust you after everything that 's happened ? david : i would like to talk to you in person . can i do that , please ? i really want you to look into my eyes . i want you to see in my heart . and if you ca n't see right then and there what i feel for you , then i will walk out of your life for good , and that 's a promise . [ scene_break ] tad : j.r. ? i swear to you i did everything , everything i could to track down your half brother , get him back here . i guess it just was n't good enough . i feel for the kid in some way . take all of adam 's money and run like that -- it 's a lot of bad karma for miguel . but knowing that does n't help us , does it ? i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry i did n't babysit that kid all the way from california to this hospital . but i 'm not gon na give up . i 'm not giving up . i swear i will track him down . i will find miguel , and i will drag him here by the scruff of the neck if i have to . all i need you to do is hang on . just hang on long enough so i can fix it . [ scene_break ] angie : i just checked with the lab . j.r. 's condition 's deteriorating , and you are still the only person who 's even a partial match . are you going to be j.r. 's donor ? [ scene_break ] david : i know erica 's been filling your head with all sorts of lies about me . gayle : i heard what you said to erica about me with my own ears . nobody had to lie about that . david : gayle , that was an act . i had to convince erica to let me go . you saw me . i was in handcuffs , for heaven 's sake . i had to think of something . but , gayle , i 'm telling you it kills me to think what it must 've done to you to hear those lies . gayle : it did hurt -- a lot . david : of course , it did . and i 'm telling you right now erica 's gon na pay for that cruel piece of theater . so where are you ? gayle : this fairy - book castle hotel . there 's a suite in the turret . i got to go . jake : hey . how are you ? you have a good sleep ? gayle : yeah , i had a good nap . ryan : did you ? you always nap with your cell phone in your hand ? gayle : um , no . no , it just , um -- ryan : you were talking to david , were n't you ? jake : please do n't say you were taking to david . gayle : i was waking up , the phone went off , and answering was just a reflex . ryan : it 's ok . it 's all right . you did n't do anything wrong . it 's just that we know how good david is at making people believe what he wants them to believe , ok ? he 's fooled the best , gayle . jake : but you know the truth , right ? you know the real deal ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : hungry ? david : no time . that castle that ryan took you to -- were there turrets ? greenlee : yes . david : really ? greenlee : mm - hmm . david : and were is it ? greenlee : up north . hey , i 'm gon na change . i 'll be back . david : `` greater pine valley plus castle hotels . `` [ scene_break ] angie : if you want to think about it a little while longer in private , that 's fine . just not too long . brooke : i started working on something last night , but i wanted your approval before i go ahead and publish it online . adam : what is it ? brooke : well , it 's a website . basically , it 's a world wide plea for a bone marrow donor for j.r . scott : what -- ohh . you built this whole website overnight ? brooke : well , i needed to feel like i was doing something . krystal : this is amazing . adam : yes . i 'm beyond grateful . what a stunning effort . krystal : here , sit down . brooke : oh , ok . i 'll show you . annie : hey , can we go somewhere to talk ? angie : let 's go to my office . adam : this would n't have been necessary if that bastard son of mine had n't taken the money and disappeared . brooke : well , miguel was n't the only one who disappeared , adam . somebody else did , too , 19 years ago . i mean , could you honestly expect him to do something ? adam : all right . i get your point . why do n't you let me read some of this and see what you wrote . [ scene_break ] marissa : hey . scott : hey . hey , buddy . marissa : any change ? scott : no . not that i know of . colby 's in there with him now . [ scene_break ] colby : j.r. ? j.r. , can you hear me ? someone told me that you can . i think you can hear the love in my voice , at least . it seems to me you could feel that even if you were asleep . even if you ca n't hear words , only feelings : like the hollow sound in my voice of me being scared of you going away . [ scene_break ] liza : hey . so the expedited request for the adoption -- it came through . congratulations . you are officially a.j . 's mom . marissa : wow , thank you . liza : yes . do you know where tad is ? krystal : yeah . you might try the chapel . liza : thank you . scott : come here . [ scene_break ] annie : ok , so before we go any further , i just want to make sure everything we discuss in here is confidential , all right ? angie : of course . it 's considered a patient - doctor consult . it 's privileged communication . annie : ok , here 's the story . j.r. hates my guts . he told me he would rather die than accept a bone marrow donation from me . however , that was before i got tested , and now he 's unconscious . angie : we could do the donation anonymously . annie : that 's not the point . the point is , why should i do it at all ? he hates me . i do n't like him . i hate needles , i ca n't stand pain , and i 'm afraid of complications . so why would i subject myself to that ? angie : we can anaesthetize you for most of the pain , and the possibility of infection is really very slim . but you want to know why do it at all ? so far , you 're the only match . annie : partial match . you said i 'm a partial match , so i could go through all this for nothing . angie : look , annie , i ca n't make up your mind for you . all i can say is if this is not done soon , j.r. will die . could you live with that ? [ scene_break ] liza : how you doing ? tad : i was just in with him , and he 's -- you know , he 's still unresponsive . so -- you know what i keep thinking ? liza : hmm ? tad : that it 's happening again : i 'm losing someone , someone i love more than anything , just like i lost dixie . i have to sit by on my hands and do nothing while they fade away in a hospital bed . a man is not supposed to bury his children . [ phone chirps ] tad : i wo n't be . maybe a little hope left . [ scene_break ] brooke : you 've done some good things in your life , too . adam : oh ? brooke : you have . just look at your family , look at your children , your grandchildren . you should take credit where you get it . adam : ok . [ brooke sighs ] adam : listen to this part . i love this -- tad : adam ? adam : yeah ? tad : my contact in california was able to get another contact number for sonia reyes . brooke : miguel 's mother ? tad : yeah . she 's gone on some kind of retreat . i do n't know what , but this is a new number for her . and i think under the circumstances , you should be the one to make the call . adam : yeah , yeah . yeah . annie : ahem . that 's very impressive , what you 've done here . brooke : thank you . annie : i look forward to working with you at `` tempo . `` i would love to learn how to write an article as powerful as this one . brooke : oh , i did n't realize that you 'd read it yet . anyway , i think that we need to get past j.r. 's crisis first before we think about anything like work . adam : sonia does n't know where her boy went , did n't know he was a match in the first place . if a mother does n't know where he is , then -- brooke : i 'm so sorry . i 'm so sorry . [ scene_break ] liza : all right , look , you still have your people searching for this miguel reyes , right ? tad : i 'm not giving up . by the way , did you know i found damon sleeping on a gurney in the hall this morning ? liza : he 's in the hospital ? why ? tad : he had no place else to go . he lost his job , then he lost his room at the pine cone . liza : oh , unbelievable . well , i guess burglary arrests do have that effect . tad : well , i gave the kid my place . i told him he could exchange room and board for some work around the house . liza : oh , you are such a good man . tad : oh , jinkies . liza : why did n't he talk to his parents , though ? tad : oh , i can answer that . he hates his father , does n't get along with him at all . and his mother -- he does n't want to dump all that drama in her lap . and get this : her name is hill , short for hillary . liza : oh . now i know why you 're helping him . tad : what ? liza : hillary -- reminds you of the ghost of lovers past . tad : i never thought of that . liza : hmm . tad : come to think of it , he reminds me an awful lot of me when i was that age . man , i left some wreckage in my wake . i screwed up a lot . liza : well , as i recall , hillary was collateral damage . tad : yeah , she certainly was . whew , did i break her heart . liza : mine , too . [ scene_break ] opal : now , i do n't much spark to the idea of turning this place into the home base for your one - man crime spree . damon : look , no more break - ins for me , ok ? the reason i needed money is n't even here anymore . bailey took our son stuart and went back to ohio . kathy : my clock is broke . can you fix it ? opal : oh , honeybunch . gosh . you know , fixing clocks is n't really in my bag of tricks . damon : you know , i might be able to do something with that . could i take a look ? [ scene_break ] a.j . : `` the entire world would know of my big plans , so big that i 'll need my dad 's shiniest tie and fanciest shoes . then i 'll climb up the highest hill in town and shout i got big plans , i say ! big plans ! `` [ scene_break ] david : what are you doing here ? ryan : i 'd like to ask you the same question . now , i rented the entire place out . that 's why i 'm here , so what 's your excuse ? david : greenlee told me you brought her here . so what was that about , huh ? one final desperate attempt at reconnecting with her ? if you ask me , i think it was a bad judgment call . i mean , come on -- locking a woman up who you supposedly love ? it 's just my opinion . ryan : right . because you 've been such a good example on how to treat a woman , right ? for instance , you would rather play perverse mind games with greenlee . david : hmm . you call it `` perverse mind games , `` i call it `` saving her life . `` ryan : and then trying to collect her soul as payment . that 's the part i 'm talking about here . i got a little news flash for you . greenlee may have been wounded when you found her , and it seems like she 's very grateful to you , which i think is very sweet and everything . but she 's strong and she knows her mind , and when she realizes how sick you really are -- and she will realize that -- you 're gon na be like a speck in her rearview mirror . david : you know , actually , her strength is one of the qualities i most admire about her . it 's what draws us to each other . ryan : and it 's also what 's gon na send you packing if you 're in any condition to pack at that point . so why do n't you tell me what you 're really doing here ? [ scene_break ] jake : hi . amanda : you . jake : yeah . gayle 's kind of gon na help us out . amanda : help who out ? jake : well , she 's gon na help me and ryan and erica and me -- well , the world , really , at large , altogether . amanda : why did n't you tell me we were going to have company ? jake : well , i did tell you . remember i mentioned i had spent the evening with a woman , and i told you that ? remember ? amanda : you were serious about that ? jake : well , i do n't lie to you . hold it , i have n't told you the best part . [ scene_break ] adam : this adoption of a.j . was too fast . annie : it is what j.r. wanted . brooke : i think for adam it makes it all real . j.r. might not be around to raise a.j . but you know whatever happens to j.r. , everybody will be around to raise a.j . [ scene_break ] annie : excuse me for a minute . hey , can you hear me ? wake up . i need you to talk to me . call me a bitch again . toss me out of here . make this real easy for me . you know , the thought of letting somebody take a big , fat , jagged needle and stick in my hip , the thought of taking any kind of medical risk for you , ugh , makes me sick to my stomach ! you do n't even want my bone marrow , and i sure as hell do n't want to give it to you . ohh ! but it 's getting ugly out there . the ex - wife has her claws into adam , and the whole clan is being ever so supportive of your pathetic decline . the truth is i really do n't like you , like , at all . i really do n't like you . ohh . angie just asked me if i could live with myself if i let you die . and you know what ? [ scene_break ] david : so this is your idea of a romantic getaway , huh ? it 's kind of cheesy , do n't you think ? i 'd say that greenlee deserves something a little classier than this . ryan : i know her so well , hayward . you have no idea . you also have no idea what she and i have . david : oh , come on , lavery . this is not like you : sitting back passively , waiting for the woman to make up her mind . ryan : she 's smart , she makes up her own mind , and she follows through . in fact , she 's probably stronger than either one of us . david : now , on that we can certainly agree . and we can also agree that she 's married to me now . she 's my wife . ryan : yes , a legal formality . she does n't love you , she never has , and she never will . david : maybe . but i am the one she trusts . and as we both know from personal experience , trust outlasts love . ryan : she 's gon na see through your crap , hayward . i have complete faith in that . i also have all the time in the world . now , i have rented this room out for the rest of the week . enjoy . minibar 's in the fridge . you knock yourself out . [ scene_break ] jake : all you have to do is keep an eye on her , ok ? just keep an eye on her . amanda : no . no . no way . jake : just think about what he put us through . think about what he put everybody in this town through . i 'm not asking you to do this for me . do it for her . she 's a person . she 's a person . she 's a human being . help stop all the future victims that he 's gon na have . please ? please . thank you . thank you . i 'm gon na go catch up with ryan , ok , and i 'll be back . [ scene_break ] damon : there you go . kathy : thanks , damon . now i can time myself . opal : see you later , honey . well , looks like you got a way with clocks and with kids , huh ? damon : i was n't always good with kids . they used to , like , really annoy me , until stuart came along . opal : yeah , surprise , surprise . damon : i know . it 's weird , right ? the first thing that happened when bailey told me she was knocked up , i checked out . but then i got to hanging with the little dude , and he kind of grew on me , and then after a while i kind of fell in love with him . opal : hmm . well , that sounds like kind of a good sign . damon : i just -- i really hate being away from him like this . but one thing i 've learned from all the stupid stuff that i 've done is that i have to be in a solid position before i can be a decent dad . opal : looks like you 're getting there . damon : what 's jacked about it is by the time i get to see stuart again , he could be bigger than her . [ scene_break ] tad : liza , last thing i meant to do was to hurt you . i was just being -- liza : tad the cad . i know . i know . believe me , i was not exactly picture- perfect myself . tad : you think ? liza : god , all the things i did . oh , god , what i did to your sister ? and then , what , accusing jesse of rape ? tad : another worldbeater . liza : yeah . well , let 's just chalk that up to being young and stupid , if that 's an excuse . tad : well , whoever came up with that phrase `` youth is wasted on the young `` did n't know the half of it . if i had known what i know now -- liza : what , you think you would 've enjoyed it more ? tad : i certainly would 've appreciated it more . liza : oh , you appreciated it plenty . wow , i do n't think either one of us expected our lives to be like this , huh ? careers ? kids ? tad : grandkids . liza : speak for yourself . life was so much easier when we had no responsibilities : not sitting around in a hospital waiting for a child . tad : excuse me for a second . how 's it going ? krystal : i 'm afraid i 'm just not giving marissa enough support , you know ? but i just do n't think i can keep from falling apart myself , tad . i lost a daughter , and now my other daughter is losing her husband ? j.r. : he has had so much loss in his life , and now this ? it 's too much . it hurts too much , tad , and i just do not think i can keep it together much longer ! tad : you do n't have to . [ krystal sighs ] tad : come on , let 's go find someplace quiet , all right ? krystal : oh , god . [ scene_break ] scott : hey . that was really nice of you , visiting j.r . i 'm sure after butting heads for so long he really appreciates you putting it all in the past . annie : yeah , that 's me : florence `` freaking `` nightingale . adam : i have to see my son . brooke : do you want me to come with you ? adam : yeah . [ scene_break ] greenlee : thank you . [ music plays at confusion ] singer : oh , oh , oh should 've known should 've known better than to stay so many times i could 've walked away greenlee : ahem . of all the gin joints , huh ? ryan : i guess congratulations are in order to the blushing bride . greenlee : thank you . ryan : mind if i join you ? greenlee : i guess that seat 's reserved for you . ryan : always was . it 's a joke . it 's a joke . what are you doing ? diving into fusion ? greenlee : made all the more difficult by the involvement of the infamous erica kane . ryan : yes . well , i know how much you love a challenge , right ? singer : should 've known better than to stay greenlee : what ? ryan : jake told me that you came to our castle on your wedding night with david . greenlee : then i guess jake also told you why i was there : to say good - bye to us for good . that 's all it was . ryan : nothing more ? greenlee : nothing more . ryan : sometimes you can keep saying good - bye , but it never goes away . singer : should 've known should 've known [ scene_break ] scott : hey , big guy , let 's go sit over here . here we go . come on . i want you to read me that book . opal : hey , look who 's here ! how are you , honeybunch ? colby : hey . thanks for what you said the other day . damon : what 'd i say ? colby : that people in comas can hear what 's going on around them . they can hear people talking to them . i thought about it when i was with j.r. , and it made me feel a lot better . damon : yeah , glad i could help . colby : so tad said you slept here last night on a gurney ? damon : yeah . i had a little housing issue , but -- no , tad 's been really great . i 'm doing some odd jobs for him . he 's giving me room and board , so , yeah , it 's cool . colby : yeah , it 's cool . damon : look , i 'm really sorry about j.r . i got tested to be a donor , but i was n't a match . [ scene_break ] adam : i 'm sorry , j.r . i let you down , and not because i could n't find you a donor but because i let you believe that you were a disappointment to me . your whole life , though , i never felt that way . i was disappointed with myself , so i laid it on you . your whole family 's out there . they 're fighting for you . that 's how much you mean to them . well , you mean the most to me , and i would do anything if i could just have a chance to prove that to you . please . i 'll do anything . scott : this is n't about her scoring more points with adam . there 's someone dying in there . [ scene_break ] gayle : i feel like such an idiot for getting involved with that man . amanda : welcome to the club . we could make up a secret handshake , but half the women in pine valley would have to learn it . gayle : makes me feel like an even bigger idiot . amanda : do n't . the thing you need to learn about david is he 's an empty shell . it 's like somebody scooped out his soul . he 's just empty , an echo chamber , and so he takes whatever he can from whoever he can . and he 's trying to fill up the inside , but the problem is he 's unfillable . he is a bottomless pit , because david never has enough , and he never gives up . [ scene_break ] ryan : thanks . greenlee : so how 's your influence with erica these days ? ryan : uh , i think erica and i will always be really good friends . greenlee : good enough to get her to drop out of fusion ? ryan : ok , that 's not gon na happen . greenlee : worth a shot . how about persuading her to agree to a truce ? ryan : a truce like you two working together ? greenlee : stranger things have happened . ryan : true . true . like two people starting off feeling one way about each other and then getting closer than they ever thought possible . singer : but i should let go should 've known better david : fancy meeting you here . ryan : yeah . coincidence . david : of course , it is . greenlee : take care of yourself , ryan . ryan : you , too , greenlee . singer : should 've known better than to stay so many times i could 've walked away , walked away greenlee : hey , i left a notepad out on the patio before it got chilly . i 'll be right back . singer : but i could n't let go should 've known should 've known better than to stay so many times i could 've walked away should 've known better should 've known better than to stay some would say you 'd walk away but i could n't let go should 've known better jake : hey . ryan : hey . you just missed the show . jake : no , no , no , i saw everything . i was just hanging back for a couple of minutes , because i did n't think it was a good idea that he sees us together . ryan : nice . nice . i 've been working on a way to get david to spill the name of that coroner he bribed , but it might get dangerous . jake : define `` dangerous . `` ryan : life or death . [ scene_break ] annie : adam , this must be so hard for you . [ phone rings ] annie : oh . hello ? yes , this is she . what ? are you sure ? great . thank you so much . adam , i need to talk to you alone , right now . i have good news . i just found out i 'm a partial match for j.r. just a partial match , but it 's a chance . adam : yeah . annie : it 's a ray of hope for all of us ! [ scene_break ] [ at j.r. 's bedside , a bright light appears as dixie holds her son 's hand ]
at wildwind , david makes a call to gayle just as greenlee comes home from an encounter with erica . greenlee gives david the good news that she may have reached a compromise with erica . jake stops by to see ryan and finds out that gayle is helping them to bring down david . david calls gayle and asks if he can see her to talk to her . tad sits beside j.r. 's hospital bed and regrets that he could n't ' have gotten miguel here to help j.r. angie asks annie if she is going to be j.r. 's bone marrow donor since j.r. is deteriorating fast . david tries to apologize to gayle for his remarks of her , but gayle does n't entirely believe him . david asks where gayle is and she tells him the castle . greenlee brings in a plate of food . david asks greenlee where ryan had had her held . david gets on the computer to find the location of the castle . at the hospital , brooke shows the chandler family the website that she had organized to save j.r. 's life . liza arrives at the hospital and gives marissa the adoption papers that the adoption had gone through . annie tells angie her fears about being a bone marrow donor for j.r. tad gets a call which may be good news for j.r. annie notices the tender moments that brooke and adam are sharing . tad tells adam about the phone call he had received . liza and tad discuss hillary and how that damon reminds tad of himself when he was a boy . opal lays down some ground rules for damon to follow while he is living here . david arrives at the castle and walks into the room previously occupied by gayle . ryan questions david as to what he is doing here . jake brings gayle home to stay with him and amanda . annie goes to visit j.r. in his hospital room .
cara : jake and i broke up years ago , so -- jake : here 's the thing . i do n't think that our relationship or our past has anything to do with them , with cara or tad getting married . agent trumbull : you do n't see this is strange , really ? am i the only one who would n't imagine marrying their brother 's ex - wife ? jake : you do n't know my brother very well , do you ? he 's a unique individual . agent trumbull : i plan to get to know him real well . jake : i gave my blessing . should n't that -- that 's all that really matters . why go digging around in the past ? agent trumbull : you know what ? here 's the problem , all right ? unfortunately for you both , i 'm the one holding the shovel . so when i say `` dig , `` we dig . you dig ? [ scene_break ] griffin : hey . tad : hey . griffin : i need to talk to cara . tad : you just missed her . poor kid . i think her brand - new instant family is starting to feel a little suffocating . is everything ok ? griffin : no . trouble 's on its way , and she lands any minute . tad : `` she `` ? griffin : my mother left a voice mail . tad : your -- oh . as in my brand - new instant mother - in - law - to - be ? griffin : she 's flying in today . tad : it 's ok . i can do this . why not , you know ? it 's not my first rodeo . how do i look ? should i get a tie ? griffin : full body armor might help . tad : that bad ? griffin : you ever been waterboarded ? [ scene_break ] [ shower runs ] madison : ohh . [ shower stops ] scott : oh ! i had no idea you were -- you were back . madison : i just got home . scott : i just -- this is very -- would you mind handing me my clothes there on the bed ? [ scene_break ] ryan : all right . thank you . another no - news phone call from the fbi . greenlee : annie will slip up somewhere . ryan : we were so close , you know ? we almost had her . greenlee : next time . next time . we 'll get emma back . [ doorbell rings ] ryan : what do you want ? david : i got a call from annie . ryan : what ? where is she ? david : i do n't know . she needed money . she sounded desperate . ryan : so where the hell did you send her this time ? david : i 'm not helping her , ryan . i came here to help you . [ scene_break ] kendall : hi ! hi ! ricky : is the coast clear ? kendall : you mean is griffin gone ? yes , he 's gone . come in . ricky : good . whew . i brought some hot chocolate . kendall : aw . thank you . thanks . yes , yes , this is zach 's letter . it is . and before you lecture me and tell me how i need to -- ricky : i do n't lecture . i spiritually advise . and for special people , i deliver tasty hot treats . kendall : hmm . thank you so much . appreciate it . ok . so i found something really weird with the letter . ricky : ok . kendall : yes . ok . here zach calls me `` sweetheart . `` `` sweetheart . `` all right , he never called me that ever . he never used that expression . in fact , i remember him saying once he thought it was condescending , so he would 've never used it . i ca n't believe i did n't notice it earlier . ricky : but you did notice it , kendall . we discussed it . kendall : what are you talking about ? ricky : last night ? do n't you remember ? you told me how you thought that that did n't sound like zach . we talked about it . kendall : no , no , no , we did n't . ricky : as god is my witness . so what do you think it means ? kendall : maybe zach did n't write the letter . [ scene_break ] tad : ok . come on . let 's go . we 'll pick up some flowers or something , maybe some candy . griffin : no . she does n't land for a while . you should let cara and i lay down the groundwork first . tad : groundwork ? griffin , you got to relax . it 's gon na be fine . i can take it from here . you do n't know this , because back in the day , `` charm `` was my middle name . yeah . i 'm sure mama castillo will love me . griffin : do n't call her that . tad : you 're not helping . i 'm serious . just given half a chance , i 'm sure your mother will want me to marry you by the time we get her back home . griffin : listen , tad . i 'm really happy you 're so confident , but my mother is way protective of cara . and the news that she 's marrying jake 's brother is not good news . tad : she does n't like jake ? griffin : she had n't even met him , and she could n't stand him . my mother , old- school catholic . jake and cara were not married in the church . plus , she was n't invited . throw in a divorce ? ugly . tad : then what the hell ? why do n't we bring her on board ? why do n't we just tell her that we 're doing this to protect cara ? griffin : no , it 's not a good idea . even if we were to convince her that it was the right thing to do , she would never make it past the grilling of the immigration agents . she does n't like to lie . tad : ok . then we 're right back where we started . i 'll just have to convince her i 'm the right man for the job . griffin : tad , i 'm worried about cara . she 's taking on a lot here -- stress , pressure . tad : from what i 've seen , cara can handle just about anything . griffin : when cara left jake , she was in a bad state . when her cancer came back , it was a tough fight , a fight she almost lost . tad : so you think the stress caused the relapse ? griffin : stress weakens the immune system . we know that for a fact . and i can not have her get sick again , tad . tad : oh . i understand . griffin : this marriage to cara may be fake , but her illness is very real . if she gets sick in the next three years , you 're gon na have to take care of her . you 're her first line of defense . [ scene_break ] agent trumbull : so did you fall in love with her right away ? it 's a simple question . jake : yeah , i guess i did . agent trumbull : and you ? when did you fall in love with him ? cara : um , i guess it 's -- i did n't know it -- realize it . it was , like , the same time , yeah , i guess . agent trumbull : so it was love at first sight ? cara : i mean , i -- just because i loved him once does n't mean that i do n't love tad today . agent trumbull : humor me , because you do n't have a choice . so tell me about the divorce . when did you stop loving each other ? [ scene_break ] ryan : ok , i want to know everything that annie said . everything . david : as i told you , she needed cash . greenlee : and ? david : i tried to get where she was out of her , but she must 've spooked , because she hung up . [ phone rings ] ryan : yeah ? ryan . hayward ? he 's here with me right now . you were monitoring his phone ? and ? ah . damn it . ok . all right . thank you . they did n't get anything other than the fact that annie was calling from a disposable cell phone . that 's all they could get . how did she want you to get the money to her ? david : we did n't get that far . ryan : why do n't i believe you ? greenlee : there 's an innocent little girl in the middle of this . david : i 'm telling you everything i know . why do you think i came here in the first place ? i 'm trying to help you . ryan : yeah . you were helping annie get money to run in the first place ? greenlee : ryan ? i hate to say it , but i think he 's telling the truth . david : why do n't you listen to your wife , all right ? for what it 's worth , i think annie 's gon na call me back . she sounded pretty desperate for cash . ryan : it 's worth it . yeah . sure . david : all right , look . i made a mistake , ok ? i never should 've helped annie . ryan : yet you did make a mistake , because by giving her money to run in the first place , that 's why my daughter is n't with me right now . greenlee : david , thank you for coming here . you better let us know if you hear something . [ door opens and closes ] greenlee : i know it 's hard to believe him after all that he 's done , and i 'm not saying there is n't some selfish motive behind it , but i think he 's really being honest . ryan : i 'm sorry if i 'm not as trusting as you are . greenlee : maybe annie will call him again . ryan : it 's just that there 's so many maybes . i need something concrete . i need a new lead to follow , because it 's driving me a little bit crazy just sitting around waiting like this . greenlee : i know , and it 's gon na happen . something will happen . but why do n't we get out of here ? like you said , it 's killing you waiting . maybe we can go see kendall , see how she 's feeling after she read that letter from zach . ryan : i wanted to be there for her when she got that letter , when she read that letter . greenlee : maybe it 's not too late . you can be there for her now . [ scene_break ] kendall : i would 've remembered talking to you about this . ricky : i 'm sorry , kendall , but you were tired and obviously a little groggy . you were adamant about telling me that zach would never call you `` sweetheart `` in a letter . you even started thinking that it might be a forgery or a message from zach . kendall : no , i just noticed this whole thing today . and , yes , this might be forgery . ricky : did you take your pain medication ? kendall : my medication is fine . griffin confirmed it . ricky : that 's what he said . kendall : ok . i need to go get me some fresh air . i 'm gon na go get the mail . ricky : ok . why do n't i come with you ? kendall : no . that 's ok . i need to think . i 'll be right back . ricky : `` sweetheart `` ? who the hell would 've thought that zach had a problem with `` sweetheart `` ? [ phone rings ] ricky : hello ? ryan : hey . who 's this ? ricky : it 's ricky torres . ryan : reverend . hi . it 's ryan lavery . i 'm just calling for kendall . is she there ? ricky : she went to put the boys down for a nap , and she fell asleep herself . ryan : oh . ok . good . just tell her i called , ok ? tell her i 'm thinking about her and to give me a call when she gets a chance . ricky : will do . i hope that lead on emma pans out . yeah . yeah . i 'll tell her you called . kendall : that was ryan ? ricky : yeah . kendall : i wanted to talk to him . i want to tell him about the whole zach situation . ricky : ryan said he was in a hurry . he had to follow some lead he had gotten about emma , so i figured i should n't hold him up . but i guess it was n't my call to make . i 'm sorry . why do n't you call him back . kendall : no . no . that 's ok . i do n't want to bother him . he needs to focus on finding emma . i do n't need to add to his problems . ricky : i 'm sure he would n't see it that way . but , hey , i 'm available . kendall : you think i 'm losing it , seeing all these conspiracies in zach 's letter . ricky : i think that you 're too hard on yourself . the fact that you wake up every day , you look after your kids , and you run a business -- that 's amazing . kendall : i 'm not so sure about that . ricky : you suffered a terrible tragedy , you almost died yourself , and yet all you want to do is fight . kendall : i have n't really done anything else . thank you . having you here in my life , it means a lot . ricky : no . thank you . hey . do you remember what you and i were doing before dr. castillo so rudely interrupted us earlier ? kendall : of course . yeah , of course , i remember . ricky : we were talking about that church where you and zach met father clarence , right ? kendall : yes . ricky : that was a special moment . kendall : yeah . ricky : and that church was a special place , right ? kendall : mm - hmm . ricky : maybe it would help if there was somewhere else , someplace that meant a lot to you and zach , a place that you could go to and remember him there . kendall : i 'm sorry . i do n't want to do this right now . honestly , i ca n't stop thinking about this letter and why zach would write something in it that did n't sound anything like him , and then how i ca n't even remember the fact that you and i talked about this last night . ricky : i told you . it 's probably your medication . kendall : no . you know what ? my mind is not right . i am not thinking right . i need to fix this -- now . [ scene_break ] ryan : emma loves coming out here , you know ? we 'd come out , and we 'd just pick out the people down there and use our imagination to make up stories , decide which of them she thinks are magical creatures that are just turned into normal people . we talk about the moon at night , and she talks about what it means to us , how it brought us together . greenlee : when emma looks at the moon , i 'll bet she 's thinking about you , counting the days until she 's back home . [ scene_break ] scott : hazards of opposite - sex cohabitation : get a little tricky . madison : yeah , i know . i used to watch `` three 's company `` reruns . misunderstandings happen all the time . scott : yeah . we 'll make sure we avoid them . right ? madison : yeah . i got to get going , actually . scott : why ? you just got home . madison : to change into flats , but i have an appointment with ob - gyn -- sonogram . scott : really ? i 'm gon na be heading down the hospital . i could probably take a break , check in on you . madison : you do n't have to do that . i 'm an old hand at this . scott : you sure ? madison : yeah , i 'm sure . scott : hey , do me a favor . madison : yeah ? scott : bring back a picture of the little nugget . madison : you bet . [ scene_break ] tad : look , my marriage to cara may not be real , but my respect for her is . she 's gon na be my wife . griffin : it ai n't gon na be easy , tad . tad : nothing worthwhile ever is . griffin : three years is a long time . tad : tell me about it . i 've never been married that long , to be honest . then again , i 've never had to get married to keep somebody from being killed before . griffin : you do know she still has feelings for jake . not only is she going to be working with him , but she 's also going to be playing the part of sister - in- law . can you handle that ? tad : i do n't expect to be able to change her feelings , but i think i can handle it . does she know about you ? griffin : what do you mean ? tad : does she have any idea how lucky she is to have a brother like you ? griffin : i wo n't always be around . once the funding comes from kendall through the miranda center , i 'll be setting up clinics all around the world . tad : so your plans have n't changed ? griffin : it 's part of who i am . tad : saving the world one person at a time is a tough job . but then again , you do rack up the frequent flier miles . griffin : when i leave , i want to make sure i can count on someone , someone who will do whatever they can to keep her safe . tad : i will . i wo n't let you down or cara . griffin : i 'm starting to get that . [ scene_break ] jake : we did n't have a normal life , agent trumbull . we fell in love in a war zone . have you ever been in southern sudan ? agent trumbull : ca n't say i 've had the pleasure . jake : it 's worse than hell . you 're either getting shot at or you 're sewing up somebody who has been shot , and that 's usually a woman or a child that did n't dodge the bullet quick enough . and when you 're not dealing with all of that , you 're trying to dodge microbes like cholera or dysentery , malaria . and people are starving , they 're hungry , and it 's all over . it 's everywhere . agent trumbull : what 's your point ? cara : his point is that we found each other in an unusual place , in a very difficult situation , and that our feelings for each other were as much about maintaining sanity as they were true love . agent trumbull : so what happened ? cara : oh . i grew up . i realized that jake 's a good man , and i was just too young . i married him for the wrong reasons , so i left . i ran away . agent trumbull : kind of hurtful . how 'd you handle that ? jake : i accepted it . agent trumbull : you accepted it ? you did n't go after her ? jake : i just wanted her to be happy . agent trumbull : you did n't fight for her ? jake : you know what i 'm realizing , agent trumbull ? you do n't really know what you 're doing , do you ? you 're just taking anything you can and throwing it at the wall and seeing what sticks . i do n't think cara deserves this , so i think this should stop . this interview is over . now . agent trumbull : this interview 's necessary , doctor . there 's still charges against dr. castillo , not to mention the temporary residency that she 's claiming by marrying your brother . [ phone rings ] jake : look at that . see , dr. castillo and i share a patient . so unless you 're ready to explain to the parents of a young girl who needs their doctor by her bedside , this interview is over . it 's gon na have to happen some other time . agent trumbull : all right . i guess i 'll see you all later . oh . you two be careful . working so closely together , i 'd hate to awaken any of those old feelings . just saying . [ scene_break ] mrs. castillo : excuse me ? i 'm looking for my daughter . she works at the hospital , but she went off duty and they said she likes to come here sometimes . would you know her ? cara castillo . waitress : oh , yes , i do know her , but i have n't seen her -- tad : excuse me . i 'm sorry . are you mother castillo ? mrs. castillo : who are you ? tad : i 'm tad . tad martin , cara 's fiancé . uh , i 'm sorry . i 'm just a little surprised . you 're earlier than we expected . i assumed that cara and griffin were going to pick you up . mrs. castillo : i caught an earlier flight . i took a cab to the hospital . i wanted to surprise my children . tad : this is definitely a surprise , but a pleasure , i assure you . i can see where cara gets her good looks . you 're just as beautiful as she is . uh , please , may i offer you a seat ? uh , can i buy you a drink ? coffee maybe ? i 'm at your service . is there anything that i can do for you ? mrs. castillo : you can tell me why my daughter would choose to marry the brother of her no good ex - husband . [ scene_break ] kendall : ok . you 've got to cut back on the pills you 've got me on . griffin : if there 's side effects , we can adjust . kendall : no , not just adjust . they are screwing with my brain . ok , griffin , i need my mind back . i need to be able to think again . griffin : kendall , we 've been through this . if you 're taking them as prescribed , they should n't be causing you any problems . kendall : ok . it 's either that or i am completely losing my mind . griffin : are those your only two choices ? is this about the letter ? kendall : i thought i realized something new about the letter today , only i had already gone over it with ricky the night before , but i have no memory of it at all . now , i know i need the antirejection drugs for my heart and the antibiotics to help me ward off the infection , but can you please just cut the sleeping pills and the pain medication ? griffin : i ca n't . you need to rest . kendall : please . i ca n't afford to forget anything else , ok , especially when it comes to that letter . griffin : you still think zach was murdered ? kendall : i do n't know . but something he wrote is not right . something -- it does n't make sense . ok . i know this is gon na sound weird , but he called me `` sweetheart . `` all right ? only my mother calls me `` sweetheart . `` zach never , ever did . so maybe it was a message to me , or maybe he did n't write it at all , but i need to figure out what it is , and i have to do it with a clear head . griffin : even if it kills you ? [ scene_break ] diana : so another nice day with widow slater ? ricky : press kendall too hard , and she 's gon na get suspicious , ok ? besides , i need her to open up about that special place without realizing how important it is . but i got to tell you , i never could 've imagined she was gon na be this tough to crack . diana : oh . why do you say that with that smile on your face ? ricky : i do n't know . i like a challenge ? diana : ok . i 'll try to remember that when we 're sitting in prison for stealing her husband 's money and causing his plane to explode . ricky : ok , relax . i had her talking about this special place , a place where zach might 've hid that evidence against us . diana : but ? ricky : but she 's still obsessing over that letter that zach left . diana : i thought you said you fixed that . ricky : so did i . but when i rewrote the incriminating page , apparently i used a word that slater would 've never used . diana : ok . so what are you gon na do about it ? ricky : i 'm making her think that her meds are messing with her head . maybe she 'll let it go . diana : hmm . of course , we could always just put a gun in her mouth and ask her about the special place point - blank . ricky : really ? you do n't think that might be a little messy ? besides , she 's the kind of person -- i do n't think she 'd go down without a fight . diana : i do n't care , and you better not either . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] madison : hello ? emma : hi . it 's emma . madison : emma ? oh , it 's so good to hear your voice . are you ok ? emma : uh - huh . i ca n't talk long . mommy will get angry if she knows i called again . madison : i do n't want you to get in trouble , but i am so glad that you called . emma , where are you ? emma ? emma : i ca n't tell you . madison : listen , sweetie , your daddy can help you , ok ? call your daddy , please . emma ? emma ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : where you going ? ryan : gon na go to the police station . i want to see if the fbi found out anything else about the call that annie made to hayward . greenlee : ryan , they said they would call you if they -- ryan : i know they would . but you know what ? i 'm sitting around . i 'm looking at emma 's empty room . i see her toys , and -- [ phone rings ] ryan : madison ? madison : she called again : emma just now . ryan : she what ? where is she ? did she say ? madison : i asked , but she said she could n't say , and then we got cut off . ryan : did she say anything else ? madison : not much . just that she could n't talk , because her mommy would get upset . but , ryan , i heard a sound in the background . i could swear it was seagulls . she is somewhere near the ocean . ryan : that 's a big `` somewhere , `` but it 's something . thank you . madison : ryan , i begged her to call you . she sounded like she wanted to , so just stay by the phone . because i think if she has the chance , she 'll try to reach you . [ scene_break ] cara : i know it 's not easy having to relive what i put you through . you have every right to still be angry . jake : i think that i finally understand why you left me . cara : do you really ? jake : now you 're marrying my brother . it 's -- cara : you should n't have to go through this . he should n't have to go -- this is -- it 's too much . jake : hey . it 's keeping you safe . amanda : hey . i 've been looking for you . cara : oh , i got to check on that patient . amanda : did i interrupt something ? jake : no , babe , no . we just had to get rid of that agent obnoxious , the immigration officer . amanda : i 'm sorry . jake : no , it 's all right . we all have to stick to the same story . cara will be safe , and we 'll all get through this , and we will get our life back . i promise . [ scene_break ] tad : your daughter is a very unique person , very special . she 's very brave . may i call you `` mom `` ? mrs. castillo : how old are you ? [ tad rolls his eyes ] [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] ryan : hello ? yes , this is he . ok , thanks . thanks very much . fbi . trace on madison 's phone came back the same as all the other ones . annie called from a disposable cell phone . they ca n't trace it . greenlee : she 'll call again . she 'll call someone . ryan : i got to go see madison . [ scene_break ] griffin : you need to stay healthy . i made you a promise , a promise i 've never made to anybody , but you 're making it more and more difficult to keep it . kendall : this is all about you , is n't it ? got make sure your track record stays clean . ca n't afford to lose a patient once you put your neck on the line . griffin : this is n't about me . kendall : no , so you go overboard to make sure i do n't screw things up for you and then ruin your perfect little reputation . griffin : this is n't about me , damn it . i do n't want you to die . cara : excuse me ? hi . i was just wondering if i could talk to my brother for a second ? kendall : he 's all yours . cara : so apparently i just -- griffin : forget it . what 's up ? cara : agent trumbull . that 's what 's up . griffin : what now ? cara : he 's just trying to dissect my relationship with jake . he 's trying to prove that my marriage to tad is just to keep me in the country . kendall : your engagement to tad is a lie ? [ scene_break ] tad : um , how old ? uh , you know what ? do n't let me fool you . i 'm really younger than i look . i 'll tell you a secret . i actually paid to put the gray in . it makes me look a little more distinguished , experienced , mature , ripe . i mean , come on . just because there 's a little snow on the roof -- know what i 'm saying ? i think cara is ok with the age difference . mrs. castillo : is she , now ? tad : yeah . mrs. castillo : and would this be your first marriage , mr. martin ? tad : no . mrs. castillo : how many times have you been married before ? tad : technically ? i mean , to the same woman ? mrs. castillo : children ? tad : i love them . mrs. castillo : do you have any ? tad : well , 4 . mrs. castillo : how does their mother feel about this marriage ? tad : that 's kind of a trick question , see , because none of them actually have the same mother , but they 're great kids . i 'm really proud of them . one of them is a doctor working overseas just like cara did . mrs. castillo : like your brother did ? tad : yes . mrs. castillo : tell me , what did your brother do to destroy his marriage to my daughter ? tad : jake did n't do anything . mrs. castillo : i do n't believe you . any man would be blessed to have my daughter 's heart . your brother did something to crush it . tad : i think what happened was mutual . in any case , it does n't matter because jake is a part of cara 's past . i 'm her future . yo soy el hombre de la futuro que cara ama . [ scene_break ] griffin : we have to make sure no one finds out about this . if the authorities were to find out that cara 's getting married just to keep her here -- kendall : listen . do n't worry . i will keep your secret . i promise you . do n't worry . i will do anything i can to help , anything at all . i could help you . listen , i can help you with the wedding , with the authorities , whatever you need . cara : i appreciate it , really . thank you . you have no idea how much this means to me . kendall : of course . i am gon na miss having you around the house , though . cara : oh , no . we are n't gon na -- kendall : no , you need to live with tad . we all know that . i just kind of liked having you around . cara : i liked it , too . look , you 've come a long way . kendall : oh . i 'm not so sure about that . cara : i 'm gon na go to the house , and i will see you there . then we 're gon na airport it , yeah ? griffin : yeah . cara : again , amazing . thank you . kendall : of course . cara : bye , guys . griffin : thanks a lot . that means a lot to me . kendall : it was the right thing to do . now i need your support . please agree to cut back on my meds , griffin . griffin : kendall , i ca n't agree to that . but you 're an adult . it 's your life . you can do whatever you want , even if it 's against my recommendations . kendall : no , i want more than that . if i ca n't have your approval , then i want your understanding . you saved my life . i do n't take that lightly . griffin : then do n't take unnecessary risks . kendall : i do n't intend to . i do n't , and i want you to at least accept that . i trusted you with my life . i put my life in your hands . i need you to trust me now . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'll be back in a few minutes . i have to check on something . ryan : ok . hey . madison : she sounded fine . ryan : oh , great . did she say anything else ? did you maybe hear anything else in the background other than the seagulls that could give us a clue ? madison : i wish . i hate to see you going through this . i know how much you love her . ryan : we 're gon na find her . we 'll find her for sure . madison : i have no doubt you will . you 're the best , a best dad a kid could ever want . [ scene_break ] david : ok . so why the urgent text to come meet you ? greenlee : i do n't trust you any more than ryan does , and i know you do n't do anything unless there 's something in it for you . so why are you so helpful when it comes to finding emma ? david : i 'm in desperate need of an image overhaul . greenlee : so you can be a doctor again ? you want your medical license back . david : you got it . greenlee : maybe you and i can make a deal . david : i 'm all ears . greenlee : if you can help bring emma home , i swear to you i will do everything i can as owner of this hospital to help you get reinstated here . david : i think we have a deal . [ scene_break ] madison : everyone is working and praying to bring emma home . annie does n't stand a chance against that kind of love . nurse : miss north ? the doctor said she 's going to be a little while still . would you like to wait in her room ? the father 's welcome to wait with you . scott : oh . i 'm the father , and i would love to wait with her . madison : scott , i told you you did n't have to come . scott : yeah , i know , but i wanted to just in case you needed me . hey , ryan . greenlee : hey . were you able to get anything more out of madison ? ryan : no . greenlee : is she ok ? why is she here anyway ? ryan : she 's getting a sonogram . she wants to see her kid . i 'd give anything in the world right now to see mine . [ scene_break ] cara : hello ? tad ? [ door closes ] cara : hi . huh . jake : it 's all right . [ cara sobs as she hugs jake ] [ door closes ] cara : oh , my gosh . mami . uh , what are you doing here ? mrs. castillo : is n't this the one you divorced ? [ scene_break ] kendall : i have to figure out what zach was trying to tell me , and i ca n't do that when those drugs are messing with me . griffin : kendall , i do n't know if zach was trying to tell you something through that letter , but i know he would n't want you risking your health in order to figure it out . kendall : you know what ? you just do not get it at all . griffin : no , i do n't . kendall : have you ever been in love ?
griffin worries that the stress of cara 's fake marriage to tad may cause a relapse in her leukemia so he asks tad to take care of cara in case he is n't in pine valley to protect his sister . griffin also tells tad his mom called to announce she is coming to town and he warns tad that her mother is very overprotective of cara and she is also a devout catholic . tad thinks he can charm cara 's mom bit once he meets her he realizes that griffin was right she is one tough lady . agent trumbull interviews jake and cara about their marriage and all the memories hit cara hard and when she is at tad 's house looking at a picture of jake she begins to cry and jake arrives and holds her just as her mother walks in the door . kendall tells ricky about zach using the word sweetheart in his letter that is a term he never called her because he thought it was condescending . ricky makes kendall think she is forgetting things and needs her medication adjusted .
[ previously_on ] michael : come stay with me tonight and i will prove to you that you have nothing to be afraid of . kendall : and if i do n't ? michael : then i will leave pine valley , and i 'll never bother you again . liza : you 're a letch . tad : you are a phony . liza : tramp . anna : hi , sweetie . is she all right ? is everything ok ? david : she 's perfect , she 's perfect , she 's perfect . [ scene_break ] liza : where did that come from ? tad : seemed like a good idea at the time . liza : why did you do it ? tad : why 'd you let me ? liza : let go of me . tad : ok . let go of me . [ scene_break ] anna : ooh , yes . i 'd forgotten how good it feels to hold a baby . aw . david : i would n't know . you have n't even given me a chance . hey . anna : do n't sulk . we 're bonding . what 's happening with those tests that they ran ? do you know ? david : well , i spoke to dr. tracy , and she 's going to be here soon with the results . anna : oh , i wish she 'd hurry up . hi , sweetie . david : do n't worry . anna : that 's easy for you to say . david : oh , actually , it 's not . this is my little girl . hey . [ knock on door ] david : she has to be ok . yeah , come in . hey ! greenlee : hi . guess my invitation got lost ? anna : oh , greenlee , come here ! greenlee : was someone going to call and tell me that i 'm a new aunt ? anna : yes . david : of course we were . get over here . anna : shh , shh , shh , shh , shh , shh . well , you see , her birthday kind of snuck up on us a little bit . david : yeah , i mean , since she was a premature baby , we wanted to make sure that everything checked out ok , so -- anna : you know , if anything happened , god forbid , we did n't want you to have to go through that -- not after leo , you know ? greenlee : you should n't have done that . [ scene_break ] michael : absolutely . i 'll be in touch . kendall : you did n't have to hang up on my account . michael : i did n't . kendall : i -- uh , if you have business to take care of , i totally understand . michael : i do n't . kendall : am i too late ? michael : actually , you 're just in time . kendall : i 'm -- i 'm usually lousy with deadlines , but i could n't afford to miss this one . michael : well , i was afraid i 'd never see you again . kendall : you were afraid ? i was -- i am scared to death , but there was no way i could let you go . michael : well , do n't be afraid , because you have nothing to fear . [ scene_break ] liza : i ca n't do this . tad : liza , look , i 'm sorry , ok ? i 'm sorry . liza : no , i have an appointment . tad : do n't freak out on me , please ? liza : no , really -- tad : cancel the appointment . come on , stick around . liza : well , i ca n't . you know , it 's my marriage therapist . tad : liza , look , i 'm still your friend , ok ? do n't freak -- do n't -- liza , do n't -- leave . [ scene_break ] man : it 's not just my mother - in - law , doctor . it 's my wife . it 's all women . lysistrata : hmm . they scare you . now , where do you think that fear comes from ? man : they made me feel powerless , pushed around . lysistrata : hmm . liza : you , out ! lysistrata : liza ! you 're early . liza : well , i -- but this really -- it could n't wait . you 're still here ? please , would you come on . i need her . man : is this part of my therapy ? lysistrata : well , next week we 'll talk about how it made you feel . um , just wait for me out in the hall , ok ? you really should pick on someone your own size . liza : yeah , well , this could n't wait . lysistrata : well -- liza : i needed your help . lysistrata : what 's the problem ? liza : i 've trashed my life , again . [ liza sighs ] [ scene_break ] brooke : jamie , listen , i 'll call you as soon as my plane gets in . [ doorbell rings ] brooke : oh , good . oh , hi . great , come on in . you got my message . tad : i got all of them . what the hell is the emergency ? brooke : i 'm flying to d.c . i 've been waiting on this interview with the pentagon and i just got my clearance , so can jamie stay with you ? tad , is that ok ? tad : is what ok ? brooke : can you take jamie ? tad : yeah , sure . where we going ? brooke : hello ? are you in there ? tad : what ? brooke : what is going on ? something is wrong . tad : no , it 's not . brooke : yes , it is . tad : no , it 's not . brooke : yes , it is . tad : no , it 's not . brooke : you look like someone caught you with the hand in the cookie jar . tad : and you look like you got a plane to catch . go on , get out of here . run . brooke : yes , i do , so talk fast . what is going on ? tad : i -- i did something wrong , and i should feel bad about it , but i do n't . brooke : what did you do ? tad : i kissed liza . yeah , and it was n't some just , you know , chaste little peck `` hello , `` either . it was , `` hi , how you doing , let me check your tonsils `` lip wrestling . i do n't know how or why it happened , but it did , and i just do n't know what to do about it . brooke : do what an adult would do . tad : yeah ? what 's that ? brooke : deal with it . tad : oh , gee , i hope you did n't strain yourself coming up with that one . brooke : thank you so much for this . tad : have a safe trip . brooke : i will . tad : jam -- do n't do that . you just do n't materialize on someone . i suppose you heard what we were talking about . jamie : yep . tad : terrific . you remember that conversation we had about women a couple years back ? jamie : yeah . tad : did anything i said make sense ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : you do n't have to protect me . what happened with leo 's made me stronger . anna : oh , greenlee , we were n't trying to shut you out , you know that . greenlee : well , you 'd better not , because whatever you 're going through i want to go through . i -- we 're family , leo 's family , and that 's important to me . david : well , it 's important to us , as well . anna : yeah . anyway , she 's fine now , thanks to her dad 's brilliant surgery . greenlee : could i take a closer look ? david : sure , of course you can . get over there . anna : look . greenlee : aw . my gosh , she 's gorgeous ! anna : she is , is n't she ? she 's lovely . david : yeah , spoken like a true doting mother . anna : oh , like you have n't been bragging up and down the corridors . [ baby cries ] anna : no , no , no . greenlee : aw . anna : no , no . greenlee : those tiny , little fingers . anna : i know . greenlee : she 's like a little doll . anna : she is tiny , but she has the lungs of kelly osbourne . david : hey , hey , hey . greenlee : you said if the baby was a boy you were going to name him after leo . david : and we still did . anna : yeah . [ baby fusses ] anna : shh , shh , shh . greenlee : you 're not afraid that a girl named leo 's going to get teased at school ? anna : well , we made a slight modification . we named her leora . david : right . anna : shh , shh , shh , shh . greenlee : leora ? anna : yeah . david : leora . that 's right . [ leora cries ] anna : shh , shh , shh . greenlee : thank you . thank you for me and for leo . anna : shh . david : aw . greenlee : oh , can i hold her ? she going to be ok ? anna : hey , yeah , she might cry . leora -- [ leora cries ] anna : i want you to meet your very special auntie greens . you got her ? greenlee : i 've got her . i 've got her . anna : hold her head . [ leora cries ] greenlee : aw . aw , sweet girl . david : shh . greenlee : welcome to the world . hi . [ leora cries ] greenlee : aw . she may not like me . [ anna laughs ] greenlee : aw . hi . hi . [ leora cries ] greenlee : i can feel it . leo 's heart and spirit found a new home . aw . [ scene_break ] palmer : where 's kendall ? laurie : mr. cortlandt . palmer : school was out an hour ago and she still has n't brought my son home , she 's not answering her cell phone . i have no idea where kendall and my son have disappeared to . laurie : petey 's right over there . palmer : what 's he doing ? laurie : his homework . palmer : uh - huh . how much did you have to pay him to do that ? laurie : excuse me ? palmer : well , you know , kendall usually has to bribe him to do his homework . laurie : i did n't know that . palmer : uh - huh . laurie : i just sat him down and told him he had to do it . petey : she thinks she 's the boss of me . laurie : i am the boss of you while you 're on my watch . petey : nanny kendall never treats me like this . palmer : and just where is nanny kendall ? petey : beats me . she did n't come to school , so i came here . big mistake . palmer : you mean you walked through this neighborhood all by yourself ? petey : i cabbed it and got collared by the schoolmarm . [ southern accent ] i reckon i 'm all done with my cipherin ' , ma'am . laurie : did you show your work ? palmer : this is inexcusable . petey : [ normal voice ] tell me about it . palmer : kendall shirking her work , leaving a boy to fend all by himself ? what the devil 's gotten into her ? [ scene_break ] singer : there 's nothing like you and i baby this is no ordinary love no ordinary love this is no ordinary love michael : hold that thought . singer : no ordinary love kendall : ok . singer : i keep crying i keep trying for you there 's nothing like you and i baby this is no ordinary love no ordinary love this is no ordinary love no ordinary love kendall : remove these damn things . singer : keep trying for you keep crying for you keep flying for you michael : i have to admit that i have been wanting to do that since the first night we met in aspen . kendall : really ? michael : mm - hmm . kendall : oh , god , that night i was so sure i would never see you again . michael : we could n't let that happen . i have another confession . kendall : ok , only if it 's as romantic as the last one . michael : do you know that i have never pursued a woman as much as i 've gone after you ? kendall : really ? that 's -- that 's hard to imagine . michael : it 's true . i divert most of my energy into work . kendall : oh . ok , so that -- that villa in tuscany , that 's really a monastery where you spend lonely nights reading illustrated manuscripts ? michael : ok , well , i 'm no monk , but -- kendall : yeah , well , if you are , you 're a monk with all the right moves . michael : oh . well , i could not make any wrong moves with you . kendall , i mean , the way -- the way you make love is -- i mean , it 's just like you -- you 're so giving , so open . it 's like you 've been waiting for me . kendall : the way you 've been waiting for me ? michael : so was it worth the wait ? kendall : honestly ? michael : please . be kind . kendall : honestly , honestly , being here with you feels as right as anything has in a really long time . i feel like i belong here . michael : well , now she believes me . kendall : well , i had to be sure . michael : and are you ? kendall : yes . very , very , very sure . [ scene_break ] david : and who is this old guy ? greenlee : that 's leo 's bear from when he was a little boy . david : you 're kidding . greenlee : his name is rupert . he 's been all around the world . anna : oh , he 's so cute . david : oh , man . well , he 's a little the worse for wear and tear , would n't you say ? greenlee : yeah , well , he needs some love . anna : do n't we all . david : look at that . anna : he 's sweet . greenlee : so , what is your baby girl going to be when she grows up ? anna : oh , i do n't know , there 's always the pine valley police academy . david : or premed anywhere she wants to go . anna : there 's no pressure . david : no , not at all . greenlee : yeah , yeah . david : i mean , anything she wants , of course . greenlee : yeah , right . follow your heart , sweet thing , ok ? you do that and nothing can go wrong . i never knew holding a baby could be so -- i do n't want to let her go . anna : aw . someday you 'll hold your own . greenlee : yeah , maybe . maybe sooner than you think . david and anna : what ? anna : what , do you have a new man in your life ? greenlee : yeah , new and sort of intriguing . david : well , when are we going to get to meet this new guy ? greenlee : as soon as i find out who he is . [ scene_break ] jamie : look , you kissed liza . who cares ? tad : you do n't think that 's a problem ? jamie : no . tad : now i am confused because i seem to remember you stoning your mother publicly because she was fooling around with adam . jamie : well , that was before . tad : before what ? jamie : before i realized that things just happen , things you do n't plan . tad : so now all of a sudden you 're ok with it ? jamie : yeah , why not ? you 're not married . tad : yeah , well , sorry , but , you know , liza is . jamie : well , if she wants you and you want her , then i say go for it . tad : my god , it 's genetic . jamie : come on , dad . i mean , if liza and you have a chance at something great , take it . tad : is this the part where you slip me the condom and the car keys and shove me out the door ? jamie : hey , you asked . tad : yeah , well , my bad . next time i 'll just e - mail `` dear aggie . `` and do n't think i ca n't read you like i read her column . jamie : what ? tad : oh , come on , this whole kind of `` if it feels good , do it `` routine . you just wish i 'd go after liza because it 's a great way to stick it to adam . jamie : hey , the thought never crossed my mind , but it 'd be a positive side effect . tad : well , if had n't crossed your mind , then what the hell are you thinking ? this is n't funny . i 'm not laughing . i mean , put yourself in my shoes . what would happen if you were me and -- and liza were laurie ? warm and warmer . that 's exactly what 's going on here , is n't it ? the other night at the fusion party , joni and laurie were fighting . they were fighting over you , were n't they ? jamie : they were n't fighting over me . tad : then what was it about ? jamie : uh , joni was a little bent out of shape because i kissed laurie . tad : laurie 's your brother 's girlfriend . jamie : right , and i kissed her once , and i 'd do it again in a heartbeat . [ scene_break ] lysistrata : liza , crashing someone else 's therapy session is a no - no . liza : yeah , well , this is an emergency . lysistrata : well , you do n't want to wait for adam ? liza : no ! i do n't even want him to know about this . lysistrata : `` this `` what ? liza : i do n't even really feel like i can talk about it . lysistrata : ok . so here , write it down . liza : i ca n't believe i 'm writing this down . mother always told me count to 10 before i did anything , and i did n't even listen . lysistrata : you killed a man ? liza : no ! i -- i kissed a man . i kissed a man , not my husband ! lysistrata : oh . well , that 's nothing to write a greek tragedy about . now , if you kissed your mother -- liza : lysistrata , i -- i have a very long and complicated history with this man . this is not a man that i should 've kissed . lysistrata : mm - hmm . did you go to bed with him ? liza : what ? lysistrata : did you and mr. wrong hit the sheets ? liza : of course not ! lysistrata : why not ? liza : hello ? i 'm married . lysistrata : that did n't keep you out of an extramarital lip lock . liza : i -- i know that that was wrong . that 's why i 'm here . lysistrata : mm - hmm . why , so i could judge you , scold you , slap you on the wrist , and tell you to go and sin no more ? liza : yes . well , no . i do n't know . i -- i guess i just need to find out why i did what i did . lysistrata : ok , well , we 're on your dime . why do you think you kissed him ? liza : i do n't know . lysistrata : who is this irresistible guy you share a long and complicated history with ? liza : i did n't say he was irresistible . lysistrata : stop stalling . answer the question . [ liza sighs ] liza : tad martin . lysistrata : tad martin ? i met him at the fusion party , right ? oh , he is a real cutie pie . liza : yeah , he 's -- i have had a very long history with him that dates all the way back to high school . lysistrata : mm - hmm . liza : we 've always had a connection , you know , some sort of spark , and i thought the spark was gone . i mean -- lysistrata : mm - hmm , well , something rekindled it . any idea what it was ? your problems with your husband , maybe ? liza : maybe . tad and adam are so different . lysistrata : hmm . in what ways ? now , be specific . liza : tad is sweet . lysistrata : mm - hmm . liza : and he 's vulnerable . i mean , he has this funny flip - side sense of humor that kind of keeps you at a distance until he trusts you , and then , you know , when he lets you in -- lysistrata : go on . liza : well , he 's just sort of fun and he 's crazy and wild , and it just makes him unpredictable . which is exciting as a friend -- and as a lover . lysistrata : he sounds wonderful . liza : he is . lysistrata : so , why are n't you married to tad instead of adam ? liza : tad and i -- ahem . lysistrata : stop thinking . feel your way through . liza : tad and i are best friends . lysistrata : tad , not your husband ? liza : tad and i , we have a history . i mean , i talk to him about anything . he 's -- he 's -- lysistrata : your best friend . liza : right . he 's -- he 's been through the best of times and the worst of times with me . lysistrata : `` for better , for worse , for richer , for poorer , in sickness and in health . `` liza : wait , wait a second , those are wedding vows . lysistrata : sounds to me like you 're more married to tad than you are to adam . liza : tad is not a husband . he 's fun and spontaneous . lysistrata : and he knows how to boogie . liza : what ? lysistrata : he leads with hips , lots of eye contact , and what woman with an intact libido could resist that crooked smile ? liza : yeah , well , you know , i could . lysistrata : but you did n't . you lunged for his lips . which makes me wonder , did kissing tad martin have anything to do with me ? liza : what ? lysistrata : you saw tad shaking it up with me on the dance floor . then , after years of being just friends , you plant a wet one on him . whoo , i 'm tired . you connect the dots . [ scene_break ] tad : sit down . you are way , way over the line here . do n't get me wrong , you 're supposed to enjoy kissing a beautiful girl , but this is something -- jamie : laurie 's just not any girl . she and jr have a thing . tad : exactly , and i 'm assuming you knew that when you kissed her ? jamie : yeah . tad : so why 'd you do it ? jamie : i -- she looked so -- she was in a rough place with jr . , and -- dad , come on . tad : no , no , no , no , go on , go on . she looked so what ? jamie : i do n't know , she looked sad , and she opened up to me and , you know , she wanted me to make it feel better , and believe me , i wanted to , but she was there , i was there . next thing i knew , we were kissing , and it 's like nothing we ever planned . it just happened . it 's not a bad thing . tad : it is when she 's your brother 's girlfriend . you got a really sticky situation here . jamie : jr 's -- tad : your brother . your built - in best friend . you do n't want to blow that , do you ? jamie : no . tad : good . that 's a good answer . because he was there first . a long time before girls went from cooties to cuties , your brother was there , and hopefully he always will be . he is family . you do n't risk that . do everybody involved a favor , ok ? do the right thing and just back off of laurie until such time when she and jr decide it 's not working , and they break up . jamie : but what if they do n't break up ? tad : then you back off , and you stay that way . jamie : yeah , just like you backed off liza ? last time i checked , she was still married to adam . [ scene_break ] laurie : mr. cortlandt , do n't be too hard on kendall . i 'm sure she has a really good reason for not picking petey up from school . palmer : this is n't the first time she 's fallen down on the job . laurie : juggling two jobs is n't easy . palmer : i do n't see her juggling either one . laurie : kendall is a really hard worker . palmer : yes , who ca n't live up to her obligations . i realize that starting up a business is a very , very tough task , and , of course , that one 's a handful . laurie : he 's ok -- once he gets what the rules are . palmer : you seem to have a winning way with him . laurie : petey 's a smart kid . palmer : uh - huh , you 're smart , too , getting him to do his homework . you know , with kendall , all he does is read comic books . petey : dad , that is so not true . nanny kendall never lets me read comic books . palmer : oh -- petey : she is always on me to do my homework . palmer : uh - huh , not that i 've seen . petey : dad , please do n't do anything drastic . palmer : son , kendall and i had a deal , and she has n't lived up to her end of it , so the deal is off . petey : dad , no , you ca n't do this to me . laurie : mr. cortlandt , why do n't you wait to hear kendall 's side of the story before you fire her ? palmer : i 'm not going to fire her , no . i 'm going to do much more than that . [ scene_break ] michael : ok , kendall , i 've been honest with you , so now it 's your turn . kendall : ok , i 'll tell you anything you want to know . michael : is it true that you pulled a gun on erica ? kendall : sorry . well , i hate to admit it , but -- oh , my god , is that the right time ? michael : yeah . kendall : petey . i forgot about petey . michael : what ? kendall : petey . i 'm supposed to pick petey up from school today at 3 : 00 . oh , my god , i totally forgot . crap . [ phone rings ] laurie : fusion . this is laurie . kendall : laurie , it 's kendall . laurie : i 've been expecting your call . kendall : laurie , i forgot to pick petey up from school . laurie : that situation has been handled . kendall : so he 's with you ? he 's ok ? laurie : yeah , but i think you 'd better get here asap . kendall : ok , i 'm on my way . bye . oh . man , oh , man . man -- michael , i 'm so sorry , but i have to go . michael : oh , i was hoping you could spend the night . kendall : hmm , oh , so was i . michael : well -- kendall : i messed up , i messed up , and i really -- i got to go take care of it . michael : i 'll let you go this time , but next time i 'm holding you prisoner and there 's no escape . kendall : man , this still does n't seem real . michael : ah , yes , the fairy - tale protection clause . kendall : the what ? michael : oh , you know , if your prince disappears , you can cover your disappointment by pretending it never happened . kendall : yeah , well , takes some of the sting out . michael : what do i have to do to make you understand and believe that i am the real deal , that i am not going anywhere ? kendall : you 're already doing it . michael : good . go . kendall : i 'm going . michael : oh . [ scene_break ] anna : so are you going to tell us about this new man in your life ? greenlee : that i have n't met yet ? anna : yeah . david : wait , are you saying you have a secret admirer ? greenlee : yes , secret and classified . he 's been writing me these sort of poetic , romantic e - mails . it 's like he knows me . anna : you have no idea who he is ? greenlee : no , i do n't . david : are you sure it 's not -- not some kind of a joke ? greenlee : well , if it is , the joke 's on me . i 'm kind of taken with this guy . anna : oh , greenlee . greenlee : no , i know what you 're going to say , and i know what you 're thinking , david . when i got these e - mails , i got the creeps , too . i mean , this guy seems to know me , and i know nothing about him . anna : well , that gives him the upper hand . david : yeah , how do you know he 's not some kind of a loony kazoonie or something ? anna : you have to be extremely careful and -- greenlee : no , i am , i am . i already talked to chris stamp and i tried to get him to id the guy . david : oh , ok , good . well , at least you 're acting smart . greenlee : right , well , he turned me on to this high school computer expert who would n't do it . she did n't want to be a hacker . she was taking the moral high ground . [ leora cries ] anna : shh , shh , shh . david : ok , so where does that leave you now ? greenlee : well , i 've got a call in to another computer geek who said that he may be able to trace the guy . anna : oh , you sure you want to know who this person is ? greenlee : funny -- liza said that i should enjoy the fantasy because my mystery man might not live up to my expectations . what do you guys think ? anna : i do n't know . i think maybe what you told leora . greenlee : follow my heart ? anna : yeah . [ leora coos ] anna : you see ? it 's unanimous . [ scene_break ] liza : this is my therapy session , and you want to make it all about you ? well , you know what ? if you want to have some sort of a fling or relationship with tad martin , you go right ahead , but you know what ? do n't come crying to me when you end up on your own hammock ! lysistrata : breakthrough ! liza : what ? lysistrata : liza , you 're jealous . it 's clear you have residual feelings for tad that you need to explore . liza : you know what ? you need to have your head examined . lysistrata : ha . now who 's making it about me ? we were talking about tad . liza : you know what ? i do n't want to talk about tad anymore . lysistrata : liza , what 's missing from your marriage ? liza : nothing . lysistrata : nothing ? so then what 's this all about ? what have we been working toward ? liza : i do n't know . i do n't know . you know what ? maybe all of this has been one big , huge waste of time ! lysistrata : why are you shutting down ? liza : because , you know , maybe it was that comment that you made about me being jealous . maybe i just do n't want to talk about tad anymore . lysistrata : why not ? what are you afraid of ? liza : i 'm not afraid ! lysistrata : really ? look at yourself , liza . you 're in the grip of a passion you ca n't control over a man who 's not your husband . now , what does that tell you ? liza : oh , i do n't know . lysistrata : does it mean that tad awakens a passion in you that adam ca n't ? does it mean that tad gives you something that adam does n't ? liza : you know what ? yeah , yeah , tad gives me something that adam does n't . are you satisfied ? lysistrata : yes , but you 're not . [ scene_break ] jamie : so i back off laurie , but you can do whatever you want with liza ? tad : i 'm not saying that . jamie : that 's what it sounded like to me . so i have to follow your rules , but you do whatever you want ? tad : james , it 's not about playing by a set of rules . it 's about doing the right thing . jamie : look , i know i crossed the line with laurie , but -- but it happened . i guess i got that from you , huh ? tad : do n't be smart . look , i may not be as clever as you are , but i 've been around a hell of a lot longer , long enough to know that there is a big difference between your feelings for laurie and whatever happened between me and liza . jamie : if you 're going to tell me my feelings for laurie are n't real -- tad : of course they 're real . i 'm not saying they 're not real . this is -- this is something -- jamie : look , i think about her all the time . tad : the way you think about joni ? jamie : yeah , but -- tad : the way you 're going to think about some other girl sooner or later , probably sooner . trust me , james , the world is full of beautiful , amazing women , but you ca n't go around just jumping their bones because it feels good . jamie : dad , come on ! jeez , we feel things for each other . tad : jamie , wait . wait a -- just wait a minute , all right ? i 'm not saying that your feelings for laurie are n't real . i 'm just saying she 's your brother 's girlfriend . end of story . so whether you like it or not , you got to do the right thing , even if i do n't set you a proper example . jamie : so what are you going to do about liza ? tad : touché . we 're not talking about liza . we 're talking about your feelings for laurie . jamie : look , i know my feelings . you want me to do what you say but not what you do . end of story . tad : jamie , come on . jamie : no , no , no , look , i get it . thanks for the great chat . [ scene_break ] laurie : i 've got to go or i 'll be late for my shift at b.j . 's . palmer : you do n't seem to have any trouble handling two jobs at the same time and school . laurie : waiting on tables is n't like running a company . palmer : at least you show up , and i do appreciate you taking care of peter . laurie : it was no problem . palmer : i want to pay you for your time and trouble . laurie : it was no trouble , mr. cortlandt , and i was here anyway . palmer : oh , no , i insist . perhaps we could make this a permanent arrangement , huh ? laurie : well , thank you , but i 've really got to go . palmer : ah . laurie : i finished those memos you left for me . greenlee : hi , palmer . palmer : greenlee . where is kendall ? greenlee : i do n't know . was it my turn to watch her ? palmer : well , i assumed the two of you were out taking meetings . greenlee : no , i was visiting my beautiful baby niece . palmer : well , that blows it . that really tears it , blowing off one job at a time . greenlee : well , what 's the big deal ? palmer : the big deal is that she was to continue looking after peter and , in return , i was going to lease her this building for $ 1 a year . well , she has n't lived up to that agreement , so -- greenlee : whoa , calm down , palmer , before you pop an artery . palmer : how can i calm down when my son might have been kidnapped ? greenlee : well -- palmer : no , that kind of stress i really ca n't tolerate . greenlee : well , why are you laying this on me ? palmer : because you and kendall are in business , but as of now , you 're out of business . i 'm going to kick fusion out of here on its derriere . [ scene_break ] liza : i ca n't believe i said that . lysistrata : but you did . liza : well , i take it back . adam deserves better . he gives me more than tad ever could . lysistrata : for instance ? liza : i have never met anyone who loves his children more than adam does , even though he can sometimes drive his son a little crazy . lysistrata : go on . liza : he 's an incredible businessman , even though he 's a little cutthroat . lysistrata : yes ? liza : he loves me . he loves me . even though he does n't always show me . lysistrata : and do you love him ? liza : yes , of course i do . lysistrata : you answered that kind of fast . liza : well , because i know the answer . lysistrata : are you so sure ? liza : what do i have to do to convince you that i love my husband ? lysistrata : well , for starters , you could stop kissing other guys . liza : well , that was a mistake . does n't mean i do n't love adam . lysistrata : so , are you going to tell him -- about the kiss ? adam : ah , lysistrata . liza , let 's get to work . i want to make our marriage the epic union that i know it can be . [ scene_break ] laurie : jamie , look , i 'm sorry about the whole -- jamie : shh . [ scene_break ] kendall : greenlee . where 's petey ? is he ok ? greenlee : he just left with palmer and he 's fine , no thanks to you . where the hell have you been ? kendall : i , uh -- i was with michael . greenlee : hmm . i hope it was the best sex you ever had because you just cost us our company . [ scene_break ] michael : do n't worry , father . i have everything in position . i 'll deliver as promised . [ scene_break ] david : dr. tracy . do you have my daughter 's test results back ? dr. tracy : uh , yes . david : and everything checked out ok , right ? dr. tracy : dr. hayward , i -- david : just tell me my daughter 's going to be fine . dr. tracy : i 'm afraid i ca n't do that . there is still a serious problem with her heart . [ next_on ] david : there 's something i got to tell you . anna : is it about the baby ? mia : i want you and me to go back to my place . adam : ow ! lysistrata : excellent ! greenlee : i really hope your afternoon of mattress tag with michael was worth it because you just cost us everything we 've worked for .
liza freaks out on tad and takes off . she goes to her lysistrata 's office and interrupts a session . she tells her she kissed another man . lysistrata asks about the history of the relationship and wants to know what she is n't with tad . liza says that her and tad are best friends . lysistrata tells her it sounds like she is more married to tad then adam . jamie overhears tad saying he kissed liza . they have a conversation about woman and what happened between jamie and laurie . tad tells jamie that he should stay away from laurie because she is his brother 's girlfriend . he does n't want him to risk his relationship with jr . anna and david bond with the baby . anna asks him about the tests they ran on the baby . the results are n't back yet . greenlee stops by . they tell her they named the baby leora after leo . greenlee tells them about her mystery man . anna tells her to follow her heart . david talks to the doctor who tells him the test results for the baby show problems . at fusion , palmer shows up and wants to know where kendall and petey are . laurie had been watching petey . palmer is really mad at kendall . laurie sticks up for kendall . palmer says his deal with kendall is off . greenlee returns and palmer tells her that the agreement to lease the building is off . kendall tells michael she could n't let him go . michael and kendall make love . michael asks if kendall pulled a gun on erica . before she can answer , she realizes the time and remembers petey . she races back to fusion . greenlee tells her she just cost them the company .
greenlee : ow ! ow ! ryan ! it 's beautiful . ryan : yeah , i thought you 'd like it . greenlee : have i seen it before ? ryan : well , if you have , you would n't recognize it . it 's all you need to be truly happy . greenlee : that 's goofy . how can a box make you happy ? ryan : it 's what 's inside that counts . greenlee : really ? what 's inside ? ryan : the secret of love . greenlee : the box -- i left the box behind . [ scene_break ] [ race car sounds ] jamie : damn ! maggie : that 'll teach you to cut me off . oh , look , you just hit another oil slick . sorry . jamie : that was a strategic move , all right ? i -- you saw me dodge the 18-wheeler , and -- maggie : that was luck . jamie : oh , shows what you know . that was pure skill . maggie : `` oh , shows what you know . `` you could have used the bypass lane . jamie : oh , look who feels better . so , what was up with that , anyway ? did you have a fight with bianca or something ? maggie : if you 're trying to distract me , forget it . for the record , bianca 's never been better . [ scene_break ] kendall : ahem . jack : hey . kendall : hey . jack : is reggie not with you ? kendall : no , he said he 'd meet us here . jack : ah . kendall : what do you think they 'll do , jack ? jack : before or after alan singer throws the book at us ? kendall : well , what if i just throw myself at him and beg for mercy ? jack : oh , i do n't know , kendall . i think alan 's pretty burnt up about losing that murder trial . i 'll tell you something . if i know alan singer -- and i do -- he 's not going to be happy until all three of us are behind bars . [ scene_break ] edmund : i have to go ahead with the surgery , maria . i 'll never forgive myself if i do n't . [ scene_break ] jack : oh , you bet . i always have a plan . reggie : hey , what 's up ? where 's the firing squad ? jack : oh , they 're making us wait . it makes them feel like they have an edge , you know ? reggie : nobody has an edge on me . i 'm not ashamed for what i did for bianca . and you , too . jack : what you did was against the law . what we all did was against the law and nothing to be proud of . reggie : what i meant was , i 'm ready to step up . but i 'm not about to apologize for what i did . i 'd do it again , if she needed it . kendall : and i feel the same way . jack : yeah . well , that being said , let 's not forget the plan , shall we ? i do all the talking , you two say nothing . and that means no volunteering information . that means no out - of - the - blue revelations , that means no trash talk from you . i want you to realize how serious this situation is . now , do you follow me ? kendall : what are you going to do , jack ? [ scene_break ] [ classical music plays ] lena : `` arise , and say how thou cam 's t here . `` and then miranda says , `` o , wonder ! how many goodly creatures are there here ! how beauteous mankind is ! o , brave new world , that has such people in it . `` bianca : how much do you love that scene ? miranda is so excited when she finds out all -- about all the other people who exist in the world . ow ! did you feel that ? lena : oh ! is it the shakespeare , or the music that 's making her do that ? bianca : this feels so right . lena : i 'm glad you finally got some rest . bianca : no , not just that . i mean , a few days ago , i do n't think i could have imagined this kind of peace . and now , for the first time in i do n't know how long , i feel really and truly happy with my life . [ scene_break ] maggie : yes ! oh , my god , did you see that ? i 'm getting really good at this . you know , you better watch out . jamie : i do n't think this thing works right . so , are you really this mega- focused , or are you ticked off at me ? maggie : why would i be ticked off at you ? jamie : maybe something i said earlier . maggie : oh -- this is what it looks like to get your butt kicked by a girl . jamie : when i mentioned bianca . [ sound of wheels screeching ] maggie : great . now i have a flat . i 'll deal . jamie : so i should just ignore the fact that you were bawling like a baby earlier when we left your apartment ? maggie : oh , that . jamie : yes , that . i 'm passing you . maggie : it was stupid and emotional . bianca 's moving out , you know , when she has the baby . they 're getting a house together . jamie : so you 're going to keep your apartment ? maggie : well , i suppose . i mean , her life is about to do a complete 180 . you know , baby feedings at 2 : 00 a.m. , changing diapers -- all that stuff . i mean , everything 's changing . i 'm just going to miss her . you know ? i 'm -- i 'm going to miss us . jamie : yeah , i get it . it 's just like me and j.r . i still miss him . maggie : well , i guess that 's what life is about , right ? change . jamie : well , for some people . me -- i 'm in college and still live with my mom -- oh , except when i 'm with my dad . oh , look at this ! i still have a nitro boost . oh , you goin ' down , sucker . maggie : lovely . [ sound of acceleration ] maggie : here 's a concept . i need a roommate . jamie : i can ask some of the girls at school . maggie : no , you . yeah , you can live with me . [ sound of acceleration ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : ryan ? ryan ? `` gone for chicken soup and hot chocolate . back in a flash . `` not soon enough , ryan . i need that box . i have to find it . ryan : greenlee ? greenlee ! where 'd you go ? [ scene_break ] alan : oh , good , you 're here . jack : oh , good , you 're here , too . so you ready to deal ? [ jack chuckles ] alan : whoa . jack : yeah , do n't bother . that thing 's been broken for over a year . i keep putting in requests for repair orders , but you know what the red tape 's like here . alan : yes , the wheels of justice do grind . jack : mm - hmm . alan : which brings us to the business at hand . mr. montgomery -- ms. hart , mr. reginald montgomery -- are you represented by counsel ? jack : yes , i represent them both . have a seat . alan : and yourself ? jack : well , despite the old adage of having a fool for a client , yes , alan . alan : ok . there 's not much you do these days that surprises me anymore . since we 're here to discuss potential plea agreements , i need to be sure you each understand the gravity of the charges against you . jack : before you get started here , let 's just have a little reminder . reggie here is a minor . i do n't expect you to be charging him as an adult . alan : as long as we 're handing out reminders , he 's on probation , which compounds the seriousness of all the charges against him . that 's quite a little laundry list . `` possession of a handgun in violation of probation -- a felony . criminal trespass -- a felony . conspiracy -- a felony . hindering the prosecution -- a felony . abuse of a corpse -- a misdemeanor . tampering with evidence -- a misdemeanor . `` how are your math skills , reggie ? reggie : four felonies and two misdemeanors . alan : very good . ms. hart , the charges against you include the previously mentioned four felonies and two misdemeanors . kendall : i understand . alan : i 've barely scratched the surface . in addition , we 'll charge you with perjury , burglary , theft by deception , and intimidation of witnesses -- all felonies . misdemeanor charges are false swearing , two counts of criminal trespass , and the ever popular unsworn falsification to authorities . how are we doing , young mr. montgomery ? reggie : i lost track . alan : i should hope so . as for you , jack -- your role in this primarily involves the theft and planting of the heroin , so let 's start with possession of a controlled substance , which could easily get you 10 years . you know the other charges , all made worse because you 're an officer of the court . which means , upon your felony conviction , you 'll be disbarred . if you and ms. hart were to face trial in a court of law , you 'd easily get 10 to 20 apiece . reggie could spend the rest of his formative years in a juvenile facility with a probation period that would probably end just in time for his mid - life crisis . are we all clear on the gravity of the charges here ? jack : yeah , alan , we 're clear . but before you really get rolling , i think maybe you should hear what i have to say . [ scene_break ] anita : excuse me -- you ! aidan : hello ! anita : how do you know -- aidan : what are you doing here ? anita : you know edmund and maria ? aidan : yeah , i do . anita : oh , my -- aidan : this is n't -- this is not where you work , is it ? anita : well , yes , but that 's not why . anita santos warner . aidan : maria 's younger sister -- i 've heard all about you . anita : i 'm afraid to ask . aidan : no , i 'm -- i 'm aidan devane . anita : oh -- i do n't think this is a good time for you to be in there . in fact , i 'm pretty sure there 'll never be a good time . aidan : hang on . obviously , someone 's forgotten to fill you in on the recent history . but edmund , maria , and i have dealt with the past . anita : does n't change my opinion . aidan : you do n't even know me . anita : i respect marriage , mr. devane . i do n't believe it should be interfered with , ever . you 're the last person they need to deal with right now . aidan : you 're upset . anita : they deserve some peace , so please , just leave . aidan : if that 's what you want . but please do tell edmund i stopped by to see him . oh , and about the other day , when you helped me with that flat tire -- you really were a life saver . anita : it was no big deal . aidan : well , i just -- i just wanted to make sure that you knew . [ scene_break ] maria : did you feel that ? did you feel me kiss you ? and do you feel this ? can you feel me , edmund ? can you feel me ? edmund : maria , try to understand . maria : edmund , it is this . do you understand ? it 's this that i do n't want to risk . i do n't want to risk this on some off - chance that you might get some sensation back in your legs again . it 's when you kiss me , it 's when you hold me , it 's when you touch me , it 's when you -- it 's all of that that i wo n't give up . ok ? i mean , that is what we have . it 's so much . it 's so much more than some people ever get in their whole life . it 's all of that , and this . and i -- it 's enough for me . can it please be enough for you ? [ scene_break ] [ wind blows ] ryan : ooh ! [ greenlee screams ] greenlee : are you giving up on me ? ryan : greenlee ! greenlee , can you hear me ? greenlee : you need this . you can do it . ryan : hey . hey . hi . can you please tell me what the hell you were thinking coming up here ? greenlee : i thought i could do it , ryan . ryan : what ? greenlee : but then i -- i remembered everything . i ca n't go back down there . ryan : no , you 're damn right you ca n't . now , come on . i 'm going to take you back to the cabin . you 're coming with me . greenlee : no , no , ryan , you do n't understand . i have to get it . i need it . ryan : no -- greenlee : i need to get it . ryan : listen to me . the only thing you need is to come back with me and get a blanket and a warm fire . you 're coming -- oh . come on . god -- come on . here we go . i got you . [ scene_break ] jamie : you do n't mean you actually want us to live together , right ? maggie : why not ? jamie : look , maggie , we 're buds , right ? and the sex is great , but we 're not even remotely close to being in love . maggie : god , men are so predictable . yeah , bud . and no , we 're not in love . and yes , the sex is great . but my rent 's about to double , so i need a roommate . jamie : roommate -- why did n't you just say that ? huh . is n't your place kind of cramped ? maggie : yes , but actually , there is a two - bedroom that 's right across the hall and it 's not a lot more money , so that fixes my rent problem . and then it fixes the whole schizoid thing that goes on with you and your parents . jamie : and the schizoid things they do with me . maggie : no curfew . no `` where were you last night ? why did n't you call me ? `` jamie : that is definitely an improvement . maggie : and i can cook . and -- well , we both know that you can really cook . biggest perk -- no commitment outside of roomie rules . i mean , you know , you ca n't have my last egg roll , do n't take the last diet soda . do n't drink out of the milk carton -- you know , all the stuff that separates us from the great apes . jamie : gotcha . the whole opposable thumb thing . maggie : what do you think ? [ knock on door ] jamie : pizza . [ scene_break ] bianca : ah . lena : it 's true what they say . pregnant women really do glow . bianca : well , it 's finally sinking in that everything is going to be ok . i 'm going to have this baby , and she 's going to be healthy and safe and beautiful . lena : just as beautiful as her mother , which is very beautiful . bianca : you know , this little girl -- the only world that she knows is safe and warm inside her mother 's belly , near my heart . she has no idea what 's out there . she has no idea all of the people waiting to welcome her into her new world . just waiting to love her . just like miranda in `` the tempest . `` lena : and does that include erica ? bianca : i hope so , in time . i know it 's going to take my mother a long time to accept this baby . but once she does , i know she 's going to learn to love her . she has to . see ? even the baby agrees . lena : oh , my god . your daughter 's already talking back to you . bianca : she 's going to be here so soon . oh , my god ! we have nothing . lena : what ? we have everything . bianca : no , i -- i mean , i 'm not prepared to bring a baby into this house . just like i was telling maggie -- lena : what ? bianca , where are you going ? bianca : i -- well , i have to go and -- and buy everything -- a stroller , a car seat . they wo n't even let you bring a baby home from the hospital without a car seat . lena : what are you talking about ? bianca : i need -- i need a -- lena : listen -- the baby shower will take care of most of those things . bianca : oh . have you ever been to a baby shower ? nobody buys you anything practical . oh , my god -- this is going to cost a fortune . lena : bianca , what are you saying ? your child has just inherited the cambias industry . you 're the trustee . i doubt that money 's ever going to be a problem . your little girl probably owns some company that makes most of this stuff . bianca : ok , good . let 's just go buy it all , then . lena : ok -- relax . come here . bianca : oh -- lena : it 's a brave new world . sit , and click , and never worry about finding the nearest ladies ' room . bianca : yeah , like every 10 minutes these days . wait a minute -- we 're already online ? lena : uh - huh . baby supplies . bianca : but how did you know -- lena : i just thought you might want to surf the net . bianca : oh , my gosh . babies -- accessories , clothing , furniture . this is amazing . [ scene_break ] jack : the so - called murder of michael cambias turned out to be a simple case of self - defense . that means the crimes you 're trying to charge us with are victimless crimes . unless , of course , you consider the corpse of michael cambias a victim . alan : do n't be disingenuous , montgomery . your victims are the people of this community . justin : what 's going on here ? laws were broken ! a man was killed , alan ! now , somebody 's going to have to pay ! jack : oh , give me a break . you made this personal a long time ago . and because you did n't get your big headlines , you expect us to go down ? justin : you bet . jack : oh , is that right ? well , ok , then , that 's it . you know what ? enjoy the chair . alan : hey . hey , hey , hey -- let 's talk deal . i can offer the following . kendall and reggie plead out to felony conspiracy to obstruct justice . you plead to possession of a controlled substance and obstruction . we drop all the other charges . you each face two to five , which means you 're out in 18 months , max . jack : well , i hope you were n't up all night with that one , because that 's not even a real offer . alan : it 's more than fair . in fact , it 's an offer you would have made yourself when you were in this office . jack : maybe . except for one thing . there are mitigating circumstances . these two were trying to protect their sister and the cousin that they love . bianca had been through so much . they were desperate to save her from any more trauma . alan : get to the counter offer . jack : they 'll plead out to the misdemeanors . probation and community service . justin : no way . no way . alan : i ca n't justify that . justin : no way . jack : well , how the hell do you justify prison time ? justin : to teach a lesson , jack . alan : this is a high - profile case , jack . the world is watching . at least our little corner of the world . i let you guys walk , i send a message that you can get away with anything short of murder . i 'm waiting , counselor . take the offer . jack : all right , mr. singer , let 's try it this way . they plead out to the misdemeanors , probation and community service . and i 'll plead guilty to the felony charges . you get to throw the book at me . kendall : what ? jack : i 'll serve whatever time a judge deems appropriate . reggie : dad , no ! kendall : no , no , jack -- jack , you ca n't do this . jack : and you can appoint my boy , justin , here to the disciplinary board that disbars me . that ought to give him his pound of flesh . but you leave these kids out of it , you understand ? do n't you mess with their future . so what do you say , alan ? when the doctors worked on you , did they find a heart ? alan : in spite of what your former protégé here says , this has nothing to do with personal vendetta or pr , it 's about you paying your debt to society . jack : and i 'm ready to do that , alan . i 'm just appealing to your sense of fair play . look , i can take this . but these two -- do n't ruin their lives . they should n't have to pay so dearly for trying to save a loved one , now , should they ? justin : well , they should have thought about that before they broke the law , jack . [ knock on door ] man : hello , alan . mr. montgomery . jack : peter , glad to see you . peter : you must be the acting da . i 'm peter edgemont . justin : how are you doing ? alan : justin , peter is special assistant to the governor . what brings you here , peter ? peter : the governor has followed this case very closely . he is especially interested now that the truth has come out . and he sent me down here with some recommendations on how to proceed . alan : well , you can assure governor brooks we 've got it handled . the state 's just accepted jackson montgomery 's offer to plead guilty to all charges . [ scene_break ] jamie : what if i want to bring a girl back to the place ? maggie : well , i told you -- you 'll have your own bedroom . jamie : but what if we 're still heading towards the bedroom ? maggie : oh , you -- you 're a tricky one . well -- ok , so you can put a red tie on your door if you want me to steer clear . and i will put a red bra on my door if i have a guy over . jamie : ok , listen -- if you have your bra off already , you better be in that bedroom . maggie : all i 'm saying is that we can work it out . i mean , it 's really not that complicated . jamie : it could be -- if one of us falls in love with the other one . maggie : yeah , that could get messy . but what 's life without taking chances , right ? [ scene_break ] edmund : maria , this is about so much more than whether i can just walk again . the idea of not being able to make love to you -- maria : we can still make love . we can -- i mean , yeah , it 's not going to be exactly what we 're used to . but you 've always been very creative . i know that you 're up for the challenge . edmund : yeah . who 's going to dance with you at maddie 's wedding ? who 's going to walk her down the aisle ? maria : i know -- edmund : listen to me . maria : that this is going to be really hard for you -- edmund : i have no control -- maria : edmund . i know . edmund : no control over my body , honey . i 'm going to be tied up to tubes and bags the rest of my life . listen to me . i 'm stuck here in this bed , ok ? but in my mind -- in my mind , i am walking through our front door . i am sweeping you up into my arms . i 'm taking you upstairs into our bedroom , and we are making love . and we are laughing all night long . and if there 's a surgery that can get me halfway there , i have to do it . maria : but even if it kills you ? edmund : honey , this is killing me . this is killing me . the idea of just being here every day for the rest of my life like this , knowing that there 's something that i could do about this . that 's a slow death . maria : i had a -- i had a -- i had a dream . you told me that you died . it was -- i had -- it was a dream that i had . it was the whole reason that i went up to the cabin that night that you were shot . because i dreamt that i was in the plane like i was before . and i thought i was going to die . but then i heard your voice telling me that it was you that was dead . was n't me , edmund , it was you . edmund : but i did n't -- i 'm not dead . i 'm here . maria : no , but you do n't understand . that -- it scared me so -- i ca n't -- you ca n't leave me . you ca n't leave me . because if you left me , i swear to god , i would die myself . [ scene_break ] aidan : double mocha latte ? you look like you could use one . anita : am i that transparent ? thanks . aidan : you 're welcome . so like i said before , edmund , maria , and i have made our peace , and it would be really great if we can do the same . i mean , two times we 've met now , and two times we 've parted on a rather nasty note . and as three 's my lucky number -- what do you say ? it 's a small price to pay for a cup of coffee . aidan : oops . you know , it 's really great that you 're here for maria . anita : i hope so . she always acts like she 's got it all together . she always did . aidan : she 's been bloody superwoman ever since edmund got shot . you know , but sometimes the caretakers need taking care of . anita : it 's what i do for a living . it 's just tough when it 's the ones that you love and they hurt so much . aidan : yeah , you 're right . i think it 's good that you do what you do . [ scene_break ] greenlee : thanks . ryan : better ? good . now before i kill you , will you tell me what the hell you were thinking going back to that mineshaft again , please ? greenlee : i left something . a box . what if i made it up ? what if it was never real ? ryan : greenlee , i think maybe a couple weeks in a padded cell in oak haven , and you 'll be back to new . greenlee : ryan -- ryan , i have to have that box . it 's important . ryan : you mean this old thing ? peter : alan , everyone knows you have your eye on the attorney general 's office . and frankly , governor brooks would like to see your name on the ballot . alan : and my platform is that i 'm tough on crime . peter : there 's a perception that this office has royally screwed up this case . jack : in other words , you come down on us with both boots , it 's going to look like sour grapes . the public recognizes a scapegoat when they see one . do i have that about right , peter ? peter : the people have spoken , alan . the governor is watching to see if you hear their voice . just consider that when you 're in these negotiations . alan : i get it . peter : good . good man . now , i 've got to get back to the capitol . budget talks -- you know how those go . jack : thanks again , peter . justin : whoa , whoa , whoa -- wait -- wait a minute . alan , what 's going on here ? what are you doing ? you caving in ? listen , if you do n't prosecute these guys , i will . alan : shut up , mccoy . justin : let me tell you something , alan . once you 've headed back to harrisburg , i am the acting da , and i swear that i will prosecute these three people again . peter : you make an interesting point , young man . your last act as special prosecutor -- fire this punk . good day , everybody . jack : good day , peter . justin : he ca n't do that . can he ? whoa , whoa , whoa , wait a minute ! whoa , whoa -- mr. edgemont ! whoa ! alan : plead your clients out to the misdemeanors . i 'll recommend probation and community service . kendall : so what about jack ? alan : jack , too . though , i do n't think i can do anything about the disbarment . jack : no , probably not . alan : better clean out your office , jack . jack : alan . well , that was certainly an adventure , huh , kids ? kendall : you 're amazing . reggie : i love you , dad . [ scene_break ] bianca : this is so cute . i have to get this . one italian yellow knit onesie -- lena : aw . bianca : size zero to three months . in my shopping cart . lena : what , just one ? bianca : oh , you 're absolutely right . it 's way too cute to just toss out when she outgrows it . i 'll get one in the next size , too . this is really fun . maggie has been on my case to get this done for months . window shopping , she calls it . it 's going to be weird not having her around . lena : are you rethinking the house ? bianca : no . lena , does it bother you that i want to live alone ? lena : oh -- no , not at all . bianca : are you sure ? because i do n't want to hurt you or anything . i feel like we 're -- we 're on the road back . and -- and it feels great . but living together right now -- lena : stop -- bianca : i just do n't know if i 'm -- lena : shh . look , we 're dating , and we 're here together . and like you say , we 're on our road back . and i could n't be happier . if i did n't understand your need to have a little space to yourself and a little privacy to bond with your baby , i 'd be a complete jerk . bianca : oh , stop . you 're anything but . lena : look , i 've been very selfish about you before and i 've been insecure about our relationship . but not anymore . i completely understand that your baby is your number one priority right now . and there 'll be plenty of time to think about us when you 're more settled in . bianca : thank you so much , lena . [ scene_break ] jack : ok , ok , ok , you two , listen . we can celebrate later . i got some packing to do . kendall : well , can we help ? jack : no , that 's ok . i 've got it . reggie : and where was greenlee through all this ? she should have been the one squirming in those chairs , but it figures . when things get rough , she 's nowhere to be found . jack : actually , ryan called me this morning . he found greenlee . kendall : ryan ? did -- did he say where they were ? jack : no , not where or when or how , for that matter . just that he found her and she 's safe with him . kendall : i 'd say i 'm surprised , but i 'm not . thank you . thank you for everything , jack . jack : anytime . and you , straight home . stay out of trouble . reggie : you know me . jack : yeah . reggie : hmm . ryan and greenlee ? man , i thought he was on our side . kendall : it just goes to prove my point . i was right . they were in this together all along . now they 're off somewhere living it up . [ scene_break ] ryan : well , a key would be helpful . i mean -- greenlee : well , you know that 's not how these things ever happen . ryan : oh -- well , not to you , greenlee . i mean , there 's only one reason that you would risk going back to that hellhole , and that 's because of a sign from leo . am i right ? [ church bells chime ] greenlee 's voice : you 're telling me if i open this box , everything i 've always wished for -- the thing i 've always wanted , will be mine ? ryan 's voice : it will be yours , greenlee , i promise . greenlee : i have to open it . ryan : greenlee , you 're hanging a lot -- a lot on this , all right ? listen , i am the one guy who understands your whole psychic thing with leo and everything , but , i mean , if you open this box , there 's probably nothing in it . greenlee : shh -- shut up . ryan : there 's probably , like , costume jewelry or something like -- greenlee : shut up and help me open the damn thing . ryan : well , you know what ? that screwdriver -- greenlee : just break the latch , ok , so i can open it . ryan : all right , ok . all right , all right , all right , all right . ugh ! greenlee : oh , my god . i knew it . is n't it fantastic ? ryan : uh - huh . but what 's the punch line , greenlee ? because it 's -- it 's empty . there 's -- there 's nothing in it . greenlee : exactly . but this was your gift to me . you knew how much it mattered to me , and so you saved it when you saved me . ryan : you are a very confusing woman . greenlee : confused , ryan . what i 've been is confused . but suddenly , things seem pretty clear to me . [ scene_break ] maggie : oh -- my bad . bianca : oh . it 's not a problem . maggie : no , i -- i should have knocked . i 'm sorry . bianca : no , you do n't have to knock , maggie . you live here . maggie : well , not for long . hey , where is the landlord 's phone number ? bianca : why ? do n't tell me you 're moving out . maggie : i 'm not moving out . except i am . bianca : maggie , what happened ? maggie : nothing . the apartment across the hall is available , and i really want it bad . oh , here it is . perfect . um -- jamie and i are going to move in together . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm sorry that you lost so much . jack : oh , kendall , we all lost something . kendall : so what do we do now ? jack : we all try to put this sorry mess behind us . kendall : yeah , but your -- your career -- i mean , you love law so much . jack : yeah , and i abused it , kendall . this is the price i pay . kendall : well , it 's our loss . jack : i appreciate that . maybe one day , they 'll allow me to practice again . but i 'm going to have to be a hell of a lot wiser before i do that . [ scene_break ] edmund : it was just a dream , honey . i have no intention of dying . i 'm going to walk , i 'm going to dance , i 'm going to play tennis . maria : you do n't play tennis . edmund : i 'm going to walk , i 'm going to dance . [ maria laughs ] maria : ok . let me just ask you this one thing , then , ok ? let -- wife 's prerogative . please ? ok . there 's no , you know , clock on this decision . so -- you 're feeling better , you 're stronger , you 're about to be released from the hospital any second . will you just come home ? will you just , you know , sleep in our bed , play with the kids ? just live life with me for a little while before you gamble everything that we have ? ok ? i 'm just -- that 's all i 'm asking for . just a -- just a tiny bit of time . please ? edmund , for me , please . [ next_on ] greenlee : why ca n't i have a little happy time with ryan ? greenlee # 2 : because he deserves better . maria : you might be my only hope . bianca : and she 's not here yet . kendall : she said she 'd show up , and she will . bianca : let 's just hope that 's a good thing . erica : i hope i 'm not too late .
