The adaptive immune system provides a tailored response to each stimulus by learning to recognize molecules it has previously encountered.
sistem wan alɣillăs ehăk alwăzăb oɣădăn i stimilis fuk s alămăd n musnăt tan molecule tan ti dăr ammuqăs dăta awa
Bacteria have a rudimentary immune system in the form of enzymes that protect against virus infections.
Tiwikkawen ilanat system assohen n aɣalas ijjan s dumu n enzyme tan ogaznen daɣ imajiran win birus tan
Jawed vertebrates, including humans, have even more sophisticated defense mechanisms, including the ability to adapt to recognize pathogens more efficiently.
Tamaxluk ta tilat isenan chund addinat, ilan immikan n aɣalas iknanen milɣaw eha tudabat nasan i almud n musnat awa isajrawan torhinnawen hullan
Fixed action patterns, for instance, are genetically determined and stereotyped behaviors that occur without learning.
Almǝtăl, tǝkkelen n alxǝdmăt tăzzuket ǝllănăt ulmăd daɣ etări tolas alxălăn hărăy nen tăjjǝnen daɣ ǝbăn afăhăm
The community of living (biotic) organisms in conjunction with the nonliving (abiotic) components (e.g., water, light, radiation, temperature, humidity, atmosphere, acidity, and soil) of their environment is called an ecosystem.
Tawset n imudaran wi iddarnen (biotic) d wi warn idder (abiotic) (almital aman, annur, radiation, tukise, tanasmut,tisumme, d akal) n ahinzazaɣ nasan isim net ecosystem
By feeding on plants and on one another, animals play an important role in the movement of matter and energy through the system.
Achikch n ihishkan d iyyad , ehare ila edag assohen daɣ tamatikwayt n haratan d assahat s sistem
The Earth's physical environment is shaped by solar energy and topography.
Ahǝnzăzăɣ n tăɣissa n amădal tǝkne assăhăt tan tăfukt d topografi
Weather is the day-to-day temperature and precipitation activity, whereas climate is the long-term average of weather, typically averaged over a period of 30 years.
Taqqan taqqal alxidmat n achal fuk n tukise d ajjinna as ijja awen amutti n azzaman eqqal taqqan n azzaman chajret ilan jir azzaman n 30 n awatay
As a result, wet environments allow for lush vegetation to grow.
Uchrayan n awen, ihanzuzaɣ ibdajnen t araw id tadawla n ihishkan huskatnen
Population growth during short-term intervals can be determined using the population growth rate equation, which takes into consideration birth, death, and immigration rates.
Tiw-at n ichaɣib jir taqqanen addobat at w ilmad s iddikud n tiw-at n ichaɣib eha ti-wit, tamattant d isikilan
A biological interaction is the effect that a pair of organisms living together in a community have on each other.
Anmirtay n abarkot eqqal taqqimt n tamaxluk tizzaɣat daɣ edag iyyan daɣ tawset ijjan fal wi yadnen
A long-term interaction is called a symbiosis.
Anmirtay ehojjan isim net symbiosis
There are different trophic levels within any food web, with the lowest level being the primary producers (or autotrophs) such as plants and algae that convert energy and inorganic material into organic compounds, which can then be used by the rest of the community.
Illan ti ihandagan n tropic izlaynen daɣ web n achakchaw fuk , s edag wan gachulan eqqal wan primary producers ( meɣ autotrophs) chund ihishkan d algae tan s imutinen enerji d isuj win inorganic s win organic addobat nen at wa axdam daɣ awa eqqiman daɣ tawset
And those that eat secondary consumers are tertiary consumers and so on.
Tolas wi tat in nen imakchan wi s issin aqqalan imakchan win karad d ajjen
In some cycles there are reservoirs where a substance remains or is sequestered for a long period of time.
Daɣ cycle tan iyyad illan ti rezerwar tan iyyad daɣ itayɣim meɣ eɣfal har alwaq chajren
The largest driver of warming is the emission of greenhouse gases, of which more than 90% are carbon dioxide and methane.
