The first two are all prokaryotic microorganisms, or mostly single-celled organisms whose cells have a distorted or non-membrane bound nucleus.
Wǝn ǝssǝn fuk aqqălăn organizm tan wi madroynen n prokariotik meɣ tǝmăxluken ǝlănen azăr ǝyyăn s ǝzǝrwăn ǝlăn nucleus ǝfrăɣăn meɣ war n aqqel membran
Halophiles, organisms that thrive in highly salty environments, and hyperthermophiles, organisms that thrive in extremely hot environments, are examples of Archaea.
Halophile tan, tǝmăxluken năffăznen net daɣ ǝhănzuzăɣ n tesǝmt tolas hipertermofil tan, tǝmăxluken tǝ năffăznen daɣ ǝhănzuzăɣ akkus nen aqqălăn almǝtăl tan n Arckea
Cyanobacteria and mycoplasmas are two examples of bacteria.
Cyanobacteria d mycoplasma tan aqqalan issin almitalan n tiwikkawen
Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations.
Evolution eqqal iki n s data daɣ samalan n etari n ichaɣiban n abarkot daɣ ichaɣiban
Evolution occurs when evolutionary processes such as natural selection (including sexual selection) and genetic drift act on this variation, resulting in certain characteristics becoming more common or rare within a population.
Evolution itaj alwaq wa id timitikwayen chund nefran n batil (eha nefran wan jansiy) d drift wan etari fal amuti wen icharayan s samalan iyyad taqqal nen a oharan meɣ a war n raqqis daɣ ichaɣib
The scientific theory of evolution by natural selection was conceived independently by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the mid-19th century and was set out in detail in Darwin's book On the Origin of Species.
Mirda wan science fal amutti s nefran n batil eɣany id Charles Darwin d Alfred Russel Wallace daɣ tazune n awatay wan 1900 tolas ikna daɣ alkittab wn Darwin n attarex wan ich-ikilan
Thus, in successive generations members of a population are more likely to be replaced by the progenies of parents with favourable characteristics that have enabled them to survive and reproduce in their respective environments.
Addinat n ichaɣiban wi tinimichraynen eha ach-ak s a ta ichriyan progenies n imarwan ilanen samalan has-an ijraw nen tamudre d tiwit daɣ ahinzazaɣ n iyyan fuk
The fossil record includes a progression from early biogenic graphite, to microbial mat fossils, to fossilised multicellular organisms.
aɣazan wan fossil ehay anminkach ɣur biogenic graphite wa ezzaran har microbial mat fossils har timaxluken n fossil tan multicellular
It sought explanations of natural phenomena in terms of physical laws that were the same for all visible things and that did not require the existence of any fixed natural categories or divine cosmic order.
Tittar almaɣna tan win haratan win batil daɣ awa id eqqalan achareɣa tan wi olahnen i haratan fuk tolas war izilzaman emel n ich-ikilan n batil azukat nen meɣ aqqud wan cosmic n amaxlak
The biological classification introduced by Carl Linnaeus in 1735 explicitly recognised the hierarchical nature of species relationships, but still viewed species as fixed according to a divine plan.
Askut wan abarkot ijja Carl Linnaeus daɣ awatay wan 1735 erdaɣ fl anmillal n iharojan win ich-ikilan mucham har ajjudi ikyad ich-ikilan chund a izzuken s addabara wan amaxlak
These ideas were condemned by established naturalists as speculation lacking empirical support.
Ta-ite tan tin ankuran tanat naturalist tan fal as majrad ajjen war ikrech tadhilt tan empire
"Partly influenced by An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) by Thomas Robert Malthus, Darwin noted that population growth would lead to a ""struggle for existence"" in which favourable variations prevailed as others perished."
“ Parti orna Essay wan Principle wa Ichaɣib (daɣ awatay wan 1798) ijja Thomas Robert Malthus, Darwin iktab as tiw-at n ichaɣib ad aru “”akinnas i emel”” daɣ as imutiyan wi ochalnen chud awa s ammutan wi yadnen “
"Darwin developed his theory of ""natural selection"" from 1838 onwards and was writing up his ""big book"" on the subject when Alfred Russel Wallace sent him a version of virtually the same theory in 1858."