greenlee leaves the cabin and goes back to the mineshaft in search of the box which she dreamed was ryan 's secret of love for her . he finds her and brings her back and reveals to her that he rescued the box out of the mineshaft when he rescued her . he does n't know why it 's so important to her . but she does . she says she knows it 's a gift he 's given to her . maria keeps telling edmund she does n't want him risking his life with surgery and believes he can have a quality life even if he can not walk . but he does not want to be paralyzed for life
jonathan : hey , hey , hey , hey . man , i feel great after that last session with dr. robbins . what 's up ? you look white . ryan : a friend , edmund grey -- he 's dead . jonathan : what ? ryan , what happened ? ryan : he was murdered . jonathan : oh , my god . ryan : there 's more . i know who poisoned greenlee . [ scene_break ] greenlee : a few drops of this , truth and consequences . kendall : well , we got the truth juice from david , that was the easy part , but now we have to figure out how to get jonathan to drink it . we have to find some way to get him by himself . the problem is ryan wo n't take his eyes off of jonathan for more than two seconds . greenlee : would you shut up ? kendall : and we have to figure out -- greenlee : i 'm trying to think . kendall : do you understand how dangerous this is ? the stakes are off the chart . greenlee : i know exactly what 's at stake -- my marriage . [ scene_break ] reggie : lily , i 'm sorry i moved your stuff around . i did n't think it was going to bother you any -- anymore . dad , this is n't permanent . is it ? [ knock on door ] aidan : hi . i just wanted to drop by to see how lily 's doing . is she any better ? jack : let 's get clear about one thing . i do n't want you anywhere near my daughter . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] maria : maddie , honey , come on . i know how much you 're hurting . let 's talk about this . please , honey ? [ knock ] maria : maddie ? that went really well , do n't you think ? anita : do n't beat yourself up , maria . she just lost her dad . you know , remember when papa died ? maria : yeah . anita : you know , let me try . i 'll go talk to her . maria : ok . thank you . anita : all right . [ doorbell rings ] maria : oh . i 'll get it . ethan . hi . ethan : i 'm sorry to turn up unannounced . i just -- i wanted to know , is there anything i can do ? maria : no , there 's really only one thing that i want . ethan : i know how hard it must have been for you to confront zach . maria : yeah . come on in . ethan : maria ? i wish there was something that i could have done to have stopped it . maria : well , i do n't understand why you did n't . you let edmund go down there by himself . you knew how much zach and edmund hated each other . why did you let this happen ? [ scene_break ] erica : you son of a bitch . you should have burned in that fire like the devil you are . [ scene_break ] ethan : i 'll never forgive myself . i should n't have let edmund go down to the stables on his own . i 'm very sorry . you know , i think i 'm going to leave you in peace . maria : no , no , no , no . i 'm sorry , really . i 'm sorry . i -- i just try to put all this together , make sense of it . what was zach even doing here ? ethan : well , he said he was coming to save you from your marriage . maria : what ? ethan : i -- look , edmund insisted on confronting zach alone . i think it was -- i think it was a real matter of pride for him . i ca n't tell you how much i regret the decision of letting him go . maria : i 'm the one who thought i knew zach better than anyone . i 'm the idiot here , because he always had his side of his story to sell about everything , and i believed it every time -- about you , ryan , everything . i -- i 'm the one who should have known better and i 'm the one who should have stopped him . and thank god you came forward or he would have gotten away with this , too . ethan : i just ca n't believe how eagerly he took all those charges on . maria : yeah , well , he -- thank god you 're not your father 's son . ethan : yeah . in fact , i bet he 's cursing god for it in jail right now . maria : i do n't know why he treated you so badly , but i do know this -- i know that you 're better off without him . zach : are you here to offer a new beginning ? [ scene_break ] erica : how could you do it ? did you kill edmund over maria ? my god , she 's not worth the price of a motel room much less murder . oh , yeah , that look , this man of mystery , of few words . you do n't fool me . i know who you are . you are so like your brother , michael -- the same dead eyes . the great cambias brothers -- one a rapist , one a murderer . how sad that the only thing you have ever succeeded in is killing . other than that , you 're a complete failure . you offered to help me get revenge on david and the careys . you failed at that . you wanted to steal maria away from her husband , and you failed at that , too , and you said you wanted to save your son . and instead , you killed a man right in front of him . you ca n't even save yourself . you are pathetic . oh , no -- no defense , no explanation , no final words ? zach : you 're as guilty as i am . [ scene_break ] jack : months of progress , aidan , months wiped out in one day . lily has taken a giant step backwards . aidan : i 'm sorry . jack : yeah , i -- you know , i just do n't get it . i mean , you knew that lily had a crush on you . how could you let her see you kissing anita ? aidan : i 'm not about to make excuses , jack . jack : i mean , you had to know what that would do to her , seeing anything like that , especially with her disorder . lily has a hard enough time trusting people , taking that chance with her feelings . how could you be so irresponsible , so damn stupid ? aidan : oh , i 've said the same thing to myself over and over again . if i could go back to the very beginning , i 'd do things differently . jack : well , you ca n't , and the damage is done now , is n't it ? aidan : well , is she still in panic mode ? jack : she 's doing a little better . but she 's still trying to deal with everything -- being slammed by you , being caught in that fire . that fire , aidan , the flames and the embers in that fire with all that red set off every alarm in her head . now she barely talks . and when she does talk , it 's to herself . she ignores reggie and me . aidan : well , listen , if there 's anything i can do -- jack : i think you 've done enough . reggie : j , it 's like we 're not even here . jack : i know . reggie : let 's call erica . i mean , we ca n't get through to her . maybe she can . [ scene_break ] erica : you 're out of your twisted mind . how could i possibly be guilty of anything to do with this tragedy ? zach : you should have let me leave town . i was ready to go , i wanted to go , and you convinced me to stay here , be a father to my son , put him back on the right track . erica : and you did such a bang - up job . zach : none of this would have happened if you 'd stayed out of it and let me go . erica : you 're a big boy . you do exactly what you want . zach : mm - hmm , and here i am . erica : and right where you belong . the lives you 've mangled -- my daughter 's , your son 's . lily could have died because of you . my friend did . and i will do everything in my power to see that you are punished into oblivion . zach : nothing like a worthy project to put the glint back in your eye . do your best , do your worst . it 's fine with me . i 've made my peace . and as for you and the rest of the geniuses in this town , you have no idea what 's headed your way . erica : you 're a lot less scary on that side of the bars . zach : you deserve everything that 's coming , every single one of you . erica : another cambias curse ? zach : i 'm going to make a believer out of even you . you can go . [ scene_break ] ryan : zach slater confessed to everything . he killed edmund , tried to kill me , poisoned greenlee . a one - man crime wave . jonathan : oh , wow . oh , the nightmare 's over . no more fear , no more doubt . we got our man . what ? what 's with that look ? greenlee 's out of danger , i 'm off the hot seat , and , you , you can relax . all those questions you had building up in your head -- gone . whew . oh , too bad i 'm on the wagon . oh , ryan , i 'm -- i 'm sorry about edmund . i 'm -- i did n't mean to be insensitive . ryan : he was my friend . he was my family for a while -- i mean , his wife and his kids . i do n't know how they 're going to get through this . jonathan : i 'm sure it 's -- it 's going to be hard for everyone . it 's just that all this crud 's behind us . what ? what is it ? ryan : i 'm not sure that zach told me the truth . [ scene_break ] kendall : if i were you , i 'd also think long and hard about it . i mean , either way , you 're in a really bad position . greenlee : thanks a lot . kendall : well , if jonathan does drink the potion and starts talking up a storm , then you are going to have to break it to ryan that his brother is a psycho dirtbag . kind of puts a hitch in your whole honeymoon . if jonathan 's innocent but we get busted for dosing him , then you still lose . greenlee : this is your idea of help ? why even bother ? kendall : well , maybe i want to find out who framed me so i wo n't have to listen to your bellyaching anymore . greenlee : i 'll do this myself . go jump in a champagne bath with too - tall . kendall : well , with edmund 's murder and zach walking the plank for it , ethan kind of wanted some alone time . greenlee : not a surprise . kendall : just let me help you with this , ok ? i want to make sure that we 're doing things right . it 's not every day that someone slips their brother - in - law truth serum , and like you said , your marriage is on the line . greenlee : if we get caught , i 'll deal with whatever happens . ryan and i love each other . it 's gotten us through worse , and it 's going to get us through this . the key is to be honest and trustworthy . kendall : right -- you mean after we slip his brother some drugs behind his back ? greenlee : i 'm going to have an honest marriage if it kills me . kendall : i would n't stand next to you in a lightning storm . greenlee : after this little deception is over , i 'm never going to tell ryan another lie . kendall : are we taking bets ? greenlee : ryan wants the truth just as much as i do . he will deal with it , whatever it is . kendall : ok , but he probably wo n't deal very well with how you got it . [ scene_break ] ryan : everything i know about slater screams `` if he did it , he would never admit to it . `` i mean , at the station when he said he was guilty , it was more like he was taking a shot at us . it was n't a confession . jonathan : could n't it be both ? ryan : he had something in his eyes , jonathan . not guilt . it was like he was sitting on something , taunting us . `` the answer is what we deserved . `` that 's what he said . now , what does that mean ? jonathan : did he want to mess with your head ? i do n't know . why do n't you want to believe him ? ryan : i do want to believe it . jonathan : but then there 's you , me , and greenlee . i 've done everything i can to prove to you i did n't drug your wife . now that slater 's confessed , hopefully he 'll cough up some information that proves i 'm innocent . that 's all i want , ryan , is just for us to be good again , and you and greenlee . ryan , i know how much you love your wife . [ scene_break ] greenlee : let me deal with my marriage . we 've got to figure out a way to infuse jonathan with the truth . kendall : how about a shot glass , salt , and a slice of lime ? greenlee : well , we 've definitely got the worm . we just need to make him talk . kendall : yeah . simone : hey . kendall : wow . bowling night ? simone : a date . greenlee : who is it this time , the hell 's angel ? the guy who owns a male spa ? simone : jonathan . both : forget it . [ scene_break ] jonathan : hey , hey . is my tie straight ? ryan : where are you going ? jonathan : out . you should take advantage . you and greenlee could use a night to yourselves . no , it 's too much . look at it . is the tie too much ? ryan : where are you going , jonathan , and who are you going with ? jonathan : i 'm going out to dinner , ryan , with simone . ryan : like hell . jonathan : what 's the big deal ? ryan : you 're not ready . jonathan : oh . ryan , listen . no booze , ok ? no sex , no foul . just a simple night of conversation , dinner , maybe a few laughs , ok ? a normal night . what 's the harm ? ryan : `` what 's the harm ? `` i ca n't let you do this . jonathan : what do you think i 'm going to do , ryan ? `` oh , i hate the dress , hold still . let me pop you one . `` ryan : jonathan , these issues take a lot of time to work through . you just have to be -- jonathan : oh , i hate it when you say that , man ! ryan , i 'm not crazy . [ scene_break ] kendall : he 's crazy . greenlee : he abuses women . simone : not this one . kendall : no . no , no , no . you can not set yourself up as bait . simone : well , it 's too late , ladies . i already did it , and you should have seen me . i was great . i just happened to run into him , whipped out the little sports trivia . works every time . greenlee : you could blow everything . simone : oh , please , i was so totally subtle . he has no clue that i know that he 's a freaky - deak that doped you into la - la land . kendall : wait a minute . you told simone ? great , so why do n't we just take out a billboard ? simone : you know what ? why do n't you give me a little credit ? greenlee trusts me , ok ? i have n't told anyone and i wo n't . my lips will remain sealed . kendall : yeah , well , make sure jonathan stays away from those lips . simone : oh , please . i can handle jonathan . greenlee : you 're not the first woman to think that . save yourself a black eye . stay home . you 're not going out with him . kendall : oh , yes , she is . [ scene_break ] ethan : here . i hear this helps . maria : thanks . ethan : here you go . [ doorbell rings ] ethan : i 'll get that . aidan : is maria in ? ethan : she 's inside . come in . aidan : hey , you . i 'm so sorry . maria : thanks . aidan : oh , ok , ok . maria : thank you . how is maddie ? anita : scared and confused , sad . she needs her mom right now no matter how much she fights it . maria : ok , ok . excuse me . aidan : how you doing ? are you all right ? anita : yeah . i mean , maria and i were just planning an anniversary surprise for edmund . how did this happen ? aidan : yeah , i know . it 's my question , too -- well , one of them anyway . hey , you were with edmund . what did he say to you before he went to the stables ? ethan : he said he was going to deal with zach . i offered to go with him , but he wanted to go on his own . aidan : he said the same thing to me before his rendezvous with zach 's hit man . only i staked it out today for edmund . no one showed . ethan : i 'm not surprised . edmund 's murder 's been all over the press . i mean , this guy has got to at least be out of the state by now . aidan : if he ever really existed . anita : edmund talked to zach 's hit man . they set up a meeting . aidan : look , edmund talked to somebody , but the question is , is this guy legit ? now , i tracked the numbers on bobby 's cell bill . the last number called was to a disposable -- no name and no info . ethan : so our guy is smart enough to cover his tracks , aidan . it does n't mean he does n't exist . aidan : i did n't want to bring this up before , but edmund waved a lot of money in front of bobby . bobby saw the green and probably gave edmund exactly what he wanted . anita : a hit man that was hired by slater ? ethan : hold on a second here . the bloody shooter 's not the point . the point is zach admitted that he hired the hit man . edmund knew that , and now edmund 's dead , so let 's not cause any problems . do n't go around trying to discredit the reputation of a man who put his life on the line , aidan , and lost it . aidan : i know . but , you see , i want answers . ethan : i have all the answers . i saw my father crack edmund over the back of the head with a shovel and kill him in cold blood , and that is all you need to know . [ scene_break ] myrtle : 193 . in my carny days , i used to fill in for old professor yosie when he had had a bottle too many and i used to tell the weight of any dude who had a nickel in his pocket , and i got so darn good at it i was better than he was when he was sober . you are 193 pounds . zach : is that why you 're here , guess my weight ? myrtle : well , i had to be certain of something , you know , when i 'm trying to peg you . i 'm supposed to be a great judge of character , but i do n't know . for some reason , i 'm getting you all wrong . zach : this is no place for you , mrs. fargate . go home . myrtle : i ca n't . the police want my statement . i was at your casino with opal the night you had words with edmund , and i heard you say , `` i 'll get you long before you get me . `` zach : well , if that 's what you heard , you got to tell the truth . myrtle : i will . are you ? [ scene_break ] jack : hi . erica : hi . is lily worse ? is that it ? jack : oh , honey , it 's everything -- edmund , lily , the whole bloody mess . erica : i know . it 's so horrible , i know -- horrible . jack : and lily -- poor lily . erica : she 's still not talking to you ? jack : not a word . but reggie 's convinced that if anybody can get through to her it would be you . erica : well , reggie 's very smart . [ jack chuckles ] erica : you should listen to him more often . jack : come on . reggie : yo , lily , look who 's here . erica : hi , reggie . you know what i 'm thinking ? i 'm thinking it might be easier if it 's just us girls , ok , so why do n't you go on and why do n't you get some dinner ? reggie : yeah . lily likes that new greek place . jack : we 're on it . erica : ok . jack : you -- work your magic . erica : i ca n't think straight when my life 's out of order , either . i work so hard trying to get the noise to go away , i ca n't even concentrate . is that how it is for you , too ? you 've had a real scare , lily , but you 've been so brave . there 's nothing i want more than to make you feel safe and loved , and a hug usually does the trick , but i know you do n't like to be touched . and i know that you do n't understand why people hug -- to show how much you care . and i care about you , lily . i care about you very much . so in my mind , i 'm hugging you . i can see you in my arms . and it 's safe , lily , and quiet . it 's very quiet . can you feel that , lily ? do you understand ? good . now , you just hold on to that and you tell me what happened before the fire . [ scene_break ] jonathan : you know what 's wacked , ryan ? you come in here , you get the room right next door to me , you hold my hand , and you watch my every move . it 's freaking greenlee out . you should be sharing a bed with your wife , not a suite with me . ryan : you know what ? you can spin it however you want , jonathan , but you are absolutely not going . jonathan : yeah , dr. robbins did n't nix it . ryan : he did n't nix it because it did n't come up . jonathan : well , spin it any way you want . ryan , i 'm not going to ditch my social life because you 're overprotective . [ phone rings ] jonathan : hello ? simone : jonathan ? jonathan : you 're not backing out on me , are you ? simone : oh , gosh , no , no . actually , i 'm running a little late at work , and i was hoping that you would n't mind picking me up at fusion . ryan : cancel . cancel the date . just cancel . jonathan : no . not a problem . simone : great . well , then i 'll see you soon . ryan : this is a bad idea , jonathan . please listen to me -- not a good idea . jonathan : ryan , please chill . it 's ok . everything 's going to be fine . i 'll be home before curfew , i promise . [ scene_break ] simone : how easy was that ? greenlee : way too early to get cocky . simone : oh , have a little faith . does this stuff really work ? kendall : well , it 's got david 's seal of approval . simone : really ? kendall : mm - hmm . simone : hmm . maybe i could get some of this stuff to go . greenlee : forget it . simone : what ? think about it . a couple of drops in a guy 's drink . if he says he 's going to call , he actually means it . kendall : maybe we should try a little for personal use . simone : i know . we could get david to come up with a formula that is absorbed through the skin . yeah -- we could put it in after - shave and call it `` truth or dare . `` greenlee : simone ! simone : that 's great . greenlee : eyes forward . simone : all right , all right , fine , brainstorm for later . we will definitely nail that nasty piece of flesh to the wall . [ scene_break ] ryan : single malt , neat . perfect . david : flying solo ? ryan : not in the mood . thank you . david : better not to have any witnesses , right ? ryan : just go away , hayward . david : all right . where is she ? where is that tasty piece of fluff you 're going to snack on tonight , bring upstairs to your hotel room ? ryan : you 're drunk . david : hmm , not quite , but i am working on it . bartender ? ryan : well , go do it somewhere else , please . david : i 'd love to right after we talk about greenlee and how you 're stupid enough to cheat on her . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what if ryan hitches a ride to keep an eye on jonathan ? simone : then we 'll tell him that jonathan and i do not need a chaperone . kendall : i do n't know . ryan can be pretty stubborn . simone : then we 'll ditch him . look , guys , either you trust me to handle this or you do n't . do you want the answers tonight or do n't you ? are we on ? it 's up to you . greenlee : let 's do it . kendall : ok , we trust you . simone : oh , it 's about time . ok , there just is this one little thing , though . ok , i 've worked a lot of my , you know , mumbo jumbo on jonathan when he first came to town . before i pop that big zillion - dollar question , do you mind if i ask him if he ever seriously thought about asking me out ? kendall : are you out of your mind ? what is wrong with you ? greenlee : he 's an abusive pig . why would you care if you ever hooked up ? simone : research and development . look -- he was immune to , like , some of my best moves . i have to know why . i mean , how else am i going to stay on top of my game ? [ scene_break ] anita : what 's with all the questions ? zach confessed . ethan 's an eyewitness . what are you trying to prove ? aidan : i do n't know , but something is off . anita : edmund 's gone , aidan , and my sister 's in hell , and one of the only things that can help her right now is zach behind bars , not more questions and doubt . if she gets justice and a little peace , do n't take that away from her . [ scene_break ] zach : i 'm sure you heard the buzz around town . i killed edmund because i was in love with his wife , i shot ryan because i wanted the cambias fortune , and i poisoned greenlee just because i could . so do n't let this sunny smile fool you , mrs. fargate . i am a cambias . myrtle : i 've heard all the stories , but i trust my eyes . i watched you when you held miranda , and i saw how you looked at her . those were not the eyes of a man who would leave two children fatherless . zach : in your days at the carny you must have met thousands of con men . myrtle : oh . like ants at a picnic . would n't be carny otherwise . zach : i 'm better than all of them . and by the way , you were wrong . i 'm 198 . myrtle : maybe , with your clothes on . [ scene_break ] erica : remember the night we first talked about aidan ? you asked me how many boyfriends i 'd had , and i told you more than seven . you said that you would come to me for advice if you needed it , because i knew how to be a girlfriend . the truth about those more than seven boyfriends ? most of them did n't work out , and it hurt , a lot . so i know how you feel , lily . i really do . it hurts . it 's hard . lily , i know that it may not seem like this to you now , but it does help if you talk about it . so that night before the fire , when -- lily : red . erica : i know . i know that the flames scared you , but -- lily : red , red . erica : no , forget about the fire . lily : red ! erica : when you saw aidan -- lily : red , red . lily : red , red , red , red -- erica : no , it 's all right . lily : red -- erica : honey , it 's ok . we wo n't talk about it any more now . lily : red , red , red , red -- erica : your dad and reggie went to get something to eat . [ lily screams ] erica : oh ! lily : red ! erica : oh , lily ! lily : make it stop ! erica : no , no , let me look at this . lily : make it stop ! red ! erica : ok , ok . lily : red , red ! erica : it 's not that bad . i 'm going to get something to help you . lily : red ! erica : all right . lily : make it stop ! erica : you take this and you cover up the red -- lily : wet red . erica : and i 'll get you a bandage . lily : wet red . wet red . make it stop ! make it stop . wet red , wet red . [ scene_break ] david : i always knew that you were going to screw greenlee over . i told her right to her face . i said , `` he is going to break your heart . `` i just did n't think it was going to be so soon . ryan : just give it a rest . david : come on , let 's stop playing games here . who is she , huh ? tell me . no , obviously , it 's not kendall . she 's greenlee 's wingman on this . ryan : on what ? david : do you ever notice that nothing bonds women more than a cheating husband ? come on , ryan . get it out . where is the lucky lady , huh ? or is it just anyone who leaves the bar last ? ryan : hayward , another word and you 're going to have to unzip your fly to brush your teeth . do you understand ? i 'd like to sit here alone and have a drink in peace and in quiet . david : so you 're not cheating on greenlee ? ryan : no . i -- if i was , genius , would i do it in a place like this where i 'd run into people like you ? david : wait a minute , all right . do you have any other dirty little secrets that you 're trying to hide ? ryan : no , i have no secrets from greenlee , nothing . david : hmm . then who 's that drug for ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : simone ? hello ? simone : hello . you 're right on time . jonathan : you are gorgeous . simone : aw , no , i 'm not . jonathan : yeah , you are . hi . simone : hi . jonathan : hi . are you ready to go ? simone : yeah . however , i 've been a little naughty . i snuck this outrageous bottle of cab from kendall from a buyer that she got , i popped the cork , and then i realized that it 's probably worth a couple hundred bucks . jonathan : tsk , tsk , tsk , tsk . shame on you . simone : i know . jonathan : m . simone : so maybe we could have cocktails here ? jonathan : well , it would be a shame to let it go to waste , would n't it ? simone : i knew you 'd understand . jonathan : i do . [ simone laughs ] simone : here -- a toast . to not wasting a drop . hmm . mmm . what , too oaky ? did i get some cork in there ? jonathan : no . no , no , no , no . it 's fine . um -- hmm . tempting as it is , i 'm -- i 'm not drinking these days . [ scene_break ] zach 's voice : i 've never lied to you . everything you ever asked me , 100 % the truth . worst thing that i ever said to you was that i loved you , and that was n't a lie . that will always be the truth . i did it , did all of it . i 'm guilty of killing edmund grey , guilty of everything . zach 's voice : you 're not my son . zach 's voice : let go of everything cambias , so get out of pine valley before the people that want to hurt you succeed . i 'm going to court to take over and , yeah , i 'll tell them to overturn my father 's will . and after that , all this is going to be mine . [ scene_break ] jack : ok , well , i lost danielle and reggie to some hamburgers , but i got some spanakopita for you and some moussaka for me and some baklava that lily is so fond of . where is lily ? erica : in the bathroom . she cut herself . jack : is she all right ? erica : well , it was just a scratch . but , jack , she 's not all right . the red lily saw , the red that scared her so badly ? jack , i do n't think it was the fire . i think it was blood . i think lily saw edmund 's murder . [ scene_break ] ryan : what are you up to ? david : hey , i 'm just a chemist for hire . go ask your wife and her pal , kendall . ryan : well , they 're not here right now , so i 'm asking you . what kind of drug ? david : i guess they have another sucker in mind . [ scene_break ] simone : well , darn . kendall 's going to stomp me into grape juice for this , and i do n't even get to taste the fruit of my crime . jonathan : no , no , no , no , no . do n't let me stop you , please . simone : oh , well , where 's the fun in that ? i have a rule -- never outdrink my date . jonathan : that 's a good rule . simone : yeah . jonathan : um -- i 've got my own rules , though , and i have to follow them . simone : that 's it , then . unless you can magically recork this bad boy , we have to pour this delectable , perfectly rounded bottle of 1973 cab down the drain , and then i 'll get an earful in the morning . jonathan : you know , one glass wo n't kill me , right ? simone : right , and it might even do you some good . jonathan : to a very beautiful , a very charming -- simone : oh . jonathan : gorgeous dinner date . simone : ai n't that the truth . simone : mmm . [ scene_break ] stay tuned for scenes on the next `` all my children . `` [ next_on ] brooke : why are you sniffing around here , and what do you have planned for my son ? j.r. : there 's still a lot of punishment to go around . and guess what -- it 's beginning right now . [ phone rings ] simone : my cell phone . where did i put that thing ?
after edmund 's death , everybody believes that zach killed him and he has gotten what he 's deserved by confessing . but aiden knows there is something not right . even ethan remembers some odd behaviors in zach that indicated that there 's something going on that he 's not talking about . myrtle goes to visit zach in jail and says she has psychic powers that tell her he did not murder edmund nor do the things he 's accused of doing . erica is able to tell that lily must have witnessed edmund getting murdered and that is why she is shutting down from everybody .
krystal : i 've been there , too , more times than i care to admit with more men than i 'd like to count , and this is not the same . babe : oh , that 's right , i forgot , because j.r. was -- was kidnapped and drugged and then forced to have sex with ms. std . j.r. : i did n't have sex . i did n't take a drink , either . babe : oh , is that why you 're looking so fresh and wonderful ? j.r. : oh , god , would you just tell your daughter to shut up ? babe : do n't you dare tell me to shut up ! j.r. : i was n't , krystal was ! krystal : quiet , quiet , both of you . now , jenny is in the middle of a long nap , and i would like to keep it that way . babe : yeah , and i would like my ex - husband to go five minutes without feeding me a line of crap . j.r. : ugh ! babe : j.r. , you can talk all you want to about -- about kidnappers and -- and all the fantasies you want to . but the bottom line is -- is you lied to me about being richie 's donor to get me in bed , and i will never forgive you for that . [ scene_break ] doctor : before you ask yet again , the answer is when i think it 's safe . richie : you mean me getting out of here ? doctor : i mean you doing anything . look , you 've just undergone a bone marrow transplant , but your recovery could take months . richie : oh , not for this boy . look , doc , i know i will feel great if i could just get out of here . it 's time to start living my life . it 's been on hold for too long . doctor : well , does she factor into that equation ? richie : oh -- oh , yeah . yeah , she 's right in the middle of it . [ scene_break ] jesse : we got to be careful , baby . angie : we have been careful . no one else could know you were here . jesse : we ca n't take that chance . angie : can you hear them down there ? jesse : no . angie : do you -- do you recognize the voice ? jesse : no , no , no . shh . [ scene_break ] robert : you do n't recognize me , do you ? tad : no , i 'm sorry , i do n't . robert : it 's been a long time . my name is robert gardner . tad : `` gardner `` ? robert : i 'm your daddy 's brother , tad . i 'm uncle rob . tad : uncle rob ? robert : if you 'd like some identification -- tad : no , no , it 's all right . i see the family resemblance i remember hearing about you . i know who you are . robert : mm - hmm . may i come in ? tad : uh -- no , i do n't think so . not right now . i 'm afraid i 'm working on a case . robert : i had heard that you were a private eye . tad : that 's right . robert : well , i used to do a little of that sort of work myself . maybe i can help you with your case . tad : huh , i do n't think so . robert : ok . tad : look , uncle rob , you and i do n't know each other from adam , so i hope you do n't take this the -- the wrong way , but even if ray gardner was my father , that 's only because he supplied the dna . that 's all he ever supplied . as far as i 'm concerned , he was a twisted , evil son of a bitch that did nothing but specialize in torturing everybody he ever came in contact with . and i 'm pretty sure i was smiling the day he died . [ scene_break ] angie : maybe it 's someone tad knows . jesse : i still do n't like it . angie : jesse , what do you expect tad to say ? `` my -- my friend who was supposedly dead the last 20 years is hiding upstairs , so could you please go away `` ? i 'm sorry . jesse : no , baby , it 's not you , it 's me . twenty years of having to look over my shoulder -- it 's just become habit . i got to tell you , though , it 's nice to have somebody watching your back . angie : you mean tad ? jesse : you -- and tad and frankie . but mostly you . sometimes it 's hard to believe it 's real . angie : believe it , baby . because it is real . it is real . jesse : thank god . [ scene_break ] robert : look , tad , i -- i know who my brother was , and your opinion of him is shared by many others . tad : including you ? robert : well , you know , ray was my big brother . it 's a little hard to let go of all that , despite of what he did . tad : yeah . thank you for being honest , anyway . robert : i did n't come here to take a trip down memory lane with my brother . i know those are sad memories for everyone . i understand . tad : why did you come here ? robert : you 're the only family i have , tad , biological or otherwise , and i just thought that it was time that we got to know each other . i 'll tell you what -- listen , here -- this -- i 'm going to write down my cell number here . i am staying at the seasons east . that 's just outside town . i 'd like to talk to you . tad : ok . robert : is that `` ok , you 're going to get in touch with me `` or is that just `` ok `` ? tad : it 's `` ok , i 've got a lot of work to finish , `` so -- robert : of course , you do , yes . i 'll let you go . you look good , tad . you look real good . i 'll see you . bye - bye . [ scene_break ] j.r. : ok , babe . you just believe whatever the hell that you want to . babe : i do n't need your permission for that . thank god richie did n't have to depend on you . j.r. : oh , yes , brothers and sisters , let 's praise richie novak ! hallelu -- krystal : what ? what ? what is it ? j.r. : ow , i 'm sick ! krystal : well , sit down . sit down . j.r. : i feel like a truck hit me . babe : or you maybe fell down drunk ? krystal : babe -- babe : oh , did i say something ? j.r. : can you just find richie and go torture him ? babe : do n't think that i would n't -- find him . krystal : all right , look , are you two kids finished ? because i need you both to listen for jenny in case she wakes up , and i 've got some errands to run . j.r. : i can handle it . babe : you -- you ca n't even handle a bowl of soup , j.r. do n't worry , mama , i will handle it . krystal : just do n't kill each other when i 'm gone , all right ? j.r. : why wo n't you just let this go ? babe : because i -- i 'm -- i 'm sick and tired of the ride , j.r. just hoping that you 'll change , and wishing that i could trust you , and then being disappointed all over again . you know , it hurts . j.r. : yeah . i know the feeling . babe : well , what did you expect after all you put us through ? j.r. : nothing , i suppose . i mean , after everything i 've done to you , i should n't expect anything . i guess i 'm just stuck , though . babe : what do you mean ? j.r. : the only person 's opinion that really matters to me -- or that i trust , that i 'm willing to fight for -- is you , babe . what am i supposed to do with that ? [ scene_break ] man : kendall , i 'm sorry . aidan : can we get this freak out of here ? officer : no problem . second officer : and you 've never seen this man before tonight ? kendall : no . officer : you sure you do n't want me to call a doctor ? aidan : actually , that 's not a bad idea , kendall . kendall : no , no , it 's ok . i 'm -- i 'm fine . i 'm -- i 'm fine . officer : we 'll call you if there are any more questions . kendall : thank you . aidan : thanks again . [ door closes ] kendall : um -- i should go get dressed . aidan : i 'll wait outside , all right ? kendall : wait . thank you for coming back . aidan : you 're welcome . i should 've been here , though . i 'm sorry . but it looked like you had him under control . you did a good job . kendall : he was going to rape me . aidan : kendall -- kendall : no , no , he -- he was going to rape me . i knew that 's exactly what he wanted the second he walked in the door , and he was n't going to stop . aidan : hey , hey , you 're fine . kendall : oh , my god . no , i 'm not , i 'm not ! i 'm sorry . ugh -- i 'm sorry , i did n't mean to -- to -- to act like this . aidan : no , you -- kendall , you 're fine , all right ? if you want to cry , you want to scream , you want to hit me , just go ahead . kendall : no , i do n't want to hit you . aidan : that guy obviously wanted something . but he did n't get it . because you stopped him . kendall : i did , did n't i ? whew . i -- i told you about richard fields , right ? aidan : well , your so - called father , yeah . why are you bringing him up now ? kendall : he just popped into my head . aidan : kendall , do n't do it to yourself . kendall : no , he was the man who took my mother and forced her to have sex with him . he raped her , aidan . and i was the result . aidan : kendall , please -- kendall : no , i -- i mean , of course , i did n't believe her . i did n't . i mean , i even tried to be a real daughter to that son of a bitch . he came back to town , and i actually pretended that he was daddy . can you believe that ? until he went after bianca . aidan : the man was stopped , all right ? kendall : yeah , that time . my grandma mona killed him . and that 's what i wanted to do to that man tonight . i wanted to take a knife , and i wanted to stab it in his heart over and over and over again ! i wanted to do it for my mother , and i wanted to do it for my sister , and i wanted to do it for me ! i wanted to kill him ! i wanted to kill him , and i would have killed him . i would have . [ scene_break ] tad : it 's fine , it 's just me . we 're ok . jesse : who -- who was that guy ? tad : good old uncle robert . angie : who ? tad : it was none other than ray gardner 's brother . jesse : i did n't know he had a brother . tad : yeah . jesse : jenny never mentioned him to me . angie : to me , either . tad : yeah , well , i 'm not surprised . my sister and i went to considerable trouble to prune that side of the family tree . angie : well , what did he want ? tad : he 's just passing through pine valley . he wanted to connect with his last living relative . angie : oh . that must 've been fun for you . tad : yeah , it was more like unexpected . jesse : what was he like ? angie : was he anything like that crazy ray gardner ? tad : i do n't know . i -- i mean , he seemed ok enough . even offered to help me with a case because , `` i used to do that kind of thing . `` whatever , it does n't matter . you do n't need to hear about it . neither do i . god , just hearing the name `` gardner `` is bad enough , considering all the beatings he ever threw me , what he did to ruth -- angie : but he was never your real father , tad , joe is , and he always will be . tad : yeah , i know , i know . but it 's -- jesse : how 'd you leave it with him ? tad : i did n't . i mean , he gave me a phone number -- forget it . [ scene_break ] [ noise ] krystal : who 's there ? who are you ? robert : i 'm sorry . i -- i did n't mean to startle you . krystal : you did n't answer my question . i said who the hell are you , mister ? and why were you following me ? robert : oh , i was n't following you . no , actually , i -- i just came out of over there . krystal : you -- you had business with tad ? robert : in a manner of speaking , yes . krystal : either you did or you did n't . robert : well , tad is my nephew . my name is rob , rob gardner . and you are ? krystal : huh -- i -- i 'm krystal . i -- i 'm tad 's wife . hi . robert : well , it 's a pleasure to meet you . [ scene_break ] jesse : so i guess that 's the end of you and good old uncle robert , huh ? tad : well , we can only hope . on the other hand , it 's probably not fair for me to blame him for all the lousy things my father did , but -- angie : you do anyway . tad : yeah . it does n't matter anyway . let 's talk about something important , like who 's still after you after 20 years . jesse : hmm . tad : if you still think john remington is the key to this whole thing , we got our work cut out for us . i mean , all we know is , you know , you took a bullet for him in 1988 , and a year later , he still managed to get shot anyway . that 's a whole lot of dots to connect , so let 's get started . well , i mean , what do we know ? jesse : well , remy -- he 's always played his cards really close to the vest . but when i was tailing him , he was suspected of money laundering . tad : you know , if memory serves , it seems to me a whole lot of people were interested in these particular drug dealers back then . jesse : it makes sense to me that the same people who tried to take me out took him out , too , but why would they wait a whole year to do it ? tad : because -- i do n't know -- maybe they wanted to make sure that he had what they were looking for . i mean , they knew you did n't have it , so they started working on him . or maybe they wanted the heat to die down a little bit , because they did n't want the police to look too deeply into , you know , the connection between the two of you . angie : then why go after jesse ? he had already told him that he did n't know anything . jesse : and they thought i was dead . tad : well , they know you 're alive now . and that you know they definitely want something . so , figure out who they are , we can ask them what they 're interested in . and in the meantime -- [ noise ] krystal : what happened ? is everybody ok ? tad : we 're fine . we 're just really , really happy to see you . what is it ? what 's wrong ? krystal : oh , i just was a little shaken up out there . tad : what do you mean ? krystal : well , i thought somebody was following me , and it turned out it was your uncle rob ? [ scene_break ] robert : the photo album is almost complete . i just need jesse now . [ scene_break ] babe : i have made a fool of myself so many times with you , j.r . j.r. : i know , babe , but this time , it 's on the level . babe : ok , look , you -- you have to admit that your story 's a little out there . i mean , scary guys coming and -- and grabbing you and drugging you ? why would somebody do something like that ? j.r. : i do n't know , i do n't know . but i 'm going to find out with or without you . [ j.r. groans ] babe : do you think that i enjoy being so hard on you ? keeping little a away from his father ? [ j.r. groans ] j.r. : you want him to look up to you . you do n't want to be disappointed . believe me , i know what it 's like to lose respect for your father . babe : i know adam has broken your heart a million times . j.r. : you have n't completely been on the up - and - up , either . babe : what are you talking about ? j.r. : richie novak . babe : oh -- what about him ? j.r. : good question , babe . what about him ? [ babe sighs ] j.r. : or better yet , what about this sleazy ex - con that 's made you put your virtue on the line to save his sorry ass ? babe : my virtue ? j.r. : yeah , your virtue . what is it , strip poker , winner takes all ? only the real winner is good old richie . babe : oh , i think there was a prize -- or two or three -- for you , j.r . j.r. : you know what i mean . babe : ok . look , you know that i made that bet just as much for you as i did for him . j.r. : ye . if i did a good turn for richie , there 'd be a little condo in heaven for me . you know what ? that 's a crock . babe : is this going to be one of those old `` do you like him `` or `` do you have the hots for him `` conversations ? j.r. : why bother ? obviously , there 's something in the air . babe : no , you just refuse to believe that a female human being would do something for a male human being without sex somehow being involved . j.r. : well , that 's been my experience . babe : that 's right , because we all know about your experience , j.r. well , guess what -- the rest of the world does n't operate that way . [ phone rings ] babe : richie ? j.r. : huh . [ scene_break ] aidan : kendall , you need to eat something . come on . kendall : ok , all right . yeah , right . [ aidan chuckles ] aidan : i knew you 'd do that . kendall : so -- were you shocked ? aidan : about what part kendall : oh , the part where i take the knife and i jab it into his heart over and aver again . aidan : oh , that . kendall : i probably would n't have . aidan : you know , do n't be so sure . you know , sometimes , when you feel hurt or you feel threatened , a rage can come over you that is so -- so intense that -- yeah -- you ca n't control it . kendall : spoken like a man who 's been there before . aidan : hmm . a few more times than i 'd like . what can you do ? kendall : god , it 's just -- it 's so hard to understand how men like that are wired . i mean , to want to -- to -- to dominate and to punish . aidan : i do n't understand it , either . you know , there 's no lower form in life than a man that wants to take advantage of a woman . i mean , if you 'd have been holding that knife , i would 've been cheering you on . kendall : hmm . uh - uh . i do n't buy that for a minute . aidan : oh , no ? kendall : no , no . the aidan devane i know would 've taken the knife out of my hand and done the job himself . quick , clean , no mess . aidan : thanks for the vote of confidence . [ kendall chuckles ] kendall : god -- remember last week when all we had to worry about was me being pregnant with your child ? and having my marriage and your relationship blown to bits ? aidan : vaguely . kendall : what about next week ? aidan : what are you saying , that we 're somehow magnets for trouble ? kendall : you tell me . [ aidan sighs ] aidan : look , bad things happen to everybody , right ? i mean , to everybody , and a lot of bad things have been happening to us recently . but there comes a time in everybody 's lives when the bad things stop and good things happen . kendall : well , bring on the good . aidan : do i need to remind you of how great and successful we are ? you run a -- a fantastic cosmetics company , you have two beautiful kids , a great husband , which actually reminds me -- what do you want me to fill him in ? you want me to fill him in on what happened ? kendall : no , no , no . aidan : well , he 's going to find out soon . kendall : ok , but not now . aidan : well , when ? kendall : i do n't know , aidan , ok ? just please not tonight . i mean , god , do you want to talk about dark clouds ? zach and i have been through enough storms together this entire year to last us a lifetime . i just want to give him a little bit of peace until we get home -- if that 's all right with you . aidan : fine . kendall : you mean that ? you 're not going against some bodyguard code you guys made a thousand years ago ? aidan : we 'll let the code slip for tonight , all right ? kendall : thank you . aidan : he 's going to find out soon , though . kendall : i know that . [ kendall sighs ] kendall : it 's funny . aidan : what ? kendall : well , i was just thinking about this movie from way back when . remember it -- `` terms of endearment `` ? remember that ? aidan : uh -- yeah , it 's a chick flick . i mean , i never saw it . kendall : ok . aidan : i never watched that . kendall : yeah , well , um -- shirley maclaine says to jack nicholson , `` whoever thought you 'd turn out to be a good guy ? `` aidan : hmm . it 's actually `` nice guy , `` but then again , hey , i never saw it , so how would i know ? kendall : well , you are a nice guy , aidan . greenlee 's really lucky . i am , too . [ scene_break ] richie : doctor said it all went off without a hitch and that i 'll be back on my feet in no time . babe : did you get to meet your donor ? richie : oh -- yeah . yeah , as a matter of fact , i did . in fact , she 's a sweet little old lady . funny enough , she asked me to meet her daughter but i said , `` nope , no way . i already -- i already found my girl . `` babe : um -- richie , i 'm really happy for you . richie : yeah , and -- and -- and tell j.r . i said thank you again for his offer . babe : actually , you know what ? you can tell him in person . he 's right here . richie : he is ? babe : yeah , i -- i came to help mama watch jenny , and he was at the house . here . j.r. : i do n't want to talk to him . babe : oh , god . j.r. , he wants to thank you -- apparently for nothing but , you know , it would be a nice gesture . here . oh , just take it . j.r. : richie . richie : hey , junior . j.r. : i heard everything worked out for you . that 's great . richie : hey , i just wanted to tell you how grateful i was for your offer . a lot of guys would n't do it under the circumstances . j.r. : what circumstances ? richie : oh , you know , the way i feel about babe . j.r. : oh , yeah . you know , babe and i -- we were just talking about that , how she has such a big heart and , you know , how she 's always taking in people and strays and -- babe : oh , ok . j.r. : yeah , have i ever -- have i ever told you about her cat rex ? babe : give me the phone . j.r. : what was that , bro ? babe : j.r. , give me the phone ! j.r. : no , well , i ca n't -- i ca n't hear you . what ? [ babe sighs ] babe : give it . richie : i 'm right here . j.r. : hello , hello ? hello ? i guess it -- it got disconnected . [ scene_break ] tad : so , you met good old uncle robert , huh ? krystal : well , more like he met me -- kind of gave me the creeps , actually . tad : yeah , well , the gardner clan will do that to you . jesse : ray gardner 's younger brother . tad : hmm . krystal : oh , my god -- tad , i did n't realize . i -- are you ok ? tad : yeah , i 'm fine . i mean , it 's not like he threatened me or anything . it 's just a face i did n't expect to see from a family i 'd just as soon forget . angie : and we immediately thought he was coming after jesse . krystal : well , yeah . i mean , come on , tad -- here in this office ? tad : yeah , i know -- i 'm thinking the same thing . look , the facts there 's not normally that much traffic around here but there is enough , and the truth is that my partner , aidan , is going to come back in a few days anyway . jesse : so , what , are you kicking me out ? tad : you do n't have to put it that way , but we do have to find you a safer place to stay . jesse : well , wherever that is , angie and frankie can not be there . angie : we already discussed this . and leaving , as i told you , is not an option . jesse : and neither is risking anything happening to you or frankie ! i did n't stay away for 20 years for nothing . angie , you 've got to trust me on this . angie : and you 'll never leave me ? jesse : oh . angie : can you promise me that , too ? jesse : absolutely -- you , too . tad : what exactly is that supposed to mean ? jesse : tad , whoever is coming for me knows about you and you . krystal , you got a baby in the house . these people do n't play . i 'm so -- i ca n't believe i brought this on you . tad : there you go again with the guilt . look , if memory serves , if i recall correctly , i was the one that was doing jumping jacks trying to get you to stick around . krystal : and i was the one who told angie to take the train . angie : and it 's the best decision i ever made . tad : we 're trying to say is we love you . and as far as we 're concerned , having you back is a miracle , and we 'll do what we have to , ok , whatever it takes to protect both our families . but we 're sure as hell not letting you go -- not without a fight . [ scene_break ] aidan : if you tell anyone about this , i 'm going to get really mad . kendall : about what ? aidan : you know . kendall : oh -- you mean , that you 're a secret chick flick expert ? aidan : it would ruin my reputation and it would cost tad and me a lot of business . kendall : ok , well , no worries . your -- your secret is safe with me , ms. devane . [ aidan chuckles ] aidan : you watch it , now . kendall : is this what you do with her , too ? greenlee , when she has a meltdown ? because god knows she has plenty of them . aidan : really ? kendall : yeah , quite often actually . do you -- do you change the subject and -- and make her feel better , you know , get her to climb out of whatever dark place she 's in with a -- with a smile or a joke ? or a touch ? anyway -- aidan : yeah , um , you know , i called downstairs and gave the direct orders not to allow any visitors or phone calls unless they came through me . kendall : good , ok . aidan : i 'm going to be just across the hall , all right ? kendall : i know . aidan : so , if you ca n't sleep or want to talk , whatever it is -- kendall : yeah , yeah -- no , i know , i know . thank you . aidan : listen , um , tomorrow you 're going to do great . it 's going to be a wonderful day . you 're going to get to meet all of your fans . kendall : i know -- huh . aidan : good night . kendall : good night . aidan , wait . [ scene_break ] babe : you know , that -- that was awful . j.r. : what ? babe : in the long list of you and awful , that -- that came pretty close to the top 10 . j.r. : oh , what am i supposed to do ? i -- i acknowledged the guy for his appreciation . babe : yeah , and i never had a cat named rex ! j.r. : i was being metaphorical , babe , and you have to admit you have taken in the odd miscreant , animal and human being and , you know , present company absolutely included -- babe : well , thank you for at least acknowledging that much . j.r. : look , i know that i make you crazy sometimes . babe : `` sometimes `` ? j.r. : but you have to know that i love you more than anything in this world , more than anybody ever could . babe : even more than richie novak ? j.r. : ok , now you 're just messing with me . babe : yeah , well , you deserve it after that low - down , dirty trick you just pulled . j.r. : [ southern accent ] yeah , well , you know , i 'm just going to be fighting for my woman . babe : oh , oh -- do n't go southern on me , mister . i can spot a phony from a mile away . j.r. : [ normal voice ] why do n't you just kiss me ? babe : do n't be ridiculous . j.r. : i love you . babe : only when it suits you . j.r. : always . babe : yeah , sure . [ j.r. kisses babe ] babe : what are you trying to prove ? j.r. : nothing ! except , you know , that you 're still in love with me -- too . you 're just too damn stubborn to admit it . babe : ok , you want to know something , smart - ass ? you 're right -- i am . but what has that ever gotten me -- your love , j.r. ? yes , yes , i have -- i have a beautiful son who -- who i adore , who we adore and love more than life itself but -- but what else ? we have great sex -- yeah . yeah , we have that . but do we have respect ? nah . do we have trust ? no , no , i do n't think we do . to you , i -- [ babe sighs ] babe : i will always be the girl who grew up in the trailer park and fell for the boy who lived in a mansion on the clouds . but i am not that girl anymore , j.r. and you are too damn old to be that boy . so when you truly , finally grow up , you give me a call . [ scene_break ] doctor : what 's the matter , richie ? another 50 , 60 years of life is n't enough for you ? richie : you know something , doc ? you 're really starting to piss me off . and people who do that -- well , they do n't turn out so well , and if that statement confuses you at all , why do n't you pick up the phone and call the penitentiary and ask about the prison shrink -- by the name of chambers ? he died tragically . am i making my point with you ? [ scene_break ] tad : we scared each other half to death . krystal : not me ! angie : i 'm not scared . jesse : oh , yeah , miss `` i 'm not scared `` -- you , too . krystal : ok , well , what happens now ? tad : well , the three of us were trying to connect the dots focusing on this guy john remington that was killed -- at least that 's who jesse thinks we should focus on . angie : look , john 's -- john 's mother -- jesse : what about her ? angie : well , he -- he used to talk about her a lot . you know , i -- i think that she lives in the area . tad : might be a place to start . jesse : well , let 's do this . let 's get out there ! tad : `` let 's `` ? oh , sure . let 's do this , and after we get done doing it , i 'll line up all the -- the interviews with all the magazines and tv shows , because god knows we 'll get a lot of mileage off the guy that came back from the dead . jesse : you need your own sitcom , tad , you 're so funny . tad : why do n't you just rent yourself your own billboard ? angie : all right , look , i 'll talk to her . jesse : uh -- hello ? what ? angie : we 're all in this together . tad : yes , we are . jesse : oh . angie : come on , baby . i 'll -- look , i 'll be careful . jesse : oh , this is so out of control ! angie : i 'll be fine . tad : and i 'll be right behind her . [ scene_break ] aidan : what should i do ? kendall : i do n't know . it just -- it just did n't feel right , you leaving . aidan : hmm . yeah . kendall : what am i doing ? aidan : you 're just -- you 're just being human , that 's all . and i feel like i -- i feel like i should stay -- but on the couch . what do you think ? kendall : i -- i think -- i think that that would be a good idea . aidan : ok . kendall : yeah . aidan : but on the couch ? kendall : on the couch , yeah . kendall : um -- aidan , i -- aidan : kendall , what -- whatever you want , all right ? kendall : i want my family . kendall : whew . [ phone rings ] rachael : hello ? kendall : rachael . rachael : hey , kendall . how 's the big book tour going ? kendall : uh -- it 's fine , rachael . uh -- yeah , it 's -- it 's going fine . uh -- can i talk to zach ? rachael : you know , he 's out . he 's at the casino tonight . kendall : oh . ok . well , i 'll -- i 'll just talk to him later . [ spike fusses ] kendall : i hear spike ! is ian up , too ? rachael : no -- just the spike man . we were finishing `` the lonely moose , `` and he just nodded out . kendall : oh , yeah , of course . the phone probably woke him up . what a great thing to have to worry about . can i say hi ? rachael : sure . hey , go for it . kendall : hey , spikey . it 's mom . you know what ? we have n't spoken on the phone for a really long time . i miss you so much , honey . i miss you , i miss your brother . i love you so much . [ next_on ] adam ( to samuel ) : i know that you 're getting ready to run for the senate . i 'd like to help you . amanda ( to annie ) : did you get some last night ? greenlee : come on , annie , let 's hear it . who , when , and where ? ryan ( to kendall ) : no , i got to talk to you , ok ? i -- i 'm beginning to remember .
kendall tells her attacker to come and get her . when he gets close to her , she sprays pepper spray into his eyes . aidan comes in and hits him in the stomach twice . kendall exclaims that she had gotten him . after the man is arrested , the police woman wants to call a doctor but kendall refuses . krystal and babe argue over whether or not j.r. is drunk . babe believes that he is and slept with another woman , but krystal takes j.r. 's side . j.r. insists he did n't sleep with anyone and did not fall off the wagon again . the doctor notices babe 's pic on the table and asks if she figures into the equation . richie lets him know that she does . richie admonishes his doctor to cooperate with him or suffer the same fate as the prison psychiatrist who had an unfortunate accident . jesse and angie hide upstairs while tad answers the door and finds his uncle , robert gardner , there . robert wants to come in , but tad refuses . robert gives him his address and telephone number so tad can call him . krystal , babe and j.r. argue over where he was and how he lied to her . krystal leaves j.r. and babe alone with jenny . babe still does n't believe his story and , furthermore , does n't trust him anymore . someone watches krystal from the bushes . krystal bumps into robert and demands to know who he is and why he is following her . robert introduces himself and tells her that he had been to see tad . krystal introduces herself as tad 's wife . after krystal leaves , robert mumbles to himself that all the pieces will fall into place when he has jesse . kendall and aidan have dinner together . aidan mentions telling zach about the attacker , but kendall refuses until they get back . babe talks to richie on the phone . babe insists that j.r. talk to him . on the phone , j.r. acts as though they have a bad connection and soon hangs up . aidan starts to leave , but kendall urges him to stay . aidan lets her know that he will sleep on the couch . kendall then tells aidan that she wants her family . she calls and rachael answers the phone and says that zach went to the casino . kendall says a few words to spike before she hangs up .
kendall : where is she ? guard : wait , lady , you ca n't just come barreling in here . kendall : where is reese ? security guard : let 's go outside and we 'll talk about it , ok ? reese : it 's all right . security guard : mr. chandler gave me strict instructions to not let -- reese : it 's all right . you can go . look , i 'm sorry . adam has -- kendall : i do n't give a damn about adam . i want to know what the hell you were doing outside our window watching zach and me . it 's bad enough you 've broken my sister 's heart and tried to steal my husband , but if you think you 're going to stalk us , you 're going to need a lot more than that security guard to keep me from wringing your scrawny little neck . [ scene_break ] opal : it 's for greenlee 's memorial service tomorrow . jackson asked me to help get the place ready . zach : who 's coming ? opal : just about everybody we can think of . zach : everybody but ryan . [ scene_break ] ryan : i am not interested in any memorial service . jackson : actually , ryan , it 's more of a celebration of greenlee 's life . everyone who knew and loved her is going to be there , and we 'd like you to be there . i wish you would reconsider . ryan : no . jackson : do n't you think greenlee would want you there ? ryan : no , i do n't think greenlee would want me there . i think greenlee would want me there if she was going to be there herself . i 'm not going , jack . i 've got nothing to celebrate . [ scene_break ] minister : i now pronounce you husband and wife . david : now you 're mine . thank you both for coming . i 'll show you out . are you all right ? krystal : i 'm just chilly . [ scene_break ] adam : good god , look at you . j.r. : i do n't have to . i 'm living me . adam : you call this living ? j.r. : no , i call this drinking . and you 're interrupting me . so go away . adam : you actually miss that little slut , do n't you ? j.r. : no , dad , you 're wrong again . amanda was just a distraction , something to take my mind off of babe . i found out it was n't real . it was all just a lie . [ scene_break ] amanda : i 'm spotting . oh , my god , the baby . jake : ok , listen to me . let 's get you to the hospital , ok ? just to check everything out . tad : yeah , i 'll bring the car around . amanda : no -- no , i do n't want to go . jake : well , it 's just safer to , you know , check these things . amanda : no . no hospital . i wo n't go . i wo n't lose this baby . i ca n't lose this baby . jake : most of the time when people spot , it 's nothing to worry about . that 's probably the case right now , ok ? amanda : i really do n't want to go to the hospital . tad : ok , amanda , come on . you 've been through a lot of stress lately , sweetheart . i mean , moving into the mansion , moving out of the mansion , all the stuff with j.r . i 'm sure that that stress has got to have something to do with it . jake : what he 's saying is exactly -- it 's exactly right . it 's just better to be safe than sorry . look , i 'll get you to the hospital . i 'll get you in and out in no time . you wo n't see anybody . we 'll be back here in a couple of hours . ok ? amanda : i guess you 're right . i 'm being silly . you can go ahead and get the car . tad : that 's my girl . i 'll make sure that somebody is sent here to check on the kids . jake : i know you 're worried about seeing david , but guess what ? today is his wedding day , so -- [ scene_break ] david : i get the feeling these are n't tears of joy . i know this was n't the ideal wedding , with your friends and family here . krystal : it 's not that . i know that was n't possible . david : ok , then what is it ? this place ? the chill ? second thoughts , maybe ? krystal : no , no . i know this was the right thing to do at the right time . it 's just what you said just now about me being all yours . i mean , it just made me feel like something that was bought and sold . you know , a possession . instead of an engagement and a wedding , i felt like i was a negotiation won , a deal closed , complete with a lawyer and a stack of paperwork . david : come on , come on . i mean , those are just irrational fears . all sorts of emotions coming at you from all different places all at once . did you not want to do this ? are n't you the one that urged us into it ? krystal : yes . david : ok . well , now we 're finally one . you are the only person in my life right now . listen to me . what i said that upset you , that you 're all mine ? that was only half of it , because i am all yours , too . all right ? [ scene_break ] adam : if she means nothing to you , then why climb back in the bottle ? why throw it all away ? j.r. : i 'm not throwing anything away , dad . i 'm just giving my mind a little break . it 's been overworked lately . adam : you 're a self - pitying fool , j.r . j.r. : well , i love you , too , dad . adam : you 're going to have to come back to reality one of these days . j.r. : well , you 're rich . why do n't you pay someone to face reality for me ? [ phone ringing ] j.r. : hello ? tad : j.r. ? j.r. : speaking . tad : listen , it 's me . amanda 's just been taken to the e.r . they 're checking her , and she may be miscarrying . j.r. : uh , sorry . it 's too late . i 'm not going . tad : well , you 're obviously in no condition to drive . so why do n't you have some coffee and get a cab ? j.r. : i 'm sorry . it looks like amanda might be losing the baby . adam : so i guess you want to run over there and hold her hand and tell her you 're sorry . j.r. : no , dad . i want to do exactly what you do . i 'm going to ignore her . i 'm going to ignore everything she 's going through . good riddance to that bitch and the bastard she 's carrying . [ scene_break ] amanda : did you reach j.r. ? is he coming ? tad : not yet , but i 'll find him . jake : ok , do you want to get going ? angie : hey , hey . come here . i want you to stay out of this . let someone else treat her . frankie : she 's scared to death . she needs her friends , people she can trust . angie : you are knee - deep in this . now , you broke a dozen rules to help her . you know what ? if david finds out that you hid the truth about the baby 's paternity , i do n't -- i want -- listen to me . i want you to keep your distance . now , you can be her friend , but you let someone else help her . he 's going to find out she 's here sooner or later , and the further away that you are , the better . frankie : yeah , this is franklin hubbard . i need an ob / gyn in the e.r . , stat . yeah . jake : hey , hey . so there 's no sign of hayward , right ? frankie : no . jake : ok , good . angie : i want you to remember what i said . [ scene_break ] opal : yeah , so jackson said he was going to , you know , try to change ryan 's mind . how did you know he did n't want to come ? zach : just a gut feeling . he just ca n't accept that she 's gone , i guess , right ? opal : why do n't you talk to him ? you two are so close . zach : me and ryan ? no , that 's wishful thinking on kendall 's and greenlee 's part . opal : not just kendall and greenlee . i always thought that the two of you were kind of like kindred spirits . zach : no , far from it . he stepped over the line , and now i do n't think he can get back from it . opal : well , you know , people say and do things in grief that they do n't necessarily mean . ryan did just lose the woman he loved . zach : we all lost greenlee . but he blames me for it and i accept that . but i do n't think there 's going to be any reconciliation . it does n't work that way . opal : stubborn , simple - headed jackasses . men . zach : you 're not wrong . but it 's not something i can change , either . opal : yeah , well , the celebration is tomorrow . so i 'll expect you to be there , at least . [ scene_break ] jackson : ryan , so much of greenlee 's life was about you . i think you 're going to regret it if you do n't go . ryan : if i went to this celebration , then that would be the same as me saying goodbye to her . and i ca n't do that , jack . you see , every morning i wake up and i expect to see her lying there beside me . i think that maybe this whole thing has been a bit of a mistake , that she found her way home . and just for one second , i actually feel her there before it all comes crashing down . so if i went to this and i heard everybody talk about her in the past tense , then i would lose even those . and i really do n't want to lose those . and this may sound crazy , or it may sound like it 's a really lame excuse or something , but it 's the truth . jackson : actually , it does n't sound crazy at all . ryan , my thought was that if we could all get together , talk about her , remember her , that we could have some of those moments , the moments you were talking about , back , even if just for one day . ryan : i really hope that it works for you . but i am just not ready yet . [ scene_break ] reese : i was not stalking you . when i saw you and zach together , i felt horrible , i felt ashamed , and i did not mean to intrude . kendall : then what were you doing there ? reese : i do n't know . kendall : you do n't know . well , i do . you came to try to make another grab for my husband . reese : i do n't want your husband . and i 'm getting real sick and tired of hearing you accuse me of that . kendall : right , right . you 've never had any feelings for him . reese : no , i did . i felt close to him . i was drawn to him . but the kiss was a mistake . kendall : you ca n't just ruin peoples ' lives and then go , `` oops , mistake . `` you 've already hurt my sister and drove her away . you are not coming between zach and me . reese : you are not the only one who has been hurt in all this , kendall . you and zach are going to go on right ? you and bianca are sisters , and you will come together again . do you have any idea what i have lost ? kendall : i really do n't care . reese : no , of course you do n't . of course you do n't , even though you have some responsibility in everything that has happened . kendall : what ? reese : since you woke up from your coma , you 've been on a mission to bring me down , and it worked . but you did n't stop with me . you could have tried to forgive bianca and zach before everything got so bad . but no , you just want to blame everything that 's happened on somebody else , especially me . i mean , even greenlee 's death . kendall : ryan caught you kissing my husband . that 's why greenlee was on the road . reese : yes , and you were the one driving the car that night . kendall : of course . ok , so that 's what this is about . you intend to blackmail me , after all . [ scene_break ] kendall : so when we 're with zach , it 's our little secret , but alone , the gloves come off . do you honestly expect me to hand over my husband ? reese : you are unbelievable . i do n't want your husband . kendall : well , then stay the hell away from us and away from our home . reese : i told you why i 'm not leaving . kendall : right , ok . do you honestly think you can convince us that you love bianca ? reese : i 'm going to do my damnedest to try . you know what ? maybe the best i will ever get is , `` hey , reese is n't so bad . `` but you know what ? i 'm going to prove to bianca that i love her , and i 'm not going to stop until i win her back . [ scene_break ] david : push . push ! all right , take a breath . i can see the head . all right , just one more time . come on , come on . you can do it . push ! push ! yes , yes ! krystal : is it a girl ? david : my baby , my baby . look . look what you 've given me . krystal : [ screams ] [ phone ringing ] david : it 's all right , it 's just my phone . hayward . nurse : dr. hayward , this is gayle from the hospital . david : yeah ? nurse : amanda dillon 's back in the hospital . she just was admitted to the e.r . pregnancy complications . david : i see . thank you . [ scene_break ] adam : i know you were being sarcastic , but you were right . losing that baby would be the best thing that ever happened to you . j.r. : oh , come on . that 's a chandler heir you 're wishing dead . adam : no , i 'm not wishing anybody dead . but i am worried to death about you . j.r. : well , save it . because i can measure your depth of sincerity with a swizzle stick . no , the best thing that would happen to amanda is to lose that baby , because she would n't have to go through nine circles of adam chandler hell . you would snatch that baby . you would feed it and you would protect it and just treat it like a proper chandler . maybe you 'd try a little bit harder this time . you know what you should do , dad ? you should stick to raising orchids or something , because you suck at being a dad . sometimes i wish i was never even a chandler . adam : and i wish i was n't ashamed of my son . i 've had it . tad : so have i. i 'm tired of listening to you two tear each other to ribbons when there are people out there who need you . adam : yes , you 're absolutely right . there 's a grandson that needs me to put him to bed . because his father 's too drunk to stand up . j.r. : oh , yay . here 's to tad for getting rid of the big bad wolf -- [ tad knocks the drink out of j.r. 's hand ] tad : for once in his life , your father is right . you are a pathetic drunk . how dare you sit here getting high when amanda is going through hell in that emergency room ? you 've got a very important decision to make , son , and you 're going to make it . [ scene_break ] reese : would you wait ? you 're going to want to hear what i have to say . ryan : yeah , i thought i made it really clear to you that i do n't want anything to do with you at all . reese : kendall was the one who was driving the car that forced greenlee off the road , not zach . all right ? he 's been covering up for her the whole time . ryan : and ? reese : what , you knew ? ryan : zach is n't quite as clever as he thinks he is . how did you find out ? reese : i overheard them talking . look , ryan , i know you hate me . you ca n't stand me . i 've made my share of mistakes . just go on , line me up against the wall . shoot me . what about kendall ? what about everything she 's done ? and zach , he just keeps cleaning up after her . he keeps wiping it all under the rug . ryan : why does this matter so much to you ? reese : kendall matters to me because she matters to bianca . and right now , kendall 's not going to stop until she sees me destroyed . and i feel like if i ever want to have another chance with bianca , i have got to prove myself to the people that she loves . ryan : ok , so you think telling people that kendall lied about a fatal car accident , you think that that 's going to help your cause ? reese : look , i 'm not telling people . i 'm not telling the police . i am telling you . because , i do n't know , i think that you deserve to know more than anyone else . and i have been involved in too many secrets , and all it 's done is gotten me in trouble . ryan : so we 're done here . reese : i love bianca . and she 's going to know that i do . ryan : if that were true , then you would n't be here , fighting with her friends and family . you would be back in europe , fighting for bianca . reese : you 're so wrong . the battleground is here . [ scene_break ] david : what is it ? krystal : i miss jenny . david : i know you do . tad is being very unfair , not letting her over here . but we 're going to work on that . i promised you , remember ? it 's a whole new start , mrs. hayward , for you and for me . krystal : wow , and you 're just leaving for the hospital . that was like you were marching off to war . david : wait up for me , all right ? i should n't be long . [ scene_break ] amanda : well ? doctor : it 's too soon to know what 's going on . the sonogram and blood work will tell us a lot more . jake : hey , hey . how 's our girl doing ? doctor : we 'll know in a few hours . jake : good . are you hanging in there ? amanda : i guess you should be happy if i do lose the baby . i mean , it 's david 's , for god 's sake . j.r . hates me , anyway . i mean , the poor thing would just end up in the middle of the whole mess . i guess i 'd gotten psyched about being a mom , raising a son or daughter on my own if i had to . god , i really do n't want to lose this baby . jake : you 're not . look , do n't get upset , ok ? you 've got to stay calm , and that is the doctor 's orders . that is two doctors ' orders . frankie : i agree . i second . amanda : you guys have been really great . thank you for everything that you 've done , especially keeping the truth from david . angie : it 's all right , i know about david being the father . and i want you to know that i 'm on your side , too . i will do everything that i can to keep him from finding out . i know first - hand what that man is capable of , and i do n't want you to get hurt . amanda : thank you . angie : you and you , give us a minute . jake : you . frankie : it 's plural . angie : they 're good doctors and sweet guys . but they do n't know what it 's like to have a baby growing inside you . and i want you to know that i do understand . sweetheart , i know how afraid you are . i just want you to know that your doctors are doing everything they possibly can to save this baby , and everything else is in god 's hands . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you know , when you 're right , you 're right . i 'm a worthless drunk . amanda knew it . she used it against me . hayward knew it . tad : j.r. , you 're not worthless . but you have to understand something . amanda was used by hayward . she was manipulated . she 's not the enemy . he simply did to her what he did to dixie , what he 's doing to krystal . she 's confused . more importantly , she 's scared . she 's alone , and she 's scared to death that she 's going to lose that baby . your baby . she needs you . j.r. : not like this . i 'm no good to anybody like this . tad : then sober up . if you do n't , hayward wins . [ scene_break ] jake : hey , what are you doing here ? i thought you were getting married today . david : amanda was brought in . pregnancy complications . where is she ? yeah , i 've heard . i 'm chief of staff here , remember ? i know everything that goes on in this place . hubbard , where do you have her stashed ? frankie : she does n't need your kind of grief right now . david : did she lose the baby ? frankie : no , but she could . we 're waiting on test results . listen , why do n't you give her some breathing room ? every time you guys go at it , she seems to get more and more upset , and that 's not what she needs right now . david : so you two appointed yourselves her guardian angels , is that it ? jake : just calling it as we see it . you kicked her to the curb , and j.r . kicked her out because of it . she 's in this hospital because of you . so the way i see it , if she loses the baby , it 's your fault . [ scene_break ] ryan : so i had a little visit with reese . she confirmed that you were n't driving the car that night , that it was kendall . zach : what are you going to do with that information ? [ scene_break ] zach : kendall and i lied to the police . what are you going to do ? are you going to go tell so we get arrested ? that 's how you 're going to get your revenge for greenlee ? ryan : no . no police , zach . i told you , it does n't make a difference to me who was actually driving the car . greenlee was on the road that night because of you . kendall was on the wrong side of the road that night because of you , because you were arguing about reese , all right ? you set this whole thing in motion , zach . zach : what do you want from me ? ryan : i want to know why you have n't gotten rid of reese yet . kendall : that 's a good question . i 'd like to know the answer , as well . why do n't you tell him , zach ? ryan : zach , i mean , it 's a simple question . honestly , if you want to be with reese , go be with reese , man . you want to get rid of her , then get rid of her . zach : all right . kendall : zach , listen -- listen , wait a minute -- wait a minute . i want us to get back to normal . i do . and i want us to be a family again , but we ca n't , not with her here . and she 's determined to stay here and torment us all . zach : you want to get back to normal . kendall : yeah . zach : you want me to get rid of her . ok , good . i 'll get rid of her . no problem . do n't expect me at home . [ scene_break ] david : i do n't give a damn what your father had over me . i 'm not about to take this crap from two pissant subordinate employees . now where the hell is she ? get out of my way . jake : `` pissant `` ? frankie : `` subordinate `` ? angie : get out . all of you , get out . amanda : no , it 's ok . i 'll talk to david . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] krystal : oh ! hello ? angie : hi , it 's angie . krystal : oh , hi . angie : you ok ? krystal : yeah . i , um -- i got married today . angie : yeah , i heard . listen , i do n't know if you are aware , but david is here at the hospital . he 's in with amanda . she might be losing her baby . krystal : thank you for letting me know . [ scene_break ] david : i know you think i 'm responsible for you being here right now , that i have somehow put your baby at risk . amanda : what you did to me was awful . david : i was just confessing to the truth , amanda . letting j.r. know that you were deceiving him on my behalf , and that you were paid for your troubles . you acted freely , of your own will . so how does that make me the bad guy ? amanda : you know how . things change . i started having feelings for j.r . i could have given this baby a good home , one that -- david : the chandler mansion is not a home , it 's a prison . you should be thanking me for rescuing you and this baby from that place . amanda : i do n't feel grateful to you right now for anything . david : so if you 're still so antagonistic toward me , why did you feel the need to talk to me ? maybe i can tell you why . because you 're trying to muster up the courage to tell me that this child you 're carrying is mine . [ scene_break ] angie : krystal . krystal : hey . angie : david 's in with amanda right now . krystal : the baby ? angie : we do n't know yet . krystal : no , no , no . i -- i 'm not going to bust in on them and cause a scene , angie . we just got married , and that would ruin things . angie : well , would that be so bad ? krystal : yes . look , angie , do n't judge me . please . angie : look , i just want to help you . do you know what they 're probably talking about right now ? krystal : well , i do n't know , but , i mean , she might be telling david that he 's the father of that baby . angie : uh - huh . and if that 's the case , and the child survives , maybe finally you 'll be free of him . he 'll have what he wants . he can stop fixating on babe 's child and you . krystal : if you think that i am trying to get out of this situation , then you just do not understand . i love david . angie : then why did you come ? krystal : to find out the truth . j.r. : hey , where 's amanda ? and what about the baby ? is she ok ? [ scene_break ] amanda : you were there when my life was falling apart , after i 'd lost jake . you made me feel safe . god , how wrong i was . you 're here . thank god you came . i 've been so scared . david : hang on . wait a minute , wait a minute . you -- you were about to tell me something . something important . what is it ? amanda : please , i want to be alone with j.r . i want to be alone with the father of my child . j.r. : you heard her . get out . have n't you poisoned her life enough ? david : has n't she poisoned your life enough ? j.r. : get out . i 'm sorry . do n't worry . you 're not going to lose our baby . you hear me ? [ scene_break ] krystal : are you ok ? tad : i just -- i just never believed that you 'd actually do it . i guess i did n't want to believe that you would actually do it . david : what are you doing here ? krystal , why are you here ? [ scene_break ] zach : reese . guard : sir , you ca n't come in here . reese : it 's ok , really . zach : pack your things . reese : no . zach : you 've caused enough damage . let 's go . reese : you know , you have no right to order me around . i 'm staying in pine valley . and you know what ? you and kendall can just deal with it . [ scene_break ] krystal : angie called me and told me about amanda , that she was here . she was concerned . david : yeah , this whole damn town is concerned about me . i sure as hell know you are , right , martin ? tad : oh , it -- i learned a long time ago never to turn my back when you 're in the room . david : you know what ? you could do that now , would you ? i 'd like some time alone with my wife . i owe you an apology . i should have told you why i was called down here . i just did n't want to drag you into this mess . i mean , this crowd -- the martins , the hubbards -- they all seem to think that amanda 's baby is mine . and she insists it is n't . now , it certainly is n't on my mind , all right ? this is not the baby that i would want . krystal : i know little a is your number one concern . david : no , no , no . no . no . i 'm not talking about little a. i 'm talking about you and me , krystal . i would like to have another baby . with you , krystal . i want us to have babe 's sister or brother . [ scene_break ] jake : hey . welcome to another glory night at the e.r . tad : hey , how 's amanda ? is she going to be all right ? jake : well , we 're not really going to know until we get the test results back . tad : mm . you know , it occurs to me that you and i have actually never talked about , you know , her moving in with us . jake : yeah . tad : you know , just on the fly . it 's kind of impulsive , do n't you think ? jake : well . tad : i just wondered where it came from . jake : you know , she 's just been through a lot , you know ? hayward 's putting her through the mill . tad : yeah , well , i 'm fine with that . i mean , i think she 's a -- she 's a good kid . she 's welcome . it 's just that , you know , god willing , the baby is going to be ok , which means eventually she 's going to have the baby , which means eventually it 's going to be her and the baby living with us . jake : right . tad : so , what are we going to do ? jake : well , we 'll , you know , we 'll be mr. moms . moms . you 'll -- you 'll give me some pointers , and we 'll be fine . tad : terrific . jake : we 'll be fine . tad : where is this coming from , just out of curiosity ? charity ? or are you feeling sorry for somebody ? jake : no , i have a certain attachment . tad : to amanda or the baby ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : i do n't care what you think of me . what i want you thinking about is that little baby that 's growing inside of you , that you put all that energy and good thoughts into there . amanda : why should i ? you and adam are just going to take it away from me again . j.r. : i could never do that . i know what i said before , but i just could n't do it . i swear that i 'm going to protect you and this baby from my father and his warped idea of family . maybe i ca n't save myself from him , but i can save our child . and this is my promise to you . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , do n't do this to yourself . please do n't be so hard on yourself . you just said to him what i think you should have been saying the entire time , what you would have said if you were n't in that coma , kendall . he 's got to get her out of here . he 's got to get her out of our lives . kendall : i 've known that since -- since i woke up . and i pushed him into doing it . but i think i pushed him too far . i 'm scared i lost him for good . god , ryan , when did everything get so out of control ? [ scene_break ] reese : you can not control me any more than your wife can . i am so sick and tired of being battered around by the kane women , and now by you ? i 'm not running anywhere , and you can not push me out . zach : the hell i ca n't . reese : let go ! zach : reese !
kendall confronts reese about her being outside her house when she and zach were making love . reese blames kendall for some of the mess they are in , but still she is determined to make bianca 's family accept her so she can win back bianca 's love . opal sets up for greenlee 's memorial service . ryan wo n't go , and jack ca n't talk him into it . reese tells ryan that kendall was driving , but he does n't care . he still blames zach , since he was the reason greenlee was on the road . ryan and kendall convince zach to get rid of reese . reese wo n't go with zach . he grabs her arm , she falls and hits her head on the coffee table . ryan consoles kendall . kendall worries that she has pushed zach too far .