Chafer wa ojjaran hullan n tukisse eqqal emission n greenhouse gases, s a ojjaran 90% amosan carbon dioxide d methane
Biodiversity affects the functioning of ecosystems, which provide a variety of services upon which people depend.
Biodiversity tikma alxidmat tan ecosystem tan , hakkinen ichikil n alxidmaten ti aqqalnen addaman n addinat
Traditionally, botany has also included the study of fungi and algae by mycologists and phycologists respectively, with the study of these three groups of organisms remaining within the sphere of interest of the International Botanical Congress.
Daɣ alasal, botany t ijja teɣare n ehan wan alchinan d algae ijjan mycologists d pycologists , id teɣare n taqqimen tin akarad n tamaxluk taqqimat edes n edag wan afor n International Botanical Congress.
Medieval physic gardens, often attached to monasteries, contained plants of medical importance.
Taɣissa n Ifirjan win aru s alwaq iiyan osaɣan id ihanan win monasteries ahan ihishkan infanen assexat
These gardens facilitated the academic study of plants.
Ifirjan win assirɣasan teɣare tan ihishkan
In the last two decades of the 20th century, botanists exploited the techniques of molecular genetic analysis, including genomics and proteomics and DNA sequences to classify plants more accurately.
A lan 20 n awatay daɣ awatay wan 2000, botanist tan assaxdaman tikarsiwen tin amiyiz n etari wan molecule tan , eha geonomics d proteomics d DNA to amiskat n ihishkan hullan
"Modern botany traces its roots back to Ancient Greece specifically to Theophrastus (c. 371–287 BCE), a student of Aristotle who invented and described many of its principles and is widely regarded in the scientific community as the ""Father of Botany""."
“Botany tan amarad izjar id adarich net Ancient Greece hullan daɣ Theophrastus ( c.371 har 287 BCE), anattalib n Aristote id eɣnan tolas affisar achareɣa tan net d tolas daɣ tawset tan kel scientifik tan eqqal “ abba n botany””
De Materia Medica was widely read for more than 1,500 years.
De Materia Medica iknan ti addinat teɣare hullan a ojjaran 1500 n awatay
In the mid-16th century, botanical gardens were founded in a number of Italian universities.
Daɣ ammas n awatay wan 1600 , ifirjan win botany talammen daɣ lakkolan wi maqqornen ajjotnen n italia
They supported the growth of botany as an academic subject.
Idhalan asidwal n botany daɣ tiɣir tin lakkol
Throughout this period, botany remained firmly subordinate to medicine.
Daɣ azzaman wen, botany taqqim tikn achinich i medecine
Bock created his own system of plant classification.
Bock eɣna id sistem n iman net wan amaskat n ihishkan
The choice and sequence of the characters may be artificial in keys designed purely for identification (diagnostic keys) or more closely related to the natural or phyletic order of the taxa in synoptic keys.
Nefran d anmillal n samalan addoben ad aqqilan a eɣna awadim daɣ isayara ijjanen i lammudat ( isayaran win amiyiz) meɣ a orakan hullan s aqqud wan
This established a standardised binomial or two-part naming scheme where the first name represented the genus and the second identified the species within the genus.
Awen iday binomial azzukken meɣ addabara wan issin ismawan s isim wa ezzaran eha edag n genus tolas wan issin ichikil n imudaran wi ahanen genus
Increasing knowledge of plant anatomy, morphology and life cycles led to the realisation that there were more natural affinities between plants than the artificial sexual system of Linnaeus.
Tiw-at n musnat tan techne n ahisk, dumu d azzamanan win tamattit n tamudre itiwi s almud n as tille temedt ajjen jir ihishkan ohun sistem wa eɣna awadim n Linnaeus
The work of Katherine Esau (1898–1997) on plant anatomy is still a major foundation of modern botany.