“ Darwin ijja efes wan mirda net wan “nefran wan batil” daɣ awatay wan 1838 tolas iktab “alkittab net wa maqqoran” fal titbaqet ten alwaq wa has isassaway Alfred Russel Wallace akatab n mirda olahan daɣ awtay wan 1858”
Towards this end, Darwin developed his provisional theory of pangenesis.
Siha s amindi net, Darwi ijja efes n mirda net wan pangenesis
To explain how new variants originate, de Vries developed a mutation theory that led to a temporary rift between those who accepted Darwinian evolution and biometricians who allied with de Vries.
Afissar n almaɣna wa s id axlakan inmizlayan , de Vries ijja efes n mirda n amutti ewayan s aafuqqi jir addinat wi ardaɣ en fal Darwinian evolution d biometricians ijjanen eɣaf id de Vries.
The publication of the structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick with contribution of Rosalind Franklin in 1953 demonstrated a physical mechanism for inheritance.
Azizjar wan edey wan DNA ijja James Watson d Francis Crick idhal Rosalind daɣ awatay wan 1953 isikna almaɣna wa s itaj etari et
"In 1973, evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky penned that ""nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution,"" because it has brought to light the relations of what first seemed disjointed facts in natural history into a coherent explanatory body of knowledge that describes and predicts many observable facts about life on this planet."
“” Daɣ awatay wan 1973, Biologist Theodosius Dobzhanzky iktab as “war t illa harat daɣ biology ilan almaɣna a fal wadden s annur wan amutti “” fal as eway id annur s tartit s awa eqqalan s tizarat haratan war n oher harat daɣ attarex wan batil s taɣissa n musnat tilat afaham oharan harat eqqalan asilmad tolas immalan daɣ tilkamat haratan ilanen akayad fal tamudre daɣ adduniya
The complete set of observable traits that make up the structure and behaviour of an organism is called its phenotype.
Amindi n ich-ikilan ilanen akayad wi ahanen edey d alxal n tamaxluk isim net phenotype
For example, suntanned skin comes from the interaction between a person's genotype and sunlight; thus, suntans are not passed on to people's children.
Daɣ almital , elam t asikway tafukt ifal id anittaf jir genotype wan awadim d tafukt fal as suntan tn wr tan za akki awadim s ilyadan n addinat
DNA is a long biopolymer composed of four types of bases.
DNA eqqal biopolymer chajren daɣ artayan akkoz ich-ikilan n tijittawt
Portions of a DNA molecule that specify a single functional unit are called genes; different genes have different sequences of bases.
Ifrusan n DNA molecule wi tiskatat ichikil iyyan isim net genes, gene tan ilanen iddikudan nasan ajjotnen n tijittawt
If the DNA sequence at a locus varies between individuals, the different forms of this sequence are called alleles.
A fal iddikud wan DNA daɣ edg anmazlay jr addinat, dumu tan n iddikud wen fuk isim nasan alleles
However, while this simple correspondence between an allele and a trait works in some cases, most traits are more complex and are controlled by quantitative trait loci (multiple interacting genes).
Hak id ijja awen, alwaq wa id tigdaht jir allele d samal t axdam daɣ ihandagan iyyad, samalan ajjotnen i harok nen tolas awikal tan samal loci n ijjit (gene tan annitaf nen ajjotnen)
DNA methylation marking chromatin, self-sustaining metabolic loops, gene silencing by RNA interference and the three-dimensional conformation of proteins (such as prions) are areas where epigenetic inheritance systems have been discovered at the organismic level.
DNA methylation echwalan chromatin, tezabaten n metabolic igdah nen i ima nasnat , gene s assosam RNA interference d aqqud wan karad inatfisan n protein tan (chund prions) aqqalan ihandagan s sistem win etari n epigenetic at ijrawan daɣ edag wan organismic
For example, ecological inheritance through the process of niche construction is defined by the regular and repeated activities of organisms in their environment.
Daɣ almital, ecological inheritance s tamatikwayt n edey n niche ikf-et almaɣna alɣidmaten n timaxluken ijjanen harkuk daɣ ahinzazaɣ nasnat
Despite the constant introduction of new variation through mutation and gene flow, most of the genome of a species is identical in all individuals of that species.
Hak id ijja ijjuch wan harkuk n anmizlay s amutti d gene flow, ijjit n genome n ich-ikilan olah daɣ ich-ikilan fuk
A substantial part of the phenotypic variation in a population is caused by genotypic variation.