erica : and the hateful things that just flew out of her mouth about ryan -- opal : obviously , greenlee is still jealous . i mean , even though you gave ryan the `` hasta la vista `` before she even got back to town . erica : yeah . and now , she wants us to work together , to save fusion , which only needs saving because she tried to destroy it . opal : well , let 's face it , that girl has got more brass than a monkey . [ knock on door ] [ erica sighs ] greenlee : hi . so , what 's it going to be , erica ? are we going to do this , or not ? [ scene_break ] ryan : we push him into signing the confession admitting that he bribed the coroner and made us think greenlee has been dead this entire time . check it out . jake : so what if he tries to weasel out of the confession ? [ scene_break ] [ phone ringing ] david : pick up the damn phone . [ phone rings ] gayle : is that david ? huh . why wo n't he leave me alone ? david : damn it . [ sighs ] natalia : whoa . david : collecting for the policeman 's ball ? oh , i think the police have taken enough from me this year , so if you 'll excuse me -- natalia : i 'm sorry , dr. world - renowned cardiologist , but you 're not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] adam : you 're really a partial match ? annie : i wish i was a perfect match . adam : well , that 's something . j.r. needs to hear this . annie : no , no , no , you ca n't tell him . j.r. hates me . he made it very clear he did not want a transplant from me . adam : and you 're still willing to help him ? annie : keeping j.r. alive is all that matters . adam : oh . well , you saved my life . now you saved my son 's . oh . [ scene_break ] tad : hey . brooke : hey . you ok ? tad : yeah . no . i do n't know . i -- i 'm so confused , i do n't know what to think . i just -- lord knows , i 've never exactly been a church going guy , you know , but lately -- brooke : hmm . tad : i do n't know -- it 's -- i ca n't stay away from this place . something is pulling me here . [ scene_break ] j.r. : mom ? dixie : come with me . [ birds chirping ] [ water flowing ] [ dixie laughs ] j.r. : is this heaven ? [ scene_break ] brooke : i know this is as hard for you as it is for adam . i mean , you are as much a father to j.r. as adam is . from the day he was born . tad : ah -- you know who this is hard for ? jamie . poor james . he 's out over there on the other side of the world , you know . nothing he can do . he feels totally helpless . in so many ways , they 're -- they 're closer than brothers , you know ? oh , we raised a hell of a kid . two of them . i -- i -- man , i do n't know whether i 'm going or coming . i keep thinking of the silliest things . you know ? j.r. 's in there fighting for his life and all i can think about is stuff that happened when they were little boys , you know ? brooke : mm - hmm . tad : i mean , really little , like teaching them how to ride bicycles and -- make the perfect snowball . and bushwhack somebody with it . oh . oh , man . but it 's so vivid . brooke : hmm . tad : i mean , it 's like i 'm almost there . it 's like -- the most bizarre kind of dream . and i swear , they 're going to lock me up . the other day , i walked in here , and i could have -- i would have bet cash money i was smelling chocolate chip , fresh baked , no nut cookies . brooke : and saw the woman baking them . you 're thinking of dixie , too . [ scene_break ] dixie : this is my heaven . j.r. : but those mountains , and those trees -- looks a lot like pigeon hollow . it is . dixie : i was happy there . yes , it is . [ dixie laughs ] j.r. : uncle stuart painted those trees . oh , and there 's the stream where i used to catch the crawfish . i used to try to keep them as pets . dixie : and your dad and your uncle used to go fishing there , remember ? j.r. : yeah . i made that . i made this . when i was 8 , i think -- for you for mother 's day . dixie : every time i look at it , i think of you . j.r. : this is amazing . it 's amazing . dixie : i know . j.r. : i never thought i 'd feel this way again . dixie : i love you so much , j.r. and i 'm so glad that you could visit . j.r. : what do you mean , visit ? [ scene_break ] adam : with a partial match , what 's the success rate ? angie : it varies with the patient . we wo n't know until we get started . which , thanks to annie , will be soon . we 're going to admit you today and start harvesting your marrow . adam : and the risk to my wife ? angie : minimal . complications are almost unheard of . now , i know that you were worried about pain and the mortality factor , so i understand why this was a difficult decision for you . but you 're doing the right thing , annie . you made the right choice . adam : how long have you known you could be a donor ? [ scene_break ] erica : why do i get the feeling that you would throw me out the window the first chance you got ? greenlee : we 'll have them bolted shut so there 's no temptation . erica : where is this offer even coming from ? greenlee : i want to turn fusion around . it 's my number - one priority . you and i will never be friends . hell , we 'll probably never get past civil , but we 're smart , and we 're good at what we do . maybe we should stop fighting each other and start fighting fusion 's competition out there . erica : if i agreed -- and that 's a big `` if `` -- how can you possibly imagine that we could even work together ? opal : you kind of hate each other . greenlee : well , the one thing that we do share is that we care about fusion . we 'll start there . and we do n't have to literally work side by side . we can oversee different projects . i mean , i hear you 've got a whole new line -- going ultra glamorous ? randi and madison say it 's genius . opal : huh , it 's erica kane . enough said . greenlee : well , you do have a certain style . and you do know your way around branding , so if you want to run with it , i wo n't interfere . erica : we 've established my strengths . what are yours ? greenlee : i have an idea for a whole new line of cosmetics . erica : fusion already has a number of established lines , plus a new one that i just launched with great success . so how is yours different ? greenlee : well , if you want to know , you 're going to have to partner up . but if both of our lines succeed , fusion will blast right back to the top . erica : it 's not without potential . greenlee : yeah , if we can get past the insults . erica : the things you said about ryan 's and my relationship were very harsh . greenlee : i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . if you want to hate me , go ahead . but if we can cooperate enough to save fusion , we both get what we want . erica : i 'll think about it . greenlee : time 's critical , erica . erica : yes , i know that , but it 's a big decision , and i have to figure out first off , how it might possibly work . i have to speak to my -- albert . my attorney in new york . opal : high powered . greenlee : good . good , talk to your attorney . i 'll talk to my father . erica : give jackson my best , will you ? greenlee : of course . opal : she sounded sincere . erica : i know how to sound sincere , too . opal : you think she 's playing you ? erica : she 's trying to . opal : so , now what ? erica : there is no way that greenlee ever would have believed that i was really interested in partnering with her if i had caved right away . now , when i agree -- opal : she 'll buy it hook , line , and stinker . erica : [ chuckles ] two can play this game . [ scene_break ] natalia : let 's see -- 25 tickets -- $ 2,500 . all yours . and you have n't paid a single one . did you really think that you 'd get away with it ? the parking in the space reserved for chief of staff forever ? david : so tell me , who sent you ? was it angie ? natalia : this is strictly police business , nothing more . david : yeah , right . it 's harassment . now , how much is it again ? natalia : $ 2,500 . david : $ 2,500 , ok . here it is . here you go . natalia : thanks . david : so tell me , is there something in the hubbard water that makes everyone in that family hate me so much ? natalia : no . it 's not the water , it 's you . you took on my stepmother , you took on the whole hubbard family . [ scene_break ] annie : i -- i just found out that i could be j.r. 's donor . i only waited like a tiny little bit , because i had asked angie to research the whole , you know , partial match question . i mean , basically , i did n't want to get your hopes up until i knew j.r. 's chances . and there 's this whole confidentiality thing . angie understands that j.r. can not find out i 'm his donor , because he hates me so much . angie : yes , and , adam , it is standard procedure for the hospital to respect a donor 's anonymity . annie : you know what ? all that matters is that angie says that being a partial match is better than nothing , so i am j.r. 's best hope , whether he likes it or not . adam : hmm . you are my angel . annie : oh , and there 's one more thing . i have to be hospitalized for this procedure , so we have to come up with a story as to why i would leave you at such a terrible time , which i would never do . adam : uh - huh . annie : i 've thought about it , and i think i have the perfect way to handle it . [ scene_break ] ryan : i mean , we 've considered every single angle . this is definitely going to work . gayle 's been prepped , she knows her script , and i 'm going to be there as backup . jake : let me go and talk to amanda , get her ready . ryan : ok . jake : bye . erica : bye . ryan : you 're not crazy about it . erica : i need to be part of it . ryan : we know . you are a part of it . you 're totally a part of it . i mean , without you , we would n't have gayle 's cooperation . it 's just that this part is getting a little bit dangerous , and i do n't want you anywhere near that . erica : ryan , it 's really sweet of you to be concerned , but my goodness , i have taken on a grizzly bear -- and won -- so david hayward is not going to be a problem . ryan : that 's not something you hear every day . [ erica chuckles ] ryan : but listen . we 're putting david in a life or death situation here . erica : and david knows me , and david respects me -- which means that he 's going to trust the plan even more . and there 's gayle . i mean , she is so vulnerable . if david starts playing her -- if he tells her he loves her -- you know , if gayle wavers for one fraction , you 're going to need me . you may be the master of the con , but i am the master of improvisation . [ scene_break ] jake : so all i need you to do is keep greenlee away from wildwind for , like , an hour . maybe , you know , an hour or two , ok ? amanda : so you and ryan and gayle can trick a confession out of david ? jake : exactly . amanda : scare the life out of him ? jake : completely right out of him . amanda : and you want me to be part of your crazy ass plan ? jake : not -- not the ass part , honey , all right ? just -- please . amanda : absolutely . jake : really ? amanda : i ca n't wait . jake : so , what -- what did -- so , what , the whole time , what , you were busting my chops ? this -- amanda : totally . jake : really ? [ amanda laughs ] jake : i love it when you do that to me . thank you . amanda : well , it 's not just for you . i 'm also doing this for greenlee , and for gayle , too . jake : you know , it 's moments like this i 'd like to show my deep appreciation . maybe some whipped cream , some hot fudge , some cut fruit -- amanda : but we 're on a schedule . jake : yes , we 're on a schedule . amanda : good thing you got my wingman here . jake : yeah , you take care of mommy , ok , 'cause she 's got a date later on . amanda : mmm . jake : all right , honey , go ahead . amanda : bye , sweetie . [ jake sighs ] jake : [ sighs ] and there she is . the woman of the hour . how do you feel ? you ok ? i just want you to know that you are not going to be alone with this . ryan and i are completely in your corner the whole -- do you want to go over the whole thing again ? gayle : no , i -- i know what i need to do . yeah . jake : for all the lies that david told you , for all the crap he convinced you to do , it 's a chance for you to take control of your life . breathe . you 're going to be great . [ gayle sighs ] jake : it 's showtime . [ scene_break ] david : you may think being the chief 's kid gives you certain privileges , like the right to intimidate me . but as far as i 'm concerned , you 're nothing but a snot - nosed rookie wasting a citizen 's time . now , if you 'll excuse me , i have places to go , people to see , things to do . natalia : no , i do n't think so . because , as much fun as this has all been , while you were slamming me , i had your car towed . david : what ? natalia : have a great day . hey , ryan , it 's me . it 's a go . ryan : sounds great . i got to go . erica : is that about your plan ? ryan : i 'll tell you about it later . erica : hey , do n't put me off , ryan . i am going to be part of this . ryan : look , i appreciate your enthusiasm . i really do , but the further you are from this , the better i would feel . ok ? singer : is n't that enough ? for you to see erica : hmm . greenlee : hi . ryan : hi . erica : i was just telling ryan how really excited you are that you and i work together at fusion . ryan : yes , yes . it sounds like you two have a lot to talk about . so , i 'll see you later . erica : i need to be someplace , as well . greenlee : we need to make a decision about fusion . erica : oh , sure . of course , we do , but i do n't have time to talk to you about it right now . i -- [ phone rings ] erica : oh . do n't tell me that you 're siccing your father on me ? greenlee : i talked to him . he 's willing to mediate . i 'll set up the meeting , handle all the details . all you have to do is listen . you know i wo n't let this go . erica : fine , but that does n't mean that i am committing to a partnership . [ scene_break ] dixie : well , i was a little lonely at first . i would have given anything to go back home and be with the people that i loved . saying good - bye was so hard . but then , i realized that i am never alone . 'cause i 'll always have you , and tad , and kathy right here in my heart . and all the love that we ever had for each other . j.r. : i missed you . dixie : yeah . j.r. : remember that christmas pageant , when i was so scared to sing ? dixie : oh . j.r. : but you started singing , so i started singing . who knows ? maybe my rock band phase would 've never gotten off the ground if you had n't cured me of stage fright . dixie : i was so proud of you . i still am . j.r. : [ sighs ] that was the first book i ever read out loud . dixie : so smart . you started reading when you were 4 . j.r. : wow . we were in pine valley then . i remember when we moved to pigeon hollow , this was the only thing that i wanted to take . dixie : hmm . [ j.r. chuckles ] j.r. : `` mom and tad . `` it 's the way i wanted it . it 's funny , tad was more like a father to me than my own dad sometimes . he taught me how to ride a bike . how to make a perfect snowball . dixie : those were wonderful times , j.r . but that 's all in the past . you have a future to think about . j.r. : i do n't have a future . i do n't know why you said that this was a visit . i 'm dying . [ scene_break ] tad : people are always so afraid to mention dixie -- around me , anyway . and it 's understandable , you know ? they 're just afraid that they 're going to end up hurting me , but -- you know , sometimes , it 's actually kind of wonderful . and when i least expect it , somebody will mention her name , and before i know it , i 'm just flashing on those eyes and the gorgeous smile . well , she always used to furrow her brow and look so hopeful when she was wishing on our star . then i realized , you know , she 's -- she 's still here . she 's -- brooke : hmm . tad : it sort of keeps her alive . but then again , you 'd know something about that , would n't you ? brooke : yeah . yeah , same thing with laura . i know people do n't ever want to remind me that i 've lost a daughter , but it 's -- you 're right , it is ok , because -- it makes me think of how -- how hopeful she was , and -- and how wonderful life was . how wonderful our life was . and then i -- i see how devastated adam is over stuart , and i just wish that i could -- i wish that i could say something to him that would make him remember all the good things without making him feel more guilty . tad : you will . that 's one of the things that 's most amazing about you . you 've always had the ability to know what exactly to say to somebody , at exactly the right time , whether they wanted to hear it , or not . [ brooke chuckles ] tad : and i mean that in a good way . brooke : i tell you , adam is not an easy person to comfort . [ tad and brooke chuckle ] tad : it 's like hugging a cactus . yeah . he is something . a force of nature , that one , but as much as we hate each other 's guts , i think the thing that 's kept us from killing one another is the fact that we -- when it comes down to it , we love the same people . stuart -- brooke : mm - hmm . tad : j.r. , a.j . , and you . [ scene_break ] adam : would you mind if i share a few moments with my son ? there 's something he needs to hear . [ scene_break ] david : yes , i need a cab , and i need one sent to me right away -- [ door opens ] david : gayle ! thank god you 're ok . i was worried sick of -- gayle , a gun ? really ? there 's no need for -- gayle : shut up . david : i do n't know what erica has been putting in your head , all right ? gayle : you said you loved me . you lied . everyone was right about you . david : gayle , do n't listen to them . they do n't know me . you do , better than anyone , so come on . just -- ryan : whoa , whoa , gayle . what are you doing ? gayle : do n't try to stop me . he deserves this . he deserves to die . ryan : well , i ca n't exactly argue with you there . david : do n't be an ass , ryan . do something . ryan : actually , i think i 'm just gon na watch , see how this plays out . [ scene_break ] marissa : i 've talked to him almost nonstop , told him stories about a.j . , held his hand , but no response . it 's almost like he 's in a different place . [ scene_break ] j.r. 's voice : how did you do it ? how did you say good - bye to us ? dixie 's voice : it was a process , a very long process . i even went back to pine valley a few times because i could n't let go . j.r. 's voice : of tad ? dixie 's voice : oh , and you and kathy . when i finally realized that i could n't hold on anymore , when i did let go , i felt so much peace . [ scene_break ] annie : why are you still here ? tad : not now , annie , ok ? brooke : it 's all right . annie : oh , no . do n't do that . do n't do that gracious , patient , understanding thing that you do . you know , you come waltzing back into town like you are still a part of this family . you are the outsider here , ok , not me , but you glom onto adam all the time , and , i mean , it 's fine enough that you want my husband -- tad : she does n't want your husband . annie : but you took my job . you act like `` tempo `` should just be thrown in your lap , because you have this fabulously evolved ex - wife relationship with my husband . scott : hey , maybe you could use some coffee , annie . tad : make it a decaf . annie : everyone fawns all over you , but i 'm onto you . you are using a tragic , terrible situation to take advantage of adam 's vulnerability . colby : ok , and who is the expert on that ? brooke : i 'm sorry that you feel that way . annie : if you are so sorry , then why do n't you leave ? colby : you 're the one who should leave , annie , because nobody wants you here . annie : ok , and you should grow up and accept the fact that your father loves me . colby : well , you should get the hell out of our lives . marissa : will you stop ? colby : no . annie , you started this . marissa : i do n't care who started it , colby . j.r. could wake up . do you really want to be fighting out here in the hall ? colby : i just want her gone , and so would j.r . [ scene_break ] j.r. 's voice : my whole life has been one fight after another fight after another fight . you know , everyone thinks that the rich kid has got it made , but i 've had to come out swinging for everything -- for my sobriety , for my own place in my family , for my son -- and just when i think i have everything figured out , i get sick , and i 'm so tired of fighting , mom . yeah . peace . peace sounds amazing . dixie 's voice : well , it is , but it 's not that easy . [ scene_break ] adam : i hope you can hear me , son , because i got some news , ha , real good news . we found you a donor . it 's only a partial match , but i think this one is gon na work out . you 're gon na be home before you know it , buddy . all you have to do is just hold on . hold on tight . [ scene_break ] colby : my brother is dying , and brooke is just trying to help , and you are making this all about yourself . well , we do n't need your drama and your stupid , jealous games . if you really , really want to help my father , why do n't you do us all a favor and go away for good ? annie : is that really what you want ? colby : yeah . you know , yesterday would 've been great . annie : fine . maybe you 're right . maybe i should go if i make everybody upset and i make everything worse , even though that is the last thing i want . colby : yeah , yeah . since when ? annie : i love adam , and i care about what happens to this family , but since everyone seems to hate me -- marissa : no . everyone is just a little stressed , annie . no one hates you . annie : well , j.r. hates me , and he 's all that matters right now , so fine . i will go . you know , better yet , i 'll go away for a few days . i 'll go to a spa . i could use some well - deserved r & r. ; nothing like a good , hot stone massage . [ scene_break ] amanda : greenlee , what a surprise . greenlee : this must be trevor . hi . he 's beautiful . amanda : who would 've thought , huh -- me with a baby , you with a new husband ? greenlee : i know how you feel about david . amanda : it 's none of my business . do you mind if we sit down for a second ? greenlee : sure . sure . amanda : all right . here , buddy . here you go . ah , so i heard about all the fusion craziness -- thank you -- but i was actually wondering if you might consider me for a position , i mean , part - time , of course , but , you know , i love being trevor 's mom and all , but i just kind of miss the energy , you know , working together to create something amazing , and it was really exciting . greenlee : well , there 's a whole new kind of excitement going on right now with erica trying to steal the company . amanda : ooh , going up against erica . what are you gon na do ? greenlee : it 's under control . amanda : how can it be under control ? greenlee : yeah . about that job , i think we can work something out . amanda : really ? well , would i be able to bring trevor , i mean , with a nanny , of course ? greenlee : no problem . amanda : then we are interested , very interested . greenlee : i think it 'd be great to have you back . wow , i think that 's the longest conversation i 've had lately without being warned off david -- unless you 're gon na start in now . amanda : um , not a fan . greenlee : well , that 's understandable , given what he did to you and jake . [ scene_break ] david : there 's really no reason for a gun , gayle . i know you , maybe better than anyone , and you 're not a killer . gayle : i did everything you asked and more . i broke laws . i could go to jail . david : so , you think shooting me is the answer ? is that it ? gayle : only if you refuse to cooperate . you want to live ? all you have to do is sign this . david : what is it ? gayle : a confession . david : and what am i confessing to ? gayle : that you manipulated me , that every law i broke , i broke for you , making that body look like greenlee 's . david : we did all those things together , gayle , and we were a great team . i would never turn you in , although i have no doubt that 's exactly what ryan and erica have been threatening you with to get you so upset . gayle : you care about me so much ? then clear me . sign this . tell me the name of the coroner you bribed . david : why do you need that person 's name ? gayle : i do n't want any loose ends , nothing that could ever come back to me . what are you waiting for ? sign it , or i 'll shoot ! david : so , you 're really just gon na stand there and let her do this ? ryan : well , i mean , you 've been getting away with so much for so long , it was bound to catch up to you . she 's giving you a choice , man . you go to prison , you live . from where i 'm standing , that 's a win - win . david : come on . this is ridiculous . erica : oh , my god , gayle , gayle , do n't do this . do n't do this . no , no , no . this is not the way . gayle : it 's the only way . erica : no , gayle . gayle , give me the gun . give me the gun , and i 'll get you out of here . come on . david : oh , my gosh , is n't this some great coincidence ? the three of you all just waltz in here with a full confession for me to sign ? you 're kidding , right ? oh , come on . i know you 're all working together . i 'm not signing anything . you want to shoot me , sweetheart ? go right ahead . go ahead . what 's stopping you ? go ahead . shoot me . kill me . it 's what you want to do , right ? gayle : this is n't how it was supposed to work . you said he 'd confess . erica : it 'll be all right . really , it 'll be all right . david : hmm . oh , sorry , folks . looks like you all fail again . [ scene_break ] angie : we found a donor . tad : oh , thank god . scott : is it anybody we know ? angie : well , it 's only a partial match from an anonymous donor . tad : that 's ok . we 'll take it . brooke : what happens now ? angie : well , we 'll be taking j.r. into isolation , and as soon as we 've extracted the donor 's bone marrow , we 'll start the transfusion . now , because you all ca n't see j.r. until the procedure is over , why do n't you just go on home , get some rest ? colby : no , no . i want to stay here . angie : listen . i know you do , but now it 's time to leave j.r. in our hands and god 's . [ scene_break ] amanda : i was so screwed up -- sleeping with jake , j.r. , david -- and when i got pregnant , no clue who the father was . i thought i was looking for love , and then i ended up just screwing it all up . then i actually found out what true love is . it turns out , it 's jake and this little guy here . greenlee : i 'm happy for you . amanda : are you happy ? greenlee : yeah . amanda : do you love david ? greenlee : you know , when i fall in love , everyone gets hurt , myself included , so i 'm better off without it . amanda : do you still love ryan ? greenlee : that was my past life . i 've moved on . amanda : well , it could be this life , too . greenlee , if you love ryan , then you just have to trust it and take a chance . i know it 's scary as hell , but it 's worth it . greenlee : i think i 'm out of chances . i got to go . amanda : no . you ca n't . greenlee : why not ? amanda : uh , just because i want to buy you a drink . greenlee : what 's going on ? amanda : nothing , just old friends catching up . greenlee : i should 've known . amanda : greenlee -- oh -- jake -- jake : what 's up ? amanda : i stalled greenlee as long as i could , but she 's headed to wildwind . jake : so am i . [ scene_break ] erica : gayle , we 'll make it right . gayle : how will you do that , tell me more lies ? erica : i have not lied to you . i 'm your friend . gayle : you used me , just like david did . you promised me he 'd confess , i 'd be free . erica : and you will . gayle : oh , like hell . all you want is david in prison . if he does n't confess , you 'll throw me to the cops to make it happen . ryan : we would not do that , gayle . gayle : why should i believe you ? david : ah , there you go , gayle . you 're so much smarter than they think . gayle : oh , shut up ! there 's no way in hell i 'm going to prison . [ gayle grabs erica from behind and points the gun at her ] ryan : whoa , hey , hey , hey , gayle , easy . take it easy . let go of her . gayle : if i do n't get what i want , i swear to god i 'll shoot her . [ scene_break ] colby : hey -- kick ass , brother . marissa : we have a date in rio , and i 'm holding you to it . a.j . and i love you so much . adam : nobody fights harder than a chandler . you 're pure chandler , son . tad : you come back to us . you hear me ? [ scene_break ] j.r. 's voice : i 'm so tired . i 'm so done , i just -- i want peace , and i want serenity . i want all those things i tried so hard to find on earth , but i could only get a taste of because i kept screwing up . dixie 's voice : so , you 're just gon na run ? j.r. 's voice : no . i 'm just accepting my fate . dixie 's voice : baby , then you 're doing what you 've done all your life . every time things get difficult , you ran . well , you do n't get to run here . j.r. 's voice : so , i have to go back ?
at home , erica tells opal about her meeting with greenlee who proposed that they work together at fusion . greenlee comes to visit erica and asks her what is going to be . jake meets ryan to discuss their plan against david . david calls gayle , but amanda intercepts the call . natalia stops david from leaving wildwind . annie lets adam know that she is a partial match for j.r. adam wants to go tell j.r. , but annie stops him . brooke checks on tad in the chapel . j.r. gets a visit from dixie . j.r. visits heaven with dixie . tad relieves moments of jamie 's and j.r. 's childhood . adam and annie meet with angie about the bone marrow surgery . annie comes up with a plan so that the rest of the chandler family wo n't realize what she is doing . natalia tells david about all his unpaid parking tickets . erica meets with ryan and jake about their plan against david . jake enlists amanda 's help in keeping greenlee occupied so that they could trap david into confessing what he had done . amanda agrees to help them . jake and gayle go over their plan against david . jake gives gayle a gun . greenlee catches erica with ryan going over their plans . gayle barges in on david and holds a gun on him . gayle demands that david confess what he had done to her . gayle threatens to kill david unless he signs a confession . ryan walks in and witnesses the goings on . david begs ryan for help , but ryan refuses to help him . gayle holds out a piece of paper for him to sign , but david refuses . annie blasts brooke for her interference in their lives and her arrival back in pine valley . colby interrupts and begins to blast annie by telling annie that she does n't belong here and she needs to leave . amanda detours greenlee at the confusion bar .
erica : i 'm so glad you 're home . i know we have to talk about a lot of things , and we will . i promise , right after i -- jack : erica ? i waited for you , because it would n't be right to leave without saying good - bye . erica : leave ? jack : i 'm moving out . [ scene_break ] miranda : is mommy reese coming soon ? bianca : yeah , in a little while . she 's flying in from paris , staying for a week . and then the girls and i are going back with her for spring break , if all goes well . marissa : i hope it does . bianca : look , i do n't really want to hear the legal argument against my daughters saying good - bye to their other mother . marissa : i 'm not against it . if you can work it out on your own , then that is the best possible solution . bianca : but you do n't think that will happen . marissa : i think we need to be prepared . i do n't think that reese 's attorney is negotiating in good faith . bianca : and i do n't want all of reese 's time here taken up by a bunch of lawyers and negotiations . my girls -- they need to spend time with their mother . and i need to talk to my wife . marissa : i understand . but when i let my guard down with j.r. , i almost lost my son . bianca : i already told you that reese is nothing like j.r . i do n't want to discuss this anymore . marissa : if you would just -- bianca : i said stop . all you 're doing is trying to turn your horror story divorce into mine , and i 'm done with it . [ scene_break ] cara : oh , mom , what are you doing here ? mrs. castillo : is n't this the one you divorced ? cara : hi . oh , my goodness . wow . mrs. castillo : you look tired , mija , so thin . cara : i 'm great . i 'm so happy to see you . mrs. castillo : of course , i would come when my daughter tells me she 's getting married -- so suddenly and with no warning ? which is better than the last time , when i did n't hear until after . cara : right . this did happen kind of fast . but the truth is tad and i are very much in love . mrs. castillo : and yet here you are in the arms of your former husband the day before the wedding . jake : um , no . it 's not like that . it looks like that , mrs. castillo , but i was just congratulating cara , actually , on the good news . mrs. castillo : i recognize you from your wedding picture with my cara . tad : can we get you anything ? mrs. castillo : i want to speak to my daughter -- alone . tad : so let 's take a walk . jake : yep . [ scene_break ] griffin : i do n't know if zach was trying to tell you something through that letter , but i know he would n't want you to risk your health figuring it out . kendall : you just do n't get it . griffin : no , i do n't . kendall : have you ever been in love ? it 's a simple `` yes `` or `` no `` question here . griffin : my love life and your situation have nothing to do with one another . kendall : ok . i 'll take that as a `` no , `` then . you have n't ever been in love , which is why you 're having such a hard time understanding what i 'm going through right now . griffin : so you just disqualify me from having any opinion ? kendall : until you love someone with your whole heart and soul , when you feel so close and so connected that you 're almost the same person , you will never know how it feels . [ scene_break ] erica : you 're angry because caleb kissed me on new year 's eve . jack : forget about the kiss . it 's not about the kiss . it 's about us . it 's about you and me . it 's about this wedding we 're planning that i 'm not even sure should happen . erica : after all we 've been through together ? after promising that this time would be forever ? i did n't think that leaving was an option for either one of us . jack : i 'm only leaving the apartment . believe me , i 'm not walking away from us . erica : i do n't understand what you mean by that . jack : we 've been living under this roof , but we have n't been together for months . erica , you believe that you have made room in your life for a partner , but you have n't . erica : of course , i have . you 're my partner , my life 's partner . jack : not in a way i can live with . i 'm gon na pack some things . [ scene_break ] marissa : can i just ask you something ? why is reese suddenly showing up now ? bianca : because there are things that need to be discussed in person . marissa : i 'm sorry . i did n't want to make this harder . i 'm just asking you to consider the idea that reese might have another agenda other than family time in paris . bianca : right . and i appreciate your concern . marissa : i really do hope i 'm wrong . [ scene_break ] griffin : ok . you 're the expert . tell me what i 'm missing . kendall : you still would n't understand . griffin : i 'm a quick study . humor me . kendall : ok . what zach and i had . you know that cliché about people finishing each other 's sentences ? griffin : you 're one of those ? kendall : it was more than that . i would be thinking about him , and the phone would ring , and it would be zach thinking about me . or he 'd plan a trip somewhere , and i 'd surprise him with tickets to the exact same place . he could get inside my crazy , all - over - the - place thoughts , and i could get inside his dark , complex ones . we saved each other 's lives , but not in the way that you do . we did it by letting the other person in , totally in . we knew each other so deeply and so intimately . so if there 's something telling me that there 's something that i need to find out -- griffin : the letter ? kendall : yes . every instinct in me is screaming that there 's a message in it for me , and i have to find out what it is , and i will . i owe him that . i owe our love . [ scene_break ] ricky : i 'm getting a refill . you want anything ? diana : i think it would be better if you have a clear head . ricky : my head is very clear . diana : mm - hmm . but is your mission ? ricky : i ca n't hound kendall about this special place 24/7 , diana . diana : and now we have that hot pit bull doctor for us to deal with , too . ricky : no , we do n't , because if he becomes more of a problem , we 'll just take him out . meanwhile , kendall and i -- diana : kendall and you what ? ricky : most of the time i 'm doing these jobs , i 'm dealing with degenerates -- gamblers and addicts and people who deserve what they get . diana : since when did you start worrying about who deserves what ? and did kendall 's husband deserve it when you blew up his plane and caused it to splash in the ocean ? ricky : i 'm doing the job , all right ? and i will get whatever evidence zach had against us . do n't you worry your pretty little head about it . diana : it 's not my pretty little head that i 'm worried about . [ scene_break ] griffin : ok , i 'm gon na make you a deal . kendall : wait a minute . wait . did i actually get through to you on a personal level ? me , a patient ? griffin : here 's the deal . i 'm gon na get you off the pain and sleep meds for a week , one week . but if you feel run - down , if you 're getting any symptoms of distress -- kendall : yes , i will call my doctor . griffin : and one more thing . kendall : what 's that ? griffin : if zach was really trying to deliver some kind of message through this letter , if his accident was n't an accident , i 'm gon na help you find out . [ scene_break ] jake : actually , i was thinking cara 's mom is a sweet , sweet lady . tad : yeah . a peach . wonder how you say `` steel magnolias `` in spanish . jake : she 's a tough cookie . tad : it did n't help we walked in on you two playing huggy bear . what was that about ? were you really congratulating cara or was it something else ? jake : no , it 's agent trumbull . he cornered us , talking about how did i fall in love with her ? when did we fall out of love ? and i think it was just rough . i think it shook her up . tad : and you ? jake : i 'm fine . i 'm not the one that has n't let it go . tad : man , are we in luck ? this agent trumbull does n't seem like he 's the kind of guy who 's just gon na let things go . and let 's not forget we still got to deal with that whole immigration fraud hearing thing . jake : we just ca n't slip up . right ? we ca n't do that , but we are gon na have to deal with cara 's mom . tad : no , she 'll do that . jake : who 's gon na do that ? tad : cara . when i said `` steel magnolias , `` i was n't just talking about mami . [ scene_break ] mrs. castillo : a man and his ex - wife living in the same house ? cara : yeah . they 're good friends . mrs. castillo : like you and jake ? cara : yeah . exactly . did you know that jake 's remarried ? amanda . beautiful . and they have a lovely child , as well : trevor . mrs. castillo : i do n't see happiness . i do n't see happiness here , my beautiful child . i see heartbreak . cara : no . mrs. castillo : i did n't come here to come to your wedding , cara . i 'm here to take you home . [ scene_break ] jake : maybe if we rock like this -- should 've stayed in the diner . tad : you know , i 've been doing a little research on mexican wedding traditions . yeah . how do you feel about mariachis ? because , personally , i 'm on the fence about them . jake : they 're all right . tad : and they got this dance called the zapateado . it 's interesting . no , really . they dress the groom 's brother up like a piñata and beat the snot out of him with baseball bats . jake : i like that . tad : i 'm glad to hear it . so what do you think ? wood or aluminum ? jake : either one . tad : you 're not listening to a think i 'm saying . jake : i 'm sorry . no , i 'm here . i got it . tad : what 's wrong with you ? jake : i 'm just thinking about when cara and i got married . we called her mom to tell her the good news , and it did n't go very well . tad : oh . that 's not shocking . jake : no . it 's just because i figured we 're gon na go visit . we 're gon na -- i had speeches in my head , i knew what i wanted to say , and i never got to . tad : i 'm sorry . i know this is tough on you , kiddo . jake : actually , i 'm ok . i 'm -- i got a wife and a child . it 's actually gon na be harder on you , i think . tad : what do you mean ? jake : krystal 's definitely pissed off , and she 's gon na get worse . and then you got to lie to your kids . tad : yeah , i know . it 'll get easier . it always does . life gets hard , gets complicated . you just keep the faith and soldier on , and it always does . are you gon na help me out with the zapateado thing ? jake : as long as i lead . tad : so you were listening to me ? [ scene_break ] cara : i 'm marrying tad tomorrow . so you can either accept it or not . i 'm not going home with you . mrs. castillo : remember when you came home after you left jake ? you were broken . within weeks you became sick again . cara : i had cancer . mrs. castillo : which had been in remission for years until he broke your heart . cara : no , i left jake , mami . remember ? mrs. castillo : of course . `` it was n't his fault . `` that 's what you kept saying . cara : because that was the truth . mrs. castillo : then why did i hear you crying every night ? why do you keep his ring on a chain around your neck ? you think i did n't notice ? cara : i chose the wrong man . ok ? it 's simple . all right ? jake tried . the marriage did n't work . but the truth is i am responsible for ending it ! ok ? that 's it ! mrs. castillo : so this tad , jake 's brother -- he is the right man ? cara : please stop questioning me . please ? mrs. castillo : please , mija . just look me in the eyes and tell me the truth . is tad martin the love of your life ? [ scene_break ] griffin : you look surprised . kendall : i am . i am a little . griffin : i figure the sooner we find out what zach 's letter means , the sooner you 'll get well again . kendall : hmm . you ca n't break your promise to keep me well . i bet you wish you never made that one . griffin : never . another part of this is zach brought me here to help people . until the casinos are sold and the money frees up for the clinics , i might as well start by helping him . kendall : ok , then . that 's great , but i 'm not really sure what you can do . griffin : doctors are pretty good at solving puzzles , dissecting the best route before surgery . i may not be an expert at love , but i 'm pretty good at getting solutions to problems . let 's start with the letter . kendall : i 've gone over it a hundred times . griffin : go over it again for me . kendall : ok . `` dear kendall , in the event of my untimely death , there are some things i need you to know , some things i need you to remember to pass on to the boys . top of the list is how much i love you guys , my team slater . `` griffin : you remember the whole letter ? kendall : word for word . griffin : ok . we do n't need all that . did he mention any other people in the letter ? kendall : just me and the boys and his casino partners . griffin : by name ? kendall : no . griffin : it 's kind of odd he 'd mention them in a personal letter to his wife , do n't you think ? kendall : he was having problems with them . they harassed him . they threatened him . he even stayed away from us for a while , because he was afraid they would come after his family . griffin : that might be your answer right there . [ scene_break ] gabrielle : you said that mama reese was supposed to be here already . bianca : yeah , i know i said that . she 's just running a little bit late , ok ? that 's all . she 'll be here . gilles : that 's her now . are you bianca montgomery ? bianca : yes , i am . gilles : my mane is gilles lemaire , the attorney representing your wife reese . bianca : where is she ? gilles : unfortunately , she could not make the flight : a work emergency . bianca : so she sent her lawyer instead ? i 'm gon na be right over here , ok ? play nicely . gilles : it is my understanding that reese already called to explain . bianca : i have n't received any calls . gilles : i 'm sure all can be explained . i 'd like to introduce you to ms. denice beliveau . denice : bonjour , mademoiselle montgomery . bianca : and you are ? gilles : a registered nanny . bianca : why would you bring a nanny along with you ? gilles : for the children , of course . i have two plane tickets for miranda and gabrielle . since reese could not make it here herself , she asked us to escort the children back to paris for the duration of their spring break from school . bianca : you listen to me . those girls are not taking one step with you . and just so there 's no misunderstanding , il faudra me passer sur le corps . [ scene_break ] jack : i finished that book you wanted to read . i left it on your nightstand . i 'll be at the club if you need me . erica : i love you , jack . jack : i love you , too . marissa : oh . hi . jack : hi . marissa : i 'm sorry to barge in on you like this . bianca needs your help . [ scene_break ] griffin : ok . so you do n't know anything at all about these people that zach worked with . kendall : no , not much . he stayed away for months trying to get himself out of the deals . griffin : right . that 's when i met him . he was selling the casinos , but i did n't know what was involved . kendall : yeah , they were n't pleased he was selling them , but zach thought that they had worked everything out . griffin : i still think it 's worth a call to the police . kendall : they 've already investigated the plane crash . no foul play , that 's what they said . griffin : right , but now you have this letter from zach that makes you think maybe there was . kendall : that 's true . ok . you know what ? you start dissecting the puzzle , and i 'll talk to you later , all right , because i really have to get going . and , griff , thank you so much . [ phone rings ] griffin : hello ? tad : hey , griff , listen . it 's your future brother - in - law . i think it 's only fair to warn you that your mother arrived early . she 's over at the house with cara . something tells me your sister needs you right now . [ scene_break ] cara : i know what i 'm doing . mrs. castillo : i thought i knew what i was doing when i married your father -- strong , handsome man , so romantic . but this was before i had the chance to see who he really was , how weak and selfish . cara : tad is n't like that . mrs. castillo : how do you know ? cara : because i 've seen his kindness . i 've seen his strength . ok ? he stands for something other than himself . he 's a good man . mrs. castillo : i 'm so proud of you , cara , to come from where you did . we were n't sure you would see your 13th birthday . now you 're a doctor . a strong , beautiful woman . all i want is for you to be happy . cara : i 'm happy . mrs. castillo : i do n't feel it , mija . i 'm sorry , but i do n't . please hold off on this wedding , so you do n't get your heart broken again . [ jake and tad walk in ] [ scene_break ] bianca : so reese did leave a message . it does n't change anything . miranda : we need money for the jukebox . bianca : ok . hold on just a second . bianca : here you go . miranda : thank you . bianca : go on . you will not speak to my children . gilles : they are reese 's children , too . bianca : who she has n't bothered to see in months . gilles : that 's because they have been kept from her . bianca : that is a lie ! erica : leave my daughter alone . jack : what the hell is going on here ? bianca : reese 's lawyer came to bring the girls to paris for spring break -- without me . erica : where is reese ? bianca : she could n't be here : work emergency . sound familiar ? gilles : i can assure all of you reese is simply interested in seeing her children . jack : great . have her buy a plane ticket and come visit them here . gilles : and who are you , sir ? jack : i am the american lawyer who is about to become a big pain in your derriere . bianca , this is a classic bait - and - switch . they take the kids back to paris , where reese has physical custody of them , then they have the custody trial there . this is not going to happen . gilles : excuse me , but -- jack : and if you do n't leave right now , i 'll call the police and have you arrested for attempted kidnapping . [ speaking french ] do you need a translation ? [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , god ! ricky : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to startle you , but your sitter let me in . kendall : ok . it 's all right . it 's ok . ricky : i just wanted to make sure that you 're ok . you were pretty upset when you left earlier . kendall : oh . thanks . i 'm fine , actually . and griffin cleared me to go off my medication . ricky : really ? he agreed ? ok . kendall : he did . and he also said if there were any hidden messages in zach 's letter , he wants to help me find it . ricky : all of this because zach called you `` sweetheart `` ? kendall : partly that , and partly the -- just the sense that i got when i first read it . the fact that he was mentioning , talking about his casino partners . ricky : what about them ? kendall : this is a personal letter , and the fact that he would even bring up his business partners . the more i think about it , the more it does not make any sense . it does n't feel right , so i am gon na dig deep . i 'm gon na contact my lawyers , ryan 's pis , maybe even the cops . ricky : zach would be so disappointed in you . [ scene_break ] tad : i know you wanted some time alone . i do hope we 're not intruding . cara : no , no . of course not . jake : i 'll go to my room . i got to get that thing . mrs. castillo : he lives here , too ? jake : no , no . my house is under construction . it 's just a temporary -- griffin : hola . mami , hey . mrs. castillo : mijo , look at you . oh , i missed you so much . griffin : me , too . it 's been too long . so what do you think of our girl , huh ? getting married . mrs. castillo : again . griffin : si , and we 're all very excited . tad 's the best . mrs. castillo : everybody keeps telling me that . so what about you , griffin ? griffin : me ? mrs. castillo : i was hoping you would be the next one down the aisle . is there someone special ? griffin : ay , mami . you know i 'm married to my work . mrs. castillo : a man should have a family , children . you need to find that special woman , mijo . it 's time . [ scene_break ] kendall : `` disappointed `` ? zach would be disappointed in me ? ricky : kendall , i did n't mean to offend you . kendall : why would you say something like that ? ricky : because you 've read that letter backwards and forwards . kendall : so ? ricky : `` so `` ? what does it say about those casino people ? that they distracted him from spending time with you and your boys . so you know what ? maybe it was a lesson to never let anything or anyone get in the way of your happiness . kendall : he did say all of that . ricky : i know that dr. castillo is trying to help . but looking for secrets and conspiracies ? i do n't think that that 's the right answer . but , hey , it 's up to you to figure out what 's best . kendall : it was just a thought . i do n't know . maybe when i get off these meds completely , i 'll have a clearer picture of things . ricky : yeah , i could see that . kendall : oh ! i almost forgot . remember when you told me to think about some of the special places that i had with zach ? ricky : yeah , i remember . kendall : i passed one on the way to the hospital . yes , when i walked by the yacht club . it was the boat that zach and i lived on . he was gon na sell it when we came back to pine valley , but then the sale fell through . ricky : you still own this boat ? kendall : yeah . yeah . it was amazing . we sailed around the world . we had so many great moments on it . ricky : you want to go visit it ? kendall : no . no , i ca n't go there right now . it 's too soon . ricky : i understand . i just thought that this could be exactly the thing that you 're looking for . kendall : what do you mean ? ricky : well , i mean you 've concentrated so hard on finding a message in that letter . hey , maybe the message is simple : `` remember me . be happy . `` kendall : no . i just -- being back there , i just ca n't do it yet . ricky : ok . all right . but , hey , what about if i go with you ? and if you start feeling uncomfortable or if -- we can just leave . kendall : ok . ok . ricky : ok . [ scene_break ] jack : so you 're clear on what to take back to your client , s'il vous plait ? gilles : very well , monsieur . we 'll be in touch . mademoiselle . bianca : oh , my god . erica : no , it 's all right , sweetheart . it 's all right . it 's all right . bianca : is reese trying to take my girls away from me ? erica : it does n't matter what reese tries . she 's not going to get them . bianca : oh , thank you . how did you know i was here ? jack : marissa found us and told us what was going on . bianca : i 'm sorry . you were so right . marissa : no , i 'm just glad that we were able to head them off . bianca : thank you . marissa : i assume you 'll be wanting to retain jack as your lawyer . jack : which i would be happy to do . but in talking to marissa here on the way over , she has a very good handle on this case . bianca : i would be afraid to ask after i 've been so awful . marissa : you do n't have to ask . i 'd be happy to do it , if that 's what you want . bianca : yes , it is what i want . jack : ok . done . if you need anything , feel free to call . marissa : thanks . jack : i 'm gon na get out of here . bianca : thank you so much for everything . jack : you bet . any way i can help you , just let me know . ok ? all right . erica : jack ? what you did for bianca was wonderful . you were wonderful . jack : you know how i feel about her . i love her like she was my own daughter , and i 'll be there for her anytime she needs me . [ scene_break ] griffin : you must be hungry after your flight . [ phone chirps ] [ phone rings ] jake : i have to go in . cara : me , too . mrs. castillo : they still work together , eh , just like in africa ? cara : i 'll see you later , ok ? i love you . i 'm fine , mami . bye . griffin : bye . cara : bye , sweetheart . tad : mrs. c. , look . i know you have a lot of questions about this marriage . and the fact is if i was in your situation , i would , too . but you should know that i 'm committed to cara . i 'm committed to making sure she 's happy and making sure she 's safe . and i know that the whole brother scenario just only creates more questions , along with the age difference and the previous marriages and the kids . griffin : but ? tad : but your daughter and i are a whole new story , and we 're planning on a happy ending . [ scene_break ] erica : just because you moved out does n't mean you do n't want company , i hope . jack : you do n't have to do this . erica : i do n't have to do anything . jack : i know you 're grateful to me for what i did for bianca , but that was my pleasure . erica : no , i 'm grateful to you , because you 're still in my life . because you 're still the same wonderful , gallant man that i fell in love with all those years ago and the man i 'm still in love with . jack , i know that we 've lost our way , and i know that i am somewhat responsible for part of that -- for all of that . but you 're my touchstone , jack . you 're my family . i do n't want to lose you , not ever . [ scene_break ] ricky : are you ok ? kendall : uh , yeah . i do n't know . it feels weird to be here without zach . ricky : yeah . take your time . kendall : we got married on a boat . ricky : really ? kendall : yeah . yeah . and zach thought it would be sweet to get married again at sea . so he appointed our boys co - captains of the ship . he gave them these really sweet wedding instructions to say to us . he was always doing stuff like that , making it adventurous and fun . the boys -- they still talk about that day . [ phone rings ] ricky : ah . i 'm so sorry . it 's a parishioner . kendall : do n't worry about it . go ahead . ricky : thanks . hello ? diana : you 're on the boat ? is that the place ? ricky : we 'll see , mrs. davis . diana : so you have n't found it yet , the evidence ? ricky : still working on it . we should have an answer for you very soon . [ scene_break ] jack : i hated the thought of leaving you , even for a little while , but i just did n't see another option . erica : i 'm here to fight for you , jack . i 'm here to fight for us . i do n't want to be apart from you . i 'd like to start over , if you 're willing . jack : you always had a great talent for the grand gesture . erica : you know when i want something badly enough , i pull out all the stops . so ? i 'm waiting for your answer . [ scene_break ] bianca : another one . i love you guys . marissa : wow . you actually knew what to say to them . bianca : yeah , i know what i 'd like to say to reese next time i talk to her . marissa : trust me , i know . bianca : i just -- i wanted to handle things nicely for the kids ' sake . how cliché , huh ? marissa : no . that 's what everybody wants . and you were right , bianca . i let my experience with j.r. affect how i handled your case . i wanted everything to be nice and easy , too , but the second i let my guard down with j.r. , he burned me . i could n't let that happen to you . bianca : it wo n't now , thanks to you . [ scene_break ] mrs. castillo : this is all just happening too fast . i ca n't just stand here and let this happen . one way or another , i am going to stop this wedding . [ scene_break ] jake : it 's been a pretty rough day , i 'd say . right ? first , agent trumbull , and then your mom . cara : and then the emergency appendectomy . jake : which you did a beautiful job with , i might say . i might say it , and i just did . you did a good job . cara : i do n't know . jake : what 's the matter ? what is it ? cara : it 's -- it was just my mom . when she was telling me about how she wants me to be happy and in love , i just could n't -- i could n't tell her the truth , that i had that kind of love with you . i 'm sorry . i 'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable by saying this . i 'm saying it to explain why i have got to do this . here . i ca n't wear this anymore . because every time i see it , every time i touch it , it reminds me of what we had . so please take it . please ? [ amanda watches from the doorway ] [ scene_break ] kendall : it 's really dark back here . there was a master switch around here somewhere . zach always made sure that it was on . ricky : i get what you 're saying , mrs. davis . diana : if kendall sees the evidence , she 'll send us to prison . you do understand that you 'll have to get rid of her . ricky : of course , i understand . this is what i do .
reese 's lawyer arrives with a nanny to take miranda and gabi back to paris for spring break but marissa is able to stop the lawyer from taking the girls with some help from jack and erica . bianca is hurt because she never thought reese would turn their divorce into a battle . jack moves out of erica 's apartment and into the yacht club . erica is touched by thee way jack helped bianca and surprises him with a romantic dinner in his room erica tells jack that he is her touchstone and her family and she intends to fight for their relationship then they make love . cara and griffin 's mom leticia is n't convinced that cara will be happy with tad because she does n't look happy and in love so despite all of tad 's best efforts she tells him she intends to stop the wedding . leticia also tells griffin that it is time that he settles down with a special woman and gets married . cara gives jake his ring back as amanda watches unseen by cara and jake .
[ previously_on ] liza : i ca n't do this . david : do you have my daughter 's test results back ? dr. tracy : there is still a serious problem with her heart . kendall : i feel like i belong here . palmer : i 'm going to kick fusion out of here on its derriere . [ scene_break ] greenlee : do you understand what your little afternoon delight has cost us ? kendall : huh . greenlee , i swear i 'm not going to let you ruin this day for me . just tell me , was palmer mad ? greenlee : we 've been kicked out . kendall : excuse me ? greenlee : our landlord , your boss , petey 's father ? he kicked us out . kendall : of the building ? greenlee : no , kendall , out of america . yes , out of the building . kendall : no , that -- that 's impossible . palmer would never do that . greenlee : oh , he would , and he did . you two had some sort of deal ? kendall : yeah , we had a deal . he would lease us the building if i would promise to -- to watch petey . oh , god . greenlee : i really hope your afternoon of mattress tag with michael was worth it because you just cost us everything we 've worked for . [ scene_break ] laurie : jamie , what are you doing ? jamie : i ca n't stop thinking about you . laurie : jamie , you ca n't just come in here and do that . jamie : why ? laurie : you 're acting really weird . jamie : what 's so weird about me kissing you ? ca n't be any worse than my dad kissing liza . [ scene_break ] adam : a man declares his intention to make his marriage work magnificently , and you look at him like that ? liza : i 'm not looking at you like anything . lysistrata : interesting . adam : liza , is everything ok ? liza : i do n't know why you 're so suspicious of me . lysistrata : does he have reason to be ? adam : oh , i 'm not suspicious . i 'm -- i 'm concerned . you see that i 'm concerned , do n't you ? lysistrata : yes . liza , how does adam 's concern make you feel ? liza : inspected . adam : inspected ? lysistrata : well , maybe that 's because there are things that you have n't been saying to your husband . you think ? [ scene_break ] david : all right . what do you mean there 's a problem with the baby ? what 's the problem ? dr. tracy : why do n't we go down the hall . david : no , do n't . do n't -- do n't treat me like a patient , all right ? just tell me what 's wrong with my daughter . dr. tracy : she has a dysrhythmia . her heart is not functioning to capacity . it 's beating too slow , and she 's still having bradycardia episodes . david : damn it . dr. tracy : look , we knew going into this that there could be complications post - op . david : this is more than post - op complications . all right , what strategy do you want to adopt for treatment ? dr. tracy : surgery to allow us to fit her for a pacemaker . david : no . no . absolutely not . dr. tracy : look , david , i know this is difficult -- david : `` difficult `` ? you 're kidding , right ? look , i 'm sorry . you want me to act like a doctor here , but i 'm the father . i mean , i played god with my daughter 's life already and look where it got us . dr. tracy : you saved leora 's life , david . david : yeah , but now she 's here , and she 's having complications , because i operated on her in utero . in other words , my daughter is sick because of me . dr. tracy : i understand your reservations , but you know fitting for the pacemaker is nowhere near as difficult as in utero surgery . david : how do i know that ? how does anybody know that ? she 's just a baby . she 's a premature newborn . her heart 's already been compromised . there 's the risk of infection , of arrest or -- i mean , come on , who benefits by this ? a pacemaker in a baby ? dr. tracy : you do . anna does . your little girl , your family , david . medicine can do -- david : this is n't medicine . no , this is torture . dr. tracy : look , why do n't i go in , talk to anna -- david : no . dr. tracy : give you a chance -- david : no , i do n't want you talking to her , all right ? i know the diagnosis . i will explain it to her so she -- we 'll come to a decision together , ok ? dr. tracy : ok , and , david , i 'm truly sorry . i 'm here whenever you 're ready . the final decision is yours and anna 's . david : ok . david : hey . how are my girls ? anna : we 're just so fine . come on , sit down . look at her . she 's so perfect . david : yeah . anna : is n't she ? david : she 's more than perfect . anna : oh , i want to freeze this moment -- all of us together , our little family , all safe . david : me , too . anna : gosh , there was a moment there when i did n't think we 'd make it . everything we went through is so worth it , everything you did , david . david : anna , i -- maggie : hi . anna : oh , my goodness . what did you do ? did you rob the gift shop ? maggie : well , i was n't about to -- wait , wait , hold on -- show up empty- handed . this is for you . anna : are you sure ? maggie : and this -- oh -- is for my new baby cousin . anna : perfect and it 's pink . come here , come meet her . she 's so little . maggie : aw . hi . [ scene_break ] adam : is there something you want to tell me , liza ? liza : it 's not important , really . adam : well , i think it is . lysistrata thinks it is . liza : you 've never listened to her before . suddenly , you 're going to listen to her , is that it ? adam : oh , come on , come on , i 'm trying here . the least you can do is meet me halfway . liza : you know , i do n't want to go to the dinner tonight . adam : you mean the charity benefit ? liza : yes . adam : well , but we planned that weeks ago . we ca n't just back out . liza : why not ? why ? why ca n't we ? adam : well , because it 's an important event . liza : well , i do n't want to go . i -- if i have to sit at dinner one more night with the boringtons and the stodgyhems , you know , i 'm going to pull all of my hair out , and then i 'm going to come after you . adam : when do i get to choose our date ? liza : oh , plea -- that 's your idea of a date ? adam : well , i went with you last night to that -- that thing , that fusion party , dreadful fusion party , did n't i ? liza : do n't tell me you did n't have a good time . adam : you 've got to be kidding . it was like -- like being trapped in one of those obnoxious music videos with the bling - bong , bang - bang , bling -- liza : you know what , it 's bling - bling , and it would n't hurt you to loosen up every now and then . adam : oh , now it 's about me ? is that it ? is it about me ? what do you -- where the hell is she ? oh . are n't you going to say something here ? lysistrata : like what ? adam : well , i do n't know , maybe something professional for a change . lysistrata : professional ? no . adam : why not ? lysistrata : because it 's obvious you two need a more productive way to work through your issues . adam : i thought that 's what you were here for . lysistrata : nope . that 's what this is for . [ scene_break ] kendall : greenlee , do n't pack , do n't pack . greenlee : palmer said we 're toast , kendall . kendall : i 'm sorry . greenlee : yeah , whatever . kendall : no , i 'm really , really sorry . greenlee : you know what , kendall ? kendall : ok , i screwed up , i screwed up , ok , but i did n't mean to . greenlee : you know what ? maybe if i were 5 , and all you had done was pull my hair that excuse would fly . then all i 'd have to do is tell everyone you smell bad and things would be copacetic , but you know what ? kendall : what ? greenlee : we 're not 5 years old anymore , kendall . i have a life and responsibilities and i have a company to run , which i take very , very seriously . kendall : so do i . [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : i 'm sorry . was that the clock you were punching this afternoon or did michael just get in the way ? kendall : no , it was n't just -- it was n't like that , greenlee . it was n't just about sex . greenlee : i really do n't care about the details . kendall : you do n't understand . for the first time in a very long time , i finally have someone in my life who really cares about me . greenlee : sounds like a detail . kendall : no , greenlee , you do n't get it . michael -- michael , he just , he gets me , you know what i mean ? he knows who i am and he likes me , and part of who i am is this company . fusion means just as much to me as it does to you . i 'll talk to palmer . greenlee : you 'll do more than talk . kendall : look , look , palmer might have been mad when he left here , but i can guarantee you he was not serious about kicking us out of this building . trust me , you do n't know him like i do , ok ? everything 's going to be fine . we 're not -- we 're not going anywhere . simone : oh , my god . you are not going to believe what just happened . mia : we found this tacked to the front door . greenlee : what is it ? simone : an eviction notice . mia : we 've been evicted . greenlee : is that what `` eviction notice `` means ? mia : oh , come on . greenlee : oh ! we 're to vacate the property within 24 hours . simone : yeah . how did that happen ? [ scene_break ] jamie : hello ? can i see a menu , please ? laurie : you come here all the time . you do n't know what you want ? jamie : do you ? laurie : you 're being totally impossible right now . jamie : sorry . laurie : did your dad really kiss jr 's stepmom ? jamie : why , you going to pull a joni and tell him ? laurie : no . i was just wondering if that 's why you kissed me -- because you were trying to be like your dad . jamie : that 's not why i kissed you . laurie : why did you ? jamie : because the first kiss felt good . it was soft and sweet . [ laurie sighs ] laurie : jamie , look , we 're friends , ok ? jamie : i just thought you wanted me , too . laurie : you were just trying to make me feel better at the time . that 's why i did n't get mad at you . jamie : but you kissed me back . do n't say you did n't because you did . laurie : it did n't mean anything . joni 's the one who 's turning this into something it 's not , not me . jamie : well , i 'm glad she told jr . laurie : she had no right to . it was none of her business and i 'm really mad at her , and jr 's mad at us . if i could just talk to him -- jamie : it wo n't matter . jr 's my brother , laurie . he 's not going to forget about this . [ scene_break ] palmer : oh , there you are , there you are . oh , hi . um , i have a proposition for you . kendall : this is n't so bad . greenlee : how can it not be so bad ? mia : it 's iron - fisted . greenlee : ironclad . mia : whatever . it 's real . simone : how could you do this to us ? kendall : i did n't do anything to you . simone : excuse me ? [ greenlee mumbles ] greenlee : you slept with michael , and we 're the ones who got screwed . simone : yeah , why did we even give you any advice if you were n't even going to listen to us ? kendall : well , did it even occur to you that michael 's feeling for me might be genuine ? mia : my god . we told you michael was only after one thing . kendall : no , going back to michael was not a mistake . greenlee : oh , and you never make mistakes , do you ? carlos : bueno . i am done and i will see you ladies in the morning . mia : actually , no , you wo n't -- carlos : i 'm sorry ? mia : see us in the morning . carlos : sorry ? simone : well , because we have been evicted , carlos . carlos : this is -- this is a joke , right ? mia : no , no , it 's not a joke . carlos : well , is there anything i can do ? simone : gosh , i wish , but unfortunately , this is one thing that you ca n't fix for us , but i 'll call , you know , i mean , if things change . carlos : right . well , you guys -- you ladies take care and guarda la fe . greenlee : hmm . what does that mean ? simone : `` kendall sucks . `` mia : this can not be the end of fusion . kendall : no , fusion still exists . greenlee : on paper , and what good is that ? we ca n't afford a new building , a new lab . we had a deal , and it was too good to be true . simone : this is utterly depressing . greenlee : i put everything i had into this company . mia : we all did . we all did . i mean , i even did so much that i lost my fiancé over it . kendall : do n't -- do n't blame me for you losing jake . mia : i 'm not blaming you . i 'm looking down the barrel of what we have to show for everything that i 've given up , and the answer is not much . greenlee : this was supposed to be my fresh start , my new beginning . you know , i do n't think i can deal with starting again . mia : ok . all right . let 's just not panic , all right ? simone : right . mia 's right . i mean , look , we still have each other . greenlee : oh , god . kendall : do you know what i got out of this ? greenlee : lucky ? kendall : shut up . i got respect . you guys , i 'm serious . i got respect . this company is the only thing that i 've ever done in this stupid town that anybody has given me credit for , and it means something to me . so i 'm going to save it , and not just for me , but for you and you and -- and , yes , for even you . trust me , fusion is not dead . [ scene_break ] maggie : totally biased , but that is the cutest baby ever ! anna : she does n't look a bit like her dad , does she ? david : thank you very much . maggie : hey , if she did n't say it , i was going to . anna : we 're going to take her home soon , very soon . maggie : oh , great . you are ? anna : mm - hmm . maggie : good . anna : i , for one , can not wait to get out of this hospital . i want the doctors to stop poking me and prodding me . would you put that down please , mister ? maggie : do you have everything that you need ? anna : mm - hmm . i have him and we have our little girl . that 's all i need . maggie : i mean things like diapers , formula . wait a minute , do you guys even have a crib ? anna : we do , actually , made by your cousin 's own bare hands . maggie : you did not . anna : he did . david : yes , i did . anna : and he even carved the letter l just so she 'll know it 's hers . maggie : oh , l , l. what 's her name ? lena ? lisa ? leelee ? what ? anna : go on , tell her . david : well , i was certain that the baby was going to be a boy , so the plan was to name him leo , but , obviously , somebody else had a different plan , so we 've called her leora . maggie : leo would love that . hmm . anna : is this person for you ? maggie : oh . gosh , excuse me . i 'm sorry . hi , henry . henry : hi . sorry . i did n't mean to interrupt . maggie : no , do n't worry . can he come in ? is it ok ? anna : yeah , no , come on in , please . hi . henry : hi . you wanted these notes ? maggie : oh , thanks . i could 've come by your place . henry : oh , that 's ok . maggie : oh , i 'm being so rude . i 'm sorry . henry , this is anna devane and this is my cousin david hayward . they just had a baby . henry : a baby girl . yeah , i know . maggie : how did you know that ? henry : well , i 've read all about you in the papers . maggie : oh , well , do n't believe everything that you read because david happens to be -- henry : an amazing heart surgeon . well , the best actually . like , it 's really such an honor to meet you . i mean , to be one of the few people who have performed an in utero operation , and on your own child , it 's -- it 's just amazing . you 're amazing . [ scene_break ] adam : where 's mine ? lysistrata : you do n't get one . adam : why not ? lysistrata : liza needs it more . adam : this is the last session i 'm paying for . liza : oh , what , because you did n't get your own bat ? i have reasons for being upset , valid reasons . adam : ok , well , just tell me what they are . tell me what they are . say something ! liza : jake . jake . adam : jake ? liza : he cheated on mia , broke her heart , skipped town . he went with some floozy , did n't care what it did to her . adam : how is that my fault ? liza : you know , not everything 's about you , adam . adam : no , but you just said -- liza : you know , what jake did remind -- adam : do n't compare me to jake martin . ow ! lysistrata : excellent ! adam : what the hell are you -- i 'm on mia 's side here . i think she could do a hell of a lot better than some floundering martin . liza : oh -- adam : what was that ? lysistrata : strike two ! liza : you know what ? adam : what ? liza : you have philandered . adam : well -- no , wait -- liza : you have philandered most of your life , as a matter of fact . why do n't we just talk about the last year ! adam : oh -- are you going back to that judge again ? liza : no , you know what , let 's just skip the judge . we 'll start with brooke . adam : oh , come on now , brooke -- that 's an entirely different situation . [ liza scoffs ] adam : no , no , she was n't just some face in the crowd . we had a history . it was -- it was complicated . there were -- there were emotions involved . it was n't just about -- liza : what , sex ? lysistrata : huh ! adam : yes ! lysistrata : so , if liza and a man from her past , someone that she shared a complicated history with , have an encounter that is more emotional than sexual , you would be able to see past that , huh ? you would be able to forgive her ? adam : are you insane ? nothing could justify an affair right now . lysistrata : you mean her affair . adam : no , i mean any affair . do you know -- do you realize what it would do to me if you were unfaithful right now ? is that what this is about ? liza : no , no , no ! adam : it would kill me ! that 's what . there , i said it , ok ? i 've had a breakthrough . uh , give me that bat . give me that bat . i want that bat . i want to beat up on you for a while . liza : no , no , no , stop it . do n't blame lysistrata . adam : no , i do n't give a hoot about lysistrata . i care about us , about our marriage ! i want it to survive ! but i do n't want to just -- just keep at this so you can make me your personal whipping boy . liza , you have some issues here , too . you do . now , you should look at that . you should work on that . matter of fact , why do n't you just stay here -- right here -- and work on that and i 'll go have dinner with the uptightmores and the stodgyhams ! lysistrata : whew . that was fun . liza : that was unfair . it was not right that you thought it was the time to tell adam that i had a kiss with tad . lysistrata : well , you wanted to know what would happen if he did , and now you do . liza : yeah , well -- lysistrata : oh , well , just feel free to say `` thank you `` at any time . liza : thank you ? for what ? lysistrata : because now you know that adam would never forgive you , regardless of the circumstances . liza : how does that help me ? lysistrata : it leaves your future in your hands . you may not realize it now , liza , but you finally have control over the direction your life is headed . liza : i -- ugh ! lysistrata : see you next week ! [ scene_break ] mia : this has just got to be some kind of a record . simone : what do you mean ? mia : to lose a guy and a job within such a short period of time . it 's just got to be some kind of a record . simone : well , you know what , maybe there 's some way that we can actually save the company . mia : i do n't know . i do n't know . i mean , we 're barely scraping by on a buck a year for rent . i just -- this sucks . i 'm going home or out , just not here . simone : well , do you want some company ? mia : no , thanks . i 'll see you later . simone : oh , this is great . oh , ooh . i really do feel bad for her . greenlee : yeah , well , either one of us is n't any better off . simone : you know what , your compassion is astounding . greenlee : ca n't feel sorry for everyone , simone . simone : so did you hear from your secret admirer today ? greenlee : yeah , how great would that be if i log on and he 's written me a note ? simone : you know , it would be like he actually knew that you needed to hear from him today . greenlee : ha ! no messages . i 'm officially depressed now . simone : hmm . greenlee : god . there has to be something i can do to find out who this guy is if nothing else . [ scene_break ] laurie : look , mr. cortlandt , if this is anything to do with jr , i 'm really not interested . palmer : no , no , no , it has nothing to do with that . no , this has to do with my son , peter . laurie : is he ok ? palmer : oh , he 's fine , just fine . in fact , he is so fine , i would like you to replace kendall as his nanny . laurie : what ? palmer : yes , well , i think you 'd be a -- a wonderful influence on the boy . laurie : look , i know kendall made a mistake , but i do n't really think it 's worth firing her over , do you ? palmer : well , apparently , i do because i just offered the job to you . um , miss lewis , you 'd be very well compensated . i think it would be wise of you to say yes . kendall : you 'd be crazy to say no . take it from me , i 've cashed some of his checks . palmer : too many , if you ask me . laurie : look , i really have to get back to work . sorry . kendall : palmer , i need to talk to you . palmer : mm - hmm . is this the part where you plead and beg for your job back ? kendall : sort of , only it 's not the job you think . let 's face it , i stink at being a nanny . you know it . i know it . even petey knows it . palmer : mm - hmm . kendall : that 's why he loves me so much . palmer : yes , can we move this along ? kendall : you ca n't kick us out . palmer : oh , i already have . i would have delivered the eviction notice myself , except that i was too busy babysitting . kendall : you 'd be a fool to destroy fusion just because you 're mad at me , and you 're no fool , are you , palmer ? [ scene_break ] mia : barkeep ? please ? bartender : take it easy there , killer . mia : yeah , yeah , you 're a peach . mmm . ah , this is so much better than packing and being engaged . well , it 's no wonder his forearms are so strong . guess who . too late ! carlos : mia . mia : hi ! carlos : hi . mia : oh , i 'm sorry . carlos : it 's no problem . mia : hey . so , can i ask you a question ? you have , like , a thing against dating the women you work with ? carlos : `` a thing `` ? mia : yeah , i mean , well , simone obviously likes you and she 's made herself available to you , and she 's hot and you 're extremely hot , but you 're not doing anything about it , so i was just kind of wondering if you had a thing or if you 're gay , because that 's fine , too , if you 're gay . bianca 's gay . carlos : i 'm not gay . mia : so what 's the problem then ? i mean , just you 're not into her ? carlos : you know , simone is nice , very smart . es muy hermosa . like , she 's beautiful , but she 's not the woman for me . mia : so do you feel that way about all the women at fusion ? or the women who were fusion , that is ? carlos : all the ladies at fusion are very beautiful . mia : oh , really ? how beautiful ? whoo ! whoa ! [ mia laughs ] carlos : ok . all right . mia : what ? carlos : i think you should sit down . mia : no . i got a better idea . why do n't we blow this pop stand ? carlos : ok , you want to blow what ? mia : hey . i want you and me to go back to my place for a drink . what do you think ? [ scene_break ] henry : i hope i did n't say anything to offend you , dr. hayward . i mean , i truly do consider you a role model . david : well , i 'll tell you what , henry , why do n't you get a few more years of medical experience under your belt , and then you can come and see me and let me know if you still consider me to be a role model , ok ? henry : ok . i should go . it was nice meeting you . anna : it was very nice to meet you , too . henry : congratulations on your baby . anna : thank you so much . thank you . maggie : i 'm just going to say good - bye . i 'll meet you in a second ? henry : ok . maggie : what ? anna : he 's cute . maggie : he 's my lab partner , anna . anna : nice chemistry . maggie : shut up . anna : i am sorry . maggie : if i hear that joke one more time , i swear i 'm going to vomit . anna : ok , i 'm cheap . maggie : congratulations , mum . anna : thank you so much . maggie : hmm , and dad . david : thanks for coming by . maggie : no problem . anna : bye , sweetie . maggie : bye . anna : oh , you could have been a little nicer to henry . it 's obvious that he likes maggie . david : i did n't notice . anna : yeah . what is it ? do n't say nothing , because it 's obviously something . david : i 'm sorry . anna : well , what for ? david : there 's something i got to tell you , and i do n't know how to do it . anna : what ? what have you got to tell me ? is it about the baby ? [ scene_break ] maggie : hmm , how about over here ? henry : ok . i ca n't believe i met david hayward -- i mean , the david hayward . maggie : yeah , he 's pretty famous around here . henry : maggie , he 's an extraordinary heart surgeon . so what 's he really like ? maggie : well , actually , he 's -- he 's a bit of an egomaniac sometimes . henry : yeah , well , i would be , too , if i were him . maggie : but he 's very strong and incredibly loyal . i trust him with my life . maggie : thank you , laurie . henry : so what 's anna like ? maggie : she rocks . no , seriously . she is so tough . she 's the only person that can keep david in line , but she really loves him , and they have gone through so much to get to this point in their lives . they know what they have is really special . maggie : mmm . so have i earned some points now that i 'm related to one of your superheroes ? henry : maybe a couple . guess i ca n't chalk your grades up to dumb luck anymore , huh ? maggie : oh , thanks a lot . thank you . so what about your family ? henry : what about my family ? maggie : i do n't know , you met mine . fair 's fair . what 's yours like ? henry : really , they 're nothing special , honest . can you pass me the ketchup ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh , wow , wow . you made good time . jamie : thanks . i was only a few blocks away when you called . greenlee : good . excellent . why do n't you come over here and sit down . jamie : i can stand . greenlee : no . no , no , no , sit , get comfortable . jamie : ok . greenlee : are you comfortable ? jamie : yeah , sure . greenlee : good , good . so i 've heard you 're one savvy computer ge -- guy . that true ? jamie : well , i 'm decent . greenlee : uh - huh . jamie : but joni stafford , she 's better if you have any real computer problems . greenlee : yeah . forget about little miss muffet . here 's the thing , jamie -- i 've been getting these e - mails -- sort of romantic e - mails , if you know what i mean . jamie : nice . greenlee : my thoughts exactly . except for i do n't know who 's sending them . jamie : so you want me to find out who it is . greenlee : you catch on fast . i like that in a man -- child . jamie : yeah , thanks . greenlee : see , a high - profile professional such as myself ca n't go out with just anyone , you know ? therefore , it 's crucial -- you know what that means , right ? it 's crucial that i know who this particular man is before allowing things to go any further . so , can you help me ? can you do this ? and please do n't say no , jamie , because i 've had one rotten day . we on ? [ scene_break ] carlos : mia , you just broke up with your fiancé , and i do n't want to -- you know ? mia : right . yeah . i 'm damaged goods . carlos : you 're sad and i do n't want to take advantage of you , all right ? mia : god , i always seem to find the gentlemen , do n't i ? carlos : mia , just -- mia : no , you know what , you had your chance . you missed out . sorry . just play darts and watch that wall . man : awfully forward there . mia : oh , god . the service here stinks . thirsty ? man : hell , yeah . mia : oh , yeah ? you like ? man : hell , yeah . now , do n't stop till i say . mia : wow , a man after my own heart . man : oh , i 'm a man after more than your heart . mia : a sweet - talker , huh ? man : as if i could talk to you any other way but sweet . mia : hmm . carlos : all right , sorry , pal , but the lady 's with me . mia : oh . am i now ? man : that true ? mia : what is your name ? man : al . mia : yeah , al , actually , i am . lucky me , huh ? carlos : let 's go . mia : yeah , you just lead - o el way - o . carlos : right . mia : did i say that right ? carlos : whatever . mia : yeah . mia : whew . [ mia giggles ] mia : pardon me . [ scene_break ] kendall : palmer , i -- i appreciate that you care about me enough to want me to teach me a lesson , but i 'm not asking for myself . these women , these ambitious , smart women , they 've grown to be my friends , and they 've put so much of themselves into fusion . if fusion disappears , they 'll be lost . they 'll lose everything . palmer : and if fusion disappears , what do you lose ? kendall : only what i 've never had -- friends , a job , a purpose . that 's ok . i mean , i 've gone without it before . i 'll be fine . it 'll be kind of like going home -- something else i 've never had . palmer : is that a violin on the chip on your shoulder ? kendall : palmer , forget me . just do this for them . do this for the people that did n't screw up , the people that did n't leave your son alone without a nanny . please , please do n't -- do n't make them pay for my mistakes . palmer : why do you get to me ? why ? why ? i will never understand . kendall : so we can stay ? palmer : on two conditions . kendall : name them . palmer : well , one , you convince laurie lewis to come on board as peter 's nanny . he needs someone who -- well , not you , and , well , you 're just a bad influence on the boy . no -- no offense , really . kendall : no , no , none taken . consider it done . done deal . palmer : yeah . kendall : so what 's the second condition ? palmer : well , this is n't going to be so easy . kendall : oh , well , i 'm always up for a challenge . palmer : do n't be so sure . i have n't told you yet what it is i want from you . [ scene_break ] david : you should know that dr. tracy recommends a pacemaker , but i do n't agree . anna : what do you think that we should do ? david : well , i think we should let leora get stronger , a little bit bigger . anna : i do n't know . i do n't know if i can do that . i mean , she 's our child . the doctors think that she should have a pacemaker . david : i do n't feel that that is necessary at this time . anna : so , is there a split opinion about this ? david : yeah . anna : if this were any other child than your daughter , is this what you would recommend , that we wait ? david : anna , i just want to take her home , ok ? i mean , she 's been through so much already . please , let 's just -- let 's just take leora home , ok ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : you do know what you 're doing , right ? jamie : yeah , i think so . greenlee : encouraging , really . keep it up . liza : jamie . what are you doing here ? greenlee : jamie 's , uh , doing some online research . liza : trying to ferret out your mysterious e - mailer ? greenlee : yep . liza : well , that did n't take too long . you sure you do n't know who it is ? greenlee : not a clue . as long as it 's not trey , i do n't care who it is . liza : be careful what you wish for . well , i think i 'm going to get productive and do some work . greenlee : yeah , well , we were evicted today , so you might want to do some packing . jamie : i got a name , got a name . greenlee : who ? wait , whoa , move , move , move . jamie : his name is sydney bergeron . liza : sydney bergeron ? who 's that ? greenlee : i do n't know . i 'm not going to wait for his next e - mail to find out . [ scene_break ] mia : oh . nice , huh ? carlos : yeah . mia : i hate it . you want a tour ? carlos : no . look , you should n't talk to strange men in bars . mia : you 're a strange man . are you sorry i talked to you ? carlos : you need to go to bed . mia : you want to come and tuck me in -- real tight ? carlos : you 're drunk . mia : and you 're cute . [ scene_break ] kendall : whatever it is you want me to do , just name it , ok ? when it comes to keep fusion going , pride is not an issue . palmer : well , i 'm glad to hear you say that . kendall : ok . so what is it ? palmer : well , i would like your help to bring about a rapprochement between two people that i care very dearly about . kendall : ooh , loving it already . who are these two lost souls ? palmer : you and erica . kendall : what ? palmer : you make peace with your mother and you can have the building back . kendall : yeah , right ! oh , my god , you 're -- you 're serious . palmer , no . no , erica -- she 's the cause of my problems , not the solution . palmer : oh , in this particular matter , she is very much the solution . kendall : no . palmer , no , it 'll never work . palmer : well , if you want your building back , you 'll find a way to make it work . [ next_on ] greenlee : you need someone to talk to , and touchy - feely female bonding is n't my forte . carlos : buenos dias . edmund : listen , we 're in a family and we 're related . kendall : i would like to apologize .
greenlee informs kendall that palmer kicked them out . greenlee starts to pack and mia and simone show up with the eviction notice off the front door . they all argue . kendall tells them she will save the company . greenlee wonders about her mystery man . jamie stops by to help her , and is able to find a name . mia goes to the bar . she runs into carlos and asks him why he does n't like simone . she asks him to go back to her place . he does n't want to take advantage of her . a random guy hits on mia , and carlos steps in to save her . he gets her home safely . she kisses him . laurie asks jamie why he kissed her . palmer interrupts them and asks her to replace kendall as petey 's nanny . kendall apologizes to palmer and asks him not to kick them out . he says they can stay if laurie will be petey 's nanny and make peace with erica . adam wants to know if anything is wrong with liza . she tells him she does n't want to go to the charity event . lysistrata tries to get liza to tell adam what happened with tad . liza tells him about jake and mia . lysistrata asks him how he would feel , and adam says if liza had an affair it would kill him . the doctor tells david the baby needs a pacemaker . david does n't want that . he blames himself for his daughter being sick . back in the room , anna says everything they went through was worth it . maggie stops by to visit . david tells anna that the baby needs surgery . they discuss what is best to do for the baby . maggie tells henry that david is incredibly strong and loyal , and that anna keeps david in line and loves him .
adam : what the hell have you done to my wife ? sweetheart -- krystal : huh -- adam : can you hear me ? get your hands off of her ! josh : she fainted . she 'll be fine . krystal : babe -- babe 's alive ? [ scene_break ] babe : erica ? what are you doing here ? erica : sorry . i -- i did n't mean to wake you up . i -- i just saw this gorgeous bouquet of flowers in the hospital floral shop , and i thought that your room could use some brightening . babe : they 're beautiful . thank you . the casino gift shop sure does sell beautiful flowers . josh told me everything . erica : i 'm just hoping that he heard something , anything , about kendall . i 'm so worried about her . [ scene_break ] annie : who told emma this hat would fit spike ? julia : spike ? di : oh , oh . julia : oh , kathy asked me if she could borrow that to play dress - up for her tea party . annie : ah -- three guesses who got dressed up . di : my , i 've got to see this . annie : oh , well , do n't bother . they kicked me out . they said it was a tea party for kids only . julia : oh . annie : yeah . the only reason they let rachael stay is because she 's their official videographer . it 's actually great she 's getting it on camera . ryan and kendall will love seeing it . di : i spoke to aidan not too long ago . he says -- he hopes this will all be over soon . julia : please , god . annie : did he give any specifics ? di : he plays things pretty close to the vest . he 's that way with everything . julia : so are you . when are you finally going to tell him that you 're in love with him ? [ scene_break ] aidan : a dummy corp , three months after cambias supposedly died . j.r. : with blueprints to match zach 's house where he grew up . jamie : according to the broker 's notes , the corporation that built this place won a bidding war with the bureau of land management . they wanted to add the acreage to a place called -- [ scene_break ] tad : `` red rock canyon `` -- that 's got to be it . 200,00 acres of national conservancy west of vegas . ryan : national conservancy ? that does n't make any sense . man : i 'm here to sell computers , gentlemen . nowhere on the sign does it say `` internet cafe . `` you want to surf the web , get a library card . ryan : sold . yeah , everything you got . all of it , sold . man : are you serious ? tad : if he wanted to , he could buy your whole company . ryan : but right now , a woman 's life is on the line , and we need some answers . tad : what can you tell us about red rock canyon ? [ scene_break ] alexander : say good - bye to your wife , alex . kendall : no . no ! please , please , please , stop this . please , please -- zach ! zach , the gun ! the gun ! alexander : you know you 're going to have to keep your hand permanently on mine forever if you want to keep that dart away from kendall 's lovely neck ! you 're going to have to learn your lesson , alex . zach : no kendall : please , stop ! alexander : one step closer , i shoot , and you die ! you let go of that trigger , and she dies . zach : i 'm right here , i 'm not going anywhere . alexander : this was not the plan , alex . learn your damn lesson ! [ zach groans and falls down as his father shoots him in the hand . ] kendall : no ! no ! no . zach : lesson learned . let kendall go . i know how you feel . alexander : knowing how i feel is hardly enough . you will be thoroughly punished . zach : all the women died because of me . all those women you killed died , because of me , and these were women that i respected , that i admired , and that i called friends ! and if i had followed in your footsteps -- if i had become you -- those beautiful women would still be alive . it has n't escaped me . and i 'm going to have to live with that every day of my life . do n't you think that 's punishment enough ? [ scene_break ] erica : it is just torture for me not knowing where my daughter is , if she 's ok . babe : josh has n't said anything to me about kendall . erica : josh is risking his medical license , you know that , bringing you here and hiding you out like this . babe : and i owe him so much for it . erica : yes . unfortunately , he may have put his sister in even greater danger than ever . babe : josh is as worried about kendall as you are , erica . i 'm worried about her , too . we all just want her home safe . erica : thank you . actually , you know what ? you 're right . this whole thing has been agony for all of us . your whole family . i mean , j.r. -- i -- i have never seen j.r. like this . j.r. is bereft . i think we should call him , babe . i think that we should let j.r. in on this . i mean , j.r. would be just -- just thrilled to know that you 're alive . babe : no . no , no one else can know . no one . [ scene_break ] krystal : babe , my baby doll , is alive . adam : why does she keep saying that ? josh : she may be delirious . is she on any meds ? adam : prenatal vitamins . she 's pregnant . what the hell are you doing in my house ? i told you to stay out of here . josh : do you want to come at me , or do you want me to help your wife ? now , go to the medicine cabinet . bring -- bring me every prescription with her name on it . josh : krystal , listen to me . you say a word about this . not to adam , not to anyone . i came here to take you to babe . but for your daughter 's sake , you have to keep this between us . ok ? [ scene_break ] di : things are great right now . we have fun together , you know ? you throw love in the mix and things get weird . julia : wuss . di : yeah , wuss . ok , i 'm a wuss . what ? julia : tell him . di : listen , if he wants to know , he will ask . and if either one of you blows my cover , i will deny , deny , deny . julia and annie : wuss . di : oh , well , look who 's talking . now , i do n't see you and jamie picking out china . julia : and you never will . annie : i thought you guys were serious . julia : i love him , and i 've told him that , and he 's told me back , which is , by the way , how it works , for future reference . di : wait . back up a second . `` and you never will `` -- what is that ? you do n't think you and jamie are ever going to take the plunge ? julia : ok , i guess maybe i should n't say `` never . `` let 's -- let 's just say it 's highly unlikely . i 've just learned to take life one day at a time , mm- hmm . di : in other words , we 're both wusses . annie : well -- ahem -- i have you both beat . [ scene_break ] ryan : i got the map . tad : great . listen , we 've narrowed it down to a couple of properties in a place called -- aidan : red rock canyon . tad : you know about it ? do you know which house belongs to cambias ? aidan : on the south side . our man has a thing for balconies . tad : awesome . we 'll see you there . come on . jamie : my dad already knew about red rock ? aidan : he and ryan are on their way now . j.r. : well , let 's go . aidan : thanks for coming , boys . i got a job for you , a way you can make it up to your boss . there 's two wannabe assassins in that closet . guard them with your life . do n't lose them like you lost kendall . [ scene_break ] alexander : no punishment is odious enough for you , alexander . what you did to me was unforgivable . i raised you . loved you . tended to your every need . all i asked in return was your gratitude and obedience . but instead , you made me grieve you so deeply . i thought i 'd soon follow you to the grave . never have i felt such loss . zach : you did n't love me , dad . you loved that i came from you , that i would be you . alexander : every parent looks for themselves in their child . our children make us immortal . is that such a crime to admit that i wanted that from you ? zach : drop the gun , and you 'll have it . alexander : you walked away from the perfect life i had planned for you . you turned your back on me . you did something unforgivable , destroyed a father 's love ! stripped me of all the dreams i ever had for us ! if i have become heartless , it 's because you made me this way . vengeance is all i had . so i embraced it . finally found something you ca n't take away from me . [ scene_break ] sean : what the hell is your problem ? colby : i am delivering forged notes for you at school , getting blasted with 100,000 questions from your teachers , and you 're kicking back playing games ? sean : fine . i wo n't ask for your help anymore . colby : no -- why are you being this way ? sean : because i do n't need you breathing down my neck , slamming me about skipping school . well , you 're off the hook , colby , so leave me the hell alone . [ scene_break ] adam : all i could find were prenatal vitamins . krystal : i 'm -- i 'm fine , adam . adam : sweetheart , you fainted . krystal : i -- i just got up too fast . i -- i felt a little dizzy , that 's all . adam : yeah , well , the things you were saying -- krystal : about babe ? adam : yeah . krystal : yeah , well , she just -- she flashed in my mind when i was coming to . i guess i was just really out of it . i -- adam : are you sure she 's ok ? josh : yeah , her pulse is fine . i do n't see any signs of distress . adam : fine , fine -- then get the hell out of my house . krystal : no , no , no , no , adam , adam -- josh came to see me because he misses babe , too , so -- adam : huh . krystal : we 're going to go to the cemetery to see babe . adam : sweetheart , that 's ridiculous . you just -- you just fainted . you 're still weak . krystal : no -- adam : you 're eight months pregnant . krystal : adam -- adam , honey , i 'm fine now , really . besides , i 'll -- i 'll be with a doctor . look , please , adam , i -- i need to talk to josh , ok ? i really think it 's going to help us both . so we 're going to go visit my daughter , and that 's all there is to it . ok ? [ scene_break ] babe : as far as j.r. is concerned , i 'm staying dead . only mama can know the truth . erica : krystal knows ? babe : josh went to go tell her . erica : babe , tell me something . how long do you intend on staying hidden out like this ? i mean , once the killer is caught , then what happens ? babe : i 'll think about it then . erica : well , surely you 've thought about it . babe : the only thing that i 've thought about is seeing my mama and making sure my son is ok . erica : i see . well , that must be very nice . it must be very nice for your mother to be able to put her arms around you and know that you are alive , that you are safe . i only hope i have that same opportunity with kendall . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh -- you are not responsible for any of this , zach . remember that . zach : let kendall go . come on , this is between you and me . it has nothing to do with her . she did n't do anything wrong . you can kill me if you want -- kendall : no -- no , no ! zach : let my wife live , ok ? alexander : i would have considered setting kendall free until you wrestled this thing from my hands . you wanted to control your wife 's fate ? well , now you do . regretting your decision now , alex ? but if i kill you while you 're holding it , you 'll have to let go , and into kendall 's bloodstream goes that drug , straight into her heart . you die , kendall dies , too . zach : and then what , dad ? you kill me , what are you going to do then ? that 's everything you lived for . and then no more vengeance . nothing left . alexander : huh , on the contrary . the future looks very bright for your old man . too bad you wo n't be around to see it . zach : yeah ? what are you going to do ? alexander : i 'm still very much impressed with the sort of man that ryan is at his core . zach : you 're going to make him your son ? alexander : no , that would never work . but with the help of this beautiful woman that you and he love so dearly -- you 've given me hope again , kendall . if ever there was a woman worthy of bearing the cambias progeny , it 's you . it 's a shame that you have to die . zach : i told you i will take what 's coming to me . let her go . take that thing off her neck . alexander : thanks to you , i 'll still be able to live out my dream . i 'll still have cambias . kendall : no . no , not miranda . no ! alexander : michael 's spawn ? oh , no . i 'm thinking of a very strong and handsome little boy we all know and love . kendall : no , no ! my god , no ! zach : do n't you even think it . alexander : i 'm sorry to see you go , kendall , but at least you know that your progeny will be well provided for . kendall : you stay the hell away from my son . alexander : oh , yes . i 'm going to take your son from ryan and raise him as my own . [ scene_break ] barbara : sean -- sean , who 's your pretty friend ? colby : hey , i 'm colby chandler . barbara : colby chandler -- you must be adam 's daughter . nice to meet you . i am barbara montgomery , sean 's mother . i used to work for your dad many moons ago . colby : oh , wow , i never knew that . barbara : sean , is n't it time to get ready to go to school ? i can pack you a lunch if you 'd like . [ scene_break ] erica : you just said yourself , you have so much to be grateful to josh for . for saving your life . for hiding you . i mean , josh really went all out to create this -- this hospital room out of nowhere . babe : but it was n't just josh . zach and kendall , jeff -- your husband , jack -- they all had a hand in it . erica : yes , i know that . but it was josh who 's been with you day and night . he 's been by your side . it 's josh who ultimately is -- babe : you want to know if josh and i have a future ? more than just friends ? erica : do you ? babe : like i said before , the only thing i can think about right now is seeing my mama and my son . krystal : oh . oh , babe -- babe : mama ? i 'm ok , i 'm alive . krystal : it 's really you ? my god -- you 're alive ! you 're alive ! oh . babe : i 'm ok . i 'm right here . oh , i hate that they had to do that to you . krystal : no , no , no , sweetheart , they had to . they had to make everybody believe that you were dead to keep you safe . babe : you must have just gone crazy . krystal : oh -- i 'm not mad . i 'm not mad . i 'm dancing . i got my sweet baby doll back . [ scene_break ] josh : well ? erica : well , what ? i knew you were coming back . i -- i had to talk to you . i had to find out if you had any news about kendall . i mean , i 've been worried sick about her . josh : well , so have i , but unfortunately , i have n't heard anything . are you sure that 's the only reason why you came here ? erica : look , josh , you know that if i were asked to handpick a woman for you to spend the rest of your life with , that babe chandler would n't even make the prelims . josh : thought so . erica : no , please let me finish . every nerve in my body is twitching , because i have to say this . but there 's no getting around it . i 'm trying to accept babe chandler . i 'm trying , because i know how much you love her . and i know if i do n't accept her , that i could lose you . and i ca n't risk that . i may have lost one child already . [ scene_break ] kendall : i told you to stay the hell away from my son , you bastard . ryan will kill you before you lay a hand on spike . alexander : ryan has no more power over me than you do ! back on your knees . kendall : no , do n't -- do n't , zach ! do n't give him one damn thing . do n't . alexander : do it . when will you learn ? there are consequences to your actions . you were supposed to let go of that trigger . you would kill the woman you love and live with that for the rest of your life , however short that might be . only then , might you realize what you 've done to me . but no more of that . i will kill kendall , and you 'll watch her die , knowing that i always win . kendall : zach ! [ when alexander turns to shoot kendall , zach removes a knife from his lower leg and throws it , knocking the gun out of his father 's hand . after kicking the gun out of the way , zach removes the contraption around kendall 's neck and finally releases the button . ] kendall : zach , zach , zach -- zach : do n't -- do n't -- kendall : zach -- zach -- zach , watch out ! watch out ! alexander : oh ! zach : no ! kendall : zach ! zach , watch out zach -- zach ! zach , watch out ! zach ! zach -- zach : get up ! kendall : zach , watch out . alexander : oh ! kendall : zach ! zach : you killed erin , you killed simone . you killed dixie , and you killed my mom . now i 'm going to kill you . [ zach places his bloody hands around his father 's hands and squeezes . ] zach : how does it feel , huh ? kendall : zach , no zach : how does it feel ? you defend yourself -- i 'm in charge now ! kendall : zach , i -- zach : i decide who lives or dies ! you made me what i am ! tad : zach ! ryan : zach , get off ! zach : get off me ! tad : stop , get off ! zach : get off of me ! tad : no , no , no , come here . ryan : no , kendall ! tad : come on ! hey , hey ! kendall : ryan , please ! ryan : oh , my god . oh , my god . are you ok ? what did he do to you ? kendall : i 'm ok . ryan : how is this -- i mean , what is it ? what 's going on ? zach : hey , i 'm not finished yet ! tad : yes . listen to me . it 's finished . it 's finished . zach : he killed dixie . his life is n't worth saving ! tad : no , no ! it 's not , but yours is . ryan : i have you now . it 's all right . kendall : ryan , ryan , listen to me , listen to me . the man is sick . he 's sick , ok ? he threatened spike . he threatened to -- ryan : if my son 's name so much as crosses your lips , i swear to you i will finish you myself . how could you do it ? how ? how could you take my only sister ? alexander : you disappointed me ! you let alex have kendall , and you were supposed to keep her away from him . you failed me ! [ alexander groans as he doubles over from ryan 's punch in the gut . ] [ scene_break ] josh : erica , i trust jack , ryan , and zach to keep kendall safe , and so should you . we 're not the only ones who care about her . and if i had the chance to save kendall the way i saved babe , i would 've jumped at it . you have to know that , but it just so turned out that -- that kendall 's fate was out of my hands . but saving babe -- that i could do . erica : and you have done such a wonderful job . i 'm just so worried about your future . josh : my future is with babe . [ scene_break ] babe : how is little adam ? krystal : oh . babe : how 's my baby ? krystal : he misses you . babe : he does n't think that i 'm -- right ? krystal : no , no . nobody 's had the heart to tell him , thank the lord . j.r. is planning on telling him tonight when he gets back from out of town . he 's off trying to nail the guy who 's responsible for all of this . babe : how are you going to stop j.r. from telling him ? you ca n't let him know i 'm alive . krystal : i 'll figure out a way to keep j.r. from telling little a without tipping the truth . i know about the blackmail . j.r. threatened to tell adam the truth about my baby . [ scene_break ] stuart : oh . uh -- i like to come in here , too , when j.r. 's not around . that room full of babe 's stuff , i -- i can almost make my brain believe that -- that she never left . adam : i 'm worried about krystal , stuart . stuart : yeah . when someone you love dies , it hurts so bad you -- you almost -- almost wish you 'd never met them , so your heart would n't hurt so badly . when cindy -- when cindy died , i thought i was never going to enjoy life again . and when a child dies , it must be ten times worse . it 's going to take krystal some time to -- to accept that . that 's what you 're worried about , is n't it ? adam : the light in krystal 's eye , that fire that i fell in love with -- it 's gone . i keep telling myself that she 's grieving and it 'll come back when little charlotte 's born , but i -- in my heart , i know that that 's going to happen . i love krystal more than i 've ever loved any other woman . and i feel so damned helpless . for the first time in my life , i do n't know what to do or how to fix it . stuart : i 'm so happy to hear that . no . it -- no , it -- no offense , adam , but -- but a lot of times when you try to fix stuff , you make it even worse -- usually . well maybe -- maybe if you do n't know what to do , it would be a good idea to just do n't do anything . and maybe that 's exactly what krystal needs , is you . she just needs you , adam . [ scene_break ] ryan : whoa , whoa , whoa . no , no , kendall , please no , no . just -- just let tad talk to him , please -- not yet . tad : just listen to me , ok ? zach , listen to me -- hey , listen , ok ? if you do it , if you go through with it , it 'll feel good for 30 seconds , and then it wo n't . because then it hits you -- what you did , what it means . he will never leave you for the rest of your life . he 'll be with you every minute of every day in your head , in your mirror , in your dreams . hey -- you 'll never be free of him , ever . [ jamie , j.r. and aidan arrive ] tad : you got to believe me . i know what i 'm talking about . you kill your father , it would be the worst mistake you 've ever made . [ scene_break ] annie : but there are good reasons . look , look , if i had to draw a picture of the perfect dad for emma , ryan is it . if i had to list all of the qualities i want in a guy , totally ryan . julia : oh . annie : but -- but i so was n't prepared for those worlds to collide the way that they did . and i do n't want emma to get her hopes up in case things do go south . you know ? plus , can i ever really trust that ryan wants to be with me , or he just wants to be closer to her ? julia : ok , that 's a valid concern . annie : really ? julia : but i still say go for it . di : me , too . annie : even if it means hurting emma if things do n't work out ? di : that could be rough . julia : you have a point there . but ryan is such a great guy . di : hmm , that 's true . julia and di : go for it di : yeah . i mean , but , you know , we are both wusses here , so -- annie : also , you 're not in love with a man who is emotionally attached to someone else . [ scene_break ] tad : no , no , take it easy . come on . zach , your father 's already taken enough from you . do n't let him take your soul . he 'll be punished . alex will be punished , i promise you , but you punish yourself by becoming like him . if you do that , he wins -- that 's what he 's wanted all along . my friend , you got an awful lot to live for . you 've got kendall . she 's here , she 's safe -- you understand ? you beat him as his own game . the only reason she 's alive is because you beat him . you got a wife and a son that depend on you -- do you know what a blessing that is ? do n't let them down , because of that useless sack of garbage in there . he lost , you won . let that be enough . j.r. : did my wife plead for her life ? what was the look in her eyes when she died ? was she terrified ? mmm ? babe did n't want to die . you 're going to spend the rest of your pathetic life screaming to be put out of your misery . and i 'm going to see to it , for my mother and for babe . [ scene_break ] krystal : you should know j.r. is just full of regret since he lost you . and i -- he was the one that told me that he what he was going to do , and how he feels horrible . he swore , he swore he would never , ever tell adam that tad is my baby 's father -- he swore . i do n't think it 's just because he feels guilty , either . i think he loves you . babe : and i believe that he loves me . i also do n't think that he 's capable of trusting me , of trusting anyone , so when it comes down to it , that love means nothing . i 'll spend my entire life looking over my shoulder , wondering when he will come up with some new threat . krystal : i -- i deny that it 's going to be hard for you to ever trust j.r. , but i do know one thing -- the way j.r. 's feeling right now , i do n't think he 's able to go on without you . babe : when j.r. finds out that i 'm alive , he 'll just come up with some new reason to resent me or -- or suspect me and i ca n't go back to j.r. , mama . he 's finally pushed me too far . and i 've made up my mind . it 's really finally over . [ scene_break ] erica : i do n't want to lose you , josh . i do n't want you to leave pine valley . josh : well , that 's not an answer . erica : look , if i can accept kendall 's marriage to zach and bianca 's infatuation with that strange musician , i 'm sure that i could find a way to tolerate babe chandler . josh : and you wo n't go blabbing that she 's still alive to anyone ? erica : i have n't yet . but , josh , what 's going to happen when the killer is caught ? i mean , babe is going to have to come out of hiding . her husband is going to find out that she 's alive . josh : we 'll deal with that when the time comes . trust me . erica : josh , what are n't you saying ? josh : this has to be handled just right , erica . you know the chandlers . nothing 's easy when it comes to them . [ scene_break ] colby : sean and i have been friends for a while now . you got a pretty cool son . barbara : oh , i think so , too . well , i think both of you are surely late for school now . sean : teacher conferences . we have the day off . barbara : really ? oh . well , i was going to go shopping at lacey 's all day , but if you 're not going to be going to school , what about the three of us see a movie ? sean : no . we have a project to work on . but you should go to lacey 's -- really . barbara : ok , if you 're sure . you two behave now . nice to meet you , colby . colby : you , too . you never told me your mom was in town . sean : it 's not that big a deal . colby : hey , no . she 's the reason why you 're suddenly messed up , is n't she ? [ scene_break ] babe : it wo n't take long . at first , j.r. will be relieved that i 'm alive , but then it 's going to start eating at him that we kept him in the dark . krystal : it 'll tick him off even more that josh was the one taking care of you . babe : and pretty soon he 'll be so furious , he 'll even forget that he missed me and wanted me back . that -- that is just who j.r. is . he 'll end up hating me , and we 'll be right back to where we were -- with nothing to stop him from telling adam that the baby you 're carrying is tad 's . [ josh overhears the secret from the other side of the door . ] [ scene_break ] erica : adam . well , how nice to see you . come with me . [ scene_break ] zach : it 's ok . it 's over . hey , dad ? only lesson learned today -- kendall and i are going to be happy for the rest of our lives . [ as alexander is lead away by j.r. and jamie , ryan watches kendall hugging zach . ] [ next_on ] krystal ( to adam ) : i wish j.r. loved babe the way josh does . adam : when josh did love babe , right ? erica ( to babe ) : come on , get dressed . i 'll take you home . do n't tell me you 're planning to continue with this ? alexander ( to j.r. , adrian , and tad ) : i made fools of you for months . why should i stop now ?