Alxidmat tan Katherine Esau (awatay wan 1898 har 1997) fal techne n ahishk taqqal har ajjudi tadamalut maqqorat n botany tan amarad
The concept that the composition of plant communities such as temperate broadleaf forest changes by a process of ecological succession was developed by Henry Chandler Cowles, Arthur Tansley and Frederic Clements.
Isim wan as tartit tan tawseten tin ihishkan chund aroj n ifrinkittan win awelan isimutay anmichray n amatikway n ecology eɣna Henry Chandler Cowles, Arthur Tansley d Frederic Clements
The discovery and identification of the auxin plant hormones by Kenneth V. Thimann in 1948 enabled regulation of plant growth by externally applied chemicals.
Ajaraw d alamad n hormones n ahisk wan auxin ijja Kenneth V. Thirmann daɣ awatay wan 1948 ikfa turhajat s asidwal n ahishk s idoman altaɣnen s ajjama
20th century developments in plant biochemistry have been driven by modern techniques of organic chemical analysis, such as spectroscopy, chromatography and electrophoresis.
Efes n ihishkan wi n biochemistry daɣ awatay wan 2000 erawan ti id tikarsiwen tin amarad n amiyiz n organic chemical chund spectroscopy, chromatography d electrophoresis
These technologies enable the biotechnological use of whole plants or plant cell cultures grown in bioreactors to synthesise pesticides, antibiotics or other pharmaceuticals, as well as the practical application of genetically modified crops designed for traits such as improved yield.
Teknoloji tan tin ikfa nat turhajat s axadam n biotechnology n ihishkan fuk meɣ igayakan n ihishkan idwal nen daɣ bioreactor tan s fazon tan synthesise, antibiotics meɣ n isifran hak id asiltaɣ n adom s amuttay alasal net iknan i samalan chund
Modern systematics aims to reflect and discover phylogenetic relationships between plants.
Sistematics win amarad ittus nasan iguch n edag d ajaraw n aharoj n phylogenetic jir ihishkan
As a by-product of photosynthesis, plants release oxygen into the atmosphere, a gas that is required by nearly all living things to carry out cellular respiration.
Daɣ as eqqal asuj n photosynthesis, ihishkan tay in adu daɣ ichinnawan, gaz ilzaman i haratan fuk wi daɣ iddar nen i ag-ay n unfas daɣ izirwan nasan
Historically, all living things were classified as either animals or plants and botany covered the study of all organisms not considered animals.
Daɣ attarex, haratan fuk wi iddar nen iskatan as aqqalan arizzej meɣ ihishkan tolas botany tilsa teɣare tan tamaxluk fuk ta war n aha
"The strictest definition of ""plant"" includes only the ""land plants"" or embryophytes, which include seed plants (gymnosperms, including the pines, and flowering plants) and the free-sporing cryptogams including ferns, clubmosses, liverworts, hornworts and mosses."
“Almaɣna wa darosan hullan n “ahishk” war ti eha ɣas ar “” ihishka win akal”” meɣ embryophytes ahan idomman n ahishk (gymnosperms, eha pines,d ihishkan ijjanen ifrinkittan) d free-sporing cryptograms eha fern, clubmosses, liveworts, hornwoorts d mosses”
The sexual haploid phase of embryophytes, known as the gametophyte, nurtures the developing diploid embryo sporophyte within its tissues for at least part of its life, even in the seed plants, where the gametophyte itself is nurtured by its parent sporophyte.
Edag wan tartit n haploid n embryophytes s isim net gametophyte, ichakch achnaɣ n diploid sporophyte daɣ tisillad net s achrut n tamudre net hak id daɣ adom n ihihkan , s gametophyte iman net ichakche emaraw net sporophyte
Palaeobotanists study ancient plants in the fossil record to provide information about the evolutionary history of plants.
Palaeobotanists aɣran ihishkan win aru daɣ adarich n wi aru i ad ekfu isalan fal attarex wan amutti n ihishkan
This is what ecologists call the first trophic level.
