1 value
Pretty much my whole life, I’m Italian hahah but in Italy it’s exactly the same as in English “a tua discrezione” means “your choice” “sii discreta” means “be discreet”
Oh I know that, Italian here
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Mord? Der Markt regelt das schon.
Der freie Markt kann mein Leid nicht lindnern
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How do you attract bitches without money
Step 1: be attractive
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Obj is by no means a saint, but that video was way more mild than anyone would’ve expected for someone who caused everyone to deplane Obviously he swims in a pool of hyperbole, but KFC saying it’s the worst thing he’s seen from an athlete is ridiculous
We’re not even a year removed from the Henry Rugs accident
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Obj is by no means a saint, but that video was way more mild than anyone would’ve expected for someone who caused everyone to deplane Obviously he swims in a pool of hyperbole, but KFC saying it’s the worst thing he’s seen from an athlete is ridiculous
Personally I think what OJ did was worse
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Obj is by no means a saint, but that video was way more mild than anyone would’ve expected for someone who caused everyone to deplane Obviously he swims in a pool of hyperbole, but KFC saying it’s the worst thing he’s seen from an athlete is ridiculous
Speaking in hyperbole or empty platitudes is all KFC can do to get attention nowadays
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It's 2023 so I'm thinking more like Martin Garrix feat. Atrak$a
Urabrask after hearing their songs: See, that's why I didn't endorse her!
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That’s the thing about people and consumption in general, it’s pretty much all shitty. Once enough cells are in circulation and recycling is profitable, mining for these materials should disappear almost entirely. Longterm it’s far better than sticking to coal. It’s the unethical mining that sucks the most imo vs the damage it does to the planet, but if those people weren’t mining materials they most likely wouldn’t have food on their tables. It’s a really shitty situation, stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Yeah it’s about choosing the least of several evils
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> maybe in an old folks home Hell no. While there are people who genuinely try their best in that industry, there are still far too many shitty people who treat their patients terribly. Negligence and mistakes are rife in that industry.
My point is they're a trained nurse practitioner, rather than let their training and potential talents go to waste because they refuse to administer birth control, put them somewhere where it's not a function of the role. It's basically the same shit that county clerk pulled in Kentucky that wouldn't issue gay marriage licenses.
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Delete this fucking post you monster, before some executive reads this.
Sorry, too busy mainlining Crush Whispers in Your Ear and Dad Says He's Proud of You to care. It's the speedball of Happybox content.
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Where are you seeing this? Its a fake rumor that gets brought up a bunch.
I saw it on the Parler app
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>The VAST people fail to change their eating behavior on their own. This is what gets me. I try to not belittle peoples health struggles and remind myself that it's more complicated than this, but it seems like a lot of people would rather choose to die than eat different foods.
That’s why this medicine is so effective. It reduces cravings and hunger which leads to people who were failing to adopt health habits on their own to actually succeed in those lifestyle changes
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Now B Calla trying to pile on to Anetra? What cracks me up is that I know Anetra is at home, in a robe with a morning tea, blocking them and then reading a book completely unbothered lmfao
booking a vacation with her 5000 cash tip.
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Lol, usually because unlike M, they didn't stop using whatever and their brain is mush
Yeah, best thing he did for himself was get clean.
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In stealing they call that Texas
The government steals...they call that taxes
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Red Hot Chili Peppers
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A wise man might call it "Oh, one more thing..."
The Colombo Creature
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Imagine dragons
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Yeah. Mom referred to them as *creepy-crawlies*. She was not a fan of anything that had more than four legs.
I've always called them eyelashes.
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Cooped Scara with a Nilou team! Kokomi Nahida Mona. Then Nahida died :/
Sometimes she feels like the new klee in coop. Really popular (for her release patch and the few patches following) and always dead
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Cooped Scara with a Nilou team! Kokomi Nahida Mona. Then Nahida died :/
the rare time you get into a bloom team and the single dendro character dies lmao, what are the chances
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Wym Patricia has a whole ass pencil and clipboard? He’s clearly OC material.
Does he have a whole-ass pencil or a whole ass-pencil? This is important.
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Sir, this is some great quality work!! ![gif](giphy|zGnnFpOB1OjMQ)
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I like the direction the program is going after being down for awhile (unfortunately while I was there). SIUE is playing well so hopefully they can setup some good SIU rivalry games
Carbondale vs. Edwardsville. That would be awesome to see.