erica comes to visit babe , and brings her a vase full of roses . babe lets erica know that josh has told her everything . erica admits to babe how worried that she is over kendall . julia questions di as to when she was going to tell aidan that she was in love with him . jaime , j.r. , and aidan go over some blueprints , which match the blueprints of zach 's old house . ryan and tad search the internet as to where red rock canyon is . alex , sr . , and zach fight over the detonator . alex , sr . pulls out a gun . kendall begs them to stop . the gun goes off . kendall holds her breath until she knows who has been shot . alex , sr . gets the upper hand , and shoots zach in the arm . zach begs him to let kendall go . erica admits that it is torture for her not knowing where kendall is . erica suggests calling j.r. and letting him know that she is alive . babe vetoes the idea . josh lets krystal is alive , and he is there to take her to babe . krystal lets adam know that they are going to visit babe in the cemetery when they are really going to see her in a room underneath the casino . tad and ryan receive the needed information to find kendall and zach . alex , sr . lets kendall and zach know that he intends to take her son , spike , to raise as his very own . krystal arrives to visit babe . they share a heartfelt reunion . zach manages to get the upper hand over alex , sr . and he releases kendall from the needle . zach wrestles alex , sr . into the living room , and threatens to kill him just like he killed all the women . ryan and tad arrive just in time to save zach from killing alex , sr . kendall tells ryan that alex , sr . threatened their son . ryan grabs alex , sr . and threatens to kill him himself .
ryan : it 's you , kendall , you know what i need . annie : ryan ? good , i was n't just dreaming . you really are here with me . [ scene_break ] kendall 's voice : `` their bodies felt so right . `` man 's voice : can i have your autograph ? kendall 's voice : `` so soft . `` we both know you did n't come here for my autograph . man 's voice : so why do n't you just take off that robe and save us both a lot of trouble ? it 's time to get what i came for . kendall 's voice : are not -- get away from me ! kendall : aidan ! aidan : shh . kendall : huh . ahem . aidan : it 's all right , it 's all right . kendall , i 'm right here . i 'm right here . [ kendall pants as she hugs aidan ] [ scene_break ] babe : so aidan went with kendall to l.a. ? greenlee : uh - uh -- just keep it quiet , ok , it 's the whole ryan thing . zach thinks that ryan 's obsessed with kendall , i think that zach is overreacting -- babe : but you 're totally ok with him bodyguarding her ? amanda : you are not going to believe what 's about to get off the elevator ! greenlee : oh , the shipment of `` charm ! `` bottles i ordered ? amanda : no , somebody holding the ad we put out for a new assistant ? babe : oh , god -- kendall scheduled the interviews for today . amanda : it 's not on the calendar . greenlee : which points out exactly why we need an assistant . amanda : this girl -- not fusion material . babe : you do n't have to be so judgmental all the time , amanda . greenlee : she 's right . fusion -- a company for women , run by women , all kinds of women . amanda : mm - hmm . woman : it 's happening . so , where do i sign up ? greenlee : uh -- can we talk ? woman : huh ? greenlee : take off the ear buds . this position has been filled . woman : great . amanda : oh , now , shame on you , greenlee -- so judgmental . greenlee : kendall would 've killed us all . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , my god , aidan , i ca n't -- i ca n't get this guy 's face out of my head . i -- he was so -- he was so intent on raping me . aidan : yeah , but he did n't , all right , because he did n't know who he was dealing with . you 're a tough chick , all right ? kendall : yeah . yeah , and then when you came in with that -- with that -- you punched him in the face -- that was -- that was good . aidan : you had him under control , kendall , all right ? you bit him on the arm , you kicked him in the groin , and then you almost drowned him in pepper spray -- you -- you were good , you were great . it 's over . kendall : yeah , well , i -- i really appreciate the backup , i do . and thank you , thank you for -- for sleeping here . i was a little shaky . that couch does n't look very comfortable . aidan : the couch is fine . there 's something else you should know , though . kendall : i do n't like the look on your face . what is it ? what is it ? is it my boys ? are my boys ok ? i just talked to spike last night -- aidan : kendall , the boys -- your boys are fine , all right , it 's your mum . kendall : my mom ? aidan : i was listening to the news -- kendall : hey , what is it ? what happened ? aidan : and she 's -- erica 's held a news conference . all right , she 's decided to plead guilty to insider trading , and she 's agreed to go to prison . kendall : no ! no , no , she ca n't do that , no . [ phone rings ] zach : hi , honey . kendall : zach ? what are you doing answering my mom 's phone ? zach : good morning , beautiful . kendal : zach , please answer me -- why do you have my mom 's phone ? what happened to her ? zach : slow down , slow down , everything 's fine , i 'm just helping her out . how are things on your end ? kendall : it 's fine , it 's great -- and i miss you . but what i really need to know is -- zach : is aidan taken care of you ? kendall : yes , of course . he 's probably still in bed . but -- can you please just tell me what is happening with my mother ? i mean , has she completely lost her mind ? zach : i guess you heard the news , huh ? i was just about to call you . kendall : zach , what is happening ? zach : she 's decided not to fight the charges . kendall : but why ? is she really going to prison ? zach : everything 's going to be fine , nothing 's going to happen . we 'll talk when you get back . kendall : well , i 'm -- i am going to get on the next plane out of here . zach : no , you 're not , you 're going to go to your book signing . take care of your gig , and your mom is holding up great . no problem . kendall : no , i need to hear that out of her own mouth . you know , i bet this -- this samuel woods has something to do with this . zach : nope , it was her decision . kendall : zach , put her on the phone . zach : i ca n't do that , she 's doing an interview right now . and i will call you as soon as i hear something else , all right ? i love you . do n't worry , sign some books . everything 's fine . i hate lying to my wife . [ scene_break ] adam : mr. woods , i 'm grateful that you agreed to meet me here today . um -- have a seat , and help yourself . samuel : you 've gone to some trouble here . adam : oh , yeah -- no . no , no , nothing . just -- any coffee ? samuel : you know , actually , no , i just quit . adam : oh , really ? well , then i 'll get to the point . um -- i always pick winners . and after we met together at the fusion fashion show , i was quite impressed with you . samuel : really ? adam : oh , yes , really . i know that you 're getting ready to run for the senate , and i 'd like to help you . samuel : well , i 'm -- i 'm honored , and i will put you in touch with my campaign manager . adam : oh , good , good . i 'll -- i 'll make sure i get in touch with him . but first , i would like to talk to you about the issues . and as i said , i find you very impressive . samuel : now , you see , that intrigues me , because the only thing that i did that would impress anyone at the fashion show was arrest your ex - wife and friend , erica kane -- and i 'm assuming that 's the real reason you 've invited me here today . [ scene_break ] erica : well , nobody wants to lie -- especially to -- to their spouses -- but sometimes it 's the kindest thing to do . zach : mm - hmm , and sometimes lies come back to bite you in the butt . erica : well , i 've got your backside -- if that 's of any help to you . zach : no , not really , because kendall and i -- we 've decided no more secrets . erica : well , that 's really impossible because everyone has secrets . zach : what if they did n't , what if people were just honest with each other ? erica : the wolves will eat you and the vultures will pick your bones dry . zach : where 'd that come from ? erica : i do n't know . i have no idea . look , how did kendall sound on the phone ? zach : she sounded good , a little worried about you . erica : things are working for her ? zach : yeah , they are . and i got my eye on ryan -- he was at the casino last night , and i think he left with annie . [ scene_break ] annie : i woke up when i thought i heard you talking to somebody . ryan : i was just talking to myself . i 've been doing a lot of that lately , you know ? just -- um -- just trying to figure stuff out , that 's all . annie : you did a lot of talking to me last night , too . it was nice -- all of it . ryan : yes , it was . annie : and i never thought i would end up back in your room -- um -- especially the way the night started , but it was good . ryan : it was . did n't you say you had to get up early to go pick up emma ? annie : you are n't trying to get rid of me , are you ? are you ? ryan : no , annie , of course i 'm not . annie : maybe -- maybe it was too soon -- us making love . ryan : no , annie , like you said , it was n't . it was good , it was really good , it felt right . annie : but something 's wrong . ryan : hey , listen to me , ok ? i -- i wanted you to come back here with me last night , all right , i -- i wanted to make love with you . annie : you know what ? maybe you 're right . i have to -- it 's getting late , and i need to go to work -- ryan : annie , hold -- hold on a second . i remembered something . annie : you did ? that 's -- that 's amazing ! what did you remember ? ryan : it was -- it was after we made love , and um -- well , it was just kind of like a flash , but i -- i was -- uh -- i was brushing a lock of your hair off of your forehead , and -- annie : that 's -- that 's good , that 's great . yeah , i mean , you 've done that , like , a thousand times , but the fact that you remember -- that 's -- that 's really important . ryan : yeah , i know . i just -- i guess i 'm -- i 'm waiting for more to come back , you know ? annie : and it will . it will all come back . it will all come back . i just wish you would 've woke me up when it happened . [ scene_break ] babe : so do you have any hobbies or things you like to do after work ? woman : i make lists -- i know that sounds crazy . greenlee : no , no , that 's a good thing . what kind of lists ? woman : pretty much anything my colleagues have done wrong . any given day , you 'd be amazed at all the errors they make . greenlee : but you have lists of them all ? that sounds like fun . woman : here 's my headshot . greenlee : you -- you realize this is an interview for an assistant , kind of an office manager ? woman : i played a secretary in a short film . does that count ? greenlee : so , we have a woman who makes nasty lists -- amanda : and one whose i.q . is as big as her boobs . greenlee : which is giving her way too much credit . babe : oh , let 's not forget about the brunette who spent a couple of hours down at confusion before she arrived . greenlee : oh , and the one that erica sent over , the one whose claim to fame is never , ever , ever , ever , ever bathing . amanda : what makes you think erica sent her over ? greenlee : i do n't know -- it 's just easier to blame everything on her . [ scene_break ] erica : i know kendall wanted to talk to me , but you know what would happen when she heard my voice . she 'd come running home -- and then so would bianca . zach : maybe that would n't be the worst thing . erica : no , no , no , they should stay where they are . i mean , they have got to do their own thing . and besides , what could kendall do ? i mean , the truth is i am very comfortable with my decision . zach : and you might be the only one -- maybe opal . erica : well , you sounded like you understood when you talked to kendall . zach : what i said was i believe that you knew what you were doing . erica : oh , but you mean maybe you are not so sure ? maybe you think i have n't thought it through ? zach : or maybe you 're doing this to get back at mr. samuel woods . erica : actually , what i think is this is going to be a really fascinating experience . i mean , think of all the stories i 'm going to come away with -- i 'm going to a federal prison for women . imagine -- imagine the interesting stories i 'm going to hear . zach : so this is a career move for you ? erica : look , of course , i would never have planned for this to happen -- [ phone rings ] erica : oh . yeah , excuse me , zach . zach : sure . erica : yes , val ? `` today , america `` ? yes , of course , put them through . uh , this 'll just take a minute . zach : no problem . erica : bradley . well , how nice to hear your voice . yes , of course , i will give you an exclusive , just -- just as soon as i 've had my day in court . all right , then . well , please give my best to that beautiful wife of yours . ok . thank you . he is very influential . zach : no , i 'm sure . erica : and i already am working on this wonderful idea , i have this great idea . i 'm thinking once i 'm in prison , i 'm going to be able to talk the powers - that - be into allowing me to tape a special for `` new beginnings `` -- from behind bars . zach : well , if anyone can do it , it 'd be you . erica : i already have pam working on potential sponsors . and as for samuel woods -- i mean , that is just the icing on the cake . [ scene_break ] samuel : mr. chandler , if your invitation here today or your possible interest in funding my campaign has anything to do with getting a lighter sentence for erica kane -- adam : i do n't think i mentioned funding . and under the circumstances , i think it could be construed as bribery . samuel : with all due respect , sir , what i 've learned about you -- that would not be a first . adam : do you really think i would go out on that tenuous a limb with erica kane ? no . for my family ? yes , in a minute -- and i think you would do the same . samuel : you were married to erica . adam : along with half the male population of pine valley . samuel : that 's not a very gentlemanly comment . adam : well , actually , i kid erica about it all the time . we 're good friends , very good friends . samuel : which may have contributed to her downfall . adam : which is one of the issues i want to discuss with you . samuel : you want to know if you 're next on the hit list ? that would be a logical next step for the prosecution . yes , sir , we did investigate you . adam : as i expected , yes . samuel : and we found no evidence of any wrongdoing . adam : as was anticipated . samuel : at least , not so far . adam : ah . colby : oh , come on , it was totally busted , and you know it . dré : huh . colby : hi , daddy . dré : hello , mr. chandler . adam : dré . what a nice surprise . dré : colby and i were just -- dad ? samuel : been a long time , andré . adam : dré has been a guest in this house on many occasions , and he 's always welcome . is n't he , colby ? colby : uh -- huh -- yeah . adam : a fine young man . samuel : i 'm very , very proud of him . adam : mm - hmm , and a brilliant musician . what was that song that you played for me , colby colby : i do n't remember . adam : it was not the kind of music i generally listen to , but it was -- it was wonderful , a great beat . colby : oh , my god , dad -- dré : excuse me . colby : hmm . well , it 's very nice to finally meet you , huh . samuel : you , too , colby . yeah . colby : dré has talked a lot about you -- i mean , in some good ways , huh , of course . samuel : you know what ? it 's ok , we 've had our family drama . if you do n't mind , i 'd like to say a word to my son . colby : dad -- what were you trying to do ? adam : i thought you wanted me to be nicer to dré . colby : i did , and i do . adam : so what 's the problem ? colby : well , the problem is you just did n't become nice because of me . you did it because you found out who dré 's father is . [ scene_break ] samuel : you look good , son . it 's good see you . dré : what are you doing here ? samuel : i had a meeting with chandler . dré : i mean in pine valley . samuel : i had some business -- and i wanted to see you . dré : you were n't too busy shaking hands and kissing babies ? samuel : come on , dré , you did n't want to be found , i did n't find you , i let you do your thing . dré : right -- that 's why you sent your p.i . to hassle my friends . samuel : i 'm your father . i was worried about you . once i knew you were ok , i called him off . and then i got that -- oh , that post card -- it was supposed to be from new york , huh ? and then i knew you did n't want to see me . dré : so you see me . what do you want ? samuel : we 've had our time apart , we 're both men . it 's simple -- i miss you . dré : not me -- the son you want me to be . samuel : maybe there was a time when that was partially true . not anymore . how do i make this better ? [ scene_break ] annie : i do n't mean to push , but if there 's anything i can do to make it better -- i mean , not -- not by sleeping together , but i -- ryan : i -- i know what you meant , i know . you want this fog to lift as badly as i do . i know that . annie : yeah . and i know that you 're impatient , but it 's all just about baby steps . ryan : you 're right . i got to think of it like a puzzle , you know , and putting the pieces together -- annie : yeah . ryan : as long as i just keep thinking about it like that . annie : yep , and you will get all the pieces together . um -- anyway , it 's getting late , so i should probably shower . ryan : all right . hey , maybe we can spend a little bit more time together later , like , um , with emma . annie : she 'd like that . we 'd both like that . [ music plays while ryan remembers kendall ] ryan : i remember being in los angeles with you , kendall . what happens next , i got to find out . [ scene_break ] kendall : i do n't know , it was really weird having zach answering my mom 's phone . aidan : yeah . it seemed like he explained why , though . kendall : yeah , he did sort of , but -- i do n't know . aidan , he was really uneasy . aidan : yeah , but so were you . all right , i really think you should 've told him what happened here last night . kendall : ok , what am i supposed to do , say `` why is my mom going to prison -- oh , and by the way , i almost got raped last night `` ? aidan : there 's never going to be a good time , kendall , but zach needs to know . kendall : yes , ok , eventually we 'll tell him , but not now . do n't -- do n't you tell him . please ? aidan : i hate this . just to let you know , i hate it . kendall : all right , well , maybe i should go home , then . aidan : all right , you said it , you ca n't -- you ca n't go home , all right ? erica and zach want you to stay here to do the book signing . ok , you already missed the cocktail party last night . you got to go today , you got hundreds of fans that want to see you -- that 's what we 're here for . kendall : aidan , this book has done nothing but bring me bad luck . i mean , i 'm -- i 'm beginning to wish greenlee never sent it to hyperion . aidan : why , because some crazy guy attacks you ? it was n't because of your book , all right ? the guy was sick . kendall : well , maybe i should n't have made it so sensual . aidan : look , first of all , i read your book , and it 's good . kendall : aidan read a book ? aidan : that 's not funny , i 'm going to ignore you said that . kendall : i 'm not trying to be funny -- ok , i 'm sorry . aidan : second of all , all right , just because you write a great book with a lot of sex scenes and a lot of sensual - written paragraphs does not condone a guy to break into your hotel room and attack you . did n't you say something to bianca about that -- that 's blaming the victim ? kendall : yeah . aidan : yeah . kendall : yeah , actually , you 're right . that 's exactly what i told her and -- and other women not to do . [ phone rings ] kendall : hello ? ryan : kendall ? oh , i 'm so glad that you answered . listen , i got to talk to you , ok , i 'm -- i 'm beginning to remember . kendall : ryan -- uh -- this really is not a good time . aidan : hey , ask him where he is right now . kendall : ryan , where are you ? ryan : i 'm in my hotel room in pine valley . kendall : ok , uh , you 're in pine valley , and you 're beginning to remember . that 's good , that 's -- that 's great . can i call you after my book signing ? ryan : no , wait -- kendall : no , no , i 'll call you . bye . kendall : maybe i should n't have hung up on ryan . [ aidan sighs ] kendall : i do n't know , aidan , it sounded like he really needed me . aidan : yeah ? what else is new ? kendall : well , what if something happened to him -- aidan : can we just deal with one problem at a time , please ? kendall : you 're right . you 're right , i need to focus . usually i 'm very good at that . aidan : yeah , you are . you 're the queen of multitasking . kendall : yeah -- aidan : yeah . kendall : me and greenlee . [ aidan sighs ] kendall : you miss her ? aidan : yep . kendall : so , apparently , i have n't been keeping you busy enough , then . aidan : yeah . you 're a real barrel of laughs , you are . come on , you need to get ready . give me your phone , into the bathroom . kendall : oh , all right . aidan : go sort yourself out . kendall : ok , can you -- i 'll meet -- i 'll meet you downstairs . aidan : come on -- no . i 'm going to wait for you right here this time . [ scene_break ] [ annie sighs ] annie : ok , almost as good as new . ryan : you look great . annie : oh , thanks . so we 're on for our little play date -- the three of us ? ryan : yeah . annie : you ok ? ryan : yeah , i 'm fine . annie : you just seem so intent on what you 're writing . ryan : yeah , i guess i just need to write stuff down , you know , just -- just in case . annie : in case of what ? ryan : well , i do n't want to forget anything that i 've started to remember , you know ? it 's kind of like in a dream when -- when you do n't really remember . annie : oh , ryan , you are not going to forget things . you are going to remember everything -- and trust me , last night was no dream . ryan : no , it was very real . annie : well , i 'm glad i was -- with you . um -- so -- huh -- you 'll call me later ? i 'm going to be working at fusion till pretty late . ryan : yeah -- um -- thank you . and i just want you to know that i -- um -- i really , really do want things to work out , you know ? and then maybe once i -- i get all of the pieces , and i put them together , then -- annie : then we 'll be a family again . i think that 's what everyone wants . [ door closes ] ryan : but i do n't think that can happen unless i start from the beginning . [ scene_break ] erica : mmm , the fresh air feels really good . zach : yes , it does . erica : you know , zach , i was never in favor of your sending aidan to los angeles with kendall . oh , i know . i mean , i know that you did it to protect her from ryan , but still -- zach : so , what ? something to tell me ? erica : yes -- i think you should 've gone with her . zach : well , i wanted to give the girl some room . you know , and i had meetings scheduled , and if i canceled those , she would 've worried about that . erica : no , i -- i know , i know . actually , i have something of a business nature that i would like to discuss with you . zach : ok . erica : i want you to handle my business affairs while i 'm gone . zach : really ? what about jack ? erica : i love jack , i trust jack . but jack and i have a long history together , and sometimes that -- that baggage can cloud one 's judgment . you 're my guy . zach : well , i 'm -- um -- i 'm honored that you trust me . erica : i trust you to never whitewash what 's going on . zach : no white lies , right ? erica : not between us . but i do want you to take special care of kendall . zach : i always do . erica : we both know how vulnerable she can be , zach . oh , i think that i left my cell phone . zach : i 'll get it . erica : hey -- oh , thank you . oh . no little white lies , just one big , fat one . kendall 's voice : when i thought that zach had died , when he was gone -- aidan and i -- erica : aidan ? kendall : mom , we never meant for it to happen , it -- it just did ! erica : i 'm sorry , zach . i have to keep this one . kendall 's my daughter . [ scene_break ] colby : when you thought dré was just some guy who played in a band , you did n't want me to go near him . adam : well , that 's probably true . but -- but family and bloodlines do count for something . colby : that is so , like , some other century . adam : no , it 's just as true today as it was a thousand years ago -- bloodlines do n't lie . [ scene_break ] dré : i do n't know how to make it better , dad . samuel : maybe i should 've contacted you earlier , maybe -- dré : maybe we just do n't agree on too many things -- and not just politics . samuel : you do n't think i 'd be a good senator ? dré : i think you 'd probably be great . but it 's how you go about it that i do n't like . you use people . you 're using erica kane just like you used mom . samuel : that 's where this all started , is n't it , you and me ? dré : and mom -- you used her . you still do . it 's like how we lost her on 9/11 somehow made you a star . samuel : you ca n't possibly believe that , son . dré : it keeps you in the headlines -- just like this erica kane stuff . samuel : hey , come here . i 'm your father , you know me . when we lost your mother , i was devastated . dré : but not enough for you to just change your priorities . samuel : meaning what ? dré : i needed you then . and you just were n't there . i got to split . [ scene_break ] babe : all right , i just got a call about how we 're going to package the new `` charm ! `` perfume . greenlee : well , we do n't need to necessarily use the suggestion on the book jacket , and we ca n't really give them an answer until we know what the bottle 's going to look like . amanda : it needs to be something that 's look complements our scent . greenlee : whose stupid idea was it to launch this perfume so quickly ? babe : yours . greenlee : oh -- babe : you know , i think we should just go with a round bottle . amanda : i like the square design . babe : you know what ? i 'll email them and have them messenger over the new ones . ok , can i just talk to you about a non - work - related issue ? amanda : please . babe : richie got his bone marrow transplant . amanda : oh -- so he 's all better ? babe : well , he will be . his body seems to be responding really well . amanda : to you or to the transplant ? babe : ok , anyway , that 's the good news , but the bad news is j.r. fell off the wagon again . amanda : again ? greenlee : smell this . now this . babe : oh , i like that one . amanda : fine -- either one , as long as kendall likes it . greenlee : we really do n't have to check with kendall about everything , you know ? you know ? amanda : except hiring assistants . look , i 'm sorry about j.r . babe : how many times do i have to go through this with him before i get it ? amanda : well , if you 're ever really done , you should let me know , because i could really use some j.r . between the sheets . greenlee : what ? babe : are you serious ? amanda : kidding . hello ? babe : anyway , he just keeps pulling me back in . greenlee : it 's like my dad and erica -- just when you think you 're done , he goes running back to her to help her out of whatever crisis , and then before you know it , he ends up getting hurt . amanda : i 'd lick his wounds . greenlee : oh ! what is wrong with you ? we 're talking about my father ! babe : she probably just has n't seen any action on her yacht lately . amanda : well , let 's just say my boat has definitely not been rocked in a very long time . greenlee : and , apparently , neither has your brain . now , come on , ladies , we have to pick a scent , get it packaged , and -- where 's annie ? annie : hey , guys ! sorry i 'm late . there was loads and loads of traffic -- emma was actually late for school -- ugh ! greenlee : if it was such a hectic morning , why the big smile on your face ? annie : i 'm just happy to be here , but i am sorry i 'm late . i guess i must 've overslept . last night was kind of a crazy night , and i had to pick emma up from julia 's , and like i said , there was traffic taking her to school , so -- oh , i love the round one ! wow ! amanda : did you get some last night ? babe : amanda -- amanda : what ? she 's got the look . was it that guy you were talking to at confusion ? babe : ok , you just do n't know when to stop , do you ? amanda : does she or does she not look happy ? greenlee : well , come on , annie , let 's hear it -- who , when , and where ? [ scene_break ] [ ryan pants as he exercises ] ryan : come on , kendall , call me back . call me back . [ scene_break ] kendall : so is this book for you or is it a gift ? woman : it 's a gift for my sister teri -- one r and one i . kendall : ok , great . so , `` to teri . `` ok , there you go . woman : ok . kendall : enjoy . woman : thank you so much . kendall : you 're welcome . woman : mine 's just for me -- i 've already read it twice . amy -- my name 's amy . kendall : ok , amy , got it , great . ok . there you go . amy : thank you . kendall : oh , you 're welcome . hi . aidan : you doing all right ? kendall : yeah , yeah , i 'm good . i 'm good . you know what , guys ? i 'm actually -- i 'm going to take a little break and just give my hand a rest . so i 'll be back to sign your book , do n't go anywhere . ugh . i was just -- uh -- just wondering what you 're reading there -- another romance novel ? aidan : yes to `` romance , `` and no to `` novel . `` i do n't read , remember ? kendall : oh , come on , i was -- i was kidding with you . well , tell -- come on , what are you reading ? john donne ? aidan : yes , john donne , the english poet -- `` i can love both fair and brown . `` kendall : wait , you memorized a poem ? aidan : `` her who abundance melts , and her whom want betrays . `` that 's good , right ? kendall : that 's very good . that 's -- i 'm very impressed , that 's -- that 's amazing . aidan : well , for a bloke like me , you mean ? yeah , who would 've thought , kendall -- the little boy from england knows poetry . kendall : so , you like poetry ? aidan : kind of looks that way , does n't it ? kendall : hmm . [ scene_break ] zach : i think we got all the bases covered . erica : i think we do . i mean , i 'm only going to be gone for a few months . i just do n't want to leave -- [ phone rings ] erica : with any loose ends . zach : turn this thing off already , will you ? erica : yes , val ? who ? no , no ! val , no interview to her under any circumstances , no . zach : `` her `` -- anyone i know erica : oh , no , no , nobody . woman : erica kane ? zach : can i help you with something ? woman : maybe you can tell your friend there what she did really stinks . she should get six years , not six months . zach : sorry about that . erica : no , no , it 's ok . i just -- uh -- i have to remember who i am , what i 've accomplished in my life . zach : if i were n't married already , i 'd propose to you right now . erica : huh . i hope kendall knows what a prize she has in you . [ scene_break ] colby : well , you did it , dad . i ca n't find dré , and it looks like his father 's taken off , too . adam : well , what is it you think i 've done ? colby : well , i do n't know -- did you arrange to have the two of them meet here somehow ? adam : no ! no , you give me entirely too much credit . come on , i 'll take you to lunch . colby : no , i ca n't . i got to go upstairs , i have homework and stuff . adam : you know i love you , colby ? colby : yeah . i know . [ phone rings ] adam : oh , it 's just the phone . yeah , adam chandler . oh , yes , yes . uh -- just hold on a second . i have to take this , it 's a business call . but we 'll take a rain check on the lunch , ok ? all right . yeah . yeah ? yes , yes , woods just left . no , i think i 'm in the clear . no -- but just to be safe , you keep nosing around . get everything you can on him -- and on his son , dré . [ scene_break ] annie : ok , ok , ok . um -- i was with ryan last night . amanda : `` with `` as in doing it ? aha -- i knew it ! i knew it ! i knew it ! babe : annie , that is great , we 've been rooting for you guys . annie : thanks . greenlee : i saw you two go off together , but i -- i never thought -- annie : well , i -- it just kind of happened -- the whole evening . and then the best part was after we were , you know , together , ryan had a breakthrough -- he remembered something . amanda : seriously ? that 's fantastic ! babe : yes . greenlee : that 's great , annie . babe : what did he remember ? annie : well , it was really simple . i did n't want to push for details , but he just remembered moving a lock of hair from my forehead . amanda : aw . babe : oh , god , annie , that is so romantic . greenlee : how come ryan remembered something with her and not with me ? annie : it 's the beginning of something ? babe : yeah , perhaps so . [ scene_break ] zach : see you later . erica : ok . well . no reason for you to go running out . it 's not a crime for us to be seen in the same room together , is it -- or is it ? [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] [ aidan sighs ] aidan : hi , zach . zach : hey , aidan . what 's going on out there ? i 've been trying to get ahold of kendall . aidan : yeah , her cell phone 's just turned off , that 's all . zach : that 's what i thought . there 's no problems , right ? aidan : she 's been surrounded by fans this whole time . we had to deal with this one guy that , uh , got a little out of hand , but it 's all under control . i 'll fill you in when we get back . zach : everything 's ok ? aidan : she 's signing away as we speak , soaking it all up . zach : and no sign of ryan ? aidan : nope , no sign of ryan . [ scene_break ] ryan : i ca n't wait any longer . [ ryan sighs ] ryan : yes , i 'd like to book a flight , please , to los angeles . [ next_on ] joe : you 're drinking again . j.r. : no . someone 's trying to set me up . tad ( to uncle rob ) : what are you doing in my home ? [ someone dressed as a doctor sneaks up behind angie and covers her mouth ] angie : oh !
pacing the floor as he drinks a cup of coffee , ryan remembers a time that he was with kendall and wishes to be with her now . annie wakes up and is happy that ryan is there , and she is n't dreaming . kendall dreams of the man who almost raped her and how she defended herself . aidan runs to her side to comfort her . greenlee and babe come into work at fusion and remember that they are interviewing people for an assistant position . a girl comes into the office and asks about the job , but when they see her , greenlee lies and tells her that the job has been filled . they interview quite a few girls , but none of them is right for the job . aidan tells kendall that erica held a press conference and is going to prison for insider trading . when kendall calls erica , zach answers her phone and assures his wife that everything is fine . after they hang up , zach tells erica that he does n't like lying to kendall . in the living room of the chandler mansion , adam tells samuel he was impressed with him at the fusion fashion show and asks about the issues . when colby and dre come into the living room , samuel speaks calls him `` son . `` while samuel follows dre outside to argue , colby lashes out at adam for being nice only when he found out who andre 's father was . samuel tells dre that he misses him . when annie asks what 's wrong , ryan lies and tells her that he remembered brushing off a lock of her hair . ryan calls kendall , but she is too busy to talk to him . kendall goes to her book signing with aidan close by . before annie leaves , ryan asks if they can do something with emma , so they make plans for later in the day . erica asks zach to handle her business affairs while she is gone . erica tells zach to take care of kendall . erica remembers the secret that kendall told her about sleeping with aidan . babe tells amanda that richie got his bone marrow transplant and that j.r. fell off the wagon again . annie happily comes into work and tells the other women that she slept with ryan . unable to wait talking with kendall any longer , ryan books a flight to los angeles .
[ previously_on ] kendall : putting the moves on michael -- how sick is that ? she wants to hurt me . it 's what she lives for . carlos : you 're drunk . mia : and you 're cute . boyd : how about a friendly wager ? dinner at the valley inn for whoever gets lena first ? edmund : we have to get on with our lives . just be maureen . that 's who you are . [ scene_break ] joni : mr. grey , hi . edmund : oh , hi , joni . listen , thanks for meeting me here . i 'm sorry i did n't pay you last night . joni : oh , it 's ok . you 've got a lot on your mind . edmund : yeah , i do . listen , how many hours did you work ? i 'm sorry . joni : um -- four . edmund : four ? joni : just four . edmund : ok , well , let 's see . four times $ 1 million an hour is -- joni : $ 4 million . maria : i do n't know . i 'm freezing to death . this is much better . can you feel my nose ? it 's going to fall off . aidan : why do n't we dip it in some hot chocolate ? joni : mr. grey ? are you ok ? edmund : yeah . aidan : there goes -- maria : edmund . aidan : there goes my appetite . [ scene_break ] simone : oh , `` laptop `` is a stupid name . it should be , like , `` lap - tip . `` greenlee : hey , careful , all right ? liza : love to meet with you -- greenlee : we ca n't afford another one . ah ! ugh . liza : at her office -- maybe she should just call you back . simone : you know , kendall is not here . greenlee : the only reason i hooked up with her is because she squeezed the greystone building out of palmer . simone : yes , and he squeezed it back . greenlee : well , he would n't have if she thought about anyone but herself . simone : ok , ok . you know , it 's only temporary . she swore that she would work it out . greenlee : how ? simone : positive . greenlee : palmer wanted to string her up . kendall : i knew he 'd cool off . liza : so , did you talk to him ? simone : did we get our building back ? kendall : we could n't reach an agreement . simone : what ? greenlee : you crawl back to that generous old man and tell him there 's nothing you wo n't do to make this right . kendall : i ca n't meet his demands . liza : what did he ask you to do ? kendall : i do n't know . he was n't making much sense . he was having a senior moment . simone : whoa , whoa , whoa . did he suggest something inappropriate ? liza : you have to tell us . greenlee : yeah , we may have grounds for a lawsuit . we could get our space back . what did that filthy old man do to you ? kendall : palmer wants me to make peace with my mother , with erica . greenlee : then crawl to enchantment and beg her forgiveness . [ scene_break ] erica : you really think we can do this well ? lena : this is a very realistic estimate . erica : oh , well , then , over the next five years , enchantment should make quite a tidy sum . lena : yes , but mr. cambias -- erica : oh , michael will do very well , too . lena : i have no doubt about that , but mr. cambias is not to be trusted . erica : no , of course not . michael is a shark . lena : then why do you want to be involved with him ? erica : because our charming mr. cambias has -- bianca : oh , dear . i did n't want to interrupt . sorry . erica : oh , no , that 's all right , sweetheart . come on in . we 're just finishing up . bianca : oh , ok . lena : what have you got there ? bianca : oh , this is , you know , an idea i 've been kicking around , especially since we went to that trunk show together . erica : you went to the trunk show together ? bianca : yes , and then we had a great dinner afterwards . well , i thought it was great . lena : yes , it was wonderful . [ scene_break ] reggie : man , this is stupid . trey : just get in there . jack : gentlemen , so nice of you to join me today . reggie : look , i 'm not here by choice , all right ? trey : so , you ready to compromise , jackson ? jack : no , not at all . reggie : what 'd i tell you . trey : we 're going home . jack : you can go anywhere you want , kenyon , but reggie 's no longer under your care . trey : what ? jack : i 'm revoking his bail . trey : you ca n't do that . jack : judge jameson and i are determined to protect the citizens of this community . reggie : you ca n't . i got rights , too , all right ? you ca n't just bring me -- trey : whoa , whoa , whoa . what are you after here , jackson ? jack : i 'm after your client 's cooperation , trey . trey : well , my client has the right to remain silent . jack : oh , you 're so good at that . you know that ? if i were you , reggie , i 'd find a different counsel to represent me in this matter . reggie : for what ? this man posted my bail . jack : this man 's got a rather unsavory background , and that might just hurt you in court . and that would be a pity . trey : more pitiful than some headline - hunting d.a . persecuting a 15-year - old kid ? or more pitiful than some middle - aged guy bird - dogging after some woman that he lost years ago , hoping that she might just pat him on the head again , huh ? [ scene_break ] lena : if you 'll excuse me , i have a meeting shortly with alexandra . erica : yes , yes . yes , of course . we will finish up later . lena : thank you . erica : all right . [ door closes ] bianca : well ? erica : well -- lena is lovely , and she 's very intelligent , but -- bianca : mom , i meant my idea . the ad -- do you want to see it ? erica : of course i do , honey . yes . but , bianca , i know that technically you 're an adult . and i am not trying to pry . it 's just that i -- are you -- is there -- bianca : is there something going on between me and lena ? erica : yes . bianca : not yet . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i ca n't believe you have the gall to show up here when you should be pleading for absolution from erica . kendall : i ca n't patch things up with her . greenlee : fusion is worth more than your stupid pride . kendall : listen , erica can not stand the sight of my face . greenlee : then put a bag over your head . liza : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . that 's a bit harsh . greenlee : not when my company 's on the line . kendall : our company . greenlee : for the moment . you can save it , kendall . you can clean up this mess you made by making nice with your mommy . apologizing to her has a big payoff , kendall , for all of us . kendall : what the hell should i apologize for ? what , being born ? greenlee : whatever she wants . it does n't matter . kendall : it matters to me . greenlee : more than fusion ? more than what we 're trying to do ? liza : you know , kendall , i had some pretty horrific times with my mother , too . kendall : did she dump you the minute you were born ? liza : no , but she had an affair with a guy i thought i was madly in love with . simone : you 're kidding , right ? kendall : it 's not the same . simone : it 's disgusting , though . liza : i was determined never to forgive her . simone : yeah , well -- yeah . kendall : none of your situations are anything like mine . greenlee : we 're not asking you to roll over and play dead , kendall . just fake some contrition . pretend you want to reconcile . tell her whatever will send her running to palmer , marveling over what a good girl you 've become . kendall : oh , yeah , right . that 'll be the day . it 's not going to happen . greenlee : are you as smart as erica ? kendall : i 'm smarter than erica . greenlee : prove it . kendall : how ? greenlee : dig up the mousiest , dowdiest outfit you can find , run over to enchantment , eat crow and like it before fusion is a dim memory . [ scene_break ] edmund : hi . maria : hi . hey , how have you been ? edmund : very well , thank you . you ? maria : better knowing that spring 's around the corner . it 's been freezing , has n't it ? edmund : yeah , winter was pretty brutal . maria : yeah , definitely . edmund : listen , you mind if i have a word with aidan ? aidan : me ? edmund : yeah . aidan : sure . why not ? maria : ok . yeah , i 'll just go talk to joni . edmund : great . listen , aidan , i know we do n't know each other very well . aidan : yeah , not very well . edmund : and i 'm not doing this for myself . this is more for the sake of the children and mar -- maureen , of course . aidan : ok . well , come out with it . what do you want ? edmund : i want you to be good to her . edmund : maria deserves everything good that comes to her . aidan : i could n't agree with you more . maureen is -- she 's a fantastic woman . edmund : maureen . yeah , it 's taken a while , but i -- i get that 's who she is . aidan : that 's good . edmund : but seeing her is going to bring back maria to me , because that 's who she was , and she 's a part of me . maureen is n't . aidan : i will take very good care of her , edmund . you need n't worry about her anymore . [ scene_break ] maria : hey . you can call me maureen . joni : right , maureen . yeah , maddie is trying to call you that now . maria : yeah . this is hard for her and she does n't understand what 's going on , but i hope she gets used to it . joni : did you know maddie 's hidden your picture ? maria : no . why ? joni : she 's afraid that if edmund catches her looking at it , he 'll freak out . maria : why would she think that ? edmund 's not going to get mad at her if she 's looking at my picture . joni : maddie does n't -- she does n't want to make him sad . it 's like you 've -- you died all over again . [ scene_break ] erica : really ? you want a relationship to develop between you and lena ? bianca : mom , you do n't want to talk about this . erica : i 'm just surprised , that 's all . bianca : what , that i find lena interesting ? erica : no . no , no , of course not . lena 's very attractive , but -- bianca : ok , mom , you -- you do n't have to worry about me . erica : look , she just does n't seem -- oh , honey . look , how many times are you going to let your heart be broken ? bianca : meaning ? erica : meaning lena is as gay as i am . bianca : oh . so you think that your gaydar is more finely tuned than mine ? erica : my `` gaydar `` ? bianca : or maybe you 've asked her . was this an interview question ? erica : oh , come on , do n't be silly . bianca : ok . but this conversation is way premature . erica : then there 's her age . bianca : oh , mom . erica : lena is too old for you , honey . bianca : well , you 've been involved with older men . and do n't tell me that it 's different because it 's not . erica : lena works here , and she knows that you 're my daughter . bianca : oh , well , if that disqualifies date material , then i am going to be one lonely lesbian . erica : i 'm so glad you find this so funny . bianca : ok , it 's not funny , but , mom , everybody knows that i 'm your daughter . erica : and i just do n't want -- bianca : you just do n't want to see me get hurt , and i appreciate that , mom . i love you for it . erica : but you want me to mind my own business . bianca : yeah , that 's exactly right . erica : i like the ad comp . bianca : really ? erica : i really do . it 's fresh . it 's invigorating . bianca : great . so you approve ? erica : of the ad comp . bianca : fair enough . all right , well , i 'm going to go get back to the grind . i want to be sure to set a good example . erica : bianca , i 've -- kendall . kendall : val was n't at his desk . erica : obviously . kendall : well , this -- this wo n't take long . um -- i would like to apologize . [ scene_break ] liza : maybe we need to take a break -- take a walk , go to the park , get a latte . greenlee : yeah , listen to the sound of fusion being flushed down the tubes . liza : we could take 20 minutes . greenlee : when you were crawling your way to the top , did you ever stop to sit in a park , sipping a latte , watching the children play and the old people feed pigeons ? liza : no . but i did n't know then what i know now . sometimes i look around and i wonder what i 've missed . greenlee : liza , you 've done it all . you 're a major success story . liza : you know , opportunities come and you make choices . what if they 're not the right ones ? greenlee : you ride them out until something else comes your way . liza : what if that same choice , the one you passed on , comes your way again ? greenlee : i wish simone had n't left . liza : you need help with the press release ? greenlee : you need someone to talk to , and touchy - feely female bonding is n't my forte . liza : it was never mine , either . greenlee : well , let 's get specific . what 's this second chance you mentioned ? liza : the guy that had the affair with my mother in high school -- that was tad martin . greenlee : your mother and tad ? liza : he kissed me last night . and i kissed him , too . and i felt something i had n't felt in ages . greenlee : something nice ? liza : nice . and terrifying . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] simone : mia ? mia , if you 're in there , please open the door . gosh , if you have done anything stupid -- mia ! please , you 're scaring me -- shirtless . carlos : buenos dias . simone : yes . oh , and i 'm sure the noches was even bueno - er . mia : simone . [ mia gasps ] mia : oh , my god , we overslept . simone : yeah . mia : what time is it ? simone : obviously time for me to wake up . [ scene_break ] jack : you just keep talking , kenyon . reggie : trey , please , come on . you 're making it worse . jack : i am not using reggie to get to you . trey : well , not much . jack : not at all . i 'm trying to protect the citizens of this community from a dangerous criminal . that 's what i 'm trying to do . trey : oh , a dangerous criminal . reggie ? jack : there was an armed robbery in this town last night . were you aware of that ? trey : yes , and my client was not involved in it . jack : convenience store manager was shot . the bullet came from the same gun that was fired in your apartment . trey : reggie was with me all night , and he did n't fire that gun in my apartment . jack : oh , but i have a hunch he knows who did , do n't you , reggie ? reggie : i know nothing about anybody getting shot . jack : well , let me fill you in . this man had a wife , three kids . now , they say he might make it , but i think your pal 's next victim might not be so lucky . you want to be responsible for that , son ? trey : do n't say anything , reg . jack : because you do n't have the guts to tell me what i need to know to stop this guy ? trey : oh , come on , jackson , leave him alone . jack : i ca n't wait to get you into court . we 'll see how tough you are then . trey : i 'd like a word alone with my client , please . reggie : look , i 'm not telling him anything , all right ? trey : yeah ? well , you better start considering it . reggie : whose side are you on ? trey : he 's not going to get to you . you will be protected . i promise . reggie : look , it 's not about me , all right ? look , if i turn him in , you have no idea what he 's going to do . trey : what is he going to do ? is he going to go after your friends , your family ? who are you protecting ? reggie : look , you need to get out of my face . trey : do you think that by keeping quiet you 're helping me ? [ scene_break ] kendall : i made a terrible mistake . i jumped to a ridiculous , crazy conclusion when i saw you at the valley inn with michael . michael told me that it was really just an innocent business meeting . erica : kendall , you ripped into me in public for seducing your lover . kendall : i was wrong . erica : you screamed at me , saying that the only reason i was even sitting there with michael was to hurt you . kendall : i 'm sorry . i 'm so sorry . i realize now that that was n't the case and i should have never said that . i realize that it was wrong . erica : look , what you need to realize , kendall , is that you do n't motivate me . i mean , nothing i do or choose to do is prompted by you . kendall : i 'm trying to apologize to you . erica : as if i would risk my relationship with chris to get a rise out of you ? kendall : erica , let 's be honest . when you saw me walk in , you touched michael . erica : are you kidding ? kendall : you were trying to provoke me . erica : ah ! this is an apology ? kendall : yes , yes , this is . maybe you were testing me . maybe it was a test , and i failed it . erica : kendall , i did n't see you . a test -- what kind of a test are we talking about here ? kendall : you wanted me to think that you could have michael if you wanted him , but we both know that 's not true , right ? you know why ? you know why , erica ? because michael does n't want you . he wants me . [ scene_break ] bianca : hey . boyd : hey . bianca : guess what mom just broke to me . boyd : what 's up ? bianca : she does n't think that lena is gay , and she says that lena is too old for me . boyd : well , she 's definitely not too old for me . bianca : yeah , but you might be the wrong gender for her . boyd : not even willing to take your mom 's word for it , huh ? bianca : uh - uh , no way . our bet is on , and , you , my friend , are going to be buying me dinner . boyd : binks , binks , lena wants me . bianca : boyd , lena wants me . boyd : fine . let 's settle this right now . where is she ? bianca : she 's in her office preparing for a meeting . boyd : in there ? bianca : right in there . boyd : for the record , i 'm going to want a lobster steak dinner with cheesecake . bianca : well , order whatever you want because you 're the one that 's going to be paying . boyd : yeah , right . stick around , kiddo , because the master is going to settle this right now . [ scene_break ] mia : you were an angel . thank you . carlos : it was my pleasure . all right ? simone : well , to think that i actually was worried about you . what a laugh . mia : oh , god , simone -- simone : look , you knew that -- you knew how i felt about carlos . ok , i picked him first . he was mine . mia : no , he was n't . simone : oh , come on . mia : not really . come on . simone : you stole him from me . it 's like you were choosing him over our friendship . well , you seduced him right from underneath me . simone : yeah , obviously . mia : and carlos rescued me , that 's all . simone : yeah , i bet , and then he took you to the car for a little mouth - to- mouth and then home for what ? mia : oh , simone , i did n't sleep with him , ok ? i did n't . simone : mm - hmm . mia : he just helped me out . he brought me home , and he held my hand . simone : he held your hand ? mia : yes , he held my hand . and he was very sweet and sympathetic and everything that a real friend should be . simone : oh . i see . and i was n't . mia : no . no , not really , you were n't . i mean , all the women that we work with -- they 're only looking out for themselves . look at you . look at you . simone : what about me ? mia : you could n't care less about me . all you want to know is if i got into bed with carlos before you did . [ scene_break ] maria : look , i do n't know if you know the whole story -- joni : no offense , mrs. grey , but i do n't need to hear it . maria : well , i was in a really big accident about five years ago . joni : a plane crash , yeah -- maria : yeah . joni : and you lost your memory . maria : yes , and so then you probably already know that when i came back to pine valley , i did n't remember anybody -- not my family , not my children . i did n't remember my own children . joni : but they remember you , and you destroyed them . jamie : joni , got a sec ? what 's up with mrs. grey ? you judge her . you judge me . who the hell do you think you are ? aidan : hey . you all right ? what did i miss ? maria : not a lot , just that -- just that i 'm a freak , basically . i mean , you can ask my mother . ask the babysitter . aidan : maureen , you 're not a freak . maria : no , i 'm a monster , aidan . i 've managed to ruin so many people 's lives , and everybody 's talking about it . there 's no place that i can go to hide from it . everybody 's going to be -- whispering about it everywhere . so if you want to still hang out with me , you better get used to it . aidan : if i want to still hang out with you ? maureen , i 'm not going anywhere . i love you . i love you . [ scene_break ] kendall : michael told you , did n't he ? right before i walked in that room , he told you that he met someone special , someone that he really cared about . erica : i already knew about you and michael . i was in aspen when you met -- although i do confess i did n't know that it was michael cambias who you were with until after i had left . kendall : and that 's what set you off , is n't it ? that 's what set you off . you could n't stand the fact that i was with such a great guy . god forbid , god forbid kendall is happy for more than five seconds . the world might stop spinning . richard fields might crawl out from under his grave and walk the earth again . erica : ok , ok , all right . oh , yes , ok , then . apology accepted . ok . would you please go , then ? look , do i have to call security ? [ scene_break ] boyd : i 'm not interrupting anything , am i ? lena : no , you 're always welcome . boyd : lena , i was just thinking about your invitation to have dinner sometime . lena : yes . are you busy tonight ? boyd : well , i sure hope so . lena : wonderful . boyd : should i pick you up at your place ? lena : no , i asked you out first . i 'll pick you up -- or we can meet at the restaurant . boyd : my place it is . say 7 : 00 ? lena : good . it 's a date . boyd : i 'll see you then . boyd : we 're having dinner tonight . she 's picking me up at my place . sorry , binks , but lena -- she does n't play on your team . bianca : you just wait here . [ knock on door ] lena : oh , bianca . bianca : hi . lena : hello . bianca : hi . i just -- i just wanted to let you know that my mom was totally fine about us going to that trunk show together . lena : good . i was afraid she might think i was taking advantage , you know , goofing at work . bianca : oh , you mean goofing off . lena : that 's right . it must be hard for you , working for your mother 's company . bianca : well , people just expect me to be like her , and i 'm not . lena : you do n't have to be . you 're your own very fine woman . i hope we can have dinner again sometime . bianca : oh , i would love that . lena : good . it 's a date . bianca : great . it 's a date . boyd : so ? bianca : so ? we 're having dinner . boyd : great . what time are you picking me up ? bianca : silly . i mean lena and me . maybe we 'll find out whose team she 's on when it comes to saying our good nights . [ scene_break ] simone : i was there for you . you 're the one that went to pick up carlos at a bar . mia : god . no , you were n't there . simone : you said you wanted to be alone , and obviously you wanted to throw yourself a big , fat pity party . [ mia gasps ] mia : i did not . that 's not true . that 's so mean . simone : it 's not mean , mia . i 've just been there . look , i have wanted to drown my sorrows in booze with a pill chaser , and where 'd that land me ? in an emergency room getting my stomach pumped , where i meet frank , and who cares about that ? mia : i know , i know , ok ? jake told me all about it . simone : that 's nice to know . mia : just i ca n't fight what was n't meant to be , all right ? simone : yeah . ok . mia : jake and i -- we just were n't meant to be together -- obviously . simone : i guess . mia : you know , my life was headed in this whole beautiful , brand - new direction . and jake just was n't going along for the ride , i guess . simone : no , this is not your fault , mia . mia : no , i know . i know it 's not my fault , but jake was upset . he was very upset . simone : not because of anything that you did . jake woke up and he realized that he was acting like a spoiled pig . ok , instead of supporting you on this discovery , this new -- new career path -- instead of supporting you -- ugh -- he betrayed you . he betrayed you . and , mia , you deserve a hell of a lot better than that . i 'm sorry . it 's ok . but not carlos . [ mia laughs ] mia : ok . [ scene_break ] trey : they 're after bigger game than you . but if you do n't , you are going to take the fall for this whether you 're clean or not . reggie : trey , please , do n't make me do this . i 'm begging you , ok ? please , do n't make me do this . trey : it 's the only way , reggie . jack -- kid 's ready to talk . jack : that right , tough guy ? you ready to tell me what i need to know ? [ scene_break ] kendall : erica , i need to know something . erica : no , i think that you have already said everything you said you needed to say . kendall : well , i 'm here because fusion 's in trouble . palmer kicked us out of the greystone building because i screwed up . erica : you screwed up ? kendall : i neglected petey . erica : well , that is between you and palmer . kendall : well , i begged and i flattered , but he would n't let us move back in until i made peace with you . erica : well , does n't palmer have an unusual sense of humor . kendall : well , he loves you , and he loves me , too , so he thought that there was a chance that -- erica : that i would n't see through you ? well , i guess palmer was wrong . you think that you are just the center of the universe , kendall , that everything revolves around you . the only thing you care about as much as you is what other people can do for you . kendall : erica , i 'm trying to reconcile with you . erica : no , you just told me what you 're here to try to do is to weasel your way back into that office building . kendall : i do n't understand , erica . why ca n't we be more than just enemies ? erica : because you do n't want to seem to let us be . i mean , you say you come here to apologize , but really what you came here to do is just slap me around some more with your mouth . and after that , then you expect me to play the doting and loving mother ? kendall : no , i do n't expect you to play anything . erica : look , kendall , why do n't you just be your own person . just be your own person . stop trying to compete with me , to -- kendall : i 'm not competing with you , erica . i 'm not . i just want you -- i just want you to notice me . erica : oh , come on . how could i not notice you ? of course i notice you . every time you see me , you tell me you want to destroy me . you 're noticed ! boyd : that 's enough . just leave her alone . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] greenlee : only enter if you have good news . [ knock ] greenlee : do n't you understand english ? god . oh . carlos : i understand , but i have no good or bad news . greenlee : come in . carlos : gracias . well , this is all temporary , right ? greenlee : i do n't know , carlos . carlos : is there anything i can do ? greenlee : no , nothing . but thanks for asking . carlos : well , do n't lose faith . i mean , at times life can turn around real quick , overnight , you know ? greenlee : well , it has n't yet for me . carlos : oh . if you need me , call . greenlee : i will . thanks . all right . i 'll continue my search . sydney bergeron . it ca n't be that easy . an address and a phone number ? my mystery e - mailer is right here in pine valley . [ scene_break ] simone : you are going to be more than fine . mia : yes . simone : you know that , right ? mia : right . simone : jake is the one that for the rest of his life has to live hanging his head down low . you are going to walk with your head held high . why ? because you are the same gorgeous , funny , smart , fabulous woman that you were before this louse made the worst decision of his life . mia : i love you . and you 're right . i am going to be just fine . simone : absolutely . mia : yes . simone : yes . mia : and between you and carlos , i 'm really beginning to believe that . simone : yeah , well , you know , that 's what friends are for . mia : yes , mm - hmm . and i have to tell you , carlos is just a godsend . i mean -- simone : really ? mia : oh , my god , he 's just -- i do n't even feel hung - over this morning . simone : really ? mia : the tricks he was pulling out of his sleeves were just -- simone : wow -- beyond the hand - holding ? mia : god , incredible -- yes . i mean , i was just -- he was amazing . the bath -- i should ask him what he put in it . simone : a bath ? mia : oh , yeah , but that -- even that was just relaxing enough , but then he picked me up and he took me into the bed and he just threw me down and he gave me this hot - oil massage that was just incredible . simone : huh . mia : oh , and then he sung me to sleep with this beautiful spanish lullaby , and i just sort of drifted off into la - la land . gotcha . [ mia laughs ] mia : i 'm just kidding . would you lighten up ? simone : yeah -- mia : i 'm kidding . simone : you 're evil . mia : i am . simone : ok . mia : but i 'm sure that carlos could have delivered . i 'm very sure of that . simone : yeah . mia : but he did n't -- simone : good . mia : in that way -- simone : that 's good . mia : with me . simone : good . good . so did you hide , like , some kind of carlos cam somewhere so that we could , like , maybe look at the footage and see him without his shirt on , like , over and over again ? mia : hmm -- no . sorry . simone : dang it . mia : just going to have to relish that memory , i think . simone : hmm . yes , and i will . mia : hmm . simone : believe me , i will . [ scene_break ] joni : hey , just call me when you need a sitter , and i promised maddie i 'd bring my old doll collection next time . edmund : that 'll be great , joni . thank you . joni : sure . jamie : hey -- i 'm not finished . joni : oh , yes , you are . jamie : where are you headed ? joni : as far away from you as i can get . jamie : because i 'm calling you out on what a judgmental pain you are ? joni : good - bye . jamie : you 're not the only one to call them as you see them . tad : what 's going on ? you working up an appetite ? jamie : hey , dad . i got to bail . tad : young love . what a drag . edmund : listen , i just want to remind you about maddie 's spring pageant , ok ? maria : oh , i have n't forgotten . i 'm going to be there with bells on . edmund : good . aidan , you 're welcome , too . aidan : thanks . thanks very much . maria : wow . what did you guys just talk about ? aidan : not much . not much at all , really . maria : really ? because that 's really major , him asking you , inviting you to go . aidan : he just told me to be good to you , and i said that 's not going to be a problem . maria : oh , you 're kidding ? [ scene_break ] erica : boyd , this does n't concern you . boyd : kendall , hold -- kendall : i 'm so stupid . i 'm so stupid . i knew this was a mistake . boyd : shh . just catch your breath . boyd : what are you talking about ? what 's gone ? kendall : it 's gone ! it does n't matter anymore ! boyd : kendall ? kendall : it does n't matter ! boyd : kendall , wait ! what the hell is wrong with you ? erica , i know the stories , ok ? i know what happened to you when you were 14 , and i 'm sorry . and i know kendall showed up out of nowhere wanting a life you could n't give her , but that does n't excuse this . erica : i do n't believe this . boyd , my goodness , listening to rumors and stories . i mean , that has nothing to do with our business -- boyd : erica , whatever happened in the past , she 's your daughter . how can you treat her like this ? erica : oh , boyd , you are so out of line . look , i think you need to go home now and regroup and rethink and come back here tomorrow with an apology and with a new attitude about your work . boyd : yeah , well , you know what ? i think i already have one . erica : excuse me ? boyd : i quit . erica : well , you ca n't quit . you have a contract , boyd . boyd : yeah ? so sue me . [ scene_break ] tad : ham and swiss on rye with mustard . and you better make that to go , daniel . i 'm going to need a minute . liza . liza : well , you 're the last person i expected to run into . tad : me , too . i mean , you know , with you , here . liza : yeah , i guess it 's fate . tad : listen , enough is enough . i 'm sorry , ok ? i owe you an apology for that kiss -- or at least an explanation . and i promise you , you know , as soon as i figure out what it is , you 'll be the first to know about it , i promise . liza : yeah , i 'm still trying to figure it out -- tad : well , until you do , what do you say we just relax and chalk it up to kismet ? tad : what was that for ? liza : wanted to check something . tad : what ? liza : thanks . tad : do n't mention it . [ scene_break ] trey : full immunity , jack , or the kid does n't say a word . reggie : you can do that ? you can just make this whole little incident just disappear ? jack : oh , yeah , poof , like magic i can do that if you tell me what i need to know . trey : jack will keep his word . now , think about your future , ok ? reggie : look , i do n't know nothing about this guy that 's going around doing these robberies . trey : oh , come on ! reggie : but i do know who burned down that lady 's house . jack : what ? trey : oh , my god . jack : what lady ? erica kane ? reggie : trey did it . he burned down that lady 's house . he 's the one you 're after . he told me so himself . [ next_on ] kendall : we do n't want you , boyd . go back to erica . jack : i 'm just about ready to arrest the man that burned your house to the ground . simone : what 's that ? greenlee : my mystery e - mailer guy . simone : let 's unmask this man . david : anna , if you do n't believe in me , where do we go from here ?
kendall tells her partners what palmer 's demands are . greenlee tells kendall to get over to enchantment and make nice with erica . liza and greenlee talk about opportunities and second chances . liza tells her she kissed tad . greenlee finds information on her mystery man . erica shows concern for bianca 's personal interest in lena . bianca tells her she does n't have to worry about her . bianca and boyd discuss their bet . boyd asks lena out and she accepts . bianca talks with lena , who says they should have dinner again sometime . kendall apologizes to erica for misunderstanding what was happening with michael . erica tells her that nothing she does is prompted by a need to get at kendall . kendall tells erica about palmer 's demands . kendall asks erica why they ca n't be more than enemies . erica tells her to stop competing with her . kendall says she just wants erica to notice her . boyd overhears their argument and interrupts . kendall runs out and boyd asks erica what her problem is . erica tells him it is none of his business and boyd quits his job . edmund runs into maureen and aidan . edmund asks to speak with aidan . edmund tells aidan he wants him to be good to maureen . aidan tells he does n't need to worry about her . maureen talks with joanie about maddie . joanie tells maureen she destroyed her children . maureen tells aidan everyone is talking about her . reggie and trey meet with jack . jack tells reggie he is going to revoke his bail . jack informs them that the same gun fired in trey 's apartment was used in an armed robbery . trey tells reggie to stop protecting the guilty party . reggie tells jack that trey burned down erica 's house . simone finds carlos at mia 's loft . she assumes that they slept together . they argue over carlos and their friendship , and then make up . mia tells simone she and jake were n't meant to be . simone tells her she deserves more and will be just fine . tad apologizes for kissing liza . liza kisses tad and leaves .
jonathan : did you just say – i did n't hear -- did you say you 're going to -- i need you to repeat that . what – what do you want ? reggie : she says she wants to run like hell in the opposite direction from wherever you are . what you do n't understand ? oh , you got to hear it from her ? okay , lily , repeat every word you said just before i got here . [ scene_break ] [ ryan and kendall slowly separate from their passionate clinch . ] kendall : and that was for old times ' sake . ryan : that was because i wanted to . [ scene_break ] [ zach slowly takes the gun out of his drawer and places it on top of the cabinet , staring at it pensively . ] [ scene_break ] [ babe is stunned to see trevor in the large freezer . ] janet : i told you it was a mess . i never defrost . ca n't you unearth the peas ? or did you find something tastier ? babe -- this is my husband , trevor . [ scene_break ] adam : i 'm not going to lift a finger to help you out of this , j.r. you 're damn lucky no one was shot . [ outside , an injured dixie holds her bleeding arm and stumbles about . ] dixie : oh -- oh -- tad : i got to hand it to you , j.r . it 's a hell of a plan . get drunk , grab a gun , and start blasting . j.r. : i fired once . once . tad : yeah , your self - control overwhelms me . you must be so proud . j.r. : i want my son back ! krystal : well , then go after the person who 's got him . tad : you go after anybody , you 're going to do it sober . the last thing we need right now is more innocent victims . j.r. : babe is not innocent . krystal : oh , you stupid , booze - soaked idiot . adam : babe does not have little adam ! krystal : and if you were n't so god - awful dense , then you would know it . tad : janet dillon has him . and if i know babe , she 's doing everything she can to protect him . [ scene_break ] babe : what did you do ? janet : there you are . you 're hiding from me . success . oh , you 're shivering . caught a chill from trevor ? he used to be such a warm guy , but lately , he 's been sort of freezing everyone out . babe : what happened to him ? janet : trevor had problems . issues . i tried to help him , but he just would n't listen . babe : how did he wind up in -- janet : on ice ? trevor is a super cop -- mr. dream team lawyer , but when it comes to parenting , he 's about as sharp as all those doughnuts he scarfed down every morning . trying to get him into the freezer -- whoa ! huh . somebody needs to go low - carb for a few years . babe : so you and your husband had a fight and he -- janet : into every marriage , a little acid rain must fall . one night , i was trying to reason with him , and he just went off the deep end . my beloved spouse actually said to me that he thought i was a few feathers short of a duck . do you get it ? quackers . and then , to add injury to insult , he tried to muscle me out the door to a quacker factory . well , i told him to chill , he would n't . and the rest is ice age history . babe : oh . so you -- you overpowered him ? janet : little moi ? fat -- no offense -- chance . no , trevor became a golf - nut . so while he was dragging me off to hell , i happened to spot his golf clubs by the door . and since i was pretty teed off at him , i grabbed one of them , and -- `` fore `` ! babe : you killed him with his own golf club ? janet : killed him ? good god , no ! trevor just needed some time to come around . this is just like a time - out , that 's all . i 'm going to defrost him just as soon as amanda 's life has been straightened out , and she 's happy again and -- babe : right . can -- can i get you something ? a -- tea , or -- janet : i loved trevor . what i did to get him -- and what did i get in return ? the hurt . he said a lot of mean and hurtful things to me , and he wants to get rid of me . him and amanda both . the apple of your eye did not fall very far from your tree . she has betrayed me . she learned at your knee . and now -- i ca n't defrost you now . because you 've betrayed me . shame on you , trevor ! shame on you , after the way i loved you . you and amanda , both ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : oh , babe 's so big on self - sacrifice . she gets ahold of a kid and does n't let it go . why do n't you ask bianca about that one ? krystal : if anything happens to my grandson -- if that maniac , janet dillon , harms him in any way , because you wasted our time -- [ outside dixie groans as she falls against the cabin . ] krystal : then you helped her , and you made it possible ! [ thud ] tad : what the hell was that ? [ scene_break ] reggie : go on , lily , tell him the truth . you know you have to cut this off . dad does n't want him anywhere near you . i mean , that 's what you were telling him , right ? jonathan : i know that your father does n't want me anywhere around lily . reggie : so then why are you here ? see -- you see , this is lily and this is you . you 're too close . jonathan : hey , i do n't want any trouble . i 'll go . reggie : ok , then go . the button 's right there . did you see dad yet ? lily : not yet . reggie : well , julia santos said he 's pretty out of it , so we might have to wait till tomorrow , just so he can get his rest . lily : i think i 'll go to my tree , then . reggie : well , we can get a bite to eat , or , you know , lunch or something . lily : no , when -- when i 'm upset , being at my tree calms me . reggie : ok , then we can go to your tree . [ scene_break ] ryan : it was just a kiss . kendall : my life is already too complicated . ryan : so is mine . kendall : i -- i have enough going on . i do n't need anything to add to this mess that i 've made . ryan : agreed . but you did ask me to keep you away from zach . kendall : and as i told you , you failed . ryan : i got your mind off him just now , did n't i ? kendall : even if that kiss was a distraction strategy , you blew it by bringing him up again . ryan : oh . what if we go back to the idea that you were tossing around while we were trapped ? about you and me becoming an `` us `` again ? especially if it 's not to stick it to zach ? [ scene_break ] [ alone in his office , zach ponders his gun then places the bullets next to it and sits back in his chair . when he turns around , ethan is standing by the door . ] [ scene_break ] krystal : tad ? tad , what was that ? j.r. : was it janet ? did she leave a ransom note ? tad : a tree limb fell . j.r. : you sure it was n't janet tossing babe out on the porch ? krystal : one more word out of you , and i swear , i 'm going to rip -- tad : hey -- what is it going to take to get through to you ? why would amanda lie ? j.r. : for a dollar . a trip to the mall . i do n't know -- she 's a wack job , just like her mom . tad : jonathan lavery identified both janet 's voice and her photograph . j.r. : jonathan lavery ? jonathan lavery would identify lindsay lohan if aidan wanted him to . tad : ok , well , aidan 's got no reason to lie . adam : aidan is your partner . j.r. : right . tad : look , this is serious . you could have hurt somebody . you could have killed krystal . j.r. : she was the only leverage i had to get babe back here . tad : babe ca n't come back . i 'm telling you , janet 's holding her and little adam . j.r. : because jamie says so ? krystal : oh -- would you talk to your son ? adam : j.r. , this is n't a con job . all the evidence points to janet dillon . krystal : she has kidnapped my daughter and my grandson . tad : and if you do n't wake up before janet does something , you 're never going to forgive yourself . j.r. : will you shut up ? shut up , all of you ! nothing 's going to happen to little adam . because his mother has him , not janet . if janet had -- if janet had him , he could be dead . [ scene_break ] janet : do you see how cruel life can be ? the two people that i love more than myself in this world have turned against me . and now i do n't have anybody ! babe : you have me . janet : my husband and my daughter -- babe : no , i 'm your daughter now , remember ? please , i -- i need you , and little adam needs you . we both do , and i will never turn against you , ever . i cross my heart . janet : you sound sincere , but so did trevor and amanda . i believed them , too . babe : but you and i -- we are so much alike . i get what you did for amanda . i would do it for little adam again in a heartbeat . janet : peas in a pod . peas ! babe : no . leave him . we 'll -- let 's go . we 'll -- we 'll get some fast food someplace on the road . janet : i think i 'd better rethink my whole -- babe : no , no . the plan ? no , no . no , it 's you and me against the world , mom . oh , now that i 've found you , please do n't leave me here alone . i ca n't be apart from you for a single minute . you and little adam -- you 're all i 've got . janet : side by side , together ? wherever we go ? babe : as soon as i make sure that my mother 's all right . janet : your old mother . babe : right , yes . yes , my old mother . once j.r. thinks that he 's getting little adam back , and he lets her go , and i know she 's safe -- [ phone beeps ] babe : then i will -- janet : hmm , hmm . text message . maybe it 's too late to save your old mother . babe : what is it ? janet : uh -- `` babe , i 'm ok . let my daughter go , you bitch . `` babe : she 's all right . mama 's all right . janet : you are such a good daughter . nobody would cry if they learned that i was all fine and dandy . they 'd call the psych police and send me to the rubber room , put my toes in a toaster . nobody gives a damn . babe : i do . that 's how i think of you , mom . and i 'm thrilled . you have to let me be a good daughter to you . janet : you 'll love me ? babe : every bit as much as i loved krystal . janet : you think you can ? babe : you 'll see . i 'm going to help you get away , mom . janet : just you and -- and me , and -- and little adam ? babe : no . no , we 're leaving him , remember ? janet : oh , babe - y and me , and grandson makes three , hitting the road to happiness forever and ever , amen ! [ scene_break ] tad : j.r. , janet does n't have to win . krystal : answer me , you psycho maniac ! tad : what are you doing ? krystal : i just told janet to release babe and little adam with a few more colorful words . tad : krystal , no . adam : dip a fork in hot sauce and stab janet in the eye , why do n't you ? tad : you 're just going to make things worse . give me that . j.r. : will you guys just take off already ? i 've had enough of this . krystal : oh , you 've had enough ? you who have done zero , then -- then waste time scaring the bejeebers out of me ? this is your fault , you know . adam : i did n't abduct you . krystal : you bent this twig , now straighten him out and make him realize that babe and little adam are in danger ! adam : all right . listen to me , j.r. you listening ? you know that i have no reason to lie to you . and you know how i feel about babe . i would n't give her a glass of water if her hair was on fire . krystal : oh , you pig . adam : but i was wrong about this . babe did not use the explosion to the mardi gras ball to get away with your son . no , i honestly believe that babe and your son are in danger right now . grave danger . and we have to use all our resources to try to find them . and that means you have to pull yourself together and help us . [ phone beeps ] babe : is it krystal again ? janet : no , someone with much more sense . `` janet , i care about you . you saved my son 's life once . let me help you now . where are you ? i 'll come asap . tad martin . `` babe : well , tad owes you , does n't he ? janet : one of many who does , not that they remember . babe : you saved jamie . i 'm sure tad would do anything to help you . janet : mm - hmm -- if -- if he 's sincere , if he sent this , if it 's not a trick . babe : tad always seemed like a nice , honest guy to me . janet : well , but easily fooled . always quick to fall for the pretty face -- do what the hussy wants . i mean , look -- look at how he ditched my pal dixie and hooked up with that imposter person , di . babe : he thought that she was dixie . janet : when will pine valley men learn we 're just not always what we seem , are we ? of course , some of us take on another 's identity for the greater good , but that icky di -- she 's just selfish , a user and a loser . i wish di had di - ed when i pushed her through the ice . some people just do n't deserve to live . [ scene_break ] adam : even if you do n't think babe is worth your help , think about your son . j.r. : make krystal call babe back and get her over here . adam : krystal -- krystal 's right . i 've done this to you . made you angry and vengeful . son , you got -- you got to stop it . you got to -- at least let go of some of it . babe is n't out to make you -- make you look like a fool . no , she 's wherever janet is holding them . probably pleading for her life . and your son 's life . you got to do your part , son . i mean , what does it take ? i swear to you , everything i 've told you is the truth . i swear to you on your mother 's memory . on dixie 's memory . ok ? you got to believe me . j.r. : i got to stop them . tad : we have to find her before we can stop them . j.r. : no , not -- not janet . the men that i 've hired . they have orders to use force , to shoot babe , if necessary , if she does n't give me my son back . [ scene_break ] jonathan : you made it . let me see -- did you -- did you mean what you said at the hospital ? i mean , do -- do you really want to marry me ? lily : it 's the whole and complete truth . jonathan : ok . it 's a -- it 's a total 180 . lily : 180 what ? jonathan : a -- a change of plan . a full reversal . lily : 180 -- the degrees in half of a circle -- i like that . yes , i 180 'd . jonathan : yeah . why ? why the -- what made you change your mind ? lily : i kept working on the problem and realized that marriage is the solution . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , all right . well , what are you -- what are you trying to do to me ? ryan : i 'm just trying to make you smile . kendall : ok . you know how all of the sudden , you just -- [ ryan laughs ] ryan : yeah , keep going . kendall : you just randomly do something -- ryan : uh - huh . kendall : like suddenly kissing me and -- ryan : ah . kendall : and saying you want to try with us again ? ryan : yes , impulses . they 're very -- they 're very , very impulsive . kendall : yes , well , they make me nervous , some of them . ryan : well , that 's why i 'm trying to make you feel better . kendall : well , you 're not , so why do n't you just let me go outside and -- ryan : run ? kendall : i do not run . ryan : ok . then why do n't we go back to what you wanted -- me moving in with you ? kendall : yes , move in on with , not move in on . ryan : well , since the -- the picture 's changed a little bit , why do n't we re- evaluate ? zach 's in vegas . so maybe me moving in with you right now is a bit much . maybe for now . but , hey , i could buy his condo . then i 'd be , like , 20 yards away . i would be close without being freaky close . kendall : or we could just stay where we are , stay as we are . ryan : would that make your life better ? do n't be afraid to tell me that you 're not sure . kendall : i -- i came in here wanting to slaughter the world . i just want my sanity back . can you pull that off ? ryan : you 're hurt , and i am partially to blame , and i hate that . so , kendall , if you 'll let me , i will do everything i possibly can do to make that hurt go away . [ scene_break ] [ as zach picks up the gun and stares at ethan 's apparition , there 's a knock on the office door . ] zach : what is it ? dixie : sorry . zach : dixie , what happened to you ? dixie : i did n't know where else to go . i need help . [ dixie groans as she collapses at zach 's feet . ] zach : ok , ok . stay there . do n't move . dixie : oh . look , you ca n't tell anyone . zach : i 'm going to call a doctor . dixie : no ! you ca n't tell anyone . j.r. ca n't find out . zach : j.r. ? what happened here ? dixie : well , he -- zach : what happened ? dixie : i -- i got shot . it 's just my arm , i think . that 's all . zach : it is your arm . you lost a lot of blood . i 'm going to call a doctor . dixie : no . you ca n't tell anyone . please . zach : ok , ok . shh . dixie : nobody can find out . if you tell somebody , i 'll just leave . zach : ok , ok . calm down . dixie : you ca n't tell anybody . zach : ok . do you trust me ? can you do that -- trust me ? no one 's going to find out . zach : hi . dr. miller was at the vip poker table when i walked in . he 's probably still there . tell him to come up to my office now . [ scene_break ] kendall : i do n't see how you can help . ryan : i get what you 're feeling with zach . greenlee sent me a present today . ryan : divorce papers . kendall : oh . ryan , i 'm sorry . ryan : and she did n't even include a note , although her -- her lawyer did . a very courteous warning not to try to `` locate or contact miss du pres . `` kendall : let me see that . `` miss du pres `` ? is n't that a little weird ? ryan : yeah . she just wanted to remind me that the only marriage that meant something to her was -- kendall : was the one to leo . she did n't have to slap you with that . ryan : she just wanted to make sure that the door was nailed shut , that 's all . kendall : all right , you know what ? not to rub it in , ryan , but there 's a major difference between you and greenlee and me and zach . you caused your breakup . it was n't the other way around . ryan : i know . kendall : but it still hurts like hell . [ scene_break ] jonathan : if marriage is the solution , what 's the problem ? lily : i 'm nearly an adult , but my father keeps telling me what to do and where i have to be or who to associate with . jonathan : and who not to associate with . lily : exactly my point . now my brother is guarding me . it 's too much . jonathan : lily , they love you . lily : that 's the kind of love you give a little girl , not a nearly grown woman . jonathan : and marrying me -- lily : is the solution because then i can do what i want to do . at 3 : 23 on the morning of may 4 , 2006 , i 'll be 18 , and we can get married . jonathan : lily , when you 're 18 , you 're legally an adult . you -- you do n't have to marry me . i -- it -- it 's another one of your solutions , your age . at 18 , you can be independent . lily : you said you were happy with me and -- and in love and wanted to marry me . jonathan : do you -- do you want a husband or do you want a solution ? lily : ca n't i be independent with you ? jonathan : yes . oh , of course , but i need you to know , though , that you can also do it alone . lily : do n't you want to marry me ? jonathan : yes . lily , yes , of course i do . i love you . but , well , i want you to marry me because -- because it 'd make you happy to marry me . it ca n't be about getting away from -- from your father and your brother . lily : i 'm doing 360s now . this is very confusing . jonathan : yeah . i know . i -- at least we 're doing 360s together . [ scene_break ] krystal : you have got sharpshooters gunning for my kid while she 's being held captive by a maniac ? j.r. : i 'm calling them off , ok ? krystal : what if somebody 's already pulled the trigger ? what if -- tad : just let him make the phone call . krystal : if somebody 's already hurt her -- adam : shut up , krystal ! krystal : no , let me go ! do n't protect him ! tad : no , he finally gets it . krystal : you have no respect for human life . you are just some screwed - up , cross - wired , deranged piece of slime . let me tell you something -- i 'll show you what kind of damage a real parent can do . [ scene_break ] babe : you 're right . of course , i want to bring little adam with us . it 's just that j.r. is not going to let us have any rest . he 's going to send armies of investigators after us . janet : look , do n't worry about j.r . he 's not as smart he thinks he is . babe : but he can afford to hire the best and the smartest . i 'm -- i 'm just afraid that if we bring little adam with us , we 're not going to have a fighting chance . janet : oh , do n't worry ! i 've got lots of tricks up my sleeves . i 'll take care of you two . trust mommy . everything 's coming up roses ! [ scene_break ] jonathan : lily , if -- if you really want to -- really , really want to -- we can still get married the day after your 18th birthday . lily : but i should think about other solutions to my problem , too . jonathan : you -- because you can live on your own without me . you could get your own place . you could -- you could decide what school you want to go to . you can make decisions for your life . you do n't have to be mrs. jonathan lavery to do that . lily : but is n't marriage the next logical step ? jonathan : uh -- yes , if we really , truly love each other . lily : i still do n't know if i love you or not . jonathan : we could stay boyfriend and girlfriend and -- and still love and support each other . lily , whatever we become , what 's important here is that you make a decision that you 're not going to regret . lily : i was trying to find an answer without thinking about all the factors that would impact the solution . i ca n't tell what you 're thinking . jonathan : lily , we have plenty of time . we have our tree house . we could still come here and -- and meet and talk . lily : and be supportive of each other . jonathan : right . but i ca n't come to life skills class anymore . i mean , julia is going to teach me on the side , so that i can keep up . and then if your father does n't think that you 're seeing me , then he wo n't send you away to that school . lily : that would be good . jonathan : and you can take until your 18th birthday and -- and way , way after to decide about marriage , lily -- hey , as long as you 're happy . lily : that you love me matters , too . jonathan : oh , well , whether we get married or not , lily , i 'm -- i 'm always going to love you . [ scene_break ] dr. miller : clean entry and exit . missed the brachial artery . just needs some cleaning and draining . get her to the hospital . she 'll be all right . zach : i thought we could handle this privately . dr. miller : all gunshot wounds have to be reported to the police . zach : well , i do n't think this is a gunshot wound . well , you were n't shot , were you ? dixie : no . dr. miller : i ca n't put my license in jeopardy . zach : we 're the only three people who will ever know about this . now , you owe me , jim . it 'd be a good time to break even . dr. miller : ok . zach : write down what you need . [ scene_break ] ryan : it was n't all about the baby or zach blacking out the fertility clinic . i mean , ethan was all wrapped up in this , too . kendall : i do n't know if zach will ever get over ethan 's death . ryan : he 's left with a lot of regrets . and ethan ? he had simone , they thought they had the future all figured out . kendall : it should n't have happened , not to him . ryan : not to anyone . wow -- déjà vu . we just slipped back a couple of years before ethan even got here . i mean , i 'm at cambias , you 're at fusion . i mean , we 're sort of together . kendall : and that signifies what , that we -- are we supposed to learn something from all of this ? ryan : life does n't always work out the way you planned ? kendall : how about we think we 're moving on in life , getting somewhere , but we 're really just hamsters in a giant wheel , and we end up right back at the beginning , over and over and over ? ryan : hmm . there 's just one little flaw in your philosophy . nothing 's the same about the `` baby on board . `` kendall : yeah . one of the enormous -- ryan : not so enormous -- kendall : complications that i was talking about . ryan : oh . well , maybe it 's the complications that keep the wheel turning . kendall : still , i 'd like to live a less troubled , more sane existence . ryan : maybe i can fit in there someplace ? kendall : it depends . what do you see for us ? where do we go from here ? ryan : i know exactly where we go and what we do from here . from here , i take you home , and i make you one of those grassy salad healthy things that you love so much . kendall : yeah ? and then ? ryan : and then to bed for you -- rest , sleep . maybe some cosmic answer will come to you in your dreams . kendall : in your dreams . ryan : i 'm sure all the angst and complications will be there when you wake up . well ? kendall : sounds good . i 'll settle for the short - term plan . ryan : let 's go . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i have to brush up on my prime numbers . you remember that you said you hoped someday you 'd be with a guy who knew prime numbers and would n't mind that you have autism spectrum disorder . lily : and you wanted a girlfriend who would n't ever be afraid that you 'd hurt her . and i know you wo n't . i 'd better go before reggie comes to check up on me . jonathan : take care , lily . lily : maybe i could fall in love with you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : ok , thanks . they have n't found babe yet . no one 's fired a shot . krystal : except you , you -- j.r. : look , babe is safe and everybody on my payroll has orders to protect her . man : ready , mr. chandler ? krystal : where do you think you 're going ? j.r. : i 'm going to go find babe and little adam . tad : you 've been drinking . you ca n't drive . j.r. : he 's driving ! [ door closes ] krystal : i 'm going to make sure that you pay for this . adam : you 're welcome ! i calmed him down and you two antagonized him . [ scene_break ] dixie : oh , thank you . jim : for what ? i was never here . dixie : all right , look , i 'll give you three questions . first two do n't count . zach : i do n't need any questions . it 's none of my business , unless there 's something you want me to know . dixie : i was bleeding so much i thought i was going to die . zach : well , you do n't have to think that any more . dr. miller fixed you up . dixie : thank you so much . i think you saved my life . zach : you 're not going to die , not today . i 'll make sure of it . [ scene_break ] babe : do n't you worry , honey . [ little adam babbles as babe dresses him , unaware that janet can hear her . ] babe : yes , that 's the horsy . as soon as that weird , loud lady drives us down the hill and gets us around other people , i am going to make sure that i get you home to your bed where you 'll be safe and sound , and it 'll be nice and quiet away from that weird , loud lady . ooh , one more arm . oh . there we go . that ought to be nice and warm . little adam : what 's daddy doing ? babe : daddy is waiting for us . janet : take his coat off . you 're not going anywhere . babe : but , janet , you said -- janet : i rethought , i changed my mind . you and your son are never going to leave this cabin , ever . [ next_on ] dixie ( to zach ) : i know janet . i know how to look for her . janet ( to babe ) : you are just like trevor . he got what was coming to him , and you are going to get what 's coming to you ! tad : janet 's well . come on . who 'd you shove in this time . [ as he walks around in the dark woods , tad receives a hard punch to the face . ]
babe freaks to discover that janet has trevor 's frozen corpse in her freezer . janet protests that she did not kill him . she 's just temporarily frozen him . babe tries to play the role of janet 's new daughter but she is secretly plotting a plan . tad , krystal and adam tell jr that he must realize that janet has kidnapped babe and little a . but he still believes that babe took his son from him and krystal is covering for her daughter . unknown to all of them , however , the shot he has fired has gotten dixie . she is wounded and goes to zach 's office . he tells her he will get her medical care and protect her anonymity . ryan and kendall are still wondering what to do in their relationship . lily and jonathan discuss what their options will be in regard to whether to get married and what it will mean when she turns 18 and no longer needs her father 's permission to make her own decisions .