Awen inta as jan in ecologist tan edag wa ezzaran n trophic
Botanists also study weeds, which are a considerable problem in agriculture, and the biology and control of plant pathogens in agriculture and natural ecosystems.
Botanist tan aɣran tolas ihishkan win ahojar aqqalnen muchakil daɣ tiwijas d botany d ag-az n awa eqqalan torhinna i ahishk daɣ tiwijas d ecosystem tan
The light energy captured by chlorophyll a is initially in the form of electrons (and later a proton gradient) that's used to make molecules of ATP and NADPH which temporarily store and transport energy.
Annur wan enerji ermas chlorophyll a olah s tizarat id dumu n electron tan ( darat awa id proto gradient) awen exdam i iji n molecule tan n ATP d NADPH wi tagaz nen tolas sisikiyan enerji
Some of the glucose is converted to starch which is stored in the chloroplast.
Glucose iyyan itimutti s edaɣdaɣ eɣallaf an daɣ chloroplast
Unlike in animals (which lack chloroplasts), plants and their eukaryote relatives have delegated many biochemical roles to their chloroplasts, including synthesising all their fatty acids, and most amino acids.
Daɣ uzlay n arizzej (hin odanan chloroplasts) , ihishkan d eukaryote oyyadan ihandagan ajjotnen i chloroplast tan nasan eha akulukulu n acid tan nasan fuk win tadhunt d acid tan amino
Vascular land plants make lignin, a polymer used to strengthen the secondary cell walls of xylem tracheids and vessels to keep them from collapsing when a plant sucks water through them under water stress.
Ihishkan n akal chund lignin, polymer exdaman i aassuhi n iɣalayan win issin n xylem tracheids d vessels i a tan ogazan daɣ egadal alwaq wa id iswa ahishk aman sarsan daw aman
Others, such as the essential oils peppermint oil and lemon oil are useful for their aroma, as flavourings and spices (e.g., capsaicin), and in medicine as pharmaceuticals as in opium from opium poppies.
Iyyad chund peppermint oil d sitron infan harat daɣ ihuk n adu (almital capsaicin) tolas daɣ medecine chund isifran chund opium daɣ opium poppies
For example, the pain killer aspirin is the acetyl ester of salicylic acid, originally isolated from the bark of willow trees, and a wide range of opiate painkillers like heroin are obtained by chemical modification of morphine obtained from the opium poppy.
Almital, tablalt ta tanaqqit tazzurt t aqqal acetyl ester n acid saticlic daɣ alasal azun id tafrinka n ihishkan win willow trees, d ichikil n tiblalen ti n aqqinen tazzurt chund heroin ta tajraw nat s amutti n morphine ta tajraw at daɣ opium poppy
Native Americans have used various plants as ways of treating illness or disease for thousands of years.
Ameriken tan win akal assaxdaman ihishkan ajjotnen chund abara tan n asafar n tirhinna n afdan n iwityan
Sugar, starch, cotton, linen, hemp, some types of rope, wood and particle boards, papyrus and paper, vegetable oils, wax, and natural rubber are examples of commercially important materials made from plant tissues or their secondary products.
Assukar, edaɣdaɣ, koton, ikarchayan, hemp, ichikilan iyyad n aɣan, ahishk d particle boards, papyrus, d alkad, dilwilan, wax,d rubber aqqalan almitalan n isuj n asuk assohat nen iknanen daɣ ihishkan meɣ asuj wan nasan wan issin
Products made from cellulose include rayon and cellophane, wallpaper paste, biobutanol and gun cotton.
Isuj iknanen daɣcellulose eha rayon d cellophane, wallpaper, biotunatol d gus cotton,
Some ecologists even rely on empirical data from indigenous people that is gathered by ethnobotanists.
Ecologist tan iyyad sifallan fal isalan n addinat win akal id issedwan ehnobotanist tan
Plants depend on certain edaphic (soil) and climatic factors in their environment but can modify these factors too.