ăšrut maqqorăn n amutti n fenotipik daɣ ǝššăɣǝb ǝddǝlǝl net genotypic variation
Variation disappears when a new allele reaches the point of fixation—when it either disappears from the population or replaces the ancestral allele entirely.
Anmizlay itisujjil alwaq wa id allele eynayan ewad edag wan uɣin net - alwaq wa id itisujjil i ichaɣib meɣ itajjach edag n allele n kel aru fuk net
When mutations occur, they may alter the product of a gene, or prevent the gene from functioning, or have no effect.
Alwaq wa id ijjan imutiyan, addoben ad akmin asuj n gene meɣ igdilan i gene axadam meɣ war ilen adarich fuk
Extra copies of genes are a major source of the raw material needed for new genes to evolve.
kKopi tan okaynen n gene tan aqqalan tijittawt maqqorat n asuj war ides harat i gene tan i amatikway nasan
New genes can be generated from an ancestral gene when a duplicate copy mutates and acquires a new function.
Gene tan eynaynen addoben a id izjiran daɣ gene n aru alwaq wa id kopit tannutfasat tanmazlay tolas tazilzam axadam eynayan
The generation of new genes can also involve small parts of several genes being duplicated, with these fragments then recombining to form new combinations with new functions.
Ichaɣib gene tan eynaynen addobat a ti ahan ichrutan madroynen n gene tan ajjotnen annutfas nen, s ifrusan win anaɣimbal nasan har ajjudi i ad alisan inaɣimbalan eynaynen ilanen alxidmaten eynaynen
Recombination and reassortment do not alter allele frequencies, but instead change which alleles are associated with each other, producing offspring with new combinations of alleles.
Asinnaɣambal d reassortment war ikmen iddikud n allele mucham s amutti wa dar osaɣan allele tan, ɣan in aratan ilanen inaɣimbalan eynaynen n allele tan
The first cost is that in sexually dimorphic species only one of the two sexes can bear young.
Alqim wa ezzaran amos as daɣ ich-ikilan n dimorphic iyyan ɣas daɣ issin jannas tan addoben tammadrit har ajjudi
Yet sexual reproduction is the more common means of reproduction among eukaryotes and multicellular organisms.
Attakasar eqqal almaɣna wa oharan n attakasar daɣ eukaryote tan d organizm tan ilanen izirwan ajjotnen
Gene transfer between species includes the formation of hybrid organisms and horizontal gene transfer.
Akkay n Gene jir ich-ikilan eha akudukudu n organizm tan n albaxil d akkay ozɣaɣan n gene
Horizontal transfer of genes from bacteria to eukaryotes such as the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the adzuki bean weevil Callosobruchus chinensis has occurred.
Akkay ozɣaɣan n gene daɣ bakteria tan har eukaryote tan chund Yeast Sacharomyces cerevisiae d anchan wan adzuki weevil Callosobruchus chinensis ijja
Different traits confer different rates of survival and reproduction (differential fitness).
Samalan izlaynen hak in iddikudan izlaynen n tamudre d attakasar (fitness izlayan)
Consequently, organisms with traits that give them an advantage over their competitors are more likely to pass on their traits to the next generation than those with traits that do not confer an advantage.
Organizm tan ilanen samalan tan hakkinen tinfa fal manafas tan iknay ach-ak ijjuch hullan n as ad akiyan fal samalan nasan s ichaɣib wa yadan ohun fal samalan war tan n afk manafas
The central concept of natural selection is the evolutionary fitness of an organism.
Isim wan ammas n nefran eqqal fitness n organizm
For example, if an organism could survive well and reproduce rapidly, but its offspring were all too small and weak to survive, this organism would make little genetic contribution to future generations and would thus have low fitness.
Almital, a fal organizm addobat tamudre hullan tolas aru daɣ armud mucham aratan net fuk nasan i madroynen tolas war an taha assahat i tamudre, organizm wen a ej tadhilt n etari andarrat i ichaɣiban win tilkamat tolas fitness andarran
Examples of traits that can increase fitness are enhanced survival and increased fecundity.
Almital tan n samalan wi addobat nen asiwad n fitness amosan amutti n tamudre d asiwad n aratan
However, even if the direction of selection does reverse in this way, traits that were lost in the past may not re-evolve in an identical form (see Dollo's law).