zach : ryan . ryan : i want to give you and kendall a little time alone . zach : and i want to apologize . ryan : it 's done . kendall : ryan , let zach say what he has to say . zach : at the warehouse , i -- ryan : stop , stop . kendall : ryan , please , please just listen to zach . i want peace between the two of you . now , i got to have your phone , honey , because i 'm going to call home and tell them that we are safe . [ scene_break ] derek : you got him . is kendall ok ? j.r. : she 's fine . derek : you almost killed my dani . tad : you remember when you arrested us because we told you a dead guy was the killer ? j.r. : yeah , well , he looks pretty good for a corpse . [ scene_break ] babe : the minute that i tell j.r. that i 'm alive and well , he 'll want a divorce , i might as well be dead . krystal : do n't you say that , not after all of you will get your little boy away from j.r . babe : yeah , and where does that leave you and your baby ? krystal : do n't you worry about me . babe : any promises that j.r. made to keep your baby 's father a secret , he 'll break so fast . krystal : oh . babe : he 'll fight dirty for little adam , and he wo n't hesitate to use charlotte as leverage . krystal : i will be damned if i let j.r. hold my mistake over your head . babe : yeah , but there 's nothing that you can do . krystal : yes , there is . i can tell adam . i -- i can walk into our house and confess that tad is the baby 's father . babe : no , no way . krystal : better i lose my marriage than you lose your son . babe : mama , you love adam way too much . josh : neither one of you should lose a thing . [ scene_break ] adam : to what do i owe this surprise ? erica : well , actually , i should share this with j.r. first . adam : well , i would n't think you two would have much to say to each other . erica : we do now . it 's important . adam : hmm . well , j.r. is out of town . is there some way i could help you ? erica : actually , yes . as a matter of fact there is . adam : ok . the topic for today ? erica : babe . adam : no . you 're not going to stir this up , erica -- no . babe is dead . erica : not really . adam : babe is not really dead ? [ adam sniffs ] adam : are you drunk ? erica : i have n't had a drink in years . adam : pills , then ? erica : i am completely coherent . adam : well , thank god that neither krystal nor j.r. is here to -- to listen to your hallucinations . erica : i just saw krystal . adam : well , please tell me you did n't tell her that babe is alive . erica : krystal did n't need to hear it from me . adam : what has your son been feeding her ? erica : babe 's mother knows better than anyone , with the possible exception of josh , that babe 's spirit is far too strong to die . adam : oh -- that 's what you were talk -- oh , do n't -- for pete 's sake , erica . get to the point . why all this high - blown language about my daughter - in - law ? erica : oh , well , now let 's not get carried away . adam : krystal is in a bad way . if you upset my wife , so help me god , i 'll -- erica : what ? what will you do , adam ? i do n't think this is the time to push away any offer of friendship . adam : oh . why am i so skeptical ? erica : just tell me something , adam -- how is j.r. ? adam : j.r. has nothing to do with josh -- nothing , not anymore . erica : well , if your son is sanctifying babe as much as josh is , then your son and my son are on a collision course to catastrophe . [ scene_break ] josh : i heard everything -- krystal : oh . josh : about the baby and who the father is . babe : josh , please . you can not tell anyone . josh : i wo n't tell a soul . krystal : hi this is not good . this is not good at all . josh : babe , listen to me . i love you and you love your mother more than anyone else except your son . and there 's no way i would do anything to take either away from you . babe : promise me , josh . please promise . josh : hurting krystal would be just as bad as hurting you , and i 'm not going to do that . krystal : never ? josh : you have my word . babe : i trust you . but j.r. 's the real trouble . josh : i will do anything and everything possible to get you free of j.r . [ scene_break ] erica : look , babe could cause as much trouble in death as she did during her disastrous life . adam : j.r. 's a grown man . he can handle his grief in his own way . erica : absolutely , of course . of course , he will . tell me something , adam -- how were babe and j.r. doing , you know , before she was killed ? adam : also , none of your concern . erica : well , i mean , were they basking in one of their honeymoons ? were they planning a trip to paris ? had they hired new divorce lawyers ? adam : you know , i do n't think for one second that you give a damn about my son 's marriage . erica : well , it 's a simple question that you seem to be dodging . at the end , did j.r. see babe as a saint or did he see her for the tawdry little tart she really was ? adam : that 's enough . erica : oh , come on , adam . there 's nobody around to hear you . adam : where is this going , erica ? erica : j.r. has a jealous streak , in case you have n't noticed , and a lot of it has been aimed at my son . adam : yeah , for damn good reason . erica : and josh is still in love with babe , for heaven knows why . but j.r. just might be possessive , even in death . adam : hmm . erica : and what 's to stop your son from targeting my son ? adam : well , if babe were alive and if your son were still lusting after her , then my son , j.r. , would be justifiably dangerous . erica : really ? adam : but that 's not the case , is it ? huh . why would my son care about what 's going on in josh 's head ? erica : because a dead slut can cause just as much passion as a live one . adam : and you would know this how ? [ phone rings ] erica : hello ? kendall : mom , it 's me . erica : oh , kendall . thank god . are -- are you all right ? kendall : i 'm fine . it 's over , mom . we have the killer , he 's in custody , and we 're coming home from vegas today . erica : oh , kendall . oh ! who was it , honey ? did -- did he hurt you ? are you -- is everything really all right ? kendall : i 'll tell you everything when we get back . erica : ok . i 'll be waiting . kendall : can you tell bianca and josh that i 'm ok ? and tell spike his mama 's coming home . erica : of course , i will , sweetheart . of course , i will . oh , i 'm so happy that you 're safe . [ scene_break ] zach : you did n't deserve that punch . ryan : you 're right -- i did n't . but you thought it was necessary to knock me out and then to take off . zach : yes , i did . ryan : acting on instinct ? zach : my dad wanted me , only me . ryan : no , zach . he wanted kendall , too . zach : and i would 've given my life for hers . ryan : and if anything had happened to her , i would 've made sure that you did . but everybody is all right , it all worked out ok , so why do n't you just save the apology , all right ? [ when ryan extends his hand , zach shakes it . ] kendall : it 's ok for spike to come home , right ? [ scene_break ] julia : zach 's father ? dear lord . jamie : yeah , he faked the whole thing . julia : is kendall ok ? jamie : she 's a little spooked , but she 's fine . everyone 's ok . julia : everyone 's ok . di : are they coming home today ? julia : di , annie , and the kids want to know if you all are coming home soon . jamie : today . julia : today . jamie : jack is working with the chief on the extradition . julia : oh . it 's really nice to hear your voice . jamie : you , too . emma : my daddy 's coming home , is n't he , mommy ? annie : yes , sweetie , he is and he 's going to be so happy to see you . kathy : my daddy 's coming home , too ! julia : kathy , honey , i know you love tad . and he loves you , too . but he 's not your daddy -- he 's just our friend . [ scene_break ] tad : you just might want to exercise your right to remain silent . detective : shut up . if you can not afford a lawyer , one will be provided to you at government expense . alexander : i would n't worry about that . aidan : i hope you 're not claustrophobic . i heard those cells can be quite cozy . derek : yeah , not your usual style . let 's get this paperwork done so we can go home . tad : you 're finished , old man . j.r. : yeah , you pack it in , because the suffering begins now . alexander : that 's what you and your moronic companions would like to believe . i 've made fools of you for months , why should i stop now ? [ scene_break ] josh : i protected you from the satin slayer . i can protect the both of you from j.r. 's blackmail . babe : yeah , but we expect you to pull a miracle out of nowhere , josh . josh : well , we have some time . ca n't send you out into the land of the living , not till this killer is caught . babe : yeah . i know . it 's just i -- miss my son . how is he ? krystal : oh . babe : is he bigger ? krystal : oh , yeah -- babe : has he -- has he still been doing his drawings ? krystal : i almost forgot . look at this . his latest masterpiece , huh ? babe : my goodness ! is n't it beautiful ? krystal : and he 's fine , honey . we built a bubble around him so strong , nothing can get through . babe : i want to see him . do you think we could bring him here ? krystal : uh , maybe -- maybe i could work something out . josh : krystal , you got to be very careful . you ca n't let anyone know where you 're going . babe : and j.r. or anyone -- they ca n't tell him that i 'm dead . promise . krystal : no , no , no . listen , nobody can look in that sweet little boy 's eyes and break his heart . babe : j.r. has n't said anything about me to him ? krystal : well , like i told you , he was planning on telling him tonight , but i am going to make sure that that does not happen . josh : good . babe : does little a ask about his mama ? krystal : all the time . all the time . when he does , we just -- we tell him we love him , point to a bird on the terrace or read him a story . oh -- ow . babe : are you ok ? krystal : oh ! [ krystal chuckles ] krystal : i just think charlotte 's going to be a field goal kicker -- whoa oh here , feel this . feel that . babe : oh , my goodness ! my little sister ! krystal : oh . you 're both my babies . and i will do anything for you -- anything . do you hear me ? thank you for keeping my baby doll alive . josh : i 'm selfish . i do n't want to live in a world without babe . krystal : yeah . me , neither . i did and it was hell on earth . well , i am -- i 'm going to see about rustling up your son for you , ok ? oh . babe : mama , wait . what are you going to say to adam when you get home ? krystal : nothing . i ca n't tell him you 're alive . he 'll go straight to j.r. with the happy news . josh : and that ca n't happen . babe : i 'm so sorry . krystal : no , do n't . do n't apologize . i 'm sorry . i told a lie that put you in this mess . [ scene_break ] erica : well , of course , i 'm rushing home , but right now , i 'd like to talk about your son 's jealous tendencies . adam : oh , what -- that 's incredible . you just keep sticking your nose into j.r. 's business . erica : well , j.r. 's business keeps falling into my son 's lap far too often . adam : what do you expect me to do about it ? i mean , you must have a point to this somewhere in there . erica : keep your son away from mine -- that 's the point ! adam : so , this accomplishes what you truly set out to do , this mission ? which has very little to do with josh , by the way . erica : you 'd be surprised . [ scene_break ] tad : it 's kind of hard to terrorize people from maximum security . alexander : it 's been a source of endless amusement watching all of you tumbling over one another , stumbling around in the dark . tad : we stumbled into you , did n't we ? alexander : after how long ? blithering pack of blind buffoons . j.r. : shut it . aidan : hey , ignore him . alexander : i 'm not easily ignored . how long have i held your attention ? tad : is that what you want ? that 's what this is about -- attention ? alexander : the satin slayer task force -- how self - important and smug , utterly clueless . j.r. : shut up alexander : i 've permanently altered your lives . you 've made me immortal . you can never forget me . j.r. : i said shut up ! jamie : no ! tad : j.r. , you let him get to you -- that 's what he wants . j.r. : but he 's killed my mother and my wife ! tad : come here . alexander : shame about dixie . that was unfortunate . jamie : i 'm sorry -- `` unfortunate `` ? tad : he 's trying to make himself feel powerful , because he knows he is n't . alexander : i 've already exerted enough power to reign over you for the rest of your pathetic little lives . j.r. : he took away the love of your life and your friends . and he 's gloating about it . and we 're never going to get them back . we 're never going to get them back ! aidan : do n't give him the satisfaction , j.r . alexander : at least someone grasps the hold i have over you , the hold i will always have . tad : you 're a lunatic . derek : not crazy enough to avoid prison . you 'll never breathe another free breath . tad : the way you felt about dixie , about babe -- no one 's ever going to feel that way about him . his children hated him , and his wife died trying to get away from him . aidan : no one 's going to miss him when he 's behind bars . jamie : no one 's going to sit by his deathbed . no one 's going to even care when he dies . tad : look at him , just look at him . he 's insignificant . what 's more , he knows it , and that 's what drove him crazy . that 's what drove him to kill people . it 's all he 's ever wanted -- is to be significant . and now , he never will be . he 's nothing . he 's worthless . now that you ca n't threaten anybody anymore , you might as well not exist . it 's over . you will never matter to anybody -- not even your sole - surviving son . [ scene_break ] zach : it 's time we had that family we talked about . kendall : oh . i miss spike so much , my arms ache . ryan : just got off the phone with annie , and she 's thrilled to hear that you guys are both all right , but more importantly , she 's got spike all ready , and he will be at your place by the time you get there . kendall : thank you , ryan . ryan : back to being a mom , huh ? kendall : yeah , i would n't have it any other way . things can finally be normal again . zach : `` normal , `` huh ? what is that ? kendall : well , `` normal `` is breakfast with spike , being splattered by oatmeal , lunch with spike , being splattered by peas , dinner with spike , being splattered with mashed potatoes . zach : i like mashed potatoes . kendall : you could have some , too . just keep them on your plate . zach : i 'll try . kendall : we 'll do what normal parents do . we 'll drink coffee , run late . just do n't expect me to be waiting for you wearing an apron . zach : i think you 've waited long enough . kendall : hmm . [ scene_break ] [ krystal hums ] adam : my god , you 've been transformed . it 's like the weight of the world just fell off your shoulders . krystal : huh . well , i do -- i feel pretty light considering i 'm one bowling ball short of an alley . adam : you 've seen erica , have n't you . krystal : yeah . yeah , i -- i 've seen her . why ? adam : well , that explains it . huh . you must know . [ scene_break ] erica : i just heard from kendall . the satin slayer 's been caught . josh : well , is kendall ok ? erica : she is . she 's safe . and so are you . come on , get dressed . i 'll take you home . [ scene_break ] krystal : what did erica tell you ? adam : the good news , about the satin slayer . he 's been caught . krystal : oh . oh , thank god . oh , that 's over , finally . adam : you did n't know that ? krystal : well , no , not -- not until you just told me . adam : then why were you so relieved when you walked through that door ? krystal : it 's -- it 's just a better day , that 's all . adam : better day , huh ? where did you go with josh ? what do n't i know , krystal ? [ scene_break ] josh : babe 's still not in any medical condition to go anywhere . erica : well , then we 'll call the chandlers , and we 'll have them come to you . do n't tell me you 're planning to continue with this . babe , your family is in mourning for you . they are -- they are grieving your death . i mean , certainly your family deserves to know the truth . babe : my mother knows the truth . erica : and your little boy ? babe : they have n't told little adam anything , and mama 's going to make sure that it stays that way . erica : and j.r. ? josh : lay off , erica . erica : well , surely , you do n't want your husband to continue to wallow in his guilt , in his grief . josh : that 's enough . babe needs to get as much rest as she can . josh : do not say a word of any of this to anyone , you hear me ? erica : why not ? her life is not in danger anymore . josh : that remains to be seen . erica : why should her survival be kept a secret ? josh : do nothing until i tell you otherwise . i 'm still working on it . erica : `` working on it `` ? if babe wants to stay with you , she 'll stay . if not , she 'll go back to j.r . josh : that 's not going to happen . erica : do you think you 're going to be able to influence her ? you think if you keep her here , you 're going to be able to talk her into something ? josh : tell kendall i 'll see her soon . erica : no , josh , what are n't you telling me ? [ scene_break ] krystal : looking into josh 's eyes made my baby doll come alive . adam : in the cemetery ? hmm . krystal : adam , i just -- i wish j.r. loved babe the way josh does . adam : you mean `` did . `` the way josh `` did `` love babe . right ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : that was some nice work . you actually see cambias sinking into his own private hellhole . jamie : well , he deserved that and worse . tad : anything to make that bastard feel like nothing . j.r. : yeah , but they 're still gone -- babe , simone , mom -- jamie : is jack and derek almost done ? tad : yeah , they 're just wrapping things up . j.r. : and then we can go home . jamie : everybody 's safe , no more maniac to focus on . j.r. : yeah , but our house -- it 's a lot more empty . tad : and a lot of time to miss dixie , and babe . jamie : and dixie loved spring , too . i remember when i was a kid , she tried to teach me gardening . something about tulip bulbs and daffodils . i spent more time playing in the dirt than i did gardening , so -- j.r. : you know , it 's babe and my anniversary . the garden that we got married -- there 's still some flowers out there that dixie planted years ago . tad : i know she 'd probably be hitting her stride about now at the hospital . all those people she could have helped . j.r. : babe would be planning little a 's birthday party . some big theme , tons of presents . you remember last year when uncle palmer tried to pin the tail on the donkey ? jamie : it was priceless . tad : she would have loved being there this year . j.r. : our lives are filled with a lot more holes . but they 're the only lives we have . [ scene_break ] ryan : before this all happened , you -- you gave me unlimited access to my little spike , and i guess i 'm just hoping that nothing 's changed . kendall : i gave you a hard time about protecting me , and spike . i 'm sorry . ryan : it 's ok . kendall : i know you care about me . i 'll always care about you . so of course , you can see your son whenever you want . ryan : i 'm very glad to hear that . kendall : ready to go home ? zach : home sounds great . kendall : home sounds amazing . but this place -- this -- this twin house , the one back at pine valley -- zach : i know . kendall : i ca n't -- i -- zach : i know you ca n't . kendall : what are we going to do ? zach : i 'll handle it . kendall : but where are we going to live , zach ? zach : we 're going to find the perfect place for you , me , and spike . [ scene_break ] di : everyone , look who 's here ! annie : hi . man : hi , guys . woman : hi . annie : emma , kathy , i would like you to meet ashley brown and josh strickland . kathy : hello ! josh : nice to meet you girls . ashley : it 's practically perfect in every way . julia : oh . ashley plays mary poppins in a big broadway musical in new york . kathy : like the movie ! annie : yes . and josh plays one of your favorite heroes in another show . can you guess which one ? kathy : uh - uh . annie : ok , let me give you a hint . he swings from a vine . his best friend is turk ? josh : you , emma , me -- emma : tarzan ! josh : yes ! annie : yes . kathy : you 're not a cartoon . josh : last time i checked . ashley : your dad asked us to take you to a special disney matinee . would you like that ? kathy : yeah annie : all right ! julia : yes . josh : awesome . come on . annie : it 'll be fun . ashley : let 's go . annie : all right , you guys go have fun , ok ? kathy : bye ! annie : thanks , guys . annie : huh . oh . di : pretty impressive . annie : i know . ryan gets the girls to a children 's matinee with one hand and catches a killer with the other . julia : i think he 's a keeper . di : yeah . and you 're not dating him , why ? annie : you guys should be really proud of jamie and aidan . they could n't have caught the killer without them . julia : oh -- was that a not - so - slick change of subject ? di : i think so . annie : god -- thank god this slayer nightmare 's over . di : yeah . julia : oh -- somebody should tell jonathan that they captured his sister 's killer . di : where is jonathan ? does anybody know ? [ scene_break ] [ jonathan stands at the cemetery staring at his sister 's headstone inscribed : `` erin lavery * september 17 , 1980 -- december 11 , 2006 * our sister , our friend . `` ] [ scene_break ] josh : do n't you think we should give babe a little bit of time to get better before we toss her back to j.r. ? erica : to her husband ? josh : erica , this hospital room is fake , but babe did nearly die . give her some breathing room before we -- we overwhelm her with the pressures of her life . erica : the pressures of another man ? josh : do n't say anything , all right ? this is not your secret to tell . erica : oh , josh , as long as she 's married to somebody else , it 's not your secret to keep . josh : let her make up her own mind . erica : josh , she 's been trying to decide for a year . what 's going to change now ? josh : just do n't say anything , all right ? i 'm trusting you . if you do say anything , our relationship as we know it -- it 's over . erica : all right , fine . babe : there is no way that erica is going to keep her mouth shut . josh : do n't go there . babe : and then j.r. will know , and then he 'll pick back up with his blackmail , and then my mom is at risk again . josh : do n't worry about erica . she 's under control , and i 'll handle j.r . babe : and what if we ca n't ? josh : babe , get some rest . ok ? try to sleep . let me do the worrying . close your eyes . that 's it . [ scene_break ] krystal : josh loved babe , yes . he still does , adam . just because babe 's gone does n't mean his feelings for her are , too . adam : his feelings were for another man 's wife . krystal : oh . josh understood babe , ok ? he accepted her . i just wish j.r. could have been half as understanding of that precious girl . adam : you know , it 's not easy for a man to understand his precious little wife when she 's lying naked in another man 's arms . krystal : oh -- adam : j.r. loved babe in his way . he always loved her . krystal : yeah , so he shows his love by trying to kill her ? krystal : come on , adam and then the minute j.r. suspects babe of going josh , he -- he loses it all over again . adam : he had every right to be angry -- they made vows . krystal : ok . all right . i do not want to argue with you . adam : sweetheart , that 's the last thing i wanted . krystal : well , you just understand why i wish j.r. were more like josh ? adam : no . krystal : honey , if babe had n't died , j.r. would be fighting with every tool he has to get custody of little a . he 'd pull out every piece of dirt . he 'd -- he 'd lie if he had to . adam : i do n't think he 'd have to . j.r. gave babe everything he had , everything . i know sometimes , it was n't enough . sweetheart , this has been a long day . krystal : i know . i know . i -- i ca n't even remember this morning . adam : yeah , well , you passed out in babe 's room . krystal : yeah . adam : you need to rest . krystal : yeah . you know , you 're right . i -- i think i 'm going to take a nap . i could use it . and you know , when i get up , i -- i think i 'm going to take little a to that flower show . adam : flower show ? this late in the day ? krystal : yeah . yeah . i -- i could really use some quality time with my grandson . adam : whatever you need . little a will love being with you . krystal : yeah . adam : almost as much as i do . [ scene_break ] annie : jonathan ? i thought you might be here . jonathan : they caught the satin slayer . it was slater 's father . i was just telling erin . annie : are you ok ? jonathan : ok ? i do n't know what that is , annie . ryan called with the news , and ever since then , i 've been feeling -- relieved ? angry ? numb ? annie : you have every right to feel all of that . jonathan : sad . i feel sad . annie : and that 's ok , too . jonathan : annie , i look her in the eyes . i ca n't see my sister 's reaction . annie : oh , but you know how she would feel , though , do n't you ? you can -- you can see the expression on her face . she 's there , jonathan . jonathan : thank god for you . ryan 's been -- ryan 's been great through all this . even jack montgomery 's helped , but nobody 's gotten me through this the way you do . it 's -- it 's as if that erin sent you to me to watch over her brother . i would have lost my mind without you . you 've kept me sane . thank you . annie : i ca n't replace erin , but i would love to be your honorary sister . jonathan : well , maybe you 'll just be my sister - in - law . annie : jonathan , do n't . jonathan : all right , i know , i know . you and -- you and ryan are just friends . you 're just -- you 're just friends with a baby . and that 's all you 're ever going to be , right ? annie : exactly . jonathan : annie , things can change . annie : no , not this . you know why . jonathan : has anybody ever told you that you are incredibly stubborn ? annie : yeah , yeah , they have . jonathan : yeah . well , i -- i agree with them . [ scene_break ] julia : to being home . jamie : yeah . aidan : cheers to that . jonathan : i know . thank you . aidan : come here . [ scene_break ] [ tad walks to dixie 's gravesite , marked by a simple sign reading `` dixie cooney martin . `` ] [ scene_break ] kendall : hi . erica : i 'm so happy to see you , honey -- ooh . i 'm so happy that you 're safe , and you 're home . kendall : me , too . bianca : me , three . him , four . kendall : oh ! bianca : oh ! kendall : oh , my baby boy . bianca : oh , look at you two . i 'm so glad you 're together ! where 's zach ? hmm ? [ scene_break ] ryan : just the person i wanted to see . annie : you 're back . ryan : yeah . annie : oh -- well -- come in , come in . ryan : annie mcdermott , will you marry me ? [ scene_break ] josh : hey , there , sleepyhead . babe : how long was i asleep ? josh : a good long while . i was thinking about your problem , and i might have a possible solution . babe : well , do n't keep me waiting . josh : you could stay dead . [ scene_break ] krystal : you 're all zipped up now ? little adam : yes . krystal : good . come on now , we 're going to go see your mama , ok ? [ unbeknown to krystal , j.r. hears the conversation from the doorway . ] [ next_on ] krystal : josh , what are you getting my baby girl into again ? babe : he wants me to run off with little a . annie : something happened in vegas . what , is it -- is it about kendall ? ryan : yes .
zach tries to apologize to ryan for knocking him unconscious . ryan tells him that it is done now . kendall urges ryan to listen to zach because she wants peace between them . kendall gets the cell phone out of zach 's pocket , and tells him that she is going to phone home , and let them know that everything is fine . alexander cambias , sr . is brought into the police station on murder charges . josh listens at babe 's door to babe 's and krystal 's conversation about their babies . josh finds out that tad is krystal 's baby 's father . erica comes to visit j.r. , but finds him gone . adam offers his help which erica accepts and she tells him about babe . adam tells her matter - of - factly that babe is dead . erica tells him not really . adam accuses her of either drinking or being on pills . he asks her if she had seen krystal . erica lets him know that krystal knows better than anyone that babe 's spirit will never die . josh lets krystal and babe know that he has heard everything , and he will never let anyone know that krystal 's baby is really tad 's . erica questions adam as to how babe and j.r. were doing before babe died . erica receives a phone call from kendall letting her know that everything is over , and they have the killer in custody . kendall lets erica know that the killer is alexander cambias , sr . zach and ryan shake hands . jamie calls julia and lets her know that everyone is coming home soon . julia lets kathy know that tad is not her father . the police read alex , sr . his rights . krystal shows babe a picture that little adam drew . babe requests to see little adam and krystal agrees to bring him to see her . krystal thanks josh for keeping babe safe . erica insists that adam keep his son away from hers . tad lets alex , sr . know that he is a `` nobody `` that no one , not even his son , cares about . j.r. lashes out at alex , sr . and orders him to shut up . tad has to hold j.r. to keep him from attacking alex , sr . zach lets kendall know that he is ready for the family that they have always dreamed of . ryan watches kendall and zach very closely . krystal arrives home , very happy and when she goes into the study , adam comes up behind her , and tells her that she looks like she has the weight off her shoulders . he senses that she has seen erica and krystal knows that they have caught the satin slayer . erica rushes into babe 's room , and lets them know that the satin slayer has been caught . she throws the cover back off babe and tells babe that she is taking her home .
angie : i need the toxicology reports for the patient in room 24 , and a hug for your mama , stat . [ frankie chuckles ] frankie : mmm . angie : nice work , dr. hubbard . frankie : oh -- you 're never going to get tired of saying that , are you ? angie : well , can you blame me ? it 's a dream come true . working side by side with my son in the same hospital where i learned to be a doctor . frankie : i do n't want any special treatment , mom . these other interns -- they will eat me alive . angie : well , i love you , but it does n't mean i 'll go easy on you . frankie : well , it seems like you 're in a good mood today . angie : well , i 'm going to be focusing on the positive . my child is back home , he 's healthy , and he 's beginning a new career . frankie : and you 're still worried about whoever it is that 's still chasing dad . angie : he 's working on it . and tad 's helping . frankie : any new leads ? angie : no , but the longer your father stays hidden , the closer we 'll get to having our family back . julia : did you see this ? [ scene_break ] jesse : gone 20 years , back a few weeks , my picture 's all over the damn paper . this is not happening . tad : well , it 's definitely going to make it harder for you to move around outside . jesse : easier for those bastards to find me . tad : if they 're still looking for you here . jesse : what ? tad : what do you mean , `` what `` ? all it proves is that , you know , you 're alive . that 's what they know . they do n't know you stuck around after frankie 's recovery . jesse : you really believe that ? tad : it 's possible . jesse : tad , they are here , and they know i 'm here , too . so we need to figure out who these people are , and with a quickness . [ scene_break ] robert : look , i had dumped remington 's body where i did n't think anybody would even look . now , it 's bad luck that they found him , but let 's just focus now on chasing hubbard out of the brush , all right ? i 'm following up another lead now . you just -- just keep your eye on the wife . [ knock on door ] krystal : hello . robert : i hope you like red . krystal : oh , i really do n't have a preference . robert : good . krystal : thank you very much . come on in . robert : thank you . krystal : come on in . robert : fine . krystal : well , i think you two know each other . robert : hello , opal . it 's been a while . [ opal chuckles ] opal : well , i 'm sorry , handsome , but if you and me have met , it was a long , liquid evening ago . krystal : i -- i can explain . robert : no , no , no , i 'll -- i 'll do it . opal : huh . robert : opal , i 'm your brother - in - law . i 'm robert gardner . opal : well , then i 'll suggest that you just slither right on back to whatever level of hell you crawled out of . krystal : opal -- opal : ray gardner was an evil , two - timing , stonehearted bastard , and i want nothing to do with any relative of his . [ scene_break ] annie : are n't you going to get yourself some dinner ? babe : no , i 'm not hungry . annie : are you sure ? we could be here all night . babe : i 'll probably just grab a yogurt out of the fridge . annie : yogurt ? you really are feeling sorry for yourself . still j.r. ? babe : i do n't know why it bothers me so much , him falling off the wagon , again . annie : or maybe it was that hooker you found him in bed with . babe : yeah , there is that . you know , he insists that it 's all a setup and somebody 's out to get him . for what , nobody knows . annie : well , it is possible , i guess . babe : what 's possible ? annie : that he could actually be telling the truth this time . [ scene_break ] colby : what -- j.r. , you ok ? j.r. : i 'm great . i just -- i 'm just -- colby : oh , my god , j.r. ! [ scene_break ] babe : j.r. and the truth ? huh . those words do n't usually end up in the same sentence . annie : i thought he was doing better . babe : well , he was , and -- and then he was n't . j.r. 's an alcoholic . you know , that 's what they do . they 're going along just fine , and then something triggers a need for them to take that first drink . annie : what do you think it was ? babe : because it was wednesday ? i do n't know . i mean , it does n't always have to be a big reason , but i think it had something to do with j.r. agreeing to be richie 's bone marrow donor . annie : wait , what ? babe : wait , you -- you did n't know ? annie : my brother and i are n't really close , babe , if you do n't remember . babe : well , i know , but -- but something like this ? annie : no , it 's the first i 've heard of it . and if that makes me a horrible person , then -- babe : no -- i 'm sorry . you know , i should have called you the minute i found out . annie : wow . so j.r. was the match ? babe : yeah . only richie found another donor in austin . um -- you know , good thing for him , because j.r. never showed up at the hospital . annie : wow . um -- did it work ? the transplant ? babe : well , richie says so far , so good . annie : i 'm glad for him . babe : you really mean that ? [ annie scoffs ] annie : i never wanted richie to die , babe . we 're just your typical messed - up family . babe : gee , i would n't know anything about that . annie : so , do you think j.r. 's jealous -- of you and richie ? babe : there is no `` me and richie . `` i was honestly just trying to help out . annie : come on , babe . you asked your ex - husband , who 's still in love with you , to save the life of the guy who 's trying to replace him . that 's a pretty big ask . babe : but that 's the thing -- i did n't have to ask him . j.r. volunteered . annie : right . and then he went off on a bender . you do the math . [ scene_break ] colby : we need to get you inside . j.r. : well , no , it 's ok . i just need a minute . colby : oh , sit down here . j.r. , you practically passed out on me . you could 've hit your head if i was n't here . j.r. : oh , this hard head ? no , i 'm fine . colby : are you sure ? j.r. : i just need to catch my breath . [ colby sighs ] colby : ok , well , while you chill out , maybe you can explain to me who you have n't returned any of my phone calls . i heard what happened . j.r. : oh , great . now my little sister knows that i shacked up with a hooker . colby : no , i meant that you were drinking again . j.r. : i 'm not drunk , if that 's what you 're -- you 're saying . colby : i love you , j.r . i want to help you . j.r. : yeah , well , thanks , kiddo . colby : for what ? j.r. : for not thinking that i have the world 's greatest hangover . colby : j.r. , i care about you , come on . oh , j.r. , you 're burning up . j.r. : i am ? colby : yeah . come on . j.r. : wait , where are we -- where are we going ? colby : come on , we 're going to the hospital . you 're sick , j.r. , let 's go . [ scene_break ] richie : how am i doing ? doctor : very well , as a matter of fact . richie : really ? well enough to get out of here ? doctor : you know , you paid me a lot of money to perform your bone marrow transplant , mr. novak . i just thought you 'd appreciate the attention . richie : trust me , this is the greatest illegal bone marrow transplant my brother - in - law 's money could buy . but it 's just that i 'm getting a little tired of looking at the same four walls , and quite frankly , i 'm getting a little tired of looking at you , doc . no offense . doctor : it 's a complicated procedure . you 're still building up your immunity . richie : look , man , i -- i took j.r. 's bone marrow , i stole my life back . what is the point of a second chance if i 'm not going to start living ? [ scene_break ] jesse : you talk to frye ? tad : yeah . derek does n't know any more about remington 's death than we do . jesse : we need a new lead , tad . tad : here . in the meantime , have some coffee . jesse : man , i 've been through these files a dozen times . there 's nothing jumping out at me ! tad : all right , ok , ok . so listen , let 's just start again , all right ? let 's just go over what we do know . now , you took a bullet that was meant for john remington . jesse : and creed hired the triggerman . tad : ok , you wake up a few days later , and you 're in some anonymous room . you have no idea where you are , how you got there , how long it took you to get there . jesse : and he kept asking me questions i did n't have the answers to . tad : yeah , but it was right around that time that remington started to see angela , right ? jesse : he had to be looking for something . tad : exactly . my bet is that he was looking for the same thing that they are now . now , it had to be something -- something that had to do with you , something you left behind , like a -- a key , you know ? maybe a -- a file of a case you 're working on or maybe even it was the number of an offshore bank account . jesse : yeah -- no , i do n't remember anything like that at all , man . tad : well , one thing i will bet the farm on -- you 're right . somehow , remington is the answer to this . jesse : hmm . you see , he 's been dead almost as long as i 've been missing . tad : well , you know , people solve cold cases all the time . all we got to do is get some more details , right ? jesse : yeah . tad : whatever he was working on , what he was thinking at the time . that 's not so difficult , is it ? come on , jesse , you know somebody who can help us out with that ? [ scene_break ] angie : looking at that paper wo n't take our problems away . frankie : i was just realizing , i remember him . john remy . after dad died , we played football in the yard . angie : he wanted you to like him . frankie : yeah , well , he was nice enough , but for a kid who just lost his father ? angie : i know , baby . that was a terrible time , and it was -- it was such a waste . frankie : i can help , you know . angie : look , do n't -- do n't start that again . we already had that conversation . frankie : i need to help . we can track these guys down and make them pay for what they did to dad . angie : no , what you need to do is stay out of the line of fire . frankie : oh , come on , ma . i was a soldier . angie : look -- frankie : i can handle myself in a fight . angie : your father has sacrificed so much to keep us safe . now , the one thing that i know that he could n't take is if either one of us got hurt , so you will not get involved in this , you hear me ? absolutely not . [ scene_break ] opal : ray gardner was a sadistic monster . he abused me , he abused tad . he almost killed jenny ! robert : no , i know what my brother was capable of . and if it 's worth anything , i think the world 's a better place without him . opal : well , you 're right about that . robert : which is why i got away from him just as soon as i could . once my parents were gone , ray was really all i had . it 's just -- he was -- he was a mean drunk . he used to put cigarette butts out on my arm and throw me around . i still got a pain here where he dislocated my shoulder , so -- opal : well , i 'm sorry to hear that . robert : no , he just -- ray wanted everyone to suffer , and -- and we all did , and i 'm -- i 'm just -- i 'm very sorry for you and your family , that 's all . opal : well , i guess i would have to say that i am sorry for tarring you with the same brush . robert : that 's ok . no , i do n't -- i do n't blame you . opal : so , where 'd you end up once you ditched that no - count brother of yours ? robert : atlanta . atlanta -- i got very lucky . i met a girl . we were married for 32 years . she died last fall . krystal : i am so sorry . robert : it 's all right . but now that mary 's gone , really , tad is the -- the only relative that i have . look , i can see i 've upset you by being here , and i 'll -- let me just -- krystal : oh , no , no -- opal : no , robert -- robert , wait . tad -- tad is n't the only family you 've got . this -- this little princess here -- she is your grandniece , jenny , named after my daughter , who was a true slice of heaven . robert : oh , she 's beautiful . opal : yeah . would you like to hold her ? robert : oh , no , i do n't want to make you uncomfortable . i could n't . krystal : oh , no , no , no . robert : i -- well -- krystal : hey , no , come on . you 're kin . robert : all right . opal : yeah , look what i got here for you . robert : if she 'll have me . opal : i think she will . robert : look here . opal : there you go . robert : hello , sweetheart . look at you . opal : yeah . robert : oh , you are a beauty . you sure are . opal : yeah . robert : you know what you have ? you have your grandmother 's eyes . opal : oh . there she goes . robert : yeah . opal : look at her . robert : oh , yeah , definitely . opal : well , i 'm sorry if i went off on you like i did . i think just talking about ray does that to me . robert : i understand . krystal : so are you going to be in pine valley long ? robert : i do n't know . i 'm going to just see how things work out . well , maybe i will stay . i mean , if you 'll have me . [ krystal and opal chuckle ] robert : well , the truth is that since mary died , i 've -- i 've only had eyes for one woman -- the queen of hearts . krystal : i 'm sorry ? robert : poker , blackjack , texas hold ' em . opal : oh -- he 's a gambling man , huh ? robert : it 's my one and only vice . opal : hmm . robert : i -- i like to keep my hands busy . [ opal and krystal chuckle ] krystal : well , i can see that . that 's an interesting hobby . robert : it 's just something i picked up while mary was in the hospital . that 's for you . opal : oh , thank you . robert : well , i have to tell you ladies , pine valley seems like an interesting place , huh ? krystal : oh , yeah . [ krystal chuckles ] krystal : you know , i can hardly remember my life before i came here . opal : yeah , it 's just our own little shangri - la . [ robert chuckles ] robert : but it does seem like you have your share of problems , as well , right ? i saw the -- the paper today . opal : can you believe this ? that something like this could happen right here under our very noses , and not find out a thing about it until the poor fellow is nothing but a pile of bones . robert : yeah , seems like quite a mystery . opal : yeah , this here is jesse hubbard . he was a close friend of my daughter , jenny . he was a real crackerjack detective . he took a bullet in the line of duty . krystal : oh , opal , i 'm -- i 'm sure he does n't want to hear all about that old gangland murder . opal : well , maybe not the murder , but he and jesse -- jesse and angie -- i mean , they had a love story that was fit for a fairy tale . robert : really ? now , angie -- is that -- opal : angie was his wife . krystal : could i get anybody some more wine ? opal : oh , well , i 'll have a little refill . sure , thanks . robert : it seems like this young man lived quite a story . krystal : oh , yeah . it 's a sad ending . i 'm sure you do n't want to hear the rest of it . opal : oh , i 'm sorry . am i being insensitive ? robert : oh , not at all , no . oh , i could sit and listen to you talk all night . [ scene_break ] frankie : mom , i know dad wants to protect us , but what about him ? who has his back ? angie : we all do . but right now , he needs us to act as if we 're living our lives like nothing has changed . frankie : ma , i ai n't the type to sit on the sideline . if dad needs me , then i 'm going to be there for him , no matter what it takes . angie : frankie , jesse wants you to have a bright future . this is his dream , too . frankie : are we still talking about what dad wants ? angie : you know what ? we are so close to having our family back . i 'm just asking you that we trust your father to make that happen . [ scene_break ] colby : so how sick is he ? julia : you have a fever of 103.2 . j.r. : so give me some antibiotics so i can go home . [ julia chuckles ] julia : you need to see a doctor . i 'll page dr. joe . j.r. : oh , do n't bother joe . it 's probably the flu or something . colby : hey , j.r. , i am late for volunteering , but i am not going to leave unless i know you 're going to see a doctor . j.r. : colby , it 's not that big of a deal . colby : ok , fine . you know , i 'll just sit here and baby - sit you until i know he 's going to show up , ok ? so , who knows who could die if i do n't do my job ? j.r. : all right . colby : it 's not like i work in a hospital . j.r. : all right , i 'll see joe . colby : mm - hmm . thank you so much . i love you . j.r. : yeah , you , too . julia : uh -- you 're not going anywhere . joe : j.r. , what seems to be the problem ? julia : fever of 103 , swollen glands , dizziness . joe : hmm . well , let 's have a look . when did you first start feeling sick ? j.r. : probably after i was abducted , drugged , and dumped off in a sleazy motel with a hooker and an empty bottle of booze . joe : i 'm serious , j.r . j.r. : yeah , so am i . were n't you on the phone tree ? i thought everybody in the family would know by now . joe : you 're drinking again ? j.r. : no . someone sure as hell is trying to make it look like i am . you do n't believe me , do you ? joe : julia , would you give us a minute , please ? julia : of course . joe : yeah . so what 's really going on , j.r. ? j.r. : it 's like i said . someone 's trying to set me up . joe : why ? j.r. : well , i do n't know . it 's not like i have n't made my share of enemies over the years . joe : mm - hmm . i 'd like to believe you . j.r. : but you do n't . because when it comes to lying , i have a gold medal at it . joe : mm - hmm . j.r. : but right now , i 'm not lying . joe : uh - huh . you really were not drinking ? j.r. : i have no reason to . everything has been going pretty good for me . babe and i are reconnecting , looks like i 'm about ready to get my family back . why would i go get drunk and go sleep with somebody that i do n't even know ? joe : because you have a disease . j.r. : no , what i have right now is a flu , so if you give me my pills , i could be on my way . joe : mm - hmm . we 'll find out what 's bothering you once we run some more tests . in the meantime , i want you to stick around . [ scene_break ] treena : hey , cowboy . richie : oh , treena -- what are you doing here ? treena : just thought i 'd check up on the patient . richie : why ? treena : well , now , i 'm beginning to wonder . i like you . is that a crime ? richie : well , i like you , too , treena , but our business is done , so -- treena : oh , come on , richie . i helped frame your little friend j.r . i created the perfect horror story for little -- little barbie . richie : her name is babe . treena : oh , that 's cute . like a puppy ? hmm . richie : oh , treena -- see , now you 're starting to get on my bad side , too , and i -- i 'd watch it if i were you . treena : what are you going to do ? strangle me with your iv ? ow . richie : you really do n't know what i 'm capable of , do you , sweetheart ? hey , you do n't want to know . [ scene_break ] babe : how did you know ? hmm . annie : well , i 've been there a few times myself lately . babe : but not last night ? i take it things are better between you and ryan ? annie : you are changing the subject . but yes , thank you , they are . babe : you know , j.r. has nothing to be jealous about . i mean , yes , i know that richie likes me , but -- i mean , i made it perfectly clear that a relationship is not in our future . annie : babe , my brother is not good at `` no . `` babe : well , he 'll have to learn , then . annie : he 's not going to stop pursuing you . babe : then i 'll tell him again . annie : babe , you are not listening to me . i know richie better than you do . and when he wants something , he 'll do anything to get it . anything , babe . babe : ok , are you trying to scare me now ? annie : yes , i am . [ scene_break ] angie : you 've got rounds to make , and i 've got to get to the lab . frankie : mom , i want you to know that i believe in dad , too . angie : i know you do , sweetheart . and i promise you , this nightmare is soon going to be over . colby : hey , dr. hubbard 2 . frankie : hey . colby : so , how 's your first week going ? frankie : it 's pretty intense . but you know , it comes with the territory . colby : yeah , well -- hmm -- mine , too . not really , but i am really excited about volunteering . i really think i could do some good here . frankie : mm - hmm . colby : so -- um -- but if you need any of my help , i 'm just going to be over here -- frankie : i do n't . colby : oh . because today , i 'm supposed to be shadowing the doctors , making sure that they do n't have anything to run to the lab or , i can -- frankie : listen , colby , i was just on break , so i 'm really behind . i need to get back to work . but you have fun candy striping . colby : i 'm a volunteer . frankie : you got it , buddy . colby : since when did i become invisible ? [ scene_break ] opal : jesse hubbard -- he got gunned down by a bullet meant for john remington . robert : oh . opal : and poor angie -- oh , you can just imagine . but she 's a strong woman . she raised their son all by herself . she 's a doctor over at pine valley hospital now . and jesse 's son -- well , he 's all grown now , of course . and he wants to be a doctor , too , just like his mama . krystal : ok , opal , i 'm sure robert does n't want to take a trip down memory lane with people that he never even knew . opal : well , i -- i think he 's enjoying himself . are n't you , robbie ? robert : i ca n't tell you the last time i was so enchanted . opal : well , there , you see now ? stop raining on our parade . [ opal chuckles ] robert : matter of fact , i have been having a little pain in my back , and i 'm just wondering whether i maybe should n't go to this dr. hubbard myself . it 's angie now is what you said ? opal : yeah . tad : what are you doing in my house ? [ scene_break ] jesse : shh , shh . baby , it 's me , it 's me . i 'm sorry . angie : jesse , you scared the crap out of me ! jesse : i 'm sorry , i did n't want you to scream . angie : what are you doing here ? jesse : i 'm looking for answers . angie : everyone in town has seen your picture in the paper . it 's -- baby , it 's not safe for you to be roaming around here . jesse : i had to risk it . we 're running out of time , and that article is just going to make things worse . we need a lead . and you might have one . angie : me ? why ? jesse : tad and i -- we need a little more information . we need to figure out just how remington is involved with all of this . angie : yeah , but , baby , i told you everything i know about john . jesse : no , no , no , his mother . she might have a medical record here at the hospital . we could find a current address . angie : so you really think that john 's mother might know something ? jesse : i think we need to find out . angie : ok . jesse : anything ? angie : found her . `` shonda wells remington , 118 -- `` jesse : `` 118 -- `` angie : `` old york road . `` jesse : i know exactly where that is , i 'm on it . angie : wait , wait -- well , you ca n't do that . jesse : what are you talking about ? i have to do this . angie : no , you do n't . i 'll go . jesse : angie , you wo n't even know what to ask the woman . angie : well , just coach me . write down some questions . jesse : oh , unbelievable . it 's way too dangerous for you . angie : no , look , we do n't have any other choice . now , you ca n't do it . you know , at least i can tell her that i 'm a -- a -- i was a friend of john 's . she might open up to me . jesse : i do n't like it . angie : well , it 's the only way , baby . [ jesse sighs ] angie : please , you -- you got to let me do this for you . jesse : one condition . angie : name it . jesse : you take tad as a backup . angie : ok . [ scene_break ] colby : you want me to bring a cow to the fifth floor ? yeah , right . no , i am laughing so hard right now . i did n't think you were very funny , either . frankie : and just so you know -- a cow is a mobile computer station . it 's a computer on wheels . get it ? colby : whoops . my bad . well , can you at least show me how to organize these folders ? frankie : they go by room number . red tags are for transfers to other floors , blue means the patient has been discharged . colby : thanks . hmm . uh -- did you know that our moms went to high school together ? frankie : actually , i did . colby : i mean , they were n't exactly friends , but , hey , you know , it means that we have something in common . frankie : it 's a big town , colby . lots of people went to p.v . high . frankie : you 're volunteering . i 'm in my second half of my internship . for me , it 's sink or swim . and i 'm hoping to become a resident , so that means i do n't have the time for a lot of distractions . colby : but you do n't have to worry about getting a job here . i mean , come on , your mom works here . she 'll hook you up . frankie : well , maybe that 's the way it works in your world , but i plan to earn this for myself . colby : i did n't mean to offend you . i just thought we could be friends . frankie : colby , you 're a nice kid , but i 'm here for work , so you do your thing , and i 'll do mine , ok ? colby : right . ok . i was just trying to make conversation . [ scene_break ] robert : hello , tad , and good to see you again . tad : huh . what , are you stalking me now ? opal : oh , well , you 'll have to excuse my son . apparently , he left his manners at the office . tad : `` manners `` ? do you have any idea who this is ? opal : yes , robbie has been filling me in , and i am ashamed to admit that i reacted just the way you did at first . but , tad , what you do n't know is that your daddy was just as mean to his little brother here as he was to you and me . tad : well , at least `` daddy `` had that going for him . opal : yeah -- tad : he was consistent . opal : well , and now that his wife has passed away , he 's got nobody to call his own . tad : my sympathies . i know the rest of the story , mama . robert : you got a beautiful family , tad . you did real well for yourself . opal : i 've been telling your uncle all about pine valley and the hubbards . tad : why ? why would you be talking to him about angie and jesse ? krystal : your uncle saw the newspaper today . the article about jesse and that case he was working on before he died . robert : and then i mentioned that i might have to see a doctor while i was in town , and opal suggested angie hubbard . tad : well , not unless you got the bird flu , she 's not going to be much help . she specializes in infectious diseases . robert : i see . well , maybe i should see her son . now , i understand he 's a doctor , too ? tad : huh . how long did you say you 're going to be sticking around here , uncle rob ? robert : like i told the ladies , long as you 'll have me . krystal : opal , could you and robert go get the dessert ? opal : oh , what do you say , sugar ? could you lend a hand ? robert : always happy to help a pretty lady . opal : oh , hey -- well , it 's just -- robert : mm - hmm . krystal : meet you there . tad -- tad , you can not jump out of your skin every time somebody mentions angie and jesse . tad : i ca n't help it , i 'm sorry . listen -- matter of fact , i want you to do me a big favor , ok ? as soon as you can , i want you to grab jenny and get the hell out of pine valley . krystal : what ? tad : just for a while . we 'll tell opal you 're on vacation . please , sugar , do this for me , please . i got a bad feeling things are going to get really ugly . krystal : well , what about you ? tad : i got to stay . i -- somebody 's got to help jesse , and i ca n't do it unless i 'm sure that you and jenny are all right . krystal : i 'm -- i 'm not going anywhere , tad . tad : krystal , please , do this -- krystal : no , i have never run from a fight , and i 'll be damned if i 'm going to start now . tad : honey , it 's not -- [ phone rings ] tad : it 's not about us , it 's about -- hang on . yeah ? you -- no , no , ok . um -- yeah , i 'll -- i 'll be right there . yeah , right there . krystal : oh , what ? what is it ? tad : i think we have our first lead . listen , we 'll discuss this later , ok ? just tell mama i said goodbye . and do me a favor . i do n't know why -- just keep my new uncle away from jenny , all right ? krystal : wait , tad . be careful . tad : love you . [ door opens and closes ] opal : was that tad i just heard leaving ? krystal : yes . thank you . yeah , he told me to give you his apologies . he 's got a case he has to deal with . opal : well , he could n't even wait to say goodbye ? krystal : i guess it was pretty important . [ scene_break ] frankie : dr. martin , i got your page . joe : oh . frankie : you need to talk to me about a patient ? joe : actually , i wanted to talk to you about a new program we 're instituting . frankie : sure , how can i help ? joe : it 's more about us helping you . the idea is this . we 're going to pair each intern with a volunteer , and the volunteer will take care of much of the paperwork , the filing , chart maintenance , and so on . and that 's going to leave you more time to focus on the patient . frankie : sounds great . when do i meet my new partner ? joe : well -- uh - huh . miss colby chandler , dr. frankie hubbard . colby : well , i guess we 'll be doing our thing together , after all . [ scene_break ] babe : i can handle myself just fine , annie . you know , maybe i just know richie in a different way than you do . annie : just giving you a heads - up . babe : you know , not too long ago , you were pushing us together . what changed ? annie : i saw how he was different when he was with you . but it does n't mean he 's changed . it 's like you said with j.r. -- people do n't really change who they are . babe : ok , can -- can we just talk about something else ? you know , something like clothes or shoes ? something mindless and simple ? annie : sorry . did n't mean to lay all that on you . babe : no , i -- i know , i know . i mean , i have been all over the place with those two guys , have n't i ? annie : yeah , but i was judging , and i should n't do that . god knows i have enough drama of my own going on right now . babe : sometimes it 's just easier to solve other people 's problems . annie : well , then next time , you can solve mine . babe : deal . annie : how about another one of those cookies ? babe : yes . [ babe and annie laugh ] annie : ah . good . mmm . babe : they are -- annie : right ? they 're -- [ scene_break ] treena : i 'm sorry for saying those things about babe ! richie : oh , very good . treena : ah ! richie : very good , treena . we 'll work again soon . doctor : hey , what -- what do you think you 're doing ? richie : what does it look like i 'm doing ? doctor : look , richie , i know your body is producing healthy red blood cells , but as i explained earlier , any infection could seriously compromise your condition . richie : how long till i 'm clear ? doctor : it could be weeks . richie : i do n't have weeks , man . doctor : you still need hospital care . richie : then take me to a hospital . actually , i know a real good one . annie : richie , it 's me , annie . um -- i heard about the operation . i just wanted you to know . anyway , congratulations . [ scene_break ] richie : howdy , partner . [ scene_break ] tad : angie , you 're absolutely sure you want to do this alone ? angie : i do n't want shonda getting suspicious . tad : ok , fine , just remember -- i 'll be out here if you need me . angie : i 'll be fine . [ knock on door ] angie : hi . woman : can i help you ? angie : i hope so . my name is dr. angela hubbard . i was a friend of your son john . [ scene_break ] robert : well , i want to thank you ladies for your hospitality , but i do n't want to wear out my welcome , huh ? opal : no ! krystal : no , it was our pleasure . opal : no , do n't be a stranger , now . robert : oh , all right . now , you take care of that beautiful baby , will you ? and tell tad i 'll be seeing him real soon . opal : huh . all right . gosh . i sure was wrong about that guy . [ door closes ] opal : robbie gardner is a really nice man . krystal : well , you 'd better tell that to tad . opal : oh , he 'll come around , once he gets to know him . [ scene_break ] robert : what have you got ? man : angie hubbard is at the remington house . your nephew is with her . robert : which means jesse 's alone . well , things are going pretty well so far , do n't you think ? [ scene_break ] [ jesse hangs out in tad 's office remembering a scene from the past involving little paper airplanes . ] [ scene_break ] [ leaving tad 's house , robert plays with a little paper airplane he just made . [ next_on ] zach ( to greenlee ) : what 's the real problem ? greenlee ( to zach ) : i hate your wife . aidan ( to room service ) : hey . kendall ( to aidan ) : you did this ? ryan : kendall is going to be thrilled . i 'm going to propose to her . [ mrs. remington points a gun toward a man in the shadows ] angie : tad -- [ someone comes up behind tad and covers his mouth ]
at the hospital , angie join frankie behind the nurses station . angie is so proud that she will be working side by side with her son . julia shows angie and frankie the headlines in the newspaper about the dead man . jesse and tad discuss the possibility that the men , who are after him are in pine valley already . robert is on the phone , and he instructs the man to keep an eye on angie while he follows up a lead . robert brings krystal a bottle of red wine . opal is quite enthused over robert until she finds out who he is . she blasts him for what that his brother had done to her in the past . after talking a while , opal warms up to robert and she introduces jenny to robert . babe ca n't get over the fact that j.r. had supposedly fallen off the wagon yet again . annie gives j.r. the benefit of the doubt and assumes that j.r. may be telling the truth . j.r. comes home and pauses at the door . colby has to catch him to keep him from fainting . colby confronts him about him not returning her phone calls . she notices that he is running a temperature and takes him to the hospital . the doctor visits richie and gives him a good report . frankie offers angie his help , but angie refuses his help . opal shows robert the headlines in the newspaper about the dead man , and this leads to opal telling robert about angie and jesse hubbard . tad comes in and finds robert there . tad pulls krystal to the side and urges her to leave town with jenny until all this blows over , but krystal refuses . tad wants to know why opal would be telling robert about angie and jesse . joe comes in to examine j.r .. j.r. lets joe know that someone had made it look like he was drinking again . richie grabs trish by the wrist when she makes some snide remarks about babe . angie is in the supply room when someone comes up behind her and clasps his hand over her mouth . angie is stunned when she finds out that it is jesse .
amanda : j.r. ? j.r. : yeah , you ok ? amanda : yeah , i just -- i wanted to thank you for understanding why i ca n't go back to the mansion . j.r. : yeah . well , home 's not always where the heart is , especially when it comes to adam chandler 's home . amanda : but mostly i want to thank you for your forgiveness . after what i did to you , getting involved with david , i really do n't deserve it . j.r. : yeah , well , you 're not the first woman to be tricked by david hayward . but you do n't need to worry about that . what you need to worry about is you , your health , and the baby 's health . amanda : our baby 's . j.r. : yeah , after your scare , it put a lot of things in perspective for me . i promise you , i 'm going to do whatever it takes to keep you and that baby safe . [ doorbell chimes ] j.r. : hey . tad : i thought i heard somebody out here . hopefully , we 'll get a break in the weather soon . j.r. : yeah , i 'm not sure that it 's over with yet . tad : definitely . come on , come on inside . amanda : oh , are you sure this is ok -- me moving in like this ? tad : oh , sure . we never get any visitors at the castle . you know , most people stay away from miles around . [ amanda and j.r. laugh ] tad : anyway , welcome home , honey . amanda : thank you . jake : hey , hi . how 's our girl doing ? amanda : ok . jake : you all right ? amanda : good , yeah . j.r. : she overdid it today . amanda : i would n't have missed greenlee 's memorial for the world . jake : yeah , it was a really nice memorial , bittersweet . [ scene_break ] ryan : since the accident , i have been -- i 've been waiting for somebody to wake me up , to kick - start my life again . and today i realized that that 's not going to happen , and nobody 's going to do that , that i 'm alone . kendall : no , you 're not . no . opal : oh , uh -- sorry , sorry . ryan : what do you want ? krystal : opal was just telling us something that we thought you should hear , but it 's nothing that ca n't wait . opal : yeah , krystal is right . it 's -- it 's nothing that we need to bother with right now . david : i am sorry , ryan . i always knew why my brother loved greenlee so much . she was an incredible woman . she 'll be missed . david : i also know that she would want you to get on with your life as soon as you can . david : my condolences . ryan : what were you -- what were you talking to him about ? opal : it was nothing , really . ryan : it was about greenlee , was n't it ? [ scene_break ] doctor : ms. williams , tell me what you see . reese : nothing . i see nothing . oh , my god . oh , my god . doctor : all right , i do n't want you to get upset . this is not uncommon . i 'm not surprised , given the extent of your injuries . try and calm down . reese : no , i ca n't . i ca n't see anything . i ca n't see . would you just get away from me ? you did this to me ! you did this ! [ scene_break ] jake : here you go . amanda : thanks . i never would have been able to survive fusion and kendall if it had n't been for greenlee . jake : hmm . amanda : she always knew when to stick up for the little guy , you know ? i never got a chance to thank her , tell her how much i appreciated what she did for me . [ thunder ] amanda : i 'm really going to miss her . jake : yeah , but let 's -- let 's stop with the sad talk , and let 's talk about good things , right ? like you 're doing better , the baby 's in good shape , right ? amanda : yeah . jake : uh - huh . amanda : scared the hell out of me , though . jake : yeah , but you 're here now and we 're going to take very good care of you , me and my brother . very good care of you . amanda : ok . jake : promise . tad : you know , babe would be proud of you . j.r. : for carrying the heavier one ? why , i figured since i was younger , stronger , better - looking -- tad : no , no , i was talking about sobering up and being there for amanda . that means a lot , you know ? i 'm glad you could see past her mistakes . she 's a good person . i 'm proud of you . i 'm glad you could find it in yourself to forgive her . j.r. : well , i have to ... for the baby . they both need protecting from my dad , from david . and , you know , my son or daughter deserves better than that . [ thunder ] tad : well , mother and child will be safe here . j.r. : i appreciate it . jake : and a little kicking 's ok , and a karate chop , but no scaring mom . those are doctor 's orders . [ amanda laughs ] jake : come on , i 'll take you upstairs . i 'm going to show her how the heat works in her room . tad : i 'll bet . [ doorbell chimes ] krystal : hi . tad : hey . krystal : i was going to try to beat the storm home , but then i wanted to stop by and say good night to jenny . is that ok ? tad : yeah , come on in . krystal : well , are you -- are you moving in ? j.r. : no , amanda is . krystal : what ? j.r. : yeah , my dad 's not putting up with her at the house anymore . krystal : why ? j.r. : well , he found out that she was working for david . krystal : i -- i do n't understand . j.r. : amanda was on david 's payroll . her job was to get me drunk and make me into an unfit father . yeah , got ta love that new husband of yours , do n't you ? [ scene_break ] reese : oh , my god . oh , my god . zach : no , no , you heard the doctor . reese : just stop it , just shut up , just get away from me ! get out . doctor : i think maybe you should leave . zach : this is not permanent . who are the best in the country , the best in the world ? let 's get them . let 's fly them out here . reese : oh , my god , just leave me alone . doctor : look , if you do n't leave , i 'm going to have to go get security . zach : not until she knows that this is n't hopeless . doctor : well , that 's my job to tell her that , not yours . ms. williams , i 'm going to be back in a moment . reese : you had to try and force me out , did n't you ? huh ? you had to get rid of your little problem . what right did you have to do that , huh ? i was staying for bianca . oh , my god , bianca . i may never see her beautiful face again , or gabrielle , or miranda -- will you stop this ? you stop this . stop trying to tell me what to do . what are you doing here , anyway ? huh ? what do you want from me now ? [ scene_break ] ryan : what were you talking about with david ? what , was it about greenlee ? opal : i was having some very , um -- very strong vibes . kendall : what kind of vibes ? opal : well , usually when a person dies , you know , their spirit moves on , and you no longer get a sense that they 're around . you do n't feel them , but -- and we figured that was the case with greenlee . [ opal clears throat ] opal : but then -- then tonight when the lights flickered , i felt it -- i felt her , greenlee , so strong -- alone , someplace cold . ryan : opal -- opal , i love you . i love you , but you 've got to stop doing this , ok ? opal : but you -- you -- you asked me to contact her . you were desperate . ryan : i know -- i know i did . but i ca n't do this . i ca n't have people reopen the wound with what - ifs and with maybes . opal : i understand . i 'm sorry , should n't have said anything . ryan : no , i asked you to , and i appreciate it , but now i 'm asking you to stop , please . opal : well , i ca n't stop having the feelings , ryan , but i can stop , you know , banging my gums about it to you . [ thunder ] opal : are you going to be all right ? kendall : yeah , yeah . ryan : i 'll make sure that she gets home ok . opal : all right , well , then i 'll -- i 'll be getting on -- on home , too . good night . kendall : ryan , do you think that maybe it 's -- ryan : no . no , i do n't . greenlee 's gone . kendall : oh , god , it feels just like that night , the night of the tornado , when everything went so wrong . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you married the man . you should know how he operates by now . krystal : so what exactly are you saying that he did ? tad : he gave amanda a substantial amount of money so that she would convince j.r. to start drinking again . david wants him to appear as unfit a father as possible . j.r. : i was vulnerable . he knew that . it did n't take much of a push . krystal : all so he could take little a from you ? j.r. : yeah , is he getting the bedroom ready for my son at wildwind ? because that 's what he 's all about . he 's about getting my son , ever since babe died . he even married babe 's mother to create the appearance of a stable house for the court system . krystal : no . that is not why he married me . j.r. : no , it is n't ? do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and you do n't ever believe that ? krystal : no . j.r. : there 's only one thing standing in the way of custody of my son , and that 's me . it 's not going to happen , so you can take that promise back to your new husband and tell him that he is not taking any of my children away . tad : it 's interesting . krystal : what ? tad : you 're not denying it . maybe somewhere there 's a small part of you that recognizes the truth , that you 're just another tool hanging off of david 's belt . [ door opens and closes ] jake : what was that all about ? tad : oh , a little electroshock therapy . i think hayward 's going to have a little explaining to do when she gets home . [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] [ thunder ] adam : ah , there you are . i 've been wondering what you were up to . j.r. : i was helping amanda move in with tad and jake . adam : bravo . i 'm proud of you , son . j.r. : yesterday i was a self - pitying fool . what changed ? adam : oh , that 's because i did n't know what you were up to . being a knight in shining armor for amanda , moving her in with the martins , hmm ? keeping her away from big , bad adam . no , that lying little bitch is going to think you really care about her . you 're teeing her up just in time for the baby to come . she wo n't suspect a thing . j.r. : i 'm not playing amanda . i 'm protecting her ... from you . [ scene_break ] [ thunder ] kendall : if that tornado really was an act of god , what did i do to make him so angry ? that storm took me from everything and everyone almost forever . it brought david hayward back to town . it took babe . it caused reese and bianca to stay . and is n't that what ultimately led to -- to greenlee going into the river ? ryan : you know , i 've been doing the same thing . i 've been trying to connect the dots back to the beginning , and i 'm wondering what could have happened differently , what i could have done differently . the wedding that never happened . the dark road that night . kendall : and me at the wheel of the car . why do n't you blame me ? ryan : because -- because you were n't responsible , kendall , you were n't . zach was . ok , his selfishness , the fact that he did n't tell you about the baby , the fact that he had a relationship with reese -- all of that . ok ? you were not responsible . he was , and certainly god was n't . kendall : i love him so much . i just want to know why he did what he did . i mean , i wake up from a coma , and i find my husband having been captivated by this strange woman . and then my sister was there with his child ? i mean , they had a chance to tell me beforehand , but they did n't , and i just -- i ca n't figure out why . ryan : that 's all i want to know , too . i just want to know why . i want to know why all this had to happen . kendall : so , i mean , what do we do ? how do we move on ? ryan : i do n't know . maybe the only way for us to move on is for -- kendall : for -- for what ? ryan : i do n't know . i do n't know . i do n't know what to do . i do n't know . i have n't -- i do n't know . kendall : maybe the only way for us to move on is to ... try to get past it together . that 's what you were going to say , is n't it ? [ scene_break ] [ thunder ] reese : what , are you playing games with me ? you want to torment the blind girl ? zach : i want to help . reese : no , you want to make sure that i 'm not going to go after you for this . and i already told you that i wo n't . ok ? but you just -- you got to be extra nice to reese just in case , or she can make your life miserable , right ? i 'm not like the rest of the snakes in this town , zach . i 'm not looking for revenge wherever i can get it . i really do n't blame you for this , ok ? it just happened . all right , you feel guilty ? that 's your problem , fine . you just stew in it , ok ? but just please leave me alone and please get out of here . angie : reese , it 's angela hubbard . you 're ophthalmologist told me how upset you were . reese : yeah , well , i 'm blind . how am i supposed to react ? angie : there is a very good chance that this is temporary . there 's hope . but you -- you 're going to have to work with us . reese : that 's fine . as soon as zach gets out of here . [ scene_break ] jesse : hey . i just spoke to reese 's ophthalmologist . he told me about her loss of vision and your refusal to leave her alone . zach : so what are you going to do -- are you going to arrest me again ? jesse : not at the moment . but if she changes her mind and decides to press charges -- zach : she should . she should have me locked up . [ scene_break ] adam : no , you ca n't be serious . that trollop was in league with david hayward . she 's the one in charge of making sure you lost your son . j.r. : yeah , amanda played me . for big bucks , too . but that was out of fear and desperation . adam : so you fight back . j.r. : you know , dad , this might be a concept that you 're not going to be able to grasp , but i 'm going to do the decent thing . i 'm going to let her raise that child on her own , and if she 'll let me in her life and that child 's life , i 'll be forever grateful . adam : and where is she keeping your manhood ? in a little box on top of the fridge ? j.r. : i 'm going to let her take care of that child and never take it away , but i am going to keep that child from you . you 're just going to have to learn to live with it , dad . adam : well , is she going to live with it ? everyone knows you 're a sick man , how easily you fall off the wagon . you think she 's going to want you near her kids ? huh ? take a whiff , and baby , you 're off , you 're gone , you 're down . j.r. : not anymore . i 'm determined to stay sober from now on . i 'll prove it to you . there . just keep it right there . let the smell permeate the room all day . all week -- i do n't care . i 'm not going to touch it . maybe then you 'll see just how serious i am . [ scene_break ] [ door slams ] david : hey -- krystal : son of a bitch . david : what ? krystal : all this talk about you wanting only me . how you 're innocent of everybody 's accusations . no more scheming , no more manipulating . it was all lies . david : whoa , whoa , what the hell is going on ? krystal : go ahead , go ahead , deny it . tell me that you 're not trying to take little a away from the chandlers . are you going to deny that you did n't pay amanda to set up j.r. ? david : of course i did . the woman was righteously pissed off at him . she was hell - bent on revenge . it was practically her idea . krystal : oh , so you do n't deny it . david : absolutely not . but you are wrong on one big point , however . i had no intention of taking little a away from anyone . i was just protecting the boy . krystal : then why did you pay amanda to get j.r. drunk ? david : the man is a raging alcoholic , krystal . he is a danger to our grandson . it 's just a matter of time before he does something . i was just taking action before he did . i put a big fat arrow over j.r. 's head so that everyone could see what a danger he is to our grandson . so if you want to hit me for caring for little a , go right ahead . krystal : you can color this any way you want . it 's all a game . it 's a trick . it 's a way to give you a stable home so that you can convince some judge to hand you little a . you have been using me , just like you 've been using amanda . david : you could n't be more wrong . i married you because i love you . and if i want a stable home , it 's so that we could raise our children , not j.r. 's . krystal : you 're lying . you have been lying all along . david : krystal , i 'm trying to protect the boy . krystal : you can hate j.r. and adam all you want , but they would never let anything happen to that little boy . that house is every bit as safe as this house , probably safer . [ scene_break ] zach : did i go over there to hurt her ? no , i did not , jesse . jesse : but you were angry with her ? zach : yes , i was . i wanted her to leave town . jesse : sure about that ? zach : i 'm not an idiot . i 've got a wife . i 've got a family . i 'm going to protect them . jesse : so , there was no emotional connection between the two of you ? zach : did we have an affair ? is that what you are asking me ? no , we did not , jesse . we did not . jesse : all right , ok , all right . zach : and if she wants to punish me for this , i get it . i accept it . i 'm not asking for forgiveness . that 's not what i want . i want my family back . i want my wife back . that 's what i want . jesse : well , then , what are you doing here ? why are n't you with your wife ? [ scene_break ] ryan : i should get you home . kendall : i do n't want to go home . i do n't want to fight anymore . ryan : hey . is that really why you do n't want to go ? kendall : i 'm more afraid of not finding him there . i 'm scared i pushed him too hard this time . ryan : he 's angry . kendall : no , ryan , it 's more than anger . there 's a part of zach that no one can touch , not even me . it 's -- it 's this place he goes to inside himself , the place he went to when he was younger , when he was running from his father . and he wo n't admit it 's still there , but i know it is . and he 'll keep on going there if he has to . i 've made things worse with my ultimatums and demands . and i can tell pretty soon he 's -- he 's going to explode . and he 'll be gone . whether it 's into reese 's arms or just ... out of the house into his own world , i do n't know . but i am driving him away . i can feel it . god , how -- how could i be so aware that i 'm doing it , and i still go ahead and i do it ? i mean , what is wrong with me ? am i that self - destructive ? ryan : you ca n't analyze . you ca n't analyze it like that , kendall . love drives us . it 's not the other way around . i mean -- i mean , my love for greenlee is a good example . it was n't without its collateral damage , you know ? it broke annie . it ultimately broke me . and you and zach -- i mean , you 're on the same trajectory , kendall . kendall : so what the hell can i do about it ? i remember how amazing we were together . but since i woke up , i ca n't feel it . ryan : well , it 's not too late . i mean , whether zach has run off some place or not , i mean , ultimately ... it 's not too late , because he 's alive , which ... means you still have hope . [ scene_break ] [ door closes ] krystal : adam ? adam ? oh , my god . oh , my god . baby . baby , what happened ? little a : i drank it . krystal : you drank it ? oh , no . [ little a groans ] krystal : you 're going to be ok . help ! somebody help ! j.r. : krystal ? what is it ? krystal : he drank some booze . i do n't know where he got it or how much he drank , but it made him sick . j.r. : oh , my god . that was a full glass of scotch . krystal : you knew it was there ? j.r. : yeah . i -- i -- i poured it -- i would have -- to prove a point to my dad . krystal : and you just left it there ? god , j.r. , what were you thinking ? little a : i wanted to be like you , daddy . j.r. : oh , buddy . oh , i 'm so sorry . but we 're going to make you feel better , ok ? you 're going to feel a lot better , ok ? krystal : here . j.r. : come here . krystal : got him ? j.r. : yeah , i got him . adam : what are you doing here ? what happened ? j.r. : he drank the scotch that i put out there . adam : oh , my god . uh , ok -- look , i 've got a -- a friend , a good friend that 's a doctor . he 's not far away . he 'll come and take care of him . krystal : ok , the paramedics are on their way . adam : paramedics ? oh , my god , you 've set this up , have n't you ? this is all part of hayward 's plot to take our grandson away from us . you set this up . you are a sick , twisted woman . [ scene_break ] actress on tv : ¿ paulo ? ¿ eres tú ? ¿ quién está allí ? jake : i did n't know you watch these . amanda : sí . jake : you speak spanish . amanda : `` sí `` is about as far as it gets . but you do n't have to to enjoy them . jake : that 's exactly why i watch them . amanda : you do not . [ actress on tv gasps ] actress on tv : carlos ! jake : i do -- i 'll prove it to you . see him ? that 's the boyfriend . muy macho . and he 's demanding from her right now that she tells him that she has not been unfaithful . actor on tv : ¿ a quién esperabas ? actress : nadie . me sorprendiste . eso es todo . [ actors on tv continue to speak spanish ] amanda : no . no , you 're so wrong . she 's in love with him . jake : no , no , no . see -- see , this is what 's going on . he has uncovered her dirty little secret , and she 's trying to convince him -- she 's trying to convince him -- she 's like , `` hey , it was nothing . it was a lapse of judgment . that 's what it was . `` [ actress on tv speaking spanish ] jake : but when she sees that he 's not buying it , she pulls a gun . `` yes , yes , ok ? yes , i love him . we -- we -- we are going to be married . `` watch . [ actor on tv speaking spanish ] amanda : oh , my gosh . she just pulled a gun . how did you know that ? jake : yeah , she pulled a gun , but she does n't want to kill him with the gun . she just sort of wants to , you know , fend him off for a little while . but when he sees the gun , he comes closer to her , right ? he comes closer , because you know what ? `` if i ca n't have you -- if i ca n't have you , then you might as well kill me right now . `` watch , they 're going to struggle for the gun . [ actor on tv speaking spanish ] jake : and then suddenly -- bang ! amanda : oh ! jake : he 's dead . [ amanda laughs ] jake : dead . and you know what ? it 's really sad because it 's all for nothing . because paulo , the guy that she loved , has already taken off with the daughter of the mafia boss . actress on tv : oh , carlos ! carlos ! [ gunshot on tv ] amanda : oh , my god . she just shot him . how did you know she was going to do that ? jake : maybe i saw this episode overseas last -- the last time i was there . amanda : oh , you are so bad . jake : what ? amanda : oh , my god . you 're funny , though . no one makes me laugh like that anymore except you . [ scene_break ] doctor : the drug therapy is just the first step . angie : sometimes when the eyes are injured , pressure can build up in the brain . and it can take a little time for that to heal . we 're just going to have to be patient . and the pain meds should help keep you comfortable . doctor : i 'll be back to check on you later . angie : would you like me to call bianca ? reese : i want her love and forgiveness , not her pity . angie : let me help . reese : no -- [ object hits floor ] reese : i can do it myself . angie : reese , listen to me . reese : just -- i can do it ! angie : reese , listen to me . i know that this is frustrating . i know it 's frustrating . you 're just going to have to give it time . [ scene_break ] emt : how much did he consume ? adam : there seems to be some debate on that subject . j.r. : it was a full glass of scotch . how you doing , buddy ? [ chatter on emt radio ] [ scene_break ] zach : hey . kendall here ? opal : uh , well , she was here earlier . i forgot my bag . just came back for it . are you all right ? zach : yeah , i 'm fine . just looking for my wife . she 's not at home . opal : well , she -- she was -- you know , it was hard for her , the service and saying goodbye to greenlee and all . i was surprised you were n't here . zach : where is she ? opal : she was here with ryan . they were , uh -- stayed after the service -- uh -- they -- zach : where is she ? opal : uh , well , i do n't know . i assumed ryan took her home . [ scene_break ] ryan : oh . kendall : a lot of good that did , ryan . thank you . i am -- i am now completely drenched , and i 'm freezing . ryan : i was trying to be a gentleman and make up for my disappearing umbrella trick that i pulled there . sorry . [ kendall shivers ] kendall : oh , my god . i must look like a drowned rat . ryan : no , you do n't look like a drowned rat . you could never look like a drowned rat . a drowned poodle maybe . but not a drowned rat . kendall : [ laughing ] thank you very much . ryan : you 're welcome . kendall : ooh . how do you do that ? ryan : what ? kendall : oh , well , a little while ago , i was exhausted from crying and worried about my life . [ thunder ] kendall : and now here i am laughing again . ryan : well , i do n't think anybody ... wants to be sad . you know , i think it 's probably human nature that we all try to bounce back , right ? given the choice , who would want to cry over laugh ? here , i 'll warm you up -- kendall : yes , i 'm cold . ryan : just like i do with spike and emma . [ kendall laughs ] ryan : you know what ? you should probably get out of those wet clothes , hmm ? [ rain and thunder ] kendall : what are you thinking about ? ryan : greenlee . [ scene_break ] jesse : how 's she doing ? angie : hey . jesse : hey , babe . angie : oh , having a real tough time that this has happened to her . understandable . jesse : do you get the feeling that she might want to press charges ? angie : i do n't know . i mean , there 's a lot of bitterness and anger there . did you talk to zach ? jesse : yeah . angie : so what you were telling me last week -- you really think they were having an affair ? jesse : nah . zach loves his wife . i just think this whole mess just spiraled out of control . you know what ? why do n't you and i get out of here , go find a nice cozy place , have some dinner ? then we can go home and -- angie : let 's -- [ reese crying ] angie : baby , we 're going to have to take a rain check on that , ok ? reese , reese , it 's ok . reese : it hurts . angie : i know . reese : it hurts so much . angie : i know . i know , it 's ok . [ scene_break ] tad : it 's nice having her here , is n't it ? [ thunder ] [ jake sighs ] jake : the girl 's been through hell . david hayward hell . and she 's been through the chandler house of horrors , and what do you know ? she lived to tell the tale . tad : and you care about her , do n't you ? jake : well , let 's put it this way -- when she was available , and i was available to do something about it , i picked -- you know , i picked taylor . now , taylor went off and hooked up with brot , and this one gets herself pregnant . you know , when i hear it out loud , it actually -- my life sounds like one of those telenovelas . [ jake chuckles ] tad : how do you think it 's going to end ? jake : well , let 's hope it 's not like one of those telenovelas , because they always end up in murder and madness . tad : pleasant . [ amanda laughs ] jake : were you listening the whole time ? amanda : shoo , boys . take your muy macho brother talk elsewhere . this pregnant girl wants some zs . shoo . tad : ooh ooh ooh . [ scene_break ] emt # 1 : he threw up whatever was in there , and he 's showing no ill effects now . he 'll be ok . i 'd keep an eye on him for tonight , and then give the pediatrician a call in the morning , just to update them . j.r. : thank you . emt # 1 : no worries . emt # 2 : that lady did the right thing calling us . if he had n't got rid of the booze himself , we probably would 've had to take him in and pump his stomach . adam : whether krystal planned on this or not , hayward will seize on this like a meaty bone . j.r. : little adam drank that scotch because he wanted to be like his daddy . this is all my fault . [ scene_break ] [ thunder ] [ door opens then closes ] david : i did n't expect to see you back here . when you left earlier , you sounded like -- krystal : i came back ... to tell you that you were right . about little adam , the chandlers ... all of it . [ scene_break ] ryan : you know ... [ thunder ] ryan : i have you to thank -- thank for what i had with greenlee , because you kept -- i mean , you kept pushing us together , right ? i mean , you kept pushing her towards me , me towards her . why ? why was it so important to you that greenlee and i get together ? kendall : well , the two of you were living this big old lie . i do n't know , but that drove me absolutely crazy . and i guess i just -- i needed to see you ... ryan : what ? what were you going to say ? kendall : i was going to say i needed to see you with someone that you really loved . so that -- i do n't know -- so maybe you were n't available or something like that . [ door opens and zach enters ]
more rain and thunder in pine valley . j.r. brings amanda home from the hospital , to tad and jake 's place . jake and amanda chat ; he is being very protective of her and her baby , which tad notices . jake and amanda discover that they both like watching spanish soap operas . jake confides to tad that he 's drawn to amanda now that taylor is no longer available and amanda is pregnant . tad tells j.r. that he 's proud of him for getting clean again . krystal drops by and is surprised to hear that amanda is staying there . j.r. gives her an earful about what david did , so she runs home and yells at david . david claims that he did n't marry her just to get little a , that he was trying to show everyone that the chandler house is not a safe place . krystal does n't buy it . adam thinks that j.r. is just playing amanda to get the baby , but j.r. tells him that he 's going to protect amanda and the baby , and keep them away from adam . he pours himself a glass of scotch and puts it down on the table to prove that he is not tempted . later , krystal arrives and finds that little a has drunk the whole glass . they call the emts , who help little a. adam thinks krystal set it up somehow to make them look bad . krystal goes home and tells david that he was right about the chandler house not being safe for little a .
[ previously_on ] david : there 's something i got to tell you . anna : is it about the baby ? david : i 'm sorry . greenlee : `` you are to vacate the property within 24 hours . `` simone : how did that happen ? boyd : i quit . erica : well , you ca n't quit . you have a contract . boyd : so sue me . reggie : i do know who burned down that lady 's house . jack : what lady ? erica kane ? reggie : trey did it . [ scene_break ] erica : yes , that 's right . i want him locked out of his office now . lena : erica , you wanted to see us ? bianca : something wrong ? erica : boyd just quit . lena : oh , no . erica : oh , yes . bianca : oh , my god . so , how long before fusion snaps him up ? [ scene_break ] simone : oh , i am so sorry i 'm late . i went and checked on mia . she 's got back- to - back meetings in philly with that factory rep . you want her to call -- what 's that ? greenlee : my mystery e - mailer guy . simone : what ? greenlee : mr. sydney bergeron -- or at least his phone number and address . simone : well , where in the world did you score that ? greenlee : jamie martin helped me get it off the net . simone : oh . well , then , what are we waiting for ? let 's unmask this man . greenlee : i do n't know . [ pounding on door ] simone : hey . oh -- boyd : where 's -- where 's kendall ? greenlee : she 's at enchantment , trying to rub erica the right way . boyd : she 's not . i was there . erica wiped the floor with her . simone : oh , damn . boyd : kendall get carried away with the home office idea ? what 's all this ? greenlee : um -- we 'll tell kendall that you came by . boyd : maybe i can help ? greenlee : no , we do n't need any help , but thanks anyway . boyd : look , guys , i quit enchantment as of today . so if you still want me , i 'm all yours . kendall : we do n't want you , boyd . go back to erica . [ scene_break ] david : yeah . ooh , you 're such a brave little girl , huh ? well , you showed everybody , did n't you ? do n't worry . i 'm not going to let anybody -- anybody hurt you , darling . ever . i promise . [ door opens ] david : hey . anna : hi . david : where have you been ? anna : been online . david : well , you 're not supposed to be out of bed . anna : well , i ca n't really lie there when my daughter is -- david : leora is fine . anna : that 's not what these say . david : anna , look at you . you 're pale . would you please come back into bed ? anna : i 've been on about half a dozen websites that deal with leora 's condition , and in almost every instant , the doctors would implant a pacemaker immediately . david : anna -- anna : well , why the hell wo n't you ? [ scene_break ] aidan : what have you got for me ? man : there 's not much i could do on such short notice . aidan : it 's a good start . man : this guy 's pretty clean . what are you looking for ? aidan : it 's not me who 's looking . man : someone sure has a rage on for chris stamp . [ scene_break ] jack : reggie , i want you to repeat to me what you just said . reggie : trey burned down erica kane 's house . jack : and kenyon here , he told you that himself ? reggie : yeah , he did . jack : all right , now , you listen to me , son . there 's a lot at stake here for everyone , and if you think you can buy a ticket to freedom by lying -- hey , i 'm talking to you ! reggie : i 'm not lying , all right ? jack : how about it , trey ? your foster son telling the truth here ? trey : kid 's doing exactly how i taught him . he 's looking out for himself . jack : oh , are n't you slick , but that does n't really answer my question , now , does it ? chris : hey , i 've got those papers on the sexton case . if you 're busy , i can -- jack : no , chris , come in . i 'll think you 'll find this very interesting . i 'm waiting , counselor . trey : it 's true . i burned down erica kane 's house . jack : no , no , no -- chris : you scum -- jack : chris , no , no . come on , back off him . trey : i did n't mean to hurt anybody . chris : you almost killed bianca . trey : and i 'll regret it for the rest of my life . chris : spare me your regrets . you 're a coward . jack : all right , that 's it . back off ! chris , use your head . back off . now , i want you two to tell me one thing -- is this on the level or is this a scam you two cooked up ? huh ? trey : the kid came up with it himself . reggie : look , i told you what you wanted to hear , all right ? can i just leave ? jack : no , you can not just leave . there 's some business to take care of first . i want to get kenyon 's statement on paper . i 'm going to go get a stenographer . do n't even think about taking a step out of this office . there 'll be a guard at the door , and you behave yourself . chris : the only reason you 're still alive is because erica and bianca were not hurt in that fire . do you hear me ? [ trey coughs ] [ door slams ] reggie : yo , t , i 'm sorry , man . i was stuck . i mean , i did n't even plan on this . trey : you 're just looking out for yourself , right ? reggie : yeah , like you told me , right ? trey : you 're a fast learner . you know , jack lays off you , i go away for a while , but this does n't solve your real problem , does it , reggie ? [ scene_break ] nurse : excuse me . i need to take leora back to nicu . david : yeah , of course you do . anna : ok . david : oh , she 's -- that smile . anna : got her ? nurse : uh - huh . anna : bye , sweetheart . you sleep well . she 's having a good sleep . anna : why are you refusing to do this ? you 're putting our daughter 's life in danger . david : oh , for crying out loud . these days , people get access to a website , all of a sudden they become experts . anna : all right , so explain it to me . explain it to me why it says in these papers that if a patient 's heart rate is low -- even a baby -- a pacemaker is his best chance at a healthy life . david : it is not her best chance . anna : how can you say that ? david : what do you mean , how can i say that ? i 'm a doctor , anna . anna : well , you 're her father . i mean , is it that you 're afraid -- david : no , no , i am not afraid , but i will not subject our daughter to the risks of surgery when there are other options . anna : what other options ? this is what she needs ! david : look , i know you mean well -- anna : oh , do n't -- do n't -- david : but there 's enough evidence to support that there are alternative treatments . anna : what ? what ? crystals and meditation ? is that your answer ? david : oh , do n't -- do n't do that , all right ? do n't minimize my expertise . anna : ok , but it 's all here ! why are you being so bloody superior ? is it because you do n't want someone else to save your daughter 's life ? david : what -- [ scene_break ] erica : everybody 's replaceable , honey . i want you to contact the headhunters , put out the word . bianca : ok . erica : and lena -- lena , i want you to tap your european contacts , see if there 's an r & d wizard who would like to have a change of scenery . lena : i 'll make some calls . erica : we 're all right , then . bianca : um -- no , not exactly . i -- i do n't understand . boyd was all about his research . he loves this company . he 's proven his loyalty to you . so what on earth would make him quit ? erica : it seems to have something to do with kendall . [ scene_break ] boyd : i 'm not going back , kendall . i 'm done . i am through with enchantment and with erica . simone : wait , i thought you just signed this new contract . boyd : i do n't care . the way erica treated kendall -- no , there 's no way i would stay on . kendall : no , boyd , i 'm sorry . i can not let you quit to protect my honor . boyd : kendall , erica has no right to treat you like this . kendall : no , it 's very noble , it 's very gallant , but it 's completely unnecessary and i 'm not going to let you do it . greenlee : is that pea brain of yours processing anything anymore ? boyd 's the best chemist in the business . kendall : excuse me . greenlee , listen to me . we have got no money . we have no office -- greenlee : and whose fault is that ? kendall : we have no lab ! boyd : guys , you made lip color on your stovetop . just wait and see what i can do with a sterno . simone : ha ! i call that a can - do attitude . greenlee : you should try it sometime . so , will you work without a salary , just for a little while ? boyd : i can do that . greenlee : then we 're all set . welcome to fusion . simone : oh , yes , welcome . kendall : no , no -- greenlee : yes . kendall : no ! no , boyd , i can not let you do this . greenlee : kendall , shut your piehole ! kendall : no , greenlee , i will not ! i will not let boyd ruin his future for me ! [ scene_break ] bianca : why did boyd quit for kendall ? erica : boyd made his choice , and we will deal with it . [ intercom buzzes ] erica : yes , val . oh , no , i ca n't speak with chris right now . will you take a message ? thanks . ok , let 's convene at the end of the day , and then let 's see where we are , what we 've come up -- [ intercom buzzes ] erica : val , i told you -- oh , it 's jack ? what , it 's urgent ? all right , all right , then put him on . ok . jack , i 'm in a meeting . you say this is important ? jack : oh , i 'm just about ready to arrest the man that burned your house to the ground . how 's that for important ? erica : you caught trey kenyon ? but i thought you said there was n't enough evidence . jack : well , you do n't need much evidence when you 've got a signed confession . erica : he confessed ? jack : not that he had a lot of choice , but the confession is solid . erica : oh . jack , i want you to just bury him so deep in the ground he never sees the light of day again . jack : well , legally , i 'm not sure that 's an option , but i guarantee you i will put him away for a good , long time . erica : oh , thank you . jack , how can i possibly thank you ? jack : oh , gee , i can think of so many ways that you could thank me , erica , but , frankly , i really did n't do anything . erica : of course you did . jack , my goodness , because of you , the man who nearly -- nearly killed my daughter is going to get what he deserves . how can i repay you ? jack : well , i -- i tell you what . we 'll explore those options at a future date . erica : thank you , jack . thank you so much . it 's over . jack : you -- you 're still here ? chris : yeah , well , i just tried giving erica a call to tell her about trey , but she was in a meeting . `` no interruptions , no exceptions . `` you know how it is . jack : yeah . yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah . val -- he guards her like a bulldog , does n't he ? chris : yeah , well , she needs the protecting , and i 'm counting on you to give trey the max . jack : nothing , chris , would give me more pleasure . chris : good . you know , i really appreciate you doing this , jackson . it means a lot to both erica and me . jack : you know , well -- chris : you know what ? i 'm going to go down to her office and give her the news about trey in person . because something this important deserves to be delivered in person , right ? jack : sure . chris : see you later . jack : all right . [ scene_break ] greenlee : have n't you done enough damage ? palmer never would 've evicted us if you had n't -- boyd : whoa , wait a minute . fusion was evicted ? greenlee : palmer 's deal was simple . all you had to do was kiss and make up with your mom and he would give us back the building . simone : ok , you know , ease up , greenlee . all right , it 's not kendall 's fault . you know how erica is . she 's not going to listen to her . greenlee : it 's all kendall 's fault . simone : well -- greenlee : and now we have a chance to salvage this company and stick it to erica , and you want to blow that , too ? kendall : i want to talk to boyd alone . greenlee : to talk him out of working for us ? kendall : no , it 's personal . greenlee : that 's what scares me . simone : ok , you know what ? let 's just go grab some lunch , ok ? greenlee : all right . if kendall tries to talk you out of not taking this job , do n't listen to her . boyd : so , is it true ? is everything i saw over at erica 's just a maneuver , a ploy to get your lease back ? kendall : i meant every word i said to her . boyd : of course . i mean , you wanted your building back , right ? kendall : no . no , it 's because i want her to look at me and see me -- not a curse , not a punishment , but me , her daughter . boyd : god , kendall , if all she ever does is cut you down , why not just -- i do n't know -- settle for peaceful coexistence ? kendall : that 's because erica wo n't allow it . that 's why i flipped out when i saw her with michael the other day . it 's just proof that erica 's not going to be happy until she destroys me . [ scene_break ] erica : i had given up hope that this day would ever come . trey kenyon is going to be punished . oh , is n't it wonderful ? bianca : yes , it is . it 's wonderful . i just -- you know , i keep thinking of leo and how much he wanted to believe in trey . erica : the man who almost killed you ? lena : you were caught in a fire ? it must 've been terrifying . bianca : yeah , it was scary . lena : oh , thank goodness you were n't hurt . [ intercom buzzes ] erica : ahem . yes , val . no , absolutely not ! no , tell him to go away . no comment . donald : i 'm going in there whether you like it or not ! val : mr. steele ! donald : whoa , whoa , erica -- why is enchantment playing footsies with cambias industries ? erica : i want you out of here now . donald : no , but you know those photos -- they never lie . you and cambias in the private jet -- what were you doing , playing mile high club with your new partner ? erica : there is no new partner . donald : no , but there is an enchantment - cambias industries joint venture in the works . so , what 's in it for you ? erica : val , i want you to call security . i would like them to escort mr. steele out of the building by his toes . donald : all right , all right , i 'm leaving . val : yeah , i need security up here right now -- donald : but this story runs whether or not i get a statement from enchantment . lena : this is a typical cambias move . bianca : wait . this is n't legit ? lena : it 's a ploy . they get friendly with a takeover target , they propose a joint venture , and when the company accepts and lets down its guard -- erica : cambias strikes . bianca : so , what do we do ? erica : it 's not the first time that someone 's tried to put a bear hug on enchantment . bianca : `` a bear hug `` ? erica : honey , that 's a term for this particular kind of a takeover tactic , but now that we 're aware of it , we will proceed very carefully . lena : suppose -- suppose we leak our own story , suggest that cambias has nothing to offer enchantment . after all , enchantment has erica kane . it needs nothing more . erica : this is brilliant . this is a brilliant idea . we 're just going to hit the bear right in the snout . bianca : well , michael cambias wo n't be happy about this . erica : especially when we force him to show his claws . [ scene_break ] reggie : my problem is my business , all right ? trey : your problem shot an innocent man , and he 's still out there causing more harm . listen -- every time you give in to this guy , whoever he is , you give him more power over you . reggie : i have my own power . i control my own power . trey : so use it to make something out of yourself , reggie . reggie : do n't lecture me . trey : this is my last chance to do it , so listen . you know , you and i -- we 're not that different . reggie : that 's what you say . trey : you were cut loose by your family . you kicked around the foster care system . i mean , yeah , it gets you mad , but you ca n't let that rage eat you up because it happened to me , and i made a hell of a lot of mistakes . reggie : like taking me in , right ? trey : no . no , that was n't a mistake . i really wanted to show you that there 's more to life than just getting by and getting even . so much for that , huh ? reggie : t , you 're a really good guy . for real . trey : yeah , well , i 'm not really feeling the love right now . reggie : look , i did n't mean to turn you in , all right ? i had to . it was either -- it was either you or janelle . trey : janelle ? reggie : he swore if i gave him up , he 'd kill her . [ scene_break ] janelle : you 're going to wear a groove in the floor if you do n't stop . why are you so riled because anna wants a few minutes with her nephew ? david : because he 's going to convince her that she 's right . janelle : well , is she ? david : no . no , anna thinks that all we have to do is put a pacemaker inside of leora and everything 's going to be fine . she 's under the mistaken impression that the procedure itself is going to guarantee her health . janelle : wait -- are you speaking as cardiosurgeon or a father ? david : why is everyone questioning my judgment ? janelle : look , i am not , but you 're so close to this , it must be hard to be objective . david : janelle , you 're a doctor . you know yourself that implanting a pacemaker inside of a baby , let alone a preemie , is risky . it 's a delicate procedure . i mean , the chances of complications are all over the place . hell , the risk of infection alone is huge . janelle : it is , but is n't the risk even greater if you do nothing ? [ scene_break ] anna : david saved leora 's life with that impossible operation . the odds were staggering , and yet here she is alive because of him , and now he is refusing to consider a procedure that could continue to improve her life ? i do n't understand . aidan : maybe david 's just afraid of coming up against those odds again , anna . anna : but leora has fought so hard . do n't we owe her the best possible chance ? aidan : david wants that , too , i am sure . anna : why is he being so bloody obstinate ? aidan : hmm . well , you 're asking the wrong person , but david -- david is one of the most amazing surgeons , and he loves you and leora very , very much -- more than his own life , and i ca n't imagine david doing anything that was n't in the baby 's best interests . [ scene_break ] david : if there were no choice , i would perform the procedure myself right now , but there is a choice . i study leora 's ekgs and echoes all day long . she does not need a pacemaker , not yet . janelle : david , she will . david : no , she might , and if she does , she will get it , and hopefully by then she 'll be strong enough . janelle : so you rely on meds and -- david : time . faith , our love . anna and i will get her strong . you know , we 'll -- we 'll watch her grow and we 'll love her with everything we have . janelle : david -- [ pager beeps ] janelle : you know what ? i have to deal with this . listen -- whatever decision you make , i know that you will make the right choice . david : thanks for listening . janelle : but this decision -- make it with your wife , not for her . david : all right . so , does aidan agree with you that i 'm risking our daughter 's life ? anna , if you do n't believe in me , where do we go from here ? [ scene_break ] trey : this creep threatened janelle ? reggie : you ca n't tell anybody , all right ? you got to swear -- trey : if janelle is in any danger -- reggie : swear to me . jack : thank you . well , the stenographer 's on her way . trey : look , jackson , something else came up -- jack : what ? what ? do n't tell me you have something else to confess to here . trey : so , what happens next ? to reggie ? janelle : trey , i got your message . what the hell is going on ? jack : well , janelle , you 're just in time to hear trey confess to arson . janelle : what ? jack : that 's right . i thought reggie was going to give up his thug pal , but instead he told me something i 've suspected for a long time -- that trey here put a match to erica 's house . janelle : are you all right ? reggie : sure . jack : the good news is that , in exchange for his testimony , reggie here is free to go . janelle : you 're free ? free to go where , exactly ? reggie : ok , can we just go , already ? jack : no . i 'm not done with you yet . reggie : but you said if i -- jack : i am not near done with you , not as long as you 're protecting that thug pal of yours . you and i have unfinished business . trey : give him a break , jackson . jack : what do you say you and i go get this confession of yours on paper ? trey : yeah , for a reduced sentence and one other thing . jack : oh -- where do you get -- you 're in no position to deal . trey : without my confession , all you got is the word of some street punk . it 's hearsay . so unless you want me to walk out of here -- jack : all right , all right , all right , all right . what is it ? trey : reggie does n't go back into foster care . jack : that 's not within my jurisdiction . you know that . trey : it 's a deal - breaker . take it or leave it . jack : suppose you suggest to me how i might accomplish this . trey : you take reggie . [ scene_break ] kendall : you know , this is really all palmer cortlandt 's fault . boyd : see , i do n't get that . i mean , the deal for the building was done . you were in . how did you end up -- kendall : here ? i screwed up -- again . palmer evicted fusion because i was supposed to watch petey and i did n't . boyd : well , i mean , did you give him an explanation ? kendall : oh , what , that i was with michael and i did n't care about petey or fusion or anything else on the planet because i was with michael ? boyd : so you lost your lease because of michael ? kendall : you know what ? it was really my fault . it really was my fault . i mean , maybe erica 's right . it 's all about me . everyone else be damned . boyd : oh , kendall , you know that 's not true . you know , maybe someday you 'll realize you do n't need erica or some megamogul to validate who you are . you 're doing pretty good on your own . kendall : well , what do we do now ? boyd : you know what ? i got to go . will you wait here till i call you ? kendall : where else would i go ? boyd : ok , it wo n't take long , i promise . kendall : ok , wait . where are you going ? boyd : just -- just trust me . trust me , you wo n't be disappointed . [ scene_break ] waiter : right this way , please . simone : thank you . hmm . he 's cute . ok , so you have sydney 's address and phone number . i say we go to his house , do a full - on in - his - face . greenlee : there 's no way i 'm knocking on his door . simone : oh , come on . all right , all right , so then we stalk it . you know , or stake it out and see if , you know , syd 's cute enough for all this effort . greenlee : does the name `` sydney bergeron `` sound like a hottie to you ? simone : oh , there 's a hottie on deck . carlos : excuse me . simone : oh , carlos . hi . what are you doing here ? are you stalking me ? [ carlos and simone laugh ] carlos : no . no , lunch , and i was wondering , have you heard any good news about the office ? greenlee : not yet , but we 're working on it . carlos : well , i 'm sure you 'll be back soon because you 're smart and you get what you want . hasta luego . simone : hmm . well , he can hasta my luego any day he wants . hmm . greenlee : put your tongue back in your mouth and tell me what to do about this guy , sydney . simone : ok , fine , but you better do it . call him . [ scene_break ] erica : not now , val . chris : going to kick me out ? erica : oh , chris , i 'm sorry . i 'm just -- i 'm up to my eyeballs . i 'm fighting off a takeover attempt . boyd quit . chris : well , i just saw bianca , and she told me you know about trey . erica : yes , jackson called . chris : oh , jackson . you take his calls , you do n't take mine ? erica : no , i just -- you know , jack called . val told me that jack said it was an emergency -- chris : no -- why are you doing this ? why -- why are you shutting me out like this , putting our life on permanent hold ? erica : chris -- chris : i do n't even know why i bother . [ knock on door ] erica : boyd ! come in . chris : do you -- do you plan these interruptions ? i mean , is there a hidden button somewhere that you press when you do n't want to deal with me anymore ? erica : chris , please , can we just -- can we take this up later ? chris : later . boyd : look , i 'm sorry if i interrupted -- erica : no , no , no . do n't apologize . oh , boyd , i knew you 'd be back . i just did n't know it would be this soon . you are back , are n't you ? boyd : i 'll come back -- but on one really big condition . [ scene_break ] simone : you 'll never know until you call him . will you , please ? put me out of my misery . greenlee : ok . aye - yi - yi . it 's ringing . simone : hmm . what ? what happened ? greenlee : it was a woman . the creep 's married . simone : oh -- [ scene_break ] erica : you violated the terms of your ironclad contract . i could sue you and win . you want to dictate the terms of your return ? boyd : look , i do n't want to fight with you , erica . do you want me back or not ? erica : i have your files . boyd : yeah , and they 're not going to do you any good since all my formulas are in my head . erica : what do you want ? boyd : it 's about kendall . erica : kendall ? what does kendall have to do about your return here ? boyd : everything . look , after i left here , i went over to fusion and i offered them my services . erica : well , you ca n't do that because your noncompete clause precludes -- boyd : precludes me from working for a competing company . i know , but i was willing to fight you , erica , if it mean working with kendall . erica : well , kendall certainly must 've jumped at the chance to get you . boyd : actually , she turned me down . erica : she what ? boyd : she refused , flat out . said it was a bad move for my career . erica : that would be the first nice thing she 's done . boyd : no , it was incredibly generous , erica , and i plan to return the favor with your help . erica : my help ? that 's your condition ? boyd : i will be back in my lab by this afternoon if you call palmer cortlandt and convince him to give kendall her office back . erica : please . kendall stood here -- right here in my office -- and she threw this bogus apology to me . she told me that she did n't mean it , she was n't sorry , that the only thing she wanted was to get back into her office building , and you want me to help ? boyd : you 're wrong , erica . kendall really wants a relationship with you . erica : ok , look , you just have to stop right here because i know that you 're smitten -- boyd : erica , it 's the truth , whether you choose to believe it or not . so what 's it going to be ? now , you want your favorite chemist back , do n't you ? it 's up to you . [ scene_break ] kendall : hi . what 's up ? carlos : last box from the office . kendall : oh . carlos : where do i put it ? kendall : uh -- anywhere is fine . sure . i hope the next tenants realize how lucky they are to have you . carlos : oh , gracias . well , you 'll be back soon . kendall : really ? you think so ? carlos : the fusion women -- ustedes son muy fuerte . you guys are strong . kendall : strong , right . well , we could use a little suerte about now . carlos : well , i feel that people make their own luck , you know ? kendall : yeah , well , the only thing i 've made is a big mess . carlos : well , i can help you clean up , but would you like to split a cheeseburger first ? kendall : sure . carlos : ok . [ scene_break ] anna : leora could die , right , without a pacemaker ? david : if leora were in immediate danger , i would bring her to the or . myself , but she 's not , anna . she 's stable . her heart rate is -- is steady . anna : no ! not all the time . david : most of the time , and that 's good . anna : but it dips , you know ? i mean , it goes slower , and it could change at any minute . david : medication can regulate her heart rate , and we will monitor her constantly . anna : what if we miss something ? david : anna , try to understand this . surgery right now is too great a risk . it could prove fatal to our daughter , ok ? anna : i mean , it says in there that the first two years of a child 's life are the most critical , and that 's when she needs the pacemaker . david : if she was full - term , i 'd agree with you , ok ? but she 's not . she 's a preemie , anna . please , let 's get her weight up . let 's get her strength up . the stronger she is , the better chance she has of being able to accept the pacemaker in her body , when she 's ready . anna : or when you 're ready . david : all right , look , i know you believe in all of these things that you 've gathered , but i believe in my gut , in my heart , that surgery is too great a risk . anna : i do n't know what to think . aidan ? aidan : oh , no , this is -- this is strictly a parental decision . why do n't you guys give me a call when leora needs a babysitter ? anna : oh . david : do n't you trust me enough to know that all i ever want for our daughter is what 's best for her ? [ scene_break ] janelle : what are you thinking ? jackson montgomery as reggie 's foster parent ? that man only sees reggie as a number . trey : jackson montgomery is tough , but he is a very fair man . janelle : jackson montgomery is -- trey : is the answer right now . reggie : do i have a say in this , please ? trey : you have said enough today already , do n't you think ? janelle : you know , i should 've never let you take reggie in . i should 've followed my instincts and put an end to it before -- before he got hurt again . trey : well , i 'm sorry you feel that way because i 'm really glad that i got a chance to meet you and know you and reggie . who knows ? hopefully , someday you 'll feel the same . janelle : well , you did make him study , and he got a b on that history test , and you got him a job . do you need me to call anyone ? jack : all right , kenyon , you 've got yourself a deal . three to five years . trey : state pen ? jack : well , you want medium security , i 've got my own conditions , and they are as follows -- do n't you ever , ever step foot in pine valley again . trey : done , and what about reggie ? jack : i 'm willing to give it a try if he is . trey : thanks . jack : yeah . i 'm not making any promises , though , and i meant what i said -- i want that friend of yours , and i 'm going to get him . janelle : oh , that 's a good start . look , i promise , if this does n't work out , i will make sure that reggie lands in a good place . trey : i know you will . jack : officer ? officer : put your hands behind your back . [ scene_break ] david : do n't you realize that when i look at my daughter , do n't you know that i would use everything within my power , that i would use every gift that god has given me to protect her ? anna : yes , i know that . of course i do . david : then you trust me ? anna : yes . i trusted you with my life and leora 's , of course . david : anna , i swear to you , i would stop at nothing to keep our family safe . anna : you 've already proven that . i love you , david . david : and i love you . anna : what happens next ? david : i think we should take leora home , see how she likes her new crib . anna : we 're going to go home ? david : as soon as i can arrange it . [ scene_break ] trey : do n't let this happen to you . janelle : i never thought i would be thanking you for saving a kid from the system . jack : well , do n't thank me . i have n't saved anybody yet . janelle : you need anything , you call me . you 'll be hearing from me . jack : ok . thanks . reggie : so -- jack : so -- what do you say we set down some ground rules ? reggie : oh , boy . jack : rule number one -- i 'm under no legal obligation to be your foster daddy . so i 'm telling you , reggie , you play me like you played trey and you are going to be out on your butt quicker than you can say `` group home . `` now , son , do you have any questions ? reggie : what 's for dinner ? [ scene_break ] erica : palmer , you know that you ca n't refuse me . [ erica laughs ] erica : see ? and you have n't even heard what i 'm going to ask , but i think that this will make you very happy . [ scene_break ] simone : maybe it was his mother that answered the phone . greenlee : do n't even go there . [ phone rings ] simone : ok . greenlee : oh . hello ? what ? oh , my god , i 'll be right there . simone : what 's going on ? greenlee : forget the married guy . we 've got action ! simone : [ mumbles ] oh ! i just -- greenlee : come on ! simone : oh -- [ phone rings ] [ scene_break ] kendall : yummy . what ? are you kidding ? are you kidding me ? ok . oh , my god . we got to go . carlos : what ? kendall : we got to go -- now . carlos : all right . kendall : come on . carlos : go -- kendall : wait -- coat . carlos : what -- kendall : come on . carlos : what about the boxes -- kendall : no boxes . let 's go . carlos : all right . kendall : oh , my god ! [ scene_break ] erica : welcome back . boyd : thank you . i 'm proud of you . erica : just do n't forget who the boss is . bianca : boyd ? what are you doing here ? boyd : what are you talking about ? i 've got a ton of work to do if i 'm going to get that skin care line out on time , right ? bianca : so , you mean , you 're back ? boyd : feels like i never left . bianca : well , what happened ? boyd : you know what ? i 'm going to let your mom fill you in . erica , thanks again . bianca : well ? what was that all about ? erica : saving my company . [ scene_break ] singer : fusion -- greenlee : we 're back ! singer : what women want to do . [ next_on ] kendall : you 're a coward ! now you 're going to deal with me . you 're going to deal with me , and i 'm going to make you pay ! aidan : hello . david : what are you doing ? do n't touch her ! linus : erica kane 's two - timing you . simone : i wonder if greenlee is meeting her prince charming right now .