Ihishkan ilkaman i edaphic iyyan d marsalan n amutti n azzaman daɣ ahinzazaɣ nasan mucham addobat asammuti n marsalan har ajjudi
They interact with their neighbours at a variety of spatial scales in groups, populations and communities that collectively constitute vegetation.
Anmartayan n inarhajan nasans iddikud daɣ taqqimen , ichaɣiban d tawseten s fuk nasan aqqalan ihishkan
Gregor Mendel discovered the genetic laws of inheritance by studying inherited traits such as shape in Pisum sativum (peas).
Gregor Mendel ijraw achareɣa tanwin etari s teɣare n samalan win etari s dumu daɣ Pisusm sativum (peas)
Nevertheless, there are some distinctive genetic differences between plants and other organisms.
Kud ijja awen daɣ, illan ti anmazlayan ajjontnen jir ahisks d tamaxulat
The many cultivated varieties of wheat are the result of multiple inter- and intra-specific crosses between wild species and their hybrids.
Ichikilan wi ajjotnen igyaknen n erig aqqalan ittus wa ewad anmirtay wan jir d wan ammas jir ichikilan n imudaran d amiskal nasan
In many land plants the male and female gametes are produced by separate individuals.
Daɣ ihishkan n meddan d dede n akal gametes tan tiriwan tan addinat azunen
The formation of stem tubers in potato is one example.
Tartit n tuyo tan daɣ bombater eqqal almital iyyan
Apomixis can also happen in a seed, producing a seed that contains an embryo genetically identical to the parent.
Apomixis addobăt ad ej daɣ adom, ǝtărăw adom eha ăšnăɣ olăhăn ǝd emărăw net
An allopolyploid plant may result from a hybridisation event between two different species.
Ahishl wan allopolyploid izajar id amaskal n issin ichikilan izlaynen
Some otherwise sterile plant polyploids can still reproduce vegetatively or by seed apomixis, forming clonal populations of identical individuals.
Poliplwad tan n ǝhǝškăn ǝyyăd war ǝtǝru addoben ad arǝwăn meɣ s adom wăn apomixis aqqǝl nen ǝšăɣǝbăn n addǝnăt olăhnen
Common dandelion is a triploid that produces viable seeds by apomictic seed.
Dandelon oharan n triploid itiruwan idomman olaɣnen s adom wan apomictic
The sequencing of some other relatively small genomes, of rice (Oryza sativa) and Brachypodium distachyon, has made them important model species for understanding the genetics, cellular and molecular biology of cereals, grasses and monocots generally.
Anmizar n genome tan iyyad madroynen , n tafaɣat (Oryza sativa) d Brachypodium distachyon ijjan tan ichikil n afaham n genetics, biology tan cellular d molecular n attaɣam, alammuz d monocots
Spinach, peas, soybeans and a moss Physcomitrella patens are commonly used to study plant cell biology.
Spinach , tanzant, soybean d moss Physcomitrella patens ammos a exdaman i teɣare n biology tan ahishk
Gene expression can also be controlled by repressor proteins that attach to silencer regions of the DNA and prevent that region of the DNA code from being expressed.
asiwil wan gene addobat a ti ewakkal repressor proteins i taqqanan silencer rejion tan n DNA tolas t igdalat i rejion i kod wan DNA i asiwil
Some epigenetic changes have been shown to be heritable, while others are reset in the germ cells.
Imuttiyan n epigenetic atwan aqqalan harat n etari, as ijja awen iyyad amisaɣalan daɣ germ cells
Unlike animals, many plant cells, particularly those of the parenchyma, do not terminally differentiate, remaining totipotent with the ability to give rise to a new individual plant.
Daɣ anmizlay id arizzej, ihishkan ajjotnen, hullan win parenchyma, war imda anmizlay nasan, aqqalan totipotent addobat nen ad aru an ahishk eynayan
The algae are a polyphyletic group and are placed in various divisions, some more closely related to plants than others.