Hak id ijja awen, kuudeɣ as tisidik tan nefran war itimutti s immik wen , samalan wi asujjalnen a hin okayan war za udaben ahunin s dumu olahan ( ikyid aachareɣ wan Dollo)
The first is directional selection, which is a shift in the average value of a trait over time—for example, organisms slowly getting taller.
Wa ezzaran eqqal nefran wan tasidik eqqalan achinkach daɣ alqim n samal daɣ azzaman- almital , organizm tan tichijratan sollan
Finally, in stabilising selection there is selection against extreme trait values on both ends, which causes a decrease in variance around the average value and less diversity.
Azuki n nefran ille nefran fal alqim n samal wan hullan daɣ ichrutan fuk taqqal nen iddilil i afanaz daɣ eket edes n alqim d daw anmizlay
This broad understanding of nature enables scientists to delineate specific forces which, together, comprise natural selection.
Afaham wen maqqoran n ijraw i scientist tan turhajat i ijji n tisibdad i assahaten ti taqqal nen daɣ edag iyyan nefran
However, the rate of recombination is low (approximately two events per chromosome per generation).
Hak id ijja awen, iddikud n anɣambal i andarran (a hin ikkan issin haratan i chromosome fuk n ichaɣib)
A set of alleles that is usually inherited in a group is called a haplotype.
Taqqimt n allele tan ta taqqalat tan etari daɣ taqqimt isim net haplotype
This drift halts when an allele eventually becomes fixed, either by disappearing from the population or replacing the other alleles entirely.
Drift wen ibaddad alwaq wa id eqqan allele s asujil net daɣ ichaɣib meɣ amutti net s allele tan iyyad
The neutral theory of molecular evolution proposed that most evolutionary changes are the result of the fixation of neutral mutations by genetic drift.
Mirda wan muxayid n amutti wan molecule tan ijja addabara as imuttiyan fuk tajjinen aqqalan ittus n tewaɣne n imuttiyan win muxayid tan s drift wan etari
However, a more recent and better-supported version of this model is the nearly neutral theory, where a mutation that would be effectively neutral in a small population is not necessarily neutral in a large population.
Hak id ijja awen, majrad eynayan hullan tolas iknan lakkumat i ich-ikil wen eqqal mirda wan muxayid edg s inta as amutti wan muxayid daɣ ichaɣib andarran war eqqel muxayid daɣ ichaɣib maqqoran
The number of individuals in a population is not critical, but instead a measure known as the effective population size.
Iddikud n addinat daɣ ichaɣib war ijjit mucham eqqal eket itiwassanan s iddikud n ichaɣib
The presence or absence of gene flow fundamentally changes the course of evolution.
Emel meɣ iban gene isimutti tamatikwayt n amutti
This opposing-pressures argument was long used to dismiss the possibility of internal tendencies in evolution, until the molecular era prompted renewed interest in neutral evolution.
Amšǝkki wen izlayan ahoj exdam i a hin ey tudabat n alxalaten tin ammas daɣ amutti har azzaman wan molecule assarmad asissini n afor daɣ amutti n muxayid
For instance, mutation biases are frequently invoked in models of codon usage.
Almital, amutti war n ilkem i tiditt eqqal a ehan dumu tan n codon usage
Different insertion vs. deletion biases in different taxa can lead to the evolution of different genome sizes.
ijjuch izlayan s imusan war n ilkem i tiditt daɣ taxa izlayan addoben ad awiyan s amutti n iddikud n genome
Contemporary thinking about the role of mutation biases reflects a different theory from that of Haldane and Fisher.
anazjum wan amarad fal edag wan amutti war n ilkem i tiditt asilmd s mmirda izlayan n wan Haldane d Fisher
Organisms can also respond to selection by cooperating with each other, usually by aiding their relatives or engaging in mutually beneficial symbiosis.
Organizm tan addoben ad alwazaban nefran s anifham jar essan, s tadhilt n ichaqqaɣan meɣ ijjan tartit tan tinfat
Macroevolution refers to evolution that occurs at or above the level of species, in particular speciation and extinction; whereas microevolution refers to smaller evolutionary changes within a species or population, in particular shifts in allele frequency and adaptation.
Macroevolution imos amutti ijjan ɣur meɣ s afalla n edag wan ich-ikilan daɣ speciation d tamattant;as ijja awen macroevolution eqqal fal imuttiyan madroynen daɣ ich-ikilan meɣ ichaɣib, daɣ imutiyan n iddikud n allele d amatikway wan amutti
However, in macroevolution, the traits of the entire species may be important.