at the hospital david and anna try to decide what is best for leora . david wants to take her home and anna thinks she should have the surgery . david talks the situation over with janelle , who tells him not to make the decision alone . aidan tries to comfort anna . he tells her he thinks david is looking out for the baby 's best interest . david tells anna he wants to take leora home and get her stronger . kendall tells boyd what happened with fusion and palmer . he offers to work with her , but she turns him down . he tells her to trust him and then takes off . at enchantment , chris stops by to see erica . he comments about trey 's arrest , and erica tells him that jack had already called her . chris gets upset that erica will take jack 's call , but not his . boyd interrupts them and chris leaves in disgust . erica believes that boyd has decided to stay with enchantment . he gives erica an ultimatum - he will come back if she calls palmer and convinces him to give fusion the building back . erica argues but finally gives in and agrees . at bj 's , greenlee does n't know what to do about the information she has on her secret admirer . simone urges her to call him , and greenlee does . a woman answers the phone . she soon gets another phone call to which she says , `` i 'll be right there . `` kendall , who is at her apartment with carlos , gets a call also . she excitedly tells him they have to leave . soon , the girls of fusion are walking back into their offices . trey tries to get through to reggie . he tells him that he needs to do more then just get by in life . reggie apologizes to trey , but admits it was either trey or janelle . reggie he is free to go in exchange for his testimony against trey . trey tells jack the only way he will give his confession is if jack will take reggie in . jack agrees to the arrangement .
erica : jack , the minute lily saw blood on her finger , she started saying , `` red , red . wet red . `` the red she saw that night was edmund 's blood . jack : and maybe edmund 's murder . erica : i tried to talk to lily about before the fire , but there was still something red that was upsetting her . jack : oh , my god , erica , i hope you 're wrong . but at least she wo n't have to testify . i mean , zach admitted to killing edmund , right , and they have ethan 's eyewitness account . erica : that is more than enough to put that monster away . jack : then what we have to concentrate on , if she saw this , is to get it out of her mind . we have to help her forget about this . erica : oh , no , jack , that is the worst thing she could possibly do . no , we have to -- we have to confront this right now . [ scene_break ] brooke : tad , i thought you were gone . adam : martin uses his sleeve . brooke : i scrapped the story on j.r. , so you can just -- adam : no , no , no , that 's not why i 'm here . brooke : adam , the door . use it . adam : i know how much edmund meant to you . brooke : edmund meant a great deal to me . you , however , mean nothing . so you can stuff your phony sympathy . adam : why ca n't i be genuinely sympathetic ? brooke : i do n't know . why ca n't you genuinely be anything except mean and conniving ? adam : i feel for you , brooke . brooke : oh , like you felt for me when you hunted down jamie ? i know you still want him to suffer , so let 's just get to your real motives , ok ? why are you sniffing around here , and what do you have planned for my son ? [ scene_break ] jamie : you do n't ride . tad : no . edmund gave me this . he knew that dixie liked horses , so he volunteered to teach me how to ride . i just forgot i had it . hell , i only wore it once . babe : hello , boys . so , what did you think of our news ? tad : what news ? jamie : i have n't told him yet . tad : told me what ? [ doorbell rings ] babe : well , tell him . jamie : well , with maggie gone and the apartment empty , i figured that it 's the perfect place for me and babe . j.r. : perfection is so hard to achieve . [ scene_break ] ryan : you gave my wife a drug , a drug that makes people tell the truth ? david : well , i 'd known it was n't for you -- ryan : what , you also supply her with the hypodermic needles ? david : please . what , are you an idiot ? no , i suspended the compound in a flavorless , odorless liquid . all they have to do is put it in the poor sap 's food or beverage . in no time at all , he wo n't even know what hit him . [ scene_break ] simone : is this the most incredible cabernet you 've ever tasted ? jonathan : not that i need it . you 're intoxicating enough . simone : oh , no , no . do you lavery men practice your charm , or is it a dna thing ? jonathan : ha . it 's definitely not inherited . well , look at this . we have the office all to ourselves . we can do anything we want . [ scene_break ] ryan : so you ca n't practice medicine anymore , you decide to open your own drug store ? david : i was doing greenlee a favor . ryan : that could possibly land her in jail . david : hey , what do they say ? `` the truth shall set you free `` -- supposedly . i guess it depends on whom they 're trying to get to tell the truth . ryan : how long will the effects last , david ? david : hmm . now , that depends on how much they administer . you know , the height , the weight of the -- ryan : let 's say my height , my weight , and they administer exactly what you recommended them to . how long ? david : you know something ? i was n't that specific . i mean , there are so many variables to consider . ryan : could it be dangerous , let 's say , if somebody has an allergic reaction ? david : oh , come on , i mean , anything from aspirin to tap water can have an effect on someone , but the chances are pretty good . ryan : if greenlee was n't involved in this , i would have the cops in here so fast . david : but she is . lucky me . [ scene_break ] simone : another toast , to the start of a wonderful friendship . where is your glass ? yes , excuse me ? jonathan : it 's here . and you toast to friendship . i 'm going to toast to you , my beautiful new friend . simone : oh . nice . mmm . jonathan : mmm . hey , i never noticed . simone : noticed what ? jonathan : your eyes . your eyes are gorgeous . simone : oh . there 's two . they 're brown . they 're basically a matched set . outside of this little fleck that i have over here , but it 's really not that big of a deal . jonathan : no . no , really , the shape , long lashes . i could look into your eyes all night . simone : oh . you really are good . and as friends go , i thank you for the flattery . jonathan : it 's not a line . i 'm not lying to you . simone : i know . listen , i understand . i mean , who does n't go sort of overboard with someone new when they 're going through a miserable breakup ? jonathan : maggie ? simone : yeah , i mean , a good , solid rebound helps you feel more , you know -- i do n't know , less lonely , less sad . jonathan : i 'm not sad , not with you . simone : i know the broken - heart drill . yeah , i 've had my heart stomped on and handed back to me about every year since i was 12 . that 's why i have sworn off of rebounds . jonathan : hmm . how do you feel about a slam dunk ? simone : ah . sounds -- uh -- exhausting . jonathan : it could also be a lot of fun . simone : you know what i really want ? i want to fall in love . you have no idea what it 's like . i mean , i have to sit here and watch greenlee and kendall parade around these hot , perfect men . jonathan : you know what ? ethan and kendall deserve each other . simone : well , i know you ca n't stand ethan , but kendall ? jonathan : she was a great lay , but not worth the aggravation . you know , and ethan 's not stupid , too . he 's going to catch on and dump her . jonathan : oh -- simone : true love , come on . i mean , they 're the ideal couple . jonathan : come on ! couple of what ? greenlee 's got the dream deal in that situation . what about ryan ? ryan got stuck with 98 pounds of arrogant , spoiled snot . simone : oh , come on , now . i mean , you have to admit she loves him . i mean , she worships him . jonathan : blah , blah , blah . greenlee is in love with greenlee , and that 's it . she does n't deserve my brother . i ca n't stand her . i want her gone . [ scene_break ] erica : jack , the truth does n't go away , and the sooner we help lily face it , the better for her . jack : lily 's doctor examined her , and she feels that the best thing for her is to get back to her own routine . erica : except that lily 's doctor did n't know that lily had witnessed a murder . i mean , that 's a burden that no child should have to carry alone . jack : well , that 's true enough . maybe i should call the doctor again . erica : jack , we have to help lily right now . memories do n't stay buried . you know that . i mean , you remember a day when you and travis went sailing off charleston when you were boys and with your sister . memories always come back . jack : yeah , and they come back stronger and even more powerful . erica : we ca n't let that happen to lily , can we ? [ scene_break ] adam : really , brooke . after everything we 've been to each other ? brooke : oh , adam , i really needed that , you know ? your egocentric insanity -- really , it 's the only thing that could make me laugh on a day like today . adam : well , believe what you like . i -- i came here to comfort you . and if there 's anything , anything at all that i can do , just tell me . brooke : you try to destroy my son with one hand and you offer me a hankie with the other . adam : one has nothing to do with the other . brooke : well , how can you separate them ? adam : i do n't try to make you responsible for jamie 's faults . brooke : well , i hold you responsible for j.r. 's actions . adam : i 'm more anti - babe than i am anti - jamie . you 'd better wake up and save your son . thanks to babe , how many times has jamie been to jail ? hmm ? you 'd better get him away from that tramp before it 's too late . [ scene_break ] jamie : did you miss the part where nobody asked you in ? j.r. : did babe make this ? tad : what do you want , j.r. ? babe : yes , babe made it . j.r. : guacamole was the one thing that you did well . babe : why are n't you at home with our son ? j.r. : needs more salt . you mean little adam . he 's with his new mother figure , his nanny . babe : what 's her name ? j.r. : oh , no need for you to worry about that , but she has the 411 on you guys , like what you look like , that you 're not allowed anywhere near my son , and even if you try , she has the police on speed dial . tad : wait , wait , wait . here . help yourself . take one for the road . j.r. : it 's not as good as it used to be . tad , i 'm looking for a top - notch pi to give me some security . tad : security ? oh , gee , i 'm sorry , no names spring to mind . j.r. : oh , i did n't mean you , of course . i would n't take a recommendation from somebody who is an unlicensed pi . tad : you had my license pulled ? j.r. : in , like , two lousy phone calls . babe : it 's not worth it . tad : how much did that cost you ? it must 've been expensive . i hear the chandlers are cash poor these days . j.r. : oh , not so poor , and still very well - connected . in fact , there 's a lot of people that would like to donate to my worthy cause . jamie : you know , he 'll get his license back . j.r. : i would n't bet on it . babe : you are so sad . just to get back at me , you have to go and mess with tad ? tad : no , this has nothing to do with you . this one 's directed squarely at me , right , j.r. ? babe : yeah , but he 's still low and disgusting . tad : nonetheless , this one 's not your battle , it 's mine . jamie : we 're in this together . j.r. : kids , kids , there 's still a lot of punishment to go around . and yours , babe and jamie , will not be as subtle as tad 's . and guess what -- it 's beginning right now . [ scene_break ] ryan : when did you give them this drug , this truth serum ? david : um -- today . ryan : and when did they say they 're going to use it ? tonight ? david : when 's the last time you had your blood pressure checked ? ryan : hayward , when ? david : you know , you really should go to the gym more often . it 'd be good for . you know , it 'll help you live longer . ryan : you set my wife loose with this potentially dangerous , this highly illegal drug . you 're into this up to your -- david : look , look , greenlee is like a sister to me . she came to me wanting help . she was desperate to know the truth . and you want to know something ? i wanted her to know it . you know what the real question is here -- why do n't you ? what , is that your idea of love ? ryan : hey , shut up . [ scene_break ] simone : oh , come now . you should give greenlee a chance . jonathan : to do what ? i mean , she hates me . you know what it is ? she 's jealous of me . simone : is that why you do n't like her ? or is it that no one is good enough for your brother ? jonathan : no , no . ryan told me about gillian . she sounded cool . that 's who he should be with . he should never have lost gillian . [ phone rings ] kendall : turn it off . simone : my cell phone . where did i put that thing ? david : so greenlee 's not answering , huh ? she 's probably busy , does n't want you screwing things up . why do n't you let her do what she has to do ? ryan : and why do n't you stay away from us ? simone : ok , here it is . i got it right here . where 'd you go ? oh ! jonathan : hey . we 've got spies . [ scene_break ] adam : brooke , you love your son . how can you just ignore what babe is doing to him ? brooke : you 're right , about one thing only . if i could choose a young woman for my son , it would not be babe . adam : of course not . so how do we get him out of this mess ? brooke : well , why do n't you tell me ? because you 're the one who got him into it . adam : i had nothing to do with it . brooke : you and j.r. practically threw babe into his arms . adam : are you overcome with grief ? maybe you should sit down . j.r. was the victim of -- brooke : oh , come off it ! j.r. turned against babe long before he ever found out that bess was bianca 's little girl . j.r. made babe 's life miserable ! and my sweet , kind , big - hearted son tried to do the right thing . he tried to get your son to do the right thing , to stand behind his wife and to forgive her ! adam : you ca n't blame my son for your son 's mistakes ! brooke : j.r. treated that girl like dirt ! adam : she is dirt ! brooke : and she needed a hero , and my son stepped in to save her ! you and j.r. basically were the ones that made him turn to her at all . and if you want to help me with him , then this is what you will do . [ scene_break ] jamie : just spill it already . what did you do ? j.r. : good luck finding an apartment . you 're not getting your old one , jamie . jamie : who says we want it ? j.r. : please . i bought the whole building . and i do n't rent to trash , so you wo n't be living there . tad : you and your powerful friends ca n't buy every building in town , j.r . j.r. : i will if i have to . there are some crack houses down on division street you might be able to flop at , but other than that -- babe : oh , god . fine . do you worst , j.r . it wo n't even matter . jamie : we have each other . j.r. : and that 'll get old real fast . babe : you still ca n't take away what matters -- my three hours a week with my son . j.r. : oh , i 'll get around to that eventually . tad : oh , for god 's sake , why ca n't you just leave them alone ? j.r. : the only way i 'll leave them alone is if they disappear . leave pine valley ! jamie : you ca n't run us out . tad : they can always stay here with me . j.r. : you would let that slut play house in my mother 's home ? you would trash her memory like that ? [ scene_break ] jack : lily , sweetheart , we know how terrified you were . anybody would be . but -- but you do n't have to be scared now because erica and i are here , and we 're here to protect you . erica : lily , your dad and i want to help you . you saw aidan with anita , and you realized that he was your friend , not your boyfriend . did you want to have time alone to think ? is that why you climbed up into the loft ? jack : honey , were you alone in those stables ? erica : was there a man there , lily ? a man in a wheelchair ? [ scene_break ] simone : i thought you guys left , and you 've been eavesdropping on us ? oh , i thought that you were my friends ! jonathan : guess you guys heard some interesting stuff , huh ? kendall : well , not really . jonathan : well , what was the point ? what do you want ? what are you after ? simone : you know , i give you guys way too much credit , ok ? they like to make fun of me and whoever i 'm dating . jonathan : oh , so now we 're dating ? that 's a step up from friends , huh ? great , let 's go to dinner . uh , guys , you know what they say -- three 's company . well , four is a mob scene , so bye . greenlee : you hate me . you want to wipe me off the face of the earth . jonathan : there 's nothing wrong with her ears . greenlee : do you want to get rid of me enough to poison me ? ryan : jonathan . you all right ? jonathan : i 've been better . ryan : i know what you 've done here , greenlee . jonathan : ryan , ryan , no , hey , hey , it 's fine . we caught them hiding . no harm done . just keep them busy , please ? hey , i 'm thinking lobster . simone : oh , that sounds good . jonathan : yeah ? let 's go . ryan : wait one second . will you do something for me , please ? will you just come here and just sit and be quiet ? would you do that for me , please ? just sit down ? jonathan : well , yeah , of course , ryan . i 'll do anything you want . you do n't have to ask . here , sit here , sit here . simone : ok . ryan : did you drink this ? jonathan : well , i was not -- but sim -- yeah , yes , ryan , i did drink it . i 'm sorry . i told you would n't drink , but -- ryan : jonathan , just tell me how you feel . how do you feel ? jonathan : great . it was a really nice bottle of wine . ryan : they drugged you , jonathan . they drugged you . jonathan : no , they did n't . i feel fine , ryan . ryan : greenlee and kendall put a drug in your wine . jonathan : get out ! oh , simone , did you have something to do with this ? wait a minute , what kind of drug did you put in -- ryan : it was some sort of drug to make people tell the truth . how could you do this ? greenlee : you need to believe that jonathan is innocent . you still see him as this sweet little boy , as your dad 's victim . you need to see who he is now . kendall : just show some courage , ryan , ok ? just suck it up and listen to the truth , because right now your brother will tell us anything we want to know . and if i 'm right , if jonathan drugged me , where do you go from there ? ryan : do n't any of you mess with my brother again . do you understand ? let 's get out of here . kendall : we were so close . simone : now i really do need a drink . greenlee : it 's all over . [ scene_break ] erica : she 's coping by using those band - aids . jack : yeah , look at her . she 's not rocking back and forth or -- or chanting . and we 're not forcing her to stay here . you know her , if she did n't want to be with us , she 'd be right in that bedroom . i think you 're absolutely right . i think she wants us to reach her . come on , let 's -- let 's give it a try . erica : lily ? you remember we talked about boyfriends and breaking up and how painful that is ? but , lily , there 's something that i did n't tell you . when i was just about your age , something really terrible happened to me . i mean , really terrible . and i felt that i really could n't tell anybody . so i just kept it all inside me . but the truth is i just felt worse and worse . and then i realized that it really -- it 's less scary when you talk . it makes you feel better when you share those things with people who love you . your father and i love you so much , lily . wo n't you please tell us what frightened you ? [ scene_break ] brooke : as long as you continue to victimize babe , my son is going to hang around to save her . call off j.r . adam : i do n't have him on a leash . brooke : talk to him and convince him that this vendetta is self - defeating . i mean , why waste time trying to make trouble for babe when you could be bonding with your grandson ? brooke : you know , our time here is limited . none of us knows how much we have . adam : i do n't intend to waste a moment . brooke : why do n't you use the time to create a legacy of forgiveness and love ? you know , do n't leave your grandson with nothing but vengeance and hate . tad : not a day goes by i do n't think about your mother . i loved her more than you 'll ever understand . j.r. : so you 'll let that stay here ? tad : she had great instincts about people . she would 've loved babe . the only desecration in this house to dixie is you . she had you taken from her when you were born . to her , that was worse than death . and here you are doing the same thing to babe . she would 've been ashamed of you . [ doorbell rings ] jamie : who 's that ? adam ? tad : you bring reinforcements ? david : hey . j.r. : wow , this just gets better and better . you saved me a trip . babe : hi , daddy . you see , j.r . here , he crawled up from hades to spew some of his evil . david : i 've already lost my privileges at the hospital . my medical license has been yanked . what do you think you 're going to do to me ? j.r. : you know , it 's funny that you mention that . you know the property where your cabin stands ? it 's going to be a nature preserve . you have to have your cabin torn down . david : oh , that 's a load of garbage . j.r. : check it out . you 've been dispossessed . hey ! maybe you can move in here with tad , like babe and jamie ! what do you say , tad ? you got an extra bunk for dr. death ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : i mean , have you ever looked -- i mean , really looked into simone 's eyes ? ryan : why do n't you take a hot shower ? i 'll order some sandwich from room service , ok ? jonathan what ? what ? what did you say ? no . no , i know a setup when i see one . i 've been faked out before ! what are you -- no ! ryan : whoa , hey , hey -- jonathan : no , no , you want to get rid of me like dad ! you want to hurt me like him ! ryan : no , no , no , i do n't ! it 's me ! it 's ryan ! jonathan : yeah ! ryan : your brother ! jonathan : yeah , i know , and you say you love me , but people lie , ryan ! they lie ! even when they talk soft and smile and laugh , they lie ! ryan : hey -- jonathan : no , you want to hurt me like dad ! ryan : just look into my eyes ! it 's me , it 's ryan ! jonathan : stop acting like dad , ryan ! ryan : i 'm not doing anything , ok ? i thought you might want to take a shower , have some food , and -- jonathan : sandwiches , sandwiches . you said something about sandwiches . i wo n't have one , ryan . you ca n't make me eat one ! i wo n't do it ! ryan : i 'm not going to make you do anything you do n't want to do . that was n't the idea . jonathan : good , good , because i 'm not going to eat one , ryan ! you ca n't make me eat a sandwich ! ryan : shh . breathe . jonathan , you know it 's me , right ? you know it 's your brother . it 's ryan . and you know i would never , ever do anything to hurt you . you know that . jonathan : yeah . yeah , ryan , i know that . ryan : i hate to ask you this right now , man , but i really need to know . what exactly -- what exactly did dad do to you ? [ scene_break ] kendall : why in the hell did n't you turn off your cell phone ? i mean , could you have a louder , more annoying ring ? simone : oh , people think i 'm the ditz of this operation . really , that was stupid . i mean , greenlee , if i were you , i would fire myself . greenlee : thanks . i needed that . simone : oh , come on . if your friends are n't going to tell you when you bash your life so badly that you have no hope of any kind of future , then who 's going to tell you ? kendall : ok , all right , take it easy . simone : what ? you wanted the truth . you ca n't handle it ? kendall : all right . where 's jonathan 's glass ? simone : oh , it 's very easy to identify . i put a teensy - weensy little dab of our mango luscious stain -- nail stain on the glass , and it 's around here some -- oh ! here it is . kendall : right . you surprised ? greenlee : not in the least . how do you feel ? simone : i 'm fine . not that you or kendall really care . kendall : we care . simone : oh , please . you guys are too busy pushing me around to actually show me . greenlee : if we call you a cab , will that prove it ? simone : a limo would . greenlee : ok , a limo . simone : really ? kendall : yeah , yeah , just stay away from the police station , please ? greenlee : and ryan and jonathan . simone : aw , you mean no more spying ? even if i 'm the best one here in this very room ? even if those right in front of me think they 're more superior ? greenlee : yeah . yeah . we all have to stay away from ryan and his brother tonight . simone : all ? including you ? greenlee : especially me . simone : yeah , but you 're married to ryan . greenlee : we 'll see . [ scene_break ] jonathan : sandwiches . i think that 's what it was . it was the sandwiches . he had to make me the same sandwiches every day , so i think that 's why dad hated me , ryan , because he had to make the same sandwiches . ryan : hockett , will you tell me more about that , please ? jonathan : he thought he was so funny . he would make one bologna , ketchup , mayo on white , and then he 'd put it in front of me , he watched -- watched me eat half of it , and then he slid it away , and i asked why because i wanted the other half , and he just stared at me and he did n't say anything , and then finally he looked at me and said , `` i was waiting to see if you died , `` said , `` ha . `` some joke , huh ? ryan : i do n't get it . jonathan : he said he -- he said he put in a special ingredient . he said he put some poison in , enough to kill me . ryan : that son of a bitch . jonathan : i started bawling . i cried like a little girl . dad -- uh -- dad made fun of me . i reached for the phone to call the ambulance , but he yanked it out of my hand , and i was shaking and crying so hard that i threw up . and i figured that was it . you know , the poison was out of my system . and dad looked at me and said i was a crybaby and that i was acting like a girl , and that there was n't any poison in my sandwich , but he would one day and i 'd know about it when it was too late . and dad made those sandwiches for me the rest of the time , and he made me eat them every day , and every day i 'd get sick and throw up . ryan : and what about the shower ? i asked you earlier if you wanted to take a shower , and -- what 'd he do , man ? what 'd he do to you ? jonathan : he 'd turn it on full blast and he 'd yank me out of bed and he 'd put my head under it and let the water rush in my face until i had to open my mouth so that the water came rushing down my throat until it choked me . on the days that he did n't yank me out of bed and take me to the shower , i 'd fall back to sleep and i 'd wake up with him standing over me , pressing a pillow into my face . `` lazy son of a bitch , you 're just like your mother . you 're going to lay around all day , lay around just like your lazy mother ? `` one day , i stopped fighting the pillow . i wanted him to do it . i wanted him to smother me . i just wanted to let go . i wanted him to let go so badly . i passed out . when i woke up , he was standing over me , and he said , `` not today , boy . not today , jonny , but soon . not today . i brought you in this world , i 'll take you out . `` and then he -- he walked away , laughing . ryan : when did he start ? jonathan : when i came looking for you . i bet i would 've found you , too . i think i would 've found you , but he stopped me and he dragged me back home . `` you think ryan 's going to come and save you now ? you 're wrong . now you 're mine , boy , and we 're going to have fun , my way . ryan 's never coming back for you . never . `` that 's the only true thing dad ever said . [ scene_break ] erica : lily , i know the color red upsets you , but i really need to know what the red was this time that scared you so much . was the red like the cut on your finger , lily ? was it that kind of red ? jack : did you see someone in the barn getting hurt ? a man in a wheelchair ? erica : was the red blood , lily ? was it the man in the wheelchair 's blood ? jack : lily ? sweetheart , where – [ scene_break ] adam : the legal system failed me . they gave jamie a free ride . brooke : so follow their lead . adam : damn it , brooke . while jamie and babe were in new orleans playing hide the bananas foster , i was mourning my grandson . brooke : they were n't having fun . adam : they stole my son 's child ! and i will never forgive them for that . you tell jamie justice may be blind , but i 'm not . he going to pay for what he 's done to us . brooke : i was willing to establish a truce , and all you had to do was meet me halfway . you want more ? you harm my son , you harm him in any way at all , i will go after you in ways you never expect . adam : i believe you 're serious . brooke : i have lost too many people i love , and i will not lose again . get the hell out of my office . [ scene_break ] j.r. : well , it 's been fun . tad : do n't come back , j.r . i 'd hate to have to turn you away . j.r. : no problem . you should call your friends at wrcw . with this screwed up group , you have the makings of a great reality show . babe : god , he ca n't really do that , can he ? he ca n't just kick you out and take your home . david : who cares . it 's just a place to live . it 's not like the place had a lot of great memories , anyway . babe : i hate him . david : all right , look , let 's forget about j.r. , all right ? how were you doing before he showed up ? that 's what i wanted to find out . babe : i 'm ok . david : are you sure ? there 's nothing i can do ? nothing you need ? babe : just work on saving your home , ok ? david : you look tired . get some sleep , ok ? i 'll come back tomorrow . babe : thank you . jamie : hey , let 's get some air . tad : so , they 're going to turn the old lab into kindling , huh ? david : so he says . tad : you know , you could try chaining yourself to the place , try to stop the bulldozers . david : you 'd like that , would n't you ? tad : yeah , you got me . david : i can feel the love . babe : hey . i would live with you in a tent or a hut of twigs or even a cave . with you like this , j.r. could try his worst and i would n't even notice . jamie : there 's no way he 's going to win . [ doorbell rings ] tad : hmm , with my luck , it 's going to be derek or the fbi . simone : hi . tad : whoa , whoa . what can i do for you ? simone : just about anything . tad : huh ? simone : that 's why i 'm here , tad -- because i had to tell you the truth . i 'm susceptible to you . tad : what ? simone : truthfully , i have to tell you that you are without a doubt the most incredible lover i have ever had . tad : i 'm sorry , that 's -- simone : oh , no , please , please , do not be sorry . you made me glad that i 'm me . and if you ever have the urge or a loose end , please call me . i promise you i will make you so happy you 're you . mmm . oh , this truth stuff is really fun . it really does set you free . [ scene_break ] kendall : you know what , i bet the drug has not worn off yet . i 'm going to go to the valley inn right now . i 'm going to talk to jonathan . greenlee : no , no , please do n't . let it go . kendall : well , do you think ryan 's grilling him ? greenlee : there 's so much that ryan does n't want to hear right now . kendall : yes , but if jonathan is talking to him , he 's telling the truth for a change . ryan will hear everything . i hope he 's giving him the third degree . greenlee : if he does -- kendall : well , if he does , then he 'll figure out just what kind of a man his brother is , and then their relationship will be dead . greenlee : or my relationship with ryan dead . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i was right . dad thought he was funny , but he was n't funny at all . ryan : no , he was n't funny , jonathan . jonathan : uh - uh . ryan : he was sick , and he was cruel . jonathan : hey , ryan ? i 'm tired . can i go to sleep now ? ryan : soon . soon . i just have to ask you one more question , ok , and i really need you to tell me the truth . no matter what , you tell me the truth . the truth . jonathan : mm - hmm , sure . what is it ? ryan : i need to know if my own brother poisoned my wife . jonathan : yes . [ next_on ] ryan : it 's over . jonathan , i 'm gon na put you away . maria : you 're a phony , and you 're not here to mourn edmund . you 're here to rub it in my face . david : jonathan lavery 's not gon na hurt you , maggie , or bianca or anybody else ever again .
while david is drunk , he inadvertently tips ryan off that kendall and greenlee are drugging jonathan to get the truth out of him . knowing that , ryan goes and takes his brother home . jonathan tells ryan all of the secrets about the terrible things his father did to him when he was a child . ryan also asks jonathan if he poisoned greenlee . and he admits he did .
tad : come on . it 's got to be around here somewhere . janet 's well , natalie 's home away from home . so where is it , janet ? who 'd you shove in this time ? [ while searching around the woods with his flashlight , tad is felled by a punch to the face . ] [ scene_break ] dixie : `` i wo n't die . `` you can make a promise like that ? zach : mm - hmm , i can . take my word and my offer . i have hundreds of rooms . dixie : now , look , i -- i 've wasted too much time already . i have to go . zach : you have to go and do what ? open that wound and bleed on my couch some more ? dixie : look , i 'm fine . zach : yeah , i can see that . whoever shot you wo n't get to you here . dixie : look , you have to forget about this , ok ? you have to forget this ever happened . zach : i will . as soon as i send my friends out to find whoever did this to you , i 'll forget all about it . dixie : no , no , no , no , no . you ca n't do that . you -- you have to promise me that you 're not going to go after him . zach : `` him `` ? do you know who it was ? you know who shot you ? dixie : it was my son . [ scene_break ] j.r. : where does your wack - job mother have babe and my son ? jamie : hey , hey , back off , j.r. ! amanda : hey ! j.r. , i do n't know , i swear . j.r. : liar ! tell me ! amanda : you 're hurting me ! jamie : let go of her ! amanda : god . j.r. : you say it , or i 'll reach down your throat , and i 'll rip it out of you . [ scene_break ] babe : what do you mean , little a and i are never going to leave this cabin again ? janet : oh , come on , babe , you 're smarter than that . you know i say what i mean , and i mean what i say . it 's over . fini , nada mas . it is a cruel , cruel world out there , and you are never going to have to deal with it again . [ janet stands in the doorway wielding a sledge hammer . ] [ scene_break ] zach : your son , junior -- he 's the one that shot at you , the one you want to protect , that guy ? dixie : come on , now , he did n't intentionally shoot me . zach : he did n't intentionally shoot you ? dixie : oh . look , he -- he can not know that he hit me , do you understand ? it would kill him , ok ? he was n't aiming at me . he was n't -- zach : oh -- dixie : i was n't in the room , he did n't know that i was outside . he did n't mean to shoot me . zach : he does n't know you 're here , does he ? dixie : he does n't know that i 'm alive . zach : ok . so tell me again , why did he shoot his gun ? dixie : was upset . he was angry . he 's -- he was drunk . he was frustrated , because his child is missing . he thought babe took his son , but she did n't . it was janet . janet has both the mother of his child and his son . she kidnapped them both after the mardi gras explosion . zach : ok , ok , ok . who 's this woman , janet ? who is that ? dixie : janet dillon ? zach : i -- i do n't know . she kidnapped babe and the kid , why ? dixie : because she 's crazy . zach : how crazy ? dixie : she 's just completely crazy . she -- she killed my brother . look , you 're just going to have to take my word for it that she 's completely nuts . she 's capable of anything , even hurting a child , and j.r. does n't know where his son is , and he thinks that he could be hurt or -- or he could be dead . zach : ok , ok , ok . if there is good news , i guess it 's that babe is with her kid . dixie : and what about babe ? i mean , is she smart ? does she love her son ? will she protect him ? zach : yes , she will do anything for little adam . she will do whatever it takes . [ scene_break ] babe : i hope that 's not a new toy for little a . janet : this is what i call a timesaver -- one good smash , and then you 're on to the next one . babe : to the next what ? janet : sign . janet : keep out the nosy nellies and the looky - lous so nobody bothers our family . babe : i 'm not quite sure i understand . janet : oh , it 's my fault . sometimes my brain works so fast , i can hardly keep up , let alone someone who 's , you know , not in here with me . ah . we stay here , make this our new home ! this will be our home . i feel it . it 's going to be such a wonderful place for you and me and our son . babe : oh , but are you sure that signs will be able to keep people out ? i think , like , of snakes like j.r. -- he barely obeys the law , much less a sign , especially when he 's looking for his child and now , janet , they know about you . they 're going to be looking for you . janet : it is so sweet of you to be worried about your new mom . but you do n't need to , because they are never going to think to look here for me . they 'll never find me . do n't you worry , and you know what ? they 're not going to find you or the baby . do n't you worry -- they 'll never find us here , and we 're going to have such a special time . babe : it 's so fun , it sounds like a dream . oh . it 's just , it 's too bad it wo n't last . we 're going to -- we 're going to have to eat , we 're going to need supplies , and we 're going to need clothes . little adam is outgrowing his shoes every few weeks now . janet : look , i got at least six months worth of food -- babe : oh . janet : and we got plenty of cash . i cleaned out trevor 's and my bank accounts , and i raided the chandler wall safe . babe : hmm . janet : ha ! serve them right , wo n't it ? so , little a can have all the shoes that he wants . maybe i should make him some , but i think he should go barefoot in the summer . a little boy with his feet in the ground . babe : what happens if he gets a really bad splinter ? he could get -- he could get poison ivy . he 'd have to go see the doctor , right ? janet : listen to you ! you are such a -- a city girl . no . you and me and little adam at one with nature -- this is the way life was supposed to be . [ scene_break ] tad : hayward ? get that stupid thing out of my face . what is wrong with you ? what the hell is your problem ? david : what is my problem ? your smug , useless boys -- that 's my problem . my daughter missing , my grandson missing -- those are my problem . tad : right . so if you want to break somebody 's jaw , go after janet dillon . do n't go after me and do n't go after my boys . david : j.r. has been trying to destroy her just like he destroys everything else in his life . and jamie is just as bad because he 's clueless . man . their only hope was dixie . those boys were doomed the second she died . [ scene_break ] jamie : suddenly you get it ? janet 's had babe all along . j.r. : and your playmate here knows where they are . amanda : j.r. , look , i 'm trying . i swear i have no idea . i 'm sorry . jamie : is this how you help babe , help find your son ? make threats , throw a tantrum ? j.r. : and what do you do ? you hold hands with the psycho 's daughter ? you play big , protective hero ? i 'm not james ! i do n't care what happens to you ! you tell me where janet is , or so help me , i will make you . derek : there a problem ? j.r. : why have n't you found babe and my son ? do i have to call the governor so that you do your job ? derek : i got the list you e - mailed -- places janet might be ? i need you to help me break it down , amanda . j.r. : so now you 'll talk , and i 'll be right here to listen . derek : and why would i allow that ? j.r. : my son . derek : my case , which you 've royally screwed up , and i 'll toss you in jail for obstruction if you do n't get out of my face . j.r. : you do n't want to mess with me , frye . derek : yeah , i know , i know . you 'll have my job . get out -- now . j.r. : i 'm not done with you . [ scene_break ] krystal : why are we here ? adam : so you can rest and recover . krystal : oh , and eat bonbons and watch reruns ? my two babies need me . adam : yes , they do need you safe and calm and looked after . krystal : oh , and who 's going to do that , huh ? you ? adam : yes , if you 'll let me . krystal : oh , what kind of sucker do you think i am ? you pulled this big- hearted , `` adam caring for freaked - out krystal `` routine last time crazy lady took little adam . remember what happened then ? adam : you refused to accept my comfort . krystal : because you said my pain served me right . you said it was exactly what i needed . you want to jerk someone around , you find someone else , because you are not going to shine me on ever again . adam : i could see the fear in your eyes , and i want to fix it . krystal : you as good as told your goons to blast my little girl on sight . and then your son almost killed me as a bonus , so do n't make nice and try to act concerned . do n't you ever touch me again . [ scene_break ] janet : `` stay away . `` i thought `` trespassers will be shot `` just sounded a tad harsh . babe : and not true , right ? janet : oh , yeah , of course it 's true . but , you know , why tip our hand ? oh , babe . nobody 's going to bother us , and tonight , we 're going to start our wonderful new life together -- new family , new freedoms like you do n't even imagine . babe : oh , no , she ca n't . no , no , she ca n't , we ca n't . hey , little man , it 's ok . little adam : no , i want to stay in . babe : it 's ok . i know you want to go . i know , i know . hey , come here . i promise you not one more night in this place , but mama 's going to have to find another way . i think it 's time for your mama to turn commando , sweet boy . [ scene_break ] jamie : you want amanda to know how much you hate her ? she does . you want her scared out of her mind ? she is , and she is also in there with the chief of police trying to nail down where janet has babe and little a . j.r. : well , she 'd better think a lot faster ! jamie : you and your mouth make amanda shut down . damn it , j.r. you want to blow this for your son ? j.r. : oh , you have the stones to pin this on me ? it 's my fault my son 's missing ? coming from the guy who stole my son , who wanted my son to call him `` daddy `` ? jamie : oh , that 's it , j.r. go drown in the past , up to your eyeballs . do n't deal with the here - and - now . you want your son home , so do i . j.r. : oh , yeah , because you love him so much . jamie : yes . and i care about babe . and as big of a jerk as you can be , i still love you . i mean , do you get it now , j.r. ? i want your family back safe and sound with you . [ scene_break ] babe : signs go in ok ? janet : one swift of my sledgie - wammy . how 's our boy ? babe : a little homesick , i think . janet : is n't it wonderful how children are so adaptable ? it 's getting late , though . there is no supper on this table . let 's see what we have for dinner and what does our -- babe : how about a can of soup -- janet : freezer have for us ? babe : or nothing . i 'm -- i 'm not really that hungry . janet : oh , nonsense . little boys need tasteful meals . i used to make my amanda tasteful but healthy meals . of course , that was in the old days . trevor , are you -- you 're such a freezer potato . yeah , i could hand you a remote . and it would just be same old same old , except now you ca n't boss me around or anyone else in my new family , so you just relax . you chill out . babe : you know , toast ? toast sounds really good right now . janet : babe ? babe ? do not be afraid of him . i know how to put trevor in his place , and he is going to stay there until he is ready to come out and play nice . all right . now , here we go . i think leg of lamb -- whoops . ha ! you might need that when the thaw comes , but i would n't hold your breath . babe : oh , god . janet : what 's the matter ? babe ? babe : nothing , it 's -- it 's a lot of food . janet : yeah , it 's frozen solid , too . that 's not going to defrost until tomorrow . you know , if my sledgehammer had n't worked , i could 've used this -- huh . you know , time for plan b . all right , we have got beans , rice , pasta . what sounds good ? babe : plan b works for me . [ babe eyes the huge frozen leg of lamb that janet just took out of the meat freezer where trevor 's body rests . ] [ scene_break ] tad : dixie 's life is off - limits to you -- her name , her memory , the fact that she ever existed . david : sorry , martin . you ca n't rewrite history . i was there . oh . i know you were there , dave . that 's a fact i 'll never forget . let me tell you something -- you think my sons are to blame for what happened ? well , i think you 're to blame , because you 're absolutely right . jamie and j.r. 's life went straight to hell the day that dixie died , and she died because of you . david : oh , there you go rewriting history still . i saved her life . tad : you did your job . and in your mind , that makes you some kind of a hero , a fact that you could never let her forget , because you wanted her in the worst way . david : yeah , that 's right . and i had her in the best . tad : touché , dave . what , am i supposed to cringe ? you think i give a crap that you slept with dixie ? david : oh , you know , i do n't care what you think , martin . the fact is this -- i made dixie happy . tad : no , you 're -- wait -- david : no , no , i 'm sorry . tad : whoa , whoa , whoa . david : the word was `` blissful . `` tad : no , no , who 's rewriting history now ? let 's go over the facts , shall we ? she loved me , not you . she was married to me , not you , three times -- count them , three . she did n't go to europe to have your child , dave . that was my baby girl , a child she wanted so badly she was willing to risk her life , and that turned you inside out , so you did everything you possibly could to make sure she left us . david : she left because she did n't want you to rule her world . tad : no . she left because you lied to her . you turned her inside out , played on her fear , make her think she had to keep that secret , make her run and hide someplace that i would never find her . david : yeah , that 's right . that 's right -- where you would n't find her and force her to terminate her pregnancy . dixie wanted a baby , tad , even yours ! and you could n't get out from behind your own ego to see that . tad : no , i guess not , because the only thing i could see was the fact that the pregnancy might kill her , and i wanted her alive . i wanted dixie alive . that 's all i ever wanted . [ scene_break ] zach : oh , look at you . you 're standing . that 's perfect -- now you can sit back down . dixie : i have -- zach : you try that jacket on later . dixie : i have to help j.r. find his son . zach : ok . you want to help him ? do it by feeling better . heal , eat something . dixie : oh . zach : come on . dixie : come on . i know . zach : all right . dixie : oh , janet -- zach : now , listen -- listen to me . chandler security , there 's police -- everyone 's looking for them . they 're going to find the mother and the child . dixie : i know janet . i know how to look for her . zach : all right , then tell me . i 'll go look for her . what ? you 're not strong enough to make it to the lobby . you ca n't go on a manhunt . dixie : i ca n't let j.r. suffer . to not know where your baby is , to not know if they 're ok -- i 've been through that . i ca n't let j.r. go through what i did . [ scene_break ] j.r. : just shut up . whoever you claim to love or care about , i just want my son back . jamie : that 's right . you do what you do best -- pick a fight , make threats . just try not to get in the way of the people who are actually trying to bring janet down . j.r. : i ca n't do it , jamie . i ca n't lose babe and my son . here , in here . it 's either -- it 's either yell or cry or die inside . they 're out there somewhere where i ca n't find them , and i ca n't help them . jamie : you 're scared . so am i. i 'm scared as hell . j.r. : what if i lose them again , jamie ? what if babe and my son -- what if they 're already – [ scene_break ] krystal : i will have j.r. thrown in jail so fast -- adam : i am sorry . i 'm so sorry . krystal : and if they do n't get him on attempted murder and kidnapping and whatever else chief frye can think of -- adam : how would i know that he was going to kidnap you ? krystal : i 'm sure that judge will convict him on being a spoiled , nasty -- oh , and you can just forget -- adam : and the gun ? krystal : about those judges that you have in your pocket , because i 'll find judges somewhere else , so help me i will ! adam : i 'm sorry that you were -- i 'm so relieved you were n't hurt . tell me what i can do to make it all up to you . krystal : make it up to me ? adam : yes . krystal : you really think you can do that ? make it ok that your son almost killed me , that you poisoned the man against babe to begin with ? adam : no , i 've admitted that , and i hate that i did that . just tell me what i can do to convince you how sorry i am . krystal : oh . all this so i wo n't press charges against your precious junior , then i turn around , and you 're just going to be a creep all over again . adam : no , i hate what i did . krystal : because you got busted . adam : no , because you almost got hurt . and your daughter 's out there , and you 're terrified . krystal : you think babe is trash . adam : you love her more than life itself , krystal . look , i just -- i ca n't stand to see you in pain . i -- i want to help you . i want -- i want us to help each other . i want us to be a family again . please , to survive this , let me help you . krystal : then bring me my baby and my grandbaby . you tell me that they are ok , that they are safe , that janet is gone and that no one , no one will ever hurt them again . can you tell me that ? well , then , damn it , what good are you to me ? [ scene_break ] janet : you are such a good mother 's little helper , babe . it 's too bad about dinner tonight . that 's all right . lamb tomorrow will be wonderful . [ janet gasps ] janet : oh ! we should dress for dinner . would n't that be fun ? we could have candlelight and fancy clothes . honey , could you go get me the salt ? it 's over there . babe : yeah . sure . but , you know , little adam , he -- he does n't have any dress clothes , so -- janet : that 's all right . he 's just as cute as can be anyway , but you 're right . you know , we should make him something special . i used to make a -- i used to make a lot of dresses and costumes . i could teach you . babe : i 'm kind of a slow learner . janet : it 's ok . we have all the time in the world now here . babe : you know , that 'd be fine for me , but little adam -- he 's going to preschool soon and , you know -- janet : honey , homeschool is where it 's at , and mathematics -- that 'll be a snap since i 'm a certifiable accountant -- `` certified , `` i mean . could you open that ? and art -- i always found the paint - by - numbers kits very soothing . we should send away for some this week . babe : we do n't exactly get the postman out here banging on the door . janet : our son is going to grow up to be an amazing young man . [ when janet turns around to set the table , babe whacks her on the back of the head with the frozen leg of lamb . ] [ scene_break ] dixie : thank you . zach : now , back at the cemetery , you were telling me about j.r. , but there 's something you 're not telling me . dixie : oh -- when i went to europe , i was pregnant with a little girl . zach : the accident . dixie : i ca n't tell you about this , i 'm sorry . zach : it 's ok . dixie : it 's just the thought of my son in that kind of pain -- i have to help my son , ok ? zach : i 'm not an expert , but i do n't think a glass of water is going to help this . dixie : yeah , well , like you said , you 're not an expert . zach : ok . you stay here , and i will add my men to the search . dixie : back at the cemetery , did n't you say something about not interfering in other people 's lives ? zach : yeah , you 're right , i did . ok . i wo n't send my men . you go ahead . i 'll follow you . [ scene_break ] adam : i got it . krystal : nothing ? adam : no new leads , no -- no trails for janet or little adam . krystal : or babe . adam : yeah . krystal : i guess i should be grateful , huh ? relieved that your goons did n't take a shot at my little girl ? adam : you have my word that babe will not be injured by one of my men . krystal : your word -- your word means squat to me , and j.r. 's even less . huh . here i thought i was such a good mama . when babe decided she wanted j.r. back , i did n't tie her up and ship her off . that 's what a real mama would have done . not pitched in and helped out . i aided . i abetted . i could -- i could just kick myself . adam : what are you talking about ? aiding and abetting ? krystal : babe had visions of her and j.r. back in her head . the white dress , the vows . them and their son . and when i could n't talk them out of it , i hooked up with you -- to clear the trail for babe and to keep an eye on her son . adam : you 're not making any sense . you did n't come here willingly . you 're forgetting that west virginia moonshine -- krystal : oh . adam : and that ridiculous bar . krystal : yeah , well , check me out , huh ? i did the impossible . i managed to out drink and out think the great adam chandler . mm - hmm . while you were having me , adam , i was having you all over . our wedding night . i conned you . i was n't taken in by -- by moonshine and all your -- your sex appeal . i needed an in to the chandler mansion . and you were it . i married you on purpose , adam , so that babe could have her son back . [ scene_break ] babe : ok . ok . oh -- oh , god . oh , please -- please -- please do n't let me have committed murder . please , please . ok . oh . oh . ok , ok . good ! good , good , good . no murder , not murder , just self - defense , ok . now , if you could just stay out long enough for what ? for what ? come on , babe , think , think , think . for -- for -- the keys . the keys . yes , yes , yes , the keys . the cabinet , the cell phone , open the door . yes , ok , keys . ok , check in the pocket . keys -- ok . come on . oh , come on , you 've got to be kidding me . oh , come on , baby , hurry . [ babe gasps as she pulls the keys out of janet 's pocket . ] babe : yes , ok . oh , yes , thank god ! thank god , thank god , thank god ! [ janet regains consciousness and grabs babe . ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : my son -- the woman that i love -- it 's like i just lose them over and over again , and i -- i ca n't do it , jamie . i ca n't do it again . jamie : you do n't have to do this on your own . people love you , j.r. cut yourself some slack . let us in . trust us . j.r. : yeah . trust . jamie : can giving us a shot be worse than dealing with this on your own ? then give us a shot . i swear , you wo n't be let down again . [ scene_break ] derek : i 've got black and whites hitting the spots on here now . you think of a new place , you let me know right away . amanda : derek , please do not let them hurt her . derek : my word to you and trevor -- we 'll do our best . amanda : my dad ? have you talked to him ? did you find out where he is ? derek : not yet . i 'm going through channels . government types say the same thing -- there 's no employee by that name , no secret mission . takes a while . amanda : then forget the government , ok ? my mom says he 's overseas . let 's put it in the paper , take out billboards . derek : we push too hard , we might blow your dad 's cover , compromise the mission . amanda : my dad 's mission should be my mom . derek : we 'll find trevor . just takes a while . [ scene_break ] janet : i want answers . babe , i thought that we had a real bond . i thought that we had connected , because we 've both had to fight so hard to be with the ones that we love . and then we 've been shunted aside when our love became disposable . we were betrayed once we opened our hearts . babe : let me just see my son . janet : your son -- you said that he could be our son and that you were going to be my daughter . you gave me hope . babe , you gave me hope that we would have our very own family . do you know how awful it is to give somebody hope and then just pull it out from under them ? that 's cruel . babe : yes , i know . i know you let me walk through that door with my son only to drag us right back in here . and now , i am ten feet away from my child , and you wo n't even let me hold him . janet : then you feel my pain . babe : yes , i have a clue . janet : but what you did was worse , because you hurt me on purpose . babe : and what ? what , did you kidnap me and little adam on accident ? janet : you left me no choice . babe : because of me ? you took my son from his home because of me ? janet : you would n't have come with me otherwise -- would you ? babe : and that makes sense how ? you can not just lock people up , because you get the itch , janet ! janet : people do it to me repeatedly . babe : because you kidnap people , and you knock them over the head with crowbars . janet : you just knocked me over the head with a leg of lamb ! babe : yeah , but i 'm not crazy like you ! janet : what did you just say to me ? you -- you 're just like trevor . `` janet , you need help . `` and you 're wrong . you 're all wrong ! and you 're hurtful and you 're mean and -- he got what was coming to him , and you are going to get what 's coming to you ! [ scene_break ] tad : the idea that she could die -- that 's all that ever went through my head back then . the fact that the pregnancy might kill her . and that j.r. and jamie and i would have to lose her all over again . and this time , for good . david : dixie did not die because she was pregnant . tad : she died because she left . you 're to blame for that . and my boys and i lost her all the same . and that never goes away , never changes . every day , we wake up , we deal with that loss . david : well , guess what . every day , i feel the same exact thing . tad : you think i 'm going to stand here and grieve with you about dixie 's death , you 're out of your mind . you take your pain and suck it up . david : do n't waste your time searching janet 's infamous well . i already searched it . that head case has babe and little adam elsewhere . [ scene_break ] babe : my son is in there , and he needs me . please give me the key . janet : you 're clearly in no condition to see him -- on a rampage , bashing people in the head . babe : i 'm his mother . janet : giving birth does n't make you a mother . i had a terrible mother . babe : not like you . janet : no , i 'm a loving mother . loving and supportive . i 'm wonderful . everyone in the world should have a mother like me . it would be such a better place . babe : so that 's what a good mother does ? keeps another mother from her child ? blocks the way ? makes threats ? janet : if she 's been bashed in the head and verbally abused . babe : oh . so another mother rips a little boy from his mother 's arms . you 've done it to him before , and you 're doing it again . janet : he 's fine . not a peep . just a sweet , little boy . babe : you think that this does n't affect him , because he 's so young , janet ? you knew that your mother loved natalie more than you , did n't you ? no matter how young you were . it hurt , did n't it ? if i do n't go to him , you do n't think he 'll feel it ? you think that you 're punishing me , but in reality , you 're punishing him . is that the kind of loving mother you are ? [ scene_break ] krystal : i played you , adam . crow hollow . `` i do . `` the moonshine . all of it . adam : i was there , you know . i -- you matched me drink for drink . and i was so drunk , i could n't see straight . krystal : yeah , yeah , yeah , you were drunk . i was a mother . that 's what i am . that 's who i am . babe 's mama . that 's why i married you , that 's why i slept with you , that 's why i moved into this house . to help babe get one step closer to j.r. and her son . krystal : so you still want to hold my hand and make it better , adam ? hmm ? no ? no , i did n't think so . and that 's fine with me . because as soon as babe and that boy are home , i 'm out . no marriage , no mrs. , and if you so much as blink at me or babe -- if j.r. plays any mind games or court games or tries to stand between babe and little adam for even a second -- adam : all this time -- krystal : if you or j.r. come near babe , i will have j.r. locked up for kidnapping and attempted murder . adam : i wo n't let you do it . krystal : you think you have a choice ? chief frye would pay for me to give him a reason to lock up j.r. , and i 'll hand it over to that man for free . so you go ahead , adam . you do what you do best . you threaten me , you bribe judges , you yell and you scream . adam : this has nothing to do with j.r. or -- or the police . i wo n't let you leave this marriage . krystal : why , so you can think of new ways to torture me ? adam : no . i wo n't let you leave , because i love you . [ scene_break ] amanda : oh , my god . jamie : what is it ? amanda : fish -- fishing . mom -- we 've got to go . j.r. : no , you got to start making some sense first . amanda : my dad has a fishing cabin . [ scene_break ] janet : you think i would hurt that little boy ? babe : i do n't think you want to . which is why you 're going to let me go to him -- now . because you want to be a good example to moms like me . janet : watch and learn , babe . learn from a master . i am a loving , wonderful mother . and you are not . you are deceitful and vicious . and i will keep you away from that child . and i will make sure that you are never exposed to him again . babe : but i 'm his mother . janet : not anymore . i am little adam 's mother now . [ scene_break ] tad : well , dix , i 'm at the end of my rope . for the first time in his miserable life , hayward told the truth . if only you could give me a hint , some kind of sign . never works that way , does it ? if you were here -- oh , god , if only you were here . you 'd know what to do . you 'd never give up . you 'd turn over heaven and earth trying to find j.r. 's little boy , bring him home . oh , god , how great would that be ? if you were here , and we were together again -- this one 's bad , dix . no clues , no leads , no proof that little boy is even alive . j.r. 's a mess . he 's off the rails . convinced he 's going to lose someone all over again . just like he lost you . like we all did . what am i going to do ? [ scene_break ] dixie : wait -- just -- zach : you want to go back ? dixie : no , i just have to catch my breath , ok ? there 's a well over there somewhere . it 's where janet shoved her sister in . it 's got to be around here . zach : what 's that ? it 's a light . [ the light comes from tad , who 's sitting alone in the woods . ] zach : someone got to the well before us . dixie : it 's probably janet . come on , we got to go get to her . what if she takes off ? zach : no , i 'll go . dixie : no . zach : shh . you 're going to stay here . i 'll be right back . dixie : and you 're going to scare her off . no way , big foot , i 'm going . [ scene_break ] tad : god , dixie , if only you were here . [ next_on ] tad : anyone there ? dixie ( to zach ) : just not yet . adam ( to krystal ) : i think you love me , too . ooh ! [ adam reels backward when krystal hauls off and slaps him . ] jamie ( to david ) : have you even tested this thing ? david ( to jamie ) : no , i 've been waiting for that special someone . jamie ( to amanda ) : whatever 's in this needle might kill you . babe ( to janet ) : you want psycho , let 's get psycho !
babe is trying and failing to get herself and little a away from janet . jr reveals to jamie that he is very afraid that his son and the woman he loves are out there , alone and he has n't a clue what has happened to them . jamie tells jr he must put his trust in the people who care about him and let them help . krystal reveals to adam that she does not trust him or his son . the only reason she married him in the first place was so that she could help her daughter get full custody of her son . he tells her that regardless of that , he 's in love with her . amanda finally reveals to jr and jamie that she knows where he mother could be and possibly where he father has gone . she seems to know about the fishing cabin . dixie is keeping her presence a secret with zach 's help . tad goes looking for janet and does not realize that dixie is nearby him in the woods .
annie : what happened in vegas ? are you all right ? did you get hurt ? ryan : i 'm fine . i 'm fine , i 'm home , and i know what i want . annie , will you be my wife ? will you take me as your husband ? will you -- will you wear my ring , will you take my name ? will you marry me ? [ scene_break ] bianca : did you find zach ? kendall : he 's gone . erica : i mean , my goodness , you could 've been killed . why would he just drop you at the door and vanish ? kendall : mom , i 'm fine . erica : i wonder why he would just walk away . kendall : mother , zach saved my life . i owe him forever . [ scene_break ] [ zach encounters zoe at babe 's gravesite . ] [ scene_break ] babe : you want me to stay dead ? josh : why announce to the world that you 're alive if death helps you ? babe : and what about my little boy ? there 's no way i 'm going to let him think that his mama is dead . josh : well , i 've talked to krystal . she and little a are on their way over here . they 'll be here any minute . as soon as they get here , you and i can sneak little a out of pine valley and never look back . [ scene_break ] little adam : where 's mommy ? krystal : we 're going to go see her , ok ? little adam : where is she ? krystal : let 's go . you are the handsomest thing . come on , here we go . little adam : where is she ? j.r. : what do you think you 're doing ? krystal : j.r. , you 're home . j.r. : just answer the question . hey , big guy . did you miss me ? i missed you to the moon and back . i 'm never going to leave you again . hey , you know what ? i smelled some cookies when i came in . winifred 's making some cookies . why do n't you go get yourself one in the kitchen , ok ? go on . yeah , go get a cookie . you were taking my son to see babe ? krystal : j.r. -- little adam has been going on and on about missing his mama day and night . he 's asking where she is , why is n't she here , when can he see her . i just -- my heart was breaking . so i decided to take little adam to the cemetery to visit babe . j.r. : i have n't even told him that his mother 's dead yet , and you were going to take him to her grave ? krystal : i -- i was going to break it to him gently . j.r. : i 'm his father . krystal : but you were n't home . j.r. : i am now . i should be the one to tell him . adam : oh , we heard you helped catch that maniac . thank god you 're home . j.r. : yeah , just in time . adam : um -- is there a problem ? j.r. : are you aware that krystal was going to take my son to babe 's grave ? adam : well , you mentioned -- you mentioned the flower show , but babe 's grave ? krystal : it -- it was a mistake . i -- j.r. , i 'm sorry . it 's just the way little a was going on , i just wanted to do something for him to help him . j.r. : it 's all right , it 's all right . i should 've told him about babe a long time ago . it 's just that every time i 've tried , it -- you 're right . he needs to know that his mother 's dead . i 'll tell him tonight . krystal : no , no . no , you ca n't . [ scene_break ] babe : you , me , and little a running off into the sunset ? you are certifiable . josh : completely . but it 's totally doable , babe . i have the money , i have the connections . anywhere you want to go -- europe , australia , a deserted island , a condo , a cottage , a beach house -- it does n't matter , i can make it happen . babe : and what about mama ? she goes home without little a . what exactly is she supposed to say about that ? how is she supposed to explain little adam vanishing to j.r. and adam ? josh : she got carjacked , he was kidnapped . babe : no , no way . josh : think about your options , babe . you announce to the world that you 're alive , then what ? you go back to j.r. , work on your marriage for the zillionth time ? or -- or you get a divorce . you get stuck in a nasty custody battle , and you and llttle adam and krystal get dragged through hell . babe : i 'm not going back to j.r . i 'm done with him , but that does n't mean that i want to run off with you . josh : babe , all i want to do is take you and little a someplace where you can find a life that 'll make you happy . and once you 're there safe and settled , i 'll back off . you do n't want to see me , you wo n't . you do , you will . your happiness is the only thing that matters to me . and if i can help give that to you , then that 's enough for me . believe that all i want is for you and your son to be safe and content and at peace -- with me or -- or without me . babe : i believe you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you were ready to take my son to his mommy 's fresh grave , but now you -- you do n't want me to tell him that she 's gone ? krystal : i do n't know if i 'm coming or going these days , j.r . i -- i 'm thinking in circles , i 'm not making sense , i -- adam : sweetheart , you have a baby on the way , you 're grieving , you 're -- you 're stressed , and you fainted , for god 's sake . now , why do n't you rest ? oh ! what have we here ? winifred : um -- he wanted to take one to his mommy . j.r. : come here . i know mommy would love to eat a cookie with you tonight . but she ca n't . because she 's gone . she 's not going to -- [ scene_break ] erica : what kind of man nearly gets his wife killed and then just runs off and leaves her first chance he gets ? bianca : i -- i know , mom , but do n't do this now . kendall just got home . do n't put this on her . erica : i 'm just saying that ryan would never do this . if kendall were with ryan , he 'd be right in there helping her to put her little boy to bed -- and his little boy to bed -- and he would never pull a zach . he would never just run off to god knows where to do god knows what . kendall : zach needs to do this , mother . erica : honey , i just do n't understand why zach would need to walk away from you at a time like this . kendall : he has to get the blood off his hands . [ scene_break ] zach : did i scare you ? zoe : it 's all right -- cemetery , night , things that go bump . zach : i owe you an apology . zoe : for suspecting me ? it 's all right . i was here , new to town , odd . zach : i treated you badly , and i should n't have done that . zoe : an apology in return . when the attacks started , i was flip . women died -- sisters , mothers , daughters . i took credit to cover up my own drama . shameful and ugly -- amazing what fear will make us do . you hate who you are . [ scene_break ] ryan : i was on the plane back , and it hit me , annie . i was n't coming back to vine valley . i was coming back to you . the face that i saw when i thought of home was your face . and then when you opened the door just now , and i saw your face , it sealed it . the only future that i want is one with you and with emma . and i guess i 'm just hoping that you 'll say yes , and that you 'll say that you want that , too . jonathan : aha -- you 're here . ryan : hey . jonathan : it 's about time . oh , come on , what are you waiting for ? the party 's started , let 's go , you guys . annie : everybody will be thrilled to see you -- what are you doing ? ryan : cover for us . annie : ryan ! [ scene_break ] krystal : listen -- uh -- why do n't i take this little one upstairs , ok ? tomorrow 's another day -- i think this one 's been long enough for everybody . come on , honey . let 's go find a fairy tale with a happy ending , ok ? adam : son ? j.r. , it 's all right . when the time is right , you 'll find the strength to tell him . j.r. : when will that be ? i have to tell my son that his mother 's dead , that his grandmother 's gone . i still ca n't even deal with the fact that i 'm never going to see them again . how do i start ? how do i make him make any sense of this ? [ scene_break ] josh : disappearing may not be the best answer , but it 's the only one we have . i will get you through this . babe : yes , but it 's just -- it 's too extreme . josh : if you stay and fight j.r. , he will blow krystal 's life to hell . i know -- he 's promised her that he wo n't tell adam that -- that the baby is tad 's . but as soon as he feels threatened , as soon as j.r. thinks that he may lose little adam , that -- that promise disappears , and you know it . he will cut krystal down without a second thought . unless you think he 's changed . unless you think he 'll keep his word . babe : j.r. has broken nearly every promise that he 's made . josh : yeah , and he wo n't stop now . so do n't give him a chance . the sooner that we get you and little adam out of pine valley the better -- and krystal , too . babe : i 've done this , josh . i have run before , i -- i let j.r. think that his son was dead , and -- and it was wrong , and i 'm sorry but i ca n't , i wo n't do it again . i do this . there has to be another way . this is n't the life that i want for my son . josh : babe , i promise you , you wo n't live your life on the run . we 'll find you someplace where you can have your picket fence . you deserve security . you deserve peace of mind and a life with your son . i want you to have that . let me help you get it . [ scene_break ] annie : we are in the middle of nowhere . ryan : yes , we are , just you and me in the middle of the stars . you want to make out ? annie : it -- it could take an eternity for somebody to get us some gas out here . ryan : and an eternity would be ok , as long as i 'm with you . just one little kiss . annie : you are impossible . ryan : what do you mean ? i just -- i just proposed to you . that 's what happens after i propose -- you know , a kiss . just -- you know , you kiss me , propose . annie : ok , you and me getting involved -- not a good idea , remember ? ryan : right . bad idea . annie : oh , god -- ryan : that decision was obviously a bad idea on not getting involved . look , annie , we have something . we do , and instead of trying to manage it and control it , let 's just see where it goes , because my bet is that it goes somewhere pretty incredible . annie : and what if we fizzle ? we agreed already on this , ryan . we -- we did n't want to get tangled up in something that could go sideways . as great as you are -- ryan : you think i 'm great ? annie : uh -- emma comes first . ryan : yes , she does , always . but you think i 'm great ? annie : oh -- ryan : ok . ok , ok , ok , ok . emma 's not going to get hurt , because we 're not going to break up . we 're not , because i 'm going to build us a life and a family for the rest of our lives . [ scene_break ] zoe : i 'm sorry . zach : it 's all right . zoe : i do understand , you know ? i hated myself , too , for years -- something i 'm still struggling with . zach : i did n't want to be my father 's son . so i became someone else . zoe : you tried . you made all of the external adjustments -- new name , new life -- just as i did . but you can never kill who you really are . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach is wrecked by what his father did . that sick old man took so many lives . erica : i just wish this had never had happened . kendall : well , mom , zach -- he needs to deal with everything that 's happened -- his father , his past , the murders . i mean , he needs to understand that he 's not to blame for this . so if he needs a little time alone , i think he 's entitled to it . bianca : i 'm just glad that you 're safe , that you 're home , and you 're all right . erica : oh , if that killer had hurt one little hair on your head , i would 've hunted him down myself . kendall : there were moments when i thought alexander would win . i was terrified . but then i -- i thought of us -- you , binks , and our legacy . and i thought about what you said , mom . remember when i sat right here on this couch , and i told you that i wished i could keep spike in a little cocoon , all wrapped up so that i could keep him safe forever ? erica : of course , i remember . i told you it was n't possible . kendall : right . you told me to teach my child to face danger . to get knocked down , but then get back up again and fight . so i fought -- like you fought , and you fought . and that 's -- that 's what got me through . that 's how i survived . [ scene_break ] adam : little adam means the world to me . whatever he needs -- whatever you need -- let me help you get through this . what do you say ? j.r. : you can be a real snake sometimes . adam : hmm . j.r. : but you 've always been there for me . even with the biggest mistakes that i 've made , you 've been there , solid . adam : that 's what fathers do . j.r. : some fathers take it to the extreme . i want to be the kind of father to little adam that you were to me . adam : oh . j.r. : i want to support him the way that you supported me . i do n't want to control him , i do n't want to fit him into the chandler mold -- i just do n't think that 's right . but i want to raise him to feel loved , to feel protected , to feel free . i want to raise him the way that babe would 've wanted him raised . [ scene_break ] babe : i just -- i -- i take my son away from the family that he loves so much . josh : babe , relax , all right ? you need to calm down . it 's not good for your heart . babe : i mean , just to tear him out of the life that he loves and make mama lie to -- to adam and to the police ? that -- that would be even worse for me . josh : i just want you to know that you have a choice . babe : i ca n't -- i ca n't do it to little a , i ca n't do it to my mama . i 'm sorry , it just would n't be fair . krystal : oh . anybody ready for a visitor ? babe : hi ! do you know how much your mommy loves you , how much i missed you ? come here ! hi , handsome . hey . what is it , baby ? babe : you have a little boo - boo ? see , mommy has a little boo - boo , too -- that 's why i have these -- these little wires -- but guess what . little adam : what happened to you ache ? babe : what happened ? mommy just was n't feeling too well , but -- little adam : what happened ? babe : what happened ? my heart was a little -- a little sad , and it hurt a little bit , but i 'm feeling better , because i have a really good doctor taking care of me . and that means that i get to come home and be with you very soon . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i want to be the kind of man that my son can be proud of . adam : j.r. , you 're a good man . j.r. : would a good man walk away from somebody who 's battered and bruised and bleeding on the floor ? adam : huh . j.r. : i did . j.r. : you heard bianca . everything that came out of her mouth was true -- i was cruel , i did n't have an ounce of sympathy in me , i did n't care what happened to zoe . adam : yeah , you -- you 're not the only one who would walk away from that kind of trouble . j.r. : yeah , that 's right , walk away -- anything that 's an inconvenience to me . i do n't care , i do n't trust , i do n't give unless i get back . i do n't want to raise little adam like that . adam : you would never treat your son that way . j.r. : i do n't want to mistake control for love . i want to -- i want to teach little a compassion , not hate . i want to take the time , i want to make the effort . i mean , i owe that to my son . i owe it to babe . [ scene_break ] babe : have you been a good boy for me ? krystal : oh , yeah . babe : yeah ? of course , yes . krystal : he 's been golden , let me tell you . have n't you ? in fact , he has been so good , why do n't you take him out for a treat ? there 's something in my bag in the next room there , ok ? wendy : i would love to . babe : well , can i get some sugar before you go ? i 'm going to steal it . love you . wendy : all right , little guy , come on with me . come on . krystal : it 's just in that bag out there . wendy : ok . babe : thank you so much , mama . krystal : it was pure luck , you know . j.r. almost caught me . josh : he does n't suspect anything , does he ? krystal : no , no , not a thing . but i -- i ca n't stay . i have to get back before j.r. and adam realize that they 're two short of a full house . oh , honey . it was worth the risk . watching that little angel hug his mama did my heart so good . now , what was so unfair that you did n't want to do it to little adam and me ? babe : you heard ? krystal : not enough . why do think i sent little a out for a sugar high ? but by the looks of your faces when we walked in , it 's pretty serious stuff . josh , what are you getting my baby girl into again , huh ? babe : he wants me to run off with little a , start a new life . and he wants you to tell j.r. that he was kidnapped . krystal : what do you want ? [ scene_break ] kendall : i would like for you to accept zach , and accept that i love him . erica : i know that you love him . but , honey , your life with him has been one disaster after another . kendall : why you understand that he 's not to blame for what his father did ? erica : i do n't blame him for what his father did . look , let 's not do this tonight . kendall : no , mom , i really think that we should . i mean , how -- how can you forget what we went through ? i mean , all those years that i blamed myself and hated myself , because my father was this sick , twisted man who hurt you ? erica : that was so different . kendall : no , mother , it -- no , it was n't , it 's not . everything that happened , everything that -- that was done in my life was because of my father -- his -- his sickness , my sickness , his sins , my sin . i -- i hated him , i hated myself . i mean , you remember it was so rough for so long . erica : but you get past it . kendall : that was because of you -- you and binks . because you love me -- me -- me for who i am , separate from my father . erica : yes . i know -- it 's how my mom loved me . kendall : well , zach needs that right now , and i 'm going to give it to him . [ scene_break ] zach : i am my father 's son , i always will be , and i 'm responsible for these women 's deaths . zoe : no , you 're not a clone . you 're the son , not the father . zach : right , and i thought about that . i did n't kill these women , right ? zoe : no . zach : but then when i had my father 's neck in my hands , i realized something . he branded me . he made me who he is . what do i do with that ? zoe : you 'll have to find that answer for yourself . but i still have my brand -- my man brand -- zach : yeah . zoe : and i still do n't know what to do with that . zach : well , you can do things , medical things , procedures -- you can do things . zoe : yes , well , that 's my choice to make , just as you have to find your own path -- and no one can tell you . it has to come from the inside . zach : yeah . well , if there were a procedure -- [ zoe sighs ] zach : if i could get my dad out of my head and out of my blood and out of my dna -- but there is n't . the man brand remains the same -- just as these women remain in their graves . zoe : you 're not going to give up the guilt , are you ? [ scene_break ] ryan : i proposed to you , because i want to be straight with you . i -- i want you to know where my head is at . now , as far as the timing and all that kind of stuff , that -- you know , that 's your call . annie : when you left town , we were good . totally agreed -- friends . and now you come back talking about marriage out of the blue ? something happened in vegas . what , is it -- is it about kendall ? ryan : yes . what happened with kendall does have a lot to do with this . alex cambias almost killed kendall . he killed my sister . he killed dixie before she found her daughter . i mean -- and they were all so young . and , yes , when i saw kendall safe and alive , i wanted what she had . i wanted a second chance at life . annie : complete with instant family . ryan : you know , you can plan , and you can try to control it , but in the end , life can just be taken right out from underneath you . i do n't want to exist just until i do n't . i do n't want to waste time . i want to make it happen , i want to live the life that i want right now . i do n't want regrets , i -- i want memories , and i want them -- i want them with you and with emma . annie : i know you love emma , and you want to give her everything and make sure that she 's taken care of , but i -- ryan : yes , i love your daughter very much . but this is n't -- is n't only about emma . it 's about us . it 's about you and me . i really want to be with you . [ scene_break ] babe : i do n't know what i want , mama . i -- i know that i do n't want to lose little adam to j.r. , but i do n't want to go on the run , and i also know that i do n't want to put you in a corner having to lie for me . krystal : it 's my lie that got us here . so i 'll do whatever i have to do to protect you and that precious little boy . babe : and if i do take little a , you 're not going to have to lie just to j.r. you 're going to have to lie to adam , too . every single day , watching them suffer , thinking that little a was kidnapped ? i -- i ca n't do that . krystal : i 'll handle whatever comes ahead . babe : mama , you can not have that kind of stress with a new baby on the way . josh : look , it would n't be easy , but babe and little a would be out of danger . krystal : so you 're saying that once babe pops out of this cake and asks for a divorce and custody , that j.r. is just going to go back to his nasty old ways ? josh : you think i 'm wrong ? krystal : if you get away from j.r. , and you start a new life with your baby , you know i 'll miss you . but it wo n't hurt so bad knowing you 're safe and happy . but if you decide to stay and go at j.r. , then i will give it everything i 've got to make sure that you keep your little boy , that he 's with you where he belongs . babe : and if you stand by me , j.r. will not hesitate to go to adam about charlotte . krystal : i will deal with that . babe : and watching the love of your life kick you out of his ? no , i -- i ca n't do that . krystal : do n't you worry about me -- or my marriage . the only thing that matters is you hanging on to little adam . we 'll take them both on if that 's what it takes . babe : if i take j.r. to court , i could still lose . [ scene_break ] j.r. : the man that i was died with babe . the way that i treated her -- i ca n't take it back , i ca n't make it right . but i can raise her son to be the kind of man that she would be proud of . adam : yeah . one we can all be proud of . j.r. : we could lose the chandler arrogance , the self - entitled thing . adam : do n't forget the control thing . although , the mistakes i made with you -- and hayley and colby ? j.r. : but you loved us . adam : yeah . and i love charlotte . i 'm hoping i can avoid all those mistakes . i want her raised to be strong and secure and loved . who knows -- maybe i 'd pull it off . i owe it to charlotte , and i owe it to krystal . yeah , who knows -- maybe you and i can help each other be better fathers . j.r. : i 'd like that . adam : yeah ? j.r. : i have a feeling if babe were here right now , she 'd be very pleased . adam : who would 've thought it 'd come to this -- the carey women inspiring the chandlers to be better men ? [ scene_break ] babe : j.r. and adam -- they buy their justice -- lawyers and judges and politicians -- and then next thing we know , j.r. has little adam . josh : that 's not the only way j.r. could walk away . babe : you 're right -- all he has to do is fire up the chandler jet , and i 'll never see my little boy again . josh : not unless you beat him to it . babe : and i do n't know if i 'm willing to take my son from his family -- even though i know j.r. would rip him right out of my arms without even losing a wink of sleep . hey . wendy : he misses his mommy . babe : oh ! i missed you , too . come here . did you get a good treat ? little adam : yes . babe : oh , you did ? what did you have ? tell me about it . little adam : a lollipop . babe : oh ! a sucker ? you are so lucky . little adam : i ate it all -- you see it . babe : oh , you ate it all , i see it in your belly ? wendy : is n't that a picture ? krystal : oh , it really is . babe : in your belly . little adam : that 's where it went down . it went down -- i ate it all . babe : i 'm going to stay here -- for now . josh : you 're making the right choice . babe : just for now . but right now somebody has to get home and get to bed -- if he 's not on a sugar high . little adam : i am . babe : you are ? i can tell . can you do me a favor ? i need your help with something . do you think you could help me ? yeah ? um -- mommy has to stay here for a little while longer . but nobody can know that you saw me , ok ? it 's going to be our little secret , ok ? krystal : i think it 's time i take this little boy home . babe : come here . we 're going to be together real soon , i promise . [ scene_break ] erica : to my brave and wonderful daughter , safe at home where she belongs . bianca : to my sweet sister , who lives every day with courage and love . kendall : and to zach , who saved my life , and hopefully will be on the way to saving his . [ scene_break ] zoe : it 's getting late . i do n't want to leave you here alone . zach : i 'm sorry , honey . i 'm so sorry . [ zoe hugs zach ] [ scene_break ] ryan : you tell me that it wo n't work . tell me that it 's impossible . tell me that you want me to get out of the car and get out of here . tell me that i do n't have a chance . annie : well , if anyone stands a chance , it 's you . [ ryan grabs annie and kisses her ] [ scene_break ] josh : whatever you decide , i 'm with you . if you want to disappear , i will make sure no one ever finds you . but if you want to stay , i 've got your back . [ scene_break ] krystal : sweet dreams . [ scene_break ] babe : i ca n't do this with you here . i need to think . i need -- i need to be alone . [ scene_break ] j.r. : hey , buddy . you all tucked in ? hmm ? yeah ? i 'll tuck you in . i want you to have a good night . i 'll talk to you about mommy in the morning . little adam : i saw mommy -- it 's a secret . [ next_on ] zoe ( to dr. massey ) : i would like to begin hormone administration right now . dr. massey : i 'm sorry , zoe , i ca n't do that . kendall : what do you think , spikey ? mama 's got a magic wand . j.r. ( to krystal ) : why do n't you take me where you took my son last night ?
ryan comes to visit annie , and asks her to be his wife . kendall and erica find out that zach is gone . erica wonders why zach would just leave like that after just getting home . zoe visits babe 's grave . she is startled by a noise , and looking around , she sees zach . babe asks josh why he wants her to stay dead . babe tells josh matter - of - factly that no way is she going to let her little boy believe that she is dead . josh tells babe of his plans . krystal gets little adam 's coat on him , and tells him that she is taking him to visit his momma . j.r. comes in , watches them for a minute , and then confronts krystal as to what she thinks she is doing . j.r. demands an answer from krystal . j.r. hugs little adam , and then sends him into the kitchen to get a cookie . krystal tells j.r. that she was going to take little adam to babe 's grave . j.r. lets krystal know that he had n't told little adam yet . adam walks in , and j.r. fills him in on what had been going on . j.r. tells krystal that he will tell little adam tonight that his mother is dead , but krystal talks him out of it . babe calls josh `` certifiable `` because he came up with such a preposterous plan . babe still has her doubts about josh 's plan . josh points out the consequences that babe would face if she got into a custody battle with j.r. j.r. confronts krystal about her not wanting him to tell little adam that his momma is dead . winifred brings little adam back into the room and tells them that little adam wanted to take one of the cookies to his momma . j. r. explains to little adam that his momma is gone as he hugs him . erica still does n't know why zach would walk away from her at a time like this . zach apologizes to zoe for suspecting her of being the `` satin slayer . `` ryan tells anna that he wants a future with her and emma . ryan picks annie up , and carries her toward his car . krystal takes little adam to read him a fairytale . adam tries to comfort his son . josh still tries to sway babe over to his side by telling her what j.r. will do to krystal . babe refuses to go on the run again . annie does n't think that it is a good idea for them to get involved . ryan wants them to build a life and a family . zach blames himself for being alexander cambias ' son . kendall points out to erica that zach needs to deal with all this . kendall reminds erica of the legacy that the kane women possess . krystal brings little adam to see babe . they share some tender moments together . wendy comes in to take little adam for a surprise . josh fills krystal in on his plan to get babe and little adam out of town . krystal agrees to go along with the plan no matter what babe decides . babe hugs little adam and tells him not to let anyone know that he has seen her .
