2 values
The study of muscles in movement, specifically the action of individual muscles or groups of muscles that perform specific movements.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
The type of muscle making up most of the muscles of movement attached to the skeleton;
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
These muscles allow conscious movement outside of external influences.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
These muscles control the lateral movement of each finger.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
This allows muscle tissue to function for providing movement or locomotion.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
This arm senses the movements of her elbow muscles to open and close its fingers, allowing Alicia to pick up things.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
This is the (intrinsic) abductor muscle of the larynx.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
Through this tunnel passes the felxor tendons which connect muscles in the fingers to make movement possible.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
Together, the tendons and muscles allow you to bend and extend your fingers and thumb, for example, as in making a fist.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
Transverse (intrinsic) muscle of tongue.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
Types of muscle actions There are three types of movements associated with muscle movement.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
Wessberg J &amp; AB Vallbo (1995) Human muscle spindle afferent activity in relation to visual control in precision finger movements.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
in-depth knowledge of muscle actions and specific movements 11.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
muscle and movement;
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
use of finger to verify muscle movement.
Intrinsic muscles allow your fingers to also make precise movements for actions.
Intrinsic muscles<>allow<>your fingers to also make precise movements for actions$$$your fingers<>to make<>precise movements for actions
A relatively wide tube that connects the small intestine with the anus
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
Endoscopy A procedure whereby a flexible fiber-optic tube is inserted into the esophagus, stomach or small intestine through the mouth (upper endoscopy) or into the large intestine through the anus (lower endoscopy) to look for abnormalities.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
Glue small intestine to large intestine.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
If humans had a hindgut it would consist of the small intestine, large intestine, the rectum and the anus.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
Intestinal juice secreted by small intestine or large intestine
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
Intestine consists of the small intestine and the large intestine .
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
Organs that make up the digestive system are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
Small Intestine to Large Intestine
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
The appendix is a small tube that branches off the large intestine.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
The digestive or gastrointestinal (GI) tract includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine or colon, rectum, and anus.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
The digestive tract includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
The large intestine is a relatively wide tube that connects the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
This includes the mouth, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine, stomach, rectum and anus.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
This is a tube that connects the stomach to the large intestine.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
divided into a small intestine & a large intestine
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
small intestine (smawl in-TES-tin) Our intestines (which are like a long tube) start at the bottom of the stomach and end at the anus.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
the cecum of the pig is the meeting structure connecting the small intestine and the large intestine or colon.
The large intestine is a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus.
The large intestine<>is<>a wide tube connecting the small intestine with the anus$$$a wide tube<>connecting<>the small intestine
Alcohol and drug abuse can damage body organs, impair brain activity, and harm mental and emotional health.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Amoxicillin diffuses readily into most body tissues and fluids, with the exception of brain and spinal fluid, except when meninges are inflamed.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Any injury inflicted on the body, in which the brain was not harmed.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
As a result of the meningitis, plaintiff subsequently suffered chronic organic brain syndrome.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Brain defined as an organ of the body.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Brain-Mind Body-Mind organization.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Brains are expensive organs for a body to maintain;
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Chronic (ongoing) alcoholism harms every organ in the body, particularly the liver, heart, brain, and muscles.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Haemophilus influenzae bacteria can affect many different organ systems of the body, causing meningitis (swelling of the tissues covering the brain and spinal cord), pneumonia, and blood, bone, or joint infections.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Information provided by Meningitis Foundation of America Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the brain lining.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
It also gives general looks of the organs such as lungs and brains after the use of these substances to show how they do harms to human bodies.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Lead harms every organ in the body and is particularly harmful to the developing brain and central nervous system of young children.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Lead is most harmful to children under age six because this element is easily absorbed into their growing bodies, and interferes with the developing brain as well as other organs and systems.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Meningitis kills by inflaming the blood vessels in the brain or by overwhelming the body's immune system.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Nocardiosis is a suppurative disease of the lungs, and may spread to other organs, such as the brain and meninges.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
The brain is a chemical organ of the body.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
The brain is the decision making organ of the body.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
The brain is the most complex organ of the body.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
The brain is the most delicate organ in the body.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
The brain is the primary organ of the body.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
The brain, as an organ of the body, has no morality.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
The excessive use of alcohol as a beverage gradually poisons the body, destroying brain cells and causing serious harm to bodily organs.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
The harm occurs when these defense mechanisms don't do the job and small particles and vapours enter the body and damage the respiratory system, brain of other organs.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
They are cheep and harmful for your brain and body organs.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
Whereas the brain is an organ of the body.
The brain is harmed if you get meningitis.