Hak id ijja awen, daɣ macroevolution, samalan n ich-ikilan imdanen addoben ad assohen
"A common misconception is that evolution has goals, long-term plans, or an innate tendency for ""progress"", as expressed in beliefs such as orthogenesis and evolutionism; realistically however, evolution has no long-term goal and does not necessarily produce greater complexity."
“ Majrad n bahu eqqal as amutti ila ittusan, addabara tan chajrotnen meɣ alxalat n ammas i “efes” s immik wa s ijjan amedran tan chund orthogenesis d evolutionism; hak id ijja awen, amutti ila ittus charjen tolas war ilzem ad ikrich assahat maqqorat”
Also, the term adaptation may refer to a trait that is important for an organism's survival.
Tolas , tamatikwayt tan amutti t amos samal assohen i tamudre n organizm
An adaptive trait is an aspect of the developmental pattern of the organism which enables or enhances the probability of that organism surviving and reproducing.
Samal eqqal titbaqet n efes n organizm meɣ ehak in turhajat meɣ issawadan miji n organizm wa iɣazzan tolas itiruwan
Other striking examples are the bacteria Escherichia coli evolving the ability to use citric acid as a nutrient in a long-term laboratory experiment, Flavobacterium evolving a novel enzyme that allows these bacteria to grow on the by-products of nylon manufacturing, and the soil bacterium Sphingobium evolving an entirely new metabolic pathway that degrades the synthetic pesticide pentachlorophenol.
Almital tan iyyad amosan bacteria Escherichia coli isawadan tudabat n axadam n citric acid daɣ amiyiz chajren n labo, Flavobacterium isawadan enzyme n alkittab ehak in turhajat i bacteria tan win i ad idwilan fal isuj n nylon tolas bacterium sphingobium tan win akal sawadan abara eynayan n metabolic ifannazan fazon pentachlorophenol
Consequently, structures with similar internal organisation may have different functions in related organisms.
ǝdeyăn w-ǝ ǝlănen ǝkănnăn wǝn ammăs olah nen addoben ad ǝkrǝšăn tǝmăšɣulen ǝzlăynen ǝd aqqăl nen organizm tan
However, since all living organisms are related to some extent, even organs that appear to have little or no structural similarity, such as arthropod, squid and vertebrate eyes, or the limbs and wings of arthropods and vertebrates, can depend on a common set of homologous genes that control their assembly and function; this is called deep homology.
Hak id ijja awen, alwaq wa id organizm tan fuk idarnen anmahazan jir iman nasan, hak id organ tan wi ilanen tulat andarrat meɣ n edeychund arthropod, squid d tettawen n imudaran win iɣasan meɣ idaran d ifrutan n anthropod tan d imudaran win iɣasan ilkaman i gene tan aɣlas nen tidawt nasan d alxidmat ; awen isim net tulat tan hullan
Examples include pseudogenes, the non-functional remains of eyes in blind cave-dwelling fish, wings in flightless birds, the presence of hip bones in whales and snakes, and sexual traits in organisms that reproduce via asexual reproduction.
Almital tan ahan tan pseudogene tan, awa war n axdem daɣ tettawen daɣ emn izzaɣan addurɣalan, ifrutan n egadid itilammen, emel n iɣasan win tegache daɣ imanan wi maqqornen d tachalen d samalan n jannas tirunen s arraw war n imos s jannas
One example is the African lizard Holaspis guentheri, which developed an extremely flat head for hiding in crevices, as can be seen by looking at its near relatives.
Almital iyyan eqqal African Lizards Hoplaspis Guenteri, ilan eɣaf iknan afatillas i iffar daɣ iɣaɣan s immik wa s addobat awadim a ti ikyid fal imidiwan net
Another example is the recruitment of enzymes from glycolysis and xenobiotic metabolism to serve as structural proteins called crystallins within the lenses of organisms' eyes.
Almital iyyan amos asaxdam n enzyme tan daɣ glycolysis d xenobiotic metabolism i ad aqqiln protein tan s ismawan nasnat crystallins daɣ timaswaden tin tettawen n organizm
These studies have shown that evolution can alter development to produce new structures, such as embryonic bone structures that develop into the jaw in other animals instead forming part of the middle ear in mammals.