zach : i 'll have a single - malt irish with special water , please , frank . thank you . greenlee : i 'll have what he 's having , only make it a triple . zach : hello . greenlee : hi . zach : bad day ? greenlee : the worst . and it 's not over . [ greenlee sighs ] zach : what 's that smell ? greenlee : me . i 'm wearing a revolting combo of just about every essential oil in existence . zach : oh . and why is that ? keeping vampires away , or -- greenlee : ha , ha , ha . we 're still working on the `` charm ! `` perfume upstairs . zach : oh , yeah . greenlee : so far , it 's a disaster . zach : no , it 's very good . it 's got -- i just ca n't inhale it right now . it makes my tongue burn . greenlee : huh . [ greenlee sighs ] greenlee : ugh . zach : frank , how about a margarita for the lady ? greenlee : ah ! zach : and some disinfectant . greenlee : oh . you know , it 's not just the perfume . we have no assistant , and apparently , we ca n't find anyone sane to hire . we have no ava , and we need her for a print shoot . zach : where is she ? greenlee : she 's off to hollywood for a screen test . zach : oh , hollywood ? oh , god help hollywood . what else is wrong ? greenlee : well , there 's the shaky economy and global warming , and the summer shoe designs are so dull , but other than that , everything 's fabulous . zach : hey , greenlee , what 's the real problem ? greenlee : i hate your wife . [ scene_break ] aidan : so how many books do you think you signed ? kendall : i lost count . aidan : that was a big crowd , you know . i think you handled it really , really well . kendall : hmm . aidan : especially after what happened last night . kendall : yeah , well , i was n't going to let that creep rape me , aidan . aidan : that 's pretty obvious . because when i turned up , he was on the floor , and he looked like he 'd been covered in pepper spray . kendall : yeah . well , you know , my mom left me a message , and it sounded like she knew something had happened . i mean , with everything on her plate , i do n't want her worrying about me . aidan : zach said that she 's handling it . kendall : oh , yeah , she 's really handling it well . she 's going to prison . i do n't -- i do n't know . i feel like i should be with her right now . aidan : kendall , zach made it quite clear that erica wants you to stay here and not to worry , all right ? kendall : i ca n't not worry about her , aidan . ugh . i 'm exhausted . huh . aidan : it 's been a long 48 hours , which is exactly why you need a distraction . kendall : no , i 'm too tired to go out . aidan : well , who says anything about going out ? [ knock on door ] kendall : hmm . [ a waiter brings in a room service cart ] aidan : hey . kendall : you did this ? [ violin plays classical aria ] [ scene_break ] ryan : hi there -- `` angelina . `` oh , that 's a beautiful name . angelina : thank you . ryan : it 's perfect for you . angelina : oh , well , i do n't know about that . i do n't exactly look like the angelina . ryan : oh , are you kidding me ? you 're a lot more beautiful . angelina : oh . well , now i know you 're looking for an upgrade . [ ryan laughs ] ryan : and a sense of humor -- my goodness . angelina : so how can i help you ? ryan : i am here to see kendall hart . angelina : oh , i 'm sorry . it looks like ms. hart does n't want to be disturbed this evening . ryan : trust me . kendall is going to be thrilled when i show up at her door . [ scene_break ] mrs. remington : you say you 're an old friend of my son 's ? angie : yes . my name is dr. angela hubbard . mrs. remington : oh , i see . john told me about you . come in . angie : thank you . [ scene_break ] robert : keep them both in your crosshairs . [ scene_break ] jesse : oh , man . you said you 'd keep in touch , thaddeus . call me , damn it . i need to know what 's going on over at remy 's . [ jesse sighs ] jesse : oh . are you out -- are you out of your mind ? rolling up on me and grabbing me like that , man ! frankie : i was grabbing you , because you was trying to sneak away . i had to get you back inside before someone saw or heard us . now , you 're not supposed to be leaving the office . jesse : well , who died and made your happy little ass lord of all ? and do not presume to tell me what i can or can not do ! frankie : why not ? because you 're the dad ? look , it 's a little late for you to be trying to lay down rules for me . jesse : you know what ? i ca n't do this right now . frankie : look , listen -- tad told me to make sure -- jesse : frankie , boy -- frankie : that you stay put ! jesse : obviously , i 'm not staying put . frankie : listen -- jesse : oh , my -- frankie : i know about the stolen hospital dvds . now , whoever is after you knows that you 're here in pine valley . jesse : uh -- yeah . and i can handle it , frankie . step aside , son ! frankie : no , you 're going to have to fight me if you want to get past me . [ scene_break ] angie : i heard about your son , john . about how he died . i am so sorry . mrs. remington : everybody 's sorry . you , the police detectives who keep coming and going . angie : i was questioned by the police , too . mrs. remington , i do n't know how much your son told you about me , but we did spend some time together after my husband was shot . john was such a sweet man . mrs. remington : oh -- do n't pretend you cared . angie : excuse me ? mrs. remington : my son loved you , and you broke his heart . [ scene_break ] aidan : sorry about the misunderstanding . kendall : ok , i 'm waiting for an explanation . aidan : cheers , man . thanks . waiter : thank you , sir . kendall : well ? what is with all of this romance stuff ? aidan : i do n't know . listen -- well , we left the book signing , i called room service , i ordered dinner . i -- i left the menu up to them . and all i can think of is they thought that you -- you 're the big romance writer , so they thought that you wanted the works ? kendall : ok . so you have nothing to do with the candles and the flowers and the violin ? aidan : all i did was i ordered food and champagne , that was it . the violinist -- kendall : yeah ? ok , let me see what 's going on over here . oysters for two ? aidan : romance swag -- that 's the downside of being the queen of steam , i guess . kendall : yeah , well , the queen of steam prefers ice cream . and this -- huh . aidan : yeah , right . kendall , how do you do it ? kendall : do what ? aidan : well , you write a book in -- in record time , and it 's a bestseller . kendall : i do n't know -- i was -- i was missing zach . i needed something to keep me from going insane . aidan : and the author was born . kendall : yeah -- you know , i think that we all have a hidden talent inside of us that 's just waiting to come out , and i think you 're one of them . aidan : yeah . yeah , i mean , my secret 's out . kendall : hmm ? aidan : i 'm one of the rockettes . kendall : no . i think your secret is that you 're a poet . aidan : i just know a few sonnets and -- and poems from my pub days , that 's all . kendall : from your -- wait a minute -- you recite sonnets in pubs ? aidan : yeah . in england . you know , us english boys -- we do n't just , you know , drink beer and talk sports . kendall : you actually perform poetry ? [ aidan sighs ] aidan : yes . kendall : huh . aidan : i 'll perform one for you now , if you -- if you want . kendall : i -- i do . aidan : since you 're such a successful writer . kendall : yes , ok , go . ahem . aidan : ah -- here we go . `` can -- can death be sleep , when life is but a dream ? and scenes of bliss pass as a phantom by ? the transient pleasures as a vision seem , and yet , we think the great pain 's to die . `` it 's johnny keats . kendall : whoa , whoa ! what -- aidan : you like that ? kendall : well , i do like that . does greenlee know you can do that ? aidan : no . kendall : what ? what are you waiting for ? you ought to wax poetic for her ! you got to get on it . come on , greenlee will love it . she will love it . [ scene_break ] zach : you hate my wife ? i 'll take it . greenlee : she 's in l.a. having a great time with my guy , and i hate it . i hate anyone who 's having a better time than me right now . zach : i see . greenlee : envy is something that i 'm very good at . i hate annie , too , because she spent the night with ryan , and he got some of his memory back . zach : what does he remember ? greenlee : what annoys me is , he remembered with annie , but when he was with me , he could n't remember a damn thing . zach : well , annie is his wife -- greenlee : well , i was his wife , too . he loved me , too . you 'd think that i would inspire at least one memory . but no , with me , he drew a blank , even when i kissed him . zach : you kissed him ? greenlee : no . ok . but he kissed me back . [ scene_break ] angelina : well , you can leave a message for her . ryan : look , kendall did this whole `` do not disturb `` thing because she was n't expecting me . you see , i 'm going to be a surprise . and then , i 'm going to hit kendall with an even bigger surprise . angelina : i really ca n't help you . ryan : no , wait , wait , wait . i 'm going to propose to her . i 'm going to ask kendall to be my wife . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach has been to plenty of pubs , but he has never written any poetry for me . aidan : well , it 's a guy thing . i mean , i never would 've opened up to you if -- if you had n't have caught me with a book of sonnets . kendall : yeah , still -- a little poetry goes a long way . aidan : he loves you , and he 's good to you . kendall : i know that . believe me , i am not complaining . zach and i -- we have -- we have never followed the romance rules . aidan : there are rules ? kendall : oh , we hated each other the first time we got married . aidan : well , that 's just not exactly a love story , kendall . kendall : yeah , well , neither one of us wanted to be in love again . we did n't want to risk being hurt . i mean , at that point , i was the poster girl for relationships gone bad . aidan : yeah , well , i think i could beat you in that one . kendall : uh - uh . hmm -- listen to this . zach 's brother and son were just two of the people who broke my heart . aidan : and what about ryan ? kendall : i think we know who is to blame for that breakup . i could n't trust him . aidan : so , what , you -- you think it 's all your fault ? i mean , do n't get me wrong . ryan 's a good friend , but i think we all know that ryan has a few issues when it comes to commitment . kendall : yeah . [ scene_break ] ryan : so , yeah , kendall and i got in a really big fight right before she came out here , and it was completely , totally my fault . and i take full responsibility , and i regret it , and i 'm going to make it up to her the second i see her , you know . i 'm just going to -- i 'm just going to drop right down on one knee . angelina : well , do you have a ring ? ryan : no . i -- i do n't . but tomorrow , first thing , we 're going to go to rodeo drive , and i 'm going to have her pick out whatever rock she wants . angelina : well , she 's a lucky lady . ryan : no , she deserves it . she 's one of a kind . [ phone rings ] angelina : oh -- front desk . i 'll be right there . i 'm sorry , i 've got to take care of something in the office . ryan : you do what you got to do . that 's a good girl , angelina . you did n't log out . very nice . ah -- security - protected . `` if this person is seen on the premises , contact aidan devane immediately `` ? [ scene_break ] angie : mrs. remington , your son and i dated for a while , but that 's all . mrs. remington : my son was devastated when he lost you . he just up and disappeared . i never heard from him again . angie : but now you know he did n't disappear because of me . someone took his life . [ scene_break ] tad : hey , what 's going on ? jesse : oh , you know what 's going on , tad . you got my son to run interference on me . tad : ah , so you did try to leave the office ? jesse : yeah , well , i 'm worried about you and angie . tad : we 're fine . jesse : what 's going on with remy 's mother , tad ? tad : she 's inside with her right now . jesse : you let her go in alone ? tad : huh -- jesse , i 'm right outside the house , ok ? i 'm -- i 'm checking the perimeter . jesse : are you insane ? you ca n't let her out of your sight , tad ! tad : angela 's perfectly safe . jesse : you do n't know that . [ scene_break ] angie : mrs. reming -- mrs. remington : no , do n't . angie : mrs. remington , i -- i never meant to hurt remy . i did n't . i hate what happened . oh -- what are you doing ? mrs. remington : this was a gift from my son . he gave it to me just before he disappeared . he said i should keep it loaded . and i do . angie : mrs. remington , please -- mrs. remington : you 're not here to offer your condolences , you want something from me . and you brought backup . he 's outside . i may be old , but i 'm not blind . angie : i can explain . mrs. remington : this had better be good . otherwise , i 'll do what john instructed me to do with this thing -- target practice . [ scene_break ] tad : look , jesse , you are just going to have to trust me on this , ok ? i am watching the house . nobody is going to get to angela . jesse : you need to be in there with her , tad . tad : i thought so , too , at first , but angie thinks she 'll get more out of mrs. remington if they 're in there alone together . [ mrs. remington opens the door holding her rifle ] tad : oh , dear god . jesse : what 's going on ? tad : uh , jesse , i 'm going to have to call you back . mrs. remington : i know someone 's out there . show yourself . angie : tad ! mrs. remington : who are you ? tad : my name is martin . thaddeus martin . i 'm a private investigator . angie : we 're working with the police to investigate john and jesse 's murder . mrs. remington : why did n't you come right out and say that ? and why did you hide yourself ? tad : mrs. remington , i am sorry . i apologize . the only reason i stayed out here is we did n't want to overwhelm you . now , i 've talked to derek frye . he 's a friend of mine . i know the police have had a whole herd of people out here to interview you . the fact is , i know exactly how you feel right now because my wife was murdered . her name was dixie . dixie martin ? you may have read about her ? mrs. remington : that serial killer got her . tad : that 's right . that 's right . when it first happened , i thought the whole world was in my face , and i hated it . it took me a while to realize that people were just trying to help me . and that 's all that angela and i want -- is to help you . mrs. remington : come on in . [ scene_break ] jesse : look , the people that want me are probably watching that house . now , your mother is a doctor , she is not a cop . she wo n't know what to do if they want to close in on her , frankie ! frankie : tad will protect her . jesse : frankie , i want to protect her ! frankie : see , there you go ! still itching to be a damn hero ! you -- you do n't get it . no , you do n't get it , do you ? do you ? when you died -- when you died , i went into a fog . it did n't sink in that you were gone . with -- even with mom crying and everybody stopping by the house to cry with her . even at your funeral , it just did n't -- it just was n't real for me . you know when it hit me ? the day when i went to school . the teacher pulled me aside , and she told me how sorry she was . and she went on to say that -- that i must 've been proud , because my dad died a hero . that 's when i lost it ! i cried , and i could n't stop ! mom had to come pick me up from school . i cried myself to sleep . i cried , because i did n't want a died who died a hero ! i just wanted my dad ! alive . [ scene_break ] tad : mrs. remington , angela and i want to find whoever killed your son and see them brought to justice . angie : for john and for jesse . tad : you see , we think that the two murders may be connected . mrs. remington : i 've told the police everything i remember about the last few times i saw john . tad : well , if it 's ok with you , maybe angela and i can help you remember a little more ? [ scene_break ] [ champagne cork pops ] kendall : whoo ! very good ! aidan : whoo - hoo - hoo ! kendall : very impressive . aidan : yeah . kendall : ok -- on that note -- love and romance -- it is nothing like it is in the romance books . aidan : uh -- what are you saying ? your -- your book is a lie ? kendall : no , it -- it 's fiction . there 's a big difference . so what about -- ooh , thank you . what about you and greenlee ? aidan : what about me and greenlee ? kendall : well , i mean , it 's not all like hearts and -- mushiness and -- and -- and stuff , is it ? kendall : yeah . i know . she -- she softens up with me , too . aidan : oh , yeah ? kendall : yeah . i mean , we love each other . i bet she loves me more than she loves you . aidan : huh . really ? let 's not go there . kendall : do n't worry . i approve of you and greenlee . aidan : thanks . i mean , i think . kendall : well , i mean , you guys are going to be together forever , right ? like me and zach ? aidan : i do n't know . we 'll see . kendall : what do you mean , `` we 'll see `` ? aidan : i love greenlee , and -- and she loves me , you know ? but recently , it 's been crisis after crisis after crisis . and -- and now everything 's back to normal . i do n't know . i do n't know how we 're going to do . kendall : ok . listen to kendall . make greenlee laugh . make her laugh . make her feel safe and recite poetry . you do those three things , you are good to go , and you can do no wrong . aidan : is that it ? kendall : there 's one more thing . one more thing . when greenlee gets bored , she likes to stir things up a little bit and create a little excitement . so watch out for that . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] zach : you made out with ryan ? greenlee : `` made out `` ? that is so high school . zach : whatever -- you -- what do you call it ? greenlee : well , i was just trying to jog his memory . but it did n't work . i was humiliated and so annoyed . zach : and that 's all ? greenlee : ok , i felt a little something when ryan and i kissed . zach : ah . greenlee : just a twinge . well , it 's not like i 'm in love with him or anything . it 's just like a sense memory thing . i love aidan , aidan loves me . zach : but you want ryan to love you , too . greenlee : i want to matter to him . i hate it when i do n't matter . zach : well , you matter to me . what we 've done -- it matters . always will . greenlee : same here . zach : all right , so ryan remembered something with annie ? greenlee : yeah . zach : so , maybe he 's getting better . greenlee : it seems like it . zach : good . to ryan and annie . singer : welcome to the light that i 'm on [ scene_break ] angelina : what are you doing ? ryan : uh -- my cell phone fell off the counter back here , so i just came back here to get it , that 's all . angelina : you ca n't be here . ryan : oh , ok . all right . i 'm -- i 'm -- look , i 'm going to -- huh -- i 'm going to be out of your hair entirely as soon as you give me -- angelina : look , i ca n't give you her room number . why do n't you call her on your cell phone ? ryan : and ruin the surprise ? angelina : please leave . ryan : i ca n't . i ca n't leave . not until i see kendall . who are you calling ? angelina : security . ryan : please do n't do that . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] zach : what ? why are you looking at me like that ? greenlee : because i was mad and depressed and you made me feel better . you 're better than popping a pill . zach : oh , good -- guess that 's a compliment . greenlee : uh - huh . yeah , it is . it 's pretty amazing , you know , this -- what you and i have going , you and me . zach : yeah , no , it 's good . if you want to keep it that way , do n't force me to pole dance -- never again . greenlee : that will never happen again -- promise . zach : good . singer : welcome to the light whoa - oh - oh - oh , oh - oh - oh greenlee : i have a confession to make . singer : la - la - la , la - la - la [ scene_break ] kendall : oh ! oh , god -- hmm . aidan : huh . yeah , i think we should -- i think we should eat something . kendall : oh , no ! aidan : yeah . kendall : uh -- no . aidan : come on . kendall : i think that we should recite poetry together . do n't you think ? aidan : ah . i think you 're drunk . kendall : no -- come on , come on , come on . i bet there is a poet inside you that is just dying to come out . i -- i -- come on . [ british accent ] come on , matey . yeah , give it a shot . aidan : oh , come on , kendall . i do n't need paper . i just -- i just say it as it -- as it comes out . kendall : [ normal voice ] yeah ? aidan : yeah . you ready ? kendall : ok . aidan : `` there was once `` -- kendall : yeah , wait , wait , hold on , wait , wait , wait , wait . get it , ready -- go . aidan : `` there was -- there was once a woman called kendall -- `` kendall : oh , no . aidan : `` that decided to light a big candle . `` kendall : that does n't even rhyme . aidan : `` she -- she picked up a blowtorch `` -- kendall : i 'm not an arsonist . aidan : `` and she thought it would so scorch -- `` kendall : that rhymes . aidan : `` she decided not to ignite it -- `` kendall : smart move . aidan : `` because she thought she might bite it and that would be the end - all of kendall . `` kendall : `` of kendall . `` i love it ! brilliant ! aidan : cheers . kendall : you 're -- you 're really good at poems . that was really good . aidan : thanks -- kendall : mm - hmm . aidan : i think . kendall : you better keep your day job . keep your day job -- ow ! ah . [ scene_break ] angelina : are you threatening me ? ryan : no , angelina , no . no , no , no , i 'm not . it 's just i -- hey , i 've made this big romantic plan , you know what i mean ? and it 's just -- it 's really up to you to make it or break it , ok ? so , look , just -- just one second , all right ? give me one second here -- i want to show you something . this is a picture of me and kendall . i mean , look at us -- do n't we look like we 're in love ? angelina : i have to honor guests ' requests . ryan : ok , all right . well , hold -- hold on a second . wait , one more -- i just want to show you this . this little guy here -- this little guy is spike , kendall and my son . i mean , come on , is n't he beautiful ? angelina : he is . ryan : well , i want to give spike a family . and i love his mom , and i want to be with his mom forever . i do , i 'm telling you right now , angelina . kendall is the one . she 's the love of my life . [ scene_break ] [ pinball machine dings ] jesse : you 're not watching the front door -- i could make a run for it . frankie : you want to run and get yourself killed , go ahead . jesse : are you giving up on me now ? frankie : no , you 're going to do whatever it is you want to do , right ? jesse : frankie , i already told you , i did not want to leave you . frankie : look , i do n't want to go through all that again , all right ? god -- [ frankie yells ] jesse : wow . you 're really bad at that game . frankie : i 'm bad at all games -- pinball , baseball , football , basketball , cards . you name it -- huh -- i lose it . jesse : what , because i was n't around to teach you all the father / son stuff ? i 'm sorry . i do n't know what to do , frankie . i mean -- i do n't know how to make it up to you . i do n't know if i ever could . and if you want to continue just giving me a hard time , fine . bring it on -- i 'll take it . i 'll take whatever you have to dish out to me because , truth be told , i thought i 'd never see you again . but here you are , looking at me , talking to me , yelling at me , and i love it -- because i got you back . i got my son back . frankie : you can -- you can teach me now . jesse : magic fingers . you got to learn how to work your flipper fingers , kid . stand back . frankie : flipper fingers ? jesse : flipper fingers . [ scene_break ] tad : mrs. remington , when was the last time you saw john ? mrs. remington : eighteen years , seven months , five days ago . and i still miss him . angie : can you tell us about that last time ? mrs. remington : yeah , it was about 3 : 00 in the morning . he apologized for waking me . he said he was leaving town . i assumed it was another one of his business meetings . tad : what kind of business meeting ? mrs. remington : oh , i do n't know . john never talked about his work . it had to be with the government -- uh , maybe fbi . your -- your husband would 've known . tad : did he do or say anything else that evening ? mrs. remington : he gave me money like he did every time he visited . but that night , it was a lot -- a few thousand . and then he kissed me goodbye and left . angie : and you did n't hear from him again ? mrs. remington : john gave me something else . i did n't tell the police because it 's personal . tad : well , look . we do n't mean to pry , but you would be surprised what can help out in an investigation . mrs. remington : john gave me this that night . he said it was an early birthday present . he did n't tell me what kind of stone it was . angie : my gosh , it 's -- it 's -- it 's stunning . mrs. remington : i 've never taken it off -- and it 's a good thing . tad : why ? mrs. remington : well , it would 've been stolen the night of the break - in . [ scene_break ] kendall : let me think . uh -- `` there once was a man named zach he was like no other man . `` aidan : that does n't rhyme . kendall : `` zach is cool and quiet and guarded until he loves you . and when he loves you , he opens this door and lets you in . he lets you in to see the real him . and once you 're in there , ooh , it is -- it is a dark place . but after a while , then you can see you get to see who he really is . and he 's beautiful . zach is where i want to be always . `` [ scene_break ] zach : so , what 's this big confession ? greenlee : i tell you things i could never tell aidan . zach : yeah , all right . greenlee : well , is n't that bad -- zach : no . greenlee : for me and aidan , i mean ? zach : no , not at all . there 's things that -- that i would tell you that i would never tell kendall . greenlee : really ? zach : sure . there are things that you do n't talk about with the people you love . it 's -- greenlee : or go to bed with every night ? zach : yeah , it 's almost like you 're protecting them in a way . greenlee : so we 're kind of like each other 's therapists ? zach : no , not at all . it 's a complete waste of money . no , it 's -- we get each other and that 's a good thing . greenlee : yeah , it is . to getting each other . zach : wow , all right . [ scene_break ] tad : when was your house broken into ? mrs. remington : a couple of weeks after john disappeared . angie : were you at home when it happened ? mrs. remington : no , i was visiting my sister in new york city . tad : mrs. remington , did you report this to the police ? mrs. remington : yes . they -- they never caught the burglar . angie : what was stolen ? mrs. remington : my television , stereo -- insurance covered it all . oh , i was n't too bothered by it , because they did n't get my one treasure -- the necklace from my baby boy . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] zach : let me buy you some dinner . greenlee : hmm . zach : how about -- greenlee : no , thanks . i got to get back up to the perfume factory . zach : all right . tell annie i 'm happy that ryan is remembering things . [ greenlee recalls kissing ryan ] zach : hey . how you doing , where 'd you go ? greenlee : i was just thinking about aidan . zach : well , he 'll be back soon . greenlee : and so will the great author , kendall -- she 'll be back soon . zach : and so will the great ryan , hopefully back to remembering who he was . and then my hair was on fire -- what are you doing ? can you -- hey , hi ! greenlee : i -- i got to run . i got to run . zach : i 'm pretty , too . greenlee : bye , thank you . singer : how do you feel ? [ zach sighs ] zach : all right , i 'll just -- singer : free you 're burning up so easily kendall 's voice : hi there . i ca n't pick up right now . leave a message . [ voicemail beeps ] zach : hey , honey . i hope you 're behaving yourself . i love you . singer : are burning up oh , oh [ scene_break ] aidan : so the idea of the game is -- kendall : ok . aidan : is we kick this pillow as if it 's a soccer ball -- kendall : uh - huh ? aidan : in between that chair and that other benchy thing over there , all right ? kendall : benchy thing -- ok , i got it . i 'm going to try it -- ready ? all right . aidan : you got to drop - kick it . kendall : i am drop - kicking it . [ aidan chuckles ] kendall : ooh -- ow . aidan : yeah , you 're really good . kendall : ok , wait , wait . aidan : yeah , you 're amazing . you should , you know -- david beckham . kendall : i -- you know what ? my feet were not cooperating . i can do this , i 'm really good . aidan : so you need a coach , is what you 're saying ? kendall : yes , coach me , ok ? aidan : so , you stand behind the ball , put your left foot next to the pillow , right ? with your right foot , you give it a good , hard kick -- kendall : good , hard kick . aidan : in that direction ? kendall : all right . i want to try it . aidan : that 's your right foot . kendall : wait , i -- i -- i know what to do . i 'm just testing you . aidan : listen , come here , come here , come here . kendall : oh . aidan -- yes ! aidan : stand by there . move your right foot -- look at my right foot -- kendall : ok , i 'm not stupid . aidan : bring it back and kick it like the queen of steam -- [ kendall growls ] kendall : i 'm going to do this -- ready ? out of my way . aidan : go on , girl . kendall : ugh ! aidan : it 's a goal ! kendall : oh , yeah ! oh , yeah ! oh , yeah ! oh , yeah ! ha , ha , yeah ! aidan : whoa . you are so crazy ! what are you doing ? ryan : what the hell 's going on in here ? [ scene_break ] mrs. remington : these are some of john 's papers and letters to me . maybe they 'll help . tad : oh . mrs. remington , i give you my word -- i will return this to you just as soon as i can after i look it over . angie : i am truly sorry for your loss . mrs. remington : and i 'm sorry i was so nasty at first . angie : it 's all right . mrs. remington : good night . tad : yeah , well , good night -- angie : bye - bye . tad : and thank you . angie : her house was broken into just like mine . tad : angela , listen to me . do n't do anything , do n't say anything . let 's just get to the car as quickly as possible . we 're being watched . [ scene_break ] [ pinball machine dings ] jesse : i 'm really glad you 're back with that intern program , kid . i remember your mother went through that -- it was brutal . what i 'm trying to say is it 's late . you need to get home , get you some rest , ok ? frankie : but , dad -- jesse : come on , come on . i gave you my word i 'm not going anywhere , all right ? got to get some sleep . [ jesse opens the front door ] jesse : who are you ? robert : i 'm tad 's uncle -- name is robert . and you are ? [ next_on ] adam : i want to help , j.r . i want to make things better with us . kendall : ok , ryan , i think you better leave now . ryan : no , i think i 'd rather stay . jesse ( to robert ) : tad 's not here .
kendall and aidan come back to the hotel room from her book signing . she tells him that she is exhausted . she is surprised with room service and a violin player . greenlee comes into confusion where zach is and begins to tell him her troubles . when zach asks what is really wrong , she says she hates kendall for being with aidan . she also hates annie for being with ryan when he remembered something . ryan arrives in l.a. , and asks the receptionist , angelina , which room kendall is in . the receptionist refuses to tell him anything . angie pays a visit to mrs. remington who invites her in , but soon tells her that she broke her son 's heart . tad paces back and forth outside and realizes that someone is watching them from the bushes . robert tells the man to keep an eye on tad and angie . jesse starts to leave tad 's office , but a hand clasps over his mouth . it turns out to be frankie , who is trying to protect his dad . as tad looks toward the bushes , the man raises a gun . aidan and kendall have a good time together in the hotel room . ryan tries his best to get through to angelina so she will tell him kendall 's room number . angelina goes away from the desk for just a minute which leaves ryan access to the computer . ryan tries to access the info but finds it security protected . ryan finds a pic of himself with a note advising them to call aidan devane if he is seen . ryan quickly hides the pic and the note in his pocket . tad gets a call from jesse who is concerned about angie . mrs. remington pulls a shotgun on angie and tad . after tad explains everything to her , she welcomes them in . she opens up to them when she finds out that they are working with the police to find her son 's killer . she shows angie and tad a necklace that her son gave her . she also gives them a box filled with letters . upon leaving the house , tad warns angie to walk straight to the car because they are being watched . after kicking a pillow through an imaginary goal post , aidan and kendall fall onto the bed laughing . ryan walks in and wonders what is going on . robert visits tad 's office and finds jesse and frankie .
cara : i ca n't wear this anymore . because every time i see it , every time i touch it , it reminds me of what we had . so , please , take this . jake : i ca n't -- i ca n't do that . cara : it 's time . jake : are you really marrying my brother tomorrow ? cara : before i do , there 's something else that you need to know . [ scene_break ] griffin : if you ca n't support cara 's decision to marry tad , then you need to leave . you 're either on board with the wedding , or i 'm putting you on the next flight home . it 's your choice . mrs. castillo : i will be a guest like anyone else . i am not going to miss my daughter 's wedding . tad : any way we can get you to say that with a smile on your face ? [ scene_break ] kathy : can we be flower girls in daddy 's wedding ? krystal : you know what ? that is gon na be up to your daddy . sorry . run along , ok ? kathy : ok . opal : i guess i have n't even thought about what i 'm gon na wear to this wedding . i got to ramp it up a little bit if i 'm gon na be the mama of the groom . krystal : i 'm sorry . am i the only one who has a big problem with this wedding ? [ scene_break ] colby : why would someone post a picture of my mom ? j.r. : what do you expect ? you broadcast that your mother , the district attorney , had sex with your boyfriend . i 'm surprised that the press is n't all over this . colby : what is your problem ? j.r. : what do you mean , what 's my problem ? i 'm pissed . colby : this has nothing to do with you , j.r . j.r. : you 're right , colby . this has to do with the family ! if you 're trying to drag the chandlers down even further , congratulations . because it worked . [ scene_break ] [ music plays at confusion ] liza : i 'll have a white wine . [ scene_break ] ricky : i get what you 're saying , mrs. davis . diana : if kendall sees the evidence , she 'll send us to prison . you do understand that you 'll have to get rid of her ? ricky : of course , i understand . this is what i do . kendall : aha ! diana : did she find something ? ricky : i have to go . huh . you found the master switch . kendall : yes , i did . ohh . i know i 've already said this , but being here without zach -- it feels wrong . ricky : this place meant a lot to him ? kendall : it meant a lot to all of us . this was our home for a while . but now i look around , and it 's like we were never here . all of our personal things are gone . ricky : you sure about that ? kendall : yeah . zach wanted to sell right away , so he moved all of the important stuff into storage a while ago . ricky : if he was in such a hurry , maybe he left something behind . and as long as you 're here , maybe we should look around , check the safe . i do n't know . kendall : there is no safe . ricky : really ? no safe ? a big fancy yacht like this with no safe ? yeah . i guess i watched too many james bond movies as a kid . no pop - up drawers , secret compartments , any hidden places where you could keep valuables ? kendall : actually , we did have one . [ scene_break ] colby : can you at least be sympathetic , j.r. ? you know what my mother did to me . j.r. : yeah . and now so does everyone with an internet connection . what do you want me to do , give you a high - five ? look , i know how awful this is for you , but we have been trying to bounce back for over a year from bad press . colby : i know . yeah . and we were doing fine until you got obsessed with that crazy woman , who almost killed me , by the way . j.r. : i made mistakes . i know . but now it 's time for us to pull this family together , not blast their mistakes all over cyberspace . colby : i did n't make any mistakes . my mother made the mistake . j.r. : that 's not what i meant . what i want to know is why , colby ? why so public about something that 's so -- colby : humiliating ? i know . i do n't know , ok ? i was upset . i did n't do it on purpose . i was letting out my feelings . you probably have no idea what it feels like to be hurt by the people that are supposed to love you . j.r. : i just want to make this go away , but it 's too late . you ca n't take it back . asher : maybe she can . [ scene_break ] tad : thank god for the cops . get in here . jesse : tad -- tad : i need you to do me a favor , ok ? i need you to vouch for me with mrs. castillo . it 's important . do n't talk . just do this for me , ok ? jesse : tad -- tad : mrs. castillo , i 'd like to introduce my very best friend , jesse hubbard . mrs. castillo : hello . griffin : jesse 's the chief of police of pine valley . tad : and we practically go back to childhood . so as far as i 'm concerned , there is no more honorable , more trustworthy man on this earth to serve as , for lack of a better word , a character witness for me . so would you please tell cara 's mother she 's got nothing to worry about , that you 're 100 % behind this wedding . jesse : i actually came to talk you out of this . [ scene_break ] kathy : can we listen to music on your phone ? krystal : uh , yeah . sure . but just stay where i can see you , all right ? right over here . ok ? opal : look , i feel like i 'm standing in front of an oncoming train , ok , just trying to make the best of a bad situation . i thought we both agreed that we were coming on board . krystal : i did n't have a vote , opal . and what do we know about this cara anyway , besides the fact that she broke jake 's heart , and now she 's using his brother ? she 's using all of us . opal : yeah , i could n't agree more . but i guess tad thinks that the possibility of her getting gunned down by a bunch of banditos makes all of this worth it . krystal : yeah . worth it for her . but where does it leave tad ? he 's making a huge sacrifice . you know that , do n't you ? he 's giving up a big chunk of his future for a virtual stranger . opal : and you were , deep down , kind of hoping that that future would be with you . krystal : maybe that 's part of it , all right ? but even if tad and i never got back together , i like what we have . you know ? it 's different , but it works . for the first time in my life i feel -- i felt secure and part of a real family , and i guess i 'm just not ready to give that up . opal : who says you have to ? nothing 's gon na change just because tad says `` i do , `` except maybe another chair at the dinner table . krystal : you know what ? you wo n't need one more chair if i move out . [ scene_break ] cara : this ring saved my life . jake : what do you mean ? cara : um , when the cancer came back , i needed something to hold on to , so i held on to that . it was my lifeline . it was my connection to you . i sat in the hospital beds staring at the ring , praying that i would beat this disease , so that i could find you again , so i could explain to you . you 'd forgive me , and then you 'd slip that ring back on my finger . so everything changed for you , and now everything is changing for me , starting tomorrow , right ? i 'm gon na start this whole new chapter of my life . jake : but you showed this ring to the immigration officer . cara : i 'm gon na get another ring . it 's just that this ring , the vows that we made -- this -- it 's sacred , and it would be wrong to use it for something that was n't real . so , um , i got to go , because i 'm off to my fake bridal shower . amanda : hey . what you got there ? jake : cara 's ring . she did n't want it anymore . she said it would be weird wearing it for the marriage to my brother . not that it 's a real marriage , just -- but i get it . it 's -- and it 's good . this is good because this is proof that she 's moved on . we moved on . amanda : are you ok with that ? jake : yeah , i 'm ok with that . amanda : so what are you gon na do with the ring ? [ scene_break ] tad : you -- you jokester , you . come on , man . this is serious . yank the other one . mrs. castillo : so you were n't serious when you said you would try to talk tad out of this wedding ? tad : of course not . he knows what this means to me and cara . he 's been after me for years to find a nice woman and settle down . you know what ? he and his wife angela -- they 're poster children for matrimony . mrs. castillo : is your wife too young for you , as well ? griffin : you know , mom , why do n't we go to cara 's shower ? does n't that sound like fun to you ? hmm ? [ scene_break ] opal : come on . you ca n't be serious . krystal : tad needs to sell this marriage , opal . how 's it gon na look with his ex - wife living in the same house ? opal : but where would you go ? krystal : with all this craziness , i have n't even given it that much thought . but my main concern is the girls . opal : those girls are tad 's , too , you know . he 's not gon na let you just walk out the door with them . they 're his life . krystal : tad is on a mission to protect cara . all right ? unfortunately , that puts one degree of separation between our girls and those drug lords , and that is my main concern . opal : this is just dandy . just dandy . if you move out , who am i gon na share chocolate cake with at 3 : 00 in the morning ? krystal : maybe cara likes cake . opal : i 'll tell you something . i am never gon na like tad 's new wife half as much as i like his last one . krystal : ahem . opal : and she 's standing right behind me , is n't she ? cara : hi . it 's ok . i get it . it 's -- i 'm grateful for you guys throwing me this beautiful bridal shower . thank you . krystal : well , you know , we had to do it for tad . he said that we had to make this work . opal : and for you , too , because every bride deserves a hat made out of ribbons and a paper plate . oh . cara : excuse me . hey . griffin : hey . cara : how are you ? griffin : how are you ? cara : hi , mami . i 'm so glad you decided to come . thank you . mrs. castillo : it does n't mean i approve . cara : all right . you know what you can do ? we 're seated over there , if you want to just sit down , and i will meet you in just a minute . [ scene_break ] asher : i can clear the site , scour the net and try to find all the video footage and delete it . it might take a while , though , because once something goes viral , it can be in a lot of places . but i 'll do it , if that 's what you want . j.r. : i do n't care what she wants . you go ahead and do it anyway . colby : i know you , like , live to do whatever j.r. says . asher : just tell me what you want . colby : oh . is this you pretending to care about me again ? am i gon na find out some really big secret ? asher : is that what this is about ? no one told you about your mom and damon , and so now you feel the need to tell everyone ? colby : you lied to me , asher . asher : no , i kept something from you , because i did n't want to hurt you . colby : i am hurt . asher : and i am sorry . colby : ok . you are sorry . everybody is so sorry for me . they 're sorry that i was held hostage . they 're sorry that they left me . they 're sorry that i walked around looking like a complete idiot in front of everybody . you must think that -- asher : i think that you 've been kicked around more than anyone deserves . i will wipe that footage out . i will , if that 's what you want me to do . however long it takes , i 'll do it . colby : no . no , do n't . [ scene_break ] kendall : i have to be at a bridal shower . this was -- ha ha ! this was the place where zach and i would hide the boys ' christmas presents . yeah , we used to have so much fun packing everything in here . we would be so excited . we could n't wait to see the boys ' faces when they would tear the paper open . now it 's empty . [ phone rings ] kendall : excuse me . ricky : yeah . kendall : hello ? diana : hi , mrs. slater ? kendall : yes ? diana : hi . this is mrs. spence . i 'm filling in for the school nurse at spike 's school . kendall : is everything ok ? diana : no reason to be alarmed . spike 's complaining of a stomachache . i think you should come and take him home . kendall : ok . yes , of course . i 'll be right there . thank you . it 's a good thing we took separate cars . spike has a stomachache , so i have to go to his school and go get him . ricky : oh , really ? i 'll be happy to drive you . kendall : no , no . i 'll be fine , really . i appreciate that , though . i got to get going . oh . wait . the lights . the lights . ricky : you know what ? go take care of spike . i 'll turn off the lights for you . kendall : are you sure ? ricky : yeah . please , go , go , go . kendall : all right . thank you . i 'll see you later . ricky : all right . [ scene_break ] tad : what was that ? i was counting on you . jesse , i know this whole wedding thing is a little quick . but , you know -- jesse : quick . insane . something 's off , tad . is she pregnant ? tad : god , no . jesse : what do you mean ? it 's not like it could n't happen . what 's going on ? what 's the story ? tell me . what 's going on ? tad : would you do me a favor ? would you stop thinking like a cop for just five minutes ? jesse : do n't make me lock you up to stop you from doing something you 're gon na regret . tad : that i 'm gon na regret ? do you regret marrying angela ? jesse : not the same thing . tad : answer the question . jesse : it 's not the same thing . never regret marrying -- tad : do me a favor . think back to when you first saw angela . ok ? angela baxter : young , beautiful , the world was still cooling . ok ? you knew then and there . you did n't have to think about it , right ? jesse : i was 16 . tad : yeah , and i 'm not . jesse : we 're the same age , tad . tad : exactly , jesse . that 's what i 'm saying . think about it . look at my life . you had a ringside seat , you know ? all those years , all those mistakes , the bad choices , the bad karma , an entire truckload of missed opportunities . that 's what i 'm trying to tell you . i look at cara , and i know that she 's the one . i do n't want to think it to death . i do n't want to beat it to death with questions . i just want to go for it . jesse : you even know this girl ? tad : do you hear yourself ? you 're the one that stands in my living room every week and tells me to get my aging ass out there again ! now i finally want to do it , and this is what i get ? i 'm sorry that we do n't have the kind of history that you and angela do . jesse : there 's history there : hers with jake . tad : what we have together works . jesse : no second thoughts ? tad : none . jesse : what does jake think about this ? tad : he 's behind us every step of the way . jesse : you know what , tad ? i 'm not gon na lie to you . i 've known you way too long . something ai n't right . but if this is making you as happy as you say it is , if cara is it , then by all means , brother , float your boat . tad : so you 're gon na stand up for me and be my best man tomorrow ? jesse : tomorrow ? tad : i 'll take that as a yes . come on . [ scene_break ] jake : i do n't need to keep the ring . i do n't want to keep the ring , but i do n't want to throw the ring away . there 's got to be something we can do to -- something to do -- you know . amanda : maybe somebody could use it . jake : exactly . you know what ? there 's a kid in accounting . i overheard him talking about his girlfriend , wanted to pop the question , but he could n't afford a ring . amanda : oh . that 's perfect . [ phone chirps ] jake : sorry . ohh . it 's this bachelor auction thing i got myself involved with . i got to go take care -- i 'll tell you what . i 'll offer this to the kid in accounting , and i 'll see you at home . amanda : all right -- for our first night in our styling new room . jake : i ca n't wait . i ca n't wait . no , i mean i really ca n't wait . i have n't slept . tad snores like i do n't know what . amanda : i do n't snore . jake : no , you do n't -- well , a little bit . amanda : does this mean you 're not mad at me anymore for turning cara in to immigration ? jake : you would n't have done it if you felt secure with us . so i ca n't wait to get you home to our new bedroom and show you how solid we really are . i got to go . [ scene_break ] colby : i ca n't believe how many comments there are on my video . look , look . this girl says , `` my boyfriend had sex with my mother , too . `` she 's exactly like me . asher : damn . colby : and look at this person . she says , `` i thought i was the only person this ever happened to . sorry you 're going through this freak show nightmare . but hearing you let loose -- way to go . wish i could . at least i do n't feel bad anymore . `` asher : sounds like a thumbs - up to me . colby : yeah . and this girl -- she says , `` ever since i heard your story , i finally have the courage to stand up for myself . `` hmm . and this girl -- she says , `` most girls are phony poseurs pretending their lives are perfect , but you 're real . you 're honest . can you come to tulsa and rip my ex a new one ? `` asher : it looks like you have fans . colby : i have fans . not all the comments are nice , but most of them are , and they say that they want to hear more from me . asher : ah . look at this one . `` what your mom did was nasty , but what you did rocks . instead of staying quiet , you had the guts to put it out there . wish i had a friend like you . `` colby : what is she gon na think of my guts if i take the video down ? asher : so i 'm guessing that you might want to leave it up in all its glory ? but what if your mom sees ? [ scene_break ] krystal : wow . cara : `` wow `` is right . opal : too racy for a future mom - in - law ? cara : ha ha ! opal : just trying to keep it real . mrs. castillo : cara said that tad 's mother was coming in from florida . opal : oh . i 'm tad 's biological mama . ruthie , who 's coming in from florida -- she adopted him , bless her soul . krystal : tad has two mothers . opal : yep . that is true . ahem . that started way back when i was still with tad 's evil daddy , ray gardner . that s.o.b . -- he could n't keep his fists to himself and ended up in the slammer . tad : hey . hi . opal : hey there ! cara : hi . tad : did i miss all the fun ? opal : yeah . krystal : actually , i think it 's just starting . mrs. castillo : who is that ? tad : just a friend . have a cupcake . what is this ? liza : i called j.r. , and he said that you might be here . tad : why did n't you just call me ? it 's not ticking . what is it ? liza : it is a -- it 's a peace offering . i hope that you and cara will be very happy together . tad : you actually sound like you mean that . liza : and you 're surprised . i do n't blame you . after everything that i 've done , i know you 're surprised that i still have any decency left in me . tad : no , i 'm not . i know you do . kathy : hey , liza ? look . it 's colby . tad : colby ? colby 's voice : i thought that we were in love , and then he cheated on me . it was n't like it was some random sorority girl . that would just be pathetic . some drunken skank -- that i could deal with . but no . he slept with my mother . liza : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] jake : what 's up ? griffin : what 's up ? jake : is there a problem ? griffin : no . i was just checking if a delivery came in . jake : hmm . excuse me if i 'm a little on edge . someone 's been helping themselves to our drugs . griffin : that sucks . jake : it does . i was hoping to catch the person before angie comes back to work . you have n't seen anybody -- like , anything suspicious , have you ? griffin : no . nothing that i can think of . jake : all right . griffin : tomorrow 's the big day , huh ? i assume you 'll be there for your brother ? jake : i guess the way you 'll be there for your sister . griffin : i finally get the chance . first wedding was a big mystery . [ scene_break ] kendall : what are you doing ? ricky : i really wish you had n't come back here . ricky : i thought you went to pick up spike . kendall : yeah . the weirdest thing -- i got to the school , and nobody knew anything about a stomachache . i went to his classroom , and spike was fine . ricky : wow . that 's strange . kendall : yeah , it is a little strange , but the nurses think they just got him mixed up with another boy . so -- ricky : i 'm glad he 's ok . kendall : yeah , thanks . me , too . so you still have n't told me why you -- why are you still here ? ricky : my phone . my phone . when i got out to the car , it was n't in my pocket . so i guess i must 've dropped it somewhere . kendall : oh . let me help you look for it . ricky : really ? thank you . got it . it 's right here . kendall : that was fast . ricky : yeah . hey , i need to get back to my church , and you need to get to that bridal shower . kendall : actually , i 'd like to stay here for a little while longer -- alone , alone , if you do n't mind . ricky : i really do n't think that 'd be such a good idea . griffin : no , it 's not . [ scene_break ] opal : what in tarnation would make colby say such a thing ? tad : ma . opal : it does n't make any sense ! why is she spouting off on the internet about how her mama took a roll in the hay with her boy -- tad : ma . opal : oh , my god . it 's true , is n't it ? krystal : so that 's why damon had to leave town so soon ? tad : pretty much . opal : now , i know they say `` like mother , like daughter , `` but i do n't think they meant this . you should be ashamed of yourself ! tad : no , wait . liza : no , please . just let me go . opal : wait a minute . so you knew about this ? tad : later . ok ? opal : it is one thing that that old marian put her cougar claws into you when the two of you were dating , but the fact that she would then go after your son -- tad : for god 's sake , ma , enough is enough ! put a sock in it ! mrs. castillo : dios mio . tad : mrs. castillo , you have my deepest apologies . i do n't know what to say . it was a long , long , long time ago . cara : she 's gon na get over it , ok ? mrs. castillo : i will ? cara : of course . because we 've all made mistakes , right ? whatever mistakes tad has done in the past , it was a long time ago . it 's over . he 's going to be an excellent husband . mrs. castillo : i need to lie down . [ scene_break ] colby : who cares what my mother thinks ? asher : i 'm not taking her side , but the internet -- that 's a lot of people . like , everyone . colby : she 's gon na get exactly what she deserves . [ phone rings ] asher : she might be getting it right now . [ scene_break ] jake : this place looks amazing . so do you . amanda : i am so happy to be home with my husband . it has been a long time . and i finally feel like things are getting back to the way they used to be , the way they should be . jake : well , you have nothing to worry about . nothing . you understand that ? amanda : i 'm starting to , but i could use a little more convincing . jake : i 'll see what i can do . singer : ooh more than soul connection i am caught and under your spell [ scene_break ] cara : necesito poquito tiempo con tad , ok , por favor ? i 'm so sorry . tad : no , it 's not her fault . i 'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around it . 24 hours from now , you and me -- cara : look , if you do n't -- i understand . it 's good . [ scene_break ] kendall : ricky and i were talking . i was showing him our boat . griffin : and you thought , what , let 's go for a cruise ? did it even occur to you that bringing her out here in the cold could jeopardize her health ? kendall : we were n't going anywhere . he was actually making me feel better . he was helping me remember all the great things about zach . ricky : you do n't have to defend yourself or me , ok ? griffin : if you needed to leave the house , why did n't you just go to my sister 's bridal shower ? ricky : you 're not her keeper . griffin : all right . let 's go . i 'm taking you home . come on . kendall : excuse me . i will drive myself home , ok , in my own car . griffin : you should n't even be driving . [ phone rings ] ricky : it 's that parishioner again . i should go . kendall : thank you . this was a great idea . ricky : sure . kendall : bye . griffin : kendall , you have a problem , and it 's not just your health . kendall : if you say `` ricky `` -- griffin : it 's me . you still do n't trust me . [ scene_break ] colby : what do you think ? how long till i get my own reality show ? liza : you 're really making a joke out of this ? colby : no . the joke 's on you : throwing yourself at my boyfriend ? liza : ok . so this is your payback ? colby : all i know is that this video going viral is like the first time i have n't felt alone after what you did to me , like i am not the only person who has n't been slammed by somebody who was supposed to love them . liza : i do love you , colby . ok . ok . you got your little rush of fame . now go and take this video down . colby : like hell i will . [ scene_break ] kendall : of course , i trust you . griffin : if you did , you would n't be out here . kendall : what does one thing have to do with the other ? griffin : i made you a promise to keep you alive . but every time i turn around , it 's as if you 're doing something to make that impossible . kendall : ok . i 'm here on the boat . it 's not like i jumped in the water . griffin : you might as well have . you 're running around in the cold . you 're ignoring my medical advice . it 's obvious you do n't believe i can help you . kendall : griffin , i told you before the surgery that i trust you with my life . griffin : and i trust you with mine . i shared with you a secret that could put me away for a long time . nobody knows that i 'm stealing drugs from the hospital . kendall : not even cara ? griffin : she 'd understand that the drugs are going to people who need them , but i ca n't get her involved . as soon as zach 's casino money comes in , i 'll pay the hospital back for the drugs , and that 'll be that . i told you that secret for one reason : so you 'd know you could trust me . [ ricky listens in from the doorway ] kendall : for the millionth time , i do trust you . griffin : then start taking care of yourself . do n't make me break my promise . [ scene_break ] liza : colby , what , you think you 're doing some sort of , what , community service here ? right ? helping other women who 've also been cheated on ? no , colby , no . what you 're doing is you 're opening yourself up to more humiliation . colby : maybe i am . but it was worth it , because now everybody knows who you really are . [ scene_break ] tad : come on . do n't get me wrong . i 'm not having second thoughts . not one . cara : ok . so we 're doing this ? tad : yeah . tomorrow evening , mr. and mrs. thaddeus martin . sorry about the handle , but you 'll get used to it . oh , hey , i forgot to ask you . do you want rice or rose petals ? i did n't ask , and it kind of goes with the dinner . cara : you can surprise me on that one . tad : i 'll do that . cara : wait . i 'm sorry . i have to thank you again and again and again for stepping up in such a huge way . tad : listen , you should know something about me . in my life i 've done a lot of things . unfortunately , one of them is profoundly selfish , and it 's taken the last couple of decades for life to pound that out of the fender . and in all those years , i 've never met a woman who was willing to sacrifice everything she had -- her career , her safety , her happiness -- for the sake of somebody else , somebody i love . there 's nobody on this earth i 'd rather do something like this for . so you know what ? mami and me will always be like this . [ cara laughs ] [ scene_break ] amanda : i feel so close to you right now . i love you so much . jake : i love you . you know what i think we 're also gon na love ? amanda : hmm ? jake : our new shower . want to take a shower with me , or do you want to eat first ? amanda : go warm it up for me . jake : yeah ? ok . [ shower runs ] [ phone rings ] amanda : jake ? jake , your phone 's ringing . [ ring ] [ amanda finds cara 's ring in jake 's pocket ]
on the yacht owned by kendall and zach , kendall searches for the light switch while ricky talks on the phone to diana as to what will have to happen if kendall finds the info that will incriminate all the casino owners and send them to jail . the camera shows the whiskey bottles underneath the counter as kendall searches for the light switch . at the hospital , cara gives jake back his wedding ring that he had given her years ago . amanda listens from outside the door . in the living room of the chandler mansion , colby and j.r. argue over the fact that liza had slept with damon and was thus causing bad publicity for the chandler family . asher walks in and offers to help eliminate the information from the internet site before it causes too much damage . in tad 's living room , griffin threatens to send mrs. castillo home if she tries to interfere in this wedding between tad and cara . in the confusion bar , opal and krystal prepare the decorations for tad 's and cara 's wedding . krystal , as does opal has her reservations about this wedding . opal senses that krystal wishes that it were her , who was spending the rest of her life with tad . liza sits at the confusion bar and exchanges glances with a man sitting across from her . diana warns ricky that if kendall finds the information then that will send them to prison . ricky promises that he will deal with this situation in case kendall finds the info . to ricky 's relief , kendall finds the light switch instead of the missing info . kendall lets ricky know that this feels wrong being here without zach . kendall reveals to ricky that she and zach did have a secret hiding place on the yacht . ricky becomes very interested as to where the hiding place is . kendall reveals the secret hiding place is in a clothes closet of sorts . kendall gets a phone calls from someone ( diana ) , who tells kendall that spike is sick and she is needed at the school to come and pick him up . ricky looks around the clothes closet to find the missing info . kendall leaves ricky alone on the yacht . cara explains to jake that having the wedding ring with her helped her through some terrible times when she had had a relapse of the cancer , and that it had helped her to feel close to jake . cara also tells jake that she had longed for that one day that jake would slip the ring back on her finger . cara leaves to go to her bridal shower . amanda approaches jake and wants to know what is going on . jake lets her know that cara had given her back the wedding ring . amanda asks jake as to what he will do with the ring . krystal lets opal know that she is moving out of tad 's home . opal is against the idea and wonders who she will eat cake with once krystal is gone . cara walks up and overhears the conversation . asher offers to help colby , but she accuses him of only lying to her like everyone has done . jesse visits tad at home . tad enlists jesse 's help in convincing mrs. castillo that he is an alright man to marry cara . jesse lets tad know that he is there to talk tad out of marrying cara . tad lets mrs. griffin believe that jesse is only play acting and he is really for the wedding . griffin drags mrs. griffin for the bridal shower . tad lets jesse know that he is really serious about marrying cara . colby and asher devise a plan to get even with liza via the internet . cara begins to open up her bridal shower gifts . liza pulls tad aside to give him a special bridal gift . liza reads the message from colby via the internet . mrs. griffin is beside herself with surprise when she finds out that liza had slept with tad 's son . cara tries to smooth over the rough edges concerning liza sleeping with damon . at the hospital , jake catches griffin eyeing the narcotics in the medicine cabinet . jake questions him as to what he is doing . kendall comes back to the yacht and finds ricky rummaging through the cushions on the sofa . ricky makes up the excuse that he was looking for his cell phone . when kendall starts to help him look for it , ricky pretends that he finds it on the sofa . griffin interrupts kendall and ricky . griffin lashes out at kendall for not taking care of herself . ricky gets a call and pretends to leave . griffin reminds kendall again as to how he had been stealing medicines from the hospital , but was going to pay the hospital back . ricky listens from outside the door . jake comes home to amanda and they make love . jake goes to take a shower and amanda finds the wedding ring in jake 's jacket . liza lashes out at colby for what she had done , but all colby will say is that people will finally know what kind of person that liza really is . tad lets cara know that he is in this for the long haul .
aidan : maria . maria : hey . aidan : how you doing ? what 's wrong ? maria : oh -- aidan : it 's not edmund ? do n't tell me he 's gotten worse ? maria : no , no , his condition 's the same . but , you know , all that could change in a heartbeat . aidan : is there anything i can do ? maria : thank you , but , no , there 's nothing really that anybody can do , except him . he 's my only hope . [ scene_break ] david : all right , edmund . you 've got something to say to me ? edmund : i should 've said it a while ago . david : go right ahead . i 'm ready for whatever you 've got . edmund : good . because what i want to say is thank you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : me and you ? ryan : you and me . greenlee : on your bike , on a road trip ? ryan : wherever a tank full of gas is going to take us . greenlee : you 're joking . ryan : no . no , i do n't joke about who gets to ride on the bike . the big galoot 's kind of sensitive that way . hey . hey , what 's -- what 's all this ? greenlee : now i know it 's for real , ryan . you 've forgiven me . [ scene_break ] kendall : erica , are you ok ? are you hurt ? erica : bianca ? you 're naming your child after my mother ? bianca : miranda mona montgomery . grandma was one of the greatest women i 've known , and i want to pass some of her love she gave to me -- erica : do you want to know what i really want , bianca ? bianca : yes , i would like to know , mom , if you 'll tell me . what do you really want ? erica : what i want is a powder room so i can get to this stain before it has a chance to set in . bianca : mom , it 's ok . erica : no , it 's not ok . you know how much i love this suit . winifred : ms. kane , if -- erica : oh , really , winifred , i know . thank you so much , but i can handle it . bianca : i have to go after her . kendall : no , you need to come over here , take a deep breath , ok ? let 's not push her , all right ? opal : well , let 's help yourselves , ladies . step right up . why do n't we all pretend that we 're eating for two . how 's that ? marian : oh , bite your tongue . opal : well -- simone : amen to that , sister . opal : here . bianca : i was so stupid . what was i thinking ? kendall : that maybe she would be happy that you paid tribute to the kane legacy , or that she 'd at least understand ? bianca : it 's like i forgot to worry for a second . mom came . she even smiled . everyone was having such a good time . it 's like i got too excited . but to spring that name on her all of a sudden ? mom worshiped her mother . i had no right to just -- opal : honey , honey -- you loved mona , and mona loved you . that is all the right that you need , ok ? i think your grandmother would just be tickled pink . bianca : but did you see mom 's face ? did you see the way she looked at me ? it 's like everything i say or do is a slap in the face . kendall : no , no -- bianca , no , no , no . she 's the same way with -- i mean , it 's not just you . she 's that way with me and jack . opal : and you got a little extra company here , too . kendall : listen to me . you are her life , bianca . you 're her life , ok ? nothing you can ever do will stop her loving you . bianca : what if you 're wrong ? you know , mom came today , but it 's like she is n't even here . opal : you know , honey , that is just her way . that is the way that erica makes it through the really tough times , and it is n't easy on any of us . kendall : she 's here . she 's here , she made the effort . she came here . that 's a good sign . now , listen , i do n't want you to waste another second on this beautiful party with unhappy thoughts , ok ? look , look around . all of these people are here to celebrate your child , the birth of your child . yes . they 're ready to welcome her with open arms -- precious little miranda mona montgomery . opal : yeah . kendall : ca n't you feel it ? she 's already blessed . bianca : even if my mother -- kendall : wait , wait , hold on ! mimo -- i 've got it -- mimo . we will call her `` mimo `` for short . [ opal laughs ] kendall : yeah . wait , wait , you wo n't give me `` kendallette . `` you got to give me something . bianca : ok , you are off the nickname committee , ok ? kendall : what 's that ? yes . mimo said , `` show me the gifts . `` maggie : and here is a gift from her favorite great aunt myrtle -- bianca : oh -- maggie : who plans to spoil her to death , just like all of us , starting right now . [ scene_break ] bobby : since we were n't together on valentine 's day . anita : bobby -- bobby : what , you 're not going to open them ? i -- i hear chocolates get annoyed if you leave them in the box for too long . what , you do n't believe me ? anita : you could 've called . bobby : if i wanted to suffer . anita : what 's that supposed to mean ? bobby : well , sure , i get to hear your voice -- and it 's a gorgeous voice , by the way -- but on the phone i ca n't see your eyes . i ca n't touch your hair . i ca n't tell what kind of mood you 're in because i do n't know whether you put on your take - on - the - world blouse or the sweater that says you 'd rather curl up with a book . according to the shirt , you missed me , too ? anita : that 's not the only reason why you came all the way to pine valley -- to read my blouse ? bobby : i also bring good news . the new job -- it 's better than i had hoped . i -- i really think i found the one . like all those years ago when i found you ? yeah . even though we were too young , i knew that you were it for the rest of my life , and that 's what this job feels like for me . and i just came here to share that with you and to say thank you . anita : for what ? you got that job on your own . bobby : whatever happiness i get in my life , it all leads back to you , anita . you just going to let these poor things suffocate ? i 've seen it happen before . it 's pretty messy . anita : there 's no candy in here . bobby : oh , well , they must 've made a break for it . anita : bobby -- bobby : i -- i saw you looking at it before christmas , and , you know , you knew i could n't afford it and you did n't tell me . but that was then and this is now . new job , new us . from now on , i want you to tell me everything that you want . i will do whatever i can to give it to you . i need you . i love you , anita . you know i do . [ scene_break ] aidan : look , if david can finally be of some use to you , then i think that 's a good thing . maria : you know what , i 've got to be crazy . absolutely crazy . aidan : no , i do n't think so . look , david can be utterly convincing at times , especially when he 's talking about medicine . if there 's anyone that can pull this off -- maria : no , no , no , that 's not what i mean . i mean , i 'm talking about me . i 'm putting you right now in a position where you have to be nice about a guy that you would so gladly go in there and throttle , and i 'm sorry . aidan : well , i would , but do n't worry about that . i can see that david is useful here . maria : you know why ? aidan : why ? maria : because you are a supernice guy , that 's why . aidan : oh , do n't start that . maria : no , really . and i apologize , , because i should n't be dragging you into my drama right now . aidan : maria , do n't think you ca n't come to me because of what happened in the past . hey , you found the love of your life again . you beat unbeatable odds . that makes you like a walking miracle . all i want for you is to be happy because you deserve that -- you and edmund together . [ scene_break ] edmund : you restarted my heart when i flat - lined on the table . why should n't i thank you ? david : you did your part and i did mine . i 'm just happy that maria convinced me to scrub in . edmund : you did n't jump at the chance to have my life in your hands ? david : well , i was fairly certain that you 'd rather i did n't . not after everything -- edmund : not after keeping my wife from me for five years ? yeah , you were on target on that one . david : yet here you are , alive and well , all things considered . i guess it 's a good thing that maria knows how to get what she wants , huh ? edmund : yeah , well , she 's a resourceful woman . david : yeah . edmund , i 'm not here just for a follow - up . i know that you 're considering spinal surgery for the paralysis . now , i think there are other things that you should be considering . edmund : wait -- wait a second . this procedure has nothing to do with my heart , does it ? david : not directly , no . edmund : ok . maria sent you ? david : even though the surgery pertains to your spine , maria was acting responsibly by contacting me . edmund : i see . she did n't go to you for a consult . she told you to shut me down . david : she asked me to explain to you your situation . edmund : and it 's dire , right ? so dire that if i crash again on the table , even the brilliant hands of dr. hayward wo n't be able to bring me back ? david : that 's absolutely right . [ scene_break ] maria : you know , you -- you kept your head that night at the cabin . you took charge at the lodge . you did -- you know , if it was n't for you and everybody else there at the lodge , edmund would not have made it out of there alive . aidan : maria , edmund made it out of there alive because of one person , and that 's you . maria : no . no , that 's not true . aidan : hey , you were with him every second . you were his doctor , his wife . how could the man lose ? maria : yeah , but there was no way i could 've done all that without you guys all keeping me safe . aidan : oh , maria -- maria : uh - uh -- i 'm telling you . thank you , aidan . thank you for helping me save my husband 's life . god , please , let david come through for me now , too . [ scene_break ] edmund : i 'm sorry , david . if you 're just here to back up maria , just save your speech , ok , because i 've already heard it . david : if you already have , you would n't be so dismissive . look , let 's do an experiment , shall we ? you shut up and listen , and when i 'm finished , you can tell me to get lost . edmund : well , i 'm not going anywhere . go for it . david : good . look , you 've already experienced several cardiac arrests , which have caused scar tissue that 's responsible for an arrhythmia . now , if you were to undergo yet another stressful surgery , the arrhythmia could lead to ventricular fibrillation . that 's when the heart 's electrical activity becomes disordered . the heart 's lower chambers contract in a rapid , unsynchronized manner , pumping little or no blood . that could lead to irreversible arrest and death . edmund : that 's all you got ? no pie charts ? no diagrams ? david : several heart attacks and death , edmund . those are the facts . do with them what you will . edmund : what would you do with them if you were here instead of me ? david : you want my medical opinion ? i just gave it . you want my personal opinion ? sorry . that 's not what i do . edmund : oh , yeah , real personal when you kept my wife hidden from me for years . david : you 're right . i did that to save my own backside . maria did not deserve that and neither did you . edmund : did n't stop you then . david : because i learned from my mistake , edmund . therefore , there wo n't be a repeat performance . i will have nothing to do with separating you and maria ever again . [ scene_break ] ryan : well , our rock - hard , razor - sharp greenlee has sprung a little leak . greenlee : a temporary side effect . i 'm recovering from a very traumatic event , you know . ryan : hey , i have to admit i like it . i mean , do n't get me wrong . it 's still just you with your edges smoothed over a little bit . but it 's a hell of a shock . greenlee : you know , you 're preaching to the choir , pal . but quit changing the subject . you asked me to go away with you , which i 'm assuming means you 're taking me up on my offer . ryan : did i say that ? greenlee : whatever business venture you want to pry open , i am there as your very silent , very wealthy partner . ryan : ok , greenlee , you can keep your money and your wallet because my offer , if you choose to accept it , comes with certain requirements . greenlee : shocker . ryan : there will be no death grip when you hold on to me . you will lean into every turn . you will not put your feet down until i come to a full stop . and for god 's sakes , you will never shriek , `` stop , ryan , you just passed an outlet mall . `` greenlee : sir , yes , sir . is that a hint about our destination ? are we going to pass an outlet mall ? ryan : it was hypothetical , greenlee . greenlee : well , make it concrete . where are we going and how long is it going to take us to get there ? what are we going to do when we get there ? ryan : you really want to know ? greenlee : mm - hmm . ryan : then you 're uninvited . [ scene_break ] bianca : it 's so beautiful . oh , my gosh -- wait , there 's a note . liza : stunning . is it an antique ? bianca : i think so . let 's see . `` dearest bianca -- this music box was a gift to me from my mother when i was a baby . i 'd drift to sleep watching the horses and listening to the music . mama ran the carny 's merry - go - round , so she knew they have a special kind of magic , and that 's what i want to pass on to you and your precious love . `` all : aw . bianca : oh , my gosh , that is so sweet . opal : yeah , well , you say that now , but you just wait till your `` precious love `` is off gallivanting with the carny strongman , then you 'll be hunting myrt down . [ laughter ] marian : ooh , the carny strongman -- that sounds like a wonderful idea . why do n't you check that out , mia ? simone : yeah , mia . mia : wait a minute , how did i become the desperate one in need of a date ? marian : well , i 'm just trying to be helpful . feel free to listen , as well , simone . i have more than enough wisdom to go around . simone : yeah , i 've got it covered . thanks , marian . [ laughter ] babe : let me see ! bianca : oh , you know what ? when your little one comes over for play dates , i promise that miranda will share . babe : and i promise not to let my little one bounce them off her head . bianca : thanks . do you think everything 's ok ? how come mom is n't down yet ? kendall : just give her time . krystal : hey , speaking of carnivals , did i ever tell you about the time that i -- it was the summer i went undefeated in the tractor pull . [ all talking at once ] krystal : i might need another glass of champagne . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] babe : ms. kane ? babe : can i help you ? erica : no . no , not me . bianca . help bianca . somebody 's got to stop her . babe : there 's nothing for you to worry about . erica : babe , you do n't understand . and really , why should you ? i mean , you 're going to have your baby , and you 're going to look at your baby and you 're just going to fall in love . i mean , you 're going to look in your baby 's eyes and you 're going to see its father 's , and all that love you have for j.r. and all that love he has for you . babe : but bianca loves her baby . she told me that . erica : no , she 's in love with the idea , but she has no real concept of -- of the reality ! i mean , once she holds that baby in her arms , all she 's going to see is his eyes on her baby 's face . he 's going to be there looking up at her -- the man who raped her . and then she 's just going to remember all the time . she 's going to feel his hands on her , and she 's going to feel the -- the pain and -- and the bruises , and it wo n't go away ! and all the joy that you have , she wo n't have any of that . and all the love that 's there for you , that wo n't exist for her ! babe : ms. kane , please -- let me call someone for you . erica : babe , if bianca has that child , her life is going to be a tragedy . please , you 're her friend . save her . please , somebody has to save her . [ scene_break ] bianca : ok . all right , it 's from lena . oh -- oh , it 's so cute ! lena : look inside . see how soft it is ? ca n't you just imagine her cuddling in it ? bianca : so soft it makes me want to just kiss her pink cheeks . thank you so much ! all right , who 's next ? kendall : all right . yes , here we go . bianca : who 's this from ? kendall : this is from the magster . bianca : oh -- maggie : oh , you know what ? do n't open that up . you know what , we 'll just open it up when we get home . bianca : no , no , do n't be silly . maggie : no , because i really saw something else that i wanted to get , and i 'd rather just take it back and -- bianca : i love it . i -- look -- i love it . and she is going to need all the cuddling and softness that she can get . thank you , maggie . maggie : you 're welcome . opal : hey , you can never have too many of those . kendall : all right , here we go . bianca : what ? kendall : mine 's next ! bianca : oh , god . kendall : yes , mine is next . there 's a little explanation involved here . bianca : i would imagine so . kendall : do n't be afraid . be not afraid . bianca : oh ! all : aw . bianca : he 's adorable ! oh , so cute -- and a doggy bowl . liza : and the leash and the dog bowl are to inspire miranda 's imagination and abstract thinking . [ laughter ] kendall : there 's a certificate , as well . read it . bianca : oh -- `` good for one trip with auntie kendall to the pound to pick out the cutest puppy we can find . `` kendall -- kendall : please , please , please , please , bianca ? every kid needs a pet , right ? right ? yes ! yes ! and dogs are the epitome of unconditional love . liza : they 're also a lot of work . simone : yeah . kendall : yes , but unconditional love is worth the effort . so that is why i will be there to help feed her and brush her -- or him . marian : and what about the inevitable ? kendall : yes -- chief pooper - scooper at your service . simone : i would get that in writing . [ laughter ] bianca : i think so . kendall : please , bianca ? bianca : you 're going to teach her how to do that , too , are n't you ? kendall : what ? bianca : make puppy - dog eyes at me so that i ca n't possibly say no ? kendall : yes . [ laughter ] kendall : so , is that a yes ? bianca : yes ! kendall : yay ! yes , i promise , i promise . i will love you and miranda and mr. patches . bianca : and we will love you for it for the rest of our lives . kendall : i will always love you and mr. patches , and i will always be there for you and your baby . bianca : and i 'll always love you for it no matter what . give me a hug . kendall : the whole family . [ scene_break ] ryan : well , rule number one is understood -- do n't ask the wrong question . greenlee : i just wanted to know where we 're going . ryan : we 're not going anywhere because you are uninvited . greenlee : i thought you had to point the bike somewhere . ryan : yeah , i can point the bike without aiming it . this is about adventure , greenlee . this is about reckless abandonment . all right , i have seen way too much this last week , so much that not much surprises me anymore . and i intend to fix that . so if you want to put your butt on my bike , you are going to have to want surprise , too . greenlee : it 's not enough that i lean with the turns ? i have to embrace adventure ? throw caution to the wind ? no destination , no guarantees ? ryan : think about it , greenlee . could be great things for both of us . greenlee : you make it sound so laid back and uncomplicated -- ryan : ok -- greenlee : but it 's not . ryan : well , let me make it simple for you . for this to work , you have to trust me . can you do that ? greenlee : i trust you with my life . you know that . ok . ryan : ok , what ? ok , you 're going to stick around here -- greenlee : your bike , your rules . i 'm with you . ryan : you mean that ? greenlee : wherever the road takes us . if you think this adventure could pay off for us bigtime , then that 's awesome . but it 's the journey , not the destination . once we head out , it 's already paid off . ryan : well , i stand corrected . greenlee : i 've bent to your will , caved to your demands . now it 's time for a little quid pro quo . ryan : oh , greenlee , what a shame . you were , like , this close to the trip of a lifetime . greenlee : just hear me out . ryan : i just know i 'm going to regret this . greenlee : first -- while i will not make you stop at any outlet malls , i will need to find some especially snooty stores . i intend to be the audrey hepburn of the motorcycle set , so i 'll have to dress accordingly . ryan : is that it ? greenlee : i must -- i repeat , must -- fulfill my cravings for a good veggie pizza . you think shopping withdrawal 's ugly ? you do n't even want to know about the pizza . ryan : ok , you got it . pizza and stores -- damn , you 're tough . greenlee : then we have a deal . let 's go . wherever the road takes us , however we get there , however long it takes . so come on . ryan : there 's just one more thing . greenlee : oh , come on , what else is there ? you got to be kidding me . ryan : well , this is a serious -- this is a potential deal breaker here . every serious rider is obligated to wear this . greenlee : no , no , ryan . i draw the lines at tattoos and piercings . audrey hepburn , remember ? ryan : well , audrey , say hello to the first of many bad hair days . helmet head , baby . you think you can handle it ? [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] krystal : is everybody ok ? thought maybe somebody fell in . erica : oh , no , we 're fine . babe was just helping me try to , you know , get this stain out . as you can see , neither one of us did very well . krystal : you know , they say seltzer water does the trick . i could go -- erica : oh , no , thanks . that wo n't be necessary at all . krystal : all right . erica : thanks for your help , babe . krystal : all right , no way was all that fuss about a spot . i mean , i came in here and erica looked like she was turned inside out . what is going on ? babe : you wo n't believe what ms. kane just said to me . krystal : she did n't give you a hard time , did she ? babe : not me . bianca . she does n't want bianca to have her baby . and she says if bianca keeps the baby , she 's going to see the rapist for the rest of her life . mama , it was so awful seeing her scared like that . i would just die if you did n't want me to have this baby . krystal : oh , honey , hush . you do n't have anything to worry about . everybody 's so excited to see this baby come into the world . babe : maybe i just -- maybe i should 've just minded my own business and not thrown this shower . krystal : you did a very sweet thing , honey , because you have a big heart . babe : yeah . bianca 's mom does n't see it that way . krystal : well , honey , i mean , not too long ago she was sitting there in court , praying that her daughter was n't going to be going to jail . and then she had to hear her other daughter tell the whole world that she shot a very bad man . those kane women have had more on their hands than most families could ever handle . babe : maybe it was n't the right time for a party . krystal : honey , it was the perfect time . listen , bianca needed this afternoon to just giggle and glow just like every other mama - to - be , ok ? she 's down there right now opening up presents and chowing down , and that 's because of you . honey , you should just go on back down there and have fun . babe : i am happy for her . it 's just that -- what if ms. kane is right and i 'm wrong ? what if bianca does need someone to save her ? and what if this baby 's going to bring her nothing but heartache ? [ scene_break ] kendall : so , binks , we have so many expert mothers here . bianca : oh . kendall : i think you should take advantage . so any questions for our experts ? bianca : ok . ok , the whole sleepless nights thing -- is that really as bad as everybody lets on ? opal : worse . liza : you get used to it . almost brushing your teeth with diaper cream because you 're so exhausted -- that you do n't get used to . kendall : no , no , no . bianca : ok , and what about labor ? marian : labor ? bianca : yeah . marian : do something for me , bianca -- tug on your lower lip very hard . bianca : ow . [ marian laughs ] bianca : oh , god . but not unbearable . marian : that 's good . now pull your lower lip over your head . all : oh ! kendall : oh , man ! that 's cruel . [ all talking at once ] erica : oh , no -- did i miss the rest of the presents being opened ? oh ! were they all just sweet and adorable ? kendall : they were very beautiful and very thoughtful . opal : here , sit yourself down . erica : oh , why , thank you . oh , bianca , wait a second . you have n't opened my present , honey . here , you go ahead and open it . bianca : thanks . erica : go ahead . simone : oh , i love the wrapping paper . erica : oh , beautiful . liza : it 's beautiful . opal : beautiful . [ bianca gasps ] bianca : oh , mom . all : aw . bianca : oh , my goodness -- and a little spoon . i love it . i love it , and she 's going to love it , too . erica : i 'm so glad you like it . bianca : oh , i do . and i 'm so glad that you could be here with me -- erica : babe ? babe , thank you so much . everything 's been so lovely . and thank you for including me , but i really do have to run now . bianca : wait , you 're -- babe : it 's no problem , ms. kane . it was good having you . erica : thank you . bye - bye . kendall : mother , please -- please do n't go . please ? erica : oh , i have to , i have to . my schedule -- and i have to change my suit , you know , so -- ok . kendall : well , at least -- at least just let me drive you home , ok ? we do n't even have to talk . erica : no , no , do n't be silly . i mean , please , stay with your sister . enjoy yourself . kendall : no , mother , please -- erica : bye . opal : bianca , honey , would you mind terribly if -- bianca : oh , no . go , please . opal : yeah , i just -- i remembered that petey has an engagement , and so i better make tracks . thanks so much , babe . babe : bye . opal : bye - bye . maggie : bye , opal . kendall : hey , who wants cake ? all : oh ! maggie : i thought you 'd finally never ask . babe : and we had to go for the carrot cake because we know it 's very important that we all get our veggies . marian : and cream cheese frosting , as well . another important food group . [ laughter ] mia : ok -- ta - da ! bianca : oh -- i thought they only made these at wedding showers . mia : well , what were we supposed to do with all these ribbons ? simone : yeah , and we expect you to wear it in the delivery room . mia : that 's right . we 're going to ask the doctor for a picture , so do n't try to ditch it . bianca : all right , any camera that gets anywhere near my delivery room is not coming out in one piece , ok ? just a warning for everybody . kendall : i like it . bianca : i like it , too . babe : ahem -- the first piece has no calories . bianca : oh , thank you . babe : did you know that ? bianca : babe , everything has been wonderful and incredible . i really -- i ca n't thank you enough . and thanks , too , for checking in on my mom upstairs . you did check in on her , right ? babe : well , yeah , we bumped into each other . bianca : did she seem ok to you ? babe : well , she 's erica kane . to me she 's always amazing . bianca : well , yeah . but , i mean , did she say anything to you about me ? i do n't want to make you uncomfortable or anything . i just -- it would really be helpful for me to know if she said anything about the baby . babe : well , we pretty much just talked about that stain . and i am no domestic goddess , so i really was n't much help , and your mom -- she just seems like she likes things just so . so she seemed just a little bit upset about ruining that top . bianca : yeah . but you know that it must 've been about something more . i mean , nobody gets that upset over a stain . i mean , if she said anything to you -- kendall : did you hear what i said ? i said to just forget about things , just leave it alone , enjoy yourself today , ok ? bianca : ok . kendall : forget about everything else . bianca : you 're right . i 'm sorry . forget i said anything . i 'm so totally impressed with you . you threw a party today for some of the most experienced hostesses in town , and everybody thought it was a hit . babe : well , it 's a good thing , too , because in about 25 years or so , everyone 's going to be back for our little kids ' weddings . kendall : yes . liza : you know , i want to apologize for my mother if she frightened you , you know , with the whole lip thing . bianca : oh , no . i thought it was actually kind of funny , in a really horrifying kind of way . liza : well , it 's going to be fine . are you going to take lamaze classes ? bianca : i thought it was kind of mandatory , is n't it ? liza : the breathing exercises come in handy , especially when your mother is in the room . but you do really need a good coach . bianca : well , we have n't even started yet , and i 've already learned that much . so , kendall ? you still willing to feed me ice chips and let me squeeze your hand until you squeal ? kendall : you -- you really want me to -- i thought you would want somebody else . bianca : no , i want the woman who pulls through for me every single time . i want it to be you . kendall : i want it to be me , too . i 'll be there before , during , and after delivery . you wo n't be able to get rid of me . bianca : really ? kendall : yes . bianca : you going to help me out with everything ? kendall : you name it . bianca : well , you know , that includes baby barf and 2 : 00 a.m. feedings and the croup and colic . liza : chickenpox , toilet training , and every cold that seems to run through the school . bianca : oh , yes , not to mention when she wants to get her ears pierced and wear makeup and go on dates and borrow the car . oh , oh , and let 's not forget -- mr. patches is going to need to go to the vet . kendall : ok , you know , on second thought , you 're on your own , kid . it 's not happening . uh - uh . it 's not happening . [ scene_break ] bobby : anita , please come with me . i need to be with you . anita : and i need to be here -- here . i mean , edmund has been in this place since new year 's day . can you imagine how hard that must be for maria and the kids ? i ca n't just leave them . bobby : that 's not the only reason you 're not coming with me . anita : no . bobby , i ca n't do this right now . bobby : well -- well , if not now , then when ? i mean , being apart from you does n't feel right . being this close -- this close that i can touch you -- that feels right . i just want to straighten this out with you . anita : i will call you later . bobby : anita , please . anita : bobby , you said you would give me some time to figure out what i want . so please , just go . bobby : i 'm not leaving you . i 'm not leaving you . not until we -- aidan : i suggest you do what the lady says , mate . [ scene_break ] maria : hello . i come bearing food from the outside world . actually , from the cafeteria , but , you know , variety is the spice of life . edmund : did you eat something ? maria : aidan dragged me down there , lectured me on my eating habits , made me eat a bowl of soup . edmund : i had a guest lecturer , too . david hayward . maria : oh , really ? edmund : `` oh , really ? `` that 's good , that 's good . if i did n't know that he admitted it , i would 've bought that . maria : i 'm sorry . are you mad ? edmund : come here . i 'll tell you face to face . maria : and ? so ? edmund : david knows his stuff . maria : mm - hmm . edmund : he 's got jargon pouring out of him . you want to know if i was convinced to change my mind about the surgery ? maria : are you ? edmund , please , tell me . edmund : david talks a good game , but he did n't influence my decision . maria : ok . edmund : you , on the other hand , influence me in a very , very big way . i 'm going to postpone the surgery . maria : oh . edmund : for a little while . i 'm just going to wait , see how it goes . maria : edmund , i do n't even know what to say . edmund : let 's get out of here . i want to go home . [ scene_break ] aidan : the lady asked you to leave . bobby : who is this guy ? aidan : i 'm the guy that thinks that you should go , and i 'm quite willing to show you the door . bobby : are you kidding ? what the hell is this ? aidan : this is me escorting you out . let me demonstrate . anita : no , aidan , stop ! he 's my husband . [ scene_break ] greenlee : a little roomy , but it 's ok . oh . not bad . miss hepburn would be proud . ryan : yeah , try it for eight hours . miss hepburn would weep into her tiffany bag . greenlee : hey , this is about adventure , not hair . the coif and i can totally handle it . ryan : wow . greenlee : what ? ryan : well , i do n't know . this metamorphosis has gone deeper than i thought . i mean , tears are one thing , but you being cool with helmet head ? talk about shock and awe . greenlee : oh , ho - ho - ho -- yuk it up . you do n't want to hear me talking about your head . this thing is , like , so big , it 's as big as a condo . i could rent out the space . ryan : well , you only get to wear that one until we pass the first cycle shop . and then i 'll get you the teeny , tiny one of your own . greenlee : then we 're all set , right ? we can go ? ryan : we can go . greenlee : hold it ! ryan : oh , greenlee , it 's like a dingy old box with decades of dirt in it . you really want that ? greenlee : it holds a secret , ryan . ryan : what secret ? greenlee : wrong question . let 's burn rubber . ryan : oh . [ scene_break ] bianca : thank you guys both for coming . simone : oh , you are so welcome . good night . mia : good night . [ babe sighs ] babe : so you think little miranda had a good time ? bianca : i think she 's all tuckered out . kendall : yeah , mama looks worn out , too . bianca : mm - hmm . kendall : you look very tired , binks . bianca : a little bit . babe : you guys know what 's even better than a great party ? kendall : what ? babe : a great nap . krystal : you got that right . kendall : oh , yes . bianca : that sounds like heaven right now . kendall : yes . i 'm going to take you home , ok ? bianca : ok . thank you again for everything . thank you , babe , for being such a wonderful friend . babe : well , what are in - laws for ? i 'll send the driver over with the gifts whenever you 're ready . kendall : oh , that 's perfect . thank you , guys . bianca : thank you . babe : you go home and catch some zs , honey . bianca : yeah , you , too . kendall : do n't worry . erica will be fine . [ scene_break ] david : all right , what do you have for me ? nurse : a patient asked specifically for you , dr. hayward , in cubicle number one . david : ok . thanks . nurse : mm - hmm . david : erica . [ next_on ] adam : congratulations , babe . i understand this is a special occasion . reggie : well , jack , that 's not erica . krystal : you can color me lucky . david : i ca n't help you if you do n't tell me where it hurts . erica : of course you can help me . it 's your fault i 'm in this condition .
erica reveals to everybody at the baby shower that she is not o.k . about bianca 's baby . and she reveals to babe that she believes bianca will be traumatized for life if she goes through with having the baby . erica winds up at david hayward 's doctor 's office .