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Didnt we had wakizashi and katana in ds3 as powerstance weapon? From the npc before twin prince
onikiri and ubadachi indeed, although the short one wasn't AS short as the waki, still basically the same thing
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"hah! Another fucking asshole caught by the police! Hold on... Oh."
I mean, you're not wrong...
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They shouldn’t. He’ll be out after one season and then sign with the Vikings. don’t @ me
Hold on, he's gotta briefly be "confirmed" to be headed to the Bucs for at least a couple hours before all that happens.
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I literally can't see a photo of Tyler anymore without my eyes going straight to his crotch to check like some kind of potential car crash
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Killed. Her boss was murdered by her husband (the boss's husband, not OP's husband )
I see. Thanks. Was thinking she got called a Karen for some reason (yikes)
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What ya gonna do? You'll release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you?
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“I don’t live in a city”. I live in a town of under 2,000 people.
Yeah that’s my bad, but I used to work in a small town where almost everyone I know made less than 30k a year, but they were all also dual income and paid next to nothing for their homes
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Interesting reply, this is the inverse of how most everyone else has replied.
Still valid and appreciated though.
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Because he was a superstar
I agree. But, it shouldn't be surprising that he has a detachment from reality as a result.
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Might be way off with this, but the vibe I get from the art is that she might not be an Unifier as in "bring all colors together", as others are speculating, but as in "bring the other colors into the fold of White".
Yes, she could be W with a UBG activated ability
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Okay but wouldn't anyone? 😂
fair point
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“Don’t live in a city”
I think I found someone who makes under 30k lol
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“Don’t live in a city”
Hand up, I’m an r-word
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Zárt lakòpark, saját játszòtérrel; 2 percnél nem lakhatott távolabb senki a WCjétõl. EDIT: Ebbõl az abszolùt kedvenc az anyuka volt, aki a kislányát felfektette a térdére, 'nōgyògyásszék' poziba megfogta a két lábfejét, és ùgy hugyoztatta mint amikor a közmunkás füvet kaszál. Mindeközben egy lakòval éppen a kutyák/gyerekek kertbe járatását beszéltük. Nézett egyet, én meg röhögtem....kínomban.
Na az gáz.
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I haven't seen a bathroom yet. Dookies were a thing before bathrooms so they might just drop them in the woods or something.
that's even worse, I'm scared to explore the map rn
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Can never have enough Alison Brie. Give her a new TV show already
Trudy spin-off series plz
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Spice top 6 is not far fetched to me. There must’ve been a reason so many early sources had her top 6 to begin with before the S15 tea started to go all over the place and anons were copying anons.
literally, and so far her storyline is how shes so reliant on sugar and how sugar is so proud of her and is the big sister, so the big sister getting sent home early and the little sister staying and doing well throughout the competition is a great storyline tbh.
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And they never stop. You just watch the blood flow through the water and wonder, was it worth it?
Or is this the time I could possibly bleed out??
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Moving back to the US from Europe and traveling quite a bit it's amazing to me how few circular/orbital transit routes there are in the US. Almost all rail transit are radial lines going downtown. Even in NYC all trains go to Manhattan except the Crosstown line (shuttles don't count). Considering how incompetent the US is at building rail for a reasonable price maybe the solution to this is BRT. !ping TRANSIT
Counterpoint: The US also sucks at building BRT
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That’s not… They’re saying it’s “so rude” the Reddit lawyers aren’t here to explain.
Oh my bad. I missed the little line and so thought comment was calling the filing rude! Ha!
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Hello there
General Kenobi. You are a bold one.
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Don't mind me, I'm a pedantic Pat
Sure you’re one of the Cakes, I’ll let it slide
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>kriese Wallaaaaaah ^Kriiiiise
Main doitsch ist gaihel
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Five finger death punch! I almost worked the eastern leg of their tour, then COVID happened
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My mom is pretty against nicknames. She believes that if you name a kid something, that's their name. *HOWEVER* that only applies to her personal views. She always calls people what they want to be called.
I know some people like that too and some others who believe why give a name just for the nickname, use the nickname. But like your mom, they use what people want them to and not what caters to their own personal taste. Though I also had a teacher like my ILs.