Farak tan win issiknan as amutti addobat a ekim efes i arraw n ideyan eynaynen chund ideyan n eɣas n achnaɣ idaw-alan daɣ tamasurt n irzzejan iyyd ohun ad aqqilan achrut n ammas n tamazzuk daɣ ifafan
These changes in the second species then, in turn, cause new adaptations in the first species.
Imuttiyan win daɣ ich-ikil wan issin aqqalan iddilil i tamatikwayt n imuttiyan daɣ ich-ikilan wi azzarnen
For instance, an extreme cooperation exists between plants and the mycorrhizal fungi that grow on their roots and aid the plant in absorbing nutrients from the soil.
Almital, anifham assohen ille jir ihishkan d ihanan n alchin win mucorrhizal idawalan fal ikewan nasan tolas dahhalan ahishk daɣ tesase n isudar daɣ akal
Coalitions between organisms of the same species have also evolved.
Inifhaman jir organizm tan n ich-ikil olahan intaned deɣ amuttayan
Here, somatic cells respond to specific signals that instruct them whether to grow, remain as they are, or die.
ǝzǝrwăn somatik hăk ǝn alwăzăb ǝ tădogănen tan s aɣrǝnen fal tadawla năsăn, tăɣǝmǝt daɣ edăg năsăn meɣ tămăttănt
"There are multiple ways to define the concept of ""species."""
“ Illan ti immikan ajjotnen n almaɣna n isim wan “”species”
Despite the diversity of various species concepts, these various concepts can be placed into one of three broad philosophical approaches: interbreeding, ecological and phylogenetic.
Anmizlay n ich-ikilan n ismawan win imudaran , ismawan win ajjotnen addoben ad ijjichan iyyat daɣ karadat tizujach: interbreeding, ecological d phylogenetic
Despite its wide and long-term use, the BSC like others is not without controversy, for example because these concepts cannot be applied to prokaryotes, and this is called the species problem.
Alxidmat net ta harokat tolas chajret , BSC inta deɣ ijja fal as majrad chund awa ijjan wi yadnen, almital fal as ismawan win war addoben a tan ajin prokaryote tan tolas awen isim net muchakil wan ich-ikilan n imudaran
Gene flow may slow this process by spreading the new genetic variants also to the other populations.
Gene addobat ad ifniz tamatikwayt ten s afanaz n ich-ikilan n genetic eynaynen tolas s ichaɣiban iyyad
In this case, closely related species may regularly interbreed, but hybrids will be selected against and the species will remain distinct.
Daɣ awen , ǝššǝkilăn n ǝmudărăn w- ǝknănen anmǝhăz addoben assăɣ mušăm albăxǝlăn war he annăfrănăn fal as-ăn tolas ǝššǝkǝlăn n ǝmudărăn ad aqqăm ǝn ǝzlăyăn
Speciation has been observed multiple times under both controlled laboratory conditions (see laboratory experiments of speciation) and in nature.
Speciation t atwakay alwaqqan ajjotnen daw almaɣna tan n labo (ikyid amiyiz n labo wan speciation) d s aɣana net
The most common in animals is allopatric speciation, which occurs in populations initially isolated geographically, such as by habitat fragmentation or migration.
Awa oharan irizzejan hullan amos allopatric speciation itaj in daɣ ichaɣiban iskat nen daɣ jografia chund ifrusan n tamazduq meɣ isikilan
The second mode of speciation is peripatric speciation, which occurs when small populations of organisms become isolated in a new environment.
Dumu wan issin n speciation eqqal peripatric speciation itaj in alwaq wa id ichaɣiban madroynen n organizm tan iskatan daɣ ahinzazaɣ eynayan
The third mode is parapatric speciation.
Dumu wan kărăd amos spesiason parapatrik
Generally this occurs when there has been a drastic change in the environment within the parental species' habitat.
Awen itaj alwaq wa ti illa amutti hullan daɣ ahinzazaɣ daɣ ich-ikilan atteraw nen
Selection against interbreeding with the metal-sensitive parental population produced a gradual change in the flowering time of the metal-resistant plants, which eventually produced complete reproductive isolation.
Nefran wa war ijja interbreeding daɣ ichaɣib wa atterawan eraw id amutti daɣ alwaq n ihishkan wi assohat nen wi tiruwen aratan iskatnen
This form is rare since even a small amount of gene flow may remove genetic differences between parts of a population.