Algae tan aqqalan taqqimt n polyphyletic tolas ahan tizunawen ajjotnen , t iyyad iknan at arrak s ihiskan fal wi yadnen
The Charophyte class Charophyceae and the land plant sub-kingdom Embryophyta together form the monophyletic group or clade Streptophytina.
Charophyte class Charophyceae d ahishk wan amadal sub-kingdom Embryophyta fuk nasan aqqalan taqqimt tan monophyletic meɣ clade Streptophytina
Pteridophytic vascular plants with true xylem and phloem that reproduced by spores germinating into free-living gametophytes evolved during the Silurian period and diversified into several lineages during the late Silurian and early Devonian.
Ihishkan win Pteridophytic ilanen xylem wan tiditt d phloem itiruwan s spores itifuqen s karad gametophyte tan daɣ azzaman wan Silurian tolas ijjatan s ihandagan ajjotnen daɣ Silurian wan darat d Devonian wan tizarat
Their reduced gametophytes developed from megaspores retained within the spore-producing organs (megasporangia) of the sporophyte, a condition known as endospory.
Gametophyte tan nasan ifnaznen ijja efes nasan daɣ megaspore tan ahanen spore-producing organs (megasporangia) n sporophyte, talɣa ti wassanat s endospory
The earliest known seed plants date from the latest Devonian Famennian stage.
Ihishkan win tizarat tawassannen ijlan wan azzaman wan Devonian Famenian wan uchray
Chemicals obtained from the air, soil and water form the basis of all plant metabolism.
Chemicals ti w ajraw nen daɣ adu, akal d aman taqqalan tijittawt n metabolism n ahishk fuk
Heterotrophs including all animals, all fungi, all completely parasitic plants, and non-photosynthetic bacteria take in organic molecules produced by photoautotrophs and respire them or use them in the construction of cells and tissues.
Heterotrophs ahan irizzejan fuk, ihanan n alchinan fuk, ihishkan fuk win marsal d non-photosynthetic bacteria jarraw an molecule tan ti eraw photoautotrophs tolas asunfis tan meɣ exdam tan daɣ edey n cells d tissues
Subcellular transport of ions, electrons and molecules such as water and enzymes occurs across cell membranes.
Asikil n sucellular wan ion tan, electron tan d molecule tan chund aman d enzymes i taj fal cell membrane tan
Examples of elements that plants need to transport are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.
Almital tan n haratan wi s arha ahishk asikil nasan amosan nitrogen, phophorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium d sulfur
This compound mediates the tropic responses of shoots and roots towards light and gravity.
Mediates win artaynen alwazaban win tropic n tasidwalt d ikewan s annur d gravity
The natural cytokinin zeatin was discovered in corn, Zea mays, and is a derivative of the purine adenine.
Cytokinin zeatin it w ajraw daɣ erij, kolkoti wan zea tolas izjar id purine adenine
They are involved in the promotion of germination and dormancy-breaking in seeds, in regulation of plant height by controlling stem elongation and the control of flowering.
Ahan daɣ tiw-at n ifuqqi tan d terazze n dormancy daɣ tisidwal,daɣ amukin n tizzijrit n tadamalut tan ahishk d awikkil n ifrinkittan
It was so named because it was originally thought to control abscission.
Ikna tila n isim fal as daɣ attarex itiwaɣal as ad eɣlis tuzant
Another class of phytohormones is the jasmonates, first isolated from the oil of Jasminum grandiflorum which regulates wound responses in plants by unblocking the expression of genes required in the systemic acquired resistance response to pathogen attack.
Ichikil iyyan n phytohormones eqqal jasmonates, iskatan s tizarat daɣ udi wan Jasmin grandiflorum wa ikan in alwazaban win ihayojan daɣ ihishkan s agabal n asiwil n gene tan ilzaman daɣ alwazab ijjan i tadlimt tan n awa isarhanan
Non-vascular plants, the liverworts, hornworts and mosses do not produce ground-penetrating vascular roots and most of the plant participates in photosynthesis.