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He's a 2nd class galician
Thank you
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Jets are the future home of Derek Carr
James Richard Garoppolo.
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I feel like this was me too but I'm also too nervous to get an official diagnosis. I took a bunch of self diagnostic tests and now I'm afraid I'm self misdiagnosing. I have been diagnosed with ADHD so there's that
Out of curiosity, why are you afraid of getting an official diagnosis? I didn't get mine until I was 41, and I wish I had done it much, much sooner. It helped me understand myself for the first time, and gave me actual tools to live a better life.
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No lights on, 36 in a school zone, stops in the road, reverses in the road, black truck behind him has to reverse so he isn't hit, and decides to try to harrass the guy that caught it all on tape. PoLiCiNg!!!??
I’m scared to think what would have happened if the guy didn’t have a camera on him
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You seem to get a lot of arsenal commissions. Nice one man
Cheers mate. Probably painted more arsenal players than any other team
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I could see Salina going home on a comedy challenge but maybe I'm saying that cuz I want the dingaling girl to go farther (also wasn't it spilled that spice was top 6 originally) ![gif](giphy|3o85xrAcou3F6fPTwc|downsized)
Yes, multiple people spilled Spice in the top 6, and top 4 instead of Anetra The mixup of Anetra and Spice is probably because Anetra sends Spice home
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I could see Salina going home on a comedy challenge but maybe I'm saying that cuz I want the dingaling girl to go farther (also wasn't it spilled that spice was top 6 originally) ![gif](giphy|3o85xrAcou3F6fPTwc|downsized)
I kinda think Salina could get the "you were just loud but loud doesn't equal funny" critiques ngl 😭
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Depends. Are they straight, white, Christians; soon-to-be-republican voting kids? Or are they the "others"?
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Can the city even levy its own income tax? Or is he planning on pulling some $tring$ with the state?
Nope, purely against the state's constitution.
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Her ex fiancé, Shoc
Oh wait, is he the guy that she took to court over social media posts? Revenge porn? She sure knows how to pick em totally forgot about him
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WSB must do this in depth economic research to find out!
We need to send this mission to DeepFuckingValue a few hundreds of time so we'll know he got the message about the research
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If you’re gonna check every week it’s work to buy one for home They’re super cheap now, my mom has one that works on her wrist It’s also good to have as you get older and heart is a concern They’re called sphygmomanometers
> sphygmomanometers Somehow, not a shitpost.
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Meanwhile, the spider is saying... " Welcome back master, I will get the door for you,
Do spiders take tips?
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The suburbs also restrict many kids from having actual social spaces. If there’s no friends that live close to you, you’re kind of just screwed.
yep, and many suburbs don't even have pools or playgrounds or anything
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For Karl!
Rock and stone in the heart!
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the shape of her head 💀 Where is the lie though? This nose job, chin filler, cheek filler combo **screams** white lives matter.
I didn't want to say it because I had 0 proof but I knew I had a legit reason to dislike this woman. I had the same feeling with Jennie or Lea Michele.
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**TV Ratings Spill:** * S15 Episode 4: 578k Viewers * Real Friends Of Weho: 186k Viewers * Untucked: 214k Viewers
392k people turned off their tvs
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**TV Ratings Spill:** * S15 Episode 4: 578k Viewers * Real Friends Of Weho: 186k Viewers * Untucked: 214k Viewers
Still shocked that 186k people watched it
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**TV Ratings Spill:** * S15 Episode 4: 578k Viewers * Real Friends Of Weho: 186k Viewers * Untucked: 214k Viewers
We lost ![gif](giphy|P1EUvbxuoNHDVQ6EOl)
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**TV Ratings Spill:** * S15 Episode 4: 578k Viewers * Real Friends Of Weho: 186k Viewers * Untucked: 214k Viewers
So a regular ratings night for Drag Race, which is good, WeHo tanking, also good. WeHo dragging Untucked down too? Now THAT I have a problem with.
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**TV Ratings Spill:** * S15 Episode 4: 578k Viewers * Real Friends Of Weho: 186k Viewers * Untucked: 214k Viewers
We keep winning
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Mom was arguing about the price instead of being ashamed and thankfull for not getting her a crime report. Abusive speach towards child, whilst child is being abusive towards shop owner. Am I just too european or is this not trashbeings
When you put it that way, I agree that I was wrong. Thank you for the correction.