Dumu wen war raqqis ɣur alwaq wa id iddikud andarran n gene addobat ad ikkis anmizlayan n etari jir ichrutan n ichaɣib
This is not common in animals as animal hybrids are usually sterile.
Awen war ti oheran irizzejan fal as albaxilan harkuk war tiruwan
This allows the chromosomes from each parental species to form matching pairs during meiosis, since each parent's chromosomes are represented by a pair already.
Awen ehak turhajat i chromosome tan n ich-ikil n atterawan fuk ad anmiwiyan daɣ meiosis, fal as chromosomes fuk ahan issin edag net
Indeed, chromosome doubling within a species may be a common cause of reproductive isolation, as half the doubled chromosomes will be unmatched when breeding with undoubled organisms.
Chromosome it anatfasan daɣ ich-ikil addobat ad eqqil iddilil oharan i arraw iskatan , chund tazune tannutfasat n chromosome tan war he anmawalan alwaq wa id akkofadan id organizm tan war n anatfas
Nearly all animal and plant species that have lived on Earth are now extinct, and extinction appears to be the ultimate fate of all species.
Arizzej fuk d ich-ikil n ahishk s kala izzaɣan fal akal ammutan amarad tolas tamattant taqqal taqqan tan uchray i ich-ikilan fuk
Despite the estimated extinction of more than 99 percent of all species that ever lived on Earth, about 1 trillion species are estimated to be on Earth currently with only one-thousandth of one percent described.
Tamattant ta titkadat n tamattant n a ojjaran 99 n ich-ikilan fuk s kala izzaɣan fal akal iddikud n 1 n efad n milyar intaned a itkadnen s iwaran akal s 1000 n a afissaran
The earliest undisputed evidence of life on Earth dates from at least 3.5 billion years ago, during the Eoarchean Era after a geological crust started to solidify following the earlier molten Hadean Eon.
asidutti wan ezzaran amchaken n tamudre fal akal ilan iddikud n 3.5 n milyar alwaq wan Eoarchean era darat Ecological Crust id issinta i asassuhi ilkaman i molten Hadean Eon wa ezzaran
"Commenting on the Australian findings, Stephen Blair Hedges wrote, ""If life arose relatively quickly on Earth, then it could be common in the universe."""
“ Stephen Blair Hedges, asiwalan fal ijarawan win Australia,iktab as ‘’a tamudre tinkar fal akal dihen addobat ad alah awen daɣ alɣalim””
Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million, of which about 1.9 million are estimated to have been named and 1.6 million documented in a central database to date, leaving at least 80 percent not yet described.
Iddikud n ich-ikilan fal akal ila jir 10 milyon har 14 n milyon s 1.9 n milyon itkadan as ilan ismawan tolas 1.6 n milyon ahan edag n isalan , oyyan iddikud n 80 war n afissar
The common descent of organisms was first deduced from four simple facts about organisms: First, they have geographic distributions that cannot be explained by local adaptation.
Azubbi n organizm tan wa oharan ijja s tizarat daɣ akkoz haratan fal organizm tan: wa ezzaran , ilan tizunawen n jografia war n addobat afissar daɣ tamatikwayt n amutti
Fourth, organisms can be classified using these similarities into a hierarchy of nested groups, similar to a family tree.
Wan akkoz, organizm tan addoben ad iskitan ɣur tulaten nasan s anmillal nasan n taqqimen artaynen olah nen id egadach n ahisk
This view dates back to an idea briefly mentioned by Darwin but later abandoned.
Akayad wen eqqal har anazjum andarran allaɣat Darwin mucham darat awa ichlay as in
By comparing the anatomies of both modern and extinct species, palaeontologists can infer the lineages of those species.
Eket n annuɣan n ich-ikilan n imudaran win amarad d wi ammut nen , palaeontologist tan addoben ad issinan attarex n ich-ikilan n imudaran win
More recently, evidence for common descent has come from the study of biochemical similarities between organisms.
A eynayan hullan, asidutti n attarex oharan ifal id farak wan tulaten n biochemical jir organizm tan
The eukaryotic cells emerged between 1.6 and 2.7 billion years ago.
Izirwan win eukaryotic izjaran id jir 1.6 har 2.7 n milyar n awatay