The brain<>is harmed<>$$$you<>get<>meningitis
All the same, the dinoflagellate still consists of the more common organelles such as rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, lipid and starch grains, and food vacuoles.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
Closely related proteins are found within membrane-rich cellular organelles such as the Golgi apparatus.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
Collects vesicles from rough ER at the cis face , can further modify proteins and lipids and then the modified proteins and lipids leave the Golgi apparatus at the trans face , as vesicles that can move to the cell membrane and fuse by exocytosis.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
From these organelles, the Golgi apparatus was derived, probably to improve the efficiency of protein synthesis.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
Immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that the glycoprotein was localized in spermatocytes on protein synthesis-related organelles such as the Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, and nuclear envelope.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
Its membrane is the site of production of all the transmembrane proteins and lipids for most of the cell's organelles, including the ER itself, the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, endosomes, mitochondria, peroxisomes, secretory vesicles, and the plasma membrane.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
Lectins for Staining the Golgi Apparatus Wheat Germ Agglutinin and Concanavalin A Various proteins and lipids found in the Golgi apparatus are glycosylated.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
Lysosomes are organelles produced by the Golgi apparatus that contain powerful PROTEIN digesting enzymes.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
Results Probes for ER, Golgi apparatus, and lysosome in CEC The identification of cellular organelles was first determined by morphologic observations using antibodies for organelle-specific proteins.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
The Golgi apparatus is responsible for many different post-translational maturation processes of the proteins synthesized in the ER and for the final stages of the synthesis of certain lipids.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
The air moving apparatus is often a fan.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
The cytoplasm of dinoflagellates contains typical eukaryotic organelles including; rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, lipid and starch grains, food vacuoles etc.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
They possess all the organelles associated with protein synthesis such as RER and Golgi apparatus.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
nucleus Golgi apparatus mitochondrion chloroplast Question 4 Which of the following organelles is not involved in the process of protein synthesis.
The golgi apparatus is often compared to a post office, moving proteins and lipids to where they need to go.
The golgi apparatus<>is compared<>to a post office<>often$$$they<>need<>to go$$$they<>need to go to go<>
Energy a) Phototrophs -
Phototrophs capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy inside their cell.
Phototrophs<>capture<>light energy$$$Phototrophs<>convert<>it<>to chemical energy<>inside their cell
Light energy (phototrophs) 2.
Phototrophs capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy inside their cell.
Phototrophs<>capture<>light energy$$$Phototrophs<>convert<>it<>to chemical energy<>inside their cell
Phototrophs (green plants and algae), a type of autotroph, convert physical energy from sunlight into chemical energy in the form of reduced carbon.
Phototrophs capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy inside their cell.
Phototrophs<>capture<>light energy$$$Phototrophs<>convert<>it<>to chemical energy<>inside their cell
Phototrophs Phototrophs take light from the sun and convert it directly into biochemical energy and reducing power.
Phototrophs capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy inside their cell.
Phototrophs<>capture<>light energy$$$Phototrophs<>convert<>it<>to chemical energy<>inside their cell
Finally, the epidermis is permeated by a series of openings, called stomates, through which gaseous exchange between the leaf and the atmosphere can occur.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
Finally, the epidermis is permeated by a series of openings, called stomates, through which gaseous exchange between the leaf and the outside atmosphere can occur.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
Respiratory system There are no specialized respiratory structures in earthworms and gas exchange takes place across the general epidermis which can be moistened if necessary with fluid from the coelomic pores.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
STOMATA As defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a stoma is one of the minute openings in the epidermis of a plant organ through which gaseous interchange takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
Stomata The small pores in the epidermis of plants, usually in the leaves, through which atmospheric gas and water exchange takes place and is controlled.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
Stomata are found in the epidermis of the aerial plant parts for gas exchange a.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
Stomata are openings in the epidermis that allow gas exchange (O 2 and H 2 O out;
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
Stomata are pores on the leaf epidermis through which gas exchange (carbon dioxide, oxygen and water vapor) takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
The epidermis also may contain stomata for gas exchange and multicellular stem hairs called trichomes.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
The epidermis has tiny pores called stomata (singular, stoma) that control transpiration and gas exchange with the air.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
The image used for the buttons shows Green Fluorescent Protein expression in the endoplasmic reticulum of a stoma in the leaf epidermis of Arabidopsis thaliana.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
The skin contains an extensive vascular network of capillaries which allow for gas exchange to take place just below the epidermis.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
stoma (plural, stomata) A microscopic pore surrounded by guard cells in the epidermis of leaves and stems that allows gas exchange between the environment and the interior of the plant.
The epidermis of a leaf contains openings known as stomata, through which the exchange of gases takes place.
The epidermis of a leaf<>contains<>openings known as stomata,$$$openings<>known<>as stomata$$$the exchange of gases<>takes<>place<>stomata
And they are brain lesions in the brain stem.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
Because the brain stem regulates breathing by monitoring the level of blood CO2, hypocapnia can suppress breathing to the point of blackout from cerebral hypoxia.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
Brain Stem The brain stem, located at the base of the skull, is responsible for life-sustaining functions such as regulation of blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and body temperature.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
Brain stem --
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
Loss of consciousness typically involves injuries to the brain stem, the oldest part of the brain, which is responsible for basic fife functions such as alertness, arousal, heartbeat, and breathing.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
MEDULLA -- a structure in the brain stem that controls vital functions such as heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
Our breathing centre is in the brain stem, the lower part of cerebrum, the thinking brain.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
The Brain Stem regulates things like heart rate, breathing, swallowing, digestion, blinking, and more.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
The brain stem controls a number of unconscious activities such as heart rate, breathing, and others.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
The brain stem controls many of the body's basic functions, such as blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, chewing, swallowing, and eye movement.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing
The brain stem is a very important section of the brain, which controls processes like sleeping, or vital automatic functions of the body such as breathing or heart rate.
The brain stem regulates the rate of breathing.
The brain stem<>regulates<>the rate of breathing