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Fuck I agree with the balkans
Fuck i agree with the ex wife
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I lowkey never understood why that was a highlight. If anything it’s an alge crumpler highlight
IIRC he broke Crumpler's ribs. It was just a monster hit.
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i forget the documentary, but one of the opening statements the narrator makes about ww2 is that it gets presented as a war of good vs evil, when it was in reality a war of evil vs even more evil and that has stuck with me for years.
Dicks fuck assholes.
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All tanks are in the motorpool. Germany has a 0% deployment rate and therefore cannot send Leopards to Ukraine.
Sounds like the true answer that Germany has decided it wants to take the slowest, most damaging and most embarrassing route to admitting
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This. So much this. I am also all for sharing the roads. But you are either a pedestrian or you aren't. You can't decide what rules you want to follow, then get mad when it bites you in the butt because you got hit running a red light.
I drive near a city and they have no problem blocking a lane going 15 under then using the pedestrian crosswalk, or taking a turn they shouldn't because they know a car won't hit them.
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YEah, HOW does CITADEL beat the market that it controls 40% of ? LEGALLY and FAIRLY? ( cough madoff cough cough)
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I wasn't being serious ya Dingus
I know... I just like talking shit about Virtanen. I didn't like him before the sex alligations.
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Wait. Why did 1396spurs get banned?
actively, repeatedly threatening to murder specific individuals apparently he really did not like that fly
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Wait. Why did 1396spurs get banned?
Spurs fan 🤢🤮
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S*ju and Sh*ron
Now why did the asterisks have to turn into that lmao
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See the "interferes with the relationship" part. While a large amount of people can indeed, suffer from depression, you need to remember that depression is not a binary but a gradient. Most people has a manageable degree that does not interfere in their day to day.
I guess impacts =/= interferes with. Depression will impact a relationship, no matter how well under control it is. Just depends how much of a piece of you are that will determine where impact turns into interference.
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Just checked the new dehya changes today ... So dehya wanters ~~if there are still any~~ How we feeling 😔💀?
Bored. The jokes have gotten stale and I just want to get through to the end of the beta patches and see what we're actually getting as the end product.
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Wait, u/ZhaoLuen was banned?
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Maybe she can go work at TikTok and achieve her life's dream.
You misspelled OnlyFans
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Still shocked that 186k people watched it
They couldn't find their TV remote fast enough
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i think it just boils down to losing von miller. it was your weakness last season, it was addressed, you guys were sb favorites coming in, he gets hurt and the rest is history.
Bills were SB favorites after losing to the team who lost to the team who lost the SB. Lol crazy world
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Why are you people always reaching
Everyone needs a good stretch now and then
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Ballistics expert here Can confirm this happens all the time, guy just forgot to pull the trigger before he made the bullet fly outta the the gun so the firing pin was never hit and the shell went with the bullet
Of course. No other scientific reason is plausible.
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I always cut the green bits off the top of a pineapple. Am I going to have to start eating them now?
You don't eat the green bit?! Next you'll be telling me you don't eat the skin on a pineapple either!
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To be fair, they did give it lots of holes.
Endless options for customization!!!!!
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You're a smart guy build an app. All I need to do is come up with a clever name.
Recruitment Couch?
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Yeah my mom has migraines are during one she won't even look at the tv, it's eyes closed maybe the tv on extremely quiet but that's it
Used to get them as a kid and even then I wouldn't play videogames, and that was like my favorite thing to do.
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I agree. Infighting would be a disaster.
There’s a laundry list of democrats I’d rather see as President/VP, but this is a super weird election cycle. I think it’s better to support Biden and watch the Republican Party schism
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Aşkım aç amını hooop içerdeyim-anlaşıldı-burası sandığımdan da büyükmüş,şu kıvrımlara baksana.gıdıgıdıgıdıgıdı-dur orospu evladı-
Demir gibi oldum
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I feel so uncomfortable right now
Imagine her kids in 10 years.
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Danny Mac was terrific. The fanbase loved him. He got fired because he got yet another DUI, and he's likely headed to prison. Great announcer, seems like a great guy, but also an addict and dumbass.
Oh I know what happened with Danny Mac and am really disappointed at his actions. Dude threw his career away with one bad choice.
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I wish 😔
Don’t be sad
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