Ihishkan wi war n ila ikewan chund liverworts, hornworts d mosses war t iriwan ikewan tajjach nen akal tolas ijjit n ihishkan tajjachan photosynthesis
Cells in each system are capable of creating cells of the other and producing adventitious shoots or roots.
Cells tan daɣ sistem fuk addoben ad aɣnin cells tan n wa yadan tolas ariwan tadamalut meɣ ikewan infanen
In the event that one of the systems is lost, the other can often regrow it.
A fal iyyan daɣ sistem tan assujjal, wa yadan a ti id issidwil
In vascular plants, the xylem and phloem are the conductive tissues that transport resources between shoots and roots.
Daɣ ǝhǝškăn w-ǝn ǝkewăn, xylem d floem aqqălăn ǝzǝrwăn w-ǝ tăsăkăl nen jǝr tădămălut d ǝkewăn
Leaves gather sunlight and carry out photosynthesis.
Ifrinkittan sadawan annur tolas tiwiyan photosynthesis
Angiosperms are seed-producing plants that produce flowers and have enclosed seeds.
Angiosperm tan aqqalan ihishkan wi tirunen ihishkan hakkin nen ifrinkittan tolas ilan adom assikaran
Some plants reproduce sexually, some asexually, and some via both means.
Ihishkan iyyad tiriwan s tartit, iyyad s iban tartit d iyyad s immikan wi fuk
Biological classification is a form of scientific taxonomy.
Amaskat wan abarkot eqqal dumu n scientific taxonomy
While scientists do not always agree on how to classify organisms, molecular phylogenetics, which uses DNA sequences as data, has driven many recent revisions along evolutionary lines and is likely to continue to do so.
Kud inta scientifik tan harkuk war ardeɣan fal immik wa s iskatan tamaxluken , molecular phylogenetics, wi axdamnen s DNA chund isalan, ewayan imasuɣilan ajjotnen eynaynen id iyaka tan ikkannen s data tolas war eha ach-ak as ad aki daɣ awen
The nomenclature of botanical organisms is codified in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN) and administered by the International Botanical Congress.
Noenclature tan botanical organisms tikkodat daɣ International Code of Nomenclature i algae, ehan n alcginan d ihishkan (ICN) tolas exkam ti International Botanical Congress.
The scientific name of a plant represents its genus and its species within the genus, resulting in a single worldwide name for each organism.
Isim n ahishk wan scientifik eha edag n genus d ichikilan net daɣ genus, id ichrayan s isim iyyan daɣ alɣali i tamaxluk fuk
The combination is the name of the species.
Anmirtay eqqal isim n taqqimt n imudaran
The evolutionary relationships and heredity of a group of organisms is called its phylogeny.
Iharojan d etari n taqqimt n tamaxluk isim net phylogeny
As an example, species of Pereskia are trees or bushes with prominent leaves.
Chund almital, taqqimt n imudaran win Pereskia aqqalan ihishkan meɣ irajjan ilanen ifrinkittan chajrotnen
Judging relationships based on shared characters requires care, since plants may resemble one another through convergent evolution in which characters have arisen independently.
Acharaɣ n iharojan ijjanen fal samalan azunnen azilzam iji n anniyat, fal as ihishkan addoben ad alahan id wi yadnen s amutti iddewan daɣ id idwalan samalan fal iman nasan
Only derived characters, such as the spine-producing areoles of cacti, provide evidence for descent from a common ancestor.
Samalan ɣas wi id izjarnen chund spine-producing areoles n cacti eqqal asidduti n tila n awich-ar oharan
The difference is that the genetic code itself is used to decide evolutionary relationships, instead of being used indirectly via the characters it gives rise to.
Anmizlay amos as kod wan etari iman net exdam i musnat n iharojjan ohun exadam net s samalan ti isadwal