myrtle : edmund would n't take any reward for saving my little nest egg from that swindler . you know , pine valley just wo n't be the same without him . maria : well , i know he thought you were pretty special , too , myrtle . opal : well , i would bet my beautician 's license that he is sitting up on some cloud right now , looking down on all of us gathered here , all weeping and sad , saying , `` why the heck is everyone making such a big ruckus over little ol ' me ? `` ( myrtle laughs ) anita : i 'm not sure he 'd put it quite like that . myrtle : it 's your own fault , edmund , for bein ' such a nice guy . brooke : ok , everything 's , uh , all taken care of . there 's a , uh , car waiting to take you to meet sam at the airport as soon as he arrives . maria : thank you , i -- that was on my to do list , um -- brooke : do n't worry about it . i 'm here to help . opal : we all are . maria : thank you . ( doorbell rings ) maria : i 'll get it . anita : no , let me . maria : no , no , i 'll get it , i 'll get it . i 'm fine . ( sighs ) i was fine . [ scene_break ] judge : court 's adjourned . bailiff : all rise . kendall : ( sighs ) attempted murder charges ? buh - bye . so , my dear , how does it feel to be vindicated ? ethan : bloody fantastic . livia , thank you so much for expediting the process . livia : well , you 're just damned lucky that someone else confessed to the crime . ethan : hmm - mm . helps . livia : true . kendall : bye . so , where shall we celebrate ? should we do a bar , a restaurant , the bedroom ... ethan : hmm ... kendall : paris ? ethan : i think we should definitely do all of the above , but not just yet . there 's a lovely little surprise coming through that door first that i would like to enjoy . kendall : oh , what do you have up your sleeve ? ethan : zach slater is being arraigned . i would like to watch the little rotter hang . [ scene_break ] aidan : you know , for a guy that 's just about to be arraigned on murder charges , you look pretty damned relaxed . now , you 're probably wondering why i 'm here . i 'm here because there are lots of things about you , slater , that have me confused right now . now , do n't get me wrong . i do n't doubt for a second that you are capable of killing edmund in cold blood or that you tried to do the same thing to ryan because you saw both men as threats . but you do n't strike me as the kind of man who 's going to poison a harmless , unsuspecting woman . am i right ? [ scene_break ] david : i 'm going to sue you and this whole damn city if you even think about chandler 's insane idea about demolishing my house . do you hear me ? unbelievable . j.r. is threatening to get back at me by ripping down my house . greenlee : if i would 've known , i would 've brought my wrecking ball and helped him out . david : what 's your problem ? greenlee : not what . who . because of you , david , i lost my one chance to get to the truth , a truth that could save my marriage and ryan . [ scene_break ] ryan : wake up , little brother . jonathan : no , dad . ryan : nap time 's over . it 's not dad . jonathan : huh ? ryan : it 's me . it 's ryan . hey . jonathan : what 's going on ? ryan : it 's over . jonathan , i 'm going to put you away . that 's right . you opened up to me last night . you do n't remember ? i know what you did . you poisoned my wife . [ scene_break ] greenlee : that truth serum that kendall and i got from you ? i recall being purposely vague about why we needed that stuff . there was a reason for that . i was trying to send a message -- `` do n't ask , butt out , none of your business . `` so why 'd you run to ryan and tell him about it ? david : i thought he was the one you were using it on . if ryan was lying to you or cheating on you , i was going to straighten him out . greenlee : i 've told you a million times , david , stay out of my marriage . ryan would never hurt me . david : yeah , well , obviously , things are n't all peaches and cream in lavery land or you would n't be so mad that i blew your cover . greenlee : no , it was none of your business . i told you i would handle it . david : i was worried about you , greenlee . what do you expect ? greenlee : i expect you to turn a blind eye . you 've been pretty good at that lately . david : what is that supposed to mean ? greenlee : i came to you for help months ago , and you were too busy running interference with that skanky , baby - napping daughter of yours . david : do n't talk about babe like that . i do n't remember you asking for my help . greenlee : i came here to see you in this about - to - be - tinder cabin . i told you i was n't feeling like myself , you promised to check me out ? ring any bells ? probably not since i never heard from you again . oh , but do n't feel bad . i only went crazy , almost threw myself off fusion 's rooftop , and ended up in a psych ward . david : you what ? greenlee : yeah , i was being poisoned by ryan 's brother . i 'm positive . david : oh , my god ! greenlee : hard to believe ? yeah , you 're not the only one . ryan refuses to accept it . i was going to use that truth serum on jonathan . but then you had to butt in , tip ryan off , and ryan showed up just as jonathan was about to confess . david : wait a minute , are you telling me that ryan would n't even let you ask his psycho brother the million - dollar question ? greenlee : oh , no . he was mad as hell . he got his brother out of there before he could say another word . and now , thanks to you and your big mouth , i 'll never get the truth out of jonathan . [ scene_break ] ryan : you finally told me the truth last night , jonathan . i know . i know what you did to my wife . jonathan : i have no idea what you 're talking about , ryan . ryan : you forgot ? you forgot that you opened up ? what you told me about the old man and the death games and that he tortured you , and he made you believe that you could be killed any moment ? you forgot that ? jonathan : i -- i told you about that ? ryan : yes , you did , and it 's sick what he did to you . and i get that it messed with your head -- i get that -- but it is no excuse for what you did to my wife . she -- she almost died . she could 've died ! jonathan : ryan , i have no idea what you 're talking about right now , all right ? i -- i had a date with simone . i went to fusion to pick her up . we had a bottle of red wine -- ryan : right , mixed with a drug . there was a drug in the wine . jonathan : what ? ryan : it makes people tell the truth . it was some sort of truth serum . jonathan : truth serum ? ryan : yes . jonathan : what ? ryan : compliments of david hayward . jonathan : hayward ? hayward spiked my drink ? what does hayward have against me ? ryan : nothing . he supplied the drug . greenlee is the one that used it on you . jonathan : so she 's back to crazy again ? ryan : no . she did what she had to do to get you to tell the truth , and the truth is , is that you poisoned her . jonathan : you believe that ? ryan : all the times she came to me , and she tried to convince me that it was you . and what did i do ? i turned my back on her because my brother would never do something that twisted to the woman i love . i was so sure -- let me speak . i was so sure that you were innocent that i did n't even keep you away from her . now , can you imagine how scared she would be spending time with the man that she knew poisoned her ? meanwhile , her husband , the guy that is supposed to protect her all the time , would n't see the truth ! it makes me nauseous ! jonathan : ryan , listen to me , you 've got it all wrong . ryan : guess what -- stop , because the drug has worn off , jonathan . you ca n't change your story now . you 've already confessed . so now you fill in the blanks . were you just trying to drive my wife crazy or were you trying to kill her ? [ scene_break ] kendall : no , greenlee and i still think that jonathan 's the freak who poisoned her , not zach . ethan : well , then i 'm sorry , but you 're still wrong . look , zach admitted going after greenlee , that he tried to kill ryan . he succeeded with edmund . god knows how many other crimes the guy 's probably got away with by now . why are you looking at me like that ? kendall : well , because you 're handling this awfully well . ethan : well , to be honest , it really does n't come as that much of a shock to me . kendall : yeah , but it could n't be easy for you . i mean , i get that you want to snap zach out of your family tree . i know you went your whole life without knowing the man , and then , when you met him face to face , he flat out denied he was your father . that blows , no question . ethan : so you should n't be so surprised that i really do n't care that much about him . kendall : yes , but i know how hard it is to dismiss your own parent , no matter how awful things have gotten . i went my whole life without knowing who my father was . and when i finally met him and realized how evil he was , it nearly destroyed me . ethan : kendall , i 'm sorry for what you had to go through , i know it was very hard , but our situations are completely different . i expected this from zach , and i 've made peace with it . kendall : ethan , do n't do this to me . [ scene_break ] zach : i 'm capable of lots of things -- lying , cheating , scamming . and you think i 'd stop short at , what , poisoning little greenlee ? aidan : yeah . i do , actually . zach : why ? aidan : because you choose opponents that can fight back . zach : what , like edmund ? he was in a wheelchair , and he could n't fight back . aidan : i have questions about that crime , too . the only witness to the murder was your son , and it 's no secret that your son hates you . which you ca n't really fault him for . but what i 'm worried about is that that hatred runs so deep that he 's going to try and accuse you of a murder that you did n't commit . zach : huh . there is one tiny flaw in your brilliant deduction . i confirmed the accusation . aidan : which brings me to my next question . you see , many people have accused you of many crimes , including taking a shot at ryan , and you have denied each charge . and now , all of a sudden , out of the blue , `` i 'm the killer . i 'm the poison pusher . `` you see why i need your help ? i ca n't work it out . zach : so -- so what do you think , i 'm innocent ? you want to go out there and clear my name ? that 's sweet , aidan , all right , but i 'm not interested . man : good morning , mr. slater . i hate to break this up , but i really need some time alone with you before we go to court . zach : i have nothing to say . man : i 'm here to help you . it 's not in your best interests to continue to turn me away . you will regret it later . zach : no , i have no regrets . [ scene_break ] erica : it 's just so hard to believe , is n't it , myrtle ? myrtle : we lost a good man . opal : just rattles my bones ! i mean , who would want to hurt such a lovable guy as edmund ? erica : zach slater , apparently . maria : what are you doing here , erica ? erica : excuse me ? maria : you heard me . erica : i 'm here to offer my condolences . i 'm here to extend my sympathy to you and your family . maria : yeah , i do n't buy it , because i know you could n't care less about edmund . you 're here to say what 's on your mind , so say what 's on your mind . erica : i 'm sorry , i do n't know what you mean . maria : i 'm sorry because i do n't think i could be clearer . you 're a phony and you 're not here to mourn edmund . you 're here to rub it in my face . brooke : maria , come on . maria : no , that 's exactly what she 's here to do ! just say what you have to say , erica ! say it , ok ? you 're so happy that i am grieving and i am miserable ! just say it ! say it ! tell everybody that i deserve it , i had it coming ! you loved it when you saw me with zach in the cemetery , even though you had absolutely no idea what you witnessed . you took those jimmy choos and you ran straight to edmund and told him that i was having an affair ! you could n't wait for my marriage to disintegrate ! anita : maria , please do n't do this . maria : no , this is true ! she is thrilled that the absolute worst thing in the world is happening to me , and you are ecstatic ! myrtle : no , that 's not true . brooke : maria , why do n't we go upstairs and get sam 's room ready ? erica : no , no , do n't -- do n't stop her . obviously , maria feels very strongly about this . maria , do you honestly believe what you say ? do you really think that i 'm happy about what 's happened ? maria : i think you 're elated that you got the ball rolling , so proud of yourself . opal : has anybody tried that cheese ball that i brought ? maria : just admit it . please ? you knew exactly what you were doing when you ran straight to edmund and you told him that i was betraying him . erica : well , you did betray him . i mean , do n't tell me that you plan to stand here and deny it . maria : you have absolutely no idea what went on in my marriage . erica : you do , do n't you ? you -- you plan to deny that you did anything wrong . well , i mean , whatever . i know the truth . maria : you are absolutely heinous . erica : i 'm heinous ? maria , you led another man on . you incited zach to kill edmund so that you could carry on with him . [ scene_break ] jonathan : ok , ryan , listen to me , ok , you 're mad . i get that . i did n't try to kill your wife . ok ? i did n't do anything to greenlee . ryan , you have to believe me . ryan : i did believe you . i believed you over my own wife . i mean , all the times i had your back , what was that for ? for what ? you lied to my face . jonathan : no , ryan , you 're wrong ! ryan : i asked you last night . i asked you if my own brother poisoned my wife , and you said yes . jonathan : i did n't poison anyone ! ryan : how could you do this to me , man ? i mean , i was happy that you were back in my life , you were back around again . i thought we were tight . i mean , i knew you had your problems , all right , but i had your back no matter what ! not for one second would i ever imagine that my brother , my own brother , could turn on me like this . jonathan : ryan , i did n't turn on you ! i would never turn on you , ryan ! please , i did n't do this ! ryan : i want the truth now ! all of it , right now ! [ scene_break ] brooke : for god 's sake . erica , maria is mourning her husband . did you really have to accuse her of taking part in his death ? erica : i came here to offer my condolences . maria pushed me to say those things . brooke : well , then tell her that you did n't mean it . tell her you 're sorry . erica : brooke , everything i said is true . maria knows that , and i suspect so do you . brooke : well , maria � s right , then , is n't she ? you want her to suffer . erica : well , i mean , if anyone deserves to suffer , it 's maria after what she did to edmund . brooke : do you really want to go there ? because i could bring out a laundry list of your past affairs . erica : say what you want to about me . i mean , look , i 'm just so sick and tired of everybody standing by maria . i mean , she plays this town like a fiddle , as if she 's some sort of long - suffering saint , which she is not . she used edmund and she used zach , and now both the men are paying for what she did ? and i 'm only just very sorry that edmund had to pay with his life . brooke : oh , do n't even try to defend zach slater . erica : are you kidding ? i 'm very happy they locked up zach slater . i mean , he 's proven himself to be a true cambias , just as evil as his brother . so as far as i 'm concerned , that man deserves to be locked up for the rest of his life . [ scene_break ] ethan : my father deserves to rot in prison for what he 's done , kendall , that 's a fact , but it has nothing to do with you . kendall : see , there you go . you 're doing it again . would you please stop ? ethan : i 'm not doing anything . kendall : yes , you are . you 're slamming the door in my face . now , i know everything is not all right . do n't pretend that it is . ethan : kendall , i would never slam a door in your face . kendall : ethan , listen to me , i 've been where you are , ok ? i know what you 're doing . do n't shut me out , please . i do n't know if you 're doing it to protect yourself or to protect me , but it 's not going to last . trust me , the pain always comes back . now , please , just be real with me . just open up and be real so i can help you deal with this . ethan : i 'm not hiding anything . kendall : no ? ethan , you saw your father kill a man . no matter how much you hate him , you ca n't be ok with that . [ scene_break ] david : jonathan is one sick lavery . greenlee : yeah , well , until i can prove he drugged me , he 's going to keep getting away with it . david : why was n't he thrown in jail after what he did to bianca ? greenlee : if he was n't jailed for smacking maggie , i do n't see how scaring the life out of bianca would stick . david : that bastard hit maggie ? greenlee : you did n't know ? i figured that was one of the reasons she left town . david : what ? when did that happen ? maggie never said a word to me . greenlee : wow . guess it 's true -- what goes around comes around . david : what is that supposed to mean , greenlee ? greenlee : you 're getting a taste of your own medicine , david . i guess your cousin was n't eager to confide in you after you helped babe keep bianca 's baby . david : this is unbelievable . how the hell could i have missed all this ? greenlee : what are you doing ? david : i may have been out of the loop for a while , but now my eyes are wide open . jonathan lavery 's not going to hurt you , maggie , or bianca or anybody else ever again . [ scene_break ] jonathan : god , ryan ! ryan : how do want to do this , jonathan ? because guess what -- i 'm not going anywhere until you tell me why you 're after greenlee . jonathan : ryan , for the hundredth time , i did n't -- ryan : this is my wife that we 're talking about here . you understand that ? i would do anything in my power to protect her . so two choices -- you tell me willingly , or i will get it out of you , brother or no brother . jonathan : ryan , come on -- ryan : how could you look me in the eye every day and tell me that you look up to me while you were slowly destroying -- jonathan : ryan ! ryan : the one woman that meant more to me than the whole world ! i want the truth ! jonathan : ryan , ryan , just let go ! your brother did poison greenlee . it was n't me . ryan , it was braden . braden did it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i said give it to me . god , david . you ca n't just give jonathan a lethal drug to make up for lost time . david : oh , just relax , all right ? i was n't going to kill the freak . i was just going to deaden his psychopathic tendencies ! greenlee : how about you let me handle it ? david : no , that request is all played out , greenlee , and it 's not like it 's gotten you very far . greenlee : oh , and these whacked concoctions that you come up with , they 've gotten you so far ? david : you know something , you 're absolutely right ! i 've got nothing left to lose ! my md license is gone ! i ca n't use my talents to heal sick people , but i can use them to protect the people that i love , which is exactly what i intend to do . greenlee : well , i do n't need your protecting , david , not anymore . david : all right , come on , greenlee , do n't say that . you 're right , i checked out for a while , but i 'm trying to make up for it now . greenlee : you blabbed to ryan about the truth serum . when i was losing my mind , you were too busy aiding and abetting babe . worst of all , you turned your back on my family when you turned on bianca . david : you do n't think i hate what i put bianca through ? greenlee : you feel bad after the fact . well , it 's too late . does n't make me want to forgive and forget . you kept a baby from her mother . that 's unforgivable . david : you 're right . you 're right , it was a terrible thing to do . but it 's done and i ca n't take it back , so can we please just move forward ? greenlee : no . i ca n't even pretend that i still feel the same way about you . i should n't have come to you for that truth juice . it was just a moment of desperation . i should 've known i could n't depend on you , but i guarantee it wo n't happen again . david : i 'm trying to make things right here , greenlee . greenlee : and for the gazillionth time , stop trying , david ! i do n't need your help with jonathan . i do n't want you involved in my life anymore . it 's over , david . thanks for nothing . [ door slams ] [ scene_break ] ryan : i do n't believe this . jonathan : ryan , i know it sounds insane , even ridiculous , but braden poisoned greenlee . ryan : you have the nerve to stand there and lie to my face . you even throw braden in the mix ? it 's not only lame , it 's stupid . jonathan : ryan , i -- god , you 've got to believe me ! i wish it were n't true , man -- ryan : braden disappeared , like , what , five years ago ? he was a pariah in this town . if he showed up for one second , he 'd be lynched . stop lying ! jonathan : i did n't want to tell you about this , man . i tried to keep it from you . ryan : i want the truth ! jonathan : do n't look at me that way . that 's how dad used to look at me , ryan . do n't look at me that way ! do n't look at me like you hate me ! ryan : right now , i 'm damn close , jonathan . jonathan : all right , what do i , what do i do ? i ca n't take this , ryan . man , i ca n't risk losing you . ryan , you 're all i have left ! ok . ok . ok , ok . i have to tell you about braden . i 've got to tell you everything . ryan : this ought to be good . jonathan : braden looked me up last year a few months before i came to pine valley . i woke up in the middle of the night and someone 's sitting on the edge of my bed . i freak out , i jump up , i turn the lights on , and there he was . he snuck into my apartment through an open window . he 'd definitely been drinking and he was not stable . he said he 'd been in canada . he 'd been living hand - to- mouth and that he 'd been hospitalized there and that they 'd put him on some kind of antipsychotic , but he did n't like the way it made him feel and he took himself off it , and , ryan , it was the same antipsychotic that they found in greenlee 's system . ryan : wow . jonathan , i got to give you a little bit of credit here . this -- this is a good story . you actually put a lot of effort into this story . jonathan : ryan , i had n't seen braden in years , man . i knew he came to me wanting something ! ryan : ok , i 'll play along . what was he doing there ? jonathan : that 's -- that 's the worst part . he came to me , asking me what i knew about my big brother ryan because he had been in the papers and read that you just inherited cambias industries . and he said that you did n't deserve anything after what you 'd done to him . ryan : oh , now , you see , that 's where your story breaks down , jonathan , because i protected braden . i took a rap for him . jonathan : he said you turned your back on him , like everybody else in pine valley , and that it was time for you to pay and he was going to take you out . and that , ryan , is why i really came to pine valley , to try to stop braden and talk some sense into him . i hoped i could get him some help and i wanted to save you at the same time . ryan : ok , let 's say for just one second that i believe your story . if he was after me , then why did he poison greenlee ? jonathan : because you did n't die when he shot you . [ scene_break ] brooke : get out . erica : brooke , i have as much right to be here as anyone . brooke : you accomplished what you came for , did n't you ? you caused a scene , you humiliated the widow . i mean it . get out . i do n't want maria to see you here again . erica : now you 're her bodyguard ? well , that 's very generous of you , considering all you have going on in your personal life that needs looking after -- your son , jamie the kidnapper , for example . i have it on good authority that he 's been under the gun lately . brooke : well , that 's because you 're in on it . erica : i applaud it . brooke : you 're in cahoots with j.r. and adam in order to torment babe and jamie , and i 'm warning you , back off my son or we 're going to be attending your memorial next . erica : now , now , brooke . do you really think this is the time or place to be making idle threats ? brooke : oh , i 'm not kidding . erica : i know what this is really about . this is you avoiding pain . and it must be hard . it must be very hard for you to mourn the death of a man you loved but could never hold on to for yourself . anita : that 's enough , erica . enough . [ scene_break ] bailiff : all rise ! aidan : are you sure you want to be here for this ? judge : you may be seated . mr. slater , you 're charged with the first - degree murder of edmund grey . what is your plea ? lawyer : my client pleads not guilty , your honor , and we request that a reasonable bail be set . prosecutor : your honor , it is the state 's recommendation that mr. slater be denied bail . this murder was a cold - blooded , premeditated act on the defendant 's part . given the serious nature of this crime , as well as pending charges against the defendant for aggravated assault and attempted murder and two other charges , we believe that mr. slater is a danger to the community , not to mention a flight risk . lawyer : my client has n't been formally charged with any other offenses . therefore , they should n't have any bearing on this case . prosecutor : the defendant has already admitted to committing these crimes , your honor . zach : i 'll make this easy for everyone , your honor . lock me up and throw away the key . [ scene_break ] erica : i am not going to let you two continue to insult me when all i came to do was honor edmund 's memory . anita : how , by attacking brooke and my sister ? erica : i came here to remember my dear friend . anita : and all you 've done is disrupt a family gathering . erica : you want to talk about disrupting families , anita ? brooke : oh , enough already , erica . erica : it 's because of you and your boyfriend that lily wound up being trapped in that fire . opal : sweetie , now would be a good time -- erica : you never should have allowed her to just run off on her own . anita : aidan and i both regret what lily went through that night . erica : you do n't know that half of it . myrtle : erica , erica , darling , why do n't you drive me home ? erica : for your information , anita , lily wound up not only trapped in the fire , she witnessed edmund 's murder . anita : what ? no . erica : oh , yes . and that would be traumatic enough for anyone , but can you imagine what it did to someone like lily ? i mean , she is completely shut down . jackson ca n't get through to her , i ca n't get through to her . anita : i 'm -- i 'm sorry . what can i do ? erica : you can stay away from her , and you can tell your boyfriend to do the same . myrtle : erica , erica , that 's enough now , darling . you 've made your point . this is not the place , honey . erica : you know , i 'm not the problem here . i really am not ! i mean , i 'm not responsible for the grief in this house . do i need to remind you all i was once part of this family ? i was a part of this family when i was married to edmund 's brother , dimitri , and i cared very much what happened to edmund and i have always wanted what 's best for him , which is more than i can say for his widow . [ door slams ] [ scene_break ] zach : why are you wasting everybody 's time ? lock me up . just go ahead , do it . judge : that 's enough , mr. slater . counselor , i recommend you get your client in line before going to trial . lawyer : i apologize , your honor . zach : do n't apologize for me ! i 'm not sorry for anything , and i 'm looking forward to seeing the pine valley version of justice . maybe i 'll get lucky , get killed like my brother . [ judge pounds gavel ] judge : keep your comments to yourself , mr. slater . otherwise , i 'll add contempt of court to this growing list of charges . let the record show that bail has been denied to the defendant . mr. slater will remain in police custody until a trial date is set . court is adjourned . [ judge pounds gavel ] bailiff : all rise ! ethan : finally , we get to see zach slater for the evil killer that he is . kendall : this is your father you 're talking about . ethan : i know you 're worried about me , kendall , but believe me , i 'm fine , and i 'll be a lot better when zach 's locked up in prison where he belongs . zach : maybe i can get you some better seats for the trial , son . [ scene_break ] brooke : i looked all over . maria 's nowhere in the house and her car is gone . anita : well , i have to go find her . myrtle : darling , call if you hear anything . anita : i will , and you do the same . myrtle : yes , yes . opal : all right . anita : aidan . aidan : hi . anita : hi . aidan : you paged me . anita : yeah . aidan : what 's up ? anita : it 's maria . she 's nowhere to be found . i do n't know where she went . aidan : i was just with her at the courthouse for zach 's arraignment . anita : what ? that 's the last place she needs to be ! i have to go get her out of there ! brooke : no , let her stay . i understand why she went . she needs to know that the man who killed her husband is going to be brought to justice . anita : ok . aidan : are you ok ? anita : no , not really . things just keep getting worse . wait till you find out why i paged you . it 's lily . aidan : what about lily ? what 's up ? anita : she saw zach kill edmund . [ scene_break ] ryan : zach slater already admitted to both shootings , jonathan . jonathan : i do n't know why , ryan , because i -- i know for a fact that he did n't do it . ryan : this is insane . you dreamed this up . you 're even more twisted than i thought . jonathan : listen to me , ryan . i know that zach did n't do it because i watched your brother shoot you at the casino . ryan : you what ? jonathan : i tried to stop him , ryan . i tried to stop him , man , i swear i did ! i 'm still trying to stop him , man , but braden wo n't give up ! i just -- ryan : what is this ? jonathan : it was slipped under my door the other night . it 's from braden . [ scene_break ] ryan 's voice : sorry i missed you . leave a message at the beep . [ answering machine beeps ] david : yeah , ryan , it 's david . i just got the lowdown on your brother jonathan and what he did to maggie and greenlee , and i 'm just calling to let you know that if you do n't take that scum down , i 'm going to do it for you . [ hammering ] david : what the hell is this ? man : i 'm just doing my job , man . david : the chandlers are not going to rip down my house . do you hear me ? i 'm going to fight them and i 'm going to win , and in the process , i 'm going to tear them down with my bare hands . [ scene_break ] erica 's voice : lily , i know that it may not seem like this to you now , but it does help if you talk about it . so that night before the fire -- lily : red . erica : when -- i know . i know that the flames scared you . lily : red . red . erica : no , forget about the fire . lily : red ! erica : when you saw aidan -- lily : red , red ! red , red ! erica : honey , it 's ok . we wo n't talk about it any more now . lily : red , red . erica : your dad and reggie went to get something to eat -- lily : ah ! red ! erica : oh , lily ! lily : make it stop ! erica : no , no , let me look . lily : make it stop ! red ! erica : ok , it 's not that bad . i 'm going to get someone to help you . lily : make it stop ! erica : you take this and you cover up the red and i 'll get you a bandage . lily : wet red ! wet red ! wet red ! make it stop ! make it stop ! [ knock on door ] erica : if your girlfriend has sent you over here , i 'm going to tell you exactly what i told her . aidan : i know what you told anita , but i need to see lily . i need to speak to her about the murder . [ scene_break ] ethan : there we are . i brought a little celebration . kendall : yes , now , that is what i call preparation . ethan : mm - hmm . kendall : that 's very impressive . ethan : why , thank you very much . kendall : yeah , ok , whoa ! ethan : ready ? ready ? kendall : no , i 'm not ready , no . no , ethan , no . whoa , stop ! no ! i 'm sorry . ethan : whoa ! kendall : thank you . we ca n't do this . ethan : why not ? why not ? kendall : we ca n't drink in the courtroom ! ethan : what are you doing ? kendall : because if you get caught with booze in the courtroom , then it 's not good . ethan : no , if we get caught with booze in the courtroom , darling , i will pay off whoever catches us . you want some ? kendall : no , ethan , ethan , tell me , how much do you hate zach ? ethan : it 's way beyond hate , kendall . [ scene_break ] lawyer : if you act like that at trial , slater , you can kiss any shot at getting off good - bye . zach : you will find that i 'll behave any way i damn well please . now get out of my face . maria : tell me you killed edmund because he was about to nail you for your crimes . please tell me that you did n't kill him for me . [ scene_break ] jonathan : do n't you want to read it ? ryan : you expect me to believe that this is from braden ? jonathan : read it and you 'll see . ryan : `` jonathan , quit getting in my way . ryan 's going to die . you 're not going to stop me . `` [ knock on door ] jonathan : ryan , do n't , man . do n't . it could be braden . [ next_on ] babe : so are you telling me that i have a choice between jamie and my baby ? erica : i would never do anything to endanger lily . aidan : you put her in the line of fire . maria : you had me totally fooled . i believed you ! i believed you ! zach : the reason we 're here is because you believed edmund .
zach confesses to all his crimes . but aiden seems to have an inclination that he did not do what he is accused of . aiden knows that lily is the only witness of what happened to edmund and he goes and asks her about that . greenlee goes to see david and tells him he 's messed up what she asked him for by spilling the beans to ryan that she intended to get the truth from jonathan with one of david 's potions . she informs him for the first time that she believes jonathan drugged her and he beat maggie . hearing that , david is determined to go after jonathan and realizes he has nothing to lose , having already lost his license to practice medicine . jonathan informs ryan that it was braden , not himself who shot ryan and drugged greenlee . he tells ryan that braden has been in town , following them both around and has threatened to kill ryan for abandoning him and inheriting cambias industries .
zoe : is it possible to dream for something and to dread it at the same time ? bianca : joe martin says that dr. massey 's very good . zoe : thank you -- for coming with me . bianca : starting transition is a huge step . if there is anything i can do to help -- [ scene_break ] kendall : any better this morning ? zach : sorry i came in late . i did n't want to wake you up . kendall : were you at the cemetery ? zach : i 'm here now . kendall : you know , i do have a little experience in fathers / monsters . zach : what 's your plan for the day ? kendall : there 's life past this . i 'll help you find it . i promise . zach : yeah ? kendall : yeah . myrtle : do i get to say `` i told you so `` ? [ scene_break ] jack : i 'll have the task force report to you before the night is over , all complete with all the statements . very good . jack : hello , erica . erica : you told me that kendall would come home safe . thank you . thank you for helping to save her . jack : she 's my daughter , too . erica : now , what about this mess you created with josh ? [ scene_break ] josh : good morning . breakfast has arrived . how 'd you sleep ? babe : how do you think ? josh : good point . why do n't we take a quick blood pressure check ? babe : how can you be so calm about this ? do n't you want to ask what i 've decided ? do i stay and fight j.r. , or am i going to run with little adam and you ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : little adam is n't very good at keeping secrets . krystal : excuse me ? j.r. : he saw his mother last night . why do n't you take me to see his mother , too ? krystal : little adam did n't see anybody last night , j.r. not with me . i -- i do n't know where he got that idea . j.r. : where did you take my son after you told me i could n't tell him about babe ? krystal : i -- i know you could n't tell him . nobody wants to break his heart . j.r. : but winifred saw you putting him in the car . you went somewhere with him . krystal : i -- i wanted to spend some quality time with my grandson . j.r. : well , where did you go ? you know , on second thought , why do n't you take me where you took my son last night ? [ scene_break ] babe : no suggestions on where to go , how to leave ? josh : it 's your life , your decision . babe : ok , you -- you did n't mind giving me your opinion yesterday . josh : you make up your mind , let me know . have some juice . babe : all i can think about is holding my son . i -- i ca n't lose him . josh : then take him with you . we get out of here away from j.r . babe : i will never be away from j.r . he 'll do whatever he can to find us . and even if i stay and if i tell him that it 's over -- really , truly over -- he 'll do whatever he can to take little adam in the divorce . josh : like you said last night , you could lose your son completely . babe : and mama could lose the love of her life . there 's no right way out of this . either way , it could end in disaster , and mama 's secret will come out when it hits . [ scene_break ] krystal : you think i took him to the cemetery ? j.r. : well , you sneaked him out somewhere . krystal : you think i took my 3-year - old grandson on a late - night field trip ? never mind the dark , or -- or the big scary cemetery . `` that 's what your daddy 's been trying to tell you , little a . that 's where your mommy is -- underground , and she 's never coming home . `` you really think i could do that ? j.r. : no . you 're right , krystal . i 'm sorry . but why would he say that he saw his mother ? krystal : he misses her , j.r . he 's not the only one . j.r. : so he just makes up some secret visit ? krystal : you do n't think he senses that there 's something huge going on here ? yeah , he may be a toddler , but he 's lived here long enough to -- to feel a change . i mean , the grief is as thick as fog . j.r. : i know . i know . i have done everything i can to make it feel like it 's normal here , like nothing 's going wrong . krystal : i know . but when i went in to check on him last night , the poor thing was wide awake . i just -- i wanted to take him for a drive , that 's all . j.r. : he loves car trips . did he fall asleep ? are you sure he did n't say anything ? krystal : no . no , i do n't know why he would say something like that , j.r . i mean , maybe he had a dream about his mama . j.r. : i 'm sorry , krystal . krystal : it 's ok . we 're all a little bit high - strung lately . j.r. : i just need to figure out a way to tell him -- somehow . krystal : give it time . no , it 's better to wait and do it right . j.r. : yeah . i 've got a meeting i have to get to . krystal : whew . [ scene_break ] erica : the killer has been caught , but babe is still lying . she 's still pretending that she 's dead . and she 's doing it with help from you , because you helped to falsify those legal documents , jack . what is going on ? jack : honestly , erica , i do n't know . i 've been kind of busy with the catching- the - killer part . erica : well , josh is insisting -- jack : take a walk , please . erica : josh is insisting that i keep this insane secret . people deserve to know that she 's alive . jack : look , if babe wants to take a little time to decide what to do with her life , and her death , i 'm not going to get in the way , or josh 's . erica : because he 's my son , and not yours ? jack : no , because when did our meddling ever help anybody , erica ? erica : meddling ? you really think i 'm meddling , because i do n't want to see my son throw his life away ? i do n't want to see him lose his -- his license to practice medicine . and you know there is no going back from that . and i do n't want to see him lose his heart to a -- a woman who 's married and makes no move at all to get unmarried . jack : we made a promise to each other . you remember it ? we were n't going to interfere in our children 's lives . erica : you do n't see that this -- this is critical ? jack : it was part of the foundation of our marriage . erica : you sure played by different rules when it was your daughter lily involved with jonathan . jack : yes , i did , and i see now that that was probably a mistake . and ever since that day , i 've been trying to do everything i can to uphold this promise . i have been honoring the terms of our marriage . how about you ? erica : i came here to ask you to help me with josh . and you decide to hurt him , instead , as some sort of payback to jeff and me ? wow , that is some bonus . jack : no , erica , i reserve my payback for things that actually make sense for me to be passionate about . like putting psychotic killers behind bars . erica : nut cases make you feel passionate these days ? that makes a lot of sense to me . do give barbara my regards . [ scene_break ] kendall : you kids have fun . behave yourselves . i will see you . zach : bye . kendall : i 'll miss you . bye . huh . myrtle : you know , i should have bet on you two . i 'd have won a fortune . zach : and i would have paid you half of it . myrtle : you saved her life . oh , god , it must have been hell . [ scene_break ] bianca : you do n't have to do this today . zoe : i do . it 's time . bianca : but if you 're not ready , we can reschedule . you can come back tomorrow . zoe : oh , well , then tomorrow turns into the day after , and then that turns into a week and then a month . and all the while , i 'm losing precious time being me , feeling what i know i should feel . i wanted this my whole life , even before i realized it . bianca : i just want you to be sure . zoe : i 'm sure . does n't make it any less frightening . bianca : what scares you the most ? zoe : oh , i could say physical this or internal that , or -- but truly , i 'm afraid i 'll go through all of this and still be lost . that i 'll be in some hormonal limbo and -- and know even less about myself . and i wo n't have any groupies or leather pants or auras or anything to hide behind . bianca : nobody 's got a stopwatch on you . you can set your own pace . zoe : oh . what i need is a pit stop . bianca : well , then we raise the caution flag . zoe : i do n't even fully know zoe . bianca : i know , but you will . and for now , just listen . just listen to what the doctor has to say . i brought a tape recorder . i 'm going to record it , and then we can remember everything . zoe : no doubt about it . you are perfect . bianca : and then , you can take all the time in the world that you need to figure out what comes next . [ scene_break ] babe : j.r. still has control of my life , even when i 'm finally sure that i want out of it . josh : well , you know where i stand . if it were up to me , we 'd be on the next plane out of here . but it 's all on you . babe : yeah , and time -- time is running out . josh : listen , if you want to stay and fight j.r. in court , i 'll help you win , no matter what . you want to stay dead , i will make sure no one ever finds -- [ kendall walks in and greets babe with a smile and a warm hug . ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : i did n't expect to see you two here . bianca : do n't , j.r . if you 're about to make some kind of an ugly comment , just keep it to yourself . j.r. : i 'm sorry . zoe : i 'm confused . was that directed towards me ? j.r. : i 'm sorry for the way that i treated you . it was ignorant and cruel , and you did n't deserve it . and just because i do n't understand her does n't give me the right to treat her less than human . erica : bianca , i -- listen , could i have a moment ? i really need to speak with you . nurse : the doctor 's ready for you now . zoe : you can stay out here . bianca : oh , no , no . no , of course not . mom , i 'm sorry . i do n't have time right now . later , ok ? love you . [ scene_break ] josh : thank god you 're safe . kendall : i am glad to be home . babe : we heard -- about what happened in vegas . kendall : can that just stay in vegas ? babe : how are you really holding up ? kendall : i 'm numb . relieved . relieved it 's over . babe : well , he ca n't hurt us again . we both beat him . kendall : in my head i know that . babe : it just does n't stop the pit in your stomach . josh : you 're both safe . that 's all that matters . babe : and how about zach ? how 's he ? kendall : he 's dealing . sometimes good , sometimes not so much . babe : just give him some time . kendall : yeah . i wish it were that simple . now i know why never heard about you rising from the dead . josh : she 's taking some time , too . kendall : you do n't really think you can keep this a secret , do you ? babe : maybe just long enough to give me some time to disappear with my son . kendall : with my brother along for the ride ? josh : that 's up to babe . kendall : do you guys know what you 're doing ? josh : we 'll be ok . kendall : right . ok , that 's what you thought last time , too . babe : nothing is decided . i know -- i know how risky this can be , and i know what j.r. can do , but stay or go -- either way , i am done with him . kendall : well , if you decide to bail , i wo n't tell anyone . babe : thank you . kendall : i do n't want to see you guys leave , but whatever you do , do it quickly . babe : we will . kendall : i 'm glad that you made it . babe : you , too . and how about dani ? have you heard from her ? josh : i -- i talked to her . she 's doing much better . kendall : yeah , well , hawaii will do that for you . [ babe chuckles ] josh : yeah . she 's staying to go to school there . babe : i ca n't blame her for not wanting to come back . kendall : at least she survived . babe : so did we . kendall : i ca n't say that for everyone . oh -- babe : kendall ? josh : are you all right ? [ scene_break ] myrtle : zach , you are not your father . nothing you have done in this lifetime has created that monster . and there are ways -- there are ways that you can get rid of him . look , just love and -- and forgive yourself . be happy . you and your wife -- you can have a family , and friends . you can have a wonderful life . zach -- zach , darling , you deserve a wonderful life . zach : i do n't deserve you . myrtle : well , now , that 's different . but -- well , you 're very easy on the eyes . so i just pass it up . zach : hmm . i 'll let my wife know . myrtle : no one expects you to pay for that man 's sins . not even the women who died would ask that from you . zach : drink your coffee . myrtle : yeah . zach : then i 'll take you home . [ scene_break ] bianca : do you mind if i record this ? dr. massey : oh , no , no , go ahead . bianca : thank you . dr. massey : so , you 're here to begin hormone administration ? zoe : yes . dr. massey : yes . well , my first job as an endocrinologist is to make sure you understand all the benefits and risks involved in this treatment . bianca : there -- there are risks ? dr. massey : oh , quite a few . zoe : oh , i 've seen all the research . i 'm an -- i 'm an internet md by now . dr. massey : from a reputable medical source ? zoe : oh , you name it , i 've seen it . too many sleepless nights . dr. massey : hmm . why do n't you tell me what you 've learned ? zoe : some of the results from the hormones can be seen and felt fairly quickly . bianca : how quickly is fairly ? dr. massey : oh , a couple of months . i mean , in as little as six , some of the changes are irreversible . zoe : things like skin softening and breasts and fat redistribution -- they take place over a gradual period of time . bianca : fat redistribution ? dr. massey : mm - hmm . it 's part of what gives women their shape versus the traditional triangle of a man . now , you never had any estrogen prior to this , right ? according to your chart -- zoe : no , no . major chicken . dr. massey : smart . hormone therapy is highly customized to your blood type and your body type . if you had taken estrogen from the street , you could have incurred potentially fatal side effects . bianca : but that 's just street drugs , right ? i mean , what you prescribe will be completely safe ? dr. massey : hormones are the commands of the body . they tell us to breathe , to eat , to sleep . bianca : yeah , but i did n't realize that -- zoe : uh - uh . what else do i need to know , doctor ? dr. massey : of course , we 'll know more after some blood work . bianca : ok , but -- i 'm sorry , can you just tell me more about these risks ? dr. massey : there 's also the possibility of circulatory or organ problems . plus high blood pressure , liver damage , tumors , and blood clots . bianca : how big are the chances of these side effects ? dr. massey : well , some are more common than others . i mean , blood clots are less common , but can lead to aneurysms , dvt -- deep vein thrombosis -- and pulmonary embolisms . bianca : but an embolism can be -- dr. massey : fatal , yes . zoe : oh -- this is the part where you try to scare me , right ? dr. massey : this is the part where i lay out all the potential dangers . you ca n't make an informed decision about this process if you do n't have all the facts . nurse : doctor , that call you 're expecting -- it 's on line four . dr. massey : excuse me . try to think if you have some questions for me . bianca : you do n't have to do this . you do n't have to do any of it . you are who you are . anybody can see that . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'm j.r . i 'm an alcoholic . all : hello , j.r . [ scene_break ] krystal : amanda ? honey , are you ok ? come on in . amanda : i 'm -- i 'm sorry , i should n't have come . krystal : no , no , no , it 's ok . how can i help you ? amanda : i just needed to talk to somebody . somebody who misses babe . krystal : sure . come on in . it is -- it 's hard to deal with . i know . amanda : but i should n't have to . babe should be here . and i ca n't get her out of my head . i -- i ca n't sleep . i keep having these dreams . and babe 's laughing , and she 's giving me advice on the club , and i 'm giving her advice about j.r. not that she 'd listen . krystal : she always did what she felt was best . amanda : yeah . [ amanda sighs ] amanda : so what do i do ? i keep waiting for babe to bust through confusion 's doors with the next drink idea . and all i can do is put flowers on her grave . what do we do ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : i just lost my wife . that 's where the bottom is . i 've wanted so bad to pick up a drink and just kill the pain and the guilt and the anger , and just chug away my feelings in a bottle of scotch . but instead of drinking , i 've just been pissed off at everyone . i would n't take responsibility for my own actions . i mean , i 'd say that i would , but every time there was a crack , i 'd just slide right on through . and i became so suspicious of the people that i was supposed to trust in my life . i mean , the woman that i was supposed to spend the rest of my life with -- her faith , her trust -- i 'd spit on them . she 'd make mistakes , and i would n't forgive . look , i 'm not saying that i want to be some sort of prince , but if i ca n't learn to deal with my problems , i 'm never going to be sober . you know , i 've been reading this book a lot lately . especially step eight . write down all the names of everyone you 've hurt . it 's a big list . what if the person that you need to make amends to the most is n't there anymore ? how do you -- how do you make amends if she 's dead ? [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm fine . i 'm fine , ok ? i -- i stood up too fast , that 's all . if you recall , i had a couple of rough days . josh : all right , you need to get checked out . did you eat anything today ? kendall : no , i left without breakfast . josh : all right , stay right here . i 'll be right back . kendall : ok . [ kendall sighs ] kendall : what ? babe : hmm . could be something else , you know . is it possible ? count back . kendall : well , i -- i can count . babe : it is , is n't it ? kendall : i 'm just , i -- you know what ? i 'm exhausted . babe : mm - hmm . kendall : i 'm exhausted , that 's all . babe : yeah -- and that goes away in a few months . kendall : you 're funny . you 're very funny . now , you have a major decision to make . babe : oh . kendall : so , what are you going to do ? babe : i do n't know . kendall : well , decide , fast . babe : thank you for caring . kendall : i 'd actually miss you at fusion if you decide to go . babe : i 'd actually miss you , too . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i do n't know if you can make amends through prayer if someone 's dead , but i 'm willing to try . heck , i 'm willing to try anything at this point , because how will i ever know if what i 've done is enough ? man : please stand . all : god , grant me the serenity to accept the things i can not change , the courage to change the things i can , and the wisdom to know the difference . man : thank you . erica : was that for real ? j.r. : what ? yeah , of course . erica : all you want is a chance to make amends to babe ? j.r. : god , yes . erica : and what about my son ? do you blame josh for this ? j.r. : i 'm trying not to blame anybody . i thought that 's what these meetings were about . [ scene_break ] kendall : i really hope this is not the last time i see you . babe : when i know , you 'll know . [ scene_break ] j.r. : erica , anything that babe did , i helped create . i pushed her to it and i forgive it . instead of looking at myself for things that were wrong , i look at other people to blame . erica : like josh ? j.r. : yeah , numero uno . and do n't get me wrong , i -- i do n't like the guy . but i 'm doing my damnedest not to make my problems about josh . i got things i got to take care of . [ scene_break ] amanda : thanks . babe loved fusion . and they had their fights , but she really loved the women there . krystal : there 's nothing easy about any of this . amanda : yeah . krystal : oh , come here . thank you for loving babe . amanda : i did . and i 'm sorry . krystal : it 's ok . it really helps to know how people felt about her . [ scene_break ] zach : where do i sign this thing ? derek : please read it thoroughly first . i want to make sure this statement is absolutely correct . and i 'm sorry to have to make you go through all this again . zach : just anything to get it behind us . derek : well , the sooner the da has this , the sooner we can start proceeding , so -- zach : do n't worry about it . alexander 's voice : i can not let kendall go . if you 're to learn your lesson , it has to cost you as much as it has cost me . [ scene_break ] zoe : this is right . you do n't have to worry about me . bianca : oh , come on . how can you say that ? you could get sick or die . there 's a lot of people out there living their life as their true gender without any kind of medical transition -- no surgery , no hormones , no risks . zoe : yes , but that was right for them , not me . this is something i 've been looking for , inside , my whole life . imagine a piece of me abandoned and tarnished . just a little bit of polish , and it could be reborn -- beautiful . bianca : you do n't need breasts to be beautiful . zoe : and as zarf , i know i spouted all that blah - blah about bodies being separate from souls , empty vessels , but that was because i was so uncomfortable in my own . i just want the chance to be happy in my own skin -- my new , soft skin . bianca : oh . ok , well , if you want to go for it , then we go for it . zoe : i 've just been in darkness for so long . it 's like someone has switched on the light and handed me a map . the day i met you , i said that you were pure light . and here is my cartographer . dr. massey : i apologize again for the interruption . zoe : oh , i appreciate all of the information , dr. massey . dr. massey : do you have any questions for me ? zoe : i would like to begin hormone administration -- right now . dr. massey : i 'm sorry , zoe . i ca n't do that . zoe : you do n't want to treat me . dr. massey : oh , not at all . but there 's a protocol we have to follow . harry benjamin 's standard of care . zoe : `` care . `` bianca : i 'm sure that it 's for your protection . zoe : they say that at banks , too . dr. massey : it 's there to make sure that you and i agree on a course of action . zoe : oh -- i see . you have to have a letter from a shrink . dr. massey : well , a psychiatric evaluation is part of the protocol . zoe : i know i 'm a woman . dr. massey : you are , zoe . i believe you . but this is part of the educational process i told you about . you and i and , if you decide to , your surgeon must all agree what 's right for you . bianca : it 's just a little bit longer . you 've waited this long . zoe : ok . we 'll do it your way . dr. massey : in the meantime , there are some transgender folk i want you to talk to , hear their experiences , get their thoughts . there 's a group meeting in just a little bit . are you up for it ? zoe : here ? in pine valley ? dr. massey : not all transgender people are in the cities . some are right here in this very hospital . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh . hey . oh , my goodness -- what is that i see ? are you wearing your breakfast ? is that what you doing -- you 're saving it for later there ? rachael : oh , i 'm sorry i missed it . kendall : no , that 's ok , no worries . i got it . rachael : can i take an hour or so ? i have a couple of errands . kendall : yeah , yeah , go for it . take all the time you need . the big man and i -- we have some very important business . [ spike whimpers ] kendall : do n't we ? i know -- we do . [ after the nanny leaves , kendall pulls out a pregnancy test ] kendall : here goes nothing . what do you think , spikey ? mama 's got a magic wand . [ scene_break ] zoe : this seemed like a good idea at the time . bianca : it -- it is . zoe : ooh . bianca : oh . zoe : no . [ zoe chuckles ] [ scene_break ] kendall : almost ready . hmm . so what do you think ? you think mama 's wand will have some magic in it , huh ? oh , who am i kidding ? you 'd chew on this thing if i 'd let you . ok , baby doll . you think you 'd like to have a little brother or a little sister ? [ kendall stares at the pregnancy test stick ] [ scene_break ] [ at the police station , zach faces his father in an orange prison jumpsuit ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : can i be your son ? [ scene_break ] babe : how do i know what 's best ? josh : is there anything i can say to help ? babe : do n't think so . oh . josh : found this downstairs . babe : oh , my -- josh : maybe this will help . babe : gosh , i have n't seen one of these since i was a kid . josh : go ahead , ask it something . babe : should i run ? `` reply hazy , try again . `` that 's not so good . i do n't even want to run . if i stay , will i keep my son ? `` outlook not so good . `` josh : ok , that was n't such a good idea . babe : well , i know what it 'll say if i ask it if i stay , what will j.r. do ? he 'll tell mama 's secret and her life will be ruined . josh : hey , stop thinking about your mom . i know you love her , but you have to start thinking about your son . [ erica sneaks up to babe 's door to eavesdrop ] josh : we 'll disappear quickly . i 'll make sure it works this time . babe : how can you guarantee that ? josh : they may find out you 're still alive , but it wo n't matter . we 'll be long gone by then . no one will ever find us again . [ next_on ] zach ( to kendall ) : you 're all smiley . what 's going on ? kendall : have a cigar . babe ( to krystal ) : the only way that i will ever be free of j.r. is to disappear . this is good - bye .
bianca accompanies zoe to the hospital with dr. massey so that zoe can begin the transition process . zoe begins to cry , and hits herself in the head . kendall and zach kiss . she questions him if he is any better this morning . kendall and zach kiss again as myrtle walks in the door , and tells them both that she had told them so . jack sits at a desk in the police station squad room and is on the phone when erica comes in . she thanks him for helping save kendall . she asks about the mess that he had helped cause with josh and babe . babe is sitting up in a chair by her bed when josh comes in , and brings her breakfast . babe asks why josh is n't asking her what she has decided - whether to stay with j.r. or to run with josh and little adam . krystal comes downstairs , and she hears j.r. 's voice telling her that little adam is n't very good at keeping secrets . j.r. comes out of the study , and asks krystal to take him to see little adam 's mother , too . krystal begins to make up some lie that she had n't taken little adam anywhere . j.r. insists on knowing where they went . j.r. holds up the car keys , and asks krystal to take him where she took little adam . john lets babe know that it is her life and her decision as to what to do . josh hands her some juice . krystal continues to lie to j.r. to the point that j.r. begins to believe her , and apologizes . j.r. wonders why little adam would say that he had seen his mother . j.r. apologizes to krystal for doubting her and tells krystal that he has a meeting he has to get to . erica questions jack as to what is going on between josh and babe . erica believes that everyone should know that babe is alive . kendall gives zach a kiss good - bye . she leaves . bianca encourages zoe not to do this today if she is not ready to go through with it . zoe is afraid that she will go through all this , and she will still feel lost . bianca encourages zoe to wait and see what the doctor has to say . they snuggle as j.r. appears from around the corner , and sees them . kendall visits babe and they hug . dr. massey comes out to see zoe . kendall and josh hug . kendall tells him that she is glad to be home . babe wants to know how kendall is holding up . kendall asks babe if she thinks that she can keep this a secret . babe admits that she is done with j.r. kendall advises babe that whatever she does to do it quickly . kendall starts to get up off the bed , and staggers . josh catches her just in time before she hit 's the floor . myrtle encourages zach to forgive himself , and to love his family . bianca tapes zoe 's session with dr. massey . dr. massey advises zoe of the side effects of hormone treatment . a nurse comes in and tells the doctor that she has a phone call . j.r. and erica attend an alcoholics anonymous meeting . j.r. gets up , introduces himself , and tells them that he is an alcoholic . j.r. tells the alcoholics group that he has just lost his wife . josh goes to get kendall something to eat . babe has a smirk on her face . kendall wonders what she is thinking . babe lets her know that it could be something else . kendall thinks that it just could be something else . kendall wonders what babe is going to do .
adam : ah . scotch ? brooke : sure . i have n't had a good scotch in quite a while . adam : hmm . well , do n't tell anyone . my doctor still does n't acknowledge the benefit of the occasional indulgence : pompous windbag . brooke : but you know better . adam : of course . always do . brooke : i love this new sofa . adam : annie has exquisite taste . and you 're dying to ask why i married her . [ scene_break ] annie : no , stop . stop it . i ca n't do this ! dr. kahn : what 's wrong ? annie : the walls are closing in on me ! i think i 'm gon na be sick ! i ca n't do this ! angie : annie -- annie : why is it so hot in here ? angie : you need to relax . annie : oh , god , help me ! i ca n't breathe ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : you 're a five - star jerk , and you just proved it . ryan : look , i knew you would feel this way , ok ? i knew this going in . greenlee : then why did you do it when you knew it would hurt me ? ryan : because it would hurt you even more to stay with that man . david hurts people . that 's what he does , ok ? look , this was the right thing to do , greenlee . it was right . even though i risked losing you forever , it was the right thing to do , and i would do it again . greenlee : why ? ryan : listen -- greenlee : david stood by me when everyone else abandoned me . ryan : the guy is not your hero , greenlee , he 'll never be . greenlee : he saved my life . what did you do ? ryan : i loved you . greenlee : how much is ryan paying you ? natalia : your husband 's a criminal . i 'm just doing my job . ryan : any word on david ? you got anything ? natalia : i towed his car , so he has to be close by and on foot . we just have to find him . [ scene_break ] erica : how did you even get here ? david : your trunk . it was n't too uncomfortable . thanks for the lift . erica : you 're not welcome . david : oh , such coldness . and i thought we were friends . you lied to me , erica . erica : and you told me that you would get greenlee to leave fusion . you double - crossed me . david : oh , that 's right , and nobody double - crosses erica kane . erica : oh , is that lesson finally sinking in , david ? david : you teamed up with ryan to throw me in jail . i saved kendall 's life , and this is how you repay me ? erica : i did what i had to do . david : and now i 'm gon na do what i have to do . [ scene_break ] annie : it 's too hot in here ! my chest feels heavy . i need my inhaler . angie : annie , it 's not asthma . annie : then what 's wrong with me ? angie : you 're having a panic attack . annie : is there something you can do ? angie : listen , i want you to take a deep breath and count to 5 , and then release . now , can you do that for me ? again . good . that 's good . are you feeling better ? annie : yeah . yeah . let 's do it . angie : annie , listen . i 'm sorry , but we 're not gon na be able to go forward with the procedure . annie : why not ? but j.r. needs my bone marrow or he 'll die . angie : yes , i understand that , but we need you stable before we can proceed . annie : ok . how long will that take ? angie : there 's no way to tell . now , i just need you to relax and keep using the breathing exercises , ok ? now , i 'm gon na go and call adam and let him -- annie : no , no , no , no , you ca n't call adam . he ca n't know i 'm freaking out . i have to save j.r. adam 's depending on me . [ scene_break ] adam : annie saved my life the night stuart was killed . i never would 've survived without her . brooke : you 're grateful . adam : well , it goes way past gratitude . i love her . brooke : you 've always been a very passionate man . adam : yeah . a drooling buffoon smitten by a young seductress , is that it ? brooke : hardly . adam : well , regardless of what you may think , annie is not using me . brooke : well , you 'd never fall for it . adam : damn right . brooke : so how did you fall in love ? adam : you 're not jealous , are you ? brooke : in your dreams . [ phone rings ] adam : oh . chandler . angie : adam , it 's angie . adam : is j.r. ok ? angie : there 's been no change in j.r. 's condition . but annie is having some anxiety about the bone marrow donation , and we 're not gon na be able to proceed until her vital signs have stabilized . now , i 'm thinking if you could come to the hospital , you could probably soothe your wife . adam : all right , all right . i 'll be right there . yeah . it 's hospital board business . brooke : oh . you 're always in the thick of things , are n't you ? adam : well , i need a certain distraction , but you make yourself right at home . i 'll be back soon . brooke : ok . adam : thanks for the drink . [ scene_break ] erica : you 're such a coward , david . david : why is that , erica , hmm ? i thought you liked this game , or is that only when i 'm being tied up ? erica : i 'm talking about what you did to me at wildwind . you let nurse gayle shoot me just to keep yourself out of prison . david : i seem to remember signing a confession . erica : after i was lying in a pool of blood . david : fake blood . gayle never would 've pulled a real trigger , and you know it . erica : i demand you free me ! david : all right , let 's see . exactly how long did you keep me here ? erica : oh , be a man , david . own up to the crimes you committed . turn yourself in . david : i would never turn myself in , erica . that would be me admitting i lost , and i would never give you , ryan , or jake that kind of satisfaction . erica : well , if you run , you 're only gon na make it worse for yourself . bribing a public official ? evidence tampering ? body snatching ? throw in kidnapping , you 've got a pretty hefty jail sentence there . david : kidnapping , huh ? this is your place , is n't it ? unlawful restraint at best . now , if i was put in handcuffs in your place , now , that would be kidnap -- oh , that 's right : we 've already done that . erica : it 's over , david . you can joke all you want , but it is over , and it 's time you face it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : he dragged me to the castle where we got married and held me against my will . ryan : i took her someplace safe so she could rest , and we could talk . greenlee : oh , because you know what 's best for me even when i do n't ? is that how you keep roping jake into your schemes : `` we need to save greenlee ? `` he 's my friend -- he was my friend . ryan : jake wants to help you . greenlee : `` help `` ? ! did erica want to help me , too ? maybe she thinks i 'd be so devastated with david in prison that i would completely abandon fusion . natalia : i 'm going to get an update on that manhunt . greenlee : do n't forget to wrangle up some rabid jaywalkers while you 're at it . we need to keep the streets of pine valley safe . who else did you get in on this little takedown ? i reject you , and so you get a town full of people to get back at me ? ryan : i would never do that , greenlee . greenlee : you told me that i was free to live my life and that you would n't control me , and then you find out i 'm married , and you pull this stunt . and i 'm supposed to trust you ? ryan : anything that comes out of my mouth right now you 're gon na think the worst of me , ok , but somewhere deep inside you must know all the horrible things david has done . my god , he 's responsible for stuart 's death . if david did n't drug adam , then stuart would still be alive . greenlee : you do n't know that . i heard about all the people who showed up with a gun that night . or did you forget bed buddy number one / my former best friend kendall ? she pointed her weapon at stuart , too . just admit it , ryan -- you wanted david out of my life and this is how you were gon na do it . ryan : i do n't want to hurt you , greenlee . it 's the last thing that i want . but i ca n't let david get away with what he 's done to so many people . greenlee : look into my eyes and see how much david means to me . if he spends the rest of his life in prison , you 're going to regret it for the rest of yours . [ scene_break ] erica : if you turn yourself in , i 'm sure the d.a . would make a deal with you . david : heh heh heh . a deal , huh , for saving greenlee 's life ? i do n't think so . erica : it 's the only option you have left . david : do n't underestimate me , erica . i always have another option . erica : not anymore . we both know it , david -- ryan got you . david : all right . let me make this perfectly clear . ryan did n't get me , you did . i figured ryan would pull something . but when i saw you lying there on the floor supposedly in a pool of blood -- i would 've done anything to save your life . erica : i know . i saw the look in your eyes . david : you did ? erica : i peeked for a second . david : i thought you were dying , erica , and i could n't let that happen . erica : then do n't hurt me now , david . let me go . i do n't want anything to get worse for you . david : i need my money , erica . erica : what ? david : the 10 million i invested in fusion -- i want it back now . [ scene_break ] greenlee : consider this your final notice . i 'll do whatever 's necessary to protect my husband . ryan : hey , slow down . just take a breath and let everything sink in , please . please , just look what you 're doing . you 're running so hard away from me that you 're not even looking where you 're going . greenlee : you do n't have the right to care about me anymore . ryan : i do n't mean to keep pushing you away , i 'm sorry that i 'm doing that , but i did what had to be done . hayward -- the man is a plague , and he needed to be contained . greenlee : do you hear yourself ? it 's like you 're judge , jury , and executioner . ryan : no , i do n't care if he goes to prison or if he stays on the run the rest of his life . as long as he 's gone , i 'm ok with that . greenlee : you 're ok with screwing up a man 's life for revenge in the most underhanded way possible ? ryan : hayward sets the rules , i just play by them , ok , and it worked . greenlee : i 'm done fighting with you . ryan : you forgot this . [ hands greenlee her purse ] greenlee : david will never spend one day in prison . and if he has to spend the rest of his life on some faraway beach somewhere , i 'll be sitting there watching the sunset right next to him . [ scene_break ] jesse : so you 're saying hayward actually signed this ? natalia : absolutely . jesse : so where is nurse gayle walker right now ? jake : she 's with amanda . she does n't feel like she 's able to talk to the police yet . jesse : at least until there 's a deal in place . jake : this confession seals his fate , right ? jesse : did you speak to this guy , this morgue attendant : wilson kuckley ? natalia : as soon as i told him we were investigating hayward , he admitted it . david bribed him to make it look like greenlee was dead . jake : you can smile . go ahead , i know you want to smile . we got him , right ? jesse : let 's find him first , how about that ? jake : dr . evil is not wiggling out of this one , jesse , and you know it . greenlee : oh , you guys just could n't wait to shove that worthless piece of paper in jesse 's face . jake : that `` piece of paper `` is david 's ticket to the state penitentiary . greenlee : maybe you should tell daddy how many laws you broke trying to apprehend an innocent man . jake : `` innocent `` ? he was n't and has n't been innocent since he was wearing diapers . greenlee : that so - called confession was signed under duress . nurse gayle waved a gun in david 's face , and when he would n't buckle , she shot erica kane . jake : it was staged . greenlee : that 's right . her fake blood is on my living room floor . jesse : did you know about this ? natalia : i know he signed the confession , and there are witnesses to verify that . greenlee : oh , yes : the crazy lady who brought her gun to the party , my vindictive ex - husband , and the jealous diva who 's trying to take over my company . solid case ! jake : what is the guy at the morgue gon na get out of this , huh ? david is gon na get what he deserves . i 'm sorry , but that 's the way it is . jesse : i suggest you get david a lawyer . see , my job is to arrest the bad guys , everything else is left up to the courts . if we need you , we 'll call . greenlee : that 's it ? that 's all you 're gon na say to me ? jesse : yep . you got a report to type up , and you -- jake ? thanks for this . greenlee : you know what ? not so fast . you and amanda both know what was going down at wildwind . you sent her to prevent me from going home . jake : greenlee , you were one of my best friends . i love you , but you 're gon na thank me someday . you are better off without david . greenlee : i would n't be standing here if it were n't for him . jake : david kept you away from all the people that love you . you are so blind to this . i ca n't -- greenlee : this coming from a man who let david believe his own son was dead . jake : trevor was never his -- you know what ? i would go home if i were you , greenlee , before you say something else that you 're really gon na regret . greenlee : i 'll never forget what you did to me . that 's a guarantee . [ scene_break ] annie : why did you call adam when i specifically asked you not to ? angie : believe it or not , i was acting in your best interest . listen , annie , i was hoping that adam could help de - stress you so we can go forward . annie : i 'm fine . i 'm fine . so ca n't we just suck this marrow out of my bones so i can go home , please , we can both go home ? adam , i 'm sorry that angie called you . adam : i had to make sure you were all right . angie : listen , may i ? adam : yeah . why are you wasting precious time ? j.r. needs a bone marrow transplant . annie is our last hope . angie : i ca n't start the donation process until annie is calm . now , i have done everything i can to reassure her . it 's your turn . adam : all right . hi . annie : i am so sorry that my body is screwing this up for you . adam : you 're just a little nervous , that 's all . annie : this ca n't be harder than giving birth . oh , it 's hot . adam : you 're not afraid of the pain . it 's just the emotional stress . annie : you 're right . you 're right . i 'm just so sick of everybody making it out to be like i 'm this selfish mother , you know , and i feel like we should 've come up with a better cover than me being at the spa . adam : we had no choice . j.r. made it quite clear he would n't take any of your bone marrow . annie : why does your family hate me so much ? why are they always making me the enemy , adam ? adam : it 'll take time , ok ? annie : you saw the way colby treated me -- that was pure hatred . adam : yes , well , forget colby . all i care about is you and j.r. , ok ? annie : what about brooke ? adam : brooke ? annie : i know how much you care about brooke , how important she is to you , and the last thing i want in this world is for her to think badly of me . [ scene_break ] brooke : hmm ? scott : hey . brooke : it 's such a lovely painting . scott : yeah , dad really put his heart into that one . look at the play of light with the inclusion of movement . it brings an ethereal quality to the artwork . it 's spiritual . i paid attention during dad 's art classes . brooke : well , i think the n.y. film courses must 've helped . scott : yeah , from documentary moviemaker to business wheeler and dealer , huh ? brooke : hmm . scott : have you seen uncle adam ? brooke : no . he 's at the hospital -- some board issue things . scott : does n't he have enough on his plate right now ? brooke : well , you know adam . do you mind if i borrow the computer just for a minute ? i want to check out j.r. 's web site . scott : yes , please , go ahead . it should be on . brooke : thank you . ahem . hmm . well , i never knew i was so popular . scott : that would be annie doing the search . brooke : i see . a little bit obsessive , do n't you think ? she 's clicked on every site . scott : annie believes that everyone 's been staging an anti - annie campaign lately , and then out of nowhere you show up . brooke : well , pine valley is full of adam 's ex - wives . i just am wife number 3 . scott : yeah , and his favorite , and the only ex - wife actually living with the happy couple at the moment . brooke : adam insisted . scott : i know . annie 's under the delusion that you 're here to reclaim adam . brooke : oh , please . i have been mrs. adam chandler . the only thing i 'm here to reclaim is my position at `` tempo . `` scott : i know . i know . but annie -- she 's slightly unpredictable . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . gayle calm down at all ? amanda : no . she 's a complete basket case . it 's actually hard to believe she was a nurse . gayle : did you catch david ? ryan : no , not yet . but , hey , i do have some good news . i talked to the d.a . , and you get total immunity for your testimony against david . amanda : you 'll be free . that 's great . ryan : completely free . anything you want , all right -- a place to stay , job , money -- anything . i do n't want you to worry about anything again . gayle : once i give my statement to the police , can i go stay with my sister in cincinnati until the trial ? ryan : absolutely you can . you can even take the cambias jet to get there , ok ? gayle : oh , thank you . thank you so much ! ryan : you 're welcome . ok . gayle : i 'm gon na go call my sister now . ryan : all right . now , you see , that 's the reaction i wish greenlee would give me . amanda : she will . it just takes a while to be deprogrammed . greenlee just needs the love of a good man . jake : talking about me , hmm ? amanda : always . hi . jake : hi . so dracula 's on his way to prison ? ryan : yeah , but not yet . the bloodsucker 's still out there . we got to find him . [ scene_break ] david : how could you not have the money ? i just gave it to you ! erica : you invested it in fusion , david . i do n't have that money just lying around . david : you must have some of it left . give me what you have ! erica : i spent it all . david : all of it ? ! erica : yes . i 'm launching a new line that 's very , very expensive . it costs a lot of money . david : oh , for heaven 's sakes , they 're gon na freeze my assets . how much money do you have here ? what , do you have a safe ? erica : they have n't installed it yet . i 'm sorry , i do n't . i do n't . i have what 's in my wallet . david : damn it ! erica : i have the money in my wallet . that 's what i have , david . i do n't generally -- david : i need money ! erica : carry a lot of cash . david , you 're not thinking of running , are you ? david : i ca n't stay here . erica : do you want to call your lovely wife ? david : that 's enough , erica . erica : it does n't have to be this way , david . [ david coughs ] erica : ah . david : how could you do this to me ? i thought we meant something to each other . erica : we do . that 's why i 'm trying to warn you , david . if you run like a common criminal , then you could be killed . david : like you give a damn what happens to me . erica : i do . david , if you take greenlee with you , i can arrange that you both get out of the country safely . i know several places that do n't have an extradition treaty with our country , and that 'll give me enough time to even get the charges dropped against you . and then i can even get your money back . it 's a wonderful offer , david . take it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : come out and face me , chief hubbard . i 'm not walking away until you talk to me . [ pounding on door ] natalia : excuse me ? who do you think you are ? this is a police station . if you do not relax , i will have you thrown in lockup . greenlee : hmm . make sure you toss in some phony charges . maybe you can put me away for a long time , too . natalia : i did my job . i am not gon na apologize , because you got stanky taste in men ! jesse : greenlee ? i strongly suggest you not mess with this one . greenlee : it 's about time you come out from hiding . jesse : and it 's about time you stop whining . greenlee : i 'm not done with you . jesse : is that a tone ? greenlee : i 'm not kidding . i 'm going to hire the best lawyers in this nation to get david off , then i 'm gon na sue you , your bratty daughter , and the rest of the pine valley police force . by the time i 'm done with you , you 're gon na be walking a 3 a.m. beat . jesse : well , all righty , then . where 's david ? greenlee : i -- do n't -- know . and if i did , i 'd never tell you . natalia : you 're only hurting him in the long run , greenlee . greenlee : david may not be a saint , but he deserves better justice than this . natalia : if he calls , be sure to tell us . greenlee : huh . hmm ! thanks . i 'd hate to waste taxpayer dollars on an unnecessary phone trace . jesse : next time you see david hayward , he 'll be sitting in a jail cell . do n't be next . greenlee : you may think david 's running scared , but you 're wrong . he 's laughing at you right now , and so am i . jesse : laugh on . [ scene_break ] david : so let me get this straight . if i take you up on your offer , greenlee has to leave with me . but if i keep her behind , you do n't help me , right ? erica : exactly . i help you escape , and you help me get rid of an annoying headache . david , i have so much to do at fusion . i do n't have time for greenlee 's next tantrum . david : it 's greenlee 's company , erica , not yours ! you seem to be having a little trouble remembering that fact ! erica : you have feelings for greenlee . david : of course , i have feelings for her . she 's my wife . erica : she married you to hurt ryan . why did you marry her , again ? david : she was married to my brother . remember ? we 're family . erica : you can deny it all you want . i see the look on your face when you say her name . your eyes go all soft . it 's a telltale sign , david . i can see that you 're falling for her . david : or maybe they 're soft because of you . erica : greenlee still loves ryan . david : she 'll get over it . erica : see , that 's what you 're hoping , is n't it , that you will show her so much devotion that she will forget about ryan . david : are you done ? erica : just so you know that greenlee is incapable of love . she 'll torture you -- i mean , of course , you deserve it . david : [ laughs ] so this is your way of getting me to run off and take greenlee with me ? erica : the offer is genuine . and as long as i have warned you about what greenlee is , then i have done my part . take greenlee out of town , david , and i 'll make sure that no one chases you . deal ? david : maybe we should seal it with a kiss . [ scene_break ] adam : the water cascades over the pebbles . um , i do n't think i 'm very good at this new - age visualization . how about a drink ? annie : just having you here helps . whew . adam : well , i 'll tell you what . i was thinking about waiting to give this to you later , but you are my angel . annie : hmm ? adam : mm - hmm . annie : ohh . adam : and now you have your very own guardian angel to protect you . annie : well , now i have two : i have this , and i have you . adam : yeah . now , if we could just get this procedure started , j.r. is waiting . annie : do you love me ? adam : of course , i do . i 've told you : you are the one woman in the world i want to spend the rest of my life with . angie : well , it seems adam 's worked his magic . are you ready to start the procedure ? annie : i 'm in 100 % . [ scene_break ] scott : anything ? brooke : well , there 's a lot of support for j.r. , and a lot of people have joined the bone marrow registry . there 's just -- there 's not a full match yet . scott : oh , damn . brooke : do n't give up hope . we have a partial match , and we just have to pray that that is gon na be enough for j.r . scott : it will be . you ? you are exactly what `` tempo `` needs in order to survive , you know that , somebody who can incorporate digital media with our printed publication . this town has n't been the same without you . brooke : pine valley 's my home . there are a lot of people that i care about here . how 's adam ? he was ranting before about his doctor . i believe the phrase `` pompous windbag `` came up . scott : yeah . guy hit the scotch again ? yeah , of course , he did . adam did n't say anything else to you , did he ? brooke : no , but i wish you would . scott : mm - hmm . it 's his heart , brooke . he -- his doctor implanted a pacemaker . brooke : oh , my god . when ? scott : a few months ago . brooke : i had no idea . he should n't be dealing with hospital board issues right now . scott : yeah , no kidding . but he 's not gon na listen to anybody . brooke : oh , well , he 'll listen to me ! [ scene_break ] amanda : we have to catch david before he terrorizes anyone else . jake : we 're so close . amanda : i 'm gon na go check on gayle . you guys track him down . jake : [ sighs ] pizza ? ryan : pepperoni , sausage , on me . jake : you know , i was thinking since we ca n't go to the cops , maybe i 'd call tad . he 's got p.i . connections all over the world . so -- ryan : that sounds like a plan . jake : how 'd things end up with greenlee ? ryan : well , she 's pissed . i knew she would be . jake : no , she was just venting . she did n't mean any of it . ryan : she probably did . she probably meant just about every word , actually . and she 's right . i mean , she 's right . i do want her to come running back into my arms , i do want david to pay for keeping her from us for so long , and i am actually really pissed at myself for not being there when she needs me the most . so she 's right . jake : david kept her from all of us , and eventually she 'll see that . ryan : eventually she will . she can be just a little bit stubborn . jake : a little . ryan : but i 'm not giving up , man . i 'm not giving up . i love the woman way too much . [ scene_break ] jesse : so what 's the word ? natalia : no sign of the suspect . his car is in impound . there are no stolen cars in the area . this guy 's got to be on foot , but no one has reported seeing him . where is he ? jesse : maybe he imploded , you know , with all the hayward chaos he 's got going on . natalia : you really think we 'd be that lucky ? jesse : no . natalia : [ sighs ] you 're mad . jesse : you think ? you have any idea how many rules you 've broken ? natalia : what about hayward ? the man tampered with evidence . he hid greenlee , let everyone who loved her think that she drowned . and then what he did to adam chandler ? come on , a man died because of his actions . it 's not like you have n't bent a few rules to get the job done . jesse : again -- boss , not boss . natalia : i got results . jesse : and $ 2,500 in parking tickets . natalia : so are we cool ? jesse : we got a strong case against hayward , which is the only reason i 'm not strapping you with a month of desk duty . you done good , kid . natalia : ha ha . haa . [ scene_break ] greenlee : david ? i 'm alone . oh , please answer me . ugh ! [ phone rings ] greenlee : the next time i see you , i 'm gon na strangle you , you vicious -- david : i love you , too . greenlee : oh , my -- are you ok ? david : i 've been better . how about you ? greenlee : just groovy . david : all right , i have to make this quick . you know where i am . do you remember the valentine 's day gift i gave you ? greenlee : yeah . be careful . david : i always am . [ scene_break ] brooke : oh , excuse me . i 'm looking for mr. chandler , mr. adam chandler ? thank you . angie : now , once you 're under anesthesia , dr. kahn will use a needle to harvest the bone marrow from your rear hip bone . when you wake up , you may feel some discomfort , sort of like you had a hard fall . any questions ? annie : no . i think i 'm good . adam : are you sure it 's safe for annie to continue the donation ? angie : her numbers are good . dr. kahn : how are you feeling , mrs. chandler ? annie : like i am ready to save a life . thank you , adam . adam : yes . well , when you wake up , you 'll find me waiting for you . do n't forget my little buddy there is looking out for you . annie : i wo n't forget . adam : ok . brooke : i finally get why you 're so grateful to annie . she 's j.r. 's bone marrow donor , is n't she ? [ scene_break ] jake : he 's out there . david is out . can we just go over the plan ? ryan : yes , we definitely need to go over the plan . jake : you know how annoying it is when you do that with your phone ? ryan : do you have a beer in the fridge ? jake : yeah , i do . do you have a plan ? we need to hash the plan out , just go over everything that we 're gon na do . ryan : i know . i 'm right with you . i 'm tracking her right now . jake : wow , that 's impressive . how do you do that ? ryan : i got a gps on my cell phone , right , so i slipped my cell phone in greenlee 's purse . and as long as the phone stays on , we know exactly where she is , and she leads us straight to hayward . [ scene_break ] erica : ohh -- oh , damn you , david ! greenlee : [ laughs ] am i interrupting something , erica ?
at the chandler mansion , adam pours himself and brooke a drink . seeing the look in brooke 's eyes , adam asks her if she wants to know why he married annie . before the harvesting of her bone marrow , annie panics and tells them to stop . angie tries to relieve her worries . at wildwind , greenlee lashes out at ryan for what he , erica and jake did to david . ryan lets her know that he would do it all over again . jake , natalia and the police arrive , but david is nowhere to be found . david and erica have a confrontation about how they both used each other . while annie has an anxiety attack , angie calls adam and asks him to come to the hospital to calm his wife . david ties erica up to a chair just like she did to him . erica reminds david of all the things that he did to people in pine valley . greenlee tries to tell natalia what ryan did to her when he took her to the castle . erica urges david to turn himself in , but he wants the ten million dollars back that he invested in fusion . brooke and scott look at his computer and realize that annie has been googling brooke . erica suggests that david leave the country and takes greenlee with him . greenlee tells ryan that she will join david even if he sits alone on a beach .
j.r. : hey , what are you doing ? you should be resting . babe : oh , j.r. , it was such a great shower . and bianca , she got all this stuff and she was so sweet about it , but i just ca n't leave all this stuff for winnie . she already worked so hard today . j.r. : that 's not why i want you to stop . babe : j.r. , i can throw a party and clean up and still have enough energy to go dancing even though i am pregnant . j.r. : you wait right there . the party might be over , but the gifts are just beginning . stuart : surprise ! [ scene_break ] jack : i appreciate that , livia , and if i decide to use an attorney in this mess , well , you 've got the job , ok ? [ knock on door ] jack : it 's at 10 : 00 a.m. yeah . well , i do n't agree -- krystal : jackson montgomery ? jack : livia , can i -- can i call you back , please ? yeah , i 'm jackson montgomery . krystal : and so much more handsome than the press will have us believe . jack : i 'm sorry , do i know you ? krystal : practically , yeah . we know a lot of the same people . jack : i see . if this is about my disbarment hearing , i have no comment . krystal : no , no , no , no , i 'm not a reporter . i guess i should 've made my point sooner , but you just sort of took my breath away . jack : what is your point ? krystal : well , you are erica kane � s fiancé , right ? jack : yes . krystal : well , i hate to tell you this , but she practically had a meltdown today in some swanky bathroom , and , well , with my experience with women in crisis , she 's just barely scratched the surface . [ scene_break ] david : erica , what happened ? erica : i 'm in pain , david . david : all right . where does it hurt ? are you having trouble breathing ? erica : i 've never felt anything like this before . david : erica , i ca n't help you if you do n't tell me where it hurts . erica : david , of course you ca n't help me . it 's your fault i 'm in this condition . david : what the hell is that supposed to mean ? erica : david , you have ripped me and my family to shreds . you might as well give me one of your famous drugs and just finish me off . is -- is this where bianca came to have it done ? david : bianca is my patient . there 's confidentiality . erica : i know . i respect that . i just simply need to understand . so pretend that i 'm bianca . i need to pretend that , as bianca , i came here confused and terrified and , god help me , pregnant with my rapist 's child . so i came to the trusted friend of my mother , who could do the one thing that would hopefully get back some normalcy to my life , who could put an end to the shame that that monster put me through . so please tell me then , david , what did you say ? david : i wo n't do this , erica . erica : david , please tell me . please tell me what words you used to allow bianca to bring her rapist 's child into the world . david : stop this . erica : why , david ? what are you afraid of ? the truth ? there 's nothing wrong with the truth . david : we 'll discuss this , if that 's what you really want , but this is neither the time nor the place . erica : sure it is . david : i ca n't believe that you came here and pretended that there was something wrong . erica : pretend ? no , david , thanks to you , there is no pretending . i mean , thanks to you , my daughter 's worst nightmare is going to come all too true . [ scene_break ] jack : look , all due respect , i do n't think erica kane had a meltdown in any bathroom , swanky or otherwise , so whatever you 're selling , you can peddle it elsewhere . krystal : now , hold on there , cowboy . i guarantee you i am not here for my own health . jack : i 'm sorry , do i know you ? krystal : no , i guess there 's no way of knowing who i am . i 'm krystal carey , babe chandler 's mother . babe and your niece are bosom buddies now . i guess in their state , you can call them belly buddies , right . jack : of course , ms. carey , yes . krystal : oh , call me krystal , with a k . jack : ok , krystal , i 'm sorry i was so rough on you , and how about have a seat ? krystal : that 's all right . i mean , i guess you ca n't be too careful , right ? jack : you were saying something about erica ? krystal : well , babe had a baby shower for bianca . actually , it was supposed to be babe 's , but , angel that she is , she decided to do something nice for bianca since she went through that big ordeal . jack : and erica was there ? is she all right ? krystal : well , she says that she is , but i have my doubts . jack : go on , please . krystal : well , everything was going fine until bianca announced that she was going to tell everybody what she was going to name the baby , and she said the first thing was going to be miranda something from shakespeare . jack : from `` the tempest . `` krystal : i do admire a man with an advanced education . and then she said that the middle name was going to be mona , apparently -- jack : after bianca 's grandmother , yeah . krystal : right . well , i do n't understand why erica got so upset . i mean , i understand she just worships her mother , but let me tell you , she just turned the color of sand . she knocked over a tray of drinks , got champagne all over herself , and then just tore off to the ladies ' room . jack : did anybody go after her ? krystal : yeah , babe did . afterwards , she told me that erica was just a mess , just railing on about bianca and her tragedy . listen , if i 'm overstepping my boundaries -- jack : no , no , no , not at all . krystal : i mean , because the truth be told , i mean , i love to dish the dirt with the best of them , but , i mean , whatever it was with erica , it just really worried me . and not just for her , but , i mean , for bianca , too , and this baby that she 's about to have . jack : do you happen to know where erica is right now ? krystal : i do not know . let me tell you , she just -- she just beat it like her heels were lit on fire . i just really hope she makes peace with this because , let me tell you , if you do n't get things like this squared away before a baby comes , you 're going to have nothing but trouble after . [ scene_break ] j.r. : open this one , huh ? stuart : it 's your reward for being maybe the nicest person that we ever met in a long time . babe : oh , me ? stuart : yes , yes , for you . when j.r. told me that you had put your baby shower on hold so bianca could have hers , that was maybe the nicest thing i ever heard of . babe : well , you guys do know that mama 's still planning on throwing her very own shower for me and the baby , right ? jack : i know , but that has nothing to do with spoiling my wife . babe : thank you . and thank you , stuart . stuart : oh , it was all j.r. 's idea . i just threw in a couple of gifts -- this one and this one . babe : ooh . oh , my -- j.r. ! j.r. : it 's just to hang over the crib , you know , but i just wanted our baby to grow up reaching for the stars . babe : never too soon to start . j.r. : oh , you know what , i got to go check on the goodies in the kitchen . excuse me . babe : more food ? j.r. : yes . babe : fabulous - o . stuart : while he 's gone , you can open my present . babe : ok . well , here , come on up . all right . get that end . oh ! stuart ! did you paint it yourself ? stuart : yeah , yeah , they 're forest animals . little kids love them . babe : look at this ! it 's awful cute . well , does it do anything ? stuart : well , i think it does something pretty special . you see this in here ? babe : mm - hmm ? stuart : these lines tell how much adam and i grew every year . you see , there 's the a and the s. so this was part of our kitchen wall back in pigeon hollow . babe : i get it . it 's a growth chart . stuart : yeah . yeah , i just painted the animals so -- well , so it 'd look prettier , but you can use it to measure how much your baby grows and to remember how small adam was once . babe : yeah , tell me about it . check this one out . stuart : oh , 9 . oh , that was my favorite year . that was when i was almost a whole quarter - inch taller than adam . and he caught up with me later , you know , but i think 9 was my favorite year . babe : gosh , i ca n't even begin to picture adam that small -- well , or you , either . stuart : well , just remember when he starts bullying you around that he was a little boy once , too . babe : stuart , oh , it is such a sweet gift . it really is so special . and j.r. 's going to love it , too . he 's really excited about the baby again . stuart : well , he was always excited about the baby . babe : well , he wanted to be . honestly , stuart , if it were n't for the baby , i 'm not really sure if j.r. would even want to be married to me . stuart : does this have anything to do with the lie that you told him ? babe : i 'm afraid so . stuart : oh , you did n't take my advice , go with the love , not the fear ? babe : it was just like you said . it all blew up on me . stuart : you still scared , babe ? babe : yeah . stuart : yeah , well , love can do that to you , too . you 're so happy you found it , but scared you 're going to lose it . babe : that is exactly how i feel . stuart : but love is n't just how you feel or even what you say , it 's what you do . just do . just show j.r. how much you love him , the way throwing this party shows his love for you . babe : that 's a perfect thought , stuart . stuart : it 'll be easier this time because there 's no more lies . right ? j.r. : sorry i took so long . did i miss anything good ? babe : there 's always something going on with uncle stuart . j.r. : ready to chow down ? babe : oh , j.r. , i really hope you 're not working winnie and lucretia to death . j.r. : oh , no , no , no , i 'm not even using the regular staff . adam : congratulations , babe . i understand this is a special occasion . [ scene_break ] anita : aidan is a good friend of edmund and maria � s . bobby : who the hell died and left him in charge of protecting my wife ? anita : i do n't need protection from anyone . can you give us some privacy , please ? aidan : no worries . anita : hey , do n't make this an issue . bobby : look , i know i have to earn back my rights where you 're concerned . anita : bobby , you 're not even wearing your wedding band . bobby : you told me to take it off . i 'd love to put it back on . anita : that 's -- i 'm just not there yet . bobby : look , i 'm really sorry i made an issue out of that guy . if he 's a friend of yours , i 'll go , i 'll apologize . anita : i told you , aidan is a good friend of the family , and we 're all dealing with an honest - to - god crisis . bobby : i know that . and that 's why i 'm here . your family is my family , anita , and i want to help you . otherwise -- and i know you -- you 're just going to take all of this on yourself . anita : bobby , you being here right now wo n't help anything . i just -- i need to focus totally on them . bobby : are you sure ? anita : please ? just go . bobby : all right , all right . but one condition ? will you wear this ? anita : why ? bobby : to remember . to -- to remind us that my heart is completely yours . anita : bobby , please . bobby : you used to love it when i did that . anita : no , i -- i still do . and that 's why you have to go . bobby : it 's not over , anita . my heart is yours . aidan : are you all right ? anita : what made this any of your business ? [ scene_break ] krystal : oh , thank you . i normally do n't like to bust into other people 's family business , but when i see a fender - bender about to happen , i mean , i just have to send up a flare , you know ? jack : tell me , krystal , do you know , did bianca hear what her mother said ? krystal : oh , no . no , babe did n't give a peep to anybody . i made sure of that . i mean , it was bianca 's baby shower , for heaven 's sake . it 's supposed to be a happy day . jack : well , i certainly appreciate your discretion , and i know erica will , too . krystal : well , my lips are sealed , you can count on that . jack : well , you were right to come and tell me about this . reggie : whoa , j - mo . i did n't mean to cut in on your time , but -- yo , jack , that 's not erica . jack : no , that 's not . krystal : and after what i saw today , you can color me lucky . [ scene_break ] david : i just hope you 're not bothering bianca with any of this stuff . erica : oh , that 's right . you 're dr. god , are n't you ? you think you 're the only one who should tell bianca what to do . david : erica , try to hear this -- if you confront bianca with the things you 're throwing my way right now , you 're only going to put stress on her and the baby . she 's already had one complication . she does not need another . erica : tell me something , david . when bianca came here to terminate her pregnancy and you talked her out of it , who were you worried about then ? david : all right , let 's get something straight , shall we ? bianca having her baby , bianca keeping her baby was entirely her decision , no one else 's . erica : it was n't bianca 's choice . it was yours . oh , my god . why did n't i see that sooner ? david : what now ? erica : you convinced bianca to have her child because of leora . david : what ? erica : you convinced bianca to have her rapist 's baby to compensate for the loss of yours . david : you are in real dangerous territory . erica : if you were n't so destructive to my daughter , david , i would feel sorry for you . david : i 'm warning you , erica , you do n't want to cross this line . erica : excuse me , but you 're the one who has crossed the line , and i just want you now to understand why you are doing what you are doing . you convinced my daughter to have her rapist 's baby to try somehow to compensate for your losing leora . david : you want to understand why this happened ? fine , i 'm going to make this real simple for you . bianca is not a little girl . she 's certainly not the 14-year - old child that you were . she made an informed decision as an adult to have her child , to love her child . erica : but she is unable to grasp the reality of that decision . you were supposed to help her with that , david . david : if that 's what you want to believe , fine . what do you expect from me now , erica ? bianca is having her baby , and whether you like it or not , she 's actually happy about it ! so what do you want from me ? you want me to feel sorry for you ? you want me to feel sorry that you have a younger daughter who grew up strong enough to make her own brave choices ? or you want me to feel sorry for you that you have an older daughter that grew up to be the type of woman that would sacrifice her own life to protect her sister ? erica : you just do n't get it , do you ? and you could have some compassion . david : so could you ! my daughter does n't get to grow up , erica . so i 'm sorry in this context if i 'm having a difficult time mustering up a ton of sympathy for your tragedy . erica : it is not my tragedy . it 's bianca 's tragedy . bianca is the one you 've hurt with your selfishness . thanks to you , david , this monstrous act that was put on her will never go away . david : no , no -- erica : it 'll never be over . david : no ! no . that is your take on it , erica , because you 're afraid that it 'll never be over for you . [ scene_break ] reggie : you know , just a little personal advice ? jack 's taken . and if you know what 's good for you , you wo n't mess around with erica kane . krystal : who is this , jackson , your personal guard dog ? reggie : yeah , i 'm his dog , all right . jack : actually , this is my son . reggie montgomery , meet krystal carey . krystal : reggie montgomery , let me assure you , i would never trespass on erica kane � s territory . jack : actually , ms. carey is here to do me and erica a favor . reggie : oh , is that so ? well , she wo n't mind if i just kick it then , you know , sit up here , relax . jack : reggie , could we have a little privacy , please ? reggie : privacy ? jack : yes . reggie : sure . fine . i 'll be in my room . with my door wide open ! jack : sorry about that . krystal : no , that 's all right . i got to get going , anyway . but i tell you , i respect the way he protects you . i sure would n't want to cross him . jack : yeah , no , but he 's a good kid . krystal : yeah , well , kids can break your heart , ca n't they ? i tell you what , that bianca , she 's just as sweet as she can be , and erica 's too fabulous for words when she 's got it all together . jack : once again , i 'm very grateful you came to me about this . krystal : yeah . well , somebody 's got to help that woman before she makes a mistake that ca n't be fixed . jack : yeah . well , i owe you one . krystal : all right . you know , now that you mention it , i -- i could use a favor . i know that the legal highway 's a bumpy road and , i tell you , i have a friend who sure could use some directions . [ scene_break ] babe : oh , my goodness , you made all my favorites ! oh , pigs in a blanket and my cheese ? adam : never -- never thought i 'd be serving cheese in a can . help yourself . believe me , they 're all yours . babe : mmm . for me ? adam : for the baby , yes . babe : of course . if it was for me , it 'd be one - way ticket to someplace crawling with snakes . adam : babe , now , we 've sworn to leave all the hostility behind us , hmm ? stuart : you really have to because little babies can sense that kind of thing . j.r. : yeah , uncle stuart � s dead - on . we do n't want any hostile vibes around our kid , right , dad ? adam : mm - hmm . babe : um -- [ coins rattle ] babe : well , thanks , adam . i guess it 's someplace to put our spare change . adam : i 'll have you know that there are several antique silver dollars in there , and room for more . j.r. : piggy banks are a chandler tradition . babe : oh , that 's good . but i do n't seem to see a hole . looks like somebody 's afraid i 'm going to steal my own baby 's money . stuart : no , that 's the way they make them . you have to smash it with a hammer . j.r. : you 'll make sure we have a hammer around when we need one , wo n't you , dad ? adam : i 'm sure you 'll manage just fine , son . j.r. : i bet that next batch of pigs in a blanket are ready to come out of the oven . what do you say , dad ? adam : the pleasure 's mine . babe : oh , wait , j.r. um -- i really do n't want your daddy waiting on me hand and foot , and i certainly do n't want you bossing him around . j.r. : what ? he 's just trying to help . babe : well , i meant what i said about forgive and forget . there 's nothing for anybody to prove here . j.r. : you sure ? babe : this is n't about you and me or adam anymore . this is about our family having an open and loving family . [ scene_break ] [ dance music plays ] erica : you have any chardonnay ? bartender : you bet . erica : oh , sorry . you 're the young man from lacey � s . bobby : we have to stop meeting like this . something wrong ? you want me to make a call for you ? just give me a name , i 'll take care of it . [ dance music plays ] erica : i 'm sorry , i just seem to be having one of those days , you know , all thumbs , no brains . bobby : nah , i doubt that . you do n't seem like the clumsy type . sure i ca n't make a call for you ? erica : absolutely . there 's no one i want you to call , no one at all . bobby : somehow i do n't believe that . erica : oh , it 's true . bobby : in that case , since we 're both sitting here -- erica : there 's no need for anyone to move . you know who i am , do n't you ? bobby : you 're erica kane . hard to miss . erica : you never said anything . bobby : neither did you . tells me something . erica : what ? bobby : hmm , that you 're tired of people getting up in your business . erica : you have no idea . lately it seems like i ca n't even have a private thought without somebody analyzing me half to death . bobby : well , hey , you say you had a bad day , that 's good enough for me . once you start trying to explain your behavior , you just dig yourself in deeper . erica : i agree . bobby : next thing you know , every move you make is getting put under a microscope . no one can survive that . such a waste of energy rehashing the past when all you have to do is just cut your losses and keep moving forward . well , that was a little too much information , huh ? erica : my own life is complicated enough . [ scene_break ] jack : okey - doke , so ask away , but in all fairness , i must tell you that after my disbarment hearing tomorrow , i probably wo n't be practicing at all . krystal : i know , i heard about that . i just think that 's a shame , really . punishing you for protecting your family ? i 'd do worse than that to protect my little girl . hell , i probably have . jack : well , we all make our choices . so how can i help you ? krystal : now , is this going to be confidential ? i mean , if you get the boot tomorrow , is this conversation going to be on the -- jack : strictly confidential . krystal : all right . what do you know about annulments ? jack : some . what do you need to know ? krystal : well , i 've got this friend who sort of -- well , she got engaged down in mexico between rounds of margaritas and was hitched before they even refilled the guacamole and , well , when the sun came up , she was kind of hoping she could just forget the whole thing , you know ? jack : yes , the light of day does that sometimes , does n't it ? so , what , the groom is giving her a hard time ? krystal : no . no , no , he signed the papers and everything . jack : so what 's the problem ? krystal : well , she 's kind of hoping to keep this whole thing under wraps . jack : well , that should n't be too tough . tell your friend to file the papers with the court of common pleas , family court division . krystal : and she can do that right here in the united states ? jack : absolutely . krystal : great . great . she 's going to be tickled to hear that , believe me . jack : yeah , well , you tell your friend that i hope everything works out , ok ? krystal : oh , wait a minute now , you do n't think that i 'm talking about me ? jack : well -- krystal : no , no , no , no , i do n't make mistakes like that . not anymore . jack : well , i 'm glad to hear you 're not in any kind of trouble . krystal : no , i wo n't be . unless this conversation gets out to the wrong people , and if that happens , heads are going to roll . [ scene_break ] mary : oh ! uh - oh . what did she do now ? adam : i have been reduced to personally serving processed cheese to mall trash in my parlor . mary : and will she still be considered mall trash when she inherits half your son 's fortune ? oh ! adam : do n't even go there . mary : is she still stuffing her face ? adam : oh , nonstop . she sits there , eating -- eating pigs in a blanket , declaring that she should be part , her baby should be part of one big happy family . mary : well , maybe our little gold digger believes in happy endings . she certainly has one so far . adam : yeah , well , she 'll get over it . i 'm going to give her a taste of the world according to adam chandler . mary : you know , you 're very handsome when you 're angry . adam : i am going to play her like a stradivarius . i 'm going to convince her that i am accepting her with an open heart . then by the time that baby is born , i 'm going to have enough ammunition to send her and her mother packing . mary : well , now , do n't forget , babe has been like teflon . she had an affair with her husband 's brother and she 's still sitting pretty . adam : there 's something out there , there 's something out there , some secret , and i 've got to find out what it is . mary : bigger than `` who 's the daddy ? `` adam : i think it 's big enough to send little tramp back to san diego . [ scene_break ] babe : look how precious ! oh , stuart , you really are the most thoughtful man ever . is n't he , j.r. ? j.r. : oh , yes , he always has been . stuart : just in case the baby loves cows as much as babe does . babe : oh , it 's so sweet . oh , our baby is going to have the best life ever . j.r. : that 's because he has the best mama ever . babe : i 'm trying , j.r. , i really am . just if adam can behave himself . [ scene_break ] adam : i was so thrown when joe said that j.r. was the baby 's father that i just -- i lost all equilibrium . mary : i know . just calm down . adam : no , it wo n't happen again . mary : oh ! adam : tad came roaring into that office with big news that he was just dying to unload about j.r. and babe , and krystal put a stop to it with that ridiculous story about -- about him proposing marriage ! mary : tad ? he 's not that desperate yet . adam : no , of course he 's not . but before he could spill it , krystal took him out into the hall and made him change his mind . well , i tell you what , i was cool . i played it cool . now the gloves are off . [ scene_break ] j.r. : adam is as tough as they come . but he has one weak spot and i know what it is . babe : tell me . j.r. : children . he 's hopeless for them . and he 's so afraid that we 're going to shut our kid out of his life that , well , he 's willing to do anything . babe : i guess i should be grateful for that . thank you so much for today . thank you for giving it to me . please thank uncle stuart one more time , too . j.r. : i will , but there 's still one more surprise . [ scene_break ] mary : i could get that secret out of tad . you know i could . adam : yes , well , i 'd like to avoid bloodshed . mary : darling , the only thing shed would be our clothing . adam : oh , really ? well , your supposed seduction could come in very handy if you had n't already turned tad 's son into your boy toy . mary : oh , fiddle - dee . now tell me the truth -- are n't you just the tiniest bit jealous ? just a little bit ? adam : in your dreams . i have to get things in motion . mary : that 's exactly what i had in mind . adam : no , no , you hold that thought . i will be back soon . mary : oh , no , no , no . what am i going to do all by myself here ? adam : you stay here and make little babe your next best friend . mary : ugh ! adam : share some bonbons with her . i 'm counting on you to keep her blissfully ignorant until i drop the bomb . mary : and what happens if tad does n't crack ? adam : well , i 'm going to do whatever i have to do . this time i 'm not coming back empty - handed . i want to jump out of bed in the morning . [ scene_break ] [ dance music plays ] erica : well , you are a breath of fresh air , whoever you are . bobby : does it matter ? erica : who you are ? no , not at all . i am just so thrilled that you are not grilling me and that you do n't want me to have to explain myself . bobby : well , i do n't like playing shrink , so -- erica : is that why you did n't ask me about the baby gift that you picked out for me at lacey � s ? bobby : oh , no , no , i figured you had n't mentioned it , it must 've been a bust . maybe one silver cup too many ? erica : no , no , not at all . actually , it was almost perfect . bobby : almost ? erica : due to circumstances that were not your fault , or mine . bobby : ok . good to know . in that case , if i 'm looking for a new job , i 'll be sure to keep `` personal shopper `` at the top of the list , huh ? opal : whoa ! no , no , no . hold it , hold it , fred astaire , i am not -- whoa ! all right , ok , ok , i 'll dance with you , i 'll dance with you , ok , but would you just keep me facing south ? oh , my lord in heaven . ooh ! [ scene_break ] jack : listen , sweetheart , i have no idea where you are , but when you get this , will you please call me ? uh -- i love you . ok , you can come out now . she 's gone . reggie . reggie , reggie , reggie , i want you to be more circumspect with our guests , will you please ? oh , do n't give me that look , like you do n't understand the big word . you 're smarter than that . reggie : look , i 'm sorry i got bent out of shape , ok ? jack : what did you have to get bent out of shape about , anyway ? reggie : you . i mean , you lost your job , your career 's in the gutter . i mean , but that does n't give you a reason to go get some booty on the side , especially when you got erica chilling . you two are supposed to be doing that happily - ever - after thing . jack : reggie , relax . i am not even remotely involved with krystal carey . i have no intention of giving up on erica , not ever . reggie : well , you ca n't blame me for jumping to conclusions . i walk in here on you and some girl who looks like she 's advertising , it makes a guy wonder . jack : whoa , wait a minute , wait a minute , i 'd like to raise a gentleman here . you do n't know anything about that woman . reggie : i do n't need to . you got to stick with erica , j. you 're going to need all of us at that bogus hearing tomorrow . jack : you 're not going to that hearing . reggie : who 's going to stop me ? you need somebody to tell them what 's what . jack : reggie , reggie , reggie , listen to me , listen to me , i got myself into this fix , all right ? i 'll take my punishment . reggie : yours and everybody else 's . you always got to be everybody else 's hero , but nobody gets a chance to save you . dad , you got some serious ego issues . [ phone rings ] jack : hello ? opal : oh , jackson . jackson , thank goodness you 're there . i 'm calling with an sos from sos . jack : opal , is erica ok ? opal : our girl , she is in big trouble , jackson . you got to get here pronto . [ scene_break ] babe : what 's this ? j.r. : something you 've been missing . babe : oh , j.r. , there 's nothing in the world that i 'm missing as long as i have you . j.r. : i want you to have this . go on . open it up . babe : oh , j.r. , it 's just beautiful . j.r. : babe , i should 've given you this ring a long time ago . i love you . i love the fact that you fight for us and our baby and that your heart is so huge that you 're willing to forgive my worst and the chandlers . i love the fact that you 're not -- you 're not willing to give up or back down . and when i first told you this , i was so caught up in your beauty and how good you felt in my arms . but now that i -- i know who you really are , i mean this more than ever . i want you to be my wife . babe : you 're so amazing . and i love it , i do , so much . oh , i love what you did for me today . and the way you make me feel . and i love the fact that you 're my husband . j.r. : well , this is only the beginning . the rest of the pregnancy is going to be easy and carefree . and if that means nachos and foot rubs and diamonds every day , you 're going to get it . babe : oh . you really mean it , do n't you ? j.r. : with all my heart . [ scene_break ] [ doorbell rings ] krystal : hey , good - looking . hey , what -- what is it with all you people in this burg ? you 're just so unneighborly . tad : well , depends on the neighbor . this another offer to sleep with me so i keep my mouth shut ? krystal : no . what i have to say does n't involve either one of us getting naked . tad : great . krystal : thought i 'd get you up to speed on our dilemma . tad : no , no , no , your dilemma . krystal : well , you 'll be happy to know that it 's all fixed . i have the answers to all babe 's problems . [ scene_break ] opal : oh , jackson , jackson . jack : sorry . what are you doing out here ? opal : well , there 's a man in there that thinks i 'm ginger rogers , but i 've got bigger moves to make . jack : i take it that erica is inside drinking ? opal : it started at the baby shower . then she went over to the front street clinic where dr. david works . jack : yeah ? opal : she actually looked worse when she came out of there than she did when she went in . so i stayed tight on her , i followed her over here , where she is now sitting at the bar having a drink with a total stranger . i am so worried about her , jackson . jack : yeah , we all are . come on . [ dance music plays ] erica : ok , how do you feel about performing another rescue for a damsel in distress ? bobby : excuse me ? erica : i need to leave right now , and not through the front door . bobby : ok , ok . jack : erica ! [ next_on ] liza : i was wondering if you 'd be interested in today 's sample . jack : tom cudahy , good to see you . tom : good to see you . greenlee : i trust you . ryan : then let 's do it . erica : for once in my life , i have no idea what i 'm getting into , and i really ca n't wait .
erica goes to confront david hayward about bianca 's decision to have the baby . she tells him she believes that he somehow persuaded her to have her rapist 's baby , because he lost his baby . he tells her she 's out of line to accuse him of that .